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The Daily Eagle, May 15, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Daily Eagle" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Sutherland, G. H. D. (1874-1931)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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TMte 0i
» 0»r MM Mhmn iMi iMipM •
• iHMtfrwto «r .^09(« «iM
MIp •
yw Mil <6Mr ^ it « »
• __________ .r- ;■
,rOL XVi
. •• , ,-
li W, SLAIiR
Wg wai Furnish Yoiir
Home Complete
Home Furmture in our mammoth stock,
and let you pay lor it as your income will allow.
Uicc Curtains
Window Shades
310 Rockers
to select from.
40 Dressers
38 Bedroom Suits
50 Center Tables
22 Dining Tables
30 Couches
45 Dining Chairs
100 patterns Carpet
12 patterns Linoleum
23 yean of experience in the home furnishing business
bas.taught us when and where to buy to get the best for our
mcMy, and if you buy (ksd us you get Ae benefit of our experimce.
In fact we will take the best cadi prke you' can get.
»nywhere in the sUte or from any catalog house, and sell you 3»e
same^gradi; of goods at the same prices and let you pay for it in
Satisfactory Pressing
lothf m»i. »lu> ii frtB'iriiouH in
be utisincd
Iiis IJI.
« heD I'ls furni»li o£B »iv L-hobeii
at oiii Blorr. M'e raUr to llie
tiiitn of rrfiat-nipn* to *11 ih« little
rao/ <lrratt that proclaim
the ir<-iiU(inaii in Tipa. Uodortrrar. buckK. Miii is uid Swpebdcn- iu llie laUal at^lia port at
prices U> auf| all pursia.
. m
OTTY Eomoir. 4 P. IL
F. wAteH AND i. a. nvciurrsA ak
®ody Was Not Discovered UntH This Morning and then
not in Time to Keep Train of 17 Freight Cars From
Passing Over It the Second Time.
LaM t’fmtHB **4 tlw OtNr
Kftocked H«r
Wmiy Boaes are Broken and the Body l« Badly MuUlated; HottlMe Cuti OB the
Head and Face Mode Some Surmloo Thdr Might Have Been Penl Piny,
But at the inquest It was Made Quite Qear some of the Bruisoe and Inv
inries Were Made shortly Alter 10 O’clock Last Night and the Others
This Morning. -Railroad Employes Exonerated by Jury.
Two ATeUBC mea. r. Walali o4.
J. 0. Webstar, vara amMa« Ots'
oionUiit t>r Chlaf ot ^aUaa AMm
two charssa, ooa oT 4nask
tnatbar on-Ota akaia| aC
awMilt sod battWT pratariM hr ft0
wypkoff. nia *
• - ■
losde br Clitat Aahton
Back of t
tIODi wUcb tba mea would
ably not rapaat Mr. sad Mra. itm
Wyekot and Hr*. WyokaTi aWar.
Mrs. O. J. SmUb sad her boabad, aU
went to Uie picture show lict nfitht,
The IsUer sre bare tram Beat J<
for s stkor^ visit on tbelr way 1
from a tIbU In Banton Hartwr.
AudselMik Insult.
It wsB ralnlnc ss tbay laft tba
and the two ladlto bad mi an*
while the two nan also had ana.
They went to toa Bseord-B^^d gf.
fl«, where Mr. WlTto* «MkA.
frain there the rnsii set oat abaad fpr
the Palm and were Jo«t co|nK to
when Mr. Wyekot happened to took
back and saw twa atranxers, one of
whom. It IB sUacad. bsd bis ana
sroupd Mrs. W^oS.
;damas Kitbride. aged oe«y 7«
well known man In tfw eHy,
who has lived many'yeara In Uae>unty, waa klllad last nlghl.
T. C.. L. 4 M. extra freight train
0stog to Northport on the M. 4 N. C.
bws<« over which the rcMl wins their
trains cut ef the city.
. It is toppoeed that Mr. KlIbHde
tMs killed by this train, which left the
any wHh clearance orders at
but the body was net seen imtll thl|
I 4 e’etoek, whan It was
------the tracks upoh the tw
tura trip of the train,
The trainmen eaw the body wrhen
coating back thle morning about two
car lengths ahead of them, Mid tmmadlately applied the air, but oauld
M bring the train to a stag until thay
Md FStaed anUrely evar Uia' body.
The fact that KilkrMe'a aap waa
found nearly SO rods north of the body
gives the Idea that the train atruMc
Mm when thay went to Nartttoort. and
know they atruah the body eombacts
•eme hsv> a theory that Kilbride
mat with foiri play and that hla body
tins piaead on the track. Denie of the
««la In the head are peculiar, H la
limed. A few yeara age Mr. KKMa- teas held' up utar the aeena of
Mr. Wyckofl basteaad to bis wife's
sid snd sfler s few words knooked'
one of the men down. The ntbar
tnsq stepped Up from behind ^nd
kniicked Mr. Wyctoff
nsensibla from panispt VBb tt)a
wait Mr. Wypkiiir temfOriad to
eofidiUoB until t«*rlr I acJo(dt this •*
g phmletlto spent «atu44- 5*
(OoDUnoed on Ptgf Six.)
. ‘
the praoent tragedy and raHavad of
eeverai hundred dollars, and they
point to this as might havli^ hsppaned again. Then. tee. there *a
Priced cut in hie cap se If me
by a^3taitr4natrwnwffL
~ On the other hand the fact of the
cap being ae far away and the body
being cold whan fbund. makea N look
as tf the man had been dead aemc
time. When found, the body wu lay
ing between the traeka a few feat
north of the creasing which leads to
the Orand Traverac santtarlum
An examination of the body thia
marning revealed the fact that It
terribly mangled. On the top of
head there Is poeh after gash, aome of
them leaking a# if they had bean
t by a sharp tostnimeat, wMIe
others took « If oomethlng ir
had cauoed the injuriee. Thera era
a few brulaee en the front of the face
kvhich iaoks a# if tba body might have
bean dragged a short dtatsftca by the
b«.UM « tfvlr nalw.. WM1. Hmy
m.y.11 h..nbMnMM.dh]r^«rth "
---------- w will M*Mt • fIM*.
clualen as to the eSM
tragie death.
In the man's peelcsts wsi« 1mm
there wae Juut ana ohM, TMra «M0
alao E2J0 looaa In hta paetata; • Jitoikntfe. and In Ma eoa* poghst p Mil*Pr
of clgaro, a fraight rooMpt
4 bW'
naao apulpmarrt idiiHiiBaBMM. .Mli
allvar woteh atappad at fb MtaatoB to
•. but M it stated that Ho «pbto Dm
net boeii running good, mi that wowM
prove nothing.
Tho train wMeh stwlitho mm wm
in charge of Cendpotoo W. A. 4spgh
nar. Engineer WiO Byh.mtM Pnd
- Oman 8. E. Hprtbtot. wtto tBpra
in charge cf & ft 4 L anginp Ito. B4
Mr. KMbrida CMM to tba e«r tote
terday aftarnaen to took after a toM
he hae working hora. Ha tsft a tmst
aide aalocn, K Ip said, paatowhirw
about tiM o’oloek In tho ■voatoft mti
right lag waa c« efl >u« abova the H U eiaimod that at thH Bmo ha tsm
ankle, harming by a vary few corda.
This, leg waa Mae terribly brpkan at liquor and ha waa alona wtwn ha taft
the knee. The left lag it broksn )ust the aaleen. FrOm that thns anHI Mo
below the hip.
body woo found thio morning no ono
The wounda on Wa hud. a peftTari knows anything of him, Mty nwro
I them at taaat ora the Injgriao than tho loaBth of timo it wmaM toha
whkh ora oauaiiig the, moM inpubT
tlHton St ODtiSm
Smttli-Really Co. Have Some
Fine Bargains In
Real E:stale.
Crawford 8h<K6 always
pefaiQ their new look and
good form
Farms lor
A puaranteccovereevery
.UM foa^itlc* Of UUng one
Smltti Realty
iflBce Telephone 32.
Residence S»n.
Many a young lady's feet ^ve
been almost mined by wearing
shoes that did not fit her feet
So many shoe stmea
misses' feet with
l o'dock train thio cfrent&g.
The deceased leave* a irlilov. bIx
brodiers. two tUtors and on aged tatbar.
The funeral. In charge of the Bev.
Canby, wui be held tooKmov frotn
jthe realdence of the brother, J. ;.
Caaipbell, 218
Eighth otraeL
PH m iMaa ib
Mile ado Tea
i (eel sure you would
Like to have you tr^ it oo our.
recommendation. Tb l a k we'll
thereby ga|n another (riei^ (or our
tea counter.
SOc per Ib.
We'll show you
I Pine Soda Water is the
perfect beverage.
It is everything a drink
should be—cooling, re
freshing, invigorating—
and it harms no one.
We are talking only of
GOOD S<>da—of Soda as
poo<l as it can be. This
kind is the only kind
served at our fountain.
Ask for a sample.
Women's Shoes.
It’s Wrong. It’s Wicked.
Our Misses' a»oe8 are mapde on lasts brmed to
the natural shape of misses’ feet
more good points about the
CrAwford Shoos.
8t*-p in!
pet us fepair and enlarge your house,
proqipt and courteous treat
ment to all
Not so here.
2fO. 4882.
‘or id yw mty piece
Made ri^ and fit ri^
Our^sboes cost no more than the other sort; but they'ie—Ob,
wdl sum it all up by sajing
They’re So Muct| Better
We want evtfy ynmg lady to caO-and see-the largest and preltieit line of MISSES' FOOTWEAR in the dty.
that tpuBt be suited with the flour you use. ~
We are 80 sure that BEST Float will suit
YOU that we-wimtyouto Wy a sapk the
uejjt time you order flour.
We know what
the result will be—you will always use Bexf
fliWjlii 'ft UY CO
Only 'Think Of 111
A 12 pU-ee lieooraicd Set at tX.M
A UKi piece Dvcoralcd Set at IbJE
h'.Hhinp belter for Ibe moccy.
Would Iw pk-aicd to show Ihem
t't you
mtoatos the •
aglned himself h
felt es helpless *
pie of that city feel i
In the mtoto
and ho Sf" to
be exceedingly worried.
He thought the animal matt have
returned to the laundry, bat a tele
phone InquliT relieved Uo ml^ of
any aoch theory nod he began to hoaL
He touod the'animal ODjoytog the
green grass, which ha* come up aloftoWaa a PlonUr of Yuba. Where She eide the P. H. freight boaoe andor the
toanence of the recent reto. the ani
Will be Buried.
mal appsrenUy en>oytog the unttiaal
Betaa May Tabberer, a ploaeer of drilcacy and caring ttttie tor the dieYuba, died at her botoe In Kingsley, ' oom(cB-t be had cuoaed hla earettksr.
yeoterday of heart (allure, at the age
of 6S year*. Bealdee her huabanJ.
who lives In Kingsley, she leaves four
SODS at Yuba.
Her remalDB were breught to
city on the dood train and taken to THE OFFICERS WILL BE NO REthe Anderson Undertaking roonu.
where they will remain over night
and will be taken to Yuba tomorrow,
I Who Presume to RMe on WaMa
where the fnaend wQi be held to the
Will Contribute to UTuba church at 2:10 p. m. Kev. W.
H. Herbert of Kingsley wlU oOclate.
Undertaker Anderecn
wUl b
C. W. Ashton, chief of police, atated
- the Dally Eagle today that he will
beglD immediately enforcing th* bi
cycle ordinance which prohMts the
use of tbe walk* from now oa. A
Jay BlakealM Weet to 8L Louis This man will be out In dtlxens clothes
look after vioUton aed It wUt
make no dUference who the peraoo ta
Jay Blakealee was called tc
what exeuae he may have for rl4
LouIb. Mich., this morning by the ortt- tog Ob tbe walks, as Uw ofleera toical Hlneea of hla mother. Mn. J
teod to eatorce the ordinance.
Warren. Mr*. Warren Is suSertog
From now cm the use of the wsika
wiUi cancer and It U not expected that
prahRitted in any partloo of toe
she can Uve losg
dty and all wheel rider* should hoop
Mr. Blakealee voa with his mother this fact in mind or they wUl be 008Sunday and Mooday. but as she was tributlng to the library fund whM
holding her own nothing aerioaa
they least expect they are gntog to.
:peeted and bo deoUed to et»
here to look after bt* huatoaoe. Bhs U
<3 yeais old.
NHi gras HE onws'
uiB isniKuir u
Cauaad by Cxploeloti of Tenh WMIa
Doing PlumMng.
prnera of oemetar
Dr. Harry OeODsn feoU 0laH4 om
performed In the
itie future, either tor the
too tact tost toa Hannah 4 Imr HOK
the grading and Ixing wp of a cantlle Co. enlled him Into tbe Man
oetery lot moat he paid tor to ad after tbe Are to hla hooae. whito teas
vance at the oftoe of the elty tro*i
caaaed by tbe wcfkmm it b tapeh
Board of Pahtic Works.
whUeteome of the ontBpaay'e pIuMhw
r. H. o“ apr tBUl
were doing work at hla barae.
fatmltare and oto«r aiatuHolg Am
ttray«4. ailde ben the laaBrw B8
- ‘M«e. It ea«e aa 4 big aatoHto
ii V
I^e Daily fj^gle
the Hev. Dr. Sqtlierigit* c(
precohing the ordination aanon.
OTFICK m^weST^FB^O^N^»TRECT. BereraJ clergymen from nrleoa aeotlAia were preront and the aerrhse
was a moat Impreulve one.
Od« week, by carrier....................-«»e
Rev. Bennett has won many fnaoda
One monib. by Mail..................... «c
In hU mlnlaterlai work and Buttona
Three montliP. by mell ................
Bay la ff^nata in' haying ao aUe a
Six monthe. by «n»H ......................M
man to occupy the pul^t
.......... "
Cute Office—Both Phones No. SL
Circulator—CUixena, 4U>
m and 87S
sobecriber. to the Dai y Eagle «re
reouataO to report ariy IrragutSritUe
• In the eervlee at once.
■MWea, $b<« tbv Tow WbbI c
arranged thentaetm in a semt-ctiole Z
with the Mcbestra at the back, tha'Z
were turned on and the cartalnj
rolled up. -Tbe
uc$ t*nu that ot a
Btage with the peifonihra neated.
C. J. Bbner told the young ladlha
that they mJ^L now open theit grtp*
which they <Ud and tound (he Mlow
lag program inside which was Ibeo
. .
The Pmgram.
Plano seleoUoD, Roy Rorabacber.
Choroa. "ning WMe the Oates,'
^ae club.
Tenor solo. Arthur OvlandDueL "What are the Wild Waves
Seyiag." irombona^aAd comeL Cbas.
Uarcb PontttcaJe, orcheetrs.
Chorus. "Teach Me Thy Will." glee
The Daily Eagle will be foaad oa
fSie at the following places:
News Stand; Oty Book Stoie; B. J.
Hjne & Son. 901 Waahlngtt* strast;
Joeepb Omlor. 910 Eaat Eighth street;
Ueo. Coleman. 319 North ElBwood
avenue; Monroe Candy Ca Daloa
atreet; H. B. Tnrnbnll'a. S4B West
Elerentb alreet; J. W. Weeae, 6U BasSolpb etrept. For the eoneenlenee of
,<ur patroDi. want sdrertlaemenn may
left at any of the above places.
And Inside of Ten Days It will be De
finitely Known Whether the
Fourth U to be CeloMay
-riio Hidden Hand," The
.May :5—"Blueboard, Jr." mtislcai
l-here U $151.26 on hand from
•roiTied.v. The Grand.
celebration as
May 30~"Glrl of the otroeU," The
a sum sufficient to bring U up to
June I—Porter J. While in "A 590 can be raised in 10 days and paid
'n by the 16th of June, Traverse City
iiFol B Revenge." the Grand.
June 10—"Alice Sit by the Fire." will have a two days' celebration this
year. This was the declafon reached
musical enmedy. The Grand.
last night at the pubUc meeUng called
by the Board of Trade, In the council
Ri-l-resemnliyc Sam Kelly, as acUng
The aueadance, was small but It
i-l'eakcr nf the hmise, .Monday evening, was the largest attendance ever
Mieeeeded in imliioe the bill provld- at the Brsi meeting called to discuss
Ine fiT an appropriation of J460.000
similar guesUon.
huild an aildition to llie capltol where
At the last celebraUon held In this
It will W at rest during the rest of the city $l.36U.T5 was raised and the
s.'-Ksloti, lj> referring It t.i the cotnmll- penses amounted to only $1,209.49,
ire nil .slate affairs. Instead of the leaving the balance now on hand of
iiiiniiilHii' on capltol buildings, where $151.26, with which to start this
ils friends wished It to go.
In executive committee consisting
Tills disitosUlon of the bill would
T, T. Bates, O. P. Carver, C. M
serin III clear llip way for the passage Beers. Cbas. Prbcbaxka and Robert
Ilf tnith Governor Warner's binding Walter, to set the wheel moving, ai>iwliie bill and Oiniiulssioner'a Earle's polni a conmilitee to solicit funds, and
crushed rock lull, as the ollminaljoD otherwise make other general arrange
of the cnpiln! ai’i'ro|if|ali->n bill will ments. was appointed.
sail' eiiiiiiuli 'll allow both Of the conSoldiers and Sailers Encampment.
Mci liibur bills to be passed without
Another matter of Importance that
adding ino much to the state tax.
ime before the meeting waa brought
Whi-lher Kepreseni alive Kelley's
1 by M. D. Morgan, that of the prepn-a.sun fur luiHIne the capitol appro- arallon for the Soldiers and Sailors
jiriatuin I ill to slee|< was for the pur- encampment which will he held here
|ioBe mentioned above nr to punish
‘ time between September 1
Senator Tunle, who Introduced the
The attention of the board of
lull, for trying to restore the 40 per trade members was called to the fact
rent clause in the priniary bill, against
1 tents and other accessories i
Hie giivernor's wishes, we arc not pre
pared lo say. For his first eBorla In
ihe speakrTs rhair In controlling legifilation Mr Kelley showed his ability
to grasp the situation and make the
most Ilf his opiiorliinily.
Despairing of succosa In the efforts
to reconcile the tliffcreoce* la the republicho factions In Ohio, whi^ a
meettng of the
______...__ _____ __________ .i.has called
off the proposed meeting'. And the
war between the Taft --and FViraker
facUons goes nierrily oti.
IT WHS ‘Ui n IK enp”
eiinn 4
Unique Souvenir* of Little Paper
Grips Contained Interesting Ir
wirli several amendment*. Il^ls stat
formation and the
ed that a strong effort win l>c made
In the senate to rcKlore the 4d per
cent provision, .and on tills proposi
tion ii IS (irobable III., v.,1,. will be
Sunday school, of
very i lrwc
which C. J. Bbner is teacher, enter
tained Ihe Opportunity class comiKXied
If a Iwi.'uays' Fniicih r
of young ladles. .Miss Jennie Barton
bralion Is a go.«l thing, an
loaclier, ai ihe CongregaUonal church
preieiid to say th.vt It Is n
last evening, the parlors and dining
make H full wcH'k of ll ?
lom being used.
The affair waacxLremelj unique and
showed ihsi the young men were ca
pable of carrying out origUml Ideas,
the evening was an extremely nnjsani one, the young men eent
barks for the belolcd young ladles,
they arrived the reception conunlpresented each with a paper grip,
He Has Been Pastor of the C
s.-nled. All had arrived by 9 o'clock
tional Church of the Vi
e surprises began.
Be■age Some Time.
iweeo Ihe parlors and the church audiiorlum Is a passageway with cur(Special to the Dally Bagle.i
s on either side which are rolled
S.itlnns Ray. Mich , May ir,.—Thos
then the rooms are thrown togethE. Bennett, who has be..n acting as
In the center overhead Is a clue
pastor of the Coiicretailonal church
of electric lights. This pessagein this village was ordained yesterday
was left dark until alt bad as-
The Equitable Life
Assurance Society
Pe*te- Themat.
poltcemao had abot a fleeing
"It was an accldenL" be explained to
“What proof bare voo of tba$T'
"Why. I Ut-hlm. didn't IT' njotasd
tbe accused with an air of flnallly,—
rbiladtIpbiB Ledger.
le lookout for a g
which wlU be beneficial to himself, Us bpainees and
bis family. You wiU find that tbe eaterrclaing man
U the man who baa a poUey with tbe EQUITA
BLE UP1E. in which all have received a
who have bought of
•SoT ^.Xmbsters and Seme
Caak^.&ec' Wvaur.
— - “-iffseor lu one of the
jMoi.ed i'i study the
li i la’ -iMiory. Aa
:;.-e, to proiiiodlii'ii. The
pllU'flMy mnsider
provide a few
This, however.
Sea KTiter conof salt Is
made It
hK appUa wbIngnlra
Into'the “Uiii rig nf the willloner
This lDvoIvp.1 iiiBidernble mtTespoodence. wlilcb
thnagh numerons
r^BunclK and mj-illy
bed the chief
Of the ...............in. n-^ now initiated
annilicr Invr^: c.iilon In »rder to a*rertalii win m 1‘arl'rhin profanor
catiofi fcscluvi
"Travels lu I'.ir t.'athay" aud theta
found an ll■•...ll|lt of a "siraage animal
of the lizard kind. He was known In
anciente l>ooks as a chameleon. When
the sun did shine, hr look various coJo«. RoDietlines It wore a golden hue
and eonietimes Iih,I n green back. I
caught IHm by means of a aleele mir
ror, which BO be.la»,led bis eye that he
was easily caught. I bring him home
as a strange Is-sst. It Is called by the
natives a scindlcut."
Tbe syndicate's task was to take In
tbe old 0 per rent,bonds Issued dorli
the war. many of which bad drifted
Europe, where the.v n cra held by t)
thrifty peasantry, who had purchased
them at |>ai>rr nio'icy prices, and to
oaO the 5 per cent kmOs lo tbelr stead.
It was a complicated work, calling for
complete control of the markets at
home and abroad. Though the opera
tion bfld to nm tbe csnilet of savage
attack* by oppr>*i:b>Q polltlclanj and
editors, It wa.s insiantly succeasfuL
Indeed, two syndli-ates were formed,
London thn-ugh the new bouse
Of Jay 1'iv.ko. ll>-< 'nllorh A t'o, sod the
ether by ,Isy
flmia In .America.
The hanker was warmly congratniited
tbe Bucvvwsfijl management of
ayndlcate by I'resident Grant and bla
friends 'if every rank, sod It was
lleved that ihe nehlevement would
mensely prano.ie tbe snecess of__
Northern rnetfl.- railroad, saperlally
when It was ennouoced that tbe
Oookes had made an allUnce with tbe
Bothscbllds fer future funding openttons.—Dr. Oberholizer lo Century.
level of the .Minniir ocean After
<lral week* till ii-;«ctnr mode favorahle rei»>rt. s- i. .• days l.-icr the peti
tioner wiis n' liiiod of^llie fovoral'le
conslderarl'.ii ..f his .........
eInNirnio <-P'r lal l.ingunco,
companled In i imilara gl-iiig extnicl*
from the i-ennl code n-’nllve to
fringcinem* of ilie salt iii >n' ivdy.
Flnsll.v, after iiinnilra of wnlilng.
professor wii* eunbled to have w
caeks filled wlUi salt water at a <
Smallest Wild Cittis,
Ignaled point os the sesshore.
Celebe*. nii klnucl In ibe Malay
course under ibe Bupefvlidon of anoth
er official, who duly Iraued a jicnnlt archipelago, has the distinction of be
home of the swalkaf living
for the trnnsiKiruitkwi of the liquid
representative of ili,. wild cattle. AO
tbe Interior.
Maa of the c.ttr-itiely diminutive pro
portions of the nil m. as the a'aliual In
queatlon, which bn* *nme of the char
acteristics of 111.' huffalo. Is called.’
Born* Gold Handled .That Bell Fer gW. may be cnlne<] v. Ii.-n it |a stated that'
Handiti ef Silver a<M of Ivery.
Its helgtit at ilii- sh-i'ilder la only threa’
' a mnn w ere content lo *have I
self with a raior having a hnrri rubber
handle, a* Indeed mwt wen sre
could bn.v one with a blade of ver;
Alexander Benlon, who lives
W <A
cellent quality for a dollar, but there Rural Route No. 1, Fort Edward,
rd, Nj
are raxors far more e»n*lve than T„ ears: "Dr. Klug'E New Dlaeo'
1s my best earthly fi
Thu* there are *old razors wlib bao- me of asthma ’ .yearaage
also performed wonderful cure of^dies of IB carat gold aha of plain dpieot
consumption for my aoo’a
amooth flnl«b that bring S50 e.-icb. A wife Tbe first bottle ended the tec
pair of such raxori In a plain sliver rible cough, and this BccompllBbe4|
box «□ be bongbt for a hundred dol- the other symptoma left one by
noUl she was perfecUy well.
Bat g.'-J) is uoi Ibe limit Of whsi oae King's New DlsooTerri power
may pay for * go!d bandied rsior If coughs and colds Is simply marvel18." No other remedy hsa ever
tbe baiidlo wer- elabornu-ly cIius.h1 Its
mailed IC Fully guaranteed by B.
tiilKlii luoum up to twice that, of
Miller, 8. B. Walt A Sons and
$200 for lip.111-.
Drug Co„ druggists. EOeand
Tiiere are n]*o sold, nniouj; tbwe Johnion
$1,00. Trial botOe free.
lore expensive, siivor banilled rarors
tn the ninth century they began to
shoe honea, boL otrangc to say, ooly
aboed them In tlnu«f freaL Kl^WU...... intiodocad bonaaboelDg Into Ragand Kx botMMKWi an on th*
iniUam-gave vast aatatai for eartng
' hi* hensa in ihM way.
Now Is The 1Tfhe and
Here Is The Oj^rtunity
A gurpris*, All-Right
**Uy husband has promised to allow
M to cbooee what I want for my which range In price from
W saeb. $il.r*i Iieiug tbe ptloe t-r one
‘Uh. then there will be ao aupttom With a j.lalu s,lvcr liaudle.' while lUose
this years coMly luive tbelr liandlca uier« or
“Tm, there will. He will be anrelaborately chased Of carved,
ptleed enoogh when be geta the bUL"
altogether like a Machine giri* and giri* to pac£
hard rubber handled razor tnl^t find
•otter Than Oyl"|.
hU fancy tnltad with ana havmg a dishes. Oval Wood Diah Co.
Idren. rei
htadl* of Ivory, and an ivory handled
tbe text "BaL drink and be merry for rwr.need not neceasarlly-be expeotomomjw yon. dte." Pupil - Plaaaa. ■ve. A razor with a plain Ivory banteacher. In oor family we don't We
an be bought for S2. Of eourae
all take castor oil next day .-Ufa
*ay earring would add to the coat
CW rmn
A Helping Haml.
glfta.—New York Sun,
Bkh Old rncle-Aud remember,
dear, that when 1 dk- all that I have
gee* to yea. Niece—TbanK you. uncle.
Do let me give you more mince pie.—
Harper's Weekly.
In Osrriei’i time when the weather
was warm the men In the pit took off
roats and Testa.
XIic Enterpris
ing IVIan
* Teats of Mind Reading and vleverneas In Tricka are IrtttresUng.
Tbe CTtilf-* of our time have wtdte-ashed msoy of the vices. Poets like
le earlier Swlnbume practlcaM;
praised lust as so expression of tbe
love of life. Poets like Mr. Rudyart
Kipling practically praised cruelty as
expression of tbe love of life. Peeta
like Mr. Henley and .Mr John Davldlave practically praised dnnifcenor violence, or obecehtfy as expreealoDs of tbe love of llfe,-0. K.
ertot In I^^ndon News.
HA ^ 4 is* $ $ f $ » $
Speeches Follow.
Tbe McEweh enterta
given last evening before a very
audience much to tbe dlagnst «g
who says tha( be
will have a big house yeL even if be
u to pay tbe people to go and see
E performances.
Tbe small audience made no dlSerice Id bis efforta to please and those
present enjoyed the evening. McBwen
Is rertalnly clever, claiming nothing
than clevemesB In his tricks.
HI* mind reading U superior to much
of Ihe mind reading. Given good subJerta.with whom lo work he very readgives the demonstrstlou of bis
wonderful poweie.
A test of mind reading which he has
>t yet tried lo this city, but which
he has succesafiflly tried in other plac; that of compounding a prescripof which be never heard before
of which he Is perfectly ignorant
at the end of his teaL aa be is unable
remember IL There la a great fMclnatlon In these demoDStratlons.
Earl Ackerman, president of the
class greeled the guesU ahd lotrodnced Albert ClemonL vie© prasldenL who
the address of welcome. Miss
Adie Soles of the Oportunity class
responded. Miss Barton gave a splen
did talk as did also J. W. Hllliken who
was the last apeaker on the prograip.
.Mr. Bbner presented the ladles with
neatly framed picture of the Bible
class, which was taken at a fc
fiiactlMi given "by the Opportnolty
rlass 10 the Bible class.
tCimillKES A nOIID
txed AmM Much Jesting.
a^OBt the European negotlsttcBEinTCference to tbs Northem Pa
cific railroad an Intmeting Frwnci
word teemed again and again—sa«»
Jy, *kT»dlear-whlch iair Csbkg vd
his psrtn« soon ««verted..late M
IhigtWi word, syndicate. The newspaSilty wMeb b*vea
p« sepertere rolled it under tbelr
tnagws. It was a find for ptamtars
and Terslflera: The New York Trlbona
cecefred these llm-« from one of Its
B. 8. Hu 1. Pr^ldeol Oval Wood Dish Go.. Preaident.
A. V. Friedrieh, Shan: Chaa. Wilhelm. Wilhelm. BarUk * Co .
nar wfaai u a sy-ndleata
Vice Premdenl^
iBtaaded to Indlcatet
Is quoetloned sbrasd and at boms.
“’d Heal Balile: Wm. Loodon. Caldwell
A l-onte. Ps*ident JBoMteU'Wwer: Hectric- Light and Pp«v Co;
•* J O. CroiWir.-Ckae * Cioeter. Kinga)«r Stopben Laetnerr. Parmer;H.-W.
. Cai^lTojra
LardJe, WbolesaJe Vrodoce; F. 0. Oeemood. President Deeraoed Chem
In CMtgreas the word was nndar ex
ical Co ; Benj. TWrtby.Traverae City Iron Works; Dr. H B. Garner:
amination. Some of "Sunset" Cox'i
r, e 8mHb,8j|^jf4qiroo.. , ^ ^
CODStltDentB bad writteu him. that
■saaher declared, to ask if U were In
any way related to the Kuklux. -a
scholar learned In pbllologr," be continned amhl lengbler, "aayg It come*
trtm the original Chinese and Is prowranced 'Ah Slodecat,’ from a well
known player of cards called the
*11*00160 Chinee ' A rereope reformer
WTlMa me that It u ao animal peculiar
to Panuiylvanls, with a bead of Iron.
ey« of nickel, legs of coppv and a
heut of atone. It coanmMa every
ffM* thing ontnld* Its own statn.**
At the cooclUalon of the program
ihc giuests were told to go to the bag
gage room and get their grips cheek
ed. There was more. marching a'nd
■hen the assemblage went to the base
ment which was lifted by several
red mottoes, "m’slcome Opportunity
aass." Seats at the table were found
by means of duplicating the baggage
the viands placed before them.
decoratloDB of the (able were palms
and red and white camatlona, the
Bible class cok«8.
After refreshments the company re
turned to the parlors, where ^ree
flashllgbi pictures were taken, of the
VO classes alone and a combination.
The orchestra waa composed of the
following peraona: Boy Rorabacber,
luanu. Win Votmba. first violin
Uoyd Bemus, second vicdln; E. E.
tkliite. cello; Julius Martlnek. clari
net; Charles C. Lillie, comet; C. A-
rs^iect a law of nomao and even
AthenUD origin, by which tbe age* of
fourteen nnd twelve were fixed aa the
marriageable ages of males and femakk rwpectlvely. m luJy the age
ta fixed by ibe clrii code at elghtMn
«ndflfteen. Ponnerlythetgeofanon*,
ala In England wa, „
flor both aaxea. but such marrlaa* was
not considered pertect for ttoipLtie*
dlaagrae to It whe.^S^
Escaped From
Sing Sing
Oke of the bed sett of Pictores to be bad.
PEOGEAM-AtabUn Kagldan
Escaped From Blag Sing.
SONG- 'Well BeSwcelhaarla
to the Bud.”
Do you want a home, free from noise, free from
annoyance of others, with pure, fresh air and
water; where you can have all the comforts of a coun
try home with tbe nearby pleasurers of city Jife?
If so, now is the time and here is tbe opportunity.
I still hare fifty acres that I now offer for sale at
prices ranging from one hundred to five hundred dol
lars per acre and in lots rsoging from city loti to five
or any other number of acres as may be desired.
My terms are as follows: Ten per cent of purchase
price down and ten per cent every twelve months with
seven per cent interest annually on unpaid balance.
These .offerings include farm, garden and fruit
land, with desirable building and city lota almost in
tbe cUy limits, and is within the ability of any ener
getic, industrious person tL> buy.
Let me show you this property.
wilsDiiy, Wi n
Comedy lira
•am* (hat nearly everyone ii
Kn. £ 0. £ R.
CfvW Stmy
I rlt,
n H kCraJecr M» CareT Aram
1 "fhaiwls" W Mr. Faa Nsmitsi "irsaf’’
The entire cast has been quoted by ll
critics as being aboui all that
could be desiied.
'ill be pla
Hay 3). at box office.
mm Mwnf 2 p. t PRICES 25. 35,50, 75c
The time is here for us to close out our st^K k
of suits for this season. Owing to tbe contin
ued cold weather the stock is larger than it
should be at this time of year, so tbe reduc
tions are greater than usual.
M.1 9i»SrU
Your choice of all our sui1s that
were #10.00 and »12.50.
At $13.S0
BcHiiliful i-uiiB in tbe very latest
fancies anrt plain colors anil black
—values #17 50 to #20.00.
suitsno handsomer styles shown any
where at any price.
I i the Besley r«c
[ May 26.
Fetched Him.
A yotmg New Toikcr of means who
mokitalns a resideuce at certain eeeMns near Greenwich. Conn., recently
nnreed a giievnuce against bli Imme
date oelgblKir. Tbe lattpr, It appeata
has been appealed to In vain to put a
atop to the foraging of bis bens In tfar
New Yorker's garden.
Finally the New York man decided
[ feat'ed at the
[ by the iTorelty
.......................................................................................... T end Is ocoelda
...................................................................................... unIvoteItT
vanla, MlBsewto end Cbicego. BeHumpbiM,'
The broad Jump Is r
aides the Indians and Minnesota. QUcage will
Indiana. lUtools end
in the
So the dopeeters look for a third place Purdue. The dates have not been eeU y^rk, and alt
but If Heath should get IWo condition but all three games will be on Marhe might win the event over the Car
stnil field with the possible exception
jo • s^t,
Indian Jumper
get three more points that the had
allotted by the conference mUng.
pounds at S o'clock,
not looked for.
says that he «ni be
The pole-vault will go to some
for the battle.
oulalde of the "Big Three," aa none
hare a high flyer, and the same In the
'III Not Try to Prejfent Lewis-GarS-
This is only count
Enough to Win the Event->&ut
Civet Them Thied
and nn hard luck strikes Ann Arbor
iipfore thfe meet
rer. to pr'erent a prize fight between
Summing lip, the points come out
about like this:
sylvania. 27:
Michigan, 30; Penn
Cornell. 2S;
Tale, 16;
"every night for a week I pot t I<
«ggs In tbe garden under tbe gi
vine, and every nionilug when 1
enre that Ilinnk w-r* looking 1 ’
Denrer. May 16.—PeUUoned by the
Welverince to get If the men are all in condlilon
Union of Den
lesness bund»ds ^
Harry Lewis and Jimmy Gartner,
peris WeekI.v.
May 21, Gov. Henry A. Bucbtel has
the Michigan
loner In the mile, Garrcls, win first la-
stekd of second lo
men spent their
the shot. Heath
the broad jump with his t
male. Trench, pulling a place. Schults
Smiday afternoon.
fourth in
consider a most noxious practice."
et a place In the two-mlle.
"Gel mil your paper and lets dope
Carrels, and lils Is the way
will »ln flr^-Tirfhe
sho( and Darle
The wont of
fccUve cure for
Bcb troubles In '
to the tune
IgaUons t'
ducUon' of Mi-
fourth In the quarter.
1'»n and 220 yard dashes, with Cart-
This would put Gie Wolverine score
surs of
Hop# Fer Him.
II,I.i. v.,.
with ‘Spider" Coe. Penn, second with
Like idea
college for third and fourth
Rf>we ol
the re
he fimtt.all
The Wolverliu-s (uiiint on their cap
: IIm'V W'UI la- tn-nted to one of
fHreelor Stagg's "|iurlly banquets" In
hurdles, -and second In the shot pul.
Hulchinson cormnons.
This Is prorld-
Iv turned Into a first.
f.ir In Ihe contract, which embodies
The Qualmrs will prohahly get third
the now famous "gen'llenian's agree-
lih.ee hi Ihe hurdl.-s wllh McCiilIccV,
lenl" and code of "football etiquette"
and Diirtmoiilh second with their man
originated by Director SUfK for the
Cornell ought lo take at least
foiirlh In these two events.
Id the high Jump the Qiiakera ought
to win wfth Moffitt. who went six feel
at the may, games, with
Jones. Chicago
Tha Bcaatsr.
"Tapley mnkeB 'a great boast of al
ways apeakliig ;is he thinks. Doeshef’
"Yes; only more rre-iuently.”-Judge.
A Baehslsr's Cenfasaien.
The tipsi WA« l.l..m) arrt »vrv fair;
Wa,rvarnoi1 tiimugh Sell and dln^
Until at iHji she "turned me down,"
And thnl's wh>- 1 Hayed single.
The next wns dark—ss'dsrk n» ntghL
gnd IKe H-emed one long Jingle:
But. alas, she liad "nn use fnr me."
And ihM's why I stayed slngls.
. but nnw
„ iiteugh:s n-. h-pe dnesmlhgto.
I.e-dstone pot
*^e's... -..............._...
-llp-.lecn'i'.. M.-igazln«.
"Our liUle —---------------------------------- .
years," writes N. A. Adams, HenrleC
ta. Po"Two of our home doctors
sold tbe case was hopelan, bis lungs
being affected.
We GieB employcl
other doctors but no beaoflt resuUe
By ebimee we read Shout El ctr
High school will play the Ludinglon Billers: bought a bottiridid scjn n
ticed improvement
team at Uudlngton.
this medicine unUl
The Minnesota track
is appar : had been used. «'
g Swedes ; completoly cured."
ently (be annual Joke. The big
CraWford. DetrolL right field.
Science knew -nothing of the monster
Urd. the roe-, until certain Ualagaay
naOvee came to Mnurltlus tu buy rum.
bringing with them huge eggabclla to
serve aa receptacles. Morco Polo saw
d iv
to have
le ODge quiim
n plucked from the roc. They were
Hity tu thirty feet long.
Maroon athleles arc Joyous over the couldn't move f^t enough to keep.........................
The Indians warm Baturtay and lost a dual meet
Marshel of
- _Masn Mele SubtarfLga.
Lady Cabh.v-Well, and my Hpt
Fare—tVhni: Offer money to a «o)iu: What would my wife say?—
Faria FIgsro.
The third sued me. and not I her;
Her l«wy..ra nnme wns TlnglS,
e*d Of____
- - —............... —
--------stayed single.
Slone,'Bl. l.z>uis, left field.
game with Ihe Ma-
tain for two firsts In the high and low
Pittsburg, shortstop
gleinfeldt. Chicago NaUonals. third
the Car-
llBle Indians cime to Chicago next fall
malnlnp (Hilnts.
I.,ajnle. Cleveland, second base.
Michigan is rniieeded first In the twomile,
Mere Than 0ns.
t one Idea, and that's
hML "has
“Hnb," snorted MsrryaL "my wife
osnally has at least a dozen Ideas, and
tbey're drMses.” - CathoUc Btaaderd
and Times.
"Oh. I don't know: Md be ever owe
yoo.eajjao^yr-rieveltbd Leader.
Cornell or some nllier
rthk,’’ esld tbe stage manage, 'is
Sm eetUng for tbe balcony eeehe In
^Boraw and JnlleL’"
"But I seem to ml» eomethlng."
sold the critic. "Where Is tbe ladderr
"Ladder? Tbe modern Borneo doee
ot climb a ladder. He coDee In on
alrMrip."-8L Loois Poat-Dlspatth.
todl^tlM^ond -tlie i
nell, who won both last yehr. Gamble
which are often, felt
felt aafir-aeolB dlsalKjre the S.l point mgrh. and 1
almost all with the clubs playing
Of Princeton second. Cornell third and
apppear In a very low’Ehyn—auch Is
Munihy. told Fitzpatrick that 3n points western teams.
In fact, a glance
Mirhlnsn at least fourth place with
the wonderful curaUve •power ol Ml-o"Yer," r->i-:i-1 rl ■ I'.i fenilnnt. "but
■RB would take the first place ban- the figures
made * last
season Is
R:iy Stewart
That will
•nough to convince anyone that the
^ Mlrhlffan ball rolling with two iviims.
all the Michigan men do their greatest team In the history of the stomach troubi
Bn.''-Cn1lio|l.- si .ml.ml and Times.
'll 'he tin dash Taylor of Penn,
food, while MH
‘ eould be pleked in the ^
and nn one has an ofi day It I
nm. Rodp-rs.of Pnrnell si'rond. and
pretty certain that Ihe team from the provided, of course, team work '
'here Is a bare i.fusslhllltj of Davie of
doped hr the east for third place with Individual qualiflcatlonB.
^ Mleblgan taking a place. Then comes
Ml-o-na stomacb
The ^ll-star wcaUm team wuuld be
make them change their minds
■ he hnlrmlle run. where Ramey of
..0 ccDia a box and do Bore real good
little and come down off their high aa follows:
than a dozen boxes ot the onUnary
.MIrhIpan -ought to run second to Par
•Clark, of Cleveland, catcher.
digesUve tableU. S. B. Waft.* Sods
sons of Yale, with Cornel! and Prince
MiUlln. Detroit, and Brown. Chlca^ give an absolute, t
ton dividing the other points.
Naiinnals. pitchers.
tec to refund the i
In the mile, Mirhigan lakes flmt
Chicago Nationals, first falls to cure.
Haskins, and
spoonful of borax to a quart ef bofltBE
A Quettien sf Peaitisn.
A rather p-»ir fflinltv unexpectedly
s Same, but Mer
came Into po-sexslnu nf a fortune.
They piirehnsod n largo fnnn with
bens, cows and plga. One dey tbe lit dodlsb
llsh fMh>w with-him Is his alter ego.
tle daughter of the fninlly was show*
isn't b
lug a vlKltor nhniit the place. "Do
"Tea. only exaggerated."—Baltimore
“Ob, they
the hnitghty reply. “bm I
poBlttnn they
••nisre't nothing alow abetft him. le
don't have to."—l.on.lMn Tatfer.
announced that be would not 1:
Ann Arbor, May 15.—"I think Mlcb- Princeton. 11. and other colleges be fere, the city having ample power.
dark horses, etc.. 24 The governor said:
tfan wJU »in the easteni Intercolle- tween
ODlU —
"All the union has done is (o
Flal.-,' 'Baid "Spider" Coe.
bad taste In the
!1 tiie young people to read the sport- specks before thi
If the dope Is upset for Michigan
"So do I." anewered "Hofsepower"
nervous tronbles
ought lo be in her favor. Dull ought log pages of the newspapers, which
Jier oul,”
In 1S20.
ner Fight May 21.
ing for Michigan the points she ought
Hw layman—WeD, you accept a tse
br BORylng people, don’t yoat-PhU-
Tonr daughter Is a skillful perform
er on tbe piano. Is abe DMT"
"Still troubled l./llluiik'a hen*?"■Tee." answered Mr. Cumrex. •TTw
•Tfol a bit of It, " oDBwered tbe New way she can play for hours wlthoot
Znyber, with a rhiu-kle. “They're ebnt ptdng an etracbe or t eprstned wrist
as to me she's roeommonly ex
"How did you manaite to accomplish pert''—Washington Star.
doped for first. of Illinois,
This completes the (Sil-I t>efare the clhb
If this should happen Michigan would cage schedule, making the five Eamee‘j„pj.n,enta. yy,*
T«le wiU
Glass bottles and flower vaaee may
be porifled and cleaned by ritudsg tl|em
at with powdered <*arcaal
Many persons have foBd reBedfroB
nervous bea.lncbe by woahlBg tbe balr
thereugbly In weak soda water.
Do not fill the room wltl) greOM
emoke from the griddle, but grease K
by rubbing with half a rnw tSRiip.
Never leave medicine, drink or toed
oncovered In a sldETboufe
Ttiey ere
beet kept out of the room aittgecb*.
More than seventy halls In Paris are
devoted to fencing, each presided over
y a fencing master more or less faiDoa.
The Grenoble 'district In Prance la
noted In the export trade of that cooutry for two very different psoduem,
walnuts and kid gloves.
Tlie latest craze Iri Farts U; tbe vac
cination tea. .y lady Invites a noDber
of friends in ira at S o'clock, and a
doctor makes his appearance, who Is
prepared to vaccinate any of toegnesta
tbe e|-o(. Many ladies have tccepb
•d bis services
Fear saa Ihe Hair.
That fear will cause tbe balrtostoBd
on end has been known throngh the
ecoturtet. ever since a gpirit paasad,ibefore the face of Job's comforter. Bb
phaz, tbe Temanlle. and "the hair Of
my flesh stood up " At the execatloB
horse stealer In 1S25 tbe man’s
spiritual BHendant notleed that when
hlB bands were tied "bis Imlr king
lanky, weak Iron gray hair trees
gredually and stood perfectly
' so remained for some abort time
and then as gradually fell down." Oardlnal Paces saw Flos Vll.'s hair stofl
eyect from anger, and Eceleriaeaeus
records that - ibc Ulk of him that
ireth much mnketb the hair etoad
grepbed on tbe shtge and was ToeGy
pleased with the reenlL
Stod he gleefully to a promluent dralatic criiic. "It was the most ezttutwdlnary exprelence I ever WMjt through
actually to'seo niyself acting."
“Now." said the prominent dramatic
critic. "yoH ■underst.iBd what we have
to put nn with " Fall Mali Qatette.
O. W. Cloyd. a merdiant of Hunk.
Mo., had a nofrow esc^ -tour years
ago. when he ran a Jlmson bur Into
his thumb.
He nays;
"Tbe doctor
wanted to ampuUto It but 1 would
-not consent I bought a box of Boeklen's Arnica Solve and that cured the
dangerous wound." 26e at B. B- Mineria, S. E. Waft ft Bon'e and Johnion
Rchediillng of this gapie.
Tale second 'and Cornell third.
Harvard, ■priuccton. Pennsylv- -fo-ntne Nebraska.
i--rih..TTtr d^ar-slr!-
Tli6 Hannali & La^ Mercanttte Company
Our Store le DtwMed Into
Mine Greol Olvlelons
The Word Fitly Spoken
Carpet and Crockery Olvislem
Dry Goods Division.
Hardware Division.
Bock and SUtlenery Division.
Slibe Division.
Drug Division.
Furniture Division.
Grocery Division.
Clothing Division',
61 Complete Sections
Millinery Section.
Cloak and- Garment Section.
Piano and Organ Section.
Sewing Machine Section.
Candy Section.
is no more essential than the word genteelly
Medium is as forceful as matter.
There is no alternative for the modern business
man or the up-to-date stxiiety woman—they both
must have the^ElST STATIONERY obtainable.
That IS what we are showing now. Have you
seen all tbe new styles that we have? The
paper that we sell by tbe pound, five different
kinds. Dark and Light Blue, Torquoise and
Cream in Linen Cloth and Linen Laid, sells at
25c a pound of 130 Sheets.
The Envelopes are 10c a Package of 25, or three
Packages for 25c.
Drapery Section.
Stationery Section.
Lace Curtain and Shade Section.
Picture Framing Section.
Legal Blanks Section.
Cut Glass Section.
Wall Paper Section.
If vou would rather have a nice box of paper, we
have all kinds—lOe, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 60c,
75e. Beautiful boxes and fine quality of paper.
Toy and Game Section.
Lumber and Shingles Section.
Coal Section.
School Book Section.
Crockery and QIasaware Section.
Carpet and Linoleum Section.
M'VONSffAND" Hen's Negligee
Grain and Feed Section.
Paint and Oil Section.
Farm Implement Section.
Fancy Goods Section.
Bible and Book Section.
Tablet and Paper Section.
Brooms and Brush Section.
Patent Medicine Section.
Some new'patterns just re
Perfumery and Soap Section.
Smokers' Goods Section.
Jewelry Section.
Ribbon and Lace Section.
Tbe Plain, Soft Bosom are
sre sold for 50c, *1.00, *1.75,'
*2 00 and *3.50.
Buggy and Wagon *Sectlen.
Silk and Glove Section.
. Men's Furnishing SocUon.
Children's Clothing Section.
Silverware Section.
Masen's-BullUer'e Supplies See.
Granite and Tinware Boetlen.
Ceract and Fitting SeeUen.
Sporting Goode Soetion.
Steve Section.
PetUi Card Section.
Trunk Section.
Hosiery Section.
Beat Supplies Section.
Fresh Fruit Section,
paper Pattern Section.
Hat and Cap Section.
Plumbing and Heeting Section.
The Plaited Bosoms are
sold for *1.00, *1.50, *2.00
and *2.50.
These are made in all the
fancy colors and white.
We carry all the different sizes from 14 to 19.' 8 me of
the unusual sizes that are always found here.
Did You Get That Cabinet? New Goods
Ihe McDottgall Kitchen Cabinet
is the Cabinet that fits any place and pleasfes
every houscfjife, and if you have not seen them,
do so at once. They are made in Satin Stain
—Walnutand finished smooth as gl«iss. Some have
tops of brass with a dull copper finish, and there
are no grooves to gel tilled with dirt or grease.
Embroidery Hoops
New Line Fancy
SELL FROM $17.50 TO $31.00
Line of Corbin's
Locks, Hinges,
Hasps, Night
^are worn more than ever, for they a e
the kind that give the best of satisfac
Door Screens
The great feature is the “rust proof”
quality that is distinctive of these tele>
Library Stand
brated Corsets.
They are known the world over and are so moderately
priced that you can own two pairs, so that you can
Mission Settees
change very often, aud it rests a person just to get into
atfbtber Corset.
Wash Suits
We Are Selling Them From 50c to White Net Suits
SUk Waist Saits
pSPAT. MAT 15^ im.
Ida, who bas been elected by the
Igan legislature to euceeed Oencnl
Buaaell i. Alger in the United StMca
senate, baa repreaented bis state to
eoegiess for twrtve years. He la a
man of moderate meana, la forty-eight
yeare old and foraerly was a page to
the MJrdiIgnn leglelature. the body
wtid) bas Just honored bim with tha
Mgbeet office In Ita glftUr. Smith's congressioDBl career has
been of a character to raise Mm above
toe large majority Jn________ ______
a good .party man, be has not keen
tOrlKlnaJ ,
Is Wssblnjrtoii. wbcrc the society la
“My dear marquto, we ca#t aSl
tnsBUst, oD« cuBstsutl^ ium‘tB {>eopls
rj tola splendid fortune, wttb an Ajni»
vbo Ai^r under itae dlsadvBDUge of
tocumbraDce. and i '
being unL-nowD. Wbllc a(U>ndlng • :
of ns bas the means to court her propcepUon tbero bold b}- ibo wUa of a
•riy, Yon, having he^ aeqttalnteBM
cabinet officer 1 aaw a .vouug lad; altand being the non of a doke, have tha
ting b; betaelf wbo aevnicd to n>
beat chance. Now. 1 pn^oM that we
(all nndar this catejrorj-. I could
make up a pool to be yooia for toe ptto
but feel that If aUo remained In the
poses of coortahlp and to be retnraad
avid for tuf conBldcmble lime Inatead of being a wailflon-cr sbe would
■ become a center of attraction,
Tbe arnval of Molly PUck. tbe daogb'wondering whom 1 coaid get to InOoter of the bead of the firm of Flick &
-dnee me te ber when sbe eurprlaad m«
Oo, one of the ‘
by bowing to me.
known twelve boors
My flret tboogbt was that I bad met
after It occurred to every topecimkias
ber somewhere, my second tbat she
noble fortune buattr to Paris. The
bad mistaken me for aoue other perremarks quoted were tbe Mult of a
gon. Sbe looked an inrlcntion for me
diapate between several of them as to
to Join ber. and I atarted to do ao
wbo abould'bare a ftee-field to win tbe
when 1 saw a young man In naeal uniprise. Tbe pmpoaldon was accepted
form also going toward ber. I heelby tbe Marqihe of Coortemache and
tated. but slie kept ber eyes on me,
the rest of the company. Not more
and 1 Interpreted ber look to mean tbat
than 1.300 francs could be raised by
I waB ber cbolce. The uuvul officer
tbe aubeciiptlon. but this was handed
eridectly aiiw die same thing, for be
over to tbe marquis, wbo called'that
tnmed In anoilier direction. So I Join
very evening on UIss Flick and began
ed the lady. I'oliowlng conventional
to lay siege to ber heart
lines, 1 concealed the fact that 1 did
“Bow do, marqular' she exclaim^
sot leniooiher ber. (bough I felt quite
"Awful glad to see yooT'
mre sbe bud erred In my Idendty. I
“1 came. mademolMlle, to tak your
gpeke of tbe solubles present and. asmother and yourself to go with me to
•uiDlng tbat she was a stranger, point
the opera."
ed many of llu-m out. to ber. I con
"Mother; Goody gracious, marguial
fess 1 (tut most of Uic talking, for the
Do you suppose I have my mother
girl seeme.1 distralf and, to loll the
tralpalng around after ^m«? So. alrl
trvtli. did iiqt seciii csiMX'lally inter
I'll go to the opera with yon. but no
eaied. Indeed, several times sbe made
mother for me."
remark* entirely Irrelevant to the Fqb-Bot. ‘ madehiolselle.' In Parte that
Ject of coDversation. Sbe sold nothing
would occasion remei*."
to Bbow that abc supposed me to be
"Oh. ihaFs Itl Very well, weTl take
aona one also, made no binnder to
mother. Will you go. mammy?"
•peaking of my position, family or
"1 suppose I'll hare to.”
"TOO pnoFu
The yoang roan proceeded methodPresently we arose and stroDed
through the moms, ipaitslng senatork, an “tnsorgent"^ members are caned ‘‘'•HJ'- During this bis first call he told bold tbe
supreme eourl Judges, eablnet officers, who do uoi always obey tbe oRjera of ^<1** Molly of his ancient lineage, vlnd- on tbe
raeml-ers of the dli>loniiiUc corjis end the party lenders,
, I'lg up with a decihption of the chateao rolcebegaai
other dlBilnguMietl pi-ple. My comThe promotion of Mr. Smith to tbe of the CounemacBes. built several cen“Ladles ani _
paniOD seeiiKHl to i'e nnimpreased by senate bas Impelled members of (be turies ago and now a ruin. Then, beavJnst then a Btoijad whizzed by. and
them. Init there wiis one peHon who bouse to repent a story told sevoral Inff a deep sigh, be said be would love Ms first sentoiee hung fire. Beginning
produced niilte a different effect. years ago by Mrs, Smith.
| to repair aod live In It Miss Molly lla- again, be repeated:
That was the young naval officer who
Sbe thought sbe heard bui^lara In toe lened attentively and asked
“Ladies and genHemen'’bad enrted to Join her when I bad boose and awakened ber husband.
would cost. Tbe marquis replied tbat
A switch engine across tbe railroad
done so. Whenever lie passed ua I
"Get up. William AidenT' sbe uid. | It would require fi.000.000 franca
yard got to inotioD nt this point
could feel her lidiid ilgbieu on my "Get up. Tbere are robbers In tbe: mllliou of doJIara. whereupon tbe gtri Oonsldenhiy flntrsted. but bolding
arm. He always
at her Intent
I remarked that If that was all she won- -hliDself well to hand, the orator oneo
ly, wlslfull.v and I thought reproach
"No. no, mv dear." BepresentgSve dered why be didn’t make
mace began Ms epeech:
fully. I would liiiie given way to Mm. Smith aald sleepily. "There may be In once.
“Ladles andgaKlemen"bnf my oompuiiiou gave mo no oppor the senate, but certainly there a
The marquia after hia visit
It waa no naa A frt-iklit train a tulle
tunlty to do w>. I pive her chances w In the house."
frleods at tbe club aod reported prog long If II waa an hich came rumbling
drop me. imi she did not avail benelf
ress. For a ffionib be devoted MmMlf and creaking down the jard. and the
of Ihetn. Towaril the close she drew
Interruption was of such duration that
to tbe heiress. Be not only
An Embsrraasinent.
me to a OKiin where she
The I'rinccs.-* de Montglyon
Parte,' panlcd her
guests I'usslug out I was standing who has come to America to exhIMt Versailles, Ftmtalnebleau. Sevres and
looking Id another direction wbeli I ber famous collies at several kennel ether curious points iu the cnvlroi
beard ber glte n sigU~K seemed to me shows, said ut a dtuner lu New York. Paris, bot tecured for her and he»
f iTlI. f and she
apropos of nn embarrassment:
'i mother invUatlona to tbe best bouam
to bor iDi'tbcr.
Bepabllrun proeptelty in your t
. “Tbat reminds me of a story they in Faria
towaril an eldi-rly lady, but before
have been Telling lately aboot Queen ' But at tbe end of the month Oaston Look at tbe length of tbat ft
reached ber bid me a fonnal good Alcxandia uf England.
‘one morning awoke to find In Ua vest ttain"evening iiiid liiisic-nod on alone.
Bat a voice to the rear of tbe crowd
"The miard's band was playing on pocket but a.single napoleon of tha
The nest afternoon I met m;
tbe terrace at. Windsor castle daring money furnished Mm. It was nece*- sbouted _
paulcin of tbe eveuing before i
yer glvtaliiudieoii, iii.d the c|uecD was M pleas-: aary tbat be bring matters to a bead,
of-the residemc avenues and received ed wnb a lively march that she sent I Half the napoleon be spent for candy
a deed
a maid of booor to loqolre what It' and tbe otber half for flowere. Theta
I bad (hoiigbi ibut there could be tw waA
I tie
Mias FUck during tbe day. It
tocoDsIsteney of womankind that I
“The maid of honor Mushed daeply, occurred to Mm to save a few fnaca
was not prepared for,- but this went
Na NMd ta Run.
as she answered on ber retnm:
| for a breakfast tbs atoning after Ms
fordier t^n anviblag
Mrs. Oewa Paieona. whose book oo
“ ‘ "Come Where tbe Boose la , profiotel. but If be succeeded to wloperteoced. The gb-1 bad taken
marriage baa created so tnueb exciteCbcaper." your majeoty.'"
for a purpose. But wha t porpoai
lest, aald at a dinner to New York;
Was It to pique the naval officer?
Ttoey who are happily married t
Ths Latest.
did not think so.
•becked at the Idea of trial marriages,
They have a new aaluUUon In the'
“>« evening I
• I hare one rule with women—not
but they -who are unhappily linked
boose committee rooms. It Is “Dear
where tbe Flicks s>
do That they esiwcL The girl
getfaer and yet too proud and sensitive
bad uaod me would
d doubtleaa
wait for
walHng he paced ba<* and forth In a to get a divorce most see moeb to the
me to seek
terrible SDspensa. It aeeoted an, age Idas thkt Is of value.
e In ihiit iliroctloD. I met bar
“How many marrtefes would be-_
Un be was snmmi ted. tboogb It was
often bi sm-lety. auil, as I bod presum
Champ Clark of -Missouri.
only ten mlnutei. Dahered Into the solved If tbe dlAsolatino could be ••■
ed, ehe became a foutra/llgure. Final,
Champ Clark of Missouri, wl
a reception room,
iy at a ball 1 was casually presented mor says Is to succeed Jobo Sharp Wil
table the flowers
to ber. I gn-eied lu r as a perfect liams as minority leader of the bopse
husband I heard of tha ether
stranger. She imi her unu through of representntivea Is a noted wtt and be hed sent and the box of candy. day.
Bine nod drew me away to a quiet bis bright sallies often create' merri The box waa empty.
"He said to bis wife at btuakfdst
“Come In here, marqulsi" called tbe
ment 111 -congress. Be baa bad a varied
cheery voice of Mias Molly.
“If tbe mouiitalo won't i-ouie to Me- and -plrtureeqoe ceree]-. being
■ 1 dieamed atMut you last M^t'
With visions of a private boudoln
^mmed.'' she said. "Mohammed moat time a farm band and at another presi
“ “Wbat did yoo dream r sbe asked.
#0 to the mniiniuiii."
dent of a college. 11c was bon to Een- dancing In bis bead. Gaston eotered tbe
“ T dreamed I oaught a ebap nmnlng
“Which. iM'lng Imerpreiod. lueaxu tacky fifty-six years ago aod was edu
awv with you'
t yon <
that you have an eiplauatlon to make.” cated at Keotocky univcralty and the
“ ‘And wbat did yoo say to hlmF abe
“And I am sure you will make it ClnclnneU Law a.-bool. He bas i
toqulred Itotleady.
tsay for me."
city attorney of I,oulaiana. Mo„ and
“ 1 asked Mm wbat be was running
"That I have d<ioe from the first"
as proeecuting attoruey of Pike county.
“What did you tbliiU when I apoka
to you at the nve|itignr‘
'It pays to advasttoe." said Mark
' mistaken to my
e playing? Where are Twain at an adrertteement writers'
111 to me from heevenr banquet
“And when 1 failed to recegnlm yoo
“I hope
I don't went to go to
at meeting you afterward?''
“Whan I waa adiang tbe Tlrglnla
heaven Jnst , ret- Pm in bore.”
“That yon hud dlsiovered your mtoaiy Enterprise, wtltlag eopy one day
Again tbe marquis entered another and mining tbe next. 1 tried to fores
room, only i » be led farther. Indeed, this troth bome In many ways.
••Nonsenae! iou m-odn't make It as
easy for me as all that; Ton knew I
"A superstlttoas snbecriber once
girl led bim In a circle till be stood wrote and aald be bad found ■ spider
bad used you fora purpose."
agslo where be bad aURed. Iu tbe re to Ms paper. Waa tMs good or bad
"I am dellabtod to have been of
ception room. He was very tench dia- tuck? I replied to him Id our ‘An•errk* to you."
"I must make u rlean breast of Itewm to CarrespoDdents' column, aa
Juvenile game for the amnaemeat of follows:
Too win not tiai-o a pood opinion of
Mias Flick, but be remembered that
na. but 1 cau't help that Anything
■'Old Bubecriber-The finding of a
she was barely eighteen, and. If no spider la your copy of toe Enterpriaa
wfl] bring me more blame than the
truth- You saw I.icutedani Baxter
was oelther good luck nor bad. Tim
there was no French girt with an c
coming to Join me Well, we bad had
spider was toerriy looking orer our
moot fortune tbat he could marry,
an aflalr."
pages to find out what merchant was
be kept bit temper and wore a perpet- not advertteiag.-aa that It eoald spin,
“Yoo mean he waa-tben haring an
nal amUA thinking tbat after all li
Its web aerom Mi'daor and lead a tree
“I bad encouraged bim.”
and undisturbed axlttence forever and
Tou’re getting warm." came tha
“Flirted him."
As editor of a-i-ountry paper he was
1'a voice
“1 knew he must leave on a midnight also successful. Mr, Clark was first
train to Join his shlji and sail the next elected to <-ougrvs.s in ?S!K} and has
A UpM Cwnedinn.
Profesaor Brander Matthews, the esmteaed only one term sluce. Ills home
“Baking bot"
U^D to'^*
*“ te at Bdwling Greeo. Mo. - Here U one
atytot was ridlcultog at Columbia col
“A proposal."
lege high sounding names for cemmonof tbe stories told of Mr. Clark:
t'aeculed a coup d'etat, as tbe
He wos addn-ssiiig ilie house of rep
Ptoee tbinga-roitoortal parlor for bai^
dl^ppats hero would put IL 1 molt resentatives ou out oecaslon when a was bcblod It. How etrange ti>~ ote shop, fonerM director for undertkac and so on.
barf some one sloii in ahead of him. nab mcm»r interrupted him with Aserlcaoi; He pulled aside tbe cur
I tew you. I did not know you, buV— Bome frivolous rommcni. Mr. Clark tain and started back. A young mss
Two scrubwomte were UlUM
•Don't tell mo what I know; tell na fairly sbrtveini op tbe man wbo bad rai with tbe girt. .
otbte day." be saM. '
’•Game's opr' cried Molly. "Mar.
wbat I don't know."
lUtted ln,“ winding up bis scanfiea■•Wbara yer aon Billy doin'
"You know,tbc rc-st."
Oon tortbls *ay: "Mr. Chairman, there qnlB. this It George Tnmmingbam. Just ktea. Bmlth?' usked-tbe first
onec a tcn.leufoot who ilnck tbe come over to Join ns. He brought me
Tfot your mollve In avoiding- the
■ ‘He's on tbe stage.'
other an
etioax yon had been striving to brtog grlxxly regiua looking for bear. He this." And 00 tbe third Soger of ber swered.
was all got op in (be finest bunting left hand abe dlvlayed a ring. "Trte
•Drlrlq's stage, do yoo mean r
•Drtvln' a stage? Nonsense! WUbe
“That's one of (he Inconsistencies of gnrb. and hU weaiiona were tbanewert aaarqols baa .been awful nice te me.
•nr sex."
that could be obtained. He bad come George; took me to the op« aod tots to an actor. He's a Hgbt comedian.'
"Wbkjh I shall add to a list of aoeb to show the west bow Ao kill grlxxUea. of places. Ton’ll aho* George around,
" 'A light camedlan? What part does
Inconilsioni ios i have stored awny In Be went forth one morning aod never won’t yon? Be d^n'i know any toptojT
my memory."
osme back, hnd over his remalna they thing about Parts, nut's a dear old
“'He pliiys a eUdnt parr twhlnd _
When I next saw her I conkratolatod TMsed • etonc which bore this-epitaph: toarquiB."
Mack certain, with bb mouth to a bole
The next monilng Gaston went with- foentoit a candle, and when AJkaB Dm
baron ber engacoim-at to a senator
*He whistled for the grizzly, and toe
out his breakfast and pool stock ttooil
to at tbe ca^ TFUllc Mows tt
LOPISB a FAwawr-v,
A. /w
Hia fimlla.
The largest bog In Ireland Is tbe bog
Old Hunka WHlng for hia pbolomgs.
o» tt.
gtephl-What are you asklhg me to Of Allen, which acretches across the
north o
look pleasant for? Btome It, ain’t I center of the Island east of the Sban- and Dixon's Hue rtlrt Xhn Itoodolph
aod covers nearly »0.000 acree.
wlbng? Pbotograpber-Yea. air; that's
of Roanoke permitted himself to the
^ I am making you to tty to look
UTBc Of his life ite ordered the waiter
plaeaanC-Cbleago Tribune.
B uveruio
i,)^ cup." Tlic
1 oneAeveotb of the toul area of
in Inquired wLethcr lic .lc,slr<Hl l.-«
the eouDtzy la bog.
We are best of all fed to meo'a prtowffee- "If ihlv bo said, lodlcstlng
clpJea by wbat they do.-BoBer.
tb his Konnitnl forefinscr tbe bever
.•-Then They Mixed.
age already slt ed.to Mm-"if this be
"Yeas, de beauty -an' cMvaliy ob
tea, bring me coffe*. ^ this be coffee,
J- W.
^ Load to not ter from W*So ttmaa aa _ ____
_ „MUUken'a store will be I bring me tea I wantAdiange."
tmw7. baIkftrbolk.tsatoandalii-1 doaad au day. May 80, Deeora-1
btetem is Abeet BA» ttmaa aa baavyll ^
as air.
“Charley Is ao iwetical. When I accapted Mm he uid be felt like an tnmgtant enteriug a new world."
“Well, be was an Immigrant"
“What do you
•trwigth AH la Her Wlahheaa
Bbe te a very youag gtd. bgt ^ A-
BB. amak. Bi
Ite seer PaajM K
Over Earawn A KarFa JteMiry Stara
•oected In doing It *<Oh." itfgbed Hit
bete girl fttend. coming Into bte .roote
one day and cemmeBtliif apM i
iit ber aocctesea. “i always wc
H to tbat yoo soceaed to t
js ao well. It seems to me ttat
every time you try to do a thing
age to do IL Now. It'S dUIetaat
with me. 1 wteh to do a great many
tbln^. but Bomebow I never do them.
1 wonder why It Is." “Why." tou^
' A**?*^.g*«*
togly exclaimed the aforcaald
yoang lady, wbo bad probably stodlcd
the weaknesses of ber vialting fttond.
“FU tell you why It to. my dear,
bteaoae yon've got aueb a very stnsg
C»y Atate EmI( BtiiWIag.
wtabboDs and such a very weak badthird loer. Balu tll-tu
PbUadeIpbla Becord.
vellngandrcpalrlno.8t1 Frwit 8L
wa to Aaoh; «wda to tb» totoat
styisa. at tb* Buto oOoa.
Otm, Teicm ai
OoHaetioB Wosk • Bpadalty.
CndarwDod n Dmlor. Sutiterlaot
Honey to Loan. 2t2 guta Bank bullc
Farmerr MtttuL
Northern Mich. Dock
a o. cAsvas.
City Lodge No 71. K.
leetlngs every TOo
Dean. K. of B. and 8.
Ynrd nnd OUlec;.
111 witoMm9blk
Duebeaa Camp, No. Utt. W. M. A.. Plano TwMr and
loets at Woodman ball Ho^ay evaaWith KlmbM) Ml
te n-te4K
-igs. Chaa DaCoa. V. C.; Fraak W.
Slader, aatk.
4nk buildGrand Tiaveraa LoOga. No MB, LO.
tag. Traverae City.
O. F., meets every -Tneeday ovaotog.
O. L Annltage, N. O.; B. M. Franklin,
W. N. MILLARD-Piano '. unlno.
Thirty Years Expertance. New Local
Qrinnall Bira. 16» Frool St
.laUty Lodge No. 60S. L O, O P.
meets every rbursday eveninjr’fiiOO.
Woodman baU. Charles Defoe. N. 0.;
FranoM B. Troutler. V G.; John Cote Tnuika. Parcois and Ughi Oraying
man. secreteiy.
Lteve orders at City Book Btrta.
on or beforo tha fall of tbe aaoan. .
C. Langley. W. M.; Bmer E. White.
U4 Ftm SiTM.
Traverse aty aeria. Na. m. F. O.
BaglM. meets to ForasM haU. Taaaday eventoga at I o'tooek. A. Lawworthy, 'W. P.; B. L. Tba^ac, Sw^
Oval Wood
n O. P. Carver A Bro.. No
Th# Popular Auctioneer of Qrana
Traveroe County. Office 130 E From
StraeL Traverae Oty.
Ceiwral Contractor, Tar or Gravoi
TteverM City LsgloB. No. m, Nw
notM. Btaeka painted. Genera] te
Uonal Protactlva Legion, maeta third
pairing, etc.
Tuesday of each month, at 7;30 p. u.
Woodman haH Abram Smith,
1i.'es : Gayle Ortawoid. 8«c'y.; Nettie General Fire Insurance. Plata Glaa
C. Gray, Deputy.
and AotedeoL IndamniCy bonds fur
Diabed. Frotaet ronreelf againn loa
tog too terings of t
> tune W*
Bast Front streeL
M, meeta every niaiadsy nlgbL
Han WUhtos. eommaadar; E
Franklin. R. K.; E. A. Bvana. F. E
Btek PtoMica a«.
Arrive MILWAUKEE SffiO n. m.
Leave hUl.WAUKEE Dally (ex■cept Snttfday) StM p. ra.
Tfec Une whleb aassrea ■
406-407 Wiittelm Block. Phww 4g7.
■ llet. Dr.Wmuos'todiuipilrOtBt-
Write tnStgtit
Physician and Sura*OA. Olllca. 117
Cass SL CIU. pbona 700. 2 rings of
fice. 3 rtau reaUeawA »U Watoat
Da to 8WANTON.
Office over tha Peapte'a Savlnga Bank.
Both pboate lOt^
New Bartak Meek. Special attantteii
to toe eye and ear. OtaasM fitted.
Special Attention te Diaeaaaa of Chil
dren. Room iOt State bank buildtag. Both pbonM.
C^to-Drtnary dteaaaaa. CDy Opera
Boats Leave
Wednesdaj's and Satur
days at 7KW p. m.
is passing.tbe wonderful
Office with Or. O. E Chaaa. State
Bank block. Both pbooea, tU-tr.
Rraidenea. 224 Waet Eighth atroM.
Cltx. phone 781.
Practice limited to Eya. Ear, NoM and
throat and fitltag glaaaai.
602 WUbelm bloch. CtttoMS pboM
Johnien'a Orug Stera. Bpeelal Attaie
non to Eja. Ear. Noaa and ThrMt
selling records of Model
j Walter M. Paige
—Dealer in—
machine on tbe market in
appearani-c, ease of op-
Aatomobfle, Laonch aod Gas- |
oliM Eo^ne Accessories.
it. Try an Oliver in your
M.CmSL. Car. StoU. Trsvem City. I
home or office free of ex
Com]>are it care-
ftiily with otiicr makes.
needn't take my word for
Da T. A. Wn«LIL
DantliL City Opera He«Ma Sleek.
Room L
time saving devices. You
Cctocrnl Gnrnsc Bnatmesa
Agent for MAXWELL motor I
cart, SMAUJCY marine motors.
Glasaea fitted.
Drug itora.
It is clearly the
superior of any writing
You can bny an OUver
for tS a montli. or rent
on« tor $3 a mentit. Tbe
rent U appUed oa parebase price II yoe bay.
1 have some bargalaa
in allflhUy used machines.
t. B. rmin ceu co.
Ellsworth Hale
Best Without Costing Most
CmeR BUIoQsneM* Sick
HcRflEche, SoFiT Stoni“
Rchr Torpid Lttver Rsd
VgfNOAArgJf SAO^.. N«fear«,
Laxafiye Emit Syrap
Sraodtrar, M. F.
Cleanses i
thoroughly and cleRf
sallow compIexleBR «|
pimples and blntrhifc
^ It U EuafantRR*
. •...
Rewue MImWi at the
The list aessloo of tb« anair^uaday Bcbool conventlOB was beid 7wlerday alteraooa. The coDTeattm was
very belDfii) and iBSimctlve and tboM
who were is attesdaooe bave greatly
appreciate-ttae effort put fmlb to'
make it a sucesa.
: ;r
nt IS > blessing to A
h)M." he said, "to wve ths hoys and
•He. then spedte of tbe
girls between, the ages ot.
fmn In Petoiftey vEio^&ei__,
Utotes. and who at oae .ifcnemembers of aJSua^ s^ML
would It mean to those gtrls antf to
the -community If more <arg h^'
taken In the fi^day scBdol.ln^
their eonlsr^ be naked. In ihis ooi
Uon be said, a tenee at the top
better thin a boeplta] at the bottom
of a precipice, and 'ao a tanoe at the
top In the sense of soul' winning Boar
4y schools was better (knn the fsecue
mission at the bottom. ■■Be a blessing
to the community (hroi^ the Sunday
school.” he aMd in cloMiw.
Tsstlmeny Motion.
Teetlmony meeUng follewM tbe ad .
dra8B.,the delegates uMting ^at they
had learned and what they would try
i. This closed the twenUelh eonPrlceagraBilhg up. bp, up. la »evvenUon of the Grand Traverse county
eral' easei they are
hat out ot slglft
Sunday schools.
flow.. ■The advanees’ii^ yesterday^
juotaUons gre ae fonows: The bttyof wbi
.At 11:JO a prlmanr conference
held, conducted by Mlu. J. W, Mllp to ,S5 cento, (he retail pKm of fiottr
likcn. X,here waa a good attendance
o( primary teachers.and better plat
---f wlw a barrel to tt.SO. the re.
for the year's morV were dlacucsyL
pHce of' boaree corn-meal from
(IJO.to 81.30 and the same advance
Sonp and Oevotienil.
At 2:3U the regular aeaston began, WILL MEET IN ANNUAL CONFER br the' retail prlnes of feed and mldENCE IN SPOKANE FOR THE
ncv. Dutton tsondocted the^soBg
, >11 these advpneee seem to be traedWEEK BEGINNING OCT. 31
devotional eierclsea. dUr. Dalton
ihle to the proepeoU of a short Yheat
said that the reports of.the addr
^n.thle euinmer. the late spitogwltt
that the ddegatea would take ha.
ite conaequenUal ecarclty of feed and
their people would be ahallow ai
the failure of \hg potato crop in serno avail it there waa not the aplrlt of
«ial of tbe eonthern etotes. It Is ns>h>vc hack ot them.
t of Olatrlet Confer uire that Is fondng the prices sky
Tlic DominaUDg committee presentence
ed the name ot Mrs. B. L. Sdwarde as
The Wheat Bltvation.
Bishops Who are to
siipcrintendcDt of the new mlsslc
The. green
deiiartment and the conventioa elect
[of acres of growthg wheat
ed her.
ieontbwest corner of the American
(Special to the DaUy Bagle.)
iwbeat seatlon.aad the unfavorable
Si>oliane. Waah„ Ha}- 16.—Blahopf spring has rained .(housande of acres
given by the Rev. C. W. Chadwick of of tbe Melbodtst Episcopal church cd
Ipf the growing grain In the centra]
I’eioskey on the subject of “Sunday
world will meet in annual confer- land Di^bero portions of the wheat
School Rvangellam.' Mr. Chadwick’s
' Id Simkanc, beginning Oct. 81 region.. Tbe roeuUe of tbe damaged
address was cxccileni and be struck
conlinuing a week, during wfaldl crops are already apparent li
the keynote to the purpose ot the Sun there wdll be discussions and addieasfact that wheat baa readied
day- school as it should be. allbough In
by the foremost men In
>ed the dollar mark on the Chicago
luany cases it comes far shoK of It.
er countries. Dr, U. F. Hawk, pre board ot trade. Tbe Traverse City
Sunday School EwanBellsm.
siding elder of the Spokane distrlcL buying price is now B6 cento, but U
As an introduction to his .address.
Dr. David H. Moore, bishop ot the grain holds Its own lu Chicago
Mr. Chadwick told the su>rj- of the Portland. Ore., have been named to
the Jocal prices will be advanced. In
machine that a certain man made, arrange a program fur the entertainsympathy with Wheat, the prices of
that be claimed had perpetual motion
of the delegates. Tbe arrange- Sour, fe^. middlings and other mill
When asked If It would go, he said It niqnt of the district conference wtrt
prodoets have aUrted on an upward
wuuld. but when questioned
throughout the world and the naming march.
as to what It would do. be bad sever of the bishops who are to preside over
Facta About the Hay Crop.
thought of that The si>caker said It tbcni. Is expected lo be tbe principal
Although Inst year’s ha}' crop was
aiHH-ared to. him to be the same with business of tbe sessions.
by-all oidi ,
the Sunday school. It could go, but Prominent Bishops Who Will Attsfl>
Id the Grud Traverse region, the
wbal- would it do*
Among the proiiilncni bishops who
of geuing bay for current
He went farther lo Illustrate this
ill attend tbe
conference arei uaa it, becoming a ■eriDus oM. Dur
fact by telling the story of the
homas Bowman, Bast Orange, N. J.; ing (he winter huodreds of 'oarloada;
boy wbo code on a merry-go-round. E. G. Andrews, New York: H. W. War;
of as fine hay as anyone might wut
Ills, father was suriirlsed U> Snd that
Uolveraity Park. Colo.; a D. were shipped out of the regloe. Now
bis son^w’os content lo ride only once, Foss. Philadelphia: W. F. HaHsUn
the large dealeni to bay are aklrmishand questioned him. when the boy re and D. F. Goodaell. Bpaton; C. R- -tog Id every direction trying to find
plied that when a boy got lo be seven Fowler, New tork; J. H. Vincent.
igh of tbe peodocl to supply thetr
years old be doi's not want to go dlauapolis; Bari Cranston. Waahlnr regular customers. Already the predround and round and ne\^ get any ion, D. C-: D. H. Moore, Portland,
belng bought lo carloads
where. Mr. Chadwick ^ be hoped Ore.: J. W. Hamilton. Ban Pranctoco; wherever It can be found and brought
this was the desire of Ihe delegatee
F. Berry, Buffalo: Henry Spell- to' this city.
and Sunday school workers, and be nieyer. c'lncInnaU: W. F. McDowelli
Tbe price does not aeem to be aa
wanted to see belter resulu from tbe Chicago: J. W. Basbford. ShangfaM. important a muter as the hey Itself.
Inspiration of the convention
China; Wtlllara Burt. Zurich. SwtU- Tbe retUI price today la 8I8. Tomorspeaker said that he was ^otisUcal erland: I.. B. Wilson. Chattanooga; 1. -row lt Is -quite likely to be 819. Tbe
enough to think his talk the best it II B. Neely. Biienos Ayres. Argeuttaa. (amera with hay to spare can now
were lived in the bearte of the people. South America: .J M. Tbobum,
«MI to advU)^. Tbe price la up to
Winning Souls Into the Church.
bay. India: J. C. HaUell. Funchal, Ha- -what U ooeto to bring tbe product lo
"Bible school evangelism etmpU deria Islands. Africa: F. W. Warns. tram other points where It Is more
tDcans winning souls Into the Sunday Lucknow. India: 1. B. Scott. Mon pieoGfui.
school, he continued. Not new meth rovia. Uberla; W. P. Oldham. 8tn|^
The reason for the top abelt prices
ods are needed so much as new In- pore. Stralu Settlemento: J. B. Rl^ tp toe ttoekwa^esi ot the spring
•>lilrHilo»iB from on high. The Bible Ineon. Calcuua. India; H. C. Harris.' and the -aatlteitoek.up to the present
school affords the greatest opportunity ifoklo. Japan.
Ume of green feed.
of winning souls Inlo the church, as 87
The f Route Merket
l>cr cent of church members come
TneMv 38 htods «f tubers were
A Country of .Troutore.
from the Sunday achool. but only
In lleKle-Be. mncc. tbe peasant w»- hodghtuetme the TravarM
ihli-d of those In Sunday school <
leo work with the *nnie efloe as tk*
oassa-tha prioe was M
make a confession of faith snd so
_ien lu tbe salt aud oj-sier beds, at the heats, otoer cases SE mnd others 6^
Christ On one band the figures
very encouraging, on the other the Belds. While engaged In Uwoe Ubora
The.grios'iurto this Wedni
y-ontrary. If a bigger effort is made they wear baggy knee breeches, toeea iiKeftinc-Bt 6B evta. with Indlos
more can be done to bring tbe boys waists and light colored susbonaeA. that M' bants raUl be paid before thj
Tbe atbou of tbe winter bare tocn
and glrla into the cburcb. Ur. Chad pot aside, and tin- feet are left bare'.nk May'ls thteBA- The ense of theeJ
wick said that many Sunday achools thoogb tbe legs of old elodclngs we good prices for tbe nortbem tuber* li
have iio eoneei.Uon of saving souls for often drawn up as far as tbe-koeeaaM(
■« Bsethern -putstoee o4
Jesus Christ, but are a msidilne, that protection from the Juat and In
ratteh the .'■hetoMlee* In the larg^
It Is Indeed a vounirj- of crongua; cUtos Wees’BBBftag were all bat beIf started Ihey think will gel
Nor does It stop wlib bBmanltg..fiH
bui lo reality do net.
stroyedvAy Abe-bold April weather. It
The speaker aald iTmethod ahoold many of the douke.vs as well toto
that the
long striped red and white or bin _
i-e considered, try the method that white coverings on (bclr legs. vefeM
ia-Aeut all o
would do something that achotds look very much like the remaai..
retew toe
ti idemiad for MlAlgai
would feel their duty is to save aoula. Uncle Bam s wardrobe. Tbew am.IP cropp tr-todag-to'-cwiBnue
strong tm.j
OMisien Day.
be stubborn littie anlmaH Uk.)HF about the flm ot--Ji
If Decision day Is beneficial, have off tbe-lllc' np-1 nioaquitoes. ao
nne, but don't have It like the two tbev will be less liable [to klek.-TTavs)
weeks of revival servioe often conn HagBMnc.
msgw Shades
mrswe. Jlr. W Mrs. Gea Oook. .
VIBA Letoon la quite pick ^
hta mrlt^
.Air. and Hra. Bird Glbbe of Matobett
ifsitad relaUvea to this vicinity 8u>-
asL per ha
____ .
oar EnUsT hibik
to be. the only Ume pupils are given
a Chance to decide for Christ" Make
every Sunday a Dedtlon day. Hr.
Chadwick advocates.
Everyone Should be EnHaUtf.
■Bvery ooe-ln tbe acbool should be
enlisted In this evangelism work." he
went farther to suio. ‘Teaehera can
iind a «eld of labor in the brnnes of
the boys and glria." Mr. Chadwick
told of one pitrfessor of a large tnsUtiitioB of learning wbo aald he pr«ferred a teacher who had, a heart
warmed with God and man. to one
«-bo waa BO well versed hi sacred
K-ugraphy. ■■There are a great many
I.uichero of the latter type, but few
rvaiiy working tor Ood." he said.
Chicago. May 1
Canadian uMthwest,
Close; Wheat—Msy»,
P6%D'»61ic. Oon-AUn
July, 62MC. Oats—May.
Mis&MHc. Rye—Cash.___ __
-Cash, 78@86c.
' ,
The Liveeteek
veeteek Msi4t.*
MsriM* '
Chicago. MayV 14.-C
2A00; market steady;
susdy: heevto.
S.TP: cows. 8L809J.M;
.809f.M; hW%h-.8Lft
9A40; eatvea. giW9<t
steers, SA4096-46:
g4J5e4-1B. ^-----ket Bleady to a
B«.8n4^8.66: mixed.
gg.)(l96.60; rough,
gEA0fl6.36:. bulk of aalei. -IfAIV
«.52ti. Bhoepr^lecelpte. itooBt Ur
WO; market ateady: natlTs,' ^A09
:«46; wethers. 84.5096y«Mto>Ca>
36 7697-65; lambt. 86.60148.70; west-n, 86.609AT6.
Tha Potato MarkuL
Chicago, Hay 14.—Trade was uoUvb
at former prices. Demand was -tpso-J,
yet buyers could not p^y any.ntfmncc.
’There were aalea of bulk atmte *t To
««i5c. Arirvala
Prt.-es were unchanged andftie CeriIns was stremg. Bales weiw: . One
at 70c, one carat TJe, ato'wra
o cars eacke) at 73c. one' ear
: <lx can (tear ears sacW'to’Yhi
The market was quoted as ‘ "
Oar lota, per bo, to balk. oB _
White stock, fair to toolom
fancy WlacoDstn. 7<975e; fancy
Igan, 74 976c; Rtog'K^hatee to
«n973c; coarse. B0966c: foBej
66c; mixed white, «l967c: rU
67964c; mixed, red art
58c; oommon, Baall, Ted or wWtte«66c. New poutoei ore a
Ireely and recslven report _
trade. Pricee ahowed'-•vwEr:^;
change, but the tanp «
oats, three seesss and eleven bOES.
There will be no oecaalon tor.k'lf
you keep your bowola rMUlar
Or. Klog's New Ufa Pllla
■ la-«o geatle that thi
ar baa cause to maka „
puarwtood b/ ft
r“8**ET Wall * "in»'
rug Co. 36c-
Tbc HentMT college, was giT«a;jt»
ebartw In MBS by ftltoard UI,^
alee a bouse which stood near where
the present boHdlag etanda.
With local sppUcaUona. at t
not reach the seat of the
1 the need
of care lo selecting a ■nperiotem
(or If he Is not a man evw alert to the
winning of aoula. be wU» Ue the bands
of the pastor and toa<*e». "The
leacbers' meetings abould be held to
pray for tbe lost 4f. for nothing more.
'If we leave out prayer la tbe work,
wc leave oat all."
must take tnleroal remediea.
Catarrh cure fa taken IntornMIy, bad
acts directly on the blood and ibn.
MUl snrfaces.
Hall’s Catarrh Care
a quack medldne. U wss agw
•erlbed1 by one of (ha beat pIvA
daoB in. thli oountrr for yeara..«nd
It a
Id doaliig. the Hieaker dwdt on
■be precious products of Bible fobool
evangeiiam. Ftrui. be apoke of what
U meant to tbe winner oTnoMa.
eata they not onI> bad-lbelr owi
•ard. bnt Aired la the Joy e(-tooae
Uieyagre..■ '
wonderra itoultfV b£SPSJ
■ SS-...........
acting dIreeUy on the
00..<»wpm. IBMda;
aty Boole Store
ila« to-atoo a
Grant Cantor.-htey IS.—V1nf<;«to
here Sunda}- all day aad
ftryipito Mw-n WaU vlaltof her
dstor. Mn. 8. r. Hodgea. Stmday.
Hr.^aad Mru. 7a»Oi Bbdgee ot Fife
Uke vlMted relatlvae to this vidiilty
Sondw|fr. end Mra. John AUen can
trpm Traverse aty to attend
taa^ nT'Mr.’Carr.
end Basel Knight pnd WlUle
Bodgea tocto the ei^th grade axam
lubda at ktogsley ’Thorsday and Fridiy.
Myron Cunnto^am poi^ased a
fine eoU trem Oeo, Hodges. He to now
looktog fop a gin to ride to a road
can with him.
-Bast'Kaaeon; May 18.—Born, to Mr.
Mra. Harvey Eoegwgger. May i.
a daughter.
Mias' Ada Bright sad NaUe Lewis
look the ^th grade egamlMOkni at
llvle Clto tost Thursday and Friday.;
Our new pastor, the Rev. Cbas.1
Gelaae and wife, were gueeta at ft 8.!
Packard's Saturday BighL
A large oongregaUon listened to a]
good sermon Sunday forenoon and we
hope'they wit] all oome-agato. '
.^WlUIe vlitting at hU father'a
twoyeairald BOB yf John aentek waa
badly bitten 1to thee face by a vtclous
IT lost hls beet horse
a. ftS
tost week.
Joseph Yeegel had hls harn ntoing
after the snow storm last Toeeday.
J.'W. Rinehart added a new plan<
to tk^ home last week. A flrut-class
musl'c teacher Is wanted to this v1
KassoD Center. Hay IS.—Mrs. Ella
Oook and family attended the box so
da] at tbe Latter Day Saints cburcb
Burdickvllle Isst Saturday even
Also several other neighbors at
tended the aoclal.
Our- srtiool cloaed last Friday. Mlu
B«ailalvenea.bas been the teacher
we hope to see her hack this fall
Ihwkrtater torm-agoto.
young pe^ile'.atteijded the
ode examtoaUtm at Maple
last nuraday and Friday.
_.0. Lena Van VaJkenbnrg of T<y
rto, OUo. U vlalUDg her motberA
Mn. Elsie Roberts.
Calvin Brooks of Almira is helping
B unde, O. Brooks, a tew days.
Mr. and Mrs. eGo. Peck went to tbe
cemetery meeUng at the tfreen Brier
•metery today.
Min Ruby Brooks called on Miss
jeetle Newman Sunday.
he smiiuier of Igild. as
1 remember, tbat I waa
engaged by
mao named Dobson
to Denver
go with him
with a couple of wagoo* loaded with
Eroceriee. Joleeburg waa at the time
the termtom of tbe mioo PaciSc rail
rikd. and there waa no railroad beitweeii JtflesWirg and Oanver. Dobson
ahd ! were to take tbO'teams throngb
dteoJ. he driving eoe. "f the otoer.
aUHtog a yeung w
wan* to DebsoB and-asked If be woukt
takwher along. She wai etteut twentytoreO
old and eomety. Dobson
toreS yeara
‘KMRed ber reqoen wtlitogly.
WOflieo to those dtya to Colorado.
women, were at
a premium. One mw onlr the rougher
of men. and when tbe
deUcate teatarea of a warnan appeared
-eontraat was far greater than '
east where tbe sexes are more
oeerly Prided. It was plain to i
tbe fii-st that Dobeoa was bent
IMhtepollxlng toe girl.'whO called bergaf*Betsy Biker, eoffW waa equally
^Mto (bit HHr Baker OH net object
ftitag raODOpellsed. We were eeveral
rtrd maUng the Jonree/. and
tpamped at nlgbi tlie two bad plenty ot
.'m>orhM»tF <• viijoy each other's comneny. During the day Hiss Baker
wboM at by DobaoB as be drore. and
to'.toe erining after we had fed oarifnd toe stock toJr weold sit by
the olghts were fhlUyi
all ^ -«ad-1rtled-Smi& _
going to
grain frt-n toe hara^rt^ft W
didn't doubt -^Bt toe waU perfectly rw
other hams, hut thv
Vhactable. bot ebuld'aea'UiK abe waa
bum. A wewof mra stugrtf
^Mralinc eometoiog For'tola reason
watto (he flra nod otooraHte
k tett perfeotly saUafied that Dobaon
■toe woods. Thqy hauM -mi
tDnnppoUse her. I didn't vrlab to
Sam Bracebride’a woods PM
•at entangled with bar myself.
afternoon and from Walter
9be .frond nlsbt out after Mlaa
bridge’a place RhUl 1 o'6te«k
3^1^ was aaleep to rae «f tbe w^
monilDg. then fbe mmi^a
•« fallow wlto
watched the too toat-wa* th»>--,-_
C. Oehret'6 hnUdhfv uoUI mottiBS*'' AHMIe Iward. not vetr "iwpo»oaato.
xorfelo:’ hottooked na It he woaMn-t be^ good
Fotetnes are Rl eents In S«Ma^
BVior an enem.v to;^0kle. ...
Yrn()i-iTi talked logviber for awblle. tha
Mr. Kiddar'parebMe# a work tepm van teniug Dobaon that h«
last week.
4eal of riak Id driving wagons
Mra. Parimf'«( 1
‘-Bteina'with but boe man to
In. I dtdn¥’4vlte' make out
bar aoo. ft »toer.
n waa InOanartnad agrata
F. Cotrt !• 1 • “
and has p
•eon begla
B. WUaon it I
aegrti threa wilRtewaMrooeii
The Hobart Co., Prop.
Only tbe beat atocA oaed. Call At the shop
and save agent's comtntisioD.
Traverse City Marble and Granite Works
Ml W. Fraat street.
H. D. ALLEY. Prw^
,7* f(
to one of the prime r
!sof caz^
riage, oonatruction. Style oonntefbt.
mueb, bnt it Isn't the wtorlc story.:
Yon want a good "Veblole and yoe
want it'to last a long white. You’ll_
getaxacUy what you,'Want attli^
Qemi OfyJmpImeMtCo
131 State 8t.
Cite. Phone 7Sl
By pl»oUng String Beans. Temple Fouch,
of Hatches Crossing, made au acre'of
ground yirid ^. Why eau-t you!. Call
and we will tell you how.
ease d( attack, but three were
•on than two.
The next moratag IIIMipikii
1 toe cwtom of
rather Uts getttog oat oTber otee
and was the first to be %anptece to the wagim. and ,’irben she did
and came to where "we were eatJnt tahed Chtrel>rMattbew HopklQs. tbe witch findat.
breakfast I «sw the stranger look st
was bimeeir trlwl by bU own (eats
and pul to death aa a wlsrrd.
Ludovico Sfonm. Vbo Invented the
Mtei Baker didn’t l0(A especially
leased to eee him and made no reply. iron torood, was the first to aufter •
"Do yon happen to know toe Udyr death by this horrible torture.
FMlIlas. who Invented the bcaara
aeked Dohron.
“J onght to know ber, ae^’ I'm en boll tor 'Ffaalaria. tyrant of AgrIgMh .
turn, waa the first person baked to
gaged to her."
death Id the horrible monster,
tdhor. nor dW toe apeak to The Rrirent Morton of SeoGand. wbo
oiir broakteBt of bacon and invented tbe maiden, a sort of gnOlocoffee boiled
breakfaBt wj
ready to itntoe tead. vf-lille »ii«n Baker got up, as
Dsnal. on the Bf.n with Dobson. Once
twice Ibe stranger turned and rode
or t
SDiocthlng to Dobson,
‘while the girl he claim
Imed to be engsgDobson In an
evidently frlcuOlv manner. Her fiance
didn't Bpcni to object ‘to her doing so
and after a few words of Inquiry or
information rode on ahead again.
Wben we came wiibln
a doaen miles
of Dentor. 1i>- canie back, and I beard
him lell IioU'on that"be was going to
sheer off to liie west Just before reach-
lun, w
the Iron iges. too small to allow toe t
penon c iflned to them to atand upor lie at fnU length.
first to be shut up.In one.
perriere was an tostrumeat for
throwing stooea of S.OOO pounds to
weight, and tbe Inventor fell a vlettm
^ bis own Invention by the aeddratal
fiigdiarge of a perriere against a walk
, - •
Old Tims Bank Binseuraa
In tos old days the Bank of Bntfaad
was patsroal In Us treatment of tts
cteika. One .voung fellow, was dletliigulshed only for hls seal as a mem
ber of the volunteer corps which now
All this time the fellow paid no at is defunct Ills clerkly eerrlcca were
tention in Miss Baker, and Utes Baker
and nealeci
eglected. bnt wbra It
aia.-, r.,., i,i» .-iiJ. . .on K.m.r
Ifto tbe notice of.the dlirougbt
did she ill‘i»urace Doheon’e attentions
y,® ,
■ hls marttel
on acc.m.1 nf the otberis pn^nce.
Jrsve iilm a nice Uttle ftoeWhal pas».-rt between her and Dobson
aboiIkt cleto wss reported to
«n the subject of tbe -tra^r 1 never
knew. It 0t-i.-urred lo me that toe an ^
,,icturea. "It la a
that the latter was golM
be wasted
tie party i ^'**« “, over
to break sway from tbe
rivar ledgers."
ladrera ' oas
was the kindly
klndlv verdict
girl. U , ,,
very wclcoiue
So they gave him a room at tba bank
for use as a studio and appointed him
I might have tbougbt It a tevers' to tbe post of suiwrtotendJ^ toe bunquarrel, l.ui that ahabby. hairy crea- tog of canceled bank notes svsry Fri
tur»-lt was impoesihle.
' day afternoon.-I-ondnn Cbronlele.
A short tllstance out from Denver wc
•topped ‘.T n
ir-ejli. 1 noticed for ,
Tha Qraak Fiaur*.
tba first time that Miss Baker looketl,
nervous. I'he strangw didn't no^
.hSHf oodber sny more tbau he tad noticed ber
Modem artiste .oakv the opright
before and the uunneut the meal wq.
, „
finished meuntod and rode on
In th, >«««^ o* t**®
The Greeks a
Pressutly we came to a
.. _rr It eight times, lengthening tbe shin.
■ ’ •
- B-reep from ksse to
few miles nbeaU. thoogb In the clear
t looked oonly a few b” ■ quently adopted by l-ord LelgbtOB. U
dred yards Tbe stronger stopped
whose pnlutliicii the same effect If ebtoe folk and waited for ns to come up. telned.—-Vew York .Vinerican.
Dobeon when he reached tOm drew
Oiffersnes'■Betsy." aaM the stranger, “these
. servant girl could
Teacher- If
yore roads forks right yere. Y' oui
... to two bonre. bow
take this one with me or t'other tw clean twn o.It tiike two servant gfrls
But whichever y' takes
to do 1(7 Little Glrl-Fonr boors.
tonic's no go lack.''
>ty taka
Tbe gin sat still for a few mtnoies.
_ _ .
Uttle Glrl-Oh. 1I didn’t
tbeu got (lnri-n,froni her seal. Doloon
bsndtHl her valise down to her. and tbe know ynu waA talking about rarrut
glrU that oosn't on speaking teiw*8last «c saw of her as we drove awn”
she WAS on tbe stranger's bom. bs London Tit-Bita.
walking beside her.-conveylnc her bagfkfu.
______ - thought you .oitneted
teeto without pam.. Dratlrt—Wan. you
HIndse Birth Customs.
Wben a Hindoo child Is boro many still have tbe pain, bavrat yraf-Uto.
eeremooles are gone through with
prleats and astrologen, and then *1n
toe first, third, fifth or any odd year
parautsi -generally go to a pleasid to see ber In tonto thM-mqrn- oettato fair and to «n aiispICions time tog And sbortraed tbe asrrice ra panand osar a teoipte of a god, biva toe
toUd.«havad tor toa first ttoe."' On poM for ber. Mother of Dear .Daa^
tet-l^pok you. vicar. I atrt MPa «
rwe^ man's esteu mteLBtofiM* War her every Bondar fiBWHUratoa
» 0»r MM Mhmn iMi iMipM •
• iHMtfrwto «r .^09(« «iM
MIp •
yw Mil <6Mr ^ it « »
• __________ .r- ;■
,rOL XVi
. •• , ,-
li W, SLAIiR
Wg wai Furnish Yoiir
Home Complete
Home Furmture in our mammoth stock,
and let you pay lor it as your income will allow.
Uicc Curtains
Window Shades
310 Rockers
to select from.
40 Dressers
38 Bedroom Suits
50 Center Tables
22 Dining Tables
30 Couches
45 Dining Chairs
100 patterns Carpet
12 patterns Linoleum
23 yean of experience in the home furnishing business
bas.taught us when and where to buy to get the best for our
mcMy, and if you buy (ksd us you get Ae benefit of our experimce.
In fact we will take the best cadi prke you' can get.
»nywhere in the sUte or from any catalog house, and sell you 3»e
same^gradi; of goods at the same prices and let you pay for it in
Satisfactory Pressing
lothf m»i. »lu> ii frtB'iriiouH in
be utisincd
Iiis IJI.
« heD I'ls furni»li o£B »iv L-hobeii
at oiii Blorr. M'e raUr to llie
tiiitn of rrfiat-nipn* to *11 ih« little
rao/ <lrratt that proclaim
the ir<-iiU(inaii in Tipa. Uodortrrar. buckK. Miii is uid Swpebdcn- iu llie laUal at^lia port at
prices U> auf| all pursia.
. m
OTTY Eomoir. 4 P. IL
F. wAteH AND i. a. nvciurrsA ak
®ody Was Not Discovered UntH This Morning and then
not in Time to Keep Train of 17 Freight Cars From
Passing Over It the Second Time.
LaM t’fmtHB **4 tlw OtNr
Kftocked H«r
Wmiy Boaes are Broken and the Body l« Badly MuUlated; HottlMe Cuti OB the
Head and Face Mode Some Surmloo Thdr Might Have Been Penl Piny,
But at the inquest It was Made Quite Qear some of the Bruisoe and Inv
inries Were Made shortly Alter 10 O’clock Last Night and the Others
This Morning. -Railroad Employes Exonerated by Jury.
Two ATeUBC mea. r. Walali o4.
J. 0. Webstar, vara amMa« Ots'
oionUiit t>r Chlaf ot ^aUaa AMm
two charssa, ooa oT 4nask
tnatbar on-Ota akaia| aC
awMilt sod battWT pratariM hr ft0
wypkoff. nia *
• - ■
losde br Clitat Aahton
Back of t
tIODi wUcb tba mea would
ably not rapaat Mr. sad Mra. itm
Wyekot and Hr*. WyokaTi aWar.
Mrs. O. J. SmUb sad her boabad, aU
went to Uie picture show lict nfitht,
The IsUer sre bare tram Beat J<
for s stkor^ visit on tbelr way 1
from a tIbU In Banton Hartwr.
AudselMik Insult.
It wsB ralnlnc ss tbay laft tba
and the two ladlto bad mi an*
while the two nan also had ana.
They went to toa Bseord-B^^d gf.
fl«, where Mr. WlTto* «MkA.
frain there the rnsii set oat abaad fpr
the Palm and were Jo«t co|nK to
when Mr. Wyekot happened to took
back and saw twa atranxers, one of
whom. It IB sUacad. bsd bis ana
sroupd Mrs. W^oS.
;damas Kitbride. aged oe«y 7«
well known man In tfw eHy,
who has lived many'yeara In Uae>unty, waa klllad last nlghl.
T. C.. L. 4 M. extra freight train
0stog to Northport on the M. 4 N. C.
bws<« over which the rcMl wins their
trains cut ef the city.
. It is toppoeed that Mr. KlIbHde
tMs killed by this train, which left the
any wHh clearance orders at
but the body was net seen imtll thl|
I 4 e’etoek, whan It was
------the tracks upoh the tw
tura trip of the train,
The trainmen eaw the body wrhen
coating back thle morning about two
car lengths ahead of them, Mid tmmadlately applied the air, but oauld
M bring the train to a stag until thay
Md FStaed anUrely evar Uia' body.
The fact that KilkrMe'a aap waa
found nearly SO rods north of the body
gives the Idea that the train atruMc
Mm when thay went to Nartttoort. and
know they atruah the body eombacts
•eme hsv> a theory that Kilbride
mat with foiri play and that hla body
tins piaead on the track. Denie of the
««la In the head are peculiar, H la
limed. A few yeara age Mr. KKMa- teas held' up utar the aeena of
Mr. Wyckofl basteaad to bis wife's
sid snd sfler s few words knooked'
one of the men down. The ntbar
tnsq stepped Up from behind ^nd
kniicked Mr. Wyctoff
nsensibla from panispt VBb tt)a
wait Mr. Wypkiiir temfOriad to
eofidiUoB until t«*rlr I acJo(dt this •*
g phmletlto spent «atu44- 5*
(OoDUnoed on Ptgf Six.)
. ‘
the praoent tragedy and raHavad of
eeverai hundred dollars, and they
point to this as might havli^ hsppaned again. Then. tee. there *a
Priced cut in hie cap se If me
by a^3taitr4natrwnwffL
~ On the other hand the fact of the
cap being ae far away and the body
being cold whan fbund. makea N look
as tf the man had been dead aemc
time. When found, the body wu lay
ing between the traeka a few feat
north of the creasing which leads to
the Orand Traverac santtarlum
An examination of the body thia
marning revealed the fact that It
terribly mangled. On the top of
head there Is poeh after gash, aome of
them leaking a# if they had bean
t by a sharp tostnimeat, wMIe
others took « If oomethlng ir
had cauoed the injuriee. Thera era
a few brulaee en the front of the face
kvhich iaoks a# if tba body might have
bean dragged a short dtatsftca by the
b«.UM « tfvlr nalw.. WM1. Hmy
m.y.11 h..nbMnMM.dh]r^«rth "
---------- w will M*Mt • fIM*.
clualen as to the eSM
tragie death.
In the man's peelcsts wsi« 1mm
there wae Juut ana ohM, TMra «M0
alao E2J0 looaa In hta paetata; • Jitoikntfe. and In Ma eoa* poghst p Mil*Pr
of clgaro, a fraight rooMpt
4 bW'
naao apulpmarrt idiiHiiBaBMM. .Mli
allvar woteh atappad at fb MtaatoB to
•. but M it stated that Ho «pbto Dm
net boeii running good, mi that wowM
prove nothing.
Tho train wMeh stwlitho mm wm
in charge of Cendpotoo W. A. 4spgh
nar. Engineer WiO Byh.mtM Pnd
- Oman 8. E. Hprtbtot. wtto tBpra
in charge cf & ft 4 L anginp Ito. B4
Mr. KMbrida CMM to tba e«r tote
terday aftarnaen to took after a toM
he hae working hora. Ha tsft a tmst
aide aalocn, K Ip said, paatowhirw
about tiM o’oloek In tho ■voatoft mti
right lag waa c« efl >u« abova the H U eiaimod that at thH Bmo ha tsm
ankle, harming by a vary few corda.
This, leg waa Mae terribly brpkan at liquor and ha waa alona wtwn ha taft
the knee. The left lag it broksn )ust the aaleen. FrOm that thns anHI Mo
below the hip.
body woo found thio morning no ono
The wounda on Wa hud. a peftTari knows anything of him, Mty nwro
I them at taaat ora the Injgriao than tho loaBth of timo it wmaM toha
whkh ora oauaiiig the, moM inpubT
tlHton St ODtiSm
Smttli-Really Co. Have Some
Fine Bargains In
Real E:stale.
Crawford 8h<K6 always
pefaiQ their new look and
good form
Farms lor
A puaranteccovereevery
.UM foa^itlc* Of UUng one
Smltti Realty
iflBce Telephone 32.
Residence S»n.
Many a young lady's feet ^ve
been almost mined by wearing
shoes that did not fit her feet
So many shoe stmea
misses' feet with
l o'dock train thio cfrent&g.
The deceased leave* a irlilov. bIx
brodiers. two tUtors and on aged tatbar.
The funeral. In charge of the Bev.
Canby, wui be held tooKmov frotn
jthe realdence of the brother, J. ;.
Caaipbell, 218
Eighth otraeL
PH m iMaa ib
Mile ado Tea
i (eel sure you would
Like to have you tr^ it oo our.
recommendation. Tb l a k we'll
thereby ga|n another (riei^ (or our
tea counter.
SOc per Ib.
We'll show you
I Pine Soda Water is the
perfect beverage.
It is everything a drink
should be—cooling, re
freshing, invigorating—
and it harms no one.
We are talking only of
GOOD S<>da—of Soda as
poo<l as it can be. This
kind is the only kind
served at our fountain.
Ask for a sample.
Women's Shoes.
It’s Wrong. It’s Wicked.
Our Misses' a»oe8 are mapde on lasts brmed to
the natural shape of misses’ feet
more good points about the
CrAwford Shoos.
8t*-p in!
pet us fepair and enlarge your house,
proqipt and courteous treat
ment to all
Not so here.
2fO. 4882.
‘or id yw mty piece
Made ri^ and fit ri^
Our^sboes cost no more than the other sort; but they'ie—Ob,
wdl sum it all up by sajing
They’re So Muct| Better
We want evtfy ynmg lady to caO-and see-the largest and preltieit line of MISSES' FOOTWEAR in the dty.
that tpuBt be suited with the flour you use. ~
We are 80 sure that BEST Float will suit
YOU that we-wimtyouto Wy a sapk the
uejjt time you order flour.
We know what
the result will be—you will always use Bexf
fliWjlii 'ft UY CO
Only 'Think Of 111
A 12 pU-ee lieooraicd Set at tX.M
A UKi piece Dvcoralcd Set at IbJE
h'.Hhinp belter for Ibe moccy.
Would Iw pk-aicd to show Ihem
t't you
mtoatos the •
aglned himself h
felt es helpless *
pie of that city feel i
In the mtoto
and ho Sf" to
be exceedingly worried.
He thought the animal matt have
returned to the laundry, bat a tele
phone InquliT relieved Uo ml^ of
any aoch theory nod he began to hoaL
He touod the'animal ODjoytog the
green grass, which ha* come up aloftoWaa a PlonUr of Yuba. Where She eide the P. H. freight boaoe andor the
toanence of the recent reto. the ani
Will be Buried.
mal appsrenUy en>oytog the unttiaal
Betaa May Tabberer, a ploaeer of drilcacy and caring ttttie tor the dieYuba, died at her botoe In Kingsley, ' oom(cB-t be had cuoaed hla earettksr.
yeoterday of heart (allure, at the age
of 6S year*. Bealdee her huabanJ.
who lives In Kingsley, she leaves four
SODS at Yuba.
Her remalDB were breught to
city on the dood train and taken to THE OFFICERS WILL BE NO REthe Anderson Undertaking roonu.
where they will remain over night
and will be taken to Yuba tomorrow,
I Who Presume to RMe on WaMa
where the fnaend wQi be held to the
Will Contribute to UTuba church at 2:10 p. m. Kev. W.
H. Herbert of Kingsley wlU oOclate.
Undertaker Anderecn
wUl b
C. W. Ashton, chief of police, atated
- the Dally Eagle today that he will
beglD immediately enforcing th* bi
cycle ordinance which prohMts the
use of tbe walk* from now oa. A
Jay BlakealM Weet to 8L Louis This man will be out In dtlxens clothes
look after vioUton aed It wUt
make no dUference who the peraoo ta
Jay Blakealee was called tc
what exeuae he may have for rl4
LouIb. Mich., this morning by the ortt- tog Ob tbe walks, as Uw ofleera toical Hlneea of hla mother. Mn. J
teod to eatorce the ordinance.
Warren. Mr*. Warren Is suSertog
From now cm the use of the wsika
wiUi cancer and It U not expected that
prahRitted in any partloo of toe
she can Uve losg
dty and all wheel rider* should hoop
Mr. Blakealee voa with his mother this fact in mind or they wUl be 008Sunday and Mooday. but as she was tributlng to the library fund whM
holding her own nothing aerioaa
they least expect they are gntog to.
:peeted and bo deoUed to et»
here to look after bt* huatoaoe. Bhs U
<3 yeais old.
NHi gras HE onws'
uiB isniKuir u
Cauaad by Cxploeloti of Tenh WMIa
Doing PlumMng.
prnera of oemetar
Dr. Harry OeODsn feoU 0laH4 om
performed In the
itie future, either tor the
too tact tost toa Hannah 4 Imr HOK
the grading and Ixing wp of a cantlle Co. enlled him Into tbe Man
oetery lot moat he paid tor to ad after tbe Are to hla hooae. whito teas
vance at the oftoe of the elty tro*i
caaaed by tbe wcfkmm it b tapeh
Board of Pahtic Works.
whUeteome of the ontBpaay'e pIuMhw
r. H. o“ apr tBUl
were doing work at hla barae.
fatmltare and oto«r aiatuHolg Am
ttray«4. ailde ben the laaBrw B8
- ‘M«e. It ea«e aa 4 big aatoHto
ii V
I^e Daily fj^gle
the Hev. Dr. Sqtlierigit* c(
precohing the ordination aanon.
OTFICK m^weST^FB^O^N^»TRECT. BereraJ clergymen from nrleoa aeotlAia were preront and the aerrhse
was a moat Impreulve one.
Od« week, by carrier....................-«»e
Rev. Bennett has won many fnaoda
One monib. by Mail..................... «c
In hU mlnlaterlai work and Buttona
Three montliP. by mell ................
Bay la ff^nata in' haying ao aUe a
Six monthe. by «n»H ......................M
man to occupy the pul^t
.......... "
Cute Office—Both Phones No. SL
Circulator—CUixena, 4U>
m and 87S
sobecriber. to the Dai y Eagle «re
reouataO to report ariy IrragutSritUe
• In the eervlee at once.
■MWea, $b<« tbv Tow WbbI c
arranged thentaetm in a semt-ctiole Z
with the Mcbestra at the back, tha'Z
were turned on and the cartalnj
rolled up. -Tbe
uc$ t*nu that ot a
Btage with the peifonihra neated.
C. J. Bbner told the young ladlha
that they mJ^L now open theit grtp*
which they <Ud and tound (he Mlow
lag program inside which was Ibeo
. .
The Pmgram.
Plano seleoUoD, Roy Rorabacber.
Choroa. "ning WMe the Oates,'
^ae club.
Tenor solo. Arthur OvlandDueL "What are the Wild Waves
Seyiag." irombona^aAd comeL Cbas.
Uarcb PontttcaJe, orcheetrs.
Chorus. "Teach Me Thy Will." glee
The Daily Eagle will be foaad oa
fSie at the following places:
News Stand; Oty Book Stoie; B. J.
Hjne & Son. 901 Waahlngtt* strast;
Joeepb Omlor. 910 Eaat Eighth street;
Ueo. Coleman. 319 North ElBwood
avenue; Monroe Candy Ca Daloa
atreet; H. B. Tnrnbnll'a. S4B West
Elerentb alreet; J. W. Weeae, 6U BasSolpb etrept. For the eoneenlenee of
,<ur patroDi. want sdrertlaemenn may
left at any of the above places.
And Inside of Ten Days It will be De
finitely Known Whether the
Fourth U to be CeloMay
-riio Hidden Hand," The
.May :5—"Blueboard, Jr." mtislcai
l-here U $151.26 on hand from
•roiTied.v. The Grand.
celebration as
May 30~"Glrl of the otroeU," The
a sum sufficient to bring U up to
June I—Porter J. While in "A 590 can be raised in 10 days and paid
'n by the 16th of June, Traverse City
iiFol B Revenge." the Grand.
June 10—"Alice Sit by the Fire." will have a two days' celebration this
year. This was the declafon reached
musical enmedy. The Grand.
last night at the pubUc meeUng called
by the Board of Trade, In the council
Ri-l-resemnliyc Sam Kelly, as acUng
The aueadance, was small but It
i-l'eakcr nf the hmise, .Monday evening, was the largest attendance ever
Mieeeeded in imliioe the bill provld- at the Brsi meeting called to discuss
Ine fiT an appropriation of J460.000
similar guesUon.
huild an aildition to llie capltol where
At the last celebraUon held In this
It will W at rest during the rest of the city $l.36U.T5 was raised and the
s.'-Ksloti, lj> referring It t.i the cotnmll- penses amounted to only $1,209.49,
ire nil .slate affairs. Instead of the leaving the balance now on hand of
iiiiniiilHii' on capltol buildings, where $151.26, with which to start this
ils friends wished It to go.
In executive committee consisting
Tills disitosUlon of the bill would
T, T. Bates, O. P. Carver, C. M
serin III clear llip way for the passage Beers. Cbas. Prbcbaxka and Robert
Ilf tnith Governor Warner's binding Walter, to set the wheel moving, ai>iwliie bill and Oiniiulssioner'a Earle's polni a conmilitee to solicit funds, and
crushed rock lull, as the ollminaljoD otherwise make other general arrange
of the cnpiln! ai’i'ro|if|ali->n bill will ments. was appointed.
sail' eiiiiiiuli 'll allow both Of the conSoldiers and Sailers Encampment.
Mci liibur bills to be passed without
Another matter of Importance that
adding ino much to the state tax.
ime before the meeting waa brought
Whi-lher Kepreseni alive Kelley's
1 by M. D. Morgan, that of the prepn-a.sun fur luiHIne the capitol appro- arallon for the Soldiers and Sailors
jiriatuin I ill to slee|< was for the pur- encampment which will he held here
|ioBe mentioned above nr to punish
‘ time between September 1
Senator Tunle, who Introduced the
The attention of the board of
lull, for trying to restore the 40 per trade members was called to the fact
rent clause in the priniary bill, against
1 tents and other accessories i
Hie giivernor's wishes, we arc not pre
pared lo say. For his first eBorla In
ihe speakrTs rhair In controlling legifilation Mr Kelley showed his ability
to grasp the situation and make the
most Ilf his opiiorliinily.
Despairing of succosa In the efforts
to reconcile the tliffcreoce* la the republicho factions In Ohio, whi^ a
meettng of the
______...__ _____ __________ .i.has called
off the proposed meeting'. And the
war between the Taft --and FViraker
facUons goes nierrily oti.
IT WHS ‘Ui n IK enp”
eiinn 4
Unique Souvenir* of Little Paper
Grips Contained Interesting Ir
wirli several amendment*. Il^ls stat
formation and the
ed that a strong effort win l>c made
In the senate to rcKlore the 4d per
cent provision, .and on tills proposi
tion ii IS (irobable III., v.,1,. will be
Sunday school, of
very i lrwc
which C. J. Bbner is teacher, enter
tained Ihe Opportunity class comiKXied
If a Iwi.'uays' Fniicih r
of young ladles. .Miss Jennie Barton
bralion Is a go.«l thing, an
loaclier, ai ihe CongregaUonal church
preieiid to say th.vt It Is n
last evening, the parlors and dining
make H full wcH'k of ll ?
lom being used.
The affair waacxLremelj unique and
showed ihsi the young men were ca
pable of carrying out origUml Ideas,
the evening was an extremely nnjsani one, the young men eent
barks for the belolcd young ladles,
they arrived the reception conunlpresented each with a paper grip,
He Has Been Pastor of the C
s.-nled. All had arrived by 9 o'clock
tional Church of the Vi
e surprises began.
Be■age Some Time.
iweeo Ihe parlors and the church audiiorlum Is a passageway with cur(Special to the Dally Bagle.i
s on either side which are rolled
S.itlnns Ray. Mich , May ir,.—Thos
then the rooms are thrown togethE. Bennett, who has be..n acting as
In the center overhead Is a clue
pastor of the Coiicretailonal church
of electric lights. This pessagein this village was ordained yesterday
was left dark until alt bad as-
The Equitable Life
Assurance Society
Pe*te- Themat.
poltcemao had abot a fleeing
"It was an accldenL" be explained to
“What proof bare voo of tba$T'
"Why. I Ut-hlm. didn't IT' njotasd
tbe accused with an air of flnallly,—
rbiladtIpbiB Ledger.
le lookout for a g
which wlU be beneficial to himself, Us bpainees and
bis family. You wiU find that tbe eaterrclaing man
U the man who baa a poUey with tbe EQUITA
BLE UP1E. in which all have received a
who have bought of
•SoT ^.Xmbsters and Seme
Caak^.&ec' Wvaur.
— - “-iffseor lu one of the
jMoi.ed i'i study the
li i la’ -iMiory. Aa
:;.-e, to proiiiodlii'ii. The
pllU'flMy mnsider
provide a few
This, however.
Sea KTiter conof salt Is
made It
hK appUa wbIngnlra
Into'the “Uiii rig nf the willloner
This lDvoIvp.1 iiiBidernble mtTespoodence. wlilcb
thnagh numerons
r^BunclK and mj-illy
bed the chief
Of the ...............in. n-^ now initiated
annilicr Invr^: c.iilon In »rder to a*rertalii win m 1‘arl'rhin profanor
catiofi fcscluvi
"Travels lu I'.ir t.'athay" aud theta
found an ll■•...ll|lt of a "siraage animal
of the lizard kind. He was known In
anciente l>ooks as a chameleon. When
the sun did shine, hr look various coJo«. RoDietlines It wore a golden hue
and eonietimes Iih,I n green back. I
caught IHm by means of a aleele mir
ror, which BO be.la»,led bis eye that he
was easily caught. I bring him home
as a strange Is-sst. It Is called by the
natives a scindlcut."
Tbe syndicate's task was to take In
tbe old 0 per rent,bonds Issued dorli
the war. many of which bad drifted
Europe, where the.v n cra held by t)
thrifty peasantry, who had purchased
them at |>ai>rr nio'icy prices, and to
oaO the 5 per cent kmOs lo tbelr stead.
It was a complicated work, calling for
complete control of the markets at
home and abroad. Though the opera
tion bfld to nm tbe csnilet of savage
attack* by oppr>*i:b>Q polltlclanj and
editors, It wa.s insiantly succeasfuL
Indeed, two syndli-ates were formed,
London thn-ugh the new bouse
Of Jay 1'iv.ko. ll>-< 'nllorh A t'o, sod the
ether by ,Isy
flmia In .America.
The hanker was warmly congratniited
tbe Bucvvwsfijl management of
ayndlcate by I'resident Grant and bla
friends 'if every rank, sod It was
lleved that ihe nehlevement would
mensely prano.ie tbe snecess of__
Northern rnetfl.- railroad, saperlally
when It was ennouoced that tbe
Oookes had made an allUnce with tbe
Bothscbllds fer future funding openttons.—Dr. Oberholizer lo Century.
level of the .Minniir ocean After
<lral week* till ii-;«ctnr mode favorahle rei»>rt. s- i. .• days l.-icr the peti
tioner wiis n' liiiod of^llie fovoral'le
conslderarl'.ii ..f his .........
eInNirnio <-P'r lal l.ingunco,
companled In i imilara gl-iiig extnicl*
from the i-ennl code n-’nllve to
fringcinem* of ilie salt iii >n' ivdy.
Flnsll.v, after iiinnilra of wnlilng.
professor wii* eunbled to have w
caeks filled wlUi salt water at a <
Smallest Wild Cittis,
Ignaled point os the sesshore.
Celebe*. nii klnucl In ibe Malay
course under ibe Bupefvlidon of anoth
er official, who duly Iraued a jicnnlt archipelago, has the distinction of be
home of the swalkaf living
for the trnnsiKiruitkwi of the liquid
representative of ili,. wild cattle. AO
tbe Interior.
Maa of the c.ttr-itiely diminutive pro
portions of the nil m. as the a'aliual In
queatlon, which bn* *nme of the char
acteristics of 111.' huffalo. Is called.’
Born* Gold Handled .That Bell Fer gW. may be cnlne<] v. Ii.-n it |a stated that'
Handiti ef Silver a<M of Ivery.
Its helgtit at ilii- sh-i'ilder la only threa’
' a mnn w ere content lo *have I
self with a raior having a hnrri rubber
handle, a* Indeed mwt wen sre
could bn.v one with a blade of ver;
Alexander Benlon, who lives
W <A
cellent quality for a dollar, but there Rural Route No. 1, Fort Edward,
rd, Nj
are raxors far more e»n*lve than T„ ears: "Dr. Klug'E New Dlaeo'
1s my best earthly fi
Thu* there are *old razors wlib bao- me of asthma ’ .yearaage
also performed wonderful cure of^dies of IB carat gold aha of plain dpieot
consumption for my aoo’a
amooth flnl«b that bring S50 e.-icb. A wife Tbe first bottle ended the tec
pair of such raxori In a plain sliver rible cough, and this BccompllBbe4|
box «□ be bongbt for a hundred dol- the other symptoma left one by
noUl she was perfecUy well.
Bat g.'-J) is uoi Ibe limit Of whsi oae King's New DlsooTerri power
may pay for * go!d bandied rsior If coughs and colds Is simply marvel18." No other remedy hsa ever
tbe baiidlo wer- elabornu-ly cIius.h1 Its
mailed IC Fully guaranteed by B.
tiilKlii luoum up to twice that, of
Miller, 8. B. Walt A Sons and
$200 for lip.111-.
Drug Co„ druggists. EOeand
Tiiere are n]*o sold, nniouj; tbwe Johnion
$1,00. Trial botOe free.
lore expensive, siivor banilled rarors
tn the ninth century they began to
shoe honea, boL otrangc to say, ooly
aboed them In tlnu«f freaL Kl^WU...... intiodocad bonaaboelDg Into Ragand Kx botMMKWi an on th*
iniUam-gave vast aatatai for eartng
' hi* hensa in ihM way.
Now Is The 1Tfhe and
Here Is The Oj^rtunity
A gurpris*, All-Right
**Uy husband has promised to allow
M to cbooee what I want for my which range In price from
W saeb. $il.r*i Iieiug tbe ptloe t-r one
‘Uh. then there will be ao aupttom With a j.lalu s,lvcr liaudle.' while lUose
this years coMly luive tbelr liandlca uier« or
“Tm, there will. He will be anrelaborately chased Of carved,
ptleed enoogh when be geta the bUL"
altogether like a Machine giri* and giri* to pac£
hard rubber handled razor tnl^t find
•otter Than Oyl"|.
hU fancy tnltad with ana havmg a dishes. Oval Wood Diah Co.
Idren. rei
htadl* of Ivory, and an ivory handled
tbe text "BaL drink and be merry for rwr.need not neceasarlly-be expeotomomjw yon. dte." Pupil - Plaaaa. ■ve. A razor with a plain Ivory banteacher. In oor family we don't We
an be bought for S2. Of eourae
all take castor oil next day .-Ufa
*ay earring would add to the coat
CW rmn
A Helping Haml.
glfta.—New York Sun,
Bkh Old rncle-Aud remember,
dear, that when 1 dk- all that I have
gee* to yea. Niece—TbanK you. uncle.
Do let me give you more mince pie.—
Harper's Weekly.
In Osrriei’i time when the weather
was warm the men In the pit took off
roats and Testa.
XIic Enterpris
ing IVIan
* Teats of Mind Reading and vleverneas In Tricka are IrtttresUng.
Tbe CTtilf-* of our time have wtdte-ashed msoy of the vices. Poets like
le earlier Swlnbume practlcaM;
praised lust as so expression of tbe
love of life. Poets like Mr. Rudyart
Kipling practically praised cruelty as
expression of tbe love of life. Peeta
like Mr. Henley and .Mr John Davldlave practically praised dnnifcenor violence, or obecehtfy as expreealoDs of tbe love of llfe,-0. K.
ertot In I^^ndon News.
HA ^ 4 is* $ $ f $ » $
Speeches Follow.
Tbe McEweh enterta
given last evening before a very
audience much to tbe dlagnst «g
who says tha( be
will have a big house yeL even if be
u to pay tbe people to go and see
E performances.
Tbe small audience made no dlSerice Id bis efforta to please and those
present enjoyed the evening. McBwen
Is rertalnly clever, claiming nothing
than clevemesB In his tricks.
HI* mind reading U superior to much
of Ihe mind reading. Given good subJerta.with whom lo work he very readgives the demonstrstlou of bis
wonderful poweie.
A test of mind reading which he has
>t yet tried lo this city, but which
he has succesafiflly tried in other plac; that of compounding a prescripof which be never heard before
of which he Is perfectly ignorant
at the end of his teaL aa be is unable
remember IL There la a great fMclnatlon In these demoDStratlons.
Earl Ackerman, president of the
class greeled the guesU ahd lotrodnced Albert ClemonL vie© prasldenL who
the address of welcome. Miss
Adie Soles of the Oportunity class
responded. Miss Barton gave a splen
did talk as did also J. W. Hllliken who
was the last apeaker on the prograip.
.Mr. Bbner presented the ladles with
neatly framed picture of the Bible
class, which was taken at a fc
fiiactlMi given "by the Opportnolty
rlass 10 the Bible class.
tCimillKES A nOIID
txed AmM Much Jesting.
a^OBt the European negotlsttcBEinTCference to tbs Northem Pa
cific railroad an Intmeting Frwnci
word teemed again and again—sa«»
Jy, *kT»dlear-whlch iair Csbkg vd
his psrtn« soon ««verted..late M
IhigtWi word, syndicate. The newspaSilty wMeb b*vea
p« sepertere rolled it under tbelr
tnagws. It was a find for ptamtars
and Terslflera: The New York Trlbona
cecefred these llm-« from one of Its
B. 8. Hu 1. Pr^ldeol Oval Wood Dish Go.. Preaident.
A. V. Friedrieh, Shan: Chaa. Wilhelm. Wilhelm. BarUk * Co .
nar wfaai u a sy-ndleata
Vice Premdenl^
iBtaaded to Indlcatet
Is quoetloned sbrasd and at boms.
“’d Heal Balile: Wm. Loodon. Caldwell
A l-onte. Ps*ident JBoMteU'Wwer: Hectric- Light and Pp«v Co;
•* J O. CroiWir.-Ckae * Cioeter. Kinga)«r Stopben Laetnerr. Parmer;H.-W.
. Cai^lTojra
LardJe, WbolesaJe Vrodoce; F. 0. Oeemood. President Deeraoed Chem
In CMtgreas the word was nndar ex
ical Co ; Benj. TWrtby.Traverae City Iron Works; Dr. H B. Garner:
amination. Some of "Sunset" Cox'i
r, e 8mHb,8j|^jf4qiroo.. , ^ ^
CODStltDentB bad writteu him. that
■saaher declared, to ask if U were In
any way related to the Kuklux. -a
scholar learned In pbllologr," be continned amhl lengbler, "aayg It come*
trtm the original Chinese and Is prowranced 'Ah Slodecat,’ from a well
known player of cards called the
*11*00160 Chinee ' A rereope reformer
WTlMa me that It u ao animal peculiar
to Panuiylvanls, with a bead of Iron.
ey« of nickel, legs of coppv and a
heut of atone. It coanmMa every
ffM* thing ontnld* Its own statn.**
At the cooclUalon of the program
ihc giuests were told to go to the bag
gage room and get their grips cheek
ed. There was more. marching a'nd
■hen the assemblage went to the base
ment which was lifted by several
red mottoes, "m’slcome Opportunity
aass." Seats at the table were found
by means of duplicating the baggage
the viands placed before them.
decoratloDB of the (able were palms
and red and white camatlona, the
Bible class cok«8.
After refreshments the company re
turned to the parlors, where ^ree
flashllgbi pictures were taken, of the
VO classes alone and a combination.
The orchestra waa composed of the
following peraona: Boy Rorabacber,
luanu. Win Votmba. first violin
Uoyd Bemus, second vicdln; E. E.
tkliite. cello; Julius Martlnek. clari
net; Charles C. Lillie, comet; C. A-
rs^iect a law of nomao and even
AthenUD origin, by which tbe age* of
fourteen nnd twelve were fixed aa the
marriageable ages of males and femakk rwpectlvely. m luJy the age
ta fixed by ibe clrii code at elghtMn
«ndflfteen. Ponnerlythetgeofanon*,
ala In England wa, „
flor both aaxea. but such marrlaa* was
not considered pertect for ttoipLtie*
dlaagrae to It whe.^S^
Escaped From
Sing Sing
Oke of the bed sett of Pictores to be bad.
PEOGEAM-AtabUn Kagldan
Escaped From Blag Sing.
SONG- 'Well BeSwcelhaarla
to the Bud.”
Do you want a home, free from noise, free from
annoyance of others, with pure, fresh air and
water; where you can have all the comforts of a coun
try home with tbe nearby pleasurers of city Jife?
If so, now is the time and here is tbe opportunity.
I still hare fifty acres that I now offer for sale at
prices ranging from one hundred to five hundred dol
lars per acre and in lots rsoging from city loti to five
or any other number of acres as may be desired.
My terms are as follows: Ten per cent of purchase
price down and ten per cent every twelve months with
seven per cent interest annually on unpaid balance.
These .offerings include farm, garden and fruit
land, with desirable building and city lota almost in
tbe cUy limits, and is within the ability of any ener
getic, industrious person tL> buy.
Let me show you this property.
wilsDiiy, Wi n
Comedy lira
•am* (hat nearly everyone ii
Kn. £ 0. £ R.
CfvW Stmy
I rlt,
n H kCraJecr M» CareT Aram
1 "fhaiwls" W Mr. Faa Nsmitsi "irsaf’’
The entire cast has been quoted by ll
critics as being aboui all that
could be desiied.
'ill be pla
Hay 3). at box office.
mm Mwnf 2 p. t PRICES 25. 35,50, 75c
The time is here for us to close out our st^K k
of suits for this season. Owing to tbe contin
ued cold weather the stock is larger than it
should be at this time of year, so tbe reduc
tions are greater than usual.
M.1 9i»SrU
Your choice of all our sui1s that
were #10.00 and »12.50.
At $13.S0
BcHiiliful i-uiiB in tbe very latest
fancies anrt plain colors anil black
—values #17 50 to #20.00.
suitsno handsomer styles shown any
where at any price.
I i the Besley r«c
[ May 26.
Fetched Him.
A yotmg New Toikcr of means who
mokitalns a resideuce at certain eeeMns near Greenwich. Conn., recently
nnreed a giievnuce against bli Imme
date oelgblKir. Tbe lattpr, It appeata
has been appealed to In vain to put a
atop to the foraging of bis bens In tfar
New Yorker's garden.
Finally the New York man decided
[ feat'ed at the
[ by the iTorelty
.......................................................................................... T end Is ocoelda
...................................................................................... unIvoteItT
vanla, MlBsewto end Cbicego. BeHumpbiM,'
The broad Jump Is r
aides the Indians and Minnesota. QUcage will
Indiana. lUtools end
in the
So the dopeeters look for a third place Purdue. The dates have not been eeU y^rk, and alt
but If Heath should get IWo condition but all three games will be on Marhe might win the event over the Car
stnil field with the possible exception
jo • s^t,
Indian Jumper
get three more points that the had
allotted by the conference mUng.
pounds at S o'clock,
not looked for.
says that he «ni be
The pole-vault will go to some
for the battle.
oulalde of the "Big Three," aa none
hare a high flyer, and the same In the
'III Not Try to Prejfent Lewis-GarS-
This is only count
Enough to Win the Event->&ut
Civet Them Thied
and nn hard luck strikes Ann Arbor
iipfore thfe meet
rer. to pr'erent a prize fight between
Summing lip, the points come out
about like this:
sylvania. 27:
Michigan, 30; Penn
Cornell. 2S;
Tale, 16;
"every night for a week I pot t I<
«ggs In tbe garden under tbe gi
vine, and every nionilug when 1
enre that Ilinnk w-r* looking 1 ’
Denrer. May 16.—PeUUoned by the
Welverince to get If the men are all in condlilon
Union of Den
lesness bund»ds ^
Harry Lewis and Jimmy Gartner,
peris WeekI.v.
May 21, Gov. Henry A. Bucbtel has
the Michigan
loner In the mile, Garrcls, win first la-
stekd of second lo
men spent their
the shot. Heath
the broad jump with his t
male. Trench, pulling a place. Schults
Smiday afternoon.
fourth in
consider a most noxious practice."
et a place In the two-mlle.
"Gel mil your paper and lets dope
Carrels, and lils Is the way
will »ln flr^-Tirfhe
sho( and Darle
The wont of
fccUve cure for
Bcb troubles In '
to the tune
IgaUons t'
ducUon' of Mi-
fourth In the quarter.
1'»n and 220 yard dashes, with Cart-
This would put Gie Wolverine score
surs of
Hop# Fer Him.
II,I.i. v.,.
with ‘Spider" Coe. Penn, second with
Like idea
college for third and fourth
Rf>we ol
the re
he fimtt.all
The Wolverliu-s (uiiint on their cap
: IIm'V W'UI la- tn-nted to one of
fHreelor Stagg's "|iurlly banquets" In
hurdles, -and second In the shot pul.
Hulchinson cormnons.
This Is prorld-
Iv turned Into a first.
f.ir In Ihe contract, which embodies
The Qualmrs will prohahly get third
the now famous "gen'llenian's agree-
lih.ee hi Ihe hurdl.-s wllh McCiilIccV,
lenl" and code of "football etiquette"
and Diirtmoiilh second with their man
originated by Director SUfK for the
Cornell ought lo take at least
foiirlh In these two events.
Id the high Jump the Qiiakera ought
to win wfth Moffitt. who went six feel
at the may, games, with
Jones. Chicago
Tha Bcaatsr.
"Tapley mnkeB 'a great boast of al
ways apeakliig ;is he thinks. Doeshef’
"Yes; only more rre-iuently.”-Judge.
A Baehslsr's Cenfasaien.
The tipsi WA« l.l..m) arrt »vrv fair;
Wa,rvarnoi1 tiimugh Sell and dln^
Until at iHji she "turned me down,"
And thnl's wh>- 1 Hayed single.
The next wns dark—ss'dsrk n» ntghL
gnd IKe H-emed one long Jingle:
But. alas, she liad "nn use fnr me."
And ihM's why I stayed slngls.
. but nnw
„ iiteugh:s n-. h-pe dnesmlhgto.
I.e-dstone pot
*^e's... -..............._...
-llp-.lecn'i'.. M.-igazln«.
"Our liUle —---------------------------------- .
years," writes N. A. Adams, HenrleC
ta. Po"Two of our home doctors
sold tbe case was hopelan, bis lungs
being affected.
We GieB employcl
other doctors but no beaoflt resuUe
By ebimee we read Shout El ctr
High school will play the Ludinglon Billers: bought a bottiridid scjn n
ticed improvement
team at Uudlngton.
this medicine unUl
The Minnesota track
is appar : had been used. «'
g Swedes ; completoly cured."
ently (be annual Joke. The big
CraWford. DetrolL right field.
Science knew -nothing of the monster
Urd. the roe-, until certain Ualagaay
naOvee came to Mnurltlus tu buy rum.
bringing with them huge eggabclla to
serve aa receptacles. Morco Polo saw
d iv
to have
le ODge quiim
n plucked from the roc. They were
Hity tu thirty feet long.
Maroon athleles arc Joyous over the couldn't move f^t enough to keep.........................
The Indians warm Baturtay and lost a dual meet
Marshel of
- _Masn Mele SubtarfLga.
Lady Cabh.v-Well, and my Hpt
Fare—tVhni: Offer money to a «o)iu: What would my wife say?—
Faria FIgsro.
The third sued me. and not I her;
Her l«wy..ra nnme wns TlnglS,
e*d Of____
- - —............... —
--------stayed single.
Slone,'Bl. l.z>uis, left field.
game with Ihe Ma-
tain for two firsts In the high and low
Pittsburg, shortstop
gleinfeldt. Chicago NaUonals. third
the Car-
llBle Indians cime to Chicago next fall
malnlnp (Hilnts.
I.,ajnle. Cleveland, second base.
Michigan is rniieeded first In the twomile,
Mere Than 0ns.
t one Idea, and that's
hML "has
“Hnb," snorted MsrryaL "my wife
osnally has at least a dozen Ideas, and
tbey're drMses.” - CathoUc Btaaderd
and Times.
"Oh. I don't know: Md be ever owe
yoo.eajjao^yr-rieveltbd Leader.
Cornell or some nllier
rthk,’’ esld tbe stage manage, 'is
Sm eetUng for tbe balcony eeehe In
^Boraw and JnlleL’"
"But I seem to ml» eomethlng."
sold the critic. "Where Is tbe ladderr
"Ladder? Tbe modern Borneo doee
ot climb a ladder. He coDee In on
alrMrip."-8L Loois Poat-Dlspatth.
todl^tlM^ond -tlie i
nell, who won both last yehr. Gamble
which are often, felt
felt aafir-aeolB dlsalKjre the S.l point mgrh. and 1
almost all with the clubs playing
Of Princeton second. Cornell third and
apppear In a very low’Ehyn—auch Is
Munihy. told Fitzpatrick that 3n points western teams.
In fact, a glance
Mirhlnsn at least fourth place with
the wonderful curaUve •power ol Ml-o"Yer," r->i-:i-1 rl ■ I'.i fenilnnt. "but
■RB would take the first place ban- the figures
made * last
season Is
R:iy Stewart
That will
•nough to convince anyone that the
^ Mlrhlffan ball rolling with two iviims.
all the Michigan men do their greatest team In the history of the stomach troubi
Bn.''-Cn1lio|l.- si .ml.ml and Times.
'll 'he tin dash Taylor of Penn,
food, while MH
‘ eould be pleked in the ^
and nn one has an ofi day It I
nm. Rodp-rs.of Pnrnell si'rond. and
pretty certain that Ihe team from the provided, of course, team work '
'here Is a bare i.fusslhllltj of Davie of
doped hr the east for third place with Individual qualiflcatlonB.
^ Mleblgan taking a place. Then comes
Ml-o-na stomacb
The ^ll-star wcaUm team wuuld be
make them change their minds
■ he hnlrmlle run. where Ramey of
..0 ccDia a box and do Bore real good
little and come down off their high aa follows:
than a dozen boxes ot the onUnary
.MIrhIpan -ought to run second to Par
•Clark, of Cleveland, catcher.
digesUve tableU. S. B. Waft.* Sods
sons of Yale, with Cornel! and Prince
MiUlln. Detroit, and Brown. Chlca^ give an absolute, t
ton dividing the other points.
Naiinnals. pitchers.
tec to refund the i
In the mile, Mirhigan lakes flmt
Chicago Nationals, first falls to cure.
Haskins, and
spoonful of borax to a quart ef bofltBE
A Quettien sf Peaitisn.
A rather p-»ir fflinltv unexpectedly
s Same, but Mer
came Into po-sexslnu nf a fortune.
They piirehnsod n largo fnnn with
bens, cows and plga. One dey tbe lit dodlsb
llsh fMh>w with-him Is his alter ego.
tle daughter of the fninlly was show*
isn't b
lug a vlKltor nhniit the place. "Do
"Tea. only exaggerated."—Baltimore
“Ob, they
the hnitghty reply. “bm I
poBlttnn they
••nisre't nothing alow abetft him. le
don't have to."—l.on.lMn Tatfer.
announced that be would not 1:
Ann Arbor, May 15.—"I think Mlcb- Princeton. 11. and other colleges be fere, the city having ample power.
dark horses, etc.. 24 The governor said:
tfan wJU »in the easteni Intercolle- tween
ODlU —
"All the union has done is (o
Flal.-,' 'Baid "Spider" Coe.
bad taste In the
!1 tiie young people to read the sport- specks before thi
If the dope Is upset for Michigan
"So do I." anewered "Hofsepower"
nervous tronbles
ought lo be in her favor. Dull ought log pages of the newspapers, which
Jier oul,”
In 1S20.
ner Fight May 21.
ing for Michigan the points she ought
Hw layman—WeD, you accept a tse
br BORylng people, don’t yoat-PhU-
Tonr daughter Is a skillful perform
er on tbe piano. Is abe DMT"
"Still troubled l./llluiik'a hen*?"■Tee." answered Mr. Cumrex. •TTw
•Tfol a bit of It, " oDBwered tbe New way she can play for hours wlthoot
Znyber, with a rhiu-kle. “They're ebnt ptdng an etracbe or t eprstned wrist
as to me she's roeommonly ex
"How did you manaite to accomplish pert''—Washington Star.
doped for first. of Illinois,
This completes the (Sil-I t>efare the clhb
If this should happen Michigan would cage schedule, making the five Eamee‘j„pj.n,enta. yy,*
T«le wiU
Glass bottles and flower vaaee may
be porifled and cleaned by ritudsg tl|em
at with powdered <*arcaal
Many persons have foBd reBedfroB
nervous bea.lncbe by woahlBg tbe balr
thereugbly In weak soda water.
Do not fill the room wltl) greOM
emoke from the griddle, but grease K
by rubbing with half a rnw tSRiip.
Never leave medicine, drink or toed
oncovered In a sldETboufe
Ttiey ere
beet kept out of the room aittgecb*.
More than seventy halls In Paris are
devoted to fencing, each presided over
y a fencing master more or less faiDoa.
The Grenoble 'district In Prance la
noted In the export trade of that cooutry for two very different psoduem,
walnuts and kid gloves.
Tlie latest craze Iri Farts U; tbe vac
cination tea. .y lady Invites a noDber
of friends in ira at S o'clock, and a
doctor makes his appearance, who Is
prepared to vaccinate any of toegnesta
tbe e|-o(. Many ladies have tccepb
•d bis services
Fear saa Ihe Hair.
That fear will cause tbe balrtostoBd
on end has been known throngh the
ecoturtet. ever since a gpirit paasad,ibefore the face of Job's comforter. Bb
phaz, tbe Temanlle. and "the hair Of
my flesh stood up " At the execatloB
horse stealer In 1S25 tbe man’s
spiritual BHendant notleed that when
hlB bands were tied "bis Imlr king
lanky, weak Iron gray hair trees
gredually and stood perfectly
' so remained for some abort time
and then as gradually fell down." Oardlnal Paces saw Flos Vll.'s hair stofl
eyect from anger, and Eceleriaeaeus
records that - ibc Ulk of him that
ireth much mnketb the hair etoad
grepbed on tbe shtge and was ToeGy
pleased with the reenlL
Stod he gleefully to a promluent dralatic criiic. "It was the most ezttutwdlnary exprelence I ever WMjt through
actually to'seo niyself acting."
“Now." said the prominent dramatic
critic. "yoH ■underst.iBd what we have
to put nn with " Fall Mali Qatette.
O. W. Cloyd. a merdiant of Hunk.
Mo., had a nofrow esc^ -tour years
ago. when he ran a Jlmson bur Into
his thumb.
He nays;
"Tbe doctor
wanted to ampuUto It but 1 would
-not consent I bought a box of Boeklen's Arnica Solve and that cured the
dangerous wound." 26e at B. B- Mineria, S. E. Waft ft Bon'e and Johnion
Rchediillng of this gapie.
Tale second 'and Cornell third.
Harvard, ■priuccton. Pennsylv- -fo-ntne Nebraska.
i--rih..TTtr d^ar-slr!-
Tli6 Hannali & La^ Mercanttte Company
Our Store le DtwMed Into
Mine Greol Olvlelons
The Word Fitly Spoken
Carpet and Crockery Olvislem
Dry Goods Division.
Hardware Division.
Bock and SUtlenery Division.
Slibe Division.
Drug Division.
Furniture Division.
Grocery Division.
Clothing Division',
61 Complete Sections
Millinery Section.
Cloak and- Garment Section.
Piano and Organ Section.
Sewing Machine Section.
Candy Section.
is no more essential than the word genteelly
Medium is as forceful as matter.
There is no alternative for the modern business
man or the up-to-date stxiiety woman—they both
must have the^ElST STATIONERY obtainable.
That IS what we are showing now. Have you
seen all tbe new styles that we have? The
paper that we sell by tbe pound, five different
kinds. Dark and Light Blue, Torquoise and
Cream in Linen Cloth and Linen Laid, sells at
25c a pound of 130 Sheets.
The Envelopes are 10c a Package of 25, or three
Packages for 25c.
Drapery Section.
Stationery Section.
Lace Curtain and Shade Section.
Picture Framing Section.
Legal Blanks Section.
Cut Glass Section.
Wall Paper Section.
If vou would rather have a nice box of paper, we
have all kinds—lOe, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 60c,
75e. Beautiful boxes and fine quality of paper.
Toy and Game Section.
Lumber and Shingles Section.
Coal Section.
School Book Section.
Crockery and QIasaware Section.
Carpet and Linoleum Section.
M'VONSffAND" Hen's Negligee
Grain and Feed Section.
Paint and Oil Section.
Farm Implement Section.
Fancy Goods Section.
Bible and Book Section.
Tablet and Paper Section.
Brooms and Brush Section.
Patent Medicine Section.
Some new'patterns just re
Perfumery and Soap Section.
Smokers' Goods Section.
Jewelry Section.
Ribbon and Lace Section.
Tbe Plain, Soft Bosom are
sre sold for 50c, *1.00, *1.75,'
*2 00 and *3.50.
Buggy and Wagon *Sectlen.
Silk and Glove Section.
. Men's Furnishing SocUon.
Children's Clothing Section.
Silverware Section.
Masen's-BullUer'e Supplies See.
Granite and Tinware Boetlen.
Ceract and Fitting SeeUen.
Sporting Goode Soetion.
Steve Section.
PetUi Card Section.
Trunk Section.
Hosiery Section.
Beat Supplies Section.
Fresh Fruit Section,
paper Pattern Section.
Hat and Cap Section.
Plumbing and Heeting Section.
The Plaited Bosoms are
sold for *1.00, *1.50, *2.00
and *2.50.
These are made in all the
fancy colors and white.
We carry all the different sizes from 14 to 19.' 8 me of
the unusual sizes that are always found here.
Did You Get That Cabinet? New Goods
Ihe McDottgall Kitchen Cabinet
is the Cabinet that fits any place and pleasfes
every houscfjife, and if you have not seen them,
do so at once. They are made in Satin Stain
—Walnutand finished smooth as gl«iss. Some have
tops of brass with a dull copper finish, and there
are no grooves to gel tilled with dirt or grease.
Embroidery Hoops
New Line Fancy
SELL FROM $17.50 TO $31.00
Line of Corbin's
Locks, Hinges,
Hasps, Night
^are worn more than ever, for they a e
the kind that give the best of satisfac
Door Screens
The great feature is the “rust proof”
quality that is distinctive of these tele>
Library Stand
brated Corsets.
They are known the world over and are so moderately
priced that you can own two pairs, so that you can
Mission Settees
change very often, aud it rests a person just to get into
atfbtber Corset.
Wash Suits
We Are Selling Them From 50c to White Net Suits
SUk Waist Saits
pSPAT. MAT 15^ im.
Ida, who bas been elected by the
Igan legislature to euceeed Oencnl
Buaaell i. Alger in the United StMca
senate, baa repreaented bis state to
eoegiess for twrtve years. He la a
man of moderate meana, la forty-eight
yeare old and foraerly was a page to
the MJrdiIgnn leglelature. the body
wtid) bas Just honored bim with tha
Mgbeet office In Ita glftUr. Smith's congressioDBl career has
been of a character to raise Mm above
toe large majority Jn________ ______
a good .party man, be has not keen
tOrlKlnaJ ,
Is Wssblnjrtoii. wbcrc the society la
“My dear marquto, we ca#t aSl
tnsBUst, oD« cuBstsutl^ ium‘tB {>eopls
rj tola splendid fortune, wttb an Ajni»
vbo Ai^r under itae dlsadvBDUge of
tocumbraDce. and i '
being unL-nowD. Wbllc a(U>ndlng • :
of ns bas the means to court her propcepUon tbero bold b}- ibo wUa of a
•riy, Yon, having he^ aeqttalnteBM
cabinet officer 1 aaw a .vouug lad; altand being the non of a doke, have tha
ting b; betaelf wbo aevnicd to n>
beat chance. Now. 1 pn^oM that we
(all nndar this catejrorj-. I could
make up a pool to be yooia for toe ptto
but feel that If aUo remained In the
poses of coortahlp and to be retnraad
avid for tuf conBldcmble lime Inatead of being a wailflon-cr sbe would
■ become a center of attraction,
Tbe arnval of Molly PUck. tbe daogb'wondering whom 1 coaid get to InOoter of the bead of the firm of Flick &
-dnee me te ber when sbe eurprlaad m«
Oo, one of the ‘
by bowing to me.
known twelve boors
My flret tboogbt was that I bad met
after It occurred to every topecimkias
ber somewhere, my second tbat she
noble fortune buattr to Paris. The
bad mistaken me for aoue other perremarks quoted were tbe Mult of a
gon. Sbe looked an inrlcntion for me
diapate between several of them as to
to Join ber. and I atarted to do ao
wbo abould'bare a ftee-field to win tbe
when 1 saw a young man In naeal uniprise. Tbe pmpoaldon was accepted
form also going toward ber. I heelby tbe Marqihe of Coortemache and
tated. but slie kept ber eyes on me,
the rest of the company. Not more
and 1 Interpreted ber look to mean tbat
than 1.300 francs could be raised by
I waB ber cbolce. The uuvul officer
tbe aubeciiptlon. but this was handed
eridectly aiiw die same thing, for be
over to tbe marquis, wbo called'that
tnmed In anoilier direction. So I Join
very evening on UIss Flick and began
ed the lady. I'oliowlng conventional
to lay siege to ber heart
lines, 1 concealed the fact that 1 did
“Bow do, marqular' she exclaim^
sot leniooiher ber. (bough I felt quite
"Awful glad to see yooT'
mre sbe bud erred In my Idendty. I
“1 came. mademolMlle, to tak your
gpeke of tbe solubles present and. asmother and yourself to go with me to
•uiDlng tbat she was a stranger, point
the opera."
ed many of llu-m out. to ber. I con
"Mother; Goody gracious, marguial
fess 1 (tut most of Uic talking, for the
Do you suppose I have my mother
girl seeme.1 distralf and, to loll the
tralpalng around after ^m«? So. alrl
trvtli. did iiqt seciii csiMX'lally inter
I'll go to the opera with yon. but no
eaied. Indeed, several times sbe made
mother for me."
remark* entirely Irrelevant to the Fqb-Bot. ‘ madehiolselle.' In Parte that
Ject of coDversation. Sbe sold nothing
would occasion remei*."
to Bbow that abc supposed me to be
"Oh. ihaFs Itl Very well, weTl take
aona one also, made no binnder to
mother. Will you go. mammy?"
•peaking of my position, family or
"1 suppose I'll hare to.”
"TOO pnoFu
The yoang roan proceeded methodPresently we arose and stroDed
through the moms, ipaitslng senatork, an “tnsorgent"^ members are caned ‘‘'•HJ'- During this bis first call he told bold tbe
supreme eourl Judges, eablnet officers, who do uoi always obey tbe oRjera of ^<1** Molly of his ancient lineage, vlnd- on tbe
raeml-ers of the dli>loniiiUc corjis end the party lenders,
, I'lg up with a decihption of the chateao rolcebegaai
other dlBilnguMietl pi-ple. My comThe promotion of Mr. Smith to tbe of the CounemacBes. built several cen“Ladles ani _
paniOD seeiiKHl to i'e nnimpreased by senate bas Impelled members of (be turies ago and now a ruin. Then, beavJnst then a Btoijad whizzed by. and
them. Init there wiis one peHon who bouse to repent a story told sevoral Inff a deep sigh, be said be would love Ms first sentoiee hung fire. Beginning
produced niilte a different effect. years ago by Mrs, Smith.
| to repair aod live In It Miss Molly lla- again, be repeated:
That was the young naval officer who
Sbe thought sbe heard bui^lara In toe lened attentively and asked
“Ladies and genHemen'’bad enrted to Join her when I bad boose and awakened ber husband.
would cost. Tbe marquis replied tbat
A switch engine across tbe railroad
done so. Whenever lie passed ua I
"Get up. William AidenT' sbe uid. | It would require fi.000.000 franca
yard got to inotioD nt this point
could feel her lidiid ilgbieu on my "Get up. Tbere are robbers In tbe: mllliou of doJIara. whereupon tbe gtri Oonsldenhiy flntrsted. but bolding
arm. He always
at her Intent
I remarked that If that was all she won- -hliDself well to hand, the orator oneo
ly, wlslfull.v and I thought reproach
"No. no, mv dear." BepresentgSve dered why be didn’t make
mace began Ms epeech:
fully. I would liiiie given way to Mm. Smith aald sleepily. "There may be In once.
“Ladles andgaKlemen"bnf my oompuiiiou gave mo no oppor the senate, but certainly there a
The marquia after hia visit
It waa no naa A frt-iklit train a tulle
tunlty to do w>. I pive her chances w In the house."
frleods at tbe club aod reported prog long If II waa an hich came rumbling
drop me. imi she did not avail benelf
ress. For a ffionib be devoted MmMlf and creaking down the jard. and the
of Ihetn. Towaril the close she drew
Interruption was of such duration that
to tbe heiress. Be not only
An Embsrraasinent.
me to a OKiin where she
The I'rinccs.-* de Montglyon
Parte,' panlcd her
guests I'usslug out I was standing who has come to America to exhIMt Versailles, Ftmtalnebleau. Sevres and
looking Id another direction wbeli I ber famous collies at several kennel ether curious points iu the cnvlroi
beard ber glte n sigU~K seemed to me shows, said ut a dtuner lu New York. Paris, bot tecured for her and he»
f iTlI. f and she
apropos of nn embarrassment:
'i mother invUatlona to tbe best bouam
to bor iDi'tbcr.
Bepabllrun proeptelty in your t
. “Tbat reminds me of a story they in Faria
towaril an eldi-rly lady, but before
have been Telling lately aboot Queen ' But at tbe end of the month Oaston Look at tbe length of tbat ft
reached ber bid me a fonnal good Alcxandia uf England.
‘one morning awoke to find In Ua vest ttain"evening iiiid liiisic-nod on alone.
Bat a voice to the rear of tbe crowd
"The miard's band was playing on pocket but a.single napoleon of tha
The nest afternoon I met m;
tbe terrace at. Windsor castle daring money furnished Mm. It was nece*- sbouted _
paulcin of tbe eveuing before i
yer glvtaliiudieoii, iii.d the c|uecD was M pleas-: aary tbat be bring matters to a bead,
of-the residemc avenues and received ed wnb a lively march that she sent I Half the napoleon be spent for candy
a deed
a maid of booor to loqolre what It' and tbe otber half for flowere. Theta
I bad (hoiigbi ibut there could be tw waA
I tie
Mias FUck during tbe day. It
tocoDsIsteney of womankind that I
“The maid of honor Mushed daeply, occurred to Mm to save a few fnaca
was not prepared for,- but this went
Na NMd ta Run.
as she answered on ber retnm:
| for a breakfast tbs atoning after Ms
fordier t^n anviblag
Mrs. Oewa Paieona. whose book oo
“ ‘ "Come Where tbe Boose la , profiotel. but If be succeeded to wloperteoced. The gb-1 bad taken
marriage baa created so tnueb exciteCbcaper." your majeoty.'"
for a purpose. But wha t porpoai
lest, aald at a dinner to New York;
Was It to pique the naval officer?
Ttoey who are happily married t
Ths Latest.
did not think so.
•becked at the Idea of trial marriages,
They have a new aaluUUon In the'
“>« evening I
• I hare one rule with women—not
but they -who are unhappily linked
boose committee rooms. It Is “Dear
where tbe Flicks s>
do That they esiwcL The girl
getfaer and yet too proud and sensitive
bad uaod me would
d doubtleaa
wait for
walHng he paced ba<* and forth In a to get a divorce most see moeb to the
me to seek
terrible SDspensa. It aeeoted an, age Idas thkt Is of value.
e In ihiit iliroctloD. I met bar
“How many marrtefes would be-_
Un be was snmmi ted. tboogb It was
often bi sm-lety. auil, as I bod presum
Champ Clark of -Missouri.
only ten mlnutei. Dahered Into the solved If tbe dlAsolatino could be ••■
ed, ehe became a foutra/llgure. Final,
Champ Clark of Missouri, wl
a reception room,
iy at a ball 1 was casually presented mor says Is to succeed Jobo Sharp Wil
table the flowers
to ber. I gn-eied lu r as a perfect liams as minority leader of the bopse
husband I heard of tha ether
stranger. She imi her unu through of representntivea Is a noted wtt and be hed sent and the box of candy. day.
Bine nod drew me away to a quiet bis bright sallies often create' merri The box waa empty.
"He said to bis wife at btuakfdst
“Come In here, marqulsi" called tbe
ment 111 -congress. Be baa bad a varied
cheery voice of Mias Molly.
“If tbe mouiitalo won't i-ouie to Me- and -plrtureeqoe ceree]-. being
■ 1 dieamed atMut you last M^t'
With visions of a private boudoln
^mmed.'' she said. "Mohammed moat time a farm band and at another presi
“ “Wbat did yoo dream r sbe asked.
#0 to the mniiniuiii."
dent of a college. 11c was bon to Een- dancing In bis bead. Gaston eotered tbe
“ T dreamed I oaught a ebap nmnlng
“Which. iM'lng Imerpreiod. lueaxu tacky fifty-six years ago aod was edu
awv with you'
t yon <
that you have an eiplauatlon to make.” cated at Keotocky univcralty and the
“ ‘And wbat did yoo say to hlmF abe
“And I am sure you will make it ClnclnneU Law a.-bool. He bas i
toqulred Itotleady.
tsay for me."
city attorney of I,oulaiana. Mo„ and
“ 1 asked Mm wbat be was running
"That I have d<ioe from the first"
as proeecuting attoruey of Pike county.
“What did you tbliiU when I apoka
to you at the nve|itignr‘
'It pays to advasttoe." said Mark
' mistaken to my
e playing? Where are Twain at an adrertteement writers'
111 to me from heevenr banquet
“And when 1 failed to recegnlm yoo
“I hope
I don't went to go to
at meeting you afterward?''
“Whan I waa adiang tbe Tlrglnla
heaven Jnst , ret- Pm in bore.”
“That yon hud dlsiovered your mtoaiy Enterprise, wtltlag eopy one day
Again tbe marquis entered another and mining tbe next. 1 tried to fores
room, only i » be led farther. Indeed, this troth bome In many ways.
••Nonsenae! iou m-odn't make It as
easy for me as all that; Ton knew I
"A superstlttoas snbecriber once
girl led bim In a circle till be stood wrote and aald be bad found ■ spider
bad used you fora purpose."
agslo where be bad aURed. Iu tbe re to Ms paper. Waa tMs good or bad
"I am dellabtod to have been of
ception room. He was very tench dia- tuck? I replied to him Id our ‘An•errk* to you."
"I must make u rlean breast of Itewm to CarrespoDdents' column, aa
Juvenile game for the amnaemeat of follows:
Too win not tiai-o a pood opinion of
Mias Flick, but be remembered that
na. but 1 cau't help that Anything
■'Old Bubecriber-The finding of a
she was barely eighteen, and. If no spider la your copy of toe Enterpriaa
wfl] bring me more blame than the
truth- You saw I.icutedani Baxter
was oelther good luck nor bad. Tim
there was no French girt with an c
coming to Join me Well, we bad had
spider was toerriy looking orer our
moot fortune tbat he could marry,
an aflalr."
pages to find out what merchant was
be kept bit temper and wore a perpet- not advertteiag.-aa that It eoald spin,
“Yoo mean he waa-tben haring an
nal amUA thinking tbat after all li
Its web aerom Mi'daor and lead a tree
“I bad encouraged bim.”
and undisturbed axlttence forever and
Tou’re getting warm." came tha
“Flirted him."
As editor of a-i-ountry paper he was
1'a voice
“1 knew he must leave on a midnight also successful. Mr, Clark was first
train to Join his shlji and sail the next elected to <-ougrvs.s in ?S!K} and has
A UpM Cwnedinn.
Profesaor Brander Matthews, the esmteaed only one term sluce. Ills home
“Baking bot"
U^D to'^*
*“ te at Bdwling Greeo. Mo. - Here U one
atytot was ridlcultog at Columbia col
“A proposal."
lege high sounding names for cemmonof tbe stories told of Mr. Clark:
t'aeculed a coup d'etat, as tbe
He wos addn-ssiiig ilie house of rep
Ptoee tbinga-roitoortal parlor for bai^
dl^ppats hero would put IL 1 molt resentatives ou out oecaslon when a was bcblod It. How etrange ti>~ ote shop, fonerM director for undertkac and so on.
barf some one sloii in ahead of him. nab mcm»r interrupted him with Aserlcaoi; He pulled aside tbe cur
I tew you. I did not know you, buV— Bome frivolous rommcni. Mr. Clark tain and started back. A young mss
Two scrubwomte were UlUM
•Don't tell mo what I know; tell na fairly sbrtveini op tbe man wbo bad rai with tbe girt. .
otbte day." be saM. '
’•Game's opr' cried Molly. "Mar.
wbat I don't know."
lUtted ln,“ winding up bis scanfiea■•Wbara yer aon Billy doin'
"You know,tbc rc-st."
Oon tortbls *ay: "Mr. Chairman, there qnlB. this It George Tnmmingbam. Just ktea. Bmlth?' usked-tbe first
onec a tcn.leufoot who ilnck tbe come over to Join ns. He brought me
Tfot your mollve In avoiding- the
■ ‘He's on tbe stage.'
other an
etioax yon had been striving to brtog grlxxly regiua looking for bear. He this." And 00 tbe third Soger of ber swered.
was all got op in (be finest bunting left hand abe dlvlayed a ring. "Trte
•Drlrlq's stage, do yoo mean r
•Drtvln' a stage? Nonsense! WUbe
“That's one of (he Inconsistencies of gnrb. and hU weaiiona were tbanewert aaarqols baa .been awful nice te me.
•nr sex."
that could be obtained. He bad come George; took me to the op« aod tots to an actor. He's a Hgbt comedian.'
"Wbkjh I shall add to a list of aoeb to show the west bow Ao kill grlxxUea. of places. Ton’ll aho* George around,
" 'A light camedlan? What part does
Inconilsioni ios i have stored awny In Be went forth one morning aod never won’t yon? Be d^n'i know any toptojT
my memory."
osme back, hnd over his remalna they thing about Parts, nut's a dear old
“'He pliiys a eUdnt parr twhlnd _
When I next saw her I conkratolatod TMsed • etonc which bore this-epitaph: toarquiB."
Mack certain, with bb mouth to a bole
The next monilng Gaston went with- foentoit a candle, and when AJkaB Dm
baron ber engacoim-at to a senator
*He whistled for the grizzly, and toe
out his breakfast and pool stock ttooil
to at tbe ca^ TFUllc Mows tt
LOPISB a FAwawr-v,
A. /w
Hia fimlla.
The largest bog In Ireland Is tbe bog
Old Hunka WHlng for hia pbolomgs.
o» tt.
gtephl-What are you asklhg me to Of Allen, which acretches across the
north o
look pleasant for? Btome It, ain’t I center of the Island east of the Sban- and Dixon's Hue rtlrt Xhn Itoodolph
aod covers nearly »0.000 acree.
wlbng? Pbotograpber-Yea. air; that's
of Roanoke permitted himself to the
^ I am making you to tty to look
UTBc Of his life ite ordered the waiter
plaeaanC-Cbleago Tribune.
B uveruio
i,)^ cup." Tlic
1 oneAeveotb of the toul area of
in Inquired wLethcr lic .lc,slr<Hl l.-«
the eouDtzy la bog.
We are best of all fed to meo'a prtowffee- "If ihlv bo said, lodlcstlng
clpJea by wbat they do.-BoBer.
tb his Konnitnl forefinscr tbe bever
.•-Then They Mixed.
age already slt ed.to Mm-"if this be
"Yeas, de beauty -an' cMvaliy ob
tea, bring me coffe*. ^ this be coffee,
J- W.
^ Load to not ter from W*So ttmaa aa _ ____
_ „MUUken'a store will be I bring me tea I wantAdiange."
tmw7. baIkftrbolk.tsatoandalii-1 doaad au day. May 80, Deeora-1
btetem is Abeet BA» ttmaa aa baavyll ^
as air.
“Charley Is ao iwetical. When I accapted Mm he uid be felt like an tnmgtant enteriug a new world."
“Well, be was an Immigrant"
“What do you
•trwigth AH la Her Wlahheaa
Bbe te a very youag gtd. bgt ^ A-
BB. amak. Bi
Ite seer PaajM K
Over Earawn A KarFa JteMiry Stara
•oected In doing It *<Oh." itfgbed Hit
bete girl fttend. coming Into bte .roote
one day and cemmeBtliif apM i
iit ber aocctesea. “i always wc
H to tbat yoo soceaed to t
js ao well. It seems to me ttat
every time you try to do a thing
age to do IL Now. It'S dUIetaat
with me. 1 wteh to do a great many
tbln^. but Bomebow I never do them.
1 wonder why It Is." “Why." tou^
' A**?*^.g*«*
togly exclaimed the aforcaald
yoang lady, wbo bad probably stodlcd
the weaknesses of ber vialting fttond.
“FU tell you why It to. my dear,
bteaoae yon've got aueb a very stnsg
C»y Atate EmI( BtiiWIag.
wtabboDs and such a very weak badthird loer. Balu tll-tu
PbUadeIpbla Becord.
vellngandrcpalrlno.8t1 Frwit 8L
wa to Aaoh; «wda to tb» totoat
styisa. at tb* Buto oOoa.
Otm, Teicm ai
OoHaetioB Wosk • Bpadalty.
CndarwDod n Dmlor. Sutiterlaot
Honey to Loan. 2t2 guta Bank bullc
Farmerr MtttuL
Northern Mich. Dock
a o. cAsvas.
City Lodge No 71. K.
leetlngs every TOo
Dean. K. of B. and 8.
Ynrd nnd OUlec;.
111 witoMm9blk
Duebeaa Camp, No. Utt. W. M. A.. Plano TwMr and
loets at Woodman ball Ho^ay evaaWith KlmbM) Ml
te n-te4K
-igs. Chaa DaCoa. V. C.; Fraak W.
Slader, aatk.
4nk buildGrand Tiaveraa LoOga. No MB, LO.
tag. Traverae City.
O. F., meets every -Tneeday ovaotog.
O. L Annltage, N. O.; B. M. Franklin,
W. N. MILLARD-Piano '. unlno.
Thirty Years Expertance. New Local
Qrinnall Bira. 16» Frool St
.laUty Lodge No. 60S. L O, O P.
meets every rbursday eveninjr’fiiOO.
Woodman baU. Charles Defoe. N. 0.;
FranoM B. Troutler. V G.; John Cote Tnuika. Parcois and Ughi Oraying
man. secreteiy.
Lteve orders at City Book Btrta.
on or beforo tha fall of tbe aaoan. .
C. Langley. W. M.; Bmer E. White.
U4 Ftm SiTM.
Traverse aty aeria. Na. m. F. O.
BaglM. meets to ForasM haU. Taaaday eventoga at I o'tooek. A. Lawworthy, 'W. P.; B. L. Tba^ac, Sw^
Oval Wood
n O. P. Carver A Bro.. No
Th# Popular Auctioneer of Qrana
Traveroe County. Office 130 E From
StraeL Traverae Oty.
Ceiwral Contractor, Tar or Gravoi
TteverM City LsgloB. No. m, Nw
notM. Btaeka painted. Genera] te
Uonal Protactlva Legion, maeta third
pairing, etc.
Tuesday of each month, at 7;30 p. u.
Woodman haH Abram Smith,
1i.'es : Gayle Ortawoid. 8«c'y.; Nettie General Fire Insurance. Plata Glaa
C. Gray, Deputy.
and AotedeoL IndamniCy bonds fur
Diabed. Frotaet ronreelf againn loa
tog too terings of t
> tune W*
Bast Front streeL
M, meeta every niaiadsy nlgbL
Han WUhtos. eommaadar; E
Franklin. R. K.; E. A. Bvana. F. E
Btek PtoMica a«.
Arrive MILWAUKEE SffiO n. m.
Leave hUl.WAUKEE Dally (ex■cept Snttfday) StM p. ra.
Tfec Une whleb aassrea ■
406-407 Wiittelm Block. Phww 4g7.
■ llet. Dr.Wmuos'todiuipilrOtBt-
Write tnStgtit
Physician and Sura*OA. Olllca. 117
Cass SL CIU. pbona 700. 2 rings of
fice. 3 rtau reaUeawA »U Watoat
Da to 8WANTON.
Office over tha Peapte'a Savlnga Bank.
Both pboate lOt^
New Bartak Meek. Special attantteii
to toe eye and ear. OtaasM fitted.
Special Attention te Diaeaaaa of Chil
dren. Room iOt State bank buildtag. Both pbonM.
C^to-Drtnary dteaaaaa. CDy Opera
Boats Leave
Wednesdaj's and Satur
days at 7KW p. m.
is passing.tbe wonderful
Office with Or. O. E Chaaa. State
Bank block. Both pbooea, tU-tr.
Rraidenea. 224 Waet Eighth atroM.
Cltx. phone 781.
Practice limited to Eya. Ear, NoM and
throat and fitltag glaaaai.
602 WUbelm bloch. CtttoMS pboM
Johnien'a Orug Stera. Bpeelal Attaie
non to Eja. Ear. Noaa and ThrMt
selling records of Model
j Walter M. Paige
—Dealer in—
machine on tbe market in
appearani-c, ease of op-
Aatomobfle, Laonch aod Gas- |
oliM Eo^ne Accessories.
it. Try an Oliver in your
M.CmSL. Car. StoU. Trsvem City. I
home or office free of ex
Com]>are it care-
ftiily with otiicr makes.
needn't take my word for
Da T. A. Wn«LIL
DantliL City Opera He«Ma Sleek.
Room L
time saving devices. You
Cctocrnl Gnrnsc Bnatmesa
Agent for MAXWELL motor I
cart, SMAUJCY marine motors.
Glasaea fitted.
Drug itora.
It is clearly the
superior of any writing
You can bny an OUver
for tS a montli. or rent
on« tor $3 a mentit. Tbe
rent U appUed oa parebase price II yoe bay.
1 have some bargalaa
in allflhUy used machines.
t. B. rmin ceu co.
Ellsworth Hale
Best Without Costing Most
CmeR BUIoQsneM* Sick
HcRflEche, SoFiT Stoni“
Rchr Torpid Lttver Rsd
VgfNOAArgJf SAO^.. N«fear«,
Laxafiye Emit Syrap
Sraodtrar, M. F.
Cleanses i
thoroughly and cleRf
sallow compIexleBR «|
pimples and blntrhifc
^ It U EuafantRR*
. •...
Rewue MImWi at the
The list aessloo of tb« anair^uaday Bcbool conventlOB was beid 7wlerday alteraooa. The coDTeattm was
very belDfii) and iBSimctlve and tboM
who were is attesdaooe bave greatly
appreciate-ttae effort put fmlb to'
make it a sucesa.
: ;r
nt IS > blessing to A
h)M." he said, "to wve ths hoys and
•He. then spedte of tbe
girls between, the ages ot.
fmn In Petoiftey vEio^&ei__,
Utotes. and who at oae .ifcnemembers of aJSua^ s^ML
would It mean to those gtrls antf to
the -community If more <arg h^'
taken In the fi^day scBdol.ln^
their eonlsr^ be naked. In ihis ooi
Uon be said, a tenee at the top
better thin a boeplta] at the bottom
of a precipice, and 'ao a tanoe at the
top In the sense of soul' winning Boar
4y schools was better (knn the fsecue
mission at the bottom. ■■Be a blessing
to the community (hroi^ the Sunday
school.” he aMd in cloMiw.
Tsstlmeny Motion.
Teetlmony meeUng follewM tbe ad .
dra8B.,the delegates uMting ^at they
had learned and what they would try
i. This closed the twenUelh eonPrlceagraBilhg up. bp, up. la »evvenUon of the Grand Traverse county
eral' easei they are
hat out ot slglft
Sunday schools.
flow.. ■The advanees’ii^ yesterday^
juotaUons gre ae fonows: The bttyof wbi
.At 11:JO a prlmanr conference
held, conducted by Mlu. J. W, Mllp to ,S5 cento, (he retail pKm of fiottr
likcn. X,here waa a good attendance
o( primary teachers.and better plat
---f wlw a barrel to tt.SO. the re.
for the year's morV were dlacucsyL
pHce of' boaree corn-meal from
(IJO.to 81.30 and the same advance
Sonp and Oevotienil.
At 2:3U the regular aeaston began, WILL MEET IN ANNUAL CONFER br the' retail prlnes of feed and mldENCE IN SPOKANE FOR THE
ncv. Dutton tsondocted the^soBg
, >11 these advpneee seem to be traedWEEK BEGINNING OCT. 31
devotional eierclsea. dUr. Dalton
ihle to the proepeoU of a short Yheat
said that the reports of.the addr
^n.thle euinmer. the late spitogwltt
that the ddegatea would take ha.
ite conaequenUal ecarclty of feed and
their people would be ahallow ai
the failure of \hg potato crop in serno avail it there waa not the aplrlt of
«ial of tbe eonthern etotes. It Is ns>h>vc hack ot them.
t of Olatrlet Confer uire that Is fondng the prices sky
Tlic DominaUDg committee presentence
ed the name ot Mrs. B. L. Sdwarde as
The Wheat Bltvation.
Bishops Who are to
siipcrintendcDt of the new mlsslc
The. green
deiiartment and the conventioa elect
[of acres of growthg wheat
ed her.
ieontbwest corner of the American
(Special to the DaUy Bagle.)
iwbeat seatlon.aad the unfavorable
Si>oliane. Waah„ Ha}- 16.—Blahopf spring has rained .(housande of acres
given by the Rev. C. W. Chadwick of of tbe Melbodtst Episcopal church cd
Ipf the growing grain In the centra]
I’eioskey on the subject of “Sunday
world will meet in annual confer- land Di^bero portions of the wheat
School Rvangellam.' Mr. Chadwick’s
' Id Simkanc, beginning Oct. 81 region.. Tbe roeuUe of tbe damaged
address was cxccileni and be struck
conlinuing a week, during wfaldl crops are already apparent li
the keynote to the purpose ot the Sun there wdll be discussions and addieasfact that wheat baa readied
day- school as it should be. allbough In
by the foremost men In
>ed the dollar mark on the Chicago
luany cases it comes far shoK of It.
er countries. Dr, U. F. Hawk, pre board ot trade. Tbe Traverse City
Sunday School EwanBellsm.
siding elder of the Spokane distrlcL buying price is now B6 cento, but U
As an introduction to his .address.
Dr. David H. Moore, bishop ot the grain holds Its own lu Chicago
Mr. Chadwick told the su>rj- of the Portland. Ore., have been named to
the Jocal prices will be advanced. In
machine that a certain man made, arrange a program fur the entertainsympathy with Wheat, the prices of
that be claimed had perpetual motion
of the delegates. Tbe arrange- Sour, fe^. middlings and other mill
When asked If It would go, he said It niqnt of the district conference wtrt
prodoets have aUrted on an upward
wuuld. but when questioned
throughout the world and the naming march.
as to what It would do. be bad sever of the bishops who are to preside over
Facta About the Hay Crop.
thought of that The si>caker said It tbcni. Is expected lo be tbe principal
Although Inst year’s ha}' crop was
aiHH-ared to. him to be the same with business of tbe sessions.
by-all oidi ,
the Sunday school. It could go, but Prominent Bishops Who Will Attsfl>
Id the Grud Traverse region, the
wbal- would it do*
Among the proiiilncni bishops who
of geuing bay for current
He went farther lo Illustrate this
ill attend tbe
conference arei uaa it, becoming a ■eriDus oM. Dur
fact by telling the story of the
homas Bowman, Bast Orange, N. J.; ing (he winter huodreds of 'oarloada;
boy wbo code on a merry-go-round. E. G. Andrews, New York: H. W. War;
of as fine hay as anyone might wut
Ills, father was suriirlsed U> Snd that
Uolveraity Park. Colo.; a D. were shipped out of the regloe. Now
bis son^w’os content lo ride only once, Foss. Philadelphia: W. F. HaHsUn
the large dealeni to bay are aklrmishand questioned him. when the boy re and D. F. Goodaell. Bpaton; C. R- -tog Id every direction trying to find
plied that when a boy got lo be seven Fowler, New tork; J. H. Vincent.
igh of tbe peodocl to supply thetr
years old be doi's not want to go dlauapolis; Bari Cranston. Waahlnr regular customers. Already the predround and round and ne\^ get any ion, D. C-: D. H. Moore, Portland,
belng bought lo carloads
where. Mr. Chadwick ^ be hoped Ore.: J. W. Hamilton. Ban Pranctoco; wherever It can be found and brought
this was the desire of Ihe delegatee
F. Berry, Buffalo: Henry Spell- to' this city.
and Sunday school workers, and be nieyer. c'lncInnaU: W. F. McDowelli
Tbe price does not aeem to be aa
wanted to see belter resulu from tbe Chicago: J. W. Basbford. ShangfaM. important a muter as the hey Itself.
Inspiration of the convention
China; Wtlllara Burt. Zurich. SwtU- Tbe retUI price today la 8I8. Tomorspeaker said that he was ^otisUcal erland: I.. B. Wilson. Chattanooga; 1. -row lt Is -quite likely to be 819. Tbe
enough to think his talk the best it II B. Neely. Biienos Ayres. Argeuttaa. (amera with hay to spare can now
were lived in the bearte of the people. South America: .J M. Tbobum,
«MI to advU)^. Tbe price la up to
Winning Souls Into the Church.
bay. India: J. C. HaUell. Funchal, Ha- -what U ooeto to bring tbe product lo
"Bible school evangelism etmpU deria Islands. Africa: F. W. Warns. tram other points where It Is more
tDcans winning souls Into the Sunday Lucknow. India: 1. B. Scott. Mon pieoGfui.
school, he continued. Not new meth rovia. Uberla; W. P. Oldham. 8tn|^
The reason for the top abelt prices
ods are needed so much as new In- pore. Stralu Settlemento: J. B. Rl^ tp toe ttoekwa^esi ot the spring
•>lilrHilo»iB from on high. The Bible Ineon. Calcuua. India; H. C. Harris.' and the -aatlteitoek.up to the present
school affords the greatest opportunity ifoklo. Japan.
Ume of green feed.
of winning souls Inlo the church, as 87
The f Route Merket
l>cr cent of church members come
TneMv 38 htods «f tubers were
A Country of .Troutore.
from the Sunday achool. but only
In lleKle-Be. mncc. tbe peasant w»- hodghtuetme the TravarM
ihli-d of those In Sunday school <
leo work with the *nnie efloe as tk*
oassa-tha prioe was M
make a confession of faith snd so
_ien lu tbe salt aud oj-sier beds, at the heats, otoer cases SE mnd others 6^
Christ On one band the figures
very encouraging, on the other the Belds. While engaged In Uwoe Ubora
The.grios'iurto this Wedni
y-ontrary. If a bigger effort is made they wear baggy knee breeches, toeea iiKeftinc-Bt 6B evta. with Indlos
more can be done to bring tbe boys waists and light colored susbonaeA. that M' bants raUl be paid before thj
Tbe atbou of tbe winter bare tocn
and glrla into the cburcb. Ur. Chad pot aside, and tin- feet are left bare'.nk May'ls thteBA- The ense of theeJ
wick said that many Sunday achools thoogb tbe legs of old elodclngs we good prices for tbe nortbem tuber* li
have iio eoneei.Uon of saving souls for often drawn up as far as tbe-koeeaaM(
■« Bsethern -putstoee o4
Jesus Christ, but are a msidilne, that protection from the Juat and In
ratteh the .'■hetoMlee* In the larg^
It Is Indeed a vounirj- of crongua; cUtos Wees’BBBftag were all bat beIf started Ihey think will gel
Nor does It stop wlib bBmanltg..fiH
bui lo reality do net.
stroyedvAy Abe-bold April weather. It
The speaker aald iTmethod ahoold many of the douke.vs as well toto
that the
long striped red and white or bin _
i-e considered, try the method that white coverings on (bclr legs. vefeM
ia-Aeut all o
would do something that achotds look very much like the remaai..
retew toe
ti idemiad for MlAlgai
would feel their duty is to save aoula. Uncle Bam s wardrobe. Tbew am.IP cropp tr-todag-to'-cwiBnue
strong tm.j
OMisien Day.
be stubborn littie anlmaH Uk.)HF about the flm ot--Ji
If Decision day Is beneficial, have off tbe-lllc' np-1 nioaquitoes. ao
nne, but don't have It like the two tbev will be less liable [to klek.-TTavs)
weeks of revival servioe often conn HagBMnc.
msgw Shades
mrswe. Jlr. W Mrs. Gea Oook. .
VIBA Letoon la quite pick ^
hta mrlt^
.Air. and Hra. Bird Glbbe of Matobett
ifsitad relaUvea to this vicinity 8u>-
asL per ha
____ .
oar EnUsT hibik
to be. the only Ume pupils are given
a Chance to decide for Christ" Make
every Sunday a Dedtlon day. Hr.
Chadwick advocates.
Everyone Should be EnHaUtf.
■Bvery ooe-ln tbe acbool should be
enlisted In this evangelism work." he
went farther to suio. ‘Teaehera can
iind a «eld of labor in the brnnes of
the boys and glria." Mr. Chadwick
told of one pitrfessor of a large tnsUtiitioB of learning wbo aald he pr«ferred a teacher who had, a heart
warmed with God and man. to one
«-bo waa BO well versed hi sacred
K-ugraphy. ■■There are a great many
I.uichero of the latter type, but few
rvaiiy working tor Ood." he said.
Chicago. May 1
Canadian uMthwest,
Close; Wheat—Msy»,
P6%D'»61ic. Oon-AUn
July, 62MC. Oats—May.
Mis&MHc. Rye—Cash.___ __
-Cash, 78@86c.
' ,
The Liveeteek
veeteek Msi4t.*
MsriM* '
Chicago. MayV 14.-C
2A00; market steady;
susdy: heevto.
S.TP: cows. 8L809J.M;
.809f.M; hW%h-.8Lft
9A40; eatvea. giW9<t
steers, SA4096-46:
g4J5e4-1B. ^-----ket Bleady to a
B«.8n4^8.66: mixed.
gg.)(l96.60; rough,
gEA0fl6.36:. bulk of aalei. -IfAIV
«.52ti. Bhoepr^lecelpte. itooBt Ur
WO; market ateady: natlTs,' ^A09
:«46; wethers. 84.5096y«Mto>Ca>
36 7697-65; lambt. 86.60148.70; west-n, 86.609AT6.
Tha Potato MarkuL
Chicago, Hay 14.—Trade was uoUvb
at former prices. Demand was -tpso-J,
yet buyers could not p^y any.ntfmncc.
’There were aalea of bulk atmte *t To
««i5c. Arirvala
Prt.-es were unchanged andftie CeriIns was stremg. Bales weiw: . One
at 70c, one carat TJe, ato'wra
o cars eacke) at 73c. one' ear
: <lx can (tear ears sacW'to’Yhi
The market was quoted as ‘ "
Oar lota, per bo, to balk. oB _
White stock, fair to toolom
fancy WlacoDstn. 7<975e; fancy
Igan, 74 976c; Rtog'K^hatee to
«n973c; coarse. B0966c: foBej
66c; mixed white, «l967c: rU
67964c; mixed, red art
58c; oommon, Baall, Ted or wWtte«66c. New poutoei ore a
Ireely and recslven report _
trade. Pricee ahowed'-•vwEr:^;
change, but the tanp «
oats, three seesss and eleven bOES.
There will be no oecaalon tor.k'lf
you keep your bowola rMUlar
Or. Klog's New Ufa Pllla
■ la-«o geatle that thi
ar baa cause to maka „
puarwtood b/ ft
r“8**ET Wall * "in»'
rug Co. 36c-
Tbc HentMT college, was giT«a;jt»
ebartw In MBS by ftltoard UI,^
alee a bouse which stood near where
the present boHdlag etanda.
With local sppUcaUona. at t
not reach the seat of the
1 the need
of care lo selecting a ■nperiotem
(or If he Is not a man evw alert to the
winning of aoula. be wU» Ue the bands
of the pastor and toa<*e». "The
leacbers' meetings abould be held to
pray for tbe lost 4f. for nothing more.
'If we leave out prayer la tbe work,
wc leave oat all."
must take tnleroal remediea.
Catarrh cure fa taken IntornMIy, bad
acts directly on the blood and ibn.
MUl snrfaces.
Hall’s Catarrh Care
a quack medldne. U wss agw
•erlbed1 by one of (ha beat pIvA
daoB in. thli oountrr for yeara..«nd
It a
Id doaliig. the Hieaker dwdt on
■be precious products of Bible fobool
evangeiiam. Ftrui. be apoke of what
U meant to tbe winner oTnoMa.
eata they not onI> bad-lbelr owi
•ard. bnt Aired la the Joy e(-tooae
Uieyagre..■ '
wonderra itoultfV b£SPSJ
■ SS-...........
acting dIreeUy on the
00..<»wpm. IBMda;
aty Boole Store
ila« to-atoo a
Grant Cantor.-htey IS.—V1nf<;«to
here Sunda}- all day aad
ftryipito Mw-n WaU vlaltof her
dstor. Mn. 8. r. Hodgea. Stmday.
Hr.^aad Mru. 7a»Oi Bbdgee ot Fife
Uke vlMted relatlvae to this vidiilty
Sondw|fr. end Mra. John AUen can
trpm Traverse aty to attend
taa^ nT'Mr.’Carr.
end Basel Knight pnd WlUle
Bodgea tocto the ei^th grade axam
lubda at ktogsley ’Thorsday and Fridiy.
Myron Cunnto^am poi^ased a
fine eoU trem Oeo, Hodges. He to now
looktog fop a gin to ride to a road
can with him.
-Bast'Kaaeon; May 18.—Born, to Mr.
Mra. Harvey Eoegwgger. May i.
a daughter.
Mias' Ada Bright sad NaUe Lewis
look the ^th grade egamlMOkni at
llvle Clto tost Thursday and Friday.;
Our new pastor, the Rev. Cbas.1
Gelaae and wife, were gueeta at ft 8.!
Packard's Saturday BighL
A large oongregaUon listened to a]
good sermon Sunday forenoon and we
hope'they wit] all oome-agato. '
.^WlUIe vlitting at hU father'a
twoyeairald BOB yf John aentek waa
badly bitten 1to thee face by a vtclous
IT lost hls beet horse
a. ftS
tost week.
Joseph Yeegel had hls harn ntoing
after the snow storm last Toeeday.
J.'W. Rinehart added a new plan<
to tk^ home last week. A flrut-class
musl'c teacher Is wanted to this v1
KassoD Center. Hay IS.—Mrs. Ella
Oook and family attended the box so
da] at tbe Latter Day Saints cburcb
Burdickvllle Isst Saturday even
Also several other neighbors at
tended the aoclal.
Our- srtiool cloaed last Friday. Mlu
B«ailalvenea.bas been the teacher
we hope to see her hack this fall
Ihwkrtater torm-agoto.
young pe^ile'.atteijded the
ode examtoaUtm at Maple
last nuraday and Friday.
_.0. Lena Van VaJkenbnrg of T<y
rto, OUo. U vlalUDg her motberA
Mn. Elsie Roberts.
Calvin Brooks of Almira is helping
B unde, O. Brooks, a tew days.
Mr. and Mrs. eGo. Peck went to tbe
cemetery meeUng at the tfreen Brier
•metery today.
Min Ruby Brooks called on Miss
jeetle Newman Sunday.
he smiiuier of Igild. as
1 remember, tbat I waa
engaged by
mao named Dobson
to Denver
go with him
with a couple of wagoo* loaded with
Eroceriee. Joleeburg waa at the time
the termtom of tbe mioo PaciSc rail
rikd. and there waa no railroad beitweeii JtflesWirg and Oanver. Dobson
ahd ! were to take tbO'teams throngb
dteoJ. he driving eoe. "f the otoer.
aUHtog a yeung w
wan* to DebsoB and-asked If be woukt
takwher along. She wai etteut twentytoreO
old and eomety. Dobson
toreS yeara
‘KMRed ber reqoen wtlitogly.
WOflieo to those dtya to Colorado.
women, were at
a premium. One mw onlr the rougher
of men. and when tbe
deUcate teatarea of a warnan appeared
-eontraat was far greater than '
east where tbe sexes are more
oeerly Prided. It was plain to i
tbe fii-st that Dobeoa was bent
IMhtepollxlng toe girl.'whO called bergaf*Betsy Biker, eoffW waa equally
^Mto (bit HHr Baker OH net object
ftitag raODOpellsed. We were eeveral
rtrd maUng the Jonree/. and
tpamped at nlgbi tlie two bad plenty ot
.'m>orhM»tF <• viijoy each other's comneny. During the day Hiss Baker
wboM at by DobaoB as be drore. and
to'.toe erining after we had fed oarifnd toe stock toJr weold sit by
the olghts were fhlUyi
all ^ -«ad-1rtled-Smi& _
going to
grain frt-n toe hara^rt^ft W
didn't doubt -^Bt toe waU perfectly rw
other hams, hut thv
Vhactable. bot ebuld'aea'UiK abe waa
bum. A wewof mra stugrtf
^Mralinc eometoiog For'tola reason
watto (he flra nod otooraHte
k tett perfeotly saUafied that Dobaon
■toe woods. Thqy hauM -mi
tDnnppoUse her. I didn't vrlab to
Sam Bracebride’a woods PM
•at entangled with bar myself.
afternoon and from Walter
9be .frond nlsbt out after Mlaa
bridge’a place RhUl 1 o'6te«k
3^1^ was aaleep to rae «f tbe w^
monilDg. then fbe mmi^a
•« fallow wlto
watched the too toat-wa* th»>--,-_
C. Oehret'6 hnUdhfv uoUI mottiBS*'' AHMIe Iward. not vetr "iwpo»oaato.
xorfelo:’ hottooked na It he woaMn-t be^ good
Fotetnes are Rl eents In S«Ma^
BVior an enem.v to;^0kle. ...
Yrn()i-iTi talked logviber for awblle. tha
Mr. Kiddar'parebMe# a work tepm van teniug Dobaon that h«
last week.
4eal of riak Id driving wagons
Mra. Parimf'«( 1
‘-Bteina'with but boe man to
In. I dtdn¥’4vlte' make out
bar aoo. ft »toer.
n waa InOanartnad agrata
F. Cotrt !• 1 • “
and has p
•eon begla
B. WUaon it I
aegrti threa wilRtewaMrooeii
The Hobart Co., Prop.
Only tbe beat atocA oaed. Call At the shop
and save agent's comtntisioD.
Traverse City Marble and Granite Works
Ml W. Fraat street.
H. D. ALLEY. Prw^
,7* f(
to one of the prime r
!sof caz^
riage, oonatruction. Style oonntefbt.
mueb, bnt it Isn't the wtorlc story.:
Yon want a good "Veblole and yoe
want it'to last a long white. You’ll_
getaxacUy what you,'Want attli^
Qemi OfyJmpImeMtCo
131 State 8t.
Cite. Phone 7Sl
By pl»oUng String Beans. Temple Fouch,
of Hatches Crossing, made au acre'of
ground yirid ^. Why eau-t you!. Call
and we will tell you how.
ease d( attack, but three were
•on than two.
The next moratag IIIMipikii
1 toe cwtom of
rather Uts getttog oat oTber otee
and was the first to be %anptece to the wagim. and ,’irben she did
and came to where "we were eatJnt tahed Chtrel>rMattbew HopklQs. tbe witch findat.
breakfast I «sw the stranger look st
was bimeeir trlwl by bU own (eats
and pul to death aa a wlsrrd.
Ludovico Sfonm. Vbo Invented the
Mtei Baker didn’t l0(A especially
leased to eee him and made no reply. iron torood, was the first to aufter •
"Do yon happen to know toe Udyr death by this horrible torture.
FMlIlas. who Invented the bcaara
aeked Dohron.
“J onght to know ber, ae^’ I'm en boll tor 'Ffaalaria. tyrant of AgrIgMh .
turn, waa the first person baked to
gaged to her."
death Id the horrible monster,
tdhor. nor dW toe apeak to The Rrirent Morton of SeoGand. wbo
oiir broakteBt of bacon and invented tbe maiden, a sort of gnOlocoffee boiled
breakfaBt wj
ready to itntoe tead. vf-lille »ii«n Baker got up, as
Dsnal. on the Bf.n with Dobson. Once
twice Ibe stranger turned and rode
or t
SDiocthlng to Dobson,
‘while the girl he claim
Imed to be engsgDobson In an
evidently frlcuOlv manner. Her fiance
didn't Bpcni to object ‘to her doing so
and after a few words of Inquiry or
information rode on ahead again.
Wben we came wiibln
a doaen miles
of Dentor. 1i>- canie back, and I beard
him lell IioU'on that"be was going to
sheer off to liie west Just before reach-
lun, w
the Iron iges. too small to allow toe t
penon c iflned to them to atand upor lie at fnU length.
first to be shut up.In one.
perriere was an tostrumeat for
throwing stooea of S.OOO pounds to
weight, and tbe Inventor fell a vlettm
^ bis own Invention by the aeddratal
fiigdiarge of a perriere against a walk
, - •
Old Tims Bank Binseuraa
In tos old days the Bank of Bntfaad
was patsroal In Us treatment of tts
cteika. One .voung fellow, was dletliigulshed only for hls seal as a mem
ber of the volunteer corps which now
All this time the fellow paid no at is defunct Ills clerkly eerrlcca were
tention in Miss Baker, and Utes Baker
and nealeci
eglected. bnt wbra It
aia.-, r.,., i,i» .-iiJ. . .on K.m.r
Ifto tbe notice of.the dlirougbt
did she ill‘i»urace Doheon’e attentions
y,® ,
■ hls marttel
on acc.m.1 nf the otberis pn^nce.
Jrsve iilm a nice Uttle ftoeWhal pas».-rt between her and Dobson
aboiIkt cleto wss reported to
«n the subject of tbe -tra^r 1 never
knew. It 0t-i.-urred lo me that toe an ^
,,icturea. "It la a
that the latter was golM
be wasted
tie party i ^'**« “, over
to break sway from tbe
rivar ledgers."
ladrera ' oas
was the kindly
klndlv verdict
girl. U , ,,
very wclcoiue
So they gave him a room at tba bank
for use as a studio and appointed him
I might have tbougbt It a tevers' to tbe post of suiwrtotendJ^ toe bunquarrel, l.ui that ahabby. hairy crea- tog of canceled bank notes svsry Fri
tur»-lt was impoesihle.
' day afternoon.-I-ondnn Cbronlele.
A short tllstance out from Denver wc
•topped ‘.T n
ir-ejli. 1 noticed for ,
Tha Qraak Fiaur*.
tba first time that Miss Baker looketl,
nervous. I'he strangw didn't no^
.hSHf oodber sny more tbau he tad noticed ber
Modem artiste .oakv the opright
before and the uunneut the meal wq.
, „
finished meuntod and rode on
In th, >«««^ o* t**®
The Greeks a
Pressutly we came to a
.. _rr It eight times, lengthening tbe shin.
■ ’ •
- B-reep from ksse to
few miles nbeaU. thoogb In the clear
t looked oonly a few b” ■ quently adopted by l-ord LelgbtOB. U
dred yards Tbe stronger stopped
whose pnlutliicii the same effect If ebtoe folk and waited for ns to come up. telned.—-Vew York .Vinerican.
Dobeon when he reached tOm drew
Oiffersnes'■Betsy." aaM the stranger, “these
. servant girl could
Teacher- If
yore roads forks right yere. Y' oui
... to two bonre. bow
take this one with me or t'other tw clean twn o.It tiike two servant gfrls
But whichever y' takes
to do 1(7 Little Glrl-Fonr boors.
tonic's no go lack.''
>ty taka
Tbe gin sat still for a few mtnoies.
_ _ .
Uttle Glrl-Oh. 1I didn’t
tbeu got (lnri-n,froni her seal. Doloon
bsndtHl her valise down to her. and tbe know ynu waA talking about rarrut
glrU that oosn't on speaking teiw*8last «c saw of her as we drove awn”
she WAS on tbe stranger's bom. bs London Tit-Bita.
walking beside her.-conveylnc her bagfkfu.
______ - thought you .oitneted
teeto without pam.. Dratlrt—Wan. you
HIndse Birth Customs.
Wben a Hindoo child Is boro many still have tbe pain, bavrat yraf-Uto.
eeremooles are gone through with
prleats and astrologen, and then *1n
toe first, third, fifth or any odd year
parautsi -generally go to a pleasid to see ber In tonto thM-mqrn- oettato fair and to «n aiispICions time tog And sbortraed tbe asrrice ra panand osar a teoipte of a god, biva toe
toUd.«havad tor toa first ttoe."' On poM for ber. Mother of Dear .Daa^
tet-l^pok you. vicar. I atrt MPa «
rwe^ man's esteu mteLBtofiM* War her every Bondar fiBWHUratoa
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