The Daily Eagle, January 08, 1904

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The Daily Eagle, January 08, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




VOL. XL NO. 3339.

A Big Inventory, Gari pet. Curtain o Rug Stale


[ it c«ot Hemp.


All-wool lagraio C*n>«i

A good S5c c«rf»l ithw will
wMh «ad the colore
DotruDinow for .
& good4&<
pel, for

A olcf Tapestry C*rpel.
Steps U> Be Taken to Protect tJon-



lie asstiil
it of

A ' at aboiil on^IQU^O half price.

f-i|^Hinyrnu Riigs. Iwaiiliful UMirtipenl of de-


Larger sizes—prioes in proportion
eooo. a
fringe, worth *2 50
.e beautiful Wilton Bugs, worth H.fki.,-er sizes-." ft x.1 It. .1 ih.. worth Ss 00.
A b«i.mol Smyrna Rug, double fared carpet, siae f.x9 ft.,
TJt. Bfnxln in..
•‘"'y ,..........................

.. ..


Beautiful line of designs in

Kashmir Rugs,
Rev^i-sible, different on either side.
0 ft.^fl-.wiirlti »lll,50, fory'

9 fl.xIS ft., Wurth #19.131. for
9 ft.xlifl., Velrel Kugs wpclh 135 (Hi.
9 (t.xll li.. Axmioisler Ruga, worth #35 0(1. for

We huvcerer.vCbiDg}-ou need iuCarpets.Kugs,Mattings,
Oh ciotb. Linoleum or anytbioglb t arnish your home.
Alall orders receive prompt attention.

J. W. Siat<


Stones at Trarer«e City. Blk Bapid, and Thompsonrille, Mich.

We hi'>e’an e*tra good supply of

Loudon, Eiig., Jan. S.—The lei
the Russian reply to Japan's last note
has been recelre.1 at the Japanese le­
gally here, li vlll he iM^ented
the foreign offlee later In the day by
Minister Hayashi. At the legaUon the
oplniiMi Ik liehl that the reply Is uU«f'
ly opixwfxl i<> the main .lapanese oontentlons'and IMs thought that nscDilations trill be broken off.
The Minister Hayvhi Hald; "After
reading the reply, all I can say is
the hope for a peaceful eetUement is
growing less and lees Conditions arvery grave."
The ehlpB bought recently from Ai
gentina are expected to sail today foi
the tar Bast by way of Uie Suez ranai.
Burope today could 'he described
being In an attitude of listening for
the Brat shot of «-ar. It is stated
this morning that a note hah been
communicated (o the various powers
by Loed Lansdowse. British minister
of foreign aflairs, covering the gen­
eral protection of western lives, prop
erty and Interest in ease of war beiwepn Russia and Japan. Truw.
Italy. Germany and America are ex­
pected to respond oordiaily to the
Mikado Revievn Ti<oopa
•Ttokio, Jan. 8.—Twenty-six thousand
■lapanese iroo{p8 -were reviewe.1 oi
Aoyama field today by the Mikado.
These troops, it is believed, will «
sUtute the third oootlngent if war
declared. Great crowds witnessed the
review* which was regarded as a fare­
well leave taking. His maleety during
revlea- was mounted on a band
BHtlsh Get Order*.

Hong Kong, Jan. 8.—Two btmdred
and fifty briUsh soldiers have sudden­
ly been warned to bold tbemsdvee
readlneee for service. Their deetlaalion Is norlmown tnt U H prea
tbat they are going eltber to Pektn
Seoul, Korea.
Army.Chief of SUff Reaches the Age

Saws, Axes, Chains, Loading Blocks.

Come in and

•leu, *~To«lay closes
he active career
In the rmljrof Ueul.Qcn. Samuel B. Yuiiur chief of wtaff:
Tomorrow. Iiavtng reached the
limit, he will lie placed on tb
tired list 1(1 iw Bucceedert by Major
General Adna R Chaffee, who
Young, rose from the rank's.

see them.

S. F. Saxton Hardware Co.
Oealera In All Hinds or Hardnars.


Why Not?
We Ijavp tlrealippei's
and shoes- that will

=Saturdayis the last day of our

Great Inventory Sale
So you had* better avail yourself of this ex­
ceptional opportunity. It is uot a^iie winter
goods which have been cut in price "4u|-ing‘ this
liig stock I educing movement, but you iff ill ftnd
included mariy .things of a staple nature, such as
Black (roods, Black^ilks, Linuigs, Lace CiirtaiDB,
Ribb..ns, Keu’s Fuxnishiugs, • Etc. It
would even be to ypur advantage to lay in a supplytor'future need^itt the prices which we are quoting
on liigh-^radc ir-ercbaudise.






TO- '

(New ftatuf^y Fsature.)
Commencing tomorrow, a logu- '
lar feauirt eaeh Saturday, will be '
a humorous dontrIhuUon from
Tom Rumeey. Mr. Rumoey it new
to Traverse City reader*, oe it will
be well to maka his a'e^uainUnce
.when he make* hit bow tomorrow
in a confession of his experionoe
In ralaing stedWberHes. D^n’t
• fail to read it. ,j

You will need a Carpet in two or three months,
y u« ' *

: rugs ?




keep you comforta­
ble. Why not iret a

ItKyre nu expensive.

Haw ftbo* Btora.

Opposite WhitinS iiotei.

New Year Right
Peoples Savings Bauk.
can open an account now
and add to it as you will.
Yon will grow richer as the
year grows ol er.

-H. S. H«n. Pnaldeet.
'cABasamcna. Caller
B.r.DsTiiaodAT. .pMsdfkh. VlM



oi a oonaamUty-"
tbooiCit glils shonld oe
edneated t»,make them In^^ea


Educated girts woold make better
homes, their lafluence would be better iCoOM'ClL VOTE# TO MOVE TO
In society.
“Let its encoorsge the Improvement
of tbe mind." she aald. "It Is ibiDd
that has eocuiaered manar. ' To tear
tbat by cadllng forth a people's mind
we shall Impoverish am starve them
Is to M^tan at a sbadow."
Mra. Tnivi* In th* NasaUva.
A good laugh h
is a good Wnic.
Mrs. P. B Travis, for tbe negative,
said tbat tbe lives of great men. men Greater Safety Secured for Munelpal Record*.
wbo have achieved the largest nn
lire, of SDceees. are those who ne
went to college. They were mes> wbo
,-B club meeting
afternoon an interesting program was tbougbt for themselves, not men who
nigfat -to receive the report of
Miss. Bessie Smurtbwaile followed In tbe footsteps of other* and tbe committee appointed to look into
sang a song, after which tbe literary whose minds were tbe m<
Isabillty of changing tbe locaother minds. We should train chllost of tbe day came.
the city oOcee.from tbe Wildreo to tbink for tbemselvee, stae said. hrim block to tbe new faknk building
Mrs. Ida R. Fuller read a paper
the subject; "Our bomea, tbe primary Succeas in busineae did not depend
view of the fact that the new
upon ' falgber education, but upon building Is as nearly fireproof as It is
schools of our stale." She said
"That our homes are schools who native businees ability. Sbe conceded possible to make H and tbat In that
Detroit. Mich., Ju. 8.—Positive
that ail should have coomou sch
beuer faculties would be af­
surances that Preeldeni Rooeeveii will
educaUon. but even tbat should be
forded for tbe tiwnsacUoa of tbe oKy'*
ailenil the semi-centennial celeb ration tbougbt of them as being our primary
educatioa to make tbe student tbink business, tbe committee reported In
ihi- liirth of the Republican party schools, but in what seven years erf
fsvor of the change. Tbe oounril then
|imler the oaks at Jackson six montbs peraiiD's life Is there surh growth of
work on Ihe brain tissues. When
^jotirned and went to the bank baildheuoe have been received tiy Secretary knowledge, .sucli rapidity of developpressed they go out to infitience the ing in a body to inreatlgate for tbemut as In the first seven years
Mamion of ihe executive oommiuee.
world Thoughts put into action are selves and after returning to the city
Th financial and central exeentive
in the moral, spiritual
clerk’s offlee voted to adopt tbe oomcommltiees for the celebration held
world. There were some miuee’s report
tbougtai'of in later years;- as we
meeting here in the office of Bllwood
which ooUege tralnTbe new offleea will be on tbe eecT. Hance In the Unl<» Trust building. hear now and then persons express
was needed, but parents could
Wiu ooosln of a double
There were preeMt James OTXmnell themselves in regard to a thing im­
not be too carrfni in studying their
AeA and traamrer. g
of Jacksmi. editor of tbe Jackson Citi­ pressed upon their minds in tbelr
children and eecouraglng them 1
«iglneer'e offlee. a enwimlttee
zen and president of tbe seml-centeoadevt callings for which they wet room, coondl rooms, a storage room in
nfal committee; Arthur Hill of Sagibest filled.
the basement and a vault built In tbe
Jobn W. Blodgett of Oiand Rap­
Following the (Rebate there was
clCTk and treanirer'B offlee. The rent
ids. H. C. Gillette, mayor of Pontiac: learning of
to be paid Is ILOOO a year and tbe couLinc6ln Avety of Port Huron, Gad ample. Our various words are copied, discussion of the subJecL
reclUUoD.. “Making a Man." wi traet te good tOr three years with two
Smltb of Marquette. E. C. Nichols of In a hundred ways they are learning.
year*- extension If so desired by tbe
Battle Creek. Marshall L. Cook of Has­
vocal solo wUta '-^jn obligato by council. Tbe principal ad^tagae of
tings. W. T. Jones of Big Rapids and
locaUon are. the greater aafeThe bails .o{ a true character may, Mr*. Bacbant.
H., McMillan. George A. Mar
ey for tbe atty** record* and books
end I really believe Is. often laid be­
Id bIiwooJ T. HAnce of Detroit,
The matter of finances was the chief fore blrtb. But wbat Is lacking in tbe BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS and. tbe nearaea* in kwaUon of , tbe
clerk's offlee and the counell rooms.
birth and wbu is hampering tbe child
topic of dtecussion at the meeting,
definite plan of going about to raise on all sides, often, in the way of hered­ MATTER OF NEW FOURTH WARD
the money to oarrj' on the work was ity icndeoces for evil, the homes
make amends for. The home life is
devised. It being considered best
Breach of Warranty AllsBed .in Caa*
let Ascb member of tbe committee the Uali^ school in wbleb the child
M> TriaL
be trained in indlvldiiality. and
make bis own plabs for tbe lllstrict
to Juttice Bnxwa'a court today the
taught the fundamental princlplea of
me of ti. K. Olbte and Haay (Ubta
life. physioaUy. (and I would lay great
and B. O. Joym
•tress on the phyelcal) morally and
‘Rie board of aducattoo held a spe­
spirtcimlly. Hoiv necesBaiy tbMi. that cial meeting UK nl^i but did pr«^ for breach of waitwaty Itt the mattar
the home life be aU that it ahonld be. tloally nothing, dotog plenty of tam­ of the sale of a. apan oC booea waa
Can tbere be too much tbon^t given
tried. The team m porcBaaad hr*
ing wbleb resulted in wathing definite
to tbe ctalnlng In' tbaM few yesra. except the goMpoaiment tor at least Glbbe A Son iMt June and weta war--------------- i
three Imtiromlnwibid- yaam? ion* a week of tbeja*^te whloh^ laated bp the IMniiliiili to be.ecatd
I In Cf«
vsrr^partUBMr extspl hW wtRfflspecial meeting was eaile$
until ther ai-e'slx years of age and ' Tbe object of last night’s session
specified. In their oomptelat tbe
Detroit. Mich . Jan. 8.—Spantaneous
have them aft^wards.
combustiMi caused and explosion of 'While this may be a broad aasertton. was the conslderatlou of tbe plans
submitted by the a
turpentine and oils on the second floor there ma^’ be'truth in
of doing the work expected from an .
of the Art NoTrtty factory, owned by why not ur to make these years, year*
ordinary boree. Tbe price «hs $406
Bailey £ Co., this morning. Tbe flamer tbat will tell for future usefulness and building and the acUon iaketi
and the amount asked from tbe de­
mailer was tbe pa|sage of a
which I
good deeds done?
that tbe plans be left on exhibition in fendants Is tbe alleged dlfferaniie be-,
iililiy rests upon tne parents. Who can
tween the price paid and the real
Charles Deeza. a .Umraior, was badly really, realize it until we have reoch- the city engineer's offloe for a week worth of tbe
As both side*
an that each member of tbe board
burned and is in a rrHical oonilUion.
quite nmture years?
may examine them and tbat at a spe­ have a number of witneasee it la prob­
I there be that high degree of de­ cial meeUng to be called later, the able that tbe caae wHl occupy a great
velopment until father and mother feel committee im buUdlngs shall
part of tomorrow as well as this aflei>
inslbllliy equally and
report of the plans which In their
Court Instructs Jury to Return Verdict Uiereby. True, ihe mother t
Judgment are the best
work the father cannbt do. W.
Net Jiullty.
ed by ffour
The MI**A Mae Wtirtara and Agna*
Onmlia. Neb.. Jan. 8.—Judge Vande- it i« saJd, l« the true teacher.
architects. F. B. Moore. W.^ A. D«
father has, also a work tbst is Jens C. Peteraen ami F. E. Walker. Murohie have gone t» B<^e Fall# for
venier in tbe Circuit court this -morna short riaK.
nstructed the Jury to return a ver- impossible to l>e done by the mother. All the arcbltecu excMJl Mr. Moore
The High acheol baseball team met
Home is the place where seed* of are willing to give b(»Js that the
r>f not guilty un the indictment
1 vlrtiie* may be pjanted. where of a building erected aeoordlog to this afternoon and elected Teroon Mc­
against Senator IRetrieli. charging
Intyre captain.
him wllii receiving a bribe in connec- youth* may be trained to be greater their plans will not exceed $18,600 and
Mlsa- Gertrud* Sprague teft today
tluii with the poetofflee at Hasting}. than rulers, or monarch*—for m
Mr Moore gives two coeu. 119.187 and
for Grand Rapids, called there by tbe
hood siinia.sse« all glorj- of place
The court nilrel that. Dlrtricli was
aliout 118.700. Pans of the speclflseiioos lllnses of a r^atlre.
>naior wlisii i • alleged hrih^ position, and Inith in the soul 1* mi
catloDB of,three of tbe plans were
W. Slater left this afternoon for
read by W. O. Foote and tbe greatest
lonk place
mothers are expectexl to be enduringly difference is that W. A. Dean’s plans Tbompeonvilie on buslneas coimeoted
food, instinctively, infalslhly wise. provide for a flat roof while the othera with bis branch store at that place;
Th* Sunday school of Grace church
Such goodness, such wisdom comes d(^ not. though F. B. Walker says that
not with the mere wishing. They hi* may be changed to a flat root if will have a sielghride tomorrow afterPope Will Not Give Special Audlei
at 2 o'clock. Tbe eblldren on
must be desired a.s a continual, earn­ desired.
to Sarafoff.
the west aide wlU meet at T. Oonest longing; prayed for with an abid­
Although at last night's meeting
Rome, .Ian. s.—The Vatican has In­ ing faith lu the promise, “If any
lOD'fi meat mariteL those on the sooth
formed the peraonkl friends of M. among you lack- wisdom, let him ash nothing could be done about the mat­ side at the SmurthwaHe residence on
Sarafon, the Macedonian leader, tbat of God. w)u> giveth abundantly." ter. the queetlon of Wood and coal as Eighth street and those on tbe east
Uie Pope will receive him as an ordi­ Thus, children, when they enter tbe fuel was broughfl
side at Grace diurch.
nary stranger but decUnee to grant kindeigarten. liave already paase4 Tbe hood in the sclepoe departmeit
Today hat been the buslsat day on
him a special audience. This kills an­ through tbe training school (hat home of (he High school, which was report­ the potato market since Christmas,
other hope of Sanfoff and his follow­ ha* given them Tliii*. It la, the. par ed some weeks ago to be too small for about 20 load* baviug been brought
ers. They had counted mn- h olT the enl should coniimic the work, and obtaining ibe beet reenli* In labora- into tbe city. TbU is as many loads
U>r>- work. «-a* discussed somewhat
support of the Pope
keep in touch with our beautiful kin­ and a motion was passed to the effecj as has been brought In during tbe
past two weeks, and tbe price is tbe
dergarten sj'stem.
tbai it was tbe sense of tbe meeting
HeUI Man's Wife oiea.
ime as was paid Just before CbrlBlroll by..feel tbat
New York, Jan. 8^tr* George not cense, a-s each sue<»edlng year that change* Rhonld be made as ret .as. SO cents a bushel.
Boldt. wife of the proprietor of tbo finds tbe child one year advanced In quested. The dianging would cost
K. E. Horvt and wdfe are in Kalkaska
about llfl or (12 and tbe number (K
Waldorf Aetorla hotel. dIM suddenly bis school life "
giving a poacert tonight under the
pupils who could be
auspices of the High School orchestra
Debate on Education.
one Ume would be li
that place. Pupils from here who
Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs Travis played to three or four
Plum for Mlnni »ta Man.
1 aaalBt on the program are Mozeile
a piano duet and then followed
Washington. D. C Jan. 8.BennetL LuelUe and Lou HoUiday.
Tvate on the subject; "Is the highest
President today- seoi lo.ttie senau
Shlisoo. Harold Jahisua. Ldoyd
education of praoUcal value in a boslthe follovlng nominal
To be
nees life?" Mrs. Dr. Garner, speaking Ceremonies Will Be Held Next Mon­ Bemu* and Carl Halberg. Mrs. L M.
ditor for tbe postoOce i
Beiineu U with the party.
on the affirmatlre. said. In part;
Jos J McCardey. of MUmewta
VIeleL the 4-ysar-oid daughter of
"Bducatlon Is Oil that we ea
Trovew Bay Hive No. 71 and Trav­
for ourselves and all that otbgrs do for erse Bay Tent No. 136 will have a Joint Hr. and Mrs. Fred Otto, died of bowel'
Maricet* by Telsgniph.
trouble UA idgbt at G o'clock at the
ns. for the purpose of bringing
insUllatloD of offleers next Monday borne near Lou# Lake. Tbe <*tm had
Detr^L Jan. 8.—'Wheat, January,
nearer the perfecUoo of our natures. evening.
91c; No. 2 red. 92c; Na 3 ocmu,
lood one Imrd oiege of MekMaa
The Ideal of educatloo would be
Bach member of the hive may Invlu
No. 3 white oats,,40Hc.
fnmUb man wHb complete preparation her husband. If not married she can last tall but was attacked again and
Toledo. Jan 8.—WbeM. January*died Igst nl^L Tbe funeral will be
for life as a whole.
loLlie'ooe Criesda
91^c: May. 89Hc: July, g«\c.
held from tbe OoBgrogational church
“The last five years have perhaps
Tbe member* of the t«at may li^lte
Chliago. Jan. j8.—Wheat, May. 87?*c;
#e«n more progress than the. preced­ their wives.' If not married one lady (omoTTow at 11 o'fflo^
July. 82Kc:
May, <7^c; July.
ing twenty-five in education, and U friend.
i6%c; oata. May. 89Hc; uly. 86%e;
The Uertiigiis .nr brciuning lo grasp
MambA are requeated to leave tb* tha-idea of r«ii.lilmit]<>'u< -ind misri
May pork, 818.17; tard, 89J2H; Hb*. gli signs do not Mil the
n#rs will be rich yesra to live-in for children at bom* Thar* wOl b* a Two of Ibc
» hUA'c J
Intererted in edncatlon. Slu- good program and other amnHaaataMlnli-lBi
eatioo is tbe hypotbanu* npen which
Go to th* Lagretti for Hkrrii* Chew­
____ the futoie of every man and
ing Candy Saturday.
woman. It mans moral, spiittnal and
all of which
Many children
are needed in a suecessMl bnilness
I beUeve tbat a .
outri^t, by ytteta glvjng them Is a benefit in a practical bneinew
Orat cry over fpQIM BBk:-tk«*'6
cough syrups. ”w****tlnr
world, tt gives a man mw abfflty an9Bgc vatw vraafaJ #• K U.
ksowledge t: meet the.complex
Th* antire alack 01 Coiifastictmty
grtblBoa -which exist Ifi tbe
tzBbMctlpns dCIBBliVc. It give# Us puMkrnm from Qm. MMahffll tor oaf
Bkturday ck Die GfflralD
«■ pee
more rrertigB
U« UBom
Ho holds g patam^H rnimt


“SjffkTre wu5i

The Dilly, Eagr^e.
BAflLE PRBM p«bUak«r«


THE-'f-ABptt .AGlTATOft."
teiM •( tke «

- ---




iStcSfS E.r-..:;::::.

The action of the council In ord
Ins the prepenUon of «n ordlnsBce
l||o.vMIns for milk iospeoUoa will re­
ceive the heertjr adoreeentn of every
. hotneke«>er. every mother end of the
milk dcelers themeelTeB.

it and be U nispeoted or wetering or
adultmwtiBg the milk. This is natural,
tor the eoBsnmer doee not look farther
than the man from whom he buys his
AS a mauer of tact, the watering
and adulteration taka place, before
the milk eona to the i^ty dealer,
and he le vlcUmised to cxHnpany with
hht customers.
The greatest harm comes to lltUe
Infahu and children depending upon
cow's milk for nourisbmectL Robbed
of the fau that oi«lit to be left in
the mlV< thae chiUren grow weak
and pu^. and are sacrlfleed to the
gr^ of the persons who use the skim­
mer and waterbucket. Every honest
farmer and dairyman will Indorse the
movement to secure inspeoU
Former Governor Buahnell of Ohio
has civen bis relaUvee 1760.000 In
stock of the International Harvester
‘Company. We have not heard that be
had the parole habit whUe in nfflce.
Hliere did he get it? /
A Benlw ^ Harbor man stole $200
from a Chicago drummer The Ben­
ton Harbor man should be on his
guard. The Chicago man will be back
and get $400 from blm.

r movement and be capable of pre- jEWEutr rroRE.
Oaeambafs trads to ths'blBBsat
•entlDg its alms and aspirations In as
we’ve ever had.
attractive and convincing manner. He
mnst poesew tbetabUUy to.tbtnk npldcare thahlt* ta eur many euetemnd to exprea bis vlevrs and oplnelearty and Torclbly. But withal,
be must Inmlrenbose whom be would OlfiCOUNT.
toad with abaotote faith In bis honesty.
Prom new till.January 1 we make
The agitator Un't always an advocate
diBoeuM of so'per cent—Watohae,
of strikes. Et has sometlma to exert
bto inSuence to prevent a strike which
his Judgment Mis him would be
wise. It may sound like miring terms
to say so, but it to a truth that the
most dlfflcult tasks performed by tbe
labor agitators are tbelr “agiutton*"
In tbe Intetat of pace, their efforts to
prevent strikes. Tbe man who to- alPNEUMONIA AND LA GRIPPE,
w^ in favor'of a strike as soon as
quickly by ' Foley's
one to suggested or who to constaotly
bn the search for a aaoB belli aw
finds bis influence as a leader gone.
The Story of a Labor Agitator." by
Joseph R. Buchanan.
I Raiila.

Those who are permitted to spak the
open truth in Buaala may be counted
op the fingers of one band, and then
half of them will be left unused. Wby
these people sre tolerated to one of the
secrets of sute. Outside of these only
.those who write works of fictioa which
tbe majority of the people cannot and
>t rad, are permitted to speak of
things as tliey are. When they exceed
the Umlts of Russian decency and
speak too openly, they are given a trip
to. Siberia at the expense of the gov­
ernment Siberia to tbe place where
tbe boldest, tbe most courageous and
most taJehted-products of Suasla are
pot on cold storage.
It to the coldest part of the country,
and honest people are sent there when
the country becoma too hot tor them.
When tbe InnoMt tourist asks, “Vniere
are your honat people?" Siberia to
pointed out to him. If be asks
qnestlona. be Is himself sent there. The
government objects toquesUonson gen­
eral principles. Russia refases te be
Interviewed.—B. O. Richards in Reader

’omen are growing, quite embarilngly frauk about the basis sud the
crown of their charms. Ou Satutdsy
Grand Rapids opened lu new
afternoon a pretty young married wom­
seum-yalerday. An Intereotioj
an, with her flve-ycar-oid son—so much
hlblt for the aquarium would be a full we could Infer-Jumped into a first
dass carriage on the underground. Aft.
«■ her came three frleods. two girts and
a man. "Yes, I'd never be witbout my
wig," said the pretty woman. -It isn't
Mr Schwab Is telling wbai
as if I hadn't enough bair uf my own.
'knows of Uie shipbuilding trosL
Morgan Is still in the open but may Cello can vouch for that" Cells nod­
all looked for Celia's nod.
soon take to the tall grass. '
“Why. the other Sunday we were
lunching at Wimbledon, one of thoa
Mme. NoTdlca has a good
Camp, muggy days. Margaret was
agent. Being pnreued by an ass
there—with her fringe all over her eyes.
• is a great improvement over
Mine was all right, and yet Margaret
has a maid and f haven't. I've worn
• wig for three yeara. and I don't care
who knows it." The rest of ns—si
gers-held our brath till the tale
told.-Loiidon Obronlclc.

long." writa Urs. Chas. ApplagaU.
lexandrla, Ind.. 'Hind could baHly f
anj- Slap. r had
hat consumption
that It I w_____________
walked a blotA
bloO I would cough
fdgbtfuUy and spit blood,
-looa,--buL when
other medicines failed,1 three. $1.W
liottlM of Dr. King's New DtocoTi'ary
wholly cured me and --I gained S$
pounds.It’s absolutely guaranteed
cnfie Coughs, Colds,' LaGrippe, Bron
Itto and all Throat and Lung
bles. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial hot- 8 30 cts. at Bogbee « Roxburgh Co.
d 8. B. Walt £ Sons', stores

After enumerating a number
other things that tbe Democratic
party ou^t to stand for, Mr. Olney
ran Cleveland in. in the hope that be
would escape notice in the list—De­
troit Tribune.
The United States Supreme co
declda that Porto Ricans are
aliens. But that anarchist murder
ported In the dtopat^ha todw shows
that Mme of th«n r - - it to be.—Grand
Rapids piwss.
The newspaper illustiaUon "drawn
from telegraphic dacripUou" is al­
most as coarinclng as the yitervlew
with the man "close to the adminis­
tration."—Detroit Free Press.
Poeslbly the good people of Delray
wouldn't find a curfew so ettcarious
keeping the young ona off the street
after nightfall as a good, stout, pliable
hickory rod.—Detroit Journal.

Traverse City.

days of each month. Alonso Pox. C.
I*.: B-I. Daria, Scribe.
—- City Chapter, No. 14T.
8.. meets in Masonu. ball the
iflay on or bsfiore ooe± tn& moon.
R. MeOon^, W. M.; H. GorttetL Secy.


SN ■wstoetk IsUO^. CUc^. lU.
SI lesid ef Trade Oddiai, dtoaha. Nek-

There’s no sentiment in business. If
Old Underoof Rye didn’t possess tbe in­
trinsic value it wouldn’t sell for more
money than other whiskies do. It is a
stimulant posKssing the most good and
the least reaction.

on yim- hand is worth two in the store-to you. WiU
yon swap a good pair of gloves tor ^ dollar bill ? We
are referring to gloves that used toaell at 1.50 and 1.25
—silk lined.


25 Per Cent Discount to clear up.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

TheTorrey EqiloratiMi €o„
Denver. Colorado


Children’s Overcoats,
Boys’ Overcoats,
Children'^ Short Pants,
Children's Sweaters

Grand Traverse LMge No. SOO. L
O. Q. F.. meets Tnasday erenlngt In
their haU. A. B. Csrtla. N. G.; a

Duchess Camp, No.\,S46. M. W. A.,
meets at Woodman hall Monday even­
ings. November 80, Decemb r i4 and
December 28. John Q. Straub. V. C.;
Joseph Sleder, clerk.

Geo. M. Bonner.

“Silas wux down to -tbe etty an' bad
> send for money."
“Get bunkoedr
“Nope. He pasted bto money to tbe
Inside nf tbe bosom of.hto sbltt, and
-when be went to come home the land­
The man who to pining for an oic lord wouldn't change btol shirf'-Bxfashioned winter should not dapa r ehange.
wlthont trying BroaJalbln. N. T. h
46 below there.—Moakegon Chronicle
Barter—Fui^^Isn't it? Where we
ay a man pots bis foot in bis mouth,
Including the plums distributed by the Ftench say be puts his foot In hto
tbe machine, Michigan stands first
Foster-OLtourse. That's all owing
among the stata as a fruit producer.—
to the uaul^somid In so many of the
Detroit Evening Nows.
‘ wonfi:=»ortnn Traneerlpt '

'BBceea to twGdng more than the re­
sult-of dotag whsterer yon «*n do not
only-well, bat Jnat a-Uttto better than


tovorably Impreaed with wbat Ur Smurthwaite had to say
In regard to Uie tipping system in vogue. 1 am .not in favor of tipping. I wu tipped once and wheo I regained my equilibrium my nose
was mashed and I bad a big lump c tbe back of my head. 1 never
pracUoed law. but I got this tip Immedintely after being admitted to
the Bar. Call at 412 South Union street and get your Shoes Halfsoled and I will tell you what the Btin of a guo tipped me for.
I am supposed to he the only Sboe.maker in this city that can
tell the truth and not blush. My father was an educated gentleman,
a Democrat and a deactur. 1 possas two of these virtues. Guess
which. I am from Indiana.

Basr Way of Mcuerlw Hetebts.
Anybody who knows how to take tbe
aiatudc of the sun or a star with a
sextant and wishes to take that of any
distant hill, steeple or tbe like should
put s tea tray on the ground, fill it
with water and theu retire from it nnQJ the top of tbe hill, steeple or wbat
not to reflected In tbe liquid. Now take
the sextant and make tbe image of tbe
summit coincide with its reflection In
the liquid. The angle of elevation wUl
thns. obviously, have been maanred
double. Half of this wUI give the

...... ............

> W. Jahraus


b is noted that Hr. Cleveland tailed
to appar at the Democratic harmony
banquet in New York Monday night.
Poeaibly be has nothing to harmonize.
—Baglnaw Coarler-Herald.


Boys’Suits, H) to 17
Vootlis' Sons, to 19 years


beat goods



dustrial Stock without
of loss.
Write fur our methoil.

Mo« of nasal catarrhs
fections character, notably those of
grip origin.
Contrary to a general law of aeepato,
the handkeicblef saturated with dJsaae germs instad of being promptly
waabed. to stowed for hours in tbe
podiet. with a rault that can be aally
imagtoed. la it any wonder then jhat
atarrha. a« constanr '

The many friends of G. H. h«h—f»
A HlBf'l>estraMe.
Engineer, L. B * W. R. R, at presen'
'Ton’re aU run down." aald the doc­
living In Lima. O., will be pleased t< tor. "Wbat you need are Qutot and rest
know of bto reoovery-from threttar "Tonoagirt not to be worried at all."
kidney dlseue. He writa:
•Tmi you put ihat In tbe form of a
prescription, doctor, and give it to my
ate osualtr slmUari. wlfer aAed the matt—Exchange. -

Dlamoitd “J”






Complete New Line of Wloler
Fashionable Tailor.

Choice Line of

When yon are "^g <ril
lampaor any kind ol light
your home or office There
is nothing like BLBCTBICITY for mnmlnaring
jiurposo. No smoke, no
smell, no greeae. no danger
from fires-it to the ino<t
ihucan be proenred.

Boardman Rlrer
Blactric U|ht 8
Power Company.

Jimt roeelved a new lot of
■ot aMortment with 10 per cent dlicount next wak pt



business piiicti<?all.v elim­
inates al I risk. Von deal
in Mining Stocks <ir In­

4. R.

Many of

Oiir nit'thod of t]ninp

Plane Tuner and
Antlen BeEnlater.
With W. «r. KlmballCe.tas Front »u

0® CHItPiP’S m

ripen, ranojr' Chrietmas
Pouehee, Staeken' Artielea

Bed four weeks with La Grippe.
Wc bare received the foHowlng let­
ter from Mr,-Roy Kemp, of Angola,
d.: "I was In bed four weeks with
grippe and I tried many remedia
Id spent coneiderable for tratz
with physicians, but 1 received n<
until I tri^ Filey's HoneyTar. Two Rmall bottla of this n
cine cur^ me and now I use U
clnslvely in my family.” Talte
substitutes. For sale by Jas. G. Jobnxnn and S. E. Walt £ Sons.

What Editors say.
« Bwdkereklet,
In a New Turk divorce csise the busband speUs his name Fysh and the
wife spells hers Fish. A man who 1s
guylty of that kynd of ympertynence
to the Emgllah language doesn’t de­ the healthy noa dom e
serve a wyfe.—Washington Tiroes.

^D«B Nonces..



Fainl Kldaay.aBd bMMw tRiahtofi
ou elwgyt be EvnrnUnd by the see of
fotcre Kldur Cure. B6M by Jna. O.
JohnaqsiaBd& ll.'WnltAiitma. eodw

to aerioBs bcawhUI or lung tmMw.
Don't tabs cbmm whan VBtoy't^to
•y and Tar aSorfis partolat saoaiity treabtoa as
frm sarloos oSmU of aotid. Bolfi by

Cabbaffft, Ruta Bnjcas.
Squash, Oniohs, Oairotr^,
all kinds of pickles, also
a.choi<je Une'of Candies.
Nuts, Figs and Dates foi
Xmas, call on

j o H N J.
348 E. FRONT ST.

We have put on aalr ..iiv
hnndgpd and tbirty-four Suits—
the regular price-ru-& from S <
to BOO—we ate rirM,iog thr l..i
out at

,aSniL Fbney rflver SWv u..r- '
steda. Anborn Heltooe — < v.-n
anlt guaranteed—no- better val-^
uM-waa ever pot on the marU.-t
Snits bouglit of OR cleaneil rikI
preoed free of charge-

I57 From SL

Be«dle Block.

There are Times
trhon .vmi wanl fFTfnir ariif les for a cf'rlaiii amnuiil. Just at Ihis spason Hu. amount is iiefp.ssarily .-Hmall. For that reason we want jpou tostre wbal-valiM's
yns <-aii get for the small sum of

Ten Cents
There are plates in daint}'patterns, cups and saucers, pitchers, salts ami
I>eppers, bowls, fruit diabea, olive dishes, bread and butter plates, oat mea!
dishes, pictures, matted pictures, tooth pick holders, vases, jardinlers, iwink.-.
juvenile books,' crepe tissue (all colors), glass dishes, jelly dishes, fruit disher-.
i-ose bowls, fancy baskets, tea pot trays, ring, trays. If you want to spem!
len.cents, just stop here at these counters. Vou get loLs for vnur im>ii>'>.

Want a Nice Lamp ?
No matter what kind of light you are using you need^Iamps. one or inoi-i'.
mostly more. We begin with tbe little night lamp for 15e. The all glasliand lamps are 25c. -HOc, 40c and 50c. Decorated hand lamfis with thewhadi-s
to match for 60c, 1.00, 1.20 and 11.75. Most of these ai-e entirely new goods.
The newest decorations. The jiarlor lamps. Oughtto have at least one ..f
these—and the prices are from 2.50 to 412.50. These make a fine ornament
■ even if you don’t use thenf—but you don’t know how soon you may have
casion to need them and that badly~ao get one anyway.

Just a Few Left
of those 10.00, 12.00 and $15.00 overcoata that we are selling for ©.00. Xo
one believed they would stay with us long at those pricea-^and they didn't
We may Save just your size left if you come at once. This is really the
greatest overcoat sale that ever was. We do blow however about the quality
of the goods. We wAl put these goods against any that are made, and it
mMces no.differenoe, gold or silver, copper or paper mon$y will settle the
Bill. It is only

^ttei^l Ittonptayoorwln..


B.U BeiUlH. OMaai^


, -




for Ail Women. ______



a P. OABVS&.
F. W. 01BV*a.
O. p; CmrvM-& Bro.
On aoeonat oTthoJaot

Carpet Cleaning

Zm n«B win GUT Md Nate Vm
a Wen Wonaa.

M«w^ ^
foftUien r«K>m.
ed. Work thonmihlr and siamoUT
euented. Acwt lor ut^MLn
n» M o Ok__ _
92- **: 5; cnapm. r.____
l^. Tramno ci^ Zoa Pbora cures pemanooUr and
Carpet aeanlnc Wo^ 8» Wa^^- perfectlr aU dtseaM. weaknesses a
irresQlariUes of ttie'sez, mlsplai
ton street 'ptoae No. Xlt
nents.>suM>reB8ed and painful perio




75c. SI.00
Mi«« Ula. k lerBe;- fleece ]>iud

65c. 85c
Cliildrcu' Black Jersej Le^Inga,

40c, 50c

Women’s Juliettes
at Cut Prices
fl.SO Juliettes
ioed. cut t-

$1.25 Juliettes /
■'Vann Uoccl. fiir Irimni. d.'cul tc

Ati Winter Footwear at Re'
duced Prices.

Alfred V.


Parshavllle, Mich.
flooJIiig, leucorrhei kld’ner. bladder
a&d llrer troubles, makss
makes diuuuifui
easj- and regulates tbe cLange of life.
For the.............................
critical period of transition
-‘^nkood u> womanhood It U
i remedy. All women unite
lb praising it and all who 'bare used
rejoice In perfect
4lt% iTul Bums. Paraballvllle.
Mich., wrius: -1 want all niy friends
to know-the great good Zoa Phora has
done for me. I suffered for months
With nervous prostration, sick headadis and kidney and bjadder trouble
After bolding consultation, four docs said I could not live without t
operation, and 1 was too weak to have
J I became so sore that I lost the
B of my limbs. The doctor called
} bunches tumors. He said that 1
. sewed
in place. After using one bottle of Zoa
Phora, I could stand on my feet, and
after taking three bottles 1 could walk
around the room, and after the fourth
bottle 1 was able to walk ont-cMoors."
Write the Zoa Phora Co., Kalamazoo.
Mich., for a free trial botUe and copy
of their Illustrated medical l>ook, "Dr.
'lly's Advice to Won
Women." Tbe
doctor will gladly give free special
advice when needed. 2Soa Phora U for
at fl.OO a bottle by all druggists.



0^ ttart fatal dual tmight in wtmt
la DOW the Q.nlted Btatw was am
BorioB OwiwiMifi. betwM BdiiJii»»
.Woodbridga and Honty FtimipA so Aw
The WeMher.
mnlAg of Jtijy 8, 17% •Ttaq yo«« .
FWr tonight and probablr Saturday;
Fllnt—Jodga .Wimr baa appolatad aeo had goonried ovw eatda at ths
aoderade teimperature; west to ooutfa- George W. tJoqk iJiwwttig'attorney Boyal Bxbhange tavwn in Eii« ritwt,

TraphiM'tw. foimerly'a school principal In this etty, U
In the net of officers iiwUllefl by Me- teaching in the Nome City, *<■«>«
nerwm Post, O. A B., and printed In schd^s. at a salary of <2EOO a year
yaterday's Dally Bagie should be
i^ded the names of Oeo. A. Stesms.
Grand RapMa.—Pnnittnre' buyers
quartermaster, and- Curtis Powler, are flocking in. Sixty hare already ar­
quBitertnaater ssargeanL
Monroe rived. They say their ordera will
Horse was installed as senior vi«e he larger thU year than Iul but that
ider and D E. Padden
demand Is tor a diaper class of
Mrs, A. 8. Oeaprea and Mra. E. J.
Ina Cumndns, aged
Hammond entertained 20 ladles yes
young Udy, is dead
terd^ aftemoon at (he huine of (lio 10, a
latter In booor of Mrs. L. Monroe who from typ^ fever, after a week’a
leaves Tuesday for her new home in Illness. She has been in Lanalng the
Petoskey^ A very pleasant social af past six months and cane home to
temoOB-was enjoyed and refreshments spend the briidays
were iserved by Hour young ladles:
It—Mias CaitharlDe RogMisses Mabel Deoprea, EaisabeUi
klndorgsnen stndwt ______
Holmes, Grace Lucas and Eh elyn Hamsiflte Dormsi. who bss been spending
■he beriidsys In Cblcsgo, was saved
from the- Iroquois .theater disaster by
8ke« JamatBB.
not bring able » get Uckets for that
Tbe great event of tbe skeelng dobs performance, ss aU setta were sold.
of tbe western states is the jumping
contest. Only a skee mnner knows tbe
C. Frieseke. the
Below, tbe eodJess- hill
seems to streteb oa forever into tbe ex wealthy Qwosso capitsUat, whose at­
paose of tbe valley, tbe steepness of tbe tentions to pretty Miss Adelaide LaIncline lost In its Wbilenese A long nife. of FtowlervUIe, when she was a
breath and you start. Faster end triinol teacher Mere two years ago
faster you go. till 8udd>-nl.r n flash of
• ihp cause of
green In from, and the Jump off Is rouimarried to th
Ing. Croucbliie until .vour kueos uimoat ■fxw Angeles, Cal.
toneb your ekees, with uiusek-s strain­
ed, out Into the nir .vou anil!
A Stranp- liclitnes< :in<l feeldenesa
Vickeborg.—A. C. Boose left here
■ ■
of yonr limbs, nnit yonr mofe than 20 yean ago. and in all
-spirit slmres ibe inlovlcntlon of eanring that time nothing wasAeard from him.,
Into spffce. Aftei lone «-conds you are Yesterday old citlxens were surprised
called back In eurtli. Ilr-I tor half S
second softly, but llien li:ird us iron to see him step from a train. He had
that seems tn give yon nii electric no sooner alighted on the platform
sbock. Yon wal.lil.- bi-tp!e»sly from than he reeled am) fell. Before his
right to lefi; .-ai; sih-hi.. -.-liieil fo old nelghbore could g« lo bis aide he
the ground nm1 <till in tin- iiir. but you
bare ke|il your liuliin.v ntnl iin- shoot­
ing forwonl .U liHl you .-anli your
Port Huroft.—The declaion of the
first breath, like ii lilei-nuuh: then a
longer one You aV.- mni-i of the Riipreme court agninai the great hive.
field, 'n ull « Jiitiip of a biiinlr-'l I'l.-el or L. O. T. MM.', camf a» a great surprise
to .the ladles, who had fully expected
ueall.v I.iiiudei! « nri‘uiiulry that the decision In their favor in (he
Washtenaw Circuit .court would he
Hiistained by the Supreme court. They
declare, bowevur. ihai it will not in­
terfere with their plans for expansion.

What next?'
A lunch for 5 cents.
A wholesome,. nutritious, hungersatisfying lunch for a nickel


utieeda Biscuit the soda cracker
that made the nation hungyy.
Right from the ovenl
All the crisp, flaky goodness pre­
served in an air-tig^,, dust and
moistifre-proof package.
And only 5 cents 1


Get Uneeda Biscuit to-day.
Go to the grocers early
and be at the head of


the line.



Mt. Pleasant.—Two years ago Eklard Dicker ilenertetT his wife, taking
lilt bint his two mtU- dau^ters. Tbe
mother began a systemadalc search
I Cor lha runaway hustta^ and
I just iieen rewarded % locating him
loll a ranch near Kent. Shernuin ooimly. Oregon. She biwiJed lu the far
west, an.l II telegram Just reoeived
stale.s lltal with the assistance of the'
aiiiborltles her children were restored
to her She will bring ibem east at

FOLEYS ma mm
So frequeatl; settle oo the Itm^ and result In Po<
r Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing
awap or take something that only half cureff’it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble.

Cores Cousis asd Colds oolckly aod prereott

Pneumonia and Consumiiiiiin
-Si T.o'srr'dj^.Tssysr’

centiy been admitted to bnalnese
partner with Jonathan Bewail oc
the most active mercbandl of tbe place.
Henry Pblltipa. a yoong graduate of
tbe college of Cambridge, was about
fonr years older tban W “ ' ’
tbe lime of this
fair completed bis twmity-thlrd year.
Woodbridge was tbe son of a gentlemao of some distinction In
one of tbe maglatrates tbere, who hnd
formerly been settled lo tbe BlnlMry
as pastor In Groton, Oono.
Tbe place of meeting was on tbe riaing grounds of the Common, not tar
from the great rim. near where in the
olden time a powder bouse stood.
Boall swords were used. No one but
themselves participate^.. Woodbridge
(ell moruily wounded and died on tbs
^t before tbe next momlng. PblUlpa
was slightly wounded and at mldFaneull, of famous memory,
made bis escape to the Sbeerueaa, a
Britisb mao-of-war then lying in the
harbor, and before tbe snn of tbe next
morulne had fully discovered <o Inter­
ested friends tbe miserable result of
meeting be was on
bis way lo Fruoce, where he died in
than a year of grief aud a broken
oited Service
The Reply Thai Blsi
■ a AilBiirablr
1 like to tbiuk of old Bbmatek as be
sat by the window that opens on the
windy park or Krtedricbsrub in an old
gray sboullug Jacket, u rug over his
knees, u pipe lu Ills imnd.'Umple as
uortL Gcruian furuier. (bis mao who
bad ulmost held Europe in fee.
A imle wliile befoiR this February
day he hud beeu deposed from power.
All tbe world, knew (hot tbe old Uon
was sulking lu bis dec lu uo amiable
mood townnl (be young empdror irbo
bad turned him «o( of door*.
fcnowD that tils uiemolra were
and that bis correspondence was pet In
order. A New York pnbllBber thought
be tnlglit secure Ibe papers In which
Bismarck bad' tdtd the real ftory of
dhe blrtb of tbe German empire—that
•traoge story of craft and bgroism, lltUeoess and graiiileur. It was ou this
mission that I sailed for Bambnrg. I
-had mo letters for Bismarck. One
was from u negligible ambaHador.
Tbe otber had t>een given me by a Ger­
man-staiesuuiii of some note with
whom In ulber days 1 bad been a studcul In the L'nirenJty of Jena. My
frleud bad been a familiar of Bls(uurck’s household and bespoke me a
kindly hearing. I scot Hie letters on
from Hamburg and followed the next
Ou the table at hla elbow as be aat by
tbe window I noticed my letters. The
valet who had. placed a cbalr for me
took hie stand by tbe door. 1 said
wbai I had to say. It was (permit me
to afllrm It) on odmlTable speech. For
ten days aud nights 1 had rehearsed It
ss 1 paced the deck of tbe stormy liner,
so In tolerable German I declaimed It
It was dignified: it waetUplomatlc.
When I had Onlsbed BUmarck took

r that tblD fellow
Hoa»-E>o you
over tbere?
Joex—6h. yes; we are very thick.
Hoax—Aod do you know the big fat
Olan-Oh. hum I 1 wlib tbe Lwd
had made me a maai
Motittr-PeibaaB be baa, dear; only
yuo bavenn-fOBad bbs yet—New Toifc
A tool tqay Ore with eottivaisd peo­
ple all bis life aod uever team anrtOBg-AWUFmOloba


1 tiionfbi I bad caDsnmftioa. 1 tried a great many
remed&aad I vt*iwder*e cue of p'

*—-----------------' -nUKE SUES, ase, SOe aafi $LOO.

Be stu UB aggnaiEO BT



For 1904. All Undo hi stock ■
Mod Is here

Glty Book Stoee.

drink had agreed to wttla tbeir'
duretencM with swoids m tiw poMie
grmiDdi ab^ named. Tbeymetata
tittle efttr 8 efrioek In tbe
Woodbridge was mortally
and was fotmd dwd tbe foOetMM
Both were gentlemen of good
poritloo. PbllUpe was n brotbri of

lUm ....
wbo married■ Marie,
sister of refer Faoeiiil. the builder of
Boston's fomoos ball Woodbridge had
not completed bis twentietli year.

Tbe shares of tbe New Hlvw corpora
don are (he most valuable In the world,
aud oul.v fractloas of them usually
come upon tlie inarkel For many years
ihe slisres were sold ul £5 apiece, jind
Indeed Cbarles 1. reossigo
shares to the coinpaiiy In
perpetual annual payment of £300,
which sum. under the stvie of
"king's clog." U still paid. How bad
H bargain ihai «‘hs Is ahown by tbe
dividend f
Bring er
aged over £2.»«> per share. while a fi
.rears ago one of the shares
'Twas (lie shoriest answer 1 ever had
for 022,000 b.v public bqcUou The ac­
tual face viiiue of the shares la tlOo.- In my lin-. I waited for a uiomeot.
The old man smoked aod stared out
LoDduo Standard.
into tbe park. 1 got up and bowed. 1
had rehearsed that bon aud dK) not In­
Webster Was WlUtan.
tend to waste It. I bowed lo bis old
YVben Dnniel W ebster's market man balrleas head, the flabby yellow Jowls
bad sued him for a long'unpaid t
sod big niustscbe. (u (be old gray
and got his mone.v lu- was so scared
Jacket and tbe pipe. It was like oabis temerity that he stopped coULag at loamtng to a stone wall. Then tbe
the door for order*. Tbe godlike Dan­ valet led me ouL In tbe pork I re­
iel asked him wby une day. and (he gained my senses.—Vance Thompson
man confessed that be nippoeed Mr. In* Success.
Webster would never trade with blm
again. “Oh," said Webster, "sue o
Mark TtvmIb HUseS the Boat.
ntten as you like, but for heaven's take
Tbe success achieved by Mark Twain
don't surre me." There was net
during Lls boatlug days on the Missis
time when the great man was not will­ sippl river was due uot only to.tbe tact
ing to owe os innch as nnyl>ody was that be was a skillful plloi but (bat be
willing to let him owe.-Springfield Be- was an earne*! one as welL
wbo knew Ur. Clemriia in thane days
told how tbe genial humorist
missed his boat. Instead of invt
an excuse, aa many of bit companions
did, be reported to his superior ofleer
as follows;
1 arrived i



Excelsior DIarieg

•ha WM Fatal ■■flag Was Vp


at Low Prices


h on the noucg' of

a “white Anattslia.''
A ipteioBary
tn China was eDdearoring 'to cfmwt
oae of the natlra.
"Soppoa* me Cbristlaa, au go
beavenr remarked Ab SS
-jreA*^ replied tire

Wo Ailin'wb«
Ah uicrc's CO labor partym beiiTr
•• • ■■ "tronie’e.

Poulam 6llk8
I bar Na
Decidedly baudsome too, but-' tlia* rrwirsss^ tbe

offer doubly attractive, ft's a splendid cbance
for you. These are good the year around,
make bandsoine shirt waist suits, party gowns,
etc. Note the sharp price concessions:

73c PoalardB, 30c
9tMO Foulantas 79c
1.93 and 9taSO FoulanU, 98c
colors green, cardinal, navy, delph blue, rose,
champagne, grey and black; not alFthese colors
at e%’ery price.

CrepB de Chine Tor Sprtnl
This is the fabric for you to investigate for
dresses aod waists for spring aod summer.' We
are showing black, cream, pink, light blue fod
champ^e in 24 inch at $1.00 p@r yd.



The Old Belleble Odh Price

Now that the holiday rush is over we are |»^ared a* usual to do
all kinds of repairing qu short ooUce. Pull line of .damoiida. Solid

Gold Watdiea, 8 first-claoB Jewelry Store;

J. N. Martlnek,

sir Fron* street.

Traewse CUy.


utbe-oalyabeoluteljDMA^rnelaadtfaaip pTMt Aoe «« the
market. It la made of the best matolal nooey can buy. It hse'
style, dnrablllty and comfort Try* pair and ytm sriU.weBr-DO

otber. PriCD Sold only by



Bachant G Roseoe.
Parker Brea' OM StanaSOS Frairt BtreeL

This Advertisement is for
Scotch People Only!
Of oourae it's all right for otber people to know that we are leiUng
Finnen Haddiesat lOe a ponnd. Then there ia Smoked Salmon, a Osh
noted for ite flavor, which aelU for 18c. and Smoked Ciecoea or Hetring
at iSc—theae are ready to eat aod joht the thing for a quick meal.
We hare been taking iDveDlory aud find that we hare a few doxen
of Dnnkley'a Pomona Preaerres (lo gleai) left, whlrii we wish to cloae
out. SO we will sell theae We goods for Me uuUlwedlapaeeof them

and Cass.


Phones 46

from the farmers’ wagons ottkes the best flour.

*^Best Flour’
telU the rest

tbe story. It never varies from
tbe highest staodaifl.





Tb« foUvMBf U natrlf • «gsatftto
Un of th« exhlbiu of upplM ud pwn
«t Ui* iiorttculturol mMUDi:
AcrlenininJ «n«c*, n pUtM.
H K. Brlnkmu, «d UUiion, 40
ftotw.' 10 wloUM.
AvrionHnnl coU«so, 00 plataa, 80
B«iit» BocUid't, Hut. 2S nrleUet.
Boatoe Gobbtfdt. i ruletr pean.
*Dr. c: J. Kaeoland,- TrmTorse City,


and boos.

ih« ortgla
uf TtU B^prcMloB.
Uac}' espliLnadoos hnrc been glres
4tf the origm of the expre^on "ralnlnf
cau and dog«." Ua« that It Is a (
rMoB of the FrencL -catadoape,'
wateifall~‘1t is ralulns a catadoups
or cataracts. Another explanation is
that-the male blossoms of the willow
fireo, trhlcb are used on Palm Sunday

A, P. Gray, TraTorse CHy. 23 plaies;
16 rariaUoe.
W. OoWen. 04d MIsalOD. 12 rarieti«>s.
Kingsley Banett. Pennyille. 10 vartaUes.
Janies Wilson. Bingham. 20 4>lstes.
8 vaiieUes.
J. W. Diekerman. Solon. II plates..
7 varteUfs.
SoDtt WlKklward. Trarene City,
John Brwln. Cbpwbish, 8 varieUes.
Ll a Rice. Port Hutx», 1 TiHety,
A. J. Philip: West Salem. WIs.. 1 y
Frank Martey. PennvlUe, S raiietiee.
George Tucker, PennTllle, V varie-

1 that the
LDd the boiler
rain bmogbt them
Others trace tbi aaylog to northern
myiliolog)-. 111 which the cat Is said
have great InOnence on tbe'weatber.
ind Ballon, still have n saylug. "The
.at has n gale of Wind In her tall,"
when she Is uttuaually frisky. Witches
that rode upon' thh storms •werv s^d to
oMtime the form of cats, and the
stormy oonhwest wind Is cslIeO “the
cat’s now" In the Ban
be dog
even at the present day.
d Gorsymbol of wind, which In old
len pictures Is figured as the head of
a dog or wolf from w-hlcb blasts Issoe.
The cat therefore symbollaes n downpour of min; the dog. strong gnsta of
wind, which aecompai
S. B. Smith. Grand R^lds. 2 varie- rain "of cats and dogs" Is a heavy rain
with wind
Lowell Sours. BIk Rapidi ,•7 varieties.
r (hog’s brlrtle).
A. S. Dobson. Traverse City. 11
which seems to have been tbe original
prototype of the bayooel, was a long
T. A. Hitchcock. Ttareme City. 23 rapier blade, fixed In a handle and cat
lied in a sheath, w-hleli was. given to
plates. 15 varieties.
A. B Palmer. Kalkaska, 11 varie­ njusketcer for defense after be had dis­
charged bis piece.' Stuck by its handle
in the munle of his gun. It constlto'
A. 'W. Slayton. Grand Rapids, 6
a very efficient weapon for acting
aga^t plkemen. To dlmlnlsb bis
- Oeorge'!{ousfa, Bast Bay, 3 vaiietles. cumhrt’uce tbe sweyues-feather and
George Roush,. Baal Bay. 2 varieties, mu{ket rest were combined, tbe loiter
forming a sheath for tbe former, in
James G. Getty. Barker Creek,
reign of James I.
Toward the latter part of the<avU
use of the musket rest was aban­
R. J. Hamlin. Traverse City,
doned. and It became tbe practice to
tbe. dagger by Its handle Into the
Perry Hannah. Traverse City,
muazle of tbe piece after dlscbarglngit.
plate, S varieties
In 16S» two rings Were added by
B. J, Morgan, Traverse City,
which the bayonet was placed oi
muzzle without interfering with the
John Oroner. Keswick.^ varieties. firing. ThU improvement, tbe Inven­
tion of General Mnt-kay, an English
oflltvr, w-as lotTOdueed Into .the French


II le Heard
... «...
The .|Uvrj --Wli.-r.- i> ihe prelfh-st
English Bpokenr i» v"’‘"er«! hy n
writer In ih*- LoinJ.iu Aiews, aud
strange to siiy. U Is not in
the writer be nvi-eptitl ms tiu iiulborllH
me erltis-.
It was the vpiniub of »■ Morell Muckentle that ihuoe who should spei
English ususi luuskull.v were the I
hohltantsof BadenoiU. inverusNSs shire,
Scotland. They
i-onturles of ladug in-rfecl speakers of
English; but. th<
low .go to the g|en« hr
northvnrd from the fiiledoriii111 caiiiil to Slid
ts iiuiity
of Morli
irlstoir In
qbisitr Kppech ft seems pipaslhle to lui
^ne. There is cn olrobst total nbsence- nf dialect mid vocal distlgurcments. though :i qvaiui. delicately
morked rise and fall of the
very roltiUy noticeable. The iguage
used is cxtroordliiiiiily pure
from alien words; which Is sttrlhutnble
to the fact tbot the p<-ople acquire their
English direct from books ond tlinl so
far. dialect rontomlnalion» have not
ponetmted the glen."
The writer has a good word to say
u of English gen.
orally: -'-The chorra of Irish English U
undeniable. It lias a softness that ap­
peals IrreslsUbly to the ear. but un­
fortunately H is linked w ith a certain
element of dialect which Jnst places It
below perfection."

not adopted ut
til after the battle of Fontenoy 074T)
where tbe advantages Its use conferred
on the French w-ere only, loo painfully
maoifesi. the Duke of Cumberland's
army being defeated with the’loss of
15.000 men —Pearson'-‘ Weeklv.
HI. Owg MaBw.crlpt.
Geprge Ade. Iti the curly days of bla
career, before the "Fables In Slang"

-i have brought you ibis nianu
script"- be began, but ihe editor, looklug up at tbe tall, timid youth, inler"Just throw the
very busy Just
to do It myaeif.
Mr Ade obeyed calmly. Beremimed;
"I have come from the — theater,
and the manuscript I bave-Jnst tbrowo
the wastebasket Is your comic farce
of -The Errlug Son.’ which tbe
ager asl
asks me to retorn to 3-0U w-ltb
thanks. He suggests tbnl you sell it to
rtaker, to l>e read at funertls."
Mr Ade amlled gently and
•Ktapplag" Crows.
The following account Is given In
Country Life of tbe way In which pUfering crows are dealt with by Italian
agriculturists: A bole of a certain d^th
Is dug In the ground, at the bottom of
which Is placed some decayed meat.
A funnel shaped wedge of paper is
then Inserted Into tbe bole, tbe-upper
edge of the paper being coated with
birdlime. “Maltre Corbeau" sees tbe
food, descends, to grasp It. and w6en
he has flfin hold of It be rUea up again,
's head-Is. however, sw-atbed with
! paper cop. and in bis mad endeavor
rid himself of It he rlrcles up to ex­
traordinary heights ill tbe air. revolv­
ing consuntJy nnd ot so rapid a pace
that soon overcome with glddlnesa, be
falls to tbe eartb dead.

Pocket Foroaers.
CurtouB hand fumneea are used in
China during the wlntot months, chiefly In the nortb. wi > the fire. In place
of being in the Uo . os wo have it. h
carried about the peraon beneath ihi
thickly padded cotton garments or It
the liand. At times It Is ploced be-Death the clialr uti «lilcli one Is seated.
This contrlvoiicc. reaouibling iLe char­
coal pans formerly used before the
days of the pit cosl by tin- Hertfordshire straw ptaltvrs, was bnst Intro
dUceO to our notice when resting at a
The caaliew nut bcn-es n unlq
tillage Id the Fukien provtnoo, which,
before w-e had Investigated the cause, pose as a cosmetic in the W,..i
we noted os u place remarkable for the where women desiring to rem
ceaslve tan anoint the skin win
derortnUy of its Inliablunta, old
from the outer surface of tbe n

from society, for the face and hands so
treated turn black At the end of a
fortnighfa seclusion, however, tbe wowho has
gentleman, who removed bis greatcoat
and disclosed a small copper furnace treatment emerges, observers
secured round his waUt with a band “wiih skin and complexion as fall
and neatly covered with basket wort babe’s ’
Tblssriiaclnl mode of heating the bo'r
Is- only resorted to In time of ext
"What do ,we want with gold and
, cold, as on ordinary occasions the
preelons sfoiies?" suUl ilie proud voung
mother, gazing fondly upon the baby.
"This Is fortune enough for us."
"Huhr grunted the father, who had
been walking the floor nearly all iilgbt.
a glad fortune didn’t knoc-k twice at
Eskimo Food.
door."-Philadelphia Ledger.
The Arctic Terrors were lined op for
the great football game.
‘it seems . to me." remarked tbi
He—1 got
from Dunne today
captain of the opposing team, chewing
lying tbot'-fac^abaolutely must has«
a bit of blubber, "that that left tackhIhe money I oW(e him by totnorrow
la a Ilgbtwelgbt. tsn't be?"
■Tei." replied bis eoaeb. "abont i
Bbe—Ob. the poor fellowl-Llfe.
teen candle power, I understand."
.After tbe Import Of the trapped .i
Napoleon !., who wat a great ad­
bad w-orked IIS way Inin ihecapini
mirer of female talent (wben ita owner
brain the game began,.
Aid net like Mme.'de Stael. direct It
agalnit himself), paed to aay. ’Tber#
Harris.^alaga Grape
are women who bare only one fault—
. .^urday/at the Lagrettl.~
Tit. that they are not men.’’
Brvtally Torturod.
Endless atones of Charles H. Hunt
peraist- chief of poUce of Portland. Me„ are
idmlrera. .u >1 dinner given
Ra^ nerar bm eqoa^ Joe Oolfr
of (hat place.
biek of0dlus6..0B), wrnaa; "For 16
the chief was ttic.iadnelpal guest, and
n l-wndt
- -be couiw-of tbe feast y<- was
called iqwii to response to tbe toast.
___ a aeraaa Ueetrlc Blttera ud it'a- ’The Police.’' Amid applause Mr.
tbe createat madletae on eartfa. for-tbat.
tmble. A few tiottles c£ It oompletn- gorgeotu uniform, and In a sllmee
Ig.reUered and cored me." Jist aa dicative nf tbe affecOon Wt for hUftic
—1 for Uver and Kidney tronMa*
said Vwith a popilcal wink: "Here’aAo
first In war. firat in peace,
ttlldiwi goarnteed by Bagee^ Bax- tbe ||K>Uce;



■r ’BNa* » im-.r -i

By Strtcan Sanvd irMe •
Hamilton, the loumallat, seatagainst tbe aun warmed
____ bench of 'Mrs. Batbaway's
boarding bouse, commented on the
band B8 It stumbled into the waabTbelr converaatlon was laterrapted by t)ie approacb of Thorpe and
Big Junko. The former looked twenty
years older after his winter. Hli eye
ibouldera drooped, Ua
gait was inelastic. Tbe whole bearing
of tbe man was that of oBh weary to
tbe bone.
Tve got eomethlng here to show
you, Harry!” cried Wallace Carpeater,
waving a newspaper. ’It was a great
drive, and here’
>er It by."
"All rigb Wallace, by and by.
plied Thorpe dully, "rm dead,
going to turn in for awhile, t need
sleep more than anything else.
He passed through tbe little
Into the "parlor bedroom." which Mr*.
Hathaway always kept In -readinen
fpr members of tbe firm. There he fell
beavily asleep almost before hla body
had met tbe bed'.
In the long dining room tbe river
men consumed a belated dinner. They

aaC roar ot

toWngweetoa T
rated like a «oaga. Ifcff
A.-bresM bwab ta..pBll oflWw* ^ ew «mdt watar ittt aboot-Hit.
tba body ot rain.
by little it intbair feet Rnm tbe Inrldlbla
orqased, ecrtdlag the water by in gusta,
raOing the alniady bt^yiag rtrar into ingffrom tbe roofs. Far absad, dta
graater bdste. -rilring far frem tte be mitt pftvti tba Itgbt ot UsteRSL
Bnddettly TRotpe felt a tootffi ni hU
tween the tnarlng nt the wind, tbe rm. Faintly bc 'perdsl'iTadathladboV
dasb of rain and the »esu of the stream a face from which the water sttaatned.
men bad to sbout 9 make tbemtalTW
'Injun Cbarleyr he «ted. "Hie very
V’Oueas you’d' better root out ttie
boas,-- acreamed SoUy to Wallace Carbacka np once ibe’II pgab tbls }w out

£d’ t a sudden thlrtliig of the leo
is feet eoaipelled
nader his
. him to tias fat
m moment to his• faU bright. 80 Wal­
lace Carpenter. psMlng from Us paAroom along the poreb to . tbe d^Ing
rootu. became aware of tbe man on the

N« HJOa-Opw oml iM^; 4hrat
cood eowi «M8g mOk: thm innUr boh riefgbA me 11^ bob slrigh.
B. J. Motiun.

firat tboog^
demandlhg instniit attention bad Imppened to tbe boom. Ht tberetora
at once to the man's aasUtuee, randy
to help him personally or to call other
. ___ - ■West Seven
Enquire of E .A. Uldee. S
aid .ns the exigency dematided Owing
to^e precarions nature of tbe passage
Weal Ninth. New ’phone 121, ’?.8-tt
see beyond his. feet until
be ronld
workman. Then he
up to find tbe'man, squatted on
Um aardonlc- FOR RENT—Nicely'funUiheu 1
'was 10 be done and
rifle into the Indian’s hands.
at 427 State street,' west doqr. 3;
____ The latter listened in sUence
and stolidity, then turned and wUbont
a word departed swiftly in the dark- coolly.
"What ai • yon dolDgr
DOS* The two white men stood s min­
9 tatow. I am flung STORE TO EEWT-Corner Union and
“If yon
ute ottentlve. Nothing was to be beard
Seventh atreets. Enquire of T. Shllbut tbe steady beat of rein and tbe this cbelc.'
Wallace made one step forward and
roaring of tbe wind.
Near the bank of the river they an- H) became aware that at last firearms TO RENT—Six-room bouse on Osk
countered a man visible only as an m- were taking s part In this de^terate
street between Ninth ud Tenth,
certalD black ontUoe ogalnst tbe glow game.
new cottage. Ebiquire of Geo R.
"Yon stand stilir commanded Dyer
of tbe lanterns beyond. Tborpe. stop­
Newmu, clt)'. Box C.
xiO if
from behind the revolver. “It’s unfor­
ping him. found Big Jnnko.
-Tbls Is DO Ume to
;o qnlt.” sold Thoipe tunate for you that yon happened TWO NEW Houses to rent—s>t.i
ated on Eleventh street Enquire o
w you'll hi
J. M. Hnellmutel. 216 Front eizeet
’’I ain’t qnlttln’,” replied Big Jnnko.
Ittle row Is over. You
“Where are yon going, IhenF’
o stay long. Your logs |U
Junko was partially and stammerlngEIGHT ROOM HOUSE TO REN'T
724 State street.'flO per monUi. 11
J. Morgu.
3308 lf
"Looks bad," commented Thorpe.
"You’d better get back to your Job”
RENT—A large Bo-3« with barn
“Yes." agreed Jnnko belplewly. In
i large grounds on South Uoiuii
tbe momentary slack tide of work tbe
eet Uttle & McNamara. 3284-ir
'Wbat have
hove you agalusi
us, anyway.
giant bad conccirk tbe idea of search­
ing out tbe driver crew for purposes'of' Dyer?- asked Wallace His quick ttood
pugilistic vcDceancc. Thorpe's snspl- hod conceived a plan. At the inoment
doDS stung him.-'but bis simple mind
block wood. Green wood ded.-ered
could see no direct way to explanation. i-dgc of the Jam. hut now as he spoke
par oorJ. D. J. Pike
0 stepp<-d quietly 10 the boom log.
All night long in the cblll of a spring
606 West Tuth street Citl:.
Dyer's hleck eye* gleamed at him
rain and wind storm tbe Fighting Forty
isplclonsly. but tbe movement nppesrand certain of the mill crow gave Uiemeelvea to the labor of connecting tbe ‘ed wholly natural In view of tM re­ MONEY TO LOAN on peraonsi ierty. Ui*Enms to suit I. New:.slanting Stone.cribs so strongly by turn to shore.
'Nothing," he repUed. "1 didn’t like
room 60S. new WUaelm block.
QS of heavy timbers chained end to
gang parttcuiarly. but that’s nothfloor.
end that tbe presence ot a break In tbe yourg

WaUaoe ran to tbe boatlUng bonae
and roused bis partner from a heavy
sleep. Tbe latter underatnod tbe sltoattop at a word. While dressing he ex­
plained to the yonneer man wberelD
lay the danger.
"If tbe Jam brmks once.’’ eatd be,
of earth can prevent it
from going out Into the lake, sod there
It'Dacatter heaven knowe-wbere. Once
«*ttered It la pracOcalSy a total losA"
. TRey felt blindly'through the rain In
tbe direction of the R^ta on the tog
»nd pue drlTw, Bbearer, the water
dripping from bla flaxen mustache,
ldn^...^em like a ehadow. At the
he\announced hla opinion. "We
can . hold her all
be aasured
tbem>—It ’ll take a few more pUea, but
by morning tbe tmrrn '11 be
Bhe’U begin to go down agali
three plrted tbelr way
creaking. swaylng«tlmber. ________
they reached the pGe driver they found
trouble afoot Tbe crew had mutinied
and refnaed longer to drive piles un­
der tbe fsce of tbe Jsm.
"U she breaks away sbe’s going to
bury us," said they.
Tbe two on tbe veranda smoked. To
"She won’t break." snapped Shearer.
the right, nt tbe end of tbe sawdust “Get to work."
street, the iplll sang its varying and ^fs dgngerons," they objected aullulling keys. Tbe odor of fr^b sawed
pine perfumed tbe air. Not a boodred
'Ton get off tUa driverr- shouted
yards bway th4 river slipped silently Solly. "Go over and He down in s ten
(To be Continued.)
Ilace Carpenter, Shorty, the
set Peu Hospital,' K'.i,
to tbe distant blue Buperlor. escaping acre lot and see if yon feel safe tberer’
chore bof. and Anderson, the barn bom.
Ung stone filled cribe
He drove them ashore with a storm picked a dengeratu passage back and
£twhich held back tbe logs. Down tbe of profanity, and a mnltlRide of ifteire,
410; corner Ninth and Qlvlslon
fortb carrying palls of redbot coffee urday at the Lagretti.
. .’39-t-l
south and west tbe huge
lUge thnsder beads his steel bine eyes blaring.
which Mrs. Hathaway
gathered and flashed end gmmbled.
grumbled, as
“There's nothing for It bnt to get pared. The cold water numbed tbe
they had done every ftemoon for the boys ont again.” said Thn. “I
A Puzzle Worth Having.
I GORDON, the popular cica-et
men's bands. With difficulty conld
Dr. G. Q. Green, of Woodbury. New Vwaser uJ repairer ot Laales' ar,<]
kinder hate to do it"
they rnonipmate tbe heavy cbalni Jersey,
Gent’s garments, also makes a a;
"Queer thing." commented Hamilton
whose adtcrtlaetnent apnear^
Bnt when the Fighting Forty, half
cialty .of bate, gloves and cbii ■finally, "these cold streaks In the air. aaleep but dannUess. took charge of the through the auger boles: with pain they
paper regularly, will mall to
goods. Clothing recot anq rcii
iding a two cent stamp to
The.v are JuK as distinct as tbongb driver a catastrophe made ineU
'not complain. Behind them tbe Jam
Basement 264 ISast Front sireib^ bod psrdtlODB around them."
One of the e,jecied
--Queer climate anyway." agreed Car­ tripped the lifting chain ot the ham­ quivered perilously near the bototlng Syrup
polu^ t-Yom It Rbrleked alond tbe de­ made of wwri and tfaas. U amutea
mer after another bad knocked away mons pf pressure. Steadily the rfver ud perplexed young ud old. AlthongP FTRB. AceiJeot Burglary, (.'.ayuaity
ud Plate Glass loauranci- i..ulc A
Ex<-eptlug always fur the mill, the the heavy preventing block, and se
very dlfflcolt: It can* be maeterad.
.MisMamara. 208 Front at, 33M-u
lltTlv setilemem appeared asleep. The the hammer bad fallen into the river
my give moment. < y conld Mention tbla paper
booms wvre quite deserted. Aft- and was lost None oilier was to be
.V.|> . rV____________________ .....__________
not tell, and with tbe nub they knew
sd. Tbe pile driver was usrie^.
said he.
A doxen men were at once dispatched
I.OST—A Black spuicl ud coach pup
"WLafs happening out there
for cables, chains and wire ropes from the disabled pile driver would be swept
last Tueaday. Finder notify 'W. Ingsome of your confounded logs aunt or the supply at tbe warehouse.
fsDUi existence. The worst of It was
erson. 341 Weet Ninth street ’S9-tf
wbatV There don’t seem to be near so
"It’s part of the same irick," sold that tbp blackness shrouded their ex■sQD.v Of them somehow."
Thorpe grimly. "Those fellows have [wrleiire Into uselessness. They were
"No; It Isn’t tbut.’*’proffered Carpen­ their men everywhere among us. I oitcrly unable to tell by the ordinary
Treverae City;
ter after u moment's scrutiny. -'There don’t know whom to trust."
visual symptoms bow near the Jam
The lax rolls for the collecuou nf
are Just as many logs, but they are
’Tou think It’s Morrison & Daly?’ might be to collapse.
ranty' taxes lor the
getting separated a little so you
However, tliey persisted, as tbe old year 1903.
queried (Carpenter, astonished.
for tbe dellnqueni
Iter between them.
“Think? 1 know It. They know as time rifer man always doeA so that scho(
tool and city taxes and special as"Guess yon re right. Say,' look h<
appeared the barrier was sessi
well as you or I that H we save these when dawn appear
for said year have beSn he Popular Auctioneer of Grand
Traveree county. Office 330 Bast
I believe that tbe river Is rising."
ired. Altb
ihoogh tbe I placed In my buda
bands for
logs we’ll win out In the Stock .Ex­ continuous
Trevene City ,
"NonseniM-! We haven’t had 1
I will be in m? offli
ffloe to receive said
change. and tbfl^’re not such fools as pressure of the rirer bad already forced
a teom DOW lUi heb. 1. 1904,
to let nt save them If n can be helped." ibe logs against tbe defenses.-tbi
eacb week day from 8 b'clook to ll;3
"Sb4's rising -Jnst the same. Yon see
held tbe stratn well.
"What are yon going to do now?"
F. h3 WAUCRR ,
that spile over there near tbe left hand
Tl(e storm had settled Into Ita gait. o’clock in the forenewn and from
*The only thing there la'to be done.
cribt Well. I sat on the boom thl*
Overhead the sky wos filled with gray, o'clock to 4 o’clock In tbe ariernooo.
On all state ud county taxes paid
- 427 Fifth street Nortlimorning watching the crew, and I
1 the cribs nnd then beneath tphich darker scuds flew acroos before Juuary lu, the ragular fee i>
whittled tbe spile with my knife'. You
bcevcQ tboy'll bold. I think tbe zenith before a bowling Houtbweet one per cent for collection will be full ala* datAlla given with a
can see the marks from here. I cut the
I bold the jam. Tlic water will wild. Out in the clear river one could charged, ud on ell taxes remaining un
thlog about two feet above tbe wfiter.
to flow over tbe bank before hardly stsod upright against tbe guatA j paid
Janu^ 10, there wiiitie ’
Look nt It now.”
a there won't be much increaBe In the fan of many directions fnriousla fee of foni .
"Rhe’e pretty near the wgter line,
squalls swept over the open water be- Panalty on delinquent city ud school
Graduate U. B. A. Training School, that’s right,” admitted Carpenter.
shock to Kw the booms, and u eager boiling I
“d «ljee
ud as there won’t be snvr sl
olhas tS. Grand KapldA Citizens'
ivy booms current rushed
rushrt to the fike.
• ou each dollar f the amount of said
About an boor Inler tbe yonnger man withstand I thick our heavy
'phone $63. Res.. 234 Washington st
in bis turn made a discovery. - wlU do the burineas.”
i Thorpe now gave order* that tin
Office In room 2i0, WUhslm block.
“Sbe’s been rising right along,
He turned to direct tbe boring of \
driver should take shelter. A few ;
submitted. "Tonr marks art nearer some long boom logs In preparation for i moments Isier he expressed himself as j
the water, and. do yon know. I believe the chnlnA Suddenly he whirled again ' eatlsfled. The dripping crew, tbelr i
torWallaee with so strange an expres-, barah faces gray In the half light!
logs are beginning to feel It.
311 Wilhelm block.
r’ve cloa. ■
? little openings slOD In his face that the young man sl- i Picked tbelr way w tbe shore,
most cried ont. The uncertain light of
1“ »l*e darkness of that long night’s
to crowd down to the lower cod of tba tbe lanterns showed dimly tbe streaks : work no man knew bis neighbor. Men
T. W. THIRLBT, Dentist,
of rain across bis countenance, and |
men from the mill, men
Over Barnum fi Etri’t Jewelry Store.' .
his eye flared with a look almost of 1 from the yurd. all worked side by side.
“I don’t know anything about thU
-basinesA”'hazarded tbe journalist, "bnt PhAlcdress"I never thought of It ” be said lu a
should think there was a good dpal
on that same lower
lower end. By low voice. "Fool that I am! I don’t
DR. T. A. WILtlBUf.
WANTED—Agenu, ladies or gents;
Jove, look berc! See iLosc logs nponi
nd. see bow 1 missed It Wallace, don’t
good salary,
city. Bnyou see what those devils will do
ity Opera House Block. Room
I believe you're going to bare a
quire Eagle
right here la your own booms."
"No. What do you meno?" gasped
“i don’t know.” hesitated Wallace,
WANTED—Good girl for teneral ■
-n and Bridge Work a Specialty.
the younger mu.
housework. Mrs. A. W. Lind, 28
never heard of its happening.”
Jfflee new Wllholm Block,
Washington street
"YoD’d better let some one know.
"I hate 10 bother Harry or any of river In Sadler & Smith’s di
the river roen _ I’ll Just step down
the mill. Mason-he’s our mill toro“Jnst a* soon as they find out 1
man-he’ll know.
A U. V.lEK.
Mason came to the edge of tbe high the river U booming and that we
VA^l•ED PCH U. 8. ARMY-Abk Dentist Offiee 6<B Nev Wllhc
going to have a hard time to hold oar
Block, ntlzeas pLone No 682
trestle and took one look.
21 acd S$; rjtizans of Unite
-Jumping fisbbooki!" he cried, "ttiiy. Jam. tbey'll let loose those 12,000,000
id tea
State*, of geito ebmrmctei
e river’B up six Inches and atUI 00 UA They’ll break the Jsm or dy­
can speak.
minin'! Here you. Tom!" be called namite it or something. And let me
Bugllsh. For Informatioi
one of the yard bands, "You tell tell you that a very few logs bitting
Solly to get steam on that tug dou­ the tall of our Jam will start the whole
Front street, Traveise City, Midi
ble quick and have Dave bustle to­ shooting match so that no power
earth can stop it"
gether his driver crew"'
What arc yon going to do?" asked • “I don’t Imagine they’d tblpk ot do­
WANTED—Womkn cook, bigbe
iraduate ot Cleveland Homeopathic
ing that." began Wallace hy way WsllBce.
wages paid Apply at Eagle offir
Medical college Citltens 'pbooc
- Sharp. Lai
784. City Book S ore Block.
"I got to strengthen the booms,’
ds, Micb '18
“Think of It! You don’t know tbem.
r House. Elk Rapids,
Islned the mill foreman. "WeMl drive
They’ve thought of everything. '
une plies across tbe cribs.’
don’t know that man Daly. Ask I
led te Eye, Ear, Nose anc
"U there any danger?'
Throst and1 fitting gtari
gtapse* 602
"Ob. no. The river would have to
FOR SALE—One pair medium light
Wilhelm block. Glllze--5
rise s good deal higher than she Is now
sleighs Eoqntre at 412 Wadsworiti
668.MW0 ring*._______
to make current enough to hurt.
They’ve had a hard rain op above.
time to head them off. They have
'OK SALE -Counters, show cases and nyslclao and Surgeuo.
This will go down In a few bonre."
Arzt) Pre» > f’ .lee

one Aafe ar.- for sale at the Rarket
After a time tbe tug pnffed up to the to send their mu overHe cast bis
class .-laily
- from
9 «. 10 a m.
n and
are rapidly over tbe men.
Stock to hr deltrered after the isle
boomA escorting,the pile driver.
p. m Offle, over City Book
"I don’t knerw Jnst who to send.
latter towed a Utile raft of long, ahoip-Tou *(and stlUrCltlxens- -phone $»6.
ened piles, which It at once began to There isn’t a good enough woodsman ed In a faded mackinaw and a limp FOR 8A1-B—»-'u
00«l. South
drive In SDcb posltlona as would most In the lot to re.v. giscoe Falls through BhMcli hat wlilch he wore pulled
side Lumber Co. Bell phone 390:
tbe woods a ulgbt like thlA The river
'Ilhelm block. Cltixen«
effectually strengthen the boomA
v-altens- ’phone 308.
3;»6 U
bis eye* This young fellow occupied
-phone 6
Doll -Dboue 378
tbe meantime tbe thnnder heads bad trail is too long, and a rut through tbe himself with tbe chain* Against tbe
slyly climbed the beavenA so that a woods Is bUni"
current Ibe crew’^eld the endi
sudden deluge of rain
cream delivered. Enquire
Roomi 7 end S Mekoantlle Co.'* Block.
woritmen. For an hour it pour« down
Special attention given to tbe eye.
them together. He worked well, but
In torrentA then settled to a steady gleaming k«i «h>.Tie dimly the luterns seemed slow. Three times Bbearer hus­
ear. ooee and throat. Olaraer.
gray beat immediately the aspect at tbe aom of srorfc. ghostly throogfa tled him on after tbe others bad flnlshfitted.. Both 'phenes.
FOR SALE—A few pair of highly bred
the rain. B^ond. on either ride, l>7
ed. examining closely tbe work that
Homer pigeons. Finest equab breed.
Solly, the tug captain, looked at bit
had been done. On tbe third occa­
the wind.
mooring hawsers and then at tbe near­ ed
•T woulfc-t wut to tackle It," put- sion be shrugged his shoulder some­
est crib.
"She’s rto two indies' last-two afi Thonte. "If It wasn’t for that
Tbs pteu atraggled to sborA tbe TO BELL—Fs-ms and city property;
PbonoA Residence 614 BUth 1
rttned tote nod between Sadler &
laRge Hat some on very euy payboniA” he annotmeed. “aad she’s
young fellow Just described bringing
menu:-some bargains for cash.
Bln’ like a-mill
up the rear. He walked as though
. -- tbem.*
Little fi HcNamars. 20$ Front
•M that «
typical north amntry tog captain, short
tired out, banglog his bead and drag­
S884-tf .
and broad, with a brown, clear face
ging his feet Wben, however, the
aad tbe steadiest and calmest of steel ■btleked ud maned. OcraslonaUy boarding bouse door bad closed on FOB SALE-Dry kindling wood, one
blue eyeA "When she begins to feci was heard henegtb the sharper noises Om last of those who preceded him and
pressure behind,” be went on. a dnU boom as one of tbe heavy dm- the town ley deserted in tbe dawn he
berA forced ty tbe preraore from Its
suddenly became transformed. Ciaat. . _____...
Toward d
e began to feel that resting placA sbpt Into the sir sod fell ing a keen glance right nitd left to be FOR SALE—Quan^ Of type, rule and . eifi a.
back on the brlrtfittg surface.
Diseases ot Womea, Office <
borders and 40 type caaes, - ;toBt the
b tbe n
First National. Bask. . CaU I
‘Tim Shearer might do it..........—
opportunity to get supplies
tbe logs could be seen raising tbelr
hurried r.-ckh-ssly tiart over the .lo^
i^mstly arms of protest. Slowly, wlth- Thorpe, "but I bate to spare blm.”
He ptrtad hlsiUa'from Us rack and
—• tomnlt, the Jam formed. ’

brnst tba macnMMJQlI of/cartridgcA And busied himself with tbe chain*
iraduate of Toronto Uatuof^.
1» -wn U bla rigkag
In HaaaoD hlo^. ThaBea: a
Jgm b» ao blendcd.wltb tiM IpotBlng
IU; raoUa&ee. iWL
Wir awM Wu uitt






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