The Evening Record, January 16, 1907

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The Evening Record, January 16, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


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utAiHEm eoujNHOM on junc




mum m Hmr





■m Twtmf.

prmr oAMBMNa.

aad almrk thr wajr car of thr other
train going. prtrfaWr. at aliont twenty
mJlaa an boar.
Tbr And four cara of U4
ditrbad aloBg aiik aJa rara of ilte
odbar trala wblcb wa» made up of
fvairo loada and aavaniron mipiiea.
Mr. Oaka waa I
vbaa b» naw tbat the collialaii vaa ia
PftUbla and vaa thrown hoarlUr. auaflAi^ a aararf brvtaa oa bin lafi
aibAAvtfaoabl. bnad




Formal bailai Waa Takan Today By
the Hevat and Amiat In Joint

Wiro to Tba Mrenlng Roeoid.
lainalng. Mich.. Jnn. Ifi -Tbe forBial election of a l^nltctl Bintea i
tor look place at noon today.
Jiouaea of the Irglalature went Into
, Joint iralon. the roll waa caUetl aad
tbo republlmn merobem caat
mtra for William Aldeo Smith while
the domocrata voted for Themu
Barkwortk. The annmmcemenr ^
Smllh'a election waa greeted with ap




ad aa did tvd bmkOTMv who were
vbgbtlir bralaad aad acmtrbrti.
Jnat abaad of m'a eabooae waa
potato car vitb a atove la It. Tbla
oatigbt trr aad the car waa cnoaiimiHl
By Wire to the Rvenlng Record.
along with
Ann Arbor. Mlch^ Jan Id.—Small
A w rock lag train waa immedlatrly po* hat cauted a bad nrare in Ibe Uni
aaot frovi tbla Mtjr and aaotbar from vemlty of Mtehlgan. Clamner Rid
Oranu Raplda. tba track bring rimrrd
ridge. cUn of OK afti*r an Itlneaa of
ntSslA thia morning. Faaacogri irnina
9 nnd 6 dmmirrd by the way of Man one-week .vuw iak«*n to the hoKpItal
Hla case wat pronounced amallinm
latce and tlaldwtn.
and the houne where he waa Ul ha«
l*een QuarantiniHl.
Bldridge U athletic editor on
Ann Arbor dalUet and a welikt
newrqiaper roan. The health officer
bat adhlaed an imminllate gemTSl

Wro^k on Aoutbocn Aailrood Couood.
Aovcral Patoongoro Hurt—Prop*
eriy Loss Heavy.
By Wire to the Rvening Record.
Charlotte, .V C . Jnn. 1C -I'aaaiBgcr
iralo No M on the Southern mllway
wat wreckfM near here ihU morning
by the brrakInK'of an anxle on the
tender of the engine. S« veral paaaeng«*iw were M'poritHl InJuHsl. Property
lot.i^ mat h«*av>

Apacial Graim Jury Hat
Tru. Bill Againat Banker
Jo**!! |t Weleh.

Nwaod Away at tb# Honat of Mtr By Wlro to the Evening Record
Chicago. Jan. 16.—A true bill charg
•lator. Mra. BaH. fat NIfftit of
Ing John R. Walsh In ihlrt jflve counts
Htort Troublt.
with mtaappropriatlon of the funds of
Mra, Lvdla J. Palmer jwiaaed away the CJikDgo National bank waa voted
at II:2dtoat night at the home of her by a siwrial f^eral grand Jury.
alaier. Mrt. Ororge Hall. 463 Norib
Mproee atmet. where ahe baa been
fradoally alltag for the past two
, voeka at the agr of 6t yearn and 10
^ montba 8bo vaa boni la Oolumhoa
. \ county. New Tofk. aad movtd at aa

naily ago wiU her
By Wire to the Evtolng RMvrd.
tvwa of WbUe Ook. Ingbnm county.
Hooolalu. Jan. U-Aa en
Mirb. Utw leavea two aoaa Perry from ihe crator
•M Nathan aad one daughter. Mm. hmm gveeveMigg for tew, hoars the
HaUlo Spolkir of Qraad Raplda. also
bvi Bowing nonth aa in tbe empUoa
firoo broUmm. CharNw Irish, of
brnnehro of towni^
•Fnmaatrori this cUy. Albert Iriah of
l^WDOd towaahlp. and Chanter Irlab.
tMamrly of Omad Raplda. bat aow a
ranldpat ol Caljfontla. booMon oao
Mater. Mrs. BaH
Sonrlma will ba


8b.rlB Ctu.rl« Johu«m w«ii
B*ul»h /nir^x ui<l. afl«- a olBMy
ille drive, retUrnisl mlth Albert CunIngham, who was accusetl of stealig a watch, this morning.
Cnnalngham pleaded guilty !«*fore
Judge Ctirtls and wlU spend slxty-flvc
day. In Detroit.
and Anthoor Oeorp wei
In a camp In l^ng' base town­
ship. when tbe biter hung up his vem
with the watch tn It and stepped out
of the shanty where they wer
work. When he ivhirned the watch
rone. Cunningham has a bad
i»-<ord with the offleem and has been
Jalletl before for p<-tly thievery. The
of going to IVtrolt seemsd to
affect khn for although hr Is a
irs old. b*- broke down and wept
biiterty.' ProsecuUng Atrorney Pratt
asked him why he persUted In i
aad the man answered ihitt he
couldn’t help U-

nuiM uiMai WAS nun


Witch Hazel Cm

[Witch Hazel Cream
Witch Hazel Cream
This preparation hat
been on the market just
trifle over a year and it
AS the largest selling pre­
paration of the kind in
Traverse City and The
Most Satisfactor>-.


Which Hazel
Cream Violet


By Wire to Tbe Rvealag Raivrd.
Iladelphia. Jan Ig—Five
were iastaatly killed la the Bri
port freight yards of the PhUadeh
A Reading at 10 o’clock thU man
by the eaploskm of the boUer of i
MDotive drawing a cattle trala.
The dmd:
Charles Slln. cooductor.
John Nobleck. Areman.
Roy Schneider, brakeman.
ISiifrr Kantv bmkemsn.
t’oknown man In charge c»f the live
The cause.U not known.
Lata Mm. Emily Host Was Buried at
2 O’clock This Aftornoon

afieruoun from the Acme church, a
larce number of friends being In at­
tendance. .Mra. lIcMii was a pioneer
of the region and the many uud
iKWutlfui floral tributes showed iht»
eslefun 4n which she wss held.
rresident Castro of Venerucla Is s
Iiffering from an Incurable disease,
so bis physician ano^oes. Only the
fact that his retirement would plunge
.hb country into a civil war between
tke various aspiranta for the succes­
sion ’ prevemts him from leaving publi

all lbt‘ Aplendid opportuniliei offered you at
our itope juft dov
you would not hetitatc
a tnomant before you
deeide where to buy.




omeiAL roRscAST.

Magazine Subscriptions
) and it will reoaiao prom|>t aUcution.
#e aavaymi the poatagts the prioe ,rf tbo
'Ibe tronide of aoDding.



City Bdok Store
Tbe EobertCo. prop.

Thiaia not a pAntling question,
for vt* Am AdllitiE Auaia Iota
voiy cheap. Tbeatt wt» do not
with to carry over. - 8ome
atrong numbers that aoltl all
tbe ueaaon for |1.25 and $1.KS
am DOW being sold for $1.00
Thcee are tbe beat gooda y»>u
have had offeml you at tbia
prioe and if you need undar.
wear thia ia your tiiOB.

Will pay Hiphet Caah pricpi for (

Maple, Hemlock, Asb, Elm,
Basswood, Pine aod

One Visit WlU pay yon I

Men’s 8 in. and 10 in.
Leather Top Rubben,
Men’s LurobermenV Arc­
tics. worth $2,
Women’s Warm Juliettes. fur trimmed,
. 8Sc
Good Warm Slippers.

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cit. :J2, Bell 169.


Men’s Sandal Rubbers.
Women’s Storm Rubbers


Children’s Rubbers.


Drag Store


delSbtJd ToJSe;rif«'andIheiJ '
Snu irhjir ured
By Wife to the erenlng
Mooroe. Mich.. Jan 16—A too nnd
a kalf of dynamite exploded ia the
powder mgaxlae of the Shore Une
Stone oammoj at 7:90 tkU
Towf LoMMma. aa Italian I
the qaarrr. was killed by Ajrlaf

•t <ta e>^ «r chHM LMt


Kew York. Jaa. id.i-Tbe following
latovMttt of Ike effefU of the earthuake which abook 4be Island of Ja
talca cm Monday anemooo waa re­ Them on the Low Aaiigan ore BjBer^
ceived here at 10:S0 o’clock last night.
log Soeaww of Ooap Aeow a
Thirty persoca were killed aad
about 300 Injured by aa wmrthquske
which ainick Klngatoc. Jamaica: Man By Wire to The Sveolng Record.
Moot.. Jan 1C.—Thouday afieraboa. Many bt
p are starving cm the low
ludlag the Myrtle Bank hotel, were
ranges In this section oaring to the unMm Pottrr Palmer, tbr famoua Chi­ partially wrecked or d.«ein.yed' by the
ed depth of snow and the etlock.
cago aoclHr lcad(>r wboac picture
Fire followed the earthquake hut It treniely cold weather
hem npprara. U Uklng nn active Inaa cemAned to the wharves along
tcreat tn bringing nboni |mncr
\e water front, and by night the
1 capita) and lalmr. Her man
imea had aubtlded^ Only aliout one
tn Cblcago waa rtwetitly thrown open
Doors This Morning Mad
i meeting tjf repreat-ntatlvca of alateenih of the city was affected by
the Are.
ntt Think Thom Had Soon
The general hospital was not d«stroyed aad it ia crowded now with
Ibe injured. Tbp mllllary aUllou was By Wire to The Evening Record.
Vpsilantl. Jan. 16 —A shock supwrecked. Ibe camp boapltal being de
atroyed. One British ctfflcer was aerl poked to b^ an earthquake lasting half
a inlniite waa felt at K:15 this morn­
cMisly wounded.
ing In the region of this diy. At
The Amt shock waa violent and K
Stony Creek, a alight shock waa fell
as followed
by a
number of
alROut 1 auVlock and at 7:30 doom
ironiblers ctf leaaer degree*. Moat of rattled.- The nbock
buae who perlabed loal their lives by In Ypsllantl.
being caught la the railing buildings
There are many Americana In Ja
Mca. but acme are among the mUs
Ftve Poopit Warn Kiliod Today With
a Bomb By At. Potorwburi
By Wlii to the Bvening Record.
8l. Patersburg. Jan. 1C.—The terrorOUMMfNSHAM*A
Uts threw s iKuiib into the Municipal
Credit company luuik Icalav entirelv



Cbnrrt er CkrlM mrr •tmtat- Tlw
KtMwl rhontt aac bmUfallr
lutalckL nw pmor. (b* Rrr. j. A.
Cttiv ptmcM m -Tb. Lam. Sbeep.*
<b» Mm. WHDbw or A mrUa of
aMBa (hU «a>k oa tb» aflMatb ebapSpactaS to tba Svaalag ]
Lake. Tb. ubjM todebt
ba tba -Urn CMb.~ Six parwa.
pobUctr «aaftaa>4 Cbttoi at tba cloae'
ma^lae la KalkaPka baa been
of tbr arrrlre.
aeaum aad remered by the vll
laga aatberltlag Them baa baaa con
Mioa regarding tba aa. Eiisilit Waa DmwtiiB a Train Laid of
am littje time. rUmlly
•tack and tba Man in Charst
Lenw your order for
took bold of the amttcr
af tha Cattia ^aa
vaa bnmgbt to baar cm
the vtnaga mmaell vhk the al^e


I^ailo IteaUtM rirrr orbloli rmliod
la M>vrr» InjariM to CaMloHor llPonr
Oaka. doUjrtat tr»tMc
iba pttlac op of u« «ar» aad la baillf
Ko. IM
Two mrrn fn^ibla. Noa. m aad 161
vara akiaaljr foUoarlnc mrli other
MMlh Imnid. Abool tbraMcmnlia of
a BiUa tram the Ufllr UmUteo No.
m WBM Aaaad bf aactlaa ia««i vbo
vara arotblat oa a brokaa rail
l%e ^her train In cbarfo of Coo
Aaetof Oaka paaa
tup mat autloa tba tvo trmlna paaaM.
ivatra rntmatm babtad tba otbar. Thr
ftaupaaa vbo bad baaa aanti back from
tba oaeomtag tn
bbarp oarra and 164 ap
abool tbr •Uda an bourVlih Hereo
aaaptjr moaa rara. Tbla vaa about
Ibfrafoonba of a allr from ibc
atallod train. Rngloarr Palmrr Ini
nM^latoljr attemptrd to alow dovn but


3 Days
3 Days
3 Days
Just keep that in mind that you
only have three da>>s in which to
buy muslin underwear at -the re­
duced prices.
Many have secured bargains. We
hope you tove, but if you have not
there AS still time enough, as there
are good, snappy values left.




tm «vmiw I

I- V

mn before eext ^ h viU pw WMb.
one At thA pricea we Are oSerwg J
ckiee out our stock.

It chnMM nf toe Ineal taiMilih M«n

■dttpn nni nton hna n pM % to.
atoMi «nr toe bIM ll■■■lr^i^a^

;jss5, -«2r-~ - • £:J?t2r.zS2r*2

■-‘IIJI «..

- -

«• li • i«i>«

lMr<f «taw


«• «M


IhasnbrMd tunkara nod tiy


mnrs sAviNCS

with you CM boy it

to pM

«| toe gMOMl
and the lantoer and aalt
John A Barry of Wexford county la =
he general taxaiioo
amber of the

atoieeqndtht» namm pentoauU aayliini



¥nm row ror com roaoHy Tooh
001 Tlwro woo OMy Afel

njm Mill OwtMMdioa.

Wuertlatot Men Ware Sharp But
Their Mpa Wat Randarnd Ineffnatiue By toe MlniL

M9WTH MAS •«»« TOO AAWO lo-r or a># eoamllit* <m poUte iaXo
ood t»m borne f.o- the iVoMo mtoded
, AMCvitof to tUlMiMU

liM J. HUl to o toltor to Oo«
MMob of Mtootoou If tlto rBlIvurt
Cf too ml oro to hftii4to iImf Ii«i«
«f toot oMAtao of to# oouotrj. » to
fMtuot of OOO t4moo.toko huDdml
Itotttoo Acrttoi* wmM bo rooidi^ to
OrMr to protaM to tro room I
|fAOO nltoo or oow tiork oooM.

lo kto tnm, wooid cool 176,000
P>m^ |wo mllltoo too. of
r^to v«M %• rMvtvod. Tito totoi of
MMbf tola tontoOM wmotml of fcrw
UtOkoitwo^MdkOip 100,000 olMlUoiiiU
talpmf bMT tW fon ito Stoonu
Hr. Hni ttTM too CTMt pmoth of
tho oMWirr M • toOMB for toe OMaborUfo «o4 toe ofioJ tontoe of toe
oortbveot and etotou toat ibe cMUkiok
' , fkar tba faUire I. dark. That the pre.Ml fiOttUtoa of tbe road are toadeq«ito la atoMOa by toe report of the

The state and<
ChH of PoUee Aahton 1. having
I, ml * oor.
advertiatog rtgaa for a certaui yeast
”*“'"** *•
rmumir^ Hu«llm>.M ouiea
which are posted on tH<id
■ ■
<l»r «»»t «ko coueeuoo. w for
tbruttgbout the city, tom down.
of Iboo. lo« row 0. tbb lime
When the ordinance warn passed reto
Tb* toUl «dl I. |M.mJb
gnrdtog thl4 matter several years ago.
10. 020.171 22 had
wt every p*de to the city was
leui McdetJee ni^ aiate affalriL
Bed with a little blue and white
than last ynar. On iaa. 10 the
aanouneing the merits of
article. It aectna that the advqrtlatng
men were warned about the matter
e« VeiHit Lndtoe Were toa toe roll^a. been oomlng to regularly. but every year since then they have
I at tha Homa ef J. W.
tacked a fresh aign over the oldHaeaoe Last Cventog.
until there are eevcral thlekaeaaes of
The Mlaaea OtoM Utcaa. Clara Ruf^ Kaat Side Cmd Had SleighH
Last fall the trick was repeated, toe
aer. RoMt. Pearl Thaccker and Addlf
Party to tilvtr Laka Lent Night
agent, dodging the police. Mr. Ashton
SoulM punaUtuted a committee whn
Bqulppcd with a mualctoa the east
will ace to It that
practice l«
entertained the Sunday achool rtaaa of aide crowd drove out to SUver lake
MIm Barton dt the Conge
last evening and had a very plcaaa
church at the home of J W. Hannun time dancing until midnight, when
evening. Music was the principal substantial lunch was served. After
. 1T.

mss lumrs cuss

_____ _


kthe toeraaaeto the trackaie,
the votltoi mioA and toe equiptBeot
aod the butliiMM of the rallroadM
The fact 1. farther stated that with
1b toe taa( ten yean the volume of
railroad burtiraa. to thU country ha»
tPCfeaaad 110 percent.

Boee with the pnmrth of the. coont
M that to order to handle the In' Mtiaaed buidnee. wftlcb tnuat be cared
lOr. a tn*inendou. expenditure for
IPore track., morn can. more kw«Do-

torts and more extra labor I. Becea-



If John'nT Rockefeller^ Standard
Oil oompany U convicted on the O.St
todlctmaou brought agalnat it and It.
ramldcatioM. .ubahUary
tic, toe Ooe. would amoiifit to exact
H^HO.OOp.000 or the locomc turned to
. RoQkHeUcT by tbeee i
I laat year.
Tha hay froxe over last year on St.
PatiIck'B day. Judging frxHu prraent
IqdkanoB. It will do even better than
that tola year. TbI. .tatemeat caa be
taken either way tbc leader wi»kea |t.
Jacob Van We.tdee i
I to Tak.
Charp. at Holland.
Grand Haven. Mlcb.. Jan. IG.-Su*
pwtolendcnt Charle. Morton a»*
Bounced yeeterday that Jacob Van
Weelden. kcepof of the life Mvtng
ttatloB at South Manltoii. baa been appointed to take charge of the station
at Holland, tomerly In charge of
Chaunesy D. Pool; who wa. diunlMcd
•Her toe InvceUgatloii Into t|m Hoi
land biwakwater horror. HI Ml Pngh,
pnrftoaB Ka 1 at Pvntirmlcr. la given
qharge of toe South UtoBltou staUon.
.Same Good CatchM Are Being Made
. to Saardman Lake at Preaent.
Carp lake to losing some of tU nttracUons for local fishermen na the
perch are begtonlng to bite good to
Bonrdman lake. A number of ntea
catches have been reported and a
number are being yanked out avary
day. One catch waa almoat qntfbm

to atoe. tha fish wHghtog ahont a
In Australia mutton anaartfiMa
aMto for 2 oento per pound, thnrq haIng no meat trust to that couatry.
in Germany there mre M monntnlneertng clubs, with a tatnl MMihnr
ship of 142.MS,
Doga are aald to be qMta ■nMagtiWe to amallpoa and the owanrn of
Taliahle onntoaa often hnua toe«



f RdCRfef

At the entmime of Udeaaa harbor to
a sunken rock, wkkh has been the
source of danger to oxvisators for cm
furies past. The Ruastona have de­
ckled to erect on thU rock a light
house which will rival to origtoatlly
aad latereai aay UghUkHWe of ancient
or modem llmea. This la to tie n gb
gmntlc figure of Christ, holding aloft
In hto left hand n cross. The lipht.
one of exceptional .hrlUtonry. to to bn
placed in the center of the croaa.
It s to your advantagb to i
rt-sUgate the pricea wr are making on
all trimmed bats. Mia. C, l». MrCool.
UK Front airvet
jsn 15 t2
ATTKND*' dancing achool and ns
sembly St Horef. nendemy Mondsy
night. New etoasew just forming.
jan 12 2t*




uoonnou. Mook mW Uuil «• SkiAK
up loo mack room.
It poo «Mt A Botktr,

New Is the Thnc to Bay
Aod boro it vboro you will find the kq.
.^MtoHaeot oqd the lowMt pruM in

Rtx ker liku cut, KoItJeo oak, roll gmit, niwly csiTeil,
alwnyt tolO for KOO, now only.................. ................... 3 U6
()ur aiHHnnl $7 Rocker, «oUmi osk'wkln arm, roR tagl. now :i ft®

feature df the evening, followed by a that was aatisfsetoritT dtoposed of.
An Immigrant la not permitted to
more dancing was Indulged in and the Next One Wifi Se Prito^ Evening In land to South Australia unless he <
tha City OpPra Henna.
twenty young people arrived In the
The next party to the wtotef series speak or write Kngllah.
city about 5:30 this morning. All bad
It takes four pounds of fresh Icwves
of the Hite Dancing club will be hvld
such a good time that another party
Priday evening to the City o|H-ra to make one pound of dried ten.
tonight wouldn i be refused
e. This party wRl be the thlnl In
the «‘ries and will be fuUy as pleasant
as toe two othera. It la expected toat
Only Smalt Attendance at to. Men a the atlcndaAoe wUl he larger than
Club Laet Evening.
Owing to the fact that there was
127 S. South Union Stra^
•tops S^lng Taken to End Per* Mar- only a small attendance at the meet
^patto Raoulverahlp.
^ Ing of the Men's club of Grace church
- New York, Jan. lC.~The CtoctonatC last evening, toe program was omitted Abouth Thirty Coupits Had EsjoyaWt
HamUtoa A Rpyton and Pww Mar­ and the meeting . adjourned. T
Tim. Laat Night.
quette t^gle la fast being unraveled preeent were entertained wHh pi
The party glvwi by toe Bustern Star
* U pill not be tong.>efqre torn graph selections by a \Tctor mac
the Masonierooms last evening was
propertloe will be In a pdklUan to bu
1 Orinnell Bros.
a very enjoyable aSalr. about thirty
removed: from toe hands of the re­
tos being preaont. Music wna fur
Rather MlxHL
nUhed by Stewart*, two^deoe orrtieoWhen ;thb Is done they wffi to aep.
The writer of a report of a preaentoand several new seleetioBB‘ ^
wind nnd each company W^ V> ab tlon to the Rev. Dr. Mudge. mixed up Inlroiluced during (he evening.
lowed to work out Ita own aalvatloo aa the description d a patent pig killing
kdepundent company and no at- machine to the columns of his
Nms uses for SawduoL
tampt wfll be uuuia Iq lease them tp la the following way:—Several of the
Sawdust was looked upon at one
K>tlag Uncs. St least In the
Rev. Dr. Mudge*. friends called upon tone as waste matortol. but during
diate future. They will be pnnM'rto him ysrterdayAnd after a brief conver- thf last few yearn a process has been
financed and wUl be plac<Hl anPecd
antloir the uniuspicious pig was aalt- diacpvered which has given sawdust
sB by the hind leg. and slid along a
yalue greater toao that of soUd lum­
bnam till he reached toe hot-wator bar. By toe use of hydruulic pressure
With ideal, dependable goods, making thi* the
thpk. Hto trienda explained the ob- and totenas.heat the particles
Jrtfer^n City. Mo,. Jan. 16.—The >to?l of ibHr vtolt, and preaented him formed into a solid mass capable of
Ideal Shopping Store in the city and region.
tqUh a rer>
mae of repreeenlatlves
I molded into any ahape and of
the standard goods and many exclusive
butcher, who grablmd hlpi by the tall, receiving a brilltont polish. The only
line*, up-toKlate, in 'be*t quality, immense quanswung
rials usdd are sawdust, alum
of PrenIdeBt Roosevelt to discharging frem
ftvm car
ear to
t< es^, mnd, to loss time sad glue. Imiutlon marble cax
tiiy and lowest price. No need to leave our
toe irtgas aoldisre conmmted with the ikaa
than H Uk«
Ukes t6 tell It.toe esreass wts
ifisctured from a inlxtore of sawnewly-remodelled More until every
BrownatiUs riou.
WH ta toe water. Thereupon he
dost with Ivory waste, water, glass
want i* supplied.
forward and said that there
and glue. In Norway acetic acid.
AconMng to a trade pn^ there gfe tones when the
thirty tVmsand exclusive dry goads oaac and for that reason he would
not nttempl to do more thnn
B b^ tola country.
those around him for the mnni
which such n huge animal wna cut up
The White Sewing*Machine,
waa simply astonlahtog The doctor
of an machines; sells at |55 and 140.
ccmcluded his remarka wbea the ms
oim Journal Pattnnis.
is an inflammation of the minutes the pir waa cut iato fragtoe moat popular pattern sold. None
mucoul membrsne which msoto and worked up Into delicious
over 10c or 15c.
lintf the throit
■nusages. The occnaton will be long
The Tilt Kenny ton's Shoes, the best
Have you ever tried a gargle rHueabered by ’toe doctor*, frleada
$4. |4Ji0 and $5 meu'a fashiimaUe.
of PA^fTINE Toilet AntisepUvea. *rhe bsst pieot can he mured
tieforjihis trouble?
for ten emits a poqnd; and
The r. P. py>rd Ladln* Fine Shoes,
It not only removes the .are that those who have aat ao long
toe shoe that shows the dainty linen
foreneit but strengthens the under Sto mtototry wUl rejoice that
of a woman's foot to the beet sd^
j ^
Blembikne of the throat and be has be« UMted ao handsomely.
vantage. Prtoea. $2. $3A0 and $4.
The Tsie Brand Macha aad Java
thus prevents a reoccurrence. It to aiw^cd by toe Amalcnn Ma^
The J^pm Bros.* Oelehmiad 9kott,
Paxtine bat no equal for all ebanto tont^ rulliMd hnUdtog toe
the Vhue of medium prtoa; |2 mad
The Rad Dragon Tea. .
throat ^ness, and we sell it cross ties now tcost twice aa much
The Supreme aad Tha MiUl
on a positive guarantee to re* as the rmli%
Ingra|fl a Urge percentage of the
turn yfur money if it fails.
poople-fo bnrefbot except on Sundays
a»d holidays,

Your Credit Is Colbd’^;

elded to,give i party Jan. S2 and enTbia report abcnr. that to toe to- terUto Mr. Bhner*. Sunday Mhoql
tflfeml baiareao im and lOOE. the eJaaa an^ the Sunday school ortoeatm.
BillM of traokao* toereaoed 01 per Durtng toe evening refreahmecna of
Mtt. the Bunber of loeoMOUvM SS per eandwIehM. ffotne, fruit aalad, wafera
too hUBitor of l^ofer ear. 25 ana
almond, were served,,

per OMt Old the Bihnber of
can 41 per eeot whUe the pa
nitoato toeeaaoM H par oaot aad toe
iloll^t toaBlleaceni per
I toov a ailfhty





em.v A mw iar?.


thirty gadj



You, Rclabfc Fmiilure Store.


Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

The Hannali & Lay Mercantite Co.
THE BIG STORE "-^Mers In Everything

We are'Sole Agents in Traverse Citir for


CvA«a ^ i/Om Oqr
Cm Oh a TWe Bert


Its sleep. It to anre that the
atouging brain contalma Ires blood, or
ft clrcnlatea Irea. thaa the brain
awake, and this Is the limit of what
we know.

OlMrta* VHk. ttr m.......«lt.M

SIrt. ^

HSa'iiiS I


BaCtar. ctMarr. par
BaClir. «ali7. ptr lb..............n0M
Obb~, par lb............ ........ 47B1I
•alt. p0f bU........
Bar. par taa........


•aylnf rrlaaa.
Wheat, per ba .......................

Hi«a.dfaaae4 .................. .


S0. 7

It to relntad of n Chlneou merchant
Charles 8. Fhlrchlld. chairman of the Finance Committee of tbe New who wma convicted o
York Life Inauraooe Co. and prealdeot of tbe Ne^ York Smmrttlca and Troat
and sentenced to die by being deprivCo., haa been tadlcted toaecher with George W. Perkhia. for certala tmaa- ed of sleep, that be area plaoed In
actions In eotmectloB with tbe financial affaliu of the gtent New Tork Ufe prison with guards changed hourly
taaormnee Co. Mr. Fairchild waa aecretary of tbe troasury nadar Proa- for the purpose of prerenthig him
Tkr Udlr i llbnrr aMMliUloa
vnjoy aiioUier |oim> o( tb« «od«] aner Ment aevetand. and has kmg been an important figuta ta the financial from aleeptag After tbe
wortd In New Tdrft.
ment of tae eighth day hto aoflertng
a next IMdar la their pi
wn, so intense that be Implored the
»lih Mn. C. K HcMuiu u eh«l
suthoritlee to strangle, gumottne.
of tbe cammlttra. A ohort pracrmn
burn him. drown him. garrote. shoot
«rUI bo
Of all natural phenomena there Is quarter, blow up with gunpowder, or
On MooBat M • Uck or >ao«. B. J.
Cammiaaleoer George mwf si> myslerKMio as the nightly put him 4o death in nay conceivable
tocau-o taJborto,' ratanmw
L. CHsp Acted aa Ineullint Of- Japse of consciouaneas we call sleep. way.
oath MuHoa; Uud U pi,oUMUr
fleer Laat Night.
Natural sleep has been defined ns
It Is a cooditSoo we are bora witb
and Into, for na inlanU we sloop trocu mental rest produced by n. appeUte
The officers fur Wlllianibbuii;
resulting from faUgue^ But the Idea
eighteen to twenty hours In the
grange. No. M, were InstalU-d last
that mental rest menaa mental taaety-four. No nppeflte is more I
vmtlng by George L Crisp, who was
CapUlB and Mra. Boatcn of the
stive; for while we may live for forty Man 1s bsrdly tenable, taaamuch as it
be Pomona delogam to the state
Salvatioa Annr left thU
days wlthont food, mans limit of en- quite frequenUy happens thst the sorange at Grand Rapids.
Detroit arhvre ^ey will attead the an­
durance without sleep is only half lutloo of nnaolred problems Is the
The officers were ns follows:
nual meatlas o7 the ofllcera,
that time. la tbe lower animaU It ta first thing to nppcnr in the conacloosMaster. W. M Ayers.
even more necessary to Ufe. for they ness on awakening, and thus the mind
Ouy anith f^tomed to hla borne In
Overseer G. G. McAllister.
die in from four to five days when de­ must have been operative while
Ausola. tad. ti^y
laKrturer. Mrs. George la. Crisp.
of sleep
Mlaa Hattie
Chaplain. T. B. Carpent^.
In hla work. The Phil­
There are rnrious tkoortoa respect
In* for Grand
Secretary. Mis. Homy Sage.
Ing sleep, the chief Of which are osophy of Sleep, atatea that the noted
vUU iHeoda and relaUvea.
Treasurer. O. N. Undsey.
hnofta os tbo physlolpgicol. tbe-chem French General Plchegrn taformed
Mra. J. W. jpatchln and*dVu3tei.
Steward. W. A. Bell.
that daring n whole
Btliabach. rwtahied from Hot
Aaid^t stewaid. Ralph Worden.
year's campaign he had not had one
The old theory postulated
Lady asalatant steward. Mrs. J
Mon of the farmln. while the present hour's sleep la the twenly-fonr. Nutadsay.
Dr. T. Y. Klabail of rife Uake. wai
and generally accepted theory Implies roeroua obeenrera have stated that
Gate keeper. John Kennedy.
In the city today.
tbe oppofcUe. namely, a reduced sup­ It is BO uncommon thing for exhaust­
Oeiwa. Caasle Bammond.
Hrm. HeOrTtnlaatoelc or Klntaley
ply of blood to the bnfin as compared ed ooldlers sleadUy to pursue their
John Kennedy.
waa In the dty today.
with the amount lb the waking state. march whUe sound asleep.
Mra. Mlunlv Champney haa returnAccording to Macnlsh. a Dc. Moore
Jan, 3. the new officers for the Masnx an Italiun Investigator, has
ed from Detroit where she underwent
slept twenty hours out of the twentyE3k Lake grange were installed. In al- shown that during sleep the amount
a acrloua operation In Mercy baai
four. and Quin, a noted actor, could
Mra. Fred LewU went to Bit Rapkii dUlon, to installing. Mr.* Crisp gave a of hlcKKl going to the brain Is snbject
rt of the Stale grange, amt this re­ lo fluctuation without any apparent slumber for twenty-four hours succes­
thla roomlnt. Her hnsbaM U In
Caut^e And hare it may be stated that sively. A person by the name of BHiS:
port was also given at William*
Mercy hoaplUt there.
the aBHnint of btbod apprUod to the beth Orvln U said to have slept threelaat night.
gray ipatter of the bikta U thin layer fourths of her life, while another woAT TME;Q0URT house.
on the sQrfaoe mvertglilg less than man. named Blltabeth Perkins, slept
A iictltloD fdr the determination of
od«-ienth of aa inch in thickness and irom a>week to two weeks st a time,
belra in the Chbrlea T. Kimball estate
George M. Letter Haa Geee in Bual- known as the oortex) Is gve times and a Mary Lyall slept for six succes­
waa filed todaygreater than the amount supplied to sive weeks by spells. Dr. B. F. SUnghneas in Northport.
The South ^de Lumber company,
George M. Leslie has o{>eoed up a the while substance of the brain, ter. of Tennessee, had a young wo­
Ihrottfh their attomeya. Smurthnewstand and atalhmefy store la the hhlle U U stUI n matter of dispute as man patient knowp as the *%leeplng
walte A Alway. have b^utbl" auli Guaiair building at .\.»rihport, Mr. lo whethd or not the arteries of the beauty.- Who had slept almost conatmlnat Frank O. Pratt In drculi court Leslie will handle all the current maher eighth to her twentybrain are under nervous cootrol. al­
The ault la for the fulfillment of «
gaxinea and newspapers and In addl though It seems more than probable sixth year.
UoB will have a first class line of that they are. However thla last ques
It Is commonly supposed that the
Artlclfw of i
tion may be finally settled. It Is greatest depth of sleep occurs about
known that the amonut df blood In
the brain varies with the amount of
cerelmvHplnal fluid in the several ven­
or cavities located In the cen­ Cook County (Chicago) Insane Asy­
J. M. Huellmanut Anrmjnced Joday
WATCH |tar our ad. teiner^
tre and tiase of tht- brain.
lum. msde some years ago. when I
That Ht Was h.
m the f^acc
f^acs I
t two aueneasive nlghU In hourly
; J. W. Mlllikcn.
But It appears that the rcducUon of
blood In the brain when produced by tesUng the depth of sleep by light.
Jan tb-n
While no formal announei*mem ha. hemorrhage Is a cause of
oen made before today. It has been nes* instead of aloep,. so that
* Th. CaMaal Placa on Earth.
eoerally understood tlwt J M. HuH reducUon of blood In the brain is not shgwed the greatest depth to be at
oa g««t,
Imaatel. the present cKjeupam of the an efficient cause^ of sleep unless ac- aboet 3 a. m. More recently Dra.
bare been can|rlafi on n controversy
office, was a receptive democrat^ can oompanled by other condltioo*. •ante de Sanetto and N. Ncyroa. at
aa to what U ; the coldeat
dldate for tht cHv ti'caiiurer's berth
In support of a theory of a reduced the Cnlrerslty ef Rome, tested the
earth. Tbe burden of proof
TYvday Mr. HueUmantiel announced circulation of blood In the brain dar- depth of sleep In four normal pereoos
be In favor of Worchojanak Siberia,
that he Is a oaadMate Ifor the demo Ing slcvp we may refer to the famUlnr by preaanre upon the temple. One of
where a tempemturc aa lew aa aUtf
crallc nomtanllon. .
fact that tke fontanidlea. or *'soft these showed the greatest depth of
nine and cUbWentha dagrwa centlMr. H^lmantel was appotated to
sleep la the second and fifth boars,
arade below freealna baa been raciaDd also thejCaict that while the^ers showed the grestest
tered. Howevejr. It la turned by a the office by Mnvor Friedrich to fill
the unexpIred ienn of M. E. Haskell.
depth between , the first and second
RosaUn artist. I Borrlaboff. that he
Hi4 Mr. Huellmantel has been
found aeventy desroea In .
for many years one of Traveree Cliys
Talking In sleep is more eon
He atates that durlna aa excurakm to
than generally. supposed. Armst
tbe StraiU of Matochln. he discovered
it Is known that In states of mental and Child found In two hundred stu­
There are fimr repobUcan candi­ excitement there to an Incranaed Eow dents. between the ages of twenty
tera. one of which reslaterod aeventy
dates for the nomlnaUup In the field. of blood to the brain, while U la oh- and thirty years, that forty-one per
bulow froexlng.;
Ralph Haatlibs.
j Soule. Amda served that workers la the manufac­ cent of tbe men and thirty-seven per
Bingham and C. R. Dockeray and one ture of nilrxHtlyceriae auSer from cent of the women talked ^ In their
of these will be Mr. HuHlmaniel s op­ throbbing of the arteries o^he neck sleep, and moat of them coold an
ponents at the spring cAectlon.
and Insomnia^ Bat there^nre nu­


The perfect man should weigh
twenty-alx pounds lor every foot of
his height.-

A Soap Id Cloaks !
About 25 50-inch ladies' Comtt,
retrular value $15.00, $1C00 and
$IH,00, choice oflot


There la not one chance In flfty four
Wmoo of imp Enter prtnU belnt

DO NOT OVBRLOOK tbe chance to
fret haU are remarkably low, pdeea.
Mlaa C. P. MeCool. US Front atr^.
fan IS-lt


Piineet livery.
SHack otlla Buiile pramptiy
ffalltouia. I CAll*for»ig«»KC

I have an open but for
■feighride parties where
they all siidosm in the
bottom as they used to
do in good old times
years ago. Have another
^s with side seats for
those who doo't srant the
other bns.

If yoM want to move I
can give yon a good man
and a targe sl^rfa and
give you satisfaction.

^ TnmdayNloIrt

Janiiary 22
Th« Ksrsr Failing

horror of oats. The night before
battle of Waterloo is black cat
wd near him. and at the sight tbe
great warrior waa compiPtly nnnerred.

merous other evidences pointing to a
redoced clirulaUon of blood la the
brain being a condition of sleep for hnWl doring bis sleep of taking snuff
sample, as when the blood Is Increas­ from n box whids he kept under his
ed in the digestive system (at the ex- pillow. If this box vrere removed he
e of the rest of the body) by e
ly monl. which we aa know to


ret and one of the Ferdinands
of Germany wonld tremble In hU boots cy to sleep. During sleep there to
i tabby got ln tbe line of more blood In the body atrfhee mad
The Sreoh la WhHer.
Among tht Romans tbe abdooUaal TaaaSa. whSf thm ia a A saowy path for •qulrrrt
.irr^ and
«>d fox.
rot.’ ,
lac ud wtakaalac of te haait a
ret was u wymbol of iberty. The
It winds between the wintry firs,
Bgyptlnna held tbe ani
•aow-mafflad are lU liaa rack*.
Astorlr from life
deity with a human body aud a esfa
presented ii^ dramntic form. bead. Wboerer killed c ret, eren by
ret was pot to ^ith. Diana
Bed tbe form of a ret and «sAboualinE in knmsni^, bobhUng efted tbe fury of the glsptsw
ov« trithjcyw 2bs<^!^

Enonnobs Trinnqdi,

...Humafl Hearts...

Mcm. Tic. Sle,aSe. lie.


^*TCH far

^ u»a^ I ^aaWa, fH* «ld «« p


Ctiildren’s Coats at HaU Price


Wken Drivers Mecte
NomaUer if tbeaiiiiital they luui.
die ia a inirk bone or a liii:baU‘ppiiiK darrisfre boree, k'o oref
tbe irood ami bad poiota of tbo
bnrouaa tbeir ettipl(:\’era au]>pljr.
We bave aueb ooofidenco in the
imrit and value of our bored goodfi
of eviTjf doncriplion that we are
nlwa>a eagtr to get tbe opinion of
driven, i^metiojea we i^t good
points for future refer^ro--alwhja an endorsement of our output
and metbods.



About :i0 50 inch Ladies’ Coat* ‘
in blacks, checks, etc. Value $8
and $10. Choice of this lot. ’

Qoeea aty Inplement Co.

I3ea ora in everything for tbe borae
128 E. Front 8t. ‘
Cit phone 7o]
BeU phono 102

Some Valuable Hints
! KUnbaU Music House. We rwpreacfit three i of, the largrel
In the trade; W. W. Kimball Co.. Lyon A Hoaly. and tbe Bdl-

Hint No. 2~De sore the boose you deal with khows what aplaao
really 1s. and does not consider It simply a pieced furniture, and.
therefore all right If It does not come unglued.
Hint No. E—Do not place any depeodeface upon
from BBknowB people who may know nboolutely notMng of mnalcmJ
tone. Get a piano whh a Erat-cinaa repotaMoo
Hint No. .4-tovemgnta any *^ondeifnl- offers very carefully.
Rmnember there la no saving la haying cheap, inferior goods lor a
. teas price thaa ymi mnat pay for standard goods.
MlaaroeaM of a arat-clOM pUao dealer. Tbe Uwocence oTUeparparadU tbie plaa to MoeaM rery otten.
vMt a



I^r l^aii
Pure brag Laur ! |

to OM edi U
ddU or Ckutoo Ponik
in or Ibo Stooooe M 4«oot. Thto to
lb. sm «uo or^tuo Sjtod to urns thto
wtotor. *>
' J—iL

■to. ofOtoow'irMA^iar ito


»r k^.*^ ^ ’sSm
nmmrn wko an frilUu aad usMikiM

Mn. Ptm ilantotoh.ot 1* fMf*.

frtai*/ j
The Womea’a nomi Wmkm^rj w>
clfty M lioiMley efufaocm with Mr.
Mjntm OOwm. Prefer ■metleg also
held et Mra. OalreP. WedeMday mco
Mr. Joheaoe wee* qibte al«k Sunday

h*mimg Bad arwiaf lar the eaUre

Mr. ead Mrs. BUw«^ ^Iman rla
Itnd friaeda at Maple City. Satarday.
Mr. and Mrs. Baird jmrelrad a Tlatt
from hla father, fro* WllUamabtiri
the iral of the week.
The meular aenrlomi were held af
the church Soaday evemlne. Cbrlst'*ii

thrra b » dUplecrmrnl. bide

aad lierla. 1. the Meet medlctoe e
wntmn need* who» etwi^ I*
tes«l. It kerfM the frmhibe erffMM

s PT


United htaiee U naked to eceept the
foUowlet InrUetion. It is free, will
brUur^Jo® b^ltd ead mej

Wfi. PIMii—l ItTttafUd M

Mrs Nedb Abbott, of Jeeaaette.

Pe.. wHtes :

WoewB enfferinf from enj form of
female weakness ere Inrited to
prOteptlj oommonlcste with Mrs.
Piokhem. et Lrnn. Mess. Prom the
n»r >>•
locM »Dd tto q.kkMt .Dd .onat
way of reeoeety edrUed. Out of her
vest ▼oluiee of cxper’ienoe In treatinjr
female Ills Mrs. Plnkham probably
has the eery knowledge that wUl
help yonr case. Uer adrioe U free
and always helpful.


arnam Wken Mkcn r«l.

The fifth aonual meetins Tof the
Northern Michigeo Poultry /^ssoci, atlon will be held in the Heulniftntcll
' buildint;, 213 East Front street.



ft Traverse City. Mich.,


Jan. 22,23,24, 25.
If •?

Last year more than 100 birds were on exhibitioo.
and from present indications there will be
a taiger number at the coming

: meeting and the stock will I
; i
be ofa higher grade. |

W. Idckenzib

. .

of Concord. Mich., one of She
;. best chkkeo experts in the st^te. j
has been secured to


Casta and Ribbon AwiliNas

Persons with fancy stock are urged
to place the same on exhibltioo.

Utdy after. The aub>ect of Mr. AUlnK
tnn'B dlaroum* was -*Ain I My Bndh
er a Keeperr U was a deeply aplrtiaiai
oe, Tb^churrh ehoir was la at
ipce. In addlUoe to this the
male quartet pare a' aHeclIon tbal
was enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mm: Ray Hjinnlfo-d aUe-,.1
od ebureh at Maple City last Sunday
Mr. and Mm, Rosa [received a call
from her brother Raflph Mateer ol
Kaaaon Center Saturday evening
Bdoa Mateer who hai been vlBiUni
hem returned home with her brother
Mahn has been quite sick but ii
some better at this wrttlny.
Mlsa Barth «if Soloa and a friend
from Port Oneida called at Mi^
ahn*8 last Saturday.
Mm. A. Hall went jto Maple Glti
Tha Hardest Ldnpiiape.
Eskimo ha. the repiitatlon of bclnf
dlfBcult longue to undemuad. ever
lore than to apeak. All manner ol
parts of speech may become Joined tc
verbal roots and the >whole may b<
conjugated like a simple verb^whlct
Is muddling to a foreigner. One mis
dhmary brought back a word which
when written on the blackboard, was
quite two and a half yards kmg.

Is reported to be a crank of the Brst
water. She know. Just what she
wants done and Inahits on having It
door her way. She la conatantly warrtng with her manager. Jos, M. Galea,
about details and bhe alwav. wins.
In the selection « a piece for his star.
Mr. Galiw picked out thU one and ahe
plektd out that: and after many Interviews between aUr and managrr. her
choice g<K the preferenre. After the
flmt perTormanre. however, her manarer admitted that -A Good Fellow*' is
the best vehlrlr In which Miss Tan
guay has ever appoarrd.
• Human lUarU.** “ihe Idyl * of the
Ai Kansas hlUs. will aooo be produced
at Grand opera honae Tuesday. Jan 22.
Ukc -Shore Arr«i^ and “The Old
Homestead, time only Increases Its
i.eld upon Ih.- hearts of the people.
The pratHr of an Innocent child. On* <if an old Wind mother, iho
strong love of a silnple country girl,
the Mulh of a half-wit, the Ime of an
oM^lme negro, ^be paaahm of .an advmtareaajuid the tender memory of
n dead mother of the past of the govc* .*or of Arkansas, are all cleverly In
fc m'ngled by the deft hand of the
author of this absorbing Ule of the
Ar'.».naas hills. Each.auccreding .-w.naon of this thrilling ploy-a annually Inctertlng buaine^^ h;.j induced th ^
n anageraent to wigt^^ie hw this «c.ison-s production one of the slrongeai
c .mpanles ever orgar.lred In me cast.
To the lovem of a good play not one

the Stoihach
NothliiSsirffl rcUeve indisestiao that
dtg»9t tkm food, Usotf, artd give
Om stomach a pc^eet rest.
You can't reasonably expect that
any weak atoniadi will regain Its
strength and. get wdl when it is
compeB^ to do tl» fuU work that a
You wouldnY expset a aiek hors#
to get wen when it is compelled to do a
run day’s work every day of the week*
Your, stomach miat have rmst .
But it Isn't neeeatary to Oaroo youradtr-ia ordar to rest your stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect
: wlU digest sH of the Ibod
L ItwIUdk
you cst roaardlmu of C*s eondUlom of


for Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Sour
Stomseli. Ilatulenec. Headache, ^stsr.^*
Brash. Bckhing of Cas. MsUsca Gescritis.
Haarlbum and all trhuhlas arising
from indigntion and no»aaslmllation
<msS tawO^tellguiwIi AftvtMtastw*
■ng BtoflwV bettito ot Kokol. I wm M^stetolr
curtS and rwtoraS to av UMMi wUSht aC Its
J. tOTtna JOMWSOH. ^ ^ ^

fienenl Admisiijoii,



u '

ri--f ^


keahhv cntKlitkMi td tW Mxlp.^huii |«p.

«<! tire eoktp. kUiiulacotarii^auttrf or

‘Vr^Sl'OnWflir* Itoit- A\ lire
lUtocU .elitrt
and t«tl»Hii* «Wa«lT k«wrn. Thry atp .






Special to Uie B^aIbs RecotH.
Buckler. Mlcb„ Jan. 16.--A(lain
ornrich and Mr. Beagot l»Te retoraed to Lake QtrUllle Wallace Sbepard la vciy 111
with pnMmonla. Or. Eagon la the
a( tending pta.vaiclan.
WlllUm Toohy who has been ver>
sick la emt again.
Dave Logie who has been sick with

SpecU! to the Evening R.
Carters Siding. Jan.
sleighing at Carter.
MUs Maud Wyckoff'lefl
for Beldlng where she cgpecU to work
in the silk mills.
George brown had the mUlortune to
loee one of hU horaes wbUe bauHng
wood for P. C. Deemood. The horse
slipped breaking one bind leg.
P. C. DeemoBd made a |ylag. trip
Carter Saturday.
Mr. Rockwell of Homestead, made
a bualncaa trip to Carter. Saturday.
Al'llllo Camp U very til with pneumonU of the lungs, under the care of
Dr. Sbllllday of Lake Ann.
Mr. and Mrs H. Ralph were In
Honor. Thursday.
Jamee Desmond is In Carter today

« Carrie Haaaea la working at Mrs.
G. A. Bilghaa a at preaent.
Mrs. John Guger luui rotarned home
from Mnakegoii. her former home,
where ahe has heA altendtag her
daughter. Mra. Joeeph Ra^. who was
in with trpboM pnenmoBla.
A few roung people from this place
atteBded U»e dance nt-t^eiferS hall
SatunUT night, an report n good flm^.
Mn. G. A. Brigham U aide to be oat
again. Her Sunder Bchool call li glad
to wekMhe her back.
Mr. MgBot has rented Che house
betongtag to Bd. Tlthof. He expects
to make bis fntare homemt this place.
Mra. J. A. Homrich and Mrs. J. M.
WimaiBt atieeded the aale at D. W.
Connine 4b 8»i's at Wexford Saturday.
MU. Della Shepard was called b«oe
from Mrs. L. A Sklnuer*. by t*i ' rick
ness of her iiMl ' bnHner.


Dyspepsia Ciire>



There is sae line of aMdidnes in which i«>
wtt Unde Sw*s nev Pm Food
Dnij^ Law.
RexaB Remedies were made to conform with
tins law in evcr>* particular fomr jrars
before thb law was thoi^ of!
At diat tune one thotiand kadii^ dn^gbts oT
dte countT}', owing to the onsatis£actor>* irey in
which they had to sell patent medicines, decided
to form a co-operative company and manufacture
a fine of remedies for wiikh they could sund
MimUfy rg^iomsikU from their knowledge and con­
trol of ingredients in these cures.
The phn of Rexall Remedies was the result.
CMd tkise tk&usand drt^gisls them, have Joremm the new Pure Food Law. and hno^u every
eiamurf it. they could mat haze made the Rexall
flan c^arm to it more closely.
There is nothing secret about Rexall Remedies,
and there iwTvr ttwj /
For >*ean RexaU ads have told the public that
each Rexall dni^igist had the formula of cveryr
Rexall Remedy on file, and woiild willingly give\
any formula to whoever asked for it.
Moreover, Rexall Remedies protect you mem
than the Pure Food I^w docs. You now only
know the dangerous drugs in jxiicnt medicines—
wc know and liave always known tierytkirtg
in Rexall Remedies—and have alwap been glad
to show you the printed coruplrte formulas.
No Rexall Remedy is a “curc-all/.’ ICach of
the 300 remedies has .i formula whiciv years of
experience have shown to be the most reliable
cure for a certain human ill.
^ The proof of our conful^ce in Re.xall Remedies
is the Rexall guarantee. Evcr>' Rexall sale wc
make is with the understanding that if the pur­
chaser is dissatisfied he or she can get back the
money {>aid, by simply rettd'ning Uic ertiply
pack^e or boldc. For four years the sincerity
of this offer has never been challenged !


A reiialn army chaplain was given
to cuttlag the aenrloe short,
far na possible, cortnlled every part oC
It. The congregnUon. however, was

-at ItoBtol. iha flfU wn.
fftoto to to. maa ot “to. eonwt
lato. (wUot. ftoltotr. Mettocr.
•ad .0 ktoda ot ■aide.’' whUk bo
toad. Ob eoadac to to. aaa. pataia
to Torac. r 10. U. bo coMlnaM R
br BtotoJr ovto*. -boBd to Btotot*

CBt AdepU Queer SaMea.
Even the Maine felines are bod­
ing Imbued* wlUi the idea of raising
RiioaeveltUn famIUes. A handsome
brown cat. owned by NorrU Smart of
thU place, was evidently not anUrely
-saUsllod with her fat cuanhig Ilttlo
trio of conn kittles, for only a few
days ago the mother cat went out
working In the Inlereets of her famUy.
in a abort lime ahe returned
with a mousSHColored bunch oLfur In
her month and carefully pinoed it in
the box with the kittens. The osmm'
of the coon cal auppoaed It to he only
a mouse added to the felliie Urder.
But very soon, as the old cat re­
turned from n second expeditkw.
with a alrallar mouthful, which was
as carefully placed In the box. tho
owner felt curiosity and examined
the results of the bunt. Both mouth­
ful* of gray fur proved to be young
gray aquIrrelB. Tbby »rr thriving weR.
for they share the -fuU dinner paU.tbe family vBtioai with the IdtIaBS,
and the nither appears to think na
much of them as of her own.—New
York World.

The hfsl glass window In Bnglnad
The king of EngUnd possesses china
WBS put up la an abbey nboat oa
Df«d flUB. cBught In neu in Bn- eetUnated too he worth imo mlUkm
xR. aetl for the equivalent of abpht dblUrs.
Before It prodeeea hark of eommei%
3€ cenU a pound. In American amoef.
In London. They are need to feed dal value i cork tree must he fiftp
cage birds and gold fish.




Owifity COM first whm yoa
kind, but piafar to tiAfa it a

•MdkiAd,WtU|ifl ;
TWs U DO qtitatroii as to Ike


FDA AOrr-Fomlobod room U
Woraborg Mock. Mro. Herbort.

*Olc Bnsc If OppottniKr
its a noaa< Um."

Wt KML CL TYLUMtoatM. Boom
S fliat MatlaaM Bnk BUs. QB


jLa.aMnai aaw.acVEm



I ^:sr?;2S5'irrs:
1HB WiUir U&, TOL Dd tBfi MCflG.


down ia weight to m poomla. and

ruSu'i Sllaa*m


Or. Klac*. New Woeoeery. aad
tinned tbla for aU»ot ala mooUa. 1
my congh and imig trouble ware
tlroly goaa and I waa reotofed tc
aormal weight. 170



year, Onaranteed at Bagboe Drug Oa.

M-lt Of
»r Co,


acmh. Ji

tb» «r. B. J. Motbab/



Jmi K-tf


TaapayoM of tba City <

Trarerao City:
Tba taa rUU for tbo cottoUkm of
tbo oute and county Uxoa tor tbe
year IIM ond' for tbe dellaqt
■cbool aad city taxeo and apocUI
tMameoU for aald year bare I
pUced In my band, for collection.
•ALe-I47*-rto. .ew tra reom 1 wiU bo In my orilco to reoolre oald
taaoa from now unUI Feb. 1. 1107. on
week day from I o’clock to 11:10
!■ (oed T«hw. rrMland dw at rao'clock tn tbo forenoon and from
o'clock to 4 o'clock la tbo aftfraoQn.
On all .tato aad cooaty taiea paid
bWore January 10. tbo regular foe of
FOA AALB-14id-.FA)o booao. comer oao per cent for oollecilQai wUl bo
and on aU Uaoa paU oa or
of Boyd aad Frootj Urgo lot; aow
after January 10. tboro wlU bo
ebargod o too of four per ceOl for colleeUoa. Paaally oa dellagaW tdty
WR «ALt-14«i-n «er« two ni aad acbool taaea aad apecUI
Bin« eltr Burirat; 1.0« menu. 4 centa 00 each doUay cf tbo
Onieo la room 101 BU^o
Dated, boc. 4.1106.
doe 4 to fob'll


|;aIiwi At.
WANTCD-TIkieo tt»t kM» oowB to
mo AM lOBALMnr food, boot onA
c^ipoot io tbo aartot T. C MUl
h»f Co.
ja* n u
WANTtO-Wboot. 170. com. oots.
booM. baj ood lUojr. T. C. MnitM
joa n tr
MfANTECb-.To^ tbot koop

UfANttO TO AUV—Oood. bkwkr
ooitA from ooo to ftwr r«*« old.
T%o9r moot bo obmid. If yoo boro



WAMTt»-A moB tp moko toU. U
tbooooad por dojr* »Mt fit bU oowo.
FOA AALB~8to(di la 000 of tbo boot
^0 Block Uod A Iximber Co.
mUoa la Oolomd<k not a pnmp^rt
Jon. 6 Ct
but a paytac mlao. oao la wbleb
return, are lure. proflU Urge; no
WANTBD TO BUY-Oood. blocky
*‘go)dleld fake** bot a aobaUatlal
0 to four yooro old.
Colorado iDroatamaL
Throw la
1 ooimd. JOA Srd I
tfieen dolUri aap got a boadrod
okaroa. Wo oro kaadUag tbU fpr
bo AMO tAO wookA trytof to brtof
tbo boaoAt of tbb omaU lareolor.
oomo fkrmoES up boro. If yon bore
If yba wUk to make a go6d aiWd
uiy food eolU to ooU. writo mo.
lorrotmoat Uko Trar^ City
gtobic pootoftoo bddroooA what
you biro to ooll aad rwooo for ooU- property or Traroibo re^log^ farmt.
Writo or call oa at for particalari
loA €« my roum will oit|mr ooll
aad Informatloa la roAant to laob.yott or writo you. HoraoB Hy>
vetmeata. Wado Broa, Tmr^
moA 140 Wooblactoo otroot If tt U
CHy. Mcb, tl7 Uokm 8t CltUooi
phono mi.
doc »tf
rOA AALB—All kinda of huroe.
cow mad cblckfu feed. T. C. MUUus
jan 114f
fOA AALB-Moat markoC mot
atroot TooU. atock. titarro.doHr.
ory. good trodo. good locatloa. oaay
toTAM. Wado Brno.. U0 South Unloo
rroldracot Siitk otioot. All cooronlcocoo. A good barn. cUmo la.
PHcolffM. Wado Broa.. tl7 Boutb

_____ ^
FOA AALB-fargo. bowao.

bool, oloetric light. cAty wator.oowor
ooaaoctlooa. all la 0raf.cUaa eoadl*
tloB. O. F. llttiToy.
Jaa iMmo
FOA AALB-UTi-it acwo two ■
£?*• Sy* boUdli^; tboot local




atreet CIU. pboao mi.

trmdo at Lake Aaa. Urge Aoortag
mil at OopomUk. imo of tbo UrgMt


aUo a low cboloa tocaUana la worn
trml portkm of Trarotoo Oty. We
bare gold and allrer arineo U tbe

-Abe ond Field

e bare 1gold aad rilf
dorado, la fact, we
aaU ahaoot ai
ty for at
want It. Hot we bare aotblag w*
eaa oBer yoa that win ogoal tbe
Orabd Trmrerae Beglaa for aaft.
auiw proiUble Urestment. either to

FOA AALl-im-Flao modora booao
Btxtb .otroit OAd opo ot tbo boot oa
tbo attoot MkA aakod U apot eaah.
Prtco $4m.
WMo Broa.. Ilf
XJaloa atroot CIU. phooo 12lf.


by pboM. local or loog ilof bo.
Wo pay tbo freigbL
FOA AAtS-Mty acfb term two
mllM woat IftrrttTfllo; four mDoo FOA AALB~148l-Oao kmdrod oad
auty acre farm II mlloa aoutb of
post ofteo Traroioo City: alxty
Uty: aoroaty aowa tmpreood; now
acroB iMitwvod: aU oeaaa aoltablo
far gardoa; food biBldlaga; alt la

Sf tSS
•trwt. au. vtaM mt.

atroat Ota. pboao iSli.

nn sALt-im-«u non
Botk ««
HMMIe mu*.
hn». taM iMib aow U. WMI

^ 8U atl»Wf IV»
te. 44X



from nmjm to ILMAdtA Aa Dm
mack u aaid It wm be taraatod to tm LKATCA U WBLCN-Attorney at
imeamMU aad ait anal ni of tbo
law. Cteltoctkm woHi a mwcialty.
WIU Underwood A Umlor. BotherMr. aad Mra. ArMdbaM Bay. of
land block.
Boale. were pwarnitad wttb a parae of
pold oa tbe oecaakm of tbdir goMea Olt F. i. MAC NBl
Oki floor wiUiBuiitw Oalkgo.
wadding aamUeraary. fW money arm.
gaaitod troa. wblob alaada by the glma by their cbUdiea and g
«flM ■ •.OnMOL
roodriii aad wbleb gave tba farm Bo
aama. It U oald tbbt Btte Doty, tbo
Angiiat BcbahtY borae rma away at
O. P. CARVER a mo.
famoM bocao tbUf alal oatlaw. y««n Port Huron, aad threw tbe drtror oat
ago aooeateUd bU band.
oa bl. bond whoa tbe bovae aad
WHb Qrtimell
A. A. Pattenad of Bcatoa Harbtw.
and Cass 8th
tbo attoebamat auH aUrted by tbe
eaecoton of.lbe Jolui Bell eaUto. In
iAflTIN-Pliymdaa and Bat
wbleb tbe ftOOO foffolt money pat ap
OIBeaflM BMt Finad oireoi
by tbe Bmrtoa Harbor Tnmteal Co, ayatom at tbe apriag efectSoa at Cbd*
waa atteebed. Mr. Pattaraoa. tt U Utoc. waa dofmtod ta the board of
rielmod. owoo tbo . Walo MMl He aoperrtoora. Twefte edtod tor the MAJIK CfUBTS DBLIVBftY-^Jgbl
tratsht. paioals and tfankfl. Olflaa
cUimo U bU aaawW tbat tbe forfeit meamire aa^ atoe oppomd It. but It re*
money It not bU. but tbe Tarmlanl guired
ntOlty Book Biota.
The pcmltry obow opcaad Tueaday
MBS. «. L. BONNBRB Imir dm
OBWmatsWfltotomac la » m n
at tbe didltorlum at Port Hoitia. Prank
m > a SA f m . wiaim —------partora. mror City Book Blora 1
Wmameta*. tow** Ww«m.
J. Hayaea to eablbltlag a turkfy weigh* ricUn. He was fouad kneeling la kU
rig, Oao Heaperia doctor refunwl to
ing St poaada.
WabaM Sagtaeer;Bdward R TmI. attend klm. other, were buey and one AMIL F. NENUNQCft. LAWYER*of Aabley. lad, foU Into n rolrert wne.lck.
Money to loan, tit Stota Bank
Order >*our
Pnncl. M. Buck, a civil war %
while atopplag opt of bl. engine amr
baOdlng. attoaaa lAone 6M.
of Adrian, claim, tbe checker
Adrian, nad broke bU !««■
Tba AUegaa county board of aoper Ploouhlp of Leoawee county. During
Tiobr. baa decided to aobmit for ndop* tbe pact 10 year., be ctalnui tbat no
Traeoraa LrnM aad Loan Oa, F.
tioa tbe local optloa Uw to tba rotera man ha. been able to beat him three
game, out of live at ooe .Itttag.
at the apriag electkm.
Mr». FTank Cooklln of FVntoo. ba.
■old tbe Hotel FYnton. which abe ban lag of tbe carHeamiee. of merchant.. •ARA T. CHASE, M. O-OCflea
operated for the ptM rear, to Henry Owe maa oo kl. beat a recent
Dr. a B. Chaaa. Hate BMk b
Wbliney of Cedar Springa. and Cbaa. lag found .lx bu.Inea. place, t
BoU pboaaa. tSt-tr. Baridmma tfll
ed, mltbongb fvery mercfaaat was ready
Aeigle. of Marrellua.
W.BtebtbBt Pts. pboao TU.
that he bad.locked bU dior
Her. Starr, ton of John" T. Starr of
Coldwater. a recent graduate of
OR. F. MOLDBWORTM Bpaclal ab
Tbeir train, a apecUl freight having
Unlreralty of Michigan. wUI probably
tmii^ to dtosasM of Uo oya.
go to Alaakm next aummer aa civil pulled out while they were in tbe de*
noM and tbraat OtosoM f
pot at DelU. a coadnetor and a brakih
engineer for a railroad, company.
Drer Jobaaoa drag atora. BoU
Mra. Lawrence NoUer. foramrly nma -hoofed- It Into Lanring.
MUa Eaten Rlcbmood. for many yeara
n Hnroa county teacher, died of tuber* caught up with It. They ran taout of
OR. B. B. MINOR-OfSco ovor A
the diatance.
eaa Drag Store. Special aftentlos
to eyt, oar. aooei aad UroaL Ok
fl^ BoU pboaaa. BaMdeaot Ell

arenoe aad Raadoipb. Call aad
prwre property at 4M Bmwood ore- ton did not want to Uke cbaaceo oa
futore Bllgntioa.
Jan 1611
-Boat Oak farm," for tba
yoaio the proparty of C. C. Yoa Daroa
of Adrian, baa boon Mid to labaBplel'


Dr.W. J. Higgins

Porcelain Work

Tirt Insunnii

0eOo Ha !Varsif
201 Traat Slrtt%
----- ---------

I. O. Murnw



Inun E. Bingham || gdneraf ndw$ I
Rev. Bdward Brwatt «Me baa been through the brain In tbe wme general
manner a. in electrocution. In tbl.
the patient Iom but In
evefy other respect Important advan
Bdward Wolfenden and Tbomaa Uges are secured. There 1. no nauMW,
Bleakriey have not tnUaed a alngle weakaea. or languor and abaointdy no
aeMlon of the BaptlM Sunday acbool effect on the heart. Tbe patient be*
at UpUnd. Tn.. In twenty*foor yeara. •corue. cooclou. tbe Inatant the cur*
Tbomaa K. Draper has been pn
rent*la abut off and with
at every aeaston for tbe tos( twenty Invigorated senaation.
year* and ElUs Bvda and Wl
Major George W. Bvana. rhlef of
Taylor^ attended every Sunday tbe divUioQ of finance and diab
for ten year*.
ment. department of the Interior
Bev. Alexander FVaacit. for fourteea congratulated by tbe head of tbe de­
year, minister of tbe British American partment this week becauar In' the
church In St. Petersburg, after four twenty-three year, tbat be baa held
year, of travel tn all parte of Europe
AsU baa coam to ^amrtea to study aecrctarle. of tbe Interior, be has
coodltloos here. He baa been Invited never made an error In bto account
ddres. a number of prominent altbougb be has bandied several hun­
HuU 00 RaaaU. m few moa have, a dred miUiona. Prior to bto appoint
) accurmto knowledge of tbe esar'a ment aa a newsboy with tbe army of
country or have comO doaer to tbe the Potomac. He waa present at the
leader* In church and eute.
tbesder when Lincoln was aa»aaa|na*Rev. Henry N. Gooden, tbe blind ed.
cbaptola of tbe boose of rwpena
The little daughter of Hepreaentn*
Ivea^had aa Idea a tbae ago ^t
five Burlepon of Tegas goes to the
woold prefer to be abairiala of t
same acbool Qoentln Rooserelt at*
le aad went to ftwaker Cann
tenda They have a drlH each day In
I IL What do you want to go mareblag out of tbe room. lAtle Ml*.
ibere fnrr etoramd Uncle Joe. Burleson was no placed one day last
» booee to a Sower garden and tbe weeic that ahe and Qoentln Roosevelt
Second ward.
aesate la a grave yard." -I know,
wbra to taka bold of one a^W.
plied the chaplain genUy. '-but
la and inart^ out Tbe Btile girt
ay* longer ia a grav^ard than In beM back when abe aaw tbe preat*
flower garden.dent's aon wifb eateaded band along
Sanator Spooner and TUlman were aide of her. -Take hto band.- Mlaa
acuaaing tbe tneradaed prhm^ Hr* Barieeon said. -Why notr ^ teach­
lag. -Why - egbtolmed Urn f
er naked. -Beeanae Fm a democratCaroUnan wHb tndIgnaUmi. "I am told abeaMd. ^ laatoted on walking down
the eggs, coat 40 oeata.- addia» -bnt
thattoonly 3to cento tor tbe baaY fall
8mi^ Morgan and Pettua of AU
day's work." Bwiator TIBmaa wai
bnnia are always pointed out to gallery
ed back Into the aanato duu
vttUora aa tbe two oldest members of
rateklag bto tomd.
the body la poiat of yeara. but It Is
Rer. Theodore L. Cbytor. eai
not generally known that for over kalf
irary of Beecher. Slorm aad oUmr a century tbetr frtondaklp baa been
famona pulpit osmtoca. eeiebtated bto like tbat of Damon and Pytbtoa. Tbe
dgbtyAAb biribdar IfM mnek at'bto home of each to la Batem and they
» ia BMOkljm. Membera of the practice law In tbe name toBwria long
Ufojrette Avwaae Pinriiirteiluidb
bef» tbe civil war in wMck both won
diBbcUon. AmA watabea tbe beMtb
yeara. oelebcated tbe aaaleeraary wiu of tbeMbm imw wttb an teteteat tbat
Dr. C«lder to tb# tone
to gMntee and ibat hba a tooeb of
of tbe oM g^ of oelebimte
patboa TbMr abadowa aie laastbaa.
Ija pamtoben aad to bimeelf a divine lag tewaid tbe ea< bat they gam
npoa tbe reeedlag mm with ateady
eyea aad bparia mmMd.
wmCES: »m 7«e. ate, and Oc. to tbat of Dr. gtefdmn Lednc.
•Mt Mk
-t th. b«t rffc.
pbyalctoB. wbodpatjoyai
' Oamotato barvMla abont 7SM00
Mxt TkM«Qr, Jaw. tS. at 10 .tlMk. Ity aU over tbe body by amiilii
tern ot giapaa a year, wottb HMM.*
aUernkting cwrmA of


City Treasurer.

Grand dpera Boose
TianOajr MoM

Jaa 17


-A GOO# FBIfll”

DR. W.JA MOON-Spectollal-OeDlto.
urinaiy. akin and Wood dlaeaaea; 16
yeara experience.. Office City opera
bouse block. Pbonea:r-New. 107;

oldm. Realdeoee, no
1; W. THIRLkv, DaaUaL Oral
sum A Bari's Jawtlry store.
. fboaea lEfl.
ARTHUR HOLUOAY, M. a^^-kyal^
dan and Sorgeoa. Removed to of*
fl<ee4a Munaoa block over Bai
fiBari-a. CRtoana pboae StE.
HARRY B. HARNER-Bxpart ptoao

Moaic Hoaae. ata. pboae M4.
MONEY TO LOAN-No tai claasa
pet fa mortgagee. Roeeaa tor sale.
Inquire of B. Mclfbmara. Part

rar. Prices reeeoaatto. OfSce wttb
' O.'P: Carver A Bre Bolt pboaaa
OR. E. L. THfkOSY—Special attira
tSoa to dtoeaaaa of cbildrea. Boom
dot State Bank bWg. BoCk pbrm'ea

TRAVCR«t eiTV LQOaC, NO. t*. K.

Of P, BMt «0iT Tborodv •»»

TRAVERSE CITY LSOION, Na U»Nat^pwl ProfM^o Uiloa oral
mm la WodOMB hall oa tka OM
Toaidar of Mok Math at T:M p. B.
AktM amMK prMdaat; Oailo
QflavaU, foenlav: Hottia a Oiajr.
TMVSRM CITY tOOOt. li<t tU. W.
A A M. Mota OB Moadar ooMlaB
«• or bilDta ibo tan «( tba iMoa,
at 7:W p. BL Can C. LaaHar. W:
IL; m B. Whlta. ooemarr.
E. 0, T. SL M.
K. O. T. H. M. Mo. m BMla OTOtT
r>Vtar sisht |B .Um Broach block. Halt
»Wm«w.OnBBM^: K. M. FisaUla.
BoeorS Koopar; B. A Kcaao. Plaaaeo

rmri, .

■ mt

Tohn R. Santo
General Inssrasce

HswVnhdallkH Umm CHy

Farms for Sale
I have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if yoa
have any good property, 1 will
ukc it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any­
body else. 1 have farms
which are focated from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
If yoQ bare good level farms
IwiU buy them.

4S0 Waahingtmi.

CiL phone 774

, JANUMV n tm.

f ^




Milt #ANTt Al


PIUteAHHUa. nu M. l«.--Tlte,Htt«-€l5ctel.
totoU wtedi win teke
put cr
u« r*«r ABC tel* te»lt sboiiM b» cor-; wMiot bd4 *jC# potrot

l^r Mt ntht.

K#nr Ttirlt. Jwi- iC.—JoMfli 0«H.
rlMtefiteB llditwf^t piucfiM lie Ik#
oorM. U la loot far Ik# trM lUa#
4m t#T#ral moaik*. or. rttk#r.
sicoai afllekw to Aitet MiHi
at OoMAaM. WmAt. latt rror. Ota«
la Aotef A Hiad#rUte tiint at a local
tkaator. H# vteltaA acnml
raaom loAar
waa toi#nrl#w#4 bj
a aajak#r of Hat oiparU.
la apfaktag of tka faUr#. Oaaii A#rlarMl Ikat afi#r k# gru (kroogk vltk
Jlmanr Brill k# kopio to laak# anoCk#r
rajurk vltk Nolaoa. H# atausl tkat ia
«w# N#m
Io tiki hlB acala
It ar«»«l4i kare to k# aaiter brit#r roodltloaiR lhaa Ikoo# that rnvraod Ik#


cmniiBE I HiRo rm.

tec tw Mk »«m



Tber# la BO let op to tke
bozera Ightteg wder aaarai
Tk# pnmcot-Aay Igkteta tk# lokar#
w KM. tk# Non-

ral#«a an i BOS fall, tkla wni pror#
a kard oroaoo for tboac who ar# anbOf th#
)ect to caurtkal dteaaat.
Tboaraa* right
^ la ioe Daily, tkra.
Tk# corateg raoatka will b# a kartaraUv aara#
veot for the doclora aad patent i
kla Aral aara# b#teg No...
N>n*a full aara# la Ptramla iaraea Sell. 1
I aad kc#p the ;
Cb.rtn N~.T-. rtrtt ».m. I.
« 4rr«

tOOIo ttahaoaArwafi I
^ — Faetoe-Toff Newt.

•-Tk# raferro al"prnR#nt baa ao Badr
md tk# Uaeamaa focaparatlralr ao llttte to 4o ihai tk# liaraaaan la la a UHl#r poanioa to tak# aailr# ckanc# of
ala caaatloe of iIb#. Tk# abor# chans#
of aattewiir wooW auk# op Ume aad
a half Biskt be ratker kmc. but orea
witk tkla flhaage the kalret la tejcr
samaa MumM be not |#aa than 3S nlautc«. aa4 4« mlnntiwa wonld. I tklak.



state Sts.
A«eiMUIeu«aitK BMt

aubjrct to rhcumatlatn. kid *

N#w York. Jaa. la-Enirioa doacd
yc«i#rday for aa erent that aaay la# of
aa much gaoeral Interest and import
aae# aa tk# American Derby aaed to Dick Hlfbland s right aaaBC U W
Winiam Menody ia the proper
pterera. or ratbfr ik# lack of eaatilatira pork. Park. Chicago. It will be urn. of -HoBoy - Vo«,«
tkm of Ik# plafcra w«l aol warm! ft.
*In .Imo
JABlaot# half ikte r«ar. la ackaova aa the
Coocr latead B»o I. O.IO Hu.l«. J«-k O Brt«>
I. Jo«>ph Fr«cl. Hnpu.. | .V”'"', “
taal pteytos lira#, waa akortesr *kaa a
SWateot# p#Hod teal ror. aa te­
be nta at tk# Jnae raedlag over tk# Tk# Australten Afbter known a» Hock |
prescription which any
ans««-rs to the|
nt la tko Array-Nary caara at
-Laal yoar baa certately aeen aaaay full Derby rout#, oae iatt# and a half. K#.v#s in the ring
George Arthur
cam mix: Fluid Extract Dandelion
i^kllB n#kl. «k#r« a atHBlaut# half saraea wkick were aaaattefactory la The oaly llablltlr Incurred by horac- evcrjMar name
Charles Waller Hanlon is the ‘
Compound Kargon
tkokr ipault. tkat la todoctelre. owing men who arakcaatlres before 12 o'clock
Synip Baraaparalaatra of artnal pteylns ilale.
ID the curtailed lime which prereuta a teat night la^a $15 entry fee. which ac full name of little Eddie Hanhm John
J. Rtuaen to tbe full name of the Phil< Sbrnkc bell in a
•Tb# pteylns lira# nlskt alao h# raa- full working out of any organized plan
In tnaapoonful do«-s
irrlally )#osik#B#<l. la fact ahoiild b# of attack Ike eonleai freoueaUy atop- i Tk# race will be worth fW.OOO io tdelphla scrapper known as -l-nk ".
WUllam Ryan U the name all hto
»* »>#*ltlmr
la ray jodsmeat. by bavins Ik# tin##, ping with only prellinlnary aklmilahea. ih# winner, with an addi
These are mostly fi^gvlable Ingre
take out tin# wttbont aigaal A 40-mlnute half with time out aa lnef«.of«S0 A. nne.tra Incentive!“'m by tdnee • Buddy"
Ik# nd#r#e. wbeaerer tk# ball auggeated woirid offer none too much the Coney Island J<K-key club will rive R>^n retired from the ring. Kid Good dienis and ran l»e obtalni*d from any
pharmacyat small
So#a out of bounda. wkeaerrr tk#
fin.ono additional to ike winner. prx>
whUO# la btowa for a penalty, and
viding he ahould happen to capture ritbt Biine I. lluKh Hernuiti We
The Compound Kargon in this pre
arkcncrer I here la any arsaarast with
(loth the TuUeI and Reoliutkm stakes. Youni! Peter Jneknon’. full ni
Colts, gehUnga and Allies are .ellglhle. Bitnpicin ThoinpVIn.. Harry Bheeby i, ►■'riPlion act. directly upon tl
-I can brat Noiaoa declaJvoly la
“>«■ Mdney.
aaoib#r baiil#." aald tk# ckamplon.
aad aa the event ia not a **futur#** race the family name of Kid Sullivan the
them Alter and strain from the bU»od.
**aad k# kaova II. I will asr## to any
Of crack 2year-olds tost 1 Washington bozer. Frank O Tmde.
the tsdsems that pr<slure all fEwms of
rraaonabl# terraa to s#t kin Into the
who are not eligible for the to Ihe right name «if Tommy OT.Mile. ratalrhal affections. Relief is often
rlas. for I want to pror# to ik# aport.
Tidal. Realization ami other .“iyear Phi! PowHI to every-day life is the fWt even after the ffrsl few doses and
old stakese. will have a chance to run Young Donohue of the priie ring Ter­
las worid that I rrally had ibe bciicr
it is seldom that the sufferer ever ex
Oraad Rapids. MJeh.. Jan. If. -Local
them In one of the moat imptEriant ry Martin's right nanie to Mnrtiii Marof the artrapent at GoldAHd.
perlenee. a return attack within Ih^'
foUowera of the light harness gam#
races to lie run on tbe Aiaeilc.'tn iiirf. tin^in Sandy Feiguson's right name year.
niarmMi waa aa eaay raark fornc.
and ihoa# interested In tbe doings of i
is John Henry FE*nmson. Hugo Kel­
Bui lev and O'.S'eli still have a big
He la a atnmf yooas «#How. with a
This proscription makes a sp!<‘nrtid
the Michigan short ship trotting aad
ley family name to MIchule. Hariy
- saod peach, kei k# tecka both cxpcrl- Board ef Centro) Favored Chaneto— racing circuit are conKidering the pro­ lead in the struggle for
Ti-rry. who was killed in the ring at remedy for all of hhsMl dim.r
•rac# and Hcronmaa. Aa far aa Jack
ject suggested b.v 8. O. Burgdorf of purses at .New Orlosna.
lYiseo some months ago. was known Eld'S aiid such s>nipt4»ins as lain*- hark,
O Brteii la coacemad. It voeld b# folly
• Blfl Nino*- ia Vary Btronp.
Bay Clly. wwreury of the nciac «.»• Ing Monday's rare*, ihe young turf to hto acQualniances out of the prto«- bladder weakuE-sseE. jmd rheumattoiii
to talk aboat a match vltk him aa
pains are E ntirely dto|wllcd.
cintlon. Buntdorf belleran that. It partners had won $19,180. Charley ring as llany T<
kws a« there la a ckaace to AskI NHAh this valuable pu‘%riiptlon eoniEw
l*«< -ith »Vwould he to the bo« lnte«.t of thei«"“» >» «»«•<' *>"
aoa for a IIO.HOO pura#. Rut at tkat.
from a thoroughly n-li.ibk- source, it
• circuit into 'ok. followed l.» lYed Cnok. A. C. Vr.
tiarter crrtalD coadltkma. I mtskt b#
Slioiil.1 to- beetled h> E Veiy afflicted
St km taking^
able to sItr* O BrIen a pretty warm arWill Re graiirylng to all lovers <if
I of the cities ind town. In I .......... C, E. Ilowe. P,- M. Clvlll :.n.l
ncc and a happy home to know
enraoat. If h# foald fsr## to aoate at
» iwtronlzers.I Mr. J. C. Milan
Canada who are g
Imjde and a sclentiAr cure for
1M poenda abotit two bourn before ea- the facttliy council la laatmciing MinIt to said tiuit wolves slay aUmt
Hlldrath. who to having much | ihe
of the light harnei
y and Ibeer hatdt has l»een dtoterlas'tke Hap.
repreaentatir# to tbe big nin#
kOO.oisi domestic animals, valued at
Orrin n«*ver fails
In order to do this, pvprnl of th,!»uccc« ut Oukl.n.l wliii hi. .I.blc, j rovcnyl. Orrloe
*‘Myikoatr«cal toor vm ho cut abort conference meeting In Chicaite Batar
$C.<Mki.4MK). every year In the Russian
lUR clicnlt Inlhn. to far .ho.n Ihc bcvi ; year ■IrunkMinc. H It to used In
smaller cities in the racing
In a few wpoka. aa .f vtak to go to day to vote agglairt tlte reforma. Tbe
Michigan will have to be dropp«l.|old there In . fine roll named
package, and the' dUMvivorer
Nerada to kocla tutteteg for Bi^tt. who feeling of Indignation, which waa
Of these towns, but that [Stone, by Royal Flu.h
Hush 2rd-Mfvlled.n
Srd Mo.nedn [III;, n
III the United Slates there are 177
the trouimf
.1 feel aure. will be aorae
B. Haggtn ut n....
Ran wp are authorirtc-,.........
. t
byy.J. o.
woniE*ii engaged as slatkmury tuiglnspring, and which has ibeen smoldering as th# expense to the borne club was I cho del Paso and 'was sold to HnilrelhUb.^du!e guniantee. to effort
eers and flreniE-n.
ever slac#. was still more aggravale«i
j for $1.1 Oft. Fire Ffone is eligible foi !
when to was found the Minnosoia’s far
Kisk..n tE.
w IH
iH. nm secretly, and No. 2 forN’‘»I who
1^ K*vvn
Thp mminB of ihP Mlchlean .hori 1
.'*l«' I1 HiakE.s
wtohully had joined the ranks of the dls- .hlp.tponinf nnd mdne circuit trill be j« Belmont t»rk In the spring. If ^
Mother* and
tomed down the changes held In Detroit the Inner pirt of Ihl. Hlldtelh rt..-. not a t«» much E.f the ^toters have told uh of husbands snd
la the rales which Ihe students had
younituer on the Mtst il is iH-Iit-vetl brolhern wh4» nlnre they were given
Ithout their
reraally demaade<1. Tbe feeling
Bna rraaetoco. Jaa. U.-Jara#a Ed­
thm be win be wmHhlng of , fT.or.'» “•"y
intmsined bv the surprise when
ward Billt aeams to be taking hto Aght
In Ihe I-yenrold erent. lo U> tun In lirinV^Jd'n
with (teat heriously. H# saya h# leal- j the news came of the councH's actlcm.
the east.
the nmiedv.
Ires that it to t^ io him to make
The athletlr lioard of control had
The poor «,k
Jr^ker J.rk
gtrad or forever quit. “I have
gone on n-cord as favoring the Cnffllth Feather Wants Chai
tin to puzzling New >«»rk turf men I
of Wortd-Wen Enpliah Title
t king rcat." says Britt. ^1 am in ex- changes, which were considered very
who keep an eye on the rresceni riiy j tIi# British Isle^ are said
oHleot condition, having token proper conservative and greatly to be desired.
races from day io day. Martin has
one million too man
car# or myacir. A few weeks of faith- The Mudents as a whole had asked
been frequently beaten on Aell liarked ]
New York. Jan. 1C —Spik# Robson
ful training wUl pnt m# In better con- fpr mor# than tbe two princ^l
horse* until the stewurds have b«*gim j
J90C Xl#wlol
MoElel ir
K. XX-Intnn
Wlnion."** «Mt1
full IIroThe Right Name?
4ltkm tSan 1 have #v#r been In my
in the rales, ar.d considerral
f«therw#lght champion of Eng- lo look him over. . The jockey was
Mr. August Sherpe. the ^ularover tber lop. HUH lamps, extra outer cav
Ilf# I realise that Gans Is a hard pro- ihsi theyr had ever? right to ezpoct.
»" America and -to married recently and went to New
Car In Arsi-clasa condition.
Hf-E'r of the po<.r. at Fort Madison. U..|
poallkin. 1 think 1 have one. advant- th# ratlAcatlon of
Orleans for a rat^tlon. Hto haidts
•‘ISfx; No
age I am abopt tb# only man who can which had been made bv the confer-championship of the world. Rob- have alwa.vs l»een excellent so that hto *;iys: •‘Dr. King'* New Life Pills arej
rightly named; they act more agre<‘.jc^ - only u*#e! four
I son won hto English honors by beating
moot Gant at his own game. I am bis we last fall
indifferent riding cannot be attributed ably, do more gootl and make one fe<‘l; condition. $12.50.
equal as a bwar. I can stand him off
» dtoHlpation
lietter than any other laxative." Gusrbetter than Nelson or Hermann can.
Cape Top and fJa* Lamp*. $ino0
anleed to cure bmousness and constlI can keep him no busy ihai he will
patlon. 2Sc at Bugbee Drug Co.. 74 Farrar St.
have mil chance to get In hto deadly
Frank H. Meads. Hannah drug store.
puheh. I am conAdent that I cm bwrt
“Tk# plarteC Itew for





Walter M. Paige

Arc Your ColIcctioBS Slow

You Have Given Up?

If yon have, let me collect
them for you.
OU EfwonnU prompAly aUeoaed
to End 1 oeu mEke money for yoa

A. Pohoral
Collection A«en«7.ovm HEmiltob
Clothing Co.

Ion. maay of them long onttewiM; bat
just tbe tame Mr. Pohoral brought tha
dcliaQuenu to Uma aad prompt aall>r. S. L. AshUrn. Daottet






the big nine.

T^arrlwai Ttarar«OUySHaMayaatf



"> •
weight E# announces that he will meet

him I am younger and atroiiger and
can aavc mjwelf for a long-endnranc#
It to
1 contest and allow DATES FOR GRAND CIRCUIT WAS
t^st If aeceaaary. To ahow bow con- voice their opinions
sttnatkra ............ . *
”*•* of the
Adent 1 am I will aav that I Intend I and Ihelr dlaanoroval of ih#
.O he
cm,, of «y money on my. .con In
be ^.n^ '
" *■'
'» *
•rtt that I on pinro. I «||| «,rpH«. a«.„n.
I«t»rr 11,^ prorldln* lnd.«ymen.. nr.
Ribbon Meeting at OetroH Will
my Wcd. wb« I m-. I..O .h/w r::r
^ “"\««C«i?^Rob«n mifr rood In Phil Blue
Open the Campalgn-Clevetond
The Aght will be on the
_____ __________________ Jadrtphla teat summer by beating MurTbe approach of the I
and Biiffalo Will Fellow.
elecHba pby |a ooe alx-round ^ul, though he
square and it will b# a bnmtner.of the athletic bdkrd of control will
time they met.
add to the tnteveai which la being
rvMencod In the athletic altuation at
Tbe stewards of the grand circuit
met at the Hoffman house in New
May Fight Ont of tha Thompaons at Minnesota. It to thought that an at­
tempt will iH* made tp elm a board
York today for tbe pnrpoae of allotting
Ogdtn. Utah.
the date* for the race* the coming
Ohiengo. Jan. 1$.—Harry i^mtIs kaa which will take th# Initiative In the want Poiat^ill Not Tak*
seasOT. At Ihe preaeat time it appears
boin oEerad a match with the wiaaer matter, and set at dcAanc# the au-| Water Gawra OMpita Offers
Waaltby Per
as If the rircult would be Identically
of the Manric# Thorapaoa-Cycloae thorliy of the council In athletic mattbe aai^ aa It ifiis three^ears ago
Thompson mairh to ba pulled off at 1
The facalty
New York. Jan. i€ —West Point Mil- when the cafopalgn opened with ihe
aeems to be dlOgden. Utah. Manager DIckerann has
y of Its *tery academy has refused to take op blue ribboa meeting at Detroit and
been wired that Jan. 25 will aim th# Tided OQ th# question.
Ogden clnb. He aald he rould not leU members aiding with lb# atndeots. In- ‘ ”>»^teg. creo though several wealih.v wound up with the whirl at tbe Oakley
Yorkers and PhiladelphUns had track at Cincinnati. Such a status of
wlicthnr he could accept it at prr«ent. tcrcsllag developments are expectRHl'
j offered to ^ply a full rowing outAt. affairs puts a brighter hue on the outhowever, becatia# Lewu has been of in the near future.

Tb# subject was token up with the look for the trotters and pacers on
fwd ao many msirbes that he would
t*-# msjor circuit than baa been the
have to rraiaMer which would be the
‘ '""'“'y
j lipdy refused the offer on the grouad case during the past two seasons.
best for him.
tbe etdeta would not have the
Contracts With Foratgnera Coat John,!that
H. K. Deveranx will represent the
Haggln B4BOO.
aevcland Driving Park aasociatioa
New York. Jaa. 1$.—It cost John! This decision Is a dlaappoiatmenl to and will apply for the dates foUowlng
» J. JeffrlE^ ckampkra of all Aghtera. will b# Haggln. tbe horse trainer. Jiiat $4,000!'**^ stewards of the Poughkeepaie iw- Detroit, which are July 2$. running to'
as well as to the atewards of the Aug. 2. Cleveland set Che pace this
referee of tbr
AttoU-Harry Baker to import Are jockeys from Bngtend.
Aght and the llUte fellows win battle When the boys arrived teat year their American Rowing aaaocteUon. who year for tha rem of tbe
mudoiia to see Wem Potat on t|»e as It arms the Srat to a
for Ih# world's championship at 122 entry Into this conatry was not quea-1
po*inda Friday night as origtaany Honed. Wlllliim Bteek. ooe of tbe!^»'»r.
It wonld positively give i
fockmn. let the aaetet ont when hej
appaaled to the Immigration hurranj
I Fight Fans In Faar.
of th#
tea aommer. dactertag that the horwH
Ban Franclaco. Jan. lA-Plgklteg

him, thereby not thnsiasto are In tear that Stale b£fnlAmag hia
tor HartaanY Urento of puttlag give a maatteg aa iraaal Oda y«ar and
■f^ nrt -«m.rocr «o. the iMcUb through a hUl agatest an kinds of that an trouble that aroaa teat year
tewy. with the resalt that they leeiM glove Aghttec te'the auto of Callfoi^ over tbe storting judge bad be«a
up all the boys.
ate wRl be carried om. If the senator patehad up ahd now not a ckrad was
Up to withia a few days ago tbe does wkat he aaya he wll] the state la the aky. Bentlf was On hto way
teva lived at Qlla Island. Whan th# wm he closed to nU parte to the glove
tsMc ^ compromised they wme do-



Oloteins Ou« 3alo.
1 «Hl 2 ImckK. Arrt* “poy.. wtHn,! ChiHren .-a.. --11




In DryGoofit we have Hoaier^, rmlerwear. (ilovee and
m™-. Woh,

... ».

W. 0. Foote

Joseph Sleder & SonoJ^H.'
The Stnn^ for Al
will be ^ded when ymi make a call
at Seder's Meat MatkH. "The Bast
Only** to our motto and it Is left to
buyers of months, even years, here to
aay whether or not we lire np to the
high standard ww act np for ourseves

0 0^< E
Two Tons
O O A I.

Coke it the ld«nl Inal.

Ko cln»f; no Hndu; ye*T
little Ellin.

We ban, ledneed tU iMieeto

traverse aty
Gas Co.




MiniBKMI II' CanVeu

TNIHinOAY. Mat. 17. HB7.
Uro-mev. «nam


jovorder lor


niMt WAVE SWEPT lAV Ml winm
to The EreoioK Btconl.
eirtxl todey from Port An Prince
New York, Jen 17-A
Hvti. eeye it U repurtal Ihet tb<- Uwl on which KinKtton it bnilt te
elowly einking, m) it it feend tbet Uie city mey meet the tele which
overtook i’ort Boyid, wbieii tank beweetb the watert of the Iwy in the
17th century.


Lowloo, .Tea I7-An Evening Standard tpecial oablefrom Holland
bay, SaaMiaa,aaye a tidal wave hat twept over Aunola bay, north­
ern Jamaica. The matt line of the ieland hat l»«n gruady changed
and gr^t atietcbiw of lawl are ditapiwaring in the tea.

BagUtgo. Onba. Jan 17-A ditpatob remivrtl here today aaye that
mnch damage wat «lone at Kiegatoo early thje morning by another
aevmaarthqnakethoek. *he deetruction of many hontet all ready
dat^xl wat made complete. •
leetlvt ken
I tty Ji It eetl.

the eeftheeaki ant are
at. Tkemaa. B. w. u Jan. 17.<

vicea recelvae jraaterday freoi Jamaica



ray from Kinnaton.
Th« Etonch th«r« is dsscribstf ss
TMrs Is no fodOsr lor snimsls SM
Mofwy is usoThs banks bsvs bMn bumsd. but
vsulU srs supRoosd to bs ssfs. '
Th# missry on sjl sMss Is '
able. Hish snd poor oliks
fisodotf. It Is If
anybody con b* found.
•If Jsmos rtrpuson.
of ths RoyalI Mali ttoof
Is among tbs klllod. Tb« loos of


I and vill




>—Nsoro I
•oo ft

By Wire to Tbs EtwiIii* Rrcord.
laOOBlm;. Jan. IT — Wllllsm T. t
roprwwMiiailTe from Wsyim coa
will intraidiicf a roaolutkin ttrovldlnc
for s commiaalon of «*xp^rts m exsnilor and report on the coppor sad Iron
miBfo of ihr upprr pRtiilnatiln. Thw
tboory Is that tlH^ crmt prop
toxrd oo but s smjil
lion of ihrtr Tslur
>11. Jan.? l7>-k">ilh**r U
Kllroy. one of the tsoat popuUr Cstb
ollc prtwwta In thn dkxw of Drtrolt

Holly Has s Room.
Holly. MJfh.. Jan. IT.—Tbr proposl
on to bond the vlllapr for 115.000 as
bonus to IndiiCR* fsctories to locatr
rre was carHed by 2H> for and
A spontSDPous jubllatloo
tllowed Bells were runic, whistles
blown and the Imtid played. The
Holly Cnblnet compbny U already or
Negro F(
Sauit 8tc. Mai^e. Jan. 17.—Charles
Carter, wanted at Dorsey. Md.. w&s
arrested by an officer here. He was
recognised from a description offering
ll.auo for hl» captsre. Carier la
negoo. fears a lynching and doesn
want to go back. He was a cook In

tn<Aanaler Loomis Dead.
Oraftd Rapids. Jsn 17.—RvSmstor
Robert B. Loomis W dead after
short Illness of pnepmonia. He wa.««
75 years bid and was well known. He
was active In political and religious
work and was ♦Uh^nmI twice to the
state aenat




caw and

Loft His Fstbsr’a Farm Only Thrss
N.W York 8M9r,me|coort Hold L*.
Months A0O—Rrolhar, Who Was
Limiting Hour* of Working
td of Hsnv
Women Unconstitutional.


By Wire to the Evening Record. ^
New York. Jan ^T.-Thc^onsum
era* league announces that an appeal
will he taken to the Snpreme court
of the I'nlted States against the re­
cent decision of the Bupreme court of
New York that the labor law which
prohibit! the employment bf women
and children under 1€ after ? o'clock
p. m. is unconstitutional.
According to this decision every girl
employed In a factory can. If she has
pnoaed her twenty-Brst birthday, le­
gally be required to work all night.
Her employer may deuln her until J
o'clock In the morning and then send


•lELb IN I


**Firoa broke out again tonight The
negroes are looting tho rum obopa.
”At least fivt hundred peraona have
been killed. There aro wolrd and tor
«Fo1tJ!lV^ invalid soldtors wore
burned to death In the military hoapKal.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
-••varal shocks were felt today.**
Bdlnborg. Jan. 17.—A Scottish
rional exhibition will be held In Be
1W8. According to present
•ome of the moaaages emanating
from Jamaica are without dau. and It plana ^
the exhlbltl.
er they
refer to the panic of the
and «ive oxaMtratod reports of caoualties. or a-« aont at a time when
greater calm p
I and actual os.
have been
tlmateo of tho
That tho >Dondltlona

Was Fixing >8aw and a Fiscs of the
Emery Wheel Struck Him in

Spedal to the Evening Record.
Alden. Mich.. Jan. 17.—PYai
F'siren. aged 4C. was killed yesterday
aflembon while working
atnick him tn the head sad death followed several bgora Uter.
Mr. McPnrren was a resident of Aldln and has a wife and a daughter,
aged IS. here. He had been working
at Sharon for aome time and reaterday afternoon was engaged

rocolvod at tho ctato dogartment in In two centuries. It la Intended, also,
aftomoon. to provide ample space for feneral
dated Jamaica. Jan. 16, S:S1 ^ nu exblbltm.
•aid among othor things: .
*^lngstsn dsstroysd. Huikdrods sf
last Bight.



^ChSle^SSS^'*** Tima Ha< Was

and systom. or possibly
.mM .wr t. feller urn
have baon eonfinod to ths vicinity sf

‘ are maklag aome extra knr
lees on some goods from ocr
ick—abase goods we are over-

at............................................. 27e
Pratt's Vet Ualment (25cl
Ft .......... ............................ 1»c
Crm^ef. F^mnt Balm

raty yoong aaarrled eonpAea. beAd
Mr regular nemS-montlily a>eeUag at
lorat'a anademy taat evening. There
after learning the

;-\Ve Mv«y«« toe poMage, the price o( the
mooeyoeler and the tronUe ofaeMliiig.


City Book Store





To oor rtoro .,k1 ton oR
mbont it yuo c-aa hAve n

ThitU not A pavzIingqtietriaD.
Ate letting
Yeiy rbeep. Tbex- we do aot
Wien to -cany over. 8om
■troDg nomben that eoU all
the lamm for «1.S5 and «1 JiS
are BOW bring aoid for $1.U0
TbcM tere the beat gooiU yoa
have had offend yoo at thia
{irioe and if you aaed uadarwear tbit ia your tiow.




•t......................................H off

Our Store to noted for
the qnaUly ol goods

Wait’s»^Drug Store.

Could be made .of the host of
delighted housewifes and their
assistants who have used our


Josiph Sleder & Sons

PACk#r» and

win be ended when you make a call
at Seder-a Meat Market. ’Th** Best
Only" Is our motto and It U left to
huyt-rs of months, even years, here to
say whether or not we five up to the
high atandard we sci up for ouraeves
when we opened our shop. Oeanll.
neaa. cqurteous aervire. Just pricing—
•1 prompt us to Invite you here.
We pay top prices for bogs. veal,
butter, egga and poulto'.



Their, commendations would fill a colhint to try a single sack. 1 hat will
be the first of many.


Flrst-clAMS Butohorm.




for Crhboazltment.
h. 17 —Ray A. McHi
r. was arrested for


ere eel yet hemen. The d*ml er.
,7_M.rvl« H
boinp burled under amoldoring rolna Booth, aired I JO. made his second trip
as a street ;rsllssy rondiirlor today
and was killed at T oVlock tbAs momJnir at the Third Une i»ams by rallinic
In front of -i rnr as the ear starttsl
and aU tba buUdinfs In a^d around
was sqiieexed to death In the
Kingatan aro In ruins. Very fsw o1 and
space iM'tweon the car and n Seilt vat.
thsm srs asfs to live Ip.
Tho govomor and hW^porty are ssfb.
It Is rsportsd that *an sxtinct volcano
in the psHsh of Portland Is showing
.signs of activity, but this
vtrifled. No nsws hoo yet been reI of the Island
ication bsing
London. Jan. 17,-The following
cable dispatch has bean rsceivsd from
a prose reproaantativo who accom
psnlod Sir Atfrod Janas and his party


bei« Aod it wiU raeeive i

Cloody. OoHCSt osotb wlHda

Until February I



Mipzine Subseription$

Cell Olbese

,, Rua IT «u nstmu MWEI DUST WANTS - rr--—I mews is?




& Lay Co.


iwiil pay Highest Cash prices fqr

Maple, Hemlock, Asb] Elm,
Basswood, Pine and




Traverse City Mfg. Co.

Don’t Miss This

Tclephone-Cit. 32, Bell 169.


All Ladies

To Close at
Half Price

All Children's


To Close out
At Half

Ail Ladies Black Coats
To cIoM out at K off. This U the sale .you have bee
looking for. Come now, we can fit you.


And Read Our Ad



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