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The Evening Record, March 15, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
IXIT. V'W !■»»
v:v:. i
... ■
': ■ ''N
30.«0(h WtlffiO STHSR*"
nrr to
Rvimlns lU^oH
imluiCM. Umreh li-—Hmrr A
I mtior » per*oiiml iBtmriev with
Ooreraor Waiver, mj* the laiter toM
hkm tht ho tulirappotoi Charte*
0»e «am«« W'aMT. vbo van
fartor la tho l>4aad Barboar Mt
ka4 a iietliloe from tlU« •epttoo iiT the
•imM bjr 3.«K» pronle.
Ona of Foat;iroa of Today*a Tr
Ka»ona Boliovo That Tha«
Waa War**.
Did You Ever
One Uiljr iAia lliia
didnH know rublh^ lax>U
cvmU ».e had for womea anti
of the loaujiliy -xpen* A hyi-^hetic
♦•iaii.n «a* I hr Iraiurr. AIJ ol
up lu the fctale
They *U» luu »i. llev.* Thaw
e when he
White Afiw
Y.a, Ulifo. you, aiul the
children can batre them aa
vellaa the men. And now
that you
yon know
they eau lie
liad. do^
dor^ you
think you
would uppr^'iuU* a pair^
which Dorothy thx »ay» onl.t heavm
Aak the chiMrvn what lliey
thiuk altoiit them. .
be made to have HiimnieJ
W reeaUftI to ctaiiia.lin
Cbey Don’t
r» BUir'. Siri« Limb T«We»•!»-««> mrfiopi* to
matcuy A •foOtm
ol «»a*h
Snith |»|»r
MHte • plaee hi
any boae whore good tlationeiy
U NUMdated.
The Hobart Oo.Pfop.
Hats and Furnishings
worn KASTKP*
We arc showing the Lonfilcy hat and there is no better hat for any
^ Our line of furnishings is ahead of anything we have ever ohown.
We have something that will please the mah who likes the * smart
styles, and we have them at easy prices.
€o$t inucb
Crossett Shoe
P.«t foi Comfort. tV»t
for Stylo. Boot for Woor
A Shi* that KiU. .S’.vifa
no hteakiiiK in We
will I* gla.1 to tell
alKuil th
A Man
sueaiid $4.
Bachant & Rsocoe.
iiak.Hl the^ oilier day
why he vttiddn t Kel
Old Time
We brought
jjotxls and hf loDktul
them over, i*onai<iered
that we Kuarantetfil them
two yenra and went away
Logs, Logs
Will pay Highest Cash prices for
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
Tra.vcrsc City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cit. 32. Bell 169.
We are Opened and ^eady for Business
•with a nett) line of
Klaasen & Shamsky
New Shoe Store
234 R Front St.
Farm for Sale
Kmwb a» Ike
Owries EUls Fara ;
le and One-haU Hllcd
tram Old Mission.
3_tpriiig» on lam.
Lwgataim^ oomcrib«nf
On mUn nod to Old yUmbe.
Price, $4,000.
. f
« ymi %MM iha iMd WaM
eeniBiif at <:» In the Chnrch of
ChrM. thf Rev J. A. Cnnhy oflciat
lag The young «mple were attasNUd
by Claud aiSord and Mlaa Plora
StrkWland Mr. and Mrv Albert Ha
her. pnrenU of the bride, yrnd Wward
and Albert Haber. bcoUmra cf
bride, nil of GU RapMa. wem I
ThM bamk U^eawmM hy the Stale official wh
the caah. provwa booka 4md aecurtUes aod aeea i
ia la good coadltkm and carefully maaagvd. FI
«oeh jraar we are called upom by the Bute Baa
panmoat tor foU, awom reporta, ahowiag our om
Jb Iheae aad olter waya the great SUIe of
carefully proteeta ibe tntereata of our deporltora.
New Carpets
‘ 1904 .
caawtn»ndloukth»moT»r. It tUre i« M^tiiiiicUrc
you «kut »• Till boU it lor you.
^ We kn.Mi rats. I- the heal
Washer made and we battmre
you Will think
anrr ytm try
(his woad*^(ul washer
poinu of aupertority arv
1 It am do il*. a.iri in le
It wtll *lo (he uoik l-etler
It Sill do the W«.fk .sspn
Eaolcst Kla4 Ol Easy Payments.
J. W. Slater
thaa an> other ma*'t.l«e
Oh# prpfsisKkin U Ihts lake
a machlae and try it lor 3d davs
U It win not da what »r rulia
Traverse Qlp. Midi.
TIm boitan of Ornad Trut^nm Imy
taaovwad «l(HttwdoM. lUar of tbr
of Trafara* C?Iiy have und^r
tlM » fflWiiatkm of tba
t«tal wlillo rrtml tnrf*t w formarl
cotarad vltb tt How mmr lotui hav
Umn boraad and thrown away hora
la only a matter of conjecture and not
Special to the Evening Record
Rk Raplda. Mich . March IL.-Dr.
here waa quite
BUa 1^. retunwd mlaaionary from
(!blna. haa been spending moat of the
In the saw being broken to
winter at Aldan. She waa aa Antrim
aome fg the teeth being found
ooeaty girl before ahe entered Ihi
the mill yard; but luckily no uoi
mlaalun held for wtudy and work
hurt. We are all very aorr>‘ f
White, aa It wlU bma loss of
iXiring last week aad this ahe visited
140 or |M to him
her girlhood chum. Mrs. V I) Wrle
Charley Clay vhUted MUa 1
While the old daya of big ruta hav*- aler. on the Truverae City ro*l
l^ae 111 Long Lake Sat unlay
mih« from U»wn. Friday Mra. i
nnd while no more aawd.
Noah liln. wUI have a sale March
fmm into the bay but Inatead all
Ik. and will move (o Oregon to mak^
petalble ta burned for fuel, atlll
hU future home. John Haywood wll!
waa accorded bar hy the
dtfly being |»rod»eed here, not in
farm his place.
Mlaa loinra fMn will go to Frank
great quanUMoa but in qultr Urge
tort t<xlay to work for Mrs. Cbaa
aipmU. Now come forth the neien clety of the M. B churrh
parlorw. Nearly a hum
Babcock of l^ke Ann la bead
gre«Med the labotei lady
White since Charle>
turn gave them a dHlghiful talk on
U come, right from beadqua
^MlkVKlmnaJgh of Empire t»s
the cuatooia and bom# lU# of the
tom •tllortona opportniUilea 1o
through here Mooday on his way
the name of a eobg that drinking men women of the Orient among
Traverse City.
haa UboL-rtd for twelve y
of tbb eooatry can aing with
Mrs. Kate Edgell visit*-d Grandma
Harvey one day Uat week.
patboar aald l>r. Wiley, the pure food Lyon MMB to Chlongo thu
Mr and Mrs. Will Gri
Uke up poat graduate work at hi^
expert of the agricultural departi
Elmer Crmiu
**ter nciiooe baa Juat dlaouvered that alma mater, fhe Northweatem univer
Sunday afterr
nnvdnat la good material for the man- sity. She expocta to aatt for China
Mrs. Ollb* Kohn visited Mrs. Joe
BoTkert Sunday afternoon.
utectorw of alcohol
-Ifa not wood alcohol.- dacUreirthe health contlnuea.
egpert. -hut the genuine atuir. It can The George Dunn farm in HUlon morrow and h^lu- end of the week or
Mrs. Blslne Marsh was In Traverw
first of next week the entln- plant will City
not be told by taate. amell or chemical township haa bf« purebnyed h]
on business Friday.
be In operation.
analyala from the alcohol made from Mr. IginJt frtim MIsaoOri. who wttl
MUa Maud Hu1l>eri und FranrU
cupy It ot once.
Indian com.
The MIsa*'s Carrie ond Nettie Kosi<
Mra. Jane BUnchard, a resident of Ward Burr were marrii*d Saturday
-Juat atop and think for a mo
s we<-k In Buttons Ha>
of the mimooa of Uma of aawdnat that this aecilon for nineteen yearn, died evening by the Rev. C. Daniels. They Tlslllng relatives
are residing near the cement plant.
.Mr. und Mrs. CJI fTRaNton hav*'
liaye gone to waate. Bawmllla when Saturday afternoon. She waa
Mrs. A. K. IXiugherty was In a crit iiH.ved In one of A C Wynk.Kip*»
the moontalna of aawduat got too high mother of Sam. Will. Charles and Fred
nronnd them have to l>e moved to ea Blanchanl. The funeral waa held at ical condition Saturday and Sunduy
Rurhel Hsrvar vUIUnI her niece
aawduBl. You c«nn|»t bum II. the Presbyterian church Monday after (rom heart trouble but Is better t«>d.nv. Mrs Ntns Marsh. Monday.
enpel» the aawdu
Miss Orra Couly of l.udlngton Is here
noon and the interment made In Maple
Mr and Mrs, Frank Harvey and cliU
It haa bad no I
dran vlHlle.1 her uncle. Jake Ralston
It makes good alrt>hol and a new In
Mrs H.T. Blodgett.
.•family at South Kaason Sunday.
duatry haa come Into liHna
-r Ctaln
Mr., A. c. Ru.ck,..„ i.f,
Z ’‘uL.,
*‘fiawduat aJi'obul la %tw being
visit her mother In Ibigbrs. Arkansa.v.j (.^.,1,, ,)r»ive to Travt-rsw City
tannafactured commorrlally in l*enneyIvanU and tin* InUuMr) la *-x,HM-ii-d some tinje She leaves seven children
MUs Ira Valtie .f loike Ann vlslt*M
and a huslumd to mourn her loss.
lo apring up and thrive In nil mu
Mrs BUln Marnh m*T Sunday,
kNinerwl was held at Sacred Hcnrt
R.resi Totten. wife and chlldrei
ness of the Ice on the bay and
church today at 10:30 oclock and
Islted Mr. atui Mr>
from the la-nlnhul'n have vlrit*-*!
burial at Kewadiit.
Mm. Reay and children are visiting and trad.-<l in thlh Village
In Old Mission
,a. or,.. "-"S nday after
David Klin.li of Old MIshIoii sjhmiI ate<I by a nupposetl crary man nannsl i
T.my Scurap Tuesday foivmtsm. • Siif |
Sunday wtih IiIn brother WIIIIm
Th« Trsubis.
The mail* quartet consisting ol Lu-lag fr*jni what niay prrtve to l»e tein
•There seems to be a gi
- Lako Irav.-I bun b«,jr b.-i n'rrKard.tl MesKiw. Otto powers. Walter Hanks porary Insanity. rmis*H! m» doulrt from ;qmnin»!ty h» your faail].v.
ccsslv*. use *.r stimulants. Timy «n-|npna the anfcHt in llio aoibl and Mtuiia llt-rbiTt niodgrtt and Dr. Wheeler
lunco*! -ihlH was to l*e hU last da> I ‘ No. air. timt ain’t the trouble, but
llcw ahow nmt f.-wer pM.pl.. hwo Ihclr with Walker Lang aa accompanist
I we don't ntd’e.tr to l*e able b* git to
Uvea in iM>ivi*utngo to ih^iinilN-r that luive a ctincrrt at Klk Lake Drang* on ••arth.' and without hat .ir coat left ndl»er In anything.^’—Bnltlmure Amer
iiae the waterwa>a of^h«» cot------ hull InM .-venllig. A |uirly of admirers lb«> east hid*- iHMiililtg hoiiso lo folbiw Iran
nilR.lln-ctid fmaA'lnings
than in any other imalr of tiav. l. The Irtini the village went out to encourage
great lakna have hnd no iiiHaai«>i^ like
most of the da.v and he was lo Gsirfi lbcheillliofyoiir Umilf b}
that of the Gen. ral .si.-rtini luul thenin Old MI«.lob. whither he had keepmr It btifit bonie of Qi«mber.
The republican caurmi for ihTs t*»wn
ere few wrecka of evritit i<m or paa
loin's Csncb Remedy. It hts so
ship will U- held fYiday evenlog. gom» across the !«•.
hen get ateamem
B. F. Cacson haa mdd hla farm five equl for coorbs, colds tod croop
In order to'maintain thU hlnh n't:^rtl March 2.
miles south of town to AiigUMt Di> AmeiictA Drnr Co.
nnd to avert Juat tuch a f^aulblllty
Cransaez. who will .K-ctipy It. hi once
far aa It can be < eiiwi. ilM- govt
LandUtJy—How do yon find - the
Carson will r**move to Traverse
up fxoiu Chicago Uat week and wlU
oua paaaenger ve»MU on the lake* visit his -mm • niek” for a
Roarder-1 haTen’t found it yetwin also Uiak«* fretpunt trips to the
threr tlmtw a year Inatead of
. f4eUce will 1UU.
giiei. trf the rimeii resort, make re|uilr« and Improv*^
a tjul wt-dding here last
of Cheae lnapeetbm» and tlul will lend menta and im ready to o|mn up th.* Wednesday auhe
mwof David Newhotel early In the aeaiwm.
toward keeping the equipment a
Harken of Kewa- KISSI..-4.^j||j^nd that Harris luakei
Homer Sly. local iuanag» r «»f the din and Mrs Sarah A Vand**rventer
hlghtwi poaalble aundard
' If the owner* or maater. of lake Bk Cement rtimpany. haa a new auicv of this plae*-. hy th.- Rev. Mr Thomie
•Hie Anifirlf aii Candy Kitchen
Th.- happy i-mtpl.*
mi4»lle and prr>hably no one wRi wait
t'twft are torllneil lu Im- Imx In n
mon. tmpativnily tor g.s»d roads than
to their equipment iht« ,«M.lblil
our g*-nial 81) f. lUnr
d«Mit of a 'r»vemment |aa|a*r.u,
Mrs l.ardle and daughter. Marie *d
act aa a great chtn-k.
Mapbion Is spen^dlag the aeek In
VAKfTJ-A. Raapheriy and Wilnut
Judge llcl^ughlin. Dr Gaunt left, a
Ther«- has t een it good deal ot Ire.
KlBSBB. the kind that lUrrla make*.
II Dougherty. IL 8 Ameroow. Juaeph put np 4n the ’i.ssi wWk. It Is aUKit
I.; t)
lOc per pound tomorrow.
Uutler. Frank and Lowell Sours at eight.-.-n inch*-*, thick and of good
The American t’andy Klirhm
mar Ik-lt
l>ewis A Eili.itt have finished their
Traverse City Friday evenmg.
Joh Af logging for A M 8mlth.
I) B._NewcirMl. remrn.-d home last
Liitu-^Nack.-rman and Nora
•avad Her ften'a Life.
Farrell, tcachem at Alden. spent Sat- ;week. after s|H-*idlng two months vlsnother lu the
:rd«y with <heir parents In this vlt ‘'‘plJelc-hm; yrlh*. M. K 'ch«rch last
, la
aod carry^a larije'atock of
••One year ago my aon age.
Sunday, and a ico.k1 -serntuti hy the and aappliea.
1th such aerlooa lung
down ^h
Mra. Jamra Veniler has returned Re^. Mr. Thomps*m.
tniuble that our phyaiclan waa unable
to help him: when, by our drualat’a tome from a six weeks’ stay In De
advice I began giving him I>r. Klng'a troit.
New Uacovery. and I aooa noticed
na Couturier of Frovemont Is rlaltImprovement. I kept thia treatment ing his cousins, l.«wrence and A
up for a few weeks when he wraa perCouturier,
^«;tly well. He haa worked ateadlly
nine* at oarpenUT work. Dr. King s
Mr. and Mrs. Ft^k WrulV
New Olacovery saved hla life.** Guar tamed at cards Satordav evening
anteed best rough and cold cure by
woo by Mra. Lawta
Nugbee Drug Co. f-Yank H. Meads.
Ifaiumh drug atore, 60c nnd llOO. aad aocond by Dr. l^eCore.
C.A. Whylond of Chicago, piwaident untU 6:30 p. m. The lecture and en
of thV^l^euneBt aad Ume company, terialnment will follow
mar 15-It J.W.JMkMB X.W.
IT IS not Mr. Cdmrile Ikwkmaa of was liNlowa the first of the week.
E.A.M<w«e BomSUoud
Jpruce Blruet that haa denied hla wife Tueadpy he went to Prtoskey. He ex
Mra. Charlie Beckman,
peels to return to Elk Rapids tomor
J. H. Ummu
nar 16 It
row for a couple of days’ laager aUy.
HARRIS’ famona KISSES, regular r. r. Akw,
Milton township caocua will be beM 25c per lb.. IOC totrtwTow. Saturday.
ibe.town ball at Kewadta SatortUy March 16.
KtBBa. the kind that Harrta makm afleniooa. March tt
The Americaq Cimdy Kitchen,
IOC per pomid UMnotrow.
ooaapaay aurted the mar 16-1t
The Amertcnn Candy Kltt^en.
F. L. Sbnter
nMattra wfR ba ataitad today or loRECORD ^
. PAY.
r ^
notice of Primaq Election
To the b-gall.t
%-i wtr *4 the
RepuhlUon |.aity .H Hu- rjiv *»f Trav
ers**? C:tv. C*i.int.v *.f Crsiid TiovTAKi: NOTii^^Tutti in lu- H.rd
am>*. with the i.roUSh;n> id Aei No,
111. of ih- l»u:.:ir Acih of Mhl.Uuin.
sessiiKi of l!*H!i. t!,cr.. will h*- ti.-i.l ;i
primary «U<rih»n on ih*» inth *l*v of
March. A I) lJ*t*7. from T bVhwk In
the f*»r«-n<R.a imtll 5 o cI.k k In iIih afof nominating cniidldat.-R ftir*lh? i*puhlU-an party, for th*- ibarti-i vh-rHem to Im- h*-l.l on th** fln.t d;iy *.f
April. A 1) 11*07
You will ftiiiher t«k*- nutlet-, thsl
the foll.ming officers are to |m* tiomlnat**d nt Hiild prinmrj eb-cth.n;
City clerk. f«»r n lerw of two y«-«rs.
City ircnMun-r.’for a t**nn of twu^
^ jUdge t*f record.-Fs court, fur a
of four years.
One muoiU-r of the U*ard «*r public
work*, for « term *.f thi*H* years
One mi*mb*T of the Iwuird of edura
lion, for a t*-nn *»f ihr***- yi-ars.
One schixd lUhtH-cior, fur a term of
three years.
Two Justices of the peace, one for a I
term of four years, and one for a term i
of three years to fill vacancy;
One supervisor, front/each ward.!
A Few Snaps in Furniture
After our bij? sale we find ourselves
overloaded with a few articles such as
Odd Dressers. Cheffoaiers. Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen TaWes. etc..
That we would nther reiluce st • re*y tmAU mirgia
thtn toouty m maoy in eiook.
Htee Are Some Great Baroalas lor Yoa
now............. ................................................... S4.W
witlMwo Urge eopli
KeguUr SU.OO Cabinet* will go (or...
Kegular SHi-.V) (VibineU wHl go for...
RegoUr IIi-.OO C<.>biiieU will go (or...
Kilcben TablerfrogJ.....................
Old D™f,o«..T.......
Cb(‘ffoiiiiTi from .......................... ............... ...........§M
YOUR atEDrr is good.
Vour Reliable Furniture Store,
..r*: ,.J
Grand Rapids Fumltufc'Co.
a term of two ytars.
One constable, from eoch ward, for
a term of one year.
You will fiirthc-r take-notice, that I
the following hwatlons have iK-eti -duly
d(?slgnuted hy the common council of
this city as (h.* iMdllng places fur the
said primary election:
l-'init ward—in Grange hall, on Cass
137 S. South Union Street
city hall, on Spruce, t
Third ward-ln th(
Fourth wnnl—In the engine house.
No. n. on . Cass str***-t
Fifth ward-ln the Plfth ward hall,
opposite E. J. Hans 4- Son’s st*«e.
cirner of WuHhlnr.ton and R«>/»e
- CMy. Mh hiKan.
City rb-rk.
March 6 to ‘iS Inc.
Worked Like a Charm.
Ir. 1). N. Walker, editor of that
-r Journal. Hie FYiterprlse. lamlKa.
. wiys: -i ran a nail In my foot
we,-k nnd at one*, applied BuckNo lull!
______ s simply I
H..al« ev
K»vp uu ta date hy vsiog
t4eotric light for bouao. atora,
■UUe and factory. Th«
danger from fire it immeMurablyleaa, the oonvenienoB
and oconomy far greeter than
that (xnnected with any other
'^^\lTl?“ahow you all aorta
and aixoa of lighU end eaU.
maU^ooat^of what yon need.
18.5 0aaaKt. '
Phone 502.*
For MvKiic Shrine fl|(*ciing. BoUd
train of sUM*p*.rs und dining cars
Grafid Raplda. Very cheap
rate, long limit, favoratdc stopovf*r privIlcgtMi. Return
Candidate for Republican
via divrrw rouiMi. If ron
I a iilMMni trip with
For .ladtfc of the Ue(x>nler**i ('ourt
'. . V-
Amil F. Nerlinger
Has Uved is the tirand Traverse krgioa
lor the past »9 years.
Groduala of the Tpi^vw City High
Bchaol and of the University of Micblgaru
Practiced taw six years. • ‘
This train will
stop one day at
Colorado Springs,
one day at the Grand
Canyon and ample time to
see Albuquerque, Laguna.
Indian Village, Redlands and River
Come Wllli Us
Correspond With
H. J. GRAY, D. P. A.
Gl^ ^plds. VPcil. _
N$e Raorii Want Ads
•vmiM uteoita TRAvtutc etrv. mcMiaAN. fiudav. mar^ is. itsr.
SiMrtol to (ho 0»ratDE nooord.
KoMtlrv. Mlrh^ Mort-n iS—WolUf
Ntohol* boo mmeU hi* fomlljr Inio tbr
KRTRS bouoo uo KllJOt ktljmrt.
Ukm LuJu Hookiu* U home from
Co4lltoc whrrr .hr to .ttroatoi «*ool,
oo ooerioot of 111 braltb
A r Bobttog TO bcmio from Uur.
to«. from tetontor until Mond.y.
Mr. Holmm of l^kr Ann_|« hrrr
vlidttoC brr d.ucbtrr. Mr^
Ilhf llodgr rr|iuA««i Itoturd.jr fiijtu
MmUowot whrtv hr ornt in cb.rsr
<il t^ cr kimto of iMitutf.. for U K
Mr« R R itottox irtt Monday .fu r
bm for n vtoit with frtond. In M.nto
loo. flbr oipocU to .t.rt MKin (Hi n
trip to WMbtoRtno onU OroROti.
R A. Votoo v.h bonir rnmi Thur.
Mr tmiil Sotiird.x iMt onk from
^ 4:iong«ny. Wr*f,»rd rcHtnl). wbcir hr
" to inon.frr »»f a torpe ulorr.
Mr. A (’. roll.) of Tra»irM* City
•irtrod Monday noon for a vtoli a lib
opto m hto laim to! of town Miurh
at. .rtrf vhlch bo will iMvr to town
' Mr. lliigh MHcholl of fViuikfoM will
gtvr an rtilPiiaf
In I he ojK i a
wvcr b—n aqMM. •!»« It k«s JaMljr
tb« Wl«. -ilM Wectd* Cratoto
C«f«lorftU4laMM»«f tto ik:« «ito
bouM* hrrr Baiurday •^poIdk. Marrh
rU. Mr MHrh.ll la an rxcrllnit ni
UrinJn.r and hh.Mild dinar a
hijuiMI) W. Howrrr. oianagrr of tbo Bin
l»lir Kxrbanitr bank haa born apiadntrd by (Jwvrmor Wariirr aa a nirmber
of thr .tote ftoh wimmlaalf*.
Mra. Cbaa. (ildiry
momloK for Baal Joiltoii. called Ihrn^
by thr aotloiia Ulnraa of ber^uaband a
faihrr. Rlchanl Gldley who n<«ntly
lihdciwenl an uprrailcm fur an abacraa
In bla tbrouat.,
Vlllaiio elcritoii wna bdd Monday.
There waa only one ticket In Ibe field.
Ttomiaalleorln*. Jr., to . U« id
Iiriwldriil. (Je<ji8c Wllilamaon. clerk;
John Track. inwMiicr; Kill/ Uoiow*.
tt^acHoi. Wro. BullHan W H iT.'-c-d.
imd A K Willard.
II I', lUa hf cxiH^ib to build a laricc
ladato and iiUKiucc* wandicmat* at Baot
Bniplre and br it, poaltlon i« * buy
everything Iho larnier ralacw. Tbc
buUdiiig will be 44ilO() feet and a aide
itnrk 04 the E 8 K U. K . w 111 In- put
In for lu arcoiiHNlNilon. lb' alao in
Itaida to Uiiilfl II totgc g. ii.-ral alnrcIImtc
Work will Im- ininiu.ncc-d on
her pnreou. Mr. qnd Mrm. Jacob
O L. Loreior and famUy atw all coo Wearer.
fijHHl II, tbr booar wUh Ibe grip.
There waa a awrtl party at the rewiWn Hogg cC Pnmbfott waa calling deoce of Mr. maw Miw. John Craee
on bto many frteada here Wedoa^y tout Friday erening la honor of Mias
, John 8mllb waa abopplng In Btbel Armatnmg. Aa near aa caa be
Travrre.’ City Moeday.
leamad It waa a
Mr. and Mr.
R: Brown of
toaac Speelnaa apd family of Benvoaao and Clen Brown of lUrbor
lab drove over laat Suaday to see If
Bprlnga arw here heldlng to care for may ooe had moaraed themaeives to
brocber O. A., who Ilea at the death since their departure from this
point of death.
. j A II. Waten, and
Mr and Mra. Tracy of Fife Lake
Wrlgbt wna Travetue City ytoltom
nre viatUag their daughter. Mrs. T. C.
Cheaahir. thi. week.
Chief of Police Jacob Wearer had
ooe of hla apella laat Friday. While
standing on hU head and .bowing the
Mra. Ann. Whlu- and atm of BeUalre
boy. how he iiwKl to do It when a
w vtoUlog at tbe-hotuc of Mra Carl
boy. he unfortunately lort coolrol of
tboM deUcate No. 12*a and pUaked
The fuUowlog officer, were elected
both feet through the glass front of
at the vUlagt, election here Monday.
Weaver Bros, market.
K M. Wxem. prcldent; John Herren.
Do not forget the 8t. Patrick, dance
clerk; C L. Bennett. Itea*urej; L
given by Honor IMmatog club In Woodrotter, aaaCKaoi;
Robt. Thomdyke.
maa hall on Monday night. March IR.
Ban S!rl.aughllii and Jack Hayward.
(’onie and bring yonr shamrock
ioc. The Royal Neighbor, will furn
Herb. Hantner to in Grand Rapid.
toh a genuie old Irish stew .upper at
Ihla week on bualnea..
nildnlglU. Everybody rome and bring
Mr. Joa. Hewitt left ye.terdnjrfo,
your appetite., sImi the price.
Her hu.Uau«f,haa to^eii
Orville Smith wnd Mto. Lenna Bean
tbere for a numlnr of wiik. emiduct
ftalied IIIMIU Ma and Pa Smith in South
Ing a meat market.
Honif>tead lasf
Sunduy and- ujkju
Mr and Mr.. E. Hanuier have mov
todng ao hoapliably r,-celved they concliMled to ranrel all prior oogagemenu
and feed upon Sam
Btsoidage h;ta returned
imrt of
from Chicago, whero he went some
ralbice IMion ha. an-epled thepiw.1
tloa a. to.ikkeeptir at the Picqua far
4' wher«'
One Iblng that Thimipaonvlile lack,
call, day or night will to- promptly at
to a gocHl mu.h tearher.
1,-nded to
John KniM^ka ^ laid np with the
A. n. CaM- to gaining slowly from a
S4vere attack of rheumattom.
(toshler Jay Baker of the Honor
iMink is rusticating in Southern Mich
Igan. it stwmn to to* tin- pievalling
sinilment that when Jay returns toulM not come alone
Mr Kami, fwtm rly wilii Alex Mor
rto, has tak,ii charge of a large Monat Sanilac Cr nter.
Haa Sliced.
Harltoll. Vuu.berlaud. Wyo.. 'pb.iy<Nl to n terord bn^klng houn,* at
. the star CleyelMtid
Ti-Vo H
to accept a IIo.immi
horlstop refmwMl
My oldoat daugbUT auffcreU the (irand lust evening and huttoRt'rl
for three, year*, but baa
Tile |M,“t. weie
tmuHba with a aeverc cough. My baby the4*ntlre audience
»«lme<| with the Naps Ihl. season for
bud ,tre cniup- After trying niany
f.l.KOn. whlrh to eoualderalily lower
tomedina we uaed WarnVr’a White houM^ was ricaiely maintained. The than he at first held out for.
Wine of lar
Ibdb ur.- c ummI. For
vab* by Ihr Ameiiran l>rtiR Co.
The MHdest arid Meet, ^
Effective Laxative Itnow^
No laxative sold in our store can compare with this perfect
l>owc1 regulator in gentleness and efficiency. It is not a re
arrangement of old laxative and cathartic drugs, but an entirely
iww laxative and cathartic,' All the good points of other laxati\*es
have been carefully prcscr\ed in this new laxative* while their
feults have been as skillfully eliminated.
Orderiles, "
simply re-esublish Nature's functions without any unpleasantness
whatever. Ao griping—no nausta. To sufferers from constipaUon or sluggish liver they tring immediate relief, and no constipalivc reaction results from their use. They work quietly, but
thoroughly, and the rbst 6f the body is unaware of their pr^ci*.
Rcxall Orderlies arc as pleasant as they are effective. Put up
in agreeable tasting, vanilla-flavored tablets.
_^Jl«t .i t«.
. IOC.
Bo. of 36.
-¥rUf togcit
BBd «• will
DRUG CO., Druggists
The yfiMogg Store
ha. bc,*n unable to rn... for the paat
enjoyed. Score: Glen
ten day.,
[aven 16; Empire €.
Fniuk Bi‘niiHt. .urfiiian
Ml.h OlcMin. of Glen Arto>r calb d hero ‘
George Arm.lrong of Travera© City
Sleeping Bear Life Saving aiatlon.
aa In town Sunday.
Mimi Violet Voice of Erapirr wa. In ‘ who ha* lieen living iti Glen Arlwr
March 11.
town Monday.
I Oil. winter, ha. retunu'd with hto fam
Mr and Mm lUatr of Ka.non. and ily to Uiclr home Ui SH-cplng Itoar
Mr. Brswf W of Htmlickxlllc
Minor Kcldctbou.c. of Port Oneida,
berc Thill silny
CIX>8ING cMil ahoe aale.
W k^riaiit and Mr. Alfred wait in town Simdiiy.
of I hto place CHlb-d ill Port
Mr*, tletirgf*
Men*. |a.WI ahoea for ll.lin.
Oncbla Thiinidny.
*"ln GlI>ir*A\bIi*r"
ahoea for IMiri. etc.
Mr IbTRcr. traveling suilc.nmn for
Hiw. CurtlB. Union Grocery
Ihr Ijikc Hniwrlnr d^tiitilng Work.,
pt.iple irom 1
nar 13-41
aiul the Appleton Shirt 4v Paint. C-o. ntlenderl th«
achcKiI entri
Umn.iictiNl bii.lncui h, town to.t Mon given in Glen Artoir Saturday evening.
Wm. f-XiwIer of Chicago arrived Sattinlgy. He will .iHMid the aummer
IJIy Millli
iwiliiting ami other work for D. H. Bay,
The Empire and Glen Haven curler, anc6 in all kinda o( bookkaaplnghad another game the paU week. The
player, for h^iiplre wero Bailey. Rodg
er*. Htiren. Boroc; for Glen Haven.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Compatiy
White Waistings
$5,000 Worth of Spring Silks ^
*C)0 much cannot l>c said of the beautiful Waistings we are showing.
counters arc crowded by those wanting the very latest, and such a line
HE greatest' stock of Spring and Summer Silks ever brought to Traverse
CHECKS, PDAIDS, STRIPES, aU new deaigna and moat pffectivr pattema, S6c, Uc yaid.
DOTTED MULLS, ptctticl piitterhi .-vor st.own, 1 6C an.i up.
SHADOW CHECK, .Isinlir.l .\ciu-..s sn.I most iK>pula ,26cfiyfinl.
STEIPE EFFECTS, ilmie ll«nl (hr lmlit« u'.wiM over
ROMAN STRIPES, one of tbe moat attrarlivo goo<U for waiala, A 6oe line $1.66, $1,60.
Thctrfioll for 26c.
PLAIDS, the groat aeller for Shirt WaisU and .1 umper Suita. 75c.
B/XRBED WAISTINGS, • no>,.lly.nd . gtw.t m llcr. 25c. 35c, 60c.
FANCYSlLKMDLLS.fi Iukv line of
iillmc'livc luittrroE
PERSIAN LAWNS. tU« lUinticl <].-s!g»i we have rri-r <-turi»1-1 5c,
20c, 26c, 35c, 60c, 60c. 75c.
FRENCH LAWNS, w>m.ibi..g .miMy
It! 25c. 36c, 50c.
,.{ waiata. a.'lla at SOc.
got-da. making |h. daiuliesi .
PLAIN DIMITIES, aometbieg that ladiMalwayahko. riic-lat lOc. 16c
HOLLY BATISTE, « partiorttrly atrong lim- every Imly a'bouM ae«. of
■lainty alripea, doU and floral deafgna BoIU at 16C.
This is one of our efforts toward store betterment and successful
merchandising, bringing the city markets and city prices right to you.
is not shown every day.
Oar Big
Formal Opening P\
Friday Evening,
March 22, 1907.
Further Particulars Later,
-OUR LEADER.- tl.o beat latrgain you
g<oda. 76c. .
bad offered in yard wide
BLACK TAFFETA, the Urgeat and best Una yon wiU Bad ainrwbms.
PUNJAB UN1N6, an entirely new ailk for liniogt, aU coloi^. 60C.
CREPE DU CHINE, a faeantifol ailk at BOe.
Always Somclliliig Good In the Candy Olvislbil
IN THE DRY GOODS DIVISION, A table 01 TtOkRlMSMikri and Bow
nea, BttUaMelorddttrlaritoaornwii. AtlthlaaaaaiMi'BOoods.
laleatpaltento, fitBalartSeooods. nda aale 16e.>IN THE SHOE DIVISION. Ladles* Fdt Sttpfiers, Jdst aa milky
Yvon wowaiever. ShclljMBMdc lor Me. tito lUt ritwdc
toriUO. TfielSJlIoriLM., .
fenos E. Bingham
M M«r«i ««nuw ««tti »Mdi
mr Au> gruidMJMr k«4 «
«tt^ IM M ta*. ni
Ww^ifct »r tet Md Hmtmam *i tte
<5««jr rUr Mrtir tfty ]W« Mor«
tlw fiM twiatmd te tte vtfdkt «(
Levi; Soul
Mn auuHInlM «m> mM M
mil** mod for k«Tii« ike taemf^
jmteutoa of tedgaidnl; bo mat ahoat gnaaXa of tl
1 coa vdftteg Ant Item wto Md ia bleb
r. and Mrv. lore Otbto frwm Fite
• waregva^of Mr.aaiiMrv C^ir
and Anal totem hurry feUsklag
wAfd dlrectod tto txiadoci cf tto poo
lit tnr
8o oa tto folloviag auira
;P)e. At Tara Pwiricb lateracted tbc
My'^LTilm rrandall vWt.^d Mr.
I la*. t:n« to her priacipirs ato was up
. jUag in tto boaulr and boUaev pf atoSnudaT. also Mrv K.
I toUMa, *01 tor broakiaj^t nrril ojt al
jibe Cbrtatian rvUglon and wbca ox
Laai Moadav evcaimi. Mr and Mra.
. «bc way. a#«»diag glUa off half «a boar
‘pteinlng the rnywlory of tbe trinity
Bmilb were pbrasauHv snnvrlvwd.j
pearlier than vateaJ. tton jtrttia* tto
.the paton niter dectered it **pasl bis
bea sixty two of their friend* and
luUm O-A CD tto bark ptrrrh a«t to
comprcieasioa cd uadetwUadiioc bow Delcbhors tbnragcd in iheir bo»r H* *
I tbeio coHld K- three pergons in one help them l^e^ebIaIe thrir 591b wed ]
9^ M m ^JU. Mf M»
ding analversarv The Udiee brongbi j
• ' It war. miib grcit Ml.^Urlk« thU
Ood." Patrtrk. f . U of rcsoarcoa. pluck- weil^lled baskets of goodies that go
«0|M UUk teo« «n«r4 kte »«#W
her snony abt e!^ aa they
. to bav^ gun« lo tto Tourw, wtore to lowmiA laahUg sweb an o.-easlon a
hm* nUh thm liuM. ^ «loMi luH?
-snajM lark and forth ta the wsft
from the gonmd a spray of sbam ceaa. Mr. and Mnt Bmllh came here
»tsks »nr«. I«i tk#^ m »ork U
than a year ago. and th** ihoxt
fitnmeT hireaw. and tbonght i
rock, which in lu tbrec-fold design rc
Ue We*t M.
ttkovt tte Iki»«,
time they have teea here have made*
betnHf that.Mrs Ilmwn wouldn
iitemllcd the trinity pioUh'm.
Tuis many friondH. and to iivake frivmds
»»4 o«ut4« of
ikat M»rtkr Am*.
be through her breakfast disbe
niuply satisfied the douMer and he with them Is to keep them. Everytariy
AfcdU tnkm »u catlias kin fn>m tin
an eajoyalde evening
She had nearly Anfshrd atarchlcf
with many fubuwrrs c>agerly omUrmced experieckced
Im4|OTI *f U« teek aUlrs lint tt m
Mrs MerrU fiom Summit City read «
gUaa'a shirt when a sudden aouu<^
the ChrUlian rcllgpaa
“tiilt U to aUrTtAg.' Tto Wmt ku
|»aper that waa vtyv appropriate; Miw.
made hr r drop the luece cm
From this UW till bis death
Albright recited .-V piece and teriln*
irrmad "For the tend s sake! The
llous wejc givrn bv otherw- i '
MgrtAr AM's roH«
goes the meeting bouse I-11; nhat
nous missionary ciusade. his efforts which the |«ipte ^ngratulated
and Mrs Smith, wtehlng them ti
up mia. I nooder? l\e a great mli
U a candidate for nominatJonfor the toing crowned with unbounded sue happ.r rvtama for the day After
tto colMtor rooQi, a»d foar Ullad
to run otrer to Deacon White n and sec
Many siorUs exist In tlic an per the ciowd played gamea and
»hln aad rk»» Mck» in tto ptM»
If they know. * But a look^l the
office of city treasure on the republic cieui lore of Iretend legsiding the ca UBilI Ihe wee amaU boui> In the m
TlOf frmn the tavlalMr AtertAy
oMlI on haad determined her ti
rec r pf hetend's sisiMle. but owing to Ing did Ihe aatberiug break up
note* te kata ouaimy today
an tichet. Your topport and vote at
leave for their seversl homes
main at home, and she wont on deitl)
the oppression of the pcM.,de.
tW. a kaap of work mar la ttaa
\Vm Saxton is ntHK It'd to lie tvu
Plnuiiig the shirts aeaoi to sean
the primary Mafg!
I will be greatly dcTiaUimxUxaHon. the subjugatk
W«al lot itol 1 ao«oho» <n*l
Mr T.vtei fM.m Wsiloo attei
their lawH and prx'rcdenis and
SucccTSsfuI bii%inc5H man. Srv the Ir^aels Uppinc
fH ia* Attataarad *Ua« fnin
At dluurr she n'tcsiiouf'.l «tU:;
aver m.M-iing at Hu- bom.- of
y;»'7.sinu. ulmo.t t‘viimtlnn, of their
rrnl ycam AMi rman from
rot laH Siimlav
the UdU. but be bailn t he ard qi-ui
langiuge by Engteiidr tbe Hca
Sfcond wkfd.
iucieavjiic MS
The S'lnday sc
and guessed she was dn Audng:
ptei iMl Hie cI..Uie>Mi„p and walked on I o| pa
an* mn at pnweut availweather gels
lls/y her he'd drt\e down t
The Ultwiu IS met
Itnr In Ibalr narHed Ufa HUa« I4I<
evejiing and dix i.UM lo l.u-M Hiel.
linage and ingulfr.
Tiad.tlmi iu regard lo Irish riles hall on Wm
Slaa ptopoMd vorktng on a gundaf.
I’m fterr's coiiiejv.
Th.- lodm-Vou might fWeb lip that ban
.aipht ‘
aud UKagcw~ir^-»iire auihcniic
Is in a fiou.lshiiig isuidllhin and tte y
I*ul "to aliouldn I do II. no. Uk
tu.l> |4«c entMiKb I
ndiable than written hlsloiy. since it aN* taking in new m.-mteis all thi
atoakUH do M If ake could pu tcot M.
r-ajd fUt. at Mr> lliicftiu
ec lf osMiud dlcm
uvn Ireland s misfortune u. have time
AMI It wa« aery likely that abe could "
Mwch 12
on lime m bailnp her a<
hi r stoi V t:.iu by stendeious and pivv
. Martky Ana a % u|. e »aa an tel te lu
ibln lo the earl and Uiklng Irom
enr.- A fen haudtpilnj:. an
jadlceU English schoters from tb rald
• aoleronlly. ‘tto lx>id niil aentl doni.
Mis. Ul l'.iiuuu-. who baa berav via
top peg in the hall bte ohl straw
Tkanlis bnutfcla hi:
tj* rambrt u.Hs down Ui our day. men
l»niv and tiro It Ing at \V H DUon a and riha. t>
Ala wraUi .i|k>u ,ou and ,our children » «*“**»«
be started on hte errand
aii-cdutHy ignor.»ni of the teuguage
unto tto tklrd and fourth g«neiaUt*n ' *ao*dly lo liu dr-a liratlou. there h
i;iitea bah retuitil’d lo her home at
s Marthy Auu wa». pas^lDg a win
Aa there frrre notolm lo luliifoti
he ilidn I
In the ball en lu r way up. uii
Margie riauute and Fiwl riovike wenK his imrs-aig.a
to KIk Ilsphte Sauiniav.
mariled at Traww City Manh 4
iiud ofn imi man* to **lldy up a bit." ahe was rJaitled Ir
Sim Vinton visii«>d in
Ycrn’ll bea hynordaoiong yemr nrigh
Thn sharonirk. the.national emblem,
They have the beat i
Re appearance of her wash, am ki^Mri her. while tte- .b.r in Hipis'.
lln.wns deWaied
friends of a ha| ly niairi.vl life
klB* on tto Holy Sabbath."
s^i samHlIy linked with Ihe name of
■ uii.l gemug even
Mtea ^te^le Vi ton MM-nt test r
■to nraa nonr the risible Marthy.
St. Pairtck. bus Uvn t|>e snbjcH't of
The n- now haiiuK in i?ie Hlguin^ |»ar
with her tuirenth.
neani a stirplus on prised, for iu the place of her Imen
lur mooDttiig Uie alaira ato sUmkI in
inm h dlscurslon by English achMars.
Her brother HanlHon ms omi«iub-d
hung great Mjuares of white pa|s r I'll, light teMWeeii the w;u<!«m.s wh»n.i
lha todroon door. In uoc band a foi l,
Some tvfuie Ihe eutiro story, while
her tork to het arhool
tearing this Inscription; "K<*ep
Ui- !lghl*fi.lls m. II on i». n highly il. r
Kdwlii Clemli iiing
l;^PP) Irnoraiu
la tto oltor a dlah loaret, nhlle ligbi
AUrrd Davte has leturmd hoiii.oHiei.s repudlaie the tmdlllonal fen
t.-:i very es<M.il eaVndar.
Kaldiaih day Holey."
fioni Anil Arteir. He if. gvillng nlong*
• bf id In stoir-,
cuoa tedlgaatlon aboard forth in e%
tiiu-s altng.riier and claim that Ihe
iia Will a> csuil.l to exiMvUil alter
•Humph? ' she eja.ui.iicd
. m.iLlng hU pl|N. cm
rry gMlitre
Silaa beat a hasty re
siury was fiist told by an English
I- neighteirhissl
fciirh :i M’iiomi ojK iaHou as he likd.
Ct Pat reck.
wl of the MaH-l young t<dk:. at
Aflru the rlUhfih bail IMi.ple are small. ' and l. unag .
treat by palUug bis bead into a lain:
. .•inmicler In 17«7 As u matter of fact
Fnsl Skl’inei atien.-Joil the Lincoln
d ■ the d^iii e ut iLiiker Ci4-<-;
ill loeii place. the offruiUng pte Hinte she
of natar;
lanquel «i i’laverie rilty last Friday
Friday eveutng
. tte- i:iir,d«».r.i.ii, llKinl as c..;tly
the elcthc^ which had Iwei, III
1 vtiimc
gpianh! gpUsh*
"llofkuo I muM .%larth) Ann Juin
lowd «rt >.s-;m f'dkH cailieied a
iu a heap to on,, side
If she had
.lilil Ciliiis li.id the mtefoiiline to get
haie elapt kinder tuird. Jdartby Ann " ItlLle.
Hi of his hni-t^i killed List wn«'k
.day evening to help her eMe
apja^te. ajrUah. *luai ail cuum of ih - hatol III II ad. iMiifi ttlajly aiivd.
A rice lelf ou them. kilHug them In
her stet4-4.„ih biiHiday • ‘
flesh gap in the hirige which dlvhhil
days and thought It was a Hatuiday." Hllaa si.im llme„ e..r-,nt.il lo r i
r 'The antiquity
Hatiie Wsrde. and daughie]
the fliown's teini from theiiH.
'' \Vblle Mis (-has f iUMti wan hang
* |.Ush. oplaslr.
n..ii imreef. l. m
• Tve had mote scaVc^; Hmn enouuh
lug ii.i 1 lolhe.> l.ihl Tloii:d«y nhe kIi|.
Marthy Ann icIii-alfHl somcwliai any neukuiws II ngs to I4 hiMoileal r-fer- I eiVv^ Sx-eibdil. i.r Williant.Himu | |.>
hill.If IHefteil.i.n the to- ami fell, breaking her
hKlay." she ihoiighi a-- she wo ,U.wn to
nd in all plan s righi
njolllkrd. but on the fmirth alep she
by the folk lore
atm uiol iMiitiuc lu t wrist out oThdiil.
her darning
-\Vliai ever maVe.s ihe W .e- m- u
;f i ll. .
fkralirttig that Ihep mas
Iiad.tlea Mr-t.ds cif Iretend. notnnd teroived m wml other lujuiles
folks si.-p at ou: pale and slare | don't Piewess. a.f -<!i..1i;1.
mr- aJ.it«:,l. she fell
A Miigr oii wa-. c«l «mI to nlletid her
li. landing Iho al»M*nee of the w<ud
nnd of
II.’ ’..ly- It wi'l te’ -omc lime tefor.sej. whoie- know, tond deli vet me fr.mi ro!u|.,-Miy
11 a n lent gh.ssniies.
Mi>i rianiit.- will IH. able to be o;it
l*^n found Irelaii*; • s«m1
a . ft olHi
in :i Monday ••
Ail during breakfast Milaa war terylwnaie Irul
Stte». and try to km:p
I i:.7K one John Derrick who evl
field for I he retiring iif te;nj,|es un
I him III the narrow jmUi.
lU.rn. to Mr ami Mrs Ueii HKliiher.
Hy came from aiiH-lrish Klork.|
.m,> Anl.,.-.
fTtmi door, and Marthy Ann's heart MiriUw.^ IU H.:- 1.iMed gods of tiiiY*
Klo- bad juM ilt^.h.H
"It do bent all bun aa mnn
man can get
de In Hie •'Image **f Ireland with vIMi.y!rhe.
he d.i.m:.
I tnrand Wl.- be said "Rerkto we ll
Hie rr*m-\nl*
Mufvh 11.' '
have to buy oae of them new tengle.] on ker-flng Hie Kaldiaili da.v boly. asitm and she did so now. lcitlng her
was published in hWk letter in Lou
ibiuwln none riw graciously .
^lendara over ml lllck t aiore."
Whr\n a carryall eaiur lumbering along
don ihn-e years Iat«T, "For In vcrle
It wss Deat-ou UTilte. dressod In lil.i
• No need of them aort of things the roud, nilrd to overflowing with the
tnithe niy hcaile abhorieth their dealnvetingrluthes and carry ing his DIMe!«‘ rifielal fires |.sd te
round here. Bites Higgins
All the youth and te'aiit
hom the village.
ing.s nnd my souk ducth deteste Iheir
y.'ill. on' .
uniter kls arm. Pmiliig his MU. hat to .,s|,.-. they 4-v.-h.*Hic1;d
ralmdar that's wjinited Is the work TIm-> were sf» hapi.v aiiiobg them
Wilde j^K.mi.s-ke mniierii."
i-iUt.ll .-le nunU-ix .Tid 1.
done regular like.
Pears you'*e got
singing Hi. |..!pnlar alls wllb
Native of Michigan.
The louiih and tillh cealnrtes were
no faith In ni> rf'i konlng "
the tabulous age of the •ril.ri.1te.lj
Dorn in D-troit IBbJ.
Kites hsd sll falih'imaginable, and
hei an .iltar-k of Hie l.iaiipiH«*l.un h. and the le-* pb-'a.'
bast.oriKfo Infomi her of ito fan
r Midi'inns of the |im. , '
l•real.ltlr. off Hie rntiuh with herieeih.
while hf. offered his best Ir ani In go In
tth I.ulu
Lulu .lol-ii
.loMi oil
nil 1.1-«
I.I-I *ve.
" .............. ................................................ 1 dnvi witli
heap lo do :avte how Jistev
It is l.te a matter of woii.U-r
M,>. t.|,vi,. n.i.m.ls ati.l ron
and M big wai*h? Yom folks thtpughT'
-Ito pararm s teJd up wlih the rhu
that .St. I’atiiek'sK.iiealogy is m.; of Tiuv.-.^- ri.v me vi.lnng wii
'\Slsler Higgln’..' answered the de;i
niltJcks." repited Marthy
* I saw th**
tater-TravrIlcr in all the Northern
I o1 ihe fifth eentu
in. and hU voire was almost iiaibet
draior drUlnrmer y.utd. r yesleidac.
I’alladtes and with
State* from New YpHt city lo Rocky
le. *Jei IIS piay ?" and down went Ihe
and hr reckmifHl tt^..Ateiwoii wrufldti t
ItetJick. Ills •('oufeshiouH.'’
g.sM man „n Ids knees. lii.H s|.tvadiiir.
get tr-r I.roach for a tiirliilghl. Thru
Iljiwever, settle many |M.iiit.s of doubteducation of people and affairs in gen
conies iVtr now.
• under what«
Matihy Ann t,«,k kiysI
in Wall
bandan.i haJidkerchlef on Hie fltsi:
lendoiiry. The ;iiitii|ully of Hie
I’is.sibl> Mart by Anii’h spiiit leU ll
biHigJng him i.vci li. rr ’"
IIS of Ihe old eburt hes aud round
I agaiuM putting down the unfliilsl,
lly thU time Pete lurd o|aMi,Ml tlir
eis scotlerod throughout Ireland, ,
Resident of Traverse Citysmee 1902.
klicbr-n door IV a c rsrk. thiiirt l.te 4osh IHillUy letiied lu t.is h»7;
«*d dartl. but Vbe followml Iho disu-on's
9ifxn they Avor
not to questioned, us they conform < tlOU
ever c/iM
iMMnie.! Id Ihe day
frowsy bepd. and presmtly bu wlmh
empbaslrliig her
Started In business In a small way
I'Ody Into the aarro arspare
weayie. enjy Hm- du.i |.< te.imheiiog.- ' Aiuetis ‘ as he i^rayed for IhoM- <
and has been Successful—Believes in
*•! say!" be
at the some time ' Mailby te-id heiM-lf lofld. in.l
hristten era One etoracierutic ofjtains aU the medicinal ele- Traverse City its people and 20.000
lose f.om
dcMTlbinf a cirrte with bis bare l.s
he>e chui. te> Is iii.if Hjry all rnn di. meuts of cod hver Oil, but the population in 1910,
r»n the lluoi
"Nn. p« mjs will )ui
eetly ,-as. and «e.O. These subsiau | USdCSB OU lUlS bCCn ClijniAska for consideration by the re
toy wanu luurlliig hu'I he »alke,teie>
wl'hTirvHrmuH’dteI.;;v^^^^ jinn's''
publickn voters of the Sth ward at the
no aome mfu 'firre brag
Candidate for Kepubtiairi
Nomination for
Thos. 1^ Shane
City Treasurer.
CandiHate for Republican
• Nomination.
Practical, Lonij
lie lixperienoc^
Goad Service"
1 will
March UK
I », ...f
Over 5,000 Druggists
Are recommending VraOL
; aa the best cod liver prepara-
md':ruir7:::! u“r;rtinr:toi Tha^s because vinoi con-
“tolid sake.!" said .Marthy Ann la*
foie Hitea cmild speak: ' wliat happen
Hiaiduih day to
cd to the men folks’ Hiiess yuur ma keep it holy .
III Hbe-,».ild.bu(*she
lurnwl her toe k ou te- wa.vward *m
straight borne and tell your na well wis aud marrhtv] s;i.iigh! up the }aith
nut lend a baud to such wickedaesa
and erll ways
He s cut bis wlsdonv whip up fate hoittes and drive on
teeth. I refkon. a goerd time jiast. and
I'm awtiitl) soTv for Btlus.'* said
mejw..lnd quaint dwellings, also the
That’s why Vinol restores
ogham Slones, all cor-, health and creates strength
obora.e iiKai i.aui.nm m spile of,for dcHcate Children, feeble
e on doing my d liv- dea
some mlghlr black ;h.H*p
that need linking after
The deamn shook bU bead sadly
ly-re was a (lagtant raae. needing at:
Ate eloquem-e to bring Ihe erring shi
her home
• I II not any but you'ie a grwvj mlf-.
\^ul keep Hllsb Hlggiiis home In order.
tun MU Mk
*’lfaa asaj work frara sun to suu
brat stpnMa a srork is never door.'
5Ssrs.STiJK:$T,B. Pinkliain’s^able
s Vbptable ComiNMind
•tom* and bs^lby crandilkra.
vrritea - Dear Mra
■riTnsM^’s 1^
to w.
• TV Bahliaih**' Inlernipted Marth:
I Ann. "The Hablrath? This aiut no
Bahhath! Plod I 1 wash on a Monday
I test week?
Undv. me. p«ir.m, I
Ididirt* I waahad a 8afjrd.iv. thinking
|8amh Prlgga would V over. She
dWot rome. ao 1 went right on regul-r
jllto; and ao this Is the flMv Ksbhatb
I and me pn^fanieg It like that!"
And down ahe went all In a heap **
aa the daacon exprewl it afterwa.-t|w
Jusl then Bites came up Ih** roei
hte hwl {Misbed down over fate eyes
*rhei^ waa no Iraticl In hl>: cart, n.of
fbe bundle for Mldow Jones Kt;II Ivv !
heilde blra .on the meat. As be
np tbe path be hhlled In fr»mt
.wa-ljlng which bung darriing white
before hte gy««. Yea. anyone «wld aw
that wgah a mUe off. a fait of wrbirh
he waa krem fo be vary protul. ten to
day ba wistod It waa klack. no. givran.
•ay ottor color Hraa white, be pat out
W. H. Eckler
Successful Jnsurance Agent
Ant*moblle..Utttcb ti4 Gtto
•Uie EBftM Accessories.
Coneral CaraRS Businasa.
MaXWCU Mob.r Cwra.
Smiley Marin« Motors.
Traverse City* Mlclu
l.UOftM SL. corner of hute
lliara-jaUyriunUlarwIfliN’t'r i'".*.-
Money back if it fails.
Fdund at La»t
3H of Uie
: last I bar
perteel pill that never dUvappointa me;
and for the toneflt of otbera uffflcted
with torpid liver end ehmalr eonatlpa
Ttv.4 Years’ Experteoec. p» on it. b»t it «ui ««m
VVai apiirucUto your voir a the
Slwla* toaUlr at Uie bouae. be ne
Tatrlck'a day.
neglects to
ig of the iiutiuiial emblem
co|^^ecr«tod lo gofsl St.
failing In o!iM .»f hte most
TIm-.oI.I lime way of
cedobrallng was for Hie ytiniig folks
her In th« w.kkI for a dance,
being pnul.led by a hlliid fldleatrd on s rock. Then Gold
amitb'n "dancing iwir lhal
aougbt renown" bad Un4r iuulngs.
Following ibe danre„ we:e fool lures.
Jumping contests nml hunirnor throw
ing for prires. coimlbnle.1 hy the
The emtgralioo of
ao many young Irlrii to Anierira has
jmmewh&t rbanged the onler of rctehraiten. h;V
the world aver drink lu the toast St.
17. *rihkas-.
Hejghta Sta:,
htlgkier hue on
aty-a Needs.
primaries on 19th of March |907.
old people, weak and sickly Bicycles Enameled and
Cleaned lor Si^ng
I persons and convalescents.
Chwaida. for BepuUinn Komi
nOioD for Juaioe ol Iho ro«ce. to
u. »«iiing
v«r«iai. a e W«H A aoM. TnvofM
omts WAMTIO. Oval 1
Sircr.r''^*‘ foe rHmmla.
fla* had Icnj? experiencje a*
■ .--.--V ;■ : : ■
-- "• ^mmurna M£como. TJuvEiuc
mtctuoAM. rmoAV,n#jic*4 tKtm, .
^ T ' ,.
Sbermaiit a Prosmreus, tdriping UieiiOKl^^
ii|wrtrito tte SPMitt teora.
j 4W i«uJk»< to nai*rr «f A*
<«l/ f^Mto 4ir fiar »—ii lUina um Ito U W
I Ifiani ky
»-;cks »«» «te»
lag Mli itistaHaM nii#« «r PMt lamds
j p«id irf
stol m toi* to Mcht 1 ^ir—ii
At Ms ptoe* of touliM
|m M Imd a
ll* Im mi la Mim iuttot «p«to)ttos.
.uiek «/4n>i^
MTN imrn itos
MM tMf fUiM forsw—f to tM(
E. D. BMk«r M4
cMRfa- *0 far M IhHr u|Mo4toi#*‘« A 1^ aw to M caar^i
and beaaiirytog the rllUga
In general. Th«' present officials arc:
R l> Frederick, preatoMt: J D Crita,
McDooffal. troacniwr;
Oe..rge Taylor, aaapaaoc: K. U. PMmer. marshal: R D. Frederick. A. E.
8mlih. Dr. P. A. licManna. 8. Qaiaiw;
W Pinch. A. beniett. coonrll.
an eateoslve line *rf gocals found
Firs OaMrimant.
in all general storea and at prices that
The hre iirpartment here aUo have
people bHp to nuikc fi peasant and j
Line and the same to all. Mr. QU
a very fine equipment, conaldertog the enjoyable rvwrvwtkm and one that iai
liert s stim. IS large and well veatIUtsite uf the village The otitflt conaUta
.H„ p.nd his stair of aalaa people always
Mr and ^ra Henry
aner a linger- j
Q. A. LAKK*# attlOCMCC.
any town many tlme^ Urger than Sher
man; and Its gnisth and success has
Urgely been the outcome, of Mr. (Jil
brri s oft re|>eated m.uio A square
deal fur every Ixidy. ' «
upon' thp fffnrta llM»jr hara made to
provMIng aa uiHiHUto and romtofi.
able botel lor the membera of the
travelliat fratfrally to mop at wbn#
vltUcr- and ^Itoto niral dVf4l«tr» t»svr rHIIar Ilirtr dltereat mereaatlle Itoea
to RHermaa*a bustoeaa oiea. Cboir
rbaniM. mrthtmlm atMl otk^r fratnwi l*aVe^r«tlre|y reaorated II cm the In
armaaxr «•• tk** rtrrH**ii«i«ii of a' terlor and also 0t««d ll mer on the
rvmtniitBlfT la tbHr n4<tsi and ih«>y arr roitjddc and laklhg their cnmfurtable
ratatolf^ «!>.« Ib#ii inicnMa
«r. a Hwdee line of mea
orurred at hia plare of bn
very reeaoaahle prleea
er alao dealt In Ihreatorl
8be Hi alaraya
iama runs a fartM'haIr barber
His narlora are nicely
Slid dfvorate«i and he en
ge paironage at this place
Rd lUce. rana. one of 8herman‘s
saloons. Mr. Rice has been In bnslpeu here for nearly three years.
J r iJodi Is another tonaoHllst of
this village. His shop la eUborately
fumlshe<| and Mr Bodl Is a high^laaa
artist In his chosen profesakm. He
4 n)oys a Urge patronage and has been
ready to please l»er
located here about seven tnoaths .
James IBya. Is the proprietor of
mother candv. rtgar and
Store and also runs a aoda^onutaln
In the -good old aummer time.- Mr.
Klva has l»een In business here for
alKiut one year sito^-ectports a rapidly
growing patronage "at his place of
are also kept here and at prlret aaton
lablngly low.
A Menneit Is liherinan s hsnir^«
roanufamirer and and reimlier
Haonell Is eaperleoced In hbi rliiieeii
' trad# and haa been In MiMneas hetr
alnce iCTi
He rarrle*.u large chmii
plete slock and tefw»rih a lara** Kro*
Itif husJneas In this locsllt).
Dr K A. McManus, one of Kher
man's leading tmslneaa fnm. U fhphyalclsn and dentist at HiU pince
Thu c^mgeulttl doctor rti)oys a large
prarilc*- and>s a tn»‘nil*« r of the Klu’t
man village ciMinrii
-mr. of,.„
5Xn1'.n??«d h»
Sanford na*..Her in the r«-Ml estate
and farm land deaHr of this bicallty
and also deals ven «nt<<n*slveiy in
timber, lie runs
an lnsi.r.vnce and
collef-ilon l.ereau fend |.ians ne.ney
upon desirable securiil.-a. Mr. (lasaer.
haa Ip-en Identified Wuh Shermans
vslld l.uslneju. Inirresls since
and dm lug that llnu- has seen lb.- \lllage and surnMindltig countrv irsaa*
form.^ from a allderner,. lo one of
lie vritien In eotiaer
laaa'a todaatr^al life ,
who has Imcn qiille tick
time Is no muter.
preaching aervlrea fet
J? »r™*£!r TSi
the most highly derclop.'d farming
countri.'s found In this luvUon of the
E, «:Palmer.
state and a village which has grown to
le one tif the nuMi iictlvc nnd prosper
iliPiuBclvcK furnish the workers
ouK found in thU looatit) nnd during
pany'a lines.
that time has been tireless In his
Fraternal Or#era. .
eral limes when tlie dlatnieUble'ha
Nine different fraternal orders l.ave efforts to make Sherman one of the
found tbeir
into the hearts and best governed, the most active und
homes of this very happy, peaceful pnrgTi'sslvoj village in V.'esf.uTl county,
end such residents as Mr. Gasser are
report a Urge meml»crshlp and regular
The ijMlIes-Aid w ill meet wrllh Mrs
Jamison Raturday.
imed home last
■wale B. Rnsman went to Trarerae
Wednesday, for a few daya.
its Emms Delong and nephew,
pd Biirdeau went lo Traverse City
banquet Friday evening at Tcaverwv
8. Fritz of Maple City was to
tovrn Wednaaday.
F. AtktoiM of Shetland waa In town
Saturday. ^
Harr^lnahaw was a Traverse City
^Un. H.*‘iurr^ Norlhport is visiting
Miss Daisy Btyani was plesaanily
nurprlsed Ly a few of her friends Fri
day evening. The features of the even
tog waa canl playing. Several new
games arere
ner. Henry Hlsckwotul. Harry 1
Shaw, l-'rank DaJiOn. and Hu* All
aulus ind Kmma (Hxulilch.*
I -.
Amstleat Jeweltr in ttata.
. V. It. tiatoa i« the
and aatrti
repairer at Hits idnio
At hln idar*of bnuUirwB can Ih> found a iuige MIim-K
of ealrhes. rhsk^. KilCI^Msic slid
cut gls<s and at roniarknhl}
huillig IiIn
hours, M.
attendance. Their names arc as f..t
l<.s »; -0.ld Fellows. R. le-kaiis. Mnstrns.
Order of the Rast.-ni Star. K O T.
M M . U O T M M . K rd P . Ka
ilonal Prote<-tlve l^gUm and G. A. R
They all have halls to assemble In
J. O. rarlson nnd II. Brow attend
e BcqiifHi M-lUMil ehtertainmetit
i-rpe,1 at tills vlllac.
lionr.v Jord. 1! !•;. am her very con- |
jgeaUil.-thirst p.iH. r nurimt*'" at thU
Village Oa'k.
lagn bankers and rcfioii a very Oo-ar- {
taking buslneas at this writing. This
kmih was established in l»or. «nd by
cartful managenu-nt. ample caplul
Md prevkHU b.isloesa expcrlcju
haa grown to !«* a very pow
banking inatlluM.wi .nnd a hank the
village and anmitindlng cowmi
can well U proud of
C. A, Lake. U the
Mrs. Jos. Mosb-r Kie*ni the Sabl»atb
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A t'oulurler.
Mr. Dernin left last week ft.r one
of the.Boathern states with a car <4
poutoea. He roturned Friday evening.
character that Sherman can
CougregaIlonal with the Rev, C. Upton
Mrs. Grirmore of Traverse City
spent last week vlPHlng friendH here.
UH lis minster, who also officiates
We chronicle the advent of ,n son
W, 11 Shaver is the village under flm kley in-their new tH-auliful edifice
nt th<i home of Mr. and Mrs. fyrti
taker and ejnbalnier and re^KutH c-tin l»-«-eiill3 built.
Gram and a danghier lu landlord and
al.leml.le si.cc.-sk at thl.. idace
The M. K. church, officiated over Mrs. Roach, alao Mr. and Mrs. Joo.
by the Rev. Jas' Bsveld U also a pret
1 genlleman Perrault was
of the abovi
The public acb.Kils at
.Sherman ly fclrmlure.
luider the leadership of ITlnclfml K churcli.-s are well attended and arr
K Irwin aro making wimderful pro i. g.eal iw^wer f..r g.-el in this com Old^.
grvss aloug tsliMsUonnl lines. All
vIsTe.1 l-hirl Fmakfuihei ;
groileK are taught betv from the ftrsi ait.ndame at II.Ih wriiting.
the SabUih.
The fa:milvj; cuniry* surraui
Herman rWM-.Her> family are
to Ihv eleventh and marl.v one him
nearly all confined to the boas.* by III
dred and fifty pupils are enrolled. A Sherman is*exceptloually adaple
fields and. the modernly built farm
houKiy. vlih it.H gas lights, furnace.s.
telephones, and mall l-oxt.s. i. presents
quite a coutrasi to the srenes that
would have met the travellers eyes
l.tnv yi*a:s ago. when the pionimrs of
Shemirn Ural tame lo conquer the
forma, coveretl lauds c»f this set lion
and makt- it hahilahic for tbclr decendants who in msny loatances arc
now uia-n ihcni
resorting world and quitc^a pcrecplabW Increase has Uen npG^ by Ua tohabltanu darinrihe past few years gad
Uorc at iMa village,
tkm to bualness. fal
has built up^a Urge a
an ugly
Me- wiix ampiii
ably have to brs.- .vmHber
Mrs K II CuiU-r is ^the village
mlllltH-r Hon- pn.pii.tor.- At
plac^ I f hKHln'eH.. v.in le- found a large
stiK-1. of rnimuriy g.a.U. I...autiful hat
ciraUfiiih .und all arul iiion and di-sire
, staff consiating of the Misses Mevers. agricuiiunil purfKxmH and being tillMl
"*ldra. Bltnon Hahoenherg la quite III.
Id nlwavs |d.-asc l,. i rnaiiy feminine
, Iktdgc and Wilwnn, inatliute the grain- und managed b) practical fanners the
Mr. and Mrs A. McKay drove to
b«*st’ results are obtained. *rhe i
Glen Arbor last Sunday week.
mas cni.-reJ Into l.v her a short lime
Frank Shutrr. cigar roan, of Travit Minu ny of this Is found when
erae City, waa In town today on b«slago and mhich will no lUhil.i have i
drives through the country and
great mnueai-e ill tlie genna! manage
taming In their
imHvidtwl depart the largi- hsrns. filled frtMn top-lo
Plainondon'H eon Is borne from
mem W ?h.- buKlneas along more ments. The present srhool building tom with the farm's products.
ecoaomUal lines so far as the mas IH quite tt'conirasi from I be beginning
culine InteMMs in the hat cealloo
ma’a. standing here and there in the
her mother. Mrs. Bd B. Price, who U
'rhe Imnicrmaii A I’luUcr C'o.. are
dealers here in dry gtssis..gents* liim
Isliliigs. rJoililiig. gr.s-. rtes and lu fid
cvertiblng found In s general i
TliC) also handle all kinds of fanu
and dairy producta and rep«rl a large
nra tka
hCeyatone. the
noon be occufelr. and Mrs. R. Harvby of
Armstrong la worklfif
of fish found In Ita many branch
creeks, the rich rcrtilc farmiiic acetioos all lend to create latcrcwt amoag
tboae who long for tbaae featnraa of
country Ufe and Qittot&aM. Tito OffM*
eily lieen a n-sideiH here a number of
Mr-i. J L Gibbs was In TravergC
nt) p fsMilati of 4be past meek.
Mrv Francr-S Thoro|m.m nnd son.
Percy Tliotnpson. visited her Mater
and fumil) at Fife lake Haltirday gfed
Sunday last.
Mrs. A. 8. Barniim celebrated the
seventy-ninth anniversary of her blrtb
Sunday. She is making quite a aalUe
fiu-iory gain for one of her advanced
y.-ara. as Is also Mrs. Ardelia Olbba.
V ho*e age Is righty-flve.
Art Mayhem Is moving Into the
TMvwar OTV, i
AY. MARCH tk tm.
ptaM wliwA paper aad ghm.
work tea We« daae te iBa raagli tP
alieia wBI plew iP IMaUaf
re. tbe pataMan orUl aaalM iP
A Gentae Edbm StasMid
works ago. and by Urn early part af
lacMith tbe leriatban will bo
to pmw ay^ a mwlao mripbur
■ wbalo tnm ilm eaast of Sew
rowadlabd. Tboue who bad aot tbe
timliy of aeriag tbe> FYaaken
-Joseph Ulmc^mrSt
raciccrs'aad SaasiH
Ula b4. la laK^ded lo
|«IA llM> «7<* tif (IWi I
;<!«•« I
lo t«ll Mir cu
j« 4<^)mabl«- 4Uti U aRi li
and pouliit
la W arrt.^ at n»r «f
kaow Why doan you alu.
fiM> toMt bUMioMa -<lmi ««a ever l»lanR^rdM»id.
m*rrrnA iM Ibv rlty <|gr« H »<M *<aBd if
0«r aaiiaacr na«i^ daily,
Ami for ibam
mrt* fbf Wi
Wi- fMitiUlMVI t»M- alfOvr> tar flir
cSkw^^uIat '
and It bard to cMnrfare ibemaolTrs
Try aome of lair owa omMl bana
(am l*afMi.
, eighth «»d Fniiikbii Mn^ria.
Tkc UlOc Slarc
wiOiBla Trade
Red Rldiag Hood well dotie. Ae^l.
while dmiaed faiileM wlih rruwBM oi
•^1 lookt^ like real faliie»
be. e ft** 24c.
IWnkwa to
Choice Meats
Veipt'a Cream Flakes,
•hraded Wheat Biscuit.
crape HuU,
Kom Klnkc.
Pork, liooici) Pntig. tic.
Rde-Uoin root. lie.
Our own tnaku of BoJokua,
Livcir Anti Pork Kanaak*«
ol course.
sreEaslElekUi Sircci
I'il. I.I.OIH. a**)
t erUleare <
Hoog C>di
<Oniil«>n l.oiicf<ll
Haaay. The Miaui
On the iwin «d Iho lUBMde f.»r
This rtuding la lnxi. »d all mill pmd
tiria to a larger esiont ibaii with mber
ftdMlN iteewaae they form an Urge a
Man in the* preparu.lon ofthc tblngH |
Hong-e htdt
OruiUui. ^’a-blngion Irvine
IX4tiri*llne -Olive' Da
museum will also have a
whale, which will have iu i
earlr 100 la all. and th<« a
«K preparrd.^mr feet la Icagib.
rhlrh was »a evaci reproduction In
vlniaiure of the original sulphur boi
iim. Tbe models in the Natloaal mueum were used In preparing a n
f WOO.I and papier mache. whir
ew tuning bodied Tnnh In the A
'an Muaeum of Natural llUiory
Central I^rk WeM and B.-veniy-a«'v
of the New York InsiliutJoo^
two of hU young assistants.
Andrews, aad K C. A. HIcbardn
huil.1 the whale. The construeil
volvfti several.departures frdm
system JWlowyd, In mablBg the aue
.1. Waidilnron. Tbe original wu
of the loigest nre, seen, for from the
tip of his iMso* in Iheuolch of ht
MuHlral Pluv Linlf. Re<l RWline
llotal. in four .ariK
any lecorfi
rati of rhutbcit^s—
U-ltile Hod IlMlne llood.I.dTlla Ob .on
I The Wolf y................... M.-uiMoo H**drtr u“qn
The opinion of .sclen
Flojr. Blended Spring j The Woodimm .................Anhui Ne»*.en lisis Is that Rh feel is the maximitn
and Winter Flour. Whole Wheat Flour. The Moihor...............'. ...SeMlo We.irtiit
Rva riiM..
Ar.a.. ^'»lry Quoon ___ _______non'nre IZuil
The llrM Mep was the pieparation of
ill mnvlnre
ton of
“t between
latod Meal
Meal w
conUnce >ou
of th«>
Iheji yioUn and plann
the WklKine. ll w;,s made of angle
purity and high quality of IDEAL Pan IIIirons bolte<l Together in seclIoDs
prodiiciM. Avk your grotHu Imi thi*m. ' Song—l^na OIomiii.
sinicture which Is tbe bast, o
Recliuilon—Clyde Ole.ton.
whale Is the shape of a ktnglii
Song—nttrence and Horn i:ail.
neriiatiiia-t-har. OWmoa
seciino III the highest port o
Japaneae sMig and rake walk - lai body nnd H runs down the center
I. rrintiott
nose to fluke. Bolieil to
IVm. Reil While nnd Itlue M.irrh*
side of Ihe middle .KiruMure and bent
no girls
lo conlorm to tbe shape of the model
sue .1 aerW of ribs
nancHv-Arihur .Nesseu.
Various parts of this ftwmewfi
Recliailon^rene lllrds
I. Ilewlll
l»-fi Thursday '
eteel were Isiltcd together hy he.vvy
tiMiriilng. when she was
as Called by^ihi
the i
plates. The akeleion was miaed on
r ilaughier. MUs
Drill. Indian Clubs fou
block and tackle and aecured to the
nch s l
1 ^ Th i^ai Jlsa Heibi
«ong—Marglt Oleson
beams of the celling hy meana of
MMn Ji^^- wlv ^
Candles Cmialn l.i.clureihreewls^teenths of an Inch oil toru
u Idine xmd wL
^’hea Alvin MllllnKton
pereil wires, which haV.* eitiaoidlnar>
s^^iout finr.li.rnr
v?nilT K.mdTv
Hong-Rmlllb- Oleson.
wh^n she"*;:Xd*:^n'S^^^^^
. nun. i md Mi*engib.
After this ribs of woo«l wcie bulli
ill and aliached hy l«lls to the s^-^l
frame. The outer edges of the Wooden
rib. were carefully planed and abaveii
coven. Miss Hew
doipi MO that they fsmformed ecarily
lied fitim the Trai
to the model. Tbe roetHuremenu were
<Hie Trial of
Traverse Ciiy MIHitig Co.
Botb pboMOB,
IWl plioottSKl
C. B. OOCKCBAV. candidate for
city treasurer, twenty years’ experi.
ence in all kinds nf bookkerping.
<if the
pnl.lic iiowmlttjri if fur purt)
finsi in It aitiiiitry maimer.
Take aliiN^l mMiU ham, bot^o, ciritd Ui‘f pork loin, turn,
•a*:*. Hr.
Vvm cook them
aliu'hlly or notut all. .nivl you
waul to U* nun» ilmt they me
111.-boat cull, not the oikU
of nient ihrown into
A jar. mill that lliev fire hao.llfHl na ItUla na poasible.' Ih-nligiDg
this 1 bav«» JoaUlit-tl no AnbCrlOUl «ta*dmj
This iQArvekHia invention otiu flitwn jutt the ri)fhi ihickiftm
without hiimlliiiK. 1 tiae only thn beateuU. ami can atili tfive
Toil mom nliom for the name monrv tliaii yon can Rat elnewhere
1^1 i»mi MW it. jon will U- iui.-rodiml.
^ -a------- ------7,0 w.a.worlh^it.
Why Do So Mony People
K Usr.“ BEST” Hour?
Bccauati Uicy havK proven by experience
that.it ill tilt- mopt gatUfartory Hour to
buy. You flhoulci prove iit iurrili.
Hannah &tay Co.
Tiy Rnoil WutAilt
are hauling logs lo Domlne Bros. A '
f'o s mill to gri aawcl Into kbinglea. j
Osrat Domlne isvi Thiiriulav took
r. 8. Patent
Pnlenl to loeiliD J. Rutta. el
. »ot 3 nnd sw V of aw^ ace. €. T N.
^,^(R 11. and aeti of ne^ sec. I. T 3«. H
oj^and Its Whale,s.ne s.ev. ,u.,v u.s-.
Building of this whale
1 Maynard, parcel In Blackwood. f»30.
1- kVrton to Uiclnda Ponoo.
unique in ths. the prvK'V'sa has
been called on enilroly within view
=« **'
__________________ _
: Mrs. H. E ('.111 and duughtera.
jlha and Oenevieve. left this mor
Beal Eatata Trarvtfera.
tbeli home In Muskegon.
Oscar K rhase in Kl|rab<uh louidoii j
h. lL
huse. |uint‘U. H. U 4 t’o.’s imh.
|l. j!|^Wrs
ll: H
H. lloisie t.-t Rnai' Hozsle. r
usle’». 1st add
village «if ' ^
ira J Htm>u
iMrklss has moved tnio the
rncaif-d by Ijiwrence aannem
It Mr
Pulver. par j ***“‘»^*y >*»-L • »«
iVaM 1
bAiix w{m‘is
lit Soalh UbIob SL
rht^rlng all (hn*ugh
j ihe apf>reolaikui by ||
i lollowhlg
Ihe nmi
Grocery De|it.
Quahar Oait 10 and 90a.
Bulk BolUd Oaik, f Iba. for »c.
: =
abora. I. blgbly
ns am wUI be
iricniUu fram the Xailoosi m«
la Wa.htngion. The saraaia also
p!a<ier cast>. of one eniln' sl^e of him.
wfMild grare any i
. wtk neoaoCnd oa this
u» u|i?
rani la*
The I
SaH Rising
by ibo puvrbnaer frum onr <
Ramnmbar thin Is tbe t<
by Tbomss A. Bdlsua. nnd i
; ThP Lb4Im* Aid BorlMT aMi vtth
) from tbe raety deep
(Mra. I^njnick Uist WevtaeMUy. and
Wbalee are aoi bum m often that
V ;did a big <Ur'« work: kdd a r»d tine
< ! and a Aoe aapper.
err U any fonnala for their fnsb; The Quilt ibe melMr baa for aale
. Iwaa draws by Mra. Laagrtck yeater- kmlng The one whlHi U now taking
la Mammal hall U a repUea ol a
ran which was found a year ago
with uep *-Momlat Clary- Hoiw; pMiabod NIckol Hom Craim nnd ant
dansn nf tba famaun, Bdinon
* and M. Idk. :
to AllM'tt I Ver> much Interest Is hi'lng mantfcstOak PaiK
*'*^**‘‘» <hal attend
Alhi.rt Crain
There will be a gt Pairick’ii ball
nd wife lo noyd
inllh et ak. I.Hi
t and ru. Idk. 3. Oak
srk. I2.iaai.
Floyd I. Hmith and wife
The Mothers- meeting will bold
fe to William
Hmalley. |.ii
bik. J. 0.vk i^helr next and last meet lag at tbe
Park. $:Ml
home of Mrs. (’has. Nelwui on the Aral
ovd I.. 1
Iley. paw
««.... Mn.
A’lHIam II. Wlsrhnewsky and wife
to little E. Marvin. ne‘V of a«'»4 mt. M“Vkime* ’*’“'^***' itilcle on Gdinburw
Jj"^^* **
K the old and the new %ltm W. P. Rob
ertson gave ail anlrle on f-Ynnees Hub-Jtiy E. Man^ln to Wm,
m l! Wlsch son Burnett. The club will mm^t with
Mrs A. Void' on Tiieaday. March If. •
Chas Nelson spent
BatunUy In
Sutions IUt.
Miss Wsh' Howell was pleasanlly
Kiiniiisdl hv her frb'nds on last Fri
see. 32. T 23. H n.
Henr>- A. laHlcile and wife to CTar "'*Wm.*^"v?Hoe and family will move
-e J. kHarpham. ne fri. *i of se fii Into the Hanger collage.
Miss Busy ihiiituherger has accepted
a position with 1..
llushmirs store.
1^ and iMtgan her duties last week.
gmllh. lot
Idk: •!. H I. 4 ('<
Miss .Nellie MIddIt ion has accepted
sub. of H. L 4 Co.’a .3rd. glMlMt.
I a rxtaitlon In Kehi liros ' ktore.
Edgiir T. Pint et al to William K.
Mi>. Martha Steele was verj pleas-•
Chaney, si^ of lot l. sec 24. T 2K. H 9. antly sunnUed last Haturday night,
by the Lady Maccabmw and other laglaie or .Mich, to Mta. Addle
.lles. the occasion being her birthday
A sumpiuous supper was served from
OU! their well filled haaketa aad an eiietiRwp. nt^ 'of se^ sec. 2f.. T -3. R lU.
wilng was a
aied with
and wife to James
a. pare.
w*. i;. T 27. H 10.
K O ljul
mr.. lo Charles E and
Mina M. 1^
. parcels, sec 9. T 29.
R Ib. I3G0.
inin and wife to Mina
coveied wlih long strips
'Is. vr- \r 29. H m.
two Inches In leugih ar
Hr. Pleeuihs of an Inch In thic
er. II. I.. WI
Charles 11. Mahn and wife to Fran
They were put on at a
days Ust w
elm and aifr. parrvds H. L. 4 Co.’
ElertUin day passed olf very quiet almiii ir. degrres. oi in *
b"ia\ a»il!any. Th!sUled of 4r and :.<> ll
lnd*earh'‘!lf Iv. Not nnich Inierest manifested.
QuiCn CifP^Brick Machine Co. lo
they were lacked to the i
Engineer J A Mitchell of Uidl
Frank Helm, parcels, si-c H». T 27. U
ton. was heie last week, when a ii-si
AIIk*ii Cminadec
day last
of the re-driven well was made. U
hauled lo TMTCfse
Elmer. Noiihprctp. to F. O. Nf
parcels. Edna Park add.. Hr.o.
wi'lghed I loud iiounda. acrotding in ihe was found, that the well could not
with n sufflf
Ole Kogge and wife to Parot C
cliy scales. The Hmit eooslsi.sl of a nish the pumps
ed the only blubber used.
'.iinouni of water, but the envk
cord and a qiuirter of sione.
After this the whale was paperj'tl
furnish enough water for Are protec
We have the gmal news that ibe Hon. until uU**—-wirange
nrst be got a coat of heavy pulp
Ctuvlord and Alpeua H. ll. U in he n
sheeis. then a thin layer of -red fiber
fart, ll will gnwUr Itt'uelll Traverse
At Ihe aonu; village elect on held with a Utile munUa in It nnd. laat hf
njiv and dev.-lop a onw undevelfm.-d
yesterday s: v es were east
thin eoai.
the same num I lhai wns i
This WHS one of the queeres
year. But little iiereat was maolfesi
John N Couriado and Perry Baying- ed. as there w no speelal
of paperhaoging ever done In New
ton am hauling logs lo Urltner's mill.
Vno De Walker Tork. The blowhole of the whale
Wm. Rikey and H. R. Carlisle are haul
ing logs lo ll..' Kc'lb'v Ivumher (’o.’s In the caucus held last
Ihe bnlges along his liackhone ol
mill .. Mr. Ktkey and Mr. Courtade spgwnntir withdrew. Neve
top were covered In woo.1
.'neb have large holdings i
wna. given fmjr votes ut tl
One of the iiecullar characteristics
timber that will give them
The vote was as follows;
of a whale of this type am tbe
to do for m
many a winter’a
Tht% has h
comigatinns which run length
winter for lumbering operntloi ■ *•"*' I Bdwnrd C, Van De I
wise along the under body. Thei
there la no kirk f-omlng.
Ions are nearly an Inch In depth
Kd Domlne who wns working I
Inch and a half In t
Oval Wood Ihah Co has'taken
.d piling liimbei for the Kelley Lum Charles R gnyd/r .
WTiai they were ever Intended 1
l*er (V.
of the puzzles of science.
Wmd has been rvyelved that Mrs.
Is supposed that they were usefnl
Henry K. Carlisle who haF been at
when the whale was Ailing hi
Maple Rapids flve weeks taking tivwimeot for enneer. that the cancer has Curtis C.
with water, for ihe purpoue of fm
EverytKHly WIU U
Trick Dtmkay.
Tha Poachara.
Apartmenta to Lot.
AUaliog Tematooa.
Everyeno la funny.
IliuatraUd aong. -Th# Man
z;r "■“
2,000 ,
Edison Recoiids
dropped oE. It wns aa large aa a hen’s
full term—
egg If she keepa on improving, she W.Trustee,
«ill lie home In a few weeks.
Tbe town caucus will be bdd gaturday. March -3rd. at l:3« p, m.. at ci)a^**^il!leV !
the Black achool hotine
gundav afternoon two little boys,
Edgar Taylor and Harry DoaMne. were jobi"iS;A"s*".
playing near a pool of water. They Inland & Arc
In 1
CDOffbl a frag that wna na lively aa
out the Are depnrtme
MWld be. TbU Is oniminlly
iminlly early for i day forr tbe Amt time store 1
satloB and tbe I
Tbn ommoa wHI be bold at tbe gntsbed nito tbe otonMHtiea of tbe
BMT aebool bouse Batorday. vMarrb
and of our syatnm cR ftra prev
231-4 at HK'o’clock .a. m. We bear company
tecilon were demonairated to tbe antthere nre quite a few cnndldatea la tbe Isfactkm
of nU
Tbe American Candy Kitchen.
Mpr iwt;
mile slack which he
out. but this has proved not » he the
case. In the original there were
we great crease*. This surface
now being made of pressed papl
ache and will sooa be la pUce.
This whale wUl l.e repnwntiad witb
I mouth etoaed. ao that the whale
bone In lu Jaw* will not be ahown.
Whales of ihlM type live oo molluaka
ahoto tbe Mae of a Aager naU which
they at rate toto ibeir ayatem by mil
It could not have been of the
anatomical tdyle a.
as tbe. one which
. for Ita throat wna
tnobaa In dIatotoiF. Tba nto*
bnDoOA whale baa a poor dtgoavouM ba nnable to MHmIlnta
uurfbtng toora blgbly
^ust Received
We now have every nnmber in domestic caulog.
• Ever 8Im«vb la This Ctly.
v:v:. i
... ■
': ■ ''N
30.«0(h WtlffiO STHSR*"
nrr to
Rvimlns lU^oH
imluiCM. Umreh li-—Hmrr A
I mtior » per*oiiml iBtmriev with
Ooreraor Waiver, mj* the laiter toM
hkm tht ho tulirappotoi Charte*
0»e «am«« W'aMT. vbo van
fartor la tho l>4aad Barboar Mt
ka4 a iietliloe from tlU« •epttoo iiT the
•imM bjr 3.«K» pronle.
Ona of Foat;iroa of Today*a Tr
Ka»ona Boliovo That Tha«
Waa War**.
Did You Ever
One Uiljr iAia lliia
didnH know rublh^ lax>U
cvmU ».e had for womea anti
of the loaujiliy -xpen* A hyi-^hetic
♦•iaii.n «a* I hr Iraiurr. AIJ ol
up lu the fctale
They *U» luu »i. llev.* Thaw
e when he
White Afiw
Y.a, Ulifo. you, aiul the
children can batre them aa
vellaa the men. And now
that you
yon know
they eau lie
liad. do^
dor^ you
think you
would uppr^'iuU* a pair^
which Dorothy thx »ay» onl.t heavm
Aak the chiMrvn what lliey
thiuk altoiit them. .
be made to have HiimnieJ
W reeaUftI to ctaiiia.lin
Cbey Don’t
r» BUir'. Siri« Limb T«We»•!»-««> mrfiopi* to
matcuy A •foOtm
ol «»a*h
Snith |»|»r
MHte • plaee hi
any boae whore good tlationeiy
U NUMdated.
The Hobart Oo.Pfop.
Hats and Furnishings
worn KASTKP*
We arc showing the Lonfilcy hat and there is no better hat for any
^ Our line of furnishings is ahead of anything we have ever ohown.
We have something that will please the mah who likes the * smart
styles, and we have them at easy prices.
€o$t inucb
Crossett Shoe
P.«t foi Comfort. tV»t
for Stylo. Boot for Woor
A Shi* that KiU. .S’.vifa
no hteakiiiK in We
will I* gla.1 to tell
alKuil th
A Man
sueaiid $4.
Bachant & Rsocoe.
iiak.Hl the^ oilier day
why he vttiddn t Kel
Old Time
We brought
jjotxls and hf loDktul
them over, i*onai<iered
that we Kuarantetfil them
two yenra and went away
Logs, Logs
Will pay Highest Cash prices for
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
Tra.vcrsc City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cit. 32. Bell 169.
We are Opened and ^eady for Business
•with a nett) line of
Klaasen & Shamsky
New Shoe Store
234 R Front St.
Farm for Sale
Kmwb a» Ike
Owries EUls Fara ;
le and One-haU Hllcd
tram Old Mission.
3_tpriiig» on lam.
Lwgataim^ oomcrib«nf
On mUn nod to Old yUmbe.
Price, $4,000.
. f
« ymi %MM iha iMd WaM
eeniBiif at <:» In the Chnrch of
ChrM. thf Rev J. A. Cnnhy oflciat
lag The young «mple were attasNUd
by Claud aiSord and Mlaa Plora
StrkWland Mr. and Mrv Albert Ha
her. pnrenU of the bride, yrnd Wward
and Albert Haber. bcoUmra cf
bride, nil of GU RapMa. wem I
ThM bamk U^eawmM hy the Stale official wh
the caah. provwa booka 4md aecurtUes aod aeea i
ia la good coadltkm and carefully maaagvd. FI
«oeh jraar we are called upom by the Bute Baa
panmoat tor foU, awom reporta, ahowiag our om
Jb Iheae aad olter waya the great SUIe of
carefully proteeta ibe tntereata of our deporltora.
New Carpets
‘ 1904 .
caawtn»ndloukth»moT»r. It tUre i« M^tiiiiicUrc
you «kut »• Till boU it lor you.
^ We kn.Mi rats. I- the heal
Washer made and we battmre
you Will think
anrr ytm try
(his woad*^(ul washer
poinu of aupertority arv
1 It am do il*. a.iri in le
It wtll *lo (he uoik l-etler
It Sill do the W«.fk .sspn
Eaolcst Kla4 Ol Easy Payments.
J. W. Slater
thaa an> other ma*'t.l«e
Oh# prpfsisKkin U Ihts lake
a machlae and try it lor 3d davs
U It win not da what »r rulia
Traverse Qlp. Midi.
TIm boitan of Ornad Trut^nm Imy
taaovwad «l(HttwdoM. lUar of tbr
of Trafara* C?Iiy have und^r
tlM » fflWiiatkm of tba
t«tal wlillo rrtml tnrf*t w formarl
cotarad vltb tt How mmr lotui hav
Umn boraad and thrown away hora
la only a matter of conjecture and not
Special to the Evening Record
Rk Raplda. Mich . March IL.-Dr.
here waa quite
BUa 1^. retunwd mlaaionary from
(!blna. haa been spending moat of the
In the saw being broken to
winter at Aldan. She waa aa Antrim
aome fg the teeth being found
ooeaty girl before ahe entered Ihi
the mill yard; but luckily no uoi
mlaalun held for wtudy and work
hurt. We are all very aorr>‘ f
White, aa It wlU bma loss of
iXiring last week aad this ahe visited
140 or |M to him
her girlhood chum. Mrs. V I) Wrle
Charley Clay vhUted MUa 1
While the old daya of big ruta hav*- aler. on the Truverae City ro*l
l^ae 111 Long Lake Sat unlay
mih« from U»wn. Friday Mra. i
nnd while no more aawd.
Noah liln. wUI have a sale March
fmm into the bay but Inatead all
Ik. and will move (o Oregon to mak^
petalble ta burned for fuel, atlll
hU future home. John Haywood wll!
waa accorded bar hy the
dtfly being |»rod»eed here, not in
farm his place.
Mlaa loinra fMn will go to Frank
great quanUMoa but in qultr Urge
tort t<xlay to work for Mrs. Cbaa
aipmU. Now come forth the neien clety of the M. B churrh
parlorw. Nearly a hum
Babcock of l^ke Ann la bead
gre«Med the labotei lady
White since Charle>
turn gave them a dHlghiful talk on
U come, right from beadqua
^MlkVKlmnaJgh of Empire t»s
the cuatooia and bom# lU# of the
tom •tllortona opportniUilea 1o
through here Mooday on his way
the name of a eobg that drinking men women of the Orient among
Traverse City.
haa UboL-rtd for twelve y
of tbb eooatry can aing with
Mrs. Kate Edgell visit*-d Grandma
Harvey one day Uat week.
patboar aald l>r. Wiley, the pure food Lyon MMB to Chlongo thu
Mr and Mrs. Will Gri
Uke up poat graduate work at hi^
expert of the agricultural departi
Elmer Crmiu
**ter nciiooe baa Juat dlaouvered that alma mater, fhe Northweatem univer
Sunday afterr
nnvdnat la good material for the man- sity. She expocta to aatt for China
Mrs. Ollb* Kohn visited Mrs. Joe
BoTkert Sunday afternoon.
utectorw of alcohol
-Ifa not wood alcohol.- dacUreirthe health contlnuea.
egpert. -hut the genuine atuir. It can The George Dunn farm in HUlon morrow and h^lu- end of the week or
Mrs. Blslne Marsh was In Traverw
first of next week the entln- plant will City
not be told by taate. amell or chemical township haa bf« purebnyed h]
on business Friday.
be In operation.
analyala from the alcohol made from Mr. IginJt frtim MIsaoOri. who wttl
MUa Maud Hu1l>eri und FranrU
cupy It ot once.
Indian com.
The MIsa*'s Carrie ond Nettie Kosi<
Mra. Jane BUnchard, a resident of Ward Burr were marrii*d Saturday
-Juat atop and think for a mo
s we<-k In Buttons Ha>
of the mimooa of Uma of aawdnat that this aecilon for nineteen yearn, died evening by the Rev. C. Daniels. They Tlslllng relatives
are residing near the cement plant.
.Mr. und Mrs. CJI fTRaNton hav*'
liaye gone to waate. Bawmllla when Saturday afternoon. She waa
Mrs. A. K. IXiugherty was In a crit iiH.ved In one of A C Wynk.Kip*»
the moontalna of aawduat got too high mother of Sam. Will. Charles and Fred
nronnd them have to l>e moved to ea Blanchanl. The funeral waa held at ical condition Saturday and Sunduy
Rurhel Hsrvar vUIUnI her niece
aawduBl. You c«nn|»t bum II. the Presbyterian church Monday after (rom heart trouble but Is better t«>d.nv. Mrs Ntns Marsh. Monday.
enpel» the aawdu
Miss Orra Couly of l.udlngton Is here
noon and the interment made In Maple
Mr and Mrs, Frank Harvey and cliU
It haa bad no I
dran vlHlle.1 her uncle. Jake Ralston
It makes good alrt>hol and a new In
Mrs H.T. Blodgett.
.•family at South Kaason Sunday.
duatry haa come Into liHna
-r Ctaln
Mr., A. c. Ru.ck,..„ i.f,
Z ’‘uL.,
*‘fiawduat aJi'obul la %tw being
visit her mother In Ibigbrs. Arkansa.v.j (.^.,1,, ,)r»ive to Travt-rsw City
tannafactured commorrlally in l*enneyIvanU and tin* InUuMr) la *-x,HM-ii-d some tinje She leaves seven children
MUs Ira Valtie .f loike Ann vlslt*M
and a huslumd to mourn her loss.
lo apring up and thrive In nil mu
Mrs BUln Marnh m*T Sunday,
kNinerwl was held at Sacred Hcnrt
R.resi Totten. wife and chlldrei
ness of the Ice on the bay and
church today at 10:30 oclock and
Islted Mr. atui Mr>
from the la-nlnhul'n have vlrit*-*!
burial at Kewadiit.
Mm. Reay and children are visiting and trad.-<l in thlh Village
In Old Mission
,a. or,.. "-"S nday after
David Klin.li of Old MIshIoii sjhmiI ate<I by a nupposetl crary man nannsl i
T.my Scurap Tuesday foivmtsm. • Siif |
Sunday wtih IiIn brother WIIIIm
Th« Trsubis.
The mail* quartet consisting ol Lu-lag fr*jni what niay prrtve to l»e tein
•There seems to be a gi
- Lako Irav.-I bun b«,jr b.-i n'rrKard.tl MesKiw. Otto powers. Walter Hanks porary Insanity. rmis*H! m» doulrt from ;qmnin»!ty h» your faail].v.
ccsslv*. use *.r stimulants. Timy «n-|npna the anfcHt in llio aoibl and Mtuiia llt-rbiTt niodgrtt and Dr. Wheeler
lunco*! -ihlH was to l*e hU last da> I ‘ No. air. timt ain’t the trouble, but
llcw ahow nmt f.-wer pM.pl.. hwo Ihclr with Walker Lang aa accompanist
I we don't ntd’e.tr to l*e able b* git to
Uvea in iM>ivi*utngo to ih^iinilN-r that luive a ctincrrt at Klk Lake Drang* on ••arth.' and without hat .ir coat left ndl»er In anything.^’—Bnltlmure Amer
iiae the waterwa>a of^h«» cot------ hull InM .-venllig. A |uirly of admirers lb«> east hid*- iHMiililtg hoiiso lo folbiw Iran
nilR.lln-ctid fmaA'lnings
than in any other imalr of tiav. l. The Irtini the village went out to encourage
great lakna have hnd no iiiHaai«>i^ like
most of the da.v and he was lo Gsirfi lbcheillliofyoiir Umilf b}
that of the Gen. ral .si.-rtini luul thenin Old MI«.lob. whither he had keepmr It btifit bonie of Qi«mber.
The republican caurmi for ihTs t*»wn
ere few wrecka of evritit i<m or paa
loin's Csncb Remedy. It hts so
ship will U- held fYiday evenlog. gom» across the !«•.
hen get ateamem
B. F. Cacson haa mdd hla farm five equl for coorbs, colds tod croop
In order to'maintain thU hlnh n't:^rtl March 2.
miles south of town to AiigUMt Di> AmeiictA Drnr Co.
nnd to avert Juat tuch a f^aulblllty
Cransaez. who will .K-ctipy It. hi once
far aa It can be < eiiwi. ilM- govt
LandUtJy—How do yon find - the
Carson will r**move to Traverse
up fxoiu Chicago Uat week and wlU
oua paaaenger ve»MU on the lake* visit his -mm • niek” for a
Roarder-1 haTen’t found it yetwin also Uiak«* fretpunt trips to the
threr tlmtw a year Inatead of
. f4eUce will 1UU.
giiei. trf the rimeii resort, make re|uilr« and Improv*^
a tjul wt-dding here last
of Cheae lnapeetbm» and tlul will lend menta and im ready to o|mn up th.* Wednesday auhe
mwof David Newhotel early In the aeaiwm.
toward keeping the equipment a
Harken of Kewa- KISSI..-4.^j||j^nd that Harris luakei
Homer Sly. local iuanag» r «»f the din and Mrs Sarah A Vand**rventer
hlghtwi poaalble aundard
' If the owner* or maater. of lake Bk Cement rtimpany. haa a new auicv of this plae*-. hy th.- Rev. Mr Thomie
•Hie Anifirlf aii Candy Kitchen
Th.- happy i-mtpl.*
mi4»lle and prr>hably no one wRi wait
t'twft are torllneil lu Im- Imx In n
mon. tmpativnily tor g.s»d roads than
to their equipment iht« ,«M.lblil
our g*-nial 81) f. lUnr
d«Mit of a 'r»vemment |aa|a*r.u,
Mrs l.ardle and daughter. Marie *d
act aa a great chtn-k.
Mapbion Is spen^dlag the aeek In
VAKfTJ-A. Raapheriy and Wilnut
Judge llcl^ughlin. Dr Gaunt left, a
Ther«- has t een it good deal ot Ire.
KlBSBB. the kind that lUrrla make*.
II Dougherty. IL 8 Ameroow. Juaeph put np 4n the ’i.ssi wWk. It Is aUKit
I.; t)
lOc per pound tomorrow.
Uutler. Frank and Lowell Sours at eight.-.-n inch*-*, thick and of good
The American t’andy Klirhm
mar Ik-lt
l>ewis A Eili.itt have finished their
Traverse City Friday evenmg.
Joh Af logging for A M 8mlth.
I) B._NewcirMl. remrn.-d home last
Liitu-^Nack.-rman and Nora
•avad Her ften'a Life.
Farrell, tcachem at Alden. spent Sat- ;week. after s|H-*idlng two months vlsnother lu the
:rd«y with <heir parents In this vlt ‘'‘plJelc-hm; yrlh*. M. K 'ch«rch last
, la
aod carry^a larije'atock of
••One year ago my aon age.
Sunday, and a ico.k1 -serntuti hy the and aappliea.
1th such aerlooa lung
down ^h
Mra. Jamra Veniler has returned Re^. Mr. Thomps*m.
tniuble that our phyaiclan waa unable
to help him: when, by our drualat’a tome from a six weeks’ stay In De
advice I began giving him I>r. Klng'a troit.
New Uacovery. and I aooa noticed
na Couturier of Frovemont Is rlaltImprovement. I kept thia treatment ing his cousins, l.«wrence and A
up for a few weeks when he wraa perCouturier,
^«;tly well. He haa worked ateadlly
nine* at oarpenUT work. Dr. King s
Mr. and Mrs. Ft^k WrulV
New Olacovery saved hla life.** Guar tamed at cards Satordav evening
anteed best rough and cold cure by
woo by Mra. Lawta
Nugbee Drug Co. f-Yank H. Meads.
Ifaiumh drug atore, 60c nnd llOO. aad aocond by Dr. l^eCore.
C.A. Whylond of Chicago, piwaident untU 6:30 p. m. The lecture and en
of thV^l^euneBt aad Ume company, terialnment will follow
mar 15-It J.W.JMkMB X.W.
IT IS not Mr. Cdmrile Ikwkmaa of was liNlowa the first of the week.
E.A.M<w«e BomSUoud
Jpruce Blruet that haa denied hla wife Tueadpy he went to Prtoskey. He ex
Mra. Charlie Beckman,
peels to return to Elk Rapids tomor
J. H. Ummu
nar 16 It
row for a couple of days’ laager aUy.
HARRIS’ famona KISSES, regular r. r. Akw,
Milton township caocua will be beM 25c per lb.. IOC totrtwTow. Saturday.
ibe.town ball at Kewadta SatortUy March 16.
KtBBa. the kind that Harrta makm afleniooa. March tt
The Americaq Cimdy Kitchen,
IOC per pomid UMnotrow.
ooaapaay aurted the mar 16-1t
The Amertcnn Candy Kltt^en.
F. L. Sbnter
nMattra wfR ba ataitad today or loRECORD ^
. PAY.
r ^
notice of Primaq Election
To the b-gall.t
%-i wtr *4 the
RepuhlUon |.aity .H Hu- rjiv *»f Trav
ers**? C:tv. C*i.int.v *.f Crsiid TiovTAKi: NOTii^^Tutti in lu- H.rd
am>*. with the i.roUSh;n> id Aei No,
111. of ih- l»u:.:ir Acih of Mhl.Uuin.
sessiiKi of l!*H!i. t!,cr.. will h*- ti.-i.l ;i
primary «U<rih»n on ih*» inth *l*v of
March. A I) lJ*t*7. from T bVhwk In
the f*»r«-n<R.a imtll 5 o cI.k k In iIih afof nominating cniidldat.-R ftir*lh? i*puhlU-an party, for th*- ibarti-i vh-rHem to Im- h*-l.l on th** fln.t d;iy *.f
April. A 1) 11*07
You will ftiiiher t«k*- nutlet-, thsl
the foll.ming officers are to |m* tiomlnat**d nt Hiild prinmrj eb-cth.n;
City clerk. f«»r n lerw of two y«-«rs.
City ircnMun-r.’for a t**nn of twu^
^ jUdge t*f record.-Fs court, fur a
of four years.
One muoiU-r of the U*ard «*r public
work*, for « term *.f thi*H* years
One mi*mb*T of the Iwuird of edura
lion, for a t*-nn *»f ihr***- yi-ars.
One schixd lUhtH-cior, fur a term of
three years.
Two Justices of the peace, one for a I
term of four years, and one for a term i
of three years to fill vacancy;
One supervisor, front/each ward.!
A Few Snaps in Furniture
After our bij? sale we find ourselves
overloaded with a few articles such as
Odd Dressers. Cheffoaiers. Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen TaWes. etc..
That we would nther reiluce st • re*y tmAU mirgia
thtn toouty m maoy in eiook.
Htee Are Some Great Baroalas lor Yoa
now............. ................................................... S4.W
witlMwo Urge eopli
KeguUr SU.OO Cabinet* will go (or...
Kegular SHi-.V) (VibineU wHl go for...
RegoUr IIi-.OO C<.>biiieU will go (or...
Kilcben TablerfrogJ.....................
Old D™f,o«..T.......
Cb(‘ffoiiiiTi from .......................... ............... ...........§M
YOUR atEDrr is good.
Vour Reliable Furniture Store,
..r*: ,.J
Grand Rapids Fumltufc'Co.
a term of two ytars.
One constable, from eoch ward, for
a term of one year.
You will fiirthc-r take-notice, that I
the following hwatlons have iK-eti -duly
d(?slgnuted hy the common council of
this city as (h.* iMdllng places fur the
said primary election:
l-'init ward—in Grange hall, on Cass
137 S. South Union Street
city hall, on Spruce, t
Third ward-ln th(
Fourth wnnl—In the engine house.
No. n. on . Cass str***-t
Fifth ward-ln the Plfth ward hall,
opposite E. J. Hans 4- Son’s st*«e.
cirner of WuHhlnr.ton and R«>/»e
- CMy. Mh hiKan.
City rb-rk.
March 6 to ‘iS Inc.
Worked Like a Charm.
Ir. 1). N. Walker, editor of that
-r Journal. Hie FYiterprlse. lamlKa.
. wiys: -i ran a nail In my foot
we,-k nnd at one*, applied BuckNo lull!
______ s simply I
H..al« ev
K»vp uu ta date hy vsiog
t4eotric light for bouao. atora,
■UUe and factory. Th«
danger from fire it immeMurablyleaa, the oonvenienoB
and oconomy far greeter than
that (xnnected with any other
'^^\lTl?“ahow you all aorta
and aixoa of lighU end eaU.
maU^ooat^of what yon need.
18.5 0aaaKt. '
Phone 502.*
For MvKiic Shrine fl|(*ciing. BoUd
train of sUM*p*.rs und dining cars
Grafid Raplda. Very cheap
rate, long limit, favoratdc stopovf*r privIlcgtMi. Return
Candidate for Republican
via divrrw rouiMi. If ron
I a iilMMni trip with
For .ladtfc of the Ue(x>nler**i ('ourt
'. . V-
Amil F. Nerlinger
Has Uved is the tirand Traverse krgioa
lor the past »9 years.
Groduala of the Tpi^vw City High
Bchaol and of the University of Micblgaru
Practiced taw six years. • ‘
This train will
stop one day at
Colorado Springs,
one day at the Grand
Canyon and ample time to
see Albuquerque, Laguna.
Indian Village, Redlands and River
Come Wllli Us
Correspond With
H. J. GRAY, D. P. A.
Gl^ ^plds. VPcil. _
N$e Raorii Want Ads
•vmiM uteoita TRAvtutc etrv. mcMiaAN. fiudav. mar^ is. itsr.
SiMrtol to (ho 0»ratDE nooord.
KoMtlrv. Mlrh^ Mort-n iS—WolUf
Ntohol* boo mmeU hi* fomlljr Inio tbr
KRTRS bouoo uo KllJOt ktljmrt.
Ukm LuJu Hookiu* U home from
Co4lltoc whrrr .hr to .ttroatoi «*ool,
oo ooerioot of 111 braltb
A r Bobttog TO bcmio from Uur.
to«. from tetontor until Mond.y.
Mr. Holmm of l^kr Ann_|« hrrr
vlidttoC brr d.ucbtrr. Mr^
Ilhf llodgr rr|iuA««i Itoturd.jr fiijtu
MmUowot whrtv hr ornt in cb.rsr
<il t^ cr kimto of iMitutf.. for U K
Mr« R R itottox irtt Monday .fu r
bm for n vtoit with frtond. In M.nto
loo. flbr oipocU to .t.rt MKin (Hi n
trip to WMbtoRtno onU OroROti.
R A. Votoo v.h bonir rnmi Thur.
Mr tmiil Sotiird.x iMt onk from
^ 4:iong«ny. Wr*f,»rd rcHtnl). wbcir hr
" to inon.frr »»f a torpe ulorr.
Mr. A (’. roll.) of Tra»irM* City
•irtrod Monday noon for a vtoli a lib
opto m hto laim to! of town Miurh
at. .rtrf vhlch bo will iMvr to town
' Mr. lliigh MHcholl of fViuikfoM will
gtvr an rtilPiiaf
In I he ojK i a
wvcr b—n aqMM. •!»« It k«s JaMljr
tb« Wl«. -ilM Wectd* Cratoto
C«f«lorftU4laMM»«f tto ik:« «ito
bouM* hrrr Baiurday •^poIdk. Marrh
rU. Mr MHrh.ll la an rxcrllnit ni
UrinJn.r and hh.Mild dinar a
hijuiMI) W. Howrrr. oianagrr of tbo Bin
l»lir Kxrbanitr bank haa born apiadntrd by (Jwvrmor Wariirr aa a nirmber
of thr .tote ftoh wimmlaalf*.
Mra. Cbaa. (ildiry
momloK for Baal Joiltoii. called Ihrn^
by thr aotloiia Ulnraa of ber^uaband a
faihrr. Rlchanl Gldley who n<«ntly
lihdciwenl an uprrailcm fur an abacraa
In bla tbrouat.,
Vlllaiio elcritoii wna bdd Monday.
There waa only one ticket In Ibe field.
Ttomiaalleorln*. Jr., to . U« id
Iiriwldriil. (Je<ji8c Wllilamaon. clerk;
John Track. inwMiicr; Kill/ Uoiow*.
tt^acHoi. Wro. BullHan W H iT.'-c-d.
imd A K Willard.
II I', lUa hf cxiH^ib to build a laricc
ladato and iiUKiucc* wandicmat* at Baot
Bniplre and br it, poaltlon i« * buy
everything Iho larnier ralacw. Tbc
buUdiiig will be 44ilO() feet and a aide
itnrk 04 the E 8 K U. K . w 111 In- put
In for lu arcoiiHNlNilon. lb' alao in
Itaida to Uiiilfl II totgc g. ii.-ral alnrcIImtc
Work will Im- ininiu.ncc-d on
her pnreou. Mr. qnd Mrm. Jacob
O L. Loreior and famUy atw all coo Wearer.
fijHHl II, tbr booar wUh Ibe grip.
There waa a awrtl party at the rewiWn Hogg cC Pnmbfott waa calling deoce of Mr. maw Miw. John Craee
on bto many frteada here Wedoa^y tout Friday erening la honor of Mias
, John 8mllb waa abopplng In Btbel Armatnmg. Aa near aa caa be
Travrre.’ City Moeday.
leamad It waa a
Mr. and Mr.
R: Brown of
toaac Speelnaa apd family of Benvoaao and Clen Brown of lUrbor
lab drove over laat Suaday to see If
Bprlnga arw here heldlng to care for may ooe had moaraed themaeives to
brocber O. A., who Ilea at the death since their departure from this
point of death.
. j A II. Waten, and
Mr and Mra. Tracy of Fife Lake
Wrlgbt wna Travetue City ytoltom
nre viatUag their daughter. Mrs. T. C.
Cheaahir. thi. week.
Chief of Police Jacob Wearer had
ooe of hla apella laat Friday. While
standing on hU head and .bowing the
Mra. Ann. Whlu- and atm of BeUalre
boy. how he iiwKl to do It when a
w vtoUlog at tbe-hotuc of Mra Carl
boy. he unfortunately lort coolrol of
tboM deUcate No. 12*a and pUaked
The fuUowlog officer, were elected
both feet through the glass front of
at the vUlagt, election here Monday.
Weaver Bros, market.
K M. Wxem. prcldent; John Herren.
Do not forget the 8t. Patrick, dance
clerk; C L. Bennett. Itea*urej; L
given by Honor IMmatog club In Woodrotter, aaaCKaoi;
Robt. Thomdyke.
maa hall on Monday night. March IR.
Ban S!rl.aughllii and Jack Hayward.
(’onie and bring yonr shamrock
ioc. The Royal Neighbor, will furn
Herb. Hantner to in Grand Rapid.
toh a genuie old Irish stew .upper at
Ihla week on bualnea..
nildnlglU. Everybody rome and bring
Mr. Joa. Hewitt left ye.terdnjrfo,
your appetite., sImi the price.
Her hu.Uau«f,haa to^eii
Orville Smith wnd Mto. Lenna Bean
tbere for a numlnr of wiik. emiduct
ftalied IIIMIU Ma and Pa Smith in South
Ing a meat market.
Honif>tead lasf
Sunduy and- ujkju
Mr and Mr.. E. Hanuier have mov
todng ao hoapliably r,-celved they concliMled to ranrel all prior oogagemenu
and feed upon Sam
Btsoidage h;ta returned
imrt of
from Chicago, whero he went some
ralbice IMion ha. an-epled thepiw.1
tloa a. to.ikkeeptir at the Picqua far
4' wher«'
One Iblng that Thimipaonvlile lack,
call, day or night will to- promptly at
to a gocHl mu.h tearher.
1,-nded to
John KniM^ka ^ laid np with the
A. n. CaM- to gaining slowly from a
S4vere attack of rheumattom.
(toshler Jay Baker of the Honor
iMink is rusticating in Southern Mich
Igan. it stwmn to to* tin- pievalling
sinilment that when Jay returns toulM not come alone
Mr Kami, fwtm rly wilii Alex Mor
rto, has tak,ii charge of a large Monat Sanilac Cr nter.
Haa Sliced.
Harltoll. Vuu.berlaud. Wyo.. 'pb.iy<Nl to n terord bn^klng houn,* at
. the star CleyelMtid
Ti-Vo H
to accept a IIo.immi
horlstop refmwMl
My oldoat daugbUT auffcreU the (irand lust evening and huttoRt'rl
for three, year*, but baa
Tile |M,“t. weie
tmuHba with a aeverc cough. My baby the4*ntlre audience
»«lme<| with the Naps Ihl. season for
bud ,tre cniup- After trying niany
f.l.KOn. whlrh to eoualderalily lower
tomedina we uaed WarnVr’a White houM^ was ricaiely maintained. The than he at first held out for.
Wine of lar
Ibdb ur.- c ummI. For
vab* by Ihr Ameiiran l>rtiR Co.
The MHdest arid Meet, ^
Effective Laxative Itnow^
No laxative sold in our store can compare with this perfect
l>owc1 regulator in gentleness and efficiency. It is not a re
arrangement of old laxative and cathartic drugs, but an entirely
iww laxative and cathartic,' All the good points of other laxati\*es
have been carefully prcscr\ed in this new laxative* while their
feults have been as skillfully eliminated.
Orderiles, "
simply re-esublish Nature's functions without any unpleasantness
whatever. Ao griping—no nausta. To sufferers from constipaUon or sluggish liver they tring immediate relief, and no constipalivc reaction results from their use. They work quietly, but
thoroughly, and the rbst 6f the body is unaware of their pr^ci*.
Rcxall Orderlies arc as pleasant as they are effective. Put up
in agreeable tasting, vanilla-flavored tablets.
_^Jl«t .i t«.
. IOC.
Bo. of 36.
-¥rUf togcit
BBd «• will
DRUG CO., Druggists
The yfiMogg Store
ha. bc,*n unable to rn... for the paat
enjoyed. Score: Glen
ten day.,
[aven 16; Empire €.
Fniuk Bi‘niiHt. .urfiiian
Ml.h OlcMin. of Glen Arto>r calb d hero ‘
George Arm.lrong of Travera© City
Sleeping Bear Life Saving aiatlon.
aa In town Sunday.
Mimi Violet Voice of Erapirr wa. In ‘ who ha* lieen living iti Glen Arlwr
March 11.
town Monday.
I Oil. winter, ha. retunu'd with hto fam
Mr and Mm lUatr of Ka.non. and ily to Uiclr home Ui SH-cplng Itoar
Mr. Brswf W of Htmlickxlllc
Minor Kcldctbou.c. of Port Oneida,
berc Thill silny
CIX>8ING cMil ahoe aale.
W k^riaiit and Mr. Alfred wait in town Simdiiy.
of I hto place CHlb-d ill Port
Mr*, tletirgf*
Men*. |a.WI ahoea for ll.lin.
Oncbla Thiinidny.
*"ln GlI>ir*A\bIi*r"
ahoea for IMiri. etc.
Mr IbTRcr. traveling suilc.nmn for
Hiw. CurtlB. Union Grocery
Ihr Ijikc Hniwrlnr d^tiitilng Work.,
pt.iple irom 1
nar 13-41
aiul the Appleton Shirt 4v Paint. C-o. ntlenderl th«
achcKiI entri
Umn.iictiNl bii.lncui h, town to.t Mon given in Glen Artoir Saturday evening.
Wm. f-XiwIer of Chicago arrived Sattinlgy. He will .iHMid the aummer
IJIy Millli
iwiliiting ami other work for D. H. Bay,
The Empire and Glen Haven curler, anc6 in all kinda o( bookkaaplnghad another game the paU week. The
player, for h^iiplre wero Bailey. Rodg
er*. Htiren. Boroc; for Glen Haven.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Compatiy
White Waistings
$5,000 Worth of Spring Silks ^
*C)0 much cannot l>c said of the beautiful Waistings we are showing.
counters arc crowded by those wanting the very latest, and such a line
HE greatest' stock of Spring and Summer Silks ever brought to Traverse
CHECKS, PDAIDS, STRIPES, aU new deaigna and moat pffectivr pattema, S6c, Uc yaid.
DOTTED MULLS, ptctticl piitterhi .-vor st.own, 1 6C an.i up.
SHADOW CHECK, .Isinlir.l .\ciu-..s sn.I most iK>pula ,26cfiyfinl.
STEIPE EFFECTS, ilmie ll«nl (hr lmlit« u'.wiM over
ROMAN STRIPES, one of tbe moat attrarlivo goo<U for waiala, A 6oe line $1.66, $1,60.
Thctrfioll for 26c.
PLAIDS, the groat aeller for Shirt WaisU and .1 umper Suita. 75c.
B/XRBED WAISTINGS, • no>,.lly.nd . gtw.t m llcr. 25c. 35c, 60c.
FANCYSlLKMDLLS.fi Iukv line of
iillmc'livc luittrroE
PERSIAN LAWNS. tU« lUinticl <].-s!g»i we have rri-r <-turi»1-1 5c,
20c, 26c, 35c, 60c, 60c. 75c.
FRENCH LAWNS, w>m.ibi..g .miMy
It! 25c. 36c, 50c.
,.{ waiata. a.'lla at SOc.
got-da. making |h. daiuliesi .
PLAIN DIMITIES, aometbieg that ladiMalwayahko. riic-lat lOc. 16c
HOLLY BATISTE, « partiorttrly atrong lim- every Imly a'bouM ae«. of
■lainty alripea, doU and floral deafgna BoIU at 16C.
This is one of our efforts toward store betterment and successful
merchandising, bringing the city markets and city prices right to you.
is not shown every day.
Oar Big
Formal Opening P\
Friday Evening,
March 22, 1907.
Further Particulars Later,
-OUR LEADER.- tl.o beat latrgain you
g<oda. 76c. .
bad offered in yard wide
BLACK TAFFETA, the Urgeat and best Una yon wiU Bad ainrwbms.
PUNJAB UN1N6, an entirely new ailk for liniogt, aU coloi^. 60C.
CREPE DU CHINE, a faeantifol ailk at BOe.
Always Somclliliig Good In the Candy Olvislbil
IN THE DRY GOODS DIVISION, A table 01 TtOkRlMSMikri and Bow
nea, BttUaMelorddttrlaritoaornwii. AtlthlaaaaaiMi'BOoods.
laleatpaltento, fitBalartSeooods. nda aale 16e.>IN THE SHOE DIVISION. Ladles* Fdt Sttpfiers, Jdst aa milky
Yvon wowaiever. ShclljMBMdc lor Me. tito lUt ritwdc
toriUO. TfielSJlIoriLM., .
fenos E. Bingham
M M«r«i ««nuw ««tti »Mdi
mr Au> gruidMJMr k«4 «
«tt^ IM M ta*. ni
Ww^ifct »r tet Md Hmtmam *i tte
<5««jr rUr Mrtir tfty ]W« Mor«
tlw fiM twiatmd te tte vtfdkt «(
Levi; Soul
Mn auuHInlM «m> mM M
mil** mod for k«Tii« ike taemf^
jmteutoa of tedgaidnl; bo mat ahoat gnaaXa of tl
1 coa vdftteg Ant Item wto Md ia bleb
r. and Mrv. lore Otbto frwm Fite
• waregva^of Mr.aaiiMrv C^ir
and Anal totem hurry feUsklag
wAfd dlrectod tto txiadoci cf tto poo
lit tnr
8o oa tto folloviag auira
;P)e. At Tara Pwiricb lateracted tbc
My'^LTilm rrandall vWt.^d Mr.
I la*. t:n« to her priacipirs ato was up
. jUag in tto boaulr and boUaev pf atoSnudaT. also Mrv K.
I toUMa, *01 tor broakiaj^t nrril ojt al
jibe Cbrtatian rvUglon and wbca ox
Laai Moadav evcaimi. Mr and Mra.
. «bc way. a#«»diag glUa off half «a boar
‘pteinlng the rnywlory of tbe trinity
Bmilb were pbrasauHv snnvrlvwd.j
pearlier than vateaJ. tton jtrttia* tto
.the paton niter dectered it **pasl bis
bea sixty two of their friend* and
luUm O-A CD tto bark ptrrrh a«t to
comprcieasioa cd uadetwUadiioc bow Delcbhors tbnragcd in iheir bo»r H* *
I tbeio coHld K- three pergons in one help them l^e^ebIaIe thrir 591b wed ]
9^ M m ^JU. Mf M»
ding analversarv The Udiee brongbi j
• ' It war. miib grcit Ml.^Urlk« thU
Ood." Patrtrk. f . U of rcsoarcoa. pluck- weil^lled baskets of goodies that go
«0|M UUk teo« «n«r4 kte »«#W
her snony abt e!^ aa they
. to bav^ gun« lo tto Tourw, wtore to lowmiA laahUg sweb an o.-easlon a
hm* nUh thm liuM. ^ «loMi luH?
-snajM lark and forth ta the wsft
from the gonmd a spray of sbam ceaa. Mr. and Mnt Bmllh came here
»tsks »nr«. I«i tk#^ m »ork U
than a year ago. and th** ihoxt
fitnmeT hireaw. and tbonght i
rock, which in lu tbrec-fold design rc
Ue We*t M.
ttkovt tte Iki»«,
time they have teea here have made*
betnHf that.Mrs Ilmwn wouldn
iitemllcd the trinity pioUh'm.
Tuis many friondH. and to iivake frivmds
»»4 o«ut4« of
ikat M»rtkr Am*.
be through her breakfast disbe
niuply satisfied the douMer and he with them Is to keep them. Everytariy
AfcdU tnkm »u catlias kin fn>m tin
an eajoyalde evening
She had nearly Anfshrd atarchlcf
with many fubuwrrs c>agerly omUrmced experieckced
Im4|OTI *f U« teek aUlrs lint tt m
Mrs MerrU fiom Summit City read «
gUaa'a shirt when a sudden aouu<^
the ChrUlian rcllgpaa
“tiilt U to aUrTtAg.' Tto Wmt ku
|»aper that waa vtyv appropriate; Miw.
made hr r drop the luece cm
From this UW till bis death
Albright recited .-V piece and teriln*
irrmad "For the tend s sake! The
llous wejc givrn bv otherw- i '
MgrtAr AM's roH«
goes the meeting bouse I-11; nhat
nous missionary ciusade. his efforts which the |«ipte ^ngratulated
and Mrs Smith, wtehlng them ti
up mia. I nooder? l\e a great mli
U a candidate for nominatJonfor the toing crowned with unbounded sue happ.r rvtama for the day After
tto colMtor rooQi, a»d foar Ullad
to run otrer to Deacon White n and sec
Many siorUs exist In tlic an per the ciowd played gamea and
»hln aad rk»» Mck» in tto ptM»
If they know. * But a look^l the
office of city treasure on the republic cieui lore of Iretend legsiding the ca UBilI Ihe wee amaU boui> In the m
TlOf frmn the tavlalMr AtertAy
oMlI on haad determined her ti
rec r pf hetend's sisiMle. but owing to Ing did Ihe aatberiug break up
note* te kata ouaimy today
an tichet. Your topport and vote at
leave for their seversl homes
main at home, and she wont on deitl)
the oppression of the pcM.,de.
tW. a kaap of work mar la ttaa
\Vm Saxton is ntHK It'd to lie tvu
Plnuiiig the shirts aeaoi to sean
the primary Mafg!
I will be greatly dcTiaUimxUxaHon. the subjugatk
W«al lot itol 1 ao«oho» <n*l
Mr T.vtei fM.m Wsiloo attei
their lawH and prx'rcdenis and
SucccTSsfuI bii%inc5H man. Srv the Ir^aels Uppinc
fH ia* Attataarad *Ua« fnin
At dluurr she n'tcsiiouf'.l «tU:;
aver m.M-iing at Hu- bom.- of
y;»'7.sinu. ulmo.t t‘viimtlnn, of their
rrnl ycam AMi rman from
rot laH Siimlav
the UdU. but be bailn t he ard qi-ui
langiuge by Engteiidr tbe Hca
Sfcond wkfd.
iucieavjiic MS
The S'lnday sc
and guessed she was dn Audng:
ptei iMl Hie cI..Uie>Mi„p and walked on I o| pa
an* mn at pnweut availweather gels
lls/y her he'd drt\e down t
The Ultwiu IS met
Itnr In Ibalr narHed Ufa HUa« I4I<
evejiing and dix i.UM lo l.u-M Hiel.
linage and ingulfr.
Tiad.tlmi iu regard lo Irish riles hall on Wm
Slaa ptopoMd vorktng on a gundaf.
I’m fterr's coiiiejv.
Th.- lodm-Vou might fWeb lip that ban
.aipht ‘
aud UKagcw~ir^-»iire auihcniic
Is in a fiou.lshiiig isuidllhin and tte y
I*ul "to aliouldn I do II. no. Uk
tu.l> |4«c entMiKb I
ndiable than written hlsloiy. since it aN* taking in new m.-mteis all thi
atoakUH do M If ake could pu tcot M.
r-ajd fUt. at Mr> lliicftiu
ec lf osMiud dlcm
uvn Ireland s misfortune u. have time
AMI It wa« aery likely that abe could "
Mwch 12
on lime m bailnp her a<
hi r stoi V t:.iu by stendeious and pivv
. Martky Ana a % u|. e »aa an tel te lu
ibln lo the earl and Uiklng Irom
enr.- A fen haudtpilnj:. an
jadlceU English schoters from tb rald
• aoleronlly. ‘tto lx>id niil aentl doni.
Mis. Ul l'.iiuuu-. who baa berav via
top peg in the hall bte ohl straw
Tkanlis bnutfcla hi:
tj* rambrt u.Hs down Ui our day. men
l»niv and tiro It Ing at \V H DUon a and riha. t>
Ala wraUi .i|k>u ,ou and ,our children » «*“**»«
be started on hte errand
aii-cdutHy ignor.»ni of the teuguage
unto tto tklrd and fourth g«neiaUt*n ' *ao*dly lo liu dr-a liratlou. there h
i;iitea bah retuitil’d lo her home at
s Marthy Auu wa». pas^lDg a win
Aa there frrre notolm lo luliifoti
he ilidn I
In the ball en lu r way up. uii
Margie riauute and Fiwl riovike wenK his imrs-aig.a
to KIk Ilsphte Sauiniav.
mariled at Traww City Manh 4
iiud ofn imi man* to **lldy up a bit." ahe was rJaitled Ir
Sim Vinton visii«>d in
Ycrn’ll bea hynordaoiong yemr nrigh
Thn sharonirk. the.national emblem,
They have the beat i
Re appearance of her wash, am ki^Mri her. while tte- .b.r in Hipis'.
lln.wns deWaied
friends of a ha| ly niairi.vl life
klB* on tto Holy Sabbath."
s^i samHlIy linked with Ihe name of
■ uii.l gemug even
Mtea ^te^le Vi ton MM-nt test r
■to nraa nonr the risible Marthy.
St. Pairtck. bus Uvn t|>e snbjcH't of
The n- now haiiuK in i?ie Hlguin^ |»ar
with her tuirenth.
neani a stirplus on prised, for iu the place of her Imen
lur mooDttiig Uie alaira ato sUmkI in
inm h dlscurslon by English achMars.
Her brother HanlHon ms omi«iub-d
hung great Mjuares of white pa|s r I'll, light teMWeeii the w;u<!«m.s wh»n.i
lha todroon door. In uoc band a foi l,
Some tvfuie Ihe eutiro story, while
her tork to het arhool
tearing this Inscription; "K<*ep
Ui- !lghl*fi.lls m. II on i». n highly il. r
Kdwlii Clemli iiing
l;^PP) Irnoraiu
la tto oltor a dlah loaret, nhlle ligbi
AUrrd Davte has leturmd hoiii.oHiei.s repudlaie the tmdlllonal fen
t.-:i very es<M.il eaVndar.
Kaldiaih day Holey."
fioni Anil Arteir. He if. gvillng nlong*
• bf id In stoir-,
cuoa tedlgaatlon aboard forth in e%
tiiu-s altng.riier and claim that Ihe
iia Will a> csuil.l to exiMvUil alter
•Humph? ' she eja.ui.iicd
. m.iLlng hU pl|N. cm
rry gMlitre
Silaa beat a hasty re
siury was fiist told by an English
I- neighteirhissl
fciirh :i M’iiomi ojK iaHou as he likd.
Ct Pat reck.
wl of the MaH-l young t<dk:. at
Aflru the rlUhfih bail IMi.ple are small. ' and l. unag .
treat by palUug bis bead into a lain:
. .•inmicler In 17«7 As u matter of fact
Fnsl Skl’inei atien.-Joil the Lincoln
d ■ the d^iii e ut iLiiker Ci4-<-;
ill loeii place. the offruiUng pte Hinte she
of natar;
lanquel «i i’laverie rilty last Friday
Friday eveutng
. tte- i:iir,d«».r.i.ii, llKinl as c..;tly
the elcthc^ which had Iwei, III
1 vtiimc
gpianh! gpUsh*
"llofkuo I muM .%larth) Ann Juin
lowd «rt >.s-;m f'dkH cailieied a
iu a heap to on,, side
If she had
.lilil Ciliiis li.id the mtefoiiline to get
haie elapt kinder tuird. Jdartby Ann " ItlLle.
Hi of his hni-t^i killed List wn«'k
.day evening to help her eMe
apja^te. ajrUah. *luai ail cuum of ih - hatol III II ad. iMiifi ttlajly aiivd.
A rice lelf ou them. kilHug them In
her stet4-4.„ih biiHiday • ‘
flesh gap in the hirige which dlvhhil
days and thought It was a Hatuiday." Hllaa si.im llme„ e..r-,nt.il lo r i
r 'The antiquity
Hatiie Wsrde. and daughie]
the fliown's teini from theiiH.
'' \Vblle Mis (-has f iUMti wan hang
* |.Ush. oplaslr.
n..ii imreef. l. m
• Tve had mote scaVc^; Hmn enouuh
lug ii.i 1 lolhe.> l.ihl Tloii:d«y nhe kIi|.
Marthy Ann icIii-alfHl somcwliai any neukuiws II ngs to I4 hiMoileal r-fer- I eiVv^ Sx-eibdil. i.r Williant.Himu | |.>
hill.If IHefteil.i.n the to- ami fell, breaking her
hKlay." she ihoiighi a-- she wo ,U.wn to
nd in all plan s righi
njolllkrd. but on the fmirth alep she
by the folk lore
atm uiol iMiitiuc lu t wrist out oThdiil.
her darning
-\Vliai ever maVe.s ihe W .e- m- u
;f i ll. .
fkralirttig that Ihep mas
Iiad.tlea Mr-t.ds cif Iretend. notnnd teroived m wml other lujuiles
folks si.-p at ou: pale and slare | don't Piewess. a.f -<!i..1i;1.
mr- aJ.it«:,l. she fell
A Miigr oii wa-. c«l «mI to nlletid her
li. landing Iho al»M*nee of the w<ud
nnd of
II.’ ’..ly- It wi'l te’ -omc lime tefor.sej. whoie- know, tond deli vet me fr.mi ro!u|.,-Miy
11 a n lent gh.ssniies.
Mi>i rianiit.- will IH. able to be o;it
l*^n found Irelaii*; • s«m1
a . ft olHi
in :i Monday ••
Ail during breakfast Milaa war terylwnaie Irul
Stte». and try to km:p
I i:.7K one John Derrick who evl
field for I he retiring iif te;nj,|es un
I him III the narrow jmUi.
lU.rn. to Mr ami Mrs Ueii HKliiher.
Hy came from aiiH-lrish Klork.|
.m,> Anl.,.-.
fTtmi door, and Marthy Ann's heart MiriUw.^ IU H.:- 1.iMed gods of tiiiY*
Klo- bad juM ilt^.h.H
"It do bent all bun aa mnn
man can get
de In Hie •'Image **f Ireland with vIMi.y!rhe.
he d.i.m:.
I tnrand Wl.- be said "Rerkto we ll
Hie rr*m-\nl*
Mufvh 11.' '
have to buy oae of them new tengle.] on ker-flng Hie Kaldiaili da.v boly. asitm and she did so now. lcitlng her
was published in hWk letter in Lou
ibiuwln none riw graciously .
^lendara over ml lllck t aiore."
Whr\n a carryall eaiur lumbering along
don ihn-e years Iat«T, "For In vcrle
It wss Deat-ou UTilte. dressod In lil.i
• No need of them aort of things the roud, nilrd to overflowing with the
tnithe niy hcaile abhorieth their dealnvetingrluthes and carry ing his DIMe!«‘ rifielal fires |.sd te
round here. Bites Higgins
All the youth and te'aiit
hom the village.
ing.s nnd my souk ducth deteste Iheir
y.'ill. on' .
uniter kls arm. Pmiliig his MU. hat to .,s|,.-. they 4-v.-h.*Hic1;d
ralmdar that's wjinited Is the work TIm-> were sf» hapi.v aiiiobg them
Wilde j^K.mi.s-ke mniierii."
i-iUt.ll .-le nunU-ix .Tid 1.
done regular like.
Pears you'*e got
singing Hi. |..!pnlar alls wllb
Native of Michigan.
The louiih and tillh cealnrtes were
no faith In ni> rf'i konlng "
the tabulous age of the •ril.ri.1te.lj
Dorn in D-troit IBbJ.
Kites hsd sll falih'imaginable, and
hei an .iltar-k of Hie l.iaiipiH«*l.un h. and the le-* pb-'a.'
bast.oriKfo Infomi her of ito fan
r Midi'inns of the |im. , '
l•real.ltlr. off Hie rntiuh with herieeih.
while hf. offered his best Ir ani In go In
tth I.ulu
Lulu .lol-ii
.loMi oil
nil 1.1-«
I.I-I *ve.
" .............. ................................................ 1 dnvi witli
heap lo do :avte how Jistev
It is l.te a matter of woii.U-r
M,>. t.|,vi,. n.i.m.ls ati.l ron
and M big wai*h? Yom folks thtpughT'
-Ito pararm s teJd up wlih the rhu
that .St. I’atiiek'sK.iiealogy is m.; of Tiuv.-.^- ri.v me vi.lnng wii
'\Slsler Higgln’..' answered the de;i
niltJcks." repited Marthy
* I saw th**
tater-TravrIlcr in all the Northern
I o1 ihe fifth eentu
in. and hU voire was almost iiaibet
draior drUlnrmer y.utd. r yesleidac.
I’alladtes and with
State* from New YpHt city lo Rocky
le. *Jei IIS piay ?" and down went Ihe
and hr reckmifHl tt^..Ateiwoii wrufldti t
ItetJick. Ills •('oufeshiouH.'’
g.sM man „n Ids knees. lii.H s|.tvadiiir.
get tr-r I.roach for a tiirliilghl. Thru
Iljiwever, settle many |M.iiit.s of doubteducation of people and affairs in gen
conies iVtr now.
• under what«
Matihy Ann t,«,k kiysI
in Wall
bandan.i haJidkerchlef on Hie fltsi:
lendoiiry. The ;iiitii|ully of Hie
I’is.sibl> Mart by Anii’h spiiit leU ll
biHigJng him i.vci li. rr ’"
IIS of Ihe old eburt hes aud round
I agaiuM putting down the unfliilsl,
lly thU time Pete lurd o|aMi,Ml tlir
eis scotlerod throughout Ireland, ,
Resident of Traverse Citysmee 1902.
klicbr-n door IV a c rsrk. thiiirt l.te 4osh IHillUy letiied lu t.is h»7;
«*d dartl. but Vbe followml Iho disu-on's
9ifxn they Avor
not to questioned, us they conform < tlOU
ever c/iM
iMMnie.! Id Ihe day
frowsy bepd. and presmtly bu wlmh
empbaslrliig her
Started In business In a small way
I'Ody Into the aarro arspare
weayie. enjy Hm- du.i |.< te.imheiiog.- ' Aiuetis ‘ as he i^rayed for IhoM- <
and has been Successful—Believes in
*•! say!" be
at the some time ' Mailby te-id heiM-lf lofld. in.l
hristten era One etoracierutic ofjtains aU the medicinal ele- Traverse City its people and 20.000
lose f.om
dcMTlbinf a cirrte with bis bare l.s
he>e chui. te> Is iii.if Hjry all rnn di. meuts of cod hver Oil, but the population in 1910,
r»n the lluoi
"Nn. p« mjs will )ui
eetly ,-as. and «e.O. These subsiau | USdCSB OU lUlS bCCn ClijniAska for consideration by the re
toy wanu luurlliig hu'I he »alke,teie>
wl'hTirvHrmuH’dteI.;;v^^^^ jinn's''
publickn voters of the Sth ward at the
no aome mfu 'firre brag
Candidate for Kepubtiairi
Nomination for
Thos. 1^ Shane
City Treasurer.
CandiHate for Republican
• Nomination.
Practical, Lonij
lie lixperienoc^
Goad Service"
1 will
March UK
I », ...f
Over 5,000 Druggists
Are recommending VraOL
; aa the best cod liver prepara-
md':ruir7:::! u“r;rtinr:toi Tha^s because vinoi con-
“tolid sake.!" said .Marthy Ann la*
foie Hitea cmild speak: ' wliat happen
Hiaiduih day to
cd to the men folks’ Hiiess yuur ma keep it holy .
III Hbe-,».ild.bu(*she
lurnwl her toe k ou te- wa.vward *m
straight borne and tell your na well wis aud marrhtv] s;i.iigh! up the }aith
nut lend a baud to such wickedaesa
and erll ways
He s cut bis wlsdonv whip up fate hoittes and drive on
teeth. I refkon. a goerd time jiast. and
I'm awtiitl) soTv for Btlus.'* said
mejw..lnd quaint dwellings, also the
That’s why Vinol restores
ogham Slones, all cor-, health and creates strength
obora.e iiKai i.aui.nm m spile of,for dcHcate Children, feeble
e on doing my d liv- dea
some mlghlr black ;h.H*p
that need linking after
The deamn shook bU bead sadly
ly-re was a (lagtant raae. needing at:
Ate eloquem-e to bring Ihe erring shi
her home
• I II not any but you'ie a grwvj mlf-.
\^ul keep Hllsb Hlggiiis home In order.
tun MU Mk
*’lfaa asaj work frara sun to suu
brat stpnMa a srork is never door.'
5Ssrs.STiJK:$T,B. Pinkliain’s^able
s Vbptable ComiNMind
•tom* and bs^lby crandilkra.
vrritea - Dear Mra
■riTnsM^’s 1^
to w.
• TV Bahliaih**' Inlernipted Marth:
I Ann. "The Hablrath? This aiut no
Bahhath! Plod I 1 wash on a Monday
I test week?
Undv. me. p«ir.m, I
Ididirt* I waahad a 8afjrd.iv. thinking
|8amh Prlgga would V over. She
dWot rome. ao 1 went right on regul-r
jllto; and ao this Is the flMv Ksbhatb
I and me pn^fanieg It like that!"
And down ahe went all In a heap **
aa the daacon exprewl it afterwa.-t|w
Jusl then Bites came up Ih** roei
hte hwl {Misbed down over fate eyes
*rhei^ waa no Iraticl In hl>: cart, n.of
fbe bundle for Mldow Jones Kt;II Ivv !
heilde blra .on the meat. As be
np tbe path be hhlled In fr»mt
.wa-ljlng which bung darriing white
before hte gy««. Yea. anyone «wld aw
that wgah a mUe off. a fait of wrbirh
he waa krem fo be vary protul. ten to
day ba wistod It waa klack. no. givran.
•ay ottor color Hraa white, be pat out
W. H. Eckler
Successful Jnsurance Agent
Ant*moblle..Utttcb ti4 Gtto
•Uie EBftM Accessories.
Coneral CaraRS Businasa.
MaXWCU Mob.r Cwra.
Smiley Marin« Motors.
Traverse City* Mlclu
l.UOftM SL. corner of hute
lliara-jaUyriunUlarwIfliN’t'r i'".*.-
Money back if it fails.
Fdund at La»t
3H of Uie
: last I bar
perteel pill that never dUvappointa me;
and for the toneflt of otbera uffflcted
with torpid liver end ehmalr eonatlpa
Ttv.4 Years’ Experteoec. p» on it. b»t it «ui ««m
VVai apiirucUto your voir a the
Slwla* toaUlr at Uie bouae. be ne
Tatrlck'a day.
neglects to
ig of the iiutiuiial emblem
co|^^ecr«tod lo gofsl St.
failing In o!iM .»f hte most
TIm-.oI.I lime way of
cedobrallng was for Hie ytiniig folks
her In th« w.kkI for a dance,
being pnul.led by a hlliid fldleatrd on s rock. Then Gold
amitb'n "dancing iwir lhal
aougbt renown" bad Un4r iuulngs.
Following ibe danre„ we:e fool lures.
Jumping contests nml hunirnor throw
ing for prires. coimlbnle.1 hy the
The emtgralioo of
ao many young Irlrii to Anierira has
jmmewh&t rbanged the onler of rctehraiten. h;V
the world aver drink lu the toast St.
17. *rihkas-.
Hejghta Sta:,
htlgkier hue on
aty-a Needs.
primaries on 19th of March |907.
old people, weak and sickly Bicycles Enameled and
Cleaned lor Si^ng
I persons and convalescents.
Chwaida. for BepuUinn Komi
nOioD for Juaioe ol Iho ro«ce. to
u. »«iiing
v«r«iai. a e W«H A aoM. TnvofM
omts WAMTIO. Oval 1
Sircr.r''^*‘ foe rHmmla.
fla* had Icnj? experiencje a*
■ .--.--V ;■ : : ■
-- "• ^mmurna M£como. TJuvEiuc
mtctuoAM. rmoAV,n#jic*4 tKtm, .
^ T ' ,.
Sbermaiit a Prosmreus, tdriping UieiiOKl^^
ii|wrtrito tte SPMitt teora.
j 4W i«uJk»< to nai*rr «f A*
<«l/ f^Mto 4ir fiar »—ii lUina um Ito U W
I Ifiani ky
»-;cks »«» «te»
lag Mli itistaHaM nii#« «r PMt lamds
j p«id irf
stol m toi* to Mcht 1 ^ir—ii
At Ms ptoe* of touliM
|m M Imd a
ll* Im mi la Mim iuttot «p«to)ttos.
.uiek «/4n>i^
MTN imrn itos
MM tMf fUiM forsw—f to tM(
E. D. BMk«r M4
cMRfa- *0 far M IhHr u|Mo4toi#*‘« A 1^ aw to M caar^i
and beaaiirytog the rllUga
In general. Th«' present officials arc:
R l> Frederick, preatoMt: J D Crita,
McDooffal. troacniwr;
Oe..rge Taylor, aaapaaoc: K. U. PMmer. marshal: R D. Frederick. A. E.
8mlih. Dr. P. A. licManna. 8. Qaiaiw;
W Pinch. A. beniett. coonrll.
an eateoslve line *rf gocals found
Firs OaMrimant.
in all general storea and at prices that
The hre iirpartment here aUo have
people bHp to nuikc fi peasant and j
Line and the same to all. Mr. QU
a very fine equipment, conaldertog the enjoyable rvwrvwtkm and one that iai
liert s stim. IS large and well veatIUtsite uf the village The otitflt conaUta
.H„ p.nd his stair of aalaa people always
Mr and ^ra Henry
aner a linger- j
Q. A. LAKK*# attlOCMCC.
any town many tlme^ Urger than Sher
man; and Its gnisth and success has
Urgely been the outcome, of Mr. (Jil
brri s oft re|>eated m.uio A square
deal fur every Ixidy. ' «
upon' thp fffnrta llM»jr hara made to
provMIng aa uiHiHUto and romtofi.
able botel lor the membera of the
travelliat fratfrally to mop at wbn#
vltUcr- and ^Itoto niral dVf4l«tr» t»svr rHIIar Ilirtr dltereat mereaatlle Itoea
to RHermaa*a bustoeaa oiea. Cboir
rbaniM. mrthtmlm atMl otk^r fratnwi l*aVe^r«tlre|y reaorated II cm the In
armaaxr «•• tk** rtrrH**ii«i«ii of a' terlor and also 0t««d ll mer on the
rvmtniitBlfT la tbHr n4<tsi and ih«>y arr roitjddc and laklhg their cnmfurtable
ratatolf^ «!>.« Ib#ii inicnMa
«r. a Hwdee line of mea
orurred at hia plare of bn
very reeaoaahle prleea
er alao dealt In Ihreatorl
8be Hi alaraya
iama runs a fartM'haIr barber
His narlora are nicely
Slid dfvorate«i and he en
ge paironage at this place
Rd lUce. rana. one of 8herman‘s
saloons. Mr. Rice has been In bnslpeu here for nearly three years.
J r iJodi Is another tonaoHllst of
this village. His shop la eUborately
fumlshe<| and Mr Bodl Is a high^laaa
artist In his chosen profesakm. He
4 n)oys a Urge patronage and has been
ready to please l»er
located here about seven tnoaths .
James IBya. Is the proprietor of
mother candv. rtgar and
Store and also runs a aoda^onutaln
In the -good old aummer time.- Mr.
Klva has l»een In business here for
alKiut one year sito^-ectports a rapidly
growing patronage "at his place of
are also kept here and at prlret aaton
lablngly low.
A Menneit Is liherinan s hsnir^«
roanufamirer and and reimlier
Haonell Is eaperleoced In hbi rliiieeii
' trad# and haa been In MiMneas hetr
alnce iCTi
He rarrle*.u large chmii
plete slock and tefw»rih a lara** Kro*
Itif husJneas In this locsllt).
Dr K A. McManus, one of Kher
man's leading tmslneaa fnm. U fhphyalclsn and dentist at HiU pince
Thu c^mgeulttl doctor rti)oys a large
prarilc*- and>s a tn»‘nil*« r of the Klu’t
man village ciMinrii
-mr. of,.„
5Xn1'.n??«d h»
Sanford na*..Her in the r«-Ml estate
and farm land deaHr of this bicallty
and also deals ven «nt<<n*slveiy in
timber, lie runs
an lnsi.r.vnce and
collef-ilon l.ereau fend |.ians ne.ney
upon desirable securiil.-a. Mr. (lasaer.
haa Ip-en Identified Wuh Shermans
vslld l.uslneju. Inirresls since
and dm lug that llnu- has seen lb.- \lllage and surnMindltig countrv irsaa*
form.^ from a allderner,. lo one of
lie vritien In eotiaer
laaa'a todaatr^al life ,
who has Imcn qiille tick
time Is no muter.
preaching aervlrea fet
J? »r™*£!r TSi
the most highly derclop.'d farming
countri.'s found In this luvUon of the
E, «:Palmer.
state and a village which has grown to
le one tif the nuMi iictlvc nnd prosper
iliPiuBclvcK furnish the workers
ouK found in thU looatit) nnd during
pany'a lines.
that time has been tireless In his
Fraternal Or#era. .
eral limes when tlie dlatnieUble'ha
Nine different fraternal orders l.ave efforts to make Sherman one of the
found tbeir
into the hearts and best governed, the most active und
homes of this very happy, peaceful pnrgTi'sslvoj village in V.'esf.uTl county,
end such residents as Mr. Gasser are
report a Urge meml»crshlp and regular
The ijMlIes-Aid w ill meet wrllh Mrs
Jamison Raturday.
imed home last
■wale B. Rnsman went to Trarerae
Wednesday, for a few daya.
its Emms Delong and nephew,
pd Biirdeau went lo Traverse City
banquet Friday evening at Tcaverwv
8. Fritz of Maple City was to
tovrn Wednaaday.
F. AtktoiM of Shetland waa In town
Saturday. ^
Harr^lnahaw was a Traverse City
^Un. H.*‘iurr^ Norlhport is visiting
Miss Daisy Btyani was plesaanily
nurprlsed Ly a few of her friends Fri
day evening. The features of the even
tog waa canl playing. Several new
games arere
ner. Henry Hlsckwotul. Harry 1
Shaw, l-'rank DaJiOn. and Hu* All
aulus ind Kmma (Hxulilch.*
I -.
Amstleat Jeweltr in ttata.
. V. It. tiatoa i« the
and aatrti
repairer at Hits idnio
At hln idar*of bnuUirwB can Ih> found a iuige MIim-K
of ealrhes. rhsk^. KilCI^Msic slid
cut gls<s and at roniarknhl}
huillig IiIn
hours, M.
attendance. Their names arc as f..t
l<.s »; -0.ld Fellows. R. le-kaiis. Mnstrns.
Order of the Rast.-ni Star. K O T.
M M . U O T M M . K rd P . Ka
ilonal Prote<-tlve l^gUm and G. A. R
They all have halls to assemble In
J. O. rarlson nnd II. Brow attend
e BcqiifHi M-lUMil ehtertainmetit
i-rpe,1 at tills vlllac.
lionr.v Jord. 1! !•;. am her very con- |
jgeaUil.-thirst p.iH. r nurimt*'" at thU
Village Oa'k.
lagn bankers and rcfioii a very Oo-ar- {
taking buslneas at this writing. This
kmih was established in l»or. «nd by
cartful managenu-nt. ample caplul
Md prevkHU b.isloesa expcrlcju
haa grown to !«* a very pow
banking inatlluM.wi .nnd a hank the
village and anmitindlng cowmi
can well U proud of
C. A, Lake. U the
Mrs. Jos. Mosb-r Kie*ni the Sabl»atb
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A t'oulurler.
Mr. Dernin left last week ft.r one
of the.Boathern states with a car <4
poutoea. He roturned Friday evening.
character that Sherman can
CougregaIlonal with the Rev, C. Upton
Mrs. Grirmore of Traverse City
spent last week vlPHlng friendH here.
UH lis minster, who also officiates
We chronicle the advent of ,n son
W, 11 Shaver is the village under flm kley in-their new tH-auliful edifice
nt th<i home of Mr. and Mrs. fyrti
taker and ejnbalnier and re^KutH c-tin l»-«-eiill3 built.
Gram and a danghier lu landlord and
al.leml.le si.cc.-sk at thl.. idace
The M. K. church, officiated over Mrs. Roach, alao Mr. and Mrs. Joo.
by the Rev. Jas' Bsveld U also a pret
1 genlleman Perrault was
of the abovi
The public acb.Kils at
.Sherman ly fclrmlure.
luider the leadership of ITlnclfml K churcli.-s are well attended and arr
K Irwin aro making wimderful pro i. g.eal iw^wer f..r g.-el in this com Old^.
grvss aloug tsliMsUonnl lines. All
vIsTe.1 l-hirl Fmakfuihei ;
groileK are taught betv from the ftrsi ait.ndame at II.Ih wriiting.
the SabUih.
The fa:milvj; cuniry* surraui
Herman rWM-.Her> family are
to Ihv eleventh and marl.v one him
nearly all confined to the boas.* by III
dred and fifty pupils are enrolled. A Sherman is*exceptloually adaple
fields and. the modernly built farm
houKiy. vlih it.H gas lights, furnace.s.
telephones, and mall l-oxt.s. i. presents
quite a coutrasi to the srenes that
would have met the travellers eyes
l.tnv yi*a:s ago. when the pionimrs of
Shemirn Ural tame lo conquer the
forma, coveretl lauds c»f this set lion
and makt- it hahilahic for tbclr decendants who in msny loatances arc
now uia-n ihcni
resorting world and quitc^a pcrecplabW Increase has Uen npG^ by Ua tohabltanu darinrihe past few years gad
Uorc at iMa village,
tkm to bualness. fal
has built up^a Urge a
an ugly
Me- wiix ampiii
ably have to brs.- .vmHber
Mrs K II CuiU-r is ^the village
mlllltH-r Hon- pn.pii.tor.- At
plac^ I f hKHln'eH.. v.in le- found a large
stiK-1. of rnimuriy g.a.U. I...autiful hat
ciraUfiiih .und all arul iiion and di-sire
, staff consiating of the Misses Mevers. agricuiiunil purfKxmH and being tillMl
"*ldra. Bltnon Hahoenherg la quite III.
Id nlwavs |d.-asc l,. i rnaiiy feminine
, Iktdgc and Wilwnn, inatliute the grain- und managed b) practical fanners the
Mr. and Mrs A. McKay drove to
b«*st’ results are obtained. *rhe i
Glen Arbor last Sunday week.
mas cni.-reJ Into l.v her a short lime
Frank Shutrr. cigar roan, of Travit Minu ny of this Is found when
erae City, waa In town today on b«slago and mhich will no lUhil.i have i
drives through the country and
great mnueai-e ill tlie genna! manage
taming In their
imHvidtwl depart the largi- hsrns. filled frtMn top-lo
Plainondon'H eon Is borne from
mem W ?h.- buKlneas along more ments. The present srhool building tom with the farm's products.
ecoaomUal lines so far as the mas IH quite tt'conirasi from I be beginning
culine InteMMs in the hat cealloo
ma’a. standing here and there in the
her mother. Mrs. Bd B. Price, who U
'rhe Imnicrmaii A I’luUcr C'o.. are
dealers here in dry gtssis..gents* liim
Isliliigs. rJoililiig. gr.s-. rtes and lu fid
cvertiblng found In s general i
TliC) also handle all kinds of fanu
and dairy producta and rep«rl a large
nra tka
hCeyatone. the
noon be occufelr. and Mrs. R. Harvby of
Armstrong la worklfif
of fish found In Ita many branch
creeks, the rich rcrtilc farmiiic acetioos all lend to create latcrcwt amoag
tboae who long for tbaae featnraa of
country Ufe and Qittot&aM. Tito OffM*
eily lieen a n-sideiH here a number of
Mr-i. J L Gibbs was In TravergC
nt) p fsMilati of 4be past meek.
Mrv Francr-S Thoro|m.m nnd son.
Percy Tliotnpson. visited her Mater
and fumil) at Fife lake Haltirday gfed
Sunday last.
Mrs. A. 8. Barniim celebrated the
seventy-ninth anniversary of her blrtb
Sunday. She is making quite a aalUe
fiu-iory gain for one of her advanced
y.-ara. as Is also Mrs. Ardelia Olbba.
V ho*e age Is righty-flve.
Art Mayhem Is moving Into the
TMvwar OTV, i
AY. MARCH tk tm.
ptaM wliwA paper aad ghm.
work tea We« daae te iBa raagli tP
alieia wBI plew iP IMaUaf
re. tbe pataMan orUl aaalM iP
A Gentae Edbm StasMid
works ago. and by Urn early part af
lacMith tbe leriatban will bo
to pmw ay^ a mwlao mripbur
■ wbalo tnm ilm eaast of Sew
rowadlabd. Tboue who bad aot tbe
timliy of aeriag tbe> FYaaken
-Joseph Ulmc^mrSt
raciccrs'aad SaasiH
Ula b4. la laK^ded lo
|«IA llM> «7<* tif (IWi I
;<!«•« I
lo t«ll Mir cu
j« 4<^)mabl«- 4Uti U aRi li
and pouliit
la W arrt.^ at n»r «f
kaow Why doan you alu.
fiM> toMt bUMioMa -<lmi ««a ever l»lanR^rdM»id.
m*rrrnA iM Ibv rlty <|gr« H »<M *<aBd if
0«r aaiiaacr na«i^ daily,
Ami for ibam
mrt* fbf Wi
Wi- fMitiUlMVI t»M- alfOvr> tar flir
cSkw^^uIat '
and It bard to cMnrfare ibemaolTrs
Try aome of lair owa omMl bana
(am l*afMi.
, eighth «»d Fniiikbii Mn^ria.
Tkc UlOc Slarc
wiOiBla Trade
Red Rldiag Hood well dotie. Ae^l.
while dmiaed faiileM wlih rruwBM oi
•^1 lookt^ like real faliie»
be. e ft** 24c.
IWnkwa to
Choice Meats
Veipt'a Cream Flakes,
•hraded Wheat Biscuit.
crape HuU,
Kom Klnkc.
Pork, liooici) Pntig. tic.
Rde-Uoin root. lie.
Our own tnaku of BoJokua,
Livcir Anti Pork Kanaak*«
ol course.
sreEaslElekUi Sircci
I'il. I.I.OIH. a**)
t erUleare <
Hoog C>di
<Oniil«>n l.oiicf<ll
Haaay. The Miaui
On the iwin «d Iho lUBMde f.»r
This rtuding la lnxi. »d all mill pmd
tiria to a larger esiont ibaii with mber
ftdMlN iteewaae they form an Urge a
Man in the* preparu.lon ofthc tblngH |
Hong-e htdt
OruiUui. ^’a-blngion Irvine
IX4tiri*llne -Olive' Da
museum will also have a
whale, which will have iu i
earlr 100 la all. and th<« a
«K preparrd.^mr feet la Icagib.
rhlrh was »a evaci reproduction In
vlniaiure of the original sulphur boi
iim. Tbe models in the Natloaal mueum were used In preparing a n
f WOO.I and papier mache. whir
ew tuning bodied Tnnh In the A
'an Muaeum of Natural llUiory
Central I^rk WeM and B.-veniy-a«'v
of the New York InsiliutJoo^
two of hU young assistants.
Andrews, aad K C. A. HIcbardn
huil.1 the whale. The construeil
volvfti several.departures frdm
system JWlowyd, In mablBg the aue
.1. Waidilnron. Tbe original wu
of the loigest nre, seen, for from the
tip of his iMso* in Iheuolch of ht
MuHlral Pluv Linlf. Re<l RWline
llotal. in four .ariK
any lecorfi
rati of rhutbcit^s—
U-ltile Hod IlMlne llood.I.dTlla Ob .on
I The Wolf y................... M.-uiMoo H**drtr u“qn
The opinion of .sclen
Flojr. Blended Spring j The Woodimm .................Anhui Ne»*.en lisis Is that Rh feel is the maximitn
and Winter Flour. Whole Wheat Flour. The Moihor...............'. ...SeMlo We.irtiit
Rva riiM..
Ar.a.. ^'»lry Quoon ___ _______non'nre IZuil
The llrM Mep was the pieparation of
ill mnvlnre
ton of
“t between
latod Meal
Meal w
conUnce >ou
of th«>
Iheji yioUn and plann
the WklKine. ll w;,s made of angle
purity and high quality of IDEAL Pan IIIirons bolte<l Together in seclIoDs
prodiiciM. Avk your grotHu Imi thi*m. ' Song—l^na OIomiii.
sinicture which Is tbe bast, o
Recliuilon—Clyde Ole.ton.
whale Is the shape of a ktnglii
Song—nttrence and Horn i:ail.
neriiatiiia-t-har. OWmoa
seciino III the highest port o
Japaneae sMig and rake walk - lai body nnd H runs down the center
I. rrintiott
nose to fluke. Bolieil to
IVm. Reil While nnd Itlue M.irrh*
side of Ihe middle .KiruMure and bent
no girls
lo conlorm to tbe shape of the model
sue .1 aerW of ribs
nancHv-Arihur .Nesseu.
Various parts of this ftwmewfi
Recliailon^rene lllrds
I. Ilewlll
l»-fi Thursday '
eteel were Isiltcd together hy he.vvy
tiMiriilng. when she was
as Called by^ihi
the i
plates. The akeleion was miaed on
r ilaughier. MUs
Drill. Indian Clubs fou
block and tackle and aecured to the
nch s l
1 ^ Th i^ai Jlsa Heibi
«ong—Marglt Oleson
beams of the celling hy meana of
MMn Ji^^- wlv ^
Candles Cmialn l.i.clureihreewls^teenths of an Inch oil toru
u Idine xmd wL
^’hea Alvin MllllnKton
pereil wires, which haV.* eitiaoidlnar>
s^^iout finr.li.rnr
v?nilT K.mdTv
Hong-Rmlllb- Oleson.
wh^n she"*;:Xd*:^n'S^^^^^
. nun. i md Mi*engib.
After this ribs of woo«l wcie bulli
ill and aliached hy l«lls to the s^-^l
frame. The outer edges of the Wooden
rib. were carefully planed and abaveii
coven. Miss Hew
doipi MO that they fsmformed ecarily
lied fitim the Trai
to the model. Tbe roetHuremenu were
<Hie Trial of
Traverse Ciiy MIHitig Co.
Botb pboMOB,
IWl plioottSKl
C. B. OOCKCBAV. candidate for
city treasurer, twenty years’ experi.
ence in all kinds nf bookkerping.
<if the
pnl.lic iiowmlttjri if fur purt)
finsi in It aitiiiitry maimer.
Take aliiN^l mMiU ham, bot^o, ciritd Ui‘f pork loin, turn,
•a*:*. Hr.
Vvm cook them
aliu'hlly or notut all. .nivl you
waul to U* nun» ilmt they me
111.-boat cull, not the oikU
of nient ihrown into
A jar. mill that lliev fire hao.llfHl na ItUla na poasible.' Ih-nligiDg
this 1 bav«» JoaUlit-tl no AnbCrlOUl «ta*dmj
This iQArvekHia invention otiu flitwn jutt the ri)fhi ihickiftm
without hiimlliiiK. 1 tiae only thn beateuU. ami can atili tfive
Toil mom nliom for the name monrv tliaii yon can Rat elnewhere
1^1 i»mi MW it. jon will U- iui.-rodiml.
^ -a------- ------7,0 w.a.worlh^it.
Why Do So Mony People
K Usr.“ BEST” Hour?
Bccauati Uicy havK proven by experience
that.it ill tilt- mopt gatUfartory Hour to
buy. You flhoulci prove iit iurrili.
Hannah &tay Co.
Tiy Rnoil WutAilt
are hauling logs lo Domlne Bros. A '
f'o s mill to gri aawcl Into kbinglea. j
Osrat Domlne isvi Thiiriulav took
r. 8. Patent
Pnlenl to loeiliD J. Rutta. el
. »ot 3 nnd sw V of aw^ ace. €. T N.
^,^(R 11. and aeti of ne^ sec. I. T 3«. H
oj^and Its Whale,s.ne s.ev. ,u.,v u.s-.
Building of this whale
1 Maynard, parcel In Blackwood. f»30.
1- kVrton to Uiclnda Ponoo.
unique in ths. the prvK'V'sa has
been called on enilroly within view
=« **'
__________________ _
: Mrs. H. E ('.111 and duughtera.
jlha and Oenevieve. left this mor
Beal Eatata Trarvtfera.
tbeli home In Muskegon.
Oscar K rhase in Kl|rab<uh louidoii j
h. lL
huse. |uint‘U. H. U 4 t’o.’s imh.
|l. j!|^Wrs
ll: H
H. lloisie t.-t Rnai' Hozsle. r
usle’». 1st add
village «if ' ^
ira J Htm>u
iMrklss has moved tnio the
rncaif-d by Ijiwrence aannem
It Mr
Pulver. par j ***“‘»^*y >*»-L • »«
iVaM 1
bAiix w{m‘is
lit Soalh UbIob SL
rht^rlng all (hn*ugh
j ihe apf>reolaikui by ||
i lollowhlg
Ihe nmi
Grocery De|it.
Quahar Oait 10 and 90a.
Bulk BolUd Oaik, f Iba. for »c.
: =
abora. I. blgbly
ns am wUI be
iricniUu fram the Xailoosi m«
la Wa.htngion. The saraaia also
p!a<ier cast>. of one eniln' sl^e of him.
wfMild grare any i
. wtk neoaoCnd oa this
u» u|i?
rani la*
The I
SaH Rising
by ibo puvrbnaer frum onr <
Ramnmbar thin Is tbe t<
by Tbomss A. Bdlsua. nnd i
; ThP Lb4Im* Aid BorlMT aMi vtth
) from tbe raety deep
(Mra. I^njnick Uist WevtaeMUy. and
Wbalee are aoi bum m often that
V ;did a big <Ur'« work: kdd a r»d tine
< ! and a Aoe aapper.
err U any fonnala for their fnsb; The Quilt ibe melMr baa for aale
. Iwaa draws by Mra. Laagrtck yeater- kmlng The one whlHi U now taking
la Mammal hall U a repUea ol a
ran which was found a year ago
with uep *-Momlat Clary- Hoiw; pMiabod NIckol Hom Craim nnd ant
dansn nf tba famaun, Bdinon
* and M. Idk. :
to AllM'tt I Ver> much Interest Is hi'lng mantfcstOak PaiK
*'*^**‘‘» <hal attend
Alhi.rt Crain
There will be a gt Pairick’ii ball
nd wife lo noyd
inllh et ak. I.Hi
t and ru. Idk. 3. Oak
srk. I2.iaai.
Floyd I. Hmith and wife
The Mothers- meeting will bold
fe to William
Hmalley. |.ii
bik. J. 0.vk i^helr next and last meet lag at tbe
Park. $:Ml
home of Mrs. (’has. Nelwui on the Aral
ovd I.. 1
Iley. paw
««.... Mn.
A’lHIam II. Wlsrhnewsky and wife
to little E. Marvin. ne‘V of a«'»4 mt. M“Vkime* ’*’“'^***' itilcle on Gdinburw
Jj"^^* **
K the old and the new %ltm W. P. Rob
ertson gave ail anlrle on f-Ynnees Hub-Jtiy E. Man^ln to Wm,
m l! Wlsch son Burnett. The club will mm^t with
Mrs A. Void' on Tiieaday. March If. •
Chas Nelson spent
BatunUy In
Sutions IUt.
Miss Wsh' Howell was pleasanlly
Kiiniiisdl hv her frb'nds on last Fri
see. 32. T 23. H n.
Henr>- A. laHlcile and wife to CTar "'*Wm.*^"v?Hoe and family will move
-e J. kHarpham. ne fri. *i of se fii Into the Hanger collage.
Miss Busy ihiiituherger has accepted
a position with 1..
llushmirs store.
1^ and iMtgan her duties last week.
gmllh. lot
Idk: •!. H I. 4 ('<
Miss .Nellie MIddIt ion has accepted
sub. of H. L 4 Co.’a .3rd. glMlMt.
I a rxtaitlon In Kehi liros ' ktore.
Edgiir T. Pint et al to William K.
Mi>. Martha Steele was verj pleas-•
Chaney, si^ of lot l. sec 24. T 2K. H 9. antly sunnUed last Haturday night,
by the Lady Maccabmw and other laglaie or .Mich, to Mta. Addle
.lles. the occasion being her birthday
A sumpiuous supper was served from
OU! their well filled haaketa aad an eiietiRwp. nt^ 'of se^ sec. 2f.. T -3. R lU.
wilng was a
aied with
and wife to James
a. pare.
w*. i;. T 27. H 10.
K O ljul
mr.. lo Charles E and
Mina M. 1^
. parcels, sec 9. T 29.
R Ib. I3G0.
inin and wife to Mina
coveied wlih long strips
'Is. vr- \r 29. H m.
two Inches In leugih ar
Hr. Pleeuihs of an Inch In thic
er. II. I.. WI
Charles 11. Mahn and wife to Fran
They were put on at a
days Ust w
elm and aifr. parrvds H. L. 4 Co.’
ElertUin day passed olf very quiet almiii ir. degrres. oi in *
b"ia\ a»il!any. Th!sUled of 4r and :.<> ll
lnd*earh'‘!lf Iv. Not nnich Inierest manifested.
QuiCn CifP^Brick Machine Co. lo
they were lacked to the i
Engineer J A Mitchell of Uidl
Frank Helm, parcels, si-c H». T 27. U
ton. was heie last week, when a ii-si
AIIk*ii Cminadec
day last
of the re-driven well was made. U
hauled lo TMTCfse
Elmer. Noiihprctp. to F. O. Nf
parcels. Edna Park add.. Hr.o.
wi'lghed I loud iiounda. acrotding in ihe was found, that the well could not
with n sufflf
Ole Kogge and wife to Parot C
cliy scales. The Hmit eooslsi.sl of a nish the pumps
ed the only blubber used.
'.iinouni of water, but the envk
cord and a qiuirter of sione.
After this the whale was paperj'tl
furnish enough water for Are protec
We have the gmal news that ibe Hon. until uU**—-wirange
nrst be got a coat of heavy pulp
Ctuvlord and Alpeua H. ll. U in he n
sheeis. then a thin layer of -red fiber
fart, ll will gnwUr Itt'uelll Traverse
At Ihe aonu; village elect on held with a Utile munUa in It nnd. laat hf
njiv and dev.-lop a onw undevelfm.-d
yesterday s: v es were east
thin eoai.
the same num I lhai wns i
This WHS one of the queeres
year. But little iiereat was maolfesi
John N Couriado and Perry Baying- ed. as there w no speelal
of paperhaoging ever done In New
ton am hauling logs lo Urltner's mill.
Vno De Walker Tork. The blowhole of the whale
Wm. Rikey and H. R. Carlisle are haul
ing logs lo ll..' Kc'lb'v Ivumher (’o.’s In the caucus held last
Ihe bnlges along his liackhone ol
mill .. Mr. Ktkey and Mr. Courtade spgwnntir withdrew. Neve
top were covered In woo.1
.'neb have large holdings i
wna. given fmjr votes ut tl
One of the iiecullar characteristics
timber that will give them
The vote was as follows;
of a whale of this type am tbe
to do for m
many a winter’a
Tht% has h
comigatinns which run length
winter for lumbering operntloi ■ *•"*' I Bdwnrd C, Van De I
wise along the under body. Thei
there la no kirk f-omlng.
Ions are nearly an Inch In depth
Kd Domlne who wns working I
Inch and a half In t
Oval Wood Ihah Co has'taken
.d piling liimbei for the Kelley Lum Charles R gnyd/r .
WTiai they were ever Intended 1
l*er (V.
of the puzzles of science.
Wmd has been rvyelved that Mrs.
Is supposed that they were usefnl
Henry K. Carlisle who haF been at
when the whale was Ailing hi
Maple Rapids flve weeks taking tivwimeot for enneer. that the cancer has Curtis C.
with water, for ihe purpoue of fm
EverytKHly WIU U
Trick Dtmkay.
Tha Poachara.
Apartmenta to Lot.
AUaliog Tematooa.
Everyeno la funny.
IliuatraUd aong. -Th# Man
z;r "■“
2,000 ,
Edison Recoiids
dropped oE. It wns aa large aa a hen’s
full term—
egg If she keepa on improving, she W.Trustee,
«ill lie home In a few weeks.
Tbe town caucus will be bdd gaturday. March -3rd. at l:3« p, m.. at ci)a^**^il!leV !
the Black achool hotine
gundav afternoon two little boys,
Edgar Taylor and Harry DoaMne. were jobi"iS;A"s*".
playing near a pool of water. They Inland & Arc
In 1
CDOffbl a frag that wna na lively aa
out the Are depnrtme
MWld be. TbU Is oniminlly
iminlly early for i day forr tbe Amt time store 1
satloB and tbe I
Tbn ommoa wHI be bold at tbe gntsbed nito tbe otonMHtiea of tbe
BMT aebool bouse Batorday. vMarrb
and of our syatnm cR ftra prev
231-4 at HK'o’clock .a. m. We bear company
tecilon were demonairated to tbe antthere nre quite a few cnndldatea la tbe Isfactkm
of nU
Tbe American Candy Kitchen.
Mpr iwt;
mile slack which he
out. but this has proved not » he the
case. In the original there were
we great crease*. This surface
now being made of pressed papl
ache and will sooa be la pUce.
This whale wUl l.e repnwntiad witb
I mouth etoaed. ao that the whale
bone In lu Jaw* will not be ahown.
Whales of ihlM type live oo molluaka
ahoto tbe Mae of a Aager naU which
they at rate toto ibeir ayatem by mil
It could not have been of the
anatomical tdyle a.
as tbe. one which
. for Ita throat wna
tnobaa In dIatotoiF. Tba nto*
bnDoOA whale baa a poor dtgoavouM ba nnable to MHmIlnta
uurfbtng toora blgbly
^ust Received
We now have every nnmber in domestic caulog.
• Ever 8Im«vb la This Ctly.
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