The Evening Record, June 05, 1907

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The Evening Record, June 05, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




ftVK OVkOCK umoH,

mrmutiui «««*««« «««»iwvBisicin




MMV T^y,

It to »04 to Mitr W ImL fM*«(wwUia(
•U»togn»to |ttohtot««. W««M toe MookKl

«M» tVNM Vtuom rkAMiM TO



•y Wire to ike Bveeles Hocord.
tMdee. due# k-T%e IHek AMorl
eee tdani««kWed cwkjr, eweed kjr
ftlekord Croder. rtddoe ky
Mr eed keeked l*> oery Am
• ttuHed. lodey wee tke free! Set
Uek Oerkjr, Tke deMouMreuee iket

W* MW Wta Wm Ohm MW


wkee T
tke eire tret: Ue' tried

UW$ NT flHMl n



M«* tooia kto uw



h> wUk kirn iik court

c!*SmnL Um flMrt roMi TU mm

apprapHaH Navames.
«ll«4 UM Ntoht 4Mto T*.
Mwnma T«»*)f. W>U k*
t>* Th«ir txtoito** VMit to
to* CHy *1 ^1*1.

-TUi»*U««.“ *»o)ie;to* toMpkoae

• TTis-.Ti2rM‘

M*lk, Blfwil." wu » »uk« at Iba
tow akd. *Ml Ctol Aablu* aurtad
for tku door to look, Ike mailer up
‘Bua-i'a-tf *!** apoke the bell
*Bend a poUeeinan up cm tTnUm
•AT Flfieenlk.
There a tramp
kanglog around kore.*' were Ike worda
apokea Into Ue CAr of the mak who
aawered Ik# uOapkone.
Tke cklef drove away la kaate kfter
boU offwndera.
••! Biff* Bang! • went the
-Tkere a a tramp trying to bum
grub on Floe atreeti'^wlml a maa.
e volcca and kefore Ue reoelv<;r
knag op. nolaee Uaued from it
that aounded Uke cholera morkua

O'CHck Tiue MerAtod.
Tke whole town aeemed alive with
trampa From all paru of k\»ruwood
come hurry calU for Ue police and
Ue men to the engine kouae were
kept buay anaweriog Ue Imperative
immcna of tke ulephone.
Chief Aaktun located bb
FlfleenU cm ruloo and loaded them
Into hU rig. They had alept off one
Jag in the cuc*p Monday night, but
were releaaed In Ue morning and

QMc clOM IHm4c liui Ucrc
m$ »P Min Qi iwfiiiUoa M iMr


MUMtol with« to»M-ot cm iMMVw Faty


euke «M •««

M «lw to Uw MmM« ImM
W •
MM «MW HMi. UMTT Oi«Mr4 ipal
MM NOkt M l«Mto tumi*,; Mlto to
tt« MM* MMOv to vUsk WUMb
ft KwvbmI OhtrtM u. Morw mm
WWtoW PWttoMW «M tBKtooMd.
OfMwM MM |MMto4 to Uil kiwwtf
to to*



IH# Bvildbig la bo Arranged
aa U kllmrnate Denger

The new grtfeeo ffrm of A W Ha.,
lak A tkm . formerly of Wilhelm, Battak A Co., will be ready fur kuaiuc^
lu a. few de>a Mr. Bartak. haa Ukiu
hU aoo. 10. a Baruk. Into partnerahlp
and Ue> wlU have oue of the ttneat
aud Urgeai gitaery »Uniw lu thla aec
ol the aute. The building ba.







_ • vtr

by chance, a man ffrom MUwaukaa read the article. Ue came lo Ue
dty yesterday and attemphad to hoy
Ue terlo, offering lifiO which Mr.

Herbert DavU and Mlaa Ada Paul
were oaltad la marriage at Uq

ws niktos trUkto i

w^MtoM vujrg.i!

lady of Detroit wUk
her kome dty.





for Ue newcet atyke la Bummer ttoe.
abiru. hau or cepar We wlU it you
out wilk any thing yuni^ le leriilah.
Inga from Ike crown of your heed Uc
Ue aole of yiair fool U the aeweat ‘
and boMt atylea to be found In tke city.,
Om aiock of neglige ahtru, Hea. bolU,
aocka. underwear. aulU and craven^
ettee are worth kontlng for U tko
aaUaUcilon Uey will ghnw

Elk Skill hag hacmervvry
popular Wther for M«n^
AXkl Boyg’ ghoct. They ara
the oMiiml ahoe lhat can be
KBAile bechuae %hey art* to *

son AKD

Cakw 8t. Ckrtltim.

And there it do thoo that will
out veer them -that it if
you get the genuine KIk Skin,
There arc thoot aokl for
KU Skin that are not Klk
8kin at all-itniUliona -but
ourt ere the QeMllUie» to
yon know where to got the
reel article.


Tbe Oxford
family wf« waat yau %e at laaai
give ua tke ptoaaure af akamtog
yoift tame af tka amartaat
. e^lM ever ekewn In tk, elty*

A. V. Frcidrlch


$cUero( Good Shoes

The Store that Fllte the
Most Prcscrlptlpw

Smith Realty CiK

How to Tell

Carry a complete and
full line of

yonr frikmU ihe otMei
Wf carry a full lino of ' .

Such a» Tablet* add
Box Baper .............
l‘f ice* 5c to 75c.



For Sale*
Oit. PbonM-RMhleiioe, m

Office. SL


Smith. Manarer.,



t<> do your own holiday bakliig
if the breed, pice and oekee turn
oat righUdl the time Yoa ought
to know—wo think you do know—
that the fiiet element of baking
toooewto the right eoitof flour
You have it if youaieuaing the
WEAL brand. Aak your grocer.

dogcribBd bolow ia an iudichiionof
oar efforta lo give caaiomera Imnbest merchuMUBe—outico the
guAiHntee~Could» ihit be done if
ihe gooda were uot of aupeiior
quality V

Traverse City Milling Co.

Underwear, Shirts,
of the Mme high gr^


above, so that Uere will be no necaesUy of Ue ose of matches in UghUng.
In case of fire In the oU room U ooidd
ke entirely ahot off from Ue main
part of the building.
Healiag ArraooemenU.
Tke beating equi

^ ,wA»caf»B™Eu,,,

kd^dUA^ TkU U'alBO enWill ke Dkaervad ky Knlghta af FyU* cloaad wiU brick walla ao that In aaae

Tke Knlgku of PyUUa Memorial
day WiU ke neat Buaday and Ue suk^
waU to Ue eonU ead
Tailar. ordUate lodga wtU ka eacorted to Ue of Ue building, la a large vegeUkle
caotataty ky eke unlfdrm rank to Ue room wkeiw frmh vagotohlea eaa be
afiemoon. Appropriate caramoaies kepi to Urge quAaUUea The raaiutto
WiU ka kaM at Ua oamelarx aad Ue
gavja^ decMaed PyUlaM tulukly


Gfy Book Store


Juet At eupper Ume
le treiie/umer ou e pa **lu tke"
r tke City upere kouee
out ab4 about a d«
Fnmi alieet
koeaee ou that aide uT
atlrarilve atone uu Ike aireel U hga
lUirr OroUrd «t« cjOM to Uc kad to reeort to the al<
a muderu front aud
MMd Itr AUom/ Uuwtcy
ed building from top iu bottom, being
c'cM l|>ccl>tcir4 uuuatpUd to rlM
16U feel deep by 32 feel told*.
iMU M «cic ordered teck cored fruip every avellakle plaoe
The luforioal opening of tke atore
tkey were lotuily hiade<|iuite end coo
to 111 take piaoo on Friday atu-mcKm.
tke old time meikod of 111
tokt^u the ueto firm will have on dU
«ikM,«0»alt^ •ordered tovcrtior.
kad to be reeortiMl to.
play large quanUtlca ul new gooda
IP^ i diet eidr tke rallUtd
Tke trouble atarrlod ei WaJl'a drua
allracUvcly dUplayed and n*ad> for
card on which waa printed a tearfully trade. Ue formal opening Uklug
Mck*r* ore and eatendad
Tke troukle did not occur pathetic kU of polery entlUed ‘ Toilay place Ba^rday The luUMlor of the
u«* fkmlSimm tdieir. He wm rcry OMBpnny.
unUl luat about cloatni Umc in Wall a and Not Tcmiorrow .. bidding tkoae atore la equipped wlU every modern
wlU plenty to kelp the apeecklcaa ai»pUaooe that can be purebaaed tor a
bnalnoaa of that character The ntoo
In Ue meantime. Oflcera Jennlnga Urge dlaplay wlndowa la front afford
ad.Balenaky were In Uc Fere Mar opportunUy tor aUracUve . cahikua.
tMtte rarda locdilng for the real while the two dlaplay wludowa lu Ike
They located myaieiloun acmnda In a leal ol the building wUl bo uaed for
bo* oar which proved to be the audl dlaplayiug auch commodltlea aa are
Tim e lampA wi re uard at* J
ble Bleep of ua4> kuight of the tlca wki^ ij»ed chlilly by fuimer». The atore
Jarkaoc a atoie. the llghu golns
kad irantformed htmMclf Into a bocuc la equipped with i.eveial BUenl HuIcm
ikere about 7 u ckick. Tke puUon
kloiter. WlUoul waking him. they men'^ tohuw caaea aud olkci ffxlurea
Joe Drolhera thlr.t parlor i
willed for more aud wilhln a few In Weeping wUk an up-t_oKlate and mod
forced to «od
mlnuUa another ahowed mi. They •rn retail atore
facea by tke aid of euo
indeed aecured him and w<»ke hU pal from
InUrior VrangemenU.
about tke back bar lu \«
laaiui aiambera to walk through the
Oil the vaai aide of the atore ue.ti
ila aud wind Xci the cxunfoitablo. dry Ike entrance la a clg^aud back
Tf ilew V># Mine.
lardlnjc kuuae that^he city provldch of that a cabinet for tcibaa'Oa. A pipe
Atter gtrldt Ike deulla of bU lueUod
ir auch unfortunalea.
vaae of tke aame kind adjoiua the
koowiedfe ctik* couBtry ke waa aak
ed ll kc keew eky uauaual oocurrtmee
Barly thla morulug, ike four were cigar cAac. aud next to li la placed the
tket kippeaed ei Waiduer lo ll»d
ken iq Judge NVtllugcr-M (.fflee and confect lonery caae. Ue atatlom
Orckaid eeld ka did. tkat on April
pleaded guilty tt» the ckargv of vag­ raae adJeUniug that. Fuedug the “ou
n kt etteeded a apcclat lueeUog of
rancy. ihc< cxiurt giving them Uc limit, liuuce la another haudaome k
tke iklok et Burke end ikai tku uoluu
alxty daya lu the U troll Hoo»o of Cor- caav. which U to be u«cd for the
back of that
decldSdW fO te Werdoer mod blow
Uon. They gave tbuJr nainch aa play uf dried frulU
John rox. Frank Ihllon. lYank Emer- a large alaud for freah frulta Back
op Ike lU^er^m luioe eud baoa
of the caeca mcutlonod on tIB; eaal
in and WllUam Uyuu
"“***WeMld Pdfture T^ln.
Thla affair ahuwa a d<>turminod af-, aidiv are anauged abuhiug idr table
Tke wUueaa waa aioppod by obj«< g uVliHk. but tke boukk
loll cm
j imrl of the polico aud I coudlmeuU. canned aud package
llMi gooda. lu the center of the atore.
tlw kot Jodie Wood ruled tkai Ui otkeia who rwmaluod at olikl. uaiMl Ike C30UII . lid Travelai CU>
ton j back id the baaement aialrway. la ar
would pertuii a leurrmi akowlu* ol cawdlea. Tke Poaul ToleArapk cum uaual aummer vagrauta
iMiiio-d a bianh for dlaplay ol lea, toft-of1 apread ammig them and {I taugt-d
- tke Ceetr U* Aleue cilwea aud Ui paui 'a ulftce waa lliklad with a crip will
juid apla-M
an ckv lijc cof
ckard neouiod. He aald wkllc ike ua pled oil Ump. ahtle kiewart’a acade Uoy will ftgkt
Aght ahy of
uf ike.
the. city lor
fur dui
(car |
too meetlog woa to prafreea. Paul my. wk/ure Mlaa Buck waa glvlOK a rc of a Uke peuali). The ciulek aurW lu
(\»i^oreo. iOcreUry of Ike Hurke uu dial. «aa aUo ItahtiHl with oil lampa gc Ulug the men out of Ihe^y ahould ao couatuicHed aa lo afford aatety
Tke eieclrtc. iUkl and tdophom- alao be uprivlated ua bberlff Johu
' irum dual (or the gixala dUplayed.
loo. aald
^ ‘
compaukui kad all klnda of trouble to III Icace eai lv In ike murulug W.l(kl 7 he t>ack pan of the tioidb U ateat ike i
yeaierdaik. Tke kuavy aoukUut ralu them for Hciroll. ihua bringing bui liiilged for bruakea wnd amall paint
Kurlkeio , _______________ .
On Uc Weal aide »uc Ike vavtkey would cMtuie ib« trala. go to enuaed Ike wirca lo bocuiue cnlaniled lUUe eamuae on the county
Tke kuuui aeie luui h ahia ked at “Ukch. etc., aud udjolnlug Uial la a
Oe». pick op ike Uejo uuluu mod tkeu phonea were burned out ami tke eu
tl.e weal aide wa. lu daikncaa uaUI Ike rouiT'a a* nicncc. prol.ahly ex i >^Ue hiiace of akaivlug un«l couulera
* fo in Wardoer
'li«ktorii aald mat aaiie v uriai.__ a oVlm^k thu miirnUiK
peeling a U u day real lu UU
uoiHleuware gWb. aud next to
Tke uiUup aiaricd at mldulgkt Mou
When leaving the kulld'ug. oub^.ofiJhai U Uie prlvaie office of the firm
oaa ialklog. Hwvy. pnaldc
day when Ike Inaw cawa^d trouble
In llu*
Uu* wn
wnler. back uf the wa and colHurke union, canu? in and aa
aald to Chief Aahbm. pivc^toid in
near lki» BoArdmau. avenue achtad lug hU HPUtenre with
rack for imiuu;.
fee booth,
know wkal tke niertlni oai
Uundlni by, bruahlng asainai the «I«h' Mounded like ikia
and objected U> tke plan
H c ia a* IQ *
trie Unhi Wliea All da> ycaterday Ike . -Ye rallri
eeld A vuie WAa tkru uki
aeven dUpla
day caaea wiib "*dual i.roof
yoloo deeded tu lu to
I Wardner. blud
didn't yt?'
nu. Ike dbplay
tke Huuker HUl end kill Ue auiKTlo
la iki
Ike glaaM fronia of
id in
and tkat ^loAily lualoii of Urlnslms the phone and llukl
wirca Uiielkcr on tke weal aide. 1 hut
One of the Uettoeiler
keleaa refrlger
aactlou Of tke city waa rut oB from
alum U being iUMtalled. This will be
tke Uihiluf plAul and ike IncAudca Hobart Knapp Cot a Oaap Gash Ove< the ouly one of ike refrtgemtora of
cent Ughta were pul In worklmf order
kind In this .part of. the
cariy tkU momlng while the aln^t
toeller being here lu
llghu were let go pnUl later.
Muperiuteud the luaUlUliou.
Hoiusrt. tke U > car-old aou of H. 1 )
Attractiva Dlaplay.
uapp fell hiuidftrat into a aewer
Near the entrance on-the weal aide
trench near Ue Central ackool build' of the atore U arranged a apleudid
UU noon and Infilcied a. deep dlaplay of the National Blacull com
over hU right eye. The boy . with pany'a gooda. Jhla dlaplay was bought
k-Tke Mlckl
daylng near I from the ipuff food shoto in
set oral companions w as playing
iAU Vnlikd fmllaay U cn;4Ued nltk
Ue ditch
dUch 4Uid he missed
mused UU fooling.)Rapids and was erected by a practical
MkC kM of A bill wklck an aueupt
Wing on one d^lhe pipes, several! mao who devotes his time to this purleel beneath him.
fiuse and who came from Chicago to
fcTkww kS^ made to fuitw ikrotiik
A physklan dressed Ue wound tak- do the work. The tack part of Ihe
kke kooM. |o reduce maierUUy tke
will be Aevoled to
HatUe Bvelyn Blumroaeu and Arthur Ing five aitichttiw
Abner RoamUkaL Tke wadding look
lo the extent of
cu W w»MN» M uvtof* huk* *» place at ike koine of Ike brlde’a par
uaed for various
enta. Ur. and Ura Uoaca Blumroacn,
purposes wherever required- The lav
nclroll, laat ercnlng.
Tke kappy
couple Unmadtaiel) left on a wadding f. A. WeaUn Had OIMr for Old Dead aioo Is eroded at one end of UU
-Alary Travalad All Over the
Voder the sidewalk
trip and win be at home to tkdr
UnlUB tUUa.
room wkidk kaa a capacity
fdenda in tkU city after June tk.
Mr. Roeentkal U Ike propiitAor of
the Gloke atorv and la a tren auooeaa
ful young MulnuM man wltk a large

<Mcto)*Mto*ft U. audtosMkw
■M to (eUto toa *uwt r*U«*|


MHHAH a uif M. |i ^



arnihg Room Fumttur®

mf Ac Local

WcUksN Mwe.

U» price on eeonrtUiw in dinii«Xom
Tkb^t on two! our nbeady low pric^ nukes k
poi^le lor you to bny furcuture w* n lowor 1^** Aw
was ever quoted to you before.

tide to bMPto laor do M
toMtoh Hoto to BO odor toon
«M liMT 4i^ tft kte car.
#•»(. mmi wciu^CS
Pred INdUrtaor of Ike P. 11. apeat
rUI be two oaov£lona to

DunH fadl to SM the oolid


one tana wood aad wo aiw aelK
tog taen ao ckoaply taat yon
cttaof atond m ao odckoat cat.
Bto atoo een the gtaadard
OU Oo’a New PwrfccUon aad
the toaadard Ugaitog Oak

a good *oBd osk ohAir. with taotw iut. irt of eis At.
A good oolid Oik •idoboAtd.l&aO uirror
.........., U4S

aov BMy ootUed. aad kao aa too a




cure tae IpdigiHiOB Whita to te
Liaato to Lead to 4poptoay.
aa of buftaeea eating too fof i and
Moca, toooiOea of any kind, noun
frMtoli to indlgorttoa. Then when tke
dlgeaUve organi cannot care for tko
^ood properly the ooau of Uie blood
bnUa got Uttto nourtak*
■t p«ur»bur». June S—ThT- RuuUn


“i.'rusjrasara; n:.TTSJzssr^,iTim.

Tae romatoo wore takoa lo Ua« OHy

on tke MV


sfll h« ooowtod u

U UtI^ kto hat«l



Frank Trude


la^^itoBAl Hg«c Fttieincr.

Ate You Wideawake


then aald to have a ‘shock/* to be par


Yeon COEMT IS oeoD


one of our
goUu to Sagiaaw.


icow soMim tt RMI CJovw,

TAe bnrMu of phot iodvlnr hh
been expertmeaUag with a new form
of rod <do«er which came from Ue
ptfM ^ a dodckia of Uo UpUad
black eoU rogton of Buaato The
•laiai aliaaii court of appeato to rc^ ISiM •< MIm UotM
thoreAll »ld
IM ttf Mper M kMd laMd from
bMllMMIjr OM»lta <IM MterUc com­
Um MVt fecMIiv Out uc
to roeent mm the greatest advance mon red clover,
MOMf M Bm talMA taV^ pan
to mediclae has hen In Uo toudy of,
dlaaasto of dlgaatkm aito nutrition and! „
Mag twaaartUw ac4 tact U aunt lie
fare a roclUl
lu. proven
proven Itno other pr«wrlp(ion
b better forago plant for
laM to the perooo dofroodod. Tlie |km> at atewart’e acadeniy last erw__ x^g tadMt^T*82o53?i4'^»‘u/b«loo
ue as
lli-o^na. U horses,
since it will be much less like"fK"*’
**'“ covtiue i^f of M much value
a. Bl<.-na.
»lo c< Mioltiya would oocdUlljr aad
‘ •««« U. about
upon aa a teruluty
lertalnty today to. |y t
two eaceltont
Line th.. wor.t Imnhl..
trouble* nf
of dlges
al—I aaaamnartjy appemro tao oo
oolkrtoa will employ
X' •^dlo. Bloat■n and making
a ,
ogmoat «f t^irioUna U tau auto to tog-to the burulug out of Ue tnuu 000 moB
aad it is expected that ‘th’ ccph.^ c««.
toK •“ ««Uv U porlap. due to part to
tigwpi td» ogmoaoo of aocaoi «ac^ farmer, no okculc Ughto wens araU- propoood arrangement will lead i___
The strpngBst proof that can be of- Ue pn^onco of h^ ou common
able' and a tol^ dotoy and aoch much greater development of mining
aariraari oliaia lU Umiu.
uonhied ensued In ■ocuiing latniM. AV toronghout Ue oast Of gcxiUand. The
though Uo anlorttjr of Ue class were wtput in ttmt UUUn has been more of Stoameb troubki. cancer excepted.
' It li aoor gidu ontalo tact
very young ^ Iho hall was bol dim than trebled In Ue last three
aad give fmmedkte rcHH In indlges
halrkws clover,
oao ^ora of Mn proooat logUloUwt ly lighted. lAlr taotrucUon had been ^
tion is Ue guarantee that 8. K. Wait
MklMpptoa Railroad.
00 Uoniuga laot the enUre pcogain
June ^The oonsu-uciion of A Sons five with every
WM roaderod wUhout fanlL reiecUng UeM«ila,
iMBr la iiao oma tao B
PhUlpplne raUroad sysi^m which
ee like Uis
is to connect Manila wlU Oavlte. Ban Ml-CHta cu
to tao dJroctloo
> In MUi-ua. 8.
t^gaa and Lutu^iax. tapping of Uc
dftna Mo dUturU
rich pUnUlions of the southed ond k “U-«T A Sooa- Uk.' Ue whole risk
The Tia Boldicr.tHaclrh) Be«
rogolfOiMiuU wUl
of Luxou and which will mean so and lht‘ retne^dv' will
much to Ue sUli furUer development
axds wrecked nonrous s>Kt«u mid
WaUx.” cechmoll)
t U vUl
now taken deftoite and material form
doagat Ui guard agailut a rcpoUUoo
It is Ue Intention of the Manila Rail
desires to bt^ cured of Ue liquor habit
of ta« Mot iagraat aboaoa of ooa
road Co. to follow the pnsinl Ant^
Moooo aad opporUiaUy made known now^UclMrd.
polo Une from Tondo as far as BanU i mg Cr
“Burning Song." (Webb) Margaret Mesa, laying another track and en­
it Commander
smonLv our
our customers
taroui^ roooat loroaUgatloga of
Dav SsfamWill Be
V manv cun** **“ong
wo are glad lo sell it under an
I Of tao larger laonraooo oonix
•tlalety." (Webb) Tdaa Oampbel.
and to carry Ue double track then (o
Great Cmiimaridt r K. fi. IP.yutoa of
lute ggarauu«
“Kimble Plngcrs,** (Orth)
of oar matnr MicMgaa U a progi
and Faco. where there will the Maccabees and INVry F. Powers
ey if it dcK*s not c
^ toM for all linua of Inausmace “BJ^uae." (Oug D' Hsrdelol) Mrs. be another sUtiou. wbeucA* will sUrt of Cadillac will be lu the-city ThuisIh to tw<, forms: No. 1 that ran
Ue auto Une which later branUes do) evening. June 20. and a big misolaad ft M troll taat ao Una aaa boon
out fpr Cwvite. Bauungas. and Luce tag will be held -at that tiane. The
loot to oooldag to guard tao laio
next day fs Mac-cabci- day at Charieof tao pOQgto of oor^otau wao are
, Volx and Ue Fere Marquette will run but It is also the most economical
Managers Barred.
•Morouaij txmndiof taeir money In
an excursion from Traverse City. as it costs only |l a t»ox and then? Ks
London. June &~The Briiibh
no detonii<ai from the usual dutich.
o<ka dlrecikma
• rally l•olk^l.•• ispludlerl' Mari tor‘s aasociaUon. at a recent wortlng
while if cure l.s not
; tc«l, Uen- i>
decided, by a good majority, that man
lo exp<*nse whatev<
Mail Orderb’
in tao puUlc debt of
ilUul. The Orrine
ome members of the

la# Ualtod
The rvsoluiion. it wai
••Uanctog Spirtts." (Boha) Helen
tror wlgai aad a aatf mUUoa dollam BmIU.
McUls in the Air.
$uHng tao amata gf May. k aa ladl^ “The UtUo Wnnderer." (Loage
U-ly afterward Mr. tkerl>ohm Tree
According to a uoUsi sch nllht, of
oattoa of Ue continued lacreaae of re sude Ilea.' r
It to his fvsignation. and It Is ex­
Y«hi Come. (Metcalf) Mrs
the total weight of the ttlm.Mipheric
OolpU oter etpcndlUre noiwUasUnd . •Itolil
pected that hlA example will be fol­
B. Roaley.
du?d. about t,.'. lu 75 per cent is Inor­
lowed by ail Ue other manac
tog tae noeeral Unee of ^normooe an
“The Desire." (Cramer) M
What effect this action may hate up hokk ones attention and elicits his ganic matter. This portion is absol
tkmal oulUy rooonUy entered upon
on Ue future of Ue organliatlon «y admiration. The same thing wUl be mely harmless, but to the '25 to :i5
Tao oaltro paaUo dokt of tao Ualled ”*Turtle Dove." polka. (Bohr) '
mains to be
true of the production of “America" per cent to organic matter are to be
•Utoo to aow loae taan tae approprto Wainnory.
which U tfl to* given at the Grand
•nrih Nocturne." (Uyboch)
w syi
Uoae of roooat alagle ■eoolooe of tao
opera house. Saturday. June 15. under found pracUr.alJy all mineral substaninvolves Ue auspices of Companion Court paKlcularly l6 cities is Uis percent
iUiodo,** (Uaidu) Roy
aaUoaal ooagreoa. aad to tar Iom tkan
from ordinar) Traverse City and, will prove to be Kgt* dangerous to humanity.
taal of any otkor oouatry of tvoa eec
practice is now lu experimental ser­ one of Ue best attract ions by local
VWee op. «4.
In the inorganic portion have been
aad or taird mte Imporuace a« com ‘ Hunting
vice ou the Peunsylvj^a railroad Ulenl ever seen on Ue stage. The
Bong." (
U was -developed by a s|x‘cUl contmii. coslnmiug of Ue production will b«- fi.und parcticnlly all mineral suhsUupared wUk Uli country.
tee of the rallnsid company a offlceis, very brilliant. Uc speclalUes new and CCS, ineJudtog the metals sodiom. ca’and is BUted to have proved Ver)' aal- clever, the Ubleauw exceedingly cf- cluiu. magnesium, alumtoum. nickel,
isfttctoiy. The semaphore arms move fecUvo and (he vhMous danct^s will cobalt and Iron. Iron appears In
upward lustoad of downwanl from present some Intricate and beautiful
mucli grealer-qwiMiUu: lUiui any other
borixoital posltKm (“slop")' to igums. Remember Ue day and
inrum Bacaivci Two gvery"^gtop- Ue
the included (*-‘cautiau") and verU
metal, much of that coming from
at Be if Owe
gund- cal
("clear") p<jslUuus. Two'^Siina“AliceRli by-tht-nre.“ lu which Ro^ planetary space. The rushing of
phoik arms and two light* arc used aolle Knott Is^ now appearing with
for eveiy Indication, except thdse such wonderful sutce-ss. is a play nicteorilies through space causes a
Thr ‘Thestorum 1h making an 1
IHnMl move menu: for
appeals lo women especial ly. for friction which gradually reduce» Oicm
on nothing.
additional small arm
story is wriilen an»und a moUier .to powder <-oiifMliilug much iron, some
and dim light are provided.
• trle> to win back the love of her of whl<-h Joluh the earth ainioripheie.
children after being ab^eui from them

OmI Iterser. '
taste in the mouth, drovslneaa. coated
U»<k«. JuM i-A nwaer <4 UMIed tongue, dtotreas after eating, specka
8UU» oonl Inunnu U belns tonMd atom the oyoi, aad gny other of tha


IklBl «f a CoiKh ikat fcas always sold fcr
$18.00, MW $9.85.
Kttctaen Cupboards $SJS up.









Your Reliable Furniture Store,

) be acre that
f ctwopa to. Ue proprtotora uae
lie Abu oanrlce. that k, erery
■kt two iima are rOotoied and ed by
lighu tobet from a veriioa) line. *1116
happen lo Utter k dlsilagukbed by having Ut
be had. then well
01 ckBb until we
^ ^ualI IcngU *mj
*n.j the llghU
get good oooa>lf Uare ar« DO (
oooa on the aaarhe)
locktog plauU.
to^eas.** aaid Mr. Ttorrey.
for speed rather than for routes.
My nu
Wlieet Crep Bhert.
ap an excelkmji
Valparaiso, inaa h—Tbs wheat croi
Chile k sho% aad a U^e quaaUtj
of wheal or flour must be Impcaried.

SWS.*srj^.Si:« • (HMumHigK
"aisrJ2!''T.*ava.nv" SS;&.-r

jr. June
Denver k to he an penwhop town, sc
Ur as buUdlng cc uactors are con






iht/r. has put some of his best work
in Uis play and it stands on a par
wlU “The UlUe MluUlcr." and “Pe
Pan "
"Allce-SIt by-Ue Fire *
comes lo Ue Grand opem house Mon
day night. June 10. Prices 25. 50; 75
II. First sU nows to par
quot ll.SO. Beat sate Saturday. June
Phone 417.
“On Ue Biidfe at Midnight." which
k billed to appear at Ue Grand opera
bouse. June 14. Is a rmarkabk exam
pk of Uo new school of melodrama,
which will-be graatly enjoyed hy our
Uenter ogam, who have seen so much
to the sanaaUonal h^ play^t has

havtog tmkat or Odnnan comadlan. wiio will be seen
to ajwellant advantage aa “Germany/*
Tha Idav U a wbotoeonie story of hu
I Bagar Good Crop.
bmt aad pathos wovm tofhUcr An a
Mdtoroal. J(in« l-The value of Uc aaUial way, iba^atoator cartldd hy
put of Oai^
Canada b

labor sUuaUon.

tog to Uoir homa. S07 Baal BtoroaU


ontpto to Ue wdrM Ute adnlUraUM
of (aois aet has measmahljr put a
Slop to Ue mixing to cane or beat

eagto artu maple, aa sach
SS 'S5T iuiJlS £S5j“SiS‘2l'Sri5:TC
wore oonred aod ho marked “ ‘ *
3Mib(flla. OwtnSa
odjoyod. Uo onurtatomoat by


a tokphdr. wbd waa too lU to


________ . 127 S. South Uolon Street





luriilshed talkleb to the city. unU we
koH-p nothing but the prlinosl.
east ami best bet-f. tomb. muUou. iKuk.
veal. |K.ulii> game and smoked nioais
for your clukoaing. You can biiy high
grade, deliciously flavored mogtiv at
prices that you will pay ft>r inferior
iiieaia .4-laewhere. because we km.w
how to Judge and choose Ue best that
IH ruisc-d. ram-t forget that we aix?
thdj lurgesl Sausage tin*
t liy. made dull*.

Two Mwkete:
547 E 8th St., and. 707



toSi bito to ragaur prioaa.


Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

A -iMa.a TS

KnuMumMenm ■



AUor, aocompaatod. by Mtoa




Hew Many Ancastora?
Has anybody ever stopped lo think
how many male and female ancestors
it look to bring us into the world?
First, of course. It was neoeasaiy to
have a Catber and mother, and our
father and mother most have had a
father and rnoUier. and so on. back
through 46 gone^ations. to the time to
A careful calcokUon of all these
ancestors show that there must bav
m.2a5,017.4W.U4;»7€ Mrtlis t
bring one of as Into tbe world. And
thk k oaU from the
and not from the hegtnntiig to the

The Buebe ladiniu. SW) in nui
who live ih a remote part .to the
C«nak Nation, eltag to their own ton
guage aad Bmiry printopally amoai
"rrom Cairo to Uo Pyramids." U their own tribe, after being conquered
dnvtog Buod crowds at Ue Thealor and abaorbed by tbe Creek Indtani
tban XbO years aga to same
ToaighL k the iaat uamNUiioa to
Uk aad at Ua Seaside, ^moirow cases a iteeba ntoy -mariy a Creak,
aa aaUfw ebaaga wiU be glvaa.
aad the cblWreo will speak to tbe fa
thar to toe Buebe language and io
tbe mother to Creek.


U. U U lotomd formard to
h latareai.
have bean aeat oat hy Ua adalor
Jaao l-tho airicaltoritto
to Haaiark laborem aie aO

ClflfllHilfliD^OMilitCMNy li
t medklBe il^rctt vBTtb tfl4 mem
nrttvkCAywWweACAU. Ftr
addtoM at tbe lAle W Tie Awrtcu Mir Start.

ttank n«aad mu nkve a dnai matt
to Ue corn dktiioto have been roegat' Vito the Mam ftom Vkrrk todatortal
Ijr flooiad. io Uat wlator com has
bean deatooyad. VagaUUoa k a moiiU
bahtod U» araragt ttom.


* Crsdualing or Weddinp Present than

Portable Lamp
We have them In all styles shapes, finish and colors


J. B. Paige Electric Co.
125 Cass St.

A LewdK ptoicc^alnu. hiwiring luibpi
ill a dark cellar, hprinklcd
Cayenne pepiKT on w>mo cotton wool.
SCI fln* to thp coltnn and put H
through a grating of the cellar. Two
burglars speedly came out.and wnere

Tha Cooha Indtoik.

at Ue


an aketric**


Grenoble. FYanec. probably manufHcUires more todies* Ud gtovaa thu
any other ptooe In tim world. VnriM,
Chaumont and MUlau^are atoo largely
engaged to this Idd^try.

Phone «tt-2

Fbur ctosscs of projocUIoa are used
to the United BUiew Nsvy-armorpiercing projecUtos for nap against
unarmored or >ery tbtoly
parts, skraiiDCl for service at


^ V;,

Tbc Globe Dcpartmcpt Store
to the pewlc'two special
' C ^ moBey-saTlogbargaios for



Friday and Saturday

Weh»ve made up aa aMonmeat of one hundred
cboice aiMl late atyie ihapei. beautifully trimmed in
Ibe latest Farid tu styles and newest conceits of
the season. You will want a new hat, and by
teking advantage of this special offering you will
save at least one*half the original price.

Your choice Friday and Saturday
for............................... ......


[More oftacMUr«c

Roll Arm Rockers
(like cut)


talc on thc»c Kockcri will mart

Friday, 8 a, m..


i J

As there are only 100 tu go at this price don’t
Kwait too long.
No telephone orders accepted. No Rockers
See them in our display* window.

The Globe Dept. Store


Ladies’ Tourist Coats
Agent’s Samples Under Priced
While there arc not fnany of
these (only 62) there is enough
to make the sele<tiofi just hne;
li you wait several ^ays it will
QOt be so good.
U»thc«c had been purchaaod in a regular way they
would have been much higher, but by taking the
agent s samples we afe able to offer them very much
underpriced, 1 he prices liclow will show how muiich. a.
They arc fully up to ourstandard
. in quality and finishing. All are
fifty inches long.




S7.S0 lo S9.00

. Pmeaople
B'o d Orange
Suawbeiry --

lib T#fx«rd«T> JUcori H
mm T,*k;uaf 'mlcoa.
w «a mr
ikf aaioan, to 30b* iUuaw
tiown ibe «Uf«t &»4 Wlblta


Raspl^ry. etc.

#OH gALt-MH^VlM MV IM ro0i


aaatj aea li

the hay today



nU^i'Diled Brotherhood of V^rV*^
r«iirth cl Joly CaaccUvt Committed lers and Joiners of America will hoW
an open morning la Montague hall
lomorivw night. Thursday. June
All mt*mbers and all carpenters art!
TDs- Futtrth of July o sw uitvo- con liitJte^o be pr
liski a laemOo* ihU mumltai
ting of the Elks I
aiid found ami evrnfUilus U progrro
aing In a very aatialacUir)' maufier
Tlw comnitumo U working hanS aik
lens Cemetery' Improvement aastK^iallon wUt be held tomorrow vafler
noon la the Ladles* Ubrary paTlun
Tbe lorttK-cl ttma ui*-l witJ rtmuly
at 2:30.
vor aud Uieref in much
The attendanu at the asylum but
Inbration will be ot the ol«j night had a very pAeaaant party . Ut
faablunMl vnrk-ly with pk-uiy of firm music being by Stewart s oreheatm.
work* and therm will br Miiiietkliu
On Thursday evening. June f. all
doing every minutm of the day.
Odd Fellows, their wives and Rebek
whs are cordlalb Invited to attend a
dance to be given lo the hall of Equal*
lly lodge No. SOS. 1. O. O. F.
The new officers of the SalvgUoB
Army are tn the city.
A marriage Hcense was granted *tc
James Lamb and AmeUa Duhmer to


The older ladiiw* mUhlonar>- soclcij
A iietiaon was fill'd with Judge
of the Hapti.1t thurrb entertului'd tho Walker
today for the appointment ol
young Udlea aueJety at the churcl
la.i evt ulug. a pot luck aupper bHn| au admlulsiralor lu the estate of Min
•ained aud u ver>- pleaaanl tlm«* beinj nie Ikinu.
enjoyed IRurlug Ike evening..the ful
planned U'tween the 1
track team and the F
lUpids. has I
Vlolli\*imi»o. UlM Helen Hanuen.'
of ixamtnatU
Vocal aoJo. Uiaii UUlan Wilhelm
Vocal aoki. Arthur Uarland

(Continued FTom Flrat Page.)
An hydraulic freight elevator i
the baaen
from the
Red that-ln
that^n cold wealh
and l» ao arnutge<l
cr gooda can ba deltveriHS Into tin
baaeinent without opening the duon
of the alore.
Bartwk 4k Son are very proud o
thidr new quartern and t.hev hav<
every reason to fc*t*l ao. The build
Ing la nevw entirely leaned above thi
flrat noor. .Horal a Uuiclng academ;
.ied back of the aUlrwi
being l<»ca(ed
Thin la furnliabed with mud
entrance T
mifoVl and r.^
for etoiif
mid pltuuiuroA of dam
r4K*m bclUK provided
men and u r«
j The fnmt ofll
U*awed by Dr J. W'. OaauH
I Dr. IXivU. dentUL The top floor hm
'been leaked fur five >van» by the In
dependent Order of ForwUem.
Ak aforekujd. the »tore will be
open on Saturday for buklnesa nn<i
U will douhllew. be u ver> busy place
and one of the most successful trad
lug places in the city.
A wax from the rafla palm of Mad
aguacar la expected lo prove a aubsU
tnte for beeswax. Tho leave* erf Uu
palm are beaten to tmail fnigmenti
on a mat. and then boiled, the was
to secuwl being oollecled and knead
ed Into amall cakes. Tho new ma belng^esled for bolUlng pur
poses, phonograph cylinders, etc.
Tho German kaiser baa founded, out
of hla private treasury, a manufaclorj
of majolica ware on hts eklate neat
V«va frvm the recent eru^on ol
I Vesuvius has ht'en carefuUy examined
■by f. Tommasina. The ^samples in
• elude a piece taken warm from the
summit of Uie crater and four pieces
I from the Valle d inferoo. each con
. mining a coin or medal. The lumps
, produced a dissipation of charge
araounUng to foriy-lw^ volU per

The preeent occupant (rf the WaahIngum pUnullon In W\*imoreland
county. Virginia. U named (Jeorge

%wt«y DiDdwMr is ssy
.*rtosfS.SML Wi4s»fus.'bskm ft.


■nSI. J
I S«u»»
Bay Uck.4
to lUaUi
TS. wtod
up a
kickM up

On ceruln fete days In some parU ol
Brltialny the marriageable gIrU ap­
pear in red pettlooau. wlUi while or
yellow borders around them. Each
while baud denotes that the allowance
frooi the giil a father wlU be l.SdO
fraaoea per annum, and .each yellow
band reprdaenu l.OOu franoea a year.

10.00 to I3.S0
14.00 to li.S0


St ow faestaia. Ibst


Hats far ^




passed throug the city
I her waj
The Rev.
holding meetings In the SUte street
school bouse, left thU morning foi
Mrs. J. F. Nulling left Oils momlm
for n. W^ayne. where she wUl Joli
her husband. Mrs. Kultlng was hen
with the 8. H Knox company to aa
slsf in the opening.
Btefflns of Leland. paaaec
through the city thla morning on hb

Um 51U,

and pan cnaaland sogw. os
AftedeW Ariou Ooflee diat

dkiea pot improve its appaaranoek'
Uit khei^ its aroma and flavor
intad; and protects it from con- ^
taminating odors and the dust ;
ol the store.
AAsehW Ario«l Coffas miAM «idi
il dw rsqskssM^ «4 th* N>Mom1 Pu»
FMd Uws Offhhl CmissWt No. 2041
RM ot WnfclMtM-oM b pora CoSoo
mmtkot nm, cAon

You have our word for it, t^ ; v 2
no one can duplicate it or sell
any coflee as good for anything "
near the same price.
New York
Old Otftoh ramu
June A tL
or the manner of life in iSr^land.
Nethertanda, an obwrver writes;
^DlEd AND GENTS sowid hand
***The Dutch term house ia usually
built after a uniform modeL Tpe siul wht'elH, $4 and up. 3H E. Front
living room ttsually occupies ike
whole of tho ground floor and Is a sil­
Wa have puixhaasd the dry clamtting room, bedroom and kitchen rolled ins businsas of Ott 4 Hahnar. Wo
into one. The bedsteads are screened art now In a position to do all of your
by green curtains, or bidden away like
AU-------------- cupboards, but what is called the show
k E. Front Slrett ’
bedstead—prook-beddea—always ' oc­
cupies a prominent place in the room.
But, then. It U never used; it is kept
exclusively for tho purpose of provldlog the high respectabllUy of the
family by the fineness of lU linen
theeu and tho richness oT Us counter­
pane. Kept nominally in honor of the
guesu. the most honored guest would
not be allowed lo use it . In larger or
more modern farmhouse a "separate
room U set apart as a show place, or
pronk kamer; |»ut there U. as a rule,
no bedstead, and the room Is (urn
TImm quotatlom at* oaiafully
Ished aa a parlor. This room, like the
rtaHO aywy Oay. Tha laeal aMfkat
bedstead..Is never used by Ue house­
prieaa ara auppllad by laeal-4aal#r»
hold for general purptmes, tut on the
otrtaMe quouiiona by wlr^ 'nat
occasion of the death of a nu‘mlH»r of
elippad from ethar papara af Iba prpthe family It serves asj^e bier cham
ber. In sumo (lu-mhouses a wing ban viMiaday.


through the city this morning on hei
way to Kingsley, where she will visl
her fiarcnu.
Mayor A. V. FYiedrlch left for Poii
Htmm this morning. He will go or
to Ik'troU tomorrow and meet tht
flronien's delegation from this city.
and in such cohos It is divided into
nmings of old MiMslon two or three atnoll bedrocvms.
As a rule, the stable or she<l for the
cows forms luirt of the house and
ington thb
O. P. Stevens went to Bear Cruel aeparated fn»m the living u-om only
IhlH morning.
by a wooden wall or partiUon. The
Mrs. R. B.
door of communication is generally
Ann 1
fitted with glass windows, so i
km‘ the Mlmals under suia-rvlshm.
The Rev. A. T. Furgerson went
Sherman today.
There is also a class of open farm­
Mrs.- Margaret J. Wllsey left thli houses. where there is no (lartlUon
morning for Klpton.
all and the antmaU llteraUy’five with
The Rev.
FV. H. 8. Barg
Bargett left
the family. Nowhere U tke old-fash
orning for Chicago, where
vlKii friends.
loned theory more firmly held than la
B. Whiting and wife who have been HolUnd that tho odor of cows U
vUiUiig Ezra Banker and family ol
this cHy. went to Kingsley this morn beneficial to consumptives
bometlmei those who arc tuberculous
George Prindell of Orawn waa
will go lo sleep with glass wlhdowa,
city Aods
so lo keep the cowsheds are the hayWillis Pennington of Intcrlocheo
lults and bometimes these serve*as
was in the city today.
Lawrence C. Haynes of Acme trans­ sleeping places as welL
acted business here today.
*'ln many of the older farms there
Mrs. Walter Pelkey of Shreveport. is an open fireplace without a chlm
La . Is In the city and will spend a
couple of months with her sister. Mr^, ney and the smoke finds Ua wray out
ak beat it can. helping in Its passage
Arthur Tolhursl.
to cure ham. sausage and black pud
Thomas Dagg, a ruraTmall carrier, dlnga which depend from the beams
had an exciting encounter wlU a big of the celUng. *The furniture U aUict
blacksuak© near Washington. Pa.
imo-wheeled cart ran over the ly limited to aialrs. Ublea. the Unen
snake’s tail and. becoming entangled press, which ig .the ornament of the
wh©4*l. tho snake landed in the | chamber, and perhaps a spinning
bottom of the cart. Dagg released
wheel or a mangle. The oman
hold on the Hues and fell to the road.
probably no more than aome delft
The horse became frightened and ran
away, spilling two mall sacks. When ware hong around the room, generally
the horse was caught the blackanako In racka. and a Dutch clock
was found curled up on a mall sack Ubrary conalaU of the family 1
In the cart and looped several times
“Food of Ue bocr claas U as
through the lines. It was finally Idlled
and was found to measure over six as Ue real of Ueir Ufe. The sUple
fiUh U buckwheat porridge, and pig
meat, aapadally In Ue form of hams
and aanaagea. reprtaenU Ue chief
tide of Ue principal daily meal, with
UtUe or no variety. Coffee U the uni
veraal bevarage and Ue only IntoxI
cant taken is one of the numeroui
A 8 ths rears g* by tha bM geti
forma of gin dUtllled in aU parts of
JtlL thin, watery and Impure, and
the country. Treacle is also largely
.apply the
to keep vUallty at high-water xmnrk. used, whUe sugar is regarded as
CUoulatloo geu bad. and the Mnrous Juxnrr. The bread used U black or
aystam auSer*. Baaldea tha paiaa and rye. but Uere U also a brown loaf
achah baaldea Ue weakneaa aad diasl. made wHh treale and mixed ,with
nam, there are fOeUngs of numbaaoi
urhich ten of Ue approach of paralyait
and looomotor ataxia.

Potatoes. 40c Ip 4ie
Ycwierday was a very light day at
the city market, only about tea toads
being murkeled.
• _
Price of potatoes is down a UtUe to­
day. I4est slock brought today from
4<kc to 45<\
Outside markets are off a IliUe.
which causes the decline.

WriiiVG.---"" I n

Corn, per bn.
OaU. per bu,
Clover seed .

The Weakness
of Old ^e

Judging from the ezpertenea «f ths oaoal boau and need to supply the am
thouaanda of old people who have teat- glnea which propel Ue boats. The
ad Dr. 4. W. Chaaa e Nenr* PlUa, they ayatem it eaonomical .and sat
Um eoodUlMr^
^ Moiaamt lory OR wodetmte-alsad boats.
There is
matlum at every
and the iapanaaa
Dhince ordinary madleiaah
A. W.
Chaaa a Nerve Pllle as* entlraly venaau of the world. In half a mlnnta

balldlag up the ayatem. Moenipabox.
JaneUfr- atan daalen. or Dr. 4. W. Chaae Medi.
etna Co,. BuCahL K. ¥. The partralt
and Mgnatttia af Dr. 4. W. ChRM. U
sUver U4
famoua roMlil baok nuthor. wa oa

lU atTMt Reward.

Tkis Glazeisfntolamte,Protection

Fw gaM IV dahnMh Pnit

E«*» ..........................................

•tears sad belfsrs, IIW Ifea..

Chk^saa. lira waUhl.q...q..

4# .


Oslvaa .................. .................... «i

....... »;y

thw can ■cafes a toaitaanddoi waU by
8-Oattlev M,
tImpAy boaadlng oa aadi oUar*t
shoulders, oae man supporting two
or Ure^otham
It U estimated that Loadoa's lana- Chk^ June h-Wheat. Silic; .
drtaa UM mofs than 7S0 toaa of aoap core 44c: oata. 4Sc.


The Globe bcpaitmci^t Store
Offers to the pcjwlc two special
t Boicy-savliig bargain^ for



and Saturday

L.«diMV Hat* for ^S.SI
4; ■' if; . rUMi

Roll Arm Rockers


(like cut)


For $1J9 each


The sale on these Kockers will start

Friday* 8 a. m.<

I • As there are only UA» to go at this price don’t
fwait too long.
No telephone orders accepted. No Rockers
See them in our display-window.

The Globe Dept. Store

Ladin!!' Tourist Gouts


Agent's Samples Under Priced


While there arc not many of
. these (only 62) there isenough
to matte the selection just line; '
il you wait several days it will
not be so gootl.

r - .

If these had been purchased in
regular way they
would have been much higher, but”
ut by taking the
agent's samjiles we are able to- olT<
ncr them very much
underpriced. The prices Iwlow will show how much.



D3C% Od « AWRftUlR IXU: U CtXU',


' B’^d'o^e
Raspbetry. etc.


They arc fully up to oiiir-Miaiidard
.in quality and hninhing. All are.
fifty inchek long.

S7.50foS9.00 for r ...
10.00 to 13.50 for ........
J4.00 to 18.50 for . .....


n excellent showing

. i

aeason's best styles in
Silk Coats and are esMcially good as a
summer garment. They are stylish
and dressy.

Come ta EtoaA iNmy. Cutaway. Loaa Box
auAltaUPlttaA Slylcg.
There is variety enough as to trimming in each style
to make the showing very complete.

nuces RAkCE nioii

$730 to $2330


__ _

ttA o»« bt^u uuktlf hoiv.
TIm» piojrct luib mt'l"'tallh rt^ody fohud ihei^ U luurh futbuhUsm
celibnaUuD »1U lx* of tho oUl
uut^ %'orWty with ph*Aiy of fln>wujrka Aud tbwrtr taiJl bf homctblJis
dolu« fvery luluutt- of Xht tU>.
A irttoendtiuh crowd U
and that cUy. will be Able to lu
All who come.

Older 'Mifoiohorv Mociety d
•d VouAf LaAos MIOAiOnAry Mo
CkMy At aoptUt Choroh.
The oWer lAflliui’ mlAhluiuto hoclt iy
of the lUplUl fhurrh t utmAluigl ihtlAdlci ’Auciety At the church
Uat eVfUlus. A pot luck aupiter beiui
1 AUit A kfiy plcAAAUt tllUr bflUR
eiOo>*Ml IlurlUK the ett uiiiK. 4ht- ful
iuwiuK pi\«rAiu Atth given:
VtH^l Aolu. HrtU rt BilwArUn..
viollu <aolu. IAUa Hek n lUuuen.*
VocaI'aoIo. MUa UlliAU Wtlhelm.
Vocal Auki. Arthur (iArluiul

(OoiiUnued rrom Plrit pAge)
h.vdiAullr freight clcvulor ninm
a the luAln floor lo the luigcuH-ul
U AO arrAUgrd IhAHn c<ild w.*Ath
cr gunle CAu ba dofllvcrcd lulo thi
bAActncM without opealug the doom
of the more.
BArtak a Sou Arc verj- proud of
their luw Quarteia and thi-y have
every ivaaou to lutd ao. The build
log U now (lUtircly Uuaed above ths>
flrat fltKir, iloral a UwncJng acadciu)
UUiK Uicafed back pf the atairway
eutraiirc ThU la fnnilahcd with tnod
« r«.'con\t nU-m i’a for ooinfoVt and it-M
and idiwoiurtut of danriiig. a anioklng
rutui being provided glor ibt* gvitUt*
men amt a u st tiMun for tlu« ladies.
The fnuit tdflcca <if tHsi ifooi aiv
Uawfd by Ur J. '\V. llauuUvii and
i>r. UavU, dentUl. Tbc lop tttmr has
Unn lea»t*d for fl'
pcadi nt Order
Aa afoiewald. the
open on Baturday
It will doublieaa be n very buiy place
and one of the mom auccesaful trad
lug plai4?a in the city.

F»od Uwe-OfScU Gnnotos Na S04t
SM sk WMlAiitax ■ »mi b par* CgRw

The rnited Brotherhood of Oarpenlere and Julnent of America wUI hold
an Oftaik B«ottng in kluntacuo hnU
lumorrow. night. ThnriMSay. June <th
All membrra and all tarpentera are
bn lied to be pr««ent.
UeauUr mesHlng uC the l-^lka tumor
row ukghL
The regular monthly mMAUkg of the
WoBiena Cemetery linproveiueMA n»
HuclAtlon will be held tomorrow Adler
noon In the IsAdlea’ Ubrmry pnrKaiw
at r .3t*.
The attnadanu at tho asylum laat
night hgd A vwry ptaaianl party, the
muaic bring by Btewarfa urcheatim.
Ou Thursday evening. June t. all
Odd l-VIlows, their wires and Rebek
Aha are cordUUy tavltod to attend a
danoe to be given in the hall of BQual
Uy lodge No SOS. 1. O. O. K.
The new ofMoera of the Salvation
Army are In the city.
A marriage Hcenae was granted to
James l-amb and Amelia Uohmer to^
A hearing on the will of Thomas
O'Brien was held In probsto court
A petition was filed with Judge
Walker today for the appointment of
an AUmluUiialar In the estate of Min­
nie Uuun.
The meet which had Ihhu partially
planned U*tween the local High school
ti Ach team and the F. 1 bunch of Hlg
Kaplds. has been called off ah Account
of ixamluatlons.

«awhr ssr sdM


,ir..fcgr.sBg €Om

You have our word for it, that,
no one can duplicate it or seU
any coffee as good for anydiing
near the same price.
Old Dutch Farm.
Of the manner of life In «c«Un4.
NelherUnda. an observer wrilas:
-The Dutch , farm house is usually
built after a uniform model. -TRio
living room usually occupies ike
whole or the ground fioor and Is a altUn« room, bedroom and klicheu rolled
Into one. The bt*daleads are si'.r«H-ued
by green curUlna. or hidden away like
cupboards, but what Is called the show
bedstead—prookbcHldea--always oc­
cupies a iiromlnent place in the room.
But. then. It is never uaed; it Is kept
excluslvelv for the purpose of protlding the high re'sjiectabimy of the
family by the flnenesa of Us Huen
kheeu and the richness of Us counter­
pane. Kept nominally in honor of the
fuesu. the most honored guest would
nut be allowed to use It . In larger or

Mrs R R Smitaeth of Buttons Bay.
liassed throug the city this morning
on her way to Grand Rapids
The Rev. I. Hedberg. who has been
holdlug meetings In the Bute street
school house, loft ihU morning for
Mrk. J. R Nutting left thU morning
fur I-T. Wayne, where she will Join
her husband. Mrs. Nutting wsa here
with the 8. H. Knox company to asslst'ln the opening
Leland. passed
Htefflns of
through the city this morning on his
wav to Grand Rapids
Mrs Rred Case of Honor, gawd
through the city this morning on her
way lo Kingsley, where she will visit
hi I itaroms.
Mayor A. V hYltdrlch left for Port
Huron this morulug. He will go on
tt» ik troll romoiTow und meet the
tm this city.
flnmen ■ss delej
deleratlon from
Old M
. C. Cumn
ias In the c
MUs Anna 1 Brlen returned to her
in this morning
went to Bear Creek
this nionilnK
Mrs H B Babctxk went to Lake
Ann this luornlng wheie she will visit

n he Rev. A. T. Furgerson went to
Bhenuau today.
Mrs.- Margaret J. Wilscy left this
morning lor Kipton. O.
The Rev H 8. Bargelt left this
morning for Chicago, where he will
visit friends.
B Whiling
visiting Bxra
this city, went to Kingsley this morn­
George Priudell of Grawn was in
the city joday.
wnils Pcmnlngton of Interlochen
was In the city today.
Lawrence C. Haynes of Acme trans­
acted business here today.
Lmh fr^m the nxjent eruption of
Mrs. Walter Pelkey of Shreveport,
Vvtauvlua haa been carefully examined loi . is in tho city and w ill spead a
by t. Tommaatna The \amplea In- couple of months wyith her sister. Mra
Arthur Tolhursl.
elude A piece Uken WArm from the
fcummit of the crater and four pieces
Thomas Dagg. a rural mail carrier.
from the Valle d lnfemu, each con- ad an exciting en
tainlug a coin or medal. The lumpa blacksuake
over the
produced A dunipAtlun of chArge -Hagg's two w heeled cart
miaugled |
j snake's tail and.
AmouuUng to lony-iaTi volu
In the 1 eei. the snake landed in the

show place, or
there is. as a rule,
the room Is turn
-no bedstead
Uhed as a parlor. This room, like the
bedstead. U never used by the hoomv
hold for general purpoaea. but on the
IKX'aslon of th<i deuth of a number of
the family It serves as the bier chsQi
ter. In smne farmhouse a wing his
lu‘en added to the oHkIiuiI building
and In such camw U Is' divided Into
two or lhr$^ small bediuiims.
As a rule, the stable tu shed for the
cows forms part of the house and Is
setairated from the living room only
by a wooden wall 'or iiartitlon. The
door of communication Is gv'nerally
fitted with glass windows. tk» «
keep the animals under aupervl
There It also a class of open farm
houses, where there is no partition at
all and the anhuaU lUerall^'Uve with
the family. Nowhere U the old-fash­
ioned tht-ory more firmly held than in
Holland that the odor of cows U
beneficial to conaumpUves
sometlmea those who kre tuberculous
will go to sleep wUh glass wlhdows.
so to keep the cowsheds are the hay­
lofts and sometimes these servo’as
bleeping plsoes as well.
•Tn many of the older farms there
is an oi>en fireplace without a chim­
ney and the smoko finds tu way out
as best it can. helping in its passage
to cure ham, sausage and black pud
dings which dejH*nd from the beami
of the celling. The furniture Is strict
limited to chairs. Ubles. the linen
press, which is the ornament of the
chamber, and perhaps a spinning

Tea Co.


June 4-lt

l^inBff AND UBNTB seeoud hand
hand wheels. |4 and up. .......... ............
We have purchaeed the dry
ing busloees ef Ott 4 Hahaer.
In a poaitlon to de all of your
gtfi E, Front Mtroet.

Thoaa guoUtlOAs arg onfomtly ^
roolod ovary dgy. Tho looal waHiol
priooo are tnppllod by too^ ^dMaor•.
The outside Muotatione by wire, not
slipped from other papers oMbo pro*
vlous day.

Potatoes. 40c lb 4ie
bclUB niiirkeipd.
I'riol'ilf iK*taloc.«i U down a little to­
day Best stock brought today from
4tH- to 45c,
which I



ZS'ST’’’""... SJS

horse became frightened and
away, spilling two mall sacks When
the horse was caught the hlacksnake
curled up on a mail sack
In the cart and Uxiped several
through the lines It was finally
and was found to measurv over six

probably no more than eome delft
, ware hung around the room, generally
in racki. and a Dutch cJock. The
Ubriry consists of the family Bible.
*'FY>od of the boer class U as simple
as the rest of their life. The tuple
Blsh is buckwheat porridge, and pig
moat. wspocUUy In the form of bams
and aauaagea, roproMnu the chief
Uclo of the principal dally meal, with
The pr«isent occupant of the Wash
litUo or no variety. Coffee U the uni
ington plantation in Westmoreland
voraal beverage and the only Intoxl
county. Virginia, is named George
cant Uken is one of the numerous
4 ■ the years go by the Ueod goto
forms of gin dtaUlled in all pans of
A thin, waury and tmparo. and
the country. Treacle Is also Urgeb
to keep viuUty at high-waUr wuufL used, whlio sugar is regarded aa a
CtrouiatUm geU bad, and Ue aarvous luxury. The breed used U black or
ayatom suffera Bsalfini tbo pains and rye. but Uore U also a brown loaf
made .with treaio and mixed ;wiih
ooaa there are feeliaga <rf a
Which ten of the appreach of ,

The Weakness
of did ^e



AiUeklw* ArioM CoAm mhvBm vrita
a tu nyMnw inh
tk. NuicmI

aq^'BDWli* OlfelB. Mo. 5T8
wUl BiMt at Um lmD» of Mxm. Bwartout. 416 Bartow mrwm. toioocrow a|.

A WAE from the rafla palm of Mad
agaacar la expected to prove a suhitllute for iHwsWAK The h^ve« of the
palm are beaten to aiuall fragment*
mat. and then Udled. the wax
oolU.ctod and knead
ed into email cakea. The new ma
terlal U Udng twited for bottling pur
IKisea, phonograph ryllndera, etc.
The German kal*er baa founded, out
of hlb private treasury, a manufactory
of majolica waie on hU entate near

On certain fete days In some parU of
Brltialuy ihe marriageable girls ap­
pear in red pcUkxvdls. with white or
yellow l<»rders aropnd them. Each
whlio baud denotes that the allowance
from the gUi’s father will be l.fiOO
trances per annum, and Mch yellow


^ ite Jif; doen.

r«UoD. TIu* via «r dt'
IW. At tk0 tsioaft V8S SQSM ds:uas«
(artbw dovD
Mr«M UkA
«AB m^nky fouRd U Um» KJugak pUoe


OM HwdrcB More of these large


•adStis r«fc»*hisg

Ibr Fouflh of July fgatruUvf
« ho'14
ho-k h ul«oUu| t


Hwm a a tkn of {ndi «8gf
Mod ptne granulated sugar, on
Aibuckiet* Aiiosa Coffee that
does not improve its appearance.'
but k^ps its aroma and flavw^
intact^ and protects it from oqip
tammating odors and the dustof the store.

Usd that b send

Fourth of July IhOcutivf CoanmHiM

We have made up ae aatorteteot of one hundred
choice and late ttyle khapet, beautifully trimmed in
the latekt l'ari>i<ii Myles and newest conceits of
the season. You will want a new hat. and by
teWog advaotage of this special offering you will
aat^ at leattvooe-half the original price.

Your choice Friday and Saturday
^ for......................................

Tits GUaeis fUtolame


in Germany gas la manufactured on
canal bonte and used to supply tbo en­
Judging from tho oaporloaoo «
thouhanda of old pmpio who hare test. gines whicb propel Uo bonU The
o« Dr. A. W. Chare's Norre PUM, they
oeem to be exactly suited to ores
thme oandHUma conaequeat on old ago
Thoro is n gysanaalum i

Omikoocdtnary modidaoa Dr.. Chare’o Norvo PUM are ontirol
olofattvn la action, aniunro by
OR MALC—Buggy and bampts; vory lag new. Ann Mreh nad ttama
kind for cbildren to rido or-drU? balldingHptbogyaum. Mooalgi
B J. Morgan.
at aU doalore, or Dr. A. W. Chare
cine Oe. Buffalo. H. T. The po
LOST—Pocket book coatalnlag re­ aad signature of Dr. A. W. Chao
ceipt and calling cards; silver and
hills to amount of HU.
return to- BUa McDonald, f is W.
PmmkAjV Minian Dn« Oa
Ub strooL Reward.
Juae 61U.

apansnn baixmok. and the
aoldiore rank nmong the best gymnasu of Ue world. In half a minute
Uey can scale a foorioon-Coot wall by
ing on each oUtr's


...... ........*


r.'ril.’Ci;;: S,-.:'


Wm Buffalo. Juns M--Qatt»s fid. . I ?
vosl 000. noUvo; sheep MOO; - ri ti
ft ,man supporting two ouiot;
jamu 16c lower: hogs 4000; »e to lOo f ^
It Is roUmntod that London^ Innn.
drim uM more than T60 tons of sonp

mm• ch €rM


4»3r«f thcMT

mTU. tpA
Sru-:^T -.Si ^a:rs“.



c*M»i ......... ir



KS,v;.:^ S S


that wa have about one hundiad and titty hate tram

kl ol tte r««i, ttat tv* floUirs



li ii



» mt.
At for Itttr. ikm


Wefind on going thrt>Mg*v jmr-^at «tock


, m \


a»yval,l<jta,A»Oy hamand atewth«ra. Ixanrona
Irwaar randar atsek. bah lata h.vaMNnahr«kan.

a tM wtt

, mirilM* tC '

tmu A day vtt tlie kigtMt mi* •
Qmm mat vAt to AWturdly tm
itAl tit
Mtyw- of Voadoa »aM
•alir tmi ttlltm am! *^y mu
fw to kit lAAtlAit; tat tk» OkAOmnor. vHk ta aaa« Hdtry ai oae
kuatmd tad alAoty-two dQllArt.
•MMd poomr tkAO mtay a «ook ta

‘i;;cr -



SaatealBw aiaaaa’a BEST atylea are aoMoa »a Ma.

Wohavc pl|f*d»"hur«y up" Brice .
t ..
V. \
oa these mud you had bcwcr Vhurry
•■'V‘V.--'vV-, .■= .up" if you would, .ectue the hat : ;:VV:#.:.>

kU toa to A

Soft Bats In all the Best Colors that

gio for e
or tvftv* maU a gAllda.
Tfaatj4aar doHam m jotr was i
iiiiiBlirH AAlarir la lkot« dtvt, ti
VAt tk* osACt tarn paid tu tkii AttUt
ftui tMk Of ymilliMt asA. nun
«hll« lb«

AUce-$il-1»y- cjjjjji^
sS‘£i£;;s:£;*i.i If
E=;=; :;;3 J i
8tdwai%«iuiH«i UMi .In^





Oidw*. Oar
4)1^ or gaUau. Uat cmr

m uaiw et.
VAvtneW Vkk

iitvod kjr MwATd 111 to kit t|<btkf<cAr>’
vat aaly ivotfa ceatt a dty. aod Klug
Mvard tv**! aHovaacv to kU dtock
Ifr VAt koi four dolUrt tod tdgkly j

sold for $laS0 to $2.50, for

Another lot of higher priced hats, many of 'them bdee the ceV
ehfgtcd Bewes hats, never sold for less to $1>

i A VOfk. VUk AB AddlUOOAl tVO
md aad furty-Mn dalltm aao

prlM weia ntm ew*adln«ly tnodeai.
aad. It la t«ly fair to add, waaea tow
la propocttae. rtom a houaeacdd
boeh trf thM are taka the to1i<>wlu(
pbail prteea: ItoaJ. two and a huU
inia a puuBd; a nwk ut mutton,
twalaa aaau;*hi p<»unUa of
OM Ttia* l.iviA« tvAiita.
ml aad a abouMar ot Button. AltvU lA. ariUaan . hwAw«rtto«
aU can^; chaaaa. tbnr centa a mmnd;
aj4i<nr a*«a n aacl«ad Mraa luiBArad whaat. thraa dollaaa and elffty four
XMrt mb BBd wteM to iMal* U< MBta a «uartar toa
tonur « nuiun. m ouuM bay tb«
anwt at IM BheM tpt l*«DUr-toar
kkould N*l e* Tau Cr*d«toA.
OfBU. which wouM alBoU aUow UA
in IrlakiUAXi waa •iaUIng mkoot ike
(a |l«« a butaiMt M a praaywoith OAM^Of Baring Oould. whom oUUuary.
St naMoB. A BOW waa n«ra wmbb- you via rfmember. waa recently
Ma but «a* *«uar aad a hau woaW printed by mlstAke. klr. OuuUl Mill
auy Ua baot ha oouM lad te iha kemg^ppnr vttkua.
naihai. whUa lor a tat law h«> u«ad •Bo.* aaM Ua Iriahman. ‘ibey vA
oaly part with alahtf oaau.
prlnlud Ike funAcml uotlce av a man
la the fuartaaath ceatury, two cenu tkai ain't dead yeW kave Uuy? raltk
wubM buy a pair ot ohlckeiia. and a AA* UVa Alod lU be-U ke in now I
alck>'l tor a »ooaa H to fiaca any fM VAn'o* them people ikAi belavca
OhrUtnoa diaaar
aad v paany iverytklng ihqy aka Ia Ike pai^!’^
waaM puiwhaaa a daata aaw>lal4 am;
CAuekl tke Finn TgrUr.
whUa tor two oaata tha biawai waa
ooBpaUad by Uw to aaU thraa aaHoBi During tke war between RuasU and
ul baar, the eauivaleut ut torty-eWbt TarlAry, a private aoldler idiouiwl:
OapUlA I have caught ' a Turtui .”
*'vSSu AoBieliiutt fell at low at »*WeU. bring him In.” the captain re
forty ce»lt a quarter, though after a ' id. -Mo vont let roe.” the aoldier
gmat ttonn. or la a time of “grlevout mto dtapalfihgTj aa hte priaomr
UmlAe ” It voold rUe a>i high a* four dragto, him into the Tartar lines.
A04 ivo dollart a quart. 8tUl. At
IhoAA prkjo* A good loaoy puonda of Maaebutu BOW baa M.OOO Ja|u.ue«iMvad could k« kougkt for a peuog.

Xm choice for,




in toniilht nTd^;* ^ piclT


Die Hanniiih & Lay MercantUe C».
The Gieat Sheqpiiii^ Coaler of ttie Cily


Most attractive boCAUse you do not havolo go from the
building to find your every want. Every item on your list
can be supj^ied; without leaving the building.
We are the Universal Providers.
'C^fortaWc as Well as styJlsh
' Bootwear for Men

- Rubber Staitips' '
Rubber Sumpi are the roost convenient, and np office
should be without none. Date Itn^ your aaroe aad
addreas to-use on envelppes and paekag^ ^ set of
rubber type so that you can set up. anythwg th»i yyu
nay need for labelling your packages, or a siateroent'
to put op some goods. Stamp Pads in any color
Stamping Ink for renewins the pads. There are sopte
oihees that have dozens of these sumps. - end they dp
save so much time. Let us ffgnre whh yon for any­
thing that you want in this Kne. We take orders and
ffll them on the shortest notioe.

Oa/ord;! are the most comfonable of all summer
^ /
Men’s Patent Leather in everytUi^, frojpt ,th(^..
natty swing shapes to the bifoad co^rvatlve ones,
priced at $8. 8 50 and 4.00.,
.\ uble full of Men’s Patent Leather
$1^ 70. in^tde up ol pairsjiom our $3.50 and 4.00 linM.
They are'bargains, every one o| them.

Going Awsty?

New U«e of Iron Beds

Need a good "G^ip" or Suit Case. See that big Upe
that we have, and almost .every style that you ^
think of. The’’Grips ” am aUlmuber lined and aeR at

Just unpapkie4; tha. hlfigest iineLbat we
have ever carriecL AU ■ mapper of colors
of enamels and these are priced from $2

S4.oa 66a fi.oa e 6o. 7.60. aoo and 10^'
Tlw8«i.CMe. to le>tlie.»n lUI kr $l.oa IBV ■ . :.i

I- -V■




^^^noU^ lot of Bed 8^^^

sell from.

^ijiattresses of all kinds from $2,^,

In all manner of


Nothing mornnoo44aUa
tkafolanicnboEof Bonfiona.
TU Drug and Book Di, Ti^. baa a great tboncute
fuU of tbo daintieat that aro
1 madw

bed Linen at
A better line you will not hnd.
50c. 75c. $1.00. .25 and 150 a yarA We have the
I $1.25 and 150 grades for $3.00
Napkins to m;atch the
to 6 00 a dozen. \
4 fine lineeoDl
of\Un^)leached Linens at 80c, 40c, 50c,
*H»ck^wnling.\]L5c- 25c, 45o. 76oiu»d_$L
10c, 160, 26c snd 30o.
25c, 30c and 40c.


big onm^ 6c, lOo. Itto, 25c Sad 30c.
40c, 60c. 76o,$lsnam

Lin«i,20cto60cs yard.


arc niw s^ ittr



,4 r^aWa, a. ortartor ibi-b»^
fevto tnm Ja#aa. i. K. Iia. «t Voboha^to UaTto «ho FonkAME tba

wte oojfoo Oodor luA.

aoM ar i«M4 to alty or aMutiy:

*^ita£la* pi Bv OV.
acad 45 jmata, waoMat ba
aftarbahad had OM Mato «4 priaim
111, aad vaa panitod. ha pa
tohjir jrato. at Marqaatto tor horar

temgod dtef. sMs. neote oo fftwoB


^IdlaaCotoalla to UafWtt aad JaaM* Sv *tn urriUy tHukU.
wero able to be about Moodo}. fueiar
Headerwm. Jr., i
If O rural moU cerrter ood deUbars
aoa «( Aaa Arbor,
PPM SALS—IttP-autr ooro ^ am
lied at tba Rpl*i'"IH'
IBM oiflte ooM of fdtj oo tUU
ReeWol fays ago Andrew ^klte
day VgkL Ttta r
(f MIflond. choioed up kU dog and
leave for ft. Worth. Tex., shoftly.
WUUom Mtehelboro. ogef 86 years, osinmeooed trgoMog ktm (or what
oQ kloft MONBY TO LOAN—Bool esteto for
of Ml^kiol wBol a to Bo
%e want
went 40
to Urn
the kednel the animal at
a Oily Cpwo »oooo Bloca
for froU Com oof poolirr. WiU toko
port pay to city proptrly. Prtoo
ogwt. iorged the name of o well
kuown Boy C4iy doctor to o check for U a married former living te Posey|4J#0. Wofo Broo. tlt^utk Boloo P.P:LAWTM.a
a»r 1.U 846. Moefoy he sroo eeat to loute vllte. woa taken to Ann Arbor to the
a BoUpBa
iuoot. ca pBooo Ulf.
Mk «M «M «ImM« Ml
for from six months to one ywr.
oa a a ailSOORY-PBymIeteo oof Adrian has o mystery
u o suit cose*fuU<lf gpod
pvrgooo. Ill Com oMft. PBooi^ Usry of
rtmt. mo UM*. 1
e of
lootfflooi^ tfPfr.
Ukb. uto, uU«« «wib «f J«ckMb.
«T Mo«h tMM Rt, OM
bfiooo m WolioL
pirtold beak toft <to tba vbito niAtobs 40 BUM tot bottr. The
IM. i4t CONBUtT lUdOffi
tko polinltA
•iKliM F(teb«d dewB »a •mhutbrntot.
ot S17 Uokm opoo oU oBaiio to Ufo.
unilac comptotely ow. T»o oopJto.
mor IBtf
FOR MALM—lUt-rUlMB room kriek
river ond tetters, also ofdreeaed <nr« flitod with pMMiutora. hot bo
to WllUom McDenteu. were in the wriOtt* liijurlo* were •tutotoed. A
llMlHW^ W«M Mstk 8C. ClOM Ml,
broken toutoe an the enitne w»» tbe
oM u« • hair tioek tnm OMtral
*^Dr ‘H 8. Cox. of Franklin, has a
■ckMl; mUUM* tor
roim.ctoiol election
temon. which perchance he took o
Ttororoo Olty Btoro Ro
toe or totor««n ; wlU ttk* aook
^more tb*B u*uto Into
polr €0.. Ml W. rraot ciu.’kn.
W'omea'a Civic Im
•fatty to UMDBt Ct DM tbOBlUd
swamp them The fruit in quesUan
emenl league
had a candidate in
is a i^rfeci temon in shape and color, provement
4Qlton u pvt oTtamt; prttm
B. Balch. The women
measures 14tt techm. te circumf^- Dr. Ortha a.
W*d« Mro.., $11 itokfc
ence snd weighs one pound snd five worked loyally to support her. but te
Itoloa Mt. Clt phoM Jll».
of that she waa defeotbd.>*
UBBTBR a WBBCM-Attorooy ot ounces. It U on exhibition in C J. spite
The Merxkanu 4 Manufacturers'
TO MNT>>Ploouotly fumUhod frool
Uw. OoUoettoo votB o opociolty Bhoin's store. Dr. Cox grew the asaocUUon
of Saginaw, has succeeded
room; oil mofero coorobtencoi
With Uodorwood 4 Umlor. Buthor^
MO com.
Jaoe l-«f
IV. W. M. Tttltor. of Bowling OrtH?n. in locating several promUlng monulood block.
Joo Ptf
Ohio, owns mveral hundred seres of facturtug eslahllshmeuts lii^lhe^ty.
POP RgNT—Tbroo \m onfumtokod
land ot Mt Fbrest, o small place a with a i»ay
rooma. opsUlro. oi^ per month DR. P. J. MAC Ntrr—Proetkm i
mites soulbwesl of Btxndteh. and
about 4(10.
638 a »gktk •treet
»oy IS if.
ef to ETB. BAR. N08B. THROAT has placed 260 Angora goau and sev­
15o! thh Slrshte
ond FITTINO OF OLABSaa Oglce eral hundred sheep on iho place. He the Brooks
HOUM TO RgHT602 Wllkelm kkwk. ClUaeai |
says the gi>aU are a paying invest- Mfg.
75: the
the Baglnaw Bemi-Biecl
Butter Co.. 36coaTeoteBOM aiewt
I^fnl. The? live cm bnrsb. small UmU wurk^ 36. thec Butter
a. 4
etc., in the woods that cattle or shwp The M.
4 M
M .. as
os It U cnIlcHl. has a
block* from poatoMe*; «M) teram;
subscrilied fund of 1212.138 Ui
N. MUlorf. 10
motorato co*t Phon* «1 or c*U POP RBNT-OfBcw to the Wllbid
with and it B’fls that its first
years experience. With Gri
block, a Wllbclm.
mor ll-U
Ul W. Ninib aUMt.
apr IMf
lH»ys. who pi'eped through a window year's wtnk Is gratifying.
Biua. eoraer Front ond Cos.
II. M. Guilford, the Buudlsh lum
at a jTOup of PI IteJta Psi wcmnlly
POR MAVl-HW-n aeraa tma bad POR RBNT—U4 Loko
an IniUollou of that ureter, hcrnuiu. has purchased oute of the
qulro 141 a Eighth Bt.
sorry' f«>r
aie very at-..,
. - gvltlug
------- -- so fresh largi-st rviuaiutog tracts of hardwiKid
They raUed such u dlsiurbonw that tlwlM-r left lu the sUU*. conhlMlng
2.WH» acres of Hue hariUiMHl, hem^
the police wore cOlK^d and it will be
FOR RBNT-in Com i
MARK CRAWte OEUVRRY-LIgBt a UiUK tl»n* tefore they forget the
ip Boot BIgkUL
kkt. pareete ond tnmko. OSloo sound teaciuriug they got at Ihe Guilford win erect a band sawmill and
hands of C!btef lk»wd after they had
3lty Book Btoie.
been marehed to polkc headquarters. manufacture the ilrate'rlnto lumber at
Boytownihip. Bd. Portoo. 121 Weth
FYancis McBiroy. ex-sheriff. tesur- OUC4*.
Q IBIo rO'
Htrokock village, five mlUw eas
ance man. and at priuK-nt trustee of
otor itrool.
mor ll-lmo
Broo^ tlT
ihe W. H. Watson green bot^ at Merrill. Is to have a u-w bank. 1
pBooo ISII.
LaptH-r. U having his hands full lu rill and Hemlock capilallsU are
U uml will build at once.
handling his lateat ofiicial position,
AMIt P. NCRUNQCR. LAWYRR- i Fiiwi Watson locked him out and Me
The B. C . O. 4 A K. IL. wlU i
tO»T—Two lUcblgon luUrchongco
Money to loon. 212 Bute Bonk
buy broke the <kx>r te with a sl^e.
tie mlleoge books In letter
huUdteM. auxeoo phone 6»A
cBIroy later sat down rather hard
f Finder mturn to Park Placo boul
on Watson Then W’aU<m refused to lumlK-r firm at Boyne City.
ond receive reoord.
The village of Flasi Joidun te highly
REAL E8TATE AND LOANS—Orond U-avr the i»laiil and kept McElroy on
June 3-31.
Traverse Land ond Loan Oo.. f. watch till midnight. ^ Now W'atsou elated at the news of thrw new f.rctMB POIISALC—WblUWjrondoUoo.
Thurtell. Manager . Office, room 2 dcclsres ho will have the trustee ar- lorii*H that coutimplate locating there
Hamilton 4 Mllllken block:
this summer.
12 for IS; w
listed for asKault and battery.
IMinUry ibow. J. W. Blmworinon
Bua. Ml ScHith Wfbtuo otroot.
June 3 if.
B<Hh phones. 226 2r. Residence 224
W\ Eighth 8L cm. phone 781.
faaa V?i«.

._______________ )wi4i

B a OpvOI fti lMPt« of*
Bm; Bom, tU iBftfowBtfB oUM.
mar ti^

to Bo %>onoBoo»a; lofoMooo to-

WAHTtn-Hingtr tor BfjwB oHoo
Vt vltB to Ipooto Bm to Traotno
OBr. JMtma, mUk laUtaaaa,

IBtof lot
I olMj^

«r fijro. Poxi^m
aor lUf

■B^Toor oiMMoflog. foimB
opoMog. oBoIr eoolog oo4 fli^
» pooBlog. a U. TBooor, 41t
I Bt
opr Mf
WANTtO-Boyi ot tBo Ovol Woof
opr 17 U
WANTCD-IMflo 01 iBo Ofol Woof
DliB Co.
opr f7>U
aoM oof
■or »10M


^AHn for






Mt. c*«ii m B. nchib.
PM BAta-Ooof frlTtog Botm oof
BMP. lofiilro Ot U4 WooBlogton
taaj I tf
POP tALt^McVtckfr gmoollof oo
•too. oo«; BIS B. PL a a DowoUr

loiloo frtua
IKfl. lOQf


ooirop ooof tono? *pSo*Js.OMl
Broo.’.tl7 toatli Doloo Bt





BmrtB Uolon «t Olt pBoao 1

POR RAUl—UiR^HoM im Vakm
etroat, BR> foot fiont m»rop room
.iMBt BiM awo; A NOl 1 propoeF

4km! prteo 11.064 Wofo ^ Hf
a aoM uokm at OU. rtamk Mia
moy 11^
PM iAUI-l aaetlood pooy 2 yoors


* A-r.rt“r2’Mu»k..gofa buh »bo«.



OR. F. MOLOtWORTH-Rpeclal gt
tentton to diseases of the eye. ear.
Clt fkooe^iyj^^ TRAVERaH CITY LOOQa NO. fl. K.
IhronL Glassee Itted.
Over JohnMA drug
of P.. mpet OTory Thnrsdoy even
teg. New Munson block. C
POR BAtB-1l1V-<^ koodrM tad
Brtekson. C. C.
DR. S. R. MINOR—Office over AmeriIktftyfhro ooro ^rm. olgBty oerm
B Drug StoreL Rpecial attention
Imprprod. Urgo Boro ood good TRAVlRgg CITY tlOlOa No. MBeye. ear. aoM and throat. Olaates
NaUonol ProtecUve Utelon wttl
BoooA OitAoif. ,forgo omooot of
good wood. Ombor. farm oU taooad
Abrom Bmlth. presidmit; w.
ond DO better soli to bo Rmodi bU
Qrlswold* necretory; Nettle C. 0
DR. W. E. MOON—Spectellst-amate.
miles oouiboost of city oo mom
urtoary. akin and blood diseasee; II
rood. Boot Boy township; ekme to
years experience. City oi>era bouse
•chool ond nkurck; will esll oo maf
, NOl 122. P.
block. Boib phonee.
terms, owoer In other • bustneee;
pfWelAooa. Wofo Bnm, H7 iootk
iMtk Doloo a


a O. T. M. it
K. O. T. M. M.. No. 874. tneeta every
clan and Burgeon. Removed to o(Thursday night In the Odd Fellows
tcee te Munson blocteovor Bamum
boll, over Amerlcon Kandy Kltehen.
4 Barra ClUieii
Mart WUkens. Commonder; K M.
PronkUn. Record Keeper; a A. Mns HARRY 4. HARNER-Bxpert piano
Plnohce Keei»er.__________
tuner and acUern regulator. Battefactlon guaranteed. With
A FortunsU Texan.
Mr. a W. OoQdUHj. of 107 8t. LouU
Bt ; Dellos. Tex., soys: *Tn the post MONEY TO LOAN—No tax claitei

rowoy from
city, will be sold ot o borgoln. Dr. King s NesOife Pills, ond no low
I ever before tried .o effectuolly
Wode Bnm.* flT Sonte 'Onion 8i..
SCO of moloria ond biliousness.'
Clu. iReoe IIIIl
moy iHf
don't grind nor gripe. 25c ot
ae Drug Ca. FTonk H. Mcofs.
POR tAta-ai ones fOm eight mUee
Honook Drug Stores.
wank eo wom BoyoBoco.
flABB. logolre CBos. Bpewoer ot A.
W. RkktriPo Mkitle Woftib
DnUl further nottes the use of wste
moy laimo* for town sprtekliog ts forbidden. TBU
order Is made necessary by the r
POR gAtt-llll-fWty acre fom pairs to the InUke pipe.
owe ood
BOM mites oorik of
W R Cowell. Bopt
------------------— seres
may M4f

i.nmf to city, pfkof oil the
woy to pUy; would coel to put to
ooMDsiMte tt U ot piweeot ot leost
Iweoty tkoMod foUom: lofy own
tog I. tarolif. Bomw ooorlBeo to
wrfor so flwM of It; wfll oooolfm
goaf cu> pioporty to port poyomot:
prteo Biatli. wofo Bros.. IIT



MB AHD OMB-HALP Boroo puoer
aeBpoo OBstoo (looBe oof brook»
Doloo Bt Clt pboof Mil.
Binoploto vtm iTTorolblo propollrr.
oiofoolo oof wIHdk, rciofy 4o In
•tell in boot. Mo« Boon uted two
•ooooos. 10 Brot cion eoofltlon PM BAt<-lS16
.Prteo f«« oo«lL Rfwn for oolllufi
Wool loth at., ten rooms, hot water
voot flwro to>oor to my. boot, lu
heot. both, lot seventy Bve feet
ooko a W. H«olta»». Btet« Book ' front good bsro One of the Bnest
juoo Bfi.
homes In the mty. Will uke snu4^
prl<wd oroperty os port poyment or
PM BAtl-4i0i oo Blotb •troot Ooll
on oosy terms. Price
Moooo A Toroofo horfworo ttoro
IS.SOU yy*oa f
at., at pBooe
opr PAH
PM BAtB-Woot Bterttet fotef Mk
BMooit oof 10 good locoUoo; gooid
tOMOi fir ooniog. Vio 0. ffaXam.
Iff a VMt Dt. Tr«vorM aty

If yon wontbedt
iceoadbool texTKBtelephoite

Mftd rHiU oiL^t^ee^fo^ tte

a a wflM a nu



117 aotttb Vnkm at

au. pkooe
Moy Ilf

sixty acre form, about
from Aone. wlU give porUi
record to the fom upon
will tei^____

PlM hoteL

O. P. Carver 4 Bro. JMk phoo

State Bank BldB.


ianiuene ^
LM Steamers


eaaaa it entallr to eUlkraa
Mlchlgoo and wo keiier oU orofod
sseney piodweer lo ooy ooimty.
PrieeBlJBB. WBfo Broo.'817 Sootk tlOB «aU Oltir bimk atora, both pboaai
Moy 111 No. 41,
UatoaiM Itoctotjr.
PM RAlat—HtB-FiM atw tea 1 .
kooea coroer lof. neroor ef Vnteo
oaf 14tk miwete.: WlU Uke ll.BOO


■ai ivtf
FOR OUTDIOR Raato wa damrt
tiaaue Rpto Varatoh. to E. Watt «

X. W. ■sstlags a 9m
l&rfRMM. mnmtMj.rnsk.


general Hews 1

Bcalln for begging. He used
phonograph. vUlllng private hoiM I only,
whe*e his machli
k bean-

AceonlinK to tha bureau of statistics
statlsUcal abstract for IbOG. 61.3.S51 thrifty peojile havh $11,801.F.5(M» on deposit In the posUI aad
. Washington has engaged
summer home In WV^sl Neck. L I.
He WlU live alKJut three miles from
President Roosevelt s summer home.
BagamWe Hill.
Ck-n. Damlel W'aHsnjlwKeh Drain
chewskl. military governor of St. Pt^
burg, la 46 years old. He was born
of humble parents.
The salary of a Chicago alderman
has U*en raised lo |;i.5U0 a year, tbe
highest compensation attached to the
office wnywhere.___ _
BunUght will p<‘uetrate very clear
water to tluv.deinh of 1.5W feet.
There are '270 active volcanoes te
the world.
The Scottish historian. John MackHs Flrtd th# gtlck.
itosh. who died lately at the age of
-I haves fired the walking-si
walking-stick Pve
70.‘ was a very
it 40 years, on aocw
aocounl ui a
Wiilte taking catv of his lltlle aUUdn- carried over
T kind of
( treat
cry shop In Abenleen. Inlernipted by sore that resisted every
foui^ 1 meat, until 1 tried Bucklen's Arnica
i te Salve: that has heated the sore and
writes John
ScotUnd." for which Ab*
blty gave this self-educated ahopkeCF Garrett, of North MUU. K. C. Goaimnteod for Piles, Bums, etc., by Bngbee
er the degree of LL. D.
Pn>r Billlaln. of Strassburg. Ger­ Drug rx> . Frank H. Meads. Hannah
many. has iH-rfected an apparatna Drug Store. druggtoU, I6c.
which will detect the preM^e of fire* of a mine when Uie
i per
Boatou Is the greatest
nwer te the world. •y«orC_
. _
annual report of the New BWmhd
Telephone 4 Tetegimph Oo. Every
day uT New Bngland Uere i
636468 tetephoae
jivuto. te Boston there te
----every U persons.
College graduates seem to be i


towtok to the re«Bi «on^ grAduitto.
. A New Tork nUto wbo to, toeat 7t
ywn to Otoktos Modto tor torcator*
to «Md to tto iKtoat otloe «W« that
ttere are 67 atoo to New Tork wto>a>
be kaowa of who ate Vorkto, oa pert>etaal aiaUae meebtoee,
Uwto Breaaaa. too nda wbo taveotod tbe grroMope rallroatt to toutoad, to to tore a cbaace to deowtUava MANlRTfiB daily at 6 and 7 p. •trato bto project to todla. tbe
•Mat bartos grtotod bjai a eabeldy
■l; Bnaiar 7 Pl m. oaly. •
Laave IaVDINQTON daUy at 16 Rrm. '^•S’aito word. -Jeto" cabled under
Arrive Mtlwanka# Mam daily.
UMTS Mitwikkaa dally l p m.
Tha Vma Mtek aMiaa you TWte
IrelrttoL TRe bride 1* bto U aad It



Bnan. preslIcan Baptist college.

. _
Ihv marriage llceuse
a& sen
A bite
vent tthe tedhpUM wait for
the reply he was asked to send the
one w ord cabh-. which luonui marl
Deputy County
Ul blixto for Ibe
Clerk RalcUffe had agreed loI this proteBued the Ihense
cet-dlng und at
sskge came.
when the cable
• My wife never loses 4er temper.*'
said S. 8. Holmes of Kansas City, to
a friend who was seeing him home.
Arriving jil the housK- Holmes c<»uld
not find the and IncidenUlly
toppled throuKh a bay window. To
the accomi»aulmenl of iTashiug rIs.ah
a wtiiiiau with a determined visage
lMtuiie4Ml uiwiu Hoi UK'S w ith a broom­
stick. and after piloting him through
the milky way. darted back into the
bouse, slamming the door on her hus­
band's bshd so that three fingers were
smashed and had to be ampuuied.

Farinsjor Sale

I have a number of good
farms, all tbe way from 40 to
leO acres, for sale, or if you
have any good pid^fty. I will
take it In exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you »n buy it of any­
body else. I have farmi
which are locate *«>« fo«*
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
If ytm haw good towl fsrmt


Oltae ab7 Btste Bank Building


Power for Your Boat

Arc yam
Mtlsllte %vitk



wouia aalbinly i>ay you to
ioTi-tlittoto the

y -j







Order your

Soft Coal

E. A. .Westpn
Yard »n<l office. NorliieiB
Michigan dock.

New Goods
GonstAnlly arriving. We now
hnve n fine line of Ladles' BelU
tecUidtog n Jnrge lino of Wnah-^
nbte beUs from.;..,.10c to S6c
BUk and lenther belU up to
$1 each.
ChUdren'a Bnstef Brown bOte
10c nnd Slo,
COMBB-ovsry styte, oolof
and price. Jost arrived.
which has nlwnyi koea the oeAter of nUraeUon to many, hfia
withla.lhe paM few fiayxg bo64
very much enUrged. Wn kayn
not only tnerewed oar line of
IOC goods, but have ateo addod
a line of 86c caadtea. .
You know what our ioc gfigga
art. yon can of oonno Imagtim
wrfcat onr 8QC goQda fisimt km

u Uy 4 Co-a. 7U AddlMoa

H. A. Oaalaa. I. O. O. r....
A. H. Vtock. A. r. o<M. ..

Moat of the coal mlnoa of northern
Capo Breton are aubinarlne worklnga
extending In tome caaea a mile from
the ahore.. •

r. a»d A.II......................



TM wa ■»! Run made trom Old
Ont»U la IlM Nif^laaO" *aj aitMt
*" WalSiia lka« out of iba -ordlaary "

"SaMMy." StiMi. Nutifil
SUM-inkiiii: 6ni Wvp;

IlM best ItaM •! IcaclU ' or the dkMsrowUe
klarday a Utrfo volf vaa
lookad lor. tut over 11.000
ITstlMA«rtaBMi«Hyi«c kamiy
%otM OOBO Ut for tbt diterwt caadt
wMi*ilMtlclb«tbaii«s.- datw.
MI2 aolAC to the ladlea and
Ws flvs sac IM lb. seals i.m to Ue vaa
Unor ihAn oi
wrtlh every cash parchasc ,daf. lovoto
fict It waa the' aoeon«
el War ever.
votlw day of Um cwileat and
ven» aocured which
See ear lias el raaa- propBUMa
uiaatkBal rocln'g the baladao of the
heals aa« 4rlvlaf har- •dk.
Ope Ihlng has been clearly
ssscs heters area hay. uoftratad
the past two week
Farowrs* Sapply Ce. lotitig. andInthat
U the fact that thuac

Shatlanil Pony

aad oi«w aurrovaaiofi It whafa
aaUas oar faoiorr tamoua. It «ili


Petoskay Rug Mfg
K Carpal Co., Ud.

P<mi« iMtuml. _



How Is your Garden Looking?
Yon pfoUbly noatl now toob. and ihia it lbs
l^soairbcira you t^m buy jnai whni you nml nml
r.' .

you will tiiiil it don’t coal imirli oiihor.


Hardware lor
of HtUnbMs’*

A Fountaiiv Pen

Namp of OnuOanUon.
Void afur June It.

in THI IVBiliNQ BBCOBD Cooteal,

i Y

Veld iftar June 12.

oMvod nt the oftloe before Ue dale of
gwuleman named Ueroon when reexpiration given on the ballot.
Bach day Ue date of Ue explmUon
I Ue hallou la changed.
Certlfcetae for BOTH a lady wnd
gentleinan oontesUnt will be laeued
with recelpu for auhacrlprioo na fUlIowa:
, SyCarrlar.
One year |5 00............................TW volea
Six montha |t.h0.......................300 votea
Ten waaka |100..«...............-100
By Mali.
One year WOO,................ ....450
8U munlha |1.W,..^.............. too

ThU la a race of the atrong
candldaiae abould gvi to all of their
frlwda as quickly as |a>salble
eullct their auppon In necuring both
ooupoas and cerlldc^ea.
Get the imdoraement of the organ
tsatlons to which you bfilong and get
them lu appoint commltteea to work.
In your Intoreat. Your lodge^should
not ba alow to perceive the advertia
Ing value abould ytw assumo a posi
tkm of i*ronilm«t»cc In the struggle
fur the honors, and If the matter Is year’e aubacrlpUoa ©nUtlea Ue holder
pul before them you are
of the leoelpt U 1.500 votaa. theac
cannot be voted for one candidate but
Umk twi for the •iKkar” atoriea. You
may hear all kinds of UlM regarding muat be equally divided betwewi a
lady and gewUaman.
tke nUangih and ruser%e force of
optmaanu. but. remember there
No cerUicale wlU be laeued for a
uanally circulated lo dampen your lose payment than H OO.
OomblnaClona may be
*^l2ofc out for the MM^alled friend
n lady and gentleman candidate
who **hopoa you win.” but negl
lo give you a aubacripilon. or the one by which n lady may exchange her
who • will help you If you get the gentleman’a voUa for n llkn number
lead •* If everyone gave you thla ^
auraaoe y^ou would never get to the of lady’a voice, nod vice veiek. But
oomblnailona by any candidatea of the
the nubacrlpllon today.
same aex to defeat anoUar wUl not
• do U npw." be your motto for------- he permitted.
The Bvenlng Record rwa^aa Ue
right lo reject Ua name of any V
lecUonabla paieon. '
At the oloaa of Ua hallotlag the rw
much, for no one will .peualloo the
valaa of the Vanlng Record at the tunia wUl ha canvaaaad by a eommlb
price naked
ipea whoae
tea of wafl-known bnainaea ipen


tnleroal on all unpaid inslallmeau. Ue
aame to be |wld on or belute the SOU
of June. 1007.
Ralph 8. HaatUgt.


tlon for over a year on Ue Itnea of
the Indo-Buropean Telegraph Co.. be>
capital. ThU circuit la 4.(HKl mllea In
tween Ismdon and Teheran. PeraU’a
length, and In iva coure© It traverses
the North sea foi toO mllea and
uassea thmugh Belgium, Oennany.
Ruaala. Turkey In Aala and PeraU.

* of Psrk.atroct to the cast

Notica IP All Pereona Intareated.
The s^ectal-aasfssameni Ux roll for
Ue paving of soulh
•1*^1 •*
from the^uth end of sooth bridge on
Union atteel to the south side of Itth
el. Is now In my handx for Ue colon of Ue second UaUllmeot Us
gt^lher with Ue accrued Intereat on all
uniiald Installments. Ue same to be

The Magic Ne. A
Number three Is a wopderfyl laascot
for Oeo. H. Parris, of Cedar Grove.
Me., according to a letUr whioh fwada:
-After suffering iwch wlU Hvm and

diaoouragod hy»tho teUwre to tad rolief. I tried Blectrte BUtaia, pad aa a
reault 1 am a wall man to^. The
irat bottle rwUoved aad Urea houMe
oompleted Ue onre.- ^aargatepd beat
la anauaa- fwmedy for atomach. Uvpr and kldM
troublea. by Bugbee Dvwg Cp.. Freak
H. Meada. Hannah Dnm ff«m druggUU. 50c.


Mlw ADtanai iDtod dddHt m well
D« MUD OMi yeetordDX dd4 to now
tort llM kDtood Mtoe WlUelto. Item toowroe WDD Ue (eDUctoee
Toriw DDd wUto De to DOW Ulid. be
It Itt voUe bebtod Mr Joyce.
NiRw dm RHdIdHdm.
Otedldetoe met be mabm «f d
«to«ty onnlied ledfD. «tab.
•bene. iDbw. Uterery. bnilneDe or w-

.Mt WlU b..Mtoo^ ID A
•UD o< Ud
No oaiilora^ Ud »t~1d« >M0(d

B, a oddAMdU tor U# h*Mr

Nattca to All Farwam laUrptttd.
Tha apodal aaoMameai tag mil lor
Ue pavlag of wmK Frogt atreat from
Uo waat line of Vahw atiwat io the
weal Uae of Maple Mreei. U aow la
my handa for ooUecMoa of the third
inataltmeat together vlU the aooraed



JlMh b^D^jtol^UDti^ ISLtiBn^SItoto

latwvwBt oa W wapaM tadiliimam.

Hated May 21. 1007.
T. H.

may tt 20 June 5.


Novotny-, John T. 0vjiwwaD.. m. •».
soil. Heory Blacknuie Asa Boynton.
C. C. Kaowltoa. Thoa. Bhane. Wm.
Jackson. Maria Frledriohe Angus MoColl, W. C. Kapnlck. C. M. Prall.
a. W. Peck, Ulllsn. Pearl
Knihelm. A. J. Bll
Prokop Kyeelka. A. J. W
WUhelm. A V.
Friedrich. L. F. Perkett, E. U Fowle
Al Newman. aaUte of B
a. J. J. Dunn.
W. E. WllUama 4 Co.. B, P. WUhelm.
Victor Pwtertyl. Thoa. PeUrtyl eSUte.
Jaa. Garland cwuie. K. 0. Houmann.
Bartak 4 Oq.. J. M. lagrig. W«^
Michael. W. A. Newton eaUte.
Kyeelka. Mrs. Adolph Hanalovaky.
Lavl Boula. W. W. amlth. Chaa. P.
Bock. B. H. McMlchael. 1. M. Winnie.
Dean. W. J. Rennie, Mary Donaveoi.
J. H. Rymer. B. _______ _
Breokcl. Oeo. Thlrlby. Uydle Ann OavIdaon. Frank Johnaop eaUie, O. K.

tort jDDDlDCa. H. B. J«SS|DSA AraoM
Atolt. CbDD. UtoiD. a. CliDk. Rom
Petertyl. C. B. Mater. Uynda Monroe.
Wm. Fraser. M. A. Glhto. Jao O.
Btrauh. A. F. Btiauh, JeHa A. Roaw

Chaa. Oarbek J^HeabH, U
. Mary QUmam.\Lsna Huab
•a^ aad all Of
to All -

by the board ct apeolal gMaaaoni for
defraying the coat of

oonatruction of a Uterat sewer, which
aald UUral aawer la fooated aad de
aignatad aa follows: Begtaalag at
Oovrt etreiA and iwaali« Unm mU
oardman avenue 40 MighU atreet
thence eaat oaiBUbU street u
ington atreet, fo Traverae City.
MMhlgan. la now on die to my otloo
for public uVpootlon.
Notice Is hereby given that the
>unoil and board of aaaetaora of Ue
oUy of Traverse City will meet %t Ue
Couacll rooms in eald oily on tha 10th
t o’cloek P. M.,

I of defraylag the 490st of
_________I of a Uteral sewer, which
aald uural aewwr la located aad d^

iter. J. H PhUttp^ U. CamphnU.
Ue same to he paid oa or hafom Ue G. 0. OovelU B. a K&U Maty Knapp.
Ue mu of Jiiae. 1»07. •

TbD DDODf wm be to tan«U ellfRed
tnm (to StmIh Sdm»« doA to wrt'
to« dDitUtoriDD toDMd wtth RDymeu
■Dto DD ntontiUw Dceeaet to to*

and all oUrr peraoaa Utaroated:

are harefor aotliad that Ue roll
apeclal aaaeaameat hereioforo made
Nottci of Sjeeiil Bsotsmot ofbyYou
Ue board of apeclal aaeaaaora for

r^UlD Uo |DD«

Moody. Loata Bohrer.

e to iH? paid on or before Ue
To C. D. Miller. Phoebe J. Flah. Mrs.
' of June. 1007.
lUtUe R. Burns. A. H. Hall. Mat. Mor-.
Ralph 8. HaatUga.
gan K. Paige. Oliver
^ P.
City Treaaurer. 11am Brtwch. A ‘ ‘
roe. C. B. Murray, and all
other persona latarested.



Td Brt. ot R. W. RooDd. Herty
[Hind. Baperviaore of O
Grand Traverae
>unty. Caroline Mlller^Mra.

IMm of Spioial Isiissaiit

According to figures compiled
le census bureau lu Washlngtui
divorce suit U llhd every
very two mtuutcs
re of court offl*
ng working
cldla. and a divorce granlsd even
three minutes lu the United BUtei.
rhU baa been the' average for Uc last

Pivilg Tu

IMm d SpaoW AtsKsmiit




■EC iinai m oim WINDOW.

Notica to All Feteana InUraatad.
The apeclal asaeaament itdl for th
paring of Blith athoet. from Ue eaal
line of Dlvlsloa at root to the weat line
of Unkm etreet. la now U my haada
for Ua collecUon of the fffU laaUllmenl together with Ue accrued lnle^
eat on all unpaid Inatallmenta. Ua
aame to be paid on or before Ue lOth
day of June. IP07

Notica to AM
tax roll for
The special
from the
the living of Bute
eaal line of Caaa atreet to the weet
line of Railroad aTeaua. U now la my
handa for the eolleeUon of the trd

In THff IVtWNO MCOBO Canlaat

et Mey HOT.
City Clerk.

DUy »Mt toee sJ' ^

Office, room tOI 8Ute Bank Bldg.
June l to SO

Tbkt I«4niiti DO Uk will ho givm dwrt willi
•fWT muvbMe ONE DOLLAR or woio for ton

'Ymoad vrito vUh. vntor Oomo iiDDd ««•
. ttmwrite.:

Dated Ula

Office, room tOX 8UU Bank Bldg.
June 1 to to Inoluatve.


whp loo
to vUi
they muat keep very huay If
they wlah to poaaeas tnally one of
tka haauUful dlamonda which
i to thoae who aucoead.
w la no room In the oonteai
a," nnd the real hnBlara are
I oarir away the hooora. an
thla aonaaatloo It may he aald
lhara la ample time for a few i
huatlara to uke a commanding i
turn In Ua friendly atruggle.
Only about aeven yanrly auhacrlp'
tlopa would pul either a new _
L of lady at the top of the Hel and
really whan \ho character and value
of the dlamonda offered la Uken Into
demiloo U la surprising that
candidatea are not atrivlng to
wlB the handaomo gema aand the hon
or that goaa with them
There are many ladlea and gentle
man not now among the candidates
who aottld aocure the required u
her of VQCaa In a day’s time and

eeameat mU for tha to Traveree-Clty. Michigan, and aMo
atrecA from FVoat a paroal of lead la gald oUy Waded
Bute atreet. aj^UUug^ .oa the aorU by Fmai atreaC oa the
east for Hope atreet. oa the aouU by
8Ute atreet aad oa the weet for Ue
right of way of Ue Traverae City
Balhpoad Oompaay.
The eoaadl will meet In Ue OonaeH
room U aald city oa Ue 10th day of
Juaa 1007. at I o^dock P. M.. ahd coa-

Lay 4
. J Olty, Htohlgmn,
OB die in my office for public


city of Traveme dty will meet at Ue
Council 1
day of J
time and pUoa oppcwtealty wm to
^ »»

John H Santo
General InsariBCt


Dr. W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work

ORlhMreiaBRSRMi OOStto




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