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The Evening Record, April 10, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
6IUMO nAPi09
i ftik AM Ha# fta«i iA
^ imimAi far itMt
■ — .
ty Wilt lb ika DreiUkt RaeoT4.
April lO.-^Tbe iddrr*:.*
♦rf W-arlrt AHorary JeroaM> waa a tei
like ariMft oa lUny K Thaw. TkU
Uttar armltawaat riabodled
lk« TEIIIliftLft CONDITION IN NUaaiAN FAIilNK DiiTiticr.
iBTArllTa Ike pmaaruior coulU viaMer.
Ha tgaorW KrHnt. heiytled kar alory
and «HrUi a* rtery dark |Aca In
TiMira iUA iryikf la
*!»• <*»•»■
id ]^iatltetlM ky akoviag vk#! ktkd
«f A «ka Tkaw waa.
ma»w ard ionr dlHakma of, homl ftCVOLUTlOHIliTft HAVE ftUiPCNDED ASaAlftlNATlONa,
rUd da wktrk Hmi Jury any rnUer a
yerdirt of guilty.
Murder la tke Aixt degree
>r ta tkd aecodd de•rt af Craft Coat Havt
trm. iMaUy Ilf# Imptluoameai.
•atn Killed.
TkIrd-MfaaUuikier In the ar.d defrae. Maliy Ufa iii^H»oaii>eai., -fWrtk-WakiUufktdr la i)h> aee
oM ddftw#. pMialty Efieea yaai.. in By B’iro to the Hvenlng Reowd.
loMidoo. April JO.-lh. Keanard.
Tka gaealloa fc»r tka Juit la: U roMUeekmer acoi to Invealigntr the
Tkaw gnlltr id koailHde la aay of ike RuMlan famine csmdltlone. iuiy«:
Theie are M.dOO.ooo i»ei>onk. in tka
a four aaayddkT
beaelam pmvlnrea who. without
•ItWHy ftarddallc.
Raarklag tkd rklef poiat of Thaw a aid. cannot live to ee,' another hat
dafaaae Ike hllkailaa of IXHya. Je ve
kU.lv-------------aagrl ekUd. IkM food Ulag. ikulihe latter only 3T1*
ekiata gpod kdla«;* aald Janvair. M ' lief, a dob- of om* meal In Tu. utr four
rdCkll. lha lima wlHila three honn.
The tloclor makoA an appeal f.H
tnoiilb* id li nix'd thU^uute
i.e r.ind of irr.iBO .MMt
her. Ytm know how women re
Trwct Hat ftatn O
her Mrery anolveraanr u fe
lieied. ABd lUU girl cannot remem ! Hi. IVicraburg. April lt\—Fifty prU
her whether aha waa overcoiue in Oe |oneiA In diffeieai luirta of the empire
lober KoTcmber or Hecember. Hhe. j await ereeiillou -under a di umhtsid
court manlal iwmlance, Tlia premier
> girl who oo her Hip 1
h.n*. ke|»t faith for the ten dara In hU
promUe not to curry out the aentenca
iieiK. thiA gill cannot leroenilHM with and for the time being akaaaalnatlooK
in three months an to the time of ihU h> reu.luUouUiK have alau Ktopiwsl. A
nem* cvmnu I of authority b«'tm*N‘n the
tariilde lavUhmetii.*
prorinclal gt.vemment and the pr«Changed to Bathoa.
FrtHB billet naicaaro the dUtilci at touT ha» rcBulied
Hlnce Atix. 1 eighty men and muvinen
toiaey changed to deep paihoa and
The aplilt of Htanfoul White have b.*en eiacutetl During the eame
plea.U for Juailce.’ with lean* VI ream time I-tr wraivra of the eiai a coat
tog «U»WB hU chaeka. Jerrmie hel.l up hnve hE'en UkHaMlnitted.
the IkmoUB picture of Kyeirn .m the
liear rug and lalklnc a*, if he acre
While, ka ertad.
Can >.wi n»i
oar word f.u me. onl.v .me word loi
merThU \u what WTtlte'k Apliit ciI. a
RROttCHT $230
By Wire to the Rvenlng Reeord.
fnnckaey. <tlch . Apill 10 —l>r. K L.
Moore, a deniUt. wai. accidentally
fku fool and blew the cld-* of hU htwd
«E klooie wav foitaerly from Bay
Mr*. Moore wav uUh him at Ihe
ILaie mad 4ka doetor waa gfUtag r«wJy
io go oal la iko woomla. MrA Mobre
aam her kaek waa taiwod bat aka aaw
^ Ika doctor loadhiE tka gaa prarlooaly.
•idtMft Ml EhM Wfm mmiL
m4 1
11* tiM
u mmm mcA
ft. Watt.
WftOMftlOAV. AMiL 1ft 1W.
ftiP—attr, viaiA». aftift
Name On Every Piece”
ol Sm* B*U (Ma -umS ky
IN the LVOtfIft SILL.
Ciayftjf. OmHI* aartb wiaft
Partly eiaud^ taAiftit and Tharadky; fair; fUftlNC TKMPCftA.
Cacallcot Program Waa Oivtn—Many
Pnaaa Wart Awardad and iha
• MyaUflmia* Onaa Eceught
Mt^ Amuaamant.
Thu auchre party giraa in tka Elk>
club rooma laat erealair by the Twice
nve club of ladlea waa a aery gratify
Ing vucrew. both aorlally and .Eaaa
dally The party waa gitraa .by the
« to raUa a fnad to diaekaige a
■wrtgaga tm the home of Mm. Praak
Pmakll. wkoaa hnabaad died racoatiy.
kwdag a Urge famUy la atmltkoad
circamataacaw. Tka Udloa kam bead
rary aaariatlc la tko piwparatloa for
iko party and tka eowaaqiiawM waa a
irefT Urge aitawdaM and Ubaml ooaprfaaa worn made by Tattou gtogla,
ta tka ally, wko art taiummad ta tka
waKara of Mm. Praakll aad family aad
THE NEI(T vmm$ pahgid'a daaalNi
^ M kMd Fridhy awMb
Ad^ Agm Ifik, at Mdrak^ m ai
Mgr. AR f^df AavNatldiia far AgHI
iFAIM la bold trado—*iMd iliiio*'
there DEAD.
Oh tka Floor and TaWta.Wam Numarmia fmgi, Chamgagna Eat
Uaa—Will Make an
By Wra to the Rrenlug Record
IMtawa. Ill. April m -^Mynteiy vutlOnndH the death of I. J June)., cult
ad ruler of the Wk* and a prominent
club nuui. He wuK found dead lit hU
room at the niitcHt hood (with the
body wan that of hb. ulfe.
hDde oi
aU momhk. and W K. MrUxin. a tra^
ellng ealeumau. tin tlu‘ floor and
tahleii were numerouK empi) cham
pagne honle. .Folvoalng D »u«pecied
and J'blcago deleal▼«'^ haye^l»een
cnlle«l. A chemical anaIvsU will b.'
<• • S«r“*e
•«l »*W
-Ymi »«M St* tlw BijB^liu
liM M«r Ml wS hM« -aii4 UK
liar* U)r a lar«ar W Huh liw was navar kalM*' aaiawn in tka etty. ..
Orabd iUpkIt. MlHi.. AprU IAFrad J A4aa«. a«*id 41. a poMUraJ
wriirr foi tpa Krralai Pr*^» aad
€t IlM* br»t k»A«a mea la hln pnv
|r.*teat ta Ih# Riair. dM of a coMpJl
M.THAT T« MKT THt W.K OP r^tloa of allmrau al ku booM-.at «
joVtork tau aM»(«t(>r iif* «Af» obllcYMl
^ iUiTiriCATIOK.
!«!»*• hiR mark a aioaih aj(o
kir. Adaiao liail bra in the orvii
per buBlaeiMt
yr;*ra. atartlap
Jury Matt Oacifta WbtlMr Tkaw
^alth ib^ IJalh leader kere. Twi*Jrr
ftiiiltir af HamHldt
Hamtetdt m
la Any at
af ,ra*ir
^ . Df«r«»ft ilMrdtr. ftt^ Of*
. p,t*mlaen» Klk and Irare*
V .! grat ilar#.r.liaailaafk
rivc O'CLOCK KornoN.
Oo, prop,
•d paaptu the Fact That They.
Had Aakod for a Hearing.
•pociai Train.
HpecUl to the Evening Rc.wd
lanvlng. Mich.. Apiil lu.—Th,- -n
find biwrlng
the l.ugrtw^ ku-al ojitinn bill la the senate cbamlH-t w.»:
held in lonilag Ua wlgbi lt> tat itu
Urgent fleleratlon at.any heating duiing ihl. so.loo wa» present A
Clal Auii Saltsin lejvgite train fiotu IV
tout ovc! ib»- 'Michigan (Vnira!
hruughi iTi Ueiixiit ImsincKA irt*-u
MiliUm* uf doUars nexv ifpri^cnied
A delegation of twenty iiue lame ftont
Mason and delegations from Drand
Rapids. Mt Pleaaam. fireenvUV Kal
amaroo and many other cities wete
preaeni All urg.M a favoralde »e|Kiri
of the t.in at once
The sjieakers weie E T. DlUieti
M-cretai> «f the Michigan Holt and
.\ut Works;'the pri-sideni of the Anti
Saloon league. C. W .Mo.mow of IV
troll; the Rev. William .Alexander id
Trinity M K church, tlmnd Rapids.
F. T Ranucr of the real estate Uard
1 I. Hudson of UiiilMin s vime J E
Holies. C, Jyy Vinton^ Henry M In
land of the Oadlllar Mot... C.o coin
pon.t . Attorney J S Crainlall. e\
Judge K«dM‘ii (' Ft.tset of iH-iioit. l)i.
C. E. IMllen of Mt IMeas*ini and Hon.
Henry R. Paiienglll. ex state superln
lendenl of public Instruction
Judge Fmaer imld^ *Tt is Intlimiied
liy the pHfiera thin the liquor Inter
esis control the legbUturc The min
uie that fact Is estahllslied there will
Lie an Investigation by the commim
lv.pitc rke flirt that ike hearing was
asked for by the ilqurtrSnteresis they
were again not rcptgsente.l. The H*ni
I eianct* I>e<Hile arc gonfldcot of a vlr
toiy Tclegiams and Viters still con
I nue to the Icglslaiure
Now You're Ready for Spring Clothes
No muter what the mm
m requires or desirei, ft \% here
and at every price, the best that money cin buy.
There are so many
lys in which L. Adler
Bros.' clothing provess its beitcrhcss
that usually found in ready made, that
cver>' man’s interest demands
that he sees what, we have in
this splendid line.*
You are certain to get betterMoihes or save
a pan of the priice.
Chorut of Twenty Fiva, Voice* From WORK WILL BE BEGUN SOON BY
the Elmwood Avenue School Par
ticipated .n the Program—Hall
Waf Crowded.
In rommcmnmtlon of th.- vutTcndet
of r,en»ral I.t^e ibe hval men of the
C, A U met I.I«U evening and IUt»*ni*.l
to a Widl pTt-|i;»M*d mid a ell rend»T»il
piogmm. Tilt' adUiexM-s
.>ll\eicd aud dealt in a gvm-ral way
War# on a Trip of Inspection and
aith the efliwtk of the war on the
Found Evarything All Right Along
country and what miaht huve licen if
the Line—In Private Car
the ho>^ who wote the hlue had been
e little le«k valiant and-their leadei>
little le*k cafuihle De.-plle Ihe
irootlnued oo Hec«ind Page I
0<-nor.U fiiipcrintcndcnt W
Trump of the P.tc Marqiu-tlc who w.i>^
In the citv ;» f»'w hoiiiK yfKti-rd.-u;
w«*ni north tn t-hi* c\*cninc to l'i*tosk«->
Lincoln Savings and Truat C
and pasMHi through on N't*
of Philadelphia le m
morning on hU r**tuni to iVirolt. Mr.
Slate Sank EKammer,
Tnimp woA^4u his «n -thiglna*" and
accompanied by Division Suiurinicnd
n.v Wlie to the Evening Record.'
i-ni Tlir*odorc Enacl of Ih-iroli. TinintUadclphla AiMlI 1.*.—The IJncoln trip was on** of the frequent inspection
S.ivingk and Tni^t euaipany at
trfps made by the officials and Mr
.Market vttvel cIoihhI iu tkM.’.H at l« Truinp stat***! this mortnng that every
orlock ihi» morning The vtate lank thing was found lo l*e in a s.itlAfacT
riamlnci u in charge and he ha» been orv rondiikin
at the company v bookw over a week
.Mr EukcI VII the car In .this city
The hank examiner ordered the ln*U- and conferred with Huperintendenf ol
lution not to open today. The tank Motive Power W. L Kellogg of D**
hiK deponliK of $::.h.iil»d.
tmlt. who came noDh at noon, regard
log the rebuilding of the round house
Mr. Ensel infomied a Record reporter
this morning that work would be com
Paaaad Away Laat Night at f o'clock. menced in the near future oo the
and that the atructure would be
Funoml From ImmacutaU Cancop
enlarged, but aaMe from this, no pUos
tion Chu-ch.
are yet ready to be given to the puV
Joha Brief, aged e yaam. of 307 He.
North Ordar wtrooi. died at the aaylnni
Rlaee the Sre that deaSroyed the
laat Bight at • o'clock. Mr. Brief bolldlag a month ago. the eagiaea
worked at tke aaylum a abort time have
been partlaly aheltered from
U*t oBMer and o« hi* retniw home the vaaHier. making the work of car
waa lakoa U1 «Bd grtmemaoed teaaBe. ing for them much greater. The
harlBg bom at tke aignaai tkiwe debrla haa aU bee aeleared away and
fDoath*. Ho waa korw la Ooraumy ererytklag U now r^dy Jor immedl
aad paa tke father of tea cklMma;
Sea obna aad oaa daughter belag lltr& W. Weidmaa left thU BBoralag
Tke fuaoral w«l be kMd FYiday for CadiUae where be will take charge
momlag at S o'oloek fiwm tkt Im- GC tke Slager aavtim —cktae ageaej.
maploy «r tke
CoMapdoB ekmtft. Urn Bor. He baa beM ta
WV know that if you arc mu hu>lQg
ihniij herv you art* uut giving your
r»-.| what ln-lonaK to tln-m. f.u w«i
hail* vhiies that m yoiii fr.««i as thfi
should fit, and thiy wi ir ns thui
Hhoiild WMir. m:i.h* right »IT gasi b alk
that** th»* r«MM»n. Havi* v«>u**4'«'n
showing of Oxlords* TIm v an'
rtght 111 i vury di'tsll and ki fvery
But we haye the goods
and can d«*1iv<‘r them lo
you on lime.
If you do
nol waul lo come.
come, iHr
Bachant &Roscoe
I When You Want Lumber
You will save time and money
by coming here direct. We
carry a full line of everything
for building the house.
Prices and Quality Guaranteed
AMERICAN Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Dru^ Store
Telephone—git. '^2. Bell 169.
The New Shoe Store is Showing Upto-date Styles in Oxfords.
All New Slock.
- -i
Call and see Ihem.
i Kla^en & Shamsky
SM East FtobI Street
Haaaak ft Uy MattBatlle eetafaay
for aome lime. kaaMltac Ike White
to make u good brosl
m poMiUe, In order to do ihit you owe^
it to yooneU to got
Then yoniriU Hn*« tko finaot hnod yon bkTe OvorXnd. Uon*l
Well, try • nek aad 000 the difloonoo.
TMi ■VtN^ftMMa TttAVBIlM Mr. ■WNiaMi. WcftNCSftAY. AMHL 1C 1W
CSscrTSitilras .
An oar Mosey Otdtn. Ccm>ore the Rato.
THMITieil MW MftilMlIi WIM
S= SSlSr: S-2:;::8 S
Vaar |1.7174i*
<to a«mat at «ba t'lirattaty bad
vaaibar toat avaalag tba attaadaara
at iba aMvai taaHlat cd iba atacic
boUara of tba Waaip-Uiar dab »a»
Tl» tfimmtn <1 IM CnMr A»
U«H «•
IkC |M«kW1)r •»««» wko «o*M Ilk*
I*'*** wcktol *• Ik* toMM. Hovtrm. Ik* ^ *g»k«T *1* H^tor to
•tokM *iid Ik* bawl to **klto «rto»*
Uat wu\0‘tUl
fWraMMof IM.
Uitet |i« tan
0mi. Ty» HIM* IMf u M UiM
UillMi of
of thUj
ttHaL tU e\tr at Port Hu»a’ iM
mmNI MfMU told wftli liluilitMe
air rmn
«*lT <!>•
tMlat la ▼«T pMMtor Mi aUU «f
aieailMit aaUalacdM. Tha
irua ta Jarkaua aad oihmr
DatroJt U Kaflng aarloua
traiito vttli kar aafiuH aad baa bad
far mra toma af tba pHa
PM M to a frlgblfal raatoOaa and
bto ao bftd tbM (ba Halljr Nawa oMbal
atojr to frataaiuy liftog lllyatrai
abawlag Iba daitctira alraal ct
lag^ Otbar rittoa bar# bad aU
to tia etty or Towaio aapbalt paTlac baa ba«aaa a mi^laaara la tba
Utolr u&m at May ta. Un4. Uara to
aa arttola oa tba irat pac» «T that
KM to atora babillfaa vbleb raadi
**fT« KMaaai botoa la toadtaj
atriiU—Mm oa OataiVb Cari
urn OMi Hovard. It to amaiTaat aot
bair tba atory of Toruotob arrHcbad
raiiwaya baa ya% t
aad erarlcra tad aammaia %*» aouat
-Wbal'a tba m
matter with tha aa^
Tba KM 9om %m to daacrlba the
aaaaaaliy cf auakaruua repair gang
aad to rtoalag tha artlde ivlailve tu
Ibat aabjMi it r»ada
**ttoat aaaaqa the iml> thtug poaalUle
arlll ba oav
aaaa af ToraaUia pavaineot
atraagar baooaiaa 4ba auavMloa that
tha tvaaty-cme repair gaoga ahould br
at toaat tripled •
la Toroato bltultihU U aoa taking
the ptoaa of aaphalt
la tha Mar. of WllmlugtrH*. liela
aara, of May C. tine, therr U an aril
rle. Iba baadilnea of trhk h Md ai
**totalltblc luakni aiurh better lai
praaatnn tbaa aaphalt-----the ahert aa
pbaH bataoaa Fifth aad ftlgth atid^fa
already badly allied ami actorreJ
ahlla bltullUitr ah<i«a nut a tface ol
With aurh evIdeitreM^a there and
hoadrt^to aiara uf a like ehancter
vhtab harb rama to onr nnilop. are
oaatoH cimaMentl) remala Kai^ive
ehia attempi. are batog made m
auato the pni|iertr owner* nf Waah
togtob Itiwai to favur aaphalt KvlBg
Tb# WbfrMi Bnitbera Httotlthlc exun
Kl^ told btatr afreet In Ihla city two
yearn ago: ^The bu*ltie*a reUtlooa
tha rity with this (xirnikaay were en
tlr^ aatlafactory
Tbeir dealtoga
wena aoparv and boeeat and paat e&
partowe la aa aaaunm*>e that fuiun
wxpCHaoce will W equally aaitofarUKy.
la day event,
tOedglAC them
aaldto for aapbalt paviag. tba paopto
«f Wbibiagton alreei abould •
fborPBgb iBvaatigailua
l.«Hiu V Titus l.iougbt up the mat
ter of Hm* <>«dl.-HU»u of dues, saying
that some of the memtors had Xh^u
dilatory In ihe iuatu“r haudicapplug
tho club as the money was needrd
whea It was due The UK-mbefs have
the month of April to which to pay
their dueajn advance, glxfy days
]■ dlaroaalug the imving quer
the does become due the ktikck
yoetoiday. the tbJiy Kagle refer* to
to. IgMito. Mo. arbarw they etolm tba can he sold aad tha memher forfeits
bitolltole Krtog vas defective, latbto hto mamhcrwhlp p^ Ided ba bas been
ciaitoeUK It la a aignldcaal fart that
bltdtobto baa baaa used la to. Uuila
dwrtog tba paat iva or ala year* and
If It were defective aad naaattofactory
4H»|bN-fcd last year
on mothm
Mr ITndemxiod. the
club proceeded to the eks'llua of of-'
toserw. 11. Montague, the preakleot.j
bead laid to to. Loato aad more to la look occaakm u> atom that he did not
proaaai a^conatractum.
Witt Mire au be a camUdate as be could
arnba waaiViblny mllaa of
€t Wtallt
Wtttllthlc not give the club Ihe time the position'
m toa alrwau of 8t Laoto Bltulll
waa laid to towt Harvm tli yaani ago O. P. CWrver moved that tha Khlr^
aMPotot two twltom aad Wtlitom Voge)
. add la atm la a
song aad Lonta Heig«a were aaomd.
ML OAUNTUFTT baa moaad bto Mr. Carver tht« made hU HmThna
Mm to tba aav iaitik boOdtog. t«o ofwd mottoa ilmt wlmaevwr Ihffrw waa
dtoftt VMI of tito WbUtag hotel.
bnt one KadMate Chat the etoeHoa he
agr«f hy scctomalloa aad vhes iheiw waa
man maktig ap tha flakm army The
appiaaaa was ad laattog that Mr
Jabaacn was forced to respond with
aiotbar varwa aid ayai ibe« Ma bear
art wwra not nttottad imi waited
mafa hot Im rafiaad to atog igaia
Oiroat Plarcw mdarad i recitation
iftar which Hobart B. Walter made a
itary latareattof addrest ila spoke
of tha trials or tha old soldier. In their
atmpfle for the praaenratlon of the
cowntry aid how they had In tba end
triumphed. Ha tbai draw from hto
irat rataarba that tbiagh that the oU
Kldlara bad aocoapUahad for the
comitry tbit would ^ am areriastiig
moburnait to tbalr mamon^
Miada Farcuatm gave a recitation
wWeb was followed by tha chorus and
thai 111 Xttaad in stoging * Marchtor
Through Oeorgto. * •
will Hold a Heaefit Itofice In the. City
OKn Kooet la tho gvaning of
Ap^l It.
. Invliatlooa are out fur a benefit
The (Hrectora whose terms did aot daice to be given by the Queen cSxy
expire last night are Lsym F. Tltia. Imid oa the eveatog of April Id to ihh
IrTtof A. Murray and A. U Biebant. City open house. The tickets will b«
ildent Carver was called to the |1. extra lady SO cents, which
chair and thanked the mombera tor refreshraenu. The hinda to coinpoeed
hto olectlon. sutlig tbit be Imd been
. number of well-known youn,^
preMdent once bwfore when the dub of the city and a*large crowd and
waa nut ao prtsipcrous aad whether he k-ery pleasait time to anilclpaled.
make e gtkOd president or lol
would be told by the eid of the year.
The meeting then adjourned.
ElICBtf PMTrfbHttHT $730
(Cuaitoued from first Page.)
Unas were made during the evening
The procwedi of the efforts of the
ladles anmunteO Iu"l|lfi0
^ '
^OaotlBued From Firct Page I
verity of the weather the hall
At the ronclfalon of the card garo<to
jjio. R. Ranio aniottioad the results
In the absence of the chaplato. R B md stated that the ladies attempiesl
Oaraer. C. H Johnson gave the «kpeti to mlsf |90fi to discharge the mort
lag prayer after which Commander F gage on Mro..PraihU*a home, and he
D. Marvin gave the addreas of wel saggested that cash contribution^
le. He spoke fn a general way i>f from the gentlemen present would be
the slgntbcance of l>ees aurrender 1 very much appreciated. Reeponses
and aald that they were coigregated. came promptly and about
«i brag over their victory but tu raised, making a total t.f |230 towardr!
ne over the defeat of the.fV»nfe4l
crate army.
Jnlly Party.
In Ihe lodge room^ thirty-two i^ichre
churxia (kf twenty-five vole«>s front
Ihe aev4.nlb grade at the Klniwuod tables were set und'nearly every table
avenue school bulldtog was present was filled It waa a >oUy party and
and under the direction of Mias Blits- iveryone present had a gufuL lime..
beth Htskker sang a number of songh. Preet-ding the games a very entertain
the first tkoe being "tiod Ever Gkkri ing program was rendered. The Intro
ducitiry nunitier waa a very fine man
W Milliken was then called to dolin.and guitar selection by Mlsae«
ftoor and spoke of the war In bouikkc Howard. Ewtelto CYile aad Leah
which many of hto hearers •pnrilrl Boyer. Th4*g rendered the • R^tella"
listed and Its effect* up4m the ronntry waltz and In re*iK»nse to an encore
He look up the matter of the rotinfn*»* gave *^Tbe Indian Mail fJallop- B
prosperity and said that It was only Versey l^gg. who wan is ex.-e|Ulonal
through the effortF, of the Cnhw sol l> gis>d voire, sang • Nora” and
s that Mich a cimditiioi waH made a W. arvlag for You ” Ml'.s Helen
Hanmn enierlatoMl with the i>r.*ti>
Mtos Jc:.sie Kiliiatrlck ga«e a very violin solo * Berceuiie.” and to rc:»ptms4'
til received reHiatlon. after which to an encore gave another very pleaii
H. Cage gave a talk, dealtog largely Ing selection. . Mrs N. E, Degan gave
with the revolution and the early days a very pleasing piano solo. ‘ Shena
of the I nited Suiea Another chorui Van.” and was enthualaxtically en
hy the children was followed by two cored. Horst s orrbfwtra . furnished
recitations, the first by Clara Codding music during the card games.
ton and the second by Morris Marvin,
PrlM* Awar^d.
sfl.r wbbb the children sang again
The awarding tkf the prlzea crealeil
L. K- f'levelnnd gs'e an impromptu a great deal of amusement und was
talk, dealing With the national capital h pleating feature of the 4 v, nlug Th»
at Washington which proved to be prises were as follows:
very toterwatlng.
P. H. Close, cigar jar.
PtMwlbly the hit of the evening wax
Hon. Q. a. CovelL two Plymouth
the next nnmber. a song by C. H. Johb Roch hens and n jack rabbit.
Without acronipanlment Mr
Dr. Trueblood. hair bruah
H. N. Orattenberg. box of cigars.
Johnson sang one of the old cwmp
Miss Mtohle Wajt. vase.
songs with Ihe same fervor that in
Mrs. E. 8. Pratt, fS.fiO worth of
A Loaf
for a |0ng
That it wbttt
K A I-
**liM Awtamatle**
eloihfi Meaning by Oft A Hahner
r Mil:.. . iV'llnb detii.
Mto:; Qiace Wdat-lm foot : i s.|
E M tlairlcl wx tto noimr ikf tkiic
ol the K»iiien..i^ prifc .. v.hit h wa;.
enclocfd to a grex* pt.Mj:e nat box
and viicn • \t}^ tod p.h.vea i*. u- a
viiy uaitpit' «ifji: ^aiv
Mir < .hur.. i;- rmai:.e t,a . ihe for
innate winaer M aoulhcr «<ne of tbc
which, when the
riackasf wa; oiiencd preved to be a
lerognued emLlem of
r4>r..i lurk
Fur b.nc hau.li:;
James KUggert.* i>£niltn^me
Mrs r Q. Chandler, pair of sllpfkera.
W. O. Holden, a ntoe. big ham.
Lr. T W. TKT?njy; box of candy.
Patrick Henry Close, siHn.
Other prtoea awarded wen*;
Mlsa Orarw Eldred, plant
Mtoa Bertha Btefiau. plai t
Mrs. Howard. Usik.
Mr*. Donovan, bread knife.
Mrs. E. C. Hogan, plant.
Mias Beulah Oovall. handbag
R. C. Hogan, box of cigars.
J V. Mclntpsb. box of elgarw.
E. McNamara, bag of flour,
kk. button box.
Sawyer, pemnd of ctiffee.
Tbto wa. tkoe of the most pleasant
gatherioga that Jhas been held in tbe
Elks* rooms thiy year and the todies
rdnponsible for tbe enterlalnment'
were greatly ctiniplimented U|Km tha
fucceaa <if their charitable vtuHure
New styles, new finishes. We have jost
unpatked one of the tergett
mnst coatplete lin*s of dining room tables that we.
hav.- ever ^h^Jwn and would like youropin! m on them. Among them we have
the well known VICTOR table the inUe
that cirries the hlling with it. This taltle
has some features that you will find on no
other table. Come in and look them o*eif
Your credit Is always 0sei at
Bow Are '
Vour mails?
Recovering Ibis Syring?
If they «lo th.n comr and look over our new stock
of \v.iU pat.cr. We have just received our spring line
All the newest, brightest patterns.
SKCial Baraaiiti on all Cait
Vear's Slock*
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
CotnediMs know a
ngor two-,Lots of funRig Crowd.
considerable doing at the
Hraiid o)>eni house last night In
of Hie snow Morm a falr >lred riouil
|;nw i«tl Mot|;:!irs (%»im\llaii. wliu pi*rnii.ti •VeimoiM K.Flkh.’ V very funny
niial ctinieily. They «lu'i>«*rea the
gtsktlr. ikoih to piesenilng Ihe play and
some <kf the l^i speqlalfles evei >
with a fiopiilarpricei! comi«iny
nishf they will pre.seiit “A H<iy tif
StreeiH- and tomorrow nlpbt. ihHi
leat.iro ntoht. -Wedde.t Hut No Wife.*’
mid no ibeitit there wiin i I.e slandiiiK
loom as Hie Imiiim is afl i«-ad> :
half Mild iMi t.u I il \i.|.«.v. PHe«-x le.
L'o and :{(• «h-his
iJtniFS’ AID of Asbiirr M
i-buieb uiil giv«- a 16c sujiiM-r
LJran^e hull Weineidav ^evenltiK.
Apii! in. Iitim r. i** i. ^Jl invited
apr k 2t
wanTads. pay.
«n •■r
« M. rtlM^ Hm
J. W. JMiktoo A. V. Jshr*a*
E. A Monroe Row A Mouro*
P. Mereg ri
A. Oonil!*
J. H. Lmmod
Weqneloiig Olsb
0. V. Oven
Haimsh Drag Stole
V. L. aketor
Now is Ibe Tbne
Wff — fa yotitlFM fa 4o y&n
tOffaff^ fa IfafaMllMilib
Wff Koka g gpec^ty of
As we expect to move soon, we will
hang all electric, gas or combination
lixturcs, ordereil before May Ifith,
Don’t want the bother moving them.
J. B. Paige Electric Go. "
125 Cass St.
rhone 502-2
JooopH 3lodorai 3on
FIrst-eUs* Batchers. Paekerslasd Saasaae Makers
for luDchron. brcakfaat or dlnonrdon’t get tlrod of it aa you do of mMMf
other moata. But- fharv* ateok and
Mcak The thick cuta. juicy, eaally
Moijed-the “flt-toaar klnd-wn’t
picked up ererywber**. To be fad
n-gutor at Stonder’a. And there’a tfa
xklll to cutting and trimming! And
the attention! All al Sleder’a.
Markei Ko. 1, 8tb and FrankHn*.
Market No. 2, 707 Randolph St
Both pbonfa.
Hie Oil Man
Oil. phikno M2
Positively the best oil
to be had.
Will not aaioke Uie
chimneys; gives better
light aiul theie is no
Most grocers tell it If
yonrs don’t, let me
know. •
ETwyouBwho use* this
with U>* iNulto.
g^erjavsss John Vandam
127 S. South Union Street
Sprini Wheat P.te« PImc MU map.
Guarantee'] highest quality. Makes more
and better brc*d Uian ahy other flour on
< the marhet. Oem used, always u«cd. by
■ those thst use spriag wheat flour for
bread Ask your giocera Take wo swheiiuie
Extensiolii fables
**The greaten m»ckioe in
the voriS** u ohat peop'e
•ay who have uard tbii
wonderful wa*ker. We
cleiiu that it wUi do the
work better, quicker end
easier than any other
washer, and we let you
try it
days lo hnd out
ho« good it really is.
VVe sUost-ll the motor
washer and we haye a
washer with the big
for 14
ibK «to. Ibat it ba by ballot.
Tba. raslgaatlaa «4 Tnmy H. mUto
M tor^ior waa aacaptad pa Mr Ollllf
did mot bava Hma io aam «a tba
O- P Carvar was nominated for
praaldant by William Vogatomig He
H. C. Daria «mi noiatoaiad for vice
prealdwat by Vic C. Palmar Ha wa.
alaclad bv acctomatloa.
R M W’all Whs namtoatCAl for treaorar by l^aon F Tit as There being no
r nomtoatloiis. Mr Walt
ad by acctomatloa. Mr. Wait has
bami treasurer ol tha club for a num
bar of yaam.
Tba following paw di^tor. wera^
atoctad*. W r. Hull to All iha rm
y cauaa4 by the raalgnathm of
Tracy H. Olllls; Howard A Muaaal
Frank W. Oarrar. C. E. Marrmy
aid Dr. & a Mtoor. W. M.^allagg
0* i. Carver.
Doalaatad to run aKlM Dr
New Prealdrnf of the Wcqttetrng
>r to give the tellera amploymaai
brightml In the hUtory of the orgaai
jratlon. Tbin«-en new lueinbikra ware
»ote<l Into the Hub.
*n»e n*port <»f Hec ret ary fhtlmef
*howed the following n'celpl* for the
year : Dues cullt^Hed. |k4to; hoo-raaldent mejobera* dues. |40; nmlal <rf
boathouse. |HH»; transfer*. fllU;
dances. ItlTaS; randy. Ilkk.lS: gum.
lUU: eigar*. 17k. foliam. Ilk06.
bowling, imat; bitllarda End pool.
171 gl; rliibUkat.il Ik; total.11.717.»t.
The dUbumemenfe during the year
were Just « reois lea. t^ the ivrelpti. while the bliU due laat alghi
amounted to |Ck.74 This to aa ex<>el
toot aUiwIag nmslderlag that a new
Unit house was built and a number of
other linprovenients were made last
Tire Hub hs« roa.lderable
randy, cigars and tobacco on hand
from last year Tl»e amount fiald out
for musk for the dsiiciui was |1I0. so
Ibat there Is a Ulance yet In the
dance fund There are «fty flve shares
of stuck on hand
. :
On motion of O I*, t’arier, the re
|s*n was tecw-lved and Aled.
Tlie r«*port lif thi* treasurer, which
agreetl with that of the skH'Telary. wan
received aad hbMl,
I. I. 8iev» iis.,1, „r ih.. building and
gmuiuU liiniiulitee mimmIoi) vatioii**
Imi.rovem. in ^ Im ihe Hub house aad
groundH Slid tu«v4 Dtk<d a general plan
The repuii ccsitstoed merely sugges
lions and gtvr-^n esilmale« id wist
the matter ts-lng left with the direr
tars to do what they ctkAild On mo
Uon of W r Hull an esilmate of the
cowl will lie i.roviUed
New Members.
The fon..sUi|' WVle iheu a.IllliltlH)
to ae nd.enl.i|i «.n niutinn of M. W
Kdsurd I'ajiKm. J It
111..wII Will i: Mariui. A. S Hobart.
Alfred i'. WilhHm. 11 J Huggle.,. l.aw
lenre II Ik Zo* !e Mary E IJAca*. J
II Mctitiuish. H 1- Wugand. R J
Meresr. Hr E » Minor. A O Kyscl
ka .
On Mr linderwiskds motion the
iHiat hikpse* will l«e Ml rk psired that
wind, snow am stn.iil Isos eauiH*l drift
Atlofthehwd. ditkgtce.
»U« work ol okSkioc
ktoyt vhea yoo iMe a
ik» aad tba
I raar ata
WACWmi «UM« vltk
•iiCAti af* ««Mas iimmir
IM pmflt at Ik* mimt to to»«r «l
iMIr murw
mm* to totor arto
■4CU *i» ktoM kwA*d kr • l«« to
la Hicrllrat
iasiliiig Me Easy
asr^^ssjsr^rA TFotLEV aiae.
tONO-^la Aflif
I baord tto vM
-Wa COMO fiOM httl ^ad
MITO TNt orrcH.
rtwM WA* I^^MTY «r
Tto M falat ^raatblM tf Ito i
•is* flBiamisMi
Mo m toofe
to«o MartoM
fto MIM aaar Mlfbla aMM to tto aad lAgblaa aJI Ito daaly air
KaMtoba dltlto at MUaltot. pMi
tM ftor Aaia. of oltb bar
raM U Ito «f«M traa foM to to a
Wo piM toMpa w
Mm m D>if tuMi
Urt TH#I todtoo ntl
oato aUboogb Ito dMto la M of toM
Hmm !• Tl«i« IM MM ?«*•
lato abMn ito laab took aad alwto '‘Tto Mag. drop gMa aad ooodUada
m H«» MM MM M
Uppod oa« Tto txala «aa la atorpa
w»r« Mma.
la toAat abadova to tba oyo.
P. p. Marvla Uobiaf far Afria OMa
Wto it Watolap
Ito CHy,
aacMd MJott
TraaMtolar Ham
oM ourtb altb tto arttobor aarty tbM
mmiA to «k^r ap Ito iMbia.
WMM aoltcblas M ito BaMabi
yarda lioigbi Kn K pal too cava of
Ito Utok at I oMM I
dolaylai bar abcaii two I
Oaly Me fWoM to ito a Haw Vatoc
Lawyer IMto Ha^tootoau oud a Aim
It to M aa vmmmmm^ Mag tor a
SSL^Sfua** —w.
pMh fmto tto aam wtoa tom fad htosank* mH la • MU* a* uka ' la JaaAica tk* u«a rwalftaai aaT atof aa dtoaa aoreto to tons al M mail
care: tot Ito fruit la woitA aa mmA aad pentoad to to a cnal.wnam bad
at bodUMa. TlOa 4 tbe
that tto ptemr* ghre amio nttaotloa man. Stob.a ptmoa daM aal'fo tor
to UU mp ttoa to aay other.
Tto borrtM most to pktod before
MaiMMat that tkta al
they are rtpe. or ttoy laoa ttolr plaaa.
Mitosar. mmatalag In Ilik toatj to
aat Savor One bundred aad «fty
aay lUdaar diaaadar or
pmiM to to a wtid uamtonpir. bto
t^bappcaad tto atom day la Now
uaoactala It to only mo la fwo
A dto toot toliow tooba, tocaa at
Bmadway and TwqatyAMifk otooat
yaar* that It to abimdaBt.
The ckwa tree to a nallva of tto about fart aai ahaatmtod that to waa
Molaeea IsAaato It to aald to to
poll TNtm WAMTl.
T¥t Mnr tM*il|M M MM* M
• Um mM M IM
ImM Nr MmtMI MMiiim 19 M «
»• 4^
pM fMM«jr MtMM M f«M
M M «• M bM MU A M MM
»p to
!• IW tMACr am to
harm 0M»rt«t»lr tobM H» to
loriM Ml JM« Ito to
to ^Ma lo tto rltjr Ip to f9»»tr«4
m4 VM mmty M«ylM »• to tor.
«lllM tto »toai U»M. MMM IM.
tllif^blM tu toi# btaMii •!• M*»c
Mr MiPiUltod .to • Mft.y UPA
'iMMto M Wt9 m fiwM to toy
totoMM toM totoM Mtorpto
,MM aM»«
Mto citor *to tton
|Mto itoi to to tolM utoto. bto
to M Aookto up Ui9o too to H M
Mob It otib Mm U» M»»Ic4 totoyTto kofHi U uocMt and lltoolM
^ toMa pf «to
c« all <
Tor an oar llttla iroobMa watt
Our laughter or our fcoa.
*Ybo Mfda baro oMMht a daer aole
To ttoob oltb joy aacb ftotbarod Baoaath tto Magic of a amUe
Our dottbU will fadw away.
As MU tto fraal ia early aprtng
Baoaolh tba aaaajP my.
-Ttoa ataatoMl aMta awaal aad clear
Tto UgNld palataga of tba yoar;
It pays to naka a worthy oauae.
By halpiag It, our own.
•^And tfmrjmhrrr yoa look U ar«d
To gire the cutTwat of our llrraa
Ufa danalag la a tiaga of gtaan “
. A trW and aobla UMe
It pay* to wfort benry heart*.
Ttoa Mg tba artnda aa up tba airacl
' Oppraaacd with duU dwapatr.
Tbay poaM wtMi bcord. but unaaao.
Aad leave In aorrow darkeaed Uvw*
Om gleam of biibhtaoaa ttore
died year*. Tbe apko to not tto tmU.
aa to geaemlty bellerwi. bat 4t to tto
btonaoma tbat am gattoM bafora
tboy oaMd
About a 4oa«a of thaao btoaaoMt
foroi a cduator at tto aad of oach ftnm IVaao pototod
bnuich and twig ol a tree .
Dlaaa oa top of the Madtooo 8«i
Ciouur. are gattorad la Daeombar. Oaitoo tower aud daclaced that
going to climb up there with hto
an)l dried quickly to tto ahafa
f fn hts teeth aad arvnr dht fair
Utanp** baad. Ttoa to
bM dowa upaa tto (
The to
a espoaltioa. which U first poUcoMoa ha eow.
to be held to cuaimecaomte tha three
Ju.i.th« a poUcemaaihom to tMw
huadradth apnlverwary of tha Arst and riMarked quietly to Bad BUI that
KuglUk aetllamenl In America. Made that waa a fine kuU# be had. Tto
In Jamaaiown. May 2. |§07. Un t to be Texas temar pmadly handed came tto
knife for laaptetkm. webereaponrthe po>
held in
Ucemsn msretod tbe disarmed terror
to tba sutioa hoaae.
JaMeaUtwn UUud is almowt wiped
Nest maralag la tto police eoartftha
«4f the fi.4^* tif tha earth by the to’ terror was not ao tarrthle. lie had Nad
lanilea- action c»f Ue JaMea rtver; and
the federal governmeat U inlag to
save tha remnant of the historic place .
by UulliUng breakwater* around It j
.Sotking of ih« orglnal aeltlement re-, • No. rm oaly s New Ycrk hiwync,
amlns. exi^ept the i ulus of (be fouuda- y our honor, who wa* aut, hasrtog a
«i*m lower of the <dd atee|de of the r«od tun#; I reckon 1 had<too good a
hiKt Chun'h erected there
The knife, to explained, was a bufliTbe expedition 1.-. to l*e held oo tbe
*h**ra line of Hampton Aoadn. In front Ing comy»anU>u. Tbe prisaaer prmaated
of Newport .News, wheie Idtlleahlps U to the fellow attoctoy who defagdad
lilm. and uixm hb proamw to be «ood
ate hum K. aikort News U 10 yoar* and not Texsslae htmaelf for theipor.4d haa r.'MSMi'iuhahllanU and Is an poee ef terrorlstag New York heiwas
extremely busy city.
liermlitod to gn
And. aa Itoy waol. a ckmd abotr
fopoilataadaat of Ito IVnr V U Baft doaanard tear* of apring and
It para to give a helping band
Mtola U liyiai to looalo aan Atvlo
To eager. aama..t youth.
litatM. obo la wlakMg ator tto lUy
To pole, with all tbelr way wardneaa.
aad Mdto bin piopariy < toto bia is
Their courage and I heir truth.
raaMd too, ao ttoi ba any attaod
Hlrlve. with aympathy and love,
Ma Waa Omaay.
Ttolr confldeace to win.
Tba tortolao 4 » Krml alaepar The
Tba boy. fiaak. lUot a*tb dita
U pay* to open wide the heart.
«*Hpartalor** toa‘bad a atory rd <»im'
And 'iel the aunahlire in.na auylat away Cn»m uhlcb vaa a domraflr. pal la aa Kng
' to bupiy tot to. Hiaoa tolub tto
toMrto U IM tto uM pM to ttol «Moi Wbro Ua truant dtror lUh bouar. A* hla UMa for hltn mat
r'* Akin.
Ito MUi aluayi. Nu wlUi biBi urtofi lookad Into tto luattor, bo found that lag drear algb. ba| M.|rctad a qub-i
The akia uaed by
tba boy am not pivi-uly rloitod aad comar la tba dimly 111 oual crlt4i. and
StoHic utool tto MMIAUl.
tbota roiupaard blUiM-lf ti'i .lorp A made friwn Ika Urge luKntIne of Ihe
Mo li plAlalf MmmM M toy- iutn4 Ibr matlar40ir to Mr lUorla
bUMtof tot to to to MOMuty. lop Hriotafnir. Ito UlbiM bio. miiI auniM Hha karv n<»l lottoat^a. In a Irw ox It ttBdargorx a number . <d pne
oes».eA to fieu the outer membrane
of aiour) abrnrii i attktvl for hy thi;
»bMl bU fort uroto ttrnm ru Ml> motbai. tot It to* bona lauaito ahna ■Kuitbs the lurlulM* aokr up and aai from greaM* and oth<»r tmpurlllea. nod
IbAl Ito/ mm ml to mrrr atiuoin ibc U«t na« *oat and tto loaa'a c& ItfMl forth Hrrrama aooo hrtAr Ih- U then cut Into filecm about four
incbea square.^ Ho great U If* tena
y«Nir« afu. Tbr oil aiaa aaTii that br art aliaaroaliuutii aro unknown.
pariUHiU. th«4 Ud) of I he h<*UM-found city aad power of realatance. that It
ttM tvira to ahont hlmartf and tbal
Ihe rxK.k ga/lng tu *w»MHrtu k wtiuder, will Hand the r^mtlnuou* bloaa .d a
Ito too bultru aio atm In tila bopU
and rirlalluiui;. as a ith unsttody hand twelvt^pnuud hammer, fi»r Huauy
ahr pulnlad to the u.rtol*r * My
Tto Prim of MaaltH,
Ladisa, -yen can |UM
H. tram•t tba aiooa which I
*Tto piW of baoilb la a matarloua
pie on it. but It wilt coma up amlllag
MtMrt U iuat » rrala; tbr to ctf a
wr a*
a- wlnlrr
broken ibr leuUJ wl*
Tide Powae.
bos M l»r Klof a too Ufr itlla
•very time.- Caiman's Klastio Floor
ortlaa KHa Maytoo. of fkAmwi. Aib
A* rompany «d M.neral%oled engln Varnish. A C. Wait A gons, Travsraa
hrw Ufa PtIU <1«omar sfiotly aod In
S C Hunip of BatkUy rnrrutly
Ot WiWly Id Vienna bai. dlacov «H-rii iu Ht»kt(*i tMdlevo th« > will revo City.
|Mft aror Ito ato vlr>r to ito ayaian
Ibr. •atlalactloB toaraaiM at Ma» ««Q»o in pu*»oa»l4Mi of a ran- »>iMvldh] pmhI in a i^pyrua aoiua new wiylng of lulb.iiur niauularduriio; by uUUrliiK
baa Dnig Uu. Kimuk MMi and lUa to ibr MrM Id « t.iauip of a himv to Dlogooea ihe ryoir. Thera am pim the IK.4AC1 of Iho Hdo »l<uiK the Allan ADVANCED AT AGE OF DlfiEAtA
aab Unic Stma, drutfUai.
to make
naaitaatloa, to*i a pnatajir auuup eito and a nutnbor of lak-a. tlu‘ rtr <-<Mi*t. lio
Dr. Wamtu * WhiUk Wine of Tar
taarlly but aaarur a It.OUU rwaoto tnlunna am laglblc. but U naat have all A idant has bi-on erected al South cared me when I was thought to be to
AMC Ip baar tba tvo toadml dollai
oua^^ad about ihrao toudiad anac Thomastun. Me., to demonstrate the advanced stages of consumption Mra
VielfoM at OiMall Brulboia,
dptea of tba pbUoaupb«
value of the Inveatlwi
’MlnbMa Buigxws. Byars. IIL
Anmials Iduah as girls dtg hutsU is
fear and jmH modesty that to their
case causes the Inrush of blood, llorsas
blush tu their ear*. twpecUUy in tbe
left ear. When a horwe to Ingbtened.
Us left ear wUl to found very hot aad
swoUen. Tin* la also true of rabtoto.
Con# and all other clu\x:n footed anl
aato blush just above the fetlock.
Hogs bluto to their talU. \Mien a
tod Mg% iMr toads cioaab .
aarn toaghi AMtoOjto poaait
of ftosfpi gmwm wheat to IM. of •
which Mdy tum bnaheU worn Aamrliroem la IM we dM a haadred^c^
tlMM batter, aupplytog rrance with S.*
haa the Hated Kirby la Grmftoa.
a. waa boUt la I7M. the >xl2
« «f giaaa in tto windows were a
carkwity thby were no targe. The
hmoatory brick haUdlag was then
oaaldmd aa taspoatog alnmtnre.
Aa Improved pmtahla aoagold far
alauag. txtog. or repa&rtng ptoedrie
bar a palatar to Baglaai/ A polo oaa
to patotad fvnto lop to bottom without
gntttog og Urn acaCQM Ladders ato /*
not required.
Often la FVsnee a man eervM .1?^
omployod to do housowork which
America generally Is regarded as
IS work. 'He amkea tto beds,
sweeps and ctoana the rooma. goes
MarheL oooka. and aomeiiams evi
Tto municipal street tmilway syalem
of Glasgow furalshea prtvata early
monilag cum for dance, partlos. A
oar wanted for sneh a lArpoae come*
at aay required houao ^ the pcdni
naareai tto plaoo.wtom the danclna is
tolag held arul Ukaa the dancers to
may daglrad point «a tto road.
A Chlcaj^ inventor anaouacos that
to has constructed aa alrwhlp pnv
polled by ek^tric cunwnia, furnUhwd
hy motor* pUced at Inlervals oo the
earth Th« ship U balll on the plan
of Prof. Bcdih aeroplanes The Invea-'
lor cUtma the advantage of didog
away with the aeceaaUy of carrying
fuel and engines on the atop Itself.
. .ilj
. |
Through blood poisoning caused by
a spider bite. John WUahingt<m of BosquevilVe. Tax., would have kat his tot
which beewme a mass of running
soraik had he not beau itersMuh'd ti»
try Burkton'a Amacn Halve. Hu
write*: -Thn first apidlmUia relieved,
and four hoxea honk'd all I bo eorva *
Heals exery *ore. tU- a't Bugbeo
nri« Wor.. rnmk H. Mi»ul. ud lUuimh Drue StcMF. dnuutt.U.
the dog having lbaolulely no coqtrtd over It laaecta
blush to their antennae.-Clnctouatt
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
We Furnish Your House Complete
‘‘Pol A little SUNSHINE in Your Home'
From Cellar to Garret
Wc can furnish every room in your house, and you
convcDicoccs that is found fh modern shopping, and it saves yon time and time is money. Nearly
'CTcnrUilng yon wxat xlonr Uiese tines wm be fouut on the second noor-another canfenlence tbat we hxd In
mind when tbb store wts ro-modelled. pur show windows are xn Index of wbtt yon wm find nn tbe inside.
WMkrm fitogy. crachifi and «to«M fwohutu, fionrs and woedworkf tote tkK
•msetiws M usalul Mctoto MM to ten hehmitul colors.
Bssfiy spptodL
We, c»n reoommead in every way.
They have ttood the te« (or year* and
we have always found the roo»t »aiiitie«l cuktomer* wken they have u*ed
them. We carry alUhe color* in flock,
lor both totide and omtide uio. A»k
lor a color,card.
Tbat will tronkform dfnsy. cracked and
marred furniture into most altraciive
articlek. . UU mo»l easily applied. Ten
dilTereot colqia.
That we can miaraotee to everyone.
Give* the very be*t of tatialacdoo. and
you surely want to brighten ua m> many
article-, around the hou»e. We c an sell
them to you io any quantity.
We carry a luU line of White
Lead. Oil*. Stain* and every *ixe of
brufh that iittved by |he painter*, and
arc in a l»o*itk» to o^c tbe .very beat
ofprice*. Glad to figure witbyouat
aay tima.
do not have to leave our great store, one of the greatest
' ■cstssMiuigas-BcsrpisUits
Our prices we know that, for quality considered^
are the lowest in the city.
One of the finest finUhe* that is made.
Give* a fine gloaay appearance to any
article to which. it is applied. Something that anyone can use. We carry
The moat varied line that you can find.
Muslin Curtains, moat -.uitable for bed
room*. at 47c a pair. Brussel* Net, an
entirely new tine, with Cluny Lace, at
$2I>0..H60 and 500. In the cheaper
grades we show those at 50c, 75c and
$1. Havesomenice Kitchen Sash Cur
tains at 2Ac a pair. The newest novelty
in the Cathedral and Madras Draper
ies, sells from
to 71k a yard. The
new Striped Madras sells at ‘iOc a yard
Tte Novelty Net i* another new arti
cle and sells at $4 76 and 5-00 a pair.
Another strong line that we are show
ing this soaMm. All tbe new .colq^*
aaowooN a uira-ruit thr*« piscM st *ia suJa
IZ1.S0. m. u|- to S1ZS.W. -Ths «re»te»i Mortatu
We have never thowo eo large a line
of woods. Ash. OoidM Osk. Qsarter Sawed Oak.
We can say without contradiction that
and tbe patterns are all new. You will
have asTarge a line of Carpets as
find anywhere.
you will
ywherc. All Wool InIn CneaftkegivalMt linMofOdd DrMkets, langiag find th* American, tbe German and
the best of inlaid. A fine line of Oil
taprio* from aw to 30.00.
grain, l^st of Body Brussels. Axmin
ster in all the newest designs, Wilton CSItlMdCM-Aa eoavenieat a piece offatai- cloths in all the uew patterns.
N'eivet. These we know are as' hand
tazeakypaoanowaand oar ktoek was nercr
Saw. The Ueldea Oak ate priced at7X)Q, That is the line tbat^e are particular
some as you have seen this season. We
1000.13.50.W.OO. llw beautiful Mieeion at ly strong on. Lam year we had a big
make these up in full size for your
2200 and 27.00. Tbe Mahogany at 24.Waad
room or in the rug style. We are sure
stock, but thi* year we have nearly
we can save you money in these lines.
double and something that will please
DINING TABLES-^We show tbe largost stock that
the most exacting. Priced all the way
you CAB find in the aty. aad the prtoes are from
from 6c to $I a roll. Sitting Room.
We have never shown so large an as
M ill to Its. You can get tho 8U Foot, tbe .Bight
Dining Room. Parlor. Hall Kitchen,
sortment of these' beautiful good*.
F^pt^ Round, those with fife togs or the ceotor
and Den papers In endless variety.
Every size of Rug that is made is here
displayed, and the patterns arc so fine DINING CHAINfi-rorty five dlfeient stylos are sbo«m
to select from and the prtOM at^ from $4 M to
this year. Tbe little ones at 75e and
M for the Bet of six chnlra. Office Chaim mM
$1. the larger ones at 2 75 and 4 50.
X2.26. Full Dinner Sets, 100 pieces, al
oUh wide arm*, or ollhcHil. high hack or filttog
The 9x12 RugfaArom 12.00 to 50 00.
' seat, rvvohrlng or sUttoaary. all ntoi
$7. *10. $16. $20. $26. most beautiful
and the prices are from I4.M to $12.
fur every roum:iotbe koose.
All tbe new ideas in Japanese Mst8.00 find
ifiUJtSs 2 .50, 8.00
tingi. Many of these are jmported
75.8.»* 8.76/
okm fit 1.75.
direct from Japan and ate new th'ts
10.0a Pfifte fiBd DfioPookfitl. 5.00,1
JW> toi^l^new
$48, $48. $60, $68
Moodt. Pnees are from 12c to 56c.
' ■I'SiSis
^ *' THC IVtlllMO mcoivi TMVtMt CITY. iW^flCAH. WCMMMY^ APittt 1C
FEMCf mr AHei^
^ >i UpiigM
lalpb A MMA «M MM HM
'xmpktmM vM MM to Mnto«t to
tet Wta tWy m drtv«B A toctoeb Uto alUnM tor A. r. Ktor
M»ar4 %M M tl»
Iba Mw to tba PUMA
IW cmoMt «tt all »1M «#
fVM 8Mb. m Ma
IM Mdtop
Our liac of Soovcoir Po«t
Cards k as compete as
yoo caa 6ad aajivlwic hi
tUs locality. Comic
M rnifrtMir • tM«#. #f ^roftcm
4«r«« fki7
«ft lyrtl^l iMM. r.«« »M
>Mti Up arvir* kuwal ftinu».
aUk« PM )• iMMMf wHP M «
M Mat art «f sarMtec pMM Ua
twa M» IMS 1 figui aaptaii u»
•CM. tW fam
•r • M4 «tU
a BpMil uab ar lai^ AMt«toa»
r«M la tW lowar «>
M of M poat
Oni uiM «M oMW ftuit* by
t«a HIM aial 1*0 tovtr
vcrr «nto( aCtor.
BoU ir<wa« pw
uai M kava m
vtU iwka tbeir
abm Iba prcoB <
. blurry aud Uebdug lUr boiuto of kUe
propU*. It. will lu- npiilkHl l«‘lU- dCi
licit, cn-attioru-a nud oito-r bawl ludiio
irtod iSiwcr w (u to- |.m ui pit- bum.
for lUa purpose to rutmtod arp Ing luu
tieunry. tauudry hiudltur-r- and otfry
tbtog rw4U»iiug to>>«b al Uto.r f
PM-iirb twplial »uuk In KuUtan
duaiiiw anintinu to |l3K.34o.toM»
Htmiwll rhlldrou may U-i to.
fn.iu Ibf U lusiciita for u abljllng
uan wa« t'oiiriv
be bad any lhlng to say for hlum-lf tor
furo laklng mutentv. be aald ‘ Nolb
lug exerpaug 1 lived with her twenty
oao years kud m-ver did li toft re. *
Hppaa to Make a Mont Rapid Rocov
When fho WoatKer Seltloa.
U at Clarion.
A letter u-ccivod fiufti (be Hev L
B I'aiiM-uter by the l^tmiug Ret'oto
Klatf-i* that Mr. Carpenter Is atowlji
improving in healtb bul Ik aide lo d«
very llllle am yel WTicn the we*mei
wKiUrs he Is Ui bo|»ea to Imptwrlag
and Mn*. Carpi-nl.-r a.v ai
Claimn at presen'l aud expert to go I.
( rona Village next wi-eL to spend the
sumnirr Mr. I'arpt-uler kUlcs that
they bad a wy pleasant trip on tbeli
ililve thr*Higb from this elty t<
Al WilllainHburg. Barkei
rr*.t k and Acm^ Ih.-y vislled sAlb oKl
fileoda but b.iiud tb*- snow going h
Inal that I bey bad l.i leave scuei
than they lutend.-d lu oidci to gel
At Norwood they si«nl a
abort time w iih ibelr daughter.
Unofficial Count hhowed That (
Prwpeattmn Was Defeated by
Thirty.Seven Votea
WARM .ngtti aociai at
< baii^-l. x.i;. RaiiJt.iiib oUtw-l. Tbur.Uay
t vi-iiUig. i:. rvnih. two torw quarter.
ladle, are iiu.si cordially inviietl to b«
luesent. wbtnh. r uu iiib.-rs to the so
lietv «.i not.
m. w
i.fKiu of ctmKumpUon Sh«- had been
an Inmate to the aHvlum since ItMVShe le.ivei. a hiialuind. ilt-orge I. Bml
of Sbcrmaii and tw<. soa.s. Fr*vi and
II ft
Fro«i airivtxl l.Mlay Htul Hu*
iHidy wa* shipiHMl to Slu nuau by
Undertaker Audctxvn
The luneial
seivit** Will iH- belli in the ftmgrega
liuual chunh at Sheituan tomorrow
afteincHHi at 5 oclotk. Her husband
B an old ta.IUier and a pi«aet-r of Sber
Potatoes, 20c to 25c
100 lbs.............. ...............
Middlings, per 100 lha...
Bran, per UU)
.... 1.2n
Chicken,, per Ih..•......•........
Potatoes ............................. ..... .40
Apples ................................. .... l.on
KgR» .............. ................... ..4(,«iix
;;;; Jit
8aF# ^
in the ruins id fV.mpeli. after l>eing
buried l.fta. ycar«. sUU ivtalns IIk effi
racy Soap Is twlc*- juenlloned In the
Bible aud has been In use 3.o(.o years
OyM^rH cannot live In (be Baltic
Soa, the roason being that U is not
salt enough. They can only live In
wau-r Ihift contains al least thirty
seven parts of salt In every l.noo parts,
of water.
Kingdom sieves and told them that
they could have all Ibe pearts that fell
through the mesh, but be w-cnild ktep
those that lemalnod on the slevc^ aI
though he took partlrulai pains lo prn
vide them with smaH meshes, he canu*
near ruining the pearl naherim tberv.
•- >:
idj^kr We.twMMMMM klghMialarylntbaaiMra Ai ^h» klUa a new pIcUifw to ibt cu
CeJet,. U,„ .ulU........ ....
l^ur*. |«r lb.................. .............. 20
Butter, cre-amery. per lb..
Butter, dairy, per lb........ ...,26ff2«
Oats, per hu........................ .............. 1.0
Clover seed............
... 10 w
rush 4M on aharcs. Inquire II. IS.
Kellogg. (Boo Aibor. Mkb.
apr 10-41
All engiuwr declares that
t*enious now do with macbl&ery tba
work of IC.muoO persona a faw years
For some years the water to tha
Rhine baa bean abrtaklag aad a huga
sand bank has appesred near Blbailcb.
Iceland iKinles ate a fad In Bnglabd.
They SIX- 111 great dtoBgad aasoog the
British who can atord lo Indulga
tbeir whlun*.
Awaxrvn Is king to rivers. The val
lev of Ainaxou Is aa wide ss from New
York to Ogdon. I'iab. Tbe fall of the
river in 3.i»bo miles is not over m
llcjiikb and eyes sm ladlspeaaabla
women s atllie. There are a BUBber
of make* to books and eyas, and the
ouils.v for than is esUmatadat
FOR SALE—M* aen- taim * »ght iiili.*s
OU v.ent l«ii;b*,:.^
*i bf tulking machine Is just 30 years
$l.r,is» Imjuire tTiais Sim-hcvi at A
>1. Although 11 Is generally regarded
V. Kickerd *, Mmhle Wfuks.
a musical lo>. tbe nations of Iba
April JO J ni<i *•
worid are sfiendiag mlUloos and mllFOR SALE—foul.-. Mom I V . ;Hpie. lluuK of dollars for It eseb year.
M*rK atel
g*HHj lorntion.
Soap found in
Examine Our Suits
and Top Coats
Tbe Turkish fruit seller Beedi
tab cart- He carrios his wares opon
bU back, in an enormoua banket that
Is fastened hr a stout rope to bis
Wera Tbe manner In which be
bolds bis scales in both hands makes
It easier for him to bear tbe heavy
burden. Tbe welgbto for his ecales
have holes In tbe middle, and are
placqi^bea not la aee. upon a rwind
atlck fastoied to one side to tbe hss Whaat, per Im....................
Backwb«to,parb«.............. ^ .60
Where Kh) to llA-people Uve lo the
Bhat BuEalo. April l'».-<'stU*?—7..;
square mile tbe dei^
Whanged Veal—5u0; active. Sheep
16 per l.UbO. Where there are over
Id lambs—4JP0; slow Hog*—2.040;
M to the square arlle tbe death rale
UR26C higher.
tnemasew to 24 per I.OW.
Jeago. April 10.—Hlieat, 774sc;
Tha bottia Hwe/grows la Auslralia. com. 47V4c; oats. 43Hc.
NaUvae aplR lha tmh'tn two and ase
DeRtoL April lO.-W'haal.
Ihe halrea for boats.
SB. 47c; oau, 47c.
ps-i;:; |
-n»#^tre«e pmeautKms are Ukea lo prtoeto (be rnr of lUMa aad his fhmUr when they po trarfOIng. • tn
lbe>t'^«rf. on the left. Ibe mtrto ftenra la that to the csarY Mraaead aourtor upon whom depends in large
tb^ety to bis jmal MiaUr. Bboald aa au«mpi be made to akkaaalaala NkMak
laaa vo^ al,
I tw-toiu-»8L.ta—»oOir*Mto H*
The twaid to county iauvaio.e-b lln
(shed ihcli W(»rk this tnoriilng aud
(oiiud that the propoaUlon lo bond the
county fur the purpose to «*iectlug a
county poor bouse on a farm lo to
cartoully cor
purchaMxl by the county wafc-lo*l by
SALE Ouo gu^a.liue sieve gnd
Methoditt Ladies W':M Meet in Home only sevenUH-n viuca The total muu rocitol every day. Tha local market
Ur of voles c;o.t wa*.
SM ^.f pricoo are supplied by local dcalerm!
to M-w. E. J. Fulphum and
which wcie for the pixipohition ami Tho oiiUide quotatiorva by wire, not | «.i.. an tight healer, one tox lendvi
lion Church Friday.
MS'against it The iiuuffidal count •lippod from oPier papert to the pro- j
H. K. IVrriu.
ndiihlln St.
apt Ji-tr
*n»e regular swlal allerm'ion of the rbowed that U lost by Uiirly seven vioua dgy.
Ladios’ Ai.l MH-lety <d V^Ui y
FOR ^ALE—One laug*-. .‘d«l*-lviarU. ex
rhureb will be held at. the hon
Mrs ('alkliis^i.mer Ninth and
Warreu nun. ^Z9 E 1 w ell lb
St reel, on Tluii>dav. Api il 11. a:u
apt l«»4t*
lake ilu* loi ai oi a uvepllou in honor Mrs. Mary J. Rurt Paaaed A^y at the
of Alih. E J ^^ilghuIn of Bunaio; N
Norll)ern Michi^n Asyl^ YeaFOR BALE 1 rtatland ivm,k Mow. 1
Y.. a loruuT president, who is visiting
air tigbi Imater. I waidnib*- coikIi.
In Ibe eiiv. ami-of Mi*. I T Uuru.^.
H. E^ lY iiiii. .niS Kraiikijii.
Mt> Mary J Butler, aged il.
who will leave f»T her lu-w Koine
mar Sa if
Petuakey mkiu. All ^^ielul^ t.f ihuM' away at (be asylum y-eaterday after-
Urldegrtuiiii (luiw'eKyi -»^ial ilo»*s
i»ay^ Ilrlde ireadllgi ito uol ro
iKKue. All will to fta^given.
cards, ia (act cards of <
every description. Ic to
10c each. Come to our
store to make your se
ifM w«l Tabs th» Matter Up as I
Hipbor Rato WMd Moan a
. A U*x Mjciai »hl hr hrid at the
bliMay arbonl itoiarday e^aotop.
April 15. at 1 uVk^k
pm HMM
apatoal apfMto
Rasutor aMtop to the Uhs mor
• af tW
n»m ntoht. BoOamia to Impurtatoia
Al tbb tabular tiior-iitig to the dl
ICtao m la fapmeded u. allM »ii|a
pritog*. wMA raaM W aarfuw p
par aXiar Qie acraaioii aad lltosiraled ttu<tuw to Ibe toard to trade yewur
•r naUI M»Mi ^ tba Mar i
<to) aflrmoou Hecitoary I'ttdor araa
TW smmn im «ater tpa uppar U*Ha auapa hjr Mpipaa s CtoMtoaa
wioU'd U. tall a toesdlng to tbr en
IVto W N Pktoila to the l^rU lia
uiiiiia »U1 drJiver bU popular toctiira Uie meuito-nbii. to Ibe b««rd to Uade
to * Maklaf tbn World Btotor * al lo take up for < oustetorai Ion the papei
i»ro>to which ha. lu^-n love.ii
ISurkhy (Vxiarapalbuiai cbuirb IM
go led by ibe t ariuue eomnimeoo' to
day cvrnliif. Apid ly
Tbla pmpoaltiou is gto
Tbara alU U^a niae(tn« tbla c%an Ibe bouid
for d<-liuiu. atolua and
iuK or i ratat^, (*iiy coruojanilai>. N'u
tr Ibe lieuple *4 Tra»«m«- ril> waul
41. KtiirbU T. iapUf
Uie> will have an opTlu- linpnn.n>.iHa I.. to, (bade ii.
dme Sion- aad lha portuniO lo^xpres. tbemii-lvo.
lug will I...I to .^.rnintd «xiJaAuti'rlran Kandy Kiuben a/a aal!
t«> UI. uiU r's «»l Ifi. UMid but all
under *s:^y atui tlo* at<h>aiarea tba
tao ai'.ua aiU i.rutoitoy to- buivto-d
Hdaonoa. Alti i Chat ito i«- U a thiH- (.ibbsbtiieut to the putof^ toill ju Ibis
oufb overbaulibjr to the Kuioly til) ikie ...rUj.illy luUi^-U to ».e preoftii ;Tbe. noriutg will to Tueaday
K Urban lo l^a luacla
( Wbllf la.iv«i>K OrUD{;4 ball last (iv« n vseuiuj: 41 S nebs k
IJs^oge W Qitib . tan to liavcyrwe
r: I). kUMUi
un lb«icutltop a lad Ku^b to bU tiebt iIIhim Oi)’a. i.ttituiut nV pt.iaio Uiyeis. i<*
I Tbc will tor ihf.Uit John ItomitUk poittsi lo Ibt- iMMid lh4i I be rslliiuu).
aa« bird Ipday and a ln Uliou KiauU-d bad .Ktliie.l ^ gtte ihu i.>«nie retliic
lui ibt- appoluUncut to a «pt‘<lal nd tion III rit-ik'dt rale* i>u
It Mil H
(bey but** «io|u 111 toilUVI
IMiald MiHiteltb. a M-tKoaut to th« >t .tl . i be I at. fioiti llijiK * ll> <U Oil
rnllod Kiata» ravairy, (• boiuo on a cauo 1. Is t'viitis. Ili-f i it.fouC taginuing III April, u u**luctU»u to \Z cents
ifa out *.vff M fufiouah. wlaltlxiK bin tmithi-r al bt-i
I ban lhaj lire* diiv b«*nu‘ on \Ve*l Hlxl«H*nlh am-n. Mr luu. Uwii allow Oil b> (be iallitoi(bi.
an dr.Atmaid lUay alii
vit MoiiUdlb btu Hiivod mwtiy ton >rai». Ml lardle .lutod ibai bo had Ikvu
w«m. ••
In tbr mcr«vlog. |/U bl», U*t M-jvkv toln*; In t!»o Philip lu Ulb-d Ihsi tbliv udui Uon would uol
be roudt- Ibla yt-ar .and be explained
•Mi> U E Wall! irluriu-d frouj IhiU Ifce refusal tif Uie lallroads to
gtire the reduc-ed rate dtilug the sviin*
nit- Lake tud4k).
rl*. to -wUM li Iba OiHXT l»«lr |*f pruiuri
iiu.nl hi '------^ ‘lua\> ‘
I*. K l^i^lo to Maplfluu was lu Ibc
•rr Ml«< •»
Mwa to iIk* i^fk>u
t*. the la mu I iHHwuse th4* pn.-e they
Tiaw. Tb» »ini|i« baa fratotMl wttli pn cHy.
Knight, of Pylbla. am aakod lo rc would lecelv. w.HilU bate lo to less
aatb. mbbk
|ha |iutoU of ^ba
iwt*vif* «o ftirra «»ui«aftj , As sulad uieiuber ito’ farvwVdl i\-orivllo».(o Mi. IhMD.ct.uld be paid If this leducUuu
wen* grautiHl aa lu (ujuiei yiwrs.
«U»vr. Ibaaa pruufia bra i*al lo spntod fiUlTMis. Wt-lUr tcunorrow i-viuing.
at npbi atlftas tu iba lowar
The matter r.us rtocrivd^ to .Ibe
U pmrtK^ tlM» |k*M is arU «Hi Of mink
iransiHiilailou cmmullloo wiib the iv
luiii (ha pruund, and tbau «
a auitn**1 Und tbalplay we saw UM ulgbt quegt to uw. i-very povisible uigmneiit
Ida" toatruiiiaet tha priMips ala diitcn
and repmseniatloii with the rallnuul
dnma. «Ua4i (bay wlU awnmialh^ptot
man. the boobaod Id K Ccr- cooipaiiU-s t. indiK-t- them to le-esub
llnaa ahoHtt to Iba ansravli|p^ il»c to
'%<«(ur of (toa ItttiirtiM aiic't»M*iud Ua* roriiH bl. wife Into trembllVg and lisbl the tat.*r> iu*i «*ltvfoi*‘ |»i(‘vailiug
silent .uboilaalon aud end. by klllinp during' the suiumei UKUilhs
^ Farmint by Elaatneil^.
8toue to ib«i fuieriirtato^ fartL
Harblaon and Turin i .n,unti^ Kofatb
liakuto. am fArmiuc an ihouh’IbIIuu for
Ilia purpoae of tonotliw iau tiwlntktjr
- -
Al every point
material* Aie tOter LhantudiMrily
ebowii At oar prioM-
yio. fl2g», $1S.5S. SIS to SIS.
E. WILHELM, - Front St.
Tm’^tyEWtii MCO—rT»>*«at
otv; michwan. wconwmv. awul
m mr.
A MaaMOk oMa
apr M
pmm cur
vin katr a aao lU.aaa
CMr flowkOa, ttl
noBL %Mum ». /
I Mw of G. A. BiarAr at
, t4raa oacM ciad oatjr la ikHr atskt-
fiamp air la licktur________ __
M and wUl takn tke ncilTW itefw^T vreatWr tke air Is UgkUr than
It la la fair meaiber and aol kMrler.
wnea to Qaylori we4l rr<^* as waay
emake ka^ abnnt tke emfoue df Ike
with lonB wmewan Tke Ttama, while eailk. It sV-mm that Ike air Is tighter
than the awoke. W hen ike «lr l« drr.
only la tke negawd yoar «C lU tslsi
U la bcavtt^ tkaa tk<^ amuke, aafi the
cnor. has mm with pkunomanil am- Mner tkewefore anmdm TV weight
ctss uador the able managvuatM of 9i the earth's itmesiikme. ar.' tn
R B Crekorr. mho mill embark in new words, tke preasnre egetted
•artk ky the atmosnkere. U about tbe
aar »^uao ^
^ eanted fnaa the kUxtmi
HCRCENT poultry yarda. oUadard MMkac oa a «A,
Tke bulldia* caaaUUw of ihe Mdk
M WkUa Wyaadocte
of UUdatoor
wll>i ERUctui^
UfANTtO^ T- l«4. «r mrml ^Hied hy
lhaa accriiicd tW pUdu
•iH i-rtcr. Mmi% ^r»*. CHy ^
•»r I l«o* W K
Hmiler of Ik^mil lor the aem
«»r l*-ii
Mi KMMM^caa tacara kca aaj ekBK;h. mbick mill cost $5.tsn». of
bv i
iMaa CraM Ckartaa IrMk. 73« W vklrli |4 <»0A has Ucu alrvmly sub- .tu-U lo
Uk. ta lk«- Ull Ttab^
tiaben bj
rOR RAtC-Ua acc«aat of )ca%lag
* ...
•M caipH Ml«g > 4o
ttar Z2 \mo strtlc-d
>I«UIC« of tbr Fljliw Kulh-t..
<U). >ru|MNti c4 E J l\Uflittat.
«4N CTH Nmm M.
t il«
tbib l^ugki ily u. Rich a'X'idt niaMy ball ftoni Bmioo HarU»r. the mccoa
kimiHT. I«rti ao4l ka oa ttcliU aa<i
•AmA himself in the sWiukler mWk* of all Rolk-is «|f the iilbe of Benjamin 1
CW« aUoolA. «nita»a a«4 ivo Ii4«
duck hunting ua Hqusm lake Hr miui and Mary. All mho are anprrmtltlotts i
IteU Ray. Waiahaia gaate. aao
r^r r«ai«< »a4
dramlag kU gua. wumIv firml. lomard .nI. .hr bW ... Ib...« . t. ,
laaaa aaa kM Mar; oRa laatl)
rmiMiTr pMrains K H TMaat
korar. lM»gfr, Mirr?. aatlar M Imi KOOAC thaa daaatoped aad fOcturoa him rnben it exploded and knocked l.» Ibr nnsbri V of Jliv dl^rtrr. lb ‘
»lf tlatoa 0c
«|.r aif
prialad at EMrk HUdlo. over City him down la iLc boat. Had ke fallen ! Mlrbl»« J.4.0 .-. n.l U«tar« loro, j
ar-^ loaatia or Mia. El J. Kul
kook atoia.
aiar 13 lOKt* in the lake ke might have diomui*d as jdtH*. ta:ihquakt*s sad eye
ahoai o, J W Jackaoo
opr • Jl
WAMTep^,loa«.|ioo^or la«ul»a Rarv--------------------------- !---------------L< ma* uncvujsckms tor soun- tlun*
j due sad gtvea the |H»p;iUtx* just
koaaa. COMSULT MAOANIi HINit. tke
WTille WtssJlaud is far from l*<*;ug M !da>v to Inistk* for lk*ntu« Haiboi
palaoal. at IIT Uakia opoa all af •grown up. - It is sonic pumidilus. and mhcr»* the eU*ct shall gather ou the
I any of the ^aHHiniain** lui safely .
MPatk. Mm. Tracy CillHi. IM
Uigci cilkm.. BoU tV ITtUcns and
An «*gort a til U* made to a4*cmv bv
» alforla^r k if
OCT VOUR kkyclea cloaa«d aad re Michigan ickidioDe lines ois rale from
•*IM*cla1 art 4tf the IcgUUt
palrod at Culmaa'a. MR llakia 8t.
c*i*C smltihbuard. aud aubsciibi*rs have p .s. r to U
FOR tAti-Taelvefuol roaeler with
use in
WANTiC^Rmt a«i«o for rompt^u ni M4 d elxlit draweiB and tan ala
amr ITlam the bc-negt td two fdiiiuca. mhih* the p'lhilr Impfmeuients at fm
Sirl for foakrai kmaaeaurk k|m It
foia aiMm raae^ all la good <MMdl
cbsrge is for but one
The ctiuucil hav .igM*txl to thU Home
J . Margaa
opr | if
IU«i 8 E Walt A Ma
apr rtf
I aary rotaadlaa. Bold by all irat^ara liommgUt- Is i^MK lo uiiUcrp* a l5.o«'«* U ueedt*d for aiteaian mclJ pui
series of Impruvcmeuts this suinniet POMS and II5.0W fm iiavlng Ucdia
WANTiC-#rBrai kaad; too aillr%
mhlcb mill make U h c.k like nhm P«v a\i
frun dly. caH Clt pkoaa |:74i. beat FOR CALC .Sr<^jad bagO. IC f<iut
><11 veais
W aiM forxtgki ama
aprj r if
N0TlCE*^W*e clean cbliuucys and fur Ing oa a laigc «M:ale has been com op
laak. luddei aad ( •mr. $45. a
$54,250 lU.istu .wM^ liunomt**! of a Mlutteap(»
paves aad store stow* tktough tlie monrod and mben the
miAHrio ^ MnrV ariii •• gam Tia.ria* <-Uy Molui Boat sumnmr. Trsvetae City Btoie Riv iM*m<*r s)stmi ba« bin n InMalled. ahuig lU capitalist, for |iavi«K purpo.M*s. ami
c^paay. k;;o iu> atroct.
a|H K U
boukokaepar at 0«ercllff Ural Call
the citv cn
peir .LV. MI2 W’ Front. Cite. 517.
pkoaa «7t Mm V II iTIdayJ
B('U 81 ;r
apr 1 tf no lM*llci In the country. An «de<-tiir dc.-uoit*d to dmlgc |»s\uieut
line is pp.mlM*! tiom Ksn Ulslic pro onged h k.i1 tM:ib*. iuKlcad of thy
WADC BROE.. Heal l>.tstc and Ixaas. mhnh mlM t'•*nm*^ t l*o»sui-< mMh oi tgin.il ;aii*uin«. Un* « i»> »mc l $«.<*o*
MtANTKO -*rw ooliodloa. autm aad
HI? Houlk Union Ki . Traverse City. IV.ntun llailKir
tic ir It l »J Ikh-u idling up at tbr
MUk. Cltlseos phone !XI$-We
cOd arntmau A. IHdiotal. lU^lHoa MARKCT FOR iALt-la a Bood
Glcuu R. MUer. fmiucily with the ran* of f 1.«hc' •» ycai
have gill edge In vest menu mrliortHdi.
amr^laio toan loqulrt at the Record <iflke
your immev U absolutrly S4*curc.
vkere profits are assurtnl mhere
Roaauu for arlltiic. other burlaeaa.
WANTiO^HOlrl <
Ml to dji caa
real oetntr. gUtedge real estate. Is
apr lAC
kali famUr; IS
your W^oorlly. All classes, fine uum\ein resldennm. uMalcrn hotels. lU
liaaaioail. 415
_________ _ 4^**'
FOR CAUI-UOI-riaa booBk Waal
TeoUi Bt ; prico $1,150. Wada
Broa. IIT Boutk Ualoa Ft. Cit
pkoaa im.
Jaa 00-U
FOR CALC-IS acroa oa poalaaula
loial^ouAe. Ove acrea apple orchard
«Mie an.* |»raiH. four arrea Uinber
».)itiug mater. Willlaiu Puher, city
mar 2lliu..«
GOWi FOR iAti ,
waa. r«2 « mtUlua kl
FOR ftALC iViipeolrr tnols
iMilldlaK prtrtMto
B K PftDce. k5J WMbhraitot
FOR CAtC-HlMm alock. tsturea
l«M I< iHilldiM )• toot Mrfite
FOR SAtf-Uooari a. gooi\i\S^.
;• imu laid oilirTe; alU aaJI for kbma
: Imir eoal M WaUier Jlioof* Pkoae. atk lOlk or tM.
apr €11
toaa*cloae to Trmverae Clly- 1
Broe.. IIT 8oul% Caioa 8t
pkoaa lilt.
COOi FOR aAtC-Wblte Wyaodottea.
•2 for U.; mlDuer of tllver cup at'
iH.ultry Kbom J W’. r.lmim r.uan A
FOR CAtCwkte&^mte. com. ne.i H«i:t. 202 Btiuih IilvUloit ititH-l
kailey. buckaboal. field |huu aud
apr .< HfiiO
keaaa Tran>roe City MUllug Co
war 3t»^tf FOR 8ALt-1477-Large aifkt room
koaee. coraer of Caas and Ktk Bte,
FOR iALi~14TI-Waa aaw laa i
Urge lot. bouee' well iaUked
koaaa. eoraar lot, oomar of L
etnoe fouadeUuo: easy terwa. 1
nprta.; arlll Uka '
llltoo Wade Broe.. 117 Ualoa
CU&. pkoae ISli.
tlvk Ciak prioa ll,ooo. IWada
Em.. IIT Uakoa Mraat. CU^ pkoaa
FOR 8ALE-1»01-Seren room bouae.
large lot. cnrac r Bo)d and Fera:
Wade Brtia.. 117
price 8LX00.
Bouth Uokm SL
FOR 841,1—1111—<
thirty five ai;re ftrw, alghty acrea
iMpfioved, larfa Ura aad good FOR 8ALf-im-Good a
roam house. Itk street,
koaaa, orchard. Uiga awougt of ackool.
amrket sad okui
good Food, ilwbar. farm ail Ikgyed lerma. FHoe IlMfi.
aad ao better aoU to ba fiMio4: alt
wlloa aoaikeaat of city oo mala FOR 8ALC—Modern tmoatury real
mad. ISaat Bay toauahlp; ckW to deuce. lOll E Fmul Ht. l.ol GOaIIO.
achool aad church; aill uell oa eaay
Price $7iKI. C4llicoa phone H2U.
teraia. omaer In other biiainraa;
Mer. II tr
price tS.IMHi Welle Uita. 117 Bouth
Haloa BU Clt, pkoae 1211 *
inch. 10«.rge
fob Id tf
bnrve immrr; good as or
II ik'ltucr. Route G. city
8ALC-1I88-8U room kotiee.
war 2F1
price II.W. WeiU
nitk Uahm 8t. Clt FOR 8ALf-Robber tired top buggy
lea «e If
j sfe giMKl as near, or elll take aa part
FOR 8AtC-14t1-liim fee. oornar
payment a steal tfred buggy Geo
of Ualoa and BevaaU sUeet; imm
B BciW; rvaldem^ CIU phoae
alory frawe belldlng;
ufftoe. Uty
i Broa,. il7 Bmilh |
lea H
FOR 8ALC -llkt-Modera eight ft»w
reelAenra, Riitk atraat. All eon
tealeaeea. A good'harm, eloaa la.
rnea lUM. Wada Bias., $17 BcHilb
Uatna etraet, OtUeag Pkaka ISlf
Jam. irti.
FOR BALC-lin-BU room house.
loa alraec Cita pkoaa lilt.
FOR BALE—1S81—Good. comforUble
borne. North Cedar Bt ; price $IW
Wede Broe. ilT Booth Union 8L
at. phone ISII
Ian Sl^tf
II general Hews
teresl pro. liK log propertltm on rent
able Usis pixifll earning prt»|H Hlta»
f Urn inlcce and Incieas-
The oldest Alpinist flvlng is M U ' suggestbum foi »>iIlloiuI. canu* frmu
prol«ing<Hl HIse of lots c^t rods llusst. a -s'h^sdmaster ol Audcrmalt,ih s-uis shut up In asvlums a.s luiia
fitjol on Union HI., eight nUs fitwt
oa Beauk* street, one hundred rods ttho ha;i jus! iclet.rated his Hue hum i ttrs. The listening bivthn*ti men
(Ind and fiiat blrthd iy loiSl s<intn>ei ' aiclIUly auiUMd. mh« rcu|M>u Ih. Buck
hc.*.u‘rompaulcjJ by sei«1al AlpU.lids. Uy bshl
I Kiica y<ui mould laugh.
UJiule his las! rlinih. ah<*»*udluK thc| hot I maul to say that nuiie o|
ad Garfield a^^um and k'lvnl. and a
Irlfte further than comer of nivlwlon GuUch tuuuuta.a. ucaily 7.«
sugKi:slloas ary* ms sane as mmu
and rourtcenth Hi. At corner Gar mltbiMil usaislame.
field and Front fifty by one hundmd
)o» mill ever lx*." The biclhicu fell
r H/^illanl.
and fifty foot lou are mrorth one mbat is e»|MM*U>
D<» fuiibcr IncIlnatiiMi to laugh.
kondred aad ftfty dulUra. or five
Paron Rikh‘Ii. Rosstao anibas^dor
kiU to the acre seven hundred and t'hlcago cugag\*nieot. l.v-tbe only actoi
fifty dollars per acre. At «»roer of ol mide mputatlon mho ndusea to eui to this oimuli... has bad eplcndld
Pirlalon aud Fourteenth sre moilh ploy a p.ess agent. Mr Willard Is of I ram lug as a diphuiiai. having held Im
la^i bundled and fifty dollars per the opinion that ibe puldlc l.-i not in
isksts Ixloic coming t«* Wash
Kd oi twelve huodixMl and fifty doi
hum iM i ociv. Our price on lot one t<n*sled III hU peraiMial affairs aud mglun Hr Is a chan, olloi of the Ilus
oo Union 8t ptxdonged as described, that his moik should s|H*ak t o Itsilf k!ati iiiipiiv. a chttiutKilain at the
la about thirty-three inr cent leas
Ihiuny Rhhaidson. omo a gical couit of UiLar Nicholas and has been
than comer of Gsrfleld aud f^ont.
and about slslv sts H*r cent less scciuid liahciuun fci the Nom Yolk ilcvxiiated with the orders ol Ht. Vlmdi
Glanu. Is uom pailnA lu ii .s*uco.-sful mlr; 81 Ann aud Bt StaulsUus. Hr
than C(j
dr) gcMKis stoic lu Uliulia. N- Y Hi Is an ac<ximpllshc*d musician and
prolonged. Our price Is your pres lt lends may that uomuriays he cals. siK«ks Eiiglish. Russian. French. tU*i
ent profit as per aU.ve pe^finUgr .
price IX.MXI
ix*t 5 -ITnii.n street skx*|M» and thinks di> g<MHl«*, ' He U uiun ttahan and Jaitauese. His fara
only pnvtjM*n»us and happy, with the luiUDcb II Is an old one iu»d has produced
imeoiyfour rods further aouU; of an aldeiTuau but uoimithstaudlng
price |1.5tK» lA>t I-Union Ht. pnv his gliib be playv*d lot a Uical charity
longed, aamc ss^ 5. only trifle fur
ther south: price 11.500. Lot 7~ last lall ami 'lined '<f ouf foi a hiuuc
A T Kyle, .uo* i.f iti.* original
Union Ht pndtmgrsl. aawe as lot *i; lull Hud a 1br<;* Imgger
toxvu sitera * <4 4x*aveumoitli. Is still
price 11.500 u»i k—Unirw HI. proIhiKc rail Thee M* of
^ Vav..
ihliig lu that pnn>iK*n..is Kansas «Jt>
kinged, same as lot 7; price ll.5m» only itiyal tx-cvllsi
ixTyllst ^ith'^miuM
Iji the miuM, a^nrt Mr Kyle ami a tem ass<x'lalcs,it«dtH t,*d
U*i b-Unlon HI pndonged. aaiue as
lot 8 with ciception of small grove
tlM* kin* of mhat Is nom OIK* of the big
ou wmt end of 4<»l: priw $1.^. IxH
gr-.-l cities In K;im.i»s in IK.*.!
I tr- Union «t. prolonged, same as
made Hk* first Mii\e)s for tiu* lomn
kH t»; price $t.:.*M*. The above pro|v
• hU ila’ighictm In* ju I •mjimU** of Fort la avcumtirlh.
eily can easily 4m* se<*u and mill Im*
fmind on liivesiiKatioo to U* tiilb a^
i (ixmtit*r iMJst ftir the pniUsrihui
\ mcjliral M*luM»l I,uV.ruuUlnB I..
k<sm1 a» UeM'ribed and me think b»
much U'tlei S«» faf as values are ,..U h..„.luK
K„n.,--. H.- ha.
concerned mill say this
We mill
b...,...al. ... wht.b I..- .l.•v..U•KL.....
find a purchaser foi any pioiK*it> In
aud annind Trarerar Ully that mill
...... •
1, ,«„k bln. ,ao .u..ntb.
luHM iK-r.^ons HfnUled
to huivry the sH** and then tmn «»i
thice moiv months mvjt* rx.U jumcd In
s*ny di*es with prits*s and
Dr. Hucklcy. editor rd the Uhristboi jricaiing the t.nmh fiom a piam m»t
value <»f pn»iH*Hy me have
Advin'aU*. In the couriK of his reuiarks blgg«*r
I It with Further me mil
than the prt*v.i*nt
[ of lots la) lug l.« lore a c«*Uicreuce in New York city L
as thr-v do. lew! as a houiM*
last mtx*k. said that some «d 4iIr best»
iHstullfully situated Jii**t outside
cliy limits, platted into ordinaly
Tipplof tha Cook.
slxad city lots mill sell mithiu one
A Cr
In old time* Io dine wlib a
ytsir for one hundred and one bun
A hnmorous n-msme »*i retK>rted eo«i more In tips to tbe aenaiits than
died and lift) dollars a lot. OI five
to Hcven htindrcd and fifty dtWUrs from Nstol. where a rmuhful Hindoo a . lub dinner. Lord IVw. a well nam
feet. brlds mm receutly ^allad uimmi to ed Irish jwer.' excused btmaetf from
|M*r acre Title U alisolutrly perfect
rhoone between h-r husband and ber
Abstract given with caih lot W
dining m lth'tV Duke of Lirmond upon
5 tf jewels. Tbe rase <*ame liefore the Dur
tbe jrouud tbit V nwkl not aEnrd It.
ban pollcm court in the firM Instanpe, • If you win fire me tbe gttioan I bar#
where the brtde s psrents says the
to pay yxMir txiok. 1 will txime as often
Natal Mercurr. atvxiseil her liusbau I of
you choose to ask me"-which was
HOU8E TO RENT-.531 WaibiugtoQ abducting her while under tb'rteea
accordlugO done. The duke, however,
slieet Wilte J F Wyaung. Olney. years of age ' The br-de. ho«e^e^.
claimed t‘» be eighteen, stid the magls bed nat the pluck to sloi» *be Upping
apr k-hl
Irate dismissed tbe case #»ms de th- practice. Tavrd Tasfe.. a feaerol «mc«r
lu tbe Austti
AustrUn service
Ice. 4kl wktt ka
FOR RENT-iri Casa street lagulre court a tu; **f war took p are between could He al .
tbe two parties for the |*ovaevalon <*f
BoU gms end alactik. Ilghte G««id
144 Ikwt euktk.
mar XI tf
kara. fiue lama, close tn. Wasktnstoe
TO RENT-I0d4 Washtnglog stresd;
winmi Price liKtg Wade Broe CARFET
eight rooBA bam. Iin. C A. lUmCLiANINa
moud. People s Bavlnga bank
. 117 fr^tk Uelnn 8t. t^tlmas Phone
Jan 4 tf
wade to order from ohl oarpeU at
Chspin a: 14 YEAR8 exporUaoe and FURNIEHED ROOM8 at
FIM FOR 8AtX-Ag taet fall rigs
earefui ntteotion paid In all work
erelt led so none of them are sUial
sent here CIlirei. pboae HIT
ad Ingnlre at J. W BUter » farm
TO RENT OR EELt-U amm In East
war 14 U
' war 21 if
Bay township. Ed. Fiirton. tX8 Web*
OLD MACMINEi Ukea to eschaage
otnr atmeL
tbe brUle. la tbe course of which it ar
peared lh*t mbat her pa reals p-rt‘cu
larty dmlre^l was ir»» berself. b*;* her
Jewelry A se gmant of pol <*♦ the
lew I
In Judgmeat and de-tdM tbvt tbs
the jew
to the parenta.
girl meet chnooe b ...r-a bri hn.l..Dd ,
and bar braceleia At.er ... n, ch:-.. I
tlcHi eke rkoee be buMMud. wV
the iMirfles from
ed tb'Ha to hpr
mar irioBo
g.'^r»’srK5.-Br:£j ”3?i^s"*“'£S!:s
VHm atiasL Otts. pkaae itlE
REFAIRINO aeaiUy doae at
makU prtca. A. DeBasia. Ill E.
i Bl
mar Ihlmo*
repairad at Akgoaa.
Prtcmi iwmwaabif.
bands Pito tbetr pockets be oald . "Ko
If .vou do five It, give It to me. for
Timothy Waklo must l>e glvxn
mur uokairf
Baturfiay at
tkaa three lenas.
iMJ an- 1L5:.-Luiakai
«» «»»
nrarlk*.. Aftcf .Uun wl.li
I. ,b.vit
grteru pounds to the 5.,v:.irr Inch A
msa ef ..idLitrr aP^ tbo* iMUirs all tbe
time a pressure
al*oui .TOlkSi poondii,
b-t »«■ <»<-' "<*•
I*'-**"" '*
dlrr.-«bibOther fluids Ibrt
outmanl. thus
uislutslnlnx a stsie of e^nil'
BARA T. CHASE. BL &-0Elee wflli
Dr. O. A CkMA Bute Bank kM.
Both pkowea, m*8r. BesUiwos 18$
W.BUkU BL OBL pkiue m.
kuMoB to dlaanaea ot tke eyr. eat,
DA A A 8IINOB-OBICO over Auert.
can Dnit Store. Special aiteettrm
sixth aliwec
urinary, akin and hloiMl dlaanaea;
yearm expertenoe. OIGce City opera
house block Pkooio-New. |«l;
old rfl. ReMdewco. 710 '
Emglafid and Frarcs.
ciaa and Surgeoa. Removed lo t4Jt hs. lM*'a luavfully ol»*orretl tb*tt
ficxo tn Munson block over Barmnia
the luuttwl euilphtbte« and Mtrarttonv
A Barra, dtlsens pkooe Stt.
of KugtamI and Uraiu*e nimble
carious Urcerr tb^vve of man and '
isrtiai».> oTC might aay of men end
act loa regulator. SaOs*
wonmu attached to each other by a
faction guaranteed. With KimbaU
warluge de ronvensn.-egeogiaphhiue
Music House. CIU. phone Ml.
-We do alljistiirtlh bnte tb«* 7'rent h.”
Mr. ret»ys (dv*erved long sgn.
piii tn mortgogre. lloueea for aa»e.
inquire of A I cNmikara, Park
Frau**e hts never ceased
, .... ev .»r bid-el l-» Inspire ynri of
au1 fXMwbe t
ASfiTRACTfi OF TITLE-C. O. Oarnight It d** l.er blRtcM*lnn« devennt of
vrr rrlcc*« reoaonable. Oftl^ wRk
the glortmts rnV she has played In the
O. V. Uoirver A Bra Both pkoaea.^
general work of ctrllUatloo. of the
••«) imwtbetlr geolUB whUh lias velre.t DA Er L. THIRLBV-Bpecial atten*
tlou to dlKcsiiex ^^t Cblldrea. lloooi
• n I translated for Kumpe the Ub*ns of
4(t8 State Bank bldg. Both phewea.
reo-on. Jrsth*e and all the lbe<>r:
life, private and publh*.** mhl.1.
“preserved eien In Ibe ii cful an t
frivoloua the iradltloa of art." of tbe
Idesllsl persereram*e. w4»ose
menu have anted Hu* worM Vn •uiuh
sutrerlag and • mnd«* of her fdllc< Uh
wisdom of other uaiM*ns." t!eor,:e H
Powell in 7'ortnlgMl.v Review.
Ws'ra All LaaiHsr EaUra.
"And tlten.” said the arclU* explorer
*T ale iny h*alber belt.*’
•'fVJi. mjial of Hint? Kvery umthei i
iw*ii of us e- Is e pnlr of nIkn-s h ye.vr“
Uk* explrxvr fr.m iied * This.'* he Im*
gtn. ‘ Is no laugfunz'
Ba* the •••leotlst lufoiTuptetl him ' I
am not jrdluz. s r. I Rv.ek flic NO
|eathrV> Is It not ,
ith. IVh:.
? Mell. win* you mi l
milk to yiMir lea or coffee, the Uuuln
of the SUM* niid tiM* nlburie i of tlh*
mber unite, iltid le.nlier reiulis
leath<*r 1« hi minute p4irtI>
Ibeless It Is there. Aud down It
All who diiii!: tea or i*offoe dall.t
seteutisi c.onilor’ed. •I'ousume
.vcor enmigh leailier lo make n pntr of
•iV e**! *^"**^ ^«H*r
h»i sv^'mJ. “I Iheu ;ih*
-Pneumonia’s Deadly Wprk.
had HO >«iliMi»ly .affix-tixl my tight
luiig.** mritcN Mi> l-^iiulc Uoiiinu. of
Ruia! fUnilo 1. t;(*orgctoan. Teun .
“that I OMi;;htsl coallnumiHly night
unU day and th** nclghUus' pn*4llcth»n
—<*onsumpllon — H<x*mc»l
iiutll iny buaband hixmght home a
Imltlc of Dr. King's New |ks<*<ivi*'y
which In my case ptoved to tx* the
tmly RKAL cottgh ruit* and n*stoier
of wi-ok. Miiv lungs." W hen all other
iemi*dies utterly fail, you may si ill
min in the bottle against lung an I
throat tivubles with New Discovery,
the REAL cure f}uarautc*o<I hv BugIMX* Drug Uo . Flunk H Meiols on I
Itnnnah Drug Htore. diuggiMs.
and $ I (Ml Trial bottle Tree.
Griswold, oecrel
NoUle C. Grey.
u on Monday evooUfi
on nr before the full of tke moon,
at 7:30 p. m Carl O. ‘
K. O T. M ’ S' No.^nTmeeU ererr
Friday night In tho Broach block. Mart
Wllkena. Commander: E M. Franklin,
Rfxx>rd Keeper; L A. Erona. Finance
t. CHj (
Farms for Sala
I have a number of (nood
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can seil you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any-,
body else. 1 have farms
which are located from four
20 miles from Traverxi
Ciiy. all good improved land.
you lisvo good lemi Utmf
. f
F. P. LAWTON. M. O.—Office Wilhelm
blo> k Both phones.
apr i tf
turgeon. 117 Caoa atiweL
office. 7G02
Raaldunca SIX WolaoL
6 Ptrat National Bank Bldg Cltf
sens phana 80.
A J. McPHAIL-Daatlat Over Jokaaoo drug aUira. Ball pkooe 80SX
rinju; OU.
Ma Wtlkala Uodd. CM
A A 8IARTIN-PhyMelan and Snrfwa Oflien 881 Boat Freai ntreet
S40 Wnnhiii«tpn,
CKt pbooe 771
LESTER D. WELCH-AtUitwisy at
• *“«»
Uw. Oolleetkifi wort a apedaHy.
sot Uke aUver.
atlier. air.*'- “Very go?»i.
“1 do not
With Underwood 4 Ualor. 8utkerAnd I di. not gi.e g.iJ" Thl.< con
Uad block.
jaa %AX
eons reJnlmW
•of valU to
DA F. A 88AC NETTines' t;n*ettr
^ gpiu Afra7«
aims of Imperial
«o«eriiurihl|i ul Jamaica ma* a lather il*3lool2»iSriL4!I^^
iOMPartaut post Usmas ami t*i«n dukes
ware glad tu get It. l>ukea aev«r ao
aguveniiBBvUyoaU the oeos isoma j
Tkejr ka^e bacoase very stay at
kaiita pareuuagcm. Jamaica lima a Uiu
f of auktts Ml lu vice eqpal nBL Tim
B08ENTHAL TMOMF80M- tOET-Lndk a' gold match marked
FOR BALE OR HeNT^eciw fann OR.
Lulu Gary Plcooe rrtnm to Record •
Boums B*k Bute Beak TaUphoae.
laqulie of J W lauie. 4H MonruA
tTt 243 lloure 11 to IX. 1 to I. 7 to
apr III*
h. Buaday by appotniawat. Baal
lost, strayed or stolen—
FOB BALE—1471—11 nerte two milea
deace 110 Bute. Tel Ut Clt
Wheel, fnwa WaltV drug store. 8alBtnte Beak kelldlag; Eaost Ueatlon
S' ^4-lmo
onlay aifkl. Leave at 217 E. Froat
POO BAtt-t48l raartnea
*y air weigBi akawt 8C gnUaa
Tke wetgkt uf a cwkfc fom uf n
MRS. A U BONMIRB kalr fireMlaf
If in need of Hosiery. Ui
kercklefa. Jewelry. Looep.
broideries. SUUooery. lacJndlng
ooma exceptlooal
Aoe box
papeirtea. also chlldrmiY box*
papetries. etc,, or While Table
barWo are offering greater
•aim* la many linea than ever
Mott and ewperiatly on whlta
table ware.
^ to cnMIttM <• ril
»ill to ^ m
i'kn^ te, ttevWikraMhMr Ml |M «*«••-* ^VC
ArflMfildar/ccfc: It rx-jA
ARldSA COFFEE and ibe
mtmtmt <1 AiiwUe BnAen.
4 l4«,
i/ v?r.n. ca^ to IbAmc «wjr- wldcb <aMla yoa to iMMdA
CifclU I* *r ^
oiia kid. Mr <i«k, ^
edhm m 4. IM fiM» ^ MlD<k»«
IM •
<i»4 9»d<^tU‘-M«a'M4A
***^ l|U iWt Aib«ickU«’ ‘Malw’' prcUdr imJ 4e oU
AlUOSA Colcc omskm mi «iM “AdMlU--* Ik* trt mmi
5m im ym ad i»>t KiltJ
^•'flMt »«|iM o«
=J .. .,
awl coata arr i
aarorol tUaaa, bla giaalaal aipbkit^aa
wbao te raniad otor oa bla bark au-
tetef tom. To tte toTaiote aamaWI
la tte metol •
poMMa for blia
. to Ite /wa/lui
urdaa OB Ilia1 tok.
Lkffa tama wan laU that te wmkid
fan lllomdtn'a owa faalliig. bowaiar.
traa i*m of aowptela mufldatica
^»t tte faoltaga of Ite mao ua bla
li^l Ttel waa ted aonr wolkad a
topo. ted Oavar \mmu anapaBdad
la nicbm diaadfut iK-iUnu tefon.BBd
te ted lo dopOBO
bbi Mfal/ aboa
^ ni^ „to ^ *41 t^nug aata uoa.
irite to Iblak ttel luaioad of tadng
la wldalr. witb uotblng twl
rupa tetaeru u.c aud daalruc
1 waa abut op nitb lUaudln lu a
opoio ntera tte tteughcof a
| -Blbadla aoung to Ite right aud
tbaa to tte Wft ,Btrb tto l naat
m aa ikaugb w# wart aioUM
I plaro with iBBiorabla parte
*’Wluit*« thto W wir*. *1>9 Ilea
tlcor w rsrsivMM «AlJB«lft. pr«te
aad ttel to tte people og tte aten U
aaemod that time gad agaia our tedlag
wan pargll«l
<te ruatalag Xla«afa
inphla telow Hlamlia’a inarveliHia
akin, however, aud tbe pmt Ukm wRb
w hh b te ttiaulpulated hU ixda liroufbt
oa earb lluie lojbe upright.
-Tte uuprotei leil canter waa paaaed.
all iMit a few feet RluadUi waa now
running juat aa a U.y ruaa In ondar
tte teller to keep hla tnUnce when
walking a railn>ad track
We were
naniiikg tte point where Ilia joining
tdace of tte Snt guy line f?uin tte
Mtay /aan grurmiml tbla man. Han
If U. Cotod W fbbatrt. ga«a aa ao
aoaat of bla aaftoara to a aawapnto
, ^
• Toa gab otei it faalt Uka la te
twolro bandrad faat b» luWaIr <»irar g
-My breath came uaturalty asatn
raiiag tonwat.'* Iia aald. -I raante At that Inataul tte rig»e waa jerked
daarrlba U bottar ibau !•/ n/lug ttel from tefkealb hla faat. liuw te taught
tte flrat aattaalbni waa aa ovrrw balai* H aRgia gad mvad ua I aaier knew
tag ito Id wblrb ft waa bard to aapa- Befon I muld itoUe murk of aiu*
nio awa fwwa faar. Ttea tbon eawa tklag te waa rwnniag again. Soom
wtel akk/ bail te fanmad an atealula gambler lateroated poruplaHly la oni
raoaaHao of all ftellmi lloforp atari
lag tow Ite aboro tllomtin gara ma
fbat Injuuctbm wbbb aliuto avor/
totter tea giram m tte U*/ at bar
aecood point of conaeeto gtvtui him bla dnit toa ttoo waa raarbed we reeled aaM/.
Illundlu atuod them like a man of
• »liok up, Harryr te aaM
marble, though the agouy la UH mtud
ifm/gito vara ateok bla nock, wbila had brought gngt teada of iwaal te
to >gf wara aluag la bouka gt hla hla tow.
iiftlat tot to waai Otar ttel borHhli
-We ngfRgd Ite atert Shtll.r. but
to. tea to iM ^nhi in^, , ppowiB,^ .»«« termlM
■naa aaa^n*.
^ toowiM raw toUL Mtoteti
‘ -W^. If ywi ooliu aute a karm att ——
^to tto aift.
It alat tte
itoaa It a
te aaliah aad twa«____
^ to back oa blm
toi rn toag to aat law awat.
^mUroJ Da Ukt Ite tlto
^ rr— atate
^.BAk, out Urn U» pU.
“X... U }«« w«o« *ugd »4»k*. «t
, ,„4
tota. aad U uaiaa beMar. Voa 11 oalj
^ta joaroair alrk trrin# to aat It
Run-down People
-2's;.-rr,i;uar NeedVINOL
TM« V*l» mu mo*t b« htrlot « brain
Dteaaaa WbaW te to Wato
Mam/ people right here U thU H.
*‘Wbaa a laaa a waick guaa wrong la
wtatar. te la ate te tteak U U tecaiiaa glelt/ are all run dowa aad hard!/
ate ihnm ^ about—d<ui*t know what
toto to
rduch people meed Vlaol. our eod
^ 2ES:‘?b^br^w fklTwb^^ Wtw prcparaiioo wltbout oil which
ooatalpa in a highly ceucemUmled
U oiada pofMf of braaa aad pait^r uf fona all of the wodlrual and atreagU*
___,_________ crealiag elaaemu of ood UVer oU aeataW. Uka to tw
^z:^i r“j,“s
vartel/ ««f at.ila^ of mata d^gaod f3r
liartera. uud
aud tbrrci
tbrra nm mata «itorlall/
that the balaoec wteal 1
dnlgiHNl f.ir drucj:bta. and ctmta
aatue alao and ruua with the aaiao
vIciatD: irbo U
UeuUata. nud a}io.
tired ^ debllluted to trj
mtloi'i II.’ -Kaaaaa fU/ ^
Tba luanufartum id* all Ibrao
apocUl ganueata for tbr \nrteia tradea
atkd prufoaahtua ruuwerated
h/ Itaair.-Clomlaiid Plala
Rquirrela dp lud eullmly eutelat on
hula, aa moat peo|>le euppoee. Tbcy
an Igrgrl.v fruU eatera and oceaiton
ally wurklilg bav««c tn tbe orrbarda In
tbe fell of tte year ITbey are not
above atralUig partridge wgga aad oa
atray. ae they often wilt, and lay egge
bejoad tte couftnea of tte poultry
yard, auffor fruiu attack* of wjulrrcU
when ibe mother bird la gw ay. la pine
Iroe diet ricte tbeae little cUmtefa
food of
all tblaga atjulrrele are fumi of fuugua
They will not bare any thing to do with
tte eumiuoa or gandeu muahroom. but
roaSdenily devuur tte moat yellowr
ggd polkimoue looking toadetooU that
grow tn damp woode aad SekU. They
never etore tbeae. for they know well
that fungi wrlM not keep They devogr
them gnadUy aa they coma to light
aad rrvtalt ite at^t a* aooa aa fnah
IRt^R reagwa Ite'fungua There are,
however, many kluda of toadetoola
that aqulml* know to be polaoaooa.
and throe they w lU not tomb
Tte toto w4sto
A gaod work of grtlom. wteiter la
Itotew ta-rom to an ten apicik
nun urH'ittaHr • T»rt»r; lug mml/ eftomi weKo> U a weiA of
amd CM bo ngbav oulopod ml/ b,
MB C*l im fiMl nr ihB n%%,
thia 8»J
to mlWimg lute amwtb/ with tbr art .
nlib ibe tiilioM hB to ura w<*d aad aopeptlmg bin work
to bla lateotloa. la a nerf.v^t
«4^raicd Ilia ■m
Tb«> Tnii
aa aa4 n
Ttefa waa totili aad aaa Itol aud ualiaad. Ttex
AA. - •*'
A.. A. •
ImaiteaU? a«K^i aa I Iw4 raafe frow a tlBi|0f nhUa Uikk jatkat
Mli fmt^ Walt ca a Steak tetar mi taMa aud teta aa%ar fait ^ ta tte fwll diaaa .xiat awl lucHMla majla
iw^ Calnracl
*•»»»•. Tteai I bMiad u|l
] aad jaikrta aHtrgftriair Cmt all ta*
MW W vnaracu
-HtoWa waliad aa aiaadUju paatoi gapd fn tba •rw'k. fn.m tead aaltari
j r, r -aaa brtaf aatwaai at aaab poll aad <atHaliu doa a. ami aia aaliabla
aad «^.loaa
i|l1PI H
VrVH me
Ita# aaa a iwia atradlar
t>f Hiumr item am lanvlded aaliow*
{ at Iteaa placaa aad garr bita a cbaaca[ af*cinrar lu laib'ty f|>r varkma aaaa
<.f |«•fw••l
an 4mm nf Min., M. cw* I
•uullHWUl. »• ...lUr., .ml ... ou. «n.I
c «lih •
,naw« Wffrrv
tbla aiaadrr, aaa/ing apao |
utylm of
to, to f track ro|o
tedteltaMalariiit maDto aahS la
- *liarry. /aa ara wj loogeF iHdtnfd;
ad faau «to
ted to ift to
to aw Blaadla
I atU I clteir tkla
■a teto wee to Otar da tod cwuiate pto ht a lArt of am. nitad. bod/ •<**!
IbM* ■(• tnxmn ■.<!»
Tbakf to tor Iblata ia ite aa/
uw. and for rooka aud for waHcra
aote. If I aav.
trlth ina.
darto Ibai anaw aaa a Hi am mi^ooi, ate attampt to dn an/ balaiiriog /oor ttere ara madt aprona la tote/ *t.^
to ltodia eaa ite.Uaiataai aa aali •aif. If /ou do. aa ateil both go dona ;
alto and of varlooa toat£rU)a.
te topiwl lateMtote Mf Ida to lo our daaib.'
Uarkorpara* ua*» item ara »uJ*»
toteaw Ufa tota aatr laaka tiA*
------ te aaajcviu
roaula I rarloua at/laa of drill or «»f
to laa aud aland nlib (rfk# foaft dock, aouic of thraa telBg mada irttb
^Tteto^^** te aHI aa tba roui
te.U>u.. aud tbrro am wada to
«>u tte to ai»d Intb baoda oo bH te.p
yLTitoi «raal li1»i oiar Kiodara
kropeni' waiatroata io lafloaa at/laa.
iblete tto aaa ite UMot aWAOng
Hloodln atariml atTnaa
m,n.a wUteu. and aouka o Ub ate-ve*
af far a jaaorgltea aftarwartl It nma
tetoito V9 a rruad of ibmiaaoda.
vaa faaarai aaig
king «»r
of r^BiHiuu.
KagUiod rar«
Frtoa af Wataa, aaw llbnUi’
llbwdi:i.i whJljt
oa bla tor Ikiaugb tte i tillad gtalaa.
Na aaaa datetad ttel tte aigkt ofr
Itodla cMilaf tte date oa a awa/.
IW to tteda g totter iiaprenkiu
bte tor ait/ larldrai of bU
. Ib» ouittrr fttr fuiiiM^ tootflw U h$
It tatte
Shoo Sale
r<»r tbe next ten Aava «w aro
gulag lu make aporial pHcea on
the callte Hoe of ahoea.
We BOW havo a moat ocMBpkde
line of both aboea amd oxforda
(or men. women mad finto.
We an making TbeoolSS^
ptiem to got yoa hftter ao>
gunlatod with out abomi. See
window dlapUy.
tT word, li
pUm. If aot of em»7
wordy of errf/ cptaode eod of orcry
paragraph. 1> impoitaot. aad ibi^ r *edn
ton akipi (hmu« m-n/ tbo p’«
te baa Bwaat to derim froa tbr bar
anm/ of cutD|««l<lwa- !•
posgOkl.r tbr hrauty of ib^ whole mn/
eblwdy oOhabit. aud dr«plK*t ipf*
part df tte anl«t^i labor lie wlcb! a«
w^ r' 1*» ww • good play, and th«ii
w lUfuUy ioU«i orery alimal
i02 W. rroal tb
“Polled Duke”
Tbr irmpcrnturi' of Ikr atmoapb^m
caeU OB au arerage aliout 1 degm f w
erary aoo fnt that we aoroad or wartm*
at tte aame rale o«-wre chwcmtl Tbe
moan tampemtum at ll»e uortU poW*
O aad at tte equator beiweeo NO aad DURHAM DULL WILL RE AT J. W.
fkl aegnea. We ran. lb’:>rcrore. get In!a SLATER’S
a toiBperaturr I degree colder for every
Apr fAt
aeteaty or eighty mile* that we tneel PRIViLEOC
aorth wad lu a t
warmer for etery aereafy er eighty J^MKHOe 6b0. w. HeWBTfiT
milea that we travel MMltb.
Hi# Idea of WaUr.
At one Hate tbe halUff in cUargr of
gg togiite )ao waa aworn lo k<-op
Iteaa *’wlthnut meat, drink or Am." It
waa Joatice Uaulo who gave ibc rU«
ak- repiy to tte teJUir. who Inquired
whelbrr be mUbt grant a jnryiuaum
requeat for a glaaa of water „ Well, it
bi aot meat, aud 1 Hh^ntkl iiat call It
dHuk Yea. you may ”
m aaw wibHSi.ai uLoug
Best Quality ol Coel
Mined In Michigan at
Tl.a Towar ef Rabat.
Tbe tower of Uabel at HaKvIun
mupuaed of rigbt wquam lower*,
upuu the other, (be pile UOug iMiu
feel high. Rab.vluu waa a aquam. Sf
laeu mUea on each aide, tbe walU
lag eight/aew'ii feet thi* k mid
feet high.
per Ion
Traverse City
Moving Picture Co.
Cbwgv of Program MomUy
mkJ ThuSvTh» 8»y.
The UuU« lD4u>try ul Ciivva.
ThU in aonicihlng cutcrluinlng
and Inatructlvc.
litualrated Hour. Ihiet. -When Bob
White la WhUtlIng lu the
A Qwamt Saelab Weddiag Cualeea.
A quaint we<ldlng cuntom atlli luw
ratla tn roatty of tte IttUc muutry
tuwaa and mlalag % llUgea in Rt^Blaod
When a wedding U heM the contract
'tof. 1 teted Ite iagr mf ite.wgigr tefara «t wfig wgll theta we cogld lag partiM RMte their ggeatg pgg in
tod Md tte hmgi drbifb M ttogd are iteimaRlt Is tte.Cte^
• fall fur tte gguaf. driahtogtel dgao
tte aaawd of igeOOd apm Utorp.
___^ tba tetmk Ite baw ____
Ttera wga mot oaa pargoi totepa la
ttel raai tfimg wte dbi tml ffai m
Pteatar attkla ttea maa ourg
dietgaoe fraiB tte to of tte gulf,
tefih to gtfglrh oht tteir anna aa If
disw da la fraai tte perlL
-Whst fte rggass of tos o^g* mgy
te tbnao te tte gftoa'Bf tte ttea
prwalUeal of the >>w Terk Centra!
lie prerenie.l lur with a
rheck f«ir ll.oin fiw cr^aa^ut with
au(l then olTeroil rue a lika
If I woald prvmim never to Og
And Oto Outo.Deaiiagd Fgr M#a
el VgMgga OooopPkiooM.
Wc Offpr kehrmcM
«l TiaTWmOIU VAqpe who«
igme fggtgsrggt might tapfmgt tl^t
tte jaeketa worn by tbe walien ttera
wto tte agam aa tboae worn every
mtete ftet wglteca- iarktu wan all
gUte. but ga g mner uf fart aoch
Igrteig. with other gqolpmeat fot
waltto, gn mgda tawrogt rgrtoy tm
Ml Ig dtfMnat plgroa and aaaanna
ate tto an
t that RtoM
M 2LTm
. t.Ltl
adu htabHi tn the temtiM*uy aud en ad
ditloual KUu aie lii p».<sl fur a‘lpud
auiw at the wtyiliu^ ie«*l The prac
U e aeeu a lu \m iietnilfcarly S<'oti b, bat
rortglaly aegrna Bu4era!t
a marriage gapRgr.-Woat
mlatter Oatetle.
Tte Rtol «te diagd alwgyt ta tte
tea fnr.orohA hwttto. tetoiigta
to dtoMgfw teto*. toto gad
IS ifnnrsiilnNl te Sfnr iO
tag rachlUeg Wbkh giY BaimUt. pro
Tided oa aueb oocaglbaa. The practice
aim aroma t aurvUe ereg In Glaagow.
A correapoadeot obeertpd* g notice
Caha. the Rawallna laUmk and MexMb nnd that the rulted mnlro »»rero
m«Mt tea ,iukHUrd Its InfAfta nad
fitote ^•r 5 iteratueiu mero rooam.
Dr. W.J.HlgginR;
Porcelain Work
Oo floor with B-hnw ObOigm
wmW I
a. e. OARviR a ana
* f-
^ iti^i^t ftef iff wm^fm
•T V ■
im %t ft M «gM.-
«BHi t/ftft^ mm M
te0» Imm 4 tMi ih*
IB ftM H» •^ j
*tf ibft IBM
Mllft M i«ftM ift m aMr l»M ovftaf
4ift«i^ fti.M«ni
IB Mftir «r
fftr ukiBft
lovB. mt^ Mfti
^ ^
<4 iU
4« toil «ft» 0fl «p4u.: -Tfttej»«*«
lrar» 90IM ftMM Mr, Ji<i^
IMIM MMP r«ft MMi. 1 ^ 9^ni
l»MlUl4<jr Bn«M ftft»t«te
nUM«4aM MMMt PiBpftiljr M to
«M Hfty«r adr akM ftr
«MM ft* tftft
mm Wftp vtoMi Ift kla
pMftMto kkA. Miftk tto ftitopav
daa to wfikdrav aftd.kaiook hlmsalf
-BPtoft ftto wa to to toftnMr to
ftftkad wBkitoftfttfttftfttoof ftftftacapi:
MM to todtt «ft ftii CtoftBto.* ftftM ft b *44^ * «to bmipm vIu tmt u^\ [hm h0kmm
gtoBBto AUfti ad-Wtoft
JBrawlay faIN lo pH a latP
toiMr. UlAtoMtotoftft toft»Mift ttoi| «Mft ftftMtod
mm mkii mckwAm ftt luftd.^
ftABwa^ ito girl urtly
mp. mmtti Um,
j ^Vtoi itoftr* tw aito*«
rTfteft iho itoa M ap aad you are
Cftllftd Uft
-Wtot'm Ift iMfttor toftf Tm iton Uft. «im
mlft* “ saM tto maa **Tto raad was
•ftggto- ftto ttrfttoto-^ wm tto torttoftii | -tm ihmx
I fttot -artt AB«i
Btotot trf ft Mto mm mm t tototo j IHrftf ** Tto mm
gi%e» mifh 5
-Not UU tka Ifoa M appotoo Braw.
to ltto iftfttor iMftft. “If ley Oft tto tortk aM*/ pleatod Ito
—HiftMftfttiytoMIti ftftftiftfttoiftftftU ft«-«t U to^rMftftUftft tftii iw jttobfb* .tod to
to ptoftM^MftPtow ,
jiMft to»% ••a hm vogu tovp tor
u««ift« ta Br«ftl*y tto mm •Bi.
J««II OiAtoftil tod ft mmmrm •to AIMft Mfttoft to fttofty* ftftWfti *^*ry wen. ka%a U yo«r 4>wa way.
-mm »ul ft«»r
ft frto rtoto •
mmf m m/rnmm • k*.ft,. ft4<! fttotft id EcOltft fttvfttoJUftftft ftMd tftftft PK^m-rtf Uutoftd 44 torM#“
hui ft^koft I ftFUtvft IroB ito ettv wto«*
AMtort ftOftil*»*i M iftu
Ito pftn ftf ^ torftftd^Pftto ftto
ft4Mft rftUftUy «O Mift*4. Il4gti i^a*i*4
Ito ftan*r fta to
lo dk ftokrdlftft
I ju tto t Mft tod ftiA 1
, tt^vift^td to tor Ift to dftftft ftTMCft Ito Ut U Itfftmr. Uft to
iftU*4 Itol J<ftft toftltoJ irouLkd ftftd
fttoft tocftftift to toft fttor» todliftfft 14 «• Uftfttorftftc*. io tor Attoi H*rd|
tor 4#^
itoft-fttol*^ ft
wm Vtoftft Mtol ftft«ft VM Ailftft
rto co<wi*l Irtftioi
HfttoyUk ftid* to iftftft>» ctofftctftj raa* from
tk* fftliraad
. .
Tto fftfttftl fttoitoftftffti . mift toir
dftvk o>ftd Wntmh BMUtor vko kto
As tto* pftiftftd th* uftn vith tk*
ttyluftly comm ftftVftfd iHiftft to» kftr
aarttod iok* Caaptok. ito ptuM-K ♦!€»» pk%$^mi itrwiori, «uhi.y loard
ftft fttoftiftfttod ftif to intoifttoiftfti. i^r
ak*a Bia»l*> ftto tot a aiklar
Urf* te<nisitir*a*f*. vko uftftftUr
I fMft rnmJmtk d ito <
Itol with tto^ town digftttarl*! at ioka>
ftftp toiorr hr to?ia» tto *i
%mt Itol to VMM ftOfttfttolt ftftd ftlfto c«m*
tUctoaMk to tbr vlilftc*
A Iftrf, sous rtorft. drra auei^i.ou ^ Umatol
faaUr. to wfttck A*ftft mm pUmm. k»d hy an uft«4>»t*d atorar*. MU IftJftU^
ui*4 hlft r*a4M4ro*s lo tto utaoii. to ahl* eartoalty had iBdftcwd hUa to visit
ftd ku toft* mi rnmmmm «to imm Ito ft^i) mm IbttoftM with fttrry fora Ito ftcws* to uaell My lftf lor tto Burk
ftftd ttor lUtovMft ftfttoviftd ft ftft» to tooftoifty. to ftftTftpe tats uftcetsity rao add Htartui raUway. Hrir, with
oHttoft to ivft to tototo tto Mtoi to tovlox. wtoT* otluas fta^tad. mm Vftbk** lugruuHy to tod
ovftftf't toMftftt to ft rtfttoto Vftg
tor <a* ftahliito. ftftd AU*u iUrdy scrap* 4d lolotsaaiion
Ihroiiift Ito totoVtof.
gftftff. tto iMoratotito
Ttoy. liftdvtoft. ffttomlftd Hufli a tor aftftdftfd to rnmuoftcft ikaa tto ftftd atftOMm to so kftpoHaiic* la tto
Wftriftlftiuio. Ito ftiUft ftftTftftftt. «•*!• poftfttoftft tftftetor wko kad ftotklat Bftck ftftftfttldftod kftftft ftor did thft rag
ffttic mm m ttort* to todwtoy « mmm hot kis ftftUry. Tfcuft Hagh Watkl^h gftd hftftito with ftft old ftkoc guo ftp^
loft wtot ofti laid tk* aocaUikt vitk paar to to ftftM loyiBdaraiaad aMuto*
wMk tor ftdUdftrft to tto iftlliftftd
ito fitl ft okiMlftk >ttt willful answer to prartUftl «agtaftftrtag.
Hmgk ftoftNftUd fftftdUy. ttoft fftik itftfttftf la kift ftftift liftd Ue tortalu
•Oolftg ovftr tkftt kiy? No. I thoftld
•rM Vft* tol totftfft ftrtorft tto past kftowlftdpi'M toft k*ftrt tkat sto tov*«i aay.aot You kkow a locoBotivo U'nt
■uiftiftr tod Md torn ift widttftf 'tor tia ftft4^k,h*4l tto rftiircftd to roac ft nxiog ttftchla*.*' sftto Ito boss U
kla m ihmmomtmm, aftd Itol tto mam. to bmvlftir.
answftr to oft* queftiloo.
H* %ftltod with ftra irto dcmn tto • Mikr,*' the mwa fthnllT. flit, sq^ufti
• Nonh to It? Hardly, that would
AftiMr ftM* wftU pftftt
frmfta happy and popular. ukH plftc*4«*ihr Bigft* track ift ito ahapa of a Utter S,”
koaftto tkfti cDuprtftftd Vtowlry iM hftftd to thft foamiitrv that mm to caplled th* boa* goodfthiurislly aad ib*
oat JB tto fturkftrU to n otoUfft toftt ftfruift thft ttgm to may f«»r ih* rail iaqiilaltlve muu depaned with curioa
roftd Uftftjr ftftd vftiied d*r« hU i v ii v afttUfted
If the Riftd lun»e«l iH.itb *.f tbe hill
p*rt*ftce« with obftUaftt* ft*ttt*m
'Vftt. yoft tftk* ay UiiU. give htna it would routiuu* (town the ntirtii aide
lo aak* car road? Soft; *41 hr cooie of th* river and so miss Draw ley. This
I atop hla for suro." was Ito Onu at cilDiauua bewa ftwa conveyed to the
lltud* id ail old kYruch C^ftadlau wtth ku.ru lisaumbly when the keeuwilted
*tok/iu yoftr ftkft ftftid «uk ftcftftt whitft locka Idowibg about his with hunter leturnid tto following eveoing
fonftMHy vmm l» aad UU n# ik* *r*d B*ck.
‘ PUiniy Buckram and Stems had
‘Thay'll julai- ft* a* a olcftu hue used the ftoulh *uK*y aa a blind to
ftftWft. I mm fm tor* toto to tk*
ft*r*d to taftft Ito oorftftr." said lU aOi'ure easier ucgollatluu on a route
T cftftift.to ktoir th* b*irt. J*aa; l Uooald ftl tk* crofts ruada.
kurve>i-il by the rhler» am.iHunt
rftflM lor ay .ftftw*r." Id U* anmn ft*
“I kftifti Piftkiiif |»fftft*iit> It. rail Ht^wlcy'had a III uf ibe blui•^ indudk»d«ftl*4j ^ftiiftlf tk Ikii lUUo parlor. foada.** ftftkl Si Btolf aloppiiif ktooi* lug Jmn (^niptoil whose eyvs were
-Voft talk
vftft ft pftokton klft cahlB to leaa oa hia gua and du- auaplcloualy red when Hugh called for
lo ftriUuftfttIc.- poutftd tto ftlil 5 CUM tku affair. I'hen rrllavlag him a Bunuenl on bK^way to the county
•It %• Ito piftkloa to our Uvm. J4uui. a«U to a aptot vtow to toUaoco h»
scat wbur* teachers met fur Inatliuten
ftftftfts jiftiili aU to<r 14* ftto tod tooftft
toto Vto fttod ft ttflto' tr iMtoiftft li^^enr md toi Mto<n mitor. Hudy
WVTfttoftft Mto fttlftfttoU —MftfttftH raaid
ftftr iMto« to fttoUft fftft
HI toftd toft mr sftftto to ft
toftwk^r Mto fttor® dmi
■ P
Mil. BL ff. (iMdals MA to. aaw kara toWli^ I
kaak in pipy Ito aaaaad toll al
St aasuradiy.
tto trMk m agk kto. (Aleudl Mast
I go^ lamt lanaftf. ikaia mmM to fta
end to tkla Boanaa*." ftiM tk* maa
wBk ftcMi paiBato.
' ImmedUMy upoa ib4. return to
Hufk WorOiiftftoft troa> tto oouatf
aoat. wblck meafta couaiy capiiol. tk*
dlfftltarlM to tto Iowa koM a aftatopa
ikai bom patmtor frail
TkM was
Ito opUMft to Atirk Hard? wk*a to
i^iuiBftd. ft fhrtftlghi Miftr. ftoB tk*
^ i kk
Wbea hU kirod livery drew up to
lore kia offtc* door to saw. wUk wtot
■sttiftlahaiftat pay mar toftfflk*. ttoi
kIs kuUdlftff wp ika oftly «fta lall 0ft
tto atreH. to tort avaa tto HraH
could not be said to eaiaalft Ys ik*
tida walk. wHk «ke excepikm U hioam aacUoa. kftd uiauppsarad pa U
of « Kftftaat cyctofta tPat kad waa^
darad ovartoto ikafv part of Bahoia
ftiat oocarrad lo kU mind In explana
ikm of tka myatery.
Not tkftt siffttt oftiF kftt tto wbol*
town wiU aoftttarlftf ftaftapikms wU
wipad off tto ftoo af tto dank. Oat
on Ih* pralrla ftMWtog toward the river
was ft curious procaaaloa Of anadaacrlpi coovayanra* tail objacls that
aauld adl ba dMcribad fj ftftma.
Wftpofts kiftdad wHk koftaa of
aquaktag fowU waia mammom la tto
train and ibaa* ware ftandwUcked In
with loads of goods of all dnaerlptloaa
while in tba rear th* coops of the
fowls followad Oft rolled mad* of logs.
A few bulkUagf of more preteatioes
ftUe brought up the roar.
Hardy looked about for abme one
to espUin the mcmnlpg of the exodus.
At least the court house and iall would
remain so he croa^ the oommona
ibat bad so receuU’y baen a tu|pS to
Ibteniew ib<- offlpeiw. The jail, a
compact siruciure. was being Jackacrewcil onto tnicka under the super
vision of Mike, the genial aberlff. He
was ably a'n^ cheerfully aaslaled b.v
Ills few prisoners who were evidently
viOoying the out lug.
-lAH>k% as If vou were movingr*
remarked Handy Inlerrogallrely
•Thai s no lie." laughed Mike.
"Where are you goiwf ?" aaid Hardy
putiiug the cruical ftuestioo. "Why,
you see." said Mike in muffled tones
due to bis head being under the build
Ing where he watched a screw, "the
bull demed town Jacked Itself ovet.to
the forks where tto railroad passes
aud I’m taking the jail along "
Clear aa a flash of lightening on a
dark night. Hardy saw the meaning of
the barren waste about him. Since
the road would not «»me to Brawley.
the town bad moved bodily to the ralb
ruad -a sort of mountain lhai went to
Evelyn Thaw listening to D/lmst plrxd.ng i
vXiij; 'k I oratory in an effort to ngwe tto LT* cf toe katkkfti.
A Ray of ftunl.gi.t.
iiau4».;ii. od, •
must have rmpluy
The aiteinooft wa:. warm
I was
seated at my desk, hurrying through
1 deserved A for weakening
my letiera. my lenie nenrej Iriitaied
."I b^ you to excuse m*/’ I
to an unconscious degree by a waver pointing lu th* (l.ick and my ieitei v
iftf ray of aunshlae which came
"HI come again." and for the lli«l
through a rent in ibe curtatu
lltnf sh.« alloned her eye.H to wauder
I had flvcii order* that uoooc .should round my den
U^admiutd except the ptint boy. anj I
Ik'WluK railier gmvely. she walked
was wreailing wlib my letters and ex
pex'ting hUu every ^moment, when I
For the life of me I could not get
heard upon my door a knock, flrst
Imtd luul lb.n mor« declJ. d A. U
“•> ““l “«
I tTitainly caugbi a gleam of knaor
then a.nd tntned to tto parasal wUk
"U it accepted^ ske said, damnraly.
"Why. of course." 1 eJamMlad. Itob
tag that I had secured a traanuta. and.
thinking of the numbetiros IfttorYlewa
which had b4W4n deiBad fonroc rotoiters. and how well thU ofte oftuM Mftft*
ag« ibem
"I just wanted to know." kto ftftid.
It ftoUkftok.
manuscript! It is only oft# ftf a sMtftft
that 1 am to write oa tto dlffloftlUea
which women expertaace M fatiglftg
to the front, and as It rightly baMftga
to the ‘-Woman’s Club.* of wklek 1
am president. I cannot dlapoae of It*!
• blls>4 S —-r’ 1 exclaimed, recftmag
a w%-!l kbiiw n man's dangkter.
"The same." she said, now tangklftg.
* 1 am a friend of yoor fftikar's.*' I
said, ivmemberiag the gMamlng kair.
and try ing lo r.H^4*nclle all tto clrcuinKtancis.
"Ye.4. he Udd me. You know. I kftra
but r<v4>nily returniW frofti abroad.
\V4. shall be glad to see you."
"Thank you." I said, feeling dated,
and at feuded her to Ika door.
"U this y.»ur custom witk ftll ffonr
When they u-port aa WfOl as you
f *;1=t j11L_
k AMOTHkN kTIIANGkll (tol*r>^r. Mato.
. The peralMlFtii ray. enRliw4ie.l b> ibe olTire was a niH'Wllv. which 1
UH'amM wbiih \ felt »«s jvouM nuUunger deny m.vaelf. and glee
log w rath a« my |»aper>; iM gan t,. Jl.il ^
rr.».|iU td the
ter-^au»ed n>e lu puMi my man i Hiurni**heU Iwir woutd ai-.‘<-pl
script to the further s«iJe. and whi-^J
HTjc u. VI luornliic I h jnied lu luy
around with my back to the intruder.
with a w«*lI defined plan of
^ ctMilluup*! my writing. glanrluK t»r m tioit tu k«« p uat titiiudfia. wh« u
casUiOally at ilie cU*tk and flnallv I Wliat aas luy h.inui-** iip.ui
m> d*M.r tu tind la^ i;is> « >4-d fiicnd.
"I 11 U- huug’il if >ou Wfii < have to ill :dui.4.t th iMi..|ih»u asali*iig
wau-h that diK^r lomormu and k«.-|. Ui> ci.iiaiu-.‘^
t.ui i-verybod.v except IhuiM*' aJMt'cCiUit
•tPa*d niui'iilnr.." I iwl.l Hying lo
lo pay bins "
"How shall 1 know them’* said a
If I Uach d lor ihi- luunifiit ihni
soft voic4>. where upon 1 saung back, th^ re wa.s II Kb am t.f uilsrhl*-r in the
ihst sun ray so clazr.llnc my eyV-G that wondoifiillv vlujd.fl 4 >. s. I kucw the
I could see hut an IndHiinct obj**? ! in lu XI that I was mistaki-u. i..r lu hi-i
c.iliii. ]H-:>>tM< ut wa>. sho mu
the further coriu-r
aradunlly tl.o nhape i« vdved. Um-II
1 h«V4 C0104- li.i soiiiflhiitK
innu a bluusid iuai>b-ii of :4raiKht. .sit-u
1 f4 |: I'lat thi-i<- was btil uu*-sli«'Uia
I m-yer got over the dar.tle of tkst
der proptirllon.-: gray « yiT lK>l |i..ike.j Hv4*. ami ^h^• Hftu,. ii. *o M-almg my
Miiiilghi on her hair, and that maftnat me steadily with m< sugg.-.dimi of •.4-lf n sigm-.lly in n»y vdiair. I said
Fray. U- sipH-d. and we will talk script U kept as our moat prMftMftt
!h4» bidden Ibougbt; hand , devoid id
gloves, loostlv claki**-d. and hair -well, thi*. ut.ilU-1 *..*i
vi. r i4 ti4«;ure-by my wife aad myanlf.—
lllu:.ti.vted Bitn.
that taiaebievuus
For a bcwnaiier’* no •
In mad haato Allen H^rdy drove, for its brlghlnwia - and
"Wi-ll. that H what I want a itwith the same llwry team that
H t ti.4- world bid Its rod CaravMl
Recovering iny.silf. "How di.l
who ckn lejMiii "
brought him. back to tto county seat
t.i itv fenibcred folk If mUUftftry moAng
get in-" I aoV.e<l more bluntly than
• Report what*" «ih4- i?deimpt.*d
where he aooght the land offke.
an>thins *>i lui»io.l that ».• coaiinue their slaaghMr. Oetinift
To hit eager Inquiry regarding Uod politely
of ibft rarest and most b^ftM
"Thiougb the diM^r. in resi*on*e i i happeiilnc lU He* i.»an. r.>unti ,* 4.rai4i
at the forks the agent replied:
"T4« late for land at Brawley. Mis your invltaUoa." she ansaeiiNl. quiit whTe."
' 1 «d hej rhe .^ould not 1 r.k ftt i Ti
ter. A fellow called Worlhlngloa took l.v.
murket alone lately were sold ftl «TO
"Humph •”
up the whole seetkm for a tovus and
lime 12.(SM kommlto klrda, tMto• An\tth.>re-’ interH^faliVrlr.
the people ha represented even made ing interest;
parak^rls. lL.ftOft kMff-totofl. |Mto
• Yef. or snybody ."
for the
self2. gTIIANatll->Nftw. ikft ftwa-ttoutaad-dotiar
and tboosaads of otkkfBMw
I wondered how makes felt
"license me. but 1 had glren orders
to to legaiued aad put on tha past
w*U to fivaa yau It paHetoly paad. Hawavar. M i
geous douthem Irfrda oC *affrotot
office directory Ha the same town, that no oM* should be admittc-^l. and I
UUia whUa ih* man wrlll ralurn aad UW yad to daa
r- port «vl.-«!, : ■ '“•■>44.
..U ..
■• You T r.ntj a.
they say. only in a diflereftt place,"
expected only my past boy^ Wbhl can
aot aaad ito chaaaa and aak far ito aaadhauaato
i r»»o« noMvM »nnr T*»r
un i from v.li- r I d..s U. » Ii jie »
-Yea. I know all about tksl." said I do for you? Be sealed, will ygu'"'
dallar aala. Tto maa*y to returns yau Ik NOT
iL.) i
America. to«kto and IndU mUd.i;n:>
Hardy and then ha tuiaed and meed
j lions ^tblrdaiil^ aw ««kanf«d tor
back to this Brawley. which was hard
"‘Thank you. no. in justice to your :-.04.k.
FiH-iing ibwt* I wan failly liApjKd. J miilicns of dollars. Tto numkto of
on the team, but Hardy vraa not the emplojweA I must tell you the rooms
Umxll birds snnuftlly
man to spare boraes if kiiUng them were empty, so 1 came directly to you*- roild. despeintely ;
Rngland i
aarvad kla parpoaa bHter.
[at I.6O0.OP0.
"AUiut whni? *-^jw-ocil ausiwudeal
He found the places he wanted eas
"Ob! yea—I bad forgotten. * Well"
"About the things that has uk»I ro.DOo.ooo
ily. since the vrUMga was exactly aa —with a gUncwai the nnllnlsbed let
lnt«*re.‘t4-d you lately, and bring It on up In England Mte kat
tofoie oa^.thAt tto atraeu were ten—rbow can 1 serve your
"I want aomHhlnt to do." she said, Thursilay ttoi I may know your Loadoo ikera are bald
wlddr aft^toftAH- had bee* aaved for
Kak4s of blnir akifts ftftd irotkara.
ft park near the oenter. Tto bouse he and then I was remlnd<-d of the first
wanted wna a c0ttagv>_Jto sutorb* knock.
'‘bI'.I... liu,.- I had «ld «hl.
aad hem he stopped aod^kfmM at
I groaned inwardly. She was the “Hichard wa* himaelf again." und I j
lica are awakened to tto dsagaf 4d tto
the familiar door. It was Jean, be fourth who had called hunting for held the door open.
extermination of thMr moat nroaMdft
witching Jean, who ushered him Into "ftomeUilng to do."
have prorod
the small parlor.
"Have yoo ever vrorked oa a news
their ftMngklftr. U Amertea kas
"Well, said Hardy, "you see the rail paperr I asked, feeling sure this outter door swing to. I reaUted that I
road did aot come to Bmwley."
kiid-w neither her name nor addrero.! ***
‘ *«««•
would end the Interview.
• That," mid Jeaa vraa not tto vrord
ThM was Tuesday, so two dpyi taler, forswear the waartto of faalkm
"Oh. no; but I can." e«rn»*sifr.
Ito mt Ue cofttmet: yon know 1 proa*
a.- I opened my office door, there sat
"What can you do?"
At a weaver aatare prodaero iaa
Med to marry Hugh Worthington If
my latest reporter with a typewrilten
Oh! anythlKg." quite innocentlr.
work. Ceruia tree barks and /Mavro
BmwMy got a mJIroaff"
-But." I saw. growing restless." Bmp- manp^rtpt looselyr Voided' in her
furalak exoellant clotK ftA for to
"Welir aaid the nsan again thi the pamj vrore to pot you u> ty|M*aettlBg:
suaoa. Ike famoro tapa Matk roto la
wotd vms fttoantlaa.
"(Mod morning. I have V* brought
wknt would you do?" .
tto Bontli Bro lalaada. Nfttroe M a
yourimanuscrlpt In good time. I hope."
"Ok! I wonW.do It"
; Reslly—" I was desperat*. and that
•Well. yea. your are certainly diftn Review.
"Therefore?" aakl the man.'
snn ray kept running up and down her prompt." I could not help saying. "I lightning Into beds of quarU aaad n&e
"1 marrted him.** said Jean.
kair ftntU i\ skoan Uk« bumlshad gold am glad It is typewritten.**
forma exquisite little pipes of glass.
"Brolly. I kare ftoiblng
present tkM^ f'^^Tipways typewrlte my maaaacrtpt.** She makes valuable ropes of rartoaft
am welllihefdplled.
Gaunt ih*k«llk«r
kinds la tke s^pe of tropical tM|M
maaey yaa nak Kim. Pat?
"Tpu hare reportiHl before?" I said, sad ciropers. sad sto M nroa ft Mas
Ut^tat at uua wmt •fCWwVer- •«»»>»*• •‘‘fc • *»« i9"»
BBTffffTlVff—Will ya« Ml ma «aa Ikpt aaa-ttouquickly.
mcV S*M*r. a kM M I kMiuM.
maker, as vrttaero tto Mro troro «f tto
aanddellar ama. Mr. Mark? Ak. Just aa I tlioufht.
•ftM. eagerly,
"Ok* no." decidedly. "SksU I wslt?'* West ladles.
Mr. Mark, that maa will NKVCIlratnm. TMIg ONEniaed fetoolrro experlTHOUftAND-OOLUAP PILL IP A COUNTff ffFElT.
Yro. you bad better, lu
*'l ran ge| expenleno^'* sk* camly'is not wbai^l
Mark. aranH you?
1. •TPANOiP’^Yftu'rft Mr. Miik.
toy. Iftftra M d ftftw k^iftm
pm maat «a task
put foe. A maa mmm lau yaor toflaa. rapraaanuiig
klmaftM la to yaur Msltoar ftalgliftar, aad aaka yau
U fttoftft <
Vt’M' llllirW
HMNerk'f I
A nervous. Irritable mother, often on the ver^c of hysterics, Is unfit to care fa
ehitdren; It ruins a child’s disposition and reacts upon herself. She is a source <
miscfy to every one who comes under her influence, and unhappy and miserable herself. She canm
help it, as her toodition is due to.shattercd nerv es caused by some feminine derangement, with bac
ache, headache, and all kinds of pain, and she is on the verge of nerv ous prostration. Proof is mon
menul that nothing U better to regulate a woman s health than
Lvelia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Thousiuld* and thousand* of women te.-tify to this fact.
I. of lai
Mr*. Xrlllr I
» ••««*
J«uSUatiD«. 1 .uUrtrf »
I did ubt
•k.i bccMM ul ■*. Mrf
fM»Uy d«H«*‘»»‘ «d «»»««>'«>■
■“ tf .'.srA
. ».«lici« oo nclti. awl I aw recuWwcwliiHt l« *» »■ «“>
“«* aeqaamuacc. ”
Mr*. Om. a. JaaM. • Uf»-l»w« raride«» «f
N.V, write..
- /W
/S.Oa..- -1 •*. in a umlJ, run <*,« o vu.ul,t..m aiid had m.vou.
nioMrauw ewned U, unale VnoUc, in U.» I
%„t fawn. 1\i. awd.m>n .wkwl on wv n«v». aini 1 «... i,nu.4r and uu^i.U.,
I had Wi*4 m»r riwwii" *ithoui genu.* .u«h
l«i l.vdu K. l'..Ahau. . . c*
mfaie rmirrw-l hrmwht nx hack lu bead, and Micu«lk. It ha. ah., tamed u.c
Mid, thnntgh the cSoge <d Uu. rt«u«t too sttwosly recuwxnd ,out wed.
Standard Mfg. Co., Grand Rapids
Need 50 More Girls
ToUara to Run Power Sewing Moklng
Shirt Wotols.
t Park St, Grand Rapids. MIeh.
Uu.4k a .Mac
' :».fo i-ooi.sdrra
\evv Y.irh real
-I loure |n.tu
wrajtli of
\ %vewllti> .\ew Vt.iA ti.miuu, berwlf ' «i»- I
etU •( souutf gliU. bow. ihr..ucli the|“*
•gvu. v of l»r Jobu 1*. gua. keuU.* %^\
A|ir. N«l
• .........
Alt lu-Kliou* |.!ui
Boom! Boom!!
lu uiulriUiUir lb#
luiiruviKUi of vi.ui'i; .\uit-rK a has trees
UUokn.ietl tiy reriniu uiemlMsn* of tb#
iJraud -\ruij of tbv Ke|.uullo. iMiy. Ill#
York 'lUn.-.
Uut# learned
Ibjl ly la a roiuoiuu lUluk iu Ibe i.ubUc
acbuul* of tbe UietruiK»i^i* lo ouill oUe of
UilLIb a tlit-ade
a la.Jlu r. svbo l« drvoie^t-iu ilu* luier
1 O. A. ft Oi.covera Piet to Omit AnW«
Wealth ;
Or.t.th Verse In Schools.
•rtla U uu
..f fh-iovwnahi uf
ItlUT Ul.T IWR^ auU llkHn U t).l II «1..IW
fronmn% reuiotly fur woman*! ilU. uuule from >inUfW BonU
niid Herbs, cuinpUm with nil condltiuns of thn MW Pill*
Food and l>rui^ lakw, niid U so gonmntomL
; Mora Than One •twentieth
ef the Whole Cewntry
k the tubjea In-
Address ^G. EDW. lAIST. • Mana|er
New Method For Curhifl lucor- j -n^ ,„ui u«d v.iu...i«u. '..r v^..
rigibie Young Girls.
tu a Mrpnot.c Sicap encTb>
McoSy work. UooS Pay While l earalng.
. Wotnen sufiVrii^ Irom any fom of foiule siTakrtess are mvited
to ctwimunicaie promptly wiih Mrs. Pinkham, at I.>-nn, Mass. From
the 4*ymp(oins givrn. ibe trouble may be kicmtcd aiKi the quickest and
surest way of recover)* ad\ Lvd. . She u fll htW jour letter in strict confi*
dene* as indicated by the tact that e\*i>’ pri\aie letter recei\*d hy her
durutg the last tver.t)' year^ aitd more, she liov has in the Company's
UU^rattuy utuier Uk and
. and no lui^iiuouial has r\*r been puMUhed
willM>ut ^pelial Mr.tten i»rriui>-uMa Her advice is fice and alwa>*s l^lpfuL
1 ‘*7
'niat'ellie way Grant’s
Ihuiule^eti st Vicks
burg aiui Ia'v * guns \hundi‘i4‘il ui Fft^Je! u k»burg.
k^4 li 4if I hem lliumlerii
a rmlu louder ihsu lb#
other fellow al vat h fdaos
ami W4UI tiie
lie war 1* oivr loud
SKU. bul iMKiming siiU
Make thii town, and
Uie vefiH** of "lliv Sihr SpaiigU tl lUu*
Urr" autl aMK i t tbat ibis U Uuue iu •
auirlt of bawe iru. kMuc lo Ibe Hr.lliL
'11k* v#r«#>4tc>4iuiwtlau refer* tu Uu
Uit«.i glurluu. lueuiurif* ».f Ibe lli volu
, ^
Itua aud apoeka In i«*rui» 4if 4-«»udeiiiUS- «♦
Ilou 4.1 King 4.e..r»:i** trcroi.. It runs: j
ADd wl.4-ir to liMkl baud ei.b I; »«. vsanl- |
s,,!n. SnH-..'.'x
gar# iu..uey lu »Urra> ibe i.awili.g
|vuera of Ualf a ii.»<eii tflrl laiuMe* of L,.
u -»-l;
. Tt.#lr tJo4.d l.o* wa*lu-d evi U »:lr foul I
^ No
Itie ri|H#-rliut-ut
j| wbeibt r ir* for furnn fkiuhry or any oilier
l'piir|hiiM*,Auil we KS'iiNV timt we cwii m*II
noioru friend*, abru itw U-h u.r bmi
i >iuii jflil aa eliiwp iih iiuyori .
j know \VK want y.iur liude niul mil i».iw*
V< >r
gfkkla lit riiflil prieit
K. f’ruiU St
Hardware for
riu. iloor
.Iiwr west
wc of SleiiiU rK S
but ill
l uiiTk!* nry
slroui; hu
bltovyluU* t*
seiilial to safe ilitviim Take no
ehum tts. bul uae tliv U*at Irarueas
tbul v«iiir tiiuiiey tviu
Our eviif iatfonrmvf WHU'OII llamessis
llip Uwt
iHWt iklaa
<kJ amI liable, ntid
totid vou
fiiul thnt It thki«s tio more’of i
Ku r«T!*xr**I*ori.j 'MW*' tUr larailr.g
.V-..— ,-------«;• .1 ; V.
•• «• •‘b**
sn. far ’
l- rnnie mul *.toe tevtii livit ..f »irh*ai
If lit b#
U liit-a ui*u*i ibeui
Ikasusr prrsuuai «vu»*eiu for uve nuc-1
uti lUilH-i.»l ,;iy lu ::u
uf tbe Ueatuivui eiirrica her
r:uj..4v -U*
»b# was brrwlf pteaeut. hUu M-vrr.it
Oueeli City Imp. Co.
12S K
I'il. pbone 751
:u e*rb ease ibe *lee|* InWiit |•^olvntCea
for half au boui
I be **rl* a bo aere
brougtt liuui Ibe Sea JetM-t HoUie
For lilrls at lY -ufou w here lu. urrij,'!
btoe uitvler age o« iii.;*e »..luioinrd for
|H*lly olTeu*.** nre i-outtuetl. wvra ai!
aeirl.lee u or e K.n**eu >ear» *•!.:
laisl Xuue wb -'i tbe *i p«Ta>lemleuL
Mrs .\lau» *II. f.riiu.l b.-n-if lu .1* . j.
water, lu Ibe-U.mingeiiuu; of *,.Ute of
Irr rliarg.-< she e*i..e i<. I»r, ty.m W. u
streelliui lu sukVeMlim and asb.sl Ibni
Le b# inTUilllel lu |.i<l .uu* or two u.
IU- iuUlsO . I j llif lewl . ‘1 w«i were
luk.-u lu btui l*y Sliw Mauwil
ll . li
,.,.,vea refr.vlaiv l* ib. 1h«1 ,le^-e*.
uf *b*..Ul!e |iea«'f
V.e |i}>
.4*'<1 l<
Mrs Mae*. I! f-r 1*. r furu.er U bavi...
in# iu*m..i!uu
^ bS.A to tbe crratnieiit a a* i
Afirr elgtiT we. ke Ylary lieRtu
‘ show *lgb* of ber oid i.tlarks
111# dvs lur * lue
lipareutljr m
Of lb# alnmlest
1 uui u bel I
iriKibl# was ••'be *ak1. "and l*y «Uk'r ••
tiun endearorttl t.. ulillterale .It irivui
Ibe girl * meujurv
i»ul# oa- f-»iiyJ»i
I ar.'ifi«l sleep, a.ul she v. «• lir»ter1v il
f-r .1 fe w "uiliiules
tlbe W*« li.ilike tbe
redt -nwt « gi'l of rln- sin*, is. bui otir
WU# bad been i-oniUiUKsI fur Ibeft. It |
was « ti#a Ibe reiaiz*t.uji cf 1:. r
tuin . aiiip I I brr Ibaf *be bad t.»*teria **
la ev#r> .ve ibr the t ,r rne lb**
, Owing U many compUrntt from cwtlomtrg who cannot get ab
le'titllve u twl.» iu a |j**vv «J
umicn «a our Phonooraph Drp«rtm#ni only in day timt, and many
if ' tu: i.llRil au uiilr, i hi lire f .r llie
mgvaats for sfipcintmenta after th# usual tim# ef closing, w# hard
o •# b# iwA nwge . In tv. u e:i*e* u usic
.docidod la favor th# poblic by keeping open every evening from now
pros, a Oh a|*e. i*l adaptablilty
girl iitd tnleul a* » dr* Mciskrr. an
This will bo appreclatod by our patrons and regarding our wares
olb#r d#s!rr.l lu b. .s.Ui,* « walir jt. mud
as seme siHers de ihelrg. aa necrasary articlea for ftteoaure and com
tart awoke wiib tbe n.'w Ulej ibe «-ot«
l.-omaf -ne lu he.- u )i ^
fort. ws feel that a great many w»rava.l themaelvea of making thair
lo ao'iHUim.b ui.yibluf OeGull# !»r.
purchases ki the stoK rather than be.rg bothefed by saleamen who
tMSobruliOd aay* be a,,„t reiwai bit
go le IhHr hsmea pnd keep them up mghU when they would prefer
tuggeslioua at r gv.'ar bamau fur a
U rHlrs. but have tp submit te the ordeal rather offend them. We
rousiar.'sblr per.od tij! liir Idra be;
do not
-nlfhihfivki*’ to bother you and prefer to meet you In the
4 .^tne* lued uod tbv w ld wti.itig euougb
g»om vdtsrs you greifroo to make your own aelectione.
to art of llself
M.. bas U.e fulleat b#
Mltvifit this tolU be appreciated, we are.
qsf Iq lu*bUott*iu as a reioi^ ageury
th,>e.t 'lss:i«A.o.> L.rak
quieU^I a |.mleare iiilud. lUeu luU.d
brr to *leeii. afler u bu b be laid tile
by l.uuib* vouunaod* U|>uu tier, urotud*
New YorV Uoiia.
- -
mad Rxnects lbr.Hi-gb iti# aM of u.e
rlcb Iisirvn wbiiu* Idiutliy u twryfuAly
^ftiafd#d. lo bate «i.p-artuu!l/ to von
URito kU tfforu on ib# half d«aoa b#
hM Riirtod on tb# good nuid
Kimball MvsicHousB
154 INukt Huwt
I.MO. U d.l«-r. ■»« u UC.41 f« Ib*
Mkr uf d»u. iUii •« lUr .-uiulu* tutu ■
rpJOl and prrtmUug y.»urMdf geaterllj
and grsvefuU). UYmHSk wbum you
oti|l»t to emkrav.ir to pkaao. mosul
f«Vl»« • T«to»r *d uwkwunt •* ai.4
e.s W.. .? *
s. s.a*
. e.u: s. -*. .e t . .-aoyy 1^. . • r;/
: •» Tu..v,.rrc Ifi «ius k*
4 urn V.t.
11..^ hia«
lilie Ur 4 1
lu lb.' rbui.-l el SAini. Ill Ibe 1 rsii
lim- 4^.nvertt. vMi. '»*4. lb«iv l.utun a
viiilve laaii . nlii b wa^ llubleJ l:i l.i*
smt li;»» cever -..u. i l*i'U evilncilnbeHi
Cough Syrup
the tarrur uf aigbt or U*. glooto j ^4
o tiud out
'rhea a little
from afur off
.n. rr.. *140 .................
ri U.V 7:.;;ur
u? i:.« I
Mliat*< uj.
Tbe> aiH-rllie tbe aluiudouuieut of ibe
t erw lu me vUil lu Ibl* 4 uubln of !
foluuel Sir IL.wara \ liweut of the
guet*u * \\e*imlii*ltr vulu.tleera
I u-;
4U*r tbe gult*e of trying iti •.r.-ngtlieu j
ibe Loud* of frleiia*hl|. U-iw .x-u iJroat i
MrlUlii riud Auit-rk a h.- Migge^itM ihej
uiutllefluii uf the ituigre** 4M*tnlne*l ua j
lloual autbeui. ibe IJ A. 41 ineu *;.y.
He a**#rltHl tbat Iq X^uglnuil In <ler4 r '
euw lo Ihe Ins, rubiUl splrli ..f lln- oge |
the •evond v#r*e of * lk*d have ,ibe i
Klug.‘ wab iu pbm* »^i:u*!uu lo the
"knaviiUi irit k*'* of Hrilalu's eueuiles. j
1. bow universally aoillleJ. «ml he'
pnnHwed tbatjt Wdiulil he as ur’I nut j
to lear uiHi. the N.4i-'of iTTii »*vcry
lliue .\mei jell 104 wi*Ueil lo uruitoe ibelr
natural loi.- for th. lr 4.w n eoiintrv
The 4.uil**luii 4if the v.*n»e ivu* tak4-n j
lo heart In |»artl« ul*r by wmiaiii
Allen. Ibe |»airioi4e iuMrvvb.r ».f tbe j
i;. K. Warren in.*!,\1 A II, 4.f Pr4...k-;
hu. *11.1 be Is elMleavo.'^b.g l4. f... in ;U. |
a**4ivlatlt*n f4ir Ihe nr.Un’tb.n ..f the •
u*llon.il amheiti.
U wit* ruiuore.1 Ihe ••tber ilaj that j
Ibefor# loug the ulilertnea will W a*kel ,
to |.a*ft a *tn.ug rMeuluiluu uih.u Uh* ;
*ubje4t ami tie 1 the uiatler will W
liloi»gh! lH*f4.re.lbe la>«rd ..f 4*4lueatJ *11.
SiiiMTlnleoeii! Makwell tleiile*! that
there wn. au 4*rder...f Ihv l*ouu! *if eiu
vai'.ou m*4*i» tbe *ul*Jeei. He *xbl the j
4*blldreu oi.l> -.tig th- flr*t auU ia*t I
ver.e uf tlu* hi mu lo save time
WMH tsitloiuil w nb Ibe teaelii-r* lo «.mlt |
any reme.
viiou>?h. |.#oi»Yv will coma
And U*« *1*4 Btwwstoo boitcwr In irluniph !
laore Uminiiig
till ai
will take
aiui add
thtm to the |>«i|tulsUuu.
le*omiug, urul other willil4J 4aj*liie> will tome lU.
Till* i» the iii>ale hisl4*rv
un\thing im.rv than a hill
4*1 h*‘atiJ4.
Hooiiiiug uis\ Ik> done
iu nianv wsy«.
A board uf Irailv ean tio -i.
4 iub ur bimiiie^s im ii*.* i !uh eaii tio it.
A eoiuuienlal
Vou eaii do it individ
If you don’t b*.i*v# in this town, why do you liv#
If you do
in .1. why don’t you boem ItT
Ev.ry n.w family mean* money in your pocket if you
are tn bu*.ne«* her# or ov.n prcperly hero.
If you make
your liv.ng by working hero, tvory increaee of poputol.on tends to inci-ooeo your wagoo. every new industry
brought to town Ur.de to onlorge your opportwnltioo for
mokii.g a good living.
If only one ^n
lu-flher Minielhipjj hiiT i''.y'4»iug tt> hai*|u-n rixhl off.
ju-l ti.e Mime wiUi t.*wn Imkhu.d;?.
When we all Ikhuii lo-
^felher. the ihiiiy'* We tle-ife to have hupjMMi will begin bsj>Now, ^u|^}*u-e vuii vlio rea«lthis
ill a battle U*i«m 4o^rthef.
huoiitv now ami then il Iniie* f*4iU4e. but \vl*f-n they ail Umiu
lhroU{;h the ('ol-
umn*. of thii jiapvr >4»me method of maii*inK our boom bat
teries and lualiiig a iioi.-*e lluit sill bria;' jKuple runiuntj into
this town to.gu into bueiuus*, start a faelorv, develop oouie of
our natural reeourefs.
N. B.-B00M! BOOM!! BOOM!!!
Ibvni 4»<a of ihr hvMera Ibrongh
a oo|»lolI^ and lii-nlihx at lion of
The Kau*a*’**iat# l*oaia uf b.-xUb i* | V
aklutf an effort
effdrl lu le*wii ibe ravage*
The Original
Cough Syrup
La Grippe. Influenza. Bronchitia
: and all Coughs. Coida, Uiog and
Bronchial aflectiona no remedy
tfy e Laxative
Pleasant to Take
Children Like it
uf dioemar by #H
^ou*^ fly
11 le
lleuwh 4-oiuprieiug 4be board tb^ flie*
cauve many dlwtee# by oarrylug U*e
geriue about w lib ttieui.
I*r .S. J rruuibhie. a#4T#tary 4*f HkKau**as Uwrd *4 beallb. *ay* lUat th**
fly to the grealMt purveyur of Ulveaet*
lu tb# wurl.i aiui In tb# bultotlu uf lb.*
bomnl f»JT A!»ril he *bowa bow dloenve
may lo* vp.-rud by flle* and bow It uiay
be |i.-#v#nti*d
l»r. iTTiiubUie Iwlieve#
that tbe Inventor of tba wtrr window
and 4luor %^rteu wa* tb# grvatvei Iwue
ftelor of the age.
Not 1 mg ago. b# pUcta uOt. It wia
flvflultelr toaroed tbat jebuw fever.
trpbuW fever and .Hber .ll.#aM-e were
rarrW luto borne* by tkw and uuj#
Horn# |ib.v%K’iaus n*e«-n that
tb# w lP# *4-revn U lb#' great#*! i-reveu
live appltaU4W for typhoid aud yellow
flrrsra It to urged that up flwi b# al
lowed to 4^t#r a slckioom. partkwlar
•tmw iMOng Uld opoo tbla.
Kauaaa Uw penults tb#
local bralth omclaK to r#4|Ulre tb# reAoTal uf all ouiaauc##. keeping tb#
stfoeu. aUej* aud vacant lute dean,
rUM bremi U flltby places, aud It la
w#U kaowa tbat nooiiuitoea roqoirs
stagaaal water fur braodiug.
For Any Substance Injurious te Health
Found in
^ Calumet
Baking Powdef
“Beet By Test”
Tk* OiKr Hiak Om«. BWt.10 P9«Wr
ee< «t • M.4.rai. njk*.
' eNtoOMwHh an STATE aai lATIHU
fwt FmA Lava.
All Croom* Are Aulhoriaed to Cuatentoe tWIe
6IUMO nAPi09
i ftik AM Ha# fta«i iA
^ imimAi far itMt
■ — .
ty Wilt lb ika DreiUkt RaeoT4.
April lO.-^Tbe iddrr*:.*
♦rf W-arlrt AHorary JeroaM> waa a tei
like ariMft oa lUny K Thaw. TkU
Uttar armltawaat riabodled
lk« TEIIIliftLft CONDITION IN NUaaiAN FAIilNK DiiTiticr.
iBTArllTa Ike pmaaruior coulU viaMer.
Ha tgaorW KrHnt. heiytled kar alory
and «HrUi a* rtery dark |Aca In
TiMira iUA iryikf la
*!»• <*»•»■
id ]^iatltetlM ky akoviag vk#! ktkd
«f A «ka Tkaw waa.
ma»w ard ionr dlHakma of, homl ftCVOLUTlOHIliTft HAVE ftUiPCNDED ASaAlftlNATlONa,
rUd da wktrk Hmi Jury any rnUer a
yerdirt of guilty.
Murder la tke Aixt degree
>r ta tkd aecodd de•rt af Craft Coat Havt
trm. iMaUy Ilf# Imptluoameai.
•atn Killed.
TkIrd-MfaaUuikier In the ar.d defrae. Maliy Ufa iii^H»oaii>eai., -fWrtk-WakiUufktdr la i)h> aee
oM ddftw#. pMialty Efieea yaai.. in By B’iro to the Hvenlng Reowd.
loMidoo. April JO.-lh. Keanard.
Tka gaealloa fc»r tka Juit la: U roMUeekmer acoi to Invealigntr the
Tkaw gnlltr id koailHde la aay of ike RuMlan famine csmdltlone. iuiy«:
Theie are M.dOO.ooo i»ei>onk. in tka
a four aaayddkT
beaelam pmvlnrea who. without
•ItWHy ftarddallc.
Raarklag tkd rklef poiat of Thaw a aid. cannot live to ee,' another hat
dafaaae Ike hllkailaa of IXHya. Je ve
kU.lv-------------aagrl ekUd. IkM food Ulag. ikulihe latter only 3T1*
ekiata gpod kdla«;* aald Janvair. M ' lief, a dob- of om* meal In Tu. utr four
rdCkll. lha lima wlHila three honn.
The tloclor makoA an appeal f.H
tnoiilb* id li nix'd thU^uute
i.e r.ind of irr.iBO .MMt
her. Ytm know how women re
Trwct Hat ftatn O
her Mrery anolveraanr u fe
lieied. ABd lUU girl cannot remem ! Hi. IVicraburg. April lt\—Fifty prU
her whether aha waa overcoiue in Oe |oneiA In diffeieai luirta of the empire
lober KoTcmber or Hecember. Hhe. j await ereeiillou -under a di umhtsid
court manlal iwmlance, Tlia premier
> girl who oo her Hip 1
h.n*. ke|»t faith for the ten dara In hU
promUe not to curry out the aentenca
iieiK. thiA gill cannot leroenilHM with and for the time being akaaaalnatlooK
in three months an to the time of ihU h> reu.luUouUiK have alau Ktopiwsl. A
nem* cvmnu I of authority b«'tm*N‘n the
tariilde lavUhmetii.*
prorinclal gt.vemment and the pr«Changed to Bathoa.
FrtHB billet naicaaro the dUtilci at touT ha» rcBulied
Hlnce Atix. 1 eighty men and muvinen
toiaey changed to deep paihoa and
The aplilt of Htanfoul White have b.*en eiacutetl During the eame
plea.U for Juailce.’ with lean* VI ream time I-tr wraivra of the eiai a coat
tog «U»WB hU chaeka. Jerrmie hel.l up hnve hE'en UkHaMlnitted.
the IkmoUB picture of Kyeirn .m the
liear rug and lalklnc a*, if he acre
While, ka ertad.
Can >.wi n»i
oar word f.u me. onl.v .me word loi
merThU \u what WTtlte'k Apliit ciI. a
RROttCHT $230
By Wire to the Rvenlng Reeord.
fnnckaey. <tlch . Apill 10 —l>r. K L.
Moore, a deniUt. wai. accidentally
fku fool and blew the cld-* of hU htwd
«E klooie wav foitaerly from Bay
Mr*. Moore wav uUh him at Ihe
ILaie mad 4ka doetor waa gfUtag r«wJy
io go oal la iko woomla. MrA Mobre
aam her kaek waa taiwod bat aka aaw
^ Ika doctor loadhiE tka gaa prarlooaly.
•idtMft Ml EhM Wfm mmiL
m4 1
11* tiM
u mmm mcA
ft. Watt.
WftOMftlOAV. AMiL 1ft 1W.
ftiP—attr, viaiA». aftift
Name On Every Piece”
ol Sm* B*U (Ma -umS ky
IN the LVOtfIft SILL.
Ciayftjf. OmHI* aartb wiaft
Partly eiaud^ taAiftit and Tharadky; fair; fUftlNC TKMPCftA.
Cacallcot Program Waa Oivtn—Many
Pnaaa Wart Awardad and iha
• MyaUflmia* Onaa Eceught
Mt^ Amuaamant.
Thu auchre party giraa in tka Elk>
club rooma laat erealair by the Twice
nve club of ladlea waa a aery gratify
Ing vucrew. both aorlally and .Eaaa
dally The party waa gitraa .by the
« to raUa a fnad to diaekaige a
■wrtgaga tm the home of Mm. Praak
Pmakll. wkoaa hnabaad died racoatiy.
kwdag a Urge famUy la atmltkoad
circamataacaw. Tka Udloa kam bead
rary aaariatlc la tko piwparatloa for
iko party and tka eowaaqiiawM waa a
irefT Urge aitawdaM and Ubaml ooaprfaaa worn made by Tattou gtogla,
ta tka ally, wko art taiummad ta tka
waKara of Mm. Praakll aad family aad
THE NEI(T vmm$ pahgid'a daaalNi
^ M kMd Fridhy awMb
Ad^ Agm Ifik, at Mdrak^ m ai
Mgr. AR f^df AavNatldiia far AgHI
iFAIM la bold trado—*iMd iliiio*'
there DEAD.
Oh tka Floor and TaWta.Wam Numarmia fmgi, Chamgagna Eat
Uaa—Will Make an
By Wra to the Rrenlug Record
IMtawa. Ill. April m -^Mynteiy vutlOnndH the death of I. J June)., cult
ad ruler of the Wk* and a prominent
club nuui. He wuK found dead lit hU
room at the niitcHt hood (with the
body wan that of hb. ulfe.
hDde oi
aU momhk. and W K. MrUxin. a tra^
ellng ealeumau. tin tlu‘ floor and
tahleii were numerouK empi) cham
pagne honle. .Folvoalng D »u«pecied
and J'blcago deleal▼«'^ haye^l»een
cnlle«l. A chemical anaIvsU will b.'
<• • S«r“*e
•«l »*W
-Ymi »«M St* tlw BijB^liu
liM M«r Ml wS hM« -aii4 UK
liar* U)r a lar«ar W Huh liw was navar kalM*' aaiawn in tka etty. ..
Orabd iUpkIt. MlHi.. AprU IAFrad J A4aa«. a«*id 41. a poMUraJ
wriirr foi tpa Krralai Pr*^» aad
€t IlM* br»t k»A«a mea la hln pnv
|r.*teat ta Ih# Riair. dM of a coMpJl
M.THAT T« MKT THt W.K OP r^tloa of allmrau al ku booM-.at «
joVtork tau aM»(«t(>r iif* «Af» obllcYMl
^ iUiTiriCATIOK.
!«!»*• hiR mark a aioaih aj(o
kir. Adaiao liail bra in the orvii
per buBlaeiMt
yr;*ra. atartlap
Jury Matt Oacifta WbtlMr Tkaw
^alth ib^ IJalh leader kere. Twi*Jrr
ftiiiltir af HamHldt
Hamtetdt m
la Any at
af ,ra*ir
^ . Df«r«»ft ilMrdtr. ftt^ Of*
. p,t*mlaen» Klk and Irare*
V .! grat ilar#.r.liaailaafk
rivc O'CLOCK KornoN.
Oo, prop,
•d paaptu the Fact That They.
Had Aakod for a Hearing.
•pociai Train.
HpecUl to the Evening Rc.wd
lanvlng. Mich.. Apiil lu.—Th,- -n
find biwrlng
the l.ugrtw^ ku-al ojitinn bill la the senate cbamlH-t w.»:
held in lonilag Ua wlgbi lt> tat itu
Urgent fleleratlon at.any heating duiing ihl. so.loo wa» present A
Clal Auii Saltsin lejvgite train fiotu IV
tout ovc! ib»- 'Michigan (Vnira!
hruughi iTi Ueiixiit ImsincKA irt*-u
MiliUm* uf doUars nexv ifpri^cnied
A delegation of twenty iiue lame ftont
Mason and delegations from Drand
Rapids. Mt Pleaaam. fireenvUV Kal
amaroo and many other cities wete
preaeni All urg.M a favoralde »e|Kiri
of the t.in at once
The sjieakers weie E T. DlUieti
M-cretai> «f the Michigan Holt and
.\ut Works;'the pri-sideni of the Anti
Saloon league. C. W .Mo.mow of IV
troll; the Rev. William .Alexander id
Trinity M K church, tlmnd Rapids.
F. T Ranucr of the real estate Uard
1 I. Hudson of UiiilMin s vime J E
Holies. C, Jyy Vinton^ Henry M In
land of the Oadlllar Mot... C.o coin
pon.t . Attorney J S Crainlall. e\
Judge K«dM‘ii (' Ft.tset of iH-iioit. l)i.
C. E. IMllen of Mt IMeas*ini and Hon.
Henry R. Paiienglll. ex state superln
lendenl of public Instruction
Judge Fmaer imld^ *Tt is Intlimiied
liy the pHfiera thin the liquor Inter
esis control the legbUturc The min
uie that fact Is estahllslied there will
Lie an Investigation by the commim
lv.pitc rke flirt that ike hearing was
asked for by the ilqurtrSnteresis they
were again not rcptgsente.l. The H*ni
I eianct* I>e<Hile arc gonfldcot of a vlr
toiy Tclegiams and Viters still con
I nue to the Icglslaiure
Now You're Ready for Spring Clothes
No muter what the mm
m requires or desirei, ft \% here
and at every price, the best that money cin buy.
There are so many
lys in which L. Adler
Bros.' clothing provess its beitcrhcss
that usually found in ready made, that
cver>' man’s interest demands
that he sees what, we have in
this splendid line.*
You are certain to get betterMoihes or save
a pan of the priice.
Chorut of Twenty Fiva, Voice* From WORK WILL BE BEGUN SOON BY
the Elmwood Avenue School Par
ticipated .n the Program—Hall
Waf Crowded.
In rommcmnmtlon of th.- vutTcndet
of r,en»ral I.t^e ibe hval men of the
C, A U met I.I«U evening and IUt»*ni*.l
to a Widl pTt-|i;»M*d mid a ell rend»T»il
piogmm. Tilt' adUiexM-s
.>ll\eicd aud dealt in a gvm-ral way
War# on a Trip of Inspection and
aith the efliwtk of the war on the
Found Evarything All Right Along
country and what miaht huve licen if
the Line—In Private Car
the ho>^ who wote the hlue had been
e little le«k valiant and-their leadei>
little le*k cafuihle De.-plle Ihe
irootlnued oo Hec«ind Page I
0<-nor.U fiiipcrintcndcnt W
Trump of the P.tc Marqiu-tlc who w.i>^
In the citv ;» f»'w hoiiiK yfKti-rd.-u;
w«*ni north tn t-hi* c\*cninc to l'i*tosk«->
Lincoln Savings and Truat C
and pasMHi through on N't*
of Philadelphia le m
morning on hU r**tuni to iVirolt. Mr.
Slate Sank EKammer,
Tnimp woA^4u his «n -thiglna*" and
accompanied by Division Suiurinicnd
n.v Wlie to the Evening Record.'
i-ni Tlir*odorc Enacl of Ih-iroli. TinintUadclphla AiMlI 1.*.—The IJncoln trip was on** of the frequent inspection
S.ivingk and Tni^t euaipany at
trfps made by the officials and Mr
.Market vttvel cIoihhI iu tkM.’.H at l« Truinp stat***! this mortnng that every
orlock ihi» morning The vtate lank thing was found lo l*e in a s.itlAfacT
riamlnci u in charge and he ha» been orv rondiikin
at the company v bookw over a week
.Mr EukcI VII the car In .this city
The hank examiner ordered the ln*U- and conferred with Huperintendenf ol
lution not to open today. The tank Motive Power W. L Kellogg of D**
hiK deponliK of $::.h.iil»d.
tmlt. who came noDh at noon, regard
log the rebuilding of the round house
Mr. Ensel infomied a Record reporter
this morning that work would be com
Paaaad Away Laat Night at f o'clock. menced in the near future oo the
and that the atructure would be
Funoml From ImmacutaU Cancop
enlarged, but aaMe from this, no pUos
tion Chu-ch.
are yet ready to be given to the puV
Joha Brief, aged e yaam. of 307 He.
North Ordar wtrooi. died at the aaylnni
Rlaee the Sre that deaSroyed the
laat Bight at • o'clock. Mr. Brief bolldlag a month ago. the eagiaea
worked at tke aaylum a abort time have
been partlaly aheltered from
U*t oBMer and o« hi* retniw home the vaaHier. making the work of car
waa lakoa U1 «Bd grtmemaoed teaaBe. ing for them much greater. The
harlBg bom at tke aignaai tkiwe debrla haa aU bee aeleared away and
fDoath*. Ho waa korw la Ooraumy ererytklag U now r^dy Jor immedl
aad paa tke father of tea cklMma;
Sea obna aad oaa daughter belag lltr& W. Weidmaa left thU BBoralag
Tke fuaoral w«l be kMd FYiday for CadiUae where be will take charge
momlag at S o'oloek fiwm tkt Im- GC tke Slager aavtim —cktae ageaej.
maploy «r tke
CoMapdoB ekmtft. Urn Bor. He baa beM ta
WV know that if you arc mu hu>lQg
ihniij herv you art* uut giving your
r»-.| what ln-lonaK to tln-m. f.u w«i
hail* vhiies that m yoiii fr.««i as thfi
should fit, and thiy wi ir ns thui
Hhoiild WMir. m:i.h* right »IT gasi b alk
that** th»* r«MM»n. Havi* v«>u**4'«'n
showing of Oxlords* TIm v an'
rtght 111 i vury di'tsll and ki fvery
But we haye the goods
and can d«*1iv<‘r them lo
you on lime.
If you do
nol waul lo come.
come, iHr
Bachant &Roscoe
I When You Want Lumber
You will save time and money
by coming here direct. We
carry a full line of everything
for building the house.
Prices and Quality Guaranteed
AMERICAN Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Dru^ Store
Telephone—git. '^2. Bell 169.
The New Shoe Store is Showing Upto-date Styles in Oxfords.
All New Slock.
- -i
Call and see Ihem.
i Kla^en & Shamsky
SM East FtobI Street
Haaaak ft Uy MattBatlle eetafaay
for aome lime. kaaMltac Ike White
to make u good brosl
m poMiUe, In order to do ihit you owe^
it to yooneU to got
Then yoniriU Hn*« tko finaot hnod yon bkTe OvorXnd. Uon*l
Well, try • nek aad 000 the difloonoo.
TMi ■VtN^ftMMa TttAVBIlM Mr. ■WNiaMi. WcftNCSftAY. AMHL 1C 1W
CSscrTSitilras .
An oar Mosey Otdtn. Ccm>ore the Rato.
THMITieil MW MftilMlIi WIM
S= SSlSr: S-2:;::8 S
Vaar |1.7174i*
<to a«mat at «ba t'lirattaty bad
vaaibar toat avaalag tba attaadaara
at iba aMvai taaHlat cd iba atacic
boUara of tba Waaip-Uiar dab »a»
Tl» tfimmtn <1 IM CnMr A»
U«H «•
IkC |M«kW1)r •»««» wko «o*M Ilk*
I*'*** wcktol *• Ik* toMM. Hovtrm. Ik* ^ *g»k«T *1* H^tor to
•tokM *iid Ik* bawl to **klto «rto»*
Uat wu\0‘tUl
fWraMMof IM.
Uitet |i« tan
0mi. Ty» HIM* IMf u M UiM
UillMi of
of thUj
ttHaL tU e\tr at Port Hu»a’ iM
mmNI MfMU told wftli liluilitMe
air rmn
«*lT <!>•
tMlat la ▼«T pMMtor Mi aUU «f
aieailMit aaUalacdM. Tha
irua ta Jarkaua aad oihmr
DatroJt U Kaflng aarloua
traiito vttli kar aafiuH aad baa bad
far mra toma af tba pHa
PM M to a frlgblfal raatoOaa and
bto ao bftd tbM (ba Halljr Nawa oMbal
atojr to frataaiuy liftog lllyatrai
abawlag Iba daitctira alraal ct
lag^ Otbar rittoa bar# bad aU
to tia etty or Towaio aapbalt paTlac baa ba«aaa a mi^laaara la tba
Utolr u&m at May ta. Un4. Uara to
aa arttola oa tba irat pac» «T that
KM to atora babillfaa vbleb raadi
**fT« KMaaai botoa la toadtaj
atriiU—Mm oa OataiVb Cari
urn OMi Hovard. It to amaiTaat aot
bair tba atory of Toruotob arrHcbad
raiiwaya baa ya% t
aad erarlcra tad aammaia %*» aouat
-Wbal'a tba m
matter with tha aa^
Tba KM 9om %m to daacrlba the
aaaaaaliy cf auakaruua repair gang
aad to rtoalag tha artlde ivlailve tu
Ibat aabjMi it r»ada
**ttoat aaaaqa the iml> thtug poaalUle
arlll ba oav
aaaa af ToraaUia pavaineot
atraagar baooaiaa 4ba auavMloa that
tha tvaaty-cme repair gaoga ahould br
at toaat tripled •
la Toroato bltultihU U aoa taking
the ptoaa of aaphalt
la tha Mar. of WllmlugtrH*. liela
aara, of May C. tine, therr U an aril
rle. Iba baadilnea of trhk h Md ai
**totalltblc luakni aiurh better lai
praaatnn tbaa aaphalt-----the ahert aa
pbaH bataoaa Fifth aad ftlgth atid^fa
already badly allied ami actorreJ
ahlla bltullUitr ah<i«a nut a tface ol
With aurh evIdeitreM^a there and
hoadrt^to aiara uf a like ehancter
vhtab harb rama to onr nnilop. are
oaatoH cimaMentl) remala Kai^ive
ehia attempi. are batog made m
auato the pni|iertr owner* nf Waah
togtob Itiwai to favur aaphalt KvlBg
Tb# WbfrMi Bnitbera Httotlthlc exun
Kl^ told btatr afreet In Ihla city two
yearn ago: ^The bu*ltie*a reUtlooa
tha rity with this (xirnikaay were en
tlr^ aatlafactory
Tbeir dealtoga
wena aoparv and boeeat and paat e&
partowe la aa aaaunm*>e that fuiun
wxpCHaoce will W equally aaitofarUKy.
la day event,
tOedglAC them
aaldto for aapbalt paviag. tba paopto
«f Wbibiagton alreei abould •
fborPBgb iBvaatigailua
l.«Hiu V Titus l.iougbt up the mat
ter of Hm* <>«dl.-HU»u of dues, saying
that some of the memtors had Xh^u
dilatory In ihe iuatu“r haudicapplug
tho club as the money was needrd
whea It was due The UK-mbefs have
the month of April to which to pay
their dueajn advance, glxfy days
]■ dlaroaalug the imving quer
the does become due the ktikck
yoetoiday. the tbJiy Kagle refer* to
to. IgMito. Mo. arbarw they etolm tba can he sold aad tha memher forfeits
bitolltole Krtog vas defective, latbto hto mamhcrwhlp p^ Ided ba bas been
ciaitoeUK It la a aignldcaal fart that
bltdtobto baa baaa used la to. Uuila
dwrtog tba paat iva or ala year* and
If It were defective aad naaattofactory
4H»|bN-fcd last year
on mothm
Mr ITndemxiod. the
club proceeded to the eks'llua of of-'
toserw. 11. Montague, the preakleot.j
bead laid to to. Loato aad more to la look occaakm u> atom that he did not
proaaai a^conatractum.
Witt Mire au be a camUdate as be could
arnba waaiViblny mllaa of
€t Wtallt
Wtttllthlc not give the club Ihe time the position'
m toa alrwau of 8t Laoto Bltulll
waa laid to towt Harvm tli yaani ago O. P. CWrver moved that tha Khlr^
aMPotot two twltom aad Wtlitom Voge)
. add la atm la a
song aad Lonta Heig«a were aaomd.
ML OAUNTUFTT baa moaad bto Mr. Carver tht« made hU HmThna
Mm to tba aav iaitik boOdtog. t«o ofwd mottoa ilmt wlmaevwr Ihffrw waa
dtoftt VMI of tito WbUtag hotel.
bnt one KadMate Chat the etoeHoa he
agr«f hy scctomalloa aad vhes iheiw waa
man maktig ap tha flakm army The
appiaaaa was ad laattog that Mr
Jabaacn was forced to respond with
aiotbar varwa aid ayai ibe« Ma bear
art wwra not nttottad imi waited
mafa hot Im rafiaad to atog igaia
Oiroat Plarcw mdarad i recitation
iftar which Hobart B. Walter made a
itary latareattof addrest ila spoke
of tha trials or tha old soldier. In their
atmpfle for the praaenratlon of the
cowntry aid how they had In tba end
triumphed. Ha tbai draw from hto
irat rataarba that tbiagh that the oU
Kldlara bad aocoapUahad for the
comitry tbit would ^ am areriastiig
moburnait to tbalr mamon^
Miada Farcuatm gave a recitation
wWeb was followed by tha chorus and
thai 111 Xttaad in stoging * Marchtor
Through Oeorgto. * •
will Hold a Heaefit Itofice In the. City
OKn Kooet la tho gvaning of
Ap^l It.
. Invliatlooa are out fur a benefit
The (Hrectora whose terms did aot daice to be given by the Queen cSxy
expire last night are Lsym F. Tltia. Imid oa the eveatog of April Id to ihh
IrTtof A. Murray and A. U Biebant. City open house. The tickets will b«
ildent Carver was called to the |1. extra lady SO cents, which
chair and thanked the mombera tor refreshraenu. The hinda to coinpoeed
hto olectlon. sutlig tbit be Imd been
. number of well-known youn,^
preMdent once bwfore when the dub of the city and a*large crowd and
waa nut ao prtsipcrous aad whether he k-ery pleasait time to anilclpaled.
make e gtkOd president or lol
would be told by the eid of the year.
The meeting then adjourned.
ElICBtf PMTrfbHttHT $730
(Cuaitoued from first Page.)
Unas were made during the evening
The procwedi of the efforts of the
ladles anmunteO Iu"l|lfi0
^ '
^OaotlBued From Firct Page I
verity of the weather the hall
At the ronclfalon of the card garo<to
jjio. R. Ranio aniottioad the results
In the absence of the chaplato. R B md stated that the ladies attempiesl
Oaraer. C. H Johnson gave the «kpeti to mlsf |90fi to discharge the mort
lag prayer after which Commander F gage on Mro..PraihU*a home, and he
D. Marvin gave the addreas of wel saggested that cash contribution^
le. He spoke fn a general way i>f from the gentlemen present would be
the slgntbcance of l>ees aurrender 1 very much appreciated. Reeponses
and aald that they were coigregated. came promptly and about
«i brag over their victory but tu raised, making a total t.f |230 towardr!
ne over the defeat of the.fV»nfe4l
crate army.
Jnlly Party.
In Ihe lodge room^ thirty-two i^ichre
churxia (kf twenty-five vole«>s front
Ihe aev4.nlb grade at the Klniwuod tables were set und'nearly every table
avenue school bulldtog was present was filled It waa a >oUy party and
and under the direction of Mias Blits- iveryone present had a gufuL lime..
beth Htskker sang a number of songh. Preet-ding the games a very entertain
the first tkoe being "tiod Ever Gkkri ing program was rendered. The Intro
ducitiry nunitier waa a very fine man
W Milliken was then called to dolin.and guitar selection by Mlsae«
ftoor and spoke of the war In bouikkc Howard. Ewtelto CYile aad Leah
which many of hto hearers •pnrilrl Boyer. Th4*g rendered the • R^tella"
listed and Its effect* up4m the ronntry waltz and In re*iK»nse to an encore
He look up the matter of the rotinfn*»* gave *^Tbe Indian Mail fJallop- B
prosperity and said that It was only Versey l^gg. who wan is ex.-e|Ulonal
through the effortF, of the Cnhw sol l> gis>d voire, sang • Nora” and
s that Mich a cimditiioi waH made a W. arvlag for You ” Ml'.s Helen
Hanmn enierlatoMl with the i>r.*ti>
Mtos Jc:.sie Kiliiatrlck ga«e a very violin solo * Berceuiie.” and to rc:»ptms4'
til received reHiatlon. after which to an encore gave another very pleaii
H. Cage gave a talk, dealtog largely Ing selection. . Mrs N. E, Degan gave
with the revolution and the early days a very pleasing piano solo. ‘ Shena
of the I nited Suiea Another chorui Van.” and was enthualaxtically en
hy the children was followed by two cored. Horst s orrbfwtra . furnished
recitations, the first by Clara Codding music during the card games.
ton and the second by Morris Marvin,
PrlM* Awar^d.
sfl.r wbbb the children sang again
The awarding tkf the prlzea crealeil
L. K- f'levelnnd gs'e an impromptu a great deal of amusement und was
talk, dealing With the national capital h pleating feature of the 4 v, nlug Th»
at Washington which proved to be prises were as follows:
very toterwatlng.
P. H. Close, cigar jar.
PtMwlbly the hit of the evening wax
Hon. Q. a. CovelL two Plymouth
the next nnmber. a song by C. H. Johb Roch hens and n jack rabbit.
Without acronipanlment Mr
Dr. Trueblood. hair bruah
H. N. Orattenberg. box of cigars.
Johnson sang one of the old cwmp
Miss Mtohle Wajt. vase.
songs with Ihe same fervor that in
Mrs. E. 8. Pratt, fS.fiO worth of
A Loaf
for a |0ng
That it wbttt
K A I-
**liM Awtamatle**
eloihfi Meaning by Oft A Hahner
r Mil:.. . iV'llnb detii.
Mto:; Qiace Wdat-lm foot : i s.|
E M tlairlcl wx tto noimr ikf tkiic
ol the K»iiien..i^ prifc .. v.hit h wa;.
enclocfd to a grex* pt.Mj:e nat box
and viicn • \t}^ tod p.h.vea i*. u- a
viiy uaitpit' «ifji: ^aiv
Mir < .hur.. i;- rmai:.e t,a . ihe for
innate winaer M aoulhcr «<ne of tbc
which, when the
riackasf wa; oiiencd preved to be a
lerognued emLlem of
r4>r..i lurk
Fur b.nc hau.li:;
James KUggert.* i>£niltn^me
Mrs r Q. Chandler, pair of sllpfkera.
W. O. Holden, a ntoe. big ham.
Lr. T W. TKT?njy; box of candy.
Patrick Henry Close, siHn.
Other prtoea awarded wen*;
Mlsa Orarw Eldred, plant
Mtoa Bertha Btefiau. plai t
Mrs. Howard. Usik.
Mr*. Donovan, bread knife.
Mrs. E. C. Hogan, plant.
Mias Beulah Oovall. handbag
R. C. Hogan, box of cigars.
J V. Mclntpsb. box of elgarw.
E. McNamara, bag of flour,
kk. button box.
Sawyer, pemnd of ctiffee.
Tbto wa. tkoe of the most pleasant
gatherioga that Jhas been held in tbe
Elks* rooms thiy year and the todies
rdnponsible for tbe enterlalnment'
were greatly ctiniplimented U|Km tha
fucceaa <if their charitable vtuHure
New styles, new finishes. We have jost
unpatked one of the tergett
mnst coatplete lin*s of dining room tables that we.
hav.- ever ^h^Jwn and would like youropin! m on them. Among them we have
the well known VICTOR table the inUe
that cirries the hlling with it. This taltle
has some features that you will find on no
other table. Come in and look them o*eif
Your credit Is always 0sei at
Bow Are '
Vour mails?
Recovering Ibis Syring?
If they «lo th.n comr and look over our new stock
of \v.iU pat.cr. We have just received our spring line
All the newest, brightest patterns.
SKCial Baraaiiti on all Cait
Vear's Slock*
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
CotnediMs know a
ngor two-,Lots of funRig Crowd.
considerable doing at the
Hraiid o)>eni house last night In
of Hie snow Morm a falr >lred riouil
|;nw i«tl Mot|;:!irs (%»im\llaii. wliu pi*rnii.ti •VeimoiM K.Flkh.’ V very funny
niial ctinieily. They «lu'i>«*rea the
gtsktlr. ikoih to piesenilng Ihe play and
some <kf the l^i speqlalfles evei >
with a fiopiilarpricei! comi«iny
nishf they will pre.seiit “A H<iy tif
StreeiH- and tomorrow nlpbt. ihHi
leat.iro ntoht. -Wedde.t Hut No Wife.*’
mid no ibeitit there wiin i I.e slandiiiK
loom as Hie Imiiim is afl i«-ad> :
half Mild iMi t.u I il \i.|.«.v. PHe«-x le.
L'o and :{(• «h-his
iJtniFS’ AID of Asbiirr M
i-buieb uiil giv«- a 16c sujiiM-r
LJran^e hull Weineidav ^evenltiK.
Apii! in. Iitim r. i** i. ^Jl invited
apr k 2t
wanTads. pay.
«n •■r
« M. rtlM^ Hm
J. W. JMiktoo A. V. Jshr*a*
E. A Monroe Row A Mouro*
P. Mereg ri
A. Oonil!*
J. H. Lmmod
Weqneloiig Olsb
0. V. Oven
Haimsh Drag Stole
V. L. aketor
Now is Ibe Tbne
Wff — fa yotitlFM fa 4o y&n
tOffaff^ fa IfafaMllMilib
Wff Koka g gpec^ty of
As we expect to move soon, we will
hang all electric, gas or combination
lixturcs, ordereil before May Ifith,
Don’t want the bother moving them.
J. B. Paige Electric Go. "
125 Cass St.
rhone 502-2
JooopH 3lodorai 3on
FIrst-eUs* Batchers. Paekerslasd Saasaae Makers
for luDchron. brcakfaat or dlnonrdon’t get tlrod of it aa you do of mMMf
other moata. But- fharv* ateok and
Mcak The thick cuta. juicy, eaally
Moijed-the “flt-toaar klnd-wn’t
picked up ererywber**. To be fad
n-gutor at Stonder’a. And there’a tfa
xklll to cutting and trimming! And
the attention! All al Sleder’a.
Markei Ko. 1, 8tb and FrankHn*.
Market No. 2, 707 Randolph St
Both pbonfa.
Hie Oil Man
Oil. phikno M2
Positively the best oil
to be had.
Will not aaioke Uie
chimneys; gives better
light aiul theie is no
Most grocers tell it If
yonrs don’t, let me
know. •
ETwyouBwho use* this
with U>* iNulto.
g^erjavsss John Vandam
127 S. South Union Street
Sprini Wheat P.te« PImc MU map.
Guarantee'] highest quality. Makes more
and better brc*d Uian ahy other flour on
< the marhet. Oem used, always u«cd. by
■ those thst use spriag wheat flour for
bread Ask your giocera Take wo swheiiuie
Extensiolii fables
**The greaten m»ckioe in
the voriS** u ohat peop'e
•ay who have uard tbii
wonderful wa*ker. We
cleiiu that it wUi do the
work better, quicker end
easier than any other
washer, and we let you
try it
days lo hnd out
ho« good it really is.
VVe sUost-ll the motor
washer and we haye a
washer with the big
for 14
ibK «to. Ibat it ba by ballot.
Tba. raslgaatlaa «4 Tnmy H. mUto
M tor^ior waa aacaptad pa Mr Ollllf
did mot bava Hma io aam «a tba
O- P Carvar was nominated for
praaldant by William Vogatomig He
H. C. Daria «mi noiatoaiad for vice
prealdwat by Vic C. Palmar Ha wa.
alaclad bv acctomatloa.
R M W’all Whs namtoatCAl for treaorar by l^aon F Tit as There being no
r nomtoatloiis. Mr Walt
ad by acctomatloa. Mr. Wait has
bami treasurer ol tha club for a num
bar of yaam.
Tba following paw di^tor. wera^
atoctad*. W r. Hull to All iha rm
y cauaa4 by the raalgnathm of
Tracy H. Olllls; Howard A Muaaal
Frank W. Oarrar. C. E. Marrmy
aid Dr. & a Mtoor. W. M.^allagg
0* i. Carver.
Doalaatad to run aKlM Dr
New Prealdrnf of the Wcqttetrng
>r to give the tellera amploymaai
brightml In the hUtory of the orgaai
jratlon. Tbin«-en new lueinbikra ware
»ote<l Into the Hub.
*n»e n*port <»f Hec ret ary fhtlmef
*howed the following n'celpl* for the
year : Dues cullt^Hed. |k4to; hoo-raaldent mejobera* dues. |40; nmlal <rf
boathouse. |HH»; transfer*. fllU;
dances. ItlTaS; randy. Ilkk.lS: gum.
lUU: eigar*. 17k. foliam. Ilk06.
bowling, imat; bitllarda End pool.
171 gl; rliibUkat.il Ik; total.11.717.»t.
The dUbumemenfe during the year
were Just « reois lea. t^ the ivrelpti. while the bliU due laat alghi
amounted to |Ck.74 This to aa ex<>el
toot aUiwIag nmslderlag that a new
Unit house was built and a number of
other linprovenients were made last
Tire Hub hs« roa.lderable
randy, cigars and tobacco on hand
from last year Tl»e amount fiald out
for musk for the dsiiciui was |1I0. so
Ibat there Is a Ulance yet In the
dance fund There are «fty flve shares
of stuck on hand
. :
On motion of O I*, t’arier, the re
|s*n was tecw-lved and Aled.
Tlie r«*port lif thi* treasurer, which
agreetl with that of the skH'Telary. wan
received aad hbMl,
I. I. 8iev» iis.,1, „r ih.. building and
gmuiuU liiniiulitee mimmIoi) vatioii**
Imi.rovem. in ^ Im ihe Hub house aad
groundH Slid tu«v4 Dtk<d a general plan
The repuii ccsitstoed merely sugges
lions and gtvr-^n esilmale« id wist
the matter ts-lng left with the direr
tars to do what they ctkAild On mo
Uon of W r Hull an esilmate of the
cowl will lie i.roviUed
New Members.
The fon..sUi|' WVle iheu a.IllliltlH)
to ae nd.enl.i|i «.n niutinn of M. W
Kdsurd I'ajiKm. J It
111..wII Will i: Mariui. A. S Hobart.
Alfred i'. WilhHm. 11 J Huggle.,. l.aw
lenre II Ik Zo* !e Mary E IJAca*. J
II Mctitiuish. H 1- Wugand. R J
Meresr. Hr E » Minor. A O Kyscl
ka .
On Mr linderwiskds motion the
iHiat hikpse* will l«e Ml rk psired that
wind, snow am stn.iil Isos eauiH*l drift
Atlofthehwd. ditkgtce.
»U« work ol okSkioc
ktoyt vhea yoo iMe a
ik» aad tba
I raar ata
WACWmi «UM« vltk
•iiCAti af* ««Mas iimmir
IM pmflt at Ik* mimt to to»«r «l
iMIr murw
mm* to totor arto
■4CU *i» ktoM kwA*d kr • l«« to
la Hicrllrat
iasiliiig Me Easy
asr^^ssjsr^rA TFotLEV aiae.
tONO-^la Aflif
I baord tto vM
-Wa COMO fiOM httl ^ad
MITO TNt orrcH.
rtwM WA* I^^MTY «r
Tto M falat ^raatblM tf Ito i
•is* flBiamisMi
Mo m toofe
to«o MartoM
fto MIM aaar Mlfbla aMM to tto aad lAgblaa aJI Ito daaly air
KaMtoba dltlto at MUaltot. pMi
tM ftor Aaia. of oltb bar
raM U Ito «f«M traa foM to to a
Wo piM toMpa w
Mm m D>if tuMi
Urt TH#I todtoo ntl
oato aUboogb Ito dMto la M of toM
Hmm !• Tl«i« IM MM ?«*•
lato abMn ito laab took aad alwto '‘Tto Mag. drop gMa aad ooodUada
m H«» MM MM M
Uppod oa« Tto txala «aa la atorpa
w»r« Mma.
la toAat abadova to tba oyo.
P. p. Marvla Uobiaf far Afria OMa
Wto it Watolap
Ito CHy,
aacMd MJott
TraaMtolar Ham
oM ourtb altb tto arttobor aarty tbM
mmiA to «k^r ap Ito iMbia.
WMM aoltcblas M ito BaMabi
yarda lioigbi Kn K pal too cava of
Ito Utok at I oMM I
dolaylai bar abcaii two I
Oaly Me fWoM to ito a Haw Vatoc
Lawyer IMto Ha^tootoau oud a Aim
It to M aa vmmmmm^ Mag tor a
SSL^Sfua** —w.
pMh fmto tto aam wtoa tom fad htosank* mH la • MU* a* uka ' la JaaAica tk* u«a rwalftaai aaT atof aa dtoaa aoreto to tons al M mail
care: tot Ito fruit la woitA aa mmA aad pentoad to to a cnal.wnam bad
at bodUMa. TlOa 4 tbe
that tto ptemr* ghre amio nttaotloa man. Stob.a ptmoa daM aal'fo tor
to UU mp ttoa to aay other.
Tto borrtM most to pktod before
MaiMMat that tkta al
they are rtpe. or ttoy laoa ttolr plaaa.
Mitosar. mmatalag In Ilik toatj to
aat Savor One bundred aad «fty
aay lUdaar diaaadar or
pmiM to to a wtid uamtonpir. bto
t^bappcaad tto atom day la Now
uaoactala It to only mo la fwo
A dto toot toliow tooba, tocaa at
Bmadway and TwqatyAMifk otooat
yaar* that It to abimdaBt.
The ckwa tree to a nallva of tto about fart aai ahaatmtod that to waa
Molaeea IsAaato It to aald to to
poll TNtm WAMTl.
T¥t Mnr tM*il|M M MM* M
• Um mM M IM
ImM Nr MmtMI MMiiim 19 M «
»• 4^
pM fMM«jr MtMM M f«M
M M «• M bM MU A M MM
»p to
!• IW tMACr am to
harm 0M»rt«t»lr tobM H» to
loriM Ml JM« Ito to
to ^Ma lo tto rltjr Ip to f9»»tr«4
m4 VM mmty M«ylM »• to tor.
«lllM tto »toai U»M. MMM IM.
tllif^blM tu toi# btaMii •!• M*»c
Mr MiPiUltod .to • Mft.y UPA
'iMMto M Wt9 m fiwM to toy
totoMM toM totoM Mtorpto
,MM aM»«
Mto citor *to tton
|Mto itoi to to tolM utoto. bto
to M Aookto up Ui9o too to H M
Mob It otib Mm U» M»»Ic4 totoyTto kofHi U uocMt and lltoolM
^ toMa pf «to
c« all <
Tor an oar llttla iroobMa watt
Our laughter or our fcoa.
*Ybo Mfda baro oMMht a daer aole
To ttoob oltb joy aacb ftotbarod Baoaath tto Magic of a amUe
Our dottbU will fadw away.
As MU tto fraal ia early aprtng
Baoaolh tba aaaajP my.
-Ttoa ataatoMl aMta awaal aad clear
Tto UgNld palataga of tba yoar;
It pays to naka a worthy oauae.
By halpiag It, our own.
•^And tfmrjmhrrr yoa look U ar«d
To gire the cutTwat of our llrraa
Ufa danalag la a tiaga of gtaan “
. A trW and aobla UMe
It pay* to wfort benry heart*.
Ttoa Mg tba artnda aa up tba airacl
' Oppraaacd with duU dwapatr.
Tbay poaM wtMi bcord. but unaaao.
Aad leave In aorrow darkeaed Uvw*
Om gleam of biibhtaoaa ttore
died year*. Tbe apko to not tto tmU.
aa to geaemlty bellerwi. bat 4t to tto
btonaoma tbat am gattoM bafora
tboy oaMd
About a 4oa«a of thaao btoaaoMt
foroi a cduator at tto aad of oach ftnm IVaao pototod
bnuich and twig ol a tree .
Dlaaa oa top of the Madtooo 8«i
Ciouur. are gattorad la Daeombar. Oaitoo tower aud daclaced that
going to climb up there with hto
an)l dried quickly to tto ahafa
f fn hts teeth aad arvnr dht fair
Utanp** baad. Ttoa to
bM dowa upaa tto (
The to
a espoaltioa. which U first poUcoMoa ha eow.
to be held to cuaimecaomte tha three
Ju.i.th« a poUcemaaihom to tMw
huadradth apnlverwary of tha Arst and riMarked quietly to Bad BUI that
KuglUk aetllamenl In America. Made that waa a fine kuU# be had. Tto
In Jamaaiown. May 2. |§07. Un t to be Texas temar pmadly handed came tto
knife for laaptetkm. webereaponrthe po>
held in
Ucemsn msretod tbe disarmed terror
to tba sutioa hoaae.
JaMeaUtwn UUud is almowt wiped
Nest maralag la tto police eoartftha
«4f the fi.4^* tif tha earth by the to’ terror was not ao tarrthle. lie had Nad
lanilea- action c»f Ue JaMea rtver; and
the federal governmeat U inlag to
save tha remnant of the historic place .
by UulliUng breakwater* around It j
.Sotking of ih« orglnal aeltlement re-, • No. rm oaly s New Ycrk hiwync,
amlns. exi^ept the i ulus of (be fouuda- y our honor, who wa* aut, hasrtog a
«i*m lower of the <dd atee|de of the r«od tun#; I reckon 1 had<too good a
hiKt Chun'h erected there
The knife, to explained, was a bufliTbe expedition 1.-. to l*e held oo tbe
*h**ra line of Hampton Aoadn. In front Ing comy»anU>u. Tbe prisaaer prmaated
of Newport .News, wheie Idtlleahlps U to the fellow attoctoy who defagdad
lilm. and uixm hb proamw to be «ood
ate hum K. aikort News U 10 yoar* and not Texsslae htmaelf for theipor.4d haa r.'MSMi'iuhahllanU and Is an poee ef terrorlstag New York heiwas
extremely busy city.
liermlitod to gn
And. aa Itoy waol. a ckmd abotr
fopoilataadaat of Ito IVnr V U Baft doaanard tear* of apring and
It para to give a helping band
Mtola U liyiai to looalo aan Atvlo
To eager. aama..t youth.
litatM. obo la wlakMg ator tto lUy
To pole, with all tbelr way wardneaa.
aad Mdto bin piopariy < toto bia is
Their courage and I heir truth.
raaMd too, ao ttoi ba any attaod
Hlrlve. with aympathy and love,
Ma Waa Omaay.
Ttolr confldeace to win.
Tba tortolao 4 » Krml alaepar The
Tba boy. fiaak. lUot a*tb dita
U pay* to open wide the heart.
«*Hpartalor** toa‘bad a atory rd <»im'
And 'iel the aunahlire in.na auylat away Cn»m uhlcb vaa a domraflr. pal la aa Kng
' to bupiy tot to. Hiaoa tolub tto
toMrto U IM tto uM pM to ttol «Moi Wbro Ua truant dtror lUh bouar. A* hla UMa for hltn mat
r'* Akin.
Ito MUi aluayi. Nu wlUi biBi urtofi lookad Into tto luattor, bo found that lag drear algb. ba| M.|rctad a qub-i
The akia uaed by
tba boy am not pivi-uly rloitod aad comar la tba dimly 111 oual crlt4i. and
StoHic utool tto MMIAUl.
tbota roiupaard blUiM-lf ti'i .lorp A made friwn Ika Urge luKntIne of Ihe
Mo li plAlalf MmmM M toy- iutn4 Ibr matlar40ir to Mr lUorla
bUMtof tot to to to MOMuty. lop Hriotafnir. Ito UlbiM bio. miiI auniM Hha karv n<»l lottoat^a. In a Irw ox It ttBdargorx a number . <d pne
oes».eA to fieu the outer membrane
of aiour) abrnrii i attktvl for hy thi;
»bMl bU fort uroto ttrnm ru Ml> motbai. tot It to* bona lauaito ahna ■Kuitbs the lurlulM* aokr up and aai from greaM* and oth<»r tmpurlllea. nod
IbAl Ito/ mm ml to mrrr atiuoin ibc U«t na« *oat and tto loaa'a c& ItfMl forth Hrrrama aooo hrtAr Ih- U then cut Into filecm about four
incbea square.^ Ho great U If* tena
y«Nir« afu. Tbr oil aiaa aaTii that br art aliaaroaliuutii aro unknown.
pariUHiU. th«4 Ud) of I he h<*UM-found city aad power of realatance. that It
ttM tvira to ahont hlmartf and tbal
Ihe rxK.k ga/lng tu *w»MHrtu k wtiuder, will Hand the r^mtlnuou* bloaa .d a
Ito too bultru aio atm In tila bopU
and rirlalluiui;. as a ith unsttody hand twelvt^pnuud hammer, fi»r Huauy
ahr pulnlad to the u.rtol*r * My
Tto Prim of MaaltH,
Ladisa, -yen can |UM
H. tram•t tba aiooa which I
*Tto piW of baoilb la a matarloua
pie on it. but It wilt coma up amlllag
MtMrt U iuat » rrala; tbr to ctf a
wr a*
a- wlnlrr
broken ibr leuUJ wl*
Tide Powae.
bos M l»r Klof a too Ufr itlla
•very time.- Caiman's Klastio Floor
ortlaa KHa Maytoo. of fkAmwi. Aib
A* rompany «d M.neral%oled engln Varnish. A C. Wait A gons, Travsraa
hrw Ufa PtIU <1«omar sfiotly aod In
S C Hunip of BatkUy rnrrutly
Ot WiWly Id Vienna bai. dlacov «H-rii iu Ht»kt(*i tMdlevo th« > will revo City.
|Mft aror Ito ato vlr>r to ito ayaian
Ibr. •atlalactloB toaraaiM at Ma» ««Q»o in pu*»oa»l4Mi of a ran- »>iMvldh] pmhI in a i^pyrua aoiua new wiylng of lulb.iiur niauularduriio; by uUUrliiK
baa Dnig Uu. Kimuk MMi and lUa to ibr MrM Id « t.iauip of a himv to Dlogooea ihe ryoir. Thera am pim the IK.4AC1 of Iho Hdo »l<uiK the Allan ADVANCED AT AGE OF DlfiEAtA
aab Unic Stma, drutfUai.
to make
naaitaatloa, to*i a pnatajir auuup eito and a nutnbor of lak-a. tlu‘ rtr <-<Mi*t. lio
Dr. Wamtu * WhiUk Wine of Tar
taarlly but aaarur a It.OUU rwaoto tnlunna am laglblc. but U naat have all A idant has bi-on erected al South cared me when I was thought to be to
AMC Ip baar tba tvo toadml dollai
oua^^ad about ihrao toudiad anac Thomastun. Me., to demonstrate the advanced stages of consumption Mra
VielfoM at OiMall Brulboia,
dptea of tba pbUoaupb«
value of the Inveatlwi
’MlnbMa Buigxws. Byars. IIL
Anmials Iduah as girls dtg hutsU is
fear and jmH modesty that to their
case causes the Inrush of blood, llorsas
blush tu their ear*. twpecUUy in tbe
left ear. When a horwe to Ingbtened.
Us left ear wUl to found very hot aad
swoUen. Tin* la also true of rabtoto.
Con# and all other clu\x:n footed anl
aato blush just above the fetlock.
Hogs bluto to their talU. \Mien a
tod Mg% iMr toads cioaab .
aarn toaghi AMtoOjto poaait
of ftosfpi gmwm wheat to IM. of •
which Mdy tum bnaheU worn Aamrliroem la IM we dM a haadred^c^
tlMM batter, aupplytog rrance with S.*
haa the Hated Kirby la Grmftoa.
a. waa boUt la I7M. the >xl2
« «f giaaa in tto windows were a
carkwity thby were no targe. The
hmoatory brick haUdlag was then
oaaldmd aa taspoatog alnmtnre.
Aa Improved pmtahla aoagold far
alauag. txtog. or repa&rtng ptoedrie
bar a palatar to Baglaai/ A polo oaa
to patotad fvnto lop to bottom without
gntttog og Urn acaCQM Ladders ato /*
not required.
Often la FVsnee a man eervM .1?^
omployod to do housowork which
America generally Is regarded as
IS work. 'He amkea tto beds,
sweeps and ctoana the rooma. goes
MarheL oooka. and aomeiiams evi
Tto municipal street tmilway syalem
of Glasgow furalshea prtvata early
monilag cum for dance, partlos. A
oar wanted for sneh a lArpoae come*
at aay required houao ^ the pcdni
naareai tto plaoo.wtom the danclna is
tolag held arul Ukaa the dancers to
may daglrad point «a tto road.
A Chlcaj^ inventor anaouacos that
to has constructed aa alrwhlp pnv
polled by ek^tric cunwnia, furnUhwd
hy motor* pUced at Inlervals oo the
earth Th« ship U balll on the plan
of Prof. Bcdih aeroplanes The Invea-'
lor cUtma the advantage of didog
away with the aeceaaUy of carrying
fuel and engines on the atop Itself.
. .ilj
. |
Through blood poisoning caused by
a spider bite. John WUahingt<m of BosquevilVe. Tax., would have kat his tot
which beewme a mass of running
soraik had he not beau itersMuh'd ti»
try Burkton'a Amacn Halve. Hu
write*: -Thn first apidlmUia relieved,
and four hoxea honk'd all I bo eorva *
Heals exery *ore. tU- a't Bugbeo
nri« Wor.. rnmk H. Mi»ul. ud lUuimh Drue StcMF. dnuutt.U.
the dog having lbaolulely no coqtrtd over It laaecta
blush to their antennae.-Clnctouatt
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
We Furnish Your House Complete
‘‘Pol A little SUNSHINE in Your Home'
From Cellar to Garret
Wc can furnish every room in your house, and you
convcDicoccs that is found fh modern shopping, and it saves yon time and time is money. Nearly
'CTcnrUilng yon wxat xlonr Uiese tines wm be fouut on the second noor-another canfenlence tbat we hxd In
mind when tbb store wts ro-modelled. pur show windows are xn Index of wbtt yon wm find nn tbe inside.
WMkrm fitogy. crachifi and «to«M fwohutu, fionrs and woedworkf tote tkK
•msetiws M usalul Mctoto MM to ten hehmitul colors.
Bssfiy spptodL
We, c»n reoommead in every way.
They have ttood the te« (or year* and
we have always found the roo»t »aiiitie«l cuktomer* wken they have u*ed
them. We carry alUhe color* in flock,
lor both totide and omtide uio. A»k
lor a color,card.
Tbat will tronkform dfnsy. cracked and
marred furniture into most altraciive
articlek. . UU mo»l easily applied. Ten
dilTereot colqia.
That we can miaraotee to everyone.
Give* the very be*t of tatialacdoo. and
you surely want to brighten ua m> many
article-, around the hou»e. We c an sell
them to you io any quantity.
We carry a luU line of White
Lead. Oil*. Stain* and every *ixe of
brufh that iittved by |he painter*, and
arc in a l»o*itk» to o^c tbe .very beat
ofprice*. Glad to figure witbyouat
aay tima.
do not have to leave our great store, one of the greatest
' ■cstssMiuigas-BcsrpisUits
Our prices we know that, for quality considered^
are the lowest in the city.
One of the finest finUhe* that is made.
Give* a fine gloaay appearance to any
article to which. it is applied. Something that anyone can use. We carry
The moat varied line that you can find.
Muslin Curtains, moat -.uitable for bed
room*. at 47c a pair. Brussel* Net, an
entirely new tine, with Cluny Lace, at
$2I>0..H60 and 500. In the cheaper
grades we show those at 50c, 75c and
$1. Havesomenice Kitchen Sash Cur
tains at 2Ac a pair. The newest novelty
in the Cathedral and Madras Draper
ies, sells from
to 71k a yard. The
new Striped Madras sells at ‘iOc a yard
Tte Novelty Net i* another new arti
cle and sells at $4 76 and 5-00 a pair.
Another strong line that we are show
ing this soaMm. All tbe new .colq^*
aaowooN a uira-ruit thr*« piscM st *ia suJa
IZ1.S0. m. u|- to S1ZS.W. -Ths «re»te»i Mortatu
We have never thowo eo large a line
of woods. Ash. OoidM Osk. Qsarter Sawed Oak.
We can say without contradiction that
and tbe patterns are all new. You will
have asTarge a line of Carpets as
find anywhere.
you will
ywherc. All Wool InIn CneaftkegivalMt linMofOdd DrMkets, langiag find th* American, tbe German and
the best of inlaid. A fine line of Oil
taprio* from aw to 30.00.
grain, l^st of Body Brussels. Axmin
ster in all the newest designs, Wilton CSItlMdCM-Aa eoavenieat a piece offatai- cloths in all the uew patterns.
N'eivet. These we know are as' hand
tazeakypaoanowaand oar ktoek was nercr
Saw. The Ueldea Oak ate priced at7X)Q, That is the line tbat^e are particular
some as you have seen this season. We
1000.13.50.W.OO. llw beautiful Mieeion at ly strong on. Lam year we had a big
make these up in full size for your
2200 and 27.00. Tbe Mahogany at 24.Waad
room or in the rug style. We are sure
stock, but thi* year we have nearly
we can save you money in these lines.
double and something that will please
DINING TABLES-^We show tbe largost stock that
the most exacting. Priced all the way
you CAB find in the aty. aad the prtoes are from
from 6c to $I a roll. Sitting Room.
We have never shown so large an as
M ill to Its. You can get tho 8U Foot, tbe .Bight
Dining Room. Parlor. Hall Kitchen,
sortment of these' beautiful good*.
F^pt^ Round, those with fife togs or the ceotor
and Den papers In endless variety.
Every size of Rug that is made is here
displayed, and the patterns arc so fine DINING CHAINfi-rorty five dlfeient stylos are sbo«m
to select from and the prtOM at^ from $4 M to
this year. Tbe little ones at 75e and
M for the Bet of six chnlra. Office Chaim mM
$1. the larger ones at 2 75 and 4 50.
X2.26. Full Dinner Sets, 100 pieces, al
oUh wide arm*, or ollhcHil. high hack or filttog
The 9x12 RugfaArom 12.00 to 50 00.
' seat, rvvohrlng or sUttoaary. all ntoi
$7. *10. $16. $20. $26. most beautiful
and the prices are from I4.M to $12.
fur every roum:iotbe koose.
All tbe new ideas in Japanese Mst8.00 find
ifiUJtSs 2 .50, 8.00
tingi. Many of these are jmported
75.8.»* 8.76/
okm fit 1.75.
direct from Japan and ate new th'ts
10.0a Pfifte fiBd DfioPookfitl. 5.00,1
JW> toi^l^new
$48, $48. $60, $68
Moodt. Pnees are from 12c to 56c.
' ■I'SiSis
^ *' THC IVtlllMO mcoivi TMVtMt CITY. iW^flCAH. WCMMMY^ APittt 1C
FEMCf mr AHei^
^ >i UpiigM
lalpb A MMA «M MM HM
'xmpktmM vM MM to Mnto«t to
tet Wta tWy m drtv«B A toctoeb Uto alUnM tor A. r. Ktor
M»ar4 %M M tl»
Iba Mw to tba PUMA
IW cmoMt «tt all »1M «#
fVM 8Mb. m Ma
IM Mdtop
Our liac of Soovcoir Po«t
Cards k as compete as
yoo caa 6ad aajivlwic hi
tUs locality. Comic
M rnifrtMir • tM«#. #f ^roftcm
4«r«« fki7
«ft lyrtl^l iMM. r.«« »M
>Mti Up arvir* kuwal ftinu».
aUk« PM )• iMMMf wHP M «
M Mat art «f sarMtec pMM Ua
twa M» IMS 1 figui aaptaii u»
•CM. tW fam
•r • M4 «tU
a BpMil uab ar lai^ AMt«toa»
r«M la tW lowar «>
M of M poat
Oni uiM «M oMW ftuit* by
t«a HIM aial 1*0 tovtr
vcrr «nto( aCtor.
BoU ir<wa« pw
uai M kava m
vtU iwka tbeir
abm Iba prcoB <
. blurry aud Uebdug lUr boiuto of kUe
propU*. It. will lu- npiilkHl l«‘lU- dCi
licit, cn-attioru-a nud oito-r bawl ludiio
irtod iSiwcr w (u to- |.m ui pit- bum.
for lUa purpose to rutmtod arp Ing luu
tieunry. tauudry hiudltur-r- and otfry
tbtog rw4U»iiug to>>«b al Uto.r f
PM-iirb twplial »uuk In KuUtan
duaiiiw anintinu to |l3K.34o.toM»
Htmiwll rhlldrou may U-i to.
fn.iu Ibf U lusiciita for u abljllng
uan wa« t'oiiriv
be bad any lhlng to say for hlum-lf tor
furo laklng mutentv. be aald ‘ Nolb
lug exerpaug 1 lived with her twenty
oao years kud m-ver did li toft re. *
Hppaa to Make a Mont Rapid Rocov
When fho WoatKer Seltloa.
U at Clarion.
A letter u-ccivod fiufti (be Hev L
B I'aiiM-uter by the l^tmiug Ret'oto
Klatf-i* that Mr. Carpenter Is atowlji
improving in healtb bul Ik aide lo d«
very llllle am yel WTicn the we*mei
wKiUrs he Is Ui bo|»ea to Imptwrlag
and Mn*. Carpi-nl.-r a.v ai
Claimn at presen'l aud expert to go I.
( rona Village next wi-eL to spend the
sumnirr Mr. I'arpt-uler kUlcs that
they bad a wy pleasant trip on tbeli
ililve thr*Higb from this elty t<
Al WilllainHburg. Barkei
rr*.t k and Acm^ Ih.-y vislled sAlb oKl
fileoda but b.iiud tb*- snow going h
Inal that I bey bad l.i leave scuei
than they lutend.-d lu oidci to gel
At Norwood they si«nl a
abort time w iih ibelr daughter.
Unofficial Count hhowed That (
Prwpeattmn Was Defeated by
Thirty.Seven Votea
WARM .ngtti aociai at
< baii^-l. x.i;. RaiiJt.iiib oUtw-l. Tbur.Uay
t vi-iiUig. i:. rvnih. two torw quarter.
ladle, are iiu.si cordially inviietl to b«
luesent. wbtnh. r uu iiib.-rs to the so
lietv «.i not.
m. w
i.fKiu of ctmKumpUon Sh«- had been
an Inmate to the aHvlum since ItMVShe le.ivei. a hiialuind. ilt-orge I. Bml
of Sbcrmaii and tw<. soa.s. Fr*vi and
II ft
Fro«i airivtxl l.Mlay Htul Hu*
iHidy wa* shipiHMl to Slu nuau by
Undertaker Audctxvn
The luneial
seivit** Will iH- belli in the ftmgrega
liuual chunh at Sheituan tomorrow
afteincHHi at 5 oclotk. Her husband
B an old ta.IUier and a pi«aet-r of Sber
Potatoes, 20c to 25c
100 lbs.............. ...............
Middlings, per 100 lha...
Bran, per UU)
.... 1.2n
Chicken,, per Ih..•......•........
Potatoes ............................. ..... .40
Apples ................................. .... l.on
KgR» .............. ................... ..4(,«iix
;;;; Jit
8aF# ^
in the ruins id fV.mpeli. after l>eing
buried l.fta. ycar«. sUU ivtalns IIk effi
racy Soap Is twlc*- juenlloned In the
Bible aud has been In use 3.o(.o years
OyM^rH cannot live In (be Baltic
Soa, the roason being that U is not
salt enough. They can only live In
wau-r Ihift contains al least thirty
seven parts of salt In every l.noo parts,
of water.
Kingdom sieves and told them that
they could have all Ibe pearts that fell
through the mesh, but be w-cnild ktep
those that lemalnod on the slevc^ aI
though he took partlrulai pains lo prn
vide them with smaH meshes, he canu*
near ruining the pearl naherim tberv.
•- >:
idj^kr We.twMMMMM klghMialarylntbaaiMra Ai ^h» klUa a new pIcUifw to ibt cu
CeJet,. U,„ .ulU........ ....
l^ur*. |«r lb.................. .............. 20
Butter, cre-amery. per lb..
Butter, dairy, per lb........ ...,26ff2«
Oats, per hu........................ .............. 1.0
Clover seed............
... 10 w
rush 4M on aharcs. Inquire II. IS.
Kellogg. (Boo Aibor. Mkb.
apr 10-41
All engiuwr declares that
t*enious now do with macbl&ery tba
work of IC.muoO persona a faw years
For some years the water to tha
Rhine baa bean abrtaklag aad a huga
sand bank has appesred near Blbailcb.
Iceland iKinles ate a fad In Bnglabd.
They SIX- 111 great dtoBgad aasoog the
British who can atord lo Indulga
tbeir whlun*.
Awaxrvn Is king to rivers. The val
lev of Ainaxou Is aa wide ss from New
York to Ogdon. I'iab. Tbe fall of the
river in 3.i»bo miles is not over m
llcjiikb and eyes sm ladlspeaaabla
women s atllie. There are a BUBber
of make* to books and eyas, and the
ouils.v for than is esUmatadat
FOR SALE—M* aen- taim * »ght iiili.*s
OU v.ent l«ii;b*,:.^
*i bf tulking machine Is just 30 years
$l.r,is» Imjuire tTiais Sim-hcvi at A
>1. Although 11 Is generally regarded
V. Kickerd *, Mmhle Wfuks.
a musical lo>. tbe nations of Iba
April JO J ni<i *•
worid are sfiendiag mlUloos and mllFOR SALE—foul.-. Mom I V . ;Hpie. lluuK of dollars for It eseb year.
M*rK atel
g*HHj lorntion.
Soap found in
Examine Our Suits
and Top Coats
Tbe Turkish fruit seller Beedi
tab cart- He carrios his wares opon
bU back, in an enormoua banket that
Is fastened hr a stout rope to bis
Wera Tbe manner In which be
bolds bis scales in both hands makes
It easier for him to bear tbe heavy
burden. Tbe welgbto for his ecales
have holes In tbe middle, and are
placqi^bea not la aee. upon a rwind
atlck fastoied to one side to tbe hss Whaat, per Im....................
Backwb«to,parb«.............. ^ .60
Where Kh) to llA-people Uve lo the
Bhat BuEalo. April l'».-<'stU*?—7..;
square mile tbe dei^
Whanged Veal—5u0; active. Sheep
16 per l.UbO. Where there are over
Id lambs—4JP0; slow Hog*—2.040;
M to the square arlle tbe death rale
UR26C higher.
tnemasew to 24 per I.OW.
Jeago. April 10.—Hlieat, 774sc;
Tha bottia Hwe/grows la Auslralia. com. 47V4c; oats. 43Hc.
NaUvae aplR lha tmh'tn two and ase
DeRtoL April lO.-W'haal.
Ihe halrea for boats.
SB. 47c; oau, 47c.
ps-i;:; |
-n»#^tre«e pmeautKms are Ukea lo prtoeto (be rnr of lUMa aad his fhmUr when they po trarfOIng. • tn
lbe>t'^«rf. on the left. Ibe mtrto ftenra la that to the csarY Mraaead aourtor upon whom depends in large
tb^ety to bis jmal MiaUr. Bboald aa au«mpi be made to akkaaalaala NkMak
laaa vo^ al,
I tw-toiu-»8L.ta—»oOir*Mto H*
The twaid to county iauvaio.e-b lln
(shed ihcli W(»rk this tnoriilng aud
(oiiud that the propoaUlon lo bond the
county fur the purpose to «*iectlug a
county poor bouse on a farm lo to
cartoully cor
purchaMxl by the county wafc-lo*l by
SALE Ouo gu^a.liue sieve gnd
Methoditt Ladies W':M Meet in Home only sevenUH-n viuca The total muu rocitol every day. Tha local market
Ur of voles c;o.t wa*.
SM ^.f pricoo are supplied by local dcalerm!
to M-w. E. J. Fulphum and
which wcie for the pixipohition ami Tho oiiUide quotatiorva by wire, not | «.i.. an tight healer, one tox lendvi
lion Church Friday.
MS'against it The iiuuffidal count •lippod from oPier papert to the pro- j
H. K. IVrriu.
ndiihlln St.
apt Ji-tr
*n»e regular swlal allerm'ion of the rbowed that U lost by Uiirly seven vioua dgy.
Ladios’ Ai.l MH-lety <d V^Ui y
FOR ^ALE—One laug*-. .‘d«l*-lviarU. ex
rhureb will be held at. the hon
Mrs ('alkliis^i.mer Ninth and
Warreu nun. ^Z9 E 1 w ell lb
St reel, on Tluii>dav. Api il 11. a:u
apt l«»4t*
lake ilu* loi ai oi a uvepllou in honor Mrs. Mary J. Rurt Paaaed A^y at the
of Alih. E J ^^ilghuIn of Bunaio; N
Norll)ern Michi^n Asyl^ YeaFOR BALE 1 rtatland ivm,k Mow. 1
Y.. a loruuT president, who is visiting
air tigbi Imater. I waidnib*- coikIi.
In Ibe eiiv. ami-of Mi*. I T Uuru.^.
H. E^ lY iiiii. .niS Kraiikijii.
Mt> Mary J Butler, aged il.
who will leave f»T her lu-w Koine
mar Sa if
Petuakey mkiu. All ^^ielul^ t.f ihuM' away at (be asylum y-eaterday after-
Urldegrtuiiii (luiw'eKyi -»^ial ilo»*s
i»ay^ Ilrlde ireadllgi ito uol ro
iKKue. All will to fta^given.
cards, ia (act cards of <
every description. Ic to
10c each. Come to our
store to make your se
ifM w«l Tabs th» Matter Up as I
Hipbor Rato WMd Moan a
. A U*x Mjciai »hl hr hrid at the
bliMay arbonl itoiarday e^aotop.
April 15. at 1 uVk^k
pm HMM
apatoal apfMto
Rasutor aMtop to the Uhs mor
• af tW
n»m ntoht. BoOamia to Impurtatoia
Al tbb tabular tiior-iitig to the dl
ICtao m la fapmeded u. allM »ii|a
pritog*. wMA raaM W aarfuw p
par aXiar Qie acraaioii aad lltosiraled ttu<tuw to Ibe toard to trade yewur
•r naUI M»Mi ^ tba Mar i
<to) aflrmoou Hecitoary I'ttdor araa
TW smmn im «ater tpa uppar U*Ha auapa hjr Mpipaa s CtoMtoaa
wioU'd U. tall a toesdlng to tbr en
IVto W N Pktoila to the l^rU lia
uiiiiia »U1 drJiver bU popular toctiira Uie meuito-nbii. to Ibe b««rd to Uade
to * Maklaf tbn World Btotor * al lo take up for < oustetorai Ion the papei
i»ro>to which ha. lu^-n love.ii
ISurkhy (Vxiarapalbuiai cbuirb IM
go led by ibe t ariuue eomnimeoo' to
day cvrnliif. Apid ly
Tbla pmpoaltiou is gto
Tbara alU U^a niae(tn« tbla c%an Ibe bouid
for d<-liuiu. atolua and
iuK or i ratat^, (*iiy coruojanilai>. N'u
tr Ibe lieuple *4 Tra»«m«- ril> waul
41. KtiirbU T. iapUf
Uie> will have an opTlu- linpnn.n>.iHa I.. to, (bade ii.
dme Sion- aad lha portuniO lo^xpres. tbemii-lvo.
lug will I...I to .^.rnintd «xiJaAuti'rlran Kandy Kiuben a/a aal!
t«> UI. uiU r's «»l Ifi. UMid but all
under *s:^y atui tlo* at<h>aiarea tba
tao ai'.ua aiU i.rutoitoy to- buivto-d
Hdaonoa. Alti i Chat ito i«- U a thiH- (.ibbsbtiieut to the putof^ toill ju Ibis
oufb overbaulibjr to the Kuioly til) ikie ...rUj.illy luUi^-U to ».e preoftii ;Tbe. noriutg will to Tueaday
K Urban lo l^a luacla
( Wbllf la.iv«i>K OrUD{;4 ball last (iv« n vseuiuj: 41 S nebs k
IJs^oge W Qitib . tan to liavcyrwe
r: I). kUMUi
un lb«icutltop a lad Ku^b to bU tiebt iIIhim Oi)’a. i.ttituiut nV pt.iaio Uiyeis. i<*
I Tbc will tor ihf.Uit John ItomitUk poittsi lo Ibt- iMMid lh4i I be rslliiuu).
aa« bird Ipday and a ln Uliou KiauU-d bad .Ktliie.l ^ gtte ihu i.>«nie retliic
lui ibt- appoluUncut to a «pt‘<lal nd tion III rit-ik'dt rale* i>u
It Mil H
(bey but** «io|u 111 toilUVI
IMiald MiHiteltb. a M-tKoaut to th« >t .tl . i be I at. fioiti llijiK * ll> <U Oil
rnllod Kiata» ravairy, (• boiuo on a cauo 1. Is t'viitis. Ili-f i it.fouC taginuing III April, u u**luctU»u to \Z cents
ifa out *.vff M fufiouah. wlaltlxiK bin tmithi-r al bt-i
I ban lhaj lire* diiv b«*nu‘ on \Ve*l Hlxl«H*nlh am-n. Mr luu. Uwii allow Oil b> (be iallitoi(bi.
an dr.Atmaid lUay alii
vit MoiiUdlb btu Hiivod mwtiy ton >rai». Ml lardle .lutod ibai bo had Ikvu
w«m. ••
In tbr mcr«vlog. |/U bl», U*t M-jvkv toln*; In t!»o Philip lu Ulb-d Ihsi tbliv udui Uon would uol
be roudt- Ibla yt-ar .and be explained
•Mi> U E Wall! irluriu-d frouj IhiU Ifce refusal tif Uie lallroads to
gtire the reduc-ed rate dtilug the sviin*
nit- Lake tud4k).
rl*. to -wUM li Iba OiHXT l»«lr |*f pruiuri
iiu.nl hi '------^ ‘lua\> ‘
I*. K l^i^lo to Maplfluu was lu Ibc
•rr Ml«< •»
Mwa to iIk* i^fk>u
t*. the la mu I iHHwuse th4* pn.-e they
Tiaw. Tb» »ini|i« baa fratotMl wttli pn cHy.
Knight, of Pylbla. am aakod lo rc would lecelv. w.HilU bate lo to less
aatb. mbbk
|ha |iutoU of ^ba
iwt*vif* «o ftirra «»ui«aftj , As sulad uieiuber ito’ farvwVdl i\-orivllo».(o Mi. IhMD.ct.uld be paid If this leducUuu
wen* grautiHl aa lu (ujuiei yiwrs.
«U»vr. Ibaaa pruufia bra i*al lo spntod fiUlTMis. Wt-lUr tcunorrow i-viuing.
at npbi atlftas tu iba lowar
The matter r.us rtocrivd^ to .Ibe
U pmrtK^ tlM» |k*M is arU «Hi Of mink
iransiHiilailou cmmullloo wiib the iv
luiii (ha pruund, and tbau «
a auitn**1 Und tbalplay we saw UM ulgbt quegt to uw. i-very povisible uigmneiit
Ida" toatruiiiaet tha priMips ala diitcn
and repmseniatloii with the rallnuul
dnma. «Ua4i (bay wlU awnmialh^ptot
man. the boobaod Id K Ccr- cooipaiiU-s t. indiK-t- them to le-esub
llnaa ahoHtt to Iba ansravli|p^ il»c to
'%<«(ur of (toa ItttiirtiM aiic't»M*iud Ua* roriiH bl. wife Into trembllVg and lisbl the tat.*r> iu*i «*ltvfoi*‘ |»i(‘vailiug
silent .uboilaalon aud end. by klllinp during' the suiumei UKUilhs
^ Farmint by Elaatneil^.
8toue to ib«i fuieriirtato^ fartL
Harblaon and Turin i .n,unti^ Kofatb
liakuto. am fArmiuc an ihouh’IbIIuu for
Ilia purpoae of tonotliw iau tiwlntktjr
- -
Al every point
material* Aie tOter LhantudiMrily
ebowii At oar prioM-
yio. fl2g», $1S.5S. SIS to SIS.
E. WILHELM, - Front St.
Tm’^tyEWtii MCO—rT»>*«at
otv; michwan. wconwmv. awul
m mr.
A MaaMOk oMa
apr M
pmm cur
vin katr a aao lU.aaa
CMr flowkOa, ttl
noBL %Mum ». /
I Mw of G. A. BiarAr at
, t4raa oacM ciad oatjr la ikHr atskt-
fiamp air la licktur________ __
M and wUl takn tke ncilTW itefw^T vreatWr tke air Is UgkUr than
It la la fair meaiber and aol kMrler.
wnea to Qaylori we4l rr<^* as waay
emake ka^ abnnt tke emfoue df Ike
with lonB wmewan Tke Ttama, while eailk. It sV-mm that Ike air Is tighter
than the awoke. W hen ike «lr l« drr.
only la tke negawd yoar «C lU tslsi
U la bcavtt^ tkaa tk<^ amuke, aafi the
cnor. has mm with pkunomanil am- Mner tkewefore anmdm TV weight
ctss uador the able managvuatM of 9i the earth's itmesiikme. ar.' tn
R B Crekorr. mho mill embark in new words, tke preasnre egetted
•artk ky the atmosnkere. U about tbe
aar »^uao ^
^ eanted fnaa the kUxtmi
HCRCENT poultry yarda. oUadard MMkac oa a «A,
Tke bulldia* caaaUUw of ihe Mdk
M WkUa Wyaadocte
of UUdatoor
wll>i ERUctui^
UfANTtO^ T- l«4. «r mrml ^Hied hy
lhaa accriiicd tW pUdu
•iH i-rtcr. Mmi% ^r»*. CHy ^
•»r I l«o* W K
Hmiler of Ik^mil lor the aem
«»r l*-ii
Mi KMMM^caa tacara kca aaj ekBK;h. mbick mill cost $5.tsn». of
bv i
iMaa CraM Ckartaa IrMk. 73« W vklrli |4 <»0A has Ucu alrvmly sub- .tu-U lo
Uk. ta lk«- Ull Ttab^
tiaben bj
rOR RAtC-Ua acc«aat of )ca%lag
* ...
•M caipH Ml«g > 4o
ttar Z2 \mo strtlc-d
>I«UIC« of tbr Fljliw Kulh-t..
<U). >ru|MNti c4 E J l\Uflittat.
«4N CTH Nmm M.
t il«
tbib l^ugki ily u. Rich a'X'idt niaMy ball ftoni Bmioo HarU»r. the mccoa
kimiHT. I«rti ao4l ka oa ttcliU aa<i
•AmA himself in the sWiukler mWk* of all Rolk-is «|f the iilbe of Benjamin 1
CW« aUoolA. «nita»a a«4 ivo Ii4«
duck hunting ua Hqusm lake Hr miui and Mary. All mho are anprrmtltlotts i
IteU Ray. Waiahaia gaate. aao
r^r r«ai«< »a4
dramlag kU gua. wumIv firml. lomard .nI. .hr bW ... Ib...« . t. ,
laaaa aaa kM Mar; oRa laatl)
rmiMiTr pMrains K H TMaat
korar. lM»gfr, Mirr?. aatlar M Imi KOOAC thaa daaatoped aad fOcturoa him rnben it exploded and knocked l.» Ibr nnsbri V of Jliv dl^rtrr. lb ‘
»lf tlatoa 0c
«|.r aif
prialad at EMrk HUdlo. over City him down la iLc boat. Had ke fallen ! Mlrbl»« J.4.0 .-. n.l U«tar« loro, j
ar-^ loaatia or Mia. El J. Kul
kook atoia.
aiar 13 lOKt* in the lake ke might have diomui*d as jdtH*. ta:ihquakt*s sad eye
ahoai o, J W Jackaoo
opr • Jl
WAMTep^,loa«.|ioo^or la«ul»a Rarv--------------------------- !---------------L< ma* uncvujsckms tor soun- tlun*
j due sad gtvea the |H»p;iUtx* just
koaaa. COMSULT MAOANIi HINit. tke
WTille WtssJlaud is far from l*<*;ug M !da>v to Inistk* for lk*ntu« Haiboi
palaoal. at IIT Uakia opoa all af •grown up. - It is sonic pumidilus. and mhcr»* the eU*ct shall gather ou the
I any of the ^aHHiniain** lui safely .
MPatk. Mm. Tracy CillHi. IM
Uigci cilkm.. BoU tV ITtUcns and
An «*gort a til U* made to a4*cmv bv
» alforla^r k if
OCT VOUR kkyclea cloaa«d aad re Michigan ickidioDe lines ois rale from
•*IM*cla1 art 4tf the IcgUUt
palrod at Culmaa'a. MR llakia 8t.
c*i*C smltihbuard. aud aubsciibi*rs have p .s. r to U
FOR tAti-Taelvefuol roaeler with
use in
WANTiC^Rmt a«i«o for rompt^u ni M4 d elxlit draweiB and tan ala
amr ITlam the bc-negt td two fdiiiuca. mhih* the p'lhilr Impfmeuients at fm
Sirl for foakrai kmaaeaurk k|m It
foia aiMm raae^ all la good <MMdl
cbsrge is for but one
The ctiuucil hav .igM*txl to thU Home
J . Margaa
opr | if
IU«i 8 E Walt A Ma
apr rtf
I aary rotaadlaa. Bold by all irat^ara liommgUt- Is i^MK lo uiiUcrp* a l5.o«'«* U ueedt*d for aiteaian mclJ pui
series of Impruvcmeuts this suinniet POMS and II5.0W fm iiavlng Ucdia
WANTiC-#rBrai kaad; too aillr%
mhlcb mill make U h c.k like nhm P«v a\i
frun dly. caH Clt pkoaa |:74i. beat FOR CALC .Sr<^jad bagO. IC f<iut
><11 veais
W aiM forxtgki ama
aprj r if
N0TlCE*^W*e clean cbliuucys and fur Ing oa a laigc «M:ale has been com op
laak. luddei aad ( •mr. $45. a
$54,250 lU.istu .wM^ liunomt**! of a Mlutteap(»
paves aad store stow* tktough tlie monrod and mben the
miAHrio ^ MnrV ariii •• gam Tia.ria* <-Uy Molui Boat sumnmr. Trsvetae City Btoie Riv iM*m<*r s)stmi ba« bin n InMalled. ahuig lU capitalist, for |iavi«K purpo.M*s. ami
c^paay. k;;o iu> atroct.
a|H K U
boukokaepar at 0«ercllff Ural Call
the citv cn
peir .LV. MI2 W’ Front. Cite. 517.
pkoaa «7t Mm V II iTIdayJ
B('U 81 ;r
apr 1 tf no lM*llci In the country. An «de<-tiir dc.-uoit*d to dmlgc |»s\uieut
line is pp.mlM*! tiom Ksn Ulslic pro onged h k.i1 tM:ib*. iuKlcad of thy
WADC BROE.. Heal l>.tstc and Ixaas. mhnh mlM t'•*nm*^ t l*o»sui-< mMh oi tgin.il ;aii*uin«. Un* « i»> »mc l $«.<*o*
MtANTKO -*rw ooliodloa. autm aad
HI? Houlk Union Ki . Traverse City. IV.ntun llailKir
tic ir It l »J Ikh-u idling up at tbr
MUk. Cltlseos phone !XI$-We
cOd arntmau A. IHdiotal. lU^lHoa MARKCT FOR iALt-la a Bood
Glcuu R. MUer. fmiucily with the ran* of f 1.«hc' •» ycai
have gill edge In vest menu mrliortHdi.
amr^laio toan loqulrt at the Record <iflke
your immev U absolutrly S4*curc.
vkere profits are assurtnl mhere
Roaauu for arlltiic. other burlaeaa.
WANTiO^HOlrl <
Ml to dji caa
real oetntr. gUtedge real estate. Is
apr lAC
kali famUr; IS
your W^oorlly. All classes, fine uum\ein resldennm. uMalcrn hotels. lU
liaaaioail. 415
_________ _ 4^**'
FOR CAUI-UOI-riaa booBk Waal
TeoUi Bt ; prico $1,150. Wada
Broa. IIT Boutk Ualoa Ft. Cit
pkoaa im.
Jaa 00-U
FOR CALC-IS acroa oa poalaaula
loial^ouAe. Ove acrea apple orchard
«Mie an.* |»raiH. four arrea Uinber
».)itiug mater. Willlaiu Puher, city
mar 2lliu..«
GOWi FOR iAti ,
waa. r«2 « mtUlua kl
FOR ftALC iViipeolrr tnols
iMilldlaK prtrtMto
B K PftDce. k5J WMbhraitot
FOR CAtC-HlMm alock. tsturea
l«M I< iHilldiM )• toot Mrfite
FOR SAtf-Uooari a. gooi\i\S^.
;• imu laid oilirTe; alU aaJI for kbma
: Imir eoal M WaUier Jlioof* Pkoae. atk lOlk or tM.
apr €11
toaa*cloae to Trmverae Clly- 1
Broe.. IIT 8oul% Caioa 8t
pkoaa lilt.
COOi FOR aAtC-Wblte Wyaodottea.
•2 for U.; mlDuer of tllver cup at'
iH.ultry Kbom J W’. r.lmim r.uan A
FOR CAtCwkte&^mte. com. ne.i H«i:t. 202 Btiuih IilvUloit ititH-l
kailey. buckaboal. field |huu aud
apr .< HfiiO
keaaa Tran>roe City MUllug Co
war 3t»^tf FOR 8ALt-1477-Large aifkt room
koaee. coraer of Caas and Ktk Bte,
FOR iALi~14TI-Waa aaw laa i
Urge lot. bouee' well iaUked
koaaa. eoraar lot, oomar of L
etnoe fouadeUuo: easy terwa. 1
nprta.; arlll Uka '
llltoo Wade Broe.. 117 Ualoa
CU&. pkoae ISli.
tlvk Ciak prioa ll,ooo. IWada
Em.. IIT Uakoa Mraat. CU^ pkoaa
FOR 8ALE-1»01-Seren room bouae.
large lot. cnrac r Bo)d and Fera:
Wade Brtia.. 117
price 8LX00.
Bouth Uokm SL
FOR 841,1—1111—<
thirty five ai;re ftrw, alghty acrea
iMpfioved, larfa Ura aad good FOR 8ALf-im-Good a
roam house. Itk street,
koaaa, orchard. Uiga awougt of ackool.
amrket sad okui
good Food, ilwbar. farm ail Ikgyed lerma. FHoe IlMfi.
aad ao better aoU to ba fiMio4: alt
wlloa aoaikeaat of city oo mala FOR 8ALC—Modern tmoatury real
mad. ISaat Bay toauahlp; ckW to deuce. lOll E Fmul Ht. l.ol GOaIIO.
achool aad church; aill uell oa eaay
Price $7iKI. C4llicoa phone H2U.
teraia. omaer In other biiainraa;
Mer. II tr
price tS.IMHi Welle Uita. 117 Bouth
Haloa BU Clt, pkoae 1211 *
inch. 10«.rge
fob Id tf
bnrve immrr; good as or
II ik'ltucr. Route G. city
8ALC-1I88-8U room kotiee.
war 2F1
price II.W. WeiU
nitk Uahm 8t. Clt FOR 8ALf-Robber tired top buggy
lea «e If
j sfe giMKl as near, or elll take aa part
FOR 8AtC-14t1-liim fee. oornar
payment a steal tfred buggy Geo
of Ualoa and BevaaU sUeet; imm
B BciW; rvaldem^ CIU phoae
alory frawe belldlng;
ufftoe. Uty
i Broa,. il7 Bmilh |
lea H
FOR 8ALC -llkt-Modera eight ft»w
reelAenra, Riitk atraat. All eon
tealeaeea. A good'harm, eloaa la.
rnea lUM. Wada Bias., $17 BcHilb
Uatna etraet, OtUeag Pkaka ISlf
Jam. irti.
FOR BALC-lin-BU room house.
loa alraec Cita pkoaa lilt.
FOR BALE—1S81—Good. comforUble
borne. North Cedar Bt ; price $IW
Wede Broe. ilT Booth Union 8L
at. phone ISII
Ian Sl^tf
II general Hews
teresl pro. liK log propertltm on rent
able Usis pixifll earning prt»|H Hlta»
f Urn inlcce and Incieas-
The oldest Alpinist flvlng is M U ' suggestbum foi »>iIlloiuI. canu* frmu
prol«ing<Hl HIse of lots c^t rods llusst. a -s'h^sdmaster ol Audcrmalt,ih s-uis shut up In asvlums a.s luiia
fitjol on Union HI., eight nUs fitwt
oa Beauk* street, one hundred rods ttho ha;i jus! iclet.rated his Hue hum i ttrs. The listening bivthn*ti men
(Ind and fiiat blrthd iy loiSl s<intn>ei ' aiclIUly auiUMd. mh« rcu|M>u Ih. Buck
hc.*.u‘rompaulcjJ by sei«1al AlpU.lids. Uy bshl
I Kiica y<ui mould laugh.
UJiule his las! rlinih. ah<*»*udluK thc| hot I maul to say that nuiie o|
ad Garfield a^^um and k'lvnl. and a
Irlfte further than comer of nivlwlon GuUch tuuuuta.a. ucaily 7.«
sugKi:slloas ary* ms sane as mmu
and rourtcenth Hi. At corner Gar mltbiMil usaislame.
field and Front fifty by one hundmd
)o» mill ever lx*." The biclhicu fell
r H/^illanl.
and fifty foot lou are mrorth one mbat is e»|MM*U>
D<» fuiibcr IncIlnatiiMi to laugh.
kondred aad ftfty dulUra. or five
Paron Rikh‘Ii. Rosstao anibas^dor
kiU to the acre seven hundred and t'hlcago cugag\*nieot. l.v-tbe only actoi
fifty dollars per acre. At «»roer of ol mide mputatlon mho ndusea to eui to this oimuli... has bad eplcndld
Pirlalon aud Fourteenth sre moilh ploy a p.ess agent. Mr Willard Is of I ram lug as a diphuiiai. having held Im
la^i bundled and fifty dollars per the opinion that ibe puldlc l.-i not in
isksts Ixloic coming t«* Wash
Kd oi twelve huodixMl and fifty doi
hum iM i ociv. Our price on lot one t<n*sled III hU peraiMial affairs aud mglun Hr Is a chan, olloi of the Ilus
oo Union 8t ptxdonged as described, that his moik should s|H*ak t o Itsilf k!ati iiiipiiv. a chttiutKilain at the
la about thirty-three inr cent leas
Ihiuny Rhhaidson. omo a gical couit of UiLar Nicholas and has been
than comer of Gsrfleld aud f^ont.
and about slslv sts H*r cent less scciuid liahciuun fci the Nom Yolk ilcvxiiated with the orders ol Ht. Vlmdi
Glanu. Is uom pailnA lu ii .s*uco.-sful mlr; 81 Ann aud Bt StaulsUus. Hr
than C(j
dr) gcMKis stoic lu Uliulia. N- Y Hi Is an ac<ximpllshc*d musician and
prolonged. Our price Is your pres lt lends may that uomuriays he cals. siK«ks Eiiglish. Russian. French. tU*i
ent profit as per aU.ve pe^finUgr .
price IX.MXI
ix*t 5 -ITnii.n street skx*|M» and thinks di> g<MHl«*, ' He U uiun ttahan and Jaitauese. His fara
only pnvtjM*n»us and happy, with the luiUDcb II Is an old one iu»d has produced
imeoiyfour rods further aouU; of an aldeiTuau but uoimithstaudlng
price |1.5tK» lA>t I-Union Ht. pnv his gliib be playv*d lot a Uical charity
longed, aamc ss^ 5. only trifle fur
ther south: price 11.500. Lot 7~ last lall ami 'lined '<f ouf foi a hiuuc
A T Kyle, .uo* i.f iti.* original
Union Ht pndtmgrsl. aawe as lot *i; lull Hud a 1br<;* Imgger
toxvu sitera * <4 4x*aveumoitli. Is still
price 11.500 u»i k—Unirw HI. proIhiKc rail Thee M* of
^ Vav..
ihliig lu that pnn>iK*n..is Kansas «Jt>
kinged, same as lot 7; price ll.5m» only itiyal tx-cvllsi
ixTyllst ^ith'^miuM
Iji the miuM, a^nrt Mr Kyle ami a tem ass<x'lalcs,it«dtH t,*d
U*i b-Unlon HI pndonged. aaiue as
lot 8 with ciception of small grove
tlM* kin* of mhat Is nom OIK* of the big
ou wmt end of 4<»l: priw $1.^. IxH
gr-.-l cities In K;im.i»s in IK.*.!
I tr- Union «t. prolonged, same as
made Hk* first Mii\e)s for tiu* lomn
kH t»; price $t.:.*M*. The above pro|v
• hU ila’ighictm In* ju I •mjimU** of Fort la avcumtirlh.
eily can easily 4m* se<*u and mill Im*
fmind on liivesiiKatioo to U* tiilb a^
i (ixmtit*r iMJst ftir the pniUsrihui
\ mcjliral M*luM»l I,uV.ruuUlnB I..
k<sm1 a» UeM'ribed and me think b»
much U'tlei S«» faf as values are ,..U h..„.luK
K„n.,--. H.- ha.
concerned mill say this
We mill
b...,...al. ... wht.b I..- .l.•v..U•KL.....
find a purchaser foi any pioiK*it> In
aud annind Trarerar Ully that mill
...... •
1, ,«„k bln. ,ao .u..ntb.
luHM iK-r.^ons HfnUled
to huivry the sH** and then tmn «»i
thice moiv months mvjt* rx.U jumcd In
s*ny di*es with prits*s and
Dr. Hucklcy. editor rd the Uhristboi jricaiing the t.nmh fiom a piam m»t
value <»f pn»iH*Hy me have
Advin'aU*. In the couriK of his reuiarks blgg«*r
I It with Further me mil
than the prt*v.i*nt
[ of lots la) lug l.« lore a c«*Uicreuce in New York city L
as thr-v do. lew! as a houiM*
last mtx*k. said that some «d 4iIr best»
iHstullfully situated Jii**t outside
cliy limits, platted into ordinaly
Tipplof tha Cook.
slxad city lots mill sell mithiu one
A Cr
In old time* Io dine wlib a
ytsir for one hundred and one bun
A hnmorous n-msme »*i retK>rted eo«i more In tips to tbe aenaiits than
died and lift) dollars a lot. OI five
to Hcven htindrcd and fifty dtWUrs from Nstol. where a rmuhful Hindoo a . lub dinner. Lord IVw. a well nam
feet. brlds mm receutly ^allad uimmi to ed Irish jwer.' excused btmaetf from
|M*r acre Title U alisolutrly perfect
rhoone between h-r husband and ber
Abstract given with caih lot W
dining m lth'tV Duke of Lirmond upon
5 tf jewels. Tbe rase <*ame liefore the Dur
tbe jrouud tbit V nwkl not aEnrd It.
ban pollcm court in the firM Instanpe, • If you win fire me tbe gttioan I bar#
where the brtde s psrents says the
to pay yxMir txiok. 1 will txime as often
Natal Mercurr. atvxiseil her liusbau I of
you choose to ask me"-which was
HOU8E TO RENT-.531 WaibiugtoQ abducting her while under tb'rteea
accordlugO done. The duke, however,
slieet Wilte J F Wyaung. Olney. years of age ' The br-de. ho«e^e^.
claimed t‘» be eighteen, stid the magls bed nat the pluck to sloi» *be Upping
apr k-hl
Irate dismissed tbe case #»ms de th- practice. Tavrd Tasfe.. a feaerol «mc«r
lu tbe Austti
AustrUn service
Ice. 4kl wktt ka
FOR RENT-iri Casa street lagulre court a tu; **f war took p are between could He al .
tbe two parties for the |*ovaevalon <*f
BoU gms end alactik. Ilghte G««id
144 Ikwt euktk.
mar XI tf
kara. fiue lama, close tn. Wasktnstoe
TO RENT-I0d4 Washtnglog stresd;
winmi Price liKtg Wade Broe CARFET
eight rooBA bam. Iin. C A. lUmCLiANINa
moud. People s Bavlnga bank
. 117 fr^tk Uelnn 8t. t^tlmas Phone
Jan 4 tf
wade to order from ohl oarpeU at
Chspin a: 14 YEAR8 exporUaoe and FURNIEHED ROOM8 at
FIM FOR 8AtX-Ag taet fall rigs
earefui ntteotion paid In all work
erelt led so none of them are sUial
sent here CIlirei. pboae HIT
ad Ingnlre at J. W BUter » farm
TO RENT OR EELt-U amm In East
war 14 U
' war 21 if
Bay township. Ed. Fiirton. tX8 Web*
OLD MACMINEi Ukea to eschaage
otnr atmeL
tbe brUle. la tbe course of which it ar
peared lh*t mbat her pa reals p-rt‘cu
larty dmlre^l was ir»» berself. b*;* her
Jewelry A se gmant of pol <*♦ the
lew I
In Judgmeat and de-tdM tbvt tbs
the jew
to the parenta.
girl meet chnooe b ...r-a bri hn.l..Dd ,
and bar braceleia At.er ... n, ch:-.. I
tlcHi eke rkoee be buMMud. wV
the iMirfles from
ed tb'Ha to hpr
mar irioBo
g.'^r»’srK5.-Br:£j ”3?i^s"*“'£S!:s
VHm atiasL Otts. pkaae itlE
REFAIRINO aeaiUy doae at
makU prtca. A. DeBasia. Ill E.
i Bl
mar Ihlmo*
repairad at Akgoaa.
Prtcmi iwmwaabif.
bands Pito tbetr pockets be oald . "Ko
If .vou do five It, give It to me. for
Timothy Waklo must l>e glvxn
mur uokairf
Baturfiay at
tkaa three lenas.
iMJ an- 1L5:.-Luiakai
«» «»»
nrarlk*.. Aftcf .Uun wl.li
I. ,b.vit
grteru pounds to the 5.,v:.irr Inch A
msa ef ..idLitrr aP^ tbo* iMUirs all tbe
time a pressure
al*oui .TOlkSi poondii,
b-t »«■ <»<-' "<*•
I*'-**"" '*
dlrr.-«bibOther fluids Ibrt
outmanl. thus
uislutslnlnx a stsie of e^nil'
BARA T. CHASE. BL &-0Elee wflli
Dr. O. A CkMA Bute Bank kM.
Both pkowea, m*8r. BesUiwos 18$
W.BUkU BL OBL pkiue m.
kuMoB to dlaanaea ot tke eyr. eat,
DA A A 8IINOB-OBICO over Auert.
can Dnit Store. Special aiteettrm
sixth aliwec
urinary, akin and hloiMl dlaanaea;
yearm expertenoe. OIGce City opera
house block Pkooio-New. |«l;
old rfl. ReMdewco. 710 '
Emglafid and Frarcs.
ciaa and Surgeoa. Removed lo t4Jt hs. lM*'a luavfully ol»*orretl tb*tt
ficxo tn Munson block over Barmnia
the luuttwl euilphtbte« and Mtrarttonv
A Barra, dtlsens pkooe Stt.
of KugtamI and Uraiu*e nimble
carious Urcerr tb^vve of man and '
isrtiai».> oTC might aay of men end
act loa regulator. SaOs*
wonmu attached to each other by a
faction guaranteed. With KimbaU
warluge de ronvensn.-egeogiaphhiue
Music House. CIU. phone Ml.
-We do alljistiirtlh bnte tb«* 7'rent h.”
Mr. ret»ys (dv*erved long sgn.
piii tn mortgogre. lloueea for aa»e.
inquire of A I cNmikara, Park
Frau**e hts never ceased
, .... ev .»r bid-el l-» Inspire ynri of
au1 fXMwbe t
ASfiTRACTfi OF TITLE-C. O. Oarnight It d** l.er blRtcM*lnn« devennt of
vrr rrlcc*« reoaonable. Oftl^ wRk
the glortmts rnV she has played In the
O. V. Uoirver A Bra Both pkoaea.^
general work of ctrllUatloo. of the
••«) imwtbetlr geolUB whUh lias velre.t DA Er L. THIRLBV-Bpecial atten*
tlou to dlKcsiiex ^^t Cblldrea. lloooi
• n I translated for Kumpe the Ub*ns of
4(t8 State Bank bldg. Both phewea.
reo-on. Jrsth*e and all the lbe<>r:
life, private and publh*.** mhl.1.
“preserved eien In Ibe ii cful an t
frivoloua the iradltloa of art." of tbe
Idesllsl persereram*e. w4»ose
menu have anted Hu* worM Vn •uiuh
sutrerlag and • mnd«* of her fdllc< Uh
wisdom of other uaiM*ns." t!eor,:e H
Powell in 7'ortnlgMl.v Review.
Ws'ra All LaaiHsr EaUra.
"And tlten.” said the arclU* explorer
*T ale iny h*alber belt.*’
•'fVJi. mjial of Hint? Kvery umthei i
iw*ii of us e- Is e pnlr of nIkn-s h ye.vr“
Uk* explrxvr fr.m iied * This.'* he Im*
gtn. ‘ Is no laugfunz'
Ba* the •••leotlst lufoiTuptetl him ' I
am not jrdluz. s r. I Rv.ek flic NO
|eathrV> Is It not ,
ith. IVh:.
? Mell. win* you mi l
milk to yiMir lea or coffee, the Uuuln
of the SUM* niid tiM* nlburie i of tlh*
mber unite, iltid le.nlier reiulis
leath<*r 1« hi minute p4irtI>
Ibeless It Is there. Aud down It
All who diiii!: tea or i*offoe dall.t
seteutisi c.onilor’ed. •I'ousume
.vcor enmigh leailier lo make n pntr of
•iV e**! *^"**^ ^«H*r
h»i sv^'mJ. “I Iheu ;ih*
-Pneumonia’s Deadly Wprk.
had HO >«iliMi»ly .affix-tixl my tight
luiig.** mritcN Mi> l-^iiulc Uoiiinu. of
Ruia! fUnilo 1. t;(*orgctoan. Teun .
“that I OMi;;htsl coallnumiHly night
unU day and th** nclghUus' pn*4llcth»n
—<*onsumpllon — H<x*mc»l
iiutll iny buaband hixmght home a
Imltlc of Dr. King's New |ks<*<ivi*'y
which In my case ptoved to tx* the
tmly RKAL cottgh ruit* and n*stoier
of wi-ok. Miiv lungs." W hen all other
iemi*dies utterly fail, you may si ill
min in the bottle against lung an I
throat tivubles with New Discovery,
the REAL cure f}uarautc*o<I hv BugIMX* Drug Uo . Flunk H Meiols on I
Itnnnah Drug Htore. diuggiMs.
and $ I (Ml Trial bottle Tree.
Griswold, oecrel
NoUle C. Grey.
u on Monday evooUfi
on nr before the full of tke moon,
at 7:30 p. m Carl O. ‘
K. O T. M ’ S' No.^nTmeeU ererr
Friday night In tho Broach block. Mart
Wllkena. Commander: E M. Franklin,
Rfxx>rd Keeper; L A. Erona. Finance
t. CHj (
Farms for Sala
I have a number of (nood
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can seil you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any-,
body else. 1 have farms
which are located from four
20 miles from Traverxi
Ciiy. all good improved land.
you lisvo good lemi Utmf
. f
F. P. LAWTON. M. O.—Office Wilhelm
blo> k Both phones.
apr i tf
turgeon. 117 Caoa atiweL
office. 7G02
Raaldunca SIX WolaoL
6 Ptrat National Bank Bldg Cltf
sens phana 80.
A J. McPHAIL-Daatlat Over Jokaaoo drug aUira. Ball pkooe 80SX
rinju; OU.
Ma Wtlkala Uodd. CM
A A 8IARTIN-PhyMelan and Snrfwa Oflien 881 Boat Freai ntreet
S40 Wnnhiii«tpn,
CKt pbooe 771
LESTER D. WELCH-AtUitwisy at
• *“«»
Uw. Oolleetkifi wort a apedaHy.
sot Uke aUver.
atlier. air.*'- “Very go?»i.
“1 do not
With Underwood 4 Ualor. 8utkerAnd I di. not gi.e g.iJ" Thl.< con
Uad block.
jaa %AX
eons reJnlmW
•of valU to
DA F. A 88AC NETTines' t;n*ettr
^ gpiu Afra7«
aims of Imperial
«o«eriiurihl|i ul Jamaica ma* a lather il*3lool2»iSriL4!I^^
iOMPartaut post Usmas ami t*i«n dukes
ware glad tu get It. l>ukea aev«r ao
aguveniiBBvUyoaU the oeos isoma j
Tkejr ka^e bacoase very stay at
kaiita pareuuagcm. Jamaica lima a Uiu
f of auktts Ml lu vice eqpal nBL Tim
B08ENTHAL TMOMF80M- tOET-Lndk a' gold match marked
FOR BALE OR HeNT^eciw fann OR.
Lulu Gary Plcooe rrtnm to Record •
Boums B*k Bute Beak TaUphoae.
laqulie of J W lauie. 4H MonruA
tTt 243 lloure 11 to IX. 1 to I. 7 to
apr III*
h. Buaday by appotniawat. Baal
lost, strayed or stolen—
FOB BALE—1471—11 nerte two milea
deace 110 Bute. Tel Ut Clt
Wheel, fnwa WaltV drug store. 8alBtnte Beak kelldlag; Eaost Ueatlon
S' ^4-lmo
onlay aifkl. Leave at 217 E. Froat
POO BAtt-t48l raartnea
*y air weigBi akawt 8C gnUaa
Tke wetgkt uf a cwkfc fom uf n
MRS. A U BONMIRB kalr fireMlaf
If in need of Hosiery. Ui
kercklefa. Jewelry. Looep.
broideries. SUUooery. lacJndlng
ooma exceptlooal
Aoe box
papeirtea. also chlldrmiY box*
papetries. etc,, or While Table
barWo are offering greater
•aim* la many linea than ever
Mott and ewperiatly on whlta
table ware.
^ to cnMIttM <• ril
»ill to ^ m
i'kn^ te, ttevWikraMhMr Ml |M «*«••-* ^VC
ArflMfildar/ccfc: It rx-jA
ARldSA COFFEE and ibe
mtmtmt <1 AiiwUe BnAen.
4 l4«,
i/ v?r.n. ca^ to IbAmc «wjr- wldcb <aMla yoa to iMMdA
CifclU I* *r ^
oiia kid. Mr <i«k, ^
edhm m 4. IM fiM» ^ MlD<k»«
IM •
<i»4 9»d<^tU‘-M«a'M4A
***^ l|U iWt Aib«ickU«’ ‘Malw’' prcUdr imJ 4e oU
AlUOSA Colcc omskm mi «iM “AdMlU--* Ik* trt mmi
5m im ym ad i»>t KiltJ
^•'flMt »«|iM o«
=J .. .,
awl coata arr i
aarorol tUaaa, bla giaalaal aipbkit^aa
wbao te raniad otor oa bla bark au-
tetef tom. To tte toTaiote aamaWI
la tte metol •
poMMa for blia
. to Ite /wa/lui
urdaa OB Ilia1 tok.
Lkffa tama wan laU that te wmkid
fan lllomdtn'a owa faalliig. bowaiar.
traa i*m of aowptela mufldatica
^»t tte faoltaga of Ite mao ua bla
li^l Ttel waa ted aonr wolkad a
topo. ted Oavar \mmu anapaBdad
la nicbm diaadfut iK-iUnu tefon.BBd
te ted lo dopOBO
bbi Mfal/ aboa
^ ni^ „to ^ *41 t^nug aata uoa.
irite to Iblak ttel luaioad of tadng
la wldalr. witb uotblng twl
rupa tetaeru u.c aud daalruc
1 waa abut op nitb lUaudln lu a
opoio ntera tte tteughcof a
| -Blbadla aoung to Ite right aud
tbaa to tte Wft ,Btrb tto l naat
m aa ikaugb w# wart aioUM
I plaro with iBBiorabla parte
*’Wluit*« thto W wir*. *1>9 Ilea
tlcor w rsrsivMM «AlJB«lft. pr«te
aad ttel to tte people og tte aten U
aaemod that time gad agaia our tedlag
wan pargll«l
<te ruatalag Xla«afa
inphla telow Hlamlia’a inarveliHia
akin, however, aud tbe pmt Ukm wRb
w hh b te ttiaulpulated hU ixda liroufbt
oa earb lluie lojbe upright.
-Tte uuprotei leil canter waa paaaed.
all iMit a few feet RluadUi waa now
running juat aa a U.y ruaa In ondar
tte teller to keep hla tnUnce when
walking a railn>ad track
We were
naniiikg tte point where Ilia joining
tdace of tte Snt guy line f?uin tte
Mtay /aan grurmiml tbla man. Han
If U. Cotod W fbbatrt. ga«a aa ao
aoaat of bla aaftoara to a aawapnto
, ^
• Toa gab otei it faalt Uka la te
twolro bandrad faat b» luWaIr <»irar g
-My breath came uaturalty asatn
raiiag tonwat.'* Iia aald. -I raante At that Inataul tte rig»e waa jerked
daarrlba U bottar ibau !•/ n/lug ttel from tefkealb hla faat. liuw te taught
tte flrat aattaalbni waa aa ovrrw balai* H aRgia gad mvad ua I aaier knew
tag ito Id wblrb ft waa bard to aapa- Befon I muld itoUe murk of aiu*
nio awa fwwa faar. Ttea tbon eawa tklag te waa rwnniag again. Soom
wtel akk/ bail te fanmad an atealula gambler lateroated poruplaHly la oni
raoaaHao of all ftellmi lloforp atari
lag tow Ite aboro tllomtin gara ma
fbat Injuuctbm wbbb aliuto avor/
totter tea giram m tte U*/ at bar
aecood point of conaeeto gtvtui him bla dnit toa ttoo waa raarbed we reeled aaM/.
Illundlu atuod them like a man of
• »liok up, Harryr te aaM
marble, though the agouy la UH mtud
ifm/gito vara ateok bla nock, wbila had brought gngt teada of iwaal te
to >gf wara aluag la bouka gt hla hla tow.
iiftlat tot to waai Otar ttel borHhli
-We ngfRgd Ite atert Shtll.r. but
to. tea to iM ^nhi in^, , ppowiB,^ .»«« termlM
■naa aaa^n*.
^ toowiM raw toUL Mtoteti
‘ -W^. If ywi ooliu aute a karm att ——
^to tto aift.
It alat tte
itoaa It a
te aaliah aad twa«____
^ to back oa blm
toi rn toag to aat law awat.
^mUroJ Da Ukt Ite tlto
^ rr— atate
^.BAk, out Urn U» pU.
“X... U }«« w«o« *ugd »4»k*. «t
, ,„4
tota. aad U uaiaa beMar. Voa 11 oalj
^ta joaroair alrk trrin# to aat It
Run-down People
-2's;.-rr,i;uar NeedVINOL
TM« V*l» mu mo*t b« htrlot « brain
Dteaaaa WbaW te to Wato
Mam/ people right here U thU H.
*‘Wbaa a laaa a waick guaa wrong la
wtatar. te la ate te tteak U U tecaiiaa glelt/ are all run dowa aad hard!/
ate ihnm ^ about—d<ui*t know what
toto to
rduch people meed Vlaol. our eod
^ 2ES:‘?b^br^w fklTwb^^ Wtw prcparaiioo wltbout oil which
ooatalpa in a highly ceucemUmled
U oiada pofMf of braaa aad pait^r uf fona all of the wodlrual and atreagU*
___,_________ crealiag elaaemu of ood UVer oU aeataW. Uka to tw
^z:^i r“j,“s
vartel/ ««f at.ila^ of mata d^gaod f3r
liartera. uud
aud tbrrci
tbrra nm mata «itorlall/
that the balaoec wteal 1
dnlgiHNl f.ir drucj:bta. and ctmta
aatue alao and ruua with the aaiao
vIciatD: irbo U
UeuUata. nud a}io.
tired ^ debllluted to trj
mtloi'i II.’ -Kaaaaa fU/ ^
Tba luanufartum id* all Ibrao
apocUl ganueata for tbr \nrteia tradea
atkd prufoaahtua ruuwerated
h/ Itaair.-Clomlaiid Plala
Rquirrela dp lud eullmly eutelat on
hula, aa moat peo|>le euppoee. Tbcy
an Igrgrl.v fruU eatera and oceaiton
ally wurklilg bav««c tn tbe orrbarda In
tbe fell of tte year ITbey are not
above atralUig partridge wgga aad oa
atray. ae they often wilt, and lay egge
bejoad tte couftnea of tte poultry
yard, auffor fruiu attack* of wjulrrcU
when ibe mother bird la gw ay. la pine
Iroe diet ricte tbeae little cUmtefa
food of
all tblaga atjulrrele are fumi of fuugua
They will not bare any thing to do with
tte eumiuoa or gandeu muahroom. but
roaSdenily devuur tte moat yellowr
ggd polkimoue looking toadetooU that
grow tn damp woode aad SekU. They
never etore tbeae. for they know well
that fungi wrlM not keep They devogr
them gnadUy aa they coma to light
aad rrvtalt ite at^t a* aooa aa fnah
IRt^R reagwa Ite'fungua There are,
however, many kluda of toadetoola
that aqulml* know to be polaoaooa.
and throe they w lU not tomb
Tte toto w4sto
A gaod work of grtlom. wteiter la
Itotew ta-rom to an ten apicik
nun urH'ittaHr • T»rt»r; lug mml/ eftomi weKo> U a weiA of
amd CM bo ngbav oulopod ml/ b,
MB C*l im fiMl nr ihB n%%,
thia 8»J
to mlWimg lute amwtb/ with tbr art .
nlib ibe tiilioM hB to ura w<*d aad aopeptlmg bin work
to bla lateotloa. la a nerf.v^t
«4^raicd Ilia ■m
Tb«> Tnii
aa aa4 n
Ttefa waa totili aad aaa Itol aud ualiaad. Ttex
AA. - •*'
A.. A. •
ImaiteaU? a«K^i aa I Iw4 raafe frow a tlBi|0f nhUa Uikk jatkat
Mli fmt^ Walt ca a Steak tetar mi taMa aud teta aa%ar fait ^ ta tte fwll diaaa .xiat awl lucHMla majla
iw^ Calnracl
*•»»»•. Tteai I bMiad u|l
] aad jaikrta aHtrgftriair Cmt all ta*
MW W vnaracu
-HtoWa waliad aa aiaadUju paatoi gapd fn tba •rw'k. fn.m tead aaltari
j r, r -aaa brtaf aatwaai at aaab poll aad <atHaliu doa a. ami aia aaliabla
aad «^.loaa
i|l1PI H
VrVH me
Ita# aaa a iwia atradlar
t>f Hiumr item am lanvlded aaliow*
{ at Iteaa placaa aad garr bita a cbaaca[ af*cinrar lu laib'ty f|>r varkma aaaa
<.f |«•fw••l
an 4mm nf Min., M. cw* I
•uullHWUl. »• ...lUr., .ml ... ou. «n.I
c «lih •
,naw« Wffrrv
tbla aiaadrr, aaa/ing apao |
utylm of
to, to f track ro|o
tedteltaMalariiit maDto aahS la
- *liarry. /aa ara wj loogeF iHdtnfd;
ad faau «to
ted to ift to
to aw Blaadla
I atU I clteir tkla
■a teto wee to Otar da tod cwuiate pto ht a lArt of am. nitad. bod/ •<**!
IbM* ■(• tnxmn ■.<!»
Tbakf to tor Iblata ia ite aa/
uw. and for rooka aud for waHcra
aote. If I aav.
trlth ina.
darto Ibai anaw aaa a Hi am mi^ooi, ate attampt to dn an/ balaiiriog /oor ttere ara madt aprona la tote/ *t.^
to ltodia eaa ite.Uaiataai aa aali •aif. If /ou do. aa ateil both go dona ;
alto and of varlooa toat£rU)a.
te topiwl lateMtote Mf Ida to lo our daaib.'
Uarkorpara* ua*» item ara »uJ*»
toteaw Ufa tota aatr laaka tiA*
------ te aaajcviu
roaula I rarloua at/laa of drill or «»f
to laa aud aland nlib (rfk# foaft dock, aouic of thraa telBg mada irttb
^Tteto^^** te aHI aa tba roui
te.U>u.. aud tbrro am wada to
«>u tte to ai»d Intb baoda oo bH te.p
yLTitoi «raal li1»i oiar Kiodara
kropeni' waiatroata io lafloaa at/laa.
iblete tto aaa ite UMot aWAOng
Hloodln atariml atTnaa
m,n.a wUteu. and aouka o Ub ate-ve*
af far a jaaorgltea aftarwartl It nma
tetoito V9 a rruad of ibmiaaoda.
vaa faaarai aaig
king «»r
of r^BiHiuu.
KagUiod rar«
Frtoa af Wataa, aaw llbnUi’
llbwdi:i.i whJljt
oa bla tor Ikiaugb tte i tillad gtalaa.
Na aaaa datetad ttel tte aigkt ofr
Itodla cMilaf tte date oa a awa/.
IW to tteda g totter iiaprenkiu
bte tor ait/ larldrai of bU
. Ib» ouittrr fttr fuiiiM^ tootflw U h$
It tatte
Shoo Sale
r<»r tbe next ten Aava «w aro
gulag lu make aporial pHcea on
the callte Hoe of ahoea.
We BOW havo a moat ocMBpkde
line of both aboea amd oxforda
(or men. women mad finto.
We an making TbeoolSS^
ptiem to got yoa hftter ao>
gunlatod with out abomi. See
window dlapUy.
tT word, li
pUm. If aot of em»7
wordy of errf/ cptaode eod of orcry
paragraph. 1> impoitaot. aad ibi^ r *edn
ton akipi (hmu« m-n/ tbo p’«
te baa Bwaat to derim froa tbr bar
anm/ of cutD|««l<lwa- !•
posgOkl.r tbr hrauty of ib^ whole mn/
eblwdy oOhabit. aud dr«plK*t ipf*
part df tte anl«t^i labor lie wlcb! a«
w^ r' 1*» ww • good play, and th«ii
w lUfuUy ioU«i orery alimal
i02 W. rroal tb
“Polled Duke”
Tbr irmpcrnturi' of Ikr atmoapb^m
caeU OB au arerage aliout 1 degm f w
erary aoo fnt that we aoroad or wartm*
at tte aame rale o«-wre chwcmtl Tbe
moan tampemtum at ll»e uortU poW*
O aad at tte equator beiweeo NO aad DURHAM DULL WILL RE AT J. W.
fkl aegnea. We ran. lb’:>rcrore. get In!a SLATER’S
a toiBperaturr I degree colder for every
Apr fAt
aeteaty or eighty mile* that we tneel PRIViLEOC
aorth wad lu a t
warmer for etery aereafy er eighty J^MKHOe 6b0. w. HeWBTfiT
milea that we travel MMltb.
Hi# Idea of WaUr.
At one Hate tbe halUff in cUargr of
gg togiite )ao waa aworn lo k<-op
Iteaa *’wlthnut meat, drink or Am." It
waa Joatice Uaulo who gave ibc rU«
ak- repiy to tte teJUir. who Inquired
whelbrr be mUbt grant a jnryiuaum
requeat for a glaaa of water „ Well, it
bi aot meat, aud 1 Hh^ntkl iiat call It
dHuk Yea. you may ”
m aaw wibHSi.ai uLoug
Best Quality ol Coel
Mined In Michigan at
Tl.a Towar ef Rabat.
Tbe tower of Uabel at HaKvIun
mupuaed of rigbt wquam lower*,
upuu the other, (be pile UOug iMiu
feel high. Rab.vluu waa a aquam. Sf
laeu mUea on each aide, tbe walU
lag eight/aew'ii feet thi* k mid
feet high.
per Ion
Traverse City
Moving Picture Co.
Cbwgv of Program MomUy
mkJ ThuSvTh» 8»y.
The UuU« lD4u>try ul Ciivva.
ThU in aonicihlng cutcrluinlng
and Inatructlvc.
litualrated Hour. Ihiet. -When Bob
White la WhUtlIng lu the
A Qwamt Saelab Weddiag Cualeea.
A quaint we<ldlng cuntom atlli luw
ratla tn roatty of tte IttUc muutry
tuwaa and mlalag % llUgea in Rt^Blaod
When a wedding U heM the contract
'tof. 1 teted Ite iagr mf ite.wgigr tefara «t wfig wgll theta we cogld lag partiM RMte their ggeatg pgg in
tod Md tte hmgi drbifb M ttogd are iteimaRlt Is tte.Cte^
• fall fur tte gguaf. driahtogtel dgao
tte aaawd of igeOOd apm Utorp.
___^ tba tetmk Ite baw ____
Ttera wga mot oaa pargoi totepa la
ttel raai tfimg wte dbi tml ffai m
Pteatar attkla ttea maa ourg
dietgaoe fraiB tte to of tte gulf,
tefih to gtfglrh oht tteir anna aa If
disw da la fraai tte perlL
-Whst fte rggass of tos o^g* mgy
te tbnao te tte gftoa'Bf tte ttea
prwalUeal of the >>w Terk Centra!
lie prerenie.l lur with a
rheck f«ir ll.oin fiw cr^aa^ut with
au(l then olTeroil rue a lika
If I woald prvmim never to Og
And Oto Outo.Deaiiagd Fgr M#a
el VgMgga OooopPkiooM.
Wc Offpr kehrmcM
«l TiaTWmOIU VAqpe who«
igme fggtgsrggt might tapfmgt tl^t
tte jaeketa worn by tbe walien ttera
wto tte agam aa tboae worn every
mtete ftet wglteca- iarktu wan all
gUte. but ga g mner uf fart aoch
Igrteig. with other gqolpmeat fot
waltto, gn mgda tawrogt rgrtoy tm
Ml Ig dtfMnat plgroa and aaaanna
ate tto an
t that RtoM
M 2LTm
. t.Ltl
adu htabHi tn the temtiM*uy aud en ad
ditloual KUu aie lii p».<sl fur a‘lpud
auiw at the wtyiliu^ ie«*l The prac
U e aeeu a lu \m iietnilfcarly S<'oti b, bat
rortglaly aegrna Bu4era!t
a marriage gapRgr.-Woat
mlatter Oatetle.
Tte Rtol «te diagd alwgyt ta tte
tea fnr.orohA hwttto. tetoiigta
to dtoMgfw teto*. toto gad
IS ifnnrsiilnNl te Sfnr iO
tag rachlUeg Wbkh giY BaimUt. pro
Tided oa aueb oocaglbaa. The practice
aim aroma t aurvUe ereg In Glaagow.
A correapoadeot obeertpd* g notice
Caha. the Rawallna laUmk and MexMb nnd that the rulted mnlro »»rero
m«Mt tea ,iukHUrd Its InfAfta nad
fitote ^•r 5 iteratueiu mero rooam.
Dr. W.J.HlgginR;
Porcelain Work
Oo floor with B-hnw ObOigm
wmW I
a. e. OARviR a ana
* f-
^ iti^i^t ftef iff wm^fm
•T V ■
im %t ft M «gM.-
«BHi t/ftft^ mm M
te0» Imm 4 tMi ih*
IB ftM H» •^ j
*tf ibft IBM
Mllft M i«ftM ift m aMr l»M ovftaf
4ift«i^ fti.M«ni
IB Mftir «r
fftr ukiBft
lovB. mt^ Mfti
^ ^
<4 iU
4« toil «ft» 0fl «p4u.: -Tfttej»«*«
lrar» 90IM ftMM Mr, Ji<i^
IMIM MMP r«ft MMi. 1 ^ 9^ni
l»MlUl4<jr Bn«M ftft»t«te
nUM«4aM MMMt PiBpftiljr M to
«M Hfty«r adr akM ftr
«MM ft* tftft
mm Wftp vtoMi Ift kla
pMftMto kkA. Miftk tto ftitopav
daa to wfikdrav aftd.kaiook hlmsalf
-BPtoft ftto wa to to toftnMr to
ftftkad wBkitoftfttfttftfttoof ftftftacapi:
MM to todtt «ft ftii CtoftBto.* ftftM ft b *44^ * «to bmipm vIu tmt u^\ [hm h0kmm
gtoBBto AUfti ad-Wtoft
JBrawlay faIN lo pH a latP
toiMr. UlAtoMtotoftft toft»Mift ttoi| «Mft ftftMtod
mm mkii mckwAm ftt luftd.^
ftABwa^ ito girl urtly
mp. mmtti Um,
j ^Vtoi itoftr* tw aito*«
rTfteft iho itoa M ap aad you are
Cftllftd Uft
-Wtot'm Ift iMfttor toftf Tm iton Uft. «im
mlft* “ saM tto maa **Tto raad was
•ftggto- ftto ttrfttoto-^ wm tto torttoftii | -tm ihmx
I fttot -artt AB«i
Btotot trf ft Mto mm mm t tototo j IHrftf ** Tto mm
gi%e» mifh 5
-Not UU tka Ifoa M appotoo Braw.
to ltto iftfttor iMftft. “If ley Oft tto tortk aM*/ pleatod Ito
—HiftMftfttiytoMIti ftftftiftfttoiftftftU ft«-«t U to^rMftftUftft tftii iw jttobfb* .tod to
to ptoftM^MftPtow ,
jiMft to»% ••a hm vogu tovp tor
u««ift« ta Br«ftl*y tto mm •Bi.
J««II OiAtoftil tod ft mmmrm •to AIMft Mfttoft to fttofty* ftftWfti *^*ry wen. ka%a U yo«r 4>wa way.
-mm »ul ft«»r
ft frto rtoto •
mmf m m/rnmm • k*.ft,. ft4<! fttotft id EcOltft fttvfttoJUftftft ftMd tftftft PK^m-rtf Uutoftd 44 torM#“
hui ft^koft I ftFUtvft IroB ito ettv wto«*
AMtort ftOftil*»*i M iftu
Ito pftn ftf ^ torftftd^Pftto ftto
ft4Mft rftUftUy «O Mift*4. Il4gti i^a*i*4
Ito ftan*r fta to
lo dk ftokrdlftft
I ju tto t Mft tod ftiA 1
, tt^vift^td to tor Ift to dftftft ftTMCft Ito Ut U Itfftmr. Uft to
iftU*4 Itol J<ftft toftltoJ irouLkd ftftd
fttoft tocftftift to toft fttor» todliftfft 14 «• Uftfttorftftc*. io tor Attoi H*rd|
tor 4#^
itoft-fttol*^ ft
wm Vtoftft Mtol ftft«ft VM Ailftft
rto co<wi*l Irtftioi
HfttoyUk ftid* to iftftft>» ctofftctftj raa* from
tk* fftliraad
. .
Tto fftfttftl fttoitoftftffti . mift toir
dftvk o>ftd Wntmh BMUtor vko kto
As tto* pftiftftd th* uftn vith tk*
ttyluftly comm ftftVftfd iHiftft to» kftr
aarttod iok* Caaptok. ito ptuM-K ♦!€»» pk%$^mi itrwiori, «uhi.y loard
ftft fttoftiftfttod ftif to intoifttoiftfti. i^r
ak*a Bia»l*> ftto tot a aiklar
Urf* te<nisitir*a*f*. vko uftftftUr
I fMft rnmJmtk d ito <
Itol with tto^ town digftttarl*! at ioka>
ftftp toiorr hr to?ia» tto *i
%mt Itol to VMM ftOfttfttolt ftftd ftlfto c«m*
tUctoaMk to tbr vlilftc*
A Iftrf, sous rtorft. drra auei^i.ou ^ Umatol
faaUr. to wfttck A*ftft mm pUmm. k»d hy an uft«4>»t*d atorar*. MU IftJftU^
ui*4 hlft r*a4M4ro*s lo tto utaoii. to ahl* eartoalty had iBdftcwd hUa to visit
ftd ku toft* mi rnmmmm «to imm Ito ft^i) mm IbttoftM with fttrry fora Ito ftcws* to uaell My lftf lor tto Burk
ftftd ttor lUtovMft ftfttoviftd ft ftft» to tooftoifty. to ftftTftpe tats uftcetsity rao add Htartui raUway. Hrir, with
oHttoft to ivft to tototo tto Mtoi to tovlox. wtoT* otluas fta^tad. mm Vftbk** lugruuHy to tod
ovftftf't toMftftt to ft rtfttoto Vftg
tor <a* ftahliito. ftftd AU*u iUrdy scrap* 4d lolotsaaiion
Ihroiiift Ito totoVtof.
gftftff. tto iMoratotito
Ttoy. liftdvtoft. ffttomlftd Hufli a tor aftftdftfd to rnmuoftcft ikaa tto ftftd atftOMm to so kftpoHaiic* la tto
Wftriftlftiuio. Ito ftiUft ftftTftftftt. «•*!• poftfttoftft tftftetor wko kad ftotklat Bftck ftftftfttldftod kftftft ftor did thft rag
ffttic mm m ttort* to todwtoy « mmm hot kis ftftUry. Tfcuft Hagh Watkl^h gftd hftftito with ftft old ftkoc guo ftp^
loft wtot ofti laid tk* aocaUikt vitk paar to to ftftM loyiBdaraiaad aMuto*
wMk tor ftdUdftrft to tto iftlliftftd
ito fitl ft okiMlftk >ttt willful answer to prartUftl «agtaftftrtag.
Hmgk ftoftNftUd fftftdUy. ttoft fftik itftfttftf la kift ftftift liftd Ue tortalu
•Oolftg ovftr tkftt kiy? No. I thoftld
•rM Vft* tol totftfft ftrtorft tto past kftowlftdpi'M toft k*ftrt tkat sto tov*«i aay.aot You kkow a locoBotivo U'nt
■uiftiftr tod Md torn ift widttftf 'tor tia ftft4^k,h*4l tto rftiircftd to roac ft nxiog ttftchla*.*' sftto Ito boss U
kla m ihmmomtmm, aftd Itol tto mam. to bmvlftir.
answftr to oft* queftiloo.
H* %ftltod with ftra irto dcmn tto • Mikr,*' the mwa fthnllT. flit, sq^ufti
• Nonh to It? Hardly, that would
AftiMr ftM* wftU pftftt
frmfta happy and popular. ukH plftc*4«*ihr Bigft* track ift ito ahapa of a Utter S,”
koaftto tkfti cDuprtftftd Vtowlry iM hftftd to thft foamiitrv that mm to caplled th* boa* goodfthiurislly aad ib*
oat JB tto fturkftrU to n otoUfft toftt ftfruift thft ttgm to may f«»r ih* rail iaqiilaltlve muu depaned with curioa
roftd Uftftjr ftftd vftiied d*r« hU i v ii v afttUfted
If the Riftd lun»e«l iH.itb *.f tbe hill
p*rt*ftce« with obftUaftt* ft*ttt*m
'Vftt. yoft tftk* ay UiiU. give htna it would routiuu* (town the ntirtii aide
lo aak* car road? Soft; *41 hr cooie of th* river and so miss Draw ley. This
I atop hla for suro." was Ito Onu at cilDiauua bewa ftwa conveyed to the
lltud* id ail old kYruch C^ftadlau wtth ku.ru lisaumbly when the keeuwilted
*tok/iu yoftr ftkft ftftid «uk ftcftftt whitft locka Idowibg about his with hunter leturnid tto following eveoing
fonftMHy vmm l» aad UU n# ik* *r*d B*ck.
‘ PUiniy Buckram and Stems had
‘Thay'll julai- ft* a* a olcftu hue used the ftoulh *uK*y aa a blind to
ftftWft. I mm fm tor* toto to tk*
ft*r*d to taftft Ito oorftftr." said lU aOi'ure easier ucgollatluu on a route
T cftftift.to ktoir th* b*irt. J*aa; l Uooald ftl tk* crofts ruada.
kurve>i-il by the rhler» am.iHunt
rftflM lor ay .ftftw*r." Id U* anmn ft*
“I kftifti Piftkiiif |»fftft*iit> It. rail Ht^wlcy'had a III uf ibe blui•^ indudk»d«ftl*4j ^ftiiftlf tk Ikii lUUo parlor. foada.** ftftkl Si Btolf aloppiiif ktooi* lug Jmn (^niptoil whose eyvs were
-Voft talk
vftft ft pftokton klft cahlB to leaa oa hia gua and du- auaplcloualy red when Hugh called for
lo ftriUuftfttIc.- poutftd tto ftlil 5 CUM tku affair. I'hen rrllavlag him a Bunuenl on bK^way to the county
•It %• Ito piftkloa to our Uvm. J4uui. a«U to a aptot vtow to toUaoco h»
scat wbur* teachers met fur Inatliuten
ftftftfts jiftiili aU to<r 14* ftto tod tooftft
toto Vto fttod ft ttflto' tr iMtoiftft li^^enr md toi Mto<n mitor. Hudy
WVTfttoftft Mto fttlftfttoU —MftfttftH raaid
ftftr iMto« to fttoUft fftft
HI toftd toft mr sftftto to ft
toftwk^r Mto fttor® dmi
■ P
Mil. BL ff. (iMdals MA to. aaw kara toWli^ I
kaak in pipy Ito aaaaad toll al
St aasuradiy.
tto trMk m agk kto. (Aleudl Mast
I go^ lamt lanaftf. ikaia mmM to fta
end to tkla Boanaa*." ftiM tk* maa
wBk ftcMi paiBato.
' ImmedUMy upoa ib4. return to
Hufk WorOiiftftoft troa> tto oouatf
aoat. wblck meafta couaiy capiiol. tk*
dlfftltarlM to tto Iowa koM a aftatopa
ikai bom patmtor frail
TkM was
Ito opUMft to Atirk Hard? wk*a to
i^iuiBftd. ft fhrtftlghi Miftr. ftoB tk*
^ i kk
Wbea hU kirod livery drew up to
lore kia offtc* door to saw. wUk wtot
■sttiftlahaiftat pay mar toftfflk*. ttoi
kIs kuUdlftff wp ika oftly «fta lall 0ft
tto atreH. to tort avaa tto HraH
could not be said to eaiaalft Ys ik*
tida walk. wHk «ke excepikm U hioam aacUoa. kftd uiauppsarad pa U
of « Kftftaat cyctofta tPat kad waa^
darad ovartoto ikafv part of Bahoia
ftiat oocarrad lo kU mind In explana
ikm of tka myatery.
Not tkftt siffttt oftiF kftt tto wbol*
town wiU aoftttarlftf ftaftapikms wU
wipad off tto ftoo af tto dank. Oat
on Ih* pralrla ftMWtog toward the river
was ft curious procaaaloa Of anadaacrlpi coovayanra* tail objacls that
aauld adl ba dMcribad fj ftftma.
Wftpofts kiftdad wHk koftaa of
aquaktag fowU waia mammom la tto
train and ibaa* ware ftandwUcked In
with loads of goods of all dnaerlptloaa
while in tba rear th* coops of the
fowls followad Oft rolled mad* of logs.
A few bulkUagf of more preteatioes
ftUe brought up the roar.
Hardy looked about for abme one
to espUin the mcmnlpg of the exodus.
At least the court house and iall would
remain so he croa^ the oommona
ibat bad so receuU’y baen a tu|pS to
Ibteniew ib<- offlpeiw. The jail, a
compact siruciure. was being Jackacrewcil onto tnicka under the super
vision of Mike, the genial aberlff. He
was ably a'n^ cheerfully aaslaled b.v
Ills few prisoners who were evidently
viOoying the out lug.
-lAH>k% as If vou were movingr*
remarked Handy Inlerrogallrely
•Thai s no lie." laughed Mike.
"Where are you goiwf ?" aaid Hardy
putiiug the cruical ftuestioo. "Why,
you see." said Mike in muffled tones
due to bis head being under the build
Ing where he watched a screw, "the
bull demed town Jacked Itself ovet.to
the forks where tto railroad passes
aud I’m taking the jail along "
Clear aa a flash of lightening on a
dark night. Hardy saw the meaning of
the barren waste about him. Since
the road would not «»me to Brawley.
the town bad moved bodily to the ralb
ruad -a sort of mountain lhai went to
Evelyn Thaw listening to D/lmst plrxd.ng i
vXiij; 'k I oratory in an effort to ngwe tto LT* cf toe katkkfti.
A Ray of ftunl.gi.t.
iiau4».;ii. od, •
must have rmpluy
The aiteinooft wa:. warm
I was
seated at my desk, hurrying through
1 deserved A for weakening
my letiera. my lenie nenrej Iriitaied
."I b^ you to excuse m*/’ I
to an unconscious degree by a waver pointing lu th* (l.ick and my ieitei v
iftf ray of aunshlae which came
"HI come again." and for the lli«l
through a rent in ibe curtatu
lltnf sh.« alloned her eye.H to wauder
I had flvcii order* that uoooc .should round my den
U^admiutd except the ptint boy. anj I
Ik'WluK railier gmvely. she walked
was wreailing wlib my letters and ex
pex'ting hUu every ^moment, when I
For the life of me I could not get
heard upon my door a knock, flrst
Imtd luul lb.n mor« declJ. d A. U
“•> ““l “«
I tTitainly caugbi a gleam of knaor
then a.nd tntned to tto parasal wUk
"U it accepted^ ske said, damnraly.
"Why. of course." 1 eJamMlad. Itob
tag that I had secured a traanuta. and.
thinking of the numbetiros IfttorYlewa
which had b4W4n deiBad fonroc rotoiters. and how well thU ofte oftuM Mftft*
ag« ibem
"I just wanted to know." kto ftftid.
It ftoUkftok.
manuscript! It is only oft# ftf a sMtftft
that 1 am to write oa tto dlffloftlUea
which women expertaace M fatiglftg
to the front, and as It rightly baMftga
to the ‘-Woman’s Club.* of wklek 1
am president. I cannot dlapoae of It*!
• blls>4 S —-r’ 1 exclaimed, recftmag
a w%-!l kbiiw n man's dangkter.
"The same." she said, now tangklftg.
* 1 am a friend of yoor fftikar's.*' I
said, ivmemberiag the gMamlng kair.
and try ing lo r.H^4*nclle all tto clrcuinKtancis.
"Ye.4. he Udd me. You know. I kftra
but r<v4>nily returniW frofti abroad.
\V4. shall be glad to see you."
"Thank you." I said, feeling dated,
and at feuded her to Ika door.
"U this y.»ur custom witk ftll ffonr
When they u-port aa WfOl as you
f *;1=t j11L_
k AMOTHkN kTIIANGkll (tol*r>^r. Mato.
. The peralMlFtii ray. enRliw4ie.l b> ibe olTire was a niH'Wllv. which 1
UH'amM wbiih \ felt »«s jvouM nuUunger deny m.vaelf. and glee
log w rath a« my |»aper>; iM gan t,. Jl.il ^
rr.».|iU td the
ter-^au»ed n>e lu puMi my man i Hiurni**heU Iwir woutd ai-.‘<-pl
script to the further s«iJe. and whi-^J
HTjc u. VI luornliic I h jnied lu luy
around with my back to the intruder.
with a w«*lI defined plan of
^ ctMilluup*! my writing. glanrluK t»r m tioit tu k«« p uat titiiudfia. wh« u
casUiOally at ilie cU*tk and flnallv I Wliat aas luy h.inui-** iip.ui
m> d*M.r tu tind la^ i;is> « >4-d fiicnd.
"I 11 U- huug’il if >ou Wfii < have to ill :dui.4.t th iMi..|ih»u asali*iig
wau-h that diK^r lomormu and k«.-|. Ui> ci.iiaiu-.‘^
t.ui i-verybod.v except IhuiM*' aJMt'cCiUit
•tPa*d niui'iilnr.." I iwl.l Hying lo
lo pay bins "
"How shall 1 know them’* said a
If I Uach d lor ihi- luunifiit ihni
soft voic4>. where upon 1 saung back, th^ re wa.s II Kb am t.f uilsrhl*-r in the
ihst sun ray so clazr.llnc my eyV-G that wondoifiillv vlujd.fl 4 >. s. I kucw the
I could see hut an IndHiinct obj**? ! in lu XI that I was mistaki-u. i..r lu hi-i
c.iliii. ]H-:>>tM< ut wa>. sho mu
the further coriu-r
aradunlly tl.o nhape i« vdved. Um-II
1 h«V4 C0104- li.i soiiiflhiitK
innu a bluusid iuai>b-ii of :4raiKht. .sit-u
1 f4 |: I'lat thi-i<- was btil uu*-sli«'Uia
I m-yer got over the dar.tle of tkst
der proptirllon.-: gray « yiT lK>l |i..ike.j Hv4*. ami ^h^• Hftu,. ii. *o M-almg my
Miiiilghi on her hair, and that maftnat me steadily with m< sugg.-.dimi of •.4-lf n sigm-.lly in n»y vdiair. I said
Fray. U- sipH-d. and we will talk script U kept as our moat prMftMftt
!h4» bidden Ibougbt; hand , devoid id
gloves, loostlv claki**-d. and hair -well, thi*. ut.ilU-1 *..*i
vi. r i4 ti4«;ure-by my wife aad myanlf.—
lllu:.ti.vted Bitn.
that taiaebievuus
For a bcwnaiier’* no •
In mad haato Allen H^rdy drove, for its brlghlnwia - and
"Wi-ll. that H what I want a itwith the same llwry team that
H t ti.4- world bid Its rod CaravMl
Recovering iny.silf. "How di.l
who ckn lejMiii "
brought him. back to tto county seat
t.i itv fenibcred folk If mUUftftry moAng
get in-" I aoV.e<l more bluntly than
• Report what*" «ih4- i?deimpt.*d
where he aooght the land offke.
an>thins *>i lui»io.l that ».• coaiinue their slaaghMr. Oetinift
To hit eager Inquiry regarding Uod politely
of ibft rarest and most b^ftM
"Thiougb the diM^r. in resi*on*e i i happeiilnc lU He* i.»an. r.>unti ,* 4.rai4i
at the forks the agent replied:
"T4« late for land at Brawley. Mis your invltaUoa." she ansaeiiNl. quiit whTe."
' 1 «d hej rhe .^ould not 1 r.k ftt i Ti
ter. A fellow called Worlhlngloa took l.v.
murket alone lately were sold ftl «TO
"Humph •”
up the whole seetkm for a tovus and
lime 12.(SM kommlto klrda, tMto• An\tth.>re-’ interH^faliVrlr.
the people ha represented even made ing interest;
parak^rls. lL.ftOft kMff-totofl. |Mto
• Yef. or snybody ."
for the
self2. gTIIANatll->Nftw. ikft ftwa-ttoutaad-dotiar
and tboosaads of otkkfBMw
I wondered how makes felt
"license me. but 1 had glren orders
to to legaiued aad put on tha past
w*U to fivaa yau It paHetoly paad. Hawavar. M i
geous douthem Irfrda oC *affrotot
office directory Ha the same town, that no oM* should be admittc-^l. and I
UUia whUa ih* man wrlll ralurn aad UW yad to daa
r- port «vl.-«!, : ■ '“•■>44.
..U ..
■• You T r.ntj a.
they say. only in a diflereftt place,"
expected only my past boy^ Wbhl can
aot aaad ito chaaaa and aak far ito aaadhauaato
i r»»o« noMvM »nnr T*»r
un i from v.li- r I d..s U. » Ii jie »
-Yea. I know all about tksl." said I do for you? Be sealed, will ygu'"'
dallar aala. Tto maa*y to returns yau Ik NOT
iL.) i
America. to«kto and IndU mUd.i;n:>
Hardy and then ha tuiaed and meed
j lions ^tblrdaiil^ aw ««kanf«d tor
back to this Brawley. which was hard
"‘Thank you. no. in justice to your :-.04.k.
FiH-iing ibwt* I wan failly liApjKd. J miilicns of dollars. Tto numkto of
on the team, but Hardy vraa not the emplojweA I must tell you the rooms
Umxll birds snnuftlly
man to spare boraes if kiiUng them were empty, so 1 came directly to you*- roild. despeintely ;
Rngland i
aarvad kla parpoaa bHter.
[at I.6O0.OP0.
"AUiut whni? *-^jw-ocil ausiwudeal
He found the places he wanted eas
"Ob! yea—I bad forgotten. * Well"
"About the things that has uk»I ro.DOo.ooo
ily. since the vrUMga was exactly aa —with a gUncwai the nnllnlsbed let
lnt«*re.‘t4-d you lately, and bring It on up In England Mte kat
tofoie oa^.thAt tto atraeu were ten—rbow can 1 serve your
"I want aomHhlnt to do." she said, Thursilay ttoi I may know your Loadoo ikera are bald
wlddr aft^toftAH- had bee* aaved for
Kak4s of blnir akifts ftftd irotkara.
ft park near the oenter. Tto bouse he and then I was remlnd<-d of the first
wanted wna a c0ttagv>_Jto sutorb* knock.
'‘bI'.I... liu,.- I had «ld «hl.
aad hem he stopped aod^kfmM at
I groaned inwardly. She was the “Hichard wa* himaelf again." und I j
lica are awakened to tto dsagaf 4d tto
the familiar door. It was Jean, be fourth who had called hunting for held the door open.
extermination of thMr moat nroaMdft
witching Jean, who ushered him Into "ftomeUilng to do."
have prorod
the small parlor.
"Have yoo ever vrorked oa a news
their ftMngklftr. U Amertea kas
"Well, said Hardy, "you see the rail paperr I asked, feeling sure this outter door swing to. I reaUted that I
road did aot come to Bmwley."
kiid-w neither her name nor addrero.! ***
‘ *«««•
would end the Interview.
• That," mid Jeaa vraa not tto vrord
ThM was Tuesday, so two dpyi taler, forswear the waartto of faalkm
"Oh. no; but I can." e«rn»*sifr.
Ito mt Ue cofttmet: yon know 1 proa*
a.- I opened my office door, there sat
"What can you do?"
At a weaver aatare prodaero iaa
Med to marry Hugh Worthington If
my latest reporter with a typewrilten
Oh! anythlKg." quite innocentlr.
work. Ceruia tree barks and /Mavro
BmwMy got a mJIroaff"
-But." I saw. growing restless." Bmp- manp^rtpt looselyr Voided' in her
furalak exoellant clotK ftA for to
"Welir aaid the nsan again thi the pamj vrore to pot you u> ty|M*aettlBg:
suaoa. Ike famoro tapa Matk roto la
wotd vms fttoantlaa.
"(Mod morning. I have V* brought
wknt would you do?" .
tto Bontli Bro lalaada. Nfttroe M a
yourimanuscrlpt In good time. I hope."
"Ok! I wonW.do It"
; Reslly—" I was desperat*. and that
•Well. yea. your are certainly diftn Review.
"Therefore?" aakl the man.'
snn ray kept running up and down her prompt." I could not help saying. "I lightning Into beds of quarU aaad n&e
"1 marrted him.** said Jean.
kair ftntU i\ skoan Uk« bumlshad gold am glad It is typewritten.**
forma exquisite little pipes of glass.
"Brolly. I kare ftoiblng
present tkM^ f'^^Tipways typewrlte my maaaacrtpt.** She makes valuable ropes of rartoaft
am welllihefdplled.
Gaunt ih*k«llk«r
kinds la tke s^pe of tropical tM|M
maaey yaa nak Kim. Pat?
"Tpu hare reportiHl before?" I said, sad ciropers. sad sto M nroa ft Mas
Ut^tat at uua wmt •fCWwVer- •«»»>»*• •‘‘fc • *»« i9"»
BBTffffTlVff—Will ya« Ml ma «aa Ikpt aaa-ttouquickly.
mcV S*M*r. a kM M I kMiuM.
maker, as vrttaero tto Mro troro «f tto
aanddellar ama. Mr. Mark? Ak. Just aa I tlioufht.
•ftM. eagerly,
"Ok* no." decidedly. "SksU I wslt?'* West ladles.
Mr. Mark, that maa will NKVCIlratnm. TMIg ONEniaed fetoolrro experlTHOUftAND-OOLUAP PILL IP A COUNTff ffFElT.
Yro. you bad better, lu
*'l ran ge| expenleno^'* sk* camly'is not wbai^l
Mark. aranH you?
1. •TPANOiP’^Yftu'rft Mr. Miik.
toy. Iftftra M d ftftw k^iftm
pm maat «a task
put foe. A maa mmm lau yaor toflaa. rapraaanuiig
klmaftM la to yaur Msltoar ftalgliftar, aad aaka yau
U fttoftft <
Vt’M' llllirW
HMNerk'f I
A nervous. Irritable mother, often on the ver^c of hysterics, Is unfit to care fa
ehitdren; It ruins a child’s disposition and reacts upon herself. She is a source <
miscfy to every one who comes under her influence, and unhappy and miserable herself. She canm
help it, as her toodition is due to.shattercd nerv es caused by some feminine derangement, with bac
ache, headache, and all kinds of pain, and she is on the verge of nerv ous prostration. Proof is mon
menul that nothing U better to regulate a woman s health than
Lvelia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Thousiuld* and thousand* of women te.-tify to this fact.
I. of lai
Mr*. Xrlllr I
» ••««*
J«uSUatiD«. 1 .uUrtrf »
I did ubt
•k.i bccMM ul ■*. Mrf
fM»Uy d«H«*‘»»‘ «d «»»««>'«>■
■“ tf .'.srA
. ».«lici« oo nclti. awl I aw recuWwcwliiHt l« *» »■ «“>
“«* aeqaamuacc. ”
Mr*. Om. a. JaaM. • Uf»-l»w« raride«» «f
N.V, write..
- /W
/S.Oa..- -1 •*. in a umlJ, run <*,« o vu.ul,t..m aiid had m.vou.
nioMrauw ewned U, unale VnoUc, in U.» I
%„t fawn. 1\i. awd.m>n .wkwl on wv n«v». aini 1 «... i,nu.4r and uu^i.U.,
I had Wi*4 m»r riwwii" *ithoui genu.* .u«h
l«i l.vdu K. l'..Ahau. . . c*
mfaie rmirrw-l hrmwht nx hack lu bead, and Micu«lk. It ha. ah., tamed u.c
Mid, thnntgh the cSoge <d Uu. rt«u«t too sttwosly recuwxnd ,out wed.
Standard Mfg. Co., Grand Rapids
Need 50 More Girls
ToUara to Run Power Sewing Moklng
Shirt Wotols.
t Park St, Grand Rapids. MIeh.
Uu.4k a .Mac
' :».fo i-ooi.sdrra
\evv Y.irh real
-I loure |n.tu
wrajtli of
\ %vewllti> .\ew Vt.iA ti.miuu, berwlf ' «i»- I
etU •( souutf gliU. bow. ihr..ucli the|“*
•gvu. v of l»r Jobu 1*. gua. keuU.* %^\
A|ir. N«l
• .........
Alt lu-Kliou* |.!ui
Boom! Boom!!
lu uiulriUiUir lb#
luiiruviKUi of vi.ui'i; .\uit-rK a has trees
UUokn.ietl tiy reriniu uiemlMsn* of tb#
iJraud -\ruij of tbv Ke|.uullo. iMiy. Ill#
York 'lUn.-.
Uut# learned
Ibjl ly la a roiuoiuu lUluk iu Ibe i.ubUc
acbuul* of tbe UietruiK»i^i* lo ouill oUe of
UilLIb a tlit-ade
a la.Jlu r. svbo l« drvoie^t-iu ilu* luier
1 O. A. ft Oi.covera Piet to Omit AnW«
Wealth ;
Or.t.th Verse In Schools.
•rtla U uu
..f fh-iovwnahi uf
ItlUT Ul.T IWR^ auU llkHn U t).l II «1..IW
fronmn% reuiotly fur woman*! ilU. uuule from >inUfW BonU
niid Herbs, cuinpUm with nil condltiuns of thn MW Pill*
Food and l>rui^ lakw, niid U so gonmntomL
; Mora Than One •twentieth
ef the Whole Cewntry
k the tubjea In-
Address ^G. EDW. lAIST. • Mana|er
New Method For Curhifl lucor- j -n^ ,„ui u«d v.iu...i«u. '..r v^..
rigibie Young Girls.
tu a Mrpnot.c Sicap encTb>
McoSy work. UooS Pay While l earalng.
. Wotnen sufiVrii^ Irom any fom of foiule siTakrtess are mvited
to ctwimunicaie promptly wiih Mrs. Pinkham, at I.>-nn, Mass. From
the 4*ymp(oins givrn. ibe trouble may be kicmtcd aiKi the quickest and
surest way of recover)* ad\ Lvd. . She u fll htW jour letter in strict confi*
dene* as indicated by the tact that e\*i>’ pri\aie letter recei\*d hy her
durutg the last tver.t)' year^ aitd more, she liov has in the Company's
UU^rattuy utuier Uk and
. and no lui^iiuouial has r\*r been puMUhed
willM>ut ^pelial Mr.tten i»rriui>-uMa Her advice is fice and alwa>*s l^lpfuL
1 ‘*7
'niat'ellie way Grant’s
Ihuiule^eti st Vicks
burg aiui Ia'v * guns \hundi‘i4‘il ui Fft^Je! u k»burg.
k^4 li 4if I hem lliumlerii
a rmlu louder ihsu lb#
other fellow al vat h fdaos
ami W4UI tiie
lie war 1* oivr loud
SKU. bul iMKiming siiU
Make thii town, and
Uie vefiH** of "lliv Sihr SpaiigU tl lUu*
Urr" autl aMK i t tbat ibis U Uuue iu •
auirlt of bawe iru. kMuc lo Ibe Hr.lliL
'11k* v#r«#>4tc>4iuiwtlau refer* tu Uu
Uit«.i glurluu. lueuiurif* ».f Ibe lli volu
, ^
Itua aud apoeka In i«*rui» 4if 4-«»udeiiiUS- «♦
Ilou 4.1 King 4.e..r»:i** trcroi.. It runs: j
ADd wl.4-ir to liMkl baud ei.b I; »«. vsanl- |
s,,!n. SnH-..'.'x
gar# iu..uey lu »Urra> ibe i.awili.g
|vuera of Ualf a ii.»<eii tflrl laiuMe* of L,.
u -»-l;
. Tt.#lr tJo4.d l.o* wa*lu-d evi U »:lr foul I
^ No
Itie ri|H#-rliut-ut
j| wbeibt r ir* for furnn fkiuhry or any oilier
l'piir|hiiM*,Auil we KS'iiNV timt we cwii m*II
noioru friend*, abru itw U-h u.r bmi
i >iuii jflil aa eliiwp iih iiuyori .
j know \VK want y.iur liude niul mil i».iw*
V< >r
gfkkla lit riiflil prieit
K. f’ruiU St
Hardware for
riu. iloor
.Iiwr west
wc of SleiiiU rK S
but ill
l uiiTk!* nry
slroui; hu
bltovyluU* t*
seiilial to safe ilitviim Take no
ehum tts. bul uae tliv U*at Irarueas
tbul v«iiir tiiuiiey tviu
Our eviif iatfonrmvf WHU'OII llamessis
llip Uwt
iHWt iklaa
<kJ amI liable, ntid
totid vou
fiiul thnt It thki«s tio more’of i
Ku r«T!*xr**I*ori.j 'MW*' tUr larailr.g
.V-..— ,-------«;• .1 ; V.
•• «• •‘b**
sn. far ’
l- rnnie mul *.toe tevtii livit ..f »irh*ai
If lit b#
U liit-a ui*u*i ibeui
Ikasusr prrsuuai «vu»*eiu for uve nuc-1
uti lUilH-i.»l ,;iy lu ::u
uf tbe Ueatuivui eiirrica her
r:uj..4v -U*
»b# was brrwlf pteaeut. hUu M-vrr.it
Oueeli City Imp. Co.
12S K
I'il. pbone 751
:u e*rb ease ibe *lee|* InWiit |•^olvntCea
for half au boui
I be **rl* a bo aere
brougtt liuui Ibe Sea JetM-t HoUie
For lilrls at lY -ufou w here lu. urrij,'!
btoe uitvler age o« iii.;*e »..luioinrd for
|H*lly olTeu*.** nre i-outtuetl. wvra ai!
aeirl.lee u or e K.n**eu >ear» *•!.:
laisl Xuue wb -'i tbe *i p«Ta>lemleuL
Mrs .\lau» *II. f.riiu.l b.-n-if lu .1* . j.
water, lu Ibe-U.mingeiiuu; of *,.Ute of
Irr rliarg.-< she e*i..e i<. I»r, ty.m W. u
streelliui lu sukVeMlim and asb.sl Ibni
Le b# inTUilllel lu |.i<l .uu* or two u.
IU- iuUlsO . I j llif lewl . ‘1 w«i were
luk.-u lu btui l*y Sliw Mauwil
ll . li
,.,.,vea refr.vlaiv l* ib. 1h«1 ,le^-e*.
uf *b*..Ul!e |iea«'f
V.e |i}>
.4*'<1 l<
Mrs Mae*. I! f-r 1*. r furu.er U bavi...
in# iu*m..i!uu
^ bS.A to tbe crratnieiit a a* i
Afirr elgtiT we. ke Ylary lieRtu
‘ show *lgb* of ber oid i.tlarks
111# dvs lur * lue
lipareutljr m
Of lb# alnmlest
1 uui u bel I
iriKibl# was ••'be *ak1. "and l*y «Uk'r ••
tiun endearorttl t.. ulillterale .It irivui
Ibe girl * meujurv
i»ul# oa- f-»iiyJ»i
I ar.'ifi«l sleep, a.ul she v. «• lir»ter1v il
f-r .1 fe w "uiliiules
tlbe W*« li.ilike tbe
redt -nwt « gi'l of rln- sin*, is. bui otir
WU# bad been i-oniUiUKsI fur Ibeft. It |
was « ti#a Ibe reiaiz*t.uji cf 1:. r
tuin . aiiip I I brr Ibaf *be bad t.»*teria **
la ev#r> .ve ibr the t ,r rne lb**
, Owing U many compUrntt from cwtlomtrg who cannot get ab
le'titllve u twl.» iu a |j**vv «J
umicn «a our Phonooraph Drp«rtm#ni only in day timt, and many
if ' tu: i.llRil au uiilr, i hi lire f .r llie
mgvaats for sfipcintmenta after th# usual tim# ef closing, w# hard
o •# b# iwA nwge . In tv. u e:i*e* u usic
.docidod la favor th# poblic by keeping open every evening from now
pros, a Oh a|*e. i*l adaptablilty
girl iitd tnleul a* » dr* Mciskrr. an
This will bo appreclatod by our patrons and regarding our wares
olb#r d#s!rr.l lu b. .s.Ui,* « walir jt. mud
as seme siHers de ihelrg. aa necrasary articlea for ftteoaure and com
tart awoke wiib tbe n.'w Ulej ibe «-ot«
l.-omaf -ne lu he.- u )i ^
fort. ws feel that a great many w»rava.l themaelvea of making thair
lo ao'iHUim.b ui.yibluf OeGull# !»r.
purchases ki the stoK rather than be.rg bothefed by saleamen who
tMSobruliOd aay* be a,,„t reiwai bit
go le IhHr hsmea pnd keep them up mghU when they would prefer
tuggeslioua at r gv.'ar bamau fur a
U rHlrs. but have tp submit te the ordeal rather offend them. We
rousiar.'sblr per.od tij! liir Idra be;
do not
-nlfhihfivki*’ to bother you and prefer to meet you In the
4 .^tne* lued uod tbv w ld wti.itig euougb
g»om vdtsrs you greifroo to make your own aelectione.
to art of llself
M.. bas U.e fulleat b#
Mltvifit this tolU be appreciated, we are.
qsf Iq lu*bUott*iu as a reioi^ ageury
th,>e.t 'lss:i«A.o.> L.rak
quieU^I a |.mleare iiilud. lUeu luU.d
brr to *leeii. afler u bu b be laid tile
by l.uuib* vouunaod* U|>uu tier, urotud*
New YorV Uoiia.
- -
mad Rxnects lbr.Hi-gb iti# aM of u.e
rlcb Iisirvn wbiiu* Idiutliy u twryfuAly
^ftiafd#d. lo bate «i.p-artuu!l/ to von
URito kU tfforu on ib# half d«aoa b#
hM Riirtod on tb# good nuid
Kimball MvsicHousB
154 INukt Huwt
I.MO. U d.l«-r. ■»« u UC.41 f« Ib*
Mkr uf d»u. iUii •« lUr .-uiulu* tutu ■
rpJOl and prrtmUug y.»urMdf geaterllj
and grsvefuU). UYmHSk wbum you
oti|l»t to emkrav.ir to pkaao. mosul
f«Vl»« • T«to»r *d uwkwunt •* ai.4
e.s W.. .? *
s. s.a*
. e.u: s. -*. .e t . .-aoyy 1^. . • r;/
: •» Tu..v,.rrc Ifi «ius k*
4 urn V.t.
11..^ hia«
lilie Ur 4 1
lu lb.' rbui.-l el SAini. Ill Ibe 1 rsii
lim- 4^.nvertt. vMi. '»*4. lb«iv l.utun a
viiilve laaii . nlii b wa^ llubleJ l:i l.i*
smt li;»» cever -..u. i l*i'U evilncilnbeHi
Cough Syrup
the tarrur uf aigbt or U*. glooto j ^4
o tiud out
'rhea a little
from afur off
.n. rr.. *140 .................
ri U.V 7:.;;ur
u? i:.« I
Mliat*< uj.
Tbe> aiH-rllie tbe aluiudouuieut of ibe
t erw lu me vUil lu Ibl* 4 uubln of !
foluuel Sir IL.wara \ liweut of the
guet*u * \\e*imlii*ltr vulu.tleera
I u-;
4U*r tbe gult*e of trying iti •.r.-ngtlieu j
ibe Loud* of frleiia*hl|. U-iw .x-u iJroat i
MrlUlii riud Auit-rk a h.- Migge^itM ihej
uiutllefluii uf the ituigre** 4M*tnlne*l ua j
lloual autbeui. ibe IJ A. 41 ineu *;.y.
He a**#rltHl tbat Iq X^uglnuil In <ler4 r '
euw lo Ihe Ins, rubiUl splrli ..f lln- oge |
the •evond v#r*e of * lk*d have ,ibe i
Klug.‘ wab iu pbm* »^i:u*!uu lo the
"knaviiUi irit k*'* of Hrilalu's eueuiles. j
1. bow universally aoillleJ. «ml he'
pnnHwed tbatjt Wdiulil he as ur’I nut j
to lear uiHi. the N.4i-'of iTTii »*vcry
lliue .\mei jell 104 wi*Ueil lo uruitoe ibelr
natural loi.- for th. lr 4.w n eoiintrv
The 4.uil**luii 4if the v.*n»e ivu* tak4-n j
lo heart In |»artl« ul*r by wmiaiii
Allen. Ibe |»airioi4e iuMrvvb.r ».f tbe j
i;. K. Warren in.*!,\1 A II, 4.f Pr4...k-;
hu. *11.1 be Is elMleavo.'^b.g l4. f... in ;U. |
a**4ivlatlt*n f4ir Ihe nr.Un’tb.n ..f the •
u*llon.il amheiti.
U wit* ruiuore.1 Ihe ••tber ilaj that j
Ibefor# loug the ulilertnea will W a*kel ,
to |.a*ft a *tn.ug rMeuluiluu uih.u Uh* ;
*ubje4t ami tie 1 the uiatler will W
liloi»gh! lH*f4.re.lbe la>«rd ..f 4*4lueatJ *11.
SiiiMTlnleoeii! Makwell tleiile*! that
there wn. au 4*rder...f Ihv l*ouu! *if eiu
vai'.ou m*4*i» tbe *ul*Jeei. He *xbl the j
4*blldreu oi.l> -.tig th- flr*t auU ia*t I
ver.e uf tlu* hi mu lo save time
WMH tsitloiuil w nb Ibe teaelii-r* lo «.mlt |
any reme.
viiou>?h. |.#oi»Yv will coma
And U*« *1*4 Btwwstoo boitcwr In irluniph !
laore Uminiiig
till ai
will take
aiui add
thtm to the |>«i|tulsUuu.
le*omiug, urul other willil4J 4aj*liie> will tome lU.
Till* i» the iii>ale hisl4*rv
un\thing im.rv than a hill
4*1 h*‘atiJ4.
Hooiiiiug uis\ Ik> done
iu nianv wsy«.
A board uf Irailv ean tio -i.
4 iub ur bimiiie^s im ii*.* i !uh eaii tio it.
A eoiuuienlal
Vou eaii do it individ
If you don’t b*.i*v# in this town, why do you liv#
If you do
in .1. why don’t you boem ItT
Ev.ry n.w family mean* money in your pocket if you
are tn bu*.ne«* her# or ov.n prcperly hero.
If you make
your liv.ng by working hero, tvory increaee of poputol.on tends to inci-ooeo your wagoo. every new industry
brought to town Ur.de to onlorge your opportwnltioo for
mokii.g a good living.
If only one ^n
lu-flher Minielhipjj hiiT i''.y'4»iug tt> hai*|u-n rixhl off.
ju-l ti.e Mime wiUi t.*wn Imkhu.d;?.
When we all Ikhuii lo-
^felher. the ihiiiy'* We tle-ife to have hupjMMi will begin bsj>Now, ^u|^}*u-e vuii vlio rea«lthis
ill a battle U*i«m 4o^rthef.
huoiitv now ami then il Iniie* f*4iU4e. but \vl*f-n they ail Umiu
lhroU{;h the ('ol-
umn*. of thii jiapvr >4»me method of maii*inK our boom bat
teries and lualiiig a iioi.-*e lluit sill bria;' jKuple runiuntj into
this town to.gu into bueiuus*, start a faelorv, develop oouie of
our natural reeourefs.
N. B.-B00M! BOOM!! BOOM!!!
Ibvni 4»<a of ihr hvMera Ibrongh
a oo|»lolI^ and lii-nlihx at lion of
The Kau*a*’**iat# l*oaia uf b.-xUb i* | V
aklutf an effort
effdrl lu le*wii ibe ravage*
The Original
Cough Syrup
La Grippe. Influenza. Bronchitia
: and all Coughs. Coida, Uiog and
Bronchial aflectiona no remedy
tfy e Laxative
Pleasant to Take
Children Like it
uf dioemar by #H
^ou*^ fly
11 le
lleuwh 4-oiuprieiug 4be board tb^ flie*
cauve many dlwtee# by oarrylug U*e
geriue about w lib ttieui.
I*r .S. J rruuibhie. a#4T#tary 4*f HkKau**as Uwrd *4 beallb. *ay* lUat th**
fly to the grealMt purveyur of Ulveaet*
lu tb# wurl.i aiui In tb# bultotlu uf lb.*
bomnl f»JT A!»ril he *bowa bow dloenve
may lo* vp.-rud by flle* and bow It uiay
be |i.-#v#nti*d
l»r. iTTiiubUie Iwlieve#
that tbe Inventor of tba wtrr window
and 4luor %^rteu wa* tb# grvatvei Iwue
ftelor of the age.
Not 1 mg ago. b# pUcta uOt. It wia
flvflultelr toaroed tbat jebuw fever.
trpbuW fever and .Hber .ll.#aM-e were
rarrW luto borne* by tkw and uuj#
Horn# |ib.v%K’iaus n*e«-n that
tb# w lP# *4-revn U lb#' great#*! i-reveu
live appltaU4W for typhoid aud yellow
flrrsra It to urged that up flwi b# al
lowed to 4^t#r a slckioom. partkwlar
•tmw iMOng Uld opoo tbla.
Kauaaa Uw penults tb#
local bralth omclaK to r#4|Ulre tb# reAoTal uf all ouiaauc##. keeping tb#
stfoeu. aUej* aud vacant lute dean,
rUM bremi U flltby places, aud It la
w#U kaowa tbat nooiiuitoea roqoirs
stagaaal water fur braodiug.
For Any Substance Injurious te Health
Found in
^ Calumet
Baking Powdef
“Beet By Test”
Tk* OiKr Hiak Om«. BWt.10 P9«Wr
ee< «t • M.4.rai. njk*.
' eNtoOMwHh an STATE aai lATIHU
fwt FmA Lava.
All Croom* Are Aulhoriaed to Cuatentoe tWIe
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