The Daily Eagle, October 19, 1903

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The Daily Eagle, October 19, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



VOL. XI. Noi'asJri.

A Large Assortmoit of rivals




Heroral different imUerai apd.
aijha ip between IbM, and from
Uuae np to ax fine a conclt ax (bere U on the market.
Cot No. 31 abowa a tteaoOfnl'Iiod. I
C .nch. that opens iip and mskea ■
a Led 4 Jt. 3 inehea: wide and d ‘
f». I Iifr w ith fun woreM wlre^ d
Bprin^a Mipp-irtcii V etr*' «dl J
ipriot'on t<oth sittra. n-ntoii top ,
mattreas ft. is covered in a prvl- ,
•ty pat'.. It'ol and a r -mfor able bed.
Veiocr andmaktaaii


A beantifnl navenpott.j...' i.le

eoinfortahle conch or a


Wt cal ^ease yM oi siyttlic


Practical Homo Ai


Tll«t weiave jQM the MnS bf a «l lOK. ynhr b
want, tow twits and high cuts in all of the -lieat
Ivatbers and latest Style?. Bring the bu.VM ni and
let US fit them up. Prices to suit the puree.

BacHexrit «& Roscoe.
see Frwat Street.

HBB. M. J. 7VUBBLOOD, p. a
40S4Q7 WSkeiffl Block. ResideBot
1 SS WMkoop Terrace.
A. B. COHTia.
No Tax Clanse. «» IpanfanM.
Booms 9 BBd IDa'B. * La Bldofc.-

saiiLsdK m^ r


iho fnnesal el J. C, Sicharda, W
keM at t vMorit-yeMaday aftswxm
In. the eemt tena ^ the.Orand TuarMae eonrt honae and was unier tba
County jrcasIircr
dtrecthm-nf the Sidcbts TemplariAo
STCWARU pfmssr
attendel la a body. A anartette «om
poead otWwriBsm Oarisad and Holk<
«i« Meam.
and B3M« aang
"iesaa, Low d My Seal,' Nearer My
God 'in tSee" ind "A^e^ (n Jrans.*
g the «hi
Jior. DsMe Opeklln preached t
and the acMc to enter
sbnrt fonetal «rmon;;maklng of t__ ..Thoa. Carlsim was hlwad bw te
year contract w%h the eontibae___
Ister lite of the deemed and of the the iaDBsry term nl tee titeenU eanit'
«a tf the dtr cf PetMtt, JwavhHw
derih of hM^ over a year ago ahd thid nonteg alter his ieosag la 4|IA
lelciiig prisoners etthe Setreit
the WmaUnrai iriiloh opprasaed him Uoe 8. M. Brown's oom on tha charSB
of gerteatkm; AentraTetd tern
maklac him M. te hU own wurts, “Aa of asBiBlt xrUh tetentrte nonM-itejpB.
Crand Trceerae' eanfr itt 4
tbon^ most of bts life had ceoe be­ Ball was Sxed at 81.000 If ha aM *R>n 4m I yond tha crAve.* The dieneteristlc* ence bondsmen for that arndim and
hdn^ i
of the deceased ware ^ tnwMnp- at tSOO at tee ieaeL
■nie only w___
on. his care and pride with wUrii be
TlMTeatnre of the al
did his dBty 4a (he'oate of the oooK girt. 11 years of g
hoaae m sramida, and the tetth Ttfo toteelaal Mease» wn
V— w—.:-----on tea onteaSM^t
which lae.kad te theMaM
"**g fhoOMr.
The floral oOerincs vare-inaBy and Ughtniag Strate tee
190*. te
no one prOaont was able to /omesabsaatunl. wriu of the Sheet pleeee-be­
band...................... ........ •
98 ing the Malteee Cms of raeea gtven her the date. .The proeeentem
eaby the Knights Tanplar. a pUlow by other sritnea ptee»t «pteU tee ttm
the hoard (k superriaors and ah BDchcr uatS eoan qae conmimM In the eMteim of tee flr«t.nhd Hw flaee was
the A. Oi tT; V.. of whteh Hr.
nsted on her teeUmony, tee prisoMr
BIcharda was a member.
The funeral cortege was preeaded aot heteg pat on tee stud.
A«epcdteg-to theOeatiaotty of tee
by the Traverae City band and the pnUbeeren ware Item the ftsli^ts Tem- wttneea.a^ aad fav cham ware te tee
piar; B. 2. Iforgan.'XL L. Orettek. hshlt of gotas to the 8L Clair-«»W. Bontele, A. W. lind, W. F. teeUoaery' stnre quite often to'bar
soda and oandy. Alnmst avsry
Bowen and g. ■w. jfTasHngs j '
that Cartson got. tee ^1 cteims, he
took Imiwoper hberUea. bat stUI she
- 14846
oontlnned to go there. Carlatnu iteen
the’ glris went there for eodas, she
said, always asked teem not to ilt at
the eponter by tee toantein but to go
lo the tables at tee rear of the room.
On the partteulsr day in Question, she
tCfmiBLE CATASTROPHE AT IRON said they went in to hay sodas
eO.*8 WORKS.
and aat at a CsMs la tiw.eraterwf the
room. (Mriaoo came and aat down bo­
ride tee witness and ahe deriarad he
..I90.S18 <S
made Improper advaneee toward her.
She said she trid him to stop and he
went oher near tea oteer girt who was
WKh the witness. She alao reemited his
actions end soon be went to writ on a
eastomer who came In. After the per- ,
or the HtMdreds
son bafl left the store Cartson came
hsek-to tee table and. accardlag to the

f» iWHnt

k from SB MgseUoa trip>> the

Mo 4 Ooneh t» a 1mm beantifnl'
voueb, qoarternaarcid oak .frame,
folly MManteed ateel rprioi^
cooatrtickioi). 7rowa Oaep Mfts,

AH New



Nu. X ' ouc-h 4u lieAV.r coll'
a(>rinf«. he-ary <loek caiiv»«
over^priaKS. coreredin pfOlty
patterns Vdonr. p1al<i lop. It
aawedonU fn>n>e. CA SA
jwt Hke oau for J>U»OV



BpewtlM nerat Pleaea SdrroweM the-

>i> 37
_ h»r«i.«.Hl
lw«»jr toil «iTl<ii'fc. tiB^c cawM>
orer *prin(f*, oirrivd -in prrUT
pMUruv. uf Vd..u.- < i
jortslikecBl, for... 94./O

me WANT ,¥OU



30 differeot styles to eeleot. fpootr
from $175 rirlit up. A fine assoHmei
velours, Plush; Oop&iroy end Veroos;

; Ki'laU and WIMBiato.

«s» M5wws:.''M«jai


Paricer Broa' Old Stand.

Tw W. T H I R L B V

I' Um l^reine Bair OB Oo.
I ti 'x aUdEhoMef. 7%e ooBflBy.
Mr: lUdi aaya. hae t
from 146 ,aa«* to 210 acraa. Outnsb a
new anrray x^eb Jma HSn baen oompleted. He aaw tke macblaery nnhmddd lar bortnc the oompanya'flist wtit
tad Ute Umbar for t&e derri^ wai
tr, be on Ute srenad laat Satniday
aigbt DriUUM'Bboaid aot be ioo^
delayed now. Aid. Jae. M. SlUett wtU
probably leave few Kmtwdcy^ about

trrs ot a mUe «(the last snsher s
by the Kentneky C^nfl OB-4>>. of
said Mr. Bledt tiTTbe Dally,
sue. ^ ammlne. . *Tbe tedltUes
e en^ieet &>r ablpplnt o&. as tbe
Staadard OU Co.'s pipe Uu mses
onr property, nie prioe «C Srade 60
Tab beat gradnally riatns fbr -some
9J.93, tbs prtce when I was down there.
"Tbe oUmate is fine In thst part ot
Rentnda’. We are between six and
tboosadd tet Axiva the sea and
the ,alT Is jMt flaa.' ‘n»e eonntry In
'Wayne x*mtT Is mbetly mecntaliwins
bat pmiioM of onr leisae are fannlnE
lands aod '^ eon grodrs vWT
Btch ilvee a grai^e .d'eeerlpUen of the aeddenl at wMI No. S.of
tne Kentntlky Ootonti OU -Co. xrtiere
llvM were lost as the result fit
xplosloa. The drUlen on strlklnA
oil did not fap Oie well when lesvtas
It for the nlghL As gss escapes cm
eislly where oil U BtaTMiL there waa"
an exphwkm next- ntomliic ea
rival at thew^^ x^^itad tl^_


crippled for Hfe.] Tbe «oa aSQ.hetr
irf the LOOO -acres laased by the'Sentneky Cok^el bad a rnlracaRms m
Insl sitertng the door,
of the shanty over the weU when <he
ezploelon ocenrred. Hown oat by the
force of the explosion, the young nan
feU face downward In a ehallow dltdi.
dug to-di^ off the water tram the TEN-YtARiL^WM. rtUX ■ OF
well The flames swqit over him.
scorching bis hair and fanrslsg hU
clothing bnt be eaeaped unbanned.


Ream! Sate Price.
».NCELO«^.^FA^» WDKIHA Chairman, of tiers' Be
BBADBURY PIANO, opritrfit vase,
in Am condition. .S*»oo u. eloM.
ORmNBLL BROS.. «9S B. Front St.
Beadle bloric in a few dsvs.
Total..................................... 8
«c Im • Rnt On teri lUkcf'i sii^.

poto'Jtoour ■

*** ^

$3.50 Shoes
For Men

Uancrioaa, Mich.. Oct. 'te.-Mia. B.
P. Fulmer, -wiie of a fanbar living
Aont throe mDee a<wte.»atencalona.
bad her somdehms arpasM by the ae:
tlona of hri U-yeairold jteariiter. and
upon careini Inquiry fipiB the child
rieaned'tee sttey tesL>he hah been
assaulted by Heraitf»rt«kn'. the
hired «an. on tee
of May 80.
during the Asenre uffc temUy. and
that the BtU* 8^1 andptao-a toa
Aout IP yeaw of age<^. it Is alteged. ■
- -..A...


..$28888 77

Court Ew

■| 1.22180
174 68
167 16

UO 00
16 W
626 47
.......... .,.$ 2J88 10
«.......... » U61 »

About $i.s Suits
and Overcoats.





, 67100
.646 00

aeeae oTOw explorioe. itere hnSM "mm -said- teat tewtooii had e^red - !
white giMS was brtean spd othw dam- teem money ifFtepy wenU come In
age done to the engine room and ree- tee berit room hot tent tear, refused.
Ueuces threFquarten of a mQe from The drikase coaflned Itsrif ri-.
tee fonace.
BKwt enUrriy to questioning tee wltr
One piece of casting sad vslve
in rmid to her rimracter and
were carried high Into the air and habits. Attorney Patcliin elicited the
dropping on tee root of the mridlng facts test tee witness was in tee hshplowed its way throngb tee K of being on the atreete conridetahle.
root and heavy timbers to tee gronnd bote in the day time Hd In tee eranbelow. A nfety valve wrighiag 600 lngBWite<me Or more girl companions.
pounds was hurted 160 iSet. telling Also teat she very often bad tee eointerangh the roof of the tenndry and pany on her way home of yonng bcffs.
shattering to epUntebs a be«n elghl >>y and that two-ot these boys had at-'eerUlnteea. Anoteor piece ft the wreelo taln times-made the same adaasoes
age hit tee boiler, tearing S large teat she claimed Certstm bed made
hole.4n its side.
!. and teat the wltnees had reaented
The report and Ao6k of tee exido- their attempts. That she had been
rion were heard and frit tor aeveral scolded at home becaaae she was on
■, mafly patmle britevtag ft to he the streets so mute, the wltaeas sdan earthquake.
mlttod. snd test she had been In
The turnaoe had been rioaed down MKebell's confectionery with at least
at 11 o'clock. A piece of-«nder la one boy.
live proventad the omnidete teat
The owe roetod on the testtmony ot
ting off of tee gas, which eaeaped In­ ds one witness ud Cartoon was hrid
to tee rir receiver »d prodooed tep over to dreoit oonrt
Oat ot hundreds of employes tee
only one hurt was anglaeer George
MKdtril, riho vns badly cat by flying
Isas. - '
The cxptoriMi ooeniTod test after
tee large Mower englaehad been stop­
ped to bQow wntham to set a oai
A teige foree of mn iro^at once
to wortc OB the vrterited leeriver snd




ServlM r^med tee c
822 SS
870 09
. 186 00
- UO a
. STO 01
MOton^.ftssutewalto left this
AUOSO moralBK Cor Bryan.-Dkfab to become
ltt'04 a benedtoL Ttimawwr aftomoian at
66640 8^ be. win he dWKtod to Mrs. BOeOa
DMow, a risttolH Dr. H, >. Harley,
and tor a’Acrt-ttea a nridnnt of teis



JeQ'. .«w..

........ .



*8 47
,..:..yi.b6 40


r. 6aiinrthwalte wm rstnn with hU
e the
te^ wm reside In Trave
where. hM not been oaclrily a

UweEsHinsted arWs.^ Wlte f1SiC0O

i .i.fnA46 97

Tlie HMne of 6eod


(From a Sparial -OorrospondinL)




zTr«’Sr.“'™ :s5


The IHdly Esffte*




cur Olnibtar.

I* MikftbM..
thibiarih— ta ^ DiOr iMle u
TiiifitVfl to aotttr tha qBoe at «sc.
iV bOm to nerivT^ paper
-pRVMtp or «B Hm* eo bat the liettaothK eC tte fleirtar her mar t>e fWD-

that QUiioto iu7. tteloh Btyped
nite^ to arrtvs at a veMlct In
erlffllsal eaoe -wna at least aa IntMUgent as other Jeiiae .white have &«e
duty after aonfonefaic that thty bad
no knowledge and. had not reed of

Oct 8.-8pedal'nma«aot of the
brfUlaet ronantlc actor, Mr. Wm. Ow­
en. aeworted bj •»• W. HcOnoMnux)
a floe eonpatir. In hU' new. pur.
•yrhOi LooU XL Wm KiBS.'‘-atMnberpU Ofaod'opera bone.
For two or three maBlhe the erbaetne OB Union etreet at Oie
at Sixth street has ben In a Ousgeron and aBnoring coodltton. The^
pUake an won out In pUoee and
broken, eadangwiag pasMzahp to jnJtuy to limb wMiD might melt in a
beavr damage nit JB wet weather,
ppSbaMaas an oompeUed to wade
chroogh mod almoet ankle deA.
creasing in the dtr ontelde ot the
boelness.eeetien U more need »»-"
thU one. belag in proximity to be
Pete Maiwnette depot and in Une for
west side pei^ to reach (be east side
cbBTchee. Attention' has been ooUe0
to thU detective ooealng hot eUU
npalr to negleoted.
It to interesting to note that eerir
last summer a new pt«pn oosslBg on
Union street between BbcQi and Sev-:
enth was ordwed br the oomudl and
r pot tn.
bees in this place befon, as It to not
eostofoarr to pnt down 4sroeatiige betwee short btoeke. When the petition
wes preeeoted to tl(e cooncU tor this
eroeeing, H wee not iWerred far the
committee on streete and watke as
. Bsnal, hot on motkm of an alderman
from the Third ward the creasing was
ordered at once. This eroesing, as ter
af.the avmage oltizm ean make ont,
was Mid tar the express benefit ctf one
. bosineee men. The needs ot the man?
are not ^eJ.

ncse bnt K isn't in it n
DsTldsMt Of West tier CHtyiweni
Detroit on Bstnrder pnrpoeety to bar
the Bnpire State end Badger State
eteamem of the Banr Une wUdi were
sold at aaeUen. ^ was prepare
pay fSpOM dodi for them. At the
Boaaeti house he got
oo Detrdt
ped <o wash his hsads and anfrad at
the poatofiloe where the sale oeenrsto]
lust tn time to see the stetynen knock­
ed down Ciw »4460 when he wns will­
ing to pay
The captain wtU
not be so partlenlar aboot riaMiinsi
the next time be haa a bnaineas deal
Ineldentatly In this oonnecthm It

nopety ot the boat hoalneM between
Detroit end CteveUad. The Benj
Trensportnaoc Co.> opemilng la oppoettion to the D. fi C. ran behind atest
$»;0N tn one neMri and lost thelf
boats 'In the bargnln.


. ,

Wha FlnserM •( VteltlBc aaS the
imtos M (he WUHM. .. .
It to sYtoatlng mnoatiao U WBke"iip
tn the Bonilng end feel that one to a
gOMt Scraqge wail papers end etrenge
twnitnre snmKind oiw'a bed. end there
to a strange view ont of the window.
An the foetUng demons of worrr, atetoty nnd teSpoasBrility.'whether domee......................................
id teedr to
crowd npoo our <»
U the nnfemlltor eovlronmentr We

Downstairs we find new teoea
ptctniee. strange KiQfca e fresh sUndpoiiit life bee a new savor. We taste
It evetrwbere-^n the atrqaepbere end
In the converMUon. even in tbe breed
ate tbe salt Ow first eeaestloe to that
everrthlng depq^ upon aomebodr
etoe. It ls..t>oUilac to do with ni what­
ever happens. Bat preeentir the old
traism of our telUbood. Dint everr altoatlon In life has its dnttes, comes bide
to ow mind, end tboogb with ow wak­
ing thboghto we cast off' thooe of the

To cicee them

to Mma Hobl’s weH known eayliw. ‘Tt
to a absme to eat another mkn'e bread
and five him nothing in ntmtr Bach
a one abotild be a Joy to hto boetese,
bnt In tbe boUday worid <a hosts and
gnaeto. as In workaday life, good intendo not always Insnre eaeceM. Tbt
ieotloue aunetifflee (all where tbe
eed.—London ^eoUtor.

How Infinitely minute nnist be the
particles that emanate from tbe object
which tbe dog to tratelng. asys tbe
London Unil. Xet tbe matter to exto fill n raom with Ito ofiorUseow pwtlctos anO nt tbe end of that time will
not be eppredably finnUtebed In
wetoht lu foe doaet betonra. A enUe
lateot atr rtolng traai tbs fleibe s< a
tttea. A drop of Iteoa white might be
d (tom foe point Of e needle
CoaUnlne aboot | milUan of ted fiettened corpoetise. StlU,
to eo marvelooely dlvlsl^ tbe ottec«M7 nerves arc infinitely moie mnalttva. Mote has yet to be InveaUgnted
with regeifi to foe dUfecenttatlon <a
foe potato in thee* oervee so font they
.................. with sate eppereotumey. Tot eves foe
renolto'ta tbe ecent of dogi show bow
merveloiady fine to fote dtoerlmlnaftag
power. Ow aenM of smte. nntose In
foe txataad teemtot, to not even eo
steto at font of foe nemtoaTage. Tbe
abortglnee of Pen can ta foe darkest
night end ty'foe thlckaat woods dtotlngntob rmpe^vely e white mem e
gro end ene dr.foelr own rsoe'hy
smell. Moefa we have galiwd by dvlUantlon. but not WTfoout some loss to ow
bodily energies and eeseea Man’s te­
en tajnry to ta

Bait would not be hard to predict
were Urey to meet Ohleago thto week.
tOTiev an effwt to learo ibe
U they wpre-to meet "
renson for her depsnwe. Tbe follow­
in (heir present condition, they oonld ing cdDrersa(i«i eoened:
Bonroety hope to get oS wlthont e se‘-Myra, nre you not aaUsfled with foe
wages and tbe borne Iglve youf’
“Yes. Mis’ BIchlunoD. 1 ellus bin
Boeel^ haant lost Ito haid In happy n1v you all.‘■WeU. why do you haver
Amertoa.' Thto to shown hr tDe at’■Bs.v, Mia’ Rttenreon, don’t yoa all
tendopoe at ^ world't. rh««pfa.«.Mr
eember dst fon'l ta de next blote las’
The tow vmee in Fttfebiirgfirew sa^
' “Yea And wbet ot thetr
dtODOee ot T,6d0, IMSS, U,6K and.
-WeU, I done gwjne to tell you
17,0». At Ue tear gnmee U Bontae- de whole trnfe. I'm gwtae to me
Ue patnuie w» lUO,
and 7,»M. The avenge at FttUbiDg.
was ltl» preeons, end at Boetoa U.- pbja a
Tbonaejide ot yean wee
maeuesd as a religloas rite tasting
was piactloed np a bselfo messwe In
J^UPt. India and China. - Oontempo;
taiy to Ooera was Asdeptodsa, e OrasE.
■phytednn. who etwngty advocated ttli
Use, end
yran after hto day Hm
Shu. pttiewher end medical nege. ar­
gute tbe virtues of teroponiry abstiIt aeaau that Mr. Moi«bb la as tete
: OB foe cranad that it came eas­
i tee telp Induing tnat as Mr. ier tbeB epra^nt moderation.
Stewnh to la tee mlra-araadng

Wlmt Efitoere Ear*
The towento plant ot the Oo—oDdat.
o'. lAke Snpaitor oompaalea to nnning with ter and fopht shWty, hwt
paring no dlTldeote to stocltefiden.—

TOMATon wmmo..
'Wn win fay M OMto par bnbil
woUftpenteMtMMradattbaiaofory. oBDinten $D ssfio^

TRAyasBB enr teuOHNB oa

tayVttite Pants
Tl»t Btend the Irerd etniia every boy, who wears
o pair, will he eiwo to put upon them—caasiinoreo.«ii8 wortted joo^ omde from remnants
of oloSi4»t are much' bet^ ralae than uaually
found at the price./■


OTSTEaS'os rime at JACKBiWS.

* Theee are alee made from remnants—
hardly any *wo pair alike ^eitra nice
caasimere and worsted goods that are
-frequentlyeeld dt one dollar or more
-:.«A to eee theae. Our Cbiidren’s
Department contains many other interaatiog bargains that you may eee
by" giving nw virit



Attond our Pall Opening Btelbit
of “Queen QoflUj.”

Hamilton (Mng Co.


prraere to take oo ttutee of e gtue
toast tf we are oboNltutiaBalir . ..
edentioaa. which, alaa all gneSto era
not They W indeed be divided by
this CDOedeoee test into vtolUng sheep

^ ooefident faopet of the Ohloaco
nnlverNty fobthaU eoimd to flgare tn
the weeiera Mmaploaeblp series this
seeaon wore daMied to the graend on meot Similarly t
Maiehell field on Batnrdny when it Use ante and delicate ta foe »
wns only hr tte most etrenBone i ' amen as be feree better aiU Uve______
eofflfortnbly. Tbe teifofnl dog poto
sity Dorn scoring, the game ending hlmfoeheme.
It a draw, 0 to fi. Northweetsra nnlveralty Mtplayed ^OUoago fittn start
fa. ftaML
ie receotly, told
Although Michigan suited out with tag Is Pill
anwdotrof her retiring cook which
a hoA ot axoen men .this season.
Tost has BO trained faiem that, deeplU Is good cuough lo be told ate>u.
Uyn, foe colored cook, gave notice
(iimhUng and- lac^ of knowledge ot
I Mrs. Bichsrdson of bar talentlon »
elgneto, they edmintotered a enuhtog
detent Sstnrdey. to fodiana. The to- leave at tbe end of foe week - Mrs. B.

Oenadamer be alow, bnt she to maktoc aone pragma In bar expoita. Here
are emne tguns to ptove It. Hm «•
porta of ahatea onfi.lmtlar'haTe rtoan
in vahm Dm ni,1IESM In IfiM'lo
mmjm at th« m nc ima hv
•tetei ot pet* and bMoa in UM:

The etetore have eleoted thUr ctote
oAone ns toUown? PreeldeBt, Hrnne
E. MRlikea; vtoeprehMent, Mtoa Loomto;. aeeretary, ;Mton Mary SfiUaff:
tteaavrer. Bobwt^HalnhoU.
The Jnnlen are offering a greati
deal of amneement ^•tbe'tenion
•at a recent Junior cleas meotlag a
sonior was Moctod. preMdent; e^;a
committee to tew up * constUntion
M oompoaed entirety of senlorB.
The'atbloUc onUote to tary brttet
Coate Formt to giving the footbeU
teem e greet deal of hard praetloejtad
tbe judges Of lest Satnrdayh game
feU that foe normal haa foe beat teahi
tt has had for several yean.
M Bkhti OlbbB of CMlvet oteege
flome Bpeiteb' Bteermen at AgnUes
vMted Mends Saturdny. and Sunday. foond a con^at li'sb |n their catch.
The Normal Newe'hae bpen teang- Cutting |( op&tbcy found twenty dd
ed from a monthly to a woekly mega' i«tt« It ba^^WePewed.
sine. The first fores ciralee la the
month ooDstot ot a 10-pege Nornul
Ste^l'Hele Pries.
News L«aer oootelning foe looel ao•UOSterlU^-eMe Barred in traaadety news, efoletic news end other poithm, gsoo.^ VQBDIKELL BBOS..
items of Intereet The foartMoopy to WB p. Froa^^ Beadle blote in e
jj :
tr“ "
the regnler magexine wttite has also lew tey*
been improved.
The subecrlptlon
price has been reduced from (1 to SPECIAL fijftUJUtS' EXCURSIONS
S9 cento for foe year. A special effwt
V- tuTfo’ ■
U being made to extend foe enbsertp- Owlufo, Soate Sfrare end Atleirtio.
ttw list among foe AlnmnL
Last Pridey nltet theTaCnlty gave a
reception to all eUdento In foe gymnaalnm. It to foe intention of the feeutty to make thto a permanent, feetor
In foe soeiia Ufo of foe college.

Ooe 'woy to ktrp n wonon’a k)Vb to
It to a waste of time k> adverttoe
tar hut time.
good people eta opeOed-tar
mst of goon weeks.
• OftBi tbe wildcat oAt texan not ta
befoemeat-valnabtolwrae.' .
- Tbe avenge nun Bkae tt hpnfi A
pnbllc parade oC hto own ffood dratkA
If then to nottlngTn * men it to
■uAeas tar hip to argjt ct bMne for
Ismoe tt eell add Slock et'hto door.
Bvery girt waato a men to know
lomekhliiga ahrat her, bnt she doetet
want hUD to know that tee wants Um
to know foem.—<]hiatto Dally News.


Carpet Cleaning

wmmK .

nA mm

can always find'soinething to in- .
terest you here. Just look
few of many
that wc here
call to- your
- notice. Every
one in itself
the largest
» bargain ever
offero<l in tJTe
^you think, it



The Style
Oihers try lo «^y.





dining chair, from 79c

lolden ate. d-fL round top extenrioD Ublc, quarter sawed ote,
finely finiahte, only e few at



AH the Idlest Htyleo
of Hickey and Freem a n Co. i i ne,.
Roeh ester, .New
York, are displayed
on our tabW-H; Suits
bought, of US are
preset free ofy-.
charge , :
: '



Boardman River
electric U|bt 8
Power Com|»a(iy.

-SesAvr window I

Alfred V.


l57ftentSL .BeadleBlodL

are the good results that come from trying to please your trade. That is what we
are tvying lo do by selling you cl^D groceries from a clean store at the right
prices, and by giving our customer prompt and courteous attention.

Just the Tea Yea Want


=$IO, $13, $IS^
before I buy mine. It’s a rennible ttougiit-bat ab it
and you’ll be in-n^ie.
MewXMkwear, esetoel. .. Get tliet-GMIblt-efBende.


When yon are nstag oil
lamps or any kind oi llsht
yew borne or office Tiimto ooihlng niro, EI.BCTRTCITY for " '
• No nhwhei m>
Cttelt- »a grreae; bo dsnyer
from firrs—'ft'ia foe roo-t
Uiet con br pn^urte.

= in the Grocery Department =

These are Pidiiii^ Days..

Uclden oak roteer. saddle aeat, s
bargain *ltt.7S. oer price $2.98.



When 3’ou want,the best of^pices for
pickling and preserving. The appetizing
character of theae products ai-e due to
the spices. Our are the purest that CRQ
be liougliL We aim to select these with,
greatest care. We sell these whole or
ground. Then you want corks, covers,
paraffine, and vinegar.
, .

Bleb, cobble
a lo I

Making end taytag. teather renovat­
ed. Work thoroughly end promptly
exeented. Agent tor Mlteignn Rug '
On, N. B. Chnpta, Prop. Treveraa City.
Carpet fa^tsntog Wotea. $22 Weshiogfaa etreet ’Fbaoe Na lU.

We claim to carry the finest stock and
greatest variety of teas, and are sure we
can please you Some people have used
a certain tea for ten years, because we
ple^ theof and -only sell tbe best En^
lish Breakfast; Young Hyson; Oolong,
Blatok tea—name your fea and we will
supply iL

SwHt nddts
Sour pickles; chow-ehow and onions;
pepper sauce, mustard gherkins tod
olives; Snider’s sauce, Oh0i sauce, To*
bueo and «atenp. Mixed pickles, olive
oil, salad drefislBgalwan good. Makes
your mouth wattf to thwk of them with

CuMled Swttts

fresh from Strtob Bros. & Amiotte’s
everyday. None better -made. .Choco­
lates with all manneTof **flUing,” creams
with oil kindsUf fiavo!^ Mixed candies
by the pound, All the newest oonfeotioDs. No nicer gift than a box of tiiese
fine candies;/ .

TIk Soap QuesduB
is an important one: We know that you
know we sell all kinds Qf soap and wash­
ing powders, but here is a’ “reminder”—
whkdbwill you have? Lenox—Americ-an
Family—C^k Leaf—Big Acme-IvoryZoo—Wool—Jaxon—Pels Naptha—Pairy
-White Cloud—GoM Star—Gold
—Quten Anne—Scnibine—^iiiroline Powdered'Borax. -

Clevtf Bread Makers

will tell you tiiat the best -results are ob­
tained by using cither of our 'two great
brands of flom-, the H. & -L Co.’s “Best”
or tbe “Supreme.” Your biscuits wiil
always be light and “puffy,” bread sweet
and moiat, rolls crisp and plump, and
pie crust most eatable. Just order a
sack tomorrow.

' Our Cracker Cerater

is a most interesting place; Tbe great
Variety of crackers «id wafers would
asitoiah most anybody. Some kind of
craeker or wafer should be cm tbe table
few <'ver>- toeaL Butter crackers and
Graham wafers.. Ginger eookies and Fig.
Newton. Champagne and Long Island '



Bring Voor Prescr^itions

to oor;Dnig Dept. You will' find prompt- ’
ness abd.aoearaGy tbe ruling elements.
We carry almost everything ih tbe line of
theSSami, druf^to’ snppUes,
toilet artiol^
pewdeii^’^ tooth
powdewB, robber goods«»d,perf«Qei7*



br. J-W. GAUNnEtT.

o. P. CABVtt.
■rvM* * B«b.



Htts. tun mm is


“Junler’ Eta Qulek tones hdd suiprise und pique. rBor^> toat ta-^
"ena. T-tots ta"n seouL detaMt,



Baon a WMew for IS

U was a very Ibud .eoogh, snE It
from the gaitary of —**"T-youn fotom.” whtopa
cmlng her huBd find i
littie on tbegnitabed fleer. ‘T-j wm
see yon again ^fight-tmrrow.
nier Andlnafiataibewascooe. '
But'tbe door had atfrteiy ctarod and
and Fancy Ooatuina.
to. door in big «in ^^S**** ««*• Junta hafi Just tone to sroitto up h*».
sign, and bot^ ta any nee vroit and begin when abe toft
: along toe ftUgy Aty would
and a hrorty vtfice. announeed-l
not invaded with bla
hs,aald. playBent" Against to* palbtW
and window* a ebaUp
_____might eome tonlgltt. and be
- 1 uud Mtafi^se
tt here. Where to mong pern? I waitt
toe bt^d ulterior. To
Is hMhlag on display.
noG^ «ve toe, to tee fatm. Tonigtat? Tes:-t«iight' 1
want hto Junto. t?bdn be aay* <Oul'
we vrlU bunt a priest, my dear. The
ttcmiae. saer And Joyfully be fiourvictliu.
lu^e. bowerer. afl toolfferoot.' The tabed a pale yellow sUp before too
girfs dancing eyca.
•tore -to targe, tow to
wliso Without arttfictel 0# «0
for the alley to narro^^ ^ tbuild- -BanuBood started, stnalgbteulM op
to hto tnU hdgkL which was • foot t
- 'a mociMttt te.

liafiumetaplaeeaenihat ffoturo.- aarrot yod a pietuM or sd
toatneedatiUKiagt This to the right'tibe to get the ehoSee
fran aaimmenMaMirtrowtefmoslAsgBabdbdrotoejob itmt
righL Aatoprioa.doBTtattoatwertTyon. WeHbercaaonUa.

Mra. Snth'Mlner. widow of tod lato
■KHIMN OBPEATED INMANA (toaa. ftiMr, a pksioar <ff tUa rogkn.
dfad-yostarday M hdr hosne bear Mo»:
roe Oenter. Bcod'n yaara. Mr. and
00 VERY NEARLY bOBT TO Mr*. Htnar fcMoe to the Grand TrwrCriMW^Mwr. '
eta« regfan In ISM and had eiaared up
one of toe fluest farms fn tola region,
Geaenllr t^r t«nlg&^ ud TmM^:
36 yuan.
No danger of eesmumptioB if you use
Rowtevul Bata Frie*.
iiilsk BOQtbweat Vlad*. i
RMult. In atM* «iid <M{f9» CIrciM Iiavlng llvod on too
Before Mr. Mlneria death, U years
Ftoays BoBtay aM Tar to cum that
atttbborn cough. SeU by JUa. G. John.
was considered one of toe
son«nd E & Watt ft Bona.
BM . flMV^fiL Beafie block to
fanbers'tai this region. Siaoe hto
Iha fiMtbali game Satimday
death T^ank HamUtt, a n^ev. vtoo
to toe High*
Mrs. e. Biyin of ttls olty WM oML
Make* a Ctona Bwiep.
bad Ured wHh them slnoe ebUdbood,
Tbare’a notUng Bke deli« a thing
tx* to FsrewoU fo .acoonnt
. aa 'well as otherwise,
I mil 11,111 TWiiaii TiiliTkfitlnfla nf
u run the fora vlto _
toorob^. OfantkaBMveayoperer
the gat«.reoelpU helas only Mmab »26.
iauEbter's sotmo lUaan.
thito. PeMsM
Mra. Miner leeVea two staters, one In
teard oft BuchtataY Antaa.BaIre la ^.,Jax*BiZ^
Bat the boalness men of tte dty had
Special «
*■ swMpa uwitt-aBd'earaB
New Toik ud one. in OUnota. Both
. . Berea. Bntaea. Cuta, BoOa,
C'lt} \oAge No. 222. P. ft A. M.. tonlghL .............. .. an ainotut whlA rednoed are expeetoJ to he here to attend tbe
Topax. arid at 16 c*ets per copy during
Work Id the Second desree.'
reasoval eato only. fBUMNBX
fanqrn] which wlU be heM fnwi toe
only 2SC. and gumtuut^ to glve.sattohe bomh' by the AthleUe eeaoelaRev. Dr. Mitchell of Pontiac %>lll
E, 229 BHt Front street «2624t''
the dtoeetion
foetfaabrS.B.Wattft8anaand BugPleach. It Is expected, In the Tint tioo.
bee. Boxhnrrii ft Co, OruBtata. Imw
of 0u
Ihe next '»me In vhleh the El<h
1‘resbyteriu church next Buday.
paceh be stared fixedly at a face proMrs. E. L. Boniter ha* rftemod from stdioM teem wQi be e teetor wlU be
trtrilng from tbe wall above.
Cfalcaso where she spent 10 day* in one wKh' Pptaekey at Tvdtth at^
PtoM Tnatr and
-By Jtmtay. Junto," he gaqwd. ^r
...'tiers oo Fv«T Nde from.floor to e^park next Batnrdny. It la Imped
Madame Buraham’a
ttot «lnY the-cuttat fls I ever saw Wl
figthere wHl be a larse enoiin> attend­
swallow my collar
eonar stud
stndl Jc*- took at
Owing to aorne delay In reeetving ance at this same to pay expenses «nJ
- -- grin. Jhn- Jas. O. Johnson and S. B. T
tBB Brant Mt.
Rome papier mache. wnaH* In lm^ 1m. See *lm wink. See
» toe boys for 'Batiirday's
coods, CampbeD hrothers viU not open
ulsbed coats of maa ktaff.nnd knl^m foy. Junta, bow moeb tor tberakltfihclr Brocery store ontfl S*thrd*», Oc. iOBB. Tbe-gsme which ttiey-are pot-Didt.Dl<*r
Id purple and gi^ qnta* •>«} tad|ea
lolKT 24.
in silver and silks. crowtiB
U will perh^ be Interestii
wti. speai* and shlelda. aerpents and fag vritt lau^rter. Tbe grin on tbe
Mr. artd Mr*. A. W. Und of Washlnpdrago^reiTthtoS ta'tf* world of foee
ion street will entertain the menhers know that on -ntankaglTlng day the
featnree twltriied and qulvtiorol and siKiiiglee. Afiifi bere and
and conBreBatloD of the nrst'Preslv- Uusfcegon and Manistee high echoed
ttere. esnalngty sinwied beneatb pow­ ttedcoBTotalvriy.
tesmB wlH play at Moaksgon.- It li
lerlan cl:
erful reflectork. a -few ^y electric
Th« Daily Eagle omee la in receipt the oirinloa of the Itml boya that Mus­
nuaimeur. eet to Dot tor
balba do duty for a fifty Ugbt chande­
of a mnmmoUi white indbdi. vM^lng kegon wlirdo a (dw to the Salt City
lier. end tbe effect to m^fo-. ptoaslng. ale. Non. non! Bet is a real fatas
eight and oee-qoarter poondi
not dsxsllni:. as monstoor would Bke tt facer gulped the muffled vrice agalntt
his bseasL -See. now. eet la gone! Bet
rrmps from the garden of George
: tobe.
Ann Artmr. MkdL. OcL !».—kUdiJId tbe false fece coroet. tbe darkest tagesmi Bet in tbe store, sitt a girl a mere -rtbon- Oustsve Vexnon," she cried Lreathlm^
gnn, £1; Indiana, 0.' That final score
agalnst tbe yswafog archway Jy. peering round and up a* for as hi*
looks weU <m paper, bat Midilghn’s
Irxdlng to toe gatlery bbove. 8Be to a - apiiaonlng arms would allow. .
{daylag Sstnrday was vetT much
An* Dl<^ BxnuoonA toughed IfMd
Ruisll, trim figure In a dark blue iklri
and fang- Then, slated on hto knee,
Judge Rob«K B. Froaer of Detroit nnd Whitt shirt wetot^er fare to amaSe told him the ^ und the
U-Mlnnesota had run np against ths
small and pale, set in a ^Itb.of Jet.
-Ann Arbor men there wonU not have gives eome of the reasons' tor the dl- black hair twtoted *u»^ and high,
been anything to do' bet to mhke tme voroes which are beoomlng, he totnks. with a giittering batterfiy atgret flot- etad Nugmit becanm be had wenlth.
- -.......... ...
gmJ swipe and rub MtohigM fiB the alarmingly numerous. He aays:
lerinsJB «• ah'! "•** '•
P ‘ ‘ .^tbaa
m kfe Stmt fmuf Mem
"When a woman marries ai man IngwhtokersonblnirKlnffBal O
ehamplopshlp diart. Some figured It
him. -And why? He to
that If Mlrhlgin beat Chicago's vrhpm she consUers her Inferior• In In- table before ber elic lias all the colori sebundrel, Dk*y.-ebe usplalned. Tntt!
e of 34 to P against th« tame team,
JapaGlen Haven. MKdL, Oct.^ IS.—The the Wolverine* would be strleUy In it. not agree with her In this regard, broe deftoem of toneb-dfie. two. three.
but Batuftiay's work was. not ToetY there are apt to be treqaent dtoagreeIxMly nt a man was picked up o
cart: a curve, a daub..and tbe tfalug •omethlng, and tbe plan was tbe real
folae foee.
iH-ach today. It Is suHiaeed to be that Idea of a machlna Fnabling and mix­ menta of endi a character toat the to doneBut DOW mon pete ta nattofied. Hr
of lUc man lost off the PUnklaton near ing np of signals diaraoterised Mich­ psitiM may plUmatdy-have those dto- . Above tier dainty bead banes a h«eragreemmiU
stock of face*., life stoe and only smiled and aald. -Onl; ah. ouir
this lulnt last month. The body wore igan’s game thrdoihooL Many times
vrin HamiDODd asked. “May I have
when found gray panto, blue lacheL remes would stand with the bell in
hip bouts and a band ring on linger. his bands as much as to aay, "Wont looks, for hto money, tor bis agreeable Bctirttd scowtlni
a sinll-'
come and reUeve ms manners, hto 'polite attentions to ber. SvengsH Bocering at the poi>e.-----The remains bare been bttrieJ by the
Jug Glbeon girl ogling, tbe sulky Naof tills?"
liti- savers here.
Fea, tbe capital of Morocco, nxwt
poieoe. and tet down, flown on tbe
eitenoatton of the nmneroos
floor, sits Uls majesty on ashes of din- of the bousee eonalst of eereral stortoa,
eriines eommltted along these lln» it
o«ph being provided with a Ugbt ve, PISHING FOR TUBERfi.
ktted Bln.
. said that Tost bad given the *mr
In tbe store all to quiet not tbe Oek- ttadA running roood tt and coonecOng
ling at tbe
tng of a dock; not Uw pnrrii^ of a the noma. AU the window* and door*
Si. .Charlea Fanner Diga Potatoes slty team a oompB&ted set of signals
uattsfied cat; not eveu^a street nrcblp twen out Into the patio, or eourtyatd,
but s' few days ago, and that the men
From Rowboat
B may result in violent and continnal tbe alley ogtaWe. Just an tbe vrindow openings In tbe tmper stoSl Charles. Mich. Oct 19.—Hie llm- xeally had no time to perfect thdiieceasfanal IttUe anUf from mamaelto’* flM bring covered wttb done trrilleselves on the combination of numbers.
in agrlcnlti
wuefc. All tbe bouses have fiat roof*,
"The many things that^are constant. SOritlVP IMHtC.
Middoek'was a revelation at right
been reached by John C. Qangnnss,
M*B* out from tbe wltii a vrril aome four to rix feet blgfa
tackle. Tost baa found a way to make ly artolng that require derision eoncunring around, and from S p. m. nnO)
V..10 live* near this Tillage.
cetBlng domestic or huatnesa matters
HBSat toe roofs are glvsu over to
Mr. Gaa^iits has a fine patch of po- use df this spiendld' line backer, even
^ then walk
jrtth the marital retation
middle field, and Maddoek**
eea veiy. carefully cdi in tbe par- .. -----------___
liiocs, near the river on the mnrAy
about and take the frsih far without
are as varied and Importaitt as in any
w and the .pu^e<r'ta
flais. bat recent iuIdb pat the field 20 ing rosbee proved the most «mtaM^eeen to faff et the opfioritt eex.
ircbea underwater. Needing potatoes
M irescretfaD fa a taw wWrii 1*
Ouafake plunges that reaUy end with Ham­
r dim
belong to each to derided there would tave’e. and It wasiCniitave blmsptrwbo. never broken, and no man wtmM Us
guiny of being seen on bis or «n any
r>. Id o? tuber* in * boat, and dug a mond or the other half-back hitting the
other roof duriag f5e forbidden bpuia.
‘iifflclent qaantity for the mee! with other side of the line. This play
dtSerencea of oi>li___ _ ______________
Owing'to tbe fact that the women of
hU paddle. As the water has been cuughL Indiana napping sevettd time*.
ioaaly <lnwu at tbe
to willing to yield and to fallowed
tbe boime are not falovred to be seen
Chicago, OcL 19.—By a acore of 0 to
nv> r toe land J>ot a few days the potathe confident hopes of the ^>tlT^ h>- such disputee and heart-burnings
••ih. mOD pere." she breathed, s^l- by any other man than their lord and
, and proved to be
master aD domestic offices are ritoated
that the parties drift apart tortoer
sity of Chicago were shattered
>f excellent quality.
avraj from the kooae proper. Inmav
Northwestern university on Marshal
of the taJg» boueea. beside* tbe vrat«r
llnany -by a decree of the court
field Saturday.
fountatos, otbar* playing scent or
"The only way I know of to remedy
outptay«l Chicago
water are to be found. Sec­
Quincy. Mich, Oct . 19.-Charles
this dilBcuUy la by an
tions of the courtyard atao are sUghtiy
Utchfleld dog 8.000 bushels from start to flotoh and her goal
;uetnvc eofUy.
tween tbe partiea which must be ad­
«mv utd these portions are filled with
nt potatoes-frora 30 acres of g
"Uorii! KootaUpe! Ha
hered to by earii. All matters perscented
which to need to perfume
pere. be comes! In. In. moi
This to probably the larseM cn* of
domesUc atfoirs purely, snrii
Click! The ftsrtmoo door doeed tbe roema Tbe Moors Sfe exception­
potatoes lutoed In southem Mlchli^ fc-nr-yard line by NorthwerteruY fum­ as the management of the
tight. Svengiill ni>d the pope swung ally particular In dlsrerdlng tbrir foot
ble. A little later Oolton i
mtoaed a field pal from the Chicago the bringing up of tbe children, the outward to tlie length of flielr etrlugs ing a n« or carpeL They even ritange
NowtattatimefagelKid Olore*. Yoo will
toward line. Chtaago’s despenUe at­ central and management of the serv­ -and still moved wlwn' Mr.. Nugent •Uppea before entering the courtyard
ame np to tbe llitfatnble.
•ecd a new pair fa go wttb your uew suit or.'
tempt to count on a goal from field, ants, and- the perlwinance of aoclal
Tbna tte bonees are
“Junlc." he bessn. very toodetta
cloak. We*re been very fortunate in eeeuriugeo®*
................. cleen and sweet and
One of toe most unlq^ love scenes Bckersoll fumlibing tbe motive pow•HJh. M. Nugentr she rem»n
good things this fall. lAors and rixm are

that the stage baa had In years to seen ,*.-, taneJ. At no other time did Northwith a swift upward ^aoe. and went
complete to both Moebs and Dremed ICIA This
husband, except as he acta as an ad- on rrioudiliig the royal Bloetanrd.
westera's supporters^ve oansc
1.1 “When Lonto XI. Was King,’
very popular glove store is dally 1
vtoer. In focL the husband and wlte
For a moment he gnaed dreaniHj'
row romantic drama that WllUaffl Ow- anxiety.
' (
arity b.v perfect fitttog aad, aornble glovea.
shonU always consult tai udvtae the omotii. btoeti bnir ceils, bent
High BcheorGa^.
on win present here on next FVUny.
A young lady, tbe heantifol daughter
Ltd the largeaem of tbe stock. Home of the suist
Groenvflle. 12: Grand;] Grand Eap- vrlth each other. wUh the power of trifle loww (Inm need be. WsR It the
October 28. It transpires In the Oeo'pmular tmea tbia acssoo are, tbe one clasp (In
final derision on the matters rriegated ruby light? Ko! At imsteehcpromptly' t a weetMxi coogreamnan. wa» tntronnd act between Qaentin Darward and ■ida. 6.
Deed on ber arrival In Washlngtoa to
derided when be caugbt aiglu of Itac
, quite
Hlltadafa. n: Jactawn. 11.
IsabellG. the beantUnl and much aoagbt
wldenlBg tinge of plek «u her ramided
tt Kid und Mocha. Them
be objected to by the other.
isbpeming. IT; Iraowood. 0.
after Countess of Croye. Durwar^
tfaative of the late Thomas F. Beyard.
■*nie husband ought to have the riteek.
Maraball. 37; Oaleeburg. 0.
During tbeir talk about the DeUware
Scottish knight of noble birth
“Joete." be repeated earoerily.
right to direct ahd control the bc^
Husk^on. 6; Troverae City. 0.
meaerAjnrse. has fanned a strong at-Monsieur.-- she wbtopered. waYnIng faatosman *be pronounced hto nvne as
when they arrive at the age where a ly end witb a fuuutoh
CStelsea. 23; Ann Arbor, 0.
rogubh Hrlukle In
In ber tt to spriled. giving tbe first -*’* its
taektaent for toe charming BnrgualoBgBonnd. Tbe young man frit It hto
an’s oontrol ta ueceaaaiy.
<• I im veiy buiiy.
MidlanJ, 6: Went Bay City. 0.
..jfian cooDteas which to fuUy reedproduty to comet her. saying that
-to all matters to which hta huslnsas
m behind.
id. Bifl It wt to auyslng
Bay City, 0; Alpena, 0.
ceted by ber. Rto pride and poearty
lODOuficcd -Byaid."
I sun
-Xnotiier popular ooe to tbe Wash Kid. Thia
Mt. PleaaanL 18; Saginaw, Ift &. 0.
prevent him from declaring h)* love
ii M
e to nttoodwUeh he has earned.I, as fisr us t
lAnaIng won on fMtrit bom FlIaL
cun be wmbed with aoup aad wat^- <Hreriiousand the countess, a ^Ifal -Mia stitmg
for tbe p-------- -- ----I. be should have
witbmebpair. Tta glove that ta ooueeded to be'
Ann Arbor, 16; Adrian, 6.
minded ralsa, 'apprectoUng tola and
frtmtds who w«re vtolttbe rlfflit to ^determine. Many a fom- ttUled BUd trembtad. -ypS know iluil ing ber trpm tbe west by taking .them
Mancelona. 69; Central Lake. fi.
best glove on the market today to a flue dress
falling in her MIorts to fbroe-hlm f
what I want Is prteetam. I cennot !wy
Uy ta wrecked and brought to'poverty Jt No suu <»n evecAto It Junto, I toOUhersthlarinb. In tbe reply Owt
glore U the Trwvoox. This glove hss stood the
Olivet OoOege. 10: HUtadalft. fl.
speak hto mind., taros wooer and 4*
to oM age by tbe
tem for year* aad tostiU at the head-^-Two DolUrs to tbe price.
charmingly wwded and 'acted aeene,
Trent love, your tore. m» Junto." nod. ■he wrote sbe said Bbs would bare
Teen of preeti^ t aria have plaeed the -'West Bed" glove at'
thieswing dtecretien to the whuto. he
offers her .hand and fortune to the
OBly tbe mumunger that be bad
things. There to nothing more piUaUe
-the table.
tbe bead m a dollvr glove. We have murebad tbe maricefa tor *
liruve ScotUih laddie. Sbe!lnld King Henry aride and dto- luijurf- semned very “tayard" and
than to see a man nndw a woman’s
bettor ooa. but eannot find IL '
poMA of the paint brnrii wlwve W rouW biri telltad upon the way, ao that *be
thumb In sato matter*.
Oriora for Ml: Grey*, Tana. Modes. Brewna and Btorica.
.n to MMt In Oetreit
IHd 'entered fate uMtbsr engagfa'****
-'^e Me* that I deslfe to Inculcate
DelrolL MKdi.. OcL 19.—Th* anmnal
tote ths minds of bH muirtad people to^ * -Bn*h.-^»«wb- monriaw.-'kie^Oonwinter meeting of. the Mlehlgan Pretfi^
ad. and Iscr <7m Iruveted
that each of them toonU have not llie gfalery ef mfak»._;Wby ebiit ffatiL
association vrtU be held in Detroit
quite Burii a good cvtolon of hlmeett fickertag wfatoT Was It a emlto? - ^ ta bear foam htta
January 21 and 22.
bereeif, and not quits such a poor Trinnmrtiy.
Trinnmrtly. botoely
boteely for an taettnt.
oidnioa of the partner.~A* people grow Mfo!toweaftare.¥*a.ltwitsa anUto.
older, if they have lived th uy pnrIt spelled ^ronrngemeut for him.
All toe vrorld knovra hew Oelumbue
poas they lean to know thrirownfoO- WltbaconfldeiWWritaffac^taft
n a htotoM eccsaleit made an i§s
tog* aad become more toleraat of tbe •otffaiT ebreeV.-be mtaed Ixv sunHH famt?; WriL for enght vre can me. It
■taod on ead. After many leevued
wWte haad u^'-taNtefl hnnsrtly into,
igs of other*. My' adviee '
theories bad bseu- advanced for -belher eyes. imUgnenL she tKd to Jerk
Ttirget what has been aaM that may R away, but ta enij rieapeA it ttfbter.
ancing tbe egg be set the egg «n end
cause pSenae, or beUeve that It has AmwlRg nearer. nrerev.-tUl ata felt the
l.y. of course, mashing down bar*
:>eooB4i to form a base, but toe prob
warmth of hto brmthen tar friw.
’ l«D U
to rnipeble of still anoUier sotutlon
isa^ party to tbe meritfa eontraot
1 tore yon. I to»e your ta erted-paaIt to ao easy matter to ml- an egg on s
Miread tbe nmatie of Parity and ktaJ- rioeateLv. "NB. no. do aot-riirtiik from ___ ______ _
Nay, tt to preetaeiy
plate, for tostaiioc. If you know bow.
- ■ ‘ - • from
to abrink
becanm they an T*ffBe foat they
nesa over the ftUrn. and there wtU be me. Jitola ro'n;i>>toff«ot
Tl;p trick to t
Be made to fass b«.. but ri
toes wok tor the divuro^Yourta and
has been boiled In an uprtgbt Foritfan.
. aftar tmkm
fewer people aarttad tat not matad.’ ’’
The position of ,t» hardened ytoe at
. -yoo famed Be tost fafait
Etw taaimom vraa the loveBtlou^of J»tin end of tlie abeU towers tbe eentsx aroh Hansom, tbe artotteet of theiBtoof grurity nntU tor sphere can be Mwn twtnghsm towu baU. But the two
or eveo balanced with eaae.
wheeled cab wkSeb he fsMted toilSBS
Tblnk of the snap tbe (uDraafi tauehtatltafeBoeagr
t Utti* ufoBward
tbe vebieta which.:
eounter prltlieget woold be at fthutak. fa; yotalto-youre aufl>amfl,ptae,^Juiria.
Card of‘numka.
bears hto nama. tt bad « aquare,
Jakuttka anilfta other Siberianpotau. And we wai go awta Eta *way*- He
We wish to
ths many friends chair shaped body hung , between
dlalng . ears Ice cream slopped euddeiily tfSm tbe bong her Wta'- 'riiagBY. -the high Mta.oftokindly remembered ta during
bead and allowed tekand
TdretAMi was toDowed hyft MM and
vrtirei* nearly right feet high,
u and death ot our fatbar and driver’s seat was In fooeL as atao
quietly In bto.
•- ^ :
"And we vrUl ta'
Ooe fota tike n noting IriiwE. whm*
toe door. The fore wriared «M eeh i»- through SIberta.
axiww ta nrii r ;.:peattsta fa *g>t tt
tweeo the wbrel and to^ The motto.mtfaamna
en hantcun was eOatinA from tide ox owe eonhl elitnta all foe ready
Mt Ita wfatfa- WMflgw*^ he mvft.
Origtoal to Meeara. OUtat uud CB^ flavored lee sveum oecesmry to bumai
\4id llimjt would, he ao
ptaaaaw fobsurtfa brskaBan sing out;
ChMU care for the
gmauy taW»nd.'’-Bi
tarinfa Gbaoge
worth prie: rrerjwriltk Walrus BcariL

id nan L«w**
oOw teiiBr bDtf.\
—■*- to vTita


«nr BOOK


iirt7i>iris*!AJdr mSs^^aSiff



A Veiy %edal Eng^^tneitt!

FRIDAY, OCT. 23rd,
NartlD Ubesle; Prmnts


Mr. wnitam Owen
Jf. W. McConnell

‘‘Wicn Lobbs XI Was Kir^’

A Sirriiij Tak Um, WHjK Ml Adrotiirc. SMjifkcMIy rmtaced-SKSeorij CMuaL fie MSI Sue.
cessftil Ptajf the Yev.
» . s

Kid (3ove TdK!

lOMiNdfoe reouBiE?
Yon will Snd more of it in less time
in a poorflonr, tlian in »ny other thing
we know of. Therefore when bujing
-don’t itop ehoit of the ‘-BKaT.’'
r ' lUnofactnred'bt


afomiBto Iforfiumk MtlslBi litand"


AFTER tO^ tLUtSaft

ncHis m 8BW sell)

*« .. ««»

Tbe-nle of ie»<md Mati tar.^
High tehool teetnra «ad i^« «c
wUl opw Thnndw vnaiat. Oototw
n. *l the Ctty
ho*B « ? ti'elpak.
The ^oee of reeemd aeeti ere K, M.
7E «eoU uti 9U eMordlng to tooetioii
Id eiMltioB to »1 tor eooeoe tlcM
The iMthod of eeleeU|« the i
will be M toOpwa. Bedi mmob thtet
wM beer* a ttumbw. The euie i
ben will be Jren by M. Ae » naeber U atewii the p«OD lAo ho»ae.the
eorreepoBdtas UdawnnBher ti allow­
ed to 'aeevre reeerred eaata.
Tiekedi ere b^ e<dd bt the foQow-

IMae Nan4ett A. OamphiH Died Lest


Buried A. CumMi; aged 33
^art. Ux so^hk^dled iwt nlgU at
her hoBA TM WaM0 Street of eoaeanfktoh Biter a^toOE Qtaeas. SaMh
bed been expected at any mooient-liar
the l«et week. ShA Mares a'^otber.
Mstor and a . .
Pbr a long ttaae Kba OampbMI bad^
Ured alaae with hor aathOr, Mta.
Quaphau. wtdew ot TwasHi Oaa
who was klUed ahoat^ yaan lEb by
her alster Mary being *a nttttdnM at the naylaat
The fanerel wOl
heU from
Orange tanS on Wednn^ .
nt 3 o’okiek, Ber. B. B. Wintate om,
The {wm>aafwa vtU ,be
Belph ModHUy, Wm MoCMUla, loe
Loala Paraialee. CSwa. 13 the-^upoae .oflo^ W-.«ftaailME
imedfoot and Vr. Oaitaoa.


cw toh


. >laiARU)a.
1 See. to. Vpan aneh
3 atreeta, er parte U etre
8 eoopca may from time
' tlmi
w to


I aBft-naUgaa. to pUnk
7 cm toe ewtaUe iM -tode at
fixell AT toidfrwckwmatontendiF
ft tence of not laae then U tatoea an



Third ward—liable Walter, 709
Weet Seroith street; Merten WUaoa,
436 Weft T«ith street: Alfred
belrn. 404 SWh stre^; Jewy Seiuran, 4» SUth street
f^Birth ward—Oiaee Theobald. US
bst SereBth street; ray Orawford.
630 Union street; Hoy Wise, 036 Union
Fifth ward—Bui Aokemaa, 336
Garleld arenne; LoU SeoAeld. ms
PeninsDla street; Clyde Thmas. 1001
Bast Bihth street; Ban Bobertson.
1011 Webster street
Ony Pratt 403 Wedsworth street;
Harry Dean. 634 Sixth street; Otond
Baker, asylnnc Ci^ News Stand.


jJT^^as dnSvdSnMraeUgn
eate and snltable tor toe free pasr
sage of TShielee, and on toe eomdetom of sack
rapatr,-^ atr»._
In as go6d ooodltlaB
prior to snik oonstmctlon and *►
^ „
Olsplaaenant TRne.
Unlesa by oonseU of the o9nncQ.
not more than one HoA of any
atreet «h«ii be diaplaoed at any one
time, -nor tor a period of time exceedlng twenty dnyn (30), end dnring snik time of oonstweUon or re-


cBnfU. sober, prn-

BnlWIng LeM in Aahee
This Momlns.

CbdwyKsn, MIoh., Oet 1ft.—The dty
ball of thia city was ooKpletely de­
stroyed by fire early this momlnkLoss, 936,000; Insnranee, 133.000.

Mae" Cleared of Obsve
Montreal, Oot. 19.—The Star says:
An (dBdal report has reacted London
on the durges which were made
egainet Sir Hector Macdoi^d at the
time he oomndtted snidde In a Paris
hotel. The thonsaads of admirers of
TWUIng-Msg” over the worid wOl
be pleased to beer that the oommlttee
of InraMigiUoo at ColMnbo, Oeylon.
make a report completely exaneittlng

y <idU Iteve tenlglit
tor n trip to Ohteago.
Vie Feter^l has gone tc Chleag







too nm cc

3 tolsoidli___ ._____
dtycf Tn
4 car ahan ettam a .
6 twBBty-gva thawsand

9 may be aBnaeiMT to pretext the mnot leter than
Ua and aeeimmiodUtewi cf toe
toMp-gnt day of Janary.
. -____ie in Mtetton to said nllr. '
over toi'tbe eUy tieasarer of said
12 and to lb
U city ae a framklee fee. a mm
16 maintained with the anrfBee not IS said -cum
14 egaal to one half of <me per. cent or
Falters te Cemply.
16 leas than Cbeftalf imk bUow toe
17 top of ^ rUm. and that nn|d
«s edrperate tlAts cf said etty
toaU alsc grtvU toe 3 amw redattve to toe toeUion and *:*L£
dur^ the preeedlag
' '
30 space between toe pteehs extendlac 4 eijrt^ofi^e mi^jngofwlr^
I» year, as aseei' ' ' '
n Uoag toe inside of eald nUs. and
bocks of BBld '<
33 BhaU U aU tones keep toe suae
S3 level and even with the U9 of eeU
abaa mUeet sUd grantea. Us a 22 be made by* toe eacretair of said
raUanad so A to be mSe and cen. on oeto, ftnring 1
rmleu tOr IatU. Frovjded tou
if January tn sarti year for
^Modlng rnlwill
11 twentyftve dcBers (336h0) per day,
w^Ue 12 after .due. notice to said gieatae. ?? J?”J wMh the city «' toe receipt
29 matmlU or mntarti^ as ebUt be
14 Which aa Uiell be pnU te toe city
30 approved by toe npwneu.
nmooU aq regUred to he paid in.
16 treesnrei. to the ec^ cf toe gaw. ,
gtreei CreaaUtgs. •
1 Sec.31.-AtallstiweteroeUngsor 16 end ten^ And eecka^ penally.
2 tnteneetkms where the street or - ■oteopUd.SB^bafeeQveredby
-n m any omut'or
3 streeto ere not paved. U toall be
4 toe duty of aUd gtoatee. Us as6 edeletas. sncccwscrs and asUgns, to
5 cUyU TrnveM CUy. within thirty
6 .Uaak between toe laBs U aUd
dters from toe f
dtoanee,- e Wrtttm eseiiiteeci oc
tacks snd-for s dlstsnee of twUre
toe name, togetoer with an agieeNonaeniVeHL
lochM on toe -OBtslde tbersof In
teMit to ehUe by and pertonn all
See. 31. TUs osdin_.
16 snUi a manner ns to mske ssld
.cBodltteas and miBcome ntOl amd void
ereestng safe, c
d ee«
12 of mems. and to keep the_______ 3 grantee, Us eamcdntes. s
12 eueemlira nS^^m, ^«thIS proper repslr; provided that toe 4 end aseigBs. shell vlcdato
13 in 80 days fr«n toe date cf toe
14 eoondl may antoorise and dheet
14 pneaege of this ordlnnaoe, degoeiL
15 eocbcrtinlngBorBaypNtkntoarecation ehnB nve been givan by the 16 wtto the c4tr ctMfc a bond to toe
16 at to be fined between the
16 city of Titreree City in the ann
17 tor a d
17 of Twenty-FIvie Hondrad DoUan
18 (I3A00) Uo be approved by toe eoun19 cO. as aonrlty tor toe completion
80 by toe said grantee. Us sssorlsiM.
1 Sec. 21. The - cars
saceaesora end sarigns'. of toe
IS with rMsedy the toasA
32 street raUwny within the Umits of
moved to 14 . (n) U eald grantee. Us 1
83 the said dty U Traverse aty. as
herein deecrlbed. and for the eom6 power new li
and thioogh the 36 pMkm of the Une to Old Hissioo
Iway cea,
can or which may herestreets named In sectloo 2 of tUs
7 after be adopted end .eppUed tor
Time UmHl
ordtBnace. jritoln two yean of 1 Sec. 37. TUs ordlnsnee shall
8 that pnrpeae; providpd, however.
9 that no metoaUcU power exc^ 20 toe Bd(vto» aud passage of this 2 nlm be veld nnlms the seM L. K.
10 Uectridtr shall be used wttoout the 21 ordlnsnee,. or if mid fin^
8 Gibbs, Us<iceisots and
11 consent qf the coencdl.
4 nmigns. for toe pvpoee U condartrleUr-thaU be
12 The UertrteMr-aheU
' sanUad 23 abaU fafi to complete g Une. <« 6 stnctfng and operating mldnfreri
U to toe
‘ "



iS ?h?*p^££ry.r^pSfe''u ii ^

,?%6 Wt 'M

Sec. 8.' The rate ctf fare for earry- 33

H St.'from

dirt -------------------—
ropatta. and sbetl keep the------free-fttom filth end dirt of thUr own
Snow and lea .
Sec. 7. SUd ■ grantee. Us assoclatea,' successors and asUg
shell remove or level all ildgee
hmiM of snow and ice *h«* «h»n
formed between the rails
tracks and for a dlstanorof VwUve
InotaM on either aide thereof.
Such snow end toe so removed ahell

4 6


. reltway
--------a»raeeh. toe trad; nnob•'driver of any vefUm to do BO ahaabeo-Aftne hot exeeeJlilg
axoeedlilg fire

M-Mi!" <*”> ■■wa.ygZ!


— i! 8S*g»


BUb Co.h dock and retain.
Delegates tatt this memlng to attend toe Orend lodge, I. O. O. F-, at
nnglaaw. They were Sirs. W. B. Hd' lister end Mrs. H. A Coates of Bebeksb
lodge Ifo. M end Ttey Iherion wad
Atonso Fox of toe looU L O. a P. Mo.
103. Mrs. AB. Brown,wto»waaldent
^-df Uis Behebah nasembly, aooqmpsUed
the delates.







...................... —
cooa D«B OMlia UU
______^ Any ^Ud,.seven
of age or -mider. vtoen ee- 6
8 oompealedbrapereBtorgMrdlan, 6
ft ahsB be carried tree; or any two 7
to fhlldren. seven yenn of n^ - 8
11 under,
no aeoompnUed,
nsr. when
._s tore.
10 face of tbe-streeto so i
r Wabeter
Said grantee. Us a
11 wtruct public travU to)lereon. ui U
has Qon« to Frwikfopt to apend i
_________ ’ind'eiigim. shnU be enti- 12 tbe street-cc
eslonar ao directs
16 tied to ckarge end collect not to extheir Jnst
with ber non and dr .jditer.
Misa Anna Jehnec.i of Bellalre who 16 ceeJ toe toOowing rstes of fen:
baa been the guest of Miss lisde 17 For labor tickets, el^t (8) tor
I lee. the granteM. their
Blduaond ^ Webster street for a to
eight (8) tOr
SO twenty-dve osnts.
tew days, retnnied hcane ttaia noon.
Jamec Craig, hameae maker In J. 21 For regcOer tokets. six (6) for 19 tracks of their rmUwey, U bH
30 switch pifints,. enrret sad tarnT. Beadle'S shop and Jack BroadCoot S3 twenty-dre oentn.
left this attmnooa tor Pneblo, Colo.
Mr. Craig goes to start ^ buslnem
there tor hlmeelf. while Jack goee tor
Us health.
be kept on esle on their onis
Two besftela of grapes and one of 39 In eerrloe and el their offloee.
orangee was toe trad glren the su- so.- UnUiplthl atooed tiekets aball be _______ impair toe nse of toe streets
29 for public travel. Mo sUt ShnU
perrtaare by O. P. Csrrer on being apSO be -need on bridges baring tron
pdtotad a eemmlsalaner of the poor.
31 glrdera.
■mtIC Chandler set np toe dgars to ept on sue on toe4r esrs In ser- 33 If aald gnmtee. Us aaseeigtei.
ke nnd U tbetr oSom.
33 encoeasors and Mslgns, toall neday.
86 SaM grantee Miall keep on mle 34 ^eet to obey say order wUto the
Vancel gladsr’e gaeoline
87 Ml toitr can Jn awlee, and at 36 rtiwet commlsstowM or .toe noonMargaret dtstaaoed D. OreiUekh steam 83 toeir oOoeg. oBmUad ttokets ' 36 on toon make ret^ to toe relaunch Oomet by' ahoat a mile yester­ 89 be aoM In stripe or patongee
37 mo^ of Ice -W anbw.
day in the mateked race tor »6 a side 40 six ttduto for twmdy-gre, emta, 33 to thR rop^
s-_ —
from CkwUldcrlUe to the Oral W^ 41 each of wUto tklEata shall be aoFfhnk Meada went to Ccand Rapids
Frank goumbaugh of Muneta, Ind.,
spmid toe winter.
Id wiK meet 'with


SeerfT^ ^?*1S.beoeed .
said railway
P« ^
Umits of toe cMy of Ttamae City
AnB be ran ee cte es^lheipeUte

Sec. 36. It

Sec. 23. T^
2 therigtototeeks
3to «Ue -fdtaram
4 {stgier, and wOl

signal Ughto end _ . .
Blgnel lights, gnardt. fences 7 tt'dhall be the dUp of meh sgenU.
68 or other safeguacds ahaU be pimoed i esftdnctaii end. motonoen to k aD tsama. «
6ft from dusk to dawn to werent dsm- i
;e to J>«eon-or p»««t^ by .ieannder . the
naoe .
rn of sock woik or rwalr. nnd
Tmreree City ft Pealnsnla
6f Shalt aare and heap toe eify beim(pad Company." Jo lay.
A3 IMS-of and from an damagos.ocoam. nee. maintain, and operate 64 caaloned^ the nOgltgwoe of ;ttn 14 aato. Un». osirlsget, foetmes or
a ungt» track bw an cleetrlo raU- 66 oOcers, ngcate end^ikiyee.
Toad, with aB the neoeuiary and
17 eatftme endiBMt -paBalMe.
ecmrenlent tracks for tnmonts.
Said grantea, Us
„ slderacks. swltohea. Th" and X7 ceeaon and asMgns toall mUntnln 1 -Sec. IX We.-ccmdnrtor ar per36 loops, in and along the eotnse of «g
68 eroBS-walks aeroes Us tn<^ and 3 agn in (knqs of toe ears U aUd
. 3 gmntee. 4itf Ulow woesH or oldU37 the streeU and bridges in Die city gg
« ren to entor or leave too oars when
38 of Tr---------------- ---—--------------------71 ^ aowets or Ughwaye. -with toe
shaH aanoimee
TonS ars and carriagea 4nrt« toe
I mat^ used by too
T.ft^the fjewiieTS toe name of toe
term herelnetiar oadfled and pre_ ^__
__ BtreetB as
.. soiibed. end In the-manner and
be -hereafter ooostrwted
S3 npon the ooadItlooB set forth In this
_■ toe streets timrweed by
U ordlnsnce.
76 aald rUlraad. Said craes-walks to
ifJ^faSd .giaalee. Us asRptite.
nndm toe dlreeCton of toe -1
77 be laid
L See 2. The satd gmntbe. tils saI. .-Shaeeesosa and assigns,
mea,sadaik!]aet to Us approval. |
e^ its can with aUtaUe
3 u«b^toe*pronrtm
orlasim balls, itolfk akaO
Ua as- '
tv toe
4 ance. anthorlsed to eemstmet and
6 hnhtrwk
-- ---------------_
6 operate a atreet raUixiaJ aa herein
6 pcorWed, ppon the follow^
toe dty of Traretee C«>: 6 aide of toe rails snd for a wace of 3 .Mad 1 ■ ■

_____ 8t to
SM St tw Unkm
. _____ inikea on i toe ontaUe there9 QerSetd Are. <& OatSeld
OarSdd Are. 7 of, on each side
lUy to toe back,
10 from Peninsula Bt to
o Bt^idi
Bi^ St 8 good order and r.
nr fm.
_ OarlleM
Ave- ft gravel or other sail
going la toeaaate
11 On Peninsula
nimble msteittl to
12 to the dtylladU. OnBastaghto 10 -allow veUolaa to I
jot approach -wtthim Oarflald a
- '
teet of eneh other,
11 pern
14 and toctt Oarfteld A*e to BeUroaJ
^ end keep thb
16 Are.. On Union St from Front- St
Id order and ivalr.
oUvni betag
16 by toipailaof aUd roed 'betng.eUt' n aantperto^
ftlftlb St Cn WeatWA St
16 to BUklb
17 from Un13 DMsian



12 brMge fend, toe an M|ma6 flv
13 Un penpoftlon cf the Smteneaee

vMad for Witt-the^Mea
Witt- the ^MwOhe Su
4 Tide e«dB8tetortRdyrin«f any Md
{s,isr;,*s^ifSLS=s; • veig. The rtghte


— ■ ■ -n and
nnd Opmte
Ctoente a
Street Sway on Certain StTMta of
CUy, Under the
- Mbme of
•The Tfmreree
Tlareree City
Clfr a»
Bailroad Company.'' end DeSnlng fts
RlgbU. DaUea atf PrirUscee:
Act and PermlaMen.
Saetion 1. Be It o(«Mae< by the
3 Oonsen of TTererse CUy. that con3 sent pemi^on and anthority is
4 ber^ glrsn, granted and doty
6 raetad in U K. OBba. of Trarwee
6 City. Mfehtgan, his assodates. sno7 ceseors and asdgns, as Indlridnals
8 or as a body oorporate, to be o^
ft gsabod under Oie Uws of the
10 State of MldOgan, nnder the
11 proridons cd Act One - hnn^
13 dred and Nlnety-B^t
15 Seeelon Inws ot- 1373. and
14 the serersJ Acts amendatary
16 theseto, for the pc





BhBwooJ areBoe; Iren Koch. 601 VUth
street^-'-Oharles Larsen, lUO Jeaersoe


U-eftate; _________ _
ifanm or wondwt
■» toareof. ahaB be______ ,______


otoeswalknr or to peiform say
44 single eu?1m any dlrtaaoe wltbla 43 othM dnty regarding aUd straatg
46 the UmUa oTtoe city of Timvm 48 or crtMs-walks, which aald graalaa,
46 City.-------•'
— — 44 Us sssoolUea. me -------------* —
46 W ■m.obUtad
_____ IwoflUbM^ this oramnnoe,47 and shsQ so neglect tor ton. Bgaes of
46 twenty-ftmr hmin after iwoaivlBg
n tnaUer tlekatB, -vrUhont aUidlthm- 49
„ wTittaCboiloe from the atreet boe«::


" pravlded fia^r, that a atreet oar
_ staB-aomato a ton etop. ^ je­
st main m mk poUtoin open toe aF
28 praach.frvmany direction of any
24 fire aniantna wUIe proceeding to
the dUeetlon
direetbm from
W tbes« sm?tmm of fire has

wbo enaii roiuso «
eatT with tbeee pro-

86 to toai^Ste« toe 1

i ^38. H^Ubemmipatanttor
3 sUd sMtee. bis Bsaodatee. .eoe3 cesaore and assigns, and itis here4 by antoorbed add empowered to
6 erect its poles upon toe etreets of
6 Tiavetse toty meartkmed end
7 named in secUoa 2 of tUa ordl8 nance, end to nftack wine thereto
9 for toe parpose of operating thalr
10 cars, mbfeet to the regUatlcns
Li herein maatloBel.
it AH polea or wtree now or here13 after erected, rtmll be so erected
14 and mstntUned as not to endsnger
or unneeesssrily latotfWcWb toe
use of fire alarm, telegraph, eleotiie
or telephone wires now erected,
or whlto in the otare may be
19 erected in the .etieets of alleys of
26 Traverse City; and Ul pUas
21 and
wires ereetad by said
22 grantee. bU asaoclUea. si
23 sors and* asUgns. ahaU b
24 cated and - erected under
oonneil of
36 supe • •
26 Mid etty.
A1 wood poles Ann be cf a
charaoter in keeping with the
2$ street, and when so oideted by the
M conodl shall be well pUntad. nnd
“ mUeet to toatige in their locetloa
.. at toe expense of the oompev.
33 where the InterMts of toe pnbUe

36 dmrt of toeMty. cr to
37 mdut not luiidiUtBg fiftaofr d^ u 86 "b^polM shsH be need on Frcrat
to the eey
in the dmereUen of 36 and Union streets wbere
ST paved, and] all 'othar
'otha streets itoen
as paved. U eo onlMsd
Ube*,----------------- ------89 No pole.................
e^ 46 six (6) ... t to sny body of any
41 shade tree, imr ao as to

H In cuennid grantea Ua

18 Act OMBtwSed SH------- _18 of toe Seesfcn Laws nt Ifn. and
14 toe several Acts emeadetofy there-.
16 to for toe perpoee of eMBtrocUng. .
16 operating - nnd mnlntninlng n»
17 electric rUlroed as each oorporISstlon.
When te Take EilOet
1 Sea 38. AU wtUnseees or
2 parts of or*'--------------8 with are I
llnskee shall take
6 efieet it sUd written aeemtance
e snd btHid are filed and dmioelted by
7 said ^antee. Us assoristee, sue8 cesBon snd assigns, as provided for
9 tn eecUon 36 of this ordinance.
We do hereby certlly teU the fore­
6 by the track of mid gnntea. his going
ordinance was paased by the
6 assoolatee. mooemorB, and as- OMtoril of toe cdty of Traverne City on

befbrei*My 1st;----- - _
S aaU mant^ Us assodsuceeesers and SRslgns, shall
34 after the coastmetlon of said imll16 >ced, sbsadon toe same, or cease
M to operate the----------------n toe cHy limits, for s period
13 thirty (30) days conaecnUvely,
3ft leas sneh CsUnre to operate ehan
46 be doe to BO act

said grantee. Us s
eon end
Other Reads te Enter.
Sec. 32. Wbenerer the edly
rnSShnU grant to any d
way company the th


permission to each other etreet
way conpani or oompealee to ran
over nnd opmato their erne tor
termlnel |iiii|inim upon toe ttaA
cf toe grantee herelB, Us eaeootates. enoeessofs and aaslgns. and
they shall faralA electric current
fbr toe.opmwtlan of tne same upoa
the epAdUloo tost snto other eotn

30 signs, a fair and reasonable re
31 mnneratton fbr. toe nee . of said
32 traA and aleatrle enrreni
- Mewing Traek.
31 Wbenerer any other street roll-

36 raUway dywtem In Tiaietse Oily.
ST and Bweft otoar caatoemy ahaU «k38 talapsrmlmlBntolayatnekupaaa
33 street ahwadyoeenifted by toe tceok
SO of toe grantee, Me nmnntntea enci31 oeesota nnd aartgne, end the conk32 cU shnU deem tt nitimry tor toe
8 caaUonary measorea and-safety ap- 33 laying U such otoar txa«k.toat tba
toe grantee, hersiB his ae3 pllances ahaU be adapted to kew 34 track
4 toe person sad pidpbrty Mts from
I be moved to ems Me a
77 jdaoe toen oeeaUed by aald b
1 gee 38. SnM! graa^ hft »*• 38 toe ea_ ____ ____________ _
89 oeasors nnd nertmu. upon bring
is^ ksep'e&ca^in toe dty. and
4 aaagenttoerelntarthe f




I wrict sia wiiBHa bipcb

The Modem Woodmen ot Amertea
. win glTe a benegt dsnee at fhmstnri'
ban Thntndv evening. Ootobir 33. tor
. thebenagtef aBsmberehobnsr
sick a long ^me.

64 car et awk otom roBte Ulsr toe
‘ laves too ow on sfUck
ratk tranUerlK' *
66 be reoUvad >____


gi rwoover from aeU giantae, hto ae-





At Verity's as*-


W stenw.



■ "1SL FMM.



ft of «Mh reflroed MiwShe eti^

See. A Theseus of eeld i.

toe BL Onlr '.Ca

* ife«f» * Sp-1

We iMTe |■•t«eeelTad

Aerial......... -................
18 Uuksa on wc

U'SMOd wttom eertam.ftMMA tf ^



Nickei JUdm

U sec. 36.


Icity Bin Poster!


opundl may eenne the seme to be
64 soeh pasimgMhWDrehanvtngtoa gj done at the oast end i




TWeee m twe wbiMrel De^ i»Im tbeoil

«tMbtrte4 to i^


M tbe h

M expkMtoa. oOcaa” k*
M *Ttutt ni t» vUtto' to «w«ar
•'-What *4Jt Boood
I artod.
-Swa: *Mra« more like a heap o’ hmter tailin' down. I tixndht twat in
the IttBber yard oa the attt WoA.’
t In tbt
-Waa anythlug golni
Iverat the Hater
-Bare. iT-iythln* wu qairt. I'd foae
Om «( the amt poenUar cam ttm below to U«bt me plpa at-the
nolae came » ate.*
•rar«aaatesi7iwaea,MlAanp- lantern irben the
- the- ahlp---------- «alB aitak, w» ttie K. nad U aapran
toM«7, )*Udi oceamd wtm l «u
down the
a iMlar o( 4hii ^ atBuMoat aqaad. 1X». th ee. dncw.e^ th.
Mr-arak caaaM tMttp la larcatiiln«. Amonf
------- of the BrMDaa an® New
•tftoC ffnr iMtdM ai^ keeplaf a
«Hqi> «ra Bpea ttat ■mallbatanaeA- tak Uita. mad. altboa^ «be Aonld
.................... aaHlee. I laaeaed by
tawlr kettT* tiatesUlT ot.
iaa ap ttte oSce of tbe oompany that,
«ta> o»«ate la Naw Terfc harbor.
owli« to the fo*. the had not atarted
IbaS. and U Bxpom ooarpayy bad
for tbe Kamswa In tfiaifa of tte by
aaoSe»«a U»ic whaxt at the toed of Cbariu a Ooodwla nnttl after mldHnm» etzMt. and. dolas a loreica bo^ nlyht
MMa only. « tbv did. their «toca«a
By tk
tnoaia vara oe the wharf Joo.
ISw stotM« "bed waa a two atory
boUdte* <d hrtek. Tba oOca. whlcii
adMaad it wu at the extoeme aad of of the K. and U aafa. One ai
«ha wiMiif. ,tt wu bout of wood and ■beet had ««“
diver snlny orer the edfo of the dock
oeiniBatad inn.
into the itr« to host tor tbe hwt aafa.
Onft ware paHlac the «td of the
Nerertbdeoa 1 bcHered that Ikat bit
whatthU Billons. Theta wu a for- of gilded wood I carried aroond wltt
ly al^ spu hr. »wiy aaud at tha
the dew to tbe tree uplanadock had/tb kaeper, aind Hia praperty tton. ao 1 called np tbe towing com­
at the ooupaay n*df wu watobed by pany that-owned tbe Obarlaa B- Good­
an aid and tnwted watehnan. Ba- win and dlicoTerod where toe tng
tha catM of tbe wbarf ware woold be likely to land opon her re­
loaEBd af 7 c^dock In the aranlnc. and turn from her tii^ ostaffie with tbe
U a BcMar bad left tte pUee it would Botttrdam. I wu op the wharf wbu
haws hau apded ty om of the poUoa
patrol beata wW<* M
------- ^■'rateSurd and uw the captain.
be Atw all idsht ierny.
Tatadt ritanty wubtokanlota.ud -Mlater." I uld, "ITe come to beu
abootlt Hare yon got toe eater
oat <tf tt wu remoyed a aafe wal^flng
"What Aafer naked, he. ksohlng
a oomla Of tofU and

T <»»4 l> toe


langlMd and ahowad ma toe
»6 a. andl-paopla ortu wlW. an®
well they mlgbt be Hie eUef took ufe and aereral Wta of broken
bold of the matter Mi»etf. .and I wu furniture, whlto be bad dorered wlto
op forward. Andhtoatoiy
OM of tho men adeettd to go down to
the aotoe of the nidmy with U&
And I toll yon frankly I wu eorry to
tog abowed prcunlae of lift­
be pu Ok ttaJoWfto u aow u I
tog '
burd tbe didunataseu oamimiidtiig
thin break It kxM to me Uke a blank poBad the big steamahlp dear of
waU that wonld ba mighty bard ettber dodk and etarted down atream.
to ebrnh oTar or dig ttiroagh.
The Bret report we got wu toat d>t and L. Erpiem company*# do* a
two otocy office had been btowD halt to ryboat ran out and got to toe way of
pleou by tbe force of tbe dtatge of tbe Goodwin.
,“We bad to alack onr angtoba,” aaW
dynamite wbldi tbe -robbdn had nsed
to try to force tiie aafA And yet n> tbe captain c# toe tng. -and of oontae
body along ^ water Croat bad beard tbe towUoe dropped. The Ode gwnng
the bow <rf toe Botteldam ^umb into
tbeendof thedoekThat wu bad enoo^ Xor * _
"By bokey. yon aboold have aean
fling. Ahd when we got to tbe wharf
we learned toat. deeplto-the wt«* of Itl H« bowaprtt matched a hole to
the btoUlng. Oie borglar* had arldutr <»e of toe expeom oompany'i totfldtaa
]y bau nubte to foree the aafe and Uke a spear toto a fat bog. We ateuahad
urrted It awa/ wUb them. ed abead qtock. and that yanked toe
The earner of tbe •trocCnm wu ton ablpl bow out before it did more dam­
away, and u eoon u tbe ddaf luned age. Bnt toe eonier of the abastythat the oafe' in qnemioo bad stood enme with It and I retoon a good deal
d^ there irttere the floo^ wu gaping of what wu to toe office datteted
the walk blown oirt tae.dedarod it down on toe oltf Bottordam's tertnrd
ito be hto hdtof that toe ferae of the deto. The Bremas-kSS 1^ Task lint

.HCB. Mtnarra
ST* toi^^Wnua. DL.
. had haenakltU ter teraniy
yaara and narar got itelef vnUU oaad
Riley*aHDMynBd Tar*Uto la a atm
enrn.“ SW by lu. O. Johnson and 8;
B. Walt A aona.
Wa wffl pay SO oanM par bubal ter
woU rtpapsd tniB dhEnred at toa teetory. and ntm all paBlBl^

•entnty-srth: np htorte toe to with:
« >i“—
tegbt toonsand apd tone i

Tbe pack bdng arranged. B may be
banded to any of tbe company “to cot
wlto tbe provlao that tbla opetatloii be
done whist faBblon—ttaat la. by taking
a poitton of tbe carda oS in a mam
and pladDg the lower dlvldoo on what
wu tofore tbe upper one. Thla done
falrirand property. It may be tapeatod
any number of tlmea. ay toe —
may think tt. Tonto« **8*
and tor a feint oatcb al^t of the bot­
tom card. Having turned tola (It may
be dene at a.^nce. to a aeoand of
Umej. yoo have to^ key to toe wboto
trick. Than commence U by deattog
Jbe cards ont to the ordlUiT way. bo1
In thirteen bupa. Bavtog dealt ont
thirteen, begin again and eover them:
toed go on as before. When dnlsbed
there will be of cowtu font to uch
bmp- Now evety heap
four knaves to one heap, the tpnr aevena iu another, and ao on. The thir­
teenth. or laat beep. wUl be of tbe aame
denomlnatlOD u tbe one at toe bottom
which yon have eantrived to aae, and,

wnB nnft tent H wu-at ibe bottete od
. *rwben we got down the bacbor the.
toa iftvac. .Be wu so sore ol tola
uptato of toe Bottoedam told tec ttat
ha west over to the navigation
along with toe other wrechage whldr
bad fallen on bis da* wu the aafe
yonder, and I to* it aboard before
It wu batwm 7 and 8 tecdock to tbe I toft her outside.
•■Tbonght they'd beu buigtar-----MBtog when we had flnt bean totwmad of toe myatmy, ao toe Job wu did toeyt Well, 1 re*m It wps about
not many boors old. The company*# u qneer a Ufo erf piracy u ever half
ahwg tola river tront**
mUtenan wai already to enstodj and
And be certainly was ritfit A qnee^
wu acaraO. bine. It aeemed ttat be
bad ben altanf am dayBtew with hla er thing uverteip^od imder esy neah* child for toe batter part of a wa*. tlce, nor did I over ev^ s toeoty
siffi he h2^ Jut keeled over on tola from a more -anpreinlBlng clew thaw
sd^ud'aMVB a b>g to toe atorM# bhUdtor-wu Mstetog,. to taet.
whn the longahartncn came to wo*, flguretoiad of the ontgolog yeaart.
ttt «wme the wMw cool® nottoave


hn^aaade hlf regular ronnda oOD attOne of toe ctaaraeten of the oWna^
«that hour.
was Captain PordvaL to>oiU^
Than I made toe dlKsovery by talk- “Had Ja*.“ arbow waggiab and lima-teg te toe,drat*«V •«>> had arrived dbie sayings amued bit cootempoyariea. At one tone tbe nn of doe «t
bis oM friends wu aRwlsted a mldmoA nor h^ than been a wtodew iftilpmu.
—Thanfota, added to tot
As there wu no Nival acaduny to
g^of tha mystwy. wu the qwMton,
ttose days at Annapolis, toe IU ~ drafted to Captoto l>erdvars sbli
Tbe fatter wrote at'once to bis
Mand to snnoaoee tbe fact that bit
_ _ _
it toe aafe really had eon wu u Uipboard. and after toe
^ been atolan. only ttewn throngb naual parutal reconmaodattoe
-khawaU and had fallan toto the water. mercy be doaed tbe letter wttb:
teat he wogld do notolng nm be bad



**A*^c?” cards being dlatrlbBtod m
toe ta\rfe. with their faces nwerwm,
tbor are picked np one by ooa In ^
folknriug order: 6. *. 1. 7,6, ktsg. 8.10.
Mve: D. a <iueen. Repeat the
leabreverylUrtora***®^ Foortlinea
Tcc will of rourae complete the pa*
Tluit Ibe »rt*ove order may be remembM«d. tocTfoHowlng wordsare need U
a guide to too m«nory and Uw *
intended to enumerate the oaida:
the aUty-foarth regUwntJ^to to#

“Ibe one your tow ha*ened to
e op with a dedded ry away from the K- end L. dodt tola

a sAf* luid cartfaB tha ufe
tut have been Irwriatlhls
mua mnaabad; ou da* was a
Ml ar-WMUBge. I.iddBd-ite UL.a
Ueura plaoa of what r asppoaad to ba
h MitoC a ptetnre frame, tor cm rids
‘ c^aSWtoaraatofthaphduer t
the bead cduk. and I ahewad
GE%to hit of gBdad wood:

eoted not bate her. aatoan^ofmd
Wad Dr. KteTa Kew Ufa JRBla ^
Bbe got raUef at COM and *u finwy

*»*f4rynn are ablate’— —
Stlto wito.lha buka tewaid yp«;,
S» to tort tom •«* “
somber of Uinee to the mm ate of
gdglinc them out In a to*. It it par-

order, u tbe wotte above Indlcato.
Hiwsappoutbe d^t wu the bottom
card. Thu on duUng them ont they
wodM be to toe teUowtog order: King.
B, 7. L 4. 8. quen. S. 8, kuve. 8. 18.8.
and yoo begin redttog In to* mind toe
words yoo uae from that paaapge to tbe
autuee. wocting from right to left,
wbl* tbe urd todleatoa to the above.
Ton would aay:



and Thr enroa 000^

A Chance for Yoin^ Men!

The itiaat aC
axMts ahd M a
known u toe Btripb of Death. It M a
nar^ laa^ rtih^ tha length of
'*ciite*te^ayo ffito of May) atrete
wu named to c
d by Maalean
trocM dvu tbe tMB*. wUcd> to*
blate von that data. Ihla aaming of

Bold to Traverse City oyJ.G.JUnaoD.

The M^ton Typewriter Co.
Ttepbau. Hte O.

OCT. 13,. 1903.

tbe dty. TU Zoaala hu aeu many
IhlfUrie bappastogs. There to cridu
HfflM wu toa giedt'tisipte ottoeAstec*, w to* was, wito «• aceeupaifftog
baae or pyramid, Msfet thu 8b Pe­
ter's at BnmA toa lane* ebnr* baiWtot to the wocld. There, too. waa tbs
palace of Hontesamt, to tacb tw* palecu. hoto noted, one toe o»d.'to wM*
ere qaartered Cortes and bh offleua,
bnlldtog whom rut dse exdtod toe
admiration of evu tbe Milarda themued as thay ware to the Vast
of tbs MOOTS of todr d^.
whl* sdu osisted to Spain to aU ttakr

am M yemg mm Mmeaflmr.

lymOm inamM, md me mmerely lnm/llmlyimmSIb. Me u
keif ueMseppI, tbe defe^.

-^On^ aocalo, too, la tha Gatoadeal
of Metleo. the tolid Urgast *ar*
Palldlfte te the vseid. wbldt occaplad tor P^kfcwi, aaoB.>«a. Ml-: Plaaunt,
100 yum to bnldtog. Oa thk pohDc
•qure ll» umiitei paopla l^iaaed for Clara. Alv#. 8t. Umb ftoaon. Owaau,
• -,.*Mtoi*wtoltte,iiiitor^ HowdL Aan Attar, totodo. M an


OBRE 18 A CHANCE tor soy yonng mao to aeoare a eocd
podUoateetoPmootha. 8atorlea ^ «W to 800 per memto to
^ eompotent eteiiogTipbeta. The Traverse tot/BodMae CoUege
to prepued to give every ynuag mu or woman a test dam atari.


____ «t toe ted-fg the Baud
TralM toau Ttetatu tittr .h* ^

coome. is yonc starting .
Tbe same pttodple bolde good wtaaiever toe card may be. Aay petau a*tog for 0 card, all toor of every mit
may be fotnid In the aame bup and
can be quickly turned np u aou u reintred wUta a HUM pimetbx, to tba nter aatonlshmut and waodu of toa

One it Tha-iibtorfc atroete of Mazlco
ui hf—«—«b ' Tbla'teoaa toe north aide
of the Alameda, the largeet.and moat
to-hto^hia perk of tta -city, ft wu
tida atuet Bbt tha'aimy of Oorteeat cooqoeKr of Mexico,
named u tbe “dbmal nlgtit” -wbu be
-— toe dty by tbe Axteea.
On Ate.iwut, to* aoeaTsd am* of
. By uklng op tbe carte to toa ume tbe —m* dsaperato flghtlng on that terotter u before, bat all of one aotb
y easily dtoeover tbe.poaitioo of
> cnnl tost ti demanded:
teodto ahd tfcnatlclsm ot.toe Aateca.
I fine trtek wlto-caidrie called •‘ttlr- Orrtta oMtete aide of the Alamote
one." U b played with tbe Bt« rix is ATpaWa teirea. named after.the
„ each suit toe'seas to one row. the dut MaateMetormcir, wbo bad freed
dencea to anotbar. tbe tbreu to pDoth- tee caohOytem tbe grinding nde of
er. then tbe Conta. Ovea nM sins. aU toa touter^WlMB b a wlda. well paved laM to rows. The object now wlU be iteut uri teltcocMnt of lb srMtfa and
to torn down cerdi alternately and.*- }to waM
u b ^ uw ^
iTM- to make 81 polnb txj u ftuhtog
poulMe .wltoMt of a rivte teaxaeteri Thb street b a
cteitinntiu.of toe gtet pnWlc drive,
4 the Btreeta have v«y cmrlou
___ 81 or u near It tost tbe other panFor tostaaca. ttare ate the
not tonx down one WBhout evemnnlng It srina. Thb trt* b very daedv. Street aC toe to* Child, tbe Strut c4
Street of the Aria, ftet of
tog. as all other tricks are. ta§) re«tdme mn* praeOee to be weU under- toe Wood «iria. tbe Date, tenow, the
stood. - Tbe chief point b to connt u
ted- Indba.>toe Hofr
of Juu. of toe SoacOtel Tbgto. oTtoe
^ wiui_ to* ■ ■
Puiaed Tltgto. of Duth end the lAne
» 8

_____ with 8 end yonr edvrranry
woold add e. will* weald make It 8.
It woold tou be yonr-pdlcy to add 1
and make Id Thu. no matter what
anBibrit ta adte. be-ctniiot preyeW
yoa uaating 17, Wb|*.Mimber givea
jrim tta pamasaod «f the trick.. We wUI
sappoM In added and i*km Id. Ttan
yon add 1 and make 17; thu V edde«
At anotoer tli^wbn Captain Pu andoalHaS3,7otiedd.l a*.make at.
rival wu a membm of toe board tor Thu be cannot possibly ndd aay nunthe axemlutloi) of ea
bar to cM»t di, u toe bl^iut -niimbu
be un add Is 0. wbl* would only
eDant8Q.utoatysatanead]y add toe
lematolag 1. or ace. and make 81.
There are. bowerar, many vartotton to
wrote, with Ulgbttel h
Dear ou HimmeH-ToBr bey baa pum
A ,)tev«f way la tee gfvu to wW*
9 discern ou or more drawn cards.
,'nra uapercelTed tbe bottom card of p
pack face apamat; ttu kt aevaml of
toe oampaeydraw«ui«. BevenK-Qw'

ror OramL.Rapids, Detron; Toledo.
Cbteago uo wart. 6:00 a. nu U:68 a
For Mmkegon, Bagtoaw. Bay Cltr.
I>ort Huron. Toledo. Detroit and oast.
4:00 A la. ana 11:^8 a dl
For Hanbtoe, Lodtogton and MBwankea. 6 a m.. 1I:K a m. and $:»

■pbr OiaiteTolx and Petcbkay. l:*0

Why. the HiiOtehrey •alWflhtoig High Candle Poefer

htoda to dJoPtero of 8 to 6 manriaA thus soHed to tel ragtei*:
«MAs of Interior IlgHtog. OtoSlnfl all b« one marta provtoua teg«
Hgm wW* will coat tom thu onwhalf cant par hone.

in Effacri 6a^ V. IMS.
alna luve Ttsearaa City u fov
For PeUakey. Grand RapIdB and Chl-

“jfe*'pridik*. Macddniw. Otend
p«pcu and Ft WaynA U:|6 A m.
Tar Petotkay. Mackinaw. ana (totoago, 8:H
’ to enttou Bay. Omens sad No^
KWt, 11:80 A », t:*6 P. «n^ aM

TV young mldahipmu ^d not beu
on board long before be erooied tbe
wmto of tab CMMMndw, wtao at once
•at down and wrote to tbe lad's
Hr Dmr Wtt^om am b aetag to tha


» T«i»im'llaldiesl Mwqfsfieadyl

drtriktor water. Sir WUMam Tan*ta*
b are tnrtet -----------------* --------to tea Trtteal nnd Arridcbl MnaVape£i^
ttou Por'HeaHb" tedared that fratar
«0tefat Bddem to be dnmlL’' Another and rcqneet
who have di
doctor edmltted that It ml*d
iite to toe pa*.___
bealthfit] tor ckUdren. Htat ut tor mu
^ wtU
Hi w


orato ^pf a teggbb natnie. for dogs
.of uttre.te^totar'wlnA'' Indeed, the carte and show «
' ue-uteMW oCAte watchhuor »
te toe viefadty dari

SSrSuTeonld And.

‘ "SSw teE



A certato ’tern bandlef of Loadu
had Jnst enuged an assistant who
hailed front a tittle village near l.eeds


terht M*
hopts afiar
— -the ^Changed and
ttat toe nbaip lAwton peaple
tty nd take riau ut at tah,
teBtekaittrad-toe sfaev- and w
ywntoifsaated uld;
•t Mt-uw birdseed, pbaae.—'
- - ' toa’-lM^
sttavme. . totei

.--TT JZT^HmwmTSE U te ^ IteA

TrafMVe Gtty Gas Go.



Both Whalen and utacalWB baea
ohaaliy bold that wliw whaln *honnd"
tbey «Mcend to gioat dwtha, nya
One wxttar on Dm Bobjaet

defat tfa«t 1ke7 I
ihran^ *n.v talOiaMy wWe
So me."
The JwJge w«e falrerfir •


Wbeo tUat last tramp came, and
^oar be bere In tbe road (or bonra befbre bdp cornea, and I expect to aea
papa whiz around tbe comer aor mln■te. Ifa drcaiUtiL"
-Don’t cry, «weeU>eart." aald EaJpb.
-Tou’ll make yoor noae. rod^ Delay,”
added Mta. lAmbecUnonliy. "and tbao
. wlrat a luolaC forlorn little bride yonTl
b& Stop petting her. Ualph. and Ulk
aenac^ Cuu’iyooBsur
Carewe shook bis bend deapalrlngl;.
Tbey were on tbo New York nnd
Boatoo pika Here and there an apple
' tTM lay Id tbe sunligbt Ukc a great
iHiik and white puffbaa The graaay
footpath along tbe pike wu eplaabed
with UrlRbl gold where daodcliona and
bntten-ops elbowed each other, and
tbnmgh tbe burs of a paatnre’ on tbe
rlgbt a couple of red and white calvet
woe watching tbAn with lazy tntereat
Ura. Lambert drew in a deep brohth of
dt op and
a little white aplre over the-top

Jack Horton's.'
-I know whnl.........................
-But It to- not that. Thare to
temen, Both; 9nly”-be pant----------^
took CDOrage from tbe blOd>lfdas^toaly
Rgietfor me. Daisy to a child".
"Bbe to eighteen.” aald Mra. lAffibeft.
-And I ihou^t tha bog a trifle---------

BaooTltia chaltengag this beUet snd
statM that to hla epinlMi lOO yards It
dsptb to whbb any
wbale on dtoe and that many 'vetom
cennot reatoi anything libs that UmR.

bold and precipitate."
-It to a good quallty."
Tbe judge looked op with a fi

purpose of obUtolng food, and to tbe
profound dorknemof UlOO yards wbat
food «mld tbey get» Tbooe o~~^
wbld> teed om antpalcolee mlghi .
hapa obtalii what tbey want Bn« hew

-Perhnpa If I had puawMnfl a am
of tiiose qnaUUes yean ago t might
hare met with his succe*."
She smiled down at him ttamofta eyes
that sparkjed with tears.
"Perbsps yen might have. Jar*."
A HgurTappcated on tbe hUtaldA It
was tbe ebaotfeur with water. The
Judge told hto hand flnnlg over .tbe cae
In tbe tan glove that waa nearest To
-Am I too late. EnthT* be aald ga»^
tiy -May we not aeek tbe white qrtre

“Sev.-raL'’ langbed Mrs. Lambert,
"but nil w'lnalily. One to never an an­
gel (iiitil one la a guardian angel. An
.-ingel to not recognized. 1
L if you Bbonld happen to
.............................. a village btaoksmltb end
can think of earthly things you might
tell him there la work for him on tbe
'*‘she sunk badt among tbe cuallona
of the auto with a sigh of aheer ^
tent mid watdted them run cross lots
hand In band. trampUng tbe dandeItous and bnttercni
prerioiis children,
eloperoeat abe bad ever abaredt As tor
tbe Judge?- She leaned back ber head
end looked up at tbe bine aky throng
boif dosed eyes and amlled. Tbejodge
really UU not matter in tbe least
They had-been neighbors for twenty
yeeta. the .Vortons and Carewea. and
: Ura. Lambert's tlint
laughter bad met nod
jndge's only daughter
>i>w. Unipb. Bo was i
-loved lK*r
I there was no reason
- ytood boy.
y be slicold not woo slid win Daisy.
It the Judge hsd tl
end Ilutli Lambert sltUiig alone In the
aunslilnr and fragrance of tbe Maytime, -wondered wbetber any old prey­
ing bittemL-as over hto own defeat
twenty years before bad toflnenced tbe
JudRv SEnhiKt Ralph'a snlL
it had bivii tbe same story. Jack
. Norton bad wooed ber against ber fa- ttefi wisli«. He was a otodenl then,

Dsnslly u
ly reerive aaaUtaace from other aensea
as welL Oftm we tsil'to locate at
once some bidden Murce of aotmd. sneta
as a Binging bird, and then our Insttoctlve Ingenuity displays Itself.
Tbe Intensity of sound to. at cpnise.
by no means so great behind a screen
as to front of U, and every one enrriee
vrito him toe ecteen of hto own bead,
whlrii may prevent a particular aound
bom being beard so well by one ear
as by toe otter. If. then, ttie bead to
turned nntti tola toeqnaUty dlanweara.
«nO beto ears bear equally wriL we
know toatrtve must be-dlr*ctly fsetog
or turned bom Uto annroa «t eouod.
sad oar piertow rongb Ides of its
-erixnits geoerally prompts os


Tbe whltenesa and
BBen.kas «f writtog
wiatnfr to toe bkCt of
ions At tbe Mutace, so

wjto otily
• way. and *!ie had not
muc-b Klie cared uotll be bad gone out
of her life.- If be had been biuve and
Cinod nil like Balph—
SIw slgbcd-and roomd bsroelf bom
tbe day drenm. Dowd tbe road a light
riood of dust appeared. al>d Urn. Lam­
bert sat etect when she saw It Before
abe could more than aetOe hemetf heck
comfortably amoag tbe cnahtona toe
otiwr noto was abreest of ber. aod she
lienrd the Judgrglve o aharp order to
tbe diniiffeur to halt He waa frown
log and wunn aa be bent toward her
an.1 nilsed Ills cap.
•-Hiiw,do yon do. Mrs. UmbertT’
“Very welt thnok yon.- Urn. ftonihert amllisl at hiru gmclonaly.
“Ton have liiid uQ acCidtntT’

opacity at dry
paper, are doe
repeated reflex­
that toe Ugbt to

war Irt Ws glance.

A aouto M lalander at toa doae o(
“Btelit over there. Judge." the said
•wretly. -And Balpb U Wttb bev. They _ nHgtooa meettog oftmed tte toBoving prayer; "O God. we are ab^ to
(joTP gone to be nrarried."
to ont rwpeetlve bomea. Lat hC
Than- wee o drad alleiiee -except to
ig of a btoeWrd hld- toe wards we bare beard bt Uke tba
flne detori we wear-eoon to be.taken
eff and fdded np lii a box-mi anotow
Mre 1.41 mbPrt stole a look at tbe Judge.
Babbato eemre around.
Ba^bar. 1st
He was etartng down tba narrow vtota
of tbe pike. There waa toe same dear
ent noraorernl profile'nnd ^ck. wavy
bab- that hacl belonged to Jack Nortcta
y«re had only ndded rilrer to m
hair and strength to the proflle-

taraed bin bead, and tbelr eyes met.
- mm tohctricvaifc of thought aIttoUy.
^desA eeemed to flnrii to Ufa The
^ toosrly reee to MiB. Lambert'a
riweE.-The jndgfe
Btsde vbes be NMke at lant
-la It quite fair to me? SI


II.0M srltoout
tow sad----------

and a B. Walt A Bmis.

TnTOtne Bay Toot No. IW, E O. T.
MM, Moirisy ah^ts In L O. O. r.
haB. C. O. Dheiwoed. Com.: C. D.
LsPolBte. B K.; A. Bobartsoo. F. E

air to the bottle. If there Is an offen­
sive odor, even the ellghtast. the v
Is nnflt tor domesttr usee. Writ water,
no matter bow brlglii and nparkllng. is
nine tlmea out of ten potreacent. Ibem
aa a matter of coutae. decomposition Is
sore to ret In In a day er two if yon
pot toe b4>ttle In a warm place.
t whisdw.



wtU be reeslved

I .deloek to 4



fees and on aU taxes rsmaliHng nnpalit on September 1 and ontll Oetober
peotalty of one per cent tor eoUee-


_ Foreetess'

nnpari on Oetober 1 and nntUNoraber 1 a penalty of two pei
CMt tor coUettton wOl be rbnrgoi

The Traverse City
Real Estate Exchange
■ive karxite li City
Fnpercy. Ttaber bMfls,
FTtft Pirms. ' Urfte
F«nM,BesMt Sites.


ss .........

Room 515. WilheimBIk.


of an-

-Man does bis brit wbefl be la bard
to IL Neeeaalty. yon know, is tbs
notber of inveotioa.” said toe ubreirtr
-Tes." refkited tbe beoedIcL
neeeerity werq Inventtoom motbertoItw toen you'd tee bow Inventlott
would bare to bump Itarit--!-------pMaPwna.
^ betere*to second

Major Mrfay On an Imprenri
perj-Becaure 1 tm In lore «t I

amried ydo for iL and yet U would
ari be last to aa."



enttns’ PBMe N«. 197G.'W. CURTIE Manager.


New "

Frant street. Treveree City.

68oFe ■ a •

Arehitaet and napenntaodenL C_-nt rtetdenoe. 487 Fifth etreet Noithen ’phone 41L Brilmnus made and
tnh AteArinils gtven vrtto all pbms.

J. H.


Odieral Ineuiunoe and
811 wm»rim bloek.

Real Brtata.


City Opera Honae Bloek.


you can build tor. a gaad tavent.
ment .-or nj»ntoo«»«F-_______________
FODND-^unch of keys <* Unto
street near new bank block. Ower
lOBSE BABMBBt and Ufbt dw for-.
rail at Bagje office.




Just a few ladies' and

left which will be closed
out at


New offloe over

NOTICE—I will do dreaen iking tola
winter at my home.-414 qnxt Bigbto
atreeL Mrs. U B. lAPrnale^^

a a«le oAce. -TtM-l




LOST—On Front streeL peolmt book
ctmtalalng 84 in sliver. Finder leave
at Batfe offlee and reoMv^ reward.

TMorrww (Bntniriny)

HnaUtog Jeweler.


FOR SALE by Uttle *
808 Front rireri.'k line brim b^Stem nod mod« ^

bot ready for burinesa.

SpMlal Rln| Sale

Grndnrie D. B. A. tntntng atooo
dnan'8E Grand Rvlds. CtttoenF
•shone 818. Ben. 868 Park atreeL
Price 818 to 814 pe- week.

Und looker and tiaber ertlinato.
Hardwood dmber and riabble k^
for sale. Beridenee 806 South Eto
wood are. Clttwne’ -pbone 718. Jane -

MONBT TO LOAN on preeonal prap>
erty. U suma to mlL' Also a few
boruM bou^t and nolA I. Newland.
rtxnn 69*. new WUuelm block, flfth

Not fnllv settled yet


n building, Btasm be
famarn, Innaranee a

___ _
____ burglaTy
Uttle A MoNamarn, 8d8 Prtnrt^

rOE bALE—Dry kindling wood,
^arold. Drapaceedto O.Preakie,

--------Trie ter BMW.--------

Dnebeps Cwp No. 8A48, M. W. A,
meeta^ Woodman hall Monday even­
ing. oetober 19. John G. Stranb. V.
C.; Joseph Sleder, totrk..

Nattonsl Loan
Bonal property
Oo, C. A. 8n "u4»i«u. Mgr, SO* Wn-.
neun block
Open Tneeday and
flatufday evenings 7 te 8,

Slone, no North aprucestreet ’«

fw jrwr nitoey-‘'-^Ohleng«> Pori.


o’clock in too sttenioon at onto dsy.

TO SBLL<—U aerea. i


"there eouM be oo pcnalbillty that


nuts U:30 o'doto’ In tbs


flm’tfwflritae Qliec

"Why, It you slKJOld qive your
money-to aae erst."
he ex^ln


day trccB ndw-nntllNor.-i, 1*08, tnm

Tr*t«te City Aerie So. *83. P, O. CMtce in WObriffl block. Bow SJO.
meets In
t'bresten' ball,
r dty: two
City 1
IM peach nwitey evening at S otclock. W. L.
Id: I
Loranger, w. P-: E E. White. 8eey.
tieci; aomc grapec; good soDi mv
cleared. lAtOe A McNamara Ina.
Tinreme Bay hive no 71. L. 0. T
^ Beal Batata^_________ WHf
MM, meets1 la L O. O. F. ball ToeaTO SELL IN8UBANCE If th«e Is, day afteniocm. iei^ber 8 and *2
anything you want to know or wMl and Wetoeadaj
due In toe line of Insnranoe we wfU 1. 16 and *0.
be dad to have you edl and
Tmveiw City imdga He. m, P. A
ua. little A McNaman Insun
A. M.
BpuMI bommntoe«U<m eato
and Beal Batate BxcAanga.
H., O. iorat, W. M-; M. E
•O SELL—Or esenaai* tor town
^wtwerty. 8fr*cre larm in Wextord
county; easy tanas; with or.wlthe^Lpdge No. 800.
Qruri TtaTeree
out stock snd tooU; 76 urea Im­
Tn^ay erentogs
proved; ffve urea In wood; bouae
seven roomB; some orchards-cnta
over IM tons of hay; windmill tank,


"Rowr ite ask^.


I win te In my taftce fw the parpoee
of oobeettng srid tones on every week

eSrisT N. O.; C.

It a tow toreatria yon deoH let It go
an Ar that yon become bitter nod ate
vDUng to hurt youmrif to order to
butt ywtf fflacay.________
-Why do you watdi toe ttrannomriw
en tbe wall CO rioeeiyr qnarWfl the te“My money." ebe saM. “maken me
doiibL r wonld always be afraid yen
me for tbit".
anme.-toe flortor eaM 1
-*lfa caey to remore'aoto doobto,”
tnmgotnvblftelwa 10 give yon
nnetoer done of qntotoe."

*^^tor-bhn-ArMre>maageriy. Wlto^

'Lambert rian n


EAGLE want AD&

tograpbB.ODcewrete to James MacNeUI
WhlsUer. poUtcly reqoesttng his signa­
ture. The lettrt- was sent to care of
toe Loodoo Boyal academy, with which
tbe famoui American painter wan at
^*^«snm. and IVe very nice toa"
Aftre^our moatba tbe letter was
-Bot where te toe Ice cream T'
retnraed to tbe San Freodaeo address
' '-Ob, that’s only tbe name given that nom toe dead letter offlee to Waahlllfpeculiar make to' podding,
Cbvering the_ envelope was toe
waiting a N>eria'Uyor IL
refkeeted nombertHS times, “Onyou-U like It when yotr taste It"
-It seems to me ttet yon ou^t to
give ice eresm with IV as kmg
14- <•
rniAAtnr "
podding," qnkkiy ttpUed the witty
waltiM. ‘ntla tefaMt eenvlDced tbe
middle aged wnman.' and abe ortend

bMB ptoced in my bands tor eoLsetlon.

AD tnxeo paid betire Beptember 1

a nlet
aide at low price aod oo eacy fa

to 21 asd St; cWriM to DnKed


llll■lllt■ lor toe flra wards o< toe
rity of Tnverse City. MtrWfin, hnre

Uon will be ctamrged oh aA taxae re-

.Bum long
sad ONt over
She became very

WANTED—Two barbern at once; good
It Is one Of the easiest things In tbe
wngee. JoUus Hale, ■moinpjj^e,
world to tell pure water from the Im­
pair. If yon wiint to test toe color of
WANTBD-Ordore tor IMiate oeo«
toe water Just Oil a colorless glass bot­
wood, drilrered to any part to toe
tle with thf water and look through It
city. J. S. OreHlck Co.
at aoiue black to>Ject. and toe dlatlnctiven4-ss with wblch-you run oee the WANTED FOB D. E ABMT—Able
bodied namatried men betwMW ^
obj4K:t will give you <io Iden as to tbe
amouut of clay or a-ioil tbere la In tbe
Stnun, 01 gooe eanracu
water. Then potir out one-half tbe wa«ork (111- Irattle tightly 4»nd ert It
placi- for

Ml*.- I'nmbert pointed oneridatoty.
e dlreriion
of tbe
Ktoved luiD4l in toe


TO SBLLAw aerea, 7 m0ee from elty.
some orebsid: sotae wood: log
house- seme «m.» frulL Uttle A
McNamara tosuranoe and Beal ■»
change. mFkontutreet.

The tax rolto tor toe eoBecOon at
aebool tai rity tans and «ednl aw



toerrby reUcvtng

Ate Lot
a middle aged woman entered tbe place
a aeat at one of tbe tables,
cgntelly ecrutliilxed toe bOl of fare.
8be concluded to try aome tec cream
podding. After It bad been served she
looked It over carefoUy and. ctUtag
tbe waitresi back, mid:
“Do yon call tola lee cream pnd-

When toe man was out of bearing be
tamed to Mm. Umbeft and tlier.---------


Nevar Aak Advtoa.
Whan you haee a cough or
don't aak whnt to good for it and ^
some nwdkbw wttolmie or nC merit
and pMbapa-dangerous. Ask for Poteyto HcMy and Tar. the gtea
thW^ tang remedy. It a
oougito and colds qulrkiy. Sold
JmTo. MuBoa and a E

physicul vlcor aod resistance ina
way nveane. two oo Webstar, two
on «tata. one on Wasblngtaii and
by tbe advent of a cold wave t
otbera—terms to suit any teawmecxtcDt that any. if’
' ■*
ble costcmer—montolr or as ycra
to more thTiii itnide op for.
TO SBLL-Palr young jon^ kM
wi^ Uttle A
McNamars, SOV
Tb.- American climate taaa always
farm or doarii hones with flne coU.
Front street
................ .. .. as a strong factor In
AUo three cows. Uttle-A Mdfamanalng tb.- :i»;r.-».--lvcoe«B and ente^
40 ACBB8 TO SEUi—On aasy t.._
prtoe whk-li bnv,- (Ifted oor pe«s>le Into
with about 6 aerea deaied. smaU
tbe Aral rank among oattous aod made UTTLE A McNAMABA. 808 Front
boose, no barn—only f400.
street, have among otoen^flM
ns eoumietxialiy supreme. Tbe cold
A McNamatni, 808 Front street
4&aa« farm tour rnSee west of
wave, wlth'lta resolta of tocresaed en­
ergy and vigor, is a uu-teomlaglcal p^
erilar. ortoard. etc, etc. Call and
Bomeooc pw-ulbir to Ibis country. The
TO REJNT—Barn-Wtto three stalls and
see off about IL
dlief of fbt- weather trarfaen at Washtnptnei espliilns toe origin of this wave. TO 8BLL—House on Bsriow street
It app.-.ti ; that with a high pressote
'system, roiattag with gieq* vtyity
large voluuien of cold air are mown
4dwh from above tbe doods. so that
toe cold wave Is "bomi imide.” being
n may bnre n Are at any time,
trie A M4diamanL. 808 Front Bt
simply a'iirodnct of luoUon. Tbe lyw
tern Of motion orlglBeten in toe ahcttfiTMt but tbe cold sir comes ftnm
Tbe cold wave to aot okay nsafW f«r,
Sa^ sad tbantee get
Its benefleUI effect npeo toe fanmaa^
toe latest aarhst reporta, and rity.
iTstem. hot us a deanalag and purify­
and Mtbmal-Mwa to tbe day
>0 SBAr-ltenere tinp. «k*t bv
ing ag«cy. It disalpates the deadly
more oontosl*
earfaonir add gas. toe prodnet of isridpaper pttoltofcto in nmtoen Mtohito^STaSm*toearedL .
rathio and .•omliirstlon. aod toe fool eftann nnd sinaa^ reeort place; price
Quvhi uf dm-jylng metier,
low; urmn easy-; some fruit
ntmosplu rU- .-l«-uhulon seneial^ ^

toet which intercept tbe
pestedly rrilexltig It Nov. if toe IntersUcee of them Bben ste iftUed by
body of toe eame ttoraettve index i
toe flbers themaelves toe reflexloo of
toe sartace la destroyed nnd tbe Uoen
Is rendered more tran^rarent Water
dose ttila; bence linen when* wet Is
darker, bot more tranalncent Just ns
is toe oiled peper used for tndngs by
architects and engiiteers.
Tbe same
good with ordloaiy
giasB and gronnd glaaa. toe repeated
refiexloDS of the latter making It fur
lemtruHpBienL TonalmllarcataBnw
due toe whiteneea and igtadty of nuw.
of naiynd to pulverised gtom.

"Ahr The Jndge’i tone waa all com
prebenalve. "Carter, get down airf ate
wUafa llic trouble.”
The vbanfffur obeyed.
-TTeter run out. air.” be aald briefly,
a little almin also. Soore one ronnlng It who waan’t experienced."
-I abonMn't wonder." said the Judge
^:riinty. “Oo hunt some water aouie-

an thnst and bog troubtoa. PriM
aad tLOe. Oumutsad hyE tt A Bona and Bagbea. BMW

FOR 8ALB—KdnMi eedsr -wood
Buersd to any pert of tos cityE. Qreaick Oo.

feed on &e eetf lomlnoui deep k'.
and cuttlm, It. indeed, there be aw of
tbe latter. On tbe contrary.tbe available

ttoually doae without eay
Sound whves traVesse tba air as rip­
ples stir the water, and tbe ear, by ex­
perience. acquires some slight power of
detecting the direction lu-one--------------

tsee IL

prtp a*tmI5ftgaafe~^t and dairy
torm to Bast Bay unrasblp-^
Scared and stamped out; « —
-timber, basswood, ebn and ma^
U^ter^er privilege,
tbentf el
Bperbled -tronl to tbe etream. _Af
to Oeo Roush, <10 Bast
t Oil

about tbe B,-wc>es which feed on fla^
and cBttIreJ At a depth of t.OOO ystda
toey certainly could not use tbelr eyes
>nlumlnou8 apectea. aod we
Idcoce wbBteV^^ that tbey

aqy one ever tell
aggelT' ezetoimed
band a cl:uq> that
of her neat too

: T A X E SI

TO 5BLD—to acres new ikk* Ann.
House, seven ruoaa: post b0»:
wire (entong; oedar bloek osltor;
olesred: water.
UtUe A MoNsmam. W fVoot su«eL

Bays tbe writer:
Wily ebouM wbalee -want .to go to
mb depths? All whales sound for tbs

erldeoee todl&tea that tbey fe^ on
ordinary Bgbt dwelling flahes aod cutties which live to much ah^ower
Bonea. Bot tbit to not alL It to known
yetr" .
that tbe effecta of a preaanre of more
Wbmi Mr. and Hr*. Balpt Oarewe than three atmospheres prove fstsi to
came cross lots tbey fonnd tbe ebauf- human Ufc; and. although we may befeor alone.
Bern that whales can stand treble this
-Where to papa r naked Diitoy. And
there was c» tear In ber voice, only would occur at about ninety yards'
Joy and pride end new fledged dignity. dwth. H it coDceivabte that tbey coold
-Mrs. Lembert and be bwre gone on resist tbe MTect of ten times tbe latter
down tbe pike togetber." said tbe pnmcie. or ninety atmo^berea? More­
etoiH- wall rot a mrnej.
chanffenr. “They left word to you to
“By Jore. Annt Bntb. you’re rW«tr’
over. does It eeem pomlbte that a w^
be called gayly.
“Ctene on. aweet- take this noto and go where you whose body to only aUgbtlj besvto
pleased, but not to follow them.”
th«p water at ordinary preaaore eoOM
Tbe bridal pair looked to each otb[)al8.r fluabed roaily as tl
exert tbe muacular forto neceeaery to
borbili smis lifted ber to tbe ground, er*# eye* and smiled.
propd that body to # Aepth of 1X00
and Sira cart a half frightened glance
dnu-n tbe smooth, dnaty road.
______by an lajur later only tbe croablulonto at Dll the lodge might come.
He was aore to follow, nnd Htey were ed flowera and amttered dost bore
wltnem to what had been; but among
only a few milto from boi
Um. teinl>crt wns looking at bar tbe blomoms eomewhete tbe blneblrt
was stUl atingliig to iU brooding mate.
green and gultl chatelplue wat?bThe cold wave, so much dreaded br
- fToa oogbt to be back 'here In balf
moat people, to really a bleariog to dtoan boor." ahe said, ber bhie eyea as fall
gulae. It cborgi-a.tbe qtmoepbew w to
The detecUoo of tbe
ofexdtoment and happiness as Datoy's
fresh oxyjn-u and a uur^na of free
o Btny -beie and aenad by tbe seoae of heaytog la. like eleetriclty. which produces a most ex
-I’m not a bit nftoid to
the rapid focusing of the eye on ob­
jects at dlffereot distancee. one of those tdtontlM; niKl ben«|lctal effect uptm
you both."
“Annl Itutb. did
vnn n:ti were an
gii-init iM-r
(flipli. givinii
isrKMl tbe t rums

'SLSS. x ;Sf

r sBsetod a eem^Ma mrs.

OTttmataa that the laxpv

ire. Sp4
dal attention
and ThranL Omm > fitted. Both
Phones. Reaidence 614 BIxto XL

7 and E Miiinninii Co.'s block.
Soeetal iftt-rtm giTwa to toe eye.
fitted. Both ‘i^onen._________ _
DBS. W. B. * W. a MOW.^ ^

Bebw Cost!
John T. Beadle.

A Bargain
is what we are all look­
ing forwben we buy.

is the time to bujt




in the piano to buj.
’Fbrmee: ofitaA


CMks Wrinjm,

. Flint Mstomal bank.. Can boto -

The Klmb.all
Buy Tun.
l8 lie wey to biy.


you want a taiKaiii on

AM in Bsmittateamta hiod
Boors: 8toUn.m..flto4g.ri.
•Pherae No. 7*.
FWmarty nsMrinnt to prs. Hoia ^
Oaks In ms mu. uvand





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