The Evening Record, April 06, 1907

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The Evening Record, April 06, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


: r.-;:

teSiSfts^* $


Ifc taltaa ^arlL^ allar «ta tto


I ratuialii to toa ■iMiia Tha
1 tat tW aataaia «aa a
Mar « paatato ta ata an ta
bacaaaa »aatHg at bla taarb
rhta aaa gttaa Ua tm laattap
tor canal ata M to tto «


m %

His Nose On The Orindsloiie |
te«.m.h.wm.U.i.mdy life.ta.ghln.wMd.lte
littfr ^atewdifewn pea te fenawl 4te -Haxfeg.
tmk Bteit."ltemwfeM)y.|.eMmuai«x4m«odd
hM» tem. fu«Kl.t>oo far mi hMMteiuc -teak Mv
AMut. vhieh «ouU tevr bra.^ Mufert Md fete.
jMtence Or fefef i^tn.


0 ^

w$ •


Extension taWw





New ttvlea. «ew finkhet. We knve i«t
MRuktel one of tbe Ihiiut tot tto ct*.


tow. «ne. of dbito wto tnllW tknt to

h.%-e ever shown and wonid like your
opinion on them. Among them to Uve
the weU known VICTOR nUefKe Wbfe ■
that cmie. the hlling with It. nfatAble :
hM wme feature, that you wtU find on no n
othertable. Come in nod Into tlto tow. ^



a »«T «Md«* mt

Ytor citoit It tlwayd ta A'


I ba aitata IM apa

J. W- SLAtiR^S


M aad look U ta too Lord la prayor

hmmm IM> tritr mmI CHaiMaif
«fia m mrnmt «hm i« *• fHy
^ Mf «w»
Mm utm n
mn fimm mm* m «nl0k akl^
tat tf tatato tafki 1« OMam
ta ta tatar. tn«
M I •«!»* In IW «ta
Mutate !• ta hr v«0 VMM to«
ta ta M« fwtiwtly tM.
AfMn. tta»
May paopli who
matm mr to ctattaB nm «ki im
ta to uk« II m tator. Tm «mta Ita viU to** as onpartiiaUy
mm tan foiainr ii
ta ta m4 NortliiMt. 0mm #a4
Ha ah to MM will 4raw mam fat

Afior a low taaoikM vbtob foL
•wad. Mr Loabbaat a avtoar aa
aaaa aa a tatoiaa. to via aato
apaak oa bit call to tto mlalttry?
at bit rbiMikl. aMttloa oa
»i bit totbor pwMb to til
aad wbM. an M paara aid. ba
waa aabad to til bia latbar a aali^t

o u«k H to tto liord. aftarvard
anatf i«w to aitaaapi ib« vorl
tpuka Ilf bit trat aarttoii aad 1
oouM aoOatt ao tbougkt

Mita Mtoto. patoli wb«
ftat aaato to bto Itoa aaall]
tbaa told of bto eolla«a aduiwtiuci aad
bla awrV durlap tbat tlM aad »l

9ito aaaaaaikM viu ito at*
to aaothar ta tk
9» ta tto tta M tto lakai
ta af tto ItotMi aa4 III pain
wha mmrwtrn «mm
tab m tauac Trayataa OUy Nt
ta Iba aaatalato aa4 tha
fata af ta Mtataty May af iMa
«9U taii IlMir tn» lau yaar ao at

biM aaaiad on tha bay aaa ao« iIm
i||^ vUl ba cap M alMMiia to «»l


Tba aaaaal OMOtiaf at ito anuiti

ta^ all vbo bara aay lataai to It.
<l%aaaaaal tota will to glMata
Vbal baa toaa arnnapHtal la tbi>
ta ta abowa
t It to Bot to to daalaa tbai tho Mu
toaaa aocMy baa toaa aa wtUaat
fbiag for tto city aad tto Mm fact
Ibal ttom luu tooa aa Vtira mxHMy
br Uto blad baa aaiai at a aback ca
toaar, vbo
Vttorwlar vouM
/tatbttoaa If to« laioatkMUy rni.1
r\ Otoafa ball abouM to < rgoded to
\bapaeMy liouday ««vMHnf liU.i 4-%t>n
•to wbo llkya anlmaU or chUdrw*

A blur aa a br«al btaW.


^4 fib ai^


tor dr»l baln« that toa offartod
a to apolleaa nnd toai Ha could
mot bava parionuad Hit work wliboui
Pbyalral vliwr
IliHt... tpoto of
Cbitot’t htaltoft and bow tto> a . re
MM toa nara tct of t Idw woitia but
tbat ba Imptrt^to a portion iH bU own
fullntna to tba tuffarrrfe
-If Hr hud not l-H-ii t fountidu oi
Ufa. If Ha hml not btd
up i..
Him a ratanolr of baalth Ha ooal i
■va iMima tba qiaat bunlane aii<t
M obtainad HU praui tilumpU

eicllaa MOM Ito; uid W.T rl»
like two jdilart In tha tai
of truth and wa era tUa to tea tuMh
iruto ibuuph nalil
J)r. 8;rifeoii Ito
tcachtoic that we
enly klatdum
and of toe fact that
fe arrer
the liellef that we
alto chUdmo of a temporal kins
dam. hU taacblDM bein* to iru»‘ that
our dutiat never conBlct
Hit Great Patianet.
Ha than apoka of Cbrltfa k.n ai pa
Hence thtouRh ail thiujnt and tummliiK
up all tbe
Itaar aa
the prewt love be held la hit bewrt for
Ha tpoke of tba fart that

Bow JTre “
Vour Ulails?
Rscopsrina tbisSpritia?
If tliey do then come.tnd look over our new .lock
of wall paper. Weh.vejo.t receive.l our spring iloei
All the oewesi, brighlest pattern..

I love Wat ttot of the i

Ihruitfb love bnmiaittai. put mens
minda at «i*e.
• What la to atke«l -What
is the kive of JeMit iWrtai? li t this:
It It Chritt pout ins out Ala whole Ufe
n.y benefit without thoiuiht oon
twrnlns aay retiim for hlmanir.**
apoka of ChrUt’a fullneas of
le made by takins the trtalt of
utheia into hit own heart and fnmi
the qtialilK-a of Cbrlat. hr draw
bla iH.wer lo save. tityiiiR: “Now.
SiowiiiR out of all these it another
uia pow. r ami that It Cbrtti'k.
r to Haye. Aa the auii In itt mid
day Elory. outthlnes the |»ak« evenlns
star, so the power <4 Jeau* Cbrlat tut
patiiea all hU other eieellenclet" ‘
In concluakm he mtmme.] up two
fuel*, one that ^ChriM cannot be
d with mpn and the other how
sreal atiil la-rf.-ct a savioi we have
CandidaU Charged.
The charsins of the candidate waa
then imrformad by toe Rev. J. I.
Ik-rry of Charlevoix, the charse of Ihr
church by the Key. J. E. Hiatt r4
Khisalay followed ami after the ortll
atlo.i prayer by the Her 41 V. <loul(i
»»f E:sKtport.> tlw Rev Frank Blair ol
Ik.yne City eateuded the hand of fel
lowahip und the Hev. <3. E. Lockhart
jiroMounced the beuediclkio.

la a faa lalautoa wMb

alon la #fairh they oiarM
aalva* hlfkly piaaaad wltli Mr. Uiak
bart s aMmlaailoa aad baarllly i
ad tlua toa work of ordlaati

• rliiirch wan well flilad at iho
otoalaa aanrlea at wbtob Or. btotaow
•pobo. Uhiaf at bU tomt tba

I vMta of tot flrmi cbaptar *4
Paul a apttlla to lha OokMlaat; * l\ir
plaaoad toa Father that la Htta
Mid aU full&Mui twan.-*
Afior raddlbc tto latt Dr.
•Tht pracadlhf verta tallt at thit
Cbrltl bfdd pra^mlnaoct
tbat br II In oil tklugt vert rraa id.
I tbU Muna wav wa leoro thf
dnct wtra craotad for Him.
Ito aaato aourra wa Itam that
tt prtfmlntaca in the work qf
IktUtn; funhtr we trv told that
nil Ihtoit connlnt In Him
‘ YtMi te<-. tkarefotw. It would to
rw»y fur ih** Word to tat forth tha
Iblaat Cbrlat bto praaaitoaaro to but
thara are olhar tbUift tat out by tbe
ta»t. I\ir It plaatad tha Ptihar that
to Ilia thould all fuUnatA dwall
In taktna up iba dtffarani pun. of
Chrltft fullnaat ha utld:
• Pliwt Of all It tba fullnatt of
pkyttoal vitnr.
«nr Our l.ord hat
I In an aad lliaratura at n
lha aruva laody to tuttar Into U tba
MMmt'ux Hr It (Ivan a uarUiut blow.
Tbit It dtia to a Mraaca nltrooraptkm
Micb amaa aoBoaratog atoaad ptoty
to tha mlddto asat. Ii wat, tbaa
Ibouaht that tba body wat ito a«at of
ula aad ttn wat only rurod at tha
bod) wmt pualtbad; but wa btva

Graai Intallactual Rowur.
Tumln* ataln to ibe permmtllty of
noctloo batwaan tha |itlku of the fane
aler. bf tald -Tbere alMi In
and tba plaiy »if tba baan. Ona mutt
M’a fulinttot a creat laiellectiial
not porlfy ttotr atof by ntarrtot tto
TV oflce of tto human Intelbody, but by tainc tto aouP aad to lact H tno fold Tto I

Any young nun with a growing better reec
mneodatioo. If yon can maMge
yonr own .Bair. «K«..fuily. you '
are in line to run tte of
otWnw^ Men witb money .«
hioking for .uccemfnl mamgcn.
We Invite your Mviog* aco9unt.



Voo.>lt.n Stm

Grand Rapids Fnmitiire Co.
m S. South Uttloo Stmt


for Vou.

As wc expect to move soon, we will
hang all electnc. gas or combmattoa
fixtures, ordered before May 15th.



J. B. Paige Electric Co.

Hi* ib.‘n eav.- feomi- exaiuplaa of
rhiiMV uiaanlfbM-ui miud and 11:7
I-»w.r t» sraap ttiuafbaiw in au in
wtaiit. framlnK a read* anhwer lo al
uuettiutui put lu him by bit amunlr*.
-Tha olbeV funoHuu of Um- mind,
be went on. “It to make kuuun what
w«- know, to that the whole world may
hHVe the benefit uf our koowlcdga”
find be HKike of iu»* I hit funciioo of
the mind was the uar ikins tbat bndia
down the power of aupemtUUm and
aproad toe trua cotpal of Obrtai.
Old Miaconcaptiona.
He then took up over emphatU of
ubai we tolieke and tbowtnl what a
Kreat mitiake It was by the diatortud
Idea of our fort fuihera bad of Ood’t
aoraralKntv and bow they prearbad
on nutblnic else. -Soma aald man had
■omethlnK to do with determlntni hlh
Character and destiny and there came
a spill In ralltlon by tbe over^mpha
•la of the doctrine at God." Cootinu
ins. be said; in tbe leacMns> of
laaua Christ we find two snwi doc
irinaa. the tover« isniy of 0«m1 and the
freedrun of nutn They are ko pre
M-nied that we never find a ct

. - N.-T«r-UnUrtteo now. Tb« ouloabted



- ■ rari-'s-fessts
or oO) up




Phone 608-2

Firat-elsM Bsteaera. Padicrs am SaaMfC lUkcra




Don't want the bother moving them.

Oantl. Dssr Tap..
A .tory of astraordlnnrjr deafncM
WM onroldad at . mwnt mcotins uf a
niMllcal noriety In PhlhuMpbU. An
•^y woman, sxrwedlncty bard of
btans. lhad umr tbe rtrer. Ooa nft.
•moon « wanhld firad a aalote^of tan
Oman, aloae is bar UtU> tooto. <ra lied uutU tha booab^
Than Hbc amooibcd toVdita
A brr
rand n
irpeVa Wee

Tnv A'a.cono

want ao.



J. W. Jtoktan A. W. .fUuam
B.A.M0MW BmeAMoniM
P.Mmtgri .A.OomiU.
J. H. Ummb

dont set Hrad ofit aa you do-of many
other maata. But— tbera'a ataak amt
stmk. Tbe thick cut*. Juicy, cwaily
broiled—toa -fit-toaar kind—aren't
flicked up a^erywhere. To be bad
refulitr at tader *. And Ibera'a tlia
akin in catnac and trimmlns! And
toe attention! All nt gledar a.

Market No. 1. 8th and Franklin.
Market No. 2, 707 Randolcih 8l

Ourboigte-proof mult, with ife mmuT.
doom, ffe'bmvy wUfeot .tMl, putoeted
with Bodm look., bring lomfed b oar

6>» proof fariUto. m«te tk. gmrimt


. tiOdtan

p.vtbui Willi
tiuiht ••

Special Bargain* »n all
. Vtar’. Sleek.

JosopKi 9lta«r Jk 9on


He tptsks'Aif t'lirtHl M fiillii. h*. ah «iv
a oturepHaii of lelipbui, nay
lOK ii> pan
Rellsitui U nut an afTtu
th. isarbir «r the chun h bupM- l.ul
U iMimerfnl and vIeoruuK. R* lU;bi.i
not wewknaat but afrwkKto: luu
ilelmwa bat assnaaiveneaa. the p.u

A ciw6"“>ECbAMtlirto


racy dua to mUultot Made b> tba
makart of tba lawt aMl bow toa
iraaur pun of a arlaniltt't time wat
tokra up in corntcUn* thawt Uwt
Tnklac up toa oibar. toa tMbar prw
town, ba taid; “Ik'baa noMa nundn
«Mi>a Cam. ii> faca wUh trutbt tbay taa
tba varr bwtrt of ibam at once aad
know tbalr attancet jtod paoparty. ThU
way of let rains toa truth U ran- a
fatr of tha wortd't fTtoil mao hav.«
mlndt that anabta ibam to net at oooa
turftea. Id thU U the

h tbr couaet Ian tto i

•“» Mra TWfttor^.^

la ao I


thf <*brUt at cluthad In
by a ton, Inrltlbla vail and
at tba toaa that phyidral par-

r. L. Shafer

ewiara mmO fW.
Oarmfedeporitbou.nmin tfafemait
mid mOo tte mori menm ]gri» lor
doed»nwrtgmm. iuumase palfeimor





kto cafe kk MfeSidd to teto piwfe
to toed, tkp mSarfal teami
few M teto MDktow aiw kard to «a.
tekto. tfalltesttodtoteki torttto

OUfHMO THI month.

t li PmW’
KMf iMf ^

for • ikm

««Mta «r i»» mmg wu^m tto

ter tea osua tepo-yafer soowoteo

larawtAdB to to proteto
tenaa «f Tuktolsa aad I
teU etoaa to vktok a fi
■kv to anfefegfedfte eoMte s par
ypB— Is adraaea of a pMtd 4tok
iKitor >«tear astefeto ^ tee


^■oai ter tea parwaal «ouU aotjl

of »iMio wmU 004 oiwpiloO %r ite
f^gtooot, Mr CoMvolL *ov» m fol- pay Ute aOMNStIm:
gaotei^ W tko

.. ...


and la^ dirty aad cab be oaore oaally
eororlas gaaimMar to data froai
lata oftka euaiptockia aad arcepi
aaec of tea aork much a bead 1 aai
•ad tka Barber Aopbalt Parlog
coaapaay are ready lo «Ua lor ter
aatra roal of tea rente per afoarr
yard Tkr malui'auuKa bond akoalil

-li ;

dha baat totetol A pstfect lawn canfete to asada uifefe all kinds a( ground,
kto ana ferny latfeid in making a aattotoctoip lawa aad kteptos It to poesl



okaktea la a koute aad uka a iaa>
altar «aala aad at kad-

IkraaroitaM. or tf foar kaok ackr i
or KM foal tkat tee Kldaayo arr
•ot aotkMI rigkt Aoyoao coa

finiii .............. . s.iti»


--- SSdluwmomiL Itopw^waa^l^
ton kkfeto kp Twlaatoma teas kfed km
toaa to tea WM ton^ atom tea tow
Bmdmwa man akav^ ton alto kp

the iareator to <
Tba principle U ao cxtraioely iia»teaaatttotoate. Tto>alty tod kaaa
pie tkat it aeena beyond bto|rf that
great iavealoni who hare applied
I srort of awwfdM the MteemVto
ttog away tto <Bn wuot atong Btw
teelr atede itvwa aad mUltooa of
tf. Betetw aooa It wqa citar teat tto
money to tee aolTlss of tkto proktom
«Maa cfetod feot katv paru wtte tto
rtmwld bare keen kalScd ter kwadred.
tf aoy ttahAtity eoald ka caforoad
of yesra. Bat like all oteer giafet diw
nf dfet
eorertoa fawd all lareotiowa are prac
Cator feliadwass.
yard and with utber atroau added al Ucally dteeorerteal alarpMcity of coo rChkir Idindneaa. or the inabiUty
Tto attewt In front of poMca haad12 r:. It mutmm to a»r tkU 1* battel
dUrtogwIak eertalu eelors, U by no uarim waa clcaaed expadHtomly ky

1^ lofHr AomMU Po«iiiio»
mifg^ m <4 T«MoO loo# m


- C«6 of THE UWM; 1

ctoy tolgkt a«kr a ptwtotofe to utei
to. Akowt sxoo Mfe and a

tku atnJh aad toaroa 1
keda aad k* avaltokto a
la tacd. to fwwparty to


CLEtimw THt
■Mmm a Wb rwlMi M «ln

i kaow of Tkr ciaaaUarsa pad quiet
acaa of aa aapkalt atrret property
oaiwd for U coaewded by all to be m
periof to aay atreet koowa
M W l^nderwuod

tio OMiU^ SUollUte IMrtoi cooi^
Voor'o M
o. I oMl^looO M
Strife m Uo iMte <S o avr>«or soof
fefelw tafe4 004 Uio OMOO It iroo 4
advanced stage of disease.
tife aoraor fUvtoM For^ps oonpoorV
Itr. Wamrra White WImi cd Tai
M Wo tero feot iM^tao feoofmo»
tel'Uo CSofelml WMMfWIo foriM rd aad 1 am lBfr>mr4 tkal tba CcatrmI cwTtd yna wbro I waa tbougkt lo be li
>Ugea. of rouauniplloa. Mrr
feowpoar oil! to uj orw4 stro • «ob
a BurgM. Byars. 111. >
yoor tafed or gitm m tiofed Out I
. tela pedBt TbU bftlcte prr.
oor losoi Howinr‘«d «feo tlioi «.o br
Itt aubatabce tkat akrorrar tkr
aarfbca baoomra oorraa. koldlOR
r More thuu oor-kalf lack la
dipth. or when the paronioat akovi s
sl»o oo oiut •?• yoor So»»»
ot Uio Ofei of
tvi^yoor |
from tee liar of a fouMoot atnlglH
ywipwil M USM bfr tW
then aball Ikr auitaro b» takao
up aad K'lald at profier rroab aad
Tte» luaterteJ uur.i and tkr
■MklOt IS Hmmim |wr »o«Of« yard
Oinknuuiablp ampbry«d la »U ma
itio oSSHiofeil Sro^oor porkid vfe
oo 4So OllM iMfed Uoi ■orWr A^pbiUi ktturlloji khall If aurh a^ will pfoIty tho hkl of our ipecial
pi^venaut that duilag Iho
f^rtife ofoofeooy «IH giro • Mnilokt
grmiml Jcniiw. No tmaikfel i*t
lofe'foor kofed •! iko oo»4 oMro .
icrcd iwrniy par coal la Iklck
ooooro oord Aoy bood lood
gargictSl IrHaUni iit ukoil.
o ported of Sr. yeor* Uy olihor
pooy vUii tJkm pnooteo to giro «
of Trnvt-nioCitjr peoplo w hoa©
kood ot Ite f«d <4 llio fro yo4^ poikKl
ejM we Imvi* nlraighU ecvl.
ood oUkooi ooy oMofteoeo ky tkr
niy mi tko ^ lk» ooOti«r< U I
airr white oa the ot
1« OU iodSteool • vriy uooIm
i/f I mOtJuAv or ojro kIu-i
tly kiMur (d arph«
_r«OfOOirot for or ko«r lu* o*«urftncr
frame k'ii tratilMsI lo aiar 20
tkal oorh a kond oil] rirrr kr «h«»« a< ihai bar dime ibU %ny thing mM oaly
lor tea.year* bul fur a iM-rbal <d SI
aU mud If itrra ttodrr our dual
turn yaara aad If wc ran gel Waabof l«yte| for paron^t, %1»: Ikr
Examlwitloii f ree

pavearty oaorta payini lor ikolr actual
with a lea yeais gmuautee for
fiooteta i;ad Ikr city p^lag lor tkr
WOhabs UUmk
Trsrsrw Uty
11174 per aquarw yard and win
vooM ka oo full of faoooalsiaMtea aad other atrana added for fX 124. ^
Itkic pareoiMit arltk guan
toofe kodao
It would ba oeal io Im
la yaara will c<«t ItJS pur auuare

To lUual
Ike principle of tkr
propeller n
aar> to take an ordinary aUod ravel
ope. place on edge, allowing. It to lean
a trlSe away Irotu you. mgatuat. an iak
siaiMl. paper weight or anything else
convotttont. Thun take anoteer rnveloiw and bruak la front of li and It
will drop toward you ^Paaa It quickly
la float auU U a 111 Jump toward you.
The envekHw ytw paaa lu fraot
bruakea tee air from la front of the
upilgbt eavtdupe. creating a partial
vacuum aad tk«- pnwaure ou ttw back
of tee envehHH' diive* It lot ward.
The appllcaU.m .d thU pilncUde la
mon eaiUly made by making ao ordi­
nary fclxtu! taobUded fau with blades
at alturwi a square angle aud piuji-cth)g in fniut or a solid disk which
hrUMluw the air from in fnmt of the
disk. cteaUn* a partial vacuum and
otllizlng the prmHurv on thfi luok of

STRAIGHTENED rWc Offer References'

(mg oc'*>*y»»c'J'J»pir

Dr. Wolfe's Branch Office
Dr. 1.1 PAULSON.

to make an (ximiMCi aud iMtserful aa
p,i*a.|ble It is ai*plo-d III the foiin of

raslnr. rlu»aHl at oue eu.l. with two
rylluders coptainlBg eahouat pro­
peller. which draw the all from the
ocuter caaluj; or cynnitor. rreatiug a
partial vacdum. practically making a
pueumatie tuU< of the center ca/.iug
The luve
apiuwts U. In' light, that he can «mhinii I a iiiaclumi of this tuittem that
ran Ih« eaiiWsl lu un ordinary hand
giip shlrh luoptily placed ou the
fl«K»r i4 a buggy. Oti the d«c‘k of a Uiat
oi an ordtnan sb-igh wlirpnipt-1 it at

ted. ffteaa and riotet.

tkaa If the aotl ware krary and molat.
teMdhaitoftoBlSto.daek.maakey plant.
atc^a aamw^ to got iM M by

aklatoad a atroiif faatkoM it wlU ba
cktotor to tto aad to poU teem out
gS ttofe, pat aa tea saiaa aaed and
Tto baat lawm drsatoat Is Sns ma-


be will. If ted Wind, usually i
bluaa as wall as Ttoteto. If ka la i
Mind, ha srtll astect gim or gmy.
with poaslhly aome bloea and Tlototo
of the l^rtgbtast skadaa Vlotet Mind
waaa to rate. To a tad kitod pam
the American Sag appaara to h
grsen aad white strtpea. white the
while stars appmr on a vteiet Seld.
To a gtecn blind perwon the atrtpea
have the pn.i»er colors, but the Sel
the sum U ted vlotet To a
blind person the strtpe. are no
blit teeatsni aprewr t<> te set In a
br.»wni*h gray held. T.* a penuin who
U totslly color blind the blue o
nag upiiears a light yelk.wUh bn»w*u

aa? a^^kad tto
WMI cteanad.
Thirty catlai alattow
Itotod to Tmrtooa paita of tto bomad
dtotttot. aad tbaae wwiw atteatod by
profettoent woM^bo bat i
•d to look sibr teaiiiiE tea
KTon cigato warn kaatod om to all
wboworkud. Vkto to all to all N waa
a imtqiM otoattofeca to town cteaatog.
ami Ita democracf racalted tea daya of
tba gteat catomlty.

Am airy ybung doctot aeftlad
Tiltoga where an old pbydlctaa bad
loag prartlced. One day tto two wera
brvMigbt logeibar at a consultation
on Ibis orcasinn the young M U. eaIt U .lllh. uli
at, Amerirsn. used aayad to aattogutoh the'pld man
kto prrpoodaroalty of knowledge.
tu the feverish atm««phete of \*o
ranquiigus. to the jangle of |hiI. ami
kettlel cslilng e*cb other biaek. to phranea and Ptench Idioms to-^ man­
ner thst.surtled tbe old genttoaaa.
ieaii»*‘ the deep pesiv that brxx.di
-Ye..” mused tbe old man medl
little r.iiemseT and her si%t«*r Ul
tlvely as be rubbed bU chin. 'Tkat'a
turn Anna Met'lure bholl In tbe Travel ao. test a ao. But wtot da you teink
Mugsaiue. Tbe l.lbersi psrIUuiciit or of a esUpiaam for tela oaaar
»A-a whatr ejacnlated Ito
tbe t’onservaiire may be dUistlng
doctor, coropleiely dumfounded.
tlie nstlmi under
mine tecs I “A i-slnplaaas.** wan tee reply.
I in which •^>11. J am not familiar with that
strife over a saie
a ff<vd citiren wan < bfwted. About all mods of treatmeot. though I>e neen It
adterttoed. U’a nomelblng new. Isn't
their legal ami govern
man ha. a grievance and ran get u»
fvvli'e... be can a. a last resort kneel
duwu in a publii- highway aud to the
Kn iirU. -To my nkl. my prliu'cr
rave is then taken up In court, and bis
•nemy nr offender to numaooed. ond
Justice to doite.



or^a^Btrta^ m^ta^ of ^poUsk
alowly and la of a poor color-llghi
tnaa-fe BtUa alErato of aoda. Uio to
•00 pavada ta an am.fwiU gtvw the
plants a batter color and a rapid start. '
Tbam totefe» pat on ..
early da poaolkis and tomkad a littte





that the graaa may become waU roqied,
Tbe lawn mower Is generally mock
abused by tboaa who uae It. Wtem
nicety adJatoad aad to food working
order It may be kept so by a bslrbmadth’s turn of tto adjusting nctews
aad bolts, and ou one shonhl be al
lowed to maddte with ttewe parts uu
Iwa to fully undaraunds tbeq».
Alwaya apfdy enough water to soak
deeply Into the soil. A light wslcrlng
of tbe nurfaca only Iwkea tbe aoll w>
tkat tto motstars aacaiwn tba mom
rapidly aad la tee csol dmwmora barm
than good. Upon thin aoll gras. nh.mld
ba oltppad fraqueatly aad altewod to
ramaia upou tka town to serve as a

b of teone women ou tbe grvmnd
r of teat aparttneot bonseY ttec
I Beggar-Itead easy. 1 ring bvUi
la at tba same Dma. Bote women
M ta tto doom at tbe same tlma
I oacb ooa wants to outdo tbo oteer.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantfle Company
Greatest Line of Wash Goods

Great tables piled with the greatest stock that is shown anywhere. The patterns are so varied that you will
have to see for yourself. Each table has a kiud by itself, something that will appeal to every lady
in the city. Every season the demand is greater and this year we have anticipated
the rush and are now prepared for any call that is made upoh us.


Carnival Lawn

Antrim Lawn

Another line that wc arc especially proud of and you will
like it av well as wc when you sec it. These patlcrni arc
floral, broad and narrow stripes, solid colon. Make
the prettiest shirt waists or full suits. Sell at •

Aa pretty a lot of patirrna aa you can iiiid, aiul you caii^hcc
big and little polka doia. airipra.' iloral dciigna. dark patterna
and Tiglit ones, broad atri|>c« and narrow ones.
All of these will be sold at the wonderful price of........... ^ ^ V

Holly Batiste

ThU uUc i.
hi«h «i.h jhr hand^mca good. ,hai W^ve
evcrcrried. 1 he Kre.tcV line turely that i. .how.. The


EuiL*mXbTa.°y *ta'.ory!l[ndthe


'I'he strongest line we show and the patterns are so dainty.
It is hard to folly describe them all. Like the other lines
4herc are Horals. broad and harrow stripes, all light patterns
that are sure to please the most exacting. You will wish
that summer was right hOrc to
wear some of these at once, they sell at................ ...................




Ws MU My truthfully th«t lhi« is ths UrpMt ling that Is ulwwn and a« varied arU the itttema teat you will tote to mm thorn for yourooU.
prtceo art at Sc. 6c. Sc. 10c. up to $1.26 a yard. ThcM aro In all widths and wo havs tho Jnaartiona to match In ovoiy caao. and thoa# art In all w
and prlcod from 4« to teu Ono of our otrongoot lints aro tee CorMt Cover EmbrMdorloo that art oolling from tto U flAS. Thooo ore perfect

Nt^Ftecy mUknrn
We make a teMtoHy of ordortnf Boarovod Cordo oad oay ktod of tngMve
d SUtoiwry. We fuoranioe our work os poHocUy oouofoctorv aod pm hign
oot of prtnttog wi. All ordsm am SUod promgUy. One huodrsd oards artd
Hrlpt lor
ymir Aonw ongrmrto In handgoms ecript
for It
HAO; after that the hundred
yto to 000 I
H ym would Bto to gay a lime mere. »f you have your plate
teal away for yes. OaitofN no ot ony time Otongs thooo tinea.
flailr ^t^toTtoeiLWootE-ilnactl____________________

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------


We or. elmwing tee grooteot dfeptoy of now rikkono thot you will flqd.
fancy, ptotds and lloworod dealgna for the belt end teo nook. Now lino af
TofTeta Blkkena In alt olaoa aito wldtha and In teroa dilforont fradoa. XhoM
am uMd for tee ton. tee neck and tee hair. A apoclally large Une of doybio
foood MUn rlkbom for fancy uimth and for kolto. Wo have teem in all ootorm.

(Dry Qoods Oiviolon. Main ^ranco.^

mr Arthur rStringer..............................................

-Fridv t»*a 11th,- THomqa W. Lowoon
(Book iM Itott






‘M;: y-m


la^ wMbote n ward, and pao






^ou can inalw,tietter food with


OUVE 00.

•I m Up ia (be Air Abovt Mary.’
sang lbs gramapboM In H B. Turn
bull a grocery store, comer hUids mmA


sm .I jmr
Bn—U. »e .M» hmm «M «tM

aad bad
glad at that
ter emU blBL ate^wll baoo aR>
•t the ntodoo. nod ovwhaaih lb


yxo boom not laoaa
atatar so rciBlanUy:-Mbx.- hha ated.
a. be cawr la tee mow. -|i doaa no

M Boa tiCB

w. A, BoyUtgioa.


\ Lighter/sweeter, more palfitiible
and wholesome.
^v.. '


Th» H« forall m.n-

Gwaa the »i
w" Much M the y«u« man.
8tliaC«a Sc cxpwWnct uf the man in hia prime.
Matchaa the dtfnity of maturity.
Whciwer the man, whatever hia age, the Stttaon
filk the bill. That ia our experience.
C*«r *MMa Baam *a^ (tM Nm.

OHo«s*. from

Warn-uu. lia toXH

E. Wilhelm, Front Street

Use Record Want Ads


or ivlos I
lA’bao AMBbar
I'uraboU toM her tbM tear bad a nsnr
bs graapiMoa (bat abe
I n good on# and bagaa
t. Har aoarcb was fuUle.
> record » ns gone,
nnocber ‘ atrea* s
gmauplrand waa ^dlng out tee
aong. Ia that bouse'llvcs a |M
friend vt BUaarb and the record
sUt frooi him. It la said.
Mr. TumboU bad anapickaui where
MR ibiag bad gooe and tee fact that
bad baaa stokm ao rouaed bia ire
teat CbMd of FoRea Aabtoa waa
aad tea moat diqr ba IcBoted tea rt>c
Old. The atalter raatad ter o tlshc bui
last night tea teres, atniar. Mr. Ate
too aad Mr. Turnbull had a quiat mile
talk la the store after which. It Is al
ed. the Irsl Bcntloned oaalessis]
having taken the record. Wbaa
ibe others Insisted test ha go aad gtH
Blmar buebed. He uffeied to get
w one: to pay three or four Umes
lU value, but aU to no avail. Mr Atepnnicater record
EUacr bad to get It.
Now n-bno the customets go lulu
a store and want to bear
popuUr songs Mr TurabuU
s sstisfiod Banner aad opens tec llttlo
c> tioder of pnsteloiud teal
piece of wax tent caused all tee
sud tew singer poor* out bis troubles

necaasaiT ISS teat Judge Umlor In
puMRd on him as a ina ycatardny aad
spent the night An JaU. Today. bow<
ever, bw abomxd ap wttb a wad and
paid the court.
A UU of ewupMAat has bewn tloiA by
Max^r Broa. coBtpany. aa ObAo 1
irai. agaAaat l^baries F. Tuaaell

•one that day becauic bis m
rotsIX fmbade It.
Mra Chrtar feU very sorry
rr mile daughter afraid df (tee dark
because she bnew It w<
tealai •vary tfay. Tba teaal martrai
Bhe <fld not see any way to help It. prioM ara auppliad by laoal Btalate.
and hoped la1 ttmp Jnnale wonid opt- TM aatalba qimtaiiafia by wira. .mi
fell quite sure the boyw
could do ao good with tboir teasing,
and pat a slup to It wbunerrr abe
card teem.
One day tee cblldrea wcie aU Ao
lied, wllb tbelr mother aud lather
to Uke tea with their grandmother.
Of course they were In a great *bur Vrum l-hursduy s lUvoi d
ry to set off. and tbelr mother allow <h)
them to go some time before she did: aearback pork, per bbl..
bad charge of Gcorgle. aud her
gave her many cbaigvs

wblob the tna bad a claim.
Dr. Bdwanl A Inca of Ihoad City.
MJcb.. will praacb iomorraw, momlag
oeniag. at tea Flr« rrosbyteiisa
t Wilt »• Oivfn St Clks Clh»k.
I Aprti t fsr Mrs. F. PmsNI.
The steamer MMaonri will U- here
kx ihs UdOSa
either Sunday algbt or Mond-y i
lag. opening tee season for Tin
lb«* Udlf* Vi tee Tsicr Fl»c ciob
Miw Hoary BurWbead of 3u5 Wost
If srisostaif lor s rechro iisrty to
hTfiaeatb stivct. fell yc>atcrdsy s
u wo afraid domi-tblng wU
9 SI tef au hsTi AprU » foi te«
sasulned a fimclure of Uic scapula
pea to him 1 'think be bad better Oorm saal. per IK Iba..........
MM«t i.f Mrs. r PrsshU T '
The M B. M club held ibeir brst wgU and go with me," she wald noor.H,U4C«k-aBKLbhl.
IX pilzfn sill bf sssrded ss fo
party siaec Lent An Horst’s aca
H«.h of cmady. bsai. loi of cJ»srs.
sdsy night. About sixty couples
But al this Master Gcotgk's Up be
lislr blush, pslr of slipper, bo*
ware In atteadance aad the music was fan to pout, and there was sign* id
l«sr>. pair of Piymooih Itech
of such high quality teal the eaooies
evimt always avert
IS. hmud bag. cigar isr.
ed. If possible. In the Carter lamlly.
hnile looisioui. palm, collar I
The Tbewtorum has added a large
•crying tis* srere apt
i soilb of dry ckaniag. box of
sud very powerful pbonogiapb to teeir to-be stubborn things.
cigars, box of cigars. plaoU bool
meat. The pbuu^rapb is
TX«l worn, mother deal.- 1 will
ur. coffse. %asc. teoh. band
dear and dlatlact and caa be heard a
ke good care of him. * said Jennie.
d rtiiUb diab. baud paloTed
And when she made m promise, hei
plaio and a mysiortous prfic.
knew It would be kept, snd U i
The folloaiag ar« the conuDlttcea
Prcsbyterlsa church will bold Its reg- thorn go.
H« cpllo«-Mfsdames J. l>. Munson
ulak mecUlOnrrtee home of Mrs. Oule.
They walked along the street veiy
W K. Wllliaois. A. B Cuob. W. K
the two boys In from, and
^rlto. il. B. Ricbiy. C
I'supl. A
day evening.
Jennie a few steps behind, with (teor
«. ttosripy. W. M Kollcy. M B. &m
BpecJai commuulcailou Ttmveiwc e.
dcra. J T. iUnnab. V. H. I\>alcr. 1
I'liy lodge. .\a 222. F. aud A. M. held
Huddenly they hcaid a gr«at nolw.
B IHibert. R. J. Mrrccr. N B Degan
Monday evening for work. By order and iieople calling
lawklng back.
Messna (’baric;. W. Bausl. A U Joyw.
of W. M.
hoTM*. with a wagon^
Joseph If McGotich. John (J Klisub.
n>cs Marnil of blon Arbor Passed
Mt>. W i;. lai*i»-n( r has reroverecT Uebed to him, coming furiously! to ‘“".-1':............ ■•■I
Juo. R Sanui. l is« y IJllHs. ( barb s
Aw«) Yestarday—Two Funerals
Hiirncieuny tn ir>turti fioiu the ho.^ ward them on the sldewsU.
Fmrbazks. )r. W \V Buiilh. B.
and Is at bw h<Mr«llng place. I3€
Ruu. run: - shouUxl Rob, as hr auJ
Bums. B. (iarUtid
Her street.
Max sUrted for Ibe steps of a
Jauios MciTlU. of (lieu A.iboi dbd
A. Ward of (Iraud Ksplds pasaf-d near by
yaaterdar afternoon al the
of hi.
B'. l>.
Ornaatee. W. O. Holden.
could not run with her Utile
^s dis4'«se being the twuso. Il<
Music-Mrs 8 Usi Und
Rolrosbiucnu-Mesdnmes Cbarlea leaves a aife aud one sou liUug al NorfbiKirt l\»lnl. to prepare Cedar brother, mud s1k» never thought of
Lodge lor (be hummer season. The eaving him. la fact.* she iirvei
^tetBaiks. Jr.. W. H |^u.(cr. J. T Avme.
lUr.' talod..
bought of heraclf at all.* She had
Merrill was a piouiH-i
Ibis hotel will ba.opeaod Juno ItKb.
l>r. J. W. pkunu ti has moved his promised to lake care of little (kvrgl.,
ad fonuerjy cosiducUd a lurt.l
I'rtMts-Mcsuanu s y iiailc- ritH'haz
at (Irawu. bat lug Hh od al Gk u Arbor officer from the Mlllikeo bKirk to the and rho would do hr, u
ka. J. . C M. Hevis
Stepping quickly tH-blnd him. so
only about a ,year lie was a pronil second flvH»r of the new Bartak block.
Miss JuHb. Kelley. Jessie ('ali
lal ter teould put iM i^elf l»efw(en
Odd Kelk.w. bcluugiig to lb**
IXwoih) IfanneuMbuiltU sud
him and (he tlaugrr. she threw her
je -Crour lodgr. aud also a
C'nrier sill have ebarge of tee punch
ann.'i closely about him: as If. ihroi
wciuUr »»r 'NcKb«’rsou ^t lUlpb
Mr;,. Ruth Bouuott rriuimd to bor rhlld! her mile fiwll body «xiuld sva*- Bbi''lnh’tooi«......
sdeteoa n^l bring the body b* rf to
ooe In Michigan Ol^y ttKlay .
bim fn*m the fate (hat was euuiiug
arrow. The funeral will be held at
Mrl. J. L Brink went to tirand lUp
8hh shut her eyes There was a
e Audcison chapel Monday after Itib this monilog (or a visit.
rattling era.'^h Sh^- was couwtous cjf
siu at Z.3U under Ibe auhpkvs of ibe
The Mlb-M,. Maigatet Ryan and a sharp pain sumewbrre about her.
^ " i____
and then knew an more
t.iH-n visiting Mla« Floieni^ Karl, reWhen she came to berself she was
1 be funeral servliw td Mrs. Kli f*ur tuiuod to their homob tets aBeruouu.
s a ill U- held from the bouso on Tlio ladlo.s would have left the lying in bed. with her bead bandaged
(Jardeld avenue at 2 <i’cl»K k lomorrow, city ihlb morning but Miss Ryan had and a queer, stiff fcellug iu one arm
Just tbeii her mother came lo the By Wire t» Ifac Bvcnlng RrcbrH
tee Ri v. J. A. t’anl.y tdlblatlug aud the nilbfortmio lo mlwlay her purse
t’hicago. AiMlI r. - Wbosi. 7.,t4v-.
rnderUker ('arler In charge
whi(h routatueU the Uckets and a sum
• M>' dear, biavc lit
of money.
said, as tee klssro her
• Was r.rt.rgle builT- Jeh,uIc ..skitl,
Was Bbe a Coward.
Tol.,10. <>. Apr.. t -WhfP.. I,c.
.leunie (’arter was a very bright,
’ No. my darling You hare saved
(iVc; «U, 4iW<-.
gvaal humored llttlo glrk about twelve
The funeial service of mTm. Home years old Being the eoly girl la the bis life by your courage aud pn*sencr
llt.xsie will be hold from the bouse at fatally, tee was nslurally a great pot., of mind.’'
Jennie smlkwl. aud there being no
Acuu tomorrow at 2 o'clock.'
Indeed, her btothcra had but oae thing belter to do. fell asleep
fault to find with her: but they man
Joanie was a long lime recovering
aged to give bor a' great many ua- from tec Injuries she hsd received.
comlortable moments on account of The hoiso hsd. Just as be raacbed te«
> «jy. That H«r
W«> teal one fault. The fact was. she was
children, suddobly lab.
afraid of tec dark, and this her two la tumlng, tee wiigon
elder brothers could not undersUnd. violently against a tree and been
Utile GeurgR, never bad anything broken. Some portion of U bad
A. r. Stevens, mother of J
te say on tee subX’ct. but. as be was struck Jennie. bruUlng
Blevcus. mcatloaed in tea Record
only two years old. be could hardly j
April 1. tabes exceptkm to the story.
be expected to have ao opinion about
Ulllo Oeorgle w*s unharmed,
Slating that the boy Is nearer U years
the msUtr. Rob. and Max. however, courage of bis llUla sister bad saved
old than 14 aad teal be has always
the oblor boys. scAdom lost an oppo bum Rob and Max were very kind
> 407 W. Tenth I
well treated at home, given all
lunhy of teasing Jennie about being
and attedtive to her duriaR bor III
be wanted to cal and encouraged to go
cowrard. jaad of submitting her to very nesa. They never called her a coward
. 21. or eouniy Jail, apr d-2f
school, loam .mmetelag aad i
after teal. Tbelr father bad a
her aot to be arrnJd. As. lor Instance, aeiioos talk with them the day Jennie WANTED—Young lady
abe aatf Bob were in a
• with experience p
waa hurt. In which be whowed
. whoa be suddenly ran out. bold- bow truly brave tbelr slater was.
ss. giving full taf
lag tee door abut on tbc outside, so
They bad notelng to say. for from
that abe could not follow; and an the danger abe bad faced r*o bravely
time be and Max coaxed
FOUND-Pioce of
they bad ran away.—Golden Day s.
dt»wn a dark narrow passage to a lit­
Sixth atreet. Toe
tle room at tee eod. wbera teey left
have same by Ideal If yiog aad
ud pay.
her. and raa away.
lag for teU notice.
apr Mi
Wban Jebn C Cnibonn bncnme riee
Fnor Jennie, in running altpr
praaMent nf tee Baited Ptetes and eon
anmanUy peaeMsnt «T tbe sanale ba FOR BALC—One Victor aafe.
Bd Lake of Bast EAfhte atM has Ml and aprmtiied her nnkle. wblcl
bOg pounds, at Singer stofr. m
not what teey bad •npacted- All tbU. annenoead teat ba bad not tea anteerf.
ty to call tbe aanatete to order for
however, only nnnted lo ante
timid, tf poaaiMe. and did ao wnrda Kokan te'dabalb aa ba n«ardad aacb aaaator as nn ambaModor from
FOR bALf-b qprlnnd
atom. 1

K£‘^'irF tsj!:



- :pi
I .j
: .



Wc hayc respect lor the criticism ot young
men. . . Young
roung men arc our „
. staunchest friends.
flod about what they want with us . . .
to five them the BEST that’s soiog.

Wc try



Clotbing CGmpany

H. B. Farris. Jib Ftenbltn.

Tnaedajr monlM A» '

nally. Ooe day be bagaa a tirada
mar SbU
lying- **Mr. MPtakar-l mann Mr.
»u«-Uitea with tears.
dent or the Beoste and Would Bo
-ICa aa bad lo be a cry^mby as
Fvealdastwr tee tailed Btniea. wbicb FOR BAL*-<kMnrt aa poad na nnw;
toward.- nald Max. one day. aft
lrst«laaa nriicle; .wm aaB tor nbant
Odd ia bte taamie mercy avertr
Tbia fooaed Jenaia’a temper.
Pboae.CtU. Iblbor »
npr f4f
-I’m not a cry^nby," abe aaU^ te

ram rratn

arswslalw, .

diffaatten drrteff bar teara: -and' 1
am no Mn K a eowaid tean yon.
Master Mbi. I int Mng Mib pall


eroRllrMB tSe encrfcltowns WsiraSoSs F«ss.

.... Apr..M2

MK Ao 4n al im


mi ivwm we»wi TwvfMi cm, >


. tATWnDAY. AWIH. «. tm.



|| Pawaai H^lcbioan ||
BAA KAAFABA caa eecare baa aaj
pAea fraM Vhmwim Irtak. tM A
mar SMam

»rv. Cm* m.. Am A«m: phf
ftlT AmU

U»Ua At

fcm Wm. «m«

Ot rAoM m>.

CU>TMAA CtAANAO, dyad aad ra
Mtard at W V. AagaatMa. sii
Baal Froat lA.
mar ISlmo*

V fJ«'



Pcri) Bu}«lM.lMi»kaM
•M J U

Pon AALA>-tlA»-r


J 3i

rOA AALI-flbM Mock. Ast«i«c Md
IriMi* uf biilldtaf ta rxt^ Market
to»a cloM to TrarcrM CUy. Wmm
Bit*., lit AouU Dalua At
McMe liltfek M If

«r ««««l ful /tfftet I
%WAMT«0^Ab «14w1ly
«o«yui M
- ftt Overrllf film Call
Mr* C. II Krlday.


IItoo. _ Wada Brot,

WANTA0-CUrl lo

r AaU’a takcry

palmlat. at U7 Uakm apoa all af
faira 1a life.
amr IS^lioo

pAm UlA

WAMTt0-l%rfe IM
fm ollr; 4mll Ui

nua tfHf

AOA AALA—IIOt-Aayaa-rooM kouM.
Uria^krt. coraar Boyd and Fara;
prica 11.200.
Wada Bro... 117
AottU Uakia At at pkoaa mt

WANTAO-F^ coUacUoa. aoiea aad

#«ll AALA-iai-Oaod ao« —w-



WANTAB-OIrt aoiapeicat to do gaa
oral kouioaork: aiaall taaiUy; II
FAT veak. Mn. F. C Itoasoad. ill

Alstk auaat

FOB AALA-1i7d-rtoa aaw laa rouai

Prtoa HIM.

; fuod ai
» Bellaot. Boula I. <
FOR AALA-'Rubbar tlrad lop buggy
ax gTMHl aa ooa. or m ill laka aa part
payment a aloal Urod biiwy

FOB AAtA—1MI—Oaa kuadivd aad
Ultt> A«a aero fana. clpkty at rtM
impnoad. large Ura aad hmkI


PORgAtt im :7arroa ivo aad
utiohall tiillea rlly maikot;
bcartog itmmk. *o<^ knu»a aad Fani,
price l:i«0.
Wade Uroa.. tl Un­
ion atroet. nta. pkoM 1211.
homr. Nt>ilh i Vdar 8t: prica |0Si».
Hrm. 017 Bottlk fobm 81 I21f
Mn 30U

kouM. orrkard, Ufga aiuount of
gund aood. tloilHT. farm all feured
aad no baUrr aotl lo be bmud; alt
ntiica ooulbcaxt of rlly uo lualn
ruid. kMt Hay toauablp; c4um to
aokuul aad t-kun k; a ill m il uu cwuy
iaiiua. oanar ta other buaiaeaa.
prka Ik lKM). Wada Hut. 117 HooUi CARPET
llnluaHL at pboaa Ul».
Uwda In urdrr fn.Ui old r-rptU at
fab 30-tf
fbaidu'.. 14 VEARg atpirlattct' and
careful aHiuilioii paid to ail murk
Mul buc
fUI«m pbMua Iji:
.mtk UnloB 81
Mb sou

atory fraaia bdUdlag; ccnUallj lo
aalad; A«Uiawi htuduo^ baaJkm;
|tW IIJOO. WadT. Bnia.. 117 Hmilh

FOB AALAkooaa. Oik i

Pkoaa lUI.

AUtk otraat AU ooa
A gaad bant eloaa la.
k Wadi Biaa. 117 Aouik
mC aUoMO Fkoaa Itll.

(VADA ANOS.. Real Erntmtc aad Laaam.
kl7 South Caluo 81. Trrnv^rme C
ClUieam phoac 1212have gilt edge taverntmeutm vfkcrv
>our money i, alMudutrly mecure.
mkorr prodtx mix' aavurvd. mbere
ixnl cmiaic, gilt^edgc real * .Mate. l»
rour aeeurtiy. AM cla»Mm. Snr mod­
ern rckldcBCM. BKtdeni boicl». "
cry Larnii and mlo* mUblem. tlm
land and Imuroved f.rmm; high
leieal producing propcrtlem on real
able b*Hl.. prwli earning propertlea
uu bamtx of tom pricem aad taci
lug value V -Kcad over carclM...?.
Uvt uf Sve acit^ lot* oo Cntou 8i
protoaged. 8Ue of loim eight rod«
froat uu Unluo Hi., eight rudv froot

north boundary line. HauK'dK
(row corner of Vnton and PTm

uva. caak ptica lS.000.
fifoa.. 117 UaEa aUaai. CIU. pkoM

FOB AAtt -Muuoiurau. keaai>u«e«
aad Warkna. H. V. ^iWi. 4»'l W.

aU Aral-claaa
aary ramodla


daoee. 1011 B. Proat At.
.Frlco 1700. CllUaaa pkoaa R2I1
Mar. 10 tf

mar At!

FdB AAtA-AAAB-^U. c _ ,
barley, buckalioat daW ikm aud |
bcaaa TtarorM) aiy Mllllni Co.


!««. SM B. Krtmt
mar 122«ki

Otp MACHINE! t^ lit atekanac
loi sii.Koi w miiiu mat blow.
K Ftiml

AfUv llvlag <m a farm for 01 joarm.
DaBaa W\iod. a vaibkaoaa Urmei
Baagor. kaa aold tkr uM kom«v
oaad lo W. 11. Haake. Tka fana U
me of Ike Aaaat piacaa M laad ta Ike

^ WHag. there la alwaya 4a addad
NMaAi la ergapiuttoa. Nutkiag caa
kP aa argR dOM tadtoUanUy m U

Harney kaglm ham »c*ulcd ktm IS.Ihh)
bnoeb of peumtae KuU. mith Nellie
Coleman, vi U:ke Vlevr, by pay lug
tnat >uuag vnNuaa pat^'b up her
Ld fceltegm:
fcHtegm.* Ragiif
Raglif ^fr»m ta MU ta
aad KelUe llnd ul
rtbonrlK board

Mgktlag. aewrraga. atarm drain*, okUlalng atram aad aidewalk improva.
ML park area, removal of faoiorlre
aad otaRy amtim ahooi wukh the
.aivUaay7 rtly oMclal wlU aat coum
kxmartf uulere ronfrouiivl wbh a UuaddahM array of axembeim. well orgaa


I ua hi

hnuoi mils enough to bring
•t ih.. api«!nied time. In
this plan might U- can led
Wbitioek MliulUhed striped
the Morkhousiv

them bark
..rder that
out Mayor
clothiug in

♦ rlrann In Paris suy* that Uie i

ta-cn givenn I ua 1

UY AGREEMENT mlth tk« ^adicata
I am lauulrrd to bell g Stock of
auirk in the tirand Tra%erac aad
'A.Ucma Mlnlag compaar 1 Ibcra
fuir ogrr leu tbuuaaad akarea uf
the prumutera' Mock la tkat conpany at 15 cent, per akare. Thla la
the only atock ta tkat coopany ua
the market and the laat tkat aver
«UI be oAored at tkat rate. In aU
lauutba It wlU bP wortk lU face
value.. Call and aea report uf eapm ua the S\a lalaoa of <ke coa>panj
No appUcalloa tor Mae tkao
2*ni aharra accepted. Thoa. Smurtkm«ua. 122 E 2'iual aireet
mar Zl U

• atrm.t laq«lre 122


ver. rricea renaooable. Office wlik
O. P. Carver A Bro. Both pbonoa.^
OR. A. L. THIRLBY^-Speclal alteto
Don lo disease* of children. Roon|
4fi> State Bank bldg
Both pboabA

of P.. m
tag. New
ler. C. C.
mw't In Woodman hall on tke Utid
TtiCMlay of each month nt 7:20 p. rE
Abrnm Smith,
president; QayM
Griswold, aecretary; Nettle C. Ortf.
A A M.. meet* on Monday avcntal
on or before the full of Ike
at 7.30 p. m
Carl C laxnglcy.^
M.; K. E. While, secretary.

K. O T M. M No. 7kl meets evr.-y
Friday nlcbt In the lU^^ch bl.K-k Mart
Wllkeo*. romniiiiMjer; F M FfanklUt
Rw'ord Keeiier; K. A Evsn*. Fta5xnta

T. A^WlLffiXH'^

Farms for Saji


I to 4 p m
:*0. * rv>atottUmd-mrt,
WyaksupfiMt tiuaas. |*to:

SiO WMbiDirtoB.

Oit pbooe Hi


New Ufa PIIM cleaaM gwiUy aad tsa- lnita.ka.boan l«M»t
part aew life aad vigor to tke »y«tom,
bora of one fnaUr uk
Vir On tka
of tkeproamK
BO non. but only tkroo




Ohvat additkins ^n • being
made to oui «lock fw the spring
and suniim-r trade.
If In not'd of Hoalery. llandkercblcf*. Jemtdry. Lnoea. Embrofderle*. SUtiooery. locladlug
jutpclrlea. also childrea s
Itapeutoa. etc., or WhtK- T
Ware call at the

W'e are offcilag greater bar-



yoarfuraactaaad chimaoyn eMaaad.
can oa the Traverae City Store Re­
pair Oa. Mt W. rtoat Ottara
phoaa $17. BaU M-Sr. mar IMmo

tuner and actkvn regviiator

MONEY TO tOAN-No Ux rlauita
poMn m»wtgago*. Hottaes tor «xM.
Inquire of R.
McNnmnrn. * Pack

I have a number of jf<K>d
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property. T will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 tan bell you
a good farm for Ies.s monfw
than ytm can buy it of an(^
body else. 1 have farm*
which arc located from four
to 20 milc.s from Traverse
City, all good Improved land.
DFS. J. 0. lx RART J TRUEBLOpO If you haw, good level t%nm



A EkrtY, aiUena phone m.
fARRY D HARNffR-Expert ptano




bum A Earl*a Mweiry i

ortflees or
lb tbe healthy
IV bug
Tbe boles
bole* lu tlie
Hhlng 10 the btvg aro M*
leg aid breat

9f traveling IntugniUi mas iMer ---^ ■
The next after the I San mnclatu banker and the daugbOA M. 8. GREGORY—PkyiicUfi fifid
Ihe u r in law of Mr*. Sharon. Not a murd
aorgeon. 217 Caaa otrbbL PbonA
eight rooms, kara.
Balk gaa aad oMclrk U
prut lice maa Joseph U of Auatrbi. mho of Bugltah ta ever o»ed In Mr*. Breck­
mood. Pcople a Bavtags bank
raaldance. 7fi0^3r.
mgr INU in 1777 made a little nuy In Parts ,.n- inridge* house. Hbe entertain* only
Roaldcn'co 913 Walnut
MiMt Prtoa liooO. Wada Broa
Voo mikeaateta. people In the literary and arUrtic
•IT Foiitk Ualoa AU aUtPM PkoM
Charire X paaxed aa the Comte Uc mroild* and her tatoe ta noted for the
Jah. Atf
Marie*. The ex-Emprem Eugenic, ta brimani conversaiifjo to be heard
State Bank balidtag.
TO RENT OR tELL-43 nreca lo EaU her aplcodor. frequently tw»k IllUe there She ootertalm. nil the most OA.EARL C. TYLAR—Dontlat Room
FOB AAUA-i'aUrldgr cmklrn.; ran
Bay lumnahlp Ed Furtoa. filt Web trip# a* Iha Comtem.e l>e Herrefoodh. brlUjxnl people of the day. and no
5 arst Nattooal Bank Bldg. CHI
aparr »ary lam; mattiugi. li eggm.
King Leopold doc^. m. still av Comte American ta admitted wkuac Imperfect
phone fi».
nug At!
|1>«. line bird fuMtt brM miraln*.
De Aaveaaleiu.
knomledge of French would be likely
btaad irui u» fuern and
Tbe Rev. Hamuel M
Croib.-r» of to be a mil ag.
V. M Alanart 5U Ktfib aiNxF. rlty
lie •)
Cambiifc, Ma*a.
lias*: au. *0-J hast
npr * SI
Mi>* Anna M. Tomn of I tlca.
cd atay In EngUad
EngUi 1a^ >car.
trj are aprlnglnglka* taveoted an arraugement of elecMAS FOB AAtA-Ji Ual fall piga;
nr to our own. ta
IHaetUal aerv k-e to Ibom
well fad an ouaa of tbam era mtunt
Inoulic at J. W.
^livlreae bdL
11 for 15. 8 W. tk aeU-kmnra taapiraUoaal toclurer
I la jirevIM lot.
■roc At
oa tka ImmortaUty of Urn 8ual. Lee
apr J-lmo*
galra at J. W. 8
tore a ill be foltomod by aplrtt mcatbe prevalMni Imprevatoo that Eag-|—1-^7 ------ ' T" ................ —
A. RUSSALL-Ugkt drajtag; ksavn aakoo- DYvrreter’* kali, April 7tk at 7
leo are not kamoroo* or quick toiBowar^
p. m. AdmMaloa lea caatu.
apr 2^
FOR AALA OR RANTurdeim at Backaat 4 Eoaooa'n mboe
catch the potat ta all wrong. He found L,
More or pktme »i.
apr MI
The Frtne af HaaHK
Eogliak atou pnrLcuMrty quick to I
•me price of koaltk ta a malartoua catch the potat .whenever they undersaan ai/actcm WUb Ortaa«


old 292. RMktancR 71fi WaaktagUMi

re tof« Md "hove the gn mbrelMtat*
tbe Mod legs, but in tta
are verv email and fua^Hons light
Gpon the Inside of the to-* leg they
are In the beaBby bog alwaya artlve
qp that motatyto ta elwaye there from

eeiUMMly sff-rlcd my tigbi
Itmg." rnrite* Mr.. Kanule Cttjuoi. o|
fUiral lUHiie I. <b*.igeioao TVmu.
Ihal I ♦•ougbed w.nlluutiuNlv i.lglH
uud day and tbq lougbtavrs* pivdb ibui
uiayui .if-AdeM. are fiomued upviu by
einiHumpilou - *M''-iin'd
luev itabbthe great mujiiiity uf Amerieuns he until my busiMiid bruugtit home m
tK»ltlo f.f Dr. King s N»*m Dl»a^*v.- j
m kleh tn luy
prov .-d to Im I to
<Hi1y RK.\L t-iuigh curv and rveioret
raidlnal Is fore be aa.s 2!» y.'ais ..f age ..fiber baJ. l.i-< u.apiK>liit.'d *ho->e huslle-sv it ta to liK'k up sltiiMtlou.v for iX'iiU'dieM ulleriv rail. >«ni mav /'till
i-ctelary of slate
iIm' laniMte.s i»f lh«- motkbouse
Tbe min In Hu' luitlto ugMlu*l lung and
throat IroubU-K mllh New I»i>-ove,v.
At ;• Mg"u Iteejl-Tiiuji Tn-e Inmate mln^ wnee.i'«Js
tbe RMAL eurr tluarMiiteed by Bug
sat in-xi U. Hit di-an .«f Mvnrhestvi. m.,rk torih mlth a letter to bta .n. I-.. Drug Co./Flank H. Me.„ta uud
SaM a Kuem
-Well. Mr. Tree, m hat'plover No guard got'* mlth him Ncrt Itaunah Itrug suae. dnigglHt*.
Trial l.oUle free.
have ,vo-i Ik>« u dumg telayr
• CHi," one baa-over mn amay—Ibeli aun' of aud

drcKaud fifty .tollurs a lot or five
to aeveu huodivNi and lifly duilara
per ncro. Tllle lw abs'dnirJy |H rf*-. t.
Abrtrati given vrllh i>urh lot
Wade i.?pllod tb.' actor manager. “I men
a U'Ug motor tide this mothlng uud i
b.M a tN i.“ - ludi'.'d.- remarked tb.
iiean * May I usk mbit the ta'l masr
-Crnalnly.*- mid Mr. Trtw.
made a
FICTURE FRAMING at J Trx«iblc.»\ TO RENT-Fnrm;
ginnl Mud
go«al l>ct I bat m e would pa#s through 4(Mi
ZZiE lYoatSt.
marU lmo*
bulldlngm. H
II. Olda. Bendon.
dllfcreiii odop. and me .,uly eo.vmnt
npr IMJl
uick reply,
max the quick
e»fd 3V2.ctU> .“

DR. W. A. MOON-Bpaetaltat-OenlA'
nrlaary. akin and blood dtaanana . {%
year* rxperkmce. Office tTty openi
hou*o btocA.
PkonM—New. ifif;

ta tbe tnaaer .wvier* of |M*puUtKia

Suddenly he maa acvxiaUd aad asked kataEv an.T limh to it. penalblb
mhy he dWuT hutry home. “TV*hy ?- a ajuEll rity a good orgauiaatlu:
control tbe mnnlripal guve,
asked kit. Ikil.
'Yun’rc houee la aa
Mricily noapartiaaa Uure a« to dkiatr
file and your daughter U buratvl lo
droih. mos the aUrtIlug nnilv
Bell, be ipent nod *ee to it that full valu#
mho -ufi.'.a from a mcak hoart, col la preeireiL With well dlreciad epwpgimvi smut of INvuttac. Up'-^'d and It took {.hyalclaa* amay arnUon Ihore Uak* ma.v find be taken
utcusod C.wtracior Claacy .d paddlug hours to I. tuiu him lo roosctouaaoaa ta band that eouaUtute tbe chief men
nee to tbe welfare aad baivptams of alL
bta pavlag IdUa ugalaat
ITvery cuaiome.- of the Hchlegcl
and frani *11.4 a ataiide tbe
Clano cMltoa 1521. aad Hl-ler suya h-. llroa .K-clrlc pomn aud light pta»t.
food work may be.exteoded. with lit
baa bat t2ia curniag AMcrmsn Joho located oo the ruai -rtvoi. eaat of tie coat, bm on comervatlve. aeonoajle
aua aaya that the t-aglui'er (ultod to lAperi. gave vent lo hU
feeling. Itaee until fit tomn aball l«e coled fakeep an axxorole uccuunl aad.the uoh Thursday night In language of a rather and aide f-»r tbe nnifiber aud rla** of
Ibiaa the city caa do is lo male up stteauous nainiv lax-aue.- of the abut its Improvement*. \ol oal.v m Ul siKh a rUwr*e l>.* .v p-m..d Kk*
" off of pomer loi 20 minutes ami
■wara: w'ure.' o' pride «ud ..nttafie
•\ €«lt beKmitui: i« TUoou.. Uuyl., ill on Mix-ount of mu luuuccni bullfrog Don to all it* umn |ie.»]i!e. but tbe to* n
u( nim. haa the tockMw aa the rvaut n.. (rx« b.-.'Mue langkpl In the tur- will aura'5 the most desirable e!u.w ..f
uf carctosu hiadtlhg ef fiuanua uo the Mm- m.u-. abt«id in eom*- may and ciHseu* as mvll a* prove a ailmulua to
lUirt of eowc unkoomu a moath agu MS the pUnt U iterated by wstrr exat the ttoyli f«rm ta aim lomn.hlp opcniltooa had to be MopThe bullet atrock the animal ta the pNl and Ylr.^MjIlfivg extricated. Tke
Bittan by a Spider?
fare, hslf may belvrera (hC iK»atiil and upeiailon uf taking tbe maU'c mbeel
Ttfrough bUuHl polwoolug caused b.v
apart and puUlug It logetbcr again
the yey. and peart rated the no*e
H aplder bUe. John WaMungioii ul Bos
Edmartl Hmlnrituu. k5 yv»rs of age. ivquiicd the labor of sevFial men and Quevlllr. Tex . would have toat hi* leg.
an idd .vnldcul of Uuodt>c. maa luunU U b-iT hour s lime aud ta tbe Intel im which baonmo a am** of ninatng
sore*, bad be not been persuaded to
dead ta UhI la ihE bouac oa Uh- old lh( vuwiomei>*'
Alfrofi Wllkcrsoo farm, imu mllcj.
livs engine taking a curve at about write*: -Tba fiiml appllcattoo renew'd
south of loma. mhete hr lived aU.u. 3-' miles ah ^Tsinr nreman WtlUam and four bonm healed all ibe aorea.'
The corourr'a luyue.M dfiei mined that Ijxroiic. of Bay cuv. aim ma.s shove]. HoaM ererr aore, 25c at Bugbee
Drug Htore. lYank 11 Mand* and Han
death maa One lo Owtural causes. He Ing eual on the lender, maa thrown
nab Drqg Hlore. druggtal*.
had quit*' a repuutloa fur Inag dls ov.c the lenders edge lo the ground
laniv. malklui at Staudtah. lie siiuek the ground on
It l(H.kv aa though MB eiddemlc ol bta lirod and »boulders. ptomtng up
teg* per­
lom support
has lindurn out ta lb. su»r
Wbv'u the train tan back
iwvr county
Churchill, MUd b.> max picked up be mas aUU grip­ form a funrttoa nol .kiK>wn t" an.v otb
•r animal, and that la ai^ eaeayve pipe
ogl'd 22 >05X14. haa JuM bceij nnvsli'd ping ikt» »hovel.
He maa taken to
or pipea tor tbe dlat barge of n.v»te
at Uxuiard by «heiifi Ctailey for thta Bay CUy. and may die of bta tajurlra.
water or awrei not uaed In the e.'ou
omy of tba body
Three escaiw pIp'*
alfuatcd upon the Inside of the

|| 0Eiieral news II

1 to ir. I U. I. 7 U
dcur*. t,n» Kuif THcrini.


laoa of Ike eye. e«f»
mUl be demaaded ta aevenU prcrlartv
ta WankUaav eMaty mkatv ike elec balrhery. to dMUagalak krtmrea
tkma mere decided by uor vote, aad aLwl kcad aad a laiabow
rrout t
It U vaid tkat a iH iHp im dae ta l»o he kaa pMrrd tai aa aquartuas. a
maivM ta YpalMnil
. au aa to kc ukaervrd. i
Hba Ada M. Jlurd,
td tW t««rb
nr, at Ike Uala Mkoul Un tto deal,
at ninl. U dead at the agv of ZZ >rarm
8kc mam a victim of E^l’m dW-»r
8t»e nMoa lo niat aateial ytai.. agu
fium Barry too Mecumia county, m bert
Mr paroita rcmidc.

aad FVurteenth Ht. At corner Garfledd and »Yont Sfly by oa^ hundred
'and ftftv foot totm are mrorth uOc
hand rod and fifty dollars, or five
luu to the acre Mivea hundred and
fifty didlara per am'. At ct>rnrr uf
HlvUloa and rourircnth arc north
tmu hundred and fifty dollarm per
tot or tmctve hundred aad BUy dol
lara per acre. Our price on tot one
on Cnkin 8l. prolnoged aa doaertbod.
U abiMit thirty-three tier ('imt Ic»m
than corner id ttarfteM aad i'mnt.
aad aU»m aUty hI»’ la-r cent toma
than roruer of IHvtaiuo and FourUmmth. or (or tot one uo l aloa Ht
protonged. Our prb-e ta yvur pn^n
ent profit an ia*r above iK’irculage.
UU F-l’ulon vtrevi
prolougiHl. hame ua hU- one only
pHie $|.5tK». IjiU « -i;nlun Ht proliMJKt'd. aame aa bU S.iMily lillle fuiI her stvutA^ price •l.SW.
l>»i 7—
and tho prvMUt
P. AU.V.I C. Itadtlua. Hie Kuglisi. ro.k
I nloa Kt piolongtMl. same aa tot «;
St nf th.*m The Jolly
Pitee fl.rua.
lx>t 8-Cnloo Hi. pro ethliol.igi'j, ahu ha.s liavei-iMl tbe hoste s Is.Uie same an Ita 7. mice ll.Stwi mUU:. .'I Afil a Nj iv ;T;uta^Mn.l . Millers- Inn at
Ilham, ( auibrnlge
lart 2 Cntou HI prolonged, aunie a^ Mwl.,.
kepi by- M
It, t^l- ,..,«Jiv to tuak. an^blie. has to"
bit R mlth exception i4 Muall ko.t.nam-d. Musk
on meal end .d lot; price |l..'.mi. laH lUh|Htli..n td Hie .\in-il. an iiulsi um
lo-Cnton Hi: 4»ruiooged. awue as
t p; pile.' |l.i«M«. high
I be oplubai prop
«»f Ann^l'-un iuteiesl liijth.ii gm-.u K
eriv ran vvasllv Ih- ae.-u and mill b<- setouline UiveMlgatliujM
i beio and drat
ftiiind on1o\eatl6attou to U- fully at'anJInal
j Knitll>li ayl* c.
kh1 aw U.M^rita'd auJ
me Meiry
think Del VaI. pupal
mm li tH'ller .So far as valuer an laiv .4 stile, •ah" bH- «-.*ine mu.h'fi fioin bci b.H-,4
..meeined mill aay Uita:
We. mill the fr.'Ut during the pie'Cn! .11. put.
find a pnirhaver for aliv puUHity U»
i.vJleal Ideas of
WbiHo. k.
and a.ouud iraveiM' City that mill
..•miMn* a» fav«.rably In regard to
prieea and uuirk.< vain.' na this
pn'jH'ity dtm :- mlth pHc's-and mar
kH value
properly me Ivave riau
lam'd It mlth
Kuriher. m.* »II1 aay
tlita: That thta plat id lots.laying
a. lln'v do. level as a h.Hiae fioia.
laaullfuily alluaied Jual outajde of
lily ^lnllt^.• platted Into ordluaiy
M«h1 elty lots mill sell milbiu^tHie


ia#v*i I ire—^rajBJaaa ooa


f«m. Offleb !M Bfita Frcmt atrant


lA-t'W8MH«r» katrMMx

I J9c per ata aad up.







WFl «H



iSiu Suiftr^

|«»MU)0. wp WWT TH«r wi;


Afthim Wnm mk wmirn imm 4

rmta ft MBs to Ms nftlir.

WsnflTA c*to at hto hatoa as Tmm-


atisas 4rtto. BMd btrfMA •» too n





ig tto. lb. BDAUr

t toSMSIy Mmwn and ftwitoMI^ 1


g» Cmfmwd 'Witb tonraUm G

mm o ROVER.

laaatow«.wTSaB^Bnertonfwom) Btt OUR UME (
•llAd WHS the aeeat ef iwSea applto>ANft ftlItVtNO I
wMob to alwgya kept in bU Mk poftt YOU BUY.


f*«w»s-_. _swuy
mUl^daytlibt? Man _ _ ^ .

•U. HAVtIt...
Mra. M. W. Wmal IM wfMdlMf Ibe

M«9 Jofte ftft4 wto> to rraak

rri^j\r,r.v*'-‘"“-* rsusT^Te;

rSito fSSTi ^Lmi MspIrA M

town Tooaday. .
Prita Utumo vbo baa bast la
parMaarrod Car
aaUttouo for aome lUar. raturM
mn* a few day. sRo.
Mr/and Mr.. P. R DarU vlll toave
aa Wadaoaday for Oaaaorl
ttoy .U1 aiato ttoir fniaro
aome tbno dartaa tto fui
DarU barlag Ukoa a poalitoa la a
toak ttora. Mr. aad Mrm. DarU bate ^nef^nl Saaday with rwUtlvoa la
Biaar fftoad. boro «rho lofrot very
Bbanb of ftmplrc. made netoml
marb to bara ibaia Icaro.
Mm. Rotortaao vaa oalWi to Ctb

bgttmsmnt qf the louiL ibAt
iheee U a ensato agalnat b^ yneto
that are n«cjcvper|r carod for. aad
tbU U a mattar that every a.
wmktog for lowu unpenremewt a
lake up. At a meeting of tto IndUna
AaaocUHon recrmly a upenker o

WM nnoftor night batek and a mpU
urvSur. Ba wrse Tto Indy of Ij-ona*

alo tbrtr hM>N m
I fur work. I know
little Greek

of tock yanU tbat abouhl to of

5S*Wdl!ir1trt<m Vaton aC UU


n g. y..£rw



rti* f»M totoljr -mitoW-l Hr

M L * r«X IlMW
Ww H fHM»na4«. to
M oi m>U.m9tikmS», T 27

jMIto ito ftlM #«r:|,|iu*! ciykl»H«»


.<•) «o f>rt*v*. Dum
•oV% of orii. •ocUcni 2>. T 27. n


MaaUto Ko. 2. arrtvad Satwrday The
otbar mamheto of the crow being
kwua of tbU place,
r. and Mra. Cbaa. Cook and daugft
MU. Beta, of Glen Arbor were
la at the hoa»e of D. IL Day Sun

**Bo far we bare
dura, but we mwt
reahte more fully that Urey mutt all
toar a hand to the work of town beltennent, e»;»oelaUy gtriug more a
tUn to toque adoittment. It i. aa eaky
matter to toautlfv a .irewt If all the
raSdcnia would take a littU IntercAl ia
tto wrork. In many pUewe abrnlw and
rlnaa may to pUcwl In ronrtyarxU:
tore wall, luay to corerej with <geeplag viuc. flow cr. and
toie* and |.>t. may t>e art ou pUvxaa.
SMpa au.1 wtodpw *UJ..
••While muat of tbe front yard,
ttoa town are weU cured for alnrw our

haa wmrked op tto right of
Itoogbt. It la inanltfjy more roflnad
than nxplativM and doea seem to In
wokcL.tbpagbt. Kvery qne know, that
Dlekena bad qtsint bronte flgnrea on
blB dMk and tbat he felt be could
net wrfte unlaea ibe> were there, to
gotbee wttb rlrld bide Ink and a eoeiwe
quiH pm, while Hawthorne alway* de­
sired to work in a dreaeiog gown, on
1 hi. pen

lU eveatai. Tne doraaaod «aa e«
Fimml apeoi Saturday and
»r. of age.
atoor. MriT |uV«r*.
iiadny to Traverae CJir,
Jdf aad My.- J. Tayktr apoai Taea
Hobto •■(] mif* lo K r. Kux.
MU. VloUl Voleo of Kmplrr ewlled
ly to Trareiae .Cliy. .here Iboy purMTtUm «, T 27 n. * WOO
the home.of Merton Voice Thur.
laaed a flnr aew Kiaibali pUao.
flalli A Mall to N*va M. KroU. par
cf-U, M L 4
Wlj. |0M.
Mr. and Mrm. Auguat WUmer of
lUilW r aiMt Wali..r ». Mratot lo egg aapper to ibe Iona hall oo BalarPort OneMa. pna^ throngh
ArrliU* and Klor.m«- M Bruwa. par dar arealng
aaday on ttoir way to South
ilM OrM vUlito tor
fc. Roaa KabI reluiaed homo frtwi
on. where they intend to make
IBto U toMokiM pc f f^r Mr».
il Rapid. Ual Moeday. .here abe
Walfar H. Btiie»t aod alfr lo Arrhlr
tbat there u no totter or cloauer lowu
and I^Tonur.. M Broaa. parrol*. ||to.
to locate la than onrw. torn we
-- ----------------- ----------------- / Wallri H. Bra*-*i aud alfr lo ArrbW*
« MrtH Tad Maaler Kr.ia Wi to
to wakn up *ud iualat that toe litUen.
ley went %er>
idnaMiiilljr aorpriaed
tor MMlo M la alo|»piMK al Ito to«r Uad Kloroarr M Hfoa a. i^tx^U.
boar a bqud to I hi. matter. Mo.i back
*4 tor parooia ton> t>o arofmiH cd ilie
Ilairv C Oa%ia aad wHa to board U.i W’e{Jae»day evi ning by a number day on bU wa- lo Holland. M
Aflet caniiMe where be will enter the Ufo Sa^
^9mh ®f roirta«li«ia dlaoatoa to wan Rlvw K. L * fVmi r To. pare* U. of ihtlr .cbool filend.
W«PI to Lodlnatoo
Lodlnaloo Ttonofaj *ortloa »4. T. 27 ft II. WOAO
and muhic llgki rolrvskmeal. wi
bi'i^lre. A
a farm atocli
a« lo Ida and Daalol
AprU I
Iguore them- H a outer tbat wo nu
lalaa l.ujinj; aa'a parP ll'a 2ad. II no
tkrttiie. will be told every nif
can t or w^m i realUe tbat the to
duHng IhU week la the M. ft rbun
yarda ran to made very pl^aaant apt
Mr. J r Mathew, left RalnrtUy
Mrii. DrnnU and aou Hmd.r*f T
,W,!b ;-t t r. ^ -t|.. cdornincm {
.|iead the wm-k with her paroaU
.lan>na ilra> of Ihiblin «U1I«h1 IiI»
er*K* City vUlied al the homo of !
mighty ronifona
rntt MlawiM apltapli b rr»t>M tmm falbrr a
daj:. laat wrfb
Dye over Honda y.
Al the elei-lltai belt
PtoMto tto tlHoJiv of fH»it Uoyal.
Mr. aad Mi.. Joiia Hit.lorirb rrv
lUv. April IM. !*'r f«
ng offirrm -Mr*. (Uyl F'ancravea'U quite ale
a Urib tto tisl/ of
Mr aud Mr> Chapel have mo\n
were eitwlnd;
W. H.
'iirat- vr
Mlaa Mriib> i*ia> of nir Laki- aaa
A. Raiiutlierger. clerk; Kd. Grawn ami Aiehle • Saundeni
vru.a rjifl.-l totk :ard ifii t
Ike aaoat of bor nuiato. Mlaa Kair
icnted tbi’Ir farm
•mall eupeuae and tiwi
Kaaltibia a fi n daya laat
Mr and Mr. W F. Gilbert Unve
Ml. Ira-ln RawlUis. I.
ntione lUrtletf. member of moved bark on their pUre.
moMirr »t llodar
t |iU«ai
i*Uew: W P. Ilniele. achool
Mr. Birch haa rtriumed lo hU work ac-onjpH.h uonUerw after a .tart
K (I iUvIiasa
I la Bticktoy laat
W. H bieole. Jtdin'^ Ken at Tolerlo Ohio after .pending the
Itol to Uw fVtot proTldanoa of <to.l Wodaoadar
U made. If Ibere I. an old barn or
luudok and A iotot. conala winter with hU family here.
vaa. by • araMl atori. fluuf laio Ito
Will Tbayc'r ha. mited Jake Gleb'
abed that U nu e\ rw>re. It can be mada
btiraa tawnHblp cummHle«>.
atob wtora to owiUMad aaiiuiotoc ua- taiM.
Mr. and Mra. N. Jfathwar .pent
naloa. Win (Jill aad A. K few day. here with frtenda US week. prepoamdag by viu.a. Morulng sk>tH PMcaad to A toAt aad lUed foriy
rtee grow thick and taal. and U tbaae;
D..,SwatoaUm U alek with the
aee pUatod baaide tbe bars they will
*^MTand Miw. 8. II. Oabore of Buck­ eventnalty envelop H aud hide Ito tmBlgbUtoev..
ley vlStcd rcUUven hero UM week
-In baantlfylng tbe beck yard yoti
April 1.
t pay too mneh att^lkm to toe
m dl.triri ratiie to .lay over 8uu
day with her paraaia.
An* goo], but in an MDWK^ticy
Tto Bbatcr axarrUoa glveo by the
_ . __ break )
AlfiHig UnmM iAAu absJutiM..
•|.iign*«alloaal Buada) achuol weio
If tto gro ind U
eiy gtxKl The church waa also very
Arniml toMfo ilfi%iui;
TaIu.' no
of ottorw Ue poor, put to. a gmul »Mtt
»f well rotted manure and make the
rbnm-oa. but hm^ tin. best UmeM pielllly decorated
John llutdiiwm haa Imught a boroc
aurface aiaooth pud even. A gantou
ibat your iumh v imu Ihjv *700. aad bmcgv
Klwyn Hill auffen
He U talking of buying
abonkl not be attempted with tto Idea
ar^ldeul U.t Pilday
Our «sirimre anti saK'tni birneaa ia
jbbrr aad copper,
SpanUh American
vetema*. of rnanUng tto oRUuary ruauaU If the|
ar Ckiraell ha. returned to Mr*. lo I ho
ib« last obtoiiiabio, ana you wiU
Being to a hurry ho Jumped yaid U much abaded by adjoining
bartina Ibut It Ukc« no inorv of youf
’from lUu train al Traverao Ully. while toUdiosa Abd traaa. But many plmito
It wa. going at good apeed. atrlklng are it for ehady placet. For tnaunce.
Mr. Brinkman U painting hU gaaol- I to- aaud In auch a way that hi. leg fa the border now aatera. naatnniuaaa,
m boat, getting it n.dy for aommer w a. dUloealed al. the knee, llo man- tstanhuk mlgDoaettea. cnodyinH, rim
agra tb drag hhnaelL to wor|^t
nUa. ctostpeU. gaUtonUaa. «w«et poaa.
Mm Warren U vUlilag trlenda to ;K>Utu warehesv. but It U a ae
-If poor apa^w parmlta. Introduce a
'fforl and
few of the folUolng. oeaut-wd along
FUany Hwooey .peat Ea.ler at her
to rlompa of mIx xt mere-bJue l.vrk
Nue to ibU place.
apur. peoulea. pbloa. German irU.
Katurdav morning for a aUy with her
April I.
^Ulei. Mr. John Acker.
The tab aea^ haa begua at tbe
Grand Tniverae Trout haichen' here
and the men are Imay handling
both oendlng and recehrlng tbani
vloleto aad columbtoea ara among ito
Mra. George Selkirk U qnitc
anw Mr. Joe Kovartk are the
beet wild Bowert. Thru tto ferns may
>vi. alUiuugh ahe U oouicwbal
ala nf a I
to relied apon aa gocS shade Uviqg
Mlaa Mary aud "Oora ScoSeld aad pUnta. .Nattva maidenhair doea wen
to tboTonghly drained pUce*.
Maty lum.iu I*, gotojE to Lctoiid lo R..le Vinton1 are bo
for ibe 1
.lay with Mr. Toai Ulrd.
there aiw mlilvated flowera tbat lUe
Mra,Ikwiry Brown waa vUIUug Mr.
beet the placet where they are protect­
(Jeorge Barnard Uat wato.
ed from the aim a rnya. Forgetuienola.
. . M'« ara uiMT laady In
a»*J«» •»<«.
be fUd to
The MUim« Maito and BUaabrth
UttU lobelU. (compart «ix
litdtua and Plorcncc and UlUan Ber­
bavr )«ai ^all al our offlt^ atoa to to»u. tagaidlug aaiae.
Wo can
iBcbta Ulghi aad tbe Improved rgrtenard werw aniltog cm
tUa of tlir ra.*xliaal fl-ner. the Queen
ftoUrIk Inal Inturday.
too. yuufuMd proflu.aad pmte |u yw, ibal tmr propuMUua to a iae
Victoria, are among betn.
Ueo Boitado had a toiab boo Uat
TuewtUy aad |sd a danea to the A>reii. tog given by tbe patUat
tog which waa well attasM and all aerv to. to reader tbe unrtod progrnai

s«.-ffiri.'s r,;f_-K

aglutUn of tto

Shoe Sale

*“-2! ttlT’.k.w. tkr ttaonutuir ^


Addlmn alirara had hi. wine. Rcbiller
drank eoEee, and Shelley mum bed dry
brrod ^orurioualy. This waa equaled

For ibe next ten dare we an'
going lo make emwial prtcee op
tbe eallte line of aStoo. '
We now have a moat complete
line of boib ahom and oxford,
for wen. womon aad cbildron.
We aro making thnao apeeial
|u4ce». to gel yon heilcr ne
qiuilnted with cml nboca. Sec
window «llH|.Uy.

B02 W. Front

G. R. ® I. KSt

"Wi*KUM iU%M rWwS tor


talked aloud oo miirh to hlmoeir that Am.
tto people OB the street tbongbt him TICKETS
rrtxy. Kant s blogropher aaya be wn. »
«ncl I O,
no dependent on^'the alght of an old ,
--------------lower for Inn^Hon that he ha.l ih-'
traea eat do^ eo to could see It. an.1

•Taken all
tber. I fear we are «
queer lot of men. To some .rf qa pain
I. artqally a atlinnlnnt. like Hteveu^.n.
who worked onlil his Uat. and Walter
Soott who uaed to dhiate Itetnc^n
graana and then apring from be<l and
act the part
New York Herald.





128 E. Front

{’it phone 741


by iSkTI

liie Ttftvenle tily Canilittg
luaiifi-TTrii-iiW. ■r,vi. n i, ^

to Ts Still Imkiag Gloto
Ml Hntiis?
H|..p tbU ud onlar n

National Automatic

Gas light ontmi)
VaarawatybaebU Bo« a. w. cISm.

Price |i.7S
NattonalGas Light Co.

V- #

'^?5ar5 w^a^tSniiM la K. A. Nalaon a
old atore UUtotos Saturday
night deaert ew apeeial mtotkm. Tto procMda of the entertaiament are to be
whtoh wa. well atlettoad.
Mfw Geo. Bernard who Uaa bacs on uaed lo procure a apeabnr for tbe
ihe .Irk U.I U able lo to amaad
"’*TUe 111 I to dangbur of Anal gweaMWi took III with croup
i»up Tuoaday aad n r as w aa hoped Uat week,
Thutiiday inornliiR
rnliiR dle.1
JaatHT l4d®U waa a caller bare laat
•cadi pUre
tto btrme of bet
Thi niN lion today of Ito SsMa nf
Mt:i. H. W Cryder W ft Brnal waa Urgoly attended and
iho aiM ikweer. Walter Bblrd. .Br, re­
ceived gloat erodlt for the amaaer to
which to conducted tto nMn.
Al«1l I^
f'r'.Kiej a Ha‘».
. - ..r Oita It . •
tfia at
- V ^
g---yrtn pitent 1
k •'•
the piteut of a bo!?. An
V I f-ri-r -jH Pt. l/r:!a wwy patentMt
a *ev.. «-,j nUM U marc, bo mgdn a
tv -f .n-^.-ty on U. X?»er. ibongb. If
-ei;, to* paper It It writtga cm.
Tol t
aae mqraUg to tbe dim
t.a- -wT to wind hU b.g tUTer tnra'n
rnl fr-d tto key atock full ef dirt
He « .
to dig the dirt oat with a pin.

•con-ura yn,-to aaJd,-m Bt jre.*
defiled a bole to tbe key aad

jKnSSSt ^
BMat tot army
of tto dlTL Be pettoUd that toto

- K.ti’irtsff STn7

Hew to Riant Shade Te
Flint Juti aa earty ra the |
ia toad conU’pou to w<rk.

Th‘. I
, .
------- _ . _attng
of^AciduottA.or fruit froea
hare tbe bolea large and dee<> enough
te rtoeire tbe rooU when apread oct
Y*vt aboot dlx Incbea of fjod aarth in
tto battMB of each hMe. After tto
tree It In place and 4to roota eproad
oat eerer with the good black earth,
pttoalEg tto earth te tbe ruotg with tbe
ftoc. After tto earfb la an In eat tto
llAba back, Make with oba At««t tttke
AEd tie trie urtth A eanrat band to the
alake. if etatoe caaaot to bid, pnt
fbor er aU Urge MaoAa Maae Eg to tbe
trunk, Tbla will prerent tto. roota


OMsBU - nsto

w It

0. P. CARVER a 8R0.



be wa.
yonnc-dM lared he hart none.
I ne|
w amokr nor drink." he .aid. •']
not keep late hours. I imver l-..e tsi.f
teitper I an. not diMipaied" Till.
« .*h'llUig the .utii-a
n.r. aiHl everrlwl. ra. glad of tto .11

log other -.\rabian Mgliu" .(gna
of toiog in de*‘n .U.trew.. • | bate kwit
mv .lonkr.r. .\llah. AUab. what .hnll
I dor to wailed. -Herr, we ran help
.rou." ax id Naai -oddin lIvKiJa, ui'nUog


l.'.rHlun «-hrookle.

Orcbealra l^der^l never beaivl the
prim;, donna do that high note aa
well as ato dM Ukt night. Htagc Mam
ager-.Nor I.
Von aoe. Jn«t aa ato
raarbed it ato mw a inojM* in Ihe
wings.' Tookera SWtetmen.
Laza Majoaty
gem of a cook Ileft .Mr., imat: FtoYea. Yon etc. Mm. Dim refnaed t .
change gforevp when the eook end the
delirecy toy fell oui.-r«-k.



18-in. Wood
C.B. Taylor Coal Co.

fohn R Smto!
General Insarance

Hev Wllbdft BOl. TTmfcncaiy



New iiovliNI Pictarcs
« VM Fnwt Kt.
(>M Cily KtaUuimnt BuiWiog,



Aa Exaufter or Tr


Admission 5e
togeoaft becama af Ito aRaclal
akUL cMOtoiit vlilgaiioft per.

WttleW. • llSPafkSL

Dr.W. J. HI



Porcelain WiOrl

“PoDcd Duke”

.Ml • or «r

AM taaUWW t»

lev ,gs


c L I.MKWcKdl,

atoriea relatvNl of Ibe great ea.lero
wH. Naar-eddln no«lJa. t1lu.trate. ihU
troth. A eoinpatir of men were eonfeaalng their weakneaaee aone of

Mm. to ottartT Htotoabla onto

btor eeoAd tto foeNto yowit Rtorriei
tbiRg to It MrM tto EtEM btoto tto
Back At Iti huaband.
• ^
-WMl. TM toft Yt’d bAto fMEg
BMtor tone gwbBt. MtbAL and jm

r M«'inoN.

■rhOtlian *|.rCll!»




nCKETS E.i V.T.7."iVWV3Sr-»


bare bail

MU. Mary tohlrtmi U a.M.lto,


April 2





:- ^'! .i:.V :.:.^y II


ltnT*Mrir" .‘‘
^ YMW «Hiw wmmm m



~^< **.»**

' al Iha ^ Btotoom of

fi onr mmr. ar toe ooaier nay b.
el «MM oatooaao. toM a nw ef pMb
aaea witb tM paMW M»4ar.
A low Mw
to a

Earn Mere

If Ml
A ee
Mae will OMayo M agpneiatad. atoa
by tboee wM 4a aat «an nato tor
•owan: owcec rialou an aaaaUy
gn^t favorttoa. Mon aad tow


a labto aad ibey Mao la no naar
• mat tber wtU aaK aU taataa;


,-TrrgHyg^* *» !;». aMnaa
rrl^ rwaatog at



bacama for aalua lacaiaad tomn


*^,^TS!nH?^arto--ronier TmU
and Cnaa atreet. Sunday—Low maat
at 7:b0 a. m.; high maaa and nenaoa

A ne^fcM » acoowBical m





f-M— *f-


^-McCalto Magattoo.


fipa«o>H toat af 4to0t yalaa tbat to
too oalMai Maai la toa baa» garOaa
M too fovy poloUWa faaalabla aad I.

n. you caa Mre all ibe naatnr
you alto for. If you bare non.
they wqa't aAad poor aoU. but will rtm
m ahaaat Myiblag. tofblag a
onarMoriag. Buy tbe beat nUaed
aad you will And many lorelT
a. fioai tbe falntaat tolphur yel
lew to tbe ritont of annaa and
rabodan. Wire aeillng fnaiibod

11^ aM til*

M to^nar* l«r ik#

lfe» piMa«N .in^ bf«®4 to tlto
I M tiM fnill Utot aiMM i»lr,ta U«

aa too vlar:
VMoaalTa oa toaMar
«ara la Mto Mom-

tioM aaia. aa4 aaia Mnoroa:
|oa OM O^ ioiay laatoitaa
IfkHa ta# Mifaoilu Urn sM tac
miili VMIP m lii lifkMi
. Mt

Oao MMtoi tatoa baa akkraa
«M 4lBff iOMM «Mr.
Oaa foMtoa iraa* to woaaa
it •
|M ta Mt« *
Utoaaft Mo fftooaqr 4ay.
- fifi gwMi. wa«» wiu v» • ABd Mto! too brooaa la bHagtot



e otoatoor gfoaara of roaol will
thlr obUla bottar oatlafaetlpo br
MMtag tboto oat of Ooorm. wbare tbar
poOMla fMwa jraar ta jaar. If Ibe
plaoitoa .to <k«a aarir to tba aaaaoa.

>1 meeting. 7 p. m.
era meeting Tuemtoy '

Sunday. 7 p. au eTaagellitie aarr

r taMiM br ml« aatll ofMw
r, wboa tba aaaaaro bagl
to alioatto aa4 raaaa too buOa
ta awaU. It to tooa toot protortf
itorlr aotwoaarr. ta tba Mr
ata autoo aad caaada OMat of
loMbMaatoa roaaa alU aeod
A fOMoa «Mto t BMO aat fck
MM«M too 4M tbo oiia abtaai
AM aalf aofloot aopOyto «Mr.

. w«l nrtoy onfler fold, enrapt tMt oanetlBMa toe
mn 9—fmm tMWM* • >»*•
^ «t W.lH IM’*)M*t k« «MV TM ataOlag M^^irayt >rooa too tuif tlpe of bnaebta an kMtod. Tbeoe
*telQ»M iM«n»r M Mil M
raOor fM toatoiOtooi oMoMat to
too mm


down nliti the hoe. Plant the pna on
tola and coyer them about two Inebea.
•reaslag the eerih nrltb the btu- Plant
hem aa nrly In the apHng aa IM
udl ran be wih4.4h1 dry; never net. n»
U will lie lumpy VHien the peaa are
up an Inib or two, draw the earth up
each aide of them It will keep the
riHda moist.
Tbe Madeira vine I a h rapid growe
baa food foliage and tiny white Aowera
la Aeptonther. It hat n tubr^ona rt
that can be dried and kept like
dahlia fhrtmgh the winter. Clive
rich earth, a imnny spot..plenty of
water and atrtng and it will eover a
Urge apace. It llkea dUhwater and




Oor. Ktotb aad WaamfU MTM
Rev R. N. Holaapla. Paator.

7:00. evealng goapal aervlca,

Ing aa egg ao that It .will be attraettre.
^ and round when It^la lake^ jThuradny al 4:00 a
the water. 4i la M nec«aaar/J Mldwaak l
to drop It taio eltber■ ^a amall rup or
no ao many cobka neem to Im
Aai hr tM foto. boaoath t!
inatead. Imt aah toe water,
I toaa aad loag aad Mob all
and tbea «tlr It vigorously until It
movm kbom the pan in the form of
Our church U a boma fm- womblp
Miftuae of the Ulbrkl • Porpeuial a whirlpool. Then qnlckly. and be aad amice. It you Mva ko eharto
fom-thls -whlrlpoor loaea Ita ahape. boma in Tmveraa City, you am eara
vmrfatyi toa bud« are af perfect
Qaod Old OavaHtoa
drop the egg carefully Into the very eatly Invited to ooam. gel eeqaatoted.
work and worahip wlU na. A
Doa^t paar water oa yoat paaalea-^
c-oier of It. and you will And. when
linaiMii of tbe lavatwi Maa.<
welcome to ell tnimduefl
boOror Ibam Never lal a bh
aalio a while. Tbe Ubeny M the egg h ctKtked. that it will he as Omei tbe atrangera. If n i
Mtber aalaaa roo waat tba a
eoimd aud cveu as you isiuld wish
and meet tbe paator.
deacrlbc^ aa helag a rapW. rig
Speetoh nmlcea nnnooncad to .toa
er aad n vrary free bhxuncr. with
church brev “eat.
RMatoii Ilka a tool, toady .
. im>mlag worakln aad
pot. wttb tba aarir moiatog or late
r under direetlaa af Ma.
navnooa’ aaa. aad rooaito atoai

___ itS'S

rlth Inrgw bkaaoaM of tito Ing
•MBoe Itlauartolatooasapmpltot.
mg a eompact. bntoy plam. at mil

tappead wbea tba baot aad droi
Water geaerimalr. aad caa ar
a waok tpaal tMs «a a MMo
r late npttog nod car'dr anmmar
fertIlUar. wbtob Mu caa OMbe Mo^
I faolB to urgtaa aach oaa to OoM l«a*t Mdf br pourtag rate water or<
are the bpat Uama to wMab i« aaiwiit
aoflia OMll tkiag vaaaM mrnm
tooPeoVal of tieab laaanre to an oM itoen. TM laiMr pan of tola moato
ml4 l-aaUful ikb aotolai mis
or toe teat half df wt am tow baat.
caa aad totting It ataad a day
II U ao( aacotaMo to ifov* « MMva
but It la aat a goat Maa ta Mall uattl
m tm or4aria 4o tola. aaO Mcoa
My. aa toe weather tbm fa ntvaat
U aa IHMM aa aaMMo laat k «i
are bold aa aure to be hot aad try. aad tbe nataral
ao toaM a oartUMa Maaiir apai. j;lv.
tura of tba eaitb ao dlmlniabed
oodto ba.aad
Mo MOaaaio aat oaly la lu avaart.
4rtoto aid aaaaally Mad for too toat toe plaata nUI aoc be likely to
Ml M^Moff fOaoar-M Tbt M
Maar Menlo Mrb. Collforato, b
toipat fwaat paa inrden to tba world
»r «M Mro omM arlia 4 lU
a Mattod aetaa of too fia
toty or fraoa. ^Maa ar Mar
MM bMac la Maaoi al oaoa.
I iMb. MoMiw ooll. wHb bloa


For Coughs
and Colds
Nearly all ^^rrtlPr Omgfi Coira

Cpo^li Synip

atteodlng. J-»n tbe borne depart
S:4i a m,. Yautc P-ople-a Soelaty

Firm M. E. Church.
Joaeph DuUoa. paator.
Momtog aerviM. 10: SO.

Tnyar meettag. Tbnrwlay eventog.
0. •
L cordial wetcome to aU.

•nOoM W • 00P(tl IM«Th

wide and two yarda long would give
you u plentiful aupply of emto for perw
fuming your linen cheat. l>mon
tiena la the aweeieat of all aweet
herba. or ahruba. to me.


ToSmaa SSTo^lpoata^ ^
No. tl4 t
.into, wpab evtiry aflaraoaa

Enat Flpurteenih atr
Servleea Sunday mornlug. 10 .id
W«wk-tLtr pravt-r ro4<cilnK Thunwlay
evening i;M.

On© good full enp of lard—cold.
Three eupa (itmad) toll of Auur.
R il. together till thoroughly mixed;
•I awuy III a cold place till you wlah
> make a pie. It will keep any
nrb of lime cold and dry
When you wlah to make n pie. Uke

dd water aa you can fKiaalbty get It
gethrr with, hardly aaore than a leaA Flavor Oanlan.
U,»<*4»n *»f water. I add a few drop, of
Hut few hou^-kt-ciM-ni aud pmlcncis J uui.T a> a time, pcdl out. and on tbo
think of pinnting ami cnblvatlnr .m i top cruai alft or aprtokle n vocy IMf4% hc/lw mid v«-gctable*.for
injUe of the dry mixtoto to make It
navorlng. yet it l> caxlly .bme and l^ flaky. Very good, and nlwajra the
well worth the time and Ubor .e Mime and rOidy for taatant nae.

A Wonderful QD Stove
-^takodlw nor idexA,
O oew prlsclpu*.
^ Baaily mmgti.
^ Baducea fod expaaaa. Beoiy for
twitaaaa at waniT



tow to tb*
tfM.DOMOodt^aot ioUwdot

MaaaM avoM Cba IdtaMa.

aootoadiptoMl baid.*^

ary. oM too Hob aoloflip of too M

BMadp% LasatiTa OogA
im ibaai out d ike oygtgto

« Moaoy M omfoo. tMia
UMiy « «iOMo MM bad for toolM ^ IM«r
Ubtat. MOMM 4M M oar dative wMIbrlfbi OMI la Me •arOM.aefa oa
on 4m Maai tMaoploaUag. aad I vatay 4ar. TM poiMaa. of ooana.,an

of obaio wbtob tow an aooi at too loto
M M4 tf >aMbi^0»o MM MU toUiiMMMMob—t IM nok boaatb
afwi| %bor
- fM «iWMM ubin


wmbir oSi
gellatlc amk
Oboir oadev dtrectlaa of Dr. Smith.
,Tburaday. 7:M p. m. prayer aad

tiM w»tt ahnin

b OD0«bfaaiMf.aa1t growa taab
Moo. or. M H to
raUaC oraooHrtwo faet. aad baa n piaf
voOi^Maa. MU <mr
asly aoa4
patoOL aa 4MM aOMl^ alaa «« fiaM


io;S a ^ 1momli*ltori!ljri

IsttHttt •

|M| Mllltoit^MoiMa OPilaa tko Oto* Oot to tba aotor otraat I fara.
m «m WHb aU lu daat tad hMooaa ortao.
||o 4000 aot loot to Mvo tooto «f I.naiif> otod iiaoiM M My iMk
ligiliM 4o4toto la Uto aoto*, yoi it
Aa loag M darlllbt Olto Iba aU
mw-mhrntm MoTiw tooitoMt of

illiM aoiaoMiiootoom otoi
•miMI Mooioflto. ic ta
►MT all i«IMoa torM fo>
I nilMooltooaitovliotooO^^or^a
CW «ao CMOM at tooM aovf m
# t«b mmU koia.M fc N o^poto^
m 40W loffo a oaaaiity «r ton^r^
I oM W ftava la ^raa tbW llttH^il
I at^ Vaofo toiM aaraoa foFattia
I aM ofio 40»oiP aM to»t b«Mn«a,
iMm Ttaaa oaa %a IMatoO «iilM'%ni
Oftor ta«« oaity la

enough aeed.

moat of toe other i
herha can be
Lattar Day taIntA
^men and
Regular aervlcea of the Mtter Day
) are aN pdlowa:
Aoriau Ptonia of them, or of tovoader. thyme, nwemary. etc. Are oferrd
0:30, aoclal aerrlce.
by numerymen. Herha. too. are eaaUy
1:4k. Sanday aohool
from entung. Perhapa your
nelghlu>ra have name growing which
With you tor
other planu aoi to their coneetkma.
Moat af the MCM tike a aunny nltngI'he publlr I* welc<»lhe,
tlon and a aoll pot to<i rich. The
-pac'e required would depend upon the
wjilH you aelerled. lavender, roaar»t. yr^^initH'tSSt^
mary. thyme, aouthemwood. aweet
loan, mid aagA- could all be kept with.

VlW'V will
ly faaleaa

. fJ'Iy •

rrm ■ootlag, thomday wveal^ quirad

to «M if not proper^
t In ptore befttre tbe
trench a fool

fraaio aroaaO iM bad to i

• t» «» a ««i«mal Mklaf aaa.
• H» MlfM
af tifaaai
« far M ato Mr alt M of mmui4
•M/ MlM WaiMMofOoa. .


ton. m ; John

TM Oah^^ Amiv,
Prayer mHlng. 7:S0 pl m.
Ladiaa* Ubrary bnUdlac. Fteai
Preaching on Sabbath both morning
aon vrlih the baaeAta derived It U
u drvealng
AM are conllall) Invited and welonly neceaaary to hare two or^three
timeil i» our M-rvIce.
toga every «li
0«r butl*
«t: ataiMr, U«« ta WV but Iwrtac
v»e* b*«w«i c«H>
tie cry
TIh- Rev, George R. l.ockhar1. paa
MUsweet nurjornm. pamley and celery.
3:50^ St*thrtallan-a pmtoa
Plant in n amnll bed nnriy while
itnktna ithe naad). amall white oakma
Sunday ecbool.
bamca Bible rlaim. IS
tthe bulbaf ebtvea (motk) and have n
H V P r.. C p. m
hnull bed of omnr' carrota. S«tw to
Kt *<ttiag irtTt Ice. 7
ilM* ahade about every two w«wka
Bible aiiidy. prayer nud praise aer
Lattar Oya Aalau (At
amall n>wa of chervlU Plant In a wellIce, Tkuraday evening at 7:b0.
Junion nnkm. Saturday. l:» p. m.
imMiH-ifHl. mihcr dry
*»««• «f ttro
Bi»ya- Jnnlor nodal club. TuMdnya. •7:30 a. m. Rellgo^lJterury aoclely.
of mint With
All are cordially invited to ibeM aer
7.30 a. m.. .Social nenrIcA.
II 111 a. m.. Suntlaj acbool.
Aavoring regefa*
7:Wl It. m.. Preaching by Rider W.
Church ef ChrM (DIactplaa.)
D. mu of South Buaadman, All am
J. Allen Panby. mlalaler.
attend the aervli'ea.


* "

Id oa rato %lde. wHI make a Ana
badge. PUntad at tbe top of a bigb
raaa bank or terrare pad nlkived to
rail down, iber will make n good
bow 1 do not think of n eUnito r toal
r»n be groyn ao ea«lly. aci ebeaply and
aucb n weajih of ordor a» the
B aweet |H-a U a Umiibr rlluilM r.
lany do not
«lib It, The
BimeMful any U to plant varty.
where they will have flie .tin ni lean
ditriag tbe forenoon, vrnter In drv
weather, and ke<*p them frooi going lu
Juat a* Boon a» tbe puda form
they *to|i tdoomlag to a great extent.
Pick the Aowera freely and let mme
g»i to M*ed. A aweet pea hedge, made
re nHtlug alx feel In height. U a


• yigM

of tba orator, baaca Ita popular aaoie
to alao aaeallaat ofMa aiowad. frtad
atodO lata friitora. It to aalitoatad
too loato^ aa poraalpa or aarrou.
^lac aorlr la ooo4 daap aoll to
iava a Mat apart, tao laohaa 4aap
blaalat to Me or air laiOiea

S7«,“3~“3=: -

lev. Mnif Moon Mavedltb. nMcdn.
Meeilim for wurahlp Sabhaib mom


dJI art malBPtoi ta pB toagtovltoi




Domestie Science

» ifeu S3 e««t« « |n«il a ^
Be Blfki »cWiol «m« itmnc4 1« !>*•
•Ixxjr pauibi
IW tmw Iia»
‘ Bm T«y torn*.

Ikdttatrr of Corrm

• IMM. krM
NT VM tAmit. 11 %M nppMNi Iqr tl« aHTM te
lMUMIU»4hna«t»im«»Ur M

IomI mImmI. vouM
^ -n^t4m



viUi Aiittber of bMPr* to otkrr ciUrm «
»Aofo b i« Namilmt>«l irmbtac w.. to Ttool u-e •«» Ur prod« owjK ib* llidi .cbDOfa.liow«.
I and the rn*l«« lecrttred oorf all to
«*»pbr fono« are t4 «uui>e uw
aha%M«|fMror of It. ao4 the «iante« o< io “
jtrad«-K »h€ rirl* ha
eia*. the boy„ kalfe t
Ihataashlr iibA 004 «04 b ao 1

ootttarte acicNca.

I'alike the «a4r b
laajcaaaMi. abete la after Ufe
fee aord detliatkm. aad »gaa

toaa tbr g(» aildcNa tolled tolo aw.





aU Che fatoa of the . Ily «oO b» da*

gtadtu. «ealDg
In the Ser^th n»d|<.,u^|
Ktghih gradro the boyi do t>eiieb work - . .
.«d .... ttrl.
In ntmuentlJiK. the auiH riatr«*Jc«t. j
W H t^bain.vay*.
We And ikai

f AO j that
;vV.iw.»i a iMui|.UU i

I aa bMibat ar taUa gapa
St new i« to la ha aaadad.
2.. CHKgr tawat af tha atota.
s«aaAd at thraofti %h% autt. »t. Jahnt.
I lidmaton AOriaa a«ttle

» but |.ie^ nied a Ul.iHafi,! rtai.e
uitil Mho«!:u£ ¥li:i( w:i> laugkt in
each graile from the Hevetilk to
Taeliih. Htating that then-

fn^l tl.e TKIM



3 It to as aductllaahl aeeaabt* a.
- sat^ty at
bMch at arithinatic. pstfraphy. •
Mauutl itsiuiuc b tut HO iiiuob the

i.^hei tbT‘1,,
or^ffTVri a

a lio 1« able to pro-

4«ee the «e«u


a h|,h MitorU.1 ehef.

/J Lr .T,.!lu bl.J


U.i „ ,«u-hoH the b.y the eb^ent*


biy* of the Third grade,ate
The born
rUen ilia'alnj; and
>\ a^ they pnign
t*'<-**U** sclyanw-d
the Hevepib

the im



n>at a Pk iure iha
hpa preaeatfd mm he
paaad to eoai.toual a.^ff. and
Itoa. i^raitertoed aa an ad
lery chlldiwa. laaght to feg|id him
aaadmaa |H>laUag to their forela aa he paaaed! He dreatuod of a
d hayood the aaaa aud to ^Ite of
•rakaUto obatar le. hU Tiaioaa b.
r a gtortoua raaUt:
fd bacgar. ahhaoch
eortehed tbe woHd.
PULW deoler of Sex die garg
• to the ailfbty I'ontloew i*ouMl dl«xwmd
But waa toU
dreamer a failure^ aU i


Ugblly wri asHle H»% U%r. iiud
uiMlrr feet Hi- da>
Tbr «>auHr reak<o» rsuu today fur
akipbaatotng SabUtb otwerra
etutod iu tbe time of Jeiemial
habit the raat wilderueM. the grektaat
teodeuey tu aeM- ratr tbe Hatil
tuoal luarked
ThU i« true to
walk, of bfe. pulitb-ak buHito
rublb part- cmr
. Ul and ItHlIvldual What «^u ju-lifv
fH.lill.aI .HiuferemaH ob tbe lUtdiatb
or a •'ouiMd of g^.eraiueut oN«'l«U Iu
baa balH to Ita drgamen.
time of |Haia> What e.u Juatify tbe
umea who draaaied of better
dUirlbutton of mall oa tbe Kabliat
better xlaya tor the homaa
be .toy a of tlu- lelegra|.h aud te
>e wbo depend- upon the mail
l ake tbe drrmmwfmt of tbe worWt
history aud who woobl eare to read It?
Tbe moat of the iblnc* which make
Ufe worth living whU-h hare emaael
patfd mao from drudgery ami bfted
diou- I'hiiktlau

*1 be av.Tuge ror ’

Th.- »..«».
The nu.uey . . rai--d by luxuire


Carpets, Rugs and linolciims
For Spring Housecleantng


■T WILL PAY YOU to travel many miles tosee this beautiful collection of new floor cov­
ering. Our Department today is the B E S T of its kind in Northern Michigan. In fact,
we show as good a line as many large city stores. You not only save a little money by
I buying here, but you get the pick of the NEWEST and CHOICEST goods produced by
the best iTittis In the country. Buying most of the goods direct from manufacturers in
large quantilirfs, we buy just as cheap as any big city store.
V.W* .ko» a 10k tiuo of

A Unmiful lin* of

Ingrain Carpets
ill ibd noMt hl cxilannuA hiul dt-niijua Ht




Velvet. BmsselsanS
Axmlnsler Carpeto


^wstle In the air alwax. precedes tbe
eaatle.on tbe earth -Orlaon Kwett Mar
den in HiK,waa Vlagailur

Barral Baainf an laa.
An e&eiUuc farm of winter sfKin 1o
wbixh I'aaadian boy- ei.-el I- barrel
•log on tbe tie
Ordinary barreU.
lb their beads remoxed. are pla.eil
regular iutcrrato akaig tbe raea
ime for about a quarter of a mile
Then at a given algual aU tbe bora
akate for tbe Oral Uriel
Many rmuh
l.qfetber. aud aa eaib akster tauat
awl thioogh all tbe txarrela lu or
cbarrh atteodauer. There
rr to win U to P. be Itmigliiad that
there ia quite a ateaailde fur Ar-t turn.
barrel w luela . mudetoly
hoy to workli-g blway through U. at»d when I^e «wroe«
• rr ur drif
confuse*! tUt h«> aksieItKTfaRlng rrgutom.v
dtorcgnxda God’s Uws sod lightly «w oir lu tbe wrong dlrectkm
trems holy sud
Ibc the laogh of tu siiex tatuni make, blm
SabUth Is God s day. On tUt xUy He realize bto blunder, sod be «|u« kl.v
ratted frum Hto i*reatlrr work and turns about and irlea to nake up f*>r
li to a-waaarr loat lime. It la quite an exHtlng .q-.r(
ahm for man
Tbe BabUih was aad an lotereoting oue s1«4) fo- the
aior. aa tbe bovs and Urrels »e»b
made for mao.*' but not for hik ple«sla the moat amnsing raabkm -

Stair Carpets
in Ingrain. Velvet or Brnssels

SabUth uot only dUxbe.vs i
nauda In his own bcht
Bat wUi esn ivnoteract tl
Mpy ? I bere is oue Ihlog
that cau gresil.v help, aud tb
be rbrlattau p-s>ple of our la
Bore strict In ’’tVinemUring
Utb day to keop it holy.” V
ir prpeth-e? Are we deserrat
SabUth?. Tbeii lei oa
the Injunction of
propUi and * Ullow the BabUth day.
as God xwninanded our fathers *
aiau: mzapixoCao. II. 1,
Kx. XX. 8 11: xxtll, 1-*:
KXl. 11* 18: xx^lv. 21: \um, xv. S2-3«;
12 U. Neh X. 31; Mali. U. 23
2»; Luke Iv. Id

. 85e to f1.80 yard.


Rugs! Rugs! Rugst

PoaiUvelj the Ukt ail
U> he bhd.
Will not asokt^ ihr
chimneyt; giwa lietU^r
light Aihl lhr«x ia •«


Frauds K Clark demHbes ss
follows in tbe Cbrtoilsu Kndeav.>r
3*orld an experie»c*> be bad lu IJ
pool during one of kls trips In I


oil ig mor«‘ than pl«>piaHl
with tl... r.«u)U.

John Vanda

Wnalraalr AaH
AMMuMle.'uJ^aa* CwUtieBaclat Assmtrkm
c,n,ral Carag, Businasa.

AtoXW^'ni^r Can
Smiley Marioa Motor*.
1:UOm. .st„ ooraarofSteta

rjUT what we can tnpply your
D wanU for WIRE KENOINUahether il’t for farm. pooUry or any other
pnr,kim-,aiid w« K.NOW that we can tell
you jitot aa c heap at anyme. We aIn>
know WE want your trade Ami will i;ive
VOl KOtolgoncIa at right priceg.


of Good

boea*.poo«ww -VUMr

D. Mlicbttll and was torg*^ wnmght
by Mis Hannah Dawbar. I ghaU patae

special lot ol





Hardware lor

wMt of .Siaiobetg'a

.... ..$9to$40 “•*™'*~'A5!a:.‘gatR nplo 17.00

Very Heavy Genuine Cork Linoleum, 6 ft. teicle, 45c, 55c, 60csqi yd.

lio 5?c 38c


cBlktrwn'a ddUrak na a pmctovi fnm
By hatnowm It only rgmaton to aay
tut Aanttog CBdurnr srgrk tea tokan
a stranc hUi dC to# hgMrto mi mnkjr
othar CbrtattoM baatoko tha Uvkrpoal
ItodakTortfs. kkd to Qiiakt BHtkto. aa
wall aa Id onr awm toad, nn mkititadak
whoaa haarta baat warm for thoaa wbn

endtoa. -you «nn yum# na K. tram-

plao«.tt.tortltwUlcamgiip gmlltot
nwary tima.- Calmanto CImUo n—e
Varaiato. S. C. Walt A imto Tranaraa

. Moat kTociTk AtJl it. If
yocu* .l.m L U iim

We Show Anything and Everything in the Shape of Rugs.

Big Showing of Lace Curtains




;; inef..,

will, or »iil.o>it


the great ameoittoa of life we owe to



Oil phcwo


.,1 ITCMt.

dotm' Jbe
II the Kalu Tb. aie plea 4d altli ,i ai
aloug witbuui U wby eaaaoi the t
Tbe noil !^nd gti1, like li and an
er-1 It i- uo aoawer to aay that
k ill lUe Kilih ui le and ibelnill la- made to make It :.n elenbe woririrpretkration U largely done
3a the High helu^d
and -Itth Kiade to.T*
It to Hokl aud read on
aulea! drax.Iuk. >.idli- uork nud'. Tlmre U n nlghi class
aliile the plito have
domestic sidenre. Tbe
I.ewluf: and mnk.. simple g«,. j begianlag^wi . m-de in a h imlde xiay ibrehureha
.. One and om-haM hxmm each j Ihi.v ye-u- ago u.d a .n-lv

a^.d'Im.h t» lovuaie

A (M^eand ft thought will

of the <-at|i«'Oier
Dll iudUidml i»ol»

-- == «• «■. ^

rouiliistoa it
iii.vlMnUal driialuK
High MTl.i,,! as II u. . ........ ............ ,h..;
pt.^cmHon i.t u»mU. t.>ir
------------------- ----------.k...
. *......
rk-.’.i. unrt l.I.-.i.Jii.. ..V..P..I....S

Kaitetaiaa. ai tta« ia#«tr c.iiat Kavt

the peofdr that the lo*rd
Take hood to y.nrr
bar U.I hurdeu uo the itoldiotb day:
U»r tUbbath day.-

ual training. It U eve*.
aa«. inr iitu yrai
an enoUj tudii year to make tlie
etlerlive in the IliRh K^brnd. ‘
t Korbe, matoutl training aodi^’]JJ‘
t‘H-1 ablle a teaeb. *
ii.ui.-»tir Ml u n.'e aud lec |t;o<».

m iTtlaw the Itowrrnt. the

catird forth by the
Ok Che part «r the
SBkpd Jkdaaab dtoIh
He rMw^red hto

I Tb* Agates c*»^*a b> iitiy
Mbe .uia-itoteudeai ajiiJy only to the
boya <d the nflh t
hslfe work aad the giiU of t^* naaie |

zs:r:;:::^xr:^LTz \Lkiimm

are* battoa Taaia r#e «he Week
•■atoetag Aae«t T.
b eae dai la


!.W W.

htntottoo N ftiiio tutofi,
It N Uto ai^ af Uia aabh b t
\ fM«h m4 methoM a^ aaboai


TB» tf«rb«>r b Mid f4SB mA tl»
hoc* UM.IO ppA tb^

I am
p Mint. TPb
•Wlfiiai «r AilbfMlI iUt o«r«



bUtbi ««• w4to

»«y TV,^
un pvBs
mmmi mteisc m»4 iw ««|mw

CioTHciwJf Clothes

A. J. Wilhelm, South Side

^ ; yv


(30M1C ^D MA0A2aNB 3BCTI0R i ;y

v-'wS-i • :■ - r^' V-' ■ ■,.;..


/ ;


; y;■■{^

i, iiU ] THE EVENl^






mwmAK •atwiay, aphil^ wy.



. - rvr





R A!?

attention than


OEE MA% having '
A FIT instead


r ^ni

K y.

.A't' l^jSuui

:yy:-'"^y;iv.v':y:;y"K'- ‘' ■-^rc-r-- ■
•,f»«»-.-v-^- -- v'liiJa'i I iifiiaiiiiJim

- - m‘^^^TiS^iiiiiiiiMaimtaiiir4iiiCTii^t^i''i


THE HORSE THIEF~By Emersoh Hough , .4^

Deceiving Durgan


in il?- asked Tteston
"Fifty thoniUrf.- was the prongt to-

!S* r-"*/r——


j|pot hin in a*"—------ -

SC'wl£y'^ ** '^'




5Ir. while Jon had ^

rstau^Sw time.



nth ol htmtt IM fmt wr«.i

viUe^ad Mfotiated for the property.
Troohk had arisen with the owner ovct
the Ficr. «Hl wh^ Colv^


the road to reopen the argument. Col-




kr"Sr*^7flW^ J?7hTr»’dirukr 3T«TliaVd .„»-

srissrutL* nsTuS?f

ssnrj £!:.

irtiv f»um dkin i urtM tim

m MS wu«Ba

berc wasn’t »
inc iciicr «wt bo9l those

modi notaier than other po^ry farwtt. ’
Now lor the drat time he appreciated
the refiiwments of Durgan’s revengs.


his Mbs of adrentme. mlated with
the imaBTim of one . to whom adven- .
It was several srccks hefore Jun was.

;:?r-,bSr«7 i :
an akaiidoMd prospect hok. Ha had


S'i.n.^'r.sTi.r^s iss.;L^?r



Durgan strip.
It's gi«iig you the best of the
game.” he wrote, detmnimng after all
wa* osvr to wtUe Durgan the troth
and make things hnaiKially right, “bot
I am anxioos to have that strip. If you

cxwUa'l trssal no further W* kep on the b«t nc c^
hot we wasn’t
•"* ■ *®““ ^hom



> wu aa4* wd tb. dodt war
Tbit iwbt tSvt

was to strike the radroad at the klomufc
senknents. we net a feller ridm'. got a little wa> from
the railroad station, an* we Hopped a while to pass the
tine o* day. He looked right careful at our ontht. and


' mt was nu

Trestoa Woke nrto a roar of bnghier
It was dnr eno««li! 1lie ysrd was
tenanted only hy a suftoent number of
kens to pay the feed UUs. 1lic rest of
the chicks were the roosters of nhose

two weeks bi« gkiwing report came
hack. Traces had been found and the


ii^y couldn't have heard 6f ua It vra. a long |u»ll. an’
i^ty hard on our propert). hot we fmally gut in on the

>\Vc^ M .«. t« «h.


seiu word to hi» agent to haiw Ike hok
lahed. and. when the time was ripe,
he indoced Durgan to go out and tend
him a report of the mine,
Duffaii was willing to oblige a friend.


Mhw M rUMwTcolony ol N«rtn(iau ia (Wn. Aa‘
bluM aw. 5^ ktdal tm ar lam>«;:V uanMl r«aci.«:
«i>' r^ at dw )iBK «r< >nack ia ik«rc. ih«r «•> t baUia'
wa?^ •! . d»i«i thay cJWj Wy lt.ii.aJ^ I to't


•*-vff.Itd^jH ,i^ •.n.» joi, hor>^ W .hey
wooUln’t b«y ncac. »«* they dido'i s«s« to uadentMud


‘s:? «.'u *k^s:t.


a iMMt ia» apJdrt <«•«» ■•»« • •"« ““'•

to the

harT^ demanded. “Has the U<ton
laDen out of real esateT

S5S? w/r» o« <d >- •« *«« ^".'JlS,'^ STwI


Si r,i«-u.S‘» iiTtaird^-hia

i, rtr«<l. bM

I swan to outwit hii^”




b*«r uked TtoK. in mf

rail M«g ba «*«M <*ee.'



!irS>sa5Tst=i C^£^33S


that^ aW »»»« Uaj^Kwk iW horns
iltilS^ WaUc tn‘ BiU wsmsd to i»« «« w »Jf*f »







■'i ■ 4: •




CONOV49S» mt







A Tour of UkA wWld
Ab« VMQ^


make a
win be 9



It J3 iadtntB tbr I
t ihiM
tkc ikirt tk*t ar

tt liM>«k •< tlx <k4h. •
Am mAM. 1Iu» mM

. mmkt SkVm>o4


•oAf* a»d cult miij W ft» tuiMiaiMc M yvo

talker *lc«kr. lA M

r a kw <MUada$,
ta ka awfcxaflAil tm 4a> >au moi law mw
ot the « otw la wbl:k
k>w. kr>Mi «kr amw




XM . MK U tk. vakxlb.
»te4o <ri Ite awU M « I.


pUcm «•

«dd hke to make im<. a bc« dre^i for


' ^ h

blown kau mad hUfk ej ea. and u f

It Mcm 10 ■» Uut Ike better fiM «iH W l» 4bard iIh
matst ciiUwJy. then np the *kirt ud wri*, wg iW arw
I igr tW WMhh» that w nuk i
idea lhai A« Uck gpre U a sltaiiki 00c, alio tkaft tht
ir<«t »»<kk win be ap« to be llM «M themim ^
ravacet. im moth* aUayi ted ipoti kru, «m1 Mtway.
thcoe fall mo^iy tm ike from ol tW drci. If tbti k lo.
»c\M Igored frtttcfn and «*ak« tke back width do
get a ictwn
utiug a Uttk of tke new raaicrial
ke the two <

• ' .
.1:^ .



c w earer
a abort, equate >oke of lace
mA. Tbealeetra wifl be puiia
\U gatkered tev kaadi ol lac«.
If liked, bandmg. threaded, may ueahne
umhne tke ]yAe, wkkoate

’ More >Mur r»va the fceeunwi el toa»d in Kanga Unia.
MOOea. uwiJcota aa4 bw ifom epiwaWr*, aad m aJrna^
aW> likiaiiatnJ ky arw
pM^raph*. taken on
ttwH^l vMr. hokBBiklMell.«aU .:*iT>

e. nwTON


hOLMl^ n. Ike pheaoMnal HKvma el te koarr*


pirte. anJ as tauoatwg aaJ »^e as when da-

'”v^»^ia."7uk. th». iomn^yt. w,

anU ted\oo horn
Tke «8U|sja entiUra yoc U. » teaul»fuU\ lUuaUatcJ, dewnpUre Kwkki anJ hiB liilorBUiUoO
withoyt expense to you. Am7 dr.'aj9.
aw^ ac(^

rClarr* yvvrWu' 4»*wrT.
44 MW swu M.
y «ea cur.

hoosebold where
and ahewether to W desired
mg HiUe model that can Ik- utiltied m just this
wav and that is as attractive and graceful as well can be.
The half low ueck is ahravt pretty when worn by Imlc
nrh and the short aleevea show dimpled arms to perfccti n. yet on cxk4 days the frx<k can be slipped mer any
guimpe that nuy be found in the wardrobe, la tke ittustfaiKKi II IS made of white linen and the Uimnimg band
and the sh^-ve» arc embroidered by hand, but colored ma­
terials arc equally- attractive and any little embroidered
U.m»mg can U ui^d m pLu'e of the harul work if a simpler
efert i. drsired Imlecd, this seas.m is so proU&c of attr;iciire materials that the only ihfhcuhy becomes that of
**TSTdrrss U made with waUt and Airt
The waist
tewiata of the front and the backs and is Uid m big tucks
at the shoulder*. The neck exlge is f.mshed wid. the shaped
band and the Uitle sleeves are prettily trimmed and gaihered at thur upper eiet. The skirl is five gored and laid
^^kward turning plaits and the cKwing u made at tk«
The quantity of material requited fur the medium sh«
(to >e.*r|^> is 5>i yaid. .7. 4 >-*rds 36 or 3'! yards 44
‘*t£ psMcm f6oQ Is cut hi sb« lor grrh ol 6. a 10 and
It years of agw
Such a charming >n liiUe frock as this one b

some other durahJ^ mat;-rial. while if a still more fancy
eRcct a desired some lighter colored veiling or cashmere
can be used with the kn^ cut away ^eweath the yoke.
The dress consists of the waist end the skirt, which
ere joined and cWd ttqjetber invisihly at the back. Tb<waia a bojc plaited and arranged over a body lining, which

U bc«l la fom. tlx xAt. T


The quantity of matrn.1l required for the medium sire
^ (to years) is
4 yards 3b or 3^1 yards 44
UKhes wide with ^4 yaid of dl^vcr Luc fur the yoke. 5i/
sards o^banduig, fs^yatd of all over bcc if long slgcvcs

ss» b cut in sisa for gMi oU

‘'^J ixtx.n xml nuM. xMfm. .aaxVl MlTwrmy


-Neither can L" aaid Mrs. Blue Bottle, -much as I de-


AI‘I*U»*...... .....^ -—...........

**1jtown they tew. . Mrs. Darning Needle gave Mrs.
Spider a vKions poke in the tkoras with her needle, which
startled that laA so that she dropoed the mosquito and
ttmsed at bsyn^ Mr* Bine BolUe was a cloae second,
and the two were more than Mrs. Spider could bauk with,
so with a alap of h^lplcas an^ she retired behind her oak

III Matth4w IV. dl.-.Vi the Saxiour
Icllv of the tim^urd vx-.d that vpi.ails
into a tree; ‘ .V krain of mustard seed
which a man ti^ds and suwcxl in his
held, and when a 1- grown it 1- tbc
greatest anwaig lurU and bcvxmu tU a

CoMMiitit.irs have Wen pnaskd and
worried by this passage. To the men
of the Occidcui. knowing qnly tbc snull
of Kun^w. the
a musUrd seed grow mg utto-a tree that
affords birds bKlg«nem m its braiKhrt
sias to iKrrpliKUiK they ujught to
exilian, It .So thex x.ud that U^r .Savhnir
referred to a tree that gruws bx tfo
xl.orcs of the IV-ad Sea, where it
reaches a fair height among the hot
rocks Thb tiec hears grape lie fruits
that have an aromatic taste with a dcoded tang of 1musutd but. although
this tree by a
nOated loo;rh
luccessary to
strain and direct the meaning
meanm« ^
Christ's words at all. for to this day
men may go by the Sea of Tibenas un­
der wild muqard plant* that grow so
high that they tower over a man on

da^ ol’thTpr.lS^rw^,

stria !TSir.s.EtLW.,'s ss

and wws carried to a neighboring leaf. Here the rescuing
party unwound her, and then carefully washed her off in
a dew drop.
Miu Momtuho gave a long sigh, and looked gratefully
at her friends. "I thank you. 1 thank you! ’ vbc gaxped.
Mrs. Blue Boitic “VNlxai are >ou

^ \ Ihfo-wa individual spinning
Wkk tbU Ust tnstremant she emdd weave a patttts of
Um basstifol to louk at>w dream of wonder on a sommer

.1... I« . xml MX «. m<

TJoder those circu«mances,^^sai^«^

daagla at tke end of kar dBun thread, spiafong all tlfo
wMli aock a^ ddivAa^ym^

Fran teW-d



manna under it% branches. An 11 tlie delicate txxig* of tlic
tree*, and from the wounds there ea
a hxMM-x liVc sap. which drxH.. to the
ground in luiv rcMnuus pellets. These
pellets must be gathered before sunrise.
beewM Ibe heal of tin day melts them
So the uatixe* may \< twm bcioie dawn
cxdlectimt manna m the demet toda>



(twiuuM USM- 1^- e,
-Yes.- a.vnttHl imrgah. '.mb gew.
erallv tlu\ g,i. t)»e saine of ruck,
nut a diflitiM -AUt of quaiu. an 1
saw ih' nm.uie 1 xri e>e- tm it that

in snrpriac
-And still 1 bought It,- verified Ourfan.
a. "You MT. Jauasm. it ffadwd on
UK like wbx vott wanted me lo get 1
If you'd
you d told me
vted uvr
over there
at m time xuo could wm th* mrl fo
th* you could hare ted U
Uxsxir Idly. You wanted to do it your
Wax. ail' I wav willaii' t.. kt you.
McUkt the t.ltl wian tJunkv th' better of
>ou bcc.iu^ >.4i ootwmcti me. an* it
hurt him to Ki Mixx O.ixiHc marry you
uiatiad ot the Uwyw box
1 knew aU
about that uiioi the firxt bghi ixmimuiccd
1 go! square with them both
when v<«u got lb' girl *
T tmani to write after the wedding
and ciniUxs" -aid Tres^m -hamefacud- '

was Uiih.' l-uxted Durgan. patting
T rc*tx« affectionately on tU back, *W

said T^toS^-l

aitentimi to iC
just kamd « for

tCeuSluuW rrurn Fuge »)

«W Ini Sin.' Spider'^rarad on. ^


Mm an* wagon. They was a pore, broken-down lot. tke
korses near pbxxd out. the man down sick, an’ the monen
folks hall starved They hadn't a thing to ett. a«* they
was a settin- out there on the edge of the Iom Milin'
to starve to deaik or else wattin' tiO soose of them •own
folks would come out an' give them a bhe In cat; an* I
reckon coe'd catch 'em about as mA as tke other. Jim
COOK eg and talked with 'em. an^ saw bow it waa He
didn't aay nnKk.4bMt he turned aroond an' rid out of town


I^n da Sn oh«n lorn a turf u th<



•. ^ VyVv 4





the prettievt gold mine on the place

i^H7d’St.‘£sf 2?

w^kAjMr e^w^gfl cawgkt o«vmIw«. «nd !'m boi .

'4 i


*^-aS5 there be no sihxr within five
hundred miks of tke place.' 4w«ig on




SO* • >«k.

Beautiful Flowers and Plants
of the Holy Land

lo and M

am and ten cents lu Mim Marjorie Dane. 44
thud sirii'i. New Voik City,


It really mean*

thu iiut»iK« h i« nwac ol «Um». ttiiolixl with bcUhni
* silk, and trimmed with velvet ribbon while the yoke 1*
of aU-over lace, but a number of varutiems might be sng



Burton Holmes

Two Sensible Marjorie Dane Patterns for Little Girls


■:;. v.^^n-,:.

y:-- -''4-:,:;;.








I-v\ yv ;

♦arV^iui Jr iud Ihe liJn
*hwim*i*j Mill nil *Jk.w the rftiu ot Ihu liunU, MliKh9crmm to il<-iiMuir rvcr)iliiii« m iJh- >fc«rW of fukhkm
Theft ire liwiiy vtMMiuii* of ll.U j-quiUr laniv. Iiut
Dooe <nur« griurrful and lirf«inniu! U> u :«- > I
lurr aliovu m white uflfeu. Ihr opro irool i» cut ia
ksoHoImI Ti«liur aiKf i
(.racrful fulnr*.
to frinil h> uuk*
llu \»MHt»dcr*. whilr Uir
• lafV 1^ quite |il4iM
for kltghi i,'oh«r> at tin •aot
dWw slr/vr* and fuIMcitgih ilmr. arc
«M4h pruvidfil tor in tiu |»uuvni. n.*. ^ MaiHiniK od
t .. iwrk. Ubcfly ailk. pungcc. JUffeU and
liarn a^ all atutaUr for ibe aiakmi: and all orrr rmhro.
drr> and •»(!€ douimnk- arf inm tin|.loycd wilh good rl
fact Ml Ilic ioakuu oi the junqicr and adn.m waiitv
and tliey arr tutuUy wnrii o»rr an nndn Ualu * »d jdai*.
nrt or larr uimnird laHO
A p«ant «iorlh> *>1 iu>iu«- i.

..A uruiuiiuiKc ft iu\ cdcciv ciltirr appKi^urd • i »n ti*»‘
ncM atnprd net; th»(
a net ui ahaatiatny
heavy Imc and plain ^iamyi^l ♦liapcl iuc*h
I or the
tLnnt) lingerie nai^t N'alcmciaimev <n4 Chiny afe u»cd in
prrfrrt IHT- lo amthmg el«e. i-or JfU luch hu>i

y VI .lb
^ the dierr
n ade up
'^A% ihc ^awn advance*,
over colort-d vill liinna* wUI
will lead aMKing
am<----------fahrio. Moh . nurguoelte and
-being grratlv iii

lm"nnit gIi'^n!*^f.f^hc^r“t'’hUrk vone. c«»Pr^Tiri.r^'r‘dk
and Wind, made over ^daid tatitoa^ulL^ng*. .The bcaoItiul nuvelu »dk» mm »1vmiC3S382?CV>iTaiirqt \arui.'
arc alyo »«*« d for the purpose.
tinted tone> ..i
the vtlk di.ming throua’h
;h the *hrre
4irre hlarV,
hlarl vmle being ina«/rffdrtmr:^Tlto 44c^ b alao
die V parate vvaKt t»i coNircd net. ar other
thin material. Me gray being evpcvfally <ff«ctive over a
rabic blue iKndtv idk.
Deiign \o
.r the t\har it U ab-olnteb
<tr.J4 i* evcelhnl for


■: y ^! IP


TLTvi »«tuf him l-.J.Km, Uuk^ «u> vnr in mhtr r»
1^ •fieri*, ihrrr i» ««ir kt>ic tlul rvrr frniiin^ in
%U, ftml l\M U Ibc •riMfilr tiuiit or U-u^
I lll^.
>«tr r»cT> variaiKin of the jumper or Huimpi- *1>1«*


vimple and ea-v of t
Ihe buv phat doiMi t
crtitie irvait add. a touch of ongi
nahty to ll.e ni.*le ,
1 allou. a front ck»rog. a» many
prefer a I
i>e that opcm in fu nt. rather than one that
Uip* on .
the head III irue jumper %tyle. Ihe alceve*
arc cut III w«ilhi>ed tmilnie am look excerdingl.v dainty
mer the full mukr.lrewc. ol tran.pareiU ligured net. whwh
ua. al>o uwrd for the guimpv
hor j(> iinh hu.t iv.ea»urc,
yard, of _*7 imdi i atenal mill be needed.
Ladies- Jumper, No. 57^ Sties for
.14 Jb 3h^40 and
4-* iiK-hes uu.t measure
AnoCber popular model it shown in the dainty over blouse
that open. duHti let tlie uaistitne. It is made to be uorn
ovee the separate guimpe or lingene waist. ^ The new
I.1.U1SC uaut Is d.Minamshcil by great width of shoulders.
Thb cffact b always attained by merely Icwgihening the.
pcrly cut to <
shoulder seaim. the pattern must be proper!;
tain the right result
dm aand ;
be paid to
armhede and fit id the sleeve
Wide pleats arc arranged
at the shoulders and aid in giving the broad effect, while

: -




* /

suull grrm s^vrt buttons that are arranged over the
siitchiivi of the pleat and on the front edges of the sleeve
caps. Buttonhole; are worked on the opposite edge of
the sleeve caps, but they may U simulated by loofgreen silk cord. A charming uaut could he made after
this model of sapphire hhie chiffon hroadcloth with piping
and Unt.m. of hlu- ' 'vxt. or bands of rKdi Persian em
broidery might be us d akii« the free edges of the over
btmue. Ihc umK
..niac nnght be made u! ecru batiste
or net, rufSes of et rn face almost covering the ftxmi and
elb^ sleeves. Tor 5b-inch taut measure,
yards of
^Ladiea* Over Blouse. No. 5711. .Sues for 3^-34 l6'jB 40
and 4^ inches bust loeasure

and*ii'lSS'bSlr^ure^*'^ Sires for .w i4 3^.18 40^
“Xlif of the M
«iU U nuiUcd to tny odJint

Nuiisr Sir rskii'


City. and be •Oft to Mod tht immher of pattm detired.

..................— -..............

.r-.; ■

mbmi /nKM.ssvumvvui a oimiss vat at aims

<h V, A \

/r tv


• -i'U
‘ ■'• V-











.» ...

------ .C-.; ....i



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