The Daily Eagle, October 21, 1903

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The Daily Eagle, October 21, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


VOIi. XL NO, 3273.


TBAVEBSiB: CilTY. MlOy^WEStg^AY. OGTOBBR 21, 1988.


A Large Assortment of

Over 100


J. koody.
Barah CaaOufL
t a KnlikL
1 W. BiMavorth.
. '
. Totmg.
E -a. BmlSMa
' s-Bmfth.
J be knovs aA
R Irtglon No. 189 and vQl
■bfi Tnweday to ea<at month
h :hgiL The legion oSera
a ^eknesa and accident
l^pays cash MBendi ererT
—r. 8.-Jsstter vlD remain
r vortt'
It the order to interested

'Hte eonmett term of e
Qr*ee diorA-liB.Tlag ecplr«dtiy U
tion. MV srtlclM have been disn.RP.
and filed reorganizing snld
Ouub. *7
■i itchcii laug, Ursvy
osk frsn^ beat gokraot

of an not of the l^telnture of the state
of MUSilgan. entitled an net to ravlae
g tor the
Oon of'Protestantjqptsoopal eborchea.
' The cburdi vM-4neorporated. July
81. 1878. “nie-signors of the original
articles ^ years ago were: Jedin P.
Oraih. A h. SpragDe, U O. Sayler, Dr.
B. 8. Wrlgbt, Homea^P. Daw. Prank
L deNevMti. Otoly two of these genJamev^are Dvlttg, Mr. Dav,
residing in.Caihmgo. and Mr. Bpiagbe
of this dty.
tbe signers of the nev sHicIee of
Inoorporatlon are; B&vin L. Bpragne,
WUllam D. Tomer. Merritt W. Undervood, lisn -P. Titus, Oeorge B. Blue
Bud Harry C. Darla, the seven vestiy-

wont over n
betaUlul oooefa for C

<»iy-.................. 5
No 4 Coach is a InrM benntifi
«oacb, quarter aswed onk frame, <
Tnllr guaranteed steel spring I
CMOslroctloir. 7 rows de^> tufU,

Srrml dlEerant patterns and
nt»'l«s in between tteae, and tiom
tbrea op to as fine a coneb-as there la on the market.
beautiful 'lied
C>nch. Uial opens up aixl makes
abed4ft.2ineheH wide and 6ft loi*g wHh full woven wire



It is covered in a pret-

I Vdoarand.makeaapeMtirulanda


S..L' $11.75

uifortable bed, for


«f Adjnrtibic Bead Dav nporla
A branliful Davenport. Jn-l like
cot. 7 ft. luog wbcD ibe uhil-arv ;
'loM-rred. twin enria can be inclint f Oopoartora Dra


VciSspleafiCToson sijCbtic


Pittsburg, P».. OoL U,—A .____
loser by raasMi of Uie fhiliire of tfee
Bastem Tube Co. of &MsviUs, CN^t.
And aSMted by nimors of a taa |q
coraectton vlth the H
>usw bank Csam #8


1 bat we have just the kind of a Si'fOK ymir bi>y«
'waut. Low
nnd high cuts in all of the best
iFRHiers and iRtest .-styles ’ Bring ihe,Wy>. 'm and
let us fit them up. Prices to suit the purse.

.___ ___
■n»e hank
1901. viUi n- caidt«l of
Josepii A. Lengfitt & preeldenL The
Inst BUtement filed-with the qomptroLiMtember 9. ahoved-the rseonreea


All New Stock—No Old.

Bachant & Roscoe.
8M Frairt Street.


Parker Brba’ Old BtanS.

T. W. TH I R L B V

■Seeurad Money From Private Bank in
Romulus. Mich., Oct 21.—Burglars
early.this morning dynamited the safe
In the private bank <d Peter Bird ad
escaped. It vm not be knovn
this afternoon hov much money vas
secured, vben an expert vU! open the
safe. There vas 89M In the bank.

IN IM a RM Omi Oat MMcr’t Shs|.
A. e. CURTIS A Co'.
' NtfTsxClanse. PIre Insurance.
Roams 9 end lO. R. A'L. Block.




$3.00 Shoe


New ahee tern. _





PER ran


_ Up-lo^U Neckvear. OoUars. CutU.


lofaatnuad here The BagUab aqearva
and u We fooHn-handa are the laad-IngehapesaodatylefortbefaU wear.

rike.lhav of Good OoWii|.~
,««« for you

I «s

ml ulttit.

H. a 'hull, Piealdairt.
.H. C. OMiaaM
A. V. Friadrtq^ Vlob Fnaldeora
W. A. ilmM.nsmd. OeMitM-.

Lsdiea Hava •sen Her

Mia: B. ^ Mtoor gava a »e*y prettg
ttoa at^ borne. 681 Sgth i
1. ywte#ay afURKwn. Atynt K


hma he»e/ eotl
dock caiivae
■rt^Dgs. ocreredin preUy
pettemh Velour, pleifl lop. >i
sowed <»k frome. C/l EA
jwtlike cot, for jHI.JV



JULY »1, 78.

So 1 touch
U 27 Itw-hea
inrhCii w
wide. 6
uch Is
ft loDg. haiidwood fru
hesry coil springs, do^ o_____
ever ^rtngB, covered-4n pretty





30 uluciiouii
different aujrtoo
styles to
iaj select from, ratiifing alonjr
from$4.75riffbtup. A' floe
"ne a^rtmeqt
assortment ol
of. cove
velours, Pliieb, Corduroy and Verona. ,



ofmmiwL /

teOMyed^ .little Miss Kathleen Mar­
tin vfao eMOTted them to Ae dtesMiig
they removed'thMr vraps.
They w^ then eanected to the parPlenty , of Money ChaiiBinE Hsnds
^y4he ttee vas.spent In oon-

T. D. IMEaSH and vife. went Xo.
points in Kansas teemtUy tar a three
veeka- slsU aad vltlto-sase Mr. Me­
in the oU
question vUeh la a t
Actor in that country nt tbs present
Ume. This msrplng In tnlklng vith a
repreaentajire of The Datty Bh^, be
AeU shout the
QoubUy and the vay In vhl^ leasee
of the lands are secured by men vtao
act as go-betveens betveen the farmand the promotars and

The bSise vaa beeittUnUy deocoated in hSIerTlea. In the dining room,
ropes c^MThMifee,., vere .Testtwsed
tram the olectitfiler nnd draped to the
cornera of the uble. The oenterptece
vas A pyramid of naetnitlnma.
loe cieem. aaeorted^ cakes aad ten
/ere served by MMaad Hnble Pierce.
Drpha Cressy and Msky Minor. As
the ladles departed. 11^ Miss Otedra
Morgan gave each one n egnaUan.
Mrs. Martin. vlU eatortMn aboot
80 more ladles In n slmllsr manner
this afternoon.
Jood of memories of the peat nine
years In vhlA pastor and ipe^ had
lahored tqgqtker In the Master^ vine­
yard filled all their hearts so that the
MRE. JULIUS T. HANNAH WAS snothms vets hard to oawtiDl.
To Mrs. H. B. Steward. <»e of the
ehnttef menttm of the ohnreiL MB
the dnty «£ reading the fttevitt nddreas to Bev. Wrl^t,-eo90Bp|Bnlad tv
the preeentntion of wbeentUni set erf
Mrs. JuUns T.’Baanah gave a Mohre a dozen scdld aUrer torfei. Mrs. fitsw.
party yesterday attenwon ln> honor
ard's .voice freqnenUy bOtared ea eh>^
ot Mrs. Ostrander of Lo<*port,-N..T..
who is the goeat of Mrs. J. B. MeOoogh. Tvelve foor4mM tnhlea
ocenpM end the game vas prewrea' i»*^'
alve. The lone
_____ B fof ‘til#
raae. vm
rMs otatde end Mudm Of the many
■ ■ mettntt
Bmt Oook
T. Zm irere tied as vlnit o>tt seooad hipest hnmbm of
e»d la ditetng by M. Mrs.
Oook voa the ^----------------------- very Sahstyn


a 99-year lease consists of MOC
lying K miles sonth of the town ot
Cbsnute. Ksnsss, and 186 mllas south
of Kansas City. Hie oil belt extends
from aboot 90 mllee sooth of KanasB
City to Indian tenitorr, a-distnnec
about 150 milea. and the Btandaid
company have neariy 90 ivHa* of t
Una. In the oU territory, nnd oU la
strnac in mok of the vHls at. a depth
of fAm 800 to 87S feel vhUe nMural
gas is present In any quantity.
Of Mr. McManns' pvtaers.
salesman of <dl machinery and has
been on thO groontTfor nearly tvo
years; another li a promoter of oU
companies nnd n third -b an operator.
The lease U good tor 99
Is not «
done on______________
iwre (br every year



Nr and ten# him that he wlshM
le praspeet fior <dl on Us hud but
The Imiias was tvrUtflT JmvmM
thnt thme Is not aa mneh land on the for the OQcsjfon and the gneets mm
tnrm ns desired; nnd that if the snM
termer will use bis inflanaoe with Us
iler nel^bors to lense their property also, the said prominent farmer WA(£S ARE TO BE REDUCBI
wni be given n qnarter tntmvst in say
be sunk on bB land within 60 days.
. .».l
The godMtveen then goes to the small­
Uon. ..
er farmers and ttils them'that he haa
lease of the i
Kev York, Oct'si.^-Ottdels of the
land and wishes to obtain a lenae
of their land atao. As all original ieaaes United States' Steel
y from an exten­
paid for In an-interest In the prosive
tour ot the saSsldiary plants of
eeeda from the sale of the oU modnoed,
the gobetveen offers a tenth or ei^ the eteH tnisL It is expected they
Interest as the ease may be; BnL he vlU soon announce n retrendiment
tells the small farmer. WMk may not policy in the operation ot the oo^ot^
be begun within tvo yean as walls tion. It is undentotM wages will be
to be Blink vithln 60 days on .Me reduced nnd a m mHfo in the ealaries
land of the prominent farmer and the of ell the oSeUls
o(»npany cannot afford to’ put in too
Orenl^-Reel. tlifi.dlbranch money at first.. So the lease Is- MONEY AND STAMPS ST0L»
given vlth the agreement that no vwk
need be ddne tor tvo years. Thra the POSTOFFICE IN SUPERIOR, WIB,
others sre gotten Id the same vny, but
at the end of the 60 days no vork has
bean done on the prominent taro
land and bis inffdenoe has helped
tarlally In securing the leasee. The
-betveen holds the leases nntD some
Superibr. Wls., Oct, 81.—The vnolt
promoter or company vlahes to bay in the poetoOce here was tmed open
them and be rveetvea tram 8860 to 8600 last night and betvemi 115.000 aad
per acre for them while the farmers 116.000 in atnmpe stolen. A small sum
ovnlng the land gets no nxmey until of money vas alap tnlmn. struck.
»>—.---- ,1
»tJt «iu|.
There are tvo systems of pomping T. C.G. S. A8S*N MEETS TONIGHT.
sedi the Onnpressed air and the
shackle rod and Jaok systems. Iff the
Gist <ff.the well is made air
tight wllh a pipe running up.through
The Traverue iXty Sunday Sebool
the top tttronfh lAleb the <dl Is to Modatkm wnt meet in the Frienda
This Pipe extends down to the church touirat- The programme in as
I of the rtl vrfL OomDevDtkmel- swralsse. U Roeooe.
prBased air is psmped' into nnothsr opening In the oover and the, Quartette. Mrs. wnilem Wirirat Mlw
.Is Iqraed through the |*a. Bone Stanley. Levi T.
Second 'wn»d-Re1.:^l,0I6L pm- Thm is one otajsethm vhHh the i«- T. A. Ooeto.
Seoretaryh.iraort Waa Mdtth oome.
Saera owners make to the use «rf this
Paper. ‘^>ur nraorieftou and whet it
W0d,»77: pk
erstsNL howevw. aad that is Mat It
■Iso brings up oondJerahle sand. The ■booM be.” Mrs. M. Lnras.
Conventions, C. B. Brian.
only refinery vhkh te neer Cheaffto
Soto. T. A. Coras.
it one »««u-ir*-g to the Standerd OU
Paper. -Bttiefita to-be derived foam
aompany -aad elUetea ahoM 86 mflen
ftera OhBUvtv WMe Mr. McMane. the tsecheru’ meefingi.” hbu. D. r.
wee in the vktalty; the Standard Ofl WOeon. :
cf the papers
eestpnv decided not to noo^t ewr
OU pumped by the
nmOiod AM k more dtBonR4o rrane.
Thareupra .-four computes held e
meeting and ssbecribad neariy S>S0.SM to buBd a reEnerr.of their nem.
the Standard 00 company then 4euUM to voept the urnde oO aa batoreThe seeond syston of pnm|*tif te
Mcetod hr an sndMa caM* traidag
foUB an engine at m edd eC-a field.
sunk In raws ud the
r the top of IS or 86
wMla with a .forward aad • bath ward
Botkn of about tvo feet In dktanoe.



r mni wimup nw mmr.
> of him .and bM wMe.
He told of the noble wodc <X eome of
the earty membere of the Murch who
have gone to their reward. Then he
paid a-fine tribute to Mrs. Wei^
shoving hov her anxiety has always
been for the sick, needy and frioJlSBa
whom she never tired of vlNttng.
Through neglecting her ova faenlOi in
looking after others she was detained
at home last evening by Ulneea. Bev.
---------.the wish that pence
end prosperity vtuUd blees the oungregulon in the yean to oome.
During the evening the foUowlng
rogramme, which was more thna-usunUy entort^ng, was given, the numben being eunopaciM by A. Oole:
aolo. MaigerF Clara,
laet; Zon Wellahd nnd
Pbari Miner.
Toeel eoto, Mra. A. H. Holidey.
Rending, Cherlotth laplg.
VIoUn duet, Louis end XmeOe BMiJlky.Piano duet Mary rad Newton
Yoeni solo. Mlm B. Andetson.
-ncdin Btdov4,<mis SoHdny.
Reeding,' Mra. J. M. Iraxig.
Vocal dnet Miw A. Ooto end MMs
. B. Oapp.
Mrs. Thekean Brinkman, aoeomranlst
A meeting of the cnago«g-rt«. for
important bunlnaas Is railed for 7
.•dock tonirat in the riiurra.


Soelatlee eru to he I

A ratan of the young j
olatiee of thu rity rail b
Monday night at 7:iOJ
01& ^ he
ibere froGPjl

The.Dally Eagle. Alimitei aad -D^ bi« <«adu M.
me CAOLawfiB Pw^wiwr*: ’
• urn s- wnts. o.B.iLscTaBLAm'

M' w............... ...


w. icamr.

aty Oissolttor.

wboy Atyber

COMW p..iir™.

Mmt* Onod overt hbnae.

Thie weM tnarha ea impprttnt.epodi
' le th* bletory <A the Pliet Preeb
IM ebwM. Rer. WDay K. WrtAt. “e
ptetor who orsuteed the oQMmttlaii
and has snMeJ Its eplrttatf welfare
tor nine yean, eerera Ui enmeetlon
with the -peeode he has kaowa so wtil.
at hla own tree will, to eater aac
pdrtlao of the Lord’s Ttneyard. Kext
Saaday be wlU take np his dntlee with
Christ PreebyterlaD Aareh in Xadlaen, WV^ where he wm be eacaced in
prayer meeUnc and pastoral work..
For theae dstlei Her. Wright la cepeclaUy wdl eoolpp^ aad aeaUfled.
e oaednAor ol btble ttteseea, prayer
seettsgB end tor pestoml dvOee, it
woold be dlAcnlt to And a more afl-.
dent dergyman qr one who woold be
ne tbne to a. .
ROT. Wright has
InTraTerse City. He arrtred here Jen. L
iSSfi. and oae week later organised the
. Pint PrmbyterisB church with SO
riterier membeie. Since then some
MO members hare bean added to the
membership roll whlA, of eoorae, has
been depleted In mmty ways. The
dntroh wts eetahllehad as a borne miseiOB charge but became Aelf-snpporttng in two yean. A teattne of ralstng
money MoiAed by the owtffWtton M
wbMi Is onmaetrilehia. nilMoe
Ag flaaed aaldy In fteewlB' oker;
» which

Boy’s KteeP^rt

tk* racDiw aM)^ U U gBMtia&r
s0 tbu otfT tk« ta»te OC CAM
rMipradtr «C1 «oM M for oomMot•0«B i» thi boMO, iMrt It U praboUo
Utt th* oomaoroUl trooty ^ OWM Mbatltud to tbe MAtto b*ton
themC-oCthemOeewlon, Ikepreeloent U.pIoMod with the umiMeoi
bet ha*«
tativaa otbob aMwwf b^
WtB 1
in fores wittomtmfwhdlBcBlty.
neata by be mtoattty pnrtr. bow-


. _
shew by lie sMe
of Chester Tate of'SeaK 8te. ItBie
who btddly eesesta is hk advecblng
bet he has >ves7thtog;eB earth.Dom any erne envy the Wnody raeord
bk yonng man k Uknly t> ■eke?
-OUvar Watem k tahtog hln vnoatlon
he Feoi^ 8avfrom hk dntles in be
daelded^ kltl e
IBM bank.
Uttle time, and has gone
ihbot a few Jays.’.-^r^tog Ree-

^'s Knee Bnb

Nidtei iVann

These ar© ©Iso madrfiw remnants—
hardly any two pair alike-extra nice
cassiniere and worsted good^hat are
ftOQUeatlFSoidatoDe.dollBr or more
- ftsk to see these. Onr Children's
Department eoDtains many other
titrepting bargains tkat you may
by giring it a visit.


__ ____#

d' C. Loveday k sreete _
ban on hk i«tokao.-akarievolx
Coonty Herald. He k wke not to
It «e any one's eke.

¥fhet Editers Bsy.
A Oeman torn to edvmttokg pspW
ok>bto. These garments are not r
CMnmMded to' pec^k who haves
e enough to go b when it raina.-

T)Mt «t«id tto hMd stein «Ve^ W, who.weare
s pair. viii be som to ite npon them-eassi.
uinde from remnauts
of iMi Ute »re mneb better ralne flian nsnally
found ftt tte pries.


buUd«*ia tvliich lo hide its mistakes.The oork leg tfnst to going to raise ‘Tbe tndcr Dog."
It's plAuib fooltohncas to try to In.v
pricee. and be men who has neglected
to get falB eprk leg to np e etamp-— dowa njW for other feUts to- lire l.y

Tke Way to. M»e«Sy.W*r.
Agnes ami Htbei am'te kind
twlna It k dlffleultteltokaittca of the
-family to dkaiigiikh apart-Jn-yare
yeari Old and-a aoum|to debtor

chief <-;:-j8e of a woman’s faith in blni.
man In fall in California waited 18 —“Round .Mtril Bock."
years for trial and ben died. In HtoA woiiuiji wl.o had dlacardnl « idku
Bonri bere have been 48 boodle otmiPS. «
vietlons and not one of be boodlen to em-jtd b:v ever btooTv-“<:or.1
in be penitentiary.—SL Lotos Globe KcUli.”
Tb0M> wlio.! wc most rpwniWc rrDemocrat
be very ours who nm mo« nnio.r'sl
Frofeesor WUeye pokon etmad to to see lbi-m«-Ires rvprodueed.—“Uiagain at be training table.^ It wfll test Daughter First. -.
There to t> tTavity of woidb; th<-.r <3-.- -v
variety oTfood preaemUvea, be­
acend and iirver dUub; bey
ginning wtb atoieylle acid and going og« a stOD?. coin-- laubllog from nborc to
brocA be' BsL When a poison has do an InJcrj-.—"IVrgy b'Nf.iL"
been foond strong-enoMh to kUl be
inic Bln iind sorrow of dp.rporitni U
s«nad be experiments wfil be Hms- not that It dop* not tore men.-bat that
It loree tlu-ui too maeb nnd
penJed.—PtaUadelpbia' Inqnlrer.
them toa.Ilrtie.-'-Roben Browning."
No woman to asnac objects to her
A New York minister declared In
iA ptoplt bat Dowie sneakad into bat boaband-a simple admiradwi to onotber woman, bot when It oomea to
oily- Ihe ooUeoUne box was probably aneber wom.-in bring a factor in hto
eutmaally light to tltot partlotoat life and tboashts.s wife
Bstm Newa.

' atoMkn&tb WM ereoted WelSi^
be Interior was destroyed later
Ore, K was repaired and now the
boOdlng steads a worthy
_ . end to
which he hlmaeU hns been one of the
moat liberal enbaeribere.
inspect be laslde of be poUoe station
Aside Pom be TlsIMe resnlts of hit
> aooommadated readily by stofldac
Ubon. bare remains a rnst amoa
bh White Boom on* the way.faibfnl work done by Rer. Wright
Grand Rapids Post
aad hk wife Jblb will aerei
known nnUl -be books ere opened.*
The only casmdttoa reported from
Then will be rereeled be tiM worth
iM Fnwt’s visit at St Jemeph wm
of brir mtadstiT in Trereree City.
be nlndng of be drop stlteh hotoairr
-U3rand Repld i Herald.
Oganised labor, Bays the Chioago
An eaetein, neirapeper Mseid thnt
Tribune, is (sebig be greatest
I eoon as the present beet soger
erials since be panic of UM; If
semis over 111 of be MhhlMn toM«>
toreeast of its leaders U oorrect. And in which be Havemeyer peoide :
the burden of the strng^e to maintain
the praaent high standard <d pay is
expected to tall oh be .nnskOIed nien. greond of eoona^y in operation. Lo­
-whoae wages are held to have been cal paofde distotoa any kno^adge of
adranced tor oat (tf pioportloo to be any swb Intenbn. but thme to rennon
retee of belr aarrioes.
to beUeve thnt It to not tmUktoy bat
IndieatJapa of r«t-r.:ehffleat are eeen irab wlU he be
OB every hand. The .'sUroads through Oonrier-Herald.
<«t bp ooontry have started .to lay
Off men. be mine opemt
)T Hka Rose Agnes
tapw expensee. and toetortee a«e Had to ColnmhM indk
iBdkna. to to be
nmptoylng rednoed forcen. All big am- married in a fe* weeks to
t ICr. Ootoey
ployteg oonoems are retosUig to grant Dlitt to the sakwHUaee;i; and ibat'a
ai|y torber Inereaset in pny.
more be
wlU take plaoe at
WfaUe expert meehanioa, sneb as be be realdeaoe to behride'e nntoe, Hr.
mathlnleti aad u
Samnel Riven, the knot belM tied by
have been able to ^vaaoe belr pay Rev. Hr. FkW.-eaglnaw BvealBg
only IS per cent, belr helpem are re- News.
ceirtttg-« Or 80 pm oeU more pay
_,bar'toar yaan ago.
U has bean asUim
. theoloneoftbeyenrbe hlgm
k to WBOO.QCO ter «H
eowMSM «< be eoMbr wlE have dto
men, moat
) Uboreca and genwal nUUty
. <Xbls

---- , ^„TsrB«*e lkT<)faeBt
know whether to betave yen ec not '
Moy-ehure. tbot proves orm.'dead.
Yes wndn't date mil ms a Usr IT CM
^nr aloive!—JndgeTRAVIR6E CITY MARKETg.

fZdTper'lb.................... *......................It

Cahhage. per heed .
Celery, per twb boon
Ptoatoea, per bushel .
Fktw a ' '

8ekr Nor Wait Iw Chly Days^

Oora^per bimhel

i^ter you won’t be apt to ^t so good a setecti<»i. This Is
without .donbt the bdst variety of Blankets in t be city.

. 44
1T-* Oo.'absat.

Oeiiy Prebioto.



Hereto a maabat

2?^'-?^....... —ft


Siae 1(M (54x74)

teylnfl wtotT. ^

.............. ........ • n



' Yaa pay for what jaa let

only, the pair ................. -


pair only..... , ----------------



The antege taHway lesney b be
» mine oparatofs 80,000. Gntled Blebn 1* 'twenty-cicht end a
• and teen, etaei ant elf mllea.
I be bnOtong
8t Lotos'atnet nrs have kflkd
esvea pcnoiit a monb dwtog eight
monte to tl^ ysar.
A toinrb recently' dedteatad In Str
Pan] was- eceetod st a eeto to gT^



greetest oqhrteeyV

Bom. good.
Hogs, toogh. -.....................
8^ end heifers. IHht.
Good Steen, LWO the.

the pair for

_ 1 wUIJ


aod ------- ■-'-

Here U a 1*4 ton blanket |

In these, the hmdsomest Plaid
Blanket made, there are Uue and
and white, blaek and white, black
and red, ptok-aod wIhI^ and in the
same grade yon buy ptain white
with pretty border, ail grey or
all aCarlet, and you pay by the
poand, and they weigh from 4 to 6
pounda lor the pair, | AA
Th^ are 104-------- r
1 .UU

The hmt wool blaakets
They are .beauties, -ibe softest wool
blankets inade and the pair ^ S A
^ 1 vl
Batli iftobe KaaKM

So muoh In demnnd tof vBMic
© liBiDJk woh;


iiiineiHiieifi Ato CAPS


■Jtet.tber thing for “bath time**, all
the fab<7 orimu. and tiiey are sG
wum and ooEsfortable, and they
eell hxim, each, $1.25
~ ~
' to________ •___
. ......


Notober storolB be city thowa sndbngread asaortment


QoiHty way wl

W«s w«y

iwtniw a isc. m, TSt ttok. a» a ti».
sot. 75c. KW. tt2S.AA»^ FS.00.
Dm’t fear uatU jsa ten
wf "


104 and they weigi:b 4 pounds a pair.
made ui gray, pink and blue



?W^, to^-»ann and oqptort-




__ _


Tint rtAlfeV «AG1

prRAitciAt fnpMT
Of tti» MichiflM- u«tv«nttr
Pm of irnTME
An Attar. IIML. Oet tL-


T. D. McMMlS

tr KontooB G. Soolo'a UBtua npo**
QBtfMlty flBUOM (or M 7W «nd>
lie ina*. *0 coMlw the tODArint
■Jlie toUl <4. M ----------- ^---------eelTod. inlitdlM nnsl mXi^oalBtlon.
dlslom ua UbonfaHT (M. ««B |1HTM.^ 0( tUa ntnal tSAft nmo
from lookor tew troB Witomui gmnMlUB. nd MOO (ran Butwor -gTOJdb. flom of hit' AtotateMuM



ftw Cite fitoner Sets
III iinniii luBMTIiiiiiilij-efliinnniiirltti

(Oontlnwd Pr«i first Page.)
i , Br
taoatfa for esch Ugfat sad they may be
r. w. caevee'
left burning night and day Jf Ihe -peo­
O. P. Carver « Bro.
TteBtas.'iaa. to ft a hwm.
ple of the honae do oot vut to take
Ue trodhle of tmlag ttm oat For
henttng siorsa the prtos pf M
II per month from Number l to
Hay 1 and doling say otter months in
the year one may Ught tte gw tt the
T*>* WtaOmK
wwther U chlUy, wlttoot cost
The entire popolitfoh «
Total Mien. tSOAWJO; n«la*v- tian of.oouptiy are “erasy’ or* the
iBi txiiuinc. tn.06a.i0; fiNi. no. oU floeetloii. aooordlng to Hr. MoHaitnM; repiln. M4UA8: Ugbdis
ditt'^ia and dasbnd
thwe are a gtsat nnmbi
down Into the taping flsines. There
|2,«».e0; poMco. aiAlTJO; ««•
who have, moved into
wss pemethlng so pathetic entl lenrty
~Ufco advpotSM et
menoemrat ospraMO, TM.t^
aboot the little flgnre In the Are Hglit
oonntry teom Aihiasas who
one another ibrhugb that be went to bee qnlefctyThe oooaoqiy eserdwd lo theoe «x- living tn tanto both •owner and wtetreat me appeodltnrw Is deemed
_iTlease say the game Is mine,
It Is not a ooontiT to wMtt
begged end held out Ms bands.
The Mercantile cenuMny feMiveS a when compared with thaw of other working men sboidd go. however, tor
Isriuki.tL “W.-J.' r.-:
Rhe swnyed for s moment as tt
rarlwd each of cement, sewer'pipe insUcntlotts of like s'ise. The pnm of only four men are neceassiy to ran a
see th»t
she wonid fall and then toned and
ttS7A16.» Is in the treaamWs hands pumping. ouUlt, two ter a day ablft-nnd
aod Tlnegar todajr.
How coiilil-#; e put both her Uttie hands In Us.
Min Sarah J. Miller has returned In the tenn of tnut funds.
for a night shift, while one pimp­
"Wrtl. yes." she saU. smiling ttareogh
fruDi ('rankfort where she has been
her man. -Yen bsve won. Don, Only
ing Btathm operates 20 or more wells
to-year, other neigh- please dont go to South Afiiea.*
the last two months\^
and the endues are nm with gas.
l_ M. Bennett and sen Don. havo re.
That there Is plenty of money dianglumed from a visit to Detroit and it New
Numbers Ten Millions of Ing bands isjevidonced by the foot that
oihpc soothenl Mlt^lsaa points.
The quot for things aaGqoe has led
there are Ove banks W the town of
.i systematic /orgety and Imltatioo os
j. L. Donnelly, a traveling man. was
London. OcC 2L—A Beiiln dispatok’ 8W0 popalaUon and every one of tt«i
the partof dealers. Paris U the great
In the city today calllsii on friends
> the Dally C^ronlde says that Prof. is doing a fine brfslness. As a sample
of this deceitful lodustiy.
He has recently evened a hotel it
Haman. <4 Basel, has wrtttmi a re- of what the oil boom Is doing tor those
tte Nation. There has been discoAlba, pladas hts wife in oharpe.'
youiiT widen- on his
maritable IrUde on the prewnt geo- who have land whK* they bavo lsaoin tte suburbs a thriving factory for
Ian uffiehed with wanThe
of Mat* fof **>• Hl«h MPhleal dlBtribntlon of the .Hebrew ed to the prombteis. Is the ease of one
hbricattoo of Egyptian mummlea.
to tbp dlgsertailun of
school iectnre oooree wUl not t^e
I and alL There are shipped tt
man who has 40 acres near Ohannte.
OB tte delights of
place until 8 ololock Thnsday erenlns,
Bgypt and in due time retprn as prre>Haman. ^o is a leading anthorlty On hlB 40 acrea there are nearly 71
in order to bI'c clmti ttme to set
1 this sahjeet. says tlm Hebrews now wells and one of them has a Bow <8
between tto- widow erty antiquated dlsMverlee.
A funny story Is now cunent aboot a
there and also theee who attata pray­ number ahont ten tbHItm of whom 160 bareU per day vriiUe the rest are
most frivok-ttA. x*o
er meeting.
tears coming to bet coUector of medlmval ttinga A. ceraettve. The farmer recetres
good twerthirds .are settled in EtaIt waa reported to the polloe laet rope.
fair to treat her kx taln.dever workman In stone mads to
one-sixth of the proceeds end as the
tte order of a dealer in msdlEval annisht that there were a ooople of
laala contains SAOO.OOO. Austria- rew oil seltt for a lltUe over *i per
riquitia a Venetian dhlmueypleoe of
tonied bis back on
youns womoi dWn the street who Hungary lASO.OOO, Oeratany UfOOD. barrel, he renlUea about MO a day
aettee It She bated the flftee&th centuiy and received ter
wrrt rather too giy ter their health. Roumaala fOO.m. and Great Britain from the one well. Another mao in
bis work some two or three tbonsand
Officer Grayson gathered the girts la 200,000.
Cbanote. bas Just erected a fine threeftancs. The dealer shipped tte riilmbut they were let go again after be­
nayplece to Italy and had It ret up In a
Next to Borope cornea the DnlteJ story opei* bouse-with space tor three
ing taken to poHee heed<iBarton. as States with 1.000,000.
stores oo the Orst floor, and U has
many drire these grays of Msce nar Vretce. bringlQg back
It was a qneetioD as* to i^rtk was
Faria pbotographs of tbe palace and
Asia, the orlglna] home of the race, been ooly about 18 months slnoe M
gayest, the girts or ftte ymmg
the relu in my bends
was strack.
oontalns 260.000, Africa 270.000
who hsd complained of them.
i*t driven good bum for of three t^toenphs be aroused tbe
AnstialU 17.000.
pMple are afrntd to let inttrwt of a rich collector, wbo eent
Haman beiievee that more than, bU eecretaty to Venice to i
f trj.;M y,ni know I can dri
FaDoy Kemhle is reoiembersd by oM dost
10 Hebrews embraced Christianity
Ti'ineiuber «v..r the pbotogmphs did not He. and
PUIadeldnring the nlneteentti eentory.
u a«ci% tt«re-goed Old d^ys. h
FHghterHM Owner DMo't Knew What
phis a»« snperh lioiaewoman. She bad we» used
uM le
|e ge eglnning
eplnning oot to
n flery temper, which maotoed ttst of Country 4*
to Do Wlte the Carcasses.
tm hre reke
her husband. Pierre BnUcr, and speed­ Amppnd. atld Nan beard no more.
Boyne Falls. Mlrti.^ Oct. 21.—P. W.
sent for tome worfcrolir^to epen tte
ily brenght about one of the most noted
Harmen. of Sprlngvale. new here, was
Ob. 4f mr ArcUe or Dick «r Mah caaea One of them appated to Urn
divorce trials reported In tte law-books- ^liD werAwat ker. wouldn't Bbe siibw to go about tte
the possessor of two cows, which, had U. of M. -Boys Will W«v Nsw Armoi In her.youili she was remarkably bren1 Witt tbe man.
Don biri^Btle she- rered? But tbU tpd be
they lived after a strange experience,
Aflslnst Mlimseota.
Oful. and In the reir of Juliet she
Iona oonld hardly be ____________ 1: -Have no tear. sir. I
would no doubt have been a valoahle
Ana Arbor. Mich.. Oet. 21.—A nev
personUicaGon of dsisUng lo
his nttoa^ -ftom Ma know fust bow tt needs to be opened,
srquisirioB to the aaarrtiists.
set of togs’'bss been oAerd for Hitti- nem. She was noted for bar keen wire
Sbe tatted exrit- -for X patted It when It left Paris.'*
These cows aoddentally
gan in preparation for the HlnnesoU of wtt even In the days of her old age.
some Cboloe sUeha of dynainne. gams; The soils nre an Innovatkm at Ooce when au ImperUnent street ivaoildMd 4>er a
ger stepped iq) to lire while she Wai
Sniffing It, they proceeded to oat it HlSilgan. being, in fact, a tacki<
i. hnd never seen her
looking to tte window of s bricp btae
with a relish. Their grinding teUeJ armor. Barti salt Is In one plei
atom and mM. "Are you fond of anto set It oC. but on the fbOowing day wide gttdle of elastic’ woven oord tlquitlwr Mrs...Kemb*e qulcWy
Giey left ttiU worid. Their
atxMU tte wahrt secures perfect lit piimed her cell aad,.^tt«lo» -■»
afraid to aell their ca^
and freedom of moUon.
mao beriigod.Csra (tte was
tannery and cooW .not ladnce himself
The new garm,ents closely resemble aoly«irreL aMwd. -Am yooS
- ^iSe^ Ad walDM redpto take
tbe’Udea f<w fear of rM- anny kbakL They are snug Shodt t^
4ng blmsdf as well as thrtr bHm. He neck and sles t. makiag Is 1)
•rtfk mod." tte It
burled them so deep that even a plow- for a taeUer to W s hand grip. 'Tnta
point cannot make an es^oskm of-the Hldiigaa meela .Mlnnshe^' tte''red*
a for plain beans. I can’t ret
WIV tte Oophere «an eteoUvnly stop a tte boom- of kalghihand "Tbe-.QMM
man like Heston Is by a diving tackle
dish wss removed, and after
Old MMofi NsM.
at the knees or lower.
■tenting to tShat a few mlsota wlA a
amp.’' 'Dmh n-ns QOite «ble. however,
Old MissloB. mU±.. Oot-tl.—The
young man with a aearlet tie abe re­
to hoM bis own. snd be punitted M
Rev. and His. Heath wit) oeespy the
turned. "ffirfa your beanB." abe re­
wits yben iliry come to make ttrtr
parsonage this eoaforenoe ya
marked. and after a thoatttAl n»THEATRICAL NOTEh.
mnideo spreclics bef.-re blm.- “PriiOne thoosand bamte of sdvise went
ment, while still eying tbe scariet-tlA
r at ibi- iur.'' hr i>are oald to an
on' the lUinoU Satnrday. There will
opiinniv wretrti on whore behalf
•TJefs are; you wanted pto-hnttlebe more for tte neat trip.
Infant nrtvocate hsd been fettly
Two ibouBud seven hundred acton
A few loads of potatoaa have been and aoti-eaem are In New York wMtIng urging ■•.•xlonuatlag riroiimilanca.”
“No, apple.”
shipped from here. The potato seawm
ingngemreU. On tbe Rialto there ■■cveryUJng lltat your counsel ha« saif)'
na.nghas not started yet
lucfa weary strutting:; tte outer.
niece was anotter longer watt, a
■ihe new teatter Is gtviag good saUs. oBere of the maMdera are crowded gravallou of your offenre."
stm imgre aoJouA in tte eBtrandag
faction and we think he win be muster
hungry Bmnlete and footoore
Bsighboilwod of the aearist tie. Thre
ni tlM stUiatloB.
Opheilaa, and many a Borneo ajod
The IndufttrlouB man-'tto plalh..evSome orchards are neariy flnbdied Juliri down there 1^ quit bothering orfOoi kind, we mean-gets to his
and yet there are lots of apples to pick.
the goarrels of' the CapuleU and •work early.' Three txmni >«ter tbe num
Ur. VollenveUer. who has-been to
agnre and are wondering what of oiarkcO executive nbllity drops In to
that the luduMrious uiou keeps
his boate ter a few days, is expected
Itama U ooknlng to and how hmg
home today.
VoUenveider has the landlady will be Dkely to Usten u Steadily at wort. If everything Is go^
V wen Hu- man of marked csecutive
hooght a'nBBber of orchards In this reason. These 2.7M stage tgvorites, lagw.
are tomstovs of «SA
wbo, owing to strikes on new theatere,
for a display of liU peculiar
nehZBkea IB OM tt Ae are n
dalayta repairs to'otbres,
attoi tt old. and it aU Aewtodre
^aUUea. If everything to goltig lU tbe
about its wondsosttM
tug in “the proteaalon." and for a va­ mao of marked ezsenttve abUilji quit*
tne It oveahadowed the mpmt v
riety of aJdHInnal reasons are ont of at onoe In order ihst his npottUM
d by his prrematt as tte latter does tbe commea
: wurlc bars in the past been in the hab­ may not be c
garter maka. Daadetore-deeteres that
it of draarlng mlartre ranging bom enee.-Bostoo TTni
ttto mtotoo gtoat caored ddai waves
Cass City—Aooordlag to a telegram' MOO dowa to MO a week. No doubt
by BweDowtng a goodly part tt As
A Stove (o Helked.
from Ogden. Utah. Boy Hfltt, sc
some of them might have gone out’' A medical mwctoltot wn» very matt
watma-tt tbe ooean and then beicliUg
U. W. unu of ttU pUoe wns found Witt •'Bast Lynne" and “TJntoe Toa” tn tbe habit of using a notebook to as­
Aem out again. Be atoo mphre menshot'dead. Boy went west last year oompanlM, but. true to ttrir art, they sist bto oaemory and insuiv prediMMm of the fact that Ja gigantic bony
Beak waa often mtotakre for mountala
ooaslder It nobler W starve'than'to
rerw of Onie It bappebod that bto
(or bis health.
fatt^ died. Tbe wortby dsetor
peaks stadealy shoved into atttt by
to such -vnakrehlfta. Also ft
At tetteBai emvatolens oftbe earth.
nled tbe obsequia os chief ISOHIBCovert—Hiehael Sivar. aged 72. pro­
BMtop PmtDppIdan. a tratbfal
prietor of the Tfaukler mountain reMar Of tte Ooprnhsgen royal acaoemy,
obeerved to take out hla ndtobook
shops and oo the street car llMS of
to mutt mote eouaerrative tn bto eoG.. cerefully to ernre tbe wonto
New TdHt. and U tbe ladles -were to ttscy rntber.''—Seottlab Anieriren.
mntm tt tta Mae. giving it aa btotplnapply at tte IntelUgence oOcea we
ukre wltb-suleidal intent.
tea that ttay were seldom found mma
-quite anre that- they could And
Aaa "tbe half of an Itattan mile la
moment later alpae
IregA and not Ueget In dtometre than
■^Irela—Maryette BM. nsed U years, places Witt little or no delay. But It
Umry with ^ttoe.
tbe eattedral at The Hague."
and Mr. RoUnson. a Sfr-yeareNd tm- isn't likely that they win deeoM
Judge as be concluded bto ttgfge. -it
Be atoo aaye that la bqdy
er. had planited to elope and get mar­ such means of earning their^ living. tbe evidencB shows in ymr mlndi ttst
gueotly mtotakre by sallon ter an isried at Detroit The girl did not go Once nn actor, always an aetor.
pneniponla even indirectly wss tfie
tead. *%> that people laaded upon tt
home Monday nigbt but remaliitt
New Tout to are n good -wtoito . .'canee of tbe man’s drett tte prtoooer
and were engatted In a marirtrom of
down town to take tbe mofnlng ti^n. sort. Tbe wind howto feufally thros* cMinotbeeonslctaa.- •
-water vttre tbe oreture oufc to tta
r Broadway along About tte be­
Aa bear later a messesger <
He*-, brothre notUed the pe#oe that
huMre ac—n dso." OtteT anttotlttos
he thought she was Utendtng to run ginning of Fehranr^aad tge aetor or gfom the Jury room.
tastlty that tto brek tren tbe- eyre to
Aepoiat -wn louger than tbe mota.pway, team borne and offloers eauMt aetrern who hitogs
'taera from ' •Tbe gantieaen tt As Julr.
ttamamtt-war.* . •
how unto Ant YUMhwUBig ter a lord." heaald, -desfte Infonnattoa.
her a tte depot
"Op what point tt evEtoncer
ehame to he sent out on' tteYoad wtB
«N0B^ your hmor; but Aqr want to
not be a pereon to envy?'
kmnr bow tg. spell pnetononla,*'-‘-DeBIto kalrer wIB bunt a regBe on As
Youag men and glris who are
- ■ ----------- - fa the river
terday morning when Walter Wrtoh. loos to-win terns and get moMT e
aged 48. was teuM In a wsB on hli by going npon tte stage wQl do well
WMa-I dreamed last Ught -Aa^‘l
farmrOie had here mlaiing since Fri- to think of the 2,700 aotora and aetrrerea now stranded In X6ew York. A was to a store that was fell of Ae
tortotast bonnets and'
lltUe thonght on tte subleet BST nalB
Baahand ttaatny)-est Aat wtar*oa
Wayne-After reUtrnlng home tram
Ir AAnM, my drer.
' •
________ »4n the amy. was
aquiteol hnnai«,HaRr,thoUyes
yrere » newrtioy to Hba
Wtte-X fcrew Aat tMtore 1 wjkA'ta.
am at John Relmaq of Mifaidn town­
taeaw yaa hmgbt ma tti WBIH
ship. started to elean his gun, (oegew
BUaPaesa_________ i)c.B. TOM LvBre. Xtottegnar tt!
Uag that It was loaded. Re -toMed
.oalMreT tt the GttvecMty tt Bertia
BtaetAL BcrrtsRr biscOMMNb
Owen's MW romantic
Biiqwtod Ae *ftl4h *tt«lw*i**l
Looto XI. Was Ktog.’V^fa whieh he wip
BaHwiii Diuglare entered and se­
MOB at Btotobregto'Grand oj>vo
tear mtm^ of Unitod Btetoa nativcured M08 worth of goods from the
m aa aof Vkiday. Oetobw H '
—re tiiaiiii~ be
19. atereg them Johb Atoritoa.
geswa] store of n
k Mtal taad ttteetiva. It to <
aWett debater in that body, r
PMd latgaly tt old Goottt, Gattle aad
setretazy Habert G. DM tt the
VMtt airs anugM
Arthnt .Moitttob embresy at Wate^
OreMX. an
cmiMd tern) a trip to l^bd.
Mskre « Clresi Bwwp.
IM Briynii-,
ah IMBan.-

BAH^is ^altawt




Fri*iy Night.
October 23nl
WMta fttlBujHEMI

J. W. McConneU

A Rtiriing Talc 6t I.ove.'latrlgneaad Adventure MaglyProdneed.Gorreoaaiiaed.. The Most Soc
coaful Play of theYi


nices: 35, 50,1^ p.(S.
Seats BOW on sale at tbe
box ttBoe. CiUseaa' Tele­
phone 118.




in lyt Goods!

Here are some speoiai thiiigB from our Knit
Goods Department that peThaps you may not
. have known we carried.
You will find our assortment of these to be
the largest and beet to be found in the city, 'i^e
wish in particular to call yonr attention to the
CSxildren’s Knit Skirts, they are something new
uid are being.appreciated by mothers who have
seen them; they are for ages 6 to 10 years.
AiUdreDh Knit Skirte, fancy
LadiM' Snit BUrts. 2S rente
Intenth Knit Jattete. 85 rente
CblUreahKait Drewsn $ti laggtoa <lombiiiad. 85e
fttdna»c« and KMt bTwnldor Capes; » rente




•-. •

StoeWf Capa » orela
Koit Hooda. 28 rents




7Se ib .
Silk Hoods

.......... 1.25
.. X ; 1.00

Tam O Shmtein. 50e, 7i-c
Onting Flannel Night Gownfc 5(

Tbe stock of these is' very complete, with
plenty of choice as to color and style of making.




; ;





■ftm wiH tind rabr^fa.iB- les^«™
in a poor Boar, thon in any otter thing
weknowofc Therefore when bnying ’
tt»’t atop atort of the ‘-BEST." ; _
llamifaehired by





•nit hiylnfl





OUMd «• Om> MTMt to4w.
Aem, t» Of. ■!•« Mr*. Win- H.
Loekhnrt iMt erwlnc, n l&9Q«iUt bar.
. .Wthlrd «r Mw MflM of pvtiM t*.
b« dTOB br ^ Bk* «U1 ooan t»
. Jwtnar Mwvtn Mt m th* ct«M thl«
----------- ---------------1^4.. Be hM
«Bter«J OB.hlc tatiw tod>r
H. B. BtiMis. MR W
- - to tte
alaoiito raiHrar pralKA, la ooMtoA to
•rrire to
Mra. E. T. Evaiw and ohtM «f Elm­
wood atanna retimad thla wm Oom
at BaalA ^th bar pannto. '
7^ oM fral^t abed of tha Para
.Maraaatte la btonc mbrad today to
Join oo the end of the freight ahed |Oil
Hon. X H. Rabarto a^ wHa and
Mre. Tramhall,
Mngnec. mra.
throng toa cltT today on thalr way
to C^cago.
Mra. F. H. Baranm and Mrs. I- W.
Ttokham will glra a niilluir enebn
party Friday nl^t at tha tottar’a radt
denca at S02 Webstar street
There *»«< be a meaUog of the UO.
G. T. lodge tonl^l for the porpooe of
delegatee to the district conTSdUML
There was a large sttandanaa of
friends at the funeral thU afternoon of
Ura. Ruth Miner whldi wae held tram
the MethodNt church at Monroe Can-

fir teMKlm OMk na nils da^.'
MMMktoC she shtttk him to
tff fhs ann. '^t »a.catto7m-K
wairabserte^ -Oast ,«>Hxt Mf toe
tralat OoaUn’t we get ^w*y tf tbe thutoey knew bm to dpsrt making
BWWM stEosts to attain happh
cars didn’t bold oibackr
rt gMcaty achieving Impalnd bss
tamd a gtomlaal gtaaeg't
r-ygv have haalto and moaay yon osn
fiv.' "Oat c« p» -ttupr be he
^^I Bvylyn'was not to be diasnaded. "nerc an baadwRi sfi ^eopls* t
boy ptaasoM. bn-eajcffnMnUs
“Write met OK
toe oroer.
orde?. licsrer,
Lester,” sue
she com;
eoui; DMA. Tbon aseEMtiMaCiAt
£SisrsBt arUdth smd evsB whoa yi
_ "Whit la tbe good of being WooMJt par tn aaMMik&
'havo got enjoymeht hanttness may
lOghtm m'. B man who owns a
Abe was sBmwsd uM^SmtosA bat fldU Slade yon., Pleasnre psUs and
railroad end.tbe sUter of a boy who
thinfc. be owns toe Bitter Creek dl '
By yleMs to wssilimau bot yon 4
sk>D If T can’t ride ui the cstr’
t blow «« atlSiae ea pit tbed of hatng bappyi shd yon
••But Jtoi i.cstraage".. and tbs Megmsttte and be over sotond art be ham sdU.
•'Ur. Uidruiige Js nothing wbaterer
Hapidness is a state of saUstsc
pC noltof M tber bnd «
to me. -Meivly bmraae we used to of eoaetam, and that wWte wMl of wa-'' Oas nason why R It 00 Morive may bo
kuoo- bloi when ere wme children tar was earning fotturiaA^Aitas.
[ to Mtoettoc R emailbsGaaae we htunan asatuise an a
makes no difference. He Is only
Ante tram c
jtUosrioo of body, mtod art wMt
fwm toe art refiUn for oar complete nristao"Umupb: 'Uember When be and yM sssL with n shriek.:
ttoaajiarttol^ nice.......................
tir OMurtr ca«rk Wmltar «*■; Ju.
B. lUrvto. 10 Wdl H. Oourtode 4.
i n pi
oood toe imr. B» abcht
Oanaoe U. Bom t. Bobt B. Knnpp
___ .me t'beese tluit mother bad sent
ted btf bedOy hs^ von toe
I ud Suld B. P»dAeB L nia omyou to tbe store for. Brie?
sost “Stayr where

y|« nraT he edm- caWvats tbe mind toe body may break
mittee on bsliatosi ud croads w»s
you-were about five then, weren'tyonf
oisi^, art s^ tmistUiig down,- and ttwe bestow all «or atteoBran antborttr to
the tonltor
Evylyn's Khmce wpuld have withered
tlM <m mlrt and body, too Mdrit, ^
anybody but uo older - brotber. Bbe toe tidal ware btolnS. Mnnfi smIMK
to Uw erept of aotfact of dnt^ or other
abert.berUpinflaa^~ofV '
addressJotfOable ewiae Bad tamiibi«rllr BPnit so to
0(1 to the otisliieor of tbe western spe­ nhgfy for speech:-litorty to
«otot a neo^.
art dlTMt «or aowta as to
cial, bor bead in tbe air and a deepened life brt orsr toudirt^ar spctos ««
all toe Atinsnds of oar tripOcolor In ber^>»fc.
sate natpreo that tbe stabler way Is
Tbe fact that Jim Lestrsnga had
to ragfifd hspplnese as a byproduct,
playmate of her extrune yonth did
gttoowar all direct attempts to segaln
•aUHno Baerataiy Of the Odd Fata coastnpt supply of It and rimidy acSoddenly toe
• werer mm* of
e go aboot oar bosiDsat with
Bagtoaw, Kich.. Oct n.-Mtakagon
A number of mambera of the Trav­
e as we cak We can
wlU be atfaetad at tba sext place of erse Bay Seiring tircle drove over to
nnrt of tboT citarilaenent ber interest
r bodies In fair rspstr
laaiitlaT for the atata gnad lodn L Dk Bapldi toU monlng itoera -th« in JlQi bud osiplrcd.
O. O. P. oaoen will be tfaetad tola wUl spend the day ae ^eata of Mrs.
In fiict. soon* after .that fatetol day
tbe Grantbiims liad gone east Only
minds and bodies, too,
A plaaatog toddaat waa tba praPetoskey high aohacl faetoall taam during vlslte to tbe town of ber birth
tUB that N Bsoally who
ii)vylyn bear of Jim. Tbe Oran- fallen tram tot
oartatlna to Bdwto E. WUtMr, the re- VrilUnot play here next Satnrday as
rim disdpUne of woik done, as It nswltirtog giaad eacretarr. cf Lotftog. el expected. b«t on toe otoer hand toe tluims n-ont itp tbe eoclal and financial
Am tirversad Bm.
ecQle by leuiis aud bounds,
loenl bore wlU probably go to the Ea- strange, willi n pair of strong hands tyn’a dogudr " "
Bot aha was
sorf City for tba first game.
and some, bruins. LmL to Evylyn’s scarcely had
Harry Langwmrthy, night eparatar mind. scaixTly risen at aU.
d <«ca to tola dty. at the WllHaiMbnrg atnUon of toe
Certeinty tlic aooty faced fellow in a
Para Marqnette road, returned to
renay cap and overalls
UDSbnrg today attar a coo^e Of pass wlieu abe roacbod
days at his home In this <dty.
Mary E. Adams of MayflaM died
y Nine Woricmea an Letglnp Train Ware
oaerheard to aey too other day, says
laet night of rtoronic broaehUia at.tbe ion of ber o.isietn fritodaT And to her
the Ohisago Trlbnoe, after an boor’s
Klllad. '
strict attsntiop to tbe new*: *^he mett
Port Worth, Tana, Oct 22.—A log- age of 6l year*. The fimaral 'wUl mind bis "Good morning. Ulas Brie,"
of a big dally Is tbe
offriiKiN-t-ly r.iulillar. Bbe stented
gtog train with 20 or more can on toe
Xost pnd Foort: eolamn. Some peothe Mattoett atooidhoaaa.
Mn. oboard the in.uUug h
^ look at tbe wiwting news, other*
iiiid beat
eartiiy wlabing abe
railroad, plnagad oaer a dedlrlty to Adams U a sister of Mn. Tlioe. Matchtor
marttagea bot Nat
bad not (.oiui'.
the momMatoa toat Tanadar, ktolng elt of Mayfield, aad a pkmaer.
sitiries and other rewards are my psrBut WliRi t
Unera Colenwn, toe elght^aar«W
ntea wwkmea aad wraektog toe locattOBlar fancy. If yon stndy these Tosts’
gldt of when sto- went back!
AOdva aad eotlre train which got bayea sriU have a wetty fair ides of your
Cdeman of Boyd avenoe, died yeatm^ crack filer of tbe totter Creefc-dlrision
tsDow emtares' common eenae and
. road enwtnd of the oew.
waa becoming popular. Some of ber
day afternoon of paritonltla. The fn- Mauls bad been tbrougfa tbe 'ranyen
sir ahtl^ to hold on to vrtut brisnv
to toem. Sooner or Uto-tbe honsshoe
narml wiU be held tomorrow aftanoon
' wen its marveli from tbe windows
^nas rt wtto the hat ptn, and toe
at 2 o’clock from tha ratodenoe.
parlor csr. bat no girl to ber mt
McMt« at toa^OatraK
~ tom.' the towns gnaidlng tbs
and ettt of toe mnyoa. is tbs
Sstreit, MitoZ'OH. 2L—EBa (tofia- .Bt. lonto. -W. 4M.' Ki^BMemn
ttop lAmA Infirwasil ita meoMMbto wrHoee-fbr tbe dmd wenMd this oaborbig-Mg^-Bhie.
"Ton better sit over on this side,
by 101.782. of whtob 8C.OOO mma to by
. to’ the old Csthedfsl and aD
protoaatoB «( faith. One hundnad had that was mortal of AnB^dtolp iolin d. miss." tbe fireosn said rei|)«<tfBllr.
twenty-firg dmrtoca were ngnntoad
moaoning to ids-owo side of .toe csb,.
stoee tost rqiort. The total member­ Kaln, was otmslgned to rAi to Oal- But Utes Bvylya fiioagbt him dffickias
ship to the ttolted States la IJSMn. vary cemetery. Cardinsl Gibbons cele. and crept in behind the lever anA
“Tbs tewnris oSood tor mlsNiig
Abont 81.0M reside outside of thU bratod solemn pontlfl^ teqniem SQuecsed Into tbe englneef’a seat.' Bite
ncs indlsato rirtr vatoe to toa losooratry. me dmrth baa 18 ooUeges
Some are gtoto
sermon waa preached by
ethers ntolesBly BO, M a savliig <
AtchUahop Kean of Dabaqoe.
laconic Vo qnesnons aakrt
considered it a personal affront wbni
1 toel the <nae Is traly
Jim Lcrirtiiure ewaug himself aboard
Today’s Martesto.
art toe watto
art locket mw^
Detroit,'MtolL. OlBL 2L—December and stepped up In front of ber. ot>T. Yawtg RtUras From Firm of Stan­
elrcamwheat 86^; M& 2 red. 87; No. 8 com, Btrnctlnfc ber view of toe landscape
ley A Young.
•tonma *nM Udy irtw was seen to
tram tbe front window of tbe cab.
47: No. 8 white oats. 89.
BtoMay A Tonag of West Front
pito IV.’ ate- Is another thrilUiig inUnder bis right fitting jersey sbe
Toledo—Wheat October 84li; De­
ptene* Sfa loeerY detertr. for -too
. Mraet bnve dissolved partnertoip, Mr.
sow tbe muscles of bis abouMeis and
efasneea are tt Is moe snppcMDon.'mnd
/Tonng reUrteg Dorn toe firm. U
arms sIlrTiari: ami forth—like toe coa■eah »%: tractlDg of the tiger’s tendons Under
too tady pliAed nranytotog. Nowand
Stanley wOl canttone toe bnatoess
May.78%;-S>eoetoberoam,42%: Mar, ite tawny hide-when be stretched bis
than it Is a yellow heeded parrot that
with toe aaslstance of hit aim who wlU
42H; December gate, 85%; May, 8«%: left hand bark to eei«e the lever. He
goes astray to vary the cndlese variety
I City aad his
of dogs whose owners pobllely sorrow
October pork, 8U: toifi. tdfiO; ribe, waited. glan'clDg aiteaA for toe contor torir loss. Aboot tbls live artide
doctoito signal. Tbere
88.60. .
tosie la always a *enje of tragedy, and
Chicago—Potatoes, 60 to 68
what I note a Toond doT to toe Utt 1
d olr signal "tpir
Of^ Rapldp—Potatoes want back
mentsHy oongratnlate whoever had the
overhead. Instantly tbe band on tl
Major Oehnar Qlven a Beating at to tte old range of 40 to 60 omits, lever tightened. There was scarcely
kind thought to advertise It art thus
. at toe necessity jar at Ninety-nine, taking deep breaths,
to put an end to tbs anxiety to Its
MsmMds, Team, O f 8L-rlB »Mro of inking such poor stock ss U «vnD- pulled ont of toe Logger station.
There Is little to tbe Bitter Creek
straight heats 7esU.^toy atteraoco IM sble these days. No bope is hdd ont
DOlon gave Major Delmar a doctolTe
but It certainly awes than.' Sbeer
bsattog to toe mattogd race to wagoas
bU good fortone to plcktog up some ■walls rise ^ high that only foh
Both heats were trotted -to t:04%
k, a month or ao ago, at boor St tuhldny to to* boMom of the
ifessn. BUUngs and
to Ballybonion.
•oded with SD
65 cents and sMd he worUdnT eeU any this tlie single, track
ed on toe back tor toe first heM.
for three IwarB to Ua htUe garden
hlh..fe^lng. today, Ux 76, weaves its way. eromlng End recrD»
when Bridget eame to the hack door
tog tbe whitened torrait-npon trestleTraverse CUy-r^>otatoea. 40 cents. work. Around these pnea the-water by boto nOMoos
and folvc egg*.”
BilNsh Ship Milton Batonglng to One or two loads brooght 46 cent
.................—-• 8L Paul’s on' Terence dreppod hts wade to
down tbe obstructions man has pi
Ueyda Mlarinp.
■hffltnt and ran Into toe kUrtca.
In Ita path.
Loadoa, OcL 21.-^ dlspstoh from
Bridget, aisnash. pYn only

‘ have cbosen a pleamntthe Uoyds aasMiBeea «W less of the
<nM NlAtcCs frdi .
ooddln’ me.’’ be said.
er day for yonr
/-'BriUsh ship MOtoa PMA, whlto saO- Is said by ttaveim In tropical lands •aid caeually. ’"Itia-been raining tl
“Nay. Teience,- replied Bridget “Itto
sd tram liTsrpooi on Marto^l last to be eaoogta to affect tbe strmigest
]»t ye. it's the oaybonOrmcnddto'rboefea art
tor Fremantle.. Her mew of 24 are be- nerres. Tsa to eleven toebet is toe
Dmden Teiegwhaverage length. aHhoo^ larger
■eved to have been drowned.
more of H before long The eanyen oasasthat
have been aeen. Ufeadto Hearn, to will be dark.”
In latrr l..
___ —.------------‘TTwo Teers to tl^ Prento West In­
r« toe first to brtaff
Bbe eat aUlBy sprlght to ber coma aiy" was h«iw>rtb.» ordw of towksoss
dies” sayi tost toe ritallty of tbe of toe narrbw seat and made ne r^ly. of rammims
assertion of divine
tert MUaer biai aeSed toom Lovres- centipede le amastog. Be kept one
Bat <hc niln caibe erg toe western right In tovor rt ramm L. art **Iha
00 Msrqoes. Sowtb AMcs for Eng- to a bottle, without food m water, for
special pikfged Into the glooin of toe King's Book of feorlF’ met wlto a aim- aboort with fosaOs whlrt rtow that
fourteen weeks, at tbe end of wlilCh gorge. Jim reached behind ber and Osr tot'haods of the Paritsni
gU over Amertime St remalnert ea active and «an- slmt tbe . sliding pane to shield bar InldflL
.’ It
gmooe as ever. Tbe ben attacks toe from aiff chance gust In doing so
Ahoatawrtv Uter De Foe> “Sbgst- ______ __________
centipede with deiigbt and often swal- tbe eleeve of hto Jersey touched her
horses to Ammlcs whw tbs first Boralows them, bead first., witboto taking BboaMer and alic abrank aaide. bot be
pmns <mmo Uthsr.-Joha GOiteBpert
Winism Dnrsn^ 87 yean of age, tbetroobletoknitbeffi. ThecatN
whs sntoject to In Oentniy.
^med ntterly uncomciotu.
has been connected with tbs Boston
U earetol never to pst
Tbe trstn mreptlnto tbe ctnyon and rite was tn^ intokrart^^to In
TkanamliR nmriy ssvmsy ysais.'
toem. Bbe has s trick at ped over toe gitoteeing raile Hhs.«
mas th* Hisnt,
Tbs snltsn of Tnrbsy has toAlddm wtdrilng him roand and rannd npofftoid me." SBlfi too yoang man
ps^ to Ito empire fnaiiafatog tosb toa floor BO gntefcly as to SCspsfy him; ^ eyed serpent. It wsadark and tbe
who hrt cteksultod n toctana trilsr,
'glri ihivered. SnnxMe tbe angty creek
tbm>, when ttte sees a good ^ancs Tbould WITIK* f eo
r some portion of toe
“that I was honi to command."
—' —-v—* rw—- she Strikes him deed with her tosrp *“tleworkl Sbe
hoass; ho
- In an Ikrtlto
--------------Waa • wear sxelalmrt BMVsek.
Bbe only breathed wito
nsMc to the pobllc
bot he eaatod “She rawM riwn that you wJD nsTerfel
- n the train-waa upon the was not a hrt Mk>w.
d. O, has resigned,
tiflMQM* Dsyona
aoUd todges of rock, which had bean
one of toe ssrileat
ctrsed out of tbe cUffo by toe water tbsposMUeioiiit. .tost be got Um•rtf
Atosn me* oald
LMdFaanttaMr' galaxy,
^ beforv.
Soddenly the tborel MI from (be
cento per copy wiU Hose U
A Oonnectient gtri. Flonwe Mary
Oranan’e bands, ringing kgsln upon toe
FHefa. has rccMyed a doctor’p degree
•IVhat Is a coafBsMSBr
tom ramtog-board. He rasebed ov^
with honors froa'Berito nnlritsity.
toook Jim Lettrange by to. arm.
Dniem osUed vpos’by oar leprmin
Bvylyn inrned also, for tbe man’s
Tim statau ofTurkey employs fifteen taUro, Mr. B. M. Waahbnraa. pay ttt
•*s« was white nnder tbe grime of toe
seetetorles eeperisUy to tfinilste for
omf.dosf. Hejiolated behind
.him toe best hlsbclcsl. pMlUcal and
ha gmey have been vtoUmlnd Iff wbQS tbe day^t was ftat fedlimst
jE Ompstsmd getting cAeap work
mads wfto too toe^jest warp. We are toe'^trsim of tbe Csnyon. But she,
Itow iBims to makn Its votariss suwhat had startled toe
toe orrigtna! wad only reliable htohubeyond svengs meh-An to• X tfan of w^te srstar coried abm
imes rt-thto was notrt M the dem•• csnyon fiii iitohetrert^
of New Wools and old tsaipsta. there.
toc'tratia. It ewe
swept• the
daUe dnb the bthof
A. group
We wffl psyn. liberal reward to have wall to wsE, bearing down tmem the P«kad toiiMa’
«n who were (Ucrag Mine fell to.
oamiliaz. BBOQ..bavs the only
■tormwon tegazdtog -pecacos who rear of the tong train •• -twiftlr that ■taitod aaXmstiMh
irtng the BdrisabOily rt-hUBtWDds
-------list of talking.
It )w«med ns ibriagh the irars uun be
n had a eotrtn to Virginia who having no aecreU from dbelV wtvea
reoerds to northern
ni - hUtolimn. 2)
slmoet iMtontly awnllowad by the trth bSorif a gfoonbouse ttot ^
■mt FMht street
"WImt do you thtakr .ai^ MMieal
Hsiffe. turning to "Abe" Irty-"Sbonid
-A etood^Bstr abe hestd'Jlm
'BesMWl Sale Fri^
to^ the best Tstoe ta floor oovmtag claim, and then, before the words hsd
mere tonn pamsd Ms 41(0. toe ttsU
dvtetge wO^ gnbleaped ibsaA Twoity m6«s an how
gMWnPXBB08..wV PrartT:
aUy woDitoyt beUeve fth—Hmr lack
toe tonyod wH considered a
Bisnlng world.
sste woM; the westen werial darted
yBmidss.” hbsefsed. Lest^-iMlBc
hlmedf a Hinrete wito en air of fioailiy, "yon Am gtiffftor bands and toes
all sagt and-Hitok ct poor 'cMheA




ROOM -WAl____ ______

<M gilB Wnrt oifar wood dbJfvsrrt to aw port of tbe eify. J.
B. OroBMk Ca

TO 8KX—PMr ytmag seort, kM TO BBAc~4d aoda 7 mBss Cram city,
somn orrtwd; seme wood; tag
fam or (Mrt ]»M srito^ SS
Also tome cows. Little A MuNany
hoteh: BsnM omU mat UtOa A
LiirLB A McNamara.
strosL have among othscs, a tea
46«a«. fsan low milas west of
town; good SCO; good boosa. gtons
celinr, orchsid. etc, ate. Crt and
sMttsabirtlL m»4f
TO BBLL—House (m Barlow sb
low pries, assy tanas; also
Eighth. Llg^n, State, Fen, lOnth.
Tenth. Bgrssth. Sandotrt «ad
Wwne ,stees^, tad many otoen In

LJT^ A^^IUBd^lte ly
rids at low priee aa2S£lff h
Warn In wtotor art rtol to^
and sMlw wrmt mart or get I

art Beal Batata Ex.


r more who Uvs
be glad to have yoa 4n art Mh
r art Old Misos. UtUe A Mdiaman tosnnnea
and Beal tetaU Bvfiisage
1 then
TO 88LL—Or exoamws tor town
fttto art nstkaisl ■ rws of
pragnrw. 8daera tem to Wexiord
coanty; aaay terms; with «r srithmft Stock art tools: 76 oens Jw
proead; tea aeras to .waod:'hans«
aorsn rooms; soma orttiaid tuu
MEN WANTBU to cot wood on South
ovsrlM tossed hay; wfrtmlil; tuL.
Oood Umbers
pries 8U6 pv cord. Want U msu.
B. J. MoigaiL
WANTBD-Ordte* for tedntti oeoar
wood. deUvered to any part
rity. J. B. GreUtoK 90.

1 rtararter and tern-

X) BBLL—ypose on Bast Bsoenta
stneL 4 boussi on Tenth sum-..
CM on Ninth stmt, ooe on Rato^
- - -- Wrtdter. two
D amt any I
ostoly or as you
McNamhin. 20s

>nd write BagUsh.


40 ACBB8 TO fl
with aboot 6 acres Msdbsd. •

r'OR SALB—An dgh-toot show case
toenp. Bsquira of J. T. Beadle.

a 210 North Siwaoa street. ’8702
yon may have a fire at am Ume.
UlUe A McNamara. 208 Fraot Si.
TO 8BLL—A Stock of groceries and
gebcrai merchandise; agood-chnnee
Ui ga a rsndyteade liiiilwa wlfk
«r. wfUntel baltdiOte—srorth wbOa

MR SALB by JJUIe A McMsmnra.
too nonestreet. a dne brieh boDd
Ing—two stores and wi'dera tear
meat rooms above—price less ibati
you can build far. s good .invGvt

No. 288.


TO LET by UttJe A 1
front oflieeh set baato, steam teat,
nl^ hardwood floors.' ftoeflp.

UONBT to loan on bauooal prop­
erty. In SBBU to salt Also n few
baraes bontet nnd add. LNswl*nd
room 60S. pew orapeim bli '
TO-SELL-Nloe Araom hoase, two
...........I V*
' n___ __ . ..
tensmsato, ranted tor 81 rtr month, PRIVATE
only 8<60; terms to suit, monthly or •eoaa^ogtety. TRa MaDsnal Loan
GoTcTa. Satoortoad. Mgr„.888 WDotherwise. Utile A M&amara. 288
Front StPeeL

<m]y 81.700: part calk, part time.
Another aear Kaystohe. 80
and rteap at 88B80. And

WE DO FABM er Mty toraraam
oanalty art bartfary laaaiteiun.
Uttto A MMfamam, 208 FMnt SL

TO 8BLL—162 aetast 70 a
stoin: ban cAd. 80x40; two gran- LOST-Lnst nlgbL abont 7 o’ckidc. on
srtos atnwhsd to barn; good wrt
Front etreec betwea Steinberrs
near boose: ootsUs eerior heUtog
store snd Wefilngtcn otreeL a new
UH iMitoets of potatoes: drekard. 80
fur aoarf. Finder wa receive re­
ward by returning to «i— a«i'*
mat: go grape vtMs; sios lake cn
care of Stetoberg’s store.
Uttto A r
B a' McNamara. 208- Frani LOST-Ob Front street, pocket book
t. wa BOD you a nles little
ooptolniiig 14 to oQver. Ptodortoave
at Bagle oBee and reerive reward.

glam toouemnee.



Art Sofa Pillowy
It the Foraimte BvhHiItVwieipMrag^ :

48c to $5-90
The h Bostiaa -v Store.


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