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The Evening Record, January 11, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
r=l fife E%NBSl#l{ECX)I?D
6 o*oux;k edition
JAN. 11. fM7.
omciAu foRscArr.
LOW. naoiis mix
ihestkiition is uughed at
By Wire to the JDventog Record.
athiira. Ky. Jan. ll.-Mlaa Ray BEUEVED COMMIBhIONSR GARMcGarry. who hypnotised the Rev. R.
T. Booker duriag a game at a social
gathertag. to proatrated over the dtoNnttosml
Rhfsr* and Harhera Centrsas
WHl Write a Eaek an the tgnnmaci
Onhif All la Its Power to Oovsiop
aad FNIy ef Hia Raoo Egyn Frlw
Tht Natomi Rinoorcss of this
oner Who Dost Not Advaaea
Sheald Nat Re RslanaiM.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
son. Mich.. Jan. ll.-Wllllam D.
RUey. a aegro; nervtag a life aeatence
ahaon fbr ahootiag Fred WlOtoam
mldlag np J. D. UghL has Imoed
a booklet girtog th^ history of hto life.
He Bays he want" to Jackson twNve
years ago a low. vlekHia. black rolh
\mninM\lm Wb» MmIvbS With riM»>
her. blit has become IWrIy proSetont
m by 0»>tniiT W«rfi«f anS
to algebra nnd geometry, studied
Spanish and read moat of {the books
■■lliKnili W rri«nd« W th«'
to the prt*on Rhymry. He %9m wHticn
over 300 poems and J* now writing a
book on tbe Ignorance aad foUy of GRAND RAFIOB CITIZENS WILL
hU race. He believes any guBlv pris
oner who falls to make any advaace. SemIbI U th« Ev«nlf«« Etcord.
roent should .tsy In prisod.
LBfiNnf. MIctu J«fi.
Banqust Will Be Held In Foresters
nriaitUd yiwterOay BfUmoOt. Co«»- EFFORT EEINO MADE TO HAVE
Hall Blit the Exact Oats Has
Not Yst Been Ds^
rtWiUBW Wllliani AMbii Srnith «f
eldsd Upon.
OtmiS IUe*S> win b« th« fWKt Ufut*«
of Cengri
itelM BMIBC fr^ Mlchl9«n. Th«
Sent U Him This Memtog Iby
UhiSNIS* cbivw mi tht Sr»t ballot iMt
preeldtml of the
filgbt tbla boltif tbo NictK batloc of
Traverse City board of trade, returned
Onh and Many Othera.
this rooratog from a bdatoesa trip to
Grand Rapids and Chicago. WliUe )n
ft volM whlla oMy S4 i
Grand Raptda Mr. HaaUnga made u
call upon E. A. Stowe, who haa been
Ttw MONtt waa rooalvod with tha mada Of tbe <moke of WlllUm Alden
pf the Grand Rap^
pAaaaitra by William AldanV tnlth for llnllod State* denator than
Ida board of trade, and Amos 8.
INtliSA not only liafa anS In Grand
ahower of telegrama foU Traverae
Muaaelman. a member of that body
but «ll oow MIcblfMi. Oov. City weie aent to Senalbr-plect Smith
and one of brand Rapids- moat pro
Mar Wamar aapraaaad lilmaalf at •slcndtag an InvIUUon to deliver an RESOLUTIDN CALLS FOR ONE QW gressive buatneas men. After some
wall plaaaad wKb tha chalaa of tha nddieaa la this elty upon the oooa
persuasion. Mr. Haattnga secured the
tbMa and tht
9km of the Lincoln ch* bnnqwrt
conaenl of both these gentlem^ to
Sataa tmm aoary
take place p^bably upon
attend the annual banquet of the
fVb. IS or IS. Telegrama were sent
City board of trade to be
Itclton^hoat of the Surveyfrom Robert K Walter, a^rretary of
held the totter part of this month.
pr'a Reoerde Again Came
Tha SiMD cwtiM of the il*th ballot the Uncoln club, mad B. W. Haallnga,
The board of trade to fortunate In
From Obscurity.
abcmd blfbr EttiiUi. N fbr TvwmuA.
of the Uncoln I club, and
curing two such excellent men for
t for Obarlai tmttiriiBS 1 for HHI.
ly other piV>mlnent republicans of
Idreaaes upon this occasion, as both
BHbra tha Ibmal raaolt waa an- the city.
progrmaive and have been Identl
-Regplved. That the amnly uf
aounred Senator Tattle movad that
An eapecUl effort will be made tc
fied with the development of Grand
Emlih be daclared tbe unanimmia aecurc the conaenl of Mr. ^Ilh to be Grand Traverse purchase a farm of Rapid* a great many years, and arc
eighty acre* or mpre and erect anil
eboice of the caucua and the motion pfwaent on this occasion and It Is
thoroughly familiar with board of
able boUdlngs for tbe support of the
foregmie concloalon lhatj the .nrmde work, and the best methods of
Then came the ebaeWn^. Conunlt. Unltml SUtes senator will receive .. poor of aald county at a cost not to ex
doping the Industrial resources
wQloome which will be In i^ooord with ceed 113.000. and that said 112.000 be
other benefits of a growing city.
nMlbaa and tha SHratad oandldatea the regard arlth which he ! la held in rai»ed by loan: and that bonds of the It has been decided to hold the ban
inty be Issued therefor, said bonds
to tba apaahar'a platform, forwar Ooe- the Grand Traversa regkm.i
quet In ltore*ters hall, but the exact
bear Interest at the rate of :> per
emar Rich fepreaimUnf W. C McMIl
date haa not been fixed. That will be
cent per annum, and be toaued to de
one. however, to a few da>^. as soon
nominations of
each, payable
'fhaiatnr rllrt Smith waa given an
I tbe date that the hall can be #eas follows:
mitoo when he appeared an»l waa
ured can be reconciled with the date
‘Two thousand dollar* Jan. 1. I9kf.
tatiwdocad by Saaaior. Fvre. U waa
hlch win be moat convenient for the
aerermJ mlaut^ bafow he oouM jmv MANY FEOFLE LOST LIVES IN with accrued Interest on all bond* re- outside speakers. *
tof unpaid on the first day of
reed la part he aald:
The entertainment and program
January of each year thereafter until
**Thla chamber haa bm the aerne
committee* will hold a meeting as
said bonda are fully paid.
of ray two greateat trlumphi. My
aa the dates are fixed to make
•Resolved further. That the que*appointment as a page waa the
te arrangements for tbg meeting
tlon of borrowing said sum of $12,000
and the banquet..
and laaulng of bonds of aald county
npoo me by tbe favor of a friend.
therefor be submitted to the electors
Thl. splendid compliment | IJUIe deQUICK, THE TAILOR, makes good
of aald county la the manner pre ctotHss, 201 East Front strasL
nenm. Mindful of my own, shorlscribed by law at the spring election
comliga. appredaRve of the clem By Wire to the iSventog Record.
The Hague. Jan. 11 —A report here to be held on the first day of April.
WATCH Jackaon's Candy window.
ency of my friends. I can onlv say to
you from the bottom of my hear* I myt an Immense tidsi wave washed 1007. in The several townships and
over the Islands of the Ba*t Indls wmrda of aald county; aad that the
thank you for this great honor.
laltlon of bondtnrche county for
*'Looklng Into your faces I wish to amup nnd a few of the smaller P
return to each and every one my ap plae Island, caoaing n grant loss of 112.000 for the purpoM of purchaalng
farm of eighty ncrea or more and
predation. In the pnmence of my livea. No deUUs.
oreettog suitable buildings be present
wife and eon. I aeo faces rery dear to
ed to the electors in the following
me. yet looking over I ace by ^he
windows of an bumble cottage 2,000
’The committee on the yoonly poor
mile* awav. the sweet face* of my Fence Was Tewod to Sefmiids and
that we are
irm propooRtou made their report
mother and father.**
tht Maracas Has Rehched
tote yeaterda^kaflemooD and the maV
Thanked Mr. MoMlUan.
• New YertL
of at
ter waa adopted. They afterward pre
Mr., smith's voice wna choking with
sented the foregoing reaoloUoo. The
By Wire to the Bveatog ROeoid.
reiratt atnted that although the ooun-How blessed It Is,** he continned.
New York. Jan. 11.—Tlie ml
ties to thU section of tbe state had
-that In our republic opportunltf steamer Ponce of the Porto Rico
means no ahscklea. Here to the the pany has arrived at Bermuda to tow found that a Urge farm would not pay
ater of no many mlgbty contests I feel of the .leamshlp Waddell. The and recommended that Grand Trmverae county erect suitable buildings
aa though thU were hallowed gronad steamer Maracas reached New Y
-T^ U a great office and ought to safely. Both carried pasMngent and on n small dcienge. the wishes of the
people seem to point toward
Inspire the heart of an> man. To mjr cresrs of 116 person and they
toatMd of a gariJen and that
dlattogulahed friend* i return my supponnd to he loat.
the board a dnty to carry oot these
grateful appreciation of the manl.T
We are overstocked on
character of their campaign.**
them and wish to move a
The matter of the coonty^aurveyor a
Mr. Smith paid hU compllmeou t.i
number of pieces. We
' Mr. Hill and hi* colleague. Congress ie Change In OfSears of OvM Weed recorda, thought to be buried
ago. tamed over vidcotly In Its gmve
have added others since
man Townsend, and of Mr. McMillan
Dieh Conmany^W. C. HoS and X
thU afternoon. ProoecuUng Attorney
last Friday and still have
he said:
Pratt nddreoaed the hoard. tMUng
a good assortment.
-To Mr. McMillan, who 1* detained,
IT mma
IT loug V IMK HWOn
Hot Water Bags
---------- -
B> Wire to the Evening Record
Grand Rapids. Mich.. Jan. 1
ha* hm discovered there U n<
for a primary. u» choose
man to fill the vacancy
William Ablcn Smith s elc
senate The pollllclans i
lemma how to proM'ivI an
dates are numt-rou;.
Win pay High.»t Ca>h prin, for
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
, - Tamarack. /
mil la not a pQzxiingqoasuoOi
for we are aellinif aom loli
very oiiMii. Tb«f we do not
wiMi to cony ow. Soom
•troDK Diunben that ooU nil
tbe MMoo lor «1 S5 and tl .35
we new bdng oold for tl.OO
Thooe we tiie boot go^ yon
bavo bad offered yonat thia
price and if yon naed nnder.
wear thia it yonr Un»a.
made by Commlaaiooer of Corpora
tions Gartleld that the railroads of the
country have managed to secure such
a grip on water traasporiation that li
now offers no eompellilon to •be car
hinge of goods by rail. Mr. Garflvld to
said to be making an InvesUgation of
this snbJecL but Is Is gewrs’.ly be
-Ileved thst BO report will be forthcoming and the mxUtr will be quicJly
Tbe claim lhat the railro.‘.«!t 1
gained abaointe control over
waterways of the connlry Is ato
on lu face. Once the great ri'
are made navigable, the humbeat
sen who Is handy with a hammer
uw xuay ervci a flatboat and. tol
Ing the example of Arbaham Uo<
.-ngaire to
bualn*-** <»f transpt
(OonUnued on Third Page.)
■ Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cit. :iS. Bell lC‘t.
Br Wire to the Evening Record.
Sault 8te Marie. Jan. 11.-In a dls
put. Lugul Alleoondro drove a knife
deep into Raffaleo Lonrtler. who may
die. The sUbber wa* takf
Both reside In **Ultle Italy*'
plant of the Algoma Steel company.
Killed by Fall.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Detroit. Mlclu. Jan. 11—Arch La
Tour, aged 21. while swiichlag cars In
the Michigan Central yards last night
slipped and fell from a car. He frac
tured his skull and died intdantly.
You Want to Look
Ten Dollar Suits.
SidU ra,,liw la arte ItMB <M M «a dl v>
at $10.00
George W. Miller,
■ Wk
If you were ifoing to
bay a pair of shoes and
you thougbtyou i-oald nave
cento to one doUar on
them at a certain
store, would yon not
Beautiful Plaid Silks ^ ^ ^
Some Very Tempting Things
Cut Prices
aot from dealre, but heonuseihe benrImg hand of dreumauace hat told
nm under the care of hto physkdan
l espvoas my atocere admirmtkm. mr
respect and my undytng af
M the Yoeult of his geaeroMty nnd ktodseas to me tnJhls «n-
*The annual maisUng of the Oval
Wood Dtoh company was hMd y
No changes were made In tbe pfSeers of the company but J. M. UmgDecker of Delta, O.. and W C. HoU of
this city weve added to the toard of
Mr. Smllh then brought lUfth a
storm of cheers by hto egpieaalon of
aEceUon of former Oovemor RIeh. the
man who had so willingly nppo4ntad
him a page, he said.
PbUowing him. the other candidates
The friends of Mrs. W. H. Abbott
wlU be pleased to learn that she to
covering from an atta^ of ae
coStto. n there are no compBoatl
she to considered oot of dnagsr.
them to apply to him frariy tor fcfor(Oonttoned on Third Page.)
Mcniay. Ha has expranato
tfcm at the imlt oC the
40c to SI
I save by
New Peau de Grepes
Tbey,rc odd sises from
onr newest and beat
$I.0G. 25 inches wide,
New Jap Silks In Hen, Too. . | ? ; J
58c end 85c
tad Who a»it the drat aaf^batWlrsl
a—iiinmf of way aiwnmar M cmSM OT
^ tv. SLATER
0WLV A raw btrf.
. OJMI irawwM rnmm
w Hit Amri It ^ up
If rM Nnrt fWt rt< Mtwt
yi f ■■tWi^i w — frt of m$L
TH« raoract oMOfct.
• aMBMMi tietory
»Mt tTMlBf VIMI tipD« Iht «txth btl^
kn Of ttt rtfPiUiHcMi Me« lit
cWrtd M nHet. «Mgk to tiMt «mS
14 to iiort; C B. ^Itb r«
two m4 OtaOfroMnu TowbmmI »7.
Op a Botloa to Mko it nuH
Mr. BalUi roMlrol tit totiro rote pT
tlo fOioMliw ewMot. 1M< aa
tlOTOfbio 4oelaio4 Ho wlotot of
It wqi It OM bj tit vQt on tie
atzU lalkit. tint prartkalljr tb^
tatlro ttrtoath of Hni. tad
MlUtn wrat to Sinltb It wt« n
•d that Obv arrmnarmrot had bttn
Mdo durtoK tie day trhf^Aby Mr
■ailtl wat to ftcolfr tbr bulk of tie
laiu W CbaMriMBMB Towaato
tbat tbt rote would br
praetkallr Ut aamt oa tbt brat ballot aa It wat on tit laat ballot tie
aiglt bifora ana that npoo tlo ate
which would be
to tUad firm and tni*t to a dellt<tlon
from the forcea of Hill aad McMlUan
■ad BmlUt for a« nominatloo.
urn eemilac la tbe oMco of tbe
tary. Oeoise H. Ototoi Tbe n
of tbe offteert showed tbst, tbe cornbad bad a eery good ywar. ooasideriag tbe feel that la property on
Bay stnet bad to ^ graaSy tmpruirtsL
It was shown tbat tbepe was a good
prodt oa tbe boaU manufactured ard
that a large amo«ii.t of money had
expended on tmproTeiDents of
bultdioga. cwolpment and dock.
All of tbe old of]
Yclom, C. U OrelUck. John R.
W. StaatOB. U r.
rWBi and J. W. Haas mi. ^
Prfsldeat. C. L. OralTtek.
Vice peasldaat. Job. R.saato
Seerrury. George H. Ooaa.
Trsasnrar. U F. ncna
Tbe aompany pradoeed w large auiuber of taa bumohes laat yeai. slao
aooto aaU and row b<wta end all of
hear boaU have found great favor
among tbe purchai»eni and those wbo
have InsTweted them. Tbe
has about a doaen
launcbea and pome row boats on hand
ready fbr tbe spring
marM tt wa%
kg markatw
tbe business and
tor tbat*purpose tba balance of the
tnaanry stock wlU be aold. It is
pccted H will be run this year upon
aiKii larger aoaie than laat year
It has already been demonstra
that thU U a most excellent field for
aa industry of this kind. With suffidCBt capital to enable It to sprnid
It is confidently believed that tt will
become one of Traverse Oif'M
that tbt mil and McMniaii forcta bad
» Ofblitd to down 8nllh. The retutt
Buperintendant BUmtcB baa lately
pfortd otbftwtet. It was rery evl- received a rush order from Mancelona
diat to tbe HUl aad McMlilaa.tup. for a latineh aad has a Urge number
,perttra tbat Bmltl bad tbe ri«ht of ' praapecu which promise a busy
war Bid aooia wot bt atopptd. flit
tbMff under the
wma to yield to the evtdwit wlabea of
a raat number of tbe people of the
aUte and throw thetr atrenitb to Ooo
■tenaman Smith knowInK that
would ummately be aleetad.
Ooacmamaii Saitth wma clearly the
dboloa of tba paoplt of the tiate. Ula
ampalgB.waa conducted decently and
He had tbe coaA
doaot of hU aupportara in aWniatm
Mlebifan, wbo nmoittA to atand by
Mni toafUOab. It wma tbww paople.
Who batw htM beat, wbo were de
WnalaM to plaet him in Oenoral Al
ftr*a teat In tbe mited Statea aen^
ala. Ooncreaamaa Smith haa termed
in tbt lower houae twelre yean,
baa aenred on aome of the moat Im
wars and
Bttee on foreim affain. ilm two
tmportant commltttet la eoaHla work
toot aad
and upon
npon other commit
•*> cmitidcuoua. tbat
tbat be
be wi
wma called
i to aUln
aU In tbteoaaeilac
tbt Mwaeila of lhe ad* l)poato
of craat
Be baa aar
naaalnr wall and hartac
hartne made
abroad for tbe purpose of better postina blmaeif upon Intomatlonal
dlUona. be U probably as well
formdd upon odr relatlaa* with foi^
dsn natloni as any other man In the
He ba» beta a
Of Ut poUdta of Prtoldent RooatveH.
a4d baa been a power in the bonne
of npremmutlrw. . aad WkdM a
greater InBuenct than any otbar ooo
S^tonaaa la the Mtobiaaa delation.
Vbr tbtot rtamwi Oaiiarrsamaa Bmlib
wma loflcallr tbt candidate to aucoatd OtBtrml Alftr. He haa worked
bW war from a newsboy Into the
Halted States aenku and If be lad
not tbe nualiUta wblal. tatlUad Mm
to this exalted poaitlon. be wbnld not
ImYt atoursd it He baa ttontod tbia
diatinetloB by bU abtlAy. Ma oenaeltntiotototoaw tight and biadto and hit
broad bnowlaigt of aatlmal affain.
tk* wui
to Win
bmoM a «Miitoc o( »owto AM to
flMto* (ran (to (tan. Hoottoriaawho otoOMd hto eoaU to*.'
toeo««IUMNl to Mch li U. •»( torm.'
to Wlltoa aMm tohh will to oMo
to to«Oto»Uih »A «
la rHveelad la WaihlncUa and ro
lattod M ooe of (to atroM
at (to ooAstiT. Therotore tto AMfM
of MUMtoA toee naaea to to praad'
at tto actloa orHAIa a#aloa of (to
An office manager wUl be eMoyed
and Mr. BUntou will give hU enUie
attentloo to the tnpeilatendt^ of
Tragi and Jnduatry af PMaito Afltr
Long Ctotlnnsd OeprMen It
Beginning ts PUk Up.
By Wire to the B^iTlng Record.
Warsaw. Jan. H.-Trsde and Industry of Poland, after a long toBtlnned
>slon caused by strikes amS dlaorders, are gradnally bagiimlng to ImThls'revival Is especially notries, the'
have lately received such
sbU orders that they canm
wttbont enlaiglag thdr facTo da this they require the
aid of foreign capital
French aad Bi'lglum capitalists are. tt
Is- aUted. alcnady taking steps to Inof these factories.
Sale of Rockers.
lagaltowsd tbs people of Wir
feat and (Mar to askBMetbsIr
laitaiiis North LooUigInte
toittod only pafnawa of tbe*iJ!!Iofte
alderhte It beeanto dllBenlt as a Lcnaie oommiuee cHark.
tbe lile or to detarmlne, Jnat
The eeaste st Columhia. S. C.
W«inesday adopted a resolution is
be regarded aa eaHUed to give a
dorsing the actlen of President Roose
Ufleate which oouM serve Inatesd of velt In the Brownsville <Texas|
ter and requettiog tbe Sooth CaroUaa
Lbongh sBOb an eiaotkm la. of
delegation la cengrmts to support
IS. wttlM
fon*. Ita taanlta
president In the controversy over
will be made btodtag. In oaa# tbe elecK
plan la decided upon €boi
man Bisbop will have each of tbe
iohnson Of Minnesota was
I for hU second term
at 8t. Paul, In hU mesroommended laws to con
The leglsUture at Cbarieslon. W. trol corporations. anU-pass legtaUtioo.
strict Insiimnce control nad proseeifVa.. convened Wednesday.
tion of the lumber combine. Rills cov
A bill providing for a fine for rail
ering many of these Himjeru were m
«4s which r<*ru8« to furnish cars tt* trodnred In the i. gidaiurv.
ttpfi at WaahMgten.
ilppers was Introduced in the legis
The North I>akc»ta legislature ss^
lature at Lincoln. Neb.
By Wire to (be IttaMng lleeoc
Mtnlilf^d W<'diu‘sdar at Blsmanrk for
Primary election, baking and railWashington. Jan. 11.--Governors of
tbe inauguration of Governor Burke
the following eutca have appolated lad control legislation were urged by and to receive bU mesii«gr and that
to attend tbe national com Governor Brooks in his mesaage to of retiring O€»vemor Sarles.
coaventlon to be held here the leglsUture at Cheyenne. Wya
Burke recommended the na
N. GUJetle ^
dan. H: < Alabama. (MHfomla. (3okv
primary law. anU-pa
rmdo. CoaneeUenl Delawaiw. Florida.
control or railroads aad the enirtment
^ llllnoia. Maryland. Massachu Wadnesday and In bU i
f called
s law to Uke Ipe schools and ju
Mteaotfri. Montana. Nebraska, for rsfoi
rtory out of politics.
lersey. New York, North Caro^
Control of corporatioDB and a law
Worth Dakota, Ohio. Pennsylva
Her-I Hf you speng any . MBgnage
nia. Rhode Island. Veimont. Vtah. »lishlag raoMrack gambitag t
♦..*r tbnn the mother tauj.nie?
orged by reUring Governor Cox of
Ilira—No. .\nd I never erpMt to
essse ^ hto mt^ge to (bf Jegis- be able to utk Hke mother can.
Isture at NaatorlHe.
JaU penalty tor vIotoUag tbe Mis
WATCH Jaekaon*e Candy
aonri aaU-tntat,Uw aad other atiln-
On aocxnmt of tbeae gooda arriving too
Ute for the Holiday trade, we bav» an
enormous stock oB
that aie taking
up too much room.
waU as beads of famlllca. These same
If you want a Rodier,
Nowls t|ie TIim to Boy
And bare is where you will find the fin.
aad the lowM prices in
Tlio following win give you on idtm of tbe great, ndnetioa VB
have made. These are only a few of the many:
Large Ami Rocker. goMen oak finiah. n^gular $8 Tallies at S1.48
(Jo«l Gobbler Seat Rocker, ri-gukr $:irO. now.......................... 2,88
Ro<-kor like cut. coMen ngk. roll scat. nir«ly can'fd^
o- -^
alw.nys soM for fflOO, now only.............................................. .1H6l
< »nr s|>rriH! $7 Rocker, sdden oak. wkSd arm, it>U leai, now 81*5
Sewing Ohaim from r,.m iip. Morris Cbaiis ffom 4.75 upu
All other high grade Rockers sold acoQfdingly.
Your Credit Is Good
Yoar Reliable Foralturc
Grand Rapids Fnmitorc Co.
wers providml tor In bills iatrodn
In tbe IsgislatBte at Jetfertmi Olty
Tbe North Osrollaa general assem
bly ooavsMilM iulHgb Wei
A iotoi rwk.JuUoo cplllng fo.- the InvesUgatlofi of aU public servic.? corporaUons doing business in tbe gUte
was prepa.e-!
In bis mtfvsagc to the leirivtoture at
!..cnl^f>m*.-. .Ala-. Wcdntdsy rcilrlag Governcr Jplks declared -Utgro
schools turned out moral perverts and
saWtbe sUtes money ahoidd aot be
iitod to aid sBcb iiiatliitoiont.
United States Senator Gamble
MMwl-f»h, no: be hsdnl tbe face
ladoiM by tbe repubUcaa Jotet
127 S. South Union Street
in Tekto
By Wire to the Bvening Raeord.
Toklo. Jan. ll:-The icen) papers
are extremely aere at the poor re
sults shown by tba (minese students
wbo have studied In Japan at the
civil service .cxamUstlon which has
Just been held In Peking. It it stated
that the students wbo receh^ed their
edosstlon In ESngUnd and America
I remarkably waH In the ex
self after be bad explaiaed the charge
based on tbe employmcju.of Ms sot
Closinnc Out Stolo.
I HiB Hannilh & lay Mercantile Co.
“THE BIG STORE “-Dealers In Everything
Last Chance !
Saturday is the
Last Day.
Oor Kreat Olmo-up Sale <4omb SAtnnltiy ni^bt Uuiy have
taken aarAotaKe of tiie remArk.;.lile priew wo have
been awking in tbe different Divieion. nf our
Great Store and are more than MtUfiol.
Hye are some Extra Indncemcate for thc.liml
wlffd-Bp of oor cleu-DP. Can’t nuke moner anr easier.
Special for
Coooenat Taffy, regular priee
30ct»and. 8AtQidi7..1Sc
Fancy C^oo^atea.
Mito Baaman wUl
after your wanta.
WATCH Jaokaon'a Candy
ft EX
J. W. JaiAaoq a. W. JAluaw
E.A.Motooe BomAMoaio.
A. Oonilk
r. P.AkaiA
J. a Unman
- .11 .iii'jra A
c.^ ^
Gray Bro-.' Doogola Copimon Sense Shoe, in turns and welts,
former price $Si 50 and $4. Sale price, pair................
LadieV Patent Leather and Kid Oxfords,
hale price, pair
....... ,
WATCH Jacksen<i Candy
fa hnildiog csttlcK hi tbe atr
Be np to all the tricks
And most of all T»ray. hare a rare
And do not bay gold hrk%a.
the Grocery Divieiaii and nee
NOTICE, 0. 0. K. K.
There will be a full drsss
of tbe dramatic work of the D. O. K
K. tbto evenlag in RMgbU of Pyihlxs
hall at 9 o'clock. Brery member of
tbe east la urged to be preasBU Tbe
arraniemeuts for tbe big aesUng of
the 24th sre progressing Baely and
great thne to awwed.
W. O. Foote-
ser rvoat i
Maple SB.
.... -isoc
..... ...«l-36
..... ....;.8Bc
aaba. Oor prict
Don’t Forget
When thinkins about prcKnts that a chandeHer. iwetiy duk(ie, ,popket flasher and
Portable Table Lamps
iJwMr^aige Hlect^CGi*o^
Try one of those ladies'
good, srarm, serviceable
wrap* we are giving
away at
tSpMtolsEVcr OffOTsi
to flw Ctockcvy Divtatoi
to dardiaieres, spMtid for Satndi^...
to JardinieiiS. specUl for Sataidaj ...
to KightU«pM*,»t for today........
to Stand Uaq.,jartiartod.y........
Ass Stand Umps, jnst for this thas..
Sat, sold iorW,
■b-piees Dinner Set. worth no, today.
......... 9IM
b* 1 .w.
r, ;
Keep Iir-10(IE
n Soft
Sott f
te M «r tf«« MMt #•!
MCV nw UMM meovco wr
' ---Pt
JM«I ISc^tteaM Mi.
Wnn C«i, I
OwfiM L«M
rT*«. vr IMV* V
rl$htr nkirr^ M*n^, »tiprrt.f»i.d
mu cf llM* AwvrM iwa<t
mn uito MMiBC.
it'll all «P to
OlMMmr WMh raeprM tlw !»« Uiat
11 -I BMV faU wi^ Uwpa ladMa t»ot
PHnJrtay'a hl«k Wlada rmoortid
6mu iba n«4U. wb^a It vooltf 4lo
mmt^ eood. and pot It la tba dltrlwa
A moo was pkhad op os tba eorper
ipd osalnat Ib^ fm^eea wbw It
of Eloyaotb and INtMoo oiroep tbP
•hMhPl .PPpmr. aome of tba Ukm\
KetoHoa ww In roealpt oT a faw
there. HU artionk
ibeO' rMtortar aod today but
taula art ool la ahapo for banlinf ai lined the asylum autboritiaa. ihinking
that tba man waa an inmate of the
At HHaforth * camp tboro P a full inatitiitloo. An attendant warn
rrw of forty Mi at wortc aad tbP«» down and the man gara hImV merry
ara bomiataff with an •xealleat out ehaaa arroaa the pUlna bark
biok If H would oaly mow aocoa i
Elaraotb atraat. He waa Snally
Haullag wa» bapun asala yaate
caught but waa found to ba no in
but a little nora aaov would roo
Of the aaylpm. Tba polira wara boil.
Taty food.
Had and the offandar Uken to Ibr
. Tba Oral Wood DItb coopaoy has ataUoo hooka.
boaa raoKriat lott ail wtatar btfi^t
k ^.oapoctad that abool toAonow
tbtbgi wlU opaa op ta oartMOL tba
voatbar cat Mag a vair matartal Ilf
Partb In tba City Tfmmorsr^
Tba Boat Bay Lambar conpaay !■
wahlof for oaow. A faw loft were
Mitad aarllar bat aoow li abaoluta
Tba Trararaa City llaanfaait
eowpony racalred eoma lofii todny
and aram aaorr bat the hara roadi
a barriar.
* Tba ABariflaa BoUar INah compaay
baa raealrad a faw loads aad wfU gat
Another candidate for lha nooilnatioo
_____ rfty twaaurar In the paraoo of
l^avo Soiila la lodnv announced. Mr.
8oub* wiKhHi'the people of Trararae
City to know that he U a candidate
for the ofllca and will go bafoiw the
paopir with hP patlUon. Mr. 8oula
baa occupi^ a reapoomlbla poaltloo in
the grocary pf Prokop l^yaelka ter a
greol many yeara and la a prominent
member of jMcPharaon boat. No. Ik. G.
Ici baa barn iirltad by
to; liacoma a eandldata i
baa yielderl to IhHr wlabea.
Taboo'M tba w^Ola tba opan wintar
ban roaultad lb daisy and In n
IMP PBkaal loM. Itowp Mr Twin
SlOMUIt taK iroM tba lambar Jack.
worked hallaiMi, rtKitlaH. and wllli
tbHr ahiiia unbuttoni^l. A nitml»ar
tpr ramps didn't «pan at all b.ti waltcsi
for BOow wbtla lha warm wrathrr
Mtod tba teed roadn
Toaoi ownar* hare baan hard hit by Groom U fmm Manitoba and Pridt
the warm spall. Tba horara bad to
Trom TravtCM City—QuUtly
aat wbcHhar Ibry worked Ckr not ami
Woddad Last NiuhC
wilb tbr high prica of feed tba kt^afv
A quiet Widtllng took place at the
Ing of idir animalB was g an
ime of Mr. and Mrs. Minor on South
nion alreirt laai evening at 7:30.
The eontracUng partiea were Jacob
thompaon pf \Vlnnl|>ag. Maaltoba, and
Bom to Mr. nnd Mm. Philip fVigrr MlHN .KUen Bariviw of thU city, the
A4 least Hay. a daiightar.
lley. L. H|Carps‘nler nfAcialiug.
• Tba paslro party given in lha St.
. nnd Mm. Thompwm will re
rmncU acbonl Pat aeiming waa n 14g
auocaaa. A Prga number attended.
Mra. A. P. Huallmantrl won thaUdl.**prisa and Oaorga Qrovaa tha gmiliTHE njV RKSTArUANT U atlU
man'a. A rary Intaraatlng prt»r
lelling mml ticket a at $.3
pn P ft
waa givau. Punch waa aanrad
WATCH rJackaon't Candy wlndow.
WATCH Jackson's Candy window.
Oft. TIWST HB RWtl' KRltiB1|KiaK
Fight tha loMlaa af Jaba D.
onui k nr uteukeiit
niWA.V.M*MM«V tl. 1
t and tb^ mm tbnt be'wmM
fwem ta tbe asart bonae vbare
be mm to la pHTata ood wbmBe eoaU apead pan ef
eoeb «sy wrbea tbe beard tm la aeeMob: Tbe board bad. earlier ta tbe
day tecemmeaded that tW jaalior ef
tbe banttis tfaaefer bis beioagtags
tbe aanrayor «ad tbai tbe latter be
Br wire to tba Kvenlag RacortL
glvea tbe hawn roam.
txmdoa. Jaa. ll.-Tbe Standard Oil
Mr. Pratt eald that be tboagbt the
trttat te coafeoaM ta Buwar «Hb
eanreyw's ofSce aboold be oa tbe Srat
aad powartnl rival. A aew co
Soor aad that tbe samU office woaM
be joat tbe tbiag ter blm to ase. TbH
UwM niw tbe ConaoUdatod
Petrotaam gnmpony nnd the Qaoarml
PrtrolMm winmr. tbe latter betog
Plra Chief
af ipi^oBiaa Marray wUl aooa
aa oCaboot of tbe Bb«B. Traa
have an exiA borne wbicb can
aad Tmdlag compaar. wrWcii
oa«d P case aay of the ragnPr
trolled the oil trade betweea Texas
mala naad on the apparattia are
aad Groat BrMaia for tear yaara.
ablad. HU new driving boraa. Dai
Tba Rotl^nila aad Nobels are Inraealving daUy ienwma <« leaving hP
teresied In the Conaolidatad company,
ataU and going to where the barwhile the Dautacha bank backs the
oaanaa bang auapaodad from the call.
This’ new irnat will give'John D.
IPn la a big bay and i^ow
Rockefeller a toogh taak If he athuman latoUlgence.
Altbongb Mr.
tempts to oaptare tba BritUh
Murray hM had bim but a few days
the bfwna wHl follow hU maatar a
Ilka a dog. Ha aaema to enjoy
SBoratiig PMtigatkm of the front of
tha oeglsa boose and followa alonj
behind the chief anufling of the vart
oua part of apparatua which aeem U
Intereai him greatly.
BTian lb Ileah. the new boraa wll
ba almost aa heavy aa tba oihem used
lu tha dapartment. Ha ia a good CbUdren Were Pnaaing Along the
Iraialar and will uodouhtadly b
Street When Dog %prmr\g at Them.
to hold bia own on a nm with i
W. Waras Owwe the Animal.
tba othera. A rraarra horse U
thing that tha department has never
before bad and
Two young doaghters of Oaorga
used to a great advantage aonie day. Roman. 3(d4 South Spmra stra-t.
attnckcil by a dog is-longlag to W.
Wares late yesiartlay afternoon and
tba clothing of tme quite badly.torn.
The childraa claim that ao oeeab
(Cootlnnad Prom First Page.)
was given the animal to make tbe
tloo CdPpalled to i.iaet these c.i
UW'k aa they were quietly pasx
dhloiu. many government officis
fsU to aee bow nnr eorpoialioo can along tba street but tha owner says
gain a monopoly of water trattc. I» 1< that the chUdn*n were running
,l»aUa%ed that Mr, Oarllelda well shouting which excited tba dog.
knoam ihoroiighneas of inveattgalion matter was brought to tba attention of
led him into thU geld as a^corolKniy the police Ust ert-nhig.
wbeiw tbe records of
coaki be kepL They are now la tbe
raalt of tbe regieter M deeds where
tbe pabtle can get at fbem readily. It
waa eaggeoted that a safe be par
ebsaed aad placed la tbe room wbich
waa iatciMed to be need ae a prtvate
office for tbe ireaaarer. t
be kept ia tWa. Bomeooe stated that
Mr. Brows would be willing to do this
aad to show the records to tbe public
when Mr. Waterman was not In. Then
back and aaid that Mr Brown wai
BOt willing to do it.
la the meanUme Mr. Waterman bail
suggested that a safe be purchaee^
and put in his ofAce in the SotherUnd
bulldipg and the records be kept
there. He aigwed that there was al
ways aomeooe la the office and that
It was a more central looatSon than
the court house. Tbe Blatter wk
settled at 3:30.
Treomkrer*e Report.
The county treasurer's n*pori
made for the year INK and leferreJ
to the committee.
The cash statement for Jbe couety
Is as follows:
JsB. 1. l!>oc. cash on band..| 792.43
Transfer from Stale bank ac
count to People's Barings
hank ...................................
Receipts Jan. 1 lo May 31... 74.210.72
Receipts May 3l to Dec. 31.. 83.333.13
Cash on band Dec. 31.190«..
Horatio 8 lOsrIc asked for a suitaMe room In which the highway
missioners of I-eelanau nnd Grand
Traverse counties could meet Jsn. 23.
The annual report of the county
clerk was adopted as was the report
of the eounty poor superintenden
F. W. Wilson naked for a dork for
the regiKter of deeds' office.
The ePople a Savings bonk will con
tinue to be tbe county depository’
until AprU 1.
Albeit ‘Ufer sppe.nnd l»efore
iKiard yesterday wUh a propositloo
for the decorating of the court house
lni«‘rior. He wanie<bf243 for the job
The committee mi grounds and build
ings was instructed to have the court
rt»om decoriiteil. but who will do the
a-ork has not been decided.
niirMi ftfMiirrTfi ***** >*■*■**»
every way have
lo pat
ihHr prodact
> ahape that aoi
even tbe
m damage tbeir repuuUoa.
Yet It la bellered lo be tnie that la
about six months, aad ia advance of
the actnal operatiaa of the law. tbe
real crime of adutteratiaa and mis
brandUig had boea practlHiIlv
ttwllv abaa
doaed througboot the Ualtyd
dt^ States
As Dr. Wniey. chief of the
e bureau of
chemistry , said
'The result to little ah
hort of remarkable, where there
tafetp into
Ihe fact that
ing of food products was so con
a year ago that it was hardly noticed
even by the roost reputable dealers.
Gre«f packers did UOt^lM^llate to put
up Ijeef in c.ins and label it turker
Maniifariurera of fniltft and talde deli
caries saw no wrruig Jn tbe use of presenallves abd dyiiw whose Injurbms
effect on the system was know
••very one.
**A MleamHn aelllng olive oil reports
that since the inspection of the
ported article that his s:jles have i
tlfjled three IlnieH. The pe«»ple
lleve they are getting ini|»oned oil
they buy more freely. On the other
band, we make an olive oil In tl
country which > the best in t
world, ll to made in CallfornU.
can be labeled pure olive oil. but
cannot be labeled lmp.uied. ' 8o<-alled
olive oil made of peanut oil or c
seed oil must be branded for exactly
what it la."
In view of tbe readiness with which
manufacturers and dealers accept
new law it to curbuis to note that it
Is really stringent in its prmislons.
aad In some caM>s will revolutionize
25 per cL discount
lirircd^ sr^
prr .vnl off •ml it rnuket them
:S ' :
New Swiss
Pkaaedonolask lor «IiaooQnt after
>toiKlaj.Jan. 21. a. ih
thig offer ia good
for tea days ^'wly*
Wa oooaMler Inlaida pood ptopertv
jiPt DOW, as they hare advanced agaik
.... »
Grand Opsra House
■qaarc yard.
Wa fake ike
and! ky it.
You pick the paU.^ ! ^
L A Co.-. BM. p.^
The Sale of White
All at Special Prices
73k!. 94c. $1.1%
Grobd Opera House
w Bw1« •» fi;t W itlo
pattern, for kitchen^
rooiofc offioe or .tore, j
In Moving PIctnres
Nnsrly 400 M)nan> yardt oT 8
dmtaatportLitorbbl........ Ilt.at
Inlaid Linolamn
aeilrp, Maady: ebMM lambn. |7A3|irfi:
yMrilagm. fifiJfiMiJS; wMbera. Ik.tf
• 3.78: ewe*. fi30S.23.
active, higher: Yorkee*. td.9fiB« 98: *
piga. 9dA307: mUed. fid.M: baavy.
KJ30€.9.O .
Monday Nigbl
of hla inquiry into the freight rates.
as existing lato-ls are conr*‘rned. 'As
The fact ia not seriously accepted for
far as It la possible for the govern
a moment that he will press the inment to do so. it wilt Insist that latoMs
quiry. The fact that the developmai^*
upon drugs, liquors and wdid or liqui«]
ot tba rivam #ould ba the most powti
food products shall conialn no state
fiU agency for ov.rbromtng tmnsner
meat intended to deceive the public
lotion tnooo;v»J. ieng has liaan r. *e!I
Fate de foir gras must In- tiiauulur
ing orgumeni put fiuwaid by the
lured from fat goose livers. |s,ti«*.1
national rivers and harbors conpi*'.<M
chicken cannot l»e made of veal, end
It is u weli-knwn fact that the
spring chicken. If s<i laliebni. must
railroads of the country um* the great
not have l»e,*n liHpt an Indefinite
Mreams as baaing j points for freight
length of time In cold storage.
charges. These "natural
Flour made in Ka'nsas cannot hr
elNtsen lieeausa streams offer direct
calle<l Minnesota flour, and If ll {a sold
compatiilan in freight with i
LOST—Gold watch and fob. Finder
as spring wheat flour It cannot Intraffic.
Once awav from th<
urn to 3i: West Seventh.
mixed with fall wheat.
streams the railroad U enabled
Jan ll-tf
ReceipU Light.
An order admitting tlie will of Alcharge what the traffic will bear,
Rerelpis at local marke t wi-re light
phous Ramsey was made today by
WATCH Jackaoa'a Candy window.
example of this Is found In i
FOR 8ALE-lj.rge. eight-room h
Jiiilge Walker.
charges from the Atlantic seaboard
Au order lo determine Ihe heirs In
Sf I or is. Because df the axiatent-*
strt'ctj!: sique basement; funiaca
the William Wilson estate was
of th.- Mississippi river, the rate to
heal, electric light.city water.sewer
that point is not exorbitant, but Kan
conmytions. all In Aist-claK» condi
A petition was filed lo .admite Ihe
sas City. juM acivias the state of~MU
tion. G. F. Murray.
jan in Iran
will of Anton IJmberger to probation
a lurl. has to pay half aa Tni.ch acan
A he.tring on tbe, claims In the
VANTEO-Rooma for light bmiKCto g«»l Its goods from the staboani
keeping. On Pnuit stn*et or close James Burke esttse was held Uidsy
One result of jthe Invektlgallon
in. Inquire R«»cord office.
lu»lng undertaken by Mr. Garfield Is
New gootls, esf>ecially handsome, and
Jan IMf
likely to ba some iapecltl legislation
prices irrcsislablc.
by congress shutting Che railroad
wlij meet at
Ijoral traveling
out *if relations with lake and river
Park Place
transportation. This nndoubledly wilt
This lime we wi^h to call your aittemion
o’clock for the purpose of organizing
work some hardahip to rail trans
chapter of the V. C. T
to the exquisite styles in
portation companies but It will effect
The Athletic club will hold Its for
ually prevent Ihaj monopolizing ol
mal opening tonight
both forms of tranytiorution. In fact,
No regular l<»wllng contest wis held
tha question proml^a. once it come*
al the Wlnkinaoo & Rosser alley* lus!
np In congress, to* be aa compllcatatl
as the railitmd rate problem was In
Born 10 Mr. and Mra. T. H. Hess
the Uat aaaaion. ao far-reaching in its
affects will any hard-and-fast law ba.
The Primary Sunday School Union
In the roaantiroa. ihe Mtiuoal rivers
will be held In the library at 3:30
These come in sets to match, some with flouncing
and harbors congraga is doing all in
ow. The devotionaU will be c
Its iiowcr to bring gbout tha dcvalopdneted by Mias Mary Whlnnery. The
widths. Dainty patterns of
mant, not only of kha rlvem of the
primary by Mra. 1. D. Hobba and the
of tba harbors aa well. In
regular leaaon by Mra. Meredith
call Just sent out by the aacreury
A aonth aide woman has been mak
Ostrich Plumes, Dots,
PRICES: *0.^55 a**d » Cents.
of tba organization. J, F. ElWson of
ing Inqniriea at the police headj
Morning Glory, Rose Buds,
Sdpt aalf opens at the box ofict ters regarding a mptf to whom
rinclnnatl. Ohio, an appeal la made
.i- ,
Cherry, paby Sets, etc.
to all commercial bodies and com- Satur^l^ It 10 o'cloclc
loaned a few dollafs. The mai
Tel^e 112-3 rings.
individuala and hrma to
que«Uoo has been working hlmaelf off
join the national rirara and harbora
as a member of the police force. U Is
congress to tha and that It may beaald*and on the strength oT his salary,
nora Important nafSooar
along with a nice game of talk, he
t^iesday Night
body and thus command even greater
probably, aecnred tbe loan.
the hands of Uie natkmal
Jana 17
on. PreMdent Roosevelt
U a benrty supporter of the organiiation. and in bU address of welcome to
Mra. F. Cmlor Wi for Tarla JtoaF.
tha conrentiob. whlU was bald hare
Ula «kl« ibonUas. ,
nth. be voi^l hU complete
HI- ABoUa- RmaSttV went to
•ympathy wllb iu objocu and alma.
Joaeph Holmea and vift aad Miss
Bmma kblmaa l«fl for Pomona today:
r ct BIc ffatWap
The Rev. R. A.
Mr. and Mnb Sowle and Sen Gowte
passed through the city
ef Honor Last NIghL
on his way to COpemUh
Mra. K. A. Voice returned lo her
A vary pknaant farawwll party waa
given last aveniag at Btegham In
home-in Empire* il^ morning
r of Mr. and Mrs. Sowla and eon
J. M. Loagnecker and wife returned
who wUI soon leave tha vUtagr. About
to their boom In Delu. 0-. this mornWish you s Happy and Protperou* New Year.
lagWe shall be pleased with a part or all
Mr Aad Mrs. C. L. Flack refuraed
ol your Fire Insurance during
to tbMr borne In ‘Tiffin. O- tbto morn-
J a n.
J. W. MUlIketi
* ***
Tbeae bwaubaae am aaiwfBby 08P
4af«m aad dealem of ffwcted every day. The leeM marM
prteka aiw oapFiloi by leaal deMem.
'The aiMda gaalatiaaa br wtoa ndt
ttag tbemartrm la eomplHe raadlaaas eilpFed from aHmr papere ef tbe pmfor Jab. 1. IfifiT. at vbicb time It was
to go iBlo effecL Tbe great valae of
tbe law baa been from Its amral effact By Wire to Tbe KvwaliM Record.
Totodo. O.. Jaa. h.-Wbeat-Ca^
rather tbaa from the fear of poalabmeat, aad It to this wbAcb bae nude TS^c; corn. 43lkc: kmiA IT^c.
Defndt, Jaa. ii.-Wbeai-No. 1 leA
It eoe of tbe loost valoable laws ever
T7V»c- eora. 44Hr; oata. 37%e.
jwt oa tbe aCatme hooka.
Cbthtgo. Jan. 11.—Wheat—May.
As a mmlt. tbe aMaafaciarm of
food prodorts bare of tbeir own am- Ut*c- corn. a\e: MU. 5«%r.
rev toed tbeir labels. MoDOid tbe
Bant BwCale^ Jbik 11.~~OaiUe—Ao^
PRICCB: $im TSe. He. M Be.
-Has tbe new mlatotec any nasinera
Rut —I. —-M at Ih. k«c aMea aUUtyr
•aal Twa—y. Jaiw M. at B aBaai.
' JabealAaayaaL He beM aa op ter
•Tatephana 1IM Hina.
fSQO mate tbaa yre aSM Sam.*
• ■
the year 1907.
r i,
Office in State Bank BnUdlkig
TMviaK mv. I
i' -
•m m tAiM.
a C. Vaa
: i.
cryPHivy. aaito tohcipyMioalwIth
1^ aaoato viwy iimim ouit
Bley lamr ,ltoy are aato
I la fSUAii
•pMtel u Ite mwrnm Mmmr4.
mu u»pm, Mh^ jmi. . lA-Tw
« Ml^r Ite tbiM
4tototorM| tkalteMiaM
M aa Aftli fti aa4 Uv^laai mm aa
Itotol. TWi^vtoatoMtoPto
A.&itoaiiMtf itto
Vivi ha €M tor toa I
4ato tor Itoitoi Itolaa
7W Bar. «, a VUL
Cba MV
to iJtot
M. f.
TImt W€
toa^BrjitorMtov laAiBaM
akto#. tM tot «toBto aMu7to—i.U| BMitotty
»t> .... j:..- ,
Yon Enlio live
t tor aa tiMy v« tera to
Mia live to Eat BeqBBBBPPDPDi)
mMi» towinc MUMM to hm gtoA
I# #( Mto «0ftag» •MvrAiur aftor
tot^NIMaFt ai kMM. I
,ltaMli fTlHto. OoMCf tnaaJar.
E Tiyphi^a
t|i«l WaMMir to Sk Itopitt.
•tony RMUtoift M# Vito 4M Mt
•toH «p«rtMr tfto to CkBtorato MMl
llw aoMt, mm TMatoy «r tMt v««k
•UhaagH titoto
M ataito
Ideal Me
A BbUcImb
BOV aa ttol^ way. .
»k Btolia vfll waftoip tl» Aa*
Iftoi OmbBt ^aaaiiato* loto Patfaae*
atootoaiioa fatoaairf n aai if. Bpaclal to tba Itoaatop Raeord.
BapM cur. Miob.. too. llWIapry
Branr a»«t arallaWali batoraat
BiBcb of Traona OBy waa la towa
to Mka lint toaaclag oaa af tlia
lb* tfto of 4ba woak.
Mawaatol of Ita Idaf.
Tba towaral of Uitto Btodob HfK.
JBk Jtoitoa Bavlato touto bald Ua daapbtor of Mr. aad Mra ira ftouvaa
bMd at Mr. Babootto^i botoa Btodaa*.
day awntop. fb* baby^M of to«ail,
\*toa Praaldaet. M. B.
Uiia: Baeoad Vlca Pratotoau Harry
Ho nor* ioMaa of dIpbtbnU yat
HInbbaDn Cadblar. Ghbrtaa B. C5.^
Odd araryoao la boptop tba oold
w; DIraetorm. B. W. Bi«oC. M.
waaibar wOl drlra It away.
RldUii. Harry HlrtobarB C. D.
kfriL Brad Btobtoi to rMMap wUb
. ITirvaa. C A. Whylaad. A. to fblrroof pardaa. Harr ah* eaptarad tha
MndaatBaaiiMlItoa. •
baakk. Ohaitoa Canrar.
Laaa aataai^t waa bona tor a abort
aj^ OdI# aad vfto aad Mra. C. M.
ktoB daitap tb* baUday*.
• Baatoar aad aoa Oyda of Kalkaaka
raar foUowad. Tbaac
apaat rHday vHk Mr. aad Bra. W. J.
Mlaa Tadd Of Jaekaoa la tba imw.
Atod bar poMtloa to popular Ibror.
taaobrr addad to tba Hti^ aebool
Bra Taapoay U tha aaaaae# of rln
foraiu Tba laoraaaa of atadiato aid day.
. ■>■ • i
aad Yifor. Bba la panaaMra. «
tba toMIUoa of aa aitra atody nada
IMok Way. ^ baa baaa my
tba dstto toatraotar mmmmi
aad alwaya BBaspaetad. Sba has
vUb dlpbtkarto ta aodi battar.
aa.uakiaa atyto aad
A Batotoy aehool aoaraai
aad aba tlU about tlka aoma brlpbl
ba bald to tba Bk Bapida
iaaaary li. ,4 tba i»rotniBi baa baan
ftaparad and rU«ora will ba baad*
vbara. Tka natertal for a placa that
----------- to to arary way baat adapted to the
aoiaaly takaa eara of.
bnltb fbUad
ebaraetartatte paahia of thto plftad
apaakara ara axpactad.
youap woman to aald to ba anbodlad
ioba aad Amy Towara of
to bar aaw play "X Oo
apaaf a pottloa of laat waak with
porta are to tha
t that Mlaa Tan
tbair brolkar. W. 3. Towani. oar pop.
Mra. H. Watioa la aoato battar.
haa araiy
ttla5.^rooar. Tbay waiw
a to asplolt her
Mlae Brarati oBd Mia* McQaa to
by tbair llltla alaaa^
tatoaU aad ftplbar. that the
larkar Craak iara tba potato of Miai
ao oppoHuntty to do aa
W. A^^ordaa^na eallad ta NewTba Wlaaabapo. tba ora barga that apo laat waak to aoeouot of tba daatk
Doat torpat
Bt tha dati of tba
baa Mada tbla port ragalariy arary of bla alae«.
dfbt la^rtop
Oao. W. Bototar baa aold bSa Cam
tooaaa toraavaral yaara. will aa
'bb aigbtad of tb# polBi la tba aarly •ad wUl morTto Kalkaaka to the
aaar tutarav
daWB a> abd ataan
Banaal Baaltor aad wife of Bb Rap0DiBpBBy*a AaBk. Tbaaa arbo bar#
• Bfon Mr. Vaarhata
apjoyad watobloff for bar trat appaa
Lake Halaa Gamp. FU. Jan. f. *07.
aara to tba aprtof: aad for tbi trat
I bora laaraad aoma pacallar eoodl*
togbi of bar tatom appa aach trtp wBl
■aa of ’nray dowa Boutb* —poUillalaa tba ptoaaaiil atfbt aad raprat bar
^ ladoatrii^aBd aoctol~l ooadaaae.
of eouraa. Tba polltkaJ U atoaply
toii arato aa^tboagb fba
thto: tha atataa rlpbto Idea to not
iBtta Udap wbo could iwtorn tba wal*
givn up at aU. to apito of the praat
0HBa praatlapa aataadod bar. Tba
fro® Maaaalnai Wadnaaday. war; It aimpto baa «ada the aoutb.
boat baa
laa baaa aold to partita oa U
m whan Ibay. hava paan
era atataa goreraaioatp reapect and
^ aooatt aad wB
• waak. '
win ba takaa aitwad
tba Hon to bar toal daaUaaUaD to
tola, la tba Paelte ooaat timda.
■r. W. H. Hitktof, ar Tnimrt. •bould^iSal
CtMurlaa Martatt aad vita of
8ta. Marla. fOnaar Bk Rapldsltat. ara
apaadlai a waak ar
maoda la tha vlllapa.
Judga McLaupblla la
tba board of aopanrlaora at the coatty aaat ihU
^A. B. niibaaka boupbl |U baibaU
VLIA vIeM: tha panlaa atulC noatly fioae
of clorar aadd laat weak tor which ba
laat waak. but aaUra tolktod. An aere
Ifld tba waat mam of fUTO, Oaa
DB raoBirad tha
lOMidrod aad Bftyolt buabeto of tbla to tba lot pirai
away by J. W. Jack* tomaloaa batora tba aapw U paaa to
t wa^ ralaed by Blpbaid Jtos of aoB aa Jtoi: trd
TflO batob tba laeky Oraad Trararaa It*ia bard to raalUa
towalldp. tor whieb be iw.
l luii MckB oil) lOe
." ’%£SS“'
»y llrti^.at tba laadlap botat
oaa aaa aad talk with ouU|.
aad purato vblar la tbb
tha tobko aaab toad to aot
Tb^ .oil and ator aold beoauw in
quality and nnifonnity they are
Oor Salt aiahig » a biiih
•tondaid of ItoTTSTr. art. We
^ it on Wednaaday and MatmBay.
Every trinl order i
Aak yoor grocer.
WlU be. Ro to
hongryor think you
STS Erst Eighth Street
Cit jilione :t90
mil limil Mii nm imnil imim’hb ^
Md eH
M PU^Tr’liniJr *lS
to. *. Wt t P. H.-»
wmiaai B; Smltti aad wlfa
rla 3. Wynkaop, paroH. aac.
Jan. 7.
A church douatk
_ _ _
Ila Ramaey'ii cm Friday arenlnp. _
4. for the bena&t of Rer. Holmea. Net
proceeds of aald social amounted to
$40. TTic-tx* were about.fifty peo-
inland a bountiful auppe? waa
Ow4iioti to Crrto J.
Mlaa Uutla Donn. teacher In the
amaay district, spent her vacation
i her home in Ohekama, polns from
lere to vtoll friends In Manistee.
The following youap people of RamKa
ly apaat thisir racatlon in Trarerse
. Ooodrich’e.
City, and report a fine time: Floyd
______ N. Myer to John C. B’al and F>em Sheets. Fred Johnson. H.
part, parcel!, aec. 4. T IS. R 10. $700
Richard Van Deabunr to Ferdinand
lay for some time, also spent
Kapnlck and wife, lot 2S. bik. 2. Good
Christmas with his Tuireoth ia Travrich’s 3rd. 1100.
Laoa r. Tltiia. tin.
dead (parcan) aac. 84. T 2«. R 0.
Cook to Wllltotn C. Van
Lauren, toad contract (parcel) aac. 32. wlU bar ax-achoolmates at her
home In Grant. She will return
T 27. R IL
Raao Rlplow at al to John W. Patch town today.
Mlaa Loo Kidder was home fn>ai
^^tlnber deed (paml) aac 31. T 26.
eslck to spend the bolidaya
Mrs. H. MeComfaa to oa tb
Beniamin P. SobeUerty to Charlea
M. Laacaalar at al. bH of aeto of aw
U. aac. 16. T It. R It. $400.
Charlea M. UbOMler at al to Call
The W. U. Ludiaa’ Aid will have
their next maaUop with Mra. Schell.
Sarah R. PtouU to BUa BurkeU. parThe Qleaner’a audit
cell. Tlltopa of Blackwood. $400.
mat Saturday eveninp at Oyde Ca“ Brown^d^lfe to
nutaa' to audit the books kept by him.
Ik. 12.
If. esc
excf^Ta^S^fbll.^LfVox"! Thay weia very waU plaased with the
For 6ood Meats
of last week with her slater. Mra. F.
celt. aac.
QUO Pormanek
wife to Anion
P^omanek and wffa
Martin Suck and wife to
Ctolkina. parcels. ^^ 21, T 26. R 11.
HImH.Tyrranto John
Am. blk. 66 and lot 5. Mk
Henry Knkpp and dauphter Ijtura
and Albert KoHmer apant New Years
wlib Mr. aad Mca. E. G. Rawllaps.
Miss Vida Shutler Is 'hello” plrl
tor^JFJtrmers Telephone company at
HlutoR Tyrall to John H. Holmes
llM ^
*** T 2$. R 12, Fraab
dSl ^atorday^-^lnf.
^Cbmar WlUlami and wite to Bd latoramit wUl be to St Mary^k. cemepar A. WHItonss. aoM of awR aoe 22
About IwaatyBva youap friends of
T 16. R 11. $12$.
Mtos M%sd Arnold met at the Schlchtal borne for a faraweil party Thors,
day evanlnp. Games bad taffy pulltop balpad to paw away the time.
Mlaa Kate Rawllaps spent Now
Reriral maatlaps bepln here Tues
Taara with Miss May Mstcbati
day erenln*.
J. U Cany of tbla pUoa aad W. K.
W.O u
Curry of Bk Rapida aiw rtoitlnp
Aaa Arbor laklnp medical ireatn
frintda aaat of AlOaa tbU waak.
Mra. W. N. Curry of Bk Rao^s 1s rapoitad to be rapidly patolap.
Mrs. Jaka Araold to so low tbat
was rUltlnp friaads to tbla aalpkborfew bopaa am aatenatoed for her re
lod a couple of days laat week.
The W. F. M. 8. maau this week covury. to she can be token to the
Mil11a Kriaar wlU ba united la marriapa
Bt Mary's CalboUc-church. ,
rnak Ml- ary 16.
k*U drore 4o«a traa Tfrmt Otr .Jaa. 7.
Me. It.b.1 Klptor iad
rr uui mnk MiiQb
Come "tot
TheBay Packing Go
S pkg*. witdom
SoeplP««rUer........... fc
: ». T. Peieriyl
3 pkfrVuto.Starch... ISe
C.ti. phoon 887. .... - Kell 2.M
Jaepb Sleder & Sons
«»ViLaMB chops for
Luncheon or dione^ are here—
fre^. tanaer. juicy and petetnble.
OnrcmuideaUlngiip of mento
hnre Moethintc to do with their
delivered free oorequeet.
We p«y top pr'.«.»'f«- *.wn fed
8ib nnd Frenklin,
Both pbon^
assMMna who have u*ed
. aac. 1^ T 27, R 11.
■traaaa naa paar tba baaat bara
a^pla. but they faar tba btocka.
la Upy^ toga to ‘
‘' We'^ankint inore OrahMB
ISjMUwiy day in order to fiU
womae daaea aa Wpackally aa the
tba youar They aay It pnloupa tba
Ufa of tba apad at ieaat tea yaara
» ban wUtaia. Of eopiya It
IQ toot^ for tba ararape per-
Ttn‘re it so ooino
eome Hick
ioo to \
to'EAV'' --
t Lay Co.
BiTiifiMlhf BaeidT
W« kn* jwt rxtatevd
mat afffl.oBBl yqWBvtur bo
Waalwd Km Um Oob).
of the feesiaiM orgus, ertor
a Cs
mar boma at Oolumkaa. O., Ha
nirhao t- atlll
in Oetmapy. aad ia
UM ^
T*. WU CIUI,. OVi -M .f
There are maay liule prabtena Itliat .
come Bp 'every 4ay ia your houaebotd
aod bouRCM aXaira that are }ust as easy
to solve i£ you but use the, vaat ads.
They are sliest but tireless workeral but
they get the eesuks. . .
“------- *—
cSopMto IS* SmSSL T. C.JIUIt«s Os.
ju n-w
WANTB0-T«MU to h*al !<«■ os
IMS reult. TrMSTM Otr Mas
tsTtas taofsiir.
Ms 1S4I
WANTte^WEMt. IT*. COTE, oati,
teaiu, Aajr m4 a(ngr. T. C. Mi
ftOAmtM WAWTtD-.4V>wa ntmit*
nrag and board. HI
:WANT»-Toa tlut k*fi> cbl^M>
lo oao Mr lOMAL allied cihickra
food. Mom boUar. T. C. MUlInc
jaa IMT
^U. fftNB DIM to four yoara old.
Tbn »*si b« oouad. U too bava
aar !• aoll ooao aad om bm. H«r
BUM UjraMB. 140 Waabtaitoa i1
WAHTSO-ONated rooaia tor llttit
hpaoiMa^iaE Addiw O. O.. rarr
Saeord oOk*.
)an 114f
see SALt-14TS-na« BMT ««■
In good Yaloa. frea and claar of aa*
eombraaoaa Traeama CHy pradoelira. Cash prka $3,000. Wada
Bim, fit Oaloa dtrwat, Qlta. I
BM cement block bouae; good bara.
pHoa llliO. Wada Broa„ lit l
atml. Oita, phOM llSl
lat, boaaa ^wall*ailihod. on
atfioa fooBdatloQ; aaay lei
•1100. Wade Bitia. lit
CIU. pboaa 1211.
POB tALf-Hfo-Plaa hooaa. eomar
of Boyd and Proat; larga lot: aaw
boaae: aaay tarma; priea IlSOO.
Wada Broa„ fit Ualoo atraat, au.
pboaa 1311.
I «cr«a
oaebatf mllaa city
km atraet, CIU. phoaa Itlf,
WANTID TO »UY-Oood. Wocky
oolu fnan oao to four yearo old.
POB gALtTbey nuat ba aotmd. Jaa 3rd I
Imva for Indiana and Ohio and will
atraat. CIU. pboaa ItlO.
l»« gona two wtwka, trjrlnf to bring
poaia tanaara up km. If you have
POB gAtlr-14f4-raartaen
■Naiy good oolta to ae«. wriia bk».
boQie. 8tb atrsmt.
to aebool.
gWiBi poatorioa addraaaa. '
P<£^oe; caotral
Prioa IIMO.
yoa baTO lo aeU aad raaaaa lor aolllag. ,Oa Bj ratara will altber caU
oa you or arrtta yoo. Harman Hy
laaa. 110 WaMilnitoo alraal. IJ-M-lf POB SALB~Stook la pa* of fha baat
mlaa* la Colorado, not a praapact
bat a paytag mtoa. ga* la wbMb
rON EALI—All kind! ^ horaa,
cow and chickaa feed. T. C. MUlIni
)an ,U4f
rOH EALt-Maal aiailift, lYoat
atroH. Toola. atock. llaturea. dallv
rry. good trade, good locaUon. aaay
UumA Woda Sioa.. MT South Union
jan Idf
roll SAUt-ia^-Modam eight room
realdaace. Slith atraeL All oonTMlaacea. A good bam. clbaa la.
PrIealliM. Wade Braa.. tlT Soath
Ttoloa atroat. QUam Phogw>d^l.
hffml.^t^rlr light, elly water, aewer
coQDwrtkaiB. all In flrat.elaaa coodl^
IKia. O. r. Mnrray.^
jan IM
TOB SALt-HTl-lg acraa two mflat
State Bank boUdlag; ftnaat loeatloa
tor aoburbaa raaldance la thSa rw
gtoa. Prico I3.BOO. Wada Broa,
iJnloa atraet, au. phoaa im.
rOB tAL«~14n>-Tti»e modaraL___
SUU gtreet. and oaa of tba bfoi oa
tba atreoi: Price aakad te apoC oaah.
Wada Broa. tit
Valoa atroet, GIU. pboaa lilt.
POB SAtE-RiKhty acre torm
mnm weal NorrtavlUa; foor milea
poat oftea Tramaa CKy; Maty
acraa lBU»rorad; ala acrea MlUbla
for gardaa; good bialldliiga: an la
abarew. We ara handling this for
the nieoeflt of the amall Inventor.
If yon with to mnka n good aiaed
iBrestmaot uha Trarerae aty
Write or call oa us for partic
and Informatloa in regard to In
raatmeoU. Wada Broa,, Traversa
City, Mich.. $17 Union St OilUai
p^pne 1219.
dec 394f
A^Bg PM SAUI-I bata aoma
cboka applaa by boahaU foe aak;
Grtmaa* Ooldaaa, Baldwlna. Greaa-
Ing beside the Pern Marqoema tracks
naar CHo hg t^* *«5tloa hMda. Ho
WM brought to that city via handcar,
and la balag cared for at the county
Baonaaa of tba Ice ibai formed In
the wbeda of Ue UghUni plant at
TpallaaU Wadnaaday alght. Iba UgbU
of that cUy waa not burning lor over
an boar and tba city waa krfl in toul
dnrknaaa wldlt n gnng of men wero
emplopad digging tba Ice nway from
the water wboal.
Prank R WWatt. of-FIlnt clalma to
have evidence of the vloUtlon of the
finh lawa at Uwg lake, and hna wrtttoo the auie game warden to that
eScct. The latter will aend a deputy
to look into the situation, and WllieU
rxpecta that aireata will he made.
Conrad Happfor of l-analng U In a
sarloua aoadlOoa as tbe roault of be
ing trpmplad by hla horse
had baan Mating a neighbor to kill
some pMs and blood got m Ms clothtng. The horse. usunUy kind nnd gen
tle. attacked him on hto rmorn home,
maddanadr It I* praaumed. by the
smell of Wood.
Marshall N. BuckerWge of Port Hu
ron. locked bU money and some valu
able papers In hit gafe. and tM for
got the comblnaUon. HU aoa. who
resides In the west. U the only perooo
who can open the aafe. and Mr, Bueke^
ridge must await a letter from him
before he can throw back the bolu.
Mrs. CUrence Zlbble of Deardeld.
a brtde of less than n week, was
down stairs and frnclurad her right,
lag. her aboukkr aad three tngars of
her left right hand. The ahawl conoealad the ooUlna of tbs stop. oOBfaslag Mrs. LaadU as she sUrtod down
Probate Judge Stockwall of VMUae
has been called opoa to rsadm a de
elskm In s case which would have put
Sotomoo to rout. It U la the •state of
Mrs. Mary OorneU. dacnasod. At the
time of bar death M left property
valued at $l.4M. which was oonw
lato cash beforo the court r«acbad the
Probate oouit. Mrs. Carnell left
sister aad half-sister. If the ^rt de
rides the property Is real, the sister
gets all; If he rulea that It U personal;
the two share alike.
R. L. Davto of DavUhurg, was help
Ing to poah na empty freight car Into
positloii to that It could be loaded
when the car struck the down grade
and suited to nm away,
hastened to the top. It was dusk, and
In running forward to set the brake
he mlscwuculated and fell off the formlnd surAclently to roll haalily off the
wberis. He roUlned his presence of
mind eufflclenUy to roll hastily off the
track, and escaped with some severe
A remarkable feature bronght out
by the meeting of the board of super
visors at Corunna, to the amount of
whiskey evidently cousnmed by sick
people In Durand. In case of conU
gloaa diseases the jiatlent la goaranUned and auppiles aro furnlthed by
the local board of health, which then
presents lu bill to the county. From
the altitude of the supervisors.' how
ever. the MUs of the Dumnd boprd of
hesith will be cansktembly cut. There
are bllla from Durand drugglsU for
whiskey by the pint. Quart.'and
by the gallon.
II OeiKral Hews 1
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
BL F. J. MAC NTTr-PiBBltos BmlP
land hlorti.
ton Pdf
MM PITTINO or QLASan. Olios mB.fo«u»fo
MS WUhoha hkek. GRImbs pheae
ilAiniN-«)GMM aad ito
StA.Ji. Sir.!*
MghL parorts aad MM. OCiM
it ORy Booh BtoTOL
teatSoa to dlroaaro of tha aye, aar.
note and throat OtoMsa Ettad.
Over Johaooa drag staro. Both
eaa Drag Btora. Epeetol atteatloe
. Rsrih’s stunded church at Loland Sundsy.
Ml«» Mary Inman to on the sick list
ith yellow Jaun«Hcc. Quite a good
any here have been afflicted the
fToi^ci Bernard has gone lo LeIsnd to work for Mr. Joe Koddos
The Misses Msrlc end Elizabeth
olton were rollers here tost even
Gwrgc^nifad^ working at Boloo
Northport yesterday
Mrs. H. Brown was slightly Ul yesterday. hut It to hoped she will be bet
ter sooo.
Mlu Retu Brown was a «
Ulllan Bernard yestedday.
Cured of Umg TrouMs.
201 yr#Et strtit
oBssffHevahtosBMM l em m » •
Ss • s m. t «s • svsmsgB. Bsmamm 7
Mhniliiii ■ a wmssss haasM.
rOfcler yout...
I. O. Burns
Y.nl ^ oKta K«rth«.
MichiKu dock. .
BoftffcfliitaSa -
Mmm Nft. I, Oty Opnf% Htmm BtosS
John R. Suto
GeiwnJ InsatuM
Rev VSda Blk,
house block. Phoncs-New. 107;
oldSM. Residence, 710 Washlagton
T. W. THIBLhV, Drodrt. Oroi
nam A Barl'g Jawsiry atora.
HABNY B. NABNEB-Bapart plaaa
tanar aad aetlea roffaktor. BaCto
foctlOB guarantosd. With KtotoaO
I Mask Houaa. Ota. fbdna M4.
Tra*«rM Oty
Farmsjfor Sale
1 have a number of Rood
farmd, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sah^ or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can tell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy
of. any
body else. I have farm*
which are, located from four
to 20 htiles from Traverae
City, all good improrad land.
If you h»»® good level Urms
riwM. ~
m ha haa Isft his watch at home
and then palM It eu^ of hto pocket to
aee tf he has Urns mumffh to go home
and get tt-
each week day from $ oMhMRto hl:ll
eh hi too isrosmoa and im
o'clock to 4 o-riock la tha aftornw
Oa all stala and oouatyPtna
MM JNMcrlt. tRw faMarD
Mpat UMf for aoBacMoamRha
larphd and oa all tot**- pgSd an ar
Ctor JaBiayp lA tharo
WAMO TUNIfiB-W, K. mikri
ysara axperifoec. With Oriiiril
Broa., eoraer Proat aad Cass Aa
MBA. R. L. BONNEBW hair drsHlag
pHieta, eror ORy Beak itoro 1
to givsa oa mjkOO mOea uf ftmd.^ 3A
when CapUlB While Mterod the ear
vice oaly $3.0«d milea wet* ao amrrod. AMIL r. NlBtlNOIB. LAWYER^
VIee Prortdam IM P. II
Money to loan. 213 Bute
of aU the old men in the flnalrial dfo hutldtef. Ctrirens phoot iff.
triola IB New York to holkeed to
tiih the most smplmtle rohuttel of the BEAL RffTATt AND UOi
Osier theory of termiBBIkm ef s
Trafana Laad aad Lata O*.
at Um age ef 40. Mr. lie
tharun, Maaagsr. OMoa. laom
of life Is moro than double ihat BhtoQted A muilEia bkxIlL
-die to BOW la hto elghtrthlrd
youv-yet be has aevrr appareaGy as PARA T. CHAPE, M. B^^OCBet W«1
much as aeulemptoted reUremeai and
Dr. a B. Ohasa, Etoto Raffk Meek
Is to be aeea at work as presideat of
Both phoasi, t3P3r. Rertdeaee »4
the Morton Trurt Oompaay thr
W.BihthBt CRi.ph0M7tL
four days s week. To all outward ap
Mce. hto physical ooBdltkm to as
ig as when, for InsUaoe. he
hto term as governor tea yemrg apo.
He to hy BO ammis the oaly oct
arton sUll la Ue haraess la the
street district, but there to oo'promlpart la business and pollUcal
low. Oodeetka wqit a specialty.
With Uaderwobd ff UaMor. Bulher-
wrlSTc 0**p5^d, a lemllng buali
pat U laortgagaa. Bouaro tor ante
man of JCersha#. 8. C “f had rdn
trade at Lake Ann. torge flonriag
down In wolght tp 136 pounda. and
Inquira of R McNamara Park
BUn at^Copemtott. oue df thu tarftia
other kmg aiUela was puhMihad la a nsfwsking waa constant, both hy day
aad best koteto. all forntohed. to
by night Finally 1 began taking
that eBy duaNag witb the
KtnTs New IBscovery. aad conilathelslsiidof Crete. The
tlBUhd this for shout six amnths, whsa AETfRAETE OP TITLED a Can
large portfoUo of drawUgs hy the
my cough and lung trouhl* wmw sa- ror. Mdioraaaoaahlu. QCBan with
ua. aritot, Measel. dealing with the ediu
dX P. OarsapA iMk RoU phoaes
mlllury aub)ecU of thtj lime of Fred that the
Thai Ito Hub aatbor was the king. mM. of KT*oo« »re ta,M otery
erick the Great.
rmx, Otarutota A Biigtai DHi, Co., OBr M A. TM
Mrs. J. W. Bargees, the wile of Proritak U. Mta<u. Htauh
tfea to dims
(TtatM totaton aiirtc^ to»*»oiS# tem^ Buisasi. who Is fUltag
to avail hlmaeif of hn opport«BHy to Me ud I1.M. TrUl.bpttle tree.
-tta OtoJ ntod Wsm«. Hevtato
4M BtotoBi MdB. RoChphearo.
pubttsh hto views oa
oveit ebalr at Bsrila nnlvm
tlM of the day.
Is aevolhig moch Usse to tba Si
Oaeof thd nmut popular
afl the Notko to tbu Taapayon of too €ttF M
erick museum, where she to copy
wsat It. But we have nothlag
ual prlDceusea la Germany to the
ing pictures by Grouse and F
can offer you that will equal 1
CtwaW Trsrerse MeetoB for m
The tax roUi for the on^dtkm d
story to BOW told that la ooam**y
th* ttoto dM eouaty Uxsu for tha tRAVEBER EIW fjOBQffv Na TS, &
purchaser or as security for k
baeat mtoded aad the foot wUh aae qf har ladiea iB
year tMt and for Ck* dsIlaQwat / uf P.. BUM wrorr Thuraday i
We always have s gttl edged se
net a UtUe at timaa. .-I
curity for your arooer and we al
>1 aad city toxro aad jpodgt to- vtlaRJfow Mbisbi Muck, a B WeP
I It- he told CoBgrsasMsn •ad made puf^mima for the^^ Mtways have the ssoBhy for gilt edged cant esp
aoroa lor waM yaa* have hero ricr,C.Cr
chea. At s mert martmt. whmi ahe placnd la say haada for ooUmtioa
“Oh. you rs not really abeeat- was tsM of the pressat 1
1 will h* la my ofBc* to rooalv* aald tRAVtm
mlBdad.- said the north sida aroa.
toasn Pram ^^mdU lifoc V
WE HAVE hsrdwsr* stoebs at Orawa,
Hotel and Bar mrnltnre stock and
We pay the frolEht.
POB gALt-l4«T-«U
Both gma and olactrtc Ughta. Good
. barn, tne lawn, cloaa la. Waahlngtoa
atraat. Prtea llBM. WBda Bioa.
B17 SaaMi Unloa 8t.. OttMaa Flmoa
Jan. 4 If
tat the vtotor atatoa tnta bto «
dw tor s TtoK to Sowb AlHet. vbtra
br bar r tawMMsI Inwt mw
Lewd. Aitaoac » mbMm tor Torre. «IT« to htoi ^ gdl Bto
Tto btortae ar tb« Mwft ud tat-'
„ mo .Doirta M 4iM MtatoUtor,
Mtam ^ Us-^ Btai.. d ^ .utfcto. ud to DtaltaStata tta toe towMr. be hw • tom d U*
Mmtato. vhM
tat te IWr. S. pctodtal botol toWOSTtag • Mtaldir aorrr, to ohich be dreoto^hto Wirrtar taM tatatata
to SoMtata. Ltak ,( mm. bltor thita how. oT vilttos to
to tta roidma, ot itair dtosta ne-'pMrou«* i>d «'dnlM to wtaoeUM
I, MMg the italta ot bto EUutill. JtoM. Btotas./
brcfb .bow the drdriii ot tta ec^ bttota botaiL H, •* toe
rbtwa or bto Star boob brtorr m
Tta Orwto Tnutk tollvly «oo»«to Pwr.
BberiS Teouat d Bratoa Harbor, bw bto tutbor Utotair stoM taT«
tar tMMd order, to WatM «
to Wtarat tor
Uto toroTta*
ttiOTta* or
of «k»
(toi W toe to wtO. u kUm bttwsbt M*l»t ..t irot bota dlrWsod. ,
pwroe- bla bjr Attonto, Jrt, OTtoim tts
>toto Jrmr I. WbUo. M*
toe tta rord. Wttar to 0^ _dtaou.'asd toftad . iidtaUt, or ptaPMrtot
totoodaot at tor lOUvaj
wkleb VM Uir ewto, d tta Ircrl tiow
grounds or earn
30. has rsrigaed after ea
bto. Twitabt reptoWtad tor prfswTba ianiior of tba MatbodM
myaarolathatportUoa. lUroBtot
m Aaa Arbor waa forced to!ti
tlroabaaaaasef Uhaalih. When OsptaPirrtoacta Sc>ra to o owo
Ula Whiia eBtarad the usnrlee on the
tta otbrr nomto, vhlob Jotarr had
hstwasB 0*dar Rapids
ptoeod ta to. top to toe ehoreh BecaMa tba family cat pktjfaUy
s. Iowa, tharo wmw but m
■tafipit The Sgnt* adeartihad n well dragged a shawl off tu book aad Mt
i. ThatwMtoMaroh.l$$$.l4M
kaova hraad d dgnm.
tharo aro over 14,d0d ctorks. wh# har#
WUllnm Hart of Port, M«f*a ban home of Mrs. Sarah LsndU. north of 1JI4 mall ears, ef whkh moro
Ukaa adennuga of the aprlag waa. Lansing, the nged Mrs. Landto feU
aro la eo—tanl aM At th*
------------------------------------------.tiWa, Nos-SS
wd ST nsi
tbar of the ptat few days to hanraat
10 aciwa of boekwhaat whkh the aariy
chaw caaaad him to laaea la the Sold,
Tba. grata la lb aplaadM ooadItkaL
•evMty yaara of age aad bomaleaa.
AM«S<T hnl ttmen. tin
ns* OS. «ll-d \-o rt.
FATT-^hrtrocta aC ttOa
So cure are sre Uiat it vill
do ell ve cUim, we sell.lt e« OfttANLaTYUtN PsattM
• positive goereutee.
PMtatHV Ltgita VtO
Wnoa—i hd ta tta ttM
Cut Prices
ok Fmn.
liacaimla will bo
- - the lew fora we
Beetalaher. our wMtk-r
weettar veiy Moo.
take onr Anona] laventory. wr
good paper aU egehaagrd and
ahoiMvoTm Pianos and Organs now on our Ho
SACRinC* HEAVILT rother than carry them ovx
boaincaa ynar and bargain seekers wUl find this „
tkv «»«*«» «torf to mlu. sensational REDUCTIONS ban
*™*» ®«f it«u«l lo» price*. *Bd the rwall 1*
Irf Um» aOiMKIc botrd
«M k«M III ••crtl. %>x4 oBlr me tei«
rma\U atUM were given out
or Ue Imi4 tluu
nttMlawM on nil
poloU t^raloghi
up lor nwnKiifittno no tar ne the rrform wore ooMtnM^. A ephlns lUce
■ulnuioed Oh the
tkai of a Mlehlgna gnme tor neat tait
U hl eoruin the dMUMW of a «*.
teat beureoh the mrooht and the
Wtmiam vm dlaeoaMd. No state■Mttt would he Bade on this polot at
It wan fMfad “prematBre annoanceMit** Bight delv mattera.
♦There la a strong force
work in the Midway faculty tevorlog an Immediate renewal of football fwlsUons with. Michigan, and the
elndsnu look fOr this Injliienee to
bring taTomhle reaniu In the meet
tag today. It a ataind some of the
more eoonenmUre professors have
ehuitod their views op (hU potat and
l^nre wUltag tognuil the mooh de-
am last eventag at 1 o*Oclock
p. Coach Keene Flupatrlck. Dlroctor of Athl4iea Charlea Baird. Cap^
tain OarraU mid a anmber of old
track stars made speeches at this In
Itlal meeifag of the season and every
thing possible was done ta surt the
new year in ronstag fashion. A pro
gram of songs and yells was arranged
and there was a -wlwKHWfr-ap** Ume.
This meeUng Uing the first of the
year and the one which attracted the
cots a line on the team which
Michigan will put in the Held next
ipring attracted much Interest.
It is expected thsl a likely bunch of
cw material will appear and kmong
the old stars -who will get oat
Jer” Ott\ Maloney, Row«-. Dane
and Dull for the four-mile relay t
and the«.distann- runs. Cutt;s and
Oarrels for the weight < venis. and
Ray Stewart for the daahes. Though
the complHe personnel of the t
ot be announced as yet. Oarrels
ntxpatrlck promise a strong
Round Rout Will bt Putlad Off
IDenver, Jan. IJ.—Promoter Patrick
lb rHarfr Lewts and the high conGalllghtr has at last seenrsd a match
trotlng parties wUl he the Phlladelphlftn sad dnr dear old friend. Rub^
Smith cf Denver.
- r
Artlc^ of agreement were signed
Wedneeday afternoon by JoBnny
iBtt for Smith and 6y E. W. Dicker^
aon for Lewis.
The articles call for a lO-rtmnd bout
Ufhkh is to he extended to 15 at the
option of the referee.
The welghu are 143 pounds at 3
o’clock on the afternoon of the fight.
The purse Is to be spilt €0 per cent
to the winner and 40 per cent to the
Lrwls geU a bonus and his training
oapeneen Mr amklng the match.
Under these Siticles Smith will
hare about 10 pounds the advantage
• to pA agalast Lewis, and his abUlly
■ad reiHitatloo when the men enter
the ring, and consequonily the fighters
win be evenly matched. The Pacific
Athletic club of Los Angdoa wanu to
match bis man and Jimmy Gardner
for n 30-round go. The local man says
that hU protege Is perfecUy willing
to mnet the enatem fighter, hut ar^
rangemenu mnat be made whereby
Gardner ennnoi dunk out of the match
ng anally na he did ta Denver.
Bnmcli: 159 E. from St. IRiVfRSE aiY.
Boston Ferns
Phone for prioei. Wa deUviir.
.Arc Your Collections Slow
Han 7M accMitt ttat
I You Have Given Up?
|If yon have, let ne coUect
them for yoH.
OU a<«onnU pro«pU7 aa«ide<l<' to n*iil I onn make rnooojr for jem *
A. Pohoral
Colluclion Au^nvy, over HBmilton
Traverse aiy. MIcb., BeiNL It. IMC.
I have placed a o^ber of neeonnU
with A. Poboral'a dgency for cohec^
Ion. many of them W o«aawed;W
Just the same Mr. Pobornl hroii^t the
dellnqnenU to time and prompt mIp
Dr. B. Lb Ashton* D«ttat
ito*.s inL HMUiffMi
T^mrnrwml Trsvmn* OtylLtaMay «My
One Month Free!
. goe. into territory
other club to play, rirnu he
as heretofore to the •KreUry of the
tJitlooal assocUtlon. but to the club
whose territory was Invaded.
Representatives of the Eastern
lewe and the American aasoclatioo.
which are In data A. of the Kaiiooal
the highem daaa. asked
that J»cy be glv
catkmIt of
n higher rat
Of **A**
-A- denoting
ing. To this the Pacific Const league
and the Southern nanoctatkm entered
Took Race Away From Phil Ftach.
the Favoma. In an Cacittag Drive.
The left aide of the teoe la always
Catarrft Cannot be Curod
Good, Rellabte Uprifhts at $130. $!60, $185, $lt
Him-aas, Gnarakteed Oprifhls, $200,
$225, etc
Parlor Grands at $150 and upwards.
Dcsirabte Sqaares at $25. $40. $50. $60. etc
.”i"uanR£s ausT
Walter M. Paige
IN PIANOS w» offer .Urjt t«« WONDERFUL BARGAINS, emcahiMiM Mkrir *11 the leodlns make, nrh *> SttioMy. SohiMr.
Mpruoff. Chiefcerinp. V«*e. Kn.be. W*lMr. H*tn*A etc., etc. ‘All
bare tboroucbly oT.rb*ul«d *t oar Fbctoiy aad «i» 4* bc«t |
T told tlB 8sn Franci^. people
that I could under no cirramstances
consider such an offer.** aild the hlg
They told me any
time I changed my mind io let them
The reason Is thiU we have in the SUinwsy Pisno and the PianoU
PUno the very greatest Inducements for people to part with blghknow, hot I told them that I had my
iOB—freqieenlly expensive> instrumenu and
mind deffnUely made up I not to go
who asplrr to the
Into ptaglltam or any other form of
possessfon of nne Pianos of iesdlag m^
t who do hoc care to
liiVrsi sufficient to purchase new InMr
wfeaakmal nthletlcs.**
will Qnd this sale a
given np then the Baa Fmncisco tans
Pnrry hns^the making of n grant
IN ORGANS we offer K.O Bargain
have at lotorvals been renewing their puglUst If he cared to eoVrr the ring,
Ettey Smith-Arreriesn. Mason A Hamlin,
Hsmli etc. vir.fuW fnllv repaired
proposlUtm to put the gUat maroon say maroons on athletic teams with
and la
Elegant high<UKs Organs at $26. $30. M5. etc.;
many styli's
hita. Me has always been the physical
r. Any Organ may be exchanged later for a new
Piano and me
w m 111 allom- full pric«- paid.
The latest Oder, say |thoee who
of authorities la nthlctlca. His
VERY EASY PAYMENTS will be arranged on any lUrgaln
knhw. was made a shoijt Ume ago. pictures have been used as models
runo or Organ. A small amount down is all w<- require and the
at the time it was drst rumored for a number of years and several
Instrunient mill In* dellvertsl to any address. Stool and 8<arf or
that Jeffries Bight reenter the ring. well-known arilsta have used him
Book FREE during this sale. I-Nery Instrument GUARANTEED
exactly as repn^ented and will be exchanged if not enUn-ly satis- .
Parry was then approached by a when they wanted a model for Herfactory.
Mail orders and Inquiries solicited and will tx'celve our very
The **Osknlow gUnt** Is six feet
l»rst altcnllon.
his share If he would tralp for six two laches in htght and weighs, apmonths and go In to meat the diamyiO pounds. Parry long
plon In a slx-round bout The 8aa
the nse of his mass of
Praaclsoo mao assured parry that a mosclea. mad while poi»sesslng great
man with his great atreagth and skill rnggedaess and endurnnee be U yet
could be put In ahape In that Ume to quick as a cat. It was for hU speed
New York. Jan. IT—Muggsy Mr
» the unbeaten James husUe for and agility that Btagg has been using
bis money In n hnttle of half a donnn Parry at end Instead of In the line, Gram, manager of the New York Na
ih •
as be possessed a rare comblnaUon tional league Glam*, has
ranks of the ‘•farewi-U^ anisis.
e maroon tra<^ captain.. It Is of strength and cleverness.
Draw threatens to mire but will
pone the date of his taking Uwve from Doherty Brothers Wont Be in Lawn
the auniund gsnie uniil he can sgata |
Frmd B W ^llwr, Jadgm of
Tennis Championship MaUhe
make the Giants champions of iliej
Next Year.
of PhiUsdr
world. This may be next year, pei
D^lirrl* hariac
haps, or It may be dcla.ved unUl]
New Haven. Jan. li:—Walter Camp. j Muggsy is as old as Ann or appp>irh( «| By Wire to the Evening Record.
L«»ndon. Jan. 11-^Thc Drherty
Yale’s athletic adviser and member of the yean>
yt-ars of Ruliy Roben
the Intercollegiate football rules
but retire he will when he lands
trmolM nsawd In osul U»t mill asd taita
: Inatrhen for the Davis lawn tennis cup th*
mr.i or 16
Panaltiee will Be Iropeeed If This is mlttee. returned from Chicago Wed- other moiTd’s championship Lannei
I next summer. Their reason 1» said
neaday and said that a meeting of the
ThU announcement is McGram';Diaregarded^ube Muet 8Uy in
in- a feeling of dlssatistacUon with
first voluntary attempt at the * ^re-Their Own Territory.
lime this month. -W’hother there well- buslne... He b« rellrrd
would be any changes of the football fala wlUic. *cver.l tlm<W. but has al l ^
New York. Jan. ll~The National code he was unable to state, but it is
AaaoclaUoo of Baseball leagues Ved- his belief that nothing of any import
nc^day made some revisions In the ance will be done this year. It wa: h.. .na bu au.pen..on
constitution and reelected its officers laamed that while in Chicago Mr
gles championship.
Jockey Miller Set Down.
and the board 6f arbitration, adding to Camp did not have a conference with
the latter the name of J. D. O Brlen of Btagg. coach of Chicago unlverslly.
relative to arranging a game for Yale
Milwaukee, president of the Amertcnn
Th«»r^ was preaciiing at the Presby
should Harvard drop from the Yak- Walter Miller, the star rider at OakBam^ball naaoetaUon.
Mr. O'Brien
lend, wax set down for one m et k Wed- terian church toalay. Aftfr a kmg
takes the place of Ed Grtllo of Onnewlay by the Judges for rough riding. absence they have si-cured
As Miller ig under contract to ride lor the Rev. Mr. Vale.
The association endorses a motion had no foundatloo In tact, and that Thomas H. Wimanm, president of the
of Dr. R. F. Canon of South Bend.. the matter had not been consh
Callfomla Jockey club, the ruling cre here; they were vlxlttag their grand
Ind. president of the i>^traUJeagur. by the advisers of Yale, Mr. Camp ated a bit?eze of excitement.
parents on Christmas week, then
states that his western trip was for
a few
ta^effect that umpires shall come un
days. Then to Copemish and Grand
der" the contract yules the same as the purpose of bUKlness and jiot con
Piles Cured In 6 Days.
l>*dgc on their ndurn home.
pUyers and Utat they shall be sub)ecl noted with the athletic policy
Yale, as has been stated.
to contract Jumplag penalty as players
-1!K>€ Model K, Wlnton,** foil lea
ther lop. gas lamps, extra outer chsThe Right Name.
Similar action was taken on a rewv
CAV ta first-class ooadiUon.
Mr. Augtisi Slicrpe. the popular over
lutloo of W. R. Armour of Toledo
seer of the poor. St Kort Madison. Ia..
that In the sense of the aaaoclaUqp
says: **Dr King's New Ufe PUls. an? Car.” only ui
months: In A-1
It Is contrary to the spirit of the nsri^Uy named; they act more agree
ion. 11 250.
tlonal agreement for a player to be
ably. do more good and naake one fot 1
One IJofi Elmore Touring Car.”
tag war on ta Canada which
better than any other laxative.” Guar with Cape Top and Gas Lamps. $1000.
taken from one club and turned over
l> effect American skating interests.
to another Injhe same league.
The Canadian Amateur Athletic un
pation. ;r.c at Bugbae Drug Co..
Article 37. eee. 1. of
74 Farrar St.
Frank H. Meads. Hannah drug store.
loo has issued a warning to United
mE« suns IK CHUUK
AvtmtUle ai4 Kvltr BMt
New Orieaas. Jan. 11.—Savoy’s vic
tory over the tavortte. Phfl Finch. In
the fourth race was the exclUng event
of the rnctag at aty park Wednesday
noon. It was a drive all down
the stretch, and many spectators said
that the whip of Jockey Lowe, riding
»y. while It did not touch PhU
Ftoch, cut the* air ta front of hia nyna
and made him healtAta as Envoy drew
Bkeya Hnatie and W. lletatyro
■aspnodod cor throe dayn for
mlahrimvlor at tho pori In the first
SomeValualile Hints
Utter h^ wlthdrnwrn from the
CnasdUn Amateur AlhleUc
which body ihresieni
ixe competitors. In reply the skating
ass^atlon. which has the ; governorgeneral at Its head,
official autement which denies that
the Canadian Amateur At||leUc union
has over haAanythtag to do with skat
by the Kimball Music House. We represent three of the largest
filrms ta the trade; W. W. Kimball Co.. Lron A Healy. and the Bdlaon Phonograph Co.
tag ta Canada.
Old Folia cannot ra
Bat can renew their
Our cod liver prqiaratkiii,
VnrOL. ia the ideal atreagthaaeraoid bodybuilder.
ViDol r^oire worn tisanet.
makeatich.red blood,reiilacea
weakneas with atreagth.
THnol ia not a patent medi
cine bat a deiicioaa cod ttrer
Tryit oo oor gnarantee.'
THl MHNION OatM; 60.
Park Place Hotel
K continue In
Hint No. 2-Ue sure the housg you deal with knows whst aplano
ly Is. and does not consider it simply a piece of furnitare, and.
^fore aU right If It does not oome unglued.
Hint No. S-Do hot place any dependence upon the test!
ma) know absohilely nothing of
first-class reptitaUon.
Hint No. 4—InverUgau any •'wonderfnl ” offers ver
Remember there Is no saving In buying cheap. Inferior goods for
lero price than you most pay for standard goods.
Hint No. $-Bewar
eware of the ”judgiag-a-plHio- ta-yonr- own-bome"
of fact, nearly all Inferior pUnoe are ■ notd that
;ile renaon that they «wld he Unghed at la the
salearooxas of a firet-ctaro piano dealer. The Innocence of Ue pur
chaser permits th'
Hint No, $^B
KIMBALL Vltao. If yon want * piano that
Is perfect ta tone.
ct ta contunctloD. pcitact ta c*M (tatlcn and
the beet pUno on earth for the home.
We een erenrthtag known In the oraMc
M. B. HABKER, prop.
Ike Ideal FacL
OBDEB naav.
Travme Oly
Gas Co..
r=l fife E%NBSl#l{ECX)I?D
6 o*oux;k edition
JAN. 11. fM7.
omciAu foRscArr.
LOW. naoiis mix
ihestkiition is uughed at
By Wire to the JDventog Record.
athiira. Ky. Jan. ll.-Mlaa Ray BEUEVED COMMIBhIONSR GARMcGarry. who hypnotised the Rev. R.
T. Booker duriag a game at a social
gathertag. to proatrated over the dtoNnttosml
Rhfsr* and Harhera Centrsas
WHl Write a Eaek an the tgnnmaci
Onhif All la Its Power to Oovsiop
aad FNIy ef Hia Raoo Egyn Frlw
Tht Natomi Rinoorcss of this
oner Who Dost Not Advaaea
Sheald Nat Re RslanaiM.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
son. Mich.. Jan. ll.-Wllllam D.
RUey. a aegro; nervtag a life aeatence
ahaon fbr ahootiag Fred WlOtoam
mldlag np J. D. UghL has Imoed
a booklet girtog th^ history of hto life.
He Bays he want" to Jackson twNve
years ago a low. vlekHia. black rolh
\mninM\lm Wb» MmIvbS With riM»>
her. blit has become IWrIy proSetont
m by 0»>tniiT W«rfi«f anS
to algebra nnd geometry, studied
Spanish and read moat of {the books
■■lliKnili W rri«nd« W th«'
to the prt*on Rhymry. He %9m wHticn
over 300 poems and J* now writing a
book on tbe Ignorance aad foUy of GRAND RAFIOB CITIZENS WILL
hU race. He believes any guBlv pris
oner who falls to make any advaace. SemIbI U th« Ev«nlf«« Etcord.
roent should .tsy In prisod.
LBfiNnf. MIctu J«fi.
Banqust Will Be Held In Foresters
nriaitUd yiwterOay BfUmoOt. Co«»- EFFORT EEINO MADE TO HAVE
Hall Blit the Exact Oats Has
Not Yst Been Ds^
rtWiUBW Wllliani AMbii Srnith «f
eldsd Upon.
OtmiS IUe*S> win b« th« fWKt Ufut*«
of Cengri
itelM BMIBC fr^ Mlchl9«n. Th«
Sent U Him This Memtog Iby
UhiSNIS* cbivw mi tht Sr»t ballot iMt
preeldtml of the
filgbt tbla boltif tbo NictK batloc of
Traverse City board of trade, returned
Onh and Many Othera.
this rooratog from a bdatoesa trip to
Grand Rapids and Chicago. WliUe )n
ft volM whlla oMy S4 i
Grand Raptda Mr. HaaUnga made u
call upon E. A. Stowe, who haa been
Ttw MONtt waa rooalvod with tha mada Of tbe <moke of WlllUm Alden
pf the Grand Rap^
pAaaaitra by William AldanV tnlth for llnllod State* denator than
Ida board of trade, and Amos 8.
INtliSA not only liafa anS In Grand
ahower of telegrama foU Traverae
Muaaelman. a member of that body
but «ll oow MIcblfMi. Oov. City weie aent to Senalbr-plect Smith
and one of brand Rapids- moat pro
Mar Wamar aapraaaad lilmaalf at •slcndtag an InvIUUon to deliver an RESOLUTIDN CALLS FOR ONE QW gressive buatneas men. After some
wall plaaaad wKb tha chalaa of tha nddieaa la this elty upon the oooa
persuasion. Mr. Haattnga secured the
tbMa and tht
9km of the Lincoln ch* bnnqwrt
conaenl of both these gentlem^ to
Sataa tmm aoary
take place p^bably upon
attend the annual banquet of the
fVb. IS or IS. Telegrama were sent
City board of trade to be
Itclton^hoat of the Surveyfrom Robert K Walter, a^rretary of
held the totter part of this month.
pr'a Reoerde Again Came
Tha SiMD cwtiM of the il*th ballot the Uncoln club, mad B. W. Haallnga,
The board of trade to fortunate In
From Obscurity.
abcmd blfbr EttiiUi. N fbr TvwmuA.
of the Uncoln I club, and
curing two such excellent men for
t for Obarlai tmttiriiBS 1 for HHI.
ly other piV>mlnent republicans of
Idreaaes upon this occasion, as both
BHbra tha Ibmal raaolt waa an- the city.
progrmaive and have been Identl
-Regplved. That the amnly uf
aounred Senator Tattle movad that
An eapecUl effort will be made tc
fied with the development of Grand
Emlih be daclared tbe unanimmia aecurc the conaenl of Mr. ^Ilh to be Grand Traverse purchase a farm of Rapid* a great many years, and arc
eighty acre* or mpre and erect anil
eboice of the caucua and the motion pfwaent on this occasion and It Is
thoroughly familiar with board of
able boUdlngs for tbe support of the
foregmie concloalon lhatj the .nrmde work, and the best methods of
Then came the ebaeWn^. Conunlt. Unltml SUtes senator will receive .. poor of aald county at a cost not to ex
doping the Industrial resources
wQloome which will be In i^ooord with ceed 113.000. and that said 112.000 be
other benefits of a growing city.
nMlbaa and tha SHratad oandldatea the regard arlth which he ! la held in rai»ed by loan: and that bonds of the It has been decided to hold the ban
inty be Issued therefor, said bonds
to tba apaahar'a platform, forwar Ooe- the Grand Traversa regkm.i
quet In ltore*ters hall, but the exact
bear Interest at the rate of :> per
emar Rich fepreaimUnf W. C McMIl
date haa not been fixed. That will be
cent per annum, and be toaued to de
one. however, to a few da>^. as soon
nominations of
each, payable
'fhaiatnr rllrt Smith waa given an
I tbe date that the hall can be #eas follows:
mitoo when he appeared an»l waa
ured can be reconciled with the date
‘Two thousand dollar* Jan. 1. I9kf.
tatiwdocad by Saaaior. Fvre. U waa
hlch win be moat convenient for the
aerermJ mlaut^ bafow he oouM jmv MANY FEOFLE LOST LIVES IN with accrued Interest on all bond* re- outside speakers. *
tof unpaid on the first day of
reed la part he aald:
The entertainment and program
January of each year thereafter until
**Thla chamber haa bm the aerne
committee* will hold a meeting as
said bonda are fully paid.
of ray two greateat trlumphi. My
aa the dates are fixed to make
•Resolved further. That the que*appointment as a page waa the
te arrangements for tbg meeting
tlon of borrowing said sum of $12,000
and the banquet..
and laaulng of bonds of aald county
npoo me by tbe favor of a friend.
therefor be submitted to the electors
Thl. splendid compliment | IJUIe deQUICK, THE TAILOR, makes good
of aald county la the manner pre ctotHss, 201 East Front strasL
nenm. Mindful of my own, shorlscribed by law at the spring election
comliga. appredaRve of the clem By Wire to the iSventog Record.
The Hague. Jan. 11 —A report here to be held on the first day of April.
WATCH Jackaon's Candy window.
ency of my friends. I can onlv say to
you from the bottom of my hear* I myt an Immense tidsi wave washed 1007. in The several townships and
over the Islands of the Ba*t Indls wmrda of aald county; aad that the
thank you for this great honor.
laltlon of bondtnrche county for
*'Looklng Into your faces I wish to amup nnd a few of the smaller P
return to each and every one my ap plae Island, caoaing n grant loss of 112.000 for the purpoM of purchaalng
farm of eighty ncrea or more and
predation. In the pnmence of my livea. No deUUs.
oreettog suitable buildings be present
wife and eon. I aeo faces rery dear to
ed to the electors in the following
me. yet looking over I ace by ^he
windows of an bumble cottage 2,000
’The committee on the yoonly poor
mile* awav. the sweet face* of my Fence Was Tewod to Sefmiids and
that we are
irm propooRtou made their report
mother and father.**
tht Maracas Has Rehched
tote yeaterda^kaflemooD and the maV
Thanked Mr. MoMlUan.
• New YertL
of at
ter waa adopted. They afterward pre
Mr., smith's voice wna choking with
sented the foregoing reaoloUoo. The
By Wire to the Bveatog ROeoid.
reiratt atnted that although the ooun-How blessed It Is,** he continned.
New York. Jan. 11.—Tlie ml
ties to thU section of tbe state had
-that In our republic opportunltf steamer Ponce of the Porto Rico
means no ahscklea. Here to the the pany has arrived at Bermuda to tow found that a Urge farm would not pay
ater of no many mlgbty contests I feel of the .leamshlp Waddell. The and recommended that Grand Trmverae county erect suitable buildings
aa though thU were hallowed gronad steamer Maracas reached New Y
-T^ U a great office and ought to safely. Both carried pasMngent and on n small dcienge. the wishes of the
people seem to point toward
Inspire the heart of an> man. To mjr cresrs of 116 person and they
toatMd of a gariJen and that
dlattogulahed friend* i return my supponnd to he loat.
the board a dnty to carry oot these
grateful appreciation of the manl.T
We are overstocked on
character of their campaign.**
them and wish to move a
The matter of the coonty^aurveyor a
Mr. Smith paid hU compllmeou t.i
number of pieces. We
' Mr. Hill and hi* colleague. Congress ie Change In OfSears of OvM Weed recorda, thought to be buried
ago. tamed over vidcotly In Its gmve
have added others since
man Townsend, and of Mr. McMillan
Dieh Conmany^W. C. HoS and X
thU afternoon. ProoecuUng Attorney
last Friday and still have
he said:
Pratt nddreoaed the hoard. tMUng
a good assortment.
-To Mr. McMillan, who 1* detained,
IT mma
IT loug V IMK HWOn
Hot Water Bags
---------- -
B> Wire to the Evening Record
Grand Rapids. Mich.. Jan. 1
ha* hm discovered there U n<
for a primary. u» choose
man to fill the vacancy
William Ablcn Smith s elc
senate The pollllclans i
lemma how to proM'ivI an
dates are numt-rou;.
Win pay High.»t Ca>h prin, for
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
, - Tamarack. /
mil la not a pQzxiingqoasuoOi
for we are aellinif aom loli
very oiiMii. Tb«f we do not
wiMi to cony ow. Soom
•troDK Diunben that ooU nil
tbe MMoo lor «1 S5 and tl .35
we new bdng oold for tl.OO
Thooe we tiie boot go^ yon
bavo bad offered yonat thia
price and if yon naed nnder.
wear thia it yonr Un»a.
made by Commlaaiooer of Corpora
tions Gartleld that the railroads of the
country have managed to secure such
a grip on water traasporiation that li
now offers no eompellilon to •be car
hinge of goods by rail. Mr. Garflvld to
said to be making an InvesUgation of
this snbJecL but Is Is gewrs’.ly be
-Ileved thst BO report will be forthcoming and the mxUtr will be quicJly
Tbe claim lhat the railro.‘.«!t 1
gained abaointe control over
waterways of the connlry Is ato
on lu face. Once the great ri'
are made navigable, the humbeat
sen who Is handy with a hammer
uw xuay ervci a flatboat and. tol
Ing the example of Arbaham Uo<
.-ngaire to
bualn*-** <»f transpt
(OonUnued on Third Page.)
■ Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cit. :iS. Bell lC‘t.
Br Wire to the Evening Record.
Sault 8te Marie. Jan. 11.-In a dls
put. Lugul Alleoondro drove a knife
deep into Raffaleo Lonrtler. who may
die. The sUbber wa* takf
Both reside In **Ultle Italy*'
plant of the Algoma Steel company.
Killed by Fall.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Detroit. Mlclu. Jan. 11—Arch La
Tour, aged 21. while swiichlag cars In
the Michigan Central yards last night
slipped and fell from a car. He frac
tured his skull and died intdantly.
You Want to Look
Ten Dollar Suits.
SidU ra,,liw la arte ItMB <M M «a dl v>
at $10.00
George W. Miller,
■ Wk
If you were ifoing to
bay a pair of shoes and
you thougbtyou i-oald nave
cento to one doUar on
them at a certain
store, would yon not
Beautiful Plaid Silks ^ ^ ^
Some Very Tempting Things
Cut Prices
aot from dealre, but heonuseihe benrImg hand of dreumauace hat told
nm under the care of hto physkdan
l espvoas my atocere admirmtkm. mr
respect and my undytng af
M the Yoeult of his geaeroMty nnd ktodseas to me tnJhls «n-
*The annual maisUng of the Oval
Wood Dtoh company was hMd y
No changes were made In tbe pfSeers of the company but J. M. UmgDecker of Delta, O.. and W C. HoU of
this city weve added to the toard of
Mr. Smllh then brought lUfth a
storm of cheers by hto egpieaalon of
aEceUon of former Oovemor RIeh. the
man who had so willingly nppo4ntad
him a page, he said.
PbUowing him. the other candidates
The friends of Mrs. W. H. Abbott
wlU be pleased to learn that she to
covering from an atta^ of ae
coStto. n there are no compBoatl
she to considered oot of dnagsr.
them to apply to him frariy tor fcfor(Oonttoned on Third Page.)
Mcniay. Ha has expranato
tfcm at the imlt oC the
40c to SI
I save by
New Peau de Grepes
Tbey,rc odd sises from
onr newest and beat
$I.0G. 25 inches wide,
New Jap Silks In Hen, Too. . | ? ; J
58c end 85c
tad Who a»it the drat aaf^batWlrsl
a—iiinmf of way aiwnmar M cmSM OT
^ tv. SLATER
0WLV A raw btrf.
. OJMI irawwM rnmm
w Hit Amri It ^ up
If rM Nnrt fWt rt< Mtwt
yi f ■■tWi^i w — frt of m$L
TH« raoract oMOfct.
• aMBMMi tietory
»Mt tTMlBf VIMI tipD« Iht «txth btl^
kn Of ttt rtfPiUiHcMi Me« lit
cWrtd M nHet. «Mgk to tiMt «mS
14 to iiort; C B. ^Itb r«
two m4 OtaOfroMnu TowbmmI »7.
Op a Botloa to Mko it nuH
Mr. BalUi roMlrol tit totiro rote pT
tlo fOioMliw ewMot. 1M< aa
tlOTOfbio 4oelaio4 Ho wlotot of
It wqi It OM bj tit vQt on tie
atzU lalkit. tint prartkalljr tb^
tatlro ttrtoath of Hni. tad
MlUtn wrat to Sinltb It wt« n
•d that Obv arrmnarmrot had bttn
Mdo durtoK tie day trhf^Aby Mr
■ailtl wat to ftcolfr tbr bulk of tie
laiu W CbaMriMBMB Towaato
tbat tbt rote would br
praetkallr Ut aamt oa tbt brat ballot aa It wat on tit laat ballot tie
aiglt bifora ana that npoo tlo ate
which would be
to tUad firm and tni*t to a dellt<tlon
from the forcea of Hill aad McMlUan
■ad BmlUt for a« nominatloo.
urn eemilac la tbe oMco of tbe
tary. Oeoise H. Ototoi Tbe n
of tbe offteert showed tbst, tbe cornbad bad a eery good ywar. ooasideriag tbe feel that la property on
Bay stnet bad to ^ graaSy tmpruirtsL
It was shown tbat tbepe was a good
prodt oa tbe boaU manufactured ard
that a large amo«ii.t of money had
expended on tmproTeiDents of
bultdioga. cwolpment and dock.
All of tbe old of]
Yclom, C. U OrelUck. John R.
W. StaatOB. U r.
rWBi and J. W. Haas mi. ^
Prfsldeat. C. L. OralTtek.
Vice peasldaat. Job. R.saato
Seerrury. George H. Ooaa.
Trsasnrar. U F. ncna
Tbe aompany pradoeed w large auiuber of taa bumohes laat yeai. slao
aooto aaU and row b<wta end all of
hear boaU have found great favor
among tbe purchai»eni and those wbo
have InsTweted them. Tbe
has about a doaen
launcbea and pome row boats on hand
ready fbr tbe spring
marM tt wa%
kg markatw
tbe business and
tor tbat*purpose tba balance of the
tnaanry stock wlU be aold. It is
pccted H will be run this year upon
aiKii larger aoaie than laat year
It has already been demonstra
that thU U a most excellent field for
aa industry of this kind. With suffidCBt capital to enable It to sprnid
It is confidently believed that tt will
become one of Traverse Oif'M
that tbt mil and McMniaii forcta bad
» Ofblitd to down 8nllh. The retutt
Buperintendant BUmtcB baa lately
pfortd otbftwtet. It was rery evl- received a rush order from Mancelona
diat to tbe HUl aad McMlilaa.tup. for a latineh aad has a Urge number
,perttra tbat Bmltl bad tbe ri«ht of ' praapecu which promise a busy
war Bid aooia wot bt atopptd. flit
tbMff under the
wma to yield to the evtdwit wlabea of
a raat number of tbe people of the
aUte and throw thetr atrenitb to Ooo
■tenaman Smith knowInK that
would ummately be aleetad.
Ooacmamaii Saitth wma clearly the
dboloa of tba paoplt of the tiate. Ula
ampalgB.waa conducted decently and
He had tbe coaA
doaot of hU aupportara in aWniatm
Mlebifan, wbo nmoittA to atand by
Mni toafUOab. It wma tbww paople.
Who batw htM beat, wbo were de
WnalaM to plaet him in Oenoral Al
ftr*a teat In tbe mited Statea aen^
ala. Ooncreaamaa Smith haa termed
in tbt lower houae twelre yean,
baa aenred on aome of the moat Im
wars and
Bttee on foreim affain. ilm two
tmportant commltttet la eoaHla work
toot aad
and upon
npon other commit
•*> cmitidcuoua. tbat
tbat be
be wi
wma called
i to aUln
aU In tbteoaaeilac
tbt Mwaeila of lhe ad* l)poato
of craat
Be baa aar
naaalnr wall and hartac
hartne made
abroad for tbe purpose of better postina blmaeif upon Intomatlonal
dlUona. be U probably as well
formdd upon odr relatlaa* with foi^
dsn natloni as any other man In the
He ba» beta a
Of Ut poUdta of Prtoldent RooatveH.
a4d baa been a power in the bonne
of npremmutlrw. . aad WkdM a
greater InBuenct than any otbar ooo
S^tonaaa la the Mtobiaaa delation.
Vbr tbtot rtamwi Oaiiarrsamaa Bmlib
wma loflcallr tbt candidate to aucoatd OtBtrml Alftr. He haa worked
bW war from a newsboy Into the
Halted States aenku and If be lad
not tbe nualiUta wblal. tatlUad Mm
to this exalted poaitlon. be wbnld not
ImYt atoursd it He baa ttontod tbia
diatinetloB by bU abtlAy. Ma oenaeltntiotototoaw tight and biadto and hit
broad bnowlaigt of aatlmal affain.
tk* wui
to Win
bmoM a «Miitoc o( »owto AM to
flMto* (ran (to (tan. Hoottoriaawho otoOMd hto eoaU to*.'
toeo««IUMNl to Mch li U. •»( torm.'
to Wlltoa aMm tohh will to oMo
to to«Oto»Uih »A «
la rHveelad la WaihlncUa and ro
lattod M ooe of (to atroM
at (to ooAstiT. Therotore tto AMfM
of MUMtoA toee naaea to to praad'
at tto actloa orHAIa a#aloa of (to
An office manager wUl be eMoyed
and Mr. BUntou will give hU enUie
attentloo to the tnpeilatendt^ of
Tragi and Jnduatry af PMaito Afltr
Long Ctotlnnsd OeprMen It
Beginning ts PUk Up.
By Wire to the B^iTlng Record.
Warsaw. Jan. H.-Trsde and Industry of Poland, after a long toBtlnned
>slon caused by strikes amS dlaorders, are gradnally bagiimlng to ImThls'revival Is especially notries, the'
have lately received such
sbU orders that they canm
wttbont enlaiglag thdr facTo da this they require the
aid of foreign capital
French aad Bi'lglum capitalists are. tt
Is- aUted. alcnady taking steps to Inof these factories.
Sale of Rockers.
lagaltowsd tbs people of Wir
feat and (Mar to askBMetbsIr
laitaiiis North LooUigInte
toittod only pafnawa of tbe*iJ!!Iofte
alderhte It beeanto dllBenlt as a Lcnaie oommiuee cHark.
tbe lile or to detarmlne, Jnat
The eeaste st Columhia. S. C.
W«inesday adopted a resolution is
be regarded aa eaHUed to give a
dorsing the actlen of President Roose
Ufleate which oouM serve Inatesd of velt In the Brownsville <Texas|
ter and requettiog tbe Sooth CaroUaa
Lbongh sBOb an eiaotkm la. of
delegation la cengrmts to support
IS. wttlM
fon*. Ita taanlta
president In the controversy over
will be made btodtag. In oaa# tbe elecK
plan la decided upon €boi
man Bisbop will have each of tbe
iohnson Of Minnesota was
I for hU second term
at 8t. Paul, In hU mesroommended laws to con
The leglsUture at Cbarieslon. W. trol corporations. anU-pass legtaUtioo.
strict Insiimnce control nad proseeifVa.. convened Wednesday.
tion of the lumber combine. Rills cov
A bill providing for a fine for rail
ering many of these Himjeru were m
«4s which r<*ru8« to furnish cars tt* trodnred In the i. gidaiurv.
ttpfi at WaahMgten.
ilppers was Introduced in the legis
The North I>akc»ta legislature ss^
lature at Lincoln. Neb.
By Wire to (be IttaMng lleeoc
Mtnlilf^d W<'diu‘sdar at Blsmanrk for
Primary election, baking and railWashington. Jan. 11.--Governors of
tbe inauguration of Governor Burke
the following eutca have appolated lad control legislation were urged by and to receive bU mesii«gr and that
to attend tbe national com Governor Brooks in his mesaage to of retiring O€»vemor Sarles.
coaventlon to be held here the leglsUture at Cheyenne. Wya
Burke recommended the na
N. GUJetle ^
dan. H: < Alabama. (MHfomla. (3okv
primary law. anU-pa
rmdo. CoaneeUenl Delawaiw. Florida.
control or railroads aad the enirtment
^ llllnoia. Maryland. Massachu Wadnesday and In bU i
f called
s law to Uke Ipe schools and ju
Mteaotfri. Montana. Nebraska, for rsfoi
rtory out of politics.
lersey. New York, North Caro^
Control of corporatioDB and a law
Worth Dakota, Ohio. Pennsylva
Her-I Hf you speng any . MBgnage
nia. Rhode Island. Veimont. Vtah. »lishlag raoMrack gambitag t
♦..*r tbnn the mother tauj.nie?
orged by reUring Governor Cox of
Ilira—No. .\nd I never erpMt to
essse ^ hto mt^ge to (bf Jegis- be able to utk Hke mother can.
Isture at NaatorlHe.
JaU penalty tor vIotoUag tbe Mis
WATCH Jaekaon*e Candy
aonri aaU-tntat,Uw aad other atiln-
On aocxnmt of tbeae gooda arriving too
Ute for the Holiday trade, we bav» an
enormous stock oB
that aie taking
up too much room.
waU as beads of famlllca. These same
If you want a Rodier,
Nowls t|ie TIim to Boy
And bare is where you will find the fin.
aad the lowM prices in
Tlio following win give you on idtm of tbe great, ndnetioa VB
have made. These are only a few of the many:
Large Ami Rocker. goMen oak finiah. n^gular $8 Tallies at S1.48
(Jo«l Gobbler Seat Rocker, ri-gukr $:irO. now.......................... 2,88
Ro<-kor like cut. coMen ngk. roll scat. nir«ly can'fd^
o- -^
alw.nys soM for fflOO, now only.............................................. .1H6l
< »nr s|>rriH! $7 Rocker, sdden oak. wkSd arm, it>U leai, now 81*5
Sewing Ohaim from r,.m iip. Morris Cbaiis ffom 4.75 upu
All other high grade Rockers sold acoQfdingly.
Your Credit Is Good
Yoar Reliable Foralturc
Grand Rapids Fnmitorc Co.
wers providml tor In bills iatrodn
In tbe IsgislatBte at Jetfertmi Olty
Tbe North Osrollaa general assem
bly ooavsMilM iulHgb Wei
A iotoi rwk.JuUoo cplllng fo.- the InvesUgatlofi of aU public servic.? corporaUons doing business in tbe gUte
was prepa.e-!
In bis mtfvsagc to the leirivtoture at
!..cnl^f>m*.-. .Ala-. Wcdntdsy rcilrlag Governcr Jplks declared -Utgro
schools turned out moral perverts and
saWtbe sUtes money ahoidd aot be
iitod to aid sBcb iiiatliitoiont.
United States Senator Gamble
MMwl-f»h, no: be hsdnl tbe face
ladoiM by tbe repubUcaa Jotet
127 S. South Union Street
in Tekto
By Wire to the Bvening Raeord.
Toklo. Jan. ll:-The icen) papers
are extremely aere at the poor re
sults shown by tba (minese students
wbo have studied In Japan at the
civil service .cxamUstlon which has
Just been held In Peking. It it stated
that the students wbo receh^ed their
edosstlon In ESngUnd and America
I remarkably waH In the ex
self after be bad explaiaed the charge
based on tbe employmcju.of Ms sot
Closinnc Out Stolo.
I HiB Hannilh & lay Mercantile Co.
“THE BIG STORE “-Dealers In Everything
Last Chance !
Saturday is the
Last Day.
Oor Kreat Olmo-up Sale <4omb SAtnnltiy ni^bt Uuiy have
taken aarAotaKe of tiie remArk.;.lile priew wo have
been awking in tbe different Divieion. nf our
Great Store and are more than MtUfiol.
Hye are some Extra Indncemcate for thc.liml
wlffd-Bp of oor cleu-DP. Can’t nuke moner anr easier.
Special for
Coooenat Taffy, regular priee
30ct»and. 8AtQidi7..1Sc
Fancy C^oo^atea.
Mito Baaman wUl
after your wanta.
WATCH Jaokaon'a Candy
ft EX
J. W. JaiAaoq a. W. JAluaw
E.A.Motooe BomAMoaio.
A. Oonilk
r. P.AkaiA
J. a Unman
- .11 .iii'jra A
c.^ ^
Gray Bro-.' Doogola Copimon Sense Shoe, in turns and welts,
former price $Si 50 and $4. Sale price, pair................
LadieV Patent Leather and Kid Oxfords,
hale price, pair
....... ,
WATCH Jacksen<i Candy
fa hnildiog csttlcK hi tbe atr
Be np to all the tricks
And most of all T»ray. hare a rare
And do not bay gold hrk%a.
the Grocery Divieiaii and nee
NOTICE, 0. 0. K. K.
There will be a full drsss
of tbe dramatic work of the D. O. K
K. tbto evenlag in RMgbU of Pyihlxs
hall at 9 o'clock. Brery member of
tbe east la urged to be preasBU Tbe
arraniemeuts for tbe big aesUng of
the 24th sre progressing Baely and
great thne to awwed.
W. O. Foote-
ser rvoat i
Maple SB.
.... -isoc
..... ...«l-36
..... ....;.8Bc
aaba. Oor prict
Don’t Forget
When thinkins about prcKnts that a chandeHer. iwetiy duk(ie, ,popket flasher and
Portable Table Lamps
iJwMr^aige Hlect^CGi*o^
Try one of those ladies'
good, srarm, serviceable
wrap* we are giving
away at
tSpMtolsEVcr OffOTsi
to flw Ctockcvy Divtatoi
to dardiaieres, spMtid for Satndi^...
to JardinieiiS. specUl for Sataidaj ...
to KightU«pM*,»t for today........
to Stand Uaq.,jartiartod.y........
Ass Stand Umps, jnst for this thas..
Sat, sold iorW,
■b-piees Dinner Set. worth no, today.
......... 9IM
b* 1 .w.
r, ;
Keep Iir-10(IE
n Soft
Sott f
te M «r tf«« MMt #•!
MCV nw UMM meovco wr
' ---Pt
JM«I ISc^tteaM Mi.
Wnn C«i, I
OwfiM L«M
rT*«. vr IMV* V
rl$htr nkirr^ M*n^, »tiprrt.f»i.d
mu cf llM* AwvrM iwa<t
mn uito MMiBC.
it'll all «P to
OlMMmr WMh raeprM tlw !»« Uiat
11 -I BMV faU wi^ Uwpa ladMa t»ot
PHnJrtay'a hl«k Wlada rmoortid
6mu iba n«4U. wb^a It vooltf 4lo
mmt^ eood. and pot It la tba dltrlwa
A moo was pkhad op os tba eorper
ipd osalnat Ib^ fm^eea wbw It
of Eloyaotb and INtMoo oiroep tbP
•hMhPl .PPpmr. aome of tba Ukm\
KetoHoa ww In roealpt oT a faw
there. HU artionk
ibeO' rMtortar aod today but
taula art ool la ahapo for banlinf ai lined the asylum autboritiaa. ihinking
that tba man waa an inmate of the
At HHaforth * camp tboro P a full inatitiitloo. An attendant warn
rrw of forty Mi at wortc aad tbP«» down and the man gara hImV merry
ara bomiataff with an •xealleat out ehaaa arroaa the pUlna bark
biok If H would oaly mow aocoa i
Elaraotb atraat. He waa Snally
Haullag wa» bapun asala yaate
caught but waa found to ba no in
but a little nora aaov would roo
Of the aaylpm. Tba polira wara boil.
Taty food.
Had and the offandar Uken to Ibr
. Tba Oral Wood DItb coopaoy has ataUoo hooka.
boaa raoKriat lott ail wtatar btfi^t
k ^.oapoctad that abool toAonow
tbtbgi wlU opaa op ta oartMOL tba
voatbar cat Mag a vair matartal Ilf
Partb In tba City Tfmmorsr^
Tba Boat Bay Lambar conpaay !■
wahlof for oaow. A faw loft were
Mitad aarllar bat aoow li abaoluta
Tba Trararaa City llaanfaait
eowpony racalred eoma lofii todny
and aram aaorr bat the hara roadi
a barriar.
* Tba ABariflaa BoUar INah compaay
baa raealrad a faw loads aad wfU gat
Another candidate for lha nooilnatioo
_____ rfty twaaurar In the paraoo of
l^avo Soiila la lodnv announced. Mr.
8oub* wiKhHi'the people of Trararae
City to know that he U a candidate
for the ofllca and will go bafoiw the
paopir with hP patlUon. Mr. 8oula
baa occupi^ a reapoomlbla poaltloo in
the grocary pf Prokop l^yaelka ter a
greol many yeara and la a prominent
member of jMcPharaon boat. No. Ik. G.
Ici baa barn iirltad by
to; liacoma a eandldata i
baa yielderl to IhHr wlabea.
Taboo'M tba w^Ola tba opan wintar
ban roaultad lb daisy and In n
IMP PBkaal loM. Itowp Mr Twin
SlOMUIt taK iroM tba lambar Jack.
worked hallaiMi, rtKitlaH. and wllli
tbHr ahiiia unbuttoni^l. A nitml»ar
tpr ramps didn't «pan at all b.ti waltcsi
for BOow wbtla lha warm wrathrr
Mtod tba teed roadn
Toaoi ownar* hare baan hard hit by Groom U fmm Manitoba and Pridt
the warm spall. Tba horara bad to
Trom TravtCM City—QuUtly
aat wbcHhar Ibry worked Ckr not ami
Woddad Last NiuhC
wilb tbr high prica of feed tba kt^afv
A quiet Widtllng took place at the
Ing of idir animalB was g an
ime of Mr. and Mrs. Minor on South
nion alreirt laai evening at 7:30.
The eontracUng partiea were Jacob
thompaon pf \Vlnnl|>ag. Maaltoba, and
Bom to Mr. nnd Mm. Philip fVigrr MlHN .KUen Bariviw of thU city, the
A4 least Hay. a daiightar.
lley. L. H|Carps‘nler nfAcialiug.
• Tba paslro party given in lha St.
. nnd Mm. Thompwm will re
rmncU acbonl Pat aeiming waa n 14g
auocaaa. A Prga number attended.
Mra. A. P. Huallmantrl won thaUdl.**prisa and Oaorga Qrovaa tha gmiliTHE njV RKSTArUANT U atlU
man'a. A rary Intaraatlng prt»r
lelling mml ticket a at $.3
pn P ft
waa givau. Punch waa aanrad
WATCH rJackaon't Candy wlndow.
WATCH Jackson's Candy window.
Oft. TIWST HB RWtl' KRltiB1|KiaK
Fight tha loMlaa af Jaba D.
onui k nr uteukeiit
niWA.V.M*MM«V tl. 1
t and tb^ mm tbnt be'wmM
fwem ta tbe asart bonae vbare
be mm to la pHTata ood wbmBe eoaU apead pan ef
eoeb «sy wrbea tbe beard tm la aeeMob: Tbe board bad. earlier ta tbe
day tecemmeaded that tW jaalior ef
tbe banttis tfaaefer bis beioagtags
tbe aanrayor «ad tbai tbe latter be
Br wire to tba Kvenlag RacortL
glvea tbe hawn roam.
txmdoa. Jaa. ll.-Tbe Standard Oil
Mr. Pratt eald that be tboagbt the
trttat te coafeoaM ta Buwar «Hb
eanreyw's ofSce aboold be oa tbe Srat
aad powartnl rival. A aew co
Soor aad that tbe samU office woaM
be joat tbe tbiag ter blm to ase. TbH
UwM niw tbe ConaoUdatod
Petrotaam gnmpony nnd the Qaoarml
PrtrolMm winmr. tbe latter betog
Plra Chief
af ipi^oBiaa Marray wUl aooa
aa oCaboot of tbe Bb«B. Traa
have an exiA borne wbicb can
aad Tmdlag compaar. wrWcii
oa«d P case aay of the ragnPr
trolled the oil trade betweea Texas
mala naad on the apparattia are
aad Groat BrMaia for tear yaara.
ablad. HU new driving boraa. Dai
Tba Rotl^nila aad Nobels are Inraealving daUy ienwma <« leaving hP
teresied In the Conaolidatad company,
ataU and going to where the barwhile the Dautacha bank backs the
oaanaa bang auapaodad from the call.
This’ new irnat will give'John D.
IPn la a big bay and i^ow
Rockefeller a toogh taak If he athuman latoUlgence.
Altbongb Mr.
tempts to oaptare tba BritUh
Murray hM had bim but a few days
the bfwna wHl follow hU maatar a
Ilka a dog. Ha aaema to enjoy
SBoratiig PMtigatkm of the front of
tha oeglsa boose and followa alonj
behind the chief anufling of the vart
oua part of apparatua which aeem U
Intereai him greatly.
BTian lb Ileah. the new boraa wll
ba almost aa heavy aa tba oihem used
lu tha dapartment. Ha ia a good CbUdren Were Pnaaing Along the
Iraialar and will uodouhtadly b
Street When Dog %prmr\g at Them.
to hold bia own on a nm with i
W. Waras Owwe the Animal.
tba othera. A rraarra horse U
thing that tha department has never
before bad and
Two young doaghters of Oaorga
used to a great advantage aonie day. Roman. 3(d4 South Spmra stra-t.
attnckcil by a dog is-longlag to W.
Wares late yesiartlay afternoon and
tba clothing of tme quite badly.torn.
The childraa claim that ao oeeab
(Cootlnnad Prom First Page.)
was given the animal to make tbe
tloo CdPpalled to i.iaet these c.i
UW'k aa they were quietly pasx
dhloiu. many government officis
fsU to aee bow nnr eorpoialioo can along tba street but tha owner says
gain a monopoly of water trattc. I» 1< that the chUdn*n were running
,l»aUa%ed that Mr, Oarllelda well shouting which excited tba dog.
knoam ihoroiighneas of inveattgalion matter was brought to tba attention of
led him into thU geld as a^corolKniy the police Ust ert-nhig.
wbeiw tbe records of
coaki be kepL They are now la tbe
raalt of tbe regieter M deeds where
tbe pabtle can get at fbem readily. It
waa eaggeoted that a safe be par
ebsaed aad placed la tbe room wbich
waa iatciMed to be need ae a prtvate
office for tbe ireaaarer. t
be kept ia tWa. Bomeooe stated that
Mr. Brows would be willing to do this
aad to show the records to tbe public
when Mr. Waterman was not In. Then
back and aaid that Mr Brown wai
BOt willing to do it.
la the meanUme Mr. Waterman bail
suggested that a safe be purchaee^
and put in his ofAce in the SotherUnd
bulldipg and the records be kept
there. He aigwed that there was al
ways aomeooe la the office and that
It was a more central looatSon than
the court house. Tbe Blatter wk
settled at 3:30.
Treomkrer*e Report.
The county treasurer's n*pori
made for the year INK and leferreJ
to the committee.
The cash statement for Jbe couety
Is as follows:
JsB. 1. l!>oc. cash on band..| 792.43
Transfer from Stale bank ac
count to People's Barings
hank ...................................
Receipts Jan. 1 lo May 31... 74.210.72
Receipts May 3l to Dec. 31.. 83.333.13
Cash on band Dec. 31.190«..
Horatio 8 lOsrIc asked for a suitaMe room In which the highway
missioners of I-eelanau nnd Grand
Traverse counties could meet Jsn. 23.
The annual report of the county
clerk was adopted as was the report
of the eounty poor superintenden
F. W. Wilson naked for a dork for
the regiKter of deeds' office.
The ePople a Savings bonk will con
tinue to be tbe county depository’
until AprU 1.
Albeit ‘Ufer sppe.nnd l»efore
iKiard yesterday wUh a propositloo
for the decorating of the court house
lni«‘rior. He wanie<bf243 for the job
The committee mi grounds and build
ings was instructed to have the court
rt»om decoriiteil. but who will do the
a-ork has not been decided.
niirMi ftfMiirrTfi ***** >*■*■**»
every way have
lo pat
ihHr prodact
> ahape that aoi
even tbe
m damage tbeir repuuUoa.
Yet It la bellered lo be tnie that la
about six months, aad ia advance of
the actnal operatiaa of the law. tbe
real crime of adutteratiaa and mis
brandUig had boea practlHiIlv
ttwllv abaa
doaed througboot the Ualtyd
dt^ States
As Dr. Wniey. chief of the
e bureau of
chemistry , said
'The result to little ah
hort of remarkable, where there
tafetp into
Ihe fact that
ing of food products was so con
a year ago that it was hardly noticed
even by the roost reputable dealers.
Gre«f packers did UOt^lM^llate to put
up Ijeef in c.ins and label it turker
Maniifariurera of fniltft and talde deli
caries saw no wrruig Jn tbe use of presenallves abd dyiiw whose Injurbms
effect on the system was know
••very one.
**A MleamHn aelllng olive oil reports
that since the inspection of the
ported article that his s:jles have i
tlfjled three IlnieH. The pe«»ple
lleve they are getting ini|»oned oil
they buy more freely. On the other
band, we make an olive oil In tl
country which > the best in t
world, ll to made in CallfornU.
can be labeled pure olive oil. but
cannot be labeled lmp.uied. ' 8o<-alled
olive oil made of peanut oil or c
seed oil must be branded for exactly
what it la."
In view of tbe readiness with which
manufacturers and dealers accept
new law it to curbuis to note that it
Is really stringent in its prmislons.
aad In some caM>s will revolutionize
25 per cL discount
lirircd^ sr^
prr .vnl off •ml it rnuket them
:S ' :
New Swiss
Pkaaedonolask lor «IiaooQnt after
>toiKlaj.Jan. 21. a. ih
thig offer ia good
for tea days ^'wly*
Wa oooaMler Inlaida pood ptopertv
jiPt DOW, as they hare advanced agaik
.... »
Grand Opsra House
■qaarc yard.
Wa fake ike
and! ky it.
You pick the paU.^ ! ^
L A Co.-. BM. p.^
The Sale of White
All at Special Prices
73k!. 94c. $1.1%
Grobd Opera House
w Bw1« •» fi;t W itlo
pattern, for kitchen^
rooiofc offioe or .tore, j
In Moving PIctnres
Nnsrly 400 M)nan> yardt oT 8
dmtaatportLitorbbl........ Ilt.at
Inlaid Linolamn
aeilrp, Maady: ebMM lambn. |7A3|irfi:
yMrilagm. fifiJfiMiJS; wMbera. Ik.tf
• 3.78: ewe*. fi30S.23.
active, higher: Yorkee*. td.9fiB« 98: *
piga. 9dA307: mUed. fid.M: baavy.
KJ30€.9.O .
Monday Nigbl
of hla inquiry into the freight rates.
as existing lato-ls are conr*‘rned. 'As
The fact ia not seriously accepted for
far as It la possible for the govern
a moment that he will press the inment to do so. it wilt Insist that latoMs
quiry. The fact that the developmai^*
upon drugs, liquors and wdid or liqui«]
ot tba rivam #ould ba the most powti
food products shall conialn no state
fiU agency for ov.rbromtng tmnsner
meat intended to deceive the public
lotion tnooo;v»J. ieng has liaan r. *e!I
Fate de foir gras must In- tiiauulur
ing orgumeni put fiuwaid by the
lured from fat goose livers. |s,ti«*.1
national rivers and harbors conpi*'.<M
chicken cannot l»e made of veal, end
It is u weli-knwn fact that the
spring chicken. If s<i laliebni. must
railroads of the country um* the great
not have l»e,*n liHpt an Indefinite
Mreams as baaing j points for freight
length of time In cold storage.
charges. These "natural
Flour made in Ka'nsas cannot hr
elNtsen lieeausa streams offer direct
calle<l Minnesota flour, and If ll {a sold
compatiilan in freight with i
LOST—Gold watch and fob. Finder
as spring wheat flour It cannot Intraffic.
Once awav from th<
urn to 3i: West Seventh.
mixed with fall wheat.
streams the railroad U enabled
Jan ll-tf
ReceipU Light.
An order admitting tlie will of Alcharge what the traffic will bear,
Rerelpis at local marke t wi-re light
phous Ramsey was made today by
WATCH Jackaoa'a Candy window.
example of this Is found In i
FOR 8ALE-lj.rge. eight-room h
Jiiilge Walker.
charges from the Atlantic seaboard
Au order lo determine Ihe heirs In
Sf I or is. Because df the axiatent-*
strt'ctj!: sique basement; funiaca
the William Wilson estate was
of th.- Mississippi river, the rate to
heal, electric light.city water.sewer
that point is not exorbitant, but Kan
conmytions. all In Aist-claK» condi
A petition was filed lo .admite Ihe
sas City. juM acivias the state of~MU
tion. G. F. Murray.
jan in Iran
will of Anton IJmberger to probation
a lurl. has to pay half aa Tni.ch acan
A he.tring on tbe, claims In the
VANTEO-Rooma for light bmiKCto g«»l Its goods from the staboani
keeping. On Pnuit stn*et or close James Burke esttse was held Uidsy
One result of jthe Invektlgallon
in. Inquire R«»cord office.
lu»lng undertaken by Mr. Garfield Is
New gootls, esf>ecially handsome, and
Jan IMf
likely to ba some iapecltl legislation
prices irrcsislablc.
by congress shutting Che railroad
wlij meet at
Ijoral traveling
out *if relations with lake and river
Park Place
transportation. This nndoubledly wilt
This lime we wi^h to call your aittemion
o’clock for the purpose of organizing
work some hardahip to rail trans
chapter of the V. C. T
to the exquisite styles in
portation companies but It will effect
The Athletic club will hold Its for
ually prevent Ihaj monopolizing ol
mal opening tonight
both forms of tranytiorution. In fact,
No regular l<»wllng contest wis held
tha question proml^a. once it come*
al the Wlnkinaoo & Rosser alley* lus!
np In congress, to* be aa compllcatatl
as the railitmd rate problem was In
Born 10 Mr. and Mra. T. H. Hess
the Uat aaaaion. ao far-reaching in its
affects will any hard-and-fast law ba.
The Primary Sunday School Union
In the roaantiroa. ihe Mtiuoal rivers
will be held In the library at 3:30
These come in sets to match, some with flouncing
and harbors congraga is doing all in
ow. The devotionaU will be c
Its iiowcr to bring gbout tha dcvalopdneted by Mias Mary Whlnnery. The
widths. Dainty patterns of
mant, not only of kha rlvem of the
primary by Mra. 1. D. Hobba and the
of tba harbors aa well. In
regular leaaon by Mra. Meredith
call Just sent out by the aacreury
A aonth aide woman has been mak
Ostrich Plumes, Dots,
PRICES: *0.^55 a**d » Cents.
of tba organization. J, F. ElWson of
ing Inqniriea at the police headj
Morning Glory, Rose Buds,
Sdpt aalf opens at the box ofict ters regarding a mptf to whom
rinclnnatl. Ohio, an appeal la made
.i- ,
Cherry, paby Sets, etc.
to all commercial bodies and com- Satur^l^ It 10 o'cloclc
loaned a few dollafs. The mai
Tel^e 112-3 rings.
individuala and hrma to
que«Uoo has been working hlmaelf off
join the national rirara and harbora
as a member of the police force. U Is
congress to tha and that It may beaald*and on the strength oT his salary,
nora Important nafSooar
along with a nice game of talk, he
t^iesday Night
body and thus command even greater
probably, aecnred tbe loan.
the hands of Uie natkmal
Jana 17
on. PreMdent Roosevelt
U a benrty supporter of the organiiation. and in bU address of welcome to
Mra. F. Cmlor Wi for Tarla JtoaF.
tha conrentiob. whlU was bald hare
Ula «kl« ibonUas. ,
nth. be voi^l hU complete
HI- ABoUa- RmaSttV went to
•ympathy wllb iu objocu and alma.
Joaeph Holmea and vift aad Miss
Bmma kblmaa l«fl for Pomona today:
r ct BIc ffatWap
The Rev. R. A.
Mr. and Mnb Sowle and Sen Gowte
passed through the city
ef Honor Last NIghL
on his way to COpemUh
Mra. K. A. Voice returned lo her
A vary pknaant farawwll party waa
given last aveniag at Btegham In
home-in Empire* il^ morning
r of Mr. and Mrs. Sowla and eon
J. M. Loagnecker and wife returned
who wUI soon leave tha vUtagr. About
to their boom In Delu. 0-. this mornWish you s Happy and Protperou* New Year.
lagWe shall be pleased with a part or all
Mr Aad Mrs. C. L. Flack refuraed
ol your Fire Insurance during
to tbMr borne In ‘Tiffin. O- tbto morn-
J a n.
J. W. MUlIketi
* ***
Tbeae bwaubaae am aaiwfBby 08P
4af«m aad dealem of ffwcted every day. The leeM marM
prteka aiw oapFiloi by leaal deMem.
'The aiMda gaalatiaaa br wtoa ndt
ttag tbemartrm la eomplHe raadlaaas eilpFed from aHmr papere ef tbe pmfor Jab. 1. IfifiT. at vbicb time It was
to go iBlo effecL Tbe great valae of
tbe law baa been from Its amral effact By Wire to Tbe KvwaliM Record.
Totodo. O.. Jaa. h.-Wbeat-Ca^
rather tbaa from the fear of poalabmeat, aad It to this wbAcb bae nude TS^c; corn. 43lkc: kmiA IT^c.
Defndt, Jaa. ii.-Wbeai-No. 1 leA
It eoe of tbe loost valoable laws ever
T7V»c- eora. 44Hr; oata. 37%e.
jwt oa tbe aCatme hooka.
Cbthtgo. Jan. 11.—Wheat—May.
As a mmlt. tbe aMaafaciarm of
food prodorts bare of tbeir own am- Ut*c- corn. a\e: MU. 5«%r.
rev toed tbeir labels. MoDOid tbe
Bant BwCale^ Jbik 11.~~OaiUe—Ao^
PRICCB: $im TSe. He. M Be.
-Has tbe new mlatotec any nasinera
Rut —I. —-M at Ih. k«c aMea aUUtyr
•aal Twa—y. Jaiw M. at B aBaai.
' JabealAaayaaL He beM aa op ter
•Tatephana 1IM Hina.
fSQO mate tbaa yre aSM Sam.*
• ■
the year 1907.
r i,
Office in State Bank BnUdlkig
TMviaK mv. I
i' -
•m m tAiM.
a C. Vaa
: i.
cryPHivy. aaito tohcipyMioalwIth
1^ aaoato viwy iimim ouit
Bley lamr ,ltoy are aato
I la fSUAii
•pMtel u Ite mwrnm Mmmr4.
mu u»pm, Mh^ jmi. . lA-Tw
« Ml^r Ite tbiM
4tototorM| tkalteMiaM
M aa Aftli fti aa4 Uv^laai mm aa
Itotol. TWi^vtoatoMtoPto
A.&itoaiiMtf itto
Vivi ha €M tor toa I
4ato tor Itoitoi Itolaa
7W Bar. «, a VUL
Cba MV
to iJtot
M. f.
TImt W€
toa^BrjitorMtov laAiBaM
akto#. tM tot «toBto aMu7to—i.U| BMitotty
»t> .... j:..- ,
Yon Enlio live
t tor aa tiMy v« tera to
Mia live to Eat BeqBBBBPPDPDi)
mMi» towinc MUMM to hm gtoA
I# #( Mto «0ftag» •MvrAiur aftor
tot^NIMaFt ai kMM. I
,ltaMli fTlHto. OoMCf tnaaJar.
E Tiyphi^a
t|i«l WaMMir to Sk Itopitt.
•tony RMUtoift M# Vito 4M Mt
•toH «p«rtMr tfto to CkBtorato MMl
llw aoMt, mm TMatoy «r tMt v««k
•UhaagH titoto
M ataito
Ideal Me
A BbUcImb
BOV aa ttol^ way. .
»k Btolia vfll waftoip tl» Aa*
Iftoi OmbBt ^aaaiiato* loto Patfaae*
atootoaiioa fatoaairf n aai if. Bpaclal to tba Itoaatop Raeord.
BapM cur. Miob.. too. llWIapry
Branr a»«t arallaWali batoraat
BiBcb of Traona OBy waa la towa
to Mka lint toaaclag oaa af tlia
lb* tfto of 4ba woak.
Mawaatol of Ita Idaf.
Tba towaral of Uitto Btodob HfK.
JBk Jtoitoa Bavlato touto bald Ua daapbtor of Mr. aad Mra ira ftouvaa
bMd at Mr. Babootto^i botoa Btodaa*.
day awntop. fb* baby^M of to«ail,
\*toa Praaldaet. M. B.
Uiia: Baeoad Vlca Pratotoau Harry
Ho nor* ioMaa of dIpbtbnU yat
HInbbaDn Cadblar. Ghbrtaa B. C5.^
Odd araryoao la boptop tba oold
w; DIraetorm. B. W. Bi«oC. M.
waaibar wOl drlra It away.
RldUii. Harry HlrtobarB C. D.
kfriL Brad Btobtoi to rMMap wUb
. ITirvaa. C A. Whylaad. A. to fblrroof pardaa. Harr ah* eaptarad tha
MndaatBaaiiMlItoa. •
baakk. Ohaitoa Canrar.
Laaa aataai^t waa bona tor a abort
aj^ OdI# aad vfto aad Mra. C. M.
ktoB daitap tb* baUday*.
• Baatoar aad aoa Oyda of Kalkaaka
raar foUowad. Tbaac
apaat rHday vHk Mr. aad Bra. W. J.
Mlaa Tadd Of Jaekaoa la tba imw.
Atod bar poMtloa to popular Ibror.
taaobrr addad to tba Hti^ aebool
Bra Taapoay U tha aaaaae# of rln
foraiu Tba laoraaaa of atadiato aid day.
. ■>■ • i
aad Yifor. Bba la panaaMra. «
tba toMIUoa of aa aitra atody nada
IMok Way. ^ baa baaa my
tba dstto toatraotar mmmmi
aad alwaya BBaspaetad. Sba has
vUb dlpbtkarto ta aodi battar.
aa.uakiaa atyto aad
A Batotoy aehool aoaraai
aad aba tlU about tlka aoma brlpbl
ba bald to tba Bk Bapida
iaaaary li. ,4 tba i»rotniBi baa baan
ftaparad and rU«ora will ba baad*
vbara. Tka natertal for a placa that
----------- to to arary way baat adapted to the
aoiaaly takaa eara of.
bnltb fbUad
ebaraetartatte paahia of thto plftad
apaakara ara axpactad.
youap woman to aald to ba anbodlad
ioba aad Amy Towara of
to bar aaw play "X Oo
apaaf a pottloa of laat waak with
porta are to tha
t that Mlaa Tan
tbair brolkar. W. 3. Towani. oar pop.
Mra. H. Watioa la aoato battar.
haa araiy
ttla5.^rooar. Tbay waiw
a to asplolt her
Mlae Brarati oBd Mia* McQaa to
by tbair llltla alaaa^
tatoaU aad ftplbar. that the
larkar Craak iara tba potato of Miai
ao oppoHuntty to do aa
W. A^^ordaa^na eallad ta NewTba Wlaaabapo. tba ora barga that apo laat waak to aoeouot of tba daatk
Doat torpat
Bt tha dati of tba
baa Mada tbla port ragalariy arary of bla alae«.
dfbt la^rtop
Oao. W. Bototar baa aold bSa Cam
tooaaa toraavaral yaara. will aa
'bb aigbtad of tb# polBi la tba aarly •ad wUl morTto Kalkaaka to the
aaar tutarav
daWB a> abd ataan
Banaal Baaltor aad wife of Bb Rap0DiBpBBy*a AaBk. Tbaaa arbo bar#
• Bfon Mr. Vaarhata
apjoyad watobloff for bar trat appaa
Lake Halaa Gamp. FU. Jan. f. *07.
aara to tba aprtof: aad for tbi trat
I bora laaraad aoma pacallar eoodl*
togbi of bar tatom appa aach trtp wBl
■aa of ’nray dowa Boutb* —poUillalaa tba ptoaaaiil atfbt aad raprat bar
^ ladoatrii^aBd aoctol~l ooadaaae.
of eouraa. Tba polltkaJ U atoaply
toii arato aa^tboagb fba
thto: tha atataa rlpbto Idea to not
iBtta Udap wbo could iwtorn tba wal*
givn up at aU. to apito of the praat
0HBa praatlapa aataadod bar. Tba
fro® Maaaalnai Wadnaaday. war; It aimpto baa «ada the aoutb.
boat baa
laa baaa aold to partita oa U
m whan Ibay. hava paan
era atataa goreraaioatp reapect and
^ aooatt aad wB
• waak. '
win ba takaa aitwad
tba Hon to bar toal daaUaaUaD to
tola, la tba Paelte ooaat timda.
■r. W. H. Hitktof, ar Tnimrt. •bould^iSal
CtMurlaa Martatt aad vita of
8ta. Marla. fOnaar Bk Rapldsltat. ara
apaadlai a waak ar
maoda la tha vlllapa.
Judga McLaupblla la
tba board of aopanrlaora at the coatty aaat ihU
^A. B. niibaaka boupbl |U baibaU
VLIA vIeM: tha panlaa atulC noatly fioae
of clorar aadd laat weak tor which ba
laat waak. but aaUra tolktod. An aere
Ifld tba waat mam of fUTO, Oaa
DB raoBirad tha
lOMidrod aad Bftyolt buabeto of tbla to tba lot pirai
away by J. W. Jack* tomaloaa batora tba aapw U paaa to
t wa^ ralaed by Blpbaid Jtos of aoB aa Jtoi: trd
TflO batob tba laeky Oraad Trararaa It*ia bard to raalUa
towalldp. tor whieb be iw.
l luii MckB oil) lOe
." ’%£SS“'
»y llrti^.at tba laadlap botat
oaa aaa aad talk with ouU|.
aad purato vblar la tbb
tha tobko aaab toad to aot
Tb^ .oil and ator aold beoauw in
quality and nnifonnity they are
Oor Salt aiahig » a biiih
•tondaid of ItoTTSTr. art. We
^ it on Wednaaday and MatmBay.
Every trinl order i
Aak yoor grocer.
WlU be. Ro to
hongryor think you
STS Erst Eighth Street
Cit jilione :t90
mil limil Mii nm imnil imim’hb ^
Md eH
M PU^Tr’liniJr *lS
to. *. Wt t P. H.-»
wmiaai B; Smltti aad wlfa
rla 3. Wynkaop, paroH. aac.
Jan. 7.
A church douatk
_ _ _
Ila Ramaey'ii cm Friday arenlnp. _
4. for the bena&t of Rer. Holmea. Net
proceeds of aald social amounted to
$40. TTic-tx* were about.fifty peo-
inland a bountiful auppe? waa
Ow4iioti to Crrto J.
Mlaa Uutla Donn. teacher In the
amaay district, spent her vacation
i her home in Ohekama, polns from
lere to vtoll friends In Manistee.
The following youap people of RamKa
ly apaat thisir racatlon in Trarerse
. Ooodrich’e.
City, and report a fine time: Floyd
______ N. Myer to John C. B’al and F>em Sheets. Fred Johnson. H.
part, parcel!, aec. 4. T IS. R 10. $700
Richard Van Deabunr to Ferdinand
lay for some time, also spent
Kapnlck and wife, lot 2S. bik. 2. Good
Christmas with his Tuireoth ia Travrich’s 3rd. 1100.
Laoa r. Tltiia. tin.
dead (parcan) aac. 84. T 2«. R 0.
Cook to Wllltotn C. Van
Lauren, toad contract (parcel) aac. 32. wlU bar ax-achoolmates at her
home In Grant. She will return
T 27. R IL
Raao Rlplow at al to John W. Patch town today.
Mlaa Loo Kidder was home fn>ai
^^tlnber deed (paml) aac 31. T 26.
eslck to spend the bolidaya
Mrs. H. MeComfaa to oa tb
Beniamin P. SobeUerty to Charlea
M. Laacaalar at al. bH of aeto of aw
U. aac. 16. T It. R It. $400.
Charlea M. UbOMler at al to Call
The W. U. Ludiaa’ Aid will have
their next maaUop with Mra. Schell.
Sarah R. PtouU to BUa BurkeU. parThe Qleaner’a audit
cell. Tlltopa of Blackwood. $400.
mat Saturday eveninp at Oyde Ca“ Brown^d^lfe to
nutaa' to audit the books kept by him.
Ik. 12.
If. esc
excf^Ta^S^fbll.^LfVox"! Thay weia very waU plaased with the
For 6ood Meats
of last week with her slater. Mra. F.
celt. aac.
QUO Pormanek
wife to Anion
P^omanek and wffa
Martin Suck and wife to
Ctolkina. parcels. ^^ 21, T 26. R 11.
HImH.Tyrranto John
Am. blk. 66 and lot 5. Mk
Henry Knkpp and dauphter Ijtura
and Albert KoHmer apant New Years
wlib Mr. aad Mca. E. G. Rawllaps.
Miss Vida Shutler Is 'hello” plrl
tor^JFJtrmers Telephone company at
HlutoR Tyrall to John H. Holmes
llM ^
*** T 2$. R 12, Fraab
dSl ^atorday^-^lnf.
^Cbmar WlUlami and wite to Bd latoramit wUl be to St Mary^k. cemepar A. WHItonss. aoM of awR aoe 22
About IwaatyBva youap friends of
T 16. R 11. $12$.
Mtos M%sd Arnold met at the Schlchtal borne for a faraweil party Thors,
day evanlnp. Games bad taffy pulltop balpad to paw away the time.
Mlaa Kate Rawllaps spent Now
Reriral maatlaps bepln here Tues
Taara with Miss May Mstcbati
day erenln*.
J. U Cany of tbla pUoa aad W. K.
W.O u
Curry of Bk Rapida aiw rtoitlnp
Aaa Arbor laklnp medical ireatn
frintda aaat of AlOaa tbU waak.
Mra. W. N. Curry of Bk Rao^s 1s rapoitad to be rapidly patolap.
Mrs. Jaka Araold to so low tbat
was rUltlnp friaads to tbla aalpkborfew bopaa am aatenatoed for her re
lod a couple of days laat week.
The W. F. M. 8. maau this week covury. to she can be token to the
Mil11a Kriaar wlU ba united la marriapa
Bt Mary's CalboUc-church. ,
rnak Ml- ary 16.
k*U drore 4o«a traa Tfrmt Otr .Jaa. 7.
Me. It.b.1 Klptor iad
rr uui mnk MiiQb
Come "tot
TheBay Packing Go
S pkg*. witdom
SoeplP««rUer........... fc
: ». T. Peieriyl
3 pkfrVuto.Starch... ISe
C.ti. phoon 887. .... - Kell 2.M
Jaepb Sleder & Sons
«»ViLaMB chops for
Luncheon or dione^ are here—
fre^. tanaer. juicy and petetnble.
OnrcmuideaUlngiip of mento
hnre Moethintc to do with their
delivered free oorequeet.
We p«y top pr'.«.»'f«- *.wn fed
8ib nnd Frenklin,
Both pbon^
assMMna who have u*ed
. aac. 1^ T 27, R 11.
■traaaa naa paar tba baaat bara
a^pla. but they faar tba btocka.
la Upy^ toga to ‘
‘' We'^ankint inore OrahMB
ISjMUwiy day in order to fiU
womae daaea aa Wpackally aa the
tba youar They aay It pnloupa tba
Ufa of tba apad at ieaat tea yaara
» ban wUtaia. Of eopiya It
IQ toot^ for tba ararape per-
Ttn‘re it so ooino
eome Hick
ioo to \
to'EAV'' --
t Lay Co.
BiTiifiMlhf BaeidT
W« kn* jwt rxtatevd
mat afffl.oBBl yqWBvtur bo
Waalwd Km Um Oob).
of the feesiaiM orgus, ertor
a Cs
mar boma at Oolumkaa. O., Ha
nirhao t- atlll
in Oetmapy. aad ia
UM ^
T*. WU CIUI,. OVi -M .f
There are maay liule prabtena Itliat .
come Bp 'every 4ay ia your houaebotd
aod bouRCM aXaira that are }ust as easy
to solve i£ you but use the, vaat ads.
They are sliest but tireless workeral but
they get the eesuks. . .
“------- *—
cSopMto IS* SmSSL T. C.JIUIt«s Os.
ju n-w
WANTB0-T«MU to h*al !<«■ os
IMS reult. TrMSTM Otr Mas
tsTtas taofsiir.
Ms 1S4I
WANTte^WEMt. IT*. COTE, oati,
teaiu, Aajr m4 a(ngr. T. C. Mi
ftOAmtM WAWTtD-.4V>wa ntmit*
nrag and board. HI
:WANT»-Toa tlut k*fi> cbl^M>
lo oao Mr lOMAL allied cihickra
food. Mom boUar. T. C. MUlInc
jaa IMT
^U. fftNB DIM to four yoara old.
Tbn »*si b« oouad. U too bava
aar !• aoll ooao aad om bm. H«r
BUM UjraMB. 140 Waabtaitoa i1
WAHTSO-ONated rooaia tor llttit
hpaoiMa^iaE Addiw O. O.. rarr
Saeord oOk*.
)an 114f
see SALt-14TS-na« BMT ««■
In good Yaloa. frea and claar of aa*
eombraaoaa Traeama CHy pradoelira. Cash prka $3,000. Wada
Bim, fit Oaloa dtrwat, Qlta. I
BM cement block bouae; good bara.
pHoa llliO. Wada Broa„ lit l
atml. Oita, phOM llSl
lat, boaaa ^wall*ailihod. on
atfioa fooBdatloQ; aaay lei
•1100. Wade Bitia. lit
CIU. pboaa 1211.
POB tALf-Hfo-Plaa hooaa. eomar
of Boyd and Proat; larga lot: aaw
boaae: aaay tarma; priea IlSOO.
Wada Broa„ fit Ualoo atraat, au.
pboaa 1311.
I «cr«a
oaebatf mllaa city
km atraet, CIU. phoaa Itlf,
WANTID TO »UY-Oood. Wocky
oolu fnan oao to four yearo old.
POB gALtTbey nuat ba aotmd. Jaa 3rd I
Imva for Indiana and Ohio and will
atraat. CIU. pboaa ItlO.
l»« gona two wtwka, trjrlnf to bring
poaia tanaara up km. If you have
POB gAtlr-14f4-raartaen
■Naiy good oolta to ae«. wriia bk».
boQie. 8tb atrsmt.
to aebool.
gWiBi poatorioa addraaaa. '
P<£^oe; caotral
Prioa IIMO.
yoa baTO lo aeU aad raaaaa lor aolllag. ,Oa Bj ratara will altber caU
oa you or arrtta yoo. Harman Hy
laaa. 110 WaMilnitoo alraal. IJ-M-lf POB SALB~Stook la pa* of fha baat
mlaa* la Colorado, not a praapact
bat a paytag mtoa. ga* la wbMb
rON EALI—All kind! ^ horaa,
cow and chickaa feed. T. C. MUlIni
)an ,U4f
rOH EALt-Maal aiailift, lYoat
atroH. Toola. atock. llaturea. dallv
rry. good trade, good locaUon. aaay
UumA Woda Sioa.. MT South Union
jan Idf
roll SAUt-ia^-Modam eight room
realdaace. Slith atraeL All oonTMlaacea. A good bam. clbaa la.
PrIealliM. Wade Braa.. tlT Soath
Ttoloa atroat. QUam Phogw>d^l.
hffml.^t^rlr light, elly water, aewer
coQDwrtkaiB. all In flrat.elaaa coodl^
IKia. O. r. Mnrray.^
jan IM
TOB SALt-HTl-lg acraa two mflat
State Bank boUdlag; ftnaat loeatloa
tor aoburbaa raaldance la thSa rw
gtoa. Prico I3.BOO. Wada Broa,
iJnloa atraet, au. phoaa im.
rOB tAL«~14n>-Tti»e modaraL___
SUU gtreet. and oaa of tba bfoi oa
tba atreoi: Price aakad te apoC oaah.
Wada Broa. tit
Valoa atroet, GIU. pboaa lilt.
POB SAtE-RiKhty acre torm
mnm weal NorrtavlUa; foor milea
poat oftea Tramaa CKy; Maty
acraa lBU»rorad; ala acrea MlUbla
for gardaa; good bialldliiga: an la
abarew. We ara handling this for
the nieoeflt of the amall Inventor.
If yon with to mnka n good aiaed
iBrestmaot uha Trarerae aty
Write or call oa us for partic
and Informatloa in regard to In
raatmeoU. Wada Broa,, Traversa
City, Mich.. $17 Union St OilUai
p^pne 1219.
dec 394f
A^Bg PM SAUI-I bata aoma
cboka applaa by boahaU foe aak;
Grtmaa* Ooldaaa, Baldwlna. Greaa-
Ing beside the Pern Marqoema tracks
naar CHo hg t^* *«5tloa hMda. Ho
WM brought to that city via handcar,
and la balag cared for at the county
Baonaaa of tba Ice ibai formed In
the wbeda of Ue UghUni plant at
TpallaaU Wadnaaday alght. Iba UgbU
of that cUy waa not burning lor over
an boar and tba city waa krfl in toul
dnrknaaa wldlt n gnng of men wero
emplopad digging tba Ice nway from
the water wboal.
Prank R WWatt. of-FIlnt clalma to
have evidence of the vloUtlon of the
finh lawa at Uwg lake, and hna wrtttoo the auie game warden to that
eScct. The latter will aend a deputy
to look into the situation, and WllieU
rxpecta that aireata will he made.
Conrad Happfor of l-analng U In a
sarloua aoadlOoa as tbe roault of be
ing trpmplad by hla horse
had baan Mating a neighbor to kill
some pMs and blood got m Ms clothtng. The horse. usunUy kind nnd gen
tle. attacked him on hto rmorn home,
maddanadr It I* praaumed. by the
smell of Wood.
Marshall N. BuckerWge of Port Hu
ron. locked bU money and some valu
able papers In hit gafe. and tM for
got the comblnaUon. HU aoa. who
resides In the west. U the only perooo
who can open the aafe. and Mr, Bueke^
ridge must await a letter from him
before he can throw back the bolu.
Mrs. CUrence Zlbble of Deardeld.
a brtde of less than n week, was
down stairs and frnclurad her right,
lag. her aboukkr aad three tngars of
her left right hand. The ahawl conoealad the ooUlna of tbs stop. oOBfaslag Mrs. LaadU as she sUrtod down
Probate Judge Stockwall of VMUae
has been called opoa to rsadm a de
elskm In s case which would have put
Sotomoo to rout. It U la the •state of
Mrs. Mary OorneU. dacnasod. At the
time of bar death M left property
valued at $l.4M. which was oonw
lato cash beforo the court r«acbad the
Probate oouit. Mrs. Carnell left
sister aad half-sister. If the ^rt de
rides the property Is real, the sister
gets all; If he rulea that It U personal;
the two share alike.
R. L. Davto of DavUhurg, was help
Ing to poah na empty freight car Into
positloii to that It could be loaded
when the car struck the down grade
and suited to nm away,
hastened to the top. It was dusk, and
In running forward to set the brake
he mlscwuculated and fell off the formlnd surAclently to roll haalily off the
wberis. He roUlned his presence of
mind eufflclenUy to roll hastily off the
track, and escaped with some severe
A remarkable feature bronght out
by the meeting of the board of super
visors at Corunna, to the amount of
whiskey evidently cousnmed by sick
people In Durand. In case of conU
gloaa diseases the jiatlent la goaranUned and auppiles aro furnlthed by
the local board of health, which then
presents lu bill to the county. From
the altitude of the supervisors.' how
ever. the MUs of the Dumnd boprd of
hesith will be cansktembly cut. There
are bllla from Durand drugglsU for
whiskey by the pint. Quart.'and
by the gallon.
II OeiKral Hews 1
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
BL F. J. MAC NTTr-PiBBltos BmlP
land hlorti.
ton Pdf
MM PITTINO or QLASan. Olios mB.fo«u»fo
MS WUhoha hkek. GRImbs pheae
ilAiniN-«)GMM aad ito
StA.Ji. Sir.!*
MghL parorts aad MM. OCiM
it ORy Booh BtoTOL
teatSoa to dlroaaro of tha aye, aar.
note and throat OtoMsa Ettad.
Over Johaooa drag staro. Both
eaa Drag Btora. Epeetol atteatloe
. Rsrih’s stunded church at Loland Sundsy.
Ml«» Mary Inman to on the sick list
ith yellow Jaun«Hcc. Quite a good
any here have been afflicted the
fToi^ci Bernard has gone lo LeIsnd to work for Mr. Joe Koddos
The Misses Msrlc end Elizabeth
olton were rollers here tost even
Gwrgc^nifad^ working at Boloo
Northport yesterday
Mrs. H. Brown was slightly Ul yesterday. hut It to hoped she will be bet
ter sooo.
Mlu Retu Brown was a «
Ulllan Bernard yestedday.
Cured of Umg TrouMs.
201 yr#Et strtit
oBssffHevahtosBMM l em m » •
Ss • s m. t «s • svsmsgB. Bsmamm 7
Mhniliiii ■ a wmssss haasM.
rOfcler yout...
I. O. Burns
Y.nl ^ oKta K«rth«.
MichiKu dock. .
BoftffcfliitaSa -
Mmm Nft. I, Oty Opnf% Htmm BtosS
John R. Suto
GeiwnJ InsatuM
Rev VSda Blk,
house block. Phoncs-New. 107;
oldSM. Residence, 710 Washlagton
T. W. THIBLhV, Drodrt. Oroi
nam A Barl'g Jawsiry atora.
HABNY B. NABNEB-Bapart plaaa
tanar aad aetlea roffaktor. BaCto
foctlOB guarantosd. With KtotoaO
I Mask Houaa. Ota. fbdna M4.
Tra*«rM Oty
Farmsjfor Sale
1 have a number of Rood
farmd, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sah^ or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can tell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy
of. any
body else. I have farm*
which are, located from four
to 20 htiles from Traverae
City, all good improrad land.
If you h»»® good level Urms
riwM. ~
m ha haa Isft his watch at home
and then palM It eu^ of hto pocket to
aee tf he has Urns mumffh to go home
and get tt-
each week day from $ oMhMRto hl:ll
eh hi too isrosmoa and im
o'clock to 4 o-riock la tha aftornw
Oa all stala and oouatyPtna
MM JNMcrlt. tRw faMarD
Mpat UMf for aoBacMoamRha
larphd and oa all tot**- pgSd an ar
Ctor JaBiayp lA tharo
WAMO TUNIfiB-W, K. mikri
ysara axperifoec. With Oriiiril
Broa., eoraer Proat aad Cass Aa
MBA. R. L. BONNEBW hair drsHlag
pHieta, eror ORy Beak itoro 1
to givsa oa mjkOO mOea uf ftmd.^ 3A
when CapUlB While Mterod the ear
vice oaly $3.0«d milea wet* ao amrrod. AMIL r. NlBtlNOIB. LAWYER^
VIee Prortdam IM P. II
Money to loan. 213 Bute
of aU the old men in the flnalrial dfo hutldtef. Ctrirens phoot iff.
triola IB New York to holkeed to
tiih the most smplmtle rohuttel of the BEAL RffTATt AND UOi
Osier theory of termiBBIkm ef s
Trafana Laad aad Lata O*.
at Um age ef 40. Mr. lie
tharun, Maaagsr. OMoa. laom
of life Is moro than double ihat BhtoQted A muilEia bkxIlL
-die to BOW la hto elghtrthlrd
youv-yet be has aevrr appareaGy as PARA T. CHAPE, M. B^^OCBet W«1
much as aeulemptoted reUremeai and
Dr. a B. Ohasa, Etoto Raffk Meek
Is to be aeea at work as presideat of
Both phoasi, t3P3r. Rertdeaee »4
the Morton Trurt Oompaay thr
W.BihthBt CRi.ph0M7tL
four days s week. To all outward ap
Mce. hto physical ooBdltkm to as
ig as when, for InsUaoe. he
hto term as governor tea yemrg apo.
He to hy BO ammis the oaly oct
arton sUll la Ue haraess la the
street district, but there to oo'promlpart la business and pollUcal
low. Oodeetka wqit a specialty.
With Uaderwobd ff UaMor. Bulher-
wrlSTc 0**p5^d, a lemllng buali
pat U laortgagaa. Bouaro tor ante
man of JCersha#. 8. C “f had rdn
trade at Lake Ann. torge flonriag
down In wolght tp 136 pounda. and
Inquira of R McNamara Park
BUn at^Copemtott. oue df thu tarftia
other kmg aiUela was puhMihad la a nsfwsking waa constant, both hy day
aad best koteto. all forntohed. to
by night Finally 1 began taking
that eBy duaNag witb the
KtnTs New IBscovery. aad conilathelslsiidof Crete. The
tlBUhd this for shout six amnths, whsa AETfRAETE OP TITLED a Can
large portfoUo of drawUgs hy the
my cough and lung trouhl* wmw sa- ror. Mdioraaaoaahlu. QCBan with
ua. aritot, Measel. dealing with the ediu
dX P. OarsapA iMk RoU phoaes
mlllury aub)ecU of thtj lime of Fred that the
Thai Ito Hub aatbor was the king. mM. of KT*oo« »re ta,M otery
erick the Great.
rmx, Otarutota A Biigtai DHi, Co., OBr M A. TM
Mrs. J. W. Bargees, the wile of Proritak U. Mta<u. Htauh
tfea to dims
(TtatM totaton aiirtc^ to»*»oiS# tem^ Buisasi. who Is fUltag
to avail hlmaeif of hn opport«BHy to Me ud I1.M. TrUl.bpttle tree.
-tta OtoJ ntod Wsm«. Hevtato
4M BtotoBi MdB. RoChphearo.
pubttsh hto views oa
oveit ebalr at Bsrila nnlvm
tlM of the day.
Is aevolhig moch Usse to tba Si
Oaeof thd nmut popular
afl the Notko to tbu Taapayon of too €ttF M
erick museum, where she to copy
wsat It. But we have nothlag
ual prlDceusea la Germany to the
ing pictures by Grouse and F
can offer you that will equal 1
CtwaW Trsrerse MeetoB for m
The tax roUi for the on^dtkm d
story to BOW told that la ooam**y
th* ttoto dM eouaty Uxsu for tha tRAVEBER EIW fjOBQffv Na TS, &
purchaser or as security for k
baeat mtoded aad the foot wUh aae qf har ladiea iB
year tMt and for Ck* dsIlaQwat / uf P.. BUM wrorr Thuraday i
We always have s gttl edged se
net a UtUe at timaa. .-I
curity for your arooer and we al
>1 aad city toxro aad jpodgt to- vtlaRJfow Mbisbi Muck, a B WeP
I It- he told CoBgrsasMsn •ad made puf^mima for the^^ Mtways have the ssoBhy for gilt edged cant esp
aoroa lor waM yaa* have hero ricr,C.Cr
chea. At s mert martmt. whmi ahe placnd la say haada for ooUmtioa
“Oh. you rs not really abeeat- was tsM of the pressat 1
1 will h* la my ofBc* to rooalv* aald tRAVtm
mlBdad.- said the north sida aroa.
toasn Pram ^^mdU lifoc V
WE HAVE hsrdwsr* stoebs at Orawa,
Hotel and Bar mrnltnre stock and
We pay the frolEht.
POB gALt-l4«T-«U
Both gma and olactrtc Ughta. Good
. barn, tne lawn, cloaa la. Waahlngtoa
atraat. Prtea llBM. WBda Bioa.
B17 SaaMi Unloa 8t.. OttMaa Flmoa
Jan. 4 If
tat the vtotor atatoa tnta bto «
dw tor s TtoK to Sowb AlHet. vbtra
br bar r tawMMsI Inwt mw
Lewd. Aitaoac » mbMm tor Torre. «IT« to htoi ^ gdl Bto
Tto btortae ar tb« Mwft ud tat-'
„ mo .Doirta M 4iM MtatoUtor,
Mtam ^ Us-^ Btai.. d ^ .utfcto. ud to DtaltaStata tta toe towMr. be hw • tom d U*
Mmtato. vhM
tat te IWr. S. pctodtal botol toWOSTtag • Mtaldir aorrr, to ohich be dreoto^hto Wirrtar taM tatatata
to SoMtata. Ltak ,( mm. bltor thita how. oT vilttos to
to tta roidma, ot itair dtosta ne-'pMrou«* i>d «'dnlM to wtaoeUM
I, MMg the italta ot bto EUutill. JtoM. Btotas./
brcfb .bow the drdriii ot tta ec^ bttota botaiL H, •* toe
rbtwa or bto Star boob brtorr m
Tta Orwto Tnutk tollvly «oo»«to Pwr.
BberiS Teouat d Bratoa Harbor, bw bto tutbor Utotair stoM taT«
tar tMMd order, to WatM «
to Wtarat tor
Uto toroTta*
ttiOTta* or
of «k»
(toi W toe to wtO. u kUm bttwsbt M*l»t ..t irot bota dlrWsod. ,
pwroe- bla bjr Attonto, Jrt, OTtoim tts
>toto Jrmr I. WbUo. M*
toe tta rord. Wttar to 0^ _dtaou.'asd toftad . iidtaUt, or ptaPMrtot
totoodaot at tor lOUvaj
wkleb VM Uir ewto, d tta Ircrl tiow
grounds or earn
30. has rsrigaed after ea
bto. Twitabt reptoWtad tor prfswTba ianiior of tba MatbodM
myaarolathatportUoa. lUroBtot
m Aaa Arbor waa forced to!ti
tlroabaaaaasef Uhaalih. When OsptaPirrtoacta Sc>ra to o owo
Ula Whiia eBtarad the usnrlee on the
tta otbrr nomto, vhlob Jotarr had
hstwasB 0*dar Rapids
ptoeod ta to. top to toe ehoreh BecaMa tba family cat pktjfaUy
s. Iowa, tharo wmw but m
■tafipit The Sgnt* adeartihad n well dragged a shawl off tu book aad Mt
i. ThatwMtoMaroh.l$$$.l4M
kaova hraad d dgnm.
tharo aro over 14,d0d ctorks. wh# har#
WUllnm Hart of Port, M«f*a ban home of Mrs. Sarah LsndU. north of 1JI4 mall ears, ef whkh moro
Ukaa adennuga of the aprlag waa. Lansing, the nged Mrs. Landto feU
aro la eo—tanl aM At th*
------------------------------------------.tiWa, Nos-SS
wd ST nsi
tbar of the ptat few days to hanraat
10 aciwa of boekwhaat whkh the aariy
chaw caaaad him to laaea la the Sold,
Tba. grata la lb aplaadM ooadItkaL
•evMty yaara of age aad bomaleaa.
AM«S<T hnl ttmen. tin
ns* OS. «ll-d \-o rt.
FATT-^hrtrocta aC ttOa
So cure are sre Uiat it vill
do ell ve cUim, we sell.lt e« OfttANLaTYUtN PsattM
• positive goereutee.
PMtatHV Ltgita VtO
Wnoa—i hd ta tta ttM
Cut Prices
ok Fmn.
liacaimla will bo
- - the lew fora we
Beetalaher. our wMtk-r
weettar veiy Moo.
take onr Anona] laventory. wr
good paper aU egehaagrd and
ahoiMvoTm Pianos and Organs now on our Ho
SACRinC* HEAVILT rother than carry them ovx
boaincaa ynar and bargain seekers wUl find this „
tkv «»«*«» «torf to mlu. sensational REDUCTIONS ban
*™*» ®«f it«u«l lo» price*. *Bd the rwall 1*
Irf Um» aOiMKIc botrd
«M k«M III ••crtl. %>x4 oBlr me tei«
rma\U atUM were given out
or Ue Imi4 tluu
nttMlawM on nil
poloU t^raloghi
up lor nwnKiifittno no tar ne the rrform wore ooMtnM^. A ephlns lUce
■ulnuioed Oh the
tkai of a Mlehlgna gnme tor neat tait
U hl eoruin the dMUMW of a «*.
teat beureoh the mrooht and the
Wtmiam vm dlaeoaMd. No state■Mttt would he Bade on this polot at
It wan fMfad “prematBre annoanceMit** Bight delv mattera.
♦There la a strong force
work in the Midway faculty tevorlog an Immediate renewal of football fwlsUons with. Michigan, and the
elndsnu look fOr this Injliienee to
bring taTomhle reaniu In the meet
tag today. It a ataind some of the
more eoonenmUre professors have
ehuitod their views op (hU potat and
l^nre wUltag tognuil the mooh de-
am last eventag at 1 o*Oclock
p. Coach Keene Flupatrlck. Dlroctor of Athl4iea Charlea Baird. Cap^
tain OarraU mid a anmber of old
track stars made speeches at this In
Itlal meeifag of the season and every
thing possible was done ta surt the
new year in ronstag fashion. A pro
gram of songs and yells was arranged
and there was a -wlwKHWfr-ap** Ume.
This meeUng Uing the first of the
year and the one which attracted the
cots a line on the team which
Michigan will put in the Held next
ipring attracted much Interest.
It is expected thsl a likely bunch of
cw material will appear and kmong
the old stars -who will get oat
Jer” Ott\ Maloney, Row«-. Dane
and Dull for the four-mile relay t
and the«.distann- runs. Cutt;s and
Oarrels for the weight < venis. and
Ray Stewart for the daahes. Though
the complHe personnel of the t
ot be announced as yet. Oarrels
ntxpatrlck promise a strong
Round Rout Will bt Putlad Off
IDenver, Jan. IJ.—Promoter Patrick
lb rHarfr Lewts and the high conGalllghtr has at last seenrsd a match
trotlng parties wUl he the Phlladelphlftn sad dnr dear old friend. Rub^
Smith cf Denver.
- r
Artlc^ of agreement were signed
Wedneeday afternoon by JoBnny
iBtt for Smith and 6y E. W. Dicker^
aon for Lewis.
The articles call for a lO-rtmnd bout
Ufhkh is to he extended to 15 at the
option of the referee.
The welghu are 143 pounds at 3
o’clock on the afternoon of the fight.
The purse Is to be spilt €0 per cent
to the winner and 40 per cent to the
Lrwls geU a bonus and his training
oapeneen Mr amklng the match.
Under these Siticles Smith will
hare about 10 pounds the advantage
• to pA agalast Lewis, and his abUlly
■ad reiHitatloo when the men enter
the ring, and consequonily the fighters
win be evenly matched. The Pacific
Athletic club of Los Angdoa wanu to
match bis man and Jimmy Gardner
for n 30-round go. The local man says
that hU protege Is perfecUy willing
to mnet the enatem fighter, hut ar^
rangemenu mnat be made whereby
Gardner ennnoi dunk out of the match
ng anally na he did ta Denver.
Bnmcli: 159 E. from St. IRiVfRSE aiY.
Boston Ferns
Phone for prioei. Wa deUviir.
.Arc Your Collections Slow
Han 7M accMitt ttat
I You Have Given Up?
|If yon have, let ne coUect
them for yoH.
OU a<«onnU pro«pU7 aa«ide<l<' to n*iil I onn make rnooojr for jem *
A. Pohoral
Colluclion Au^nvy, over HBmilton
Traverse aiy. MIcb., BeiNL It. IMC.
I have placed a o^ber of neeonnU
with A. Poboral'a dgency for cohec^
Ion. many of them W o«aawed;W
Just the same Mr. Pobornl hroii^t the
dellnqnenU to time and prompt mIp
Dr. B. Lb Ashton* D«ttat
ito*.s inL HMUiffMi
T^mrnrwml Trsvmn* OtylLtaMay «My
One Month Free!
. goe. into territory
other club to play, rirnu he
as heretofore to the •KreUry of the
tJitlooal assocUtlon. but to the club
whose territory was Invaded.
Representatives of the Eastern
lewe and the American aasoclatioo.
which are In data A. of the Kaiiooal
the highem daaa. asked
that J»cy be glv
catkmIt of
n higher rat
Of **A**
-A- denoting
ing. To this the Pacific Const league
and the Southern nanoctatkm entered
Took Race Away From Phil Ftach.
the Favoma. In an Cacittag Drive.
The left aide of the teoe la always
Catarrft Cannot be Curod
Good, Rellabte Uprifhts at $130. $!60, $185, $lt
Him-aas, Gnarakteed Oprifhls, $200,
$225, etc
Parlor Grands at $150 and upwards.
Dcsirabte Sqaares at $25. $40. $50. $60. etc
.”i"uanR£s ausT
Walter M. Paige
IN PIANOS w» offer .Urjt t«« WONDERFUL BARGAINS, emcahiMiM Mkrir *11 the leodlns make, nrh *> SttioMy. SohiMr.
Mpruoff. Chiefcerinp. V«*e. Kn.be. W*lMr. H*tn*A etc., etc. ‘All
bare tboroucbly oT.rb*ul«d *t oar Fbctoiy aad «i» 4* bc«t |
T told tlB 8sn Franci^. people
that I could under no cirramstances
consider such an offer.** aild the hlg
They told me any
time I changed my mind io let them
The reason Is thiU we have in the SUinwsy Pisno and the PianoU
PUno the very greatest Inducements for people to part with blghknow, hot I told them that I had my
iOB—freqieenlly expensive> instrumenu and
mind deffnUely made up I not to go
who asplrr to the
Into ptaglltam or any other form of
possessfon of nne Pianos of iesdlag m^
t who do hoc care to
liiVrsi sufficient to purchase new InMr
wfeaakmal nthletlcs.**
will Qnd this sale a
given np then the Baa Fmncisco tans
Pnrry hns^the making of n grant
IN ORGANS we offer K.O Bargain
have at lotorvals been renewing their puglUst If he cared to eoVrr the ring,
Ettey Smith-Arreriesn. Mason A Hamlin,
Hsmli etc. vir.fuW fnllv repaired
proposlUtm to put the gUat maroon say maroons on athletic teams with
and la
Elegant high<UKs Organs at $26. $30. M5. etc.;
many styli's
hita. Me has always been the physical
r. Any Organ may be exchanged later for a new
Piano and me
w m 111 allom- full pric«- paid.
The latest Oder, say |thoee who
of authorities la nthlctlca. His
VERY EASY PAYMENTS will be arranged on any lUrgaln
knhw. was made a shoijt Ume ago. pictures have been used as models
runo or Organ. A small amount down is all w<- require and the
at the time it was drst rumored for a number of years and several
Instrunient mill In* dellvertsl to any address. Stool and 8<arf or
that Jeffries Bight reenter the ring. well-known arilsta have used him
Book FREE during this sale. I-Nery Instrument GUARANTEED
exactly as repn^ented and will be exchanged if not enUn-ly satis- .
Parry was then approached by a when they wanted a model for Herfactory.
Mail orders and Inquiries solicited and will tx'celve our very
The **Osknlow gUnt** Is six feet
l»rst altcnllon.
his share If he would tralp for six two laches in htght and weighs, apmonths and go In to meat the diamyiO pounds. Parry long
plon In a slx-round bout The 8aa
the nse of his mass of
Praaclsoo mao assured parry that a mosclea. mad while poi»sesslng great
man with his great atreagth and skill rnggedaess and endurnnee be U yet
could be put In ahape In that Ume to quick as a cat. It was for hU speed
New York. Jan. IT—Muggsy Mr
» the unbeaten James husUe for and agility that Btagg has been using
bis money In n hnttle of half a donnn Parry at end Instead of In the line, Gram, manager of the New York Na
ih •
as be possessed a rare comblnaUon tional league Glam*, has
ranks of the ‘•farewi-U^ anisis.
e maroon tra<^ captain.. It Is of strength and cleverness.
Draw threatens to mire but will
pone the date of his taking Uwve from Doherty Brothers Wont Be in Lawn
the auniund gsnie uniil he can sgata |
Frmd B W ^llwr, Jadgm of
Tennis Championship MaUhe
make the Giants champions of iliej
Next Year.
of PhiUsdr
world. This may be next year, pei
D^lirrl* hariac
haps, or It may be dcla.ved unUl]
New Haven. Jan. li:—Walter Camp. j Muggsy is as old as Ann or appp>irh( «| By Wire to the Evening Record.
L«»ndon. Jan. 11-^Thc Drherty
Yale’s athletic adviser and member of the yean>
yt-ars of Ruliy Roben
the Intercollegiate football rules
but retire he will when he lands
trmolM nsawd In osul U»t mill asd taita
: Inatrhen for the Davis lawn tennis cup th*
mr.i or 16
Panaltiee will Be Iropeeed If This is mlttee. returned from Chicago Wed- other moiTd’s championship Lannei
I next summer. Their reason 1» said
neaday and said that a meeting of the
ThU announcement is McGram';Diaregarded^ube Muet 8Uy in
in- a feeling of dlssatistacUon with
first voluntary attempt at the * ^re-Their Own Territory.
lime this month. -W’hother there well- buslne... He b« rellrrd
would be any changes of the football fala wlUic. *cver.l tlm<W. but has al l ^
New York. Jan. ll~The National code he was unable to state, but it is
AaaoclaUoo of Baseball leagues Ved- his belief that nothing of any import
nc^day made some revisions In the ance will be done this year. It wa: h.. .na bu au.pen..on
constitution and reelected its officers laamed that while in Chicago Mr
gles championship.
Jockey Miller Set Down.
and the board 6f arbitration, adding to Camp did not have a conference with
the latter the name of J. D. O Brlen of Btagg. coach of Chicago unlverslly.
relative to arranging a game for Yale
Milwaukee, president of the Amertcnn
Th«»r^ was preaciiing at the Presby
should Harvard drop from the Yak- Walter Miller, the star rider at OakBam^ball naaoetaUon.
Mr. O'Brien
lend, wax set down for one m et k Wed- terian church toalay. Aftfr a kmg
takes the place of Ed Grtllo of Onnewlay by the Judges for rough riding. absence they have si-cured
As Miller ig under contract to ride lor the Rev. Mr. Vale.
The association endorses a motion had no foundatloo In tact, and that Thomas H. Wimanm, president of the
of Dr. R. F. Canon of South Bend.. the matter had not been consh
Callfomla Jockey club, the ruling cre here; they were vlxlttag their grand
Ind. president of the i>^traUJeagur. by the advisers of Yale, Mr. Camp ated a bit?eze of excitement.
parents on Christmas week, then
states that his western trip was for
a few
ta^effect that umpires shall come un
days. Then to Copemish and Grand
der" the contract yules the same as the purpose of bUKlness and jiot con
Piles Cured In 6 Days.
l>*dgc on their ndurn home.
pUyers and Utat they shall be sub)ecl noted with the athletic policy
Yale, as has been stated.
to contract Jumplag penalty as players
-1!K>€ Model K, Wlnton,** foil lea
ther lop. gas lamps, extra outer chsThe Right Name.
Similar action was taken on a rewv
CAV ta first-class ooadiUon.
Mr. Augtisi Slicrpe. the popular over
lutloo of W. R. Armour of Toledo
seer of the poor. St Kort Madison. Ia..
that In the sense of the aaaoclaUqp
says: **Dr King's New Ufe PUls. an? Car.” only ui
months: In A-1
It Is contrary to the spirit of the nsri^Uy named; they act more agree
ion. 11 250.
tlonal agreement for a player to be
ably. do more good and naake one fot 1
One IJofi Elmore Touring Car.”
tag war on ta Canada which
better than any other laxative.” Guar with Cape Top and Gas Lamps. $1000.
taken from one club and turned over
l> effect American skating interests.
to another Injhe same league.
The Canadian Amateur Athletic un
pation. ;r.c at Bugbae Drug Co..
Article 37. eee. 1. of
74 Farrar St.
Frank H. Meads. Hannah drug store.
loo has issued a warning to United
mE« suns IK CHUUK
AvtmtUle ai4 Kvltr BMt
New Orieaas. Jan. 11.—Savoy’s vic
tory over the tavortte. Phfl Finch. In
the fourth race was the exclUng event
of the rnctag at aty park Wednesday
noon. It was a drive all down
the stretch, and many spectators said
that the whip of Jockey Lowe, riding
»y. while It did not touch PhU
Ftoch, cut the* air ta front of hia nyna
and made him healtAta as Envoy drew
Bkeya Hnatie and W. lletatyro
■aspnodod cor throe dayn for
mlahrimvlor at tho pori In the first
SomeValualile Hints
Utter h^ wlthdrnwrn from the
CnasdUn Amateur AlhleUc
which body ihresieni
ixe competitors. In reply the skating
ass^atlon. which has the ; governorgeneral at Its head,
official autement which denies that
the Canadian Amateur At||leUc union
has over haAanythtag to do with skat
by the Kimball Music House. We represent three of the largest
filrms ta the trade; W. W. Kimball Co.. Lron A Healy. and the Bdlaon Phonograph Co.
tag ta Canada.
Old Folia cannot ra
Bat can renew their
Our cod liver prqiaratkiii,
VnrOL. ia the ideal atreagthaaeraoid bodybuilder.
ViDol r^oire worn tisanet.
makeatich.red blood,reiilacea
weakneas with atreagth.
THnol ia not a patent medi
cine bat a deiicioaa cod ttrer
Tryit oo oor gnarantee.'
THl MHNION OatM; 60.
Park Place Hotel
K continue In
Hint No. 2-Ue sure the housg you deal with knows whst aplano
ly Is. and does not consider it simply a piece of furnitare, and.
^fore aU right If It does not oome unglued.
Hint No. S-Do hot place any dependence upon the test!
ma) know absohilely nothing of
first-class reptitaUon.
Hint No. 4—InverUgau any •'wonderfnl ” offers ver
Remember there Is no saving In buying cheap. Inferior goods for
lero price than you most pay for standard goods.
Hint No. $-Bewar
eware of the ”judgiag-a-plHio- ta-yonr- own-bome"
of fact, nearly all Inferior pUnoe are ■ notd that
;ile renaon that they «wld he Unghed at la the
salearooxas of a firet-ctaro piano dealer. The Innocence of Ue pur
chaser permits th'
Hint No, $^B
KIMBALL Vltao. If yon want * piano that
Is perfect ta tone.
ct ta contunctloD. pcitact ta c*M (tatlcn and
the beet pUno on earth for the home.
We een erenrthtag known In the oraMc
M. B. HABKER, prop.
Ike Ideal FacL
OBDEB naav.
Travme Oly
Gas Co..
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