The Evening Record, February 12, 1907

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The Evening Record, February 12, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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SM Books and Baked


from her

wsm JiH.


Valentines I

Furminimd tn tim Ewmhtg Rnnard
up U Mnn nnnh day by B. E. WniL
TUEtDAY. FEB. U. tf07.

Ic to 3.50


Iwend fm cwder «• ncMintoie thi
try mtm tg |ld ta order u> bring h« ahowbig him oa jr« What ground be
Mm to her Is the story uHttmi Pitmrw •tarnu and afterwam giving him the
rutlng Attorney Fmtt hv the many e«mdltloaa under which be would be
frteisda of Mra. OatherlDe Parker of 'let go OB auapeadad aenleiice. The

A granil variety^ Gomic »nd



“horrid" awl •‘uKlj"_«w>io«.

‘"^Dook Store

se only ann Robert Par young “
I held here oa the rharge
fd the ataio and cooduri hlmiM^ir la an


A tetter from eadknator William E.
M^m« of the Srm of Mnami 4 Maaoa.
atiomeya nt law of Chlcnsn. who have
takMi awch aa taioreot In the caae.
was sent
to iodge P W
By Win* to tbr CrMlBg
Krw York. FM» 1? -Oi Cluiiir* A thHmgh gheiig Johnson. The IHlor
spoke to the highest lerma of Mra
ier»M or llio liorrtatoo. N J .
w a vltora* at llM» Thaw trial todar. Parker nnd rd the aetlona df her aon
Ho ia a OM^iiOr oT the Now iotarj toward her saying that he thtmibt a
ll^dinU aorieijr and awroitt nadkat boy a klodni*sa toward his tardher
show.H| that
iher.- was
Smial romnimor to toaitfr and to rf*
port liNt work Inca of hmpltaU for tbr
IJo tr.lia«1 to vlaiilag Harr> K
TMw ao^rtal llmt^ |n thr Tiawlia
prtioo. rlifit timoa la all. la Aucuat
Bo oBoonrAd a poruJUr facial oipro*
aPai. a gUriag of tho oyr and a nrrr
ova agllaUan. Thav rihlbltiyl alcn*
or an otacsoralod oftf. frit bUuM^lf of
rcaurvratad Inapoiianco and aubjoctrd
by aovoral fM-n*nn*
van rharacloHailc ol
tdotital illBoaar and thU oc.n.Hilon U
kpoaii aa pataMda

The* carie of the People rs. Frank
Ortuh was killed this morning when
Judge Ma.vae Insliwctevl the jury to

That Is wtet

Vogle. charged'
•n.i‘ People
with imstwtdy. wa. eoroimnced this
mofnlug, a porlKm of the testimony




errminiued sulci«h*
8he '

32 veois old and had mu 11v«h1 wtih
her husband d^u time She was
the daughter of Mvroi, Classhtm.k of
la^slie. SI* ptHude killed hv cars, two
murdered and mte suicide in jail was
Jarkaon’s rwird fo, vUdettV di^thy
pterlous ID Mr*. Uacolu s suicule

W Err

Miss laaMle Onllick of this
and Earl
H. Davis of
united In marrlag<nnt 3 o’clock this
afiemoop at the home of Mr. nnd Mr*
J n Hatton. Owing to the lllnewa of
the hrliU-s mother. Mrs. Hatton, the
ceremony was a very alniple aflulr
Ur Rvana waa
and no Uiu-sts sejv present.
atalc what iafilnlon he formed durmc rtremony wa^4 perfoturtHl hy Justice
the .taat gye vlalta to Hani Thaw hui
aald that durtng the grat ihit*.* %UHa vtvuug iH'.ipIe left I»»r ('hlrauo and
he waa of the utdniou that he waa of frrwn there they go to Han Antonio.
uuaouBil mind, and wa« Mill of that Tetaa. where the groom haa a |Ml^tlioll

ana* teaiipKmy wa. great 1>
broken op hi obic^tlona and lotcrmp
liona by the dUiriei aitorocv uud ar
Ootal pfUnts by the coun


Hr Wire to the Kvcnlng
Kew York/ FWi.
tlMHiaand peraona were turned lot
liie at reel In the cerxi atmoaphere by
Ole in a fl%c-aiury huUdIni; In the
ol IM lioeium Mn'et at wnuamahun

a ateniigmpher at the State lianh at
Kvan fur the imsi three y^r* and hat
lieen very pivmiineni In the aoclul clr
eh^ td that vlllaiie. Mr Davis Is thr
son of Marsh DavU. pitipin tor o( the Train Was Backed Up-Ten Feet and
. When Animal Wat Released by
IWvta departne-m store ,ind prt.utl
the Brakeman It Ran Home
ni ntly c»»iinr'n«.«l
w ith mb. i
and Began to EaL
I.usineas interest* In Orreeol
The two young i«-«.plr werr- t
lar In t>an
he Rvenlng Il. c«»rd,
Ih hind the alniple cer« r
Hay.. Mhh.. Feh.
12r f.-et unde, the gUnt (k
sreadfasi tn her lellgioii while
the irajti hackr*d Jen fert
goMim Is a Pttiii-stani
('leed" made
I Tunnim: lutek to Its ln»me
n«i difference to him
he merely
‘ of a young euRf
<hed the hride fot heiM-lf. no matter
ITiat the animal wa*
what he, lH-li.4
Alls pareius.
ihrv.a-n from the track or enshed Inth
ever, were oUlnrate They did m
j.-et to Miss HalUck hei-«df hut onl.v n pulp h> the rnoiiater machlnu i*
IP her religion and It Is said that the m.*.| mtraculoaK.




last Friday. E. F. Carr of Empire war
Gustav* Hamilton Brokt Log on To­ nominated for ochool commloaiooer.
Mr. Carr is auperlntendeni of the Bnboggan Slid* and Sta Oth*ra
Pirr adiool and is weU and faTorablj
Woe* Injurwd.
known all over the county. Dr. Fra
lick of Maple City was’ dhoM as a
V Wire to the Broiling lU^ ’
Chicago. FVh. i:.—OuaUre Hnmll
two tMegmea to the state eonetnUon
allde, atnick an ohstmrtloii at Un
coin park and recelrfNl a Uweture of
the leg while ait olhera were badly

There will be Aah Wc^BMdaj a«e
trlrea in Grace church toimirrow. Tb*
Her. ▲. B. WoUn wUI oririate.


Again Be Advertised and
obable TKat Local Men
Take the Entire
$5,000 Issue.

Drive 06 OH the Earth

4»nc. Sj,H-laT *c th«‘ E\* tiltig Ib^wd
8utVim» lla.v. Mi- h . Fi h 12 -At ih,
siMvUil, m-« tinu «>f the vllUve tvitinnl


The city tvuiticil.laM cvenluc acc<*pi♦si the hid of the.ritu'ml Stale* Ca*i
I,on I*lp4- and h-iumdiy contiuiny tor
pi,*,- for th,* Inm malnh^tha, will HThe price wan $7.7 a ton. a n-conl
Heaker hut coUKi.leted ;t„ ven* favor;,l,le on mctytuni^dt the gr»,at rise *ln<-<'
)a«a %ent
The total estimate*] aixt
of the iron pipe. Is |lf. iu4. and the
♦oniplete job. I1H.41N,
To |hls must
added alKuit |2tM*u r„r the int;,ke
ld,M- «-M,-nslon

and all ITh old nt,-lh,HU of light
lug and now with new Ideas and
uiilivdate .bstrlcui appliuncea
lu lighting motor ptiwer. call
Ih-IU. annunciators. |H>itahles;

CH.its^!..,i,,g hid^ Jo; the wat.-r w-ork.“
lH»nd>. thr t»td« we,e o,»-ueii and ic
There w. ie only tw»» hid,*, one offer

wlie you, ItouiM-.
put in all
eb"cirlcal> and have ail th.- <-♦«.
v,-nb-„ce* that new appliance*

and ijie other ofl.-iin.: j houup €rf $r.iIt, wsK thought that the village «xu,ld
do lHHer'ih.Tn-lhl**. so thu hlfl* weiv
lM»ih turm-d tinwn The ciuimTl (|«H|d
♦il to again lolvertlM- fur bills*-to, tin
UuiiIh and the hliU will b- ,*,M-iied
F,-», 22 Theie are four bomU of flT-uj
each and ♦ Igbt of |.Vm, each

Jti,Icing fuim the talk last evening
and 10.1;,y ami the general M-ntliueiii
of ih<- village, it i*, very prultable that
►, i. tnl ba-al melt will bike the eiitlM-



hit. disappewnng under the snow pl<»w.
>N'hen the train was stuped and WktHl
hack some distance, (he calf was M*en
tangled tip In the underwoiks ot the
plow It was released by a hrakeman


Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
J , Tamarack. (

Save 75 Per Cent on a Complete
Housekeeping OuHit.
I am leaving the cty and will sell
my complete housekeeping outfIL in
eluding everything in a v*^ll appointed
home. Goods in. A No. 1 condition.
Bhyer can have privilege of renting
house at $8 per month. Fme location.
#w. cor. of Eighth ard Unkm. Will
take part cash, balance in monthly
payment*. Mu*t »ell right away. Come

Traverse City Mfg. Co.

feb 112t

■Telephone—Cit. 'VI Bell ICO.

bids OlK-mnl ;

favor or the I'uite,! States (’a-t Iron
Pip«- and hYutndi V comiwmy and itv-ommended the acvu-ptance of their hid for
pi|ic and specials U wa* also n-com
nuMjded that the c»n,mlitec and super-

J.B. Paige
Electric Co.

Will pay Highest Cash prices for

street, corner Eighth.
»Mvn referred i

ie<te,l to purch.-v^ the plp«* and fll(Continued on Third Page.)
Tiwin No is, .,n the T. C . U A M|.
.voung man's father thtratened to dis
Inherit him
TIrls only made hts de- got stuck In adiift at Keswick y«‘stei^
QUICK. THE TaVlOR. makea good
\oiton the stronger and he cnlmly prts day iui,rtung and the coacBes w>-tf clothes. 201 East ^ront atreeL
left iheiv* while Ute , ngtne caine ok
to thts city Tor a supply of water and
the big snow plow. On the way hack!
^For live y^r* he had been a>
lust as the IWuster farm
the outK it millers im
ated with his father in Imslneiu
, flour is of iui
he has ser-^ftNl 1,1s r.»nn..crions and
calf was seen oo th«- track hut It waa

•rhlUdelphla, Fell 12-A later ware,
houae «m Third arenue hume<l thia
morning ^Several employee «'acpi*ed
through the window^
Klllad by Eaploaion.
Tblcago. Feb. 12 -Three men ww*
Injured, our fatally, by an expliulon
Sunday night In a ahantv aiUoinjnR
the llllnola ateel works. cauMnl liy a
man pouring nleohol Into the stove
The police weie not notlfled until t<iday and are Inveatlgattng

We lintl several odd suits, some overcoats
overcoat and
odd lots all over the store that we must jjet
«ci rid of at
once, as we will soon need the room for new j»oods.
If you are interested in saving a few or many
dollars, this is your time.
We cannot promise you these values very long.


c,ty Against Closing. Contract for
Hydrants and Valves Wa*



Hurry Knowliun
She was a *ide
wb»"ple, valued at ||.wm*m
<>.»pialn McV«-> of I.aichmont <wmrsshorv on Blor k tslarnt in one irf the
two liuats Hr said the wreck CkCCUtteil
St n 4.Vlm k, ^ a gale How tug flHy
miles un li»tir
Suddenly tli>- ^chrsm
er. helplii.> Irelote the wind cut ilitn


. CAntHtlan,:


ihh elghtr*-n na*«*»««‘f* "“d
r Irfly
Captain MeVey in con
It is rv-tHiited that tar niy Jw

Mra. Fannie* Lincoln Comrniued tu
cid* Laat NrghL Making th* Liat
Reach Pr*a«nt Number, j

Tbo doctor aald thdt Thaw ah(»ar<l a
fttlmtoaiUiC or nploaivo rondHI.-i.
monnmi that a pt'catm under a greul
attain alvea na> If th. ie U a l«.aa id
will poarr. f>n hU a«*cond %Uli there
waa a condllloo of togotTbon. or rapid
flow .of worda which tmprcaa«*d him
. an ahmumal caclic
iln. On the third vUK
ho noticed the doctalooa of anaplrloo
and a
or cam«dmi.wjn hU advla


Tl« Hofakrt Oo-ptoi).

TURNED DOWN Exceptional Bargains.

gtsMl al*oui him


uprtgbf. u^anly faahkm.

Do you know
how much
there is
In a pair oi these

Stop, Look and Listen
K,»r ihi- It, xt aixly day* w.- are g-oing to tell
t-very pair of


in the store at ooat

loUmboriTurn’s leather Top in high and low ciil.
Felts and Rubbers, snag proof and gum.
Lumberjacks, snag proof and gum.
Arctics of all kinds.
Mt n’s. Ladies’ and Children’s Rubbers. ' '
Call and see them ,ti



Vd/ entines

Z42 E. front SL

Traverse City.

to the liom of Its owner and began to


We have the markel’n Inb-st
crpaliont in \’aleDtineg tbia
year-new, beautifol gootla
at popular prk'ea—

Waa Shot by H>s S.aUr, <Mra. Del Mo-

1 cent to 1 doUar.

By Wire loTte Evening Record.
Chariotte. Mich.. Feb. 12—WUUaa
Dakes. who was shot hy hU sister.
Mrs. Del McBride. Jan. «. dlM at
Oiand Ledge this nomlag.
Manintn* Yowng Man Took Travama
City OlH for HM Bride.
Amry Wdmer of Manistee and
MIm Ida Hock of this cUy were ttnlted
la marriage at 10 o'clock tbit morn­
ing by Justice Curtis in bis matrimo­
nial pnrlora in the State Bank builddag They wHl Utre la Manistee,

ValenttnePost Cards
Fancy* 1 tor Sc
,Con^ Icea^
Ako a full line of new HomofouB Valeniiuea. for iboee
who prefer aomething of tlie

Onig Store.

You can for only

Tberf’s a good lot of <x>ld
weather coming, and for 85o
can yon afford to be withonl
a pair?

Maple Syrup
, j.

dorent it?
taste Kood. too. if your burkvlmt
u the wood old .Undhy, the



Lot^ In knowing how to make gno^
. Imckwheat
and we pridA. >
ouiBelvB* on knowing jn*t bow7^

i ^ Hannah & Lay Co.


me eiTv. menm



ym «M loakiv fora
Ihtt «iU


^ CsnOloMaB Flrc£

AJiNUAL or THt MtlOHAili iU$l

»| if JWI ai* lookisK far •

hr. Wrifc-sBao.tokitll rjsrjsjtsss:

Om ymr,



wm rrwtny

ntb tbM la tbo Motorr of
km. tbo »eliblanu tndo^
and fWnItp of tbo NoodMoollovsaMi tatboiraiH
I last ovemaff at IMreotora


gave drink as the grret
cause also atirihuUng many of tbfvi
to the Bleotlne sad drug babiia ‘
-You must ftgbl ahme.- said Mr.
Nerlinger and pletured the keen eoto
petition that Is going on In’every walk
The net growth In M
la life today -At every turn o( the berehlp last year was
road you wUI And someone waiting to almcHtf three per cent
take your place the Methodist Year Book Just pubfact that every llahed. Tbn prer
»cer as well as s S,23<.M1 and the
reducer and that
year s igures Is gS,3C<. The Metho^
thing for ncuhlng. Leaving that topic dlst Bptscopal church is the largret
be touched on the f«ct that In order
body la point of member
tp socreed every person must stick to ship. In the United Btatre. other fig
their ocrupntUis and.
Id, thm being snjwrrej54ts Year Book showing that ft
age erf spertaltlew rfm
eT^FTilrtl^irdonass Ywriniy-eU^i bisbufis. \rjm min
more than one thing wHI. He thim tsiers, 14.02t local preachers, rz.%37
spoke of the lack of self rmfidenre Sunday schooU with ZJSTOhli olffeere
These are js.lll
which goes BO far to make up a good and tfwrhers.
boslmws man. In eoucJnsluo. he said. churches with IwIMlogs valm
-Doni be cheap. .Ask a r»d price Ibr
vmir work and then be able to ddlver •*‘* '»**-*^' . /
MethmMats gave last year for mlw
slooary purposes t2.7M.9i2; ford
I; for the Tract so­
Mrs. N. E. Ik>gan then iging a very
lely. irj.kio; ftw rrtMNlmens
pleasing luAo. after which Judge
4.C72: for education. t260.S3C. and
H. I’mlor was Introduced at
Bible suclHy.
J.U psm^ OB -The Pounda
support of the Mrt.h.Klist ministry, tnSuiK-rirtructure of Succesa.dudlug pastors, presiding elders.
I.UluHc. and couh-renre claimants the
hullt hJs house opoh the sands and the
other who btilll on solid rock conveys m«*inlieni gave last year |12.914.1&h
and for current church expenses afiart
U> us a truth ancient and abiding.- be
fn.m mlnlKMUal claries $i/.52.94l»
■aiit at first. *it applies to other than


The ball
OHiLO uiaom law.
with fbMPi Md bootinx. tbo porplo and
mum to thm mmtmromm
whtto or tbo school cotoia lotomlnr
n OB tlM outDto books of tb* line with -old Klor7“ and ibe natlooal
I in hootiac. The large roooi
n« dlled before the program bofwory number of which was
graatly fmjoyod and apprecUtad.
modo » fo« 4«|f o«o br oB» or ths
Horat*. orrbeetra rendered theopeo.
MlcklSUi U«<oiT losp«««or«. If thl> ig number of the program after
te txum thm doM thi* upfiooftlon
hich Mr. Needham made hla addreaa
from tiM TfTjr penm« vham
r welcome He apoke of *he large
athoHng aa a manlfeiitatioo of lnter>
eat In the iHialnem college and of lha
jf graUtude which the school was
Mod hr Itet. vho looMod upoi
under to those who have helpe«l the
Hgkt to r^lro lohor of tholr tiooU nstltution toward MMUiiaa.
chlldrto niibor thm to m«4 thmo to peaking of the ndesnlage to the grad
•riMxil. Th» otMortliMiB rflotu
latM of Boeh a gathering and of the
rtebU oad pr1vU«Bw to on mrovod Incentive It gave llioee now Wudring,
he maid, in order that ytei may enjoy
dves more this evening I have
•totooco on tbo rtjtbu of ohlldn® to naked the former principal of the coltbolf ebOdkood and to tbr pdvU»ic*«
to prealde as ebairman.*' Ho
or too oetool. Tbor.. mar b« lodirld- then apoke In glowing terms of Mr.
ttOl ooooi wbpTo mrorcenHwt of th»- Dorkeray's work and the latter was
Uw majr oorai a hardship and m
greeted with applause when he arose,
prorlokiB for sueb caMw wmy hav«
w a few well chosen remarks
b« rnadd. but ib««r caara abould i
nlng to the eolloge and educaoreakeo or hinder the autute's <
tlon In general Mr. Hockorey Intro­
formnonU The Bftr thoaaaiid Ini
He likened' the foundation to th<
duced lierlHWt L. SulUvan. who apoke
Wfwato who came to Hlcbtcaa fn
on the subject, -The Student Body.- irepuratlon for life's work and th<
Mr. BuUlvan Aral took up the busl- uperetructure to the ncblevemenli
ibo eoodlllona raont of them Arne
wa college In general nnd apoke ol
from ahonld rlre cordial auppon to
e different spirit with which the bualMkhtcaa a lawa tn onpoeitloa to child neaa eotle^e student went about his pliyslcal. numtal and moral
wor1< from that of the avernge High
school sludent. stating that the pay­ ^Doa's despise manual lalior.“ aah
The same grade €if living coala aS ing out of money for a course aliracl- Mr. Umlor. 'Tm not talking to th<
much In Bngland nnd r.ermany and ed onlr those who went of their own sons of mlllloniares but to those whi
rraaea aa it doaa In the Vnlted Stales. aefonl and those who went to lesm. have achievements to niake."
Thmo pcewona who are adviaing that Taking up some of the advantages of
He then advised the >oung man Ic
rhangwi be made In our tariff laws the business college over the public get out cm the farm for his physical
and who are liaaing their ndvlce on school, he aprdte of the young man development: Ip wc*rk luUustriouRlj
the dalm that higher wages are paid fully developed physically but with a for mentsl de\elopin«Mit and sccc»ni
to American workingmen Ux-auae the very slight aroonnt of mental training pllsh the Mltle things such as spc-llinf
mQnlrementa of life atw higher priced who could start Into the former Inail- and punctuation which, ns he said
bore, nned to kngw more of the facta. tuUon with a class of pupils hU own were as often found lacking In bu9i
Tbn dWereoce la mors in wliat ta In- atse while. If he attemled a pubUc netis rolh*ge students and last but not
school, would be In a class of young­ least to keep one's morels nt a high
sters of less than hglf hla avolnlupola. standard. He aimke of achievement
resting partly with the Individual ami
partly with his envlrcmment In life. In
more la Oemiany and Pranee and Bng­
closing be advised the students to be
land tbsii In the VivIkhI Stales. In
satisfied with large things only when
Ibla oounlry, however, these things
they were possible, not to expect too
are nsnally foun<f on the workingmuch from their inltfal Virorts and to
nan's table: In the hfioios of the
-keep pounding*
working daases of otir trade competJClass of IfOLMr. Needham then spoke n few
tore they are rarely found. Uviog la
J. 1-. Novak then responded to the more words, dwrillng on Mr. Umlor's
not ebsaper there than here, but be- toast. -The Claas of 1096.statement rvgandlng the deftclent
emnsa of the principles and policies of
Mr. Km;ak opened by speaking of
our coontry which go far towards Iriivlng the doors of the school to face work of many business college stu­
making Ibe difference in condlUooa Ufu-s problems and how. after the dents. He said that If any person
there nnd hefe. a cheaper living ta yrors of study the spcrlsl training ac- went through bis colK'ge and receivenl
compitled tn the countries nerosa the Quired proved to be bin the merest a dipknaa bsfoee be could {spell and
punctuate h« would quit doing buslb^nnlnga.
-We were tfalned in a few details.K. O. T. M. M.. No. k7l. will give beaald. -but In order to aeqnlre know IhHr nnnml Dutch supper PVh. 15.
All alrknlghta Invited.
feb IMt
To Cum a Cold In Qno Day


One Hundred
Dellars - ""
an Hour
For Ten Hows
Is $1.00000

* making of every work

One Dollar atarta an aecoimL


Mr. Winnie grew* up with the village
and has lived here ail his life. He was
siderroan »>nrter the old village gov­
ernment sevc-ral terms and also under
city affairs much of his flrm> and It Is
doubtful if there ts a' belter posted
man here in regard U> civic matters.
Mr. Winnie is at preaeni a member
of five of th« most Imimitant oommlttei-s erf the council. He Is chairman
of the streets and walks committee, a
member of the commUtee on claims
and accounts, a menytlier of the water
committee, public lighting committee
and the park committee.
As hU business keeps him on the
street all the time he is always ac­
cessible to hla consUtnenU and In a
poalUon to observe the needs of the
Pity, especially in regard to matters
pertaining to the committees on which





Id honor of their guesl. Mre~H. J.
Luebke of Chicago, the Mloaes Lelah
xnd Mvrtie Miller eatiwfalBed a num­
rtrs. K. E. Horst then rendered a
rrve Mved In Cantorala 29 qears. ber of friends in a very pleaaant man­
very pleaalng .vocal solo after which and am sUU buntiag for trouble in the ner at their home on Bute ati^ last
A. T. Nerlihger delivered hia paper on wwy of burwa. aoroa. wounds. boHs. rvening. Five hundred was ptojed
luring the evening and light refrrehMr. Kerlinger linct spoke of the repmeat* were'served. Dancing coocludresenutlve body of men that had
fd a very enjoyable Informal affair.
gathered fn tke ball a few Biglits be
fore for the annual hoard of trade ba2MI88 MYRTIE MILLBR
quet and of the number among them
turned after a month’s abac
that had been successful. He then
mgo and Is now ready to i
up the many different views bold
by the dJfferem classes regarding suc-I don't believe succosa can be
measured by dollsre and cuBta.- he

W,. aeU UiU WaAberoi W
tiijrB" trial.
It *iU pAjr JOO to tiy OOA
oftbna WaaboA bafui. )o.


............. ...ttM
TW aw» Ibe acramaUfaJ .laniMwt
the anlin year.
AU new. but aUAUy dawu«ed.



Charlevoix Endeavoring & Be Rut on

Wc have just received a full

The l4tar.l <rf commerce has for
smut- lime bc-n quMI/ stirring up the
qucwtlou of mskiug I'hsrlevolx a car
ferry pitri. and have had considerable
the (niarlevolx
One tiny Isf
gfuerml irafttc i lager trf the G. R. I
I. railroad was 1 F* anti held a lengthy
coiiferenee with offlclals of the lioard
and the cement and limestone people.
The company Is In a receptive motsl
In the matter, and our petiple are ver^much eneouiag.-d by the oulrome of

Go Carts
line of


For the *-prin4; trade. All kind* of stylei and prices.
Maybe you don’t need

cd one junt
yci. but you can make
your selection and wc willI hold it for
lor you.
We: hav
have over a hundred desitfns
19 in the lai
lar^fc go
id^ov fifty in the small foldinjj carts, so the
carts andWr
first here will get the best styles to select from.

Vour Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
“THE BIG STORE*'—Dealers in Everything /

Starts the day just right. This is just .
the place to get just the
coffee that just suits.


An ht M

J. W. Jaokioii
B. A. Mama
P. Metegtfi

A. W. JAhnu
Bon A Marne
A. Oonilk
J. H. lOBoai

F. L.

we wxnt to close out our lifie
of Wardrobes. Milk Safes aid
Kitcken CaMaets. md, ate
naUBk special prices oa him.
Catatotae fortbeasUu w call
aadseetkesi, .



We hell the Old Government Mocha and java blend at 40 cents, the good
old stand-by. if you haven’t tried Mrs. Rover s own special blend, it is lime you
did. This is th« result of years of study. Sells for 40 cents.
In the 35cent class we have the Monarch Blend, the Yale Blend, the
Arabian Banquet and Spurr s Revere. Can recommend them all. Each kind
has many steady customers.
We sell for 20 cents the Buster Brown, the Bells, the Mexoja, the
Dutch lava.
Something new and good is tbe Hard Water blend at 20cents. 25 cents
and 30 cents.
In thc^pound packages
at 18 cent
cfnts and the Lexington at 30 cents.


^ cMts, the Continental at 20

You Will Like These ,
•me Best Goods •I»sl Arc rwt Vp.


-A man's life to uuceetotol when

you froakl hATe $1,000.
Erwy one buidrad doUan
interest. ^
Itpitjito wTO-iB •dditioii.
'^jWyon infawwt o« your



The plun U to build a transfer dock
near the sugar faeforj'. and make It n
stopping i«lnt for the big NorthportManlstique ferry. The prrrpoitlUon
ilcolm J. Wi—ie Is X Cand.dste for will bi* puithed to the limit The ftirt
th« Rtpuhiican Nominstion for
of a G H. A I. offlclal coming here to
t-s riret Ward.
ItMik the matter up. prttves that tb^
atv willing to talk on the MibjMff
Malcolm J. Wiimlt'. uhli-imun of the
rst wattl. today announces! that he WATCH OUT FOR THE ELOPERS,
3. a candMatc.
at the Grand Opera Houae.
niinutiuii. the ' ami(*uii(-«‘nu‘iii beink
February 15th.
r%-e|MtUH«- til urging by uiinn'riMo' Feb. 7 tf.
pndh. Mr. Winnie is jiu-t compb-r
: his c'fghth year-as ablerntan nnd


He then spoke of the meeting of dlf portlon of the
feceni people in business life and how the adjoining parlorw. dancing began Mioasa Lalah and Mynk Miller Erv
tectslrwd Company irf Frimdo
and continued until a late hour.
Loot Ercnin^
The .menu was prepar.*d Uy C, ff.
____ __________ ____




Chutoy Sauce. 25 cents.

Sweet Mixed Pickles
Blue Label Ketebup
Sniders Oyster Cocktail Sauce. 25 cents.
Colossal Oueeo Olives. 10c, 26c. 60c. $1
ManrmnilU Olives, 10c. 16c. 26c, 86c
Deviled 0«^l^^^»^^^



, tuooay. fcsruary u. tm.


Ir WIM to tto


•C!^. Mir: CM. toM r-ii#
7A(: MM 9UM»%: toMtS
Ttoterft. Mai M Mrf.


tte mctkm at Vtokt^ i

pftid for the partoc. the dtjr
As the ehwM
frtet deal of fraatace. this q
M imr
U« <«k.r
homo are atUl very wooh fram


pork, per
per hbl.... l>.6i


Made from
pim grape cream of tartar; and
absolutely free from Ume. ,
alum and ammonia.

White the Body of H, FHaffteold*o LH-



the Bocial hour Wedaeoday afiernooB
(Coidlaaed Ptom First Page.)
with Mre. Dr. Garner. Tbe ladles will SuBMnn City was badly burwed Ban
tiags for tbe foUowing stnrets:
brtng their needles and tbimblea and day Bight while the body of bta 13W'aablagtoa alreeL Park to Hope any carpet rags they care to aew lor moBUuMd daughter. Martha lay la
Its little casket. The Are originated
Tbe r«5gular moBthly meeting of tbe under the range and employes of F.
W. H. M S. of the First M. R church
will be held at the home of Mrs. C. P.
AWel «2 Fifth streeL Wednesday

iamp «f S easts this aftemcwi sad are
soar brtaflac » cents na the local
nmitoL The rise was dar to the

afietBooB at 2:» oelock.
The CoagresaUanal Ladies' Aid ao-

the balk er Ihf baslacap beiac on
hajr. bat so poUtoeiL
Tbe retail price of oaU adraaced to
47c this asoraias. Fred will pretoiblr
follow la a short Itaae.
Ko other chaacaa la local markets
hare taken plaee
6ala RM Hlfh Martu
Oats Bwde net galas of l%c to l^c
for the acute tradlag featarea Ust
wash mad came within %t of aeUlag at
the igtire of tlTas for Mar that was
reached during the snosattooal crop
I scare adraoce at last June. There
i'^haa been a UUle hedging br wealen.
; biraers of caah grain abote 41 for
' Mar
These aeUere are taking tbHr
ehnares that the grain ca^ be got here
for dMItery. drefrtle U»e car khoHagr.
Thus far. deaplle the fact that Chicago
Is daiJr mwltlng about half of Uir

Maytof rnist.

M .

Hoff Raeelpu Light.
The dat a bog aUtlstIcs caused s
further ndrnaoe In prorlslon tnlues
The arrirnis In Chicago and west wrn
Bulerlallr less . tbna eapeeted and
arrivals at all «f^^f•rflr-^»s^crl^ for the
|hog* Ires
than for (hcii>rrviMua weekend
.3€.000 Icsa than for the Worrospondlng
week laat rear. Ijird was the Icadt r
of the market, ahum lug more strength
than oUier products.
Lard Sfll Advances,
land la still on the liae in (trend
.Rapids, sn advance of a point over
record breaking'
being made t«»day. The price of Isrd
baa ,never been anymhere near this
point before and still further rlaee are
eowjgb. are oImi cw a lialag markH
not In sympathy, but on account of the
abort age in the Cnttoosecd Ml supply
nUy, the high prices rul
gredrs 5
ChIcaiM market making
ing In t
their lnnm*nre
re Mt
Ml among the •hII.-is
here Dairy psckl


ooqimluoc and superintendent be di­
rected to purchase, hydrants, valves
and other aeccdslUre but
tbuught b«t to ssk for bids on thcML
Mr. Glllett moved that bids b
and the motion carrlwl.

fttim the Unk* Depot,** at the Grand
Friday might ta in the city and the

The Are department resimodod t

call telephtmcd In from tbe home
„ meeting of the BHdge Bnllderi A. R FOX. 219 Weal .Ninth street t
:cnb>kc3?ld at the home of Mre. S L. morning and extlngulsl^ a
Edwards. 551 Webster street. Wednea which ortgtaated from an overheo
blase ran up belw<
day evimlng. Feb 13. at 7:30.
All j -Tovc pipe. Tbe
» hatd It) work wltt
young ladles are InvUed.
the cliemlcal cxtlu

Newburg. N. Y.. Fob. 12.-Mrs. Kugctie Tompkins, an altruistic woomn
of nerve. detormlBOd she would kill
a amd dog from which she had e»
capod ae narrowly that ahe lost most
of her akin in the struggle with It.
•Mr. Tompkins, who lives hear Orange

self. ' That dog will bite aomebody. au
ni kill 11.** 8ho grabbed a pitehfork
at tbs bare door and walked la raulicrasly.
The booad. aaaiiins. foomAecked rushed at her.
Brevely aim
met Us repeated allaeks. ditr.e It
away again and again at pitchlark'a

lalw. owned the dog. a big hoqnd.
that had been gentle always. But It
was undoubtedly mad when It sprang
at Mre. Tompkins, caught her sleeve
and rended It. Again^lt Jumped at her
skirt and lore most of^lhe ganm«ot
from her. It worried the skirt for a
moment, then attacked the cows,
which beat It off. then kllb-d four
chIckeoK nnd Anally sl nih-U awwv to
the Imm. Mrs. Tompkins said to her­

desperate lunge fastened U to too
Aour. It writhed and atrwggled. Mrs.
Tompkins wwa exhausted, her cries Ipr
bHp were growing fnlnt. whep her
husband returned, ruabed for hla toolgim and ended the streggic.
Mre. Tompkins fainted. When she
tqtened her eye*- again her husband
-Go and buy another dress,

Books and

MIm IliXrTurtZ


pIoB at a dinner In Boston |.i/lsed
Mre. Core Ikiwhall was calk-d tt»
goll's «-ffect on the health.
reutrel Lake today on acetmul of the
• Many Kreons.** she said, “esprs^al- llluiw of her father. W. U Stclgar.
It many women, have III lo-alih be­
It. 8in»e went to Cadillac un bualcause tbej never lake any exercise,
and their nerves wrakeu. and hnlf
Ibeir eomplalnta are nervous. IinaglnC. A1|h-ih went to Kingsley this
arr ones tluit hard work would rmre. morning
“I know a doctor w ho hsm a |iatl«-nt
O. D Park left for Grand llaplds un
of this type—a big. robust woman who
ta oew-r without ailments.
The last time she sent for the docNw he lost fiatlenre w Itb her.
As she
was teibng him bow slie was suffering
fr.Hii rbeumatlsm. s«»re Ihnwt'. nervous
C A Huff r. turoe.1
tmlay after s|Mmdlng a
. am] what noU In- lu short time 111 the rlty.
temipted her.
County 8eh«.I Commlsslcmer Crisp
said. In an admiring tone,
“ -Ah.* he said,
health you must have went to Kingsley this morelng,
•wbal splendid h
C. I! Weller went to PvUiakcy and
In order to Ik- able In stand all ti ese
Ikrjue tCity iMi business today.
MluneaiKills Jouroal.
went to Grand RapJ W
on buiiluess Uiis morelng.
that the whale i
If. L Welgand left Sunday afterTommy-Why
1 ms.n fur Ilullalo to alt. ud the cinImre* euh%enilon.
lomniy-tih. It nin t
that bothers me. but
of the lUptklr1‘blladelpbta Ledger.
j eliuiTh win mr-el in the aasembly r»s»m
jof the rhuirh W.-dnrsday aflereooti

There will be a dancing party at the; them IndeiKVtde
We-que-tong club ihU evening for the ha». to woik or stane. anyway
the foreman cd a gUNs (ariory.** as
quo«Hl by Demry .Sheldon IWl»e In
Yesterday (he mayor recrhTd
fMlowlng telegram dated Chicago
March Isaue. The artirk s Is the first
which waa read to the ooaocil:
of two by this author on the child
**PIeaae refuse to ooallnn coot
fw hydrants and valves. Ask for bl<M
“To him.* continues Mr fkH-l»e. reand protect your Uxpnyere ns othcr
Mrs. W. M. Foster ffntsrUlned a
rltlca do.
ecrtaln gtass plint:«. * ap|M.rcnily,.,hls
. Doren Friends Saturdsy.
“Allen T. PivnUcc.**
phlkitophy completely dls,rosed of the
Mre. W. H. Foster entertained with
As the commiuee had made no ««
child labor problem.
If the young­
a fi ocloek dinner Saturday evening.
sters have to work to live, why should
Plat re were laid for an even doxeo
we kill them by taking away their
and a very pleasant time wa» enjoyed. buy any auch nniclre, the tclegraw
was a waste of money on the part of
work? Humanlt) is on the side of the
the aender.
men who give them a chance to cal.
•lUg industrial demigods have a
Where the Money Comet From.
habit of turelug fatalists, and
Mayor Friedrich asked for Informa
besides, thing* looked suspicious
IDEAL buckwheat cuke* and niapb- i
tloo In regard to w here the money
they take their flight.”
•Say. Mr. Murphy, what's that high
feb n -tf )
was coming from and Superintendent
curious man.
feme for that you've got around tbe
-IVrhniw he meant single blessed- Caldwell furnished It. He stated that
Idant? t^-ben we same down here the
ness.** reidled tbe man who was ua- the total cost Including pipe, laying,
first thing we ren up agalnat was a
btpidly mtrHed. Phlladrlphu .Press.
valves, hydrenu. transferring tape
high fence, with barbed wire op top.
etc., would be f19.4m), The revet
ami a watchman at tbe gate.*
of the water works has increased
When Bishop Berry, of tlie Meth“That fence, why every glasr.
a steady rale for the last three
works has a fence around U.- That’^s
thsnks for the ktadness abown us dur­ four yean. Last year at tbe end of
Just to keep the kids on the night
rural communUy. Wishing to be witty,
ing the sickness, death and burial of April, there was a surplus over
from running away.* aald the j
oor Udoved Helen. Also for the mnoy ating and maintalnsnce expense of be annoum-ed to bis audlen.v that hr obliging fort-man.**
Incr.. Ky,.
Feb. ir.-Mrs
This year. Judging from the wa.' a iHTrr and *-alle<] upon them to
beautlfbl flowers which werw'ao com ll.;3l».
Mr. Beelie has been Investigating Booth was liMlg.-d in Jali here eharg«tl
state what kind of .b«-rry. Nearly
three quartbra Just lapsed. U looker
furling In cnir looellnrea.
ery lierry know h in the vU liitty
the child-labor subject for some time j with the murder of Esau
as though the surplus would be It
.Mr. and Mre. C. W. Kingsley.
guessed, and The s|*eaker refusM to for the Technical World and tbla Isi Youag Harris and William IksKh w, i.
OoO at least, Tbe Increase (his yea share tbe-qualltlef of any of those
Ada Kingsley.
Just the beginning of a story of the] the best of frleuds. Harris ac.-.-pbMl
has been faster than last, the differ­ named. At last an ok] lady, who was
suffering of these Ultle slaves of com > an Invltatiou to sjK-iid^ihe night with
not aympathetlr with the lut
Much t»f his material | B<H>th , Blille silling ai.H.ud the
ent being a factor, 'and tbe report levity of the lecturer, arose and
Is entirely new and the general reader j hearthstone Mrs. IkMith* raised the
made last Monday showed that there claimed In a sqneaky voice: **l
cannot but Ik- startled and horrified at | quest Ion of r<»war«llc«- and said lliat
was a balance of 11.700. This would what kind of berry you are. \a
the tale of these children who have j before she would run she wcnild blow
a goosTlierry. and a very green c
pay for the plp<^ already In.
that. Co on with the leclurr.’’
been robbed of their birth right. Cn-U iuan*« head off
Her husland told
revenue for the ^xt quarter would fbe lecturer dld-MuSckly.-Chrlsllan
her she could l»C flightened until she
pay for the upereUng expenses aad
would til low her gun down and “oul
putting In the Inuke.
run a steam engine **
In loTO Qoaen EllsabHb waa preThe laat report of the treasurer
•children who,have no chllUbood-j
The argument progresM-<l until Mrs
showed that at the end of the year aeeted with a pair of aU> atocklngs
related diamailcall.v-^d It ta a j B<K>lh wagen-d her cow against $23
after the Intake was built and paid by her tire-woman and afterward
le to bleak unhaident-d hearts.
with her huslrand that she would not
Bever wore any other kind.
for. there would be a balance of |7.000. If 13.000 Is gained this year ove7
ofiereting and malntalnancc expenses.
14.000 surplus should be continued on
for next year making a total of 111
The appropriaUoo. so he ha
been informed would be about |S,0d0
making a M.I of llO.oo..
tbe Intake. Un* total r'oM would be
Between thirty aad
forty new subacrllK»rs would be ad
pleaaure of the members
A candy prlte is offemi by the
company for the
hlgheei seore rolled In three cooscenlive game^ on the Wllklnnoo A Rosser
Traveree Ray hive. No. 71. U O T.
M M. and Traverse Bay tent. No. 13C.
K O. T. M. M-. had a very plewiumt
liariy In their hall last evening. After
a pot luck supper they danced until 2
oclcK-k this morning, a tw<.-piere orcheKtre under the dln-ctlon of
Masenlch furnishing the music.
The Anal aecount In the John Hanslovsky estate was fled todav.
John Cudney. while unloading
at Crendall> mill at Keystone F
was unfortunate enough to Ih* hit by a
skid which frerlured the ihlnl rib «m
the left side. ncceMltaliug a trip to
the doctor

Hoping our friends will see that
onrpi^itionisthif mstter is fair
and iiiai we will be able to give
belter service by cniUng this ai>.
pioval habit oQt,ai»d thanking you .
in advance for your co-operstlon
in this matter, I am. yours truly.


at 2 o’clock. Ijzdlea are requealcl to
ttime prefiared to He quills

Woman KUled Man
And Won b Cow


The ootteHD of tomling goods out
on approval has grown to guch sn
egUsot that it bsa Uxnme a
aouroe of loaa. We feel obliged to
aaj that after today this
.cQstoni vUl be



gulsbed IL

No bids bsd ever been se
th«^ articles previously, they being meeting tonight.
The mternai Order of Eacbw aill
bought in the market at the best price
hold a ladies* aortal session at
•• -Oh shucks, workln's gewd
teiV baU this erring.
The Bastero Star will give a party!
kids. It
It keens them «»ff the streets.
' They- d<ml mind It. cither. It makes
In the Masonic rooms tonight


Hard Fire at Home of A. E. Foa Ea
tmpuished ^ith One Tank of the
Chemical Today.

Wnrelng T.lagram.

Uie usual large 1
It Is worthr of note that prices of Ms)
oats at the Hose of business Satnrdsr
Bight ware nenrir lie higher than
those of n r®sr ngo; the effect of the
Mg cnacratratod bolding for the near
araalh hr Pnttea—estimated nt IkIweea C,OUO.OOO nod 7.000J>00 bunheU.


Bay and 8f«oiid streHa. froi
end of the preMnt twelve-inch
to Oak street.
The eMinated com of pipe being ns
WaahiagtM sireoj, I3J1S;
Blffbth street, |7.3<M: Ptaaklln. tl.tok;
Moaroe. fl.CtC; Bay and! Seoosii
streeU. IIJSO.
Mr. Bbnter m^cd-tW^^e^jspqtt
and the'
Tbe Aral draft ef the report

Woman KUled Mad
Dog With Pitfdifork

main laid.
The deliver) of Ihe pipe would
in April and it had to be paid for In
thirty days, but
It wiwdnt
shipped at once.
Short Ume notes
WANTED-Two Ummeters and one
could be lacoed to pay whatever
sawyer for the wooda B. J. Mor­
needed until the revenue came In. He
thought May as the proper Ume to
taty the mains.
Aldccman Moon waa of the opinion
that the purchase could be made with­
out booding%nd that the committee
had ffiMie over the maUer carefully
WANTED—Teams to haul logs; $4
and believed that the whole city had
fob 1^3t
Mr. CaldwMl slated farther that
ahottt 1.000 toet of the old malas could
be laid In the factory dteuiel-at

aad lot ^
BgtoB street betwoca G. Rand Freaklin street.

atderod that the tactorlto wore gtren
ffood pretoedoB as the praasore ta that GIRL WANTED for I
district coBld he much toereaaed. The
asTlnm vrill also be oared for as It

, mi.

Iksuh iK-rsuiuk-d HhitIs to feign
fc-lng h-uiie and reiure about 1 o cloc-k
in the nminlng to test the matter.
Harris ronM„t.-.l. and. on returning.
i-ap|k-d lit the door. Mre. IkMdh awoke
her husliaad. who n-fus«M to gel up.
She askiK] Harris his name and what
he wanted
Harris (old her It was
niHie of her businesa. and If she <ild
not ojK-n the dour he would break It
Mrs Booth arose from the bed and
without dressing. go( a double bar­
reled shotgun and emptied botll bartela Into Harrta* bead, killing him In­

Shirt Waists

We ire now showing the best
selection of new shirt l^eusts
eoer shoevn in Ois dty**
b'oamit stimnge. down't it* Well, weare wiUing to pmveit
//V seatched ihe mafkels to Jindi/ie
clcvetesi ideas iJ^i were being ojfered^ not confining ourselves to any
one line, but picking the best of many,
with the result that, as wt said bejore,
thefitust showing ever tuade in the city
Koi cpij is tbe ibowiBK good, but the Taliiefi mre egt^Ileotiiefer had eo idrdf real good Ydoee m we.ieiiowioirer»g.




^riEnwE ir vr wii

^r^ 7:



9Mi H * aU^fmr H



kM f»r 1^ «f # «o«4^. 4
tor U» >9CleMM«
«C tte hi

kdMkmrno fd
ii\ this war uu ih«y ftxe^ om
mp wftb th« hj^eor be ield. -They
trete JMI hii^ «a Cf vir M •»
, wM 1 w«e Mr enxy with pala
omAiomoi Smp.
-So. I 4oa t get >oit w|iat ysa caU
i 0004 alfble rtwL omm Mr/
•kt MBlllai a Wt iitailr. -Boi
beugr tbaa Marlas vMa awake aa4
•oferiiis. aad Umw workAag aU 4ar
A amIMmowa local drwgM. who to
on the oaioaatf hatlas Male t#M you
la a ponMtop to know, naeerta that t
ibefo'i aolhlas the aMUer except
Miff week. There'*
therer and be poUted
by the Mora •‘Here, with cures, kidney cures, etc. It to a preimr bead roetias
tain phytoflmm dtollke to nee pabUabed. Prw oases, iadaed. which will



mil wm ®oto»
Neck After-a Jcb
elpliu. |»a . >Vh l2.-IIUhead
«d for Wr tn a Med braer.
i realrlclrd to two boon
>lle be !• It. a »ltilnx |k

Dud wune way lo earn a thins fur tib
and iKiwei/ tnruartti fitmlly
II U a alurj of uinioM turrrdlhl.
roHliiide in the fat'^' of roncunt
asoeUlns twin. i< d«uutk«.ncio«. of
Ihr aui thal of ibe woik InMliicl In k
body that for nlmHy olnr nut of a huu
dif-d men would b«\> been fit oaly for
ihn acrap heap of 141aoe««. Kwn
aorktHl UMJir Ilian lw«» y<«ra ttfliM liia
nrek aa« dlM»Kai.s|. SU year. aj(0
Kot<4i dtalornte<l lili ii%^k in a mlsbty
effort to throw bla bead away

naoqy for bis four cMIdrcQ and a wife
at sunny naturrd at himself,
the dislocation came. He rouldnt af­
ford to Uy off a day or two simp
raiue bis neck bun, aor beeaaae be
couldu t He down nt alfbU aad apeat
the long nights In slaeplesa ngoaJes
I'wyk eame aUw aaluie. puahnd tp
tbc' fartbeal limit. cbaM andun
. and he simply had tn quit nod
Mrtiw up c'nongb «wergy for another
try n( ralln*dlng Tbca came the' reptoarhes of hir. rm|dnyem. i
pM from doctor to doctor. wUb the
> running out as thoogh n Mere,
and his babies gioaing more wan and
Ulful day by day.
HU food choked him because of the
•location, and he aas told be bad
thrust trouble. He aas bUMered and

nnaJIy. an ostoopsUi guesaod right
•You have dUkwaUon of one of the
bran of (he neek.** he waa told.
The piaclltloner appllad Imk
to bU bead mlitle another man
held hU feet rtgid. Kchmi Ihe while
Ktanding upright. He fainted lo the
uf the operation and returned to
the uiit(H»path no more
llecvnily he w. ut lo the orthopedic
the lop of the vuiiebm Hut lie# be- department of Jefferson bosplul. and
aeath the dUlocaled jwrtiuu.
fmind the first relief since the
Keen wman't earning any too much
'lit. After he bad been thon
it«M a siiM-! brace wa» mad<
nad. He must wear this every
me or iwb hours dally being the
f L. i\ X cv 1 i\'t'
maximum time u can Ik- taken off.
Vertebrat Wrenchid Forward.
One of the v. nebrae of thr ro ck had
bi't'ii wrvnrhod foiward. and the baay
|.mJe:llon of ita lower nelyhlKir bad
raasht and held It MTurr-ly alrooaf at
ItM «dse. A part of the apUial coid
waa dnuuTd from lu prutt'etltis vertr-

I r(M\ OX
Cur* BIUousmm
polaona which canae bUloluiiMs are

Tmve tM\ct
M rei\}^l lvet\
ll\c h()v\ el*')

HU Incom* Is Small.

An X ray pnsif of the correct dUgDosU of the injuries has juM been
made In the Jefferson hospital. The
photograph ^bou^ that q»tui wlu-n his
hiNid U supiKirt.Hl by the brace which
he must wear with Imi l.rlef rtsipHe.
It U plirhe.1 forwar^l more than a half
inch. It U feared that science will
never rewtorc him to normal condltloa.
For I wo years sod a half after the
aieidtuit Keen had ctmllnucd lo work
•K a hntkemau. For four yeors he
haii iKK-n unable to work beyond dolns
-«ld jolHi** aU.ut the bmme. and for
thre<- y.wr. the n-giilnr iumme for the
little family has Ixen but a
month. Of this |lo.w> has come from
t^ PennsylvanU railitwd. |j.yo a
month as dues for the relief fund be­
ing extnetod from the 19 east a day
allowmacn decrpwl him. aad td has
coma fimp.4hn Ordtf or fiMSMs.
for s year after he waa unable to
work, the railroad allowed him tn
eenu a day. and. after eottlBg this
amount Ip ba)f. at cm4 time gait pac­
ing anytfflag for several montka bc^
cauM a physIcUn in Its employ said
•Wail A minute; I H go tokek hhiv**.
wore the onegpecte^ wnrda o( t^e frail
mue wtfe who iwatmadml to thehnoek
at the door of tbe Utile home. tIC
Warner aireet, Wopdburr. N. 4, haylag admitted the l^rter to the kit-

Tim riftt to ttoad tho Npw-Mt
rSM sal 0m% LM
Thito to Mn ptapamuea »a the xmr-


Otbera er*H»a
He put on his head h
s a eatehernnUclpatlng good lock on
lie diamond. -Yes. 1 guess I m
Maybe I might be of eome laee in the
world again, though. wC cpuree. I
couldn i go back to rallroadliig.
-4t> Mxnngc. now. here l am alhe.
as wn» thought to have been killed
ouutohk and all ihe ether fellowr cm
that crew have been killed sloce. tnctodlhg the condacior. who was the
nnaae of my tafing hurt. We were
shifting «mm> he ought to bare sent
ilong together, hot ha eeni them
one St a Ume. and tbe eeeood. that I
didn't expect, caught me.
“if I hadn't thrown myself around
backward I'd been killed euie. as they
bought I waa. The twist saved my
life, but it left me with this.*' poiaiing
I hsmeased neck. “Bui It might
>rst'-lt has been wome." he ftdd
I didn't have any pain, except In my
bottkter. Then 1 began to have
dull, dragging pains in my neck. After
that it waa working and going to the
c~noi one. but a lot of them—
for two years and a half. Plaaterxand
Biitfenu and oiDtmeou didnl do me
bit of good, and 1 had to lay off enUrely. '
.Nothing dM me any good lUl I got
■ brace at the bcwpltal. It kind of
u me to Uke U off oooe In a whUe.
hut rm glad enough to get back In
•a, * he added, cheerily , as hei


sun INTO ms
. STM OF coil
New Yo^. FVb. 1»—Ttipping ini
pea coal pocket in hU own yard. '
Nnagasser sank into the ahlfUng
hUck' mass as (bottoh aM quick
I. Hla erkw for help bought yard
hands, but their efforts, staodlni
boards (« the surface of Ihe coal, and
trying to d^ei him out. only sunk

Twin Bridge'. Mtmt.. FVb. 12.—Rkih■d Morrow, who Jlres n«5sr here, has
discovered that a. young woman who
applied to him for employmeo
cenlly to a ctoter of hto who wai
uaped from the home of her parents
In Oregon about tWenty-seveo yeera
ago. and has since been mourned for
by her family as dead.
tmall Bey. Alone. Tugged Infants'
8bo waa kidnaped when only
Cradle From Burning. Houseyears old K** g mao named Michael
Children Had Been L*^t Alone.
Slattery, who deserted her within
few months. She v«p reared In su

the triaj of Marry K. Thaw tor the mtir.
«c left and Supreme Ceurt

3-mOlO HEM sie babe!

agaiatt admission If euffjetont to keep

old sou of J. F. & bi-snk K^M-d tin lllc
of hto. H-months-old t>ahy kInk-i lo a,
which partly dcstmy.-.l thdr,
. The mother left ih*- children'
while she steppt-d into ihcTxmise ,
of a neighbor. Smoke was *K-. n pour-j
log from the windows b>
and an alarm brought th- Pm na n.'
They found the child
with nM|
hto strength to pull tl..- cra.llr in
which the Infant slept tlirooRh an oat -,
rr door. J. r. Schrank. the bf»y*
father Is a prominent Elk. nn.l ato.u
the 12ks' club, where the affair hai
caused no end of comu»cni. It l* to iiu
wed to present,the boy with i
gqld medal.
Police of the city of Nrw York armt ageh day an avcniga «.r forty
altht men who may that tiny have no

Obcd kr thetdj^ pnelal gidmeal m


UrtKigh la that way. aad escape from
Be bouom. if be could not be gotten
ui at the top.
the coal was ten minutes in empty
ig. but Naagasmr did not appear
adde|w were lowered, end the coal
dealer was found lying In a he
bottom, bleeding from a score of
cuts, aad uaoocK'ioua, An ambu
a aummoaed and at Beney boapital
wss found that he was suffering
from superffctol cuts and bruises and
k only.

Doe tooluca. Iona. Feb. 12.-^ixlren
en from among Dea Moines' most
srtotocratic social ept have Incorparated and will purchase a portion of the
T. K. Brown esute. south of Grand
avenue, and will esUbltoh an excluswidcocr colony. The tract com­
prises 130 screw, and has an cast frontage on Park lane. The coal 4. said
When she told Morrow her name
to be IMO per acre, or 9<S.OPO.
U to the plan of tbe lncoi|ioemtore to he Instantly rocalied that It waa a
man named Slattery who had kid­
naped hto little slater, aad reoagnUlag at enot the stnkiaff toctol reeemThe lacprporaUoa 1s a ejoae one. Maace the ypung woman boro to hU
and. will not be opetaed to tbe public own mother, he began an laveMlgatlon
In geaeml. No one will be admitted wtiai quickly resulted In his Identify­
Into the plan wiihoui tbe unanimous ing hcr^ his sister.

hu * Wi4f ,t lM oa.the ittar tmt


The Family Physician
Thc l^si medicines in tlic world cannot
take the place of the family physician
Consult him early when taken ill.

Ayers,Cherry Pectoral



If the. trouble is with your throaty bronchial tubes, or lungs, a^k him about
taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Do as
he says.

Jhe new kind contains no alcohol
Wt have no secrets to hide! Wc pub^
lisb the formulas of all our medicines.

r3H'i^3EEWeak Kidneys

ffufito III ff«h Uke the amall toeth In

Wl'»?ihS?S‘ Aw CKAWtTTM.

JornopH-Sl^dtorA Son

nrst-clMs Botahers.
_ a '' ^

When the tecU Brat showed through
the gum last wwk Mrs. Praacla Aa
doraon of 11 Dalton Mroet. owner ol
KS.** the dag. eoamilted eeeeiml vetertaar
tone, an eC whom esM that aeeer to
ilMlr expefleaee had they heerd, of
, toOF ^ a tramp dog. where ae to tor fro. nra«ro»ro-~ ——

• r««* >»» ro^

Mmm rnsLiHM m tmscen wa

•He's ff dgamte fftod.**

Olsss flsss^ m

^HrrH.“=|r- ?lw®P *
---- ^~7.||||t9ritlV9

pumatoe «.r ««.«. t. l»





' I

rtto ywaiRD 1 laanmd a aafamUe

own 1



bt Bsffbm Dn« Oa^ FiMk H. Hands.


A fbutb ihaft win ^ aanad oa



Idotflea of tbe MW abaft baa am becw
daddad apua am ywL At t^ pemedi
time tbora Iq a diamoad driU at work
te daribM on tM
metbod of provto* ap Ite proper-

wbleb P. W. A.

jjLBunai CM.v.a«VBrBT

-R^sarooai 1
r Boyd aad ma;
^e» ^ijS! Wads Bros.. 117 oombtoe wUb the Kaaaelrlas Hub A of bemloek la tbe bardwood ai
Rovtk Uskia RL Cli. ph«m
Wberi On. Tbe output will be heavy timber win be broogbt to Bay
trocka and wasooa of a paleated de- for maaofaetiire at tbe trm's
wkgn and tbe coocere wQI bo caUed there. It la eattamted It will take SO
tm of l>oo inhaMtaau; eapartty tbe HlUadsle Trank A War« Co.
to M yean to cut up
akovt it karrsls per day: **Nofdyke
A new aatioaal baak wRb tias.ean
Tbe Gammer Mmnatacturtnt Co., of
procaas;- flJM wonk of new aacWiaery laaiaDed the latter part of CadllUe. probably boMa tbe record for capital ia to be atarted at
last year; mill la fall operatloa tbe manofbeture of cratsa In tbe aute. T. r Tdle aad amoriar*
mry day aad eojoyiac a daa boal- They torn out about S.000 CFatae a atood to be tbe orsaa'
aaaa;' fiama aad bnak atraetsrr: day. and oa aereral occaakma bare ticle. of aaaorlation bare been filed
prtea M.dld: taeaabraaea ll.MW;
out aa bi^ aa &.S00 la a alUEleUnd the formal apprtnral aad antborvUI trade equity for farm or rlty
property; arbat have you? Addreas day.Wben » years ap* Mr. Cdmmerjuatloo from WMhlnjcion only U
Mr3ley^ Brm^ 4 West Malbarry paid 110 lor bU help, bla payroU now awaited to becin operatlooa. It it pnMm4. Kokomo, lad.
ia.000 a laontb. I earned tome of tbe three banks
> ap to about 13
three, of wblrb nae is a aathmal. will
I R. Bans, for i
KOR tALl—Idfi^x^oom b
Iw abaortMd. as tbe rliy could hardly
em of tbe Spencer A
prtOB fl.MW. ^
flootb Usloa 8t.

tim is Worn!
Gao yon affcml U> ^ your tine

£2?XvUi*a a want ad. will do it for you

Kfm^, the /ry,ypg KfiCOIlD
Mmhs ly /Wt....


to U


FOR iAUt—IdH-Houae and Urfe
lot. Tblfteeatb Ri : price lOSH belny cty tberRtht* winter which
ikM. cit. will be left unsawed aest fsM If the
Wade Bros.. §17
pboM 12tf. ,
present facillilea are not enlaried.
and Kcvi ral men of capital are la
tireatlnr tbetnaelven to tbe advisable

FOR BAL1-14M-F0art^

Braa. tn Boaa Ualna 8t IMt.
Jaa 2(Ltl
pboae UlA


FOR BALE-1472—nny acre farm
quarter mile east of
new cement block bonsa; good barn,
price 11200. Wade Bros, 217 Uakm
street, atx. phone 1211.


WANTRP-To buy boreea; wHght
FOR BALE-Large. elghLioom boose,
from l.Oao to l.4M Iba If you have
corner FrmnUte aad Wahatar
any to aoll hK me kaow. R J. Norstreets; atone basentont; furnace
feb Wf
beat, electric light, city water, eewer
coonectloaa, all la Bial«taM aondlHOUBEKEEFER wanted at onre.
Uoo. Q. F. Mnrrny.
Jan 10-lmo
HanmH Rnwyar. BOckley. Mich.
feb 84R
WANTED-You to use 1I>KAL epring
wheat 0«ur for^read, IDKAL blend­
ed flour for bread aad paltry: beat
la -tlMi city. Trsverae City Milling
feb r. tf

PON NALt-KWitr ten t>na two
SiTort^ T?wrMf*'aSn "i”

II general news ||

, wSoo!*“wn^‘*S^ 2lf DmS
•ireet, CIU. pboae 1215.

WANTED—One tbooeaaa boxbcla of
eora la oar. Columbia Tranefer Co. FOR BALE-14SS-Modern eight room
residence. Sixth ntrosL All conJaa. If tf.
venleoces. A good barn, cloia to.
Prire 23200. \5'nde Bros. 217 Boutl^
WANTED-WhNt. nr. corn, oats,
Dnion street, CJtlaeos Phone 1219.
beam, hay and straw; highest cash
Jan. Ui.
price paid. Trarerae City Milling
Co- -


feb HI

FOR BALE—1497—Large, eight room
hnuM*. Slone foundation. Webster
WANTBD-Tour' upbolatering. furni­ 8t.; price |l.700. Wide Brw. 217
Oe and 8m
South Union St- Cll pbt^e 1319.
ture repalrtas. rbalr caning and
Nraluira packteg, B. 11. Tanner. 31C
t the Grand Opera House
Ualoo fit.
Jan. litf
FOR BALE—All kinds of borne,
Februmy 15th.
cow and chicken feed. T. C. MUItog
beaellt of tbe MayRewer Club.
WANTED TO RUY-rOood. blacky
Jen ii4f
' colU from ooe to four yeare old.
They mam be sound Jaa 2rd I FOR BALS-Rambler antomobito with
Hairy IJbby of Hampton. Va.. haK
renMavu for Indiana and Ohio and will
ditkio. Dr. Sawyer.
Jan 36 tf mt hU annual clft of oyatera to tbc
be gone two weeks, trying to bring
^mben of the preaa gallery^la Wash
some farmers up here. It you have
FOR BALE—14fB-8U room house. iron, Mr. Ubhy waa la t^e bouac
aay good colts to sell, wrlu me.
KIgbth 8L; prire IIJOO. Wade urina the lortyeecond conffrew and
givteg postofBoe addrueae. what
Bros., 817 South Union St. Cit. about this time every year aince thro
phone 1319
Jaa fOtf
you bava to sell and reaaoa tor eeOleat to Odoael Maan. au|
big. ^ my returu will eltber call
of tbe preaa Rallery. a
oa you or write you. Ilerman Hy- FOR BALE-No. 1 timothy bay aad
ama. 240 Waablagtoa street 13 23 tf , oats straw. Ttaverse City Milling
neampapor arorkera at a lunc
feb ll-tf
r; Ubby U poatmanter of Hampton
kd oams Urpe beds of oyatera la tbe
FOR BALE-1477—Larga aigbt room
bouae, comer of Cans aad Ita Rta. J
large loC. bouse well flalabed. m
FOR BALE-1471-li acres two mUae
^le Dank buUdtag: finest location
tor eoburban restdence In au re^oa Price | Wade Broa, 217
takrn eireet at*, pboae 1211.
FOR BALE-1423-Ona buadred and 1
sixty acre farm 12 miles noaa -of i
FDR BALE-tdBO-Bevee-rrmm bouse.
city; seventy acres Improved: new ^
Urge lot; Lake avenue; close la.
Price M.100. Wade Bros. 217 >B.
Ualoa Mreet.
ju jLtf stresL atx. phone 1319.


oC Unlou and Bevmitb street; two^
etory frame baildlag; centrally Uk
anted; firnt-elaae bnalnesa location;
mire 25.500. Wade Bros., sir South
tnlon atreaV
FOR BALE-1421-Oood new nevearoom bouaa ttb street, close to
eeboal. aurket aad ebafob; eaay
terma Price 21200.

nrer. Caas 8i, fine borne; price
•1.500. Wade Bros,. .217 SouU
Unton 8L at phone 1219
Jaa Sau

Gam strert. new. aeven room; price ;
•I.2M. wade Bros. 217 Union 8t.

Jan 20-tf 8

AUTOMOBILE FOR BALE-Ugbt 12horse power touring car tn tbe best
FOR BAtt-Bprlag wheat fiour.
blended spring and winter flour, grnham. w4iole wheat, rye and buck
wbent Boor, grnaulnted meat Trnverse City Milling Oo.
tob 54f
FOR BAU^rtrt car feed, fine toed.
cow feed. p4g feed, cbleksn toed,
FOR BALE—1502—Modern reaMcmaa
West Tenth 8t.; steam bret. balk,
wbent. core. oats, rye, bnekwbent
•tortile light, end gna. lanadry UA beaaa. bran. mlddUnga hay aad
basemNiL large attic, good barn
coat 21.000. lai^ lot. one of tbe .atraw. Treverse City MUliag Oo.
best rcsldenoM in the city, will take




VnU^m. CtLwlwmetl,*.^^

It at the doer of hia term will ^
] aaka and buat blc came. Ro
^ Wiley, arbo haa lived for ae
t •« yean to that terriloiy. waa a
r at tbe white bouae laat week


Dr.W.J. Higgins

Porcelain Work


MRS. E. U SONNIR^ balr dr
parlors, over aty 1



m m S

. NERLINCER. LAWYERto loan. 212 StotaN^ak

Order your
Trarsras Land aad Loaa On, F.
Thnitsll. Manaiw: tMtoa. faom 1
Ramutoa A MlUlksa bloek.


Dr. O. ■. Cbaaa. Bta
Boa pbOMi. ItS-tr.

I. o.

OR. F. MOLD8WORTH apucinl ah
t«tkm to dtouaaufi of tM tpu. aar.
noM aad Ibroat. Olaaaae t
Ovar Jobaaoa drag alaia.
OR. E. B. MINOR—Offios over Amerk
can Drug Blora. Bpeclal altenOoa
to eye. ear. noeei and aroat 01
athsd. Boapbonea. Realdaoce ill

OR. W. E. MOON—SpecUIlst-GenItn.
nrtoary. skin and bloc»d dlsearr
years experience. Office City opera
honie block. Pbones-New.
tbe allk hat of
222.’ BasUtomm. 710 Waabli
by a New York apeclallal
the then prince of Wales, who hap8epteroto*r that he could not live a IK-ned to be sittlns In front of him.
h. fie Upped the scales at 33.*;. He Sloped in horrified amaxeroem.
T. W. THIRLLV. Dentlet. Orur Bar
old the apeclallat bu would fool
aom A Barl*e Jswalry flora,
him. and ftdlowln* the advlco of the emsto'd head near and amllod encour
pboaae lOt.
•amily physician he went on a
wbureopon l.nrd Wemyss
skim milk diet. He baa
IS lost nearly lUdjflnisb<^ his siieech as tbou*h nothtoy
r than new. be had happeaed.
I There to a atatue of Rc«er Sbej-man of MassachnsetU In atatuary hall
A Barib. atlxeoa pboae Ui.
IJMO cbem probitmia and no
keness of the dlsUogntobed son of
*cnpaed the position which abe tbe old bay state, but It also beam a HARRY R. HAP
bolda in tbe chess wortd. She pi
striking reuembtonee to Champ C'ark
aea about fifty prlxes secured in open of Missouri. A party of MIssonrians
etitloos. Mrs. Balrda father, were taking to the alghu at tbe capmother and two brothers share her to itol and paused liefore tbe Sherman
statue. -Why. ibero's Champ aark.**
creationa. Ineludlni; aroMry. tennis cxclaimed one of them. “1 thought
pnt la mortgagee,
irUafi. while abe has always that they, only pul dead ooes In here.
inquire of ■. 1
very mud of dealgaiaE illumtoa W.isn't Champ rt^ected last fall?*
Mr. aark happened akmg'jnat then
aad explalaetl the sliuatUm. -I have
no ambition for a nlace In this ball
West n^la ra^rrfiBi; tbe altoced fame.- he said. -That la. right away.
O. P. Carver A Bra BoU pbooea
poverty of the la^tter state. Mr. Boldler told df a New Hampahira man wbo. ' be represented by proxy.**
E. L. *rHlROBV—RpseUl
Btoppin* for a time In the KhnBecret service men accompai
DO to dlaeaaae of eatldrea.
awba valley, waa oompUlnla* bluerly cJoaely follow the president wb<
If BtaU Bank bldg. Boa I
against everylbln* and everybody In
on bis slashing walks to the
Weal Vlrginto. “If you dont like ua.“
try. but Mr. Roosevelt to said tc
umily Inquired a Weat Virginian, have slipped away quietly during ■
“why tbe deuce don't you go back to
r.aaou morm tbe other evening
poor lltUc state of New H
ook a long walk out beyond
r -Because I dare not. * fn
letowB. Tbe oecorreaoe r
replied the New Hampablre man. add­
ing: “You see It's this way: 1 wi
or P.. maet ovary Tbureday eeaa
rison oa being remCnatrated with
rested in Nf w Hampshire and charged
teg. New Moaaoa Moek. C a Wal­
having token a ramble about the
ateallng a hog. I didn't steal the city by hlmaelf at night. He waa re­ ler. C. C.
bog. but tbe jury coavlcted aw any­
ad of the danger of aaaai
way. In passing- sentence tbe Judge tlon. but be answered: -An aae
TRAVEME CITY LEGION. Na 12>gave me tbe alteraatlve of two years
NaGoanl ProtaeOfa Legloa wOl
in the New Hampshire pealteatlaiT
on that
mmt la Wooteaa ban oa a# third

at know anything about this
blasted country then, and sq 1 cboee
Netolibera Oel Feoled.
tbe totter altentailve. Now I want to
i waa tfftrmiiy concblac myaelf to go back home aad take my modletoe.
ub. aad bad become too weak to but my arlfe swean abell gee a dlvorce If I e^a.SNt tbe^psuteacs la
tbe psulteg)^. Tbafa tbe repaoa
JNew DtaooTCVT. H took joat tour one attaytegbere.There to prebably only one maa
alive who can claim to bare bOMMttd
Jbmlth.** wrHea Mra. l^Uampb?^ King Mward. This to the «vi/ ht
on. lad. Thl.

FOR SALE—lidB-Houae end telge 1
M. Tbampmmvnie: prieb* gcSi ItlJi. THalbottmi
Wade Brea. 217 8o«a Unkm 8t.
at. phone 1219.
Jan MMl


m mmm Wilrrlm blocs

Abmeek. 230 1

aied; Wli
mated: Isle Rnyala. 135 tons; Mams.
30 tons: Champion. l.Oftf tons;
momitalu. JC3 tons; Baltic. >!1 I
John T. WtoKhip. chairman cif the
democratic state central committee,
baa been Informed that the Jeff
club of Oemmaee county will bol
nt. pboae 12l».
paasencer stattoa to coat ia annual buaquei at Flint. Wedniwday
borbcid of 110.000 la to be erenlny, Fel.. 37. the aipbi |>reO
Mnqlitlque by tbe 8oo line the elate convention called for !
Tbumday. KH. 38. It sms qlves
some weeVe aqu that the conve
coaaectum. Addrea.
wmild probably be held at Lai
but a letter vote token from different
members of the state central commit
tee Indlcnied Flint aa bclny the most
i; tutuity five more Ik»x car* have available place
Mut hen' for repairs and new
Tbe Ouhtinenlal Susar Co., of Cleve
bodies. The .New Pn»ceaa Steel Co., lai
Und. O. baa Juki |iuM the Kecretor>
eceivcd an o-der fmm the Manvl jof
f 1.500 as a penalty for iloInK
tOOMt FOR R£NT-Four lane front Motor Co for 3.000 caatiofni
busineaa to Mlcblyan fortyllve days
rtMNna at 2J3 K. Front
for rent,
movement for the eatobliahment without havlna filed Its articirw of Inlaquire at Bteinben Broa,' atoi
of a parkin* house at Bad Axe baa j corporation. Tbe law prw ldes a |«*p.
feb Wf been afts*! foe some time, bm alty of |l.t*oo |K^r month. Other
t until rect ntly baa It l>een uyitatetl eljoi corpitratUmii tianKarttoE bUKli
any extent. Recently, however, aw , ia MlrtilEon may be prosecuted.
Qarfleld and Stats. Uqulre F. G




tiulfbl. pnroals and trunks. Ofios
at CRy Book Btofw

U.l« 8L C. MCM m* ^

WANTfD-nirl or Uomaa at tmre for FOR EAL1-1422-E7 acrae two aad
gvvicral bouaewnrk Mrs. Finauesa
OBobalf mttee dty toaiket; IjlOO
131 Raat mgbtb St

will frMB • good one. W« MB
DMieeomnMBdaBytliinK bet­
tor thnnWaUMU Nnt lor

W. D. Taaat aad Cb. of Bay City,
dmler. to coal, lumber, wood,
bare purebaaad l7b.«OSjOSO to lM.qso.M9 feet of ataadlas bardwood tl



THIbatGiUM- .


» Koiibem

pbooea HS.


Tohn R. Santo
General Insurance

new wnxtla BIIl.

Trarem Oty

I have a number of ({ood /v
(arms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property. I will
tale it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any­
body else. I have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
If you btvo good level (arms

240 Wnahin«ton.

Cit phone 774.


Ing callefb or golag about tbe city to
daytime under tbe waicbCal eyes
of dett^vea and policemen. Tbe a»euaetonlwaysgeta bla prey when once
be mekea up bie mind to^do ao. But
I have ao fear of aaeneMbatioa. Mast
Of an am l «M8 er Viag amaalted
dark etreat at aigbL*

Taaaday or aaeb amaa at 7:20 p. m.
Abram tattb. preaMaat: Oaylo
Qrtmld, aaertcaiy; NtUlt C Ormy.
A A. N. masu oa Moaday ovaalic
oo ar baCtea Oo fau of IM momk
at 7:20 p. at Cart C. Laaglqy. W.
M.; B. K. White, m«atary.

Aoolboy beiag questioned Bylito
er remarked that be hod only
beaM of bfm aa a maa wbo cbewed


ES-S w -

K. O. T. M. M. Na 271 moftauvocy
Friday nlgbt la ae Broach bloek. Man
mi. Coaui^adey; *. m. FraakUa,
Record Kenwr; R. A. Bvaaa





Last of Disappearing
1. Prt ir<-AMS «f Hdldw«
aJkl fare to oil ot
%at iht hMliaa trtbMiw wooA
xrligkm»iy iOdtaf4.
Shartlcookra. Urta* oUbla tba bor is t^ oext oUM »«iiber. TWy ore
don of the um of Km. not far froai 4«iM rol^ bol4U« to MW of tbo
the Ktm York Une. vbera tbry ba%^
cxiiued for accilr S«) ream. Tbrir | a mort daw tbry patborad and «aok>
arc tmtyarc of them aonr oa tbolriad. am tobacco but
lobelia, often
tedlaa lobnrco. Moat of them

«,ooo p«D FOintniirrr nrrrrrirtr
wiLv mm AT iAMcrrowM tx«>.j

One Solid Week

Motion Picture Co.




more acatiered about the atate. Tboae Appareoily
I ibai arc left are half-breed, or Quaner- i few year, fe

ftmoM iM MrrtMscii.




d for by Fred R Lane, tbrir mer^j
. leortap them free to apeod ihelr
> In buntiap. flebinp. or amkins

Han PMirm'

r«-b. 12—Tbe do-iaaUrre
ow of tbr mum*
thrjr mlod to stoi^
r PmrtPc
Portftc COM. arc ti pul out
ao<l aUd In thn^a
, of tw
'ihoir foK a
. loM of tiH- Umau* Vu , wbeoa oo 4noi V*r
I loa cournlw paiit: Tbm ^ upon make a wide dcimir to pr«c^ injury
vbkii dtarlns fbr PM tan year* bun jto ,bMr pn.U
I *
IdraAa a blab Hmm and
Tbc park fell upon eri\ daKahaa
•Y A- • KKLTON. »
> to lie rut up • tbe paik officer* took the
' j0r Wlro to iW Bvcnlnc
Wii.. aad uiU oona lie | in San Mateu county fmlttlra. A
KortolK Vo,. Frb. 12-fV-od Iwa ^nothlnp but a memo.y to Ibe ^rUor they oppowyl waa elntlod
rvu*tf hmm mWred >t tbc AfWrflc
, Obo bare aairb..d tbe *peed> ca- b&a made It e^ldeai idn^ tbea (
Horaw or tb# aaiw-oam Trr<V^tco
.. 8.10, orer U. iuri.d lneh,.ure. i neither forpei. no, forplr.^
cUaJ ospaoltk*! bc«d <« tbr ahorr* of
Mcre«. of the p>n. *a. hMinded i
The moat faaKNm «reybo«od. <if
Hanpiofi Sonda, ocor Norf.dY, trx*m
a the field TbI. wa, ronijKiMHl of ’ iheir time p.noni,td on thi. field fo,
Aptfimb to Kot amb. tb«t ArrhP- . ..lUittie iff Mind alN hum which ‘ the l.i»eM |.ur«e* ever offerwl for thi.
Ilabn ibr to«oa» llii,le .prtaier of the,
Uu^unt for tbe bound, kind of comiiecithut.
Th. tc ueiv n

Oaniat W. Field of Sroctoa Maaa
Owns One of the Beat Dairy Cowa
The .tor of the Shaptlctwkes. |»
in the We>ld Today.
that of ne.riv all Indlaa trthe». imt
emee in thrir hUtor> were thw o|s
pit^setl. and ib^ ncH by Connecticut
The Natkmal Motion Meture cornBoKion. kla... >V‘ 12-ElBht tboo men
The tribe wa% forine.1 of the panv op^ a week , eopapemeat at
aand rccH-ntly 'paid by Han lei wr,-ckapr of once pom’erful l«nds. and the Grand Ja.i evenlnp and pave uni­
W Field, a Bio'kton abiw manufar- date. men hark Into the eiphtwtth' vengil MllHfartkm. Thr picture, are

century, wln-n a IVquot. Gideon Man- ^erv rhwr and dietInrt and the acene.
l«*U-fared but ind.
•**iwehu. founded it.
Thi* Inlian. .ho| chosen are of more than u.ual InField*, herd of j
of more than oitllnary aldl !
The low price of adml.s.<«
hlpbeM priced
jn iv.,>,y aPil be first,!* ver* attractive alM, and the at
blooded Mock
I'nlied State..
apiK-.ts in l\«aecili-m recoid. a. l«-. »«‘h*Unce will undoubtedly Im» l.rpe
And IMniiac Unp--------Apple

line €*oe of thlTiet-n Indian, who In * dtiilnp the week.
jlously dubbed
HoMeln FrelMan
* iHortion of land, then a!
--------------MUnaakea Athletic rJub. will
Rain had no number of |1*Mmh, .take, decldetl
ta the Aimimr Alhlntlr FatanWham !
#^,4 j,
po..lblc Mny of nearly that value In coum
*• the bands ofj,y,rt of ,be town of New l^lrfield to I
The reheanml. for 'Scenra at a
f nion IWkh” which will la- ptven by
plooMp mom la the eaponltloa Ma
rutuUtn tbe .port la a tb»wnpoMr | inp the punu*. d«. not po to tbe^“' omne milv ■ month, h.s ;a
i»-niin»ti |4.o*m fir
«,r fuif--n.''
<»m-half of'
etmmrislne what
«hat i^ ' the CoitkrrpailoiianadU*. ill the Grand
dtarn. In Befitrmhrt. tn the eadoavor |
aM4mnmm*>r the .mfarr of ibe firhl 'three to finish, a. in borM-racInp. hut alivady reiiim»-.l
i»dcrte»l rompri.lnp
iwtaiard It. fittaueMi wltbont ladtuc U I* aproad <»ul vo that the l.i.i dop |th4--^>rire fuiid for her. a aum ap
f»wn of Sheiimin
Mauwebu ‘
ha. had a Similarly j
fin-T-if «iiu « iei> .mid i.*rf<uiuanr«>
would a Hav or .OoIm* fl.M ’to .hate iu the dl«irtb«itl<Hl receive for he, next calf, w hich has .already j
I acrxiaa the Hm* into New I1«“d
on the dnder-path.,^^^
These scene* nr»* »• ,y
their •uitraiice fee. hark
remalue.1 for a abori time, f 1. « X|e-CttHl
dneace mme year.j
fancy Mewk.

hit wher,-^
rhancctl to stray Into the
of the l ulvcmlty j------------------------ --------------------------------------- ---------------- :------- ---------- Jm----- --------------------------- ^
In addition to bavinp IromedUtcly L
halvf'd he, ro.1. this wonderful aiiiniul
holds the seciMul hiphest fvctud ftu the* ^
amount <4 milk and butter pnid
M.iuwehu then patb^sl 1
CO. ,n the worlfl.
Notfh rauilferwcll. UhuUu,. thr
It Is eM. c>te«| by hf*, present
fire h.s never Imei, iw^rmlllefl
that .he will rc#h ,he rliauiidon
cmM oB Urn hmoora in the loo yard ‘
hcpiin. fro:u Up* lludM, valicv. and out siiii^ II W.B first set ahph
and 22« yard daahc nnd the next yeor
durui*: ibst time
BMisl of tbe WainmauR* fiom New years mpo. a
: , She I* at
tlian five
It has le-en i
» m.n.v heavy
Mllfo,d. until prol«,ldv „pwa,Tl of
Oc( Th.« HMkl«y CntfwrM L,r„ *Ph!tad«lphiafi Wnntnd 1M Rinffsidb
feio.^l with him tn the Keot hills, rabiraPs. It lOUsUu id liliv *«*d
Instead of 1U-»At.e Wanted Dif- ; .!
'•W- Ir.. I. 7
In M.n-h ISc !
.her^- they decin4-fl the while man
terent Percentage.
h. na ikf ;:s rnri •U.h In -orlil n«r-i
.f..»ld not come. Hardly had they c.champ
mpU.n c4 dairy co...
onl lliw. ; S S •rmnat. nn<t in Aunii.1,

laldlKhCfl theniWlves tbei^r iMdorethcy
WItl the Iduf^sl of ibc* Uivine IdfSsl
uf iJm» *mu0 ymr at the Fonland ra i
I mu stand
Jm- Oaof,
k. ndrtnd
M-M-.-si-i. iVk I! - Alihpnnh »mr
tid with a M-.'ord
shmartes. the Mn.Tuian.. who labored
for a apllt
III m €i*.n.l 4* pi'-rc-nl .» tbf j dunlnn'ihnl h.. ),iin,..l
111. 1..I .nd
iHnn.-h kl.' *"> *“
'* *
pate n-celptA
clni. na,l n,.V.. ihn rlnn.l.ln
IS. in r» ...... ,.,..i. nf| j
Iiunfi beluR rhri.talu He





:,.Mu... u., i.t:::'7:.;


ward to operate Musl.epou High M hutd
Kew Yoik. Feb. 12 —AlihiNiph every athletir. ns they shottld Ire run

mtr prmwm waa pledped to »rcn>n it
i.eame known yestetday that a bnital derive for the Irf-nefit of the aihUdlr
pri/o flpht wa. witnesM-d by twenty- aifMvriation meh year would Im- done
r.xe iiu*u In one of Ilivsvklyn*. most ep,
f ltisfVe aocial clul.s e.nrly
Humlay the boy* would m«ave athleile em­
blems wcMild hh swept Mslde :,im1 all
The fipbtcfw were Jimmy*: Kelly, a Ibe wony ,4 fln.nres wiMild po by the
hat d bill inp weHerwclpl,t of Manhat­ Imnid*.
When Charle* H. Ilarkley and Mr.
tan. and Jut, Uuuler. a husky ctuil
'’ miner from Wllkeslia,ie. IV In the .Iiilla K Ilarkley died they lM>queaihed
flpl,Hi round Kelly alnvosi put lltmlcr m.icnltli't nt end.fwmeuts for the bene
ciul. When llonlcr kiappered up for fit of the .Miiskepon Achofd system nnd
the ulutb touod it was pliili, he was one niemlMM «4 the l«f*atd f.f eilu.aiion
1maim Ilut Kelly w ent at him'like .1 bus udvaiirt'd the Iheorv «4 appmprl
He kno<*ked Ronler apalpsi ‘ uilnc numey from the srlusd funds to
Him »« »nd landlnp fwr> meei athletic dehu
of titr t'Xelled rltih
iMslden-d thul It would he a
ptsMl plan to pive the i
fall of the fiphicr
bi* feet at hlnr.
I yiwrly apptoprl
•n and deelarcfl iUbin and ihii. insure :
tupped iM-tween fh
Kelly the winner
,v>copnitb»u of
I Klve invlinilon
hlK pamenras $:ut
«>f.ll,M*t»fl ;,ud
•iKlvrn. lo Ibmhr
1(*,tlMi1l eb-MlI* of caPU-t e
bioupht'here wlthtujt riiinkiup
much It wonbl em*i, Ot eour
not meant if the ay*„.m U


Bat Nelaeo la Buchiavo Loodon Mualc
Hail Trust and Btruch With the
Real of the Actors.
l4todon. F,*h. 12.—Ibitillnp Nelson
must now flpht Ixmdon * muair hall
trust, whose lawyer* .vestenlav afieimioii m'rvod Ktlaon with not lee of •
Mill ftti Tiolat^n of eontraci. '
Nelaui, w4« enpaprd lor eiphi week*
r.i a thousand dollar* ,m-i iM>rk lo give
Hmrrlnc exhibition* pnMNNimp the N*;^
vritlailphl picture*
the opr nine , tM*rfomianee
Netaun JotniMl the *ti1kinp mn-U- hall
arU*«*. refuatnp U, perRutu while the
Mtike iMod.
NetMHi aald. **ni «pht: I'm npqulter
any more than I'm a Kttike breaker
The I nisi can't forw* me to keep the
t^intmct: I'm a union man and no



*, ^

---- ,

.nd fro« ,

On nil nlnt. nnd ronnly tn>n paid
in *>.•

Ikon. .« ku.
Idewls camp.

mai-nor aroond IS-1,I- I”"];
I ck.,ed a.d on ...
pnld on o,
iu.n.-*l into
*‘j after ' January
10. there will
Tile climate did n«.i agree wifi
j charped m fee of per cent for coltbi‘e«* and ih,i*«*-«pi..n«-r iMiund.* |s-i
them and many of ,hem dU-dl. whilf
Penalty on delinquent city
the rt*st came sitagpHnp tiack to Kent
and tcbool taxea and apeelal a«iw,aIn caae of future s,»ns nr daimhiei^
lu-fore iT&n the white Mllerw had
menu. 4 cent, on each dollar of the
ecch of the former will bring from
amount of aald Ux.
K.taHi in $:,.0A0. while Ihe latter, ow­
INI>IAN*A<~Ilenlop pmhtliiied at all
Offlea in room 202 8UU Bank
ing to the nival
of the mother,
can easily be dlapcHu-d of at or iMftirr
cousidered w. of liitle value,
TKNXEStSEK -Sirlncwi! measures birth for from ll.uti, to r.tMio.
Dated. Dec 4; 1004.
l«*fi^><l by Uuh luunche* of tbe lepis
Rap Apide Is as mild a. a summer
;Ut ure prohibit inp Iwiilnp on ho,^ aftertUHin. She. is hiimless and clear
conflrmwl a grant o
the I dac 4 to feb 2S
City Treaiurer.
lacex will done nue track* «i while, with Ihe »-xreptbm ,.f a b w
Meiuphls and .Nu*livlUe.


Best Gauntlet

ARKANSAS-Rill passed hy the
Ikcnate which XI,-Miliilely prohibit, pool

from the Monivlan*. and. were po<»r
Bioee her arrUal at
drunken, thoupb never Uanperou..
farm in nixMvklvn. *h<* has
Inde4*d. the daiiper wa. lo j
Inplj In favor of mea*nie. Igiyr would
Mild I valeaclnp frr>m he, long tri| in ■ onv
einmv Uack* at ll.u Sprinp*. hod Ut-i car from IbmveJton. N Y.. rbere alu* ‘he Indian*, and In October. 1771. they j
yle Rock. alM. (*vd n*vm* at
Il..ijw«* pureh.tKcd.
at New Haven:
Pn.vhb-d with a anmptuoii
- p,K>r Intin* at Scartcuk in ib«'
l- ing 1 of sufflrient Mr.- for a track Iwee^
..f Lra.nt
lade in lepiKlainre for an anfi lKitlngj and hlankeievl nnd >traw iMMidei!
pasHiHj li wmfld|*„tt the moat ra.iidiou* l*,vlne tar



7——-------------- ---------------------------------- ^

» ---


and smairhope* are ei.teri^ine*! for
the rvopenlnp 01 the course*.;
NEW YOHK-DiHirIri ATtiimey Je
rome i* making effort* to bavie a dms-


wauR people braking our fence*
onr grate* and turning their cattle
our garden* and destroying our fruit*
the loji* of our rcmhI friend four year*

Kew Ifaven. ('4.11,,
* fSelt al Yale ly the ftK,ll»all ,4firUl*
hat ALimm! F. B. Morse

iaiuture .

^__ S“iE:a::a"Ir!

- ....-"7

lo i'^i ‘I'*'
Elou^r Kliek ui Cleveland l,a* had a
warfare ha* l»ee^ wapod looking to-1 „,*i ed that the porillon ha* Imm-d of-i^"'^
apiHHri,® fifty
recur,vnee of ifcr idea that be may not
each family, and
ward tha ebusinp of Benning rarp
play iMuwball next season. He say*
cn 1.200
he want* to quit il>e pame lH fo, la
Und. In mi the
MICHIGAN—Determined opposlUon | p,
Wish him to go into business^" mountal
fated a* a ba.-beeu. and iM-lieve* that
to betting ha* pmcilcally killed the;,.*
as he recelvi-41 hi* Yale dl- lepiaUture decided to sell a portion
thi* I* the time.
of It. (be money to be expended for
running game around Detroit.
ext June.
Manager riatkec4 tbe Pirate* wants
NEW HAMPSHIRE-Thrtniph op-!
a candidate for 1
'«»♦* amount
Hob l->rlnp. the Cincinnati iwlrier.
wa. j! the position in cm-® Morse la unable lo]
That may be eonhave
race 1 mum will be Carl Fhmdqn,.
The trust la auins all tbe famous
“’^Und what there la now'left
rears ago FUndera coacl
artist* who Joined the strike for vioU j l-“«
fire surrlvor*
torn of ibeir cnutracta. nnd aak for
***^‘'- P^rwmal eaute was
Pre«ident Dover baa given Young
I valued at |4.2«,Ji2. and tfie report for
Cy Young a small locr««*e over the
puts II at
oriptnal amount of money offered him
the real Mate being valued at $2.&o(i.
veraity of PennsylmiiU.
How'a ThIaT
for next aeasoa. adding a Urpeamouat ' Umm Ughtbody. tbe Chicago twoFrom mi to 1823 the overseer s arof Mexican anJve ua . boon*
The •Iter. ha^wromlaed to nm la the 8t.
counu were audited by a board of
salve U expected to allde Cy Into the ixwla nnlr^ty meet, which will be


age Ibe Kanaa* CUv team next sea
aoa. Mach baa been shy a real third
tumemaa for some aeaaoaa aad thinks

aummated. Weeteg W. Om.


Sheridan In tho weight wvuwta.

ora ngb be waa very nctlre.
feb ll-tf He waa tbe father of a larga fiamUy

Nomination for

City Treasurer.
Successful business man; Sev­
eral years Alderman from
Second ward.

Don’t Fatt
to attuntl the

AuloniobUe Show
Fel* X 10
Tht re will lie a c*oij,j.leto line

of Maxwell cur* at itiis

Perfectly Simple
Simply Perfect

Walter M. Paige

Cit phono 372 131 Oata 8t.


ts equal to.


Two Tons

Coke is the Rloal fiiBl
No dual; no amoke; Tery
little ashes.
We have reduced the price to


»:r •

Amos E. Bingham

One Ton


held during the latter part-of Mweb.
in 1822 ibe aetUement of tbe accounts
Archie Hahn, of tbe Milwaukee Atb- aanaon. praferrlBg ihe ^ ef man- was turned over to tbe courts, and
IHic club, will also perfonn In the big agor nr th^Wllmlaroo
t<Rai la Judge Gideon H. Welch of TorHiigtOB
affair, according to Coach Gddiu OO' the Tri-Siaie .league.


00 K E


MTih. I'm tn the ftpht to a finrah *

50c each
.\psUtM. Uunino Ilyaciotlii.
CalUntl •cf'them.

•«*«*««»!• for said yepr
have bemi
placed in my hand, for collection.

To Ikl. pi..,. Ihl., -«o fidlowod k> i^'“"

Francisco apdj Rap Apple will Im> piven every opp
The Muakepf,* iHHhorilUMi havk
|A-*» Anpebu
iimity known to Holstein breeder*
he sJhletlc rituaiion Ip auel
MISSOrRl-Raee irarVa at
Bt f verify'Mr. Field * expects,Irm..
I* to *iee, clear y( the coutmercla
Ixvula and Kansas City closed thronph)
dea a* much a* possible.
crusade c4 Gm F\dk



Hod and Idoo®. very double


In ,k.

H*Hhleheiu. fV.

pr...".k„ U. .Old in Plum no.d" Ik.,:,,.,.,,,. ,„,,rLTn J:


Notlca to tbe Taxpayer! of tba aty of
Traver*# City:
Tbe tax n>lij for tbe collection of
the .late and county laxe* for the
SOd for the dellDQuent
»chool and city taxea and apeelal aa-

HKk, wluil.,.who.a.,K....,oib..>“„

.pp.-.r . -«*, ihlo* - ,o iki- j
fcpottinp worid In peaend and he wUl:

Chan^je of pro*jrammc evcr>night.

V. JACOBS, piano tuner, at Park
Teleidjone No. S.
f.-b Vtf

upwaid of 150 others
H«rr> Id Jw Cinn«ih.*
..’.Kkit h,.k.?7'
»"'> "e
the wtifSr*
One of Rap .\pple
their undolnp. for the white 1
ptarls of milk |»er da
each year an umplc | craon. manager id Hiotv LewU. after i I stretch
"...I,.., I. ih.- ,,..-."..11,,"
l.ut'owlnp to poo, condition., wa.
ll ”
Daddy Brsiemmn. father of L«M.iK:
rented. Thi. rbanped hi. dclermlnaI
*'* • ’ "^jihnaiene,! tn cut off their *tM,n
Klpned tbe tmaiithorired apreeroe^t • ,|,„n
thm, in ::ii;,™iKM.;. n„7h^^
||.r,.flt. and they rimilated the
which pat;* Guns Imme.nsurably tlje ^
i- ««. .1 hi. k~i,4i.rin,
I that tbe miMsIottarie. were armln
who wish to view the Mu.kepon
As to her |w«ilp,o«U.jr
lnrl.I.."UII, n»,l.l,- ll,..i..,ni.n h*» ; .„„a.
High a<;hool athletic pame*.
w »uw> j
o.-mou. which lake
>11,1 II 1. »ulllm;,,„,,^
ISmilur Kl-M
. Ttiat would IM. followlup ahiuR the «.imtUI«r
In New !
llnta auppt sled by Aloim, A .Siupp of for kin, up,", kl. a„,v.l la Venre.^yU,-. ................ u IkHk- Klona,l.",,.". '77
^ ,s-t!
Chlcnpo and Freslde,,! KHUd td Hn.v^d I’nlversity. it wouhl etwtt In the
k«,u«. u.k«r""k .aiu. or Ike
no!ghlMuh..Hi of lOdO a y,-ur and up


Matinee, Wednesday anil Sat­
Hear the beautiful illustrated
ipnRs ;
Rcrncm^n 10 cts. to any seat *


$5.00 IS
Traverse CIfy
Gas Co.

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