The Evening Record, January 02, 1907

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The Evening Record, January 02, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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mmffi aEcnoH





Had BeidswBtJy Bonn Wrsncbnd Bram


By Wlro to The Brenlnp Record.
PUtobon; Jaa. 2.-A pair of bnman
lc«n were fOodd la thn Allepheoy
river at Bpdngdnle today. They had
appaarance of havlii* been tom from
n body. They were coreted with cloth
The new Mexican minister to WnshfiyMEER or THE MOIEE WERE lap of a floe texture.
toptoa. Don Ebrique C Creel, to one
of the stroopcai men to .the southern
republic. Hq Is the son of a Kentucky
who went to Chihuahua ns a
RMf «r E«HUi.* C»r Wm R«lMd kr
United Buiea consular officer many
years apo. an4 there married a beauMH Dkagaa* .Cr — tl» OecUful Mexican plrl. Beoor Creel has
Mfito CaatHM—Fwr Cm W
kmp been a prominent figure to North
tiM Wtfl •Mind Train
ern Mexico and baa for some years
of the aUte of Chihua­
hua. Tbe Kentucky strain to h\p blood
Is crldoDfed by his nsme which Is the
Hr Wirt to lf>t KvMiUifi Racord.
Spanish cHjulvalenl for Henry CUy.
He U well known to the United States,
Tanaka.* Ktow Jan. 2.-Raaaan*af
ns his great basiness
iralii Na. n, wtH kaund, and ^aaan-*
Inteieals have demanded his presence
0ar train Ho. 90, aaat baand. callldtd
here frequently.
Hatwaan AlU Vitia and Vatland ttila
taamlnt and tuptL O. W. Rarfct af tha
Kanaaa divlaian raports thirty klliad
With Electric Plant in Opsration and
and forty Injvrad.
a Watsr iWorks a Csrtainty. the
Tan bodlaa hava boon raaavafad
Realdoiito Feel That the Vilfrom too amabar of No. 29, nint balnf
las# la Strictly Up to Data.
Maxiaafia. Tha amoktr ama llilad with
Maalaaii labarara.
Tka batfioa car raiaad tha roof of By Wire J The Evening Record.
Buttons Bay. Mich.. Jan. 2.—Just as
tha amator and iodpad on tha occu
panto, cmahing thorn. Tha bapgata
hour of 6 laat ni^t, the switch was
car, two chair can and ana toiirlat cut In and Buttons Bay for the Bret
alaapar of No. 29 auara bumad.
time in Iti history’ burst forth with
Rath trains art known aa tha Caii* the brilliant plow of Incandescent and
famla and Moxloa faat maii. No. 29 are electric liphu.
The new plant was in perfect work­
lafi Chicapo Twofday mominp Many
top order and the openinp was a suc­
cess to every particular and was very
Tha Injorad wart brayght to Topaka pratlfyin* to the vllla^rs who l»e- Teetifled That He Heard the Extra
Whistle and Set a Red Light--Enan a rallaf train. Tha wraok la attrtb- lleve that their town is now entitled
. daaVer to Fix Responsibility
iftad to tha anralaaanaM of tht apont to take Its place In the front rank of
fo- R R O. wreck.
>t Voliand.
Many pe^e look an opportunity of
visiting \hi plant and seeing the ma­
By Wire to the gening Record.
chinery In' operation. The power Is
Wnahll^oo. Jsn. 2.—Coroner
ulet toddy Uigan an Inquest at the
tminldpnl morgue to sHcertaln the re
RLMCR »TUROlVANT WA9 OVERBponslblllty tor the urtx-k on the Balr
Imore A Ohio at Terracotta. Opormlor"
Phillips of Tscomn htation lesilfluNl
With the: electric llphU and a water
thst ho had been on duty twelve houn«.
Had tha Ran Rtiii In Hit Hands Whan works, which will be constrnclcd to He heard the extra train whistling for
the sprinp. Buttons Bay can well feci
Ht was Oltcovarad by
nnl and
the red light, but did
satlsfled with its propress.
Hit Rrathar.
not believe Engineer Hllderbradc naw
It on account of the fop.

---. lEKnisnniuEtEEcu






By Wire to the Evening Record.
Chicago. Jan. 2.—After a struggle
with a mad dog which had bitten him
severely, John Bruches. aged 14.
trmngled the dog to death. The boy



Tbe hemao enneos was held at 8
o’clock apd was a more elaborate afUlr. John McCarthy. Arenac, preslded ami Abram Shook. Moatcalm. was





Spread to Nearby TenemenU and the
Inhabiunts Were Forced to
Floe or Re Burned

By Wire to The Evening Record.
Nca- York. Jan. 2 -Fire drove 500
ramillca out of their homes cnrly this
morning. The eonnagration was to a
five^iloiy building^ 427 to 431 West
nfiy-third street', occupU'd by Ormond’a boarding stable and Bos.k’s
milk dairy. The flames spread to six
nearby tenements and drove evenr,
occupant Into the street. Fifty horsM
were burned and 150 were turned
loose by



Blank Books
: and
Office Supplies

SenaU and Houee Organized LaM

ol .11 kind! at the .
Today Although He Did
Not Take His Oath.

cm book stoke

By Wire to the Evening Record.
Lansing. Jan. 2^-Pootpcnement of
tho action on the asnatorial voto to­
night is likely to be the result of aa
investigation by Governor Warner of
the Hill Atwood boodle rumore.
Governor Warner, through SocreUry
F. 8. Neil, says he is unalterably op­
posed to the el^ion of Mr. HaII as
United States senator. The rumors
that improper methods have been
uced, he believed should bS Investi­
gated and should there be any danger
t>f Mr. Hill’s election under the cir­
cumstances he would plead with ovary
member to delay the matter at least
a week for further investigation.
Organization Perfected. Jan. 2 —Thr house and
senate organlratlon waa perfected at
caucuses h»*l«I yesi onlay afternoon and
Inst evening. The sen.'itc caucus was
Informal and was held to the afternt>on. Its re.suH.s were as foHowa:
Prc?sldent I*m Tern—Michael Morlarly. Crystal Falls.
SecreUn—E. V. Chlls

Tbo Holiart Co, prop.

Need New Trousers?
We have some \-ery atlractiro offers jnst now inJfen’sTmsom
that are of more than onlinary interest. Wo know thstW.
have tho best vslnes to bo found anywhere and want yon to
know it too. Freshen np your wardrobe with a now pair of
tronsen. Como in tonight.

2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 to 6.00


Complete Housekeeping




' ^

1 New Plano
I Kimball Organ
1 Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap

Storm Rubbers

Smith Realty Co.

wm have our bar­

FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.

gains onl for yon



the police on Bpruce atnwt
nlpht. whfire ahe was atiemptlnp
pain admltunce to reaWenoe to
Winter Most Severs Since Year of
By Wire to the E^^inp Record.
FrMcePrusaian War.
Alirpan. Mich.. JaA. 2.-The trial of nude condition.
Mrs, Rynnt U the widow of Joaeph By Wire to The Evening Record.
the eonspirary case apainst Dibble,
»rl!a, Jna. 2—Rve persons were
Webster. Moran. Holmes and McAJ- RyanL who was drowned two years
m to death durin/f the rcewU cold
ptoe tn the Granpa store matter was
e which a-as most severe since
year of the Franco-Prusslan war.
Judpe Padgham^prsnp a surprise falllnp her and at times she knowi
by rrfusinp to sit m the case for reasovis. Judee K. a Bearls of 8t. Johns the toinily were nueadimp a Nee
Year’s eve dance on the weto Mde not
will bear the onto.
the woman wna nkme In the brnme n
ta McCrea of PitUborg Elected to
549 Bay street. 8be made bar way
PreMdsney of the Penney!out doors I and tome dtotanee Itom
vanis Lines.
King Oacnr of Bwadsn Up toms Tima
ed to entel^ mpd to no dolnp aroaaed By Wins to the Evening Record.
Vsatsrdsy—Condition of Htart
Philadelphia. Jan, 2.-Jame» McCroa
the occupanta. A
Unchsngad Today.
summoned and ftanlly located . her. of Pittahurp waa today elected presi­
By Wke to The B^lnp Record.
When the woman saw the bra« but- dent of
succeed A. J. CaasatL
Btockbolm, Jan. 2.—Klnp Oscar was
able to leave his bed for some Ume
Arthur Kellopp. who haa been clerk­
taken borne by main force.
ing in a ahoe atore In Lanainp. baa re­
( M.S and the condltloD of his heart
turned home to aeeept a aiaillar poalTaken to Big RapMa.
Undertaker Harry Dbeacber of Big tion wHh A. V. Friedrich. Hla friaada
NOTICE TO ROYAL FXMIE8TKR8 Rapids came to tbe city yesterday and are glad to eee blM back ence more
Thursday nlpht, Jan. 9. alectioo and took tbe body of John FUnnIpnn back in Traverse Oty.
Rathbone Biatere will bold their
tastoUntlok of ofBcers, Come pie^ with him this momiap. PreparmUoa
R. W. U, Airt a.
for ahipmeat wna made by H. L. Car- regular meeting thU evening. All
Jan Ml
members are requested to be preeenL
to Haar tha Caaa.



Will Rs Used Exclusively by the Citiis Telephone Company and Will
Re Entirely Modem.

Wilson A HIIITonlrartorx, of this
city, have been awanied th»' contrarl
for the const ruction of a handsome
brick and stone single story building
for the Cmtcn’s Telephone compsi6'
Reed City. This bTilldlng will be,
entirely modern to every respect and
the front will be of pressed brick and
stone, fl’ will be used c*xclusively by
the telephone company and Is to be
ct»mplotcd by May 1.


Rain and wanner tonight; rain
r anew Thursday; brtsk aeuth-



**Tak^ Stock.”



J. Clyde Watt. Baranac nominated
(CoeUaoed on Bocood Pape.)


Bprclal to tha Kvcnlof R«nrd.
; cypptolkh. Mich.. Jan. J -WIth half
of hU hand shot avay and hit thcrt
pun tUU in hl« hands, the body of
Klmrr Slurdertni wa. found by hit
brothCT. IX*spoBdcncy and 111 health
. are tba tuppoand cause.
Mr. glurdnvant was aUnxl
of apr. slDKle and lived alime m<ai
Bates Nn Inlimstlon had Ixwti pivrn
out by the drait man that hr r<»ntrro
platad killlnp himself and thr slpht
that mat bU luother when hr opened
the door vfs a aickenlnp one. thr dead
man’s bralna bainp acattrred about thr HE WAS {DROWNED IN THE BAY
i^m and 'at hU ft'rt was a preat pool
t.f bkmd. Hr leaves two brothers.
The discovery was roadr Saturday
Sad Accident Mra. Rysnt's
monaoi and the funeral st ivicr was
Mind Hat Been Gradually Giving
dield Bohday.
Awa^Wandcred Strseto In a
Nude condition.

FPratalmd to toe tveklRf Itoeori
«p to MM oaali Rax tor R. K. Watt.





ter this year b«t there were foor appUennts tor the place, nmoop them
RE Oen, Mn TyneM of Jnckspo and Otm
^ U Wrtolit of Plymonth. and Clds
and tl»e nppotouaent of n neuto
•tcaosmplmr wm mfenwd to n oom-







Ibis Kind of WeattMT
Hard oa Rubbers

Telephones, Office, Citizens 82; Bell 169.
Evenings, Citizens, 290


Rough ioo soon caU them ont—
two weeks wear now is harder than
six without ioo—why not

Boy a Cheap Pair for now?


Bargain in



We Want You
to Know j

Dm^ Store

Tlial theReiBiiiaiil Saleand

For Holiday Cooking



Lay Co


In lorcc
. V

aMlthal irs to your Interest ^«nBe


The fine^ Flour is an absolute essential,
especially for cakes and pastry.
“BEST” brand is a flour that never yet
has been surpassed for all round baking.
Its flavor is floe and delicate, it has floe
body, and is full of those nutritious qualities
so desirable in a family flour. TRY IT.

' ^







, \VE0*fC80AY. JANUABV 2,

IMplMi BMIlBlli II



UM> Ukr>ry wm




•’-^ «—• H. Wl

The be^ median, inck
Range made is ihc


Special to the Crewing Bsoord.
mk BnpMa. Jaa. L-Tbars an Bfty smmsb. One soanasr a few yean
teams drawing coed wood for the Iron na bs nni bl. WIN w«M
B»kricWdN sC the tamm Nay Be

TMm Of l|


ir; *Tte Ootool <
j»o>, m. aoott;
Ofirto.- r. Ho^

frtna town. Last Friday two bnadfod
and twsttty-lTc coitU wm drawn In.
nr down la Boston aamoil W<
MIm Marptfotm Ptiucbnr U
lag at her boias near HeariodL
iwt Mg da yon pnyr Mtid the
The OenWui WorhlngM's AW
Ktr dhs sgrtiliBif •-! daA*tpay
socMty held tbnir annual baagaet at
ihslr gronads north of town last mo any mt. It la bnd soongh to tire
ben wttbaot harM to »gy far tt. and

BiK.-WMMMta.- Major
-pam.- a Von Hattaa;
Dirtdaa,*' B. Von Hnttnn: -Mr Night,Mr. and iSfs. Fred BHia am vlalUng
laa Done; -The FlghUng
- a W. Cbamb
r. C. Drfk^. who has far aome time
trirton Slnelair! **Van Bibber
-WeHand Othem." a H. Davis; 'The Man con^netod a tta sto la the hnsement
^Hynprrtfy bnidfwae, boMf
If you’U ac^
Mronm.** AneMn B Barr: -The Lady of the AbUteT
7 ^ thia^itadMInr bm towmr
------ lag. baa goa4
Bwdra.- Maa PdMha»tiia: The
oonaocberymr rntry
cospt a pnslUcio as traveling repre- ster and bars aomethlag done about
racUou or MartbA-Marian Hariaad
sauuve fqr a firm In that pUce.
Bnehaaaw’s wife.- J. MBes Phnaaa
J>r. J. O. lACon Is spending
-Katrina-’ Bay B. OTMat The
With wbUb rsiaaiB bs toeb final
Isaro of his fana.-Bsston BnaW
rasa.- Btrwart mward White: -Doc
B. Orlfflia left last week for^Cla
' Marr a WlfWai rrseflHUt
clonatl to jf»lo his wjfe who Is vlalt-Prisoners- Mary
ONLY A nw Lirr.
iag ibertv IWore his iwiura he wlU
The Liwdrr- Mary DOIon;
OiilY o foir of moot oloi
make a trip to rkuida and Inspect the
rmvea.- .Ijarr Btodalr; -Dob
U»i»ot ilooNf »k»tiirw loft
mill of J. 8. Stearns, operated by
lader- Baadall'pariah;
■ifcooHptloii to tho Noeori |»
Mist.” -----U; -Annt Jane s Nieces.- eb^ctrlc rnrHors.
AUantlc. It la the abtloo that a eys<M4 If
INOO IMI pot o^corod on.)
BdlfirVan Pyae; -The Rock la the
The wheels of the electric llgthlng tume play, a p)ar whoae scenes are
yoii'M oeOfM U 000 froo of coot
of the Irtm Mimpany and the laid anywbcnw aad any time betwero
Tlioy wlU oot loot long.
birth of Christ and 1K*0. does by
tila,* AntlMmr Hope; The
worka were clogged with Ice to
Oo t.*irky.- Mrs. A U
aoch an extpni that they were stopped Unit vary tict aagMre a literary i
a Ulorary dlstioctloD and profonn
r^lwcr U< * Bsrsh P, MHx*an Ciwcai
kf a Umc one night last w«k
Blflcance which
Tho reor apon which wp oro mtor
The raMOnaiy.- Btanley Watertoo;
The re«»nBtructlfai of the cement aboTo tbo mere prose plsy of modern
lag lOU week wlir bring lU now pn>bAmanda M the Mill.- Marie Van mill Is rapidly pix»gn«aslug. and
everydsy Ufe. It matters not w l,clbvr
!«*•, POrlM^ OM iU MW oaxIHioo.
Vom; -TlW niustraos OTUgan.- J. hoptHl to get It in shape to mart ugaln Um twcsMtaiM of the
b« to ooBio loqtoitBU rMpodp It wlH
. or a patcjiwork
McCarthr; -The Heart That by the middle of Keb-uary. Orders Ulk blank
bo nrlJoTod Of grobloaio mnd mnxMicm
I from every hiersry
Knows.** C. r>. Roberts; -The OpesMHl lor cerifeot are being recclvtMl altuost
tbnMgti which tho roars of the joConl
8hult«r.** C^ra U»ulse Burnham;.f'Ko dally, and ahlpment* arc being 'made
>i«l l«TO booo Mf trooMoi. Tlw
TrtMd Ukna Bister.- Ross N. Osrey: aa fast as cars
•rsat majority of ptayfoers fbo cmrog«lre»eat which lo now fulir ex
• Jahn Dora. Promoter. * Charles B.
tome iday brings that Herstlou of
proooog In aotkoul Mslntkm. Uut
Banks; -\lT|Uper1ng Smith.- Prank R
mind aud feenug. that vague but grttl '
TWO Marcel mt \
90i9mtlooa«iMlI ohor tho lows, that
Rpr-annan; f-The Dragon Palnler.The distance t^/be nearest fixed afar fying sense of superiority, which wa;«
raUrondi ahnll d«hl with the least of
Mary M. I-\-mdl.«a; -The Treasure of Is so tremeodoos that, like many of the felt by the bourgepls gvr.tllb.,uuue
th4r gouooo upon exacilr tho
Hesveo,- Mkrie Coretll: “A Motor Car tscu of asirouomy. It U bsyond the when he dl*x>\en'a that, w itbuut tPk
tonao ao tho grooteot; that those who
IMrorce. • 1.^t8c C. Hale; -The Sub- graap of the human ImagluaUon. lug the least pains. Im waa n p<*rM.n of
very rousiilerable literary attafument^
la a largo war are transacting bus!
bvllon of flsalK'l Camabv." B. T ihongh not Iwyood the msch of maib Tbiy ftvilng *if awe lu the pre^imce of
bom for others shall mahe known' the
wl demonstration. Light which
Fowl; -The Doctor, * Ralph Conner;
CHitimie play ha« |STilated au long oa
trarela at a speed of IMIOOO miles lu a
dHalls of thrir transactions as they
-A Kplnner in the Hun.'* Mynte Heed. alngle sceood of time, takes over four
cwM r»*mfml.fTr - Hi nry Arthur Jeiic*
hare not dc«c In the past
-On Ki'wrolind lllver.- Tlionfas N. years to reach os from the nearest In Atlautic.
the ImpnfTements expected In these
Page; “Witches tkild." Hamlin Car stsr. The thread spnn by a spider la so
roopects there will tie less of that
land; -A Knight of the Cumberland.** •xemalrety floe that a poond of It
of dlscnotrnt which pros|HrUy do<*s
What Is the meaning of this IntHtlle
John Fox: r*A. I-ady of Rome.- F. would lie long enough to rrach arotmd'
»«l dispose of. and f«r less cstise fur
inglnc of the doar of the jioum* of
Marlon Crawford: ‘The Von Blum
ewapUiab than has hcr«n4ifoio oxiaiod. mefls.*' Tom Maaauii; -Odd CmH.- W
to swach to Ihe tauon aad over a.0UO foinmona in Black Rod'a tnoflremdre
Why must ttie king’a meiweuger
umls to stretch to the
For this slliMtlao the ikhuiI
JacHdis; -Rector of^SU Maths.** get s thread long enough to n'orh the
bly kxKick three Ilnur* for admlsrnilod States haro aiacere i
Maly J. Hnl^es; -Tlie Chase of the nearest atar would require half a mU alou tmd wall sub'misslwlji on the mat
bo thankful
until Ibe represontatires of Ibe
Ooldtw rials.** Jacques Furtrolle lion tona. If a railroad could Ik* built
to tbU atar and the fare fixed at a cent peoph* deside to bpeu tlielr d<s»rs unto
With alftho dlsAjisloM and dlrb “March Lcv^gnoi,- Elvyn Barron. ^
a mile the total et»«t of the journey him? It la out* of several quatnt aud
alons among the advewat.^ of changes
would bo 82.V>.O0n.OOOmi. or roor,* ttian enrioc# ouatutua aiill preserve*! In parand^oabstllutc^. which the hwiUrs of
sixty limes the whole amount of eolucA llnint^L 41. niirvjval rrom a |H*riod of
tho irarlMts schemes assnre a doubtful
gold Id the world.
^ history wlM-i, 111,. bouM* of commons
id Fr\m\ First Page.)
wmalry will 'Im just as good as the
saeml from rnvsl liitrn.ion as it hn*rMuUa of the present Amerloan pn^ Nlelu.lHs J. Whelan for. speaker In
l*m not aure
I want to lw**'i slu,.e Ihe revoltili>iii. - Miehaol
tortiro puller. It luar be well to stale rattling r«d; apeoch.
«Ty .vou. but Pm willing to enter Maelxnagb In tiraml Magnr.tne.
K n Dtckinann «»f Charlotte. Sheri marry
again In as simple terms as powilble
Among tlm tuni^ebnld or the Cblncse
juahwliat It aeoka.10 aooomiiUsh it U dan J. Colbyj of IXiruli. and Charles
lllm-Wbat are the roiidlt
enijHTor are tlilily j b.vsigans. aeveiidMlfod Ihst cverr dollar’s worth of B. Ward of- llancrolt secondiv] the
lltT-lf 1 miMt anj one 1
U live ns!roK.g,.|^.‘ M^ventj-sii
goods sold In oar country should lie nomiaaUon. Which was unanimous.
ter than you. L’ll break the engage­ and sfxly pric.-tw.
C3har|es Ward was naimtl for speak ment.
mado here, u possible. Tbit every
day'f work repix^wnied In all the vast «‘r pro tern la the same manner after
Him—And anm»o*ie I abould i
Jowph Cnmsel. the veteran bglala- girl I like lH«ltf*r tlinn .vou?
volume of our poHluctlo
-T«» f Iihiy frecduoi frotu i
Her-Ob. then 1 sliall aue yc
writi'H J,»hn Kt'nip. KaM Otlsfleld, Me..
worltfor which AmerUau sages have tory and newspapi'r man of IVtitilt.
I'rcai h of i»romlse.
I npply Hueklt^’s Amlrq* Salve. Hhve
lH«en paid, to workmen empk^ed hi had withdrawn In Nvnr of Wanl.
list! ustsi It for salt rh,*um with ex('harbHk 8. Pierce of Oscrsla was ro
American mills and American f»c
<IU*nt rt*«ialts.'' Guaranie<*,| to corv*
Piles Cured in 6 Days,
tone, and on American farms. That elected clerk wltbwot opisislthm. and
ever sures, bnUiient felerni. piles,
turns, soufitls. fn>s| bites and siftn
the work and the wages.and tho pnal W, H. Qulll^ams <g Bent.n, llarU.r
at Ibjuber Drug C««
nets of the wiH^k shall all go to make found no op|Mif.iHua for MTgeant at
IVank H. Mi^ds. Haiiuah drug store.
Karl Wcickdah* of Wayland was
better and hai»pler our own country
JACK80N will glyo away-the lo:
■ '
and our own iKMuUe. are the basic prlu
JACKSON will give away the |o
Former Spiiwker ^^ster addresacd> ,.wninKfi:.*;0p^m.
ciples of proiecUno and tu most |m
Thursday evening 8:80 p. m.
portaat purposea and resuhs.
jau 2-Ct

J.m 2 2t
but their*
The forth^iiiiirng c»|H)rt tii Stab The houae and senate <«net at n»on
r'r Mel^ will today and ratified the aebK-tUm of the
^w that more than tweoty fi»e thou- cauensea and .organlt,‘d formally.
MBd more penoms were cmiiloyed In
Oovsraor Is Btttsr.
. Michigan factiirles during the year
Farmington, Jan. J.-Oovjlm«r WarJuat closed than ever bvfjuw, and that iier’a c<iodl(hm was Improved
Uh» dally average wages <if'Michigan' morning lle had a good night’s
Miss Bdlth 81 evens, a tralniMl 1
greater per day than ever Ufore. from ivtrolt. has taken charge qf
Thnro arc few sutca In the cut inOfflctrs Took Oath,
Union in which tho men and women . l-anslng. Jan r.—Rivllve state
who work for dally and w«i kly and fleers with Ih^ vxoeptlon of <h»v
monthly )hngi«s are nuuv foUunate In Warner and Attorney Gitiesal
their relations with their cmpl<^m or
IV admliuKteri'd the <mth <»f
mors favon^d through condltloas and
noon 3N*sterBay In the exi'cutl\*v^.
remuaemtloo than aio the man and flee by Chief ^oslkv McAlvay of fiie
Siiprt'me eouit.
women of Michigan.
(lovcrtior Warner’s Illness
llness previlToday Is iho day thnl the New ed hU being present, but under
Tear*# resolutlop made so Tallantly law he. Is given twenty days lb wl^
10.6 Electra Axminstcr, •
1 Q rtrt
Just before the demise of \m bagias to file hU oath, Attorney General 11^
was $25.00, now........................... ........IRUU
to pale and grow dim. The man who was absent in K
madfi, theoi. however, has this satis
Immediately after the simple cotreflcUoB. that after he falla Uy the way mony in the gm^ rnor s office the JUjst
aide thU year, the ones he makes next t*aticry of artillery. Michigan Natlobal
. year wUl bo that much easier broken Cuard. fired a salute of seveoteen gups
from In front of the capitnl.
Ow ing to the, governor s lllntw
night’s custom^ love,* hoa
illM Mattie Armstrong Waa Hoatesa
12 Axminster, was $22,
10 60
on NSW aVar a Eva.
Mias Mattie Armsltoag ontertalnwl
a party of alx at her home oo New
•Dwr mer ncUImad tlx* bride f€
We only have a ftsVlcft.
Taai^a eve. A royal good time was i BMlb. as abe glanced oot of
bad until Just as the clock struck the Mrior window.l Thera goea tba iiA
Come and see '^em,
hour of IJ the party aat down to a de^ ortaittlL \V^ibavaa*t paid him for
llghlful Inncbaon prepared by MUs naa«i« mg Ul**
Armstrong. *The gaesta departed at
TMk wbat’i the mtT* cbiicUfd bar
late boor. aU voting their boatess*
oapltal entertainer.
♦*IHial*a Ua «aar
-Tes; you kaosr *lovr Mugtks at loc»mlths-* -—Chicago DaRy Newa.


A. jr. Wilhelm


lotorced with steel and
cast plates. The OTen is
made of wrought Seel:
it is broad, deep %nd high
and baVe« perfectiv with
very little oel Dein's
patenteo oven U.nom.
made in sections, absoIniely prevents srarptng.
These ranges sell from

Special Sale of


_ ^



SizoKSx lo.e!'"..........


.... ..12.00
... 16.00


$22.00 up

CT* '

JACKtON wlB giro away the lot
Thuraday evening S;80 p. m.
jaa 2 2t

to We^oe-toDg Oub Btockhoidera:
All atobkboldors who har«*t paid duaa
ara hereby aoUfi^ that iioek will be
JACKBON wlU five away tba lot now at 8:80 *rbarsday night at the
TbwiBky pvcBlpg 8:80 W m..
chib booae.
laa bit
Vic e



liivieittory, Sale

An r.itglbb Christmas isn’t a aaefh
gerf,.sT; ll’a a ls*zgl>isfest. The Und
plava. but it pin.ts wltb one liaad
while the other B out cola. The
bv* and nteu Mug t hrlsimna hymns
and flK*n fake a ronertlon, and the
moon mny Ik* shining. l*ut you
see It through tlie fog 8,Kue of the
railway stations are fiecorated,
you’ve seartvlv had time to n*
that vtw tiduk It’s a very ta*autirul
oustoni when «n Iteliing palm npimars
u*tweeu yon ami fht* holly. TIk* post­
man says. -Meny thriMmaa*’ atul
wait* for voo to
geuermis. and the
Latnpbgbter and the pats-r boy aud the
man wbo delivers grtMvries ntid the
boy frtim the cake sbqp. Forters* follow
you wherever .vou go. atid f.*rvaiits
whom you never saw Iwfmw l»ob up In
nuiiiliers. And out In ll»e tdteet whenever you hear any one say “Merry
nirtstmas- you meebanlrally put your
hand In y,>ur p.sket. It Isn’t «*l,rl«t
mas; Ifa an orgnnlaed I»oAdnp.-^H«b«*


Until Januai^
before takinginveotorjr the firirt of ihe
year, lor one week we will make a big
reduction on all our goods. It ||llt be
worth your while to call and see us.

Your Credit Is Good

Mrs. KiHlety -M*T*y *m me.: Imn’t
you know man your daughter la
going to marry?
Mr. Meek-N-o. Tve Ihm*d afnitd to
ark her
Mrs. Society-lie's a prixe tighter—
a n*gub,r tough. He’s fought a Mnire
of men niMl half kllbnl a do/.en women.
Mh M**ek Onurh relieved—Oh: Then
lie’s till right 1 was afraid be was
some |swr lamb like myself.

Your Reliable Furnirurc Store,

Grand Rapids Furpiturc Co.
127 S. Sbuth Union Street

Tilt Kanmh & lay MwcMilile Co.
"THE BIG STORE”—Dealers In Everything

Selected from the different divisions of our
Store tlifit are Included In our

Thai anncled alKnUoii al <N>cc by retoii 01 OMlr mnilalilt VdMs
Best Glycerine. Witch Basel and Tar Toih t
Kofi|k regular raluea 10c, now 2 cakos for 5o
Mcn’a PaU*nt LeaUn*T Shoem loM for $:i 50
Meo'i B .x Calf and Viol Sboea, told for 3,50.
noil 4 00. now priced at........... e.2,50 and 2.75
M**nV rJsterSa regular Values 25.00 now.. .20.00
riitorg^ regular valnea 2200 now.. ,17.00
Mill's I'lsWrs, regular valuoa*20.00now.,.15.00
Mcu*8 risters; regular \*altiea 15,00 now.. .12.00

DO Canopy Top Surrey, comploli- With
side cortnins and lamps, price 7)i.0U, for 01.00
One RiteBaihii Top Barrojr oomplote with
tide curlaius, pnoe 00.00, for................. 74.00
WHIPS-25q value for 15r; 35c vaJuet for 20c
45c valuea for 25c; 50c valooa for .35c; 75c
VTiluea for
1.00 values for 75c.
Very Uteot Fioliou. regular



DOW iirioed at..................................... 50o

Mens Silir HaU, sill now tiyliw, 3.00
valui*^ for ...............................................................2.25

f^nef China am! BrioA-Brao, regular 2.00
valiKwfor laO; 1.75 raluefi for 1.40; 1.25
valnet for 1.00,

Min's boft Hate, all new aljlef, 3.00
valoea for............................................ ..


BruileU Net Lace OuriaiuiS.TS Taloes
for..................................... e.."..................2.75


Hoiueod<icartaingiiowal4ll eftik|jiMt^i priuB

rtt^loa, 2,50

•t jam OM half off.


One tehte fGn of Vnl L»om M one'hilf off. ’'
Ooe^ol Udiee’ VeeU .od Dmwem.;
One Rebbnr

Portable Table Larri(^ .


make the very bett kind oY a present. We have all
of them in stock, at the right prices. Come la
and see.

J. B. Paige Electric Co.


Don’t Forget .'

bvtiti'i OmvB Eeafity m
M44 It
wfftfii like nucic inS rtM

UnIB Alter tavoslwy.

You can have your chc^ of uy Rocker
we have in the store at, a .discount of H
per cent from now untS Jan. 15. Many
doren that must be sold.

Come ia awl Jet ns show you
tfai- beat Rai«e made for
tba money.

Sonlh Side



specially fine Dining Chair, solid oak.
braced atm. esae ieat. 3.7S foraetofwzobain

GddJ^f ToUcco, 2 pkgs. for.......... k
Zoo Zoo Soap............... .



•-! a?-,,:::








' A'

imirsiiiiiiKETs mm
fMt ^*try mr* Tfct iMl WM
prteii M
Tto ^fMMi iMtlUM Pff «rt«ii.
«l|^ iiMi «lk#r
Mat »*v f^ii MMktet
mm*i m tte Iritel wM. Tte
«f tte #MM


mrnrtf «ti or iiM» 9D(«tM
Iff IW «mall gr«Mr»r« ter* %m
1wl«4 MMl in* 1M«» grimrnn »t9 hoU^
m nim fa iW>


,^vtmt hospitac


■ ipitti Ww* tar Mata


Ib'lid^rCMK cflV.

ioupia HoliBgy to MMpktl at Torom


HuoH I

fSSi : . ^
TwX% Mapla Btimm ior
eoldt. It vOl iffitwa Ibe
inlUfd tbraat. Slop the
coogbiog sod islioTo ibe
Good sooogb lor
ebibbo. hpd oupsliy good
lorgfon pmiplo^
PrIee Si mis.

I Attlrwd la a Ofay TrayaHnf
H-Kapi Waddlag Trip

OvlBt to tha crMt damaBd for a^
osModatkaM mad i|m> tocrMned po|^
•laHiy i>f tlia armad ^Traf.™* boaplul
nr. V H. «ana baa daeldad to haff
•a aaara ImiU t» Che already Urge
ftrartaiv aad ArrhHect Jea* C Prior
ata iMft laal oomiJeted piano aad apro
licatloaa for a iw«ny room additM
activa. Md7, daiAer Umba. |7 7»« vorfc «a which a 111 hosla at oaof. Th4
U4««ft 7». <^a«. U«
H«igi-AW: a^lfe. A01OC Will bo bolwM tmwo aad fmir:^Nb6

l0Mr; Yartm aad plg». H«©«70:
^fy aad mlMd.


tar*. .Ull«..‘.................. H


tMtar.cmtaenr.ATlb....... S»0«

•nyliit Pflaaa.


coni, per kn.

Hlddltnii. per
Riaa. par lOO 11





wUl ha oaUiwly andara
kf. ii
will bo rommodlona. lights and airy
and will be htlod wHh erery ooafeol
eo<>e aad comfort for the aick. Thart
will ba aeparale warda for the mah
aad female patient*.
Id addltloo to the wards there wUI
be a large iiirgery with a racorery
room attShhed. This surgery will be
fitted up so that the phyalrlana will
hare erery oonrenlaoce for performlag difficult and dellcale operationa
Arraagamenta hare already haett
comiAeted for the esimbllaliment pf a
raining school for nuries in. conp^
lion pith the boepltal nnd the atnll
will be rompoaed of leading phyaloinna
northern Michigan.
The matron. Mlw Anna ShllUng. U
BunK> of the hlghoM atandlog with
the IToion hospital In Chicago nnd U
kdy here. The nUfi of nurses at
present conoUto of three but this will
!*e cloubl«Ml. The echo*.! will be cap­
able of teaching the prnfeo»lon to six
atudentK at one time.

engine Laid Down and Refused to Do
Its Work. Hence the

The south lifumd a. R. A L duo to
leave herw at l«:46 was diMyod forty
minutes this nu>miug wailing tor the
•hemb»ck speclaP frtuu Noiih|>c*n.
The bight crew was put *»nUi the extra
freight run over the T C. U A M la*t
night and left her© nortb hound at
l:21. They got Into Northport a
couple of hours Uter and by the time
the freight bad been shifted around
to a certain necestaaiy extent. It jra*
way past lime for the regular -hem
lock *i»ecUr to leave. The delay U
all laid to the engine. The blamed
thing never would Work for anybody
but Grinin anyway.

Bprlai Iambi. Ufa wetsht..,.

IJ*^ .**”, ”*• Isrr.'^rs.rr.r



leery Blaze at Frank fihuter'a Cigar
Atom Last Night But No Damage
Wat Doof.
There was a merry llitle blaze fn
4be window of JYank Shulers cigar
store last evening but luckily U was
extinguished without the aid of the de
partment and the damage was very
slight. There was a cotton baiting
Christmas arch In the window and
when a match was struck to light the
gar It lighted the hatting and this
started the fun.



A complete surprise on Henry Fifarek. one of the members of Ihe
queen City band, was held at hU borne
on North Division street last evening
to help him celebrate his twenty-sec­
WANTED—Al once, rlghl-hand knot ond birthday.
AUml thirty guests .were present.
sawyer, all winter's Job. B. J. Mor­
Music mod singing were the order of
ian 2 tf
tbe evening and supper was served at
WANTtD-Dry thi^fool wood for 11 oclock.
fomncc. Apply at; Globe store.
! .
Jan 2-lt
Tha majority of human beings ex-Ihy Ihree-fool wood fur creise the right side of the body more
CMMUntly than the left, and In cooae-1
Apply at Globe Hare.
qoeoce It Is 3W»or in strength. It ;
Jan 211 would be fsr Itetter tf both sides of
the body worked equally, and If the
WANTED-A good reliable y
habit of using tbe Wft arm and the
. woman, who wlAea to train for left kg as readily as tbe right Is I
nursing. Enquire Orand Traverse formed In t-hUdhood the pb.vsirsi
strength will not only l>e equalized, but
Hospital by letter or Bell pboa
Dr. V. H. Sturm.
Jan 24t

J Btf’J

The First
Five Days
,'v "

Deposits made in our
Savings Dcparimcnt on
or before Saturday/Jan.
5ih, will draw interest
from Jan." Ul. 1907.

We pay three per cent
interest compounded
twice a year.


gsarwooL dress goods
Longth* from 1 I ^2 yards up to 7 yards-sultablofor waists, skirts or Drw^.



Bert Kennedy, who conched ihA

trea th*

clthongh he le crippled he still retains

hU paruata.
hla happy, cheerful dispoaltioa.
Some of the c
scholars were oa the ataad this ammtog.
his aoae with a>toxt
aatii it was frightfully awolka and
Cnri Vlatcm swore that ihe had
kicked him to the side. Tbe defhaso at Klagaley today.
triod to show by this aad followtof
unfit guardian for tho child.
CnrpfUter a BKMher took the stand
this afteraoon and suted that i
her non married, his wife hold told
her that *he sometimes had -spell*
and that when Om began coaitoi
home with a disfigured oounteaaace
*be bellevod it.
In one of their squabbles over the
child which followed the separatloo.
tbe older Mrs. Carpenter stated that
her daughteMn Uw had punched her
In the eye. More sensaUoaal
mony followed and the wltneaa In
speaking regartling the assault and
battery case she had brought against
6ra » wife for striking her In th4 eye.
that the Jury had evldenUy grown hun
gry and decided the case to favor of
the defenadani ao that they could get
some aupper.
Decklon* In the wsea which
held under mlvlwcmenf were given
thifc morning. In the case of Brown
V*. Hannah, the judge decided that
there wa* no cause for action an«
same derision was made la iha
of Qleaaon vs. Newcomb. Tbe ease of
Little va. Ransom was derided to favor
of the plaintiff and tbe Peck Hill Fur­
niture company waa given a derialon
against W’lllls E W'llaon.

Mrs. Lena Hoitenga went to Cadlllat'
Mias Bernice
her home
David HahXlton
per peninsula, where he Is teachiag
achool this tnomlng.
E 1. Bekue of Cedar, passed though
An editor was tshing the other Bar
tbe city this morning on hk way to aboot tbt wit of outer Herford.
•It Is Its unexpartod qmllty.- hf
Ana Arbor, where be will resume bis
asUL -that makes Rerfoed s wit so
studies at Ibe University.
Brarin Beck left for Big JUptds this
•He sat In my ofilce oM aflemooa
when a young oovrllst eolersd.
- Mr. Herford.* said tbs imreUit
Miss Mamie I-tmbery left foe Grand
eagerly. *1 wine your oplnton very
Rapids this morning.
Now I want yon to tail ms
Miss Carrie 81^ left for Grand rsndidly wbst you think of my new
Rapids today.
said HrrfatC horrliBly.
The Rev. E E. Well* relumed to
•IK us remain frtenda.*--Indian
Grand XUplds and Holland this morn­
Mr* P. E Whliman of Harbor
Beoator Dolllver was condematoff an .
Springs, returned to her home today.
oppooeot*s argument.
Gleneva Curtis returned to her home
-In such an srgumeaL'* he said. *Ths
In Grand Rapid* this morning.
logic to absuiBly fake. It Is like the
Miss Sarah Dunn left for Big Raiv logic of a woman of Fort Dodfff... .
-This young woman sat fdylag thbrw *
ids this morning.
needle one spring morning oo Ihe ptosThe Mlsnes Alta and Elva Coper re­ aa*of her pretty little
A coat
lumed to ML Pleasant today.
of her I
Miss Liman FlndUy left for Mt.
. frHfull.v:
Pleasant this morning after spending
-It to too had the careless way th»
Ihe holidays with her parents In tbe
tailor pot IhU button ou. Thto to tht
fifth time 1 have had to sew It oo for
Mrs. E. B. Milliken returned to her
-New York Tribune.
home tn Thesland. Canada, this mom
Terms Be^n YesUrday But They Ing
C. W. B. M. erf I
Cant Act Until fiupervieors Ap. George Johnson left for Big Rapids ('■hrlKt will meet at Use church at 7:3®
orove Their Benda.
this evening .


The terms of the various newcotinty
officials began yesterdsy abd although
they have aO taken Ibe oath of office,
none of them can acl officially. until
il»e l»oanl of supervisor* approve thrir
londs. The supervisors meet Mon­
The only new face* In the court
bouse aiv Fred Pratt, prosecuting at
tomey. and E P. Waterman, survejor.
The rest will turn their office# over to


Cast MS N Fifiira
Eiaqf Pirn Bast Gi

^ ks in tho gHh

ihooBtofhl Mimin to Tnnrtvot Ctty.
tha ywMB mam hMag tht roHptoot of
haaAvoAa of pre—ta, all of which
m B«mto ItotoeU Ml fOr Big BoFware Auly appractoled. Owteg to the
Tha caao <4 Paarile P. ra 0»m Car fhc« that he in Ineapacitaied from Ids thin morning.
ap thli writing he Aealrfa to express his Mrs. J. C. Bohina retained to her
j aad aeaaplad the eoart a at thanks to Ma trtatoto here thiouBh tho home la Reed CBy this morning.
Tha aaaammm
Him Mny mom toft for hto home to

gray trareliag aalt ^ile the groom
wore the coereoUoSl black. The
Her. A. H Wells officiated. After
the cerenooy a wadding sapper am*
served and the ognple left oa a short
weddiag trip, bat Jfcm wbasa^ig.ajm:
tery to their friends. I
VACATION AND CHRIfiTMAS AFHits Clapper has l^a employad for
some time la the regtoter of deads* of
fica ft the eeort house and whUe l^re
made maay friends oniside the circle
•MliAfi ^ Also Kept the
Of Intimate oms. Miss Clapper will
eondnae her work for a short time oo
noaoont of the laahillty of Mr.^ llm
io aecnre efficient help.
Mr. Morebie U employed at Mepan*.
Good skating, the advent of Cbrt*l.
mint market and is a young man with ma* time aad two weeks mcatkio all
score* of friends Who will send all ^ combined tq make the namher of
hiads of good wisbe* after the happy books given out at the City library
during the month of December lower
Mr. and Mrs. Murtbie were In re­
than the previous konth. During the
ceipt of many beautiful and useful
3.517 hooka were
gifts. They will make their future
given out but only 9H of these were
Mome In the city.
Juvenile fietkm. The followhig is the
report of the librarian: nctlon. 2172;
Juvenile fletbm. f»C: phlkmophy. 3; iv^
llgion. 20; soclologi. 52: nauirsl
selencc. 40; useful arts. 10; floe arts.
12: literature. 3$; lilstory. 34: trsvcL
31: biography. SS: bound magazlnee.
73: total. 3.517: daily, average. 141.
The following Is the reading room
A very pleasant neighborhood gath­
ering wat hdd last night at the h me report: NMmber of men In-attend
r Fred Beamish on East Rteventh snre. 250; women. 93: cblldr»*n. S54;
1.197: dally average. 48.
where Mr. Beamish. asaUted by
h\n sister. Mrs. Sutherland of Grand
The numlier of children in attend
Rapids, and Miss Beamish of this cHy. ance at the story hour was 7Cs». which
entertained about thirty friends and was a dally pvei^ge of C4. This Is a
•Ighbors at progressive pedro.
«»mewbai smaller numlx-r than usual,
Mrs. J. Baidu* carried off the first because Ihe story bourn hkvf^ l»eed
ladles* prize and Charles Hcnsel the dlsc*mUnue«l during the two weeks valemen s. Miss Iva Krauer se­ cstiun.'
cured the ladles consoUtion prize and
Beamish the
-Incense parties * wsre a c'ommoa
Ing of Ice cream, cake and wafers. feature of ohl Ja|iaii. ,^ch of the
Everyone enjoyed themselves until a guests had a little furnace, a small
late hour. Before leaving a flash­ wooden lK)X. parked with sand. On
the top of this was a stuall eharcoal
light picture of the group was taken. fire.
Knch woman In turn burned
Thia I* the seconi} one of s series of some ln«'ei»ae and tbe others had to
partiea that are to. be given in the guess wjuit It waa . .Vfter every burn­
ing tbe windows wm* thrown o|h-o
.niul the room was <-lear«M for the next

of th. Quoon City Bond
HalpM Henry Fifartk Ctlahratc
^Hia TWsfity-Btceiid Birthday.
Puplti rotomlns to the rarlott^ In
atttutloaa of Icarnlof tbrooghodi the
aUlo aiT Incraailng panaeaser trafdc
oTor tha imilroadt to a graai extent.
Shnttas H nsain 'fairly good on
i imka aad many i
The water In tbe bay haa fallen al
moat a foot In the past two
Six two4nen taama will i
teat at the Wllktaeon
alleys Monday evening.
The Presbylerlsn MUsionary noclety win OM^ Thursday afternoon In
the church parlors.
Owing to lark of attendance the
nfiem«m dub haW disbanded.
The W. C T. V will meet with Mrs.
" J. M. Glllott. South Elmwood nrenue.
tomorrow afternoon. All sill he cor­

uma ftomiaMsfuB by Hia Tmw>
era! hoap
boy Chrt

Dccidod at tha

la tW powart of oaly tha lauaadh
at# roUtioaa. Mlaa U Hanoi. Clapptr
ami Hash IL HarfMe wm aaHod la
marriapo at tha homo of tha hrtdo'o amttar. Urm. H. ■. Oappar. 7tS 8uta
mtaai. at‘t:ht yaatarday aftanooa.
The bride wao toward la a paari I
^ ^


Bf Wlr^to
SfMlif B«op4.
DtaitHi. Ml. f..-4nM»t~Na i fad.
nW: <oni. 44^: «M. STe.
GMmv>. Jaa.
7f%e: C9or«. 43H^; oatA, Jd^r.


Cam Ealr First

Star EnUrtained With
Dance Last Evening.
The F.a*tem Star todies gaTe a very
enjoyable dancing party In the Ma­
sonic room* tost evening Stewart**
ibie<^pl*‘ce orchestra furnished their
usual excellent music. Cards were
playetl by some during the evening
and a suwx-r was served later.
FpesVer Cannon tells a story of so
Illinois man who wa* fond of quoting
the familiar saw. “Tbe ottce sbooUl
seek tbe man. not Ibe man the ottce."
Tbe lime came, however, when this
Individual wanted a certain office, to
tec-ur.. which be adopted the time bon
ored iiiesns of getting votw. denilte
hi* of: rejMwted belief In tbe maxim.
When a friend reminded him of tbla
calllue attention to hi* wholesale dlstribnikm of money, etc., tbe candidate
-A. ■ matter of fact, old man. I still
maintain my position. The office
aliould seek tbe man: but. all tbe same.
Use luan should be around when the
Ofll^ to looking for hlm.gW MUSS is MUM.

Bean her* for real west€|pi Kdor with
which to mumlnate tbelr Ulcs of tbe
frontier have for some time been compUIntug that all the snap and ginger
of the old life in tbe wert has doparted. To a certain extent this to
tn-. Tbe genuine Indians have nearly all followed tbe boffalq over tbe
divide Into tbe happy hnnUiig gronDd*
of tbe Great Bplrit. The modem
boy Jamies# csrekmi with his shooting
iron and bis branding Iron than be
was to the old days, bot It to as stror
to believe that all of tlje pktuitaqns

aa hto prrdciMaor of parttor y«nr«.
now Ageut—To#. air rm got t

What You Can Do
Im Oie

QoUilng Department .1

E. Wilhelm’s.

At $5.75
At $9.00

!l4 Io t* years.

A Lot of Suits in Black Clays. Fancy
Worsteds and Cassimeres.
Reduced from $7.Do. 8.00 and a&O
Youths’ Suits in the latest patterns,
single and double breasted, reliable
Values $12.50 to 14 00


At $6.90
At 9,75

About 20 Men's Suits at this price,
some worsteds in tbe lot. the balance
cassimeres. and not a suit worth lets
than $10.00 in the lot.
About 40
sisting of
eds and

Men’s Suits in this lot. con­
Tweeds, Cassimeres, Worst­
Serges, single and double
“Tailored RIGHT."
Values $12.00 to 18.00

At $12.50 One Lot of “Suits,"

Values $12.00 to $18.00

vs Boys'
-Oo SOI Soy- oatU yoo scewSat ^ oiler.

E.WUhdin, - Front St.
With yoo a Happy and Prosperous New
We shall be pleased with a part or aU
oi your Fire Insurance during
the year 1907s

Office in State Bank BnOdlno

woll: thm, that

aSJ .Lt

Hwryoo trSrt-eAXTINE

:Rasf- ^ .
the stomach

Sm Isnaa Up tWlBM In snch

^Hkk U
Vi. • rmmt $0It* M« vttk Mb

» Vliich asktf «M coo>IU of pOMBttiBg « tweet #t M tmt
a wHetfSIbweth.
mmL Mr M a.
Used ev«ty night betee
retiring k prMt
and bfenth In the morning
WM 1 cenM


If roo ar» folmg to »Urt tW .Nev Tm vltli i PUftO it wm be
Wb baTe lb# Worir* laOiUaK iMkM. iacladloc tbe mOINWAT.
tb# BOHmi. lb# wrmuyc, tn. k*akai«. tbe wbomaji. ibe
cmls# rtAKOLA PIANO, etr^ etc. We are aleo Plaao tHailbfft
abd CMT ova Babe, tbe OMHSKLL BR06^ la tegarM tf Baat<
a aai rflllaa at betag bb cf tbe eery Saeet aad Boat aitlatk


I kta
m name
den It

Pf^ ^ to better
-Thra/Beramee. a0e» Mias
-I want to ten yoe eomeUlag.- be
• VMbea bar bMida «r the Bat- vent on. after a nbort mianee. -Too
the WM Gamssay pmee nn Dor
ikw tbe child back to tbe poor •on HUl? I hm^ it io0y.-

r began te pound ft between twn
ef twdk. Bnflfleoly one ef

-lt‘8 very bcnnUful np there among
pleaae don't!- iBpiored Oarothe IfUea^and silver poplars.- cone
no. laarMiy. -TenmT dent I
meirtnd Mias SaMOrd. -It wfll need
how Mri. OH. dora fata l
repMring. pevhapawray.-leaid.
mind workln\ elr. tt I alal Jawed
et.ahairnttend to the alteratrtea ta trade dartag
Uona during thn aosaser. Bot after I
•tanra with hla kntte U c«t Itep
« aboat bair ibdir It
have done aU la my power to peifect
!d. poutag kli|d arms at
.-A Bood bectajIaK Babaa a aood BNllar-Make yoar «rB act
tbe pelhetie flgnre. ‘Come borne with U BiteriaUy.BsrenkiF; 11 yet will lack
"TBIsHis ntenrr hs crisd. 'Whsra
ta IH7 tbe porrbaae of oat tf oor aaperler Ptaiioa aad It wfU be a
Ba I have many faults, hot I tatter
year full of aleaeiire aad happlaeae for your faslly. Uader ear
1 teawwi him tee egnet test, aad hs
Bynelf that a acolding umgwe h net
The tetris phe^ alvaya , pale,
Buy PayBeat Plaa you may bare a plaao at epee aad pay for H
oae of them. If you do not like me. sresr a 4^ie a^hltnr. bot ahe drew wildly scrnmbisd raond en his hands
by tbe Bootb Hi oBaH inetallmeeta acoBaedated to »oor
----M^Mm. Jbte oune Hhe It
M can run away again.1 Batter over with aa
Caroline pukhfM hack h«w aanboaaet
I had wna cari^ to let her voice
^ n OMt bsloiB bare," assettsd
and lifted «p k amall. fradcled fbee.
Baa. "Being round. It n>Dsd down the
alight w)th gratltnde.
hUL end It may hers railed n tegr
-U ^ not Uck tkat kmg. U I
• Tou needn t be atoared o^
be irwOSU.- anid ahe. -My <
o answered reassuring..-ni atlck
to yon like a lean seed-Uck.•Tbath notelag. Tbe scrub Is psr-Let ns tnm tbe attachment wilt
B»y.- aeld Dr. Ran- hva
Tiara -old. whils tbs ettes
not prove so palnfpl as that.- said the
-Hoerever. her wel- Briers been wurhli« down flor
. -Miss Bermlce. how do you rare
Om W Ml. Mw«tful.
not the eoarae food and the haid taalca
m to defend youmelf against the Prior to the day we wen
» to
“CtTmn CrlUM.!" wiia u .Sdl that oaoaed her revolt. She waa ae^
mlt of tbe range,
there were times. I admit, when ahe
I.Q.I vHnkl. UPOB liMenauiBed to poveHy and rongb terrible wrath of Mrs. Rils?with a hlate, naeven cirsf we
“I shall leave her to you.
Won't daxiled^ine and 1 thooght I eared for
forehead Mm. 0111 caae to tbe fraal woit. Had ahe oot been horn in the
you procure tbr me the necessary her: bot since the inrident of that tewid some Basra of the pechliarrPodd
, porrb bf the eo^ty pbbr-bou«* aad
ipera of transfer r
afleraoon. 1 hare known the raal de­
looked amxloorty dowo the white, where ceaaelcB labor waa the ordbr
our pile, lad," wsld Am.
-Moat gladly.sire oT my heart and I shall never
mmy mao. fbr the alath Uroe during of the day?
The crest of tbs tmsU hill proved to
ibe pMt half hour her rean
-Berenice Raiford. do you realise waver again. Berenice. 1 nm vety
be Ibsaooroe of rich specimen Afew
How well ahe remembered that notrite
iutM fwbg arrtaoi the •eldi, yet atlll preieatkma eabhii|ihMft Hi fit muSAf
yen are nndettaklngr cried
moments* work wtib the pick laid bare
a seem or ore aeren feet la width. As
Ibe reciwaBt Catollne bad not appear of black gum treea. wrtfh thePtawpa W
He gently withdrew the aerwening food as 1 lire T aball never forget the
Pinee felled to admit the aantblne. to me that you have < e and rwaponand erssy Joy that I felt.
with your in­ bough and found that her cheeks were
*i sent that gal to tbe paatnr* rigbt rtlll atandlttg to fhe anfwoed door
We bod not taken a mtewTs right ai
aftar tmakfaat. aad I bala*l
ya*d! bay after day In the eafty valid moCher to support. Lei the girt flushed pinker than the rosea.
conid not legally peg out a cUlB. 8a
-But mother-and Carollner sbe
- pence.-jmimbled tbe Batma. -| ealnt moraiog dew ahe had followed her go baA Vbere ahe belongs.-T. U.U
r itemandM h.r faltered, after a gtadaome Interval of
pat ao depeadBice la bar aobew.pareata to the krooda to amtat. aa w^ll
eblld-. ««««)..urreodir. • WIU
H m«
bflndful or fartaer tofapmU 6M Mr. aa her baby hands knew bow. in d(p^ coiMiB. puhlOK o|f
of^ teppy ono. I otratebed myoeU
sm bn*M. fti mr woAract at fnn hmgth, polled my bat orei
Towneeod, her aede aaditor, laid aalde pmg the'adeky turpwitlBe. or In ataCk
lanMOimt. pa..
The doctor langhed teadsriy aad my eyoo and bunt air caatles. In le«
bi» com-eob plpb aad eaMjad to oil lag tbe dean pine ehfnsles to be emu
than four teora sam returnea. He had
drew her clQser.
Ibe raided wateiif.
on a creaking ox-can to the oearast
-Not oae hour shsll yon tente.- wnftsd tea mlleo. taken oot a miner's
**Pbe will be *long bout
town. She remembered, too. the lopg •»uu Itn. BUU. R.gMl> at h.rcni.h»
rt^l and prackrad oome toote. Our
sald te’^ -My'hMke'tetei abtmtent claim
. racbon. n»e tjuaterad. - Talot likely winter night, when her •raer wearl^ bare ra«M M» thnmf)
wae shfe.
ahe*« run away from
a r»od home mother psllenily uught her to apkl •oore«, I am only > poor idiool t«Mb- room for yonr dear mother. As'for
aa thhi Mn.*’
and read by the fUckerlng light of aa w. H M traa. bot Ihto ttUe oaa akan Caroline, she. too. .hall he welcome,
r%9 nr cmmttmm bwwsmuw.
for terangh our dMvery of her I
Whllj our knowledge of these things
The bonaekeepar knew the last
tMtflt eao ead iwr aa CDod a bii
found something I was losiag—my doos not exact from na an independent
etatenienl to l»e farfetched, but abe
or and nacoaforiable as that twoBiy own Bke akall akM. vltk
senses—and gained what I do not de­ pnteB agnmot raiBUn^ repeated
arre|»h*t| the flattery, add went back
•d home hafl bean to Carallpe
serve—my present happiness.-—The praloo ^ tb# qualldes of trout and wf
to her Ukhig In a pacHad Bood.
■h. It was the synonym of pBcc
Had abe been a cloaer obaenrer ahe and good will, two wonls not to bhasIt poriiapo adds to tbs spirit snd em­
might ^re noUeed a alight rantllng aoclated in ones thoughts with Mrs. signed inm by Mias Raiford. at the ex-<
phasis of oor dissont when we are told
The most expensive hook ever proIon or Vwo‘ dayi, Br. Randafl
amid the gnwn corn at the end of the “IHs and tbe poor houac.
IK her home, ft was vacatioa. duced was tbe offleW Mbtory of the
loag meadow at the left of the booae,
The other InmatOB of the poorKonsc
Mr. Tuwnw^nd. ahan» of eye for one being either too old or too seaUsr- aad he could hear her tinging aomo- War of RebHlkm in the United States and tbit ho other method onght to I
^4 cost 0.00.of hla yeata. inlertireced the more brained to U* of aerrtcetothe matmn. where wlOils doom, ss he slighted st It l.4n m
gate. Caroline, ncafly dad and 000 to prodace. *
blent aright, but being In the deeortotlllretl CaraHne. acolding Hmd
In India tefltw.ia a Ufl bird of the tlons nadTratsosca whic
er‘a plot made no hlgn for the lienefll tasking her as she willed. Never hav­ very sersae of conntennnce.wss w
of the enemy. Prmeoily a aleoder ing had a child of bar ova. It fre tng frail ^in. tellovd down tbe front stork speilna.*kBowa as the adjutant,
arabout. which will t swallow a
flgnre wpifBg blmhiy over tbe rail quiwity happened thal Mrs. 01U Ihlb walk of the flower garden.
fenfe and look a bridle path tbraugh €Hi to guage the limit of ones eninr ‘Returning the doctorb hearty greet hare of a cat whole. It stands flve
the fact that every one of
a pine thicket to tbe public highway, ance. CaroUn# meted thU lltet tebri ing with pleased recognirion she lefl feet high and. the expanse of Its wings
him to the Invalid's gentle conversa- U about fifteen feet.
hs nils to sihira traot by his meat
aklrtlng iRat aide of the fleld.
ly after her tenth birthday, Wl4
ikm while ahe ran to aummon her benThe yonng wayfar^.r wa. but light- child's confidence In the gacat. unll
Fiber from the planUln tree U
to tbs pcflnt of prafuse perspiration snd
ly b»irdened. the biiadle M clothing world abu concluded that love and ap­
log into use In India ter cloth
tnm orar leg^ aad etodes wtth feverwhich hhe rarrledf being plUahly preciation must be awaiting her
"TSToneriBrrTClfi^^ found
horn It U woond
Ish atatetrft
erlwocms sad
^nmall. Keeping within ibo shadow where, and she asnde op her mind to genial pbysiclaa abstet of mind and
St from cotton or ^^Ifteply be^w^0^tM m ra
7«nat by tbe fence ahe trudged on fre­ ss>ek her Inheritance.
vague of speech. She felt quite ag­ Jute, and has a glased appearance.
quently glancing back an tboagh ftargrieved
As she aurled on her iounyy fhal
Pil of punialt. At the mBBlt of a warm June morning ahe ftoOowt
made to her pathetic account of
rerage are more than twice those Id
bin abe drew a breath of relief and
I that be will turn his
definite plan. She knew Mrm. ^Is afght of dinoomrort; but when, hasti­ elglom. three times those of Denbteknpoa'i
fttstehed a mowmet of rent npoa a
wohld bo loo busy to follow hen ted ly apolofetfc. he brake away to jola nmiB. Qennany. Sphla and Italy B»d not rtra.rock that command^ a fftfl view of af Mter detention abe had little Mbr, her daughter at the atepa. abe m
one haU those of England and fltetthe valley left behind her.
The for tbe few pedmitriaas who passed stood his mood Better, aad nettle^
gloomy, unpainted building, looming
hack against her catefoas with a conThe world-a Urgest mdss of pnre
no forbiddingly agalnyi lu dark back- she neared a fleld where a negro
Whan* Tltera Btenari^k was e
rock salt lies under the province of


Tcayerse C% Sl^:




AhMgw RMWkftsr tkt M Nm.


niHt €

Cws • OM n Om Day
Om Gris H TWO Days


! I ft



1^9 East Front StiM

plowing, hut one glimpse of hts stAen
face sent her scurrying Into The
acreenlag woods. There ahe found an
abundance of wild phuns aad
which she ate to anOs^ hgr hnn|kr.
Toward suaaeC she began to gtvm
weary. Bellertag her thirst
clear stream which ran acr
road, she mat doWt to rest near fta
brink and preaenUy feU asleep
her sunbonnet for a pillow.,
How long tee dted ttes she did Bot
know but thh nbhfA of vOim ted
laughter aroused her to the teallsaten
that sbe was no longer ahrne: iad
thinktng Mrs. 0Us was at hand. Ae
sprang np. alert sad ready to tee.
Then abe saw that those who ted dlsfimtel her
dently friendly, for their
pleasant. Beside the strasm knelt two
ynang ladies, laving their frnlt-sulncd
harnis ta the eoel water.whUe Bear by
stood a talk hanttemie
CaraUne recegnlate at the Wlaietef
sMan. Be bad on<i vlalled a decraptt
ted wraaaant tee paai-Bagsi. lie
holdlnf some haeketa of
sad chattng th# g^risteerrlly
-Dent he rrightsned. IHUe oat.- be

Ms Balfori. permit;
ting the doctor to lead the way to a
ided ftamAiBor. *^as Mrs. fin
veiy bard to matege?-8he
exactiy a seraph, baj
she cahnA down when I BaitSaoM
rapoctlsg her Btsfleeds.- the doctor
Bitweted ffBecrively, -flhe will give
ytm no tronble wteievsr. I told her
rraclsely what X thooght of her ty-


..L . .

Qalicis. Huaga^r. It U kaowa to be
AOO mues long, twenty broad aad
tetewhy>sWt Aiifl0«: >The fllarhf
rftey fate te thickteaa.
When Ktqg BdifM was Priaoe of wa. ralMd to thirty offlftab tW tta
Wales be was telleQ *1h»ddy Watee" bbtbStr waak. vhU. tb. talacnplMn
by hUfSaalliarfrleoda
Mme. Melbs has such a good nR|mory that she can learn ^enUra Of«n
in one wfric. She ioee most oTVr

stu^yteg In ted.'

Sta. nttb« « iriEMCfit'Whfa



Stop Drinking I
Orrine Postroys aS naairo tor
Drink, How to «^s|r Off.”

raUUoo'wwda. w«» rmnrad and for
warSM. ta th. ranw
9TP ordinary parcels. S2fl*raglsterad parcels. »5 n«lsie«d leCtanand
about 45k000 ordinary leltdcs and bote
poet consignments. The only telegrmBs
to w

_Kpdol DyflpeMia Cure b m perfect
dbcfltent It wfll
an of the food
o/ ik9


m spend te a day ter Iririk.
ive Orrine withbot tke patient's k
cretly. tt ts perfectly tsstslees. c
r ttene wflting to take the ran
tt odten Om^dn raempt ef price.



Fbr indlsestkm. DjrspepsS^" Sow
StpiMcS. Batulence. Headache. Water
Bruh. BelehinS of Gas. Nausea. GtstriUa.
Heartburn and all troubles srbihS
from todWestion and non-asslmflatioq
of the ftwd.
I had drtpapaia ta Ita worn fenat was ra>
eu«d tawcMlittollspouBdt. Afternataatwa
Md ona-haf bottlaa of Kodol. I waa eompMtaIr
cured and rtttortd to ray uaual -waltht of 1«S
j. urniat Johnson.



Manu^ur^ ly tbe WitUnsn MttlicinofJo., LoaisriUe, Ky.

“*® t»y Hannah & Uy uni S. E. WaU & Bods. Dni|gista, Trayerae City.

A New Tear Auiouacement
that aitl ailraot all botaemen ia
that it ia onr tixoil intouUun to <1o
1x)ilcrUmii over for Immbw atid tlieir
driYers in bamcmeand other enoine
njuipments. Past patroos know
bow much that means; newoomers
will soon be able to jndgh ol tbe
good things that have gone before.
To all we wish a Happy and
ProepewRis New Year!

Queen aij Implement Co.
128 E. Front St.
Cit. phono 75J
BeU phono 102

$onil Valuable flints
by the Kimball Music House. We rapresent thrra of the largest
fllrms in the trade: W. W. Kimball Co.. lojon A Healy, and the Edi­
son Phonograph Co.
* Hint ^ No.
yowr piano from
.lie on
pianos In order to conUntie*’ln
Hint No. 2—Be sure the bouj
really is. and does not consider
therefore all right if It does not <
Hint No. S—Do not place any dependence upon the test
from nMown people who may know absointHy nothlag of
tone. Get a piano whh a flrst-ciaaa reputation.
Hint No. 4—Invertlgate any "wooderfur offers verv e
Hint No 6-Bcware of the
he "Jud*ta«-.-pUaa. I. voir. ownhom.Idea. At a matter of tSet. neari
way. tor the simple reason
aalesrooms of a flrat-claas
chaser permlu this plan to succeed very often.
Hlat No. «-Bojr a KIMBAU. Plaao. U roo mt a plaao that


_.Wa a.11 a«rjthta« fcam la the aaitc

ta WMmJm!. aTtaTljM Mvn la

ahovt eractlng a hotel In dm towa ssys
tee iMter ot-Odde AAsr the War." |
Itetnre no need of eoe.** ssM Oeoenl Thocebs alnip^r- "Wtea ra
his pespW enms keiu tesp eas t
rhooee: ttttmr
tt ttmr sra
ara not rasm

ws do not want them at alt"-


•>”««. 1L ,£ .


Dyspepsia Cui^'

124 F.-ont

' -IflM Model K. WHHoa.- tan Mnihi^heBil
ther lop. gaa lamps, eatra outB- oaa- ss If for pratcctlen. We are aflrrf tekts leas tMin tbs crarage dMter
we dUtarhed yon. 1 t rially m
IteUmn. wivm an4 sleteni m
ahoeki sot sleep beside tbe road
Is to he 0ven n
-liOi Northern Tooriag ml0it get hurt.- |
lebs and odorieea. Oralne Na S ts I
Car- only used four moirihs; in A-l
-Where were yos going, asy dssr?condition. IIfM.
term earns hot 0 per hOL 1
One -IPOS 0more Itering Car." aaid one of the IsdiM. vhoae fheeWfla
withOapt Tup Mfl jDasLaaipa. 0000. eiteedlngly sBeet, isltbteih the mas drugflat ia nearly exm tewn «hd
pmmiy clad, la mtraat to. tbe oCh^. On.: tee, 1»W. IBth 0,. Wtehtegi

re been Uvtag aSer Ip the tepr


not placw.


M. a HAKNKK, prop.

Record Want Ads.
Bring Results! ^ ”


Save on Yout

pIwS^^fFhtif dhe^rttid

sold Ms irn cut of 17j$Mjl$P $0(4 at
tbeaameprtm. Kot a foot of this Um­
ber baa aa ywt bmn cut. Thai Caas*
diaa plwe WW cost at lonm $m per
■M tsr aR usdiaary grades ds^
Id oath# docks on the Amertma
tlda of the lakoe Is curtala.


T«v*nt)r'Fiv* Hundrwl home*
R«eord mvry day in tha year, axoapt Sundaya,
that maaoa that atwut tan theuaand paopla
read It Thia mean* that thaaa ilttla want ada
ara read by that many paapta avary day. That
they do bring raaulto ia proven over and over
Parhapa you have a houaa for aala, probably
i>avaacard in tha window, but have you atop«'
pad to think that ntora people would aaa your
ad In thiarpapar, if only Inaartad once, than
would go tv y<Mr houaa In a year? If you ware
going to buy a houaa you would look at tha
want ada firat, wouldn’t you?
Thia ia Juat as trua of othar thinga. Ramambar tha Evaning Raoord raachaa tha paopla.

Dr. W. J. Higgins
WV war* KnUMlUr bMil
an hlsMddapatUa. H« ha. Bad* bat
•aaUM with kta. Ms var* i
ttaagk la hi. fore* aise* taklac
Sant tmm. Om 4ar • atraaaw *s*
mmrn OB tka wtmtmm UU. Tka SiM otM*ttlM&
lltlaB i. AUaa. of MaochMtar. ha*
wMp Sktarlaa Hit rtSm *aM a* atta»
appomad wmMMnt ft lb. Bell
tia* l» Mb. kot aate far W* old
ttea* aacksM* at raatoa.
mrk la tka wall. Tkaa oat
at W.P. Mknllla. raattBsd.
bla (at fallow who daitad tkraask tke
Mrs. A. U. Hob*. wtf*o( a peoirtaopaa wladow ll^a a tilillat. WMhta S»*
It Owoaao pbraldaB to ava
Witt a ra* at (ka atiaatar aai two a partjr In the cltr aad D*i«kk
t<y^tr*»el to »trop* aaat aaB« ttaa laratad Mol Bat tka wrttar

WANTtn-Tw rKV) tddma to draw
win furaltk Strlcba and pay
fS40aday. lnq«lro John Hmnla at
Twfa Moaaulti Of of FTank Ubym
at CVdaiiiWa Tnuufir bam,'
doe 24 If
WAWTIO~»ip«1mrfd owil ■t roff
Mar^Obtio SatlBf lloum.

EUlrc 417 UaR
dac IMt*

Iraa sod elaar o( ao- and Ika lafOiaialloo esme In s round
onmbrMMw Trsmw City prodoc*
The emperor W st
Umi OMh prkm $1,000.
Wndi Bergen. Morwsy. wh« news of the
Bros^ $17 V9km dtmst. OUs. pboM
ereet sirtred. Dr. Stubel. Of
minister to Norwsy. waa on board,
but stupidly fall«l to dellmr the bua*
dreds of lelerrsms which bsd srrUed
for hU sttgust msster. BUen these
oi«M fotndstlon: antr twms. Prim
UNO. Wsdo Bros,. §17 UiUoE *t. messsxm were brooght to the yacht
the tfmi one his’majesty opened was
CtU. pbOM 121$,
one Of contratulstlnn from the sultan
FOR •ALI-1l7$-On* himdfsd snd of Turkey. Bmperor WllUsm at one©
•Ifty ATfc fir* six mncii from city, wired the crown prtnm: “I bare
tblHy*tbr«o drre orrhsrt; Ur*«
bMTBHmt tmrti: «oo4 bOtms; six irnniod from the sultan tbnt s son has
cows; mm» bbrmw; two boBt: an Wen bora to you.”
tann toohi. Half midi. balsam
terms. An A -No. 1 froit and dairy
farm. Price ItJOO. Wada Bros,
U thena day! wbra child ftody la
•17 Dnloo slrmt. CUx. ptamt lilt.
bobby flMdra kmg «a<l hard. K to intnrentiag to read of tl« nerre training
wbleb ftU to tbt tot of be Ooskar an*
thiMM. Amelia Opto. L 17M and aftm TVi modem moibw weald ahrtuk
WHk borrar from aomt of the methods
Urn ftrmt. atx. phono lilt.
nsad uuiba araamva child, bat In this
FOR AALB—l4i0->Plna bmiaa. eomor enaa tt raanltad la aplaaild ntuff. Mrs.
Opto to qnotea to a book oa “guslur
Wsde BrtHi, «7 Ufclon atrmt, Clta
phone im.

r. Sth sti>wt. close Ic school,
FOR AALt-GnTrlME fwlory. $0x10.
irles and postofftce; central
with power, gmohinery ana tooU;
Price $1600.
of Sth
•17 Ub
all lighted by Meetrlclty: good fra
' prateeHoa. ia a fine plam of IkOO;
thros ranroada aad a groat opening
FOR AALI-Btoch in one of tho l.est
for a gMeral repair bnatnaas: no
mines In Colorado, not a pixApecl.
Wosltloh: wlU ae{l for $l$00; a
but u paying mine, one in which
•nap for iome one; owner to poor
rt'turns arc sure, profits large: no
Addrem J. J. Borlck. Ox
’’goldfield fake- but n suhalnnUsl
Throw in
Colorudo Investment.
flnern dollsre and get a hundred
FOR SAtl-mwIstcred
shares. We are handling this for
^11 cnir. eigbi aumiiis old. chas.
the benefit of the small Investor.
a Brtmon A 8<Ai. Ni>rtb|xin. Mich.
If you wish to make s good sited
jsn l*4f
investment lake Trsveree^ CKy
region farms.
^ • .v;, FOR AAL«.^l4:i-l$ acres two infies rofierty or Trsverm regl
Write or call’ on us for
and Informsilon In regard to la*
vestments Wsdo Bros, Traverse
k street, ClU. phone 111$.
City. Mich, 817 Union 8t Cltltana
phone 121$
dec 2$ tf
ROR tALt—A heavy, wofh boric:
aim a firsl-elass drhrar and saddle
horse: or win trade for colts from FOR fiALl—Two stovee cheap: also
olghl monSis to three years old. J.
household furnllure. Mrs. GreenW. fiisim.
doc $74f
Stiwd. 413 Webster.
FOf^ •ALf-l47$-nne modem bpune Wt HAVE hardware stocks st-Grawa.
mxUi street, and one of the
Hotel and Bar Furalture utoek and
the street mcc asked U spot cash
trade at Lake Ann.
Price imo.
Wade nras. 111
Lakm gtrecl, Cltx. phone iflt.
*DM •AVl-1467-«iiy acres hstt
mils west of Monroe Center. WlU


Ion atraot, CUi. phons
TOR »ALI—Etflitt a(*o tofU two
bum woM Norrtsmis! «mr Bllat
pmt oHK» Traverse City; Mxty

, r-~„W'Si,“iJsarK;


was of Idsck
. then of frogs. Skeletons, Idsck
My motber made

quently told to taka ooa up and put It
out of harm’s way. I soon ovrecarac
that terror. 1 was made to boM frog«
to wr bands and was tu««bc to nurse
a abetotoa as I would u doll. Mother
omnpeltod me to listen to her Mndiy
eaoverao with two poor old hrostlos.
and 1 grew to pity them Instead of




There are IW feOtoriee to lashaa
coaotr. as aaalaet txt a rBw aco. aad
Ike oreMBa ww* of Ike «.l» eBidart* was
toal rear the UU *mpl^ *T*raiE*d ttM par dap.
The Ypaltoail Dairr aawwtottoo ba<
toerled A. R. Ofaraa. J. H. Hanford,
C. U Beaole. J. U Uiwdtt aad S. A.
Wlard dliwtora. and dectorad a dlrld
end, the first in several yesrs.
84. Ilnry’s Cstbolic school will b<

nd fbren treattoa of pence. In the
H* bamSht

ta triiBjr). and ennfura

mtw# ftoRmbi wa wiih
tWWMN oo hto bond.* TWba WMtfia
bmtniihig. the mMdto iBiRbh and nf

can offer you thut will eq^ the
Grand Traversa Region •; fUr safe, N*Ue* to ^ Tu|W|«n o( tt* atr M
sure prafiUhle tnvemmeal, nltber to
Trarata* CUy:
purehasor or as security . fur loan.
Tb. tea ««. (or tte eoltoettB •(
We aluwys have a gilt adgM
earity for your money n^ urn ah lb* atot* ui4 ooootjr Um (to
wnys have tha moncr for gUt ndgud y*>r 1M< bad (or tt* MIm
boo) uid (dty uxe* and *»*Mal **
waaMailor ntdyBtf ter*boa*
•17 Unlo^ Btraot, Trsrersa aty.
aaM to ar h**d* tor MiUwitto*.
I •« b* to BTAttoo «* tBiato* I
■pptoa by buahrit for nato:
•’ Qoldans. Baldwins. Orcoa
W« par tt« (iMfM______ toi*a troB MW ttUl Ab. 1. IMT. 0*
Mob waA day (MB I oolook to lt:l*
o-oloek to tb* Ibraaoea aad tna
o-deek to 4 o-etodt to tb* attorMoa.
Ob all atot* aad eeaty taiaa **U
b*(or* Jaaaary U. tb* f*cator (M at
OM por oBit tor Bdtoatloa win b*
ebatsad aad oa *n t*M* yaM « or
allar January II. ttar* wffl b*
Prtoa I4M0. Wada Bras, 117 Uakm
tbr^ CtU. phone 121$.
HOUbEb TO RENT-Baat Tnnth St; •harnd a (•• •( (oarpM oMt tor Bdmr Front and Rosa. A. iaoUoa. penalty oa daltoyaaM
FOR bALB—147»—rwty
dac S-lf and actoiel ttie* aad apaotol m
B*eU. d »ito oa eaeb dollar at tt*
Kta* HIM. Mad*
lit Uata HOUbI FOR RtNT-Dr,
Otie* to leoa M CttU


H^bi TO. MNTUatobntranL OU. pboaa

Mm r O.


ptotlng Che great luanM for the Smith
era railway. The greatest credit foi
thia undertaking ia dfe to D. O. Bey
mour* resident englnajsr of the South
ere rullway. who has M tbo eompieie
charge of the work o|i the Btevenuon
citcnslon. Including Ibo tunnel. He
has been In charge of the corps of
englneora who have been assisting In
making the measurements. When the.
tunnel Is completed, his name will
head the list on the bbmse Ublet. The
work Is lK*lng delayed a few days be
cause of a cave, which U apparently
bottomless. This Is jthe second cave
dlsoorarad dnrlng thi» work the flrui
bring a dwp hole which was finally

tha direction of tie Sisters of 8t.
ndmlnlc. Thp inother auperlor of
the locwl convent wDl be Bister Mary
de Paxsi.
Thdt pine lumber will take a stiff
jump in 1$07. and all akmg the line,
is erldencfd by the first of the Mg
coatracts made in the Georgian bay
Anthony l>cxter.
rli-r. of (he llahliiR
district for the 1$07 cut. The con
W. fclack. Id port at
t recta are not only made early but si
lumtoy. had a rloM> rail In
prices ranging from $22 to glk per *B oaeminlrr *ltb a
abark. «hlrh
thousand, log run. This Is agslniu became tangled In a irswl off Martini11$ to $20 i»cr thousand this year. Bd cus rock Momhiy s jwrek ago. The
dy Bros. A Qo, of Bay City, operating shark made three rufbes at the dory,
a Mg mill St Blind river, have sold finally upsetting It. ^xter went Into
ihelp entire 1$07 cut. 50,000.00$ feet, the water, but was go near the side
at the advanced price. The Moulth at the schnemer that I two merobers of
rep Lumber company, also of Bay i the crew
him. The Black
aty. operstiDf at 81. John island, has brought In n.OOo pounds of fish.

btfc. Tha nrma of bto family are a
gtovar tosT and three oak •mrut He


Tfre insunnet

refftwoea to onr i
•Bttom bald, with Pylbagoraa that not
n. imt A wna ttaa great and’pertM

FOR hALt-14t&*><]ood new s
raam bemse. tth alreef. tdow
eehnol. market and ehureh;
terms, ivire fifidh.
Wade Urea, in UaloB 8L. Oita

OnnoorvithBitoiMM OoU«r*.

201 froat ttrssi

also a few cbolee locations in cdu*
trsi portion of Traverse City. Wu
hare gold and tltver mlh#a Hi tha
greatest mining district la the world
X-tbe OTld rield Wstrtft, Nevada.
We hsTU gold aad allrer minus ia
Oolewadu. In fsot. we hgue pro|iei>

firsteUss rondlllon. cash price
•X.OOO. Wade Bros.. 117 Galon
street, Cltx. pbeme 121$.

Porcelain Work

8««. R.

It was while on bis annual yac

------------ thst tha kaiser Irnmed
90Amoun% WAWnO^Dow. «Ulr« roe SAut-uTdj^jjj^w b.
uiae last July
ruomg and >sard. lit Uke At«.
wi^'wm tik? nwS of th, urth o( hi. •Idost son’s boy
WANTtD TO OUV-Oood. tiorkr
edu. from ooo to four fdirg oW.
bd WNimS. If r<ni llAtc
anjr to aoll oomo and
muk Hrnam. S40 WMblngioa
d#c tf-tf


' (Blated A. MtoBHAa, Di
a draa Beea

• RttoMM.
Summer e Ml n Yritfla icrmt
hd u I
mnnuincturer. It wms • mottjr mr and
ILAtM Oflm
and rrmNo or gla
a BRa
ragraeeM$S.ftiO. The ddSbr t Vise
M wnbdlM bioeh.. Clt^ pbOM
Bush’s fisnm. Bert *n9rtnus ck StlH*
wster. Minn, who is ependHf tke
bolideye In the Bush home. * T
OR. Wi t. MOOH-torUll.t-Gi
BstUs CraMt’s di/p)kntkm ^ the
urlaary. skin and blood disease
Monroe Tncht nlnb’s nnnokl gliuskrmt
CUfsa** H. OU*. <Bto( otolk la (be roust will be pnnod
Jan. l$mi Bk
o4dn2. Rmideooc. 710 Waablagtoa
tsmple. W. H. Routler and WIf Gran*
Isr bsve surted the aiiunimsilts
and InrltnUons will bo seiM br^^denst. PIANO TUNINO-W. \N. Minardo $$
NtW located with
Hundreds of rats will be importwl and
served la real Preach style. ,
R C. Reed of Howell, ha. sold
Historic Lookout Mouatala. wbm«
Oen. Hooker fought te battle abov# DR. O. taCMAtl, ramored tram $0$ CMtoamMOWimansMit ts «.toll
AM WDbebn Monk to 417 and 4M
Urn ciouda. M almoat pierced through.

dM O ltt

I to the PhUlpitBa bj behai
oosk the ttioat hr a Me

lakm nofth flf Ana Arbor.
Th. Uwand FWIP OBsatOa,
et f«au» ha. ttBttd aad itlad W •

kas Basar'kata toaakad bj hi* waap


Bar Hwkioi: Vslky
caJatkljoi will bore.
IdMla laauar - ttat *

II geiteNI He^$

A D MARTIN—Phyulclsa aad But
pwa. Offieo 20$ Bast Froot i


> our


freight, pareeto and tranka.
at City Book Storm


I. O. Burns

MRS. S. U BONNEirS hair dreaslna
parlors, over aty Book Store. Room

Yanl hihI oflitx) Norlhom
Micbi^ ilot’k.
Both phones 3R,

AMIL Fa NERLINOER. LAWYERMooey to loan. 212 Stole Bank
bnlldlng. attxcBs phone C$6.
Traveraa Land and Loan Co, F.


SARA T. CHASE, M. D.-Offida with
Dr. O. D. Chase. State Dank Mock
Both phoaea. 21fDr. Mdeaoa 124
W. Eighth St ORmpboaenL
Da Fa HOLOSWORTH—Special ah
tenUoD to dtoeaaaa of tha eye. aar,
DOS# and throat Otoaato fittod
Over Johnaoa drag atorm BoU

can Dru «ora. Dpeetol attoatlaa
to art. aar. aoaa. ifid throat Olaaaaf

Boom Ns I, Ci»j Opsrs Hooas Nkea

lohn R. Santo
General Insurance

Hew wmelM ML, TnrcrM City

Farmsjr SalB
I have a number of uood
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, 1 will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. I can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any­
body else. I have farms
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
It yon haWB good lerel farms
1 will Imy them.

f. S.
Sharpe Williams An old aegre bsd
gone to s poatofflce la Mlaa|ssf|i|R aad
I Ptreat, ata. phoae 211,
offered tor the mall, a letter that wss
ever weight specified for s single
jesty wishes to keep.her Identity
stsmp. -ThlR is too hesvy,” said the
itoattot Cfwr Bar
poatmauter. ’ You will have to put
Bum A Earl’a Jawatoy atom. Both
another sUmp on It.*, The tffd darky ’s
phoaaa Idt.
eyes widened In astonishment
snodder stsmp mskC It any lighter,
forceful factors In Mexicsn affairs to­ boss?” he ssked.
ctoa and Surgeon. Bamaved I
day. Hit father was Iteuben Creel, an
A. A, Robtasoa, un
Sow to Muam Moefc aver Ba;
Amarican. who died when Borlque was dent of the Mexicsn i Central railroad
A Barra, atlxeaa phaa# W.
a mere boy. The birthplace of the win be made nmhagrr of all the railambassador was ia tha city of roads ooolrollud by the Maalcsn gov*
to MARNER-Eipai
UfwmoaL Hawms vfWriosutO'Prealtaaar
aad mottos rognlator.
fifty yeare tgo, hUXalher baring been dem Dlsd during Die |$ra years he was
•iittoa snaraatoeA WMh
small marahaat there.
at tim band or the Mexleaa Centre]
MuatoHooaa. Ota. pbona IM.
A -start sraa recnnily made towaid
Mr. Rohdnsan Nraa 1 ^
doing something to keep green tha
gad from eblMhood imMll’Ito raaebad
Oil phono 774
tax etosM 4$0 Waabingtoii,
memory of ’’Adirondack’’ Murray, hU tnajorHy ha wmleoBWd^to farm
preacher, author and lecturer and a
onh yem, when ha
man. Park
notahle apostle of the simple life Inj^^’ ”
a clerk In a guheral -ttom. HU
iba open air. Hi. incursions forty-odd^
rallroada bdgsn to im.
yeara aid into wtaTt was then the wUd ™
^ effort wBl he pot forth by
ragftn nf the Adlrondncka did more
btanrs Attorney Jerdroe In New York AiSTRAOTS OF TtTtl-e O. Oaa^
to bring that great tract Into pubik
IktowfaMOsabto. OlSoawttb
make the trial 4ff Harry Thaw
notice end imblic use than anythlgg
p. P. Carvar A Bro. Doth phoaem
record breaker in the matter of time
said or done about it
Mot UMire thga half
King Oucar of 8we
doaeo wltneaseu will be caUad by the DR. S. U THIROrr-RMelal attaa
moat rwmarkahle of
tloa tt dlataaaa ad eMIdna.. 8mb
praaacriUm «ad ir la hot thiR«ht tbetr
dtl matt Baak kUg. SsU ahaaaa
alaaUon Till
writer he to a irst-rale masfelan. on
than a day. TWb to no
Thaw hilled Whlto^ M 4a there stsy
doabt that tbe bblli
er days hto majesty wps ppaamasi of
beimma will oeeupfi
s fine tenor voice aadi hsd^oeMBMty
noasliaratale Ama in erom
remaaded. he could euaUy have male
Ltoua Doinuf and Towels
bon hod lirthU way the trial may be
a subsunltol Income as a vocalist He
Stand aad Dradaer BpfmOB Pil­
at P. ttaatf«4*(r TMuaday •**»
low Tops, etc.
Is also devoted to the sea, having been
■Ittb Haw Msskb Stock. C B. Walhlnsaelf reared a aaHor.
MAffPKffRCHItFSa Ml kladi
X>r. WllUam Albert Nbyua of Urbena.
teclodtoig initial goods. al»
la, MB aad put It ddwa to tt. ttrala
Ladtof all pore linen at 6c eadL
fll, editor nf the $001001 of tim
TRRVMM eiTV 1.MION, M*. USAmartagh Cbmakal aoetoty aad ehlaf o4 woili at ttat pntoaataa. Aa oU
New snvor Metal Knlvw
ebamkt of the imma of utaadards at
fbrki and Spoon*, best and
tte board, for aoa* (*rtp ySaia. «adMapaat, aahaUtute for aflrer;
Waahlagum, a C, has aeeapted the
bappUr wNM»t WT*r ettatM*^ to tb*
poMitoa of prafeaaqr of ebemiilry aad
director af the. obemtoal lahoratonr rwata W tbb Uddar. picked
la^UalveraltyarnBaoto. Thtoap- ip bU 4*1* at ttl*. -Hy daaratr.K-a
abaotd tt coBPtota at aradshl at jpwar
fknmr Booktotop Mtdal NovM*
ape. iMk at att. Paw baa aa tte
cbeadcW tokoraian at the
of IlHatila oaeof the greatest rcaearah ttaa Boi* ttaa twlc* a* Maa a* »«*
aad pat I bate Bot toaad Bj *r*a
•DtaBd." Tn* aoltad cttUp a* ba
am sr -katos* (b* Ml dC tb* WMsa^
Tha peculiar slmplfeity of i
ttpMd;.-Mcalyy i aappSM It Boat stTillWtt. CM t Msstoy, W.
try darky in tha uMith to III
U: B. «. WMt*. eewsttiT.
b* tt* HBOUSbt tbtt.”
by a itor^ told by <




TRAVRRM errw tODei.

. n, &

nuvcMi errv toMh. Me. m r
• A.
«• adMay Wtsstocf

for Christmas

—vw wry. lueHtMN,

I LocaL;

wconemiav. januakv

*, mr.

'TObert.- otod she. "fiiA yon------No matter, naid oabmt^ In^toi^;
ihm ap the bmc Mlaaj. your graadtotom'a gtonat wlU never haaal Itoe

General I




Ym Hire ^ W?
Vtm ktve. kit ne oillect
tkcB ftr^yRRa


^ubtot.- MM tk» Uuto ' Hl
-ko tot topftocktaiir MM • otato.

A. Pohoral

Cttie^mK Jaa S —TW Cabt aare mc FAMOUfi CUF OtFlNOKII MOW ON
bmm Mi* hr
• wtomdmtaeeemedcertata. But
never mlad. an tong aa rm In time I
him ooe
•• ar IMrMka nithn VlrUala toef
v««ttr Uat tte OovmkMlm vtU h«v« »at asfliaBaOTr cSSTlTTZ^luit
Aad (hey wanted home tcgeUi
Tiww. Qtj, indt,‘awt 1*. iMt.
trip from Bokgna bis beltom
oorrM laal ha
iiol ba aMa to «athrpogh the enow drtfla. talking hap^
t ten >Ik«4 • BUDbM •( McnaM
^ wbra about IQO toet from
or coofrrooco lak oat hla •laiar toeatha at hla boaa
pUy or what might be If «Gy
rojmd. The count toepod from the vtU A. Pobonl'i Mweg far aallate
VitWMkMrtviUlerooo*. la Ocaaa Part. Otl. Ha fhan ha *111
-daMUMlM hert car and m picked up deed, while hie Ma. augr o( lb«a laa« oatlaara*: tat
m oflor tte
•Hm" or haw to mm aaal ta
to locate
(oMd h* mttmtt.
la.ttte.uD. Mr. PaSonl
«eofor«m 1* thm «Mlo mUo« of tmtalBv srooadj that wUl be aatliCpet
teu lhM«h tt *a«. «lth the otd
to tte. ate iMft agtUwvoot. TWolaloMitltalaoBuitfo arr fW bU NatBUa] laaciie caot.
on the strike of one. there was a
New York. Jan. 2.—The t
oMalljr Omt NokroA* vtll Ml Md The Coba wiU go to iuma tprtagf
light ahtataf todly from the keeplar
«pMk Uafea MINI CM for a caaffo of • iOffOOMt^JM lo thi »OOltot.
aler and Romeln. attemptsd to crom
tor a part or tholr apctag wortc.
•rtea * cup off Ban­ room wladows. and through the anlH>tn hm tka aiMM hal.
MMMd l4 jMMfT It te KMMB has aol beo^Heeldod that ihejr will dy Hook In l«T from the Eagltoh cuitaloed caaement they cooltf nee
• gu taUooB thlnj«Fmi fM Id dUaWa. iataraatl «aa Utara wlik La^r cur. at #14* H l« ommM to arm- go to flaa
ther Maple Btatohing up aad
®^ThtoUe, to for aale.
Ofaao aaf aa«a Ika (aoot of Ikaai i»a Uia Mia^ valln cotwaaea.
irst ospseted i!^! ther voold train
The old defsader has beea kaowa domrn the room like a aeaUael oa do­
faka Iba aaow
jvha WMa
since her tatematloael victory ae the ty. her hlghdmeled boot* Upptoig on nsuts bad ascended about a,ix» tm
aaaaiad u> kara aa »ra oat for CreoM.
r. her iagera laeUactIvely the apectat jrs were borrifl«^ to m>
torn -reel yechf that raced for the
kowarar. oaf *aw< hlai aa aaOkoai
prise, She now Itoe haul­ waadertag around aad atonad the In- balloeu burat into e mass of g
tbr alraai for taaa flaw, rratf Pratt
aad drop tuwaril the earth witfc
ed oot ia Booth Boatoa. under the ■Me Of her empty aauff-boa.
bad hk hap tronar la aaol •olai
1 of a »pent rocket Rr^er was
Mtaay hurried luto the room.
supdrviskm of HoUto Burgee*. T1
abapa aa 4M A. a Oaok tiaUI tka eaatsd to iJecea and klltoTon the
“RTiy. Grandmother.- erled she.
bulh aeaHy<20 years ago. the Yolua
Romaln only mirriJqd a few
» pot
out or the toa.
“whatever to the maUer. Hero aro
tear to la good coadiUoo.
Two^-jlimler doable oppoM.!
4tofo me FlgHL
fourth Herman retirad •lightly
wodod right hlMg. J. F.
ter om up to 90
aabee aad the. caad^wlck guttering,
prow meoiw d^uUntl^Why
Oeaa—I ekpeet to heat Aormaa lo- but started the fifth with i
«*Hrg Uip airstdi |ust ooes. aU
Click, dick, the sharp needles of the aad you In such a flutter a. never were you no long coming, dear. Didn't
aide of twenty rooada. I am much Oaae put hi. left to jaw
•loMamhablr to ahov tho I
Kou'^b^^ «ftieel n^or
you.hear my call?
w storm were ratlUng wa*! l^Tiat has happened, grand
stroofer thi^a when 1 fought Netooo related for face end re;chml body
that Ua pMor Is oUll *
tor cue OTU 90 boree power
The bull m<Hm«--My fiarllng. I'd
asements of dd Mra. err
■pragos Ffm
Itottlo Di oot bot aad had oo trouble Ip 'meklag the with left. Oea* eent left to lOdBoys
Mra. Maple turned her keen blue knovr your eweet voice among a thoqhouse; patter, palter
tMdbposts ahoolog hope him from weight^ 1 fipert a WJ fight, but and right to riba. Herman wei
aaiid, but —cr—you know tboee peaky
the tost dead Reaves of the dd iyca eyes upon her granddaughter with an hunters put np aome mlabfy ckwe tmwith amreral mtempU tor body
apoadtag. S. W. BoUsr ssolhls horw
Herman—1 vlU be the limtwelght laadod puaeh^ with left. Herman more tree drifted down upon the dpor expression like that of a sleep-walk- Itarious nowadays.—PutlL
doom emeo or tsrles. Bereial mhera
Thenno-siphem or
chemploB by toalght. I feel U ta my sparred tor wind untU gong
It was aa old. dd houM. and Mra.
“Mlnny. come In “ said she. "and
The nest two round* were slmlUr
Ths miMC frsm Sereath to T^fth bcMiee that
Cured of Lung Trouble.
Maple was an dd. dd woi
•hut that door. Is that you. GlIbAt
“It is now eleven years since 1
to the fifth.
Is la too aiMpo. the saow beiag l^rd. 1 am la perfect eoodltloo.
Crofton. the great-grandson of Job?
Before a crowd of lee* than 4.060
Leet fleund.
o^wtoi a good tooUng and thsro U
C. O. Ployd. a leading l
A»k ter fuU partiruUn of
oaan Tuahed Oan* put left to snowy bkmsDms bursting from age- Come you in. aUo. Children.- with
pisotjr cd room for throe or four cut people end wHh the mercury covered
f Kerabaw. 8. C. *'I 1
ton to go down at once.
with gooee pimple*. Joe Qan* cuffed face. Herman reUllated with right lo llcheaed apple trees, and spray, of her old hands shaking as If palsy
constant. Uith by day
Kid HerfiinnJ around the roped arena riba. Can* reached kidney* with left greenery oo the bough, of cMtnry- stricken. "I've seen a ghost
old nnk tiuee; nod so It happened
Impeerible:*’ cried Gilbert Crofton.
•eni right to j.w. Herman
for eeven rounds and then neat him to
Dr. King's New IMi
Ifoer Grandmother, you must have tinuod
sleep with a fight aad left to the law. then crowded Into corner. Cans aent that Mlnny Maple, the ancient cione'.
thto for atoiul
months, when
right and left to Jaw. Herman dropped great-granddaughter, was the bud and been dreaming." soothed Mlnny. creep
The boy never bad a look-in
ind lung
Motor Or u<MoI«-BmI
tag up to her side and drawtag her irely gone and 1 was restored to my
The town jof Toaopab wa* aaow- a* If hit with board and made oo effort bloa^im of her womout life.
Old Mr.. Maple owned hou«u and
into the old arm chair beside normal weight.' 170 pounds
bound and n4t a handful of neweom- to rise. It was a* cliNHn a knockout
s are healed vvery
land aad had money out at interrat ; the hearth.
The a* ever made tn the fight ring.
era made t^elr appean
year. Guaranteed at Bugln-e Drug Co.
but she wa. a shrewd old lady apd
“Dreaming!- shrieied the old wo­ Frank H. Meads. Hannah drug
Alter the Fipht
ecatterlng tn the big
crowd was but a ecatterlui
DanmooU oollegc U pmperlng
liked to keep her affairs In her own man. "I wa. a. wide awake a. I am 50c aad 11.00, Trial tod tie free.
Can*—Hermen is a good,
bulldtng and ^ fight was unlnlcrestwill he able to declare
And pretty Mlnny. albeit an at this moment. Thad been over to
fighter but proved easy for me.
dlTMoad. Tho IPN football m
Hcnuan-1 am eattofled. 1 never hdlremi In proepecUve. uiight the dls- Kee Mrs. Muir's sick child, and U
Qan* cvIdei^Uy took the flfot seven
■howa a Ift.m proAt
iBYrat j
Id a show for wlnnlhg after the trlct school and took care of the farm
10 o'clock when I got back. GRAND RAPIDS A INOIARA R'Y
■ooey In Dartmooth football slock
dairy oot of hours. fight
1 crossed the thresh­
Mdt SUM.
Woader If tbo Boston ball player*
•;Jt won't hurt her to work for her old I had that queer feeling of
raa stand Ih* ahock of batrliig abower
ring if she is to be rich one of these one being In the room creep all
hath* la tbolr foarton?
days." said Mrs. Maple.
"I worked roe. And there, sure enough. In the
1‘Ucbor LMdgrsa of the Cab* wlU
when I was a girl.**
chair oppoeitc. where he used to ell.
ouaob ladlaaa oatwralty club.
Farmer Fighter Will 0
And upon this ' drc.iy DecemlK‘r ihlny good year. ago. was your Great
Why sit in a* cold room
Mlhe Ofpdy loshsd a *nre candidate
•wipe at Honey •ometime In Jannight Mrs. Maple's kulUIng^iH-dles Grandfather Msple. with his old cue
when a little money spent
for the tin caa degree last aeamm.
gleamed like steely Ughtnlng in the wig and his suit of butternut brown,
wary it la expe^sd.
will keep It ^ut ?
Mow .etob* are falllai ortr themarrtUtht: mn<t her gruddausfatcr MIo and the very green spectacle# that be
eelvM to elga him.
New York. Jan. 2.—\\llIlo Lewis
low chair be.
n-xed to wear for bln weak eyes. And
Storm, sash are guaran­
What an opportualty tor the funny
the New York welter, will gel another mendlpg tablcsclotha. while ever and
he took bU pipe put of his mouth and
teed to pay for them­
fellowe at (ho gaam will oMofClachance at Honey Mellody. generally anon a Mg drop would plash down up^
looked at me ju.t a. your Grandfather
selves in two years in
clauUspUehetiheaeiteeamio. HU
coaceded the 142 pound title, who on the darned spou like a gll
Maple has looked at me a thousand.
aamo is Hitt.
saving of fuel.
knorked U wls out In the third round globule of dew.
thousand rimes. And says I: Reuben.
Many a peonatd ts helag woo. many
the last tfroe they met.
“But. Grandmother, whyr burst Is that your Atod says be: -Yes. Lois.
a homo iwa SMdo aid hitleee gamoe
Get our pric^.
Johny M^ey. Hoaey's manager, out litany, at la.t. with blue
Chicago. Jan. 2-Friction which may haa ooQiented to meet Dan McKetrick.
pitched pow la tho -etove*- league#.
lifted up like forgei-mi-not. drenched brlnx. you back to this worldr Says
urallbBK^^jLMU OI>
ive a e4*rkma effect on the future re- Lewis' mentor, and talk bualnetta fur
Jack Chesbit) went* ooe ipore
All kinds of! lumber and.
In rain, to the old lady', parchment he: -To wipe out the stains of a wick
ckaoce lo prore Ihaf he U not all in tot loo. of the American and National a return bout in Januarj*.
interior finish.
like face.
ed world - And say. 1: ‘Are you hap
HI* pa*t record ought lo entitle him base ball league has arlmn over the
mUI old Mrs py. Reuben?• And says he: -Yes; am
H kPsphii In pUylng trim
Maple. And the fire crackled, and the that's the reason I want other, to be
^9 FlPim at hU Raeaachueelt. 1P07. Reseattak wbat be terms "un­
And then 1 began to tremble all over
ited effnmtcry" oo the ^rt kf Ceremonies Lapt Evening Were Folknitting nredU-s and says I: ‘I. it anything I can do
MorHa Wood, amateur ice eketing the National league acheduk; commUThe anmihl Inatallation of officers made xlgxags of light a. they flew Reuben?' And says he: Tbere’s m
tee. Picldcnl Johnson of lhe'Ame^
rhamploo. to to epUndki form
more offending or giving offense In
year aad look* good to hold hi. boaor* lean league la.i night ootififMl Preel- was held by Treverae City aerie. No. back and forth.
“But you say yourmelf.fcrandmotaer. the other world. Lois, .and Job Crofdent Pulliam «if *th« NaUonal league 3^ Fratemal Order of ISagke last
aaoUer aea*on at least
that he's a good young
plrad- ton s soul and mine are at variance no'
The -waier cure ' ha* been seen and that he could have no dealings with evening. After the
Says he: ‘Let there be peace.
gone one betler. The latest I* the loe the National schedule committee until
lx>ls. and let the young m»n Gilbert
Old Mr*. Maple nodded.
water enn and to much affected by the meeting of the Natloo.l ctunmls- prepared by JoiK*ph Wyckolf. was
“Without a bad h.blt ta tho world r be your grandchild's huaband.* And
puglltot. aad^olhen food of aeeing slon next week could Interpret the served and was thoroughly enjoyed.'
And again Mni.*Maple nodded like then he knocked the bowl of bto pipe
tbeimipM to the paper. Young Cor terras of the KaUoaa! agreement re­
Foal Flayer Under Arrest,
a Chlnem> mandarin In a collection qf on the edge of the andiron, aa I have
Iptila Harlem Tommy Mur- garding the duUes of the joint sched­
xtagtba. Ky.. Jah. 2.-H. W1
A al^Uadelphla Jan. P, uke* dally ule committee.
of Cleveland, known throughout the
and walked out of the room Just for
The diract cauee of the threatened
plungdi amoag the loe cekee.
• And forehanded with hU farm?’*
country aa Kid Broad, a ^1 and
all the world like a livlag creature.
to geUlBg n line on Dill biVach was the receipt by the Amer­ tlltord expert, mas arrr.t^d here
For the third time Mrs. Maple nod­ I'vo often heard as gbosU can go
roped In from the I»acinc
oaday charged mith robbing the
through a keyhole, but your Grand
ooMt leegite by the Chicago Cube, draft of a Nal^al league schedule Leonard hotel, where he wa. stopping
“Then. Grandmother. Why won't father Ma|^ s ghost opened the door,
•weepey would haw a better ekance tor im from Pr|wldeot Muiphy of thO of Hs:
you conwnt to our marriager urged and forgot to shut tt after him Into
Chicago Natkmnl league club. With
at Bom.^ a deal may follow.
the girl.
the bargain. 80. when I roused up
8o«e people never ere coetentod. the Implied euggeetloa^hat the Amer­
••Cfcilld.” said Mra Maple, turning
o know what was goteg on
Joet thidk how far Bgulie. to coming. ican league draft a echedule to con­
-My expetlem^ with stenogmphen her spectacle glasse* Jull upon Mln- around me. ibb floor was covered with
form to It.
Mt to ffpt n lickin'.
has been that they waste more than ny s sweet, flower-llke lace. “I've told snow that bad drifted In and the can­
"Mr. Murphy Is not chsirman of this half their Ume ta trying to look pretty you why half a hundred times. Its bedle was blown out."
committee." said Mr. Johnson
your Great^randfatber Maple
and ta talUag abont the boys."Oh. Grandmother, do you think
his setloo In the matter to a piece of
-That hasn't been tay expericoce.- and hU great-grandfatber were mortal this was real?" cried Mlnny. with
unwarranted efffontery. I have writ­ My ntooofraphtr. fim testaace. never
.tartled eyes.
ten Mr. Herrman* and Mr. Pulliam apemfia a minute tn front of n aUrror last words upon his deathbed were
"Didn't I see It with my own eyes,
New Ortoaas. Jaa I.WThree jockey# that I consider it In that light
urttb a powder rag: never keeps a box
toeve my soul to heevea. my moae> and hear It with my earsT' demanded
fell with their BMmau ead two m them
Johnson 1. etfoag (or a 14
ef candy ea the typewriter table; never to my dear wife, and my everlaktlng
old Mra. Maple. “It's your grmadtatbwere severely lajured during the third schedule aad as the Natlpaa] league atopa work to arrange hair rlbboae;
imlty to Job Crdflon !er*. ghoet! Aad I might have known
race at the Fhlr Grounds Monday,
never albblei fudge; never calls up
has voted tor a tS4-game
“But. grandmother." luild Mlnny
girl friend fig talk about the boys; with a shudder, "that was very wick that If he wanted to appear be couM.
the three-guarter pole, ttapect To Bee has been troubl# promlal
for he had obstinacy enough for vxj
aever Is bothmefi by beaux pbool
toll, kicked Jockey Austin uaconm:
ed! And surely, surely, the shadow of thing, rest hto soul! You
the offkn.The Bcoul fell over them, throwing
K>md be^ a tocon
At the recent meeting of the Na«i^.
end ellghtly lajurlag Jockey Noone
itonr ,
>0*1 league a committee wa. apn^np witeths. any dae, any
end Jockey Smith's coltor bone was
I Who uM abe? My ateoogOld Mra. ktople •book her white graadfather'a gboet wUl be easy
pointed to confer with the American
i^sa ae bit amoal. Harry Qardtaer.
league In regard to arraagtag a play­
r the mees. Sir Mince­ ing schedule. wAM woul^be aa acagrandtatber Waa a very
Bo the young people'were happily
meat. the favorite woa thto race by
dicUve man. Mtany.- said abe;
ig as boaetble.
married, and Gilbert came to live
twelve leegths.
leobeyed him living, and f will at the farm, and managed all the old
of the Amarlcaa leage
BMsrsI iBteraettaf. but unverified
never disobey him dead!"
horn thb AmcrIoaB
lady's affair* for her and she lived
Hunote wore afloat at the track among
• achedkle making to aad toe
oaxnd Mtaay. be 100 yeara old before she closed
them being oat that night racoe will
with bar (tosh ehnek agMaid the oM those keen blue nrro of her* upon the
to very wrmight bp over the actlope of
^ rwa by fleotrlc Ughta durtag Hadrt
lady-e hand, “he wouldn't know it matters of thto mortal world.
who le W ehi
How could her
But one day. ta turatag over the
“Chad, child. W graadfalber Ma- dies of the roomy old .garreC. Minay
Te Chang! Me ef Yacht llaee.
plo haew ewiyihlag.- naid the old
Oatarrh CannM too CwrM
ime acroaa a red cheat, damped
New York. ton. 1,-The Baaterm
lady, with a sodden auperaUtious wiai hraaa. aad faintly ofiottma of
expenses won t mount up so
Taebt club haa dbeUtod to reply to the tooad ta a book of jests of the sixth
over her toft ahoolder. as dried Uveader aad rone leeroa. She
largn if your meat bill beats
rontwy complied by Oleroclee:-LoaaoUfioatAok (tom the imperial Yacht
eoomed to ratle at the
our name and address at theelnh of Kiel, fizlag the date tor the
And 1 do beUeve hli gboet
top. Mttt is an expensive
, look hero!- cried abe
fotantotkmal racm at KM tor the
would haunt me If I didn't ghre good -My grv
hdfather*a beat auH laid
Item, to te sure, but Vre Veep
usual Kiel week, the last week la
heed to hla taat woide^ No. no; Gil­ np ta caamhor gum and tweet herbs!
U as small as possible consist­
June, that It oaaaot agree on that 4aU
bert Crofton ona imror be your hna- Why do you aoppoae that Orandmoihent with the Serving of choice
wader any oondlGoiia.
baad. mad yon assy ha wed 0ve 19 the ur Maple'haa kept lt?f
cuts of tender meats.
They have dtopatotaefi this aaswur ably, do more good aad make one toel Idea firm as last“I don't know. I'm *uro.“ said G|lto the German doh aad If thn lu^ee better thaa any other laxathrn.- Guar
Aad Mtany MaiOs cried hereetf ti beit. with a mtochievoua twiakto tn
M to enro bUkMwaeaa aad coasti- sleep that algbt
aratobehnM next year at aHa date
hto eyea “Perhaps for the yonafur
ta—ter. .. ^
wtb have to he Raed at toaat as laU

The “Maxwell”



m Walter M. Paige





johrson:s ire aroused




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Lumber Co.



three HOUSES FEU os

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Y<mr Dafly Livtag






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