The Daily Eagle, April 18, 1905

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The Daily Eagle, April 18, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Dining Oiairs

From 50c up.
Neu-lf SOO st;lee to dbooM from. Hei» yot
will fiiid Just what yon want for jnst wnat
yon want to pay.

(Specdal to The
.1I.L.V. April 11
timber buyw for
Ck>, of Gmwy N. Y..
Uie Blue L
oeeap east of here .at
day aftesnooo.
Struck m the Sample,'
Mr. Gafty was orenaelng'the tail­
ing of some Umber, ^'tras aiUng
on a log when a tree wUclt was ftiled
struck against another ad was kicked
back,-etrildng .him on the left temple,
mski^ga-heie in this Oaii.
LeaveT^ldt^ «*d Two Daughters.
Mr. owes/ was 46 yean edd, an-1
leeres a wife and two UUe glrU. H's
home Is In Garey, New Toik, where be
spends bis snmmers but tor the past
few years be has been aortb winters,
buying Umber.
The remains will be sUpped to Oar«y. N, T., by Clark Brea, adertakeni.

. .
S.-a^todi» in
a aaiocm brawl, at 51 West ThlrtydlrBt
•treeL Boy Joyce, a bar tender, was
rying one’s body. This morning be
killed by a knife being plunged into
continued the talk along the physical
bis bean. and.Jobn Doyle, me of the
cultcre line and emphasised tbe-necesproftt^trn of Uie Mdonn,. ud Wm.
sity of taking outdoor exerciae. In adWeston, were badly wounded.
dUicn to giving some of hU own Ideas,
Women Caused the Trouble.
this morning, he read extracts trab
Two women are said to be at t
Matthew's, ••Oettlag on in The •Wbrld,"
boUwn of tbo trouble. One' of t
book which years ago bad more promi­
by eight men ei
nence than at pncaont
tsred the place and the party gatbe
The first element ot anccees, the
ed araund a table. Champagne was
book says, is ecnatitnacmal talent
ordered and they ail drank freely. For
bodily stamina. TTie bnmlng ot the
one-half boar nothing out
the ordi­
midnight oU has been commended al­
nary occurred. Then a girl who had
ways to youth, bnt the body as well
been sitting at another table Bte^ked
the mlitf baa rigbU and If the mind,
up to >3in the group, but when one of
which fB agreed to be the tqaster, rides
the waiters interfered, cm of the men
» bearlly, the body will rerolt.
la the party drew a long knife and
MosPSuceeaeful Man.
plunged it Into'bis heart He Ml to
The most succeesfnl mab will be
the fioor dead. 'The d^dly weapon was
le one wbo has slept the soundest,
then thrust )nto Wssten and Doyle wbo
eaUn the beartkst dlnnm and digest­
badly, but not dangettMSly
ed them the most easily. The mind
should be a good, healthy 'Teeder" hot;
Murdertr Eacaped.
gJutUm. To ke^ the brain acWm. F. Gamer, proprietor ot the
Ure, good clrenl^an of the blood Is
place, and tour of the waiters have
f and this depends upon'the
bear placed under arrest at yrjtnwes
stxnnach and the Inn^ A man U what
but they declare OmX they had ootblng
be is, not In one poet bat all orer.
to do with the tragedy. No weapon
Exercise Out of Doors Nseemr
was used by than and whatever they
That outdoor ezetnlae and good,
------------ .
did was done in self-defats^
freeb air are neceiaary Is recognised
U. 8. FI8H COMM4681C^ 18 GIVEN
who «caped Was the
at the StagUsb nnlrerslUes, where sneb
man who did the sudjblng.
promiaeoice is giren boating, riding
and oUur athletic sports tbat they an
almost a part of the conrK of study.
All Anst men realise the fact, too, and


J. W. Slater
WMcMlcand Betall.

. Figure IVtth You
On all kinds of Interior
work. Our prices on build­
ing materials are right.
Custom Sowing and Planing.
Sawdust tor Sale.

Traverse City Mfg. Co,
Comer Tenth Street and Lake Avenue.

Owners ol

Griiinell Bros.’
Own Make oi Pianos.

otUie great thinkers bare been
i^ular enrdsers of their bodily powSMner Smith says, tbat it pnbllc speakers would walk 1! miles befM^.speaklng, they would nerer break
—For SlMidsf'Fsilevn,
Mr. Nye read the forecofakg. beaaiVM.,.
be said, he beUered tbat while nav
ot the Btodokta take .regular outdoor
exercise there an also some wbo are
not getting the proper kind of physical
exercise that will derelop the physique.
■'In speaking of athletic exerctae and
sports, do qpt let the word athletic
frighten you, yon slender fellows." said
(Continued on Page Two.)


a ooDference betwem Oov.
Geo. W. Bowen

ve of the Ulchl^
Fish commlsstoo, and G. W. Chspmn
state game warden-, a new bill wi
agreed upon.
Tugs Mtiat Display U. 8. EnsI^.
It will pnrvlde tbat .the D. g. fish
commission sbaJl have the pows to
take fish for spawn In the lakes bnt
that the tug used mast display ttie D.
SWEDISH LUTHERAN PARSONAGE S. ensign and that all'nets used most
be plainly marked.
It also provides a severe penalty for
F. O. Pratt 'Has Contract for the Real,
the IHamU use of eu<^ marks. Tbe V.
Is given the right toaeU
The contract for the Swediah Luther1 church parsonage bSs been let to
F. O. Pratt wbo will hare the boose
ready for occupancy by the. first of
Regular meeting of the Elks tonight
The location U on
Speeial eonvoealion of Tn verasCity
between Rose and Barlow. Ibe size
of the house la 27x42. It will consist Chapter No. 102, B. A. legree
-night Work in M. M. degr
ot nine rcoms, bath, complete pkimb:

The rwart d the esaaa
TooOo and bridg^ to wfaieb was m
fared tbe peritlon to have tbe Boardman river cleared of obetmctlaiis
tar np as the Union street bridge, s
tskec np by the board of aaperriaon.
Althou^ the potion was ]
from a pleasure'seeking point ot view,
tbe matter was oonsidMed rather from
a aanttary view point, by Uw board, as
logs which are at proacet ohttraotlng
tbe river, are keeidng tbe filUi ab<i
sewage In tbe river and maklttg it ex­
tremely un-sanitaiT. The report of tbe
committee provided tbat a space of 30:
feet in teh G. B. & 1. B. R.
cleared and tbat tbe John F. CXt &
Oo. boom be re^onstruoted so tbat it
shaU leave the south half of the river
clear. Upon tallnre of the respective
companies to make there alteratlwis
w'lUiln <io days, the- ptoeeci

them. Hie report was adopted by
Ing and will be heated by a hot air
vote of 17 to I.
furnace. Cost. $2,000.
The board this morning elected Wm.
gregationu.__________ - __________
and Easter sale of aprons, handker- J. Saxton drain c<
___ —----------at tbeebnreh
irchparchiefs and
iday evening, April 14. Adlors Frids
short report upmi1 the c
refreshments for ton cents. tbe county's finances. Tbene is
on band of>$16,603.49 and there
Is Bne the several .townships, for de­
linquent taxes, Uie sum of $1,549.76.
The commiUee on buildings and
Some are made on styl
lasts fqr Sunday .wear
grounds was instructed to purchase
our Spring opening Thursday.
and have set in place. In cement,
Some are HAND HADE
Friday and Saturday. Mnric'
flagstaff at least SO feet in height, and
Friday afternoon and Saturday
snluhle flag.
Soft uppers; good oak solea •
Tbe oommiuee on buUdlngr ' and
grounds was authorised to purchase
set of coonty plats for teh treasnrer'i
offlee. at a cost of $25.
Yesterday’s action on the bill of Dr.
H» store dot FHs Ike Gauntlett was neooosidered and was
maed a special order of basiness for
Ntist Prescripttimi.
Open Wednesday evening instead
of Tuesday.



N. W. Harry. Banoock.
John Cady, Trareru City.
A. H: HoUiday, Trarme City.
L. D. Hobhe,’Ealkadca.
Homer Howard, Trareeae aty.
Eev. Arba Martin. PeUWkey.
Ida Lorenz, Manistee.
H. a. Bell. Boyne Caty.
Mande Morse, Grand Bapida.
J. D. Pike.. TraTeree City.
.Joe Jeor, Kingsley.
Jane EankeH, Harbor^prtDga.
a B. Mowen, Lodiogton.
Wm. B. Beed, Petoskey.
H. 8. Bun. Traeerse Qty.
J. W. CUfle, Trawae City.
'X3eo. Babbler, Lake Ann.
Dr. eSaa. Pntt. Bellaire.
B. L. Claik. PehNkey.

The New Store.

Is a medicinal and toilet

Talcnm Powder
bj Parke Davig &
Made b'
>. D. & Qo,. do not
Co- P.
put their name on an ar-


Leading liusic House
19» East/YoatSt

iL- -ja.L-1




In regard to one item in tbe bill.
Gsiintleu charged $I tor an opersUou
upon a county paUent. in which operatlon be had lb-. H. B. Antewa a
hipi. The Bupervisars considered that
the $15 was for the services ot both
doctors, but a bill has bw prese • '
by the Anderson eMate, for $25 for tbe
c^Kralion. .
The Dairymen's association and the
Farmers’ tosUtote was giyeo the prlvi.
Fitomers’ InsUtnta were given the privifresh northerly windst

9X9iM,ti, $4.
$4.25 maA $4.50
Fine WoiMcds and Caasimeres—
all “Wemer-raade’' goods—none
fit better than these.

Sherman A Hunter
ME. rmssi.


kinds of meat bare begun to rise be.
e erf the toCMou in cost to retail
dealers of two cants per poimd. This
Bdraace In dressed beet by packem
MM a correspoodlngsdrance of fo-jsix cents per pound retail on
age grade of ririoin, ParterUouse steak
and rib roMt
Advarice 10 Days Ago.
The first advance was made 10 days
ago by packets to retsileca bat no adrasce to customers was made by the
latter. On rscetring word of another
raise howeVer. the retalters bare found
It •neteasary to raise the price to their

$8, 540 FROM BANK

[Speeial to The Dally Bigla.1
HoOaad, Mich.. April l3.-^a Vto
gtola Park boMat Maoatawa Bay. wu
-dy destroyed by fire today. It
owned by Peter T. MoQmthy of
Chltaeo, -who has coodnoted It lor oevera! aeanns. He has been there with
bis family for the last two weeks pmparing for tbe opeekig which waa to
be early to M«r. Bv
Gaaejine Expteoion..
. The fire started fmn the gasoline
atovo to the' kluhen a^ w no <me
was in the ho>ise ax the tinte It got a
good headway before it was notload by
Mr. McCarthy who waajn the garden '
■ saw smoke lasutog from'the doors
and windows. The wood work was
blaitog aiercely by tbe time he got to
be enttaxice.
Help From Evey DireoUon.
The news hf tbe coafiagraticn was

^fom a large bucket brlgx^e was a
work. Fifty labors employed on the
totornrbso rood were taken there wa*
aoene on a tfpocM car but there was
little they could do, eze^t to lode ost
for adjotting. prepei^ which waa
greatly oodangerM. Tbe fire depart­
ment from HollaM reopooded to a
Jephone message and the life saving
•ew also worked heroically.
Everything Burned.
Tbe «otire stock of fumtehing'tneludtog many elegant bedroom sultef.
burned, and Mr. wd Ura. McCanby succeeded to saving ooly a tew
perwnal effects. The fire was spectar.
alar. Tlie flamea leaped high to tbe ato
and attracted people fiom miles aronmi
The boUi was bnOt firs ysott ago

'Special to Tbe Dallx
.jembuseo, Ind.. April 13.—Oscar
Oandy A Co.'s bank was robbed ol
•8.540 today. Six robbers blew the
safe open with nitroglycerin and shot


3 and WM famished with the beat
that eoold be bought at that time. The
tMilldlng is a total loaa.
The fire
which started at 9 o’clock was sUIl'
burning st 11. tbou^ danger to ether
toatlon of governor, Keutennnt gover- property was theo pasL
membere of tbe legislatorc
has been suhaututed fer the DoubleMr, McCarthy bod spent much of bis
Ivory subtofuge. pr^iared by D. B. At- Ume this winter planplng valnahle Imward ^nd Governor Warner, and re­ proveoierUfi and had spent a large sum
ported out favotably by the bouse com of money carrying out the eane. Tbe
mlttee on eiections. Tbe final, vote on
ds were aaoog the finest about
the bin was 53 to 42.
the bay. aod the hotel one of ihe mqst
Against Dickinson Bill.
popular In the Michigan resert cata­
Goidnur Warner gave out the fol­ logue.
lowing sutement ot bis poeltiaa
mary reform leglBlaUoo: "During my
campaign I spolce In all pwts of the
state and think I made it plain to my
bearers tbU 1 believed io tbe pMfonu
declaratlOM of my party. I sUII think
tM Donine-Ivory bill to be a carefully
drawn party pittfonn mnnirp, and av
such I have given It my support J
have alw carefully etixMed the Dlckin1110 miliiivc-ry stores arc In full ;
s(» bill-and axn convinced It is not as bloom today. They are simply gorge.
carefully drawn as a bill of such Im­
to the array of fiowoia, gay rib
portance should be. Its passage would bc«R. dainty oblSons and lecee. The
conflict with the preaent systems Io ladles of the city have been'taking
Wayne, Kent. Muskegon and Alpena advantage ot the.inrUatioo to actgnd
oountles. I believe this would arouse the various opeologs and tbe saleameriiad antagonism In those counties womeo have been kept busy sfaowtog
would be unjust to them under ex­ the wonderful creaUons which have
isting condHons. Several sections of been brought forth for the occasloa.
the Dickinson bill are wUbout sulubie
Formal openings are being held tofor carrying them Into e(- dej- at the Wood Sisters, Mrs. Place’*
feet. I do not bMieve even Its frirnds Miss Heck’s and Hiss Klaibcr's stores
want it passed In Ito present form. All have very attractive selections.
To put it into, workable form m
' There is a decided change In' tbe
tbe taking up of more time.
styles this year and one for which the
Warner Looks for Desdioek.
women will feel grai^ul. Hals no
•Again. It ought never to be forgot- longer point skyward with an air (rf
(sti that Mbre the bill can become
defiance. They have a tendeoey to
law It must pass both the bouse and shade the eyes and the crown Is not
(he senate, and a deadlock between
broad and maaslve that a bat pto
bouses In'this matlef is the win only go hall way across.
ooe disaster which t here stni'
There Is a decided return to tbe tallearnestly to avert. I believe that had - shape wbh filled to hack which Is
the Double-Ivory bill pasfed tbe house such s universally, becoming abapo.
would have paaM the senUe and The tri-cornered bats are also favorcome a law before tbe end of
ItOB and 4<ztremely pretty for tbooe
lek. Thai would have meant the wbo can wear them.
speedy completion of the
All the cokrs of tbe rainbow are In
evidence. Bventhtog is gay and pretand worthy of tospeetlon.' There
bowe and senate will get together and
1 be netbtog prettier In toe cities
pass • good, practical measure ^ong though wttboat a doubt the priceo are
the lines of the party platform, and double aod triple for the same goods.
that we shall go Into the aext cam
palgn untied aod secura In the tact
that we have given the people of this
the certainty of fairly condoote-1 THROWN FROM A WAGON UNDER
primartw aod the right In all tbe prtltHORSE’S FEET.
ifltt dtotricts to snbmlt to tbe vote of
the petqile the question of direct nom^J^n Foote. propriMr of the
"1 brieve it to be the hemest d
a-narrow empe from w^at might have
erf .both the scsiate and houee to keep been a serlons Injury Be was driving'
faith vrith the people of this .stats, and to town, with alight wagon, when "
rea^ of Urn wagon hrtfice i___
tbat before odJourDment every pledge front wheels wore drawn out from onr party ptatform will hare been der the body of tbe vehicle., throwiag
Hr. Foote forward to the ground and
jnst behind the h «U of hla hone.
whieh did a lively dance.

Hit. anne Oailito <rf CadiUac, die>l
TMtorday a««OM at (he asylkm. At
the age of 76 yeare. of organic brain
ttoubla The remains were oared for
Undertaker Anderson and A. F.
<^in. a son, and Frank Philips, a
son-in-law, of the deceased, today tooK
the remains home to Cadillac.
- Mn.
had beat to the aayluffl
^ a week. Ahoot a year ago ahs
.Special Tbe Dally Kaglal
« ae^ tolL by wfaieb ^e
OUa^. nia, Ap^ It.—Beoefa war­
n. Mural. DurtMth.puly—'lli. rants have been issued tor two men
Injury affected her ao that she padnal- todietod today by the federal grandly t^ied to health and her mind finally
became ienagoi. ao that a weak ago
8lO,eO( bond totosnrefnrtbmeTldeoes.
she was btoo^t to the ffim.

than a hard ahaUng op
fered no a
obtained another
from tbe
wagon, an_____
and drew_______
the damage one to
the dty to a repair
dr sbeshop.

---- --------- --- -

Oeneraiiy fair tonight anM. PrMttf:
freaztog tonperatwre tenlgM, w4t»
ftoMi aoitherir wtodr


The Daily Eagle

pi.dn. «. a» piuW'u,





iaghi trunks full of eeereu belong­
ing to tbe Beef Trust have bean taken
from the safety vaults ot tbe First
Bank building. Chicago, by
Ufi* week, br career,....................t AO
the PedHwl Grand Jury. And when
Ose moBtb, br mail......................
the trunks w«t« <H>e>ied, the Trur.
T%rae nontBS. br mall...................
Six mtmtha. br mall. ....................LM b^an to kweai: wasn't It a horrid CONCLAVE WILL ATTEND EASTER
le their plane to ao upset?
8ERVWE Oee year, by taall, .................. .
awh Tbones, «.
CSoa bpen eyery Tueaday ereoiatHOMENMOWARD. .
/City CIroulate
At the meeting of Traverse CRy
- iry No. 41. held last nlghL
important rtalRMh Matter
Sabscrlbera to Ttff Dally Eagle
the following offeers wwe elected for
reqneeted to repoA aiiy irregiOailUca.
the eR.suiab>-eaf:
la the Mniee at once. Both UleA. S. Rowley, S. C.
The reguUr program of the Woman's
Jno, P, Olt, OenerallBSimo.
pbooea No. «8.
club will be held tomorrow with Mrs
J. H. McGcugh, Captaki Oenefal.
The Dally. BatfTVui be found on J. H, McOough, lewdm- Papers will
M B* Holley, Prelate.
•ale-attUfollomngpiacea: E J.Bw* be niad by Mrs. L M. Bennett. Mrs. W.
J T Hannah, Treasurer.
ft Son, 901 Washington street; E Martin, Mrs W. H. Umlor.
Samuel Garland. Recerder.
Joseph Dmior. 910 East Eighth
Several fine musical numbers will be
J. F. CanAvan. Senior Wardtt.
C. McBvoy, 803
Wett gives, as follows:
H O. JoynL Junior Warden.
ProDt «t«ei: Mr*. A. R. PuUer, Sl» - V.:cri aolo, Mrs. A S. Rowler
P. G. Heumann, Warder
North Elmwood aeoine; Monroe CaaPlano duel, Mrs. I. B. Qllbat. Mrs
Elmer E White, Standar<» Beartr.
dy. Oo, Dalon ctieeL . For the eon. W. D. C. Germaine
W. W. Smith, Trustee, for 3 years;
T^enee of oor pauwis, went adwVocal aolo, Mrs. Jake Purtsch.
L Roberts. TTnatee, fw l year,
UsKDants may be Irft at any *< the
Violin aolo, Mrs. R. J. Price.
A. Desprea, Sentinel.
Tbe business meeting tomorrow afaboreplaoea.
The commandery last evening
taneon will be very Important and cepted an invHatlon to attend Basti
- member la urged to be present, service at Grace Episcopal church
AprU It—Studenu of D. W. Stew, ready to vote upen the qnwUoBS to be Easter Sunday aftemocn at 2:30.
Inatallation of offlceea takes place
art’s violin classes' recUf-Clty opera decided.
Gcdd Friday .night, Aprilil. at 7;S0.
April 16.-0. Dole savers’ N«* York
A Daredbvil Ride,
'Minstrels—City opera house.
Mrs. Saunders Served -Mexican Hath often mids In a sad accident To heal
. AprU 17 to 2?—DsTidBon Stock Co
aedd'enta] Injuries, use Bucklen’s Ar­
and Chicken Pie.
In new and popular plays—Stein­
At the cooking sebcfS yesterday af­ nica Salve. "A ddep wound In my
an accident" writes Theo­
berg's Grand opera house..
ternoon, Mrs. .Saunders amted Mexican dore Schoele, of Columbus. O.. "caused
April 19—Lecture. ‘The Men of
bash and chicken pie to tbe ladies me great pain. Physicians were heli»Qalli;ee." by Geo. R. 'WendUng-High
less, but Buckleo’e Arnica Salve quick­
present. Boib dishes were delicious.
School'lecture course.
The recipe for fruit cocktail, a deli­ ly baaled it" Sentbes smd heals burns
April 27^8.—Prima'ry Sunday school
Uke magic. 26c at C. A. Bugbee, The
cacy served on Tuesday, was also glv- Hannah llrng Store and E. E. H.''
Vorkera* convenUon.

Mrs. Saunders said stio bad made
13.^ of baking powder and urns of baklog powder biscuits so she felt fully
comi^nt to speak up<» the subject.
Her chicken pie wgs served aiih tiny
biscuits, potato balls and musbrooms,
instead ot wUh tbe old-fashlaned cnjst
Tbe bheuit being bafc^ separately. In­
sures tbHr being thorougbly baked anr
ougby. This aftemooD the bread
laakln* centest was held.

'steam vs. water POWER.
Yesterday In discussing the elec,
trie Kceet lifting question we stated
ih( fact -thst tbe cost of lunilshing
Hliits by steeuD power was much
greater than -by wah» power.
ehowlng that electric .lighting plants
non by steam power ohnnoi be operated profitably in thw^amaller clUes
print tbe following dispatch which ap.
pHkMd In the Oetroli Pnee Frees from
Upitai City, Michigan; ■
"Tbe recently elected city council
. Is conficnted with ah Iqiportant prop­
osition concerning phbllo utlliUes now
The Davidson Slock company wTlI be
. municipally owned and operated. The
•en at BieMberg's Grand open bouse
city has owned sod operated public
for tbe entire week beginning next
eiictric lighting and water works
M:nday nigbt and will continue with
plants for tbe past ten years, but the
daily change of program. Tto com­
■ enormous fuel bills have eat
pany Is uld to be osie of the strongev
profits of the planes. Now
ever se^i with a popular priced at---- pi^SaaaTBTivddTlibHiy-wrchAt 'meObn',
and-Uia plays to he give® will
ing a water power a few miles outside embrace a number that have never
Ub8 city limits, from whence, power
been preeentkd bare, but the titles
may be UansmitEd eelricaUy for the
unknown, as the report oi their
running ot ilie -city pfaats. OpUems
success in the larger dates has already
have been secured on the water power preceded them. Soeclcally the proand althougik the prop.
ductlCQS win be as near perfect as
nppn:xiinau>s fl&.OOO
lavish expenditure ci money can make
that at least $3,000 may be snved an­ them. ScHne new and pleasing spedsinually by the (iange. The
ly numbers will be Introduced at every
tors of the city for
lore tbe council takes any definite acCrlUca say that one of the enjoyable
tVTth.ibis experience of Dnion City Atures about "Buster Brown,'< Mel­
otmfrontlng us. is Traverse City ready ville B. Reynold’s new musical comedy
creation, which comes here afiortly. Is
to emier upen a similar experl
eatabliBlilng a plant of Us own to he that it Is one o( the few muaical com­
(iterated by steam power? We- doubt edies whlch.can bp enj.-red no matter
how often yon aae k, as the music Is
and bri^t, the blending of the
IN SYMPATHY WITH THE FISH co1<^ of tbe costumes so pleasing to
th^ eye
one doee not tire em
with all its goigeousneu.
Tfaete has been ooosiderable talk
■Buster's" many pranks appeal to
for a tew weeks past ot a
between the United States Plsb Cen- y;a with such a goodly sense ot hi
new iralts arc dIscotWrt In him
missloD and the Michigan Game and
Pisb Warden's department. Just what each night.
Tlge comes in tor a share of the tun.
It was all about wss not generally
derstood. It now iraDspires that the
U. 8. otBcla's openly charge the SUte
Sane Warden’s dejnrtmeot with beAg In sympathy wltu "te flab
rtris ahuwn that out cf 160 arrests
dor Ul^ flMilbg, 120 of Iboee taken
were Independent fisbermmi of mddest
means. Of Urn 120. the majority
tried and fined. Ot the lemalnlng 36
cates, which were thcee of agents o'
the fish tru«L only one was prosecuted.
The'Unlted States eammissloners al­
so claim that the game warden's de­
partment is Interfering with the work
ot the federal commission in the'mat.

threaten to pull out ot the state cm
T%ete are certainly very serious
charges whldh. If shown to be true,
would indicate vwr plainly that the
, Game and-Flab Warden’s depaiunenL
instead of doing Ite duty In protec^og
the fish for Che benefit of the people,
. Is bending all Its energiee to aaalat
Use tlMi trust

apbh is, wos.

finsalng toomanY ..
Itkg aand. lawn soU and fillip. Oorper Front and Madison stiMts, W.

TOO to throw K giyound shot 10 feet as
for some ans-elke to throw tbe 16ponnd shot 60 'fiaet. H yon
15 micJbe, easily, that may be
as beneficial t<, you as for some ether
penan to nm * h.iia in (but minutes.,
military Drill.
The tnllitajy .company Is drilling
>«Stt1arly now. wder the feistruoUoDS
of George Dago and Prof- Horabeck.
and are mastering tbe foot movement.*
at. present.
Pine Art Contributed.
Four fine new pictures, carbqn prims,
have been punffissed and placed in
UlsB'Itaneroris;roofD. TYmy include
pictures of the Aert^Hs at Athens and
the Roman Pcrfnm and were paid for
mainly by rouributloos from tbe his­
tory classic.
His .
The High strfmol
produce the corned^'-The Oenotva,”
1^ -this cUy, May 5'will go to Klngaley
and give a prodoclioa thea-e, this ey ­
ing. A special fate has been node
rates on tbe railroad and hotel bill, and
:pscied that several other
accompany the cask

and bladdei tronble (or years paesmi
•avel or stones with escruclaubg
tin,” says A H. Thnrhea, a well
known coal operator of Buffalo, O. "1
relief from medicine mtll I
ueewu, taking Foley's Kidney' Cure
then the result was surprising. A
few doses atarted tbe hrick4ust-llke . GIRL for general bona'ework. 706
Washington street.
substance and now i have no i^n
across my kidneys and I feel She a
ew man. It bss done me $Lfi00
-orth of good." Fol^a
cure every form of
t kidney or
bladder disease. Sold by S. E. Walt WINDOW cleaning, scrubbing and
lawn work. Good reference. ,Cltleodi
sens’ phone 415.
. 3722-tf
benotltar'thing for fish dinner. Dem- HOUSEWORK by tbe day. Call No.
cn^tratioD at Cooking School Friday
S3, CiUzens* phone, or address. P. 0
box 631.

ilbortcnt pork per I

Lard, per B
Fotatoea, per bushel
Dairy Preeuett.


Ifiggs .....................
Fleur and Ft...






WATCH. 20 y

, 18 jewel, Wal.
Ill trade few blCall Bagle office.

st8l9nfUi 8L

~ t- ]4tf

A' JXrW^ Gas HMter.'good ainawt
just what you need these spring
days.. Call at 519 Fifth St
BPAN of drivera' and complete outfit
o1 buggies and cutters. Inquire 40$
Sixth streeL F. H. smith. S7i$tf
V LADY’S watch, aize 6, with 20-year
gold filled hunting case, nilnoia
- A alee lUUe watch and

O MAKE ROOM for young atook, I
am obliged to sell 50 pairs of my
large mated Homer pigeema, beat
of aquab breeders. Will sell one pale
or as many as required at a reaaonahle price. Every bird Is marked

and I a eareful record kept Good
\ / —
^-pirating Foley’s Honey and Tar.
money making business for woman
Foley A Co., Chicago, origtoated
br boy as the ■ ..........................
Honey and Tar as a throat an
quires bnt UtUi.......................... ....
remedy, and on account of the
further partienlars,
liars, ■write or can
merit and popularity of Foley’a
631 West
and Tar many imitations she >
for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey
far and refuse any substHuU ofaa no other preparaUem will give BELGIAN HARES tor sale at $1 each.
They are nice ones. Ekiqnire of, or
amc satisfaction. It Is mUdly lax. It contains no oplstes and is
address Oliver Waters, 1412 Union
t for chUdren and delicate perStreeL
Sold by S. E. Walt & Sons.

Eagle Want Ads


ONE of the best paytmag b

HIGH grade'Rhode lalimd red roosters
at $1 each; also pullets at -$LSE.
Citizens’ phone 297 4-rings. 3723t€
grade, S. C. B. Leghorns. Prices
Ices re'aaonable. Order three or four da#a
da' in
he very
advance and I will select the
best eggs, W. «. Umlor. 408 Fifth

it’sbestin Blacks and Blues or^ mixtures in soft
stuff; and takes kindly to checks, plaids and overplaids.
A Double Bi^ted_^^k is a sure cure for every
sort of a crank.

We have tbe late cuts with wider lapels and cut
in longer lengths, with loose trousers. ' .

Hamilton Clothing Co.
lots and upwarda. This oSering in­
cludes some of the finest bnilding
loeaUons, noarly as fine as "Hm.
crest." Also a fine loeatloD for green
Jhouse and vegeuUe gardeos—souA
Vtter. Terms,
Terns, 26 per
p»r e<•«"« caah;
i in reasonable .payments.
. mu. 6
It lateresL Call and see
s me.
I fine fravel. good plautcring aand and rich earth for sale. E.
8. Pratt, 312 SUte Bank Building.

•iEMLOCK logs for sale 0

FARM for sale, known os the GunU
farm. Will take bouse and lot :
^iyment. Enquire B. J. Morgan.
CANA Just published by Sclentlflc
American Co. A bargain at $50.
Enquire at Tbe Daily Eagle Office. ;(

BARReB Plymouth Rock eggs tor
batching, prices very reos
selected e^s.


DO ''OD WANT A HOME where you
can grow what yon eat? I bare 70
acres of GOOD land lyiug ad.Meeat
to and a part of my farm, "Hill
crest,’-’ that'4 vrill sell in oneaerr

<mE S4IUD wtxm.

Monday, Apr. 17
The Davidson
»eck Co.

Christian man
- for .
dressed stsm
Doan, extlculars 10
ado Bnlldmember Congress. Colorau.
lag. Washlngtob, D. C.

BIY RESIMLNCE at 202 West Eighth,
sireeL Victor Peiertyl. Enquire at MONEY TO LOAN on personal prop
erty, In sums to suit. I. NewIaaA
office, 126 SUte StreeL
room 603 New Wilhelm block, fifth
eharlM'Norrt*. Nnwlsvllte. U. 'XSta*
HOUSES, farms and horses.' Tenoa
3866 tf
MODERN house to rent at 419 West
reasonable. Howard WhlUng.
Eighth street. E. Wilhelm; S725-ff
WOOD, COAL and Praying. Both
phones. Office corner Bi

SHETLAND pony, broke to barneas
streets. 3 D Pike AS
or saddle, sew Elelgb,>bBrnesa and
A small hou^ with modern o<4iven
ridlng.pad, Shllaon House. S798-U
leoccs, east side preferred. Address
"D.,” Eagle office
STgS if
Want to seU at once. W. D. Turner,
MY RESIDENCE on 620 Fifth slresi
at R. A L Merc. Col’s hardware
SMALL house near^asylum. Phone A.
Fnie. asylum.

.'FRIGHT engine and boiler, boiler
44x78, 90 I'A-lnch Sues; engine 6x10.
lari J. Cooke.


^0|8era Honse

“Dens and Palaces”
Change of plsy nightly.
a between scls.
Ladles niEE Monday avenlsg
under the usual conditions.

“Goody Two Shoes.”
PricCB-lSe. 2Sc. $Sc
Seat sale opened this rooroing.
TelephoneCitizena IIS.

50-FOCT IM. 8. w cor. Qghtb and
Maple 8tr«e« to exchange for house
ca'the east side. Enquire ci J. H

The National Bicycle

LARGE size go^art for sale, cheap.
. 219 W. Seventh streeL

Hannah A Ley Mere. Co.


Hay................................................... n 00

HOUSES and lots for sale on small
paymeau and long Ume. Earl 3.
^ Cooke. CiUzens phone 880. 3737-tt
MAIUNB engine,! 10. horse-power.
Earl J, Cooke. Citlzons’ phone 360
3727 tf


Bbeap. good, .............. ..........................

Cheated Death.

but by choosing
B. H. WoUe, of Bei1ST Grove. lows.cbeai
Buying Prle*s.“^
ed death. He sa
"Two years ago
I had Kidney Trouble, which caused
me great pain, auBering and anxiety,
but I took Ekectric Bitten, which ef­
fected a complete core. I bare also
found them ot great benefit In ganeral
debility and nerve ^troiffile. and keep
them constantly on hand, alnea, as I
they have no efinal.’’ C. A. Bag- Flour. ‘ NorSuS
. MUl
bee. The Hannah Drug store and E B.
best.......... ..................................... $$ S(
------------- -------- at 69c.
Cyrngreaman Townsend, erf Jackson,
has put m an appearance at Lai
..AVIll Interest Many. .
EvSryjierBOn should know that good
In the capacity <rf a lobbyist for pri­
It the kidneys are
mary retain. His ^pearance caused health'Is^lBpassIble
deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure wlU
some ocneteraation among the maeh- cure kidney,>nd bladder disease u
hte men who were bound to paas the every form, ind will build up and
strengthen these organs so they wll
Duluth Imperial.
Double-Ivory primary election
perform their fnnetiant properly. Nc
Mr. Tknvneend did not beeftate to warn danger
ot Bright's disease or diabetes,
the machine men of the danger which
ihnatsoed the R^mbUoan party If
they did not change their policy. H
PRBSH caught fish every morniug
"I am pcnooally intereeted as
-That’S weal thooeunde of ambittous from pond nets at John A Jackson's.
member of the Republican party and mmi are doing evetywhere through the
an office holder It this leglslatora'
passes a makeaUft bill, I will have to You can do tbe ease. This school has
go on the stump next year when I nm a theron^ coune Chat iiHI make yon ■ loery Opening Friday and Sator
tot ne^eeUon sod insjiend of p
in your buMnoa. tnde ■ tayofXhls week. The department
with pride to ths retx>fd trf the Re- or mecbsalcal proftKim. Call at tbe ■ a n«w located on the main floor ie
publloah patty, will have to be ctaitlnu- L c 8. Dlaplv at the Kimball Mnale ■thafearofthadry-goods. and wU
' ally appotoglrlng. Tbe party Is In- Im- Kcbus.
mbwint dangler of bMng datMted all
ad tree
along the Una in this aiats unleai tbe



GARDEN—10 half«cre IcU extend­
ing from ItemBdeH street to conn’y
line road, drained and ready fer
Plow; terms reasonable. Aso my
borne on Monroe street t built it
by days.w««k, to live In, net to aell.
My saving In fuel bills pSys Interest:
76-fooi lot good ham, cellar and
well. Half cash, halanee any old
-time to suit. -Call or address 611
Monroe street. CiUtens’ phone 611.
NEW milch oaw.
Eighth ulreel,

Call at gsi East

ICS^ fuel, bay and produoe business.
Town of 2.600. am Badgler. Port­
land. Mich.
THE Trarerae City State hank has a
few copies of the Grand Traverse
County Atlas for sale si $3 each. 24tf

LeghoroA vaU 315 East Froqt

But Look Closely
And you will see the difference in each, little detail. The National people only
make one grade—the very best that can be produced from the very beat msterials
by the highest class of labor, workiug with the best methods.

This Is Our Guarantee >
Backed by the ofiBcers of the factory for 60 days1 from date of sale. “They will
makegood by repair or replacement, when delivered at their factory, with all ex­
press charges fully prepaid, any defect in material, provided the factory serial
number shall be on such bicyele at the time tbe claim is made^” This guarantee
does pot cov^ damage by accident, misuse or iffegleet.
Be sure and see tbe 19(6 models. They are beauties. No trouble at all to
show our bicycles and tell their superior poitite. The sooner you call the sooner
you will-be riding the best wheel made this year—

HK bouea In dlB

___ _____' SHtri'

Un atrei^ ClUxeca phone 976.
NEW launch. 16x4.1-H. P. motor,
'y linlabed H osV: If tak<
Bay sL
7100. Can be seen at 8
tAPNCH..P»arty,aew^ |lx6. ^opy

The Ndiional Bicycle




Mr«. J. 8o)'nton of Batei optM 4h«
d*y la ttfi city.


Mr*. C. Marvin of Mapla OMy as«it
the day In the <4ty.
Mf», May Patterwn and a«n Harry,
left today for Santa Ana, Cal.
J. Clark of Eaat Eighth atrMt hat INVITATIONS HAVE BEEN ISSUES
goi^ to Summit City on biMloMa.
A RIcharta of Provemont wm tn tha
“ Ch»rtaTola on a.varaf Popllt Will Malta Thalr Flrat
•The Rod and Oim club wiil have ■
their fi«t shoot of the season toSDO-'l%e annual recital of D. W. Stew­
turned home this
thort \lali In the city.
Miss Eunice Babbitt of ilvill

art's ylonn pupils win taka place at
the City <9era bouee (oaorrow ovenIn*, tbe program to be glveai promptly
at 8 o’clock
The recital csnnol be oonsldmd


KwwiA, April U.—Mr. Rupp«t of
Reod-Oty is risHtbr with bla
t«, Mn. J. O. Welaa.
Ifies Mag^e Relncke came b«M
freun Tawveroe City Ust Batnr^.
Mias LdHira Uitdley retnmtf to'ber
school at Northport. Ust Satm^.
Jacob F. Groesser and OaiuSaabont
are entting wood for the faiinm ttU
spring with their gasoline engines.
A daughter was bom lo Mr. and Mrs.
Harman Donner la« Mooday.
Our teacher, MUa EUen Austin, spent
Saturday and Sunday with hen sister,
at Hatch s Crossing.

' 1 plls beforo an audience and thus glTGremwood Township, April 12.—
Mist Amanda Marcon of Cadar -was
,he„ „ opporwinlt)- to gain o*fl- Will Arnold of Colfax was in our vicin­
ciir ,.aa, luu iMi Ob .«»
.w«, hw
ity last TbursdAy. In the interest of
ij Ki.. rjii.,
ft, win «...
„„„ „ I,
tbe Grange Insurance o
ri circle oi irieods.
Albert Thompson and Cad Waite
Mrs. J. O. Middleton and children
iDvIiaiioos bare been Issued
have each purchased new horses In
have geme to Grand Rapids, being call­' tbe recital 'tomorrotv night but Mr. the past few days •
ed there by the ceriros lllneet of a-* I .Siewatt .viahea Tbe Eagle to say that . Elder LoDg'e family are all vieldDS
I if any of tbe friends «f tbe pupils have at Souib Prankfort.
,Mrs. Jehn dune of Ch
'• ^ been oterto-^ked be will be very gUd
Peter Micb of South FraiUdort Vas
. <J
,h. dir ,oa« « btr W.J „
a Greenwood guest Friday.
<1,0. Irom pooiao,, wboe ft, b„
„ hloftll oft U<w wW b.
Mrs. Emily Woodruff of Springnlc.
J given iftbitaftOKoft.
Mich. who has been ependhfg a few
„i n-bn
•? iov,
"" <»nb»m, 1. vbinowd
1.1- weeks wilii friends here, has gene to
bbft speoiHng ,
Ut. PJeasam to vifJi before rauirntna
■i.y. I, lb. c«y wi.b frteft., m„rb«,; •
Ccb.iio,, h.-.bK'.
,...oe ihi, monbig
Hoiboi MlrUm Ilavdcn.
Tbe families of Merton' and Roy Cox
Biv adding DeLavai milk separators
. e
"'»u« vorbi;..
r.vb, h«i, hem .eoldfti, »f ,bbi elly
,|a||„.Tg, MUft, M. Uitii dairy kitchens this week.■ b, »<. yr. I«.
r.r ai.d.,Obe,
kfra Henry Smith has, some very
fine band palmed house decoraiioos
Uo E. H W.ll .nl d.b,bft. Con.
vift.-Uo„„ J.ll,, M„|„b.
ami useful Enicler for sale
b.y. beo, ,e.ldftU « tbi. blly [ ewio. bo„ o,d vybid ft Slew
Mr and Mr>; Henry Fellows of Sopers
.be yiu-.,.,, imr, m.imoi
ere giiesirt (,f '.iheli daughter, Mrs
,l,,lr ,,m »»r Suomll.Cbr,
Ben Gliben, Sunday.
A. Brown, of Kalkaska paaaed
Ure Ross Fowler of MamsD was
ii:l,iigh Jbe chy today nn .bis way
Gaeenwood guest, Sunday.
- ™ IKO A«e^ e,ub„. b.■
Nick Donaldson placed a See new
I,., l<™ .nendibi ibe nlaiei.
organ in bis home, Monday.
Ueeddo^ ft. Teb. dbd E S.ymobV ,.<« .ee«--DI, iftmllet.-... .K,
Mr! and klrs. Oebnlt arc mpvlng to
E..t Te««, ilro.1. I,n ,bl»,Oftn.I
;„y «,■ ,<,»-. «1,l. ie:.^o
Mrs. Addle Netting returned home
.R;ipidr .tUegsii aiKl Ivabnazoo.
. - Parmer Monday from rlsitlng bM,pai4nta at
'Mrs. W>*> Nicholf of Dunham. Can.,
• -Miriam liayden
Hudscnville for the past two weeka. .
oxpeCiP.i-i.-i iirive In the oU> this
Many In out virinity aie vloiims of
w„i,;i beyft.bgb,evP““'"r
i» grip
.Ml.’ Jas, Kin,lleyrtBohemli Street,.
I t; P t.ibhy, who has l«en spend
Ne„ld C„r.,ey. ob£^. ^ ' '""Lbg
................Kroo Ing the winter Iravellng is expected
• penUin's
Uasiei Jamer Butler.
homo this week.
'Robert Carver of Manlon was doing
busine^ here Tuesday.

S "Tu‘Z'‘T‘.T ^



«««««« ffdddsssdtg—**


o.' i,'r.T..‘=‘2.2’r;'

v,otb «<««. v. ,



... ..........

m- the city lately, returned to MInne.tpolir. today Mr Day f-.rmerlr lived
m the city and was a member ol Co.
-.1 ..during the Spanlsh:Aiterlcan war.
M. K, Walton, who io a member of
the iccLl Rod-and Gun club, returned
lift hie home at Grand Rapids 'today,
and will lake part Saturday Is the
; opMlDg shoot-of tbe Grand .Rbplds
• ?porUmen's club, of which he Is
F. A. Garrison, representing t
'. oung Men-6 Christian associaUow of
Micblgas, with head office in Detroit,
i; in ibh city today conferring wifa
'rctn interested to the week. A wHi be held In P. C. Oilbtrfa of­
fice «:m«Tow evening tb talk tbe mat­
ter ever, though there is not oneb
' Idea of acUve work In this dry at pros-



e will
A revival and baptiar
b-a held at tbe Disciples' church lomor
row ev«jiS4. Charles W. Clark wffl
Duluth Imperial,
Spring wheat flonr—always uniform
makes ligbleet, whitest, most perfect
bread. Ask your grocer for it. 3T27U
“It’s the steps that saves you money.'
Buy your Suita or Overcoats to .or
der. Room i, over Johnson Drug Co

Your Clothes Now I


Joyous Eastertide

I'VON'Twsit until the Ust mi|,.
me. but come before the rush
aud make your selectioa of apparel
for EasUr.
Oa Easter day Dame Fatbioo
reigns sopreme—all tbe world
dresses anew. -If you want to be
correctly appareled for the occasion
lo smartly tailored, perfeft-fiitlng
garments at moderate com. we can
please you.


Easter Special I
An Top Coats,
Valne tliOO tolU.oo, choice

SEE TTIRDon'.jl^




corner Front and Union Sts-!

You Can Tell
ffUnoe Ota Wfil Paper when eaurteg s
There 1s on indiridnoUty o^ra it, a eomptotooe

as add to yonr home caaiforto by dtong your interior deeorafjtg
There ls no qoesUoa bat that onr liaels oncqaailed.


Bii CM in Mco.

jurset at the Ftimsee.
[Special OonospoadencA]
Elk Rapids. April
At the regular
meeUng of the Elk RSpIda Tillage ootmcil held Monday evsntog. President S.
H. Beach made^ the tollowtag ^qmlntMarshal and street cominlseloner*-.
Asa O. Msawell. .
Nl^t waicbm»—W. W. Curry.
Health officer—Dr. H. Beach Morse.'
AUomey-^A B. Dou^my.
Tbe next regular mee^ ctf the
board of trade ia to bo held at the town
hall Frido}' evening, the llth InsL As
buBlnesa of vltsl impwtonctr, ia to
come btton the meeting, a )irge attendance fa desired.

Good Shoes,
Good Styles,
Low Prices.

Call and see them. We
will show you at


Uog main Bns tratOA1:2B p.
*:0C p. m.. 11:40 p. t
9:00 A SA from Northport
Parlor. Bleeping ears at WolUm
north and sooth.
C. L. LOCKWOOD. O. P, and T. A,
.Gran. Rapids, MtoL
C. a. WURRAT. Aoent-

c£r*r7Almo, BL Loras, intacA Owos
Ana Arbor. Toledo, ood ou.
•MO oostran ^otraa.

Alfred Greilick
& Company.

Red Cedar i

.1. J: B3EBT. oi P. A


Ul Front Street


A sure protection against
moths. Mode from the wood
of tbe trenuine Bed Cedar, reialorced by a comUnatioxi of
the best moth killer koown
o modern phonnocistA g^i

f f-


lec per pka*


1. T. fatorap. ItosolST


125 East Freutt street





'J b-'.-me Ibis iiocei after
. rnecfingr. la ihlr city, uf ibe'bcards
t-sjuniy canvassers and the county
How to Care-Rer-voo* Headache.
P'riiii^ndRils ol The pool
Au effeettre .-enre for nervous heed
Claie Cummingc of Kingsley, w
............................DC Berlot at^e is found in the aiiuple act ol
J-; relief man for D H Power's banks
waJklDg backward: Tou mmutes b
In this locality and who has been in
Overture-- LusispleJ, '.. . .‘Kel« Bela
not ueceisary t-) walk
the bank at Cfdar a few days, returned
i---rtsy in KintMey ,
long as It Is backward.
Mrs. C. E. Baldwin, formerly of Bm- Violin sob^ 'f^^Tharwi.-.Kron lag itlll do
II to pro]
It H
-•-.Ti, who has .b««p speodiug a w«k
□ where the windows are b
Violin ioln-^Swie*^*tolletl,”:.
.■suing the families of J. W. Jarrett
corridor, ror instance—and walk U A ^yre. of this city, left'thH
. .i.omlLg for We-twood. where she will


rBS&AT, APEn, 13. 1906.

city arrive at 8:14 m m. and’6:’48'p. a




In effect sera. ZS, ISO*.
Trains leave Traverse City—
<:10 a. ffi. connecting at Walton with
north and south.
11:10 A m. and'-4:S5 p m. eonnecung
; Walton tor north and south.

I any longer. ' Our Spring
line ot Clothiog is here, so yon
can come in end get your Spring
Suit Also on qp-to-dote line of
Spring HoU^l of the latest
styles-the Flat Iron. Eonndlron
and Ml kinds of Iron. Will be
pleoartibhlMv' yon call and ste
the new things.

Geo. W. Miller


Mrs. J(An Long, (nse Miss Bella ^k Rapide visitor Monday.
Volllguette). who receoUy returned
C. P. Deris returned Monday, after
here frotn- Detroit, eufferiag from
spending a few days In Traverse City.
sumption, died at her home on the
Mrs. Fred -Vahey of Traverse City
side last Saturday. Piiueral servlcefl rieited her mother. Mrs. Morr John­
were conducted at the Catholic church. son. Sunday.
Monday, the Rev. Eust Faueber oOciat
IV. H. Sarasln Is again able to look
Tbe remalps were loterred la the after bis restaurant buslnets, after a
graceful carrUge.
cemetery at Kewadln A husband and pouple of weeks' tuule with la grippe.
Hot* to save Bcstaperlag.
■vea-monthM-old - si^n are left
Miss Louise Schuler of Traverse City
Cleaning paper instead of replacing it mourn bet untimely death
Is tbe guest of Elk Rapids friends,
with new when so!le<l baa become a
ft J. C. Miltca left Monday for Trav­
common method of keeping our walls
City to take a position st Chapin's
In a presentable condition, but lo cities
charge of assault and battery, his carpet cleaning works.
where smoke consumers are still a
Petei S. BriakerboB Is slowly Im­
dream of the future hiring this clean­ better half being the ccmplsJnant, He
ing'done by experts is considered too ^>etit Friday night the guest ol Mar­ proving from his recemt. severe Illness.
batt7 an expense by many thmiUes of shal Maxwell, and Saturday moroUx;
H. Alpern Is in Grand Rapids,
xudilente means. I feel saro, thee
escorted into the presence of ^ ijosinesa.
tiuiro McLaughlin- Ac there seemed
as I did, the redpe
Be sure and start ybnr spring hoas>
■ two sides to tbe story, the Judge
of the material used for cleaning I re­
cleaning RIGHT by having yonr hoiB
ceived from a thrifty neighbor, says a thought *10 and cesu abou* the right painted and yonr wall paper hung
writer. Is Good Housekeeping:. One price for Sam's diversion In tjM manly RIGHT by the RIGHT woriqnan at
of self-defense. He liquidated.
the RIGHT prices
qoart of Sour, one heaping tsblespoonful of salt, one tablespotwful of soda,
throe tablespoonsfnl of ammonia (the
Frightful Suffering Relieved.
common hocsriiold kindi and one pint
Suffering frightfully from the riruof rain water. Mix and steam one-half
ient poisons of undigested food, C. G.
hour In a greased tin pan, cut in pieces tackle In readiness preparatory tc
tlrayson. ot LUIa Miss., took Dr. King's
to handle while still hot and knesd opening ol the trout scMoii, 20 dayr .4ew Life Pills,"with the reeuU.’' he
.... mtftly. Keep in air tight box or hence Reports arc to teh effect that (Triles, "that I was cared.” All stom­
ach and bowel disorders give way to
jarustOmdy totme.
least two so^tslied eponsmen have- (heir tonic, laxative properties. 25c at
found the closed season too long an-1 C. A. Bugbee, The Hannah Drug Store
ROAST FISH BAKED TVHOli-a have alfeady taken a chance.and E. E. Miller's drug stores gnaraabeautiful thing fer fish dinner DemLocala and Personalsoastratlon at Cooking School Frida;-.
Herman Weiselberg, an employe of
' Duluth Imperial.
« Iron Co., had one of bis orms^bsnlast Hope Vanished.
Tbe best spiiog wheat flour makes
ly injured Monday night, by one of the
Vhen iM'Hns physicians s
heavy iron doora oi e charcoal kUn finest end most wholesome bread. Ask
M. Smiiliart, of Peklo.
'eklo, la.,
la., had i
falling on ft Dr Oaantlett reduce;! your grocer for it.
irable c isninptfon, hla
b last hope v
aished; I t Dr. King's New DUcoverj
:• iractuTC
for Cc
nptlon,- Com
John F. Newhense and Petei Du<ept him out of the g
grave. He says.
-This __________
cured franc left Thursday for Buffalo, to
Gladstone's Ph^lcian Gives Warning
and savet'
saved my life. Since then. 1
3 their old posltitms -os steward
I Growing American 1
have used U for over XO years, and
and watchman, respectively, on the
• ua throat and
he growing bhabit amongst Amsri
...... BcienUflc cure for steamer H. S. Pickonde.
s of taking aa mint Ublet or some
Mike McOoffony woe In town s por­
Coughs, Sore ThroaU or Colds; sure
sr so called digestive
after eating
'Tentative of Pneumonia
Quaran- tion of last week. Planing thrives, a beany meal. Is something that Sir
d. EOc and $1 botUes at C. A. Buge was on his .way homo to Beaver Andrew Clarke. Mr. QtodsUne'a phy­
bee, The Haonah Drug Store and E. E,
sician advisefi strongly against, say­
Mlller'-i drug store. Trial boUle. lOo. ilud from the lippei Pwlnaula.
ing: 'll 1'. absolutely dangerous lo
The foundation for John P. Boyd .: take
into tbe sicmscb remedies wbica
ew Implement warehouso ia cm ore popularly supposed to Old In the
pleted, C. W. Mitchell did the work,
digestion of food.”
Ixty yean of age suffer trmn kldnsy
ThCT'P Is nolhlu, . .
Mrs. A. T. Sarosln U eatenalnin.i
nd bladder dlsorden, usuaUy ealarge- h«' mother and sister, ot Gland-Rap science ot medicine that con perform
lent of pro^te gland. ThU U both
tbe work ot the buiilMi Sfotnorti. Drugs
do net and cannot dliwt <hs fond.
painful and^dongerous, and Foley's Is.
Kidney Cure should be taken at the
D. M. Clark end wife returned Thurs­ They .simply deenmpora U. tohht am
first sign of danger, aa It corrects Ir- day Mm a visit with tbMr doubter ' be more revolting or dtoffattot than
regularlUes and has corod many old
the thought of tolflag do3ra^ toto
men of this dlsAse. Mr. Rodney Bur­
tbs stomach that Is ffotoff to'tom the
nett. Rock Port, Ma, writes: " suf­
Miss Grace LoForge Is hrm-; frr=
r-o;i food yen have ottrai Into a mos*
fered wli^ enlarged prosute gland
d kidney trouble for years and after
■^Tim^M^^way to overtone Migeaking two botUos of Foley's Kidney
tion and its erii effects U to rtoore
ire I feel better than 1 hmve Tor City to work on the seraton. Irritotico. congeOtjee
all Irritotioo.
coogeOaeo aafi
Charlie Barber ot Kalkasta wac In maticn fromI the stomach, tf^ •H'l
town tost week, renewing tdd acquaint- intestines, and
id Ml-ona ia the coly agent
loam that will Ho this, w
snebj. •

When a Mt-ona tablet is token be­
Extonalre repairs and altorotloo* fore
each moal every trace eC Irritation
-■c being made on the torm how of and Inflammation Is removed Mm the
The Roslon Store will hold
Bugene Power, south of this city.
stomach and digestive syst«Dl,«ndUi - their MlUinerv Opeoiog on
Andrew B. Dou^W returned Mon­ organs will extract from tha blood oil
Friday and Saturday of this
day evening Mm a'buMness trip vy tb^t gees to make gcod. rick'blood, firm
week. Thero will be on dlsplay a fine array of the newest
muscle, steady norres and a scad
Spring Croatlons, the ehoioe
chttgtr of healthy body. It you snfMr *rith head­
dainty atylcs that are m charm­
the r«t*iro on the-lrotf Of-ta dodr, left aches, IndlgcsUon. flattilaifiy, frntt being and bebomisg at priest
Friday tor Tnversa City and Boyne
thet are oobspieoons on ac­
count of thrir lowness. The
City. He retnmed Mondiy..
say ttomaeh moUa ttt a ftftFcat
Millinery De^rtmsnt Is now
Mrs. c. 0. MctLnaffhBP ef aariraoLt box or Ml-o-os tmi 8. B. ^t A 8bn.
looated on the main floor In the
bos been the goaet of b« aweBts, Mr. cso of oar most reUobM dmg Arms,
roar of tbe Dry Goods Section.
whoso faith in the remedy U
oordiaUy invited
thpir offer to reon® the.
CoswUus—BBEyT'«r-n*-Osetito »w <L*s not give eooi
Lake’s husUtog hottoraB mm, was on

.Buildings owned and occupied i
Total floor spocAofbuUdiogs. 1
Cost of hnildiugs. *550,000.
Nnmber of em^oyes, 9,650.
Total nnmber of slodeote and gndnates Jan *ry. 1905. 745.719.
Moil matur handled each day. 9,000 pieces.
itslly output of Printing Depsrtn ...........
Cost of preporrtion of textbm
instroction pspen,
Amount expended annually for
Dg and revlung textbooks and instmetion papers. 9250,00

' Qet free catalogs and all information
from special representatives of the Interna­
tional Correspondence School at the .

Kimball Music House
oJosepti Sleder & Sons* Market
We have a snffidert supply of
fresh meets and^poDUry, eompriring ererything enjoyable in
beef, tnntUin, veal, pork, cbickena We have everythiog in tbe
choicest tidbita for the dainty
(spring appetite In ham, bacon,
smoked flab, oolt fioh and oil
kinds of saaoage. Giro os a coll.

and bis • wife uses and
recommends H. &L. Co’s


“Best” Flour
They realize that it is
tbeG^tail-around Hour
-'for Bread, Cakes, Pies,
Paatery, etc. For sale
by all" dealers.


THB“ljiSEr S;A:THIJ^AY/AP^ 18. IW)?.

Annual Muslin Underwear Sale

E A RL Y every'store holds muslin underwear sales in
January or February. We believe- this a better time
than when the mercury is at zero, for now people are
changing from winj^r to spring clothing.


select your underwear at your leisure, and without the con.fusion that you get where stocks are close together. This
department is so arranged that the goods ,^n- be shown to bet­
ter advantage. In addition to the low price, the usual White
Sale discount will be given.

Another reason is, we postponed buying, until late,
waiting fo^e price of cotton to reach a lower mark than it
has been for the past year. As a consequence we are showing
the finest line of goods \v« «ver had and at prices
that are below what you usually pay for.goods of a like quality.

The Musljn Underwear Sale Starts

Friday Morning, April 14

We have rearranged our store so that this department is
entirely separate from the rest of the stock, so that you can

Music FH&ay altemoon
Saturday evening..

Your Easter Wearing Appm*eL
Tailor-made j^nffs
TheTailor-m^e Suit has become as inhch a part of a
woman’s wardrobe as her skirts and waists. This
season they are more artistic than ever, and our sales
have greatly increased over former seasons; made
from such light Weight materials as Mohairs, Pan^ amas and Fancy Suitings with elaborate trimmings,
they are well nigh irresistible to the woman who likes
to be weH gowned. No fprm is too hard for us to
fit. Styles are varied and exclusive—Etons, Blouses,
CoatSuits and Redingote styles.

Silk Coats
Both the box and Redingote styles are very popular
and will play an important part in, cloakdom this sea­
son. Chiffon Taffeta -is the most used material
from the

$5 kind up to $35
The baby and little girls have not been neg­
lected, as we have many pretty things to show
the little folks.

Prices to fit all purses, from

$7.50 to $50

During the opening days 10 per cent discount will
be given in this department


Wash Goods

Two special numbera in fancy Taffetas suitable
for Shirt Waist Suits that you should not miss
seeing. Colors, Brown, Navy, Royal, Green.

38c and 48c yard
$0 iuch Black taffeta— 7 :

75c, $!.00. $L25. $L5ft $Z0a ; .
“Moneybak” Black Taffeto; the k jhd like your
grandmother used to have, is the best there is.
If it does not wear you get your money back.

$1.50 and 2.00 a yaM



Three Big Bargains. tOc, ISe. Sc.
Se andWe
io», wgaaiuf sod rradutio; gownt, i

Gowns, 29c, Me, 69c,- 75c, 85c, J1.00

Domestic Bargains
..... ...

Skirts, 11.00, IJ9,1JO, 1,69, 1.75 to 4J0TIkm IUms are so extensive vlt cannot attempt to describe them, but we
know you will appreciate it and wt# flod It complete In every deuTi and at
Mtirfactory prices.
1" ““roelectlons we have not ioreotten the kittle tots. Dresses, Skirts,
Drawers, Waists. Aprons. Bonnelpand Caps. Everything In this line.




For tb. opbnln, d.,4.

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