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The Evening Record, August 29, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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TMADssa.1 the evening record
TMvtuM cmr, mtmmAH,
Au«ufT m iw.
lyiR HILO.
fwmtrnm^ TVn^KrOm Ovi «r TliM^
mt Ori«r.
or lAo OmmmtoUI Til'
Uvo wlro woo
Uls «»ar«lAc
U iUUM tkot thm
r iwiiortoiinii. r««i^
orolon to rwoHro oil c<«iiiH*rtMol lopiioor ood Hit Mifitrt Wht Woro
1%U tiH operolor* liavo r«»
Nldiiii on tbo Hrot Cor loHInd
no«l to 40
tbo tnf^no. Wort Unoblo to
Mtbt Tbtir Itcopt.
hy Wim tn tbn BO^mlng Rocord.
Bedy of Man Fickid Up in Oetroit
Baktoo. w. Vo.. Aug ft—On« Mlorr
Rlior Near looroo—Yontic Nos
WM killed Mnd flto idbort lorTlIdy InLeft for Hancock, Wborc She
lurtil by tbo Uurotliig of tbt bollor of
Will Remitn>-Oolroit Niwm
0 dinkey <«gtna oo tbt troiu rand uf
tbt Joobtuorllla Oool « C<Ae com
OIMERAL SPOby. otor BmmtrL W. Ym.
lori m^lrtwUe ond cor- By B’irt to tht Bvenliig Reconl.
Tht OAi
Wroll. l^lch.. Aug. 2>-The gate
riMl Iht
Tlurt down ond' tbt to
gtoaer ond tbt five inlbtni who rode Cl! iht atole Ipjr were thrown o|»ei
thb morning ond the gotetuen oo;
tht otltndonce will break the recxrrda
llml day crowd. By |0 oclock
o thouaood peoi^e bod orrived
•UM mat M LARMR whin OE'
ond proboWy over femr, thmiaa
pro oireody there orronglng the
Torrlbb CoporlpiMi.
Hoii4tRlt or Ml Ml. tont
Wllllom fVonrU. oged 18. ifllppcd
WoiO MHloO Oy n«0 ftool
0 ladder whilt pnlntliig on elec
» Miy Tlilo
trie rmllwigr guy pole ond groblKH? a
tht AotomoOHi
Nolotd Com ond All Ktn^ of.V^ Uvo Wirt, receiving MO volu. but tw
nCMT IBi torrlblo toperltnct
botb band* badly burned,
hong to tbo wire until nmruiHl by on
Mow toiii. Aut B0-I)oi1di ouli>Kdbcm lighting Co. tmployrv
■MJbilo rotoboro wbo hOv» long dolUid
Olid ot the nliMRii gonioni In the
Body .n River.
tbo polloo. tiottiwl iho n«ti|o«u.(4
The body uf o man aiipiKiaed i
Hollo Port, oog UUnd. oorly l«Uy li/ rll> Murmundu tht homt^ of Mm. V.
OjrOMitllM ^ iMwiaTBcO »od the M Httorort. 211 KoBt rmttntlLitrttt have luimMHl from llelb lale biidg
tht Identical a|>ot where Albert
iviml iioro oAjoioiiii ood kioUiii npd tht'fHld ftoiure of it b thot It b
the rmult of ritMTiuuiilo WgfEobItt Bttmmtien threw hU tiny 'dam
bom iiuood
II li kOOWO thol Ihoy oortirH uf oil •hopto/klUiU oud ilMw ort' to Into the river, woa dlacovered
%ljm IB oUOito wod r4»b. hut th> H* fiu^ud In the t>olrh oud oil ort oi» Mcofwe and by puiiera In hb pocket
oOMMOt W bo OMirii lorgof.r^bon torrntly h«uilthy oiul perftci. Mr»: > b thought to U. kbnll Ranitioer
Yantlc Haa Left.
tbo 4obf«i tf eloorod ooojr. M Iho Utwort hiM hod gurdto* lor mony ,
liulldlosi woro oownltooly wrochod rtort ond ofttr tolrhliig torh |»Un| The 4ialntug ahli*. Yantlc, hoiMed
'loM^ly hok dHtmuIntd thot Iht pn^ ouchur at 4 o i ltH k thia tnornliiK and
«nt rubo (d ogrtcultorr oft
alorted for Hanciick. where ahe wilt
iKirtng Iht rnilrt •unmu'r th*' gar
the na\al n'wrv*« of that port
Ittl luu 1U-»«T littn tOtfltd
Captain 11. B. C«oodoJI*ia In c<immond
ng by tht roln ond the ground which
uHhlng hut oond wo* toiiclMHu»d
)Uly with I^llltrr from the hen
^iiuot ln»tnod of the bomyord fertll Lewb Birdaetl Will Be Bupar.ntantf
irtr r<muwuiily uttd
Mrt. tUtwort *
ant al Bchoola at Coloma-H.ah
rorti b toptclolly
Bahpol and Oh vat OraduaU. ^
Im b M Itol In Unfib ond Hun iRtono ond oil ort grown hy o oyottm
Mdk ol tbo Noildtnb Hod tn o
irtginol with hrroHf
l^wla Blri!^ll left this momlns
. Wild Ponb.-'
The otcMind crop of ptni botrt btt*n fur Coloma, wh» r.‘ he will takiloktn fnuu the %lnto ond
Ion of auianinieiidenl t»f r
uktn too hubheb oltogvthcr from
ila Mr. IliHWell graduated tnuii
U tbt BDvtnMut
Wirt 16
loo fiM*t uf vino*
tha focal high achind and haa dUkm*
IMfUboti. Aug. n-li» t*mit m>*
\n tht gordtn ore tU rtiwt of corn
i a ooume at Olivet,
|ETi«ww inonnw tbt butumi t>r o »trttt rotiglug In height fnun tU feet
in Ibo onlnirbo mrtd In fur o dbtom t Lbret tddL Tbt two hlgbeot n
or gMNo tboA too fort lodoy ond wtrr covered with ftnlllaar bM
the com hod bnAen ground. Iht ntit W. F. Oiatrich aj»d Family Red# Down
4»l imrtooo in tbt noAgbburbood ltd two when tbty were but throe Inchto
to Walton Only to Rida Back:
In 0 ptnir to oibtr quoritro.
In height ond the lo«t two when they
to tha City.
were otniit o ff«t high ond tbooe thot
^ All of the
with tbt big Oka* Labor Ikpy cborlty
picnic, tbt atcood annual for Trov*
trot City lodge No. 8M. met at the
Oka* club rooma lam night ond prao
tlcolly rloM^ ofToagrnieoU f(»r the
A Urge ^number uf v biting
Bika will be praoont and the affair
will paaa Into hbtory aa the blggeel
out uf do4w gathering that Travemt
tiliy baa «tr bod.
The I'umtulttvto hove tieen working
hard for to'vrrol week* >nd-now hove
matltm ao for completed that they
feel ^urtd Of o gonulne oucotaa
There will be many noVtlUea Introd along with tht regular fea
» and the affair will be a con|lnu |
uurre of pleaaurt jfnm the time
rrlval until the bat perwon haa
left the frounda
The children alao should not he
ft at home aa 1f they are juwim
panled by their porenu or guardbna.
Utlvra. they will be fumlahed
with tlckeu which will entitle them
free pop. free popVorn. free candy |
and free |ieanuU. ao that they can |
have aa much fun tuidhe gr
a *^6l |
Tbe^prv^gram cr»tnmmee
Ummi Idle by any nuaim and the) !
h.t\v eiolved a aerlei. that wilt md
iiiily Im* ii jdeaRure to the gueets but;
a a ci'i'dit to Iho comrulite*- (Tf 1
ourae there will be aportn ond
lamew ond athletic evenu. both for
rata of Btrength. tpttd and endar-i
inoe ond'there will olao be m numbt r
uf tvMUa for laughing purpoaaa only.
There will be ho^ ro^a, both faat
alow racra and aa aomt of the
BIka own naga of conalderablt------ ^
Two doitti
Nopoo from Tbtir Btd bhotU ono
Modi AliOCOMrut Eicopt.
My Wlro to tbt IMtntng Rtcord
JoHtt, til, Aiig n-BCdoord Qulni
I ond Horn lunnon. both tith tooi
ort»lnol ftcordo. ottoptd fruoi tbr
pum poo^tbry tbb monilog b>
innbldB n iwpt from bbd »heru ond
ocAUng tbo wollo.
Mor^ini Hoot ot Noebtmor ^
HOrd to Cootrol ond Rtouittd
Oomofi of tlTOODD.
My Wlio ^ tbt i^lng Record.
OnnbI Flynn nnd Tbreo
. KillMI Wbib OrillifiB
dry pMb
well worth wUne*ah»g
The picnic ihia year will be held
: the Driving l*ark nmoclatloii
Pcninda. and all day Labor Day. for
thiiae who do not
Boditt of Atonlty Bruaki ond OviMava
Jekal Ware Rtetivad From
ManiaUa Laka.
mate. Mich. Aug. 29.—Aflcr
lH*lng 10 luonlha ill Manlauv Ukc.thtt
txKltra oi Stanley tlruakt. agvd ZV. aud
Guauve Jekcl. ap'd II. taith niarrtcsl,
have tMvn r«H'ov<'i «Hl. The men ataricVI acHMa the lake in a aroali
with lan> Black NovfmlH*r 1«. The
Umt ovj-rturntHl a'^d only ^acK wa«
icd Effoi^a to rtH'OVer the iKxIlea
SHBCtbiw eatuily MR in hEndaoEM ykm*tt We oity, MdE
AMsM sai^ at HsniR aaaStae crowd In* the city oo Ihoae ^ays nnd
IMMay. East E. UiMrDEr wumtaa. It b Ibought that the boat i
EU»»4«. wooM nAd intracat tc the occaaU
Say. Pa,
a teams nt if tU the b(^
tfid BiHt Axe weerinK Fried,
rioh't tboee. So niAiw of
tbeui htre on th^TFoel.
tom Shoee. Ther look eo
comforUUe and Tm ture
IheYwiU wear well
Tbit it the wty the children Ulk nt boom abont our
exc«?llem bebool Sboet.
Just Your Kind
of a SmoKe
It mtket little difftrenoe |
wbAt tort it a cigar, you
smoke, you oati be tuiUvl
from our cigar case.
Havana agan
Porto Rico dgara
KUBECKitiOn ' '
Tnioii 8t. CkHhioiE
can Ehow you some (of the hCEt,
,, there is on the market—propositions
that will interest you as an invest
ment or fs a home of your own.
only make a small payment down,
we -arc certainly the people for you
Smith Realty Co.
Office Oor l^ke Ave. nnd lOib
Always rosdy to show you
aUmt your bresd not being white,
light sml aclieiotu'if yon make it
W Tour regular fotmnU yith the
IDEAL 8pring Palest Plotir.
There ia nQlhing like white, sweet
and Douriahing liread. It ia the
ttoffof life and yon oan alesys
bare it when uaing IDblVL flour.
Atk your erooor or osll up
These are the (MentiEl/
ill the nmkiDK of •
Good Candy
We maie oor own candy, so
it is nlfreys fnsb Aud it com
bines the above qumlitif s.
^Try us.
(xOfllce Stationery
You may;
you are looking for a home and can
' propositions in City property that
jglTHER one of these ^tlemen
A variety of brands in eiu h.
If you wish A nice mild long
iiiokK^ sniokti. suppose you
tr? one of our ‘ Chicv)i” or a
They will surely
^sstisfy your taste.
we lit?e perfect oonfideooe inonr
Ability to ontlTt yon in clotbinR in
tnob A wgy ibAt you And your
friends will be pfood of your AppeATAnoe. There's nn item we mey.
stAte that it Also of imporUnoe—
Economy. We undertAke to tell
bMt gni^ clotbing formen, youtbi
EDdb03mon.k,WtRiM«R4^.^, .
MmM 6m« 8N>m
lit llir iKidi/ol J.'kH r.iiif ti. iul
Bnukl )i»
Abraham Frwoman Will Ba Rfbaaod.
W. K, UetriciTlnd family have
Proaocutinr Attornty Having
eon apendlng ihe last two Vw-ka In
the city and hod act todoy oa the date
on which they would return to Mua
rVmM*nl of the proaeculing atl<
n Accordingly, they boarded the
train and aUrted out only to dbeover
raham Freeman, charged with aeeond
that the tourlal ticket they
degree murder, on 14.000 ball. fYeeIng cm. warn worlhlrai. unl«
man b' at prraont In fall at Leland
»d and Btami»ed by the local hut bb brother and cme other man
agmit. Ab a reauU of thb. the par
have aignifled their wlllingneaa to go
ty rode down to Walton and then
on bU bond and It U Uiteved that
rod# back again.
other wignera
Mr. DleCiich hlamea Oemrge , Ami
the man give hia frecHlcim until Clrotto for the cmcurrence. aaying that
cult court convenca
rna in auch o hurry to get him
cm the train that
time to get hb I
the Om bnUdlng on It
wbkA brobn otM It i o'cbKk Ihb By Wire to tht Bvtolng Record
' contitU fori Kenoro, Ont. Aug 2b-Tht Grond
I Trunk JAollc enenmpment o
Trovorae City launch ownein get to^
. Lnke*wno the neene bf o i
gwClMr nnd arrange a aerMa oC raooa
Occident whUe the mmi weiw drllUng to bn glTon on BkpL il. 12 nnd IS.
rock lor trwcking. DenlM Ptynn nnd the dnre^Uie Ormnd Traverae BoMlere
IBB TMl NEW BROWN nbndit In three oMlaUata were blown
.and Bnllorw nseodUtion wUl be onIpppipAi nt Qubli*^ 111 OMt
camped horsL Tbeiw wlU be n big
rmvemnPfitn for tbf MmnmN
were cover»»d 11 ml ort the btghtit
now ond hove the moot toiw on. while
the one* th«t were covrrtd when
they were the hlgheot ore the'omoll
rat. Mm Hteoort bo» tnken. many
prtiDluowi ot tht county folm ohowing
teller VEigeUbieo than mony who
vote g whole farm to truck rotalng.
Anomer thiug^ln which Mro. Blewort ejicelbUw>fataiug chickena. She
boa o Urge >onl full of partridge
cochina ond when tn Mllwoukee In
Ikod ahe entered eleven of
the poultry ahow In that city mnd of
the olmron there were four Brala.
four aeoanAR on do third.
Baad tiDlEd in REtor ooktE at
The 1MnM.M0..IMt4
aty Book »ore
Cmnmitfeee Met Lnet Cveting
FrnMiPilly Cbned Up Ail
tetolljr dootrortog both.
nmno RRM A TRESni
I % Wir. In in. STMtet
tl«.r V«rtu Ai«,
ASale oi Beavtliiil Panoraiiiie
Views of Tlrayerse
• Truly RoiVs «ria« End Et e prion yoa.oEa e«Di4.
Ct^HATOlir tTAllCfc
For Good Priilting Quick
■ ....«Uup....
New FaU
See our .
& Hunter
herald S Record €o.
Best Flour
Other Aourt come anid Aourish for •
short time and pretty soon your grocer
has Eomethiag else to oAer. BEST Aour
is here EVERY DAY and EVERY
YEAR and it's always the same old
Buodby. The Flour with All the Good
of the Wheat.
cur. ifiA. M
-W. in New Yorh- will bn
n.i Sheri Of fnriul.c comui. lur* Ita
liorf on Thuraday. 0O#t, S. Frioea An. riiiUuUona la the moving van m-kt
r nla. Slot aaln Wednondny. Bniurday and lirfnre ll
ten Hib At »
famlllra will have Chaoged hwalKms.
MlM Bdna Rowe of Grand Raplda
They sill more into buaatw vacated opeiit ftoadny with her hmCher. D. K.
TM OwiM Timrmt tftMrlrt "TS
ft. Rose.
And lyillciTf mwmmpmHmi
fua Is ta •f4ww for all who Hilt fhe liTwla, U-legraph operator, moves Into
Mr and Mra C^. Wpyland and Mr.
iMdd Itt IliU Hly R0|rf 11. U w»4 I?.
tlraod ojaira hmiM. mi irtPOdiy
the hoaM *hr4lH 'l.idlud g nH»*fdluhrdl and Mrs t'harlea rAiuptMdl are spend
Md • Wf|« UulljU r €»f VHrnui* •111
M. In the prwm^iallan of hU hrs stone eoitagr. (hen J. .M Heu-jittg a isirtlon of the week In IVlosh* hi’Tt- ai flM« tlmr
ri^miUn fur
• Ftf-k a Aad liny.- the tamon. fnrre ahas- moves Into the hm;.«e vacatril.'kry
! tl>» IJir«» 4U,»- miOB In
oomedy epUtmiUinn ihe »anelm»6 followed by H Krarup. 14
Alis-ni. * A (Joldtarb leaves tmiay for Hullalo
Tr»rct»«^ <*ity
mirthful idietrhcw by oa-OovenuK (’.eorge \V IViry. Kd Khgan. Mm O and Itelrcdt cm a
i trip
twm tmm rtMl of tl»f
Oeorgw W. FOfh of WlsOowIn, whk-h A Wrlgbt, W.'R. Millie. Mi
Miss Umiiia (hddfarh* left Tuesday*
cliy in ib« tHhtft,
li a hune rirrulathm and (lieu, iaiit. Mr ami Mm.
fur aK ckTendc-d Visit In \he
In tlaH« |*n»t Tr«vt*jn« <!Uy tin«
•weiit the land with aiorau of laugh lrav€>, a (rut lu shUb'. sith their sill visa Ihe Jau»«*st4.sn eMawHlon,
UWmU|i U» lh« mil tM
ter. f'rlee rSr 2>. &urt. Neat agle faudly of children, (hey have Ihel lUUln.uie and Hlchurg
niid lliii imatan
since vaily iipiing for a Iioum-. TYio
H 8. Aincrsou is lu IXtrcdt on
b- iHi ciKnrpItuQ to the rule. A town
bouse- Quenllou lu this village Is a se I usidita Irtp and will al*o attend the
dmfnted «lMi tmm «bd tMinHsi not
On Monday. He|d- 10. WlUlkio V. ilotta one. Auyope who suidd put u|» mate fair.
'holy loom* »eU. not only fr<>lrumm
Mrs nave Kilster returned to tVntho
tnit fcbov.1 that llu* «lly Muog la (he t*Uy Itaker will play a come neat collages or houses that
one night «UKaKeni»ut at the Uraud woid-l n-iil tiom eiidU to (wehe dol ti«| Ijike Mtmda.v having V-nt from
of pAliiMlir
halui41.4V ai her fallier's. rhaiVs Uc-k
of ft*#. Micl lau.lInK I.C
would (a- ivutid iM-foiv finished.
mcb « Hmr m nn fnnimj.iiM^nt i4 «iUl
Morv- rc-aorters have spent the •mm
nolitloxn m imrUcuhifly mhimm*^!*^***NASEBi^t.
iii«T In and.aniund Htk Rapids ihU
«» tlwno tfitai ipito u|i the lioct ymiM
Veatarday a "'aamaa: /
sniumej thilu In *ni> previous sc-aiuHi
<d tholr Ikon ttuit Itin old Kiiie nilghi
Crniral League.
The Inlssud lakes>tll| retain their |hi|- Woman Reaorter Thought That There
nnrn oyer tin* nliule nnUou and la
Dalton 4. (Jrand Haplda 0.
Ware Only Two or Three Btoret
ular hold oil Ihe Jam ) and lore nl
Ihelr honor, miui) flagk should be UU
Whi*« Uiii: i:.
•n the Whole* City.
their re»Hiiiem and moni of them will
Amarican League.
fi-main a few da>«i hmger
4t U IKM. molirrh that the ihmn
Ihmton :. 0, M a York a 1. '
14. F. lllodKoil tias' C4.iuplet4d a
•\Vh>. Im surpilM-d I dlduT sup
town hnsinma botOKai dorttmte. 4>ut
Clmelaiid'S. Ohleago O.
theic SCIC4 mure than Iso
thoM on othor •In-els wtmuld dec**
iM troil 4. Kl UmiU :I.
ihe .atatloii and sill placv his ties or llirt-e stores In this town.* -sald-a
mtv •• nidi, «0i1 Ml aloMild rvcry
National Leagua.
sail Imat in the wafer this w«r> He ladv rceorler as she rounded (he ror
iMMMM-hidder. ’
l^t> b a
KVa York K Ht I^iuIk 2.
has hum the craft himself during hU iK-r of Front and Inhui stieeU thU
lirrtly «Uy n*lur»ll> Iml uhi-n dwKi-d
ITilriMsu f., Ilnioklyii 4.
s|iar%4 houm duilug llte spring and inomlnc She saa a twaienger «.n Upout nlih i)ld tlkny- lU imuinil k
riiuluiir: 4. I'htladelidda 1.
Meaim r kWHsourl. and when sh4- turn
O U toe-rtMuod.
! Ilu^toll
(Muclnnatl 4
Aea RIrkerd nearly losf hta left eye ed cmt4* fVont e!ie4 l and (he lone
The Aineiimn dun n«»aUni: lu ih«
Leagye Btand*nga.
0114- day recently" when nnt*th41 bu> stt«'i4'h of glass fuiiits and |ia\4*m4‘nt
hron*»» .nUh • UiM-kimimul of n-d.*
thi4S H pltchliuk ahd the lines 4-n IU4-1 Ii4 r gaf4* and 4s1i4- qiuM.l'y c hang. *!
Central League.
while nod hint* u a |»reliy aUhl and•, . r .'
•Won Mmi I Vi ( N 1-rml the eve. lie will n.U lose tie her mind legaidlng (he Qim 4 n i’liy 4u
an lusplrlni^ un» not cuily lo the iu«Ti
sight 4d U.
- the Noith.
who fimtcM fin- the flan b«l Ui the IV'iIiikfield
yiTunii r dmerallon lu wrll. The im.fe
the Hag is *hwn/the niorr tin lafe: KvansVlilt- r. ;.. 112
. 57
IVm- liHUitt.........5k
|ta>«on ___.....
. ht
•bow hoi one flag, do ««». h«l If you Crand Raplda
have luoir, take a lUlle lluie off and Honlh lu-nd .. .. Ifi
Emy PbfMB hi Wfgicrw MkBlftD WIm Car, SktMild Plai to Attewd dk«
dta«rate your houae and atotw.^
EviryUaly who bitya RK.\
Cbotxihiloa proDouDOi-a them
m-xftH L They are tho cbocofaiea with the taate. ^
you imy oamfy tell the
you want that iiiacft- hy
Grand Opera HousejBrand Opera House
Monday, Sept. 2
For 21 Years Crowded Housed
Everywhere have Pronounced
West Michigan State Fair
Mr at Qrasd Rap««i the Sccaad Week of September
umvil ....
Ttml Ida shKumuit bf a|i|d«*» that
rhlrago ♦ ..
went out t«Hl«y4Mean. many ll.InRa toj '
the (iraiid Tmvefi* legion *» <»»r
dml pinre. It mrana iimiuy In the^*j;
pnrketa of >lMt ralM-n. and moto‘> In
the pockets 'means lud* |>*Midem^^
meaiw that lutcossllh^ and huurlo
cwfi he purthua.-d, the thlldu-u glv. ii
an nlut^ilon. moie land liouKht.
qiun» tit-i-s s* t out Tl al la oiu- of (he niicaiwv .......
rtlistuirK .4
dlrt-cl tanelha
Itut there ts another hrn^( to I he
reirtntt«4hat Is noTto la- lost slcht of. t»hllad*-1idda
Ttio^tierrlea llun. made iln< rhVago ItoiOVlvu ..
l^ktd Imin u|*aurd by iHumdH. Uusa- Otm tluiiall, .
!W|f. w^-II ^tdoied (mil t-brrrir^ (hill
ftmtid leatV iMiivhaMMi*. the - Miiiitd,
well oolnrtHl aiiide*. IIihI a«e m.a* W
G. A. R.
lng>idrl|»pt-d and'the fine (latootl. a« tl
M4im1.iv, Repi 2nd. !* reguUir tmt-l
keiHdOg |Hita(otsa that, will go ^ttuth
Uter* all ahom lu the mtuld that the iiig of l't>»*l No Ik Kiel) m4*ml>*T of
to lu* pn-M-ut.
. a rand Traverse n-Rlou ta u prtiductive region, a |in«sprtuus region and as buslm-ss minm-co-d with Uie ft. 4
A good idace to Hvt
The feet that ft. rrunlou la in U- liwnaarted
r. I). Manln. CYmmiander.
flrand Tt averse la .shipping fniU
Allan r. Uttle. Adjuunt.
when Othei grtiwlng •««cHou» have
not enough foi home trade, In antuli
n advviiUlua fartoi,
Attand party at
‘The mon- m H1« |>, Ilu* !•» iom omds. Megday. Bept. 2, Labor Day evemng.
the inort* (t*|t‘|duuit*M ami riti.il man
•«g- 2Mt.
la IW
Premiumg and Puraea Offered*
............. 125.000
la 1906.........................$15,000
TheUrger premipra* offered by the Weal Michigan State Fair have
brovmht an amazing increase in the numberol enirick from cxlubiiora.
Cattle CUases Duplicated
AU cattle claioea are du^icatcd. one “open to all,*’ the other open to
“Mkhtgan only.” In all dataes arc many eninca. The .Ayreshires are
a valoabie breed of dairy cattle but new to Michigan. Three different
herdk are entered this year—none w ere exhibited last year.
dreat tlorao Show
draft horses are ioo% better
entered is also doubled.
See the Ug parade of draft teama in luirness \V' edncKlay afternoon.
N«w CBrrUBe and Dairy Buildtni^
' A new building has just been erected. i.to Yc ^ feet in sir^ and
eovenng nearly three-ctoarters ol an acre. In this bililihng will be found
the finest exhibits of carnages ever seen at this fait. Dairy producu
and dairy machinery will also be g- ven a priiminety^c the importance of
the industry in this State demands.
CosU of Treo Shows . /
hi 1007........................ .
In 1906. ,.y.....................$2,200
A. Roy Kiiabrnshuc and his airship—the thip'^ihat flies, the ship
which many have ined to imaaic but none •uccessfully-wil
successfully-will operate
from the Fair Grounds at least once each day for '
Uys. The
-“No ascensions.
Knabenshoe's <
iio psy .” The
Fifteen Hundred ^r,els and 1.000
Baskets—Some of 300 Passengers
Were Without Berths.
Tin- laig4-si h»;»d of ficigtil ami iiiclih-nuny the Uig4>t load of apph**
4\cr take n tiom‘Uh- IiwaJ doe k* wuf*
put atxiard the.atc-auu-r MUs^.url thU
niurnlng. Theie wciu l.5ufi barrt-U
baskc-ls of apple-s. the l.iilk
of which wctt-'Wwtcikans aiAl .IHirhe-i*^
aiul.wllb the- freiglil pirkeel up'ui oth
< r lailiiU the- lit»U1 of rtu- hiwt wa-*. W4-il
lille-el. •
paNS4Mlg»T ll»
la..tnl ami
U-liig ahnul :
we IV atiheiut
tnu loud in e*ke*-4riiugly large*, fnuii
thr pn-M-nt emtha.k .ihe-rt-. w111 1.4* as
Un:e If not laigt-r cargo foi the hfuet
the ap8atuida>. Without exivpl
wftB muBcrows mgn ctaas vaaotruie asMi comedy ac
free show pragram ever offered by more thpn two to
September 9. 10, 11, 12 and 13
Excursiem Rate* em Atl Railroads
Most Orau^ rrolacUrB Erer SUfcd
Win. a t.nkLtr*r i*!.*! tbaa. ,«r- Riorv- r
tlmn rvrr -Kvrii m«rw>
HmI K.t
at hl.tr* .1-The-tinreV'Ts man (a aeir..*
tlttiiiM aeaar—Tire luiart vrt-.atlU*
ayrl lalt ui.*i*'««»»’.llaua.
WlM ii UUii* St^e lil did n‘..i xh.'w
Hi a temieeuMiv MucklM ity camp em
tin- lUaliiR ill l-hiHt Uay l<*wimhlp hmt
nigbl ut 111.- Ilin.- agn-fel oiiMiu. the*
*»th.T wome n In the- |»i'rly U-caimftighle-iu-el. ami. Ihlnkliig that ^ll*
hail waiide*re-«l t.ai far Hi search «•<
thi- fnitl ami wa^ h».st. t«-h-phon<v] to
this city for hi-lpe-i-s In the- •eeaich.
He r brothe r Wlllr starleed e»it on
hoi><*ha<k lint m. i the* party m-ar
The yemiig woman had
sheiwe-d ui» »*ht»rtly afte r the tHt-ph<»ne*
me-atage had U-e n s.*nl to IhU city.
A Kolliokiti^f ComtHlyof Ktirnl
linliatlB with the
Hoosler Lass
In the liodt Pun the hat
had in many aoaaoiit
Prices. *5. M. SO
niut .■,,*, l.mk« their
<.viwk. rbon.' i'.n.
Prices, so, *6,25
Si'iit t»te Satimlay afu-moon ut I
tnat m!i‘ Wodnefclay at I p
Sleder & Sons *
Butchers, Packers, Sausage Makers.
507 E. 8th and 707 Randolph Bta.
and >4 .1 ..lw.,^^ find our choice- m iits
t»iid4*i. juicy und dHii Itmi* Wc know
bow I.. ch.HHri- oUr mviiln Iroiii ihe.
anil huw Ui trim lam.* and piv
leJ'r*- H for lb.* lal.h* of the iiinal
-J^litcal and dalnly
Our Mi-aVa.
to iH- fvm«-uilH-r«-d nltu dlii dlii diudio
rhoi4>. Ininh and |MuUr> iiiako
m4.t>4-lir lo he 14 ig.-nilM-nfl. U.imnilK'i out damage Is madw
dHilv .Mid guajanh-<-4l pun
Aek fuT
Bdth Plmnea.
---Wc are now located in our
New Store
To inakf it piy yt»u to make o§ a call, for thir^ <laytv, wc
g‘»ing to d<‘ll rtve fkvlric hixnpi or eight gat mantlea for
J. B. Paige Electric Go.
Phone 502-2
125 Cass St.
That which a merohani call. hU bargain or nomant
ter. we name out •'Bull Pen." in tbit we have ODD D00H8,
etc, etc. AU good atock, d«i»hlefornewori»|alrw«k
Prioea low to clenn op. It wiU pay yon to lo^ it ower*
Rcsoiirees over
Oac Mtlllon
Seven Huadred
TWomaad DoUars
HuIwIiwIh ..f ih..umn<U h«Tr .1. v..ure xl
I. B. Gilbert, Supt.
The grand tUDd has been enlarged to there win bBroom for all.
The FooBiCkt or ill Hirce Comedies
The Briirhiesi Umli of Uughtcr
Hnmin Nitnre's Greitest Frolic
Her Abeence Caused the Belief That
She Had Beep Loal on the Huckleberry Plama.
All students who are to enter the
achoola for the first time, ano
entering the first year high school
are twquMted to meet the auperintendent'Thurnday. Friday or Saturday
afteroon at Central building
Deposit year SMMy wlOi the
New York
Ur«niatiA«^t from th*- 'sttiook H«»k <4
Ihni n»ui»* Ire Ki e^>tr,>rtuir Om.
- Fni-‘ coeeklug le-»eHons‘4-ve*ry afte*r
noon at the Hannah 4 \uiy Mercantile
CoS. !»reif. Maxi^n will dciuimMiaU
the- wcindcrful coeekrug imwe-rs of Ybe
Maicsllc Range-. Ma}e*stlc Diip C»»f
fw and Cookle-a M-r>e-d free.
' ■ toctiwp4iMM«llM<M «Sr«t»l*.SM0S. Tk««af«}o
mmmt nm rm tjumnoir or rm
Im^rn AH ^ w«f% mL
CNrim Faett ttout Then 0r>
thejlumaii Heat
Ptopto s Samgs lanli
• I4g »imk of orlg
tk^m frt^f4\nt lier
-•f mnr vw iPWfrtrai^ r«B<«T4ftr
viloa tbi7 M at ibt laifi—Bi of
Mr. C. O WkmrwmAi a* Mb 1
■irMRl M« b<M • bM fmrtf.
bma mMieg #ro« tbe- caatof toc^
1017 UM lb* pairtlm#' *i lb#
bMa« to itrtog liMi. Aa4 .Mrteg
Ibcr #M. g iboMMA poM ®f
lo tbe. jk«r fbaf«b
ima Kut aeauat »lfb
«orb« tbr, all ToiiibU«r«!a U» vM at
bMir, ao4 tbi. momuig tb* fbctorf
MU •a<ii M.^b<^iM indr
IMMI yaaUflUT » w« bM
ImM rwi p»ou> ^ jJNtr abll* e
llgat .^.aiag
offeroa a
4altcbiral «afr»at u> tbc »or« IPbor
sa^ u€ tba
tiOM w^a^Murtiiwa te gr«t prti^
fMlflb. ibHr rjd *
liroka bar pBaaerag«r rrrord for tba
Uy trip IbU iDoming
A party of
abcMit tar from boloi, aod tba rkln
liy pmPp Ibp tHp to CbarlrtolK aod
rattfra. Tb# boloii Toniat babd waa
abipX aod Ibay arora vary llbaral with
iHHf mawc. AU»ul farauly bra
iW boimi party Brot lu varlou.
tba bay.
fwibla Tbit All tba. Otbar Slarai
WUI Alaa Claaa pn Labor Day
ia tba City,
A pahtaaa of tba giwry atorr. ol
tba cUy baa bam mada pod .11 h.vr
.IgolAwd tbtlr artniapnaM to cUmr
oil l4abor day. which I. nait Monday
,ab4 rrmaln cloiMHj all day. ralrong
i*f Iba atma abould povimi Ibem
Balvaa arcordtbgly and grt in tbeli
. ordrra on Balurday.
Tba otbar .tore, hava not beet
aaao in rapard to ctostng but It U
prolmbta that Uia antlrc loarn will be
ctoaad and that all the bu.lne«ui mer
Bill take a Uy off
Prar rooking Wiaaema every after
twain at tbe Hannah A Uy Maieanlllt
IVi’a, Prof. MaiMin will damoii.traU
MaSeaUr Otlp C\ir
fee and r«»kle« wnviM 1
a. tba
t^roarlng of a aarUcb en
ctMo at OuerbMn ooIUge. Obki.
taMat waa unveiled to BenUmln Ru.
•ell Haaby. of the cUa. of IkSl,. who
bacama famoa. a. the author «d that
^poUr aong. ‘•Darling Nellie limy
Mr Hanby aang and Uught mu.lr lu
the Inatltuikm fifty year.
A near ayetem of wirelem teUgra
ph) ha. bam dlM'overed b) . Herman
engineer named Helntke The e*.m
BpecUl to Ibr Mvaoing Raceird.
tUl feature 1. the minute aUe of the
HeutonU. Mieb.. Aug. Sb—a
irauamtttlng and receiving apparatu..
Tbonw. tbe rwal aaute man of C'adlL boch of which are contained in onwtar. wbo haa been rcoortlug bare, laft | •mall caM*. which can be carried on
for m. borne Monday. He evpacta to a man', back. it. total weight being
»|.end the winter in Cuba, where be about 4: pouudv
ha. large le.l aaUte boldinga..
Tba present lenmautlc activity re
Foil) member, of the Toledo Y. call. the klt«M erase of aS yearn ago.
M. C. A r.me U.t aerk and are when kite carriage, wen.' being rslen
tenUng un Cn.tal lake, at Juanita alvely built and ex|wr
ex|*erluientM with.
park, near the home of ,e*
With the aid of two large kite.
«a. pulled 2h mile, an
MUw Lulu Mar.hall^aa Uken her
Sunday arb«»l riaa. of Uiya ^ lor a
camping eap^rtlUon to the , north
The W. R iV-Sewing circle will
ahoTr of <'ry»ul lake They wUI ha
IimhH with Mr». Cbailem IrWh.
stair aUiut a «*eek.
lUrUr Hall, Ibe nw*ltatlnn hulldlng \fitth fiiiruce itre^l. tomorow after
noon. A full attendance le devlred
of lienrtml. academy. U hetng treat
All Odd Fellow a and their alvea.
♦Hi lo a nea' ctwit of tiaint. much Iro
friend, and Ilete kaha, ate c(*rtliully
proving 11. apiie.r.nrr. The h. .tlDg
Invited to attend the IMld Kello
plant U Iwlng overhauled, rt.mi. rw
•iHuiket picnic to be given on lj*hor
diwomied and eveiylblng p^ In read
Day. 8ept rnd. at Popular l*uinU
Inea. lor the fall term which oi»eii.
game between l->|uallt> lodge No
Hepleraher 17lh. with proepecU for a
und flrand Traveme i,odge No.
gootl allendanre.
Bring your ha.keu full
There will W a meeting of H.n
nah ramp Nn
tdmorrow evf
The Hiaatorum U preaentlng one for the puriatM- of di‘ridlng ujau:
of the lieal and Iboat lattghaMe anhIon matter.
>tCrU for the Uat part of Ibe week
A bearing In tbe final accoui
thar baa bean aboam tn tba ctfr
the Hanr E- CoMh! edUaie. w..h
MlM Ld»l. Sicofield
tot. iitiKiaploM
Htiauh Hnjs, A Amlotia.K^u
the'T.unlug laciory.
Tbe Chequanu'giMi cn-w dldn t take
.ven kindly to work thin rooming
They didn’t gel liack fnmi Old Ml.
.ton until t; a. m. l»ecau.e of the ap
FM. nd. of Waller l4enion. who bai
Ju.t r. tumed Itoin hi 4 we dding trip
e.V4* him an old fatohlomil chaiivnr
Near the Qose
Soon Yon CanBol Get ThcM Bargain*
on SununerGooda. Look
DM It em ocrw to m to to^olio |
UrttBfi aiagaau ara coaalag Ini
aaaiiig «»a to BritUb Irmi •
Caatlnjr. wrlgblog tao lo ibrw*
ar» Hfiod by aUctrtc magoea.. Much
I. *%Bd la roiapBrtMio arttb tbe
aaUI lata and aa. iboroagbly
^ trum tbe bral two atap lo
-Saaat Hobm* walu.
Tbe- oai Of toara iPaala aata Ju
lUa ArcbboM mad MbMi Cora ArrH
LoM AUira, Woolpart aad Dapcaa
Ii«^iig. all of Bk RapkU; Roban F.
Lar^ke^ of TiairarM Olty. Mlaa Mary
batM. Niabola.. Mo. Ml* Bbrl
•alafi Party af Fifty Waa Atcampaa- Rbartna. Farpo. N D. MU. Myra
lap by a baaP-Uacai Party af
broltb. Jarkaoo Tba party ara. ekap^
Tbifty^f Alaa Taab tba Trip,
rroord by Maa. B H Wllroi
Ml. W F. «l0t»a.
TbaMaU la CMfob With • Ta««b mM
Ctoatia Caab aiM tba Pupil la a Oaap
Hala nilarf b/ a TroaipiFat Laaa.
Tba Mar^ af tba Maaa.
» per cent oil
About 100 short piecch Of Wash
(■oodf to close out ai very
little prices.
^ .
Store Closed all day Monday. Sept. 2.'
Brarr^ I* ktoj •» «kt
|M^aaa^wbi^aOPPUIt.aarf.c | UIMfMlb,M-. OtPaMbb |
aiw ao Ane that they do ao( admit tb*
iwd cotpiMf^ of tbc Wood-v
Tbe cyetall la .covered with a caat
knoww aa tba *Tunl<w aclcrotlra,**
O bate ocHin flw the connty of
which U ainnalngty tough and rln.lk
Crand Tmverae. At a .ewalon of aald
and coveta dm aatlra Ull with the
court, held at the probata office, la
•sewptloo of the part behind where tba
the city of Tiaveiwe City, in aald
optic narre entera and of the cortma
Tba pupU of tbe eye U a county, on the 2aih day c*f Angual.
dtfep boU filled by a tra^wparent Mas A. D. 1*07,
PrtwmL Hon. Fred R. Walker.
Md fittml with a moat esquUltB ar*
fmaptnwm of muacUa wblcb widm tt Judge of Probate in tbe mailer of
arben tba light I. dim and narrow it the’ cute of Philander P-trU.
ta a atrong gUre.
Do yon kaow that you have a -blind
apot" In aach eye? TbiK U, a amall
portion of tba retina U Mwwpabla of land her petHion praying for
rgcltlng Iba aeonatlon of vUkm wben|itm.u<e thereof and for the aMlgnIt rd^vlvea tba image of an object. meiit and dunibuiion of the r«
This blind apot oorrrajHawU with tba of aald e«tate.
artery U Ug In tbe center of the opUc
It u ordered that the Il.l day of
rul iiroxlalo
aature the Wind aiK.ts do not chbtp SejnemlH-r A l> UH»T. at un ticiwk
khen tbe eye. are* directed lo^ In the forenoon, at aald pu»bale of
ward Ibe same ohje^n. ao they cwune lice, be and la hereby ai*polnled for
ao InrooTenJeoee. and few bey uod doi- bearing aald petititm. •
tor. and optlciana are even aware of
It U furth.*r ordered that public
their exlaleoce.
llc^ iherWvf be given by imbltcallon
rrwctlcaUy ail |wraon. are right or
copy of thla order. %»r three puc
left eyed, altboagb lt.fy may not
ceaaive week, previous to said day
know it Our
I lie.ring. In the Evening Reco
llttW atrooger
ewaiuitai printed aud rliYUlalod in
•oqueatD I. uaed mu
■id count).
dlirerenc lo many
-.I'udge of Prolate
two rye. vary <|Ul!e
aufi ri« M'pt. 5 12 1*.
BUtoM MtaMgaB. ppaatj
Tomatoea, 10 conta a pound.
Sartjei com, 10r,wnd 15 cenU n dofi-
Summer aquaah. 8 centa fch.
Cabbage. 3 cenU a pwmtL ^
Radlahea. 5 emU per bunch,
e famowa atatoary group known aa
-Laotsmo** waa found In ISOO In
Chicago, Aug. 28-WhenL 8SI»c;
one of tbe batla of the l>atba <»f TttUA com. 5*5»c; oaU. WVic.
ome Tlie work wa, then placed
by IVIK- Julius II. in the VatU-an gal
Detroit. Aug. 2*~Wh«at. S red.
lery, when* It haa ainee reiuainwl. llie 9lri,kc; torn. 3 yellow. 84c; oaU,
• lai;»eoon“ ta aupiHwd to have Iks u eXwhite. 85c.
• culcd by
M-:U4.tu!w of IlhcKle*.
ThBBt BiMstlBMi BrA figfBNUF ifiK
tU tgggl iMiRil
M fitfilffiM
Tka'Amtaida fibatatiAiis by Wlf% Mil
?\»r n limited time only wc will of
•Ilpp*! fro* AthAf PBFWS «f
fer a llmlttHl amount of stock at 40
cenU per share. fliU quoiaUun aubJiK-t to withdrawal without notice.
AppllcaUona may be filed and hirther
fBAlAfi tvanr figy.
Good Chance j^Mining Stoct l»4Aaa
ara gupFlIafi
The Wrong Flat and Un
lucky Interference
BothGBWUitecdLaask Prodocers.
mulled S6ng—Spells Lazy.”
THE THEATORUM Admi..i.n sc
Informatbm furoUh»-d at the office id
the company, 129 Eiisl Ptxinl Blnnl.
Than. Smurihwidte. Pre..
Grand Trnvorae nnd Arixona Mining
Bmxi. per lb .................. .....18018
aug. M-eu
ClMrtMk 5^rtl"‘prr IM...... :
Oata. per bu ..................................*88
\ht Touch That Haala. the touch of buckleu a Arnica
Salve, n*. the happiest combluatlpn
100 Iba.................^...
of arnica flowera and healing'' balaama
romiHiupded Nc nuitter how old
the More or ulcer la. Uil. aalve will
it. Var bums, acalda. cuts.
womidH or pUeH it luia no equal. Gua^
anUH‘d by lluglM-e Dmg Cxj.. Hannah PotaloeH. per bu ...................
Drug Store, and F. H. Meads, dru
gihth. 25c.
Timothy ------ , .....................
Buying Pricaa.
Potatoes, ,H*rbu..................
SALE, CKEAP-rhllc!'.,
Diop Hide. Almost new Mra. WheaL perhu .. ..................
m E. Eighth sm-ct.
aug 2> If.
-80 ;
WANTED—Young lady id
Uiard and go to bchcsd S
can. i;i8 E .Eighth atr. » t aug. .1”.* tf
l.Kl quart route,
hor.*v«-. hleigh, and*
aug 29-Cf
WANTED—Man to weirk on fann.
Light work. gc»od pay
Call thl»
evening at 911 South rnion street
or phone CTlr. GS7.
aug 29 it
FOR RENT—Ri»-ldemN s. f.ui State
street and 2i:5 Franklin siiH-et. All
mwlern liaproveim-nts. central lora
lion. Apply 6U4 State fclrc«*l or tel
epbone No. 77h Ciu.
aug. 24^1
C-V- ......................... -^HO* -
... :.....-“•“Jt
LOST—?\ix hound. |»epiH‘r and ♦►all
ara to antar
color, J^aa collar on with tax tag
on. T. D. Morgan's nnnP* on collar. achoola for the flrrt tlma. and tl
Reward lor inloraiation. B. J. Mor- entaring tha first year high so
tha suporlr
Ban. ,
Thursday, Friday or
•ftamon at Cantral building.
LOfiT—Watch, comer Frpnl
Boardman. LMve at Blmma’ meat
market and rwV-lve reward. Name
Annie Mack In back.
aug 29-tf.'
vilifin^TreMiit ’The Girl from Montana”
by a.cartytBJBBcaBglllM.lacldlybee^ againacenred.
HalirUmprecht 5CtS. ure. g.E. Kehoe
aWtermebma. SS to U emts
8we*l applea. 15 cenU n padL
Muaknielotfa. ^ 10, U. And Sfi mta
Sweet poutoen. 8 centa or two for
Cbeafortim Jlttractiens
<XA HawBuan.OMblw
. It Jiaa »>eeu putt'd.
eooitnuo among lanmle with proud oT our earw- The buman ear i.
light cWorfd eye. than tlnaie with If^ultely Inferior to the movable, fun
dark At the same tlnfe. among gT») _,
______ ear trumpet i»o*e*»Al^by
nel .halted
eyed P?fatm. are found fbtm- w ith the" ,mi honw. by rattle or even by tbe
moat I«werful M-nae of vUion of any
| ui or hare. Both men and apea
apew have
MiBM'nlar fatigue of the eto can be
p<,^«.r of moving tbclr exter
.e..tirrd by the nmuUr of Involnn j
^ani. and there are many sound.,
tarr eyelid m^vemellll^ or l.link.. made ^ch a. tbe aqm'.k trf a bat. which are
Reed by .-.ndlellght or alwoluteiy lie.voDd tbe compaaa of the
on apparatua. Tbeiw i%
ami von ____
win find yoniwHf blinking M-ven tliui'* cue |MHnill.r point .bout llie ears. Of
a minute. , in orilln.ry g«.llght yod all our feature., they are those mc»l
Mink .bout three time. . minnte. but likely to be exactly .imllar in sla# and
If you work In wifteiMHl daylight or by
powerful yet shaded eieetric light your
vVe have already mentioned that the
eye tire. ik> .ligldl^ that* you do not
rye. of ooe ludhidual are very
blink more than om«e In thirty or thlr* ^uiom alike. The wme nlky be said
-ty five second.
of the
a. a wlnde. Only 2 |.er
The ayela.hes giva moat UM'ful aid j
of the whole human nitw are |hi.
-in shading the eyes. wThe orerag»‘ pee .
of alcolutely .) lutnetrlea! farxw.
M>n ha« b>» or l.V) halm on fbo upper
aoveniy-bmr per>..m. out of a huu
lid null »«» or loa on ihn, lower, or.
the left hUI«.j»Mhe fiu-e U larger
♦cy. 4.V* tn hmilaahea in all
{than tbe right: fn tweuty-four the
The ere:a«»»u-i. are not |h nnauent. right la the larger; In two the two .idea
They are ci.u.;ar.tlv f.-IUng out ku-J
growing again and are entlndy r<- bholograp
Dewed at hn.t three HmcH a year
pro j.thnn
oily mH retlon. Just
aufficlent to k<-cp the tear*, w Won
wash ami keep clean the eye^. from
Wlfe-Walt a moment, my dear. I
want you to mall a letter.' I'm moat
Kyebr.'wii whlfb irew thick and through.
. '•
It ta
la 1I Isent a tele
-in.liHMl it
If they an* lighter tluin the hair, tiny Irnini to KUter.Lucy this umorning, aod
Indlrjitr lark of viyil.ly.
^ow I'm writing lo the tehIfgrapU of»er
The n^ee. b-. fur n* n. iHurin « emr-s
telling him to hurry
Geoige U Fox id Jersey City. U la tbh m(«t !m:*n:ta:it fe.*!lerr of Cre and deliver It New York Weekly.
hen' vUltlng J II I’.'ilmer. 7;!l Wawh- face, and few p.-ople a e aware vf
written evamlnutiou on aatrouhow
Inglon toini-t
ic of the qiM-atlouH waa. -What
Miw. A .sieienii and drtughter. MD. on charm ter and prMftoeel.m. At teu n
when there la an ci llpae of tha
boy’a iMM.- muv Im- a —img ’ pure and
Rmh. returiie.^v,.i»terda.V from North. aliiiple, at flftiH»a l! may l«e almost
IMiit. where the) Hpent riw- Im*'I wevk fSreek. and at twenty e l! may bavi
vulting frlendu They mIm» top.-m im \- developeil a iwwerful bridge nnd liw »f gctlliig out of a ditliruUy wrote;
-A grcnl many |M-ople coim? out to
come praetlrally IlBtuan
evrral^iU) . at .Omen*.
MUa. Myitle I'ati hlti of llaitle erv gre.l'geneifl who vwr ll\.il. from look at If'-TIt nita
The r-ourt Have you * anything tn
Creek Is the gncl of Mr. and Mi>. L Alei.nder the tVeat to Wellinglou and
Ocneml Graal. had
bay U*fore 1 pronuumv iKnUiHH- ujam
I Wlrtx <»f W<*.t 'Fium Mreet.
I of auiell you’r
It Is to ‘ ^ ‘~
our appn
in thc^qoa
Ihe Prl«>ner-Yea. your honor. I'd
Inuer and
well <y<okeil dinner
ami fine like to BiMil<»giar for niy lawyer. Ue
Tlir Onaak athlete of the goldeo aga
trained OB new cUi'Cm*. driinl tlg'i. wine. The i*ilkte ha. comparatively defend.-d me na wt-y aa auf Ualy could
!!le to do wblTlt.
be exiK-t l«*d to do b.r a two dollar lee.
UiIUhI grain, inllk^ and warm waur
We have no si»edjl reawn to las I -Chhago Irlbunc.
He ate no m«at whatexMT.
'r, .
Of live flock came ta yeatarday. Tb»
U a great deal, of cooiwtllkm la tba
market which brings up tba
prfoe of all kind, of appHw. One Umd
of Duchea. was aoM yeaterday for
' rr
Id.lO per barrel and one toad tbU
tmsing forW, f
^ '
Here are a few\apecUU which yoo ,,
eaa get for your^Uble today, of jw ^
grocer or fruit maa.
Orapm. SO to Be a poaad.
• .vC :;*
Peaebrtk SO. B aad M conUlAbMl^
JokBSOB Drag Ct« I TWol o
I. B. Gilbert, Supt.
knidrid rlltogaa bolH kb a i
HoktotB Of Mum
1 Bonn Belay SSSM'&SPt^
One Hundrsd Tickots
eaahavf OMlrclMteeel
A Khonogr*ph and 0 Record*.
.IlCylfader Tatklng Machinr
« Uiic Kecafd..
A While Euffided Ur^tead.
well-supported Hed Spring.
Maneillet Bedspread,
pa'r o( nice Lace Curtsini,
White or Ulach Underskirt.
A Suit Case, jir
A 48 piece I tinner Set.
you can have choh-e of ■
A White Cfoc^t Bedspread, j
ABuh Case.
A White pr Black IVtticoat.
A pair of Lace Curtsins.
An Oil Painting.
6 Cylinder Record*, or
3 Disc Record*.
i '
For IWenty-fivc'Tlehds
you can have rhoi. e of i •
:j Cylinder Records,
I '•
I Disc Record,
Oil Paintinit.or
: ,‘
Spangled Pan
Parlies not having' enoiiyhtickets' for what they wish, can
trade out enough to make up the
difference, or they can*pay
difference in cash.
riltyll^aaMYMMa Mcn'a Salta.
- were U, wme were ir, iome were W 50,
aaliei oembereftluiDwcre tio.
W*“lK« pi“l«»ostJ'“....................
•flClHlI IHUfataO ^ Ul» ffTMt ItaiB
tW to|i aC t
Mateta far lii tli« teuwtar sf mtIB.
mv Yakota. iba MiunlriiiMt «r tlM
viU br ttald •( Itaattia
10 sift tkt atairy m4 If Um ta W
rulu to liaro fibotoa sad pIsM of It at
tU PsHIkr wnrtd'a fntf to oidor tkst
may br abla to flro am
lukML anya • •Mitto
Itaiidrot of tbo Rl. LoiUf
foot lltaltotii.
TW atocy uf tbr Brat diarorrry of
tw Bllrsad Xnab'a ark to of Itartf a
rUaalr to tka aortb. to tbr aarly 4ays
of tbr KtoMNka roak a brlUkaot rotrrto
of wrttara bflkattol to tbr now
Of tbuaa tab© bara aUaw fl»ro to tba
world tbatr Uupraoafama wnw Jtak
Iditadob. tin ilMrk. Jark (*ort«U. rxboualor Jony Lyat'b of 4'aUfomla aod
otbor* Hut lu Ibw oawa|sa|.or arorld
of liaaauti tiH U partlculari> tir1«kt-
"‘I I a
rnairtar f-aary
wrwka to
aityakirrr Tto
t»aao<*Q Wbao tolr^libU auww ara
d»au obd br Ora a a batovrr ariivaa
fn.iu ibr uaUlrW aoilil, abro Iba
tratto an* oiu*wrd up'«mi|*toirly aud
OU uar rMbrr ka^w
riiltwn tbr rlty
ooa abm tbr tnuat r*n^t nrt«a|*apar
4.f tun oufotde aoria to oouir tap or
IbreH uM.utba oM and rvrr^ uuo baa
rraiS It takr at tbal. «irttli4t 4iut a
dally utator tboar' < In uuiotamwo to BO
)oka. Hut tba luarliablo, uubltiutluM
('aory %ra« alaa^o t
luaii that bad aiu t rooUvIy bran otriw l
prsMiilirr. ahuky MuuKitkr, walking
debMpilm. wlolof brukrr. kw trii.t
sate aiMl boat buliaer snuld ala aye
•v«»lto anoufli lira a. aliribrr or oot
tbr ri al artlrtr aa« In rvldcntr
It waa ooa of ihro« tltnra. and tba
rdllur aaa trtmMrd
-raary.*' aatd
lie. “tbr |ia|iar to dfiug to tbr duf».
I‘ro|»le l.latOf ua fi»r tbr airra tiring
d..aii and
riMid- U lug 11lu|.aa%«1.lr.
id IIhr
hr riMide
arid gri an aril< L
nittkr Vm ell up. that a1ll Iw Ulkixl
of fitiin tbr aurora tNirraile oarthrru
It to afleo tnffed that elmiwruea aad
mffmtottob are tumllHuihto. but I nuUatata that tbr |wc«llar grtumaetattow of
cMtlb toMffa-tf that conatltotwa af^
gardobable fault, of
whh'h naby amlnabt arature arr t
arlvea guilty. Ig aato cathw^
mr Iqr b tobaB whltant.
Urge baUa wbarr ^ bcawatl
Tort Atoartedb.
tba art aC bb wnSl «««r t
MNabb4 1\ OktadlC^
rtob ty tobblfMl 1
Um% J9t Vgrabi, X, J.^ gbrd • bwtkiby
party to a dM yaw fftoaida at kli
uat ao tor rrachlBff to
btota-foardld auw Ihr olbar dby. Wbn
bS4lM.WIMet.MWH. I
ypoad. bo ^ Mbmaw do
wttab Cbady bad fouMt/i
totobd •# atbtom bo thu U • robb
kt altocLptod to ratotobto tkr orraatob
~ooa of tba oU kind wtti
I•. b5agtod te galg tba drrfrad effect
fba arobra lb tbr iHd TVa----------------- bf ratoing ab Angrkwn Bag to tba corny It la datrlinmtaJ to ao ooa.~
twMd nr tbt dmwtbg «C .Wb'i ark to^ erf fba thirty faot aUB ybat baa
obo bbd aU of tbr tribootoab grbbtod
witb aattafai^lon and dn tarrd tbr boat ro|io brwka. Tba goto waa lob frail to
Hwttifii lb tha fftiMp
Ob tbo bioobtalb waa Tory »brt» bk# |i«nkit of rrab tbt HffkM tod eUnhriara^l uaderafbbd that Mr. Pratb
lag «s>
nBotitor kblyard fbit»gk
tbr Hofuiw.
artey |«ld bar a Terr pretty rompH.
Hunin got aAdatlta frnto tW lb* Iba pwliay at tha tag.
Etbel-Tca. Whnt waa
»Mr wild 4iinay *U «i It for you. Mr.
dbuia, and tkr atory trarrlod all over
It? CUrav^He aato that among the >
tbr aruHd Tlir ui.bto fwd bion aiuck itobHt." M|«I kg AWa W1R. • tarigiH wmbt heawtlful young ladtoa at the |»ar
tb tbatr atory ootwtibotaodtof tbr baiet bor'a .aoo. and br a^tod off to bto ty waa Mlaa Hart fttnlth. Kibel <w|th
taibrr a Uartu irttmilBS with a UttW
JoaloWB qnaatloalbg of orwofiaiwr rlb «'ottfhi-Tea, I uotkwd you amoaff
Aod. wbitr rat rlloftog to bto abouldrr.
rato wko bad bM aiwopcd
Aba imrottad a tug baU oTtwlba, 9«t
a blto many a ill «-all Murmo'e grnlbg
tbr looto oDd In JUbtoyV iiHwth and
tbr alary likk. It te tbr aort of
Atirwctlwf Attaotiob.
that Moran alaa>* i,-an br drprndrd aaat tbr Uttto anlutol cUnblbg ug tba • -TVban ordering cbamiuigoe aotoe
UfaNi to dig up Hr orrrr walird for
fim|>le Bto lot aaUaflod wltk tba pop of
It to won# to blm. lint always a-mt to
II. and hr
tbr great rapawltloo
abkb a 111 eb^uoeirair an many iblbga tot dowb and ainB.t Ira b|ltiutra tracb
-No: they think the waiter ought to
e^miwntlog Alaska aud Yukon luny Iw Ing bin to nm bark and forth through alao Bre a pUtol.^-Waalilngton' Har*
drfirudrd u.sou to ba«r lqrra4lgatod tbr mblrlraarr with tbr Iwina lir- Ikld,
and |Hit tbr ami s.f truth or tbr luafk
Haad Lattor Oaya.
of fatally oo Uito tbr Burnt
abd tbta tluir tba
-Moat people luivtv re.1 letter dava
atory that tbr uortb tu.
baaltullon tried to grt
Ught That Aida Oaonato.
! fbWtogb fba |iuUry Thr Imlr a a« too onee In a while,- otawrv»*d the jiretty '
A nra rontrt«au.^. iikrly to br of : •nail, but Jlunny drm*<«retaly look tb# giri Bwmbeartv aa she ^piji tli.-^ pe-. ITT.at wrrviiv iu r>r Uiagmwia: Is iw. ,trlng tb *mr |»aa;. tniward it ibmugb
pirftfwl hr IW Asodinny of bsiruev inVibr amall t»|'^n‘«». «*»ngbt It with thr
»|in ittl ralilr {|mw and arramblrd to tbr ground
gram to tbr Nrn Vt.rk Timre. Hr afjtb It
rimlu has dlsrowi^Hl tbut ibo light
A ro|ir waa atroag ikbuigh the pul ‘ Tba erenta of ft»rtune are um xtsert*
U- guardad
from a uimniry 'otH.rr ininp.
l«inp. imssluii
imsslui lay wltb the mid of t^-twdbi* batranl bd aad therrfoiv^ ran
figalnat by
hUir glaaa. nuJ
rrBn'tcd Int t the e».vr by a laivr h oe. Idggoat place of
ffr^rale tbr lutrrnal .^.MidUli.u luBabrI.f
liwttrr than tlir lahlUiary white ludiL
'ffarly Baaaball T
H> ptailuu a acTE^ n with a iitub..la
rarly as
Haaeball teams existed
tiHwrm tliw Itglit ami tlio rya a luadab IMA. Init .tl*e iVmt le«goe
Bnl imagr of tbr %r«*rU at tlir back lb IKM. wbau tbe NatIunnI Assoelnlioo
AH studanta who are to anter the
-of tba tvlUia. wblrh hnvr b.ini hlllKTtii of 1Ue4dipll riay.i:- w«
ichoola for the firat time, and those
aUuost luMi^lbta. hna l*r«Mi utualui'd Thle. ae the title Implies
Tbr rapilUrs %«ns. thr dUiuirtrr of
gantifittoii of ployera- In fa«*t. of ania- entering tha Brat year high school
whirb Is Old) two tlintisaudltis of
raquasted to meet the eupermten
tew ployere. They did not remain
bllimnrlrf^. are arm to dtalrud wltb aroatabto for long, howerer. and in dent Thursday. Ff.day or Baturday
•aib iH-art Is-Iit. aud It la even poa
IhTl lMia»d»all was pbu'wl s.|Uarely 4Ui afternon at Centra) budding.
to i'onul tbr litood globutoa ^
a iirofeaslonal Isnsls. wlien thenInto exlateiiee tbe National Aasoeintlon
Thr tnoat rnrl-.u. rrs m tbr world of rrofoaebinnl itaseJmll IMayera
are Ihosr gniw Ing ou thr tlu|ies of ib« will IK) uottst that Hie players at^i
Andre inuunTalne iti koutU Anu-rlra. governed the sport, and they rontliunM
to do wo until IHTr, It xvas In tldsL
Tbry arr known as blnnkrl'*trr< s. Wfterlnd that there grew up the gn»ot
rauaa tbr Indians of IVru rut of tUa
teesl tbe rvry life of.
mift. stringy bark und w«irk It up Uaeball namely, gninbling and tbe
Into bhnkrls that rui l.ot ivrar
Kerb blaukit la intidr
pUvera w eiy' dei*oa»sl from the 1 have iooiMts tried and taosd ewe for town.
and nvr f(Hd widr aud U ae Mdt nud government of prt.fessionnl basrluill.
pllabir at If a real w.Mdm blanket and they have never sim-e eontrolltsl
the game Henry liearh Needhnm in
trunk I
Buotwaa Mnguxlne.
i. B. Gilbert, upt
The ancient ?:gypilaua used
the lnsi.,«‘ l*ark ai.ii •• r. inalus Tbe of blast furnace In ‘Aaio H. i
tough, soft Blirrs urr so Joineil tog«*th- have plclimw of these Inigwurl
fr that tbe bluuket Is warm and Mift the toiulsa at Thel^w
I bey arr d>ed by tbu inUluue in gay
5—---------------t^ilore and arr iuu« b i^rl**‘d by f<ii Tide waa an order such ae rasry eigitera. who lay big prleea for good
Laat and Found.
loVrd He gtobbrd a. pad.
Ixwt.'between k;;m p.ym.. yaster
day and noon trslay. a bilious attnrk.
ntm atory api*rarad the neat iiiomlug. • The Hlinb-w eoHslder tbrir dead at with nauaea and tick headache ThU
Tliai uigbl a tnl*r of Intrrtor Indiana' aarrv^d umljlonol nUow ibem to Im •oaa wt orcaaloneil by finding at Ihig
bad arrl%r»t In Ttaws,iii. and I’nsry bnndbMl bjTwh^'hunds. tbe ueurrst bee Dnig Co. Itaniiuh Hnig Ktnre.
raughi them w ithin an hour aftar slurb j nmle irlatlve le'm. father
broiber ^ ard'Ftank II. Mend's drug Mon^ :j
Ing on ble a**areh They told him of a j preparing the UmIv for burial, nml If bo* of,J»r King's New Life Pills
trip that winter after fo wl far Into i tlu^- la» noiir .if Ibeas. n lnthee n a..n (•UMrautt>i<d .for bUioir.ne;4s, nudaiiu
tha bran of a timulry no Indian bad I le adopted by tbe family for the yur
and Jaulidlcr. I'Ac.
IH?i4ejraled IWorr. away im^uI the 1 maw ^U*nd..,i Mall.
Dr. Shoqp’r
Rheumatic Remedy
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
- S v,. ivilehiean’s Bis store;* ;
NDur store is a public institution. You don’t^have to buy every time you come here.
You come to look, to investigate, then—if'we have the goods you want—you can buy
with perfect confidenela in both quality and price.
We Close Our Store Labor Da;y, Sept. 2
We Close our Store Friday Afternoon"
HiiM0fl'«"Sliir4e 'Knins.
The kiii<.ih.» is s Ku*r.m.«l koif.-une
tbst will liota iu nigu
The HuielMW
tie. 4fc. Mc. tta.
^ mt M*
dolhe the Boy WcU
tVu siv <^»rmK some Ui<- “bMi weitrin».'“suiU tbst you will tliu)
A siiWimIkI
suit witb two iiair* o( laiiU ((ortliuseraiilly ito w«sr ouU for
A tine dsrk check
.oil for »50a
The iiMV Woitlfti Huil tell* lor $i 50
lisve snoiber (Irsy Mixture Huit with two
iieir i>( PSI.U for Silth.
‘ Hutiu Umwn" SuiU st fi, 4150, |:i
Books that Have Created a Name
• BerUsry Hl.eep, Kohert Bicbeox,......................|1,S5
-Kxun HsuderMU," Hsllie Kruuuie Bives.. 1.25
-Tl..- Fit{htin« Chuiice,” Robert W. Chamber*.... 1.25
-The Lx.1, of tUe Dioorstion," Frei-oe. Little.... I'.OO
uui 4.160.
Yoawe UUUcs Gotae lo School
wsut to Wiisr the styluh shoe, end the
Colkwe' Out will be it, sod the |iric«).
wiubeaasajo. a«.
.-iXuford of theThreeBer*, -Virgil li; B»yl«.. 1.25
«Tl yrtToTk.*”
Sili Bu:t‘ K\m
This ii the Rhoe that you waul for your
chiUlren for achool. It is bomethiuf; that
will stand the wear that will be ^iven them
by all who ate going t^ bchool, for it will
not gtnb out like other thoot. . The BeWt’
8hoe« en- 51 75 to 12.50, acoortling to gm..
The UirU’ Hhoea aie $1 25 to $200. acoording to sisw^.
The **Yoiuk0ffter8** Shoe
Juit what you want for tbe litUo fellow
who will give it bU of good hgi^ wear. It
is a •afe.,«nre shoe, and it telU for
School Begins Tuesday, Sept. 3rd
Majestic Ran?c Exhibit
Prof. Maxaon, one of tha bast chafa In tha country, will be here
' tor the balance of the week. He will give free leeaona every after
noon. and tell you how to bake 83 different kinds of pastry. Hia
dalicioua Biscuits and Cookies are made and served free while you
wait. Come In the Rest Room and see the wonderful working of this
beat of all Ranges.
*^Speetal Service** Sebool Shoe
. .
. and you will want to have all your books ready for the first day.
We have everything that you will need and they are all sorted out
for you. You come Friday or Saturday, for we will be closed all day
Monday, and see what your new books will be. We supply your
every need. Tablets. Pencils. Pens. Erasers. Composition Books.
Rulers, Etc., Etc.
vrMkkM ktatm.».l HmtkMauAlHt
BM> to
Ok* ako VMM ^ «•*
iwWklir «•
CWk - «mM anti*.
«fMi^|0-.T«<> «i>r im M octantk
lir koTM ka4 tMtr. UfteMB
u« »kU
-r-1— »M ■ tN>tatw ft.
auk IMt
ACM AALC-Honik aad raMxr UrM
mmj toAulra OM*fk ft B>awr.
TM t'ktuik.
a«« IMt
fkwK «
ItfMkto •^^Tho kwl.'kkd au to
«cka4 CM. akM* m.
ku« *»u
.WANTM«fl»rt .tar
fkuM «K
b b aHMM maim.
aaiwr. CM. Mum IM.
In A Aaw. am.
Uooee aa kO,
Begd aveoiM.
%1ck hlech. wed Pitmi dim
aide wtth faturee. Urlim hm
pfiidtelly Odf.
ftttydod tat, odtheee
•mweod ovewee ood
K. a T. M. M^ Ho. STL moMa over?
Thureday night H Un Odd
tad tank eod eUta
Two lafty>four foot loU, wed dde
^taruce dreet. hdwern Wayne
aod Bay eueena
aeveoty tad tai eoU dde of Bay
Hgof N
equity to
IMMi Wode
«< eoe .Uoonod
poymeot: pvtap
Bree., tlT BeeU
Votao at. ett phooe IHi.
eer BUtemiU aod Beoota etreelo.
lot, podheed eoroei
taHk. iwi Oita*. Ot.
M,. W.U,
Rapids Bsterdar to vtoM her brother
Mm B J BrocBee
her sister and ntoae fitai T>M«l O.
w Q. L. Aitaon and anne return
ed hame Mendki frofk ThotatamVuie.
The Unnere are hasy drowing their
pplee here- There are Uree huywrd
good water, level and aU coder eob
to Grawa for the mat vreeh. ,
UvaUon. and otao lenort ood ether
MIsa Rena BIsard went to Monroe'
pmpofvy loemie M Weehloglmi
Oen^ Turoday to visit Mm William
etieet. Phome Hi.
oim. IT'tt. TNAV.M. ftTY^^ oa •«.
NAM. aWkaMaawctalM Hkb
Mr. A»b ft tar tba Niat: «■ Saab
t. lor «ka aaaM4 aa4 m Naft. ft <M
tha ftM; Mxt iM>tar Haft ft C.
C Uaatar. W. M. B. ft WhSa.
WANtliMiitiaiC i«Mi vM M Ibk
(tat Mwvotta
, m* ItM
WANT«»-T«o «ikik( nmi tailk at
Mk« Vtaa Haw* m Wuta
W«(w It k wmk.
WAMTfO-Obi or oMtaMfM laAjr
Ipt'pwml A aamrA; fuo4 I
. AM cuar ataftarMM lorUk ricki
i>taMA. 0*|H •» Pto* «r flwM Ciu.
ItA HfTk nwk Ibtakf. a«a
•ON AAlS-lHt-Laraa Mb non
hMb tarok loL ka^M »«•»
•M Tnth •MwM M
•t taMi «w Ihnuaart «ol
H«m* mmM m* W kuUt In Aftan
taMiki taiian. Otan u. Wuf
IwkM. Mm IITMi Vkta Aim.,
•IT Mh ItataB Mmi dtp
Mar Ml
WANT«0-1|m gr Mv «Uh ko(M to PON kALI-tUA-nn aak «Bbhall
haul Milk fnuB MUtlry. Quvko kcra. forukr <4 Wayuk aad Madbua
•IMM. bUl plal lalo M Wa worth
vu, taUrv kMo* «t
at W OM kuadnd aad (tty AA
WAMThO-<llrl» kf tbk <»>«} Uo
tan PM tat. Priok. ISAOO. Wadi
UHf. flimvli bruft 4 AwtiiiUt. ,
Broa. in ftwtb UktaB klrkrt. Oita.
auc IMf.
DkoM Ulb
Julr * tt
PON »AL»-Hi»-«l»tyali
. Buta atroati latfa tram* houaa aad
food Unii thla propkKy 4a lo tha
aaatkr ol tha Lnt Mock lo Trattaaa
OtirrbMWMW ttakk aad Park atraa*
WANTW-Ppf wm-ttw^ AOtM
and tha «oaau>a hualakti ktock m
QMMMmlA 4.1N>MiVIUii
Korthan Mtahlaap: proforty to thU
block haa toctaaaad > valua mu
tout buodyud pat oaot U awrao
WANTAC^irU; Alntns room, kltck
yatra K wtl! do Ikttkr thaa that la
•m UttoAor. di»hw$»Mn. tic
thy Bwt aarea yaan Kaap yooraua
awaayoato(thafakaOa.<kM. Oop
taAk9Ai«AI oftaw. dUMBk kboM PM aad othar aliaUar prap«
U*. m ■aal rroa|.
July |^a
<»tf. AHmU miMt nirmUmm Co.
fiMM M4
J«M n It
WANTtO—Up thtaa adutU. tuiuUk
0d A|mrtJii«tim or buafto; inuaerc
caoTouHructa o&d AralxTlaM Dt-Uh
UarlK««l r«*ulrrd. Aadrv*«. u^Mtkg
full laformAltoa. U. ^4n* MooonL
»uf. Utt
oett«a \mlk« ill)
lluiufa7ft fruH irtMsa lo
j'sS. C«u W W. iU ooff U iV
IK^JI tAti^UmMHrtloM
tli Wool msAlk oUdol
r04 4Att-WortO, oow. 4Qts| 0041
Inquire ql ItU iUo<!al|di
tOp iPod kom. Oad otUof
temM H iMTolUa WUl loAo OB
rod 4At»-T»
k Ir- iTroroioo
Hiy U-ti
rM dALl^lUoldOOOOa
rod orrito for toi
iMdOloUooil m
lid ocree Umber land. Beosta <
\f, IVt mites from Cedar Bun.
weet. TImUr U muslly ha^woo
- aomo
hemkich and ce<H MONKY TO LOAN—Beoi eetntn for
V Uuod Had fur farm.
nale. Uoueee to reoL Dr. W. B
Moon. City Opera Uouae blooh.
Aug MU.
Fa Fa LAWTON. M. 0.-Ofiee WUhdm
FOa 44hl-lM4-Pom. eighly ivn
hlooh. BoU phooeia
ppr i-U
oeieob coe ood ^ half mltae oorth
of Aoam oo mala rood Seveoty- OIL M. 1, OflEOORY-m CsukS street
fve ocree uodnr culUvolloo: oM toof the IC)e and Nvr>uus System.
lo ciopo. wheal, eoro. ooto. hoy
r>kisses fluid.
large modem houae. fumaoe, halt
hot and odd water all Urougl
houta. Wind mUl and Unh. Qooi
m UU4
ham. granary and all neoe^
out httlKllnga: good young orchard,
A. A IdcPHAIL-IHoUnL Over Johw
font hearing; about all level
non drug etorw Bell phone
on nnnrly pnrfect ni n farm could
rmge: CIU. MI-1 rtngn.
hn. Ownnr wlohnn to go tooth, hnuoe
olere nt low fgure for cnah. Price .hiTCB a WtLOH—AUoreey nl
HldOi Wade Bran. 117 nonU Cn*
law. CoUectlon work a npecHUy
non atrent. Cli. phone Itlf.
Hoe IMt
trade for driving
YeUingion. nug. t-U
«t in Dnkm upon oU alnlre In Uta
*ir IMI
OR. F. da MAG NETT—PracUce limit
VOJ WUhelm hloch.^ CUisenn pboni
Proot and Onnn
A la MARTIN-Phjralclao aod Bur
geon. OBlob Mi Bast Ptout jt^eet
SfUL B. L. BONNBIPB hair dro
K^kkri^ over Cky Book Btore. Room
Tmverse Land aad Loan Oo.. P.
- urtell. Maaanr . Oflica. room S
ttltum 4 l^eo hlocta
Dr. O. B Cbane. SUU Bank hlhch.
ooao and Uront OHanea itted
Over iohnaon drug etom BoU
can Drug Btorev BpocHl
FOR RENT-Besldencea. «04 Bute
atrrot and m PraohUn iireeU All
modem tmprovemeau. central loca
BUU atroeh
iioiL Apply O F. Carver 4 Bros
aug. a«t.
DB. W. Ba MOON—apooHMob-OL_
urtoary. akin aad blood dlnaaaee;
yean oxperlenon City opart 1
FOR MNT-Offcea lo Ua Wilhelm
hloeh. BdU phooaa.
htaok. Bee B Bllhelm.
nag. iMt
FOR RENT->Houae. D eaiiable loca
tlom Bight pHoe for tight people,
J. W. power. iOf futo Bank or 3U
Weldagtoo sireeL " nug. fill.
Over BarHwelry atom BoU
^ dteo tevo; 4 Na 1 Fiti
pHo IMI4 Wodo Bros.. Uf
d Bohm at Olt pImim mi
r hotwooo KalluyU
aif. Bowoid If ro
toMiBUtobMm AL B.
FOUNB-dduRea'coaL Owner enn ro^
cover hy enlUng on Oeorge Oanu.
BoleaBh BdphHmttih
M Ihtt Ml taai IVont nireeL. aug. IBlf
proo Haiffr IHM BMfw tlT I
Notice to Texi^iim
Tbo tax rolls for he coliocUim of
achook audacity Uxea andspixdal aaU for Uo Eve wards of Ue
city of Traverse Oty. Mich., have been
ed in my hands for oollecUon.
will U? in my office for Ue put*
I of coUecUng anld taxes every
k day from now unUI Nov. 1.1»07.
from 8 o clock nntil 11:34 o’clock in
Ue forenoon and from 1 o’clock unUl
4 o’clock in tha aftoroonof each day.
pmd haforo Ba»t Ul wUI
wUhdttt ooUaothm f«M
and on all taxea romalnlng uapaM <*
Sept. 1st and nnUl OCL itt, a penalty
If one Vroent for coUecUon wlU he
barged.' On all taxes romalnlng un
paid oo Oct. 1st and unUl Nov. 1st. a
ptnalty ol two per coni for coilecUon
wiU be charged.
Oflica. room 101. State Bank hidg.
K. 8. Hasting* City Troaauror.
Datod July 21. 1107.
nadir yoar obtartB
looC IMI Bip ioMhif: done H
dohooloodeheieh: waimboo
herauM owoor to ttfm heal
AMIL F. NSRLINQERa LAWYERMoney to loan. 211 Bute Bank
tiding, atlaeoa phooe iN.
FBR NBNTBeen la Mnnaoo hloek over Bnronm
phooa 1142. Oas nod haU.
4 Barm Utlaena phone SIS.
only leoMo It H for aoH H c
aug. 14. If.
H well okmg U yeoroaOndlHdiM to
reilfe heoee ole» it ol ohod ooe^ FOB BBNT-.Plve rooma (or Ught
Inner and action regulator. B
holf lie octuol valiU. Price Hiii.
hoiumkoegilog on Vnloa alrom. InWode Broe. IIT aouU Bnioo St,
qulro of John Fuiuch. 4M Union
OHIeeoo phooi, Ulh
Juoe U If
etiwK. upeuifa.
nug. 27-5t
POE EMpf-lfU-Ooe huidfd
IhhtHHe ide tone, eighly oorei
Imprevedb Higo hofo oo4 good
ho«i% gfehoid. Hue omoool el
dlrodl. EoV
good wood, ttmher. Hrm oK I
iobr loa godoohdjyr ^ %o ho iMod; #i
ocreo lloUer eatlauUA lo col at
looal Ureo hundred Uemeood ted
et moichooubio logi; ohooL two
Uooeiod oorda olovo wood:
proved food. moeUj level; ohoel
ooe holt ew he Udfoted from Bm
cieek Uol reoo ocroee Hrm:
tromo horo, otooe hoMseot
lor any hood ot atoch; good ilioe
louodaUon; pachlug houaelOrl
lorfo orchard, dlffvrent varleUet of
peaohea. pea re. pluau. opr
chorrlee ond opploe. oU eholeo
TorHUei:.oloo torpe vloyard: i
Wd gropei. Thit form by ell
Ue Umhercoohemade to w ool
thla yeor Hcledlng comiog wloUr.
ood whoo poHiorUadeody eoereo
of. M 4 N B trach. Umwood
townWip: Icee than
mile 1 m t r ». I m t Trumpi. Piniiiwni
Wfskftsn iss UUB«B eases w.
fixim di) llmiU Thl. proprity
will make a good market garden.
a« It ta muaUy muck ground, and lAIIPfT
ompeny lo tbe iMt cUy lo Ue eUU
Reeort property
-mhw oil clMMiq of reol ooUUore
one mile eltj UmlU; four aoree;
odvftorlnf lo price, obore fact
iwo hunurnd feet ahoiw front; large
bare tocroaao44p»lr capacity lo Ibe
hotel oompletely turolahed fret
oaleoi tbal Uey bare out atrlpped
cHaa; hot aad cold water 4n aU
tde popuUUoo. where there U two
rooma. gna light, turuaoe heat, aleo
Hba for every mao. womao oud
one cottage, two large harua. trout
Child o here Ue local oolumoa of Ue
local papcra. ore filed wKb wool
ond foe grove along hay ihore. ThU
. Odo for moo, women, boye ood flrU.
property la In irat olnaa coodItloB
whote fhrmm come for mliee to
oo main rood to city, plhed aU Un
dlopoeo ot Uelr pioducU ood por^
way to. city ; would coat to put in
choae Uolr oup^lHo. where oU
eoodiUoo Oi II ta nt preneat at laaat
cloMi ol fruit, ffolo ood veaoUbHo
iwaety Uouaand doUara; Hdy own
log U HvoUR hnohe aoerlfoe U
nature baa obuodaoUy. yea Hvlahly
eidar to dtagtme ol it; wtu oooahtar
eupphed Ue tporumao, Uo eeholgood dty property In part payment;
are. Ue ortlat and Ue Invalid wlU
prtae Ili.iMi Wade Bran. tl7
every Ulng Uey could deelre^ hoy.
BouU Union 8L CtL phone
Inland lakoa. rlvere, and cree|a.
r ti ll
clear, pure freeh water, good door
hMlUy air. fah. fruit, and vi
hleo What more could he dMlred.
ThMO are fecU wo oro oUUoc ood
coo he verlfed. Agolo we toy ptaeo OTT i HAHNEI^~ Dry Ctaauore and
I^ers., Have not sold out but are
rmi OMmey lo Tioverao OUjr or IM
doing bualnufts at m i'naa slroeL
Ho I4U
If. comor «f aulk ood Vokm tlreoi.
lArpe ImildiBI, two oloriMa iUod
•or iUdo bolov ood opoitmoou ooc
ood ouirr; tmu tor tKy doUon
w mocxh^^vtUM.
wo^to rcMi iAta-u
fve acre laixa; fonr mllea (roa
BwOn «n HwUi Uokm oU^
outy ocjoo under eolUvatkm; forty
Jljr m
bulH aad otady orrooged.
Two tana, about faurtiwn iu:«w.
To B’Ullnm Hopklni. Chnrtra VnO'
derUp. May KMdmhome. Odie Mo
Qnrry. Oea BoneL J. B. AmohL H.
B'huiag. Hmrr Bliuhm. A. O. Pairtonba Rom Wilhelm. J. W. MBUhen.
IVUw Wursbutg. Antuoe iVteroon.
Oval Wood Dish Ca. Mdwnid Hack.
Eda J.McimnaM, Prank Bbumsky, Mra
Pvler Bemanan. tBrts Bchhardi.
Chas. Krcme. Peter OKwun. John Yen
Uh, Oxk‘1 Nurdtairum, Barnost Day.
R. Bchumbergv'r. John lUudklus. Chta
W. U dUgor. Wm. Uep^
kins. .A. Nvtama Max CkmUa. Mrs .U
MoCVy. ItauT Bueky. H|ram Ruehy.
rank tlhumrty. Mm
OrwTueooa. James C. Hopkins. Throne
P. t\»yne, Medad Vinton.
Mluule Pkkiai, W. li. Earle. W. H.
land, U Belle). Mis. V M. WpeU
P. HueJlvusntel. J« Bhalllo.
44 nrlau. rh». Ilalhorg. BenJ. Hal
taUud. A. V lYlediioh. F. H. Erwin.
Mux IMiRvl. P»‘Ur UnquUt, Board of
EJutTuUcui, H. A Brown. KlU) Pelrof
ks. Mrs P. .1. Pish. U Wbllkui^ Uuils
Clement, Mis M. PtokeB. A* Cndd
tuib, lYsuk Fuuuaii. Hall Pisrk. Jet
nv Jachsou. Grand Baplda 4 ladlana
Railroad CXx. and aU oUer perroni
__ _____
You are hereby nolifled that the roll
ef siMwisi asseataiuent ben-loXure made
b\ the board of special asst^aaoie fur
Ibe purpose of defra>lug the coat of
dmsinirlkm of a lateral sewer, which
lateral Sk-wer Is located and dea
lauaud as folios s
Bk-Kiunlug at the
lUerwetUoii of Froal hIu^ and HaU
road avenue and running Uu*uce east
on l>Yonl street to Barlow street.
Ibi-iKC south lui Harlow slroet U
betwi'^u lYonl slrwi and SUto
ibeucc east on said aUey * U
sirv^i. in Traveiwe City, hflch
Upiu U now on ita in luy offloe foi
publk' Inrpecliou. '
Notice Is hereby given that
.uiuU and bourd of assesMirs of Ue
ai) of Traverse City will tXK'et at Ue
council rooms la said city on Ue Lth
day of Sepu-mbor. IPOT. at S o’clock
p, m . to review said assessjuenl,
abkb time and pbun op)>urtoicdty wlU
bi» given to all peivona iutljtssted.lb
^ beard.
T. H. OlUulB. city Clerk,
llaled, Aug. 20. 15K)7.
aur 21. M. M. 14. 24. 27. 24 M. 30.
31. sept 2. 3. 4.
Mrs. Flunk BrlKhi and son of Beuti n HsiIk.j .tie. vUltlug Mau.ipci C
T. Heuueli suU wllv of Ihi Gulnd op
era house.
Miss l.aura Chase has jvHuruLsl Co
her home in Beavet lsl;md alter a
tuo weeks’ visit In this city
W. J. Chase, who has charge of the
new shingle luUl at Buckley, ts In the
city fur a few days’ visit.
M ». A F. Stiaub and fhlldrm re
lumed home l.*M nlKht from
Wayutv lod.^whciv they h;»ve bki»n
spending a mouth wUh M«> Slraub's
C. V. Slater^went to Elk Rapids
UU inoiniuR on business coumwU^
with .U W.BiaWr’s biaucb bouM- lur
i Ishing slOK- at that place
HaaHh in th; Canal XniM.
The high wagaa paid make R a
mighty temptanon to our young artlaaas,u Join the-force of ahlllad work
man neaded to oonatroct tha Phnasu
canal. Many are roatralnad however
by tha fear of tevan anil maHria. It
la the kaomlag onaa thnaa who have
used Blectrle BfUera-who M> (Bare
wRhont thla fear. waB knowtag they
and repaired. 410 B Union BfreeL],
R Pinch, proprietor.
jnly 2Mm.Jf
Only Me eUdl
We ■ 41.0 have finer
one. ia imUatlon. SUk.
■aade ol Heatherbloom
and Dafiodtil goods.
On all these we give a
PERCEhT for next ten
At usual, fir*r'buy«»'
have first choice.
Cook vimh
lUa cliiNiper, okuner autl
Ctailpr tlmu wockl . It ooala
you wry little to uao iV All
you have to |my for ta the
atovo, on oaay i>a y lu o u
PgicoallOOOyp. Hot Pli
$12>to $10Q. 1K> it uows i
Traverse Cliy
Gas Co.
: V
Petoskey «mi
Harbor Springs '
schools for U.S first time, wnd those
entering the flret year high tfhool
are requested to meet the wuparinUndent Thursday. Friday or gaturdsy
atternon at Central budding.
I. B. Gilbert, Supt.
My residence at 41S Fifth street.
House 2Sx46. bu.lt by dsy tabo^.
All outside walls double sheath
ed. Vestibule and hall, parlgr,
library, ^nlng room, k.tohen,
bedroom and bathroom
Four largo badromt
$1.00 Round Trip
Lifeave Traverse City at 8 a
Returniog, arrive ai
Traverse City at 10 p. m.
C. A. WESTON. A||«Bt
Farins_for Sala
1 have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, 1 will
Ukc it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can aell you
a good farm for less money
than you can’ buy it of any
body else. I have farms
which are located from four
to 80 miles from Traverse
Uroe rooting regularly for Itg
por month. Oak finish Uroughout: manui and grata in parlor; built in book* case in libra
ry. LIghtod by gas and electric
tty. Completa nickel plumbing,
water conhoettd with range and
furnace. Full cement baaoroon
good coal . or wood furoaca.
wood alavaior. etc. Back po^c^
lOalS. Back yard fancad, con-
OlK.»7Sl.l.Suk ftuUii.
Third Floor
or anlmata oobm
turn call aty hook ataw boU phoMfl
Na 42.
Bamano Boctaif.
«M ftata Nank hUs. Baft abMM
A. .
MraXPrank Oanneet reUroed to her
home at CHdHHe. after ipendlni
Ume at Duck take vtoltlng he^^pi
Mrs. Milton Harr wea calkd to Trev
ecee City today on acc4»uai of
uUer's lanron
P. L. Blfd has retaroed home from
Saolt Sle. Marta.
Mrs. G. E Aldilrh entertained Mrs.
McIntosh and dAughUTiw MkuKU Kens
Bisard and Mary McKelUr and Miv
P. Campbell at dinner Thursday.
rs Ormsby of Travena* Oity vis
lied her chlldrpu here.last wmdi
Mm WUUam Krum U ent *rtaintng
r mother. Mrs Gurnsey. of Wexfbnl
FWiy of the lb*ck Inke rroorters
lurm-d to ihilr.houu.i’lu <toU» Mim
Ml. t\Mts of Travels«» CUy i* ht*ro
lUMM-itug and painting U A. Camp^
bell s hou.**. .
b'liend Van Horn U rushing Ue new
school room itgbi along t^d wUl soon
have It duUhed
/ '
Mr*. Anna Yoaker of TiavrnM* tTty
hi vulllus fticnds heie this wwk.
ptayuB Doticf^ otu
our eiit window a
Price $4,000;
$2,150 cash.
Ihaec at f per el.
Accoanl O. A. lTNaU^‘
mam m Bnrotogn Bpriqga. New'VoiH
tickata will be «oM at low rotoa lor
the round trip. TIchato good vMiig on
ember 6. 7. and 8, wi^5>attiro Um*
R Octobei^ «. lMi7. A«k aganU for datalto of poUta which may ba covered
oo thill trip and coat of tichata.
a P. Moallar. C, P. A
au|. 24-21-30.
:; : y.
i: I l«IGjlTIOII.
Mm H AIMti Bptli thi b%V%
r I MitlnWM’tWMfarc
«f WMtera Arid
OMrt AaMHur* to ttock fUtein#
«l»v of tlM OTtomtli natkuul
Irrigation coogrc^i to bn bnkl \n Mncra-
In n ton year, to bn ^
In fact thrift oonna narl/ to a w
tona amid nocb nnmwadlnfa, for
ooontrr la no rich la lla pdnaibllittoa an dtofaitHl to tW »t Looto Bnpuhlto.
a rnrtoUiiod anctkm of urn dnanrt Tbn | To abov bin mnooroafula^^ and bin
railroad bnalnnaa donn In ow of tbnan, gmat <toalm to join tbn rmaka of Vncin
w«ua wbnm
WMV wTiaauoo
umm wm
trrlgaUon baa
callnd tbn i aojua
8nm‘n nsDung
flgbUag mna Rlcbto rtoltod a
had tattoond <^nr tbn
dnooWntn gown 4>f eaWho baa not madn bli|iae)f familiar; o^ltn
qotoltn apiiearai
vltb aiicb tMmaa.
It la vnU Ulna
With tbn tody tbna rlotbnd. BIrhIn
tratnd In tbn tovua of tbn Arbaaaaa
tbn meruit
ralk..v from IMnblu nnatnraid. Into Kau
aaa Them to lltllH If any land In that
vboln mckw arblcb. baring a good ara
Th. L*m«M Army Bctd*..
tor right, can bn bought for lean than
Uajor Tboznaa fl Hnra, corpa o
|2w> an I
Mucb of U to held at^gtoonra. commandiiia tbn tbirtl
over. Tbn toama of JBui*h3 Ullon at Furt Lnavnuaortb, Kan, baa
Ford. La Jtuito Lm Anlmaa,
mar. arrived at Fort illHy for tbn pnrpoan
Granada. Holland (laMnn Cliy
'ity am' of making an cxamluation of the atcnl
all tbrtolng cnntnm of tHdn. moat of j brtdgn .which tbn Third batLaliou Inft
thnia having largn fartorina for thn Mflntobnd when It a aa aoddeuly or-
ES.^rK.air.'C™ ffixr.
tomto, VI, on M‘l 2 T. InoluiUv#-. Ut
tog article
• qunaUoii of limn when the
irtlcln to of limnly
liuioly totomat:
pbaan of thn dcvnloj»innnl to tbn ( dUkma muat pfnrall In Urn
Irrlgaltou. baa bnnn but
Atot. un^lrrlgaltoto
wfnr to tbn tt%alg marbnt whkb ibn
nnv 'dommiinlUn^ inakn for all north
9t nnitom prodocto. Thn omening of
lOikOUM hctan of tond to anttlemcut
nndar Irrigattoa to an oeut worthyiof
Mbtmthm bjr nattoual reloktog. bnoatoto U opnnn an oppt;riuttiiy f.*r thounaadn of gaopln. yonng. middle agiHl
And old. to make a ntw ntart In lifn.
Tbn oMtortUblttoa fur tuaklug money
to motoantito Itona am ancund only to
tbona In agrtculium and bortkuUum,
Thnm to wuib fur man to all tbn build
tog tradnn that ordinarily find vnipK» •
innnl In new towna. Many new towua
nprlng up, and tbn pfonperlty eitrnda
to all tbn lobatauuu. Tbnn. by a
wldnr application of ibn ruin, tl*« |»r.Mp
pMUjr of Ibn went bnlpn mniertolly to
nnatato tbn pru^perUj uf the eaat
Tbn bnnt obM’i M«n tbit I -an
wiggtnt for any on# who douhta that,
tbn nnat to bemUtlug extnualudy by
tbn bnttding up ot wmum imgatisi
toacm to to vUU Un rnllr»»ad freight
bonnna at autlona on or mwr atk b
tonda Tbnm bn will mw largr cuoaiga
tonnta of farm aMubloery and impln
togAto. baga of nwd grain, furntturv to
ginai quantity, bardawm of every de
nettodlon. pUnon In g.«dly numl-er.
balldlag matnrUto by thn carload,
barbnd wlm. wown feaUng aim netting, dmcnrtoa and iiruitoiona. eauued
gopdA tonrotntito atmka and every
thing tbnt to nnndnd to aupply hmuan
wanto. both Un ngc^ftra and luau
toga am bought om by
MHnato alota. but
/ t^Mtolly Uay htocai
It to not an uaec
> ttoaU dnalar In a
PTnr.Ua nqulvatoot of hU entire auak
•»nry toaty daya. Where buainena to no
AcUfU Un proitn am good and Ue
-datoi am tor caabKvnr>budy baa
toUAny to a htwly Irrlgaled region
Tbn antttore unuaHy bring enough with
laada and Ue water righu. the irrlgaltag nenapany apnada large auma for
tottoi. labor and auppllea. and good
wigaa are Un ruto. Kmidoymmit la aliraya at band for Uone who come
qrlUout noony. and nil caah to k«H>t in
the uaual
S'! ■
furatture. hardware, druga and gro
cortoa Un new communltien noun uto
ntnare laundry or tnxK livery
batbnr abopa, lumhnr yardA banka.
rborebna. a tolnpkonn • eicbange, real
aaUtoNind toauranm uA<aNt, law of•ena. nnwapapnr aqd printing oAcea
mad air atoa that gona to make vtMu
ptola tavia. Brtrkyarda often ntart In
•Ad dp a prpdUbto buatonaa Yarda
for Un BMUiofacture of cement build
tag blockn are aew and profluWe en
tocprtoaa When barveat Uu»e comen
Un bayare aad ablppere of grain and
i:. Diarrhoea
a gannral atom in
place a fnw mile
AorU of I*mivnr and mil liuo rtMivni
Keen to very^ajuioua that tbn Tbltd
biituUun flntob the bridge, whk U will
bn the longmt «itr^l atnictnm ever pat
up by the VtiUeU Stnina army and
which when lonudetcvl will be NUO feel
long. Imluding the two ajvpeoacbm.
whkb are 00 by V> feet
|;:t.nOU would barn covered the value
of hit notlrv atoek. A uumlmr uf cua
Ltvn In TnnU to Guard Anrrina.
tomnra wem making purrbaaea, and
BecDOte of thn rauU uu hU bnoklefarm waguna wefn hltcbet^at poata berrlnm wbUh arc ncarvv thin rjuiuinr
nkiog Ibn highway.
The itomkmiKr and luring a higher price than in many
•admWfod that he waa doing not lean .veora. /. T. Main of < olehr-v>k River
than AVI a day at a profit of 20 to 2T. ba* mov,Hl hla tainlly to hla large l>erpnr mt
Yet about blm waa only a ry flehl at Tollaml. Maa*.. aa.va a. Win
partially Irrigated country, and them Bted (<\>nn.) afiecinl to the New York
wem ncarcfly a doann hoiiaen In tbn World. The.y will remain there.untU
Iln waa anrrounded by the ckinc of the licriy aeaaoo, occupy
larger plate*. Tbn more t^teniitTe Irri ing Unia ovenilght
gation whli h In the next Two yearn to
to mclalm all thn laud aurnoundlng
Btraiimd Un
A Uttlo old woman with h nbarp none
aad ahar|*er tongue wu* In Ibe country
, After an inapectlua of n new ly m- gTvKwry ntorc buying KupplUw. Among
rtolmed n^oii* one cannot doubt tbn Other Ulnga vhc hrv»ught to from her
nubetautlal booeflt whlth ihowAt must
IwUle ai-arre.1 Jug. which
derlvn from nnrb newborn centnr aC ' ^An ordemd 1
bo fllUsl with triwcle.
trade and culture.
laat. when her
moat of the largo trrttatlag completed, nhe U'gan looking over the
ay*louu and then rvx'dven tribute gen- account. Item by Item, twfore paying.
nrouab lu two wara fli»t by the m•What § UtoV* the exclaimed. -You
lum of the principal and lutritwt. tbna have charged me*for two galloui aad
by the profiu on millioua of doltom’
a half of treacle.**
worU of mrrchandlae aokl to the giow-Yea. ma am.-Bul that Jug hokln only two gal
••You meat be mtoiaken. 1 nwaaured
tbn treacle carefully, and it U»ok two
them for the mauufaciured products <
the eastern iwntera.
Suix-enKful agri
-Well.** aald the .old woman with n
culture makta a pixwperoua nattoa. aad algh.
»o much mind having to
Ul. progrere here uoted In rertolmtog pay for the treacle, but I do object to
the dennrt laud* la of vlul Importaacn having tbn old Jug atmlned by your
to tbn w hole peofile.
One other ixiint 1 wUh to make tbn
ImiKirumwof dreert qgrk'ulture to the
nt.Kk ratolng lutcnai*.
The ntmk
grxtwer baa had lu give up iKtrtiona of
All plalD aalllog.
Tbla term ta no
the public range to tht‘ irrigati»r. Imt npeUed even to nautical work* of some
bn recrUen a auhatantlal return On# age. but plane aalllog la the correct
of the muat luouiatde of eaaMy grimn form.
Before Mercator Invented the
cixqm under In Igatum la alfalfa, which ana chart which goes by hi* name all
make* an c\i ixnlingly nuirliW»ua for ebaru ware cin a plane proJet'Uoo. In
age for lattk nnd *hco,, To have the
wc.Htcm market* vcM *ui>ptlfHl with ed as an atofle and the dlala
the MvHk grower fm^ ference of latitude and deparfu”*
uncutly to
k uv,-r
of *iaht the aldcn of a right aoglcd triangle.
fH.*,! or of
DU*u:it *«‘vcnfy \vHln»i‘.t There were very large errom to plane
It h.t* h;tpi>eutfd lu tile
that chart*, yet all the work! waa charted
thou*:.ud* of catth. kive dh^l ..u the on them and all the great voyages of
raunc% dtirlits pM*tonf«l •tofiJia. either
before Mecrator a pro
froui cxi*i*um or want of fixx! <ir from jection came Into uoe.
exj»u.mv hre-anae Gory were |*x»rlj (od waa the nlmplMt of aJl
abd lu a wcjIku.hI .vudltlom A nuic thna camn the preoeat me
ply of ilfalfA available in caaea of
iwjixwalty^wlll to the fuiom greatly
rixlure the wtoier loaaea among range
herds both of nhnep and cwttle. A* the -hurch would do well
no-al auiH'ly of thn east c-ome* Ut^ly Uat diaatonaa and heart lalplution
fn.in three wretnra reugv *. br;r again will quickly abate U they wUI bend
the welfare of Ibe coat to affected by well forward, letting the anna bang
down. The upper part of Ibe body to
thU devehipmeut In the dreert.
Itomuliig the •uhyrx't' further, tbn
mining totereau to wltoh udUtou* of
nnalem capital are luveetcd are directim]>re\cd agrk-ulmtotug autc* haa
tatoed lU own nuiqdkw. and tbn high
wages which prevail to uitolag campa
are latgviy doe to the exemaive coal
af Laid. Thn dlveralded agriculture
of Ue Irrigaind regk»na to the moantain valkya of iXdoradu and an Un
wontem alope. producing an atomdaipw of grdJax, mgeublnn and fraito.
will ^p to reduce tbn high cont of
mining and thereby i«im1 to toernaa#
the pmflia frem mining torentmenta
to Ibto highly minemltoed state, as It
wUl to other suina of Uo
moonuto regkm
The r^to&alve derelopmenl under Irrigatioo tun gutted wUh IHtir trum-
Ibn woridT grentam Uda^ aad Btm
^itog Of A(4nn of aar wurtr •«! thn
fbraatoby Manoa DmgCpb
Hear.** tie.
aiater* bad Kmg
In every atatb*n .mi' may and tbona
lived togettu-r-one gcutu- ai;d au«vL
whu (kt not take train* or meet them,
Un other a.-rld Ip tom|a-r and
ding to apiN-arance. Tt»e foruMT wwa nor attond tboee w bu do. dome comn
to the waiuug room only to wait re
taken anddeuly ill, and ihe othi^r
aticxiablr dcrelku still b6|ilug that
ion* to know
thought her atoier would ^e as
uomMbtog wUI turn up. and wrecks
mtncvl‘ who have given up hu|ie.
U to a
dealroua of acquiring ‘the mmt
place to winter, the aewts are
ahn knew h. r gt-nt!e .toicr had wllU-d
»ra- comfortable, and UougbOewa i«sacaber-bkl U-hlud a ai tveu to the. m »ra-;
tog room, w to-re Ue doctore soon arier gera oficn oWlgtogiy^ i«*ve uewapaiwn
came dowu to codaull.
I behind them. It makes g.*Hl waiting.
-tk'ell.** a*ke.1 l>r. Uarrla. “what do| There are ao few other place* to waU
you Utok of berr
- wo rroelly feW fiw women adrift, but
“Think of to«rr* <;rtnd IV. Brown, not yet foundered. Soau tUnes. to dn“Of all the anilquaied. vhuilgtvttod cclve that meddk'nome l»ui>yU»d.v. the
old bags ever creatM 1 think *he i* sUtion detetUve. they carry to travelthe very w «ir*i!
What b rrovl kvu'e Ing bags and • pretend to tw pulled
Uluktog of to Inflk'l pain on th.it gen
d«*wu with their burden*, empttod
lie soul upataltw am] le,nve un Touched
of ha
vuch WUllam*
gaunt, withered
manlt.v aurh ak \hto otto-r? Jump Into
my motor with me. and well chat
about our patieiu a* we go."
Allen Abbott Paaaing Out Wadeworth
^Aml they "cmd." k*avtog the eavea
Bros.* Chico Cigar* to H<* Frienda.
dropi*^r to eome from her Ui JtoK place
Happv nuin: it* twin*.
aa they retreauxL-^IIluatreted Bit*.
Happy fiienda;
be * |>aa*iug out
Literary Atone.
ChJoo clgara.
The struggling antbevr boldly enterod
Allen Abhotl haa kept the clcrtoa at
the editorial oauctum.
S. K. Wait A- Son* busy filling hi* or- j
“I have come with my latest story."
dera for Wndaworth Broa.* Chicos thoj
be aun..uuix«d.
laat. twenty four hours, aa the arrival
That m.r- ejaculated the H
... 'fSSS
The Itoe w blob
Bros. Chioia.{
Hold by S. hi Wall A 5km*.
The*,' cigar* have a long
filler, and. while they sell lor five
centa. arc b, lur than mtJsi -igare re^
tailed at double the money.
l>m t
I of Us Baft.
The cuiioc' w a* on*? of tbt* euriK'.st of
boat*, but It I* not in line with the
later growth.
Tlu» aiuxwtrr At the
modem boat begin* with the log and
to traced through the raft rather, ttoin
through Ue canoe. By
er several
It wu* found th
ger burdens c-ould l»e carried,
fore the boat of a single log grew* Into
one of aevcral log* a raft
By the
time man bad leamexi to make a rift
we ace be bad learned ^meililng elaed to row hi*
BttkernMK. Tr»T«ee«y.asW
Two Tall I
-Eagle* and hyena*. If they
•urviug. will eat thcmaelvoA" nnld t
luture fakir.
•Dh, of WUI
-Its the tr
In bto natun
proved It by exi»erlment
•agto three days, and be began
teor^chunk* out of bl* ihlgb and
them. Tbe thing wna so aVkening toJ
me Unt I oidy permitted ft to go on nj
day. I got two good pboiogrmpbs of
It for my lest book, then 1 reatored
tbe engle's ratlooa again.
Tbe poor
fellow had made a bole in bto thigh
aa Pig aa your Aat and to this day
he walks lame.
vAnd the bymui? Tht
vorae atUL At Aret be waa obstinate
aad refused to toocb bisaaelf: but om
night 1 beard angiy giowto from bto
cage and. going down with a lantetw. i
I fMiAd blm eating bit hted kg. He
bad made great geegema.
He bad.
got away with nboot three poondo'
I fauUere If 1 hodnT eeme down la
tAne bed have
itoal Estre
Special CxenrMMste
iiarkw IslttMl RcmtI
0«iy lie
TraTcne Mr TrABSfon*B Ca.
**That wa* indeed an old ooe. rUra.
Two banlltoea formed about the cor
de« of her mouth,
-*--*«rtSS5JrL5sr “"•*
[ohn R. Santo
General Insiirance
200-210 Sttte Buk SoliOMr.
rrMCrteCIty. a(chlt*i
*^*ea. C.vrtI," she aald quMly; -1
iang-that aong to you the night we h.^
E. W. H^rttam* a Ssa
WkwRMFWraVtM Way)'.'
<>rie.n. Ttoir.:
It wa* the monpng alter their arrival
•t a seuaide tv*.'rl
giKxl th.M
“1 have often beard uf the roar of
U.C oe,an.“ she nahj dreamily, but I
never knew W fx.uwled a* terrify tog aa
No two ahmiM suffer
lunger with File*, lew IH
•That * nok the roar of the ocean."
Hem Roid will cure any caM3.
I an*Hend to r tn-.r,- exjHJiiencxd busNo maUer wiuit kind
i l.and
•Tlmt** tlH- roar of a d» i.arlJug
Blind. Hkx-dtug.
Kx ?*^‘*-* 1 I.U.T.I uto. ha* JuM Ijeeu preaeiited with
Itching oF y-nppnraUug.
j hi> htlk- blU."-Judge,
hardl'h TVhi Ktdd will cure >xh
by a!
"Ih» you kmvw
hav--------------- * —
Thli* hUiUnieut is suppvuled
oiimmodallng chauffeur you <
thumiHiul lesMmtmlah* from ihoim who
have iKx-n p,‘rmaavntly cunxl.
tog it along with a paddle UAfls were
• Ye*, air.
When he to offended be
uaed.hy nearly all ibc- nation* of an- moDOy back. IKxi ut 8 K WaU A
merely kick* me. Jaws my wife and
UenulotoA t^aUer of bis- Sons, or Dr Uxmhardt t'o-- Ntoipira
cuff* the children where ito* average
i«r*. telU ua that thi y were In uju* to Fall*. N. Y.
rhHMff.-ur wouM -leave.*i-.ruck
an. iunl <Vwea.-5. K Kortaan In Kt
late oix'rqtlon to
tK>l«*d lu;«»e following deac rli.ilun to a
dc-tl oii/ec-t^rd In • certain c-otfnty
fn.m the Ixx.k of deeito, with the exci-ptlou only of the name of the unfortmials Undowm.r; “Bcghintog «t
B,sVa south iv>ri»er running thence
m.rth fifty f,vT; thence west fifty feet;
tbent'e aoutb fifty feet: Xheoce eaat flfty fi'cl to beginning this being a plpt
of land fifty feet square cut from the
back 004 of the said 1
Ing a Vhko
Mtoiree you Three
thinge-Aafety. Comimt
of twin* at bia h<
Lssre Milwaukee <toUy 8 p. m.
Almost Prehistoric.
Her voir,, in the midauiniuer gkMUntog had a plaintive aoond.
“I haven't any thlngaiiew to sing to
I tougratuhtiai uf iriend* an
you tonight. Cyril." ah«. fkUered.
ng will do but
' 'Th|rn alng me one of the okl aooga.
a cigar "
1 love.** aald the man teuderty.
tk-hethcr It'a^’tbe arrival of Iwlnaj
High, thin and a Urtle vracked. her
to tjualnt, sweet melody
u ttrm»kr on ih<- jK»rch. or solid enjoy- i
•Over the Garden Walk**
meui «t thr ball Kaiiic. or whllr walk-'
’ lover laughed
Ing or diUing no cigar fills the hill |
m.. Sunday, 7 jx-im qnly.
Leave LVDING^ON d^-bt
Arive Mllwmikeo €.0. m dally.
tor. “U't ua bear hi>w It run*."
“Well, thla 1* from the tr%t chapter:
Vaaiier liad 4>een standing a* motion
less as a bkK-k of granite. Huddealy
he dropped on hto ktux's iK-fore the
beautiful girl with the alaliaater brow
and boldly prcyxwed. It waa then that
she anaweiv'd with a atony Mare and
banded blm the marbV heart Tlten*
But tb» busy editor reached for tbs
capping shears.
“Young man," be thundered,
have made a mlatake. Take that
down to the nearuat stoucyard ^ *-nito
to an editorial cfllce ^-<*hU ago Newt.
Leave MANISTKB rally at k aod 7 |K
Gel some today and ace
Beaulifiil Hair
lisparlc Street.
Bo why will wonjen go on with acrawmy. oily, uoi chUy hair when
Ooe thing will
they can Ju»t aa well be admired lor their hair?
give them beahtlful hair, and that U
Hair and Scalp
It prevents that oily odor.
It actually stimulates and
grow* hair la thin *pou
aad makes it luxuriant.
poaltlvely. removes
It absolutely
stopk all balr
fee aad best MXTiootelepboo*
G. Hooking
If your denier does not have
It Irf stock. a«d Ike for a
sample houleL
Th* UriMt H«lr ^ T»IM HamifMtwir
TVitohw—“It * toDof loeeoUa
USO; vkat dow » ton of OiM
oonfe to you
that u ton of Coal io iud|{MbyiU
MbM. lOtM thu n* ooapMiy It
C.I. Tq^ Cnl *
TMADssa.1 the evening record
TMvtuM cmr, mtmmAH,
Au«ufT m iw.
lyiR HILO.
fwmtrnm^ TVn^KrOm Ovi «r TliM^
mt Ori«r.
or lAo OmmmtoUI Til'
Uvo wlro woo
Uls «»ar«lAc
U iUUM tkot thm
r iwiiortoiinii. r««i^
orolon to rwoHro oil c<«iiiH*rtMol lopiioor ood Hit Mifitrt Wht Woro
1%U tiH operolor* liavo r«»
Nldiiii on tbo Hrot Cor loHInd
no«l to 40
tbo tnf^no. Wort Unoblo to
Mtbt Tbtir Itcopt.
hy Wim tn tbn BO^mlng Rocord.
Bedy of Man Fickid Up in Oetroit
Baktoo. w. Vo.. Aug ft—On« Mlorr
Rlior Near looroo—Yontic Nos
WM killed Mnd flto idbort lorTlIdy InLeft for Hancock, Wborc She
lurtil by tbo Uurotliig of tbt bollor of
Will Remitn>-Oolroit Niwm
0 dinkey <«gtna oo tbt troiu rand uf
tbt Joobtuorllla Oool « C<Ae com
OIMERAL SPOby. otor BmmtrL W. Ym.
lori m^lrtwUe ond cor- By B’irt to tht Bvenliig Reconl.
Tht OAi
Wroll. l^lch.. Aug. 2>-The gate
riMl Iht
Tlurt down ond' tbt to
gtoaer ond tbt five inlbtni who rode Cl! iht atole Ipjr were thrown o|»ei
thb morning ond the gotetuen oo;
tht otltndonce will break the recxrrda
llml day crowd. By |0 oclock
o thouaood peoi^e bod orrived
•UM mat M LARMR whin OE'
ond proboWy over femr, thmiaa
pro oireody there orronglng the
Torrlbb CoporlpiMi.
Hoii4tRlt or Ml Ml. tont
Wllllom fVonrU. oged 18. ifllppcd
WoiO MHloO Oy n«0 ftool
0 ladder whilt pnlntliig on elec
» Miy Tlilo
trie rmllwigr guy pole ond groblKH? a
tht AotomoOHi
Nolotd Com ond All Ktn^ of.V^ Uvo Wirt, receiving MO volu. but tw
nCMT IBi torrlblo toperltnct
botb band* badly burned,
hong to tbo wire until nmruiHl by on
Mow toiii. Aut B0-I)oi1di ouli>Kdbcm lighting Co. tmployrv
■MJbilo rotoboro wbo hOv» long dolUid
Olid ot the nliMRii gonioni In the
Body .n River.
tbo polloo. tiottiwl iho n«ti|o«u.(4
The body uf o man aiipiKiaed i
Hollo Port, oog UUnd. oorly l«Uy li/ rll> Murmundu tht homt^ of Mm. V.
OjrOMitllM ^ iMwiaTBcO »od the M Httorort. 211 KoBt rmttntlLitrttt have luimMHl from llelb lale biidg
tht Identical a|>ot where Albert
iviml iioro oAjoioiiii ood kioUiii npd tht'fHld ftoiure of it b thot It b
the rmult of ritMTiuuiilo WgfEobItt Bttmmtien threw hU tiny 'dam
bom iiuood
II li kOOWO thol Ihoy oortirH uf oil •hopto/klUiU oud ilMw ort' to Into the river, woa dlacovered
%ljm IB oUOito wod r4»b. hut th> H* fiu^ud In the t>olrh oud oil ort oi» Mcofwe and by puiiera In hb pocket
oOMMOt W bo OMirii lorgof.r^bon torrntly h«uilthy oiul perftci. Mr»: > b thought to U. kbnll Ranitioer
Yantlc Haa Left.
tbo 4obf«i tf eloorod ooojr. M Iho Utwort hiM hod gurdto* lor mony ,
liulldlosi woro oownltooly wrochod rtort ond ofttr tolrhliig torh |»Un| The 4ialntug ahli*. Yantlc, hoiMed
'loM^ly hok dHtmuIntd thot Iht pn^ ouchur at 4 o i ltH k thia tnornliiK and
«nt rubo (d ogrtcultorr oft
alorted for Hanciick. where ahe wilt
iKirtng Iht rnilrt •unmu'r th*' gar
the na\al n'wrv*« of that port
Ittl luu 1U-»«T littn tOtfltd
Captain 11. B. C«oodoJI*ia In c<immond
ng by tht roln ond the ground which
uHhlng hut oond wo* toiiclMHu»d
)Uly with I^llltrr from the hen
^iiuot ln»tnod of the bomyord fertll Lewb Birdaetl Will Be Bupar.ntantf
irtr r<muwuiily uttd
Mrt. tUtwort *
ant al Bchoola at Coloma-H.ah
rorti b toptclolly
Bahpol and Oh vat OraduaU. ^
Im b M Itol In Unfib ond Hun iRtono ond oil ort grown hy o oyottm
Mdk ol tbo Noildtnb Hod tn o
irtginol with hrroHf
l^wla Blri!^ll left this momlns
. Wild Ponb.-'
The otcMind crop of ptni botrt btt*n fur Coloma, wh» r.‘ he will takiloktn fnuu the %lnto ond
Ion of auianinieiidenl t»f r
uktn too hubheb oltogvthcr from
ila Mr. IliHWell graduated tnuii
U tbt BDvtnMut
Wirt 16
loo fiM*t uf vino*
tha focal high achind and haa dUkm*
IMfUboti. Aug. n-li» t*mit m>*
\n tht gordtn ore tU rtiwt of corn
i a ooume at Olivet,
|ETi«ww inonnw tbt butumi t>r o »trttt rotiglug In height fnun tU feet
in Ibo onlnirbo mrtd In fur o dbtom t Lbret tddL Tbt two hlgbeot n
or gMNo tboA too fort lodoy ond wtrr covered with ftnlllaar bM
the com hod bnAen ground. Iht ntit W. F. Oiatrich aj»d Family Red# Down
4»l imrtooo in tbt noAgbburbood ltd two when tbty were but throe Inchto
to Walton Only to Rida Back:
In 0 ptnir to oibtr quoritro.
In height ond the lo«t two when they
to tha City.
were otniit o ff«t high ond tbooe thot
^ All of the
with tbt big Oka* Labor Ikpy cborlty
picnic, tbt atcood annual for Trov*
trot City lodge No. 8M. met at the
Oka* club rooma lam night ond prao
tlcolly rloM^ ofToagrnieoU f(»r the
A Urge ^number uf v biting
Bika will be praoont and the affair
will paaa Into hbtory aa the blggeel
out uf do4w gathering that Travemt
tiliy baa «tr bod.
The I'umtulttvto hove tieen working
hard for to'vrrol week* >nd-now hove
matltm ao for completed that they
feel ^urtd Of o gonulne oucotaa
There will be many noVtlUea Introd along with tht regular fea
» and the affair will be a con|lnu |
uurre of pleaaurt jfnm the time
rrlval until the bat perwon haa
left the frounda
The children alao should not he
ft at home aa 1f they are juwim
panled by their porenu or guardbna.
Utlvra. they will be fumlahed
with tlckeu which will entitle them
free pop. free popVorn. free candy |
and free |ieanuU. ao that they can |
have aa much fun tuidhe gr
a *^6l |
Tbe^prv^gram cr»tnmmee
Ummi Idle by any nuaim and the) !
h.t\v eiolved a aerlei. that wilt md
iiiily Im* ii jdeaRure to the gueets but;
a a ci'i'dit to Iho comrulite*- (Tf 1
ourae there will be aportn ond
lamew ond athletic evenu. both for
rata of Btrength. tpttd and endar-i
inoe ond'there will olao be m numbt r
uf tvMUa for laughing purpoaaa only.
There will be ho^ ro^a, both faat
alow racra and aa aomt of the
BIka own naga of conalderablt------ ^
Two doitti
Nopoo from Tbtir Btd bhotU ono
Modi AliOCOMrut Eicopt.
My Wlro to tbt IMtntng Rtcord
JoHtt, til, Aiig n-BCdoord Qulni
I ond Horn lunnon. both tith tooi
ort»lnol ftcordo. ottoptd fruoi tbr
pum poo^tbry tbb monilog b>
innbldB n iwpt from bbd »heru ond
ocAUng tbo wollo.
Mor^ini Hoot ot Noebtmor ^
HOrd to Cootrol ond Rtouittd
Oomofi of tlTOODD.
My Wlio ^ tbt i^lng Record.
OnnbI Flynn nnd Tbreo
. KillMI Wbib OrillifiB
dry pMb
well worth wUne*ah»g
The picnic ihia year will be held
: the Driving l*ark nmoclatloii
Pcninda. and all day Labor Day. for
thiiae who do not
Boditt of Atonlty Bruaki ond OviMava
Jekal Ware Rtetivad From
ManiaUa Laka.
mate. Mich. Aug. 29.—Aflcr
lH*lng 10 luonlha ill Manlauv Ukc.thtt
txKltra oi Stanley tlruakt. agvd ZV. aud
Guauve Jekcl. ap'd II. taith niarrtcsl,
have tMvn r«H'ov<'i «Hl. The men ataricVI acHMa the lake in a aroali
with lan> Black NovfmlH*r 1«. The
Umt ovj-rturntHl a'^d only ^acK wa«
icd Effoi^a to rtH'OVer the iKxIlea
SHBCtbiw eatuily MR in hEndaoEM ykm*tt We oity, MdE
AMsM sai^ at HsniR aaaStae crowd In* the city oo Ihoae ^ays nnd
IMMay. East E. UiMrDEr wumtaa. It b Ibought that the boat i
EU»»4«. wooM nAd intracat tc the occaaU
Say. Pa,
a teams nt if tU the b(^
tfid BiHt Axe weerinK Fried,
rioh't tboee. So niAiw of
tbeui htre on th^TFoel.
tom Shoee. Ther look eo
comforUUe and Tm ture
IheYwiU wear well
Tbit it the wty the children Ulk nt boom abont our
exc«?llem bebool Sboet.
Just Your Kind
of a SmoKe
It mtket little difftrenoe |
wbAt tort it a cigar, you
smoke, you oati be tuiUvl
from our cigar case.
Havana agan
Porto Rico dgara
KUBECKitiOn ' '
Tnioii 8t. CkHhioiE
can Ehow you some (of the hCEt,
,, there is on the market—propositions
that will interest you as an invest
ment or fs a home of your own.
only make a small payment down,
we -arc certainly the people for you
Smith Realty Co.
Office Oor l^ke Ave. nnd lOib
Always rosdy to show you
aUmt your bresd not being white,
light sml aclieiotu'if yon make it
W Tour regular fotmnU yith the
IDEAL 8pring Palest Plotir.
There ia nQlhing like white, sweet
and Douriahing liread. It ia the
ttoffof life and yon oan alesys
bare it when uaing IDblVL flour.
Atk your erooor or osll up
These are the (MentiEl/
ill the nmkiDK of •
Good Candy
We maie oor own candy, so
it is nlfreys fnsb Aud it com
bines the above qumlitif s.
^Try us.
(xOfllce Stationery
You may;
you are looking for a home and can
' propositions in City property that
jglTHER one of these ^tlemen
A variety of brands in eiu h.
If you wish A nice mild long
iiiokK^ sniokti. suppose you
tr? one of our ‘ Chicv)i” or a
They will surely
^sstisfy your taste.
we lit?e perfect oonfideooe inonr
Ability to ontlTt yon in clotbinR in
tnob A wgy ibAt you And your
friends will be pfood of your AppeATAnoe. There's nn item we mey.
stAte that it Also of imporUnoe—
Economy. We undertAke to tell
bMt gni^ clotbing formen, youtbi
EDdb03mon.k,WtRiM«R4^.^, .
MmM 6m« 8N>m
lit llir iKidi/ol J.'kH r.iiif ti. iul
Bnukl )i»
Abraham Frwoman Will Ba Rfbaaod.
W. K, UetriciTlnd family have
Proaocutinr Attornty Having
eon apendlng ihe last two Vw-ka In
the city and hod act todoy oa the date
on which they would return to Mua
rVmM*nl of the proaeculing atl<
n Accordingly, they boarded the
train and aUrted out only to dbeover
raham Freeman, charged with aeeond
that the tourlal ticket they
degree murder, on 14.000 ball. fYeeIng cm. warn worlhlrai. unl«
man b' at prraont In fall at Leland
»d and Btami»ed by the local hut bb brother and cme other man
agmit. Ab a reauU of thb. the par
have aignifled their wlllingneaa to go
ty rode down to Walton and then
on bU bond and It U Uiteved that
rod# back again.
other wignera
Mr. DleCiich hlamea Oemrge , Ami
the man give hia frecHlcim until Clrotto for the cmcurrence. aaying that
cult court convenca
rna in auch o hurry to get him
cm the train that
time to get hb I
the Om bnUdlng on It
wbkA brobn otM It i o'cbKk Ihb By Wire to tht Bvtolng Record
' contitU fori Kenoro, Ont. Aug 2b-Tht Grond
I Trunk JAollc enenmpment o
Trovorae City launch ownein get to^
. Lnke*wno the neene bf o i
gwClMr nnd arrange a aerMa oC raooa
Occident whUe the mmi weiw drllUng to bn glTon on BkpL il. 12 nnd IS.
rock lor trwcking. DenlM Ptynn nnd the dnre^Uie Ormnd Traverae BoMlere
IBB TMl NEW BROWN nbndit In three oMlaUata were blown
.and Bnllorw nseodUtion wUl be onIpppipAi nt Qubli*^ 111 OMt
camped horsL Tbeiw wlU be n big
rmvemnPfitn for tbf MmnmN
were cover»»d 11 ml ort the btghtit
now ond hove the moot toiw on. while
the one* th«t were covrrtd when
they were the hlgheot ore the'omoll
rat. Mm Hteoort bo» tnken. many
prtiDluowi ot tht county folm ohowing
teller VEigeUbieo than mony who
vote g whole farm to truck rotalng.
Anomer thiug^ln which Mro. Blewort ejicelbUw>fataiug chickena. She
boa o Urge >onl full of partridge
cochina ond when tn Mllwoukee In
Ikod ahe entered eleven of
the poultry ahow In that city mnd of
the olmron there were four Brala.
four aeoanAR on do third.
Baad tiDlEd in REtor ooktE at
The 1MnM.M0..IMt4
aty Book »ore
Cmnmitfeee Met Lnet Cveting
FrnMiPilly Cbned Up Ail
tetolljr dootrortog both.
nmno RRM A TRESni
I % Wir. In in. STMtet
tl«.r V«rtu Ai«,
ASale oi Beavtliiil Panoraiiiie
Views of Tlrayerse
• Truly RoiVs «ria« End Et e prion yoa.oEa e«Di4.
Ct^HATOlir tTAllCfc
For Good Priilting Quick
■ ....«Uup....
New FaU
See our .
& Hunter
herald S Record €o.
Best Flour
Other Aourt come anid Aourish for •
short time and pretty soon your grocer
has Eomethiag else to oAer. BEST Aour
is here EVERY DAY and EVERY
YEAR and it's always the same old
Buodby. The Flour with All the Good
of the Wheat.
cur. ifiA. M
-W. in New Yorh- will bn
n.i Sheri Of fnriul.c comui. lur* Ita
liorf on Thuraday. 0O#t, S. Frioea An. riiiUuUona la the moving van m-kt
r nla. Slot aaln Wednondny. Bniurday and lirfnre ll
ten Hib At »
famlllra will have Chaoged hwalKms.
MlM Bdna Rowe of Grand Raplda
They sill more into buaatw vacated opeiit ftoadny with her hmCher. D. K.
TM OwiM Timrmt tftMrlrt "TS
ft. Rose.
And lyillciTf mwmmpmHmi
fua Is ta •f4ww for all who Hilt fhe liTwla, U-legraph operator, moves Into
Mr and Mra C^. Wpyland and Mr.
iMdd Itt IliU Hly R0|rf 11. U w»4 I?.
tlraod ojaira hmiM. mi irtPOdiy
the hoaM *hr4lH 'l.idlud g nH»*fdluhrdl and Mrs t'harlea rAiuptMdl are spend
Md • Wf|« UulljU r €»f VHrnui* •111
M. In the prwm^iallan of hU hrs stone eoitagr. (hen J. .M Heu-jittg a isirtlon of the week In IVlosh* hi’Tt- ai flM« tlmr
ri^miUn fur
• Ftf-k a Aad liny.- the tamon. fnrre ahas- moves Into the hm;.«e vacatril.'kry
! tl>» IJir«» 4U,»- miOB In
oomedy epUtmiUinn ihe »anelm»6 followed by H Krarup. 14
Alis-ni. * A (Joldtarb leaves tmiay for Hullalo
Tr»rct»«^ <*ity
mirthful idietrhcw by oa-OovenuK (’.eorge \V IViry. Kd Khgan. Mm O and Itelrcdt cm a
i trip
twm tmm rtMl of tl»f
Oeorgw W. FOfh of WlsOowIn, whk-h A Wrlgbt, W.'R. Millie. Mi
Miss Umiiia (hddfarh* left Tuesday*
cliy in ib« tHhtft,
li a hune rirrulathm and (lieu, iaiit. Mr ami Mm.
fur aK ckTendc-d Visit In \he
In tlaH« |*n»t Tr«vt*jn« <!Uy tin«
•weiit the land with aiorau of laugh lrav€>, a (rut lu shUb'. sith their sill visa Ihe Jau»«*st4.sn eMawHlon,
UWmU|i U» lh« mil tM
ter. f'rlee rSr 2>. &urt. Neat agle faudly of children, (hey have Ihel lUUln.uie and Hlchurg
niid lliii imatan
since vaily iipiing for a Iioum-. TYio
H 8. Aincrsou is lu IXtrcdt on
b- iHi ciKnrpItuQ to the rule. A town
bouse- Quenllou lu this village Is a se I usidita Irtp and will al*o attend the
dmfnted «lMi tmm «bd tMinHsi not
On Monday. He|d- 10. WlUlkio V. ilotta one. Auyope who suidd put u|» mate fair.
'holy loom* »eU. not only fr<>lrumm
Mrs nave Kilster returned to tVntho
tnit fcbov.1 that llu* «lly Muog la (he t*Uy Itaker will play a come neat collages or houses that
one night «UKaKeni»ut at the Uraud woid-l n-iil tiom eiidU to (wehe dol ti«| Ijike Mtmda.v having V-nt from
of pAliiMlir
halui41.4V ai her fallier's. rhaiVs Uc-k
of ft*#. Micl lau.lInK I.C
would (a- ivutid iM-foiv finished.
mcb « Hmr m nn fnnimj.iiM^nt i4 «iUl
Morv- rc-aorters have spent the •mm
nolitloxn m imrUcuhifly mhimm*^!*^***NASEBi^t.
iii«T In and.aniund Htk Rapids ihU
«» tlwno tfitai ipito u|i the lioct ymiM
Veatarday a "'aamaa: /
sniumej thilu In *ni> previous sc-aiuHi
<d tholr Ikon ttuit Itin old Kiiie nilghi
Crniral League.
The Inlssud lakes>tll| retain their |hi|- Woman Reaorter Thought That There
nnrn oyer tin* nliule nnUou and la
Dalton 4. (Jrand Haplda 0.
Ware Only Two or Three Btoret
ular hold oil Ihe Jam ) and lore nl
Ihelr honor, miui) flagk should be UU
Whi*« Uiii: i:.
•n the Whole* City.
their re»Hiiiem and moni of them will
Amarican League.
fi-main a few da>«i hmger
4t U IKM. molirrh that the ihmn
Ihmton :. 0, M a York a 1. '
14. F. lllodKoil tias' C4.iuplet4d a
•\Vh>. Im surpilM-d I dlduT sup
town hnsinma botOKai dorttmte. 4>ut
Clmelaiid'S. Ohleago O.
theic SCIC4 mure than Iso
thoM on othor •In-els wtmuld dec**
iM troil 4. Kl UmiU :I.
ihe .atatloii and sill placv his ties or llirt-e stores In this town.* -sald-a
mtv •• nidi, «0i1 Ml aloMild rvcry
National Leagua.
sail Imat in the wafer this w«r> He ladv rceorler as she rounded (he ror
iMMMM-hidder. ’
l^t> b a
KVa York K Ht I^iuIk 2.
has hum the craft himself during hU iK-r of Front and Inhui stieeU thU
lirrtly «Uy n*lur»ll> Iml uhi-n dwKi-d
ITilriMsu f., Ilnioklyii 4.
s|iar%4 houm duilug llte spring and inomlnc She saa a twaienger «.n Upout nlih i)ld tlkny- lU imuinil k
riiuluiir: 4. I'htladelidda 1.
Meaim r kWHsourl. and when sh4- turn
O U toe-rtMuod.
! Ilu^toll
(Muclnnatl 4
Aea RIrkerd nearly losf hta left eye ed cmt4* fVont e!ie4 l and (he lone
The Aineiimn dun n«»aUni: lu ih«
Leagye Btand*nga.
0114- day recently" when nnt*th41 bu> stt«'i4'h of glass fuiiits and |ia\4*m4‘nt
hron*»» .nUh • UiM-kimimul of n-d.*
thi4S H pltchliuk ahd the lines 4-n IU4-1 Ii4 r gaf4* and 4s1i4- qiuM.l'y c hang. *!
Central League.
while nod hint* u a |»reliy aUhl and•, . r .'
•Won Mmi I Vi ( N 1-rml the eve. lie will n.U lose tie her mind legaidlng (he Qim 4 n i’liy 4u
an lusplrlni^ un» not cuily lo the iu«Ti
sight 4d U.
- the Noith.
who fimtcM fin- the flan b«l Ui the IV'iIiikfield
yiTunii r dmerallon lu wrll. The im.fe
the Hag is *hwn/the niorr tin lafe: KvansVlilt- r. ;.. 112
. 57
IVm- liHUitt.........5k
|ta>«on ___.....
. ht
•bow hoi one flag, do ««». h«l If you Crand Raplda
have luoir, take a lUlle lluie off and Honlh lu-nd .. .. Ifi
Emy PbfMB hi Wfgicrw MkBlftD WIm Car, SktMild Plai to Attewd dk«
dta«rate your houae and atotw.^
EviryUaly who bitya RK.\
Cbotxihiloa proDouDOi-a them
m-xftH L They are tho cbocofaiea with the taate. ^
you imy oamfy tell the
you want that iiiacft- hy
Grand Opera HousejBrand Opera House
Monday, Sept. 2
For 21 Years Crowded Housed
Everywhere have Pronounced
West Michigan State Fair
Mr at Qrasd Rap««i the Sccaad Week of September
umvil ....
Ttml Ida shKumuit bf a|i|d«*» that
rhlrago ♦ ..
went out t«Hl«y4Mean. many ll.InRa toj '
the (iraiid Tmvefi* legion *» <»»r
dml pinre. It mrana iimiuy In the^*j;
pnrketa of >lMt ralM-n. and moto‘> In
the pockets 'means lud* |>*Midem^^
meaiw that lutcossllh^ and huurlo
cwfi he purthua.-d, the thlldu-u glv. ii
an nlut^ilon. moie land liouKht.
qiun» tit-i-s s* t out Tl al la oiu- of (he niicaiwv .......
rtlistuirK .4
dlrt-cl tanelha
Itut there ts another hrn^( to I he
reirtntt«4hat Is noTto la- lost slcht of. t»hllad*-1idda
Ttio^tierrlea llun. made iln< rhVago ItoiOVlvu ..
l^ktd Imin u|*aurd by iHumdH. Uusa- Otm tluiiall, .
!W|f. w^-II ^tdoied (mil t-brrrir^ (hill
ftmtid leatV iMiivhaMMi*. the - Miiiitd,
well oolnrtHl aiiide*. IIihI a«e m.a* W
G. A. R.
lng>idrl|»pt-d and'the fine (latootl. a« tl
M4im1.iv, Repi 2nd. !* reguUir tmt-l
keiHdOg |Hita(otsa that, will go ^ttuth
Uter* all ahom lu the mtuld that the iiig of l't>»*l No Ik Kiel) m4*ml>*T of
to lu* pn-M-ut.
. a rand Traverse n-Rlou ta u prtiductive region, a |in«sprtuus region and as buslm-ss minm-co-d with Uie ft. 4
A good idace to Hvt
The feet that ft. rrunlou la in U- liwnaarted
r. I). Manln. CYmmiander.
flrand Tt averse la .shipping fniU
Allan r. Uttle. Adjuunt.
when Othei grtiwlng •««cHou» have
not enough foi home trade, In antuli
n advviiUlua fartoi,
Attand party at
‘The mon- m H1« |>, Ilu* !•» iom omds. Megday. Bept. 2, Labor Day evemng.
the inort* (t*|t‘|duuit*M ami riti.il man
•«g- 2Mt.
la IW
Premiumg and Puraea Offered*
............. 125.000
la 1906.........................$15,000
TheUrger premipra* offered by the Weal Michigan State Fair have
brovmht an amazing increase in the numberol enirick from cxlubiiora.
Cattle CUases Duplicated
AU cattle claioea are du^icatcd. one “open to all,*’ the other open to
“Mkhtgan only.” In all dataes arc many eninca. The .Ayreshires are
a valoabie breed of dairy cattle but new to Michigan. Three different
herdk are entered this year—none w ere exhibited last year.
dreat tlorao Show
draft horses are ioo% better
entered is also doubled.
See the Ug parade of draft teama in luirness \V' edncKlay afternoon.
N«w CBrrUBe and Dairy Buildtni^
' A new building has just been erected. i.to Yc ^ feet in sir^ and
eovenng nearly three-ctoarters ol an acre. In this bililihng will be found
the finest exhibits of carnages ever seen at this fait. Dairy producu
and dairy machinery will also be g- ven a priiminety^c the importance of
the industry in this State demands.
CosU of Treo Shows . /
hi 1007........................ .
In 1906. ,.y.....................$2,200
A. Roy Kiiabrnshuc and his airship—the thip'^ihat flies, the ship
which many have ined to imaaic but none •uccessfully-wil
successfully-will operate
from the Fair Grounds at least once each day for '
Uys. The
-“No ascensions.
Knabenshoe's <
iio psy .” The
Fifteen Hundred ^r,els and 1.000
Baskets—Some of 300 Passengers
Were Without Berths.
Tin- laig4-si h»;»d of ficigtil ami iiiclih-nuny the Uig4>t load of apph**
4\cr take n tiom‘Uh- IiwaJ doe k* wuf*
put atxiard the.atc-auu-r MUs^.url thU
niurnlng. Theie wciu l.5ufi barrt-U
baskc-ls of apple-s. the l.iilk
of which wctt-'Wwtcikans aiAl .IHirhe-i*^
aiul.wllb the- freiglil pirkeel up'ui oth
< r lailiiU the- lit»U1 of rtu- hiwt wa-*. W4-il
lille-el. •
paNS4Mlg»T ll»
la..tnl ami
U-liig ahnul :
we IV atiheiut
tnu loud in e*ke*-4riiugly large*, fnuii
thr pn-M-nt emtha.k .ihe-rt-. w111 1.4* as
Un:e If not laigt-r cargo foi the hfuet
the ap8atuida>. Without exivpl
wftB muBcrows mgn ctaas vaaotruie asMi comedy ac
free show pragram ever offered by more thpn two to
September 9. 10, 11, 12 and 13
Excursiem Rate* em Atl Railroads
Most Orau^ rrolacUrB Erer SUfcd
Win. a t.nkLtr*r i*!.*! tbaa. ,«r- Riorv- r
tlmn rvrr -Kvrii m«rw>
HmI K.t
at hl.tr* .1-The-tinreV'Ts man (a aeir..*
tlttiiiM aeaar—Tire luiart vrt-.atlU*
ayrl lalt ui.*i*'««»»’.llaua.
WlM ii UUii* St^e lil did n‘..i xh.'w
Hi a temieeuMiv MucklM ity camp em
tin- lUaliiR ill l-hiHt Uay l<*wimhlp hmt
nigbl ut 111.- Ilin.- agn-fel oiiMiu. the*
*»th.T wome n In the- |»i'rly U-caimftighle-iu-el. ami. Ihlnkliig that ^ll*
hail waiide*re-«l t.ai far Hi search «•<
thi- fnitl ami wa^ h».st. t«-h-phon<v] to
this city for hi-lpe-i-s In the- •eeaich.
He r brothe r Wlllr starleed e»it on
hoi><*ha<k lint m. i the* party m-ar
The yemiig woman had
sheiwe-d ui» »*ht»rtly afte r the tHt-ph<»ne*
me-atage had U-e n s.*nl to IhU city.
A Kolliokiti^f ComtHlyof Ktirnl
linliatlB with the
Hoosler Lass
In the liodt Pun the hat
had in many aoaaoiit
Prices. *5. M. SO
niut .■,,*, l.mk« their
<.viwk. rbon.' i'.n.
Prices, so, *6,25
Si'iit t»te Satimlay afu-moon ut I
tnat m!i‘ Wodnefclay at I p
Sleder & Sons *
Butchers, Packers, Sausage Makers.
507 E. 8th and 707 Randolph Bta.
and >4 .1 ..lw.,^^ find our choice- m iits
t»iid4*i. juicy und dHii Itmi* Wc know
bow I.. ch.HHri- oUr mviiln Iroiii ihe.
anil huw Ui trim lam.* and piv
leJ'r*- H for lb.* lal.h* of the iiinal
-J^litcal and dalnly
Our Mi-aVa.
to iH- fvm«-uilH-r«-d nltu dlii dlii diudio
rhoi4>. Ininh and |MuUr> iiiako
m4.t>4-lir lo he 14 ig.-nilM-nfl. U.imnilK'i out damage Is madw
dHilv .Mid guajanh-<-4l pun
Aek fuT
Bdth Plmnea.
---Wc are now located in our
New Store
To inakf it piy yt»u to make o§ a call, for thir^ <laytv, wc
g‘»ing to d<‘ll rtve fkvlric hixnpi or eight gat mantlea for
J. B. Paige Electric Go.
Phone 502-2
125 Cass St.
That which a merohani call. hU bargain or nomant
ter. we name out •'Bull Pen." in tbit we have ODD D00H8,
etc, etc. AU good atock, d«i»hlefornewori»|alrw«k
Prioea low to clenn op. It wiU pay yon to lo^ it ower*
Rcsoiirees over
Oac Mtlllon
Seven Huadred
TWomaad DoUars
HuIwIiwIh ..f ih..umn<U h«Tr .1. v..ure xl
I. B. Gilbert, Supt.
The grand tUDd has been enlarged to there win bBroom for all.
The FooBiCkt or ill Hirce Comedies
The Briirhiesi Umli of Uughtcr
Hnmin Nitnre's Greitest Frolic
Her Abeence Caused the Belief That
She Had Beep Loal on the Huckleberry Plama.
All students who are to enter the
achoola for the first time, ano
entering the first year high school
are twquMted to meet the auperintendent'Thurnday. Friday or Saturday
afteroon at Central building
Deposit year SMMy wlOi the
New York
Ur«niatiA«^t from th*- 'sttiook H«»k <4
Ihni n»ui»* Ire Ki e^>tr,>rtuir Om.
- Fni-‘ coeeklug le-»eHons‘4-ve*ry afte*r
noon at the Hannah 4 \uiy Mercantile
CoS. !»reif. Maxi^n will dciuimMiaU
the- wcindcrful coeekrug imwe-rs of Ybe
Maicsllc Range-. Ma}e*stlc Diip C»»f
fw and Cookle-a M-r>e-d free.
' ■ toctiwp4iMM«llM<M «Sr«t»l*.SM0S. Tk««af«}o
mmmt nm rm tjumnoir or rm
Im^rn AH ^ w«f% mL
CNrim Faett ttout Then 0r>
thejlumaii Heat
Ptopto s Samgs lanli
• I4g »imk of orlg
tk^m frt^f4\nt lier
-•f mnr vw iPWfrtrai^ r«B<«T4ftr
viloa tbi7 M at ibt laifi—Bi of
Mr. C. O WkmrwmAi a* Mb 1
■irMRl M« b<M • bM fmrtf.
bma mMieg #ro« tbe- caatof toc^
1017 UM lb* pairtlm#' *i lb#
bMa« to itrtog liMi. Aa4 .Mrteg
Ibcr #M. g iboMMA poM ®f
lo tbe. jk«r fbaf«b
ima Kut aeauat »lfb
«orb« tbr, all ToiiibU«r«!a U» vM at
bMir, ao4 tbi. momuig tb* fbctorf
MU •a<ii M.^b<^iM indr
IMMI yaaUflUT » w« bM
ImM rwi p»ou> ^ jJNtr abll* e
llgat .^.aiag
offeroa a
4altcbiral «afr»at u> tbc »or« IPbor
sa^ u€ tba
tiOM w^a^Murtiiwa te gr«t prti^
fMlflb. ibHr rjd *
liroka bar pBaaerag«r rrrord for tba
Uy trip IbU iDoming
A party of
abcMit tar from boloi, aod tba rkln
liy pmPp Ibp tHp to CbarlrtolK aod
rattfra. Tb# boloii Toniat babd waa
abipX aod Ibay arora vary llbaral with
iHHf mawc. AU»ul farauly bra
iW boimi party Brot lu varlou.
tba bay.
fwibla Tbit All tba. Otbar Slarai
WUI Alaa Claaa pn Labor Day
ia tba City,
A pahtaaa of tba giwry atorr. ol
tba cUy baa bam mada pod .11 h.vr
.IgolAwd tbtlr artniapnaM to cUmr
oil l4abor day. which I. nait Monday
,ab4 rrmaln cloiMHj all day. ralrong
i*f Iba atma abould povimi Ibem
Balvaa arcordtbgly and grt in tbeli
. ordrra on Balurday.
Tba otbar .tore, hava not beet
aaao in rapard to ctostng but It U
prolmbta that Uia antlrc loarn will be
ctoaad and that all the bu.lne«ui mer
Bill take a Uy off
Prar rooking Wiaaema every after
twain at tbe Hannah A Uy Maieanlllt
IVi’a, Prof. MaiMin will damoii.traU
MaSeaUr Otlp C\ir
fee and r«»kle« wnviM 1
a. tba
t^roarlng of a aarUcb en
ctMo at OuerbMn ooIUge. Obki.
taMat waa unveiled to BenUmln Ru.
•ell Haaby. of the cUa. of IkSl,. who
bacama famoa. a. the author «d that
^poUr aong. ‘•Darling Nellie limy
Mr Hanby aang and Uught mu.lr lu
the Inatltuikm fifty year.
A near ayetem of wirelem teUgra
ph) ha. bam dlM'overed b) . Herman
engineer named Helntke The e*.m
BpecUl to Ibr Mvaoing Raceird.
tUl feature 1. the minute aUe of the
HeutonU. Mieb.. Aug. Sb—a
irauamtttlng and receiving apparatu..
Tbonw. tbe rwal aaute man of C'adlL boch of which are contained in onwtar. wbo haa been rcoortlug bare, laft | •mall caM*. which can be carried on
for m. borne Monday. He evpacta to a man', back. it. total weight being
»|.end the winter in Cuba, where be about 4: pouudv
ha. large le.l aaUte boldinga..
Tba present lenmautlc activity re
Foil) member, of the Toledo Y. call. the klt«M erase of aS yearn ago.
M. C. A r.me U.t aerk and are when kite carriage, wen.' being rslen
tenUng un Cn.tal lake, at Juanita alvely built and ex|wr
ex|*erluientM with.
park, near the home of ,e*
With the aid of two large kite.
«a. pulled 2h mile, an
MUw Lulu Mar.hall^aa Uken her
Sunday arb«»l riaa. of Uiya ^ lor a
camping eap^rtlUon to the , north
The W. R iV-Sewing circle will
ahoTr of <'ry»ul lake They wUI ha
IimhH with Mr». Cbailem IrWh.
stair aUiut a «*eek.
lUrUr Hall, Ibe nw*ltatlnn hulldlng \fitth fiiiruce itre^l. tomorow after
noon. A full attendance le devlred
of lienrtml. academy. U hetng treat
All Odd Fellow a and their alvea.
♦Hi lo a nea' ctwit of tiaint. much Iro
friend, and Ilete kaha, ate c(*rtliully
proving 11. apiie.r.nrr. The h. .tlDg
Invited to attend the IMld Kello
plant U Iwlng overhauled, rt.mi. rw
•iHuiket picnic to be given on lj*hor
diwomied and eveiylblng p^ In read
Day. 8ept rnd. at Popular l*uinU
Inea. lor the fall term which oi»eii.
game between l->|uallt> lodge No
Hepleraher 17lh. with proepecU for a
und flrand Traveme i,odge No.
gootl allendanre.
Bring your ha.keu full
There will W a meeting of H.n
nah ramp Nn
tdmorrow evf
The Hiaatorum U preaentlng one for the puriatM- of di‘ridlng ujau:
of the lieal and Iboat lattghaMe anhIon matter.
>tCrU for the Uat part of Ibe week
A bearing In tbe final accoui
thar baa bean aboam tn tba ctfr
the Hanr E- CoMh! edUaie. w..h
MlM Ld»l. Sicofield
tot. iitiKiaploM
Htiauh Hnjs, A Amlotia.K^u
the'T.unlug laciory.
Tbe Chequanu'giMi cn-w dldn t take
.ven kindly to work thin rooming
They didn’t gel liack fnmi Old Ml.
.ton until t; a. m. l»ecau.e of the ap
FM. nd. of Waller l4enion. who bai
Ju.t r. tumed Itoin hi 4 we dding trip
e.V4* him an old fatohlomil chaiivnr
Near the Qose
Soon Yon CanBol Get ThcM Bargain*
on SununerGooda. Look
DM It em ocrw to m to to^olio |
UrttBfi aiagaau ara coaalag Ini
aaaiiig «»a to BritUb Irmi •
Caatlnjr. wrlgblog tao lo ibrw*
ar» Hfiod by aUctrtc magoea.. Much
I. *%Bd la roiapBrtMio arttb tbe
aaUI lata and aa. iboroagbly
^ trum tbe bral two atap lo
-Saaat Hobm* walu.
Tbe- oai Of toara iPaala aata Ju
lUa ArcbboM mad MbMi Cora ArrH
LoM AUira, Woolpart aad Dapcaa
Ii«^iig. all of Bk RapkU; Roban F.
Lar^ke^ of TiairarM Olty. Mlaa Mary
batM. Niabola.. Mo. Ml* Bbrl
•alafi Party af Fifty Waa Atcampaa- Rbartna. Farpo. N D. MU. Myra
lap by a baaP-Uacai Party af
broltb. Jarkaoo Tba party ara. ekap^
Tbifty^f Alaa Taab tba Trip,
rroord by Maa. B H Wllroi
Ml. W F. «l0t»a.
TbaMaU la CMfob With • Ta««b mM
Ctoatia Caab aiM tba Pupil la a Oaap
Hala nilarf b/ a TroaipiFat Laaa.
Tba Mar^ af tba Maaa.
» per cent oil
About 100 short piecch Of Wash
(■oodf to close out ai very
little prices.
^ .
Store Closed all day Monday. Sept. 2.'
Brarr^ I* ktoj •» «kt
|M^aaa^wbi^aOPPUIt.aarf.c | UIMfMlb,M-. OtPaMbb |
aiw ao Ane that they do ao( admit tb*
iwd cotpiMf^ of tbc Wood-v
Tbe cyetall la .covered with a caat
knoww aa tba *Tunl<w aclcrotlra,**
O bate ocHin flw the connty of
which U ainnalngty tough and rln.lk
Crand Tmverae. At a .ewalon of aald
and coveta dm aatlra Ull with the
court, held at the probata office, la
•sewptloo of the part behind where tba
the city of Tiaveiwe City, in aald
optic narre entera and of the cortma
Tba pupU of tbe eye U a county, on the 2aih day c*f Angual.
dtfep boU filled by a tra^wparent Mas A. D. 1*07,
PrtwmL Hon. Fred R. Walker.
Md fittml with a moat esquUltB ar*
fmaptnwm of muacUa wblcb widm tt Judge of Probate in tbe mailer of
arben tba light I. dim and narrow it the’ cute of Philander P-trU.
ta a atrong gUre.
Do yon kaow that you have a -blind
apot" In aach eye? TbiK U, a amall
portion of tba retina U Mwwpabla of land her petHion praying for
rgcltlng Iba aeonatlon of vUkm wben|itm.u<e thereof and for the aMlgnIt rd^vlvea tba image of an object. meiit and dunibuiion of the r«
This blind apot oorrrajHawU with tba of aald e«tate.
artery U Ug In tbe center of the opUc
It u ordered that the Il.l day of
rul iiroxlalo
aature the Wind aiK.ts do not chbtp SejnemlH-r A l> UH»T. at un ticiwk
khen tbe eye. are* directed lo^ In the forenoon, at aald pu»bale of
ward Ibe same ohje^n. ao they cwune lice, be and la hereby ai*polnled for
ao InrooTenJeoee. and few bey uod doi- bearing aald petititm. •
tor. and optlciana are even aware of
It U furth.*r ordered that public
their exlaleoce.
llc^ iherWvf be given by imbltcallon
rrwctlcaUy ail |wraon. are right or
copy of thla order. %»r three puc
left eyed, altboagb lt.fy may not
ceaaive week, previous to said day
know it Our
I lie.ring. In the Evening Reco
llttW atrooger
ewaiuitai printed aud rliYUlalod in
•oqueatD I. uaed mu
■id count).
dlirerenc lo many
-.I'udge of Prolate
two rye. vary <|Ul!e
aufi ri« M'pt. 5 12 1*.
BUtoM MtaMgaB. ppaatj
Tomatoea, 10 conta a pound.
Sartjei com, 10r,wnd 15 cenU n dofi-
Summer aquaah. 8 centa fch.
Cabbage. 3 cenU a pwmtL ^
Radlahea. 5 emU per bunch,
e famowa atatoary group known aa
-Laotsmo** waa found In ISOO In
Chicago, Aug. 28-WhenL 8SI»c;
one of tbe batla of the l>atba <»f TttUA com. 5*5»c; oaU. WVic.
ome Tlie work wa, then placed
by IVIK- Julius II. in the VatU-an gal
Detroit. Aug. 2*~Wh«at. S red.
lery, when* It haa ainee reiuainwl. llie 9lri,kc; torn. 3 yellow. 84c; oaU,
• lai;»eoon“ ta aupiHwd to have Iks u eXwhite. 85c.
• culcd by
M-:U4.tu!w of IlhcKle*.
ThBBt BiMstlBMi BrA figfBNUF ifiK
tU tgggl iMiRil
M fitfilffiM
Tka'Amtaida fibatatiAiis by Wlf% Mil
?\»r n limited time only wc will of
•Ilpp*! fro* AthAf PBFWS «f
fer a llmlttHl amount of stock at 40
cenU per share. fliU quoiaUun aubJiK-t to withdrawal without notice.
AppllcaUona may be filed and hirther
fBAlAfi tvanr figy.
Good Chance j^Mining Stoct l»4Aaa
ara gupFlIafi
The Wrong Flat and Un
lucky Interference
BothGBWUitecdLaask Prodocers.
mulled S6ng—Spells Lazy.”
THE THEATORUM Admi..i.n sc
Informatbm furoUh»-d at the office id
the company, 129 Eiisl Ptxinl Blnnl.
Than. Smurihwidte. Pre..
Grand Trnvorae nnd Arixona Mining
Bmxi. per lb .................. .....18018
aug. M-eu
ClMrtMk 5^rtl"‘prr IM...... :
Oata. per bu ..................................*88
\ht Touch That Haala. the touch of buckleu a Arnica
Salve, n*. the happiest combluatlpn
100 Iba.................^...
of arnica flowera and healing'' balaama
romiHiupded Nc nuitter how old
the More or ulcer la. Uil. aalve will
it. Var bums, acalda. cuts.
womidH or pUeH it luia no equal. Gua^
anUH‘d by lluglM-e Dmg Cxj.. Hannah PotaloeH. per bu ...................
Drug Store, and F. H. Meads, dru
gihth. 25c.
Timothy ------ , .....................
Buying Pricaa.
Potatoes, ,H*rbu..................
SALE, CKEAP-rhllc!'.,
Diop Hide. Almost new Mra. WheaL perhu .. ..................
m E. Eighth sm-ct.
aug 2> If.
-80 ;
WANTED—Young lady id
Uiard and go to bchcsd S
can. i;i8 E .Eighth atr. » t aug. .1”.* tf
l.Kl quart route,
hor.*v«-. hleigh, and*
aug 29-Cf
WANTED—Man to weirk on fann.
Light work. gc»od pay
Call thl»
evening at 911 South rnion street
or phone CTlr. GS7.
aug 29 it
FOR RENT—Ri»-ldemN s. f.ui State
street and 2i:5 Franklin siiH-et. All
mwlern liaproveim-nts. central lora
lion. Apply 6U4 State fclrc«*l or tel
epbone No. 77h Ciu.
aug. 24^1
C-V- ......................... -^HO* -
... :.....-“•“Jt
LOST—?\ix hound. |»epiH‘r and ♦►all
ara to antar
color, J^aa collar on with tax tag
on. T. D. Morgan's nnnP* on collar. achoola for the flrrt tlma. and tl
Reward lor inloraiation. B. J. Mor- entaring tha first year high so
tha suporlr
Ban. ,
Thursday, Friday or
•ftamon at Cantral building.
LOfiT—Watch, comer Frpnl
Boardman. LMve at Blmma’ meat
market and rwV-lve reward. Name
Annie Mack In back.
aug 29-tf.'
vilifin^TreMiit ’The Girl from Montana”
by a.cartytBJBBcaBglllM.lacldlybee^ againacenred.
HalirUmprecht 5CtS. ure. g.E. Kehoe
aWtermebma. SS to U emts
8we*l applea. 15 cenU n padL
Muaknielotfa. ^ 10, U. And Sfi mta
Sweet poutoen. 8 centa or two for
Cbeafortim Jlttractiens
<XA HawBuan.OMblw
. It Jiaa »>eeu putt'd.
eooitnuo among lanmle with proud oT our earw- The buman ear i.
light cWorfd eye. than tlnaie with If^ultely Inferior to the movable, fun
dark At the same tlnfe. among gT») _,
______ ear trumpet i»o*e*»Al^by
nel .halted
eyed P?fatm. are found fbtm- w ith the" ,mi honw. by rattle or even by tbe
moat I«werful M-nae of vUion of any
| ui or hare. Both men and apea
apew have
MiBM'nlar fatigue of the eto can be
p<,^«.r of moving tbclr exter
.e..tirrd by the nmuUr of Involnn j
^ani. and there are many sound.,
tarr eyelid m^vemellll^ or l.link.. made ^ch a. tbe aqm'.k trf a bat. which are
Reed by .-.ndlellght or alwoluteiy lie.voDd tbe compaaa of the
on apparatua. Tbeiw i%
ami von ____
win find yoniwHf blinking M-ven tliui'* cue |MHnill.r point .bout llie ears. Of
a minute. , in orilln.ry g«.llght yod all our feature., they are those mc»l
Mink .bout three time. . minnte. but likely to be exactly .imllar in sla# and
If you work In wifteiMHl daylight or by
powerful yet shaded eieetric light your
vVe have already mentioned that the
eye tire. ik> .ligldl^ that* you do not
rye. of ooe ludhidual are very
blink more than om«e In thirty or thlr* ^uiom alike. The wme nlky be said
-ty five second.
of the
a. a wlnde. Only 2 |.er
The ayela.hes giva moat UM'ful aid j
of the whole human nitw are |hi.
-in shading the eyes. wThe orerag»‘ pee .
of alcolutely .) lutnetrlea! farxw.
M>n ha« b>» or l.V) halm on fbo upper
aoveniy-bmr per>..m. out of a huu
lid null »«» or loa on ihn, lower, or.
the left hUI«.j»Mhe fiu-e U larger
♦cy. 4.V* tn hmilaahea in all
{than tbe right: fn tweuty-four the
The ere:a«»»u-i. are not |h nnauent. right la the larger; In two the two .idea
They are ci.u.;ar.tlv f.-IUng out ku-J
growing again and are entlndy r<- bholograp
Dewed at hn.t three HmcH a year
pro j.thnn
oily mH retlon. Just
aufficlent to k<-cp the tear*, w Won
wash ami keep clean the eye^. from
Wlfe-Walt a moment, my dear. I
want you to mall a letter.' I'm moat
Kyebr.'wii whlfb irew thick and through.
. '•
It ta
la 1I Isent a tele
-in.liHMl it
If they an* lighter tluin the hair, tiny Irnini to KUter.Lucy this umorning, aod
Indlrjitr lark of viyil.ly.
^ow I'm writing lo the tehIfgrapU of»er
The n^ee. b-. fur n* n. iHurin « emr-s
telling him to hurry
Geoige U Fox id Jersey City. U la tbh m(«t !m:*n:ta:it fe.*!lerr of Cre and deliver It New York Weekly.
hen' vUltlng J II I’.'ilmer. 7;!l Wawh- face, and few p.-ople a e aware vf
written evamlnutiou on aatrouhow
Inglon toini-t
ic of the qiM-atlouH waa. -What
Miw. A .sieienii and drtughter. MD. on charm ter and prMftoeel.m. At teu n
when there la an ci llpae of tha
boy’a iMM.- muv Im- a —img ’ pure and
Rmh. returiie.^v,.i»terda.V from North. aliiiple, at flftiH»a l! may l«e almost
IMiit. where the) Hpent riw- Im*'I wevk fSreek. and at twenty e l! may bavi
vulting frlendu They mIm» top.-m im \- developeil a iwwerful bridge nnd liw »f gctlliig out of a ditliruUy wrote;
-A grcnl many |M-ople coim? out to
come praetlrally IlBtuan
evrral^iU) . at .Omen*.
MUa. Myitle I'ati hlti of llaitle erv gre.l'geneifl who vwr ll\.il. from look at If'-TIt nita
The r-ourt Have you * anything tn
Creek Is the gncl of Mr. and Mi>. L Alei.nder the tVeat to Wellinglou and
Ocneml Graal. had
bay U*fore 1 pronuumv iKnUiHH- ujam
I Wlrtx <»f W<*.t 'Fium Mreet.
I of auiell you’r
It Is to ‘ ^ ‘~
our appn
in thc^qoa
Ihe Prl«>ner-Yea. your honor. I'd
Inuer and
well <y<okeil dinner
ami fine like to BiMil<»giar for niy lawyer. Ue
Tlir Onaak athlete of the goldeo aga
trained OB new cUi'Cm*. driinl tlg'i. wine. The i*ilkte ha. comparatively defend.-d me na wt-y aa auf Ualy could
!!le to do wblTlt.
be exiK-t l«*d to do b.r a two dollar lee.
UiIUhI grain, inllk^ and warm waur
We have no si»edjl reawn to las I -Chhago Irlbunc.
He ate no m«at whatexMT.
'r, .
Of live flock came ta yeatarday. Tb»
U a great deal, of cooiwtllkm la tba
market which brings up tba
prfoe of all kind, of appHw. One Umd
of Duchea. was aoM yeaterday for
' rr
Id.lO per barrel and one toad tbU
tmsing forW, f
^ '
Here are a few\apecUU which yoo ,,
eaa get for your^Uble today, of jw ^
grocer or fruit maa.
Orapm. SO to Be a poaad.
• .vC :;*
Peaebrtk SO. B aad M conUlAbMl^
JokBSOB Drag Ct« I TWol o
I. B. Gilbert, Supt.
knidrid rlltogaa bolH kb a i
HoktotB Of Mum
1 Bonn Belay SSSM'&SPt^
One Hundrsd Tickots
eaahavf OMlrclMteeel
A Khonogr*ph and 0 Record*.
.IlCylfader Tatklng Machinr
« Uiic Kecafd..
A While Euffided Ur^tead.
well-supported Hed Spring.
Maneillet Bedspread,
pa'r o( nice Lace Curtsini,
White or Ulach Underskirt.
A Suit Case, jir
A 48 piece I tinner Set.
you can have choh-e of ■
A White Cfoc^t Bedspread, j
ABuh Case.
A White pr Black IVtticoat.
A pair of Lace Curtsins.
An Oil Painting.
6 Cylinder Record*, or
3 Disc Record*.
i '
For IWenty-fivc'Tlehds
you can have rhoi. e of i •
:j Cylinder Records,
I '•
I Disc Record,
Oil Paintinit.or
: ,‘
Spangled Pan
Parlies not having' enoiiyhtickets' for what they wish, can
trade out enough to make up the
difference, or they can*pay
difference in cash.
riltyll^aaMYMMa Mcn'a Salta.
- were U, wme were ir, iome were W 50,
aaliei oembereftluiDwcre tio.
W*“lK« pi“l«»ostJ'“....................
•flClHlI IHUfataO ^ Ul» ffTMt ItaiB
tW to|i aC t
Mateta far lii tli« teuwtar sf mtIB.
mv Yakota. iba MiunlriiiMt «r tlM
viU br ttald •( Itaattia
10 sift tkt atairy m4 If Um ta W
rulu to liaro fibotoa sad pIsM of It at
tU PsHIkr wnrtd'a fntf to oidor tkst
may br abla to flro am
lukML anya • •Mitto
Itaiidrot of tbo Rl. LoiUf
foot lltaltotii.
TW atocy uf tbr Brat diarorrry of
tw Bllrsad Xnab'a ark to of Itartf a
rUaalr to tka aortb. to tbr aarly 4ays
of tbr KtoMNka roak a brlUkaot rotrrto
of wrttara bflkattol to tbr now
Of tbuaa tab© bara aUaw fl»ro to tba
world tbatr Uupraoafama wnw Jtak
Iditadob. tin ilMrk. Jark (*ort«U. rxboualor Jony Lyat'b of 4'aUfomla aod
otbor* Hut lu Ibw oawa|sa|.or arorld
of liaaauti tiH U partlculari> tir1«kt-
"‘I I a
rnairtar f-aary
wrwka to
aityakirrr Tto
t»aao<*Q Wbao tolr^libU auww ara
d»au obd br Ora a a batovrr ariivaa
fn.iu ibr uaUlrW aoilil, abro Iba
tratto an* oiu*wrd up'«mi|*toirly aud
OU uar rMbrr ka^w
riiltwn tbr rlty
ooa abm tbr tnuat r*n^t nrt«a|*apar
4.f tun oufotde aoria to oouir tap or
IbreH uM.utba oM and rvrr^ uuo baa
rraiS It takr at tbal. «irttli4t 4iut a
dally utator tboar' < In uuiotamwo to BO
)oka. Hut tba luarliablo, uubltiutluM
('aory %ra« alaa^o t
luaii that bad aiu t rooUvIy bran otriw l
prsMiilirr. ahuky MuuKitkr, walking
debMpilm. wlolof brukrr. kw trii.t
sate aiMl boat buliaer snuld ala aye
•v«»lto anoufli lira a. aliribrr or oot
tbr ri al artlrtr aa« In rvldcntr
It waa ooa of ihro« tltnra. and tba
rdllur aaa trtmMrd
-raary.*' aatd
lie. “tbr |ia|iar to dfiug to tbr duf».
I‘ro|»le l.latOf ua fi»r tbr airra tiring
d..aii and
riMid- U lug 11lu|.aa%«1.lr.
id IIhr
hr riMide
arid gri an aril< L
nittkr Vm ell up. that a1ll Iw Ulkixl
of fitiin tbr aurora tNirraile oarthrru
It to afleo tnffed that elmiwruea aad
mffmtottob are tumllHuihto. but I nuUatata that tbr |wc«llar grtumaetattow of
cMtlb toMffa-tf that conatltotwa af^
gardobable fault, of
whh'h naby amlnabt arature arr t
arlvea guilty. Ig aato cathw^
mr Iqr b tobaB whltant.
Urge baUa wbarr ^ bcawatl
Tort Atoartedb.
tba art aC bb wnSl «««r t
MNabb4 1\ OktadlC^
rtob ty tobblfMl 1
Um% J9t Vgrabi, X, J.^ gbrd • bwtkiby
party to a dM yaw fftoaida at kli
uat ao tor rrachlBff to
btota-foardld auw Ihr olbar dby. Wbn
bS4lM.WIMet.MWH. I
ypoad. bo ^ Mbmaw do
wttab Cbady bad fouMt/i
totobd •# atbtom bo thu U • robb
kt altocLptod to ratotobto tkr orraatob
~ooa of tba oU kind wtti
I•. b5agtod te galg tba drrfrad effect
fba arobra lb tbr iHd TVa----------------- bf ratoing ab Angrkwn Bag to tba corny It la datrlinmtaJ to ao ooa.~
twMd nr tbt dmwtbg «C .Wb'i ark to^ erf fba thirty faot aUB ybat baa
obo bbd aU of tbr tribootoab grbbtod
witb aattafai^lon and dn tarrd tbr boat ro|io brwka. Tba goto waa lob frail to
Hwttifii lb tha fftiMp
Ob tbo bioobtalb waa Tory »brt» bk# |i«nkit of rrab tbt HffkM tod eUnhriara^l uaderafbbd that Mr. Pratb
lag «s>
nBotitor kblyard fbit»gk
tbr Hofuiw.
artey |«ld bar a Terr pretty rompH.
Hunin got aAdatlta frnto tW lb* Iba pwliay at tha tag.
Etbel-Tca. Whnt waa
»Mr wild 4iinay *U «i It for you. Mr.
dbuia, and tkr atory trarrlod all over
It? CUrav^He aato that among the >
tbr aruHd Tlir ui.bto fwd bion aiuck itobHt." M|«I kg AWa W1R. • tarigiH wmbt heawtlful young ladtoa at the |»ar
tb tbatr atory ootwtibotaodtof tbr baiet bor'a .aoo. and br a^tod off to bto ty waa Mlaa Hart fttnlth. Kibel <w|th
taibrr a Uartu irttmilBS with a UttW
JoaloWB qnaatloalbg of orwofiaiwr rlb «'ottfhi-Tea, I uotkwd you amoaff
Aod. wbitr rat rlloftog to bto abouldrr.
rato wko bad bM aiwopcd
Aba imrottad a tug baU oTtwlba, 9«t
a blto many a ill «-all Murmo'e grnlbg
tbr looto oDd In JUbtoyV iiHwth and
tbr alary likk. It te tbr aort of
Atirwctlwf Attaotiob.
that Moran alaa>* i,-an br drprndrd aaat tbr Uttto anlutol cUnblbg ug tba • -TVban ordering cbamiuigoe aotoe
UfaNi to dig up Hr orrrr walird for
fim|>le Bto lot aaUaflod wltk tba pop of
It to won# to blm. lint always a-mt to
II. and hr
tbr great rapawltloo
abkb a 111 eb^uoeirair an many iblbga tot dowb and ainB.t Ira b|ltiutra tracb
-No: they think the waiter ought to
e^miwntlog Alaska aud Yukon luny Iw Ing bin to nm bark and forth through alao Bre a pUtol.^-Waalilngton' Har*
drfirudrd u.sou to ba«r lqrra4lgatod tbr mblrlraarr with tbr Iwina lir- Ikld,
and |Hit tbr ami s.f truth or tbr luafk
Haad Lattor Oaya.
of fatally oo Uito tbr Burnt
abd tbta tluir tba
-Moat people luivtv re.1 letter dava
atory that tbr uortb tu.
baaltullon tried to grt
Ught That Aida Oaonato.
! fbWtogb fba |iuUry Thr Imlr a a« too onee In a while,- otawrv»*d the jiretty '
A nra rontrt«au.^. iikrly to br of : •nail, but Jlunny drm*<«retaly look tb# giri Bwmbeartv aa she ^piji tli.-^ pe-. ITT.at wrrviiv iu r>r Uiagmwia: Is iw. ,trlng tb *mr |»aa;. tniward it ibmugb
pirftfwl hr IW Asodinny of bsiruev inVibr amall t»|'^n‘«». «*»ngbt It with thr
»|in ittl ralilr {|mw and arramblrd to tbr ground
gram to tbr Nrn Vt.rk Timre. Hr afjtb It
rimlu has dlsrowi^Hl tbut ibo light
A ro|ir waa atroag ikbuigh the pul ‘ Tba erenta of ft»rtune are um xtsert*
U- guardad
from a uimniry 'otH.rr ininp.
l«inp. imssluii
imsslui lay wltb the mid of t^-twdbi* batranl bd aad therrfoiv^ ran
figalnat by
hUir glaaa. nuJ
rrBn'tcd Int t the e».vr by a laivr h oe. Idggoat place of
ffr^rale tbr lutrrnal .^.MidUli.u luBabrI.f
liwttrr than tlir lahlUiary white ludiL
'ffarly Baaaball T
H> ptailuu a acTE^ n with a iitub..la
rarly as
Haaeball teams existed
tiHwrm tliw Itglit ami tlio rya a luadab IMA. Init .tl*e iVmt le«goe
Bnl imagr of tbr %r«*rU at tlir back lb IKM. wbau tbe NatIunnI Assoelnlioo
AH studanta who are to anter the
-of tba tvlUia. wblrh hnvr b.ini hlllKTtii of 1Ue4dipll riay.i:- w«
ichoola for the firat time, and those
aUuost luMi^lbta. hna l*r«Mi utualui'd Thle. ae the title Implies
Tbr rapilUrs %«ns. thr dUiuirtrr of
gantifittoii of ployera- In fa«*t. of ania- entering tha Brat year high school
whirb Is Old) two tlintisaudltis of
raquasted to meet the eupermten
tew ployere. They did not remain
bllimnrlrf^. are arm to dtalrud wltb aroatabto for long, howerer. and in dent Thursday. Ff.day or Baturday
•aib iH-art Is-Iit. aud It la even poa
IhTl lMia»d»all was pbu'wl s.|Uarely 4Ui afternon at Centra) budding.
to i'onul tbr litood globutoa ^
a iirofeaslonal Isnsls. wlien thenInto exlateiiee tbe National Aasoeintlon
Thr tnoat rnrl-.u. rrs m tbr world of rrofoaebinnl itaseJmll IMayera
are Ihosr gniw Ing ou thr tlu|ies of ib« will IK) uottst that Hie players at^i
Andre inuunTalne iti koutU Anu-rlra. governed the sport, and they rontliunM
to do wo until IHTr, It xvas In tldsL
Tbry arr known as blnnkrl'*trr< s. Wfterlnd that there grew up the gn»ot
rauaa tbr Indians of IVru rut of tUa
teesl tbe rvry life of.
mift. stringy bark und w«irk It up Uaeball namely, gninbling and tbe
Into bhnkrls that rui l.ot ivrar
Kerb blaukit la intidr
pUvera w eiy' dei*oa»sl from the 1 have iooiMts tried and taosd ewe for town.
and nvr f(Hd widr aud U ae Mdt nud government of prt.fessionnl basrluill.
pllabir at If a real w.Mdm blanket and they have never sim-e eontrolltsl
the game Henry liearh Needhnm in
trunk I
Buotwaa Mnguxlne.
i. B. Gilbert, upt
The ancient ?:gypilaua used
the lnsi.,«‘ l*ark ai.ii •• r. inalus Tbe of blast furnace In ‘Aaio H. i
tough, soft Blirrs urr so Joineil tog«*th- have plclimw of these Inigwurl
fr that tbe bluuket Is warm and Mift the toiulsa at Thel^w
I bey arr d>ed by tbu inUluue in gay
5—---------------t^ilore and arr iuu« b i^rl**‘d by f<ii Tide waa an order such ae rasry eigitera. who lay big prleea for good
Laat and Found.
loVrd He gtobbrd a. pad.
Ixwt.'between k;;m p.ym.. yaster
day and noon trslay. a bilious attnrk.
ntm atory api*rarad the neat iiiomlug. • The Hlinb-w eoHslder tbrir dead at with nauaea and tick headache ThU
Tliai uigbl a tnl*r of Intrrtor Indiana' aarrv^d umljlonol nUow ibem to Im •oaa wt orcaaloneil by finding at Ihig
bad arrl%r»t In Ttaws,iii. and I’nsry bnndbMl bjTwh^'hunds. tbe ueurrst bee Dnig Co. Itaniiuh Hnig Ktnre.
raughi them w ithin an hour aftar slurb j nmle irlatlve le'm. father
broiber ^ ard'Ftank II. Mend's drug Mon^ :j
Ing on ble a**areh They told him of a j preparing the UmIv for burial, nml If bo* of,J»r King's New Life Pills
trip that winter after fo wl far Into i tlu^- la» noiir .if Ibeas. n lnthee n a..n (•UMrautt>i<d .for bUioir.ne;4s, nudaiiu
tha bran of a timulry no Indian bad I le adopted by tbe family for the yur
and Jaulidlcr. I'Ac.
IH?i4ejraled IWorr. away im^uI the 1 maw ^U*nd..,i Mall.
Dr. Shoqp’r
Rheumatic Remedy
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
- S v,. ivilehiean’s Bis store;* ;
NDur store is a public institution. You don’t^have to buy every time you come here.
You come to look, to investigate, then—if'we have the goods you want—you can buy
with perfect confidenela in both quality and price.
We Close Our Store Labor Da;y, Sept. 2
We Close our Store Friday Afternoon"
HiiM0fl'«"Sliir4e 'Knins.
The kiii<.ih.» is s Ku*r.m.«l koif.-une
tbst will liota iu nigu
The HuielMW
tie. 4fc. Mc. tta.
^ mt M*
dolhe the Boy WcU
tVu siv <^»rmK some Ui<- “bMi weitrin».'“suiU tbst you will tliu)
A siiWimIkI
suit witb two iiair* o( laiiU ((ortliuseraiilly ito w«sr ouU for
A tine dsrk check
.oil for »50a
The iiMV Woitlfti Huil tell* lor $i 50
lisve snoiber (Irsy Mixture Huit with two
iieir i>( PSI.U for Silth.
‘ Hutiu Umwn" SuiU st fi, 4150, |:i
Books that Have Created a Name
• BerUsry Hl.eep, Kohert Bicbeox,......................|1,S5
-Kxun HsuderMU," Hsllie Kruuuie Bives.. 1.25
-Tl..- Fit{htin« Chuiice,” Robert W. Chamber*.... 1.25
-The Lx.1, of tUe Dioorstion," Frei-oe. Little.... I'.OO
uui 4.160.
Yoawe UUUcs Gotae lo School
wsut to Wiisr the styluh shoe, end the
Colkwe' Out will be it, sod the |iric«).
wiubeaasajo. a«.
.-iXuford of theThreeBer*, -Virgil li; B»yl«.. 1.25
«Tl yrtToTk.*”
Sili Bu:t‘ K\m
This ii the Rhoe that you waul for your
chiUlren for achool. It is bomethiuf; that
will stand the wear that will be ^iven them
by all who ate going t^ bchool, for it will
not gtnb out like other thoot. . The BeWt’
8hoe« en- 51 75 to 12.50, acoortling to gm..
The UirU’ Hhoea aie $1 25 to $200. acoording to sisw^.
The **Yoiuk0ffter8** Shoe
Juit what you want for tbe litUo fellow
who will give it bU of good hgi^ wear. It
is a •afe.,«nre shoe, and it telU for
School Begins Tuesday, Sept. 3rd
Majestic Ran?c Exhibit
Prof. Maxaon, one of tha bast chafa In tha country, will be here
' tor the balance of the week. He will give free leeaona every after
noon. and tell you how to bake 83 different kinds of pastry. Hia
dalicioua Biscuits and Cookies are made and served free while you
wait. Come In the Rest Room and see the wonderful working of this
beat of all Ranges.
*^Speetal Service** Sebool Shoe
. .
. and you will want to have all your books ready for the first day.
We have everything that you will need and they are all sorted out
for you. You come Friday or Saturday, for we will be closed all day
Monday, and see what your new books will be. We supply your
every need. Tablets. Pencils. Pens. Erasers. Composition Books.
Rulers, Etc., Etc.
vrMkkM ktatm.».l HmtkMauAlHt
BM> to
Ok* ako VMM ^ «•*
iwWklir «•
CWk - «mM anti*.
«fMi^|0-.T«<> «i>r im M octantk
lir koTM ka4 tMtr. UfteMB
u« »kU
-r-1— »M ■ tN>tatw ft.
auk IMt
ACM AALC-Honik aad raMxr UrM
mmj toAulra OM*fk ft B>awr.
TM t'ktuik.
a«« IMt
fkwK «
ItfMkto •^^Tho kwl.'kkd au to
«cka4 CM. akM* m.
ku« *»u
.WANTM«fl»rt .tar
fkuM «K
b b aHMM maim.
aaiwr. CM. Mum IM.
In A Aaw. am.
Uooee aa kO,
Begd aveoiM.
%1ck hlech. wed Pitmi dim
aide wtth faturee. Urlim hm
pfiidtelly Odf.
ftttydod tat, odtheee
•mweod ovewee ood
K. a T. M. M^ Ho. STL moMa over?
Thureday night H Un Odd
tad tank eod eUta
Two lafty>four foot loU, wed dde
^taruce dreet. hdwern Wayne
aod Bay eueena
aeveoty tad tai eoU dde of Bay
Hgof N
equity to
IMMi Wode
«< eoe .Uoonod
poymeot: pvtap
Bree., tlT BeeU
Votao at. ett phooe IHi.
eer BUtemiU aod Beoota etreelo.
lot, podheed eoroei
taHk. iwi Oita*. Ot.
M,. W.U,
Rapids Bsterdar to vtoM her brother
Mm B J BrocBee
her sister and ntoae fitai T>M«l O.
w Q. L. Aitaon and anne return
ed hame Mendki frofk ThotatamVuie.
The Unnere are hasy drowing their
pplee here- There are Uree huywrd
good water, level and aU coder eob
to Grawa for the mat vreeh. ,
UvaUon. and otao lenort ood ether
MIsa Rena BIsard went to Monroe'
pmpofvy loemie M Weehloglmi
Oen^ Turoday to visit Mm William
etieet. Phome Hi.
oim. IT'tt. TNAV.M. ftTY^^ oa •«.
NAM. aWkaMaawctalM Hkb
Mr. A»b ft tar tba Niat: «■ Saab
t. lor «ka aaaM4 aa4 m Naft. ft <M
tha ftM; Mxt iM>tar Haft ft C.
C Uaatar. W. M. B. ft WhSa.
WANtliMiitiaiC i«Mi vM M Ibk
(tat Mwvotta
, m* ItM
WANT«»-T«o «ikik( nmi tailk at
Mk« Vtaa Haw* m Wuta
W«(w It k wmk.
WAMTfO-Obi or oMtaMfM laAjr
Ipt'pwml A aamrA; fuo4 I
. AM cuar ataftarMM lorUk ricki
i>taMA. 0*|H •» Pto* «r flwM Ciu.
ItA HfTk nwk Ibtakf. a«a
•ON AAlS-lHt-Laraa Mb non
hMb tarok loL ka^M »«•»
•M Tnth •MwM M
•t taMi «w Ihnuaart «ol
H«m* mmM m* W kuUt In Aftan
taMiki taiian. Otan u. Wuf
IwkM. Mm IITMi Vkta Aim.,
•IT Mh ItataB Mmi dtp
Mar Ml
WANT«0-1|m gr Mv «Uh ko(M to PON kALI-tUA-nn aak «Bbhall
haul Milk fnuB MUtlry. Quvko kcra. forukr <4 Wayuk aad Madbua
•IMM. bUl plal lalo M Wa worth
vu, taUrv kMo* «t
at W OM kuadnd aad (tty AA
WAMThO-<llrl» kf tbk <»>«} Uo
tan PM tat. Priok. ISAOO. Wadi
UHf. flimvli bruft 4 AwtiiiUt. ,
Broa. in ftwtb UktaB klrkrt. Oita.
auc IMf.
DkoM Ulb
Julr * tt
PON »AL»-Hi»-«l»tyali
. Buta atroati latfa tram* houaa aad
food Unii thla propkKy 4a lo tha
aaatkr ol tha Lnt Mock lo Trattaaa
OtirrbMWMW ttakk aad Park atraa*
WANTW-Ppf wm-ttw^ AOtM
and tha «oaau>a hualakti ktock m
QMMMmlA 4.1N>MiVIUii
Korthan Mtahlaap: proforty to thU
block haa toctaaaad > valua mu
tout buodyud pat oaot U awrao
WANTAC^irU; Alntns room, kltck
yatra K wtl! do Ikttkr thaa that la
•m UttoAor. di»hw$»Mn. tic
thy Bwt aarea yaan Kaap yooraua
awaayoato(thafakaOa.<kM. Oop
taAk9Ai«AI oftaw. dUMBk kboM PM aad othar aliaUar prap«
U*. m ■aal rroa|.
July |^a
<»tf. AHmU miMt nirmUmm Co.
fiMM M4
J«M n It
WANTtO—Up thtaa adutU. tuiuUk
0d A|mrtJii«tim or buafto; inuaerc
caoTouHructa o&d AralxTlaM Dt-Uh
UarlK««l r«*ulrrd. Aadrv*«. u^Mtkg
full laformAltoa. U. ^4n* MooonL
»uf. Utt
oett«a \mlk« ill)
lluiufa7ft fruH irtMsa lo
j'sS. C«u W W. iU ooff U iV
IK^JI tAti^UmMHrtloM
tli Wool msAlk oUdol
r04 4Att-WortO, oow. 4Qts| 0041
Inquire ql ItU iUo<!al|di
tOp iPod kom. Oad otUof
temM H iMTolUa WUl loAo OB
rod 4At»-T»
k Ir- iTroroioo
Hiy U-ti
rM dALl^lUoldOOOOa
rod orrito for toi
iMdOloUooil m
lid ocree Umber land. Beosta <
\f, IVt mites from Cedar Bun.
weet. TImUr U muslly ha^woo
- aomo
hemkich and ce<H MONKY TO LOAN—Beoi eetntn for
V Uuod Had fur farm.
nale. Uoueee to reoL Dr. W. B
Moon. City Opera Uouae blooh.
Aug MU.
Fa Fa LAWTON. M. 0.-Ofiee WUhdm
FOa 44hl-lM4-Pom. eighly ivn
hlooh. BoU phooeia
ppr i-U
oeieob coe ood ^ half mltae oorth
of Aoam oo mala rood Seveoty- OIL M. 1, OflEOORY-m CsukS street
fve ocree uodnr culUvolloo: oM toof the IC)e and Nvr>uus System.
lo ciopo. wheal, eoro. ooto. hoy
r>kisses fluid.
large modem houae. fumaoe, halt
hot and odd water all Urougl
houta. Wind mUl and Unh. Qooi
m UU4
ham. granary and all neoe^
out httlKllnga: good young orchard,
A. A IdcPHAIL-IHoUnL Over Johw
font hearing; about all level
non drug etorw Bell phone
on nnnrly pnrfect ni n farm could
rmge: CIU. MI-1 rtngn.
hn. Ownnr wlohnn to go tooth, hnuoe
olere nt low fgure for cnah. Price .hiTCB a WtLOH—AUoreey nl
HldOi Wade Bran. 117 nonU Cn*
law. CoUectlon work a npecHUy
non atrent. Cli. phone Itlf.
Hoe IMt
trade for driving
YeUingion. nug. t-U
«t in Dnkm upon oU alnlre In Uta
*ir IMI
OR. F. da MAG NETT—PracUce limit
VOJ WUhelm hloch.^ CUisenn pboni
Proot and Onnn
A la MARTIN-Phjralclao aod Bur
geon. OBlob Mi Bast Ptout jt^eet
SfUL B. L. BONNBIPB hair dro
K^kkri^ over Cky Book Btore. Room
Tmverse Land aad Loan Oo.. P.
- urtell. Maaanr . Oflica. room S
ttltum 4 l^eo hlocta
Dr. O. B Cbane. SUU Bank hlhch.
ooao and Uront OHanea itted
Over iohnaon drug etom BoU
can Drug Btorev BpocHl
FOR RENT-Besldencea. «04 Bute
atrrot and m PraohUn iireeU All
modem tmprovemeau. central loca
BUU atroeh
iioiL Apply O F. Carver 4 Bros
aug. a«t.
DB. W. Ba MOON—apooHMob-OL_
urtoary. akin aad blood dlnaaaee;
yean oxperlenon City opart 1
FOR MNT-Offcea lo Ua Wilhelm
hloeh. BdU phooaa.
htaok. Bee B Bllhelm.
nag. iMt
FOR RENT->Houae. D eaiiable loca
tlom Bight pHoe for tight people,
J. W. power. iOf futo Bank or 3U
Weldagtoo sireeL " nug. fill.
Over BarHwelry atom BoU
^ dteo tevo; 4 Na 1 Fiti
pHo IMI4 Wodo Bros.. Uf
d Bohm at Olt pImim mi
r hotwooo KalluyU
aif. Bowoid If ro
toMiBUtobMm AL B.
FOUNB-dduRea'coaL Owner enn ro^
cover hy enlUng on Oeorge Oanu.
BoleaBh BdphHmttih
M Ihtt Ml taai IVont nireeL. aug. IBlf
proo Haiffr IHM BMfw tlT I
Notice to Texi^iim
Tbo tax rolls for he coliocUim of
achook audacity Uxea andspixdal aaU for Uo Eve wards of Ue
city of Traverse Oty. Mich., have been
ed in my hands for oollecUon.
will U? in my office for Ue put*
I of coUecUng anld taxes every
k day from now unUI Nov. 1.1»07.
from 8 o clock nntil 11:34 o’clock in
Ue forenoon and from 1 o’clock unUl
4 o’clock in tha aftoroonof each day.
pmd haforo Ba»t Ul wUI
wUhdttt ooUaothm f«M
and on all taxea romalnlng uapaM <*
Sept. 1st and nnUl OCL itt, a penalty
If one Vroent for coUecUon wlU he
barged.' On all taxes romalnlng un
paid oo Oct. 1st and unUl Nov. 1st. a
ptnalty ol two per coni for coilecUon
wiU be charged.
Oflica. room 101. State Bank hidg.
K. 8. Hasting* City Troaauror.
Datod July 21. 1107.
nadir yoar obtartB
looC IMI Bip ioMhif: done H
dohooloodeheieh: waimboo
herauM owoor to ttfm heal
AMIL F. NSRLINQERa LAWYERMoney to loan. 211 Bute Bank
tiding, atlaeoa phooe iN.
FBR NBNTBeen la Mnnaoo hloek over Bnronm
phooa 1142. Oas nod haU.
4 Barm Utlaena phone SIS.
only leoMo It H for aoH H c
aug. 14. If.
H well okmg U yeoroaOndlHdiM to
reilfe heoee ole» it ol ohod ooe^ FOB BBNT-.Plve rooma (or Ught
Inner and action regulator. B
holf lie octuol valiU. Price Hiii.
hoiumkoegilog on Vnloa alrom. InWode Broe. IIT aouU Bnioo St,
qulro of John Fuiuch. 4M Union
OHIeeoo phooi, Ulh
Juoe U If
etiwK. upeuifa.
nug. 27-5t
POE EMpf-lfU-Ooe huidfd
IhhtHHe ide tone, eighly oorei
Imprevedb Higo hofo oo4 good
ho«i% gfehoid. Hue omoool el
dlrodl. EoV
good wood, ttmher. Hrm oK I
iobr loa godoohdjyr ^ %o ho iMod; #i
ocreo lloUer eatlauUA lo col at
looal Ureo hundred Uemeood ted
et moichooubio logi; ohooL two
Uooeiod oorda olovo wood:
proved food. moeUj level; ohoel
ooe holt ew he Udfoted from Bm
cieek Uol reoo ocroee Hrm:
tromo horo, otooe hoMseot
lor any hood ot atoch; good ilioe
louodaUon; pachlug houaelOrl
lorfo orchard, dlffvrent varleUet of
peaohea. pea re. pluau. opr
chorrlee ond opploe. oU eholeo
TorHUei:.oloo torpe vloyard: i
Wd gropei. Thit form by ell
Ue Umhercoohemade to w ool
thla yeor Hcledlng comiog wloUr.
ood whoo poHiorUadeody eoereo
of. M 4 N B trach. Umwood
townWip: Icee than
mile 1 m t r ». I m t Trumpi. Piniiiwni
Wfskftsn iss UUB«B eases w.
fixim di) llmiU Thl. proprity
will make a good market garden.
a« It ta muaUy muck ground, and lAIIPfT
ompeny lo tbe iMt cUy lo Ue eUU
Reeort property
-mhw oil clMMiq of reol ooUUore
one mile eltj UmlU; four aoree;
odvftorlnf lo price, obore fact
iwo hunurnd feet ahoiw front; large
bare tocroaao44p»lr capacity lo Ibe
hotel oompletely turolahed fret
oaleoi tbal Uey bare out atrlpped
cHaa; hot aad cold water 4n aU
tde popuUUoo. where there U two
rooma. gna light, turuaoe heat, aleo
Hba for every mao. womao oud
one cottage, two large harua. trout
Child o here Ue local oolumoa of Ue
local papcra. ore filed wKb wool
ond foe grove along hay ihore. ThU
. Odo for moo, women, boye ood flrU.
property la In irat olnaa coodItloB
whote fhrmm come for mliee to
oo main rood to city, plhed aU Un
dlopoeo ot Uelr pioducU ood por^
way to. city ; would coat to put in
choae Uolr oup^lHo. where oU
eoodiUoo Oi II ta nt preneat at laaat
cloMi ol fruit, ffolo ood veaoUbHo
iwaety Uouaand doUara; Hdy own
log U HvoUR hnohe aoerlfoe U
nature baa obuodaoUy. yea Hvlahly
eidar to dtagtme ol it; wtu oooahtar
eupphed Ue tporumao, Uo eeholgood dty property In part payment;
are. Ue ortlat and Ue Invalid wlU
prtae Ili.iMi Wade Bran. tl7
every Ulng Uey could deelre^ hoy.
BouU Union 8L CtL phone
Inland lakoa. rlvere, and cree|a.
r ti ll
clear, pure freeh water, good door
hMlUy air. fah. fruit, and vi
hleo What more could he dMlred.
ThMO are fecU wo oro oUUoc ood
coo he verlfed. Agolo we toy ptaeo OTT i HAHNEI^~ Dry Ctaauore and
I^ers., Have not sold out but are
rmi OMmey lo Tioverao OUjr or IM
doing bualnufts at m i'naa slroeL
Ho I4U
If. comor «f aulk ood Vokm tlreoi.
lArpe ImildiBI, two oloriMa iUod
•or iUdo bolov ood opoitmoou ooc
ood ouirr; tmu tor tKy doUon
w mocxh^^vtUM.
wo^to rcMi iAta-u
fve acre laixa; fonr mllea (roa
BwOn «n HwUi Uokm oU^
outy ocjoo under eolUvatkm; forty
Jljr m
bulH aad otady orrooged.
Two tana, about faurtiwn iu:«w.
To B’Ullnm Hopklni. Chnrtra VnO'
derUp. May KMdmhome. Odie Mo
Qnrry. Oea BoneL J. B. AmohL H.
B'huiag. Hmrr Bliuhm. A. O. Pairtonba Rom Wilhelm. J. W. MBUhen.
IVUw Wursbutg. Antuoe iVteroon.
Oval Wood Dish Ca. Mdwnid Hack.
Eda J.McimnaM, Prank Bbumsky, Mra
Pvler Bemanan. tBrts Bchhardi.
Chas. Krcme. Peter OKwun. John Yen
Uh, Oxk‘1 Nurdtairum, Barnost Day.
R. Bchumbergv'r. John lUudklus. Chta
W. U dUgor. Wm. Uep^
kins. .A. Nvtama Max CkmUa. Mrs .U
MoCVy. ItauT Bueky. H|ram Ruehy.
rank tlhumrty. Mm
OrwTueooa. James C. Hopkins. Throne
P. t\»yne, Medad Vinton.
Mluule Pkkiai, W. li. Earle. W. H.
land, U Belle). Mis. V M. WpeU
P. HueJlvusntel. J« Bhalllo.
44 nrlau. rh». Ilalhorg. BenJ. Hal
taUud. A. V lYlediioh. F. H. Erwin.
Mux IMiRvl. P»‘Ur UnquUt, Board of
EJutTuUcui, H. A Brown. KlU) Pelrof
ks. Mrs P. .1. Pish. U Wbllkui^ Uuils
Clement, Mis M. PtokeB. A* Cndd
tuib, lYsuk Fuuuaii. Hall Pisrk. Jet
nv Jachsou. Grand Baplda 4 ladlana
Railroad CXx. and aU oUer perroni
__ _____
You are hereby nolifled that the roll
ef siMwisi asseataiuent ben-loXure made
b\ the board of special asst^aaoie fur
Ibe purpose of defra>lug the coat of
dmsinirlkm of a lateral sewer, which
lateral Sk-wer Is located and dea
lauaud as folios s
Bk-Kiunlug at the
lUerwetUoii of Froal hIu^ and HaU
road avenue and running Uu*uce east
on l>Yonl street to Barlow street.
Ibi-iKC south lui Harlow slroet U
betwi'^u lYonl slrwi and SUto
ibeucc east on said aUey * U
sirv^i. in Traveiwe City, hflch
Upiu U now on ita in luy offloe foi
publk' Inrpecliou. '
Notice Is hereby given that
.uiuU and bourd of assesMirs of Ue
ai) of Traverse City will tXK'et at Ue
council rooms la said city on Ue Lth
day of Sepu-mbor. IPOT. at S o’clock
p, m . to review said assessjuenl,
abkb time and pbun op)>urtoicdty wlU
bi» given to all peivona iutljtssted.lb
^ beard.
T. H. OlUulB. city Clerk,
llaled, Aug. 20. 15K)7.
aur 21. M. M. 14. 24. 27. 24 M. 30.
31. sept 2. 3. 4.
Mrs. Flunk BrlKhi and son of Beuti n HsiIk.j .tie. vUltlug Mau.ipci C
T. Heuueli suU wllv of Ihi Gulnd op
era house.
Miss l.aura Chase has jvHuruLsl Co
her home in Beavet lsl;md alter a
tuo weeks’ visit In this city
W. J. Chase, who has charge of the
new shingle luUl at Buckley, ts In the
city fur a few days’ visit.
M ». A F. Stiaub and fhlldrm re
lumed home l.*M nlKht from
Wayutv lod.^whciv they h;»ve bki»n
spending a mouth wUh M«> Slraub's
C. V. Slater^went to Elk Rapids
UU inoiniuR on business coumwU^
with .U W.BiaWr’s biaucb bouM- lur
i Ishing slOK- at that place
HaaHh in th; Canal XniM.
The high wagaa paid make R a
mighty temptanon to our young artlaaas,u Join the-force of ahlllad work
man neaded to oonatroct tha Phnasu
canal. Many are roatralnad however
by tha fear of tevan anil maHria. It
la the kaomlag onaa thnaa who have
used Blectrle BfUera-who M> (Bare
wRhont thla fear. waB knowtag they
and repaired. 410 B Union BfreeL],
R Pinch, proprietor.
jnly 2Mm.Jf
Only Me eUdl
We ■ 41.0 have finer
one. ia imUatlon. SUk.
■aade ol Heatherbloom
and Dafiodtil goods.
On all these we give a
PERCEhT for next ten
At usual, fir*r'buy«»'
have first choice.
Cook vimh
lUa cliiNiper, okuner autl
Ctailpr tlmu wockl . It ooala
you wry little to uao iV All
you have to |my for ta the
atovo, on oaay i>a y lu o u
PgicoallOOOyp. Hot Pli
$12>to $10Q. 1K> it uows i
Traverse Cliy
Gas Co.
: V
Petoskey «mi
Harbor Springs '
schools for U.S first time, wnd those
entering the flret year high tfhool
are requested to meet the wuparinUndent Thursday. Friday or gaturdsy
atternon at Central budding.
I. B. Gilbert, Supt.
My residence at 41S Fifth street.
House 2Sx46. bu.lt by dsy tabo^.
All outside walls double sheath
ed. Vestibule and hall, parlgr,
library, ^nlng room, k.tohen,
bedroom and bathroom
Four largo badromt
$1.00 Round Trip
Lifeave Traverse City at 8 a
Returniog, arrive ai
Traverse City at 10 p. m.
C. A. WESTON. A||«Bt
Farins_for Sala
1 have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, 1 will
Ukc it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can aell you
a good farm for less money
than you can’ buy it of any
body else. I have farms
which are located from four
to 80 miles from Traverse
Uroe rooting regularly for Itg
por month. Oak finish Uroughout: manui and grata in parlor; built in book* case in libra
ry. LIghtod by gas and electric
tty. Completa nickel plumbing,
water conhoettd with range and
furnace. Full cement baaoroon
good coal . or wood furoaca.
wood alavaior. etc. Back po^c^
lOalS. Back yard fancad, con-
OlK.»7Sl.l.Suk ftuUii.
Third Floor
or anlmata oobm
turn call aty hook ataw boU phoMfl
Na 42.
Bamano Boctaif.
«M ftata Nank hUs. Baft abMM
A. .
MraXPrank Oanneet reUroed to her
home at CHdHHe. after ipendlni
Ume at Duck take vtoltlng he^^pi
Mrs. Milton Harr wea calkd to Trev
ecee City today on acc4»uai of
uUer's lanron
P. L. Blfd has retaroed home from
Saolt Sle. Marta.
Mrs. G. E Aldilrh entertained Mrs.
McIntosh and dAughUTiw MkuKU Kens
Bisard and Mary McKelUr and Miv
P. Campbell at dinner Thursday.
rs Ormsby of Travena* Oity vis
lied her chlldrpu here.last wmdi
Mm WUUam Krum U ent *rtaintng
r mother. Mrs Gurnsey. of Wexfbnl
FWiy of the lb*ck Inke rroorters
lurm-d to ihilr.houu.i’lu <toU» Mim
Ml. t\Mts of Travels«» CUy i* ht*ro
lUMM-itug and painting U A. Camp^
bell s hou.**. .
b'liend Van Horn U rushing Ue new
school room itgbi along t^d wUl soon
have It duUhed
/ '
Mr*. Anna Yoaker of TiavrnM* tTty
hi vulllus fticnds heie this wwk.
ptayuB Doticf^ otu
our eiit window a
Price $4,000;
$2,150 cash.
Ihaec at f per el.
Accoanl O. A. lTNaU^‘
mam m Bnrotogn Bpriqga. New'VoiH
tickata will be «oM at low rotoa lor
the round trip. TIchato good vMiig on
ember 6. 7. and 8, wi^5>attiro Um*
R Octobei^ «. lMi7. A«k aganU for datalto of poUta which may ba covered
oo thill trip and coat of tichata.
a P. Moallar. C, P. A
au|. 24-21-30.
:; : y.
i: I l«IGjlTIOII.
Mm H AIMti Bptli thi b%V%
r I MitlnWM’tWMfarc
«f WMtera Arid
OMrt AaMHur* to ttock fUtein#
«l»v of tlM OTtomtli natkuul
Irrigation coogrc^i to bn bnkl \n Mncra-
In n ton year, to bn ^
In fact thrift oonna narl/ to a w
tona amid nocb nnmwadlnfa, for
ooontrr la no rich la lla pdnaibllittoa an dtofaitHl to tW »t Looto Bnpuhlto.
a rnrtoUiiod anctkm of urn dnanrt Tbn | To abov bin mnooroafula^^ and bin
railroad bnalnnaa donn In ow of tbnan, gmat <toalm to join tbn rmaka of Vncin
w«ua wbnm
WMV wTiaauoo
umm wm
trrlgaUon baa
callnd tbn i aojua
8nm‘n nsDung
flgbUag mna Rlcbto rtoltod a
had tattoond <^nr tbn
dnooWntn gown 4>f eaWho baa not madn bli|iae)f familiar; o^ltn
qotoltn apiiearai
vltb aiicb tMmaa.
It la vnU Ulna
With tbn tody tbna rlotbnd. BIrhIn
tratnd In tbn tovua of tbn Arbaaaaa
tbn meruit
ralk..v from IMnblu nnatnraid. Into Kau
aaa Them to lltllH If any land In that
vboln mckw arblcb. baring a good ara
Th. L*m«M Army Bctd*..
tor right, can bn bought for lean than
Uajor Tboznaa fl Hnra, corpa o
|2w> an I
Mucb of U to held at^gtoonra. commandiiia tbn tbirtl
over. Tbn toama of JBui*h3 Ullon at Furt Lnavnuaortb, Kan, baa
Ford. La Jtuito Lm Anlmaa,
mar. arrived at Fort illHy for tbn pnrpoan
Granada. Holland (laMnn Cliy
'ity am' of making an cxamluation of the atcnl
all tbrtolng cnntnm of tHdn. moat of j brtdgn .which tbn Third batLaliou Inft
thnia having largn fartorina for thn Mflntobnd when It a aa aoddeuly or-
ES.^rK.air.'C™ ffixr.
tomto, VI, on M‘l 2 T. InoluiUv#-. Ut
tog article
• qunaUoii of limn when the
irtlcln to of limnly
liuioly totomat:
pbaan of thn dcvnloj»innnl to tbn ( dUkma muat pfnrall In Urn
Irrlgaltou. baa bnnn but
Atot. un^lrrlgaltoto
wfnr to tbn tt%alg marbnt whkb ibn
nnv 'dommiinlUn^ inakn for all north
9t nnitom prodocto. Thn omening of
lOikOUM hctan of tond to anttlemcut
nndar Irrigattoa to an oeut worthyiof
Mbtmthm bjr nattoual reloktog. bnoatoto U opnnn an oppt;riuttiiy f.*r thounaadn of gaopln. yonng. middle agiHl
And old. to make a ntw ntart In lifn.
Tbn oMtortUblttoa fur tuaklug money
to motoantito Itona am ancund only to
tbona In agrtculium and bortkuUum,
Thnm to wuib fur man to all tbn build
tog tradnn that ordinarily find vnipK» •
innnl In new towna. Many new towua
nprlng up, and tbn pfonperlty eitrnda
to all tbn lobatauuu. Tbnn. by a
wldnr application of ibn ruin, tl*« |»r.Mp
pMUjr of Ibn went bnlpn mniertolly to
nnatato tbn pru^perUj uf the eaat
Tbn bnnt obM’i M«n tbit I -an
wiggtnt for any on# who douhta that,
tbn nnat to bemUtlug extnualudy by
tbn bnttding up ot wmum imgatisi
toacm to to vUU Un rnllr»»ad freight
bonnna at autlona on or mwr atk b
tonda Tbnm bn will mw largr cuoaiga
tonnta of farm aMubloery and impln
togAto. baga of nwd grain, furntturv to
ginai quantity, bardawm of every de
nettodlon. pUnon In g.«dly numl-er.
balldlag matnrUto by thn carload,
barbnd wlm. wown feaUng aim netting, dmcnrtoa and iiruitoiona. eauued
gopdA tonrotntito atmka and every
thing tbnt to nnndnd to aupply hmuan
wanto. both Un ngc^ftra and luau
toga am bought om by
MHnato alota. but
/ t^Mtolly Uay htocai
It to not an uaec
> ttoaU dnalar In a
PTnr.Ua nqulvatoot of hU entire auak
•»nry toaty daya. Where buainena to no
AcUfU Un proitn am good and Ue
-datoi am tor caabKvnr>budy baa
toUAny to a htwly Irrlgaled region
Tbn antttore unuaHy bring enough with
laada and Ue water righu. the irrlgaltag nenapany apnada large auma for
tottoi. labor and auppllea. and good
wigaa are Un ruto. Kmidoymmit la aliraya at band for Uone who come
qrlUout noony. and nil caah to k«H>t in
the uaual
S'! ■
furatture. hardware, druga and gro
cortoa Un new communltien noun uto
ntnare laundry or tnxK livery
batbnr abopa, lumhnr yardA banka.
rborebna. a tolnpkonn • eicbange, real
aaUtoNind toauranm uA<aNt, law of•ena. nnwapapnr aqd printing oAcea
mad air atoa that gona to make vtMu
ptola tavia. Brtrkyarda often ntart In
•Ad dp a prpdUbto buatonaa Yarda
for Un BMUiofacture of cement build
tag blockn are aew and profluWe en
tocprtoaa When barveat Uu»e comen
Un bayare aad ablppere of grain and
i:. Diarrhoea
a gannral atom in
place a fnw mile
AorU of I*mivnr and mil liuo rtMivni
Keen to very^ajuioua that tbn Tbltd
biituUun flntob the bridge, whk U will
bn the longmt «itr^l atnictnm ever pat
up by the VtiUeU Stnina army and
which when lonudetcvl will be NUO feel
long. Imluding the two ajvpeoacbm.
whkb are 00 by V> feet
|;:t.nOU would barn covered the value
of hit notlrv atoek. A uumlmr uf cua
Ltvn In TnnU to Guard Anrrina.
tomnra wem making purrbaaea, and
BecDOte of thn rauU uu hU bnoklefarm waguna wefn hltcbet^at poata berrlnm wbUh arc ncarvv thin rjuiuinr
nkiog Ibn highway.
The itomkmiKr and luring a higher price than in many
•admWfod that he waa doing not lean .veora. /. T. Main of < olehr-v>k River
than AVI a day at a profit of 20 to 2T. ba* mov,Hl hla tainlly to hla large l>erpnr mt
Yet about blm waa only a ry flehl at Tollaml. Maa*.. aa.va a. Win
partially Irrigated country, and them Bted (<\>nn.) afiecinl to the New York
wem ncarcfly a doann hoiiaen In tbn World. The.y will remain there.untU
Iln waa anrrounded by the ckinc of the licriy aeaaoo, occupy
larger plate*. Tbn more t^teniitTe Irri ing Unia ovenilght
gation whli h In the next Two yearn to
to mclalm all thn laud aurnoundlng
Btraiimd Un
A Uttlo old woman with h nbarp none
aad ahar|*er tongue wu* In Ibe country
, After an inapectlua of n new ly m- gTvKwry ntorc buying KupplUw. Among
rtolmed n^oii* one cannot doubt tbn Other Ulnga vhc hrv»ught to from her
nubetautlal booeflt whlth ihowAt must
IwUle ai-arre.1 Jug. which
derlvn from nnrb newborn centnr aC ' ^An ordemd 1
bo fllUsl with triwcle.
trade and culture.
laat. when her
moat of the largo trrttatlag completed, nhe U'gan looking over the
ay*louu and then rvx'dven tribute gen- account. Item by Item, twfore paying.
nrouab lu two wara fli»t by the m•What § UtoV* the exclaimed. -You
lum of the principal and lutritwt. tbna have charged me*for two galloui aad
by the profiu on millioua of doltom’
a half of treacle.**
worU of mrrchandlae aokl to the giow-Yea. ma am.-Bul that Jug hokln only two gal
••You meat be mtoiaken. 1 nwaaured
tbn treacle carefully, and it U»ok two
them for the mauufaciured products <
the eastern iwntera.
Suix-enKful agri
-Well.** aald the .old woman with n
culture makta a pixwperoua nattoa. aad algh.
»o much mind having to
Ul. progrere here uoted In rertolmtog pay for the treacle, but I do object to
the dennrt laud* la of vlul Importaacn having tbn old Jug atmlned by your
to tbn w hole peofile.
One other ixiint 1 wUh to make tbn
ImiKirumwof dreert qgrk'ulture to the
nt.Kk ratolng lutcnai*.
The ntmk
grxtwer baa had lu give up iKtrtiona of
All plalD aalllog.
Tbla term ta no
the public range to tht‘ irrigati»r. Imt npeUed even to nautical work* of some
bn recrUen a auhatantlal return On# age. but plane aalllog la the correct
of the muat luouiatde of eaaMy grimn form.
Before Mercator Invented the
cixqm under In Igatum la alfalfa, which ana chart which goes by hi* name all
make* an c\i ixnlingly nuirliW»ua for ebaru ware cin a plane proJet'Uoo. In
age for lattk nnd *hco,, To have the
wc.Htcm market* vcM *ui>ptlfHl with ed as an atofle and the dlala
the MvHk grower fm^ ference of latitude and deparfu”*
uncutly to
k uv,-r
of *iaht the aldcn of a right aoglcd triangle.
fH.*,! or of
DU*u:it *«‘vcnfy \vHln»i‘.t There were very large errom to plane
It h.t* h;tpi>eutfd lu tile
that chart*, yet all the work! waa charted
thou*:.ud* of catth. kive dh^l ..u the on them and all the great voyages of
raunc% dtirlits pM*tonf«l •tofiJia. either
before Mecrator a pro
froui cxi*i*um or want of fixx! <ir from jection came Into uoe.
exj»u.mv hre-anae Gory were |*x»rlj (od waa the nlmplMt of aJl
abd lu a wcjIku.hI .vudltlom A nuic thna camn the preoeat me
ply of ilfalfA available in caaea of
iwjixwalty^wlll to the fuiom greatly
rixlure the wtoier loaaea among range
herds both of nhnep and cwttle. A* the -hurch would do well
no-al auiH'ly of thn east c-ome* Ut^ly Uat diaatonaa and heart lalplution
fn.in three wretnra reugv *. br;r again will quickly abate U they wUI bend
the welfare of Ibe coat to affected by well forward, letting the anna bang
down. The upper part of Ibe body to
thU devehipmeut In the dreert.
Itomuliig the •uhyrx't' further, tbn
mining totereau to wltoh udUtou* of
nnalem capital are luveetcd are directim]>re\cd agrk-ulmtotug autc* haa
tatoed lU own nuiqdkw. and tbn high
wages which prevail to uitolag campa
are latgviy doe to the exemaive coal
af Laid. Thn dlveralded agriculture
of Ue Irrigaind regk»na to the moantain valkya of iXdoradu and an Un
wontem alope. producing an atomdaipw of grdJax, mgeublnn and fraito.
will ^p to reduce tbn high cont of
mining and thereby i«im1 to toernaa#
the pmflia frem mining torentmenta
to Ibto highly minemltoed state, as It
wUl to other suina of Uo
moonuto regkm
The r^to&alve derelopmenl under Irrigatioo tun gutted wUh IHtir trum-
Ibn woridT grentam Uda^ aad Btm
^itog Of A(4nn of aar wurtr •«! thn
fbraatoby Manoa DmgCpb
Hear.** tie.
aiater* bad Kmg
In every atatb*n .mi' may and tbona
lived togettu-r-one gcutu- ai;d au«vL
whu (kt not take train* or meet them,
Un other a.-rld Ip tom|a-r and
ding to apiN-arance. Tt»e foruMT wwa nor attond tboee w bu do. dome comn
to the waiuug room only to wait re
taken anddeuly ill, and ihe othi^r
aticxiablr dcrelku still b6|ilug that
ion* to know
thought her atoier would ^e as
uomMbtog wUI turn up. and wrecks
mtncvl‘ who have given up hu|ie.
U to a
dealroua of acquiring ‘the mmt
place to winter, the aewts are
ahn knew h. r gt-nt!e .toicr had wllU-d
»ra- comfortable, and UougbOewa i«sacaber-bkl U-hlud a ai tveu to the. m »ra-;
tog room, w to-re Ue doctore soon arier gera oficn oWlgtogiy^ i«*ve uewapaiwn
came dowu to codaull.
I behind them. It makes g.*Hl waiting.
-tk'ell.** a*ke.1 l>r. Uarrla. “what do| There are ao few other place* to waU
you Utok of berr
- wo rroelly feW fiw women adrift, but
“Think of to«rr* <;rtnd IV. Brown, not yet foundered. Soau tUnes. to dn“Of all the anilquaied. vhuilgtvttod cclve that meddk'nome l»ui>yU»d.v. the
old bags ever creatM 1 think *he i* sUtion detetUve. they carry to travelthe very w «ir*i!
What b rrovl kvu'e Ing bags and • pretend to tw pulled
Uluktog of to Inflk'l pain on th.it gen
d«*wu with their burden*, empttod
lie soul upataltw am] le,nve un Touched
of ha
vuch WUllam*
gaunt, withered
manlt.v aurh ak \hto otto-r? Jump Into
my motor with me. and well chat
about our patieiu a* we go."
Allen Abbott Paaaing Out Wadeworth
^Aml they "cmd." k*avtog the eavea
Bros.* Chico Cigar* to H<* Frienda.
dropi*^r to eome from her Ui JtoK place
Happv nuin: it* twin*.
aa they retreauxL-^IIluatreted Bit*.
Happy fiienda;
be * |>aa*iug out
Literary Atone.
ChJoo clgara.
The struggling antbevr boldly enterod
Allen Abhotl haa kept the clcrtoa at
the editorial oauctum.
S. K. Wait A- Son* busy filling hi* or- j
“I have come with my latest story."
dera for Wndaworth Broa.* Chicos thoj
be aun..uuix«d.
laat. twenty four hours, aa the arrival
That m.r- ejaculated the H
... 'fSSS
The Itoe w blob
Bros. Chioia.{
Hold by S. hi Wall A 5km*.
The*,' cigar* have a long
filler, and. while they sell lor five
centa. arc b, lur than mtJsi -igare re^
tailed at double the money.
l>m t
I of Us Baft.
The cuiioc' w a* on*? of tbt* euriK'.st of
boat*, but It I* not in line with the
later growth.
Tlu» aiuxwtrr At the
modem boat begin* with the log and
to traced through the raft rather, ttoin
through Ue canoe. By
er several
It wu* found th
ger burdens c-ould l»e carried,
fore the boat of a single log grew* Into
one of aevcral log* a raft
By the
time man bad leamexi to make a rift
we ace be bad learned ^meililng elaed to row hi*
BttkernMK. Tr»T«ee«y.asW
Two Tall I
-Eagle* and hyena*. If they
•urviug. will eat thcmaelvoA" nnld t
luture fakir.
•Dh, of WUI
-Its the tr
In bto natun
proved It by exi»erlment
•agto three days, and be began
teor^chunk* out of bl* ihlgb and
them. Tbe thing wna so aVkening toJ
me Unt I oidy permitted ft to go on nj
day. I got two good pboiogrmpbs of
It for my lest book, then 1 reatored
tbe engle's ratlooa again.
Tbe poor
fellow had made a bole in bto thigh
aa Pig aa your Aat and to this day
he walks lame.
vAnd the bymui? Tht
vorae atUL At Aret be waa obstinate
aad refused to toocb bisaaelf: but om
night 1 beard angiy giowto from bto
cage and. going down with a lantetw. i
I fMiAd blm eating bit hted kg. He
bad made great geegema.
He bad.
got away with nboot three poondo'
I fauUere If 1 hodnT eeme down la
tAne bed have
itoal Estre
Special CxenrMMste
iiarkw IslttMl RcmtI
0«iy lie
TraTcne Mr TrABSfon*B Ca.
**That wa* indeed an old ooe. rUra.
Two banlltoea formed about the cor
de« of her mouth,
-*--*«rtSS5JrL5sr “"•*
[ohn R. Santo
General Insiirance
200-210 Sttte Buk SoliOMr.
rrMCrteCIty. a(chlt*i
*^*ea. C.vrtI," she aald quMly; -1
iang-that aong to you the night we h.^
E. W. H^rttam* a Ssa
WkwRMFWraVtM Way)'.'
<>rie.n. Ttoir.:
It wa* the monpng alter their arrival
•t a seuaide tv*.'rl
giKxl th.M
“1 have often beard uf the roar of
U.C oe,an.“ she nahj dreamily, but I
never knew W fx.uwled a* terrify tog aa
No two ahmiM suffer
lunger with File*, lew IH
•That * nok the roar of the ocean."
Hem Roid will cure any caM3.
I an*Hend to r tn-.r,- exjHJiiencxd busNo maUer wiuit kind
i l.and
•Tlmt** tlH- roar of a d» i.arlJug
Blind. Hkx-dtug.
Kx ?*^‘*-* 1 I.U.T.I uto. ha* JuM Ijeeu preaeiited with
Itching oF y-nppnraUug.
j hi> htlk- blU."-Judge,
hardl'h TVhi Ktdd will cure >xh
by a!
"Ih» you kmvw
hav--------------- * —
Thli* hUiUnieut is suppvuled
oiimmodallng chauffeur you <
thumiHiul lesMmtmlah* from ihoim who
have iKx-n p,‘rmaavntly cunxl.
tog it along with a paddle UAfls were
• Ye*, air.
When he to offended be
uaed.hy nearly all ibc- nation* of an- moDOy back. IKxi ut 8 K WaU A
merely kick* me. Jaws my wife and
UenulotoA t^aUer of bis- Sons, or Dr Uxmhardt t'o-- Ntoipira
cuff* the children where ito* average
i«r*. telU ua that thi y were In uju* to Fall*. N. Y.
rhHMff.-ur wouM -leave.*i-.ruck
an. iunl <Vwea.-5. K Kortaan In Kt
late oix'rqtlon to
tK>l«*d lu;«»e following deac rli.ilun to a
dc-tl oii/ec-t^rd In • certain c-otfnty
fn.m the Ixx.k of deeito, with the exci-ptlou only of the name of the unfortmials Undowm.r; “Bcghintog «t
B,sVa south iv>ri»er running thence
m.rth fifty f,vT; thence west fifty feet;
tbent'e aoutb fifty feet: Xheoce eaat flfty fi'cl to beginning this being a plpt
of land fifty feet square cut from the
back 004 of the said 1
Ing a Vhko
Mtoiree you Three
thinge-Aafety. Comimt
of twin* at bia h<
Lssre Milwaukee <toUy 8 p. m.
Almost Prehistoric.
Her voir,, in the midauiniuer gkMUntog had a plaintive aoond.
“I haven't any thlngaiiew to sing to
I tougratuhtiai uf iriend* an
you tonight. Cyril." ah«. fkUered.
ng will do but
' 'Th|rn alng me one of the okl aooga.
a cigar "
1 love.** aald the man teuderty.
tk-hethcr It'a^’tbe arrival of Iwlnaj
High, thin and a Urtle vracked. her
to tjualnt, sweet melody
u ttrm»kr on ih<- jK»rch. or solid enjoy- i
•Over the Garden Walk**
meui «t thr ball Kaiiic. or whllr walk-'
’ lover laughed
Ing or diUing no cigar fills the hill |
m.. Sunday, 7 jx-im qnly.
Leave LVDING^ON d^-bt
Arive Mllwmikeo €.0. m dally.
tor. “U't ua bear hi>w It run*."
“Well, thla 1* from the tr%t chapter:
Vaaiier liad 4>een standing a* motion
less as a bkK-k of granite. Huddealy
he dropped on hto ktux's iK-fore the
beautiful girl with the alaliaater brow
and boldly prcyxwed. It waa then that
she anaweiv'd with a atony Mare and
banded blm the marbV heart Tlten*
But tb» busy editor reached for tbs
capping shears.
“Young man," be thundered,
have made a mlatake. Take that
down to the nearuat stoucyard ^ *-nito
to an editorial cfllce ^-<*hU ago Newt.
Leave MANISTKB rally at k aod 7 |K
Gel some today and ace
Beaulifiil Hair
lisparlc Street.
Bo why will wonjen go on with acrawmy. oily, uoi chUy hair when
Ooe thing will
they can Ju»t aa well be admired lor their hair?
give them beahtlful hair, and that U
Hair and Scalp
It prevents that oily odor.
It actually stimulates and
grow* hair la thin *pou
aad makes it luxuriant.
poaltlvely. removes
It absolutely
stopk all balr
fee aad best MXTiootelepboo*
G. Hooking
If your denier does not have
It Irf stock. a«d Ike for a
sample houleL
Th* UriMt H«lr ^ T»IM HamifMtwir
TVitohw—“It * toDof loeeoUa
USO; vkat dow » ton of OiM
oonfe to you
that u ton of Coal io iud|{MbyiU
MbM. lOtM thu n* ooapMiy It
C.I. Tq^ Cnl *
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