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The Evening Record, February 08, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
I vdnmM crrr, j
iHEVBmK worn
toirtag ohooM to to tat Re Map
ewto Rta epaoo. Tb «o R It to wot
hitotoer wto hen FMtor to Mr. iiRtltot to wmtoy aaad wRk toar aa
IRI^ to R^a Aa4||| tola mtoh of R moRd to mR
wMh apmy.
eiW htoirtMr to a «Mlr RHAto earn
ter wMch wee hen aad died totaitoy
•ht ^
«too towi Qwt
Trrn^ Cby
to toortb for a Ftoea of Madhto•ry Loot III TronoH—ToaoH.
tloa wtn hold t» aatoil meettog to
thto vBtoto fhh. U aad 11 Me palat.
tltoe or mmtr hard ton totoed to
> 4hle a toeedag tod w«l leave
agmae apaa the peegle. Noted
ia» and teaeher* have beea aecared tor the oceaMoa.
The saw mill sUrted ap Wednesday
after aa Idlsoesrt covertng several
W. a Boathrea aad C. K. Heywood.
rspert acoouaunts froes Chicago are
sud.inag the books this week aad laat
tor (be Rk Rapid* Iron cooipaay.
Vft. rATfUOTttM.
who eUmora kx
A »rnm» to
for w
who «o»U
lyiVh Um eoaiitry porpotuollf «o
lifQltod la mttet aad liopt te a turwmS bf wart a»4 rwn^ of warm. A
palrloc to a auM who kw«« bto cwua
la Jorla* bto oooatrr looka oat
for lU boot latOTMta Tbore arr Umeo
wbai war to laorltabto aad ooc to flcht
to to looo proottao and matortal tbiagm
b«t WtpUr tbooo oxtfwmlitoo an» be<
coalM fmr w ami aAvaaoe |a rtoi
ItoAtloa bat witoa war to aocoaoary tbo
jaUrtot aad aot tbo J!a«p aboutd H%o
ago whoa tbo Ualtod Statoo wa
«aaw tor aa»a* tbo aaitoo. of tbo
wortd. Tbo otbor amUcm« woro aui ar
aaalatod wUb o«r ptwwooo aad w« had
to aroro oar ablUt/ aad rtgbt to oalot
aa a aaUoa. Tbo doctoratloa of lad«^
lltorly bat tho dooumont aloeo did
aot »iw«aoo it It waa oecoooary for
this noaatry to onoYlnco th« motbor
Doaatnr diat U wa. aot an tofanl bat
waa ablo to ataad akmn litotory
glYoa tbo rooult.
ThM a row yoan totcr tbo motbor
ootjBtrr coDUaaod to trmmpto oa tbo
of Ito child. Anolhor abarp
loaaaa waa aordod aad warn ada
tofwd aad alaoo ih«oi tboro baa bM
fartbor troutlo. Knglaad a prldo waa
btuabled Md In bor huniblonm.
poreHvod 'that tbla nalluo puo
good poIbU aad aliioo tbea. mho baa
oogUaaoualr rocognlEed them.
Tho war with Uoalcu mu bat an
coMlnoo by tbo couaty oaaTmtloa
bold Of BoilaJfw Tbooday. A. X.
Dowgborty rrtirtwg from tbo committoo bat not from polltlca Hugh H.
iday the MotbodUta will have
Unrtiln arrvicoa la fbo morning and
rrnlng aorrlewa wni to la charfo
nf Ifrm J. C Oauatlott'a cUoa bad will
nalat of tnmw.rtol aorvlcoo for tho
te Blahop MrOabo.
The* Her L. R Moooll. modorator
r this dtotrlrt. atioiidod a totoflng
here Tuwiday for tho porptod of '^g
bnaigb Ibo boateoao formula of olort
log the Ror. Mr. Tail aa paator of the
Prembyleiian rbnrch of Rk Rapida.
Mr. Tall has pr^Aeb^d f»r tto rtinrrb
aoTeral Buadaya aad to glrtag wsco)
tout oatlifadtlaa. A oarlgl Orroilas
okiaod Mr. BioMdla day with thto
church and It waa largely attenhed.
The Uy U frotoa mor and flahermoa aro aettlng tboir neu. Ice booaoo
aro aloo aeen upon Rk lake.
day afternoon with the renmlna of bit
bnithor. Winiatn. who diod In the
iippor^ ponlntuto last week, and the
funeral took ptoco Saturday afternoon.
rrwdiJctiHl by fhe Rev. Mr. Vail and
the Rev Mr Danlela. and ihe Inter
ment waa madf In Maple Grove ceme
Mr. aad Mr*. A. R l^rbaak. speol
at week la Geotral Lake.
Percy Ruble waa seot oat Saturday
» look tor a met
of epme ma
chinery tor tbe erjneat .plajjt w|lch
had beea loet off a eairfOrilliH^e
went to Traverse Oty aad aaeespded
la ha^ the ttalaiiMtoter asod out aa
igtos to aeareh for ft.
VYod toltes aad wife of Angel lost
tkelr HknMathsold dgngbter by poeu
moats Sunday.
Home Ulent. under tbe dlreclj«» Ot
W. H. OrtfAth. who pat -Forgtrea**
upon tke local stage, will play “touthA aua. bora Toteda^ to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Itoaooe.
The Presbyterian Young People * *o
clety will be enirrtalaed tonight by
Chad4W and Frank MoLaughlln.
Tlis *ophomonw have elected class
ofAcer* as follows: Prmldent. Weir
Oauntleit; vice president Sol Gold
f»rb; secrvtsry and treasurer. Bmms
Hodge. Junlor-g afAcefK are; Presl
dent. Glen Morrison; vice president.
Arthur Xood; *ecreUry. Cora Stone;
treasurer Ray Cooper.
Adam Schuler tbs smiling drsymsn.
wean a broader amlle thsn usual
since Tuesday, when s ne«f daughter
came Into bis borne.
A. J. Dole of BHIalre. county super
Inteodeut of Ihe .poor, was In town
8 B. Owen came over frtim Belbilre
Mcmday to look after kis Are loss on
building burned Friday evening
If yoa Rre tookmir for
m Steel lUnge that toiil
last a Kfetine. a Range
diat you cannot break,
one that wiR bake per
fectly with the feast
amount of foci we invite you to caII and ex-
Read Tills
ri^lLiKS Than Cost e
■maatkehuUlaeof ttooad hf aroad
The ptwpor aaettato haa aa average
rtoe from ditetoa to eeator of crown
af oae Inch to the toot Thus a state
aldffl road mAt to at taaat mgktesa
fern wtoa tar the travwtad part aad
that would bo aiae tort from «ick to
crown. Tbea the cealer of tbe high
way woQ^ be alae taebsa above tbe
^».of tha^i^ Tto aecOou is
Bat right toro la mtotw the avorage
la Travarae City.
AY. nMMAKY.a 1W.
the rtmd would slide out late
ditches. But throe sbonidera
the water, tho i
enemy of roads, la-the track to e
shoulders by throtoag them Into (he
ceater If too lew. or out of tbe rtisd If
not needed, would allow a road to
drain and vastly Improve It.
We have raaaacked orfr entire store and wsreboobe and hunted
out every piece to funilt ire that to at all damaged aad placed ibrta
oa Mur third Aoor. from wbsro (boy win be sold at iros ftoa ooet.
These are tbe accumolatiaa-mf tke satire year aad emhrmw doasas
ckhri ua a sharp, quick aarriSce. Come la time.
Come in and let us
tell you why ^The Malfeable * is the best Range
in the world.
0UI nsTVRCE imiiM
Sale of Rockers.
Bargains yMorth Looking Into
Ravlnf Roads.
atiroa Catted on Him Last Nipht.
Roads In ravines or oa dagsrmys
A very pleasant time was had at SIR
should have aoaw kind of paving tor
gutters. Cobbta atones amko a good West Frtiai stroet last evening
some of (kH»Tfo* H Newimm’s laTlmatc
relatives and friemls came in to spend
rsvlne roads to thrown away beeaaae the evening with him. the occasbm
being the anniversary »*f his birth.
freshrts cut away .the road ttself.
Then the grsdsa ^oald be aot tows Cards funilabed tbe amu«em.-»i .d the
than Six feet rtoe rt fan to each 100 evening. Refreshments were sened.
ftwt lineal If one would get state aid.
Oraval llaada.
The state aided gravatod roads must
have tke following apeclAcathmi of Justice A. B. Cu-tis WanU Place on
Republican Ticket.
Justice A. ft. Curtto. who Kucroi-tliri
thka two bortaoaui to one vertical. tho lato Justice Verley. announrea
Many builders make the side ditches
so steep that thers to danger of over^ tiun on (be republican ticket. Mr,
turning when two rig* havw to pass
ntwr Ike ditch. The traveled track
iDuit be not less than olghteea feet
with nine fret of k covered with
gravel, to a <h-t»(h of nrt leas than
eight Inches. Thto Is pnt on In two . K. O. T. M. M.. No. R7I. will give
course*. The Arst li put on rix Inches tliHr annual iHrtch supper Feb IS
f-li It
deep and tbonuighly 'rolled when It All .8ir nights invited.
will compact to Ate inches.
The xrsv«-l used In ths buttum
course muMt hs\e no stunes that will
Mlaa nora Fierce, a former reaWenl
of Rk Rapida. lumobtalned a poalihm
In the civil aervice oommtoaloo aa
ateuographer In Wamhlnglon. D. C.
Homer Sly. local manager fur the
Kik Cement company bat been in Cbl
rago*to tor this week.
hsir toch mesh aud the bstonce nuiKt
The -nftenuMMi- given laat Thura
have Ki» |K-r cent of pehliles that will
day by Mr*. W. II. R-hitfield and her
not pass a sen-en with one-eighth Inch
mother. Mtm Archbold, waa a cl
Ing anrlal function They were aano Slone* that, will not peas a screen
doOMlaa of thla nnintry. but cmo aa kiMted In the dining rotwn by aeveral
That our highways skould have with one and one-half Inch merii. and
tias and that a unlt.Hl nation, a nation ladiea who In turn pivmided ovei
ore attewtioo Is concmled by nearly
oompoaod of unlu but tho unit*
Kr.Hl Ijoig. Will llruce. h'red Hlls and everyone, but In tkla pountry there
woklod togoUior.
a to have been bat little done In
MIms llruce amlkte<l In serving. Mra.
▲ fow yoar* agti. Ibo Unlud Ut
TravecMf City would dojsell to take
my of ayatematlc. schmrtAc highoogagod la anutbor war, a «nr i^Mrh llert»eTt Rodgett. a plantot of great
a liwaoo here Stones of all altei
boAdlag. Tbe cause of thto to In
mil tbo rounto In at ill n dllToronl skill. ctmtr1but«-<l several eelef-tlons.
eat nmai^uie the abort righted from the aU- of a man’s head down
light aa It waa a mar In «l«<on»o of Mr and Mra. tVbItneld entertaVeil at
are hauled on Ihu airoet to make It as
y that aome people adopt of votcards Thurmdsy eviming. a ^eek later.
tho bolplooo aad wonk
rough as possible. Vehicles |iaa.-ilug
<n>k-r of the Fire Department H 8. Ing down every public Improvement over these not only have to raise their
A fow wtonlnga ago. a farowfll dinimrwma glrcn Ini 1London u. 8lr Jann a Ameraon aad Mrm. Amerwon opened for fear somt'one else than themselve.x loads over them but they come down
tiM-lr btiautlfitl home for Ihe entertain will enjoy a tow centa.more Inment on the other aide with a blow that
Bryco. tho no w
coontry. In which I ho
W^th the old district svKiero each dig* out « »«>!« »»t“* *tUl farther
the company was abeoH>ed in r.nrds
atatod that Amortca
roughens the street.
any Bond to U> M‘lf aMM-rtlvo, thni ami merry tnahlng a call came f«»rihe neighborhood act* for tkelr own selTraverse City riiould Insist that
chief to liuu out for a flie which had Ash tniereat regardless of the fart their gravel be screened to correspond
othor aaUona rve*i lu.-ii n.v
bmlien mit In the bowling alle.v. In that perhaps by that meant other
abmtj aad power
iborboods were cut off from tbe
Tbto utloranco to algninclaiit In irgtit less than five minutes there was but
After ihw graved to placed on the
of principal travel while In turn road and thoroughly rolled dowi
nf tbo fact that tho Jlngoa aro again one gentleman left iif all that large
rlalag up and arc but WTiltlng for an party and III hiwlth alone pn*venteil they tbsmselves are cut off by the shoulders should be brought uh tu
plan adopted by the next dis complete the speclAkd outline of sec
opportunity to clamor fiw war wit I him fK»m Joining the rent. The fire
a aaUoo that .baa nlwmya boon friendly put out. the other buildings saved, the trict. W7th the county system this tion. The Btato cooaultlng engineer
II 1a alao noUcooblo that tho patrkMi men (and ladlefi also) returned for wwild be In a large part done away -recommends that soda he cut and ust d
of tboooantiy an* nut Maying anything refn-shnn-nts. Nothing could havf WRh. A well studied p^an would be for the lop layer between graveled
about war but afro going ahmd mwci* tieim planncl that would have fur carried otU to construcl (he varltnis part aad ditches. This gWtm tho grass
uiHhiHl stich a sjMM'iarulur diversion ai
I ao ns to connect with each a suit and prevent* the wasting awsy
fully coatrlbutlug to thi‘
fate decreed that night
other. •
of uncovn^ earth. A well settled or
AuQthrr effort to Iniug aU>ut elec
The county of Grand Traverse went rolled subgrade of earth ahall be made
mage has ap bscR on the plan once for fedr that for the grovel before it to apread. alHerbert Joynt Traverse City would get more than lU sraya remembertag that the aubgrode*
•^of Traverse City who came over Mon- sbato of the benvAt regardless of the, muat be right Inriirii or the depth of
Iday and mbles propositions that l«»y eiirt\ttot almost half nf the . tazee! the gravel. l>elow the top of flnlshtri
feasible H»* offer* 1o make
would be rtillected from Traverse City
of ll.tMvo which he says he will forfeit and that It would go (Milridn of the
olafitiro of Gravel.
The National-Moikrf, Flciuro oosu- If he doca not “make giKv*l ” Here rcUy to distant parts of the
There 1s quite a little difference in
mny wlU be seen at the Grand all of hoping he doe* for Elk Rapids neeils Kalkaska and Manistee, both
the quality of grovel. Mori of our
neat week, begtimlng Mt ay night. the light badly enough.
tag on our county, have had
grovel conuins a covering oK lime
wltb maUneea Wedniwday
Thto week the good aleigbing has ty aystem for aome time* and1 are well which makea a good enough binder.
day. The program mill consist of the U-en Iroiuvvt'd Py the .clwwl children. pleased with It.
It la a mistake tp have too much, «•very latest uivtiKlate motion jdcturcs. Every night, which will Include to
la there any reason why Grand
togwther wUh btwuUfiilly Illustrated night and Saturday nlghl, merr> Traverse county should not be equally pectolly clay binder. '
Bov grovel which haa hardened cen
aaaga aad Is of atomt two tomm dura- sleighing partle* have bewa out enjoytral parts I* the best wearing.
tkm. Tho prtoea are venr low. being ing Ike excelient opportanity for ***TtoVutc has created
The weight of vebiclee Is borne on
taa cento to all for all parts of the amu*«*meni.
at Laaalag with Hon. H. S. Earle as the lUger pebbles ahd Ihe small pebbouse, making a ver>- moral and amus
The W. C. T. V will give a valen commtosSooer. and FYaak Rogers,
hlea and parHrie* of crushed rock
tine social Beat Wednesday evenlni practical civil t^glneer. as oonaolU
serve to make It smooth.
St the borne of Mrs Jens lUoaon
engineer. The state has alao raised
It will uko about L500 loads of
Ramomtor th^, opening night. Moa
The High schod freshmen class a fund tor honuaca to townships
gravel such as Is gaperally ^led In
-day. ¥eb. n. 1{ yini come once It ii elected ofAcors as follows: Fresldeol ing r mile or more In any one j
loose cooilUioaylo <wer a mile of
aure you win cwBw again.
Psulus Voegell; vice pfwMdeat. Grace hlgliway constructed aacording to
Bullock; iwcr«ary. Mary Bosley: their speclAoatloiii
treasurer. Harold Spriag: committee
A tow of the i
antion G. A R.
Dsn Fairbanks. Floyd Mitchell. An out at iMd laaUtutes are given here
lal meeting, of Md
A special
for ihe guidance of people wb<
post. No. 18. to called \o mart i
----------- Walter Bank* enter not able to attmto.
cm- Mlrjrt on1
^ ^
^ ^
tained the yoan
young people’s Bible claa*
Dirt lioato.
the M K.
hool Friday
Barth roads are only makeshli
log This la a very large
be appUed In dtotrtcia where
Art Isr Ssis M to rslewtog Mmss
makes a large party tor eaie
travel to light and the expense of veraary of UdcoIb s birth A Aoe pro
grwvel or stone roads to bsaTy in
gram has hero pr^rwL All aoWlers
J. W. Jaokton K. W. Jahrans
portion to amount of taxable property. aad sailors Invited. WUl leave headE.A.Manioe Rom A Moaito
But the improveaseau cmmlat of mix- qoafier* promptly at 7:50 and march
at tke Aprtl meettog of tke Preaby lag oa^ A»d clay In the proportion of to the hall.
F. D. Marvin. Cam.
* Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlee Durkee rw^
Wuqoeioog dob
Allan F. Utlta. AffJ.
tab A-lt
turned fast week from a two an
O. F. Owto
visit ia Kemosha. Wto..
The last chib toaoe wUl be held
Bert Tueaday eveatag.
Dr. J. C. Oaaatlelt waa to Betlalre
tho Hdiaav tndf.ito hart* an
ck on hand that are takiuK
If you want; a Rooki-r,
Now Is (be Time to Buy
And bert* it wberu you will fiud the liu.
iwt a^rtment and tbe lowest pricoe in
you an idoa of Ibt* Rfiml reduction wb
have iKade. Throo an* ooly a few of tbe mauy:
Lan^* .\nn Rocker, u^ldea mk tmish. roK'uUr $-1 value, at $1.48
Good Cobbler Seat Kxker. n^uinr S.T50. now................
Roc ker like rut, Roldeo oak. roll armt, nicely oaived,
alwar* n«»ld for pl.OO, now only.......................................... ..H U5
()ur sp.H inl 57 R Kjker, ifolden oak. wide arm, roll aoat, now :i 95
Sv‘wiug Chairs from (r»o up. Morris Chairs from 4 75 up.
AH other high grade Rockers sold nt'oordingly.
Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Go.
127 S. South Union Stroct
The Hannah & Lay Mercanffle Co.
THE BIG STORE ”-DBalers in Everything
On a
Pay 50 cents for fan up-to-date
book instead of $1.50. These are
the highest style of the book
maker’s art. Good cloth binding
best of book paper, good clear
type, finest colored illnstrations.
• Kale Meredith Financier**
r. J CuicJlffc Hyne. author of “Capt. Kritle.” “Mr^Todd.’’ “The nilburicr*
. Mr. Hynu* has Hwn At to I.K-atc tho acotM-s of his Jaiest and best novel uo
the deadly coast at We*t Africa, a region Ailed with man-eating wild anlmalK. ir«-i,ch«-n»iih navages. fatal fi-vern, trartlooa Jungles and a moat daHag,
del. miiii.-d and unusual English girl. “Carter.” the rod-headed adventurer;
plays a ni.«.i Important part throughout this most-fasclnaiing book.
•THE CHIET LF3GATEE.” Anna Kalherlno Cn-ene’s most faaeinatiiig
Nt w Y.Mkk mysterh-8. This author has
baa alwav*
luHed for her i
.w-ieiMive *ior1e* aiid this surpasm-H them all. the Sutot
myalery riory of
“RFrZANOr*, Gertrude Alhe rton. Dr. Robertson Nicoll In British Wericly says-irhe aWest won
rif Artloo now living. In point of pheer
t who comes near her.-—Tbe Sketch.
-THE HOrSE OF DBf'ENCE.** E. P. Benaoo. Several yean ago Mr.
naon tlartled Oigland with hi* Arsl book. “Dodo.” Now comes this new. n«.ro brilliant, more startllag.
i altidy. extraordinary action and
-LADY BVTDLTN,- Max Pembert
-THE MAN BET^*BBN,- AmeUa E. Barr’s greatert novel Has arotwed wlhlrot Interesi la aH reading circle* because f
story, told InI ]the author’s happiest vein.
BALTia' Bohart Barr. A story that Is becoming
talk of two coating. Refreshing in style. brUllaal la actloa. aad
rV ,
* ■.'..-X.-,:^.-^v.;.
nr, aiicHiftAH* raoAv. mmiAinr n tur.
-:■ •
mm [ARKtt
>«tlirtii»l>« Mi^rtiiCilliitlDittwMfcWiisiSwTuSiirllwHmilliHiimaMin tun
Jake A. WjAop
FWl Ltac «1
Tl« 0«wr Mm> AkMtiiMx Pmmm
Tm> «■< a. All TM.«« t. All
A Purw^ tkilHul Alv With Tm
Utt —_
1—„ 11
at carda
•■tdUdUIJ. H*»>ow«a-
tma «( A a^MMtal Ute
Mrs. Kric Johnwm.
Phld to n> th. hhlp >*d t>M tp orttlo
tool cooDMoniiio bMorooa tool oomcs.
NirtMMQMi farortt* and dictatad a lettar
Then tbe pupaer borrowM) from tha
la tbe «nakln« room of a «eat tr
atlaaUe Unar arfclrh arrirad lo !
York racenUj. aflar a trip made In
r U««e Ulk. for tW matttf of >
•nee dipUin «t for tut pume.'ti
Nit DHReat IMim • Trantat
lantie Sttanwhhi.
•??. “?! • 5?’**?^“?
la tbla «tty. He jMdad to tba
abaotatefy loat. Bnt.ba
t of amaU
It he baa <
baautifn] flowera be rould pick and
A Rare
aaat tbem, to«etber ariih ibe note, to
In choaRbg bk gronn^be tr
‘ tba room af tba aperatle liqaaaa. Th*
CttWfd by tba Ume of year, tba
poraar baa tbia oota now. Aa naartj
tar of tba aoU and bla own Ja
Tbe UdlM of tb^^edlab Lutheran
church enjoyed a slelgbrldo yesterday
aficmoon through the kindness of Ur.,
and Mro- Oscar Johnson. Later in ihu
aftornoon tbe ladles were enlertaincd'
at tbe home of Ur. and Mrs. Kric John
non on West Ulovi«th stn>'t. Rcfuide
m'TaexI. conslstiiu; of ksinlwlchtw. cske and coff**e. The Isdiea
wish to thank Ur. and Mrs. \imcmr
JikhnaoD and Ur. knd Un>. RHc J«ihnmm for the pUwssni time gU^n them
by hla I^rteS^TbLrlnt. bl. wrirar- : tl^ aa foUo
Fndla mm* VcfctaMc*
In ScaMW
tKat i« n«t
r a Mck af
Traverse C^ liji|ing Co.
805 W. . Front
cfltDEi sHE>f ) Something New
“Well. If yoo dky ao. VTiat doen 1
do. no mui-br anked the man with tl
apme other
*^Ex**i"asbore» and In some
puraer would lie a atrlking
For a
Brealdasi SausaflC
> ••BESr’
|Bay Packing CO.
87eEa^EI||litli Street
m SoaUi Union SL
Cit. phone 3117
te^hake and'^dle^a ^ajre^lc*aa
bad one am. l.ughter■- At the same
time In bis mental aod.i.bysbwrequlpmeul be must U- endowtxl with a not
luslgulflcmut alloy of Iron, mud be must
ttaud Ann In Ciuefgou<7" and frown
and swear with facility equal to tbat
which be fvluccs lu sUpplDg a
tUKMi tbe Urk or'In tuncblug
tuucblui tbe
apriuga uf mirth.
Ur abuuU be and la all things to all
meu. He Is sympatti^tic as well as
bale aud hearty and well met. He haa
a bead fur figures, which roukl nut be
oUierwlsc. siui'c be la tbe I'ompauy's
financial man afloat. He pays all sal
arlea. be cares for tbe money nud val
uables of pssaengers. which, uf course.
. Meats iRd Graceries
Cit. phone :m
Bell phone 233
JoaidbpH Sl^dorA Son
nrW-clnss Bntcbcra Pnekers nnd Sansnac Alakers
or Daly Is to FUlUl
The Wishes of oar
SK much. We ki«cp c<»nstanil> on I
pirua tb.t lu.tlmnvrl., bo a.u.t b. .
luodwtow. ..b..MurrtiTbriuu.tb.
were Incident McKlnWys. ^ moat
of course.
furnish our pat
.the cbolceat cuta of beef, mutlamb. vral. |n>rk and poultry.^ We
alao carry a full line of hams, bacon.
. sausage, lard and proviilona gencr
We guarantee our aauaage to lyD
It U tba boat braid In (
SAit Rikina .n
. Thsrspy.
Charles Lsster Leonard bclie\en th.it
the Boenigen ray U one of tbe must
powerful of therapeutic agents.
a^uM^^adml^ter^ wltb^wuiUm
and competent to obom e Its physioloi;
leal acClon. KxperUDcwtal studUw have
been conflnned by cUnlcnl cxitcriomv.
It has teen damoostrateU tbat tbla
agent acto primarily uinm the lym
cast at her feet,
need It be aabt.
sea III that
say^ III .S*|iteml*.'r
nnd tVtoln r qiauit itlM« ou» m Ih> uU
tainrd on the roadsides (soinrtimea In
groiiud HO bard It woiikl maNj n pickax
to open lt». on Aillwsy emlMUikiuenis
and on tlM> outsides of co|mh>s nod cov
Imter. xvbei, leaves have fallen
h,- .011
I. .bl..
lo |.e
and the
aun Is
able to
and thicket, tbe Inside U
productive. They do not
r«T youi^ trees and disa
•• ***• aaalatatit purser, who ly from old woods.
•*"»««» *5 racaocy shall oc
lengthening life and allevlallng sulT.*ring in EWMW of malignant dlneases.
ftslisf From Hay Fsvsr.
Brealblng tlmmgli a wet h
chief nt bight 1ms given ivlief lo h.iy
iwtlents. This has sugg.'^bsl
nr. A. O. llr.tb ■ UOT.-I mi.T, whU*
bridge, each ring having stret.-lied over
>t a fine netUng of silk gsuxe. Tlie
rings are to be worn In the nose, luilf
an Inch from the openings. This dt^vlce •
A gnwt tnauy ^ilorli aglTtberv resld
3 time ha bad to b# of tbe atuff of
Per pound 25c
Mhilo of tb« clioi< Mt of pork b;
L. R. Stlckney
Anti aerrod over 1 two hun.
tired rnpa this wedk.
Our trade baa more than
doubled on this bmiid. That
indioiilea frx^liiQiii.
YOU try it nml youTl
14c pound
ty are obUlued under tbe shadow of
«noker started lo tell him. He
. Is no I
began pwbapa twenty mmotea before *
dosing time, and when one after an
oiuer the rlectrlc lights faded and died
be was not half ibrongb. Tbla abouJd
*»J •leamablp comiwnies with
,lndlcle tbat tbe punwr la a man of .
•r# to tbe duties they are called
some Imnartance al*uard shin and *>1^ to perform. A large bne. sorb as
those who ao read It will not drift far
German Lloyd Una. for in
from n tme conroe He In an liuboror the Hamburg line. odecU a
UDt mau-ln bla way tbe mod Imporposition and pota him to
taut lu tha employ uf the ateaml^
in tbe puraer a dci^artiucni with
tbe title Junior aaslatant puraer. Above
Wo have yeen demonatratini;
a poor one. By f^r tbe greatest q^tl
ly ramc to a -idiowdcmn,- to fall Into
OitPhooe 327.
•U S. ItekMi.
TU>W ntmt when I"
«/ certain general prlnclplea.
th. uoJIa of an Where fem and bracken grow, where
Tiae talk began about half an hour be
n nr forw la plentiful, when* tberf are
fore It waa tWfor tbe llgliU to go out. lore* Ai>rept
o» mqunrt
ijjevt my
to <
Mod roalHw. wherever tbe ik^d U
Tbe man with the pl|«e bad
luoiat and bour. It U bopeleaa to e^wet
tbat tbe mbt'cr'a artlrltj nan nimnlatI U- irolBeo. They love a light auU
iiAiK bc
ad. Tbe nmn alitlug^t.^e bead of ,
derrd rneror and air uf aavotr
generally had attracted fn..m t
face of a man who baa sailed on bla
-mwft one* bafore U of lluie value to
bia employera. When Congiemman
JoDca goea abroad for bla summer rat cation, be proceeda forthwith lo the
t puraer’a office, a emlle Illumining bU
face and aeaaoned band outstretched.
I “Why. bow do you do. Congreaaman
Ijooear Tbla la w^pt be gets.
.»d uu'
without discomfort In a
puram^c td ■ l.rjtr r~rl lo b. iMd Guyot.'I'rwliTkMwnlo
of dopoSmoM «D lb. «n.e vo«Llunt. .nd evHy urcblu
oreWu la
lu tbe .trw
Id iKklnt liim out as a niggard
drollngs and a wrvlcb uf tbe i
Kleetricity For
lions from
I mnn bad lived In
the city <
s and. altlkough the
ami Mr..
l^rple t
every woallhy hatnsl. nut blag wmiltl Induce I
l.alever uatlonslliy. leave 11. When lie wnlktsl tl»r
Id be can suod In he WHS folloa tttl 1..v u cr .xvd uf 1 I> jng J«'*dlde ni.vs. preaumi
I violet light, tbat lonl^
delightful biU of twys whu often tlir. w siuocj an
anecdote aud flashing cbaracteriaallon pt.hlm. Tline was no .m. m B;aMk ^ ‘ gas and act on tdioto^
of tborne who flgure prominently on the kin.l word In his fnvur
II.. wai
garded l»y all as an uvnruitms
-Jouw: Wbol.oJono.rbowlll.1 mliM‘r whikse life was dev.i.d ti hoardClaim rrproacbfuUy to an luqulaltlx-e lug up gold. .\t last the fdd lusn «tled.
newagatherer. “Veil, be laa der while- and It was found that he had laid up
Tha Bride's Way.
a gnsil fortune. He left a will which
wash king of Booth iMhoU. Ba"
rrieiid-U the bride you re working
Buioers have full charge of the tblp read. “Having ol»sdfvd*d from my In
fur getllug to W n gtsHl IiouiMdE«nMT?
They pay tbe aaUrioa of fancy that the |sK>r of Alnrseilles are Cook-No; ahe hasn't leanied to keep
•ome 7(10 men. and at tbe same time 111 suppllfHl with water, wh.cb c^n only bat of the kltch^ yct-Xietrolt Fnw
It Is tbe pnrser who mtiat vise tbe per lie proeund nt ii great prl o, I have
‘tknuil aud baggage declarations of paa- cheerfully lalKirel il»eSv|...le of my
life to proctire for ^hem lids great
Tha Beerot of Human Bociaty.
blessing, aud I direct that the whole
It laomily bw-ause each man is ao
of my proittorty shall I** ex|»emled in differenr from his felloas that we nm
through; without tnxuMc^pr anno/- building an aqueduct for their use.**
able to endure one anotber*a company.
^ purser on one of tbe great Gorman
r«.e ot
voxager of what
XH* tewrnwrlcailalssmueewswoFkh*
Griiihell Bros. Piano
U CoDvlncliifl Proof of Its Matchless QnaUtles
1 Mil (or Kuropo orlth onj otkrr poroer.
oo oiv oUht TooMi or lli»( Not oo
Vfo uto Iho hoM llwr mti»y con «»iig oo piKlo Inrko wlthlo Ibo boooB
kitr Sr oyr kfoo,; Oo y«i notieo how o' aAhUod.
Whitt on, llokoy It lor Comp.ro It
with olhor kroo, knd 00. th, dlffor-
Through eboer foroe of mr.rii. m»d with onr moet effeoiiTB advertUing, tha tind woida of <letad imrobuera, tba demand for onr own make of Piano baa grown to anch proportions that in
gilded boetelry would be wltbooi ble
Our bread 4 mad* ky «n Klactrie memory for faoee ead naiDee. Net
aloM that, bat bealdee balog a maa of
M^hlnt and Is porfectly sanitary.
reaewcea mad ability aad a goalal wit
There arc too
Many People
«nd Bacrea tbat God
dut aabtle yet lomtDoaa aatate of mor
al aad meotal eqolpolae. which laea
cbU taet^-eortoaa flabrttaa. If aa old
tetfw eftha tlaa iadi fiolt beeaim
&D etamteem la whkli he maally
^vela^^bmaM^ ^
s!h.‘t£^LV!' TTjr;U'‘ffi5,ftr -fe Trimble’s Bikeq
i>.^,ua.k Ifa.* raid
Tit Reconl WantAh
pacem tbeaiB& ib# chief emwefd fer
uaieet be moot enter the realm eC pets
aad paaa aad argae wllb tbe two ea-
Fob the lienefit ef the btoyRewer OIbB.
Feb.7tt _____
with iU
dry c^r pkyment
-mailed to .nyiSared..
Fifteen Slorcs
Wiiwt AMr «l «M Aita^ M. i.
b«^ t<MM Ilia
MMr moM bfT dMWa.
W. It ««u. «l» km tor lMrm
T#fy fkiMit itemll rM^ik
1^ Askitr M. m. «^f«A Ttante
A*, A
flTW •rtM'
•M»w« .nct«t.
T. C. L. A M. Train
•unch «# It Fr«n UppM* Pi
MiU P*i^U TWay.
TIN* frricht bronchi
>nrrr the T.
*, U A M this »Mi^ i
mwt trmlB thmi hao paaM
ba roMl for a kmc U«mj and toukd
HMC toM. or about ciw tuna Urc«r
tl» avarmcv train]
rra worn
r cam of
or pl^
pic Iron
and lamtmr,
lantmr. oikl mipty and two
Aea. Tha fi^te li ahlpped from
opimr pmilnauU Wnuiand U dlstrlb^
uted hero betwrotT ihoC R. A 1. and
Pare Marquatte. The deatlnatloo of
tba bulk of It !• Pennsylvania points.
^ll••.l M» hillatilvlnj; ti. cauli even llic hidden
ol instrin Ationiey JeromeV quesllon.
li M DAI
Prices will be
3.50 ■ -:
nront Street
Crying Jw More
That's what thoj wiU all be doiiig
aft^ they have acoa those Blaclt
Wtx>l HibW Hom> we are aelliag
15c pair
for IitU« chap.
Beat thiog yon hat, lean.
LaSlcs* BtodA WoM Bom.
either plain or ribbed^ aa estim
good onoa too. mMCo
Use ReconI Want Ah
"f II
City Clerk T. H- GHIls iis confined to
his iorne by Illness
A.hesrinR was held today for the
determination of heirs In (he Charles
Tiiaibell estate.
A petition was filed fslih Probal
Judee Walker today for the appoln
meat of both
lardlan In the Mart. Ross estate.
Mrs. Chlhcriue I'arkitr, mother of
.e 3%««ur npui held on a {prerry
eharire. will probably come to the city
the first part of next week to be presher son s trial ^e writro the
Sally askinc for Information
Inc her son and the facts of tiro
cas5*iil^Y<«erday sht* wrote that she
my day. m, kart Mrtctt
Prt«a art MP0M Py laeal tfMkr*.
^^mmmmmmm^mmmmaS }—r— -------- Seventeen k«ds of hay and Uve
. O. T. M. U, stock were wHCbcd cn the diy scales
IHitatoe* have advanced Ut twimtyfive rxnis p.-r bushri. wbetber farm
ATS will haul at this price, rycn if the*
Wtmthci kn-ps mild, romafos to be
cert ciren in the K. O. T M. M. hall
by Ue Oopemlsh band w as a very sue
fosaful affair and as much enjoyed.
There was a jcood attendance and the
boys cleared $11.87 for which they de
unnnal with Rood
sire to extend their thanks to those
who attended the concert The
berm were all much appreciated and By Wlrv ♦.* the f^u nlnR RcvtattI.
East Buffalo. Fa‘Ii. R.—Tank—116;
the applause was very liberal. The fol
fair demand, steady. Sheep and
lambs~IMm»; knihs. slow; cb«*1re
I7.75IIK: .yrartAiRw $fiUr. 76;
-Friendship." band selecwethciw $:.,r.n#i6.76; v%vk $6f|6.:6
Ii;fs-6.2<m; sluide hlKherj Yorkers,
• Vocal solo. -Hearts and Flow
hrovy and mtnx.ri. IT
7 4h.
MIm Cbartotte Fralick.
IV*lnHt. K«‘l. k — Wlujit —No. 2 red.
.March. -Raacer Match and TwoAc; ctmi. 474r; imlv 44r.
Step.- by the baad.
oats. 40Rir.
mont “Marcll of the Brownies." by k-: corn.
Tidedo. O . Fa I. R ~Whiwl~Cash.
W: corn. 46Sc; oats. 4lc.
» duet. 1
. 3. Rarhbw and
8. Con
hna Lew
[ Ola^i
foatistUw have been gathered lately
to show that we are the rk hest Mtfog
on earth and wen -wry .peed to be bfk
cause we aro the frer-t •irondero. It
It rottmatrd that $1^K>.(XXt . day Is
Iwl during lb# rari^ aensnn. A
Beuros ef ProAt In Refww MatsriaL maiion doIUrs a mouth la m)uanderod
The denadlng of the Amcricsn for- for i-ronpis and po|veorn. In (Tilrogn
eats 1. Irodiac to many odd rro:iarfwi fI00.tsNt s week Is «iro«t for tbentera.
Tw »H»lv-rve ralHkm dollars U spent la •
noaneed thut owlagty rallf..nil.n abnw ■miCa;i.v by 1i«nri«(s
fv Parts en.ii
■ In which f wrou are aiM :-».<»!* .\mrrJ.-suK
being mowed down t.» D^ orr woo4i)wr. lUit wlwfs th»-u-e of imnve.r.
pulp ftw iisprr making n s nail army of 1 snywar. If .v«n .-onY spemt tt7-Kao.
expefta were at wort buuilng for some sas City TIn»rs
Wave Waltx." by C«>t-
Long ago the suiqUy uf walnut lum
ber for furnlthre was prnHliwtly ex
hausted, and okk has targely taken Its
place. For aome time the tunseitine
makers have been putxkd to find raw
material to meet tUe growing lU-nand.*
of their trade, which tUreatentd to
make sericMis hmjoda on tl» - plue fw
esis. The trees web^1a*lug u««*l much
faster than they cotUA tto grown, and
this roennt disaster.
Then attennonjA-aa-kunrod to tb^ refuse of the ftirosts aln-ndy iimd,' and
experiments wero made wlib h demon-
gtng out. were saturatcsl with ^w tur
pentine. These simiiiw ImnKdlately
took on-s commeMal value wh^h will
WANTEO-Th buy horscsi: weight
from I.IKK) to 1.44k» iba. If yvju bava
any to aeU let me know, B. J. Mor-^
Ing qurotioQ has Is^n raised as to
feb Mt
Whether the stumiw were a lum of tba
oilglual tlnilMM- right sold by the fann
er to the tun»entlne maker pr reverted HOU»EKK(K(S .WU-I .1 «.«».
to tbi^owner o the land after the trees
SamiiH SawytT. llurklcy, Mlrh.
fvb tAt
KiaSES, regular '20H'i*nt
m cents temmnow only, a
Ninth street.
Feed. H.. L. A Ca. s Dsst. per
Advance Sale
asylum yesterday.
Hundredi of new I.iutferio WaUU. froth, new, attflu tii
well made, stylitli and exclotive. Never, wo believB, baTA ma
I»retty waiita been ahown in new, twell, up-to-dalo ttylet
tneh low iiriret.
which were shlpp^ to Mt. Clemens
by the Anderson UndertakloR com
pan) today.
Fuiipral Servics Was Hsid at Inland
It. ^rd keeper
of Trsvers*' City hive. Nb. Ml. yester
day received (wo rtuvksi |600 for Ids
M-." lAfavetto, another of fSOO for
•u. full payment of the
the Ute Clara Boudreau
Modern Macca-
In Our Take-off Sale No. 2
The t^las Aia
an rhmrh niet>l the home of Mrs
. Jobnimn on IVwl Mwenfh strwK
ynaterday afternoon. They etn)oyed
\m pliwaant Ume. The society will
ihori at Mrs. Carlson s March 7.
The Rev. G. C. Lockhart of the Bap
tist ehurrh will proarh at the 8w
servfro no Btale street this eve
These meetlncs are under tho direc
tion of the Rev. Mr Hedberc of Muskecon and all Scandinavians are
cstly roquroted to attend.
The Baalcrn Star will rIvo another
of their social dancini: parties
Tuesday, IVb ir AH Masons osp
ly invited. Eastern SUrs have the
piivtlece of Invltlnc onetx>uple.
Queen City-ramp. No. 673. Royal
N^chboni. will meet In Woodmen hall
Friday evetOnc. All are cordially In
viu-d as there will be initiation.
The Younc Peoples Danclnc dull
will Rive their weekly party toniRht
nt Hf»rsrs hcademy. A flst-plece cwcbestra will furnlah the music.
The Primary Sunday .School Union
will meet UMuorrow ariernoon In the
library bulldinc at 3:30. jMrs. Roxburs
will conduct the devotlonsU. Last
Saturday beinc so stormy Mr. Lockhart consented to citre a review of-thc
February lessons this wrok. AH who
can are nrc«>d to oe present at this
There will lie a meetinc of the
Grand Trmveroe SanRcrliund at the
store of F. G. lieumanu tomorrow
I>r.m’sBniicli Office
D.“b! LPsiSm, ^Nm^
r««f tii«»r«.
,«»»4 hi. »ork lu. U«ri'bw« I
Mod iC
7s.tsr *~* "^•'
Pretty Lawn Waists.
Fine Lawn Waists.
With lan:e or amnll black
Polka doU. tnrkctl front with
embroidtried inter
lion, worth h5c f».r 69C
Handsome embfoidered
fronU, tome with val intertiont, ioekcil oolUr with wal
lae© odRiDi:.
worth 1.75 for
/ . 2S
Beautiful QuaUty Fine Batiste Waists
Yoke trimmed with fine Vid luce and tnekt, back ^
trimmed with clutter Inckt, worth $2.2-5 for.......... <) / 0OU
Body of Jeremiah Larrabee Taken
Home cf H18 Relatives
The liody <»f Jeremiah IjirrabAv. who.
died at the asyluin. was shli>p
Oda tislay by the Anderson T’ndertaklnR company. OrIs 1k away from
lelcRraph and telephone offices and H
waa necessary 1o write to hU rela Calves .............................................. 05
Klaliorab* waisU worth .‘LOO to .J.50
At 2.2s. 2.50 and $2.75
E. Dumsa left Ibis mornlUR with his
dray for Klnsalcy. He wUI bring back
Ixical trwvHtng men will meet at
each of soaiiet fever and Park Plac4« tomorrDw evening on V
ro reported
the hcaUb C. T. baslnc^ss. “
Mrs. Ben Darls was called to Kingsley today by the serious IHneiui of Mr
•r, R. A. McRHl.
Dfty and ^rtk
k Wilson retarood to bis home
ro acalnst her buaband. Clark H. In Day City today after trmnaacting
in the-cltp and vicinity
in. on the prounds of cruHty and
j P. Robins returned to her
lion. The couple were married
In 1R>3 and have two chDdcen 11 and home In Reed City Wr spradlm
3 years old. both bogns Jn April last ome time with her daughter. Mra. V
It la saw that Benton left his wife [. Sterm.
Mrm. Arthur Johnson retunrod to bl^r
and has since left ber to shift for hersdf workin* in fscrorlro and other home In Boyne City this monitng after
Huron. Pratt A Davis aro thwwt vlsaiQc friends Iroro.
Wins Harriett Novak left for Olivet
thU mormiig wirorw she sril .pend *
l Ume with her brother Oiwries.
The -Good Time- Pedro club met
with Mrs. O. E. Uelces of Weal
Frank Hamilton leaves this afterslreef laM evening. Mrs. George Bine
noon for New York on boslnean. Mro.
won the Silk prise Wd Jmtb.
Hamlltao accompanies him as far aa
Oiand RapkW.
The army txWport Locan sailed
entire ehsnge In his
from San Fnukdeoo fpr the FhtUie
with animate and Inatiliiiate
plnea with emr^y4ve ^<la« pas- relations
thtafs—Watertown Tlines.
the Tweaty^hird
Tventr-loiirth batteries ef fleW artUCOMING. Thufsday. FeA, U, the
lery and 4.00$ tens of general sap- BaraaO-BriM cnntnst U notion.^
^ The White Sale
The Most Important
Sale Event of tlie Year.
.laagioK from Clio cro^ wc bad on onr opening dajr, we are
not ovi'reatinuitioi; the Talueof
Talue>f tbia aale to the woeaaB of
Tniverre City. That they
boy appreciated
appredated (be eahiei was iproreo j
by the buyinR: they not
bat U
♦ only admired, but
Tbii ia gratifying to oa. bi.t no more than we expected, g’
we were anre the Boodiandtbe
tifove irreaietiUc.
irreeutiUc. B
and the pricea
wonU (irove
Tboao pretty goods
Mas and the attraetive Taluca.
are awaitbg you, too, ifjron hare not olieady
Txnmht Wilh a 0(*aUatly adranciagmatkat
and DO teniog where prieet m«y go. it bebooret
of eottooi HOW.
irscmier buy noworpnyi
I later.
. The beauty of the oewsoodtwpe will (ay nothing about. In fact, nolhing wc
wecbnld say would «fc> them juatice anyway. You will have to come
and»ee them. They look a good deal prettier nod-,
too. .wbile thqr are new and fresh.
*Baf«"iS VSi;
teuMn.** write John PImaaat of Map
I ttewa <gJ|pic»iflaw
I fate tbam Ww bWter 1 tnd tham."
iKAreoocnnNRodMiTthing bet-
OL^lNM Ulf.
J« IMi
i V
■V> r.
^mis Womyl
Gaas 8( . datofced la aak.|i
Can you »fron] lo •pt'txi yijor tame
Icioliiiig for • chainef* of mulcoci*. Lwinliu^
bo«ar. Mp. or the roanj
oome np, whim a want ail. will doit for yon
all modem coovyieacw
Parker. 403 State.
I C. B. Taylor Coal bo.
JJLBOimOfi «B0. W. JlcVETIlY
Cketlag a “Up‘' that offirera w^
LSSTEB Dl .^WELCM—Attorney at
after her with a wa>raal for her krrest OB a charge of cruelty to her
be U chniBfd over 30 years ago.
child. Mrs. .George Masters. 6T FUnL
DUtaat rHaUvea of Uir late ElUa
land block.
took -French leave" with child, hu*
betb Clan of Paw Paw. who died
bend and boo«-hcld poods
She U
OB. F. J. MAC NETT-Pracoea Umttsaid to be In Bay Citv
•d to Eta EAR. N08K, THROAT
hall ,at
MS WUhalm block. ClUxaaa phona
will decUred void.
tency.'. They were awarded a favor- •>Uon of Luu tt Schrmn company,
able venllct by Judge Andersoo and 'Hjo are aaxloaa to locate a Mp pickle
tbe esute will be divided pro reu
Some l.oho acres of land
amonp tbe heirs.
Bliat they will gel
•cukes- neceasary.
^ tbe Owoaao branct
of the Aaiertcaa Product Co., otker
site known as the food trust, has la
surd a statement emphatlcany .deny
WANTIO-Oaa tbooaaad ba.hi
eonr ta rar. ColpMbU Traaafor Oo.
Jan. 1C tf.
that the plant I new factorim arc being put up. It la MARK CBAWW DELIVERY—UgM
was about to ckuw down,
an-; claimed that the |»pulatlon A> I
frelghL imreoU and tnmka. Ottos
nounce. that butter and croam will log
building of the kin.l
BOOWE FOB BENT-Pour teC^ fmpi be recrlred as In the past
M<-«n Is already a ncee<t^Ur.
rooms St 2S3 15. Front St. tor r
while ITarry Dndiry Is preparing toj
Howard Church drugglu; Dan UdbMBS. E. L. OONNEB*t hair drm^
loQuire at SteintHTp Bros.' store
..pen a rival plant In Owosso. and Is Inson t4 Robinson Br»Mi.. arugpivts
pariom, ovar dty pootmm. 1^
' :feb Mf making butter tubs by <he wholesale and J. Johnson, saloonlst. all of Holly,
until such lime as pa>und can be * have b«*n arrested, charged with v|,v
v»r»i irmn Bl.; *
electrtc llchts aad pas. issndi
brokeu for the new factory. IMdley's lailng the liquor registration laws,
OarleM and 8UU.
father. E F. Dudley, was mabaper of They pleaded not guilty, when nrMoney lo loan. 212 Suio Bank
Henmann. Ill Cana.
the local branch of the food trust ralgned and their bearing was act for
beat rrsldeoeea la the city, wm take
hulldlnp. CItlaeos phooe e»e.
when he quarreled today.
free and clear city property value
Union at CIt. phone i:ic.
WAHTKD-Whfal. rye. com.
lalf mtlea city market;
baaaa. bay and alraw; bicbeat cash
prion paid. Travenc Oty Mlllinic
tO«T—On 8UI« .titnU. Mark >11
Return to B. .
fet S if
l«m rtptlrtaf. ebalr eaalnff aad
fumlUira packing B. H. Tanaar. SIC
Union Dt
Foa tALC-lCtC—pymrteeo
bouse, sih street cloee
oolU Tttm ona to four years old. FOB tALl—I47C—Forty
dusrter mile east of Mi
Tbeyimoai be eemA <Jan>Srd 1
new cement block boost
leave tor Indiana and Ohio aad wUl
price 11200. Wade Braa..
be |OM two weeks, trylai to brlnf
Street CIU. phase ISIS.
some tsmm ap here. If yon
any pood colU V>
^riXM me. FOB EALI—Urte. i
gtvlac poatofRce addrsaai. whkt
yon have to sell and leaaoa for.sell
lap. On my return will cither call
heat, electric llpht.clty water, sewer
on yon or -wHle yon. Hermai
connections, all In. flrst-ciass txmdltlon. a. r. Murray.
jaa io-lmo
‘ mea.nco Wasblagton street iS SWf
F^^ EAL^j^Htbty aers
FOB •ALt-1471-lk acfta two n
•Bute Bank bulldlus; flnc«t loca
tor aobnrbsa residence In this remax. Prim |S.0<ID. Wnde Broa.. Il7
Union atreet au. phone ISIS.
Price CI.IOO.
Qaloo sirty*!
Wade Bim. M7 8
jaa 26U
FOB »ALE-14W-Modem elftt room
residence, aixth strset. A|I convenlences.' A pood bam. close In.
Price IStOO. Wsde Bros , BI7 Booth
achool^ market and church;
Urms. Price CICOC.
a MUUap
jaa 114f
Trave^ Hty
bran, middling, hay and
Trsw rse City Mlllinf Co.
FOB SALE-Rambler automobile with
feb & tf
Union 8t.
jan 30-U
THE BEST »w ktum how to make
IDEAL PRCH)UCT8 and wc know
feb 6-lf
FOB SALE-14n-Larpn Mpht room
er of Casa and ICth Bu.
large ML house well flntahed. oo
one foundattoo; easy te
terms. Price
lisno. Wade Bros, tl7 Unkm .u
CIU. phone lilt.
FOB •ALt-l47C-nne new tea room
bouse, corner lot corper of Union
and Htb etreeta,: will uke li.ooo FOB SALE-l4l3-One hundred and
la pood value, free and clear of en
cambrancea Traverse City prodactlvn. Cash price CS.000,
tit Union simet ats. phone
fOB SALt-^fUS-Ftae home. West
Clt. phone 111*.
Cits, phone Itll.
jea KMf
FOB SALF-ltot-Ume. new bouse,
good bam. Webster Bt.;‘ priw
Wnde Bros., «17 South Union Sf.
CiL phone 121».
jan 50-tf
FOB SALS—«t I . reasonable prior,
leeUuimal. paying InveatmeoL own
nrleevlaselly. fkunlabed robma la
emmeetion. Addiess M. C.. Record.
. fbb.7. tf
in the store, as i
passed him some slips of paiier wlib
Sjcures «u them to equ.nl tbe amount of
r-hshpe due. till looked at the slip,
len at tbe rlerk. and slowly said,
IVhsfs all Iblsr -Why. that la what
we are fivinr for eliaupe now. i When
you pet one dollar s worth, we will rehe clerk, sod
r.ir went ont ^A^ay
clerk passed oat tbe plop, and C.ll
pqt Ills hand In bis pocket, palled
Wads Bros.. C17 . Union a hsiulful of ptuupkln seeds and band
street, CIti. phone Itlf.
pi them to the clerk, say lop: ^Tl>me
tt 1 SOI usinp for rhanpe now
SALE—14»7—l^rBe, ripht-rx)om
M-. atone foundation. Webster
price II.Ton
Wade Bros.. 817
FOB tAtE-i4S7-aii room house.
Both paa and electric llphtt.' Good
bam. flae lawn. c1om> In. Washlaptoa
stnwt Price ficoo. Wade Bros.
. «7 Sonlh' Union si,. atUras Phone
Fa.r. to make
. and Mr. Fay tendered the rlerh
General Dews ||
sh*^!rf ^*"h
tmeher. and each of h«n
Is believed to be t!!e richest Ame|l-'
IKHtltlOU ,
ling such J
He went Into office cm
m a reform wave.
and la making*
gtod. He Is feeding
mile «vc.- «;n cents a
to n-ach this figure •Di'puty Sherll!
Towmsentl cut off pi
pudding iin<] ^
Ice cieam for dew rt
Sunday.. On':
Ic-arning this
-Tbat> all right, .We muKt kec-p ex
penscs down
they -win be asking
for cocktails before dinner, and the
BEAL estate AND LOANS-Grmnd
Tmvocro Land and Loan Oo, F
ThortnlL Manager. Ottco. todm 2
HamOUm A Mllllkun block. ,
top. eatre Urea, tools, etc. Would
coaalder good reel eetnte. ASdreoa
■ f
Tin Tnsuranet
Order your
Yard niul oflioe Noribom
MichiKan dock.
B<yth phon« :ifl
Rch.tol d.uise
The Wilcox home la
ked with gtsKl )MM>kK
Of R B. Hull, the
won tbe TTiatcber di
Haven. Young Mr. Hull happet
be reading and smokl'ng on an after
noon walk w hen au elder clergyman
Mt.ppetl him and tried to Induce- him
to give up tobaccti “Young man
clergyman said, “are you aware that
In all creation you won't find
animal except man that amo
-Yes." Mr. Thatcher anawertwL
John R Santo
. E. MOON-
General Insurance
new wittet* Bt. .TrtTerK CUT
'.I have a number of jjood
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if yog
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good larm for less money
than you can buy it of any
body else. 1 have farms
which arc located from four
20 miles from TravArsc
City, all good improved land.
If you hnro good level farms
1 Will buy theni
lao Wathinuton.
Citrphono 774
Here They Are. Bay
BOW and Save Money
CbamberUlo’sCaarh Rem
edy contains sotbisr is «iy
uo.-'way injirions tnd tX^re Is no
tn aD dapaitaenu of the troM. sOor-jlU&BO CQlUl
rklag at the anvil |
Jno. 30’to Feb.
any nMU la tto
I 40 her
On noor with Bmum OoUk..
I. O.
BABA T. CHABE4 M. DfDr. O. S. ChMs. Btatn 1
Both pboann. 229-2r. Rs
W. Eighth BL au. pka
Scaator Bevortdge's Speech In adurlnar). skin and blood diseases; 13
vocacy of hbt.rhlld lalwr bill beat alt
years experience. Office CUy opera
reconds for years in point of length.
bouae block.
Pbones-New, 107;
John Mitchell was tHlklng to
He coemmed the greater pan of fonr
old 292. Bsahience. 710 Washl
IqgtaUtlve cU.rs of the aenaio in lU
doUvery. and when printed It will fill the world now ukes In socialism and
: 3«H» |U!g<s of the Coiigresduual tbe lalror question.' “Snclallsl
W. THIBLLV, DentUL Over Bar
Rr-conl Its unuhuni volumiuouMicss Is what it stands for." he said, “I
ana A Barl'i JearMry ntoro.
limost entiiely u* the gnat num come a complex science*, like ;
FhODB 102.
t( extracts fr^ staiislical and omy. Then* was a laber meeting In
other data on the subjeri of chlhl session In-hlnd closed doors the olM-r
with which the hoosler sc-nator day and a friend of mine tried to gei
dan and Burgeon. Rgmovad to <E*
-WTrat are v,mi.‘ the d.sir
buttrtwsed his argument. The most In to It
Eoea In Monaon block ovar Barnom
thes, h.- UilHnioasly read during kwiK*r asked sternly .‘iMwltlnolst. com
A EarTa. atUeoa gbona ttt.
C<»urse of his sfwHvh. though num
lu of them we.v sMi.mitled without
rradlug and
will appear In ihelr cd my bewildered frirnd. why. I—mr HABBY B. HABNEB-Bxpert piano
tnnar and aetloa rogulator. BaUa
^|M-r pl.rrs in the printed s|KSK-h a machlnlM.-“
The ytning Indiana statesman show oil
There Is some ctirioslty In Wash
Caeaon gunranteed. With Kimball
Made Houaa. au. phone 294.
i-r phytUcal nor mental fatigue' ington as to wrbethcr President Koose
after he had finished his remarkably vMt^ Is sufficiently raiiiiliar with Am
bas^lot Bryce s Isjok “Tbe American
ig oratorical effort.
The valua of a gt»od cigar," Princ-e Commonwealth" to recall,, giapter
pat In mortgagea. Hoaaaa for aala
Is enilthd
imarck once said, is best under ill the first volume.
inqalre of EL McNamara. Par*
stood when it 1s the Ust one you "WTiy Gnat Men Are .Not Made
ws and then* la no chance of get Pr<*sldenlh • Tlie author
ting another. At Konlggrni, 1 had not a man since Madlstm excr-pt (icnABSTRACTB
OF TITLE—C. O. Caronly one cigar left In my pocket, enil Grant who has reached
ver. Prices reasonable. Ottce wlU
hich I carefully gukrded during the presidential offlea would have been reO. P- Carver A Brn. Bolt phonea
bole of the liatue ns a miacr does membered bad he not i
Is treasure. I did md fed JustIBMl rhlef maglsiao' and “no
I using It. I painted .In glowing rept Abraham Uucoin has displayed OB. C. L THIBOBY-Bpedal
Ooa to diseases of chlldrsa.
striking qualiUes in the
colors In my mind the happy hour rare oi
409 8UU Baak bldg. BoCh ]
I should ehjoy It after the vlc- rhalr.-
.h> vm.„ Of C01I.P. vi«.
Porcelain Work
*^ork leps are
said the man who bad one.
people are rather aenaltire al>oot Ibelrs;
hare a Utile fun
» sometimes. I was In the smok
er of a railroad train tbe other day
talktnp with three olber men while wr
puffad away at ohr cigars whien the
conreraatloo tamed oo atolcisn
cry mao had an Incident to
Bbont some sinjuaintance s rrmarkable
ability to bear
a miirmnr. When tbe third mtn bad
finished Ms ye.ro I meutkoiel casually
that 1 rather prided myself on my shil
Ity to put ap with a
deal of pain
wltbont making a sW«l
To Ulna
trnte.' I said, and then open«d tpr pen
knife and slowly foroei the pMot of
Its loop, keen Made Into my leg Just
‘Shore tbe knee, at the same time stalllap pleasantly. One man fainted, another liwwine deathly pale, and tbe
Mrs Briunnla W. Kennon. greatBut 1 bad miscalculated my
tblTd pot lt|
hastily left the car.-*- chsHf-es. A pot>r dragoon lay helpleaa. xranddaughter of Martha Washington
New York I
with arms crushed, murmuring for xnd a descendant of the last Lord Balsomething to refresh him. I fell In Llinotx*. celobratcA her nlnety-seoood
my ixjckets and found I had only gold, Wrthday
days ago at her I
Imt l^lt ymttand that wm.ld be of no use to him.
i. D. C. She was
i the iraiiip a
But buy! I had my tronaurod cigar, there and has lived In the same place
of Firmeet every Thnrsdsy eventog. New Masson blodL a R Wel
“Y.*^, I rrn.rm1.er ,ron.- rej.lled tbe I lighted thU for him and placed It UU her life. In Januan. IMS. she was
rniusn of the hr.iise.
teeth. You should have aanliri to C^ommodorc Bevorely Ken
ler, C. C.
• AndJ «.H-r , ut .M.n.e
f ,r you. Bocn the poor fellow's grateful amllc. ncn. who In the following year was
enjoyed a cigar qp much as killed by a gun exploslao on the war- TBAVEBtE CITY LEGION. No. 1S»• -Y..e. I kui.w, t,.it 1‘ve got hothla.*:
that one which I did not amoke."
ship Princeton. Mrs. Kennoo.'who Is
towel ProtocUve Legion win
•nrym. to rat Jirst now.-.
Ministerial duties do not
taken a ffreat
g to Woodman bsJl on the third
‘‘.Mil l vrr c% a etmy pie im.und
be Rev. Jom H. Metoalf of Taanton. ‘charlutle work and Is an
rhsl needs cuttlu*. ma'am r
edsy of each moBth at 7:20 p. a.
Hast, from pursuing natronomlcal inam Selth. president;
esUgatlons. His stody cf
iwold, eeeretary: Nettle & Omy.
has resulted to fbe dlacovery of a new
U BOW being doaely obacn ed by astronomers thhwghoat the ^ Wooster. 0» college.
has been named Metcalfs I
---------------------A A.
meeu on Monday evening
en or botoes 0n.Odl ot tbe moon,
Philo G. Wtlcxrz la a I
at 7f20 p. BL Can C. Usngley. W.
M ; E. E. WMtS.«ecmUry.
Dr. W. J. Higgins
at atj Book StocA
WANTED-You to om- IDEAL •prtn*
wIiMt Sour for broad. IDEAL 1
*d Soar for broad aad pa«trr:
In tba eltr. Trarcrac CUjr Mnilac
feb 6 tf
A petition baa been dra<rn up and
sUgred by about U» Flint taxpayers. A B. MARTIN—Phyalelaa and Bm
the j EMl 0«ca 2M M Front atmal
l ift the Hty. where
ter tku Wash^ Nut for
Tbe oM^laae gecetlon of tbe i
I mad Bnbmt
AmTtAtk Odar 8L; prW
was plree la tbe Auditorturn, Wedaeaallow one aaloon tor evnry I.OOO tnWad* Broa^ tl7 So«U Uataa St
CIt. plMM IXlf.
|aa SMI day.nigkL Over tm lenaknd. wbUe
•eo «t tn the gmllertea. lookod on
liaumed to ibe apec^.
im Bryant cf Adrian, for whom ex
awretary of tbe Jactaa.T. M."=C. A„
baa beea aelerted to SB tbe vaoancy
antborltiea oa tbe ebarge
of Uie aeeretaryshlp of tbe Ana Arbor
lartam. baa been given a »
IM^. BMidera reaMeac*. CM St.;
ilUoo to bis bond owing u>
mor-a iUneaa aad tbe fresh
Tnm'tGuthe .
K. O. T. M. M.
K. O. T. M. M. Nb. 271 meets every
nmtmt KoeiMr; M A. Evans. FInsnes
Eagrev^ Tnmbteto. each ..j05
Plain Tnmblen. 3e oneb of
.mioAY. mmiAJirj;, nar.
iSra^r. kfoaS^
Firt aiHr tte p^bcr vu
Ttei M WUttC MMl 1
Vw wUI tore oo’r
l>»rf< wOl lie mo man> «Vlr HT^if
f« th« t»-k iMt
««tk cm;* «U1
vtu * 4MMO lie frmit*lir4* «U1 ti« mtra vi4c mad Umg.
AuA the eolara? Odtmo
•M rtnrdr vorvtod* vijr pn
nif oolrirr Ibry .re. the 1
Urt. it tkrjr .vr mM moitf : roa ml^ht
mm4 jclve
iiim» lo Jotoulr. tko tharmornmn'm Bom
-th.1 i*. If you or* for mylc-
wane. IT kt*< mirn nm^
Aa4 w%m m»aihtn h%
ymnlral Ubor.
to bU
u«M iiMi of IM »ill
c«n«taTiS^''«f.«i*, >a4«
»W. »«rtp.d h«tt>^
lur. >llk citta log
floiWtoltf h* wm bo M «p«ni«M] ii.d j me <neti Ukiv itut
t4 human
fipa4 Ml MU of rotor a. m Ufarllatitsrr morkctl hy tb* diopbraicn. mill
y w 0*car WU4e*» "aalonie.wocti affrtird by *t<!Uh <iu-***Ta
l>r Aipa, Thl» n»t. ohich oil! ha»r no otrtatd*
b mM hH-rkat. aiil alao be ao/o In
Ho «fll ho aa elecirtrol ahow
Bi«r. uh»r aiHl broyto.
Coon lirtor in Violat I
• By nn auotrh tif lb«
rook! bo br deplotod na
News From London I
Half hidden frooi tb* ryr **
For la hi* natr oprlnc and auhnn. r
togt IM VUI An»o nod ha/*. Ho vlll
neUiUltelo: bo »m radlnto: ho «U1
dporlal CaHo to iho Boontag BoaoM.
C«T)/r.sht. HOC. by tho lloarat Nowt
Thooo Ibcia bavo nlrondy boon dr
cidod npoo by tb* CnoUMB Ctiucm*
Anaoolitlab df Amrto. U Ito tvroty-
Fof Top Troooom Dood.
Ilrro nro aoine of tho chnnuoa
moo'a atthM pitMBttUratod for lh07:
Th* -pMtop* troMarr. muat j
------ w. roanubUnff a dlrlirtblr bai
I-1. u.
Men’, aaek coat* will inn
wfttre la the brrem like a triad-flip
per anil, nor will they Ih» a* long gu a
borne bUnkH
lontead. they will tie
cat to a length almuat approaching
the **dlirby’’ limit.
Hani.'av baa ropUod to bla statoamU '
la an Iniorrlro *Hh a m>o^r.
-A mao «bo la really pbyaieaUyi
fit- onld the faaaopa oirmi:
-«tth ft€t7 cm <d bU or«aaa and
imarlM In iFdfbot oi^. •mW not
rni niKMbrr man vbo baa not bronght
blmaoir Into |»rffm eonditim on
acioatlir lhir» ofien
inc for aomo time, and
Flora Lake
•* mint
her Ipat
Imr dmacbic*. Mrs.
'TJTiw.t--. Of
Labik wbo
Pratt, went home
W* hop*
ba Is bet
O'Biim’s people nrr havli
e O'B
bad time with pneuamnUI of the lung*
and also Sldoey Bates’ baby baa been
sick with pneon
llaTrrtdlfy m^g
the pU*>f
atorma by exi
Riga. In RuaatE
f ^L -
‘'l.nrK*' mnarln* d‘> not mean nmeh.
It I. quality, not
ahonid be aimed at If the two are
mmblnod. no mur)i the better.’*
-law i. *looklag for blrad i
Waltar l.akn meat to Trmrerme Oly
ca baala*as SalunUy and while com
Qnmm Amalia of Portngal has b*mi
— ing home from Lake Ann fUlonlay
stndybig madlclne for non
"j night he fn«e one side of hli face
past, and now that she has
ed • and no*e and car.
Cook Brooks baa relumed to bis
to Lisbon from vlslu tojhigland and I
rranc* the Is going to work bard to! buaie near Travers*.
Grant Brooks baa returned to bis
get her doctor's degree.
At ceruin polnU along tb* atreet
car rootea In London tb* poaU are
painted arhit*. and the cam Invartably
stop at the*e poaU. conaequinlly
strv ;unU
recalMif the IlHtUh amlia*sad«r. Sir Mortimer Ihirand. ha* muMtl a:
sreat deal of comment. Loth on thU i Ide and mi the other -ilde td the
Imer and Lady Ihinind apiHUir hen-wlth.. Thx*
.in.,.h.,. I» r.rt]
Iile that It rt»Qu|rea no, penrral Hnj.re«k.n i* that the call of
who hat jcreat liiH
.ude. but It U a cutitnt* fart that j |,^phiT. AnybiHly may leant H .h> | to the marhluailou of laidy Su*an Tow
toiiRui- of a
The rau.*c- of the feud Intwi-en Sir Mortimer j
Itcu.b, wriiual
, hlroke*.
penell or a Htyloi;m|»h.''| T«*wtile> I* i
Iwlth ft
The kftlmr hlni«e4r la fiiH-rtod to; V
look In at the
hank the ihlinber* per
at ammrm ud! Two thuaund «cr« . of
nded to Vrb
in. the lands in Gleen
county. <
........... .
by lb.Antonio VlUarwil. an have tHTii purchaw'd by
rlub will then Invlio bbr «iajr*ty
. Henry da U I-aftturr.
aut)u»r. :
■ Ifrum
there with their faniiliea. Tho Un^
held at KI l»(iao. Tvx^ may ^how ca
Jmlfton Harmon, receiver of the
will l»e divided Into forty apd eightywhy he hhokld not U' ilnM»rted
kfuarulMr developmeot u not real)i.,r,’ MarqneKiM
lUUnuMi (%uu|uai>.
aero tracts
n-markalrte j .
lltiitol Milt lor H7.4r»» agftlnrt bteilCO.
UHakoii. n.;
iwaay my Staff
N.. liunied a* a
X to the oiri- l‘•»’ ivnoil. Toledo and Imiiton Rail
In rcwpeci to park area the AmcrThe Nuwe.g.aii Meainer Jubt ph Ui
elal rtiKii-t on the health of the 1 oyal 1 way rotniiany at ToUslu. O.
Gahkell 1
tlloiRlo. ii«):ii f»un Antonio. Jaintora.
navy for liHHi. Hlaff-Kur
III uo me;i*ured t«mia the j
every *tiv« t In Japaneftc ing;*New York, rhlladelplila. Horton. fi r Ilftliinioic w ith a cargo of bananas
Si. U.iiis. Chicago. ‘ CVveland. Sail
w nt'a-hore «t .Smiih s Point. Ojesa
Krauaiiioo. -Ualtimure. IMtrhmg.
male hay. iluun;: a .snowstorm.
Orleans and Cincinnati
| dinner* and ^ut-pcth rooked for tlicm.
again If
Its way
. 8,bertnste-«d NfKth I"
China much OM la made of the Cbl
ncfo bHck lea. not as a beve■rag* but!
and I "**’"•
vegetable, boiled with
|us and Cam Moon, ranch-
on the charge of rourdertug
I Robert H Mcltowell. nnoiher ranch-
__ __________ _____
Our line of Kitchen Cabinet*,.
\Vardrobcs and Milk Safe*
all tfjai i* necdi-d to sell
to you. \Vc are making t
pries to close ihr m >
rial prices
Glad to send you a catalogue.
J.E.9BEIUCK &C0. t
will not ilw to the rurfare j
The cohlisl place In tho '
sunk Jn R-ot below- the • Kean * ' \Yen.*..unsk In Siberia. Its
At any Ics* depth it will work j temp< ratiiio the year round I
back to the surface
j ere.-s be low zero
MiA3 BEEN T* M E A T* 1-IR A O T I O N
In town lor ihe last three weeks and In response lo a denuBd by
many friends this sale wlllbecontlnned until February I5, I907.
Underwear Has Arrived
and wiU be ibe leadinc atiracilon. thonth Table Unens and aU kinds of Wblte'
Goods, While Waists, Embroideries. Wash Goods, etc.,
will be sold at^uch less than valne.
Corset Col>ers
Regular 35c value, Cut extra long, finely stitched
beautifully trimmed and trimmed with insenion,
with embroidery or
at 48c
at SOe. 58c. 84c to 51.35
Senmaiils o4 Table linens at
there U never any trouble over whetb- ,„rktr of Buffalo. N. Y..
*r or whera thq^ car wlU atop.
In a light at AabU
•; la IMI elaborated hat one ran oaly I'-ar
wrm tb* f««Ptt « Mrx
on their
in Lelnnd.
Mn i linhnenberg b*d
from ChftTlevci* visiting
^iti yo
go In for violent ryrmae* when their
rnflt condition mill not
'Ji: r,r.’c“:n
able to be owt again.
(for Dna PmU, went to ljUto Ann tbla
Mr. and Mrm Valley att<mM ib*; Brnnalng to apend a few dayr
They CHra Fhwtas Inst Wadnaainy.
report m very
---------Mrs. Abbte and daughter VtoM.
bare b*«a vtsitlag Mra^ Abble s brocber and wife Mr. and Mrm. Bert Gray.*
come In wtth the toow p^.
tor tb* past weak, and nr* now vlaltMr. and Mrs. BeUnng*r. Mr. mid
Mn. I>r. rmltok of Maple O*? »»«»
nifford Casa i
Mr. and Mr*. J. Sullivan of CmUr
81r Edward Icili-kc. tho
and ex-member of pi
_____ ___________ _
Mart niT ptrplU are mrefallr oxambi
rd ■* to ihoir rmdlUoa. nrigbt. and
ao no. and tbr rwrUra tb*>
Ci^i'a air rnrb sa du mit aubmit* to
any atraln tbr orpanii or mma-toa
ebirh are lmp< rfrrt. If U only *bc«
ibr«» >muia and jouackd. boroioc
tomagpr that the tiaiiUn* K gradoallj
rdranood. I *ay without tbr alljchtcwt
borltaflon that tho man who ha* unilrncuti* my ayau-tn of phyalral ctU(urr U much more rapabl* of real**Inc (fiaraar than the man who haa not,
and bia rbancen of a long Ilf* are con
oo«.d««. n..i. 2,,r£Hrr£i^:,^r
um below tho knno. na heretofore,
tronaars ihU aeaann will be edit of
modrrato width all the way down
Some cxquikiic numbers at
€9c. 87c. 98c. $2.25
Chlmlse. 98c.l.«8,1.75>
Our Great LBidm.
Made of extra good muslin
«nd hemstitched at only
Onion Bleached bamask............. *5c
Ptre thien Bleached Damask. 62
In.. Tahc 65c, this sale...... . 60c
ro In. Bleached Damask. $t.00'
~Chtldren's Dra%>ers
value, for........ ....................8Te;
itched or
01 Lace
irnmed, at
72 In. Bleached Damuk, 51.25
value, for...........
lOctBrown Cr^ at.....................8c;
: A most elsborate line at prices that can
not be dupiicated again this season—
Short Shirts, 50c. 80c, 98c
Corset Cover Embroidery,
One lot 12 in. Cambric Embroidery.
..... ....... 23c
Another lot of Embroideries ranging in
widtjtol5to 18 inches
E. WILHELM, Cor. Front
They Go lo Ta.-.tniji Cihcol and Heip the Vroiesior.
•nta. cvuiwa hgou^
nuoAV. nMmunnxtm.^
■ Tss^effasr!:™,.
rsLsrjLirSiTisSaSr--- --.ssissr-
MwfiUjr mnphmi cm Umimr ^mL STlrtet^oi^ PMpwiy M M
tag >y >»i»W
€f mmA^
Mr. «M M lu
ARboifb It wm a«7 amteF. tbira
vat «MI« a fatbwteg te Ray'a btU
teat av«atef terirttBcas tbe J. G. Hob
Bflay vBtfTtaimmoor;
Tim teift part of Gl<« lake Is mv
froBca ov«r. A few porasma bava *a*twad aeraaa It aa teot Tbara te ateo
qalte targa Ice baaks ateag tbe abort
or Ltka MIebigtt aad tbe bay te tatte
nmemt^hir. tbrgS^ct'Sti'mm^, Mgn MaSTiiJm*Mr’wir/taS?
Ura. J)aaU
«mai fa Maafea^M laai tell vhara
rrlday lo Trar-
wtn W Wk$
”ifc"a ftflkrrtttsa retnm*4 SaUr-
4.r=i=?\'.?inr‘irj;^.2: ••KTts:
I miuraay
tom will be baalteff tbea there Ute
. Sil*Si?i1.STS.V2!’ ■^‘
MM. VteaW JMmI* Ml IM« mormhem far the pa« tao araNn^ Oapt. tea fur Oiani. la apaaO a tear 4ara.
W a MteM laaaaa Taaaiajr
Tba kay frnar over test algbt.
The Mimmm Oraat aad Boadfa apaat
iiatesj aad Baaday aiik Mr. aad
a Hartiof Sprtess. iMrs a
yearn oT age. paaaed avay tbout two
o elocb Tbtraday morateg. Oa Friday
hit ramtlM wore ttkea to Traverae
M^r ^Ke^rt«« M
tTMlcblgM aadwraa married to
9t*M te 1M4; These were four chih
drasi bora to them, three boya.Edward.
Wm and ttraey and a girl, who died
Bpecteltet tkmg tbeae tteea and you
tBttOt b«ar tea. Lttk atrt of tbe ttbael
bmwe vrioBtw! Oe yao aee ibM Mill
Tbtt raviaet That alty btahl That
H kaolir De yat know whtt lit
A(t»r oOBlac km ke liMm-
ed to» moeb
teoc be was able to do light
work; hU family felt quite eoeoarIre to know about
agad Tbea be received pacli a aboek
tbsss thtegs and we'U keep Praf.
aad hurt from tbe kk-k of a boiae
Calktes busy. He enjoys belat qnaaHe leaves a wife. Uooed by those wbo art tetssvnted.
8upt. Oilbsri Is too well known to
require an introdoctlon and ba tan
to toll. We are going
their loM.
Tbe almost heart!
bar one Inatltnte. A
wife, and motber. have the syn
An testlt^ate lor the
of tbe comoMinlly.
siplU te ymir aehaol.
Feb 5
three sons, the deceas'd leaves three
th lathe I. O. O slstem and .three brmb»-m. Mm Scott
r. IMU ts Mplaiad. Thm
Tl» saw hall
ball Is became a member of the Oongrega^
a rtadu to Ua rtUace as ««U as to Uoaal dtueeb te ibbc. aad baa alwajra
Tbara ari|| u a rrpohikao Iowa
I who have contributed 1
The funeral
dpy at lo al ^ TTl/f
rtecUa* datessti^ to attend the eooa ad at the U O T. M M lodge on 1
bSt oflIctetingATbe floral oirertega
^^«te»««tloB to tia bald si brtead. day eyaalag F. Com.; Mias Pan
were'amay and beauUfuL
Mr. Scott
fiteeh.; Com. Mm O M Itesse. U<
and the other survlvteg mmabem of
O.m. Mra C. Ii. Krtil: R.
the family bave tbe prufouad sympa-Mrs. 8. W P*»fier: F K.. Mrs. C.
tby of the enure commimity te tbMr
Mts* JriMa Miller spent Sstantey In M at A. Mm R 8teH«; Bar.. Mm
Traaerse Cltr.
H. ft. om 0iee a Itetch tanrh at the
iMjCal OaarW^vte-nteK Iasi Sstarday
eiaalar lu his tteotteman frk-ad*. Cor-
BnVtu^s Sajr*«rteSu»rdi5"™^
£^£. 081 left teat Wedaesday fur
tnp to Panama U'heo tfar Are of
last Orluber bumrKl hhi larae drug
^tVh 1
ihoaa draadfal drmffimg .ansalkma.
the Darra aantem.
•■refemate ills as has
L>dla E 3®!w®’s''e8e*a*>le Compo^
••pS*? teSTMtef 1 anta'troah^^lth'a weakness ’which ’aeeoMsl to
dmte all air aimvth awnr.
1 had dull baadaohes. was nerroas.
The many Ameriran friend-, .ff the r.urhesA of Manchester, formeriy Miss
Helen Zimmerman, .ff CbicJnnatl. whose picture is herewith given, will
r>*cTvff to learn tbsi her grace is MTi«u»ly ill and is now taking a long
y*arhiliig voyage for the'beiieflt ef her beallh. 8he Las not l»e«*n well since
the teith of her third child, and the dortum de< lste.| that only a kmg sea ‘
voyage would tvsl.rn* her lu UtWilh.
sOended I
Walter Frti^\ ha-n l>cen suffering
I was p«i.t|K>m*«! fn.m Sundav am ac
Mm .Fred Coin what has been very count of the storm, was h^ at the
sick, is mime betu-r.
j church teslay at 12 ocUs*k. The funeras no artist or cartoonist
l^nrn Hoin. who has
*be« went by mil to GJk Ra|>
James D. Iksich Is hauling his listed
Ing for Mrs. John Rlrhison. spent a; W*. '*»»* «• Interment took pli^.
liay to •Traverse City.
few days at home during her mother s ,
Mm i ante Moss who has
Harney MarUn Is In Rt. Iguace on slcknws.
She went back lo Rlchl ;^^«ng for her slsi.-r.
son's Monday
| Hobbs, left (or her home in Bt. Johns.
Frank Ktslgi-rs U^on Ihe sick list.
} Mich. laM Monday.
Rob -t'anute relurar-d from Gmnd 1
; atarted biihlneMi this morning In the
The Carlisle boys. John 1
> R Stofi of Ixmc'
•“’‘P «»ccup|ed by Mr. Bn
goods In a car herci’aith a si.s-k of gTT»rerle« and
I ts has iKTUgUt a
FLineM and his son.
mill The lioys are going to lealUe a
xpr-t ts to clerk In the
giK>d thing on their Inveaiim-nt.
Olds Hsrvey visited her cousin.
l»erry Boyluglon. who hml 70.000
who has
• of Fred
t of hardwood lugs on skids before Miss Vina Myem. at the
Hog some time with her
the anow came, is hauling lo Beltner'a
. aad Mrs. H, L
Since the men arc logging It k«i»s
As s<xm as he^ratches up. he
will pnt his gangs who have been laid
book stalks.
off for a few weeks lo saw lug again.
<.rn. Friday.
r. Feb
fv,. 1. ... Mr. .„d
Bimtett fniln. .Sadie Crain. Vita
Alll 8tlh-^ and Arthur iJomlue are
, Alvah I'ajk’i^a girl
C'rain and ('arrie Wagm-r sere tbe
working for Hill FMwards
of Harte Misitinan's last
The biggest flock of snow birds ever l^-sts
of Hugh Uuyd e:tKt of (own lu.nt Wed
MN-n In this town.-mus seen last w^ k. Thiirmiav evening
a bisd of young peo^
Whdu they would alight they would
rtiver nearly an acre iff ground. Quite and .Mr. and Mrs. Multbsin and little ple.fnMii in-rv doive out. They re
Chiciiyo wei«* the gn«*»its
IwirbHl that (ho Uixes which were ouca tew partridges ran be seen almost
W.raktMtp ond family Sunday <
.hilly In the adjoining awnnips.
Aside fmm a f« w iinph*nsant features
FYancla Forton who was hauling his
Will Harvey liegan work for
snch Ss tliwivern and bmt glasHcs.
Inga to the bask«4 factory, la now
the ewnitig was s{»etit ver>* merrily,
hauling them to Ihe Kelly Lumber
and a splendid gtswl time enjoye.1.
Co -s mill. Quite a few otherm are do
The ice* (-uil«-r.-4 are hard at work
ing the tame thing.
Ihesi. days on ti.e |s.n.!. putting up
Mr. and Mrs. Qua Domlne of feast Clly Saturday getting some del
Ice f«ir Whites m<at maiket to use
Hi-nil. have spent a week caring for work dnn«Wbil.- of Rohm. Adam ^ager of. next suirnm-r.
the farm whlK- Mn and Mrs. Henry
Tbe «-pid#-:uic
K. Carlisle
were away. Mr Carlisle fhdon and Jerry Sullivan, r.r.. Of Cedar !
urned Saturday
Mm. Carllate re- were Cetlar Run .
Amos Kennedy and Umglss
II the Kchiail rhildn-ii
ined for
Ir. and Mrs M L Gmc.sple have
k.s.p and Carl Kohn S»eie Tm
re.1 b;.rk to the burg from U K.
tiHim of borsiw and imtllL
Bill has
Cham's fsnn h.ime. Into Mrs. Hanssettled on'a new piece of land. As he
s llbuse ill the i.onh of town
Is a husTler, he U now In a way to
Irs. Swartout has Us n confined to
make many Improvements.
- Mrs. Alec McDonald arrived al
^h-.use with a bad cold the last
Kt\ Domlne who spi*nl alx weeks In l^ke Monday evening and re; hH
Virginia. Is luirk again. Donl talk to the h.mn- of her daughter. Mrs. Will
. J. Swan bn-; pmrluiH«Nl the new
Rd alsuit Virginia. He is working on Vannanburg. on Tuesda
I tnill at Wilhninsburg.
the roll wav for the Oval Wood Dish
lU>nt. to Mr.
Mrs. R. JR’ilson.a
company, glad to Ih> back to old Mich- s«»n. Jan. 31.
Frank South has iH-en^-uttlng logs
for F. M. Pierce Ibe lUiKt we«‘k
iHiTCl In Mm. ^ Heaber
K. Avery gts-s to Tmverse Clly to Riisman were TraviTse City cailem
Mm Geo. S. ^est ts|oa
day as a juror.
girsle Cornduffer Is assisting Mrs
C. *lall of Traverse City was’ In
H. R. Thayer U hauling wood to John Wlncheomb .in her housebeld
Travvrac City.
c” U Dsvton returned fnini Grand
You ought to see the kmdi of logs
Warren Bennett relumed to his Rapids Monday.
brother's Bmerson
B*‘nnet Cs. after
PlMlMarmaiHa laBawmoHnn aad Uteeratlon, and U Inraloable in piepS«tar ahUdMHh aad thaCbaafe of Ufa
Mr.. WnklMUB!i5tWidliis: InvIUtlon to Wo^
Woman aaflartet from aav form of female weakncaa
prompUjoummunlcate with Mrs. linkham. ai Lyan. Maaa Bar odrtea
is free aad always helpful.
Mr. Mm Yaaaa tesaMsrl a. Camd la 1
s Alts* Ms Yasr.*T.»awal sad h
r 2i vV^
Srossrorr. lu-. April 3. 1903.
E. W. Ross Mrmnvs Co., St l.oaiv Ma
l>esr Sirs ;-lt it s anirre of plrasuteior fnelo permit yon »o uws my
brfiwe and slier cuna) hy “Zl-MO. - and lo icU uhal - ZKMO” did for
! (Acne) r'nn'lm io^^x years and spent se%^rsl li
rrlv cured 1
isthe bOtf
3 ooTS very trnl).
^ome Valuable Hints
by the KlmUll Music Honae. We irpreaent three of the Unrest
Sirnis In the trnde; \v. W. Klmlmll Co.. Lyon R'Heuly. sod tbs Bdlson Fhaaogrsph Co.
Hint No. 1-Buy your plan
Sunday evening.
€d^. 4.
Bancroft Is on the sick
There was a very small attendance
t church yesterday owing lo the bad
La grippe Is
in thia nelghbot
be on the gate:
John WilsoQ baa purchaaed a farm
Helen Moyer. Mr*. Minnie Hathaway. near Alloi and moved there this week.
Fnink Sargent will move Into his
J. Btadelbaoer. Mm. CUra Copeland,
house vacated by John WnisOn this
and Mr. and Mm. WIdrig
Willis Allen wHl nwve ontp the
farm he 1g>aght of Philip Miller, onehalf mile east eff here.
Ji C. Randolph of JonesvHlc is visthe world*! commerce.
hU u™u»^.l.w. Joh.
•nwTf .III b. 11»cuir»l th. Cranee
Iherffore all right If
Hint Na 8-Do not place any depehdaace upon the teatimontelt
nothing of musical
•Hinf No. 4—Invertlgale any -wondiTfur* offers rery carefully.
Remember theie la no saving In. baying cheap. Inferior goods for a
teas price than you must pky-for standard goods.
Hint Mo. 5—Beware of the **>udglng-a p teao- In your own-homeidea. A. a matter of.fact. neariy aU Inferior pianos am sold . that
uay. for the simple reason that they would be laughed at in.the
aa(esruotns of a flmt-claaa piano dealer. The Innocence of Ibe pur-------------------- , this plan---------------------------------------aueoced rery often.
Hint No. C-Duy a KIMBALL Plano. If you want a piano that
IP perfect te tone, perf^ In constn^tlon. |icrfi^ la case duatga aad
H. B. HABNER. prop.
Loetag Flesh?
Tske VINOL-now. ^
ball Wednesdav nIghL
Paradise nnlon A. 8 of E. at Its
last meeting elected the following of
fleem: PresldenL A. J. AUbrighl;
D. C VIbber: Dvasurary. A. J. Hl|rMISS Rosa
Kolndorfer who has
re, lira. A- J.
been aMlstlng Mm. Lula Rawlings re
turned to bcr home last Friday.
Feb. Pth:
The many friends of Miss Urrle
Schlchtel were much surpris«l to bear
Recitation—Cordhi Days.
of her marrUge to Mr. Fred Coons
Rradteg—Mm W J. WHsey.
of Tmverse City. Jon. 9.
Rocitetioit—Mrs. J Days.
Jake Gleb is working at Pioneer.
Readlng-Mm. Ubble Rader.
Miss I^um Knapp and Mr. Albert
Koellmer of Blackman vlsUed Mr. nnd
Feb* 4.
Mm. B. R. Rawlings Su
home from
Miss Violet Sh
la Afriea rides In a
•ded,.froai a beary Wexford.
Many people of this vicinity are
That’S bccanse Vinol con
tains all the medidnal de
ments of cod Bwr oil, taken ^-n
from freah coda^ Urns, the,^ __
eliminated, t^^
^gza org
tei l^mi ouT.
n.,0. co»p,„,.. {iTTiSr'SS^
»ra?VVriP .o fr:,i„.
Juhn Brxinger. wbo baa Just returnThere will be no more chur
1 from a wnatera trip, says betwm
Mabel on account of Gilbert I
folks moving op over the store.
I.cthbridgc aad Medlctee Hal tboooThe young people of Mabel en
of antelope were etragglteg ta
a dance at Ihe ball Wednesday
Know without food on wbleb to
Mrs. Nell Brown went lo Elk Rapids sulolHi. There wi re cJumtaada of
them londi-d togethiT aear tbe track. *
^slvl'-n J..hn~.n mi. n.l«I th. fim-rol Armmd the animals were numbers of
I Friday
sle drove ta
Mr. Stoop s folks, who moved on the woU.-h ^qllaltlag 00 their baaarhes
tiinker place, have a fine hound dog ready to m Iw on any one 6f tbe anUkJ,
or mbbil*. when they are fried
loiHni that might Uppea lo fall. The ^
Feb 4.
solvm win* not nil coyotes, for IntermixiHl with them were big Umber
wiJv.-a Hi* i-stlmsUw that tbOTW were
bSK lM*en r
past week on acwnint of bad roads a
rtMigh weather.
Tbe lumbermen
umbermen In this vicinity a
T. Morab^
i n the Job of
Karlin this
tk. ton
There are cheap tar prefteratioBS
on Saturday
^ Zak and Emma CobIknuU went
mverse CHy on Saturday and
marrlcl. They gave a dancing old story: you've beard IL **8omeUitaff ’
r on Saturday evening at Karlin, Just ss good -* Don't be footed. taaUt
r-shments wen» served and all 00 having Wbroera White Wine of
ed a
nt^y Monday “
which lasted until 1
ed the funeral
SIbeG J.d
of his nlnre
:ge. of Suttons
Bav. Friday
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Kasllog^ were
Albert Bossy left for Milwaiik'-e l.tst
the guests of Mr. and Mra.'Knapp of
w<>ik. wfo-re he will vUit relatives
Blaekman Sunday.
there for a short time.
Miss Lucy h^igel reftmed Satur
Mm. M. E. Ore of Traverse City is
attending Mr. and Mrs Joe Nedow day from five wetrkx' visit iiP Chicago
Joe MicheiR Ik III with grip.
and son Oemld. who are III.
According to tbe t
Miss Itettle Pmulus. who Is attend
kl agnres.ooThomas Rawlings was te Tmverse
ing business college at Travefse City, City Friday and Saturday
ly twwrty person
Iroat Britata
visited at her borne Saturday.
E. Win
I2S0.MNI anMr. and Mm Ihnnis T. Hoxsle.
who spent a few days st W. C. Nel
son's. returned home Monday.
Mm. Geo. Gmy
Oscar Simpson of Traveme City
spent a few days In town.
children enjoyed 1
ty Thursday night and am sHU httaUng for trouble in th*
August Otto of Prmenient sras In
chaperoned by their teacher. Mrs way of buraa. aores. wounds, boils,
town Saturday.
^ts. sprains, or a case of.pllee that
Rose Armstrong.
W. Ashley went to Maple City Sal
Bocklea s Anilea Salve wont quickly
unlay, returning Monday.
cure." wrltee Cbnrtee Wsitara of AlleAlfred Nol.-on. wbo Is staving at
Tmverse Ciiv. apenl a few days at
bis home last week.
Easy to get it back again:
* Bn-wer;.««.
Viadl creates an app^, ^,it£^TuTA'^
1, red blood, Proc~n tor
taakes rich,
He babe from f»cb. One was little Saturday !
Amanda, daughter, of Mr aad Mm.
G R. A I. tmla leaves Traverse
O. Broadway and the olte-r the little
threwweeksold si>n nf Mr. and Mm. City 10 ?8 a m. Special rtmnll trip
Alfred Davis They all have tbe sym mte. All aboard!
pathy of maov frienda. Both funerals
aervioes will be held today. Interment
In Grant cemetery.
The hard storm Saturday almoet
('ouniy uf Gmnd Traverse—ss.
but Ihe roads are bad yet.
In the matter of tbe curpomtloo
Mm. Johnson's many friends here known ss (he Queen City Imptement
are S4irn t«> li-arn that she Is very HI
Mm. Johnson and daughter Lulu are
spending the winter (n Tmver»e City. County.
There art. so many here sick with
tk-beraas. L. O Rice, C. E. Hesadthe grip that those who escape It con xwtet. John W. Alloways. a. U Rorasider themselves fortonste.
Imrber and Joseph Amtsbueehler. did
F» lr 4.
on the Itb dsy of January. A. D.. 1*07.
duly execute rrilctet of aasoctetloo
for the purpose of forming a oorporslUsi to be known as Qusra C4ty Imple- lurru rs sjv busy hauling their
meni Company, according lo the prpvlklon of Act. No 23| of tbe Public
Mr. and !
Arts of iteM. Stnte of Mlrhlgnn. which
Mrs. B. VIsko
Mm Keith 1
artlctes are now duly recorded In Ibe
Friday nigbt
office of the Secretnry of Bute and te
Mr. Iteumberger of Northport was
the office of Ibe County Clsrk of anld
througb tbe nelghUwbood last week.
County^ now therefore. In purauanee
(Icorge Gilbert of Ilurdlckvllle vis of seetkm 2 of said Act. aottee Is
ited at F Atkinsoos Sunday.
)> given that Ihe
the IQrst msetlag of
Miss Hatib* Iteulus visited her sis the stock
m at said corf
ter. Muttle. Saturday.
for Ihe p,
c of electing a 1
kVttz Atkinson, who is aliendii^
High school al Tmverse City. ape4^
. and transacting any 1
Sunday at
Mias Nettle Ihiulus atiendetl the
china wedding of Mr. and Mm. Nelsoi^
ut Leland l->idav
Friday nlgbt
Her sister.
1 wUb her Saturday
Sunday here.
Rtieei In the City of Traveme Clly
In said County, on Monday. Febrnary
2Mh. \9or\ at nine o'clock a m. This
muice to Is* published In The Evening
Record, s newspaper pubUabed and
Hmilste«« In said county, at Iraat two
week* before the Haw appoloted for
nsid meeting.
Date,! February 4th. A. D. HK»7.
r said Carporailna
I K 13-22.
WoaMa troaUrd with
The Courtade school riosrd its win
T term a few wt^cks ugo,
Tbe Black achoul is now closed. al
cbmd term yrss
school boanl decided as
then* wi re »o many a
congh in tlie district
cold weather and drtf
made It bad for erei
»n up
to attend, to .
until spring.
Mlsa Sweeney, flmt term as tiwrher
of the Black district, has given satIsfactlon by .her work. She Ukee Intrreat In Ihe educational welfare of the
pupIU under her rare She has been
M-engageU to teach the apring term.
Frank IVFim- Is workRlg for Henry
K. Carlisle.
We bave a yining genius In the Cour
lade district name<l Nfiah k'ortun. a
young lad wlMJse |Mredi:i lisve not the
means to eilurmte him to tm atKsrtlst
His cartoons aad drawiagniKnMbaF
m tbe beads of two
flIt*5si*R I
is an inflammation of the
mucous membrane which
lines the throat
Have you ever triefl a gargle
of PAXTINE Toilet Antisep
tic for this trouble?
It not only removes the
soreness but strengthens the
membrane of the throat and
thus prevents a reoccurrence.
Psxdne has no eoual for all
throat Boreneaa, and we sell H
on a positiTe guarantee to to*
turn your money if it finis.
PAm9 • '
------ -----------
THS tvnoM moQmo. nuvcjiw crry, \
eOWTW «» *. «. C. 0«»WCM
That One Deer he the
Manjuetie' Micli.
Feb. K —Sweep
Ini: chancm'lo itame lam* are ury:et
uptm the leplahiture In n-»otolia04
adopted We«toefiday er.iilni; by a erw
vent kin c»f I Sir aportwjjen repretiem
Ittjt n cotinilee of Upper Mlcblsau
Stare Repreaentative
McTallnru ni
party hot Ihrirur up to tbia
pr«>idded . ami
It la to forfeit 11.000 already
the other partj t.f the oCTee- Stare Gaim- Warden (liapman max a
pr..mln»nl deleRate.
aad 4hH/ adbrreal, aad auppcMicni
*« «»hl .o
TIito iAlraalty I. aoi dcrold of bitter- »« *"* *»*'*‘"****
noa« toVato caao.. imt ihU feature
cmly ompbaafara the arrc.lt, of rtoar »***“^ ««
to at flir
** »*- "*--»•
and Harry I^vl. alao
|1.<M» «arb aiib U<ti
noon Tbtirrday. Kt-to
We place neutrality of 8l. UhiIb to
laKb f*tnelal and eltr cootroverafe*
aa' a soaraniee of a talr flcbt and no Now tbai ihix event U u mailer
.fartrra." arben ibe
j blatnry. and rreditablv ftti. ibe
hlfu ami
1UO.I »lt.llr l»lnr.l»l. A. bo.1 lo .boi
bo«l.«, l< «ouM III l»r.«io 81. Loul.
lo d.K-tan. for Ibl. or lb., rll, or .o
Mroralr U,» «bdlA.rT of «!•). er-^ ..Hironlr pro«rmm ««l
A. Ptordllpa of Ibe I
wifb the Suctol 'naaortation recently u
irtii It;
-81. txnila trill fiimlah theL
UMIo (n...o.l .na bll rr,ul.ll.- nofo.-
jtfor Hariv ]
d HY.\.S/-
• plaiix laid down li.V
Trouble Started When Second o
quiahed Fighter Struck Refer
Police Deew I
I hat It m ill luof rypoc^phlcal
Aimiui.ir lmpirtl«ll> oh«cr^i.K •U.l r,p, l.wii.Inr .m ,,n -rrluMv^ orrirr.
rb^rr 'L'^Cirar'xtTo "”ii.;! ^ bo‘riL
::zz[JZuZZJZ i ::;;bj:::;r':-.r-.rir. *:.
•n the piizt. H,3k We«lne»Mi
maa fulIom.Ll by rhe ,-,Hri
^ of .Polfre A^len ,ht.l the l«,:ii
I Thix
I efnre the
Ix^m-een Jimmy BHm. of Ratile Ci.-ek.
and Jud Woi:»defh' of r.tdil. vin.-. max
I until Pnxl- atrrleil. it mas at the close «f the
no unhealed acre*. tbou*b a bit '
acairefl. our wonodx are honorable;,
and our roemorlea lieai no laatlnflirf
The beat,- and ll
KlKut deyr hunting
boiitinf; aeaauo
mith one
d.-er ax the lirult for earh
-The reM.liitkm-. letommende,! that
jail mooevK rec4-lvf><| fmm xaie of Hicinxex lie fomteil Int.. a fund to to
t»r Baiue and fl.xh proiertion b>
me. Ttie county »-ard»m xjrxteni
Tkaf a #:«in ll.-^nxe
of r.o centx ffii tT-j-ldento. flu for non
II- Idem* be imnidetl; tuai fiaririure
• xhoitenefl :iii,l the kill Hmlttordx iH-r buntir |x .- xeas/in.
-!FiiEE>off«a «T Kuoo!;:-'
• •
*u but three signed
Joxlyn. Piitm and Hughe*,
to all
there mill to« foiiriiH-n on the pltchtog
11*1 at the *taii. for the old one. al
ready signed are Young, nineen. Tannehlll. Ham*. Glare and Winter.
At the Huxtnn ASalkmar. heodquarter* Preaident-Dover 1* getting thingm
to shape Tor the *pring
Bob Bwlng
ha* bc-n hoard from, and he aayw he
doex not mant to come to .Boatoo.
TVrvey mv* he mill not let go hlx
U mwa loxl rold-nlght Sunday, Jan claim on Muiythy. the former Nmre
uary 27th. whetf the |g»t toll in the Dam« catcher.
the belt St. Loul. hax and at a mmlerttU* co*i.
A national
garbeing of
ihlx xoit ,means.much to a city like
8t Loulx If tlKiac in attendance from
abr^iad go away mell ple«»cd. I hold
no brit'f for any hotel company other
than my own. yet 1 fei'l Jiisilflisi in de
claring that vtollors will have no real
• eomiilatoi to the matter of Uvtog accommodatbma tod the coanrof sonte..
wrbile In the clly.*‘
vHy tonmameni rolled down the alley .
racing board named.
Howto TItloT
ThompMn Apfwinu Seven New Yorh
era agd Two Others.
New York. Feb. 8—JeSeraon De
mon! Tbompmm. mrho has been rrapoppolnted ehalmuto of the rMtag
board of the Amertewi AutomohUe
to th,- xkaiing warithat hax d^rupti-d
the *po„ jn
trip of the Columbia
the lulled State*, and it to now the land
teurn of the board of dlii-ciurx of the | foul*
National Skating oxxoclatlon i
what dhll to the next step t,i
Chairman J. i. DKon. of the
tratloti cominlM,c of the Amateur
Athletic union ha* notified FcancI*
M. Clark, xccix-taty of ^he Nat
Skating aax,wiailon. that .11 the
who competed at Montreal had
San Fninctoco. Feb. 8 -The AuxtruldiwjuallBed by the Catiatlan Amateur lian champion. Bill Squire,, to corning.
Athletic nnloH. and that he had
He mill beactMimpauied by hto toicker
Ulaquallfled by the CanatHan Amateur am) manager. Jack Wien, a meli-tt>-do
Athleuc unkm of the rnlte*| 8t«tcx
that they could not compete In any
eooteat whatever. Many well known cabled a chtllenge to all America. He'
skater* are alTect,*d.
5t single out any one and doe*'
not tor anyone. Thix
that the;
challenge I* o|>en to J
Jeffrie. !
a* ,well gy lo other American heavvmrlghta.
■oX<m«kw« .1 HM •orins. A<Xpt«l
Whatever the Attxtraliaa may prove
Hand^*^ Mtthod and Cantin
to to a* a rtngater. It mnai certainly
Butlnaaa Wcr»
to admitted that be I* confident to
Hot fipringa. Ark.. Fob
8.~Tbe hi* method*. He docs not axk that
easy mark be aeAected for him
bookmakers -xiperated wlibonc molemta
Hon at Oaklawn W^n^y. On the at the OQtaet and that te to given n
•rat day of the meeting the book chance to work up.
MaHon Moote. an
tried Illy which winn the flrat
wna nino wen plnyti^
Boston Ferns
It blux for the erection of
nKuldocfl tom-u hall and arhool buHdw m hich contracix mill to I
to-fore February ir,ih. 1907. Addrexxall
Pliene for pri.tv. We<lelinr.
Amos E. Bingham
By order of the lo*nhb!|J
•. M. Fmlong. Huix-nixnr.
Notice to the Taapayera of the City of
Traverse City:
liay fviy x»lely in tln-lr
on Ibex- utiIllH*x itie lilebi.nl liiAer
ctoiiginilde with whMl, <x the xiirf
lH.af. the life , ;,r and Ibe bnix-ln-*
lumy. Ax «nn-xx*»il.-x to tbe uxe of the
[wo Inxl nientlomxl pie.-.-* of niMnirattie
1* ll.e WT.x-k gnu. «bl.-li lx UM
liorl lilies to sltiiix Xtrande.1 In ex|
Many u{ the re-< in*x efr«-l,xl by tbe
rmted Stal.-x life xuving crervx are
in.in|.llxh,nl by menu- of lifelxiatx gr
xurftomtx. Ininng tbe year
in-tau.v. tbetv were iauile.1 by tbe xurf
touitx ami lifetouiu iipwanl of l.uxi
only ntomi half a
................ .
The U* roll* for the collectU
le Rtaie and njuniy laxc. for the
19BC atad for khe dellm
1. Will be to my office to recelte said
taae* from now uniil F-b. 2*. I9u7. on
each week day from 8 o’clock to 11:30
o'clock In the forenoon and from 1
o'clock to 4 o’cltK-k to tbe afternoon.
On all state and county Uxc* paid
before January in. the n-gutor fee of
one per cent for collecflon mill to
charged and on all taxes paid on or
after January
10. there will
charged a fee of four per cent for eollecUon.
Penalty on delinquent city
bn**H-h«T tomy or life i-ar during the
twelve nioiifb* in nu«*xtliiU;
Tto* lifetoHit* and Kurflxiaix are each
|>ro|K*lle,I by u crew of *U or eight
all trained imrsnieii of the life
Having xervb-e.
Tbtwe xlamh erafl.
wriirtdng iHTtmiM 7i«l or Nai iKiuud*
Office in room 202 SUte Ban*
ea,-b. ami by reuixm ,if their self right- banding.
lug aiMl M-ir bailing ,,amllti,-x render*-,!
Dated. Dec. 4. 190€.
vjrtnn)ly un.Inkuble. are obvlogxly the
Ideal vebb-lp. for taking ronalderable
aiy Treasurer.
imiul,cr of iM^raoux from Imiierlle,! v.-x dec 4 to fetori
ael. In a llmlleil x|wu*e of Hurt-.
ScicnlisU Mak*
In ExpaHc.r
John I». Rockeri-lb-r'a fri.tOOjBNJ In
xtltute For Medical Reeearch in Wash
Ingiuu auu.mm^.•x i, .l..,ov,-ry which to
for xeriaux ofiermtious ether to lea* dttn
geruux than efalorofonu. It stimulate*
the heart, and aftet it. influeuci- has
autoilded tbe patient liey-oniex dealblv
Cblorofomt doed» not prtKioce
nauaea. but It dei»rexxe* tbe bean, aud
even a alight overdoxv to likely t<»
cauae death during the period of un
C'oialoe hax ben
ed aa araibiblc only for minor oiK-ratlon* and local apidicatlon*. amb a*
toothache and external , au or wound".
Dr. L. Ka«t aud Dr. 8 J. Meltxer of
tbe Rockefeller Inxtitute after a aerie*
of etaborate invextlgatlona have found
uuL however, that cocalae Instead of
to-lug a mild drug in reality exerts In
eenaln doxage a
reaching luflu,-n,t
idcr It available
"rput* which will render
This to a boon
«* well aa toilema. benae and ha* no tod effect*.
Hto Shaky SsaL
A small Canadian ventured Into tbe
room w hile ’ll!* eklest slater was en
tertaining a tuascullue caller.
“Mr. lUrrla,” ibe^ootb finally Inter
nipted. I wtoh yon would uke me
with .voo same day."
•Take yon with mer echoed the raller. -Wbera do yon want to gt/. Bob-
He has thrown down tbe gannllet
makers were arreatiwl aa aoon aa bets
them all and declarea that aa moon
were mAe and Twwday the adopted
men to serve on the racing board for the handbook ayatem.
I he arrives he will place $5,666 ni
Ihe current year: *Wm. K. VandertrtlL however, the beta werr laid lii
the telier'a hands to sappott his defl.
Jr. K. Rnamdi Tbomaa. Daveiienien- naual manner and ho nrreata
cm Ad Wrm will arrive ia San
Moma. A. R. Pnrtllagtoa. Ptmnk O. ante. The books were bard kit by
Eiseo about March 12.
Webb. A G. Batchelter and a M. the victorkma Baltori and 8«m
Bntler. all of New Toth; K. | farntn
i^rh.75 fu.rntv:;‘t7r.f^;7r;!
rvM.NgxiiLg M i;r
::'j- • •
-Jto*ielitcx have gimnted so favorable
' tt rate Uh vi.lting homier* and their tun-x Ihto mTx-k
Among the pitcher* who mill start
Co! iJtodrum of the Plan out with the local team In the *prlng
Killian, of lUn
ter* perhtpK voiced the general xentiluent of hotel managers mhen he said nibal. Mo.: Cn-orge of La Crtmae:
to the committee In charge of the .Raining*, of Texiyi: Oberlln. of MliY.;
The bowler* are entitled to mrauki-e; Kroto. of Bolivar. N
Tbe Sanaa are the only Baropean
natkm which has never town con
quered tq the past five centuriea. Na-
but they got f,»ob-d. for thank* to to
God. I was Inducvl to try Dr Klng*3
New Dixecnery. It tc»k Ju*t four
d»dlar boitb*x ;« completeir cure
Ua«l In th« Life Saving Servo
OAiugh and restore me to gogd m
'ihe M-nea of
tally dtoaxtrous health.- write* Mr*. Kva. rncaphei
WTe,-Lx v h.rli bax
durixu* the Grown own.
Stark Co., Ind
King of cough and cold
psxt year «.r im.. «hi ihe Atlantic
hiwJer of thn*Mt and lung*,
Pacific caaal* aud oa the great b
lectl b) BugtoM* Ihug
to* eaiimxl nii uhuaiuiI «• li\it\ In
Ul\«uti(»uwr life xa^ma de« ].-,•«
fl.no. THal bottle fre
I nited Stiilex gutertiinciit toanl of
tVtoTtx datalbil to examine aud text
all wen Inrenti.mx ».ff.*rej for Jlie u«e
of Ihe CnlttHl Stal.*x life xavitig »»enit'i* bax Im-«-u x.»n-I> iax.*d by the efBuilding, to' ^be value of tmenty
fort lo rive X Tloux .-.mAUlennuiu to the
lotiMnd dollar* an* to to- i-rivtc-,! in ■
imii.y nov.-Ui,-, nhlHi li.i.e tox-n pre
ur village thi.V^pring. Tbe io*n-hlp '
the xiaxon .If |in.V..;:.uifin e\r»*|il «|r
alrurtlve anltnnls. and
ntnst imiMirtam. that
pniifM-.bin ..f
pume Bell ^d todirinc of fore I b.
inrreaxed/« >i* Im h. X. That a rod
llretiM- of 2S f*-ntx be rh;ny;ed. Tbat
the rb.fefj Mniton on rabldtx he from
Warrb 1 ti. |>« fejiibei. That all fur
toaniV anlmu's to- iir.itecN-.i „uMna
Matinee. Wednesday ant! Sai-„
Hear the b<rauiiful illustrated
Remember. 10 cts. to any seat
in the bouse.
Change of programme every
That briMik irwiii xeniatn U-xhon.-ned and the Iructh of lecalbiil flxh.to*
MotioR Picture Co.
. Neighbora Got Fooled.
trolvi** to ISO. and !««> :»‘»reu:>
on hamki and omix.
xemi mlndii^. and jKefeiee PIrkell had
derlared Kid Fisto-I. of Kalnmaioft.
19UT mt-tu the minner over Yoiinf Sharkey, of Grand
Ilaplda. *^llrkey ^'o!.y. j„mi.ed frmit
11 la mdirable that 1
Sharkey a cuiner bnd xiiiu k the r« f
lie a dlxpoiUiU.n
ere«‘ In the fare. PIrkell r.ime Iwirk. j
I of the emrntry loj.
New York. Feb. X -('apt. IM’ie. r
and knockeil Fole^i ihrmiKh the o.peK
on to the aelertlon of! .
Pierre, mho to In chatge of a«r.I-tl -,*
ito.r. February. S-Joo
and half m-iiy Ihro.^h the rromd.
niomltera <if the eiecntlre committee
ai West INdlil. to at the b-.vl ef a
e fooiluill player, lx the
In an inxinnt th.tre mere ha.f
of the A. a C. From Iho leitAm le
movement to unify the tmo
man in ctdlem*
t'Hved at the local beaiiquartera It
X4MX of Itilex ti*e<| by the A. A
>• :iu*7 Chlract. pamo
max ty» and
wf.ald mq^enr that iHere mill l»e a
the Inierrollegiatr ILi.^kei ■ Ik
in aeeiixa'tlun of which.
luirdiT ninteat fur th«*ae
riatbm. Much difflculiy i,a^ I
Mlrhiran man d<*rlan'«.
baa to^-n notlreable at f«.rru. r ai-axl.mx
|x itoufHl. noi tmly by the lej
im.went. and kept from
In fan. the aeneinl aenilrnfiit to eliuby the ,efe,
mton t«aii
olvanla pame iiy an ar- jrlubx. Foley maf h.indrufTed and
!• V'^-k liefonMhe Idp ’ ‘ taken from the Ai^uuy hall. folloHml the xe|»uiale ntlex
One o| Ihe iioinix mhicli has c:him-.|
half hundred frjendx. and a xethe leadtoK «»fnreii. but
iln- pr»-s,-ut xi a ‘
he fell
‘comi flftht started mlth the i*ollr«- In
.«ur ono. aa weu.
i mx alone ta . ^uemulk. ,
xon lx ihai go\em1ng the hull jiaxxed
* J the xtre**t while thfy
ikm to lodtoiU B healthy Intereai L
Aml-ble.the enun. r.Ilfer»-HI leleire.;
broken to the
the iialrol wagon. kl
Dfricem tix4^thelr
I toimllns aValra that tovlex rimmI an ‘ ’
hivie. tou-itirtte,! ihi.- lub In ifc 'r
placr- ,
e <ild fracture.
* club* and knorke.1 ja
Some *4iy that ihe fii>t
nr. n,lld« xays he will not say • and then pulled gwnx before they
ho touch,-X the ball atlei to iug
deflnltely until an X ray |> taken. • mc-re able to bold the rnrwd at toy.
..I n.n«/
om-liie g,is ihc -todi while
mym that It lx%. iialnlv a •
Chief of polK,* jAHen. Iinmuillately
aaenta. offler-ni of the city axxocia-l * tenibb mronrh
iiailly to the oi*
• aper Fob-r max Jdken fmm the ball.
tionx and other*
Mepped into the i^ng and announce,!
local hotel*, mlth rate* and localImi
that the Behttog rias a. an end
The full list la yet Incomplete, but
A wide dlfferr-nce to*im-,
-xabl further that Ithere m-iiuld to-no
may to aiateil tliai
r. and the Intelcolleglut,nmre boxing in Kalaman« ao king
to belter thaiuhaa bean
f*an aecuretl for a 1
------------j to- wax at Ihe he«,| «f the police force.
national sathnriQf to 8i tomi* Uen*- Ferris. Parent and Carr,
the tou*cnllegia(e mb- a man 1
Not Landed Vet by «' teaton—
lofiuv. iitHi Pill eompurr r.-ry favor
mltt,-d to dri^de" mlth tod
Will Probably Sign Soon.
able with anyihlni <*f the kind ev.^
and try a flvid g<i.nl after
an ringed to the west. St Unil* I*
Ibixton. Maas. Feti 8.~The ROxion Ul ktn Who Competed in Montreal
particularly fortunate in the number
Events Are
of really BraiKdaaa hotel* in n»mi>ara- American team ha.< not yet rriceived
lucb tto* ban with I wo ban
Well Known Skater* Hit.
lively eaay arces* of the touniament the xlgmil contract* cd Ferrix. Itorent
neb- play and b- raniiot xhti
and the
readiness with or ftorrigan. the latter a ralrber who
.'•dribble.'- He inuxi |wxs It
Pre*id»nt Taylor.
Work. Frb. K-The
mhich the proprietors of the varioua to bailly wanted.
gimjof hlx team roat,-x
in the
;.................. n« 147 HT
agrmUMtnnihg ^
te #dv wafted/imufteranr JS
-Roxyl What dolng>**
^rarrjtog a lantern for the
Itara.**—|»nli!to I'rvrman.
Sooth E.denk
ttel Wm why he
were thm—ihree of tha
ind the doc-"
•harli-tmU^he mrn-
man. loe Qan« name. Jack WHcb
1 lo Ibo BreUa*
I ^ *’
‘ » Lwl., Mo, m, »-Ai Ihr
«••• «"• *«
“'«>'• of ten Fnmelw. and Bert Crtmand
for thr hoMloc of Ibr Alwrk;o Bool-1 «““<■
r«portlT. hurat of Philadelphia,
lap Ckift|tr«M aad UairBaaM^f to'Ihla ’
***** ******* T»ia* SSalllvan Unia name. Rr^dj?
, cliy 'draw. Mar. Ilarrii
ICih. Ibcj"** •*“»»** *»rttt b».(orv nir^itnc to nanvar. Col., and Ct^irse Slier
flKtit Tor tbc trading offlriil booor. j
aad ih.. roo^ikia lor to^tt am«|
to««r l-«wcco ,br rlra. cUlr.
was am anxtnws ta xHL -T««
aakl, -I hMsht the tec tad tntoed
hlrvhiMwIf. 1 got hte «> he'd htrti
^ tosMe
wax aafe
The* any wife wanted
me to train him to carry hondWm. and
1 dkl* If 1 pni a
to hi* month
the doc wonld keep It ihera till aMM
onr look It away. WWL «mc night I
woke np ami hrand m«r one to the
tm T57
............. .. ................. 2.5U
^ “Artk-»#« M ajrrcfiDMt bMVMi ruanr 7. l»7. wtien the matoliqHiL
ior Gmm of Bftlttsor*. a»d. fUrry 006 y aide .hall i-. po«rd. • The $5.to»o
L*^ cf fmUadHpliia. vketvbjr tb«> a at«a then to .land for w*ditbt and
iio lihi for tbr HcliT«risbi rhMiplaD
*Joe Gana an| Harry Levla alao'
j Oilp of tb#- tfiorld b«d*orr-tJM> club offfr- J»«ree ui name two men inch- for
>img the lar*«f purac «a4 for a aide r.fe*np and rhelctol, to name « cub
The Grand Opera
The beat <nt«at held to the rlty
aome time w tniM at the Wl*
kina B mmrner alley, tom eeeninc
irhen the iicCtekey. won fmoi the
Sooth Sidera by only fire pina. JnUn.
Winnie of the ILcmaLey, and B
Qt the South Sulera each pot 266 which
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
City Treasurer.
Successful business irtM,- Sev-'
era! years Alderman from
Second ward.
Don’t FaU
AqtombbUe Show
Aatomoblle* Leather
Ui altoml Ibr
Feb. 2 to 9,
K«. sin B...u,cn
Walter M, Paige
Cit phone 372
Simply Pertect
131 On. St
One Ton
o o*‘k e
* is equal to
Two Tons
i» the laqsl fwO,
No flusl; no
lillle ashes.
smoke; ^rmf
We ha\-e rotluced tbe price to
$5.jW tS
by many of tbe natlvra.
the* nmnshig tricks and pen
te nm sU over tbrtr booses.
Inverse Qly
Gas Co.
iHEVBmK worn
toirtag ohooM to to tat Re Map
ewto Rta epaoo. Tb «o R It to wot
hitotoer wto hen FMtor to Mr. iiRtltot to wmtoy aaad wRk toar aa
IRI^ to R^a Aa4||| tola mtoh of R moRd to mR
wMh apmy.
eiW htoirtMr to a «Mlr RHAto earn
ter wMch wee hen aad died totaitoy
•ht ^
«too towi Qwt
Trrn^ Cby
to toortb for a Ftoea of Madhto•ry Loot III TronoH—ToaoH.
tloa wtn hold t» aatoil meettog to
thto vBtoto fhh. U aad 11 Me palat.
tltoe or mmtr hard ton totoed to
> 4hle a toeedag tod w«l leave
agmae apaa the peegle. Noted
ia» and teaeher* have beea aecared tor the oceaMoa.
The saw mill sUrted ap Wednesday
after aa Idlsoesrt covertng several
W. a Boathrea aad C. K. Heywood.
rspert acoouaunts froes Chicago are
sud.inag the books this week aad laat
tor (be Rk Rapid* Iron cooipaay.
Vft. rATfUOTttM.
who eUmora kx
A »rnm» to
for w
who «o»U
lyiVh Um eoaiitry porpotuollf «o
lifQltod la mttet aad liopt te a turwmS bf wart a»4 rwn^ of warm. A
palrloc to a auM who kw«« bto cwua
la Jorla* bto oooatrr looka oat
for lU boot latOTMta Tbore arr Umeo
wbai war to laorltabto aad ooc to flcht
to to looo proottao and matortal tbiagm
b«t WtpUr tbooo oxtfwmlitoo an» be<
coalM fmr w ami aAvaaoe |a rtoi
ItoAtloa bat witoa war to aocoaoary tbo
jaUrtot aad aot tbo J!a«p aboutd H%o
ago whoa tbo Ualtod Statoo wa
«aaw tor aa»a* tbo aaitoo. of tbo
wortd. Tbo otbor amUcm« woro aui ar
aaalatod wUb o«r ptwwooo aad w« had
to aroro oar ablUt/ aad rtgbt to oalot
aa a aaUoa. Tbo doctoratloa of lad«^
lltorly bat tho dooumont aloeo did
aot »iw«aoo it It waa oecoooary for
this noaatry to onoYlnco th« motbor
Doaatnr diat U wa. aot an tofanl bat
waa ablo to ataad akmn litotory
glYoa tbo rooult.
ThM a row yoan totcr tbo motbor
ootjBtrr coDUaaod to trmmpto oa tbo
of Ito child. Anolhor abarp
loaaaa waa aordod aad warn ada
tofwd aad alaoo ih«oi tboro baa bM
fartbor troutlo. Knglaad a prldo waa
btuabled Md In bor huniblonm.
poreHvod 'that tbla nalluo puo
good poIbU aad aliioo tbea. mho baa
oogUaaoualr rocognlEed them.
Tho war with Uoalcu mu bat an
coMlnoo by tbo couaty oaaTmtloa
bold Of BoilaJfw Tbooday. A. X.
Dowgborty rrtirtwg from tbo committoo bat not from polltlca Hugh H.
iday the MotbodUta will have
Unrtiln arrvicoa la fbo morning and
rrnlng aorrlewa wni to la charfo
nf Ifrm J. C Oauatlott'a cUoa bad will
nalat of tnmw.rtol aorvlcoo for tho
te Blahop MrOabo.
The* Her L. R Moooll. modorator
r this dtotrlrt. atioiidod a totoflng
here Tuwiday for tho porptod of '^g
bnaigb Ibo boateoao formula of olort
log the Ror. Mr. Tail aa paator of the
Prembyleiian rbnrch of Rk Rapida.
Mr. Tall has pr^Aeb^d f»r tto rtinrrb
aoTeral Buadaya aad to glrtag wsco)
tout oatlifadtlaa. A oarlgl Orroilas
okiaod Mr. BioMdla day with thto
church and It waa largely attenhed.
The Uy U frotoa mor and flahermoa aro aettlng tboir neu. Ice booaoo
aro aloo aeen upon Rk lake.
day afternoon with the renmlna of bit
bnithor. Winiatn. who diod In the
iippor^ ponlntuto last week, and the
funeral took ptoco Saturday afternoon.
rrwdiJctiHl by fhe Rev. Mr. Vail and
the Rev Mr Danlela. and ihe Inter
ment waa madf In Maple Grove ceme
Mr. aad Mr*. A. R l^rbaak. speol
at week la Geotral Lake.
Percy Ruble waa seot oat Saturday
» look tor a met
of epme ma
chinery tor tbe erjneat .plajjt w|lch
had beea loet off a eairfOrilliH^e
went to Traverse Oty aad aaeespded
la ha^ the ttalaiiMtoter asod out aa
igtos to aeareh for ft.
VYod toltes aad wife of Angel lost
tkelr HknMathsold dgngbter by poeu
moats Sunday.
Home Ulent. under tbe dlreclj«» Ot
W. H. OrtfAth. who pat -Forgtrea**
upon tke local stage, will play “touthA aua. bora Toteda^ to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Itoaooe.
The Presbyterian Young People * *o
clety will be enirrtalaed tonight by
Chad4W and Frank MoLaughlln.
Tlis *ophomonw have elected class
ofAcer* as follows: Prmldent. Weir
Oauntleit; vice president Sol Gold
f»rb; secrvtsry and treasurer. Bmms
Hodge. Junlor-g afAcefK are; Presl
dent. Glen Morrison; vice president.
Arthur Xood; *ecreUry. Cora Stone;
treasurer Ray Cooper.
Adam Schuler tbs smiling drsymsn.
wean a broader amlle thsn usual
since Tuesday, when s ne«f daughter
came Into bis borne.
A. J. Dole of BHIalre. county super
Inteodeut of Ihe .poor, was In town
8 B. Owen came over frtim Belbilre
Mcmday to look after kis Are loss on
building burned Friday evening
If yoa Rre tookmir for
m Steel lUnge that toiil
last a Kfetine. a Range
diat you cannot break,
one that wiR bake per
fectly with the feast
amount of foci we invite you to caII and ex-
Read Tills
ri^lLiKS Than Cost e
■maatkehuUlaeof ttooad hf aroad
The ptwpor aaettato haa aa average
rtoe from ditetoa to eeator of crown
af oae Inch to the toot Thus a state
aldffl road mAt to at taaat mgktesa
fern wtoa tar the travwtad part aad
that would bo aiae tort from «ick to
crown. Tbea the cealer of tbe high
way woQ^ be alae taebsa above tbe
^».of tha^i^ Tto aecOou is
Bat right toro la mtotw the avorage
la Travarae City.
AY. nMMAKY.a 1W.
the rtmd would slide out late
ditches. But throe sbonidera
the water, tho i
enemy of roads, la-the track to e
shoulders by throtoag them Into (he
ceater If too lew. or out of tbe rtisd If
not needed, would allow a road to
drain and vastly Improve It.
We have raaaacked orfr entire store and wsreboobe and hunted
out every piece to funilt ire that to at all damaged aad placed ibrta
oa Mur third Aoor. from wbsro (boy win be sold at iros ftoa ooet.
These are tbe accumolatiaa-mf tke satire year aad emhrmw doasas
ckhri ua a sharp, quick aarriSce. Come la time.
Come in and let us
tell you why ^The Malfeable * is the best Range
in the world.
0UI nsTVRCE imiiM
Sale of Rockers.
Bargains yMorth Looking Into
Ravlnf Roads.
atiroa Catted on Him Last Nipht.
Roads In ravines or oa dagsrmys
A very pleasant time was had at SIR
should have aoaw kind of paving tor
gutters. Cobbta atones amko a good West Frtiai stroet last evening
some of (kH»Tfo* H Newimm’s laTlmatc
relatives and friemls came in to spend
rsvlne roads to thrown away beeaaae the evening with him. the occasbm
being the anniversary »*f his birth.
freshrts cut away .the road ttself.
Then the grsdsa ^oald be aot tows Cards funilabed tbe amu«em.-»i .d the
than Six feet rtoe rt fan to each 100 evening. Refreshments were sened.
ftwt lineal If one would get state aid.
Oraval llaada.
The state aided gravatod roads must
have tke following apeclAcathmi of Justice A. B. Cu-tis WanU Place on
Republican Ticket.
Justice A. ft. Curtto. who Kucroi-tliri
thka two bortaoaui to one vertical. tho lato Justice Verley. announrea
Many builders make the side ditches
so steep that thers to danger of over^ tiun on (be republican ticket. Mr,
turning when two rig* havw to pass
ntwr Ike ditch. The traveled track
iDuit be not less than olghteea feet
with nine fret of k covered with
gravel, to a <h-t»(h of nrt leas than
eight Inches. Thto Is pnt on In two . K. O. T. M. M.. No. R7I. will give
course*. The Arst li put on rix Inches tliHr annual iHrtch supper Feb IS
f-li It
deep and tbonuighly 'rolled when It All .8ir nights invited.
will compact to Ate inches.
The xrsv«-l used In ths buttum
course muMt hs\e no stunes that will
Mlaa nora Fierce, a former reaWenl
of Rk Rapida. lumobtalned a poalihm
In the civil aervice oommtoaloo aa
ateuographer In Wamhlnglon. D. C.
Homer Sly. local manager fur the
Kik Cement company bat been in Cbl
rago*to tor this week.
hsir toch mesh aud the bstonce nuiKt
The -nftenuMMi- given laat Thura
have Ki» |K-r cent of pehliles that will
day by Mr*. W. II. R-hitfield and her
not pass a sen-en with one-eighth Inch
mother. Mtm Archbold, waa a cl
Ing anrlal function They were aano Slone* that, will not peas a screen
doOMlaa of thla nnintry. but cmo aa kiMted In the dining rotwn by aeveral
That our highways skould have with one and one-half Inch merii. and
tias and that a unlt.Hl nation, a nation ladiea who In turn pivmided ovei
ore attewtioo Is concmled by nearly
oompoaod of unlu but tho unit*
Kr.Hl Ijoig. Will llruce. h'red Hlls and everyone, but In tkla pountry there
woklod togoUior.
a to have been bat little done In
MIms llruce amlkte<l In serving. Mra.
▲ fow yoar* agti. Ibo Unlud Ut
TravecMf City would dojsell to take
my of ayatematlc. schmrtAc highoogagod la anutbor war, a «nr i^Mrh llert»eTt Rodgett. a plantot of great
a liwaoo here Stones of all altei
boAdlag. Tbe cause of thto to In
mil tbo rounto In at ill n dllToronl skill. ctmtr1but«-<l several eelef-tlons.
eat nmai^uie the abort righted from the aU- of a man’s head down
light aa It waa a mar In «l«<on»o of Mr and Mra. tVbItneld entertaVeil at
are hauled on Ihu airoet to make It as
y that aome people adopt of votcards Thurmdsy eviming. a ^eek later.
tho bolplooo aad wonk
rough as possible. Vehicles |iaa.-ilug
<n>k-r of the Fire Department H 8. Ing down every public Improvement over these not only have to raise their
A fow wtonlnga ago. a farowfll dinimrwma glrcn Ini 1London u. 8lr Jann a Ameraon aad Mrm. Amerwon opened for fear somt'one else than themselve.x loads over them but they come down
tiM-lr btiautlfitl home for Ihe entertain will enjoy a tow centa.more Inment on the other aide with a blow that
Bryco. tho no w
coontry. In which I ho
W^th the old district svKiero each dig* out « »«>!« »»t“* *tUl farther
the company was abeoH>ed in r.nrds
atatod that Amortca
roughens the street.
any Bond to U> M‘lf aMM-rtlvo, thni ami merry tnahlng a call came f«»rihe neighborhood act* for tkelr own selTraverse City riiould Insist that
chief to liuu out for a flie which had Ash tniereat regardless of the fart their gravel be screened to correspond
othor aaUona rve*i lu.-ii n.v
bmlien mit In the bowling alle.v. In that perhaps by that meant other
abmtj aad power
iborboods were cut off from tbe
Tbto utloranco to algninclaiit In irgtit less than five minutes there was but
After ihw graved to placed on the
of principal travel while In turn road and thoroughly rolled dowi
nf tbo fact that tho Jlngoa aro again one gentleman left iif all that large
rlalag up and arc but WTiltlng for an party and III hiwlth alone pn*venteil they tbsmselves are cut off by the shoulders should be brought uh tu
plan adopted by the next dis complete the speclAkd outline of sec
opportunity to clamor fiw war wit I him fK»m Joining the rent. The fire
a aaUoo that .baa nlwmya boon friendly put out. the other buildings saved, the trict. W7th the county system this tion. The Btato cooaultlng engineer
II 1a alao noUcooblo that tho patrkMi men (and ladlefi also) returned for wwild be In a large part done away -recommends that soda he cut and ust d
of tboooantiy an* nut Maying anything refn-shnn-nts. Nothing could havf WRh. A well studied p^an would be for the lop layer between graveled
about war but afro going ahmd mwci* tieim planncl that would have fur carried otU to construcl (he varltnis part aad ditches. This gWtm tho grass
uiHhiHl stich a sjMM'iarulur diversion ai
I ao ns to connect with each a suit and prevent* the wasting awsy
fully coatrlbutlug to thi‘
fate decreed that night
other. •
of uncovn^ earth. A well settled or
AuQthrr effort to Iniug aU>ut elec
The county of Grand Traverse went rolled subgrade of earth ahall be made
mage has ap bscR on the plan once for fedr that for the grovel before it to apread. alHerbert Joynt Traverse City would get more than lU sraya remembertag that the aubgrode*
•^of Traverse City who came over Mon- sbato of the benvAt regardless of the, muat be right Inriirii or the depth of
Iday and mbles propositions that l«»y eiirt\ttot almost half nf the . tazee! the gravel. l>elow the top of flnlshtri
feasible H»* offer* 1o make
would be rtillected from Traverse City
of ll.tMvo which he says he will forfeit and that It would go (Milridn of the
olafitiro of Gravel.
The National-Moikrf, Flciuro oosu- If he doca not “make giKv*l ” Here rcUy to distant parts of the
There 1s quite a little difference in
mny wlU be seen at the Grand all of hoping he doe* for Elk Rapids neeils Kalkaska and Manistee, both
the quality of grovel. Mori of our
neat week, begtimlng Mt ay night. the light badly enough.
tag on our county, have had
grovel conuins a covering oK lime
wltb maUneea Wedniwday
Thto week the good aleigbing has ty aystem for aome time* and1 are well which makea a good enough binder.
day. The program mill consist of the U-en Iroiuvvt'd Py the .clwwl children. pleased with It.
It la a mistake tp have too much, «•very latest uivtiKlate motion jdcturcs. Every night, which will Include to
la there any reason why Grand
togwther wUh btwuUfiilly Illustrated night and Saturday nlghl, merr> Traverse county should not be equally pectolly clay binder. '
Bov grovel which haa hardened cen
aaaga aad Is of atomt two tomm dura- sleighing partle* have bewa out enjoytral parts I* the best wearing.
tkm. Tho prtoea are venr low. being ing Ike excelient opportanity for ***TtoVutc has created
The weight of vebiclee Is borne on
taa cento to all for all parts of the amu*«*meni.
at Laaalag with Hon. H. S. Earle as the lUger pebbles ahd Ihe small pebbouse, making a ver>- moral and amus
The W. C. T. V will give a valen commtosSooer. and FYaak Rogers,
hlea and parHrie* of crushed rock
tine social Beat Wednesday evenlni practical civil t^glneer. as oonaolU
serve to make It smooth.
St the borne of Mrs Jens lUoaon
engineer. The state has alao raised
It will uko about L500 loads of
Ramomtor th^, opening night. Moa
The High schod freshmen class a fund tor honuaca to townships
gravel such as Is gaperally ^led In
-day. ¥eb. n. 1{ yini come once It ii elected ofAcors as follows: Fresldeol ing r mile or more In any one j
loose cooilUioaylo <wer a mile of
aure you win cwBw again.
Psulus Voegell; vice pfwMdeat. Grace hlgliway constructed aacording to
Bullock; iwcr«ary. Mary Bosley: their speclAoatloiii
treasurer. Harold Spriag: committee
A tow of the i
antion G. A R.
Dsn Fairbanks. Floyd Mitchell. An out at iMd laaUtutes are given here
lal meeting, of Md
A special
for ihe guidance of people wb<
post. No. 18. to called \o mart i
----------- Walter Bank* enter not able to attmto.
cm- Mlrjrt on1
^ ^
^ ^
tained the yoan
young people’s Bible claa*
Dirt lioato.
the M K.
hool Friday
Barth roads are only makeshli
log This la a very large
be appUed In dtotrtcia where
Art Isr Ssis M to rslewtog Mmss
makes a large party tor eaie
travel to light and the expense of veraary of UdcoIb s birth A Aoe pro
grwvel or stone roads to bsaTy in
gram has hero pr^rwL All aoWlers
J. W. Jaokton K. W. Jahrans
portion to amount of taxable property. aad sailors Invited. WUl leave headE.A.Manioe Rom A Moaito
But the improveaseau cmmlat of mix- qoafier* promptly at 7:50 and march
at tke Aprtl meettog of tke Preaby lag oa^ A»d clay In the proportion of to the hall.
F. D. Marvin. Cam.
* Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlee Durkee rw^
Wuqoeioog dob
Allan F. Utlta. AffJ.
tab A-lt
turned fast week from a two an
O. F. Owto
visit ia Kemosha. Wto..
The last chib toaoe wUl be held
Bert Tueaday eveatag.
Dr. J. C. Oaaatlelt waa to Betlalre
tho Hdiaav tndf.ito hart* an
ck on hand that are takiuK
If you want; a Rooki-r,
Now Is (be Time to Buy
And bert* it wberu you will fiud the liu.
iwt a^rtment and tbe lowest pricoe in
you an idoa of Ibt* Rfiml reduction wb
have iKade. Throo an* ooly a few of tbe mauy:
Lan^* .\nn Rocker, u^ldea mk tmish. roK'uUr $-1 value, at $1.48
Good Cobbler Seat Kxker. n^uinr S.T50. now................
Roc ker like rut, Roldeo oak. roll armt, nicely oaived,
alwar* n«»ld for pl.OO, now only.......................................... ..H U5
()ur sp.H inl 57 R Kjker, ifolden oak. wide arm, roll aoat, now :i 95
Sv‘wiug Chairs from (r»o up. Morris Chairs from 4 75 up.
AH other high grade Rockers sold nt'oordingly.
Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Go.
127 S. South Union Stroct
The Hannah & Lay Mercanffle Co.
THE BIG STORE ”-DBalers in Everything
On a
Pay 50 cents for fan up-to-date
book instead of $1.50. These are
the highest style of the book
maker’s art. Good cloth binding
best of book paper, good clear
type, finest colored illnstrations.
• Kale Meredith Financier**
r. J CuicJlffc Hyne. author of “Capt. Kritle.” “Mr^Todd.’’ “The nilburicr*
. Mr. Hynu* has Hwn At to I.K-atc tho acotM-s of his Jaiest and best novel uo
the deadly coast at We*t Africa, a region Ailed with man-eating wild anlmalK. ir«-i,ch«-n»iih navages. fatal fi-vern, trartlooa Jungles and a moat daHag,
del. miiii.-d and unusual English girl. “Carter.” the rod-headed adventurer;
plays a ni.«.i Important part throughout this most-fasclnaiing book.
•THE CHIET LF3GATEE.” Anna Kalherlno Cn-ene’s most faaeinatiiig
Nt w Y.Mkk mysterh-8. This author has
baa alwav*
luHed for her i
.w-ieiMive *ior1e* aiid this surpasm-H them all. the Sutot
myalery riory of
“RFrZANOr*, Gertrude Alhe rton. Dr. Robertson Nicoll In British Wericly says-irhe aWest won
rif Artloo now living. In point of pheer
t who comes near her.-—Tbe Sketch.
-THE HOrSE OF DBf'ENCE.** E. P. Benaoo. Several yean ago Mr.
naon tlartled Oigland with hi* Arsl book. “Dodo.” Now comes this new. n«.ro brilliant, more startllag.
i altidy. extraordinary action and
-LADY BVTDLTN,- Max Pembert
-THE MAN BET^*BBN,- AmeUa E. Barr’s greatert novel Has arotwed wlhlrot Interesi la aH reading circle* because f
story, told InI ]the author’s happiest vein.
BALTia' Bohart Barr. A story that Is becoming
talk of two coating. Refreshing in style. brUllaal la actloa. aad
rV ,
* ■.'..-X.-,:^.-^v.;.
nr, aiicHiftAH* raoAv. mmiAinr n tur.
-:■ •
mm [ARKtt
>«tlirtii»l>« Mi^rtiiCilliitlDittwMfcWiisiSwTuSiirllwHmilliHiimaMin tun
Jake A. WjAop
FWl Ltac «1
Tl« 0«wr Mm> AkMtiiMx Pmmm
Tm> «■< a. All TM.«« t. All
A Purw^ tkilHul Alv With Tm
Utt —_
1—„ 11
at carda
•■tdUdUIJ. H*»>ow«a-
tma «( A a^MMtal Ute
Mrs. Kric Johnwm.
Phld to n> th. hhlp >*d t>M tp orttlo
tool cooDMoniiio bMorooa tool oomcs.
NirtMMQMi farortt* and dictatad a lettar
Then tbe pupaer borrowM) from tha
la tbe «nakln« room of a «eat tr
atlaaUe Unar arfclrh arrirad lo !
York racenUj. aflar a trip made In
r U««e Ulk. for tW matttf of >
•nee dipUin «t for tut pume.'ti
Nit DHReat IMim • Trantat
lantie Sttanwhhi.
•??. “?! • 5?’**?^“?
la tbla «tty. He jMdad to tba
abaotatefy loat. Bnt.ba
t of amaU
It he baa <
baautifn] flowera be rould pick and
A Rare
aaat tbem, to«etber ariih ibe note, to
In choaRbg bk gronn^be tr
‘ tba room af tba aperatle liqaaaa. Th*
CttWfd by tba Ume of year, tba
poraar baa tbia oota now. Aa naartj
tar of tba aoU and bla own Ja
Tbe UdlM of tb^^edlab Lutheran
church enjoyed a slelgbrldo yesterday
aficmoon through the kindness of Ur.,
and Mro- Oscar Johnson. Later in ihu
aftornoon tbe ladles were enlertaincd'
at tbe home of Ur. and Mrs. Kric John
non on West Ulovi«th stn>'t. Rcfuide
m'TaexI. conslstiiu; of ksinlwlchtw. cske and coff**e. The Isdiea
wish to thank Ur. and Mrs. \imcmr
JikhnaoD and Ur. knd Un>. RHc J«ihnmm for the pUwssni time gU^n them
by hla I^rteS^TbLrlnt. bl. wrirar- : tl^ aa foUo
Fndla mm* VcfctaMc*
In ScaMW
tKat i« n«t
r a Mck af
Traverse C^ liji|ing Co.
805 W. . Front
cfltDEi sHE>f ) Something New
“Well. If yoo dky ao. VTiat doen 1
do. no mui-br anked the man with tl
apme other
*^Ex**i"asbore» and In some
puraer would lie a atrlking
For a
Brealdasi SausaflC
> ••BESr’
|Bay Packing CO.
87eEa^EI||litli Street
m SoaUi Union SL
Cit. phone 3117
te^hake and'^dle^a ^ajre^lc*aa
bad one am. l.ughter■- At the same
time In bis mental aod.i.bysbwrequlpmeul be must U- endowtxl with a not
luslgulflcmut alloy of Iron, mud be must
ttaud Ann In Ciuefgou<7" and frown
and swear with facility equal to tbat
which be fvluccs lu sUpplDg a
tUKMi tbe Urk or'In tuncblug
tuucblui tbe
apriuga uf mirth.
Ur abuuU be and la all things to all
meu. He Is sympatti^tic as well as
bale aud hearty and well met. He haa
a bead fur figures, which roukl nut be
oUierwlsc. siui'c be la tbe I'ompauy's
financial man afloat. He pays all sal
arlea. be cares for tbe money nud val
uables of pssaengers. which, uf course.
. Meats iRd Graceries
Cit. phone :m
Bell phone 233
JoaidbpH Sl^dorA Son
nrW-clnss Bntcbcra Pnekers nnd Sansnac Alakers
or Daly Is to FUlUl
The Wishes of oar
SK much. We ki«cp c<»nstanil> on I
pirua tb.t lu.tlmnvrl., bo a.u.t b. .
luodwtow. ..b..MurrtiTbriuu.tb.
were Incident McKlnWys. ^ moat
of course.
furnish our pat
.the cbolceat cuta of beef, mutlamb. vral. |n>rk and poultry.^ We
alao carry a full line of hams, bacon.
. sausage, lard and proviilona gencr
We guarantee our aauaage to lyD
It U tba boat braid In (
SAit Rikina .n
. Thsrspy.
Charles Lsster Leonard bclie\en th.it
the Boenigen ray U one of tbe must
powerful of therapeutic agents.
a^uM^^adml^ter^ wltb^wuiUm
and competent to obom e Its physioloi;
leal acClon. KxperUDcwtal studUw have
been conflnned by cUnlcnl cxitcriomv.
It has teen damoostrateU tbat tbla
agent acto primarily uinm the lym
cast at her feet,
need It be aabt.
sea III that
say^ III .S*|iteml*.'r
nnd tVtoln r qiauit itlM« ou» m Ih> uU
tainrd on the roadsides (soinrtimea In
groiiud HO bard It woiikl maNj n pickax
to open lt». on Aillwsy emlMUikiuenis
and on tlM> outsides of co|mh>s nod cov
Imter. xvbei, leaves have fallen
h,- .011
I. .bl..
lo |.e
and the
aun Is
able to
and thicket, tbe Inside U
productive. They do not
r«T youi^ trees and disa
•• ***• aaalatatit purser, who ly from old woods.
•*"»««» *5 racaocy shall oc
lengthening life and allevlallng sulT.*ring in EWMW of malignant dlneases.
ftslisf From Hay Fsvsr.
Brealblng tlmmgli a wet h
chief nt bight 1ms given ivlief lo h.iy
iwtlents. This has sugg.'^bsl
nr. A. O. llr.tb ■ UOT.-I mi.T, whU*
bridge, each ring having stret.-lied over
>t a fine netUng of silk gsuxe. Tlie
rings are to be worn In the nose, luilf
an Inch from the openings. This dt^vlce •
A gnwt tnauy ^ilorli aglTtberv resld
3 time ha bad to b# of tbe atuff of
Per pound 25c
Mhilo of tb« clioi< Mt of pork b;
L. R. Stlckney
Anti aerrod over 1 two hun.
tired rnpa this wedk.
Our trade baa more than
doubled on this bmiid. That
indioiilea frx^liiQiii.
YOU try it nml youTl
14c pound
ty are obUlued under tbe shadow of
«noker started lo tell him. He
. Is no I
began pwbapa twenty mmotea before *
dosing time, and when one after an
oiuer the rlectrlc lights faded and died
be was not half ibrongb. Tbla abouJd
*»J •leamablp comiwnies with
,lndlcle tbat tbe punwr la a man of .
•r# to tbe duties they are called
some Imnartance al*uard shin and *>1^ to perform. A large bne. sorb as
those who ao read It will not drift far
German Lloyd Una. for in
from n tme conroe He In an liuboror the Hamburg line. odecU a
UDt mau-ln bla way tbe mod Imporposition and pota him to
taut lu tha employ uf the ateaml^
in tbe puraer a dci^artiucni with
tbe title Junior aaslatant puraer. Above
Wo have yeen demonatratini;
a poor one. By f^r tbe greatest q^tl
ly ramc to a -idiowdcmn,- to fall Into
OitPhooe 327.
•U S. ItekMi.
TU>W ntmt when I"
«/ certain general prlnclplea.
th. uoJIa of an Where fem and bracken grow, where
Tiae talk began about half an hour be
n nr forw la plentiful, when* tberf are
fore It waa tWfor tbe llgliU to go out. lore* Ai>rept
o» mqunrt
ijjevt my
to <
Mod roalHw. wherever tbe ik^d U
Tbe man with the pl|«e bad
luoiat and bour. It U bopeleaa to e^wet
tbat tbe mbt'cr'a artlrltj nan nimnlatI U- irolBeo. They love a light auU
iiAiK bc
ad. Tbe nmn alitlug^t.^e bead of ,
derrd rneror and air uf aavotr
generally had attracted fn..m t
face of a man who baa sailed on bla
-mwft one* bafore U of lluie value to
bia employera. When Congiemman
JoDca goea abroad for bla summer rat cation, be proceeda forthwith lo the
t puraer’a office, a emlle Illumining bU
face and aeaaoned band outstretched.
I “Why. bow do you do. Congreaaman
Ijooear Tbla la w^pt be gets.
.»d uu'
without discomfort In a
puram^c td ■ l.rjtr r~rl lo b. iMd Guyot.'I'rwliTkMwnlo
of dopoSmoM «D lb. «n.e vo«Llunt. .nd evHy urcblu
oreWu la
lu tbe .trw
Id iKklnt liim out as a niggard
drollngs and a wrvlcb uf tbe i
Kleetricity For
lions from
I mnn bad lived In
the city <
s and. altlkough the
ami Mr..
l^rple t
every woallhy hatnsl. nut blag wmiltl Induce I
l.alever uatlonslliy. leave 11. When lie wnlktsl tl»r
Id be can suod In he WHS folloa tttl 1..v u cr .xvd uf 1 I> jng J«'*dlde ni.vs. preaumi
I violet light, tbat lonl^
delightful biU of twys whu often tlir. w siuocj an
anecdote aud flashing cbaracteriaallon pt.hlm. Tline was no .m. m B;aMk ^ ‘ gas and act on tdioto^
of tborne who flgure prominently on the kin.l word In his fnvur
II.. wai
garded l»y all as an uvnruitms
-Jouw: Wbol.oJono.rbowlll.1 mliM‘r whikse life was dev.i.d ti hoardClaim rrproacbfuUy to an luqulaltlx-e lug up gold. .\t last the fdd lusn «tled.
newagatherer. “Veil, be laa der while- and It was found that he had laid up
Tha Bride's Way.
a gnsil fortune. He left a will which
wash king of Booth iMhoU. Ba"
rrieiid-U the bride you re working
Buioers have full charge of the tblp read. “Having ol»sdfvd*d from my In
fur getllug to W n gtsHl IiouiMdE«nMT?
They pay tbe aaUrioa of fancy that the |sK>r of Alnrseilles are Cook-No; ahe hasn't leanied to keep
•ome 7(10 men. and at tbe same time 111 suppllfHl with water, wh.cb c^n only bat of the kltch^ yct-Xietrolt Fnw
It Is tbe pnrser who mtiat vise tbe per lie proeund nt ii great prl o, I have
‘tknuil aud baggage declarations of paa- cheerfully lalKirel il»eSv|...le of my
life to proctire for ^hem lids great
Tha Beerot of Human Bociaty.
blessing, aud I direct that the whole
It laomily bw-ause each man is ao
of my proittorty shall I** ex|»emled in differenr from his felloas that we nm
through; without tnxuMc^pr anno/- building an aqueduct for their use.**
able to endure one anotber*a company.
^ purser on one of tbe great Gorman
r«.e ot
voxager of what
XH* tewrnwrlcailalssmueewswoFkh*
Griiihell Bros. Piano
U CoDvlncliifl Proof of Its Matchless QnaUtles
1 Mil (or Kuropo orlth onj otkrr poroer.
oo oiv oUht TooMi or lli»( Not oo
Vfo uto Iho hoM llwr mti»y con «»iig oo piKlo Inrko wlthlo Ibo boooB
kitr Sr oyr kfoo,; Oo y«i notieo how o' aAhUod.
Whitt on, llokoy It lor Comp.ro It
with olhor kroo, knd 00. th, dlffor-
Through eboer foroe of mr.rii. m»d with onr moet effeoiiTB advertUing, tha tind woida of <letad imrobuera, tba demand for onr own make of Piano baa grown to anch proportions that in
gilded boetelry would be wltbooi ble
Our bread 4 mad* ky «n Klactrie memory for faoee ead naiDee. Net
aloM that, bat bealdee balog a maa of
M^hlnt and Is porfectly sanitary.
reaewcea mad ability aad a goalal wit
There arc too
Many People
«nd Bacrea tbat God
dut aabtle yet lomtDoaa aatate of mor
al aad meotal eqolpolae. which laea
cbU taet^-eortoaa flabrttaa. If aa old
tetfw eftha tlaa iadi fiolt beeaim
&D etamteem la whkli he maally
^vela^^bmaM^ ^
s!h.‘t£^LV!' TTjr;U'‘ffi5,ftr -fe Trimble’s Bikeq
i>.^,ua.k Ifa.* raid
Tit Reconl WantAh
pacem tbeaiB& ib# chief emwefd fer
uaieet be moot enter the realm eC pets
aad paaa aad argae wllb tbe two ea-
Fob the lienefit ef the btoyRewer OIbB.
Feb.7tt _____
with iU
dry c^r pkyment
-mailed to .nyiSared..
Fifteen Slorcs
Wiiwt AMr «l «M Aita^ M. i.
b«^ t<MM Ilia
MMr moM bfT dMWa.
W. It ««u. «l» km tor lMrm
T#fy fkiMit itemll rM^ik
1^ Askitr M. m. «^f«A Ttante
A*, A
flTW •rtM'
•M»w« .nct«t.
T. C. L. A M. Train
•unch «# It Fr«n UppM* Pi
MiU P*i^U TWay.
TIN* frricht bronchi
>nrrr the T.
*, U A M this »Mi^ i
mwt trmlB thmi hao paaM
ba roMl for a kmc U«mj and toukd
HMC toM. or about ciw tuna Urc«r
tl» avarmcv train]
rra worn
r cam of
or pl^
pic Iron
and lamtmr,
lantmr. oikl mipty and two
Aea. Tha fi^te li ahlpped from
opimr pmilnauU Wnuiand U dlstrlb^
uted hero betwrotT ihoC R. A 1. and
Pare Marquatte. The deatlnatloo of
tba bulk of It !• Pennsylvania points.
^ll••.l M» hillatilvlnj; ti. cauli even llic hidden
ol instrin Ationiey JeromeV quesllon.
li M DAI
Prices will be
3.50 ■ -:
nront Street
Crying Jw More
That's what thoj wiU all be doiiig
aft^ they have acoa those Blaclt
Wtx>l HibW Hom> we are aelliag
15c pair
for IitU« chap.
Beat thiog yon hat, lean.
LaSlcs* BtodA WoM Bom.
either plain or ribbed^ aa estim
good onoa too. mMCo
Use ReconI Want Ah
"f II
City Clerk T. H- GHIls iis confined to
his iorne by Illness
A.hesrinR was held today for the
determination of heirs In (he Charles
Tiiaibell estate.
A petition was filed fslih Probal
Judee Walker today for the appoln
meat of both
lardlan In the Mart. Ross estate.
Mrs. Chlhcriue I'arkitr, mother of
.e 3%««ur npui held on a {prerry
eharire. will probably come to the city
the first part of next week to be presher son s trial ^e writro the
Sally askinc for Information
Inc her son and the facts of tiro
cas5*iil^Y<«erday sht* wrote that she
my day. m, kart Mrtctt
Prt«a art MP0M Py laeal tfMkr*.
^^mmmmmmm^mmmmaS }—r— -------- Seventeen k«ds of hay and Uve
. O. T. M. U, stock were wHCbcd cn the diy scales
IHitatoe* have advanced Ut twimtyfive rxnis p.-r bushri. wbetber farm
ATS will haul at this price, rycn if the*
Wtmthci kn-ps mild, romafos to be
cert ciren in the K. O. T M. M. hall
by Ue Oopemlsh band w as a very sue
fosaful affair and as much enjoyed.
There was a jcood attendance and the
boys cleared $11.87 for which they de
unnnal with Rood
sire to extend their thanks to those
who attended the concert The
berm were all much appreciated and By Wlrv ♦.* the f^u nlnR RcvtattI.
East Buffalo. Fa‘Ii. R.—Tank—116;
the applause was very liberal. The fol
fair demand, steady. Sheep and
lambs~IMm»; knihs. slow; cb«*1re
I7.75IIK: .yrartAiRw $fiUr. 76;
-Friendship." band selecwethciw $:.,r.n#i6.76; v%vk $6f|6.:6
Ii;fs-6.2<m; sluide hlKherj Yorkers,
• Vocal solo. -Hearts and Flow
hrovy and mtnx.ri. IT
7 4h.
MIm Cbartotte Fralick.
IV*lnHt. K«‘l. k — Wlujit —No. 2 red.
.March. -Raacer Match and TwoAc; ctmi. 474r; imlv 44r.
Step.- by the baad.
oats. 40Rir.
mont “Marcll of the Brownies." by k-: corn.
Tidedo. O . Fa I. R ~Whiwl~Cash.
W: corn. 46Sc; oats. 4lc.
» duet. 1
. 3. Rarhbw and
8. Con
hna Lew
[ Ola^i
foatistUw have been gathered lately
to show that we are the rk hest Mtfog
on earth and wen -wry .peed to be bfk
cause we aro the frer-t •irondero. It
It rottmatrd that $1^K>.(XXt . day Is
Iwl during lb# rari^ aensnn. A
Beuros ef ProAt In Refww MatsriaL maiion doIUrs a mouth la m)uanderod
The denadlng of the Amcricsn for- for i-ronpis and po|veorn. In (Tilrogn
eats 1. Irodiac to many odd rro:iarfwi fI00.tsNt s week Is «iro«t for tbentera.
Tw »H»lv-rve ralHkm dollars U spent la •
noaneed thut owlagty rallf..nil.n abnw ■miCa;i.v by 1i«nri«(s
fv Parts en.ii
■ In which f wrou are aiM :-».<»!* .\mrrJ.-suK
being mowed down t.» D^ orr woo4i)wr. lUit wlwfs th»-u-e of imnve.r.
pulp ftw iisprr making n s nail army of 1 snywar. If .v«n .-onY spemt tt7-Kao.
expefta were at wort buuilng for some sas City TIn»rs
Wave Waltx." by C«>t-
Long ago the suiqUy uf walnut lum
ber for furnlthre was prnHliwtly ex
hausted, and okk has targely taken Its
place. For aome time the tunseitine
makers have been putxkd to find raw
material to meet tUe growing lU-nand.*
of their trade, which tUreatentd to
make sericMis hmjoda on tl» - plue fw
esis. The trees web^1a*lug u««*l much
faster than they cotUA tto grown, and
this roennt disaster.
Then attennonjA-aa-kunrod to tb^ refuse of the ftirosts aln-ndy iimd,' and
experiments wero made wlib h demon-
gtng out. were saturatcsl with ^w tur
pentine. These simiiiw ImnKdlately
took on-s commeMal value wh^h will
WANTEO-Th buy horscsi: weight
from I.IKK) to 1.44k» iba. If yvju bava
any to aeU let me know, B. J. Mor-^
Ing qurotioQ has Is^n raised as to
feb Mt
Whether the stumiw were a lum of tba
oilglual tlnilMM- right sold by the fann
er to the tun»entlne maker pr reverted HOU»EKK(K(S .WU-I .1 «.«».
to tbi^owner o the land after the trees
SamiiH SawytT. llurklcy, Mlrh.
fvb tAt
KiaSES, regular '20H'i*nt
m cents temmnow only, a
Ninth street.
Feed. H.. L. A Ca. s Dsst. per
Advance Sale
asylum yesterday.
Hundredi of new I.iutferio WaUU. froth, new, attflu tii
well made, stylitli and exclotive. Never, wo believB, baTA ma
I»retty waiita been ahown in new, twell, up-to-dalo ttylet
tneh low iiriret.
which were shlpp^ to Mt. Clemens
by the Anderson UndertakloR com
pan) today.
Fuiipral Servics Was Hsid at Inland
It. ^rd keeper
of Trsvers*' City hive. Nb. Ml. yester
day received (wo rtuvksi |600 for Ids
M-." lAfavetto, another of fSOO for
•u. full payment of the
the Ute Clara Boudreau
Modern Macca-
In Our Take-off Sale No. 2
The t^las Aia
an rhmrh niet>l the home of Mrs
. Jobnimn on IVwl Mwenfh strwK
ynaterday afternoon. They etn)oyed
\m pliwaant Ume. The society will
ihori at Mrs. Carlson s March 7.
The Rev. G. C. Lockhart of the Bap
tist ehurrh will proarh at the 8w
servfro no Btale street this eve
These meetlncs are under tho direc
tion of the Rev. Mr Hedberc of Muskecon and all Scandinavians are
cstly roquroted to attend.
The Baalcrn Star will rIvo another
of their social dancini: parties
Tuesday, IVb ir AH Masons osp
ly invited. Eastern SUrs have the
piivtlece of Invltlnc onetx>uple.
Queen City-ramp. No. 673. Royal
N^chboni. will meet In Woodmen hall
Friday evetOnc. All are cordially In
viu-d as there will be initiation.
The Younc Peoples Danclnc dull
will Rive their weekly party toniRht
nt Hf»rsrs hcademy. A flst-plece cwcbestra will furnlah the music.
The Primary Sunday .School Union
will meet UMuorrow ariernoon In the
library bulldinc at 3:30. jMrs. Roxburs
will conduct the devotlonsU. Last
Saturday beinc so stormy Mr. Lockhart consented to citre a review of-thc
February lessons this wrok. AH who
can are nrc«>d to oe present at this
There will lie a meetinc of the
Grand Trmveroe SanRcrliund at the
store of F. G. lieumanu tomorrow
I>r.m’sBniicli Office
D.“b! LPsiSm, ^Nm^
r««f tii«»r«.
,«»»4 hi. »ork lu. U«ri'bw« I
Mod iC
7s.tsr *~* "^•'
Pretty Lawn Waists.
Fine Lawn Waists.
With lan:e or amnll black
Polka doU. tnrkctl front with
embroidtried inter
lion, worth h5c f».r 69C
Handsome embfoidered
fronU, tome with val intertiont, ioekcil oolUr with wal
lae© odRiDi:.
worth 1.75 for
/ . 2S
Beautiful QuaUty Fine Batiste Waists
Yoke trimmed with fine Vid luce and tnekt, back ^
trimmed with clutter Inckt, worth $2.2-5 for.......... <) / 0OU
Body of Jeremiah Larrabee Taken
Home cf H18 Relatives
The liody <»f Jeremiah IjirrabAv. who.
died at the asyluin. was shli>p
Oda tislay by the Anderson T’ndertaklnR company. OrIs 1k away from
lelcRraph and telephone offices and H
waa necessary 1o write to hU rela Calves .............................................. 05
Klaliorab* waisU worth .‘LOO to .J.50
At 2.2s. 2.50 and $2.75
E. Dumsa left Ibis mornlUR with his
dray for Klnsalcy. He wUI bring back
Ixical trwvHtng men will meet at
each of soaiiet fever and Park Plac4« tomorrDw evening on V
ro reported
the hcaUb C. T. baslnc^ss. “
Mrs. Ben Darls was called to Kingsley today by the serious IHneiui of Mr
•r, R. A. McRHl.
Dfty and ^rtk
k Wilson retarood to bis home
ro acalnst her buaband. Clark H. In Day City today after trmnaacting
in the-cltp and vicinity
in. on the prounds of cruHty and
j P. Robins returned to her
lion. The couple were married
In 1R>3 and have two chDdcen 11 and home In Reed City Wr spradlm
3 years old. both bogns Jn April last ome time with her daughter. Mra. V
It la saw that Benton left his wife [. Sterm.
Mrm. Arthur Johnson retunrod to bl^r
and has since left ber to shift for hersdf workin* in fscrorlro and other home In Boyne City this monitng after
Huron. Pratt A Davis aro thwwt vlsaiQc friends Iroro.
Wins Harriett Novak left for Olivet
thU mormiig wirorw she sril .pend *
l Ume with her brother Oiwries.
The -Good Time- Pedro club met
with Mrs. O. E. Uelces of Weal
Frank Hamilton leaves this afterslreef laM evening. Mrs. George Bine
noon for New York on boslnean. Mro.
won the Silk prise Wd Jmtb.
Hamlltao accompanies him as far aa
Oiand RapkW.
The army txWport Locan sailed
entire ehsnge In his
from San Fnukdeoo fpr the FhtUie
with animate and Inatiliiiate
plnea with emr^y4ve ^<la« pas- relations
thtafs—Watertown Tlines.
the Tweaty^hird
Tventr-loiirth batteries ef fleW artUCOMING. Thufsday. FeA, U, the
lery and 4.00$ tens of general sap- BaraaO-BriM cnntnst U notion.^
^ The White Sale
The Most Important
Sale Event of tlie Year.
.laagioK from Clio cro^ wc bad on onr opening dajr, we are
not ovi'reatinuitioi; the Talueof
Talue>f tbia aale to the woeaaB of
Tniverre City. That they
boy appreciated
appredated (be eahiei was iproreo j
by the buyinR: they not
bat U
♦ only admired, but
Tbii ia gratifying to oa. bi.t no more than we expected, g’
we were anre the Boodiandtbe
tifove irreaietiUc.
irreeutiUc. B
and the pricea
wonU (irove
Tboao pretty goods
Mas and the attraetive Taluca.
are awaitbg you, too, ifjron hare not olieady
Txnmht Wilh a 0(*aUatly adranciagmatkat
and DO teniog where prieet m«y go. it bebooret
of eottooi HOW.
irscmier buy noworpnyi
I later.
. The beauty of the oewsoodtwpe will (ay nothing about. In fact, nolhing wc
wecbnld say would «fc> them juatice anyway. You will have to come
and»ee them. They look a good deal prettier nod-,
too. .wbile thqr are new and fresh.
*Baf«"iS VSi;
teuMn.** write John PImaaat of Map
I ttewa <gJ|pic»iflaw
I fate tbam Ww bWter 1 tnd tham."
iKAreoocnnNRodMiTthing bet-
OL^lNM Ulf.
J« IMi
i V
■V> r.
^mis Womyl
Gaas 8( . datofced la aak.|i
Can you »fron] lo •pt'txi yijor tame
Icioliiiig for • chainef* of mulcoci*. Lwinliu^
bo«ar. Mp. or the roanj
oome np, whim a want ail. will doit for yon
all modem coovyieacw
Parker. 403 State.
I C. B. Taylor Coal bo.
JJLBOimOfi «B0. W. JlcVETIlY
Cketlag a “Up‘' that offirera w^
LSSTEB Dl .^WELCM—Attorney at
after her with a wa>raal for her krrest OB a charge of cruelty to her
be U chniBfd over 30 years ago.
child. Mrs. .George Masters. 6T FUnL
DUtaat rHaUvea of Uir late ElUa
land block.
took -French leave" with child, hu*
betb Clan of Paw Paw. who died
bend and boo«-hcld poods
She U
OB. F. J. MAC NETT-Pracoea Umttsaid to be In Bay Citv
•d to Eta EAR. N08K, THROAT
hall ,at
MS WUhalm block. ClUxaaa phona
will decUred void.
tency.'. They were awarded a favor- •>Uon of Luu tt Schrmn company,
able venllct by Judge Andersoo and 'Hjo are aaxloaa to locate a Mp pickle
tbe esute will be divided pro reu
Some l.oho acres of land
amonp tbe heirs.
Bliat they will gel
•cukes- neceasary.
^ tbe Owoaao branct
of the Aaiertcaa Product Co., otker
site known as the food trust, has la
surd a statement emphatlcany .deny
WANTIO-Oaa tbooaaad ba.hi
eonr ta rar. ColpMbU Traaafor Oo.
Jan. 1C tf.
that the plant I new factorim arc being put up. It la MARK CBAWW DELIVERY—UgM
was about to ckuw down,
an-; claimed that the |»pulatlon A> I
frelghL imreoU and tnmka. Ottos
nounce. that butter and croam will log
building of the kin.l
BOOWE FOB BENT-Pour teC^ fmpi be recrlred as In the past
M<-«n Is already a ncee<t^Ur.
rooms St 2S3 15. Front St. tor r
while ITarry Dndiry Is preparing toj
Howard Church drugglu; Dan UdbMBS. E. L. OONNEB*t hair drm^
loQuire at SteintHTp Bros.' store
..pen a rival plant In Owosso. and Is Inson t4 Robinson Br»Mi.. arugpivts
pariom, ovar dty pootmm. 1^
' :feb Mf making butter tubs by <he wholesale and J. Johnson, saloonlst. all of Holly,
until such lime as pa>und can be * have b«*n arrested, charged with v|,v
v»r»i irmn Bl.; *
electrtc llchts aad pas. issndi
brokeu for the new factory. IMdley's lailng the liquor registration laws,
OarleM and 8UU.
father. E F. Dudley, was mabaper of They pleaded not guilty, when nrMoney lo loan. 212 Suio Bank
Henmann. Ill Cana.
the local branch of the food trust ralgned and their bearing was act for
beat rrsldeoeea la the city, wm take
hulldlnp. CItlaeos phooe e»e.
when he quarreled today.
free and clear city property value
Union at CIt. phone i:ic.
WAHTKD-Whfal. rye. com.
lalf mtlea city market;
baaaa. bay and alraw; bicbeat cash
prion paid. Travenc Oty Mlllinic
tO«T—On 8UI« .titnU. Mark >11
Return to B. .
fet S if
l«m rtptlrtaf. ebalr eaalnff aad
fumlUira packing B. H. Tanaar. SIC
Union Dt
Foa tALC-lCtC—pymrteeo
bouse, sih street cloee
oolU Tttm ona to four years old. FOB tALl—I47C—Forty
dusrter mile east of Mi
Tbeyimoai be eemA <Jan>Srd 1
new cement block boost
leave tor Indiana and Ohio aad wUl
price 11200. Wade Braa..
be |OM two weeks, trylai to brlnf
Street CIU. phase ISIS.
some tsmm ap here. If yon
any pood colU V>
^riXM me. FOB EALI—Urte. i
gtvlac poatofRce addrsaai. whkt
yon have to sell and leaaoa for.sell
lap. On my return will cither call
heat, electric llpht.clty water, sewer
on yon or -wHle yon. Hermai
connections, all In. flrst-ciass txmdltlon. a. r. Murray.
jaa io-lmo
‘ mea.nco Wasblagton street iS SWf
F^^ EAL^j^Htbty aers
FOB •ALt-1471-lk acfta two n
•Bute Bank bulldlus; flnc«t loca
tor aobnrbsa residence In this remax. Prim |S.0<ID. Wnde Broa.. Il7
Union atreet au. phone ISIS.
Price CI.IOO.
Qaloo sirty*!
Wade Bim. M7 8
jaa 26U
FOB »ALE-14W-Modem elftt room
residence, aixth strset. A|I convenlences.' A pood bam. close In.
Price IStOO. Wsde Bros , BI7 Booth
achool^ market and church;
Urms. Price CICOC.
a MUUap
jaa 114f
Trave^ Hty
bran, middling, hay and
Trsw rse City Mlllinf Co.
FOB SALE-Rambler automobile with
feb & tf
Union 8t.
jan 30-U
THE BEST »w ktum how to make
IDEAL PRCH)UCT8 and wc know
feb 6-lf
FOB SALE-14n-Larpn Mpht room
er of Casa and ICth Bu.
large ML house well flntahed. oo
one foundattoo; easy te
terms. Price
lisno. Wade Bros, tl7 Unkm .u
CIU. phone lilt.
FOB •ALt-l47C-nne new tea room
bouse, corner lot corper of Union
and Htb etreeta,: will uke li.ooo FOB SALE-l4l3-One hundred and
la pood value, free and clear of en
cambrancea Traverse City prodactlvn. Cash price CS.000,
tit Union simet ats. phone
fOB SALt-^fUS-Ftae home. West
Clt. phone 111*.
Cits, phone Itll.
jea KMf
FOB SALF-ltot-Ume. new bouse,
good bam. Webster Bt.;‘ priw
Wnde Bros., «17 South Union Sf.
CiL phone 121».
jan 50-tf
FOB SALS—«t I . reasonable prior,
leeUuimal. paying InveatmeoL own
nrleevlaselly. fkunlabed robma la
emmeetion. Addiess M. C.. Record.
. fbb.7. tf
in the store, as i
passed him some slips of paiier wlib
Sjcures «u them to equ.nl tbe amount of
r-hshpe due. till looked at the slip,
len at tbe rlerk. and slowly said,
IVhsfs all Iblsr -Why. that la what
we are fivinr for eliaupe now. i When
you pet one dollar s worth, we will rehe clerk, sod
r.ir went ont ^A^ay
clerk passed oat tbe plop, and C.ll
pqt Ills hand In bis pocket, palled
Wads Bros.. C17 . Union a hsiulful of ptuupkln seeds and band
street, CIti. phone Itlf.
pi them to the clerk, say lop: ^Tl>me
tt 1 SOI usinp for rhanpe now
SALE—14»7—l^rBe, ripht-rx)om
M-. atone foundation. Webster
price II.Ton
Wade Bros.. 817
FOB tAtE-i4S7-aii room house.
Both paa and electric llphtt.' Good
bam. flae lawn. c1om> In. Washlaptoa
stnwt Price ficoo. Wade Bros.
. «7 Sonlh' Union si,. atUras Phone
Fa.r. to make
. and Mr. Fay tendered the rlerh
General Dews ||
sh*^!rf ^*"h
tmeher. and each of h«n
Is believed to be t!!e richest Ame|l-'
IKHtltlOU ,
ling such J
He went Into office cm
m a reform wave.
and la making*
gtod. He Is feeding
mile «vc.- «;n cents a
to n-ach this figure •Di'puty Sherll!
Towmsentl cut off pi
pudding iin<] ^
Ice cieam for dew rt
Sunday.. On':
Ic-arning this
-Tbat> all right, .We muKt kec-p ex
penscs down
they -win be asking
for cocktails before dinner, and the
BEAL estate AND LOANS-Grmnd
Tmvocro Land and Loan Oo, F
ThortnlL Manager. Ottco. todm 2
HamOUm A Mllllkun block. ,
top. eatre Urea, tools, etc. Would
coaalder good reel eetnte. ASdreoa
■ f
Tin Tnsuranet
Order your
Yard niul oflioe Noribom
MichiKan dock.
B<yth phon« :ifl
Rch.tol d.uise
The Wilcox home la
ked with gtsKl )MM>kK
Of R B. Hull, the
won tbe TTiatcber di
Haven. Young Mr. Hull happet
be reading and smokl'ng on an after
noon walk w hen au elder clergyman
Mt.ppetl him and tried to Induce- him
to give up tobaccti “Young man
clergyman said, “are you aware that
In all creation you won't find
animal except man that amo
-Yes." Mr. Thatcher anawertwL
John R Santo
. E. MOON-
General Insurance
new wittet* Bt. .TrtTerK CUT
'.I have a number of jjood
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if yog
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good larm for less money
than you can buy it of any
body else. 1 have farms
which arc located from four
20 miles from TravArsc
City, all good improved land.
If you hnro good level farms
1 Will buy theni
lao Wathinuton.
Citrphono 774
Here They Are. Bay
BOW and Save Money
CbamberUlo’sCaarh Rem
edy contains sotbisr is «iy
uo.-'way injirions tnd tX^re Is no
tn aD dapaitaenu of the troM. sOor-jlU&BO CQlUl
rklag at the anvil |
Jno. 30’to Feb.
any nMU la tto
I 40 her
On noor with Bmum OoUk..
I. O.
BABA T. CHABE4 M. DfDr. O. S. ChMs. Btatn 1
Both pboann. 229-2r. Rs
W. Eighth BL au. pka
Scaator Bevortdge's Speech In adurlnar). skin and blood diseases; 13
vocacy of hbt.rhlld lalwr bill beat alt
years experience. Office CUy opera
reconds for years in point of length.
bouae block.
Pbones-New, 107;
John Mitchell was tHlklng to
He coemmed the greater pan of fonr
old 292. Bsahience. 710 Washl
IqgtaUtlve cU.rs of the aenaio in lU
doUvery. and when printed It will fill the world now ukes In socialism and
: 3«H» |U!g<s of the Coiigresduual tbe lalror question.' “Snclallsl
W. THIBLLV, DentUL Over Bar
Rr-conl Its unuhuni volumiuouMicss Is what it stands for." he said, “I
ana A Barl'i JearMry ntoro.
limost entiiely u* the gnat num come a complex science*, like ;
FhODB 102.
t( extracts fr^ staiislical and omy. Then* was a laber meeting In
other data on the subjeri of chlhl session In-hlnd closed doors the olM-r
with which the hoosler sc-nator day and a friend of mine tried to gei
dan and Burgeon. Rgmovad to <E*
-WTrat are v,mi.‘ the d.sir
buttrtwsed his argument. The most In to It
Eoea In Monaon block ovar Barnom
thes, h.- UilHnioasly read during kwiK*r asked sternly .‘iMwltlnolst. com
A EarTa. atUeoa gbona ttt.
C<»urse of his sfwHvh. though num
lu of them we.v sMi.mitled without
rradlug and
will appear In ihelr cd my bewildered frirnd. why. I—mr HABBY B. HABNEB-Bxpert piano
tnnar and aetloa rogulator. BaUa
^|M-r pl.rrs in the printed s|KSK-h a machlnlM.-“
The ytning Indiana statesman show oil
There Is some ctirioslty In Wash
Caeaon gunranteed. With Kimball
Made Houaa. au. phone 294.
i-r phytUcal nor mental fatigue' ington as to wrbethcr President Koose
after he had finished his remarkably vMt^ Is sufficiently raiiiiliar with Am
bas^lot Bryce s Isjok “Tbe American
ig oratorical effort.
The valua of a gt»od cigar," Princ-e Commonwealth" to recall,, giapter
pat In mortgagea. Hoaaaa for aala
Is enilthd
imarck once said, is best under ill the first volume.
inqalre of EL McNamara. Par*
stood when it 1s the Ust one you "WTiy Gnat Men Are .Not Made
ws and then* la no chance of get Pr<*sldenlh • Tlie author
ting another. At Konlggrni, 1 had not a man since Madlstm excr-pt (icnABSTRACTB
OF TITLE—C. O. Caronly one cigar left In my pocket, enil Grant who has reached
ver. Prices reasonable. Ottce wlU
hich I carefully gukrded during the presidential offlea would have been reO. P- Carver A Brn. Bolt phonea
bole of the liatue ns a miacr does membered bad he not i
Is treasure. I did md fed JustIBMl rhlef maglsiao' and “no
I using It. I painted .In glowing rept Abraham Uucoin has displayed OB. C. L THIBOBY-Bpedal
Ooa to diseases of chlldrsa.
striking qualiUes in the
colors In my mind the happy hour rare oi
409 8UU Baak bldg. BoCh ]
I should ehjoy It after the vlc- rhalr.-
.h> vm.„ Of C01I.P. vi«.
Porcelain Work
*^ork leps are
said the man who bad one.
people are rather aenaltire al>oot Ibelrs;
hare a Utile fun
» sometimes. I was In the smok
er of a railroad train tbe other day
talktnp with three olber men while wr
puffad away at ohr cigars whien the
conreraatloo tamed oo atolcisn
cry mao had an Incident to
Bbont some sinjuaintance s rrmarkable
ability to bear
a miirmnr. When tbe third mtn bad
finished Ms ye.ro I meutkoiel casually
that 1 rather prided myself on my shil
Ity to put ap with a
deal of pain
wltbont making a sW«l
To Ulna
trnte.' I said, and then open«d tpr pen
knife and slowly foroei the pMot of
Its loop, keen Made Into my leg Just
‘Shore tbe knee, at the same time stalllap pleasantly. One man fainted, another liwwine deathly pale, and tbe
Mrs Briunnla W. Kennon. greatBut 1 bad miscalculated my
tblTd pot lt|
hastily left the car.-*- chsHf-es. A pot>r dragoon lay helpleaa. xranddaughter of Martha Washington
New York I
with arms crushed, murmuring for xnd a descendant of the last Lord Balsomething to refresh him. I fell In Llinotx*. celobratcA her nlnety-seoood
my ixjckets and found I had only gold, Wrthday
days ago at her I
Imt l^lt ymttand that wm.ld be of no use to him.
i. D. C. She was
i the iraiiip a
But buy! I had my tronaurod cigar, there and has lived In the same place
of Firmeet every Thnrsdsy eventog. New Masson blodL a R Wel
“Y.*^, I rrn.rm1.er ,ron.- rej.lled tbe I lighted thU for him and placed It UU her life. In Januan. IMS. she was
rniusn of the hr.iise.
teeth. You should have aanliri to C^ommodorc Bevorely Ken
ler, C. C.
• AndJ «.H-r , ut .M.n.e
f ,r you. Bocn the poor fellow's grateful amllc. ncn. who In the following year was
enjoyed a cigar qp much as killed by a gun exploslao on the war- TBAVEBtE CITY LEGION. No. 1S»• -Y..e. I kui.w, t,.it 1‘ve got hothla.*:
that one which I did not amoke."
ship Princeton. Mrs. Kennoo.'who Is
towel ProtocUve Legion win
•nrym. to rat Jirst now.-.
Ministerial duties do not
taken a ffreat
g to Woodman bsJl on the third
‘‘.Mil l vrr c% a etmy pie im.und
be Rev. Jom H. Metoalf of Taanton. ‘charlutle work and Is an
rhsl needs cuttlu*. ma'am r
edsy of each moBth at 7:20 p. a.
Hast, from pursuing natronomlcal inam Selth. president;
esUgatlons. His stody cf
iwold, eeeretary: Nettle & Omy.
has resulted to fbe dlacovery of a new
U BOW being doaely obacn ed by astronomers thhwghoat the ^ Wooster. 0» college.
has been named Metcalfs I
---------------------A A.
meeu on Monday evening
en or botoes 0n.Odl ot tbe moon,
Philo G. Wtlcxrz la a I
at 7f20 p. BL Can C. Usngley. W.
M ; E. E. WMtS.«ecmUry.
Dr. W. J. Higgins
at atj Book StocA
WANTED-You to om- IDEAL •prtn*
wIiMt Sour for broad. IDEAL 1
*d Soar for broad aad pa«trr:
In tba eltr. Trarcrac CUjr Mnilac
feb 6 tf
A petition baa been dra<rn up and
sUgred by about U» Flint taxpayers. A B. MARTIN—Phyalelaa and Bm
the j EMl 0«ca 2M M Front atmal
l ift the Hty. where
ter tku Wash^ Nut for
Tbe oM^laae gecetlon of tbe i
I mad Bnbmt
AmTtAtk Odar 8L; prW
was plree la tbe Auditorturn, Wedaeaallow one aaloon tor evnry I.OOO tnWad* Broa^ tl7 So«U Uataa St
CIt. plMM IXlf.
|aa SMI day.nigkL Over tm lenaknd. wbUe
•eo «t tn the gmllertea. lookod on
liaumed to ibe apec^.
im Bryant cf Adrian, for whom ex
awretary of tbe Jactaa.T. M."=C. A„
baa beea aelerted to SB tbe vaoancy
antborltiea oa tbe ebarge
of Uie aeeretaryshlp of tbe Ana Arbor
lartam. baa been given a »
IM^. BMidera reaMeac*. CM St.;
ilUoo to bis bond owing u>
mor-a iUneaa aad tbe fresh
Tnm'tGuthe .
K. O. T. M. M.
K. O. T. M. M. Nb. 271 meets every
nmtmt KoeiMr; M A. Evans. FInsnes
Eagrev^ Tnmbteto. each ..j05
Plain Tnmblen. 3e oneb of
.mioAY. mmiAJirj;, nar.
iSra^r. kfoaS^
Firt aiHr tte p^bcr vu
Ttei M WUttC MMl 1
Vw wUI tore oo’r
l>»rf< wOl lie mo man> «Vlr HT^if
f« th« t»-k iMt
««tk cm;* «U1
vtu * 4MMO lie frmit*lir4* «U1 ti« mtra vi4c mad Umg.
AuA the eolara? Odtmo
•M rtnrdr vorvtod* vijr pn
nif oolrirr Ibry .re. the 1
Urt. it tkrjr .vr mM moitf : roa ml^ht
mm4 jclve
iiim» lo Jotoulr. tko tharmornmn'm Bom
-th.1 i*. If you or* for mylc-
wane. IT kt*< mirn nm^
Aa4 w%m m»aihtn h%
ymnlral Ubor.
to bU
u«M iiMi of IM »ill
c«n«taTiS^''«f.«i*, >a4«
»W. »«rtp.d h«tt>^
lur. >llk citta log
floiWtoltf h* wm bo M «p«ni«M] ii.d j me <neti Ukiv itut
t4 human
fipa4 Ml MU of rotor a. m Ufarllatitsrr morkctl hy tb* diopbraicn. mill
y w 0*car WU4e*» "aalonie.wocti affrtird by *t<!Uh <iu-***Ta
l>r Aipa, Thl» n»t. ohich oil! ha»r no otrtatd*
b mM hH-rkat. aiil alao be ao/o In
Ho «fll ho aa elecirtrol ahow
Bi«r. uh»r aiHl broyto.
Coon lirtor in Violat I
• By nn auotrh tif lb«
rook! bo br deplotod na
News From London I
Half hidden frooi tb* ryr **
For la hi* natr oprlnc and auhnn. r
togt IM VUI An»o nod ha/*. Ho vlll
neUiUltelo: bo »m radlnto: ho «U1
dporlal CaHo to iho Boontag BoaoM.
C«T)/r.sht. HOC. by tho lloarat Nowt
Thooo Ibcia bavo nlrondy boon dr
cidod npoo by tb* CnoUMB Ctiucm*
Anaoolitlab df Amrto. U Ito tvroty-
Fof Top Troooom Dood.
Ilrro nro aoine of tho chnnuoa
moo'a atthM pitMBttUratod for lh07:
Th* -pMtop* troMarr. muat j
------ w. roanubUnff a dlrlirtblr bai
I-1. u.
Men’, aaek coat* will inn
wfttre la the brrem like a triad-flip
per anil, nor will they Ih» a* long gu a
borne bUnkH
lontead. they will tie
cat to a length almuat approaching
the **dlirby’’ limit.
Hani.'av baa ropUod to bla statoamU '
la an Iniorrlro *Hh a m>o^r.
-A mao «bo la really pbyaieaUyi
fit- onld the faaaopa oirmi:
-«tth ft€t7 cm <d bU or«aaa and
imarlM In iFdfbot oi^. •mW not
rni niKMbrr man vbo baa not bronght
blmaoir Into |»rffm eonditim on
acioatlir lhir» ofien
inc for aomo time, and
Flora Lake
•* mint
her Ipat
Imr dmacbic*. Mrs.
'TJTiw.t--. Of
Labik wbo
Pratt, went home
W* hop*
ba Is bet
O'Biim’s people nrr havli
e O'B
bad time with pneuamnUI of the lung*
and also Sldoey Bates’ baby baa been
sick with pneon
llaTrrtdlfy m^g
the pU*>f
atorma by exi
Riga. In RuaatE
f ^L -
‘'l.nrK*' mnarln* d‘> not mean nmeh.
It I. quality, not
ahonid be aimed at If the two are
mmblnod. no mur)i the better.’*
-law i. *looklag for blrad i
Waltar l.akn meat to Trmrerme Oly
ca baala*as SalunUy and while com
Qnmm Amalia of Portngal has b*mi
— ing home from Lake Ann fUlonlay
stndybig madlclne for non
"j night he fn«e one side of hli face
past, and now that she has
ed • and no*e and car.
Cook Brooks baa relumed to bis
to Lisbon from vlslu tojhigland and I
rranc* the Is going to work bard to! buaie near Travers*.
Grant Brooks baa returned to bis
get her doctor's degree.
At ceruin polnU along tb* atreet
car rootea In London tb* poaU are
painted arhit*. and the cam Invartably
stop at the*e poaU. conaequinlly
strv ;unU
recalMif the IlHtUh amlia*sad«r. Sir Mortimer Ihirand. ha* muMtl a:
sreat deal of comment. Loth on thU i Ide and mi the other -ilde td the
Imer and Lady Ihinind apiHUir hen-wlth.. Thx*
.in.,.h.,. I» r.rt]
Iile that It rt»Qu|rea no, penrral Hnj.re«k.n i* that the call of
who hat jcreat liiH
.ude. but It U a cutitnt* fart that j |,^phiT. AnybiHly may leant H .h> | to the marhluailou of laidy Su*an Tow
toiiRui- of a
The rau.*c- of the feud Intwi-en Sir Mortimer j
Itcu.b, wriiual
, hlroke*.
penell or a Htyloi;m|»h.''| T«*wtile> I* i
Iwlth ft
The kftlmr hlni«e4r la fiiH-rtod to; V
look In at the
hank the ihlinber* per
at ammrm ud! Two thuaund «cr« . of
nded to Vrb
in. the lands in Gleen
county. <
........... .
by lb.Antonio VlUarwil. an have tHTii purchaw'd by
rlub will then Invlio bbr «iajr*ty
. Henry da U I-aftturr.
aut)u»r. :
■ Ifrum
there with their faniiliea. Tho Un^
held at KI l»(iao. Tvx^ may ^how ca
Jmlfton Harmon, receiver of the
will l»e divided Into forty apd eightywhy he hhokld not U' ilnM»rted
kfuarulMr developmeot u not real)i.,r,’ MarqneKiM
lUUnuMi (%uu|uai>.
aero tracts
n-markalrte j .
lltiitol Milt lor H7.4r»» agftlnrt bteilCO.
UHakoii. n.;
iwaay my Staff
N.. liunied a* a
X to the oiri- l‘•»’ ivnoil. Toledo and Imiiton Rail
In rcwpeci to park area the AmcrThe Nuwe.g.aii Meainer Jubt ph Ui
elal rtiKii-t on the health of the 1 oyal 1 way rotniiany at ToUslu. O.
Gahkell 1
tlloiRlo. ii«):ii f»un Antonio. Jaintora.
navy for liHHi. Hlaff-Kur
III uo me;i*ured t«mia the j
every *tiv« t In Japaneftc ing;*New York, rhlladelplila. Horton. fi r Ilftliinioic w ith a cargo of bananas
Si. U.iiis. Chicago. ‘ CVveland. Sail
w nt'a-hore «t .Smiih s Point. Ojesa
Krauaiiioo. -Ualtimure. IMtrhmg.
male hay. iluun;: a .snowstorm.
Orleans and Cincinnati
| dinner* and ^ut-pcth rooked for tlicm.
again If
Its way
. 8,bertnste-«d NfKth I"
China much OM la made of the Cbl
ncfo bHck lea. not as a beve■rag* but!
and I "**’"•
vegetable, boiled with
|us and Cam Moon, ranch-
on the charge of rourdertug
I Robert H Mcltowell. nnoiher ranch-
__ __________ _____
Our line of Kitchen Cabinet*,.
\Vardrobcs and Milk Safe*
all tfjai i* necdi-d to sell
to you. \Vc are making t
pries to close ihr m >
rial prices
Glad to send you a catalogue.
J.E.9BEIUCK &C0. t
will not ilw to the rurfare j
The cohlisl place In tho '
sunk Jn R-ot below- the • Kean * ' \Yen.*..unsk In Siberia. Its
At any Ics* depth it will work j temp< ratiiio the year round I
back to the surface
j ere.-s be low zero
MiA3 BEEN T* M E A T* 1-IR A O T I O N
In town lor ihe last three weeks and In response lo a denuBd by
many friends this sale wlllbecontlnned until February I5, I907.
Underwear Has Arrived
and wiU be ibe leadinc atiracilon. thonth Table Unens and aU kinds of Wblte'
Goods, While Waists, Embroideries. Wash Goods, etc.,
will be sold at^uch less than valne.
Corset Col>ers
Regular 35c value, Cut extra long, finely stitched
beautifully trimmed and trimmed with insenion,
with embroidery or
at 48c
at SOe. 58c. 84c to 51.35
Senmaiils o4 Table linens at
there U never any trouble over whetb- ,„rktr of Buffalo. N. Y..
*r or whera thq^ car wlU atop.
In a light at AabU
•; la IMI elaborated hat one ran oaly I'-ar
wrm tb* f««Ptt « Mrx
on their
in Lelnnd.
Mn i linhnenberg b*d
from ChftTlevci* visiting
^iti yo
go In for violent ryrmae* when their
rnflt condition mill not
'Ji: r,r.’c“:n
able to be owt again.
(for Dna PmU, went to ljUto Ann tbla
Mr. and Mrm Valley att<mM ib*; Brnnalng to apend a few dayr
They CHra Fhwtas Inst Wadnaainy.
report m very
---------Mrs. Abbte and daughter VtoM.
bare b*«a vtsitlag Mra^ Abble s brocber and wife Mr. and Mrm. Bert Gray.*
come In wtth the toow p^.
tor tb* past weak, and nr* now vlaltMr. and Mrs. BeUnng*r. Mr. mid
Mn. I>r. rmltok of Maple O*? »»«»
nifford Casa i
Mr. and Mr*. J. Sullivan of CmUr
81r Edward Icili-kc. tho
and ex-member of pi
_____ ___________ _
Mart niT ptrplU are mrefallr oxambi
rd ■* to ihoir rmdlUoa. nrigbt. and
ao no. and tbr rwrUra tb*>
Ci^i'a air rnrb sa du mit aubmit* to
any atraln tbr orpanii or mma-toa
ebirh are lmp< rfrrt. If U only *bc«
ibr«» >muia and jouackd. boroioc
tomagpr that the tiaiiUn* K gradoallj
rdranood. I *ay without tbr alljchtcwt
borltaflon that tho man who ha* unilrncuti* my ayau-tn of phyalral ctU(urr U much more rapabl* of real**Inc (fiaraar than the man who haa not,
and bia rbancen of a long Ilf* are con
oo«.d««. n..i. 2,,r£Hrr£i^:,^r
um below tho knno. na heretofore,
tronaars ihU aeaann will be edit of
modrrato width all the way down
Some cxquikiic numbers at
€9c. 87c. 98c. $2.25
Chlmlse. 98c.l.«8,1.75>
Our Great LBidm.
Made of extra good muslin
«nd hemstitched at only
Onion Bleached bamask............. *5c
Ptre thien Bleached Damask. 62
In.. Tahc 65c, this sale...... . 60c
ro In. Bleached Damask. $t.00'
~Chtldren's Dra%>ers
value, for........ ....................8Te;
itched or
01 Lace
irnmed, at
72 In. Bleached Damuk, 51.25
value, for...........
lOctBrown Cr^ at.....................8c;
: A most elsborate line at prices that can
not be dupiicated again this season—
Short Shirts, 50c. 80c, 98c
Corset Cover Embroidery,
One lot 12 in. Cambric Embroidery.
..... ....... 23c
Another lot of Embroideries ranging in
widtjtol5to 18 inches
E. WILHELM, Cor. Front
They Go lo Ta.-.tniji Cihcol and Heip the Vroiesior.
•nta. cvuiwa hgou^
nuoAV. nMmunnxtm.^
■ Tss^effasr!:™,.
rsLsrjLirSiTisSaSr--- --.ssissr-
MwfiUjr mnphmi cm Umimr ^mL STlrtet^oi^ PMpwiy M M
tag >y >»i»W
€f mmA^
Mr. «M M lu
ARboifb It wm a«7 amteF. tbira
vat «MI« a fatbwteg te Ray'a btU
teat av«atef terirttBcas tbe J. G. Hob
Bflay vBtfTtaimmoor;
Tim teift part of Gl<« lake Is mv
froBca ov«r. A few porasma bava *a*twad aeraaa It aa teot Tbara te ateo
qalte targa Ice baaks ateag tbe abort
or Ltka MIebigtt aad tbe bay te tatte
nmemt^hir. tbrgS^ct'Sti'mm^, Mgn MaSTiiJm*Mr’wir/taS?
Ura. J)aaU
«mai fa Maafea^M laai tell vhara
rrlday lo Trar-
wtn W Wk$
”ifc"a ftflkrrtttsa retnm*4 SaUr-
4.r=i=?\'.?inr‘irj;^.2: ••KTts:
I miuraay
tom will be baalteff tbea there Ute
. Sil*Si?i1.STS.V2!’ ■^‘
MM. VteaW JMmI* Ml IM« mormhem far the pa« tao araNn^ Oapt. tea fur Oiani. la apaaO a tear 4ara.
W a MteM laaaaa Taaaiajr
Tba kay frnar over test algbt.
The Mimmm Oraat aad Boadfa apaat
iiatesj aad Baaday aiik Mr. aad
a Hartiof Sprtess. iMrs a
yearn oT age. paaaed avay tbout two
o elocb Tbtraday morateg. Oa Friday
hit ramtlM wore ttkea to Traverae
M^r ^Ke^rt«« M
tTMlcblgM aadwraa married to
9t*M te 1M4; These were four chih
drasi bora to them, three boya.Edward.
Wm and ttraey and a girl, who died
Bpecteltet tkmg tbeae tteea and you
tBttOt b«ar tea. Lttk atrt of tbe ttbael
bmwe vrioBtw! Oe yao aee ibM Mill
Tbtt raviaet That alty btahl That
H kaolir De yat know whtt lit
A(t»r oOBlac km ke liMm-
ed to» moeb
teoc be was able to do light
work; hU family felt quite eoeoarIre to know about
agad Tbea be received pacli a aboek
tbsss thtegs and we'U keep Praf.
aad hurt from tbe kk-k of a boiae
Calktes busy. He enjoys belat qnaaHe leaves a wife. Uooed by those wbo art tetssvnted.
8upt. Oilbsri Is too well known to
require an introdoctlon and ba tan
to toll. We are going
their loM.
Tbe almost heart!
bar one Inatltnte. A
wife, and motber. have the syn
An testlt^ate lor the
of tbe comoMinlly.
siplU te ymir aehaol.
Feb 5
three sons, the deceas'd leaves three
th lathe I. O. O slstem and .three brmb»-m. Mm Scott
r. IMU ts Mplaiad. Thm
Tl» saw hall
ball Is became a member of the Oongrega^
a rtadu to Ua rtUace as ««U as to Uoaal dtueeb te ibbc. aad baa alwajra
Tbara ari|| u a rrpohikao Iowa
I who have contributed 1
The funeral
dpy at lo al ^ TTl/f
rtecUa* datessti^ to attend the eooa ad at the U O T. M M lodge on 1
bSt oflIctetingATbe floral oirertega
^^«te»««tloB to tia bald si brtead. day eyaalag F. Com.; Mias Pan
were'amay and beauUfuL
Mr. Scott
fiteeh.; Com. Mm O M Itesse. U<
and the other survlvteg mmabem of
O.m. Mra C. Ii. Krtil: R.
the family bave tbe prufouad sympa-Mrs. 8. W P*»fier: F K.. Mrs. C.
tby of the enure commimity te tbMr
Mts* JriMa Miller spent Sstantey In M at A. Mm R 8teH«; Bar.. Mm
Traaerse Cltr.
H. ft. om 0iee a Itetch tanrh at the
iMjCal OaarW^vte-nteK Iasi Sstarday
eiaalar lu his tteotteman frk-ad*. Cor-
BnVtu^s Sajr*«rteSu»rdi5"™^
£^£. 081 left teat Wedaesday fur
tnp to Panama U'heo tfar Are of
last Orluber bumrKl hhi larae drug
^tVh 1
ihoaa draadfal drmffimg .ansalkma.
the Darra aantem.
•■refemate ills as has
L>dla E 3®!w®’s''e8e*a*>le Compo^
••pS*? teSTMtef 1 anta'troah^^lth'a weakness ’which ’aeeoMsl to
dmte all air aimvth awnr.
1 had dull baadaohes. was nerroas.
The many Ameriran friend-, .ff the r.urhesA of Manchester, formeriy Miss
Helen Zimmerman, .ff CbicJnnatl. whose picture is herewith given, will
r>*cTvff to learn tbsi her grace is MTi«u»ly ill and is now taking a long
y*arhiliig voyage for the'beiieflt ef her beallh. 8he Las not l»e«*n well since
the teith of her third child, and the dortum de< lste.| that only a kmg sea ‘
voyage would tvsl.rn* her lu UtWilh.
sOended I
Walter Frti^\ ha-n l>cen suffering
I was p«i.t|K>m*«! fn.m Sundav am ac
Mm .Fred Coin what has been very count of the storm, was h^ at the
sick, is mime betu-r.
j church teslay at 12 ocUs*k. The funeras no artist or cartoonist
l^nrn Hoin. who has
*be« went by mil to GJk Ra|>
James D. Iksich Is hauling his listed
Ing for Mrs. John Rlrhison. spent a; W*. '*»»* «• Interment took pli^.
liay to •Traverse City.
few days at home during her mother s ,
Mm i ante Moss who has
Harney MarUn Is In Rt. Iguace on slcknws.
She went back lo Rlchl ;^^«ng for her slsi.-r.
son's Monday
| Hobbs, left (or her home in Bt. Johns.
Frank Ktslgi-rs U^on Ihe sick list.
} Mich. laM Monday.
Rob -t'anute relurar-d from Gmnd 1
; atarted biihlneMi this morning In the
The Carlisle boys. John 1
> R Stofi of Ixmc'
•“’‘P «»ccup|ed by Mr. Bn
goods In a car herci’aith a si.s-k of gTT»rerle« and
I ts has iKTUgUt a
FLineM and his son.
mill The lioys are going to lealUe a
xpr-t ts to clerk In the
giK>d thing on their Inveaiim-nt.
Olds Hsrvey visited her cousin.
l»erry Boyluglon. who hml 70.000
who has
• of Fred
t of hardwood lugs on skids before Miss Vina Myem. at the
Hog some time with her
the anow came, is hauling lo Beltner'a
. aad Mrs. H, L
Since the men arc logging It k«i»s
As s<xm as he^ratches up. he
will pnt his gangs who have been laid
book stalks.
off for a few weeks lo saw lug again.
<.rn. Friday.
r. Feb
fv,. 1. ... Mr. .„d
Bimtett fniln. .Sadie Crain. Vita
Alll 8tlh-^ and Arthur iJomlue are
, Alvah I'ajk’i^a girl
C'rain and ('arrie Wagm-r sere tbe
working for Hill FMwards
of Harte Misitinan's last
The biggest flock of snow birds ever l^-sts
of Hugh Uuyd e:tKt of (own lu.nt Wed
MN-n In this town.-mus seen last w^ k. Thiirmiav evening
a bisd of young peo^
Whdu they would alight they would
rtiver nearly an acre iff ground. Quite and .Mr. and Mrs. Multbsin and little ple.fnMii in-rv doive out. They re
Chiciiyo wei«* the gn«*»its
IwirbHl that (ho Uixes which were ouca tew partridges ran be seen almost
W.raktMtp ond family Sunday <
.hilly In the adjoining awnnips.
Aside fmm a f« w iinph*nsant features
FYancla Forton who was hauling his
Will Harvey liegan work for
snch Ss tliwivern and bmt glasHcs.
Inga to the bask«4 factory, la now
the ewnitig was s{»etit ver>* merrily,
hauling them to Ihe Kelly Lumber
and a splendid gtswl time enjoye.1.
Co -s mill. Quite a few otherm are do
The ice* (-uil«-r.-4 are hard at work
ing the tame thing.
Ihesi. days on ti.e |s.n.!. putting up
Mr. and Mrs. Qua Domlne of feast Clly Saturday getting some del
Ice f«ir Whites m<at maiket to use
Hi-nil. have spent a week caring for work dnn«Wbil.- of Rohm. Adam ^ager of. next suirnm-r.
the farm whlK- Mn and Mrs. Henry
Tbe «-pid#-:uic
K. Carlisle
were away. Mr Carlisle fhdon and Jerry Sullivan, r.r.. Of Cedar !
urned Saturday
Mm. Carllate re- were Cetlar Run .
Amos Kennedy and Umglss
II the Kchiail rhildn-ii
ined for
Ir. and Mrs M L Gmc.sple have
k.s.p and Carl Kohn S»eie Tm
re.1 b;.rk to the burg from U K.
tiHim of borsiw and imtllL
Bill has
Cham's fsnn h.ime. Into Mrs. Hanssettled on'a new piece of land. As he
s llbuse ill the i.onh of town
Is a husTler, he U now In a way to
Irs. Swartout has Us n confined to
make many Improvements.
- Mrs. Alec McDonald arrived al
^h-.use with a bad cold the last
Kt\ Domlne who spi*nl alx weeks In l^ke Monday evening and re; hH
Virginia. Is luirk again. Donl talk to the h.mn- of her daughter. Mrs. Will
. J. Swan bn-; pmrluiH«Nl the new
Rd alsuit Virginia. He is working on Vannanburg. on Tuesda
I tnill at Wilhninsburg.
the roll wav for the Oval Wood Dish
lU>nt. to Mr.
Mrs. R. JR’ilson.a
company, glad to Ih> back to old Mich- s«»n. Jan. 31.
Frank South has iH-en^-uttlng logs
for F. M. Pierce Ibe lUiKt we«‘k
iHiTCl In Mm. ^ Heaber
K. Avery gts-s to Tmverse Clly to Riisman were TraviTse City cailem
Mm Geo. S. ^est ts|oa
day as a juror.
girsle Cornduffer Is assisting Mrs
C. *lall of Traverse City was’ In
H. R. Thayer U hauling wood to John Wlncheomb .in her housebeld
Travvrac City.
c” U Dsvton returned fnini Grand
You ought to see the kmdi of logs
Warren Bennett relumed to his Rapids Monday.
brother's Bmerson
B*‘nnet Cs. after
PlMlMarmaiHa laBawmoHnn aad Uteeratlon, and U Inraloable in piepS«tar ahUdMHh aad thaCbaafe of Ufa
Mr.. WnklMUB!i5tWidliis: InvIUtlon to Wo^
Woman aaflartet from aav form of female weakncaa
prompUjoummunlcate with Mrs. linkham. ai Lyan. Maaa Bar odrtea
is free aad always helpful.
Mr. Mm Yaaaa tesaMsrl a. Camd la 1
s Alts* Ms Yasr.*T.»awal sad h
r 2i vV^
Srossrorr. lu-. April 3. 1903.
E. W. Ross Mrmnvs Co., St l.oaiv Ma
l>esr Sirs ;-lt it s anirre of plrasuteior fnelo permit yon »o uws my
brfiwe and slier cuna) hy “Zl-MO. - and lo icU uhal - ZKMO” did for
! (Acne) r'nn'lm io^^x years and spent se%^rsl li
rrlv cured 1
isthe bOtf
3 ooTS very trnl).
^ome Valuable Hints
by the KlmUll Music Honae. We irpreaent three of the Unrest
Sirnis In the trnde; \v. W. Klmlmll Co.. Lyon R'Heuly. sod tbs Bdlson Fhaaogrsph Co.
Hint No. 1-Buy your plan
Sunday evening.
€d^. 4.
Bancroft Is on the sick
There was a very small attendance
t church yesterday owing lo the bad
La grippe Is
in thia nelghbot
be on the gate:
John WilsoQ baa purchaaed a farm
Helen Moyer. Mr*. Minnie Hathaway. near Alloi and moved there this week.
Fnink Sargent will move Into his
J. Btadelbaoer. Mm. CUra Copeland,
house vacated by John WnisOn this
and Mr. and Mm. WIdrig
Willis Allen wHl nwve ontp the
farm he 1g>aght of Philip Miller, onehalf mile east eff here.
Ji C. Randolph of JonesvHlc is visthe world*! commerce.
hU u™u»^.l.w. Joh.
•nwTf .III b. 11»cuir»l th. Cranee
Iherffore all right If
Hint Na 8-Do not place any depehdaace upon the teatimontelt
nothing of musical
•Hinf No. 4—Invertlgale any -wondiTfur* offers rery carefully.
Remember theie la no saving In. baying cheap. Inferior goods for a
teas price than you must pky-for standard goods.
Hint Mo. 5—Beware of the **>udglng-a p teao- In your own-homeidea. A. a matter of.fact. neariy aU Inferior pianos am sold . that
uay. for the simple reason that they would be laughed at in.the
aa(esruotns of a flmt-claaa piano dealer. The Innocence of Ibe pur-------------------- , this plan---------------------------------------aueoced rery often.
Hint No. C-Duy a KIMBALL Plano. If you want a piano that
IP perfect te tone, perf^ In constn^tlon. |icrfi^ la case duatga aad
H. B. HABNER. prop.
Loetag Flesh?
Tske VINOL-now. ^
ball Wednesdav nIghL
Paradise nnlon A. 8 of E. at Its
last meeting elected the following of
fleem: PresldenL A. J. AUbrighl;
D. C VIbber: Dvasurary. A. J. Hl|rMISS Rosa
Kolndorfer who has
re, lira. A- J.
been aMlstlng Mm. Lula Rawlings re
turned to bcr home last Friday.
Feb. Pth:
The many friends of Miss Urrle
Schlchtel were much surpris«l to bear
Recitation—Cordhi Days.
of her marrUge to Mr. Fred Coons
Rradteg—Mm W J. WHsey.
of Tmverse City. Jon. 9.
Rocitetioit—Mrs. J Days.
Jake Gleb is working at Pioneer.
Readlng-Mm. Ubble Rader.
Miss I^um Knapp and Mr. Albert
Koellmer of Blackman vlsUed Mr. nnd
Feb* 4.
Mm. B. R. Rawlings Su
home from
Miss Violet Sh
la Afriea rides In a
•ded,.froai a beary Wexford.
Many people of this vicinity are
That’S bccanse Vinol con
tains all the medidnal de
ments of cod Bwr oil, taken ^-n
from freah coda^ Urns, the,^ __
eliminated, t^^
^gza org
tei l^mi ouT.
n.,0. co»p,„,.. {iTTiSr'SS^
»ra?VVriP .o fr:,i„.
Juhn Brxinger. wbo baa Just returnThere will be no more chur
1 from a wnatera trip, says betwm
Mabel on account of Gilbert I
folks moving op over the store.
I.cthbridgc aad Medlctee Hal tboooThe young people of Mabel en
of antelope were etragglteg ta
a dance at Ihe ball Wednesday
Know without food on wbleb to
Mrs. Nell Brown went lo Elk Rapids sulolHi. There wi re cJumtaada of
them londi-d togethiT aear tbe track. *
^slvl'-n J..hn~.n mi. n.l«I th. fim-rol Armmd the animals were numbers of
I Friday
sle drove ta
Mr. Stoop s folks, who moved on the woU.-h ^qllaltlag 00 their baaarhes
tiinker place, have a fine hound dog ready to m Iw on any one 6f tbe anUkJ,
or mbbil*. when they are fried
loiHni that might Uppea lo fall. The ^
Feb 4.
solvm win* not nil coyotes, for IntermixiHl with them were big Umber
wiJv.-a Hi* i-stlmsUw that tbOTW were
bSK lM*en r
past week on acwnint of bad roads a
rtMigh weather.
Tbe lumbermen
umbermen In this vicinity a
T. Morab^
i n the Job of
Karlin this
tk. ton
There are cheap tar prefteratioBS
on Saturday
^ Zak and Emma CobIknuU went
mverse CHy on Saturday and
marrlcl. They gave a dancing old story: you've beard IL **8omeUitaff ’
r on Saturday evening at Karlin, Just ss good -* Don't be footed. taaUt
r-shments wen» served and all 00 having Wbroera White Wine of
ed a
nt^y Monday “
which lasted until 1
ed the funeral
SIbeG J.d
of his nlnre
:ge. of Suttons
Bav. Friday
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Kasllog^ were
Albert Bossy left for Milwaiik'-e l.tst
the guests of Mr. and Mra.'Knapp of
w<>ik. wfo-re he will vUit relatives
Blaekman Sunday.
there for a short time.
Miss Lucy h^igel reftmed Satur
Mm. M. E. Ore of Traverse City is
attending Mr. and Mrs Joe Nedow day from five wetrkx' visit iiP Chicago
Joe MicheiR Ik III with grip.
and son Oemld. who are III.
According to tbe t
Miss Itettle Pmulus. who Is attend
kl agnres.ooThomas Rawlings was te Tmverse
ing business college at Travefse City, City Friday and Saturday
ly twwrty person
Iroat Britata
visited at her borne Saturday.
E. Win
I2S0.MNI anMr. and Mm Ihnnis T. Hoxsle.
who spent a few days st W. C. Nel
son's. returned home Monday.
Mm. Geo. Gmy
Oscar Simpson of Traveme City
spent a few days In town.
children enjoyed 1
ty Thursday night and am sHU httaUng for trouble in th*
August Otto of Prmenient sras In
chaperoned by their teacher. Mrs way of buraa. aores. wounds, boils,
town Saturday.
^ts. sprains, or a case of.pllee that
Rose Armstrong.
W. Ashley went to Maple City Sal
Bocklea s Anilea Salve wont quickly
unlay, returning Monday.
cure." wrltee Cbnrtee Wsitara of AlleAlfred Nol.-on. wbo Is staving at
Tmverse Ciiv. apenl a few days at
bis home last week.
Easy to get it back again:
* Bn-wer;.««.
Viadl creates an app^, ^,it£^TuTA'^
1, red blood, Proc~n tor
taakes rich,
He babe from f»cb. One was little Saturday !
Amanda, daughter, of Mr aad Mm.
G R. A I. tmla leaves Traverse
O. Broadway and the olte-r the little
threwweeksold si>n nf Mr. and Mm. City 10 ?8 a m. Special rtmnll trip
Alfred Davis They all have tbe sym mte. All aboard!
pathy of maov frienda. Both funerals
aervioes will be held today. Interment
In Grant cemetery.
The hard storm Saturday almoet
('ouniy uf Gmnd Traverse—ss.
but Ihe roads are bad yet.
In the matter of tbe curpomtloo
Mm. Johnson's many friends here known ss (he Queen City Imptement
are S4irn t«> li-arn that she Is very HI
Mm. Johnson and daughter Lulu are
spending the winter (n Tmver»e City. County.
There art. so many here sick with
tk-beraas. L. O Rice, C. E. Hesadthe grip that those who escape It con xwtet. John W. Alloways. a. U Rorasider themselves fortonste.
Imrber and Joseph Amtsbueehler. did
F» lr 4.
on the Itb dsy of January. A. D.. 1*07.
duly execute rrilctet of aasoctetloo
for the purpose of forming a oorporslUsi to be known as Qusra C4ty Imple- lurru rs sjv busy hauling their
meni Company, according lo the prpvlklon of Act. No 23| of tbe Public
Mr. and !
Arts of iteM. Stnte of Mlrhlgnn. which
Mrs. B. VIsko
Mm Keith 1
artlctes are now duly recorded In Ibe
Friday nigbt
office of the Secretnry of Bute and te
Mr. Iteumberger of Northport was
the office of Ibe County Clsrk of anld
througb tbe nelghUwbood last week.
County^ now therefore. In purauanee
(Icorge Gilbert of Ilurdlckvllle vis of seetkm 2 of said Act. aottee Is
ited at F Atkinsoos Sunday.
)> given that Ihe
the IQrst msetlag of
Miss Hatib* Iteulus visited her sis the stock
m at said corf
ter. Muttle. Saturday.
for Ihe p,
c of electing a 1
kVttz Atkinson, who is aliendii^
High school al Tmverse City. ape4^
. and transacting any 1
Sunday at
Mias Nettle Ihiulus atiendetl the
china wedding of Mr. and Mm. Nelsoi^
ut Leland l->idav
Friday nlgbt
Her sister.
1 wUb her Saturday
Sunday here.
Rtieei In the City of Traveme Clly
In said County, on Monday. Febrnary
2Mh. \9or\ at nine o'clock a m. This
muice to Is* published In The Evening
Record, s newspaper pubUabed and
Hmilste«« In said county, at Iraat two
week* before the Haw appoloted for
nsid meeting.
Date,! February 4th. A. D. HK»7.
r said Carporailna
I K 13-22.
WoaMa troaUrd with
The Courtade school riosrd its win
T term a few wt^cks ugo,
Tbe Black achoul is now closed. al
cbmd term yrss
school boanl decided as
then* wi re »o many a
congh in tlie district
cold weather and drtf
made It bad for erei
»n up
to attend, to .
until spring.
Mlsa Sweeney, flmt term as tiwrher
of the Black district, has given satIsfactlon by .her work. She Ukee Intrreat In Ihe educational welfare of the
pupIU under her rare She has been
M-engageU to teach the apring term.
Frank IVFim- Is workRlg for Henry
K. Carlisle.
We bave a yining genius In the Cour
lade district name<l Nfiah k'ortun. a
young lad wlMJse |Mredi:i lisve not the
means to eilurmte him to tm atKsrtlst
His cartoons aad drawiagniKnMbaF
m tbe beads of two
flIt*5si*R I
is an inflammation of the
mucous membrane which
lines the throat
Have you ever triefl a gargle
of PAXTINE Toilet Antisep
tic for this trouble?
It not only removes the
soreness but strengthens the
membrane of the throat and
thus prevents a reoccurrence.
Psxdne has no eoual for all
throat Boreneaa, and we sell H
on a positiTe guarantee to to*
turn your money if it finis.
PAm9 • '
------ -----------
THS tvnoM moQmo. nuvcjiw crry, \
eOWTW «» *. «. C. 0«»WCM
That One Deer he the
Manjuetie' Micli.
Feb. K —Sweep
Ini: chancm'lo itame lam* are ury:et
uptm the leplahiture In n-»otolia04
adopted We«toefiday er.iilni; by a erw
vent kin c»f I Sir aportwjjen repretiem
Ittjt n cotinilee of Upper Mlcblsau
Stare Repreaentative
McTallnru ni
party hot Ihrirur up to tbia
pr«>idded . ami
It la to forfeit 11.000 already
the other partj t.f the oCTee- Stare Gaim- Warden (liapman max a
pr..mln»nl deleRate.
aad 4hH/ adbrreal, aad auppcMicni
*« «»hl .o
TIito iAlraalty I. aoi dcrold of bitter- »« *"* *»*'*‘"****
noa« toVato caao.. imt ihU feature
cmly ompbaafara the arrc.lt, of rtoar »***“^ ««
to at flir
** »*- "*--»•
and Harry I^vl. alao
|1.<M» «arb aiib U<ti
noon Tbtirrday. Kt-to
We place neutrality of 8l. UhiIb to
laKb f*tnelal and eltr cootroverafe*
aa' a soaraniee of a talr flcbt and no Now tbai ihix event U u mailer
.fartrra." arben ibe
j blatnry. and rreditablv ftti. ibe
hlfu ami
1UO.I »lt.llr l»lnr.l»l. A. bo.1 lo .boi
bo«l.«, l< «ouM III l»r.«io 81. Loul.
lo d.K-tan. for Ibl. or lb., rll, or .o
Mroralr U,» «bdlA.rT of «!•). er-^ ..Hironlr pro«rmm ««l
A. Ptordllpa of Ibe I
wifb the Suctol 'naaortation recently u
irtii It;
-81. txnila trill fiimlah theL
UMIo (n...o.l .na bll rr,ul.ll.- nofo.-
jtfor Hariv ]
d HY.\.S/-
• plaiix laid down li.V
Trouble Started When Second o
quiahed Fighter Struck Refer
Police Deew I
I hat It m ill luof rypoc^phlcal
Aimiui.ir lmpirtl«ll> oh«cr^i.K •U.l r,p, l.wii.Inr .m ,,n -rrluMv^ orrirr.
rb^rr 'L'^Cirar'xtTo "”ii.;! ^ bo‘riL
::zz[JZuZZJZ i ::;;bj:::;r':-.r-.rir. *:.
•n the piizt. H,3k We«lne»Mi
maa fulIom.Ll by rhe ,-,Hri
^ of .Polfre A^len ,ht.l the l«,:ii
I Thix
I efnre the
Ix^m-een Jimmy BHm. of Ratile Ci.-ek.
and Jud Woi:»defh' of r.tdil. vin.-. max
I until Pnxl- atrrleil. it mas at the close «f the
no unhealed acre*. tbou*b a bit '
acairefl. our wonodx are honorable;,
and our roemorlea lieai no laatlnflirf
The beat,- and ll
KlKut deyr hunting
boiitinf; aeaauo
mith one
d.-er ax the lirult for earh
-The reM.liitkm-. letommende,! that
jail mooevK rec4-lvf><| fmm xaie of Hicinxex lie fomteil Int.. a fund to to
t»r Baiue and fl.xh proiertion b>
me. Ttie county »-ard»m xjrxteni
Tkaf a #:«in ll.-^nxe
of r.o centx ffii tT-j-ldento. flu for non
II- Idem* be imnidetl; tuai fiaririure
• xhoitenefl :iii,l the kill Hmlttordx iH-r buntir |x .- xeas/in.
-!FiiEE>off«a «T Kuoo!;:-'
• •
*u but three signed
Joxlyn. Piitm and Hughe*,
to all
there mill to« foiiriiH-n on the pltchtog
11*1 at the *taii. for the old one. al
ready signed are Young, nineen. Tannehlll. Ham*. Glare and Winter.
At the Huxtnn ASalkmar. heodquarter* Preaident-Dover 1* getting thingm
to shape Tor the *pring
Bob Bwlng
ha* bc-n hoard from, and he aayw he
doex not mant to come to .Boatoo.
TVrvey mv* he mill not let go hlx
U mwa loxl rold-nlght Sunday, Jan claim on Muiythy. the former Nmre
uary 27th. whetf the |g»t toll in the Dam« catcher.
the belt St. Loul. hax and at a mmlerttU* co*i.
A national
garbeing of
ihlx xoit ,means.much to a city like
8t Loulx If tlKiac in attendance from
abr^iad go away mell ple«»cd. I hold
no brit'f for any hotel company other
than my own. yet 1 fei'l Jiisilflisi in de
claring that vtollors will have no real
• eomiilatoi to the matter of Uvtog accommodatbma tod the coanrof sonte..
wrbile In the clly.*‘
vHy tonmameni rolled down the alley .
racing board named.
Howto TItloT
ThompMn Apfwinu Seven New Yorh
era agd Two Others.
New York. Feb. 8—JeSeraon De
mon! Tbompmm. mrho has been rrapoppolnted ehalmuto of the rMtag
board of the Amertewi AutomohUe
to th,- xkaiing warithat hax d^rupti-d
the *po„ jn
trip of the Columbia
the lulled State*, and it to now the land
teurn of the board of dlii-ciurx of the | foul*
National Skating oxxoclatlon i
what dhll to the next step t,i
Chairman J. i. DKon. of the
tratloti cominlM,c of the Amateur
Athletic union ha* notified FcancI*
M. Clark, xccix-taty of ^he Nat
Skating aax,wiailon. that .11 the
who competed at Montreal had
San Fninctoco. Feb. 8 -The AuxtruldiwjuallBed by the Catiatlan Amateur lian champion. Bill Squire,, to corning.
Athletic nnloH. and that he had
He mill beactMimpauied by hto toicker
Ulaquallfled by the CanatHan Amateur am) manager. Jack Wien, a meli-tt>-do
Athleuc unkm of the rnlte*| 8t«tcx
that they could not compete In any
eooteat whatever. Many well known cabled a chtllenge to all America. He'
skater* are alTect,*d.
5t single out any one and doe*'
not tor anyone. Thix
that the;
challenge I* o|>en to J
Jeffrie. !
a* ,well gy lo other American heavvmrlghta.
■oX<m«kw« .1 HM •orins. A<Xpt«l
Whatever the Attxtraliaa may prove
Hand^*^ Mtthod and Cantin
to to a* a rtngater. It mnai certainly
Butlnaaa Wcr»
to admitted that be I* confident to
Hot fipringa. Ark.. Fob
8.~Tbe hi* method*. He docs not axk that
easy mark be aeAected for him
bookmakers -xiperated wlibonc molemta
Hon at Oaklawn W^n^y. On the at the OQtaet and that te to given n
•rat day of the meeting the book chance to work up.
MaHon Moote. an
tried Illy which winn the flrat
wna nino wen plnyti^
Boston Ferns
It blux for the erection of
nKuldocfl tom-u hall and arhool buHdw m hich contracix mill to I
to-fore February ir,ih. 1907. Addrexxall
Pliene for pri.tv. We<lelinr.
Amos E. Bingham
By order of the lo*nhb!|J
•. M. Fmlong. Huix-nixnr.
Notice to the Taapayera of the City of
Traverse City:
liay fviy x»lely in tln-lr
on Ibex- utiIllH*x itie lilebi.nl liiAer
ctoiiginilde with whMl, <x the xiirf
lH.af. the life , ;,r and Ibe bnix-ln-*
lumy. Ax «nn-xx*»il.-x to tbe uxe of the
[wo Inxl nientlomxl pie.-.-* of niMnirattie
1* ll.e WT.x-k gnu. «bl.-li lx UM
liorl lilies to sltiiix Xtrande.1 In ex|
Many u{ the re-< in*x efr«-l,xl by tbe
rmted Stal.-x life xuving crervx are
in.in|.llxh,nl by menu- of lifelxiatx gr
xurftomtx. Ininng tbe year
in-tau.v. tbetv were iauile.1 by tbe xurf
touitx ami lifetouiu iipwanl of l.uxi
only ntomi half a
................ .
The U* roll* for the collectU
le Rtaie and njuniy laxc. for the
19BC atad for khe dellm
1. Will be to my office to recelte said
taae* from now uniil F-b. 2*. I9u7. on
each week day from 8 o’clock to 11:30
o'clock In the forenoon and from 1
o'clock to 4 o’cltK-k to tbe afternoon.
On all state and county Uxc* paid
before January in. the n-gutor fee of
one per cent for collecflon mill to
charged and on all taxes paid on or
after January
10. there will
charged a fee of four per cent for eollecUon.
Penalty on delinquent city
bn**H-h«T tomy or life i-ar during the
twelve nioiifb* in nu«*xtliiU;
Tto* lifetoHit* and Kurflxiaix are each
|>ro|K*lle,I by u crew of *U or eight
all trained imrsnieii of the life
Having xervb-e.
Tbtwe xlamh erafl.
wriirtdng iHTtmiM 7i«l or Nai iKiuud*
Office in room 202 SUte Ban*
ea,-b. ami by reuixm ,if their self right- banding.
lug aiMl M-ir bailing ,,amllti,-x render*-,!
Dated. Dec. 4. 190€.
vjrtnn)ly un.Inkuble. are obvlogxly the
Ideal vebb-lp. for taking ronalderable
aiy Treasurer.
imiul,cr of iM^raoux from Imiierlle,! v.-x dec 4 to fetori
ael. In a llmlleil x|wu*e of Hurt-.
ScicnlisU Mak*
In ExpaHc.r
John I». Rockeri-lb-r'a fri.tOOjBNJ In
xtltute For Medical Reeearch in Wash
Ingiuu auu.mm^.•x i, .l..,ov,-ry which to
for xeriaux ofiermtious ether to lea* dttn
geruux than efalorofonu. It stimulate*
the heart, and aftet it. influeuci- has
autoilded tbe patient liey-oniex dealblv
Cblorofomt doed» not prtKioce
nauaea. but It dei»rexxe* tbe bean, aud
even a alight overdoxv to likely t<»
cauae death during the period of un
C'oialoe hax ben
ed aa araibiblc only for minor oiK-ratlon* and local apidicatlon*. amb a*
toothache and external , au or wound".
Dr. L. Ka«t aud Dr. 8 J. Meltxer of
tbe Rockefeller Inxtitute after a aerie*
of etaborate invextlgatlona have found
uuL however, that cocalae Instead of
to-lug a mild drug in reality exerts In
eenaln doxage a
reaching luflu,-n,t
idcr It available
"rput* which will render
This to a boon
«* well aa toilema. benae and ha* no tod effect*.
Hto Shaky SsaL
A small Canadian ventured Into tbe
room w hile ’ll!* eklest slater was en
tertaining a tuascullue caller.
“Mr. lUrrla,” ibe^ootb finally Inter
nipted. I wtoh yon would uke me
with .voo same day."
•Take yon with mer echoed the raller. -Wbera do yon want to gt/. Bob-
He has thrown down tbe gannllet
makers were arreatiwl aa aoon aa bets
them all and declarea that aa moon
were mAe and Twwday the adopted
men to serve on the racing board for the handbook ayatem.
I he arrives he will place $5,666 ni
Ihe current year: *Wm. K. VandertrtlL however, the beta werr laid lii
the telier'a hands to sappott his defl.
Jr. K. Rnamdi Tbomaa. Daveiienien- naual manner and ho nrreata
cm Ad Wrm will arrive ia San
Moma. A. R. Pnrtllagtoa. Ptmnk O. ante. The books were bard kit by
Eiseo about March 12.
Webb. A G. Batchelter and a M. the victorkma Baltori and 8«m
Bntler. all of New Toth; K. | farntn
i^rh.75 fu.rntv:;‘t7r.f^;7r;!
rvM.NgxiiLg M i;r
::'j- • •
-Jto*ielitcx have gimnted so favorable
' tt rate Uh vi.lting homier* and their tun-x Ihto mTx-k
Among the pitcher* who mill start
Co! iJtodrum of the Plan out with the local team In the *prlng
Killian, of lUn
ter* perhtpK voiced the general xentiluent of hotel managers mhen he said nibal. Mo.: Cn-orge of La Crtmae:
to the committee In charge of the .Raining*, of Texiyi: Oberlln. of MliY.;
The bowler* are entitled to mrauki-e; Kroto. of Bolivar. N
Tbe Sanaa are the only Baropean
natkm which has never town con
quered tq the past five centuriea. Na-
but they got f,»ob-d. for thank* to to
God. I was Inducvl to try Dr Klng*3
New Dixecnery. It tc»k Ju*t four
d»dlar boitb*x ;« completeir cure
Ua«l In th« Life Saving Servo
OAiugh and restore me to gogd m
'ihe M-nea of
tally dtoaxtrous health.- write* Mr*. Kva. rncaphei
WTe,-Lx v h.rli bax
durixu* the Grown own.
Stark Co., Ind
King of cough and cold
psxt year «.r im.. «hi ihe Atlantic
hiwJer of thn*Mt and lung*,
Pacific caaal* aud oa the great b
lectl b) BugtoM* Ihug
to* eaiimxl nii uhuaiuiI «• li\it\ In
Ul\«uti(»uwr life xa^ma de« ].-,•«
fl.no. THal bottle fre
I nited Stiilex gutertiinciit toanl of
tVtoTtx datalbil to examine aud text
all wen Inrenti.mx ».ff.*rej for Jlie u«e
of Ihe CnlttHl Stal.*x life xavitig »»enit'i* bax Im-«-u x.»n-I> iax.*d by the efBuilding, to' ^be value of tmenty
fort lo rive X Tloux .-.mAUlennuiu to the
lotiMnd dollar* an* to to- i-rivtc-,! in ■
imii.y nov.-Ui,-, nhlHi li.i.e tox-n pre
ur village thi.V^pring. Tbe io*n-hlp '
the xiaxon .If |in.V..;:.uifin e\r»*|il «|r
alrurtlve anltnnls. and
ntnst imiMirtam. that
pniifM-.bin ..f
pume Bell ^d todirinc of fore I b.
inrreaxed/« >i* Im h. X. That a rod
llretiM- of 2S f*-ntx be rh;ny;ed. Tbat
the rb.fefj Mniton on rabldtx he from
Warrb 1 ti. |>« fejiibei. That all fur
toaniV anlmu's to- iir.itecN-.i „uMna
Matinee. Wednesday ant! Sai-„
Hear the b<rauiiful illustrated
Remember. 10 cts. to any seat
in the bouse.
Change of programme every
That briMik irwiii xeniatn U-xhon.-ned and the Iructh of lecalbiil flxh.to*
MotioR Picture Co.
. Neighbora Got Fooled.
trolvi** to ISO. and !««> :»‘»reu:>
on hamki and omix.
xemi mlndii^. and jKefeiee PIrkell had
derlared Kid Fisto-I. of Kalnmaioft.
19UT mt-tu the minner over Yoiinf Sharkey, of Grand
Ilaplda. *^llrkey ^'o!.y. j„mi.ed frmit
11 la mdirable that 1
Sharkey a cuiner bnd xiiiu k the r« f
lie a dlxpoiUiU.n
ere«‘ In the fare. PIrkell r.ime Iwirk. j
I of the emrntry loj.
New York. Feb. X -('apt. IM’ie. r
and knockeil Fole^i ihrmiKh the o.peK
on to the aelertlon of! .
Pierre, mho to In chatge of a«r.I-tl -,*
ito.r. February. S-Joo
and half m-iiy Ihro.^h the rromd.
niomltera <if the eiecntlre committee
ai West INdlil. to at the b-.vl ef a
e fooiluill player, lx the
In an inxinnt th.tre mere ha.f
of the A. a C. From Iho leitAm le
movement to unify the tmo
man in ctdlem*
t'Hved at the local beaiiquartera It
X4MX of Itilex ti*e<| by the A. A
>• :iu*7 Chlract. pamo
max ty» and
wf.ald mq^enr that iHere mill l»e a
the Inierrollegiatr ILi.^kei ■ Ik
in aeeiixa'tlun of which.
luirdiT ninteat fur th«*ae
riatbm. Much difflculiy i,a^ I
Mlrhiran man d<*rlan'«.
baa to^-n notlreable at f«.rru. r ai-axl.mx
|x itoufHl. noi tmly by the lej
im.went. and kept from
In fan. the aeneinl aenilrnfiit to eliuby the ,efe,
mton t«aii
olvanla pame iiy an ar- jrlubx. Foley maf h.indrufTed and
!• V'^-k liefonMhe Idp ’ ‘ taken from the Ai^uuy hall. folloHml the xe|»uiale ntlex
One o| Ihe iioinix mhicli has c:him-.|
half hundred frjendx. and a xethe leadtoK «»fnreii. but
iln- pr»-s,-ut xi a ‘
he fell
‘comi flftht started mlth the i*ollr«- In
.«ur ono. aa weu.
i mx alone ta . ^uemulk. ,
xon lx ihai go\em1ng the hull jiaxxed
* J the xtre**t while thfy
ikm to lodtoiU B healthy Intereai L
Aml-ble.the enun. r.Ilfer»-HI leleire.;
broken to the
the iialrol wagon. kl
Dfricem tix4^thelr
I toimllns aValra that tovlex rimmI an ‘ ’
hivie. tou-itirtte,! ihi.- lub In ifc 'r
placr- ,
e <ild fracture.
* club* and knorke.1 ja
Some *4iy that ihe fii>t
nr. n,lld« xays he will not say • and then pulled gwnx before they
ho touch,-X the ball atlei to iug
deflnltely until an X ray |> taken. • mc-re able to bold the rnrwd at toy.
..I n.n«/
om-liie g,is ihc -todi while
mym that It lx%. iialnlv a •
Chief of polK,* jAHen. Iinmuillately
aaenta. offler-ni of the city axxocia-l * tenibb mronrh
iiailly to the oi*
• aper Fob-r max Jdken fmm the ball.
tionx and other*
Mepped into the i^ng and announce,!
local hotel*, mlth rate* and localImi
that the Behttog rias a. an end
The full list la yet Incomplete, but
A wide dlfferr-nce to*im-,
-xabl further that Ithere m-iiuld to-no
may to aiateil tliai
r. and the Intelcolleglut,nmre boxing in Kalaman« ao king
to belter thaiuhaa bean
f*an aecuretl for a 1
------------j to- wax at Ihe he«,| «f the police force.
national sathnriQf to 8i tomi* Uen*- Ferris. Parent and Carr,
the tou*cnllegia(e mb- a man 1
Not Landed Vet by «' teaton—
lofiuv. iitHi Pill eompurr r.-ry favor
mltt,-d to dri^de" mlth tod
Will Probably Sign Soon.
able with anyihlni <*f the kind ev.^
and try a flvid g<i.nl after
an ringed to the west. St Unil* I*
Ibixton. Maas. Feti 8.~The ROxion Ul ktn Who Competed in Montreal
particularly fortunate in the number
Events Are
of really BraiKdaaa hotel* in n»mi>ara- American team ha.< not yet rriceived
lucb tto* ban with I wo ban
Well Known Skater* Hit.
lively eaay arces* of the touniament the xlgmil contract* cd Ferrix. Itorent
neb- play and b- raniiot xhti
and the
readiness with or ftorrigan. the latter a ralrber who
.'•dribble.'- He inuxi |wxs It
Pre*id»nt Taylor.
Work. Frb. K-The
mhich the proprietors of the varioua to bailly wanted.
gimjof hlx team roat,-x
in the
;.................. n« 147 HT
agrmUMtnnihg ^
te #dv wafted/imufteranr JS
-Roxyl What dolng>**
^rarrjtog a lantern for the
Itara.**—|»nli!to I'rvrman.
Sooth E.denk
ttel Wm why he
were thm—ihree of tha
ind the doc-"
•harli-tmU^he mrn-
man. loe Qan« name. Jack WHcb
1 lo Ibo BreUa*
I ^ *’
‘ » Lwl., Mo, m, »-Ai Ihr
«••• «"• *«
“'«>'• of ten Fnmelw. and Bert Crtmand
for thr hoMloc of Ibr Alwrk;o Bool-1 «““<■
r«portlT. hurat of Philadelphia,
lap Ckift|tr«M aad UairBaaM^f to'Ihla ’
***** ******* T»ia* SSalllvan Unia name. Rr^dj?
, cliy 'draw. Mar. Ilarrii
ICih. Ibcj"** •*“»»** *»rttt b».(orv nir^itnc to nanvar. Col., and Ct^irse Slier
flKtit Tor tbc trading offlriil booor. j
aad ih.. roo^ikia lor to^tt am«|
to««r l-«wcco ,br rlra. cUlr.
was am anxtnws ta xHL -T««
aakl, -I hMsht the tec tad tntoed
hlrvhiMwIf. 1 got hte «> he'd htrti
^ tosMe
wax aafe
The* any wife wanted
me to train him to carry hondWm. and
1 dkl* If 1 pni a
to hi* month
the doc wonld keep It ihera till aMM
onr look It away. WWL «mc night I
woke np ami hrand m«r one to the
tm T57
............. .. ................. 2.5U
^ “Artk-»#« M ajrrcfiDMt bMVMi ruanr 7. l»7. wtien the matoliqHiL
ior Gmm of Bftlttsor*. a»d. fUrry 006 y aide .hall i-. po«rd. • The $5.to»o
L*^ cf fmUadHpliia. vketvbjr tb«> a at«a then to .land for w*ditbt and
iio lihi for tbr HcliT«risbi rhMiplaD
*Joe Gana an| Harry Levla alao'
j Oilp of tb#- tfiorld b«d*orr-tJM> club offfr- J»«ree ui name two men inch- for
>img the lar*«f purac «a4 for a aide r.fe*np and rhelctol, to name « cub
The Grand Opera
The beat <nt«at held to the rlty
aome time w tniM at the Wl*
kina B mmrner alley, tom eeeninc
irhen the iicCtekey. won fmoi the
Sooth Sidera by only fire pina. JnUn.
Winnie of the ILcmaLey, and B
Qt the South Sulera each pot 266 which
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for
City Treasurer.
Successful business irtM,- Sev-'
era! years Alderman from
Second ward.
Don’t FaU
AqtombbUe Show
Aatomoblle* Leather
Ui altoml Ibr
Feb. 2 to 9,
K«. sin B...u,cn
Walter M, Paige
Cit phone 372
Simply Pertect
131 On. St
One Ton
o o*‘k e
* is equal to
Two Tons
i» the laqsl fwO,
No flusl; no
lillle ashes.
smoke; ^rmf
We ha\-e rotluced tbe price to
$5.jW tS
by many of tbe natlvra.
the* nmnshig tricks and pen
te nm sU over tbrtr booses.
Inverse Qly
Gas Co.
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