The Daily Eagle, October 20, 1903

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The Daily Eagle, October 20, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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'sm. m ^ m
l-til I


VOIi. XL NO. 3272.




A lar^ Assortment of

A «.



boot at tVXcatben WhMyan any- WOHK TO y w^bCTXB Sftii^
Ima am be obavieted ttii to. C. X
Prail ate haa the auperlpl ,
tte aork aaya that adfUig mere «tn
oo tte aeeoDd oottaca tUs
foU, ei^ to protect aa

IW b.-i.'wiKijun> ttttAiNEb as

Ko Mx>Dofa i( S7 inrho^'wi^, «
ft. looif. haMwcocl frame, IB*
bea^ coll •priugfs. .lock

otcriME TO IE am£m

Oeunell OW Lota ef BoWden Laab

So. t Co*A baa hoary «Ai
Ifiiaga, heavy duck uiiras
•w^rion covered is pretty
pMienta \’oloar. pUio top. h

article. Uoet of ae forenoon----- oak^rame. bestfi

^ JJSLSe'^foh


dadc eanvM ov«

rc5oSTr*aT5Eo3K3in _-

:h. qnartorh^qned (9k frame,
r rdar«t«2?tteel ~«priw

ed thtf. any faitlmr jrark dc»a on
the cDOBty ereondS be'done in aeoordaace httb eome deBlgnated pUhn' Od the motion .of S. U. Bram. Ibk
dlerk waa anUu»lsed to draw an wder
in favor odH. J. Iforg^a, admlsUti
at the Boetniin ectate. fl»r Uie board
of the jurore In^.iFannalee murder
frbl. 'at the rate of SO cents m day.
Tlito Mil had been up before eennl
prerlOQS boardB but Mr. Bwl
for the jarorf board at THIRTt«lX Pt'
Ihe-^ ee 11 a day,■ ■ The »electl<« of -a Janitor for the
court bouse was made a epedal order
bf Imalneas tor tofoorrov Wpr.filiit nt
JO o'clock. .
■nie cooimittee on roads and brtdgas
reported'Uds dftenMMn to the «

tiravy dock caavaa
overapriaga. for... ^Vt/O
Hevenl affoTMt patteme aod
slytoa ia between Uteoe, and from
tbrntiptoaeflne acoaehaa tbereiaoB the market.

is covered in

A Pliu
of Adjnstible Head
ead Dev
&v n.-oi
A beautifnl Davenport, jn.i like
cat, 7 ft. long when the emJ.unlowered, both enrta can be inclin­
ed to any poeitioD. making »•
eomfortaWe ooocli or a beautiful
We rai please TMN airtkfis

ebip, accordlne to the peUthm of the
realdMta at tbat.tetmditp. The descBlpUop of the eeeUoa of road to
queateoB latv WectMdne at U>e ijuarter poat on hie vest aide of aecUn
runnlna soutlrtian to quarter poetthe eouth Md^ of eeotioa 81, tovmBhip », north of range V west
iport was aeeepted and adopted.
The oonimtttee affipotnted ty the
chair to draft redolstknm on the daOh
of J. C. niohards reportsd and theif
r«ort was aobqded ^ adopted aa



That,we have juat the Ktid of a '’BHO.K yootr hnjM
want Low cuts and high cuts in aU of tlui hest
lefttbera and latest Ktyl^. Bring the buyn iii niid
letus tit them up. Prices to suit the purse. '
- All New ftroefc-No Old.

Bachetrit & Roscoe.
Paricar Sim.* bw''li&'nd.

a Front StiMt.

j. O.TSimLocH>,'a o. < , ,
sesa u. 3. TRui^nooD, d; o.


for'tneAcal afidUdtti6e npOa.tbe ooi»
ty poor and any prleenen oosHned is
the county JaU.

Walklns Delegata'Wltl Have Further
New Tptt. bc>L 80.-8an Parka, the
walUng delesate of Uie
and bridgemen's union, was .indicted
for perjury by toe grand jury today.
Henry Parley,'a fellow walking drie' gate, was toe ddef altoine agatnat


k Im . m Oailk. U.-. 9.1.'



For Men "
best iboee for^ wekther.

0he Dollar

^Fridge-• Fhtea Reprirtag-4i.

■ad 760A96 brka. J. W. h
Wtea 3. W. XtlHlmiB oBteed to hat ing been, awarded ae. coelinet for
8'tavarahle weetoer aia-week.
the Caaa street eafiM hoana tor |1» 500.M0 brick am enmmer.. yait .oC ihe-h^iirf* odeedl MIkil *r Ite
rear, the pi
Uieee are being used a rrimaOia and
r wBl he traght to • doee
an.teksqr, vhfoh erqtk is
ftatnrday night or awM ^
preaestod C6 iha teanea iMt uight now*1h piOgiHea. Tor two wseks ae
two next week. Nsmt bea there
uyinm la bsylng half a-ton of bcead
aUh the iwterthiiea a^iaval It
n an Kaek walk foX-'a omr unw
immediately, ' ‘
ae Imwreue and TrombeJl TOit to TrievssM Oty «a wB iBve
ed. ne aUermeu were .tm&g to hMP aerisi supplying the bulk ot it.
Been put down htes this smwan. -Bto
Had ae aayinm token aU the bride moae -Is ae esHmdTad tonga tS Ihn
trpm freeihig by aearlng their ovto-'
OMU aia the ooUara toned up, and Its eontinct called fob H la doubtful U oemeat eXewelk aat wU be laM when
jumped at toe «aaaoe of aotring toe Hr. Uaiteam would have had
re eeann ckwee. ■
beattog proUm wua haa wanted to enppty the bride for VIo Petertpl'B
«O^8,00> tost a to
aem 6r toe last two ot area wintoni: new carriage and Wagon taetoiT. Work iw «rtr Jhatopdv .antoa'’ «U C.
The present beating ^nst hu been at the asylum was started tale on ae- m. Piall. dmirate^'awhnrtxtpubunsattataetwy and expenalre, .lBst win­ ioonat ot ae tectohUive approprladon tto' wbrien. to The Dally mmrn tost
ter entnOlng an eqwnse of nboot 8140 not bring avsiUble tma well on tn evridng. -PlftenK hendiwi-teet of
Aaothnr drnwtmte wea aiB walk la to replace torwBp ddefor foetto any aototog of Ue trouble
6t handbag ae wood.and coal.
the driay to getUv etooe for the foonIbe-Boardman Hirer Beetrtc LIgU aubn after It was ordered. Aa It la.
ft Power Co. asked that they he not
be begun early next apring
oempdled to place a bUit at ae weet wta the foandatfoB ready thte toll.
aUe watering trough. President Wil­
liam Looftin pointing cot that ae HEAVY
lamp would hdeasaltote tte atriagtos
«t e.000 feet of wire and cnaa a cost
of 887S. As. the eDmpaay*a HghUng
ooBtrwet wia the eUy expires a year
from Key 1. 1M4^ the pferident held
It wbuM be unfair to put ae company
to this heavy expeaiae. ~ It was decided
to drop the matter. On ae enggesdoo
of Aid. Laidie ae Are and water MihmlUee ware Inteuctod to toveettgate
from the Ptoaa hotel
th^ lighting dueetioa pad report on
'Tte Houa Porthow'toe aty ahould be ii^tod ^en to the rita avenue hotel: This cbnnge
made beraime ae Ftaaa hotel la
the oontrant wKh ae B. R. X L. ft F.
e^easlTe according to Dowle.
fty^Utton Blgaed by ae local potato Do'wle piwpasea to td) tonight how
buyen, n atoA dealer and bc«» dlh- he henled aq.aiek.
recrired and qibeUy died
ton____________ ___ _ ______
atTM ot ae city
it"the bold la anfiMtng bun
rfor the removal
h.has.all ae sym^
dad ae appolntai^ of a more com4»etentHiaa.lahlaidaeA The pettUon
set up Umt aa buyech suMied toes
' of ae present

^aat moeqtH^A ooBinlttae he


T- w. rm tet-Bfv


I0S407 winwim «*ock- SMldnee.
A. ».-CDBTlA





Iracka on Barstreet to aodbtn'^wttlt'
ae cmeot wallia. whldt bare' bem <IV1L; WICE
trid there and to plank, within sM
without the raUa at the'Craeslnga.
The mayer and cl^ were empewof mjoee tat ae t^Xlehlgen Norered to negotiate a alx months' fonn
mal acted.
to make up for "tlie overdrawn ftxa
etreet paring aooount Aid. Wlfodm
oppoefog votes
wanted toe money borrowed on-anter
.. . .
The regtotration for tte apedal eleo- for a year and a b^ eUlmlsg it
ct to.—The dvU ser
Uoa Wto .1460 aad-«mty toxpayen would be cheaper, bat Aid.
t has requested tbs;
pointed out that other
wereftOowed to rate.- could be made next May when a new
agreement would be entered Into wlfo
. .il u„. u..
ae bask ate deatteated tte dty and Prandi P. Sodden, roUer In ae. proved.
deptadtory- .C. A. Hemmostd, a
United States mint at FhOadelphla.
Anoaer member of ae boted ef
of the Petele'i Savings bank,- ta i«' whose removaU have been found to public works atated to The Drily
tkm pdnted ontThat a loan' be for poliUeal reemms.
Bagle some days sgo. that ae Keuntil next May -gpnld_&(it be tensed’
waygo company's man foited the retemporary loan ate tot
be deoUned nndw bis agreement
make It at the rate of fotereet speeUed
to ae iKmrd. whte he Uoghed at tee
a ae'eotttraet The mayor and derk
for estimateg ae ooat-of
to atoct down. Wedrat Igtend going wJU make ae kmn where aey can ^
repairing tee defeotive walk'at gJ-per '
yet for two or thite daya, ae we bate the most favorable tenns.
yard. The board* flgnrte oir
On motion ot^Ald. Oibbs a plank Has Evidently Orwwn Tired of HU up tl(e bad walk, earttv Uie fookan
friends here to ^ and we are taking' In. ae slghU In ae dty. Wc
croaelng was ordered InniWdlaWy.
pieoea awte^ and Isyteg new walk-The
through the boerd ot public works, at
«tf«nieAS t
Bane. Oct 20.—ftelatlves of the
thto'harter wta a strong' tte InteraecUoo. of Bhia end Onlbo
w^. wfod ate ae Cntmc liad
etreets. This m ae oroestog cbaplslo- pope state that hia holiness made It.
iteesee tiyabow her eeagolag goaUtles. ed of In ne Dally I . .
It was good ste tampy on Tnltn Kiebl- . The bcird of public works were In­ be wiaee to thandon the seolnikm o^
, Vatican and te eboot ae riieete
structed, ad the.suaeeUon of -Aid.
gaA^W^-te^oame in port «
Rome. He wfobes to begin bis
The foDdwing .Is from ae.gpneke- fiamlltou, to emplay a man .cm ae
market site, temporarily, to level and trips as soon se he learns what
■OB. IQffleutteetlaBtrrUay:
■"the Cnilewtis.,a4Bln^ adeptod cover an mbbia whkh emits ' — ores the govenunent will take to Mf»guard his peraon,




wUfa -tel modem oonrenlenote . ^I^e

United States Gate «

sewte TO. .TBS ~pry

wax to A****^.
i -W

t-r.kS,» Oct -80.—The affldsi dieri■ioB.^ ae i


pets ae PoeUendiMnal. tee Utel'of
e. Amertoa tetergf
Wales and^Penrae.
remXnder oft ae-ftispoted


,1 Treaty*^

fte ae

«a^ 'to oonter



V .-J

T^LE DAIliy giaiiKi
HEMRY CLy, TitoTj^R.
Wbmi Wllltoffi Wadsworth of Oan-.
aaat, ns JUin onmn ^»eed tells the
story In tbe Oentniy. went to Oeotge
K. Patdten oC blnr Jeney to bw the
letoC iSfilon Benry Olay. Mr.
Pst^ tbsaght to.pu a ptphibUlrt,
price upon Um.
“Wt will glee tbe bom all tbe water
be«udttofc,"aaia bA 'hndtbcnwUgb
blm. and y«B apy gtra ma a doUar a
poond tor blm.” Ur. Wadswtwtb
promptly aeoaptod. and aa tbe borae
wttdbed l;«eD potnaa toat fixed Us
ptloe to dollars Tor what Ur. Speed
•sldaitly thinks om of toe finest sim
«4 ay (kitBn to reoetTO tbe p«p«- In toe history of toe America tort
pnmf*f orWtlBeaotiMttkelnt- ne story is told of Henry Clay that
itoen Ur. Wadsworto needed tor hto
twtlon «f Oi*-oRltr boy M7
sister a doctor feans Bocbesterr thirty- •dM-wAfaootdoUy.
ei^t miles away, Henry Clay was barCOM1NQ EVCNT*.
nmeed to a two seated wagon and did
Oet. u.-8paotel ntttmmt of ttw tbe Jonmey both ways to less than fire
briUlwt ronutlc «etor. lIr.>Wpi. Ow- boona. MppMted by J. W. MoOout^ mud ■Then ngtto.” Ur. Speed wrttas,
• "dm compmny. la Us mv plmy, •when Ur. Wadsworth had a match at
*'Wlia LooU XL Was KIos.”—Stela- inlie beats. beM toree to fira be drove
hto boree otoety-five miles tbe day b^
bers^ Oraad opeim'boase.
fore tbe race rather than pay forfeit
and tbeowon tbe race, one beAt being
NOT MEAKlNe. ITS CONTRACT. tmtYRd In 2:3S. This was to
ConIB deellaliiB to nake tbe city m Uaa
tbe beaTyanlmenta of tbat.
for-eis BMntlia mt the fate speeUed
fi>r m "tampocary” loaa. In Rs agreeiMBt irtth the dty on beotantof tbe Platte. baU beartog. poeumatlc Ored
<dty'a depoalUHT. tbe Peo^e^ Savlaga 'soiklee and cobwebllke baraesa of to­
day, and decide whether even tbe most
teefc was veil vltUn Its eoatraet, Ute phenomenal of onr troners to better
tnt mneat-vaa for a loa tor toar tha that"
and a halt years: tUa was afterwards
nodllled to aU mootba. Ibe bank
Uast'f'lartow cnopta.
As Ltost played bis demeanor changed
takes tbe stand tbat a loa for half a
year to not a 'tempontfr” loan to to tyrapsthy with toe Intensely dimmstic
of the work. During tbe
banktog partonoe. to this contatlon
>th were set bla
It to quite ilgbt. a temporary loa be­ Jipe ad maaslve Jaw firm,'-hto entlro
ing ««mtnnnty tmdatBtood to be for SO bee alBoet.rield. hto gray eyes burned
or 60 days.
with the composer’s Inspiratioil, end tato
Tbe People's Sariw bn* on be- body straightened hnt ms he leaned
eonlng tbe city depoaitery agreed to aomewbat away frwn tbe keyboard.
make uanpotary loans tor Are per When he etnick tbe pooderous chorda
eeat. and now tor longHlme loans na^ of terror there was a vebemeOoe almost
orally asks a bl^er rate of Interest
Oeabtor -n-YBtnnBd points oat that to
birly madc one sbirer. Hto nostiilt
agreeing to make tUa loa wUcb to became dtotended, and hto breath came
for toe unpaid 8Ulh etreet parement qUckiy. as one laboring coder great exhe woald be eatablleUng a jreoadent dt«oent Indeed, it seemed tbatdbe
and tbat as tbe city grows older tbeee spell of the greet "tone poet" with
loans which woold then hare to be whom in bis earlier years be bad been
terrled each year by tbe (dty depoe- oh such frienily tenns. had completely
itory wddM become a large acooat mssterad him. as'tooogfa he felt blmsetf again to hto praseidw and be
would once more piore hto devotion to
SSOiKKI-aiid 1100.000.
Chopin's Inspired art and show him
The city coancO last nW»t appreciat­ that Ltoit etlU knew and could portray
ed Ur. Hammond's ocplsnktlaa sad
iDermost souI.-8Uas Q. Pratt to
- have deUded to make toe required tbe Booklovet'a Magaxtoe.
tea where It ca be made at the best
possible rate.





rv«wi.imeiBa today there to betog Two Londonlawyers. Hook and Crook,
oel^ted tor locating sltea of
hUd to Waablngton one ei tbe most wnre
buUdtoga after tbe great fire
Impwtut convations of tbe l^toeo- era ofteo concluding tbat
paUa tonreh. U to tbe Pa-Amerlcu get back tbeir property, by
Crook." Once voter* open to bribery
ooBforanoe to tbe first of its kind ever todleeted it by placing straws to tbdr
held to tbe now world, and to modelod shoes end were railed •htraw men,"
when prosecuted Cor this oSenae
aftw the World's l^tooopal eauler'
enoe held at lombeUi a year* or two
ago. -In addition to most of tbe 106
b^bops of the United States and Can_ -.ada^the attendace wHUnande bi%.
(vs^fnm Jamaica. Porte
CMpus”—test to, "here to tee body"—
and Hcooliito.
Ucnentoos questtons are to be did- snd'tbs oBeoder went scot tree, white
enssed and tbe outcome of tbe confer­ aetton tbe public regarded as "boens

ence will be wattoed wltta totereat by pocue."
UI memben of this dencmlnaUtei.
Among other qnMtioos. tfiat relating
te the adoption of the proposed mtoslooary canon wlU be bron^tnp. Tbe
purpose of InsUUitinE this euon In
the cbnrth, It U stated, will be to
bring tbe missionary woric of tbe
church into doser organic relations,
with tbe work of tbe denomlnmtlon
Other mstters te come up for eonslderatkm Inetude tbe questltm of divided
Jnrtodlctlon on rariAL as on geogiv^
ad tbe lmr>rtut matter of

Buckwheat pancakes will be availsble te all
enjoy them this winter,
es It to Mtlmated that this oeason't
crop will reibh 10,000,000 busheis.
BaU of the crop to raised to New Tork
and Pennsylvania. UleUgu to devotIng mote a^tiu to this «rato,
'^'^^teaslng ber average producUon fmm
. halt a mlUlon bosbeto toaearty I
lion bdsheto this year.




What Editor* Bay.
Mote te ow todonaatem «a tea dl-



toll always comes bste to the reenlled
plctme-a flannel ahlrt. vritb « >«»*«
btudlpd tote a wl^s knot
no donbt teto effect waa doe to'pait to
HirfF Ump amdUtnde about what
memad rather the thin green poles famOtor to dablU pota tea the toga of a
fauman creature. He wore a straw bat
teat to its rear rim anggested forgettnlDCBs OD the part Of its wearer. ^>o
bad apparautly. to aleep or heedtasstriwted it as a cloth cap. These,
howevw; were details to
trivial and -were not consc
Oil later. The long, narrow face, then
almost sallow, with somewhat long,
loose hnlr. that draggled from beueatb
tec yellow straw bat well over tbe
ean. atoiig tee dusky holtows of tem­
ple and cbeek. was..................

Th«t steoii fli« tori strsin CTery boy, wbo wears
a pair, will be Bure to irat m>*a theiB-eaasi-

Qw te tea bast te tbe BoDate
Bktetera poHzaijifi tUfi, Juagdog fitea
to thepriafiQMff-btEtdklsgtoaawr
mild and tTinpatlwtle -toaktog jadgi
Ur. Uayto filter te tee *atte was teat
tee Jhdge every few moBfba fler a anmberofyeora.
*Tour face it famOUr btee.” ^ Utaaowaaid..
_ “U to, your bsam. worfifi tote;" »tsmsd teepetanier.
"Are you manlied yfitr
“NteyeLite.*'■Vot yet sbt Bow Mbe M ttaew
that you hare bean--------- —
•«evBn yearo, your boMr."
loogaatb^T Why In tee w.. .
haven't yen gut married to aU teat
"fiocauae, your honor,” the prtooncr
eijhlitod, "Anil and 1 bavenT manaieB to be bote out of Jan at tee i
tune."—Eoetou Po«L.

___ who hod just been rescued from
the soa or 11 river. Except for the fact, Tbe Brittob mBeeam was begun with
that his clothes did not drip, tbat the •*500,000 raised by a lottery eebeme. Of
lick locks hung Ump. but not teat lottery, autbortoed to 11SS. the
uod that the short velveteen archbishop te Canterbory.
Jatect was dlsrcpulable. but not damp, tetottcellor and tbe speaker of tbe bouse
this Impression of a man Just come or te conunont were tbe mansgers and
truBteea Tbs smonnt was *1AOODOO.
taken from tbe water was overwheli
Ing.-Willkiw Slinrp to PaU Mall Uag- raised by fifteen dollar rickets, to pro­
vide tLOOO.000 tor prises and «500.00fr
tor tee purebam of- the Sloane eoUectlODS and tbe Haiieton library and tor
sr'« Hasteetie.
In a note on Samuel Laurence's por­ eaaee, bouK room aqd attendants.
Tbe i^eratlOBS of one"Peter Lebeup,
trait of TUackeray-tekt represenUng
the noY-clIst's face to full—the Ulna- Bsq," aaya tbeLoteUw Chronicle, ma^
tinted London Newa of OcL IS. 1S55. tee lottery notortoua.
is not. we must confess, alto­
gether true to his preeent appearance,
for It wants a recent and becoming
mooDs rassited to
addition to the upper lip to tbe shape
tbe attorney general te Lebeup.
1 black uiustacbe that contrasts
e penalty was a fine of £1D00. bnt
_ : adintrably with a head of silver
B was by DO means exceestve, at
gray, but It to like tbe man and wlU
be welcome to hto many admirers.'
Tbe reference’ here to the muslates from tbe fraud.
_i Interesting for the reason tbat every
portrait of TUoekeray. with one excep­
• miles from
In China, about t
tion, r^resentt him with a clea
tee village of Lloncbek. there to. aeshaven upper Up. tbe exception I
Uaclise's pencil drawing of the famous coidtog to a writer to tee Liverpool
■Tltmarsb.” which, however, belonga Post, a moonUto of alum. wUeb. In
to a much eartler date-vto, about addlUon to being a natural cnrtoslty.
to a source of weahb tor tbe tnhab1840-and to white there to Just
g from It
suspicion of a mnatacbe. Preeumab
tee hirsute an>en%nge of 1856 w
merely a possing toney, white tbe ra- not leas tba tan miles to circnmlerence
bright of
lor speedily dhgioeed of.-Notes'
oearty 2JI00 feet Tbe alum to ob­
tained by duaftying large blotes of
Mone, which are flrM heated to great
furnaces and teen In vatt filled wite
boUlog water. Tbe alum erystalUMS
and forms a layer about tlx Intetes to
telckneas. This Uyw to subsequciflly
broken up into blocks weighing about
ton pounds each.

‘ wiA ifiaaei "

Bill poster)

Boy’s Knee

Nkkd Alvnt

At Verlcy's I

^......... ....... • ^


ill! =ri;

with w. W. Ulmheoic*.
nm pmt «u


65c 4



The tu«r ef tee Oeeaate*.
Toung men talk te brastU«- to teq
lipar of tec oeeastou. Tbat tmt la
vain. Occasions cannte make fipora
tf yon expect to make spur* you mutT
wto riwm. If yon wtob to use teem
you muM .bjMkIe team to your bates
bteore you go into teh fight


Hamilton QdMi Co.
Carpet Cleaninjg
Notice One Point I
The sales of ,*




AH the latest styles
of Hickey and Fivem a n (Jo.
I i ti p»
Rochester, New
York, are displayed'
on. oor tables, t^iilts

It Sets
others try to copy.
. *


bought of IIS- are
pressed f-r e e of
uhai^ ’ ;



See our window I

Alfred V.

tHia M= C«M SMB. •



Making and laytog. feather renovatWork teorou^ly and promptly
exaeated. Ageot tor Mlcblgu Bug.
Co, N. B. Chapin. Prop. Travwae Ctty
CarpM Oeotog WoteA *22 Washtog
ton street 'Phoa* No. lU.



Wba you are ualng oU
Umpeor ay kindol light

yonr home or office.'There
- Is Dotelng like ELBCTBICmr for rnumtostlng
purpaacA No smoke, no
smefiL no grtsse. no danger
from fires—it is the tno-t
tekt ean be procured.

Beardman River
Electric Ll|ht fi
Power Company.

Incroaseci Sales
= in the Grocery Department =
are the good faults tbat come from trying to please'your trade. That is what we
are trying to deby sellingyou clean groceries from a clean store at the right
prices, and bt’giving our customers prompt and courteous attention.

These are Pkklini Da^
' When you want the best of apices for
pickling and preserving. Tb^^petizing
character of these products are-due to
the spices. Our are tbe pur^t tbat can
be bought.- We-aim to select these with
greatest care. We seU these whole' or
ground. Then you want corks, covers,'
paraffine, and vinegar.
We claSm to carry tbe finest stock and
greatest variety of teas, and are sure we
can please you Some people have used
a.certjwnteaforten years, because we
please tiiem and only sell tee best E2ng*
lish BrmikfaBt; Young Hyson; Oolong,.
Black tea-^bsme your tea and we will

Camyed Sweets

^h from Stowdt Bros. & Amiotte’a
‘tier made, Choeoeven-day. Nowe^tte
latea wite all manner of ‘dlling,’ creama
fine candies.

the JAira

The Soap Qurithm
is an important one: We know that you
know we sell all kinds of soap and wash­
ing powders, but here is a ‘^reminder”—
which win you have? • Lenox—American
Family—Oak I«af—Big Acme—IvoryZoo—Wool—JaxoD—^Fels Naptha—Fairy
—White CUou4^-Oold Star—Gold Dust
—Queen Anne—Scrubine —^Kirkoline —
Powdered Borax.

Oever Bread Makers
will tell you that the best reeolts are ob­
tained bv using either of our two great'
brands of flour, the H. & L. Co:'s “Best”
or the “Supreme.’* Your biacuita will
always be light and “puffy,” bread sweet'
and moisty rolls crisp and plump, and
pie crust moat eatable. Just o^er a
sack tomorrow.'

Our Cracker Counter

Sweet Pttks

Sour pickles, dhow-chow and onioifs;
nepper sauce, mustard, gberkma and
olives; Snider’a sauce, Ohili sauce, To-,
baseo and bataup. Mired pickles, oliveoiL salad dresBing always godd. . Makes
your mouth water to think of teem with
your food.

$15 Buys the BeaAvfhlnft-

These are also made from remBants—
hardly any two pair aiflee-extra nice
cassimere and worsted goods that are
frequently sold at one dollar or more
- as'k to see these. Oar Children’s
Departmeot cootains many other in­
teresting bargains that you may see
by giviog it a visit ^

Attend ouv Fall Opening ExUUt
of “Queen Qaallcy.”

Just die Tea You Want

, Mnally

foood Ht tbe price.



trial raU out tbo fiifidtote onjwda te
■liRaliai aM Urtteoto lo * *9*“'
XMJy New*
aoom. Qi«Bd Baptaa Foot

of cloth tbrt are mu^ better Yaloo


..........r» 2

■etW Selted.
thought Bank waa to etebRe
Hy-6e be was. hot from tee tdg bUto
be ksp'aeodto'to I teonght 1 •
make a doctor te hUn.-BsvFri7 TtaMS.

aeefcer—Hello. Ueekerl Rome from
tbe seashwe, sbf Wife and daughter
bom*. tboT- '
Ufifiker—No; left teem down by tbe
Btotettr—WalLH hope they are bavmg a good tuna
. ueek«r-Ob. t gnms tear am- My
wife .goes to

mereSBBd worataagoo^ made from remaanta


down, tee "quarry was tuteen” on tee
spot tbe ebotce peris te tee venison
betog reserved for tee bn
tee Mitralto. heart, Uver, etc., called to
tee tnuttog laagtage te tbe day tbs
’toumbles,” were given to tbe common
The women's dress to Bongos shows Hay, per too ............................... 18 00
Of these Ui9 made a pie caUed
greet variety of color, but because of
“nufflble pie.”.-Hence to eat "aumble
tbeir black bued teeth, white are often
pie” became to ahaee ooeeeU—apolo­
filed to an arch In front, they are,
gise abjectly- Tire tranaltlon from
role, not charming to look npon. Their
“numble pie" to rshnmble pie” was
hair to fringed over the torebead and
easy, e^edall; n vlew'of ^ slgnlfitanTplea. while at tbe hnck It to drawn
cance.te tee wwd.
a knot from white one end inva­
riably atrag^ea. giving a most untidy
effect Tbe- wealtbler'^ women wear
tbeir finger nails very long, to son
stances almost as long as tbe finger It
teousand yean old, and we get It from
aelt. and eometimea tbe nail to protect
tee Viktoga. Tbe voanga divided tbeir
ed with an artificial abteld of diver
eonotry up into castonA irtklcb were
All have tbAlr ears pierced, and many
Buying Rates.
anbdlvldcd Into twelve portloiiA each
of teem wea a roand twne or a sdek
under a teleftaln. WbMt a malefactw
resembtlDk aligarette In shape
'was bronght to justice It waa nsnal for
Otoe ternst tbrodgb the aperture.—Bv
each chieftain to aelecta ma from tbe
district over white be ruled and com-.
Buttar ....
How tee twe of words changes to
well Ulnstratad by. teto extract from Pototoaa.-.
Baeoa'a "Patowsy Unto Prayer:"
“Let us pray for tbe presesvatlon te
To oI<^ teem
tbe king's most excellent majesty and
^^Sprlght pt
for tee prosperouB auccesa of hto en­
ptoM, «l«0M. Orintirely bdeved soa Bdward. onr prince,
teat most aagsUc Imp.”
Is tbose days Tint” bad also quite
anoteer tegnlflcanee. In u ted hymn
by Oasoalgne to the line:
"O Abnbam's brats. O brood of
AfitiM M^blatwr;
bleraed Bssd.”-Jobn ^IL

The boert ot sujiiTlsors ere to be
oompUmented on deddtog te enter
Into a oontrak whsrdiy prtoaan
from this cowty may be
to tbe Detroit Uonse
Oorrwdtoa. Thdr deolalon pleases tbe
mr*T pneeauter, the circuit Judge
A SeU mite.
od every tow. abiding dtisea who
Urs. Ueadowa-Taas. HiramD got rid
o’ tbet brtodle cow teet uoter Meal
Meal her
hns kmksd tote tbe matter.
own milk.
- BtqMTtoar Hoxle waa smprtoed to Mrs Eoratep-Dew tsUl 1 sTwoe be
^ loan by a local pov tba^be bad took moat aoytbUig -be could get tor
Jest got double
tb» poor to aucoeed C. H. Bteea. He w*at AbeUead»ws-He
paid fur btr;M>U ber to tefit
^atora a toko and fiot
new man from tea dty es a "aw
tor htolWteWfi by awrtmriatUig a mUker.”

bos tM 1—**‘*r BUpervlBor Itod awlttiagly Mt to bto mdooked t

Bnfs 1^ ftots

•• Um»
LmM sa ThQ*s<
yeabs4..Pnun fb. Sss.
He'wns tsU, thto.
stiate me •«. almost fatspttcsQy
^>aiw 1 temrinber telnktog test the
■ on draft .caught hlpi like t tom
fiowtog Bt tee ebd te a brante.ckitbes bung nboot him «s the
elotfaes te a raoTBlraeent who has lost
bulk and weight after long tovsr. He teatle, that wees nteitinUa.

is a meet -interesting place. The great
vanety of crackers and wafers would
astonite most anybody. Some kind of
cracker or wafeisr should be on tbe table
for every
, meal. Butter crackers and
Graham wafers. Ginger cookies and Fig
Newton, Champagne and Long Tslabd

Kli^ Yoor Itoototions

to our Drug Dept- You will find prompt­
ness and acepzaciy tbe ruling elements.
We cairy almost everything In tbetine of
patent mrrflinintoi. druggisU’ supplies,
' '* ^
soaps, powdms, booth
,Tubtwr goods and pCrftnnBiy.



lliAgLIli, .^aa^lAY.

flft jam




a mt TAla
wegdem of-seafaring
Bto,“ writes pbarim Frotoeroe to "Ufa
In the MsfcanUte UaiiDe.” Is tbe Mbftdarly mnaU meportlon of bsBiks who
meet'with death or acriOent by tolling
from aloft.- Wbetberor no tbAcherTib
who to stopoaed to stt atoft and watch
over poor deck Is rcm>oaMbto tor It 1
am not prepared to aay. bat the fact
••Stovlng to tnmbto tip Moft at. an
horns and to aaweathsis to perform
aerobatie feala that wobM ateoA pnasle a xdonkQ'. tbe sayliMaiMag ealkics
about hanging on by tbe dyebrows* be3mea Mineat a truism.
“Oae would think tbe sUaatIco was
highly wtced eitSttgh by danger wltbneedleealy Increestog It Yet It Is
altogether an uncomaMn thing to
a man. If be happens to be bare­
footed, tun out along tbe yard to.pctfersaee to using the tootrope placed un­
der It for the pnrpaee.-to rosih what'
is a-poet of honor, tbe wentber cay
ring. *Tn to>Ue of all this, altbongb not
knowing tbe octual peneotage. t make

Itoger Bros' pea and beu toctory who IMH^-eRO^ WERE OAniER:
ware rwiving- W a wtok have siraok
EOTHlfiYCAaBay dty. Mloh., 6et S0.->^Wlth all tor 14 and toe InsUtntion Is Cloeed.
sr tom and bowehoM belonglngB, R to thon^t that the demand will be FR.UIT BELT It EXCEPTIONALLY
•*Fl»h mna Graw»
tnolndisg horned cattle, a eUt ohlok- retoeed and other >Mp hired.
wUl be in
«tfae dmxf
ena. dttelta and geeae, Minnie lisa,
the danghtw of a fomm- -KawItowUn
Ann Aibei^-On hto retnm trom Hintownahip tomer, and her. nother, who neeota yeMerdsy, Coach Tost tanme- PROPERTY 18 VALBEO AT-f1«0
js over SO yean oM. starthd in a box dlatoljr'ordered secret practice. Re­
car tor Cnba *a few daye ago. ne
Fair toni^t-Mhl Wedseedar with coople looked rather fortom- a* they garding the Hlnnaaotn team he aMd.
“MlitoeaoU'a team certslnto loolced
stowed themselves away jn the oer. good to me.’.' The Mkhlgan men are
mostlr fr«ah wMtertr.
In order to care tor the live stock trlMitmed smd the Minnesota mte arc
whDe en ronte to New Tork, bnt they confident over the showing ma^ in
cmr IN BRt^.
were tnll ot hope and energy and
the Minneapolis game In whldi Minne­
peot to make tbelr tortnnee in. their sota dMeated Iowa 76 to 0.
dueing county in tbe aUdle waM, her
John R. Santo wont to CiniHro thio new island home.
crop being shi[9ed an over the United
Mies' Uas recmtly sold the cdd
Ann Arbei^Wbito engaged In play- States.'' Every tonn.ot fimlt yielded
omastead tann tor |9b0. Inveoted
Peter Wynb«ir«
RMw to Honor
bumper crop ftto season and
lor a Bhort vlatt.
of mortgages have been lifted. -With
George Wobator took a trip to Man-' the tomlly In a Cuban land atoeme, golf stick which had broken In two
increase In acreage the largest
and BUrted ont d^>endent on her
J«e£- today.
only, on the long journey. as sndther player made a hard swing crop of peaches in years was gathered
Mrs. A. S. Barber has gone to ML They were bound tor New Tork city with IL Prot Hempi was knocked The acreage in strawberrle* was-fiAOO.
%'emon. Mich., to attanJ the tuneial to take a steamer to Cnba.
and it has been necessary
being 325^ casea of strawber­
jned-by talUng from aloft If I oae
of her father.
ries shipped from this sectha from tny own ezperteneh as a base, tbe pro­
It Is said that one ot the reasons remove hls right eye.
Campbell Sroo expect to open their tor ber desire to go ao tor away from
which toe ^wers realised $326,000.
portion‘wonld be less, for In over
new gioeeqr of*. Sooth Union aireel home was the .
La^'r^The psatorlof the SapUsi
The raspberrry acreage m 2.763 twenty yean of sea Ufe '
next Selardv.
widower .with hls aged mother and church here. Rev. Preeton Boyd, tend­ : end the yield was $03,000 casee. Ra^ riLnsed rti* p^tn
Beginning today the 3:M p.. m. train eight children to support, who wanted ed his resignation Sunday.
berries and
average price for the sesson of $1
Miss USB to assume the burden with
Eeanaba—Although Paul Robert had
- esse. - The price realised from
him, and irtio refnsed to take no tor
considerable sum ot money
beries stone by Berrien eounty torman answer.
was $742,000. TTie Wry ratotog
Miss Llys la ahont.30 years old, a person a short time before, when he
sturdy worker on the tom from died anddenly while riding hls wheel business lias proved so proOUble that child learns more In tbe way e( acti
. and Mr* William Foote <
fanpln^ pri^rty in this seetton of facta bom tbe day ot Its birth unUl
(shlldhood. and had not the sU^test down the street, only a dollar
el^ I
doubt but that she would be perfectly found In hii pocket and tool play is the fruit belt is more valhxhie than tbe eodof its seventh year then it can
able to make a comfortable home tor feared, Hls stomach has been sent In any oUipr part of the world with poasndy learn in aU tbe reat of its life
weddlBS trip.
beneir and her mother when she to Grand Rapids tor a diemlcal exam- the AcoepUm of the California uj
The new Perc Marquette freight reached her newly-scqnlred land, ot InattOB as Ij is believed that he was Florida orange groves, sales being
«hed baa been painted and will Boon whiel
dragged and robbed.
made at $1,000 an acre.
he ready tor occupancy.
The old what
With Increased acreege .the grape
hullJlng la to be moved and wUt Join prospectns of the land oompany from
crop was oae of the largest known to
the new building on the east, glring
years. An unlimited territory and vast world,.^lntD
several titnee the space for gooAa.
market ls~ opening op'for Berrien these early years tbe parents, and tbe
William Owen who appear* at Stein­
rounty grapes and Cltlcsgo no longer e^tedslly. are the teacben.
start tbe operations of the mind.
berg's Grand opera honse Friday night
ped dead from heart dUease. Re had has s monopoly on the business. This
in bis dramatlxation of Quentin pun
^e clever young romantic- actor Uved in Alpena nearly 40 years.
sesson Michigan gr^es have been
ward, styled “When Louis XL Was WUlIsm Owen accompanied by a Urge
shipped by tralntoad to Sioux City.
King." will address the High school pu­ company which Includes that sterling
Chlumet—Tbe yearly shipments of MInnespotis and many other north- 4be great maJiKlty of cases the cUld's
pils In tbelr assembly room at 3 actor J. W. MdConnetl jrHI appear at grapes for the Austrian and lUlUn wwtera points. RMiert Bsrie, a local ftitiire. Its sacceas or fsUore. d^>enda
o'clock Friday afternoon.
Steinberg’s Grand opera house on next families in this vldnlty are beginning buyer, baa forwarded several cars to upon tbe first
The south side artd the west side Friday. October 25, preeestlag a new to be received. Almost every tomlly poinu in MonUim. sad. from there
juniors played a game of football yes­ romantic dramA “Wlieh Louis XI. Was take two or three carloads from which they were shipped to the Pacifle coast
terday 'afternoon In which the west King," an arrangement of Sir Walter they make wine.
where they were distributed by JobA LlTS Oak Ta*.
side claim the rictory aa their oppon­ Soott'a novel Quentlne Durward. Tbe
: bers. They arrived In ezoeUent condiThe ttride was fair and alight and
ents quit the game at the end of the scene of the romaztce to Uld In the fit! tton and found a ready eMe at $0 cents the bridegroom was dsrfc-aad stalwart
first half with the score 6 to 6. Vetin teentb centory, when the tide of chiv­
'per basket,
They made a most Inleresttog pair,
a's.tackling was the teatnre of the alry was at Its greatest tael^t. Tbe bleeding and tbe physicians were
Tbe estimated amount paid by buy- and tbe, people on the tong dWgnce
knightly deeds and many adventores able to stop it and as a result Grove r* and eommlsdoa men for the crop train who bad watched toem more or
of the poor knlgbt QuenUs-Durward. bled to death.
lees openly from San- Pranclsio we*e
of grapes is placed at $162,000.
cheered by the sight of a shower of
Removal Sale Price.
his love for the bmntlfnl IsabeUe,
Tbe apples acreage is 8.6K.
t«M Crown Piano. Ceee dameged In Coimteaa of ftoye, Jhe many trials
Battle' Creek— Burglars . Sonday servatlve esUmateof the yield Is 600.- rice whldj feU oof of tbe briAs’s par­
asol two days later.
tswocpnrtation. S350.00. OBINNBLL and 'experimioes tW she Is subjected night entered the bemie of-Mies Mary 000 bushels. The average price
The bridegryoro saw tbe smiles, and.
BBOX . 239 Front 8t Beadle block in to. and the scheniM and duplicity ot
3S04-tf crafty King LonU XI. are all reUted Wakelee and took $460 worth of jew- 40 cents per bnshM, making the value patting bis arm round* bis blushing
eliy and some money.
of the yield $240,000.
wife, be faced tbe carful of friendly
In a most chaming and Interesting
MMce* a aean Sweep.
“I rectaa tbertfs no need for me to
Tfam's nothing like doing a thing manner.
Detroit—The Teatnre of yesterday this year came from Berrien connty say we haven't been married tong," be
thoroughly. Of all the Salves yon ever
there being i total ac
tbe intoniatianal
■ to toU (best tonea, Tput I
beard ot Bneklea's Arnica Salve Is
AO Whltney-Warner PnblleaUons of lornlzirs session
1,760. The env lto$ besa^AO,000 buahthe bpst It sweeps awny aica cares (popular mnsic among them. Peaceful mlsslonery convention of-the Chrlstlmn
MD toll you one thing. TondMtwsst
.Borns. Sorbs. Ibatoes. Cuts. Bolls. BMI7. Under toe Rose. Boko. Dixie cAttrdi was the reading of a teiegiun els. ihe aveaga ^1ee^itclfig.76 «mta to mlie apy mors than 'a poBte, for
Ulcen. sun BrapUoBs and pQes. It’s OW, Dixie La.d. KlawaihA Smoky tram ex-Ooventor Drake of Iowa, stat­ per bnshei and «ko total recelpU $80,- She’s my violet and I’m her sbeltertog
only 26c. and gnamnteed to give satla.
IS. abld at IS cenu per copy during ing that be would give $6,000 to found OOO,
osk. and I weigh 204 pounds."
tutioi by S. B. Walt A Sons and Bngremoval naie only. QRINNELL
There are $06 adref of pltnns which
bible college to India.
bee, Boxbnr^ A Co. Druggists. Imw
)8.. 239 East From street
netted growera $4,00n. TTiere
n'Roalat Bsamlaattoa.
BUence, It appeaw. Is an unknown
of dierriee with a yield of
3.000 bnaheto bringing, $8,200. Tbe quantity at a divinity einmtoatton In
of peaches is plac- Mandalay. The commencement Is slg*
oJ at 166AOO bushels, tbe receipts be­ noted by the dashing of cymbals and
the beating of drtuna. White the caning $135,000, bringing Uie total re­ AtAmuia are writing tbelr umret* they
ceipts tor Berrien county fruit this ' ais snrtounded by a jabbering crowd.
season to $1^16.700.
Who ptto andlble remarks about what
is bring done.' Tbe teri lasts ten days,
and tbe pe<*le mak.e the eiamlnatton
tbe ~*<w«ifth for gaining merit by
the candidstes, and cart loads
of prorislODS ot all sorts find titelr
But JtMge Chittenden Says it is
way to tbe pagoda predneta, and BurCemtnunicabis Dlessse.

The Boston Store.

;; lo Cent Books.

lo Cent Books.

lo Cent Books,

Lansing. Mich., OoL $0.—NotwHl

* ,
We have put in a atock of 2,000 volumes ot popular reading matter send will
* 1 sell them at D^artment Store Prices. You will now be able to buy books' for just
^ ► about half what you have been accustomed to pay. Bead the list jPe offer jou
nfoedstock...................... }........

Beycnid the Oty..


pnd dangerous to the pubUe health.
Secretary Baker is stiU baviiig trouble
In enforcing the board’a regulations
regarding typhoid fdver. Dr. Baker
has received an urgent request from
member of the board ot h^th at
CadUlac to take meaenres to restrict
the spread of typhoid fever to Wexford
It is stated tbe dtseoto
spreading and Uuti. seven eases and
one death- have otewTed to a stogie
township. 'Secretory 'BaW has re-,
plied that Inasmuch as Ihe .clroolt
jndge has derided that ty^old fever
is not a dangerous communicahle diI and tbe cases'to wbleh toe deeUlou was rendered-was jiot appealed,
be cannot make tny-progreas in toe
•oement of die Mw to that county.

...Dena M M. Cralk

I Love...........................................................................

Life of Henry WanI Be^er

....^^bSS.:;Marte cSSu

W. Ctork___
Q^Mauertu ---


ne IMatn at Ms>« AatrarMark Antony gave toe wwld tor a
woman's lova but found himself to
poorty compensated by tbe exchw
that to desperation at the apprtiecb of
Octavtos and Being informed tbafGleDfor herseH by aurTEndering hto
stabbed UmseU with hls dagger,
tog revived, be received toe mes
sSt by Cleopatra that she desired to
see him. He was carried to ber.pUca
of refuge. Cleopatra and ber maids
raised him by ropes to the window of
tbe tower where £be falten queen
found ber last'home. He was lifted In
and dUid to her arms.

■ at pun.
There are two popular detoslons
about fish-one that toey cannot live
out of water and the other that they
in Uve to any pm* water, tbe food
imly ffcV'g cate of Itaelt As a ntot' 1$ 100 YEARS OLD.
rS S^tbero are flsb in Africa
which, having to exist In abaoluttiy
river* for a portion of tbe year,
Permsr Canadian Hto Mebt of ,Oelave
developed hmg*. while to many an
•eendooto. '
amateur's aquarium fish cannot Uv* to, Oct $0.—George tbe water provided to<* of
Jackson af-thlB towsohlp was 100 years f00d.-lMdon Field.
aid Y«stet«ay and apparemUy In bet­
ter phyMcal and.mental“bealth than
“1 uDdmland oM-Sktofitot has got
many-men ot 70 or 80 yaort.
Mr. Jackson'waa ton to Ontario trilglon."
ee^. Ontario, to
A baa Uved
think sor
to Mtitolgan $0 ysnfc' 9MipMl
H Banfitat andirilfkm *«■«
towashto-il- ffshastvtoe.bqn aai*
Tied and ItTstiisr of 1$ cMlOna:
He has oSoni 75 ' graaddlUaiwn.
wrfhtng to todleste tost reahont 70 great-gcandcbOdren and ■*:
.bid iut jilm.«-ChlMgb
number of grsat-greetgraadriiniHi
’ Zhs
M tooMit to be-


Sah and Hls I
Bong of Miriam..

vSoltmi tb. drtmstlefc to ^h^

’ '■

Aaoi^ lot. - MiTi.ud.mne
(Ulnstfi*-***? Mr •




.JtoW.XOfftFrMA .
**••** Mb W-A *_____ It do nritoer oi»A"_strildlr re.
pued Baton Jogaiong.
Me tired of wafting anfltirfiB tryteg

sus I
ffi Oct 2J
Acrot^ianledhiy a^Sbweg

J. wrMcCooaeD
In a New BomanUe Drama by
Mr. Owen.

ABUirMgTMeof Vnve. toitrigne anB Advesitvra. MagnlfitenUy Piodooed. Gorgeons
ly Costumed. Tbe Mori Sue
oesaful Play of tbe Year.

Pik^ 35. 50. 75c. $LOo!
Seats now mi aale at the
box oBea* attoens' TefeIdions m.

Specials in Knit Gop^l
Here are kome speeial things from pur Knit
Goods Department that perhaps you may not
have known we .carriedYou will find our assortment of these to be
tbe largest and best to be found in the city. We
wish in particular to call your attention to. the
Children's Knit Skirt^ they are something new
and are being appreciated by mothers who have
seen them; they are for ages 6 to 40 years.
ChildreaY Knit Skirts, fan^
Ladies"Knit Skirts. 25 cento

Children's Knit Drowan and 1
ra and Bnit Shoulder Capes. 25 cento
Ledles' Knit Shawlp «L50

' 50c

Knit SUlc Shewle


SiockiDg Cape 25 cento


Knit Hood*. 25 cents

SQk Hoods
Bilk Hoods trinUBcd with Swan's Down

Oat^ Flanari Night Gowna. » cento



Yonwillflndmoreof it in
in a poor Hour, -Ilia* in anj p&rihinK ; |
we ^ow of. Tiretefbro when buying
don’t atop short of the •'BKSX." „ *
Mannfaetnrod by
- '

4Hannati b Lay to. 1




Infant'a Knit Jocketa, 25 cats

luzoilea as well.—Bangnn Times.

Scott 4


t w ■4



rm itewt^ rai^



4)|4ril r^ «a4 The
-^bi VW^awtwl 1* tk».i^
H^«itelnditeflutter. '
, tieettofl bvt whet'there ere
ir 4he dir <ud «•
m we ofl VidM iti^> t^t
1 aeil looklKC ««« eM flt eitM. '
li le^ to the -veOc betwee* Sixth
■flBl JlineiMi etreeU tor the beaedt ot
om twtif BkflB (aftv lettiag eoiiie
of Vaf flute ooeriase muIb <» tb«
. oo^moB ther ereta) It le u impoetttoa apoB the pnbUe. nirtiiennore.
tfaic vedal cRMerelk (peU tor hj
the dtr) wae not pet in the oentn^ of
the btedc befeefl Sixth nod Sereath
etiMte bnt ptaoed to one aide el»Mt
M teet, exaotir opposite the eaM baaL
flMB BUh's plaee. Nov. ve are not
InNlned to kick but right ^ right ead
U this mu vaated a walk lor Ue own
prtrate aee. why not make him pay for
*ft and take this awmey aad repair the
maevaOm that are haJlr in need at
Tours truly,
Trareree City. mob.. Oct.

(Ooadaned FTom Tiret Page.)
leguMfld that me vm not enttUed to
ear ebaage now la her. aeeeaii
vbldi ebe dalme la axosOTira
vlD be Steen as i^iportanMy, bov(

L.W Prett ef Aim Arbor grrlvm In
the dty. at noon today.
Hervey Allee aad wito retumad »
day from »mcrt eUtt at Klnssley.
O. R. Seenua aad wtfe havs retiifaed
a trip to Detroit and Ohkago.
j: It Iowan and wife hs« iwevm
te their «* pte»ei»..on 60B Swrth
TJakm straatlaat week.
Any friendi whe may wleh to view
the reaates «C Mlse Harriet Oaapbell, irito ^ed Suday nimU ahT ^
) tordorrow tocxn io' nHtfl U oktok.
TKeatfHB-W m*. nta, Hta»-nl^ confeea, dlCcult of dlugiiwdii aad It
was not natU ibqrtiy betoee tbe total
that an toa vrapteme «etheohikm
“The petieat’e wife was s UtUe wo­
man whom one «ouM best deeerlbe by
The cMftdng tor Caea atraat pgvemeot the term 'sweet'- I never mw giaattr
haa arrtrad sad tte work of wttlns AeroUoo displayed, in tbe rick mm.
n U is tn proiprm'tbdBy. •IhepaMns- -Her sinxlety wee pstbetlA her vratobwfll now be obmpletad ta a tew days fnl cere unteasing. and I grew to look
up to her. Hot I aertf coaid upUla to
vRh favorahte weattier. ’
irhat wge the msttor Wttb bw
Amom t|he huntere wM teak ad-'
althougta after 1 teaUy tooid
Tutose oe'toa trn oppottanlty to
out I made the
shoot geaO Imd Tartridse today are to do to.
Rev. DaBMtkwhltn. E. D. Alley. P.. C.
"«0W is bo today, deetorf .ebe
leanoni and C. O. Oarrer.
would eay In the moet-patbeOc fi
Or. J. O. bhiaecn, eupeHntandeirt of
the Noitbm IDchlsu asylam. wee
ed- a-iaember «f the board of dt
certaln extent,’ I eald.
we Of the First Natioaal bank at
‘but from tbe heart action I notice cto,
_ ..oent Beettas, to take the place
tain eymptoms of cardltli which give
made vacaiit by tbe naisnatian of
7 little grenade for hope.' Then 1
Frank Welton.
vould couUi > to explain tbe trend ot
*n>a. farewell reception tor Rev. tbe disease > simply. I thourtt that e
Wiley E. Wright, parior ot the Flret child
□deretand It When I
bytertu cbnrm, vUl oeoar to­
night at tbe realdenoe of Mr. and Mrs.
A. W, Und of 418 Wuhlagton street
Members and adhaceats of the conyon tliiak he ieT
gie^tlon are In^.
“1 gronoed Inwardly and made i
Tha City Football teem had a fine reply, boldlug out little'hope, had
praotlee laet night -and vID be oat
again attempted to go Into detail,
again tonight No deoUlon bu been
t as I watched her during the trylncr
anteed at regarding tbe ttecie and days until tbe end. came I forgot aH
about her fallore to coiaprebead
pIa.oe for the geiae vRh
forgot everyttilttg. In
iger Brown Is in cor
except tbat I
with Mt Pleseant aad_ eipeata to ai^
> .of afleetion of
range a game la the beer totme.
which the tomlnlnd nature atone Is ca­
The Traverse Bey Sewing circle will pable. and It would bare made oo Blfepend toiurrow with Mrs. Warner, terence te me if she bad not been aMe
fonnetly of wnuamebnig asd- then a
say her alphabet I hoooted her as
member ot the drslA Rla win leaTa my eqnal If not my superiur.*'—Wotoreiideneee of Mrs. Hammond at IngtoaPoat

a said tbal .be nnderstooJ tbe gee oonumay bad sold oat
aod be called tbe attoattcn «f tbe
eoancU to the ordlnanee ■9tiA aiatee
ha rd life
mot the plant ootOd not be aold vlttoot the twothlrds eetuctkm of the
eoaaeO.' Ttm^t Wm. l«doo of
As nntortnnwe. eaya Leailc^ Month­
the EM ooemafly earn the plant was
not soM. U is edD the Trarerse Oitl. ly, eras eem 'xith e dlmmi to ot
Oas Oo. b«t the tuck mused bends. tbe amsllec oo^>ons la'the tor a>
west It W toward tetflg; when tbe
ffllddsy eda thaws the mifsee of
■ww anL.tbe Ugbt fnMa hsrden tbe
meltod craets to a gUee of Ice ai dev
iBagly bright se tbe bllodiag flsebes ot.
sra^t from pblisbed neet The thaw
had' crusted orer the trail, end tbe
smirhed tekeep»-*hMwte».««^
wa^ -wot to'lose tbe path altoge^.
Bnddeuly tbe middBy son developed extraoidinsry buea. Usgen^ purple and
black patches l>egaD to daaoe on the
snow. sHernately with wheels end
, Uaeotn, Neb, Oct to.^loljhere roitete of riieese colored fire. Then the
light went M sltofMber. tbeogh the
blew open tbe raalt ot the State bank
man knew tbat It was broad day. Be
at Pleamntdale. 15 mllee northwest ot hod become snow blind. The only 1
liacsoln esriy riiU nKnlag aeenrlng was to give .bis home tbe btt.
8SA00 te earrency. CtOsens nmhed
The horse stood stock etill. By tost
to the aoene aad a rasBlng idsWIflght time he kaea- tbat be hsd-kwt tbe treil
eaaoed. The tflbbera escaped wUh ■ItogMber or tbe brooeho woiild here
followed any Tlslble path. Be wheeled
their idnnder uporently sninton
tbe bo.roc obout. It etU refoeed to go
on. end then the men inferred t^t tbe
CRUt of ice bed been ao hard tbat-tbe
bone could not follow back tbe way
Brulw the Weridto Record tor a Mne It bed come. That nlghr tbe treeper
Slept noder saddle-blankets, with :tbe
In Uf»%.
feHbfn] horse etandtog sentry.
' :Wlriilte, Kea,. Oct Ml.—Creeoens
For Ore dnys the trooper wadderbteke the wwM’e trottliig reoord te ed blindly orh tbe pralrtaa, ioeln| all
a mile yeaterday aft - noon, gidng the eoiwt of time, eating snow to goenefa
JletBnee te 1:6S%, Lasting the preri- ble tblBt end keeping la tbe boles that
owi reited l^ld by Lon Dmoa ead Ma­ tbe brcfltoo bad pawed through, tbe
Ice crqst to tbe nnddr grasa^ Tbe troop­
te Delmar by a ijnaiter ot a second.
er was BOW too wesk to mount and
Jimt before he reached the ,wlre keq> the saddle. As a tost hope tbe
(keaoena brake an^U U Wteed loot tbonght Btnick him that if be unsad­
Bdly tkree-gnarten of a aeoond.
dled Ui bone and turned It looat- It
«giM op handily aad flasbad radar the mltot find Its way back to tbe fort,
andto notify his frionds tbat be'wai
Wbe to 1:59%. No wtodahleld
kwL; Be did tlHs.^t tbe fsltbfuVena
rare refused to le^ the nmn lylag oe
tbe snow and stood om him In apitc
Tadtoto Maiketa.
of all his eftotts to orive It off. On the
K Mleh, Oct M.—Deoember sixth day tbe mall catrier found the
pair. Tbe tro^r wee asTerely fiuaen.
but tbe rider and bone Itved to see
many aaotber day’s fefTlce.

A scours




To contradict your Mends'wbn llbej
re speaking. .
To t9J smart thtega wfiicb may brat
one'i feetlnga.
It to bad to make remaifca abont tim
food Bt dinner.
To talk about things srtilrii only In­
terest yourself.
To grumble nbout your home and relativee to ontoldefe.

Ceeiea* <TVlHaw.
Ton can nlwaya tell'an Bi)|dtahman.’'said the Rriton prcodlyr
•W eoune |OOton.*'xto>Ued tbelaakea. “but It (lii—n de any good, becanae be thlnka be Imws ft altT-^WIsdriphtoLedn;..
Be-Tonr fetbsrdld not objecl'to ot

: ebowa so edtosBe; prioA «e to MKpento.

ef Wetolpk ite.'
____ _

ce oftoe veomi, bftto lunWR.toe.

raae, to itohity as riay to tsnnn
to ecj*l court or.,Wall rireet It la no
teihtJ^llaiate cnoo^ tp npact toe
pnrner to be quite, rat fult vrtto.toe.


teoBMary mattetn. te topriln to te
Brititer toe dUtUwBee betwees g'dri-. tes. uri
t'ctf dte^tod totid^ rir' And a <
WUch .bringe toe gieater hanHaail;- tbat the -g
toe gutter. ebow. Teomriea and tolrity Bcera and rimramelr In .Hunpe. tte
ef to^nebte life -«r toe -beoitfeR pur .Aweriiwii .XtiMte ai«.-Rar exeri______ yon a nice UtUe
■bfcb. pemfl .so largely lence .toe' iuterregaten of tbe wortk
. of «fae iBduetdMi poerT and. .to .them tbe puragr to. ^Bpiy «
-la bow many of toe palaeee of oar aril.
'Banalrei wUl you find graatar boHA^
- In tbe parte tl^ in toe kltriMB.T'
many mUlioimbeB wUI teU you want to know all abourtbe tetoeagetr
toat they ere' hop^ now than when ■as srell. wtm'tbey are, wheiwtoey have
X> 8Bta.“-A CO^ loriher top buggy
storting in life wlttaoot n doUerl
me from'afld wbero ttaeg ore geteg. Tmd k IBM wnJ water bteyte UtUe
On toe top of moantolna.we find
>w much they are woito aad «fly tot*,
---------ara. fcs Fraud street
roton and Ice end anow. ttiedowsln
9 Uthttof news about toirir —
tha valleys that we find the vlneyarda.
' oee richer than
. aU tblw Into Rome, the beet .ebopa wb«^-tb pur­
Ito, wife, ddUraa. chase dltreront artld« who wIB give
frienda-be is eure be toould be wBBag the best disccNtet COr cash. wecM'te
to oxebange.-Oeorge J. Aagrii te Our
lortcr-s wife ate be« be
Dumb Animals.

itit mftpkgtonh' bu' vhflt-toe
«aU mptlklte:«i>aa be gtod-te «xMtute ud Me fflOltes tor.

“If that thefdeeitoillaaitetdtjatoi«■ with'toe iifbt bteetohi an iriO toad
«p the -Rinto; toe eguaRy .uUMltoil
beaefacte to.tWflnfiltyW'» gMfl*'
away gate te eetefta «UI rewwd Im

delighted Wlto m toetto en*»biMd It
to toe talftoeid^ his mrt WUh anolber prellfflisuy
-------tome eomelgna. eitee^'flav-____
end eeveral hglf erownilhte e piece of
peper, amwed It up and MuBed'tt to
toe artist ‘TouHl be pceeldewt of tbs
btoonrtn’ B’yal eeed
“A bufselD'a a baiggln.'? said Bhll.
walking odTTlth the oe^at of gold and
Be. eonfeeeito afterward when be
opened tbe packet and found two pen­
xV-riroAlte r
nies nnd a hnUpenny In It that it —'
toe moK edtdriMntoK. cMteltecs
bed ever been paM forr' !
got to R3J T',
“AB to Hiat.’'
Htef replied toe prisoner,
■ W%» vWmiUtMi
medy looklug man who appeared to
ic and Hugo werntl
have seen better days. ’V by the term
of Twiglnry’ you mean toe
which, eccordiog to Engliah law and
are. bot w
practice for o-nturlea. baa been clenrly
c Trroto B.
B. greet etofT
doDned as ‘bouse t»eakteg ip night.’
sitting that ktried
tbe charge is palpably ddlcaloiiA The
wrote tor policeman alleges tbat be detected me
ice with te tbe an or breaking Into a bouae yes­
bim. and tiu that wblto.-be lived
terday Iiftemoon te broad dayU^L if.
black eoSee. Tben be riept for ttalriy ^'Uic other band, the term to made to
houn. Hugo wrote, *Semenr Id b c$rw the
month, and -we can think.pT Balmic end
Bugo Bt we tblok of Uie greet ^edetlan llvlag te tbe gtaty knd exnltntiou In 0 legal Moae. I skoll have to eoucede
nataotercatton. _______

' ------ toe eon-K-inca of the charge, your bon.. _______
have improriend 'Vto^jMeiriage Feast
•ving. however, tbe rl^ re­
at Oaua“ ^th extraorAmry sane. awT] gard with a w>cclea of contempt tbe
[ Kkc to think be pateto
..._______ of-thle' eounuy."
fiddler te a moraiog aU went
Take nm Heck to 'to ceU,” gated
bis gondola te the aftdmooo tt
She poller jttotice. ‘bn’ let 'im sober
be bad done « fair dirs'-voik. That ■p.“-Obleaxo Trtbooe.
waabow men wrote^ pateM t'n tbei
greet, times before-sgtooce beckmied
W- •• HeuMby
them a-iray from tbe bcEkntlfnt.—Otege
Tbroretioilly; every adult, person of
wtobea to be etroog
o^ bealtliy. fTacticallf,
enllr, a majority of
____ notetug of tbe sort Thty
them wish
On one occaelon Slanihl. tbe noted
lo be Well.............................
bnt aro
teoeber.,went on the ktoge to see Bri-|
wUHng to pay toe price, tbougb It
gnoU.:,to«! famouA ringer, whom ^ ^
cos!, ^00,1.5. wbeo a man gets
found Mtriqg op anuawo like a mad-'
beallh be naually wauto to get
man. hranmiug -OW » PUrt.
eomriblog to “patch him up' ao tbat
“Why, Ortg,-fl^ to
flatter wttli 11,^ coo cootteue tlR. foolUb thioga
.vont .Ara ypa^^iriiir he aaked.
; ,rtlch have caused bto bod cbndttloo;
the elocet oniveraal resort to
■walkBdhdiWJ*Jitli I Mini evee. amg tTestment fnetead of toe oatnre!
to bexi«-:
„««rag rate
IpualM toe pvt 200 I
.0^ nrengtk. If e man U roally
tlmoA r.^i*yoprifi|
rop rifip tt
l? thirty yrar*
yeet* derironi
deriroiu of being
netarally eontte end
bWitby hr
Btene-of-becemteg -so.




.tllltetoifbeted Biflr •ttftekpHlfeMri,

•iitek -..............
iSag lb Wd with

___ _

T beard her boasting tbat bet dlnnm
party was a-Booceas from tbe begteulug end ended ivlth the grroteat
■ci-law.’ Whofs “eclaw.’enywayT'
-er-T^tbat wee tbe dessert of
course. Didn't yoo ever eat a 'riioeolatu edowr
Undtody-Tea. sir. tyro diteknna
rot iDtc tbat aoup:
Boarder—Never mind, madam, oevec.
mind. No barm done. Mo one would
ever suspect It t amore you.—Town
end Qountty.
Narrow .mlode tiitek nothing rigtat
nboro tbrif own eepacUy.>«oefaefnD(flUld.

anything yon wou to know or wnni
done te the line of teenranoe we «Ui
be grid to hare you eeU -end see
nx Uttle A McNainnrn tenu«nce
and E*1 r
- •
pay HAS per ponnd for trash greon,
roc^. Count Eagle teBoe. St6»-tf
TO RBLU-Or...excBaBge tor town
property, 8h*cre tonn to W«^
TO asu^FsIr young Bound, kliid
wlto <■• with­
tarn or oeoeh honee with fine otet
out stock end toria; 76 acres Im­
Also three cows. Uttle A MoNamproved; five acres to wood; house
seven coome; ocmie orchard-routa
over 100 toM of bay; wlndtnlll. tank,
UTTl^ A MfiNAMARA. 80S F___
grauray, two baraa, etc. Uttle A
rireet have waong others, a fine
MoNemara teeniaaee end Real Ite40were tarn four miles weri of
town; good soli; good bouse, e“—'
eelrir, orchaed, ete, etc. CaU
TO SELL—House on Bast KlereBth
see ns about It
Btreet 4 boiiseB on Tenth eueet,
oue on Ntnth otiuet owe on Rail­
way avaaou, two on Wriwter. twi>
on State, one on WmAtegtoa 1 ~
etbera—tumn to nett nny renao

GINWO Eoora -WANTaD-Trai

BeetM tbe Utemvr Ceakec.
. Tbe aaeertlon toat Boston was Tito t|f-dnrteg toe period In which imerienn
acquired a shelf of Itf oflTi to
tbe Ubiaiy of-the race to bazdir'Qp«
to dispute. The produetloa of booka
thing' like pKnuraenee
la perhape the a
ef n eenter to which toe teno “UteruT’’
te Un true meenteg.of ■Related toUternttue’’may be applied. Name toe Ainerlean wiltm whose workhas stood toe
teat of half a csnCuiy. oteh wlth.u j«w
they belong to Boston aod I
jrbood. Alitoleta

L D*. WoUe-Howeto AtUntle...


toe young one to be a
» or twine -to.triaaC-.bla
ea Wtatly
trimUy suMeMedtont
'throat and toes
he wished to marv tbe oM geatleairai’B
Tbe old gentieman didn’t wlah to be
too ready to give hla consent, bnt he
admitted after e few .trinntte he
thought be bad DO obterion
•Thafe Jtit tbe tronWe,’


you'd only e
f me out
ef tbe 'bones gpee or twlee and bay .
buOdeff Pd hero some ahow-ot. gettlnt
“I pvt Id Che Fronch {teraami tm
and tbera.” eete toe would-be author,
“to gire toe book am ateoepheNof <9fl'tere.”
“H’mr, remarked toe ralUp.. "*f
wouM have helped a bU If you hod pot
te a little good Bi«lleh te teota.“Rhiladelpbla'Udfro.------- -- .

drilto end battdng.-

Whea Tea Bar CflaMa.
■When yoB boy ebeeee bear te mind
The DuUy
tad toacriUce
tbat etl good toeese wUI be mellow to
toe4(meb.yMfiiim Tbe rind win he.of
A mepbe
__ Aear’e
mean Bom.
state oad nattow sen
Own. the
n tint elaetlc rate free from pufEa.
tb. emih^ anat•* - - skin tt Identifyasmnie will reveal a firm, rioee.
____ ________ one occaeloo hU
friend ttd wrii^''Join Bus- jrhV.*' tets
aeU. sent him ntedmeo te this pni^ dentit^lthroritfiL,-^-. . ,,
poee. and tbe proreeeor goickly pro- Ti either efpr. ■rit^todbedvllr.-flUmDouoced
it toe thigh boi
boos of a pig. mcder.catoedtdDflDefc Op Uw
mced It
lowy was sub- bnite. iCtoe rliid breMci opn pri------Is ekplana^'or the go
doro nt* spring back readily when WANraD-Oidern lor lAInto eea
loeotly atini by Lord Jton: “Pree}.)iBd ssot tram Amerh statesman the preeeooUng or tbe coni or a want of acIA
At beri li w«l have an Inripld flavor WAMTBD >t» U. B. ABMT—Able
'^bo^ unfiled men betwaaa ^
>pod eriU "go off" ee It agon .
I wlth’m#! enjqrh
of fit aad as: Biai—.bt Ttelufi
Btatea, of jpiri ebafodtar aad tomhataito. who utt’kpaak,- Md
A well koowD lawyer wboee Ornt "pernto
wlto tbe. r
and write aagltah. FtoWtem
name Is Jamei has a'brotber whom be
MlJ> tteaette.
MPly to EemulUng ‘
vldtte leteiy. Hto bralhm- baa a
danghte. ag^ foor yeata, wboee notblectured ber a few days betON
..t teUlng ’Storien." The lawyer, tolnkteg te entertain te little obe. took ber
on bto knee nnd told her two of hU best
ry-vrteraafincttrigtice wbeD need doIUcntalM. losteed of beliig termdlBMtotylMiyfoDe. Pbr example. • tod. oe be expected, “ebe nevty emlled.
gate post «BI be found to deerf moeh ^wben be bad fintobedaltd from tatotaster U thralaatt todwC tbe tree to tonee.'wttb a eoiemn fees. and. going to FOR'BAU9-aoue and h»t FNb hU
househotd tBraltuto:-alK> wlx eoMs
WPritodtttotoB'svoald te toe ceee.M ber mother, said; ’pdammau Dorie Jim
l» WcMto BWatts ut^ •WtU
tbe tnp wane priced te tols poritteo- wm go' to the bed ptech enro. Be bae
The renson Jf that to* mdstuse of te 9nst told me two, big riortet.’ “-Eanaae FOR BABH-^' Ite^iar wood, me
atmo«>bere will permratn toe poiro of
toe wood ttorii tem tapMly the way CSV Journal_________
te tree Inw'tea it -wmM If te te
TO SHUcr-A atoerigt ««oertee abd
ortwrite dlrerilw
•Agatha.” said her tjmS^ -I don’t
CtoMnl ^tihanfl|ii;,A.gQOd chance
tike to ,bBV a Anghtef of mint tell
eron e cooveatieoaniA Tor know yea
pent brat Anut Botoy. end yet wb«
obe enflte te oth« day you said,
kflottc. bowgrid-tamtearoyaal
That wuMn** a Ue. mamma,* nw
tod Asatba. .*riiat was an exclamatioa.’'-Chleap 'CNrime.

" .......



_______________ ii



WA m
- -


TO NINT—Barn with throe stnlto nnd
,-Anytoft overhead, teqnire ns On^ street. '

lURH TClJB ^WfSRTT now jor
DU may -have a Orb at way ttme.
tttle A MSi^ara. 298 Front Bi.


TO tXT tp Lttaeri
YrcM «■«'# set ri
aloe hardpeod ‘
horses bought andmlA 1 Newfijed.
room 603. new sntoetm block, rifth
ntIFATB U^ANS^mieelaiy *r.#eraomd pfoparty^ ne^latonri Lha

O0,O.irRtotaUihl. Miir,tp8'Wll- V

mm. so FAHId er city
eegnolty aad baighuy '
Uttle A McMataata. adfi

Mcdr’a Hrory. g-iduah toMd.rflltW
bleaket Reward If Mt V WUhltei.
'• . .Mirty
LOST-^met ajlriri. ahont 7 o
PTOat.etroet. briveu

.^OB SAL«-H0^k ttm
<m toads te .t

M nn

TO SELioU nene. near rity; two
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