The Daily Eagle, August 05, 1903

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The Daily Eagle, August 05, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





VOL. XL NO. 3208.

|.Saved in our July Clearonee Sale.


Hundr^s of sam-

C plea of our lai^ line of ^use Furnishing Goods must
E be olo^'out at onoe to make room for ouf new lines
[ of goods.



--------A •

You will need refrigei'utors thi-ec montJis yet tliis
year, and we will save you from S3.50 up §!4.25 on one.

Our $7.00 ke Chest for ■ - $5.75
Our $9.00 Refrigerator for - $6.75
Our $12.00 Refrigerator for - $9^
Our $19.75 Refrigerators for '^4.00

Same proportional cut on Ice Cream Freezers,
t SeiTMin Ihiors, Gasolinfe-and Oil Stoves,. Croqijfif’ Sets
C Law'ri Chairs, Settees, Utimmoc-ks. in fact, ev^rytiiing
[ througliout our large line of goods. We have all kinds
► of small Oil and Gasoline StrtVes, just the things for
j'cam^ing, from 75 cents up.


l*ractleal Home AirnlNhcr.



These will be closed out at prices that ean-



Influence. Pope Plus
thrown upon the canvas
^oently. ^
In the extreme and the
It was learned today
the army had bron^t Hs inflnanoe to
of the
bear was wonddrtuL
^ ■
retpiest to the Vatican W fbe bims
between the sabjeete
tbe people as soon as #Mible after
tala elbcUon. fearing if aMh time wereof which the aadienee Joined and ..
allowed, an aionnoqs •vwd would MOTTO OF SLUM WORKERS IN of wfaldi were solos by tb^'enslgii.
collect in front of SL Pet^ and Uiere
l%e meeting was dosed(^wUh tbe
might be sreaT loss of life
oM song. “God Be WIUi Too," Ulnstrated with baauUfnl ptetorea.

; not be duplicated.

; BetsU and Wba


A* They Collect in Front of St. Peter’s


Bedpost Splintered But fU 0ns Was
(From a Special Correaponden
Honor. Mich, Ang. 6,-fc-The b
of William Sheriff of Plrtle township
fEicB struck by lightning last
night. Once the bedpost
wbicb he
and hie wife were Bleeping was struck
and splintered but no one was hnrt
The house was badly Bhattared by thf
electric bolls.
Tb^ lightning also sU«ek several
limes near Sherira bouse and damag6i] neighboring trees.

.. (Special by the 8criw»-McRae.)
Rome, A{ip. 5—Tbe scenes anratnl
Uie raUcan and In fact In all Rome to­
day are enUrely different frWn what
they liave been since the death of
Pope L^. At to o'clock the people
attended ffrand ic deum service which
was hold tn the Slstlne chapei. Nearly
all tbe candidates now In Rome were
presr«t and rendered Ihclr third ador1 to the now bead of tbc.^urcb.
The music »as cA a high order and
had been spdclally composed hy Fath­
er Lorenre Peroel, a monk of Venice.
•nie ansbancement was made that
Pope Pins 3C. had appointed Dr. Lap-,
poni to the position of physician, to
the eaUcan.
was leanie.1 on ^e seventh, or
final ballot, that Cardinal Satto had
received 55 votes, Cardinal Ranpolla
4. and Cardinal (Mitto 2. The Oerman
cardinals suted that t^Ue they preferr^ Searflmo or Cardinal OotU.
they onijv desired a religious and nonpoliUcal pope. Cardinal Satelll then
suggested Cardinal Sarto as a com­
promise candidate which propositionthe German cardinals accepted. Mon­
day eveoing’s ballot gave Cardinal Sar­
to 37 votes and Rampolla 16.
When the result of Uie ballot was
announced. Cardinal Sarto «i^:ed his
colle^ve not to press bis election but
finslly submitted to Qod''s will as
One wouldn't need a calendar to tell
expresscil by ihe conclave
what day it is today. The,
The .elecUon of Cardinal Ssrto to rain came down last night and this
the office of pope is a victory for the morning in sheets. Oire thnnder showtriple alliance as against the French
succeeded another unIQi'
Chat the city was threates
deluge. The cause of It aS, tbe small
Fas Fy>rep«^ t Sells
' tbe otty.
the M.


Mrm UrtM Was Adviaad. to Dto«aH
Money hi tho Bank.

Life Were

Mrs. Rmia Lnton, bonsMreeper tor
B- F. Whitten, residing In n. pretty IRtie cottage at 663 bst.Qiwt streeL
Just over the'G. E. A I.;trm*. was
robbed last evening of MlO. Bntiance ,
to toe honse wss eSecSod by tearing
down toe screen and ralslag toe win­
dow which was fastened down -by a
nail placed in a hole at toe lop of toe •
lower suh.
Mra. Luton is a widow, having barled her busb^ th Benton Harbor
last March. At hit dsato she litoerIted 62,000 life Insuimnca. She came
to Traveree City on the Ftomth of
July last to keep house tor Mr. WhltShe hron^t over $600 with her
and kept It In a email eircniar box In
her bedroom. A abort time ago ahe
sent $200 to her eon in Pern. hid. She
read in Tbe Dally ttgle of the bnrglaries in toe city Bnnday night and
was warned by her neighbors that It
was unsafe to leave money in the
hwse. A few days ago she had toe
money with her. when np town In on#
of toe banks, and was ahnost on toe
point of depositing IL
*T thought that ho one wonld bother '
a poor widow," said Mrs. Lston. “No
one, not evai Mr; Whitten, knew how
much money I had. It wan safe for
a month and I toongfat It wonld always
he safe. I intended to keep It ontiJ I
aaw a chance to buy a little home
here. It is lucky that I didn’t bring
all my money and that I sent the $200
to my eon."
Mrs. Luton was absent fran tbe
“GRaWd old MAN” OF ,MAR
house, she says, only froan 10 alnntoa
to five yesterday aftenuoa to about
«;». abe^.m#ahwM.waa^

Bight of ^e 13 retaU milk dm
The Salvation Army hall at
1 the dty Aet last night and -fomad
eor^ of State and Union streets
packed last night when Ensign Ben- the- Retail Milkdesigre- assodsUon.
nard 9ve bis stereopitcon lecture on The dealera-who were not present will
prebably all join, some of them having
the SalvaUon Amy and. lU Work.
already given their pledge.
Teh assodaUon elected William McCool. president; William Goble, aecretary. and ArUiur Weidoft, treasi
The aaeodnUon was fomed princi­
pally for the object ot dealing with the
prtmoaed scheme ot establUhlng
milk depot to handle the wholesale and
retail milk trade and the wholesale
Ice cream bualneas. Local dealers are
prepared to say whether they
would be willing to dispose ot thdr
routes and sell their milk to the
tral depot Tbe depot proposition Is
not very definite but the milkmen wish
he prepared to deal with It'ahonld
it assume a more tangible tom. Tracy
GtlUs is reported to be backtog IL
The price of milk will probably he
advanced as nsnsi on September 1.
‘The price now is four and flv^ cents
and It will then be put up a cent
Who Lectured at Hie Salvation Army
Hall Last Night
big the Amy Itself and
:, the pictures of several
of tbe most prominent oOcera
shown. These included Oen. William
Booth and wife. Commander Booth
Tucker and wife. Brigadier Kate Cor
and others. An interesting Inddent
related . oonc^ning Brigadier
Cox'B work In Detroit
thrown into Jail for preaching
streets and Frank C. Andrews of De­
troit advised her to keep, tbe law and
ahe would not be put in >11. Within



ehartered by tbe lu»r or day st res
able rates. Gall Cttiseos- Phone
and VS. Dock oppoatte (2. R. A I depot.
406-4P7 WdhMm Block. Resldenee.
W. H. ARMa
£l and 23 Wynkoop Terrace.

We have them now


*c« hand on purpose for this kind
of weather.
Better stop in and get' a pair,
then you will Vie remly when it

NoM »boa

Oln Mtanil.

WhltlBg Rn»l

BeuJulint! of soliool shops on earth for
Tuisses and eliildren
Rock Oak Soles nn every pair will
guarantee tbe bestof wear
: • :

Good Morning!
WhsiVlid the


Bachant & Roscoe.


Parker Bros’. Old Stand

get at yoir house lust nifflit?

At a Great Sacrifice

What is that—had jost de. osited all your cash in the

The Balance of Our Up-To-Date. Stock of

Wash G >i«i
Remember it is an opportunity of buying new and
desirable fabries'at a sacrifice, not aurient
would not be cheap at any price.

and your oUio'valuables in one
of their dafely Hoses in Itieir
StMl Lined Vanlt?
. ^bt wss tbe wise thing to do!

All oortlATISTB LAWKS and DIMlTlBSUiat sold op to I8J4e,




400 S. Union Street
ilst WCCl^TH. ihal i^d' up to





fUxt «e*r




O^alra'a barSar aSap.-


maA more eerioin than preaching
eatvation on the street-eomen.
The first special work shown was
that anumg the fallen
girls, and pletares true
ahown of toe Salvatom Army larses
waiting at toe doors of toe aaloons and
dives for toe women as they came'ont
late at night But the lassies do not
only wait at toe doors, they go In­
side and their Influence Is ao great,
among toe wicked pe^le of the great
ctfot that toe chief of police of New
York once remarked that he had
rather have two amy laaales than halt
doxed^of bis policemen to quell
riot in toe worse parts of toe city,
the work among toe fallen women tJ
Army has eetabUshed an^- malnUl
homes where these sinful women and
girls may go and beglh life again.
Some of them are kept foe aix months,
for a year and some fu’ still
longer periods. There are 6,000 girls
passing through these rescue bones
every year and toe good dene by them
is incalcnlahle.
“nie work In toe slums was next
shown and the motto of tbe slumworkers was given—Srap, Soap and
Salvaaon—for it is generally neces­
sary to give sonp and soap before
thing can be done along toe line of
aalvaUcm. Pictures were shown, of
Army OOoere and girls starUug out
for work In the alums, equipped with
mops and brooms, for In the alums
it is necessary to flghL "dirt and toe
Tbe Boelal work among the pooT
workingman is an
of toe army work. -Some of Ihe shel­
ters. which are really hotels, which
by toe army In toe
larger cities, were presented
view of toe audience and a good idea
of toe wortt was gained. In these
shelters beds are provided for 10 cents
a night and the clothes ot those who
stay .over al^ are tooronghly dlMn-

Ihe b»ry nUns'^ Mbnday aflerxm followed by the dovnponr last
night put the city streets in fatd oondltion for the parade. > «olng from
the depot to the grounds In the
ing. a number of the beavy wagons
p;ink utmost half ont of slM>t on Union
.Ircet opposite the* Fere Xarqnette'
eating house. Tbe wheels cat tbroogh
the gravel and ploughed up the
c than tbe upheaving eff heavy
frost- In the Bpring~of the year,
get the wagons out of the hoies re­
quired some Ingenuity and akill.
one Instance a fourdtorse team
stuck and other teams were added unUl'at last there were 14 horses hlU^ed
In line. The seven blg'teams tagged
with inlght and main but were unable
to move the load. Then the elepbanta
were brought into action. A large
and a smaller one were mardied np to
var. Placing Uvelr trunks nnder
the hind end of Uie wagon wlUi Uielr
heads clnse up, they gave a mlgbtly
lift which hrou^t the wagon ont at
. Wben4t was in dangw of up­
setting. one of the elepfaaats
ind to the Bide and steadied It with
his trunk.
All the regular morning trains were
heavily loaded wUb people t
surrounding ogunt^ anxloas
the big show. Hundreds of others
drove in from Qrand Traverse and Lee­
lanau counUes. Bonn before the pa­
rade was duo and long after It was ex­
pected. the walks on Union and' Front
streets were crowded while more for­
tunate one found seats In oDces over­
looking the line oC march.
SborUy before I' o'clock, the blare
of trumpets In the bogle band, the ade guard, asmounead the wroaeh
of the mueh-watched-fbr parade,
presented an Imposing sight as
swungvilown Union streeL turning on
State and reaching front by Piuk. The
display of horaaa .mA^ ohM iMtAll the anlmaU wore In the pink
of eondiUon.- Thera »«ire In aU 262
horses in the parade. The hard of 68 of these sbeltora and In toe world
Sanu tjqntalnad 16 ins apaclBens there are more than 6.000,000 men
and there were eight cameM. Three
redA over i^ght every Tear.
this line ot worit-are also the salvi^
stores where old gannoite gre fixed
things lively along the line of march. over and fnrnltnre and everything neois sold for 'a
No clrcM parade «^d be oampleta
without a caliope which brought up fraeton ot what H would cost at .the
the rear playing, TO-.. BoMey.regnjar stores of the <dty.
Tbe farm oohmles ot iriileh than
Tbe dhow was well patroRdted tut*
afternoon. Those who aaw the per^ Are three Ur the UnUed States wnge
formanee prononnoe It flnt ci«a«
next shown and the method of their
many new teatnres. as well as trid
reUon was told. The people who
placed on these farms are bron^t
put on in Improved shape, nta Toopthe-loop" bicyde act vras eapaetoily from toe slums of the. dties and are
thriinng The Indloatloiu are that the given ao many acres of land to
city people will turn oat waD at to­ On these colonies toe government .has
night's perftHmsDce.
establisfaed poetoffices and toe aHhy
has built schoor-'-useB so that toe
A- M- Laailcl has-amplayad AiM ba tolidrcn may be as weQ edneatod as
terpa Trio Tate of McFhterb tbsslor Hie totldren ot any tanner In the land.
Chicago, to fanmi amUgjU
T..C other subjects alxm
prison work and
among toe vralfa. linny pC th« Miwa

District Attorney George G. Covell
Md the Grand Rapids Hernia an in­
teresting poUUcal story that smacks
very much ot upper peninsula ambi­
tions. Mr. Ovell has Just returned
from a trip around the Georgian bay.
Ding by way of toe lakes,
upp^ pcolnsnla politicians ^are'
aylng their loes for Peter White ot
Marquette for governor. Frederick
Derick of Mackinaw Is ont and ont
for toe "Grand old man." as tbe Mar­
quette philanthropist w ^dly called
n his eecllon. Mr. White <s said to
' e throwing nothing in the way of toe
omnMr. Coveil saya
be himself is
thinking iitUe ofApoUUca. "I'm Jnst
resorting. But when they talk of an
alliance between Bnrraws and Stearns
I want to toil you that I don't believe
L Burrows has no alliance with any
one, Smith has no alliance wll^any
one -and Stearns has no alliance with
Bvety man vrlll Jnst puddle
hts own canoe. Aa to my candidacy
for congress in thb Eierento .district?
Why. fm^well known there and have
some good friends.^

day t
Mrs. Lntonb ahnenon.
In Edition to toe roU of hflls. Ita.
'Lnton suffered toe k>M of a ring vab
ned at 614. Three,or fbor dollara ly.
ing In too dresser in tbe bedroom and
about toe same amount tn toe kitchen
cupboard was untouched.
reported to the poliee toat
several bouses on Bsst BW>to street
tad beesi entered andf robbed last
light but Chief Rennie eaya' that
there Is- no truth in the report, and
that when be went through Lonls Ctd^ ■
man's house In which the bnrgJam
were reported to have been, he found ,
no sign of them nor any evidenoe toat
there had been anyone In the hoima.


Fatol Blip In Ninth Brought in Winhlng Run.

Ing at Twelfth stf^ was a fast,gam«!
on a slow dfamond and was won by
toe visitors by the score of 1 to 0. the
run being scored tn toe last halt- .
Owner of Money Hm Her Staughtered of toe ninth infllng.
Trti game was to have begnn at 6:60 .
and Recevere 675.
Akron, 0„ Aug, 6.—WhUe wortdng but toe rain yesterday and tUs morn-1 toe Cleveland A Pittsburg railroad Ing made It Impooslble to nse ttU
at. Macedonia Cmitractor. Frank Wise
bung bia vest on toe fence on i
iglng to Frank Green, a pi
nent farmer. In toe pocket of toe
was a pnrse contalnlol 686.
wandering cow of depraved appespled It and ate the vest and cmi3, but fortunately Wise dlsoov
V In toe acL p
A toe an­
imal of Green for 650 and sold her to
'local butcher tar 626.
The cow was alanghtm

toe base think the nmplre dnetded
wronH^ ^ toe
H cnalA be redeemed.
Dr. Snyderis Father Died at Fulton,
Dr. 3. A. Snyder retnnied this morn« from attending the funeegLof
father who died at Fnlton. MIto.. July
61. having attained toe age of 80 y
one month and one'day. He la sur­
vived by a host of desoanUats.
sndcU|drM. All his
children were pinsnnt at the «nn«aL
Mr. Snyder wns a Ufekmg torlstlan
worker. ~We waa one of 11 elden who
organised the Brform nhoroh In FnUim
and had been an «dd«r of that churto
slnee 1866. '

Ike Uimnp was as foUgwa:
. ~



PtU^INQ 8HeEf>.

BMiMlM TnMmOIJ Pcmato
a«i»B<l-(^ lUttar

surtbRipriona. ’
six MAhx, br IMU, ..................1 CO
One jw, tgr nS.
.... 8 I
ornm m W«R CVook ctreat.
Both -Phans tt.
Otty Ctrsitetor.
WoHs to BSTrttiis
BohMrOKn ^ the IMDy Bh^ are
raqnsMd'16 BOOfT the oSS at on»
of B7 sniire to raoeire the paper
propedj OT on tine BO that the inattsMoaertlienanfar boy Bay be res.
edled ertt&os
Coming Cvanta.
ABCUt 6.—Farepaagn^eUe Cli
Omtty Bsa.' Cog and
pony ahow.

tayd M WBjw'Vrcd Aniatoto.
The pme bred abeep to Bbetltnd an
net Biom. bnt plaeked. Tbe proeeas
taker place gCMMlly to done, when
the BeeceTs htoe" and the.allky wool
an be polled off wltbout pain.
This la eased -raelng'- and U mneh
less ilamagiBg to tbe yonng fiber than
cttpplng with sbeari. The wool wtam
tons hanOlad retrins Its peenUsr stftao that any one of eriperleaee can
teU whether toe matmlaJ of a kalttsd
mtlcle has been plocked or aboen. It
ripen fliwt npon the neck airi ^mlten, so that steep half polled reenble
1 some sort a poodle that la clipped.
We most suppose that hsrster han­
dling ptevBlled at one tone, for we read
that In 1616 toe BcotXMi privy conndl
of tbe ewtom as ettB kept np "to
remote and .nnrivU (dacea,"> and
James I. wrote to tell them that It bad
been p« down lo Irriand under penal­
ty ef a fine. Upon this they passed an
act on Harcb IT, me. daplortog tbe
destnictlon of ibeep tons Saosed and
imposing Ehnllar fines on those who
rikmld persist in toe pmetiee.

White men-s homes In India, tbs
W»t Indim, west Africa and other
-nioe. A. Bdlaoa li firmly ooBTtoeed parti of the trupta to wblrii dvOtsathat the deetroytng praces oC the Xny that has necesltatod the ampou- the petnciple of baring u much air
tls of toe left arm nd fingers of the god as little fnndtiue u poealble.
right band of aarenee Dally, one of Gaipets, ruga, coshloiis, hangings and
portieres are banUbed. TaMs and
bit aasManU. and Is now'threatenng chain are made of Ugbt wickerwork,
the left *»«"<< of Cfaaris Dally, hit bnmb(M> or soe. The floon are polbrother. It the direct resolt of the kill­ tahed with coeoannt bosks notU they
ing or paralyzing of certain white become as eUiqiery as a good dandog
blood corpusciM known as phagocytoa, floor. Indeed, .they are osed for'that
whose fnncdcKi It to drcnlate throogh
e b aodoty.
the blood and Into the tlasee, neobalMo the tropito reonlrea no prepanitrallziag foreign sabatanoee that Jl»- tioD. After dinner it it only necessary
turb the healtfal eooditon of the fleah
ore the light fnmltnre to one «rand Mood. He wye be it tatitfled ner of toe spadons room; eend some­
these condiUctts are entirely doe to body to the piano and etaft dancing.
the action of the rays on the pbago- Tbe ballroom la practically' to the
cytea. There Is a theory that toe nys open air. for wooden “Jalooalee” form
paralyze the aoUre phagocytoa withont most of toe wall space and are opened
like Tenetlan blinds to- let In the cool
sctnally destroying them.
Cook ooonty oOlelnla in QUnMe haye
When the American farmer rises een
to more off easy street, in Inreetlgaty In tbe inomlng it Is to look orer
tion by toe boerd et commlBlsa
showed that the oflldala were, being broad end fertile ecree that are hit
When be goes forth dt is to fields
paid for doing nothing moet of toe
time, aid they have passed a reeotO'
tloo whereby a timekeeper wlH'be em­
ployed to reglBter toe immher of hemrs
each man woihs, the payroll bdng
made op acoordlngly.
ceeds of it are to clotoc and feed him
The erll resulting from the paroling and Us family and educate bis diUdren, to be tbe support of bit old age
of crlmlhnls was well lllaBlratod at and tbe heritage of bis posterity/ Look­
Terre Hanto, Monday night, when ed at from every point of view. It li
Dode Carrington, on parole Docn the doabtfnl if there Is another bumao be­
Indiana priton where be was sent tor ing under the heavens wbo has more
for carrying a light heart and a
, mntder, shot and Idlled toe wife of
hli tecUier and then escaped. It U cootefltad mind, for lagaidlng toe past
. and toe totore with
wea to toDow toe adriee glren by Bedhope, than toeAmerican farmer.—Kan­
omen. -'Cast not your pearls before sas City ioonal.

Try ourlBam make


aLTEB PEANUTS . fliisMWiliiltil

They are made from Ne. 1 BpanMi
shelM psaniito and are treated in a
clean puiwway. Ne lard or oU flraaae
our -................
own mal» -Each ordarjj
used in —
rotoCM after the oMer
by ue. They are eoW
Cavto tHpar -Ce,, ft' '
Weaver, E. A MOnroe, Jrtm—
HannMi * Lay




and aU tost
l*retty Uwn—eleirant big trees,
aieegerdea-lot—to be sold tob
week. Lmiw the terms.


Hie mao uvu HIMen’s.


i? '-^1

^ O.E.CA8E,


A. B. cuirris & CO.
Real Estate & Loans
No Tax Clause
ROOMS 9 AND 10, H. *


BllUT WA18TB-U ym dra't want to wear thetn
toqyre going at BOe, Vsi and flUM lor goods


When you in oslng oU
Ismpsorsaylclodod U^t
but KLBCTBIcn-T in
your home or MBee. There
to nothing like BLBCTBICITT for illuminsUng

To Close Out
Suit Cases

AieH, DO gwse, oodaogef
from fires—it b the moet

Boandman Rlrer
Electric Uftht 8
Power Company.

Traverse «ty
Gas Company



1te.Tn*mtaqrlidM»CsB4c<^fersto those uaable'to



amnd school,' a course i_n Boidc-keeping identical
to.that taught in the' Collie for home study.
There are eight sets, comprising Wholesale and
• Retail and changing from Single to Double En^.
The entire





lor '

Royal Tiger
Corn and Tomatoes
are as good as can
be put up at an,y
price. Onlj.—


I5c a cas’

I lb. Royal Tiger
taU can &Imon

IBcaw .


Mr. BoekefeUer says that whenever
nselM the BUase.
he wni& anything he prays tor it.
CaUer-8o toe doctor biboght yon a
■nils recslls toe bUm^ of the darkey little sliter th« otter algbt ehl
who ibvA for a Thankstfving tur­ Tommy-Teb; I guess It was toe doc­
key. bat in vain. 'Then he prayed tost tor done It. Anyway I heard him tell' pa aotne time ago 'at if pa didn’t
be ml^t be aont out to'get a torkay,
' tab old bill he’d make treuMe tor
and there were’teathers In hto back
yard betore sun-up.^The Commoner.
Harry-BIanche sayz she hag Insuper­
Fotey-B Kidney Cure wUI cnt« all
diseaaea arising from diseidered kid- able maeona for remaining alagie.
Horaee-Tes, 1 know what they’ are.
neye or bladder. Boldbylae.O.John•on and 8. B. wait* Bone.


Mier -nmn Gold.
"1 was tranUed tor aeveral years
. A woman's idea of anttripathm b to
with ctaBoole ttdlgeaaon and net
pack her trunk two weeks before abe
dsUlUy." writes F. J. Green, of
cantor. V. H. "No remedy helped me experts to rU'it on a.trip.-Atcl
nnUl I began salng Beotrie- BUton,
which <Ud me BBore good than an the
mnilrtoae I ever need. Ttoey have
escBbi an Awful Pato.
aiao kept my wife hi exoaDeot health
r. H. Sacglnt of Melbonnie, Bs..
M. ■Vydortm told me I bad'Cooaomptbrn and aathlng oonld be done
orator tor weak, nia<own women. No
other laedlriue can take its {daee to,
tmr .family." Tiy them. Only 60c. New Dtooovwy
reeary and
GnMt-BelUf tor Mthma Bufferera.
fWsgto HoDsy and Tar eCtoda Im- Hfs." TUa great «ug£^ gmi&tead
^ Utoet a ears. BeM by Jm.
TnliBcmand S. B. Watt*;-4klM. eodw


August Bargains

Hamilton Clotiiing Co.


{ I lb. Royal Tiger

en b one petaonage who of Ute
i has rattier dlsaiipeared from tbe
gdflng worid. but osed to be greatly in
-^tt'e np to the proalflent to,seffla a eridmice in It-tte adrisoiy caddie.
Booaevelt medal to Bnswd's Bay.— Many of the caddbanf tbe old Scotch
eebool used to treat their masters (so
csDodlmocb In toe mannrt that a good
The fact that a Chtngo man has old noree treab a baby when ahe b bewcti a wUe with a poem ihonld not rinnlQg to teach it bow to walk. In
raise false hopes aasong toe verse those days there was not a sooke
writesa. He wont be able to nnpport played wltbont toe tnoM careful conaalutlon with these sapient mentots.her tost way.—North American.
Westmlnstar Oasette.


HBN-8 BUMMER SUITS put in fonr lots, inclading etala Stock, and Hart, enknTTar and Marx
makes, at fS.38, eS.38, pf»A»a, *15.00. The
che^>est of these sold for from 88.H to •laoo; the
better ones MgtT.OO to $21.00. Here> an offer that
rather diseonnta anything elan we know of. All oar
cibtomere express surprbe when they see the goods.


. for yon hare the hhanoe

i that the board
of edneatton t
tor a parole I
Detroit Dveolng News.

worth gl.OO, »LM and gJ.00. One of these will iaUe
Ihebmtafatrtyoa ever rnw for toe money.


This is way ahead of any c«>ri«&poadebce acboo},

What Editars «ay.
■Ihe Hew Jetaey prltdae haring cut
out toe Btrtoefi snlta tor convicta. if
hodman In England knowp what be
the Mkhlgaa Mea is followed
jdieat tmlte wlU come next—Brenlng has to step when toUlng up the build­
er’s ladder, though be may not know
seven lucbea Tbe sailor wbo runs
up tbe ratlines has twelve Indies as a
Mr. rniecB to prcntolng a new elec­ step, and that mskei a mn possible,
tbe firemen's Udder, b eroeeed
tric aatomobUe riie^ Muwigi' for all
with exact equivalence to the ratlinea.
uaerz. to U Us Idea to apoO toe anto^'
mobUe's popnlarty by making It emnmon?-:«nnd Rn^ds Herald.
Tbe hltimate'caase of death, when
Ine primarily to electric shock, b genifHorenor Bliss has hto ear to toe rally considered to be stoppage of
. groond. he to likely to hear eermnl toe action of toe heart or of toe resplrBtoTT organs. That toe Utter may be
.things in connection t.'lth toe proposi­ effected b shown by toe fart toat vletion that Bankwreeker Andrews be set ttms of electric ibocfc
at liberty.—Grand Bapids Poet.
brought to by practice of some of the
well known methods of artlflcbl res­
The Wall street panic to explained piration- Tbe cessatloD of the bcarffs
as being cansed by tbe “retneal of the action may be dop-to stlmolatlon of toe
people to buy." 'Ta Wte" would be' nerves wblcli eoMol toe beating of toe
heart TTiese. WErtr-pOmobted to exmure oorreot—Kalamazoo Gazette.

August Bargains
as ehirt wabto, tnck ’tom^^‘ii^|^oar Ironiers--


In offering yon onr adriee to ^ a
Gas Range, we are simply suggesting
toat ytm have your honsehold equipped
with toe best appUanoe for coMdng
toe worid contains. There is nothing
better. It to good enough for any­
We have tbe fawgeat.assortment of
as Rangea ever shown In any city,
at our aalegroom. 228 Front street

August Bargains

Look This Op Bffort Hivriling o Any Other !

Salmon Steak

25c a can.




Telephone 157.


l57Fronta nenUeBtodc


No matter whether your Income be limited or large, you do not
want to pay an exorbitant price for a nano. On toe .eontraiy you
want poelttye assurance that you are getting tun value for eveiy
doUar expended.
7^ maximum
economy b reached In the cendnet of this great
illy b taken advantage of.
We\, are 4di
We ^ among toe largest dealers in toe worid—
■nio enormons volume of boslneai segregated by oar ton atorea,
>. enabUng us to secure evefy pricea to the trade—
e bu}^To
condlttons make posstblb our waodertnl valme—values
that are positively unequaJed by any otoer house.
We can prove ail these ctatow to your eatlto sattefactiem If you
win give us the o|g»rtunlty. Gall at any ttme; we shall be h^iy
to show you our beantitol Planoe-eTEINWAV, QBINNELL BROSt
(our own make), 80HMER, MABON * HAMLIN, 8TERLINQ,
Hi^INCS BROE„ WEQMAN, and otter otjbi worid's best makes.
Besides Pianos and Organs we sell aB fctods of amall stringed
and biam instrumenu. Mnsie Boxes. Talking MwAtoea. etc., eto., at
very low prioa. Sheet Mnsic it half price. Be anre to eee ns If yon
need anything In the music line.’'

216 Ashmon Streets 6atttt Ste. Merle.'
Branch of QRINNELL BROS.’ Mwlc Mouae,

Yonr choice of
any salt I n
onr east win­
dow for seven
dollars. Call
b nd see
then ; : : :

OelrelL Mtohlgaa.


Free Tickets for tiie Ck^em
We have ntane—but If yon buy your

OetMels tiete

of dfc yon wUI mve enough to take

The Wkola ramlly.
I a' greater triek to match oar

••Bk ALL VSAHB UAVb 'a JtlT’

S. Bencia & : Oct.

Raal Estate Broker

Several Desiiable Faims,
Seven room bouse und bil
on Eandolph street, nearEJniwood avenue sch'ool. Elasy terms; price $1,000.
Seven room bouse on Rose ,
street, lot 50x186.
$760; half cash, balance g
: "
• ,
Four dwellings - on East |
sid^ reasonable prices, easy |
Ninth street, stone founda-k
tion.oementcel^, iot50xlG6. ^
Price $1,400.
Seven room bouse on West |
Seventh street, stone founda-1
tion, lot 66k17?. Priee$l,40l‘ |

Enquire ®t my oTfltc|
for terms.

You Uke Good Coffee

Nothing so invigorating for your bre.-vkfast,' and no breakfast quite
complete without a good cup of GOOD coffee.

Ever Tried the “Ferndeir Braiid?

It is the best coffee you have tasted—the blend is perieejt. It is hard
to flndoone who fails to be pleased. It-is very unusual wie know, but—
it is nevertheless true. To introduce tbe-“Femdell” coffee, one of the
• firm’s


Best Lady Demonstrator

. will be Jiere all this week, wbo will be pleased to serve you with this
/ most delicious coffee^esplain-all the many good point^L tel! all^aboutthe many valuable aiaicles that will be ..^ven sway, and Incidentally
sell you a pound br two of the coffee.

One of Our Customers

who has rbeently moved here, said to us: ^‘Tell your customers I have
used tbe Ferridell Coffee some time before I cune hero apd consider it
the best Java and Mocha mixture I ever drank, and I ought to know.”

Elegant Souvenirs Absolutely Free

Beautiful engraved pictures, French art studies and other imported
goods—would decorate any room-^ven away with every one pound
purchase. Lai^ ji^agnificent. pictures, flower studies, children’s
pictures, go with every two pound purchase.

Elegant PllloW Tops

that co^d not be duplicated for 50c'or 75c, given
with purchase of
three t^ pound cans Java and Mooha, or two one-dollar packages.
In addition to above, there are coupons in each package, WHICH WE
WILL REDEEM. Handsome book marks and picture cards given to
every caller.

There Are Four Grades

of the famous Femdell Coffee, 20c, 25c, 30c and 35c. Order a pound
with your groceries in the morning and them tell us what you think of-



O. P. C»rv«r «c Bra.
Oo ucooiint of the 4Mt
ami Gattis Ua%v*«
will be In tbeTt oSoe dcrias hiui*

Car«—l%e ttUura ot ChtflM ModU«i>e hAi rodneed the nimtwr ot b«w*p4p«n Bt Cbto bf one. the Jounal.
which wma hBcked br MoaUgue, hSBins nepended.
'Five hundred molders
ijre on strike becwe ot the retnsel of
their employm to Increue wasee
froD ' «r.26 to SS.C0 per der. asd to

nATtiV mfcBHB.WEMTOPAY> APgOS^?^ fllflg.



Maurer Inland Woman HsW Chesim
for to Ves^.
ManlsUque^vMloby Ang. 6.—The
..Mm- of the l^t|6atlanal bank of
_t Ignace has ^^greaOy surprised
by the ^asentetlon by Mrs. Diren Qal-.
WAS' not
l^er of Bearer Island of cheeks iea'ned by the United Bb
toe total of 12,160. lliese die^
bsd been issued to Owen OsUa^mr In
payment for serrices sa a membw «t
a life aavtng crew, and some of them
PIUS X. iS A MAN OF GREAT PIETY dated as fsr back as »'years ago. It
tbal Mr. ■ "
be taMdiag toem yet were he not .An­
ally reqneetod by toe treasury degartHis Eiectien is Giving
t to bare toem cashed In- order
toat toe aoeonnts eonU be ehedtod np.

8. B. -Watt A Sons.
Why talw two or throe )rean in a
public eehooi te geta bualnsea oeorae
when SIX MONTHS to a year will give
you a much mere pnstteal edoeatien
than y^ get In a public echeel site
If yog I
t yen will be
placed In a good psaltien.
The Traveraa City Bualneaa-Cellegp
haa helped ecoroa af quaUSed
dents to goed pea HI— rote wiil help
yeu if you give them a chan,

% fiiak SiKt
The flaa Fsr ^eweafti

The Werther.
Cloud)- end thrwteatns ta
Tbnrsday with proitebir tbunJ«^ ~Ypallantl—l%e state board ot ednstorms end sc^therlr winds shltUw cation has amKrinted Miss Annette F.
to north’
Chase ot Ohaserilte, N. Y.. teadier of
ates te II
domesUe acienee In the tratnlng eohool
1 Lee oC
Rome. Ang. 6.—All the members ot
CIT)T ik sttlEP.
ot the Normal college. She is e gradu­
The Largest In tte Wertd.
ate'of Frau InstHnte, Brooklyn. The toe sacred college declared that they
are very well salisBed with toe elec' Miss lie Higginp »r Qraed Replds Is Ooaserratory of Music building will be
Uon ot Cardinal Sarto, but toe .antl- mal shows, toe Urgent exhibition ot
. the suest ot Hiss Addle Sqlea.
Rampolla party consider It as their toe kind In toe worid. will be U tote
' Miss Kate Clary of Qrand Rapids is
dty tomorrow. The Gentry Broe.’ pgrFlint—Mrs. Frances H. Stewart and special victory. When toe dnrt ballot
risiUDS Miss Carrie Bari and Mias
formance tote seaww hro been-greauy
B. J. McDonald have received war was taken' It showed that the sacred
Haxel Ferris.
college eras divided into two gronin augmented. In addition to wbldi. to
The V. M. C. U S. and their friende ranta tor 64.480 and 64.629. respee- the stronger one for BampotU and an
went to Marion Island last night for a Uvely. from the United Stetos treas­ other Bot quite so strong for ScraSpo play. Bbowtng toe vartons hay -and
ury department, in payment for the
German menie at EHc Rapl^ Sunday,
otoer votes were seat neat earing animals in their infancy,
August 6th.
The campers from Dew Drop Inn
an attraction which te calcnUted to
tered bnt Inclnded four for Sarto
Train win leave Traverse City s
Carp Lake broke camp and returned street.
On toe snbseqnmit bsllots, while increaae toe Joys of toe Uttle fotks,
11:20 a m. Rate 40 cents. Bee postto this city last night.
the two principal parties were losing
era. or ask agents lor partlcntsrs. UTtS
Chas Odell of Maneelona is lix the
ground. -Sarto gradually gained, draw
city visiting bis daughter, Mrs. Oenge
Ing strength from boQTeldes. as well
While, of 713 South Oak street
as from nenti-jis. nnUl the ballot on dogs, ponlee. monkeys and elepbaats.
Mrs. T. H. A. Tregea and daughter^ ber of the bosrd of county andltors. re­ Monday afternoon, when bis vote bad which have always b— seen with the
writes: *1 -gas troabled alto a
.leiura have returned from England signed as a member of that board.
Increased to 37. *1Uiln six of toe nee- show, an entirely new innovation of
dag eOoA 1« a r«v and 1 thouebt
where they have t
pertormlng Siberian cam­ r had wMiumprinn. I tried a great
isary two-thirds..
Sault Sts. Msric—7%e enlistment
a'year and a half.
remedlee and was under toe
’^en the* result ot tote ballot wm els. believed to be toe only onee ever many
of physteteBS for several mantbs.
f the troo^ now at Fort Brady
Mrs. H. Montagi
announced In the coB^ve Cardinal educated -either In tote or foreign I used oM bctrie'tef Foley'a Haaer and
pires Angnst 9, and moet of them will
day from Chicagd. .
1. The msny luocuroos ot Gentry Tar. U cured me. and I have.sot been
Sarto was
her daughter. Mrs. Fred Hoover ot ittve toe army. They say they got

'oJd'by Jaa- G. Johnand so tonehed by the nnlooked for Bros.' combined exhfbttiaos -will be
Kansas City, who win spend sereml erperience enon^' ln toe Philippines.
' "
ifidence reposed In him toat he properly Indexed and dtetAared in the
weeks here.
could no longer control his feelings combined streec parades, which wUl
Dr. C F. Watkins,' one of the orig.
ven tomorrow morning, Thursday.
the surprise of all he broke
Inal members of the '-HasUers'' hall
eclaring toat snch responsfbil. August 6. at Twelfth street show
Tlie Ann Arbor R. R. will run its
club la In the dty vUiOng old friends. way has been sold to Chicago parties, Ity and honor were not for him and grounds.
utoal excurskm toNlagaraFalte. Alex­
Mr. Watkins will go from here to who propose to jmt abont 6^.000 In that he must refuse It lf~offered. Tears
andria Bay and Toraato Wednesday,
MIssoulA Mont., to fill the posiUon ot ' Its recoostraction and in toe pnrehase rolled down his cheeks and be se^ed
August 12th. Special train will leave
cars,- etc.
llrst asslaUnt surgeon In the North,
The jacul:i.vr li.sU. Uir ptecatMtel CopemSto at 12:67 p. m. Pare for
Ann In bis determination to refuse toe
ern Pacific lailroad hospital.
gunm-r of the Jsvnn lakes, ueci'bte round trip to Ntegaia FaH*. 66.26. To
-dignity. He was so sincere that
Ity c
Toronto toe fare will be 6L00 higher,
All members ot the I. O. O. F. and
in toe conclave and uiouil. us a B.iulrt gun snd te s marks- to Aleiandrta Bay 66.66
Towns, aged 14,,leJ him to Investlgale
sad Making snd Isj lng. teatoer renovatm;in of no ttenn ablUty- Go to a amaM
Rebekah lodges are requested to meet
_ .prom^
some quee looking, coH>er tubes that the cardinqls spent toe whole evening lak.- or pond IU1«1 with ^wchnens.of to Montreal, 610.65 higher . than to ed. Work thorough . ^
at Odd Fellows' hall tomorrow mornNiagara FaBs. Special train will run executed. Agent for Mltolgan
he found on toe river bank. Two and far into toe night In convincing Jnculators. piaie a stake or pole li
toroegfa toe Falls wltoont change.
. ing at 8:3C o’clock to attend the fonerCo. N. B. rttutp*" Prop. Traverse City. I
angers were iRi
water with the end projecting from one
Carpet Cleaning WoA*. 822 Washing- ]
al of Brother L. M. TbompklDe. Rigs
Proridenoe and toat he must aeoeph to three feet above toe mirface, place
Sion ot dynamic
ton streeL "Hiono No. 118.
will be.provided for the ladles.
Bevorol rimes he almost fainted and a beejie or Ay on top of the pole and
A Ptiyaiotan Healed.
Soon toe water
Ann 'Arhdf—Because hls wlfe refns- had to be revived by toe use of salts.
Dr. Geo. Ewing, a praoUcing physi­
Getuibb G Ca. gay Mgl
I to kiRs him. BurneU Stknbach ct
cian of Smith's Grove. Ky., tor over
led happy bnt broke down
prices for scrap Iron, metals,
thirty yean, writes hte personal ex
Chelsea has applied for a divorce. *
even after an toe other candidates
perienre wfth PerieTs Kidn^ Cnre:
Chicago Parties Buy Maar'a Mill at
rags. etc. Yard on Bay
had retired and on the Anal ballot he
'select FROM.
*Tcr ysan I had been greatly botoerBoyne Fslla
Marshall—Martha Qroenlng, a do-, looked a statue of resignation. Car- phu-od 10 full vlow
StreeL Send pesui er call Belt
couii-fl to ibe Kurfaco, steadily obeervee led^'Flto Wtoey s^ b^er troobte
• Boyne Falls, Mich., Aug. 6.—Brotnan mestic. chose the strychnine route. No
I used
il enlarged lueetrate g
dnal Casetta. a aerntlneer. was read­ bis pr;-.v and tueewres the dtetaoce.
■Phene 246.
« Bchmilt of Cblcago have bought the cause known for suicide.
etythlng known to
ing out toe vote. When 42 votes hRd Insliisilly be Ktrews Ills uoutb Into the
Moar's mill property and are busy at
been recorded for the. patriarch of fuuoicsl shapes Itbuginkble, dtediiarscs without ToUet untn 1_____
work., repairing the building and put­
SsuH Sts. Marie—Manrice Paolo Venice, the ecrntlnert- arose, lifted his I «tr»-uiu of xvator with precision f-qnal use FMer’s Kidney Cure. Altar tak­
ing three botttea I was enUiely reUev
ting In their new maiAlnery for mak­ made a rope, of twisted tirigs and
and cored, t prescribe it now dally
Twelfth Street Show Groands
ing a ki^ grade of all kinds of hrnrti- banged himself In toe woods.
r, Tvb« be
In my practice and heaztUy recom
"HtoemuB PontlSeo."
mmid its use to all pbyeSetaas for such
es, butcher's Modes, butter'ElsSes and
,y the sBcc
I have prescribed it In bun
all sorts of woodenware novdties.
Unne." As toe vote approached 60. Tbls sport may be
dreds ot eases with perfect sueceas."
They will employ from 7S to 100
Co. wbteb c
however, toe cardltials. as of <me ac­ the- sundy of beetles and Stes bolds Botd by Jas. O: yttenaon atf 8. B. 'Wait
They have at band eonugh orders to ber last winter -wlU Incream) lb m
cord surrounded toe new ponrifi and.
ke^ them ninitlng'sai winter.
next winter and te building camW
according to-tnditioB. deanaadad to
know tf be wotfd aocapt toe poattflMBW POTATOB8, 16 cents a pec^
deofcnen Ibe prison bsnrd wQl
cate. Cardinal Snto^ II^ teeiilri^
St J. E. CURTIS’, ni Union street
build a new oMJ block at a cost «C
se toat be oould hardly arUeolat^ bat
- .
Tbs tn note te tbs coQectlOD ol
after a vteible effort b« ^d: *lf tote
Btoool and^cl^ taxes and apedsl asenp cannot pass from me—”
not more than 10 per cent In fact la
ita te toe Are wards of toe
•niere he paused, but the cardinals tonnecrioD with tote U te noteworfty
Q( Trmreree Caty. Mldri—L bave
Ihnt because one spedea of Aowca is
around him Insisted that It
sary for him to answer 'Tes" or "No.” endowed with sweet odor It does noi been placed in my bands te coueetkm.
Thereupon he replied Annly; "I ae- nct-esarily follow that all or neerly I will te In my ghee for toe purp—
nil or even a fair preportton of the
said taxes on Avery week
Ollier species Ot the ssme family wUl
Cardinal Gibbous said the election be as ftrorsbly endowed. -AalUnstrs- bay from sow nnUl Nov. 1, 1903, from
of Cardinal. Sarto had caused toe best tlun of tote te fonud In tbe fanitlter 8 o'clock until 11:30 o'clodc in tbe
tr^ 1. o'tAoek to 4
In toe enrire sacred .ool- nilgnonette. There are some Afty «6»to pass the snininer.
lege, being a man of suto piety, tact elvs of tote genos known, snd of them o'doek in tbe afternow ot -eAcdi day.
All taxes paid before September 1
and culture that he waa toe
Sited all but one has any fragrance. Nor te
is in a tent.
be the head of toe church at the t/oertaln that the most InslgnlA.-ani wUl te reorfved without ooUection
The ideal place is
looking Aower bos the greatest fra- tees and on all taxes pwwalning napreeent time.
giancc or tbe moat pirgeotwy oo
pald on September 1 and unUI October
There 1s speculation regarding the likely to be without odor, thus t
political attitude of toe new pope. In­ Ingly dlsi>roriug the theory that rotor 1 a penally of one per centte eoUeoThe ideal way to
tion will be .charged on all taxes re­
asmuch as he has not participated in and frogniiice aie given Sowere '
get there is via the
maining oopald on October 1 and un­
the generM affairs ot toe church dur­ the purpose of attracting'Inaecti
til November' 1 a penalty ot two per
assist In cross ferHItectloo.
Rock Island.
ing hte career.
cent te coilecthK vrOl te charged
Why not go?
Office in wnbetm Mock, Room 210.
Catooltem In America and oonaUers
In Uganda a man can buy a hand­
Rates are low.
the United States a most fWOle -held some wUc for four bulla a box of cat^
for religion.
tiMgro and alx ueedirs. and U be has
the luck to go a-woolng when woman
happeiu to be n drug in tbe market be
At Steinberg's Grand Tonight
lawrence RuBsell'a great rural mas­
PTMMtlM Many Mew Hltli CUM PeitBn.
terpiece. "The Pnnkln Husker,” wlth- of eboea. s'KafOr girl te worth, aeeoidlug to tbe rank of btw family, from
a doubt te one of toe Anest com­ four to toD co-ws. and m Tartary no fa­
panies toat has ever visited Trav—e ther will surrender Us dau^ter nnlem
City. This company carries all spe­
' end Monkeys,
cial scenwy. using no house scenery'
Does au>d Mcmkeye.
whatever. Among 'toe sensaricmal
Monkby Covnadlmne.
ffisiwr WOMB
scenes are the homing of the barn and
toe great white-capping scene. IRe
YACIfT nd Pisa
latter being the most realistic scene
Hew the Orient OMe It* SlMr.
ever prodneed on toe American ■
'Two women sbaU te grinding at tbe
There are al^ a nnmber of clever min.’' In tbe east tbe dayte supply of
meal te >.Tgend eocta tnornlDg by two
women, who sit epposite esefa other o)
a large, clron ctotb, with tbq smal
Many persons in this oommnnity are mlitecouM betwera tbem. They posh
uSering from kidney eomplainl who the uK*r stone bwMd and srotiod by
means of a stlek stantUng nprigbt In a
could avoid fatal results by using
bole In one side, boto women boMlag
ey's Kidney Cute. BMd by Jaa
Jobnoirland 8. E. Wait A, Sons, eodw it. Tbw nsnally sing as.tbsy grind.





SiKdal Sceneiy for Every Act
Snappy Specialties fietweoi Acts.

At.^teinbO’g’s .
Grand Opera Hotiae

Prios: 25,35.50c. Seats on sale at boitoffice
Carpet Clenning


noliSE TO BEPtr



Famous Shows Oflted

The Ideal

America’s Largest and Most Complete


That’s a magic word, judging from the
activity in the Cloak Section.
People know that when we. say a half off
from regular price that it is an opportunity not
to be missed.

Are You Missteg It?
AH ChUdrra’s SuBiner toals at Half- Price.
AHParasdsat - Half Prite.


Herds Of

Everything New—Nothing Old but the title.


Summer Suits Half Price!

Trafned Animal ExtilMtloa.

ecc Vina TBouPE op musical ponies
3CC PMIO, UK SanBest Onw-BtptaU h Ofm/m aemn net K m «•» n m wM.

Watch for The Grand Free Street Parade

The TroeMe With Btea,
Orders ior Bush's back sbonld be
mnt to Bugbee A Roxburgh's drag
’•Well, soh.'' said Brother Dtekey, T
rtorc. Sunday drives. Heete .all Ytald BKcr Atektns wlH never s.t
sloDg In de worlT
■Why, what demattar wlto-tenr
"Onlydte: HesfeMrod-ar.«nder.
be can’t dedgi
ehnrcb which Rev. H. J. ails is build, Oeasttanten. ing at DeTcmr.

austliBg Jeweler.
lira move Into «nr saw a«ora

The Crowing Saccea

Foley's Kidney Cure te a medicine would be Bfiald te mairy i
ree from poteon end will cnre any wootan?
case of udney dtee^ that U sot be­
Professor Oh. ok if ebe wt s'rsatly
yond toe reach ol medicine. BtAA by
Jaa G. jQbnson and S. E. WaR A Sons. togicai I could ceofinee bw
_______________ eodw
Csdlllse—Tbe conerstoDe ot the
Wsmanno-Wbr 4» »tn. Bupe^
now Metoodtet tourtb was laid here
Saturday. PresUing BUer M. D. Car­ ^leaklnsocbb ----- -----------^
rel of Traveru City delivered the ad­
dress. Rev. H. H. Harris te the pastor
, Mysterious CIreumstanos.
Om was pale and sallow and
jilbsr fresh and rosy. —
dtSerenceT Ke
She wte
who te
bewtb uses Ito.
Dr. Klngg New-Ufe nas.:

BicrttM A Bcdmrgh. Dnc^


8oU teTtavamOMy uyJ.O.Jabnaon.

of Hwnah * Lay Go's BEST
flour ia due to the fact that erew
pound of tbe floor doea good *ork.
There is no gueaa work. AU
users of the “BM'” agreA'sn
: , :




Yery low prwe ,
stores with bott0e,4n rear and tenemehta abore on two, Front atrftat;
an well rented; good ............. ....

wiu. KAY ny» Dou.
PV »
----------------CMh «w w "N"
.." oonpoB
ft- Mftltft Vita pftctage. Leare at
■isle oOce. Urs. E. B. Pratt. 'OT-tl
QIBL WANTED for general^ taoiue- TO 4aiiL—Or eiMiange for town
vork. Mn. F. H. Pmtt. BiQ Booth
property. SOnore tann In Wexford
Cnioa atreet.
coonty; easy tenns; with or wlth<
ont aUx^ and tools; 76 acrea imWANTED—Ordeia for l^^ach oedar
nrored; fire acrea In wood; house
wood, deUrei«d to aar part of the
•eren roona; edne onhard—onto
cKr- ^ X ■■ OreiUofc Oo.
over 100 tone of hay; wlndnlU, tank.
bodiad BftBuiTled men betwwB ages
j)f 21 and 26; cltlMU of United
BtateA of good character and tonpwat^ Uablta. who can apeak, read
and write English. For Iriffirmatlon
appljr to Recruiting OOcer, 206
Front atreet, Trarerae City, Mich.
TO SELL/—A Ane gasoline launch 25
feet long, 6 feet bean, nloely fitted,
canopy top and cutalns, oak plank
and cheep. Little A McNastara.
202 Front street.
TO SELL by Litoe A McNamare, 26S
Front streeL a bouse and lot on
west side. 8 rooms, only 2600 and
on monthly payments, same as renL
Don't you want IL
A lew beautiful aummer resort lots
at«2.00 each. cMt of surrey and
making papers. Little A McNamaia
Insurance and Real Estate Echenge.
FOR SALE—Nice new houee. No. 866
Washington street; 260.00 down
balance montbly. See a O. OUletL
623 BaU Bl8Mh/ street or write
F. A. Clary. Grand Bigdds. •
h-OR 8A1.T0-A good seremyew«Id
horse weighing LlOO pounds. Cheap
for cash. N. A. Nelson, 42< Bast
Frbnt street
1-UB asiJt by Little A McNamara,
208 Front street a line brick build­
ing—two stores and modem tene­
ment rooms abore—price lees than
yon can build for. a’ p>od Invest­
ment for spare mcmey.


all cleared;

ban; oedar block cellar; pnmp In
ktteben. TUs is a gnat bargain.
Uttle A McNamara ins. aad Beal
Estate Bx.
TO 8BLL—A beauUtul residence. In
a central location, steam heat elec­
tric light XO rooma, plumbing for
bath, gas, fine yard; one of the fin­
est homes in the city, for sale cheap
for cash, or part cash and negoti­
able security. UtUe A McNamara
Insmanoe and Heal Estate B
________ _____ -y acres wH .
of dty; 40 acres cleared, four suns
In fnlt; tour trout etreama aerosa
the place; roUlng land, good soU;
about 10 acres blsck muck, been
ditched and la excellent tor garden
or celery beda; house 12 rooms,
needa p^Ung; bam 42^7, fmme;


ro SBIAi—Large warehouse with
feed mill, acales, engine, grain bins,
trucka, and everyOilng toe carrying
hay. grain
and feed store,-with yard ro6m for
carrying on ooal. cement and brick
i. lu'.. Aug. 6.—Rev. Bam
business Sidetrack in yard. Terms Jones, the Georgia orator, who was
easy. UtUe A McNamara Beal’E one of the speaken at the BloomingUte and Ina. SM.
asked whfle
FRINTINO OFFIOB TO sfelLL—WhcOo here wbaL In his opinion, was respon­
sible tor the race wars In the North:’
particularly Uie Danville and Bvansvllle riots. He said In rapoose:
“I have lived among negroes all my
TO 8BU/—Brick cottage: good loca.tlon; five rooms; drive well; cellar life and know them pretty-well, and In
cemented; cheap. UtUe A M my mTnd Uiere is not much in this exNamme Ins. and Real Bstste Ex.
cHement about them. Now tbls lynch­
ing business is not anarchy. If a
TO 8BLX—House ra Bast Eleventh mad dog or a wild beast runs through
StreeL 4 houses on Tenth streeL- the streets an^.Ues some one thethlng
one on Ninth streeL one oo Rail­
do is to kill It, and kill It before
way avenue, two on Webster, two
. on State, one on Washington and It does any .^ore harm. There U not
others—terms to suit any reasona­ much difference between a wild beut
ble customer—monthly or as you and a negro who will attack white wowish. UtUe A McNamara. —
meq. Why. In the Sooth the respeetthe wfiltes lynch the
brutes- Of Uje.lI.OM.OOO n««roee In
with about _______ _______
bouse, no bam—only »400. ____ the South the great mass are peace­
able. lawahlJing ciUsens. Since we
A McNamam, 208 Frtmt streeL
have got rid of the
rX>R SALE—My nome place on aouth
.side of West Sixteenth sbeeL as who were stirring them up we don't
pretty a place as there Is in town, have much trouble with them. They
consisting of about three acres or know thrir place and they keep IL
Uie equivalent of 26 lots 26x166; al­ Just as-the convicts at JoRet know
so two fractional lota adjoining It their place and keep It
on the east; also five sera with
“There may be a thousand bad ne­
small orchard adjoining It os
south; also twelve lots on north groes in the South, and-they are the
side of same streeL all in one block.
who make the trouUe. It -was
A. H. Perry, 210 But'Front StreeL
the enfranchisement of the negro rb«t
the trouble at first In Georgia
we have not disfranchised them. They
c«n vote at the general election, but
they cannot vote at the primary. We
have a white primary, and as hoidtbaIs equivalent to election the black
Enquire at 80T West Nint
intb street. vote does pot Inteifere. Education la
doing a great deal tor the blaeks.
The only eduatlon that I think Is
useful to them is manual training.
Weet Ninth s
Booker Ti Washington Is doing the
TO LET—Two small bouses one east most for them. He is
side, one south side, |6 per month or
to seU <m monUily payment plan, and teaching them to work."
same as rent UtUe A McNamara,
208 Front street
i of Inside rooms.
___ es or tor sleeping
n building, steam heat,
iamara, Insomnee aad
Real Estate Exchange.




•On Question of the Revival of Tenv
the mre bargains in narthem IBdd- TO i^rr by Uttle a h
gan. A good termer coold wlBi Ut­
tle expene make iUt term worth
bom Mght to ten tbouand in abort time. Little A. M.---------MI89ELLANEOU8.
eurance end
TO SEU<—14 acres, three-fourths of
organist and voeallsL Graduate of
a mUe from the -dty; all cleared . Valpamlso
Musical Conservatory.
and seeded to clover; easy terms.
. . of Prof. Frederic Horace
UtUe A McNsman Insurance and
Clark of Cblcaga Inventor of uni­
Real Ektete Exchange.
fied planlsm. Address. Mrs. Frances
8. fsiuiui,
Smith, Traverse
intrvnm «Juy.
City. men.,
Mich. sur

TO SEU^^ acrea. 7 miles tpim city,
Bast Eighth Street New Phone, 90S.
some ordiard; some wood; log
boose: some small fruit Uttle A HAVE TOOK LAWN MOWER pnt In
e and Real Bsshape by an expert-for years In the
ehaage, 222 Front street
lawn mower bnalneas. For g' '
Ing in^adjosung I cha^ 76 o
TO SELL—New map of Grand Trav­
and guarantee-the work. Drop me
erse County. Uttle A McNamara.
a card and I will call and get your
mower and deliver it when ready
J. K. Lmgwril, 223 North JHvlalon
TO 8BLU-46 acres i. -ar Lake Ann.
street 'Phone 247. ClUxons'. 1867-tf
Boose, seven nx-.-.s; post bam;
wire fencing; cedar block cellar;
cleared; water. Uttle A McNamera. 222 Front streeL
TO SELL—152 acres; 70 aerte cleai^- ed; house two story. C rooms, partly
finished; ro«ne eU finished down INBDRB.YOUl(’PROPBaTY now tor
you may.have'^fire at any Ume.
stairs; bam old, 20x40; two granLittle A McNamalm. 208 Front 8L
eries attached to bam; good well
near house; outside cellar holding
•100 bushels of potatoes; orchard, 80
trees; 20 grape vlni
' on
lues; nice 'lake
erty. In sums to sul 1. Newlana,
farm. Uttle A ' tcNamara Ins. and
603, new Wllnelm Idock, flfUi
T<L-S£LL—A stock of groceries and
^ general merchandlsie; a good chance
to get a ready-made bnaintte-^th
or without buUdlnga-i-worth whUe
chain. 'Ill'blU^ I'nside.
lue. ruiuor
return to Bagle offlee.
LOST—From Forest Lodge.' Long
lAke, a brindle bull dog, short tall,
while chest Collar marked owner's
new phaeton tragtr, used but very
name, 8. R. Jewett who Will pay for
little last aeftson. Ihicalre At Ganthe dog's retnrq.
nett's Jeweiiy store..........8122418


—Two good lumber wagena. three
top 'boggles end one phaeton bug­
gy. B. J. MorgaiL

ROWBOAT LOST In Grand Traverse
Bay, belongs to yacht Vayn. Re­
ward tor any intomuUon. Phone.
G. H. Wlnans, Northport 'Oe-ie-wtl

TO SELL mSDRANCB. It there U LOST—Between the Asylum and com­
anything yon vaat to know or want
er of Wadsworth and Seventh
done In the line of Insumnoe weVui
streets, gold broorii with green set­
be glad to hare yon all and see
ting. Finder retnra to Bale ofla
and receive reward.
1 Beal Estate. Bichange.
FOR BALS-One set of blaokamUh
tooUv Enquire of James Mn^e,
Oral Wood Dish Co.
BBLU-A nloe bay shore'bnUdlng
tot at low prim; about fire aerm.
Uttle A h'
tit Proat rtfMt.

L. 202 Pr^ StreeL
a nloe UtUe briok cottage o
side at tow price and on easy
Warm In winter and ooM In «
and elding wont crack or get kwM.


FOR BALE CHBAP-6Mbot, lot on
Bast Front streeL near the bay;
prim g60._Enqulra of W. Di Lyon.
«48 Bast Front street
F^ BAU^Nfw much o
|Ma Randolph and Dlrtekm

As *«U MMd- is CssM.
Here is a subjn-t fo.- the
dubs of ’the couutry. A Mrs.
rkk of Brooklyn got Intn'a dispute
^Uh a nelghbar. « Miss 8io-y. and ap
pUed to her the ei>lUirt "old maid.’
Tht case got Into poun. and Mi
Furlong. In bolding the acetraed, said:
“it la a very serious thing to call a
woman an old maid. .If a woman la
noyance to ber that amounti to disor­
derly conduct to cnll her aiaold maia.’*.
But aopose that Mlaa S. it unmar­
ried by choice. Spppoae that abe has
had many often and retuHcd them all.
Suppose even that abe expreaaod a dis­
like tor mslrlQiony. Sorely cvldsnce
ahould be admitted 00 those pointa.
And would it not be an '
fenae? Here the point arises. Why la
Ubot anvffenae^i call a man an “old
bachdarr—New Yot^JCvenlng Stm.


^rA J. W. TrftvU vrW to B^ View
and Peta^ today f«w a few dart.
Mlea Emma Meek of terttona Bay la
vW|Ung.M^ In the city.
Mnday evMtlnfl to Mr. nnd
Bnith, a won.
Mm. and Mise Tl^lmer of Petee-'
key are vliltiog triads In this dty.
MIeeee Violet Voice and Lulu Dailey
lEORO bWE A (ff Bmpire were vlsitm in the. city toTR^T A'VICtOUS NEORC
>■ Traverse Say Sowrktfl circle
wiU meet with Mrs. Tender tomo
A0V0C>6%6 manual training aftemom.
Louis Hdgce returned today from
trip through the copper country of the

Rome, Aug. 6.-L-Tbe ooronatkm of
Pope Plus X. will take place In 8L

Attorney M. W. Underwood has re­
turned tnun a holiday trip tb his bid
old home In New York atatA
The baby of James U Ounan of
Randolph atreet whlrii hM been danill ii
The Mlaeeo AnKa and
Faust of Milwaukee ate the guests of
their cousin. Mrs. F. O. Hei
Grey A Campbeire orcheatra at
Northport turnip male for Fred
Oiddlng'a weekly parties at Cedar
Mrs. Beaehe, daughter and aori of
LoulBvHle, Ky.. have arrived at the
hol|el Soott in Northport for the
Icc cream and ake were aerv^ on
the Central school grounds lasj even­
ing by Diriskm No. 2 erf the CoogregaUonri Ladles' Aid society.
The funeral of Andiew Hopketod
who was lightning Monday,
-WHl be beld at 10 o'riock tomorrow
from thh chnrrii at Bingham under
the dlrectia of Undertaker Andeiaon.

■oU M Se iMklaw I
Matthew ArooM right
whesL, as sn experienced critic calmlr
Judging the favorite author of hla
Tonth, be denied that the “Bsaaya,"
thftlectares and “Engllah Traits" form­
ed a body of onoe of aufilcient merit
to entitle Eolrsou to be ranked as a
great mab of totters? it seems as it
the ttoie had come for Emesomi'sconntrymen frankly to accept this verdict
Becauso-of deflclendea. both of style
and <rf, romance, Biaersoa does not
belong to the small Class of the great
masters-of prose. HU style, despite
the fact Uiat "Nature" and many of
the essays c-ontalu pages of eloquent
prose almost equal tn power and beau­
ty to noble poetry ' was nearly always
that of tbe lecturer or preacher rather
than that of the writer. He too fre­
quently lost the note of distlncSon and
was content If be satisfied hla for from
exigent au&lcitocs. in diction, to be
sure, be was a conscious and consnmmate maaier. and It ue^ scarcely be
said that few WTiters have surpaSasd
blm in tbs ability to compose a preg­
nant saxtenee. But. as U generally ad­
mitted'and as U shown by bis pracUce of piecing his notes together, be
was rarely able to evolve a paragraph,
mneta more a whole essay, in a mas­
terly or even In n
It may be granted that crittci have
overerophaslxed his lack of coherence,
that there is more logical nnlly in hla
lys than appears on first reading.
that “Eugllsh Traits" and tbe later
volumes arc far froil^belng inerv
atrlngs of "otphlc anyinga,” hut the
fact aeoina to rviiiatn that tbe prose
style of Emer«>n from first to last
lacks tbe flrnKii-ss. tbe comoaSs. the
precUlon. tbe flexibility, the Individ­
uality ws deuiand of tbe prose writers
whom we denominate masters.—Frofeasor Trent In.RookmaiL

The tbree-yar-old eoe, Charles,, of
Ron Hlces of 810 Webster streeL U MIGHTY TREES OF SIERRA:
dead of ebolera infantum The fun­
QveatMt In SIse of All CrMtionn ef
eral wlU be held Friday but the, exact
- the UvlBg WorlA
Ume has not been doeldeo upon.
Dutin;: nil the .iKen nature has fa80, died at lored tljc growth of forvHts on llio I’nUs borne in Mayfield township yeste.r-, clUc iiiountulfts. provldiug the pei-uliai
day, of old age. He leava sevee diU- conditions which Dxnkc them far differ­
dren. Thomas W„ WlIIlw and five ent from, grenter In slse, more Hxxurithan any other In the world,
daughters. The funeral will be held all the creations of the living world
frmnthe Gray acboolhonse tombRow
gn-at in sire, so majestic in
at 11 o'clock.
presence, ns the iiilglity trees of the
As there will be no Labor dajr crie^ Sierra and the Cascades. For liere the
braUop In this dty this year. Wm. F. air is nlwixys fertile with moisture,
Tea. eheii^-K of the Grand Rapids clouds blown In from the 7'nctfic ocean
rest among tbe mountain sqnxnxlta even
Labor day CMnmlttee, is trying
crowning tlxe tojxs of the tn-es tlienxduoe a targe repreeentaUon of the setres. and here dlseharge their ralu.
unlona to go to the Second city to help The soil Is de^ aud B|Kxrxgy with
them celebrate.
turies of
State Organiur Brown of the C. M. fi!ngs1x]ng ::ii nnet|iuiled niiriuring
B. A. addressed Branch No. 61 last place for vegetation, and there
nlgbL He, will yemaln here tor two or extremes of lient In summer nr depths
of cold In winter, sn.ra the Century
three weelm and get up a class of can­
didates. Ihoae who beard him___
Eveiy cnndlllou lias been favorable
night say that be is exceptionally well to unexampled cxubenxxicc-of growth
posted on fraternal InsniBnce.
not only of the largest trees, hut of all
of Citdlllac.had a manner of nndergrowtb. vine, alirnb
premonition that the gasoline stove on and brake. A huge tree fnlU decays
1mwhich his wife was pr^aring dinner
y scores of young firs and cewas about to explode. He gnmed
dara qxring np along tbe top of It-tbe
tight -waa jaaiptotJt down BrM dxance of a bare spot in tbe wood.
stftlra &
^ lU^SMBt pR, OM bfirahd rtumpa. gathering aril to
and hla tece, neck iaa haafis ware
tbalr hollow Interiors, arc onraertes for
rlbly burned by the flaming UqulA
colonies of young trees, some strong
Individual finally shouldering out ttxr
others, growing larger, and.
mother ytmxxp drops jxway.'sending Its
roots downward luto the earth through
the dlsInte-.-niting textures uixtil 'lt In
.time iKHwtin-s 11 great tree.

Should Pope. Plus X. assume a differ
ent position on the qiieaUon of the re­
viait until school igtens In S^t
Women'> Strenwlh In Tears. •
el the temporal sovereignty
The wenkesl woman ill all the-world
Hr. ZSIlott made a Urge circle of warm
Ished in 1870. to that of bis two
friends in tbU city who wUI be pleas­ la armed with oiie weafKin against
reesBors since the revoiuUcm of
man’a pride and .strength arc
ed to bear of his oontioued advancepowerless. Her teara will win when
everything else has fallol. .V womnn'a
ilficent processions from the Vatjmove
ber own tender so« as well
which were tie greatest 0^“SILENT BILL" fS DEAD.
slons for public turniouu and the
cause of thousands of tourists visiting Heart Failure CUImed Wm. Judeen of and young yield to their potential
apell. and when the -woman happens to
Rome previous to 1870, kill probably
Ann Arbor.
tie pretty there is no telling wbnt will
again take place.
Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 6.—Hon. follow w-lion her bright eyes grow
It is generally tbon^t that
WUUam Judsem. Mato oil inspector, misty with these messengers from a
and of Plus IX. and Leo. XIH.,
died BuJdf^y at 8:61 laat night of wounded heart. It Ja folly to-attempt
to stand out against s woman's tears.
pracUcally the prisoners of heart dUeaae.
They have caused revolutions. They
VaticaiL^and eveb declaring tbemHe leaves a widow and two ctailselvee as such, will not be maintained dren, Mn-iJcAn Scblee and Arthnr have made niid unmade many a great
cause. Tlwy eon be met In only one
by the new pontiff.
botb of Ann Arbor. . He waa way — nncoudltlonal surrender.—ErPlus IX. shut-himself up in the bora Oct- 18, 1842, In the township of change.
Tatlean and declared himself a pris- Sylvan, Wi
Ftoetsg Him RigSIand with bis cardinals protested
(SpecUI by the Sorippe-McRae.)
against the “law of the paW guaran­
DetroIL Mleh., Ang. 6.—It U'believ­
tees," which went Into effect after ed by local pMlUclans that Qov. Bliss 8tnt1on-ln the
minutes; wolL a pleasant looking
great debate and haring received roy­ win appoint C. L. Benjamin of Sagi­ tieman aicpped ont on the iiiutforin.
al assent <a May 18. 1871. It consist­ naw to succeed the'late Wiliam Jud» and, Inhaling the fresh air, eothnalas
ed of IS articles and professed to give son as state oil iapector.
tlc^y observed to the guard:
In epli
••Isn’t tbto Invlgorntlngr
“No. sir; It la Normanton."'nld tbi
itual matters but placed all temporal
MaUker.ud P»rF«t la BnwU
affairs in the hands of the state, and
The pleasant looking get
In BraaU monkeys and partoU have
the capital of Italy was tormrily trans­
ferred to Florence- - In ibb same trees, but work for
Pius fX. refused to touch the
lal beneflL me monkeys cannot
el 862S.<U0 to which the new law made «usUy plrii the big Brasil nut husks
“We are here today." said the solemn
him entitled as a revenue in compen­ from the trees, so tbe parrots gnaw looking man with a thin neck and a col­
sation for the land of whicdi he had them loose, allowing them to drop, the lar three Btoee too large for him. thind
He never ventured be­ fall to tbe ground qrfJttlixg them. Then gone tomorrow.''
“Tlxat's right.” agreed the dyspeptic
yond the boundaries of the VaUcan, tbe monkeys tear tbe cratAed huaka
as be feared the vlolenoeot the mob or Mtrader. gather the nuts and divide looking man wllh the Ivory blnok ri­
them with tbe pamtA Sometimes, gor. “and when we get back alx months
the excessive loyal demastraUons. as
later some of our be« friends want to
when the bnska fall to spllL the
the ease might be. 'He would not ae- keys carry them op to the ^best know where we've been for tbe last
*eept the protocUon of the sMdlera. the Umbi of the tree and let them drop two weeka."—Puck.
agents of the governmenL of whoee egaln. Monkey and parrot enjoj tbelr
A SlaBts WaMe*.
command he oonaidered himself de­
side by sMa.
Petttobly sbr stamped berfeot They
were standing on tbe coraer. He bad
Leo XIH..- shattered
offended ber In some way. Again abe
with his first nttannee as pope all
properdea to which they are heirs, but stamped ber fooL
bopee at the Italian party, as he took •hrely few landed estates are so rannt“Well.’' be said slowly-, “here to a let­
up tlie chnnA'a'ri^u swi more vtg- ed. re* castles are so boasted ibouL ter box. but-you must know yon cant
<n^y than Plus, and showed him­ SB are tbe Ills to wUdi ttie flesh to drop your foot In IL -You are sUnpIy
postage. "-Judge.
self Bttarty unooapromlalng on the heir. Human nature fairly revela In
of the Holy See and lU effec- Ito mlsfortuiiea. and tbto revelry leads
Berenge to a kind of wild JnsUoe
Uve guarantee erf the supreme ponUfl. to rivalry and to many compUcatloDA
■hlch tbe more auu'a nature rat
Leo became eren more pc^nlar than None to so proud, aoiie to so Jealous.
41 your travellftg tovalld. - London the more ought law to weed It 0
his predecessor, which was plainly Qneen.
een at the ttms of his late dsmtee.
'hen tbs yrilow. white and black pap.
Mrs. Oreene-Hlmt do you have
“A nalTHsIty." aald John Henry
al flag hung above the potals of even
the bufflblset Roman catholic chMml.k alarm ckxrii tax your x^amber for If yon Newman, “to In Its euaenee a place for
and riiculilion of
sign of the grief aad moaning of don't hare tbe aUrm wound upT
Mrs. Oray-If you could liaro beard tbongbt by* means of petronal Interthose rriio Mill file in endlea piooestbe awful things' my fauMiand Hid
Blon to 8L Petor'A
Tbst wss some yesrs ago.
when the aUrm went off, yon ouldo't
Now a onlverslty Is In Its
All the watch repslrers In NewTerk
gronp of buildings costing flS.OOO,t working over time tbeee hot days.
000. containing apparatus ebsUng |I0.Do
Tfter ro-oo"
They sccoant for'this pecnllkr bualDick—Th00c folks next door bare an OOO.OOO.And in the custody of a faculty
— •
by saying that when awful good time.
whose salaries foot up 65.000.000,
Ir secara tbalr wateimAift the
tb« doft’t have to go any UgloDs beUefs. provided only they have*y4
tfteb. Tbs reanit is an dSfiemtbe dMtors. may Uan tn um tetxacoo
«. had thqy 6

Tbe fMUWing quolnt epIUpb U to
be seen In Orayford cburchyaid. Esnt
It strikes as oue of the vety prettUM
mmomatt to i-heerfuloess in all Hofie BagUnd: “Here ll.-ih the body of Graduate TI. H. A training
I. of thU
Clara ■96. Grand BapfaU. GHtanas'.
Peter IflAA*
lane: (^irty yrara clerk
•pbone.SU. Bra. 268-FariC Strtet
garish). Be llvvd respected as a pious
Price $12 to *14 P« week. ,
and a mirthful man and died on hU
way to cbnrcli to assist at a wedding
ARCHtTfCTScc the 81M day of Matrix. ISIL aged
seventy yean. Tbe inhabitanU of Crayford have raUed
ral ' ihU stntxe to bit cheer- AreUtoct and suMranradent Ofiee
at rraldeaoe. 427
streM. North-

/ MRS. a. W. EBSaWK, NUlcn.

full else deteas gdvea wlUi aU pUsA
imnd looker and Umbra astfmMor.
wood avA ClUtena’ 'jAone 712. June :
. DB. L. F. SIPHBB. . .
tlra^MA-tat^CteTelaad HMnMgAtblc
. HedidJ Sbb(«e. Cltlseus’ ’pbone
784. City Book Store BKmA.
Office ovra the People’s sarings bank
Rooms 7 and 8. MercantUe Co.’s bkxdL
Special attention riven to tbe ^e.
ear. noee and tbroaL Glasses
fitted. Both 'pbones.
^Sf*^shri'old" ■■■


HcMTs: 9 to 11 A ra.. 2 to 4 p. m.
• -Phone No. 72.
Room 82$ Wilhelm block. CItlsens'
'pbone 641; Bell 'phone 378.

B,^. per 11,................ .. . . . . .11 to 15
BAkwheaL .

(Alfred Friedrich block.) BoUi 'phones
Bar^noee, throat and fitting rinsses.

Oraduate of Toronto Unlveralty. Offlee
ore supplied by H. King, of SwUt A
In Hanson block, ’nxones; offlee,
103; residencA 104.

■•••■....... “.S

nooolo, 1*0.. .-...........................



............. IS to 18c


DBS. W. B. A W. 8. MOON.
General practice; sperialtots tn-direases of thAteetom and g^tlto
urinary diseas«s. Both ’phoneA
City Opera House Bloek^
Special attention given to surgery aad
diseases of women. Offlee over
First NaUonal bank. Call both
Fymeriy aralstant to Drs. HoU and
Oaks In the eye. ar. nose aad
throat departments of the Chicago
Polyclinic oollege and hospital.
Practice llmxied to eye, ear, nose
and throat and fitUng of gtoaa.
602 wnbelm block.
phone 668.

Hannah. Lay ........ ...............................
Chas. Wells, W. J. Irwtn Joseph
Heltto. Job. B. Wise. John Moran.
J. B. Wise. John Tweddle: Alfred
WelL Mary P. Bures, aad all per1 In the laying of a tor FrankterL Benxonla. ML FIsaanL :
Oan, Alma, SL Louto, ltaaea,1>wosao,
____ ..________ lag 166 teet aouth-of
tte.sMth line of Tenth sbraet. Bs«ML An* Arbor, ’MadQ^d tfi . : |
tttance south to the bcMi Bm of
Bonthan aad cAstara pMntA
mh^tb •treeL .take ftoUee:
It her
s for the purpose of ^lefraylng

J. J. KIRBT. O. P. A.

by special aneament for the iaring
of a sewer In tbe alley eaat of Union
street, <
enblng at a point 166
feet south of tbe soilUi line of Tenth
street, thence south to the north line
of Thirteenth.street, Is now on file in
my oSce for public inspection.
Notice la also hereby given that the
council anud board of aaseesprs of the
city of Traverse City
council room in aid city on August
17. 1903, at 8 o'clock p. m„ to review
roll, at which Ume

Trains leave Trawerae City as fol­
lows: .
• .
, ■
For Grand Rapids, DetrML Toledo.
Chicago ana wesL 6:00 a. m^ 11:66 a.
.. 6:20 p. rx. and 10:10 p. m.
For haglnaw. Bay . city. Port Hur­
on. Toleoo, Detroit and easL 6:00 Aand 11:66 a. m..
For Manistee. Ludlngton, Hilwonkec and Huskogon. 6:00' a m. and
5:20 p. m.
For Elk Rapids. Kalkaska and Ceetial Lake, 7:0u a m.. 1:2{| p. m. and
6:15 p. ig.
For Charlevoix and Petoakey, 6:09
Dated this 4tb day of AugnsL 1903.
m., 1:20 p. m. and 6:16 p. m.
City Clerk.
Gen. Pass. Agt


UH.. Monday nighu in I. O. O. F.
ban. C, G. Sherwood, Copt-: C. D.
LePolnle. M K.; A. Robertson, F. K.'
Traverse City tent No. 871i K. O.
. MM.. Friday nights In Foresters’
hall. A. V.-FWedrich, Com.; J_
Shields. R. K.; E A. Evans. F. K.


“ l^tee'.V.iiuio^SisoSS^

Trains arrive 'Trar. City 11:00 a ja
and 6:4$ p.
Train IM- Provenumt leavM 6 a m.
Train from Proveimont arrivea at
7:64 a

Eaglu, meets
Loranger. worti
TraveMe Bay hige No 71, L O. T.
MM., meets in L O. O. F. hsU Tues­
day attemoons. July 14 and 28 and
Wednesday evenings, July 8 and 22.
Travurae City Lodge No. 222, F. A
. M. Regular crinmonlcaUon Mon­
day. Auguat 31. B.
JoyaL W.
M.; M. E HaakelU sroretary.

t slTMstilMee and •
'ranktort making sborti
St rootos to Oiiflago, 1

Grand Traverse liOdge No. 2(IP. L
O. O. F.- meete Tuesday evenings In
their halt A. R Cnrtl#, N. Q,.; C. B.
Johnson, secretary.
’Traverse City Ompter. No. U7.
O. B. B.. needa In Mssonlr, haD the GRANb RAPIDS A {NDIANA RV. CO
Tuesday on or before each full moon.
In Effect June 21, 1908.
• Soule,
- • . IW. M.
tins leave Traverse City as friIowa:
For Petoekey. Mackinaw, Grand
Rapids and Chicago. 6:40 a m.
For Petoakey. Mackinaw, Grand
Raplda and Ft Wayne, 11:10 a m. '
For Pfttoskey. Mackinaw. Grand
BapUs, Cincinnati and Chicago, 4:25
Qeneral InsursmcA
311 Wlihclm Bleek.


T^ popular

AncOoneOT of

Grgiid cago, Indlahapoito, _
Grand Rapids. 8:80 a ja
Trains arrive from Ft waynA
Rapids. PMoskey and 2te<^-

City Opera House BloriL ^ Sooai L
Trains arrive from Northport
Omena and Buttou Bay) 11:10 A m.
Through sleeper pn the' 8:80 A -m
DRS. SAWrra A PENHALLBOON. smd 4:86 p. m. trateA
DentlsU. Crown and bridge worit a
- oar apd sleepM oA aU trains .
tpeoUlly. Of6oe no* Wihetex bloek. north aad nonUx of WWtoA.
A D. TkiMI

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