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The Evening Record, January 29, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Sim ‘'lAnottZES*' im
ROAltO or traoc noticc.
Tha PfRatm af tRa M«ei a#
up#t Hava p«raatoad ta C. ••
Caeia awd taai ftttar la Hava at
laapi m pialaa far tba baaai af
trada baagaal. Up ta laAar IRaai
Raea baaa IMjr 100 rayrwHam
TRara la. iRaeellafi^ yaOiRna far
aOM ta arraafa U aIbniO IRa
Raapaac Oa ewm ta aaadl yaar
raw aa iRal
a ptau
errv. meNWAN. TunoAV. jawuaav ». i*w.
FnmUbad to tRa KvenHig ItoiWd
«p to WMn aaoR My by fi. C. Wait.
TUCfiDAY. JAW. ft. 1W7.
to Bay Good
Every-nay Sbocs. |
•mw and vsamar tonlgRt
WifinMday: frwh nmtbaaat wi
Ra ra
ftcc Roles for
Card Games.
The maker* of Consren and Bicycle Playtnc
Card* have sent ui a number of attractive little foldm
Riving full in»truction» for many of the popular card
Any interested party may have them for the
City Book Store
The Hobart Co. prop.
Pnt. O—ffi «lcClf»y «f AlM^ik. 0*4m Umi49f f tM pmtNirf ii.
in iRla worti ta vary
Oa nat faryat tha bangoat Thoi>
day night at 0:00.
Hr wif* lo tim »TMtftf suMfC
Mo»rt». MS.
mii. (Iir
MNtk or b«o. nukJoi hit
omotli Tko nlckol* trr tuni«Kl totu
tiM eouotjr troMorr. BiaWliii flOO
•taco tbo cniMdo
Or. Mcllrn 0—4.
AdrUa. i«B If -Or. Owt*. n Mr
Hr«r. aiOd M. tbr oWeri mrml-T of
tlM PMlabarf M. P onofrrw# ond m
profMoor la lll« ooll«fr hcrr. dUid thu
aiorataf oT lioart
tlf> r>tb<-r
fs Cmnauuidor Opoivp IlrElroy of iImPolUd OtatM aavr.
rm§44 tohool Fifty Ytara.
Va«Mir Jaa. »-Krmnkim C. Do
Uao. E pra^iMtat roMdiwt h»rv for
«rtr r««r«. dl«d \oA»t. af«d TS. of Na lea at Narthpart Oacapt Along tha
•hara—Laat Yaar tha lay DM
raacrr. Ho Uoflit ocbool ber« urrr
- Not Fraaxa Ovar UnUI Ot
« half a foatonr. Ha loavaa a wife
Patrick'a Day.
vbo la Torjr UI.
OfWfpod Ooaid.
iJHroU, Jaa S»-Mra. Aucuata
The cold alolt* a march on Grand
ainippMl dead oa tbe aldewatk ntwr Traverae bay laat night and nlppod it
the rwaldeorw of her dausbter. Mra. aiTHind the edges and then aocne. Fbr
Berlba BoHtrber. 7t iildBey. wbcMn aliout a thousand fm out from ahoce
the hoad of the Uy Is corered with a
abe waa ioimto rlalt,
sheet of Ice about a half Inch la thick
Olad la OMlor'a Offica.
MarabaU. iao Sf.-Jobn M llub^ ness and In the roruera the aheat ex
Urd. eiir laafaball aoder rx Mayor tends much farther out. Barly this
miea Towvaaad. dropped dead at I momlag there was an Immaw iald
o^eloeli tbia iDoralM la tbe oWce of florfllM a mlla or ao oot. but the south
Or » If l^at. where be weat to ob- wind took thia fbrther out intivthe
tala medlclae. He waa a promlneot iMiy and broke It uix.
Oottana Say Freaan.
At Sutlons Bay tbe bay has Ik^
grstltially freetlng over for sonu* time
and today It la covered with s sheet
soma WMD M01E IT IWT
At Norih|K»rt Ibeie U im Ire exrv'jd
llio slush lee near the shore. This ex
tends out about twenty feet but l»e
yond that the harbor Is as riosr s«
l.ast year the tmy fioxe over on K(
Patrick's day. which, as everybody,
knows. Is March J7. and the Ico wont
out April R.
Waald Raduca Oaarda to Five Mam
bara and Oiva AuparlnUndantHiring and Firing Right—
Rapartaf Ranka Callad far.
igmag Had •eedbMet Beck I
Hid OofU Only a fihoft DlsUnci When Freight
By Wlfo to the Brc^ag
GroNifield, Masa/jan Si —6U men
killed and alx injured in a mar
end Mdllslon on iRe Boston A Maine
rsllroad, Fitchburg division, one mlHr
west of Boulh Oeerficld today. The
were the Boston A
No. 11. known as the
Albsny night expreas. and a freight
Tbe express had atopp«*d In a deep
cut and a brakeman went back to fiag
In that might come. He had
It a short distance when the
same along, running thirty-five
miles an hour and. crashed Into the
of the .‘express. A gas tank In a
coach expired.
The city brtard of educatltm hiu^* decldiHt last night to flght the Idll of the
Flale Teachers association imnUlIng
fr.r the MHluctlon of. the membera of
M'htMd boards in cities of this class to
f\e and giving the superintendents
Ihe side power to employ and dlsrhsrgr* tearhers.
Htate Banking Corarolssloner M«»re
has called for a report from state
banks s> the close of business Jan 2«
Just Room Enough In the Cage for j
BIstoeivHorao Fovser Motor
and an Operator.
supply the stole a fleet uf airships fur
roiUtory purpose. ha« mbowa his Utesi
addition to the imbllc.
It Is the amall^t machtne In the
world having a length of <ml> nluciy
feet and Is only twenty f«i In dlsrn* '
and Ua total capacity Is not more
than t.Oim f«*et. The rsge is mi snisll
that there Is juM tu«im for tho slxtcm
and thi- opersuir.
There U s Urge rudder fl*t*d at the
fiack which will u- uM*ful III mounting
and dcaeending during maneuvers.
The motive |Kjwcr Is communlcnUHl
the propA-llcr bv a vertical shaft
id from ihmre to the horlrbntsl
shaft on which tho pn.iH-Ilei Is placed.
The propeller haa two' blades which
with canvas, and tlu>y art*
loteecycia la Used With Orest fiuooeee In German Army—Three
Miles In Tvveive Minutes.
at Mot Head.
By Wire to the Evening Jlccord.
\ncmm. jHii, 2S* —A m-w spplirsiii.u
of the molofcvcle to mlltijiry scrtli***
>ecii UivcnttHl in AustrU It c«>n
the qtiick Uymg of telephone
and telegraph wlrt-s. In front of the
cyrlo Is Installed a cylindrical roll or
upon which the win* Is wound.
V man sluing In the moving car
lays the wire, by m^eans of a bmg pole,
either In the lops of tbe inKn. or. If
are none. In ditches or gutters.
With the new apparatus three miles
of wire may be laid In twelve minutes.
A bold attempt at kldnapiug two lit
tle chlldrmi. an attemid In whlrh a
nf revolver U said to have
k1 a pronilBf'iit i»art. I** ret*ort«H!
to ha^ Uk«m place at the home <»f A.
Hill at Bssl Head laM night at 9
5k. The mother of the tao chll
dren H said to have Ikm o one of the
The story of the sftslr as told to an
y^enlng Record reporter this morning
is as follows: Mr. and Miu. Hill have
hlx-pound young lady nrriviHl at
been living together for some tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Civs
time, he working In Kingsley and aho sJ*y. Friday last.
s Id this city. The children have
been left slth their grandfather.
night It Is stated. Mrs Hill. In
company with another Traverse City
Oman and four meu, dn»vc out lu a
sleigh to tbe iUll home. Mr. HIU, sr.
at home with his aon in law. his
ContupionOy wo knc.ir
hter and a girl who is sUylug at
v^t it U o^poMd of anil
the house. The party galii(*d admis
sion and demambHl the children.
Mr. Hill ordered the men out and
at that. It Is claimed. Mrs. Hill pni
4) a revtdver and handotl It- to
of the mm saying Miat he could
d slrwlghter than she hould. About
ihgt lime an altercation ensued and a
A pleaaant and palaUiUe
luimlHT of nelghiHirs were attracted.
propaiatioa (or thf relief and
Beelng the crowd the ntlacklng party
enre of Cougbt, Cold*.
ft the abene without the children.
Whooping Cpngb. Cmnp.
There have been on warrants sworn
HoanenrM. etc. A fine moda. aa yet and what the ontcomc of
ioine for rhildnio-ha* a fioj
le affair will be u nA known.
winlergreen flavorr Money
Mr. Hill aald that the woman and
back if itlaiU to •help
■ yo7
her friends evidently thought that he
would be alone, not knowing that Mr.
Johnson was suying there.
Witit's Red Seat
Cough Syrup
By Wire ttv the Krenlng Rioord
Newport. H 1, Jan.
fruiB Washington received here state
that congresa will approprUle llW.tHHl
!ie erection uf a torpedo building
at tbe naval torpedo sti
which win employ a large iorce. for
uanufarluie of the Bllas lx^avltt
turbine torpe<J<K-s shlch now coot the
nokeBt nearly fS:00i apiece. The
department is under contract with this
concam to build M>o torpedoes and at
present time the Brooklyn
r is unable to turn out more than
a year Tbe plans and workings
lUUan.Invantor Haa Pe-iaci Matariai
ipper and CntsrUinment Will M
Which. It at Stfoeaaaful as Claimad. of the new torpedo factory show tJ
Given at Mttona My by NapUnt win turn out too torpedoes
Rsftitt Allto Tlrs Qwtstion.
tienal FrwUctIva LagUn. .
year and enlargements to tbe plant
By Wire to TRa B^i^ng Record.
from year to year will Increase the
to the Evening Record.
—A Mllant'se barrts^ mitput. At the present time the navy
Bay. Mksh., Jan.
Icr. BliUtw' jAfuiKla Rttccl. has Invented
a serious way for torpedom
Natlooal PiDtiCttve Legion will give a
fabric, bomewbat resembllug
a dexIbVt, fa
big party bare on the evening of Feb
bwUfer. which no bullet or hard steel
i Both orchestra's. Balle)^ and 8t
Instntmrut Is able to plefta- Blgaor
Buod made a tour arotmd a large Mt Tom Havt Man Cscuaod by Con- CecllU. have bqen engaged for the
occasion. At the party about tJ.ooo lx
square la Rome with a motor car. the
aant of tho Attorwoya Rt the
premhima will be dUtrlbuted. Ok
tires o( which Rad been covarad wItR
Thaw TrUI.
Larson receiving $1,000 and a numbm
tbe fabric. Nslla of Urge dlmiaaUw
of olber members $260 each.
By Wlra to the Mining Meord.
ward, and the car pasaed oear CRem
New York. Jan. Sf.—JoRa A- D
without damaglag the mbbar tires. dee. an agent. 371 Braadwny. alagte.
Lnier oa tbe laeeotor calAad oa the agbd St. waa aocepled aa tht tenth
juror U tbe Thaw oaae. B. GRn
, pAuof of the fabHc and H. R, FRere. the fonrlh and fiflR
lly triad to per juroTf. have been eaeneed Ry eo
forate by firing aeveral rerotvar aboU of the nttomeya.
glpihai.afi1 Mil PraM pifwt.
<C^JTtle fellow.
We Make It
By Wire to lia Erroln* Rect.rd
Unatus. Mlcb.. Jaa :a - H U an Contract Let to a Firm WhicR^ls Un
pmiaced that OoveiuiM \Vamrr will
able to Ktop Up With Demand
cotae to Uaalag Monday i.IkUi and Ik*
for Prpiectllaa.
prraeat when fbc lc«taUUur rrtumm
Dnig Store.
Mont of tlu'to* are ^^qiuino
baud tonieil aolri<tbe maieat
kind of alioea made), and to
lbdk«who RTO umxltowov.
ioi; high |irioud tboeg tbit U
AH fxoepiiutiRl opportunity. .
All tbe oomfort of a high
priced tbot* for $1.50.
Come early*
TSey won’t last Iona.
pat your time agRinst ouri for a few minutea wt' will conrlnc^
you tbat we have the gooda and tbe prices.
gave yon money.
JosmpH &lmdtmrA Son
Flrst-clsM BsteSers, Padccra and Sausage Makers
It IsiiT Pleasant
to buy your must where you have
lake chsmxw—uheoi >*ihi must be
Ihf. wslch against “offooloi”
Summer :
Oolhes The Overcoats
wc offer
Itock to th
when yon »
Kighth and Franklin.
Will pay H»AfHcsl Cash prices for
: =
Eleven Dollars
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
- = ' . Tamarack.
Consider the matter: .
wonlher—her© a your
winter overcDfiU—bore’s
priom that will hardly
be e<inaled again on new
Traverse-City Mfg. Co.
Tclephone-Cis. :V2, Bell 1611.
ncid them.
Cotton Blankets
Sherman &
. Notliing
But Good Words
from nil who n*« our -
WInre Can net the Best Velues for MyMoney
There is no other »iorc that
gives you the values wc can
because we buy ours direct
from ihc mill, consequently
have no jobbers* profits
add to our prices, which
m^Qs quite a saving io you.
We have some iolcresiing
values to sho|v you
Priced from SScIto S2.00
Hannah & toy Co.
and Ififi fiealRg Raro t
:‘- V:
, TMVKMC anr,
m mm tEoott
fW psw-
. BUIor »m4 iUattit,
orng^i^WKMff^ gyr.‘
lhai toto wtetor to ilka a glrVa mtmmer vatot. -aJJ to the open mortL'
by the idoka of Grand
«««p tar Uto mmnlag there taa tam
a ctaagr to gans^ta
C. J. tbor^a taetay taham Clam
£R^' -
IMMr for ih* mrliiff «f «ol4«
. tw BOtmrer tium« mrwur Iran Om
MJUm of the 40M wfck^
m aiuloM for lilm t4»,«wl0lo«. ‘Aii
ouM» of i»rrvon\k»D to ovrUi m pound
of W* ao4 th» falkmtof fioB tke
WMklacUio SUM- to ttmely JuM »t
prpMt «• tnntond of thu tlm<* konon^
mdriem m to how to rvttf » roJd. It to
a atop In adTaaea and tolls bcitr |o
rmt ofto. not wlih the list of -dcu
vhlch »T»fTbodr knoars. but with
some faeta that nanr are car« l*^
•The Iroportanre of kee|.lnf oo.-'
aalf warm la rllal part* of the bodr
to very imperfectly undermtorKl.
Ic theae 4aya ef unlrrraal eoUshten
MU. Ope of the moat rulaembto ol
these apoU to Immediately b««ea>h
the hreaet Imoe. yrt the an
humaii of either aex mis blliiafiill)
‘ llAoraot of the fart, if ooe may Judcv
by the lark of pnvautkm dtopto.viM
Wrapt and o»« rooais fTimi; op«« t
the pl/Famr wlnt. r wind*, milh tli.
fnadeeuatr |iroi.-« thHi alTi»rd.Nl 1,.v l»ir
garments w».rn uutkinealh. Invite all
manner of pulmonary dli-.olers. all
more or lean serious.
•^rorliapa more people take 4^wi
'through the medium i»f thV/cel than
In any other way. Not only rhmiu.n
Uam and tliat tmiat painful of ner\ airertlotoa. aclallra. ant acqtiiriMl
throuBh cold or damp feH. but also
I he smew datiaeruus disorders of tbr
kidi^ys and alidomlnal organs. Yet
many w.imon an out. ev«m at ihU ja a
' ann of the year, weartni; low shoes ami
openwork atockJiitB. while the utilliarton If untMwatlful rubber oversluM* to
rarely W'en, even in hsiow time.
•For delicate Women with n pntlto
poalthin to neuralKla the misuHis»rt<*<l
aourre Of much keen siilTerlDB Is In
Oio bark <»f the mx-k. There, at the
base of the brain, to on«. of the n.(»M
important nei\e e^ nUMs <»f the httman
organism, and rximAur,- to a rtillllnK
draft often involves u b>ni; slexr of ex
cmciatlnB pain. and. In somt> rases, a
permanent nerve or liraJii nff^etlon.
The leas the throat to wrapped up the
iKHtrr. In most tnstanres. hut the bark
kept warm
all costo."
Iaindsra|M> iranleners have pottrn
tofrther and will build an "Alpine rr
treat- near Zwetoimmem and will open
competition with the imtural Alpine
aceni*a and views In tdher isiTlIons of
, BwlUerland. The onterprise will cost
an enormoua sum as the plans nn
very elabofalc. including a hlg hotfel. a
lake and other feniuers. This liM>ks
like a clear ^astr of moncr. Instead
of httiiainK "Alpine retreats" In Ssitr
friand whore naturu Iras ftmitohed
pbmlT of them, why *md ci.uMnm
one In Northern MlehlRnn where the)
are a rarit>r Another uctoiuiUige
that we have tdeiity t>f luk»w all n ady
and no one would ha%e lo gti to the
trouble iind rxiH'nM* of dlpglnB «>nt*. A
The People
Loan Money
To nf, eonniderini* it a good
Till) intoreat wo |iay on time
ilcpoaitt it coitoialont with
oonaonrativd banking.
The investment U aafo; in.
tereat II paid regularly at
aUtnd tiinoi.
Woiiane jSou' rerlificmtei at
Uic rate of THREE PER
nnm. lutomat i»a>Til»l6 irfter
alz montha.
First National Bank
0. f ffaaswy
tlatk game' priiaa were given. Iflas
Helen. Haanen hUag awarded the pm
and Mias Clare Minor, the coosdUUoo.
kefmdimenis were aerved. the
taldea being ae» in the diulng fwom
and de?v»rattol with fltmers. Carna
tions were the favors During
Carhl^. J.
evening, the Rev. Dem
W Mllllk.n. C. J Kt> T and Ifiia
llartnn gave abort lalks
won SEND 5.000
dred. to Cuba to assist to making a
survey of the Island, but that there Is
ahsoltitHy no truth In the reporl that
5.om> or any great number of aoldU rs
are to In? aetit to Cuba for aoo loi? dur
ing the smmuer rftv^on.or for any
other purpose. The only cmginoer
troopa available are itaoae at Fort
SiMu lul to the Kvening.Rcwnl.
ille. MIrh.. Jau Jlh—Mrs.
l.»Hi Stao-y of lluuor is vtoillng her
olUer. Mrs. Tnwx'y ..
Mrs. Charlea Diamond to confinetUo
her home by sit hnno..
John Smith h« siifrerlng with an
me iittaeF of IndluesHon.
WlUtorn Imm. rn.an vtoHiMl in Deiroli last wf«-k.
Atouit ts< iit\ nvr iadlea from N«w
Mil t'ity uuti t'oiM mtoh tendiMled Mrs
^^^malll lloce a farewell iveeptloo
Tluiisdiiy afttriMKui.
Mis W. U TollH-rt and Miw. C..*o.
Ruthoifoid ar.' both on th<* slrk Hat.
Andrew Dlnmimd die.rat the home
his mol her here on Mtuiday even
g after a llngertiip Illness <if tulierilfwto. Mr niamtuid was Isiru In 81.
Cliailes. Mich . April 7. 1S77. and rt‘
mov»-<l to this place In 1W»6. where he
wtm many fthnds. The funeral aer
Vlee.s were held at the Hotel Diamond
W.'dio'sday afterma.ii. the Uev. Mr.
Kulketson et.ndurling the M-rvlres.
diY-JMSi-d Is suiAlvtHl bv a Wbitiw. two
mother one brtither
i Of the year but the toiw
a oar cooTcntloo and ta
theto latMtEoa to live for Chitot'
aaottar pUce there wme two an
achooU TharAtoimvgtani toai^
and bediU
?Jaater. fd oalty there la smngth.
May CKid V^lp ua
fcctly unlfMl.
God’a ptfMOce was capeclally asanlfeaud onto ua at the opening of the
first aMPiba aad nonUaued wigi us
until the cioae of the tost aesakm. jdl
hare bet^n slivngthensd and
gged to do mcm for the Master daring
the year.
We fee) under great ubilgaUons tc
those who so kindly ‘aaatoied In mak
tog the lour ao Intereailng and profit
able i^d so full of the spirit of Chrlsl
and we take this opportunity to ten
der our ^ucere thanks lo th»-m all
and HKiy Cod make them » greater
power for gtsMl to'uiy prayer.
First to our beloved stole preaWeat
and hto wife, who were with us two
days.'the president addressing us ou
the subject of "Sunday Sehoal Man
agement." and Mrs. MlUlkea. count;
auperlmendeni of primary work, ts
• Prlmao' Beginners and Cradle Roll
Work." I am sure every superintend
ent. offict'r and tenrher must to- lK‘lter
qualified to «l<»
them after ivetivlng t
and forrible pointers as
them 1 believe the srliolniw will fm l
a greater liiteivst in their work as
Iht-y realize they are the gnstl iiart of
the Sunday sehcMd.
Si'cond. the pasUini of whom w«- had
ten from outside the assoclathm: The
Revs. 1\ Cis-hlin. L II. Htosi-U and I.
n. CarjM'tiier. Traverse City; the Rev.
\V. H. Thomas and A. B. Ik.wman.
Alma; C. \ Pinnaluiker. IlapUl City
am! loeui! jMSinrs. ibe Revs. T. Youim.
to. M Oivnttt and J. R llarwiMNl. all of
whom cave such Inspiring and spir
itual addnwBen and pointed out some
nf the defects
Is In Sunday sclimdi
S^d showe.1 us. a better way Which
rannol help but be an uplift 4. the
TLlid. to the workers. Mrs. Stephen
ri/i*k of Travelse City was with ns
mary work. Tto‘ least that can'tosaid, "she to-one of the iKist. aurely
she to a bom tiwrher and those that
did not hear her raiss<>d an oii|m»i
iimliy that dmui not ^corae lo them
after In the Sunday sehtsil wvirk."
Our local workeis w ere «»n hand to
do all they could to make the tour a
success spiritually ami financially
After all the expenmw were paid there
were |U to turn over to the county for
ctnmty And state work. It has bt'eii
said. *|oes it pay lo |mU s«i omrh work
and exto-nse into thesT tmiisT We tolleve it does. *'8erk y*‘ first the king
dum of Cod and Hto rlghfeousue.ss and
Ihtyw tilings shall lie added unto you."
We aie so firm to oju belief that we
home of Mrs.-I. J wish every Sutulaj school asiwK-laUon
In the county would have one an.I they
If they want It and want It liadly
enough. It win cost iMunetMng and
e saerlftet's wOl have to be made
O. A. Drtvwn Is at 111
there to nothing that to goml for
anything Imt It r<»st us something to
get It
The things pf the earth are temporary but the thlnga
of God are eternal.
C. H. Bates.
with mime pretty china. Mrs. Hon
Township President.
left today for her future home at
Lee l^Vani Wi called borne from
SU Charlen by the death of hto brother- (ranch of the American Society of
^uity Formed at th« BJrmley
. Harry RUf.'’ of Oaleilonla. la the new
pharmaelst at the M^ftdld drug store.
local union of the Am.'rlran So
To Curw a
c leiy of BquUy was nrgantoed at Blrm
ley ochool honae to Baturtay eventog wUh aixletso charier meml*er» by
J. >V. Ritchey, organlter.
UOa mu aad IMS 4a some «afe
for It to valuable and worth
thaa aaythiag <elii« tn the work!
u abould have an atugit of
riieumaUam or bladder tnaihlr or i
The prvocri
be madp up 1
) at hoem. The
fcitatatam can ta had at mry good
preacrtpUah pharmacy aad aU that to
well ia a
1 extract taadelion
compound Kargon
lad ayrop of sana^
to iwliera atatat any caae of hiadde
iroable. fraqMt urinsllon. pain mm
scakfing. weaknera and backachepaii
abpfb the hldners. etc. It is no«
claimed 40 ta .tta maChod of cur
log chronic rtanmaUsm. towause n
it* direct and poaiOve aefion upon the
eliminative ttosaes of 4hr kidneys. It
strain the potoogwus. praate m«tter and
uric acid from the bl<
worst forms of Rhaw aUsm and kid
lea. The rx
on the aumia-b
Jao extensively
dpatlon and Indiges
tion. CijfnpoaiMl SarMparllla rUwns
and ehriOhas Ibe biuod
A. you or anyone of yo..r tolly, especially the old fcdksjuay be'atiarked
at any time. It would be wtoe lu nc
this out and seve It.
A w ell known local droggtot to auty that this presctipUuu to raf-,
i> use at an
Mix It you
U Yon Worked lor
40 Years
ni thea.'tin(* tiling; jou would prohablykm.ai u lb1 in-about
Wc havr a few Bedroom
Ml Bta the Uat
<tamia4haUUaaaaadihe^wmi.k Id ckaaout
aad are BMiktag tome c&oaa pnora IB
eedar ta move them.
kt^p jwr boota
Mhl Digki /or cne4udr of
«ki4 it wiH oota yom with
other alovta
Cole% Origitaa Hoi Biaat
borafitaiyjkmdAif fod with>
oQt ebangiiig the k:rau> It
burnt aoh coal without dual,
Oole'aOrigiaal Hot Hlaat
if ako the gtaataat «oad
Chase & Sanborn
RegaUr$16 50 8nite bow .
00 Suita bow .
IU«aUrmH> Suita bow .
Regular $3000 Butte BOW* .
EASY Payments.
J. W. SIAtOt
Come ia and art' this woni^ul healer.
C of Rockers.
Bargains Worth Looking Into
Od aoooont of tbeae gooda airiving too
Uteforthe H olidAY
* '
‘ we have au
fsoonuoua atock on hand that are taking
up too much room.
If you want a Rocker,
Piineer Livem.
Now is Hie
lo Boy
Ab4 hare ia when you will find the
^kaaortmeot and the loweat prioea in
I have an op<^ bus for
slcijjhride jiariics where
they all Ml down in the
boitom as they used lo
do in gtx>d old times
years ai:u. Have aoolher
bus with side seats for
! hose who don’t want the
other bus.
Tho following will give you nn iJiw of the great red action wa
hive made. Tbeae are only a few of the many:
Largi- Arm Rocktvr. golden oak finUh, regular $3 valoe. at 11.48
Go^d CjhblerSeat Rxjker. rt^ular $3.50. now.........................2.38
UcK-kcr like cut, gokhin oak. roil a«wt, nicely oar\‘pd,
always sold L.r $(*..«), now only............................. .................:i tC»
(iur spc-ciHl $7 It xiker. golden oak, wide arm, roll Mat, now :f 'Ci
Si'wiug Chair., from <i>o up. MorrU Obaira from 4.75 up.
All oUicr high grade Roekera sold noo^ingly.
Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
If you want to move 1
can give you a good man
anti a iJtrgc sleigh and
give you satisfaction.
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street
have bc^ui plu;g?iny: Jaw ay for ifciluat 40 yeera improving; llieir
Seal Brand Coffee
The reaiilt toilay it is the iiiosl doliciouaofall Imitula. j
Bokl in imuit oiliea for -lOr
Our price Is
The Hannah & Lay Mereantilft Co.
•THE BIG STORE •'dealers in Eyerflhing
SS cents per pound.
v‘- '- V
^ ' MEN’S
, Feb. 6
ire the *hoe* th^t are made
to fit. to wear and giyr the b^*t of eatitfacticn.
We have some splendid bargains in Ladies* Fine Shoes that mast be
sold, and If your size u in the lot you get the biggest bargain of the ocasen.
Three lota at three prices:
IIEtilN OtoK
Annual White
or it it ia tbe^
tl year.
[ ^whita venbif tho
When thlnlcine about present, that a
lier, pretty shade, pocket flakier and -
Portable! Table Lamps
make the very best kind of a piresent. We have all
of them in atock, at the right prices. Come in
and see.
Hark call, made iwompUy
atulihoura. I caU £or bagWife-Ye*. It was 1 who brougld all
lie money into this toosehokt What
Id you have to-fore I married you?
VlitNlv;ind- iv.vee.
Don’t Forget
J. W.Jaokaon
E. A.
P.lifioegaH A. CSoftiUC. .
J. H. LaiaGta
Weqaatong Club
F.Ow«i 4: i '
Amarioan Drug Store* .
HaBBab Drug Stole
P. L. Shnter
tta Kitary and
to aeven
. A. Mtauami.... .C«7 ormla
The -Opponnnuy Claaa.- tanglu by
Mtoa Barum. waa tba boaten of C. J.
■hMT'a ■—»ay aeboal ciasa at tbe
Cnmmtototkmal etarch last even lag. a
fwewptton betof tendered the Utter
in the church parlors. About fifty
werw prsMt and tbe avsnlpg was
ver, ^^)^y
uh a iliE MlMErs las-s qiisiiMi
pay Wltor.
micmiban. tucboay. January
Women’s Felt Shoes to cloan up 1
$1.75 values for $1.50
Stop That RhenmaUsm
Those neuralgic pains in the back, in
the legs or arms or that headache
that no other m^icinc will cure, with
^'Rheumatic King Capmiles.**
surest cure ever fwt up.
Use Rheumatic-King Laxatives the
most pleasant cure for constlpaDon
that to sold.
. ‘t>or Own Cough fiyrup** ewrw that
hacking cough and touches the tickle
In the throat as no other medicine
"McEvoy*s Cold Cure" and “McEvo/’s Headache Tablets** give InsUQt relief.
-John Oswell McGirffIn had a terri-
Fur Overcoals fl7
One of the biggest bargalm ysu’M
find, and o cost yta’ll ta proud to
own. * We ve sold lots uf <
to sell YOU one.
We «re
M.M. M all oyr Far Uned Coum,
Ov.ixom «M Wlnttr ftulu.
If yoa
era la OMd «l any of thooa w» can
auraly Imaraat you. Wa iMva provaa
mi, la ^voey oala «n hova oMilt ooS
aa theae «oada maat b. mevad for
atfcar aoadi. tha tooMr you coll, «•
Pot It didn’t -------- h
Evoy*s Cold Cyra’* a«^ i
aoMNT you wUt own a aplandM
a»o». «>Hy ottMoelanr In ovary way. J’)
1 Rm>q^ TUftVKiitt eiTT. mcHi^Aii. -nitWY. mmuarv n. mr.
-TMEm>hMS*>N«dNN «MUoit WftNtW M a T»-
fnxB'iUDeM. It it a trust«ortbTiub4iild.Ta»! nystes
J.T.iUIIIUI!ESnit $2,560.38
ORE 081 OF 40.000 KSERT
___ _
rtaw ear* *"«■
If N la Hald Thraa
Mraal at Nat. .« •
MiWs Over
tbs Ice ia Tbat Mnansr
Price $1.
D. C. Oenaalne left for Croa*
Be this momteg nnd tome
croas the Ice to the D
Thika ItM RiecM of Mali Wetw
|| Mere
HeM Up Dwriat tbe Year Recmee
'• I
•uch is tbs OpBilmi of A4. W. WiUy.
Chief cf the Bursas uf Chemistry. '
He receired a tHegram calUng him
This fit* St Rsst Questions
That Have Been Raised.
ind Informing him that transportation
xcroBS the lee could be obtained. 7
, r A tr—m of Tartar Fowder
fraa from alum or phoo*
phatio aold
Grand Rapids. Mk*h-. Jan 29-Ooe
tier mlBMt for every 40.0BA handled
a remarkable record for any |m»sioffice. Yet such is the record for the
xr 190€ a* shown by the annual re
rt of Glen Ho4»e*. superlntenrtent
The inheutanee i IX in Grand Tiav
uoted totl0.7€4.k3
la the pa*t two years.
IMos Homo Bakiog Easy
The last col-
Irwted waa Il2u which wua paid today
fo CoEiniy Tn-aunrer Brown and cinae*
the tax on the Jullu. Y- lUimah es
ThU eoiaie wuh taxed lo the
malls at the local office. Aside from
this, figures are given tishlch show a
very material Increase In the number
of pieces of all Hastw* of mail ^ndled
imount of |:.30<).kT.
If ihlh ro.ioey u niji tnrn.*«l ov^ r to
Ihe auditor
penerif l^v^:_ti^^rera
By Wire to the Evenlfig Record.
I* carried from the main land
New York. Jan 29.-Bul!er interests
Ihe Islands by dog sled and In thU
BofH manner be ex^t* to take the have Iwen much dUt orbed of late be
twenty-eight mile trip tomorrow. This rause of unofficial expressloos of opin
prlmUlva a»ode of trmnsportailun I*, ion relative to the use ot color to but
the' only piacHosl one between the ter under the provisions of the pure
two point* during the winter months Ukh\ and drugs art. In some quarters
and. although
It seems dangeroua. It has lieen held that the iti^ of. nil
vary few accidents happe^. The cmir»M« olor Is pndtlhiu-d. The f.dUm’.ng letKmrke. HH.isi
is followed by compass In f:/se of a ter addressed to H.
The document also report* ^ num ipow storm.
He will return the latter part of the York hy H. W. Wlb'v. chW of the bu
ber »if examinations given to clerks
reau of chemlinrr semu* to set at rest
CHI the location of posiofflce# in MIchl
all queetions on the subject ;,.
Every clerk t* required to pass
of the treaniin r'a |Kurkei
Mr. Brown
“Repaying fo your letter. I Iwg lo
an examination before be is si
palra at tl
a pair
was ci'inpht In thl. munner once but rwetad evary day. Tbt local nw
say that the coloring of l.iilfer Is spe
Mia. r D MlUi-r of M* Siato afreet ihrrmatt no fault of
Tb** prtew art iuppliad by local deaUra. lowetl to son the outgoing slate mall
Hflcally permlilerl in the law of Aug.
Is conducted by
Inrit.* the tadlea of ihe Preobyterian chairman and rkuk of the Umrd of
Corn Has Arrived for fiUrch FaetcC 2, 1IW6. It It held by the deparimeni,
Tha ouUida quola|iona by wira,
rhiirrh and conirreiration for tbo
mpervlMiri. have to Insuc an nrdui for oBppad from other papora of tha peaBut Olfficulty With Machinery V theiHore. that the BsmI and dnig art
of one of the 2,hA0 odd posthonr Wedneoday afterDooci.
Ijidtea the ireaaiirer to draw the money beHas Caused a Delay.
/ dor*s not repeal the provision of the
viom day.
1 Michigan written on h.
vill rome allh nsHHlIea oad Ihimbleo
art referred to alwve; that the addiThe**e raids ate sorted Into, the
and alan Urtnyr carpel raaa lo eew‘ for rood aired fax was pjild wh/*n the
The com which has 4MH>n on t^
S« venieen loads were hrougbt U» Hie
tenhoW hy the clerk, who way from Milwaukee to this city for Hop of harraleiik color to butter may
chairman was mit ..f the city an<) Mr. rlt%‘ market yesterday, this eonsUte<|
certain araemnt of time to Ihe Mlrhlibm siarrh factory hits ar be practiced as tbemln pivnidtHl; and
Is given
The sWedlah aertnona at the State Brown wa% forced to ro down In bln p.lnripally of hay. cMit* and ef»m
complete the work. Twelve of ihewe rived in Uie olty in sufficient quantity that the presence «tf coloring muiihr
aireH arhool honae will beyrlp lomor oorkef tor Ihe interest. ITie bill was
Egg maiket still keeiM firm at pi Ires
evamlnatloos were conducted during tor the plant to siaii on hut some 11! wo croploytMl Is not lequltTNl to he dr»- .
|V>«‘ nlcht and aill t»e held erery even allowed. Imwever. by Ihe aupenlM.i> qiKM^d with no morcrerelpis than will
tb*« >**ar. two of which resiihed In a He difficulty with the |nr'^J>»«lckl de cl.iriNl »in Ihe latH-l."
Inc except
Saturday and twice on when he pfesenled It^
supplv the bs^l demand.
iqark of Kio’ m-r cent.
The lowest
They becln at T;20 p. m
Some dealera look ' for hay i
mark recorded w.t* 95 W. per cent and
and Sunday 10 30 a. m.. 3 o'clock In
still higher than It Is now; although It
the average was 99.tM*i per cent.
the afternoon and 7:30 In the evenln«.
U higher than It Ims been fotAverao- .« High.
The Ijidlea’ Aid aoclety of the BapA Lav Mercantile Company fiever*
The highest number of cartls handled
Outside potato market owing to the
flat church will meet In the aaaemhl)
wall. Sent Up fc- Five Yeart for
01740 •
e<»ld weather ts a lltib* stronger but corn'd ly pet minute on these I'xam
CKiin of the chnrch W.Mlneaday after
Stealing a Bank.
not'enniigh to warrant any change In iiiatloDK was 31—<ir one everv three Only a Fsw Cases ^ Diphtheria Now
noon t Z o'clock.
I hU re*|gW. H. Scott ha* 1
Left in Leelanau County.
secfrtids—and the average was 23
A writ of certiorari waa made unlay prices
The Jnlerior of Ihe G. IL k I. depot
nallon to the Hannah A Lay MerranIn exact figures the total numlwr nl Special to the Evening Record.
on the appeal of Emeal C. Smith, a
(Teorge l.anile Is prepjiring to ship
la brdn* painted.
tlle company.
The fact-was made ■
ph*ces of mall handU*d last yeor wa>
It was dlreetiil siting of eight cara Thttrsilay night.
Suitonw Bay; AH<‘h.. Jan. 29.—The puhlir in the fidlowlng notlee from fit.
aiacti chuirh kuHd will meet with Kalkaska attontev.
1.. F. IVikett will M’UiI a string of ::T.T«M'..4f.l. and again this 1.n.V) erron diphtheria epidemic is rapidly subsid K. Sander*, seeivtary and tn’asnrer,
Mm It. C. Darla. 443 Waahtncton to Ola Iluichlna. a Just Ire of the piMoe
in distnhuilon were ch«‘rk<*d agalnsi ing nnd only a few eases are now left. to the division managers;
atii*et. tomorrow afternoon nt 3:30 at Hfe iJike and concern* his cviurt five cats out this week, both of lht*ae
the l«*cal office—(»ne ermr f<ir e\et> .\nti toxin Ims
proceedinRa {gcainxt EbH Southwen. w ill go lo Chicago.
Ixs n lihernllv
• We regret'to annmmre that W. H.
All the ladlea of the lurlah are Invited
;:r.,9n |i!.*ceN of mail handled.
with exf-elleni rff»Tt
HTte mImkiI nnd ScHi. who has iHHui In the employ
l»cal potato men sill not hold
The Boya Tnliy leakue of the Bb|> who waa iu<oienr<Ml to the Slate In
at IMoVimont
hav lM..n this house for a great many yeaiw
As rompareil with the preceding rliuirhe*
Hat chiirrh will have a mualcal pm dust rial Home for Boys on the rhatpe potatm-s for any advance hut wll
year the Increase was fiver 0.5Od.iSM o,M-n.Hl.
Ithe latter tMri as managtu
arum and entertainment' tonlicht In of larrenv for five learn. H Is aald as fast as they ran get ears reui
piece*, or an luctenKe of approximatelj
lurdwaie dlvltdon) haw Tendered >0/^
fheir hall In the Wilhelm block. Dr. that he stoU* a Imnk nnd conleiitM
Mr Smith has
|M>r c« nt.
J. A. Snyder la drllllnji the boya for nmoiintlnR t« ll bi
Detioli. Jan. 21V—Wheat—No. 2 red,
their choir work a we«*k from S^n^ay
Into Hase*
TTSic: com. 4Uk-e; .Hit*. 4lr.
Miaa Galava Faraky. Daughter
i^w r. Tivt^.
The Moblo alatcra will play half ami Is said to have found entne
2!«—Wheat-May. slH.ws 24.773.9Kl pl.-ce* of letter mal
with f»32 ermrs.
one for ever> 39.
7k*.e: com. 4rt»ic: ewts. 3kSr.
Miss Salavn Fnrsky. daughter Id tli.v|,„..,„h.
noreme nn
Silver llrt»ther> will rIvc a dance on which he will work.
, TohHlo. O . Jan 29.—Wh.at-r.n>h 207 and 12.927.4hn plecet of all oihei
^n ontdom life.
III the hall nt Archie IViday nlirtit. A
classes, ufiih 4IK emirs, or one foi wf»*ll known artist of this city, and; ,1,3,
TTc; cm. 44»4c; oats. .1R\c.
2t, !**►
V. ly ple;.a;ml time la cxjM.cted.
'East Buffalo. Jan. ri« —Catile-iiOn; • veiy ::o.92T |i|»*ces of s«»eond. thlril
An invliatlim baa In'*-!! extenih'd to
anfl founh cl.'t.ts matter handled
Mrs. r O WhltlHvk left for.Grand
the iiietnlieni of Triiverae City lodRC of
^ ^{egatdlr.g second class maiiej thr
—ll.miu; slow.' easy; choir.* laml.s
Hapi.ls this rnmnina lor :r short vUlt.
|:Dh lu attend the performance of
|7.ra»fi T,Tr.:
wet hers.
:. V>; leiloM shows 31 puhllratlons n-gnlarl.f
Mrs t\ B. llolHTison iTiurmd to
National Bank fitatementa.
mot row nlitht «t the Grand op«*ra
ewes. |'.<r
Hogs^Yorkirs. IT.i! entered and six news dea1ei-s «*nn>1I<*«l
houM All KJkh are requn
irT -u. pic.. |T.3hC:4n; h. avy and The revenue fmm Ihl.s S4»urce during By Wire to The Evening Record.
her sister. Mix F. F. Mlih i of this
W^nshlrigton. Jan. 29.—The ct
ih.- eliih m..roa at k p. m
mixed |T4.',«iT.2a
taOoOttmlalteC^ (dTr^voro* Ui* la aa;
.4 flm.lTircoiiiil haa iMwm flle.1 In the city.
la*.! quarter alone showing r*ee|pis of iroller of curn-ory has i.^sned a
Igaatr. «■ wo AdA iUf U January. 4. I
Mrs. .S. M Rl.x went lo Betinei to
Kleliatd Hound ewtate.
„vei 54.000. or an lnrn*ase over the for nathmal l«mk statenu'iti* «»
|%2>t a- road a. wiaar. j.d«o .
. ,
cirrespondlng lime in 19o5 of aiKmt 14 cloM-of huwine** Saturday. Jan 2<
V l-'ri
that ih»*M> w
15 ii* alMM^ «« aalo lor ll^i a pair
Tho ad ahould havi- rt^d floe 6oton
wltbln three davN frothfibetim^Tm
rolUeterl. Interest at
rate of « per
rent niu^i la- paid an/thU ermeu out
’tsLr "
Can Ha Da It?
K J Worden in In Tnavi rae City
on biiaiiieuM thiu ariemoon.. Mr. Wot
den. who la one of the muut enthualaa
Ur of local luiiHdull fana. lnforme<1 the
NewM that lie would en.bwvor to utlr
up «Hiie b;:s« hall talk In the aayluro
city. • We «iint 11 northern Mlchlgmn
liaKeUull leapnr with Traveiwe CTi>
and radUlar
two of the merolierv.'
M.ited Mr
Worden..-Monday* Cadll
Take-0!i Sale
.••• on «.•••
Entlm Stock Divided Into Two Lots.
LOT 1-All S\:,. $1S. $>0. $25. and $8Q
Ladles’Cloaks and Salts.
Wednesday “ffif $10
1.0 r 2—Ladies', Misses' and Children's Gar
ments, value j$7.50, $10.$12andS15.
No Goods Sent on Approval
E. Wilhelm
Mrs. Ikinlel SeeRmlllei and two chlldtvn w.-nt to Summit rity ihU morn
I» Smadea Is vb-.iina at May
Fiwl Huldaird went Ip Cadillac Ibis
* Mrs. Aimes Seneoal la visiting at
T. N. wmarch and son Earl of Kmc.
by well* in the city to«hiy.
rtad Claima,
Thi-odore and f'Vank Bogers of Mayfield flle«l
the final pnaif
In their
homestead entrbx with County Clerk
Waller this aftermam.
The lonmV
has i:o acres and the latter S'l in
Butter, dairy, per Ib^.............
Cheese, per lb...........7......
Eggs .............................. ...................
Salt, per bbl............. ................
Ha.v. per ton. .......... ...................
Com. per bu................................
Buyiop Rricea.
Wheat, per bn..............................
Buckwheat, pet bu.........
R.re. per bn....................
Com. per bn.................. ..
Oat*, per bu............................
Eggs ........................................ ..
Hay ................................... :.............
Apples, per 100 lbs..................
FOR . SALE Olr EXCHANGE—Flue Cowi ................................................
water MHinl. I U<vg. «BI *ell or ex- Ughl steer* and beifera...
Little Child .Dead.
the Immaculate Conception
8evsnty-Sl« Ton* Per Month.
Silva 4-!iVerne l^iurni.
the Infant ♦
Will Also Serve Supper in
. IB weight th.. niimiHT of fHiumK of
daitghier of Mr. and Mi-s. V,H. Sturm, j
Forester* Hall.
j.e'suiii (lass matter handled during
dietl at their ho..rdtal ihli morning at ‘
111. y.ai was 1 .R.3K.r.:,R. ot an average
9 o'rhtek.
The la«H«*s of tin* Immarulate Tohof over seventy six tons per month
—--------------------------- .
j r-r ption chuirh will hold a supiier and
Each qnatTer for the year J90C rIjows
Elite Party.
j entettainmeni In Ihe Foresters hall
a stihstantlal 4ncreaM* over the correThe next dancing pariv to iH- Hven 1
quaner of the prerr-dlng
hy the Elite club will t,e at the t'iiyj ;.
,j,e enterialnmen:
opr-ra house rm Friday evening Thlw|^ j„
will IH* the Insi party Ndore 1^4.1.
mail and the
' %ay Of n rot
that Cbo om prodtirttoo of «•••
a benlay. arthol
fuBT year*
Twenty-three permits were ls.sued to age of .me .rear wbowt twenty eggs: at
firms to mail third and foiirlh-rlass tbo age of two year*, about 120; at
4b. age' Of tbrr. yesrw. aboai I3.*i;
matter without stamps affixed, the re
at Ibe agr of four years. alKuit 11.%:
celpts from this arrangement during at tbe age bt five ye«r*. alsmt erglitT.
the year amounting to |4.^h.4.:.S.
and at tbe
Since .\’ov. 2d. last, the clerks nt
the local office have be<-n disrrllmtinc
the mall for the western siat«t> In
St.:.d of sending It to the Chicago offire for that puriiose. and as a con
sequence 'letters for Omahai. St. Paul
and southern Illinois |Kduls. which are
isJ.nI here In the afternoon, are admeed from six to twenty-four hours
«n the old system.
which have parceld post system* were
made last year and the year before
result this part of the work
IncieaMNl rooslderahly during the past
ygar. S19 package* to these countries
cial deUvery matter posted over Ihe
Has* condition: bargain If Uk« at recent bemvcmeni.
once. C. U KeHey. 3K. W, Seventh
Mra. C. P. Kroll.
City phone 743
jan 2tM;t
Mrs. and Mr*. A.^. Krtdl.
G. A. Krnll.
WANTEO-Pliire to work for board
ian 29lf
by a school boy. Inquire at fteeord
the targest month in that
Over 11.000 pieces of mail were bHd
at the local poatoffice for lack of sofOdent postage, and In every-caas^ the
qs-nt much time ami pains in getting
heir plans laM for n very enh.yal.le
per r<-ni was fully made up and the
halanc' was i»artly sorted when re
launch, onfshoraa power eoglne.ilrst
Jan mf
.jiHHUhs In the hall and the ladles have
show* that only
liad to IH* dlsirilMtierl In the office. 74
being posted here during 190C.
change for anything I can use; will Steers and heifer*. IIM Ibi
Regarding the tiaclng of o^Ing
niakt* good hunter. Homer Howard, Dressed pquilry ....7.....
matter the report glve^ the/Dumber of
Chickens, live wfight.............
437 W: Tenth jSi. Cltx. phone PTC.
complaints received during the year
dressed--------, *jan3P-3t
3P3. of which 117 were aatlsfadorSheep, with wool OB
ily adjusted by the pieces of mall
FOR SALE—Cheap for rasn or on Spring Ismhs. live weight*.!!!
being located or otberwiM arconated
easy terras;'house and lot. East Calves ............. ....................................
the balance not being traccAMe
Eighth strfw-t. six nx.m bouse, city Green bide*............................
7« i>
%rtre referred to the chief poatoffiCB
water, reoent sIBewalk.
Adilreas Curtd hides .................................
iaapector at WaJthlngtoo
1?0S East Erighth street.
Tallow....................... ........................
Of 12 2 per cent waa
Jan 3K*t
noted In the number of pieces of spe
Selling Prices.
Clearhack pork, per hbl... ...Ilfi.OO
ru^rhack innk. per lb__
Short cut of pork, i»er bbl.
Ham. per Ih............... ..
lArd.' per Ih.................... ...12GIS
Bacon, per lb............. .
Corn meal, per 100 n»a.... ... L20
rinur. IT . U A Co * Beat. bW. 4.50
Oat*. IKT bu....................... ...
Feed. H.. I.. A Cn.’a Bwat, ppr
^IckeuK. |M*r lb......... .......
Applt-s ..........................
Frr-^h^fish. per Ib
Middling*, per 100 lbs.’...
Bntn. per JOQ lbs............... ... 1.20
Celery, large stark*.?....
Ceh-ry. small stalk*..,,...
I^inee, per lb.
Oranges, per doren........ ...15«40
lA-roon*. pwr dot.................
Butter, creamery, per lb. !!!32f<3C
Fnlon township
; •^J
The following menu will Ih- Keni-d:
-M.*hed PotatiHHi.
Ilrown Gmvyr
no .Salad.
Cabbage Salad.
R;iV«’d Beans.
Rye Bread.
A Dods CTseker thoiild be tbs BMwt nstfl.
ttou and wboleMme of aU fooda Bade
from wheat-
Bri ardinaiy aoda craclnra abaorb molal.
are, collect daat and bacomo atak and
aoor long before tboy reach yosr tabla.
Than ia boworar, ena
•oda cracker-at once ao pare, ao cleas, M
criap asd aoatlahiag that it atanda aloaa
is its lapnma ancaDesco-tha saas ia
Uneeda Biscuit
^ Htogrtfe-At
kad ohbMv pMrai tkia artotor aC
HI ^ Jtoor, mala oore
li Vkf tbtf
r. ^.v.
ao« Boomt Oraj«ai kail tafcao iMto*
act or tka vaona btfart tka HBtfto
««H» Ok tor
^.tkia ttmt
VM kafaHTM H^ra. aad
A Bitter Sfm
HUvry ^
mlah this wank.
Tko LndiM' Bimtel Htrar dnk
*ka narar knew how tt kappwd. at Mra, Orn Barden's Jaa 24. 8p
bot^to^ ^oarJOcajte Ml Ckat
aeaUag Jan 3fl at Mrs. Ralpb Brigkam!a. They wfl have a aortal Feb
te tko okarek.- A lS<«it supper will
ho aorand. Brory.hody Invited.
Walteca Shepard left teat oranteg
with ate cara of poutora for Chicago,
Tko new senu are now plac
the oehool bouiie. and aeventy-alx puplU are enrtdled. How Is that for
town only eighteen months old? '
Goo Bmwn w«nt t.i Cadillac today
on buslm-sa.
Mra. Biraob te v.wy 111.
The infant chlbl of Mr. hnd Mra.
Harry Dood dicl Saturday .morning.
Mrs. Olen Ashby U vtelllnK her
nKMher at Mantou
Mr. and Mrs E.1, Middleton vb
at Ralph IWghamV Sunday.
Mlsa fkrrle fUnso*. *vlH|fe»!
parv-nts over Sunday
There will U- a danco at Baird s
opera house Satnrdaj oacnlng. Feb.
of tka 4VMMC AOd moat mm
Hrrm m Cte pleiwM cf two
viM» vm Mlcf«4 or tteik
HM4« of MIor. ^ tk» wNorloM Or.
S. C rimr Vito ko» JoM koto car
laroa afior koapHto oto oT tka ^or M
Oto ootkoHilto for Ckfoc i^ia. tV^
ylHaro la ftot of Mr*. TiMtoorv
HkuMO IMakamr. vko fa r«vqrto4
io kara loai Hop ckaa a tollliaa 4kd
. lara tkiooito Dr. Vkmr. anl tka lovar
Ikelaiv fa Ikai of Ufa. laak^ Oraj
Tanor vkoaa iMiUMf oM to ib#
r«airfltoK of ladtrtiMia inaloat rio«.
k |4rtnra of Mr. rtovar^a 1
Kuikxrfum Paik. K J. U alBD
IV*; ■'■ •
I MWCMHahouC through a tarantula.
It waa at a mine camp, and tba camp
bu.ly had a Urantula impaled on a
allck. A man newly arrived Tiom tha
Mat stood gaslug. fascinated with hor
ror. at the aqulnnlng reptile, working
lu black taaga ta tha affort to tmeh
auHethlagftkat It muld faatea them
Uto. Itoddmly. without warning, tba
bully thrMt tka tarantula straight Into
the tendarfuat'a face. HU whiskers
Mvad him from tbe fangs, but be let
out a yell aa If ha had actnally beeu
bitten and jmhpcd tvek. I fully be
lieve. ten feet. Then, as tbe fellow
cam# pokUg tba tarantuU towar»l him
agate- tha ttoderfoot drew hU revolver
and turned looaa aa his torutentur. Ills
dlaappoltttiDatit. “If yon caa’t do auythlDC oMa. yoa can taafk. 1 know a
man; brltHnl him out of a tifht |>Uira
about thrae uujutha ago; oaina U Gray*
dou. Ila lIvM •omrwhrrt out In \Vr*tctaeatrr taxmty and ta on tha orhool
my JCofitorMr ratof>
r«Mrlgfci. laa, b> M. Xl < nubtiobam
rrprramiUHl by Mancarvt • fatl
alatara t'otiatKutfd the ra
Uoa of power If not fiopuUrtty amooc
toau and affalra. aaturo had amt him
da^btora tnatmd of aoua. HU wife
kad dfad of rniy ahame for hariiii
faUad aa atgoaliy to fuUHI her duty In
thU rr<«»act.
The aldaat daughtar had triad to rs>
^ta her mother s offeuaea Iw enter
I rorv
l.v\ .V A 1 |\ t‘
built iron tNidgaa laatead of air caatlca
In art
Oar tklaff ioha U^klt had doae-he
bad flren tbam the beat edocalkMud
adraatataa moaey could bur. and than
ha kad Mid. “Nov go out and do
thlofm.Margaret^ freah from the trip abroad
vblch Ltckla cooaldecTd tbe eaamttal
Aaktiliig toack of a gtrl'a edocatloa.
knev that ahe would be eapected to
“do tbiaga " Her father had girm bar
lln»e ta unpark her trank-, to call on
ber few raUtIrea and (ha Intimate fam
ily frleoda and to recorer her eeinlllbrlnin. ao to aficak. Now. when be aent
for her to join him In the llbwiiT.
knew what hU uueotlon would be. Nor
John l4sklr leaned ba«k In hi- un
tufted leather chair and atared frankly
at Ibe un. alandm girl, who from aoma
onkoowu ami far dteUnt av'e-tor had
inheritad a grai^e aln>o«t |•atrt« lan.
“im down, Margarat, l*re apeut a
“I think I ahaU take charge of t!ie
hooae.“ aha aald. calm, without <inak
lag within
•n'ake charge of tke houser‘ ecbmNl S
her fkthar hankly. “I pay Mrs. Jon ;
kins to do that“And the whole house looks aa If M'
VMa h|tndled by a hireling.- replied '
Margaret, meeting hU ang-7 gOM
Vlthont flinching. “Bought: Hlrad!
Tka wufda are aUmped all over tbe
place. Wa bare no boma life, no home ,
•tHoapbarr. and I want to maka things ;
■mra plausant. mora Ilka aome of the
bosnaa In vkleb I hare rWted. I think ‘
that la my torta“
A deep porpla dnah motmtad to Lec-|
kle’a farabeud. and kU flat cama down
on tbe table with a rtuging thump.
chrrteB by tba blood currant
^ of the eilucatlau that 1 paid
ta baadM rlablaad.
nlM>ul live thousand n year for. youyuu’re n dUin^re ti the family.
la tome of tbe ultra exolualre cluba.
Be»* Grayikm In the morning School Mya tba London Chronicle, tt Is a aerltnnM open out ite'ie In a week or so.*' oua breach of etiquette for one memHe bMt over kls desk as If tbe aub- l«r to apMk to another without obUtelog a ceremmloim iutrodurttoo before
Her fara wm very hand. A painful case has Ju.t oc
rv'd Stars curred In a certain old established and
d(wway. extremely respectable Pall Mall ranwhat you My. of course, ra raoMrie. It appears that a 4iewiy joinmember In ealhma deOan<v of cutther. I»ut I wani you In ndvanee that
Teuiured tba otliar atternoou to
: win be a failure. I waa not meant
ce a ramark about tbe weather to a
for that sort of thing.tleman with whom he was not perHer father flung bark his big brad
Illy acquaintad. Tbe recipient, of
and stared at ber.
• I'erbais. you think you were born tills outrage glared atonlly at Its per
to play a UUy. but I w 111 fool you. You tetralor.
“IWd you preaiima to address ma.
dou-t ixime from that aort of alo. L.“
And ao It tiapiiened that Margaret sirV* fie demanded, with an awful
Le^-kle was pUtvd lu charge of dis frown.
“Ves. I did,- was tbe deflaut n-ply
trict school No. I.l. Tlie one redeemlug feature of her new poaltloD was “I aald it was a Bne day.“ The other
the long walk to and from the d.*pot. ■dlgeate,! the olsuTvatlon thouglitfully.
Then, after an ImpreaalTe pause, he
for she cnmmutnf dally father than
hi exiKiueut. “Well.
take iHMird In the amall village' turned to Its
^ I pray d.m‘t let it otvor agal
he re
around which home
jj., I marked as be burled Mmaelf
t. tb.
e for,
world as good »• Ikclr fathermade
have no bigger aHkltlcm
than to mend aoiks and baka plea.
That will to^ to tha Inter of aw famny name, wont Itr
Msvffl^>^ kit ksr Bp. l,i«ckla bad
down thrtwgh ten generatloua Itotead
ainca Billy I»obaoii had put rad pepper
on tbawtore and ackaol bad beau dIs
aslaaad for tbe aftorwwsL fiba roas;
rary straight and girlish and big eyed,
“ Homar Graydoa entered the dour,
" ^ bla
" first visit to tbe aikool. and
aurprfsed to And a clean cut.
youmris^l^lng^n l^ead of Vv
■■■Min..... .
■7' :
Lv C\ .N. * % l i
' •' • ! . : ! 1
Maraarat xom and half ttmlW
ber ana aiHHd her fathcFa thlto 1
“Father, dear. Fd ao mialf gi
jast make tovTor you aad rm
He flam aside tke eartrclldim.
l.xti v\id*iilag the »t-.-fc*i «f
1 .n of
lud m.nklng the
niHicflIate Tabtete
The Great Constipation Gore
slatsaaS u«tM< Um- sun:*\t- o.irus«. m.Ac p«ri
Mttds of iiersoiis urr* lieabd
>‘*ar. Gu.uant('e<l at lluglM-,* l)ru]
’ Frank H. Mrads. Ilann.nli drag
‘ZOc and tU>d. Trial ImiUIc free.
Formes. FashionsIde o|ilub.n was iin.leckled tt* to which s.f the bmr was
rb« greatest, and Anally the uiciids-rs t'obi HiiibsMinin. ('reanwrd lN*latiH*s.
of a Iradlng c?nt. dctermlmsl to irave MaiN-aioul with* Chei--- ot Tomato
tbe quarter of singers Interviewed seiVKaucfs.
.r the
Waldoil S.vlad.
Brown Hoad.
While linuid.
awanled tin- t^fm of
est basso Um o In IaumIou.
PHee ri I’cnts
jan !!9 U
Btrfbdlgl ansucnxl
truthfully. “Ijibla.-lio 1
Marini rv-idU<d. -| will
Is the tlrst Imssn. luit
The Rfght Nama,
Mr. August Shcipe. tip-isjj.ular oier
sc r of the p<Kir. at Fort Madiium. la .
M.vs: -Dt? King s N.-w Life Pills an*
ilghUy namt-d: Ih. y art noire agi«s*ahlv. do more pisel and make one l.s-1
liettcr than any otln-r laxative.” tluar
nntciHl to emv ldllou.<neKK and r*Hjsil
ration. 2:.c at l!ugb.H* Drug To..
I Frank II MeadK. Hannah drug More.
Good Properly
For Sale
Southwest Corner Union
and Sixth Sts.
Tmet .if kill]. uiNslral,
HtK*li lui.t flrv,
t.y Waym . .Mmli-eiu Hml
ami Antitun IMu.v. Fiut*
for n-jililt-mw.
The Hall-Room Boyir
bow many pints of milk
are there la that galkm ranr*
“Its aU milk, ma’amr lodlguautly
exclaimed ^by.-Youtha Companion.
Thomas Mlttou waa IMckenm’ antic
Itor as well as his acboolfellow and
used to say that he was the only one of
all of “iTurlle's- friends whom the
novelist had never “)>ut into a tiouk.Milioua braren amlled Inwardly, be
rucogulwd obvioua lUev-es
In nererul of tbe novels, the
<“Grrat EX|VCtatlMS "» Slid
Tappertu rBanaby IlnOgg^i. Not,
ttovh te cornmou. It may be Mid, bet«reo Ibeae two eccentrics. Nevertbe- ’
-t\'bfraHn do they dUTerr qaerled;
tbe very, yoaag man.
“A good .character la a laxwy.- ex-1
plateed Ike T. T. “bat a goral reprtottsa M a flaMHUy.-
llitl Ste.
Chas. Pronhazka. Jr.
ThluklM that perhaps by turning
from tbe^ibatract to tbe cuucrrtc she
might smrwd bettef In stlniiilntlng
hb power of recollection. Ibo teai-U-r
tried iinothtT tack.‘•Bobloaba aald. -your father te a
milkman. Un^beV
-Y«*s. ma'am.**
“Wen, how. think as hard as you ran
"I* •« “>» wrOootOoom. It wu to
Uy. 4h.rojM
striwm Old) ai«d that the atreatn was
i-h'U«b^Li BuUctlu
bridged by a .ingle plank Tbe luhah- 1 h-Ud->,>hu BnIMtu.
Itaiits of Jersey were cou»|wll.d loj
Curad of Lung Troubla. •
kee|» this plank In gooil rrpalr. for. It
“It Is now Hvrrn >rars since 1 had
was uscl by the blahop of tke dW«eae;a narrow escape fnmi ctmKumplkm “
> liwbidlcal visits toj writes C. O. PItiy.l. a IraUliig bwslm-rs
hi* fl.*-k, and the man of Kenduiw.
Kendiaw. S,
S. C. -1 had run
that JK3
down in weight to
ikmiiuIs. and
wtwthy pralate desired
coughing was ramstaat. U.th by dj
rroaslug la mM.v. la
^and by night. Finally 1 Ikw taUi
and again In IIm* year 1
,<l)r. King's New IHsrovciy. and cti
yruck raisers ,hha fell to tbe lot of
M-huol No. lU. 'Hhc had ^IMkeu the
truth when she said that aha would
fall. Tbe power to orgaulie and disHpllne children In miml«-rs Is not glv«> *« all. not even to fhe woman who
bf the magic talisman «f maternal lovk
uiay develop Into a model mother In
l*rr own houiM hold. To tlie problems
oudls^lpUncd youth and unclean
perauna and untutored mluda abe gave
the best energies at ber command, but
worked with the aenae of failure
hke waa not aurpclard, therefore,
partb uterly dafl and lower-
T!\c h•.'^
.^lechcs presmaut with meanteg
<»i l.H t:ve in tils deBrata
that wtmkl asseml^ to wl
a feat. In rrality It was aa rrant of ftiweoh of eigtit or ten
('otamon o-v-nrren.s* durliw tbe aixUi
onr«* knew bow things.
reuturv. misting diKvinwr.ts relatira
VlH^MUkei* htuiitr when 1
monastery of Mom St
ftktm mtlk as a fcctlllaor fur crops
la Interesting many (armars abroad,
aereral of whom declare Chat asloulsblag results bare c-ome from Its use.
In the Ttcinlty of one fjuH a dairy had
a lot of aklm milk tbat eouM not be
used. Two farmers took tbe mBk and
pound It on tbelr lands aa ap experi
ment. One emptied se\ i-nty-flve rant
and sn.itber IfaV Iten.iirkable results
hare been obtained. IHielr grass te
no>r seven tiroes as vlgormis as on nd
joining Held- where the milk was not
M-Nl. Init which Vicre euxerv^d with Btaudlgl werv not here. I certainly
would elahii the leiid.I'omies witijtiul iH-sltutlon Instantly
aald. “The u-r,-:itc<t buss*., sir thafa
me, Korl Formes.%
M»rviB*s fiascara
Hglit.“ was tte
Jury, and the »
for trial.-8an FramHaco Exau
-8., .nm .11 th. moorr l-T. .,«( •>>«
«■ XW. anm «U »• pSM rt. B.«. '
•m-my aM. m W*.
tiowol tb* Itnr wo (hat thoaa im-
Ijver PiBs
The Laugh Is oo G. Whsuwad This Tima
J.B.aunt0B CEO. ▼. aeWBTHT
law. OolletfUon work a apodalOWith Uaderwwod A Umlor. Siilhe^
land block,
fWCapialn GrUwtild.
MUd. waa
freat aad only buawrtst
of Verk. 11 btMieoed ibat. unable ic
i iqulet for bia writ
inf in bla own boiwe. “Mark" had
r«*nied an attic room of ibe captain
la>iaf atrtwa repeatedly on the ntipul
atloo that be aiumld not be dlalarbed
Jle wpa nut dlaiurbed
the work did not a)
I go. Omt clay be wandered down
auirs and prowled around uutaldc lb«
Glanclttf upward, be aaw on
the houaetup over bit etudy this alfu:
Swallow I, afe ms allowed to twiner
on ihU roof -
Kvrjy CHIU of Uu**- oriint mli. U h |ioiiiU r
T1ko.‘ wunl mU. an- liUU , Iwl tlmjr are
tlie kiiKl that iM what they ro afu*r.
If jrou doubt it, try a Rt«ord waul ud.
and ywni belim it.
WANTtP-^Hace to aork lor board FOR SAUI-UI?.
lloUi gaa aad alaotrlc llflita. Good
aad ao to acbool. loqutrf at Roc
bam. fine tawn. cloaa In. Waahiaftoa
ofd afioo.
tao 2^tf
■tiwat. Prim |1600. Wade Broa.
t17 Boatb UnloD 8t., Cttiseni Pbone
WANTCI>~li team* to haul (oor (<io(
wood; tbitw mile hanl; |o»d roada. 1219.
auttd acrommodaUtHia.
FOR tALC-1476-nne now ten
let. oomer of Itotoa
and Htb alreeU.; will Uke 11,000
• 1.000
In food value, free and rlwir of anWANTRP-Maa or boy Ui drivi* Uwm
cnmbrancea Traverve C!lty prodiMV
Uve, reah price |:.000.
at oacr. /. W. Slater bouae furnlah
Bro^. HIT Union atrcct. CIU. phone
luf atofw,
Jaa 2l tl
WANtCB<-IUgbeat cash price for
corn aad oats. Traverse City Mill FOR tALC-14M-M acrca two aad
oawhnlf mlloa city market; 1,000
boaiing poach. r»d bouse and kvn ;
nrico iSiOO. Wade Broa., II Un
WANTfO-One thousand bushels of
ten alreot, aia. phone 1S19.
corn In cwr. Columbia Transfer Co.
Jan. le tX.
cbotoa applet by boabcla fur aale;
WANTCB-2S teamn. Icfsl rtuid. test
nrimea' Goldcna. Baldwins. Grtea' of wagee. Jerry BulUvan, Cedar.
Inga, Talapahokhiea. Pewauktea.
Jan H tl
Talman BsocU. Wagooera. B. J.
WANTED lllghral rasli pileo i*aid
for iwr won and .wls . Travel m- FOR gALE-.14k4-FkMifto«i
hoiis<\ Mb street, clpae to actmoL
C'ily Milling Cte.
Jan 19 (f
faelt*ries and poatofgcc; central
Price IlMHl.
part <d xih atm
lo 81.. Cili.
Wade Ilftia. gl7
phone 1219.
WANTED -Your upboUtering, I
luro repairing, chair ranUg
furallurc packing. E it. Tanner. 31G
Untea >Bt.
Jaa. 13if
large'tot. hanae well gulthcd. on
atone foundali<«: easy terma. prtco
WANTED-Thpae that ke<v cos
use our IDBAL dairy feed, beat and FOR SALE-147l-rsrty aora
nuartar mite eaat ed Mayfald; good
clmapaat ta tba narkoL T. C. Mitb
lag Co.
Jaa n-«|
rye. corn, data.
T. c. Mllllag
jaa lur
WANTED—You'that keep chickens
to naa our IDEAL mixed chicken
feed. Nime better. T, C. MJUJiig
ian iMf
beat, ellt'tlie light, city’ salcr, sewer
connections, all in llwteLaas condi
tion. G F. Murray.
Jaa 101 mo
FOR aXLE-Kigbty acre term two
mllea west NorrtevtUe; four miles
poM ofBca Traverse City;- sixty
acres Improved: six acrea.suitable
dinga; all la
good hoUdl
it-ciass OQXiditten: cash ‘ prion
aay good oolU to aell, write me.
FOR BALE—im—Owe h
giving poatofBce nddraaat. what
aixty acre farm 12 mites -south of
you have to aall aad rtemm for ten
city u seventy acres ImproTsd; i
bouse, bam. windmill; all fenced;
lag On my return will either cnll
Price fJSOO. Wada Bros.. «17 Union
on yoo or write you. Herman Hy*
strsM. Cits, phooa 1119.
man. 240 Washington street l»E2-tf
Calvert, whUc bunting near
lioweii. kUted a teue ra«er w hich waa
iwliug around in tbr snow and
itch sraa 4V» feet long H* brought
the repUle to Iteweli to-back up bis
snake story .
Ul Co., at Alpena.
2W-IOO cruaber which
will have a ca|iarlly o( 3.000 tona of
d stone a day. The company
Iso put up a newr sle<d and cc
uUding aix32 feet. .
t iHdiiR pnbllsbtvd for X3 years,
iu Sur. owned by T.
t'o .'haa susiwmded puhlicaiiou.
Lar k
Interest in the i»apcr by local
roeirbanU mailc It an unprofliablc
n-Rloii sixty two yi iiih iu:u and 1
huKtm-w. pnvp*.sHlon
lieved to tM< the ouly while Ittai
For the drsl lime in the history id
vbo can tiuthfully ^ay as i
.Keweenaw rtuiutv. th«rx'‘ U U» l»e a
Mr. Stiles, now X4 yoai^ old'and still iiew>iwip«-r lssm*d wltbiu Us Umiidar
pncsl phyhln.l c».ndlilon hW'at
I* h This Ih to Iv piildlhhi'd at Mu
that s«-t*tion when there wen
hawk ami v-dUivl hy Arthur L. C^rna
us on eiUH'r side of Uike J
hsu Tb4‘ ivajwM- is to l*e iwIIimI the
He and atsMit .a score of other “Kewax-naw MIikt." and the flrsl
1 came on onleiK fn»m the governit lo lay out Hie npier peninsula
40 l-.-* n jn.lug on iH-lw..*.,, ll.r Hu*d
4lcs^ MciiV aKwHi..tt4iu :4imI Nrlsuu
rul-K imMerwoithrihe * »’.l
tw.in. of Tekonsha. who h.v.s .W hired
f.sMlall pht>er. ilon H Jtitle se
t.. -Marahall. idid Mart a iwi
Cimnii-tieut. t^ u«*lnR I** iiinki’ wa«
U ni hlmix Tbr deal has bixm closed
oil the iHditleal machine.
and inaihiiicry is iHdbg InslalhHl in
the <dd Hardy IikmI UiUding.
At the legular nuxitlng <4 Ite* Kik
Skin Moccasin tV., of Y|«»ll«ml; lu4d
Of the Traverse City Board of Trade. la.st Wi-ek. It was found that allbouKli
Thuraday. Jan. Jl. Ig07.
Ih. firm
yonne. it has lurmxi om
u annual m«<c*liug oi the Ti a verm* ov.T ft.iHwi worth of inocrasins durlnj;
Uiaid of trade will Xm luid
the six mcHiths of Its iUc. The followFuMwtiTs hall Tbuimlay ••vrninj;, J
ne.7. Danqu. t f. r.Uj* m Tickets
limm*dlatoly lollowinK the l»anguet. All citiaena an> invited to bemcnibcra of the orroOiiaill
Annual du.w |;luu; aiu luitiatiun 1
; dwlring to Iw. omc mewIn iw aro
QUcatMl to hand Uicii
Mvieliittvy bu or before
nauu-h to the
Jan. St>. Ht t. p. m. wo that tb< y may be
tmioUeU In time to k^lemt the
qu«M and annual meeting. Tickets
may be had of tbe socreUry at the
Retard efflee.
EL W. lla.vtlngs. I'rx^ldenl.
j. w.
anon. BiTu taiy.
Jan 28-St
Amos E. Binghillii
lot on either
FOR BALE-1471 ^ u aertw two mtloa FOR BALE-1 IRX-Modern eight i
realdwwcc. 8lxth street. All coeRtata Rank buildiagi finest locathm
for auburhaa residence in thia revenlwwOM. A good barn, close In.
PbM ILtOO. Wnde Broa, tl7
PM tltfiO. Wade Bros, 817 Soalh
miml au. phoM iiiir
Uataa wtreoL Otlxens Phpne 1219.
Jan. 4-tf.
ih. |1«
urn loin or teaa.
Milling Co.
Ursa tot: latke avenor; Hoae lit.
IVice tl ioo. Wade Bros. 817 8
llnteo atract.
Jan 2Wl
W BJkLS—Idtt—2&xlg3 fee. eorwer
of Unteti and Seventh street; xmu- FOR BALE—AS kinds of I
cow and chicken teed. T. C. MOHag
Jan ll-tf
xde Bros., 817 Boath
FOR BALE-Gootl heavy work
rncun honan, tth MtmL Mpm io
churek; assy
.E—Rnmkter automobUa site
I kMse gemsr; ta pmfiMt raw
Dr. BnwYwr.
Jna 284f
'quire Wade Bros, 817 Boutk XJmkm
Jan 24 tl
eras CSRp
Fred W. AluHee of Saflnawr. iw
cenily called to the pantorate of the
Booth BaptUt church In Bay City, has
IwsaMl tba nUnlsierlal examlnatloa.
ana will be ordained about tbe middle
Tbe.re^iublauce U Senator Uu
IHait of Ulawan in Admiral Scbliy
hM fryquenlly been remarked alnre
Uie fomuT Ijocame a member of the
aeaaU. The trther afiemoon a V««tj
of vtattora from Maryland were tn the
fallerr. “Ob;’ evrUlimd one of Ibv
party, “there ia Admiral Schley
letMed li» I be KruateT*
The vUllor. who waa a lady. Mwmed
guile cUaappuluU il w hen ahe leaiued
that the hero of Sanliafu waa not a
mcmlici td the heuate.
W. Blalcrs house teralshUig i
ward^ Kinian. a Lanalng pn
kt lb# blf clsar factory
wbicb Lanalng la irrtac to land
aaya It'a a bad tbinit for the boya aad
firla wbo will work la It.
Broad dealnrv at Port Huron
take out <a lloenae after liarcb I
after that dale the sealer of we
and meaauivw tell, that be will I
CilJ Tfea^uref,
, . .
Succesfiful business man. ^cvej^^egrs ^Alderman from
ggunvd ill MkotiMtrisou with tlH' white
it iK him in tbe ring and ail!
tw f.»r some yt>ara y.-t. Tb.* lumbci
turned out Is prim i|wlly hemlock, BARA T. CHABS, M. Ik-OCBte 1
Dr. O. A GkAMi Btete Baak hli
plan and hsnlwoo.1 IuiuU*r. wivertws.
Both pbonaa, 12&-2r. BsMd—cw
few yvars ago ft wah almost entire
W. Eighth BL CIU. pbowa Ttl.
while pin. *’
Owoosn U ggurlng
plant for the tnanu far lute of atecl
MMb Of tbs «7«w ear.
bridges, the rtnupanr for which may
MM Md tbfoat GtoMM Bttwd
Im organised by
Ovor JokiiMg drug atoim BoU
ag<*«t fur the Grotoa Hri.ige Co..
MIHer. of N.-w York city, luwd
man for the compsiiv
(iouiwe Siektmui. Grolini. N. V. If the OR. E. A MINOR—Ottko over Aoierk
plant is built it will wnph.y 1(mi
can Drag Btora. Bpt
1mm the atait.
to «yo. oar. pom. Md t
• BUI’* Hathaway, th.* |hsu rxHi
atted. BolhphooM BoMdoocskll
t... wIh. io.4 hhv life In an a«i
Sixth atraoL
near Big R;.|»ldh SutuiHlNV night.
<m.‘ liablt which wran unique atmuig
DR. W. E. MOON—Kpeclalisl^lmi
i-tMulueliira whom w.* .'x.ve met.
akiu and blood diseasoa;
be «t.lb <-Uh1 .«ch fare or tlrk. t hr
yoara exporieuco. OWee CHjr opera
sIwavH iHwril to sii*. In his die. lial
bouse blmdt.. M'bonos-New. 107;
Ion*-. “Thank vo;i '* ■T1li^. |*er»Miiii
feature he hrorght to play with great
lorcx' fur his u>ad. Evnyoue
rode with Bill ’ Hathaway f.U
he was a ruBtom.u- of his. rather
than of a railway ronwiration. Would
that there
ctmdu< to,.s like
him.—Howard City Record.
clan and Snegaon. Removed hs of
fices in Munson block over Barnum
A Earl s. ClUxena phooa »».
Unar nnd nettew ragulaUir. Satis
faetteo guaranlMd. WIU KlmbaU
The editor of a college paper in ? Htdo girl when Iji IX''clle paid his
Music Hoqpa. CIU. phone 284.
SpriagUidd. Mo. iii provoked at hU; igat vUk lo this country and was la
ealeemed coniciuponiries ’ iH-oauac; her wung ladyhood atege before the
they look without credit bis oiginal; Somlnote IndUna were ftaalty pacified MONEY TO LOAN—No tax clanta
brain thrab: “Skidttep as you would! in norada. She aaw the first tete
put la mortgasea, Hoaaaa for sate
bt-sklddDce by.**
; . .
j graph wire In abe L’ntiod Biaus
laqstra of E.
Luke E
jiBths-i Tt *-r lo ‘
Waiihlngtoa to BaliikM. Ue
MIH Oe «>ly coo-1
»<■■■■■«« «<»<•» -of
addTMHiiag tbe chamber in support of
rer. PrUx^s rsaauMtiw. Of^ with
high the bill to increase tbe aalarr of <v>£O. P. Ca/var A Bro Bolt pkooaa.
greaaman. “1 am ibe poorest mem
ber of this body.” he obaerxed..whereOR. E. L. THlROBY-tpart^ aftaa
I upon Mr. Oarmack arose. “Does the
ttewitoAUawMiaof chufifwn. Room
Tom MlaslMippi yield to
> lake the place
U4B, Bate phMo.
from Tennmsee?’* inquired
saMwitt Falibanke. “WUh
U a son of OaEla P. MimMF«too. ha.
written a goDd 4«al..
on Spanteb IKeiptere awtf founded
and Is the presldapt of the lUnpanic
JuM mode hy the senator from MlsMSoiHely of America.,
alpid ahoeld not go unr^Ilengt.l.*
WhlK rfdlea:;ae na
alwavw rf3d I
Mtg and I feel es-
Wteptetetra^Bi . AppolBted
Porcelain Work
Tirt Insuranu
6eg* H,
201 freat stftat
eteUtea held n masUng waoanUi
decidad to tak« care of tba farmers' MRA. S. L. BONNER'S hglr drsMlat CMBsa «Md WUkaiw Mte^^a m m M
parlon, ovar City Book Btora. Room
InatUuli. which was to have held lU
meetlag laat week. During the
lug the fact that the town of Ss
ham ahipped. or ctlalma lo have
pad. more prodnee than any
Monay to loan. Ill Stata Dank
Order your
building. CItUaaa phone C9«.
m of tu alxe In the state
|| gendfal Hews II
ent observcrii in wZikiaftMi. TV
«ud»lcn rise of Crane Is rcgnrdud gs
the moat striking fact In the altuMtea.
It ih conceded that white In rmpoMaiU
re«perls he larks the ability of
lor Hoar he la more Influeotial.
MUa Blanche Walsh besides hMag
1 Inventor
htr borne on West Flffy-fifth
New York, she kL n mnektee .ghop
fully equipped. »e has Just InvqAted
a newTanglod wlraH for anttMnqBlles
Candidate for Republican
OipiMlIOn Or
ovcm wbm It waa
oat that Baavtf A Oq. baa nMiwd tba mm
BW It waa Inaniad tbnt BofM
Daoda Priamau bn| IM mmmk
BB. r. J. MAC MtTT-Pracdca ItBtV
oolbKl bM •!& leea lor Cling a lit.
aad riTTlKO OP 0LA88B8. orCca
iCl WUbate block. CIUmu pboaa
failA Ibam waa Cod Tberw la alao
snit ter rUAM la tb« faAeml ooori
ow land wblob U» companyy I.
U aora
TUNINB-W. K.rlflUard.
ed to have rsCunad to pay ter.
experience. w(^ Grinm
Tbe Hecla Caineat Go., of Bay *Gily
Broa, corner Fronl and>ass Sta.
fiber Want. will. U
mora ateamms for the hanglteg tba L B. MAIITtN-Pbynlcln ^ ta
coal aad Umaaioua lo the plant. Tba
geoa. Ofltea tOi But Pmt ateaat
nboui UDO ncrea ot
Ml Alpena and it Is
Crelghu paroala and iranEn. OtAaa
at aty Book Btora.
Tba daranac Buslipwa Maa’a
1 Frotecthm L^Mb
who ao ably
Woodman haBootho third;
It to not knows whether Senator
NatMa C. Gray.
that he means to rteire froai pahhe
IS09 has been prompted by r«aout dke r
matning yoais ot hto life qulidly as
private clUsen or whether Iw etmai'
B A. M. maeu on Mowday tvMtefi
era the political conditiottB to Gploon or Moro tha fuB of tha ommb.
nado hapoad hla noniML Mr. Itellar
at 7:80 p. m. Carl C. Langley. W.
to atm strong and energelic and capa^
: *. EL White, socratery.
ntposaibte. ttm «U ■a It ad^ 86 Mb oEjto haid mmk as «oy member
rant to .tko k|iM l cC
vfRIcte of tbe senate, ; .
nd does away with
Mra Udttte Tyler Semple, a dwh<
er of Praaldenl Tyler and once mlsroas of the white hoMe. to Rv
iB^efteroos OEj MBl^t come
Jeoaph yeteshoo mod Wlfllam Jefer-
Y«r>l anj otnoe JSi'fUicni
Mii^ii^nii dtK-k.
lUh iiliam* m.
Mss Ba I. caw ibsrs Hsss PM
fohn R. Santo
General Insurance
Hew Wllhdii MIt..
TrtkerM Oly ^
Farmsjr Sale
have a number of j^ood
farms, all the way from 40 to
ICO acres, for tale, or if you
have any gotxl property. I will
take it in exchange ami make
you easy Avjrm%. 1 can .sell you
a gooil iarm fur less money
than you can buy it of any
body else. I have farms
which arc located from four
20 miles from Traverse
City. 4dl good improved land. ;
If you have good levtJ farmi
will bay lh<*Db *
4W WnshingtoiL
CiL pbone 774
Chlldrrsrl\ Niixsreth WatoU
prtci 'ii ’iii "
c ^
Untie* to thu Tuvnyutu M tkn CM7 «r
Tyavuraa Oir:
tl» tout roils fnr Ite uMtortton sC
tho mate mM oonner tounn for tho
mnr IMC and Im ttoo liHpmsnt
school and etty um and Mscinl an
ssasmsnu tor said ynor hnvo hM
Maemi til my hands for coOsettom.
I viU hs In my oMen In mnton laid
ahUlty wore Improving «v«y knur.
jtaxw from now until fhh. L lt«T. oa
Bsmey BcbrMber baa eate.-ml bolb
UveaUgadon shows that not a bone each wnak day from t o'cloek to 11:11
Jack?AULiB aad Tony Fbaat. beBered was broken,
although the irrribto j ©dock to tha forenoon and from 1
lo be coming tbrce-yeaivoM mars of wrtmehtog ha rfcelved aU^Bly dla octock lo 4 o’clock to thq afternoon,
placad three of hto ribs whkh al firsi
Oo aU state aad county taxes paid
exainliiaUoo were iboaght to be sev | before January Ifi. the regular fee «f
ered. Some almpk eyesight taau also;one par cent ’for coUacGoa wUl be
flow HOiO «ICM»
Mown eoama tnm Momgbto that
tho Mg atrlag of Uwttma aad pae
•n boiag tralaod by Oom to la Bae
ibage. tbrro bartag boon ao otobaco*
IMck .
^««f« Ok*
Jo4co Um
at (bo BUUaga uaciL Of noarao. ap
to data all the warb tb^aaga baro
bod ba^ boon eoaiaad to locsMg. bat la a unto while a man from the far
esofMao of ibto aort la oftaa gfrea la sooth bought Geraldine, nnd he has
protty aUf dooaa by Coorm, agio be sent her to Geers at Memphis. That
Uf four, ox
^ laaUi Mala that tber
caalr^t for Mleklsaa. but almHr
* agnail u> nfar flie auuera to tbc
**po«ars ibat be" bon.
Nolblag aili ba goao mtll Un am
Hocblag eaa bo goBo. Tbe
mauor of vUb4rawal froai tbo BU
Kioo and anklag athlelico more liber
named Ben
Into a derby
peas has a
Alan A Dale,
were made, whkh goc* lo |
Ftag that may develop hto vtokm has to ao way sol
factor, while Rome Res
colt. Alan Bramble, by
oae a derby winner. J.
O. Keene
has named three colu.
Bromobal. Triumphant and Clamor,
all well developed and high cUaa.
while Elmer Ralley thinks he baa the
Horn that It to one of tbe bait way* she will do well for the famous reins- winner In Holdfast, a brother lo AI
to neg ap- boraea of all aorta, aad man Is beyond doubt, but when she lowmalse. Tor whom an offer of tlU.iMiu
tboy maot be atoot la tbe toga to ataad become* promlaent In tbs aummarim waa,refused lasr spring.
tbe bruablag aad ibe alow regeau remember that she was given her first
fiUoAsrd fitakoa EMriea.
that are la order at Mrmphto wboa apnsd kasona by a 12 year^ld boar
The Brooklyn Jockey club has re
who drove her la 2A1 with compana
tbe Brild day* of rebniaiy arrtra.
ceived Ihcae entries for the standard
Tbe lalrat addltloa to the Geem lively llUlc haadUnT
it to not likely,
that atakes. fi.ooo. added weigbt for age.
lot to tbe S-r*ar<ld
erne mile and a quarter: Blandy. Tip
Oeraldlae. that until U*t sommor waa OcinldlBe will be oae of the reUancea
owaod br Charlea B. Dean, tbe umla of the Geers afgMe lo tbe greca pac
Accountant. Agile. Kcoer. aad a Cbkago frtead. Oenldlpe. ing claaaa on lbe>m|ui:elaiuj2?^
Neploo. Standovor. Hold
a dangbtor of tbe trolior. Cutllkg. are already to Ibel string two aide
1:10\. caught the eye of Doan when wheel boroM that itove worked miles
abo wna a I-year-old. at which time a good deel bHIef than 2‘10 one of 1 Gretna Gnn-n. Ballot. Beanckre. Sir
them having gone three * hdaU um
Arcitr. Frank Gill. Dan Buhre.
Oxford. The Quail.
Fouat. Prince ul
anmmar *rounn 2:0s before
bought by Mr. P. O Joneu. who fum- Coin.. J. C\ Core, Barmctoeaca, Calm
1. Charles fidvard,
and tbe Chicago mao bought tbe Oily, tohe. most of tbe ammunition for the *«rm. Water Pea,
pat. WhlmateaL Bor
that e>en then wna handaome aa a Oeera haaey guns. Now tbara meM
Tbo aUltote of tbe ngoau
picture, and after aha had heoa nlcolr tog at Detroit Is assured the Chamber
atagoata. tbo board of ooatrol aad
wlatereg at the PalaHne fant. ahe
tbo altoaco of tbo araato. CMkoi
Imnsidcs. BalUvaut and FHs.
waa taken op In the spring and turned
ahoatioB ao coaipHoatod that tbo
outlook there will be-1
orer to Donn'a ehtoot aoo and nameA. J. Gorey of Covington. Ky.. la
aake. a boy of 12. who applied for tbe
greatly cut up over the action of the
>ob of training and caring for the «Ily.
Coney Island Jockey club In refusing
This woric he performed faithfully
the entr>- of tha three-.vcsr-old colt.
a call iMuod gatorgag aad aa attonm all the aummer of Ifto:^ letUag Ger
Old Honesty, for the SuburUin handi
araa aatgo to paao a roaoIntloB rocooi- aldine step nkrng ao auggeated by hU have a pair to
cap. Gorey says that the eatry wait
ttaadlag to tbo oaaato to witbdmv father, and IncidenUlly giving her the aid. who la now at Bolma, Ala., get- refused liecause of the fan that |2U0
al la ebaranor aa lo tbo aumbor of abe could atop a roapocUbk gait for
gamM aad allovlng tb»yoar mea to a wae*. altbongb bar apood waa not
nt all of tbe aenaatlooal order. Deaa
baro aootbef ooaooo to up to
ehariM and 00 ^ Uxen paid on or
after Jannaiy
10. there wUl
riurged a fee hf foar per cant for eol^
Penalty 00 daHnqoeot city
aad achool taxes and aperial nasessRalhany Btationa Are Named After menu. 4 coots oa each dollar of Ue
1i07 Baseball Champlena.
amonnt of aald tax.
Memphis, Tenn.. Jsn. 29 —By adopt
Office to room Ml Bute Bank
tog thf names of members of the bnlldtog.
world’s baseball champions, the lAliitc
Dated. Dec
Sox. for a string of sUtlooa along the
route of a new spur of the llltooto eCn dee 4 to felKM
Oly Treeaurer.
tiul in Mtoaisslppi. railroad officials
are now boohing ordenwiththo WlOEoneefor
1907 motor..
WaherM. Paige
Citphpocvjr 18ICM.8L
aav they have at last solved a dlf
ficalty whkh ha* caused them no end
Boston Fonts
of worry. An edfort was made to sename* of suUons not already oa
Mlsslsalppi mn^
tha wia> they h«d,
ud.UfRe number th»t me
gUd they did. ^
Fklltog. It has
been derided to hooor the basebell
iplooa The firat aufon will be
dubbed Comlskey. They will follow
Phone* for prietto.-We deliver.
Jooee. .Walsh,
Hahn. Rohe and other sUtlona bear
ing aamea of each pUy cr who partici
pated to actual play or
tost fall.
iK nch In the world’aI aeries
Woblgaa froai tbo Big Nlao. bat ow- boat of raceborao care. With tbla
lag to tbo govotagOMata of tbo An aort of handUng tha tlly made apood
boaaooneat frooi Cbkago about the all the Ume. aad la the fall young
raig IW* tbo Better ora« laid oa Dean wna allowod to atop her n mile
tbo Ubio tonporarllj.
preuy well up to her opeed.
Batog Koigo Own Coanaol.
half-mile homo
2;M. and a lltUe Uter the boy and
Uat liaaaBM- Bairg to gotng ahead the Ally parted company, he going
aad aofoUatlag for gaBMo vltb the away to achool.
Whtmerer a inter would come fnim
I4w that Mloblpaa will wUbdimw
Iraai tbo Big NIae but Mr. Baird will the achool where the Dean boy waa
Oao groaMMt football aua aald
putting la the winter there waa aurc
BoaUneet aaioog tbe aiadcau re- to lie an Inquiry aa to bow the fllly
retting along. In the spring tbo
and her young imlner were to
atroag lodjm if tbo “Big Puur“ ar
gether again, and aa she was schedalaot arkaowlodgo tW«.
garatag wltbdrawal to not quite a^
3 make her Ural appearance at
Uberlynile on Julv t. atlff work waa
der. The boy did all the tralnlnR
Tbo aoatUiieat now aeemt to be that
except the fast workouta. and when
if tbo ualroroltr araato doe* aot get
Geraldine and The Broncho were ship
a aioro oa liaelf before tbe aext meet
ped to Ubcrirvllk. being billed to
lag of tbe regeata that that bodjr mill
perform on the same afternoon, young
oake tbo matter of atblotics In It* own
Dean warmc^d up the filly for her race.
band*, or rather place It In tbe hand*
Geraldine waa opposed by Ardelle.
of Dlreaora Baird aad Fiupalrlck. ar
had worked miles around 2:«7.
aa athletic departawat.
ere wna no chance for her lo aiu.
That tbo boord of ooatml nbuold be
raa a bang up second In 2:14^.
la aeoaloB for tmrp hour* Satuntor
and ahowed that with a little mor«
glgbt aad aot have the atamlaa to
come gtft oar gar or the other to a
awater af aarprfao. The regent* of
freed tbf board a rery ea.y |cx»phole
of eacage. br ladlrldually declaring
that Michigan ahould mithUmw
liiard ooutd have had the credit td
going tbo thing
'It to aaw up to the *eiiatr.
ring hto big aubJe readv for the 1907
A year ago this month
in forfeits due the Brlghlon
Racing asaoclation had not been paid
Thinks That tha “Big Four"
the rnlversHy
of Chicago
turned from New York, where he at
the meeting of the football
rules committee. enlhualaatJc over the
movement to incorpoiute Michigan.
Arc Your GoUceflons Slow
fVbout Ideal.
Chlcajtti. Jan 29 —Din-ctor Stagg of
BiTeymi tccdute thtt
Have Given Up?
yon hare, let me coUect
them for yon.
Mlnnesou and
into a "big four," and laden with de
tails of the numerous changes In the
by him
Gtirey says that he know playing rules to be In vogue next fall.
One Solid Wen-k
He declircd the “big four” Idea was
trial at nothing of this debt, had never re
with Satunluy
ceived a bill for the aamt*. and that, Ideal and staled that neither MUhl
.« the entry of Old Hon
Wisconsin not Minnesota eould
Dtbeh. of hla string, however, did not when he sent in
to bark out of the new organ
trsto well to the cold and damp region esty last December for the Urlghiou j
of Boston, where they were owned, handkap and cup. it was acceoUKl i.u
In his opinion the f.irmsilon
l«f » ««’w group 1... “one of the biggest
snd tost y«ar McDonsld started aouth mediately wUh.a note of Ihauks.
' things In the history of American c<»l
In the toll.
»-i>Last week Ralph B. Wllllama. who
..|«raio.i in'
owns several of the l>e*t one* In tho
France last year, ha.t b<-<-n encaged tt.
McDonald at rink, bought of *‘Omtgride for ihi- German eni|MTor this sea
Thomas PsriA. Ky. a pacing geldliig
son. It is said tlwil Ittmis will n«eehe
by WUartna.
This horse la credited
A popular Attraction at
a nHalning fee of ll.'i.tsu, and
l^opukr Pricet.
with a trial In 2:04 last fall, which U
penses. pretty soft for him, when It
a shade'faster than any green pacer
Is rememlK>re<l how hard hi* had to, .
Fuatoroe and New Ktux*.
ever went the diatance before turning
aetal^h gravel during the Iasi year or I*
A Clean, Up-Ui-tlate RojJtrtoire.
for the word when the money was
so of his Aiueriran esn-er.
hung up. but Thomas la an absolutely
I laughing all
Brii^ht, New Specinllien a*truthful man nnd If be said the paceV
j last evening at th
tlie Grand
tween Each Act.
went In 2:«4 It did. Aside from what
land Honor” was the hill and tonight
Dickens was twenty-*eren years old
Goers and McDonald may have In
• The Day* of ’Cl” will be given. There
Seat nale opens Satunlaj. dan.
when. In 1830. he moved from Doughty
Btxjck ihert* la nothing acnaatloual lu
was a. large house present last even
street to Devonshire tfrrsee.' George
2«;, at 10 o’clock at bux offioethe gitHm pacer line now In sight, al
ing and ladles’ free tickets will be
though when enlrien to the pacing
given out again toiUghL Si>erialti<-s
stakes close a lot of others with first bouse Dickens wreote
wrote 00
o( fewer than were IhtixMloced by different members
lady adtntited FREE with t^very
of the east.
class credcnilala as to speed will Ik* ten of his books-“Tbe Old Cttrioslty
:I0 <x-ot ticket renerved briure 7
Stop." “Bsrnsby Rudge."^ The Christt
on hand.
o’clcKsk Monday evening.
lier-Tney say that old i;o1dbnf.
mss Csrel,’^ “.Itneriean Note*.*’ “Mar
tin Chualewit." -The Haunted Man," with all bis million*, la money road.
fuaal of the New York Amorlcans to •The Battle of Ufe." T>ombfy and
Him—He Isn’t half so immey mad
na some of his relative*.
on the Hearth" mnd
waive claim to the former Princeton,^.. “Tbe .Cricket
Her—Have they a* rourh money as
player. All the National league clubs ‘•David CopperflHd." Devonshire terI
finall.v. Including
walvcnl iraee vias sltnated at tbe comer of tha be bast
OU ■coonDte BfompOy elteodal
to nod I am make money for yon
A. Pohoral
bred to Ohio, that
over HBmiltoo
Trsverre City. Mich. Sept 1$, ItOi.
I have pUced n number of acoounU
with A. Pohoral * agency for coHedkm. many of them long oullswad: but
Just the same Mr. Pohoral brought the
delinquents to Ume and prompt tab
Dr. B. L. Aihton. D«(toL .;^-J
Prices. IM, 20,30 cents.
NOTE-On 'Monday night onr
TiwToraoOHy ■redsyrely
Train tooHne Trarrrw. fXtv bM *.n.
Hl,n-Oh. no. They are mad beiause
thi-y <-an*t get ony of his.
claim to Ganley. whose release was
purchared by Washington for a Hated
amount. Frank J. Farrvdl. of the New
body baa aot bad a meeting ibto >ear
Nea York. Januaiy 29.—There a|K
and only moou at tbe nil of l*rr»i Pl^ars lo be a misunderstanding In
goat Aagell. Will ho call a meeting? some quarters as to the exact status
That to aot known, but there mii*t be of Pitcher Doc HlHebrand. the former
York Americans, said today that he
had not withdrawn his clslm^ upon
Hllkbrand’s service*, snd that the
young man would cither play l«ll with
aomethlag doing before FVbruary 21 Prlnrrtoo player, whose services have Orlfflth-a icsam or he could remain In
or the rogont*
will take
another caused a wrangle
whack at It.
club owners In the 9wo big major
Britt Bur* Thing.
Iregues. It was sUted the cKhcr day 1
If the
sisiements of
a pugilist
hr a national
man. that, by a! named Cyclone Johnny Thompson are
shrewd more calculated to evade the true. James Britt, the California lightnational agreement. Hlllebrand had wefght. who la matched with Joe Cans
Under there otreumstoaces It stands srtaother John E. Madden will consent
to reason that If the Waahtogton and to start him so enrly In the year. If
Plitoburg cluU had reknsed these BatoMnra should go to the post he
mea uaooodltlooally the Boston aad wtmld he a slnmg favorite, no doubt,
New York dubs would have secured hto pcaMDoe being the means of re^
the men without the payment of a docMrthe BeW dlmost to a minimum.
dollar, whereas, the
holds the value of each player at $L000, a dab. of eonroe. botog permitted
io fetaia the ptoynr snlher than re
Are Ready lor Your Choosing
>< Grinnell Bros.*
■ aa.a.B.ii.
Bet.. I>re a tew o( tbe new -hiU'' which evrrvlK.ly will
prepared for the rnsH with n big stock and no
one will be disa|^ioted. Ctill and hear thi-m,
“F»S'7 LlftU Ka
“Tho Kext Horor I Bko Oa." reoa hy Hrire
to Flirt With Mo." do« try
- Whirtto It." rtowl
lUhoa dialwK. «UMr hy
One Ton
lOsywd l,y Bdtnoa
fr«B “Thr BmI Mm."
Jwy." chorar-trr >kH«h by Juarm
is equal to
Victor Talking Machines and Edison Phonographs cost
$10.00 and upwards. Records, 35c. 60c, etc Outfits sold oi>
Easy Payments.
Two Tons
' We,ie ''wholesi^^ri and retsilets of Edison and''
Victor Kooda and hare nn-inostionably tbe lantest an 1
most complete line in Michigan. Over 100.000 Esc.
ordfi oonatantiy cixried io atock. An immeoae aMo'rtnifBii of Horn* in every atrle and sizs. Diac and Cyl
inder Record Oabinoto in Undrome mahogany and oak.
Etc. etc. MaU orders filled tame day aaraoeifed Oatalognea andatt informatioa aent to any addrsM on nqumt
tbe ideal fneU
no smoke ; very
We have pedoeed the prioeto
Grinneli Bros.’ Fifteen Music Hi
lease him at thia pitoe. As a matter
of (act. the Washtoglan dnh did here
a Beal ne wttk UUlehraad for Oealey
aad poodbly one ether jplaiec, hot the
deni was eaUei eC heoaere of the re-
nSMT GINS, sirs SltEH
been traded by the Washington Amcri j for March 16. at Tooopah. Is a sure
rhlcago. Jaa. 2f—Hany Lewl* dem
can league club to the Plltsltorg Ns-1 thing msn. Thompson says that when
^ onatraled In his fight with
tfcmal league club In exchange for j he was in California some lime ago
Smith that he la good enough to fight
Outfielder Bob Ganley. It was staled Br4ll agreed lo give him a tolll profor the llghtwclghi champlonah
thal this dr«rbad been made despite | viding Thompson first defeated three
title he has been aspiring for a
the fact that tbc Boston NaUooals did-men that Britt
named. Tbompmn
time, thinks George SUer.
tinnot. waive claim to Ganlry senrlcjea, j agreed and made good, alter which
Smith on at 142 pounds mnd did
while the New York Americana also he demanded a fight with Britt. Ac
with him In eight rounds than Jimmy
tolled to relinquish their legal right tordtog to TTiompson. Britt then told
Gardner did In ten .He had the Den
him that be could earn I2.ut*0 by going
verite on the verge of a knockout »ev
Into the ring and feigning a knockout
era! time during the fight and wtnild
that the Washington nnd PltUbaig Thompaoo says further that be agreed
have scored a ckon knockout In the
clutM, had wurked a very smooth gnme lo this proporillon with the idea of
eighth round bad not Bmlth a aecouda
to relcsshig jGsulcy and HUIehrnnd getting Brill Into the ring In order to
akyed the apoaga.
outright, after which the new coo- double cross him. but that tbe latter
Lemto has been alter Joe Gana and
tracts were signed In the rofulnr way. loMsted that “CyrlooH Johnny’’ should
nU other lightwalgbu of claaa. and. al
the Boston Nationals and the New pot up a $2,000 forfeit to the effect
though*good fighter, to unable to gel
York Americans Imtag rlrtually bun that he would act on the leVcl.
n baortiig. The raatow of thto la that
Kentudey Nominntkna.
coed out of \wo good men. But th^
’ be to no4 aa fhvomhly known na Cans
There are eighteen nomtoaUon* for
ssaertloos do not oonform with the
and olbera. having never had an opfacto. Bor with the apirit and letter of the ycaris K%tucky derby, which was
portanlty to fight for Juky purao
section 3. aoctlon C. of the naUonal won tost season by George J. Long *
rscently waa amtehed to fight Dick
argeement. whkh no club can viotole Sir Houn. with Lady Navarre second.
Hylaad. but tha aBalr. it aeemg. fell
Tha aoled Salvidere I* among the
with Impunltv.
Traverse CMy
Gas Co.
TravcrMdty BtukIu 15R East Froai Street
Sim ‘'lAnottZES*' im
ROAltO or traoc noticc.
Tha PfRatm af tRa M«ei a#
up#t Hava p«raatoad ta C. ••
Caeia awd taai ftttar la Hava at
laapi m pialaa far tba baaai af
trada baagaal. Up ta laAar IRaai
Raea baaa IMjr 100 rayrwHam
TRara la. iRaeellafi^ yaOiRna far
aOM ta arraafa U aIbniO IRa
Raapaac Oa ewm ta aaadl yaar
raw aa iRal
a ptau
errv. meNWAN. TunoAV. jawuaav ». i*w.
FnmUbad to tRa KvenHig ItoiWd
«p to WMn aaoR My by fi. C. Wait.
TUCfiDAY. JAW. ft. 1W7.
to Bay Good
Every-nay Sbocs. |
•mw and vsamar tonlgRt
WifinMday: frwh nmtbaaat wi
Ra ra
ftcc Roles for
Card Games.
The maker* of Consren and Bicycle Playtnc
Card* have sent ui a number of attractive little foldm
Riving full in»truction» for many of the popular card
Any interested party may have them for the
City Book Store
The Hobart Co. prop.
Pnt. O—ffi «lcClf»y «f AlM^ik. 0*4m Umi49f f tM pmtNirf ii.
in iRla worti ta vary
Oa nat faryat tha bangoat Thoi>
day night at 0:00.
Hr wif* lo tim »TMtftf suMfC
Mo»rt». MS.
mii. (Iir
MNtk or b«o. nukJoi hit
omotli Tko nlckol* trr tuni«Kl totu
tiM eouotjr troMorr. BiaWliii flOO
•taco tbo cniMdo
Or. Mcllrn 0—4.
AdrUa. i«B If -Or. Owt*. n Mr
Hr«r. aiOd M. tbr oWeri mrml-T of
tlM PMlabarf M. P onofrrw# ond m
profMoor la lll« ooll«fr hcrr. dUid thu
aiorataf oT lioart
tlf> r>tb<-r
fs Cmnauuidor Opoivp IlrElroy of iImPolUd OtatM aavr.
rm§44 tohool Fifty Ytara.
Va«Mir Jaa. »-Krmnkim C. Do
Uao. E pra^iMtat roMdiwt h»rv for
«rtr r««r«. dl«d \oA»t. af«d TS. of Na lea at Narthpart Oacapt Along tha
•hara—Laat Yaar tha lay DM
raacrr. Ho Uoflit ocbool ber« urrr
- Not Fraaxa Ovar UnUI Ot
« half a foatonr. Ha loavaa a wife
Patrick'a Day.
vbo la Torjr UI.
OfWfpod Ooaid.
iJHroU, Jaa S»-Mra. Aucuata
The cold alolt* a march on Grand
ainippMl dead oa tbe aldewatk ntwr Traverae bay laat night and nlppod it
the rwaldeorw of her dausbter. Mra. aiTHind the edges and then aocne. Fbr
Berlba BoHtrber. 7t iildBey. wbcMn aliout a thousand fm out from ahoce
the hoad of the Uy Is corered with a
abe waa ioimto rlalt,
sheet of Ice about a half Inch la thick
Olad la OMlor'a Offica.
MarabaU. iao Sf.-Jobn M llub^ ness and In the roruera the aheat ex
Urd. eiir laafaball aoder rx Mayor tends much farther out. Barly this
miea Towvaaad. dropped dead at I momlag there was an Immaw iald
o^eloeli tbia iDoralM la tbe oWce of florfllM a mlla or ao oot. but the south
Or » If l^at. where be weat to ob- wind took thia fbrther out intivthe
tala medlclae. He waa a promlneot iMiy and broke It uix.
Oottana Say Freaan.
At Sutlons Bay tbe bay has Ik^
grstltially freetlng over for sonu* time
and today It la covered with s sheet
soma WMD M01E IT IWT
At Norih|K»rt Ibeie U im Ire exrv'jd
llio slush lee near the shore. This ex
tends out about twenty feet but l»e
yond that the harbor Is as riosr s«
l.ast year the tmy fioxe over on K(
Patrick's day. which, as everybody,
knows. Is March J7. and the Ico wont
out April R.
Waald Raduca Oaarda to Five Mam
bara and Oiva AuparlnUndantHiring and Firing Right—
Rapartaf Ranka Callad far.
igmag Had •eedbMet Beck I
Hid OofU Only a fihoft DlsUnci When Freight
By Wlfo to the Brc^ag
GroNifield, Masa/jan Si —6U men
killed and alx injured in a mar
end Mdllslon on iRe Boston A Maine
rsllroad, Fitchburg division, one mlHr
west of Boulh Oeerficld today. The
were the Boston A
No. 11. known as the
Albsny night expreas. and a freight
Tbe express had atopp«*d In a deep
cut and a brakeman went back to fiag
In that might come. He had
It a short distance when the
same along, running thirty-five
miles an hour and. crashed Into the
of the .‘express. A gas tank In a
coach expired.
The city brtard of educatltm hiu^* decldiHt last night to flght the Idll of the
Flale Teachers association imnUlIng
fr.r the MHluctlon of. the membera of
M'htMd boards in cities of this class to
f\e and giving the superintendents
Ihe side power to employ and dlsrhsrgr* tearhers.
Htate Banking Corarolssloner M«»re
has called for a report from state
banks s> the close of business Jan 2«
Just Room Enough In the Cage for j
BIstoeivHorao Fovser Motor
and an Operator.
supply the stole a fleet uf airships fur
roiUtory purpose. ha« mbowa his Utesi
addition to the imbllc.
It Is the amall^t machtne In the
world having a length of <ml> nluciy
feet and Is only twenty f«i In dlsrn* '
and Ua total capacity Is not more
than t.Oim f«*et. The rsge is mi snisll
that there Is juM tu«im for tho slxtcm
and thi- opersuir.
There U s Urge rudder fl*t*d at the
fiack which will u- uM*ful III mounting
and dcaeending during maneuvers.
The motive |Kjwcr Is communlcnUHl
the propA-llcr bv a vertical shaft
id from ihmre to the horlrbntsl
shaft on which tho pn.iH-Ilei Is placed.
The propeller haa two' blades which
with canvas, and tlu>y art*
loteecycia la Used With Orest fiuooeee In German Army—Three
Miles In Tvveive Minutes.
at Mot Head.
By Wire to the Evening Jlccord.
\ncmm. jHii, 2S* —A m-w spplirsiii.u
of the molofcvcle to mlltijiry scrtli***
>ecii UivcnttHl in AustrU It c«>n
the qtiick Uymg of telephone
and telegraph wlrt-s. In front of the
cyrlo Is Installed a cylindrical roll or
upon which the win* Is wound.
V man sluing In the moving car
lays the wire, by m^eans of a bmg pole,
either In the lops of tbe inKn. or. If
are none. In ditches or gutters.
With the new apparatus three miles
of wire may be laid In twelve minutes.
A bold attempt at kldnapiug two lit
tle chlldrmi. an attemid In whlrh a
nf revolver U said to have
k1 a pronilBf'iit i»art. I** ret*ort«H!
to ha^ Uk«m place at the home <»f A.
Hill at Bssl Head laM night at 9
5k. The mother of the tao chll
dren H said to have Ikm o one of the
The story of the sftslr as told to an
y^enlng Record reporter this morning
is as follows: Mr. and Miu. Hill have
hlx-pound young lady nrriviHl at
been living together for some tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Civs
time, he working In Kingsley and aho sJ*y. Friday last.
s Id this city. The children have
been left slth their grandfather.
night It Is stated. Mrs Hill. In
company with another Traverse City
Oman and four meu, dn»vc out lu a
sleigh to tbe iUll home. Mr. HIU, sr.
at home with his aon in law. his
ContupionOy wo knc.ir
hter and a girl who is sUylug at
v^t it U o^poMd of anil
the house. The party galii(*d admis
sion and demambHl the children.
Mr. Hill ordered the men out and
at that. It Is claimed. Mrs. Hill pni
4) a revtdver and handotl It- to
of the mm saying Miat he could
d slrwlghter than she hould. About
ihgt lime an altercation ensued and a
A pleaaant and palaUiUe
luimlHT of nelghiHirs were attracted.
propaiatioa (or thf relief and
Beelng the crowd the ntlacklng party
enre of Cougbt, Cold*.
ft the abene without the children.
Whooping Cpngb. Cmnp.
There have been on warrants sworn
HoanenrM. etc. A fine moda. aa yet and what the ontcomc of
ioine for rhildnio-ha* a fioj
le affair will be u nA known.
winlergreen flavorr Money
Mr. Hill aald that the woman and
back if itlaiU to •help
■ yo7
her friends evidently thought that he
would be alone, not knowing that Mr.
Johnson was suying there.
Witit's Red Seat
Cough Syrup
By Wire ttv the Krenlng Rioord
Newport. H 1, Jan.
fruiB Washington received here state
that congresa will approprUle llW.tHHl
!ie erection uf a torpedo building
at tbe naval torpedo sti
which win employ a large iorce. for
uanufarluie of the Bllas lx^avltt
turbine torpe<J<K-s shlch now coot the
nokeBt nearly fS:00i apiece. The
department is under contract with this
concam to build M>o torpedoes and at
present time the Brooklyn
r is unable to turn out more than
a year Tbe plans and workings
lUUan.Invantor Haa Pe-iaci Matariai
ipper and CntsrUinment Will M
Which. It at Stfoeaaaful as Claimad. of the new torpedo factory show tJ
Given at Mttona My by NapUnt win turn out too torpedoes
Rsftitt Allto Tlrs Qwtstion.
tienal FrwUctIva LagUn. .
year and enlargements to tbe plant
By Wire to TRa B^i^ng Record.
from year to year will Increase the
to the Evening Record.
—A Mllant'se barrts^ mitput. At the present time the navy
Bay. Mksh., Jan.
Icr. BliUtw' jAfuiKla Rttccl. has Invented
a serious way for torpedom
Natlooal PiDtiCttve Legion will give a
fabric, bomewbat resembllug
a dexIbVt, fa
big party bare on the evening of Feb
bwUfer. which no bullet or hard steel
i Both orchestra's. Balle)^ and 8t
Instntmrut Is able to plefta- Blgaor
Buod made a tour arotmd a large Mt Tom Havt Man Cscuaod by Con- CecllU. have bqen engaged for the
occasion. At the party about tJ.ooo lx
square la Rome with a motor car. the
aant of tho Attorwoya Rt the
premhima will be dUtrlbuted. Ok
tires o( which Rad been covarad wItR
Thaw TrUI.
Larson receiving $1,000 and a numbm
tbe fabric. Nslla of Urge dlmiaaUw
of olber members $260 each.
By Wlra to the Mining Meord.
ward, and the car pasaed oear CRem
New York. Jan. Sf.—JoRa A- D
without damaglag the mbbar tires. dee. an agent. 371 Braadwny. alagte.
Lnier oa tbe laeeotor calAad oa the agbd St. waa aocepled aa tht tenth
juror U tbe Thaw oaae. B. GRn
, pAuof of the fabHc and H. R, FRere. the fonrlh and fiflR
lly triad to per juroTf. have been eaeneed Ry eo
forate by firing aeveral rerotvar aboU of the nttomeya.
glpihai.afi1 Mil PraM pifwt.
<C^JTtle fellow.
We Make It
By Wire to lia Erroln* Rect.rd
Unatus. Mlcb.. Jaa :a - H U an Contract Let to a Firm WhicR^ls Un
pmiaced that OoveiuiM \Vamrr will
able to Ktop Up With Demand
cotae to Uaalag Monday i.IkUi and Ik*
for Prpiectllaa.
prraeat when fbc lc«taUUur rrtumm
Dnig Store.
Mont of tlu'to* are ^^qiuino
baud tonieil aolri<tbe maieat
kind of alioea made), and to
lbdk«who RTO umxltowov.
ioi; high |irioud tboeg tbit U
AH fxoepiiutiRl opportunity. .
All tbe oomfort of a high
priced tbot* for $1.50.
Come early*
TSey won’t last Iona.
pat your time agRinst ouri for a few minutea wt' will conrlnc^
you tbat we have the gooda and tbe prices.
gave yon money.
JosmpH &lmdtmrA Son
Flrst-clsM BsteSers, Padccra and Sausage Makers
It IsiiT Pleasant
to buy your must where you have
lake chsmxw—uheoi >*ihi must be
Ihf. wslch against “offooloi”
Summer :
Oolhes The Overcoats
wc offer
Itock to th
when yon »
Kighth and Franklin.
Will pay H»AfHcsl Cash prices for
: =
Eleven Dollars
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
- = ' . Tamarack.
Consider the matter: .
wonlher—her© a your
winter overcDfiU—bore’s
priom that will hardly
be e<inaled again on new
Traverse-City Mfg. Co.
Tclephone-Cis. :V2, Bell 1611.
ncid them.
Cotton Blankets
Sherman &
. Notliing
But Good Words
from nil who n*« our -
WInre Can net the Best Velues for MyMoney
There is no other »iorc that
gives you the values wc can
because we buy ours direct
from ihc mill, consequently
have no jobbers* profits
add to our prices, which
m^Qs quite a saving io you.
We have some iolcresiing
values to sho|v you
Priced from SScIto S2.00
Hannah & toy Co.
and Ififi fiealRg Raro t
:‘- V:
, TMVKMC anr,
m mm tEoott
fW psw-
. BUIor »m4 iUattit,
orng^i^WKMff^ gyr.‘
lhai toto wtetor to ilka a glrVa mtmmer vatot. -aJJ to the open mortL'
by the idoka of Grand
«««p tar Uto mmnlag there taa tam
a ctaagr to gans^ta
C. J. tbor^a taetay taham Clam
£R^' -
IMMr for ih* mrliiff «f «ol4«
. tw BOtmrer tium« mrwur Iran Om
MJUm of the 40M wfck^
m aiuloM for lilm t4»,«wl0lo«. ‘Aii
ouM» of i»rrvon\k»D to ovrUi m pound
of W* ao4 th» falkmtof fioB tke
WMklacUio SUM- to ttmely JuM »t
prpMt «• tnntond of thu tlm<* konon^
mdriem m to how to rvttf » roJd. It to
a atop In adTaaea and tolls bcitr |o
rmt ofto. not wlih the list of -dcu
vhlch »T»fTbodr knoars. but with
some faeta that nanr are car« l*^
•The Iroportanre of kee|.lnf oo.-'
aalf warm la rllal part* of the bodr
to very imperfectly undermtorKl.
Ic theae 4aya ef unlrrraal eoUshten
MU. Ope of the moat rulaembto ol
these apoU to Immediately b««ea>h
the hreaet Imoe. yrt the an
humaii of either aex mis blliiafiill)
‘ llAoraot of the fart, if ooe may Judcv
by the lark of pnvautkm dtopto.viM
Wrapt and o»« rooais fTimi; op«« t
the pl/Famr wlnt. r wind*, milh tli.
fnadeeuatr |iroi.-« thHi alTi»rd.Nl 1,.v l»ir
garments w».rn uutkinealh. Invite all
manner of pulmonary dli-.olers. all
more or lean serious.
•^rorliapa more people take 4^wi
'through the medium i»f thV/cel than
In any other way. Not only rhmiu.n
Uam and tliat tmiat painful of ner\ airertlotoa. aclallra. ant acqtiiriMl
throuBh cold or damp feH. but also
I he smew datiaeruus disorders of tbr
kidi^ys and alidomlnal organs. Yet
many w.imon an out. ev«m at ihU ja a
' ann of the year, weartni; low shoes ami
openwork atockJiitB. while the utilliarton If untMwatlful rubber oversluM* to
rarely W'en, even in hsiow time.
•For delicate Women with n pntlto
poalthin to neuralKla the misuHis»rt<*<l
aourre Of much keen siilTerlDB Is In
Oio bark <»f the mx-k. There, at the
base of the brain, to on«. of the n.(»M
important nei\e e^ nUMs <»f the httman
organism, and rximAur,- to a rtillllnK
draft often involves u b>ni; slexr of ex
cmciatlnB pain. and. In somt> rases, a
permanent nerve or liraJii nff^etlon.
The leas the throat to wrapped up the
iKHtrr. In most tnstanres. hut the bark
kept warm
all costo."
Iaindsra|M> iranleners have pottrn
tofrther and will build an "Alpine rr
treat- near Zwetoimmem and will open
competition with the imtural Alpine
aceni*a and views In tdher isiTlIons of
, BwlUerland. The onterprise will cost
an enormoua sum as the plans nn
very elabofalc. including a hlg hotfel. a
lake and other feniuers. This liM>ks
like a clear ^astr of moncr. Instead
of httiiainK "Alpine retreats" In Ssitr
friand whore naturu Iras ftmitohed
pbmlT of them, why *md ci.uMnm
one In Northern MlehlRnn where the)
are a rarit>r Another uctoiuiUige
that we have tdeiity t>f luk»w all n ady
and no one would ha%e lo gti to the
trouble iind rxiH'nM* of dlpglnB «>nt*. A
The People
Loan Money
To nf, eonniderini* it a good
Till) intoreat wo |iay on time
ilcpoaitt it coitoialont with
oonaonrativd banking.
The investment U aafo; in.
tereat II paid regularly at
aUtnd tiinoi.
Woiiane jSou' rerlificmtei at
Uic rate of THREE PER
nnm. lutomat i»a>Til»l6 irfter
alz montha.
First National Bank
0. f ffaaswy
tlatk game' priiaa were given. Iflas
Helen. Haanen hUag awarded the pm
and Mias Clare Minor, the coosdUUoo.
kefmdimenis were aerved. the
taldea being ae» in the diulng fwom
and de?v»rattol with fltmers. Carna
tions were the favors During
Carhl^. J.
evening, the Rev. Dem
W Mllllk.n. C. J Kt> T and Ifiia
llartnn gave abort lalks
won SEND 5.000
dred. to Cuba to assist to making a
survey of the Island, but that there Is
ahsoltitHy no truth In the reporl that
5.om> or any great number of aoldU rs
are to In? aetit to Cuba for aoo loi? dur
ing the smmuer rftv^on.or for any
other purpose. The only cmginoer
troopa available are itaoae at Fort
SiMu lul to the Kvening.Rcwnl.
ille. MIrh.. Jau Jlh—Mrs.
l.»Hi Stao-y of lluuor is vtoillng her
olUer. Mrs. Tnwx'y ..
Mrs. Charlea Diamond to confinetUo
her home by sit hnno..
John Smith h« siifrerlng with an
me iittaeF of IndluesHon.
WlUtorn Imm. rn.an vtoHiMl in Deiroli last wf«-k.
Atouit ts< iit\ nvr iadlea from N«w
Mil t'ity uuti t'oiM mtoh tendiMled Mrs
^^^malll lloce a farewell iveeptloo
Tluiisdiiy afttriMKui.
Mis W. U TollH-rt and Miw. C..*o.
Ruthoifoid ar.' both on th<* slrk Hat.
Andrew Dlnmimd die.rat the home
his mol her here on Mtuiday even
g after a llngertiip Illness <if tulierilfwto. Mr niamtuid was Isiru In 81.
Cliailes. Mich . April 7. 1S77. and rt‘
mov»-<l to this place In 1W»6. where he
wtm many fthnds. The funeral aer
Vlee.s were held at the Hotel Diamond
W.'dio'sday afterma.ii. the Uev. Mr.
Kulketson et.ndurling the M-rvlres.
diY-JMSi-d Is suiAlvtHl bv a Wbitiw. two
mother one brtither
i Of the year but the toiw
a oar cooTcntloo and ta
theto latMtEoa to live for Chitot'
aaottar pUce there wme two an
achooU TharAtoimvgtani toai^
and bediU
?Jaater. fd oalty there la smngth.
May CKid V^lp ua
fcctly unlfMl.
God’a ptfMOce was capeclally asanlfeaud onto ua at the opening of the
first aMPiba aad nonUaued wigi us
until the cioae of the tost aesakm. jdl
hare bet^n slivngthensd and
gged to do mcm for the Master daring
the year.
We fee) under great ubilgaUons tc
those who so kindly ‘aaatoied In mak
tog the lour ao Intereailng and profit
able i^d so full of the spirit of Chrlsl
and we take this opportunity to ten
der our ^ucere thanks lo th»-m all
and HKiy Cod make them » greater
power for gtsMl to'uiy prayer.
First to our beloved stole preaWeat
and hto wife, who were with us two
days.'the president addressing us ou
the subject of "Sunday Sehoal Man
agement." and Mrs. MlUlkea. count;
auperlmendeni of primary work, ts
• Prlmao' Beginners and Cradle Roll
Work." I am sure every superintend
ent. offict'r and tenrher must to- lK‘lter
qualified to «l<»
them after ivetivlng t
and forrible pointers as
them 1 believe the srliolniw will fm l
a greater liiteivst in their work as
Iht-y realize they are the gnstl iiart of
the Sunday sehcMd.
Si'cond. the pasUini of whom w«- had
ten from outside the assoclathm: The
Revs. 1\ Cis-hlin. L II. Htosi-U and I.
n. CarjM'tiier. Traverse City; the Rev.
\V. H. Thomas and A. B. Ik.wman.
Alma; C. \ Pinnaluiker. IlapUl City
am! loeui! jMSinrs. ibe Revs. T. Youim.
to. M Oivnttt and J. R llarwiMNl. all of
whom cave such Inspiring and spir
itual addnwBen and pointed out some
nf the defects
Is In Sunday sclimdi
S^d showe.1 us. a better way Which
rannol help but be an uplift 4. the
TLlid. to the workers. Mrs. Stephen
ri/i*k of Travelse City was with ns
mary work. Tto‘ least that can'tosaid, "she to-one of the iKist. aurely
she to a bom tiwrher and those that
did not hear her raiss<>d an oii|m»i
iimliy that dmui not ^corae lo them
after In the Sunday sehtsil wvirk."
Our local workeis w ere «»n hand to
do all they could to make the tour a
success spiritually ami financially
After all the expenmw were paid there
were |U to turn over to the county for
ctnmty And state work. It has bt'eii
said. *|oes it pay lo |mU s«i omrh work
and exto-nse into thesT tmiisT We tolleve it does. *'8erk y*‘ first the king
dum of Cod and Hto rlghfeousue.ss and
Ihtyw tilings shall lie added unto you."
We aie so firm to oju belief that we
home of Mrs.-I. J wish every Sutulaj school asiwK-laUon
In the county would have one an.I they
If they want It and want It liadly
enough. It win cost iMunetMng and
e saerlftet's wOl have to be made
O. A. Drtvwn Is at 111
there to nothing that to goml for
anything Imt It r<»st us something to
get It
The things pf the earth are temporary but the thlnga
of God are eternal.
C. H. Bates.
with mime pretty china. Mrs. Hon
Township President.
left today for her future home at
Lee l^Vani Wi called borne from
SU Charlen by the death of hto brother- (ranch of the American Society of
^uity Formed at th« BJrmley
. Harry RUf.'’ of Oaleilonla. la the new
pharmaelst at the M^ftdld drug store.
local union of the Am.'rlran So
To Curw a
c leiy of BquUy was nrgantoed at Blrm
ley ochool honae to Baturtay eventog wUh aixletso charier meml*er» by
J. >V. Ritchey, organlter.
UOa mu aad IMS 4a some «afe
for It to valuable and worth
thaa aaythiag <elii« tn the work!
u abould have an atugit of
riieumaUam or bladder tnaihlr or i
The prvocri
be madp up 1
) at hoem. The
fcitatatam can ta had at mry good
preacrtpUah pharmacy aad aU that to
well ia a
1 extract taadelion
compound Kargon
lad ayrop of sana^
to iwliera atatat any caae of hiadde
iroable. fraqMt urinsllon. pain mm
scakfing. weaknera and backachepaii
abpfb the hldners. etc. It is no«
claimed 40 ta .tta maChod of cur
log chronic rtanmaUsm. towause n
it* direct and poaiOve aefion upon the
eliminative ttosaes of 4hr kidneys. It
strain the potoogwus. praate m«tter and
uric acid from the bl<
worst forms of Rhaw aUsm and kid
lea. The rx
on the aumia-b
Jao extensively
dpatlon and Indiges
tion. CijfnpoaiMl SarMparllla rUwns
and ehriOhas Ibe biuod
A. you or anyone of yo..r tolly, especially the old fcdksjuay be'atiarked
at any time. It would be wtoe lu nc
this out and seve It.
A w ell known local droggtot to auty that this presctipUuu to raf-,
i> use at an
Mix It you
U Yon Worked lor
40 Years
ni thea.'tin(* tiling; jou would prohablykm.ai u lb1 in-about
Wc havr a few Bedroom
Ml Bta the Uat
<tamia4haUUaaaaadihe^wmi.k Id ckaaout
aad are BMiktag tome c&oaa pnora IB
eedar ta move them.
kt^p jwr boota
Mhl Digki /or cne4udr of
«ki4 it wiH oota yom with
other alovta
Cole% Origitaa Hoi Biaat
borafitaiyjkmdAif fod with>
oQt ebangiiig the k:rau> It
burnt aoh coal without dual,
Oole'aOrigiaal Hot Hlaat
if ako the gtaataat «oad
Chase & Sanborn
RegaUr$16 50 8nite bow .
00 Suita bow .
IU«aUrmH> Suita bow .
Regular $3000 Butte BOW* .
EASY Payments.
J. W. SIAtOt
Come ia and art' this woni^ul healer.
C of Rockers.
Bargains Worth Looking Into
Od aoooont of tbeae gooda airiving too
Uteforthe H olidAY
* '
‘ we have au
fsoonuoua atock on hand that are taking
up too much room.
If you want a Rocker,
Piineer Livem.
Now is Hie
lo Boy
Ab4 hare ia when you will find the
^kaaortmeot and the loweat prioea in
I have an op<^ bus for
slcijjhride jiariics where
they all Ml down in the
boitom as they used lo
do in gtx>d old times
years ai:u. Have aoolher
bus with side seats for
! hose who don’t want the
other bus.
Tho following will give you nn iJiw of the great red action wa
hive made. Tbeae are only a few of the many:
Largi- Arm Rocktvr. golden oak finUh, regular $3 valoe. at 11.48
Go^d CjhblerSeat Rxjker. rt^ular $3.50. now.........................2.38
UcK-kcr like cut, gokhin oak. roil a«wt, nicely oar\‘pd,
always sold L.r $(*..«), now only............................. .................:i tC»
(iur spc-ciHl $7 It xiker. golden oak, wide arm, roll Mat, now :f 'Ci
Si'wiug Chair., from <i>o up. MorrU Obaira from 4.75 up.
All oUicr high grade Roekera sold noo^ingly.
Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
If you want to move 1
can give you a good man
anti a iJtrgc sleigh and
give you satisfaction.
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street
have bc^ui plu;g?iny: Jaw ay for ifciluat 40 yeera improving; llieir
Seal Brand Coffee
The reaiilt toilay it is the iiiosl doliciouaofall Imitula. j
Bokl in imuit oiliea for -lOr
Our price Is
The Hannah & Lay Mereantilft Co.
•THE BIG STORE •'dealers in Eyerflhing
SS cents per pound.
v‘- '- V
^ ' MEN’S
, Feb. 6
ire the *hoe* th^t are made
to fit. to wear and giyr the b^*t of eatitfacticn.
We have some splendid bargains in Ladies* Fine Shoes that mast be
sold, and If your size u in the lot you get the biggest bargain of the ocasen.
Three lota at three prices:
IIEtilN OtoK
Annual White
or it it ia tbe^
tl year.
[ ^whita venbif tho
When thlnlcine about present, that a
lier, pretty shade, pocket flakier and -
Portable! Table Lamps
make the very best kind of a piresent. We have all
of them in atock, at the right prices. Come in
and see.
Hark call, made iwompUy
atulihoura. I caU £or bagWife-Ye*. It was 1 who brougld all
lie money into this toosehokt What
Id you have to-fore I married you?
VlitNlv;ind- iv.vee.
Don’t Forget
J. W.Jaokaon
E. A.
P.lifioegaH A. CSoftiUC. .
J. H. LaiaGta
Weqaatong Club
F.Ow«i 4: i '
Amarioan Drug Store* .
HaBBab Drug Stole
P. L. Shnter
tta Kitary and
to aeven
. A. Mtauami.... .C«7 ormla
The -Opponnnuy Claaa.- tanglu by
Mtoa Barum. waa tba boaten of C. J.
■hMT'a ■—»ay aeboal ciasa at tbe
Cnmmtototkmal etarch last even lag. a
fwewptton betof tendered the Utter
in the church parlors. About fifty
werw prsMt and tbe avsnlpg was
ver, ^^)^y
uh a iliE MlMErs las-s qiisiiMi
pay Wltor.
micmiban. tucboay. January
Women’s Felt Shoes to cloan up 1
$1.75 values for $1.50
Stop That RhenmaUsm
Those neuralgic pains in the back, in
the legs or arms or that headache
that no other m^icinc will cure, with
^'Rheumatic King Capmiles.**
surest cure ever fwt up.
Use Rheumatic-King Laxatives the
most pleasant cure for constlpaDon
that to sold.
. ‘t>or Own Cough fiyrup** ewrw that
hacking cough and touches the tickle
In the throat as no other medicine
"McEvoy*s Cold Cure" and “McEvo/’s Headache Tablets** give InsUQt relief.
-John Oswell McGirffIn had a terri-
Fur Overcoals fl7
One of the biggest bargalm ysu’M
find, and o cost yta’ll ta proud to
own. * We ve sold lots uf <
to sell YOU one.
We «re
M.M. M all oyr Far Uned Coum,
Ov.ixom «M Wlnttr ftulu.
If yoa
era la OMd «l any of thooa w» can
auraly Imaraat you. Wa iMva provaa
mi, la ^voey oala «n hova oMilt ooS
aa theae «oada maat b. mevad for
atfcar aoadi. tha tooMr you coll, «•
Pot It didn’t -------- h
Evoy*s Cold Cyra’* a«^ i
aoMNT you wUt own a aplandM
a»o». «>Hy ottMoelanr In ovary way. J’)
1 Rm>q^ TUftVKiitt eiTT. mcHi^Aii. -nitWY. mmuarv n. mr.
-TMEm>hMS*>N«dNN «MUoit WftNtW M a T»-
fnxB'iUDeM. It it a trust«ortbTiub4iild.Ta»! nystes
J.T.iUIIIUI!ESnit $2,560.38
ORE 081 OF 40.000 KSERT
___ _
rtaw ear* *"«■
If N la Hald Thraa
Mraal at Nat. .« •
MiWs Over
tbs Ice ia Tbat Mnansr
Price $1.
D. C. Oenaalne left for Croa*
Be this momteg nnd tome
croas the Ice to the D
Thika ItM RiecM of Mali Wetw
|| Mere
HeM Up Dwriat tbe Year Recmee
'• I
•uch is tbs OpBilmi of A4. W. WiUy.
Chief cf the Bursas uf Chemistry. '
He receired a tHegram calUng him
This fit* St Rsst Questions
That Have Been Raised.
ind Informing him that transportation
xcroBS the lee could be obtained. 7
, r A tr—m of Tartar Fowder
fraa from alum or phoo*
phatio aold
Grand Rapids. Mk*h-. Jan 29-Ooe
tier mlBMt for every 40.0BA handled
a remarkable record for any |m»sioffice. Yet such is the record for the
xr 190€ a* shown by the annual re
rt of Glen Ho4»e*. superlntenrtent
The inheutanee i IX in Grand Tiav
uoted totl0.7€4.k3
la the pa*t two years.
IMos Homo Bakiog Easy
The last col-
Irwted waa Il2u which wua paid today
fo CoEiniy Tn-aunrer Brown and cinae*
the tax on the Jullu. Y- lUimah es
ThU eoiaie wuh taxed lo the
malls at the local office. Aside from
this, figures are given tishlch show a
very material Increase In the number
of pieces of all Hastw* of mail ^ndled
imount of |:.30<).kT.
If ihlh ro.ioey u niji tnrn.*«l ov^ r to
Ihe auditor
penerif l^v^:_ti^^rera
By Wire to the Evenlfig Record.
I* carried from the main land
New York. Jan 29.-Bul!er interests
Ihe Islands by dog sled and In thU
BofH manner be ex^t* to take the have Iwen much dUt orbed of late be
twenty-eight mile trip tomorrow. This rause of unofficial expressloos of opin
prlmUlva a»ode of trmnsportailun I*, ion relative to the use ot color to but
the' only piacHosl one between the ter under the provisions of the pure
two point* during the winter months Ukh\ and drugs art. In some quarters
and. although
It seems dangeroua. It has lieen held that the iti^ of. nil
vary few accidents happe^. The cmir»M« olor Is pndtlhiu-d. The f.dUm’.ng letKmrke. HH.isi
is followed by compass In f:/se of a ter addressed to H.
The document also report* ^ num ipow storm.
He will return the latter part of the York hy H. W. Wlb'v. chW of the bu
ber »if examinations given to clerks
reau of chemlinrr semu* to set at rest
CHI the location of posiofflce# in MIchl
all queetions on the subject ;,.
Every clerk t* required to pass
of the treaniin r'a |Kurkei
Mr. Brown
“Repaying fo your letter. I Iwg lo
an examination before be is si
palra at tl
a pair
was ci'inpht In thl. munner once but rwetad evary day. Tbt local nw
say that the coloring of l.iilfer Is spe
Mia. r D MlUi-r of M* Siato afreet ihrrmatt no fault of
Tb** prtew art iuppliad by local deaUra. lowetl to son the outgoing slate mall
Hflcally permlilerl in the law of Aug.
Is conducted by
Inrit.* the tadlea of ihe Preobyterian chairman and rkuk of the Umrd of
Corn Has Arrived for fiUrch FaetcC 2, 1IW6. It It held by the deparimeni,
Tha ouUida quola|iona by wira,
rhiirrh and conirreiration for tbo
mpervlMiri. have to Insuc an nrdui for oBppad from other papora of tha peaBut Olfficulty With Machinery V theiHore. that the BsmI and dnig art
of one of the 2,hA0 odd posthonr Wedneoday afterDooci.
Ijidtea the ireaaiirer to draw the money beHas Caused a Delay.
/ dor*s not repeal the provision of the
viom day.
1 Michigan written on h.
vill rome allh nsHHlIea oad Ihimbleo
art referred to alwve; that the addiThe**e raids ate sorted Into, the
and alan Urtnyr carpel raaa lo eew‘ for rood aired fax was pjild wh/*n the
The com which has 4MH>n on t^
S« venieen loads were hrougbt U» Hie
tenhoW hy the clerk, who way from Milwaukee to this city for Hop of harraleiik color to butter may
chairman was mit ..f the city an<) Mr. rlt%‘ market yesterday, this eonsUte<|
certain araemnt of time to Ihe Mlrhlibm siarrh factory hits ar be practiced as tbemln pivnidtHl; and
Is given
The sWedlah aertnona at the State Brown wa% forced to ro down In bln p.lnripally of hay. cMit* and ef»m
complete the work. Twelve of ihewe rived in Uie olty in sufficient quantity that the presence «tf coloring muiihr
aireH arhool honae will beyrlp lomor oorkef tor Ihe interest. ITie bill was
Egg maiket still keeiM firm at pi Ires
evamlnatloos were conducted during tor the plant to siaii on hut some 11! wo croploytMl Is not lequltTNl to he dr»- .
|V>«‘ nlcht and aill t»e held erery even allowed. Imwever. by Ihe aupenlM.i> qiKM^d with no morcrerelpis than will
tb*« >**ar. two of which resiihed In a He difficulty with the |nr'^J>»«lckl de cl.iriNl »in Ihe latH-l."
Inc except
Saturday and twice on when he pfesenled It^
supplv the bs^l demand.
iqark of Kio’ m-r cent.
The lowest
They becln at T;20 p. m
Some dealera look ' for hay i
mark recorded w.t* 95 W. per cent and
and Sunday 10 30 a. m.. 3 o'clock In
still higher than It Is now; although It
the average was 99.tM*i per cent.
the afternoon and 7:30 In the evenln«.
U higher than It Ims been fotAverao- .« High.
The Ijidlea’ Aid aoclety of the BapA Lav Mercantile Company fiever*
The highest number of cartls handled
Outside potato market owing to the
flat church will meet In the aaaemhl)
wall. Sent Up fc- Five Yeart for
01740 •
e<»ld weather ts a lltib* stronger but corn'd ly pet minute on these I'xam
CKiin of the chnrch W.Mlneaday after
Stealing a Bank.
not'enniigh to warrant any change In iiiatloDK was 31—<ir one everv three Only a Fsw Cases ^ Diphtheria Now
noon t Z o'clock.
I hU re*|gW. H. Scott ha* 1
Left in Leelanau County.
secfrtids—and the average was 23
A writ of certiorari waa made unlay prices
The Jnlerior of Ihe G. IL k I. depot
nallon to the Hannah A Lay MerranIn exact figures the total numlwr nl Special to the Evening Record.
on the appeal of Emeal C. Smith, a
(Teorge l.anile Is prepjiring to ship
la brdn* painted.
tlle company.
The fact-was made ■
ph*ces of mall handU*d last yeor wa>
It was dlreetiil siting of eight cara Thttrsilay night.
Suitonw Bay; AH<‘h.. Jan. 29.—The puhlir in the fidlowlng notlee from fit.
aiacti chuirh kuHd will meet with Kalkaska attontev.
1.. F. IVikett will M’UiI a string of ::T.T«M'..4f.l. and again this 1.n.V) erron diphtheria epidemic is rapidly subsid K. Sander*, seeivtary and tn’asnrer,
Mm It. C. Darla. 443 Waahtncton to Ola Iluichlna. a Just Ire of the piMoe
in distnhuilon were ch«‘rk<*d agalnsi ing nnd only a few eases are now left. to the division managers;
atii*et. tomorrow afternoon nt 3:30 at Hfe iJike and concern* his cviurt five cats out this week, both of lht*ae
the l«*cal office—(»ne ermr f<ir e\et> .\nti toxin Ims
proceedinRa {gcainxt EbH Southwen. w ill go lo Chicago.
Ixs n lihernllv
• We regret'to annmmre that W. H.
All the ladlea of the lurlah are Invited
;:r.,9n |i!.*ceN of mail handled.
with exf-elleni rff»Tt
HTte mImkiI nnd ScHi. who has iHHui In the employ
l»cal potato men sill not hold
The Boya Tnliy leakue of the Bb|> who waa iu<oienr<Ml to the Slate In
at IMoVimont
hav lM..n this house for a great many yeaiw
As rompareil with the preceding rliuirhe*
Hat chiirrh will have a mualcal pm dust rial Home for Boys on the rhatpe potatm-s for any advance hut wll
year the Increase was fiver 0.5Od.iSM o,M-n.Hl.
Ithe latter tMri as managtu
arum and entertainment' tonlicht In of larrenv for five learn. H Is aald as fast as they ran get ears reui
piece*, or an luctenKe of approximatelj
lurdwaie dlvltdon) haw Tendered >0/^
fheir hall In the Wilhelm block. Dr. that he stoU* a Imnk nnd conleiitM
Mr Smith has
|M>r c« nt.
J. A. Snyder la drllllnji the boya for nmoiintlnR t« ll bi
Detioli. Jan. 21V—Wheat—No. 2 red,
their choir work a we«*k from S^n^ay
Into Hase*
TTSic: com. 4Uk-e; .Hit*. 4lr.
Miaa Galava Faraky. Daughter
i^w r. Tivt^.
The Moblo alatcra will play half ami Is said to have found entne
2!«—Wheat-May. slH.ws 24.773.9Kl pl.-ce* of letter mal
with f»32 ermrs.
one for ever> 39.
7k*.e: com. 4rt»ic: ewts. 3kSr.
Miss Salavn Fnrsky. daughter Id tli.v|,„..,„h.
noreme nn
Silver llrt»ther> will rIvc a dance on which he will work.
, TohHlo. O . Jan 29.—Wh.at-r.n>h 207 and 12.927.4hn plecet of all oihei
^n ontdom life.
III the hall nt Archie IViday nlirtit. A
classes, ufiih 4IK emirs, or one foi wf»*ll known artist of this city, and; ,1,3,
TTc; cm. 44»4c; oats. .1R\c.
2t, !**►
V. ly ple;.a;ml time la cxjM.cted.
'East Buffalo. Jan. ri« —Catile-iiOn; • veiy ::o.92T |i|»*ces of s«»eond. thlril
An invliatlim baa In'*-!! extenih'd to
anfl founh cl.'t.ts matter handled
Mrs. r O WhltlHvk left for.Grand
the iiietnlieni of Triiverae City lodRC of
^ ^{egatdlr.g second class maiiej thr
—ll.miu; slow.' easy; choir.* laml.s
Hapi.ls this rnmnina lor :r short vUlt.
|:Dh lu attend the performance of
|7.ra»fi T,Tr.:
wet hers.
:. V>; leiloM shows 31 puhllratlons n-gnlarl.f
Mrs t\ B. llolHTison iTiurmd to
National Bank fitatementa.
mot row nlitht «t the Grand op«*ra
ewes. |'.<r
Hogs^Yorkirs. IT.i! entered and six news dea1ei-s «*nn>1I<*«l
houM All KJkh are requn
irT -u. pic.. |T.3hC:4n; h. avy and The revenue fmm Ihl.s S4»urce during By Wire to The Evening Record.
her sister. Mix F. F. Mlih i of this
W^nshlrigton. Jan. 29.—The ct
ih.- eliih m..roa at k p. m
mixed |T4.',«iT.2a
taOoOttmlalteC^ (dTr^voro* Ui* la aa;
.4 flm.lTircoiiiil haa iMwm flle.1 In the city.
la*.! quarter alone showing r*ee|pis of iroller of curn-ory has i.^sned a
Igaatr. «■ wo AdA iUf U January. 4. I
Mrs. .S. M Rl.x went lo Betinei to
Kleliatd Hound ewtate.
„vei 54.000. or an lnrn*ase over the for nathmal l«mk statenu'iti* «»
|%2>t a- road a. wiaar. j.d«o .
. ,
cirrespondlng lime in 19o5 of aiKmt 14 cloM-of huwine** Saturday. Jan 2<
V l-'ri
that ih»*M> w
15 ii* alMM^ «« aalo lor ll^i a pair
Tho ad ahould havi- rt^d floe 6oton
wltbln three davN frothfibetim^Tm
rolUeterl. Interest at
rate of « per
rent niu^i la- paid an/thU ermeu out
’tsLr "
Can Ha Da It?
K J Worden in In Tnavi rae City
on biiaiiieuM thiu ariemoon.. Mr. Wot
den. who la one of the muut enthualaa
Ur of local luiiHdull fana. lnforme<1 the
NewM that lie would en.bwvor to utlr
up «Hiie b;:s« hall talk In the aayluro
city. • We «iint 11 northern Mlchlgmn
liaKeUull leapnr with Traveiwe CTi>
and radUlar
two of the merolierv.'
M.ited Mr
Worden..-Monday* Cadll
Take-0!i Sale
.••• on «.•••
Entlm Stock Divided Into Two Lots.
LOT 1-All S\:,. $1S. $>0. $25. and $8Q
Ladles’Cloaks and Salts.
Wednesday “ffif $10
1.0 r 2—Ladies', Misses' and Children's Gar
ments, value j$7.50, $10.$12andS15.
No Goods Sent on Approval
E. Wilhelm
Mrs. Ikinlel SeeRmlllei and two chlldtvn w.-nt to Summit rity ihU morn
I» Smadea Is vb-.iina at May
Fiwl Huldaird went Ip Cadillac Ibis
* Mrs. Aimes Seneoal la visiting at
T. N. wmarch and son Earl of Kmc.
by well* in the city to«hiy.
rtad Claima,
Thi-odore and f'Vank Bogers of Mayfield flle«l
the final pnaif
In their
homestead entrbx with County Clerk
Waller this aftermam.
The lonmV
has i:o acres and the latter S'l in
Butter, dairy, per Ib^.............
Cheese, per lb...........7......
Eggs .............................. ...................
Salt, per bbl............. ................
Ha.v. per ton. .......... ...................
Com. per bu................................
Buyiop Rricea.
Wheat, per bn..............................
Buckwheat, pet bu.........
R.re. per bn....................
Com. per bn.................. ..
Oat*, per bu............................
Eggs ........................................ ..
Hay ................................... :.............
Apples, per 100 lbs..................
FOR . SALE Olr EXCHANGE—Flue Cowi ................................................
water MHinl. I U<vg. «BI *ell or ex- Ughl steer* and beifera...
Little Child .Dead.
the Immaculate Conception
8evsnty-Sl« Ton* Per Month.
Silva 4-!iVerne l^iurni.
the Infant ♦
Will Also Serve Supper in
. IB weight th.. niimiHT of fHiumK of
daitghier of Mr. and Mi-s. V,H. Sturm, j
Forester* Hall.
j.e'suiii (lass matter handled during
dietl at their ho..rdtal ihli morning at ‘
111. y.ai was 1 .R.3K.r.:,R. ot an average
9 o'rhtek.
The la«H«*s of tin* Immarulate Tohof over seventy six tons per month
—--------------------------- .
j r-r ption chuirh will hold a supiier and
Each qnatTer for the year J90C rIjows
Elite Party.
j entettainmeni In Ihe Foresters hall
a stihstantlal 4ncreaM* over the correThe next dancing pariv to iH- Hven 1
quaner of the prerr-dlng
hy the Elite club will t,e at the t'iiyj ;.
,j,e enterialnmen:
opr-ra house rm Friday evening Thlw|^ j„
will IH* the Insi party Ndore 1^4.1.
mail and the
' %ay Of n rot
that Cbo om prodtirttoo of «•••
a benlay. arthol
fuBT year*
Twenty-three permits were ls.sued to age of .me .rear wbowt twenty eggs: at
firms to mail third and foiirlh-rlass tbo age of two year*, about 120; at
4b. age' Of tbrr. yesrw. aboai I3.*i;
matter without stamps affixed, the re
at Ibe agr of four years. alKuit 11.%:
celpts from this arrangement during at tbe age bt five ye«r*. alsmt erglitT.
the year amounting to |4.^h.4.:.S.
and at tbe
Since .\’ov. 2d. last, the clerks nt
the local office have be<-n disrrllmtinc
the mall for the western siat«t> In
St.:.d of sending It to the Chicago offire for that puriiose. and as a con
sequence 'letters for Omahai. St. Paul
and southern Illinois |Kduls. which are
isJ.nI here In the afternoon, are admeed from six to twenty-four hours
«n the old system.
which have parceld post system* were
made last year and the year before
result this part of the work
IncieaMNl rooslderahly during the past
ygar. S19 package* to these countries
cial deUvery matter posted over Ihe
Has* condition: bargain If Uk« at recent bemvcmeni.
once. C. U KeHey. 3K. W, Seventh
Mra. C. P. Kroll.
City phone 743
jan 2tM;t
Mrs. and Mr*. A.^. Krtdl.
G. A. Krnll.
WANTEO-Pliire to work for board
ian 29lf
by a school boy. Inquire at fteeord
the targest month in that
Over 11.000 pieces of mail were bHd
at the local poatoffice for lack of sofOdent postage, and In every-caas^ the
qs-nt much time ami pains in getting
heir plans laM for n very enh.yal.le
per r<-ni was fully made up and the
halanc' was i»artly sorted when re
launch, onfshoraa power eoglne.ilrst
Jan mf
.jiHHUhs In the hall and the ladles have
show* that only
liad to IH* dlsirilMtierl In the office. 74
being posted here during 190C.
change for anything I can use; will Steers and heifer*. IIM Ibi
Regarding the tiaclng of o^Ing
niakt* good hunter. Homer Howard, Dressed pquilry ....7.....
matter the report glve^ the/Dumber of
Chickens, live wfight.............
437 W: Tenth jSi. Cltx. phone PTC.
complaints received during the year
dressed--------, *jan3P-3t
3P3. of which 117 were aatlsfadorSheep, with wool OB
ily adjusted by the pieces of mall
FOR SALE—Cheap for rasn or on Spring Ismhs. live weight*.!!!
being located or otberwiM arconated
easy terras;'house and lot. East Calves ............. ....................................
the balance not being traccAMe
Eighth strfw-t. six nx.m bouse, city Green bide*............................
7« i>
%rtre referred to the chief poatoffiCB
water, reoent sIBewalk.
Adilreas Curtd hides .................................
iaapector at WaJthlngtoo
1?0S East Erighth street.
Tallow....................... ........................
Of 12 2 per cent waa
Jan 3K*t
noted In the number of pieces of spe
Selling Prices.
Clearhack pork, per hbl... ...Ilfi.OO
ru^rhack innk. per lb__
Short cut of pork, i»er bbl.
Ham. per Ih............... ..
lArd.' per Ih.................... ...12GIS
Bacon, per lb............. .
Corn meal, per 100 n»a.... ... L20
rinur. IT . U A Co * Beat. bW. 4.50
Oat*. IKT bu....................... ...
Feed. H.. I.. A Cn.’a Bwat, ppr
^IckeuK. |M*r lb......... .......
Applt-s ..........................
Frr-^h^fish. per Ib
Middling*, per 100 lbs.’...
Bntn. per JOQ lbs............... ... 1.20
Celery, large stark*.?....
Ceh-ry. small stalk*..,,...
I^inee, per lb.
Oranges, per doren........ ...15«40
lA-roon*. pwr dot.................
Butter, creamery, per lb. !!!32f<3C
Fnlon township
; •^J
The following menu will Ih- Keni-d:
-M.*hed PotatiHHi.
Ilrown Gmvyr
no .Salad.
Cabbage Salad.
R;iV«’d Beans.
Rye Bread.
A Dods CTseker thoiild be tbs BMwt nstfl.
ttou and wboleMme of aU fooda Bade
from wheat-
Bri ardinaiy aoda craclnra abaorb molal.
are, collect daat and bacomo atak and
aoor long before tboy reach yosr tabla.
Than ia boworar, ena
•oda cracker-at once ao pare, ao cleas, M
criap asd aoatlahiag that it atanda aloaa
is its lapnma ancaDesco-tha saas ia
Uneeda Biscuit
^ Htogrtfe-At
kad ohbMv pMrai tkia artotor aC
HI ^ Jtoor, mala oore
li Vkf tbtf
r. ^.v.
ao« Boomt Oraj«ai kail tafcao iMto*
act or tka vaona btfart tka HBtfto
««H» Ok tor
^.tkia ttmt
VM kafaHTM H^ra. aad
A Bitter Sfm
HUvry ^
mlah this wank.
Tko LndiM' Bimtel Htrar dnk
*ka narar knew how tt kappwd. at Mra, Orn Barden's Jaa 24. 8p
bot^to^ ^oarJOcajte Ml Ckat
aeaUag Jan 3fl at Mrs. Ralpb Brigkam!a. They wfl have a aortal Feb
te tko okarek.- A lS<«it supper will
ho aorand. Brory.hody Invited.
Walteca Shepard left teat oranteg
with ate cara of poutora for Chicago,
Tko new senu are now plac
the oehool bouiie. and aeventy-alx puplU are enrtdled. How Is that for
town only eighteen months old? '
Goo Bmwn w«nt t.i Cadillac today
on buslm-sa.
Mra. Biraob te v.wy 111.
The infant chlbl of Mr. hnd Mra.
Harry Dood dicl Saturday .morning.
Mrs. Olen Ashby U vtelllnK her
nKMher at Mantou
Mr. and Mrs E.1, Middleton vb
at Ralph IWghamV Sunday.
Mlsa fkrrle fUnso*. *vlH|fe»!
parv-nts over Sunday
There will U- a danco at Baird s
opera house Satnrdaj oacnlng. Feb.
of tka 4VMMC AOd moat mm
Hrrm m Cte pleiwM cf two
viM» vm Mlcf«4 or tteik
HM4« of MIor. ^ tk» wNorloM Or.
S. C rimr Vito ko» JoM koto car
laroa afior koapHto oto oT tka ^or M
Oto ootkoHilto for Ckfoc i^ia. tV^
ylHaro la ftot of Mr*. TiMtoorv
HkuMO IMakamr. vko fa r«vqrto4
io kara loai Hop ckaa a tollliaa 4kd
. lara tkiooito Dr. Vkmr. anl tka lovar
Ikelaiv fa Ikai of Ufa. laak^ Oraj
Tanor vkoaa iMiUMf oM to ib#
r«airfltoK of ladtrtiMia inaloat rio«.
k |4rtnra of Mr. rtovar^a 1
Kuikxrfum Paik. K J. U alBD
IV*; ■'■ •
I MWCMHahouC through a tarantula.
It waa at a mine camp, and tba camp
bu.ly had a Urantula impaled on a
allck. A man newly arrived Tiom tha
Mat stood gaslug. fascinated with hor
ror. at the aqulnnlng reptile, working
lu black taaga ta tha affort to tmeh
auHethlagftkat It muld faatea them
Uto. Itoddmly. without warning, tba
bully thrMt tka tarantula straight Into
the tendarfuat'a face. HU whiskers
Mvad him from tbe fangs, but be let
out a yell aa If ha had actnally beeu
bitten and jmhpcd tvek. I fully be
lieve. ten feet. Then, as tbe fellow
cam# pokUg tba tarantuU towar»l him
agate- tha ttoderfoot drew hU revolver
and turned looaa aa his torutentur. Ills
dlaappoltttiDatit. “If yon caa’t do auythlDC oMa. yoa can taafk. 1 know a
man; brltHnl him out of a tifht |>Uira
about thrae uujutha ago; oaina U Gray*
dou. Ila lIvM •omrwhrrt out In \Vr*tctaeatrr taxmty and ta on tha orhool
my JCofitorMr ratof>
r«Mrlgfci. laa, b> M. Xl < nubtiobam
rrprramiUHl by Mancarvt • fatl
alatara t'otiatKutfd the ra
Uoa of power If not fiopuUrtty amooc
toau and affalra. aaturo had amt him
da^btora tnatmd of aoua. HU wife
kad dfad of rniy ahame for hariiii
faUad aa atgoaliy to fuUHI her duty In
thU rr<«»act.
The aldaat daughtar had triad to rs>
^ta her mother s offeuaea Iw enter
I rorv
l.v\ .V A 1 |\ t‘
built iron tNidgaa laatead of air caatlca
In art
Oar tklaff ioha U^klt had doae-he
bad flren tbam the beat edocalkMud
adraatataa moaey could bur. and than
ha kad Mid. “Nov go out and do
thlofm.Margaret^ freah from the trip abroad
vblch Ltckla cooaldecTd tbe eaamttal
Aaktiliig toack of a gtrl'a edocatloa.
knev that ahe would be eapected to
“do tbiaga " Her father had girm bar
lln»e ta unpark her trank-, to call on
ber few raUtIrea and (ha Intimate fam
ily frleoda and to recorer her eeinlllbrlnin. ao to aficak. Now. when be aent
for her to join him In the llbwiiT.
knew what hU uueotlon would be. Nor
John l4sklr leaned ba«k In hi- un
tufted leather chair and atared frankly
at Ibe un. alandm girl, who from aoma
onkoowu ami far dteUnt av'e-tor had
inheritad a grai^e aln>o«t |•atrt« lan.
“im down, Margarat, l*re apeut a
“I think I ahaU take charge of t!ie
hooae.“ aha aald. calm, without <inak
lag within
•n'ake charge of tke houser‘ ecbmNl S
her fkthar hankly. “I pay Mrs. Jon ;
kins to do that“And the whole house looks aa If M'
VMa h|tndled by a hireling.- replied '
Margaret, meeting hU ang-7 gOM
Vlthont flinching. “Bought: Hlrad!
Tka wufda are aUmped all over tbe
place. Wa bare no boma life, no home ,
•tHoapbarr. and I want to maka things ;
■mra plausant. mora Ilka aome of the
bosnaa In vkleb I hare rWted. I think ‘
that la my torta“
A deep porpla dnah motmtad to Lec-|
kle’a farabeud. and kU flat cama down
on tbe table with a rtuging thump.
chrrteB by tba blood currant
^ of the eilucatlau that 1 paid
ta baadM rlablaad.
nlM>ul live thousand n year for. youyuu’re n dUin^re ti the family.
la tome of tbe ultra exolualre cluba.
Be»* Grayikm In the morning School Mya tba London Chronicle, tt Is a aerltnnM open out ite'ie In a week or so.*' oua breach of etiquette for one memHe bMt over kls desk as If tbe aub- l«r to apMk to another without obUtelog a ceremmloim iutrodurttoo before
Her fara wm very hand. A painful case has Ju.t oc
rv'd Stars curred In a certain old established and
d(wway. extremely respectable Pall Mall ranwhat you My. of course, ra raoMrie. It appears that a 4iewiy joinmember In ealhma deOan<v of cutther. I»ut I wani you In ndvanee that
Teuiured tba otliar atternoou to
: win be a failure. I waa not meant
ce a ramark about tbe weather to a
for that sort of thing.tleman with whom he was not perHer father flung bark his big brad
Illy acquaintad. Tbe recipient, of
and stared at ber.
• I'erbais. you think you were born tills outrage glared atonlly at Its per
to play a UUy. but I w 111 fool you. You tetralor.
“IWd you preaiima to address ma.
dou-t ixime from that aort of alo. L.“
And ao It tiapiiened that Margaret sirV* fie demanded, with an awful
Le^-kle was pUtvd lu charge of dis frown.
“Ves. I did,- was tbe deflaut n-ply
trict school No. I.l. Tlie one redeemlug feature of her new poaltloD was “I aald it was a Bne day.“ The other
the long walk to and from the d.*pot. ■dlgeate,! the olsuTvatlon thouglitfully.
Then, after an ImpreaalTe pause, he
for she cnmmutnf dally father than
hi exiKiueut. “Well.
take iHMird In the amall village' turned to Its
^ I pray d.m‘t let it otvor agal
he re
around which home
jj., I marked as be burled Mmaelf
t. tb.
e for,
world as good »• Ikclr fathermade
have no bigger aHkltlcm
than to mend aoiks and baka plea.
That will to^ to tha Inter of aw famny name, wont Itr
Msvffl^>^ kit ksr Bp. l,i«ckla bad
down thrtwgh ten generatloua Itotead
ainca Billy I»obaoii had put rad pepper
on tbawtore and ackaol bad beau dIs
aslaaad for tbe aftorwwsL fiba roas;
rary straight and girlish and big eyed,
“ Homar Graydoa entered the dour,
" ^ bla
" first visit to tbe aikool. and
aurprfsed to And a clean cut.
youmris^l^lng^n l^ead of Vv
■■■Min..... .
■7' :
Lv C\ .N. * % l i
' •' • ! . : ! 1
Maraarat xom and half ttmlW
ber ana aiHHd her fathcFa thlto 1
“Father, dear. Fd ao mialf gi
jast make tovTor you aad rm
He flam aside tke eartrclldim.
l.xti v\id*iilag the »t-.-fc*i «f
1 .n of
lud m.nklng the
niHicflIate Tabtete
The Great Constipation Gore
slatsaaS u«tM< Um- sun:*\t- o.irus«. m.Ac p«ri
Mttds of iiersoiis urr* lieabd
>‘*ar. Gu.uant('e<l at lluglM-,* l)ru]
’ Frank H. Mrads. Ilann.nli drag
‘ZOc and tU>d. Trial ImiUIc free.
Formes. FashionsIde o|ilub.n was iin.leckled tt* to which s.f the bmr was
rb« greatest, and Anally the uiciids-rs t'obi HiiibsMinin. ('reanwrd lN*latiH*s.
of a Iradlng c?nt. dctermlmsl to irave MaiN-aioul with* Chei--- ot Tomato
tbe quarter of singers Interviewed seiVKaucfs.
.r the
Waldoil S.vlad.
Brown Hoad.
While linuid.
awanled tin- t^fm of
est basso Um o In IaumIou.
PHee ri I’cnts
jan !!9 U
Btrfbdlgl ansucnxl
truthfully. “Ijibla.-lio 1
Marini rv-idU<d. -| will
Is the tlrst Imssn. luit
The Rfght Nama,
Mr. August Shcipe. tip-isjj.ular oier
sc r of the p<Kir. at Fort Madiium. la .
M.vs: -Dt? King s N.-w Life Pills an*
ilghUy namt-d: Ih. y art noire agi«s*ahlv. do more pisel and make one l.s-1
liettcr than any otln-r laxative.” tluar
nntciHl to emv ldllou.<neKK and r*Hjsil
ration. 2:.c at l!ugb.H* Drug To..
I Frank II MeadK. Hannah drug More.
Good Properly
For Sale
Southwest Corner Union
and Sixth Sts.
Tmet .if kill]. uiNslral,
HtK*li lui.t flrv,
t.y Waym . .Mmli-eiu Hml
ami Antitun IMu.v. Fiut*
for n-jililt-mw.
The Hall-Room Boyir
bow many pints of milk
are there la that galkm ranr*
“Its aU milk, ma’amr lodlguautly
exclaimed ^by.-Youtha Companion.
Thomas Mlttou waa IMckenm’ antic
Itor as well as his acboolfellow and
used to say that he was the only one of
all of “iTurlle's- friends whom the
novelist had never “)>ut into a tiouk.Milioua braren amlled Inwardly, be
rucogulwd obvioua lUev-es
In nererul of tbe novels, the
<“Grrat EX|VCtatlMS "» Slid
Tappertu rBanaby IlnOgg^i. Not,
ttovh te cornmou. It may be Mid, bet«reo Ibeae two eccentrics. Nevertbe- ’
-t\'bfraHn do they dUTerr qaerled;
tbe very, yoaag man.
“A good .character la a laxwy.- ex-1
plateed Ike T. T. “bat a goral reprtottsa M a flaMHUy.-
llitl Ste.
Chas. Pronhazka. Jr.
ThluklM that perhaps by turning
from tbe^ibatract to tbe cuucrrtc she
might smrwd bettef In stlniiilntlng
hb power of recollection. Ibo teai-U-r
tried iinothtT tack.‘•Bobloaba aald. -your father te a
milkman. Un^beV
-Y«*s. ma'am.**
“Wen, how. think as hard as you ran
"I* •« “>» wrOootOoom. It wu to
Uy. 4h.rojM
striwm Old) ai«d that the atreatn was
i-h'U«b^Li BuUctlu
bridged by a .ingle plank Tbe luhah- 1 h-Ud->,>hu BnIMtu.
Itaiits of Jersey were cou»|wll.d loj
Curad of Lung Troubla. •
kee|» this plank In gooil rrpalr. for. It
“It Is now Hvrrn >rars since 1 had
was uscl by the blahop of tke dW«eae;a narrow escape fnmi ctmKumplkm “
> liwbidlcal visits toj writes C. O. PItiy.l. a IraUliig bwslm-rs
hi* fl.*-k, and the man of Kenduiw.
Kendiaw. S,
S. C. -1 had run
that JK3
down in weight to
ikmiiuIs. and
wtwthy pralate desired
coughing was ramstaat. U.th by dj
rroaslug la mM.v. la
^and by night. Finally 1 Ikw taUi
and again In IIm* year 1
,<l)r. King's New IHsrovciy. and cti
yruck raisers ,hha fell to tbe lot of
M-huol No. lU. 'Hhc had ^IMkeu the
truth when she said that aha would
fall. Tbe power to orgaulie and disHpllne children In miml«-rs Is not glv«> *« all. not even to fhe woman who
bf the magic talisman «f maternal lovk
uiay develop Into a model mother In
l*rr own houiM hold. To tlie problems
oudls^lpUncd youth and unclean
perauna and untutored mluda abe gave
the best energies at ber command, but
worked with the aenae of failure
hke waa not aurpclard, therefore,
partb uterly dafl and lower-
T!\c h•.'^
.^lechcs presmaut with meanteg
<»i l.H t:ve in tils deBrata
that wtmkl asseml^ to wl
a feat. In rrality It was aa rrant of ftiweoh of eigtit or ten
('otamon o-v-nrren.s* durliw tbe aixUi
onr«* knew bow things.
reuturv. misting diKvinwr.ts relatira
VlH^MUkei* htuiitr when 1
monastery of Mom St
ftktm mtlk as a fcctlllaor fur crops
la Interesting many (armars abroad,
aereral of whom declare Chat asloulsblag results bare c-ome from Its use.
In the Ttcinlty of one fjuH a dairy had
a lot of aklm milk tbat eouM not be
used. Two farmers took tbe mBk and
pound It on tbelr lands aa ap experi
ment. One emptied se\ i-nty-flve rant
and sn.itber IfaV Iten.iirkable results
hare been obtained. IHielr grass te
no>r seven tiroes as vlgormis as on nd
joining Held- where the milk was not
M-Nl. Init which Vicre euxerv^d with Btaudlgl werv not here. I certainly
would elahii the leiid.I'omies witijtiul iH-sltutlon Instantly
aald. “The u-r,-:itc<t buss*., sir thafa
me, Korl Formes.%
M»rviB*s fiascara
Hglit.“ was tte
Jury, and the »
for trial.-8an FramHaco Exau
-8., .nm .11 th. moorr l-T. .,«( •>>«
«■ XW. anm «U »• pSM rt. B.«. '
•m-my aM. m W*.
tiowol tb* Itnr wo (hat thoaa im-
Ijver PiBs
The Laugh Is oo G. Whsuwad This Tima
J.B.aunt0B CEO. ▼. aeWBTHT
law. OolletfUon work a apodalOWith Uaderwwod A Umlor. Siilhe^
land block,
fWCapialn GrUwtild.
MUd. waa
freat aad only buawrtst
of Verk. 11 btMieoed ibat. unable ic
i iqulet for bia writ
inf in bla own boiwe. “Mark" had
r«*nied an attic room of ibe captain
la>iaf atrtwa repeatedly on the ntipul
atloo that be aiumld not be dlalarbed
Jle wpa nut dlaiurbed
the work did not a)
I go. Omt clay be wandered down
auirs and prowled around uutaldc lb«
Glanclttf upward, be aaw on
the houaetup over bit etudy this alfu:
Swallow I, afe ms allowed to twiner
on ihU roof -
Kvrjy CHIU of Uu**- oriint mli. U h |ioiiiU r
T1ko.‘ wunl mU. an- liUU , Iwl tlmjr are
tlie kiiKl that iM what they ro afu*r.
If jrou doubt it, try a Rt«ord waul ud.
and ywni belim it.
WANTtP-^Hace to aork lor board FOR SAUI-UI?.
lloUi gaa aad alaotrlc llflita. Good
aad ao to acbool. loqutrf at Roc
bam. fine tawn. cloaa In. Waahiaftoa
ofd afioo.
tao 2^tf
■tiwat. Prim |1600. Wade Broa.
t17 Boatb UnloD 8t., Cttiseni Pbone
WANTCI>~li team* to haul (oor (<io(
wood; tbitw mile hanl; |o»d roada. 1219.
auttd acrommodaUtHia.
FOR tALC-1476-nne now ten
let. oomer of Itotoa
and Htb alreeU.; will Uke 11,000
• 1.000
In food value, free and rlwir of anWANTRP-Maa or boy Ui drivi* Uwm
cnmbrancea Traverve C!lty prodiMV
Uve, reah price |:.000.
at oacr. /. W. Slater bouae furnlah
Bro^. HIT Union atrcct. CIU. phone
luf atofw,
Jaa 2l tl
WANtCB<-IUgbeat cash price for
corn aad oats. Traverse City Mill FOR tALC-14M-M acrca two aad
oawhnlf mlloa city market; 1,000
boaiing poach. r»d bouse and kvn ;
nrico iSiOO. Wade Broa., II Un
WANTfO-One thousand bushels of
ten alreot, aia. phone 1S19.
corn In cwr. Columbia Transfer Co.
Jan. le tX.
cbotoa applet by boabcla fur aale;
WANTCB-2S teamn. Icfsl rtuid. test
nrimea' Goldcna. Baldwins. Grtea' of wagee. Jerry BulUvan, Cedar.
Inga, Talapahokhiea. Pewauktea.
Jan H tl
Talman BsocU. Wagooera. B. J.
WANTED lllghral rasli pileo i*aid
for iwr won and .wls . Travel m- FOR gALE-.14k4-FkMifto«i
hoiis<\ Mb street, clpae to actmoL
C'ily Milling Cte.
Jan 19 (f
faelt*ries and poatofgcc; central
Price IlMHl.
part <d xih atm
lo 81.. Cili.
Wade Ilftia. gl7
phone 1219.
WANTED -Your upboUtering, I
luro repairing, chair ranUg
furallurc packing. E it. Tanner. 31G
Untea >Bt.
Jaa. 13if
large'tot. hanae well gulthcd. on
atone foundali<«: easy terma. prtco
WANTED-Thpae that ke<v cos
use our IDBAL dairy feed, beat and FOR SALE-147l-rsrty aora
nuartar mite eaat ed Mayfald; good
clmapaat ta tba narkoL T. C. Mitb
lag Co.
Jaa n-«|
rye. corn, data.
T. c. Mllllag
jaa lur
WANTED—You'that keep chickens
to naa our IDEAL mixed chicken
feed. Nime better. T, C. MJUJiig
ian iMf
beat, ellt'tlie light, city’ salcr, sewer
connections, all in llwteLaas condi
tion. G F. Murray.
Jaa 101 mo
FOR aXLE-Kigbty acre term two
mllea west NorrtevtUe; four miles
poM ofBca Traverse City;- sixty
acres Improved: six acrea.suitable
dinga; all la
good hoUdl
it-ciass OQXiditten: cash ‘ prion
aay good oolU to aell, write me.
FOR BALE—im—Owe h
giving poatofBce nddraaat. what
aixty acre farm 12 mites -south of
you have to aall aad rtemm for ten
city u seventy acres ImproTsd; i
bouse, bam. windmill; all fenced;
lag On my return will either cnll
Price fJSOO. Wada Bros.. «17 Union
on yoo or write you. Herman Hy*
strsM. Cits, phooa 1119.
man. 240 Washington street l»E2-tf
Calvert, whUc bunting near
lioweii. kUted a teue ra«er w hich waa
iwliug around in tbr snow and
itch sraa 4V» feet long H* brought
the repUle to Iteweli to-back up bis
snake story .
Ul Co., at Alpena.
2W-IOO cruaber which
will have a ca|iarlly o( 3.000 tona of
d stone a day. The company
Iso put up a newr sle<d and cc
uUding aix32 feet. .
t iHdiiR pnbllsbtvd for X3 years,
iu Sur. owned by T.
t'o .'haa susiwmded puhlicaiiou.
Lar k
Interest in the i»apcr by local
roeirbanU mailc It an unprofliablc
n-Rloii sixty two yi iiih iu:u and 1
huKtm-w. pnvp*.sHlon
lieved to tM< the ouly while Ittai
For the drsl lime in the history id
vbo can tiuthfully ^ay as i
.Keweenaw rtuiutv. th«rx'‘ U U» l»e a
Mr. Stiles, now X4 yoai^ old'and still iiew>iwip«-r lssm*d wltbiu Us Umiidar
pncsl phyhln.l c».ndlilon hW'at
I* h This Ih to Iv piildlhhi'd at Mu
that s«-t*tion when there wen
hawk ami v-dUivl hy Arthur L. C^rna
us on eiUH'r side of Uike J
hsu Tb4‘ ivajwM- is to l*e iwIIimI the
He and atsMit .a score of other “Kewax-naw MIikt." and the flrsl
1 came on onleiK fn»m the governit lo lay out Hie npier peninsula
40 l-.-* n jn.lug on iH-lw..*.,, ll.r Hu*d
4lcs^ MciiV aKwHi..tt4iu :4imI Nrlsuu
rul-K imMerwoithrihe * »’.l
tw.in. of Tekonsha. who h.v.s .W hired
f.sMlall pht>er. ilon H Jtitle se
t.. -Marahall. idid Mart a iwi
Cimnii-tieut. t^ u«*lnR I** iiinki’ wa«
U ni hlmix Tbr deal has bixm closed
oil the iHditleal machine.
and inaihiiicry is iHdbg InslalhHl in
the <dd Hardy IikmI UiUding.
At the legular nuxitlng <4 Ite* Kik
Skin Moccasin tV., of Y|«»ll«ml; lu4d
Of the Traverse City Board of Trade. la.st Wi-ek. It was found that allbouKli
Thuraday. Jan. Jl. Ig07.
Ih. firm
yonne. it has lurmxi om
u annual m«<c*liug oi the Ti a verm* ov.T ft.iHwi worth of inocrasins durlnj;
Uiaid of trade will Xm luid
the six mcHiths of Its iUc. The followFuMwtiTs hall Tbuimlay ••vrninj;, J
ne.7. Danqu. t f. r.Uj* m Tickets
limm*dlatoly lollowinK the l»anguet. All citiaena an> invited to bemcnibcra of the orroOiiaill
Annual du.w |;luu; aiu luitiatiun 1
; dwlring to Iw. omc mewIn iw aro
QUcatMl to hand Uicii
Mvieliittvy bu or before
nauu-h to the
Jan. St>. Ht t. p. m. wo that tb< y may be
tmioUeU In time to k^lemt the
qu«M and annual meeting. Tickets
may be had of tbe socreUry at the
Retard efflee.
EL W. lla.vtlngs. I'rx^ldenl.
j. w.
anon. BiTu taiy.
Jan 28-St
Amos E. Binghillii
lot on either
FOR BALE-1471 ^ u aertw two mtloa FOR BALE-1 IRX-Modern eight i
realdwwcc. 8lxth street. All coeRtata Rank buildiagi finest locathm
for auburhaa residence in thia revenlwwOM. A good barn, close In.
PbM ILtOO. Wnde Broa, tl7
PM tltfiO. Wade Bros, 817 Soalh
miml au. phoM iiiir
Uataa wtreoL Otlxens Phpne 1219.
Jan. 4-tf.
ih. |1«
urn loin or teaa.
Milling Co.
Ursa tot: latke avenor; Hoae lit.
IVice tl ioo. Wade Bros. 817 8
llnteo atract.
Jan 2Wl
W BJkLS—Idtt—2&xlg3 fee. eorwer
of Unteti and Seventh street; xmu- FOR BALE—AS kinds of I
cow and chicken teed. T. C. MOHag
Jan ll-tf
xde Bros., 817 Boath
FOR BALE-Gootl heavy work
rncun honan, tth MtmL Mpm io
churek; assy
.E—Rnmkter automobUa site
I kMse gemsr; ta pmfiMt raw
Dr. BnwYwr.
Jna 284f
'quire Wade Bros, 817 Boutk XJmkm
Jan 24 tl
eras CSRp
Fred W. AluHee of Saflnawr. iw
cenily called to the pantorate of the
Booth BaptUt church In Bay City, has
IwsaMl tba nUnlsierlal examlnatloa.
ana will be ordained about tbe middle
Tbe.re^iublauce U Senator Uu
IHait of Ulawan in Admiral Scbliy
hM fryquenlly been remarked alnre
Uie fomuT Ijocame a member of the
aeaaU. The trther afiemoon a V««tj
of vtattora from Maryland were tn the
fallerr. “Ob;’ evrUlimd one of Ibv
party, “there ia Admiral Schley
letMed li» I be KruateT*
The vUllor. who waa a lady. Mwmed
guile cUaappuluU il w hen ahe leaiued
that the hero of Sanliafu waa not a
mcmlici td the heuate.
W. Blalcrs house teralshUig i
ward^ Kinian. a Lanalng pn
kt lb# blf clsar factory
wbicb Lanalng la irrtac to land
aaya It'a a bad tbinit for the boya aad
firla wbo will work la It.
Broad dealnrv at Port Huron
take out <a lloenae after liarcb I
after that dale the sealer of we
and meaauivw tell, that be will I
CilJ Tfea^uref,
, . .
Succesfiful business man. ^cvej^^egrs ^Alderman from
ggunvd ill MkotiMtrisou with tlH' white
it iK him in tbe ring and ail!
tw f.»r some yt>ara y.-t. Tb.* lumbci
turned out Is prim i|wlly hemlock, BARA T. CHABS, M. Ik-OCBte 1
Dr. O. A GkAMi Btete Baak hli
plan and hsnlwoo.1 IuiuU*r. wivertws.
Both pbonaa, 12&-2r. BsMd—cw
few yvars ago ft wah almost entire
W. Eighth BL CIU. pbowa Ttl.
while pin. *’
Owoosn U ggurlng
plant for the tnanu far lute of atecl
MMb Of tbs «7«w ear.
bridges, the rtnupanr for which may
MM Md tbfoat GtoMM Bttwd
Im organised by
Ovor JokiiMg drug atoim BoU
ag<*«t fur the Grotoa Hri.ige Co..
MIHer. of N.-w York city, luwd
man for the compsiiv
(iouiwe Siektmui. Grolini. N. V. If the OR. E. A MINOR—Ottko over Aoierk
plant is built it will wnph.y 1(mi
can Drag Btora. Bpt
1mm the atait.
to «yo. oar. pom. Md t
• BUI’* Hathaway, th.* |hsu rxHi
atted. BolhphooM BoMdoocskll
t... wIh. io.4 hhv life In an a«i
Sixth atraoL
near Big R;.|»ldh SutuiHlNV night.
<m.‘ liablt which wran unique atmuig
DR. W. E. MOON—Kpeclalisl^lmi
i-tMulueliira whom w.* .'x.ve met.
akiu and blood diseasoa;
be «t.lb <-Uh1 .«ch fare or tlrk. t hr
yoara exporieuco. OWee CHjr opera
sIwavH iHwril to sii*. In his die. lial
bouse blmdt.. M'bonos-New. 107;
Ion*-. “Thank vo;i '* ■T1li^. |*er»Miiii
feature he hrorght to play with great
lorcx' fur his u>ad. Evnyoue
rode with Bill ’ Hathaway f.U
he was a ruBtom.u- of his. rather
than of a railway ronwiration. Would
that there
ctmdu< to,.s like
him.—Howard City Record.
clan and Snegaon. Removed hs of
fices in Munson block over Barnum
A Earl s. ClUxena phooa »».
Unar nnd nettew ragulaUir. Satis
faetteo guaranlMd. WIU KlmbaU
The editor of a college paper in ? Htdo girl when Iji IX''clle paid his
Music Hoqpa. CIU. phone 284.
SpriagUidd. Mo. iii provoked at hU; igat vUk lo this country and was la
ealeemed coniciuponiries ’ iH-oauac; her wung ladyhood atege before the
they look without credit bis oiginal; Somlnote IndUna were ftaalty pacified MONEY TO LOAN—No tax clanta
brain thrab: “Skidttep as you would! in norada. She aaw the first tete
put la mortgasea, Hoaaaa for sate
bt-sklddDce by.**
; . .
j graph wire In abe L’ntiod Biaus
laqstra of E.
Luke E
jiBths-i Tt *-r lo ‘
Waiihlngtoa to BaliikM. Ue
MIH Oe «>ly coo-1
»<■■■■■«« «<»<•» -of
addTMHiiag tbe chamber in support of
rer. PrUx^s rsaauMtiw. Of^ with
high the bill to increase tbe aalarr of <v>£O. P. Ca/var A Bro Bolt pkooaa.
greaaman. “1 am ibe poorest mem
ber of this body.” he obaerxed..whereOR. E. L. THlROBY-tpart^ aftaa
I upon Mr. Oarmack arose. “Does the
ttewitoAUawMiaof chufifwn. Room
Tom MlaslMippi yield to
> lake the place
U4B, Bate phMo.
from Tennmsee?’* inquired
saMwitt Falibanke. “WUh
U a son of OaEla P. MimMF«too. ha.
written a goDd 4«al..
on Spanteb IKeiptere awtf founded
and Is the presldapt of the lUnpanic
JuM mode hy the senator from MlsMSoiHely of America.,
alpid ahoeld not go unr^Ilengt.l.*
WhlK rfdlea:;ae na
alwavw rf3d I
Mtg and I feel es-
Wteptetetra^Bi . AppolBted
Porcelain Work
Tirt Insuranu
6eg* H,
201 freat stftat
eteUtea held n masUng waoanUi
decidad to tak« care of tba farmers' MRA. S. L. BONNER'S hglr drsMlat CMBsa «Md WUkaiw Mte^^a m m M
parlon, ovar City Book Btora. Room
InatUuli. which was to have held lU
meetlag laat week. During the
lug the fact that the town of Ss
ham ahipped. or ctlalma lo have
pad. more prodnee than any
Monay to loan. Ill Stata Dank
Order your
building. CItUaaa phone C9«.
m of tu alxe In the state
|| gendfal Hews II
ent observcrii in wZikiaftMi. TV
«ud»lcn rise of Crane Is rcgnrdud gs
the moat striking fact In the altuMtea.
It ih conceded that white In rmpoMaiU
re«perls he larks the ability of
lor Hoar he la more Influeotial.
MUa Blanche Walsh besides hMag
1 Inventor
htr borne on West Flffy-fifth
New York, she kL n mnektee .ghop
fully equipped. »e has Just InvqAted
a newTanglod wlraH for anttMnqBlles
Candidate for Republican
OipiMlIOn Or
ovcm wbm It waa
oat that Baavtf A Oq. baa nMiwd tba mm
BW It waa Inaniad tbnt BofM
Daoda Priamau bn| IM mmmk
BB. r. J. MAC MtTT-Pracdca ItBtV
oolbKl bM •!& leea lor Cling a lit.
aad riTTlKO OP 0LA88B8. orCca
iCl WUbate block. CIUmu pboaa
failA Ibam waa Cod Tberw la alao
snit ter rUAM la tb« faAeml ooori
ow land wblob U» companyy I.
U aora
TUNINB-W. K.rlflUard.
ed to have rsCunad to pay ter.
experience. w(^ Grinm
Tbe Hecla Caineat Go., of Bay *Gily
Broa, corner Fronl and>ass Sta.
fiber Want. will. U
mora ateamms for the hanglteg tba L B. MAIITtN-Pbynlcln ^ ta
coal aad Umaaioua lo the plant. Tba
geoa. Ofltea tOi But Pmt ateaat
nboui UDO ncrea ot
Ml Alpena and it Is
Crelghu paroala and iranEn. OtAaa
at aty Book Btora.
Tba daranac Buslipwa Maa’a
1 Frotecthm L^Mb
who ao ably
Woodman haBootho third;
It to not knows whether Senator
NatMa C. Gray.
that he means to rteire froai pahhe
IS09 has been prompted by r«aout dke r
matning yoais ot hto life qulidly as
private clUsen or whether Iw etmai'
B A. M. maeu on Mowday tvMtefi
era the political conditiottB to Gploon or Moro tha fuB of tha ommb.
nado hapoad hla noniML Mr. Itellar
at 7:80 p. m. Carl C. Langley. W.
to atm strong and energelic and capa^
: *. EL White, socratery.
ntposaibte. ttm «U ■a It ad^ 86 Mb oEjto haid mmk as «oy member
rant to .tko k|iM l cC
vfRIcte of tbe senate, ; .
nd does away with
Mra Udttte Tyler Semple, a dwh<
er of Praaldenl Tyler and once mlsroas of the white hoMe. to Rv
iB^efteroos OEj MBl^t come
Jeoaph yeteshoo mod Wlfllam Jefer-
Y«r>l anj otnoe JSi'fUicni
Mii^ii^nii dtK-k.
lUh iiliam* m.
Mss Ba I. caw ibsrs Hsss PM
fohn R. Santo
General Insurance
Hew Wllhdii MIt..
TrtkerM Oly ^
Farmsjr Sale
have a number of j^ood
farms, all the way from 40 to
ICO acres, for tale, or if you
have any gotxl property. I will
take it in exchange ami make
you easy Avjrm%. 1 can .sell you
a gooil iarm fur less money
than you can buy it of any
body else. I have farms
which arc located from four
20 miles from Traverse
City. 4dl good improved land. ;
If you have good levtJ farmi
will bay lh<*Db *
4W WnshingtoiL
CiL pbone 774
Chlldrrsrl\ Niixsreth WatoU
prtci 'ii ’iii "
c ^
Untie* to thu Tuvnyutu M tkn CM7 «r
Tyavuraa Oir:
tl» tout roils fnr Ite uMtortton sC
tho mate mM oonner tounn for tho
mnr IMC and Im ttoo liHpmsnt
school and etty um and Mscinl an
ssasmsnu tor said ynor hnvo hM
Maemi til my hands for coOsettom.
I viU hs In my oMen In mnton laid
ahUlty wore Improving «v«y knur.
jtaxw from now until fhh. L lt«T. oa
Bsmey BcbrMber baa eate.-ml bolb
UveaUgadon shows that not a bone each wnak day from t o'cloek to 11:11
Jack?AULiB aad Tony Fbaat. beBered was broken,
although the irrribto j ©dock to tha forenoon and from 1
lo be coming tbrce-yeaivoM mars of wrtmehtog ha rfcelved aU^Bly dla octock lo 4 o’clock to thq afternoon,
placad three of hto ribs whkh al firsi
Oo aU state aad county taxes paid
exainliiaUoo were iboaght to be sev | before January Ifi. the regular fee «f
ered. Some almpk eyesight taau also;one par cent ’for coUacGoa wUl be
flow HOiO «ICM»
Mown eoama tnm Momgbto that
tho Mg atrlag of Uwttma aad pae
•n boiag tralaod by Oom to la Bae
ibage. tbrro bartag boon ao otobaco*
IMck .
^««f« Ok*
Jo4co Um
at (bo BUUaga uaciL Of noarao. ap
to data all the warb tb^aaga baro
bod ba^ boon eoaiaad to locsMg. bat la a unto while a man from the far
esofMao of ibto aort la oftaa gfrea la sooth bought Geraldine, nnd he has
protty aUf dooaa by Coorm, agio be sent her to Geers at Memphis. That
Uf four, ox
^ laaUi Mala that tber
caalr^t for Mleklsaa. but almHr
* agnail u> nfar flie auuera to tbc
**po«ars ibat be" bon.
Nolblag aili ba goao mtll Un am
Hocblag eaa bo goBo. Tbe
mauor of vUb4rawal froai tbo BU
Kioo and anklag athlelico more liber
named Ben
Into a derby
peas has a
Alan A Dale,
were made, whkh goc* lo |
Ftag that may develop hto vtokm has to ao way sol
factor, while Rome Res
colt. Alan Bramble, by
oae a derby winner. J.
O. Keene
has named three colu.
Bromobal. Triumphant and Clamor,
all well developed and high cUaa.
while Elmer Ralley thinks he baa the
Horn that It to one of tbe bait way* she will do well for the famous reins- winner In Holdfast, a brother lo AI
to neg ap- boraea of all aorta, aad man Is beyond doubt, but when she lowmalse. Tor whom an offer of tlU.iMiu
tboy maot be atoot la tbe toga to ataad become* promlaent In tbs aummarim waa,refused lasr spring.
tbe bruablag aad ibe alow regeau remember that she was given her first
fiUoAsrd fitakoa EMriea.
that are la order at Mrmphto wboa apnsd kasona by a 12 year^ld boar
The Brooklyn Jockey club has re
who drove her la 2A1 with compana
tbe Brild day* of rebniaiy arrtra.
ceived Ihcae entries for the standard
Tbe lalrat addltloa to the Geem lively llUlc haadUnT
it to not likely,
that atakes. fi.ooo. added weigbt for age.
lot to tbe S-r*ar<ld
erne mile and a quarter: Blandy. Tip
Oeraldlae. that until U*t sommor waa OcinldlBe will be oae of the reUancea
owaod br Charlea B. Dean, tbe umla of the Geers afgMe lo tbe greca pac
Accountant. Agile. Kcoer. aad a Cbkago frtead. Oenldlpe. ing claaaa on lbe>m|ui:elaiuj2?^
Neploo. Standovor. Hold
a dangbtor of tbe trolior. Cutllkg. are already to Ibel string two aide
1:10\. caught the eye of Doan when wheel boroM that itove worked miles
abo wna a I-year-old. at which time a good deel bHIef than 2‘10 one of 1 Gretna Gnn-n. Ballot. Beanckre. Sir
them having gone three * hdaU um
Arcitr. Frank Gill. Dan Buhre.
Oxford. The Quail.
Fouat. Prince ul
anmmar *rounn 2:0s before
bought by Mr. P. O Joneu. who fum- Coin.. J. C\ Core, Barmctoeaca, Calm
1. Charles fidvard,
and tbe Chicago mao bought tbe Oily, tohe. most of tbe ammunition for the *«rm. Water Pea,
pat. WhlmateaL Bor
that e>en then wna handaome aa a Oeera haaey guns. Now tbara meM
Tbo aUltote of tbe ngoau
picture, and after aha had heoa nlcolr tog at Detroit Is assured the Chamber
atagoata. tbo board of ooatrol aad
wlatereg at the PalaHne fant. ahe
tbo altoaco of tbo araato. CMkoi
Imnsidcs. BalUvaut and FHs.
waa taken op In the spring and turned
ahoatioB ao coaipHoatod that tbo
outlook there will be-1
orer to Donn'a ehtoot aoo and nameA. J. Gorey of Covington. Ky.. la
aake. a boy of 12. who applied for tbe
greatly cut up over the action of the
>ob of training and caring for the «Ily.
Coney Island Jockey club In refusing
This woric he performed faithfully
the entr>- of tha three-.vcsr-old colt.
a call iMuod gatorgag aad aa attonm all the aummer of Ifto:^ letUag Ger
Old Honesty, for the SuburUin handi
araa aatgo to paao a roaoIntloB rocooi- aldine step nkrng ao auggeated by hU have a pair to
cap. Gorey says that the eatry wait
ttaadlag to tbo oaaato to witbdmv father, and IncidenUlly giving her the aid. who la now at Bolma, Ala., get- refused liecause of the fan that |2U0
al la ebaranor aa lo tbo aumbor of abe could atop a roapocUbk gait for
gamM aad allovlng tb»yoar mea to a wae*. altbongb bar apood waa not
nt all of tbe aenaatlooal order. Deaa
baro aootbef ooaooo to up to
ehariM and 00 ^ Uxen paid on or
after Jannaiy
10. there wUl
riurged a fee hf foar per cant for eol^
Penalty 00 daHnqoeot city
aad achool taxes and aperial nasessRalhany Btationa Are Named After menu. 4 coots oa each dollar of Ue
1i07 Baseball Champlena.
amonnt of aald tax.
Memphis, Tenn.. Jsn. 29 —By adopt
Office to room Ml Bute Bank
tog thf names of members of the bnlldtog.
world’s baseball champions, the lAliitc
Dated. Dec
Sox. for a string of sUtlooa along the
route of a new spur of the llltooto eCn dee 4 to felKM
Oly Treeaurer.
tiul in Mtoaisslppi. railroad officials
are now boohing ordenwiththo WlOEoneefor
1907 motor..
WaherM. Paige
Citphpocvjr 18ICM.8L
aav they have at last solved a dlf
ficalty whkh ha* caused them no end
Boston Fonts
of worry. An edfort was made to sename* of suUons not already oa
Mlsslsalppi mn^
tha wia> they h«d,
ud.UfRe number th»t me
gUd they did. ^
Fklltog. It has
been derided to hooor the basebell
iplooa The firat aufon will be
dubbed Comlskey. They will follow
Phone* for prietto.-We deliver.
Jooee. .Walsh,
Hahn. Rohe and other sUtlona bear
ing aamea of each pUy cr who partici
pated to actual play or
tost fall.
iK nch In the world’aI aeries
Woblgaa froai tbo Big Nlao. bat ow- boat of raceborao care. With tbla
lag to tbo govotagOMata of tbo An aort of handUng tha tlly made apood
boaaooneat frooi Cbkago about the all the Ume. aad la the fall young
raig IW* tbo Better ora« laid oa Dean wna allowod to atop her n mile
tbo Ubio tonporarllj.
preuy well up to her opeed.
Batog Koigo Own Coanaol.
half-mile homo
2;M. and a lltUe Uter the boy and
Uat liaaaBM- Bairg to gotng ahead the Ally parted company, he going
aad aofoUatlag for gaBMo vltb the away to achool.
Whtmerer a inter would come fnim
I4w that Mloblpaa will wUbdimw
Iraai tbo Big NIae but Mr. Baird will the achool where the Dean boy waa
Oao groaMMt football aua aald
putting la the winter there waa aurc
BoaUneet aaioog tbe aiadcau re- to lie an Inquiry aa to bow the fllly
retting along. In the spring tbo
and her young imlner were to
atroag lodjm if tbo “Big Puur“ ar
gether again, and aa she was schedalaot arkaowlodgo tW«.
garatag wltbdrawal to not quite a^
3 make her Ural appearance at
Uberlynile on Julv t. atlff work waa
der. The boy did all the tralnlnR
Tbo aoatUiieat now aeemt to be that
except the fast workouta. and when
if tbo ualroroltr araato doe* aot get
Geraldine and The Broncho were ship
a aioro oa liaelf before tbe aext meet
ped to Ubcrirvllk. being billed to
lag of tbe regeata that that bodjr mill
perform on the same afternoon, young
oake tbo matter of atblotics In It* own
Dean warmc^d up the filly for her race.
band*, or rather place It In tbe hand*
Geraldine waa opposed by Ardelle.
of Dlreaora Baird aad Fiupalrlck. ar
had worked miles around 2:«7.
aa athletic departawat.
ere wna no chance for her lo aiu.
That tbo boord of ooatml nbuold be
raa a bang up second In 2:14^.
la aeoaloB for tmrp hour* Satuntor
and ahowed that with a little mor«
glgbt aad aot have the atamlaa to
come gtft oar gar or the other to a
awater af aarprfao. The regent* of
freed tbf board a rery ea.y |cx»phole
of eacage. br ladlrldually declaring
that Michigan ahould mithUmw
liiard ooutd have had the credit td
going tbo thing
'It to aaw up to the *eiiatr.
ring hto big aubJe readv for the 1907
A year ago this month
in forfeits due the Brlghlon
Racing asaoclation had not been paid
Thinks That tha “Big Four"
the rnlversHy
of Chicago
turned from New York, where he at
the meeting of the football
rules committee. enlhualaatJc over the
movement to incorpoiute Michigan.
Arc Your GoUceflons Slow
fVbout Ideal.
Chlcajtti. Jan 29 —Din-ctor Stagg of
BiTeymi tccdute thtt
Have Given Up?
yon hare, let me coUect
them for yon.
Mlnnesou and
into a "big four," and laden with de
tails of the numerous changes In the
by him
Gtirey says that he know playing rules to be In vogue next fall.
One Solid Wen-k
He declircd the “big four” Idea was
trial at nothing of this debt, had never re
with Satunluy
ceived a bill for the aamt*. and that, Ideal and staled that neither MUhl
.« the entry of Old Hon
Wisconsin not Minnesota eould
Dtbeh. of hla string, however, did not when he sent in
to bark out of the new organ
trsto well to the cold and damp region esty last December for the Urlghiou j
of Boston, where they were owned, handkap and cup. it was acceoUKl i.u
In his opinion the f.irmsilon
l«f » ««’w group 1... “one of the biggest
snd tost y«ar McDonsld started aouth mediately wUh.a note of Ihauks.
' things In the history of American c<»l
In the toll.
»-i>Last week Ralph B. Wllllama. who
..|«raio.i in'
owns several of the l>e*t one* In tho
France last year, ha.t b<-<-n encaged tt.
McDonald at rink, bought of *‘Omtgride for ihi- German eni|MTor this sea
Thomas PsriA. Ky. a pacing geldliig
son. It is said tlwil Ittmis will n«eehe
by WUartna.
This horse la credited
A popular Attraction at
a nHalning fee of ll.'i.tsu, and
l^opukr Pricet.
with a trial In 2:04 last fall, which U
penses. pretty soft for him, when It
a shade'faster than any green pacer
Is rememlK>re<l how hard hi* had to, .
Fuatoroe and New Ktux*.
ever went the diatance before turning
aetal^h gravel during the Iasi year or I*
A Clean, Up-Ui-tlate RojJtrtoire.
for the word when the money was
so of his Aiueriran esn-er.
hung up. but Thomas la an absolutely
I laughing all
Brii^ht, New Specinllien a*truthful man nnd If be said the paceV
j last evening at th
tlie Grand
tween Each Act.
went In 2:«4 It did. Aside from what
land Honor” was the hill and tonight
Dickens was twenty-*eren years old
Goers and McDonald may have In
• The Day* of ’Cl” will be given. There
Seat nale opens Satunlaj. dan.
when. In 1830. he moved from Doughty
Btxjck ihert* la nothing acnaatloual lu
was a. large house present last even
street to Devonshire tfrrsee.' George
2«;, at 10 o’clock at bux offioethe gitHm pacer line now In sight, al
ing and ladles’ free tickets will be
though when enlrien to the pacing
given out again toiUghL Si>erialti<-s
stakes close a lot of others with first bouse Dickens wreote
wrote 00
o( fewer than were IhtixMloced by different members
lady adtntited FREE with t^very
of the east.
class credcnilala as to speed will Ik* ten of his books-“Tbe Old Cttrioslty
:I0 <x-ot ticket renerved briure 7
Stop." “Bsrnsby Rudge."^ The Christt
on hand.
o’clcKsk Monday evening.
lier-Tney say that old i;o1dbnf.
mss Csrel,’^ “.Itneriean Note*.*’ “Mar
tin Chualewit." -The Haunted Man," with all bis million*, la money road.
fuaal of the New York Amorlcans to •The Battle of Ufe." T>ombfy and
Him—He Isn’t half so immey mad
na some of his relative*.
on the Hearth" mnd
waive claim to the former Princeton,^.. “Tbe .Cricket
Her—Have they a* rourh money as
player. All the National league clubs ‘•David CopperflHd." Devonshire terI
finall.v. Including
walvcnl iraee vias sltnated at tbe comer of tha be bast
OU ■coonDte BfompOy elteodal
to nod I am make money for yon
A. Pohoral
bred to Ohio, that
over HBmiltoo
Trsverre City. Mich. Sept 1$, ItOi.
I have pUced n number of acoounU
with A. Pohoral * agency for coHedkm. many of them long oullswad: but
Just the same Mr. Pohoral brought the
delinquents to Ume and prompt tab
Dr. B. L. Aihton. D«(toL .;^-J
Prices. IM, 20,30 cents.
NOTE-On 'Monday night onr
TiwToraoOHy ■redsyrely
Train tooHne Trarrrw. fXtv bM *.n.
Hl,n-Oh. no. They are mad beiause
thi-y <-an*t get ony of his.
claim to Ganley. whose release was
purchared by Washington for a Hated
amount. Frank J. Farrvdl. of the New
body baa aot bad a meeting ibto >ear
Nea York. Januaiy 29.—There a|K
and only moou at tbe nil of l*rr»i Pl^ars lo be a misunderstanding In
goat Aagell. Will ho call a meeting? some quarters as to the exact status
That to aot known, but there mii*t be of Pitcher Doc HlHebrand. the former
York Americans, said today that he
had not withdrawn his clslm^ upon
Hllkbrand’s service*, snd that the
young man would cither play l«ll with
aomethlag doing before FVbruary 21 Prlnrrtoo player, whose services have Orlfflth-a icsam or he could remain In
or the rogont*
will take
another caused a wrangle
whack at It.
club owners In the 9wo big major
Britt Bur* Thing.
Iregues. It was sUted the cKhcr day 1
If the
sisiements of
a pugilist
hr a national
man. that, by a! named Cyclone Johnny Thompson are
shrewd more calculated to evade the true. James Britt, the California lightnational agreement. Hlllebrand had wefght. who la matched with Joe Cans
Under there otreumstoaces It stands srtaother John E. Madden will consent
to reason that If the Waahtogton and to start him so enrly In the year. If
Plitoburg cluU had reknsed these BatoMnra should go to the post he
mea uaooodltlooally the Boston aad wtmld he a slnmg favorite, no doubt,
New York dubs would have secured hto pcaMDoe being the means of re^
the men without the payment of a docMrthe BeW dlmost to a minimum.
dollar, whereas, the
holds the value of each player at $L000, a dab. of eonroe. botog permitted
io fetaia the ptoynr snlher than re
Are Ready lor Your Choosing
>< Grinnell Bros.*
■ aa.a.B.ii.
Bet.. I>re a tew o( tbe new -hiU'' which evrrvlK.ly will
prepared for the rnsH with n big stock and no
one will be disa|^ioted. Ctill and hear thi-m,
“F»S'7 LlftU Ka
“Tho Kext Horor I Bko Oa." reoa hy Hrire
to Flirt With Mo." do« try
- Whirtto It." rtowl
lUhoa dialwK. «UMr hy
One Ton
lOsywd l,y Bdtnoa
fr«B “Thr BmI Mm."
Jwy." chorar-trr >kH«h by Juarm
is equal to
Victor Talking Machines and Edison Phonographs cost
$10.00 and upwards. Records, 35c. 60c, etc Outfits sold oi>
Easy Payments.
Two Tons
' We,ie ''wholesi^^ri and retsilets of Edison and''
Victor Kooda and hare nn-inostionably tbe lantest an 1
most complete line in Michigan. Over 100.000 Esc.
ordfi oonatantiy cixried io atock. An immeoae aMo'rtnifBii of Horn* in every atrle and sizs. Diac and Cyl
inder Record Oabinoto in Undrome mahogany and oak.
Etc. etc. MaU orders filled tame day aaraoeifed Oatalognea andatt informatioa aent to any addrsM on nqumt
tbe ideal fneU
no smoke ; very
We have pedoeed the prioeto
Grinneli Bros.’ Fifteen Music Hi
lease him at thia pitoe. As a matter
of (act. the Washtoglan dnh did here
a Beal ne wttk UUlehraad for Oealey
aad poodbly one ether jplaiec, hot the
deni was eaUei eC heoaere of the re-
nSMT GINS, sirs SltEH
been traded by the Washington Amcri j for March 16. at Tooopah. Is a sure
rhlcago. Jaa. 2f—Hany Lewl* dem
can league club to the Plltsltorg Ns-1 thing msn. Thompson says that when
^ onatraled In his fight with
tfcmal league club In exchange for j he was in California some lime ago
Smith that he la good enough to fight
Outfielder Bob Ganley. It was staled Br4ll agreed lo give him a tolll profor the llghtwclghi champlonah
thal this dr«rbad been made despite | viding Thompson first defeated three
title he has been aspiring for a
the fact that tbc Boston NaUooals did-men that Britt
named. Tbompmn
time, thinks George SUer.
tinnot. waive claim to Ganlry senrlcjea, j agreed and made good, alter which
Smith on at 142 pounds mnd did
while the New York Americana also he demanded a fight with Britt. Ac
with him In eight rounds than Jimmy
tolled to relinquish their legal right tordtog to TTiompson. Britt then told
Gardner did In ten .He had the Den
him that be could earn I2.ut*0 by going
verite on the verge of a knockout »ev
Into the ring and feigning a knockout
era! time during the fight and wtnild
that the Washington nnd PltUbaig Thompaoo says further that be agreed
have scored a ckon knockout In the
clutM, had wurked a very smooth gnme lo this proporillon with the idea of
eighth round bad not Bmlth a aecouda
to relcsshig jGsulcy and HUIehrnnd getting Brill Into the ring In order to
akyed the apoaga.
outright, after which the new coo- double cross him. but that tbe latter
Lemto has been alter Joe Gana and
tracts were signed In the rofulnr way. loMsted that “CyrlooH Johnny’’ should
nU other lightwalgbu of claaa. and. al
the Boston Nationals and the New pot up a $2,000 forfeit to the effect
though*good fighter, to unable to gel
York Americans Imtag rlrtually bun that he would act on the leVcl.
n baortiig. The raatow of thto la that
Kentudey Nominntkna.
coed out of \wo good men. But th^
’ be to no4 aa fhvomhly known na Cans
There are eighteen nomtoaUon* for
ssaertloos do not oonform with the
and olbera. having never had an opfacto. Bor with the apirit and letter of the ycaris K%tucky derby, which was
portanlty to fight for Juky purao
section 3. aoctlon C. of the naUonal won tost season by George J. Long *
rscently waa amtehed to fight Dick
argeement. whkh no club can viotole Sir Houn. with Lady Navarre second.
Hylaad. but tha aBalr. it aeemg. fell
Tha aoled Salvidere I* among the
with Impunltv.
Traverse CMy
Gas Co.
TravcrMdty BtukIu 15R East Froai Street
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