The Evening Record, January 19, 1907

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The Evening Record, January 19, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


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UWOPUCE pissEWERiRuniia am

miles w hour

r' ■

MMAfLB HtAO or TMt i

MKMm sm ncuK




Ftloto Faar to EMer Harbor Becau
of Cbangee la the CKeimeUTwemy-Five Bquem Blocka of
Bofna pf tha Injured died on the*way
Kingetofi Burned.
to the hMpHal. Fireman Clllett ef

W»WitogU». JM.

feet and died Inetootto. A wrecking
train wea ruehad from^Lafayetta.
Tha flyer had ordara to etep et Fow­
ler for the freight to pae.^ The en­
gineer prohably did not eee the block
signal, owing to a

mn imell.

ermJ MfDrtstMNlfvt oC tb« mtlvay
tnWI Mnriw vttAta the next v«*k or
•X Mr. OrMt lev a hmv-UjDe hiu
hrnm —tg^ to Ihto hrMMh of the
poWoriM 4M«>tmi«t Md hM b«an
•rttoc M •• hMtotoNt to Of^ofml So|h
JEM K. White, who re
mod. Btorr Mr. White*.
. Mr. OiEAt has beeo car
rylM «• tha dutto. of that oWce. aad
ao aneeMtollT that hU apiMdaUMt
to It parnuuiantlir to regardad



Fumlahad to the ffvening Record
up to neon each day by B. B. WalL
BATURDAY. JAN. 10. 190F.
temperpture for Ipet 24

Bv WIto ta th* Bvaaliis Baeard, '
LaMtoN. Jan. It*—Tha alaamara
yataHaiW and Nawarth Caada cal*
tidad In a fag air Oaadwfn Banda aarly
tadny. Tha Nawarth Caatia fanndarad
in fHlaan mlmilaa and thraa af tha
craw wara dnaamad. Tha ramalndar
af tha artw tana pichad up by tha
baata ef tha Vatarland.

»y Wild to tho Btraalhf Ito<wd.
AmalertUm. Jaa. 1
the patara of pancr
aMHmliia a wora aruto form A. It
«r|| hnnwn. M. Ourdoontort
to which th© palm waa awanhwl flnally
hv tha Jary. la much t(»o exp<*ntict*.
and If rtrculad would c«»Nt atuMii
twira the amouBt art aaldc by Mr
ramagla It haa be«m a rc»m|Ualnt of


Alleged That Check That He Gave
Waa Not Wortii the Paper It
Was WrltUn On»Cltlee Have
A rtory that hal U-en held from
publication at the Induct of the of
fleer, wa. givtm KHit to a Record
n-IKrrtcr thl. momlbK hy Shi rlff John
aa alratwt given up hopoa
hie maq. oae W. C. limn
had almoet two month,
.tart of the affleora.
Brennan came t^ the cltv late In
October .topping at l*ark Place, lie
Lmatod ih.t be wa. Intcmatixl In a
enten>rlM» Imt knew
hing of the hu.lne«i
northh to Iram It from the
X He
»r n
and while hen
taken Into» wirlal
clrrhni of high
On Nov. 7. It 1. .aid. he pr.nente<l
eheck at tbi* hrtel «rfflre drawn xm
the Cltixen. Saving luink of New
York for the amount of |6R In a few
da)-, the check
Hrennan played hi. ;
well, however, and aaylug tha! Il


eoiitheHy Wind,



By Wire to the Evening Record.
Keneet City. Jan. 1S.-A freight lo­
comotive on the Atchleon. Topeka A
BanU Fe at Oeaoto. Kan., near Law­
rence. exploded et 7 o’clock thie morn­
ing. The Sremaa. engineer end a
brakeman were killed. Thirteen car*
M'lnto the Kaw river.

Beware of imitationa of the grtuilae ItBBALw There va lmae ImitaUooa of tha real thing. Bee ihat the nmme 14enl to on yonr pen.


City Book Store

Mrs. Lehman Gave Review ef the BubJeet-Mf*. Co--eme Hod Piper.
Bupertirtendtnt I. B. “

The Hobart Co. prop.


By Wim to the Evening Record.
New VortL. Jan 19 —The number of
dead at KlogNtoo Is now placed »t
700 and the Injured In the ho.pllalii
at 500 No American* were killed.
Paint Herrlhle Picture.
agO^'ului. Jan 19—The tteamer Tboma* Brooke haa arrived fnun
with seventeen n-fugeei*.
horrible picture of the
cataatrophe #nd confirm the mport*
the deriroctlon of
The pUot* do not dam to enter the
harbor, owing to the change. In the
channel. The Mafhado cigar factory.
In wMch wem many at work, crum
bled and, 120 of them were kllk**l.
Relief supplk-M am griNitly n«?<*ded
Klng*tcm.< The refugiv* confirm
prerkni* report* of the Kincton dl*tweniy-flve
Quake Was Wide!
B\er>thing wlthltk^a iradiii* of ten
Injured. The water work**
dcHtroyed. The caKualtle* at
the Myrtle Rank hotel weiv heavy.
The Constant Springs and other
Rtola were damaged.
The electric power hotiKe wa* »le»lroye«l and many per*on*i lost Ibeir
live* by roming InV* c<inlact w4th
largiyl electric wire*. The manager
Ihe cable office lost a b*g
The poatofflcR* building wa* thrown
»wn. Along the water front the
rrnrk* In the earth atx* »lx Inche*
wide. Ruperintendent of I\o-t* Gar'llT is among the killed.
Body U Cut In Half.
CapUln Young, cmimander of the
Royal Matt stiwmer Amo. lost his life
Myrtle Bank hotel. HI* l*
w**,cut In half. IH. Blgel. physician
of the Amo. i» here.
The Amo. as wtH a* other steanv
er* in the port, wa* u»xh\ a* a bonal. Sixty four leg* and fi(UM*o arm*
m amputated on board. Three

The ^veraoi^* re*ldenc«* '.also Is heig ii*e«l as a hospital Captain Con
stsntlne. Mip»*rintendmt In
Miaeeurl Pacific Will Have Record of An- the Royal Hall Steal**
burit?d at
What Each Man 1. Doing
Young wa* buried on shorn.
While on Duty.
Only four doctor* were on the
Inland at the ll'mc of the dlMiter.
By Wire to The Evening R**cord.
St. IxMilK. Jan 19.—The MlMumrl
Pacifle haa In effect a new time ket p
Ing eyaiein Intended to m<utv a more
.y.tcmatic aaaignnM'nt of work and a
mom accuiwte record a. to coet, and John James. First Settler in Cau
County. I^Daad^t t
at tb© Mime time to nvluce the cler­
ical force DOCCMiry In the timekeep­
ing department. F:ach .hop man will
Im* given a time card t'ach day on
, Mich.. Jan. 19.—J.Jin
I and
10«. I* dead at Ihe home
ille wi
dl.trlbutlcui of hlK tlmi
of hi* mm. nanicl Jame*. in Sliver
Ing. After 1hIi_
. ..
Creek township. .He wa* tho first
roan the data from the tltni* ca
tier In Caa* couni.v.
be entered In the time book
a checker and the time l|i*eper. will
handle the card..
The nxvRrd. of the time
be checkt'd bv the traveling amnintant., whoae reports are ^tendinl to
aMilBt the traveling andltdra In their
final checking.




Cuba Looking Over Bpantoh
Trencbee at Battoge.
By Wlm to The Bvenini Reoo^
Hayee. non of the Into Froetomit
Mayen, necretary of ihe BpnnIMi Amer-

ptaeee akmg

the Bpantoh

the pmjeeted monumanu


U wiU he
necetoary to buUd n onrtiond.


Pratfa Yet Unlificnt (25c)
at ......
...................... *.19c
Crewder-a Fragrant Balm

REMfr^fBER the special sale Satur
lav at the l^Greltl.

By Wire to tha Bvenlag BMoed,
PlaiBweU, Mich, Jan.
Tripp, proprietor of Allegaa’a lafpe
department store, had a enptoa tamed vtolU Mr*. Walker waa premnted with
for the arreel of Onorge Btorr Lasher.
pahUeber of the Ptolnwell Newa,
sad and depot
claiming da .
UJm for libel.
tr and F. M. Atr
The New* euted that
throush the city on
to with jonn
John nei^
dd to be falae. Mr. their wj to lonto
« to nppy for trtnl tehtoa. Abe Seer and Peter Revor. who
Mrere recently convicted of larceny.

€ati Vou
Cell Ulbose
Hd Cbi$ 1$?
If you can and will .




Wait's/Drug store.

Hut Good words


from Ulwboiueov



We Know ofl No Other Wav
For you to know hpw cheap w c are aclllng good clothes than . JT yog
to come and see the^-gooda and the value*.
They will speak for
themselves. We are offering tho boat values to bo found anywhere.
Will you make us provo U?



Try 08 ou a 8nl| at |


Joseph Sleder & Sons

FirBt-clBBB ButchBra,
PBckara and
SauBase Makars

will be c'Ddi'd when you make a call
at Si-dci * Meal Market. “Tho Best,
Only - Is our motto and It U toft to
buyers of months, even years, hero to
le live up to tho
ray whether or
up for oursevoa
high slandawl
when we uiK-ned our shop, picanllnes*. court«*o»s serv ice. Jual pricing—
*I prompt us to Invllo you hero.
We pay top prices for hogs, real,
butter, egg* and poultry.

SEAT .SA1.K for * Human Hear
jHiis M.mday morning at lo och

To oar store ainl toll ui
about it you can have a *



Superintendent I B. OlUH-rt led the
qvely dlsrusslon which followed. He
said: •R\erythlug ever>wh«Te leail*
lo thbi subject. olMvilenee No■t only
phy*steal and spiritual law*
hsN a law.- He bobut everything hi
lk v»s IT wtMild Is* well If ev
und tearher tm>k IbsiseveK’s exxi»n**»Ion. -a square diwl.” a* hi*
. th
ctuivliiclng the child that be is a help­
er. mit a tyrant.
Many other prurtlcal suggiwtlnn*
Wert' given by l?oth i»arent» and U‘*chen*.
MTcm served.

Until Februaiy I



Mr*. T n McManua. the leader. In
the object of
tkm of chars Pier. She alRorrcmd ex-Children-* RilfhU*’ Uy
K»te Ikmgla** Ulggln. a book which
►he advised everyone to read.
Mrs. U'hman gave a n-vlew of an
article on the subject and suggt'sted
that It would irn well if every mother
thought carefully before denying or
assenting to a child* mquMt but
when the declaiou wa* once made, be
The paper by Mr*. Converse con­
tained iheiu* thoughts: "To teach* a
chUd olHdlence *«• must use kind
new. flrmne**. love and example
When a child coims Into the home
the imrents should realixe that It*
1. like the umll. Is to bi' cultivated
they are rc«|)unKible fur .What It


branch of the rulca.
"wmid wrUc^the link
-IPrary arrhltarl.** thar rtnaon,
matter. A f«fw day. later and
“can plan a aplandid hwlldint whan
there aia no llmlla to lla coatllm'at. he had evaporated.
It l«i aald that lie wvnt to Tharle
Wo have kc|it within lhaar IlmUa. hut
voU whom he attempt^ to form' the
' of a J. Morgan of thl. city, hnl
aine or roatle
ml.tpke fiir Yhe check?*
a.h.-4. It I. alleg.Ml that
f.»r for
Imnr I
ha. iM'cn
aay. that
Vaulabit Dlacovartaa Hava Baen Mad#
pollre offl r« of th'*
In Northam Lutan Naar E»
Ie^ that then' PI* M-vcral
oclltnt Harbora.
imughcm^ the «
achEMil. Ibmughou^
cmmtn wheie
forgery |. taught and. aft
Dj Wire to Tha Rranlna Record, graduate, they act
»et (out to earn a living
< Manila. Jan. 19.-Rich dnioiiiu of by that moan., giv
aln por
aalantoa. coYcrinj; hondn^lt of acre* thm to the .c»wk4.
and cooUInlng thouaand* of tout of
the valuable mineral, have bean lo
a man an.weting
rated In tho mountain, of northern wa. under arreel there
l^ton. Bamplea examined In the bu­ graph wa. Mmt to [the city and proved
reau of aclence at Manila am pro* to be another ma
Queation May Cause TrooLle il
nouDced excellent In quality with onir
land aa Australia
istralia I. Abitatii
otic or two par.' cent of alloy. The
Matter*. are InUld between talcum
and the Mllca (bot^ valuable depoaBy Wire to The Evening riecord.
It.i and tho Bold, of a.lH*»to. are Between Four and FJ-e Honjrwd f
19 -The
within a few mllea of excellent bar*
pie Attended the Beaaion.
.tate right. I. one that may>cau*e
dav. Mr.
New South
Special to the Evening Record.
Wales. In .peeking receflt
recently of the
Sutton. Bay. Jan. 19.—The farroer*;| colonial conference lo be held in Eng
InMitute opimed vrtth a very light at land. In April next, said tbit it
can N.«
ttinnge that the imporUl
tendance yctenUy
and their famljle* evidently nhonld exclude the Indlvvidual aute*
able Prlcaa.
. coedlng*.■
'oedlng*. '
ailed to have dlnher at home and do
ualmllan foderml con.tltutkm.
tutkm. he obthe town for the remainder of the dav.
Ry Wire to the Evening Record.
pmvlded ihnt ibe righu ^of
The hall wa* weU filled with entbuaT
Pari*. Jan. 19.~M Callleux. the aatlc vUltor* In the afternoon and
French mlnUler for llnancea. haa jurt evening and e*pecVlly In the evening
mated a law which will be thorough­ the toom wa* emt^ed.
latod. The Britl*h govemmcni pro­
ly apprecUted by all .mokert In
lu the aflemocm the talk on farm posed to go further—to take nwmy
France. For aome lime paoi the peo­
u by Mr. Hopkln* waa well re- the right of the *Ute* to be heard on
ple have oomplalaed thai they would
Ml and follow^ by many general qoaotlons purely within their provonly amokw French raiuiofactamd
claara. or If they prefrmj other for. hy Ml** Jennie Bu^l of Ann Arto»r*on
«-4gn 'branda they were njado ao d««r The Farm and (he Home** wna n
by tho dutlot Impoaod on them by the
John O. Poncan. com
ra.loma ofllcoa that oiri) the very
the county acboot*.
rich could afford thorn. Now Havana clo*cd the evening aeaakm by a half
cigar* am to bo Imported dlrt^i from hour talk.
Havana and will be roUdled by all
The average attendance yesterday
the Pnria and proriiiclal tobacco ahops
u between four ahd five hundred.

Boy file Watermaii Ideal
Foonlaiii Hen

ms. T. 1. Miuus tEin

the ptmiiier tmto wme hurted fifty
Sfwitel to til# erffilEC IU»ord.

rleventh vean-^

and a eaUMnetonr wriUng Anstment U aaavnd. A pen that vHtea
aritbout a hkbi, a skip or a etop-nrritea ttoa moment the ,polnt

By Wire to tne ffvmw^ ftotowd.
Fawtor, Ind, Jan. Ifv—At S;lt tMa to tha
Tha d




Hannah & LayjCa

Will pay Hij^hest Cash prices for

Maple, Hemlock, Ask, / Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
; <i ■ Tamarack.

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Tclcphone-Cit. 32, Bell 169.

tMK tvomta weoMb niAvcmc


■icHioA>C~MTum>AV. January «. rm.

m EVHBC KfiDOU>«b||TFnte$HiMn«E


N \l Vb tak. • 4M..I


■ Trie '


car mtoRien. bige And
-J-a^ Rteiy n, ooMirteot *iUt.AO«»d

: i'

rtlM ^ laTMtisate the emr

the RM of nuD ud madentOAf-

4o^i^«]l that eui be done is the Mae>
"jb^nwaUltTi Budi^ H. KtvX of
IIMUM Hutior n|m«N« <hl« o«lntoo;
•Tt «m be M ill ■—nr lob for
arreraJ peteoos oad prhtH
etMe at pnbiic^cnMr ke mat
He was ^lacwminz * Tf»lt
RepreOrnutJre Jobo R. Gon




A*c^ »the
with the lAiger Aooon^


25 Per Cent
Our ipyentory brings to right several hoodred
^llars worth of ttoves that weareanxraas to
dispose of resardlee of cost or profit lather
than to ha\x our money tied up for another
wrfaote year. Even if you wrill not want a new
Stove before next year it will
you to buy
one at the prices we are offering to
close out our stock.

Made todgy la Urn nMH** Antpmade. Thto machtoe will te
the vorlE gvlekar, hvtUrr and
easier than any other waalmr
aaade. To cbavlooe you that
this U 80 we will let you try It

To AlwAnbew in mind we ak building Aban.

AoeonnlAAAweUaA tbeAoooanUofAii; armbm ^t
jronr family.


30 days Udore you buy it.

esflOffh msney to mahe ft prwstlcable
to compel them | to pufchaaa cars
What cars they nae are supplied by
other roads.
'*Pbr InsiBAce. s sasall mad run
pidofM liN. Iffoor
fling from Nosibl Hares naea about
w>ier»N— ^ the memt4 Io rO# ee forty ooM stomge;^ p^r day in fhr
CeM N yee heee aet jret eeciKW eat) grape harreeifng (season, but it does
not own an) carsj . To have available
yen are eiKHletf to one frM ef a
a sarUrlent numtxjr of ears of Its own
* They will eat teat leof.
It wonM need t»^ own bondr»-da of
them because many would be scat
trod sNMit ihr country.

ONLY A nw Ltrr.

Hme0 fham eUthhk^e

Traeataa aty wfll oiptiieoee mmatht'r
amaom wHboot aoy atfeefUatar c# the
adjaoeot reeoru. If «a app^wp^ikm
woe made aad jedJeidaeIr eepeoded
the Moeea here would W:
- iMesdooa iooaaaa aed tba local

co»tRraiiyi---=F><iiia cusEcmHoiisE
. Neva WHght Waa Hoartoaa Laat
* oXlock Dinner.

ame. ihieh la

The \\V.qoe4«mg
close t<-nlght
open again
ernl nads Many fn-ight cars 1hmitll April 1.; The rt-aiuia of
pleasantly cnterlalmfl by
Ing to various rtMids are lietd In this
that the
bare been heavier
xrler |j
i Wrichl hist ertmlng st «
stale for use In harvesting sugar
than the receipts and rather thanj
n. There wer© twdvo y
beets. In this and other wyvs th-re
run behind farther the direct— bare
are many cars nwd on various mads ladies prx-sent and the 'dinner — I decided lo clom- the dub.
for short seasons gnd It Is douldful If served in three eonrses. AfN-r dinner,
a* I ^club dances will sill?
(hose roads or>aUI Nbe compelled each officers for the year wer*
R'»«> »' varloo. iDt.rr
PMwMrot. Ml» Mlnnlo Voiroha.
1 *»

Sapreeeotatlre ncklneon of Char
loCta baa latrodocfH) a bill in
hooaa to prohibit the sale or drlac
awi^y Of dcareara or olca'eue papere
lin Oiantgard^ Rtorm Sigbsl
U MieMgaii. Timly the path of the
nd Bvlletir and Left Port.
digaratta wmeker la hard and If be
Loalno Dock Load,
voei gait for boalocaa reaaona! the
lavtoakare wUl ondoutaiedly cxu«d
ed Statw Circuit court of
him a Mule help.
appeals of adragn which Is Impor
tanl to all miirmt- Interests. The
With a poultry show, a ifood rnaila schooner
Bmfly R Maxwell. 8cpl
loatltete and a atste farmera* Inutl limo. took on a cargo of hnrdwoo<i
tote in the city next work. Traverao lumber at Bust Jordan. Mich., and
aty ahonld be the Necea of the farm- towed it to riiariovoix. Th<-re was
yed there by the Wmther btiera of the Qraad Trarerae region aa
a signal prfxlictlng a storm, and
theea three thlaga ahonld be great a bulletin was posted in the office say­
ing that it was ibingvrous f»»r viwsels
leave port. The master of
well saw the Storm signal, bu
The Cadlllae Beenlag Newa, haring
been duly alapped on (he wrlai beeanea of Ita lateat calumny thrown at
cen by
the V
Trarerae aty. wonder
wHl emabate next
ner of
St the 1
r-r to
The ••January thaw- started in Ikof the deck load. ^
eenber and It Icxika ns though It
would last onlU rplimary.
‘ fare of n storm signal i
bulletin. Ibe cane was tried and th#
held that the owner of
uo was entltliMl t<» iwtvcr. An
was taken and the Circuit
W-Mnt Tlm« W.» Cnjey«d by «teed Court of Appeals h.xs Jiisi n*verseiT
deriKinn. und holds that b-avlng
was a |»art of the aavtgaU«Hi of
ves«-l. and that the case was
* The
gulnr dance of the Young therefore within tnu Harter act. and
roople-i Hanclng club was held at the owners wen- n<d liable.
The court holds that navigation In­
radomy last even
Morafa arademy
evening «nd a
Part of the cludes the lime nnd manm-r of leav­
lime there was a tw«>.pl<-ci- otrhi-atra ing. the nsiriM- t«> Is- taken and the
but at other Umoe. the urrhestra num- sail to b«‘ r:trri*-d, so that even though
b|^ flvo plecea and more. A quad­ a mastiT. disreganis a storm signal
rille waa one of (ho ftwturt-i^ nnd all and bulletln and sails In lhe*faci- of
these, the owner Is not liable for the
present had a very pleasant tlino.
master's arts In that



Rukl on Sateonfceepers Arouacd Feel


Chtdsea, Mich” ^***li —The vll
lage council has decfdiHl to ch»se
butcher abop. and barber shops on
i*ys wl


The arUoQ of the (
the three aalrsms will be oonleeted by
the saloon pmprietors. who mv thov
wUl reopen Iholr pbin-s and tost the
Manistee Team Coming.
Word has Im-oo rtnnivtxl that a
Msnislee bowling team will ixnnc mn
on the twirnty fourth with fho 1). <l K
K .delegation, and moot a local leant
oh the Wmonaon A Rosser alleys. If



The Qicckihg
Account for
Ac Farmer
Many farmers keep a cheek­
ing account with ua regularly
becauae it Is a great help and
eonTenlence In their every day
business, with a cbet^isg se«wdt you can toll exaetly the
total amoonl of your rucelpu
and expendltores
for each
inooth for the entire year.
WThsn you sell \yoor farm prodneU, deposit the money In the
aaak. tnbject to check. The obHgaUons you hare, can be canesUsd by check.
WTien you
makt a purchase, pay by check.
We Inrlle you to try ihU ays-

imea Hava Been Heavier Than
the R«catoto~Wlli Open
Again April t.

Tbvelve Young* L
Ladies Were Very
Pleasantly Entertained by Mias
Emma Friedrich.


I Oroanizatlon Was Effected at tha
Hpme of J. N. Martinek on
Thursday Evening.

Ic WM . Kro.t

'«»■ fvnlnii.

Worth looking into

. .. ....




Txke Place.

j *t well or 1t will stick to the iron, and
If It not strainf'd it will lie lumpy.
Tlie dehate liotwoen the local High i
achiKiI and Ehst Jordaix will Im held
Cured of Long Trpo
at Fast Jordan Feb. ir. The debate
wyi lie under the dlrertlop of the dv^
nt is now eleven year*
bating class Imt any other students a narm
The ques-'wri
r. O. Floyd, a Ifuidlng business
man of Ki tshaw. S. C." "1 had run
lown In weight In
pounds.' aOd
•oughing was rtinstant. Imlh by day
ind by night. Unally I began taking
Or. King's New Discovery, and continned this for about six months, when
Third in .the Series of Big Partiet :iiy eougb and lung tmuble were en•itHy gone and I was n-stornl to my
Held in the City Opera House
normal wi ight, 170 pounds." Thou­
Laat Evening,
sands of persons are healeil every
Tin- ihlnl In the aeries «d winter af >-ear. Guaranteed at Ilugbee Drng -To,,
ids. Hanna
fairs iK-lng given by the ICilte Diim
Trial boti
Huh waa held in tlicrity op-ra h*
last evening, a good cm«d Iwlnc
nd nil <-nJoy
i. Tie* mus wa*, fiimlsbeil |»r


enjoyed ao much that even
waltx waa encored and the t>thers re
cxMv«-d tlndr ahaPe and mon- than
thrlr share. The dancing c-onHuUt-d
sliortly after lam.

;; Choice

Tuscan i
Olive Oil

Back From
ftr Lake.
The Junior Hass of the Htgh arbonl
nd a numlier of their friends went
1 Pilver lake last night DanHng and
ami-s fiervt'd to pass the tlnn- away
and It was 4:.*?h this morning Infore
ihc rigs arrlvtHl In the city.


from Sfghorn, Italy.

30 and 45c per battle.

Celery Salt

lOc per bottle.
ImpAtu A wbolefomc rolbb to
toapa, ojwten, bot and coU
bmaU. beef tea. etc.

Kleper botfle

If you want a Rookor,

Pioneer Livery.

Now is the nme to Boy

llaek r.-Ula mmle promptly
at all boiire. I cilHor Ug-

I have an open bus for
sleii:ljri<lc panics where
they nil sit down in the.
hoiinni as they ustc! to
do in givwl old limes
years nno. Have another
bus with side scats for
those who don’t want the
other bus.

Thu following will giro yoYl an idea of the great reduction we
have made. These sre only a few of the many:
Larg.- .\rm Kocker, golden oak finitb, rr-gular $:i value, at S1.4S
Go<si CohWer Seat Kocker. regular
lU^ kvT like cuL golden oak, roll seat, niivly caivcnl,
alw.iys sold for |r».00, now onlv................................................,V.»o
C )ur «|>eei.,I S7 Kocker. goMen oak: wide lirm, mil seat, now :i 115
S-arnig Chairs from (.xs up. Morris Obnirs from -I 75 up.
All other high grovle Rockers sold accordingly.

Your Credit Is Good

Don’t Forget



Portable Table Lamps

make the verf bist kind of a present. We have all
of them in stock, at the right prices. Come in
and see.

J. 6. i>afge


127 S. South Union Street

The Hannah & Lay Mercaniile Co.
•'TH€ BIG STORE • -Deatets in Eroytliing

Jl €arimiter
1$ known by bi$ work
The better the tool he uses, the better
the work he turns out. We pride
ourselves on having the BEST
I selected stock of Hard- •
ware in the City.


I urn the ctlgv*. The weight la righ
I hip handles Brlecled and properly
filled. Gvjt a gexH one for 75^ up to
|?M* iH-t.!. Any kind you want.


When thinirinff about presents that a chande­
lier, pretty shade, pocicet flasher and

An Im SMt at tot MawiM
J. W. JacIuoo I k. W. JAhrini
E.A.Uoam> IBow&ltonnw


Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

' ^races—Goodness

IX) MOT 0\'ERUb0K the chance to
_ nbjert The consdroer will
hats at remarkably low prices, certainly apprccUte the action of the
lita C. P. McCool,jll8 FYoni street.
‘ *
thq uniform
Ian 18-2t


If yoji want to muve I
can give you a good man
and a iarge sleigh and
give you satisfaction.


Our l»n*<x-s grip with the t<-nacity
of a hull d»«j:. -Nevv-r drop your hit
«ml of cearh afti-r the hole U bored.
You ran pay 4nr for one kind or anywht-re up to I2.M).



1 hand that aio taking
» much Toomr

For peanut sandwirbea mash the
nuta into a pbwdcr. Kcason with salt



f aoooRTit of tboto goods Biriring loo

}, ;

of jRbekers.

^ And here ts where you will 6nd the 6n.
t and the lowest prices in

The Good Tin
ntime of a new social <
riud in their white
and l►earing baskets full of^^atnldos w hleh was formed at the home of J
Marlinek <if Slate stn*^
stn*et Thuradav
dishes. Hr., Xmrt
young ladles
) Cluing. As the name Ini Idles tiHIn the home of Miss Bmma l’>l^rirh
r.„n,«wed who like
laat evening and were enlertaln. d In {Hub
3* is c*mi|K!sed of
nV tlim
h .
a winter picnic and was matle
*he ov.ming. kiiw. jnsrpn <
like the iummer nrllHv aa possi-l -Macanlrh winning Ibu find prls4. ..nd

hen manufarturera are "up tagainat the n’al thing.”
Just now the rigar manirfactorers are
confronted by a serious! proidem.
which Is making the best of them
think hard. Leaf tobacco has add-jrlng the part three years
ner Ioent. boxes have
40 per
from 35
bout to
in fact, everything
Agalnft ywr ahane of that per capita facturera uses is higher ; In price
drrulatlon which U ao dl«ctilt to gid There are ohly two alternatives open
hold of, jtui act oR your aUare of the
pnbUc ifibU whlchiof ednrae you'll
never pay. It la IhonghU like these ngar Oo., of Grand Rapids. 1.Mich., has
that cheer one a)eng through the advanced the price of lU S. C. W.
dreary wlntrr waglbcr.—IndlauaiH»lls cigar II per thousand, add we are
t> ttoe It take this Course and
son why any Intal^gent deal

.1. H.
Weqoeloiig Club
P. L. 8h«ter

II Sale


A new cbih sprang into existence
eaterday aflemnoo. the name Is-ng
(le P. I. P. club. : The orgaiiliuUion
t a secn-t iM»riely. the aecn-t
coming In the name as only the memIs-rs are e«»gnlr4int of the meaning of
the thnn- letters. The rliib. haji Us
mieting at the homo of Mrs.
H Ik-gt-n and tWi- orgnnlratlon
npleli-d yes ti^ntoy aftt-rwwsm hi
her bill
the eU-cHon of r
until (1
eSK will not
ext m<H-ilng.
The delights of Ididge whist .wPI 1
fully investigated
by the club and
pins win N» playtMi for, the possi-s
denoting tho championship.
meetings will be held every Thunulay
afternoon and the next meeting will
l>e at the home of Mra. U W. Tink-

lUmilFfltf NNJM

K-Ind that alayB gharp—at lesBt a day.
W® sell the "atay *harp” kind. Good
one for 5fic. Rip saw «fxr. Forty
other klnda

Square-Accurate :
How many Umeg a day do yoo
••square" your xrork? Never counted ?
Most Important tool you have. Boy
the besL On the aqtiare we've got
evemhlng ever needed from 50c to


Levels Coned
» gHling alfiog wilhoal oo« bat
muBt lie com-ct. Don't coat any
Mo iret a reliable one. One kind
. Site another $3.50. LoU of good
between theiK} price*.

Hammer Points
Quality. temper of ^ael. shape.
Iriipth of
save time and that’.
Just 10c to buy one kl
lja«t you a year—If you don’t loec it

Bits of c4chice
iMui .1. uuA mrm wauucnuiiy npcini—ii
Of a lasUng quality. A 3-l« (sHls for
l^PJtei^for 20c. Can^Uyon

It im that Und
I placM. cat the hard knota. ase
gnu a good ahaip one. RY etoall ’tta
tree, hut we hare other steea and aU
•hapea. Coati yon up to 60e.



iAItUAffY tt, tOT.

Save Money


TLT^:mOZtiTl!Sdl!7ilmS^ ^


Buy your CiuMs at th(
right price and still gci
the BEST that Mode
Science OReia.

Spodol to the KreMaa Eertwd,


J m

wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtS tkte





flUMtod t4> tv. ftor#«lMl lto*dfi.

M«». r«fMi. tm rfwirtMO ^ v««<^
Urtoate Tbto a4mt«r» to «o tS4»Mid ao r«toM tltoi tiwrt to

Ma. JM.
rr*^ wmmi^
hm kM cMtoMt V «ii» «AmMMM»r
UMt tiM
iJtupfoU of A«»^
irto. who cato op hto royal poaHU^i
a»4 •mMwrn aad brranH. pUto Mr.
Woi^iatet la ardor to Marry aa art
raaa, luuaad Mlto. Adaimriicli, kaa
IMdM fur aad obtalaad a rltoorr* «»
aaeomt of bto alfr* toraotac
adtmta of tba atnpto Itfr.
Wbito oi mo boalonnooa tbo dotrt
rd lorara rtoltrd tb- caatoa Tlclao.
aim Mtofa tv* aH4o baoaaao arqaaHit
^ vltli a cokioy uf ••liii|*l*’ llfara.*'
lito aart appaaVl ao taiiob to hvr Ito

world aobarrlpUoo Itot for tbn nM of
(V Mdy elerij of I'Vanoa. arbo
tbrtiusb pbv deprlratlon of tbalr Urinsa bara atoo town daprirad of a
numna of liralbood.
The bamuml
porarly eitou aiWMMtot tbam fit preaew. aoma of tbam bartofi to braak
atfjoea on tV wayaldr for a cnmc of
braad. AaoCber ciaa baa applied for

A* toft oC bar onJUianr
iim toww wrato l«pa.r ttoarlnt ruVa


Db«rt Graa
agaMkof Mme. PfiiU daiVg bar laat
deal of apiiriMiilnfi inoBg hto frien
left him abaah^y prtmitoaa. On the
diva, while Sr.»O^iVabdam

bUn be would alwaya be at

s.“rr.e."r ss“>r..


lov Imr to follow brr own InrlioatUiD. i
• • • •
Iml whan aba iii«.d by all moan* la
Tho alory of how a moa loai bla Ufr pecial to the Evening Record,
bar powoT to lailurt* him to julo Vr fbroaab iryloa to aava hto jmfcrt and
llnrdlckvlllr. Mich.. Jan. 1».-^Nearly
and to allow bi> hair and hanrd to'boa ba loaf hi« parctd trylnf to aavo »rty yearn ago Umla Burdick, came
crow. Tiolaot amaa borame tba urdwr j hi* life to tV toteat ator> Udd la the » the picturesque aad prett) sto.rvs
of the day. Baaomlna tired of tt aJlirafea and on the boutorarda. Tbto to of Glen lAke and «wtabltohed the
Mr Wo*.ininc trltd ihm to preauaikv bow it liapp< o«l,
Irnumi n*»w Iknown aa
bto wife to daw up wbat ahe caltod
A man who was mmlnjn a road in vine Ixx-ated as It to from rallrua^
Vr prlnrtplaa and ‘•im «m?IcUtm.", front of a atoamtram ^rnlnil a
uated aa It la cm the shorda
imi ake wonW not conaant.
!rel filled with provtokma. He tii
Lake, apd c^rginally being surroundtvd hy boundless femwts. It grad
usily drifted Into u lumbering point.
ad bfitband runrulted bto lawyer, who; bad fallen oa the M«*und a ateam
1 c«»rd Wisid station. Jehu HHiu
adrtoad Mm to lake the lady lo the:nani came upon bini and In the hor
s the first saw and gri^-mlll owner
Kirlera awar fioni - b«ir
viT<*(ariati ror of the crowd, waa Been to pa**
early days and after mUlIng sue
naauctotea. Howeter. thli had no: e.ver ttie man. contpUdely bidini; him eessfully for several years, hto rollto.
more affect than the perauaaloii of' fioin view.
like manr either milts In
Ibe archduke, but th» raihei to nuik.*
After the ear had piiaiOHl however. Mlhrigan towns burned down and
Madame Woelfltny iiMir*. dtHernliwdthe maa wa* ae«n to mnerice ooncath
than aver to follow If her own ad from under It. He waa
awaH will, and tu.f hiiaUud tuu. on all aldiw by people congratulatlni;
aoiififat divorce a* tln^ only aonaUun him on bis rolraculoua eseape and oimratcMl by them until ihelr ilml»er
%hlle thto was jpdng on aomaoo
of the dlfflrnlty
InteresiB were all used up. and stand*
*tJtl Blaa** commenllnr fin 1h© dl- the ert»wd tiKik the oppt»rtiiMl:
ala! of Hurdick.
yorre with wU the apitefulnea* of make off with his liac uf provlalons Tlllo’i active 1nrol>erlng days.
whlrh It to capatde when erlUchdns whleh he hod «rrlfiend or rather
The demuded timber hinds weie
kl have saerlflced no much to
anythlna whleh to md Fr.'orb nor deand others
up h> mi
moerolle. naya: The arrhdukcafdall
and convertIto
to into scores of prisluroofiatrtea tcmeh the evtrtine llmtt*
farms tibd today Burdlrkrllle I
or baffuoory—raleae-wnd vapid buf.
a trading imlnr fur Uu-tu Among
roonry. We iwe<ilh.ct the mlvtoiturea
the n‘malnlng business men of Hur.
of aa atThduke-*who*w« name ex
dlckvllle. might bo meulioned M. k'srrmpea me for ll»e moment —a ho «ave
I III, a ho couduclB a large Well stm
up hto cor..^‘r mid pnwp.H'l* to mnrry
general store and who atoo to
a ntWalr hall ainxer. He e;mle« hto
viltage jKJSlmuster.
aaeiiftcea ao far as lo hiaajine a naWaller
hUckttttalixed Hwlaa. and even gives up hi*
nith and wkmmI worker, lly Ida
ntU* of arrbdukc and hiawme n aimstrict attention to husliitws and fair
pto rmtJaman and mlhxl hlmwdr Mr. Spccinl to the Bvenin* B*'rortl.
up a
Wiwfit.if for the aake of hto love. Thto
lUpid City, Mleh.. Jan. l».~Mra. H.
aelt wffaernienl and rwuneiathm erukod W. ItoldnaiHi wa* fin Aldisi vUltor large patronage In this locality.
Mias Oanie Ik nneti of Glen Arl*.r
ptif rather than admlrathm. one nmy ThuoMlsy.
aa) what one llk<w alHuit jiuwer of
Dr llovd of Travenu' rity was In
Vve; one may laud the htmiles In^nty town Monday niKht cttlhiiK »*n Mrs. riMHirts a larm\ ragular utieudsnco
of Au nel for love’s aake. will i|ei»rlv.' I>ln« iMmbarKt'r and Mrs. Uuh. ii
teacher and eujovs her work stirk
Mm of all ihni alv..a Mm hto .'xalt.Ml Hoy or. who ar** III
here at llurdlckvlllc.
poattlun In the nurld, but In my opin
Hill WnuMv aicpm-d <m an lnnoc«.nt 'The M. R church at this pUr*- to
Ion the duties of ah nrrhduke are tmi hatkiii* tialrh «*f axiow n fow days i»c’»
attondeil and while they have
Important for « lov to make him hut U oha«tH.d to have M>me I<n* und.-r no clergyniuu
who devot*** hto entin*
h.-m. It Is unlv.
n and ho iH^gub n danr<* Umt would litiK* III their mIdM. they are aciHUiily M-knowliHlfieil that Ibe love ti
lu ai any luUlaii wui dsnrt* all hollow pi tolling g great gissi in the Burdick
hto arms and lees won- so badl
f They have a live
mUiMl no that
and other elumh ot
ho hail a do*,
gnnitatlons that all trod to uplift the
tricl U» stand on hto head Imt landed mofwls Ilf the Icxwllty
flat on hto back Tlu* sua turned
The Old Time Metlusllsls uie hold
Mark and tho stars tell After a I
g revival im*ilnc« at their pretty
limb •‘illficH* «nd Teisirt gtssl tiwults
uiu their im'i tlngH. Tlie |*toiple llv
nUny hs.klnK as If he would mko v.i Ing ill and adjnr<mt to UurdickvUle
rub hlnuHdf. Afe w Imll.-s tried the
led to at tend
skirl dance hut It didn't iur
cssful to the e>.w of others at least
spiritual welfare
II. W Uublnsun Is laid up «lth a
iln tat fir CIMran Iffwils.

Do not dote them with salts
find ffnping pills, which arc
too ttrotiff in effect, and liter­
ally tear their little Insides lo
pUcry. leaving the bowals
weakened,and less able to act
naturally than before.
LaamlTa Irm^aa TaUata ara tba
abilVaa^alayofita kaaltoa. chocolate
ooatad Ublet*. caay to lake, oarvar

Parents should see to il that
their children have one nat­
ural easy morement of the
lutwelt each day. Laxative
Iraa^ TSMsIS tone and
ttrengthrn the bowels, and
stinudatc all the little organs
to haalthy activity, to that
nature can do her otvn work.
tOc, tSe and ItJffO at all dros

TKc best
Ly C\

c\ I i ^ c

tV>r Cl\i Id rci\


wwrt^wi cT » mb. 1«ov
-wbo to bd mfciitek*.

Vhe sick isHipU* alMiut lien* are all
started up
nesday n«u>n. men !
llo«K there ev»Ty day and
to run the mill for some time.
The schiWd h.*re to still cloM-d and
the children kepi off the sIoh t
win make thinjes hum when t
Washing Oiahaa.
A groat washing dtoht**
to know that the dried on |«rtlcles of
f«»od ran W romoved ns If by magic.
If the dish In tuniisl to»tt..m side up In
a dish i»an of hot water for a few mo^
mentn. Th.> same hint holds goi»d tn
tegaiM to pmldlng pans and qlher
.poking veaseto. althfmgh not always
mnnssary If one to thoughtful enough
to fill the same with water a* i«h
the f.ssi 15 taken from tM m If the
ewer of a fruit jar sticks don
tempt to wr.mrh It off; simply Invert
the tor and place the top In hot water

busy St this writing getting their
big- In shape to transb-r to their
ies|MH*tive oaw mills at Gb u Haven
imd Glen Artoir. aepfas Glen lAke.
Iko eral men of Ilurdlckville am yuiiploye«l by them and Ihelr employ­
ment general effects lh.‘ pTt»siu iiy of
tbi* little town.
I». H. Itay p»iH-cls to raft and trans
t to his inlH atomi l.tow.tsM*
timber Inmto md frxnu hto Maple City

Arlsir I.umlH^' Co., have
alMiut noo.tom feet of tlmU-r to iron*
fer to Iheis Urge mill at Glen Artoir.
John inter U the vIllagtT harnessmaker and toxd and shcK- mpalrer. Hr
has but reKt^iitiy mov**l hen- and hiilll
a ver>- comnusibm* simp to carr)' ua
hto work In. j He to mi i-rpi‘rlenced
mechanic and the lunilK-rmen and
fsrroers of thto and surrounding place*
in make no mtolpke lu giving him
elr repair work.
Mrs. Rva Wilson to the proprietor
and manager << Bunlickvllle ludel.
Bht- U tialnataklng and capable along
IH r chcHM-n line of baolnc-ss and the
I rarolling ptihllr can rest assured
that oolv palatable meaU and com
fortable warm bed* aw*lt Ihelr ctiinr nmtnr ettart reppaanuing
tng 10 her hostelry.
Bdward^eredllh Tuna the village
tomrdlng hiWse and alao keeps n fin d
tkwial mrtTlc ayatein of wrtirtit
Msmva has been prepared hj the Blable fur horses In connection.
The transients who perchanc** may
tmroau uf staudanls of the de|**rt >iurnry to this vUla*e may ftn-J quite
certain that -an the comforts of
home- have been provided for them

XomfittPriftbefiaimal they ban
<}U> ifi a tro.'k bone or a bigb

merit aDil raloe of onr horn ffootk
of erory tkwcn|4km that w» are
alwaya ofigtr to iret the opinioii of
drivwn. ^kmiMimea w« get good
points for futnre ppfer«'m>e-^vfi^ an fiodoifieoitfiit uf our ooiput


MSI €41.
i in fiverythiiig for Ibo borfie
188 K. Frdnt 8i.
Oit pboae75J
BaO pboM 108

Mr. and Mrw H. O. Wes*
1 Sbermon oa bosinew. Ja
Mra. McCttlUrk to talkHia i
of bHIU
In tbe
Wb«a yon see the new f^itnre a
rtoln young lann of thto
fmrchnaed. yon will know report! are aot
•o far ont of the way after ^1.
Mr. Brown to now complying hto
, Cia Impraaaarlo. vbo bad tbe amm bnlkllng next to H, O. %ooalem
AaerlcMi trip, baa «a«iMd a good
market In town. Bock
d*. Ifa declared that tba^PaiU toar
left la aboara a plcUiro of tb^ faiaoaa


taS'th, l-nl tnunmn c

Wc Otter V»B


will afford the rwrl an opiiort unity «*f
careUwsfully hsiking ovt-r his extern
Club had a meeting
sive pmjRertb-* In the Wrot Indb-s.
Jan. 15th, to sew for mime uf tho destl
U)rd IXidley was one of the most
luto children uf thto. place »ho groal
popular viceroy* Ireland has evec had.
appreciate Ihelr klndn«^.
Which Aaypnc ly Tbe
IsRndon. Jan. mb.—A great c<uiiro- Although a llMimg cxiumrvative h«i
new barU-r to kepi busy es
peclallyr on Saturdav* and Ssturtlay versy. In which the king and queen was a firm to-llever In home rule nnd
have privately tak»*n -part. I* raging met wllh tho tor> governuuiil disap­
the mystic powt-r or trick by proval for hto flitu mlvticacy of iho
famous revolution pnRgiam
f HU.
*’The people here do not drink restaurant k«
imli hto thoughts to hto wlfeMn
Hto reign ut imbllu castle was |«rtough water to ke<*p healthy." ei at Kalkaska
iM-rforroance st the Alhambra Hculariy briniant and happy. Were
\ busineas ralb r
E Hrigham
aimed » well known authority. Tbe
Uwvl toudlev a IllM-rnI liiKt.-a4l .d a
of stomach trouble.
kidney aad bUdder
s and
what be would have to-i-n Ihe iusUiit
rlieumatiam are tnalnl
husband gtRes amcmg the aiudUmre. choice for the uinlMuuutdorsliliR at
that the drinking «if
Olid takes from a numU-r of persons Washington. He has every qu:dino,v.
greatest medicine, hasI b«H»n negl
Back Door Scraper.
ome ohjt^t. asking hto wife who re- Hon for such a |rosI l>ciug a man of
Slop hnding your sralem with
nice scraper for the bhek door to nained on the stage.' lo describe each
L p«-r*onal magnet tom and wealth,
It m«-dlrUies and citrewlto. but
easily made by taking an old broom urilcle in turn. This she doe* Instant­
wife the ctRUUit-rcs of l»mlb-y Is
one of Hu- most iH-aulifuI woimn In
and -sawing off the handle to within ly nnd accu
k. why. of coi
tall, giving ]
Ihe Hrillsh p»'enrge nnd hlh elglil
Urlnes-plaln com mot
foot of the broom end. cutting the oil U-iters, etc..
ar» all charming.
nt. which will not shatter the
tiom corn even across Uu- bottom;
lo-tters have a|Rpr-ared tp the news
or ruin tbe stomach.'
Wto u rent *ted f«*r mich a nnwertp then drive the handle into the ground papers atieniiRtlng to prove that the
A p-Rntomlroe to hrtug iw
^re of rbeumatlam and If the gnRund to soft place a hxsivy sucalled telejiathy to a fake worked IsUc. profit-sharing Hm-s
tlon for the cure
_______ . ___ -Y«mi stone on each side of the handle to by a code, which has been elaborately thiMin-. a we*l end. play
kidney I mu
explalmxl. But Manager Houl of the
must make
krop \t firm. Anuiher use f.»r an old Alhambra has Wii able to dis|HRse of has lKH*n the reverse of pn.-^peixms
they are the filters-»if
bTKRom to to rut off the wxRrn brushy thto theory by ahowlng thai ITof.
apply jaM-lollsi priticb
ho Ic^ea
part and oHlng the stubby brush for Zancig’s spoken words are Pro few.
and madame s d««-riptlon of the aril
t of the tlK-stre
: to the
that cause rheumatism; the urine
King the stove after applying cle too detailed. Ui support any code
Jarniw. prmliM-»-r id the
must be neutralixed so It whl lu
blackening. One can stand back from Iheorv-.
a numns td lermimrt*
er bi> a aourci* of Irritation t
b-sse«-. Mr NaIng
bladder, ami. nuRst of all. you must
with wlioui be w;is sharing the
k«'**p Ihc-se
fn^ fo
forming In the forth a biKtn-. not mentioning the the Zanclgs perfonuunee by -c-um
e nchlH from
manding" them tu Ramlringham lo
Tliis Is the ca
Kimeks 11 aawa om-’s fingers.
imteriaiii. The tests glv«-n
tlon l-\ir
aoh troubles and l*oor d
king were very exacting. Hto majesty
west the
these conditions I would
t»Mik a RH'lentlfic tos»k. and
a nnd the ludlcf* w;m aln-ady up.^wlun
difficult fiassage. hundt-d H Ui Pr.d. s Mr. Jamgs .tssenjlded Hu* i-«»iupany
twir Zaweig. Kver> word wasas'curale
foRtu any good
ly read by Mrs. Zanclg who wa* at
-rlptlon pharmacy. Any oi te can
the other end of the mkixh coiiw-ab-d
mix th.-m l.v shaking well m a hot lie
pndit sharing basis. Instead td n-ei»ivI Extract Ikindevllon. c
he prince Af W.nb-s Hum wn»te Ing sainrii-s
tvrup Sarsaparilla,
ThU was agteR*d to unaiiimousir.
ounces. To he taken In teasp
A<'<-<*11 ling Ihe itantoiiunie i-tunluued
doses after each mea and i
Its run under Hm- new ariang^-tueniK.
nt forget the water. I>rink
the b-s-iee taking a «-erialii iM-ie^-rit.-ige
pUniy and d.ffiti
R.fien. * Thto valuable in
<d the MsH lpi;-. and Hu-e«mi|Mii) shar­
foruiHliou and simple
late u ing the remainder arronliiig to the
shiHild ho posiiM up II
word written on another slate held aiiHMint of Ihelr salniies.
at tho first i
by one of the royal family, and In tbe
Mrs. Ikmald Ready and Utile daughsome hand writing
rotihlo. 110 matter how
t«T of Fort Huron have gt»n«- t<» WelFinally the king hand»-d to Mr.
rig. a long Hat In hi* <Rwn handwriting Isml. tint., to await tidings of
For the Ironing,
who went west a year a'pi. Thn*o
of l>-rby wlnnerm. with Uielr j<icl
Two^or ihtvo liimiRS of sugar added
later, after he had s<
tiuntes. and other particulars. T----to IkrIKmI aUrrh wilhmako the ch»the*
msdame read off withput^ be*lutlon a railroad job lu Washington ►tale.
Quron Alexandra, who hod board word was ri*ceivi*<l Hiat ho had to*.n
St lifer and more glossy.
In obtaining
a wn-ck and was in a hos­
Profeaaor Zanclg waa about
A tcaspoonfm of t.irpenllno addcl
your Abatroot of Title that
publish a book uu thought read
to every quart of starch, either hot to property it puaaiblo ONLY was anxluna to know whether he '
Hto brotloT. Gisirge lieoil). lias g«me
to Waidrington to InvRwtigate.
• eold. will give a brJlIlautly p«RUshed where facilitiea for aearoharoab. going lo reveal ‘ how It was doi
Th»» profeswir told her majesty that
irfacc and prevent tbe inm sticking. aolntely reliable.
The Right Name,
Hi the alisenc* of tiirpenllne keroI have tbo ()LDh:ST and MOST
COMPLETE Abftruct Booka in Id«-aheil to nad your toiok, for wc
•ne will do nearly as gtXKl workMr. August BheriRo. the |M»injlaroverGookI laundiy women alwaya rub thii county to aid me aixl- wiU are all so Interested in this wonder iK-er uf the poor, at Fort Madn«.n. la,,
their irons Hi salt to make them f umiih a oamplcte T%x llistory in fuj thlug.says: "lir. King’s New IJfe Pill* arc
County witli
iih before pulling them upon fine Orand ‘.Traverse
l by all the royal fara- rightly named; they act more agrrsv
starched goo<to: and it does clean every Abetracl of Tiilo made;
the prince** royal ably, do more gfiod and make irne fiw-l
them beautlfuUy—brtler than wax.
b«-Her Hum any other laxative." Guarest daughter, whom* lllne*a to i
ante<<d to cure billousnnaa and conidl.
Ki-riuus than the public is allowed to latlan. 25c at Bogbeo Drug Co..
know by the official bulletins. Her
Abetrae»s of TiUo
H. Mead*. Hannah drug store.
condition rt*qnirew the eouslaiit utl••lldalle«• of a physician, who either
Orrine Treatment- Is to be Used i
210 SUU^ Bank Building.
sh-eps in the bouse or fiays midnight
t^eme Without Publicity, or Lees
of Time From ffu
M-c-nis unlikely that the prineess will
for a Icaig lime be able lo resume her
moriilrig walks with the duke, lo Ox­
the use
ford Mre«*l. when- "her rbyal shyness"
___________ that they
as she is called In the family circle,
without medical help, yet they can
was a famllar but unrwJgntoed figure.
nut afford the time or perhaps the
money to go to a aanltartom. Ha|s
plly a new cure for drunkenneaa h
bron discovered which to to be tak<
at hcRme and costa teas than the mvi
age drinker wlU spend in a day f
In using Orrine there la abaointc
On a«OTnt 'of poor healtb will cloeo out my eUx L
no publlclti. aa the remedy la mi
of Dry 6oo*s saoes and Roblters
by the leadln», druggl|^ in near
SI or Below cost
ev«-ry city«and town, or It can !
sent bv dMl. Sure relief to poottl
lend 2 buckle Arctioe for Boye. Yonthe and Children at.. ..$1
when Orrine U used.
So unUorm
to wear with bearyeox . ..............fiOc
auccesaful Is this. treatment that in
One of tbe grmteet pl««
every box to a reglatered auarMitee
Men'll bnekleAretioe............................................ .......... SL20
ever written, tnie to life,
which entitle* you lo
your money
teMbin,;* beentifnl loeKIDNCVff AND ffLAODCP




Grand Opera House
Fri<I.J Nlohl

January 25

Olosinfi: Ou% 3aale.



BMltj M bnmt. «l nil *-




tun. In .IdUto to hU o«h,r owl-


A great deal of trouble has been
eauaed tho lufibejHBrti uf thto aecikm
by tv lack of anow to transfer tVlr
limber on and It to hoped by tVm
than a snow-fall will aocfii relieve

Dt^ravTin, ta • rerr lltelr «j1>
Bmillekvine ud Ilk, Burdick
rill, I, loeuled «a th, rtwr. o»
lake, Hoodrrd, «rf UBUWr toorl,
* Orri^ la in two forma, h
h«, »t A. H. AtchtaMO'.
secret recaedy. absolutely
and odorteoa which enn be glreo In
IBS oirefftHl by tbe clear cryaUI water* food or drink, wUhoul the pntleors
knowledar; Ka 2, In pUi fom for
tbooe who wUh to be curm!.
Ing thU bolM to
price of either form la $1 n. box.
lorlUBg «Bd in the
to the Orrine Co„ WmahUkgUm, Tl
1 ha
C. for free tiooklet nnd coMnlUtkm



Which eaaMeana to nave the jobber* prohU and offer yon *
atonaea around V> property correct all defect* In yonr ey«n »l

Tho deolre for llqaor U naon d<atroyed nfler Orrlno trontMeat la
and before iaa« the pa-

•oo. wbidi ran :«;5 nigl.U
in Kew York City.
Preneotvd by local talent on
tbe diraotioo of BendeU MeUnn
Oarfield. BnlMo. K. Y.,
for tbe benefit of

Traverse aiy Hive No.
SSI.L.O. T. M.1L
Don-t &U to eee tb.^ Kreet fire

staUldaOs. •


Meo'e Babbera inclnde Ohippewae, 4 . buckle AtCUbe, Lumber
JBebs,LeatberaW8tociDe,ete. Tlieee >;oodii are all of the
bratliiudily-BaSoo, Ball Band and Goodyear(^ora.
UnneneaMfr to make nioee on ebora, bat we hare them
In DiyOnoda we bane Hoeiefy. Underwear, Gloree aad
80X-A Good Wool Sox..
A Good Lined Lentber Mitten fer...
Men'eWorkPtala. Sbir5, 0


I leyvsFfomlM

oBM from Detroit wheiw he left with
enrtond of po^toes from <L A. Brig


J. M. WUIlams ia oo the akk
Uttie Wallace Sbepnrd
aeiWy lU wUh pnenmon

ks Mwktec 4lror» bm»e U» tedy.
who h mprw Bhiet aiN rwgmr6 b»r
pdoHploa ttea Imt omawaata of tW

km bm fmoMdV tb* unmammmmwmi
ikmt ikm wMwni^ok0^ U^ifiaM of Am
trim, who gsro op bis rofl pmttum
•»4 mtMtm M
plate Mr
Worlftlac to ordor lo lafry aa act*
twm, nawad UDo. Adamoiritcli, ba*
sppIteiS for aad oUjUaMl a iittorrr *m
mmmi of bta aJf.*s l^ralo* aa
adtocata of Ui«* atnpb- llte.

Tbia admtora la «o tldP
aiul ao ralcar Umi tbera U
•oUaw to do iMt to
am thr ame.

Tbr popa baa dacddod U> opaa a
world aabarripctea flat for tba aM of
thr Mdy cirrgy
Kraaoa. who
tknfugb dhr drprlmloB of thalr Uvlaca har« also bt«a doprirad of a
Wkthf tm flio lioaJaymoua tbr
irlslfMl tlH- oaatoa Ttcteo. pofony rilaU mmamgBt thorn mt proa*
ad Icrvara ylslf
ooi, Botoo ci thorn harlax to braak
aad tbaratbr ]
ataara oa thr wayakda for a crwat of
m wUh a tokiaj 44
AaoUor ooo haa appUod for
l%h aact appaaM ao laarb l« Iht 1» brand
a poat aa a ^rarrman tailor, but
baa irromtaiid tVai If hla propla aboakl
o8 kor ordinary jpumots rror want bUo hr wopld alfaya ba at
»aara kupaa fknrtng roUr* tbrlr acrriot*.
Th^ lUt baa brra atariral alfwady
iM^uUrul liair to fail

W now
aIkK.. kor l«4U»ul kalr u. Uil


An i«t fir CMMreri itwih.

The sick iHMiple alMiut


TKc best
Lc\ >«Lc\l i\ c

lor Cl\ildrei\

great deal of titmble haa been
led the UUBberwien of thU aecUoo
lack of aaow to
Umber on and it U hoped by them
thab a anod^fall will aocgn relieve
them of thla great hindermiico In get.
Ung ihcfr loga to the lake.


8pt«cial to the Evening Record.


oimraW by them until

WliCB Drivers Meets

I the sick list

Btnndtah Is very busy
Mrs. H.
prtweni. drrosmaktec.
Beveral Thompeoovilhv men wrr^'
In town looking op business places.
Ulmmuck. (he. music
trorher la getting op a clmaa of music.
M. B. Baird gave n dance In hla hall
Aturdar evening. Jan. Ilth.
Mm. John Ouger vIsHahJ her daugh
terw. Mm J
M. Wimatiia and Mrs
H. O. Wooster on her return home

Back Door ficraptr.

rvmverttAd Into acutes of pnalucfaraia and toflay Burdlckviile i.
i trading imlnf for them. Aro<mg

large Weli stocked
geneml at«»n* aud who also la, the
village pvwliuuater.
WalU-r Kellogg is the vlllagt' black
wtnwl worker,
met attenthm Ui business nnd fair
eullng with Uit* public haa buUl up a
large patronage lu this locality.
>r Glen ArU>r
MMs CaiTle IW-nmd
the vUIago • schisi
Hulanf'o at
W4»tk w.irk
o.-lo-r and eiUoys h.
*n- at llurdlckvilic..
ils pl.vce Is
Tlie M. R church at
alstt well attendAHl and v
no cb-rgyoian
time in tlo-ir midst
pushing a gixMt got
viUc Axiiniuuiiity.
They have a live
Sunday arho-d. and other rhureh ui
gnnixatlons that alt tend to uplift the
niofttls of the Iprallty
Old Tiim* Metluallsts are hold
vival im-etlngs nt thcAf pretty
chun-h edifice and M-|*.rt gust results
frtim tiM-lr mi'A tIngs. Tlu- people llv
Ing III and mlJseAnt lo Uunllckvllle
are vano-rtly
to ait«*nd
tln*se in«H-ilng« us tl«*y an* held In
e Interests of the spiiitual WAdfare
all that IIva- lu and amund thl^ pn*!hamlel
n H. l»av and the Glen ArUir Co..
A* busy at this writing gelling their
gri In shajH* ti» transfer
stM*ctive saw mills at Gb-u Him*o
[XNAH (;ien lAke
and Glen Ai
llurdlckvUle are one
SA-veral men
pbiyed by then.

rormalbni and
simple prescript I
shfHild lu* posteil up In each househi
and UMxI at thi* first sign of an atta
t»r rli<*uiiiatUm. Iiackarht^ or urlna
(rouble, no matter how slight.t
For the Ironing.
Two or lhre«- lumps of sugar added

nice acrapA r for the back door is

Ktl|r»*r and nioi^* gbissy.
A loaspAsinful of turi>entlne adde<l
lo ev«T>- quail

of starch, either hot

or cold, will gtvATgi brilUanlly iu»Usbed
surface and prevent the iron atlcklng.
M-pe will do nearly as good work.


their irons In

salt U>



iinAsiih before putting them upon fine
starched goods; and It



ihi m beautifully—better than wax.

Orrine Treatment* Is to he Used at
tieme Without Publicity, or toee
of Time From fiuetness.

want to oull
lucr. loalites tliat thTy canntrt Ao so
wlihoul medical
dioal help,
help. yet they can
not afford the lime or perhaps ihr
money to go to a aanitarium. Hap-

**1n'^iialng Orrihe thercA' absolutely
no pubUcitf. aa the remedy Is -sold
by the leadiog druggists In nearly

Qt^bv mail Sure relief U
when Orrine la used.
8o uniformly
aucreaaful la thU treatment that In
Degrawvllte la a very lively sub- every box la a regtetered guarantee
which entitles you to a i ‘

)-oor money If Orrine fails to effect
a cure.
Orrine is in two forma. No.
►iy the aeciwt iwmedy. absolutely
fishing and hath and odorlMs which can be gl
plemiurer of
food or drink. wUhoul the patient's
of Clen Lake. The ecenery aamnmo- knowledge: Na 1. In pUi form for
thoM who wish to be cured.
price of either form te II n. box. Bend
tKTaahlnfteo. D.
Ue 1touiisU have to the Orrine Co.,
Alchlsoa family
r... for free bookleC nnd ernmnlution
found boetcaMS that for
and palnstaktef are nnaurpaase^
The imin for llqoor ta loa* *e
Ihirteg the wteter n«aon Mr. Atrhtenoo operatea a grlat and aav-mlU stroyed nfler Orrine trentment la
Md^pl^n^«>ral men daring this commenced, and before long the pa­
.**^*0* Mr Atohteaon owaa a very tient la freed from the terrible drink
to hla other bnab <7nvmc.*nnd the drink will not be

Oil. phone 7M
BUI phon* lOS


sawing off the haiulU* to wUhln
a foA>t Alf the btoopi t*nd, cutting the
m corn even acnjKS the bottom;
thA*n drive the handle U»to ihe ground.
If the gn*und Is soft place a heavy
stone on each side of the handle to
keep U llnu. Am»ther use for an old
broom is to cut off the WA>m brushy
pan and nsing the stubliy brush for
polishing the stmo



blai-k(*nlng. One can stand back fn>m
the stove and use forcA* that brings
forth a lustre, not



kiuH-ks It saves i»m-'s fingers.


want ad#, pay.



lo iKvlb'd Htarrh.wlll malu* Hut clothes

!Kr,‘^£b'slas."'& K,riJ“..t{Sssr-s

merit um] raloe o( our hone Rooite
ot fn-ty dnori|>tioii tint w* uo
»lw„. «*Wr to K»t the opinion of
drU«n. Mometine* ws tmt Boo)
point* for fntnn- n(«m>ce—«1.

WU ta <

ATgaily made by taking an old broom

A gnujl help in washing dUh€*a la
Thi* a\vn Arlsir Lumls*r Co., have
to know that the drtrsl on iwrticles of alsiut ftOd.UKt fA*et of tlmlM*r to trails
fiH»d ran l>o removed aa If by ihagtc. fA-r lo tbeli large mill at Glen Arbor.
John Hlter la thi* villagt* hamA*saIf the dlah Is tumerl bottom sUle
maker and liAwrt and shiM* n*palrer. He
a rllsh iwn r*f hot water for a fewvnohaa but reAx-nlly movtxl hen* and ImlU
da gmwl in
fuents. The same
a verv commAHibms shA»p to cam- on
regani to pudding pnna aud other his work In.j He Is un i*xperlA*nc4xl
rxsdving veasrds. although not always roi'chanle ami the • 1unil»emi**n
ofr this and sjirniunding places
msx ssary If one la tb<rugh!fu) enough
> no mixtake In giving him
to All the aame with watr*r as srHin as
reimlr work.
tile ftswl ts Uketi from thr*m. U the
-s. Eva Wilson Is the |iroprU*tor
cover 4>f a fruit jar aticKs don't at- and munagx*r of nunlickville hiUA*!.
She la painstaking and capable along
It. mpt to wrrmrh It off: simply ln>ert
m r chAMom line of bnalneas and the
thr- Jar and place the top in hot water trawiling public can mat aaaurad
for a mlmile.
that oolv p.nlaubk^ meals and com
fortable w%rm beds await their com­
r lueinc mart ivpiwmimg g^ ing to her hostelry.
EAlwarU MA*r«*dltb runs the village
boarding house mad alao keeps a fixd
stable for hursM In connection.
tuis been preiored by
The immilenia wbo perrhancA* may
fmrrau of atandanls of the d«i
journey to this village may foA-l quite
Hu nt uf ixHnnierix* and Islsrr. and will
e«*rtaln that **01!
the comforts
liw furolalml frrv to any ar-bool teach home - have been provided (or them
Ing the sywtem.

No matter if the aaimal they fa
aie it a truck Imne or b hiifh-

MIm Kate Olman la wflftring for
Mm, Fred Calkins, one^lf mile north

u. m,,...

With patbut gel

Orrine Is for sale by
Oa. m & Pwmt «lree(





We OBer Yon
■oM filled frame or mounUng at



why. of coursA*,
dnes-plalh common vegeuble
ment. which will not shatter the
nerviw or ruin the atomi
Wh* n romiested 'f«»r Mch a mwnerip
tioo for the cure of rheuroatUm and
kJduey trouble, the answer was; -Yami
must makA* the kidneys do their work:
they are the !filters Ad
They must Im*
the blood the waste matter and acids
that cause* rbeumatism:
must U- neutrallrA*d »»o It whl no long
er Is* a aourcA* of drHtathm to the
bladder, and. most of all. you moat
kA*ep these acids fTtmt fA»rnilng In the
stomach. TItIs la the cause of atom
arh trouhlA-s and lKs»r dlgAWtk»n l*\»r
these conditions 1 would suggest the
follow Inc pr.Awcriptlon. which la rA»mllA-nis.
“fn^ly vegetabb* IngTA-dU-ni
al Ifn
Auie ran
a bottle.
Phitd hhitract
i.mice: ruiiiiH.
vrup Baraaparllla. three
rAimisumd Sv
In* iak(*n In teaspAsinful
-Hch meal and at b4*dilmA*.
doses nfiA-r each



market pi tnwm. Buck
ley people will cortahUf. he proud of

llardlckviJIe. Mk-h . Jan. IS.—Nearly
forty year* ago lo^qia Burdick. c«me
to Ibti pirtorewquo and pretty alum-*
of Glen Lake and
aettleiutmi noa known aa
Ixicauxl aH it la from railroada
and altuated aa It la cm the ahor^
lute children of this place who great
of Glen Lake, and orgtnally Iwlng aur
grad Valuabls Praacription
Can Prapam at SmaH Coat.
uaJly diintxl Into a lu
pcclally Am Baturdav
and CAird Wiiod atatloo.
waa the first aaw and gii.4-mlll
uf early ddVa and after miUlng anc
this ptece dU*d
^The people heiw do
cesafully for aeveral yearn, his rolUt
moogb wator to keep howithy." ex at Kalkaska test wnn k.
like manv uttier mills
A. B. Brigham wa* a huslnoaa ralb r
^ down Md were cUlmed a-well-known aulhertty. The
In Traverwe City. Jan. I Mb.
-on however. The
ot atomarh
M. E Coroning B getting the lim­
r C<» . erwu*d
ber ready fA»r his new building

l». H. Day pxiwx-ts i»> ruft and trans
di r to his mill alMHit
fet*t a»T
cr luniU red from bla Maple City

hashing Diahat.

tlimulalc all the little organs
to healthy activity, so that
nature can do her own work.


In the al»M*nce of turpentine kero-

UmmUto Irwmwa Tabkato nr« Iba
nbUdran*s imworito laaaktea, cbocoUte
ooated Ublats. easy to Uka, omrar

Parcnlt thould tec to it that
their children have one nat­
ural easy movement of the
bowels each day. Laxative

. Patu duflAf her teat
If appri^iagloa hpomg bla fite5_d^jiB^d«lared that tJbe PatU toar
im whooMwirp^imBmr^^
, picture of the temoa.
while Mr.* qraa fia. abown <m th « right.

Ir^ him


1.4\ X c\ t I ve

Do not dote them with taitt
and gripinff pills, which arc
too tironff m effect, and liter­
ally tear their little insidei to
pieces, leaving the bowwls
wcakenrd.and lets able lo act
naturally than before.

tsm Impraaaarto. wbo bad the i

deal of



Wheti jfm 900 the new furniture a
vtate youag man of this jpacc pur­
chased. you will know rrpotis are not
so far out of the way after fill.
► of Robert Crma


Mra. H. O.

king of putttag
MvriUMn*a ha the sprtag. r

n^ .k.. ju. ^

Tb. r.arrM.k. n. c«t».t lo .1
tow bar tu foltow |mt own tarUiuitiiiD.
bat wbao ah« tiied by all nwaina In
bar potarr to laducr bln to >uln bar (brouab trying u> aavp bla paicH
and to allow bfa balr ami Inaril lo hoa he kwt his parc<d trying lo aavr
d in tbr
bnrauMi tba urdar bis Ufa U tba latrat atory U4d
of iba day. Boaonlng tJird of ft aJljrafra and on tba bouirtarda This la
Mr WcMdlltQg lri4Hl then to praaonda
t cToaalng a road In
bU wifa lo Kira ftp what aha caliad ;
A nan i
bar prtiiolptea nnd^-ftm «m»lclb«.^
naivlctbio.*’; from
front of
uf n alaantram oarninc a pari cel Wk«l with pnwitkma Ha trlppwl
bbt aba would tiol conaant
At (aaat dlagustk«d «t tbi ir frequont' and fall and droppod trts
qnarrato un tba oMaaiioo ibe diktiart i fore ho cNHild recover tba ibingp» which
ad bnabnnd wjnsultad his lawyer, who; bad fallm on Uie gnmnd a atiwm
adriaoi bln to taka the lady to llH itiam rana uiani him bnd In tba hor
lUrlara awar Horn
regotarUn ror of tba crowd, wah aaan lo pass
Ilowerar. ibU
no t.var tlia man. conipUdcly hiding bin
more Hten than tba paraiiaaluii of from view.
tba nrebduke. bnt fb« rather U» muk.'
After the car had phsaad liowrvcr.
Madame Woeifling more deiemln«-d 0»e man was seen to emerge om«cath<
than ever to folbra’ tli«' liM If her own j ad froin under It. Ha waa aurrtnmdtHl
awaH will, aud
h* r
timv on all aldea by
amighl divorca aa tm« only aonuUun
while tbit waa a^ng on aomaone in
of the difficulty
•Oil nua" comntantlng on the dl- thn m>wd toiik the opportunity to
Torca with all the
apitf^fulocaa of make off with his hag of provMons
which It la aapabir wbe«i rHticliHng
anything which la not French nor daTbe arrlidukca of nil
oofatrkw touch tba extreme
Of Imffooory—ifulgaa-nttii vapid buf.
fponry. Wo rwrolbet the mlvawturoa
of u
arehduke—whoda name ex
rrapaa me for Urn nmmenta ho gave
up bla caifMT ultd prus|M*cta lo ni.-itry
a music hail ainjfcr.
He runie*
ao far aa to U^cuuie a na
ialaa, aud even gives iipbU
^urmllaed 8«
ebduko and bt'caiiie ti aimSpcctel to the Bventeg lUnxird.
pla gentlnma
Wfiemuc fur Ibo aake of his love. This
Rapid City. Mich.. Jan. lS.--Mra. H.
aelf offaermeot and rwinelatloo erukod W. Koldnaou waa an Aldi-n vUiior
pity anther than admlratioii. tin.- may Tbiinulay.
nay wliat one likes alsMit |»ower of
|)r Ho>d of Traverse riiy was in
love: one may laud th«' lemdes |jenuty u*wn Monday night cailing *>n Mrs.
of an ttci for loveVaake. will ijeimve I>lim
UrmbarpT and
Mrs. UtdM-rt
him of all that gives him his exalt<ti Ihiycr. who are III.
poaMJon in the woiia, but in niy epin
mu Wiimre slcpm'd «*u an lnnoc»iU
Ion the duties of an ateliflu
hsiklug patch
snow a few days aen
him hut it < hau<*t«<i to have m»nd*
Important for a love to i
at* Id* I
erwal- it aud tie lM*gab
withdraw from them. It la tinlverwa
that V
ly arknowhHim-d that Hie love BBprt- beat an) Indian
»wi by music^Uall aiiiKera l» more viol his amis
and lega were
so badly
t ibiMi allI Olliers, llul oevertli.di-ss mlxixl uii that the mibsikvm thought
hr* hail a doten of e:uh. rinnllj be
iritHl lo aland on his head Imt lander!
tin his luu'k
Thr* sun
tell. Aflr-r a lime
Klnnm- un»>.- wln/ul'ty In hi- (..'t.
iiMiked ahtn.plahly unnind and. Ilmpr*d
all ay l.-iklng aa If he wrould like to
rub hinumlf.
Afe w lmllr*s irlrnl the
skirt dann. I.ul it didn't pruve sue
eessful to the evrw of otbera at least.
II. W Kubiuson la laid up ulth a




your Aliitrafit of Title
property it ptmtilile ONLY
where facilities for aearch are abaolotely reliable.
I have the OLDEST and MOST
COMPLETE Abitruct Booka in
this <x>onty to aid me and* will
' * aoampleteTvx Hiitory in
;Traverse County with
every Alitract
betraci of Title mide.

Abatraete of TiUo
210 BUb^ Hank Bnilding.

Grand Opera House
rail.y NIglil

January 2S

One of the greatett plavt
ever writteo, tmo to life,
ieeobinK a beautiful ledPrcMotvd by loc*l taknt nader
the dinotioD of SendeU MSAm
Ovfield. Ballafe. K. Y.
for Abe bMMfit of

Traverse Qly Hive No.
SSS.LO.T.kLii. .
DobH aa to #00 tb.- gn»t fin
•e*M- Boom in fitiDM with '
fiiWMn iuopnmtion.

Prices; lSe.XSeasa Me.
Sent M)e open#«dnod#y.J«»,*tboxoffie..

Dr. B. L Paulson.
Dr. P. A. WArtfe.
wnselaiBlk. TraverseCtty

Hews From
SpMtel Cable to the BvealacsReoorfi.
(Copyright, IIOI. hy 'fhe Hehnt News
Rl**clat to the Rvonlng Record.
which the king and queen
iiavt. privately taken |Mirf. Is raging
over the mystic powA*r or trick by
which Profesaw Zanclg Is abb* to
transmit his thougbls tu bU wlfe*te
(heir iHTformance at the Alhambra
The ffanclg* who are Danish Ameri­
cans. giVe a remarkable ' torn." The
husiiand goes among thA»
and takes from a numlK*r of p«*niao^
N*me Ohjeri. asking his wife who re­
mained on the stage,-to Alescribe ««cb
article th turn. This ahe does Instant­
ly and accumtriy to Ibe amallest de
tail, giving number on cheques. datt*s
on letters, etc.
l.o*Uerw have a|H>**ared Ip the news
paiwm attempting to prove that thi*
socallod telepathy Ik a faki* wtirkt-d
by a oodi*. which has be«*n elslioraiA ly
But Manager HamU of the
Alhambra has bcim able lo Allsp»»se of
this theory by showing
Zancigs HfK)kt*n w<irds nrA* i«»o fA*w.
and tnadanie's dtwcriptlon of the arilcb* too detallud. lb support any coUa*
King Edward showed his Interest In
the Zancigs pi*rfAinuunA*e
ding*' them
to Bandringhani
The tA'sts
lA*Kts giv
given by
king wero very exact Jng. 1HIk majA'sty
lA>ok a m*b*ntlflr Iss.k. and sA*|i*A-Mnu
I JTaiIi-sIg. Ever) wrord w as a.-ciirale
KAir Zaaclg.
ly read by Mrs. Zancig whA. was at
thA* oiliA*r end A»f thi* rrKini AH»ncA*abHi
by a senM-n.
The prtiicA* A.f Wab*8 tliA*n wn»ti*
A>n a slip of |»aper the VA.ird -Caglbu.
tro. ‘ AlmAisi iK-fore In-r huKliand had
1 the word. Mtw. Zancig lemwi
tfA-hlnd her s<-r«'**ii
leal tA*sts. Mrs.
t*m*d Akjor. rt*prt><Iu(*ed on a slate a
Hid writlAn on another sUte held
one A>r the royal family, and lu the
same hand writing
nually the king handed to Mr. Zan
cIk. a long list in hIs own handwriting
of Derby winners, with thair jockt-y's
names, and other particulars. Thirse
msAlame read off withiHit besitatiii
(Mi*en Alexandra, who had boa
that Profeaaor Zancig waa alK>ut

It is very HkA-ly that the earl ot
Dudley who Is now in the V^\wt lndb*s
accompanied by hi* wlfA* will e\(A*uU
his trip and visit New York.
The former viceroy of lrA*lsnd haa
only shAirlly rc-covenHl from a wevero
His Hip whllo iiiAir.* for
pbxisuiv uu.i hAwbji than huslnes*
will afford the A*arl un Aip|M»riunity A»f
Klve propertlea
Uird Dudley was tme of the most
popular vlceroya Iroland has evA*j- ha*i.
Although a IlfelAmg c-oiasa-ivative ho
was a firm hAdlevAT In himiA* rub* and
met with the tAAO govA raiUA-ul Allsapproval fA»r his flrai A.f Hiav
famous revolutbm imvgTwiu
HI* H-lgti nt Dublin caKtie w;is imrHculariy hrllllant and happy.
l>»n! lhidb-% a lllH*ral lioit.-aAl A»f a.
conservatIvA* thA*n* Is llttb* ibnibl but
what hA* woubl have |H*A*n tin* instant
chol(-e for tliA*
He Jias own qualinoation for such a |KD*t lM*iug a man of
gn*;it pA*rsonal iuagnA*llsm and wealth.
His wife IbtT
AAiiA* of thA’ iDusl Iwau
the British pA*eruKA* niiH
his A’lght
chilAiteu ar« all charming."^
-F^*A p*»ntAimlroe is lM*lag nan A.n «A»rlnl- .
iKiJc, profit-shaiing lines nt Ten-)'*
Iheatn*. a weal end plnviuniSA* that
has lwH»n the reverse td prA.x|M*roos •
for some time.
Th.A Idea U. apply SAH-lslisi prineb
pb*s to the managineiit A»f thi* IbAwtre
came to Mr. Jarocw, prAwlinv-r <»f the
uimne. as a niASUAKAtf lerniiiuil*
lnJ!*a dlsputi* with Hie b-ssei*. Mr
Him. with whom Kat wo* shaiing
It liu«i lM*A*n Al.y^Ab*Al 1A» A Md thb .......
A>f tin- jurtAtoinime after bmr tib:l.u. /V
nut] ilii* iioticA- w;iA aliv-atl) uj>, wln*n'^
Mr. Jami-s assembi.-*! the ca

JtrLndVthelher'^lhey i-oub! J
Iti Tirt’tlnuA* their engagemA*ut
prollt sliuring basis, InsUad t.f
Ing salariA>s

nin umlcr
- b•^-A■A• lakli

Mrs. Donald Ready xiiid tlHb* Alaughter i»f l*Airt Huron have gone- to Wel­
land. Out., lo awult liiliiigs of
who went west a vror ap». Thn*«
uiootha Ub-r. after he haAi MY-„n-d
a railroad job In WaMhiugton *
im! tlial ho had Inv-n
word was reoelvcx
'k and wan in u hos-

to Washington to invA-stlgatA-.
going to rt*vt*al "how it was Alone
ThAi profA*siM»r told her majA-Hty
was not his intention, am! sho ruplleAl
The Right Name.
i>ut 1 shall
Mr. August ShenM*. ihi* |H»pularoviTUiok. for
hb^sA-Al to tv-ad
an* all su Interested in this wonder­ a<ver of the fioor. at Fori MaAlison. !a,
ful tteug.”
aa>a: "Dr. King’s New Ufe Bills are


Anxiety is fell by all the royal i

rigliUy named; the>- act more agitHv
ably. do more good and make «tne (avI

tlhichesa of Mfe.l king Edward's eld- better than any oUit*r laxative.** GuarA-si dsughU*!. whose Illness Is rac»re anteAx! lo euro billouRncsa and cA>nst|.
M-rious than the public Is to
25c at Bugheo Drug Co..
know by IhA! offIcUl bulletins.
at- Frank H. Mead*. Haimah drng More.
CA»nimion require* the
b-mlance of a physician, who
pays midnight
Mieeps In the ‘
V Islts U» SA-e the ro>-al patb-nt. It now
M4*A-ms unlikely that the princess will
for a long lime be able to resume Iiat
niA.rnlng walks with the Aluke. In Oxf<»rd Ktn*A»L when* “her royal shyness"
as she Is called In the family circle,
was a famllar hut unrecAjgnlred figure.

Olosins: Ou^ 3silo.
On a«wont oi poor hMdth wUl cl<»c oat my ito. k

of Dry GooSs SIwes aaS Ssbbers
at AM- Oekrtv cost

1 u>d 2 bncklo Aretio. for Boy#. Yooth. nnd Chiklren at... .$1
Boy#’ He#ry Bnbbert to wenr with beary #ox
.............. «0e
Men’#! bnokleAntioi..................................... ..$U0
MnnVBnfobcr# include Ohip|ie«M, 4 bocUe Aietio#. Lumber
Jacks Ln#tbarTbMStoni#.ote. Tbene Rood# nre all of the
■ beat qnaUty-^o^ BaU Band and Goodyear gkn«.
Unneoaaaaiy to make jatoai on aboea, bnt ve have them
all aiaaa and they will be noldat coat.
^^1 InPtyQooda w» baea Hoakey, Underwear, (ilove. and
80X-A0ood WoolBo#........... ..—18e
A Oood lined Uatfaer Mitten for....................................... Me
Mtm’a Woik Panto. Shirtk Oretalln. Bwenton
nnd StocB Oonta.

W. O. Foote “TiLElS."*




W» tor tMTto L—■hit M

^ i«ik» or tW f*«Me Amai r. N«r
^ dtoyni ^
tornTtolH. Wa tor ra—tag
to tho hogi tocaary
Hou8ewifie^if » Kr:rj-£.Tr.:j^:Ui.2: ponysttoha
itotod. ThoMs W. tomnum was
wag aopcetotoikMait tar the eouses
---- otheh-^
; k

Pure, .-v-

aMMMd to tko Rmc4 Ulm

be startoM op tor the ana
aaton has ocAera tor aev
•raJ lavMhao alreagy on
good peoaparta for seven



^ I


BUniRFUES rt?.rArK.r:s.r‘us:- F(i SCHMN.
Inch in tba

The baroiiMiCcr baa Uken a big drop
arlthla the laai twanly four bourt and
now atanda low at Tkfitt Incbca At
noon yeaterday It uraa ».J7. or .77 of
an Inch higher than It waa t
WHILt •tRT WINNIE M FltH Oorrmnieni Obaenrt^ Walt a
that the drop ahowa a Wg dlaturi
In tb« aimoapbrnr and probably
roaana a nortbwwat Worn.
Uk Walt atJUed alao that iblaia tbc
towrat tha barowatar hat bean alnee
Jan. n, lhft€. when It dn>ppod dowa
Tbla drr»p waa follows


le ibU vliiTrr or le It tr
I? Tbel
to til# qjiM^tlofi hmujcht f
t by thr
irminifwofttliM and thi* mine. Thi
Him- of yoar U *illl mor# ta doubt by Oaarg* Ealkirh of Naar Will
tba fart that liia#ct» and anlinaU
»#i-*rUt#d ¥lth th# apHny
UtTW arr item mnklnr ih«lr appoarGiorg# 8 Ikitb of one mila nor
‘ TbU m».
hlim (iroric# Ott of WlUlamabuiK recaolly killad
rot to bla pUr# of young rhcaii'r White plga that carOil a lint
Kro#t«Hl with a livr Ulnly go ahcail of any Idg ones that
have been reported thU aaaao
leaal. These two plga were only aU
abrn butirrfllra tbriv# months old but one weighed MO
other 3Rti an av<
and irroa pKmpt^toua. II# raptured IKiunda and the oim
^ Inaort. and tm»k It to “llntrh ' So- of ar.5 pminda each,
%otay*a ab#rr it atitarl«*«| ronaldtvr- wtdi known fam
atik^ at Ifni too In thr aindow lu ttu abuw a ihat hr la
«-Qdra\nrs to g#f iwt Into tbr fivuli
lirrt Wlnnto vaa flahlny at ('arp
lakv y#«trnlay aiat htouabt bark a
half buuUrl td |K t. b latt that U only


Voims •ahamlana.
Rcbool Commlsiloner Crisp la busy
getting the aehool hxhibita In shape
fo rlhe Parwers* InsUtiite and «
every achnol Ja the cotmty w



aasociaUon was held
ih«* arrangements for the show which
•begins TuiNiday. completed. Every
raemlM'T Is enlhustastl^ and is work
lug hanl towurd the success o( what
pmralsos to Ik* the biggest
and pet stock show ever
Northern MIchlimn.
There will l*e room for 400 bird*
aside from the big cage for the phef«
arts of which there will U* two pair
enteretl by Frank Alvord. These
bird* will b** the novHly of the show
A crowd *»f I went V live vmine ihkv and alone Will Ik* worth the prtcv of
Itle aurprIiMNi Miaa CUin tUonahiue nf
DI4 Gntm atn*rt last evening They
spent the evening In playing gi
nnlll a late hour l^nrh wan m
Tlie RnthU»me Slbiera will give a
party Monday evening: All Pjthlan*
are Invited. Stewart's orcht*stni will
furnish the musir. ’
The I> O K K will meet for Anal
rehearsal at S o'clock toroom»sr after
noon at Knights of Pythias hall,
this will l»e the gnal ivbearaal a large
attiKHlance Is desired.
The rigs of the 6re department
iHHh on wh4<eU again.
The lut'al drug storcK will herenfier
OarW Kverett. alderroan fnun tht close at K o'cbick Instead of g:8(
Fifth waid, has antioumwHi his ea)i< ('<q>l on .Weiln4*dday and Saturday
didary f.»r reui»rolnatbHi He U cbw
Services at the First M. E. church
Ing hU flist lerni and nfier two yearn
egperleivce l»elleve# hr ran Hi*rve Ih* lomurruw as usual. nuBmlng anTl even­
City well nnother trror lie U n*r« l\ ing. but the Isdl will not l»e rung <m
.nt'ctiunf t»f serkius Illness In a neigh
Ing ♦•nrourag**m*-nt In his ward
Uiring home.
The American Jnsur.vnce Hnloci will
meet IQ Montague hall Mondqy night
to virgppl/e George W. iitiglan. sw
rotary of t>e national chapter, will be
present. »
Miss tlvace Monro»* has been afv
pointed a tommlttee clerk In the aute
leglslatuto. The appointment carries
With It WPCiuatlon <»r$n a day.
TIm* ptomblng firm of Itamea A
Jtiyni hna >e«*n dlnwdved. H. O. Joynt
refiling agd E O Hamea continuing
the biislneas. All bills receivable are
lUiyable to Mr Barues^' The dissolu
tlon occarred Jan. 1 but has just been


Men’s Suits
OpportaBlties to save money like
this don’t come everyday.
Atout 15 Mrii’s Suit*, either single or double
breasted. ea>ily worth
$10,choiu at..........................................
Another lot of about 40 Suits, some
very fine goods
in this bunch. vMues $12.50,
$15 and $18. cholic at

. .. 9.75

4G Suits, including tome of thbsc
moft popular sellers, values
$18 and $20. choice at.........


tamalns In Yonlh’s SiUls at
SS.7S and S9.00. j


; . ^

fSreal Sale on Overeoils.
t€^ t&M and ni.94.


TWa whn BneUra

one week u. half price,

l ealces tar Sc*


At the meeting of the stewards of
thb Pina MethmUst church 4i was dv^
elded not to purchase the J. W. Jdllll
ken property on the corner of Wash
Ingtuo Mieet and Ibrnnlroan avenue
The church bam had an opiloo on the
property for stane time but the deal
has fallen through
The atewards decided to n
vote hU time to
the concern and mend to the church that the old I
the pmcUeal m4
tb« cdSoe man will
wf look sHer the bus lug be reconsmicted Into a m<
loess of the concera. Last yea
lar's es church hetnw'. They will propose
It be nilaed four fB*ei and Ihat twelve
feet lie added as wtdl as mh«*r Imdustry Is one that canmu help
grow, being natural to this reglcin
Grand Traverse boaU have already
acquired a good repuUtloo. and the
f of inquiries for apecifl-

The work ihls year la being
In books, one froni each school. The
esaraplea ehoaen are not of the best
work but that*"of a fair average and
many of the examples are interesting.
One exceptkmally Interesting ei
It Is frrvm the sohool at Karlin In
midst of a Bohemian settlement,
mile schoUrs. about a doaen In n
bei . do not bear a word of Kngllsh
cept whin in the school building
their impress Is surprising.
Mra. Pettr Mtosgsri Got One This
An Informal teachera’ meeting
Morning tor Just Hstf,the Rsgu-


drrantliu: uiidrm.^
mud or allmr. Homr way or otbor hr
inanaa«'a to art abniK alibtnil ibr <uiya«-ti Ml TKvouuary to his vxin\%-nv In
thr yuiunwr and Ib^ donnant until
tIrV wprtny hiih a ami the a ator. '
Hilt b.M Jnlv rapturiHl a
. «uiiiU r of
erra and W»’pt Ibrnt
in a tail o»MMrnri ill fur III# purpoMv
lilrily with all th#
mud n#r<n»ar) fur thr family binl and
ibr froiCH wa\.^l fa.t Wlun II b#«an
lu pot rold. I hoy rank oni of alyht
but yrairrtlay Ibry wvrr* out In all
thidr Kb»r5 anaiipiujc rayrrly at thr
tnlimoaa offi-n^l tli. m b> Mr Wlnni#
and Mlnylns iIh Ii oh! faralllnr aiaiK
If a.Mnrla»dr aimld only aiytil a
ruldn iiT two mne or io» out and pli k a
fi*a h1iaabi*rHr».. It would niako an
ohilnary roan dly out bU la«t anm
mri a
Apn»po«> of a)I lltU, why ipi to Plor
Ida to kH fri»«lbitten, wby
aoutborn rallfuntla to catch cold by

etghicog lana^ of varkwa m
which will Mud a ready market
H to pronoaed to asaairfacture-a iaige

Mrs. peter Menegarl was the
person to make s purchase at .
Millikan's store this morning.,
^mght a sUk and the price she
paid was just fifty per oent less than
had she waited until later In the day.
Fifty ^per cent reduction had bee
fervMl for the first three ciistc
this morning and the ladles wei
hand when the store opened,
Ludka was the second customer
her bill amounteii to IMS The third
wuM Mrs. Holbrook and her purchases
amounts! to |C.4<i.
One latly lelephomsi down f
dollar'a worth of wash cloth*, saying
that she was unable to be present
The bad weather held the crowd down
but the buying was brisk.

Funeral Service of the Late Jc
Hence Wat Held at Bendon
This Afternoon.
The funeral service of John Hence
was held this afternoon at l o'clock
from the new' church at Bendon. Frit*
Carter of this city being In charge of
the funeral. The church was Just deil
Icated last Sunday and this was the
first funeral held from there.
Mr. Ileur<‘ dlfsl Thursday morning.
He left a father, brother ami two alstors.
ey. 4K. Sixth stj<*et
V Slater has gone to Gniud
Rapid* and (itlrago to visit the fmni
Hire exhibits.
Fivd Stan «»f
Honor, iwssetl
through the city on his way
Wolverine thU morning.
CUud Pvumd ndurned to his
In Trenary after a-few days’ vlsli w ith
Irving Murray,
Mra. K Q OUU went to Munreloua
this morning.
M O. Barth left for Big Rap
this morning.
J. R. Santo made a bnahieas trip

Mra. W. H ITTkglnga rvlurne«l
her home In Onekma this morfiiqg.
A. B. Smith returned to his home
In St. Louis. Mlch„Mhls morning.
Mra. Henry Gradey went to Frank
Ktllod by Crana.
fort this morning.
By Wre to The Evening Record.
Mrs. Lena lIcLaaa ratnmed to bet
Battle Creek Mich.. Jan, 19—John home In Bendon after Tlaitlng in lh«
MoIm. aged 2«. waa hit by a cmac In
the Duplex printing preas worka and
hb skull was^ractnred. - He waa In­ home In Grand Rapida this morning.
stantly killed He leaves aa aged

the Rutoma


ed by the totssr of Oep^ Demmm of
Barranqallln. OalnmMa. |net made
imhIAc by the department of eomaaaeoe and tobor. Conanl Demem de^
tiaras that not leas thaaS4ae.tMMi worth
<g thane hate wera exported from
OMomhto last ymr. the ladustry raak- Tho fhet that tha BoMara ytoi apaiid
lag to Importaaee wtth coBee, gold,
hldsa. caule. toheecw and rabbrn*. aofi novae ho raotolmaC whlto lha BqL
Theae yta ara not mode la factortaa torn yw hoiili, «l mie Boartofo Itoport.
bat ariF tamed oot bp the peasant mam ywo aoi^ ctoim «t owjr tlwm, mto
nromen In their homaa, the women
irndlng then m t||e atorae for honac*^ alao tha 1 ptf cam totorart Boo opao
hold aereaaartos. If It la any antlstoctlon to the mna who payn 91S.Se tor
a hat that eoaia 91 ta the Central
AoMtienn repabtlc. ho may like to
know Ihat the hats ara made from the
fibra of the palm known locnily as and dopaaR R with thla honk, tho ald'jlpa-jnpa." the name of which U oat and atran0oat Ui Northam Michk
prunotmend by the benighted henthep
of thone pnrt. ns • hl|toy4iap|iy - Bar
rnnquUU aeoi her firaV^nama hat
to the ITalted Biatea In 1999. aiac<*
Which time the trade has grown enor
moasly and Is likely to cxmtlniH* to in
ensaae. according to Consul IVmera.
The hordes of alien* that are flock
tng to this country continue fo in
crease la number. The stat
made pnbllc by
commerce and lal
that 95 4«c'forel
porta of the Fnlted Start
aa compareil with CS.llC
In the correapemding i
The Immigration Iron
tlniiea tA Incraaae. the
had fled here from the caar’a
had fled hera
here from the
tb Cxar's
a gala of TAhf^yer
7.4SVi>ter December 1906.
It Influx of foreigners la canaIng cooilderable uneasiness in certain
quarters, rnfortunately the class '
prospective cltlsens la ncM nearly
gtsid as It has been In former years,
when the tide of Immigration was set­
ting in from the northern cemnirics
of Europe and Germany and Givai
BriUln*^*Tt I* thlg phase of the situa
tlon that is causingI the
Ih anxiety

Paaaed Away at 7 ©’Clock This Morn­
ing Afte- a yearia Struggle
A convention
W<th Tuhorauloa.a,
Of Ihe Cnlted
the bualneaa
SUtea has bead In seaakm here ibH
Mrs C. O. Oorblti passed away at week. It Is Ihe American Con
her home at 7 o'clock last ev
convention, and Us object ta
after more than a year's struggle velop further the foreign trade of lb#
with tubercuiok
country. Aa an auxiliary to the main
weeks of which
convention, the national
death bed.
al meet
trade Is holding Its 37th a
The husliand and Hm-e children. Ing. A peculiar fact la
Velma, aged S. Iv.rothy. agtsl 4. a
nent biuinesa men from
ISmonaiaold Clajton are left of t
the euiirt^ countn". attending
immtdlaie family to nuwirn the h
of the loved one Mr. and Mrs
hy. In hla address
The funeral will be hold from the board of trade. President
Friends church tomorrow afternoon at La l^nne of Philadelphia.
2%3u. ATTangeinont* am in ihe
powerful plea for the esUblUl
of tl
Anderstin l’nd» rtaklng
of a lH*irt-cr fiH-ling and belter <
standing lKiw*.<-n consirate Ini
: her lifetime Mrs Corbitt and labor.
had made many frlett
her greatly and whis
The dlaaatrouK earthquake that ihU
he extend<*<l lo the iH-rraved |
w(*ek devaatated a i>ortlun of King*
huKband and rhndr«*ti.
ton. Jamaica, was nnHirde*! hciv li
the governiiH-nt idwcrvatory. and th
seismograph at the John Ho|ikln
Cniverslly lu Baltimoie alM, sl«.we<
the movement. Prof C. F. 1
ea’ Aid
ety of th* Coograga the
>nai Ch,
hurch Was Given a Qkwd
of iiKslerate Iniensllv
rcaenU for Preaident.
and Ihe delicate
hImiw aa groat disturbuure a« when
ts a meir>- cn»wd of ladl<*s who the «*artbuuakcK iu San Francisco
* FNang. Hc;il |MU-*.nage at
ay monilng for th»* lum
lievisL hero Ihat Rear Adiwlral
In rorfimand of the Atlantic wpiadrou
which was In Cuban waters at tb
lime, haa hurried <»ver to Jamalc
with his full fighting force to render
,ed Intent on havitu a g.wsl
aid if necessary. This Is ^ot the
they did.
............ i.lte.1 Rtaies^ warship.
th rtmfusUin had a
jafierr the
errands id
all were settU*<I down
mercy to stricken West Indian <
a mmI dinner was ann
munltles. for in Hair when M«>uu!
and the
ing iitciiii s«*i ved
Pciee created such havcv at 81. Pierre
Cream Tomato Roup.
In Martinique. Ihe auxiliary cruiser
Warm Biscuits.
IN-ach Baoc<*.
Dixie loailed with supplies was th<
Mixed IMcklcs.
first to reach the stricken clly
Cucoaiiul Cak«*.
Ciistaol Pie.
llucklelsTry Pi
8now fell In Washington thl*we*kl
The afleriHvon pzissetl quickly and This statement may not civwrt* am
at 4:li the guests departe<l. But be­ wild excitement in the west, but i
fall of^-ihe beautiful ' In the Dlstrin
fore leaving they pres«MHed their
ident with a lieauiifiil rug. She also nf Columbia Is a decltk**! cnrk»sity
WashlDgtonlans do nut take kindiv in
ri*C4-lved a nice chin.n plate and
sm»w. and the exodus from the Klushy
knHy center pbx'c.
Streets of tpe capital was pronipi
of society pe«»ple. belb
THE PRESBYTERIAN C. E. aorielT w ill have home made candle* for that winter*has really wet In. are
salt at Johnson's ilrug store Saturday. flaring to aeek the balmy dlmai
jan Ik It nortda. while othera. have alroady
Bprings.,Vji. where they
have joln^
Washington chmy
In the Homestead hotel at that place
illkely that these bird* of
rcely will 1
their pinion* for
before Washington shakes


For City Treasurer

Traiierse Clly
State Bank

Thaaa awautlona ora ooratotly aar^
laetod ovary day. Tht toeM dMfkit
pricoa art aupptlad By loeal daotofi
Tho ootaido quoUtlana By wlfa, Ml
cllppod fram athte poptfa of tka prBvlouo day.
Fifteen )(«ds were hroughi lo tb#
city yesterday, moat of ihla was hay.
with no iiotaioes.
Ixical markets seemed to tte quite
pientlfiilly *uppll<*d with chlck4«ks
this morning, vme market was shout
as busy as <Huild Ih* wrapping them
By Wire to the Evening Record.
IMroll. Jan. 19-Wheat-No. 2 red.
T7c: corn. 46Hc. <»ats. 59Vkc.
Chicago. Jan
77Sc; corn. 46Sc: oats. S6r.
Tol»<lo. O, Jan. 19 -Wbeal-CaaB.
T7hc. cc»rn. 46Sc: oata, tt%r.
East Buffalo. Jaa. 19.—Oatlle>—
Sheep sad lambs-14.900;
akm . lower oholor lambs. IT.SOGI.a;
wether*. 9^.4i>(i:. «&; >««*.
Hogs~3.4«Ki; active; Vorknr*: Ifijfi; ‘
pigs. 17.10; mixed. 9i'>.k6«C9U; bravy.v
•oiling Fricat.
Clcarhack pork, per bbl
Short cut cd pork, per bW..,
Ham. per Ib.......................
. .19
l^d. per Ib................4......... UiBJI
Bacon, per lb............ ^...........
Fr#-sb fi»h. per Ib .:............
Spring chlckena. per lb.....
Poultry. ,H-r lb........................
Pidaioca .................................
Applea ........ .......................... .. 49096
Oats, per.lHt............................
Flour. IL. L. A ('o ’* H«eL bW 4.56
Corn meal, per IfHI Ibi....... .
Feed. II.. I. A 0o.A Itoal. pa
100 IU..................................... .....lit
Middlings, pt r 100 Iba...........•. l.Mfi
Bran, per 100 lb*............. 1.29
Celery, stnal
l.^tuce. par
V.* '20
Orange*, per dt»*en........ ..159^
Lemon*, per dot..........
Butler, rnwmeiy. per lb. .”22<j9C
Butler, dairy, per lb.....'. ..16©29
Cheese, per Ib....:............ ...If 019
Klgg't ............................... . ..
Salt. p* r bbl.......... ............ *
11a) iHi ton..:...;...:.'.
Con>. per bu............ ..........
Suyln* Frloaa.


Ralph S. Hastings
A jouDg mm who hm


IV’heai. P4T bu............ .
Buckwheat per tw............
R>w. per bu..........................
Cura, iier bu............ ..
Oat*, per bu................. ..
Butter ....................... ........ .




Apple*, per 100 lha..................,
Cow* ............................................ MOUhe
IJght aieer* and beltora........
Steers and hHfera, 1190 Iba..
I>r««cd poultry....................
Spring chlckcu*. lira weight.
Hen*, live weight............................. 07
. dressed ..........................90. T*
P. wHh wool o*--------.64


m It lee. brought the nows to Washing Calves .............................
ton thla week that rapohllcaa polltira Green hide*
10 J
In Iowa was all harmnay and peace.
Mr. Copelaad aapouacad mathoriu- Cured bldat ....................lOBUto
tlvely Ihat All the past differeaces be^
tween Secretary Shaw and Governor
Cummina have baeo patrhad ap bad
that theae two boeored aoaa of hi*
The teachera*
aatlre aUte aooa will he perflag at held thla aftena
the dlrac.
the pipe of peace. Despite the fact
of M. A
that repeated danlala hare beaa made
ed la Ihto
of thla apecUl phase of the Iowa aitthla^yw aM ^e
uatlon. Mr. Copeland decUrml It
would not be at all aurpristog of the
legtolatore were to elaet Governor
Cummins to the United Butes senate
In plaee of Senator DoRbrer. As lo
Mr. Shaw’s allgibUltv as a praaBSential candidate In 1909. Mr. OpppUtod
to-emphaUc in hla sUteiaent that
there ts -none better."

toopi* cmofiatoad al Hmrn af

Mrs. Rotor Wilholin.
mber of the nMban nf the
taa of the High
last ercaliig. The ride ant aad hack
aadstbe eateitaiameat ghrea fhtm
were all very plaamat aad It waa
earty thU moralag when they again
arrivad la the city.


:i,:U '

Spring iambi. iWa walfBt....

Slaves la aawlUad.

WiK# there once ^ves iu.^tondl
4 volnmy ou ^ttiab Indiu^al and
^ihe Maccabees aorisl history So the eljchteenth anfl
ninetrentb <-enturiea has aume paai
ou ibe aobjtvi:
-It Mtocks us very ranch to I
itnd.- at the Grand Fri
day evt
Jan. to. Manager Oar- that the wsen. and e^^n the wo
expenaa to have Abb worted in the era 1 mlnea at that
field is
and the lodge is t!»e-I. el. the eiirhteenth ceotnr
the ahow firm
Scotland still cuottnued to be. aa of
now displayed
old. little better G
alarca. By a
drag store window. Every perao
tow paaaed by the i
attends will have a chance to i
1608 nrery men who onra .wfot to
the wratch.
track te a coal mine was boBtolto la
bar la it all bia life aa a -necf
When out walking with a lady, tf aarvaoL- If he tried to nm away he
idioold be taken not to ntop on her waa tried and muitohefi M a tblcr. If
the tend waa aoM oa which the
ch he
If aflllcttd wtth hay fever, tefttln
any of tht mnHtoM»
from an«K«ing while taking with a
in 1775 an act of partla
grass widow. Some grass widows are
meat sraa paaaed which aet free SMat
very sensitive.
The praiwr way of beading a lettae
is -Dsar Mr.” Never wrtte * Dr. Sir" of atoT«7 waa qnite ahoihitad ilraa the man owes yon money.
U eating pie care aheald be execDO NOT OVBRUXNC
ehagpe to
dtod 004 to Hlek the knife aa the get hats at remarkably low pricea.
L This ooaad la rrty annoying to Mtoa C. P. McCool. US Fnmt atinet.
aensttre imoaa.—Bos




lean and enh»y autamrr la hUdwintri?

rcll .77 of


to toany nf the taranr

the yonni^ of thh erlmiaal Haag In

lo M#aleo aad a-aorla^ with «ad
Eaaa. why go to Jamaica had have aa



Cl)e €i^nitid Kecor<r$ Utoto-Dato^ IHuslrated Peaturi

CHnlh»nAN cMpcAvoa
fv Jdrv. m: H 0eruL

n» aMtoK M*r

M« t^ymm

wm>« i»


tw «.


ill M


lU wm
to ftort to vat
imt to MwrfIPi- »10iww ii Ml
MmAIt Ml iplrtaillr to
vto 1 |Ptotor< totof. 0to itod. sal M
a fwll IM «tbM
Um »wd
Itotoi Vito Ms to tto s«ftoa «r Mm.
Mi to«a
ttowk torftot. Ma

Ml To prm^ M* vofirtTw
■BT7 tor W» t» to Millionth to l•«to'
tote, u fw vtota or €tot mo
•rotoo «M mMP tor# wlM H oftor
•too, ABdfOf (totototMt IIT0UMO to
kmmm Uf• to tto ««atoc of oUi uifo
fto itorll. m> HtoMi ooho ito pnto
toto. It to MMtoM to try
Wo raa
.torijrtMtto llft. IU» «•« loMfitrd
to md fort.
1 Old unfml


Tito 4it^ of Itooi o»t oalr
brptvbl 4toi^ Old nita to totoMa. iMt
ttowk Mm to «a tto kuBM r«o«.
toMHi totetoMtod froto Idai, oo ttat
lodi/ oU warn 4to Habto to lonfiuttou
•ad to olu. Tto
to ooamoUjr ta
tto toMn o( a^rtot Otranto totorm
trato aad aitor. rtgkt mad wnmx
rtfUtooaoatoo aad bolUtooo. Nu ho
tM bola« lo oU tto oorld to ox«u|it
CrtNB tkto oCmMo Tto odvcroar} of
tto Mhou am MUI ritoto. soluff
mtoat UU a raoriog Itoa. otokiiar
vtoo to Bior doroto* Ho !• ottH
t oiitoU obd oklUfal la Ido ottork^
MM to.^ Mo
M kaovo oar vuhiordblo
coaouatto ooMUto ui artore
aro mrm artok. To -coaqato ala. lo aria
tto rtolory oTor tomiaattoa. iro moot
laoltao ado fort aad to o«motaotto «m
oor guortL Ao a »mao of ubuiaiua
Ito rtotory tnuioi ilUmoir too ghoa
at tto r^Mnmaad. -Woirli oad loajr
ttot JO rtoW a»t to lowptatloo - Wo
aiairt aratdi oad aro aiuot imir oud du
both togottor. pray\ag vaUo ar arotcb
aad aritoMag *kUo tto pmy. Tto
wiao Ood trho iimltlod ala to fsaao
laiD tto anofld too prortdod as o ormy
6t ooropo' ItJoi lottptflttcMi aad olu.
Wo ohoakl truot lilta, i*ny to lUta aad
to rouMtjbr 'oa w gaard.
Mr om»l. to ©n thr'goord.
Tm taottnod
Alto toou





but ho.«a%nr^or rvim lant lo
tto moot.*uai|>ltiii«>iiiaty 4riW!
My of <toiwr»l
coninwn<lrr^dr<Uii».d tin

uould ronnUl oil!
an Ammi.'&n *.ddlrr.
In is::: l^. n.m ou

ulsIoMit Ito tofaMonrr
foi VirgUiloh to 4-..UM
»>u.b >rw.n U.i-k of I hr Mrxlmti laob
|rm. In hi- om«bil
afirr 4*h*.
fHiM. por- ilonrrul S<.4i Oi-O.#- «f tor in
irnir- Of thr Mghr.-i
hillon. **«h
<.rTk4T.- hr drrUi'td. -o.b»
, f -llrtt.HI- r\4- uil..ii
lor *t
j ntii djrlng.“ Timl
tA.1. nl- »orr
ro4^iilzod k.*rtiiy by tto old «.jin |.>r im

»lufT of uhli h lirMin.
n uai. brod In Uio bam*, tlir
B««r<x»inor In tho
town «f fctrotford MO that midninirr morolna «if
Jo A I»
tto 0.41 of
^ ■

And to w
«:id iralrhlac w* u.rry
aro to dopottd aoC, rpxi ocr otro during t
atroastli. bmi apou UU lar otfru-tk ) latimatr
ItotMiTli ekhoU tto porjad Adam, wr
■Mj lir *iaoro tim 4*xn«4iionira.*' #\to»
I •«>««»• ,
tmv totntdott^o oad ola.



*4 aM*rr. lailan oh»4h
groirflll l.» Xhm « .Co:m-| .
r to hi- itorouBhiurtii aa o
n a«.ur»mv tliul hb inOlfc.
artrd ih.- aiiinib n of tjbo
li Oa» -*to. mn t%thing
lo 4v..ri; l<i lmi*rov# ^hr mol
cod. l .b*-1y. and to tood^ tto tirxtltiMl m to • higbtr i^on« Wmy than It


too ooa b«»m o ith
to to at^>»mt»llah»nl.
Tto thlld
WVat J*i»lnl. in a hn-h hr wa» a‘X‘rrtllu*»l
tro> torn In ihe room In ohich
Hhrn h«
oiKhi'^•n t>ur»lgo« rt of ih« L>«ctoration ..f Intopm- I m* ih* v««r*
m l!.Al
•narlirraldcafo driuv had nn.t -rrn thr Ughi
^re- x7uont^
jdrMln*^ to the duly of kr«>|.lni; ullvo '
»ion i!»aI ih
Tto yoangairr-r. wnhrlkht rai.ltol a i thr too.ily imdiiion and .»f additnr . • * ^
I mighty llfr aurh
Ii va- a aortoua j gh»r> i» It, l-Ytan .virly tHd .nial

iomh L I T; To. li. 4 12. Itt. k

Jtdiu gvU n. «;
Jl: I t'nr. XV. C7. M; Upb vl. lulH;
Hrdi xlL h 2; II IM. li 0; I Jolm

njjr»r t#'inhrr’u"ho
IhTar \
wrs>io **n,ai m abr. And m
and 1

A VoHlabln Ploamr.

nr»l In Ihr haarti of bia «ountcnnm.'
That fathri. to,., aaa a man of uTTali^
both In ihr Virginia n.*n..nanao»lth |

and In ihr nrufiy r.nnr^l un'.t n of!
Kart tolaueiia U doing uoU^i- fl<«rv
«utrHr had )b^n Kovcitior nf hla 1
K-n for tlirlatlai.
^ i;o.l a I Hjr oto<r of
a. tut, tto air
Ortd •dcmary of
Ughihor.* Ilnny an- at«o
t'ldundu lu I cultorr.
Urfoiv hr
I yrgr Ur | ymm «f ago hr Had dhtlngubhiHj IHninon. and to aa* uh4.ut to
nd lo Mualify lilm*uf U^t
v«.loluovouiont ujoiv
d Ihr uggieartif
Hr at


titnu HUUU iiUka
bj «U gad UUO
ailt^ by ataso
•ad UuTM. addrt-iHag *aioro
tUm lUJUU iv>
and u|a-jl.i-:
mau.v artv tirldx
f.g- tbo mu VO*
ie ,
uu al. tUua

KAM. XkiibAA>.
1*1S UltuHi*:r a tor
IteUf idoMocv for rh.i«:lau lludoavor.


Ihn 'Wh'Mru;: dis llml
: y..ung woMIrt -hould
V. ff.* fh». hrliv>* of \va-snngi*n» ] »'•-»*itot hi- SUI« cap In JdixUo nas j \Vi<-t p.
l»arj.t. 4*uMl- of .\tllng!.»n, grand* I
iugton. ! dor laiHrlT w lar .-duu. vbJa.i ami un* ♦ imd ito aymi-iiirraiy atm.iaptorv «dibo
n bill- I danalr,! rnrrav iff R tort H. |^. H U o.lh:. ly
«u- ruuu t.i hit ta«tr
IjtfT. whom a*»rthv of n.*a«r ato*
;h;.i (toiirrat J itoi. «a» ltu.l .J ito ramp
Hul fata
aura, livr
i K«oil nrrrr
xdiangr.l hi-op:nic4i
had d»nt.*rd Hal to
Xln*«i rout* j m >^i «« tto
..f hl^ o« n i.totiom* j ain..^ nil.^h»|. i.i aiMl anoihm ptw
n Wilh tbr l»dlt1r il and ikM'UI hi-- rtU«“d by ihr li«ld dlM»rUin ttl
I.. lUu grnat ralalrr—be: u* I •’idil »ar.** r U- na» r.<iat 'n> Hinmi Hial i of
«f r.»lHlury
r.»lHiury |iif...
of Virginia ihaii any family mivr j
Hu hod mrVrf
m il AiiinKton tw ibr VlrK.nbi tolgljta j tov- aaa Ihr grralrai iTinii uy gmlu< In
Ttir ►!..»> 4,T thr fuf*-HMllng yrul
ihai of
of \V a-hiugl.41
II «ti4*rd i.
a •iMT
tirtncHi »i4rk
j opfuoMr tto <ity Of WaaMngt.m and , Amrrtra.
in Ihr mrtnorir- of tto ,
T.I flay hm i^ut
afuUy the
on thr day of hU gradanllon fhr j WUu- Houto on tto Pamunby rU.-r 1
tat, cum
i..lto from Xlrtuo 4
vUoi* of ib.>rr crni*t
Cy>a. and' I
ru*t Cy»
toiitoi. a yoaxn* .eA^ind touirnanl,aaa ticwlarrd
drrlarrd f TJ»A k.l»rr
M»rr r*tulr am* ihr
I4»r *4 Ihr
thr ] n.1
n.! mith
auh to
honor*. ruv< ir*t by bi« vn» and 4hlJ4irrn may I rar U from
a.ddh i and a lo-hol
brforr Iho { i,y |^j, inJtlic lorx to to tto %!lr»t ' inrrrirvgr of. Or«»rraJ WaaMnfrtn
rlomo Ihr rrcgnl^d »» «M a* .mr ,.f ih# r mn- nf .,wny uilnr
r alM bo
htVwiKmK ^ui of i]
ur Uotort' !I >4*Mug mtlUuiy
rngin^-In Ito conn- handiuunr ui.d s^rulihv uoiiu«n
iit.'cn uholtry
ah.. I try * abl-rt
abl-rt r:4,MhrH. Hi* fjinr i.- an o* iruii> vrr.i
R to*r tod m..M> tli
• j iry. Ttorr wa- ;
I nbttoy.
an Imfmwr >4 Mr*. l4»-o
nuimornia. Kvrn
rrveral. Invliallou*
.------ —
-----------------.......- .*r .... .
.. ------ In Mr\h... hoarvri. that
imr iM^ n* a trader of turn Thai ^ uit
of rtrcnicth*nbig Amrrtcan ar^- F wot, hi* fln.1 «u|>rrmr illatliuttbn a* a abr4«d to enirr Ih4- rri^f.*. of oitor Hr fiiHll iU..n of .Imrtly to«r lo < oOlto hl:n Da a rrtvlt of thoao m«m*
d« f«n-«^ .\i ihl* bu*l- : in'^liury ongini^ r and u daring and gal* guvemrhrnta. ttur wa* fr.nn «hr ru-’ llhJud n mdri* «oauiU m-omtllug tbo
crrablr four year* to w^.uld toir attHal j nraa hr ana krf.t Mradlty omrh.y4Hl.for i Uri aoWh.r At an early perl4*J of the ban Junta |4. becoinr Ito hadrr .#f the dirfrt.H..
lu the nanvllvr And ihoro
worthy tvrrvrentntlvr i
V4»«r-and a^rttnilaut rvIdemr .d «*ain|Mtgn 4>nrrul S..ut aa* •« Un* rr%ulHllunai> ©ffoit In iliat triand. At- h«» nrvrr «t «ny lime or In any .|uarior
of Ih.* \ irgtnta laaa.
' ni> fiinrH* f.»r thr dut.- is »tlll ai.».uivni
by ih#. al.SlIiv 4.f ihr g-oung en- Ih.uigh to a*u« aubW^rtl to evrry Wn manJf**i.M tto HKUtoat di.|ri%lUr had bm, a *.adlrr td ih4- moat ! li. romr of ito 4,lficr «' koH d. f
’ g n- or t?;at hr aiia. hed him |4. hi* |.rr. temiduihdi thict n I.** acTui.Bl.4:* man Uoii |.4 d.nibl Ihr I-itr.-t «incc«1ty of
Idrul lyiaThai thrre had toH-n n,Aj
It aa. e*|4H lally biharthoay with ito- r-mal rlaff. KiS.|l ha* been arcnirrd 4tf ctmid Orairr. to «aa to. J4»yal
,»|4a*0 uf U.duTt K
nror of Judg
ilei; of- hi* .! iradlib nal
. dto^nrr, 1
in 4.ihrrs.
AuH-rhan tnirnr*ir to Winei.i
oroi: :k*h pii'aRD.





A €>rlr I'Oriwu

Tbo uao Of tUr Ucyvlo In t UristUn
Bodnaror work la vrry c-utumoa ta
Uivat BrtUUa aud Auatralia. bat far
laaa moiiaoa la Ito Taltod mato«. Wo
aochv la tbo Uat aamUor of tbo rtirt*.
tUb ihMioavcir Xowa of lUmtU An*
tralia tbo onr«amtlon of atlll anotbor
<«jclo cHMiw. In tUo Bi
fwolTo or aftoon mlloa to TWt aocao aorlotj that aood* tbo fwd rboor aad In
gplrathw tbo.T hrliqi tritb lUom. Aflrr
ttoir lido tboy art' In Just tbo ri«bt
and tto lido took agata ovor tto hilli
idurakal aad afdritoal rxoroiao abooM
to adoptod lu tto railed HtatoaCtolatUut Kadoavur World.




tbmirlng au autoolc of glury ammtd:
•uy vluo clad cxittago. ajr cUUdron at I
my fddo. aiy lawk la aty toad, at poaool
a ItU «y follow laon. itou tu to tto j
grratoot ttotoua ttot ovor llTod.- I •
wrmat to ctoago ttot. 1 woaM rattor


aittlag la tto atftotot twfUgM \jj tto
4oar of tto ptoaigt ctoiri|i In tto owat
kMMdy c.iaafryMda..4B «mw groat rota*
»m«w«ilik too oroolto aaa tUrowlagf
an auiToIr of Ood a loro aad prkMo
about my toad, aqr follow Kadtarer
wta-to aur tok atr WUIo «a oty fcaak

'I • ^

C, H.
To Cor* a Cola to


Tto rttnou* I fungu* aparlmen torn ph turod la gniwtag «
tnka at Burgbfttomt. a auborb of Aaiwor»., IMgtumi tt la •>« i
—•» atatoo of tto Vtigta ftot croarda mbo havo bora to aoo It I
► tamned to aro tto

p tt to to

r»M«er Km «4 Mralch.«l*tami lMt»««UL to tb. vmtato who hu,
•AMbvmpk lu • crral dtotmiK* u<)

at work aa
hto dtoitoVU
gtpctTvU for aooeral.
•ow*rol yoara. At lirai tbo rf^^ndacthwa
rrtondartluoa wore
•a hla
yiuw tbry aro cte^r and wolf f.^rd. Thuoo arto
«oraat oral haoo
compolled to ackaowfodgo that Prugtoour ^um'a
r Itomitoii*
^ ttot tu ciover Invemor baa cUtogd foe It.

dla aoRgaad *
' OtraMa’a Umar, It la at govlUa. I
tto tnpot perfect o|>o<'liaooa of Moroaquo arCbUociure In oxlatoare. f«ralli«to
b*au«#tto ABiambra at Ormaada Tto towiar of tto Madloaa ggaare Oatdto
baOdlag. Mea Turk, dosigaod by Ito too igCaafotd WIU1% toaia • tortit
mawaMa^ U tbia Bgaatoi ctaattob
: .
^^ j

' '





\ '

rnachOihhagp fnin tha aaaattty
BAMaga Msdad
Madad AM
MM ttmm
toM to a
ecr vaMaga
atv am
IMy «n» aPMIghc MBaMh^torh toMfMMMtohliham
am Maarfbl Mia a plsiaaiv to Mas tie valar Mad tvo tntoMnitotoli of
thmamvlMa^. II
ptoMi vtth a aM toih. eover with




ktaiiM. i


A May Om Claam.
| Oar «bmM to a Mm far
hmrtoa to*l5l"*!T^*
A tatoyMr etoam la a imrtoa
“ paa
^ Mva ••
taaMd tor the aBevlaaaaM Mt Me* ^
of ameMto. la U Me ptocM toys to aad
aZlte wSTw I
be mvM. gatoiv-taM which tbe
totarem ba. temporarily teriM.
mraMaca. if a a^S^. vmi
Ptetaiaa to be eat am am


p books, ug setawai of to

0 iHrl i( mim. «. <
* Wmn M!
9Uv, ftm kMfml
WhMi •• r# m'«c mmm mu
AM «f
4rtiMc Ttl^

A tAAdMcA or MOO
r be wrr drAAnr.

I l« IMt Mill lKMl>

KoelUBf lA A Ac«'a] vap la ao «Atay
dOM. ^eo by A Aovlcv. aa cmlAjs
hfd^ la Aaler. It la ao wry <vay
^to do. jaad AAcb A prarathai of Moon
to anrViM vltli aacb A Ari^nai of
trootiK tbal It U A qAwUoA whether

WM» «ir <«irt ffell viOi fW «Mpi
All •!.••!..pmw M MIm AM MU40V Umm
At Mit rtrtPW HMtATMAt?^
U( «A
Mr CMitAAt
WHt fflA OWA.
k»o« MC
Gab U aM:
So. furgoUhic All tM aomv
TMl wo^A ht4
Lot BA lar aMM oat »PAfm
AM pAt Wr o«r teolltli tAtr*.
AM ttroAtk All l%7 comlAg ytAfA.

There |B i

TAt h
TWro-i Mp ft i

TM lArteAd tkAtt »r«r aaat:
si tkoMS OAi* try#! wttk Aom>w.
OPt StMs sAAi 4»«11 villi eliMr.
WIma troAklAA AiArrli to am^ jroo.
■AtAtr IMOI At th» door;
Mam kuUi kAAM to prwt lira.
TMIt worn will Aocm b# Or;
BaaI dovA ilMr AtoriAr butlri
Wlih your OVA r»iolclnf dniAi«.
AAd. AiAllM lA loflr courmfr.
AcMiK vhAlc^Af eom«i
—Youtht* Companloo
• lU that hAA llfht wUliln hit

OVA ClAAf br«AAt.
• Mar ait r tb«* coaler and enjoy"

brlckt day.

^ oeery day. aM ee
ry bad and blaaaon

eoiofA leva be secured and the frsgriaes|to no ptoaalng that by Aiavr
they Af* coasIderM ibe moat satis
faetoryjof aU belU for boose enlUva
Truly, a flae aplkf of hyaclntbt.
la fall jbtoofB mnaol fall to pWae all
llower-tovefm. “Had I two loavea.aald Mohammed. *'l would sell ooe aad
ly hyadaths to feed my aoal.-

TPata*# BtAor OM ttet acwAtOi


. ftAtuMAV, jMHMnr

The mvamiaaa grwv |a vatar. tha
aama a.


Id selecting buIU for growing in
water, junge. solid ones should be
rbosenJ Ilyacintb gtaaaex can be ob
tataed.|bu( any rase or rcc^«ptacle
hich.vlll support thebulbssbove the
atsr VIII answer the purpose. Choose
one of char glaas. for U to Interesting
to wntrh the growth of the white,
thread like roots, and iUtry add tonbe
beauty of Ibe plant as n whole.
tVheo tJared In glasses for winter
flowering, the base of the bulb should
just toacfi the wwler: this will soon
evapnrnte so that
bulb and a sufflclent quamliy should
be addM aa needed to keep it nt this
point. Set the glaaa away In a cool


The OoapAl of ChACr to the keynote
of All AAoeeaaful and happy Urea.
Heiw AfV A few Arrmonettea which
are eapectoUy lilted for roadera
depAiimeat whAae aatne to typical of
All the cbeer-and help It would brine
to Ita readera:
*’CboerrAtBeaa to a habit. Juat aa
BHieh BA worrtBf-only It to a toot
dOAl pleaaaater for yourself and eyer>
body olae. Xlei the habit, then: and
Ibe Srat thing you know the worriea
will haw taken flight. They eannot
ataM aaBAhlae. la a chwrful atiuoa
pbafv they iM thenaaelrea no dlaUnct
ly W oflt' that they prefer to make
theatfelvra acarce. Therefore be cheer
fal. It may coat you aorndhlnf at
flnit. but It will pay In the end.”

ture bloom, before the buds* are i
flclently deveioped. A good plan
to keepj the glaaats In n room when
the teiM^raalure la low .bringing
forward Into n warmer air from time
to tlmeiaa yoii dealre. If pul back In
to the pooler room at night, the flow
ers wlll[reuin their beauty much Ump
vr. Think what beauty and framairc
can be bad In midwinter with just this

Tbe paper white nasetosus can l*e
gntwn in water with even leas trotible
thap hysclnths. I like beat to plant
them In a glaas dish al>ont eight Inch
es de«*p snd twefve Inches in diameter
putting shellK or p;bbU‘s in the U,ttom to ieep the bulbs in plan*, and
then itoaring In water until the bulbs
nre abnilt half aiihmerged^ FYom all
to eight bulbs ran Ik* g^rown
dlab of I Ibis sisf. Any dish ca
used for gniwing them ‘ ‘
one ihatj glvi*a ronsldci
the rootf sii thot the i
A man a boiiae ahould be on the hill forced up out of the water. Jpto
top or cheerfulneaa and aerenlly.
nt‘cessary to put the dish In the dark
high that AO ahadowa rest upon H. when thp narclaans to planted In wa
and where the morning rnmea a*i
ly that the day haa twice aa many
goldea hoara aa tboae of other
in a window where the sun sh<«)
Ha to to bo pitied whose hooie to in them tm^t of th«* dsy.
tome valley of grief between Ibe hllto
The piirv white blossoms of the
wllh Ih^ lonr'»t night and the ahdii*
eat day. Home should be the center of clssns arje sknply charming and their
fragraned exce«Klingly pleasant. The
joy. •qualuiiar and Itopleal.^H.
bulbs wig blossom in four wtH-kf tinuafter pulling in the water, sqmettmes
lb A world where there are always leas. I inlwars kiN'p rvlays of
In drder to piMlong their sri
people who are ^bearing heartaches and
•oiTow. n great deal -of good la done and 1 hatje notice,! that th^se planted
by those wbo go about aa boarera of latest l.l(k»mfHl In the shi>rtesl
Prtjm sis! hMibs I have had el.-v.a
sunshine. Simply by being ebeery
gisKl rt‘
stalks of bloom; surely
may add to the cheer of our frle
for.ihe small amount of m
and acquaintances. Bren In a place
The blomoms will last
where all nround are strangersa radIf aot kept In
. or;.
laa personality diffuaea charm, aa. for
t liimiber id dishes,
A nts
inataace the beauty of a young girl
planted Ido wnhs apart, will give
llghtliig a ferry boat or a stred
flowers oil through
on a dull day without her/knowledgei
the motherly awednesa of a benlg tbe wlnlrf.
The Chliaesc aacred Illy to a
BAAt matron oarvylng
of narcliiuN atid rivals -the paper
white in jhe opinion of many. It to.
r desirable bulb fo'r Simply being cheerful ou^ blooming In water. It can be grown
aelvaa we bMp to make othera chfwr- In ahallowidtsbes with enough pebbles
fnl aM therofore abler to bear thair to keep thp plants from toptdlng over.
bardena. which may be heavy enough S^'eml stalks vi blooms arc aometo weigh them down If no one given times scmjup from a single bulb, pm
tbdB a Sfl.-CbrtoUan latelUgeacer.. during a profusion of silvocy whlte
bloMoms with golden cups and de
ligbtful fragrance.
A dosoo bulbs
vtih a amlle ahd cheery word, and sUned at Interrato will give a soccesyoar ova tiMbiea vtu wAtoh. Wbea skm of flowers throughout the winter.
than that of
tBBipUd to brood over fancied or real
trmtblea And aenaethlag to occupy the the paper white narctaauo, bnt most of
hem Urtnk they re­
vW take vtAga. We acM AOt culti­ ceive the full worth of their money.
vate troAhlaa; evoagh of them «vlU Fbr myself^ thoagh I find maeh to ad
aprtar ap akmg ear pathway by iplre in the Chinese lUy. I think I pnt^
white narcissus. It to.
dy a question of teste
**Cheenaiaeaa. bopefalaeea. faith
am Mil aiv the keyaotea of paychl for both are bcaaiiful. ftee-floweriag.
«Al lUefAtum. and the man or worn
PA vho faeda on such meaUl food
have grown aome yellow aarctosl
atepn tato the sunlight out of the
water pad they flowered nicely.
ahade. oato the mountain from the They
One gnlaw courage aad am aaaUe io iwomamaM aay partlca■attmiglh of rharadfer. aM Uvea In lar ktM. jOae arlater I tried home
tl^hktoaooM baantlfalUy


apar. giaaa for a few am
aervai Moaie add a Ilttto
t paper white
qaite olteB oOve oR to aaM to' place
to ^ mtooubtedly be ym of baiter.
id *yoa caa have yoar
Cooking Winter Beets—The winter
t with Mwets at small cx- beet is umgh and not easily cooked
They abonkl be thoroughly scrubbed
and the flm boittag water dmiaed
rP to remove the earthy flavor. Wb«m
A writer fa the Twaatlsth Ceaton tender throw tnlo eoM water to slip
Panaer glyaa>aay good hlats ia the OR the aklaa. eat them la even Alices
am terre with vinegar, lemoa juice,
following ch^ atory:
pepper aad salt.
“Good moralM. auntie. I vaai
Freach Fried -Potetufa—Cat la aay
teach me Im to make pai
shape prefertad: thef ahoald be laid
ptos. for
Asya yoa make ihc
la COM water aa hoar or amaw. then
on a towel batore cobkteg. Slice
and high%i^TMpr>rtimr^r^^
the poteioea la eighths, tbe lengtb
lag them.
of tbe eagatable aad diop them lato
-My dfdr'glrt. I never put eggs to
ftit. The pieces will float when
pumpkin pica, ao amtler how many
et shooM remain until they are
have. You are just In time,
a golden brown. Place In a dish and
for I have 4he
give them a dash of aolt and pepper.
batch this morning I very sel­
Creamfof Toasato Soup—One quart
dom pot Che pumpkUvlhrougl
stewed tematees or one qaoit of canlander. You ace how soft aad
K tme aamn onkm. one bay
this. to. I cot It la small plecM and put
one stalk celery, oae sprig of
more wat^ than If It
med thtoagharoUaader. stirring It parsley, oae tcaapoonful sugar, two
often and coohlag down well If you level laaapoOAA butter, four level table
have an aabMioa mat under the kri- spoons browAcd flour, ooc^holf cup of
lYit the tomatoes la a aaucepan
tle there Is llllle danger of
Yon see, I gever set tbe kettle In. but with tbe <;blon. boy leaf, parsley oml
using a gianite Iron or porettoin. cook crierr; let It stew about 10 minutes.
on top of the lids. Three fuU plau Press through a sieve line enough to
the seeds, put It Into a clean
of the pumpkin will make three pies.
sauciMUiU. return to the Are sod briiir
I put two
dllBg iKiInt. Hull the butler
flour, a pinch of soda faheat half a
t.»gi*iher until smekuh aud
lew I U<‘a«iicKiofun and glngagr ncetirdInto thi* boiling soup Stir r.m
Ing to Ibe strength and how oae'llkee
tly until smooth, then add tbe
It Wo prefer a good taste of ginger,
a heaping tablespoonful to naoe trsi milk. salt, pepper and sugar, and


tanM, HAlithh.

Charade hook, atory books far
and oM ftr on ages), crepe popr
persoos and plaees mooBled on
board, and lateodM apoclaUy fa
convakocent waid fa tho chtM
tel; acwlAg.
croehoMag amtprtals; atsAipa .U
paated. matertoto for kite laak
word, anything. A Hat of the ar

7:00 p io..evealag worship. Ooapa

tepto«. becauM of Ita apaclal
•hill, cooctoM vllipanca. per.

"••••Aca. rtitotomy and 9^
it than ao

Flrat M. t. Chvtcli.
J«eeph irnittm. pastor.
aa, feaerally the
ghler. oppototM. who aaw
Motalng servko, M:50.
Suaday school, pooa.
to it that the artkV <tomea was deKpworth League. • p. m.
Uvml to the chUd choosing It The
Evealug evangeUs:ic service. 7,
was kept locked at all other
No cue was oBowed to ask
for anything dlffereat nader on hour, 7:00.
A cordial welcome lo olL
oltboagh articles could be psitcably
Interrhangetl —The Scientlflc Amert

Hoosework ahould not be looked up• as drudgery It wooY serve to lighta It any and will imiy
oe who has tq'do

klm. or trtltrty i«ci«bU ^ th«


Christian Rndosvor. t:M pT ,
torealag sorvics, trS# p-m.
B„ Aral Wadaeadoy

Socliu hours, amed aad fourth Wad
If poUtoes are boiled In Ihelr sk‘ns
aeMaya la tbe moatb at 2: to p. m.
sad the skins removed Just Ufur*
sending to tbe table. theiY will
AU •» »•)«»• M idl Um •mntem
be s.» much woMe.

Church Services

morh. if of gui»d atrongth; a teaspoon
Ones Episcopal Chumh.
Bcotch 8hortbrea,l-RuU together,
ful of salt, one and a half enpa of au
Comer Boardmaa aveane aad Waabgar. fltir this all togother until flne into a Ktiff abort paste, two ptmnds of inron street. Rev. C. T. gteut, roetor.
Residence. S«t Rtate street.
. one tK>und of butter and h\\
and amuolh; then potir in gtiod rich
Holy csuomnalon. j tSO a. m. Eiiwpt
ea of loaf augar. Mike it into
now milk until you have enough for
on the flrri Sunday in Ue nonth. 4hoa
rt' cakes about one half an Inrh
three plea. When tbi*rc ar** n<i i-icgs
fho mixture wania to be thlrk«r. thick, pinch' them all akmg the edg^*
Morning* aervlce aM MnaoB,
a. lS:to
Sprinkle cinnamon over the t»rp <if the top. and sprinkle with candled ear
d». Place the cak#*s rloiwdy ^^Mnday school aM Blbla riosa at
the pica Wfore pulling In the oven.
I>o net liake loo fast or ttH» long. S<k>o together'on tins and bake In
*Evenlnf w^nrlce hnd sermon, 7:00 p
as crust to well browned and ti»p a
golden brown, take out.”
Apple Satod-Equal parts of dtre.l iltotei ***"•
day. a. a,.
•Idc-o. d'lery. blanched almonds or
“Aunty. I believe you are ,n bom
A cordial InvIteUon to aU these tercook. It nil comes so easy to you to F:ogltoh walnuts. Mix with enough
CiJok welt and economically. N<»w. mayonnaise to moisten w«dl. Starve In
the amdo shells of scooped out winter
what are you going to maker'
Ikdled dn-ssing Is oft#-n us«I
Church of the Immaculate Concep“A siiur crc«m cake.
llieak two
eggs in a cup imd fill up pith thick, instead cf the inayonnntse. This 1| tlon—Conner nivir.lon and 8ec*>n(l.
Ix>w mass, k; high mass. 10:30; v.-s
sour cream; om^ cup sugar, a pinch of a splendid dish for dinner.
Sw,ft |V(ul.H‘s-riil rtdd eo*»ked pers and .benedictluD, 7:80 p. m.
Mlt, one cup of flour.with levid leaow^-et iMilalfK‘8 In thick sliees. l.ay
St.- Francis Church—Corner Tenth
sjwonful of »mU alfied In with
a deep baking dish, sea.son with salt, and Coss streets. Sunday—Low
You set*. I put all the Ingre
pepper, sugar oml butler; pour over os 7:30 a. m ; high moss and sermon
together before stirring or beating ;
milk to ntiarty cover and bake m a St 10:30 a m^ vespers snd benedioail; a'teaapoonftl of any flavoring r
tlon at 7:20. p. m. Week days-Seryou wllh iwe like wlntergneni raoderaie oven for one hour.
In this kind of c|ike.. beat well for i
Com Ib-ead—One cup rd corn meal, vlces at 7:30 a. m.
pt»ur In baking pan.which one lalde.siKKmful stigir. one .tea
hive well gnw^l
.. .........„ BpooDfut salt, one cup of flour, two
Fnenos Church.
Cornor Oak and Fifth streets.
your cake. Tlie Taking lart in of gn*al toospoons baking p<.wder! Beat the
Kev. Franklin Meretllth, Rev. Mary
Importance, for j If too hot an oven eggs very light; add ipUk and a lit
it will tinjwn over hk» wm and often Me melttMl butler.
Boat In. the dr>'
Meeting for worship Sabbath mom
raise in the mldile. Experlenrr 1:^ the mixtures and bake In a moderately
beat teacher. To {have it just rigirt tin* hot oven. When sour milk to us*;i so­ lug. 10:30 a. m.
Sal.latji school. 11:45 a. in.; John
tmun out of thq oven
da Hhould be usi*d 4n pince of liakini;
TrtMralne, suiierluteuai'n't
the lop. Illgbt and delb
Junior C. E.. 3 p. m. F
ling I never
done before, aur y. When you
Senior C. £.. 5:45 p. a.
\ *
Old faehioned Recipes.
Gospel meeting. 7 p* m.
lie eggs yon sc :ip«‘d out the shell?
The dellrliHis meal rilsheji of our
Teachers* meeting Tuesday evening
ind what a leg came «>itt 1 always mothei-s an* practically unknown to
brow (hem awn or bum tln*m.
the younger generation. If you have 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting. 7:30 p. m.
snpptuuHl aH the white left the shell n. ver made head chd ae, or plckkNl
lYeaciilng on Sahhath both morning
first broki^n and turned out
t. there to h treat in store for
I never bum ^r tbmw away t»i .voti ant] your household. If you will and evening.
are cordially Invited and wrishells, as you call It. Wash the eggs try the following recipoRt
hof«»M» uring and keofr-the aliPlto to Hog's liviT is very much Jmprovcwl con»ed to our service!.
pm In the roffeel again. If you have by- putting It lnu> a brine made by
fowls all such things are uinired
Asbory M. C. Church.
dissolving w handful of sail In one
•WTiat do you do with pie emst if you quart tof water. Let tbe liver remnlii
Rev. W. II. Irwin, pastor.
have any left,, aunty?- -If there Is In this brine a day at toast. Beef liver
Class mseUng. 0:45 p. m.
Morning servica. 10:80 a. m.
♦‘Dough for a pie |l pm U la a cap and may bo treated the same way and to
Sunday school at 12 m.
turn alltflehona|-doverll; that keeps also improve*! by the treatment. Roth
Itownrth league. C:30 p m.
fresh and It wit] not do*; be just as pig nnd iHTf liver can be l»olletl with
Rvening service at 7:00 p. m.
g«KHl fur another! lime. Sometlmi's
the upjK*r parts of the head until ten­ at?80*'
Thnraday avealail
out and bake'ln gem tins, fill with der enough to crumble easily. Season
A oortlal walcoBa to thasa aarvloaa |
jam or any kind of fruit; they are ytire with salt, pepper., (and sago If llkrd).
for supper. I remt‘mber when a child Strain the Hdmtr In which they were
Church of Christ (Di«;lples.)
of vtoltlug at a place wltl| my ro<dher c<x>kod. return to tbe kettle, add the'
J. Alien Canby, minister.
woman! wa.s a noii d cook finely mlnciHl liver and head, thicken
Sunday,.S:.*!© a. m.. quiet hour.
Fi*r supp»r she bad three kinds of with com meal until a stiff mush to
Sunday. 10:30 n. m.. morning wu
very nice rake*—frnlt ptmnd and while formed.l^t cook slowly an hour, then
SundiJ^ 12 ni.. Sunday srhiiol.
cake. AU were* frosted gad one kind
out into earthenware dishes.
Sunday. 3:30 p. m.. Junior C K.
had ritored sugir. which gmotly When cold It may be* sliced, and fried
Sunday. 5:30 p: m.. Intermediate t
delighted my childish eyes, but best in butter oi lard, it mokes a nice
; senior C. E.
Sunday. 7 p. ra.. evangelistic senrlc
of all were the Millie piss/ I railed breakfast dls^.
them, tart shells fWled with mspbern
Mead Cheese—Soak'^he upi^r part
Tneaday. 7:30 p. m . cottage prayer
rmw. aad I never make them of the hqg’s beads for two days low's meeUngs oh east /and west sides of
I can , SCO that wonderful table ter. In which enough salt has been p-Jt
haded with good jhtnga. but all too
make a fairly strong brine. TliU
Aid society
rich for a general ^iet. In tho«* days will remove all bkiod from tb<* veins
roothem temk their children and went and render them white aad-purv Tire
Wednesday. 7: 30 p. m., every first
o neighbors and friends jo spend the heads should be thoroughly, riooned week of moath C. W. B. k!. meeijc
*Thursday. 7:30 t. m, union mid
ftemooB oAd had tea. Such tnihga os before placing In ttto brine. Boai nntll
fashionable calls were not known.” the bones drop oat essHy. Let cool,
Sunday achool
”1 brileve. aunty. It was lots nicer then cMp flAe; saasoa to teste, with
don't you think oo?" “Oh. Jut, pepper and any herbs Uked. such
I don't know; It was In some ways,
immer'aavor). sage. etc. Place in
but the world aimald grow better os deep dishes, and weigh down ao ds to
time pasoeo.” ‘Thank you. aunty, for prea into a firm mass. Let re
I prtoe it much.”
nntll well set.
It may be sliced and
Varioiis Racipea.
tat Mutton—Tiie ahoulder Is the
boat ptoce to roast. Have Ue batcher
remove the bones, leaving a pocket
for bread drtVsiBg. Remove all the
pink akin from tbe onlalde. then aaason with salt and pepper. Seatoa the
bread crumbs with tage. aalt. pepper
and melted batter i aM mUk. Place
to the baktag pan aM hake in a laodormtety hot ovaa..^ meat ahoald
freqacatljr be bastM wHh the maat
llqaor la the paa.

rtoiifcflcto fchUdi^;

Ragutor eervicAB aa toltowi

served cold, or sliced, rolled in flour
vd fried.
-Pigs' Feet—Thoroughly dean pigs'
feet, ibeti boll nntll the bones become
loose or ready to drop out when bon
died. When cold they may be placed in
Ma far ml
hot spiced vtaegar. but the very best
Thureday at 4:0# p. to. tathai
wr.y of Borvteg tbeak to mj mind, to
to roll then la floar aM fry btowa la
lard, porti tot or MWer. Serve hot sj *Ti!a .n OMM. t


Rev. I... B. Oarpento
. nter. pastor.
Class meeting. 9:4S a m
Proachlqg service. 10:N a. a
Suaday acbool at 12:00 a.
RpworU toagae at €:M p. a.
Evening sermon. 7:00 p. m.

Latter Oy« flalnu (Rcorpanteed.)
7:30 a. m.. Rellgv> LiiPrary oorietf.
7:30 a. m., Sorial serv ice, .
11:46 a. m.. Sunday schmd.
7:00 p. m.. Preaching by pl.liT W.
n. laili of South Buardman. All urn
welcome to attend the servhvv
Latter Day flaints.
^ Regular M.rvh*eR of th.*
|0:SH. »*H*to| a**rv UH*
II 4:.. Sunday iu*hi«»l
7 ;«mi p iu . prewt-hlng
Twnday EvenUix

^Prw —tlM. Thoraday ovaMAt
The Salvstloa Amy.
Choixh Brevitlea.
Ladles* Ubrsry buHdlng. 1
Frt*e MfihtMliM ehmrii on Hrii Si .
reel, sear Can street. Captain aad
Mrs. Boaters In charge. Public meet iHtween Caiu. uni Pnl.m. .s*-rvicH^
lags every night except itoadoy. Sun ev€*ry Sundav nunnlng at lo;;:u, |*n»j
j, , „
iDkvr meeting.
rtiurch €4 ChrlM Ev. iy
Onr battle <
will to «vangi'ltoiM*-*ui SuiMlav. «»|»
IK»rtu.iliy will to* given to. ronf,*vv
All ore w«1
^^8:30 p. m.. christlaa*s pralsa maai Chrivi at ch»»o of ♦ vt-rv m-rvi»*e In*
ginning with tlie quiet hour oti Sunday morning at 0:3u. s«^iuon in .-jo.
8 p, m . red hot salvation asaatlag.
Our standard: Holtnesa uate thv “Tlu* Apostate Phurch. Hk TemMiliig '
Seiuion 7:00 p. m.. ' The Ap»»-lati‘
C'hurch; Its H)|K>crtny ” Tin* |^a^to^
of the church |.ni|M.M*K to luuki* plain
Christian flclsnea.
JuKt what to wning with the n-llgtou
Suaday mors Ing sarrlce la Modarv of t.Kiay nnd fflve full uctnumt ♦d hr
W^^man hall over posteOce.
pocrlsy and lift* for IL nifM*
will IM* muidc, hi iIm- Sumliiy hrsesMlop at 12 lu S« Vi*ial insiruiu
room. No. Si4 Wllbsla will
I lie <-!ini

'lie fifth annual mrcting of iho
Non hern Michijjan roiiltry Associalic‘11 will
httfd in thn Heuimamell
Hast Front

Traverse City. Mich.
Jan. 22,

23, 24, 25.


Last year more than 100 birds were on exhibition,
and from present indications there will be
a larger number at the c.-ming
meeting and the stock will
-\J'' .
; .’-v J
be of a higher grade. ' •

T. W. McKenzie

of Concord, Mich., one of the
best chicken experts in the states
has been secured U) y
judg6 the birds.

Cash and ^bbon Awards
Persons with fancy stock are urged
to place the same on exhibition.

Entries most be
IS a. 1


ide wot later
Jam. XL

General Admission, - lOcnnte





«• »»»^ fw •
kMM «( IM*. M^taL T.
iMiM ar mrmi to mti.
•>»my or lUM 9m tmt mt mmam. AMnavttki
A. Aimaatm.
a>r. UUk.
tm l»lt«
JMI tf-if


»«t of’ Mt* eliML'"*l>Hee
Wet* »nm.. <11 Dnlo.

(kc«r. fl.J.Mervi..

rOR AAH Woa> to an at Uia beat
Btoea to Oolorbdo. aot a praapact.
bat a parlBC (plar, one to wkicb
ratuma am aarb. proBta torpa; no
toka- bat a aabatoi
Otoaaado tatea^eat Tbra.
flfiaaa dallara «aa pat a baai
WANTtO-Tboe. Uit kM. enws to •haraa. We are bapdHap tbit tor
uie oar irauh dairr trad. iMt wd tbe beneat of ^e amall Inveator.
ebaapaal to the markat. T. C. Mlll- If you with to make a good alsed
Jaaiur InTMtmoBt take Travrrae City
WANTIO-Your upkeUtrrlnc. funillere ivpeirtw, ebalr renlng aad
tMMlUu. peektac, U. H. Tuiaa. tl«
«■«*■ »•_____________ J«. lUf

WANTBO-Wkaal. r»a. rom. oata.
baoaa. Iiat aito al«jr. T. C. Mllllnc
lu u If
WANTIO-Too that kaap ehickaaa
(a uaa oar IDBAL mtoad cUckeo
toad. Noaa battar. T. C. MUItat
, Jan li tt

•UY-Cood. blocky
fren cme to four yaaia old.
Thay .amat ba soond. If you have
Buy to sail oome nod sae ms. Her*
Bum HymBB« M WaidUnron



•llY-Oood, hlocky I
noh* fraM obo to four yaar* old.
Thay BMBt be sound. Jan Srd I
Isnyn far Mdlann Bhd Ohio mad wiu
hs gnaa two wanks, trying to hHni
nnam farmers up hers. If you here
any good colU tm anil, wrlu ms.
•irliii pastonaa Bddrasss. what
y«B hs?a to asll BBd lunnon fur selb
tag. Ob BUT fUlBni wUI elthst esil
oB you or wrHa yon. Harman Hy
man. tiO WnahtagUm stewat 11 n*tf
arnth. rifteenth or Hlxtf

to swll or trade? Call
W. mstcr-a house ftimlahing alore

T. C Milling
jsa 11 a
rOM gALC-Meat mniUst, Front
straat. Tool*, atock. ftatursa. delU*
•ry. good trade, good Hicntlon. esay
taram. Wnda Droa. ill South Ufllon
Jan 1 tf

hlBi a fev day* aim by Attorney Uenera! Jarlaon rraar^lnjt Ike baUot
bole* ca*c. The tnayor said that a
Irttfr had tM«m sent Co fhr city ball
addimod to -ih^nrwff a McClellan,
at the mavor** atnre.** *'l am the
de facto mayor aad dnslst .on betas
pftiperly sddrrKsed. * addi>d the.mayor
He astd that hr
yelope In qn4-*tfc
a pmp» r ad.
letterr iH-at to the
by the
t»eln* made for a remuni of the %ote*
cast In the Isat mayoralty election by
c«h1IU>ben Miller, of Port Hun»n waa
thrown from hU l.lrkele t.y the wood­
en stump he wenr^ In plaee of hi*
rlidit leg beoomlni entangled In the
a bael. The Icg. which had bet n ampula led near thKknee aome year* ago.
a a* broken near the bip b\ the fall.
Port Huron la worrying al»oui the
lee supply. a«t the rain* have Htlrred
up Blark river to aueh an extend that
the Ice whirl! ha* alnce ftirhied U
filled with mud T*e Ire field will
probably be bn»kei, hto«H- whenMhe
water haa aeitle<l. and a lug'B ill low
It away. *o that n* « Ire ma|“ form.

pruperly or Traverae regloo farm*.
Write or call oq u* for particular* Notlra to the Taxpayer* of the City of
and Information' In
Traverae City:
veetmanta. Wade Rro*. Trnveree
The Ux roll* for the collection of
City. Mich., 417 Union 8U Cltlseni the sUte and county taxe* for the
phone 1214.
dec » tf
year 1404 and for the delinquent
school and city taxes and special aawon AALf-Bran, and nilddllno In aeaameota for said year have bean
jojj^l^Io^or lee*. Travenw City
placed In my Unda for collection,
I will be In my office lo receive said
taxes from now until Feb. 1. 1407. on
each week day from 8 o’clock to 11:80
o’clnrk in the forenoon aad from 1
AALl-llTI-r^rty ncia farm o’clock lo 4 o’chkck In the afternoon.
On all* state sml county taxes paid
before January 10. the regular fee of
g^T*l!SS one per cent for eolK'cUon will be
charged and .on all taxes ^Id on or
after January 10. there; will
charged a fee of four per cent for col­
trade at Uke Ann. large flouring lection. Penalty on delinquent city
mill at Cupemlah. one of the largest and achool taxes and apectal ai
snd beat bolela.1 all ^lrnlahad. In
N«»rthera Mlchlg^; one thouaand manta. 4 cent* on each dolUr of the
-mlllhin fw*t of
hardwood, hem­ amount of anld tax.
lock and pine In Michigan :• livery
Office tn room 202 State Bapk
Urn fully egsipped In Traverae
City. We have
R. and saw mill*
* ^
sl*o a few choice location* In cen- ^*ltat^ Dec. 4.1404. *
trsi port Ion of Traverae City. We
have gold and silver mine* in
dec 4 lo feb*2t
City Tranaitrei
gn-atoM mining district In the worb!
-the Ovid Field JMstrlrt. Nevada
Wo have gold and «Itvcr mlnt>ii In
Colorado. In faci. we hava proper­
ty for sale alroi^t anywhere you
want It. But wo have nothing wc
ran offer yoo that will eoual the
Orand Traverse Region for safe,
sura profltshle lnveatro«>nt. eUber Co
.purchaser or as Araurity for loan
Wo always have: a gilt edged se­
curity for your money and we al
way* tbs muoey for gill edged

Aifios E. Bfn^ham

417 Unlmi Straotj^TSvoSS^ty,
Mich.. CtU. phono 1214. Call na up
by phone. Uwal or long dial
We pay the fratght.

FOB SALt-Htt^Miplem eight room FOB gALt-lW3-One hundred nnd
re.ldencc. 0Uth stfoet. All
!cre farm 12 mile* aonUi of
••venty acre*
x^lcbcea. A good tiara, rltwe In.
_____ Urn. wlndpilll: nil fenced;
FrlcalSiOfi. Wnda Draa . tl7 South
Price IlSOfi. Wade Brae., 817 Unloa
ttaloB stitwi. ClUssns Phema lUA
_______________ _______________ 4 It


FOB iALI—Large, eight-room h

heal, electric light, city water, sewer
roancctlon*. all in flral-claaa condb
tloo. O F. Murray.
Jaa 10-lme

FOB gALl~l4Tl-ll Bcrea two mitas

gloB. Price 88.040. Wade Broa.. 81T
UnloB street, CtU. phone 1214.

FOB SAUI—im— _
hooaa. oomer of Opsa and lidi Sts.

large lot. house Fell flnishad. on
Mone foundaUon; |m*y term*. Price
FI 800. Wade Bros.. 817 U: ‘
CItx. phone 1214.

tool, market anf church;
ma. Price fUOO.
vde Bros.. 817 |lal0B St.




Candidate for KeptuUican
Nomination f<

“for rent
FOB SALl-im-Flne modem boute
SUth atiwBt. BBd one ef the beat on
the atraet. Frtoa naed la spot cash. HOOggg TO BINT-®aat Tenth Bt:
PrlcB M88d. Wads Bra*., tn Blao one cofBtr FtWt and Rosb. A. Successful busioess man. SevUoloB atraei. au. phoae 1814.
P. HoalliiintitaL ;
dec 84f entl yesrfi Aiderman from
BBTs farm two tOUtt TO BlNTj-amatp eoniir Second ward.
T, O.
pnnt offlse Traae
Boamana. 121 Caoi
4m M
for^rden; good*bBUdiw:''nirin
•MNtal***WiST^bISbI 81?^ Omtall HOUgg FOB BENT
straat, au. ptame 1218.

City Treasurer.

FOB SALt-148T-«ll

I gas BBd Btattfte B8MtB.
F18F8. Wade
BbbU UbIob 8U CUisena :

win be -send me wnahed nut
lemp.- n * free from' desL luta
my little ndieA free froai
atatA la fact R’a IdeaL


.r.Su-^sjrsrti.r a C. MOFFATT-

Dr. Shoop*8
^!T-ir-rS.£2 Tg*tf-SfVS!&!^

WAIfno.^ tlKm.004 bo^lt of A^LU rON 4ALE-I kMTt aomm
oon la mr. CoioiilMo Traoofor Oo. thokm «p|rfM tr mmit ter aue:
Oriaer OeMia*. mtrnm. thMeJaa. U If.
lacA T>lif*k^kl«A Tf/rnamm.
* w^mree^n uiiiH. m to^rb^;
ervw*. iMTT Mllvu. Codar.
Mb 1441


McHenrr *ma eolleried
oney fyom owe of thene
Thw banrd of angniwfo
tie Creek hna rafwnsd to Brake Bay
B for the antarw at Unde*
wry Umna.
Wtav^ fknt


M4 raogktaoat to M 1
vlMi teoil erooai; flea
4f»t mtm.

WAIfTCD->A BIBB to make Ulk. ti
thooaaad pmr dBf. louat fll hU aavn

We Know

ont pny BBd Umb m the emty to




tags. OBT im tm-claaa oondltSon.

74 F^Ar 8t


. .. i-

Tl? llL flf forming wnrd ctaba for
boys of tender nge nnd ewea of ma­
ture nge. nem* to meet with
nt Memiecon.
The ^
hae bran the mibject of trtmbfo In
renident. was knocksd down and hla every eltv of the elnra and the InbIp bmksn He hna haen remorad to lUntlve tBken hy MnnkeMoii
d by other rftlee.
fbe county fBrm.
of the hnndaomrat a
Oarl Roaencfana. of TImrtaB. N. M.
enaaa to Mt. Plcnaant lo clnlm hla
bride. Mias BtheU dnnghtcr of Mr. and of lU JuTm'Se’Sto* tiiil he that
Mr*. T, H. Law. The* leave dn Tuea- which rtlcB U about to erect The
bnlldlag I* to be two atorira high
for New M^aloa.
of Uanalag. la aenlnc and the exterior, abovr she atOBc
foundation, will be of gnlshfd paring
«™«. pi.. X
brick, with a stale roof.
Pooiiac’s Imoae numbering ta no
bed that the taat city directory pubUabed confUcUng boome numbers ot
rred IVknrd.
the name street. A general renumber
in Haran. wai
tag haa bran or
ytuw la n hard
Flaher Is now
trooarl^. Hc^meh a sUne as 1
too win he
the ramiOetlon of the renumbering.
tmped. cuiHniT n had gnah In li
FowierriUo people are angry be
Ingenious small bova who wanted onuse the mail pouch, from Detroit
a holiday, smeared IlmbunEcr
on the fast Pero Marquette train
on the stfWm pipe* al the .
for thU place baa again been ran over,
They and part of the mall ground to pieces
under the wheel* tif the train. They
erlnlendent Is on their trail.
nwKKwuC Hint the mall be uenl out on
Bdwnrd Sherman ha* been nx*t*lv a sb.w train, which Iravra Ihv city
ed at the Ba*teni.^Mlrhlsan asylum at earlier.
Pontiac. He la the ag«l Port Huron
man who waa about to drink cariiollc
BBl. |«-yctou-oiu ncuiiiw
arid while insane. hU wifr saving his
1 Wednesday for ateal
life by dashing the vUl from
Ing from a bonefartor at Muskogvm.
and canfraalng that he had led such
Murion Hand aad WUliazn B
a life for year*, beggml that he be
dliwlpU* of the Mormon church
lakeu to the n'foriu achool before It
en up the Idea of
was too late lo break hi* bad habit.
will rent Justus Ooaieibaan ordered him sent
to l.anslni.
town In which to conduct meetings.
The attorney
They have gone to 8l. Charlr*. but repiesrnt alive to Laingsbuig to o
w III come bnrk and tnr again
leri 1850 fromI the eetati- ot Wtllbi
The movement sUrled *«*veral Ikiwdlng. deceased.
wsed, for malnlenan
we< k* ago by the Flint Impn»vei
In the asylum at Pontiac of Mr UckWdlongue In the dIfKiltm of I he or
The commluahmeni on claim*
ration of n stale fedeentlou of ba*l- cut the account to IW> and allowinl
neaa men’s rlului., lioard* of trade
and almllar assoclailona. ha* met
I^Tille Mrs. Maty Adams of Battle
with auch pronounr<*d favor through Ciet;k wa« dying at Macedon. N. V .
out Michigan that' Its *i»cce*a i* sow her aged brother. Nat Packard, of
Remua. Mich., passed away, the death
Ihera were 2.46T roiwsagt* pa.s*lng on the wire. Nelth
er knew that the other waa very 111
and the clrcumatauces were ao unus­
....... liitrL...
wcTC 3.7«2 birth*. The* death* *how ual a* to ike commented on at the
a *llgM Increawv over the
funeral of Mra Adams by the official
In November. There were^462 d«*alha
*”^^omS”*Knlght of Ml. Pleasant,
Id pera^ma b*’
enme home to find hi* houae afire,
tlonally Urge.
and U alleged la have aocuaed the
The CalUrd Furnit ura. Co., of
lainlly—the wife, a son. and daughter,
rroft. will noon begin .the mat
of being careless. A wordy war ta said
lure of cheap aecUonal Ukok-caaea, to have foMowod. and the son later
which have heretoTorv THnm high in swore out a warrant for hla father,
price beesust‘ the door slides were albiring that Knight started for his
okhUy Charles Cnllard ha* Invent^ dttughter with a Knife. Meanwhile. lh«
and will patent a door slide which he fire biased ra»Trll>. but the trr»ul‘
claim* to be both cheap and durable. waa dropped long enough to ext
Ray A. McHenry a solicitor em. gulsh It. Knight was discharged or
oloyod hy Webb. Hlckw»n A Co.. ^ the aasault nnd battery charge and
YpslUntI 1* under arrest charged the family thra di*ctar<*d him Liaa
embextllng |5. Webb. Hickson The probate r<kurt n nderod a de<
Co s buHlnfwis was Intwreatlng Ion that Knight Is sane, snd for 1
In government preseat hla trouble* iK*<-m to
land drals In Montana, and It la nl-

il q<n<r4i
wnitam Bacb. ar.. of

111. Is the last anr> lvur itf the union
guard that sUkhI watch over^Presldeni
Jefrnrsoo Davis whin he was cooflnfMl
Monroe at the rioae of the
J. Velkaa Baltimore man.
has Ikeen Iraet rar« driver, grlpman,
Hiid motorman fi>r thirty seven years
snd tn sll that time haa
of the time he hss bt'en ^on ita^Msdf
son avenue line.
Theckdore M. Davis, American, expUkrt*r. haa Uh>u successful tn UicatIng the tomb of QUeen Till, of Luxor.
EiD Pt. Mr. Dm la is a wvll-known
tgyptnlogist who for two* ha*
been unearthing royal tikrob* at Luxor
and who has dlse<kvered many valua
bio antlqultlea.
eers (w<v
Judgi'd by a Jury of h<
sen of literary atlaltinient iand dls» France) Mile
chosen poet laureate
of the year 1404 In her country. This
rary honor la conferred annually
La Vie Hevn use to the mosb dis-

Smytbe. Smeyib. Smelib. Rmlt.Smyte.
Le .Smvt, and the like. Then come
Goldamllb. Silversmith. Copperamith.
Locksmith. Aliltesmlth, Brownamltb.
Blackamlth. Arrowamith. I
illh. Kgamyih.
ilifi, KyUfeaumlih.
ith). HtDlesmlUi and’lo on.
are novFfour women who hare
! to navigate the waters
Mary Oreen.Mrs. Mary Swan; and the
Dlppold slater*. The entire Dippold
family now
Ucensea to pHot
atoamhoata and the women have all
aerxed ibelr apprenticeship of three’
years In the pilot bouse and on the
roof of Ofak> steamers.
Mme. Camille Thrimer. a
novelist aad warm advoeat


fraelBg thomselrea from the yoke of the oeninrtaA PraatelBB Uberatloa pan but eoBohto bur
ta devefoping ta bur
for wortc and stud.v-and
her 1
luBBliig toward idle pIcMore.**
Rev. Otivur Dm, the ftrat penon to
--------- BteDography. in the Unltod
an araoctato editor with Rob­
ert Banner tn publishing the New
York Ledger and bb tattarata of many
promtauot BUiramun aad
and a wMlknown aathor hna Jim died ta
ton at the age of 72. He taaraed i


. 'i


waa the firat stun-


C.B. Taylor Coal Co.

m State Bank I



m mmw

LESTER O. WBLCta—Atloruey al
law. CollecUoa urori^e apcctalty
With Underwood A Umlor. Suthcr

htad block.

Jan >U

88RS. OClot

January 22
Th« Ke»«r F«iling

Eoormoni Triumph,

...Homan Hearts...
A story from life
presented in dramatic form.
AbcRuidiaK in bmnnnity, bnbUing
orer with joyous bomedjr.

OnOoorviihBttgtnoss OoUefm
« F»wHra__________ Omara.sbra.M4

Tin Insurattct


6eo. Ba 3arslf
freight, pnrrala and tranks. Oftos
St aty Book StOTA
IBS. S. L. BONNER’S hnir draistag
pBrioTA over
Book StorA I
Money to fonn. 2it Stats Bank
building., CitiacAB phoon Of.
BEAL estate and LOANS-Crand
Trayorra Lnnd nnd Loan Oo.. F
Thnrt4ll Manager. Office, room 2
HamllUm A Mllllken block.

SABA T. CHASE. M. O-Orflra wKk
Dr. O. R. Ohaae. State Bank bfock
Both phoeeA t2S-2r. ReMdrace
W. ngkthSt atg. phone TIL
I Of the AFA BBT.
OliBBas fitted.
re« alofA Both

OB. E. a. MINOfta-Offira Bver Ameri
ean Drag StafA Bpralal httaiRloi
to eye. mr. mom. gmi thrant Ok
fitrad. BOCaphOOat. RBBidBDOBilS
OB. W. E. MOON-SpecjalUt-Oenllo,
urinary, akta and blood dlsaase*
years experience. Offlee City opera
houae block. Pliooes->New. 107:
old 292. Residence. 710 Washington

T. W.^ THIBLLV, OtnUfL Ovwr Bar
bod a Barl’a fownlry ntoi^ Bqtb

Tscrasy Nibht ,


Porcelain Work

FtAMO TUNIN4-W. K. Mtltard/ii
years experience. With
llh UrlnS^dl
Dioa.. corner Front and Casa Sts.
2340 If

the fa
■nt of 4he 1
i that ill ihlrtx^ i^BTMUB HOLLIDAY. M. 0.-rhyal
clan and Surgeon. Removed to of
known such
flees to Munson blork over Baraum
other point;
A ISarra. ClUacna phone 8tt.
west of 8t. I»aul am exist today. lli
add*: “The snow on the level on
then* I* from thnn* to foui feet di'efi
Men cannot walk on It wtth<*>'i sm>s
shoes, in some |klar<>* the :.uow I
ten to twenty five feet de<*p \Vc havi
from L200 to 1.500 men working along
our line snd have kept It o|Kn. b
Ikart of the time the weather has bet
MONEY TO LOAN-No Ux ctaua#
wk cold that men coaid not work.*’
pot In mortgsgra. Houeee for aata
Samuel Carroll of 8L Johns
taqalra of R McNamara, Park
been bound over to tho circuit couii
on a charge of breaking and entcrliu;
the iMune of Fred Brnirt newr 81
Joham. Officers fitted a pslr of CamkrABSTRACTS OF TITLE -C. O. Car
ver. Friers rraaoasl.ta Oftni with
O P Carver A Uro BoD. pbonee.
ha* rra^lved a commanlcatltm sta
that her brother. Wm 8. Woodruff,
of Benton Harbor, has Just been pro- DB. a L. THIBD6V-~ftpeclar eflse
in the
Uoe to diseasee of childrea. Room
404 State Bank bldg. Both phoora


Dr. W. J. Higgins

cl P, Btot OT»rr Thartda. mmtoc.-K«« Momm tJM*. C & Wii-

!«•. c. c.

-. •

101 from sirtti
OBh. J. O. A


jMm move wnirasi apt* •*.<•* ta
mas w . t a. a mmmtmtm Wdrara
SrtoarasasV. fV««ra« Sra««

Order your


I. O. Burn*
Y«nl «m1 offioK Northern
Micbigui doc^k.

Both phone, an.

Borai Ms 1. Uny Osws Usras Blora

lohn R. SantQ
General Insurance

Item wnkela Blk.. Tre?erM dty

Farmsjfor Sals
1 have a number of j^ood
farms, all the way from 40 to
460 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take il in cxchanjje and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good larm for less money
than you can Luy it of apybody else. 1 have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved bnd.
If yon IjBvn good level faring
1 will buy Ibein,

«0 WaihinKton.

Oil. phone 774

and Overalls


TNAVeme CITY LMION, Nd UtNUtoMl Prouett,* Lwtoa will
»MC to WoetaM kan on tlw OM
Taoainr of onto toonth at T:M d to.
Ataato *Bitk. proMeat; OaHo
mmeu, aaeiotorr: NatOa C. Onv.
travcru city Looas so. nt r
* A. M, tooMs oa MoaOar otoala.
oa or boton tho fan of too aooa.
at 7:»0 p. B. Oarl C. Landor. W.
K. S White, ooertoatr.

TRAveiwe CITY LOOOC. Na ni,
K. a T. to. M.

K. a T. kl. M. Nd tn Boato aeorr
PHeca* 7fe* Me*SSe*SSe. Pitoar
alfto to ton arbato btook. Sait
Seat sale opens at box of*
tod Ooitooaaatr; to M. VnakUa.1
Bee Monday, jan. 21. at 10
rd Soopor; XL A. Xraaa, flnaaoe
o’clock. Phone 112. 8 rings.

We have them in both
wiiite and blin- i^ goo<l, Ron
er*M Bizea.




w •:


J Local



Hon. Jake Moore| Mo veil


—' ■■

' Ktwrrx-rasr



rntmnm tm tk^


um4 mrm

Boughey BuUding




at Ftonayiranla. it U
that the twp will hsrr

cfBlas Other toiiieipnl
totocipnl l« Sowc

B. a DiWiTT A





riM the day. i


.bnrto o^Md «p a 4 to 1 to
iOrfto. aa4 u» mmeh talta mamtj
pmnA Umm IW add. ««nr m
!• wa« BO BMtoo to a IWa c«ill«««
dddid to t to 1. a»d dlbac to tli^ rmatoliif to a body wboa dtotaaiorat
mdtog M «t«f«d iMltor then 2 to lava aoBid to famto tipna ll by
bbroatora. wbkrb to lto« vaa to
at latcrafod to athk-Uca, a» it
Uom of tod toto
BO rarahy toaai to footton. toae
whMkrr It will
t. K> 9tm W IS. M« of tlw tMU
mrad M to toftkd ftvr tooro mcMMryplay a echodule of greater
Mtof wlM» la pftortoto tottlM to
than «re gamca. and npimrent
vhtoil taHa «to M of the prtoel
IS mBoerr In ihelr to
rer-ycar** rule u untto Danrar bojr*a aatot1> cotollk* at
totoaot aa tto oaaao of tboir ebaaga


CommMon s! Georgia

k and
nago. I II. Jan.
»e«*w4|w, WUMTH •re tO to
Id. It yeers oto No. S543 Armour
«, died Thursday In 8t B« r.
I hoapltal from n skull fracture
od when he slipped and fell when H was laanied ttot Cornell
holing with a fHeoil. Joseph
ThU learas
Injury was
the ramitt of an /acddeaul slip of
Prrund and not the result of a fall
-What? Ton we
a blow dcllrered by SUverlierg
" With a phrir of several frkndi,^*^* horse In a-----^
e.- hasted
Prrogd ao<l Sllvertorg went to a
No. aJr. I never bare.**
tnalstcd the
urn wrftb the wbUkrm
vacant danre ball at No 8824 State man
n^ro an 1 ton say U ttot jon^

Cfciogfo. m.


1 mort tfau tvwtr ymn from IndiDwSirtr-*'! hsvs
(••tioii. About oJihtow moBttm OfO I hod iTown 00 much womo thU
I oould oot difoot o enat of coni brood oad could not rotoinonytUac
on my otonach. My taoort would boot oo foot 1 oould not sloops ot
timeo I would ohmat dnw douUo with poin in tbo pit of my otomooh.
I loot twwty-avo pouato; in foot I modo up my mind ttot I oould not
Bto but o ohort ttno. wfaon o friond of mint rM»i»nond«d Kodol
Dytpopoio Curo. Iconooctodtotryittoploooohiffi ondiwoobottortn
onodoy. 1 nowweieiincmthonIrrtrdidinmyWoondomInbottor
boolth thon for mony yeoro. Kodol did it 1 koop o botUo oonotontly.
ond wtitt ttio hopinc thot huroonity wiU bo
Yeura TOiy truly,

Kodol for Dytpepcia io Ua
dicMtonU that will dicaot all eloooeo of food. In addition to ttio foot
It conuino, in osoimilotivo fomt. tho grootaot known tonio ond rooenolMtivo propertioo. AU' other dipocUnU and dyopopoia xomodieo
dicoot cortoin cUtoet of food only, ond oro locking in racoiatructiea
Kodol for Dyopopoio it preporod at tto laboratory of X a
DoWitt a Co.. Chivoco. and U aold by ioading druggiotb averywboro.

Kodol for Dyspepsia



heliht sod
are to be of conaldcnble %aluJ l«”tto
batUe. for Smith has all the proper
Huns of a middleweight, while Uwl*

toUd *Thlr****'
tto fna


Swrh*heavier, and that the lorat toy
mill Improve as the battk* rooHoue^.
tk he always doaa until If. nmnds will
sisialy he railed tor. and that he will
frrae ahead lo the extra 0vo Mwslona
who favor Lewln declsre
ttot H U a aUke horse against a sell
•Oatm. and Ihat a few |iuunds‘
weight advantage w ilt ml lUlIr ggiirc
UlVls ts knoSm to to a rusher, who
toihim out of his comer like s teni
afiBf a imt« and keeps on top cd h
Sptotont every mlnnle of the time
imkh declares that be will meet




Creaceus who alill holds a strii
tervirdt of tme kind or another,
one taut week, when Black Bird,
parrr. went a mile at Port Perry. Can..
OB the Ice In 2:14W. a woil<rs record
tor trotteiw or pacers on Ice. Cresceui
BCgotlaled tto mite at Ottawa. Can .
In 2:11. Tto. previous paring record
was 2:ITU, by Black Bird, made In
Tbrtmlo on Nnw Ynnrs.
Rowrna and Prograas lodges. K
r.. of Ja;maoii. wteHalned repre
aimuilvas from lodgM In Albion. Chel
wna. Baton lU|rfds.LMlle.Maaon
Addlpnn at a district meeting Thiirs
day Bight Grand Keeper of Records
BBd SmIs Wm. Hampton, from Chartovoli. BBd P. L Abbey, grand chan
cellor comBMmder. of Kalamaioo.
tondnd. Ttore wbs work In the drat
tognm BBd a hnsquet.
Bfchad clottos air
tadoora to knop them atlt. If
^ Bond to to Utoohad they nrr
tim fa tto aim. Wd Bflorurard atarcb
ed Old drlod todooTA








Oot OsU Now.

feintiMl blow fn.m SlIvertH-ni.

To rm Holts In
Tear old newspapers Into small bits,
cover with witter and cook unUl It
forms a thin paste and apply with
A {small wooden paddle, pressing It In
pbyalclBB who was <
111 11.
harden tw» nty-four
rrcond’s iknll vras f._.............. . .... f
base of the brwlp. He w as taken lo 84. i
Ikmard a hospital the foltowing daj. {*»r,- as plaKterlng.'^nnd hM^the addb
----------------------j tlcnal advanttoe of beliig easily ipI



Philadelphia. Jaa. IP—That Penn
and Michigan are bound to eome tev,
athletic alliance Is* Ntrw Harcn Jan. 19.~Bob Forlw s. 1
Paste That Will Kasp.
nlhleilc authorities j Yalfs great end 'isat fall, will s|K-nd.
at Penn
It Is almost sure ! the football season of 1N*7 at the Vrti I Take ontshaU teatmp of dry white
ttot tto
tove a tmek meet | versliy of Michigan as the rtghihsod :
IBIS ooiDUkg spring oa Plan kiln firm > man of Finding 11. Yost. That the glue, put It la one quart of water, and
the glue U thoroughly dlsand that Michigan vrill be s competb weoiem eleven will learn niti V things
tor In the easttra ootlegtate track and j about -roform footbair one can prr^'rciriA. Then tUr aoma flour Into
Md champloaahipa. whHh are to be diet at thU early date witha^rialmy.
cold water, beat oat all himpa unUI
held at Camhndgw the last Friday ann Forbew was without
pnt tt la the bolb
Saturday In May.
ling glue water, bring again lo a boU.
' then add one
I It was Waraad that Oomell
iful of oarboUc
d not meet Fean This lesvet
Make bag* of heavy cnaton flan- acid which will keep It from aottriag.
Pena with only OoAumhia to meet on
nel with a dmw string at the top | Pul H In hotUea that can be Bovarad.
uack aad the New York
toa to Pl»« over the broom and dust the ' to keep it from drying np. and tot wID
wan* vrith. Have the fuxxy aide oat I have the slickest paste yoo ever aaw.
Oean mlJTorm, wtadow^i
>y vaahAag with a cloth dl{
cohol and poliahlag with

tkh^ plahto


Wbea plaster of ParU U used for j Go over the stnc under tto alove
meadtag ctocks In pUateHng. mix U once a dior with a doth dimptosJ
wlfh naegar instead of wrater; R will with kmaeae and It will always be
to more easily worked wIUl


Arc YoorCollcctiODS Slow
HtTCTM accoub tkat

You Have Given Up? •

If yon have, let me coDect
them for yon.
OM acoouDU prooiptly •UandfM
to and 1 oan make money for you

A. Pohoral

So Says the Chsrirvois Courier Con­
cerning Ectablishment rf Oowic
Kingdom in the North.


j .The dally
im* printiHr
. nt wh sperlsl from Clilraxo to the
In -lliinmii H«*artK.- the ►tnry t<»ld
fret that Volivn, lK*wle ,i Hucc< swir
K lino tif much lm«‘rv*t In which the
esiabUhb « ixihHiy , .ym|i.c!hlcs «»f th.- Mudb nei- anr Ihoi
near Ikiyae City,** f oughly ^•«ll»t.Hl. Tom I>»gmi. an hon
jsays the Cbarlevuiv S«-ntinel.
t iwt blncksmllh. Ihlng lu the hill* of
I The rhlcaco reiHirtet who drtanietl Arkanns*. Is enliapiM-d by iin adveu
I that slfiry iijuhi have eaten a laivlilt [tiiresji whom he msrrle* without «Us
fFiiHtly. there U no -Monnon Ihland” U-overlnK he r ehaiaetcr. After a lime-,
near Uoyne City. Kerondlv. th« re U jnnd wblle |»oor Torn fbiiikK hi* luipiu
no laland «.r any sort ni*ar Iki>T»e City.
There U -Holy iKlHnd." nt the mouth IHwrH on thi *e*?ne. A murder 1* eoinof South Arm but It Ik maror KhiH nutted and Ihitmgh the plot lings of
Jordan than Boyne, aiy. and is slxotil this infamotiK man and woman, the
acre In area. The Mormons ujmmI iTline Ik fastc-neAl on Tom He ills
It fifty years ago as a -place of
covers the* initli. hut through love for
flee.- roasting an
1. and -ral
rather than Inf ray
they KucceA*d4*d In getting hohl of the her. he 4,ears the stigma, stands trial.
necoasary ox.
Is convIcicHl
convlcIcHl an
and s«*nUiie« d to Mai e x
w^ould^ have
Perhaps VollyS has hiK eye on ptlwm for life.
n iimlm-d. had It not I
Heaver Island the original klngil
tervcmtlon of the faith
lihinl friendl!* will.
?f so, we can give him a few iKilnt
I be "not Ic e of^hc-Bowerv- Bill Gallsgher IIvr-k there, liring hlK raw
and If VaiIIvs ever gets Ibere with hU
etdoay and bunt* up against sup»*nl- course.
aor Rill. In the matter of tcmiMiral nstortyl lo his former standing In
the RHUumunlt.v. The id.iv k »»i
sway. Ood save Voliva.
The special states that Voliva I* on which pathos Is n>nihlned with
a trip north to -look out the land - cdy.
If It Is Beaver Island we may look
pit reiiilug
for htm any day to take passage ami -Human Heart*- Is under the man
the United Steles mall steamship Lit­ agftm-ijl Rtf W i:. NankevlIle^wlmJias
tle Maete.
dlrtrliM its f«»ur numt successfull>
number <»f vear*. Mr. Naiike
vDIc'lK Kuld to have pnivldivl smplr
M-cnlr display for the pnsluetloii and
to have < nguged a splendid ('omiMin)
for the pftrirajUl of ibi* vailous rhiir
actet> at the Grand ojteia hoiistr Tucr
man of Hie first rank I* Hist he is a day night. Jan. 22.
man who H wise In nil Hint jierlslnK to
gmA-mment: that lie Ik dlscTeet. m-lfeomninM, and W4>ll tolsmed: that he
-How did .vou like the cocktail, colo­
KtU'es to run
nt: that he 1« nel r* ..
•it wa* very fine; very fine ludoRtl.
dignified In manner ami pnicilceK ab
i:r-but wasii-t that an umiKually
R H. Ilsniman. one «.f the mtol. remaiksble ttgure* in the world of finance, has RiurcumlKHl to overwork, wny* that sobriety of s|ieecb whhb Is
most tieeoming In cien of exalted ik>sIand his physician has ordered a period <if ahsolutc Idleness as the only way tor the restoration of his hfwIlh.The
tion. This was the American Ideal for
renter plcltirr I. fn»m s photAtgranhlc of Mr. Hsrrtman in Ills ttfflce The photograph Iwlow shows Mr.Har
many y.*ara. rerhaps It I* the Ideal
rimsn U^hlnd «»e of his fast trotter*. Riding and driving has btva his only recreation. The sketches at the sides
even now of the majority of the citb
of the tdetuxT iBtHcati- the manner Ih which Mr. Hstrlmsn hasVorked himself into a state of decline. He has
xens of thlK republic, albeit time* bare
made It a point to never waste a minute. At the left he l> sh«»wn llKtfMilng to callers aad Mudylng bis papers at
the same time. Below he la shown attending to business while his UrbiT shares him In his office. At the right
his method of timveling to and from his office Is showvi. His secretary makes appolnimenu for him three days

Just, when aplled to athletiw who en
terrd the university before the law
was passed. All In all. It seema that
the iilumni are as thomughi- wori<^|
op as the undergraduates nt Ann Ar-

Boston Ferns

^W^noral InUraal ArmmaL.

t at preaent than
aaiBpr aaaa or weison.
Se4h Wall Uk-d.
The fsrof. hoverer. la not ghen to
Lewto akme tor Smith acema to tore
made laoyw frteada than orer
throngh hla wmiBgBoaa to tart
hard gaipa. AH agrw Ihat the llahihatred bar looks atrnggrr and health
k f thaii1 whan irainlat fur Gardner.
and ttotI 1to abootdto |8 per root bet
r itoa to maa III ttot battto because
«tf iha two pounds greater weight al

WalterJ. Paige

Pbone for pricot. We deliver.



AotonoMIcaadSaitr Boot

84 viral it>und« were boxed 1

^Tto bola ^ poaiod at a |at«
i^Mliaradar a£lit wore aa toll
^^toraa amtoy ttoi tto ooatoat will cod
to 10 roaada or toaa. I to 1 that SmUh
will Bot wto. 1 to 8 that Smith will
fto oraa awiBoy Ibat Lowla will win
Mdr tto limit and err
t Smith will Bcn
aisiBc rniBi th—
I probaWr nator tto rtog i
l^to. alttonsli ttorw pro
iHsath nor* vafortof ob the nam
tor of roaada thah oa tto

ateraot at the coming
champlona tore ap
Mmtrn. Thin la no
dhubt gtwallv due to, (the fart that the
r Lewis prarodfNi him here
•oBtto. and that Smith. 1
Droear paadact. showed hla gammr
todktoianner highly commendable by
a wmiagnaoa to take on a man whom
0^ l^notehera ns Jimmy Osrdner.
llttm TWln Somrsn. Hooe« MHlodr
n»d Dtok Hyland tore aldcwteppoi
within the past tow wjmks.^untU^

Cormer si Csss ssd

lag WNI Sa Held to That god.
Phlladalphls. Jan. 10.-That Pwto
and MIehlgan are bound to come to-


mmtm Cm ^

SuReied T%rait]r Yeut With iiniigeitiaD.



Trsvems City. Mlto., SapL 11, ItOI.
1 hsvs piacRHi a aanbar of aoomnls
with A. Pohormrt agteiey fto ooBaetr
Ion. many of them long outlawed; bot
just the same Mr. Pohoral brought thu
Uma aad prompt aai
Dr. B.U ,AahU*,DaoUat.




Trwls l«svm Tfwvww ONy for Martto«wk
wo«*4 aiuuUy. *1 • «s ■

Tmin KrrlTM at Trsvstvs €Xtj. wasspl
<Uy. fro. Borihport ts« wm.
» •mrs »l
”Vrwia i


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