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Grand Traverse Herald, December 07, 1905
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
rmmm •«■ moMt Tah.
»rj ttec I *ell a ctMT ao*n f
Treea ef'Many.FnrHa.
I Hahy people wbo llae.on dtj lol-«
1 IcDg for mil trees at tbeir own tram
: wUcta they cab gather fresh frail Inaiead of being drpeedeM «s the mar
kets. but. owing tn cramped gwdea
: area. tbcT feel that an erebnrd ii an
impoaalbUlty. aayi Ceontry Ufe.lb
! America.
; Mr. %‘augfan. of Pasadena, waa cm• fronted by ]ust socb a problem. b« bo
hat cleverly fott^ a way out of the
difareliy. On Ibe hart of bit losrn M
. he had room for atx trait trees. He
i planted navel ora^oB and pvacbes and
; plums, bad when they bU baeame
- taranit and stnrdy. be grafted and bndI ded other varietiee into them.
' The operatiucis were all siieecaMuI.
^ , and now Hr. Vaogba has nnmaraei
rarii-iies of fruit that riptm ahatU^re
of year and fumtsb an abundance for
' taMe use Un one navel-orange^rre
Mr. Vaughn bndde.1 « langcrinr. , gmiw trult. a liwioL. and a blood orouge. inakbu; with Ibe navel oianr
I Itself Are kinds of Dali on oor Wr»
. They all Inar profUM-b. and the friili
is of extraordinarily iMge alar. The
d with I
uus varlitles of oarly and late pro rites.
I as well as apricots and noetartnre.
These trvr-s bear frdm the first of July
I, the nrsi of
! trees have bet-n iaduced to‘jiMwt>
; many kinds of plums
If all the frail raised from ibene Mx
' trees rame from indlvidnal /trera of ’
! Unir own Mad. H would taka pome
' thing like mfiveacev ranch jo aeeom: modatf ,the orchard.
it bar pci. »bo •■
..... .-ru. c~;. .■ »u«,,..
Jewden to Oem ind.
1 Babies to Brest. HIcb
her ats» Utile parior. Noonilnie. andI ParibCBla toracd and be beheld her best place them Iw-low cvio the Warit' as ibv manor stands
m, to:
lo' Smokers to Weed. Ci'
1iib«rbri*hi mlniuR man sets on
aUll Caeaar dept. Kotblns could In bUtUs eyca -Hay. look a herc; »cu Anairellans In tniellistaop.
The alerpy u> Cap. la.
•iB't iaalauadn' Oiai my cUeUen*
dooc Urn to touch hli dloaei
Prlutvrs to AgaU'. Colo.
red jvy
5TOi;- TStiy
f M'.# y—•
alBT• —-----.
bin oS tlw uitooed on the ui.j*f ili>, to makofihreosh fhc klnR* failure to makeim~OW Maid Allen.- ai ahe *a. ranIP. totbt
Tbo Idle to Raat. Mtnn.
«ur< ____ ,v.
________ _ — puec thii (Utnindr; I know they aln'U"lUicm took lAniy: it Kould aoem from'prOTCmentson tr.as (Upnlaicd by la».
Jnriy called by her oelcbbora. bad
Cranks to Pecnllar, Mu.
lU^ ^'ber We’in tbTlTlu7c«ta*e 1 The woman auddvoly pul her basket tthli. that Uivy hav.-mueii tbv same an-land “-Junin." the elalm-bclorr- a rep-|
- • U„ Crouod.
i bliion a» u>mc of oor nodoru Ameii-1^ rcacalalire of Lis niaj<-«ly *<•'.( on Ibe ; F\K'U at rarnaass*. la.
fool of the
Deadheads to Grails. O
laat of a iM>d <dd famlly.and not bav I ■Perbapk not. nclehbnr. JuM >riu jean Birin. Tbclr ilfCsh Is scanly.l ctvund. iLv cuestiuu will bceomc a; Florists to Rose Kill, la
look .I...-;, at them tmaatots and UU.ibouBh Ihv women eomeilmre barelaon of a pacadox. for the claim, once;
tatg mamed. her lUc
to^eli one Ercry year found her ' mo whal nils'em."
;-5loibliis reachln* to ihclhruii; and no jthe pcnwnal property oMbe Wn*. will. Thieves to Sac City. la.
Mcodicanu to Begg. La
01 Tobin looked et the rines dreop-: <lonW they need It in winu-r. as tbHr, rerwt to him In his oBlcial l-in«ir ta \
Thera ain't a ataslc erlitvr la the ptaca more roUrin* umll now abc eoased to
wllh her old friends, nor did Ior luxuriantly over' the- wooden'island K called b, acme trav.-iere IhOjpaciiy to be hold In treat by him for, Perfumers to Aroma. Hi.
Wbo Aotra me koeb' a ■predailB' race!
Small men to Bigger. Ud.
I Japam-si-Siberia. • Some of ibe Aim; Bigland.
I Paupers to Cbarlty. Kan
He-a beard the bUMd old atorlec the acek the eompanlooabip of auRbl'fnmt-s
Ull yoti'd aorter tbiok he'd call. gave the treat yellow eat who. like! "tlby. 'h.y iwar all riebt." be e* *irjs an-v.-ry pfeny, and oeeaslimaliy; The hUlory ol the ilvat b) wbichtbel Actors to Star Ctty. Atk,
Bat CT'ry «>me he hcara 'em. (sh. linracir, bad beheld the Or»t llebi nficUlmoU. siooplaR to .caamln,- them: a Japaoese «iU many ooe, Iboueh hefVjn^ beewme the wnvrr* an AtaaUn, numurs to Faocfti. Mo.
yott-d IhlBk be d bare a SI.
day beneath ifae root of this bumble ____eloMdr. There was a eroat Bap j considers l.*-r bis inferior,
Old malOK to Aniluuli:. O
And there «oul4n\'be no bit. eoUage. HIM Partbcnla loved thb. piBB of wiBBS and a cloud of dus-- Tbelr towns air usuall> 'some
Tramin to Grabtown. la
I ty&t aoe hl^rlanla- or K b» «roature with a love which. If be anwc as a Ooek of iieus lied carhlliig unco Ironi Ibe Oharrsl Japaxnrsr vll-, ,i^u prui,
Bank<T>. to Lh-postl. N. V
fe-llowman. mlRhl have; away. Oliver Tobin rubU-d hiseyes.
lagp; and Ihclr home*, placra with no; „|i,u„ry
Kuroka ert-t*. ai No. l.t j Wklow-ers lu Widows. Alt.
eror ml •
MMKild ero^TI
stowed on
a with bl«
, brt*blur and Lis days! ^bere was no mlsiaklUR hti own'rcRUlariiy, arc n-n- ntUe atrew huls.ipn
.... ..
folk. The plat was 210- Apiarists Ui Ueeiille. Ti X.
>-iib doors but nu vinilows. the onl}
j„ p.ugib. and J K.Hparilu8 was'
But sbe loved thereat sridl known Rhode Island Reds.
Farmers to Coming. S'. Y.
Miss lartbcBla's iriumiib was cum-,(uruUurc visible. beiOR a mat and u' the pnrrhaser. Tb--rc was. a lUtie' Brokers to Stockvlllc. Nev.
found ompbaaU
with her Uial day, and shv shut tin- pleif. The man. tbouRh overwhelmed.
My OetrtlemaB.
The forests hav» such a growih of',a„e and everybody Ihonght Hat Uj U™'''nwH. Colo,
parior door with a banc that aiartlcd was not to Lc ouulonvs He ckrrfull}
HoeksUTs to YHIvlUe, Ark.
I own n dog sm> is a senilwiui:
oWc« of her alfcrtlona. Like a examined Hie vineaand found tbc ripe underbrusb Uiai ti would M-cm almost .w-ws goUig to turn out mllliunairesl l•riI(•aRh^erB to Box. Kan
By birth most anrely. alnce the crem aholblicaubljiwi.nl ibrouRfa tin- lomaiues III a autc of Ucpletlda.
ImposiilLle for the people lo ttaveli
ihan anybody ever dreamed of.
l.overs to Sponnvillr. Mich
Ul« CM
•To think." be said, half aloud, jatui, wbeo they hoot In winter, they; jjparittc dldii'i do anylblug on the
acrora doer and look to a tree. au>t
Debtor* lu Casb City. Ark
Boaaiad p peditree. the like of which ibure hu cuyisl liU be fell ibe luncs •That i tried lo kill that cat: rmjsear snuwsUo.-s luad. of mlmou »kii:,-cxm-pi to par
Ucmociali, to Dennis. Mass.
Uolda-Bot n liownrd or n Metterelch. of bunscr, Btcallhlly he wept Into right sorry. Hits Partht-ny. about ,,hn.h iatt l.-i. a f.-w w.-ek«. There |
tbme lonuioe*. and.jxm shall have ji.re many Mrobms on which they
Sawtooth. Ind.
By breeilloc. Mko ibe,*aika at life
Politicians lo Bunrombe.'
He new wncred an^ nnkiod tall
Sewing girls to ScUareit. Colo.
Two weeks went by, Caosar a appts aflonl i
mainly by hunOng and 'OsLIng. bear;y
-n,.s. wunv i«>pl«.i CvbbK-rs to Shoe Heel. N C.
rigbl. nulghbor; 1 doiit mind Ihlsl^j
i^ng ,h,.lr lar*.- game. »»l'lj,unnF whom was W K Carlin camci Orwirs lu foffcyvine. Kau.
He Borer anshbed a nameleM eur be- ic was eapriclona. Bven catnip aU
InllcU. and Miss Allen lost bw poSce halfasia.irhosIdom.vl'aeaar'Kg«oi;,a(„. ,hvlr lu-indpal llsb. They use,^,i,„
S|ioHs lu Rare Trark. Muu.
name and I shan't re-t tUl U bas been (
,„,»Med a'ro«.s In t«nUug. and ^
WltheM a frtmd or eredlt card ho vaa of mind. Sbe picked Ibo pcaa and
I)i-r poods imm lo Calico. Cal.
Idcntineatien by 'nwimh Marka.
and thouBbl Of b^tregblc^; cluarud.'
•formerly had ail ing.-nlous trap so ar„ xh». od f.-n down somo-boyl- to Midway. S. i
Oliver Toblu walked slowly up tbci^„p^
, iKar oa entering
By pride. He lecto yon apuarely la her frown was umluons,
, When U was suggeated a few week'
Mr. Sparling kept; .-cr»iks"i|,.
MkS-'lo lyodge City. I
. ^ (he face.
-Good momln-. Ulas Partbcol«: Cot
: age that It would be a good thing for
Unhrinkliic. and wdlhont a alBple
rtphl smart crop o’ bewns, taarunl with Miss Parthenta had not been sai-',„ps
banhi to preaerve ifae tbamb marka of
R„ dMgerous to nuuu.-..;^^^, „„ [I
t., Ai-tli-hi.ke Ulna
i tbeir depositors, who would need B->
bJaeiory.HtspeareofTaiud was gun-,b^,„.l^,„rorbUd50iamany'
us* ih • man wbo bad Htco' Sulmiuir-lo Nev.-rwink V V
Of either dlRMencc of nrrpRnkt
Tlie sroman aUnlpbUmcd bereclf and
: other lacooveoloBt mctboil of IdenUAreertlot. much as npetaru 'oOeii looked np U) find nclshbor Tobin calm
’ BalioD. moat ParislBBs luuk it os a
ly eyeing her from bis neat on Uie
Slone wall- She smootbevl out ibc folds
Surprise, tbvrvfure waa manUetrted
By Umderaeai. TBe llUle (irl ma)
Tr hfLuim
'howei king Mr. Sparling got
tvhl« ,.Uy,-r, to CavendUb, tad
of her light calico apron as she replied, ^.mt^on. t^M re,'"
over the amuiuneemnui that tho Bnl^.d fish which arc
.^bcc and mad.' To,wrs to Brandy Station. Va
■Doggooe iliai eat.
They eat the oriupus. and ore food of |
. ,
xmewbat shortly. “Tes. beans Is the
rictie Ocneralc Is pdng lo tiy the
Ynui abaointe lapcrnKt hla balr.
Parlhenia Allen rose early one;
DC ibing bvus won't cal '
, Idea from the beginning of tbc yrar.
And pIMh hli lUkea. OntriB* can tbi
Oliver Tobin opened bU mild blue morning to flnist Uic weeks Ironing plentiful and reach great sire,
, On deiioaitlng money there or at the
'ifee, and the deed s^ regularly re-1 profalUlloulsIs lo Drytown. t^al
fee In amaJCmenl at this irrelevant before the heal of tbc day . Bart and era declaring lUat some of them
' provlBcial branebos. a depoaltor wUl
lie amlloe npon her; yea. I<re ae«i him
i corded lu the recortJs for Eureka 1 Dnimmere to Modest Town. '•
reply. Bvideotly Uiss l-arUifula was forth over the anuwy- llaen slipped the BKWSurv cishleen inches ocrusst
I be rvqulnd to kwve the Imprlat n(
Tliv hairless o Bald Knoll. Ark.
In tho oKensIt-e. Well, be might have tmoolb iron. kee]ilag lime to the sing
The Albos have l•-«^>ed from the Jap-,
Hill. H. C. I “
stated whether or not the Bniomologlstr
ehoaen a more proi.lUout hour, bol be er a voice.
By loyalty. No imcr fritmd than
FooivOic. WU.
phouwrapbid, ABB
peregrinatoew to FoolvOlc.
Has eome to prove Ua frleadahlp's
-I reckon your eat la boardin' oui aw*y.morth to me.
.' Jlo deea.BPVAhr the BMlor-tawwa for a apedl.''
AhUrakofyuIlow Dasliovl Uoforctheirooi. in large round' eaker. ^,.^i, :po,s,-,,dns a nice liHlemlne la ihclro-, Bueball ptayta-s to BallgTound. Ga. and abroad.
Hiss Panbenia repressed atd^- She opes wiudots The sliigef. paused and|,,„, „ne traveler suggests i!i'
Bofean*Thus, when a depoanor li
was about to answer, w hen boiK- softly down went the iron with a era>h. Miss I
Btt tovee the mSB «bo la bia m
pyiictiDg nialvrial. They'**” north he iltdn'i-iak,e^iiy advantage! Relgnlog beauties to ikHle t'enter.O.
couuUT calla a
his opportutiliies. aad l-fi the' PoUllcal oralore lo Stumptown. Pa.
whUpered. ' Perhaps be can tell >vu Panhenta. wllh a naaiekun fiar tug- ^ason tbeir meat soups with various
- hSrr.
wbal to do fur Caesar.By oenatonaaoe. U there be nobler
'the low shod in the rv*r. WUai site mlMleloe
.i!__ __ ________
rm™ sfrom
.loiie on the eUim. and It Is open, Seer4o-wcUs to Hard Scrabble [ ^ ; cou draw the
-Uu you know anyttaMi: abuni
__ .v-rirt
a seni-'‘l***“'"“‘'"“
the money
money at
at BMeoaverlBa
Mr. Tobin?" abc askei. with all the saw caused the blood to Kavv her face. .
Ther l«f relocatiuo. HI* isaiesty has now ( Ky.
to Buulre :<a'lon of his thumb Imprint, wbeftas
Horn fnU at beaor. and eC boneatiee.
' I undvr the pn-wnt ayatam be must
In tn^ bead, oa hroadar thoulden
T_M„- ‘ wall till the cbiTk Is scalfc Us bomo
The aceoud Interview wa* nearly Iggus and rtiiilarli gn.w wild there.
,i Thteortrd m n
1 branch before Ibc money Is paid,
^ben have I aerer met the mi
The woman sighed. .'My Caerar'si^^.^
panh-nla Stoml Wore UltOoca-sionally a whale Is ca*t ashore.
Now Eureka bas anoilif-r boom on Kv.
at,., i -Frauds always vxUtsd Bader the
been poorly of late. tTon'i «•! “o iver
leatfully ' ,nd then old and jo'Jitg hasten id the . aad this ttime for the rywron^^ it i
Tobin's door looking tearfully
:old system. " says ihc sseretary. •'aad
Hm« ta the BOUooB my lireboat'a loc: more-n a bird.'
t doWb at the evidence of Caesar's guHl ' i*ach for a share In the dellracv. ' A- contains really valuable p
___________ _
, we thing they wtil be tadaoed to a
-PThaps hc'a livud t« Ugh and got,
g pay streak w
*SlPd «met 1 may be worthy at
-och limes ^a ...
fiireigiirr gtailly keeps • pi
Deep Eneu^.
jmtalmam by tbe new melhod.'’—later
... BO-longer^rosU cjvered on No. S. and H is U-llcvcdi
Bliss Cat
—Sew Orieaas 7t»np4>emociat. the ,an and chuckling to hlmsilt b ! f^oid ta nil lb< w„rld. Bwnthcebll mimsler. Imi 'b. .(bunt Mirni to de-!lhat it exiunds tb.-vugli ihv claim for-i‘ per's WeeMy. tells of an tneidciit ta
Flaking by TelsgMna.
The u-hale lii. tost-'Bik.-ri)-owned by lils.mk^ty.
'. which the actorx wert frieods of bis in
'-/aw, Plata milk Ud a bit of mvwi.-|-mu^'r v a strong rope.lo'a:
luak Walton, relnearaatad tn Uu
, —-------:-------'*
Boston. The Boeioo mU Is <» an caSettled by ArWtratlen.
roplUd the woman with a •«vuble-J?^|^
twentieth ceoinry. could faffber bli
Colorei Son Would Change ThiBga. . citable locperament ud cwslly ratMloa PatthuBla Allen rat medllnilve look la her eyes.
nstruuom'-r has recUIlT] (led: aad Ills wife is of a almllar dis.
}y CB her back doorstep and tuned
-PoohT that ain't like ajirtog chick my aReettans on a c^l- l'»
her atiabad face with ber lunboBaet. CDS at forty cents a jioaBd. Hiss l*ar my duty to both God and n
^ al tears ou the slightest provocation.
-Don't talk like that, Paribi-ay." i would think that the ori-an. havtas:
She bad apeat a good hour la her ibcay. Ain't tried him on that, er? '
„ „j
.i™ H...
.WW .: ™
llowcr gardu repAlriag the damage
Parthenia looked up ta
luimivv : vv J b^u resort
done by ^ ben ud her brood rt well tbe twinkle ta her neighbor^ eyes, 'hat bench a si>vll and Ustvn to me l‘'»ch •
. lamaxtaK to coosid.r ita- im'sIbillUetjcertain
tirar tbe
teieobone cn ahip
grown cblrtaaa and retaracd to the
- --------■ waiU-d III!. The Atoo> crowd around with ktagi^^ „f
i, K It it wer. bltwjwwls.
j vrovjK. ta some way the mu fell Into; hoard ly wires, .oeh souad la the wa
boUBC only to flad a baH doacn -young ber trouble?
being lutensined
kolvcN. <1111111;: tiff huge slices td]
|,,. ta,iy
ejor* ta the a small slreaic. a»g as l,v
(rys" rooting out her moralng gtortex
Oliver Tobin, bowevet, did not wait.
Resh aud btaWR-r. ptUnt epmv of
}| j,
red awlmim-r b- found htmiwlf
by tbe raat window. Then followv'd I.
with its aid. tbo-preacacc of Ssb. ud
lb..^ i», Ml......
. Twas a com fart ' f.
to kaow' a woman \on the beach for a gn-ai feast Uter.;
,A-,irvThliig would l<v ivl or Mack. crebp- diSIcultv '
aaotber hour'a work gmitag them over
■main i approxiuiau i> ib- lr uimiobr and kiad.
I,.-... «........ . .............
Au.1 I ................
tbs garden wall, li yao ever triad
- ."nKmUivy will wash ibviu down in lie, „ J, ___
,.„.rji'utag w\iuld be . Forttina'cly, howw-iT. ili<- •
“kou aee. I h-sl came ovvir to talk
,j„|. Ewiyvne
Kv, i-,»;»e knows ihat'-was
tlnucd. wtalfiilly. “i did no
so wanl you ; cbirnK*
rbiriik* with givwt <|iantilivs
«|:antilivs of rice
not dv* p. and tbc Ihwooiati w>o» ' 1 be veragni^eri. WbU befStec
drive a hca you will appreciate Miss
smaller fish •
p liervv
,1^^; but . didm bare ili- spunk! win;-. orinkiag
an n« of I,n ^ |pp yu„
Drinking U
1* wPli
sun coasi«l»
coastals of
of, »ix--.i«~.v..vi
six'dlseoveri-d tum «,Ui
duv caullon. be
Partbeola'a (eaUagi as she threw the yon about apring ehlckoas. MUs Par- up
l»™r. 1-IO.M t. ...|1 1.^ J. « 1.1. to tell yuu SO; Thl-m etitu-rs. dou'i worshlji. as they eonsidvTTl ,1,
,.lk iu
I,. ... .bAll ,b,
ilu- itai
and the rvasRin'tbiugs an- dlf.|cvuld walk
last ehlek over the wall.
sound a
Same, be wav
ile-,proper ud-devom way «(
« • tinrsilp-ij.^,,,.^vmrsilp-|J^.,,.y.'
^ ,b,i «>n)e
.ome swallow up
was dr-sdfBlIy
drewlfBlIy ratUed Ly
-AimvatlB' tfalaga;'' abc ea- night, but your Caewar tort a notion know any betUr Uian to vat ud de-.(iroper
bowling. If ibey came
Dual havvune ev<^_ mornliii i
«nd rt-llvet only one. jhls predkameni. ud was slipping
slipptog and ■ “,“«™
Cals ^
wrtli be <^isaod UiXta wi'.; ,,inj
,,jni ,^<^1
their gods: and they cu drink g,.,. ,g,.
rtalme^ -cooldaT sec a two^ooi bole
lelopboae their
;fast. aail ihers a.nt t-aoui^i.;^
dantbre il » .don'x ;.five,
c^. ilmc«
are V-Uow becuse! HoundertaB ta the mud to adislrvastas “«»'
times as mutdi
miicli nv
as -the
Ahe Japanese-,-iniro»-s
JapapeseU Twaa held piumb before
and be a man. I'or twiviy wltkom
.likutii .being
w ,,
plom Ured out. I tbuuld tblak Ol Torou 5“s,“^s IW , brace 19
being intoxicated.
; ;V,.
ail but ibv y-.-tlow.
v-.-tlos. tof.-a; extent
. . . .... ‘ i.wsis. . . .tho
bow of water through tbeir giD pro
UaU know there ain't a thing at tbe io I thought perhaps you jtsi as lief jycars
a-lookin' ,r
av each while
mnsi •>! tbc iiopnlaiioo are. „)U't-vaiv.e.*,hea- absorb all Ua.lbe' Tbv.vrife. wtu. fnim llir ■
t,-, duces a noise simlta- to tho labored
toot e( this bUI but my uf^ea. ud. yvt
;otbcr up hill aud.rfowti. Sliall I go
to gei ibe whale rut up re*' v,.du» jiofrtv berausv Ihcy ah-j Wbltt-d signi. of byM.na. I
• ittadrapcd-Mlehlgu
-|. av
"f Hta
cvvrvihiua bin
bm re-d
fed and Uite.
Wiie, a TataHqgon
via rti.k
iwiis .n- -rtauk-|>>'«»it*»k
- coinin'up
to ^..uy tor ecaisumpunn,
ecaisi^piinn, »w
«hc : soib crervihtaj:,
a tag ou Ua
. ho dalfbenlriy lets them rtickena me a Irtfly high iivta fvT a eomni : down to you. or are-.ytm w.s...
. , wbliTi
_ ,.i_. i»u colo’is r—».«:
BpoOea yallcr cat,
ing the
tbc Ktreatn.
blicam. When
When she
she tsp-revivc-rT
looae evwrr moralar TbeyYo
u-y mi-n*will sfinai In a «a;!c4rclc-^jiure
Partbenia drew berself up lu bev full'
ibe'troulib- ber Jiu-stiuvl s
my tirawberrica. and t eaagfat
A Ciever Cateh.
Panhrttafeii lit-eanu-si gtanev.-it elm face:: toward the: s<» and lmuda'|^r-,d.-.
Hen's height. -Du you Insinuie, Mr. Tobin..
.. bis blue eyes .sb - wa* -sirangvly unlined. npgBrvnUy rendcriag itauiks. , .U.
.d the
Get Mxme ol youririenda u, try !*»•
ain't color blloA No, str."
od ink and ail other!®'»«*» rtsbl taro >hr> slreui.
□«, time you sex-them and try le
brbta enlre«y and without ,or the great birssing which the occa'
OewB the bill boaaded a yellow
now re-d would rrtrtl
«>ls the unfonuhatc
p„r oowa tbe r-r ta
also a stone. Tbc (wo reached tkcl Parthenia Allen reealled bv-v grlc.'
light BO. a line made bv (doeine in a row some^,bv lily *b<'f! '-wbteb y-w> -ere boro, to which add I.
aroU almaRaneoaaly. The cat wetii i uccs. H„
Her A,™
flowers W
bad struggb-J
pe-vler and whiulrd wtats ,^th tbe-,,.„
-wLiiv, b'rt ,'“e «!»,•' I“«
then .add lb-as- to whlrt yoar next
II the low wall udj through after various plutlngs aud
d-ws f«--tto^^uid,ul^ur«vU-re-d. EverT-!
you. provided It
Mopped. Tbe thrower'a aim had been'
<Mo< s lA-fort January ls». atherwlse
chleke-ns Itad taken U aetire their new found .<> t'aosar-au.l
(.altar up '1*“
batty aad Caesar waa aalc oa bis own sprtai
your BBC a< y>Mf tart liirttutay. MoltlL Shv thought ol her dvrastaivd • stas were- forpouvu. Aad m«t >lt .emblvm* ,.T . the.r rei.x.qn.-thrUtiaa
quite l.tack- <iras.,,.®' | »"
' • d I'
'dudact from
iwlienv bed. Her angvfr sras slowly and Mra. Ollwr TtjUiii spoad Uh-.i Eodeavur Worid.
(artatHs-. .quid be black as ,tak.'----------------------------Mlaa Partbeala lorted ap. Caesar
ihiikOl.t?.;, suliRtltuti- for Ihe Ogem
hat surely rising. Ud Just as sbe was sYmmcri on tbe bllKup ind ibelr wta
------ i----- ------ ^
and sei wv.u'd the blue-ejf the- sky. bu'
vaOted maleotically toward
rtawly eorre-prU'liug kvtcfv of Uiv a
K.ng (.oSes H.s Mine.
, ilbc wUiiv clouds aoold i* red The"a hair was out of place aita his yellow •bout lo i«ur the vials Ol her right ,«era ta Ibv vaUcy.—ExchUge. '
raus tadlgnukm upon the waiting'
i;„-u„v; hi* muivstv. Ktwr Edward ^aam.- kind of ihing would happen if ^ taicrwnren nad are a iqual valw ab
f for S. and ao forth.
eyes were at ralrn as a turnmnman. relrlboUon wu placed a-lthin
in Aluland. '.
of England, wouldni u'ss the trooblj'Utc sua we-ru-bluv Eventing .now .ihv taveioomm: of rhs and wf-sxrr.^.T-,. ^aii. wiU give- name- by whleb
lag. Uc arched his back ta u
D.—Farm -foarTfccjalate.-. ta Michigan -.crigariem «■» ^-.yoii are popnlarly
ttoa. HUa Parthenia stroked him kut ber grup. She bad recognised a ta The Ataos are-1 he abortginaltohabi-jio kimv 10 Alaikn or scad anybody, tj; Mt-v or'whur would be blue
Or than »-si-f him la her anna, for i miUar aoand. ud harrying quirtly to- unis of Jauh »»d have been drtvco , work a claim for him hi is oa; a-whole grass this time would U, bine, nofer oecupy tbe attenuoe it revrivcv,^
■ot' h« nelghborw and hw irttables-i wart another part of her garden bade north by the -Upueae- ia much the- bmich td money, writes a Dawson evf-j black, for it reBecU both ; hlno u-1 larthcr *«!.,tan the fntnre wMcy s^
Bat ataa. that day added a new ans-! (Mlver Tobin follow.
same way in which we have caused oar: respondent of tbe Seattle Itast-tairil. , yellow. Hair woold be Ml black, the pl> of oor lakes and Hreiams **“ •|®' ,
My for Caeaar refused Ui cat. He' "Nos. Ol Tobin, i ain't goin'to guar Indians to go Wewi. They arc foued . genev Somtrtbms over isu years ago] red of the lips would be Wart aad the come ofi greater ImrortanctImwriance- car.b do
The aa)mg of Uo-Tmi, «ke grra
u about mv Caemr. You not on the Istand of Hondo, where a ItawMm amn who thought that Ed-| resk of thv face would be; a clond/icade. The laBBCnce of for.-.:-on these
before Com
laaalfinglyi lowwa he was a commoa thief. Nos moil of the tmpertut cities arc.bul oa w^. '.Len Priace of tTMes. wu the, bine.
, is geoemlly conceded, p -rhars r.« «s a
o ask what I f he cared as much fer spring chickea Texo. unh of Hondo. 4mung tbe for-. hnen thing )n the way of rovMiy that If the .sun were green there woaiJ factor ta bringing greater rainfall. ' ' fucius. have Rnt been trusMad lalo
conserrtag it. Each year brtag. more .Eagllsh by Prrteraor Ltaocl OUea. rt
1 as you make out he needn't havwgone «au near the coast. Tbeir home rta ever bariH-aed. pare h.s amiesty a qn.t be a linie vtmiv. Things
yellow., waterpower into BSC ud will rcsalt la the BriUib maseum. They ceatala
I from bis own dooryart to get .ibret he reached I7 steaarer ud railroad, claim deed to w mine oa the Tukun. nori yeiiow would
>.i.s ail the avaitabic power, u 1! some uturanees which iwmarkaUy ai
Rirtt wa: be Tladlcaied.tbea by ttage. but ta off the usuM Hta majesty. how:erer. appeared a> things that are blue would be Woe
^ one of the heritagea Tatar* ’ Udpale tbe morality of the Set^ o
of bis eat i OUrer Tnbln smiled grtmD as he ttart of the tooriH.
: have no use for uy little scheme lor and things thaht are greca would still
strode atoag briund her.
These people resemble the Bsro> .hU digging among the great Bonh- be grwem but Umre would te ao reds.
temstic ptaa
preservattau: jiirr wllb kiadaeaf.- and -To (he good
Bom BUie Mlaa Partbeala! With a
ta devlsed.-Norlbeni.! 1 woMd be good, in ortpr to mahe
Maan (oil of mlagivlag ahe talrtad
-, Paw Paw. Hirt.
(hem good.*
nvhatjW brigbt.-HirtIgu ' raderaan.
Mm moralng's work, riepriag eCten to rttakeas .
heart's reatret ^have very tans, brary beards uf:wurth much. Notvody e
Wb«a Uw ciappts'aad tbptpoaadlsasd the laocblB- die a«W.
There atfit a liiisle feUer Ikmki ao
cliMrfal-Ukc and Ray/
Aa Nr old doc Traf.
lie wink* at BM and crlna. aub, and
bell aerer. oerer tmH
To pound otit appcrbailon »Hb hi. old
(tab ull.
OIUNS TWAVeWgE HEliAtO.-Pfmt»OAY. OeCEMBEB 7. teOS._____________________ -------------------------------------WMCCK Of VIO*.
-U».to*law ll~. 11.
tiiddm ruM an:l Frtmi Mfw*. SuianUy
W.-tT «« tC
o'doek I fonied to her
~ ]■_-,„ ntV StjtC Bilik '
at i
borne lihi nfiemoou ,asy, UsiimJ them o> Ir.Hi* every night. I live diw-ase. , to-mv ci il<- <-.averte-i, **a*Viav ViiJ sgsmsm asaw
bair-fram a two muaibs Ulnces team eo i arter spesdins 'Thanksk vtiii v»ih her .Mr. Kams^y. rtlU cwrrt-v Us «haekli-s J au-diciBe wtisnv *«-«w
i*» twieewi ;
•■-d-itritls. The decensci. who*e ta» l-ldsusbter.Mn Dorr ArmaUuiig.
aUmi .-.‘•h bias pa Ills tiaveU. Hi.,-—
. ,ifeVv'oi:to Hsal.Mi Hf X'diiads. >u «l.-*enlilw ~
IS the
II ...
a lbill Rumco.
UrtaUue In two with tbv
—• ,r —
—. <—
— guest of her daiigl>-1
---- - - ' George
Atnr.1 : 'Tbii' are.)B-:skju; la'j'^r.roekii and the bow out wiU U. the fo. ' i. r wlitm llinrrr nyenuok lii-r, caurla;:: Klap>Irr ibl* ■oroiue
/ , «■!
^ . tp.nre»ci> 10
L OARLANS. Cathlae.
erard CapUla WlHlaw Iniaedlate'y 1 dekUi. TbetTfoaiue wrre ptwpatrd for ; KrodaBHW A. I«. auj J It. Itaypio* raW n^niMha. ibuaph natiT nt tl^j trrek «d a no; icdivew B' h '
yvt-i maw to tia.e
pave order, fur all to go forward ao.rbnrial by H. U Carter and were] t# llato
the day hi U« rtiy mrd^.-to.-n tad Wri.«»«.ned
r barlo*
-U-ird a ouvvl «»}
await dayllshL Ttey were dranehcC. taken to the boaie at BoiDiv. ilciiiday I Moppiag aad atler-Jlo* t,. utter buH «*ld nut be to<to«yl to tarry tbwr \
cold and uBprotetrted bat as day brr*« I nwrelos. where burial took place.
t pe» agalr..
. .
.eunlv t^oa yo far as to dt.ulsw the:ri
SURPLUS. S&7.000
(. thiV actUed b
C«fl. A. H.
cnmnn-rf wm «««ckc« on North Posi
Wuitf TMOdoy mertiln^ N^. 2t.
oWhtnt tif K«1 fcrofco
bi tM blOM and fur nina heura U> ;
■ clung te It until the aoa mofon
lag MOW Morm whloh matfa M
tion a matter almoM ontirtly of luck.
The Viga waa apparwHy r:pin9
the atorm ail ngM but auMonly
•trudt and wont hard on a grm
balWni. Almaat ac aaen at ahe Btniek
atw brake In two plecaa.
The wrack awrratf at 4:M a. m
the craw waa faicad to cling te the
wrack. Ac Captain Willlama aaii.
nVe had our tra«*lca.* The ecH
Atmmt anhaiMd by the cold the erme
w*Had Ibr daylight and pacaMk .aid
ftwn lha aharw The «• waa running
tM high, hmnwecr, far the fielwrm
raaM the HMatad VIga with thdr
batli and they had nc apparatoe with
whMi to get a line ta the chip.
t<to Mllero were ferced to hang
the boat and waliad far the tea to
Mbn daom. With the earning of tba
day IlgiN It bagan {to de w aa
noOB tbe weather liad wederdti
•■Kb an extatot that they were able te
lawneb the eMp'a boata and make their
way >0 the ahera.
The fMhermcn teak them in and
lam'raDlzed't^i the laud abcwl 1 Ihwih cniue to Mr*. Uulda Slearu' |
Cadar Ccupla Marrwd.
ah.,HI half a tnllo waa Ibc horthwe.'1
1 *”'* Alta .Craridill .rfKryate -i I d tl.< litMilh Foa. wheie jbey "tfevins eatendlBS peer a period oi; danyb-.e .rf Mr. an) Mr- lanHy Crar.
£ wifb ^^w^ed^lh and tbi|f->« >— The dcee««-d waa theidall and Be.l. Vur«n. U r.^f r,-;.
,.1„ dmrsy ». Simuwi w- t^- nuii.rd }s m»ri-uu» -Nut »
10 IlH- MUlbCl
__ eight!*and icaros two cbildinn.
They remained oa the wrock
{fiipli Knine<l>.
. subMdediVcla Belle. 13 yea;-,
ywr*. Addr ri-s days lo the nly
mdficlea.ly to attempt a
and Big ftapUk and tbtn U
they lost tbelr first life boat
Pr. M'ilt'-V .'Stui-l'ain IVls
Bee members td the crevr; lard td this rtiy. at who«- borne she-------------rc a in-.ritt mnarkaldc reilicdy
where -...... -s,... ' died, and Walter and Wilber. al«> el,
Oy.-Rlln' Wedding
had ga.hvn^ and bum an l»»eon:l ‘kh rlty. Her aistev. -Mrs. Amiai J.dto Rlle.v aad Mi- HOe 1.
boeflrr in tmullaess for them.
It the home-l the pw
The Indian, lx . Is Ahee. and faai1>':i
Friday afieraooo at J o'rto.:k|teli East M.-v.ufb .lu-ei. »h.: -.ri- ; -wmien m> siiiK'ii
and bis .eon hnd son-in-law and Cbeir;
bcl.«!.-.f-»vvl|,y ib,'Kev-;lt.
.Alt iwiu i* tveafcetiiitC-. atij
,»i.. or o».-«
il» 0.1, ™.i I-------------------- -------- „ _
, .^1
'oi'fcKHiSjK/loll.* >lieammk»
dm. on tbe taland and tiro murfa can
ogiciaUag. H. U. Cartel kse
hue j1 The cerenweiy
|s H..rtned
not be eald. Uii- crew siau<d today, al,
raence of Ibi- hrt.-i.h.-r aud
lib* wit.-. joMifura iii'Kiteiu W(j*.f lha
hlaOncm Md bolp. fboy
nnd a few friend* 'fb--.
tanu-d to Ihc wmk witb ibe life btwi: Bealh tvuwed tbe Lour,- <
Wexford fanner aud Hx'!
and broupbl oir Ibe mnaindcr of th( | le best kn-i.n of Crnwn.s basiness
tbelr home tbere.
crew, maklup ibw tripe before ih.'
homes Thorsday. Waller U. Uewlit
cafcly landed. They .pro'
anecomUag tva long rlep- of typhoid
Tscaday and tfedneaday on aboiv fever that befted uw-rlicnl skill. A*14i '
Grisfilb id t^lar Ci;
and left for Norflport at noon Tbur*- from the wife Ihe di'reaM-,1 haves flw
t-wnll leave noth,day wUb the Indian boaU after a IttUe children. HU nt-.'-ber, «l:r.
•e.-tlilc afu-r-cffocl5l
Thanksplvln* dinner with ibelr res
))<> morpiiine,
arrtrlng al NortbpoK al *
.<aiitc or other
o'clock' In Ibe c-rcnliii:. Tbiy were
obllptd (u row ecvvral miles a* tb,.
bid was down.
Captain Willlaot iainusJIsiety cumarm u*
al ClPTrUnd ,
hU vuui
nuuicwtni wiio uu
rheiv the f.u.-ral H-rvlce. ;
A 6e»enl Bfii^ Bistasi Swe
3 per Cell tliPvM n TlacDcsMls.
Itt -v..-,!-. •
i, e;.,,..* -.
iii'.n’ -X
l-u--.i, • • --tn^tiu-HL.-.ra.ii- •;
p o.
■202 WiiLelm lilk . CMr 1‘ih.m- 11' mmmT
• TK.WKKSi; CiTV. .Midi.
Entm PiMIh
• “■ “"“S?
Atisruiy sv U9
not boca known tor two day..
EtlxalKlIi N,*™®!,.
W. P. CROT8ER. ;
He left with elxtoeo of his errv. |
.SWcomb U Ansel,,
to^v 5LAWYgn.
y Some Kri.la.-!
,he .il.'s •»' iA-iiaitiiteu.':
aad am new guartared at the Narthara reprcwBllng fab walch «>o'’lnp
ri spendiUk a l-.-d va*w.l*to
haM and are none Uu
exi*--.baura In the Icy water.
firm. llecun.ldcre'dtbciuwBt tllie..
,.„tor.-d to HUcs Medical Co., El^n,lnd .
The Viga WM buiH about twtova DM) and Ibe ctww kMt ihrir tvtiro prr- „rxMm.lag the lahhtot busbaa.l Ihslj^,.;,,,
be U Ding narimscieu,* at the lixtn. j
wftx. .Ml- U,-*-all... yaata «• at Ctavatand. Ohia, and
wnal prupmy. They all elated that
anaafnwOitohrMtflaeL gha«iraa»S ibey eared noiblnc tor Uwir lees,-coB.
faat avar all and waa a medirn ctael Mderinp the narrow mareln which
gtoamar. »4er grea. tonnage wae tf«A eeparaled them from dvaU, as lb<‘ chiWrenturviv.-; Mr*. Van Uetva.«-.
«w waa M her way fram Aahland.
239 E FTMt SL. OL Ftoae m
fact fllltap wb*n ebe mlractMh. to Caoth Cbieage with a cargo ukMialy etniek ntvr shore.
ar ban era. The boat it a total loto
Tbe naam. of tbe crew nre:
mt la lylag in about twenty teat of
A. M. Wimama. captain. CleveUod.
eeator bi twa plaaaa. the atiaak an
NcntT Holeinan. first mate.
H. L Cari^lr.^
tba aarahaatt pnM af the Wand.
Joaeph Rybke. eecond mate.
I’eitT Brtls. flt»i eoKittn-r.
Vsyas CKXly
Bldg.. EETBCtX
Dan Clnac, eecuud enplnoer.
nam Salpnlay'e ftoronl.
Tbe fnaerwl id Ur-. Ililds m.-aray
WIIILani Woods, steward.
CtpL A. H. WnilaiM i>r CleriHand.
WUIlam Muolsomcry. atsietani
aadSu trrw of nleetera tnon wbo
vote toTtd a watery gravr
William GNVB. oiler
atoci barge Tegrvhlcit foondtwW oS
W. F. Arrhle. oiler.
the Seath
Taoaday ntoralAi at
borne, tb.- W.-V. Thomas O.x oTrriu
Plate Gl.s..StMin Bollorand Accident Inauranc
4:tS. aiTleed In Ibe city tbla Bontog
ing. imermmt was at Oakwaud
aa todr way to CleeelaDd. Alpena and
chaise of H. L. Carter.
CMeagcu vbcrc ibey will Uy- up for
Waller Janlna. wb.-cUman.
. tbe viator.
the coU out of yosr
Meeririfi Was Happy.
John Kno.-ICB.
OaptalB WlDtaDis slated lo tbe Rt«I Mr*. Uargan-t Uuailrourallau «I lia
hotne. *iHiiv or MMofur viaor dtbU tooralag that they left Ash Oaeo Fenn.
I HeCm-karTivedtaibe eiiy la>l Tlxir
ter—iind then; it do
F. .S.-Uuo.
land, WU, vltb a catgo of Iren on
Room SIO Now Stat« Bank Building.
1 day to Join her sun. >1nmi..ah Doe:
(.-ffeetnal way of doio:; ao
Frank Mtuidiy.
ter Soalb CblcMD and
'boaTWlian. the Assyrian who r.-c-ratU
Arlhnr Bnlrd.
than to hai<* ns make to or>
•nn-to-d an an store on EaM Fureii;
John Murphy.
boare preHoas to Uic anddea atorm
tier jnst the size of Sloni
stro.1 Mr*. Dombourajian dri-s no-'
vUeh Btraek tbea Mimday night from
speak ^gllsb bat smiled ialelliceniD ;
Ilosr* Slid VVirylovi to <lo it.
Pirw Dew
tba aeatbeasi. laereaalag in ecloeliy
as fa-r sun idd ih*- Herald ul t,*-r
of Gt-orge ilaner ai
vtU the added dangw. of snow to
perh-oce on b*-r arrival in this eunutr.*.
abet m all katmliMgc of tbelr wbero- West Twelfth alreeU valaed at tf.idfi, fram Teheran. IS r<la. eigbtaeu nonlb
so gntled by fire last Thursday
abouts. Thelxaileat of the storm was
^^anl3 Claus is ou his xnling
that Mr. Hanev cvoslderii it a
aHook while og Sgnaw tslaad. north
aluue and Is-lag nnabbr to speak Eii-r
iiii-il criiisv- to Iw-slti*tt tbe Beaver, abonl t.-caty cr thirty lotal loss. The r.
lUb was ronipI<-.ely tost at Ibe depn
ua Uis uiauy (riesits.
fram a Aeellve chteUMy. FUIeee
aWee toon tbe aeoae at the wroefc.
as ho one bad arrived, lo niivl he
If >-ou ihiuk of ^fiviitu »
The barge -shipped water and la- boBdn-d dollar, tiurannee is earrieo The affirial* took b*-r lo the puUre sU
of your niumivl
niumivt chiklri-n
barad heavily In the siotbl They on tbe boose aad Koo on the ternl- tlun and knoveing that a young As^'
>lio muUjri^ for a ltoa.-te as
ebaaged tbelr loutb coarae vbkb ihcy
rlao girl was attending tbe ft-sitaa;-*
n Chhhtmas pivBtiit. jilfusL■aUtatecd darlas tbe fore pan of ibe The family w*-rt- all away from homt and able losjK-ak the lorvisa tong-.:..
tteor O'* in mind in o
night to peek sbcluw rren the cast when the fiiv bnAo out. B. Porter. seVt then.' V>r biT.
1 withi the
-T DCe>I-.
att.aMsPtiosto.S2i moll. ISO
efeoro aad It was while oa the chawed Mrs. Haoer-s Uibet:. wbodiad been ttmjtjily th, Kvi
What M awatie-d ihraotiuc ot aeanrae that the boat simek the Suutb tmding the aervlc»a at lire FPorteenU. lauran U,' imagined when uu a.-riy li>,.
iiiitl mills Jilforil.
SUvet HeUradM efaurch < left a llgbl
ten and vwit to plcee.,
a \m iwaching
- WbeMmaa, Waller Jautxea ifi Wr.-.-i bomiag In a window ami
Mrs. Duflils>arajian aud wn l*<l lala exiin '
temerter who wtvi on watrfa at uPllU the day for lytoski-y, Syt-n- tb, *
5<w<0 SM> Cssirir C.
■ght daring tbe iiuBt Kwt of tbe storm gnisbi-d. II*- Ihuusht tliU ^toage a» *|Hvt Thanksgiving V-ilk b^daupl:”;.
at home and proceeded to
^auw bis eaperienev as being Uk
lor. A. It swang back oi Mrs. N. Mm-sailoriau. vho k.-en** U->
pem Mirnuous of all In iblrtecn
art storv.atid bote!-fonneriy riia V:
fcmra of aea Ilf,-. He. said ihst the Ue binges a l-Iast <d but air aad a
Mto« of Uu- liucl was k«n» lx a dc ckiuit of thick amoku stniiA bla a
■oo ter her aoelb bonad dcetinallen the face and he saw a tong, narrow
lougwe of Oanw canning up the Mile of
•cn as they saw they conM not
I. TbU be sougbl to tyneaeb Ftoui Friday'* Record.
^ they steered southeast Icr twa
Mbs Maln-I fiblpiaan ami Dean I'ari
.fine palls of water«ato It aad
bann la the atimapt to iwh tbe east
roos of l.onting. ab» spent Ttiankdbore ttoder Welu-e, the heavy Walb- Uh-3 ru Into the Mruet crying -fin-.*' Sivingastlio'EncMs of Mi*-- Mary It *a( Btotm caestag them to make a lie k<vt ui* Ibe figbt against ibe blase sell, retaraed at nuou KiJay .' Liuua..
Wavy leeway dnH. They dUu'l know from itoh- ti> lisK.- calling ' fin.-" antll E. Ratos of Laa.--lutc. «1:<> alM« *1*':
they were mvr the Ftnes as tor sever tbo m-lgblsm. were oniaMd u4 tlri Tbanktglvloc here nil! sictej StinOa;it wi.n jpv yo:: It- ■ x'l .tod «amiuc -.ur Mock aiuJ mA
al. boors Ibr muiutalnuus seas had alarm snt in
I be time that the firemen arrived before returuiac.
smebed U Ihe |diut boose window, _By ....
..... ^
Ml* AibUe r.vrl Ml tUI- nfi-rms i'
1 lab mad*' hU appearance and Ii tv brouirht us lots of
ami the aeas .vre'pluagiiig io agaiost the building wm* a mass of fiamc*i
tbe ruatpas.-, and lb<- aun behhul It
1------ ..-----------j„.tills eii> a-ij a
things already, and has protnised to, bring ttor*- on
Idtodlw him aad putting out vria, Ibe iKi thick as to bui*lt r them grcotly in I •P'‘”*‘ae «
cver>'train hereafter! I ic is,locai* d iti onr iron; win
bbmaek- lights. Wheelman JanUn tbelr wMk. N,vrl.v I.SM feet ul bow
sakl: -The bum wa. diving and lump wv re om bcMdcs that on Uk- chculcM street retcme-l tbri"falic-rniwii Te*.
dows. His goods arc stored in our back .roc*;ri’and
fm :
ing all the tiur mid 1 couldn't s<s
. .VvBBaudSesafe wiim'.rs.
down stairs. H-. jm a good,many things to. sell and
Mr. and Mrs. liaocr arrived oa ifae Cldeas".
nftoeti yards abivd. Tbe lights .two
‘'''r *>:
lie sayv they are good and cheap but don't belkvc
iiol oul and I rallud gad ydled fur vne ahUc Ibc fire a-a. sUU ooiler
iriu-l in tbe clly thi* al'-rtx-ia for :
-Ughl'.- T.u btuuaele lamps were headway
him—eoinc ill and scr^ for yourself:. \Vv know ihat
-TRIJOEp 146 Frost Street
broaghl wbirta luted abovl
he has all son> of Dishes. I’ort eiarn. Cbtiii and- Glass.
K. O. T. M. «n.
Wt bavt i lisTtvckii* Tii; Sia^. —
nh-s the arsi heavy sea putting them
TraverM- City rmt. No btl. K. o.
«f ‘hb* eiiy.
marrb-d ye*;e:
They look frotiy acd ,VC ihiok ihot ,i«,y arc cheap.
•Mil of basloaB. Ilbtv called nsicunj
M. M . (lectod tin. foilowing ytracmifdar « »•» paraonage by tl;e lb '.
lime and the me arrived and lit Uicm Fltoar iiighi:
The amount of Knives and l'!orks. Kitchen and liutter
I Demaa Coehliu. They will i-.widc
again. Tbe i
Commander. Ur. W. E. Moon
Uiis cliy.
Knives. Tea Spoons aad Tabic Spoens. Gold' Gla>s
me and 1 was urenebed and beaumUd.
Say LaVaUey uf Rapid Ony sp-v
Tbo lights acalB want oat and
Dishes. Whistles. Trumpets. Harmonkas, Rattlers,
nuanre-keeper. E. A. Brans.
Thacksgnlng with his par-m«. Mr.
aged to light ihta akmc. Tbe capDolls, anti a hundr-d and one other thin;^ Jie has
R.eord ‘kwp.w. K, M- FraukUn.
Uive 70s ere tried the
lalB sraa.oo wauh all ntghl. eml ami
Chaplain. U Kuaro*-.
Bht‘Vih wroet.
brought this,year is astonishing.* Dun't forg- t 'the
ftoyal -Til e*r
an«f Coffiva
ebar headed
Master at Arms. Chartes Parker.
F. W. Wllsuu »pctit bis Tba*ik*al-. .
desk isctod to so bvdnw la tie boU
Sivgeaoi. Orurge liod^.
ing wlib relaMve* al Klngdt y
ta see buw tblug* suud duwn there.
First master of tte wd. Georg,
Mr. eiid Mr* H'R. McCoy bar. r
Omitit On
There was no eidlenHVt. ihuosh
taniW from their wedding trip
crew was slaltopod at the boats. Ulc
Second master of the good Job: Chlcagu aad puiau la vootbera Mich-aad Satam
prnneivcrs oa ready to laaoeta at a mo Ocsetekt
gaa. They reiuraed (a Urn* to enjoy
meat's nociev. - U was realised that
They ire the best. Sedd 'ely by
Tbanhsgivlag dlnaer in tbU ciy.
tbe boat waa Jaberteg bearUy before
Mra. J. H. Loom of wmiaBsb>irg
Oaatb Rail.
■pent Ihe day In the eiiy today wM,
SteO KamR fFronR BteVAtete.
Haanah J. Moym. aged 0 yuan. h€T daughter. Mynir. wbo accou
pa«vd away al the home eg her oo-r panb-xl bar home.
Tire Insurance!
money to Loan on Improved Rea! Btaie Only.
Many People Are Placing Their
Order Here Today
..... .
Santa Claus
f^0p^/ C/ger
a ibey Lira in ,u>d. Bu’dw'ar tnU ite fand I>*«ota«T
Un. Xta e
tty fiiryW* only tanne* of tbcovet;.
Mtm. S»n ctf VMkMR. «P«t T«» it TMUnc tt tta borne of Ur. ud Un.
HMttR. Miek. Oae. l.-A. p-Ctare^
timed. Ii fairly tymboUrm tbe sTlpJ
Mirbtota to potoe BP anvtoss a: tbJ, Ltae..
iAj tad Wfdtatadf Wttb htv
half a »>=b« -be «a» hpotabt to tbe hoapttol
Mix LoId Karkrrtttn of AMtB.K ta-l dtorlneatobed chataeter of blm
Mwt AtolM M bit MA«rtas
0*« rKn^WHIe e« Ibe otwfc
INta JtMlm »»d ftoWy b»»» »oeed cpeedUiK t fe* days »t bodw oith bet who tolto Te mid<are«-, isK nb«o a
,Ui.- iacrcafd ;JW.t^.T'>S-tS a. iJA; '
*** P“'
reaMoahle aaiieiiMttM of arfU toRor;
parootii lU*
HIM v«» P«R tai tata
«J over linar Hnoor.
'la-- rniTTeer, noBtt.-.. Tbu totuora > v iT- icCu-ar.- ■■( ib-aa*iul..<i^.
R.-T. C. 8. Ritlcr *oBi lo CMilral trloBiiiba mltat.i'Jttlr to' todal«e-l.
Mr. Cot asd Oallr bate aoeel
r «n.«ie»Urt;> re«aln«'d hl» rea• fohii.O.'
"nn: it '■igbe tm'hf-iily >e aaM o<;
of tbetr lAke Tneodty on taalee**-,p. Tcrr-la* to the do«or,-ta »■*<!:
* IV dinar" «*
«*rtta «hooi bw
Urtxber Htandi that be tiv.H lent ’
Mr tad «x, J«l.n Eodey Utl
recrollT parebtsed of Mr
lb" .taiebtaV. ' l>»-'or.
F«i ««
rdrbraied tT——
orravv «>**-; Fof Fifteen Years Face arid Bodj ci.*.-.4n-. -ti.--pat...i
flve jBilee ,o-jibe«ti U toi
. Tbo <*orel»» »«j bw* Holmei.
on t.'-.' irw rf a, W tad «I'M • <*i' » eonM thd
« fveaenlzed p£Ki;;on :n
: th-. ;• 1*355 of ftching S«eS - Cobid la. d'-pamnent.
oco- TUUptticb left T»*td»y,ereB-iht<l thrtr borne ;
«M»ed bjr tbo bori
!Kh-^ rnda.-. !’• > '>1: iiaie i» E<> ■.{ the atytbai.
iwf for Tb£*i|»novUJe.
lorallr fkwuored
omttdercvmprewiit. Tbo 4'bool it ______________
Not EipressSiflefing-Ocstiw tbiits ism tb<- cotDtet'rdal rertlSeabt. I rue .We eDi Of tbe knaamee of
Mr. EUlx l« atirtaoc for Brno Mooe.! int:. So deWiitr canto it Cireo for iV
to lire It i a*
lo.be (tcMd tatD BCtt
•4 d-pout. abb^ 0. clock, bsmm* thlnfiwtr. I d.m’t «
enamereiita hto many moelbnit on* ,
FaiM —Had LoSt Hope
Mynle Kwie Wt Maodty for IletiTT -Ore. .
.. f*5..illJ21-j:; m*:-prr.tl e.-nir.- «d»a w be/rary ' Itoyef to » y.*'.
Ukt as a saR. a trimd asd aa cUsa |
I rtete she will tpend ibo wtater.
t Tbe Mltut Carolina Hciteja'-sof dW‘b.
mslir-. (.M aBd ba< a wH.- and two rMVtrm
Honor. Midi, Oct S-—Ml*» Ktaoey.! R ndo» «a> In W*» Wedsetdta. [ Ada Ca»tM>^l of itanli Mlisoo. tp-Rt
•k'p.iiUty »»9.1eCJs.T4- s6•.lIlS^c.■T1i?^
taerftb»tetrbcr»,««aiTbtahaelr-j Mr. Wbeolon *ns a bwlDeoa «UeriTbn»*r nnd Friday .
Tta _
leajei, »;i.rjI.T*r..4«, SiO-e to-pf X- Tbe Stwbie > Salt
IM vttb Mendt at Tiarerao Oiy.
Is Dendoe Wedseiday.
: F. SehsMlta aod fatsUy.
ISfi;. htow; dtoetanl*.
“Lwiwli'm nr^
Mrf. TbooiMan la ictandma to a fine i Ladlo^' Aid •'ocletr of tbe Oermta
MortbS KbbI. wbo bw bero
*bn knev and cun'Ir.
taby hoy Um reeenily to Mr. asd I Befortaed church win laeet ai
Iho p« (debt veeka. U no better.
f“to^ '
land |i.ai bit sianv cxcvlIeBl qaall’h.-s
••Mr bend waa one atott of •nb-.
; botse of Mr*. d«eob Haarie, We.li
Uertba Wyto. who hat breo to teiy Mra. Roll McConnlek of Werford.
< and hi--. a'bjereneotaAit a leadiaK clii- m* ionrbead waicociv! d-nta alns-i iC..Bjm'reial d.'FJ.Ia>. $a>T.51i;5. ManlMee. maklBC
Hra. Mile* DeFWeae ud too Elarys i day. Dee. *ib, at tp sito my errbrows. «o.! 1 had to m var
IIL to better.
as.1 no tUk. wlU'finBcr to 'be
BV bat all tbe rim.. My body af
-------------------B. Otenahlr of ibta ptoee Ijaa bit ne» ,*etr Trarerse City vidtora Wednea,depos|i. >hf.» as inenwte’pf **-M'T.-.
dliion. of tbto asd *u««'dlft(r «<ii‘ ra- cocctc'lwitb.ptosinsics.-jrnta.piococrml
Ilka- Mamortal Serviee.
tiohs. 1' iH *rare«'l> n.w^.arr lo'af; htwlWa.Ur,^^s..iIrer.^. A 'sinr.. Ausns. 25. Itof.
l-r*3le McCorick ta«ii tost
T:».l Monday evcolne Travor-.
MrL n-beeloHt west Monday to
\ .-Wimau nwy-r.-tor f-.r ac-W. a
cook te eamp f«>r the TiUy bitiUierA
Iciiy tod*e of Klka. No- SSS, b«-W thei/ ;
pa«iB2 is an iciprw.ivc atm-'annnal Bi.inorial MrrlceTrot thdr 'UTbo eblchen pie loetol to Iba M. R. e. H. Ooree diest Tbankacirlsc at > sbbs
ecMioa «d the brevity. »a wrtt as tb •
parted m.-iuw.'
Beidjr* and for -etbetr ebarter.
.I ivu'i
ebBreh TbOMday nlyht irat •«» «- Tniwme,
tmcenatoiy ot life and tpealto with
Kuceoe Ttilkeraon apeol ThWkaglr.'aCTBber. Jullu* T lUraab. wboa- surllBS TlfMsW'S the ehy|B<«t "
tox a' bit boe at Wn Labe.
death occurred Wednewtot ereiiiBs. '
PvtCuttonraij<dtor, **.. ..Len Crom ItoT.-r - brain.
„ M.aW.v dnrto, tbeenv.:
Tbe ntlH ha* atoned runstaB beer. | Tbe 'tmpreaaKe lodee eercamnleu of Cray;
ba> bla new
SledtbKbntnwwtni^ttal'morai^ : *
" “laf
b» t»v> art l -uo ;^ of tto- pwt, three y««t. wBI he
Qnltoa BBsiber from bote attesdeJu.costtouai
[roBttouai vitb
vitl! tbe nectMoo.
neettfao. lonnct
lOmed ^ -' erhe boort rrf heraWy., ihe pot
£wufcins a hut bato three ttnie* * . half litci..i aa. flii. d in .he b,.1.' <4
,|„nn,; tbe wtotrr Into t.
d and aooo
: the opeplB* of tbe meinorlaU.ea-Baal.
btocteiBitb tad
Henry, Mape* U wotkls* al the mllUi fi Rnirr Jobs II Samo pretjdla*. I
win be ready to porntd iron.
. after tbvbsib. Afttr ubi* one c^r . hark in pUcr. 0«yr wa-worklng'to ^
e’er Bate.’
Oert Dare ssve a parly dinee at the
alailni; (hat t‘
Alice eWe, wbo to worktae at TrsvI :'as*t£i^4J7’c^’!i.b1^?^rk
famaic „ iv.^ton.t. Op^,; HRv KnmtoinHi.. .F«d three.>R
Oiaitoe Hall TbankasivlBB. All re- j,rtKlBbi before all the 1
etoe CTiy. U ri.HImt bea paresla
j nrUemisb. 1 was to pIcawO 1 ich dan ).ar* ain and aa. timek on lbe|on>"halt y<«ra. died tram the limi.^
pon a ftsc .time.
< a-et.. liorato die. He then called tiwa^
tbto place.
' tiv.-mnieg doww tbe stmt to uU ' b*-ad hy a
iwll. IIU stall wa»--iroaiW lafllrtrM.by btoJAl^. rbark*
Mr*. Fiv.! linlBht and cbHdren lefl'tse seerewry for a roll call of 'h",i
iootpfa Hacknw baa bad a new (*•■
1 Brt what Cut,ourab^ rrnrf,..!. tua he tm.-.'-ivd ftorn «br to-j KomrrtaskU of ^ttaf^dWaii'-»bn •
In doaisi; Mr. Olawmlrv paid a l<«
Friday for Roehrsier N. S’., fbr a ^idead wbo wcrCb* folloa*;
oltoe ptost added to bla aBareii.
vork. Atomi a'altoaboi bla aitr and her aUe^ pa*
ins tribute to those in tlie im-lns ebain
Ftank Hntcbto'.on, Slay tT. IW-l.
The play sin* Wednoaday erentoa
' ri'-ttm -4 ':r sctoor. Frauk Dtl>roa>kl and analMf
r1) 1II. B. rrankli^. T'*
of rratem!ty/-whtce remains.• he aai'l. (sigotti)
V borne tatodt was w^t alteadeO.
jo« ph Poboral. AuB. T. 3»«l. '
toittonSl.. A
___ .e pain son. »5lwar.l. tad then f'tohd M» o
Tbe Honor otebeaita retdored
flonaW F. CaapbclL April
W; “xnatiT. hlsBcr and noldor doth'* to
.\ inen'h a.i’i Ii|e <)alin'*.kl It now Imprating ainl
Bbermas. Mk*.. Dec. 1.—Mr tad. Monrod Obertto. Sept IT. 1902.
w-.n,'- B rnvini. tnay ims-x r un.P'r Mrs Kmuttoskr ‘
r.t. r A. Cltitaen. Jb'pl. 2«. IPOf.
.____ -C______ L,
1 — ,.„ nn. tf-il
AddtooD 11. llakir. Dee. C. 1902.
; nslIT a' brother to dead to dl^ntT tUal
Juliu* IL BlHIleld. F.h. i. ma.,
For Every Humour Si
• lie had virtoes. a f"a- boufine:* "t kith!ABteny Notolay. F.T-. IS. 1»3.
ron«ifl''r»i'' words, amild iwm-e Tu-.i
ujoage,, ,Bd' Orerae b. llarTltmi. May S8.1M2Comfdcty 'CvUrnul sB'l inUma!
ia-..viilT!,tonito) and Isak.- life brigbii-r tTvatnMiit J'T <Tvrj'linni<.i;r.con«cstHeno- Oakley. Iler, C*. IfhC.
T B. Oalaa- family moved to Bailer i
«f Tratrerae City were th' | Harry R- Manaray, K,h. s. iji.i:
^and u folly as raorb Bi'ptectar«-d 1 y i:,ff of Cntirara Soi.p. Oiiitmiat. -nd
W MODday RnaaeU Brown b,* «m>i» of Mr. BlofUrdf. mother. Ur-.;
'blB doTlne m.-a*ih. y an; lu h.- Q'iUs e..iy tiern U b.'d luri'UC ill'll.,T
AiiiagU art tooitvn
MAmnah. for a few daya last; William H. Foster. March 15. I9ni. .frltnito ah.n he h*. U« u-:
R. fharte- Despre*. Oet. f. IWH.
•the aao*t lunuii:
Tta Udtoa' AlfT iOclMy aw to elre’week- Mr. Blodeott reianilns Tbutr"Let ns VO live and av-t
Juilin T. Haiisah, Xr.v,
day erenlnx. Mr*. Btodeetl and tbe
The carloiu .dflcer.s a.Tt' then call. I ■r i>-ifflD:on4
tae^l. Ibe proeeml* to ta toward, j ebildr..n will remain a few dty* kmacr, POD f.ir an nromal nt tbeir tinil.
(m.-rald- rttravan Muif mo»"s with
SiX ttacC^
Ivtolilnn friend, and relatlv.* bore.
lent tP-ad -o rhar siy-itiions P-utp'.
oTy iq-w charily.
«• It may at to'‘i l-nd m- sll.to.ihnt tiron-i
- ta the liaei* of rhi- ft
• Lo.ie*' Above."
Meadv embte* to hear Mia. ^ * fa»,iiy rm.nloa was bcM Tbartdty; >bo hid^
Handel'* Laico
Lai CO wa*
was then pUyed
played b>7
byf ^
The epesing ode t.. ihe Great Ruler HandH'*
aSK by all. after Pruf.'san KtJ-wail a* a viullu
Slto^n.-il.'^buildinan. ,-r
M. ™ ...T
e ptosont mak!nB »blch pr^-er by .... cbaplaiB. R. V. areomiaaii'd 1,y IToiegw Si. B. ns on
heyoii'i ih': fo-is-totlun.
Dnms. wa. followed W rh.. luldivt* of the piano «’luirt.-< A. Bkeleher then ^ .
Un Baum to vttUlDS bw das(aiter.:bt all tblrty4wo
M Biw^al^to
Mrs. l4i,B Dot) and three-ehUdres
7 i
cured by CUTICUR*
■ ' at cost of $1.25
... 52 inch ...
irruam'i.iuK ssv|e . u* s»*.
■ I.VU...
U». V»M or ™^
a-1,Eliding whlcli «
le m"r.-lhai..r.yil,Clayiun b.. R:.'}.
$ 1 2.00
- 10.00
:sn^n\le,en ofiM. E. ebureb. Tbe .Mde. were very ^ Unually s *belfer. -She watehe*
with' earttailoBS. ■ us like a enarOiin anpl .nli.-n ie
>bam am Uvlnc and were pretest al;
dinner are for the) know not «>t b.-r tasi- He- im our
Stato Nawt.
W ftawal. al* U tUT son* acltoc as The proceeds Ithets.e
'wrtjsl; l.ui as y.nrv nre mld.-d lV Re;-:. Willis. Mail. !iy ' illk-T. *a*
ialUMnlTCa. She bad lived in Ibis vi-,
Myers. l.Ntcher of tbe! norir.iin liroail.s.« and tlie bine of oilier airleken with paral^s^.- in b!, nflv.-.
-pievii Clriui', laiJ-. ri'.'l .wa- 'df* •: .IfIlls
S^rT^Ht^ ~ rryc^r^ i gtommar room. *-ent home Wedmwdv t eyes m?y
f. ii iray liitMil'P sill! tnur.. iin.l
Imb,:. d-wt’h'ti- Idea ifcai he ...
eveslnp to *pcoil TbanltosMns wllb
s'nm... like LineoluV. ma.v lieeora.- sv-.tin- ih- lUnUi i,I tlen.
tk.l "-^-e
htTpatenU to Cadillac.
Trade was sio«.
Beats |ill Records
uundiolil wtirJ; Init wh.dber ib-.‘
ih.-. f. w n-i-iaitiinR Si-.l*-Itidiafi
Mil* TUWe Wilton spent a lew days ‘
.' Thirtreiiih tVUIA.
■'ctre1eh. wid..«rnanfiv, nrvai or small ‘"ii ,.f vuti-ieiire. J.s- Mc-K.-.ii,
. ... .
Ibis wei'k with retoUvim lu Travi
Tabn. Mlelu. Dec. 1.—Oco. Jactaoa nv.
' there eomc* a Ume when he »u*t wel- J-e- Thumpim. .4 Fesfon. reach.-1 .
'' ’■»">«
Toiatoes &5c Bushel.
Votaiots 10c B.ishcl.
U reported from the upper pcalnsiila
Uto* Lena Doiy of IlarrlelU U cum.-to his bearih llu.i solemn vtoltor; B-'ii'toe nrttiwl with u .Tseamin- n- - ............................ '
etiinili&-.ili»t .ibi-y.eonid not pin -j.i
bf toieettf- a torse deer. /
Ktodine a fen day* nlth friend*
,hall -ay •prepare to met thv nvih-.T ami a imHcas-.d t-*haeco.
\n (Tbo mrettog of the Yoba Sno.
' pareil HI palp the l«iwn i.sl and i
Help Warned.
Ht’p to spare..
•ay aehooto wUl be beM octt Bnnday
Rellgloa* aorelce* were held to the' The memory ot Hi*' day apd its wliwart ool «4i pis nue*'- Tbe ,i5-y.ar.;•for hi-capture. Tb.-reunR lady Whom
U 1 p. m. is ibc M. R. ehsreb.
Httlbodlat cbnreh Tbnmday momlas: event brooBhi tbto tril.utc:
Jold dime novel fimd -bad nrn nw "
arMrs. Got Cbampsey baa b«li «nlic
Big show for Holidays.
Few goods for Holidays.
toll week tbo snlijecl «f the di.,-1 "On thU «rei*ion*wi- are eaJl.sl !from hi. boon'a:i« ir'crlKsI l•oaIiae
m. Uosrt trouble.
arve waa “Pratoo an.1 Thankaalv- open tu ptore npon n-cord an eu>r,--i slealtou rid.*. It.-*.}•« he l.aiJ a U*
. Yobo aehool wilt aooD be able to add
iThe 4Jad, a'eorr.-si-md.ml .
It Was a unton aenrleti between M.4, cr oar Rival .•stcem for uur .1., v.fb hi- suepmulbi i- and iliai tl
A few addlUana) rolnmeu to the school
.per will.-*: Th.- .'urhih tin; CoDgrCEattonal aud Metbodlat tport.-.! l.ttdher* and to paj-thi* sart bm omd.-him alMhe more d.derTOliu-d
llbistT. Dnrlng the leog wlotcr ccoa ebureh. the RevA#lone>- and EsveU: lesdeF iribui.- of aBcvtlun to th. I- ».'i out and 1.11! every Jnrtlaa to 1
grade.', biht a tlM.*'.' al the litft. I
iBgi tbe youiig people ihnshl use tbeir conductlOR tbo sertlre*.
sclii.d. The bcestiirti rll*rti*-«l r.ii. I
■memoij. U Is nut with.Ibe pomp.! euustrj-. When .Hseov.Ted lie bad
Sfiarc sMBeoif In wtil-diiccfed read.THesuI.wl. That Ibi earth nu 'vT.I' : I
e. Gllberl I* still eonBaed lo hi* bed.’parade and iWRoant that Iswooi* a ' erow.t of la.vs eoinpIe«-ly anhwetl
we liv.i lK eeoTrx." Tb*' matter w.i-. I
i^eMor an'i: lelllbc tlViu *nrh thtopi
Rrandi-ur that' Iwtokea* *-a .Imn.
liu''' .irnaiy
and II s41l
*111 -(
go forth toM cm iiit.v'.sl iiiisfartiiril} oo ciibi r sid.- f
Rlk Rapid*. MIefa.. Dec. 5—Fnd. II. 'with Ihe fclnce^^'Ut elmiti.ms of Kricf.; lie wilds nn.1 _wr.wk veneeanc. There
well attended tad iDtemu pt the mem- T. Blodgett left Wednesday to attend! Inspired by fraierna! lev.- aa.l affts-Uuh ! ain't a rtslskiti lo ibe Uockv mmi*bera to Ibe auhieris dteenwed.
the eouniy tcaebers' tosiituie wUe's tbat we asseiowe with simple
flatus lha, I am afraid to me
A solmertpHoo imier to aid Lew
. hel.I a^ that pUco tbto week.
•tl music and usider e*|.rev Iiati.MtsJiaii.l flitiit- TIktc aiii'
Letter 1* elreslaied in thl* rtelaliy.
Andrew faFonte who baa been eon-'
■leplore, the lus.s ,if il,.s-"Mian in Klgiii ato.iit F.-nua. a
Tbe obKcC I* to befp pay the preaeat Ened to hi* borne tbe past week br],i,,„c loyally nn.l d.'v.uion i.. lh.>
a rtanre i.i imoe* ■on'.
pspcaan and also aid tbo boy to ae- idckfMW*. I* aRtln able to be np and‘app.r wa* to manlf.-f ibai' tb.
•nirlnc a much needed edneatioe.
queausi Its kindlj eare and.aliemiim'lie nii-i
tantw Cnnben. wbo was abi
December 6 an enlortalnmest will whenever It niEbi phase tbe Greo.!‘li.> uiijeeie,! sirmEly to bis Tcvolv-'.
from aebool the past fortnlebl os
be gtvoii at Ibe town haTI by the to-'halted Baler'oj nil to ent »h*n ib.i: Jn-toE laken froji bim and wanted .
coast et Htocaa. I* back acaisdies-COmMery AraoeUUuu. Tbe Im-'„onaI eareer."
' i knew bow l»v eonid Kill lu.llan-wit:
V John MovTtooo stadc a buatoe**
.pvrlal ortttrtira together with tbe Can. \ jbe ajwaker then t-itoKlr.-sl the ear-jual his Rii" ,He wIIMh' s.-tit hack
to Trmverec Ctty. Thurnday. last week. adita Jnbllce Singer* have I-ren eii-iaical tetoelples of Ihe enler. wber.'-'bis lamily. '
Tbe high wind* ot Wedseaday
taged foe the eeeidag.
|chi,ri!y was dtoiwosed wUhuul para.1.' | A sad cdltiel.i.ice.'' has reratii-U
tog and Tbanday dM but lliUe
Fred Marriott wbo baa been attend': Mtealalion and tboae in want Wvrv; the Iw .-vavement cU two H<- I’leasatie til tbl* vIctoUy. A pine
tog the Ferris Instifnte at nig RapO'to ; rvHeved wilhout bavins vb.-li dl-qross' nortoa) .luikm*. Itor.-l Fase j
Ur. Fife's orebard was blown down.
tvtnriMsl home the totter |«rt of tost' pnl.Ilsbed to tbo wc^.
; . gl>-‘ MrCorotiel!. *1-0 liv.- Bt»«t Mr. and Mr*. Ed Seweome. qniie old* week.
• No roirtroverey U made to the l(rlBCj oik's west »if town" The girls arpct^.Jian bad Otcir ahaiv of sickMl** Mary Mnirooney of Acme spent |<rf elks, the speak.T arerred, with any, lU'lEblmrs to'th-', co>imiy and'h*'
—toll. Mr. Kowcome to hardly I Tbaakaglriag with ber parrata here.' nun's rvIlEluns IwHef. Ibc slmpl.'-rouln<s!ttorelbs-rwlincBi!.-iv!iUit:.'
There is only one
able to be abenl tad Mrs. Newenme to ^ Mlrkael Naekerman of Escanaha ba< leaeblns* of tbe Man of Naiamh.jnpm.al. Fr>s). ihe ]J-\varol.l broili,.
eoalBcd to ber bed with lllle bopo p:'been visiting hla*parents here tbe past! coupled with lb.'br-dherbonj <if man,'nf lla-s ! Itos,-; wbik leaHiiig a .iM:
week. Ulcbael left Friday mor»ln5|tonnlnE tbe foauuaiHtp «»f th" (rat'r-' tnmi the fi.'lil. ib'd a. s-rap bp-su.I hi''.............. ......
for Big Baal,I* to attend Ihe FsTiis nliy and tbe last
s..n'iee lor tb--* waist In erd.e lo iKiIii th.-animal Sii.;
We have it in the
‘ dead la perfenned by memto-r* of fekslden].- ih-- colt jinuiK-d. .breal-'tii; .I:n»d.«. Utoh:. Dec. a.-WIU pelto-i d. P. Warner *a* in Traveiae City represeollng all -dviominaHons an I! U.;t.. ek. .iViwywnsiMiri-du::
eekrolurncd tt-eda.-*daylrom Minnc-.<HH,u*Ines»Tw*.toy.
, fyn-lay,'ta.l ..h that dm Edrt.v, :i,. :
a«a, wb,T.'Le baa been apcndlng tbe I Mi*. Fnuk Culman of Cfaarievoix toj Cunttonlnc -be milejrr.h.- raid:' year-4d broHi.w ol MuEri,- ’McO
vlalitaR at Ibe home of Mr. tad
«tvk ujis 'city and lodge has tah-k. and ih.- .-on uf ll-igh Mel'..r
Utoaltowyer and little brother Morly;Cha«- Res anil tamlly.
' o,m with a erral mtofontae. Up- eil -. mick. .iird ol hmr: ironMe.
left Tboraday for Smnh mnkfort to M. E. Butts I.-ft Wedmuday for m thu loss of on.-of It*'most promi ' Jo-lgoChart.* Jl .tailtb.s f-hr ret:-.
‘'QkiaSiTy and Satisfaction**,
spend Tbapencivliig. They will return» CtHttoygan to s|un.1 ThankagiriaR.
] n.-ni and toremo.'. ciiL-ens and tb!< ’.>f first Inslanre of Manl'ji,
Vooday BWK.
Ccia4neior B=ta and wife mun>e.I; PkIr,- lo the loM «d <d«>' of iw mo-t vMtinp his oM hOtt'- ai JaeW.n. ' You ask.-Ai. Ui.'V E*Uakl«, FeaBomiral t-i-l Daeakkt' tVe o-.s-ir. A.k «itr cnatoiiKTg
Altaic Diektoo* of Frankfort
» bom.'___jfter spiwifng Ihe -pan two!i.,y»i ag.] disHngntob.sl member* Ir Icve- tl.e fBIpincs wlB,il,p:.'l..p rcTtoiin;
the gweat ot Mr. and Ura. Ben Barton1 week* at Ana Arhw. Vpsilantl and ,he paislng of Brother Jnlin* T. Han-.idly tatu a worthy prupl.-and that ih-.'
A larsrramotiiit c.f Sew* vil! .-iii-s-j'.io to Inty -fulcnibas. 'a wnaU auioiinl of CmI*
jnah. who waa rot off to tbe prim.'oi soremment is ace-.tsp'ilAlag gnat
to file! will MV,'yon many'loU.-tr*.
H. fily returned Salorday from bto'his maaaificent yranbooiL We are re-! and hoaorabk- r<-*ul;- He says rhabOBIIng trip to 4fce northern pento- i minded that la on.' of the ETeat coio-. tm-k r Sitaish Pile tb.‘ law* „f Rj-jii.
Hra Hokbcl and Ntdlie PoUlot of iD-iBUla.
' m'-fctol maps oi ’b- mother eouaitv *ete fir-i-elass. b’oi the aitminis..'j
teitotaCB were to Bendno Tuesday. * The -ralon Tbanksgfv'me *erviee ' natvd* a \ers unique and alpnlCeant' Iioc of Ui. Has wa* vKtous. 'For in
Mrs. Clark to al Grewa aralsttog at the M. R- chnreh Tbaraday momlnt::pi.-e « statuary.. It Is the dgnri' ..r'ntane.'tb.' i'irtf."s!ie«inE t.i.
to the rare of her aopdn-law. tVblier wa* wl41 atiende.l The mnsle wasjb.id X.'Um. ihe creai admiral who:- tr.w.l-'r> of ibv RpanUb Jndiclar.t
DeWJtt. who to very 111 wlih rypboWjtnmisbod by the rboir of both the M ;eirl> drath at hto l*vs; of dnt.v wn- ,tb<re wa. ,.kk- man l‘.■td Tt; Mantlfever'£. and Ibe l>re*b>4criah ebureb.-s.
j mourned with a tdoceriiv and *inh .'f tweoly--i-vni^cttr- l.>r ‘rial, ud *h. i:
DoOe llarri. Is hdplag her *totcr. i Ii. Alporn has purebaaed the dry | grief soMom knopn.
, Caally admiii.'d to trial.' wl-.T a.
Mr*. Lena Mrl«an.
. pood* Hock r.-reinly owned by
'•nuv ip.,4i;a rvpresept* fafan as ia.it
Idok b'dd.to wa.-:
Mr. aad Mrs. Elmer Borman, Ml*, jntrahb^ Ur Alpran etprets *o reaebinr l.uth to accept the proServ«l ed l-> an Amerlraaiin^ ami rrr
Traverse City. Mich.
127-135 SUte Street
Btoorb tad IM Emork Uuk Ttaankr-j move Us own Mock Into tbe Hlrab- taaptot of vlcJtMT wbea diaih Inici- tenivd to *i* ibiMitJts (uT tiw •iS'ms'
i^ng dinner with M. Drake and fam-jlrrg buitMtog Mood-y.
poec* and the deroted baad k "*a»ed.^ Atujibcr ImtUnevqf Spaatob rate U 4
e to larce a
Da^Man at thoBeroWohiJMll*. OK. A..»i>1»tlr «
moon U>e tttfAdXb e«HP»** •**
fltlM la «rd«r. THa frtaMwt ?WMiki «MMad 1lt» iBTfll
Ike acMU.
amk l«»wr»u «(ikA iMt MM partamaa ttet
m thft heaaa.
U •dietal to lariK aptufol UUiai abaat
tke ham the Bar. Baaiy K OawtoA «Me aaother u arcMea me. ne
trealdnt anavered him. -Hea.' ihc
Lane’s Family
raid, ’arr w boaf beacxiac about the
■elrre that th« doal haar llae to
tack other Maa.Oraad Dueheai Marie et ftuasla
prtvtB ft* the pweMtVMrtaotA
mUm ^»M WaMiU*
ttMwe 41- (be flair daochter of Grand Dokr
Pnul. brother of the late Onnd DaltraetWibeMVM.
wlUdo tbe work ^kkljr a^ pte^
HIM Alice RooforeU w la the «• Barxioi. the foraer eras baAtebrd
eeMin nOm and ahated «tUi the tnaa Baaslt after bU eeooad marrloae.
MBhen iw the *oor the ■ttanUoa et erhiek araa re«arded at a teraalUanee
K~wlWl wMatwa U the emr4ad and hla mtk. daaahier beeaaw ihr
ward tf Qrnn<1 Dake Sertrlna. who. 11 that hit xrest-mshdfBibrr. Baron Vo>i
erUl lie rtmtaberod. was assaaMnaied
'PBoseolhal. was an aide to msbmonths aito. The yonthfal mnne ttcloo In ihe war of the reroJutioa.
the tMMrr <4 the lale Saaator Ptoti
efOonaeriMlL totbeaMetbeiaJsm Is OBlr 16. *e«T prottr •»«
Rrr. J. A. Dlioa. pawtor of the Metiiteriae me aba me«t>d a>4 ai If vltfe aareet kwldac. and she U aeaeraU)
dirt ehnreb In tiantsick. Vi, In ordei
the abaMM e( •am* dbanMared the rtoslcaated the Cinderella of Busalau
to ere Brenniou4 with the uliorers ot
aitpUva that eqauaamp pMi the
the tIUbrt ltd thereby fe better etiMhpn. nee «w not a rtpple a*
Thfl rieboM woBMB la Gmi Britain Bbled to rcarti them tbroasb the pulpit
IbeatMlara Med (he ehaaiber.
U Ladr Maty HamUioo. wbote twentj- has donned the apraa of a sicncroue,
The tUr. Bdmrd tereett nalA •fit birthdar oeenPTOd ibe other daj-.
and with mallet and hammer U learnehaalcih. lamhatl dlrtae tnMuu» far
I tbo danahter of the Uie doke Ine the trade of craaltecuiter In the
the aaaetdta la tte dUMta fl( ibMr al.IlaaUhm. Oa the bleef Anan. her
ahopa of Ibe larpest- enneen la Uie
.(Nir. «aro thaahe that there treald he anecstrol estate. Ladr Matr has He'd
rilMce. Tlllace. Prei lnus in eaierins
peace aaMw Ue aatUn aad hoped
stmido eouBtiT life, eeaslaa verr »>mlaiiurr Ur. Illinn was a saikir
that the Bead of neo to etodr nr «*a lie to I/mdoe. aad U IniimMclr aebocins at tbe l«liom, dolac ontr
qualsiod with all the aOhlR and most
at the tenanu ot her xreat Eooieh
rir. She It a (anmus spartawoBUB. ^ PMislA Dee. i.—TMe sltah-
lad one nf tbo verr few
dertake ibe duiios nt mi
Miss Mabel Hite. * clever young
oomedieone trevelinc wiib a muuieti
omedy show, has been awarded a
decoration b.r the German emperor In
Hon tmre eootinnfls «s a^riom a* ean
be imatiBed. rbe heller li trewtea
ftet the «alr war the eoaArr eaa be
Mjrtid (mi aonpiate mab mla is Uc Club in New Yorit Cltr that he *cthreoah the praetMaJ abdaetlaa ef the peeta to be oS acata for the north pole TceocnUioo of her berobm la tavioi;
enr aai) the appolBtmrait of a trioaa- •Ml lunimer br war of the Oehrinx tbe lives nf Herr Voa Istekow and
ttmlt and mar bo eoste half a dewm Herr Dirdrieh. alinehre of the Oermai.
ronsolile Ut'Ncw York. The two men
lais or ae.
Dr. Herbert Joses, to wbon tbo c^i!- were lo a yaret. wbieh npsei last mm
>nt ot Hempbis rocesitir praoented a mer off tiy|rBeacli. Lone lidaiid. and
tmOr rotteni- The poptOathm on- poTM ot SIO.OM for his care at lh» Min HIlerM-ine the dlsaste.r. weir
tamhuUr waaid welaama aarthlag
nUae this rear, has weathered (o Ibclr nsaluanre with her calbaa*
whi^ wootd •aaom «uM. Vlttah fire epUrmles In the cltr and yet it It Jumped overboard and belpeil then,
method at aoTctaUgi U ooadeaUMd recorded ibat he wns -kreuUr renhep break loose from ri»lnc In wl
arerpwbero ahd (ha predlethm l« tree- rasaed' when the leadinp womaa wbo fbey had becosae enlatutlerL She also
■7 oCem (hat his tall win eom betaaa preseoied the mock kissed bim full minted la knepli.. them afloat iiniii
the ««dor the rear.
another yacht brny down.
Mas of Us rise mar be bad.
Cyra Yoor Cough
Wl!l be Are miles sd bsUwar*. seremv
maet at pipes ^ eisbt brdr«usii.r
eUrstors rasBlac day snd nlcht. No
apartaMWt wiu be let ondre «ljioo s
Oae of Lord BRSeberrV hobbles t<
the tfilleeiiaa ot booke. 'He M eomcblac nr a port wbow to the mood sbi '
srth OB occasion turn om Imprompm
rerse for Ok edifcaUoB of Xrtewdn.
Vice PresMeet Patrbenks aad flun-
sto^ roar Vaag Irrithtitn, rMtoTA year Sora TliFott
nd dritro oat yoor CtrealA Cold, with Iko only eorUla, BBd itrtaUy foi«atUle.Cara ter Coogte aad CoMk
Ur will sbortlr ocCupT. ihe oU Stastons tanate in WasUwnae. which hs^
beeo cslirely remade|.-ri (or ihctr eon
and In whieli they rxpen «n
larlsklr ratreula this wimer.
-Bud" l.eibi«nr nf Uushocee has
sure iafaUlUe hecal for -M>o()cscei"
whisky dealers that he Is known a.,
-the Carrie Nation uf ledian tcrelion'.'
name harlos been conferred upen
bin liy Ihe redouidiiihle rnrrli- brr.
AlxnoM tn De^whlr.
Mrs. Mary Crdlias. who has liceo s
mKsbmarr amoac the Indians t.i
SiaDdliiK Rock. N. D. for Ibiny years,
poteatty eofM «ad hM ted BO throat treablA ftBea.”
A. EYIEB. CamteriABd.Md.
has been eleeied by tbe whole tribe of
standine Rock aarecy to be -The Nest
Friend." 8be acts for the Indians ti
msny poUUcal aPd |c*al rrlaiinos and
so at councils.
There b rerlial nf talk iliat ct
Mayor Beib Low nf New'Verit in n.
TrWre bsss Trersw (Its as fsOsau;
Uread ■aiSAi.
S. E. Wait & Sons aojl C. A. lagliiB.
an Impofiant
foreim appnin^MU ireferenee Is bUu in lu'
tor Home, but be U aileat on ib<- suV
Jee!—will not admit even Ibat he ha>
aaptrerlona lD_lhat direction.
Mr. U,w |
ssc* tbe necessary lolelh-ctux, j
quaUflc.llatt^ beride. bavins a lareMfl^ij.
ungu^re. He «,s be iK-lierea bngu.se exi...,
H. i> L E. TM CM
(orttme rm wbieh 10 malDt^n.littins; lu-v. j. Stephroarm receolly ritabllsbmeni.
snivel m faee a wc<A's Incarcersi ioa
caUM>d raiber a
whi, j rather than |uiy the ehurch Ux In «eo:
M ;' k-aaMlWwisi'issn.s: ies l-nUahseosaUan In the i„„i. He ha.^ nu iiroperiy which eould
‘ tbs fXlT id TTiv r»-1 Uf, Irr • u«m
lieh he reeelved no w|ilr:i
nxnlcl hfl.iM! for the rtesp •mitasv ■ what he wax wMlins to hand
cxhlhltloB. This l« a home for a work-!pe sold lie wrote; -fWf." In the ner
lesntn aad Ks entire eon does no!; eoliinia. In which he was reqtilrerl c.
exceed |;:a On ihe Orel floor there :
ibe value uf Ibe p>w1s. be Inwu:
i-Hriiix-rnow) oWiI klieh-' ed: "Wife won't sty '
en wttb Roimer* and hath and ihciv
CaptalB IbKkman. tormrelr eonAerordlns -to set .ml
beln f
Mr. floor. The boose is hnill partly of
•acted with the Cramp Sblpbulldior Knox of Poansylvaaia does not mean eeoercte and b ptetnresqne ud
Oompaar in PbiiadelidUa. took the to be a Bllonl member of the llaltml
orelKT btodjidla to Ocmstanlinoplo af States senate at. the eomlns session.
took (ear miaoci ot laadaaiiD this
Is ecoetallg snppoacd thst .I’rcfe-.-1
ter she hnd been built hr the eompanr
moBlac with suicidal tnteat. After
fUrecr I. the flrx, mU to xtudy
There be entered tbe »trice peeled to keep In ibe hBekfroond tor
me had swallowed Uo dm she udd
yrsyire ,re .re x.
ot the sultan, and Is now naral adris- time, but Senator Knox is ladtly whm ha. rameto l«. ealkd .h.- s,xwre
hot haewid. wbo made aH baste (a
ar, with tbe tank of admiral, and has book«l to lake a Icaaing psn in di«- irf BflBkeys. A. a matter of fact,
aoeare medical atslttaaoe. Dr. K. Taetnal eotnmand ot Turker's lleet.
leawkiii of the railroad rote mea-sure, honor l>elonc< to Sir RiebanI ttnrion. :«idpp..
niottr ot this' vllli(« wna sBBmooad
-orientalist who irau-Iaicd
IB order to Ineraaaa bis busineu aa i FW many roan IVonsylranla seatior^
aad •pmt orse her the areatcr pan
'Xpnl i^'iiuTnia
tbe “Tbon.aad an.l One Nights. ' lAfly tb'snu'ir
etthddar baiHMBOtlmdirB whether tplowa bOtH keeper la New York : hare'almost cimfinM ihesiselres n
l^irton tells in !:er rmobkjgrwi'liy i.i
her lire cm be aared or not. She la dUtrlbuled half a bunUted Invllalions i eommlioe aetltity. The Camoroos. fai!ii-tiOEiiisb<-d hostond lbs: S.- _______
a elaborate dinaer. acudinc them tber and son. «
St rears old and has a hhabaad and
lUcbaiM Ix'liered firmly la tnonk.-j
remlatBt aetora. writeta and ar-| to a fpeat exie
■ereiai ebiUna. Na raasoalla Urea
itpeech. that he bad forty apex eoniiii-1 Tbe dlBinp room was pRdusoly | Feartise. too. mredy <
lor her pcUoo.
several yean, and
c tw-iso tbe ■
and Ibe ebet '■ senator aelirv in donate v.-lll be nme- that he had V
Kinpstar Is L%Ma«L
vocabulary of sixty wortU.
KlBKsltf. Mkk. Dec. D-Tbe MWlUbia Waldorf AMor is wmn in cabulary anforuiDiiely was lost,
(Me Itfiia Wtee ibmM ea la um *11home la fessor Garner caa make a atrany |
n ritfuatoc lo become part at aor erect a model apanmeat
tage.Wadbaadar nimt aad »ra valBroodway. New Yuri:, near ooiral mdnkey drink by uaylng s ceiial.i 1
worn and with aaoiher won! be c
hra tve MM candle power Mmps to
a.Balpb (Me. (mik- It wni be the bliasexi thlag of
auke It eat ud with another word h
MKafemcatmuaBdaFTarBl baahMuu Beman C. Dawes and Bdward U Tar- Ibi kind aeywliere on canb. Imii It wil:
frishien li: But Sir K)cbar<l flui ;
hoBMi aad rauMmeca hare beee
re already knows as -the Oblo not bo the tail.*, wmiuo Waldcrl.
ion could do ail tbt-xe Ihingx. too. His .
wired tor teemdeteeBts. The power kids." The three cannot boast of very nnllke hb cousin. John Jacob, dees n.j
bfdioTc Id tall buliJInes (or residnttlal tocabolary. fnrihemvire. wax lars*-.
oomaa frooi Marteid and te obtained
than Mr. Canter^. Ernest IU~k»-i.
trosBAB old alio imM thlrtr roars mao trecatc, bat they are all buMlers (run. imiimsts, The new bt^JIdioi: will cover
treat German scientlxi. lx l-i
The trstem was laMaiiefl by Oeerpr a alale (hat has Hinted out nomc |>rst almaat a eliy block, bol will be only
IU«. m ot Poatmaster BaS. ot Tret- Ir Bwin movers le Its day. Represen ta-elTe tloriea tahih. When li is sialojl
toUve Cole is Just 32 and ought Ic
iTBiftMittn Judicial Circuit el t
arse CUr.
stand bisb ta the while bouse, as bv
ganW 1906 and 1907.
Trm U SukMa.
TMpmrDJc; Uieh.. Dae. t.-llri.
ttMaai Thomaa of Jaetpnmh eamp
MiKi 't'i-iSasA.f?:J. p. JUB
AU «r the r
erowa propertp (a Korwar betoom
to »r state aad wfli
a OavlA wUe
rmvM is
ire'emre ni
■ WaUro
Rreslun '
■d arriving si
ti U LOtTKWOOD.O.^_A^.^A^
^ •w’.wtTdrewJbT.Jw
Inc f--rix »w,v Ta.c-<rf 1
In P.-tmuTi
Tlw Tlllri! U-.ulx< lx Bar
TV- y<«ulli M'Msy inUcSiJire
I'HABLEVaiS a>l'STl'Ttx Kv,«xl Wucxtxr Iv Mnrek
Wk.-l'oUrinXI<vl^r <n Kv, -
is a class by itself. It
goes only into
homes of people who
. . c jm
arc able to wpreciace
the need of the best
-filtASD TRAVEWmon .VTl'yre n~,>ixl ai<«d>< in F--lvmry
reading and the best
an for their children,
it has been an
TV Avniod •-■odsr IB IWresVr
lAELASAt' roi-yrr-
fluence for good in
kneps her rroUeare la New York, al
the lives of aUlitn}
Te.-Thlr*! V'vidsr tn tjci.lhrr
thouBh she pees sooth darina the wlo
uwxi IIV -.ai. dsj ■* Oi !■J.V. l*r
of boys and girls.
John 0. Oaik. cashkeeper of tk'
Mn. Dat-li now II ycare
tie-nl! Ji.lrIht
DBBk « CUItornla. Sas FremlBro.
old. Bad verr lecble. altboosb no: sil-|
JVre threw hoys and
• id<
nr-i;!! -r M. -niunn..
IWM froSB once todar after mi
girts tn yowr komrf
Her oM Mississippi lK»vsiad.l
•Rr rears ot hoooreblo serrite srlth
b&lA—Drixnll hxnnc I
Do yen toko ST.
-Oeuvoir." t« DOW the bume of eouthe iaatlUiioB baae.1. The taak was
federaie veientis. and wben ^rs. Da
ns^sliad Dae. 1. ItSS. but was
Hs makre a Kijourn lo tbe south n
fcaowa lor tta preaeBtaaiae until the
If not. will you fry
la usually with trleads. While In New
IHE abore fiicture o( the
aaiBmnr at im. Mr. cia^ was bore
tt for onr goArf
YoHi she Urex la n •ulct uplowo oimrlItiion anil fish
tJnta OMhI. K. T.. la IBU. and w«al with
ant hotel ud keeps only oar ser
iiinrk ofSi-oii'ii Kiiiiilxif
hM mrsat* to CatKOnla eUhtetm
mt. She is far from rieh.
and L-* lIiT pyniinviu. fur
psan later.
nar' t nireenptiun HI: gi;: ‘
Mim Blanebe Gcmwde Ke!k . **■ Btrwiptb niicl luiritv.
in I.—., tn-.-athly temindre
Mt. Bottm, the pnMer of Sew
leatowB. Pi,. last spring seenred a
«f ilic givir. I'iciatiin! c«' in olmtmt nil tbe einlixcl t-iuii.
Cealaad. BBiMunoed la a mmb rwtt.000 damaecs agstnst Rer.
cewUr that japmast wosld not be sJ
>CB.| mt lull (>r...i<t:B»iod
Bdcar J. Hetlan. the rrremd ccaU>'
tommt to oma t
If tfic cod tixh liecaRie rntim-t
mu bavtai! tailed to marry her aecorJthat Iho eolaar wwMd retuae to he dleit wonld be a woritl-wide «ilitming to proialxc. While the trial was in
tM*d to In tbe matter. This Is la retity.
Mias lietk Uwamt aM|imlDi*'d
Ihriiwiag. NewVwtk
armoa U> a dreolar Bom tbe British
srtlb A4am J. HomeUback of PbiUdri- from ifn Kver nnrpatutek nil otIi'T
ccMHal oBlee addteaaed to (he rolB sbe has JOKt married. fntain nourishing and life-"iviwp
oaiee and demandlac the re^ ot
Thirty y««'!i tigo
Ike cuple win go to bMcekreping in prt^iertiefl.
laws that are rrisnaaai to tbe teounta
aabart. of rblUdelphla. and the tl>e proprietora of iv-ou'i< Etmiiot aatioBa with wbMt Great Britain it
groom Bays that la Axing np a new aloit -found a way of preiuiriii}', ,
at peaee.
borne tor bImaeU and wife Rev. Mr. cod liver oil ao that everyone i-au tj.
The crest ofiore riaiier. lime. Grid, Hetlmaa's II.ooo aill -hrin some "
who waa Dsafrlrd to Sicnor Uarlo, tbe
Ilcnma VoaWeuer. a yooag Gcrteoor. was alnclac in Bt. Petermato mu whnsr title lx imron lo bU uwu
6 tbe.p III, .MB that hw wbt.viMtoy, KU
Tbe emperor, the thiber at the pres eouatiT. waa saarviod a few days ag->
in Lite tvorhl
' “
- ■
- ■ ■- '■■■
.are. til
s.uus inilte
for ivwik.
ent ootv osVO More. Gitel
la StamlcM. Coen, to Miss Loala.
liucittvnrd t-hildren,
children, ihiti.
ihiti. delii-ole J?j;?t5i?‘^5iL;3JSiS’.red35?.<*^K
lo walk in hli pfliare park. One mren Ilaribatt. The Cram, a sirapplBg fd l•Ul■I:^vnrd
peu]ilo. (uid nil ettmlitionx of.r..ydjret*;l.
lag the emperor bk4 Mme. Ortsl.
old .« « fro-. • in bUl
tvnKtiojtnndloAt Ktrei^h.
jla-.orei»S°^™rere- wresuT ^BivvrouS
campanlcl hr two UUIe alris. :
khoes. gave sip his title em______
emperor aalntM her and sbM;
hca« to wed the girt of hU «>bblcc ud 1
Mrs. Ward's New Norei sod "L-ncritt the Lawiyar.- NotaWa Fsatorea
of a P-e-v.-iio, Year-.
r ' I V-H*
trim of the jrtohe.
Tike Ccatary Co.
' fSmr
tbear two prlaettesT* -No. yoor mal- win titri out far himaelf as u cice-’
esti.' roplM Mme. Oriri. ~tiMSe arc irieal eogloror ilv net Hli liuribau |
law Harifmetter.*
In Drreden. wtcrc Ac was tiwdytas:
l|rv rrederiek
the wdU-lart. Me tpkeu muh •rUe la the beij
b Ibe thlnaefltb child ef a family of
Bartln. Dec. r—The a
iinniwptiBddBi or the Woaslieha teo-
la a
________________ ____ ____________________
OoTernor Joaffdi K. Toole ot Uonttahtt whseh laaietdar iwuimed
ma baa appotaicd J. B. HeOormoit of
rsmor that the cMr hM bacB mot
at Helena as state coal mloc Inspector
and wonadod. todar reauoru the i«- nw.a wrm ot foar reata. TIUs b repon and derlaru that ihc p<
d as <me of the best poslikaix
or the eattam sm the 'car^ couaia. at the disposition or the goveraor. payi«l a MlMy cd ISAM a year ud |LS»r
fur cxpeasfs. For four year* McDer
mott has been aa asaWui Janitor at
Klnc Oaear owas some twlrale prop- the capital. Every.apace BomeBt was
ctir la Norwar. bat not a creat deal, devoted: to a course of studr aad in
mi miet boMInf Is the Drxdoe estate this way McDermott Bnalifled for the
PERE Marquette
Price, SMC »»d Bx.mo
V year I’.i art work In ih- maurln-v,
entuiy hsv.lieeti •Kuably xortvwriol la ,
turk bselcc xaiecial adantloo lO Md'fT
xs(i>tx(*t(*i*v rv'f.rfid)
Pliiiitr.B cnO ba- |>laB« for many ntiioai fea«*Tfw '
■Iij,. <rf p-r-iir. ' I.f ii.<- .ItL-'icsn rlri. In tail roi"r. »l!l appfOl' dor
r llcc!
. .Alice
Ill tisw xh»-l Xioriis Ui II
lU ri.«a- .lories w
.tlb- rir.s b-WDOr. h.-« wrlii.-l. ^
Mr, lV*..f. oMr nmel. •T.-o* u-*'. f.'sl'ror."---------s la the
nt istody
To t-a.l Mr. Wsr'l'.brfllafli
.,fcl. i.-ifo-.i--o.aL-W..:rmrei,...! ,*.nt.-f, .. I. onfoM. .mom
nioiiio. Is a J.l-s--ire alone w<:i w.-ith ih« uric- of The Century.
.I». I:
M.ra K-'.l« l-reci Zancr.l
vi';’.' rarer.
Srwi.m lo IM. f-M BUd tmaoitance, r,nl> 'O Mrs Ward's flew novel
l.:|-,,-v..;i. <.i'l.iiov.i:i .l..-Lsw;.r ' p-epar-d i.> Frederick Trevor
«oc,«,•rr mao sad woaisn who wooM krop !n lo^ ^ 1
-store, an. and »bo;isht.' tu «cry (aaBy. ’ a Cowtrey
m Amtiricsn
o' a lexurr. It doliari mu;
U a ■ta.--KXilf
n go k|lSr.n
ll.fic clrcwliM
lake Tnr Century?
the standard cough and cold cure for over
75 years now comes also in a
.^1 Tt-L.B.jiriM A»X I an MMMOded ea a cord ttrtoUd bH-, "Pkaie deal baodle Me "altb dWr
'-•rile to you tbl» Tbaata*mad day. • ^a»e__
^ . .
, , ..
■^■■d vtaa
frtaWtbijmil I wai try •• bt M
MM and Mrite awnMyAi^
M ter M
I «rill tiT te b* li¥l«» hMpM
M« uad tt
•Mrr tMas thbi».
M 1 •¥«• tell In tnriiv te «•
thM* tMa«i. I Wiu -Tiy. toy
.c boy.
>c J. .0ait«
aclJ. Ii »o**d ej»n My k
«,ake itb tia toO or ailtcr paper. pUda*
days Mlofc bauoa a«l «. died. Wr hate a pit J- ,
oqly twMtyfoor
I S , whea you arc readlas Mt. H buru.
mr amcm: — e—----uiaebcr as Mb>a Beiber is Ibe: intr Of Cottoa bet«eO.—W«
irhrt««M. **111 I-, .soo<l tJjM*. Y««r m.
-Or opee me. aad Uy me IPec don
,3^ ,
imidcBC bop« lh»» y-ooVm «#Jo»
erntbouble. Yoa woaidBY l%» to be
------- --------------.Id. )
ovcry Rlncie
l***®’irrated to
L ^ «aa pretty bard coBlap
-Or poi te »«t«e«o my lea»« - r—
From jw SuaBblae «Jrt.
M« Bliht. AS 1 am afraid my
8prM a (rtr « )oar cherUbed pea
If. J«w M e»«l “
Alice Motsaa.
M. picmi* wbta •• m»»T «1« trt-
See Our
-nw.. odcu, .»•. “^Overcoats $7.50
to the dcptriweat a* «*
blTe thli •w'k. Voo irim»)or ro»tlB*««yonealtMtB. Tjere-arfaW
: i ot Br« »c«ber». ■eiUcreO fion ter«*
IjtMkoU 10 Bortbcm UlehlsM- < «oo
,ev Koitb DMou nc
la bat! Id Yntmc Cily >wUy
lat Ji be fun H «« could- havv
mcie ^ th« TOdd CMWe Ds I
look eieoeb otber-« bonm. Boom i
Ca arc Id tmay Flo««a. wbi re CUrl»_ IB Hkc c«r FoMtH ct July,
to Ike «sy they cdebtsto U «ttb flf«'
trarte. oibma»^w«rupD»(*Rtb<
a merry Tbaokaeltia*. toap. aad ask (be dmaflK
Klneslcy. Not. ti
. yoa
Dear Prcsldeai—I am sates to vtite.
Bdvani F. DoBlrae. ^
tK,!, ^nx. Ibbt ttro or three
III ar> Lbivuth readme’
yoBarevItocsIoaitriL tamaeUaad: r. s-—> v*" t<^l f®** *abeeU
aliaid of kialac yo«r
hope yoo are ifeeame. I loti my but ,^y dos Raast- He it a Ms Uoodbw^,
as larpe aa r.ie box
ra don ttai- cotaer of
loa aad am oerty. 1 do aor *> to, wd ,eishs arteoty^littso poi oda. He'
„-„tap erooad
^1,™ b... .
ao«. ir eaa eico «catber to dearlr lotos to m fatmitec mod act*:
M>de te'o drop aarroe
arbere yim
am lb ibc foorit reader. Goodood- er*ty
vboo be ac-»aayowmlih
sc-» aayooc alih am p^nn. FeW ihcm aiDoothlj. i*o by
" *TV“
aad lay
Great raided, iiS inefaea loaR.
We tbink tfaa Usfwt
and be« liDd in Um ritf, SOe
eaosl.r araaad at «acb ceid. aoJ tdeh
bate a snod. <
I- sm«Hb ; '-Rmrmbor iliai 1
Kariln. Mlrti, Sot. 10. I»M. '
Dear Prealdcat—A> I hare a fo* •
mdly. The Uii lime ho tat after
■".’f- •
mlDutca I «ni wrilO ym a irttcr. I ,
^ ^,1 »rlsiicd
nc. licaJdc*. 4mr '
]are ■btouF.'t t
am eiermi ytara ^ aad am te tw
pouuds. He can drew me “"r >»ui
l r»aU>- -op.foartb Ktode. I m to acbool cierydaj-.
y,,. ,intcr tltno. bal a*
■mid bcswryiowe wtimktecold OVBrCOStSy $10
Vuu II like ibi« eorp
Ur tcoeber la Uiti Dower. I *oub
j, ^ «u<.h slrotscr ibair I am anl.
asd lore aoil
Help a» to keep
Ttrjr mtlc
Innb »UJ ci.*3, and I *111 help yoaNoowcBli BwlwBl-11 ua. Tdllike a card and tniUoa aad be a HtU* ;
to r> banilBp so *cU I caai sf>
Snasblaci siri. too. «*e live oa a tanr > „,ic:s pav c<kb *itb ac oa aceouat ;
lu to- faap» . -Saaday dcMoi viaitor. ae for Taloc. AS inebca ko(CSvoda ir.
MM MA*tt •*Tt». tenoB
aad I iAve Half a mile to com« U
r,b5c solos Ihrmgh tee barU.*lrc
immaBy aaiM- maybe ov-d.iv
Coppete yoa a« trrWc to tee H- Y.
‘ laincad «the Bamc. daoebter. Wether.
FM Vice Fcwldad, Cl»r. CDtei.
F. Bttertiae e»mb tltfii aRcr CbrUt
•MMd'Vlee Fraidait. Mrt. Irene
aad trt oaeh other what klad of
Femeroy Ulclde.
a day yon kad. «baL yoa toeeltad aad
•bat yoa dM teat waa teUy. Abd. dear
bore. 3e. lOo. Vk. 85c. fiOc.
heaiu.^do oei M oa fersei tea
Mamie Ihorak.
Couw lum lor liaudkBKbHlA
NMMber al mombore byteagind Hot.
act imlaK to try te make ei ieeai
ir eWera. The: i
Ortali. Mlcb.. Not. 2«. IMG. • Chritlo t plfw a
pema happy who vooU oteerId, tm. dOifc_________ \
vltw bare a md Chriatmaa.
Tba Cat-a doaau^
, (toard. i-lilr rtroasrr atn] tnocii laiBcr
la tec Us oosatry kMcbee. tee etc be
KinCBley. Nor. 2Z.
aomMitc.-s a foot b< diaairi.-r Sow.
Oair PmaldcBi-1 teoaebt t «oa
Fnak. Benr. d»d Freddie, aad •rite yea « te* Ubco tealBbt. I r puun*. Dalar Ray and 1 *i-re colas: Select a hickory cci alte ^sood pro
An Anwalng Trm Oanc.
»«• *l*t »«• «be people In ibsi «wato and yoa tUd u.» you were sUd •.>' lection for tec now-, aad cmOloe tbMBHleand U oelTed Mp btatoa aad vai clad to sei
Oar s«rl» a»d lW» «•" *'»" ’“**
‘ “
IS and 52 ioebe; aplndit!
Vm* taaguas. and atedtes. aad haa(- IL We bare a cow. a borao. a dog
1 ran fitaylns the follomins same. *l:leh to ba-il ihai all aoov of
iBsdp stoektnea.
cau aad a erov lOr a pet. 1 am aeten
Two eiocktedt were porpie. two acar-
Overcoats, $12
Airt ena e*r email cm traa pay.
Add that «ae tee ttettldg of d*ycar.
oM Sac.
ABd •bed-'BCBtk-tee mantd all ate at
tbiBi daasM.
-Nav'ia-bed •• «a« harry.'
Harry add Her.
Tben Saste Claa* wetOj «UI
don tee bUMBoy.*
-FMdae atop a mlaaiA Fa aamaB to
SaM Boala: “My lat iteaaT dot any
. ‘ ABd abu Bidet bar# oMe preeeoii
0iWCbrt»-e-.peH 0W-"
aboMod trite la««hUir-ber
brotecn aad alatera ..
ABd dan btr reoBd ciBKba raa nro
Btaat aparUiad teara. .
Tbea Mur baatcBed tie hai bar. aod
naderly kiM ber,
Add call ber “ihe sneteot. tec dear,
eat of deara.*-ABd FiM 'teall hate a ated^' «ld
Mmic. »B«t wbleper.
Or ahM bear.what «c My. 8be
baa au-fol tearp oata.'
Ml yoa tbooi mr pew. I hare two
kHteoa; oBc 1 cot at Ur. Stoae't. It ir
opolled. and tee other kitty 1 foand ou
tee toad. U li biowB. I bare a dosUa aamerit Jim. He la
White. I cat blm'al Mra. BMlWa. He
drirea catOe away and waieSea
niebt. Ftpa baa a pony which -I hare
p«at aport wlte. He la an Indian borse
and la a bay. Kii name la Prince. 1
ofua take him to co horaebaek riiilnsWe have iwe copt aad a brifer. Outto Topoy, abc to black. Tbi- other la
Dolly, tee la red and wfaiie. Tbc toai
la Uzzle abo to red. Dat tee beet
pec to my baby brateor.
Daaaic. Will you pleaae rood Ilcerit
Snatelne card and boUcKif
8ba to trylns to make auoBhin
Sondaya ahe bclpa care tw a arls'sbWa .baby while ita mamma 90
tmdy to CO to niBday ateool. Her oddreoB to Bearle Bbodea. Bendon, IL I
D. 1. tad tbc to rtstl yoars old.
^ jesae TuUer.
CooJvalBn in Workiaffmtte'a goftl*' nod iiM <lf«M
Uricn CouW Rewards Soy. Haro:
UI3S Hi'ca Gonjd bar given a ro!.yotxlA Lafptil^iMrwfBBdc
tuntial !*-ward |d tloy IrvtBE Utoeo.
2.V lo$:i.
the nine-yearold tod who *i»*d 1 _________
IVai er A Rio Crande pa«-M-nr«T ir* n
from dratmetioo ton yiar. The !■*:. QaA OUT
will bejria r-dy a- tSoudwUI Farrj
lor earrying out a -Chritenaa Btery TeiUnB- tabloau.^
;S"““,r::.”;u'';,rr overcoats. $ i^s
a- KOtne oalvcrrito
ho will at
lead cfier dtririilng a preparator.
cuur/<. The ben flawd n train with
!a red tandkerrlilct y-iKi n» 1
labon’ lu mn teto a mcksllde
From tbu December SL SlekoUr. Copyright. IWi. by Tbc Cealurr C-VtTw, rrewned wits Iv, sm.l wlih mri!}.
That tells uf winter’s Ulea and mirth. "
The tnlns-.n-l. or pcofcwkmal mnalcton nod tauryAeller. wn. nlwaj a f. be lound m gre
a al Cbrir:
tho mlnalrel be -eausl In a blgU-backod ehnir on n .lei. In tl..! --nt.y. back of ih. rUg.-. lie sh.mlu K,„,,ptodinnkmg.wbl..-rel: ,-rtor.bodre,»-n.fwblcSl..a«sot
blind, a
harp or l.vrr. and.- with riebUeer eye* oast upward.1.- •
up to the loft ahotildcr with a heavy l-MK-h. He lioldK----touchlng the rtrinpi. ready to besln bto uU-, white will to- half eoon. hr.t st.wy. I poa ura.
ctoui. Ite rratllcr cUDdren gazing Intemly ai the roinslr>-l. and all about the rtege the other p-rfuDneni la stw
tol aiilttides, aiandlns. altUag. yotme *rirl« wlib arms tolcrtwtoed. a lew chlldrea oa the knee* of molhera and ft.
Iherr. the 1.001 of Mtonilc IcanlBg uu hla waiul of oKicr.
Tr. This.
I"ui o -il-.,T itr.o. cdlb.-r n uuari;
llutii kuil and silk
or a ite c-.-ni pli.*, uo i,h>- 'abl.- ipr»Ja. 2.*, .lOc to tt
tun- yiwi and pKk« up with Ihe potot.
u( 1*0 piDK b.-ptorlog oar 06 .act
kiile of tee rote's edge Pres* «be pte* |
ttnnly and you alii Bnd li q-ii-t •«'> RaA QUr
to hold the ruin. Tte-n blow bard
»«n '" " Overcoats, $18
qulrkly In-twoen ib<- pins.—Exchaoge
!. uleh. Kor.
So tear haaic Bp tee Me of the Cray
teal—1 ibousbt I wouM
striped wUbceta
yoa icele. aa I have nut
YVite* oaid. platety
ten to a ions while. 1 like to go to
» the wlaaer of the
ways like to read htg li-ttor*: Kvrry-! kind- of ws'iimv mar be preilucvl. oorrrci anaw.
teat to tee Irsi
aobooL Our tcaehcr'a name
Friday I look fi>r tee mall to come nnd .\ wiite, ml riding Niod. a clown, a S*“'•
-For Ktuy. tbc pet of oi^ m« baby Hnlrooacy. I tike her very
thro BO for tec mall l like to read Ui-: Chln.ae or an'old woman make qnatot
Which to tee moat U-t. I inw. ^ni.,
am In ibo ibtrd made. Oar tcnchcr lelKtrand Otorie. In tee Herald. Itoy.iflsarr*. The ftg-are to ,>lac« on rtrete. - Wh^ ^ «ugKrri* teoogcuof ite.
Hr. Mmta Claaa. gire her
IIVOB at Bk Rapida. 1 will tell you
Daisy and mysell all have U-loaged toi cf fcH or cUamols w-Mcb 3cne aa a oeteru tt-ecK
what 1 eiudy: Samben. readlag. epUl- pi
I cab coodActe hiC and unsua^ I am ID yeara old. tte. Simtelne club for a long Ume. i ■ p« wiper.
Sbo'B a 1
k Mr. Brown oaglii to beloOK .0 A laiMta plute*hlon wcacnl a, teiTteW devoir
. pood aad pretty.
. caU.
I have two
Uy .brother it coming
Sunrhlne club. 1 atn ton sorry diutcr of Wowu aeonis. la'® «>*'■ «<
Wbal tree ««toin» a domt.ilc anl
And tee maewo. aad tee ptura. and j om cbrimamf. 1 waa out to my STon lMr. McliitVo'n eUWri*- I h««« 1 o«Bl aettn. mp from white the nur is ; mi: Mahogany^
>■*•« and gtondpa'a tad stayed three
her name k to Peg."
will hatu a nice time Cbrlstma*. j remcvctl Is ptored a Hitk- rjsbloti uf Wliat Irr.- rnlte' prirrerij wiar a •
weeks. I teat my bnttoo and my grandfllghl tmrly tec nett moraias the ri.lN pa will slop aomo ilBc and gel aa- i think we will Uvea tree and all ea- brown v.-U-iH. Sarrow Wtfwn ril.bon ■ Clutx-T A loTra
tortohmetu. our Sunday acbool bn*! to fartenrd to vacti cup aud a c!u---tv-r ' WU> t
dren deoeraded,
other toe. I have an okl ben and lltAad Ibo UoeUnc* tad gton. ub. Uo chicktaa to take core uT this wla- ooc UKtol rrery year. 1 Uve lo« my ■ of terse make a pretty onsJ.lon to bang r MTilch
•a Jolly and Cat:
ter. ■ I have JW been reading aomo i buitOD and so baa my *tolcr Daisy.,near tl:i- drvsv.-r.—BscUngv.
And Ptway a war United J«M as fsU a.- tec Samblae ieUers. I gnesa my Ic mil you pleaae send ua another. Kn-,
------------- ■
Uio otbere.
ttr Is geutag teng aad I wfll cioae. >
And IIUliv Sue mcfTDy cancel. goodbye.'
nut* for tee heads. Dervs What tree tan bv>< remembt-r oual-Peggy Cal.
9"Tom your lovUig Sunvhlaer.
From a little Sunabtoc grit.
I U»w In IrrighI feWr ttoaue pajwT. Ind- ig.r.T pair.
Como aad rce what ynuYe tk*!*
Age 11llaacl Uragb
Gladys Brawn.
] taie a n-jmbt-r W rbareeter< frrr ha
,rte Ua paaeed terough ttp.-?
fletoed the gray suipcd wliii
P.$.~Sunday cvralag: Itarebeeo
Flora. Sortb liakota. Nov. :i. , rtWy. old women, bnliles. cad Chinaertmaoa.
to Simdar ortpul and cbarch today,
Dear ITerideai—I tbougbl I would! gm are note'.
WUt trtv to never barefou td? 8aa' And dewn «a the Bow. iaaxhtoc
write to you. ae I have aerer wrlttea; rapvr chilBo la hrtgh! eoten wUi dalwoei
KlagUey. Mite.. Nor. Jl, 1905.
«1y. tec eat.
Dear l*resldeai-Whca I wns a IIU lo beferv. 1 would like to JolB lbe8on-;ncvtTU>.ito».>r.sateetcgivetecehll-; which to the moat pacirtl ire-'T
la SaUeto were caadlea and conaini boy some girls aeal my name to you. aUlacelnh. I am S jrari old I have « crabrr <r do ttme of tec wort | gidr-r
wee plelam, •
---------------------I haw my card hot have kmt a» pto. five brjlber* end two rtolert I am lu! Cat rirtp* a bait laeb wide, five tatev--^
A liny ««s doO. with kid rbuci
Bsters of Other Undo,
I go to wbool. Uy teoeber-f name to tbc third rader. My idndiia are pcad-iioag. Form a ring of the gm nae aad
lu deet''
red!«d in
cart ruecerdlug rtoa. Ufttu
The mile Lapp Icfanl l« cred!«d
Ulaa Holme.. Ftor pet. I bavc a dog
And kH ftavee oa li« bands, to a dr
aartber^ Tl-h
■n-to t. a bi«|
and a kUiy. biy papa has three horse*
madoolteiw. \
and six Guw». I bare a lUUe atotor moved to North Dtaota two yoars ogo. 1 t'sndle*. auto and pupcarn can ta- a«alr coveted with *kto asd rtntvl
And a rmaU lady apide.'roand. roa.'. amlbroiber. Their aamea are .HUdred 1 like It nal well. Itetn ra. foar' put In brigbi gauze *r tartcun bags ■!({, mt; moss. This can te- bang
and sweet.« '
aad Karre.v-. Mildred to tkk not hiKseii and two cow«. anl my brother cud bong un the tr.-e. Make ikere iu on ■ tree or euvered ap with snow
Aad to 4>«ra waa a ball aad
bas e little colt;. t» la T moatea' lanr'y teap-.
wblle mama CP*"* to cherte o- any
OocJ byc.
Howard Dell.
• cTOBm la a bottle.
nd mr lIKIe l-roteer Uarvlii faa>
t'rante-rrli-* aud |>CiicorB rtrong to, ptoce where baldc* am act invitad.
Cedar. Ul«i- Nov. SI. 1905.
A atoo pkwc of Arb. and a taigo rilee
Bog*, a metbKr dog aad iwt,. H>pi.. and I'-niv-d in t:e luonebci haw
The baby bf India Hiko In a baakc.
Dear Prcwidrtt—I want lo Jola the fopidcs. Welk I goer* this te ail for. jeund Bothlng 10 rapptom, ibcm.
ajMcb tang* Irara Us moteers bond.
Saartlnctiub. Pkaw
Ibtetime. tdcaae srtd me s cord and l Rave all Uu tin foil wrapplaga from or from her bip. or to a hammock.
Poaar came to great haoU- w bca ber and baiue. 1 go to St. UUT's artoot
soBic ports tbc baby » nose to adornyvang mluresB oaltoi ber,
Have to walk three vie. Goad-b.w lloplag to ree ibu to sasu-nf.
«| with a nusc ring, and Ctheis lu
Her tall to tbc air and bar e>et ':„^ , hatf mihn
rtgtte print
Alite lloilia.
Tic woudr roalato ffla^hrigbl bh^ Uce te wrippi-l In a rell like lu
apartllBK bright;
1 have foor brvlbera
ri.-. ibai add krtshi spots oa tet tree, cotec-r *.
And Pheepoedlly lopped an tkeeretml,,,^ Uy yoeagesi broher to terw
Ortett, Ml=b_ Nov. 21. 19«.
riel; and *ttr;e away to a cdpl place.
The CbUet.c baby 1-. uud to the hart
fivm a aancrt.
yearaold; bU name te Le»tcr. I think
pear PreUdeot—1 will w-rito tc yoa.
Mock rraagoa arc rrttiy and naall: of an older child,
Aad tee flab and ibe meat, and tbea
41joag caoogb for my .trm l.t Today was my brother'* birthday. For
amde. Criirii sptacoraegccolor
parrod with drtght. .
pets 1 have a eat and a calt. Once paper fon or Cm- wrinklie. oiien »gT)<- |a bags tlaag tm a camel s back,
Washod ber toec. ebawd tbc balk aad
papa eangfat a Utile red sqairrai and ly and cover round teilto <d eoiioa tbc
in ,aBv- coontric* the laotbcn Uy
■ meotred: "Ob! bow ; wish Ibey
■c bad It eboat two w<t>k'. wbea it Ute of an craego with fjla, Icartog a -t.-olr table* where a slroam of water
trooW bang ap a alocklng tor m-get »u and wn* droa-aed la the ebortt. cord ceer oot frem tic e-bter u> ens (alls on tl-,e*r bead*. This
er ry rtghc:Wc gave It to tec cat. 1 lUio to nod pcBd tram inv.
them toogh. wUrt K doc*
tbc iwer, I. tec IlerUi I go to
_ c-zv- baMe* dte. a* a rceUt uf this irwa.ttoami disc* ^
cf __________
cardtesrd an.ill yoa
FYUar. tiw. I. i »rito n letter lo tec Herald. Will
srtool mtd am In Ibe
g^d. sliver. mU bright «dAnothcr rpether covers tev-i pIcaM send
arad me a card and
New BKmbera Jdelag aim last TvlplcaM
Mtteaf I
wblic tbej
; ko to srtool e ery day a
BsaOe Rbodor. Bcadon. R. P. D. 1. '. Ulh grade. My tvartrr's
Noei'nnd WTIlle Couioartor. Cedar. Hanaan. Wo Uhe him ver/ much;
not think Of any mere, J-wUl close fur
Whal the Rock Baig.
la load to os. We have «vc
ibtoUm^ ^^e _
palled to IrregaUr flakva aul. "Xtoce npoa a time* a library book
mltk three aad my btoitey Noel 1
MO)^ Dvorak. Kariln.
^ yoor lortog
^ dUmood itor*, was tjvorhrard talktog to a Uulc boy
AitiF and Alvle HoUir. Ftora. NortB I have a iweet little baby ristar n-a
nalsyBragh. ] 4 pfnity ornameot te several bOI. who bad iast borwood It. The word*
moBtha oM. For i>eta i hate a dog
had two tftUtow. Uy dogh taam i» •WeatorCR. F. D 1. Mich.. Nov. S-k I otapad pieces of cotdbcatd ef dlgcraot asMd worth recordlas.
nit I* lyi-evOulwr diwk and Ibtee
„j -.j h»cb«-b<»l Uw
tailored -b
S, ,.d. Ibuc u, 1»
25c anil oOv.
See Our
SdtiiiiKlmikM. Overcoats, $20
AatracUao or stcootli gaod*—
band taikind.
SUITS 17jO tl S22
A perfect fit ifnaiBRteed. AlUr-w poltmia See
th«c ninl yuB orill Ijoy.
See Our
Overcoats, $22
Best we cafTj -c«n»l to fiant
mgtoni Bivlc.
■ Kaoogfa f<w all cOBeiR
—Ixtoulit befoie tbo adrime
in i«ioe-flOc to $l..iO; esct^t vb1bi.-s.
HiRcst Sbeet gt HgRCSt Prices
See Our
ffttbbtr time Overcoats
ni'^ POOD
ac* n<*'i nibljtra and
ck* to kooi> yon dry nod
warm. RtaBomW' ire kc*ii
the mbber* that tn: stsrf to
givT! yoo SBtisfaetiwx-
Rowtand D*naiMS
Opp. WHlting HotBl.
It woii't coat ytriim
lesa yon bay. in wbkb evsot
yoa'U get iraod valoe.
TheiAbsolutely Pure
Baking: Powder
lUde of Creu of Tartar, and
n«e Fron Alua or PhosphaM Add
Rojral Baking Powder renders bread, Inscuit. cake
aiKj all flour foods finer and more bealtbful.
★ ★***,★*★**
Bskii^ powder* made from alum,, pboqiiatn aad oib&haidk
acidi are lows m price, bat tbe; are iniurioai to
-Ue ioiinMi efiaet o( alnm
infoniiont^ foodiboi£UpcoU>il(ri.’’
oli TCrr lac: tty to■ aloe bto« end,
oDd jMalr and altes'* ricb aarar.
iraveMpoUioeoBTFto be node Ib'.o fcerp bot to the OTca. hitore » bolted*
[ OM terse oBleo r«T7 Osr.
cni«e«ttet or to be m«M ia tbr
•{Mer. boll ifaeiB fini. WlMO teader. aad ITT to tatl« BBiH tbr oaten lr\
mb oe Uic ikln. end to rty eattiiiu cookod. Pet the mtoced teml on a:
tblek allect. Hrot
ubleepooefa!: dUb. ptoie the retetobtei orer It nnd;
a cloriM dHppmci Terr bot » Ibc
tpUn sad dnip In the «Uc<« aftrr
aottrlec. «Bk » KOldeu bnnra and aeafoe. For erooeeltec To • plot of
B«A«d neet j«Ulo vhieii b*« been
The Hand That Wards Off Coi^ Cotds, Grip
And Restores Nervous, Dyspqffic Catarh Wrecks.
aerro wy bot.
A ntec Btruon potty U nude to tbit:
»*y: Rtol Kood pie pnne unite ihla.
eot Into rona^a »llb a snail ptoie. anri
bop to the eenier some mtoced mol
ten and dked boiled turnip*, mixed
prctcod ihttnsb * m«»ber or
UUte Btnry or rrcajn
add M tew drop* at oBiaB )alc*. ooe i vitb
of aaeljr cfa(«»cd ponlo
ttOT. Beet I IKK ernieeo w
1 to tawUf.lBipe toe^ber. Oi** the cd|»e of
vcO and «ben o
tOB«hrT. bmsb wtth oott bMtl
BMold leto (hape. Dip to beaten
and bmtl crumb* and hei asMe lo dry or 0 mile allk. and bekr iibUI '
and bardro ibe coattoit Fty a golden cateir brovped to a unlek oreo. Sen e
tdUttfler-rJe.-lt kdt tern
brovn to deep sDOklng bot fat; drain «Ub.cream rauiee or gtnryAnotber original muitoa Icflorcr ti(
on nnglaeed paper. The laeau'of
liretrr peeans Snely cbc^pcd may V' tbli Toman i« Ibr luHorlag: Boll pic
! pnate u«Uc ibto. col in obte&g pltw.
mullon. ecuon
dabagas—Parc and cut Into »ina>I corer nlih mlnccd
tolo bolUng snlte-1 dntotlly. aad (praad IlpbUy nilb cur
water and cook nnUI l«dor. Drain rant .
. cover «ilh anotber piece H
iolr the onier and dry tborooghir br,tbo pastry, prcsslajs Ibe edcee llgblly
i eb-t-inf over Ibe bot stove. The nmler i togotber. and bake to a rather uoick
most an be dried oB to make this veg.
etable wtoubte and
Mttcd generotmly »nh bolter. «aU and
Another eeoaomleal
leftover i
chop a uuaricr vf a potmO »f snel
CaollBowor i« (be cnlllraied cabbage Bne, mix li with one or iwo capfuls or
mlBccd corttoi .useaL a uush.t of
aad II* tender floseicU deserve
treatment. To free the vegeubbi pound of flour, and a fliiely chopped
ontoa. Add plenty of salt and pepper
from all tronns and totecu. pfu
bend apsUe dunrn after kirlpplng to siwsoo wiHl. and moisUw with ouc
oK tbe outside leaves Into deep, taU. bealea egg*. If not w«-t luougb add
illk’or stack. Tom the mixture
ttltcd water. All tiring crcniure* wU> lUUv mill
bnticroi mold, cover aad
and tbe sarfan- of lltc water. To keep
while and Bnn. boll Bnt ten mln- BUam three imars. Turn it out an I
}0»l C Visa ILD. Mnfeaf Itspedar. U S. Naqi
ut<-« in boiling saltol waicr. placing servo with rteb. thick gravy or
with stem mato sauce.—Table Talk. .
-n. Ponr.oC ibe »aler and thils'u
cuoktog In bot milk or half milk
-A Btlteh In Tbiw.
and half water. The vegetable may
To make winter petilniais for i
bo served whole or Uic flpircreti msy three mall ciiildron. says a writer
be ccnrcfully cspainlcd wllb a itlvcr tbe hbrm Journal. I lalK; thdr fathers
Imlfc. Pour OUT a blglily seasonea mviro out lrou«er*. cut out all the p<»l
croam sauce and serve ver vhoi- TU.- parts, cut them the proper IvUgtb, gore
ercam sauec Is made by braUnc to them at Ihc iu|> so tbsl they may uri
tented, day by day.
gclbi-r one large tablcspoootul of Bonr. be too clumsy. Next hare them wt*UQ- like cs not a klngdan bnx beta) When bubbUng hot. add shrwTy one. ed and itriwyeil: then make them live
rosenud from decay
cup of rich milk.
sfiirts. fislvncd to good
aulU smooth and cixwmy. ,8esaoo e.l bodies of Kilcsia. The*e piltteuats will
By jc*' laughlu-.
eream sauces with a llUle eaytiine and wiwr two wtniers aad are warm
"Laugh a Little Bit.Here'S a motto, ]i;st yov Bt:
"Lnogb a UUIe bll.*Wboa you Uilnk yon'ro truuble-hll.
••Laugh a lllUe bit."
Look Hlsforiunc la the fate.,
StoTa tbe lAIdsiu-s nide griiuacc:
Ten to one 'iwlU yield its place ,
Pa mam of
Hob.H. Henry Power*, write* from
c*ed to my family
, will, *utm«.
'xcellrnl family tciaedy, aad very good
lor oaagb*, cold* and catarrhal atrerUaa*.’’—M. Hrory Power*.
CMi salt.
sightly. The skirts of wrappers
Bscalto|K.<d enullflowcr to matte by
the wnlst and sKwe* arc wore
Paniai Far CoUnlkai Wintgaii h
smug a baking dish with tbe cooked lino make gmsl et eryili
vegetable uixud «1lh Ibc .
Bluw Ibe hi-eto and
linn. W. J. Purman. ea-meoiber
tnlslng or dcprewilng the aplrits of cercring the lop wltb a.Iaycr'of bread
r past mcadlng- I
fx.ngrr*. from Florida, w riie* from It
Iboae with whom we come to etnUct
take two imin,. and by cutting tbe (ou:
l.N.W..\V*»b.ngtoB. D.a:
Kamt-your tan wiib annshlno lll:In
b wen fllwtrotcd in tbe foHowlng sroff dtogoually right above the heel.
■Onugb a little btt."
rrambs to a bot ffdder. aslag a table-'
Uelo from tbe Philadelphia Inuulreri
I have foar good tops. Two of these
OIoosRr ahadovf oft will Bit
•altefled tliat 1 1
"Did you ever rualUo," asked 3 spoonrul of butter to a cup of crumbs: shape for fret and »ew- on to tbe reIf'yon have the wit and grit
lie, and lollowcil' and ill perw
pretty girl of the writer, "the power stir aallt the cniBbs sre bested naJutog top*, and thus I hare uue
Just to Isugb a mue fill.
uirreliuns which yoo Ifnniieb wiili' iicrvuuzirw
r stomaeb troaUm."- '
through lu the bot bntu-r. These
;Of an
tofecttens tough r
good pair of Mocklnm-, which will to*: fact jiy rtealu
every bottlc.asd I ate glad to aav that tv. J. Ihirn
crumbs wil broa-n quickly la the on-a.
write at vnvc
« . bi Dr. Harinian.cit iug a
thought much about It until Iasi
Cberlah this as merod wh:
nearly as~lung as a Uew [lalr.
•■oriainly rec-| .
L- .* I »r. H. B. Hanmaa, Proetoeat
full etatrmeut of your case,
mcr. I arrived at a strange scasborr keeping Uic under content* «r ibc dUb
'Lan^ a lUiIc fill.*
When laklug lo iiiects. my old drei x-1 be p1r»>o,l lug.Tu youhts valuahluadoiBioondlli" I'.-nuia lo all my Irieadi.”—[ of 100
Kna^h with you. sample It:—
romirt aloue. It was early In the aea soft aad cnamy.
carefully wash aud lay aslile all'
Onions arc a sUplo food and tbi-lr
son and there were rather few guest“Ungb a liute hit.”
lliitogs aud pieces of cloth that arc fit
at tbe hotel. A dismal tain set in tbe valuable qualities will repay a fre for use. and some day they come tau!
Uttle Ills will atm betide you,
! plare In tbe othtT sMe of tbe pan. and^
Steamed Chickce.
FMnne may not alt beaUe y^
dey hfito and continued for a week. quent BSC. Therefort:. It Is well to nse for cfalldrca'* chMh'w.
su have two kind* of cake wlibout
Hub the chickeu on the Ins
M« ay mock and Fbme dekldc you.
There was an outlook of diiUy sun cook ibcm la a aorirty of ways to
man's worn out coat a rcry|
BK-h trouble.
IK |UKT and b
Sat yonH mind Uiem not a whit
parlor, drlwlag galleries, and niher BBko U)«n seem new,
rcspCeuble CMt lor a cfalld's ptoj-cuai
in cooking all odorous ^■getables.
place 111 a eicauer in a kiHlv that
unlntcresilng lut'of pcojite. dbeourugn jtan tengh a little biL
may be made.
sc Ihc BBavm-d kettle. The steam
Lw it a» nror the sat.ra* poKsinie.,
vegetable* In the Calldr.
-Bachangc. log for a strange aad tired peiaoo's
One mother twaaytd to puicbas*eovr. and steam an hour and a half.
.^.g^.^ui« k«-p ta-ller at a low
long anticipated rarotlom The Brst passes off freely sad seems lo absorb soft gray nadervosis for biT thr-e-h-t. dcne.kiTp hot while-IrtfStog to
and. exrepltog Inabe m-.
I « . • • . « ,|ercBtog l beard a tough. It bubbled tbe smell. Or, a shallow pan wblcu ycSTsold child, but could fled none
fits Uie eotdUng vessd. may be used
th„.r cellar window may
, ;oul eomewhore.from the vista of
other ibaa coarse ones tor ihc amount
by keeping It half full of boiling water,
pUitvr. and servo with the drexstog’^.
,br itey.'ni tea-.
, ' pillared and corridor-like offlce.
wfalcfa she could affonl.
Ih-ing bandy
la all methods of cooking oaloos. boil
over Ibim. The tlret!
wltb her needle and of a thrifty tarn
For frying, boll only K-u
f(dlow>; Holt
loll one i>iu
|.iu^ M gravy frum U k.Ti, the c
of mind, she bought a woman’e laijT'
1 symptom of being bored when
sire vest of tbe quality and color de•
everytbtog cl
euae' ih.i,per aad
lekt'iuimfal of)t.,
' I away. Out rtppled the tough again, bot drippings In a shallow pan. ISs- slrcsl for tevcnlydlre ccais. Taking
Vesetahle* ,.rojs-rl'y Ci”* ahi
• ■
CBllqied oalons arc prepared tbe retau
mil: stir a tab
cake I' 1j
, I lUs time
of the child's old vests fur a.|ut:• POT the to»l ef the heart to trouble. •'
I quarter of
tiltlt ol cream until
The coiners of my mootb Bew up tin. as caullBower.
will prcttnl uusavof) 0
U-rn. afac- fi
d from Ibe large gar-1 P*"*.I. and nisy
And H always cornea with tbe •
Ooohod celery A as valsibh
eonscteaBly-. I found 1 wasn't blue
le lander portions when eaun fresh. bottom, to a plain crochri atllch .0'
nil, but only awfnlly willing tS
Oi.e-h.lf n„. eh..p,s d craniwrTk.s starob may 1- u*«j tostcl 0
■ AM tbe smile tlial to worth tbe •
amused. Bcverol people writlipc let Erory portten et the eeterj' «alk
too them solid, crocheting mmlloi.* i '“h ““re a.igat iu haiUT.
and Some c*»ks add tntm.i; 01
If veo Would B« Vouiw.
ters near, smiled almost without know, good to use. The leaves season t
the watoi*. with luster rollon. sK; i Onedtalf cti.. tart s..p!«.
sttil.-ltetn.U Trlbun...
Ke. p to the kualigbi. uuUitog broil
tog It. ir ! only could get near tbul
tho opwilngs to front and aroiroi ; Three*|uaner*
---------------------- -------ilfo! or »»ivt grow* or rlpcaa In ib<
laugh: Uy Ufu would be saved.
tbe neck aboie a crochri bcadins r.v;<i’"“red.;».
A Good «oop.
"The next night at dinner I discover,
mlt of ribbon bring run throng!;.!
Out-balf rup flg-or d*te, Uboj.|«;.ti.
suco „.r, gnu oeie g.Hsl-sitid .Span
Avoia fear to ku it* vnrivri ft
ed It. It was osrnud by a yonag wo- crU|>cd In aold awter aad ased for the
Ih© aloros she could not have founJ ; or liair Bu.Ia»Mw tiiid half sugar, wi-:,
wdicary oBloiu; •
^ j* «|,,.priori eaw
By das' Unahto'.
: man who wns also alone al a nearby Ublu and a^ads.
stsiocqual them la quality and
and on,-ha1f cnpol rolKius.
! po*,., ,pi, r-pUtt of ro"! »o«‘'r-'*>1' • th.-homan rat*-.
n^dntoiu what a sight o' good
Faroes arc made from oil these vegiinbic. At this moment she wns scridatoUncss al douhlv what those co-t,
uu«ntiiy of mill, musi.vao’ <“-• t.romiiliiig l•WBIHIOBItll ..f s*U and v
oi all kind*; they are
lie thing wOl do:
lotmly sdnantog her mean. She looked eublus, foDowIng the' general rule of
iconHuK 10 ilK flour
It, i* to tfits ^,.„.„ulul .;l itepjwrever, ami slm
too*. The long Me moat boa lam.
How ye kin stop the floxcM l
couklag a
Try making Inul puff* Aral of moi ,
cakemsker must cv ' „„
mlmiti-* I'nw* through
^.^utor life,
whan II heglBS tor brew;
•t tbe slb^test indicatten sag- alable to
qtiUo netting, tying as noar togotber as , Periiceul until rhe know* by the fenl ^
put oi.> quart of milk In |
1;^. in rot. but oat to lire.
An' )nke
. . tho atlng from whnt com ------------her mlrtb-pravoktog talent pulp. Pres* the vegetable, cooked Bsual. then pul oa the rt«uter cover,]l“B “f 't>v l“"<-r wfirn the cake to ,
r:;l. logoihtT two U.(Hiny<.l ou. ili* ati-doe to*rtc«aUng.'
BMMSd to tnnkle when -iwiu upoke: j Th,,
one thing about thU tough, vety icudiT. through a stevc.'tostog tytogouco toeix tocbo«.orasi«o Ilk-, of tberight rouitoleucy. Incakeinak
and <a» '
.. ..
y kntmto' «m an' trentln' U « m*} Tterv .a. never »y forerunner t^ the iwlp aud wnu-r in which It wax Tbe ooutde can now be removed anj “>5.
1« -ottiv-r tliHig*. practice ploce ,
srw a
btdied for tbe fonndalkm of the soup. vahb4d wiUKMi Welttos Hie -co'toa.| “**t« Perf«'■r, IMn-t Allow yMiM.df 1
Yn-n And that ye Ua «l a place sritb
binwhcn It bubbled forth uucx- Add rieb milk to tbe propontea of ball whleb to never quite a* nice alter even '
-----------------------------mixtme. p:e*s
smOet'tostcAd o'tears.
pcclCTlty you were spell-bound: woo- and half, bbich. bus bei-n first sou the must careful waabiug.
Milk or Croein Toast
'ntewi and si-i v. w :'b i rouioa* ati older and re aiiKtb noarvr the «
An- ketj) the annablne gicnmto' demt saguely what yon had said that soned aud thtekenivl. nslag two Ubk-Well njade eriwn -r piMk toast U
,q,are._W<iinau> Farm Jormia!
sever huto ou ibo dark ride;
throat the sbadowu of toe yean
spooafnli at flour and the aame of
noufUbiag aud aiK.i.ii4ing, excellea:
caused It, and knew you woaU ntr
___ :_______________sunny view* of ctvo'htog; a sunny.
By lea-Uughto-.
butter to each pint of milk. For-'OU. ^
Eggless Cake.
, a-a sutvst'.«Ki fif small children li
slop trying until }-on said it again.
A Divided Cake.
tbintglit dh>'e* awsy the shadow*.
Ftdka aoBetimes fnU to auto tbe poeslGood HouMtoeeplng tell* ut- how
e«,o(m.lca! piir|g>se In
poroca. save the onion puree, season
boldly orer to ber table, beg]
SuitMtiti;'-:, a LuutcV.. j/.i find, sh.;
Cultivate «>>••
“f roniontmcnt; _
blUlles that lie
of ,iak-Ulead: but
her pardon, and asked her lo come aad the milk b.v adding a haU onion.- makedillcatccake wliboole«g*-.Egs..B*,„K„p Jr,.
lias i.Ll) Iiiiiif|lal • emmiih foi ou-- *11 dlti«»l«l aud dtottaiiriactioa Ifriag
la tbe war ysr moutb to eureW' an'
tea* <»kc. like wlnkw* tokgrnphy.l^ „,„.o pi-parcxl it I* inlilK-r wboKdine wllh me. no cartblj- reason betog Table Talk.
(3l.i- UsheWiHjali a pl'T..‘.f iiaifie- age furrows pri-mainroly to tbe face.
tbe twinkle in ytr eye:
■■ sound* ImpossIWf. 1.111 acroTOtog to,
„j,r t. liriilng.
anlflclrai why two people nboold
t. an.; grei
It ain't no mneb wbm's said ifaol buri*
............. ..
1- > -'"S
t-™ ■
Original Molten Recipe*.
' ;ScleiiUflc cooks, li to not. TTVa* to v
jonbi- Iwiler.oi It*
alone.. By tbe (Imc wc bad reached
. h-r-t.skti.giial': golrgli
xldOK. *b<. n
«■ wbul ye tbtoks lies bid:
HutlOB being frequently demsaded l“*ct«r'* college tbat a nrlie was or-'i^.n,),|
mid tin milk
cOtecAQd had learaed sketchily
'1)1 day—•werythlog .
iw.. .eClvo--. (.toeln.g .ui> t
by the bond on oac household i know. f"osl for the best and cbropiwt cake;
t,. Uiickencd Ulore It to Kati.-l.
miuu.T. a. ons *,d.. ...d a.M,..- splc •. w hich « j puuiUb cause mtiilAl wear
a ihlag to dlA
aad ccoaomy being a necessity, hto and tbe succeT.-of tbe class gave '-o. pj„,„
1.^.,,,.^ ,«Qp cormitsrth m give
Of deiTlrc you of rest..
An- amay a borne", hep' happy an- cou- ^
your i.ngli. Kc^ wife has learaed to make this ustmliy|tbc culinary worid a twow-gg tojvrj.h^.
gavor ,-t,i crown.y ron-to«;
The power of good cheer and the
U yon have Ibe grit and wit
Jtml to tongb a Uitte bit.
Carce afObaUMte La Crtppe.
Disiia Mfg.«'o.,at WjlU»mi,p.iri, I’*..!
11.0 ...
. old
FbUadrlphis lo-day. He write* from
lit] ».!rib»1r*Tl.n'.a*dcJphU.F*.:
"I write to inform,yon tbsl 1 had a
baJ attwk of la grippe U*t Iterertler
srhirh la-ted more Ihaa three mi.nii.*.
and which l(di me with eatarrh, aud
•everalof w friend* sJrierd ute to try
'Thl* U Bo ms t^ few grip enScrers yoor wnaderfa
arc able to mskokeompl.
of pliyskal wreck*.
Tlrtlmsofcalarrhof ilielicsd.aUrrb
of tiM throat, catarrh of th« luags.
ratarrhof the sUimsch, caurrb of Ibe
klducy*,caurrb of tbe pelvto organa,
are lo be oooBled by handral* of llicneaads.
itrlp to epidsmte caiarrh.andeowaUie
erod of Ghnale catarrh trithto the
wc all exert
• '*•
1 heard naythlag like It.
high-priced a ,t go a very tong way!cake, and a nc-gg viicy. Ta*i.-. dlff.T a* to tl.i-tbick. u
y sweatten worth while, and
The flret day the mut-'«*ke
' tog of the inPk.-UU the rlh-.-- of cut,e tram tbe UIHW.' Tbca she ton I* oerved beikxl with vegoiabto.! Ikro are Ibe ntcliw*: all measure.|fully ioa*i*ri bix*.l.sU....ld U- ip.icl..lv
ij,n, , 1^x10 of salted watoT
I iipttted her Boulb and sbuwed two potatoes, turnips, carrots and ontoai.,mcm» are level; turosuro flour after;
-s of peifeet teeth and did it
Tbe next day 1 deltetous Scotch broth Ulftiae: oastry flour is the ta-st foe! boiling hoi. to f..r.'ricivlng U.< eresii.
Is made from the liquor to whteb the, cake: If brrod flour to a*e<L lal..1 toll you. beauty Is nethlag
To make this, two lablCTpooastgl from each cup.
to a ..tot of loil.ug waur athi on
I Why. U I rould throw my hrod bscL. 1muiteu was boiled.
Measure butler by the teaspoooful.Morrt leas.KjonfoI to'toh aa.l w,tli
topca my mouth, and tough out baid 1sank a leacapful of pearl barky to;
corer woM .
slice *;.Tart:e1}
|Uke that girl, (he world would be one 1water
. night. The altowtng id ton cup or half a iwuud.
loC ease. Tbere U nothing that wins next moratog cook It to pteaty of waLayer cake coal* S2 crola. aslng the'qatekly remove to the lurwa to wU.h
friepd* and smooths out thedifflcul-j Hr for half so hour. tboB drain off all foHowing prtoro: Ftour at four eco-i u 1, tu l«
Thl* will
ttes of a trying life
like a happydi* 1 tfau waUT. Skim all the tot off the .a poimd. butler at 2: cents a poan.l. ^nd flavo- .all sM imps-t at) api.i tto
, Bteanor and a nserrytoagfa."
| mutton nock, then briag It to a bolt. I eggs at U cents a dortv. milk at gigh: | ja- cav o>1 bIho obviat.-* th< <too
put to the barley, add salt and pepper.' cento a qaarl. sugar al six ecato a-gvr of ciinlUng lUi- milk wbvu mIi I«
How la Cook a Few Va.
aad boll gently for three hours. Add > pound, and baking powder at <0 cant*, addvvl. ni'd If properly dtme there to
Sworn poutoes and Habhard squssb
ooafal of ebopped paisley bo- a noutri.
are best baked ia a modeiately
t fore nerving n. Tbe mattaa is serrod!
BmUT 4 cap IS tabte»pooolul*i.
ovea. Brill the nqnari) lata badve
r roU. cat to dalmy sltees, with, btoc'a
Sugar X cop.
smaller piece* and sot uprtghi'to tnc
teUy. msriKd poiaioe* aol
Eb*. ■. Bake on boar or amre. imi:i creamed turnip*. Any of the meat left
Floor. 2 cup*,
loader. Serape the lender pontoa Into over I* pat rorefally away to the te;
Baklag ;giwaur. 24 irospevaCuU.
a bsatod bowl, dtoeardlag tho brown box aad Btlltied tbe stwoad day folHllk. H cup.
; nu dangvr 01 the bread hetog loo soft,
A 1017 mull jdpeh of salt will sufllro
(or tbe dressicC
Tbbv mar mvb a trifling deUlI. b-ui -
Its omUslon greait) itettaeto from the.
qaaliiy of ly© food
Tbe n/ic wa*
given lbs- wrilor by a none famed tor
skin that fonas on top. Uaah aad lowtog to a palatable di*h called bnle^ One egg «Aho. tbe eori of; which 1
her dctkaic and carefni poetadatkai
season with batter, stji aad pepper. Ue and squeak. To the maitoa add <] 1< coals:
"of dtohee lo' lnvalM».-lrma T.’
Thl* motbnd keep* ibc wqeanb dry tew ritero of hacoa or. ham and lainm ttaitor, 'a.cop.
jjoBC*. to Taw.. Talk.
'0dnnell JSros.^
AT ClUiAELt nos.
Bvtunitol from Koaortt-r*—Uprt^tg; $133 cp
.T^itn ia exebaoKe on Pianoa. High Top
$13.00 sp. SoU <« cxtoY t»r<Bente if dnired.
Css^ F*ront
f(5nnnell ®ro0.
MICHWAN. THUIIMAY.-bCeeitteN 7. 1108.
, omr the *real uaJcHi} • aeccnlip Tor ririos tJN forlbrr po«- iliiinad'tbero^eipotodtoetottte
ttBm to wifow ta»- jB»viu«r proIKHO1100.-II urn U* tm- , «■ U bj on nmiw
sm« ' •- Bt“ preniUrir •«« tooptntloo*.
4am. Wo»l»o»d.inon><rT«T. iwnto
bare occoovd *HU> ilto past
lb* cUMiai of
are rWra ,
il ad<sii;at.4?
torn |
f.v irtUus ito
In ooiUlnl nod nio|il»tlw ia
adda fom to th* rtcpiaro^naa wba toBOROw wiU abop* A* daottarisdmtoWtTaiHe Ind) ibe «lb«- i»*r»r>i
noe tflBPtinoBt bare oat apciutf
made. Tb* eoBgrcoa atooid ^
oor land, aad v» toaiiM aCM to
poud ■■flo':**! tiy ■
nR. li
nud abnrr. and li m.v newU into beto*. TAe exixsbaoallj
----------j; i n»To o>
= <vrfmir} *u.-li i:-. «i™ end lU..
of OsloMMe lo atlMUpl 10 veot Mtccenful asooR mankind l»Te
and flrtHilj
at btafc aicnala updB aU igd,. fi rTfwnmKtrrt toat tor r*i—
vnlib «f Inlell
lineal, but lliei ! IntrodDetom
drrotMl (o tbidr •mJ.v. «at1 lti«i^
«U™ada OMaRod to iBunmie comw RTOwn a mrurtv m m>wec da a i1 »«ee
iMnoaUr to ihp wnl'T nr tlK- p '
ioa otnl it rsnrMuc
4dl v( toe el
aa a mraaorr of Imrea^d aafny to toe w rtmareo and deab ablmala ORMbb6y tWr «dBr*r» au.1 .lltTfinr*.
to Tar the uiort liouaveltoR pobik-.
| an «* Vnttad Staua. I lay ibe aatporalioa Am
:wa r rocoauneod
-------yen lor vbai 1 iraiai arlU ba
uadc* unioo ba« i-oujr in *■«;.
aken «T nid cnuM Dot Tonwee ai
I BU wMl aware nr itie dlfilnimi'o nf : _aa inOeed tbe rltaUr
abir r«wU«atl<ia
«»n do ond liAK dooi- 7<«t «n>id.
maxlmnu mie. toendorv rovld not liroTtde aialnn.
llx' leslatoUoD Ciai I am •■neeeHUuc i rr-tbal to I a
broogbt be-I
dioold be rnrarNl irn looR •« 11 dm and at Uw aaed o( tnutprrau- and l■ao• | wbkb rate ter..........pae
Wamaai Wha Wertu
the U «r a reaaou. |b*y ban- beeooie an aerhiaa nod menadAodleotkai toe aafetyA wv, a-,»-_,eail to m
Into full effeet. nrt»le. l grtn* u lo dwnaitd enllpety new remotleoa actios Ui xvnrlnR li. 1 abooW ! ablellmc
I ibtcbrd wbnv II nm nsnknX Jaw sod
1 dn- II la la to>- luiec^t of Itie beat
asalm>1 UDDTOfKr- i to review by tbc coun<
Land Ibe
•fin. diet
Ij- raiUeal ••r linat.v
r DO lew Ihali of toe pubUc j ^
• ibe Rreai
tolug to iP> In to deal
All prlvaioear
.Tumeaul lu |
aim« au r^
««, .,e now rngaaed In salnM
no nOier (onionUnDa enangod In tor boatoeaa of tefrteecalor rt» .
I ^
j quMUsoof liilenialre^inoni^-iillliwfalctl
I nU In tooiihl la- exptwady |>in maler toe
Ibe eoncrew ba» the |K»vr ' ' '
mransR* of Ik.-. <> lant. Ibv ImOM- tierrlalon of toe taterxair «<aiuDe«.T
iMCiua to aKimnuii In lni|K>rb»ke tor ! jiatt; and inoal {irawaiUK orwd no Tar ni
niinlUr body
aiaileror ende*vorlusto)eH-un'|Owi>.*j |eg|..^llivu la oua-rtoed U ilie wiart- far a» ratea sod agreemeBi
ICBiMtont aa It U raal and
ladii«rlaI><MdJlioiw uniler abMi toe] neui Into law of nome m-beme to ae- ly affeotlnR ratea
A. nm* la Dtod at fall
Indlrldiiala. and 'eiqimally Ibe fr.-at 1 ,Ti,e i„ ibe aceiKa of- Ibe govrranirtit prira
on vMeb to base actlM
ioierKUi* 1*uI-(m»c1i natmvuIoo awl tvcidailoii of the
a arr In art. ITic makrtn of o
ram rtoir)t.rf by liir railroad* of th.' !
roirntry ensmted In Intemmie tr^ a* .
,or*«»«il. J«t imhber iwi.ale
ly toat l|ie ntralailoo of inleratate com- nball ntmiwarily and eBt*-llrely jir.- car* DorlnduitiTal rallraada unr «|iur .*.r,.walloB toat wttoe* to do well from 1 the ln»o*cknl
taio tadnatry la working ebaa^
mrree tonobi come within tbe iqilim- of i-cnt Ibe ItiqnXnoD of unjt».t or unreadtat^Dce to toe domestle aad
abooM be utillied as derleo
for tklita driven Into doAiig Id to order to !
toe tnural BOTeniitieut. Tbe argu- aanalde nie*. ] I udkI Indmle iHmlae ira<A*
life of tbe BBtloii. Tbe dicwil
aerariOR ptefeit-atlil
snenu In fnvor of tbelr takins Ibl.
aad •oportally to tbe blctb
In kloe rharsen or in mlleope ..r In
rtacMeat with n. Wo
*” tbe d<* , »n >«Te**e I" the nuinbw of Inapedcotortdm'with
f, for rtfrlaerallnf
^ n,,ion ,6**
-------------facta, aad too
late rale*, like an alniUar imwera over
toe bnabirm world, nbonhl be exi-rciacd bate In any olber way. So low.-r raic losIoQ toat toe nandird of i^ts ^
1 adjtntmni
bOBlBCM aResele*, iwnall.r mnwrali- to with Bindenillnn. i-aiillon ainl nelf reHear* of Libar of fUileoad Kmoleyeea. ^e made. b« ihwtRp U- d
lOioold apply on iwoda I»pon.'l ibtui JiHigtog any bnatoeoa or political qneaform. RxfuTlcBre lia* *liown eMKfii- j alniUit. Inn It abeukl
actoally obtalna on •lomoall.' Rood* iloo-from tale leglsUllon to mnaletoal wbleb rallnmd emptoyero to train aerr- recta on family bfe
Ilf* toan 1s
now too
ilrNy tbit U la tt«elei« to try to get | cn be effeeilvely cxei»H*r4 wl
lu---------from tbe Amerkan aeatmard to Jeotl- goveaunrat Boatoeae sueotsa, wbelbI Tmti, kmee, ;ltna any adojnalr frcnbUton
rrenuition ana
and suixt
cud arlant.
are to many coara antdected la alto «aae. TbU wbUe matter la natty
natloD except In. case* wbm* water er for the lodlrtdtial or for Ibe nation. aIn*matter
........ ................ ereal eorporailoua by] Tlie lit'.! conalderaUon to be ki-pt
which may well engage tbe forma eo* of Ibe- Rraaim
h toe rooirolllna Infli
te. An;
stale ncOon. Itorti ndtftllail.in aiKl >.ii-; gjiuj j, tiwi (be |iowi
1 la* ,
sertant attmtloa of tbe migma. The piMtomnl of our lime.
r and devetops i
; penlslon can only lie eSeefleely enT-, (biuMiri. and (boald I* klven to »ou>e
rMHiMEtc. .
deed liT B •overelFn
whose loriadlcllnn I
ireretan who
IXMly fTraled by iIh* ,
,.,,,1* mcami In InlerMale boale vrtih Ibe a
Is pobaps toaoire tiwc need ample dam. ^toto4 -ftb toe ■wate and Hoesa of D«pr*•! lentale .t
iMDor. that pots an tonedinate value oo
Her than that wbleb exists tn any ed lo a soae and ocieBtUlc aptrll In tbe
•; rrorpiiilae liitemiaie eommercr e
mere wealth, toat makes a man nitli- ntber iDdnstry,
of aa ethauallve tavratlnOM.
•iml-Uou, I
loMi and eooBcleoceleiw to trade and roasoDs for llmlUag byy law too bODta
K ;*n»i» «raat pro^U. rnfloobtcdly
lotaible. It will j
believe is tbe p.vemn>.-m lulerweak and cowardly to rlilicntolp. I* of labor to pay employ.
Obly are employer aad empleye* MMb
•(bwa'glil be ebb and sow In awdi
E .:««4lr. md tola abb and Sow win lie
talnly lie nereaaary nltln-.nlely to [
with iirlvate btulne*. more Ihpu In tola way ran vlolatkoiit or evaskau not a good thing at all. Inrt o veiy bad lalBly apply with pecnllar force lo tbe catad. but ataa a toM party-ibe
i« or Im by all neaiber* of tbe
naptaymeui of ibosc npon wtoos.- vtg- cral public. Bvery ronaldenbls ItMr
^__I___ *«»* boto tr too -^dervioR and tbe naUmal Bnvemnient by a proper p,vemuit»i xunlenakiag imy work lem of exaiuloatitai «t railroad ac- stands for maabood flrat and for bail- llaare r.od alermera la tbe perfoeui. dlfflcnliy to which tolorauie aom*^
oesa only sa an adjODct of raanbood. I aneenf tti*lr dntk* the aafWy of all Is torolred abonld be tevestigated MR
iT^tbe iindawmnR. A*alnK toe wraiti of
of Ibe eoiwlllntlon. >■ . viiicb <«u with progiHi-iy lie left. In twi- eonuta abonld be provkled similar
Tbe question of traiispbrtation Ilea at
\‘ltoe Lord toe wtodom of man .-annoi Would obrloiKlr t** nnwiac ta eodeave
It nelibrr do 1 iicth-re Ibat onw. eondueted into tbe ii.-ineoal
toe gormupeni a^ toe farts sAtMRy
banks by tbe bank examiner*. A few
'.araM: to Umm of flood or dwawbt bn<, If Ibey
Bt. -man inaannlty can tort partially repair la certain tliat the rranlt eannni be ob•m- question of secartaR a boalAr.
f • dhodUaaim. A *«etal tollnre of cm» Utoed under Ibe Moslllutlou a* II bow dent that abnsea arc -ure lo oWaW hod proper dlreeHon and proper an- Las tJkcn place dnrtng ilte la*i lull
aeJf reapecting and mntnally «
'*■ ' :afgald hart an of «a. ARdln. If toe fdl. la. Tbe law* of Ibe eonarrm and of toen-to uuleu Ibtwe Is giivemuirutal tbnrtiy to Iiwpeet iKxik-* uDd |>aper*. .-oniury bas l•ceIl tbe lousl liDiatuat
Ibrtle attlinde aa betwewj esapM^
Ibe iWtoidge <!f an c
-ir or man mam toe «ee«ral well brine. tbe aereml "late* hltberto. a« pasKOd suponUlou. Il Is not my prurluee to .sMhI ae.-<anplfa>b nmrti In prevenllnR fnetor la too growth of Ibe new Indus
emptayre. rapimOM and w^
u Ulful riotationa of lb.- law. II wooU trial ennditiuna. Most empyati.-ally wa Ptaye**- llahllliyr la«- for tbe Ulsir
iftani torn wbo an> lenoaent onto-f(d.
---------lee here
t.M be neeeiwan- f^ ih.-ot to exam^ .1. .... .i.h <.. s~. <K* m(n of areat of Coinmhln au *
;iy will Itoro to pay part of toe penalty
of tbe'tabor problem prove difltaab
for Id* tal- renewed ihst i
iv30T*« by ttone «to> are RtoHy of too
power ta 11k- mailer tl.an llutl the Uuenlloo of Ibe congress lo.-enaluex- Inlo tbe aeeounis of any nilirwl
talents refneed tbe rewi
wbcB anpraacbed. bnt tbe nadertyiag
iloonl RovennneDl has power; *« i.tUigeoodliJoos wilb wbleli H Is deslr-i'“f lb»d
fdOy. A panic beoURbt on 1-y tbe aperenl*. Pilll less do we wish to see bltu tneaaage t.. tie
I, toe root prtortpW, to >e.
«.-----10 deal In niv Jndginent, Ibe | do so by Ibe lutentale commrree eo
tbit. there
existt a very nnIkOatoU bnt we ilo desire It . see tbe U It* Hemnd n
nmurr Miy of part of tor
system of railroad Irauxortolton » teaicd Ibe anal
'nHM impoftont provtaiou uUlrti surti |
......... by I landirt that tbe strong man Xiall be sloo to wake a c<
law aUouM eoauln I* tUal eonren-lne ] 'l-t aom* way tnlRht I.* found
advantage over ihc weak nt waltaro. tbOBfh U tolRht be severe. ’ an interntaie l.n^lnea* oempy the po- uisMi some romiK'lenl mloUnikiraUvi' , which an a -eement aa lo tronsporta,p |a,nro at fair IreatsroBld Wd be ItatloR. In tbe Uma nut ^ slilna of aobieeta wllhant a sovereign, l«xly to.-|w» erlod.s-l.lr, ni~-ii tor case *l»“ wllhin state tolended to operate :
to* cam rtui factor to toe pemuneot neither any rtale (wrentment
tbcNg law eoremag tne auDject. appueawo to zZJj....
bring liroaght brfnro It. whetber a gi ten
hi, .
city, for tbc amiU sLIpiKT fa for ibe aU toduatrtaa wlthto tbe atepe of tbe
' I by a nllroad is reasonrtty oft toe cotuitry ta ibe biRli, i
bta ■»=*»'
aoctal poauuw.
In the «ld days tbe bigb- federal power. I Iwipa that tneb - «—
•» »*
ladlrUMl toaeoetcr df toe arerage | eonirol orrr tlwm. Our steady iilm
BDd if Il ta found to be
, -AmmtMn srirtar. Ibe •wrar* Amer- ■ abonld he by k»iainiloo. eauikwaly and
IdaioL to j ahlpmeols of tolerstale traflta an
MU inMir so iffttoW Wbetbar Ms; carefully wndenaken. Imt reaolatety
; Hr amen In all rank! «T rife.'
' YM be Bestal nr BlAtml. wbetMr be pemereted in. In nwri tlie naverelcnly
- IvjfliDd ' trolled l-y «*-*e<-aa1on« on parely
UT*rtonr<-d lo to" puMI.-- aufi toe traf.
I.... I-.....S
eopltalleu. tbelr asWiluma ogfi brotfll;. Ao .foramr or YatHrlntof. boslneai o( tbe national government by afitnna- whl.-h It nball not be lawful to go-ibo 1| bmlncs*.
wliltb of
Qc. nlmig It was free. .M prv.riil toe
iiy may take toe fegm «f baiil tnAUmtxIitiumreasoaaWeratc. nali iseom- I an crnXnn of the ia«. fbe commit- railway Is tbU btfhway. and we inoM
feronee to anBectog. greedy dtaKgaid
eoforce fair jo e-ur bcxio see toat It is k.iu open |
tnolily called-this decUloa to g.i Into ! rton should Lave power
U nor todoatitU and Mrtel ayatmo
<4 orery topral reotratol srbleti lator..........
toe IbtoretoB of all men are •« elomdy
TWa i. ODlT to forat'aa tonorali-m,wllhto a rrosunable lime and to I ireatm.-jil Ly the great trunk llaea
^,^1 lernu. Vnlike
tbe cM Mwi-Tliia i Otll rMlliJMlt llT
fereo with toe acnimataUoB at woaUi
that to Ibe---------------- t* «.s*tsn;«. It h. merelv a rpsiuraitoo. I oblala from thence onnanl, subject in ; lab ral nod liraneL Hue*.
Ulelrany. It 1» n very dUBcult uud .-olE-. "**”**”_^ Wm^ — ■
and ecu t”-*-'------------------- —
ta anlwunee It h merel} 0 re^raik^ retb-u
_ _ ^by ----------1 iiiwe tmon ibe cougro-* toe need of ,
.tin,. ,o msnnge, and It 1* far Iwtan Wha WaA DtoOMei.
)«MT of raasn a atraigbt deaUng man ______
toe earilMi lime sudb Kgula_
____ _______
r. If they are taborwa, tbe form
yabo by toa eCcMuT. <7 Us ingeonUy tluD of imloairial ortivlilrs lu* l>eeo happens at preaeo
lebulUtticocctalonlodeolwltotb* .4 laiioro*. of sultan *««T of lb* mac*
o eommeree o
a favorvd
. oad todnaor. beaaftti Umartf moat racugnUed In toe arttoo of toe law- looblgh. hut that _
- - sUpper
........ ta
ip of iwobtam. vonnert- Tortnoate owl of wlUtocaeM lo peroMbMedLotosn. Normally tbe man maung ladles, and all tiitl 1 propose given loo low « rale. lu such case the ! these utIU-rs. w-Lolber
___ ._____ __________ -----------too ed moK or leoa dlmlly with wbai l> torm have the right to fix rab-s for tmusiuriullon < • f..r M.elBk .a, .oudltloa that Jusih-e
I <rt mat mditaUTe nimeny wbo be- la to towK to- eUauged rourllil.s
. ent, known oa tbc labor question. Tor to Ibe Soeb eooda.-l ta Just i
rale ! or ft-r bandllng jiropeoy » eommodi-1 pm,ijo. it u locana.-. to my
■ rttii by gntdlBg tbe labor of >ueb itmiiuM- u* will prevMii »he
II would need ' ties in iransil. 1
_ _ «ff illrnads
U blRhly gnat majority of case* xbroe probtama lu ooo enac aa to toe-----------------to- case* ! pnldlo owacnhlp
many .Uisr mco doro oo by eoabltog moiiweoltb ntall.-ntinc ibe l«wer It La*
uwhwlnblc and would probobLv to tiita must be deoH with Ur tbe stale and Lemeot and faiweelng men aboold Jato
dboto to prodner more than tbey eoold
vays poMMMX. not only in tbi* conncooBtry entail far rca.bliigdtanaier Ibat uot by tbe national govenuncal. Jhe : In wantag agalatt II wbatwrer it M>nftKn sritoont bla gtodance, and iKHh Uy. l>oi also to Bugtand l.erorv awl
I wlrti 10 see anefa aupv-rrlsloo and rag- natiouAl government Ms control of ibe ' come* mtairesi. Individual eapliaUat
b« Md they abaro to toe l«meat. wbleb sla.w this eunntry Im-atne a wi*ir>ite •.r tbe prartW ..f giving Inipn^wr minulaflon of them to Ihe tolereet of the; nuirict of Culomhta. however, aad It, sod IndlvldBal wsgewoeker. coepoeaKl
swmu obw lo tbe pnbllv at lane. Tbo natlou.
iBuni retos. t rail yonr atteiitluo lu
public aa wUl make It ovUrol that-should «ce to It that tbe rtty of Waah; Ikm and union, are alike eoUltad to tM
tlwMbcna ltikTact tbitniy propE«alb»not
toglve '................
weapra fix Ibe 1
smmtlcW fact toat tbe abartng may
It bas 1>eea a _
inmate or { ibooe wbooe purpose It Is to violate tbe (bero la no need for public ownenhlp- < ingtou is made a model City ta all re-1 i<nrtectkrti of ibe law aad janat oBke
.be nnenal mmd
mat taw* on UiU subject bavi-bUbermderlying fact Uiai there la toll ahar*
.wfclaaie rate* generally, iml lo regn- t law.
' ibe oppoaesta of Rov.-ramrm regnU-i «pn,u. both as rafatd* |•■rkl^ pablk-] ••l«ey Ibe taw. UocwiTer. to addltlmi to
ioi aad toat toe beoMt cornea toNe Haclilily to Railrooda.
I tion dwell upoa to- diScchir* tn be' piaypouada. proiWT regnlattoo of toe 'uere obedleace to toe taw oaA maa.
ratber Hum an ofllnunllre kind, nnd lali- a rale aln^ody llx<d or urlgloated ’
eaeonnlered obd toe Intrteale and to-: system of boustog an as todo away ]
If be be really a good cAtiaeo.mnat
degree to eorti man .-oocmied.
still mace ibal ibej have to part sought Ly toe road*np-.n eomidaint and .nftef i jj.i of tnoai earnestly say Ibat these I
naally tbe wamrortaw, the ma
10 iwoblbll wbal eouM not tw effcllve- Inveallgativu.A heavy |wnalty >buaU ; nvoniaeadaUoua are not made In any | volrod aaOire of toe problem. Tbelr trlLh tbe cvlU of alky teswmeota. a I ebow igoad sympatoy ftobta a.
On-I vooteotiOB U irae. it ta a eotopHeated ,,roper ayatem of sOurattoa. a proper j und gL-enlue ueslr* to look at ai .
. amaV maana and tbr average camani- ly pnblUicd and have to isirt lu tUHr I*, exacted from any eurporatioB wiileli *|.li1t
er aa well as tbe average prodtierr aw IwobUtlltous .-oufonwled whsi sbunM TiiU* 10 re*|>ert an onler of the r.immi* "iLleil gronnl
Rhl.' and drileate pretetem. and all klu^ of .yMcm of dealtog with trnaiMT nod Jn | ttau arUlnc belwew UiM tram tbe
on aUke helped by mak-tag eoadittans be allowed aud what slmuld liirt.be al sloii. I Tvgnrd ttil* |awer to establish Korii tawliilty '
ami; tiacnlUes are tnro lo arise la ecmaec- virolle offeadets.'a proper bandllng of
•vb toat toe man of eaceplkmal baal- lowed, It ta tmerally usrh-ss to try a maximum rale ai Iwlng eoaniUal to
with any |dan of solution, while ,5* (bailtablo wort: of Ibo DtaWel.
. am BldlUy recOrai an oxcepihuial i
to problhll all irolratoi on campellllan. ray W-hnne of real reform to the mil fti we most MBvmlwr Ibat such bos- no plan wlU bring all toe beaeflu Uorooviw. there should be proper foe- eosealtal that rapKalM and wagewsrbrwatd for bla ablUly. Bometolag c
(„ p,«reni ,n .bosei la the <T abonkl commit freely *M srtlb qbe
whether tots p..tralni ta- nwiouable or ter af i-Hlla-ay ccgulniloa. Tbr llrrt lUity wpuM tell agaiast toe welfare I iKiped for by Its more .<|>liiutatic ^
,10* done by kRbdaUoa to bt4p tbe g<
iteivsisU} ta lo sc-nre K. ami uule** It nut lueroly of eom* few rldi men. hot --------------------------------berents. Moreover, nader any bealtoy. miploynivnl
of------------------------------women and ebUdren •- otber; aboold each strive «• brtag rto.
and where
*. .. .
ml proopertt) . bat bp aoeb help of
will .*a.-Alnn
develop ^Mrtnat.
gradual. - -------------ni.irlet. Tbcte will be useful chief- i er the day wbeo both sbaU Mttae tbai
less II ■< georfulh' Lurtfiil. Kveiii* ta granled to the commtaslen Ibere I* ■„ niullUnde
small ,______
.. rlsn toe Iwnellt* .rOI
permaaratly beneBelaJ ebancter o
have shown that U 1* am p»«n,le a.h^- > >l>tir uw to looebtog tbe ail.Jeet at nU. ; mnimude
railway em|.loy»e«. wage ly and not rapidl.v. Imslly we moat j,. „ <rt.Jvrt lOMoaa Imt even tola limit-! Hwy ar» fir«(wrlr partam-and act
be Rlra to toe lews able and lene for_____ tbe -taarly onderati
•■•rataodlliattoepuuh. KTV.|^.j
„«.felue« wonW beof eoemies. To approach ttw qoeMtaas
eiy 10 seeme the enforocim-nl of ,
Evaatans oY lha Law.
werkera. and mosl sevwvly agalatt
twal* flare at to* wanlta of a pollry any law of Ihta klisl by toeesaanl ap
the imblle a* a whole. I bo-' "BIk wbo are to do this peeultarly rm 1 ^ „.i,iom| value.
toevluMy artse bMWeen ttaSM
,ranaacU.«i* ofleu oc-ur on t toi.wt of the
.wbkb Mali iBure to tbe adraatage or pral lo toe
on the wtadc our railroad* ' •‘Ponslble and dolltoie wort most. Tbrre Las Iwvu dmnaud for depriving solely from
The ileiiarlinrol of ,i,.r tbc forma of law. It.har
■U todoatrlew end eOeMil people «
well and not ilk Lot the, toemsrtve* be of tbe blgbct type lioto
each Okie to toe mats as the enemy ^
’or the Uat 1<
art deenrtJy. aad tide ta onLr another
wbo wish to do well
as regard* Uitegrlly and
and eartency. ’
dl-putra. «oeb *pr<.-tal
tbe other aide to the ma^ Is ba»
aUeniloB lo.
.way of aaylbg that any henrtll wbkb
toe anlUrutt V
.-ommodliv aa.1 then iifier it • sLoiihl not be exiiosed to .-ouiiatiikm , They mn-t Iw well paM. f.w oOxTwtae
p„,r*ra of uur courts wicked and fooUoh. Inibepartlbe Boat
comas 10 toe leaa abia and le«a fertuauitUtog else. Mneh La. loen fl<-,
a,,',q*o' rvdoelhm ta' wl'b
"''o b*v.. no su.-h desire. ■ ahleiDeftranwt
' would 1«- mutt tiawla-. II 1* iniethsl dirafol amanc tbe tofloewaa srtatab
atat* muatofbeeeaahyoooeeTonmore
l>anlentaH.r narki'l lia*
jj, (jk- rale to take effect Imme- and •>*- only n ay to secure tlita i-ud ta ; ruml. and they mu.<t j«j«»e»s a wrty
ijnve mUitacd tbta power. Uve lip-nght bIooI tbe downfall of
e able and more fortonatt. be«« tbc- Dornl ege<-t of tbe pro*e<si
arrangeuu ut re*nliing lo ’ to Rive to s.*aii- povernmeai tribunal | probity whUb will revolt as quickly at
Justify a deuiol of the , rrpoblle*■ Las e*
ei it !>«•« the growth of
•U, tberefere, toe leoa fortnaate
Ilona. Imt 11 ta torrroalBgiy evident toat the ni^t of the one sLlpper and to*-! Ihe rawer to
that Justice la done I Us- Ihonght of imndwag lo aiti W
„ Improper ixj ihe ctaas splrti. tbc growth of the aplrtl
«n«TS4 to rttry of bta more (ortoaaK
or uud
uw to
oa toe
iper of s ,.v ,h.-unwilling exactlv a. It ta gladty | of popular rMndkv agalatt rich wen
qf ,n^
,» raH . Mrik* Ly i obleb tends to make a man suboidltbiev will Ik- a very lu*uffl<-h'ui lienc lueprwt
e railroad
bel ihHie by tbesrillmg. Monovcr.lfsome. as at toe thought of aaytolag «■«>
a labor leoder would Jnstlfy Hie denial uate ibe wrifare of fbe |nibUe as a
tWtl teoill III toe way of ^amomle
,.«„urtilor*: for u u.ita.
dtr wbk* they hate boto. toongb ua................. at i go'erument loily 1* given toCTWwd tnotely te*emMlug subservleticy to rteb ^j y„, ^jiit to strike. The remedy ta | whole ro tbe weKare of tot-jwrtM
: ........................................
ihai lhe big Sblmara
wqnlBty. preapared. the rasult will asdevice toevoU.-toe law inmietllap*
,.yilroad,aw.T toeeffert willII ta-to
' to reguiate tbc proeeduP-by reinlrtng, ruw to wbkb be hekrnga. tbesattoa
ta- to furatah
furnish an-! men.
•nradly be that while damage may
matter ui
ot *v**.*v^
ratatra. Tbc
taw ), iborUative
un behalf of the“vT?.* 1 1 the Judge to glte due i.oticr to tbe ad | ,|«, of loyally lo a ctaas tor tayaHy'
lu xDi* msivc*
Ju.- M«
aome ta toe one atrock at It wtD ritlt
- - wbeaever
111 elaiuor
Bnc while I fully admit to* dUBcnl. verse parth-s befcee grsnii-is Ibe writ,
nalhm. Thi* InerltoUy
Ibe same purpose, wbnt I* need-;
make It etaor so tont uMkhIv - rallToail
Wy b'
(wtib aa erra beartar leod tbe ooe wbo ed ls not kweeplng prohibition of etvey '
wUetw-ver tie* |n the way , I d^
bcortog to be ex jan- If toe ad- [
a t*ndeney lo inrot -eoA
j-mu rugslniu it 1« raised
wbttta tbe blow. Taken aa a whole.
P*** or toto wWe^ may , ^ coinmiaalon laki «» frolgbt ship- vbaegea oadc agalnx i v dtajiroved.
.................................. ‘
" veroe part
«o bis mertta 1
D IndlrMBBl. Ml
(we maat aU go tip er go dowD tocHber. tend lu restrict
i-DupetilJou. l>m
us to atopplag In our effort to oeettro a aad place ordered. TVhat iwduc DoUrv , I bta poallioi
adeqaatc supervision aud regn!
wtae aad Josi syateia. They ahooM must depend npoo (be
tala elasa in th* ec
as will preveni
bare no Other effi-ct than lo tpnr na oa rase, l: abonld not ls> oaed
; ecK.100. a fro* fas*, fwlnced ia«eu- est of to" honest nUrrod n
petlllan from belog tc
to tbe eierciac of the resdnUoa. the text to permit rlulatiaa nf law
handed Justice aad tbe fertility of
toe pnbllc. as well a*
a»I rsgntation as a
CiR <My Be PltaJw>| BHrcM hj>
isaot al- Om SpMt hMli ASCdH^kflii
to othro firtito Of activity. The task
* Tet. while nol meesiy admitdag. but
BVeb It Naa Bmg^flmlgML
lll■Ullng npm> tbta. It ta also troe that BO means tbe only ooe. I. ovcrvafOim> the tradition* a great et»e and uhOerllea tbe usk of
grows ap la thta re> BhaU always deollug with toe wbok- lodottital pnb.. witara thee* ta >o rwertimetrtaJ leI made pnbllc II will nHlmttrty prora Cntal to
‘ta roalLv Mm-kntaU i:h'iaLir allow- «-e haw tub
KxAnt or superrtalcn aom* of the ex"hwtld Iw Mopped, tor toiy have
to Ibe past It baa prvwod Mni
d evils It brings in its tr n' fo-' . uow grown
ramat os to Mttok-1
a wm ibetr epergleo 8 '
to miL an extrat toat they
la wtdeb tt baa be
rmrapltaUiattaa often n
*u svs'v
any effort to make inf
>bg irom
from use
the a**r*u*f*
attempt to
aoirc a*. At , _
tr ot genernl labor rmi- earn.'doiotosau t'aless weraottoao lu
l luvltos l■R«Ine** lanlc. 1
or treat eealempra present we face anrb utter Lack «f oa-1
keei< a qttlefc sad Lvely rouae of tbv
ooeeals too B
ously any mw
mae be is poor. t»V
0ca> ruudaaieuul intUi that oar can
» the scecral .era ta with the Indlriduat wartb of
Judge a man t<y bta eorrtDvt-lbat to.
. Ut^y forced tot.
^ „ ,
toe Indlrtdoal 1
terost payment* whlcb ta a fenHeesnaa | rttrod by aa honest agreeoieui among by hi* cbaraeier-aad not l-y. bta
le that wield them a* to make it a - Improper rodortlnn to or Ilmll.Hon toe rallroa.ta ^*elrra_ to
wmlih or lalellect. If be Mkes hi*
rlj rake toio oecouat the rartoos problem,
- boU toe pto.-*^ qnertlon of child labor
see of boeswlty to fflve to the nor-; <
fortme bcBsaily. Iliere ta no Just eartse rtwtae they were left al toe meti7 of
- damages the smaU to- "><•
S””* “ ffeoeral agn
To raD at ueoonected^It ta troe that tbroeprobof quarrel with him. Indeed, we have wtiscvnpu^
^-that 4^^ toe^werow^ rartoe. dtaeouragra U
tortfl and eoeour j
.«y oae trtg shipper aoiblng tal tbe klndllen feeltoga of
emoog our pe*jph- go not eorrespotol
idaiiraHon for to*
eat) by toe smtot tbemael.qa. but U soil, linlesil. nm ax Hgbt angtaa w tiniianr effeeat* power of
any. whether
be w*U for toe natioo to en nnes of rteotage srbtck diride oeeapo
-r some riTsL . man wbo bebare* deeesi
dtaboaesty wbito
be la.
has uia
madk bta a.
IwLalldtagor **“ ’*”^_*°
«taa*or to aeeara and pabUto campresou soen agrremem wraiM msse *w nv
ftaaro a baoltoy aartal aad tnduidrtal
moeata to won
from oeenimUoa. wbkb dlrtd"
-- socn a eynem ran only cos>e turoaga h,^ve toftraattaa aa to toe ental- tom
we. every bic corpora^ Nmnld be
[ tallrood* thonpetre* agroii* for eo managtog
wageworker* from rapHaltaa. Tatoaera
tloss of toe tabor of ebUdraa to tbe from hankm. nseu
, foroing toe taw. The power vested t goods orro that railroad.
tauU mega*
» aurerolgB atnog eooafta
>1 to pat a *tm> to sgtee- road mro and big abtyfisr* ore ototply
from moa oftarge loaaai. Btoa wta fire
IM ecadnet. I am ts ae aai
s to .tbs grtrlmeat cd tbe pablkIn tbe towas from men who Bee to tto
-AK- »oa say actual sttcrtal cell 1
In ay annmti awsooge tn toe rtfry*
have dervlepcd to n extrootgimry de
to (arpeeattaoL This ta oa
aa oge
age amy go tbe poMle. Until to* nathiciai!
country, for tpe rttal Bne ot ehmtato
rtaattaa. aad any effiut Top**- smimineot obtotoa to amne
nhti Iw tsravr 10 iiermlt under roectfirJ
is tbe line wbleb girtgm too boMn .
called attoottae -to tbe areeastty fw
republic a* eon tbe <me
sapert Won They ai
ae wID be r> rt only
m of toe congrrsi maysnd *s.Woi and
wfV by bi»
tbeatoof blocfc toat «a entaOR affmg to a^Mrt ta Me mo -Ytefl
1,1^ ogroeiBcett rtearly
t of tbelr fdtow cUtaeot of fmoltar n
(QaallaMg a
CBB- tbe pablk. 8«t. in B7 JodgiM. toe j T
' I too euattmpt Tor ittp wtMi the^«|
ilisRecNioeiAiti<istttte’i..i a.t ~ . ««» a *,«
,; “,r
r.! "■STKi.'S.^rri.rr.^r
HnnCiMliw af AiaMsUain
iiBins »TU m«wncb!S~-~^^
tiB «»&*»»? Vrr>1prf|fa>iro/wj-irrfe. TWhrtfi
mm^s muu
wrt n»t
1 r»Wl DM* ^Ba^TKTTttr®
tflerMa alout tbe Io».t
^—<*1—• raJtad SOW. allar- %2LT«E ibe >U-laa**i. !a carJ^aer wftk
to ‘
!• V—
* <Aan- N; TVe rtTll ikPTlt^ taw N «■»
Itto topartttUT rof«T«A.a»«
‘i. i«
«ii all lamk^y. rtevioi tnaKi M ataoiv aocsWAL Eununa-;
toOd J* ojwNN^i a»
!—«j to ito to»p
m> »<U-»x» A»rteu><&^
Harabaat MariM..
NAvu nuntwt i j
ld iba totpp ira toe»«slrp.
tortniai lack of tratotoc or It
ottor rtva. Madam waniilpa
_____fonaldable pankaBtoma wt
( tbat WttI attti-re (be waU toodlfd. bot thay are imarly i
RtalQ afp baa toa wbto tot wall bamOad. awl rttay
teadkarti to .asiiol ba baadtod at all wHbmil kmc
ami camful imlitla*- llil. tralnktf
wk» oMo war baa brobau «i- So
of «ba irat Uaaa abonbl
palMr abd bar a
a wba bam ttacbad a
bPbl«b a
t Ibp bid
B (ba moat pawerful
.d It am to maM a
ly la tot only «o larlia.
ba a imalalf -agart lo altolMia G
a«M idBcarl of m«mbla Aaitob
^ pawaaa to apatttl aSdavT.
>aa an Inaraaaa In Canal Artmarr-
If (to oactn and man are tot ttorly-jkUtod b> and ban* mat —
tisbiy tntaad to tbelr duti
_____1 ba far bettar to kaap (be ablp.
traam M apodal la peat dartBcbaetlUdm duta to
toed far aa toct^^
tbtoi acainai a tonaMabla
for (be rea^ o«dd oaly be that (bey
la boUi iba at»y and nary ibam
d bp aKbpr lunk or raptand. Tba
ba tba acton tb«o«|b trelalaf for doty
smaotolp of our nary la ac
. littaaOdrmrpatolBtboflMiUactlto.
wbola to a «ratlfylne etodltlao.
,-;jOBly by aacb tmlalac la adranm can
tbaro baa brea a ctmi Inprorawa M ton
la actnal war dald «p•ratloQi and Cbiaa at aaa win ba rarTbcra «oald ba an litcwaae li “
». tm. to to tta toodkal ddtottB
ba adoptad. eafanod by antoi.l»ai I'Pn'; than we im
trr tbp •mrra M ttiP^ wn
<bP ««PP f<wiL-pe In tbP «
bacacpd In (bP paa«cau(pr btudnme ro
otarrrra lu ^ai Arttb tbr taw wbtrb abonbl«» torrmppil.
ly for ampla tarflel practice.
Ida I«mwire of eeaty kind ai ice.
mamU atoiatltata for romparatlrely laadAtont ty«e-(be*dd (bud piaaa battiiMp T«aa. (ba dacle laireted mentt^bare mmlMtoO and Indertoe moBliora and aama of ibr old
MaCcartoOftbaaany. latbaatodira]
MaailMMaCtbaiiarrtbadroi lalia77^*11. to ibe fWtoBMattan of tba
SSm-M^c an tba Uaea or (ba dall^ar m 48. aSM. rab. 1. tMii and
MM laapuftlimmT-T of (be durraeat
<(—to at flto toadlml oacara to aaat
amaller tarpade boau.
iweanit raagraaa there need be oo additlem to (be aggregate umnWv of
nalta of tbe navy, (lor aary. tbaagb
nar amall lelattrely to Ihe nnviee of
oOer ■.tomo, ta for tbe pr<wPDt bbSrteat to pUat of aamber* for oar necdA
BiM, while we mast rwoBtaatly ftrtte
anby mm mmwr abaaM haw
to make Ha oactaawy bigber. there need
•toifbaMadrU toab-raapartr
: l>a DO addittana ta (be u(ai uumbar of
-'. RMbMIbaMmiHataan ba e
■ taOW built and Indldtog nve to
way of aub«ltnaaB aa above out_____ ■ TW bnna bmpltala at (be tiooB
I mammend (be report of tbr
(BIT «E (tto wary lo Uw eniefnl
dPtaltaa of tbp conarrm, erpet tbe legWatton
'aglidl «M«a of (be anv and navy
Dnrtog tba pait year erldenre baa accamalatad to raotras (he expreaahtoa
ooBUtawl to my lam two aimual meatogawmeiit wblA Mam aa to (be I^Metanee of (eriatog
l.y approiatote legtatattoa our ayatem
MBMI7 to perform toe mndleal oarvtan to Mma of panea. *> naod toen
1 maaaly
mm battatotalto tba
Mmea tewnUlDf
- df rnattry medlanl aerttoa.
artod .tto moteetotm
: or nalawful
' Om aary toato. iwiatteely to the
Siam (ompaaed of aa oAeer of tbp
Ttaa of dtoar baWma. alwaya be at
Itameat of male, of (be difiartBPat of
inattee aad ........................................... —
mem and labor, baa dlatoaned tbe
•«l—« to»« it anddm. anbmit-
r S*:S“:
■arnl to toCTPly mtaWPPtol Wtol
ferlildr tbcoi lo «to«an«e -r eolh-li
a Qaoatlap of Em>R»tim bp*d of dJtmimadt aa
tonnlcntkw to tba fi.llr.1 Ktnipn. ,
a« a T>«8>lr wa kb'p talked mbeb of ____ ___
UorawTto-.tbrrpalMmld baa >hai}>ami-1 Uh-open daor la i-blaa.aBd wp mie.- pUymaat covorad by tba elrll aerrk
Mtkto bnpaord opoo all vpoppI. poatoc ' ^
r.fbily Immd to inatat ai«» law Tbp a.-tkm of tbP coavemto jw
dacrata by aa
V.--------------to tmr pom aa la cbc nainlipr «T inoui- r
n. by ibP Oblnetp rMiBC (be r
«i>»Catted Btawa and lo prortde a aababk-.
to rpmrp rsaity
!• SibX^^TWlmpBbllrtor IfooBAmen.* abouU br srui* to patio to ibc toonaap wbk-b uuj ,,
M---------------------------------- -corb raaaai r«o canjTbl« mtto i
WV raanot a-k
ployep own tba dav
pfaaoU be bl«b nuMicti to lanira tbr !
i------- u do to u> wbal wp arr uu_______
atatea lo d«id cai^ully and ■». w . good Ibine (bat —...........
^-.1 BtanufaciBRn aboold bare io-..cod .itolac Wlbcr of AP cowl B .too of. matnciodoiedMiu Tbpy wuublbarp| mo( (o tba co
dlralce or to any manner tmr prralkcm a« pomHdp. l"rortaloa idtonU ta>; , ,,^0.1 rtsbt to ato-mde onr tahorlaci tbe .wnerr- a rarefaln
tbplr enodp and ktMW
.......................................ai-ramJ■ •
■ ‘.......... -- - ■
...................... ,„j„
<i -labartns
>1 report <>r tba o
who lodoee uflatu 1«
______________ __
try BodPr lawailop or aaoumnee .4 vm-, u.,, ** lo jeopaidtap ibe wrti Iwtns of 1
Coayeiabt Lamo.
ptaymnit. H timuid be madp posdblp ;
. ■btoppa'|>0)>nbuUB. ami aA uotiile : _ , —..-et-t i«ip, iitopatir waad le
wptp ibP .ondUloa. i
(mat Oac U.now lbrpateu«l ibronsb to Uki a «*H*nlty b~.7 l«ai-.r ,'mu,audio.
I up. I ibP lilwtwl old baatowpd by otbrr snr. _
dPtor him tram t.kluc Uw ri.v, 1. ■ „ uwoA« **• P«P»p f«te to fa.e w.-l
Il» ptui. -.rk- « . 1 "!“™couddrratku. of tbr | meeu. to bp wito tbat ito-fp
U- ,«d and h.rP a pprfeci rt«hi. wb.ct. t Pp 1
„«,S»oapnt fr
o wban wmprprt prorp. anfoiUi■ntrebaat
t w-idl 1
% are entlllnd ...
—. — orary mamaa abonkl Ua jaarkl1 dawl witb tbKr|Be«lop U Immtoraitan. I
to a.e a» wp bate a.-tAl iu t:
« bn roltawpd II
!■,«, bcrdthlio
ad 10 dPtact and eiaes- aCort niaila
I Wbb* bar nurp tbaa a inpndy paikuial mattPr of rc*trk-Un« vo ■' -------------- - -rtcln pmiwi
Ko far ar to ami careful lanuiry
ifrrauaa ••anki ; Thai tbit rtobi eitata fur caHi ••ouair)
___ not awaauUalU lu
. Ibr Ub
. .
a earb aad erair ►«<*
•y powm
Ipiicih waa pxpUriily arkbowladcad to tbr tan
amowc otbrr ibton
I aedn bonrtUy lOtnincud u> your ftUearr batwani tbp two i-oODlrim,. Bel
Into tba tuaibotin for oeiwrinc a tinw
Ibe k-mina to lutenuet aad l«
down. Id no inotaaie to tba pa«t to» roraUe timehlpnilao tba tercmumiial
oueb mtpptiioB of wnukl i>p laaai- wr aaet treat ibe tlnuaea tindeal. lor Ibe ••opynMit odlep lo nd
a apwnal; lu uo laatuDre lu tbP telPbMttou trf tba aetlkfncut at Jauif-,
tba i»m frwD wtiidi tbp) trateler and bunloree tuau to a »|hHi wHb aaltafacium lo U» pBki
ibaU te bP a|«rrd. Rta crimp town. Va. .ipiueciatiac lbada.nrab.1 1^“'*
embark hpfnre parmitlioc of tbr broadaM Ju.ti.e aud .^>qtte.> If
*,V;',"ii«upa to imprv.e Uwm by
meafuliiat preo Iwont mau to Ityof (bit .-omiaMiii^otoJba cong^ I
ineui bar.- Iirpu frpuupoi, no lp«a tbaa
Urn aaOim. tar It U ■ ertaiP acaluai tba imawal an act kto^ 3. »»& autbortt-;
,ni, riuewtiou it W aa- ! ewrdad' to onr own p«(de «t aimltar
iprive auu for tbe puTimop bariac
wbola body poBOr. Vat to dwcllinc oo
aacb mtadpeda It It unjuat not lo add watm
waiPT. ofItomiuon
HoaUMn tna aca.i
,, jw-rlmluaip tor or . ba. coma dartag Up-part aummar from toeo |ia»p^«lnre Ibe rerlwd atanite>.
tbai Ibey are aJtocelber
of VirginU. an Intmutkmal naraL agBin>( ant man wUo dp.i[e* to tweae 1 ibe orgaalcea boycott agaiaat Arnwt- To perfe. i i|«a by'^cUraBBIllniaBi
•eeuu lin|iracil>-ablr. T^OMiplete nmarine ami military eelebraikui in Iwu
' brtwmp a csttapu. uve on (be > can gnod* wbkb bar heea aurtrd la
vtaion of Ibrm l> emeaiial. Rorb a
oroflblari-cal. »y ibeaultoirUy vetr tbal man', nioeeii for vill- ^ tliltia. the malu factor la iirodoHag
rertaiua lo meet modrru cwtlftona h0>
rd to me by Uila a. t I bare made
ll ta our ligbi and duty «» ; ibi. boycMi but been ibe nrreaisient
Iweu round un-rmery to (IfVmBb).
of aaU epirbeatlou and
aw-tal nualUy.
nuaUty. >' felt by ibe
<be ainibnrtt
aradent. amt Im.lnew
Im.luew i>ao
cantoler bis marnl attd au-UI
damns. bnpd>« ami otber faaaign
I conformity wUb lu Uutrucbrambm of tba narrlca, but
ilU standani of llrlng abonkl be cacti l |de of nilna. by all the fhinew
.oaiDirke. ana bill, rmborlytog It anInrUathma to all tbe ualiuna of
Id tba aatlmi'a blatory ba> tbP |>nbli<that be wUl not by prmotv of com- , er*. agatusi tbe barriiDPk. .d om
ppTHllDC lu Atogtaad sul ibp dDatraUan
aarrlce of the aattan token a* a whole i, tba
---- -------------------------------eanb to imhb-lptte by
lower ibp standani of living of | losanl educated ihlnaim-u of llie two
i-okinic*. It baa been urged here, and
atood OB a WAter ptaaa than now, alike !j tbrir aarwl
a,„I vrveeta
vreepta and tucb militan' uur own wageworker., for >i mn-l I f.-»ional nud biuluess •-!•••«
IRMinMdr for a •-uaiuliobnj lo nndrraa rasarda booaW and a« lesaiiU aft-, rngontaaikiBa o» may *a pra.-UfaUa.
I UiU relalKaUmi wuuld fall of lu full
Publie Land Lawa.
| |>uip^ uulaaa it were aadurliu; to it>
Oaoe again 1 call >-oar attenlloD to muHa and commaaniratp w irb tbe iiatbe ccodlUon e( IbP pnbUe land lawa.
Roeeat dei-alolWieoU bare given new
1 earaeally boiie tbai ibl.
orgeney (e ilw need (or eiieb • 'uagm
abuuU be twnrilU; weh-ooiP>l,
Wc ! Ibe world,
1 by toe »»•
aa wiU flt tbme lawa to aHiul pn-w
The Civil
by!t»UImot offord to pay Uee.ll. wbetoPr ,
caadUknu. Tbe bonaat dtaiKwal a
TtiP rivll Mwlep Uw ba» Imm oo (b.
atatutp liooks for twenty-two ypan.
will treeire
Evpty pfpsldpni arat a v».i mai.*1ly of
kpnuiM metbada by wbkii me momnp
brad, of dppartaipai. wbo bavp beeu
oUtlng of :b<- itoblie laud. U Ih-IdS
tp •■«(« dortaig that |Wrhal luvp fai-or
and thPiPl.y
tnogbt‘about ander the iweoeul taw. It t. imeadwl to celebraie
tP and
j.paDP--. lloliau. S-audipadnal pdtpn«U» of toe loertt aya
am bemmliis more geaarall.r known, enabU tbe gormuoent of the linilcl uavlan. Ptav or uigyar.
irfirp tboroilgbly I'* prtnrlbat the esMinc law. do net fumWi RUtPs to niakp provtaton tor tbe eakl- toaukl dmlre to difl oi-t 1. ifar Indi
bPtii noderslaoil
efectlT* ramedtaa. Tbe teeoaimenito- Utlou of its own rmoiuvw. aud llk<>- vidual dualliy of tor iulltklnal man. 1-3. Iwm ilip fa.or wiili wl.iHi tbp Uw
ttona of tbe ii«dlc land. eommliUmi wtae mabiP our peofde who have nu- Id my Jodgi'iem. wllli lUta etui lu view,
Iwpu rPgnrded bj
upoo Ibta anblret are wito and idi<mW dertoken tbe work of «iob a .vdebru- weaball lute to (wiimn- tbroorti oar
i-arry on tbe
MW.' Any atlPUiirt
Uuo lo pruvklP anilubk- and prup<’r pobe given cfTevt.
own agenl. a far more rtgU luRwetiou
d.-paniHeui. of tliP
UTtaluncot and lu.lruciloo lu tbe bi<v
■iT>e rrmUmi of email brlgated fanna
In the coouiHe. fixmi wbud. ibe liamlwHbtol iLls law Would IDBoder (be reelamatlou act U a PBu-er. loric PTPObi Of our tvuuiry for nil n-bo
inta etoje,
it will Up a gr»-mt deal oviulily nwull III Hiao>. TV-<-i« II arTV
may vUU toe rxiMallkw and to wImuj
rul offoK 10 tbe tPOdemy of eerrato
or permit moaep- WP bare inidered uur bcwpitallly.
all of ibp rlglil kind, tb:in a ereot iiamPoPaUiH.
■ler that act Ibe
bsr of Immlcraotw many "t whom im
ig U..- Mwic- lliey per
It It a matter of numlxp.! aailsfae- iwceesarlly of top wibor Mnd. .ka Aw
It liTlgtthiu work'
tiuu ome nra.-e lo rail atlruiiou to ibe aa pMBible wp wtah to limit tV Imncellent work of tbe penaloa bareuu. iBigntlOD lo Ibi. ••ounlry- lo ppnam.
reaafolly. tbe toad. reeUlmed
for tbe velecana of tbr . Ivll war Late wlio iWomsF to Iweome • liUseia of Ibl.
ly totoa ap. aad tbe pco>|<ec-l I
.jottcy of aallanal IrNgUtou will a meater claim upon ut (ban »uy otorr eoujury, nod wi- ttn well affonl to In
aceanpltaii all that wa. exiteeted of U clan of onr c-ltlipiit. To tbeia firm of atat iip<u adnpistp i-cniiiny of tbr lire l.ivnrtald) .■oo-lill-l »' to lb- Pp
«kara'-bv of lliow* w1k> urr ibn« pro- .,tilrpn--nls .IcUrrO .«l s« to lb- .*arta tiPl^b 'n>e uc-t .boukl be pneodeil ail autoug om- lem-''- b—or
R.-vpn yean, ago luy Ijiiiriiuvl iwrde
■ futun- cllbawriil
to torJude the stole of Traa*.
sH.v ..f .irevihHi. Iltat .tiall >v a.k-rd
Tbe re<dataa(lou act derl«-es aitKli of reouw. IfesklPOl klrKinb-v . .lalnl Ibal
IU valne ftami itae fact tbai ll lead, to IbP time bad roau- for tbe uaUsu to
o all liPnd. of dPfeirtuu-ai. e.k
ire tbe grpotept (loaelblp uaiuber of .-are for Ibe graves of tbe l oufedcruUtola ta by n
PW OB tbr land and lo nrale coiD- dead. 1 nv-oiumcaul
ilUea of freeboldcr.. lu ]>an by aH- lakP acilou (owani tbls end. TV- llnx Ir Ibe aiiapHltal. IwU every man of anliPfvl
snd.ltatlamPBl on poblle toad, bi part ly fareOOlPrtv l-ople. all |«-opl- of btd i(uiring tbe .uhrtlrtaloii of large private Ibe cuiifedprate deed
aelPf. tbe lo-orapMenl. ihe laty. Ukag. hpRoe tbry eaa gel water luwtberu |irt.on«.
Tlelnns. (tie pbrsically unPl- tlefPdlve ilj<-m ill w.'uriiig iwrwb. wab ibew
govfTBBiriit irrigiiiiua worts. 'Hpicaliuu. aud be' '
The rinniUmi of Immigratioii ta of or dremterate riioakl lie kp|» oni. Tbe
rtoek. out of wtileh Ainerb-an eltliejiImiMnUiI .-Muimtitiun.
lb<of water forlaml lu prltaie otmerfbip
ablp ta lo be bnilt aboukl lie strong and Iwv of vuDjioailona
aball >« ae(d far a met eK-eedlng ISO
to tbP railed >itatp« l-OWiniSi alipn im braHtav. sonad In body, nihtd and .-bar- Ibttao (or tradrw (■odll
If It be eb)peted tbat the cducalioaaj
migrants. lu otber wonts. In tbe siuclp aner.
w bo .-uD aeiibpr r«-ail nm
yser tbai ba. JusneUpasd Ib-w.- tonic ffovpniutaii: ageur. wimw ms .Jivajy
y |aua wUh a blgb aterage.
aelf dejwiKb oo tbe wlw and Bnn ea- to tota eouniry a grealer nuiiilwr of artavl well. lU- answer I- ihai tbey
, lu (be smk* art- filled win
tMtemem of ll. We taiuioi afford to peopls than t-eme iKwe during Ihe ItB wooH rprtmlnly «cl<v-i Iviiev lb.-m d«
r pspedilton. aud Uie »a
nbriUnte troant. for freeboMcr. on ; year, of our eolooUl life wbIcU Imer-
...V. i. .-.w -
tbe pntiUe domain.
| rened beitmo tbr Oral Undlug at
• Jamntowo aad toe Dp.-laTBtkui of JoPublic OraxUs Lnnde.
dPI>eBd«m!e. It U clekrty abown lo tbe I
e -kreatm pan of ibe rem
- - of toe c«oiDta«k.npr gCDpral of'
Ic lands_____
Unde coDBol he migated.
. ,
mnrb of tbls
are at prternt and wm probably al
s iiBdonbtedly
ways be of grmter valne far gneUg
Pinn.-A federal bnreaa of aataralt- (ban for any othm purpoae. This fact
be-jliby aud natural. :i cmisideruble
(iivpartlOB Is uiid.-slralilP fr.un ouc rra-,
ttloB. to be (BtabMriMd lu tbe depart- baa M to tbe gmring bomrotead at
sou Of BUolbec: woreov.v, a couald-j
trat of commerte aad Ubor. to aapmltalily a very
l>mUp toe admialamthm of toe aatn- MO Bcrra la Xebranka aud to the pro.
ratuatlon Uww and to metre tetwaa posed cncnalon of U lo other aUtee. large i>roparlI<m. Im-liidlng pioat o<
It ta aifftwd tbit a family cannot be
sappotled 00 100 acre. «f arid grating
of Its onto lull lathe, but bc-snaeof Ukl«od This ta ubvknaly true, bot oeiaetIrWy of the agents ot tbr greet
(ber cao a famUy be supported oo tH>>
transportalkMu-ompanlPs. Tbpseageois
mUantaw. (tea to be ckargod. and pta- acre, of mock of tbr laud to wbhh It
are lUairfbatwl Ihrongbout llumia'. and
ta pTBiwerd to apply tbe graxlag
rr of all kibita of Juriu vi
1tlrd,-Mei« exaedag qatlldcniloBB stmd.
To eswbltah
-sbltal universally auy ■ •
auto arbitrary llaiK w..nkl be unwtac ;
at toe ptatacm time, U woukl |«.ba- ; «"»«•- "f*"*
of Meatirii to be abollriird aad no Uy rranll on toe onr band la coUrglng
olMacle wr bare to euruiiuicr lu tlic,
W little oae to tba eitotofmi. The
7 days after tbe «Uag e( tato pMl- owarn and <m tor otbrr la needk-ss effort III BP<'Un' a l<ro|ier recniatloU ot.
Sbty totot apmi them conw tare
tbr uomlgrattoL to tbrur sb-n-. ariro
aallerlng awl failure ou tbr pert t>l
bainralUe very couald«ntilc proponiou of ib<-, fiwm tbr dnpeuiiurd epiMPiiiou of ibr
iMtaB Me settlm who give falib toilln- foreign
___ _____________________aim lo be confined to Caltad Stales
r matter save
_____ ^
lurr ran (be dtatita conrta and to aacb state etmrls ; bapltad
« ilmir iwpllal
C raipplT at nstawe a. l»to jarlsdlcllao In crtH aclloni In I (hat amdi to arva Is samelcni. Tbe
>f laimigrauts
bleat tflteMaUrrcrBlsmaml wblto tbe amount la caatrorersy ta on- I bml ok of toe pnblk- graxiug lauds by .wnrlng
»rtPT- .rf tb-*lr
serrv . umfnl Umltad: la clltaa of orrr JOOifmi InbaV | roquirw tbr caieful eLaailuaiiou aud bitfapr In ttapsi
■ no toria tttar urc aetdari'lor Jt“t» »h* Vattei Rlatrs dtotitet courts ; ctessOertlon of tbrsc binds lu onkr to Pblpw
to iL• uo 6sr M W.7
___ J.,. ^ t, im,.« excliialve jartadlrtlon lu tbr giyr each urtUer Uud cDourti to suicsimol
i«. uic-li
w navy lu a MtoalttaUoo of tbr illra rraMeaia of |mri bta (amO.' and no. utore. tVlilhr Ibe Plgbi sort, aiul wcoaBKX wiiB -a eerwaa lor, sawn w
ibCrimbwI. Laws.
* landa mtr aentad tbr gorrrammi should abmil
wgtBt bend of proiidlM m laifff In)f coarsp It Is destrablp
ly lag.------last oii miir
---- 1 aslmd tbe alten- take coolrol of (be opru ramce. aiahv wmm
enaae la tbe bamhar eC.otBmw and '
rigbl klud of Imiuigra
- UTgrut uprd___________
•• __(ton of^ tor ..mgrpa. to tbr
. ...... —-okval that
<«aey «a« mot only be adteUtoed.
(mttoMatod. it Ram aM amaa (n me
, (bat tbe I
ibidM. atlaaat la toe taamadiaie
tvA be UKnaaad beyond toe praaeait
uambar of aatta. Wbat ta bow toearly
iiairtoary.m to autalllnie atotdea'
toeSeleat tram as the Utter be
won oat or aa It boeotoaa una
tort they are aaeUaa. Probably tbe iw
salt mold be attained by addlog a
towto baRIartilp to onr aary each
T«r. toe uuperaeded or oatwm vraeau bring uu ap or totora op aa they
gee tta jwptooed. Tbe four Magle tarttt MaaMeto bidit immeduiely aBer
tot cUaa « toe tpanlto war. for la«wto. are tmeili wWto arnaki be of
B«MU Miral bloUir fens Mb|*ariBed
««riala taaaoaa wblto ««gbt taoi to. but
■wbito ds. mam cmitaHk. Sragetag
„ **^ TT-TT^ ™.*--.-TT:.
pmmawe ut t^ »
tatos br mamaa mm an enamy. out
■aadDd, ' Tbs-aata t
tory, bowwrtr, Itat aad ouraoly
top grtat battMfipa. Abe bcarfly *r.tocred. btavBy gtaacd vwsari. wblto
dstotatormfriwyoftorasan Hrary
anato armama aMo flay a mert imw
tri lart. aad lll■rmlll enriama. If swift
aad, ibepe. forlla farae^teaetlafu
« do wbnicTcr M-kv ibni I.
rra<b«-s evny |iart pf tlx- i-oiffli
tbr i.wt BS-.|. y Ibal ba. )•« br.
vImpI f-r fimilug |-eoplc wllb tbe
sullaMr qualUk-atlons (or Ibc vi
Qlfi.-... to be nitad. Writleii coci|wll-
M— Rp kp- n-i taut fuhen' life l-L.u-lu.-illousa* not make an Hbral
CMte mrnu Be kept Unl. aarf when
„,|iog ,«k1i1odv. but they
SbooW Be Eacoarap^
do rri'r-sent an .............................. ...
The .locslIoD. uri.lag lu couixx-llou; u|ksi Um- ".polta" uplbal. under vvblA
w llb I'Llm-M.- Iniiulgraii-ii stand by ! outside ^Ullrtans n«lly uiuke Um-sptbrinM-Ivc. Tbe coi.dliioii. lu Ctiluai i>oUiin:cii« uatulually amdr by llie exarr six-b tbai ibc eutlrc Cblurw iwolv] ccullve udlvcys. the gppoiuiee. briK
toiss-lbat 16. llw class of CUlm-w la-; cbowu l.y to- iwllllclaa. in ciiwsthm
boieiv. skUltsl aud uusklUed--k-gli>-;iotbe(»vutiitaJuniyof.-asp.forreaBiau-I) ‘-omc uii.Icr Ibc lu-ad of unde- Mws toially iiBeoqoe.-i->l «-lili tbe
ilK- ■-.■(•yrtobi uO-v. wbisfa ba. railed
lOOfPTPni-pa of Ibe cark.dn hiKrwm. «•(.. tally aud j.rnPlV-jMy .■otpeened wNli
ikr .^lernllou Ilf tbe eiipyriabi Uw*. ll
.. eapprWiw eol luTPOdsstlou.. aud II has drafiPd a UU wbtrb
elnlulta. Mi-b Of them .(UBtaM nod ait
•HlkHi. a* atriT fn« dlspwartou tad W-
cxtsllng liisiilb-leni ami tanmatstIsws liy mv (TPuertl .■opyrtglrt slaln will I.- levmlwl m ibe eea-
WKibl irml lu ota-uiw toe bruHh
sue w.-lfare of ilu- .wnauuilug pnWle.
Tram-- In fmdaloffs wbk* bare born
.ori or adol^erwipd oo e> to M)ma
d.n6c bla.-k or grw) smoke lu ti
If ue wuuM imonre □
•ffeei. 1 nvoBUDrud tbai k be tuadP
more strtugeui l>y Increwilag tmtb tbe
luinluiuni ami maximum fine, by ptwtldliig for imiirttoBBeat la uaaps of releairtl rkrialkw aud by affarllBg tbr
rrmrdy of luJuurtlOB against tbe rautiunalioa at the apenthm of pieBls
wLk-b err |wrata(sat offendera. 1 rocommend s1m> an lurreasr in the aaMer
af ioapertors. wlume duly U ahaU ba-U
drtrei vkriailoas of tbe acL
Nataaael Racks.
t call your ttlcnlioo to toe geosiwiu
act of tlw state of CaHfomia la eawfrrt u|mi I
Unit-d HlsMB ffsrwie
at tbe <y
tbr gift, aad a,....................
iDsilr for tbr luitndlw Itanwof ta Ibe
Yo-nnllp Xuttoual part and for toe
•wtv and poUetof of ibp part. CBUCbrula has a.-lPd lu-wi wtarly am wrB no
canw »f tbplr uuwbcrs. tlx- low wages .
Rocent Es«
wltb great magnaDlmliy la the maltar. '
lor wim-b lUP) work anil ibeir low
Statistic galbrrvd by Ibp i-pusus Ixi 'HMer nn- reijaiD mlfbiy aataral fsastaixlwril of llviug. Am «ul) ta U irrso allow tbal tbe Ipourp of offi'V it
of our land wblto aboulJ be pee^
Ita- luu-r<-.i of tins •wuuiry i<> kcn>
top guvaampnt erri-kv dsra nut differ spvrpd In irspetally far onr chlldera
tociu oiii. but tbe i-biune autborllic*
- and Mir Hilklm's rhildieu. 4u tay
do iiui dPsliv tUsI tbry wbould .bp adployCP. ot large bnslucaa cdnmratl
uditm. At jwi-peut Ibeif luifaiuv ta
liracl. of rxe-utlTp de|.snuii-ut. aa«
protaiblu-d b) laws amidy adniauie to
Uoual i«rk- ll tf grraUy ta Iv wish
uixowidi.l, tbta |wn»se. Tlieap taws uiembers of tbe cootmtaslou kav.- .-alltost Ibr .lair nf New York shonIdM
bare bppu. uiv betng aial wiU lie Umr- ..1 my Btteuttau to tor fad tk.t lb«oanmi -.o.-...
rw.dimig a liUog of toarges and
pufor-ctl. Tbr
mtparatrd ftvm .be mvrler for somile. Nr.tolnsf sbouM be allowed t<
Interf.-TP wIili the |M--WTVa1ion at SIlarffi-leu.y baa _.sn^
Ognra fall- In alt llieir lM>sDty and mijptPM- wbairvcT. brcalls.- Uisi
loali.v li.eli
rstr. If tb<- state ranucK are lo tota.
wbkb a Ix-anag ol
tbr .'lili.vse Ul-viv. .Lillrd or Uiudill
■slly 1.. be wished tbal
«d. 00.1 tl..wr ta DO pg.-usr f.K- any mac cmploype
valor, and -In iva.vxe toe she sluxild be -llllng to turn H arer Is
frrliUB or aSrs-IInt: to feel tbe sl.gfatesl
Tbr naTiousI gvvenitnrnL wblto Bfanald
rule irv.vklias for su.-b ixjtkv!
alarm -m tbr sid.i>vi.
kis-ulog ia «>'to .-aw- (if possiUe in caeJoataiM
Bui iu tor .-ffort lo .-stay out Ibe p»lt!x-f-a.
---------------------------------of acitaa to make our crUalbal law nreda. (oHowlag tbr grB.-ral poUry nl tlou aboukl Iw i.ro|x rty di-uribuird
1.-J- of eN-lixl..ig rblt-sK- lalMin-rs. Cbl- lu a .vrtsln aumlvr of Its.—-----------tbe pplu.-tan.-c of b-wtls of the l.nnlcn r»l
mm»rfffctlve.aadlm08t««r»p.tlypp- nadj ta snerr—fri operatlou ou tor lUs .-oouin . W> nred taor.-MKb UP6S- .-Miles, BV.irc lujDstirt.- ami wtoue l«auw
M.oani rails, j
qaen tbat yoa pay t»»*d to tbr reiiort fonwt troerves. It 1. probaWr tbal Ibe inuutgratlon lor tor south, aial spreW.
.1 gladlt M
- -V- -V
rawstot graalng value of tbr op.-a pub- effort aboakl b>-ma-te lo ap.-nir it. I'er :
aage ta sewn-rty more thau lialf bap- ll wauM Iv |«-sll.lr (o llinii llx‘ if
gr-.-.lve to sa-.- any lirau If a *i . miitp Nailoua! park ■
ly Mcdful lo throw ecr«T safsgiiaid what;110t
ll once was or irbut
li lulgbl
atiowfct to .-OBie
, 4irnis. lutabir*. aixl peofr-slvmtl n>eo
r tor itu)mi|xr rmauns wisbe* i , tawly spsiiiued ibem I.m- llie YWtswRfead (be aiCTStad. Tbp Mngcr to«i ny be agabi uader esrerii: ivgifiailou.
la any <ioeym.r to New- t-vl start niber, ,
M .ml) iijpr.(«nl-.. but :
- ---------— fie.»Ti—«
__ i.ii .
_________ 11.-- r .
,-P blE iindJ- »lv.(ii.-ioii- ls--;.u- . -I.KK- Naltunrl lalrts. A.ls-liiatp
Tbr fmeat
forest aoUey
policy of
of (be
Ibr admluisir
adutluisira- nortocni
wblk- IwtThig
anllu ‘ bauker-.. lUsdats.
nur..-torem. pror ■
lest bp abotafi .bp wnmsod
wrmigDd by
by to.tlar tn kPto in ikcM-rv |
I (be Ilkc-eluHiH t
Tb.- dai«er 1s now »xactt>- tV- tlon apprurs to rntay tbr unlrnd.-u ttnl tbr iimaUT to cao.r t-. tb« su-dto:' feasors. Ini.etars
.MH|s-i<-ul iix
of Ibe peaidr. Tbr giwal uwrs uio-,y, ptrokle-!. bnwer.T. fbai a | lie-rwcmragMl lo
______i Onr laws aad ritatom,lP(llm
a- her- sii-1
ri.« :.| |.-.rks
fuilliBR (b.lt --ifi-' -ITOtli.-'UliUS. Having :i.e~- fa.-i-r
mtowly in fatar of (be erimlnai and ; of timber aie tbnuaplcps (orwuritinc xnVipr riopt I
v.-li-WMX.X' Nstisaiel poffc
iu Vltfs-. lb- rxhle-H MI...-U.led lyl
ruh- Uss
for forrst pre-ervatkw. lamtgitaUs of
kiml rom- (or we insl Stmirr
ibm tbP laicrosu of the pubB.- be
r-.r.Sl.ksl lo Ux- s WUl noil
pw..«o.n Ilr.-t wlxse .be me1ll.-hi.-v
ogpd. taoBM- aalldttatrd aad
u a.«uat prj.-V«ta». ami toc
(urtkws of toe
..r i-i Wlsr.-d) o.lisar sjsl.d. UK- iX-.—Mr
• hi tlx- a
toVa wbtrb
al knuwk-Iit.- of Ibe jK-od of a .ip|rtr!
IS lo Imt ii.~pppwk ll
latv. wlx-n•lUe li- = ..eniim-iil lo prww-f tim ri
irtdl lb-n*iD-n-sl l^y ‘e- lujrl- >. isb
r merrii worts harm 1ilkmal fow-l
of fftmtov lusrkMl_________ ,
Ml tta.-ir w Jiilpr raugp.
ly pcdltlc. Tbr rvtaUni
kue li.i-mwp tayn.eii. will adm.I >11 < bit -m p»r—1« iTiiiv-oIV li:-M ■ Imna-lP-istk- aalqml of (br
xl- a n-AM-l .-f ib<! •j.'j.aN
.•klu-e.- eldll-l ..r
. .iltrd Watea stanfis In a .
slgbl-oi-- that I m-un i '.f tlx-—.>ily
x.^dute H---I..
oA."axrertatao. Tbr erlmlaal iMxvr-s of any
iPM to toe
humidrani- iw aPowol; uu-killrd Uhor-r.. There uoiiW oot
court or tor rmipd ntatp. sbotod ton apprcetatiori of their vslnp- Tlx- i
SO.I Mexi-o Is- to- Irset dji
xphI ..f a d.iuirimeiii. .ti.y ItmiU' exltot ttanal lawis-s wkbla or adiseeni to f
BSTPIU.IiTesuI toelra............. ........... .........
r-st Ifn-ps ubsrid W iraiitorrcl
afttarvtmW- Tbedelays of tbrrttai eat
■rives. A. mnto ns )..»eH.4e .detaW (-•: of Ibe bi-i« oboul laborri>. ..............................
lyr--Plat IbeW. A f-w Of tV-tO ta Ihe
taal taw no tats tbaa of toe cMI wow ; tbe
Ibr rliane of the (orrsl aarrlee atan.
dooe to dtainiwie tor iumtfrubls
mton I
eoadltt-an- be Lets ■
Vril-... -t.m-p=--V Nmb a berd A* that
cur « —. —
e ro.y to .dramsc is mwriyRrie of proeedtav. It.
■at tma very great evd
from tbp ;
on ll.mmuitaarioaU nr.
-mm-.-.. .™-ra-o. _________ ..i tbal boll. JuatV-uud—BW arc w.. a>«(. owded. and II-hi ptoddriug,
•mashes of Tntat lo RubKc •.rvk*. i
lOmiilawsd ita Page T«a.)
«>'i^«rtat .dUto.BttdLtabsaMB ualktewa-aa tory.tmjti ti.br riwwa. lor gqsdrtwuita.
The* »«to« titbr lta«al0t«.^ tbe;i
'uX -
•u tbe sab ta tbe togta* room «
tbe man ta Uff.CMMs' MTfib smt
nb la tola rrepret ^bi« law <amp*re*
vrrr (aimaWy With any-utber frdppal
.tainip Tbp .{wamian of po^>^»^
I; d^? TZ ?aRrd
-tbtaf a
WMl* « Wfrt Patot ba ifcKto^ <TPll it
^ ____________ j. raak. io bolb «ia
rnmr aiM »a nary ibarc aboold
1 To tke Ipread of «W
to j«a«r
^ tod Uie Uofttoo of tor da« to war a
Cnat aad ——— —rfiaai martop
Msan td our own to
t u tomral BUIkMt
•ad beifurre >mr
, i_ toe and la raN
c ^Ptol toitle Ubp. U mnaot
■CMBcytolto. fWiMfht
i^'ar.few b. number us to br toaui,.-iuua and .-an 1- eulinty dlsrc
garO..L Tbercl.uo-wri.m-iM-oim.al
®iraiw#')5ie Eicyalt>»
of thU «orM- The maxteo di oU»« frteadi f^ rarlow i«ftkai» of
bamaa Uferetldea la aecretpoerer to' ihli acrtlon.
r«uMr.l of 4. T. H.
la * pUln btaek cukol.
MOtt bcBuUml pnifeiloB of
Ur aU tbW wM loft of the taifc JollM
T f»««—> » the parlor «
r Uc'lilr b.11. that ffiKl* lieelf
OPT beto* Mr. H«.nah-. eWen
iraie^ir. oo **th etreel Suoday ,1,1, ~nh aod On aomc »oBdtoii» Uojd flloeh. ponlnla* of A. Trar^
a« a lano oatoher of «ood «««»; «n.__ea^ «d “
^> ^
curt l»li«C j W. «
^ -..........................
vhe had been uken! earto beneath the aarmih of rlad aoc-. companiea
trime ct life and j ahloe mnd pnxhei Iti way ihmnrb the
The burial
bad been laM !n j darian* to earth * niRfa'
e tofflre
Uo.rt». aad bloon.. The relc^ed and totd Utoph Andre>oo.
hU hone elty.
The funeral to Jnllo* T.
U ok idaoe Sanday afternoon and
tortac trfbotea itold to U* ttCBory tea- toe (DD. So toe Mul that is rekased :
7 of the nfftotloo mnd from Mfrlmdc to to* mal^ ani:i
AsMfted rake.
Mixed X«ta.
Superviior Tiart '
upoa 10 iirorirto as
cmih ilPrUrod a
ifaack 10 thne lama aocceadal «o \rthlbald Hadden. The beanUftd rtos!pr*««» et rhtoa. allxerware aad for
'trance, into toe B«eral merehaiali.e .Wvke «. oaod.
city *ne«. were Mr. and Mra. J. E.
‘ aiorc of KAl Bro*. darter toe part
to the uratox to "Heart* and Floa- OnWr- Ml**» Both Gable aad Mnrter
walche*. ehamn.',.r," (dand be Ml*. »*raaee. VOrd. the Chari*. CMc to Grand BapMe. Mr.
panr marcbctl dO«t toe »a|r- .«"’Mn.M.K, Paine to Trar«ae City.
« i^of ftm*. unltax. rtry.-, The happy e-Plc
be « ho*e to
and .Ainrrirao fteautv ' Trarerae Cli.r after Jaa 1 at e:t BUde
arch rbe happy
._ ________ Unle Buth
the Soocr elrt an.1 la (be
t-^lcn H0.1..V rr>w th.iidJ..o
,k. I.C «
eMcev that one entertained for bin
tn TiWTtos CUy. Betonen the hours
to i» and 1 o-doelt the body lay In
•tale and sraa looked npen by a eonKant aunaa of peofda dortof tbat
time. A fftiart of bowir, OBnalaiInt to
■anbern of toe XnisUn Templar and
Vnlfom Bank. Kniffbto of Pytolaa
ctODd betode toe eaaket and at the enUanM at toe boat, n alhst tettlaotoal to toe catena In srhldi Mr. Han
nah was bald la tooae two erdcra. The
larte rooas *«• om*«ed to Uiclr
.o^aeBy dartoe toa ftatoal aeirice.
mUdb trad eondseled by ibe Brr- C. T.
Cloto. wcior to Omee a>l«sto*l
efarneh. The rwtar Bplsoopal bnrlal
aerriee vna R«d. in his temarks toe
Bar. Mr. Stoat paid a lorto* tribute
to toe ttortb to Mr. Hannah. The Whtotni U the aermon la fulL
^.JtAsnln too aaml to dentb bn* ru
tted this borne no norcly afflicted In
the pest oUbt yeafa. Flrrt toe
amber was called •*"> from bn»h*nd
and tolldn*. Then an ared «»tor
raiae to tfmt rental aad inio hcnrtcd
elitttnc years of her hmher. She, too.
was tolled n«v- Aralntbe
Mae to that rcnMI and true hearted
friend to m many of ui. «ho*e name
and pree^ bare aiood for ao much
to toe life to Trarerse Oiy. «ho hal
Koecd amoac bis eoalemporarlw tour
•eotn to y«n vtto toe pover
JiiMui Pairo U one of toe ben.
'“*< »«>•«
TraverM City. He U a member, of
'•>« ffnn of P.lre Bto... oleririria*..
aad hi* a how to friend, la th. dijt.
^ Ur CIUl. to.rodtotol nn the .boa-ca*c to aatebe dorto, th.ini; beeoaa eotploye of (be amrium tBool, a rouiOa of the bride, aad Eau
lime. Both Mr. and 1l(nJM|(e
Surks Moeber coi'isln of (he bride
i^ltb a larce narntwreTb^.sl
by pucine
‘«‘»*‘»'^i»a» the bci man The liride looked
'(onainmcoi w.« espceUlly calojatile.; atarrn on (lie c
Roneml | f.(„i-n.jns to a (0.11 rf cbnac-lll
r. \V. WI1«in *«s ailed upon first. .lore alarm was Iindod uh'rncrcr ihr ' ,
____ __
bridenmairt vote »hi;c i Pb: UurM>y. «
to rrplain a chatpe matli- by one of case aa. opened
^ v^lc. Th.-fio.er Ctrl
cUd la pln.< ■ q;.;;.
-.nr ioariirT
the wperrisorv that the itvcallcd vi-u.->h.T asaln mU»«l a ihlrrt waten. ana
r.maraii.laiion*. 'ho_, .
;*.« had been purchart-d. «. much per Kunday mortune a fo.urih-a. als^.
„f,i» N*JcO
, ^nTTl woto. apoa.
j pound. The ebartu wa* empbaUcaJly; aside from ibc amall Jewelry referred:
c.TCiaony light telfc»3-; .oven and made- by Mr*. MeCrMdy.
!r.-fu-c*l. and the »upervl*or wa» cons- to.
, mecii. .ere »erve.l. Many bcautliul „o,b„ of a big hmUj of vaers la hi*
pcilcd HO admit Ihnl the teal be was Laat “‘B^t Chnn Kebl. meml.'r of
The out to ih-1 dl.lrin
:allegedlohave«oldtoUr.\Vil»on«-Bt;ihe firm, and an employe. Ivafi [
'.old 10 antoher party. Jlr. Wilson (1-- Thomaa. r«iialneii at tbe atnre
wriu-il vividly Ihe thrilling vx|. rl ; await de^pmenis- Tk.-y preparisl
enc-s of humlng tleer In th.- norihv.-nia biding idace on ib-- M-caid MBilln.t
I «ood» and (Old a story to n eertain ex- and awaited wiUi SJ-rallber revolrcrr.
Ipeiicncc with a shot gun and rt-rtala anfl an electric Uehi Idilb. At l-.«o
buck shot whlrh did not aceompllto; some one came i» the west door or
jany vro Itreat slangfaicr. This rt<w> ride .loor opening on to Waukaro^
' .as (he (oilijert of an Inquest held .m mns-t. and Immedlat.-ly pUc<d a ke\
Ihe spot l.v Coroners Holdswonh aat • in ib<- lock, unloeked the <ks>r. enier^v;
THc'-v who sat upon the deer w-ith and went dlrcetl.v Into the dry- goodchataeicristlc official dignl». Impanel-, department where a lot« line of ebon
What to buffer a man is often a pu/zle. Our
ilng a Jury in the Invcllgailon. ^icr ,c»se>. were flUeil with i>ew-elry. After
leaitoul dlsseclNB, sever.1 boekahot i locating them they proevvried to fum
advice is; Buy useful presents. Any of the
lU-tecxtraetedfromaslIeeof venison We with the sliding ea*os and ih
I'e^lowinc articles will make a very accepubic
Ucak and the bullet whlrh WAS «ip- evldenl hargUrtilng of toe store «gift
iiuiw-du. have killed the deer was dl«.: too mueh for Mr. Kew and Mi
•corerbdaafel) imlged in the rtficcarl-j-niomas. They siarte.1 down sa.r .
; ridge which had lieen seeored as rvt-; shouting 'o »he Invailer to ihixm «:i
;his hnart* not he made a w-ild rusb
Mr. Wilson proceeded with a very'fot th* door which h- had left open.
Ilai.-restlng story to the hunt and said : and reached the wreel before they
•that alihough (he gntst* id himelf reached (be siiue landing. They.
(he tetreaiI and Mr. Qrovn were county offlcUli ever, fired four shots
A Man’s Christmas
i ^
ice. Ihe gatheilnh nt noi Iq any tease . rloor casing IhK one rii|.t went ttroujii
polUical convention. He paid a tmt ' the glar* of the door and struck PWDSn.E4.
Juliue Troemsn Hannah.
: happy tribute to the board of rapervl- ’mark ^for Ihe track* leading »oui!.
aad ihelr work for Ihe county, to .ere marked »ilh Wool. Both merr«• may be in dolnr larre lblnp. for
ronniy officials and the commlllcc ' bers of the More were unsho>l aorl n.i:
, men. and predicted that In fnlnrc able to folio, any great distance but
btoldtor STtot l^toUlto toxt ncl'lRff
■ •
!year» Grand Traverse would be ad- the hiirgUr ran south nod wit to algl-'
of the known to toe
"“f : „,„bly- well served. If Its officials and away from them where all rie-t
faiber of Trareme Oty. na he
temporal will e
spiritual, tbe glory to that Register to Deeds mnk B W.b
t«ctlaeate1r tailed, bai lefi a plaec glory of I
toe fare of Jesu. son .and
:a. those gatoered arennd the banquet
The value to the wAlcb.s takco was
ratont &at no eae can fill and
,God revealed
to Long Lake towAShlp. nau eonw~
Wn*oo I* a very enJoyaV'einearly »» while three gold cbalii.-,
to our dty monm hl^ loa*. For the CbrisL
-Th. aolemnlly to mrai«T M the a seheme to invade the ttrcMs of «he .
and tls address «s ejtren|e. several eliarms and oih,-r soiaU .law.
tototb Ume death enter* , tola boa*,
_ , iv cntenainlng.
' do'brought tbe stea! silTI higher. Th'
and wbBe xlrtos apace tor the proelns death to OCT friends touch tts coldly upper punlnspU to hum doer.
It wa* commonly known among ihrgupevispr Brown was al*o c.vllr.i firm IrN-ls certain that dn' Bootl*
to ictototlan^ enoiace. finally uid we ahrink away from that touch
a^^bed his cspcricnce In : taken and this cannot he estlmatcl.
totobet «ito
brare bean out to the un.cen w«rtd. Y-h wl.h memherw to the luutrd tost ^h thest,gentlemen are good
He gave a vety eotcrtaiii-: Other developments are expected
aad eddi neb diMifBiff w traly vat I Bunts we may *ar.
talr* of their ptowe--s 00 the
„pon ,,j, <,j^i,otn. ri and fa* follow, as systeirntic stealing 1
a hunate of aiRtelte. The only $cm “The voice of nainre lopdly rrle*.
and heir toOi aether and father in; And many a messasr from the skU-s. ‘»™"
: cina.ion of d<vr hunting.
l«sn going on In th. villago Mi
the city of toe dehd.
That Mrmrttng In u. never die./
Kollow ing the*.- ad.lrcsses whib- the ; rear or more.
-I tee about toe today tooae who
“RUlBg up from this eonlemplatioo
to either to thorty ofwere enjoying
Mtotmw^.lp. Wedd.09.
bare known Ua from childhood. too*e ro an- rtrengtoened ud In gntRude.
liter wns taken serlou.s- w-iv resiwuuieu to uy A. I. & I son
juUns B Paige and Mis* Aim?'
who hare b^ InUraatcly aaodated o God-and In apirltual uplttl wo Jo n final*. Tbe a
to carTTlnc im thote lar»o burtnoa* lo- n the prayer
Oliver tt enddl ^
Prowuung .Mtorttey Oeoree H.
tcreata. thoM who. In houn of rolaa-l
and that tbeo- mus, be some .Ori of i
.A. J Ncrllngto.
v„.kvg.*, .ro
ttoa. aw tbat more Rcntel wii lovable
“OFatoert grant toy love divine
before toe toalgn
--------aide to bU eharartcr and thoee who
to the borne bare been yet more near When wtrtlng age and wearing airlfe ,^j.^^^,,^
. County School CommissiOBcr « l» i
‘ . .
ly drawn to Mm. 1b«M all have left Have sapped thrlcanlag wall, of lUc., ,-jp„upon >|r. Wilson uid Ur. i Crisp. Supurvlwr S. C. Borrow. Pro-,
to toem neh Impfeaaiont. .ucb re-J
Wmeo darfintrs* gathers over all.
„ kno.n in certain term*] »“■ ■»“''Ce f. lU Walk-cr and A. t.
•atd. tato love a pawc* from one And the last tottering pilian. fall.
yHends had! PuKet. A* It was 1. ocl.irk theit^uaeUT to anetoer to toe aubtle wd
Mlaaoorl they would Ik’’P®"- *”*' *’»*' ”
Byaieriootoy hiddea tofinehcct of pcb Taka toe poor durt thy mercy wanna;
ABdinouKIt intoheavcnb forths '
abowa ,v».
that .Sose
there ^s-re di-.u- In liic.r^ui earlier It U safe i
“llnfo Him that hato loved ns and I'
* comloned feast of
is^ nnd that *omc of «<«■■>
~Far be It to dittarb such laemorles. trashed
«» from our sin* In His own
hnmorOnlng for the occariou.
«r to feebly try to nnalyae ncilea*.
Him Iw gloo-'antl
: TreTe-^e renniy dl'to^^
-Mr Wilson and Mr. Drown had
nwpoeea. aMIra, tha hidden in toeir blood, t........................
and ever. Amen."
^pi.^i,^ ,nd county to-lmo.t succesaful hunting trip, each of
nnerto tprlnsa tna toe lodyment of
L-rrlccs a qiiartci eon„,,ip,.uju m *eeariag their full quota to deer.
During t
aen. 01 smat Udntory. bonaty an-I
lanquel was ullhoul doubt one ol
arnetonca to purpaae In hta cboaen
.leriaration the tsurdi tbe finest ever serv.d in Grand,TraveaUtoa ol life, to noat cartonl regard Dr. j: A. Snyder and C. F. Hunter
,.r;.c eounly. and it is safe to say tbat
tor the tru*ta eemmlited .to hl(a. of chamefi the • Burial Anthem" »nd
aang “Nearer My God 10 Th.-e." •Abide
the Imsines,. toihe conn- never iwforc bad to many rouniy ofWith Me," “Come, Ve DlseousOlalc.-_
pp,,H-rly uistuHrit.-d with picas-' ficial* gathered together at one time
need net be atodow to gn behind
ontwnrd llrlna to nearcb tor motives ,lbe aeltollona being fXiremcly fl''»‘R;ur.hle antieiiations .tf sttmelblng good for pleasure alone,
and rendering a paiho* to the stovl-.-e ,
aome tinu- in December.
The host* wet.- heartilj- eongtatuthat may eatoly alnie toe effort
It happened Monday ptglil and the laied by the gucx-u and when the ban-,
der Ota more nppnrai toe IMortleo, I which was in harmony .iih toe aoi
filtered Ibore.
geittlemtoi frem ML...uri .ere shown quc! rlused It wa< voted that toe ban-j
- to aaa to mnn toat m toten obirudei
I elaborate rxi-nt that Mr. Wilson quei eonld not have been better ur
lutot npen n« In painful cooseloMNo present is more acceptable to young or old than an Ea»imaa , :
Mr. Broun ar,- migbiy hunters, more nleely serred and that no gntbernaa. There U aomewhai of comfort Many toeganl set pleee* from lb';
te a all that no mnn U wholly bad order* to whlrh Mr. Hannah bclougc.l • JOno of the tmi.t eom|ilele an.1 enjoy-, ing to. officials cutiTd bat e t;.'eo bapKodak. Think of the pleasant daj-s it gives them—so simple a
being conspicnott* in the displa?-ahlc lanqm it oter spread in Traverse piiV;
oaly was (be raskel alma.>l buried '
the v.-.-tlsOti dtnoet sirred 1.’
Those pre*ooi .ere John Hoish- --r
child can run them—so sure that 5ny one can lake picfires with
with fiower*. but they were anange-1 J
the Little Tavern by Register Wilsoo'Acme. Charle* H. Monroe of Blair,
abont tbe roam la great profusion.
them. I'ut them on your holiday list, and when in TraveKe
and Supervisor Itr... n at which th- Kd.io Black to Bast Hay. J. H B-icll!
often falling before : Consplrooos among '1*>m- who at n«-mt«T* ol toe ItoarJ to uopervisor*,'Gerfield, Charh-s U. I»5e to Greea.l
don’t fail to look over our line. Prices rea*onablc.
thought*, eompan-1 innfie^ Ure service was rt-miiany « county official* and members of tbol|jke. Ijtclii? J. Tedman to Summit
and again wllb toe btotcrtolf la Ute mom wealthy and dtrilngiUsb. 1
the; city, T- H- GUUi, S. C- ISarro*. W. W"
enuens to
m Otand
ttrenii Raid‘1*.
nuimis. loelndtng
tka aaecndaBt
apaiatng the erll- aad-'eftbten*
CUy H HoniMcr. cashier of the OH Snests to the t.o h.init
. dla^ to the good. OKh M hugma
tony In the party a
N.i.n.1 hank: Dudley Waters, cap!- t""’'
UreforaahUthat the tajd.-s of the l.litle Tavent «( Craan, David Rriirii of I
-In kU maateriy analysl* of man'a
were never s-irrotiride-l by a more rep- wiiiiam Giant to Garfield,
btoac. BL Panl tt toe cpUtle to tbe
n-cnialivc Isriy. «-l Grand Traverse wt-ll. of la>ng Lake. A E Ihilvt-r to
OoiUhlana. boMa up la elcareat light
Summit Cit). A. B. SHnaon to IKngi,n Crocer eomi>any: E. A. county citirens.
both naria of our Ute—the natural and
The gueslrXB'I at the county court le.r. Ralph D. White to WlUiamsbnrv:.
ceeded .0
to tor
tbr Rcgis'C;
Deeds F
F W. tVilson. TVIl^-TTloI^ I
t'“n i b-tl-c
ff"-" ■"-re proceeded
of Deeds
2bS lo^rB^h^i^Tfotmi banker: Wtp.J...l«m and Mr. Olaeytr rertaaren, »bcn
when m .tfe
.re ornlB
main dining Ham WHson
tUlson to Kingsley,
Count-the long tables .h-k- elramnilv Setiuut Coreinisstoner Georg-- Crisy
feast wa* lu-itreseautlve J. H Motiree. Senator
nos ItVS.- M« .-.■■■Tl. .#—• —WW.. .. ijovod The t-v-ulsou was ■ lecaotlj t> C Moffa-I. County Ck-rk Robert E.
a that we ibould. But that man' County Savln;^ bank.
--------------• •
Ciriefrotni*<-rv*d and wen though there .a* ett Walter. Sheriff
am who ptomtia tbe maierial and lemCur^onl to ao more than be a ■errant to C!^^»^s'Tn’'r*P^ train char- •bnn.ianl supply It Is doubtful if very cult Coon Cemmissioovr
tbe BpIrttuaL. For It 1* In the realm of
tbe 9lrftjm1 that life dwella The
teartal aide to ai U overwhelmed by ceased.«
Utng Itdand Wafer..
. cr Ami! F. Xerltogw. Pr.a«uilng AT
real Mycterioaa Ulag aa call death. him from boyhood aad all c
^ °
Dcalk trfuMpha over all nature and haring been intioaiely assorted In t Olives. VenlaOD
SWahr-' j,
•"'* Ph""* Representative* J. W. liar.large fiBaaelal tranaanhias for many
aaa'a body Is a part to nait
nen.'E E. White and Frc.1 1- Smith.
Saratoga Chl|».
IndU Bell
^«aih tannet loocb tbe ablriiual. Here year* paat.
above were C A..
tkmai Venlwm—Mlefalgan.
in Bddliloo
in dwell* that belter pan to our com•arRUra at Merthport.
ibc Masbad Ih-ialoes.
pleg *toag Here are the factotlca. I Palmer
toro*"for atoiTlna hlxh tboughulKnWit* to Pythla* to MWHgan. from
Frt-och Pea*. Shrimp Salad.
1 Nonkporl. Mkh.. Dae. i-Xortt
Rye Bread.
and eemitoTing great panwae. that, ltoM.ee: D. H. Day to Cleu Havon:
. tbe tremble dating
make a man (be aMrirr and not tociCMpi.
» ;
Brownie Kodalts
Folding Pocket Kodaks
$1 lo $20
$6 to $20
Cartridge Codaks...................................*M
Cank Deoeloirtna macblnes
=™:;r "• “Hi::;
$2*$0 to $5
$. €. Blait $ Sons
Craperse City’s Ceadina Druagists
Gmd Tnrrcrsc Herald
abosld bit> your Xmax cxr.dlw at
Beoaoeiy Store
mllrUht boi hl*«l»WMpoofi»atfcK
ti pKiwbir
tkM amd tfe« tu« of
tba rHb>r oT the KuuUn pMtfe.
WIUi tbe pmaal etar ogt of Ih
the (rand dok«<*'pn>bablr lari
tbar mold a»lMt a toa*tnr
VMM eeatpn to ifadr villi aod allov
Ua iBBQgnra] meaaage to tbe
coonell Mat nprtag. Mayor fVMrteb
ameoded that eertala changes be
a St. PanI
OA peranea
be Ia« two
(bra tp Min cOBIrel ibr rounirr. KIdtthu b« ba« 1deu << rtasa ratios vhicb would make Inxora hai a
eoai very much lea*. At tbit
and ax lb««« idaba do ooi eonTHO«.T.BATn._
, It vould be aecesxary to make
ibeae held br tbe mnd dake.
It vill prebablr meao (be reswval'ed esteaaire ebangex. aeeb aa aaeploTlna
more paid flrraen. taut Dem>v
NIehOlat la aone maaBer.—R««rd.
eetor D. H. Vt'eai of Onad Rapid*
Uvt Stock ^ew. ChleaBO. December
WniefAilluaT. Hannah.
baa ftrand auch aa esceHrat ccedltion
IS to 23. InelUBlva.
The vIH of'lbe late lalliu T. Han- here that anme <d tbe reqatrraeota f f
For the above ocra-ioo tleket *i:"Ot>
lb vaa filed la Probate court Uonda/ (bo Nailcmal Board of raderwriir!* will *ell round triti iirkei* to Ct:lr«=v
a: greailt reduced mie«l Tlck' ts on
altemoon. fty the term* of the »m eoirid be waived.
Mr*. 3. r. Keeney and Mr*. Goo. W
Mr. Carver tUled to tbe council that »al'- lleecmhcr Ifi. IT. is and 19; cood
for tTHum Bill laier than IV.->.'nii»Y
Gardner. Mr. mnaab’a alaler*. recelre while Trartw CUy vat la tbe fonrit
I4lh. Aak as‘flt* for particular*.
■pMbtr CKnoen-a Atfele*.
tis.ooe each. Tbe entire halanc
1. there were aome tbiagx bere bet
IL P. Moeller. C P. A.
tt t» ow doif to «oe that »c*U1a■tate, both real and peraonal. i*
ban In the (bird Ciaxi eltlea. Hr
:. 1ka U viae ie (be prraliet. da«t (a
atbed to bia vile, and Samuel xtaled that Fred D. Citttla. apeclal
tba carrlar. to tbe eorr»oiailOB. to the
Garltad aod Mr*. Haanab are mad- agent of Ibla dlatrlct for tbe laapection
ie Lcgpiis:
- paopla. Wa aannot opt^ oae by
•aeeoton of itae vlil.
burron. vaa In leeeipt ot a letUfooHak or aadoiC lepldaitoo vlihoot (a
Therc’a notliinc like a l»»ir
The vJII bear* tbe dale o( Not. 9 from'Mr Weat alttlog that If two
tba cad brlofla* dlMiter n|«OB all. W<*
»it lk?cR>fU9 to ii^iU-ct the
1 flrnmn were employed and tbe
aMoM be aapacUBr eareful bot mi
electric vlrtag was done according l<>
fvot awl attklexi.
ddy to lourftn vi'b (be operdlon
Plondar It FetiM.
tbe national code, that (he matter of e
aC tba eompetlttre foten; for.
The plander taken from (be (ai
watrrvork*. cir.
would be
-Vt this time mny )>o lioipftil
alt oor very clvIIUattea rettx
tbop of Robert AROca ot Northport
waived aM the reduciina Jo ioauraDoin doridins what to Imy for
nHa. aad ladfrldtal llrlay la
Not. « l>y (be'ivo barftar*. Martin ratea allowed. Tbe rediicitoa la IJ pen
Chriainaa. fhir Hue of Fan
aveal oC hi* face htnUlait to pronnte and FetipitOD, «-aa found Tneaday
cent oa brick huildlngx, S per cent on '
cy Salad Bowls trill bi- appn bU ova iBtereat" ,
Omeoa by Prod Aaderaon la the eo;. wooden bnlMlnsi anc from J to C per
Jerucy-CloU. awl Knit
cintdd l)v every Intly livykini;
Tha above la (akea from the apaeeb tace ot John R. BaaU ot ihl* city. It
cent oi atoeka, the average belnc
for novel fihapes and i-xriailaada by -CacI* Joe" Caanda after be
lalated of an overcoat beloBRlng to aboot 4 p^ coat. It vonld make a dK
childn-n. Prii-ra from ^tOc to
hite ilecoratioDO. Onr China
-vaa aleeied aimaker of tbe bouae Sat- the Rev. W. H. Hiillierl of Northport
ie« of beiveea t-l/vw ana
Iv-ny Sets nri> by far the
1 00 tlio pair.
«rday avaaln*. Tbe fev exeerru ar
anil of ekXhea belonging to Mr.
•r In tbe eoai of Inlytauee on
bandaotneal vi- have I'v. r
waD vortb atadjriny aa they reHeei i Wheeler of Omeaa. It devrtopa now
A pond Chrietma* prtwit
ABtlle building* and atoeka in iiii-.
shown. Wo al»o Lave Brond
apMt bf talmeaa and jaitaeaa to all.
ibeyarrlved at Omeoa (bat t
mid Bnltor |ilatea.’ C
la tbMe daya of laveailnileaa and log after the eemmliment of tbe burg.
The mayor appointed at a aperUl
atartllBc dlaoloanraa, tbe teadeney
Ury and entered the Santo cottage, committee to invoatlgate the matter.
atfe, Bon
vbere they remaliied oaill after dartt Mmra. Winnie. Miirvav aed aillni.
at Bowl*. Haviland Cli'—
that Bisbi. vhen they left etldenilv
and rInpancKO Cups nnd Saaexpeetiog to again retnm and take
Death ef Earty Plenaer.
1-ers, Suf;ars and Crciima in
aetlM vUi eOaei tba goad raauU ob- tbetr plnnder.
Elk Rapids. Mleb-. Uoc. 5.—Jimrs;
dainty 8hin»»s. Celcjy Tra)'s,
. taload. -Uaelc Joe” rXb bla naaal
They are nov availing trial at Hcltimer Braed died at bla residence 'n
lovely Vn^. CboroUlp Sets.
' kaaBBeaa bat raetwalaed Ihit aad litre oa aaottaer charge
Elk RapMs. Saturday evening, to*
capital, writes
Ijtck of aptu'C forlinia
tbatfibre bla adrtea l|i aonad and r>od.
neecaaed vai widtdy kaowa as on-'
mi'Otinnineliqf fev artiIt ia tne that elvflhbUoa Ktu npoD
Day of Mourning.
of the pramincni men of Elk Rapid*
cloa iii tiiU lint’. No (fee«atu aad while
in (be aveat ot
MoDday fan acrvlcea were obthan fill}' yean.
• may tfiFo
ton batUlax to plwBou bl« ova later- aerved In the Jeviah eynagegue by all
P. Brand wax the aon of an
a <)o them jii
; Enrr
br tbv SJnevo C1tr»‘
: -^pat“ la aat caaetly etecaat dktion, It U Jevtih rcaident* of (be diy. the atr- Rngilab banker and waa. born near
.prSM!l>\] l-r tbr .lUliVl of lioiilil tMkoU, si!
«iy aapeetalve of tbe eoaditloa today. vlcca taking place beiveea the hour* l^don, England. Augaai 30. istc. Il"
It>*ecninunitiaiig e-vasit*d wiili Ibr ls>nr
Tbe Economy Store,
and E o'clbrk. when all Jeviah
son Ivj'xrt'o-'st 'if tb* Blnlr.
edncaiod (nr the bar and practlcM'
rail alwnj-x ilnil eoiiiclliini*
buxineaa bontex wore cloned. The as a solleilor in ebaacery (or two
lttUBMsefift>oylar>'wndM«>*'l d*Raotralnt of C
enuae ot the fast day wax tbe recent year* in London. He then ahaadore 1
niAVKBBg l-m-. MICH.
to bla lonedy for eglaUag e
lerea of Jeva Ic Rncala. vboi the lav and folloved varioux purauUOHM, ProaMnit Booaevelt ta bla
tboutaadi of iBDOcenl Jew* were alaln nntil I8S1. vhen be etine to Amerbs.
oi«o to eoogreaa mikea a very dear la tbe atreeta. Odcau alone barli
Bm aetUlng la Wisennxin. The lol
■taUtoeat. Me argoea that vhile It U dead to the number of S.Mfl.
loving year be came to the Gran''
walMa to attrapt to prevent combi.
The ridfilxb people observed tbe dav Traverse region.' aod after a few I
HdOM, etiU Itae great corporate
II over tbe llnlird States as a day of months lit wbal la now Leelanau conn i
torofta mast be made to aocoilat
mourning, buaineas men were Inatmet- ly. In the vldalty of Traverse City.
tba gororameBt tor4be[r artloaa i
ed 10 ekwe Ibeir alorcs. atudenla and
Elk Rapids, vbleh place
‘ tbaa be prevaeled from ualng their acbool dtlMreo forblddai to attend colbaa since made his home. His tu
g groat capUal. meaaa and reaoi
legei. workmen anti elerka asked
raployment bere was vltb Abiam ^
f OMaat tbe public good.
refrain tram working, while due hoaor Wadxvtmb. then la the lumber bus!
Tbe praatdeat tmly ttaiea that auefa
glvea the martyred dead, vbirb
;ards be worked for Jame* ! Frederick the Great an Admirer
la imynad itate eoairol. that it ■taould make a praieat which all tbe
HankiB. the s-jceessor of Mr. WaiU 1
the ‘ Flrel Pianea." Hag Sev
\Vhiii'Irayins your Christbe done by tbe nattonal govern. world might hear.
vortb. Boon after (be erganlaalloo of I
eral of Them in Hia Palace.
m:iR prosi'Ots <k> not fait to
the,firm sf Dexter t Noble. Mr. Brau.l';
b-iav anaotad i
SCI' the Hne lino of (poIs 1
OaaUi Roll.
We eanodi wonder that the ol'
entered ibrir office as chief boakifiMgwii bat if aot a
ain now showing,
SrIvM. tbe 1
keeper aad rrailaed vltb them uaill
Oat tbe eeaMitatkm of Ibe eoimtn
not lake kindly to the ••first plinos.
1867. in 1«S8 he vi* elected eonoiy The keys tin the iwrly pisnn* rin'iir'*l
Sfcoald bo ao amoedod aa to permU tu
Proat Hreet, died
olcrii and register ot deeds of Grand a greater dellcary of murh. and It Is
- balagdaoa. Il ia aaloRUMie. be ay*,
lOa. m. after a four days’lllaeta. The Travsne county, of vhiefa Qk Rairidx esme neeeiuiary for ytofi-ssuiuals eii'.
tbe lava in lagart to ibeae ooramateurs to change (heir >li b- (d iila;
burial took place Monday afiernooii
then a pnriloa. Before relirtns
porUloba are problbUivc iaUier than
at 4 o'clock la tbe Jeviab cemetery la
I. the firm of Dexter & Noble be
in.Uia early part of the sevraleeni'.
Oakwood. tbe Bcv.-. Zutaatan oT
acquired consldcnblc holiUags of ceatury SlUHrmna siowi-d two of hi
m argues tbai It la aicdeaa i
aeialtog. The Jevlab barial Mlea dir
ealate. He then eaiered upon the pianos u> Ri'bBvtlan IUrh.»hn pralne:
Umft to proMMt the aoppreaali
fer vaatly frotn the Pratexunl. tbey life of a farmer which he followed 'them a* ’Incf-tilouB piece* of nutban
Ism" but eiiiuidsine.i of thrlr -fei'lrlipreparing tbe grave after tbe arrival from ihni time until hi* death.
of tbe body and tbe oaoal casket burial
—. ....................
- ould have
dot being need: but iosiead tbe body public trust la this commualty. among I m
Id If he
s !>< i
la plaood la a vblle llaea vtadlag vbicb may be menUoaed the office of 1 KImliall I’lano of today. «-ii
filtintf of
Seale, heauiifiil lone qi
. . ly. itaheet aad tbe box used (or in rceep
and hand
claSEi-s n siu-cinily.
tion ta three aided, there being antbiag was riecled in ISCil. supervisor.
.................. reedlly. Inhiv would hnv.- cm.' In',.tbe bottom to tbe remaiat lie oa
and Jnatiee sf (be peace of Elk
trao oofUagA USttoa tba valaea aad
teles of lUdlehi m-er the KIniliait
mother eorib. et tbeir belief It that Rapids township. Tie va* also (be first
111 and I'Xpressed himself In tr.uen
by tbe eelUpae of tbeaa InSaUeet
the eoooer tbe body of clay relurat ireasurer of the village of Elk Rapid*. .............
same ua.v
a* the grrsi mi
brlsga 00 burlaaaa fanlca. There la a
217 E. Front SI.
to dost Tram vbicb it came the better.
Iir day. For Inrtulici'. Vat
Mr. Brand va* married to Anne J.jof our
Mag Uat of evila la tba train of
lull has a wondi-rriiliy swo'-i
lied Jau.,"Ti>''
McVlcar In !8i9. Mr* Brand died
eapilalUatlou. li keepa vagea low on
■ad eympatheilc
Tbe (rieads of Mica Clarissa Carr,
uary to. 1»M. The naion va« viihout j
•aeoaat of tba Iniareat ebargea. It dU- tor many years a teacher ia tbe city
...................................................................... aeuiig demands." John Philip {
ooatagaa the email tavaoior and doea •ebool*. bave received neve ct tbe ■
*ays, .'The KImliall 1* first rlai
gvay vlth thrift gad briagi ta
death ot ber father, vbicb occurred tegrity ef ^srscler. Hit sturdy
every rexpeci.” Beeboeck **v*, -Thi
Btaad a aplrit of gaatiag aad apecola- Saturday at bU borne In Dundee. HtU
Kimball Is the peer of any piano I
Uag hoaesiy vus knova le alt. Pos-;
played upon."
And we tnigli'.
thm. Not <Bly baa It material evlU bat pair resigned ber position bere a few
tewed ef a liberal education he va*, qnoti hUBdred* of o:her tmislcian*
aioral aa veil aad the debauebery of years ago on account of ber faiber's
always a student ot men aad affair*! *'bo_bare Mp^*ed ihclr pirffren"'
pollUea and traataaaa talereata by die- bealtb and returned to Dundoc. where
boeaat corporailoBi la one aour
; 226 E riDBtSt. 201 S0.Ufil0B
Ibe relieved him of many of the dutlei
grant barm to tbe morale of tbe
eoBoected vlth his paper, tbe Duadee
friend of (be grrsi Charies Dickens.
I (lent loll and the csprodltnrr- o
Reporter, praeiieally taking charge
His life was full of ••year* aad hon-i‘W'-raGIc monew he produced a
, Tbe prealdmi autea that uaiD an during tbe past summer. Death came
2b Ibi H. it E Granultii.-d
art example to ali; and by bl* j
gdeqoau aatlOBal lav u enacted it vlIl •uddenly from heart iioobir.
death we are agatn reminded that that | peHor to for.mer Instrumeci*. 2.1 nr* Amber Ci'lnivd t»ii =
be tmpoastbte to deal vltb ibeae evlli ftineial wax held this aneraooa.
group of rugged early pioneer*, to'
Frederick the nreai, who Irdulsn! I
ta an adegnaic manoer.
The many friend* ol Misx Carr ami
much are fast n..«-1 in a great variety of pitnuiU*. bad x
CoBgreaa ahonld at once (all in vUb her mcKher express tbeir deepen sym‘^ •-•tiolier of :lie*e "fir*! ..lanos" m hi.
log away, abd that their name* will
tbe oaggeaikmi of the preatdeot and ptlby in their sad bemvemeaL
• here I* a very pn-tcy li-. 1
soon be amoag us only ax memorle*.
eonneetton thereto ihx' i
at tbe earileat poaatbic moment enact
we would like to t<-il you ahoui In ih'
a aulUUa lav. If ibU voidd not bold,
PrebaU Court.
WHY PAY MOREf 2Sc fancy can- nunihcr. but »I»ec will nm p.nnu. v
tbea tbe eoBaUtnihsa Mioald
Probata court was lakea op Tueadtj
aSM«-“Vhe’Naiinn-- J
omeodad ax le cover the petata to ib-.- with a petlUoa filril for lioenxe to sell die*. 40 rarietle*. only lOc per ^un.i*. j
dec5-tt Home Soncs." words and tn i«:e. \v *
reel eaUle In the Flora M. Powell es- The Economy Store.
' are giving this liook of soep. away I.
to tbe prealdeai aata aov tbe W iStryn order to seiUe up tbe li
ler 11. * lbs
■ ■ same reason that «i- at.- writing J
poratloaa are aab]eeU vlihout i
edoesx. tbe estate bring bot MW.
lip.- of t-offees in cti.t. (
/ . iha; you'5
erelga vbleh it a eeadUloo vbich
Monday a petition s-jk Ale
purrhn>-- of
abonW aoi cilai aa Ji la lalmical to (be
IC appointment of tWlliam T. Woodplino. organ or piano pla>.-i
bem tateraou ot tbe eeuairy.—Record. bouse a* admlnlstralor of the osiaf
Wi.n’i Mill makf ti« a > i-d
left his five children by his oMbcT
---------------------------------------------- ------ :----------- I write us'for ilio book. "Xail.iii - H":ii
The Car.
Traverse City Markets
song*r it * (re*-.
Mrs. Sunn Woodbonae, a resldcat o
tt an reporte are trae. tbera U
Sarnia. Canada. Tbe cataio left ih.
danger for the c*ar vtibto die palace chlldten cooalals of gSW earh for eiiu
snanvau in pricau. f*
thaavUbooL Kia.peapieareiBTeTOlt cailonal purpoiMw but Mr. Woodhnuse
gad clamor for raiorms which be bai
an only rhild and also (alls to
giaated by maalfoslo but vltbla tbe
the Bother. Me
royal tamtly there are iboee who. for last evening tor
Dress as ttlell as Vou Can
Qmn CIt} Fin tesmici CDipinr,
Farmers’ lasurance
1( will piy j’ou.
you. Had what a gattafacliaa (Ttt IrPYwH _
neatly wl fnsliionably .TttirU!
t afTaid
affanl tf
to dnM
' '
If that's how you feal. it is cvi'lpat that
hit yon hfivo m-ver
? of L. .Viler Bros. A- Ca'i Rocbcftcr
mitdc Saits .nid OverraatK. which we are aellins In lanie qnaati
lies every srnsnn.
Fur Seat* aad Fur Cintd e«aU SW Is SM
:: Piano Talk No. 8
Diamend Rings
Bcbctnian fiametx
We inritn yon to mnlte th«r soquaintancg
Toipi' in for an intmloction.
Wo are somag agenu for the h^gin. Fanlthes. SigMl, He»U
gml Kowton Bhirta,
Wooirntltww.'arifii.ll colors,,« S..U.....................$|
tO 6 00
Fmctlpr^KitlUlovc................................................................ $1
to 2.50
Furliud.1 ... ............................................................................................ .....
tO 6.00
Woolen Uittons anti GIovt* for Sleo fiml Boys.. .25c tO $ I
Dat Department
Men's Soft and Stiff rinU.................................................... $f tO 3.00
Wool nnd Plush Cni«.............................................. ................ 26C tO
Ask lo see our I'tims and Totjms for cbil'lren.
Boys' Clothing
that fiU peifoelly costs iw moro tlion ill-fitting tdothes.
Jewelrj’ of i-yay descripiioi
Silverwire is crut vgriefy
Tbe Two Cash Stores
Elgin C. Lewis.
pooly aelfish raunn*. do not dealre perfonna a wedding (oamrrev afir-.
to aee ibeie reform* enaeidd. T
noon,'after which be leaves for Sir
hereditary bcMm rather tbaa see a nla to attend to tbe rlosing up of
taemtHutinaa] govertunent. Jodgltig hy estgtr.
His mriber passed r
reporu. vculd take car aieainro to Nbf. S.
prevent It. Tbia t» not ter love cf
aneleat lastitutteat and love of conn,
May Lower It
try but to pToteei ihemaedvea. They
abort ad tbe
ic to believe
(hat it It tbcir.tlgbt.
-Yesterday It vat reported that oor
tbe grsad dukea. aapposed to be
*e Qmd Duke riadlmir. had attempt,
ed to asaaaalnate ibe exar and bad.
■bot him la Ue am. Hla leteat
atoeka In Travetwe City may be
slderaMy rednevKl In a rbon tine,
that ^* necessary is to employ
egtra firemen, have too men oo duty
at Ibe engine boose at nights
hare Ibe electric wtriag esoform
Little PcllowB- Suite. nROs
to JO yrs. ia
styles.................................................................................................... $3 to 5,00
Use Herald Want Ads
Has Opened Oftlces in the State Bank BaUdlnt
Of Aeuie n.'iil Chronie Eheninitttva.
siun. Eton or militofy sty!6s...........................................$2 tO 5.60
Ovi rcouts or Boefors in Box. Iluisifin or Toorist
GoiiL Sjimiiiu. Si-iiiiira. M>-aliria. N.'iiriti*. XctmrtgiD, VariooM.
I'liuiTs. Pill-*. I ric Afiil l>i.3tbesix iitid other distnrbancoa of
Metabolism, t i' licral nod Load lufei tion. .Skin Dififmaa, Liver.
StoznficJi and Bowel tronUcs, Liiiii: trv>nblr«, Kklnoy and Blad*
der diffienltiis, Nerrous Eshauslion. Ki-arastbcB'i*. Disoaacs of
Compk'lo new stock Drags. Mcvlicines urul Dnsffgistt.' Sundries.
Ftescriptions Accurately Componnded
by Registered FbarmacisL
the Fritwle Pelvli- Orfjtuts, Pamlysis and Canecra.
If yoti are
•efferiiif; with any ditifise an<I havi'been onaUc to getth'-dcsirctl restflte !>>• driiK treiUncnt. call ami sec the IVjctnr.
sultatioii Frri'.
suns W3 MD 4D4 STHE BUS HlllilK
HERAtb. TMURSOAY.OeCti»iE»« 7.”l«.
. txr^
have tom
Mle» vin bciSoun. CtV LU^<>: S. X. KiBE«>e7„p«jl«llr «rt0PB^. Ti* •ewlo*- I Tbe dUtrict bwUbk liM »fi*aor»<' I
IWBtBBt JOB-n-BBd luBch Bhoold b-,imUI thi; orn f«eul«r nwJlBB -In
asBaoBC! T
bi <o tbai aB.ill-dsr BtA)- cbb tK-j Uan^ bimI tftc plaev *«l li
.Th> TMK.W1BS «• U» Itai BBd j by (be «esWJy« iwBailit. r ai a later
ibt dBt« t: 11.C iBMKuie*:
Fife Uke. 0. A. It. hbll. Det II.
CauRty Ctta tl(var Medal.
KlBC*W. Dec. IS.
UaylBld (lowiblp) Tobti bBtU IX r.
Coutitr Cletk Il-Aen a Waller lo.
Ju»l foodved ibe diploma for ihi’ In
leraaiUauJ jsry W award of (he ailv.T
Onn. 'Dee. IS.
WmtBsiBberE TWm bell. Ilec. ic.
OK-dal Blion t" G«od Traterac con e
Slmley Bchoc) bonre. Dee. 1*.
pnlBODU To«B bBlI, Dee. l».
eapoMMoa of 8L 1^1. la l»»l. -MLook Uke To«-b ball. Di*. 20.
The eoBDty tuo^y Inoltoie erlll tiv . belli* •• dtplama mward.-J on aoromit
_rid lo eoun hv<»<'. Travene CRy. of (hr (fahibli i-eni from bi-re In ca.ofKO La.iil and ••Mch atiraced mur.!
Jbb; is Bbd M, lt(K.
, favorable oimmeni; Earh apple
Mr. Lay Will be Piwsldent.
The deBib td Jnlloa T. Hanaab will
w«c Ibr (.rcaldcbry of (be IlaBaab * '
1.B} MerrttBll'ceoTcpaBj'lbeTrarerar
riiy Situ- baaU aad lianaab * U> Co.
with A Trac
!rs BK-uU-r
Haapalt. Lay A Cu. Mr. Lay will be
brre In a few <laya aod will apeeJ i>art
of bta lime here In »ci>er\li3oB « (lie
,iaterr*i« ul (be dlB«owbt epBpaa'e-.
(leor^.- VV. Uard:i-t. Mio-lb-Iaw of (he
Hob. Perry Harxah.
: QWAt.i'rv s'ren*
T"" "'■‘■"I
. O
Parm«rt' Initittrtc.
K Panae-r*' leslltuie «ill Iw b>ld ai
rmlpy MbooIbgaBe un Monday. IV
cMBber IS. mS- Mornln* teiitaa ai
Id b-«tech. ProC. U- L. Dean, of M.
A. C., a-m be (be aUte nfHeikiT.
Prof. Ocaa-f topic for ibe orfjmlUB
ualoa ndll be "Ure Slock abd
Koeda." Dtaeuai
afierooan Prof. Dean will
lalk OB rrbe Apple orchard.- a>d al«o
-PoUloca. and How to Qrow ■mem "
OueaiioBa ob tbco i^lci will be an
^nelied lu alliad. and an »p
poitUBlty will be el'ea U> become
iDitliuiv to all w'lo
deslrv lo do au.
p. U. Hamnond.
Janea Harrb,
Vk* Praldcnt a for OarArid Towsahlp
(Uin'the next sitmim r. While Mr.. iw»*
He ra^* "I Miffired aporWaller waa r.inTt«-'t '« rerH'-r
Vbr tbe MVU «( Xo^U-r. IRB.
diploma. 11 war foreanl.-.! In ihr er...i;L.d.^^Pled OBBy rr'io.:
ly bulldln* Whi r.'II will lx-hnn* afier
wliboir. lellul. nntl; '
bedn* approprlaiely Iranicl. TbU 1. KlnK» S<w Dirno.-ry b
icedni by ttioee Inle.-en.d an lb". Hoc. Co;ii.-br a»d cm-!-, »
r;m«l tu) c--:i|:bl atli', :,av<->i ini
prop..T pl&ce to
eonauaplloi-." A itratii) cun' fi
The hillowln* I* ibf .lexcriplleu w . mci^
F.i'wsiVfc S-.n.'. Dro.;
The cinirnl Bgnre of ib- etimpu-d g.,-„
5;,~ anO.Jl.wu guarafutr.lHon. r rolTjsi. eS-arcyed in«d< ti _;*» Trial loiH.-,
bvr Srsi youth. Oolnobla. looks fo—--------------waul with unrloudeU brow mi-M up«i SEPFl-Y >0^
a future beyond ih- aci which .bev-'- Econoi'iy Sl-rv
resenis. placing .me Imnd in si-^n «il jR-utiJ.
the globe. i;plf}1nj
(be territorial arqulriiioa, wliicli la u’«'"r ■
fered by b.T alater Franc- reau-d a;, Millo
Ser riahi. Slmulianeoaaly from fc / teaii;-.
other hand ahe paave, on tk- l->rch of lo anxitirr.
prosrexi to her .meeseiisiT lb- yool'l rrsoUr » th uH
of her coiunry who wlib wlnp-4 f.-i thilr. ino.ldr..
Pomona Ora«0*.
eland, nv.ly lo rteiari on Ida rolaaioo Pnaufi
:> ai Jobii.oi
<nic qbaricrly diaitia meellu* of il!- i
ci.n;™n,.n ...w. .1..
Patroaa of Huabaadr} called ibelr fli>: , aim whlKi Irmdlaiea itic aky. CoIo.t. j.
^ g,,,,,.
go 81 Graose hall Tac«la>
bit la draped vHb ihe fla*. c)Mia>!n m m^d.
ai : o'ckiek. the counllea of liio itc aymliol alxne all oihers. whirl, i_ ------- --------------dlatrtet bela* Dcaale and Grand Trat- recosplrvd tolhc fartteit llmRs'It Hie
I'j- s
OINCH wlwnyou .
ntallvrt trom Elk Lake. world and don-"', a-connTry whei ■ ^
ca!i(Ii-4 at ccly
Fife Lake. Bmamll Oiy. Ijm* l.ak.- naa the .-apoaltloa iliol l»ai:..d Hie i:- .^ound. The Eemomy v'lore. uI
and Inlaad were in aitendance.
pluma. France’we.vlnB the coaiun;'
lertalaroeat of (be vlellins delceailoni of Hie perliid of ihe ceaalon of il.e______
was luorwed by Pemoaa cr'
'Lonlalana lerritoty la V A retuniaiv ------------- '
local orsaniraiion
orsanlrailon oi
of iniBcuj.
Ible city. /.ou... rnarehroi'Nn depiried' w5'h I
Blnaly aueaded the adernoon
,„^V:-hn- the OCI of nwboi .L.
the annual clecllon iH
« fhi>
Ihu fl'I. .
acciimp!lsh“J in ih.- In.-rlo'
kiwioe ofOeera took plarc:
of the eoQKiilaU' li was a vlep iu HWorlby tnaMor. Bolen Darncy.
progieas 'of Nai«il«iii -aail Itnpviir'
CtnatetlM thlt wwli 2,950 Oreeveer. Robert Swaney.
Prance remain, la onr raftnnrii'S imln:
l.aolurcr, Mm. Adella Irtob.
as rellnoabKiii: Hx' l-:Ti'ory whi.'’'
AMbert Rocket of GtWBi lowatblp
Sieward. Darid Clerk.
o;ir yoiingrr iia;i<>n hs. sn ii.irably <l<
«>d JSrw. Nofw Boyer of Iowa *ere
ABStount steward. U. H. McMBlIeu. vel0i«“l. Thi' liordir ef a rlasslc-cti.
I Cba^lB. R. B. Reynolda.
KeoDaed to wed Saturday.
jilrc design eiiilox s lb.' names of lb
Treasurer. Lowell Sours.
slBics of (hr Lrlon. piomlnenc- beln ;
The WeMem HMe asd Pur coiopaoy
Seeretary. Mrs. E. 8 Gray.
Siveii to those .oniprlslng the i-rrii.
baa purebaaod the oM Inie of the Cl>y
rial acQUlsItlnn. while ihe foan-i >
vatt( worka moaotlas to brtweea
Cerca. Mra.
stars in the isbl.-t below ttill furlln i
throe aad foui> toaa.
Poaona. Mra. Arvllla Gardner.
n-s.. 1<i« ef .mip>..ym.'ni. .r
vmiihaslee (b<!r ImiKii^nce.
any ir( H- iinreHiinsU' rcn.IliPlom. Mra. Ellen 8a**e.
The'dlplcxnn Is K.xlV Inr’-es In sire
Lady aaslaiam sleward. Mre. E.
t: In ileslKnc! Ur Will H. lx.w sRd rRoU-itscn.
. produced byGililci A C'i. iu a s.pia tin
« SuardMB tor Walter W. aad L
Thai evenlos after a bouneiuus sni
hniK-riat Japiuc.- paiwr "Hii;
OmnlBdhaB Bsd BB iBveolory of Ibe per la ibo ball
Jotab C. Oni eauu vat alto «le<L
veMul with ICO lo att-adancc. toti.r the
bv.-r:u,; c. r ificat' i
ili- sam-.BlereB uBleo bob l«i oo MoBday dfita degree pvlog conferred upon »iv«ii .ibe barso aBBB TbonptoB for teen eaadldalra from Ih- subordinailadgca.
ttiagbav wbera they will kiBd her (or
done In the foorth degree lodge, bni
Ibc Krilp LvBtvr oorapaay for a
Poaona bdng tbe flnh degree, gaithe taatallatlon last -venlog.
Tbe aomlng aesslon W-dnesda; i
WB. Beiiaer, PriU and Mlat Marie
retorned EWday arenia* trow Bldnaw. was glvea over to (bv iDsiaUtIluo of j
oOecn aad olber business and disevr
Where ihey wore torluMic onoi
aemre four ftae deer. They bare boon lOn.
The buslB.TS cussioo .Inriag tl'rtneBbcrta* ibelr frlenda ever alnec
With WieteBa aenlaoa aicoka. While momlng ekmed Ihc dUirict bk-Hi.i;
baatWe Mr. Bdcner reedred a pahi- and tovoBl resolntlons were present.'.!
Ibe eomalHee. B H. Saylor. G. -V
fal Ml vbleb broucbi bla aeilve tpori
to aa cat. bat as U bappceed near ibe fWbensoo and B. M. Franklin, anion..;
dose of thdr auy It vaa not aa dla- Ibcia being a rveolntiun on ib- d-a'. i
•atrow as n al«hi otberwteo bare of ca-WerUir Master John C. GUI . r
IkinuBa graiip'. whose death oee’im l
Oci. 5. They also approvwl of ihfor tx-onoiiikvil CbrisHiuis
\\V olTurau rMxJli'Ut o|.is.rlimity f
to U due to arrive measure Rdattilac friH' alcohol for HiTkottcBMra
buyiu'.; tliul im onu Ciiu alTonl lo miss. Wo know we can iik'ud.Uk Borth
arts as passed bbf the national prang.'
iiu^ satisfy you.
bee way b> ChMaca on bar Mat trip cl
Presideni^ Ilooscvi i.
tbcacaaon She VtB probaUy brla* in regarding tbe
belweoa lea mad twelve earlunda c[
II to Bli.'n
MtaccHancoot tivl«bl and will lake
OB Um iMka ef poUlaca. cor an.
cmebaH eartiBda of Hder. one carM
Immedlairly ad.'r Ibe diim-r liii'ir
«t enrUM peMa. one cnrload of apples the following nioimliierss for Hu' >■ -r
and • earkiad of mMcrfMocoiia frcl*ii. were appointed;
^orc MetaMc t>lca*o li to npecUsl
Eaecntlre—Messrs. George Hobcriabe wOJ •have aU toM •fiy-tbiee.car
w, Clty^ LowH Sours. Elk Lake: H.
w aii.l ■•tf-rs b ifivat variety of Ui.- latfst iiou-liii-s in
is liniDil iK'W
^loailt of frolEbl.
. Zimmerman. Long Lake.
ncli aa Slipport. Julkltea. lAfr_'inK8, Wann Sliot-s.
footwi'.'ir. sock
Finance—W. B. Gray, D. H, McM-it
•tic*. Etc. any of trtikh J.rv .luairnklc jiri’y.'iils for pi-rsoDs ..r
Ibe Boardmai lea. Mrf, Arvllla Gardner.
all ai:
1 Riwet.
CbaHty—R. B. ReyBolOi., Inland:
pany was tuned on for the Erat
MISS Hellle Slupe, Old Mlarlon: Mrs
Monday aficnoon at i o'eloek8. M. Kingsley.
M* LUW voR BB^ne worked perfect
Legtaittive—8. H Saylor, lxiwo)l
.Vuifl tluo^eill
ly and. MaMc U tbiee or tour da>r
on-. \Vf Uiink tlio .jitulily
will be wired op and pul lato
<■( nur atii>|a‘ra is the Ih*i.
e«oa.«tlbeiiib the eoBpaay say have
Before lioynik: lx- sore lo w.v
10 wall tmill Sneday in make the con
our lint'.
McUont. The new dynaaae wlU *ilerMlty beaedt the aerrlee and wiO
« la this diy
. acoond to none la (be atale.
t DOlilR occisiomiiY
TRIVEBSI tin sms bam,
. .. Gifts
Our new holiday
Mist Elsie MHMIetea. wbo baa fw
tta past MgbiccB yean dlkd (be Ibponaai petinoa of geaetml aaperrlMf
fpr tbe wnmaa's seetkB at (be Konb'
era Michigan asylsB. baa resigbed bet
peetUon and will leave in a short Hb*
for BtmUle. Wash, when- abe sriU Join
Dr. Foreda Kaddeau. at one tiBc or.
Ibe staE of phyaldaBa at the aay lam.
Mist MIddletoa bat naJe a wide elr
Me of frlenda during ter tesWeoce =b
tbe diy who wiu gveaUy regret ber
departure, and wbetc bed! wtobes wTJ
follew her lo b« new boBe In ibe
The Taking
Cold Habit
The oW cold r>«; 8iiew
qid^ty comes- Ii’s the sior>of E wetk dirow. wetk lunts.
a tcadcocy to coBturaptioB.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectorsl
breaks up the tskiac*cold
baML ltttreatibeos,sootfacs,
heals. A^ your doctorabout it.
50C, 75c, 1.00
1.25, 1.50, 2.00
(Uomt n's Slippers
and IniMtss
Ail fi'lu Loa. fosoJ. ul! k-ili;ur. wgrm lined, fur irimmed.
in l>la-k. l»!m\ ifri-cii. lifotrn.
r<vi or fancy irimininj^.
$0Cp 7Sc. 1.00s I.2S.
I.S0, 1.75
Wicii tho stocks an: froeb noil txMiiiJetf, when you haws Une to ace what then is to
buy. when yon can l-cI just whst you want for year friends.
fliost lk.'wildi.Tiiuf .lispby. Ik-rry disb.a. an«-ar au.l
ernaoKTS. olive 1116111*. viisv'. water Ixillles. ebeese
dislies, tumblers. Uill olive <lieL.'S. knife rt*U. vincjfar
micU, aynip pitclieni, an<l laimlrcds ofolln r bcuiiliful
Till liii-sl worl.'.:vcr viisplayitl licfe. Clinp {dutca.
Kiii:ariin'l creaiiiv-r*. Im-ail iiml butur {dab's, olive
ilitliet. viiacB. briiah and eomb trays, fruit plan*. You
mu6t See then u> fully uptircciste them.
YVi'have never abowii su-h U'autiful pwl*-tlic newi*l ilisik'ns and aljk*. oelefy dishes, diop pbU*, nlad
dislu*. bn«d plates. pitdi-ri.cupa aad saucera.coutitor afbT rouiiler
with nil mimner of dainly piocc*.
in cwlicsa v-aricly. Soov lhiiii: b> |>lease the littki
boys and RirU. Tne larger rhildreii. mechanical toys,
ab'am toys. l4'*-k« of all kimls. all the newest games.
Tbit is the nllrai tivc plac' for -verybody. owl pomfcihiiiR
buy f>r eviTjlxyly,
(uidaucbn8to.'k.ull the nrry Utoat works of fictkjnT'Urttrf
Uoks for bayv full erf advenlnrt; the fineat of atoriiw for jfiris:
pi'-Huv book* for tb>- wee tots; beautiful illnstntod poems in
lenlber and fancy Wndinijs; dainty gift books for the friends;
seU of ttondard works. IN F C T. BOOKS FOK
^ IT T U O B T.
One Day loemrtea.
A aeries o( oaa day IbtBeri.- I
tnte* have bMn arraagod dor Oraed I
Traverae eouety. Prof, M. U Doaa of L
to-ih.' ■rtal- sprak-r. Fin- Ptt«ram<!
Grand Traverse Region.
. d« w“^J!
one aiy. Hr. tad tin.---------------«1I) tulie Utelr bom » Cedar tor Uie
pmwnL We »l#!i ibe Totme eoople s
_____________A tht HmM «ac
dors in TrATcrae Cltr Nit sseL.
Hn. Lisa Hacpt, vbo ii> lescbbtc at
aowtrd Cmrr«ril rdorsed
Jutes flsiards)'. After Ati
(tertl or bl* brolber. Pn T carrolt.
.. .......... ....-* Maplcton
Min Maalc .LAntlr
« vllk Mta. Cbaa.
N Nr>. Ed HIB tf tWUbs at WnUama-
'funeral settnes. assisted by A J. Me-; pesinsola. wbere bt' will snick tbU r
-Ptjr ai-n ts yeara.' vrtuu Qeo. W.
Roe. S. Rath jireacbcd at Ibo ebsreb
Vturned home fraan ! Laugblln.
! wiaier. ‘
Bddle Newcomb to very sick. He
d Mrs. Jarh HsUe and eliil- < Bainnlar aad Boadar. Bverrose era* iMuaa. of fUrptr. mth.. *1 bad a
V TUlilet; glad to ahake bantu vKb hta osec bitter batlle. vUb cbrosle atsmarb aad
william Roblnaon «f Traverse CUf coBkl not attend bis wtfci fnnera!
,Uf». ............
Uaixea ...
pareotn. 1
spent one day lasl week with I). J.i Wc hope lor h to speedy rccsivery.
Hoyt of Mabel.
1 Ttcre Is SBiestScal of com to busk Demtriv.
: Hiss UnL tvtnsumk-y to workluf ' cured ny
Hr Ayers bas so'd bis farm to for ber.stot.T, Mrs^C. W. WbKten. jirtcBItio.,
“ jk Bulluo naddf a trip to Kv yet amaad here
dost Introd ia
fV. HIU U quite morty. ao be ha-l Haltbew Klee. Mr. Ayers will k»vc
Bore, to Mr. aad Mrs. Albort Wbli- : mend ibcn
wadlo Botarday.
St thru
la the
___ res Watson
JO call a doctor. Wb hope be will socm, here today,
ten. Not. ;t. a j>ali of twins They are; tbe fm.in-------------Oama
Vaiaoa of
of Bk
Bk Rapids
Sapldi was,
in tbe peiEbborbOud a few
days tost'
Ha»I Maize to atiendinE acbool tmib dotox Enelp at this sokiiix
bouse Tber are certnmy.a trosdo■wdaya
Frank SiaEord. who W'nt to Arkan. 'ubUc here.
Ur. and Hn. Sb.-Uey are ealllax os; tot nedlclnc. to bate eurad
rvHr*. BItos rl.-lted trlesde Ip Uract;' (he people about here duriap lb«- re-: bad ease as mine." Bold. nndv.
Mta Oslo
UsdM-r U os the ilck ___ --. find a better place, bas
Hv did nol like
He 'hulncvk.
vital meetlncs lirre this week.
''antce to do tbe aanie for yon. by JobnIke it
It there.
'tomed. ...
Ml.. ii.hiu r-.waM.MBF N Ml itiB u I5ie ibe
ti of....................................
<boa<- tb*
Jost-pb Trojer to In town foe a fen
Hr. and Hrs A S. Bmllb eatertnlned: sos Urus Store Co. F. R Mtsds and
ud Tnv<
at-ene ilia bc»i yet.
quite a nntnbi-r ThanksftTtnE lor din- A. K. Walt A Boo*. dniSEtoU. at 6ttc
Sldoer t3o.Tdafl ibotM In'o i
Brrrrund Johnson called here Wed- ner.
a bottle. Try then today.
A. H. Smllk's tacaci boiues.
lesday crrnbMt.
Mrs. SU-fT< at and dauEfaier of
____________ '
Hire Ikirdlek epeul Thanln^lvlng - Lelaod ore staying with Mt. and Mrs.'
JViT.L .
Horn. ti. Mr. aad Mr*. Cunis Amse-,
Selnbi are td H- M-sa >«i.our :
; Uallltan was quite----------------- -------Blrber epem TbtoLtpv.
,1; tine a bIH-Tuesdur. November IS.
itbeaedny*. Altboopt the unos I* not.
Hrs. Un-rv-b to qtilir low at tbe
Mr*. M. W Fdrrant to at {m-seot very phanlful yei.
| present time. cUbuugb we hope for ter *»“Trave^^c Ciif. relomlng'
m-.der tbe care of the doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. rtortie; 'spent Tliankt-1 recDtery.
Ti«.-Cn>UM- laoilvtl with K-mbtr tor'Elvlre day wIT: Mr.Anis-r'sUniily.
Mis* Mary ll«lvir>.oti *11.111 BtioiUy ,
A Fearful aPte
Mlu MUdiStb Doclterar of Travwao |
r apeot ThsakSKlrlaR *IUi ber ,
ad. Ulia Addlo CrUp of tWi place.:
*^e pto nodal at tie ehnreb »t» pot
"vlidl frIoncU. Tlcy
fWT nacb or a seeeota. onir a fe«: expected
return aaooaay.
A soodir nnmber from this tklnity |
of the ThnnkwrtvlDB onppt-r
totnlsbed by the Ladles’ Aid «od«y!
U WllltomsImrE Iasi Tbnrsdi
Mra WUI PipodESOd of Trarerae
Mrs. Ublbe Hanson of '
a faw dara of last a>eak City, with her iwo dauebters, Wcima
ber notltar. Mrs. taala.
and Hay. visited teliliTes here
_r Petilet of BenxoBla airlTod Wllllaiasbarg last week.
WMaeadar tor a vlilt with n-Ntlvoa
C. H. Estes amt J. W,
at thb place.
to ak Lake last Enoday
aalr aad Dnaeau UorrliiOB epeni
Thaahaslrliic at tbeir oadc'a Robert iu^mwH^°Nm^8a^ay H wUl
MontfcBi. oesr Rapid City.
held at Acne In
in tbe afiemoon
afu-mooo and at -'
le of Ml*. Wn. DoTli u Drank-
.™ S i oi™; >1.....™.
II —«"=di««r
' ' ,,"“Si.rA'.'‘“'uSSJ.
-i.»... 1.™
Bwir.oui has rciuriwd Iroai
ChnrU'Vr-;* 111.- uiving *la-l Kslkayks;
initbfnlly say." write. Harry Cidson,
-that lor blind.
ling and pcocrudlng pile*,
mlea' Salre Is tbe. bear .
cure made.'- Al«i best for cuts,
and Injiirie.. tic. . '
«...re fo >. V. H. Mrwds
ads and
Oxford ba* t«o totai,-rb-» «’ni|ilo}lok Wan L Suns. dniAgtoi!t.
o»er »UI> wouK-ti and glrto teu nUmlhs
Detroit to to have another Ug aali*
In ltd- year. Tbe aii-rasi: wages
maa Banner evenln..
Mrs. Mtanle AmtsbneUer I* nBtei
Utolns ber miither for a few days.
cr'.r;u. t
“be L^^Ald
l^les ^ of
ol Uiwn. rliurcb^had ! few day^
day. Other ■ Aoblle factory. It to to be known a*
Bates in theeveslBB. A cordtot lovlta-, • f»«»7^ll
css Uvoracek of Ri
a* liiEl. a. tl a .lay bas been the Atmmr Ci*. to cnpItalUed for
lion to oxlendad to all. cspoclally those dard * J««
reolns. Hr. Batea aaJ who are Interested lo Sunday school;
place Saiflir ereoli
«>lo>od- KTien nil bad <loiie ■
le*. ibts yesr uu ttw.Wo. and U bunded by A. T. HalTraVerre- CityTil.'
i.. the
-r soppor. Mrv. 1
Josllce lo an oyster
Mr. Greea or Bates bclap praaotl.
hall iast'Tlu.r*.fny,.-v,mqB. -Th.-re;Ur«,ubt<>f.t.q,n.Uiyor.h..boan..
It of ibe Aid. pnMrs. A. O. Imili
iMli was lakes ill
Jobn oiady. with hJs wife
T 101. in ait.Tidaoc.-ao.l .••
ird wllb a lovely * -i
bar bone Buaday sfeti, but to report- Hy.|W t^ for tbeir wosii
iua.l.-d with lorober for i le Eooned to eiik.r then»M-lv.-.;,Tli.-v •
;a S“55:
... l.a,
wilted about lir.. wbieb'wlll bv us<-ii
vlio has bnen snrktng
■tns' iiranl r.paperiog Hu- eburrtt.
pitcher, which showcl itoir lore end ai tie Charlevoix lUe tavtog nation,
tin- I
ih MauUou
B.T.. I04...I
.jtlpb Worden aiu-acltd the dance a' ; lone*! t» the AW and bad bii-n cluic placi- lo b
I.an».iis fc Rut.irlian Tiactiou
a i;niDcd
Hto.s lioleomlb
lines at Bi. John* uit|y B|i|.»n.-ni I11 «*
rho have boon at Traversit City, re*. were married last Runday. They hav.- Tmv.ive Oily.-to Uklng cat
.li* ;« «vi
USBIT Helms aad^ Wmlly bare turned homo to apend TbaokSEtvtng.
>f Cl«i Artoir teas tn:„
1 <Hu»ier. „ ntmoally) allow)ed
Bat Yoons attended the dance nr long and bain>y married
MTod in Will Helm'a tiaiiio «i the
About slaty yciiuK frlenils
Bapld City last Tfanrsday.
and lim. O. M. Prenlloe reIn;a c.f Somu Manllou'
Trawse City
Bainniay evening,
tWBOd to Alden today.
Itas.-A-U llirougli tfps |<Un- Run- I
- Tbe abinple mill has cloaed dows on where she spent a few days with her
1 lli.-ir way In TrBvt-i».- 'niy.
■on. W. W. Pray. CUi a*l fVout aodwUoyed some music fumtolH-i by t*®!
MBOBot of hod wealbar^
Margie Canuiv. Vera Dixon un.l He - ,
«T-------------- Uc
and Mr.. P..-i-r
Geo. E. Pray and family of Tiartawe
City spent a few days with relatlres ona Slipper.
Mr... MliliiiKt..!! Is at pn-s..«' nn
"^SeosI Brower and wife ale Thasknthe ear* <if ihi-iloci.i*.
iO city think they would never in.- i
dUmer with _F»ed ^1 and
J..hii MrluBl.. ouct Wiii. Ijird
Pray enjoy Ihulr coaigmuy again.
J«y ‘s camp w.-re la town Suuduy .
“Sbel Uibbs of Traeeiwc City to (tltJohn DascU imeuJ.-d ctiun-h 01 !
llB nwale lenaons to a sunber of oar
On.’ida Siin.lai.
D.-C. C.
Ooorse 1
AKa Crandall and
■tp to Tta
Bee Youmans were very much anrg»-Soldeil>™sgtou,pno.aeIwTl«tlk-^ ttS9»M*< <<*>***<<* •>**l<ttl
Mr. and ____ __
_ .
priaed to bear of tbdr marriae*.
sbtdi took place Wedseaday at Trav- ThaBlCBElTlnB with tt-laUvci 1 'ad- lendeU.' Bor. '’lltolvy
to Friday os aceoani of tbe uow
- Btom on Wedaesday, E»erM»a pn»eat paawd a plaasani erealag.
.. r*'
; 0» DEPOSnS
DepokiU ojty T* ^ ‘
aritfatoam *97 «•
>«ANK .
f Wtmoat notice *
. S. lloll. Pn»iUonl; A. FriulriUi and Cling. Willielm, Vie® *
Pfuskltntto C. A. Hammond. Caoliicr- J M
In Every Department of Our Large Store
Yoa «ni find as-ipTiting
bafy to grandpafeot.-*''
.ent of useful a&d sensible holiday gifts. Thb season, more than ever before, we have put in large lines of Holiday Goods—something 'for every member of the family, from
mdtes it a mmple matter for you to remember friends and relatives, just come in and make Xmas selcciions—wc will hold same for you till you want them and give you your own time to pay for them. Come
ear^ while the assortment is at its best.
S4.75 for a full si«f. wed
Coiic-li. ni-linlstt-reil in
vuloiir, heavy solid fmilic .-iml uood
Etc-] spriiies.
I >tbc-rs r.ii to S:!ii--‘>0,
to till.- very licsU
Tlu-siMKikt; an ck^aiit lecsoiit. U will be
plcastii.- lo show you the line.
•575 will btiy 8 Rood grade lOO^iiooe set of dighes. latest
well wortL $1£0. Odd i>k>c*e. fdamee. water eoU iind
bney disheE that wUl make beautiful gifts, ei 10 per cent Ices
thaa-they can bo bonght idiowhon!.
k S2.76 for a bonutifiil la^ Koed
made and finished in
Combine good sense
good taste am!
when sc-locliDR a Cbiistmas gift don't forget
that Ibo Quick Meal
Range would B- ibtmoetncnrptildc and son.
Sibil- of all CouH- in
and let..Of dumoiisfpH)'
tills to )®u-
all metal niv-
m-d, would be a borimiii at $2.7.3.
$2.86 will Iwyn ni.v Parlor d.ami..
just sncli n juni|i us otlu-r d.-alL-re ask
from $1.30 to>4 f.
of iampe embraces
clicapcal liandl.-mipop. J
1.50 foral:ir.re
arm mckvr
luk. Wt-are sbowiii;.- Iiundf.-ils of
oilier stvk rockers
as well.
$1.10 K'iU boy a hauJeomc Wimlow
Scat finished either iiioakorinuLi«uy.
upholstered with loose- velour nisbiuii.
.\ bit; lino of ofiice d<-sks. iiii-liuling rollflat loi». as tvcll us t.vpcwritinf; i
__ Parior Stand. SixSl indi
ttA French kgs, huavy bead-,
ea apron to nrocent warping,
fintsted in rid'goldcn oak.
^ tv.o
1 11.x- ..u*b.rs. Others t.i. to $17 -V>. ir.du-).
jn:i the iii„rl, fs bl-.-s' stvi.-s
frunj-.- »ud
|ni.hvUt. ni,-_-.
\ . I )-!----
$4.90 for a Child s all iron
Foster Crib, 30x»4 inohi-s.
large enough, for a l£->-earcU ^ild, woTcii wire eprings,
braM rasoe and exUa high
- «doa. Don’t fail to look at
$1.50 a act for Doeor Sad Irons.
Bortgiadc. all nk-kded, Hiis is tbe
Ttccgnmil best iron on the marki-t at
the beet prioe you will have an opportu
nity to bay it
$12.75 "ill biiyasolid oak cumin-^
nutiun Desk and Hook'-as<.
U '
tiou lia-< Stamp and iicn Univ.'.-i
liolfs. .-IS wi-!l'.is l;irw sUilioiiL-TT drawi.r. (
Book section Las adjnstabk- sb.-lv.s and f
p'-i" <"•! •*•
with ci®rjL4^|rGbEse of
$20 or more.
j$l2.00 will l.„y
\ in.-iiuin"^.jua'
> 40C will buy a a enliil
oak Jaidinicr stand:
justa fewoftbeso.
J. W-
75c for a gorri hi;:!i I
or laiby more.
.1. .Ml
would |
We will give away
absolotcly Croe. an <degdut 23.00 oHnbina.
tion game board.' Del
yours brfore they sptan gone.
»rS««e Cer. *f Btar
ipatt ThukadTlDC «ttli ber p«r«U. Mr. ud Mr«. W. H. W----Mr. HiBor b*» « new
- Vam'«
7«e-« f#lk»
— "^
fstkt «P<«
life aavlBC eerrtee ai Wbiaiten. rrtamed to bit boaie on North ^to»
ARer Tear* WbM I *■
Uoa. Hla* Oreeoe; M*>.
of the eveobis and waa hl^ eajared.
Alter the
were eerved aad aa
^ja^’dlnicrwa. b^Mtbe;
_j»e rtto*. B. P. name on TbatA*
dilnc at wbleli iweaiy gneaU were
Soda Crackers
Htea ComI Paalna rlalled b^
Tbotaday aad Prldar. retamln* to Bettcau Bar on gnadar'^kir* were held at the Coa«r»Dec. 9.
llenal efanreh ThankacIvlBe noralK
flevecal eelecllooa were rendered hr
cnUoB with her
choir and the palplt waaomwted;
Dee. 4.
Mr. and Mra. Ho»er Ow *ai^ the
brRer.OeeUoflteM. Ecbai^ 1
.Tlslttlis rel- lined Dr. aad Mr*. LcBoy t^rrea of
Mto« Addle NVIaon entertained a.
lid Mlaaloo on Tbi ' '
mnber of frlendi at a danctac putj
BMpb HeClothr —----- ---Itr. «»d Ur*. D. P. Twtor
itWWI^ a'rSr atrt bow.
bonw oB-Tneadar evenln*.
Enythinf yoo choogMBOk lor iBitiBce or deMB.
DoSTor Trarerae Otr .peoi Snadar
i(ev wmord lui Sninedar
lib Ur*. Uute MeCInaker.
Mra. Tbomaa Unata la on ibc alet
At every meal or lot a mnnch between neals,wlief
■ be ebnrcb on Mondar evmin*.
Mr*. George Da»e rwnr^ borac,
yoa ieel the Beed ol an appelizitif biu to QU op a vacaal
UiSr Sj^ nontb oC A. Martet<->
apent Thankralvla*
_ ^
■Uee, when tbcjr hnee work (or Ibe
coraer, in the monuBg when you wake hnii»ry, or tt
Wer. Mr. Incmm wttl »<»»• t» U.-.
Chartca Caarier. a ton.
Milht just bciore toim to bed. Soda cracker* arc lO
Mars'* bow dBriof Itelrnbwnoe.
An echo mecUng of the eoni mUW:
Mr. Urett »nd tunUjr nte ThMkiglrwaa held at the CoogrcgaHoaBl chnreta .
ligbt and casUy digested t&al they oiake a periect food-a
' >■ dtnoer wltb Hr. and Mn. Aaron ■Uree in Port Horon. He »
avP a Tbaak^vins par>r ' oa Thumdar evening. Report* w^,
liae* when yon conld not think ot eatiiil anytluia ebe.
aUr be FDoe aboot a mootb
The toadf are la mrr
dered br tbe choir.
laal Tbnradar «veoln«. All report
tSon. not enouik anew to
perau aeason aad will c
Tfce aaBBB] BwcUu; of the Coagie-'
Bnt as in aU other thin#*, <here i» a diHcience in god
id time
tMfbtac IMS MKMMt am
waa beU Meadar. A
ttojawy wMh Uct ta
*^5;. B. 8. Walt * baaltb' u
cracken, the snperlativc heinf
r aai'acrvcd ai ll:Sfrpoortr. Bbo la eoBtacd lo ber bed
Ibe iRueBl of the KdK»l cbtldi^
dra. Ualpb Jaaeaon and daunhi'
C'Mia Artie Qlbba apent Tbaakscir " Hn^'jSuillnwnkUn 1. vpendinc a lng'Sdila«l^ht^r«"p»riiii Fri-: •Jon aaa held and.................... ' *—
vo4 lo Traverse Otj wHh rclaUre*.
S at OW Mlaaton witn Mike C*— T. P. S
Omoo Parker baa soih> to Dendon
g and 0 ••
apead a few day* wltb bla alater.
Mn. Wat. Maraball. who baa be
Mr*. M. Barnet cotma
eoaEaed to ber bo»e to Iook. a
C L. Porter, wbo baa been
vin* dal',
able to fo to her dansbterb. Mrm. W
of -Ulna Mab- I
E goda cracker »o •cicnlificaUy baked that all the nntri**^r
Piatt, for Tbaakaairtae dlow.
Hn. Datiow baa «ooc lo Cblca«o to
tive qualities of the wheat arc retained and developed—
wrbere be i* teneblnc eeboeL
tpeod the bolldara wltb ber daoibcer „lt1n^t^tbia place wtib Jake Qher
ar. Not . soih. at her home tl;
E aoda cracker in which all the oripinal foodnesi b.
Dec. 4.
Earir. low*, to Mr. Harry Green of]
‘‘nankatf^a aervleea were held at
preserved lor yoo.
Qaaitertr Doetloc at ibU ebnreo Ik™ oeduabora efaureb Tburadar, Ttonpaoo were onited In marriage at i
./ediwdar. Serncea lo Ibo fon-noon
-• h«ae of the bride on TbotwUy
aad aftemooB. Bder Femaio
50lb. Rev. Deeta oEttMUag.
d adnlelater Ibe Lord-*
*>. Gran- niderraaB. formerlr of:
and Mn^ il^ DMua. Sr . rc- _ pUCf, aat united In martw on.
.jraod Salurttr fron a two moatbt ntanlugivlns at biT tmme In Chylo-,
voU. Her tnanr frienda Join In bc.«
wltbea for her futun- bapplnet*.
"l5Se HMfricb caae frean Traverte
Mrt- J. Brace and nephew are vUcur aad apent Bondar arUb ber par1
Mapleton tOns relallvni *i Klogaley. A
Mr. BUllwell It aaalMing In the “•••-'
laat Satunly. yie^^wi verr guod.
“&Ke a nniaber
for a few dar*.
Alden Mon- ont Bar bank
_rBC* Emma and Bdjtbo Bor-i
b bla
Swediab^nreb and all bad a good
mtu Icli Ibla atpk for Chicago. |
.jiber Cbaric*.
Mr*. Ben Gbertag ha* none
Booe lo TravBet. Holaapic Of Traverse CItJ
City to star while 1^5
auoadrt the Bandar aebeol coneea■ad btolber Jeaale and .Camtir a t<
of Helaforth t croaalng tpent Tbaakv- „ ai-t-k. .Mr. A 8. Ilainum-* coudVi
tbidr buoae {daa«
•ai-mbUnrr- r«> (■-iwiaal charms.
giving with reUtlvp* lu town.
I TU« animunpori. tbe mat who
^r^^Kiwo of Oadllte »Wt
Bmorr did a Ene atroke of but
V. Boogbor tlKPt a few dag* of tbit j
a«a Balortar to the line of bnieba Cbaiie* Lanoln,
bar pamnta. Hr. and Mta. Oeo. We
--The Man Who Urok.-Ibe Baul
taraljitc atrok.- two w<fka ago. I* t* • Mdcd to an advcrtliKBondar evening
and Mra. L VanAllcv of Pew- ginning lo aatk around as>la.
Will Lannln'B.
*^i^luSaM and. dauitbto of
n.... K>..™i.inu I. ni«rlr rvcavcmd ail*
nicr arc- viainng ra-UUve* in town.
Maatca apeni Trtdar bad Satartar tbe baacDeot-----------Ura. MllUkcn spent Monday gt Travtwo qvBu and bad a good
CS^r. «d Hrt, U» Woldnnr.
a ho bad cb*rgi-<l *Hh having .wladled a largt
Mi> Ttompnou a-a* In Klugal-) „.r-, muascoger 1«JT. '
"^ta^Triganlo Jt« «hl* week fur
. .-mploj-. Tb- Bumbor of BngUabmro la bit '^omb
ling belter than 1
Kimball of Boj
Hr*. Chandler la foellag
rric-L the cbunti ^"’*
“ *« and Bmilhweat Couat 8«<«m Trawllns
Tbankaglvlng at borne.
tbe baa far a long time.
I wrougbij.
‘ Mra. Ki. Bematdne aac
and conS^hiog wndhate - The only E*b
by Monday's storm.
The NoKfa Manltaa Ufe aavlu m- er at Mr.,Oolden-a and It 1* i
- Martha irtomcd from a vli
‘dlilon*. many lame, nomc duagured. caught. It U alleged. w.t« ib<- ln»t»i
Fttrf. Ooodrkb *1 dellVCT a lertare .
m eleaid at sl<
sldalght-Nor. 30. BdUon
, r. who diwppvd about lU.OOO
one of the cri
wart PUher. who
9b on account of tbe weather.
__ ______________
o LMand
Mias Unte Rtdmiaod of Trarcrac tarort
tun.-cooree. Bubjoci.
PwMcrdar «« arrived home toitar.
atr U vMUng at the borne of Mr*. vUli at borne.
B. E. Waller, wife nod aoo erf Trav- ^Mr. and Mr*. W R Camplfll ap-'iH
a lltUe John uni* aad Mr*. Golden.
^eiT dar until alriiba are b«te«
O- W. lUff bt» returned to Qiand Slf. Marie are- lu loan Mr. and Mra.
0 aiofud
Jennie lAUgrick of Booth Manwith Mr. and Mra. WUl
Boo CAW over lait Mondar for a
Cleveland of Traverar City
«Boft *Ua wltb ber pareala. Mr. aad
a. Jtsm MOtmes naa i»«*>
In town on l.uatocaa laat week. .
wa> In lb.- ManLC thin week
Mra. «. B. BharidML
icr aereri) Mek apcll. They agnu
John r. Bcmar apent Tbankiiid
taair an hour wtdie res-;
K- atj.
• Tl» Barge LteiT took lo^w fm®
me more fregnent and her »nire#Bandar. Uer.
Topicr fOTJm\oT^.^
for Jo
flngget-s team.
ng “n- of M. J iinggets
Wiinftdoelt laat «e^ Bhe etnld
• mrmcthlng terrible lo wllnwi
igcr and Ilia
it had U> vn draa nJu by a bo.
cwirlbrer l.OOO.OiO feet.
Idle Of Manceloaa n
len.in.- Parker wont to J*lei
piartc PUber cAne home from
Md Mra.'p. CooUn.
see lib mill- slater, who wa-' aerloualy •
Mia* M(i- iod'ly baa returned from
Ctuieron ac
Wtnler U berv In good eamot. The a vl*K at Kalkaska.
■imparh a few tlsya ibl> week.
oiniis- W him
Rev. aud i
people are rules their *leW>a and
Maggie Jkniirvin kp<«t
callers one
TbaiiUgiriag ai'h frlond« and r»4aAmbrw
Kcartr cveiTonc epeni Thankaglvtiv<« ill <;:»-agarrT^^raici
a quiet day In town last week.
at borne, and It —................
I- Mondnv
. Iiome at £
Hr*. Daltell
Dalt< aad aona, Ned and Dave
Cadillac, spent Tbankai
Charier Klnaaler. O. Morgan. Mra.
i’rintdi bj pcminioti
^n Bhonn-'snd etalMmi. Mra. O. gnesu of Hr*. Gardner and dan
Mtaa Winifred Hodge* la vl
Lapfaam and dsaMiter Harfe. Mr. and
act?tte pyt
Long Lake, Micb., Dec. 1, VJ06.
Cameron. Mr. Sirleko-. Mr.
fynree. Cotta You Nothing If It
yoenf ma dfaaaed aa Bwodlsb '■ra.
I, J, Niehan of Soutb
alio of this . bora wte bad Jnat arrived. rang and duUe a number of o
i have for year* -been troubled whh Headachei,
__a few days last week
Falla,- Say E. E. Wait A Eoitt.
tun Arbor Ballraad Co. haiw
aUU omrtM tbMr grtpaack*
i.iing in the cat KW'li of httv
Ner. ousocss and Poor Vision. List September I con
Oeo. Clay. Will Grintta. f. H. Gjpy with Mr. and Mra. W. WeD*.
Mra D. 8. Etheridge of Marion made
and Nonnan NVwid*n reurnod from
Tb Ib*' |A-' a,ek.
sulted Dr. I’auison. w ho prescribed a piir of bIessc*.
enunch fnlii in
Mr., tim 1. enb.ying a visit allb ber
■Jelr banting trip «]i north. They' bad U Baker and wife a'ahort visit la.l
It llt-omt'l b
i^klond the iD.«b.r (mm pAnnaylrani.
which have entirely cured my headaches and oen otwfrom ulte good lock, each getting a dec
ihyMrea by abowlag ther
Jobn Jora baa gooc to Indiana to vUBam Mycra and f»mUr alarted t
the Md at the -Swwdlab Nightingaleoess and given me perfect reading and distant vision.
ar for Van Wert, 0. where they e
make ibelr fniui '
Ml" Ei.mk Fk">t, Long Lake. Mich.
{ Miss Famawonb kUls i- mlerobes and germs c
aty were
Louis ButterOeld reuned
laat week.
reatetdor .edc from Melroee, O, aad baa .
lUAty Nasaen rcuimad
Why Suffer While Others Are Being Cured
to work for Peter Darla In A. C. Wj-n- J. A. Snyder went to Kal
lalBcas Eaiuniay. .
knm'a camp.
Hr*. Ida IlulWtaa gone to
tire. Will Harrington went
IsTiu- only mrtbod «>f irtal-; *^Ji.bu Hamilton la Ixime -Iron) -0*011.
Hla* Sarah iJbwAer la In
UIM> today.
.•aids by dir.-ct Inhalaiioo
Baldaln has B»u' t*» Cu|r.Hn. Dorn Oiaac and daa^ter ZeU OadUlac lor a few day*.
Fred Judkla* baa gone lo Rockford. paiuacc. a balsamic air thal
iroy* ml-h b. vrk fur Dr. Core. ll
» vlitted Rots Bnnyon over TbanksDol|>b Aldridge ha* sold out his dray
ivlng during Mr. Draggao-s alwoBee.
all catnrvU^ germ. In the I
Travers# Cltp. kttoli.
Suite ♦ 13-41A Wllhnlm Block
Thera was a phaanaj.gathering of
Mias Rrica Wllaou of West Almira to Wra. Holbrook asd moved bis fam ____________ and piirifle. the- Wood j family ^o 'nn'tairsjrt'Uw .^^^^
ily eul to p. Naylofs.
• t ^enty gabats Mat Hoaday - drove over here Btuday. Nina "
Ub addtilun.1 cTonu. --; B.”:;i:-’.n;*.v”;r:rbr...n*7’T..r
The funeral of Mra- Groff »as
tbe borne cf Mra. StandbBtb t
S her borne for a
maneni and eomploie.
Nettle da^' vlall.
Friday morning at the Cat
.... .. KlngMey. The
Arista *'
Icbak-r.a boUk-otHyo-' Jamo
'‘’M7”and Mra. Leon R. May bate r^ mrt and a druppor.
perfonned at men br
The Inhaler will. Mauiui*<•<• M- moth. f.
Tbe boaie waa deeor- **8.*g! Draggoo”aimnl TTuiBkagl'ns iriicd to Star City after a short vl»U last a lifetime, and additional tottUt .............
.i-.limg here.
-Ith Mr*. May-a parents. Mr. and Mr*.
. IJalnl bntebered a
Lake Ana wUlilDg Irteada.
J. W. Caatpbell. Clayton Campbell — of Hyomcl tan be obtained for GO ■ Tbursdav
H. Case and wife of Weal
were Codar Run calhra Baturtay vveua lew mlnnu.-* ^ Clark H"o-<- h*’- .larud
Mr. and Mrs. Roy lilac have
at tbe town hall
d'yonr enurrt will ^ toi^t
wan'.a •aetma. '‘‘Mre. Ftcd Laguire and children re- into Mr*. M- .Vndereon’s bonse.
E. L. Fclkernon bn* returned
oyster supper tnmed hone .Friday evening from
don after a few days at borne.
Poantain. Masco CoasCy. where
Mias Other Arcber spent the latter
Mr. 0d Hn.%nnedr a
bare been rialUng her parenu fo
ODoTtry 10 e-jr>- caiar.-b wltbor-. broiUei-tuHaw. Fred Mabli-.
pvt of the a-rek at Summit City.
ftMate at «rand ApUa and
ary ntomach m«llcUM-.-. Bre-alhe’ Dit. «.
Waller Huff baa gone to So
Tommie Wynkotw vl*
Iicaling Hyomcl which eof* to
-- ------------------John BOlf’and May Nleki
............. eacber nl the borne of Dr. Boaidffian. where he baa cmpleymr
n- pan of ^e air pta*agv* tnd rv*
____ ™ naiarnitt^miarp
Mra. Will KcAt made a trip to Cadmarried at Tiaearae air
Lake Ann Batarday.
piratory organs kUUug thi. caiarM
-Bbrnralalatlon. of
Thay hage ' *
- - ' pn-vcntlng tbclr grwwtb.
. •MI •
«... Hollis Tabberer
only inaiBK-nt lor esianb
v'a. Fred
-Beba Baatae;
apeat Baadsy at bto brotber'a.
rt yoor 1
ndwiffcncc Often Beiaga
Wedacaday la
local dealer.-. S. K. W
Mr. Bwuribwalte of Travene City
boon "l>c ’time :
F Peterson I* entertaining
Trnabl*—s. E. W*K A Son* Oflera
f. have the best
ran in loan Mooday.
ber alater. Mrs Lncy Johnson and chllIt of frjenda
think of Holiday tokens.
Means of Eacaoe.
...mod from bla bunting
Our entire line: is now o00
ThankagiTiag day at Chicago, tbe
M^ Frank Green la vUlttng
wltb two doer.
news rt violaiing pb; <
disi'lay,aDd you arct; cordially
I and J. Mul tetumed guests of Mr. aftd Mra. BIcpicIm.
Sontta Boardmto.
One of the omployci-.
-n as nnplea>4ni aH’Alfred Jdhnaon arrived borne from
.cr pentnaula lut Tuesday
Mra. Lonhs
Jn-y's mill had ihv mUfortna.- 10 terakUig'rfa oral rnk. Tl.«- tiing«x-n
iuMicd to coll and ioapcct it a
Mhhigaa aty. wbero be ba* been in dellgbirnny a
« goc deer.
come in eooracl wl'b n saw. enttlng. |Bdulg*«r-. «>f vr-eatlug bring, cun*'
early and as often as you can.
_ nrwbo «k*-be«n dotug enr- the life *avli« hcrvicc.
ugly gash
amount to n
In quality, assonment aad novArthtiT
■ “ • - -----rds. Mra. Kdni non tbe priie at
peaur work <» Mr. WOaon'a buwae.
MvM Masii
ligoiu ha-v mwv.vi bU fan-' |„dige,oon ^ not DalnraJ:
it Is not
bai oomph-led Ms Job tbere aad gone
dre aad Mra. Doherty at fllneb. De- lly from Ala farm
to iM- second sIott I ^**1 • K ,tvnld not M-. 8- E. Walt k
eitv our ilisDlay exceeds anythihi;
ume on 8Binrta.v.
store building for;
mta* a m'«-<s of oMape f Mlcf Ibc old D(
10 be found in this iocaliiy. All
amnclaon of North SUni' It la simple and iiraetilon Island was In town last Friday.
the new things arc here. It will
Mr*. Boy Pvair U riBillng friends
a Mieweil party- OyMer* and ’other
you to kc the stock a» soon as,
and reloUvvs at Traverse Qty.
. from Thanksgiving boUdays with Mrs. AJ-^ urj, raloaldr- medicinal *g.ml« «you
can. bctauic the thing* t^t you
Oacar Ontiaff arrived
Arthur Lsviurle. wbo U attending
die tilbbr, rvtnrelng Setid*>.
, ,eaulb Mibs»Ilal".
Higb JttbOBl at Traverne Chr. imenl BeUalre Monday
would like best may be sold early.
Mb^ Ni-lilc TTiiompson came home'J’‘'"n'“otb«'-"'ri-^-dK-*
all otb«- rt-mvdli-s
I. Wednesday, to Mr. aad Mr* from
TbnnEay with bla pamla. Mr. and
____ buying
mying or
OB her dcbool
e^ In
to the N^vnon
Sj^vraon d^ ; ttwiblc*.
ttte.ble*. e«
c riooi
rix.oi oialatc.
on '
ami tonic
However, whether you intend
Hn. J, R. Udrrie. «rf tUa place.
for Tbanksgirlng. Onlng 10 111, ^
■etives »blcl
wbicb promote the at
'peter Wnrsburg took a trip to Trat- trict
t, we want you to see our display while it »
-----Aidsli of Travoree Cl
KwUt^rtc wlll^^Mke np her school,
^ ,yp digvttive onaas. atreugtl
Htashaw and family U
~ e buying
buyine will take care of itself.
complete. The
^ ICS! TtU death was pankr*—Teddy Saxivn has boagbt lb,- houic
___In Ibis place.'
fonnerly oecupkd by Lconart Holli
vt >uu like.
Mr*. C. B. Kcbl cnu-nalned friends day and has bad U mond to a lot ad^Nbe .ympaihy of all In tbttr aEW^
LuScr ,^th
*1tb bcadscbti
bcadacbti. IndlI her bone oa Tbaskagtvlne.
Uon. The lUUe casket was eovued
Bore this week, to Mr. and Mt* O -Joining Frank Sayvn-’ prvprrty. He'g^ioa. Datulmcy. besrt born,
Abent eighteen Irlcad* rt Mr*. Ben
will IK It up for occuiancy a* soon ns 1 ness, sleeplcstncsfc backaeb>.
Bnnra gave ber a very pleasant pan:
weakness, begin the use rt
W Hoada.v. Tbe afiennon wa* apen
Ooau aad baa boeght a place n
oae tablet oni
Tbe •
in garnet and a candy bint. A dalaty
Is eompleud asd aa soon aa ibe trana- of a 50 reot boa beferre each meal, and
InartMoa was servod at 3 o'ctock. rtter
Mr. ume has been
formera can U procured
pUrvd yoo will regain perfect bealib and
wUtti. Ibe gneata departed.
Ml days at a Haren's
tbe li^t wlU be tuned oa. Tbe plant atrttigtb.
rieC. CoiMlandV father
Ask e. E. Walt E Boas to show jm
-vtrirti Rees:- redtatloo. -Alaata. was started 6r« tbe erenlng brtore
itmg Mrs. Boy Paoae. rwwsed
tiUBrt in tbclr Eome
MIta Green: nolo. Hl*> ThaakaglriBg. aad tbe UftaUag at the guarantee uad« wbkb Ibey sMl
Tbaraday and »s el*t«r Traversa Cyy Tnaaday. aeeempas
MI-04UU It eatt* Mblng
ire of Hoaw. 8*e-I Klogsley It very •atWactury.
by UUM Sainld Peaae.
ter wlib hMira Peart Dame. 'In i Hr*. Prank Bayerv M oniie poorty levrsT Tbe risk fs allU tbeira.
Tbe MCtai given by the Bpvonb
■asortar to work la a pbotocrt^
*7. He etpecta to team t
;-;7.is s-Sir-; t
Uneeda Biscuit
• jsi5i-.?r.T.^r5i,?U”Si'
riS^rSt" Sri™.
The Star of Hoje
And learn what we are
doinfi! for others
W.P.nWlfE,.Pmt DII.B.LMHtSM,»l«ilM
Christmas Btlls
Will Soon be Hinging
2SJSME - '
___ .
City Book Store
tnwene CHfr mkb.
BsHir. lodi, dk. ■<-». umuw
•M la Ii>n MoBdar- .
1«BW aie i»o «*»<» «t aoulet ttiur
In ttaa.
‘ Hrt. O«orge 8ar<-laaa of Rcvadto
to TtoMlea her PWI«U. Mr. aad Mr«.
;..W«Mer. td thto Mace.
Mt». MonMUi aih ina«lrtiy «er«
•Mto a Mn. Co*tk^ UM S*<wil*r.
HIM tMtoeiftRllB^ (« n^ott :i
U>« *Mo pli' at ly eaeMl..
Mr. Plati,' awl (antfr o( Attolra
(. naU'a (ifter. Mil. Rraa
U r. Sbcrtdaa <d dea Artair wu I
TMi PCiiPBct wmr’ MmiM M. a HInifkt-u 8hrl i
AUaa tot let. Oak IMghto. '
jlesra ef Tnnrea City CWas Hare
TboBU W. ^toB aa^. wKc to
J .
Lancncd ti
Tnnrso CKy Hsaor Dost On., psr
aato-r froB tmekoehr.
There Is only uar wa> to care 1'.
BSebanl Drewer to Itoillh ^rrrtHw
The perfect way U to enre (he kid
A bad back airntm alck kUacy*.
BteMrd Otto to Cb(u. .e«to. wla to
Kcidpc'. Ii. uriuty irmbln follow.
H. ixL as. town ». raa«e 1a;^
-i . ■Doan's
Kidney PRU are Bade (or
fiTlac Corelnc aad wttr to thoBax.
MacAridc lAutcr Cn.. paictoa
t. e. Grrfltck Co. <0 Trerene CH> Lane. NlUa. V...... .... ......................
otor Beat Oa, parceto, are.H. (torn Set kidney dlscoses a tout Use t
F. M.-lwa. AaiBiMy ndlh
Grasd RdpUx HoMA %u to town Uu.
•IM eftost weeki a the tourest ot the
Piaak Sfacridaa aad BafMe.ftobtw,
M Glen Arbor, who hare bra baattoa
to the npper pealasnla, retained I
f .
■ ■
Hundreds of shrewd slioppers that luve visited our Cloak Departtnent have
tost week. TbCA
Pllli. and while
tbe idea that when The Globe Store advertises a Qoak
Henry Oodriade to Ore B. pn-rev.
my kidneys were «
geitto* a »eer.
I reoaun they did
Sale, all otheCrSales arc at a standstill. It stands lo reason why wre can offer you
Cart Mbrrto hu bra «ailc akk ibe uh of^aeto. »«. SS, iown,«. raa#c
.jJto oa tfaf
siM'i ^ Brietii's disbu bmi TtaltloK tost (ew days wUhVaadiee.
these garments (or less than they can be duplicated for elsewhere. We bought these
k BCfaed an the time and
Mrs 1. C. naker of Ukb Mn apee.t Hulel MoitsoM to M'arm T. Bosi- If I eanidlt cold It was so lsm< (bit
,-y o( ibto ptec, nun*«d 4
garioeots from two of the largest manufacturers in the east at V>n on the dollar. It
bnakutotos b«e srtU Mr. aad Mrs. BBa. ini ts. Mock 3. Baou-A A<>- T eonld seareely sc' aroand to aum.l
iMr am at Bt JUpIMMOdar.
t>-ework.. NIMits
I wa, areacontains their entire sample line.
CMtor Caa« ajtoat Atadaf aid Mm
] pabu In my back
Wood Olsb Oo. to «'am-n T. ^,2; '
id birs. R. C. Oidby (X Tracerre i ^bl
il« totth hto (Udlp at paoxoabu
Cn>il<lren's Ki.k-nkreii Cbuka
Tha Udto*- Aid a«cJ«*T i™ "*« «
in pink auii white, (riauivd
the toMM at Mr>. MaMaaai WMaaa- Mmi ThadkacIilBc at (be bo»e ml
Mr. and Mr*. BIU Horrla
Fnr .. Ladiua' C'oHi'iDade <>f (
Mra. A. KlflRaa aad (UMm ani
............... .......................
silk ertiain*] plub u’uumed \
Rapsaad MeabM. thatt^naihiHiU
acbe away as well as tbe other sympI an nr ibe opioton thsi iberwill Anmru fur. :t0 inchi-* J
tfiHd mi Hr. and MM. L«DBBTd Mciboa. Hra. Pcier PJartoy toft IberMay for a j Ho;* II. H.,. L * Co.'t Sad.
other kidney remedy that can
: ioiuV ai'id^ciiffa _______
A;ilr p. Drown (o PhBlp Roaeb. toIoi«mh1 liMsl. Theartgid)
dtedtondaraneraabortUlacat. Tha rulare beue In Chlrajto.
lUa<i For bcarfi triininc<{
Dou-s Kldmr Pill* ; witli nstrarlwii. a j£ OQ
Bdni Reynoldi or But Bmplre bad tz. Oak Krieht*.
fnunl «ai hcM to tha CtoNPUfaltoul
witli ait laib. c1nali-r« aiwl
l*leaiir more proof like .............
T 30 gareicBL for fTm^O
ebattto at HoBCalead MaadM aRar- bU wladtolH WowB (0 piceaa by lh» Oaf D. MMHay and wito to Ctortoxa Trarerse City people. Call at Weber
«(Jd by
-4 Co.'s druc store and ask whxi Ihclr
DOM aad totnuMt «lt Mad« M (ha hlA Vlada tout week. XauabOBt MO. KmWto. pBccU.
fe.B.DaUay areat toChleaBDCe ba<- . (too H. Ctmt* and wU<- <o (tov. G. enstomen report.
Homtftoiad camatyrT.
For nie by all dealers; Price av
ladu ton Taeaday.
; Covell. Id IniereM tot 2. arc. St. lot d.
ila Phsler-MlIbBra Co.. Baffalo.
Mr. and Hn. Sncob BnM ot Platte I are. IS. town ». raaiir
. w \ork. sole aaenu for tbc Voitnl
Bmptre (alien Tueadap;
! tMria Dtlle Btoefc (o W. M. S’ltex. Staler.
Hadaa. HIM, Oee. J.-lHw Marie
the ume—Doaa's—aa<l
Adaatoacd hor Baiwii ito*a toatTlad A i. Taeddto «( triieerdh CHy waa paireHa; aM t. town S7, nace 10.
no other.
B. g. HbDtu and wife to Hiram
Mat TtoMidap at (hh «>wa M (he i.abtoa on bnatoret IM Wedaetday.
Hri. fi. R. Dailey rtatiM from Tiieii.'t.. Uoaard. cH oT ae\i. ace. U. town
t. Geer aad wUe of Hlaneapelis plan
hrMah MUicr, abeai bait a nlle north
day unlll Satorday at TrireiOw Citr|ST.
to walk arouad tbc srortd, sianin;
of llartu.
Marie BMie Stock to Wb. M. Stllre. •iiboat BMiey and BtodoE wbai ibc.<
Hr. Md Mra. Bd Xtatar Mtwaed and Onekama.
tS-TandlSuLaaica’ I :i.vLatlie«'$.’lt>nMa|
ChiktrL'ii'a Lour
Chtldrenn Whiucn toor. Geer once poshed a
last T*grMay'(«MBliif. They are U a Wokoll aad Waller Mato we.e pneeU. eec. 2. town S7.
Cloaks, marlcof wttni
Fnr Lineil Coal*. \ Skin*, mndi- of Inteat | amt ilruwii Botrakin
In Tnrene CUy the Arst a( the week.
Herbert KnaU to W. H. 8llt». wfareUArrow arooad the dobe.
Butoc to naka imelr Snt reatsi
henry I'loakiug. worth
Kruaddoth nr Key» -y 1 Binti-ri.vl mui alyh-a. | C««ito. aohl <>vcrt’.
1, C. Baker spent Bnaday nt bl* pmreels. see. 3. town 2T.___ .
> for tliia aok',
| wlirrcfoT$.'i.our|triou f
covi-riiiii. aah' jiricf.
auk- |>rioc.
Lacy 0. TIbblls lo Jlorbiwt KunU.1 There's ntobtoa su Rood for a rur.
The orttar aupi^ oe TbanluslTUig borne In Lake Ann.
perrelr. ice. 5. lowb 27 renfc ML
UlM Buto Rcynidda or Drawn
day HU naeb aajoyad. It «u MIBtos-Wycko# lo Mrs. Alice HsIMl S^ln i°j
Relieves any
Tired toai Mondiy (or a week's rtoil
land by a daace.
n<A of nctl.sec. 17. town r7. ransc t:.r
--------!------------The amaaera werr atran a diaacr witk (rienda to town.
Mn. Flank Paymeet, dr, to Burl
Olar A. Nelson Ud wife to Cbaa■ P. Ij ' Torluriut ecsema spread*
today at the han orer Mr.
tes area every day
day. Donn a Oint:
Btopdre Tlsited (rienM to Kesaen Ciiy A NtoiWk w>«to swUrto tel4 sec. C3.
atoTo.m Lndic*' Clooka. ioaao niul
Bmatifnl ai-lcelinn of ahort Far Ki«k I’iortw.
lankily MOP* H* siireadlaa. lasUDliy
last week.
Hn. A. r. Cbnrchm and
ImdcAfoU tciigth. itootly trinmiil. uiad<- b(
Inl.wt atykm. We jdaw o» sale a black aa.
Tbe pansenaer coach to acton to are
Clara were ta OopeBith Sal
nil wool Srotrb mislim* oul (duin iiU wool
Uodiaii fur pien- with doulje tatm ao<l
* ’
Hlaa Carrie M^fi U elcfiana to after bntoc repaired from Its reeeni Lumber Co.. Dwlf to sett. sec. S. (ttoti!
' ki-rac{a. wortb fjfromOlO loOl:!. /
toiry claxim, satin litii*!. worth ^
; j„|u, Rj^iund hu broken gruuml (or
Gee. A- Uanaa'i alora bow. Mr. Han- anubnp. caosed by eoUidtoc with a J5. range »,
toad to toss to Bmpire yttnerioa.
or. to Mytof potateaa
(hreenitory buu-l oo (he site or
Tbe Sleeptos Bur ilb Mtiac si*Hra. Hike Dwyer and aoc rlaltoj
c barned Standtoh boon-.
Mra. Haary P. BbtMoB on Thaalu- tloB ekaed Tbonday alghi at It. Sev John Hs'sta wu In Trave
.--------------------eral to the sarfBCB teak tbe (rein from Toradav of tost week
alTtoa day.
Uarrlnon B'cHaian slopixn here
IkiaaV Reaulei* eoie cvuxipsilo
Bax Joalio cat
band wtlh hto ax here Friday Borelng for (heir boees. Tuesday raroute ui Treverx- O'v I tone the siomacb. siimulaie iIm-live
ayurBW OlWy. MIoH.
Mtos t'tolet Voice wu qnllc
. SPP.-H
whBe woiUiia Id c«b9. Dr. CmmU
I epsy passages to tbe bowel*. Ar
lul.to the week hiti to boiler at ibis
<d copeaitoh to uwatlBs K..
I druggist (or Ibem. SS oeols a b
BIc Raiejf
Quito a namber from here auead-'d
the masqaende ball u Glen Artur ’*Sr'l. F. tvilllams n Wrducmla;
rpenl the rv
Thursday niebt.
lb rvlx'lve*.
M. F. Horen bouebt the Uvery baslacta to Win. PraU on Wllce street aul a cigar naaufae'oo'
took poeiesstoD this mornini:.
Mra. Bam llnlell aad (oar y»uDKC
The electric licbt pUnl o( the Bmleft Wedneoda* (or a v|>
plre DoBber Co. to completed, and the chiMn-n
wlih retoiive* la Mlaaourl.
BlU and shops are sow llsbtcd liy etocMr. and Mr*. Soho Plech.r «■*
caller* In Trarcree City Tuvrday M. Desks wu a Tiarene CRy rtou- trtdiy.
A. B. wnurd retarned BUonliy laat wbU.
or Memday.
Hra. D. L, JEnxlgn weal to Grai
(MB a trip tn Mllwaahre. Chicaso and
W. K. WltoM to Bottar onto
He spent Tbuikaclvins
tars whkh be pnrehtned mMatly
tost nantod place with hto danaci
' Tiarereu <9l).
And tbe dna csBo liacki Mr. Durke
The best line of useful presents in Traverse Ctiy at great money-saving price*.
took bis doc oil iato the woods. MM Mlcblaan scBlnary. Shortly after bi well kiK.aii Bcri'. and mu- sianuixii
him aad left hiB. u . be anmnnod. arrtred bone be bad the BiiXortane tn were married at the home to the
bride'* pareaixla Gnat inanahip. Tbdead, reccalty. Dal abenl a week toire severely sprain hto ankle and will !>•' uvual
well wUboa go with the hapjiy'
the dog appeared at hto eld hMac. obliged to walk with the aid to crutch,
'"nra' ADUX Feotoo la ilow4j recover
MBewhat crippled. It to irne. bui es (or eome time.
peter BitckKio It bow dellrcrymaa Ing her healib.
Wherwiae none Ue worse (or hto trip
Hra. Fred Nlsan and toilMr-'n apeei
(or ibe Rmpire Lambcr Co.’s store.
to the happy hnatlitc iPMndA
Mrs. Bagene Stoyke aad Mta. John ^ankaglrtbs with Ben Bchell aad
Mrs. BDaira ItoWHt aad (sally.
Mrs. WllUt DeWItt aad danahlcr. W. Dewitt spent Thaaksglriag with ibeir *Uim Vein and D^lly W)-nkoo>
a (cw Bar* la«l week wi'u
J. Ctarii. Bert Dare, Ctoadu Worden
(fiend* here. Mlw Doliy rciurnod ton
' \v„r,h SlS.00to $2.V(», ai
Bed tomfilea desire to thank the lap la PlaUc.
Jaiaet Daly aad Bimer Atkinson ex- evening.
IriMito aad asi«W»ra who no ktodly
Tlie Five Methodixta have par.
asstoltd ihcB duriag their reecat bo
ebasod the hoixe and W un CHr*
U to spesd the wluto'.
Mreei, o«-u<-d hr D. L. Ttaxlgn. and gill
iixc II (c-r lielr imraonage. Tlio jm»NtoO Sawyer retamed (rea Prankor lo rbarpe. Rev. McGralA bav
'rrasuiy llaperttort HMMlay alabL
iu>ed bU (uully there.
W’axUBgten. Dec. C.—Tbe anuail re.
The scarlet fttrer putomu are all
Ilugtfa-aloud.' I* hoBM- from Thi-nip-.
port to the secretory to the troaxuir wavllle.'when-he U« been SI work. I
Ilearr Sm'ili ban moved his (atnilv I
Rer. Boon begaa a aertes Of rertral wu made today. It akuwed that the
xd bounehold good* tn Soulh n.«rd |
BectlBsx here Maaday ereatoc. All total rcrauea of tbe country (or tlie aa. abere hu wiU worii J. It. klunyear were $«7.1*li69.K. Of ib'i* . w'x tonn.
are Inrlted to attend.
tlU.8SS.tSS.10 wax from ihc
A. n, Ailnsoii aeni lo Traveree CH;
AM eoetoty aeeis with Mrs. Dow*
imaul arnkc. Tbla to aa Incrcaxe is taxi evT'iing.
Nr. and. Mr- Johu Fcmla** to Ma->Ctoado Worden aad badly are sUj. Itoal roerlpl* aver 1901 to tlSASC.- loD
Thankrgivlug with ibe (o:Handkerchiefs
Men’s Heavy Wool Pants
ins wKh Mr. aad Mra. Dst Bartoo (or kW.31. Tbc pmul rrcelpto abowed
aiec * pan-ui*. Jacob FV-wl*** add allNice Silk and Lini;ii aii-H''nnil>ric in )>bin. h••^■Mik.■ll-'l.
Wm. Wurzburg wu a Traverac Cl'.r
inereate to S9.34S.N0.TC.
worth iMX) to J -v.>. .-a 1.50 and '1.75
. a few days. .
. "
fancy ami initial, .-n............. 1 OC. 1 5c. 25c and 60c
expradltarca for the yvar catU-r lai>t Wudui-.vUav.
Mts. (Aayliv Danea to enterta
F. W. WlIsoB aad tomlly o( Trav
Best Home-made Mittens and Socks
Wren S'SO.lK.mAS, Ictrvlng a do- er»c
rriailvet fna JaySedd. ■
fliy aprtil a Jew dasa Iasi week
Fine Socks. Gloves. Mittens. Etc.
worth -jOl- to <i0r, at 45c
irteocy to SSJS04AtB.«. Tbc de- with nMatlvea bere.
at 23c. 4Bc. 98c, 1.36, Etc., par pair
Hra. C. W. CbaoTy called In Trai•dCDcy
. tMPIRt
SlB.0SSm. Cumpared with 19M Uiere r*e aty Wedneiday to lari arek.
BBpIn.; btldL, IMb' ».~Bobert
Last WWecrdaj-'mroaliMrthe rteetrie
Christmas Suspenders
Beet, Newest Patterns in Neckwear
SMtth. Who wax tor thrd* aeasoai « wu a deoroue to 11,171.447.10 ia the ll^tx wore taroad on loMbaArnt Iter
nt 23c. 35c, 50c and 69cpar pair
pt 22c and 45c
the SMrplBC
tbc onUnaiy rereaoea tor ItW.
tatlas aiauon. bat wai traaa^tred eba
Best Knit Mufflers
and Hr,
tm Of Jaly Is Ike etaikB al Mtca^ ympared wiih INI. show aa Increi
griUBlsted on Uie ispidlly wUb wbleU
at 4Sc, 68c, 96c, Etc. up to 3.60
in Black. White and all nfora. at 22cand 45c
ther. paHM riie work on ibcm. Kina'
awa payk. IrnactTlag the coapntala to S3.«US3Mt, wUle ibe
wore IcM by S73.it3,407Jg. the art ley now bu a cpod iyriem to llghi.
tkas c( hix Mends aad aneb broo
and when her waierworiu arc usialrnoli (or IN ftacal
awe eebBent by Its pren ihioqgbtea* to cxpeadlturea over rereoaci to lishcd ahe wUl be aS well equipped n
Ml tM awe. aad to aarbe tdreles
Ever shown by any cloak ttore :arc HERE for >’Our iospctiion.
StaerbBy toe the heroUa dUpUiyed
For the put two }*«n> ibt cxjieadl- rrte«dt fa Reed City,
whila heiptol to reaeae the Mumcen tore* to the goreniBeat have been in
Misses Long Cloaks
Udies' Beautiful Long Cloaks
tod crew ot the Gtnhba * Mertoa
w.M^lh 'i -VJ an-J TJH). a'................................ ;.................. 5.00
to the ren*tH-i to the aggrekw*. a clear roxr comulr
atoaaa'AIM vblHi waat oa the beaeb
u( plaiu or notvUt dolhx. worth 15.0) to 2U.0".
Children’s and Infants’ Coats
at iha oatraua to KeOaad han»r ^ Mtotal to more than SSl.090.WKI. toT’^rdST^i^BI^S^.^ruS
tbe akin, restore
................................ tfOand 1 2.50
Kov. S4tto A lbs with the breeches
Do H now! Don't maltl
__ •;
«. „ z,,.. i SIS" r.J“S
1 3.48
the: OL.OBE
...BUY .YOUR...
Christmas Presents
BEST SUITS FOR MEN : : S8.95. SII.50 Md SU.50
$9.75, $12.50. $16.50
1.95, 2.95 and 3.95
0 on acovoai to tbc IVnatna reaat.
hoard knew bow to property aake the
Mu bat Mr. Bank took a saaU The New York police depart:
Med aad aleme aadc the trip tkronM hu adopied (be FTeaeb xnicB to takheObcaarf to the wreck. Whea near tag iBpriatx to the palm to the band
ia a Bxau to MentHribg orlaiaalf. A
«BMM a tine wu threere so
whteh he bstued aroand hto body Npareaen detsot!*« bu been neat lo
and leapad to the lake aad wu patlei Paria to learn bow u U demr.
ehnagh the ley water aad oate the
heal, when he nade the Itoc (bat aad
RM BBMa Tremtare.
Hk trork et rceeae began. The brt
Wb. L. Brown aad wife to Philip
that he bat far 'two weeks prerioailr Roatoi. cast 10 fcei lot 4. aU tots S and
heeo saScriat with Wood potoaa
f. Uoek IS. H, L. A Ca's NA
•ae M W hM«a ttaa aa to.«ai7
BbBF P. Own ta BMrd W BaperectrM M the ttbe (he XaU Lyou was vMara to Oread Trarerae eouiy.
wrecked there to detWmr and one u? to awli to Mil. ace. 37. town 17. rante
hto feet badly lajared shorlly
tstoc «a board (ha Aigo lukee thu Howard C. AdaBsJo'Bul ft Adami
Sedd »ere ^laoweetty. Hr. SBith lot iCLOakHalikta.
tosbhera hu Mutto efSD by hto aeNatL Imaa A lav. Co. lo C Bay<MBItoaa««a m BHOn and ytetotty' WiM Walt. w!i loi 14. bloek 17. Trev
sad the tiearty eontretatollrau ot ad erw- piijr
Cheap Fur Scarfs at 4$c
for Ladic*. Misses and Children, at very special low
Handsome styles, full lengths at l.'.’j aod13(i.
Short lengths at 45c. (>.>c. ^‘x. Etc.
piicea, Coc to 15,tK).
ci4nkis-rMAS DOi-uu f-or-ri-iK OMiLoreKN
< >ver a tltauaam] U-autifnl itolU will Im given aw:iy {nk- at ('hrixtiiia* (iinc.
aO«*ftt purclu*-.
Kver> iirnon li.wiag twenty nr more Doll
The Store That Gives You Most and Best for Your Money
um eiTV', MiotH.
Take tlie Hurry and Worry Out of Christmas Shopping
Small Wares Section...
osiels Always Come Handy
Oir pare linm HwA To.^ At 10=. 25=.,:«5c «i“f
Uiin«l to» tiw laooeT ct-W
you Satin Dimuk IWlt. iitW
lifinMhrhtrf ttcnmeil orV>nced.«t Sou. SOr, OCkc. 76o, |1X0tad 1.SS.
lie MW to •« the JI0c«i. A few of the ^welal b&ok toweU Ml at Ue
LmUmt Oood*-Poctot.bdob». 6boppi#« Biga.
•liac CbMa. etc. Jewdiy—PwttJ Eioodiea. I iao. Bat im,
drao-a Pin Beta, Bdt B«cUm. Krckwnar-Pnttj thiaga in tmey
cedkn. For the TWbt-Oo«bi, Brwh-»-toolh. nail. Wf *»«
dottiaa-MaBienM Beteoct and KniTea. Eabrodety SetMon. Tbna
all make iMfpKitfM and laettr gifti and ore nicwwrifa that rrary
lady will ajifneiate.
tlonyoullhavelnmaklngyourselecUonB. T^an.TO
Eib^?a«%orj^ough"rLuW^?os^^V your frien';!. and you w.nt.om
here in the store.
50c SUITINGS 39c
Plain Panamaa, Hrariettaa and funcy miiturca. liraken
ineof tiokin in onr Fifty and Sisly cent. Roodi.
Do yon know of eoMhioi
know rf any of your lady
with a new aua
aOk unwe
dreta ui
or nsUl^
If yon would got her aomeihing most f n »ahl« tn t^
^Ik line, get a Moneyhak Taffeta Poan da 8q»p, Poan de
36 lack wMthf l.SO ar 2.00
ay iBch wuih* 12S ar 150
24 iBCh wMfte tAiO Yarn
ffj ineb ebangabk Taffeta in a lino wry fwoll for waists
■ad diirt waist aniu and gowna at
Probably no other ono thine >• l»oghl as freelr tnr gift
paipoace aa handkerridefs and no othe atoic ii as wril
eqntf^ to anpply yonr every n.Til ia Ibis atote. Ow
lino this KWftMi Is mote than nanally attractive and la in
nan wh6 will show yon the line in en
rharoe of a
3C. 6C. IOC, 12 1 -2C. I SC.
up to 3.00.
This a very attractive department. ^ many pretty i
iiractical gifts for both Udies uml cb$iircii. such ns Shawls.
Kascinatom. Swceitsra. pretty lirdroom alipp- ra. Bahy
.T.ickcU, Bootees, To«iU(>a, Hoods, etc.
Lunch and Tny Clcibs aud Diewr ScArfa e great vari^
of styles, (bwigtia and sites. 8e« the Jap band embroid.
ered Lunch Cloths at
We arc stwwiuRn
and .Tag Si^ks
$2 to 3.50
Tbeeo arc chnnnii U' for wnisU an<l party gowns,
Are you insadod just whai to l.iiy r
Here nrc some things yon may not
liate thought of.
Silk IVUicoat, as frilly nnd rnstly
ns any lady will cere fv. at $5 te $12.
Silk Union Bnita at $S ta $10.
Silk m*r1 Wool Union Soils at
$2A0 to $4.50
and Hoc Woo) Hoee 8Sc A
$2.00 pur.
Bath Kobea and Kimonai at $3.00
and $3J0; Fura-yon can’t go wrong
bore; no aizet to bothe you; Xcck
Senrfa fSo to $(K; muffs to match, si
II.oO to
Silk WnisU$2.'^ to $10.
i; nothing Is »wc popnlar than
$1.00 and $1.50
Tliey lie neve out of dale, and n<i fear of their having
pieot^. No housewife has too many llnpoi. w« are
allowing some verv attra. tive thing* in lliU ilopartmeat.
Ask to ieethe Table Liium prirtri at 60c, 7Bc, 1.00
1.29 and 1 59.
Tftble Cloth atxl Xapkiiia it. SeU. Tlicrc aU'gome bosnUful paltcms in thcai- for eilluT Muml or ftiuare Ubbe at
• $8 to $18 set
Bhadow PUidB.
wUe. colon navy, gray, rce^da.
i,aboUaiAMde«Mn. This k one of the, bm.
We are ahowing eomc escrileni baTRaina in tbeae goo^
AH broken ioto of Ladiet' CoaU and the popular Mittntea. 8i«
ftjf 32 to 4a
40, prices
pricea were 1000.12 U). 13.50 and
B OO. Thee are only twen^^one left, pneod
priced now at $J
1 IXOa All new goois. moat of them 43 in.
Oia. o
$1.00 YARD
30 ineh Chnmelon Silks, aa their name anggoal their
ohangeahlraest in colorings nro man>. three, e^ aw
nseii in tllo wearing to gel this cff«:t. « e oonstder tht'in
cxcngHcoal raloes at
at wTsSr. «.M yard.
g^'^Ts, SKIRTS
ALWiTS m'oaiAin)
3U_ |f j„
find It for you. (or it.
No woman ever had to» many pairs of glovsa; ao they arc
anre to be aceepUUe. You ran tw rkk fti sine as they
■•an be exchanged before wearing Uaiwk not ooTTWi.
Weshow the bent end moat oompleta lina and
ably have just the om- SHE woan. nt IJW, 1.5$. l.TS, 2M
KM lums-soe. rsc. iJM, ijftM $.«e
F«r futuu Ur imug. 3M pair.
the pQnilarixdcn. 11.00 valnee. for Tbc
at Speda! Prices eBtU
12S up to 17A0
The modern sweeper has robbed sweeping day of its terrori has done more to preserve woman's health and
temper, tossy nothing of the preservation of her carpets, furniture, etc., than all other agencies combined.
Beauties at **.»0 •n«J Wa-OO.
All sizes at
that sweep for the
Per Cent Ulsamst
Gains At
Sizes 8-3X12«,
a'3xl2 h.
also larger ones
for the Hiss of 12
to 15 yean
fine line
1,00 op to 8.00
35c to m
1.98 Pair
for C'lrtains worth
up to:: 00.
good assortment
of colors
1.25 up to $6
to close out lot
werth '■) 75 and 4.00
rioonced, used
one to a window
all sizes
10.00 each
worth IS.OO
up to 4 00
This isiiu roc Here
of TriTersc aty.
See Mr boUday as
35c up to
Ingrain Stair
Special Cleaa up Price
Hcducing Our Linoleum Stock
We nearly doubled our Linoleum business this year,
just happened to have t:ie right goods and a little
smaller price than other stores. Stock must be re
duced this month.
'For heavy do-
■ s^V urns; new goods.
line patterns and
SQUAlft Bood wearers.
of fine English Linoleum,
floral designs and blocks.
6 feet vskle. to close, at
Made Op Of Remnants
and Short Bods sellinc
very cheap---these
make Sensible Gifts.
Get a Carpet Sweeper if Yon Want to Please Her 365 Days in the Year
America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,
whosesubscriptionispaid one year in advance, to January I, 1907.
i TIiis is the Finest Premium Offer Ever tVlade bf a tWichigan Paperr
FARM AND FIRESIDE has from 24 to 38 large pages, 1 I by 16, each and every issue, contain
ing the finest half-tone illustrations, and articles from the pens of the greatest agricultural writers in
America. There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It is the greatest Journal of its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it is taken
and read in nearly 400,000 of America’s best rural homes twice every month, 24 times a year, by
The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements have been made whereby both the
wili be sent during the entire year 1906 for the price of the Herald alonei—
OIML.Y $1.00
The only condition is that $ 1 be paid in advance for the Herald. You will get the two papers for'
the price of the Herald alone. This offer is limited in time, and all subscriptions should be received
before January 1st.
The offer is open alike to old and new subscribers to the Herald. If your subscription is now
paid to Jsmuary 1, 1906, send $1.00 this month and you will receive credit for both the Herald and
Farm and Fireside in full to January 1, 1907.
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1906, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1.00 in
advance for the Herald, and you will get Farm and Fireside free for one year. Remember, $1.00 in
advance from old or new subscribers secures both the Herald and Farm and Fireside for a full year.
This is a Great Offer-lt is Good Anywhere in the United States.
- ________ \ _____ ^__________________________^^__________ ________ -
■ ■ 1
rmmm •«■ moMt Tah.
»rj ttec I *ell a ctMT ao*n f
Treea ef'Many.FnrHa.
I Hahy people wbo llae.on dtj lol-«
1 IcDg for mil trees at tbeir own tram
: wUcta they cab gather fresh frail Inaiead of being drpeedeM «s the mar
kets. but. owing tn cramped gwdea
: area. tbcT feel that an erebnrd ii an
impoaalbUlty. aayi Ceontry Ufe.lb
! America.
; Mr. %‘augfan. of Pasadena, waa cm• fronted by ]ust socb a problem. b« bo
hat cleverly fott^ a way out of the
difareliy. On Ibe hart of bit losrn M
. he had room for atx trait trees. He
i planted navel ora^oB and pvacbes and
; plums, bad when they bU baeame
- taranit and stnrdy. be grafted and bndI ded other varietiee into them.
' The operatiucis were all siieecaMuI.
^ , and now Hr. Vaogba has nnmaraei
rarii-iies of fruit that riptm ahatU^re
of year and fumtsb an abundance for
' taMe use Un one navel-orange^rre
Mr. Vaughn bndde.1 « langcrinr. , gmiw trult. a liwioL. and a blood orouge. inakbu; with Ibe navel oianr
I Itself Are kinds of Dali on oor Wr»
. They all Inar profUM-b. and the friili
is of extraordinarily iMge alar. The
d with I
uus varlitles of oarly and late pro rites.
I as well as apricots and noetartnre.
These trvr-s bear frdm the first of July
I, the nrsi of
! trees have bet-n iaduced to‘jiMwt>
; many kinds of plums
If all the frail raised from ibene Mx
' trees rame from indlvidnal /trera of ’
! Unir own Mad. H would taka pome
' thing like mfiveacev ranch jo aeeom: modatf ,the orchard.
it bar pci. »bo •■
..... .-ru. c~;. .■ »u«,,..
Jewden to Oem ind.
1 Babies to Brest. HIcb
her ats» Utile parior. Noonilnie. andI ParibCBla toracd and be beheld her best place them Iw-low cvio the Warit' as ibv manor stands
m, to:
lo' Smokers to Weed. Ci'
1iib«rbri*hi mlniuR man sets on
aUll Caeaar dept. Kotblns could In bUtUs eyca -Hay. look a herc; »cu Anairellans In tniellistaop.
The alerpy u> Cap. la.
•iB't iaalauadn' Oiai my cUeUen*
dooc Urn to touch hli dloaei
Prlutvrs to AgaU'. Colo.
red jvy
5TOi;- TStiy
f M'.# y—•
alBT• —-----.
bin oS tlw uitooed on the ui.j*f ili>, to makofihreosh fhc klnR* failure to makeim~OW Maid Allen.- ai ahe *a. ranIP. totbt
Tbo Idle to Raat. Mtnn.
«ur< ____ ,v.
________ _ — puec thii (Utnindr; I know they aln'U"lUicm took lAniy: it Kould aoem from'prOTCmentson tr.as (Upnlaicd by la».
Jnriy called by her oelcbbora. bad
Cranks to Pecnllar, Mu.
lU^ ^'ber We’in tbTlTlu7c«ta*e 1 The woman auddvoly pul her basket tthli. that Uivy hav.-mueii tbv same an-land “-Junin." the elalm-bclorr- a rep-|
- • U„ Crouod.
i bliion a» u>mc of oor nodoru Ameii-1^ rcacalalire of Lis niaj<-«ly *<•'.( on Ibe ; F\K'U at rarnaass*. la.
fool of the
Deadheads to Grails. O
laat of a iM>d <dd famlly.and not bav I ■Perbapk not. nclehbnr. JuM >riu jean Birin. Tbclr ilfCsh Is scanly.l ctvund. iLv cuestiuu will bceomc a; Florists to Rose Kill, la
look .I...-;, at them tmaatots and UU.ibouBh Ihv women eomeilmre barelaon of a pacadox. for the claim, once;
tatg mamed. her lUc
to^eli one Ercry year found her ' mo whal nils'em."
;-5loibliis reachln* to ihclhruii; and no jthe pcnwnal property oMbe Wn*. will. Thieves to Sac City. la.
Mcodicanu to Begg. La
01 Tobin looked et the rines dreop-: <lonW they need It in winu-r. as tbHr, rerwt to him In his oBlcial l-in«ir ta \
Thera ain't a ataslc erlitvr la the ptaca more roUrin* umll now abc eoased to
wllh her old friends, nor did Ior luxuriantly over' the- wooden'island K called b, acme trav.-iere IhOjpaciiy to be hold In treat by him for, Perfumers to Aroma. Hi.
Wbo Aotra me koeb' a ■predailB' race!
Small men to Bigger. Ud.
I Japam-si-Siberia. • Some of ibe Aim; Bigland.
I Paupers to Cbarlty. Kan
He-a beard the bUMd old atorlec the acek the eompanlooabip of auRbl'fnmt-s
Ull yoti'd aorter tbiok he'd call. gave the treat yellow eat who. like! "tlby. 'h.y iwar all riebt." be e* *irjs an-v.-ry pfeny, and oeeaslimaliy; The hUlory ol the ilvat b) wbichtbel Actors to Star Ctty. Atk,
Bat CT'ry «>me he hcara 'em. (sh. linracir, bad beheld the Or»t llebi nficUlmoU. siooplaR to .caamln,- them: a Japaoese «iU many ooe, Iboueh hefVjn^ beewme the wnvrr* an AtaaUn, numurs to Faocfti. Mo.
yott-d IhlBk be d bare a SI.
day beneath ifae root of this bumble ____eloMdr. There was a eroat Bap j considers l.*-r bis inferior,
Old malOK to Aniluuli:. O
And there «oul4n\'be no bit. eoUage. HIM Partbcnla loved thb. piBB of wiBBS and a cloud of dus-- Tbelr towns air usuall> 'some
Tramin to Grabtown. la
I ty&t aoe hl^rlanla- or K b» «roature with a love which. If be anwc as a Ooek of iieus lied carhlliig unco Ironi Ibe Oharrsl Japaxnrsr vll-, ,i^u prui,
Bank<T>. to Lh-postl. N. V
fe-llowman. mlRhl have; away. Oliver Tobin rubU-d hiseyes.
lagp; and Ihclr home*, placra with no; „|i,u„ry
Kuroka ert-t*. ai No. l.t j Wklow-ers lu Widows. Alt.
eror ml •
MMKild ero^TI
stowed on
a with bl«
, brt*blur and Lis days! ^bere was no mlsiaklUR hti own'rcRUlariiy, arc n-n- ntUe atrew huls.ipn
.... ..
folk. The plat was 210- Apiarists Ui Ueeiille. Ti X.
>-iib doors but nu vinilows. the onl}
j„ p.ugib. and J K.Hparilu8 was'
But sbe loved thereat sridl known Rhode Island Reds.
Farmers to Coming. S'. Y.
Miss lartbcBla's iriumiib was cum-,(uruUurc visible. beiOR a mat and u' the pnrrhaser. Tb--rc was. a lUtie' Brokers to Stockvlllc. Nev.
found ompbaaU
with her Uial day, and shv shut tin- pleif. The man. tbouRh overwhelmed.
My OetrtlemaB.
The forests hav» such a growih of',a„e and everybody Ihonght Hat Uj U™'''nwH. Colo,
parior door with a banc that aiartlcd was not to Lc ouulonvs He ckrrfull}
HoeksUTs to YHIvlUe, Ark.
I own n dog sm> is a senilwiui:
oWc« of her alfcrtlona. Like a examined Hie vineaand found tbc ripe underbrusb Uiai ti would M-cm almost .w-ws goUig to turn out mllliunairesl l•riI(•aRh^erB to Box. Kan
By birth most anrely. alnce the crem aholblicaubljiwi.nl ibrouRfa tin- lomaiues III a autc of Ucpletlda.
ImposiilLle for the people lo ttaveli
ihan anybody ever dreamed of.
l.overs to Sponnvillr. Mich
Ul« CM
•To think." be said, half aloud, jatui, wbeo they hoot In winter, they; jjparittc dldii'i do anylblug on the
acrora doer and look to a tree. au>t
Debtor* lu Casb City. Ark
Boaaiad p peditree. the like of which ibure hu cuyisl liU be fell ibe luncs •That i tried lo kill that cat: rmjsear snuwsUo.-s luad. of mlmou »kii:,-cxm-pi to par
Ucmociali, to Dennis. Mass.
Uolda-Bot n liownrd or n Metterelch. of bunscr, Btcallhlly he wept Into right sorry. Hits Partht-ny. about ,,hn.h iatt l.-i. a f.-w w.-ek«. There |
tbme lonuioe*. and.jxm shall have ji.re many Mrobms on which they
Sawtooth. Ind.
By breeilloc. Mko ibe,*aika at life
Politicians lo Bunrombe.'
He new wncred an^ nnkiod tall
Sewing girls to ScUareit. Colo.
Two weeks went by, Caosar a appts aflonl i
mainly by hunOng and 'OsLIng. bear;y
-n,.s. wunv i«>pl«.i CvbbK-rs to Shoe Heel. N C.
rigbl. nulghbor; 1 doiit mind Ihlsl^j
i^ng ,h,.lr lar*.- game. »»l'lj,unnF whom was W K Carlin camci Orwirs lu foffcyvine. Kau.
He Borer anshbed a nameleM eur be- ic was eapriclona. Bven catnip aU
InllcU. and Miss Allen lost bw poSce halfasia.irhosIdom.vl'aeaar'Kg«oi;,a(„. ,hvlr lu-indpal llsb. They use,^,i,„
S|ioHs lu Rare Trark. Muu.
name and I shan't re-t tUl U bas been (
,„,»Med a'ro«.s In t«nUug. and ^
WltheM a frtmd or eredlt card ho vaa of mind. Sbe picked Ibo pcaa and
I)i-r poods imm lo Calico. Cal.
Idcntineatien by 'nwimh Marka.
and thouBbl Of b^tregblc^; cluarud.'
•formerly had ail ing.-nlous trap so ar„ xh». od f.-n down somo-boyl- to Midway. S. i
Oliver Toblu walked slowly up tbci^„p^
, iKar oa entering
By pride. He lecto yon apuarely la her frown was umluons,
, When U was suggeated a few week'
Mr. Sparling kept; .-cr»iks"i|,.
MkS-'lo lyodge City. I
. ^ (he face.
-Good momln-. Ulas Partbcol«: Cot
: age that It would be a good thing for
Unhrinkliic. and wdlhont a alBple
rtphl smart crop o’ bewns, taarunl with Miss Parthenta had not been sai-',„ps
banhi to preaerve ifae tbamb marka of
R„ dMgerous to nuuu.-..;^^^, „„ [I
t., Ai-tli-hi.ke Ulna
i tbeir depositors, who would need B->
bJaeiory.HtspeareofTaiud was gun-,b^,„.l^,„rorbUd50iamany'
us* ih • man wbo bad Htco' Sulmiuir-lo Nev.-rwink V V
Of either dlRMencc of nrrpRnkt
Tlie sroman aUnlpbUmcd bereclf and
: other lacooveoloBt mctboil of IdenUAreertlot. much as npetaru 'oOeii looked np U) find nclshbor Tobin calm
’ BalioD. moat ParislBBs luuk it os a
ly eyeing her from bis neat on Uie
Slone wall- She smootbevl out ibc folds
Surprise, tbvrvfure waa manUetrted
By Umderaeai. TBe llUle (irl ma)
Tr hfLuim
'howei king Mr. Sparling got
tvhl« ,.Uy,-r, to CavendUb, tad
of her light calico apron as she replied, ^.mt^on. t^M re,'"
over the amuiuneemnui that tho Bnl^.d fish which arc
.^bcc and mad.' To,wrs to Brandy Station. Va
■Doggooe iliai eat.
They eat the oriupus. and ore food of |
. ,
xmewbat shortly. “Tes. beans Is the
rictie Ocneralc Is pdng lo tiy the
Ynui abaointe lapcrnKt hla balr.
Parlhenia Allen rose early one;
DC ibing bvus won't cal '
, Idea from the beginning of tbc yrar.
And pIMh hli lUkea. OntriB* can tbi
Oliver Tobin opened bU mild blue morning to flnist Uic weeks Ironing plentiful and reach great sire,
, On deiioaitlng money there or at the
'ifee, and the deed s^ regularly re-1 profalUlloulsIs lo Drytown. t^al
fee In amaJCmenl at this irrelevant before the heal of tbc day . Bart and era declaring lUat some of them
' provlBcial branebos. a depoaltor wUl
lie amlloe npon her; yea. I<re ae«i him
i corded lu the recortJs for Eureka 1 Dnimmere to Modest Town. '•
reply. Bvideotly Uiss l-arUifula was forth over the anuwy- llaen slipped the BKWSurv cishleen inches ocrusst
I be rvqulnd to kwve the Imprlat n(
Tliv hairless o Bald Knoll. Ark.
In tho oKensIt-e. Well, be might have tmoolb iron. kee]ilag lime to the sing
The Albos have l•-«^>ed from the Jap-,
Hill. H. C. I “
stated whether or not the Bniomologlstr
ehoaen a more proi.lUout hour, bol be er a voice.
By loyalty. No imcr fritmd than
FooivOic. WU.
phouwrapbid, ABB
peregrinatoew to FoolvOlc.
Has eome to prove Ua frleadahlp's
-I reckon your eat la boardin' oui aw*y.morth to me.
.' Jlo deea.BPVAhr the BMlor-tawwa for a apedl.''
AhUrakofyuIlow Dasliovl Uoforctheirooi. in large round' eaker. ^,.^i, :po,s,-,,dns a nice liHlemlne la ihclro-, Bueball ptayta-s to BallgTound. Ga. and abroad.
Hiss Panbenia repressed atd^- She opes wiudots The sliigef. paused and|,,„, „ne traveler suggests i!i'
Bofean*Thus, when a depoanor li
was about to answer, w hen boiK- softly down went the iron with a era>h. Miss I
Btt tovee the mSB «bo la bia m
pyiictiDg nialvrial. They'**” north he iltdn'i-iak,e^iiy advantage! Relgnlog beauties to ikHle t'enter.O.
couuUT calla a
his opportutiliies. aad l-fi the' PoUllcal oralore lo Stumptown. Pa.
whUpered. ' Perhaps be can tell >vu Panhenta. wllh a naaiekun fiar tug- ^ason tbeir meat soups with various
- hSrr.
wbal to do fur Caesar.By oenatonaaoe. U there be nobler
'the low shod in the rv*r. WUai site mlMleloe
.i!__ __ ________
rm™ sfrom
.loiie on the eUim. and It Is open, Seer4o-wcUs to Hard Scrabble [ ^ ; cou draw the
-Uu you know anyttaMi: abuni
__ .v-rirt
a seni-'‘l***“'"“‘'"“
the money
money at
at BMeoaverlBa
Mr. Tobin?" abc askei. with all the saw caused the blood to Kavv her face. .
Ther l«f relocatiuo. HI* isaiesty has now ( Ky.
to Buulre :<a'lon of his thumb Imprint, wbeftas
Horn fnU at beaor. and eC boneatiee.
' I undvr the pn-wnt ayatam be must
In tn^ bead, oa hroadar thoulden
T_M„- ‘ wall till the cbiTk Is scalfc Us bomo
The aceoud Interview wa* nearly Iggus and rtiiilarli gn.w wild there.
,i Thteortrd m n
1 branch before Ibc money Is paid,
^ben have I aerer met the mi
The woman sighed. .'My Caerar'si^^.^
panh-nla Stoml Wore UltOoca-sionally a whale Is ca*t ashore.
Now Eureka bas anoilif-r boom on Kv.
at,., i -Frauds always vxUtsd Bader the
been poorly of late. tTon'i «•! “o iver
leatfully ' ,nd then old and jo'Jitg hasten id the . aad this ttime for the rywron^^ it i
Tobin's door looking tearfully
:old system. " says ihc sseretary. •'aad
Hm« ta the BOUooB my lireboat'a loc: more-n a bird.'
t doWb at the evidence of Caesar's guHl ' i*ach for a share In the dellracv. ' A- contains really valuable p
___________ _
, we thing they wtil be tadaoed to a
-PThaps hc'a livud t« Ugh and got,
g pay streak w
*SlPd «met 1 may be worthy at
-och limes ^a ...
fiireigiirr gtailly keeps • pi
Deep Eneu^.
jmtalmam by tbe new melhod.'’—later
... BO-longer^rosU cjvered on No. S. and H is U-llcvcdi
Bliss Cat
—Sew Orieaas 7t»np4>emociat. the ,an and chuckling to hlmsilt b ! f^oid ta nil lb< w„rld. Bwnthcebll mimsler. Imi 'b. .(bunt Mirni to de-!lhat it exiunds tb.-vugli ihv claim for-i‘ per's WeeMy. tells of an tneidciit ta
Flaking by TelsgMna.
The u-hale lii. tost-'Bik.-ri)-owned by lils.mk^ty.
'. which the actorx wert frieods of bis in
'-/aw, Plata milk Ud a bit of mvwi.-|-mu^'r v a strong rope.lo'a:
luak Walton, relnearaatad tn Uu
, —-------:-------'*
Boston. The Boeioo mU Is <» an caSettled by ArWtratlen.
roplUd the woman with a •«vuble-J?^|^
twentieth ceoinry. could faffber bli
Colorei Son Would Change ThiBga. . citable locperament ud cwslly ratMloa PatthuBla Allen rat medllnilve look la her eyes.
nstruuom'-r has recUIlT] (led: aad Ills wife is of a almllar dis.
}y CB her back doorstep and tuned
-PoohT that ain't like ajirtog chick my aReettans on a c^l- l'»
her atiabad face with ber lunboBaet. CDS at forty cents a jioaBd. Hiss l*ar my duty to both God and n
^ al tears ou the slightest provocation.
-Don't talk like that, Paribi-ay." i would think that the ori-an. havtas:
She bad apeat a good hour la her ibcay. Ain't tried him on that, er? '
„ „j
.i™ H...
.WW .: ™
llowcr gardu repAlriag the damage
Parthenia looked up ta
luimivv : vv J b^u resort
done by ^ ben ud her brood rt well tbe twinkle ta her neighbor^ eyes, 'hat bench a si>vll and Ustvn to me l‘'»ch •
. lamaxtaK to coosid.r ita- im'sIbillUetjcertain
tirar tbe
teieobone cn ahip
grown cblrtaaa and retaracd to the
- --------■ waiU-d III!. The Atoo> crowd around with ktagi^^ „f
i, K It it wer. bltwjwwls.
j vrovjK. ta some way the mu fell Into; hoard ly wires, .oeh souad la the wa
boUBC only to flad a baH doacn -young ber trouble?
being lutensined
kolvcN. <1111111;: tiff huge slices td]
|,,. ta,iy
ejor* ta the a small slreaic. a»g as l,v
(rys" rooting out her moralng gtortex
Oliver Tobin, bowevet, did not wait.
Resh aud btaWR-r. ptUnt epmv of
}| j,
red awlmim-r b- found htmiwlf
by tbe raat window. Then followv'd I.
with its aid. tbo-preacacc of Ssb. ud
lb..^ i», Ml......
. Twas a com fart ' f.
to kaow' a woman \on the beach for a gn-ai feast Uter.;
,A-,irvThliig would l<v ivl or Mack. crebp- diSIcultv '
aaotber hour'a work gmitag them over
■main i approxiuiau i> ib- lr uimiobr and kiad.
I,.-... «........ . .............
Au.1 I ................
tbs garden wall, li yao ever triad
- ."nKmUivy will wash ibviu down in lie, „ J, ___
,.„.rji'utag w\iuld be . Forttina'cly, howw-iT. ili<- •
“kou aee. I h-sl came ovvir to talk
,j„|. Ewiyvne
Kv, i-,»;»e knows ihat'-was
tlnucd. wtalfiilly. “i did no
so wanl you ; cbirnK*
rbiriik* with givwt <|iantilivs
«|:antilivs of rice
not dv* p. and tbc Ihwooiati w>o» ' 1 be veragni^eri. WbU befStec
drive a hca you will appreciate Miss
smaller fish •
p liervv
,1^^; but . didm bare ili- spunk! win;-. orinkiag
an n« of I,n ^ |pp yu„
Drinking U
1* wPli
sun coasi«l»
coastals of
of, »ix--.i«~.v..vi
six'dlseoveri-d tum «,Ui
duv caullon. be
Partbeola'a (eaUagi as she threw the yon about apring ehlckoas. MUs Par- up
l»™r. 1-IO.M t. ...|1 1.^ J. « 1.1. to tell yuu SO; Thl-m etitu-rs. dou'i worshlji. as they eonsidvTTl ,1,
,.lk iu
I,. ... .bAll ,b,
ilu- itai
and the rvasRin'tbiugs an- dlf.|cvuld walk
last ehlek over the wall.
sound a
Same, be wav
ile-,proper ud-devom way «(
« • tinrsilp-ij.^,,,.^vmrsilp-|J^.,,.y.'
^ ,b,i «>n)e
.ome swallow up
was dr-sdfBlIy
drewlfBlIy ratUed Ly
-AimvatlB' tfalaga;'' abc ea- night, but your Caewar tort a notion know any betUr Uian to vat ud de-.(iroper
bowling. If ibey came
Dual havvune ev<^_ mornliii i
«nd rt-llvet only one. jhls predkameni. ud was slipping
slipptog and ■ “,“«™
Cals ^
wrtli be <^isaod UiXta wi'.; ,,inj
,,jni ,^<^1
their gods: and they cu drink g,.,. ,g,.
rtalme^ -cooldaT sec a two^ooi bole
lelopboae their
;fast. aail ihers a.nt t-aoui^i.;^
dantbre il » .don'x ;.five,
c^. ilmc«
are V-Uow becuse! HoundertaB ta the mud to adislrvastas “«»'
times as mutdi
miicli nv
as -the
Ahe Japanese-,-iniro»-s
JapapeseU Twaa held piumb before
and be a man. I'or twiviy wltkom
.likutii .being
w ,,
plom Ured out. I tbuuld tblak Ol Torou 5“s,“^s IW , brace 19
being intoxicated.
; ;V,.
ail but ibv y-.-tlow.
v-.-tlos. tof.-a; extent
. . . .... ‘ i.wsis. . . .tho
bow of water through tbeir giD pro
UaU know there ain't a thing at tbe io I thought perhaps you jtsi as lief jycars
a-lookin' ,r
av each while
mnsi •>! tbc iiopnlaiioo are. „)U't-vaiv.e.*,hea- absorb all Ua.lbe' Tbv.vrife. wtu. fnim llir ■
t,-, duces a noise simlta- to tho labored
toot e( this bUI but my uf^ea. ud. yvt
;otbcr up hill aud.rfowti. Sliall I go
to gei ibe whale rut up re*' v,.du» jiofrtv berausv Ihcy ah-j Wbltt-d signi. of byM.na. I
• ittadrapcd-Mlehlgu
-|. av
"f Hta
cvvrvihiua bin
bm re-d
fed and Uite.
Wiie, a TataHqgon
via rti.k
iwiis .n- -rtauk-|>>'«»it*»k
- coinin'up
to ^..uy tor ecaisumpunn,
ecaisi^piinn, »w
«hc : soib crervihtaj:,
a tag ou Ua
. ho dalfbenlriy lets them rtickena me a Irtfly high iivta fvT a eomni : down to you. or are-.ytm w.s...
. , wbliTi
_ ,.i_. i»u colo’is r—».«:
BpoOea yallcr cat,
ing the
tbc Ktreatn.
blicam. When
When she
she tsp-revivc-rT
looae evwrr moralar TbeyYo
u-y mi-n*will sfinai In a «a;!c4rclc-^jiure
Partbenia drew berself up lu bev full'
ibe'troulib- ber Jiu-stiuvl s
my tirawberrica. and t eaagfat
A Ciever Cateh.
Panhrttafeii lit-eanu-si gtanev.-it elm face:: toward the: s<» and lmuda'|^r-,d.-.
Hen's height. -Du you Insinuie, Mr. Tobin..
.. bis blue eyes .sb - wa* -sirangvly unlined. npgBrvnUy rendcriag itauiks. , .U.
.d the
Get Mxme ol youririenda u, try !*»•
ain't color blloA No, str."
od ink and ail other!®'»«*» rtsbl taro >hr> slreui.
□«, time you sex-them and try le
brbta enlre«y and without ,or the great birssing which the occa'
OewB the bill boaaded a yellow
now re-d would rrtrtl
«>ls the unfonuhatc
p„r oowa tbe r-r ta
also a stone. Tbc (wo reached tkcl Parthenia Allen reealled bv-v grlc.'
light BO. a line made bv (doeine in a row some^,bv lily *b<'f! '-wbteb y-w> -ere boro, to which add I.
aroU almaRaneoaaly. The cat wetii i uccs. H„
Her A,™
flowers W
bad struggb-J
pe-vler and whiulrd wtats ,^th tbe-,,.„
-wLiiv, b'rt ,'“e «!»,•' I“«
then .add lb-as- to whlrt yoar next
II the low wall udj through after various plutlngs aud
d-ws f«--tto^^uid,ul^ur«vU-re-d. EverT-!
you. provided It
Mopped. Tbe thrower'a aim had been'
<Mo< s lA-fort January ls». atherwlse
chleke-ns Itad taken U aetire their new found .<> t'aosar-au.l
(.altar up '1*“
batty aad Caesar waa aalc oa bis own sprtai
your BBC a< y>Mf tart liirttutay. MoltlL Shv thought ol her dvrastaivd • stas were- forpouvu. Aad m«t >lt .emblvm* ,.T . the.r rei.x.qn.-thrUtiaa
quite l.tack- <iras.,,.®' | »"
' • d I'
'dudact from
iwlienv bed. Her angvfr sras slowly and Mra. Ollwr TtjUiii spoad Uh-.i Eodeavur Worid.
(artatHs-. .quid be black as ,tak.'----------------------------Mlaa Partbeala lorted ap. Caesar
ihiikOl.t?.;, suliRtltuti- for Ihe Ogem
hat surely rising. Ud Just as sbe was sYmmcri on tbe bllKup ind ibelr wta
------ i----- ------ ^
and sei wv.u'd the blue-ejf the- sky. bu'
vaOted maleotically toward
rtawly eorre-prU'liug kvtcfv of Uiv a
K.ng (.oSes H.s Mine.
, ilbc wUiiv clouds aoold i* red The"a hair was out of place aita his yellow •bout lo i«ur the vials Ol her right ,«era ta Ibv vaUcy.—ExchUge. '
raus tadlgnukm upon the waiting'
i;„-u„v; hi* muivstv. Ktwr Edward ^aam.- kind of ihing would happen if ^ taicrwnren nad are a iqual valw ab
f for S. and ao forth.
eyes were at ralrn as a turnmnman. relrlboUon wu placed a-lthin
in Aluland. '.
of England, wouldni u'ss the trooblj'Utc sua we-ru-bluv Eventing .now .ihv taveioomm: of rhs and wf-sxrr.^.T-,. ^aii. wiU give- name- by whleb
lag. Uc arched his back ta u
D.—Farm -foarTfccjalate.-. ta Michigan -.crigariem «■» ^-.yoii are popnlarly
ttoa. HUa Parthenia stroked him kut ber grup. She bad recognised a ta The Ataos are-1 he abortginaltohabi-jio kimv 10 Alaikn or scad anybody, tj; Mt-v or'whur would be blue
Or than »-si-f him la her anna, for i miUar aoand. ud harrying quirtly to- unis of Jauh »»d have been drtvco , work a claim for him hi is oa; a-whole grass this time would U, bine, nofer oecupy tbe attenuoe it revrivcv,^
■ot' h« nelghborw and hw irttables-i wart another part of her garden bade north by the -Upueae- ia much the- bmich td money, writes a Dawson evf-j black, for it reBecU both ; hlno u-1 larthcr *«!.,tan the fntnre wMcy s^
Bat ataa. that day added a new ans-! (Mlver Tobin follow.
same way in which we have caused oar: respondent of tbe Seattle Itast-tairil. , yellow. Hair woold be Ml black, the pl> of oor lakes and Hreiams **“ •|®' ,
My for Caeaar refused Ui cat. He' "Nos. Ol Tobin, i ain't goin'to guar Indians to go Wewi. They arc foued . genev Somtrtbms over isu years ago] red of the lips would be Wart aad the come ofi greater ImrortanctImwriance- car.b do
The aa)mg of Uo-Tmi, «ke grra
u about mv Caemr. You not on the Istand of Hondo, where a ItawMm amn who thought that Ed-| resk of thv face would be; a clond/icade. The laBBCnce of for.-.:-on these
before Com
laaalfinglyi lowwa he was a commoa thief. Nos moil of the tmpertut cities arc.bul oa w^. '.Len Priace of tTMes. wu the, bine.
, is geoemlly conceded, p -rhars r.« «s a
o ask what I f he cared as much fer spring chickea Texo. unh of Hondo. 4mung tbe for-. hnen thing )n the way of rovMiy that If the .sun were green there woaiJ factor ta bringing greater rainfall. ' ' fucius. have Rnt been trusMad lalo
conserrtag it. Each year brtag. more .Eagllsh by Prrteraor Ltaocl OUea. rt
1 as you make out he needn't havwgone «au near the coast. Tbeir home rta ever bariH-aed. pare h.s amiesty a qn.t be a linie vtmiv. Things
yellow., waterpower into BSC ud will rcsalt la the BriUib maseum. They ceatala
I from bis own dooryart to get .ibret he reached I7 steaarer ud railroad, claim deed to w mine oa the Tukun. nori yeiiow would
>.i.s ail the avaitabic power, u 1! some uturanees which iwmarkaUy ai
Rirtt wa: be Tladlcaied.tbea by ttage. but ta off the usuM Hta majesty. how:erer. appeared a> things that are blue would be Woe
^ one of the heritagea Tatar* ’ Udpale tbe morality of the Set^ o
of bis eat i OUrer Tnbln smiled grtmD as he ttart of the tooriH.
: have no use for uy little scheme lor and things thaht are greca would still
strode atoag briund her.
These people resemble the Bsro> .hU digging among the great Bonh- be grwem but Umre would te ao reds.
temstic ptaa
preservattau: jiirr wllb kiadaeaf.- and -To (he good
Bom BUie Mlaa Partbeala! With a
ta devlsed.-Norlbeni.! 1 woMd be good, in ortpr to mahe
Maan (oil of mlagivlag ahe talrtad
-, Paw Paw. Hirt.
(hem good.*
nvhatjW brigbt.-HirtIgu ' raderaan.
Mm moralng's work, riepriag eCten to rttakeas .
heart's reatret ^have very tans, brary beards uf:wurth much. Notvody e
Wb«a Uw ciappts'aad tbptpoaadlsasd the laocblB- die a«W.
There atfit a liiisle feUer Ikmki ao
cliMrfal-Ukc and Ray/
Aa Nr old doc Traf.
lie wink* at BM and crlna. aub, and
bell aerer. oerer tmH
To pound otit appcrbailon »Hb hi. old
(tab ull.
OIUNS TWAVeWgE HEliAtO.-Pfmt»OAY. OeCEMBEB 7. teOS._____________________ -------------------------------------WMCCK Of VIO*.
-U».to*law ll~. 11.
tiiddm ruM an:l Frtmi Mfw*. SuianUy
W.-tT «« tC
o'doek I fonied to her
~ ]■_-,„ ntV StjtC Bilik '
at i
borne lihi nfiemoou ,asy, UsiimJ them o> Ir.Hi* every night. I live diw-ase. , to-mv ci il<- <-.averte-i, **a*Viav ViiJ sgsmsm asaw
bair-fram a two muaibs Ulnces team eo i arter spesdins 'Thanksk vtiii v»ih her .Mr. Kams^y. rtlU cwrrt-v Us «haekli-s J au-diciBe wtisnv *«-«w
i*» twieewi ;
•■-d-itritls. The decensci. who*e ta» l-ldsusbter.Mn Dorr ArmaUuiig.
aUmi .-.‘•h bias pa Ills tiaveU. Hi.,-—
. ,ifeVv'oi:to Hsal.Mi Hf X'diiads. >u «l.-*enlilw ~
IS the
II ...
a lbill Rumco.
UrtaUue In two with tbv
—• ,r —
—. <—
— guest of her daiigl>-1
---- - - ' George
Atnr.1 : 'Tbii' are.)B-:skju; la'j'^r.roekii and the bow out wiU U. the fo. ' i. r wlitm llinrrr nyenuok lii-r, caurla;:: Klap>Irr ibl* ■oroiue
/ , «■!
^ . tp.nre»ci> 10
L OARLANS. Cathlae.
erard CapUla WlHlaw Iniaedlate'y 1 dekUi. TbetTfoaiue wrre ptwpatrd for ; KrodaBHW A. I«. auj J It. Itaypio* raW n^niMha. ibuaph natiT nt tl^j trrek «d a no; icdivew B' h '
yvt-i maw to tia.e
pave order, fur all to go forward ao.rbnrial by H. U Carter and were] t# llato
the day hi U« rtiy mrd^.-to.-n tad Wri.«»«.ned
r barlo*
-U-ird a ouvvl «»}
await dayllshL Ttey were dranehcC. taken to the boaie at BoiDiv. ilciiiday I Moppiag aad atler-Jlo* t,. utter buH «*ld nut be to<to«yl to tarry tbwr \
cold and uBprotetrted bat as day brr*« I nwrelos. where burial took place.
t pe» agalr..
. .
.eunlv t^oa yo far as to dt.ulsw the:ri
SURPLUS. S&7.000
(. thiV actUed b
C«fl. A. H.
cnmnn-rf wm «««ckc« on North Posi
Wuitf TMOdoy mertiln^ N^. 2t.
oWhtnt tif K«1 fcrofco
bi tM blOM and fur nina heura U> ;
■ clung te It until the aoa mofon
lag MOW Morm whloh matfa M
tion a matter almoM ontirtly of luck.
The Viga waa apparwHy r:pin9
the atorm ail ngM but auMonly
•trudt and wont hard on a grm
balWni. Almaat ac aaen at ahe Btniek
atw brake In two plecaa.
The wrack awrratf at 4:M a. m
the craw waa faicad to cling te the
wrack. Ac Captain Willlama aaii.
nVe had our tra«*lca.* The ecH
Atmmt anhaiMd by the cold the erme
w*Had Ibr daylight and pacaMk .aid
ftwn lha aharw The «• waa running
tM high, hmnwecr, far the fielwrm
raaM the HMatad VIga with thdr
batli and they had nc apparatoe with
whMi to get a line ta the chip.
t<to Mllero were ferced to hang
the boat and waliad far the tea to
Mbn daom. With the earning of tba
day IlgiN It bagan {to de w aa
noOB tbe weather liad wederdti
•■Kb an extatot that they were able te
lawneb the eMp'a boata and make their
way >0 the ahera.
The fMhermcn teak them in and
lam'raDlzed't^i the laud abcwl 1 Ihwih cniue to Mr*. Uulda Slearu' |
Cadar Ccupla Marrwd.
ah.,HI half a tnllo waa Ibc horthwe.'1
1 *”'* Alta .Craridill .rfKryate -i I d tl.< litMilh Foa. wheie jbey "tfevins eatendlBS peer a period oi; danyb-.e .rf Mr. an) Mr- lanHy Crar.
£ wifb ^^w^ed^lh and tbi|f->« >— The dcee««-d waa theidall and Be.l. Vur«n. U r.^f r,-;.
,.1„ dmrsy ». Simuwi w- t^- nuii.rd }s m»ri-uu» -Nut »
10 IlH- MUlbCl
__ eight!*and icaros two cbildinn.
They remained oa the wrock
{fiipli Knine<l>.
. subMdediVcla Belle. 13 yea;-,
ywr*. Addr ri-s days lo the nly
mdficlea.ly to attempt a
and Big ftapUk and tbtn U
they lost tbelr first life boat
Pr. M'ilt'-V .'Stui-l'ain IVls
Bee members td the crevr; lard td this rtiy. at who«- borne she-------------rc a in-.ritt mnarkaldc reilicdy
where -...... -s,... ' died, and Walter and Wilber. al«> el,
Oy.-Rlln' Wedding
had ga.hvn^ and bum an l»»eon:l ‘kh rlty. Her aistev. -Mrs. Amiai J.dto Rlle.v aad Mi- HOe 1.
boeflrr in tmullaess for them.
It the home-l the pw
The Indian, lx . Is Ahee. and faai1>':i
Friday afieraooo at J o'rto.:k|teli East M.-v.ufb .lu-ei. »h.: -.ri- ; -wmien m> siiiK'ii
and bis .eon hnd son-in-law and Cbeir;
bcl.«!.-.f-»vvl|,y ib,'Kev-;lt.
.Alt iwiu i* tveafcetiiitC-. atij
,»i.. or o».-«
il» 0.1, ™.i I-------------------- -------- „ _
, .^1
'oi'fcKHiSjK/loll.* >lieammk»
dm. on tbe taland and tiro murfa can
ogiciaUag. H. U. Cartel kse
hue j1 The cerenweiy
|s H..rtned
not be eald. Uii- crew siau<d today, al,
raence of Ibi- hrt.-i.h.-r aud
lib* wit.-. joMifura iii'Kiteiu W(j*.f lha
hlaOncm Md bolp. fboy
nnd a few friend* 'fb--.
tanu-d to Ihc wmk witb ibe life btwi: Bealh tvuwed tbe Lour,- <
Wexford fanner aud Hx'!
and broupbl oir Ibe mnaindcr of th( | le best kn-i.n of Crnwn.s basiness
tbelr home tbere.
crew, maklup ibw tripe before ih.'
homes Thorsday. Waller U. Uewlit
cafcly landed. They .pro'
anecomUag tva long rlep- of typhoid
Tscaday and tfedneaday on aboiv fever that befted uw-rlicnl skill. A*14i '
Grisfilb id t^lar Ci;
and left for Norflport at noon Tbur*- from the wife Ihe di'reaM-,1 haves flw
t-wnll leave noth,day wUb the Indian boaU after a IttUe children. HU nt-.'-ber, «l:r.
•e.-tlilc afu-r-cffocl5l
Thanksplvln* dinner with ibelr res
))<> morpiiine,
arrtrlng al NortbpoK al *
.<aiitc or other
o'clock' In Ibe c-rcnliii:. Tbiy were
obllptd (u row ecvvral miles a* tb,.
bid was down.
Captain Willlaot iainusJIsiety cumarm u*
al ClPTrUnd ,
hU vuui
nuuicwtni wiio uu
rheiv the f.u.-ral H-rvlce. ;
A 6e»enl Bfii^ Bistasi Swe
3 per Cell tliPvM n TlacDcsMls.
Itt -v..-,!-. •
i, e;.,,..* -.
iii'.n’ -X
l-u--.i, • • --tn^tiu-HL.-.ra.ii- •;
p o.
■202 WiiLelm lilk . CMr 1‘ih.m- 11' mmmT
• TK.WKKSi; CiTV. .Midi.
Entm PiMIh
• “■ “"“S?
Atisruiy sv U9
not boca known tor two day..
EtlxalKlIi N,*™®!,.
W. P. CROT8ER. ;
He left with elxtoeo of his errv. |
.SWcomb U Ansel,,
to^v 5LAWYgn.
y Some Kri.la.-!
,he .il.'s •»' iA-iiaitiiteu.':
aad am new guartared at the Narthara reprcwBllng fab walch «>o'’lnp
ri spendiUk a l-.-d va*w.l*to
haM and are none Uu
exi*--.baura In the Icy water.
firm. llecun.ldcre'dtbciuwBt tllie..
,.„tor.-d to HUcs Medical Co., El^n,lnd .
The Viga WM buiH about twtova DM) and Ibe ctww kMt ihrir tvtiro prr- „rxMm.lag the lahhtot busbaa.l Ihslj^,.;,,,
be U Ding narimscieu,* at the lixtn. j
wftx. .Ml- U,-*-all... yaata «• at Ctavatand. Ohia, and
wnal prupmy. They all elated that
anaafnwOitohrMtflaeL gha«iraa»S ibey eared noiblnc tor Uwir lees,-coB.
faat avar all and waa a medirn ctael Mderinp the narrow mareln which
gtoamar. »4er grea. tonnage wae tf«A eeparaled them from dvaU, as lb<‘ chiWrenturviv.-; Mr*. Van Uetva.«-.
«w waa M her way fram Aahland.
239 E FTMt SL. OL Ftoae m
fact fllltap wb*n ebe mlractMh. to Caoth Cbieage with a cargo ukMialy etniek ntvr shore.
ar ban era. The boat it a total loto
Tbe naam. of tbe crew nre:
mt la lylag in about twenty teat of
A. M. Wimama. captain. CleveUod.
eeator bi twa plaaaa. the atiaak an
NcntT Holeinan. first mate.
H. L Cari^lr.^
tba aarahaatt pnM af the Wand.
Joaeph Rybke. eecond mate.
I’eitT Brtls. flt»i eoKittn-r.
Vsyas CKXly
Bldg.. EETBCtX
Dan Clnac, eecuud enplnoer.
nam Salpnlay'e ftoronl.
Tbe fnaerwl id Ur-. Ililds m.-aray
WIIILani Woods, steward.
CtpL A. H. WnilaiM i>r CleriHand.
WUIlam Muolsomcry. atsietani
aadSu trrw of nleetera tnon wbo
vote toTtd a watery gravr
William GNVB. oiler
atoci barge Tegrvhlcit foondtwW oS
W. F. Arrhle. oiler.
the Seath
Taoaday ntoralAi at
borne, tb.- W.-V. Thomas O.x oTrriu
Plate Gl.s..StMin Bollorand Accident Inauranc
4:tS. aiTleed In Ibe city tbla Bontog
ing. imermmt was at Oakwaud
aa todr way to CleeelaDd. Alpena and
chaise of H. L. Carter.
CMeagcu vbcrc ibey will Uy- up for
Waller Janlna. wb.-cUman.
. tbe viator.
the coU out of yosr
Meeririfi Was Happy.
John Kno.-ICB.
OaptalB WlDtaDis slated lo tbe Rt«I Mr*. Uargan-t Uuailrourallau «I lia
hotne. *iHiiv or MMofur viaor dtbU tooralag that they left Ash Oaeo Fenn.
I HeCm-karTivedtaibe eiiy la>l Tlxir
ter—iind then; it do
F. .S.-Uuo.
land, WU, vltb a catgo of Iren on
Room SIO Now Stat« Bank Building.
1 day to Join her sun. >1nmi..ah Doe:
(.-ffeetnal way of doio:; ao
Frank Mtuidiy.
ter Soalb CblcMD and
'boaTWlian. the Assyrian who r.-c-ratU
Arlhnr Bnlrd.
than to hai<* ns make to or>
•nn-to-d an an store on EaM Fureii;
John Murphy.
boare preHoas to Uic anddea atorm
tier jnst the size of Sloni
stro.1 Mr*. Dombourajian dri-s no-'
vUeh Btraek tbea Mimday night from
speak ^gllsb bat smiled ialelliceniD ;
Ilosr* Slid VVirylovi to <lo it.
Pirw Dew
tba aeatbeasi. laereaalag in ecloeliy
as fa-r sun idd ih*- Herald ul t,*-r
of Gt-orge ilaner ai
vtU the added dangw. of snow to
perh-oce on b*-r arrival in this eunutr.*.
abet m all katmliMgc of tbelr wbero- West Twelfth alreeU valaed at tf.idfi, fram Teheran. IS r<la. eigbtaeu nonlb
so gntled by fire last Thursday
abouts. Thelxaileat of the storm was
^^anl3 Claus is ou his xnling
that Mr. Hanev cvoslderii it a
aHook while og Sgnaw tslaad. north
aluue and Is-lag nnabbr to speak Eii-r
iiii-il criiisv- to Iw-slti*tt tbe Beaver, abonl t.-caty cr thirty lotal loss. The r.
lUb was ronipI<-.ely tost at Ibe depn
ua Uis uiauy (riesits.
fram a Aeellve chteUMy. FUIeee
aWee toon tbe aeoae at the wroefc.
as ho one bad arrived, lo niivl he
If >-ou ihiuk of ^fiviitu »
The barge -shipped water and la- boBdn-d dollar, tiurannee is earrieo The affirial* took b*-r lo the puUre sU
of your niumivl
niumivt chiklri-n
barad heavily In the siotbl They on tbe boose aad Koo on the ternl- tlun and knoveing that a young As^'
>lio muUjri^ for a ltoa.-te as
ebaaged tbelr loutb coarae vbkb ihcy
rlao girl was attending tbe ft-sitaa;-*
n Chhhtmas pivBtiit. jilfusL■aUtatecd darlas tbe fore pan of ibe The family w*-rt- all away from homt and able losjK-ak the lorvisa tong-.:..
tteor O'* in mind in o
night to peek sbcluw rren the cast when the fiiv bnAo out. B. Porter. seVt then.' V>r biT.
1 withi the
-T DCe>I-.
att.aMsPtiosto.S2i moll. ISO
efeoro aad It was while oa the chawed Mrs. Haoer-s Uibet:. wbodiad been ttmjtjily th, Kvi
What M awatie-d ihraotiuc ot aeanrae that the boat simek the Suutb tmding the aervlc»a at lire FPorteenU. lauran U,' imagined when uu a.-riy li>,.
iiiitl mills Jilforil.
SUvet HeUradM efaurch < left a llgbl
ten and vwit to plcee.,
a \m iwaching
- WbeMmaa, Waller Jautxea ifi Wr.-.-i bomiag In a window ami
Mrs. Duflils>arajian aud wn l*<l lala exiin '
temerter who wtvi on watrfa at uPllU the day for lytoski-y, Syt-n- tb, *
5<w<0 SM> Cssirir C.
■ght daring tbe iiuBt Kwt of tbe storm gnisbi-d. II*- Ihuusht tliU ^toage a» *|Hvt Thanksgiving V-ilk b^daupl:”;.
at home and proceeded to
^auw bis eaperienev as being Uk
lor. A. It swang back oi Mrs. N. Mm-sailoriau. vho k.-en** U->
pem Mirnuous of all In iblrtecn
art storv.atid bote!-fonneriy riia V:
fcmra of aea Ilf,-. He. said ihst the Ue binges a l-Iast <d but air aad a
Mto« of Uu- liucl was k«n» lx a dc ckiuit of thick amoku stniiA bla a
■oo ter her aoelb bonad dcetinallen the face and he saw a tong, narrow
lougwe of Oanw canning up the Mile of
•cn as they saw they conM not
I. TbU be sougbl to tyneaeb Ftoui Friday'* Record.
^ they steered southeast Icr twa
Mbs Maln-I fiblpiaan ami Dean I'ari
.fine palls of water«ato It aad
bann la the atimapt to iwh tbe east
roos of l.onting. ab» spent Ttiankdbore ttoder Welu-e, the heavy Walb- Uh-3 ru Into the Mruet crying -fin-.*' Sivingastlio'EncMs of Mi*-- Mary It *a( Btotm caestag them to make a lie k<vt ui* Ibe figbt against ibe blase sell, retaraed at nuou KiJay .' Liuua..
Wavy leeway dnH. They dUu'l know from itoh- ti> lisK.- calling ' fin.-" antll E. Ratos of Laa.--lutc. «1:<> alM« *1*':
they were mvr the Ftnes as tor sever tbo m-lgblsm. were oniaMd u4 tlri Tbanktglvloc here nil! sictej StinOa;it wi.n jpv yo:: It- ■ x'l .tod «amiuc -.ur Mock aiuJ mA
al. boors Ibr muiutalnuus seas had alarm snt in
I be time that the firemen arrived before returuiac.
smebed U Ihe |diut boose window, _By ....
..... ^
Ml* AibUe r.vrl Ml tUI- nfi-rms i'
1 lab mad*' hU appearance and Ii tv brouirht us lots of
ami the aeas .vre'pluagiiig io agaiost the building wm* a mass of fiamc*i
tbe ruatpas.-, and lb<- aun behhul It
1------ ..-----------j„.tills eii> a-ij a
things already, and has protnised to, bring ttor*- on
Idtodlw him aad putting out vria, Ibe iKi thick as to bui*lt r them grcotly in I •P'‘”*‘ae «
cver>'train hereafter! I ic is,locai* d iti onr iron; win
bbmaek- lights. Wheelman JanUn tbelr wMk. N,vrl.v I.SM feet ul bow
sakl: -The bum wa. diving and lump wv re om bcMdcs that on Uk- chculcM street retcme-l tbri"falic-rniwii Te*.
dows. His goods arc stored in our back .roc*;ri’and
fm :
ing all the tiur mid 1 couldn't s<s
. .VvBBaudSesafe wiim'.rs.
down stairs. H-. jm a good,many things to. sell and
Mr. and Mrs. liaocr arrived oa ifae Cldeas".
nftoeti yards abivd. Tbe lights .two
‘'''r *>:
lie sayv they are good and cheap but don't belkvc
iiol oul and I rallud gad ydled fur vne ahUc Ibc fire a-a. sUU ooiler
iriu-l in tbe clly thi* al'-rtx-ia for :
-Ughl'.- T.u btuuaele lamps were headway
him—eoinc ill and scr^ for yourself:. \Vv know ihat
-TRIJOEp 146 Frost Street
broaghl wbirta luted abovl
he has all son> of Dishes. I’ort eiarn. Cbtiii and- Glass.
K. O. T. M. «n.
Wt bavt i lisTtvckii* Tii; Sia^. —
nh-s the arsi heavy sea putting them
TraverM- City rmt. No btl. K. o.
«f ‘hb* eiiy.
marrb-d ye*;e:
They look frotiy acd ,VC ihiok ihot ,i«,y arc cheap.
•Mil of basloaB. Ilbtv called nsicunj
M. M . (lectod tin. foilowing ytracmifdar « »•» paraonage by tl;e lb '.
lime and the me arrived and lit Uicm Fltoar iiighi:
The amount of Knives and l'!orks. Kitchen and liutter
I Demaa Coehliu. They will i-.widc
again. Tbe i
Commander. Ur. W. E. Moon
Uiis cliy.
Knives. Tea Spoons aad Tabic Spoens. Gold' Gla>s
me and 1 was urenebed and beaumUd.
Say LaVaUey uf Rapid Ony sp-v
Tbo lights acalB want oat and
Dishes. Whistles. Trumpets. Harmonkas, Rattlers,
nuanre-keeper. E. A. Brans.
Thacksgnlng with his par-m«. Mr.
aged to light ihta akmc. Tbe capDolls, anti a hundr-d and one other thin;^ Jie has
R.eord ‘kwp.w. K, M- FraukUn.
Uive 70s ere tried the
lalB sraa.oo wauh all ntghl. eml ami
Chaplain. U Kuaro*-.
Bht‘Vih wroet.
brought this,year is astonishing.* Dun't forg- t 'the
ftoyal -Til e*r
an«f Coffiva
ebar headed
Master at Arms. Chartes Parker.
F. W. Wllsuu »pctit bis Tba*ik*al-. .
desk isctod to so bvdnw la tie boU
Sivgeaoi. Orurge liod^.
ing wlib relaMve* al Klngdt y
ta see buw tblug* suud duwn there.
First master of tte wd. Georg,
Mr. eiid Mr* H'R. McCoy bar. r
Omitit On
There was no eidlenHVt. ihuosh
taniW from their wedding trip
crew was slaltopod at the boats. Ulc
Second master of the good Job: Chlcagu aad puiau la vootbera Mich-aad Satam
prnneivcrs oa ready to laaoeta at a mo Ocsetekt
gaa. They reiuraed (a Urn* to enjoy
meat's nociev. - U was realised that
They ire the best. Sedd 'ely by
Tbanhsgivlag dlnaer in tbU ciy.
tbe boat waa Jaberteg bearUy before
Mra. J. H. Loom of wmiaBsb>irg
Oaatb Rail.
■pent Ihe day In the eiiy today wM,
SteO KamR fFronR BteVAtete.
Haanah J. Moym. aged 0 yuan. h€T daughter. Mynir. wbo accou
pa«vd away al the home eg her oo-r panb-xl bar home.
Tire Insurance!
money to Loan on Improved Rea! Btaie Only.
Many People Are Placing Their
Order Here Today
..... .
Santa Claus
f^0p^/ C/ger
a ibey Lira in ,u>d. Bu’dw'ar tnU ite fand I>*«ota«T
Un. Xta e
tty fiiryW* only tanne* of tbcovet;.
Mtm. S»n ctf VMkMR. «P«t T«» it TMUnc tt tta borne of Ur. ud Un.
HMttR. Miek. Oae. l.-A. p-Ctare^
timed. Ii fairly tymboUrm tbe sTlpJ
Mirbtota to potoe BP anvtoss a: tbJ, Ltae..
iAj tad Wfdtatadf Wttb htv
half a »>=b« -be «a» hpotabt to tbe hoapttol
Mix LoId Karkrrtttn of AMtB.K ta-l dtorlneatobed chataeter of blm
Mwt AtolM M bit MA«rtas
0*« rKn^WHIe e« Ibe otwfc
INta JtMlm »»d ftoWy b»»» »oeed cpeedUiK t fe* days »t bodw oith bet who tolto Te mid<are«-, isK nb«o a
,Ui.- iacrcafd ;JW.t^.T'>S-tS a. iJA; '
*** P“'
reaMoahle aaiieiiMttM of arfU toRor;
parootii lU*
HIM v«» P«R tai tata
«J over linar Hnoor.
'la-- rniTTeer, noBtt.-.. Tbu totuora > v iT- icCu-ar.- ■■( ib-aa*iul..<i^.
R.-T. C. 8. Ritlcr *oBi lo CMilral trloBiiiba mltat.i'Jttlr to' todal«e-l.
Mr. Cot asd Oallr bate aoeel
r «n.«ie»Urt;> re«aln«'d hl» rea• fohii.O.'
"nn: it '■igbe tm'hf-iily >e aaM o<;
of tbetr lAke Tneodty on taalee**-,p. Tcrr-la* to the do«or,-ta »■*<!:
* IV dinar" «*
«*rtta «hooi bw
Urtxber Htandi that be tiv.H lent ’
Mr tad «x, J«l.n Eodey Utl
recrollT parebtsed of Mr
lb" .taiebtaV. ' l>»-'or.
F«i ««
rdrbraied tT——
orravv «>**-; Fof Fifteen Years Face arid Bodj ci.*.-.4n-. -ti.--pat...i
flve jBilee ,o-jibe«ti U toi
. Tbo <*orel»» »«j bw* Holmei.
on t.'-.' irw rf a, W tad «I'M • <*i' » eonM thd
« fveaenlzed p£Ki;;on :n
: th-. ;• 1*355 of ftching S«eS - Cobid la. d'-pamnent.
oco- TUUptticb left T»*td»y,ereB-iht<l thrtr borne ;
«M»ed bjr tbo bori
!Kh-^ rnda.-. !’• > '>1: iiaie i» E<> ■.{ the atytbai.
iwf for Tb£*i|»novUJe.
lorallr fkwuored
omttdercvmprewiit. Tbo 4'bool it ______________
Not EipressSiflefing-Ocstiw tbiits ism tb<- cotDtet'rdal rertlSeabt. I rue .We eDi Of tbe knaamee of
Mr. EUlx l« atirtaoc for Brno Mooe.! int:. So deWiitr canto it Cireo for iV
to lire It i a*
lo.be (tcMd tatD BCtt
•4 d-pout. abb^ 0. clock, bsmm* thlnfiwtr. I d.m’t «
enamereiita hto many moelbnit on* ,
FaiM —Had LoSt Hope
Mynle Kwie Wt Maodty for IletiTT -Ore. .
.. f*5..illJ21-j:; m*:-prr.tl e.-nir.- «d»a w be/rary ' Itoyef to » y.*'.
Ukt as a saR. a trimd asd aa cUsa |
I rtete she will tpend ibo wtater.
t Tbe Mltut Carolina Hciteja'-sof dW‘b.
mslir-. (.M aBd ba< a wH.- and two rMVtrm
Honor. Midi, Oct S-—Ml*» Ktaoey.! R ndo» «a> In W*» Wedsetdta. [ Ada Ca»tM>^l of itanli Mlisoo. tp-Rt
•k'p.iiUty »»9.1eCJs.T4- s6•.lIlS^c.■T1i?^
taerftb»tetrbcr»,««aiTbtahaelr-j Mr. Wbeolon *ns a bwlDeoa «UeriTbn»*r nnd Friday .
Tta _
leajei, »;i.rjI.T*r..4«, SiO-e to-pf X- Tbe Stwbie > Salt
IM vttb Mendt at Tiarerao Oiy.
Is Dendoe Wedseiday.
: F. SehsMlta aod fatsUy.
ISfi;. htow; dtoetanl*.
“Lwiwli'm nr^
Mrf. TbooiMan la ictandma to a fine i Ladlo^' Aid •'ocletr of tbe Oermta
MortbS KbbI. wbo bw bero
*bn knev and cun'Ir.
taby hoy Um reeenily to Mr. asd I Befortaed church win laeet ai
Iho p« (debt veeka. U no better.
f“to^ '
land |i.ai bit sianv cxcvlIeBl qaall’h.-s
••Mr bend waa one atott of •nb-.
; botse of Mr*. d«eob Haarie, We.li
Uertba Wyto. who hat breo to teiy Mra. Roll McConnlek of Werford.
< and hi--. a'bjereneotaAit a leadiaK clii- m* ionrbead waicociv! d-nta alns-i iC..Bjm'reial d.'FJ.Ia>. $a>T.51i;5. ManlMee. maklBC
Hra. Mile* DeFWeae ud too Elarys i day. Dee. *ib, at tp sito my errbrows. «o.! 1 had to m var
IIL to better.
as.1 no tUk. wlU'finBcr to 'be
BV bat all tbe rim.. My body af
-------------------B. Otenahlr of ibta ptoee Ijaa bit ne» ,*etr Trarerse City vidtora Wednea,depos|i. >hf.» as inenwte’pf **-M'T.-.
dliion. of tbto asd *u««'dlft(r «<ii‘ ra- cocctc'lwitb.ptosinsics.-jrnta.piococrml
Ilka- Mamortal Serviee.
tiohs. 1' iH *rare«'l> n.w^.arr lo'af; htwlWa.Ur,^^s..iIrer.^. A 'sinr.. Ausns. 25. Itof.
l-r*3le McCorick ta«ii tost
T:».l Monday evcolne Travor-.
MrL n-beeloHt west Monday to
\ .-Wimau nwy-r.-tor f-.r ac-W. a
cook te eamp f«>r the TiUy bitiUierA
Iciiy tod*e of Klka. No- SSS, b«-W thei/ ;
pa«iB2 is an iciprw.ivc atm-'annnal Bi.inorial MrrlceTrot thdr 'UTbo eblchen pie loetol to Iba M. R. e. H. Ooree diest Tbankacirlsc at > sbbs
ecMioa «d the brevity. »a wrtt as tb •
parted m.-iuw.'
Beidjr* and for -etbetr ebarter.
.I ivu'i
ebBreh TbOMday nlyht irat •«» «- Tniwme,
tmcenatoiy ot life and tpealto with
Kuceoe Ttilkeraon apeol ThWkaglr.'aCTBber. Jullu* T lUraab. wboa- surllBS TlfMsW'S the ehy|B<«t "
tox a' bit boe at Wn Labe.
death occurred Wednewtot ereiiiBs. '
PvtCuttonraij<dtor, **.. ..Len Crom ItoT.-r - brain.
„ M.aW.v dnrto, tbeenv.:
Tbe ntlH ha* atoned runstaB beer. | Tbe 'tmpreaaKe lodee eercamnleu of Cray;
ba> bla new
SledtbKbntnwwtni^ttal'morai^ : *
" “laf
b» t»v> art l -uo ;^ of tto- pwt, three y««t. wBI he
Qnltoa BBsiber from bote attesdeJu.costtouai
[roBttouai vitb
vitl! tbe nectMoo.
neettfao. lonnct
lOmed ^ -' erhe boort rrf heraWy., ihe pot
£wufcins a hut bato three ttnie* * . half litci..i aa. flii. d in .he b,.1.' <4
,|„nn,; tbe wtotrr Into t.
d and aooo
: the opeplB* of tbe meinorlaU.ea-Baal.
btocteiBitb tad
Henry, Mape* U wotkls* al the mllUi fi Rnirr Jobs II Samo pretjdla*. I
win be ready to porntd iron.
. after tbvbsib. Afttr ubi* one c^r . hark in pUcr. 0«yr wa-worklng'to ^
e’er Bate.’
Oert Dare ssve a parly dinee at the
alailni; (hat t‘
Alice eWe, wbo to worktae at TrsvI :'as*t£i^4J7’c^’!i.b1^?^rk
famaic „ iv.^ton.t. Op^,; HRv KnmtoinHi.. .F«d three.>R
Oiaitoe Hall TbankasivlBB. All re- j,rtKlBbi before all the 1
etoe CTiy. U ri.HImt bea paresla
j nrUemisb. 1 was to pIcawO 1 ich dan ).ar* ain and aa. timek on lbe|on>"halt y<«ra. died tram the limi.^
pon a ftsc .time.
< a-et.. liorato die. He then called tiwa^
tbto place.
' tiv.-mnieg doww tbe stmt to uU ' b*-ad hy a
iwll. IIU stall wa»--iroaiW lafllrtrM.by btoJAl^. rbark*
Mr*. Fiv.! linlBht and cbHdren lefl'tse seerewry for a roll call of 'h",i
iootpfa Hacknw baa bad a new (*•■
1 Brt what Cut,ourab^ rrnrf,..!. tua he tm.-.'-ivd ftorn «br to-j KomrrtaskU of ^ttaf^dWaii'-»bn •
In doaisi; Mr. Olawmlrv paid a l<«
Friday for Roehrsier N. S’., fbr a ^idead wbo wcrCb* folloa*;
oltoe ptost added to bla aBareii.
vork. Atomi a'altoaboi bla aitr and her aUe^ pa*
ins tribute to those in tlie im-lns ebain
Ftank Hntcbto'.on, Slay tT. IW-l.
The play sin* Wednoaday erentoa
' ri'-ttm -4 ':r sctoor. Frauk Dtl>roa>kl and analMf
r1) 1II. B. rrankli^. T'*
of rratem!ty/-whtce remains.• he aai'l. (sigotti)
V borne tatodt was w^t alteadeO.
jo« ph Poboral. AuB. T. 3»«l. '
toittonSl.. A
___ .e pain son. »5lwar.l. tad then f'tohd M» o
Tbe Honor otebeaita retdored
flonaW F. CaapbclL April
W; “xnatiT. hlsBcr and noldor doth'* to
.\ inen'h a.i’i Ii|e <)alin'*.kl It now Imprating ainl
Bbermas. Mk*.. Dec. 1.—Mr tad. Monrod Obertto. Sept IT. 1902.
w-.n,'- B rnvini. tnay ims-x r un.P'r Mrs Kmuttoskr ‘
r.t. r A. Cltitaen. Jb'pl. 2«. IPOf.
.____ -C______ L,
1 — ,.„ nn. tf-il
AddtooD 11. llakir. Dee. C. 1902.
; nslIT a' brother to dead to dl^ntT tUal
Juliu* IL BlHIleld. F.h. i. ma.,
For Every Humour Si
• lie had virtoes. a f"a- boufine:* "t kith!ABteny Notolay. F.T-. IS. 1»3.
ron«ifl''r»i'' words, amild iwm-e Tu-.i
ujoage,, ,Bd' Orerae b. llarTltmi. May S8.1M2Comfdcty 'CvUrnul sB'l inUma!
ia-..viilT!,tonito) and Isak.- life brigbii-r tTvatnMiit J'T <Tvrj'linni<.i;r.con«cstHeno- Oakley. Iler, C*. IfhC.
T B. Oalaa- family moved to Bailer i
«f Tratrerae City were th' | Harry R- Manaray, K,h. s. iji.i:
^and u folly as raorb Bi'ptectar«-d 1 y i:,ff of Cntirara Soi.p. Oiiitmiat. -nd
W MODday RnaaeU Brown b,* «m>i» of Mr. BlofUrdf. mother. Ur-.;
'blB doTlne m.-a*ih. y an; lu h.- Q'iUs e..iy tiern U b.'d luri'UC ill'll.,T
AiiiagU art tooitvn
MAmnah. for a few daya last; William H. Foster. March 15. I9ni. .frltnito ah.n he h*. U« u-:
R. fharte- Despre*. Oet. f. IWH.
•the aao*t lunuii:
Tta Udtoa' AlfT iOclMy aw to elre’week- Mr. Blodeott reianilns Tbutr"Let ns VO live and av-t
Juilin T. Haiisah, Xr.v,
day erenlnx. Mr*. Btodeetl and tbe
The carloiu .dflcer.s a.Tt' then call. I ■r i>-ifflD:on4
tae^l. Ibe proeeml* to ta toward, j ebildr..n will remain a few dty* kmacr, POD f.ir an nromal nt tbeir tinil.
(m.-rald- rttravan Muif mo»"s with
SiX ttacC^
Ivtolilnn friend, and relatlv.* bore.
lent tP-ad -o rhar siy-itiions P-utp'.
oTy iq-w charily.
«• It may at to'‘i l-nd m- sll.to.ihnt tiron-i
- ta the liaei* of rhi- ft
• Lo.ie*' Above."
Meadv embte* to hear Mia. ^ * fa»,iiy rm.nloa was bcM Tbartdty; >bo hid^
Handel'* Laico
Lai CO wa*
was then pUyed
played b>7
byf ^
The epesing ode t.. ihe Great Ruler HandH'*
aSK by all. after Pruf.'san KtJ-wail a* a viullu
Slto^n.-il.'^buildinan. ,-r
M. ™ ...T
e ptosont mak!nB »blch pr^-er by .... cbaplaiB. R. V. areomiaaii'd 1,y IToiegw Si. B. ns on
heyoii'i ih': fo-is-totlun.
Dnms. wa. followed W rh.. luldivt* of the piano «’luirt.-< A. Bkeleher then ^ .
Un Baum to vttUlDS bw das(aiter.:bt all tblrty4wo
M Biw^al^to
Mrs. l4i,B Dot) and three-ehUdres
7 i
cured by CUTICUR*
■ ' at cost of $1.25
... 52 inch ...
irruam'i.iuK ssv|e . u* s»*.
■ I.VU...
U». V»M or ™^
a-1,Eliding whlcli «
le m"r.-lhai..r.yil,Clayiun b.. R:.'}.
$ 1 2.00
- 10.00
:sn^n\le,en ofiM. E. ebureb. Tbe .Mde. were very ^ Unually s *belfer. -She watehe*
with' earttailoBS. ■ us like a enarOiin anpl .nli.-n ie
>bam am Uvlnc and were pretest al;
dinner are for the) know not «>t b.-r tasi- He- im our
Stato Nawt.
W ftawal. al* U tUT son* acltoc as The proceeds Ithets.e
'wrtjsl; l.ui as y.nrv nre mld.-d lV Re;-:. Willis. Mail. !iy ' illk-T. *a*
ialUMnlTCa. She bad lived in Ibis vi-,
Myers. l.Ntcher of tbe! norir.iin liroail.s.« and tlie bine of oilier airleken with paral^s^.- in b!, nflv.-.
-pievii Clriui', laiJ-. ri'.'l .wa- 'df* •: .IfIlls
S^rT^Ht^ ~ rryc^r^ i gtommar room. *-ent home Wedmwdv t eyes m?y
f. ii iray liitMil'P sill! tnur.. iin.l
Imb,:. d-wt’h'ti- Idea ifcai he ...
eveslnp to *pcoil TbanltosMns wllb
s'nm... like LineoluV. ma.v lieeora.- sv-.tin- ih- lUnUi i,I tlen.
tk.l "-^-e
htTpatenU to Cadillac.
Trade was sio«.
Beats |ill Records
uundiolil wtirJ; Init wh.dber ib-.‘
ih.-. f. w n-i-iaitiinR Si-.l*-Itidiafi
Mil* TUWe Wilton spent a lew days ‘
.' Thirtreiiih tVUIA.
■'ctre1eh. wid..«rnanfiv, nrvai or small ‘"ii ,.f vuti-ieiire. J.s- Mc-K.-.ii,
. ... .
Ibis wei'k with retoUvim lu Travi
Tabn. Mlelu. Dec. 1.—Oco. Jactaoa nv.
' there eomc* a Ume when he »u*t wel- J-e- Thumpim. .4 Fesfon. reach.-1 .
'' ’■»">«
Toiatoes &5c Bushel.
Votaiots 10c B.ishcl.
U reported from the upper pcalnsiila
Uto* Lena Doiy of IlarrlelU U cum.-to his bearih llu.i solemn vtoltor; B-'ii'toe nrttiwl with u .Tseamin- n- - ............................ '
etiinili&-.ili»t .ibi-y.eonid not pin -j.i
bf toieettf- a torse deer. /
Ktodine a fen day* nlth friend*
,hall -ay •prepare to met thv nvih-.T ami a imHcas-.d t-*haeco.
\n (Tbo mrettog of the Yoba Sno.
' pareil HI palp the l«iwn i.sl and i
Help Warned.
Ht’p to spare..
•ay aehooto wUl be beM octt Bnnday
Rellgloa* aorelce* were held to the' The memory ot Hi*' day apd its wliwart ool «4i pis nue*'- Tbe ,i5-y.ar.;•for hi-capture. Tb.-reunR lady Whom
U 1 p. m. is ibc M. R. ehsreb.
Httlbodlat cbnreh Tbnmday momlas: event brooBhi tbto tril.utc:
Jold dime novel fimd -bad nrn nw "
arMrs. Got Cbampsey baa b«li «nlic
Big show for Holidays.
Few goods for Holidays.
toll week tbo snlijecl «f the di.,-1 "On thU «rei*ion*wi- are eaJl.sl !from hi. boon'a:i« ir'crlKsI l•oaIiae
m. Uosrt trouble.
arve waa “Pratoo an.1 Thankaalv- open tu ptore npon n-cord an eu>r,--i slealtou rid.*. It.-*.}•« he l.aiJ a U*
. Yobo aehool wilt aooD be able to add
iThe 4Jad, a'eorr.-si-md.ml .
It Was a unton aenrleti between M.4, cr oar Rival .•stcem for uur .1., v.fb hi- suepmulbi i- and iliai tl
A few addlUana) rolnmeu to the school
.per will.-*: Th.- .'urhih tin; CoDgrCEattonal aud Metbodlat tport.-.! l.ttdher* and to paj-thi* sart bm omd.-him alMhe more d.derTOliu-d
llbistT. Dnrlng the leog wlotcr ccoa ebureh. the RevA#lone>- and EsveU: lesdeF iribui.- of aBcvtlun to th. I- ».'i out and 1.11! every Jnrtlaa to 1
grade.', biht a tlM.*'.' al the litft. I
iBgi tbe youiig people ihnshl use tbeir conductlOR tbo sertlre*.
sclii.d. The bcestiirti rll*rti*-«l r.ii. I
■memoij. U Is nut with.Ibe pomp.! euustrj-. When .Hseov.Ted lie bad
Sfiarc sMBeoif In wtil-diiccfed read.THesuI.wl. That Ibi earth nu 'vT.I' : I
e. Gllberl I* still eonBaed lo hi* bed.’parade and iWRoant that Iswooi* a ' erow.t of la.vs eoinpIe«-ly anhwetl
we liv.i lK eeoTrx." Tb*' matter w.i-. I
i^eMor an'i: lelllbc tlViu *nrh thtopi
Rrandi-ur that' Iwtokea* *-a .Imn.
liu''' .irnaiy
and II s41l
*111 -(
go forth toM cm iiit.v'.sl iiiisfartiiril} oo ciibi r sid.- f
Rlk Rapid*. MIefa.. Dec. 5—Fnd. II. 'with Ihe fclnce^^'Ut elmiti.ms of Kricf.; lie wilds nn.1 _wr.wk veneeanc. There
well attended tad iDtemu pt the mem- T. Blodgett left Wednesday to attend! Inspired by fraierna! lev.- aa.l affts-Uuh ! ain't a rtslskiti lo ibe Uockv mmi*bera to Ibe auhieris dteenwed.
the eouniy tcaebers' tosiituie wUe's tbat we asseiowe with simple
flatus lha, I am afraid to me
A solmertpHoo imier to aid Lew
. hel.I a^ that pUco tbto week.
•tl music and usider e*|.rev Iiati.MtsJiaii.l flitiit- TIktc aiii'
Letter 1* elreslaied in thl* rtelaliy.
Andrew faFonte who baa been eon-'
■leplore, the lus.s ,if il,.s-"Mian in Klgiii ato.iit F.-nua. a
Tbe obKcC I* to befp pay the preaeat Ened to hi* borne tbe past week br],i,,„c loyally nn.l d.'v.uion i.. lh.>
a rtanre i.i imoe* ■on'.
pspcaan and also aid tbo boy to ae- idckfMW*. I* aRtln able to be np and‘app.r wa* to manlf.-f ibai' tb.
•nirlnc a much needed edneatioe.
queausi Its kindlj eare and.aliemiim'lie nii-i
tantw Cnnben. wbo was abi
December 6 an enlortalnmest will whenever It niEbi phase tbe Greo.!‘li.> uiijeeie,! sirmEly to bis Tcvolv-'.
from aebool the past fortnlebl os
be gtvoii at Ibe town haTI by the to-'halted Baler'oj nil to ent »h*n ib.i: Jn-toE laken froji bim and wanted .
coast et Htocaa. I* back acaisdies-COmMery AraoeUUuu. Tbe Im-'„onaI eareer."
' i knew bow l»v eonid Kill lu.llan-wit:
V John MovTtooo stadc a buatoe**
.pvrlal ortttrtira together with tbe Can. \ jbe ajwaker then t-itoKlr.-sl the ear-jual his Rii" ,He wIIMh' s.-tit hack
to Trmverec Ctty. Thurnday. last week. adita Jnbllce Singer* have I-ren eii-iaical tetoelples of Ihe enler. wber.'-'bis lamily. '
Tbe high wind* ot Wedseaday
taged foe the eeeidag.
|chi,ri!y was dtoiwosed wUhuul para.1.' | A sad cdltiel.i.ice.'' has reratii-U
tog and Tbanday dM but lliUe
Fred Marriott wbo baa been attend': Mtealalion and tboae in want Wvrv; the Iw .-vavement cU two H<- I’leasatie til tbl* vIctoUy. A pine
tog the Ferris Instifnte at nig RapO'to ; rvHeved wilhout bavins vb.-li dl-qross' nortoa) .luikm*. Itor.-l Fase j
Ur. Fife's orebard was blown down.
tvtnriMsl home the totter |«rt of tost' pnl.Ilsbed to tbo wc^.
; . gl>-‘ MrCorotiel!. *1-0 liv.- Bt»«t Mr. and Mr*. Ed Seweome. qniie old* week.
• No roirtroverey U made to the l(rlBCj oik's west »if town" The girls arpct^.Jian bad Otcir ahaiv of sickMl** Mary Mnirooney of Acme spent |<rf elks, the speak.T arerred, with any, lU'lEblmrs to'th-', co>imiy and'h*'
—toll. Mr. Kowcome to hardly I Tbaakaglriag with ber parrata here.' nun's rvIlEluns IwHef. Ibc slmpl.'-rouln<s!ttorelbs-rwlincBi!.-iv!iUit:.'
There is only one
able to be abenl tad Mrs. Newenme to ^ Mlrkael Naekerman of Escanaha ba< leaeblns* of tbe Man of Naiamh.jnpm.al. Fr>s). ihe ]J-\varol.l broili,.
eoalBcd to ber bed with lllle bopo p:'been visiting hla*parents here tbe past! coupled with lb.'br-dherbonj <if man,'nf lla-s ! Itos,-; wbik leaHiiig a .iM:
week. Ulcbael left Friday mor»ln5|tonnlnE tbe foauuaiHtp «»f th" (rat'r-' tnmi the fi.'lil. ib'd a. s-rap bp-su.I hi''.............. ......
for Big Baal,I* to attend Ihe FsTiis nliy and tbe last
s..n'iee lor tb--* waist In erd.e lo iKiIii th.-animal Sii.;
We have it in the
‘ dead la perfenned by memto-r* of fekslden].- ih-- colt jinuiK-d. .breal-'tii; .I:n»d.«. Utoh:. Dec. a.-WIU pelto-i d. P. Warner *a* in Traveiae City represeollng all -dviominaHons an I! U.;t.. ek. .iViwywnsiMiri-du::
eekrolurncd tt-eda.-*daylrom Minnc-.<HH,u*Ines»Tw*.toy.
, fyn-lay,'ta.l ..h that dm Edrt.v, :i,. :
a«a, wb,T.'Le baa been apcndlng tbe I Mi*. Fnuk Culman of Cfaarievoix toj Cunttonlnc -be milejrr.h.- raid:' year-4d broHi.w ol MuEri,- ’McO
vlalitaR at Ibe home of Mr. tad
«tvk ujis 'city and lodge has tah-k. and ih.- .-on uf ll-igh Mel'..r
Utoaltowyer and little brother Morly;Cha«- Res anil tamlly.
' o,m with a erral mtofontae. Up- eil -. mick. .iird ol hmr: ironMe.
left Tboraday for Smnh mnkfort to M. E. Butts I.-ft Wedmuday for m thu loss of on.-of It*'most promi ' Jo-lgoChart.* Jl .tailtb.s f-hr ret:-.
‘'QkiaSiTy and Satisfaction**,
spend Tbapencivliig. They will return» CtHttoygan to s|un.1 ThankagiriaR.
] n.-ni and toremo.'. ciiL-ens and tb!< ’.>f first Inslanre of Manl'ji,
Vooday BWK.
Ccia4neior B=ta and wife mun>e.I; PkIr,- lo the loM «d <d«>' of iw mo-t vMtinp his oM hOtt'- ai JaeW.n. ' You ask.-Ai. Ui.'V E*Uakl«, FeaBomiral t-i-l Daeakkt' tVe o-.s-ir. A.k «itr cnatoiiKTg
Altaic Diektoo* of Frankfort
» bom.'___jfter spiwifng Ihe -pan two!i.,y»i ag.] disHngntob.sl member* Ir Icve- tl.e fBIpincs wlB,il,p:.'l..p rcTtoiin;
the gweat ot Mr. and Ura. Ben Barton1 week* at Ana Arhw. Vpsilantl and ,he paislng of Brother Jnlin* T. Han-.idly tatu a worthy prupl.-and that ih-.'
A larsrramotiiit c.f Sew* vil! .-iii-s-j'.io to Inty -fulcnibas. 'a wnaU auioiinl of CmI*
jnah. who waa rot off to tbe prim.'oi soremment is ace-.tsp'ilAlag gnat
to file! will MV,'yon many'loU.-tr*.
H. fily returned Salorday from bto'his maaaificent yranbooiL We are re-! and hoaorabk- r<-*ul;- He says rhabOBIIng trip to 4fce northern pento- i minded that la on.' of the ETeat coio-. tm-k r Sitaish Pile tb.‘ law* „f Rj-jii.
Hra Hokbcl and Ntdlie PoUlot of iD-iBUla.
' m'-fctol maps oi ’b- mother eouaitv *ete fir-i-elass. b’oi the aitminis..'j
teitotaCB were to Bendno Tuesday. * The -ralon Tbanksgfv'me *erviee ' natvd* a \ers unique and alpnlCeant' Iioc of Ui. Has wa* vKtous. 'For in
Mrs. Clark to al Grewa aralsttog at the M. R- chnreh Tbaraday momlnt::pi.-e « statuary.. It Is the dgnri' ..r'ntane.'tb.' i'irtf."s!ie«inE t.i.
to the rare of her aopdn-law. tVblier wa* wl41 atiende.l The mnsle wasjb.id X.'Um. ihe creai admiral who:- tr.w.l-'r> of ibv RpanUb Jndiclar.t
DeWJtt. who to very 111 wlih rypboWjtnmisbod by the rboir of both the M ;eirl> drath at hto l*vs; of dnt.v wn- ,tb<re wa. ,.kk- man l‘.■td Tt; Mantlfever'£. and Ibe l>re*b>4criah ebureb.-s.
j mourned with a tdoceriiv and *inh .'f tweoly--i-vni^cttr- l.>r ‘rial, ud *h. i:
DoOe llarri. Is hdplag her *totcr. i Ii. Alporn has purebaaed the dry | grief soMom knopn.
, Caally admiii.'d to trial.' wl-.T a.
Mr*. Lena Mrl«an.
. pood* Hock r.-reinly owned by
'•nuv ip.,4i;a rvpresept* fafan as ia.it
Idok b'dd.to wa.-:
Mr. aad Mrs. Elmer Borman, Ml*, jntrahb^ Ur Alpran etprets *o reaebinr l.uth to accept the proServ«l ed l-> an Amerlraaiin^ ami rrr
Traverse City. Mich.
127-135 SUte Street
Btoorb tad IM Emork Uuk Ttaankr-j move Us own Mock Into tbe Hlrab- taaptot of vlcJtMT wbea diaih Inici- tenivd to *i* ibiMitJts (uT tiw •iS'ms'
i^ng dinner with M. Drake and fam-jlrrg buitMtog Mood-y.
poec* and the deroted baad k "*a»ed.^ Atujibcr ImtUnevqf Spaatob rate U 4
e to larce a
Da^Man at thoBeroWohiJMll*. OK. A..»i>1»tlr «
moon U>e tttfAdXb e«HP»** •**
fltlM la «rd«r. THa frtaMwt ?WMiki «MMad 1lt» iBTfll
Ike acMU.
amk l«»wr»u «(ikA iMt MM partamaa ttet
m thft heaaa.
U •dietal to lariK aptufol UUiai abaat
tke ham the Bar. Baaiy K OawtoA «Me aaother u arcMea me. ne
trealdnt anavered him. -Hea.' ihc
Lane’s Family
raid, ’arr w boaf beacxiac about the
■elrre that th« doal haar llae to
tack other Maa.Oraad Dueheai Marie et ftuasla
prtvtB ft* the pweMtVMrtaotA
mUm ^»M WaMiU*
ttMwe 41- (be flair daochter of Grand Dokr
Pnul. brother of the late Onnd DaltraetWibeMVM.
wlUdo tbe work ^kkljr a^ pte^
HIM Alice RooforeU w la the «• Barxioi. the foraer eras baAtebrd
eeMin nOm and ahated «tUi the tnaa Baaslt after bU eeooad marrloae.
MBhen iw the *oor the ■ttanUoa et erhiek araa re«arded at a teraalUanee
K~wlWl wMatwa U the emr4ad and hla mtk. daaahier beeaaw ihr
ward tf Qrnn<1 Dake Sertrlna. who. 11 that hit xrest-mshdfBibrr. Baron Vo>i
erUl lie rtmtaberod. was assaaMnaied
'PBoseolhal. was an aide to msbmonths aito. The yonthfal mnne ttcloo In ihe war of the reroJutioa.
the tMMrr <4 the lale Saaator Ptoti
efOonaeriMlL totbeaMetbeiaJsm Is OBlr 16. *e«T prottr •»«
Rrr. J. A. Dlioa. pawtor of the Metiiteriae me aba me«t>d a>4 ai If vltfe aareet kwldac. and she U aeaeraU)
dirt ehnreb In tiantsick. Vi, In ordei
the abaMM e( •am* dbanMared the rtoslcaated the Cinderella of Busalau
to ere Brenniou4 with the uliorers ot
aitpUva that eqauaamp pMi the
the tIUbrt ltd thereby fe better etiMhpn. nee «w not a rtpple a*
Thfl rieboM woBMB la Gmi Britain Bbled to rcarti them tbroasb the pulpit
IbeatMlara Med (he ehaaiber.
U Ladr Maty HamUioo. wbote twentj- has donned the apraa of a sicncroue,
The tUr. Bdmrd tereett nalA •fit birthdar oeenPTOd ibe other daj-.
and with mallet and hammer U learnehaalcih. lamhatl dlrtae tnMuu» far
I tbo danahter of the Uie doke Ine the trade of craaltecuiter In the
the aaaetdta la tte dUMta fl( ibMr al.IlaaUhm. Oa the bleef Anan. her
ahopa of Ibe larpest- enneen la Uie
.(Nir. «aro thaahe that there treald he anecstrol estate. Ladr Matr has He'd
rilMce. Tlllace. Prei lnus in eaierins
peace aaMw Ue aatUn aad hoped
stmido eouBtiT life, eeaslaa verr »>mlaiiurr Ur. Illinn was a saikir
that the Bead of neo to etodr nr «*a lie to I/mdoe. aad U IniimMclr aebocins at tbe l«liom, dolac ontr
qualsiod with all the aOhlR and most
at the tenanu ot her xreat Eooieh
rir. She It a (anmus spartawoBUB. ^ PMislA Dee. i.—TMe sltah-
lad one nf tbo verr few
dertake ibe duiios nt mi
Miss Mabel Hite. * clever young
oomedieone trevelinc wiib a muuieti
omedy show, has been awarded a
decoration b.r the German emperor In
Hon tmre eootinnfls «s a^riom a* ean
be imatiBed. rbe heller li trewtea
ftet the «alr war the eoaArr eaa be
Mjrtid (mi aonpiate mab mla is Uc Club in New Yorit Cltr that he *cthreoah the praetMaJ abdaetlaa ef the peeta to be oS acata for the north pole TceocnUioo of her berobm la tavioi;
enr aai) the appolBtmrait of a trioaa- •Ml lunimer br war of the Oehrinx tbe lives nf Herr Voa Istekow and
ttmlt and mar bo eoste half a dewm Herr Dirdrieh. alinehre of the Oermai.
ronsolile Ut'Ncw York. The two men
lais or ae.
Dr. Herbert Joses, to wbon tbo c^i!- were lo a yaret. wbieh npsei last mm
>nt ot Hempbis rocesitir praoented a mer off tiy|rBeacli. Lone lidaiid. and
tmOr rotteni- The poptOathm on- poTM ot SIO.OM for his care at lh» Min HIlerM-ine the dlsaste.r. weir
tamhuUr waaid welaama aarthlag
nUae this rear, has weathered (o Ibclr nsaluanre with her calbaa*
whi^ wootd •aaom «uM. Vlttah fire epUrmles In the cltr and yet it It Jumped overboard and belpeil then,
method at aoTctaUgi U ooadeaUMd recorded ibat he wns -kreuUr renhep break loose from ri»lnc In wl
arerpwbero ahd (ha predlethm l« tree- rasaed' when the leadinp womaa wbo fbey had becosae enlatutlerL She also
■7 oCem (hat his tall win eom betaaa preseoied the mock kissed bim full minted la knepli.. them afloat iiniii
the ««dor the rear.
another yacht brny down.
Mas of Us rise mar be bad.
Cyra Yoor Cough
Wl!l be Are miles sd bsUwar*. seremv
maet at pipes ^ eisbt brdr«usii.r
eUrstors rasBlac day snd nlcht. No
apartaMWt wiu be let ondre «ljioo s
Oae of Lord BRSeberrV hobbles t<
the tfilleeiiaa ot booke. 'He M eomcblac nr a port wbow to the mood sbi '
srth OB occasion turn om Imprompm
rerse for Ok edifcaUoB of Xrtewdn.
Vice PresMeet Patrbenks aad flun-
sto^ roar Vaag Irrithtitn, rMtoTA year Sora TliFott
nd dritro oat yoor CtrealA Cold, with Iko only eorUla, BBd itrtaUy foi«atUle.Cara ter Coogte aad CoMk
Ur will sbortlr ocCupT. ihe oU Stastons tanate in WasUwnae. which hs^
beeo cslirely remade|.-ri (or ihctr eon
and In whieli they rxpen «n
larlsklr ratreula this wimer.
-Bud" l.eibi«nr nf Uushocee has
sure iafaUlUe hecal for -M>o()cscei"
whisky dealers that he Is known a.,
-the Carrie Nation uf ledian tcrelion'.'
name harlos been conferred upen
bin liy Ihe redouidiiihle rnrrli- brr.
AlxnoM tn De^whlr.
Mrs. Mary Crdlias. who has liceo s
mKsbmarr amoac the Indians t.i
SiaDdliiK Rock. N. D. for Ibiny years,
poteatty eofM «ad hM ted BO throat treablA ftBea.”
A. EYIEB. CamteriABd.Md.
has been eleeied by tbe whole tribe of
standine Rock aarecy to be -The Nest
Friend." 8be acts for the Indians ti
msny poUUcal aPd |c*al rrlaiinos and
so at councils.
There b rerlial nf talk iliat ct
Mayor Beib Low nf New'Verit in n.
TrWre bsss Trersw (Its as fsOsau;
Uread ■aiSAi.
S. E. Wait & Sons aojl C. A. lagliiB.
an Impofiant
foreim appnin^MU ireferenee Is bUu in lu'
tor Home, but be U aileat on ib<- suV
Jee!—will not admit even Ibat he ha>
aaptrerlona lD_lhat direction.
Mr. U,w |
ssc* tbe necessary lolelh-ctux, j
quaUflc.llatt^ beride. bavins a lareMfl^ij.
ungu^re. He «,s be iK-lierea bngu.se exi...,
H. i> L E. TM CM
(orttme rm wbieh 10 malDt^n.littins; lu-v. j. Stephroarm receolly ritabllsbmeni.
snivel m faee a wc<A's Incarcersi ioa
caUM>d raiber a
whi, j rather than |uiy the ehurch Ux In «eo:
M ;' k-aaMlWwisi'issn.s: ies l-nUahseosaUan In the i„„i. He ha.^ nu iiroperiy which eould
‘ tbs fXlT id TTiv r»-1 Uf, Irr • u«m
lieh he reeelved no w|ilr:i
nxnlcl hfl.iM! for the rtesp •mitasv ■ what he wax wMlins to hand
cxhlhltloB. This l« a home for a work-!pe sold lie wrote; -fWf." In the ner
lesntn aad Ks entire eon does no!; eoliinia. In which he was reqtilrerl c.
exceed |;:a On ihe Orel floor there :
ibe value uf Ibe p>w1s. be Inwu:
i-Hriiix-rnow) oWiI klieh-' ed: "Wife won't sty '
en wttb Roimer* and hath and ihciv
CaptalB IbKkman. tormrelr eonAerordlns -to set .ml
beln f
Mr. floor. The boose is hnill partly of
•acted with the Cramp Sblpbulldior Knox of Poansylvaaia does not mean eeoercte and b ptetnresqne ud
Oompaar in PbiiadelidUa. took the to be a Bllonl member of the llaltml
orelKT btodjidla to Ocmstanlinoplo af States senate at. the eomlns session.
took (ear miaoci ot laadaaiiD this
Is ecoetallg snppoacd thst .I’rcfe-.-1
ter she hnd been built hr the eompanr
moBlac with suicidal tnteat. After
fUrecr I. the flrx, mU to xtudy
There be entered tbe »trice peeled to keep In ibe hBekfroond tor
me had swallowed Uo dm she udd
yrsyire ,re .re x.
ot the sultan, and Is now naral adris- time, but Senator Knox is ladtly whm ha. rameto l«. ealkd .h.- s,xwre
hot haewid. wbo made aH baste (a
ar, with tbe tank of admiral, and has book«l to lake a Icaaing psn in di«- irf BflBkeys. A. a matter of fact,
aoeare medical atslttaaoe. Dr. K. Taetnal eotnmand ot Turker's lleet.
leawkiii of the railroad rote mea-sure, honor l>elonc< to Sir RiebanI ttnrion. :«idpp..
niottr ot this' vllli(« wna sBBmooad
-orientalist who irau-Iaicd
IB order to Ineraaaa bis busineu aa i FW many roan IVonsylranla seatior^
aad •pmt orse her the areatcr pan
'Xpnl i^'iiuTnia
tbe “Tbon.aad an.l One Nights. ' lAfly tb'snu'ir
etthddar baiHMBOtlmdirB whether tplowa bOtH keeper la New York : hare'almost cimfinM ihesiselres n
l^irton tells in !:er rmobkjgrwi'liy i.i
her lire cm be aared or not. She la dUtrlbuled half a bunUted Invllalions i eommlioe aetltity. The Camoroos. fai!ii-tiOEiiisb<-d hostond lbs: S.- _______
a elaborate dinaer. acudinc them tber and son. «
St rears old and has a hhabaad and
lUcbaiM Ix'liered firmly la tnonk.-j
remlatBt aetora. writeta and ar-| to a fpeat exie
■ereiai ebiUna. Na raasoalla Urea
itpeech. that he bad forty apex eoniiii-1 Tbe dlBinp room was pRdusoly | Feartise. too. mredy <
lor her pcUoo.
several yean, and
c tw-iso tbe ■
and Ibe ebet '■ senator aelirv in donate v.-lll be nme- that he had V
Kinpstar Is L%Ma«L
vocabulary of sixty wortU.
KlBKsltf. Mkk. Dec. D-Tbe MWlUbia Waldorf AMor is wmn in cabulary anforuiDiiely was lost,
(Me Itfiia Wtee ibmM ea la um *11home la fessor Garner caa make a atrany |
n ritfuatoc lo become part at aor erect a model apanmeat
tage.Wadbaadar nimt aad »ra valBroodway. New Yuri:, near ooiral mdnkey drink by uaylng s ceiial.i 1
worn and with aaoiher won! be c
hra tve MM candle power Mmps to
a.Balpb (Me. (mik- It wni be the bliasexi thlag of
auke It eat ud with another word h
MKafemcatmuaBdaFTarBl baahMuu Beman C. Dawes and Bdward U Tar- Ibi kind aeywliere on canb. Imii It wil:
frishien li: But Sir K)cbar<l flui ;
hoBMi aad rauMmeca hare beee
re already knows as -the Oblo not bo the tail.*, wmiuo Waldcrl.
ion could do ail tbt-xe Ihingx. too. His .
wired tor teemdeteeBts. The power kids." The three cannot boast of very nnllke hb cousin. John Jacob, dees n.j
bfdioTc Id tall buliJInes (or residnttlal tocabolary. fnrihemvire. wax lars*-.
oomaa frooi Marteid and te obtained
than Mr. Canter^. Ernest IU~k»-i.
trosBAB old alio imM thlrtr roars mao trecatc, bat they are all buMlers (run. imiimsts, The new bt^JIdioi: will cover
treat German scientlxi. lx l-i
The trstem was laMaiiefl by Oeerpr a alale (hat has Hinted out nomc |>rst almaat a eliy block, bol will be only
IU«. m ot Poatmaster BaS. ot Tret- Ir Bwin movers le Its day. Represen ta-elTe tloriea tahih. When li is sialojl
toUve Cole is Just 32 and ought Ic
iTBiftMittn Judicial Circuit el t
arse CUr.
stand bisb ta the while bouse, as bv
ganW 1906 and 1907.
Trm U SukMa.
TMpmrDJc; Uieh.. Dae. t.-llri.
ttMaai Thomaa of Jaetpnmh eamp
MiKi 't'i-iSasA.f?:J. p. JUB
AU «r the r
erowa propertp (a Korwar betoom
to »r state aad wfli
a OavlA wUe
rmvM is
ire'emre ni
■ WaUro
Rreslun '
■d arriving si
ti U LOtTKWOOD.O.^_A^.^A^
^ •w’.wtTdrewJbT.Jw
Inc f--rix »w,v Ta.c-<rf 1
In P.-tmuTi
Tlw Tlllri! U-.ulx< lx Bar
TV- y<«ulli M'Msy inUcSiJire
I'HABLEVaiS a>l'STl'Ttx Kv,«xl Wucxtxr Iv Mnrek
Wk.-l'oUrinXI<vl^r <n Kv, -
is a class by itself. It
goes only into
homes of people who
. . c jm
arc able to wpreciace
the need of the best
-filtASD TRAVEWmon .VTl'yre n~,>ixl ai<«d>< in F--lvmry
reading and the best
an for their children,
it has been an
TV Avniod •-■odsr IB IWresVr
lAELASAt' roi-yrr-
fluence for good in
kneps her rroUeare la New York, al
the lives of aUlitn}
Te.-Thlr*! V'vidsr tn tjci.lhrr
thouBh she pees sooth darina the wlo
uwxi IIV -.ai. dsj ■* Oi !■J.V. l*r
of boys and girls.
John 0. Oaik. cashkeeper of tk'
Mn. Dat-li now II ycare
tie-nl! Ji.lrIht
DBBk « CUItornla. Sas FremlBro.
old. Bad verr lecble. altboosb no: sil-|
JVre threw hoys and
• id<
nr-i;!! -r M. -niunn..
IWM froSB once todar after mi
girts tn yowr komrf
Her oM Mississippi lK»vsiad.l
•Rr rears ot hoooreblo serrite srlth
b&lA—Drixnll hxnnc I
Do yen toko ST.
-Oeuvoir." t« DOW the bume of eouthe iaatlUiioB baae.1. The taak was
federaie veientis. and wben ^rs. Da
ns^sliad Dae. 1. ItSS. but was
Hs makre a Kijourn lo tbe south n
fcaowa lor tta preaeBtaaiae until the
If not. will you fry
la usually with trleads. While In New
IHE abore fiicture o( the
aaiBmnr at im. Mr. cia^ was bore
tt for onr goArf
YoHi she Urex la n •ulct uplowo oimrlItiion anil fish
tJnta OMhI. K. T.. la IBU. and w«al with
ant hotel ud keeps only oar ser
iiinrk ofSi-oii'ii Kiiiiilxif
hM mrsat* to CatKOnla eUhtetm
mt. She is far from rieh.
and L-* lIiT pyniinviu. fur
psan later.
nar' t nireenptiun HI: gi;: ‘
Mim Blanebe Gcmwde Ke!k . **■ Btrwiptb niicl luiritv.
in I.—., tn-.-athly temindre
Mt. Bottm, the pnMer of Sew
leatowB. Pi,. last spring seenred a
«f ilic givir. I'iciatiin! c«' in olmtmt nil tbe einlixcl t-iuii.
Cealaad. BBiMunoed la a mmb rwtt.000 damaecs agstnst Rer.
cewUr that japmast wosld not be sJ
>CB.| mt lull (>r...i<t:B»iod
Bdcar J. Hetlan. the rrremd ccaU>'
tommt to oma t
If tfic cod tixh liecaRie rntim-t
mu bavtai! tailed to marry her aecorJthat Iho eolaar wwMd retuae to he dleit wonld be a woritl-wide «ilitming to proialxc. While the trial was in
tM*d to In tbe matter. This Is la retity.
Mias lietk Uwamt aM|imlDi*'d
Ihriiwiag. NewVwtk
armoa U> a dreolar Bom tbe British
srtlb A4am J. HomeUback of PbiUdri- from ifn Kver nnrpatutek nil otIi'T
ccMHal oBlee addteaaed to (he rolB sbe has JOKt married. fntain nourishing and life-"iviwp
oaiee and demandlac the re^ ot
Thirty y««'!i tigo
Ike cuple win go to bMcekreping in prt^iertiefl.
laws that are rrisnaaai to tbe teounta
aabart. of rblUdelphla. and the tl>e proprietora of iv-ou'i< Etmiiot aatioBa with wbMt Great Britain it
groom Bays that la Axing np a new aloit -found a way of preiuiriii}', ,
at peaee.
borne tor bImaeU and wife Rev. Mr. cod liver oil ao that everyone i-au tj.
The crest ofiore riaiier. lime. Grid, Hetlmaa's II.ooo aill -hrin some "
who waa Dsafrlrd to Sicnor Uarlo, tbe
Ilcnma VoaWeuer. a yooag Gcrteoor. was alnclac in Bt. Petermato mu whnsr title lx imron lo bU uwu
6 tbe.p III, .MB that hw wbt.viMtoy, KU
Tbe emperor, the thiber at the pres eouatiT. waa saarviod a few days ag->
in Lite tvorhl
' “
- ■
- ■ ■- '■■■
.are. til
s.uus inilte
for ivwik.
ent ootv osVO More. Gitel
la StamlcM. Coen, to Miss Loala.
liucittvnrd t-hildren,
children, ihiti.
ihiti. delii-ole J?j;?t5i?‘^5iL;3JSiS’.red35?.<*^K
lo walk in hli pfliare park. One mren Ilaribatt. The Cram, a sirapplBg fd l•Ul■I:^vnrd
peu]ilo. (uid nil ettmlitionx of.r..ydjret*;l.
lag the emperor bk4 Mme. Ortsl.
old .« « fro-. • in bUl
tvnKtiojtnndloAt Ktrei^h.
jla-.orei»S°^™rere- wresuT ^BivvrouS
campanlcl hr two UUIe alris. :
khoes. gave sip his title em______
emperor aalntM her and sbM;
hca« to wed the girt of hU «>bblcc ud 1
Mrs. Ward's New Norei sod "L-ncritt the Lawiyar.- NotaWa Fsatorea
of a P-e-v.-iio, Year-.
r ' I V-H*
trim of the jrtohe.
Tike Ccatary Co.
' fSmr
tbear two prlaettesT* -No. yoor mal- win titri out far himaelf as u cice-’
esti.' roplM Mme. Oriri. ~tiMSe arc irieal eogloror ilv net Hli liuribau |
law Harifmetter.*
In Drreden. wtcrc Ac was tiwdytas:
l|rv rrederiek
the wdU-lart. Me tpkeu muh •rUe la the beij
b Ibe thlnaefltb child ef a family of
Bartln. Dec. r—The a
iinniwptiBddBi or the Woaslieha teo-
la a
________________ ____ ____________________
OoTernor Joaffdi K. Toole ot Uonttahtt whseh laaietdar iwuimed
ma baa appotaicd J. B. HeOormoit of
rsmor that the cMr hM bacB mot
at Helena as state coal mloc Inspector
and wonadod. todar reauoru the i«- nw.a wrm ot foar reata. TIUs b repon and derlaru that ihc p<
d as <me of the best poslikaix
or the eattam sm the 'car^ couaia. at the disposition or the goveraor. payi«l a MlMy cd ISAM a year ud |LS»r
fur cxpeasfs. For four year* McDer
mott has been aa asaWui Janitor at
Klnc Oaear owas some twlrale prop- the capital. Every.apace BomeBt was
ctir la Norwar. bat not a creat deal, devoted: to a course of studr aad in
mi miet boMInf Is the Drxdoe estate this way McDermott Bnalifled for the
PERE Marquette
Price, SMC »»d Bx.mo
V year I’.i art work In ih- maurln-v,
entuiy hsv.lieeti •Kuably xortvwriol la ,
turk bselcc xaiecial adantloo lO Md'fT
xs(i>tx(*t(*i*v rv'f.rfid)
Pliiiitr.B cnO ba- |>laB« for many ntiioai fea«*Tfw '
■Iij,. <rf p-r-iir. ' I.f ii.<- .ItL-'icsn rlri. In tail roi"r. »l!l appfOl' dor
r llcc!
. .Alice
Ill tisw xh»-l Xioriis Ui II
lU ri.«a- .lories w
.tlb- rir.s b-WDOr. h.-« wrlii.-l. ^
Mr, lV*..f. oMr nmel. •T.-o* u-*'. f.'sl'ror."---------s la the
nt istody
To t-a.l Mr. Wsr'l'.brfllafli
.,fcl. i.-ifo-.i--o.aL-W..:rmrei,...! ,*.nt.-f, .. I. onfoM. .mom
nioiiio. Is a J.l-s--ire alone w<:i w.-ith ih« uric- of The Century.
.I». I:
M.ra K-'.l« l-reci Zancr.l
vi';’.' rarer.
Srwi.m lo IM. f-M BUd tmaoitance, r,nl> 'O Mrs Ward's flew novel
l.:|-,,-v..;i. <.i'l.iiov.i:i .l..-Lsw;.r ' p-epar-d i.> Frederick Trevor
«oc,«,•rr mao sad woaisn who wooM krop !n lo^ ^ 1
-store, an. and »bo;isht.' tu «cry (aaBy. ’ a Cowtrey
m Amtiricsn
o' a lexurr. It doliari mu;
U a ■ta.--KXilf
n go k|lSr.n
ll.fic clrcwliM
lake Tnr Century?
the standard cough and cold cure for over
75 years now comes also in a
.^1 Tt-L.B.jiriM A»X I an MMMOded ea a cord ttrtoUd bH-, "Pkaie deal baodle Me "altb dWr
'-•rile to you tbl» Tbaata*mad day. • ^a»e__
^ . .
, , ..
■^■■d vtaa
frtaWtbijmil I wai try •• bt M
MM and Mrite awnMyAi^
M ter M
I «rill tiT te b* li¥l«» hMpM
M« uad tt
•Mrr tMas thbi».
M 1 •¥«• tell In tnriiv te «•
thM* tMa«i. I Wiu -Tiy. toy
.c boy.
>c J. .0ait«
aclJ. Ii »o**d ej»n My k
«,ake itb tia toO or ailtcr paper. pUda*
days Mlofc bauoa a«l «. died. Wr hate a pit J- ,
oqly twMtyfoor
I S , whea you arc readlas Mt. H buru.
mr amcm: — e—----uiaebcr as Mb>a Beiber is Ibe: intr Of Cottoa bet«eO.—W«
irhrt««M. **111 I-, .soo<l tJjM*. Y««r m.
-Or opee me. aad Uy me IPec don
,3^ ,
imidcBC bop« lh»» y-ooVm «#Jo»
erntbouble. Yoa woaidBY l%» to be
------- --------------.Id. )
ovcry Rlncie
l***®’irrated to
L ^ «aa pretty bard coBlap
-Or poi te »«t«e«o my lea»« - r—
From jw SuaBblae «Jrt.
M« Bliht. AS 1 am afraid my
8prM a (rtr « )oar cherUbed pea
If. J«w M e»«l “
Alice Motsaa.
M. picmi* wbta •• m»»T «1« trt-
See Our
-nw.. odcu, .»•. “^Overcoats $7.50
to the dcptriweat a* «*
blTe thli •w'k. Voo irim»)or ro»tlB*««yonealtMtB. Tjere-arfaW
: i ot Br« »c«ber». ■eiUcreO fion ter«*
IjtMkoU 10 Bortbcm UlehlsM- < «oo
,ev Koitb DMou nc
la bat! Id Yntmc Cily >wUy
lat Ji be fun H «« could- havv
mcie ^ th« TOdd CMWe Ds I
look eieoeb otber-« bonm. Boom i
Ca arc Id tmay Flo««a. wbi re CUrl»_ IB Hkc c«r FoMtH ct July,
to Ike «sy they cdebtsto U «ttb flf«'
trarte. oibma»^w«rupD»(*Rtb<
a merry Tbaokaeltia*. toap. aad ask (be dmaflK
Klneslcy. Not. ti
. yoa
Dear Prcsldeai—I am sates to vtite.
Bdvani F. DoBlrae. ^
tK,!, ^nx. Ibbt ttro or three
III ar> Lbivuth readme’
yoBarevItocsIoaitriL tamaeUaad: r. s-—> v*" t<^l f®** *abeeU
aliaid of kialac yo«r
hope yoo are ifeeame. I loti my but ,^y dos Raast- He it a Ms Uoodbw^,
as larpe aa r.ie box
ra don ttai- cotaer of
loa aad am oerty. 1 do aor *> to, wd ,eishs arteoty^littso poi oda. He'
„-„tap erooad
^1,™ b... .
ao«. ir eaa eico «catber to dearlr lotos to m fatmitec mod act*:
M>de te'o drop aarroe
arbere yim
am lb ibc foorit reader. Goodood- er*ty
vboo be ac-»aayowmlih
sc-» aayooc alih am p^nn. FeW ihcm aiDoothlj. i*o by
" *TV“
aad lay
Great raided, iiS inefaea loaR.
We tbink tfaa Usfwt
and be« liDd in Um ritf, SOe
eaosl.r araaad at «acb ceid. aoJ tdeh
bate a snod. <
I- sm«Hb ; '-Rmrmbor iliai 1
Kariln. Mlrti, Sot. 10. I»M. '
Dear Prealdcat—A> I hare a fo* •
mdly. The Uii lime ho tat after
■".’f- •
mlDutca I «ni wrilO ym a irttcr. I ,
^ ^,1 »rlsiicd
nc. licaJdc*. 4mr '
]are ■btouF.'t t
am eiermi ytara ^ aad am te tw
pouuds. He can drew me “"r >»ui
l r»aU>- -op.foartb Ktode. I m to acbool cierydaj-.
y,,. ,intcr tltno. bal a*
■mid bcswryiowe wtimktecold OVBrCOStSy $10
Vuu II like ibi« eorp
Ur tcoeber la Uiti Dower. I *oub
j, ^ «u<.h slrotscr ibair I am anl.
asd lore aoil
Help a» to keep
Ttrjr mtlc
Innb »UJ ci.*3, and I *111 help yoaNoowcBli BwlwBl-11 ua. Tdllike a card and tniUoa aad be a HtU* ;
to r> banilBp so *cU I caai sf>
Snasblaci siri. too. «*e live oa a tanr > „,ic:s pav c<kb *itb ac oa aceouat ;
lu to- faap» . -Saaday dcMoi viaitor. ae for Taloc. AS inebca ko(CSvoda ir.
MM MA*tt •*Tt». tenoB
aad I iAve Half a mile to com« U
r,b5c solos Ihrmgh tee barU.*lrc
immaBy aaiM- maybe ov-d.iv
Coppete yoa a« trrWc to tee H- Y.
‘ laincad «the Bamc. daoebter. Wether.
FM Vice Fcwldad, Cl»r. CDtei.
F. Bttertiae e»mb tltfii aRcr CbrUt
•MMd'Vlee Fraidait. Mrt. Irene
aad trt oaeh other what klad of
Femeroy Ulclde.
a day yon kad. «baL yoa toeeltad aad
•bat yoa dM teat waa teUy. Abd. dear
bore. 3e. lOo. Vk. 85c. fiOc.
heaiu.^do oei M oa fersei tea
Mamie Ihorak.
Couw lum lor liaudkBKbHlA
NMMber al mombore byteagind Hot.
act imlaK to try te make ei ieeai
ir eWera. The: i
Ortali. Mlcb.. Not. 2«. IMG. • Chritlo t plfw a
pema happy who vooU oteerId, tm. dOifc_________ \
vltw bare a md Chriatmaa.
Tba Cat-a doaau^
, (toard. i-lilr rtroasrr atn] tnocii laiBcr
la tec Us oosatry kMcbee. tee etc be
KinCBley. Nor. 2Z.
aomMitc.-s a foot b< diaairi.-r Sow.
Oair PmaldcBi-1 teoaebt t «oa
Fnak. Benr. d»d Freddie, aad •rite yea « te* Ubco tealBbt. I r puun*. Dalar Ray and 1 *i-re colas: Select a hickory cci alte ^sood pro
An Anwalng Trm Oanc.
»«• *l*t »«• «be people In ibsi «wato and yoa tUd u.» you were sUd •.>' lection for tec now-, aad cmOloe tbMBHleand U oelTed Mp btatoa aad vai clad to sei
Oar s«rl» a»d lW» «•" *'»" ’“**
‘ “
IS and 52 ioebe; aplndit!
Vm* taaguas. and atedtes. aad haa(- IL We bare a cow. a borao. a dog
1 ran fitaylns the follomins same. *l:leh to ba-il ihai all aoov of
iBsdp stoektnea.
cau aad a erov lOr a pet. 1 am aeten
Two eiocktedt were porpie. two acar-
Overcoats, $12
Airt ena e*r email cm traa pay.
Add that «ae tee ttettldg of d*ycar.
oM Sac.
ABd •bed-'BCBtk-tee mantd all ate at
tbiBi daasM.
-Nav'ia-bed •• «a« harry.'
Harry add Her.
Tben Saste Claa* wetOj «UI
don tee bUMBoy.*
-FMdae atop a mlaaiA Fa aamaB to
SaM Boala: “My lat iteaaT dot any
. ‘ ABd abu Bidet bar# oMe preeeoii
0iWCbrt»-e-.peH 0W-"
aboMod trite la««hUir-ber
brotecn aad alatera ..
ABd dan btr reoBd ciBKba raa nro
Btaat aparUiad teara. .
Tbea Mur baatcBed tie hai bar. aod
naderly kiM ber,
Add call ber “ihe sneteot. tec dear,
eat of deara.*-ABd FiM 'teall hate a ated^' «ld
Mmic. »B«t wbleper.
Or ahM bear.what «c My. 8be
baa au-fol tearp oata.'
Ml yoa tbooi mr pew. I hare two
kHteoa; oBc 1 cot at Ur. Stoae't. It ir
opolled. and tee other kitty 1 foand ou
tee toad. U li biowB. I bare a dosUa aamerit Jim. He la
White. I cat blm'al Mra. BMlWa. He
drirea catOe away and waieSea
niebt. Ftpa baa a pony which -I hare
p«at aport wlte. He la an Indian borse
and la a bay. Kii name la Prince. 1
ofua take him to co horaebaek riiilnsWe have iwe copt aad a brifer. Outto Topoy, abc to black. Tbi- other la
Dolly, tee la red and wfaiie. Tbc toai
la Uzzle abo to red. Dat tee beet
pec to my baby brateor.
Daaaic. Will you pleaae rood Ilcerit
Snatelne card and boUcKif
8ba to trylns to make auoBhin
Sondaya ahe bclpa care tw a arls'sbWa .baby while ita mamma 90
tmdy to CO to niBday ateool. Her oddreoB to Bearle Bbodea. Bendon, IL I
D. 1. tad tbc to rtstl yoars old.
^ jesae TuUer.
CooJvalBn in Workiaffmtte'a goftl*' nod iiM <lf«M
Uricn CouW Rewards Soy. Haro:
UI3S Hi'ca Gonjd bar given a ro!.yotxlA Lafptil^iMrwfBBdc
tuntial !*-ward |d tloy IrvtBE Utoeo.
2.V lo$:i.
the nine-yearold tod who *i»*d 1 _________
IVai er A Rio Crande pa«-M-nr«T ir* n
from dratmetioo ton yiar. The !■*:. QaA OUT
will bejria r-dy a- tSoudwUI Farrj
lor earrying out a -Chritenaa Btery TeiUnB- tabloau.^
;S"““,r::.”;u'';,rr overcoats. $ i^s
a- KOtne oalvcrrito
ho will at
lead cfier dtririilng a preparator.
cuur/<. The ben flawd n train with
!a red tandkerrlilct y-iKi n» 1
labon’ lu mn teto a mcksllde
From tbu December SL SlekoUr. Copyright. IWi. by Tbc Cealurr C-VtTw, rrewned wits Iv, sm.l wlih mri!}.
That tells uf winter’s Ulea and mirth. "
The tnlns-.n-l. or pcofcwkmal mnalcton nod tauryAeller. wn. nlwaj a f. be lound m gre
a al Cbrir:
tho mlnalrel be -eausl In a blgU-backod ehnir on n .lei. In tl..! --nt.y. back of ih. rUg.-. lie sh.mlu K,„,,ptodinnkmg.wbl..-rel: ,-rtor.bodre,»-n.fwblcSl..a«sot
blind, a
harp or l.vrr. and.- with riebUeer eye* oast upward.1.- •
up to the loft ahotildcr with a heavy l-MK-h. He lioldK----touchlng the rtrinpi. ready to besln bto uU-, white will to- half eoon. hr.t st.wy. I poa ura.
ctoui. Ite rratllcr cUDdren gazing Intemly ai the roinslr>-l. and all about the rtege the other p-rfuDneni la stw
tol aiilttides, aiandlns. altUag. yotme *rirl« wlib arms tolcrtwtoed. a lew chlldrea oa the knee* of molhera and ft.
Iherr. the 1.001 of Mtonilc IcanlBg uu hla waiul of oKicr.
Tr. This.
I"ui o -il-.,T itr.o. cdlb.-r n uuari;
llutii kuil and silk
or a ite c-.-ni pli.*, uo i,h>- 'abl.- ipr»Ja. 2.*, .lOc to tt
tun- yiwi and pKk« up with Ihe potot.
u( 1*0 piDK b.-ptorlog oar 06 .act
kiile of tee rote's edge Pres* «be pte* |
ttnnly and you alii Bnd li q-ii-t •«'> RaA QUr
to hold the ruin. Tte-n blow bard
»«n '" " Overcoats, $18
qulrkly In-twoen ib<- pins.—Exchaoge
!. uleh. Kor.
So tear haaic Bp tee Me of the Cray
teal—1 ibousbt I wouM
striped wUbceta
yoa icele. aa I have nut
YVite* oaid. platety
ten to a ions while. 1 like to go to
» the wlaaer of the
ways like to read htg li-ttor*: Kvrry-! kind- of ws'iimv mar be preilucvl. oorrrci anaw.
teat to tee Irsi
aobooL Our tcaehcr'a name
Friday I look fi>r tee mall to come nnd .\ wiite, ml riding Niod. a clown, a S*“'•
-For Ktuy. tbc pet of oi^ m« baby Hnlrooacy. I tike her very
thro BO for tec mall l like to read Ui-: Chln.ae or an'old woman make qnatot
Which to tee moat U-t. I inw. ^ni.,
am In ibo ibtrd made. Oar tcnchcr lelKtrand Otorie. In tee Herald. Itoy.iflsarr*. The ftg-are to ,>lac« on rtrete. - Wh^ ^ «ugKrri* teoogcuof ite.
Hr. Mmta Claaa. gire her
IIVOB at Bk Rapida. 1 will tell you
Daisy and mysell all have U-loaged toi cf fcH or cUamols w-Mcb 3cne aa a oeteru tt-ecK
what 1 eiudy: Samben. readlag. epUl- pi
I cab coodActe hiC and unsua^ I am ID yeara old. tte. Simtelne club for a long Ume. i ■ p« wiper.
Sbo'B a 1
k Mr. Brown oaglii to beloOK .0 A laiMta plute*hlon wcacnl a, teiTteW devoir
. pood aad pretty.
. caU.
I have two
Uy .brother it coming
Sunrhlne club. 1 atn ton sorry diutcr of Wowu aeonis. la'® «>*'■ «<
Wbal tree ««toin» a domt.ilc anl
And tee maewo. aad tee ptura. and j om cbrimamf. 1 waa out to my STon lMr. McliitVo'n eUWri*- I h««« 1 o«Bl aettn. mp from white the nur is ; mi: Mahogany^
>■*•« and gtondpa'a tad stayed three
her name k to Peg."
will hatu a nice time Cbrlstma*. j remcvctl Is ptored a Hitk- rjsbloti uf Wliat Irr.- rnlte' prirrerij wiar a •
weeks. I teat my bnttoo and my grandfllghl tmrly tec nett moraias the ri.lN pa will slop aomo ilBc and gel aa- i think we will Uvea tree and all ea- brown v.-U-iH. Sarrow Wtfwn ril.bon ■ Clutx-T A loTra
tortohmetu. our Sunday acbool bn*! to fartenrd to vacti cup aud a c!u---tv-r ' WU> t
dren deoeraded,
other toe. I have an okl ben and lltAad Ibo UoeUnc* tad gton. ub. Uo chicktaa to take core uT this wla- ooc UKtol rrery year. 1 Uve lo« my ■ of terse make a pretty onsJ.lon to bang r MTilch
•a Jolly and Cat:
ter. ■ I have JW been reading aomo i buitOD and so baa my *tolcr Daisy.,near tl:i- drvsv.-r.—BscUngv.
And Ptway a war United J«M as fsU a.- tec Samblae ieUers. I gnesa my Ic mil you pleaae send ua another. Kn-,
------------- ■
Uio otbere.
ttr Is geutag teng aad I wfll cioae. >
And IIUliv Sue mcfTDy cancel. goodbye.'
nut* for tee heads. Dervs What tree tan bv>< remembt-r oual-Peggy Cal.
9"Tom your lovUig Sunvhlaer.
From a little Sunabtoc grit.
I U»w In IrrighI feWr ttoaue pajwT. Ind- ig.r.T pair.
Como aad rce what ynuYe tk*!*
Age 11llaacl Uragb
Gladys Brawn.
] taie a n-jmbt-r W rbareeter< frrr ha
,rte Ua paaeed terough ttp.-?
fletoed the gray suipcd wliii
P.$.~Sunday cvralag: Itarebeeo
Flora. Sortb liakota. Nov. :i. , rtWy. old women, bnliles. cad Chinaertmaoa.
to Simdar ortpul and cbarch today,
Dear ITerideai—I tbougbl I would! gm are note'.
WUt trtv to never barefou td? 8aa' And dewn «a the Bow. iaaxhtoc
write to you. ae I have aerer wrlttea; rapvr chilBo la hrtgh! eoten wUi dalwoei
KlagUey. Mite.. Nor. Jl, 1905.
«1y. tec eat.
Dear l*resldeai-Whca I wns a IIU lo beferv. 1 would like to JolB lbe8on-;ncvtTU>.ito».>r.sateetcgivetecehll-; which to the moat pacirtl ire-'T
la SaUeto were caadlea and conaini boy some girls aeal my name to you. aUlacelnh. I am S jrari old I have « crabrr <r do ttme of tec wort | gidr-r
wee plelam, •
---------------------I haw my card hot have kmt a» pto. five brjlber* end two rtolert I am lu! Cat rirtp* a bait laeb wide, five tatev--^
A liny ««s doO. with kid rbuci
Bsters of Other Undo,
I go to wbool. Uy teoeber-f name to tbc third rader. My idndiia are pcad-iioag. Form a ring of the gm nae aad
lu deet''
red!«d in
cart ruecerdlug rtoa. Ufttu
The mile Lapp Icfanl l« cred!«d
Ulaa Holme.. Ftor pet. I bavc a dog
And kH ftavee oa li« bands, to a dr
aartber^ Tl-h
■n-to t. a bi«|
and a kUiy. biy papa has three horse*
madoolteiw. \
and six Guw». I bare a lUUe atotor moved to North Dtaota two yoars ogo. 1 t'sndle*. auto and pupcarn can ta- a«alr coveted with *kto asd rtntvl
And a rmaU lady apide.'roand. roa.'. amlbroiber. Their aamea are .HUdred 1 like It nal well. Itetn ra. foar' put In brigbi gauze *r tartcun bags ■!({, mt; moss. This can te- bang
and sweet.« '
aad Karre.v-. Mildred to tkk not hiKseii and two cow«. anl my brother cud bong un the tr.-e. Make ikere iu on ■ tree or euvered ap with snow
Aad to 4>«ra waa a ball aad
bas e little colt;. t» la T moatea' lanr'y teap-.
wblle mama CP*"* to cherte o- any
OocJ byc.
Howard Dell.
• cTOBm la a bottle.
nd mr lIKIe l-roteer Uarvlii faa>
t'rante-rrli-* aud |>CiicorB rtrong to, ptoce where baldc* am act invitad.
Cedar. Ul«i- Nov. SI. 1905.
A atoo pkwc of Arb. and a taigo rilee
Bog*, a metbKr dog aad iwt,. H>pi.. and I'-niv-d in t:e luonebci haw
The baby bf India Hiko In a baakc.
Dear Prcwidrtt—I want lo Jola the fopidcs. Welk I goer* this te ail for. jeund Bothlng 10 rapptom, ibcm.
ajMcb tang* Irara Us moteers bond.
Saartlnctiub. Pkaw
Ibtetime. tdcaae srtd me s cord and l Rave all Uu tin foil wrapplaga from or from her bip. or to a hammock.
Poaar came to great haoU- w bca ber and baiue. 1 go to St. UUT's artoot
soBic ports tbc baby » nose to adornyvang mluresB oaltoi ber,
Have to walk three vie. Goad-b.w lloplag to ree ibu to sasu-nf.
«| with a nusc ring, and Ctheis lu
Her tall to tbc air and bar e>et ':„^ , hatf mihn
rtgtte print
Alite lloilia.
Tic woudr roalato ffla^hrigbl bh^ Uce te wrippi-l In a rell like lu
apartllBK bright;
1 have foor brvlbera
ri.-. ibai add krtshi spots oa tet tree, cotec-r *.
And Pheepoedlly lopped an tkeeretml,,,^ Uy yoeagesi broher to terw
Ortett, Ml=b_ Nov. 21. 19«.
riel; and *ttr;e away to a cdpl place.
The CbUet.c baby 1-. uud to the hart
fivm a aancrt.
yearaold; bU name te Le»tcr. I think
pear PreUdeot—1 will w-rito tc yoa.
Mock rraagoa arc rrttiy and naall: of an older child,
Aad tee flab and ibe meat, and tbea
41joag caoogb for my .trm l.t Today was my brother'* birthday. For
amde. Criirii sptacoraegccolor
parrod with drtght. .
pets 1 have a eat and a calt. Once paper fon or Cm- wrinklie. oiien »gT)<- |a bags tlaag tm a camel s back,
Washod ber toec. ebawd tbc balk aad
papa eangfat a Utile red sqairrai and ly and cover round teilto <d eoiioa tbc
in ,aBv- coontric* the laotbcn Uy
■ meotred: "Ob! bow ; wish Ibey
■c bad It eboat two w<t>k'. wbea it Ute of an craego with fjla, Icartog a -t.-olr table* where a slroam of water
trooW bang ap a alocklng tor m-get »u and wn* droa-aed la the ebortt. cord ceer oot frem tic e-bter u> ens (alls on tl-,e*r bead*. This
er ry rtghc:Wc gave It to tec cat. 1 lUio to nod pcBd tram inv.
them toogh. wUrt K doc*
tbc iwer, I. tec IlerUi I go to
_ c-zv- baMe* dte. a* a rceUt uf this irwa.ttoami disc* ^
cf __________
cardtesrd an.ill yoa
FYUar. tiw. I. i »rito n letter lo tec Herald. Will
srtool mtd am In Ibe
g^d. sliver. mU bright «dAnothcr rpether covers tev-i pIcaM send
arad me a card and
New BKmbera Jdelag aim last TvlplcaM
Mtteaf I
wblic tbej
; ko to srtool e ery day a
BsaOe Rbodor. Bcadon. R. P. D. 1. '. Ulh grade. My tvartrr's
Noei'nnd WTIlle Couioartor. Cedar. Hanaan. Wo Uhe him ver/ much;
not think Of any mere, J-wUl close fur
Whal the Rock Baig.
la load to os. We have «vc
ibtoUm^ ^^e _
palled to IrregaUr flakva aul. "Xtoce npoa a time* a library book
mltk three aad my btoitey Noel 1
MO)^ Dvorak. Kariln.
^ yoor lortog
^ dUmood itor*, was tjvorhrard talktog to a Uulc boy
AitiF and Alvle HoUir. Ftora. NortB I have a iweet little baby ristar n-a
nalsyBragh. ] 4 pfnity ornameot te several bOI. who bad iast borwood It. The word*
moBtha oM. For i>eta i hate a dog
had two tftUtow. Uy dogh taam i» •WeatorCR. F. D 1. Mich.. Nov. S-k I otapad pieces of cotdbcatd ef dlgcraot asMd worth recordlas.
nit I* lyi-evOulwr diwk and Ibtee
„j -.j h»cb«-b<»l Uw
tailored -b
S, ,.d. Ibuc u, 1»
25c anil oOv.
See Our
SdtiiiiKlmikM. Overcoats, $20
AatracUao or stcootli gaod*—
band taikind.
SUITS 17jO tl S22
A perfect fit ifnaiBRteed. AlUr-w poltmia See
th«c ninl yuB orill Ijoy.
See Our
Overcoats, $22
Best we cafTj -c«n»l to fiant
mgtoni Bivlc.
■ Kaoogfa f<w all cOBeiR
—Ixtoulit befoie tbo adrime
in i«ioe-flOc to $l..iO; esct^t vb1bi.-s.
HiRcst Sbeet gt HgRCSt Prices
See Our
ffttbbtr time Overcoats
ni'^ POOD
ac* n<*'i nibljtra and
ck* to kooi> yon dry nod
warm. RtaBomW' ire kc*ii
the mbber* that tn: stsrf to
givT! yoo SBtisfaetiwx-
Rowtand D*naiMS
Opp. WHlting HotBl.
It woii't coat ytriim
lesa yon bay. in wbkb evsot
yoa'U get iraod valoe.
TheiAbsolutely Pure
Baking: Powder
lUde of Creu of Tartar, and
n«e Fron Alua or PhosphaM Add
Rojral Baking Powder renders bread, Inscuit. cake
aiKj all flour foods finer and more bealtbful.
★ ★***,★*★**
Bskii^ powder* made from alum,, pboqiiatn aad oib&haidk
acidi are lows m price, bat tbe; are iniurioai to
-Ue ioiinMi efiaet o( alnm
infoniiont^ foodiboi£UpcoU>il(ri.’’
oli TCrr lac: tty to■ aloe bto« end,
oDd jMalr and altes'* ricb aarar.
iraveMpoUioeoBTFto be node Ib'.o fcerp bot to the OTca. hitore » bolted*
[ OM terse oBleo r«T7 Osr.
cni«e«ttet or to be m«M ia tbr
•{Mer. boll ifaeiB fini. WlMO teader. aad ITT to tatl« BBiH tbr oaten lr\
mb oe Uic ikln. end to rty eattiiiu cookod. Pet the mtoced teml on a:
tblek allect. Hrot
ubleepooefa!: dUb. ptoie the retetobtei orer It nnd;
a cloriM dHppmci Terr bot » Ibc
tpUn sad dnip In the «Uc<« aftrr
aottrlec. «Bk » KOldeu bnnra and aeafoe. For erooeeltec To • plot of
B«A«d neet j«Ulo vhieii b*« been
The Hand That Wards Off Coi^ Cotds, Grip
And Restores Nervous, Dyspqffic Catarh Wrecks.
aerro wy bot.
A ntec Btruon potty U nude to tbit:
»*y: Rtol Kood pie pnne unite ihla.
eot Into rona^a »llb a snail ptoie. anri
bop to the eenier some mtoced mol
ten and dked boiled turnip*, mixed
prctcod ihttnsb * m«»ber or
UUte Btnry or rrcajn
add M tew drop* at oBiaB )alc*. ooe i vitb
of aaeljr cfa(«»cd ponlo
ttOT. Beet I IKK ernieeo w
1 to tawUf.lBipe toe^ber. Oi** the cd|»e of
vcO and «ben o
tOB«hrT. bmsb wtth oott bMtl
BMold leto (hape. Dip to beaten
and bmtl crumb* and hei asMe lo dry or 0 mile allk. and bekr iibUI '
and bardro ibe coattoit Fty a golden cateir brovped to a unlek oreo. Sen e
tdUttfler-rJe.-lt kdt tern
brovn to deep sDOklng bot fat; drain «Ub.cream rauiee or gtnryAnotber original muitoa Icflorcr ti(
on nnglaeed paper. The laeau'of
liretrr peeans Snely cbc^pcd may V' tbli Toman i« Ibr luHorlag: Boll pic
! pnate u«Uc ibto. col in obte&g pltw.
mullon. ecuon
dabagas—Parc and cut Into »ina>I corer nlih mlnccd
tolo bolUng snlte-1 dntotlly. aad (praad IlpbUy nilb cur
water and cook nnUI l«dor. Drain rant .
. cover «ilh anotber piece H
iolr the onier and dry tborooghir br,tbo pastry, prcsslajs Ibe edcee llgblly
i eb-t-inf over Ibe bot stove. The nmler i togotber. and bake to a rather uoick
most an be dried oB to make this veg.
etable wtoubte and
Mttcd generotmly »nh bolter. «aU and
Another eeoaomleal
leftover i
chop a uuaricr vf a potmO »f snel
CaollBowor i« (be cnlllraied cabbage Bne, mix li with one or iwo capfuls or
mlBccd corttoi .useaL a uush.t of
aad II* tender floseicU deserve
treatment. To free the vegeubbi pound of flour, and a fliiely chopped
ontoa. Add plenty of salt and pepper
from all tronns and totecu. pfu
bend apsUe dunrn after kirlpplng to siwsoo wiHl. and moisUw with ouc
oK tbe outside leaves Into deep, taU. bealea egg*. If not w«-t luougb add
illk’or stack. Tom the mixture
ttltcd water. All tiring crcniure* wU> lUUv mill
bnticroi mold, cover aad
and tbe sarfan- of lltc water. To keep
while and Bnn. boll Bnt ten mln- BUam three imars. Turn it out an I
}0»l C Visa ILD. Mnfeaf Itspedar. U S. Naqi
ut<-« in boiling saltol waicr. placing servo with rteb. thick gravy or
with stem mato sauce.—Table Talk. .
-n. Ponr.oC ibe »aler and thils'u
cuoktog In bot milk or half milk
-A Btlteh In Tbiw.
and half water. The vegetable may
To make winter petilniais for i
bo served whole or Uic flpircreti msy three mall ciiildron. says a writer
be ccnrcfully cspainlcd wllb a itlvcr tbe hbrm Journal. I lalK; thdr fathers
Imlfc. Pour OUT a blglily seasonea mviro out lrou«er*. cut out all the p<»l
croam sauce and serve ver vhoi- TU.- parts, cut them the proper IvUgtb, gore
ercam sauec Is made by braUnc to them at Ihc iu|> so tbsl they may uri
tented, day by day.
gclbi-r one large tablcspoootul of Bonr. be too clumsy. Next hare them wt*UQ- like cs not a klngdan bnx beta) When bubbUng hot. add shrwTy one. ed and itriwyeil: then make them live
rosenud from decay
cup of rich milk.
sfiirts. fislvncd to good
aulU smooth and cixwmy. ,8esaoo e.l bodies of Kilcsia. The*e piltteuats will
By jc*' laughlu-.
eream sauces with a llUle eaytiine and wiwr two wtniers aad are warm
"Laugh a Little Bit.Here'S a motto, ]i;st yov Bt:
"Lnogb a UUIe bll.*Wboa you Uilnk yon'ro truuble-hll.
••Laugh a lllUe bit."
Look Hlsforiunc la the fate.,
StoTa tbe lAIdsiu-s nide griiuacc:
Ten to one 'iwlU yield its place ,
Pa mam of
Hob.H. Henry Power*, write* from
c*ed to my family
, will, *utm«.
'xcellrnl family tciaedy, aad very good
lor oaagb*, cold* and catarrhal atrerUaa*.’’—M. Hrory Power*.
CMi salt.
sightly. The skirts of wrappers
Bscalto|K.<d enullflowcr to matte by
the wnlst and sKwe* arc wore
Paniai Far CoUnlkai Wintgaii h
smug a baking dish with tbe cooked lino make gmsl et eryili
vegetable uixud «1lh Ibc .
Bluw Ibe hi-eto and
linn. W. J. Purman. ea-meoiber
tnlslng or dcprewilng the aplrits of cercring the lop wltb a.Iaycr'of bread
r past mcadlng- I
fx.ngrr*. from Florida, w riie* from It
Iboae with whom we come to etnUct
take two imin,. and by cutting tbe (ou:
l.N.W..\V*»b.ngtoB. D.a:
Kamt-your tan wiib annshlno lll:In
b wen fllwtrotcd in tbe foHowlng sroff dtogoually right above the heel.
■Onugb a little btt."
rrambs to a bot ffdder. aslag a table-'
Uelo from tbe Philadelphia Inuulreri
I have foar good tops. Two of these
OIoosRr ahadovf oft will Bit
•altefled tliat 1 1
"Did you ever rualUo," asked 3 spoonrul of butter to a cup of crumbs: shape for fret and »ew- on to tbe reIf'yon have the wit and grit
lie, and lollowcil' and ill perw
pretty girl of the writer, "the power stir aallt the cniBbs sre bested naJutog top*, and thus I hare uue
Just to Isugb a mue fill.
uirreliuns which yoo Ifnniieb wiili' iicrvuuzirw
r stomaeb troaUm."- '
through lu the bot bntu-r. These
;Of an
tofecttens tough r
good pair of Mocklnm-, which will to*: fact jiy rtealu
every bottlc.asd I ate glad to aav that tv. J. Ihirn
crumbs wil broa-n quickly la the on-a.
write at vnvc
« . bi Dr. Harinian.cit iug a
thought much about It until Iasi
Cberlah this as merod wh:
nearly as~lung as a Uew [lalr.
•■oriainly rec-| .
L- .* I »r. H. B. Hanmaa, Proetoeat
full etatrmeut of your case,
mcr. I arrived at a strange scasborr keeping Uic under content* «r ibc dUb
'Lan^ a lUiIc fill.*
When laklug lo iiiects. my old drei x-1 be p1r»>o,l lug.Tu youhts valuahluadoiBioondlli" I'.-nuia lo all my Irieadi.”—[ of 100
Kna^h with you. sample It:—
romirt aloue. It was early In the aea soft aad cnamy.
carefully wash aud lay aslile all'
Onions arc a sUplo food and tbi-lr
son and there were rather few guest“Ungb a liute hit.”
lliitogs aud pieces of cloth that arc fit
at tbe hotel. A dismal tain set in tbe valuable qualities will repay a fre for use. and some day they come tau!
Uttle Ills will atm betide you,
! plare In tbe othtT sMe of tbe pan. and^
Steamed Chickce.
FMnne may not alt beaUe y^
dey hfito and continued for a week. quent BSC. Therefort:. It Is well to nse for cfalldrca'* chMh'w.
su have two kind* of cake wlibout
Hub the chickeu on the Ins
M« ay mock and Fbme dekldc you.
There was an outlook of diiUy sun cook ibcm la a aorirty of ways to
man's worn out coat a rcry|
BK-h trouble.
IK |UKT and b
Sat yonH mind Uiem not a whit
parlor, drlwlag galleries, and niher BBko U)«n seem new,
rcspCeuble CMt lor a cfalld's ptoj-cuai
in cooking all odorous ^■getables.
place 111 a eicauer in a kiHlv that
unlntcresilng lut'of pcojite. dbeourugn jtan tengh a little biL
may be made.
sc Ihc BBavm-d kettle. The steam
Lw it a» nror the sat.ra* poKsinie.,
vegetable* In the Calldr.
-Bachangc. log for a strange aad tired peiaoo's
One mother twaaytd to puicbas*eovr. and steam an hour and a half.
.^.g^.^ui« k«-p ta-ller at a low
long anticipated rarotlom The Brst passes off freely sad seems lo absorb soft gray nadervosis for biT thr-e-h-t. dcne.kiTp hot while-IrtfStog to
and. exrepltog Inabe m-.
I « . • • . « ,|ercBtog l beard a tough. It bubbled tbe smell. Or, a shallow pan wblcu ycSTsold child, but could fled none
fits Uie eotdUng vessd. may be used
th„.r cellar window may
, ;oul eomewhore.from the vista of
other ibaa coarse ones tor ihc amount
by keeping It half full of boiling water,
pUitvr. and servo with the drexstog’^.
,br itey.'ni tea-.
, ' pillared and corridor-like offlce.
wfalcfa she could affonl.
Ih-ing bandy
la all methods of cooking oaloos. boil
over Ibim. The tlret!
wltb her needle and of a thrifty tarn
For frying, boll only K-u
f(dlow>; Holt
loll one i>iu
|.iu^ M gravy frum U k.Ti, the c
of mind, she bought a woman’e laijT'
1 symptom of being bored when
sire vest of tbe quality and color de•
everytbtog cl
euae' ih.i,per aad
lekt'iuimfal of)t.,
' I away. Out rtppled the tough again, bot drippings In a shallow pan. ISs- slrcsl for tevcnlydlre ccais. Taking
Vesetahle* ,.rojs-rl'y Ci”* ahi
• ■
CBllqied oalons arc prepared tbe retau
mil: stir a tab
cake I' 1j
, I lUs time
of the child's old vests fur a.|ut:• POT the to»l ef the heart to trouble. •'
I quarter of
tiltlt ol cream until
The coiners of my mootb Bew up tin. as caullBower.
will prcttnl uusavof) 0
U-rn. afac- fi
d from Ibe large gar-1 P*"*.I. and nisy
And H always cornea with tbe •
Ooohod celery A as valsibh
eonscteaBly-. I found 1 wasn't blue
le lander portions when eaun fresh. bottom, to a plain crochri atllch .0'
nil, but only awfnlly willing tS
Oi.e-h.lf n„. eh..p,s d craniwrTk.s starob may 1- u*«j tostcl 0
■ AM tbe smile tlial to worth tbe •
amused. Bcverol people writlipc let Erory portten et the eeterj' «alk
too them solid, crocheting mmlloi.* i '“h ““re a.igat iu haiUT.
and Some c*»ks add tntm.i; 01
If veo Would B« Vouiw.
ters near, smiled almost without know, good to use. The leaves season t
the watoi*. with luster rollon. sK; i Onedtalf cti.. tart s..p!«.
sttil.-ltetn.U Trlbun...
Ke. p to the kualigbi. uuUitog broil
tog It. ir ! only could get near tbul
tho opwilngs to front and aroiroi ; Three*|uaner*
---------------------- -------ilfo! or »»ivt grow* or rlpcaa In ib<
laugh: Uy Ufu would be saved.
tbe neck aboie a crochri bcadins r.v;<i’"“red.;».
A Good «oop.
"The next night at dinner I discover,
mlt of ribbon bring run throng!;.!
Out-balf rup flg-or d*te, Uboj.|«;.ti.
suco „.r, gnu oeie g.Hsl-sitid .Span
Avoia fear to ku it* vnrivri ft
ed It. It was osrnud by a yonag wo- crU|>cd In aold awter aad ased for the
Ih© aloros she could not have founJ ; or liair Bu.Ia»Mw tiiid half sugar, wi-:,
wdicary oBloiu; •
^ j* «|,,.priori eaw
By das' Unahto'.
: man who wns also alone al a nearby Ublu and a^ads.
stsiocqual them la quality and
and on,-ha1f cnpol rolKius.
! po*,., ,pi, r-pUtt of ro"! »o«‘'r-'*>1' • th.-homan rat*-.
n^dntoiu what a sight o' good
Faroes arc made from oil these vegiinbic. At this moment she wns scridatoUncss al douhlv what those co-t,
uu«ntiiy of mill, musi.vao’ <“-• t.romiiliiig l•WBIHIOBItll ..f s*U and v
oi all kind*; they are
lie thing wOl do:
lotmly sdnantog her mean. She looked eublus, foDowIng the' general rule of
iconHuK 10 ilK flour
It, i* to tfits ^,.„.„ulul .;l itepjwrever, ami slm
too*. The long Me moat boa lam.
How ye kin stop the floxcM l
couklag a
Try making Inul puff* Aral of moi ,
cakemsker must cv ' „„
mlmiti-* I'nw* through
^.^utor life,
whan II heglBS tor brew;
•t tbe slb^test indicatten sag- alable to
qtiUo netting, tying as noar togotber as , Periiceul until rhe know* by the fenl ^
put oi.> quart of milk In |
1;^. in rot. but oat to lire.
An' )nke
. . tho atlng from whnt com ------------her mlrtb-pravoktog talent pulp. Pres* the vegetable, cooked Bsual. then pul oa the rt«uter cover,]l“B “f 't>v l“"<-r wfirn the cake to ,
r:;l. logoihtT two U.(Hiny<.l ou. ili* ati-doe to*rtc«aUng.'
BMMSd to tnnkle when -iwiu upoke: j Th,,
one thing about thU tough, vety icudiT. through a stevc.'tostog tytogouco toeix tocbo«.orasi«o Ilk-, of tberight rouitoleucy. Incakeinak
and <a» '
.. ..
y kntmto' «m an' trentln' U « m*} Tterv .a. never »y forerunner t^ the iwlp aud wnu-r in which It wax Tbe ooutde can now be removed anj “>5.
1« -ottiv-r tliHig*. practice ploce ,
srw a
btdied for tbe fonndalkm of the soup. vahb4d wiUKMi Welttos Hie -co'toa.| “**t« Perf«'■r, IMn-t Allow yMiM.df 1
Yn-n And that ye Ua «l a place sritb
binwhcn It bubbled forth uucx- Add rieb milk to tbe propontea of ball whleb to never quite a* nice alter even '
-----------------------------mixtme. p:e*s
smOet'tostcAd o'tears.
pcclCTlty you were spell-bound: woo- and half, bbich. bus bei-n first sou the must careful waabiug.
Milk or Croein Toast
'ntewi and si-i v. w :'b i rouioa* ati older and re aiiKtb noarvr the «
An- ketj) the annablne gicnmto' demt saguely what yon had said that soned aud thtekenivl. nslag two Ubk-Well njade eriwn -r piMk toast U
,q,are._W<iinau> Farm Jormia!
sever huto ou ibo dark ride;
throat the sbadowu of toe yean
spooafnli at flour and the aame of
noufUbiag aud aiK.i.ii4ing, excellea:
caused It, and knew you woaU ntr
___ :_______________sunny view* of ctvo'htog; a sunny.
By lea-Uughto-.
butter to each pint of milk. For-'OU. ^
Eggless Cake.
, a-a sutvst'.«Ki fif small children li
slop trying until }-on said it again.
A Divided Cake.
tbintglit dh>'e* awsy the shadow*.
Ftdka aoBetimes fnU to auto tbe poeslGood HouMtoeeplng tell* ut- how
e«,o(m.lca! piir|g>se In
poroca. save the onion puree, season
boldly orer to ber table, beg]
SuitMtiti;'-:, a LuutcV.. j/.i find, sh.;
Cultivate «>>••
“f roniontmcnt; _
blUlles that lie
of ,iak-Ulead: but
her pardon, and asked her lo come aad the milk b.v adding a haU onion.- makedillcatccake wliboole«g*-.Egs..B*,„K„p Jr,.
lias i.Ll) Iiiiiif|lal • emmiih foi ou-- *11 dlti«»l«l aud dtottaiiriactioa Ifriag
la tbe war ysr moutb to eureW' an'
tea* <»kc. like wlnkw* tokgrnphy.l^ „,„.o pi-parcxl it I* inlilK-r wboKdine wllh me. no cartblj- reason betog Table Talk.
(3l.i- UsheWiHjali a pl'T..‘.f iiaifie- age furrows pri-mainroly to tbe face.
tbe twinkle in ytr eye:
■■ sound* ImpossIWf. 1.111 acroTOtog to,
„j,r t. liriilng.
anlflclrai why two people nboold
t. an.; grei
It ain't no mneb wbm's said ifaol buri*
............. ..
1- > -'"S
t-™ ■
Original Molten Recipe*.
' ;ScleiiUflc cooks, li to not. TTVa* to v
jonbi- Iwiler.oi It*
alone.. By tbe (Imc wc bad reached
. h-r-t.skti.giial': golrgli
xldOK. *b<. n
«■ wbul ye tbtoks lies bid:
HutlOB being frequently demsaded l“*ct«r'* college tbat a nrlie was or-'i^.n,),|
mid tin milk
cOtecAQd had learaed sketchily
'1)1 day—•werythlog .
iw.. .eClvo--. (.toeln.g .ui> t
by the bond on oac household i know. f"osl for the best and cbropiwt cake;
t,. Uiickencd Ulore It to Kati.-l.
miuu.T. a. ons *,d.. ...d a.M,..- splc •. w hich « j puuiUb cause mtiilAl wear
a ihlag to dlA
aad ccoaomy being a necessity, hto and tbe succeT.-of tbe class gave '-o. pj„,„
1.^.,,,.^ ,«Qp cormitsrth m give
Of deiTlrc you of rest..
An- amay a borne", hep' happy an- cou- ^
your i.ngli. Kc^ wife has learaed to make this ustmliy|tbc culinary worid a twow-gg tojvrj.h^.
gavor ,-t,i crown.y ron-to«;
The power of good cheer and the
U yon have Ibe grit and wit
Jtml to tongb a Uitte bit.
Carce afObaUMte La Crtppe.
Disiia Mfg.«'o.,at WjlU»mi,p.iri, I’*..!
11.0 ...
. old
FbUadrlphis lo-day. He write* from
lit] ».!rib»1r*Tl.n'.a*dcJphU.F*.:
"I write to inform,yon tbsl 1 had a
baJ attwk of la grippe U*t Iterertler
srhirh la-ted more Ihaa three mi.nii.*.
and which l(di me with eatarrh, aud
•everalof w friend* sJrierd ute to try
'Thl* U Bo ms t^ few grip enScrers yoor wnaderfa
arc able to mskokeompl.
of pliyskal wreck*.
Tlrtlmsofcalarrhof ilielicsd.aUrrb
of tiM throat, catarrh of th« luags.
ratarrhof the sUimsch, caurrb of Ibe
klducy*,caurrb of tbe pelvto organa,
are lo be oooBled by handral* of llicneaads.
itrlp to epidsmte caiarrh.andeowaUie
erod of Ghnale catarrh trithto the
wc all exert
• '*•
1 heard naythlag like It.
high-priced a ,t go a very tong way!cake, and a nc-gg viicy. Ta*i.-. dlff.T a* to tl.i-tbick. u
y sweatten worth while, and
The flret day the mut-'«*ke
' tog of the inPk.-UU the rlh-.-- of cut,e tram tbe UIHW.' Tbca she ton I* oerved beikxl with vegoiabto.! Ikro are Ibe ntcliw*: all measure.|fully ioa*i*ri bix*.l.sU....ld U- ip.icl..lv
ij,n, , 1^x10 of salted watoT
I iipttted her Boulb and sbuwed two potatoes, turnips, carrots and ontoai.,mcm» are level; turosuro flour after;
-s of peifeet teeth and did it
Tbe next day 1 deltetous Scotch broth Ulftiae: oastry flour is the ta-st foe! boiling hoi. to f..r.'ricivlng U.< eresii.
Is made from the liquor to whteb the, cake: If brrod flour to a*e<L lal..1 toll you. beauty Is nethlag
To make this, two lablCTpooastgl from each cup.
to a ..tot of loil.ug waur athi on
I Why. U I rould throw my hrod bscL. 1muiteu was boiled.
Measure butler by the teaspoooful.Morrt leas.KjonfoI to'toh aa.l w,tli
topca my mouth, and tough out baid 1sank a leacapful of pearl barky to;
corer woM .
slice *;.Tart:e1}
|Uke that girl, (he world would be one 1water
. night. The altowtng id ton cup or half a iwuud.
loC ease. Tbere U nothing that wins next moratog cook It to pteaty of waLayer cake coal* S2 crola. aslng the'qatekly remove to the lurwa to wU.h
friepd* and smooths out thedifflcul-j Hr for half so hour. tboB drain off all foHowing prtoro: Ftour at four eco-i u 1, tu l«
Thl* will
ttes of a trying life
like a happydi* 1 tfau waUT. Skim all the tot off the .a poimd. butler at 2: cents a poan.l. ^nd flavo- .all sM imps-t at) api.i tto
, Bteanor and a nserrytoagfa."
| mutton nock, then briag It to a bolt. I eggs at U cents a dortv. milk at gigh: | ja- cav o>1 bIho obviat.-* th< <too
put to the barley, add salt and pepper.' cento a qaarl. sugar al six ecato a-gvr of ciinlUng lUi- milk wbvu mIi I«
How la Cook a Few Va.
aad boll gently for three hours. Add > pound, and baking powder at <0 cant*, addvvl. ni'd If properly dtme there to
Sworn poutoes and Habhard squssb
ooafal of ebopped paisley bo- a noutri.
are best baked ia a modeiately
t fore nerving n. Tbe mattaa is serrod!
BmUT 4 cap IS tabte»pooolul*i.
ovea. Brill the nqnari) lata badve
r roU. cat to dalmy sltees, with, btoc'a
Sugar X cop.
smaller piece* and sot uprtghi'to tnc
teUy. msriKd poiaioe* aol
Eb*. ■. Bake on boar or amre. imi:i creamed turnip*. Any of the meat left
Floor. 2 cup*,
loader. Serape the lender pontoa Into over I* pat rorefally away to the te;
Baklag ;giwaur. 24 irospevaCuU.
a bsatod bowl, dtoeardlag tho brown box aad Btlltied tbe stwoad day folHllk. H cup.
; nu dangvr 01 the bread hetog loo soft,
A 1017 mull jdpeh of salt will sufllro
(or tbe dressicC
Tbbv mar mvb a trifling deUlI. b-ui -
Its omUslon greait) itettaeto from the.
qaaliiy of ly© food
Tbe n/ic wa*
given lbs- wrilor by a none famed tor
skin that fonas on top. Uaah aad lowtog to a palatable di*h called bnle^ One egg «Aho. tbe eori of; which 1
her dctkaic and carefni poetadatkai
season with batter, stji aad pepper. Ue and squeak. To the maitoa add <] 1< coals:
"of dtohee lo' lnvalM».-lrma T.’
Thl* motbnd keep* ibc wqeanb dry tew ritero of hacoa or. ham and lainm ttaitor, 'a.cop.
jjoBC*. to Taw.. Talk.
'0dnnell JSros.^
AT ClUiAELt nos.
Bvtunitol from Koaortt-r*—Uprt^tg; $133 cp
.T^itn ia exebaoKe on Pianoa. High Top
$13.00 sp. SoU <« cxtoY t»r<Bente if dnired.
Css^ F*ront
f(5nnnell ®ro0.
MICHWAN. THUIIMAY.-bCeeitteN 7. 1108.
, omr the *real uaJcHi} • aeccnlip Tor ririos tJN forlbrr po«- iliiinad'tbero^eipotodtoetottte
ttBm to wifow ta»- jB»viu«r proIKHO1100.-II urn U* tm- , «■ U bj on nmiw
sm« ' •- Bt“ preniUrir •«« tooptntloo*.
4am. Wo»l»o»d.inon><rT«T. iwnto
bare occoovd *HU> ilto past
lb* cUMiai of
are rWra ,
il ad<sii;at.4?
torn |
f.v irtUus ito
In ooiUlnl nod nio|il»tlw ia
adda fom to th* rtcpiaro^naa wba toBOROw wiU abop* A* daottarisdmtoWtTaiHe Ind) ibe «lb«- i»*r»r>i
noe tflBPtinoBt bare oat apciutf
made. Tb* eoBgrcoa atooid ^
oor land, aad v» toaiiM aCM to
poud ■■flo':**! tiy ■
nR. li
nud abnrr. and li m.v newU into beto*. TAe exixsbaoallj
----------j; i n»To o>
= <vrfmir} *u.-li i:-. «i™ end lU..
of OsloMMe lo atlMUpl 10 veot Mtccenful asooR mankind l»Te
and flrtHilj
at btafc aicnala updB aU igd,. fi rTfwnmKtrrt toat tor r*i—
vnlib «f Inlell
lineal, but lliei ! IntrodDetom
drrotMl (o tbidr •mJ.v. «at1 lti«i^
«U™ada OMaRod to iBunmie comw RTOwn a mrurtv m m>wec da a i1 »«ee
iMnoaUr to ihp wnl'T nr tlK- p '
ioa otnl it rsnrMuc
4dl v( toe el
aa a mraaorr of Imrea^d aafny to toe w rtmareo and deab ablmala ORMbb6y tWr «dBr*r» au.1 .lltTfinr*.
to Tar the uiort liouaveltoR pobik-.
| an «* Vnttad Staua. I lay ibe aatporalioa Am
:wa r rocoauneod
-------yen lor vbai 1 iraiai arlU ba
uadc* unioo ba« i-oujr in *■«;.
aken «T nid cnuM Dot Tonwee ai
I BU wMl aware nr itie dlfilnimi'o nf : _aa inOeed tbe rltaUr
abir r«wU«atl<ia
«»n do ond liAK dooi- 7<«t «n>id.
maxlmnu mie. toendorv rovld not liroTtde aialnn.
llx' leslatoUoD Ciai I am •■neeeHUuc i rr-tbal to I a
broogbt be-I
dioold be rnrarNl irn looR •« 11 dm and at Uw aaed o( tnutprrau- and l■ao• | wbkb rate ter..........pae
Wamaai Wha Wertu
the U «r a reaaou. |b*y ban- beeooie an aerhiaa nod menadAodleotkai toe aafetyA wv, a-,»-_,eail to m
Into full effeet. nrt»le. l grtn* u lo dwnaitd enllpety new remotleoa actios Ui xvnrlnR li. 1 abooW ! ablellmc
I ibtcbrd wbnv II nm nsnknX Jaw sod
1 dn- II la la to>- luiec^t of Itie beat
asalm>1 UDDTOfKr- i to review by tbc coun<
Land Ibe
•fin. diet
Ij- raiUeal ••r linat.v
r DO lew Ihali of toe pubUc j ^
• ibe Rreai
tolug to iP> In to deal
All prlvaioear
.Tumeaul lu |
aim« au r^
««, .,e now rngaaed In salnM
no nOier (onionUnDa enangod In tor boatoeaa of tefrteecalor rt» .
I ^
j quMUsoof liilenialre^inoni^-iillliwfalctl
I nU In tooiihl la- exptwady |>in maler toe
Ibe eoncrew ba» the |K»vr ' ' '
mransR* of Ik.-. <> lant. Ibv ImOM- tierrlalon of toe taterxair «<aiuDe«.T
iMCiua to aKimnuii In lni|K>rb»ke tor ! jiatt; and inoal {irawaiUK orwd no Tar ni
niinlUr body
aiaileror ende*vorlusto)eH-un'|Owi>.*j |eg|..^llivu la oua-rtoed U ilie wiart- far a» ratea sod agreemeBi
ICBiMtont aa It U raal and
ladii«rlaI><MdJlioiw uniler abMi toe] neui Into law of nome m-beme to ae- ly affeotlnR ratea
A. nm* la Dtod at fall
Indlrldiiala. and 'eiqimally Ibe fr.-at 1 ,Ti,e i„ ibe aceiKa of- Ibe govrranirtit prira
on vMeb to base actlM
ioierKUi* 1*uI-(m»c1i natmvuIoo awl tvcidailoii of the
a arr In art. ITic makrtn of o
ram rtoir)t.rf by liir railroad* of th.' !
roirntry ensmted In Intemmie tr^ a* .
,or*«»«il. J«t imhber iwi.ale
ly toat l|ie ntralailoo of inleratate com- nball ntmiwarily and eBt*-llrely jir.- car* DorlnduitiTal rallraada unr «|iur .*.r,.walloB toat wttoe* to do well from 1 the ln»o*cknl
taio tadnatry la working ebaa^
mrree tonobi come within tbe iqilim- of i-cnt Ibe ItiqnXnoD of unjt».t or unreadtat^Dce to toe domestle aad
abooM be utillied as derleo
for tklita driven Into doAiig Id to order to !
toe tnural BOTeniitieut. Tbe argu- aanalde nie*. ] I udkI Indmle iHmlae ira<A*
life of tbe BBtloii. Tbe dicwil
aerariOR ptefeit-atlil
snenu In fnvor of tbelr takins Ibl.
aad •oportally to tbe blctb
In kloe rharsen or in mlleope ..r In
rtacMeat with n. Wo
*” tbe d<* , »n >«Te**e I" the nuinbw of Inapedcotortdm'with
f, for rtfrlaerallnf
^ n,,ion ,6**
-------------facta, aad too
late rale*, like an alniUar imwera over
toe bnabirm world, nbonhl be exi-rciacd bate In any olber way. So low.-r raic losIoQ toat toe nandird of i^ts ^
1 adjtntmni
bOBlBCM aResele*, iwnall.r mnwrali- to with Bindenillnn. i-aiillon ainl nelf reHear* of Libar of fUileoad Kmoleyeea. ^e made. b« ihwtRp U- d
lOioold apply on iwoda I»pon.'l ibtui JiHigtog any bnatoeoa or political qneaform. RxfuTlcBre lia* *liown eMKfii- j alniUit. Inn It abeukl
actoally obtalna on •lomoall.' Rood* iloo-from tale leglsUllon to mnaletoal wbleb rallnmd emptoyero to train aerr- recta on family bfe
Ilf* toan 1s
now too
ilrNy tbit U la tt«elei« to try to get | cn be effeeilvely cxei»H*r4 wl
lu---------from tbe Amerkan aeatmard to Jeotl- goveaunrat Boatoeae sueotsa, wbelbI Tmti, kmee, ;ltna any adojnalr frcnbUton
rrenuition ana
and suixt
cud arlant.
are to many coara antdected la alto «aae. TbU wbUe matter la natty
natloD except In. case* wbm* water er for the lodlrtdtial or for Ibe nation. aIn*matter
........ ................ ereal eorporailoua by] Tlie lit'.! conalderaUon to be ki-pt
which may well engage tbe forma eo* of Ibe- Rraaim
h toe rooirolllna Infli
te. An;
stale ncOon. Itorti ndtftllail.in aiKl >.ii-; gjiuj j, tiwi (be |iowi
1 la* ,
sertant attmtloa of tbe migma. The piMtomnl of our lime.
r and devetops i
; penlslon can only lie eSeefleely enT-, (biuMiri. and (boald I* klven to »ou>e
rMHiMEtc. .
deed liT B •overelFn
whose loriadlcllnn I
ireretan who
IXMly fTraled by iIh* ,
,.,,,1* mcami In InlerMale boale vrtih Ibe a
Is pobaps toaoire tiwc need ample dam. ^toto4 -ftb toe ■wate and Hoesa of D«pr*•! lentale .t
iMDor. that pots an tonedinate value oo
Her than that wbleb exists tn any ed lo a soae and ocieBtUlc aptrll In tbe
•; rrorpiiilae liitemiaie eommercr e
mere wealth, toat makes a man nitli- ntber iDdnstry,
of aa ethauallve tavratlnOM.
•iml-Uou, I
loMi and eooBcleoceleiw to trade and roasoDs for llmlUag byy law too bODta
K ;*n»i» «raat pro^U. rnfloobtcdly
lotaible. It will j
believe is tbe p.vemn>.-m lulerweak and cowardly to rlilicntolp. I* of labor to pay employ.
Obly are employer aad empleye* MMb
•(bwa'glil be ebb and sow In awdi
E .:««4lr. md tola abb and Sow win lie
talnly lie nereaaary nltln-.nlely to [
with iirlvate btulne*. more Ihpu In tola way ran vlolatkoiit or evaskau not a good thing at all. Inrt o veiy bad lalBly apply with pecnllar force lo tbe catad. but ataa a toM party-ibe
i« or Im by all neaiber* of tbe
naptaymeui of ibosc npon wtoos.- vtg- cral public. Bvery ronaldenbls ItMr
^__I___ *«»* boto tr too -^dervioR and tbe naUmal Bnvemnient by a proper p,vemuit»i xunlenakiag imy work lem of exaiuloatitai «t railroad ac- stands for maabood flrat and for bail- llaare r.od alermera la tbe perfoeui. dlfflcnliy to which tolorauie aom*^
oesa only sa an adjODct of raanbood. I aneenf tti*lr dntk* the aafWy of all Is torolred abonld be tevestigated MR
iT^tbe iindawmnR. A*alnK toe wraiti of
of Ibe eoiwlllntlon. >■ . viiicb <«u with progiHi-iy lie left. In twi- eonuta abonld be provkled similar
Tbe question of traiispbrtation Ilea at
\‘ltoe Lord toe wtodom of man .-annoi Would obrloiKlr t** nnwiac ta eodeave
It nelibrr do 1 iicth-re Ibat onw. eondueted into tbe ii.-ineoal
toe gormupeni a^ toe farts sAtMRy
banks by tbe bank examiner*. A few
'.araM: to Umm of flood or dwawbt bn<, If Ibey
Bt. -man inaannlty can tort partially repair la certain tliat the rranlt eannni be ob•m- question of secartaR a boalAr.
f • dhodUaaim. A *«etal tollnre of cm» Utoed under Ibe Moslllutlou a* II bow dent that abnsea arc -ure lo oWaW hod proper dlreeHon and proper an- Las tJkcn place dnrtng ilte la*i lull
aeJf reapecting and mntnally «
'*■ ' :afgald hart an of «a. ARdln. If toe fdl. la. Tbe law* of Ibe eonarrm and of toen-to uuleu Ibtwe Is giivemuirutal tbnrtiy to Iiwpeet iKxik-* uDd |>aper*. .-oniury bas l•ceIl tbe lousl liDiatuat
Ibrtle attlinde aa betwewj esapM^
Ibe iWtoidge <!f an c
-ir or man mam toe «ee«ral well brine. tbe aereml "late* hltberto. a« pasKOd suponUlou. Il Is not my prurluee to .sMhI ae.-<anplfa>b nmrti In prevenllnR fnetor la too growth of Ibe new Indus
emptayre. rapimOM and w^
u Ulful riotationa of lb.- law. II wooU trial ennditiuna. Most empyati.-ally wa Ptaye**- llahllliyr la«- for tbe Ulsir
iftani torn wbo an> lenoaent onto-f(d.
---------lee here
t.M be neeeiwan- f^ ih.-ot to exam^ .1. .... .i.h <.. s~. <K* m(n of areat of Coinmhln au *
;iy will Itoro to pay part of toe penalty
of tbe'tabor problem prove difltaab
for Id* tal- renewed ihst i
iv30T*« by ttone «to> are RtoHy of too
power ta 11k- mailer tl.an llutl the Uuenlloo of Ibe congress lo.-enaluex- Inlo tbe aeeounis of any nilirwl
talents refneed tbe rewi
wbcB anpraacbed. bnt tbe nadertyiag
iloonl RovennneDl has power; *« i.tUigeoodliJoos wilb wbleli H Is deslr-i'“f lb»d
fdOy. A panic beoURbt on 1-y tbe aperenl*. Pilll less do we wish to see bltu tneaaage t.. tie
I, toe root prtortpW, to >e.
«.-----10 deal In niv Jndginent, Ibe | do so by Ibe lutentale commrree eo
tbit. there
existt a very nnIkOatoU bnt we ilo desire It . see tbe U It* Hemnd n
nmurr Miy of part of tor
system of railroad Irauxortolton » teaicd Ibe anal
'nHM impoftont provtaiou uUlrti surti |
......... by I landirt that tbe strong man Xiall be sloo to wake a c<
law aUouM eoauln I* tUal eonren-lne ] 'l-t aom* way tnlRht I.* found
advantage over ihc weak nt waltaro. tbOBfh U tolRht be severe. ’ an interntaie l.n^lnea* oempy the po- uisMi some romiK'lenl mloUnikiraUvi' , which an a -eement aa lo tronsporta,p |a,nro at fair IreatsroBld Wd be ItatloR. In tbe Uma nut ^ slilna of aobieeta wllhant a sovereign, l«xly to.-|w» erlod.s-l.lr, ni~-ii tor case *l»“ wllhin state tolended to operate :
to* cam rtui factor to toe pemuneot neither any rtale (wrentment
tbcNg law eoremag tne auDject. appueawo to zZJj....
bring liroaght brfnro It. whetber a gi ten
hi, .
city, for tbc amiU sLIpiKT fa for ibe aU toduatrtaa wlthto tbe atepe of tbe
' I by a nllroad is reasonrtty oft toe cotuitry ta ibe biRli, i
bta ■»=*»'
aoctal poauuw.
In the «ld days tbe bigb- federal power. I Iwipa that tneb - «—
•» »*
ladlrUMl toaeoetcr df toe arerage | eonirol orrr tlwm. Our steady iilm
BDd if Il ta found to be
, -AmmtMn srirtar. Ibe •wrar* Amer- ■ abonld he by k»iainiloo. eauikwaly and
IdaioL to j ahlpmeols of tolerstale traflta an
MU inMir so iffttoW Wbetbar Ms; carefully wndenaken. Imt reaolatety
; Hr amen In all rank! «T rife.'
' YM be Bestal nr BlAtml. wbetMr be pemereted in. In nwri tlie naverelcnly
- IvjfliDd ' trolled l-y «*-*e<-aa1on« on parely
UT*rtonr<-d lo to" puMI.-- aufi toe traf.
I.... I-.....S
eopltalleu. tbelr asWiluma ogfi brotfll;. Ao .foramr or YatHrlntof. boslneai o( tbe national government by afitnna- whl.-h It nball not be lawful to go-ibo 1| bmlncs*.
wliltb of
Qc. nlmig It was free. .M prv.riil toe
iiy may take toe fegm «f baiil tnAUmtxIitiumreasoaaWeratc. nali iseom- I an crnXnn of the ia«. fbe commit- railway Is tbU btfhway. and we inoM
feronee to anBectog. greedy dtaKgaid
eoforce fair jo e-ur bcxio see toat It is k.iu open |
tnolily called-this decUloa to g.i Into ! rton should Lave power
U nor todoatitU and Mrtel ayatmo
<4 orery topral reotratol srbleti lator..........
toe IbtoretoB of all men are •« elomdy
TWa i. ODlT to forat'aa tonorali-m,wllhto a rrosunable lime and to I ireatm.-jil Ly the great trunk llaea
^,^1 lernu. Vnlike
tbe cM Mwi-Tliia i Otll rMlliJMlt llT
fereo with toe acnimataUoB at woaUi
that to Ibe---------------- t* «.s*tsn;«. It h. merelv a rpsiuraitoo. I oblala from thence onnanl, subject in ; lab ral nod liraneL Hue*.
Ulelrany. It 1» n very dUBcult uud .-olE-. "**”**”_^ Wm^ — ■
and ecu t”-*-'------------------- —
ta anlwunee It h merel} 0 re^raik^ retb-u
_ _ ^by ----------1 iiiwe tmon ibe cougro-* toe need of ,
.tin,. ,o msnnge, and It 1* far Iwtan Wha WaA DtoOMei.
)«MT of raasn a atraigbt deaUng man ______
toe earilMi lime sudb Kgula_
____ _______
r. If they are taborwa, tbe form
yabo by toa eCcMuT. <7 Us ingeonUy tluD of imloairial ortivlilrs lu* l>eeo happens at preaeo
lebulUtticocctalonlodeolwltotb* .4 laiioro*. of sultan *««T of lb* mac*
o eommeree o
a favorvd
. oad todnaor. beaaftti Umartf moat racugnUed In toe arttoo of toe law- looblgh. hut that _
- - sUpper
........ ta
ip of iwobtam. vonnert- Tortnoate owl of wlUtocaeM lo peroMbMedLotosn. Normally tbe man maung ladles, and all tiitl 1 propose given loo low « rale. lu such case the ! these utIU-rs. w-Lolber
___ ._____ __________ -----------too ed moK or leoa dlmlly with wbai l> torm have the right to fix rab-s for tmusiuriullon < • f..r M.elBk .a, .oudltloa that Jusih-e
I <rt mat mditaUTe nimeny wbo be- la to towK to- eUauged rourllil.s
. ent, known oa tbc labor question. Tor to Ibe Soeb eooda.-l ta Just i
rale ! or ft-r bandllng jiropeoy » eommodi-1 pm,ijo. it u locana.-. to my
■ rttii by gntdlBg tbe labor of >ueb itmiiuM- u* will prevMii »he
II would need ' ties in iransil. 1
_ _ «ff illrnads
U blRhly gnat majority of case* xbroe probtama lu ooo enac aa to toe-----------------to- case* ! pnldlo owacnhlp
many .Uisr mco doro oo by eoabltog moiiweoltb ntall.-ntinc ibe l«wer It La*
uwhwlnblc and would probobLv to tiita must be deoH with Ur tbe stale and Lemeot and faiweelng men aboold Jato
dboto to prodner more than tbey eoold
vays poMMMX. not only in tbi* conncooBtry entail far rca.bliigdtanaier Ibat uot by tbe national govenuncal. Jhe : In wantag agalatt II wbatwrer it M>nftKn sritoont bla gtodance, and iKHh Uy. l>oi also to Bugtand l.erorv awl
I wlrti 10 see anefa aupv-rrlsloo and rag- natiouAl government Ms control of ibe ' come* mtairesi. Individual eapliaUat
b« Md they abaro to toe l«meat. wbleb sla.w this eunntry Im-atne a wi*ir>ite •.r tbe prartW ..f giving Inipn^wr minulaflon of them to Ihe tolereet of the; nuirict of Culomhta. however, aad It, sod IndlvldBal wsgewoeker. coepoeaKl
swmu obw lo tbe pnbllv at lane. Tbo natlou.
iBuni retos. t rail yonr atteiitluo lu
public aa wUl make It ovUrol that-should «ce to It that tbe rtty of Waah; Ikm and union, are alike eoUltad to tM
tlwMbcna ltikTact tbitniy propE«alb»not
toglve '................
weapra fix Ibe 1
smmtlcW fact toat tbe abartng may
It bas 1>eea a _
inmate or { ibooe wbooe purpose It Is to violate tbe (bero la no need for public ownenhlp- < ingtou is made a model City ta all re-1 i<nrtectkrti of ibe law aad janat oBke
.be nnenal mmd
mat taw* on UiU subject bavi-bUbermderlying fact Uiai there la toll ahar*
.wfclaaie rate* generally, iml lo regn- t law.
' ibe oppoaesta of Rov.-ramrm regnU-i «pn,u. both as rafatd* |•■rkl^ pablk-] ••l«ey Ibe taw. UocwiTer. to addltlmi to
ioi aad toat toe beoMt cornea toNe Haclilily to Railrooda.
I tion dwell upoa to- diScchir* tn be' piaypouada. proiWT regnlattoo of toe 'uere obedleace to toe taw oaA maa.
ratber Hum an ofllnunllre kind, nnd lali- a rale aln^ody llx<d or urlgloated ’
eaeonnlered obd toe Intrteale and to-: system of boustog an as todo away ]
If be be really a good cAtiaeo.mnat
degree to eorti man .-oocmied.
still mace ibal ibej have to part sought Ly toe road*np-.n eomidaint and .nftef i jj.i of tnoai earnestly say Ibat these I
naally tbe wamrortaw, the ma
10 iwoblbll wbal eouM not tw effcllve- Inveallgativu.A heavy |wnalty >buaU ; nvoniaeadaUoua are not made In any | volrod aaOire of toe problem. Tbelr trlLh tbe cvlU of alky teswmeota. a I ebow igoad sympatoy ftobta a.
On-I vooteotiOB U irae. it ta a eotopHeated ,,roper ayatem of sOurattoa. a proper j und gL-enlue ueslr* to look at ai .
. amaV maana and tbr average camani- ly pnblUicd and have to isirt lu tUHr I*, exacted from any eurporatioB wiileli *|.li1t
er aa well as tbe average prodtierr aw IwobUtlltous .-oufonwled whsi sbunM TiiU* 10 re*|>ert an onler of the r.immi* "iLleil gronnl
Rhl.' and drileate pretetem. and all klu^ of .yMcm of dealtog with trnaiMT nod Jn | ttau arUlnc belwew UiM tram tbe
on aUke helped by mak-tag eoadittans be allowed aud what slmuld liirt.be al sloii. I Tvgnrd ttil* |awer to establish Korii tawliilty '
ami; tiacnlUes are tnro lo arise la ecmaec- virolle offeadets.'a proper bandllng of
•vb toat toe man of eaceplkmal baal- lowed, It ta tmerally usrh-ss to try a maximum rale ai Iwlng eoaniUal to
with any |dan of solution, while ,5* (bailtablo wort: of Ibo DtaWel.
. am BldlUy recOrai an oxcepihuial i
to problhll all irolratoi on campellllan. ray W-hnne of real reform to the mil fti we most MBvmlwr Ibat such bos- no plan wlU bring all toe beaeflu Uorooviw. there should be proper foe- eosealtal that rapKalM and wagewsrbrwatd for bla ablUly. Bometolag c
(„ p,«reni ,n .bosei la the <T abonkl commit freely *M srtlb qbe
whether tots p..tralni ta- nwiouable or ter af i-Hlla-ay ccgulniloa. Tbr llrrt lUity wpuM tell agaiast toe welfare I iKiped for by Its more .<|>liiutatic ^
,10* done by kRbdaUoa to bt4p tbe g<
iteivsisU} ta lo sc-nre K. ami uule** It nut lueroly of eom* few rldi men. hot --------------------------------berents. Moreover, nader any bealtoy. miploynivnl
of------------------------------women and ebUdren •- otber; aboold each strive «• brtag rto.
and where
*. .. .
ml proopertt) . bat bp aoeb help of
will .*a.-Alnn
develop ^Mrtnat.
gradual. - -------------ni.irlet. Tbcte will be useful chief- i er the day wbeo both sbaU Mttae tbai
less II ■< georfulh' Lurtfiil. Kveiii* ta granled to the commtaslen Ibere I* ■„ niullUnde
small ,______
.. rlsn toe Iwnellt* .rOI
permaaratly beneBelaJ ebancter o
have shown that U 1* am p»«n,le a.h^- > >l>tir uw to looebtog tbe ail.Jeet at nU. ; mnimude
railway em|.loy»e«. wage ly and not rapidl.v. Imslly we moat j,. „ <rt.Jvrt lOMoaa Imt even tola limit-! Hwy ar» fir«(wrlr partam-and act
be Rlra to toe lews able and lene for_____ tbe -taarly onderati
•■•rataodlliattoepuuh. KTV.|^.j
„«.felue« wonW beof eoemies. To approach ttw qoeMtaas
eiy 10 seeme the enforocim-nl of ,
Evaatans oY lha Law.
werkera. and mosl sevwvly agalatt
twal* flare at to* wanlta of a pollry any law of Ihta klisl by toeesaanl ap
the imblle a* a whole. I bo-' "BIk wbo are to do this peeultarly rm 1 ^ „.i,iom| value.
toevluMy artse bMWeen ttaSM
,ranaacU.«i* ofleu oc-ur on t toi.wt of the
.wbkb Mali iBure to tbe adraatage or pral lo toe
on the wtadc our railroad* ' •‘Ponslble and dolltoie wort most. Tbrre Las Iwvu dmnaud for depriving solely from
The ileiiarlinrol of ,i,.r tbc forma of law. It.har
■U todoatrlew end eOeMil people «
well and not ilk Lot the, toemsrtve* be of tbe blgbct type lioto
each Okie to toe mats as the enemy ^
’or the Uat 1<
art deenrtJy. aad tide ta onLr another
wbo wish to do well
as regard* Uitegrlly and
and eartency. ’
dl-putra. «oeb *pr<.-tal
tbe other aide to the ma^ Is ba»
aUeniloB lo.
.way of aaylbg that any henrtll wbkb
toe anlUrutt V
.-ommodliv aa.1 then iifier it • sLoiihl not be exiiosed to .-ouiiatiikm , They mn-t Iw well paM. f.w oOxTwtae
p„,r*ra of uur courts wicked and fooUoh. Inibepartlbe Boat
comas 10 toe leaa abia and le«a fertuauitUtog else. Mneh La. loen fl<-,
a,,',q*o' rvdoelhm ta' wl'b
"''o b*v.. no su.-h desire. ■ ahleiDeftranwt
' would 1«- mutt tiawla-. II 1* iniethsl dirafol amanc tbe tofloewaa srtatab
atat* muatofbeeeaahyoooeeTonmore
l>anlentaH.r narki'l lia*
jj, (jk- rale to take effect Imme- and •>*- only n ay to secure tlita i-ud ta ; ruml. and they mu.<t j«j«»e»s a wrty
ijnve mUitacd tbta power. Uve lip-nght bIooI tbe downfall of
e able and more fortonatt. be«« tbc- Dornl ege<-t of tbe pro*e<si
arrangeuu ut re*nliing lo ’ to Rive to s.*aii- povernmeai tribunal | probity whUb will revolt as quickly at
Justify a deuiol of the , rrpoblle*■ Las e*
ei it !>«•« the growth of
•U, tberefere, toe leoa fortnaate
Ilona. Imt 11 ta torrroalBgiy evident toat the ni^t of the one sLlpper and to*-! Ihe rawer to
that Justice la done I Us- Ihonght of imndwag lo aiti W
„ Improper ixj ihe ctaas splrti. tbc growth of the aplrtl
«n«TS4 to rttry of bta more (ortoaaK
or uud
uw to
oa toe
iper of s ,.v ,h.-unwilling exactlv a. It ta gladty | of popular rMndkv agalatt rich wen
qf ,n^
,» raH . Mrik* Ly i obleb tends to make a man suboidltbiev will Ik- a very lu*uffl<-h'ui lienc lueprwt
e railroad
bel ihHie by tbesrillmg. Monovcr.lfsome. as at toe thought of aaytolag «■«>
a labor leoder would Jnstlfy Hie denial uate ibe wrifare of fbe |nibUe as a
tWtl teoill III toe way of ^amomle
,.«„urtilor*: for u u.ita.
dtr wbk* they hate boto. toongb ua................. at i go'erument loily 1* given toCTWwd tnotely te*emMlug subservleticy to rteb ^j y„, ^jiit to strike. The remedy ta | whole ro tbe weKare of tot-jwrtM
: ........................................
ihai lhe big Sblmara
wqnlBty. preapared. the rasult will asdevice toevoU.-toe law inmietllap*
,.yilroad,aw.T toeeffert willII ta-to
' to reguiate tbc proeeduP-by reinlrtng, ruw to wbkb be hekrnga. tbesattoa
ta- to furatah
furnish an-! men.
•nradly be that while damage may
matter ui
ot *v**.*v^
ratatra. Tbc
taw ), iborUative
un behalf of the“vT?.* 1 1 the Judge to glte due i.oticr to tbe ad | ,|«, of loyally lo a ctaas tor tayaHy'
lu xDi* msivc*
Ju.- M«
aome ta toe one atrock at It wtD ritlt
- - wbeaever
111 elaiuor
Bnc while I fully admit to* dUBcnl. verse parth-s befcee grsnii-is Ibe writ,
nalhm. Thi* InerltoUy
Ibe same purpose, wbnt I* need-;
make It etaor so tont uMkhIv - rallToail
Wy b'
(wtib aa erra beartar leod tbe ooe wbo ed ls not kweeplng prohibition of etvey '
wUetw-ver tie* |n the way , I d^
bcortog to be ex jan- If toe ad- [
a t*ndeney lo inrot -eoA
j-mu rugslniu it 1« raised
wbttta tbe blow. Taken aa a whole.
P*** or toto wWe^ may , ^ coinmiaalon laki «» frolgbt ship- vbaegea oadc agalnx i v dtajiroved.
.................................. ‘
" veroe part
«o bis mertta 1
D IndlrMBBl. Ml
(we maat aU go tip er go dowD tocHber. tend lu restrict
i-DupetilJou. l>m
us to atopplag In our effort to oeettro a aad place ordered. TVhat iwduc DoUrv , I bta poallioi
adeqaatc supervision aud regn!
wtae aad Josi syateia. They ahooM must depend npoo (be
tala elasa in th* ec
as will preveni
bare no Other effi-ct than lo tpnr na oa rase, l: abonld not ls> oaed
; ecK.100. a fro* fas*, fwlnced ia«eu- est of to" honest nUrrod n
petlllan from belog tc
to tbe eierciac of the resdnUoa. the text to permit rlulatiaa nf law
handed Justice aad tbe fertility of
toe pnbllc. as well a*
a»I rsgntation as a
CiR <My Be PltaJw>| BHrcM hj>
isaot al- Om SpMt hMli ASCdH^kflii
to othro firtito Of activity. The task
* Tet. while nol meesiy admitdag. but
BVeb It Naa Bmg^flmlgML
lll■Ullng npm> tbta. It ta also troe that BO means tbe only ooe. I. ovcrvafOim> the tradition* a great et»e and uhOerllea tbe usk of
grows ap la thta re> BhaU always deollug with toe wbok- lodottital pnb.. witara thee* ta >o rwertimetrtaJ leI made pnbllc II will nHlmttrty prora Cntal to
‘ta roalLv Mm-kntaU i:h'iaLir allow- «-e haw tub
KxAnt or superrtalcn aom* of the ex"hwtld Iw Mopped, tor toiy have
to Ibe past It baa prvwod Mni
d evils It brings in its tr n' fo-' . uow grown
ramat os to Mttok-1
a wm ibetr epergleo 8 '
to miL an extrat toat they
la wtdeb tt baa be
rmrapltaUiattaa often n
*u svs'v
any effort to make inf
>bg irom
from use
the a**r*u*f*
attempt to
aoirc a*. At , _
tr ot genernl labor rmi- earn.'doiotosau t'aless weraottoao lu
l luvltos l■R«Ine** lanlc. 1
or treat eealempra present we face anrb utter Lack «f oa-1
keei< a qttlefc sad Lvely rouae of tbv
ooeeals too B
ously any mw
mae be is poor. t»V
0ca> ruudaaieuul intUi that oar can
» the scecral .era ta with the Indlriduat wartb of
Judge a man t<y bta eorrtDvt-lbat to.
. Ut^y forced tot.
^ „ ,
toe Indlrtdoal 1
terost payment* whlcb ta a fenHeesnaa | rttrod by aa honest agreeoieui among by hi* cbaraeier-aad not l-y. bta
le that wield them a* to make it a - Improper rodortlnn to or Ilmll.Hon toe rallroa.ta ^*elrra_ to
wmlih or lalellect. If be Mkes hi*
rlj rake toio oecouat the rartoos problem,
- boU toe pto.-*^ qnertlon of child labor
see of boeswlty to fflve to the nor-; <
fortme bcBsaily. Iliere ta no Just eartse rtwtae they were left al toe meti7 of
- damages the smaU to- "><•
S””* “ ffeoeral agn
To raD at ueoonected^It ta troe that tbroeprobof quarrel with him. Indeed, we have wtiscvnpu^
^-that 4^^ toe^werow^ rartoe. dtaeouragra U
tortfl and eoeour j
.«y oae trtg shipper aoiblng tal tbe klndllen feeltoga of
emoog our pe*jph- go not eorrespotol
idaiiraHon for to*
eat) by toe smtot tbemael.qa. but U soil, linlesil. nm ax Hgbt angtaa w tiniianr effeeat* power of
any. whether
be w*U for toe natioo to en nnes of rteotage srbtck diride oeeapo
-r some riTsL . man wbo bebare* deeesi
dtaboaesty wbito
be la.
has uia
madk bta a.
IwLalldtagor **“ ’*”^_*°
«taa*or to aeeara and pabUto campresou soen agrremem wraiM msse *w nv
ftaaro a baoltoy aartal aad tnduidrtal
moeata to won
from oeenimUoa. wbkb dlrtd"
-- socn a eynem ran only cos>e turoaga h,^ve toftraattaa aa to toe ental- tom
we. every bic corpora^ Nmnld be
[ tallrood* thonpetre* agroii* for eo managtog
wageworker* from rapHaltaa. Tatoaera
tloss of toe tabor of ebUdraa to tbe from hankm. nseu
, foroing toe taw. The power vested t goods orro that railroad.
tauU mega*
» aurerolgB atnog eooafta
>1 to pat a *tm> to sgtee- road mro and big abtyfisr* ore ototply
from moa oftarge loaaai. Btoa wta fire
IM ecadnet. I am ts ae aai
s to .tbs grtrlmeat cd tbe pablkIn tbe towas from men who Bee to tto
-AK- »oa say actual sttcrtal cell 1
In ay annmti awsooge tn toe rtfry*
have dervlepcd to n extrootgimry de
to (arpeeattaoL This ta oa
aa oge
age amy go tbe poMle. Until to* nathiciai!
country, for tpe rttal Bne ot ehmtato
rtaattaa. aad any effiut Top**- smimineot obtotoa to amne
nhti Iw tsravr 10 iiermlt under roectfirJ
is tbe line wbleb girtgm too boMn .
called attoottae -to tbe areeastty fw
republic a* eon tbe <me
sapert Won They ai
ae wID be r> rt only
m of toe congrrsi maysnd *s.Woi and
wfV by bi»
tbeatoof blocfc toat «a entaOR affmg to a^Mrt ta Me mo -Ytefl
1,1^ ogroeiBcett rtearly
t of tbelr fdtow cUtaeot of fmoltar n
(QaallaMg a
CBB- tbe pablk. 8«t. in B7 JodgiM. toe j T
' I too euattmpt Tor ittp wtMi the^«|
ilisRecNioeiAiti<istttte’i..i a.t ~ . ««» a *,«
,; “,r
r.! "■STKi.'S.^rri.rr.^r
HnnCiMliw af AiaMsUain
iiBins »TU m«wncb!S~-~^^
tiB «»&*»»? Vrr>1prf|fa>iro/wj-irrfe. TWhrtfi
mm^s muu
wrt n»t
1 r»Wl DM* ^Ba^TKTTttr®
tflerMa alout tbe Io».t
^—<*1—• raJtad SOW. allar- %2LT«E ibe >U-laa**i. !a carJ^aer wftk
to ‘
!• V—
* <Aan- N; TVe rtTll ikPTlt^ taw N «■»
Itto topartttUT rof«T«A.a»«
‘i. i«
«ii all lamk^y. rtevioi tnaKi M ataoiv aocsWAL Eununa-;
toOd J* ojwNN^i a»
!—«j to ito to»p
m> »<U-»x» A»rteu><&^
Harabaat MariM..
NAvu nuntwt i j
ld iba totpp ira toe»«slrp.
tortniai lack of tratotoc or It
ottor rtva. Madam waniilpa
_____fonaldable pankaBtoma wt
( tbat WttI attti-re (be waU toodlfd. bot thay are imarly i
RtalQ afp baa toa wbto tot wall bamOad. awl rttay
teadkarti to .asiiol ba baadtod at all wHbmil kmc
ami camful imlitla*- llil. tralnktf
wk» oMo war baa brobau «i- So
of «ba irat Uaaa abonbl
palMr abd bar a
a wba bam ttacbad a
bPbl«b a
t Ibp bid
B (ba moat pawerful
.d It am to maM a
ly la tot only «o larlia.
ba a imalalf -agart lo altolMia G
a«M idBcarl of m«mbla Aaitob
^ pawaaa to apatttl aSdavT.
>aa an Inaraaaa In Canal Artmarr-
If (to oactn and man are tot ttorly-jkUtod b> and ban* mat —
tisbiy tntaad to tbelr duti
_____1 ba far bettar to kaap (be ablp.
traam M apodal la peat dartBcbaetlUdm duta to
toed far aa toct^^
tbtoi acainai a tonaMabla
for (be rea^ o«dd oaly be that (bey
la boUi iba at»y and nary ibam
d bp aKbpr lunk or raptand. Tba
ba tba acton tb«o«|b trelalaf for doty
smaotolp of our nary la ac
. littaaOdrmrpatolBtboflMiUactlto.
wbola to a «ratlfylne etodltlao.
,-;jOBly by aacb tmlalac la adranm can
tbaro baa brea a ctmi Inprorawa M ton
la actnal war dald «p•ratloQi and Cbiaa at aaa win ba rarTbcra «oald ba an litcwaae li “
». tm. to to tta toodkal ddtottB
ba adoptad. eafanod by antoi.l»ai I'Pn'; than we im
trr tbp •mrra M ttiP^ wn
<bP ««PP f<wiL-pe In tbP «
bacacpd In (bP paa«cau(pr btudnme ro
otarrrra lu ^ai Arttb tbr taw wbtrb abonbl«» torrmppil.
ly for ampla tarflel practice.
Ida I«mwire of eeaty kind ai ice.
mamU atoiatltata for romparatlrely laadAtont ty«e-(be*dd (bud piaaa battiiMp T«aa. (ba dacle laireted mentt^bare mmlMtoO and Indertoe moBliora and aama of ibr old
MaCcartoOftbaaany. latbaatodira]
MaailMMaCtbaiiarrtbadroi lalia77^*11. to ibe fWtoBMattan of tba
SSm-M^c an tba Uaea or (ba dall^ar m 48. aSM. rab. 1. tMii and
MM laapuftlimmT-T of (be durraeat
<(—to at flto toadlml oacara to aaat
amaller tarpade boau.
iweanit raagraaa there need be oo additlem to (be aggregate umnWv of
nalta of tbe navy, (lor aary. tbaagb
nar amall lelattrely to Ihe nnviee of
oOer ■.tomo, ta for tbe pr<wPDt bbSrteat to pUat of aamber* for oar necdA
BiM, while we mast rwoBtaatly ftrtte
anby mm mmwr abaaM haw
to make Ha oactaawy bigber. there need
•toifbaMadrU toab-raapartr
: l>a DO addittana ta (be u(ai uumbar of
-'. RMbMIbaMmiHataan ba e
■ taOW built and Indldtog nve to
way of aub«ltnaaB aa above out_____ ■ TW bnna bmpltala at (be tiooB
I mammend (be report of tbr
(BIT «E (tto wary lo Uw eniefnl
dPtaltaa of tbp conarrm, erpet tbe legWatton
'aglidl «M«a of (be anv and navy
Dnrtog tba pait year erldenre baa accamalatad to raotras (he expreaahtoa
ooBUtawl to my lam two aimual meatogawmeiit wblA Mam aa to (be I^Metanee of (eriatog
l.y approiatote legtatattoa our ayatem
MBMI7 to perform toe mndleal oarvtan to Mma of panea. *> naod toen
1 maaaly
mm battatotalto tba
Mmea tewnUlDf
- df rnattry medlanl aerttoa.
artod .tto moteetotm
: or nalawful
' Om aary toato. iwiatteely to the
Siam (ompaaed of aa oAeer of tbp
Ttaa of dtoar baWma. alwaya be at
Itameat of male, of (be difiartBPat of
inattee aad ........................................... —
mem and labor, baa dlatoaned tbe
•«l—« to»« it anddm. anbmit-
r S*:S“:
■arnl to toCTPly mtaWPPtol Wtol
ferlildr tbcoi lo «to«an«e -r eolh-li
a Qaoatlap of Em>R»tim bp*d of dJtmimadt aa
tonnlcntkw to tba fi.llr.1 Ktnipn. ,
a« a T>«8>lr wa kb'p talked mbeb of ____ ___
UorawTto-.tbrrpalMmld baa >hai}>ami-1 Uh-open daor la i-blaa.aBd wp mie.- pUymaat covorad by tba elrll aerrk
Mtkto bnpaord opoo all vpoppI. poatoc ' ^
r.fbily Immd to inatat ai«» law Tbp a.-tkm of tbP coavemto jw
dacrata by aa
V.--------------to tmr pom aa la cbc nainlipr «T inoui- r
n. by ibP Oblnetp rMiBC (be r
«i>»Catted Btawa and lo prortde a aababk-.
to rpmrp rsaity
!• SibX^^TWlmpBbllrtor IfooBAmen.* abouU br srui* to patio to ibc toonaap wbk-b uuj ,,
M---------------------------------- -corb raaaai r«o canjTbl« mtto i
WV raanot a-k
ployep own tba dav
pfaaoU be bl«b nuMicti to lanira tbr !
i------- u do to u> wbal wp arr uu_______
atatea lo d«id cai^ully and ■». w . good Ibine (bat —...........
^-.1 BtanufaciBRn aboold bare io-..cod .itolac Wlbcr of AP cowl B .too of. matnciodoiedMiu Tbpy wuublbarp| mo( (o tba co
dlralce or to any manner tmr prralkcm a« pomHdp. l"rortaloa idtonU ta>; , ,,^0.1 rtsbt to ato-mde onr tahorlaci tbe .wnerr- a rarefaln
tbplr enodp and ktMW
.......................................ai-ramJ■ •
■ ‘.......... -- - ■
...................... ,„j„
<i -labartns
>1 report <>r tba o
who lodoee uflatu 1«
______________ __
try BodPr lawailop or aaoumnee .4 vm-, u.,, ** lo jeopaidtap ibe wrti Iwtns of 1
Coayeiabt Lamo.
ptaymnit. H timuid be madp posdblp ;
. ■btoppa'|>0)>nbuUB. ami aA uotiile : _ , —..-et-t i«ip, iitopatir waad le
wptp ibP .ondUloa. i
(mat Oac U.now lbrpateu«l ibronsb to Uki a «*H*nlty b~.7 l«ai-.r ,'mu,audio.
I up. I ibP lilwtwl old baatowpd by otbrr snr. _
dPtor him tram t.kluc Uw ri.v, 1. ■ „ uwoA« **• P«P»p f«te to fa.e w.-l
Il» ptui. -.rk- « . 1 "!“™couddrratku. of tbr | meeu. to bp wito tbat ito-fp
U- ,«d and h.rP a pprfeci rt«hi. wb.ct. t Pp 1
„«,S»oapnt fr
o wban wmprprt prorp. anfoiUi■ntrebaat
t w-idl 1
% are entlllnd ...
—. — orary mamaa abonkl Ua jaarkl1 dawl witb tbKr|Be«lop U Immtoraitan. I
to a.e a» wp bate a.-tAl iu t:
« bn roltawpd II
!■,«, bcrdthlio
ad 10 dPtact and eiaes- aCort niaila
I Wbb* bar nurp tbaa a inpndy paikuial mattPr of rc*trk-Un« vo ■' -------------- - -rtcln pmiwi
Ko far ar to ami careful lanuiry
ifrrauaa ••anki ; Thai tbit rtobi eitata fur caHi ••ouair)
___ not awaauUalU lu
. Ibr Ub
. .
a earb aad erair ►«<*
•y powm
Ipiicih waa pxpUriily arkbowladcad to tbr tan
amowc otbrr ibton
I aedn bonrtUy lOtnincud u> your ftUearr batwani tbp two i-oODlrim,. Bel
Into tba tuaibotin for oeiwrinc a tinw
Ibe k-mina to lutenuet aad l«
down. Id no inotaaie to tba pa«t to» roraUe timehlpnilao tba tercmumiial
oueb mtpptiioB of wnukl i>p laaai- wr aaet treat ibe tlnuaea tindeal. lor Ibe ••opynMit odlep lo nd
a apwnal; lu uo laatuDre lu tbP telPbMttou trf tba aetlkfncut at Jauif-,
tba i»m frwD wtiidi tbp) trateler and bunloree tuau to a »|hHi wHb aaltafacium lo U» pBki
ibaU te bP a|«rrd. Rta crimp town. Va. .ipiueciatiac lbada.nrab.1 1^“'*
embark hpfnre parmitlioc of tbr broadaM Ju.ti.e aud .^>qtte.> If
*,V;',"ii«upa to imprv.e Uwm by
meafuliiat preo Iwont mau to Ityof (bit .-omiaMiii^otoJba cong^ I
ineui bar.- Iirpu frpuupoi, no lp«a tbaa
Urn aaOim. tar It U ■ ertaiP acaluai tba imawal an act kto^ 3. »»& autbortt-;
,ni, riuewtiou it W aa- ! ewrdad' to onr own p«(de «t aimltar
iprive auu for tbe puTimop bariac
wbola body poBOr. Vat to dwcllinc oo
aacb mtadpeda It It unjuat not lo add watm
waiPT. ofItomiuon
HoaUMn tna aca.i
,, jw-rlmluaip tor or . ba. coma dartag Up-part aummar from toeo |ia»p^«lnre Ibe rerlwd atanite>.
tbai Ibey are aJtocelber
of VirginU. an Intmutkmal naraL agBin>( ant man wUo dp.i[e* to tweae 1 ibe orgaalcea boycott agaiaat Arnwt- To perfe. i i|«a by'^cUraBBIllniaBi
•eeuu lin|iracil>-ablr. T^OMiplete nmarine ami military eelebraikui in Iwu
' brtwmp a csttapu. uve on (be > can gnod* wbkb bar heea aurtrd la
vtaion of Ibrm l> emeaiial. Rorb a
oroflblari-cal. »y ibeaultoirUy vetr tbal man', nioeeii for vill- ^ tliltia. the malu factor la iirodoHag
rertaiua lo meet modrru cwtlftona h0>
rd to me by Uila a. t I bare made
ll ta our ligbi and duty «» ; ibi. boycMi but been ibe nrreaisient
Iweu round un-rmery to (IfVmBb).
of aaU epirbeatlou and
aw-tal nualUy.
nuaUty. >' felt by ibe
<be ainibnrtt
aradent. amt Im.lnew
Im.luew i>ao
cantoler bis marnl attd au-UI
damns. bnpd>« ami otber faaaign
I conformity wUb lu Uutrucbrambm of tba narrlca, but
ilU standani of llrlng abonkl be cacti l |de of nilna. by all the fhinew
.oaiDirke. ana bill, rmborlytog It anInrUathma to all tbe ualiuna of
Id tba aatlmi'a blatory ba> tbP |>nbli<that be wUl not by prmotv of com- , er*. agatusi tbe barriiDPk. .d om
ppTHllDC lu Atogtaad sul ibp dDatraUan
aarrlce of the aattan token a* a whole i, tba
---- -------------------------------eanb to imhb-lptte by
lower ibp standani of living of | losanl educated ihlnaim-u of llie two
i-okinic*. It baa been urged here, and
atood OB a WAter ptaaa than now, alike !j tbrir aarwl
a,„I vrveeta
vreepta and tucb militan' uur own wageworker., for >i mn-l I f.-»ional nud biuluess •-!•••«
IRMinMdr for a •-uaiuliobnj lo nndrraa rasarda booaW and a« lesaiiU aft-, rngontaaikiBa o» may *a pra.-UfaUa.
I UiU relalKaUmi wuuld fall of lu full
Publie Land Lawa.
| |>uip^ uulaaa it were aadurliu; to it>
Oaoe again 1 call >-oar attenlloD to muHa and commaaniratp w irb tbe iiatbe ccodlUon e( IbP pnbUe land lawa.
Roeeat dei-alolWieoU bare given new
1 earaeally boiie tbai ibl.
orgeney (e ilw need (or eiieb • 'uagm
abuuU be twnrilU; weh-ooiP>l,
Wc ! Ibe world,
1 by toe »»•
aa wiU flt tbme lawa to aHiul pn-w
The Civil
by!t»UImot offord to pay Uee.ll. wbetoPr ,
caadUknu. Tbe bonaat dtaiKwal a
TtiP rivll Mwlep Uw ba» Imm oo (b.
atatutp liooks for twenty-two ypan.
will treeire
Evpty pfpsldpni arat a v».i mai.*1ly of
kpnuiM metbada by wbkii me momnp
brad, of dppartaipai. wbo bavp beeu
oUtlng of :b<- itoblie laud. U Ih-IdS
tp •■«(« dortaig that |Wrhal luvp fai-or
and thPiPl.y
tnogbt‘about ander the iweoeul taw. It t. imeadwl to celebraie
tP and
j.paDP--. lloliau. S-audipadnal pdtpn«U» of toe loertt aya
am bemmliis more geaarall.r known, enabU tbe gormuoent of the linilcl uavlan. Ptav or uigyar.
irfirp tboroilgbly I'* prtnrlbat the esMinc law. do net fumWi RUtPs to niakp provtaton tor tbe eakl- toaukl dmlre to difl oi-t 1. ifar Indi
bPtii noderslaoil
efectlT* ramedtaa. Tbe teeoaimenito- Utlou of its own rmoiuvw. aud llk<>- vidual dualliy of tor iulltklnal man. 1-3. Iwm ilip fa.or wiili wl.iHi tbp Uw
ttona of tbe ii«dlc land. eommliUmi wtae mabiP our peofde who have nu- Id my Jodgi'iem. wllli lUta etui lu view,
Iwpu rPgnrded bj
upoo Ibta anblret are wito and idi<mW dertoken tbe work of «iob a .vdebru- weaball lute to (wiimn- tbroorti oar
i-arry on tbe
MW.' Any atlPUiirt
Uuo lo pruvklP anilubk- and prup<’r pobe given cfTevt.
own agenl. a far more rtgU luRwetiou
d.-paniHeui. of tliP
UTtaluncot and lu.lruciloo lu tbe bi<v
■iT>e rrmUmi of email brlgated fanna
In the coouiHe. fixmi wbud. ibe liamlwHbtol iLls law Would IDBoder (be reelamatlou act U a PBu-er. loric PTPObi Of our tvuuiry for nil n-bo
inta etoje,
it will Up a gr»-mt deal oviulily nwull III Hiao>. TV-<-i« II arTV
may vUU toe rxiMallkw and to wImuj
rul offoK 10 tbe tPOdemy of eerrato
or permit moaep- WP bare inidered uur bcwpitallly.
all of ibp rlglil kind, tb:in a ereot iiamPoPaUiH.
■ler that act Ibe
bsr of Immlcraotw many "t whom im
ig U..- Mwic- lliey per
It It a matter of numlxp.! aailsfae- iwceesarlly of top wibor Mnd. .ka Aw
It liTlgtthiu work'
tiuu ome nra.-e lo rail atlruiiou to ibe aa pMBible wp wtah to limit tV Imncellent work of tbe penaloa bareuu. iBigntlOD lo Ibi. ••ounlry- lo ppnam.
reaafolly. tbe toad. reeUlmed
for tbe velecana of tbr . Ivll war Late wlio iWomsF to Iweome • liUseia of Ibl.
ly totoa ap. aad tbe pco>|<ec-l I
.jottcy of aallanal IrNgUtou will a meater claim upon ut (ban »uy otorr eoujury, nod wi- ttn well affonl to In
aceanpltaii all that wa. exiteeted of U clan of onr c-ltlipiit. To tbeia firm of atat iip<u adnpistp i-cniiiny of tbr lire l.ivnrtald) .■oo-lill-l »' to lb- Pp
«kara'-bv of lliow* w1k> urr ibn« pro- .,tilrpn--nls .IcUrrO .«l s« to lb- .*arta tiPl^b 'n>e uc-t .boukl be pneodeil ail autoug om- lem-''- b—or
R.-vpn yean, ago luy Ijiiiriiuvl iwrde
■ futun- cllbawriil
to torJude the stole of Traa*.
sH.v ..f .irevihHi. Iltat .tiall >v a.k-rd
Tbe re<dataa(lou act derl«-es aitKli of reouw. IfesklPOl klrKinb-v . .lalnl Ibal
IU valne ftami itae fact tbai ll lead, to IbP time bad roau- for tbe uaUsu to
o all liPnd. of dPfeirtuu-ai. e.k
ire tbe grpotept (loaelblp uaiuber of .-are for Ibe graves of tbe l oufedcruUtola ta by n
PW OB tbr land and lo nrale coiD- dead. 1 nv-oiumcaul
ilUea of freeboldcr.. lu ]>an by aH- lakP acilou (owani tbls end. TV- llnx Ir Ibe aiiapHltal. IwU every man of anliPfvl
snd.ltatlamPBl on poblle toad, bi part ly fareOOlPrtv l-ople. all |«-opl- of btd i(uiring tbe .uhrtlrtaloii of large private Ibe cuiifedprate deed
aelPf. tbe lo-orapMenl. ihe laty. Ukag. hpRoe tbry eaa gel water luwtberu |irt.on«.
Tlelnns. (tie pbrsically unPl- tlefPdlve ilj<-m ill w.'uriiig iwrwb. wab ibew
govfTBBiriit irrigiiiiua worts. 'Hpicaliuu. aud be' '
The rinniUmi of Immigratioii ta of or dremterate riioakl lie kp|» oni. Tbe
rtoek. out of wtileh Ainerb-an eltliejiImiMnUiI .-Muimtitiun.
lb<of water forlaml lu prltaie otmerfbip
ablp ta lo be bnilt aboukl lie strong and Iwv of vuDjioailona
aball >« ae(d far a met eK-eedlng ISO
to tbP railed >itatp« l-OWiniSi alipn im braHtav. sonad In body, nihtd and .-bar- Ibttao (or tradrw (■odll
If It be eb)peted tbat the cducalioaaj
migrants. lu otber wonts. In tbe siuclp aner.
w bo .-uD aeiibpr r«-ail nm
yser tbai ba. JusneUpasd Ib-w.- tonic ffovpniutaii: ageur. wimw ms .Jivajy
y |aua wUh a blgb aterage.
aelf dejwiKb oo tbe wlw and Bnn ea- to tota eouniry a grealer nuiiilwr of artavl well. lU- answer I- ihai tbey
, lu (be smk* art- filled win
tMtemem of ll. We taiuioi afford to peopls than t-eme iKwe during Ihe ItB wooH rprtmlnly «cl<v-i Iviiev lb.-m d«
r pspedilton. aud Uie »a
nbriUnte troant. for freeboMcr. on ; year, of our eolooUl life wbIcU Imer-
...V. i. .-.w -
tbe pntiUe domain.
| rened beitmo tbr Oral Undlug at
• Jamntowo aad toe Dp.-laTBtkui of JoPublic OraxUs Lnnde.
dPI>eBd«m!e. It U clekrty abown lo tbe I
e -kreatm pan of ibe rem
- - of toe c«oiDta«k.npr gCDpral of'
Ic lands_____
Unde coDBol he migated.
. ,
mnrb of tbls
are at prternt and wm probably al
s iiBdonbtedly
ways be of grmter valne far gneUg
Pinn.-A federal bnreaa of aataralt- (ban for any othm purpoae. This fact
be-jliby aud natural. :i cmisideruble
(iivpartlOB Is uiid.-slralilP fr.un ouc rra-,
ttloB. to be (BtabMriMd lu tbe depart- baa M to tbe gmring bomrotead at
sou Of BUolbec: woreov.v, a couald-j
trat of commerte aad Ubor. to aapmltalily a very
l>mUp toe admialamthm of toe aatn- MO Bcrra la Xebranka aud to the pro.
ratuatlon Uww and to metre tetwaa posed cncnalon of U lo other aUtee. large i>roparlI<m. Im-liidlng pioat o<
It ta aifftwd tbit a family cannot be
sappotled 00 100 acre. «f arid grating
of Its onto lull lathe, but bc-snaeof Ukl«od This ta ubvknaly true, bot oeiaetIrWy of the agents ot tbr greet
(ber cao a famUy be supported oo tH>>
transportalkMu-ompanlPs. Tbpseageois
mUantaw. (tea to be ckargod. and pta- acre, of mock of tbr laud to wbhh It
are lUairfbatwl Ihrongbout llumia'. and
ta pTBiwerd to apply tbe graxlag
rr of all kibita of Juriu vi
1tlrd,-Mei« exaedag qatlldcniloBB stmd.
To eswbltah
-sbltal universally auy ■ •
auto arbitrary llaiK w..nkl be unwtac ;
at toe ptatacm time, U woukl |«.ba- ; «"»«•- "f*"*
of Meatirii to be abollriird aad no Uy rranll on toe onr band la coUrglng
olMacle wr bare to euruiiuicr lu tlic,
W little oae to tba eitotofmi. The
7 days after tbe «Uag e( tato pMl- owarn and <m tor otbrr la needk-ss effort III BP<'Un' a l<ro|ier recniatloU ot.
Sbty totot apmi them conw tare
tbr uomlgrattoL to tbrur sb-n-. ariro
aallerlng awl failure ou tbr pert t>l
bainralUe very couald«ntilc proponiou of ib<-, fiwm tbr dnpeuiiurd epiMPiiiou of ibr
iMtaB Me settlm who give falib toilln- foreign
___ _____________________aim lo be confined to Caltad Stales
r matter save
_____ ^
lurr ran (be dtatita conrta and to aacb state etmrls ; bapltad
« ilmir iwpllal
C raipplT at nstawe a. l»to jarlsdlcllao In crtH aclloni In I (hat amdi to arva Is samelcni. Tbe
>f laimigrauts
bleat tflteMaUrrcrBlsmaml wblto tbe amount la caatrorersy ta on- I bml ok of toe pnblk- graxiug lauds by .wnrlng
»rtPT- .rf tb-*lr
serrv . umfnl Umltad: la clltaa of orrr JOOifmi InbaV | roquirw tbr caieful eLaailuaiiou aud bitfapr In ttapsi
■ no toria tttar urc aetdari'lor Jt“t» »h* Vattei Rlatrs dtotitet courts ; ctessOertlon of tbrsc binds lu onkr to Pblpw
to iL• uo 6sr M W.7
___ J.,. ^ t, im,.« excliialve jartadlrtlon lu tbr giyr each urtUer Uud cDourti to suicsimol
i«. uic-li
w navy lu a MtoalttaUoo of tbr illra rraMeaia of |mri bta (amO.' and no. utore. tVlilhr Ibe Plgbi sort, aiul wcoaBKX wiiB -a eerwaa lor, sawn w
ibCrimbwI. Laws.
* landa mtr aentad tbr gorrrammi should abmil
wgtBt bend of proiidlM m laifff In)f coarsp It Is destrablp
ly lag.------last oii miir
---- 1 aslmd tbe alten- take coolrol of (be opru ramce. aiahv wmm
enaae la tbe bamhar eC.otBmw and '
rigbl klud of Imiuigra
- UTgrut uprd___________
•• __(ton of^ tor ..mgrpa. to tbr
. ...... —-okval that
<«aey «a« mot only be adteUtoed.
(mttoMatod. it Ram aM amaa (n me
, (bat tbe I
ibidM. atlaaat la toe taamadiaie
tvA be UKnaaad beyond toe praaeait
uambar of aatta. Wbat ta bow toearly
iiairtoary.m to autalllnie atotdea'
toeSeleat tram as the Utter be
won oat or aa It boeotoaa una
tort they are aaeUaa. Probably tbe iw
salt mold be attained by addlog a
towto baRIartilp to onr aary each
T«r. toe uuperaeded or oatwm vraeau bring uu ap or totora op aa they
gee tta jwptooed. Tbe four Magle tarttt MaaMeto bidit immeduiely aBer
tot cUaa « toe tpanlto war. for la«wto. are tmeili wWto arnaki be of
B«MU Miral bloUir fens Mb|*ariBed
««riala taaaoaa wblto ««gbt taoi to. but
■wbito ds. mam cmitaHk. Sragetag
„ **^ TT-TT^ ™.*--.-TT:.
pmmawe ut t^ »
tatos br mamaa mm an enamy. out
■aadDd, ' Tbs-aata t
tory, bowwrtr, Itat aad ouraoly
top grtat battMfipa. Abe bcarfly *r.tocred. btavBy gtaacd vwsari. wblto
dstotatormfriwyoftorasan Hrary
anato armama aMo flay a mert imw
tri lart. aad lll■rmlll enriama. If swift
aad, ibepe. forlla farae^teaetlafu
« do wbnicTcr M-kv ibni I.
rra<b«-s evny |iart pf tlx- i-oiffli
tbr i.wt BS-.|. y Ibal ba. )•« br.
vImpI f-r fimilug |-eoplc wllb tbe
sullaMr qualUk-atlons (or Ibc vi
Qlfi.-... to be nitad. Writleii coci|wll-
M— Rp kp- n-i taut fuhen' life l-L.u-lu.-illousa* not make an Hbral
CMte mrnu Be kept Unl. aarf when
„,|iog ,«k1i1odv. but they
SbooW Be Eacoarap^
do rri'r-sent an .............................. ...
The .locslIoD. uri.lag lu couixx-llou; u|ksi Um- ".polta" uplbal. under vvblA
w llb I'Llm-M.- Iniiulgraii-ii stand by ! outside ^Ullrtans n«lly uiuke Um-sptbrinM-Ivc. Tbe coi.dliioii. lu Ctiluai i>oUiin:cii« uatulually amdr by llie exarr six-b tbai ibc eutlrc Cblurw iwolv] ccullve udlvcys. the gppoiuiee. briK
toiss-lbat 16. llw class of CUlm-w la-; cbowu l.y to- iwllllclaa. in ciiwsthm
boieiv. skUltsl aud uusklUed--k-gli>-;iotbe(»vutiitaJuniyof.-asp.forreaBiau-I) ‘-omc uii.Icr Ibc lu-ad of unde- Mws toially iiBeoqoe.-i->l «-lili tbe
ilK- ■-.■(•yrtobi uO-v. wbisfa ba. railed
lOOfPTPni-pa of Ibe cark.dn hiKrwm. «•(.. tally aud j.rnPlV-jMy .■otpeened wNli
ikr .^lernllou Ilf tbe eiipyriabi Uw*. ll
.. eapprWiw eol luTPOdsstlou.. aud II has drafiPd a UU wbtrb
elnlulta. Mi-b Of them .(UBtaM nod ait
•HlkHi. a* atriT fn« dlspwartou tad W-
cxtsllng liisiilb-leni ami tanmatstIsws liy mv (TPuertl .■opyrtglrt slaln will I.- levmlwl m ibe eea-
WKibl irml lu ota-uiw toe bruHh
sue w.-lfare of ilu- .wnauuilug pnWle.
Tram-- In fmdaloffs wbk* bare born
.ori or adol^erwipd oo e> to M)ma
d.n6c bla.-k or grw) smoke lu ti
If ue wuuM imonre □
•ffeei. 1 nvoBUDrud tbai k be tuadP
more strtugeui l>y Increwilag tmtb tbe
luinluiuni ami maximum fine, by ptwtldliig for imiirttoBBeat la uaaps of releairtl rkrialkw aud by affarllBg tbr
rrmrdy of luJuurtlOB against tbe rautiunalioa at the apenthm of pieBls
wLk-b err |wrata(sat offendera. 1 rocommend s1m> an lurreasr in the aaMer
af ioapertors. wlume duly U ahaU ba-U
drtrei vkriailoas of tbe acL
Nataaael Racks.
t call your ttlcnlioo to toe geosiwiu
act of tlw state of CaHfomia la eawfrrt u|mi I
Unit-d HlsMB ffsrwie
at tbe <y
tbr gift, aad a,....................
iDsilr for tbr luitndlw Itanwof ta Ibe
Yo-nnllp Xuttoual part and for toe
•wtv and poUetof of ibp part. CBUCbrula has a.-lPd lu-wi wtarly am wrB no
canw »f tbplr uuwbcrs. tlx- low wages .
Rocent Es«
wltb great magnaDlmliy la the maltar. '
lor wim-b lUP) work anil ibeir low
Statistic galbrrvd by Ibp i-pusus Ixi 'HMer nn- reijaiD mlfbiy aataral fsastaixlwril of llviug. Am «ul) ta U irrso allow tbal tbe Ipourp of offi'V it
of our land wblto aboulJ be pee^
Ita- luu-r<-.i of tins •wuuiry i<> kcn>
top guvaampnt erri-kv dsra nut differ spvrpd In irspetally far onr chlldera
tociu oiii. but tbe i-biune autborllic*
- and Mir Hilklm's rhildieu. 4u tay
do iiui dPsliv tUsI tbry wbould .bp adployCP. ot large bnslucaa cdnmratl
uditm. At jwi-peut Ibeif luifaiuv ta
liracl. of rxe-utlTp de|.snuii-ut. aa«
protaiblu-d b) laws amidy adniauie to
Uoual i«rk- ll tf grraUy ta Iv wish
uixowidi.l, tbta |wn»se. Tlieap taws uiembers of tbe cootmtaslou kav.- .-alltost Ibr .lair nf New York shonIdM
bare bppu. uiv betng aial wiU lie Umr- ..1 my Btteuttau to tor fad tk.t lb«oanmi -.o.-...
rw.dimig a liUog of toarges and
pufor-ctl. Tbr
mtparatrd ftvm .be mvrler for somile. Nr.tolnsf sbouM be allowed t<
Interf.-TP wIili the |M--WTVa1ion at SIlarffi-leu.y baa _.sn^
Ognra fall- In alt llieir lM>sDty and mijptPM- wbairvcT. brcalls.- Uisi
loali.v li.eli
rstr. If tb<- state ranucK are lo tota.
wbkb a Ix-anag ol
tbr .'lili.vse Ul-viv. .Lillrd or Uiudill
■slly 1.. be wished tbal
«d. 00.1 tl..wr ta DO pg.-usr f.K- any mac cmploype
valor, and -In iva.vxe toe she sluxild be -llllng to turn H arer Is
frrliUB or aSrs-IInt: to feel tbe sl.gfatesl
Tbr naTiousI gvvenitnrnL wblto Bfanald
rule irv.vklias for su.-b ixjtkv!
alarm -m tbr sid.i>vi.
kis-ulog ia «>'to .-aw- (if possiUe in caeJoataiM
Bui iu tor .-ffort lo .-stay out Ibe p»lt!x-f-a.
---------------------------------of acitaa to make our crUalbal law nreda. (oHowlag tbr grB.-ral poUry nl tlou aboukl Iw i.ro|x rty di-uribuird
1.-J- of eN-lixl..ig rblt-sK- lalMin-rs. Cbl- lu a .vrtsln aumlvr of Its.—-----------tbe pplu.-tan.-c of b-wtls of the l.nnlcn r»l
mm»rfffctlve.aadlm08t««r»p.tlypp- nadj ta snerr—fri operatlou ou tor lUs .-oouin . W> nred taor.-MKb UP6S- .-Miles, BV.irc lujDstirt.- ami wtoue l«auw
M.oani rails, j
qaen tbat yoa pay t»»*d to tbr reiiort fonwt troerves. It 1. probaWr tbal Ibe inuutgratlon lor tor south, aial spreW.
.1 gladlt M
- -V- -V
rawstot graalng value of tbr op.-a pub- effort aboakl b>-ma-te lo ap.-nir it. I'er :
aage ta sewn-rty more thau lialf bap- ll wauM Iv |«-sll.lr (o llinii llx‘ if
gr-.-.lve to sa-.- any lirau If a *i . miitp Nailoua! park ■
ly Mcdful lo throw ecr«T safsgiiaid what;110t
ll once was or irbut
li lulgbl
atiowfct to .-OBie
, 4irnis. lutabir*. aixl peofr-slvmtl n>eo
r tor itu)mi|xr rmauns wisbe* i , tawly spsiiiued ibem I.m- llie YWtswRfead (be aiCTStad. Tbp Mngcr to«i ny be agabi uader esrerii: ivgifiailou.
la any <ioeym.r to New- t-vl start niber, ,
M .ml) iijpr.(«nl-.. but :
- ---------— fie.»Ti—«
__ i.ii .
_________ 11.-- r .
,-P blE iindJ- »lv.(ii.-ioii- ls--;.u- . -I.KK- Naltunrl lalrts. A.ls-liiatp
Tbr fmeat
forest aoUey
policy of
of (be
Ibr admluisir
adutluisira- nortocni
wblk- IwtThig
anllu ‘ bauker-.. lUsdats.
nur..-torem. pror ■
lest bp abotafi .bp wnmsod
wrmigDd by
by to.tlar tn kPto in ikcM-rv |
I (be Ilkc-eluHiH t
Tb.- dai«er 1s now »xactt>- tV- tlon apprurs to rntay tbr unlrnd.-u ttnl tbr iimaUT to cao.r t-. tb« su-dto:' feasors. Ini.etars
.MH|s-i<-ul iix
of Ibe peaidr. Tbr giwal uwrs uio-,y, ptrokle-!. bnwer.T. fbai a | lie-rwcmragMl lo
______i Onr laws aad ritatom,lP(llm
a- her- sii-1
ri.« :.| |.-.rks
fuilliBR (b.lt --ifi-' -ITOtli.-'UliUS. Having :i.e~- fa.-i-r
mtowly in fatar of (be erimlnai and ; of timber aie tbnuaplcps (orwuritinc xnVipr riopt I
v.-li-WMX.X' Nstisaiel poffc
iu Vltfs-. lb- rxhle-H MI...-U.led lyl
ruh- Uss
for forrst pre-ervatkw. lamtgitaUs of
kiml rom- (or we insl Stmirr
ibm tbP laicrosu of the pubB.- be
r-.r.Sl.ksl lo Ux- s WUl noil
pw..«o.n Ilr.-t wlxse .be me1ll.-hi.-v
ogpd. taoBM- aalldttatrd aad
u a.«uat prj.-V«ta». ami toc
(urtkws of toe
..r i-i Wlsr.-d) o.lisar sjsl.d. UK- iX-.—Mr
• hi tlx- a
toVa wbtrb
al knuwk-Iit.- of Ibe jK-od of a .ip|rtr!
IS lo Imt ii.~pppwk ll
latv. wlx-n•lUe li- = ..eniim-iil lo prww-f tim ri
irtdl lb-n*iD-n-sl l^y ‘e- lujrl- >. isb
r merrii worts harm 1ilkmal fow-l
of fftmtov lusrkMl_________ ,
Ml tta.-ir w Jiilpr raugp.
ly pcdltlc. Tbr rvtaUni
kue li.i-mwp tayn.eii. will adm.I >11 < bit -m p»r—1« iTiiiv-oIV li:-M ■ Imna-lP-istk- aalqml of (br
xl- a n-AM-l .-f ib<! •j.'j.aN
.•klu-e.- eldll-l ..r
. .iltrd Watea stanfis In a .
slgbl-oi-- that I m-un i '.f tlx-—.>ily
x.^dute H---I..
oA."axrertatao. Tbr erlmlaal iMxvr-s of any
iPM to toe
humidrani- iw aPowol; uu-killrd Uhor-r.. There uoiiW oot
court or tor rmipd ntatp. sbotod ton apprcetatiori of their vslnp- Tlx- i
SO.I Mexi-o Is- to- Irset dji
xphI ..f a d.iuirimeiii. .ti.y ItmiU' exltot ttanal lawis-s wkbla or adiseeni to f
BSTPIU.IiTesuI toelra............. ........... .........
r-st Ifn-ps ubsrid W iraiitorrcl
afttarvtmW- Tbedelays of tbrrttai eat
■rives. A. mnto ns )..»eH.4e .detaW (-•: of Ibe bi-i« oboul laborri>. ..............................
lyr--Plat IbeW. A f-w Of tV-tO ta Ihe
taal taw no tats tbaa of toe cMI wow ; tbe
Ibr rliane of the (orrsl aarrlee atan.
dooe to dtainiwie tor iumtfrubls
mton I
eoadltt-an- be Lets ■
Vril-... -t.m-p=--V Nmb a berd A* that
cur « —. —
e ro.y to .dramsc is mwriyRrie of proeedtav. It.
■at tma very great evd
from tbp ;
on ll.mmuitaarioaU nr.
-mm-.-.. .™-ra-o. _________ ..i tbal boll. JuatV-uud—BW arc w.. a>«(. owded. and II-hi ptoddriug,
•mashes of Tntat lo RubKc •.rvk*. i
lOmiilawsd ita Page T«a.)
«>'i^«rtat .dUto.BttdLtabsaMB ualktewa-aa tory.tmjti ti.br riwwa. lor gqsdrtwuita.
The* »«to« titbr lta«al0t«.^ tbe;i
'uX -
•u tbe sab ta tbe togta* room «
tbe man ta Uff.CMMs' MTfib smt
nb la tola rrepret ^bi« law <amp*re*
vrrr (aimaWy With any-utber frdppal
.tainip Tbp .{wamian of po^>^»^
I; d^? TZ ?aRrd
-tbtaf a
WMl* « Wfrt Patot ba ifcKto^ <TPll it
^ ____________ j. raak. io bolb «ia
rnmr aiM »a nary ibarc aboold
1 To tke Ipread of «W
to j«a«r
^ tod Uie Uofttoo of tor da« to war a
Cnat aad ——— —rfiaai martop
Msan td our own to
t u tomral BUIkMt
•ad beifurre >mr
, i_ toe and la raN
c ^Ptol toitle Ubp. U mnaot
■CMBcytolto. fWiMfht
i^'ar.few b. number us to br toaui,.-iuua and .-an 1- eulinty dlsrc
garO..L Tbercl.uo-wri.m-iM-oim.al
®iraiw#')5ie Eicyalt>»
of thU «orM- The maxteo di oU»« frteadi f^ rarlow i«ftkai» of
bamaa Uferetldea la aecretpoerer to' ihli acrtlon.
r«uMr.l of 4. T. H.
la * pUln btaek cukol.
MOtt bcBuUml pnifeiloB of
Ur aU tbW wM loft of the taifc JollM
T f»««—> » the parlor «
r Uc'lilr b.11. that ffiKl* lieelf
OPT beto* Mr. H«.nah-. eWen
iraie^ir. oo **th etreel Suoday ,1,1, ~nh aod On aomc »oBdtoii» Uojd flloeh. ponlnla* of A. Trar^
a« a lano oatoher of «ood «««»; «n.__ea^ «d “
^> ^
curt l»li«C j W. «
^ -..........................
vhe had been uken! earto beneath the aarmih of rlad aoc-. companiea
trime ct life and j ahloe mnd pnxhei Iti way ihmnrb the
The burial
bad been laM !n j darian* to earth * niRfa'
e tofflre
Uo.rt». aad bloon.. The relc^ed and totd Utoph Andre>oo.
hU hone elty.
The funeral to Jnllo* T.
U ok idaoe Sanday afternoon and
tortac trfbotea itold to U* ttCBory tea- toe (DD. So toe Mul that is rekased :
7 of the nfftotloo mnd from Mfrlmdc to to* mal^ ani:i
AsMfted rake.
Mixed X«ta.
Superviior Tiart '
upoa 10 iirorirto as
cmih ilPrUrod a
ifaack 10 thne lama aocceadal «o \rthlbald Hadden. The beanUftd rtos!pr*««» et rhtoa. allxerware aad for
'trance, into toe B«eral merehaiali.e .Wvke «. oaod.
city *ne«. were Mr. and Mra. J. E.
‘ aiorc of KAl Bro*. darter toe part
to the uratox to "Heart* and Floa- OnWr- Ml**» Both Gable aad Mnrter
walche*. ehamn.',.r," (dand be Ml*. »*raaee. VOrd. the Chari*. CMc to Grand BapMe. Mr.
panr marcbctl dO«t toe »a|r- .«"’Mn.M.K, Paine to Trar«ae City.
« i^of ftm*. unltax. rtry.-, The happy e-Plc
be « ho*e to
and .Ainrrirao fteautv ' Trarerae Cli.r after Jaa 1 at e:t BUde
arch rbe happy
._ ________ Unle Buth
the Soocr elrt an.1 la (be
t-^lcn H0.1..V rr>w th.iidJ..o
,k. I.C «
eMcev that one entertained for bin
tn TiWTtos CUy. Betonen the hours
to i» and 1 o-doelt the body lay In
•tale and sraa looked npen by a eonKant aunaa of peofda dortof tbat
time. A fftiart of bowir, OBnalaiInt to
■anbern of toe XnisUn Templar and
Vnlfom Bank. Kniffbto of Pytolaa
ctODd betode toe eaaket and at the enUanM at toe boat, n alhst tettlaotoal to toe catena In srhldi Mr. Han
nah was bald la tooae two erdcra. The
larte rooas *«• om*«ed to Uiclr
.o^aeBy dartoe toa ftatoal aeirice.
mUdb trad eondseled by ibe Brr- C. T.
Cloto. wcior to Omee a>l«sto*l
efarneh. The rwtar Bplsoopal bnrlal
aerriee vna R«d. in his temarks toe
Bar. Mr. Stoat paid a lorto* tribute
to toe ttortb to Mr. Hannah. The Whtotni U the aermon la fulL
^.JtAsnln too aaml to dentb bn* ru
tted this borne no norcly afflicted In
the pest oUbt yeafa. Flrrt toe
amber was called •*"> from bn»h*nd
and tolldn*. Then an ared «»tor
raiae to tfmt rental aad inio hcnrtcd
elitttnc years of her hmher. She, too.
was tolled n«v- Aralntbe
Mae to that rcnMI and true hearted
friend to m many of ui. «ho*e name
and pree^ bare aiood for ao much
to toe life to Trarerse Oiy. «ho hal
Koecd amoac bis eoalemporarlw tour
•eotn to y«n vtto toe pover
JiiMui Pairo U one of toe ben.
'“*< »«>•«
TraverM City. He U a member, of
'•>« ffnn of P.lre Bto... oleririria*..
aad hi* a how to friend, la th. dijt.
^ Ur CIUl. to.rodtotol nn the .boa-ca*c to aatebe dorto, th.ini; beeoaa eotploye of (be amrium tBool, a rouiOa of the bride, aad Eau
lime. Both Mr. and 1l(nJM|(e
Surks Moeber coi'isln of (he bride
i^ltb a larce narntwreTb^.sl
by pucine
‘«‘»*‘»'^i»a» the bci man The liride looked
'(onainmcoi w.« espceUlly calojatile.; atarrn on (lie c
Roneml | f.(„i-n.jns to a (0.11 rf cbnac-lll
r. \V. WI1«in *«s ailed upon first. .lore alarm was Iindod uh'rncrcr ihr ' ,
____ __
bridenmairt vote »hi;c i Pb: UurM>y. «
to rrplain a chatpe matli- by one of case aa. opened
^ v^lc. Th.-fio.er Ctrl
cUd la pln.< ■ q;.;;.
-.nr ioariirT
the wperrisorv that the itvcallcd vi-u.->h.T asaln mU»«l a ihlrrt waten. ana
r.maraii.laiion*. 'ho_, .
;*.« had been purchart-d. «. much per Kunday mortune a fo.urih-a. als^.
„f,i» N*JcO
, ^nTTl woto. apoa.
j pound. The ebartu wa* empbaUcaJly; aside from ibc amall Jewelry referred:
c.TCiaony light telfc»3-; .oven and made- by Mr*. MeCrMdy.
!r.-fu-c*l. and the »upervl*or wa» cons- to.
, mecii. .ere »erve.l. Many bcautliul „o,b„ of a big hmUj of vaers la hi*
pcilcd HO admit Ihnl the teal be was Laat “‘B^t Chnn Kebl. meml.'r of
The out to ih-1 dl.lrin
:allegedlohave«oldtoUr.\Vil»on«-Bt;ihe firm, and an employe. Ivafi [
'.old 10 antoher party. Jlr. Wilson (1-- Thomaa. r«iialneii at tbe atnre
wriu-il vividly Ihe thrilling vx|. rl ; await de^pmenis- Tk.-y preparisl
enc-s of humlng tleer In th.- norihv.-nia biding idace on ib-- M-caid MBilln.t
I «ood» and (Old a story to n eertain ex- and awaited wiUi SJ-rallber revolrcrr.
Ipeiicncc with a shot gun and rt-rtala anfl an electric Uehi Idilb. At l-.«o
buck shot whlrh did not aceompllto; some one came i» the west door or
jany vro Itreat slangfaicr. This rt<w> ride .loor opening on to Waukaro^
' .as (he (oilijert of an Inquest held .m mns-t. and Immedlat.-ly pUc<d a ke\
Ihe spot l.v Coroners Holdswonh aat • in ib<- lock, unloeked the <ks>r. enier^v;
THc'-v who sat upon the deer w-ith and went dlrcetl.v Into the dry- goodchataeicristlc official dignl». Impanel-, department where a lot« line of ebon
What to buffer a man is often a pu/zle. Our
ilng a Jury in the Invcllgailon. ^icr ,c»se>. were flUeil with i>ew-elry. After
leaitoul dlsseclNB, sever.1 boekahot i locating them they proevvried to fum
advice is; Buy useful presents. Any of the
lU-tecxtraetedfromaslIeeof venison We with the sliding ea*os and ih
I'e^lowinc articles will make a very accepubic
Ucak and the bullet whlrh WAS «ip- evldenl hargUrtilng of toe store «gift
iiuiw-du. have killed the deer was dl«.: too mueh for Mr. Kew and Mi
•corerbdaafel) imlged in the rtficcarl-j-niomas. They siarte.1 down sa.r .
; ridge which had lieen seeored as rvt-; shouting 'o »he Invailer to ihixm «:i
;his hnart* not he made a w-ild rusb
Mr. Wilson proceeded with a very'fot th* door which h- had left open.
Ilai.-restlng story to the hunt and said : and reached the wreel before they
•that alihough (he gntst* id himelf reached (be siiue landing. They.
(he tetreaiI and Mr. Qrovn were county offlcUli ever, fired four shots
A Man’s Christmas
i ^
ice. Ihe gatheilnh nt noi Iq any tease . rloor casing IhK one rii|.t went ttroujii
polUical convention. He paid a tmt ' the glar* of the door and struck PWDSn.E4.
Juliue Troemsn Hannah.
: happy tribute to the board of rapervl- ’mark ^for Ihe track* leading »oui!.
aad ihelr work for Ihe county, to .ere marked »ilh Wool. Both merr«• may be in dolnr larre lblnp. for
ronniy officials and the commlllcc ' bers of the More were unsho>l aorl n.i:
, men. and predicted that In fnlnrc able to folio, any great distance but
btoldtor STtot l^toUlto toxt ncl'lRff
■ •
!year» Grand Traverse would be ad- the hiirgUr ran south nod wit to algl-'
of the known to toe
"“f : „,„bly- well served. If Its officials and away from them where all rie-t
faiber of Trareme Oty. na he
temporal will e
spiritual, tbe glory to that Register to Deeds mnk B W.b
t«ctlaeate1r tailed, bai lefi a plaec glory of I
toe fare of Jesu. son .and
:a. those gatoered arennd the banquet
The value to the wAlcb.s takco was
ratont &at no eae can fill and
,God revealed
to Long Lake towAShlp. nau eonw~
Wn*oo I* a very enJoyaV'einearly »» while three gold cbalii.-,
to our dty monm hl^ loa*. For the CbrisL
-Th. aolemnlly to mrai«T M the a seheme to invade the ttrcMs of «he .
and tls address «s ejtren|e. several eliarms and oih,-r soiaU .law.
tototb Ume death enter* , tola boa*,
_ , iv cntenainlng.
' do'brought tbe stea! silTI higher. Th'
and wbBe xlrtos apace tor the proelns death to OCT friends touch tts coldly upper punlnspU to hum doer.
It wa* commonly known among ihrgupevispr Brown was al*o c.vllr.i firm IrN-ls certain that dn' Bootl*
to ictototlan^ enoiace. finally uid we ahrink away from that touch
a^^bed his cspcricnce In : taken and this cannot he estlmatcl.
totobet «ito
brare bean out to the un.cen w«rtd. Y-h wl.h memherw to the luutrd tost ^h thest,gentlemen are good
He gave a vety eotcrtaiii-: Other developments are expected
aad eddi neb diMifBiff w traly vat I Bunts we may *ar.
talr* of their ptowe--s 00 the
„pon ,,j, <,j^i,otn. ri and fa* follow, as systeirntic stealing 1
a hunate of aiRtelte. The only $cm “The voice of nainre lopdly rrle*.
and heir toOi aether and father in; And many a messasr from the skU-s. ‘»™"
: cina.ion of d<vr hunting.
l«sn going on In th. villago Mi
the city of toe dehd.
That Mrmrttng In u. never die./
Kollow ing the*.- ad.lrcsses whib- the ; rear or more.
-I tee about toe today tooae who
“RUlBg up from this eonlemplatioo
to either to thorty ofwere enjoying
Mtotmw^.lp. Wedd.09.
bare known Ua from childhood. too*e ro an- rtrengtoened ud In gntRude.
liter wns taken serlou.s- w-iv resiwuuieu to uy A. I. & I son
juUns B Paige and Mis* Aim?'
who hare b^ InUraatcly aaodated o God-and In apirltual uplttl wo Jo n final*. Tbe a
to carTTlnc im thote lar»o burtnoa* lo- n the prayer
Oliver tt enddl ^
Prowuung .Mtorttey Oeoree H.
tcreata. thoM who. In houn of rolaa-l
and that tbeo- mus, be some .Ori of i
.A. J Ncrllngto.
v„.kvg.*, .ro
ttoa. aw tbat more Rcntel wii lovable
“OFatoert grant toy love divine
before toe toalgn
--------aide to bU eharartcr and thoee who
to the borne bare been yet more near When wtrtlng age and wearing airlfe ,^j.^^^,,^
. County School CommissiOBcr « l» i
‘ . .
ly drawn to Mm. 1b«M all have left Have sapped thrlcanlag wall, of lUc., ,-jp„upon >|r. Wilson uid Ur. i Crisp. Supurvlwr S. C. Borrow. Pro-,
to toem neh Impfeaaiont. .ucb re-J
Wmeo darfintrs* gathers over all.
„ kno.n in certain term*] »“■ ■»“''Ce f. lU Walk-cr and A. t.
•atd. tato love a pawc* from one And the last tottering pilian. fall.
yHends had! PuKet. A* It was 1. ocl.irk theit^uaeUT to anetoer to toe aubtle wd
Mlaaoorl they would Ik’’P®"- *”*' *’»*' ”
Byaieriootoy hiddea tofinehcct of pcb Taka toe poor durt thy mercy wanna;
ABdinouKIt intoheavcnb forths '
abowa ,v».
that .Sose
there ^s-re di-.u- In liic.r^ui earlier It U safe i
“llnfo Him that hato loved ns and I'
* comloned feast of
is^ nnd that *omc of «<«■■>
~Far be It to dittarb such laemorles. trashed
«» from our sin* In His own
hnmorOnlng for the occariou.
«r to feebly try to nnalyae ncilea*.
Him Iw gloo-'antl
: TreTe-^e renniy dl'to^^
-Mr Wilson and Mr. Drown had
nwpoeea. aMIra, tha hidden in toeir blood, t........................
and ever. Amen."
^pi.^i,^ ,nd county to-lmo.t succesaful hunting trip, each of
nnerto tprlnsa tna toe lodyment of
L-rrlccs a qiiartci eon„,,ip,.uju m *eeariag their full quota to deer.
During t
aen. 01 smat Udntory. bonaty an-I
lanquel was ullhoul doubt one ol
arnetonca to purpaae In hta cboaen
.leriaration the tsurdi tbe finest ever serv.d in Grand,TraveaUtoa ol life, to noat cartonl regard Dr. j: A. Snyder and C. F. Hunter
,.r;.c eounly. and it is safe to say tbat
tor the tru*ta eemmlited .to hl(a. of chamefi the • Burial Anthem" »nd
aang “Nearer My God 10 Th.-e." •Abide
the Imsines,. toihe conn- never iwforc bad to many rouniy ofWith Me," “Come, Ve DlseousOlalc.-_
pp,,H-rly uistuHrit.-d with picas-' ficial* gathered together at one time
need net be atodow to gn behind
ontwnrd llrlna to nearcb tor motives ,lbe aeltollona being fXiremcly fl''»‘R;ur.hle antieiiations .tf sttmelblng good for pleasure alone,
and rendering a paiho* to the stovl-.-e ,
aome tinu- in December.
The host* wet.- heartilj- eongtatuthat may eatoly alnie toe effort
It happened Monday ptglil and the laied by the gucx-u and when the ban-,
der Ota more nppnrai toe IMortleo, I which was in harmony .iih toe aoi
filtered Ibore.
geittlemtoi frem ML...uri .ere shown quc! rlused It wa< voted that toe ban-j
- to aaa to mnn toat m toten obirudei
I elaborate rxi-nt that Mr. Wilson quei eonld not have been better ur
lutot npen n« In painful cooseloMNo present is more acceptable to young or old than an Ea»imaa , :
Mr. Broun ar,- migbiy hunters, more nleely serred and that no gntbernaa. There U aomewhai of comfort Many toeganl set pleee* from lb';
te a all that no mnn U wholly bad order* to whlrh Mr. Hannah bclougc.l • JOno of the tmi.t eom|ilele an.1 enjoy-, ing to. officials cutiTd bat e t;.'eo bapKodak. Think of the pleasant daj-s it gives them—so simple a
being conspicnott* in the displa?-ahlc lanqm it oter spread in Traverse piiV;
oaly was (be raskel alma.>l buried '
the v.-.-tlsOti dtnoet sirred 1.’
Those pre*ooi .ere John Hoish- --r
child can run them—so sure that 5ny one can lake picfires with
with fiower*. but they were anange-1 J
the Little Tavern by Register Wilsoo'Acme. Charle* H. Monroe of Blair,
abont tbe roam la great profusion.
them. I'ut them on your holiday list, and when in TraveKe
and Supervisor Itr... n at which th- Kd.io Black to Bast Hay. J. H B-icll!
often falling before : Consplrooos among '1*>m- who at n«-mt«T* ol toe ItoarJ to uopervisor*,'Gerfield, Charh-s U. I»5e to Greea.l
don’t fail to look over our line. Prices rea*onablc.
thought*, eompan-1 innfie^ Ure service was rt-miiany « county official* and members of tbol|jke. Ijtclii? J. Tedman to Summit
and again wllb toe btotcrtolf la Ute mom wealthy and dtrilngiUsb. 1
the; city, T- H- GUUi, S. C- ISarro*. W. W"
enuens to
m Otand
ttrenii Raid‘1*.
nuimis. loelndtng
tka aaecndaBt
apaiatng the erll- aad-'eftbten*
CUy H HoniMcr. cashier of the OH Snests to the t.o h.init
. dla^ to the good. OKh M hugma
tony In the party a
N.i.n.1 hank: Dudley Waters, cap!- t""’'
UreforaahUthat the tajd.-s of the l.litle Tavent «( Craan, David Rriirii of I
-In kU maateriy analysl* of man'a
were never s-irrotiride-l by a more rep- wiiiiam Giant to Garfield,
btoac. BL Panl tt toe cpUtle to tbe
n-cnialivc Isriy. «-l Grand Traverse wt-ll. of la>ng Lake. A E Ihilvt-r to
OoiUhlana. boMa up la elcareat light
Summit Cit). A. B. SHnaon to IKngi,n Crocer eomi>any: E. A. county citirens.
both naria of our Ute—the natural and
The gueslrXB'I at the county court le.r. Ralph D. White to WlUiamsbnrv:.
ceeded .0
to tor
tbr Rcgis'C;
Deeds F
F W. tVilson. TVIl^-TTloI^ I
t'“n i b-tl-c
ff"-" ■"-re proceeded
of Deeds
2bS lo^rB^h^i^Tfotmi banker: Wtp.J...l«m and Mr. Olaeytr rertaaren, »bcn
when m .tfe
.re ornlB
main dining Ham WHson
tUlson to Kingsley,
Count-the long tables .h-k- elramnilv Setiuut Coreinisstoner Georg-- Crisy
feast wa* lu-itreseautlve J. H Motiree. Senator
nos ItVS.- M« .-.■■■Tl. .#—• —WW.. .. ijovod The t-v-ulsou was ■ lecaotlj t> C Moffa-I. County Ck-rk Robert E.
a that we ibould. But that man' County Savln;^ bank.
--------------• •
Ciriefrotni*<-rv*d and wen though there .a* ett Walter. Sheriff
am who ptomtia tbe maierial and lemCur^onl to ao more than be a ■errant to C!^^»^s'Tn’'r*P^ train char- •bnn.ianl supply It Is doubtful if very cult Coon Cemmissioovr
tbe BpIrttuaL. For It 1* In the realm of
tbe 9lrftjm1 that life dwella The
teartal aide to ai U overwhelmed by ceased.«
Utng Itdand Wafer..
. cr Ami! F. Xerltogw. Pr.a«uilng AT
real Mycterioaa Ulag aa call death. him from boyhood aad all c
^ °
Dcalk trfuMpha over all nature and haring been intioaiely assorted In t Olives. VenlaOD
SWahr-' j,
•"'* Ph""* Representative* J. W. liar.large fiBaaelal tranaanhias for many
aaa'a body Is a part to nait
nen.'E E. White and Frc.1 1- Smith.
Saratoga Chl|».
IndU Bell
^«aih tannet loocb tbe ablriiual. Here year* paat.
above were C A..
tkmai Venlwm—Mlefalgan.
in Bddliloo
in dwell* that belter pan to our com•arRUra at Merthport.
ibc Masbad Ih-ialoes.
pleg *toag Here are the factotlca. I Palmer
toro*"for atoiTlna hlxh tboughulKnWit* to Pythla* to MWHgan. from
Frt-och Pea*. Shrimp Salad.
1 Nonkporl. Mkh.. Dae. i-Xortt
Rye Bread.
and eemitoTing great panwae. that, ltoM.ee: D. H. Day to Cleu Havon:
. tbe tremble dating
make a man (be aMrirr and not tociCMpi.
» ;
Brownie Kodalts
Folding Pocket Kodaks
$1 lo $20
$6 to $20
Cartridge Codaks...................................*M
Cank Deoeloirtna macblnes
=™:;r "• “Hi::;
$2*$0 to $5
$. €. Blait $ Sons
Craperse City’s Ceadina Druagists
Gmd Tnrrcrsc Herald
abosld bit> your Xmax cxr.dlw at
Beoaoeiy Store
mllrUht boi hl*«l»WMpoofi»atfcK
ti pKiwbir
tkM amd tfe« tu« of
tba rHb>r oT the KuuUn pMtfe.
WIUi tbe pmaal etar ogt of Ih
the (rand dok«<*'pn>bablr lari
tbar mold a»lMt a toa*tnr
VMM eeatpn to ifadr villi aod allov
Ua iBBQgnra] meaaage to tbe
coonell Mat nprtag. Mayor fVMrteb
ameoded that eertala changes be
a St. PanI
OA peranea
be Ia« two
(bra tp Min cOBIrel ibr rounirr. KIdtthu b« ba« 1deu << rtasa ratios vhicb would make Inxora hai a
eoai very much lea*. At tbit
and ax lb««« idaba do ooi eonTHO«.T.BATn._
, It vould be aecesxary to make
ibeae held br tbe mnd dake.
It vill prebablr meao (be reswval'ed esteaaire ebangex. aeeb aa aaeploTlna
more paid flrraen. taut Dem>v
NIehOlat la aone maaBer.—R««rd.
eetor D. H. Vt'eai of Onad Rapid*
Uvt Stock ^ew. ChleaBO. December
WniefAilluaT. Hannah.
baa ftrand auch aa esceHrat ccedltion
IS to 23. InelUBlva.
The vIH of'lbe late lalliu T. Han- here that anme <d tbe reqatrraeota f f
For the above ocra-ioo tleket *i:"Ot>
lb vaa filed la Probate court Uonda/ (bo Nailcmal Board of raderwriir!* will *ell round triti iirkei* to Ct:lr«=v
a: greailt reduced mie«l Tlck' ts on
altemoon. fty the term* of the »m eoirid be waived.
Mr*. 3. r. Keeney and Mr*. Goo. W
Mr. Carver tUled to tbe council that »al'- lleecmhcr Ifi. IT. is and 19; cood
for tTHum Bill laier than IV.->.'nii»Y
Gardner. Mr. mnaab’a alaler*. recelre while Trartw CUy vat la tbe fonrit
I4lh. Aak as‘flt* for particular*.
■pMbtr CKnoen-a Atfele*.
tis.ooe each. Tbe entire halanc
1. there were aome tbiagx bere bet
IL P. Moeller. C P. A.
tt t» ow doif to «oe that »c*U1a■tate, both real and peraonal. i*
ban In the (bird Ciaxi eltlea. Hr
:. 1ka U viae ie (be prraliet. da«t (a
atbed to bia vile, and Samuel xtaled that Fred D. Citttla. apeclal
tba carrlar. to tbe eorr»oiailOB. to the
Garltad aod Mr*. Haanab are mad- agent of Ibla dlatrlct for tbe laapection
ie Lcgpiis:
- paopla. Wa aannot opt^ oae by
•aeeoton of itae vlil.
burron. vaa In leeeipt ot a letUfooHak or aadoiC lepldaitoo vlihoot (a
Therc’a notliinc like a l»»ir
The vJII bear* tbe dale o( Not. 9 from'Mr Weat alttlog that If two
tba cad brlofla* dlMiter n|«OB all. W<*
»it lk?cR>fU9 to ii^iU-ct the
1 flrnmn were employed and tbe
aMoM be aapacUBr eareful bot mi
electric vlrtag was done according l<>
fvot awl attklexi.
ddy to lourftn vi'b (be operdlon
Plondar It FetiM.
tbe national code, that (he matter of e
aC tba eompetlttre foten; for.
The plander taken from (be (ai
watrrvork*. cir.
would be
-Vt this time mny )>o lioipftil
alt oor very clvIIUattea rettx
tbop of Robert AROca ot Northport
waived aM the reduciina Jo ioauraDoin doridins what to Imy for
nHa. aad ladfrldtal llrlay la
Not. « l>y (be'ivo barftar*. Martin ratea allowed. Tbe rediicitoa la IJ pen
Chriainaa. fhir Hue of Fan
aveal oC hi* face htnUlait to pronnte and FetipitOD, «-aa found Tneaday
cent oa brick huildlngx, S per cent on '
cy Salad Bowls trill bi- appn bU ova iBtereat" ,
Omeoa by Prod Aaderaon la the eo;. wooden bnlMlnsi anc from J to C per
Jerucy-CloU. awl Knit
cintdd l)v every Intly livykini;
Tha above la (akea from the apaeeb tace ot John R. BaaU ot ihl* city. It
cent oi atoeka, the average belnc
for novel fihapes and i-xriailaada by -CacI* Joe" Caanda after be
lalated of an overcoat beloBRlng to aboot 4 p^ coat. It vonld make a dK
childn-n. Prii-ra from ^tOc to
hite ilecoratioDO. Onr China
-vaa aleeied aimaker of tbe bouae Sat- the Rev. W. H. Hiillierl of Northport
ie« of beiveea t-l/vw ana
Iv-ny Sets nri> by far the
1 00 tlio pair.
«rday avaaln*. Tbe fev exeerru ar
anil of ekXhea belonging to Mr.
•r In tbe eoai of Inlytauee on
bandaotneal vi- have I'v. r
waD vortb atadjriny aa they reHeei i Wheeler of Omeaa. It devrtopa now
A pond Chrietma* prtwit
ABtlle building* and atoeka in iiii-.
shown. Wo al»o Lave Brond
apMt bf talmeaa and jaitaeaa to all.
ibeyarrlved at Omeoa (bat t
mid Bnltor |ilatea.’ C
la tbMe daya of laveailnileaa and log after the eemmliment of tbe burg.
The mayor appointed at a aperUl
atartllBc dlaoloanraa, tbe teadeney
Ury and entered the Santo cottage, committee to invoatlgate the matter.
atfe, Bon
vbere they remaliied oaill after dartt Mmra. Winnie. Miirvav aed aillni.
at Bowl*. Haviland Cli'—
that Bisbi. vhen they left etldenilv
and rInpancKO Cups nnd Saaexpeetiog to again retnm and take
Death ef Earty Plenaer.
1-ers, Suf;ars and Crciima in
aetlM vUi eOaei tba goad raauU ob- tbetr plnnder.
Elk Rapids. Mleb-. Uoc. 5.—Jimrs;
dainty 8hin»»s. Celcjy Tra)'s,
. taload. -Uaelc Joe” rXb bla naaal
They are nov availing trial at Hcltimer Braed died at bla residence 'n
lovely Vn^. CboroUlp Sets.
' kaaBBeaa bat raetwalaed Ihit aad litre oa aaottaer charge
Elk RapMs. Saturday evening, to*
capital, writes
Ijtck of aptu'C forlinia
tbatfibre bla adrtea l|i aonad and r>od.
neecaaed vai widtdy kaowa as on-'
mi'Otinnineliqf fev artiIt ia tne that elvflhbUoa Ktu npoD
Day of Mourning.
of the pramincni men of Elk Rapid*
cloa iii tiiU lint’. No (fee«atu aad while
in (be aveat ot
MoDday fan acrvlcea were obthan fill}' yean.
• may tfiFo
ton batUlax to plwBou bl« ova later- aerved In the Jeviah eynagegue by all
P. Brand wax the aon of an
a <)o them jii
; Enrr
br tbv SJnevo C1tr»‘
: -^pat“ la aat caaetly etecaat dktion, It U Jevtih rcaident* of (be diy. the atr- Rngilab banker and waa. born near
.prSM!l>\] l-r tbr .lUliVl of lioiilil tMkoU, si!
«iy aapeetalve of tbe eoaditloa today. vlcca taking place beiveea the hour* l^don, England. Augaai 30. istc. Il"
It>*ecninunitiaiig e-vasit*d wiili Ibr ls>nr
Tbe Economy Store,
and E o'clbrk. when all Jeviah
son Ivj'xrt'o-'st 'if tb* Blnlr.
edncaiod (nr the bar and practlcM'
rail alwnj-x ilnil eoiiiclliini*
buxineaa bontex wore cloned. The as a solleilor in ebaacery (or two
lttUBMsefift>oylar>'wndM«>*'l d*Raotralnt of C
enuae ot the fast day wax tbe recent year* in London. He then ahaadore 1
niAVKBBg l-m-. MICH.
to bla lonedy for eglaUag e
lerea of Jeva Ic Rncala. vboi the lav and folloved varioux purauUOHM, ProaMnit Booaevelt ta bla
tboutaadi of iBDOcenl Jew* were alaln nntil I8S1. vhen be etine to Amerbs.
oi«o to eoogreaa mikea a very dear la tbe atreeta. Odcau alone barli
Bm aetUlng la Wisennxin. The lol
■taUtoeat. Me argoea that vhile It U dead to the number of S.Mfl.
loving year be came to the Gran''
walMa to attrapt to prevent combi.
The ridfilxb people observed tbe dav Traverse region.' aod after a few I
HdOM, etiU Itae great corporate
II over tbe llnlird States as a day of months lit wbal la now Leelanau conn i
torofta mast be made to aocoilat
mourning, buaineas men were Inatmet- ly. In the vldalty of Traverse City.
tba gororameBt tor4be[r artloaa i
ed 10 ekwe Ibeir alorcs. atudenla and
Elk Rapids, vbleh place
‘ tbaa be prevaeled from ualng their acbool dtlMreo forblddai to attend colbaa since made his home. His tu
g groat capUal. meaaa and reaoi
legei. workmen anti elerka asked
raployment bere was vltb Abiam ^
f OMaat tbe public good.
refrain tram working, while due hoaor Wadxvtmb. then la the lumber bus!
Tbe praatdeat tmly ttaiea that auefa
glvea the martyred dead, vbirb
;ards be worked for Jame* ! Frederick the Great an Admirer
la imynad itate eoairol. that it ■taould make a praieat which all tbe
HankiB. the s-jceessor of Mr. WaiU 1
the ‘ Flrel Pianea." Hag Sev
\Vhiii'Irayins your Christbe done by tbe nattonal govern. world might hear.
vortb. Boon after (be erganlaalloo of I
eral of Them in Hia Palace.
m:iR prosi'Ots <k> not fait to
the,firm sf Dexter t Noble. Mr. Brau.l';
b-iav anaotad i
SCI' the Hne lino of (poIs 1
OaaUi Roll.
We eanodi wonder that the ol'
entered ibrir office as chief boakifiMgwii bat if aot a
ain now showing,
SrIvM. tbe 1
keeper aad rrailaed vltb them uaill
Oat tbe eeaMitatkm of Ibe eoimtn
not lake kindly to the ••first plinos.
1867. in 1«S8 he vi* elected eonoiy The keys tin the iwrly pisnn* rin'iir'*l
Sfcoald bo ao amoedod aa to permU tu
Proat Hreet, died
olcrii and register ot deeds of Grand a greater dellcary of murh. and It Is
- balagdaoa. Il ia aaloRUMie. be ay*,
lOa. m. after a four days’lllaeta. The Travsne county, of vhiefa Qk Rairidx esme neeeiuiary for ytofi-ssuiuals eii'.
tbe lava in lagart to ibeae ooramateurs to change (heir >li b- (d iila;
burial took place Monday afiernooii
then a pnriloa. Before relirtns
porUloba are problbUivc iaUier than
at 4 o'clock la tbe Jeviab cemetery la
I. the firm of Dexter & Noble be
in.Uia early part of the sevraleeni'.
Oakwood. tbe Bcv.-. Zutaatan oT
acquired consldcnblc holiUags of ceatury SlUHrmna siowi-d two of hi
m argues tbai It la aicdeaa i
aeialtog. The Jevlab barial Mlea dir
ealate. He then eaiered upon the pianos u> Ri'bBvtlan IUrh.»hn pralne:
Umft to proMMt the aoppreaali
fer vaatly frotn the Pratexunl. tbey life of a farmer which he followed 'them a* ’Incf-tilouB piece* of nutban
Ism" but eiiiuidsine.i of thrlr -fei'lrlipreparing tbe grave after tbe arrival from ihni time until hi* death.
of tbe body and tbe oaoal casket burial
—. ....................
- ould have
dot being need: but iosiead tbe body public trust la this commualty. among I m
Id If he
s !>< i
la plaood la a vblle llaea vtadlag vbicb may be menUoaed the office of 1 KImliall I’lano of today. «-ii
filtintf of
Seale, heauiifiil lone qi
. . ly. itaheet aad tbe box used (or in rceep
and hand
claSEi-s n siu-cinily.
tion ta three aided, there being antbiag was riecled in ISCil. supervisor.
.................. reedlly. Inhiv would hnv.- cm.' In',.tbe bottom to tbe remaiat lie oa
and Jnatiee sf (be peace of Elk
trao oofUagA USttoa tba valaea aad
teles of lUdlehi m-er the KIniliait
mother eorib. et tbeir belief It that Rapids township. Tie va* also (be first
111 and I'Xpressed himself In tr.uen
by tbe eelUpae of tbeaa InSaUeet
the eoooer tbe body of clay relurat ireasurer of the village of Elk Rapid*. .............
same ua.v
a* the grrsi mi
brlsga 00 burlaaaa fanlca. There la a
217 E. Front SI.
to dost Tram vbicb it came the better.
Iir day. For Inrtulici'. Vat
Mr. Brand va* married to Anne J.jof our
Mag Uat of evila la tba train of
lull has a wondi-rriiliy swo'-i
lied Jau.,"Ti>''
McVlcar In !8i9. Mr* Brand died
eapilalUatlou. li keepa vagea low on
■ad eympatheilc
Tbe (rieads of Mica Clarissa Carr,
uary to. 1»M. The naion va« viihout j
•aeoaat of tba Iniareat ebargea. It dU- tor many years a teacher ia tbe city
...................................................................... aeuiig demands." John Philip {
ooatagaa the email tavaoior and doea •ebool*. bave received neve ct tbe ■
*ays, .'The KImliall 1* first rlai
gvay vlth thrift gad briagi ta
death ot ber father, vbicb occurred tegrity ef ^srscler. Hit sturdy
every rexpeci.” Beeboeck **v*, -Thi
Btaad a aplrit of gaatiag aad apecola- Saturday at bU borne In Dundee. HtU
Kimball Is the peer of any piano I
Uag hoaesiy vus knova le alt. Pos-;
played upon."
And we tnigli'.
thm. Not <Bly baa It material evlU bat pair resigned ber position bere a few
tewed ef a liberal education he va*, qnoti hUBdred* of o:her tmislcian*
aioral aa veil aad the debauebery of years ago on account of ber faiber's
always a student ot men aad affair*! *'bo_bare Mp^*ed ihclr pirffren"'
pollUea and traataaaa talereata by die- bealtb and returned to Dundoc. where
boeaat corporailoBi la one aour
; 226 E riDBtSt. 201 S0.Ufil0B
Ibe relieved him of many of the dutlei
grant barm to tbe morale of tbe
eoBoected vlth his paper, tbe Duadee
friend of (be grrsi Charies Dickens.
I (lent loll and the csprodltnrr- o
Reporter, praeiieally taking charge
His life was full of ••year* aad hon-i‘W'-raGIc monew he produced a
, Tbe prealdmi autea that uaiD an during tbe past summer. Death came
2b Ibi H. it E Granultii.-d
art example to ali; and by bl* j
gdeqoau aatlOBal lav u enacted it vlIl •uddenly from heart iioobir.
death we are agatn reminded that that | peHor to for.mer Instrumeci*. 2.1 nr* Amber Ci'lnivd t»ii =
be tmpoastbte to deal vltb ibeae evlli ftineial wax held this aneraooa.
group of rugged early pioneer*, to'
Frederick the nreai, who Irdulsn! I
ta an adegnaic manoer.
The many friend* ol Misx Carr ami
much are fast n..«-1 in a great variety of pitnuiU*. bad x
CoBgreaa ahonld at once (all in vUb her mcKher express tbeir deepen sym‘^ •-•tiolier of :lie*e "fir*! ..lanos" m hi.
log away, abd that their name* will
tbe oaggeaikmi of the preatdeot and ptlby in their sad bemvemeaL
• here I* a very pn-tcy li-. 1
soon be amoag us only ax memorle*.
eonneetton thereto ihx' i
at tbe earileat poaatbic moment enact
we would like to t<-il you ahoui In ih'
a aulUUa lav. If ibU voidd not bold,
PrebaU Court.
WHY PAY MOREf 2Sc fancy can- nunihcr. but »I»ec will nm p.nnu. v
tbea tbe eoBaUtnihsa Mioald
Probata court was lakea op Tueadtj
aSM«-“Vhe’Naiinn-- J
omeodad ax le cover the petata to ib-.- with a petlUoa filril for lioenxe to sell die*. 40 rarietle*. only lOc per ^un.i*. j
dec5-tt Home Soncs." words and tn i«:e. \v *
reel eaUle In the Flora M. Powell es- The Economy Store.
' are giving this liook of soep. away I.
to tbe prealdeai aata aov tbe W iStryn order to seiUe up tbe li
ler 11. * lbs
■ ■ same reason that «i- at.- writing J
poratloaa are aab]eeU vlihout i
edoesx. tbe estate bring bot MW.
lip.- of t-offees in cti.t. (
/ . iha; you'5
erelga vbleh it a eeadUloo vbich
Monday a petition s-jk Ale
purrhn>-- of
abonW aoi cilai aa Ji la lalmical to (be
IC appointment of tWlliam T. Woodplino. organ or piano pla>.-i
bem tateraou ot tbe eeuairy.—Record. bouse a* admlnlstralor of the osiaf
Wi.n’i Mill makf ti« a > i-d
left his five children by his oMbcT
---------------------------------------------- ------ :----------- I write us'for ilio book. "Xail.iii - H":ii
The Car.
Traverse City Markets
song*r it * (re*-.
Mrs. Sunn Woodbonae, a resldcat o
tt an reporte are trae. tbera U
Sarnia. Canada. Tbe cataio left ih.
danger for the c*ar vtibto die palace chlldten cooalals of gSW earh for eiiu
snanvau in pricau. f*
thaavUbooL Kia.peapieareiBTeTOlt cailonal purpoiMw but Mr. Woodhnuse
gad clamor for raiorms which be bai
an only rhild and also (alls to
giaated by maalfoslo but vltbla tbe
the Bother. Me
royal tamtly there are iboee who. for last evening tor
Dress as ttlell as Vou Can
Qmn CIt} Fin tesmici CDipinr,
Farmers’ lasurance
1( will piy j’ou.
you. Had what a gattafacliaa (Ttt IrPYwH _
neatly wl fnsliionably .TttirU!
t afTaid
affanl tf
to dnM
' '
If that's how you feal. it is cvi'lpat that
hit yon hfivo m-ver
? of L. .Viler Bros. A- Ca'i Rocbcftcr
mitdc Saits .nid OverraatK. which we are aellins In lanie qnaati
lies every srnsnn.
Fur Seat* aad Fur Cintd e«aU SW Is SM
:: Piano Talk No. 8
Diamend Rings
Bcbctnian fiametx
We inritn yon to mnlte th«r soquaintancg
Toipi' in for an intmloction.
Wo are somag agenu for the h^gin. Fanlthes. SigMl, He»U
gml Kowton Bhirta,
Wooirntltww.'arifii.ll colors,,« S..U.....................$|
tO 6 00
Fmctlpr^KitlUlovc................................................................ $1
to 2.50
Furliud.1 ... ............................................................................................ .....
tO 6.00
Woolen Uittons anti GIovt* for Sleo fiml Boys.. .25c tO $ I
Dat Department
Men's Soft and Stiff rinU.................................................... $f tO 3.00
Wool nnd Plush Cni«.............................................. ................ 26C tO
Ask lo see our I'tims and Totjms for cbil'lren.
Boys' Clothing
that fiU peifoelly costs iw moro tlion ill-fitting tdothes.
Jewelrj’ of i-yay descripiioi
Silverwire is crut vgriefy
Tbe Two Cash Stores
Elgin C. Lewis.
pooly aelfish raunn*. do not dealre perfonna a wedding (oamrrev afir-.
to aee ibeie reform* enaeidd. T
noon,'after which be leaves for Sir
hereditary bcMm rather tbaa see a nla to attend to tbe rlosing up of
taemtHutinaa] govertunent. Jodgltig hy estgtr.
His mriber passed r
reporu. vculd take car aieainro to Nbf. S.
prevent It. Tbia t» not ter love cf
aneleat lastitutteat and love of conn,
May Lower It
try but to pToteei ihemaedvea. They
abort ad tbe
ic to believe
(hat it It tbcir.tlgbt.
-Yesterday It vat reported that oor
tbe grsad dukea. aapposed to be
*e Qmd Duke riadlmir. had attempt,
ed to asaaaalnate ibe exar and bad.
■bot him la Ue am. Hla leteat
atoeka In Travetwe City may be
slderaMy rednevKl In a rbon tine,
that ^* necessary is to employ
egtra firemen, have too men oo duty
at Ibe engine boose at nights
hare Ibe electric wtriag esoform
Little PcllowB- Suite. nROs
to JO yrs. ia
styles.................................................................................................... $3 to 5,00
Use Herald Want Ads
Has Opened Oftlces in the State Bank BaUdlnt
Of Aeuie n.'iil Chronie Eheninitttva.
siun. Eton or militofy sty!6s...........................................$2 tO 5.60
Ovi rcouts or Boefors in Box. Iluisifin or Toorist
GoiiL Sjimiiiu. Si-iiiiira. M>-aliria. N.'iiriti*. XctmrtgiD, VariooM.
I'liuiTs. Pill-*. I ric Afiil l>i.3tbesix iitid other distnrbancoa of
Metabolism, t i' licral nod Load lufei tion. .Skin Dififmaa, Liver.
StoznficJi and Bowel tronUcs, Liiiii: trv>nblr«, Kklnoy and Blad*
der diffienltiis, Nerrous Eshauslion. Ki-arastbcB'i*. Disoaacs of
Compk'lo new stock Drags. Mcvlicines urul Dnsffgistt.' Sundries.
Ftescriptions Accurately Componnded
by Registered FbarmacisL
the Fritwle Pelvli- Orfjtuts, Pamlysis and Canecra.
If yoti are
•efferiiif; with any ditifise an<I havi'been onaUc to getth'-dcsirctl restflte !>>• driiK treiUncnt. call ami sec the IVjctnr.
sultatioii Frri'.
suns W3 MD 4D4 STHE BUS HlllilK
HERAtb. TMURSOAY.OeCti»iE»« 7.”l«.
. txr^
have tom
Mle» vin bciSoun. CtV LU^<>: S. X. KiBE«>e7„p«jl«llr «rt0PB^. Ti* •ewlo*- I Tbe dUtrict bwUbk liM »fi*aor»<' I
IWBtBBt JOB-n-BBd luBch Bhoold b-,imUI thi; orn f«eul«r nwJlBB -In
asBaoBC! T
bi <o tbai aB.ill-dsr BtA)- cbb tK-j Uan^ bimI tftc plaev *«l li
.Th> TMK.W1BS «• U» Itai BBd j by (be «esWJy« iwBailit. r ai a later
ibt dBt« t: 11.C iBMKuie*:
Fife Uke. 0. A. It. hbll. Det II.
CauRty Ctta tl(var Medal.
KlBC*W. Dec. IS.
UaylBld (lowiblp) Tobti bBtU IX r.
Coutitr Cletk Il-Aen a Waller lo.
Ju»l foodved ibe diploma for ihi’ In
leraaiUauJ jsry W award of (he ailv.T
Onn. 'Dee. IS.
WmtBsiBberE TWm bell. Ilec. ic.
OK-dal Blion t" G«od Traterac con e
Slmley Bchoc) bonre. Dee. 1*.
pnlBODU To«B bBlI, Dee. l».
eapoMMoa of 8L 1^1. la l»»l. -MLook Uke To«-b ball. Di*. 20.
The eoBDty tuo^y Inoltoie erlll tiv . belli* •• dtplama mward.-J on aoromit
_rid lo eoun hv<»<'. Travene CRy. of (hr (fahibli i-eni from bi-re In ca.ofKO La.iil and ••Mch atiraced mur.!
Jbb; is Bbd M, lt(K.
, favorable oimmeni; Earh apple
Mr. Lay Will be Piwsldent.
The deBib td Jnlloa T. Hanaab will
w«c Ibr (.rcaldcbry of (be IlaBaab * '
1.B} MerrttBll'ceoTcpaBj'lbeTrarerar
riiy Situ- baaU aad lianaab * U> Co.
with A Trac
!rs BK-uU-r
Haapalt. Lay A Cu. Mr. Lay will be
brre In a few <laya aod will apeeJ i>art
of bta lime here In »ci>er\li3oB « (lie
,iaterr*i« ul (be dlB«owbt epBpaa'e-.
(leor^.- VV. Uard:i-t. Mio-lb-Iaw of (he
Hob. Perry Harxah.
: QWAt.i'rv s'ren*
T"" "'■‘■"I
. O
Parm«rt' Initittrtc.
K Panae-r*' leslltuie «ill Iw b>ld ai
rmlpy MbooIbgaBe un Monday. IV
cMBber IS. mS- Mornln* teiitaa ai
Id b-«tech. ProC. U- L. Dean, of M.
A. C., a-m be (be aUte nfHeikiT.
Prof. Ocaa-f topic for ibe orfjmlUB
ualoa ndll be "Ure Slock abd
Koeda." Dtaeuai
afierooan Prof. Dean will
lalk OB rrbe Apple orchard.- a>d al«o
-PoUloca. and How to Qrow ■mem "
OueaiioBa ob tbco i^lci will be an
^nelied lu alliad. and an »p
poitUBlty will be el'ea U> become
iDitliuiv to all w'lo
deslrv lo do au.
p. U. Hamnond.
Janea Harrb,
Vk* Praldcnt a for OarArid Towsahlp
(Uin'the next sitmim r. While Mr.. iw»*
He ra^* "I Miffired aporWaller waa r.inTt«-'t '« rerH'-r
Vbr tbe MVU «( Xo^U-r. IRB.
diploma. 11 war foreanl.-.! In ihr er...i;L.d.^^Pled OBBy rr'io.:
ly bulldln* Whi r.'II will lx-hnn* afier
wliboir. lellul. nntl; '
bedn* approprlaiely Iranicl. TbU 1. KlnK» S<w Dirno.-ry b
icedni by ttioee Inle.-en.d an lb". Hoc. Co;ii.-br a»d cm-!-, »
r;m«l tu) c--:i|:bl atli', :,av<->i ini
prop..T pl&ce to
eonauaplloi-." A itratii) cun' fi
The hillowln* I* ibf .lexcriplleu w . mci^
F.i'wsiVfc S-.n.'. Dro.;
The cinirnl Bgnre of ib- etimpu-d g.,-„
5;,~ anO.Jl.wu guarafutr.lHon. r rolTjsi. eS-arcyed in«d< ti _;*» Trial loiH.-,
bvr Srsi youth. Oolnobla. looks fo—--------------waul with unrloudeU brow mi-M up«i SEPFl-Y >0^
a future beyond ih- aci which .bev-'- Econoi'iy Sl-rv
resenis. placing .me Imnd in si-^n «il jR-utiJ.
the globe. i;plf}1nj
(be territorial arqulriiioa, wliicli la u’«'"r ■
fered by b.T alater Franc- reau-d a;, Millo
Ser riahi. Slmulianeoaaly from fc / teaii;-.
other hand ahe paave, on tk- l->rch of lo anxitirr.
prosrexi to her .meeseiisiT lb- yool'l rrsoUr » th uH
of her coiunry who wlib wlnp-4 f.-i thilr. ino.ldr..
Pomona Ora«0*.
eland, nv.ly lo rteiari on Ida rolaaioo Pnaufi
:> ai Jobii.oi
<nic qbaricrly diaitia meellu* of il!- i
ci.n;™n,.n ...w. .1..
Patroaa of Huabaadr} called ibelr fli>: , aim whlKi Irmdlaiea itic aky. CoIo.t. j.
^ g,,,,,.
go 81 Graose hall Tac«la>
bit la draped vHb ihe fla*. c)Mia>!n m m^d.
ai : o'ckiek. the counllea of liio itc aymliol alxne all oihers. whirl, i_ ------- --------------dlatrtet bela* Dcaale and Grand Trat- recosplrvd tolhc fartteit llmRs'It Hie
I'j- s
OINCH wlwnyou .
ntallvrt trom Elk Lake. world and don-"', a-connTry whei ■ ^
ca!i(Ii-4 at ccly
Fife Lake. Bmamll Oiy. Ijm* l.ak.- naa the .-apoaltloa iliol l»ai:..d Hie i:- .^ound. The Eemomy v'lore. uI
and Inlaad were in aitendance.
pluma. France’we.vlnB the coaiun;'
lertalaroeat of (be vlellins delceailoni of Hie perliid of ihe ceaalon of il.e______
was luorwed by Pemoaa cr'
'Lonlalana lerritoty la V A retuniaiv ------------- '
local orsaniraiion
orsanlrailon oi
of iniBcuj.
Ible city. /.ou... rnarehroi'Nn depiried' w5'h I
Blnaly aueaded the adernoon
,„^V:-hn- the OCI of nwboi .L.
the annual clecllon iH
« fhi>
Ihu fl'I. .
acciimp!lsh“J in ih.- In.-rlo'
kiwioe ofOeera took plarc:
of the eoQKiilaU' li was a vlep iu HWorlby tnaMor. Bolen Darncy.
progieas 'of Nai«il«iii -aail Itnpviir'
CtnatetlM thlt wwli 2,950 Oreeveer. Robert Swaney.
Prance remain, la onr raftnnrii'S imln:
l.aolurcr, Mm. Adella Irtob.
as rellnoabKiii: Hx' l-:Ti'ory whi.'’'
AMbert Rocket of GtWBi lowatblp
Sieward. Darid Clerk.
o;ir yoiingrr iia;i<>n hs. sn ii.irably <l<
«>d JSrw. Nofw Boyer of Iowa *ere
ABStount steward. U. H. McMBlIeu. vel0i«“l. Thi' liordir ef a rlasslc-cti.
I Cba^lB. R. B. Reynolda.
KeoDaed to wed Saturday.
jilrc design eiiilox s lb.' names of lb
Treasurer. Lowell Sours.
slBics of (hr Lrlon. piomlnenc- beln ;
The WeMem HMe asd Pur coiopaoy
Seeretary. Mrs. E. 8 Gray.
Siveii to those .oniprlslng the i-rrii.
baa purebaaod the oM Inie of the Cl>y
rial acQUlsItlnn. while ihe foan-i >
vatt( worka moaotlas to brtweea
Cerca. Mra.
stars in the isbl.-t below ttill furlln i
throe aad foui> toaa.
Poaona. Mra. Arvllla Gardner.
n-s.. 1<i« ef .mip>..ym.'ni. .r
vmiihaslee (b<!r ImiKii^nce.
any ir( H- iinreHiinsU' rcn.IliPlom. Mra. Ellen 8a**e.
The'dlplcxnn Is K.xlV Inr’-es In sire
Lady aaslaiam sleward. Mre. E.
t: In ileslKnc! Ur Will H. lx.w sRd rRoU-itscn.
. produced byGililci A C'i. iu a s.pia tin
« SuardMB tor Walter W. aad L
Thai evenlos after a bouneiuus sni
hniK-riat Japiuc.- paiwr "Hii;
OmnlBdhaB Bsd BB iBveolory of Ibe per la ibo ball
Jotab C. Oni eauu vat alto «le<L
veMul with ICO lo att-adancc. toti.r the
bv.-r:u,; c. r ificat' i
ili- sam-.BlereB uBleo bob l«i oo MoBday dfita degree pvlog conferred upon »iv«ii .ibe barso aBBB TbonptoB for teen eaadldalra from Ih- subordinailadgca.
ttiagbav wbera they will kiBd her (or
done In the foorth degree lodge, bni
Ibc Krilp LvBtvr oorapaay for a
Poaona bdng tbe flnh degree, gaithe taatallatlon last -venlog.
Tbe aomlng aesslon W-dnesda; i
WB. Beiiaer, PriU and Mlat Marie
retorned EWday arenia* trow Bldnaw. was glvea over to (bv iDsiaUtIluo of j
oOecn aad olber business and disevr
Where ihey wore torluMic onoi
aemre four ftae deer. They bare boon lOn.
The buslB.TS cussioo .Inriag tl'rtneBbcrta* ibelr frlenda ever alnec
With WieteBa aenlaoa aicoka. While momlng ekmed Ihc dUirict bk-Hi.i;
baatWe Mr. Bdcner reedred a pahi- and tovoBl resolntlons were present.'.!
Ibe eomalHee. B H. Saylor. G. -V
fal Ml vbleb broucbi bla aeilve tpori
to aa cat. bat as U bappceed near ibe fWbensoo and B. M. Franklin, anion..;
dose of thdr auy It vaa not aa dla- Ibcia being a rveolntiun on ib- d-a'. i
•atrow as n al«hi otberwteo bare of ca-WerUir Master John C. GUI . r
IkinuBa graiip'. whose death oee’im l
Oci. 5. They also approvwl of ihfor tx-onoiiikvil CbrisHiuis
\\V olTurau rMxJli'Ut o|.is.rlimity f
to U due to arrive measure Rdattilac friH' alcohol for HiTkottcBMra
buyiu'.; tliul im onu Ciiu alTonl lo miss. Wo know we can iik'ud.Uk Borth
arts as passed bbf the national prang.'
iiu^ satisfy you.
bee way b> ChMaca on bar Mat trip cl
Presideni^ Ilooscvi i.
tbcacaaon She VtB probaUy brla* in regarding tbe
belweoa lea mad twelve earlunda c[
II to Bli.'n
MtaccHancoot tivl«bl and will lake
OB Um iMka ef poUlaca. cor an.
cmebaH eartiBda of Hder. one carM
Immedlairly ad.'r Ibe diim-r liii'ir
«t enrUM peMa. one cnrload of apples the following nioimliierss for Hu' >■ -r
and • earkiad of mMcrfMocoiia frcl*ii. were appointed;
^orc MetaMc t>lca*o li to npecUsl
Eaecntlre—Messrs. George Hobcriabe wOJ •have aU toM •fiy-tbiee.car
w, Clty^ LowH Sours. Elk Lake: H.
w aii.l ■•tf-rs b ifivat variety of Ui.- latfst iiou-liii-s in
is liniDil iK'W
^loailt of frolEbl.
. Zimmerman. Long Lake.
ncli aa Slipport. Julkltea. lAfr_'inK8, Wann Sliot-s.
footwi'.'ir. sock
Finance—W. B. Gray, D. H, McM-it
•tic*. Etc. any of trtikh J.rv .luairnklc jiri’y.'iils for pi-rsoDs ..r
Ibe Boardmai lea. Mrf, Arvllla Gardner.
all ai:
1 Riwet.
CbaHty—R. B. ReyBolOi., Inland:
pany was tuned on for the Erat
MISS Hellle Slupe, Old Mlarlon: Mrs
Monday aficnoon at i o'eloek8. M. Kingsley.
M* LUW voR BB^ne worked perfect
Legtaittive—8. H Saylor, lxiwo)l
.Vuifl tluo^eill
ly and. MaMc U tbiee or tour da>r
on-. \Vf Uiink tlio .jitulily
will be wired op and pul lato
<■( nur atii>|a‘ra is the Ih*i.
e«oa.«tlbeiiib the eoBpaay say have
Before lioynik: lx- sore lo w.v
10 wall tmill Sneday in make the con
our lint'.
McUont. The new dynaaae wlU *ilerMlty beaedt the aerrlee and wiO
« la this diy
. acoond to none la (be atale.
t DOlilR occisiomiiY
TRIVEBSI tin sms bam,
. .. Gifts
Our new holiday
Mist Elsie MHMIetea. wbo baa fw
tta past MgbiccB yean dlkd (be Ibponaai petinoa of geaetml aaperrlMf
fpr tbe wnmaa's seetkB at (be Konb'
era Michigan asylsB. baa resigbed bet
peetUon and will leave in a short Hb*
for BtmUle. Wash, when- abe sriU Join
Dr. Foreda Kaddeau. at one tiBc or.
Ibe staE of phyaldaBa at the aay lam.
Mist MIddletoa bat naJe a wide elr
Me of frlenda during ter tesWeoce =b
tbe diy who wiu gveaUy regret ber
departure, and wbetc bed! wtobes wTJ
follew her lo b« new boBe In ibe
The Taking
Cold Habit
The oW cold r>«; 8iiew
qid^ty comes- Ii’s the sior>of E wetk dirow. wetk lunts.
a tcadcocy to coBturaptioB.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectorsl
breaks up the tskiac*cold
baML ltttreatibeos,sootfacs,
heals. A^ your doctorabout it.
50C, 75c, 1.00
1.25, 1.50, 2.00
(Uomt n's Slippers
and IniMtss
Ail fi'lu Loa. fosoJ. ul! k-ili;ur. wgrm lined, fur irimmed.
in l>la-k. l»!m\ ifri-cii. lifotrn.
r<vi or fancy irimininj^.
$0Cp 7Sc. 1.00s I.2S.
I.S0, 1.75
Wicii tho stocks an: froeb noil txMiiiJetf, when you haws Une to ace what then is to
buy. when yon can l-cI just whst you want for year friends.
fliost lk.'wildi.Tiiuf .lispby. Ik-rry disb.a. an«-ar au.l
ernaoKTS. olive 1116111*. viisv'. water Ixillles. ebeese
dislies, tumblers. Uill olive <lieL.'S. knife rt*U. vincjfar
micU, aynip pitclieni, an<l laimlrcds ofolln r bcuiiliful
Till liii-sl worl.'.:vcr viisplayitl licfe. Clinp {dutca.
Kiii:ariin'l creaiiiv-r*. Im-ail iiml butur {dab's, olive
ilitliet. viiacB. briiah and eomb trays, fruit plan*. You
mu6t See then u> fully uptircciste them.
YVi'have never abowii su-h U'autiful pwl*-tlic newi*l ilisik'ns and aljk*. oelefy dishes, diop pbU*, nlad
dislu*. bn«d plates. pitdi-ri.cupa aad saucera.coutitor afbT rouiiler
with nil mimner of dainly piocc*.
in cwlicsa v-aricly. Soov lhiiii: b> |>lease the littki
boys and RirU. Tne larger rhildreii. mechanical toys,
ab'am toys. l4'*-k« of all kimls. all the newest games.
Tbit is the nllrai tivc plac' for -verybody. owl pomfcihiiiR
buy f>r eviTjlxyly,
(uidaucbn8to.'k.ull the nrry Utoat works of fictkjnT'Urttrf
Uoks for bayv full erf advenlnrt; the fineat of atoriiw for jfiris:
pi'-Huv book* for tb>- wee tots; beautiful illnstntod poems in
lenlber and fancy Wndinijs; dainty gift books for the friends;
seU of ttondard works. IN F C T. BOOKS FOK
^ IT T U O B T.
One Day loemrtea.
A aeries o( oaa day IbtBeri.- I
tnte* have bMn arraagod dor Oraed I
Traverae eouety. Prof, M. U Doaa of L
to-ih.' ■rtal- sprak-r. Fin- Ptt«ram<!
Grand Traverse Region.
. d« w“^J!
one aiy. Hr. tad tin.---------------«1I) tulie Utelr bom » Cedar tor Uie
pmwnL We »l#!i ibe Totme eoople s
_____________A tht HmM «ac
dors in TrATcrae Cltr Nit sseL.
Hn. Lisa Hacpt, vbo ii> lescbbtc at
aowtrd Cmrr«ril rdorsed
Jutes flsiards)'. After Ati
(tertl or bl* brolber. Pn T carrolt.
.. .......... ....-* Maplcton
Min Maalc .LAntlr
« vllk Mta. Cbaa.
N Nr>. Ed HIB tf tWUbs at WnUama-
'funeral settnes. assisted by A J. Me-; pesinsola. wbere bt' will snick tbU r
-Ptjr ai-n ts yeara.' vrtuu Qeo. W.
Roe. S. Rath jireacbcd at Ibo ebsreb
Vturned home fraan ! Laugblln.
! wiaier. ‘
Bddle Newcomb to very sick. He
d Mrs. Jarh HsUe and eliil- < Bainnlar aad Boadar. Bverrose era* iMuaa. of fUrptr. mth.. *1 bad a
V TUlilet; glad to ahake bantu vKb hta osec bitter batlle. vUb cbrosle atsmarb aad
william Roblnaon «f Traverse CUf coBkl not attend bis wtfci fnnera!
,Uf». ............
Uaixea ...
pareotn. 1
spent one day lasl week with I). J.i Wc hope lor h to speedy rccsivery.
Hoyt of Mabel.
1 Ttcre Is SBiestScal of com to busk Demtriv.
: Hiss UnL tvtnsumk-y to workluf ' cured ny
Hr Ayers bas so'd bis farm to for ber.stot.T, Mrs^C. W. WbKten. jirtcBItio.,
“ jk Bulluo naddf a trip to Kv yet amaad here
dost Introd ia
fV. HIU U quite morty. ao be ha-l Haltbew Klee. Mr. Ayers will k»vc
Bore, to Mr. aad Mrs. Albort Wbli- : mend ibcn
wadlo Botarday.
St thru
la the
___ res Watson
JO call a doctor. Wb hope be will socm, here today,
ten. Not. ;t. a j>ali of twins They are; tbe fm.in-------------Oama
Vaiaoa of
of Bk
Bk Rapids
Sapldi was,
in tbe peiEbborbOud a few
days tost'
Ha»I Maize to atiendinE acbool tmib dotox Enelp at this sokiiix
bouse Tber are certnmy.a trosdo■wdaya
Frank SiaEord. who W'nt to Arkan. 'ubUc here.
Ur. and Hn. Sb.-Uey are ealllax os; tot nedlclnc. to bate eurad
rvHr*. BItos rl.-lted trlesde Ip Uract;' (he people about here duriap lb«- re-: bad ease as mine." Bold. nndv.
Mta Oslo
UsdM-r U os the ilck ___ --. find a better place, bas
Hv did nol like
He 'hulncvk.
vital meetlncs lirre this week.
''antce to do tbe aanie for yon. by JobnIke it
It there.
'tomed. ...
Ml.. ii.hiu r-.waM.MBF N Ml itiB u I5ie ibe
ti of....................................
<boa<- tb*
Jost-pb Trojer to In town foe a fen
Hr. and Hrs A S. Bmllb eatertnlned: sos Urus Store Co. F. R Mtsds and
ud Tnv<
at-ene ilia bc»i yet.
quite a nntnbi-r ThanksftTtnE lor din- A. K. Walt A Boo*. dniSEtoU. at 6ttc
Sldoer t3o.Tdafl ibotM In'o i
Brrrrund Johnson called here Wed- ner.
a bottle. Try then today.
A. H. Smllk's tacaci boiues.
lesday crrnbMt.
Mrs. SU-fT< at and dauEfaier of
____________ '
Hire Ikirdlek epeul Thanln^lvlng - Lelaod ore staying with Mt. and Mrs.'
JViT.L .
Horn. ti. Mr. aad Mr*. Cunis Amse-,
Selnbi are td H- M-sa >«i.our :
; Uallltan was quite----------------- -------Blrber epem TbtoLtpv.
,1; tine a bIH-Tuesdur. November IS.
itbeaedny*. Altboopt the unos I* not.
Hrs. Un-rv-b to qtilir low at tbe
Mr*. M. W Fdrrant to at {m-seot very phanlful yei.
| present time. cUbuugb we hope for ter *»“Trave^^c Ciif. relomlng'
m-.der tbe care of the doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. rtortie; 'spent Tliankt-1 recDtery.
Ti«.-Cn>UM- laoilvtl with K-mbtr tor'Elvlre day wIT: Mr.Anis-r'sUniily.
Mis* Mary ll«lvir>.oti *11.111 BtioiUy ,
A Fearful aPte
Mlu MUdiStb Doclterar of Travwao |
r apeot ThsakSKlrlaR *IUi ber ,
ad. Ulia Addlo CrUp of tWi place.:
*^e pto nodal at tie ehnreb »t» pot
"vlidl frIoncU. Tlcy
fWT nacb or a seeeota. onir a fe«: expected
return aaooaay.
A soodir nnmber from this tklnity |
of the ThnnkwrtvlDB onppt-r
totnlsbed by the Ladles’ Aid «od«y!
U WllltomsImrE Iasi Tbnrsdi
Mra WUI PipodESOd of Trarerae
Mrs. Ublbe Hanson of '
a faw dara of last a>eak City, with her iwo dauebters, Wcima
ber notltar. Mrs. taala.
and Hay. visited teliliTes here
_r Petilet of BenxoBla airlTod Wllllaiasbarg last week.
WMaeadar tor a vlilt with n-Ntlvoa
C. H. Estes amt J. W,
at thb place.
to ak Lake last Enoday
aalr aad Dnaeau UorrliiOB epeni
Thaahaslrliic at tbeir oadc'a Robert iu^mwH^°Nm^8a^ay H wUl
MontfcBi. oesr Rapid City.
held at Acne In
in tbe afiemoon
afu-mooo and at -'
le of Ml*. Wn. DoTli u Drank-
.™ S i oi™; >1.....™.
II —«"=di««r
' ' ,,"“Si.rA'.'‘“'uSSJ.
-i.»... 1.™
Bwir.oui has rciuriwd Iroai
ChnrU'Vr-;* 111.- uiving *la-l Kslkayks;
initbfnlly say." write. Harry Cidson,
-that lor blind.
ling and pcocrudlng pile*,
mlea' Salre Is tbe. bear .
cure made.'- Al«i best for cuts,
and Injiirie.. tic. . '
«...re fo >. V. H. Mrwds
ads and
Oxford ba* t«o totai,-rb-» «’ni|ilo}lok Wan L Suns. dniAgtoi!t.
o»er »UI> wouK-ti and glrto teu nUmlhs
Detroit to to have another Ug aali*
In ltd- year. Tbe aii-rasi: wages
maa Banner evenln..
Mrs. Mtanle AmtsbneUer I* nBtei
Utolns ber miither for a few days.
cr'.r;u. t
“be L^^Ald
l^les ^ of
ol Uiwn. rliurcb^had ! few day^
day. Other ■ Aoblle factory. It to to be known a*
Bates in theeveslBB. A cordtot lovlta-, • f»«»7^ll
css Uvoracek of Ri
a* liiEl. a. tl a .lay bas been the Atmmr Ci*. to cnpItalUed for
lion to oxlendad to all. cspoclally those dard * J««
reolns. Hr. Batea aaJ who are Interested lo Sunday school;
place Saiflir ereoli
«>lo>od- KTien nil bad <loiie ■
le*. ibts yesr uu ttw.Wo. and U bunded by A. T. HalTraVerre- CityTil.'
i.. the
-r soppor. Mrv. 1
Josllce lo an oyster
Mr. Greea or Bates bclap praaotl.
hall iast'Tlu.r*.fny,.-v,mqB. -Th.-re;Ur«,ubt<>f.t.q,n.Uiyor.h..boan..
It of ibe Aid. pnMrs. A. O. Imili
iMli was lakes ill
Jobn oiady. with hJs wife
T 101. in ait.Tidaoc.-ao.l .••
ird wllb a lovely * -i
bar bone Buaday sfeti, but to report- Hy.|W t^ for tbeir wosii
iua.l.-d with lorober for i le Eooned to eiik.r then»M-lv.-.;,Tli.-v •
;a S“55:
... l.a,
wilted about lir.. wbieb'wlll bv us<-ii
vlio has bnen snrktng
■tns' iiranl r.paperiog Hu- eburrtt.
pitcher, which showcl itoir lore end ai tie Charlevoix lUe tavtog nation,
tin- I
ih MauUou
B.T.. I04...I
.jtlpb Worden aiu-acltd the dance a' ; lone*! t» the AW and bad bii-n cluic placi- lo b
I.an».iis fc Rut.irlian Tiactiou
a i;niDcd
Hto.s lioleomlb
lines at Bi. John* uit|y B|i|.»n.-ni I11 «*
rho have boon at Traversit City, re*. were married last Runday. They hav.- Tmv.ive Oily.-to Uklng cat
.li* ;« «vi
USBIT Helms aad^ Wmlly bare turned homo to apend TbaokSEtvtng.
>f Cl«i Artoir teas tn:„
1 <Hu»ier. „ ntmoally) allow)ed
Bat Yoons attended the dance nr long and bain>y married
MTod in Will Helm'a tiaiiio «i the
About slaty yciiuK frlenils
Bapld City last Tfanrsday.
and lim. O. M. Prenlloe reIn;a c.f Somu Manllou'
Trawse City
Bainniay evening,
tWBOd to Alden today.
Itas.-A-U llirougli tfps |<Un- Run- I
- Tbe abinple mill has cloaed dows on where she spent a few days with her
1 lli.-ir way In TrBvt-i».- 'niy.
■on. W. W. Pray. CUi a*l fVout aodwUoyed some music fumtolH-i by t*®!
MBOBot of hod wealbar^
Margie Canuiv. Vera Dixon un.l He - ,
«T-------------- Uc
and Mr.. P..-i-r
Geo. E. Pray and family of Tiartawe
City spent a few days with relatlres ona Slipper.
Mr... MliliiiKt..!! Is at pn-s..«' nn
"^SeosI Brower and wife ale Thasknthe ear* <if ihi-iloci.i*.
iO city think they would never in.- i
dUmer with _F»ed ^1 and
J..hii MrluBl.. ouct Wiii. Ijird
Pray enjoy Ihulr coaigmuy again.
J«y ‘s camp w.-re la town Suuduy .
“Sbel Uibbs of Traeeiwc City to (tltJohn DascU imeuJ.-d ctiun-h 01 !
llB nwale lenaons to a sunber of oar
On.’ida Siin.lai.
D.-C. C.
Ooorse 1
AKa Crandall and
■tp to Tta
Bee Youmans were very much anrg»-Soldeil>™sgtou,pno.aeIwTl«tlk-^ ttS9»M*< <<*>***<<* •>**l<ttl
Mr. and ____ __
_ .
priaed to bear of tbdr marriae*.
sbtdi took place Wedseaday at Trav- ThaBlCBElTlnB with tt-laUvci 1 'ad- lendeU.' Bor. '’lltolvy
to Friday os aceoani of tbe uow
- Btom on Wedaesday, E»erM»a pn»eat paawd a plaasani erealag.
.. r*'
; 0» DEPOSnS
DepokiU ojty T* ^ ‘
aritfatoam *97 «•
>«ANK .
f Wtmoat notice *
. S. lloll. Pn»iUonl; A. FriulriUi and Cling. Willielm, Vie® *
Pfuskltntto C. A. Hammond. Caoliicr- J M
In Every Department of Our Large Store
Yoa «ni find as-ipTiting
bafy to grandpafeot.-*''
.ent of useful a&d sensible holiday gifts. Thb season, more than ever before, we have put in large lines of Holiday Goods—something 'for every member of the family, from
mdtes it a mmple matter for you to remember friends and relatives, just come in and make Xmas selcciions—wc will hold same for you till you want them and give you your own time to pay for them. Come
ear^ while the assortment is at its best.
S4.75 for a full si«f. wed
Coiic-li. ni-linlstt-reil in
vuloiir, heavy solid fmilic .-iml uood
Etc-] spriiies.
I >tbc-rs r.ii to S:!ii--‘>0,
to till.- very licsU
Tlu-siMKikt; an ck^aiit lecsoiit. U will be
plcastii.- lo show you the line.
•575 will btiy 8 Rood grade lOO^iiooe set of dighes. latest
well wortL $1£0. Odd i>k>c*e. fdamee. water eoU iind
bney disheE that wUl make beautiful gifts, ei 10 per cent Ices
thaa-they can bo bonght idiowhon!.
k S2.76 for a bonutifiil la^ Koed
made and finished in
Combine good sense
good taste am!
when sc-locliDR a Cbiistmas gift don't forget
that Ibo Quick Meal
Range would B- ibtmoetncnrptildc and son.
Sibil- of all CouH- in
and let..Of dumoiisfpH)'
tills to )®u-
all metal niv-
m-d, would be a borimiii at $2.7.3.
$2.86 will Iwyn ni.v Parlor d.ami..
just sncli n juni|i us otlu-r d.-alL-re ask
from $1.30 to>4 f.
of iampe embraces
clicapcal liandl.-mipop. J
1.50 foral:ir.re
arm mckvr
luk. Wt-are sbowiii;.- Iiundf.-ils of
oilier stvk rockers
as well.
$1.10 K'iU boy a hauJeomc Wimlow
Scat finished either iiioakorinuLi«uy.
upholstered with loose- velour nisbiuii.
.\ bit; lino of ofiice d<-sks. iiii-liuling rollflat loi». as tvcll us t.vpcwritinf; i
__ Parior Stand. SixSl indi
ttA French kgs, huavy bead-,
ea apron to nrocent warping,
fintsted in rid'goldcn oak.
^ tv.o
1 11.x- ..u*b.rs. Others t.i. to $17 -V>. ir.du-).
jn:i the iii„rl, fs bl-.-s' stvi.-s
frunj-.- »ud
|ni.hvUt. ni,-_-.
\ . I )-!----
$4.90 for a Child s all iron
Foster Crib, 30x»4 inohi-s.
large enough, for a l£->-earcU ^ild, woTcii wire eprings,
braM rasoe and exUa high
- «doa. Don’t fail to look at
$1.50 a act for Doeor Sad Irons.
Bortgiadc. all nk-kded, Hiis is tbe
Ttccgnmil best iron on the marki-t at
the beet prioe you will have an opportu
nity to bay it
$12.75 "ill biiyasolid oak cumin-^
nutiun Desk and Hook'-as<.
U '
tiou lia-< Stamp and iicn Univ.'.-i
liolfs. .-IS wi-!l'.is l;irw sUilioiiL-TT drawi.r. (
Book section Las adjnstabk- sb.-lv.s and f
p'-i" <"•! •*•
with ci®rjL4^|rGbEse of
$20 or more.
j$l2.00 will l.„y
\ in.-iiuin"^.jua'
> 40C will buy a a enliil
oak Jaidinicr stand:
justa fewoftbeso.
J. W-
75c for a gorri hi;:!i I
or laiby more.
.1. .Ml
would |
We will give away
absolotcly Croe. an <degdut 23.00 oHnbina.
tion game board.' Del
yours brfore they sptan gone.
»rS««e Cer. *f Btar
ipatt ThukadTlDC «ttli ber p«r«U. Mr. ud Mr«. W. H. W----Mr. HiBor b*» « new
- Vam'«
7«e-« f#lk»
— "^
fstkt «P<«
life aavlBC eerrtee ai Wbiaiten. rrtamed to bit boaie on North ^to»
ARer Tear* WbM I *■
Uoa. Hla* Oreeoe; M*>.
of the eveobis and waa hl^ eajared.
Alter the
were eerved aad aa
^ja^’dlnicrwa. b^Mtbe;
_j»e rtto*. B. P. name on TbatA*
dilnc at wbleli iweaiy gneaU were
Soda Crackers
Htea ComI Paalna rlalled b^
Tbotaday aad Prldar. retamln* to Bettcau Bar on gnadar'^kir* were held at the Coa«r»Dec. 9.
llenal efanreh ThankacIvlBe noralK
flevecal eelecllooa were rendered hr
cnUoB with her
choir and the palplt waaomwted;
Dee. 4.
Mr. and Mra. Ho»er Ow *ai^ the
brRer.OeeUoflteM. Ecbai^ 1
.Tlslttlis rel- lined Dr. aad Mr*. LcBoy t^rrea of
Mto« Addle NVIaon entertained a.
lid Mlaaloo on Tbi ' '
mnber of frlendi at a danctac putj
BMpb HeClothr —----- ---Itr. «»d Ur*. D. P. Twtor
itWWI^ a'rSr atrt bow.
bonw oB-Tneadar evenln*.
Enythinf yoo choogMBOk lor iBitiBce or deMB.
DoSTor Trarerae Otr .peoi Snadar
i(ev wmord lui Sninedar
lib Ur*. Uute MeCInaker.
Mra. Tbomaa Unata la on ibc alet
At every meal or lot a mnnch between neals,wlief
■ be ebnrcb on Mondar evmin*.
Mr*. George Da»e rwnr^ borac,
yoa ieel the Beed ol an appelizitif biu to QU op a vacaal
UiSr Sj^ nontb oC A. Martet<->
apent Thankralvla*
_ ^
■Uee, when tbcjr hnee work (or Ibe
coraer, in the monuBg when you wake hnii»ry, or tt
Wer. Mr. Incmm wttl »<»»• t» U.-.
Chartca Caarier. a ton.
Milht just bciore toim to bed. Soda cracker* arc lO
Mars'* bow dBriof Itelrnbwnoe.
An echo mecUng of the eoni mUW:
Mr. Urett »nd tunUjr nte ThMkiglrwaa held at the CoogrcgaHoaBl chnreta .
ligbt and casUy digested t&al they oiake a periect food-a
' >■ dtnoer wltb Hr. and Mn. Aaron ■Uree in Port Horon. He »
avP a Tbaak^vins par>r ' oa Thumdar evening. Report* w^,
liae* when yon conld not think ot eatiiil anytluia ebe.
aUr be FDoe aboot a mootb
The toadf are la mrr
dered br tbe choir.
laal Tbnradar «veoln«. All report
tSon. not enouik anew to
perau aeason aad will c
Tfce aaBBB] BwcUu; of the Coagie-'
Bnt as in aU other thin#*, <here i» a diHcience in god
id time
tMfbtac IMS MKMMt am
waa beU Meadar. A
ttojawy wMh Uct ta
*^5;. B. 8. Walt * baaltb' u
cracken, the snperlativc heinf
r aai'acrvcd ai ll:Sfrpoortr. Bbo la eoBtacd lo ber bed
Ibe iRueBl of the KdK»l cbtldi^
dra. Ualpb Jaaeaon and daunhi'
C'Mia Artie Qlbba apent Tbaakscir " Hn^'jSuillnwnkUn 1. vpendinc a lng'Sdila«l^ht^r«"p»riiii Fri-: •Jon aaa held and.................... ' *—
vo4 lo Traverse Otj wHh rclaUre*.
S at OW Mlaaton witn Mike C*— T. P. S
Omoo Parker baa soih> to Dendon
g and 0 ••
apead a few day* wltb bla alater.
Mn. Wat. Maraball. who baa be
Mr*. M. Barnet cotma
eoaEaed to ber bo»e to Iook. a
C L. Porter, wbo baa been
vin* dal',
able to fo to her dansbterb. Mrm. W
of -Ulna Mab- I
E goda cracker »o •cicnlificaUy baked that all the nntri**^r
Piatt, for Tbaakaairtae dlow.
Hn. Datiow baa «ooc lo Cblca«o to
tive qualities of the wheat arc retained and developed—
wrbere be i* teneblnc eeboeL
tpeod the bolldara wltb ber daoibcer „lt1n^t^tbia place wtib Jake Qher
ar. Not . soih. at her home tl;
E aoda cracker in which all the oripinal foodnesi b.
Dec. 4.
Earir. low*, to Mr. Harry Green of]
‘‘nankatf^a aervleea were held at
preserved lor yoo.
Qaaitertr Doetloc at ibU ebnreo Ik™ oeduabora efaureb Tburadar, Ttonpaoo were onited In marriage at i
./ediwdar. Serncea lo Ibo fon-noon
-• h«ae of the bride on TbotwUy
aad aftemooB. Bder Femaio
50lb. Rev. Deeta oEttMUag.
d adnlelater Ibe Lord-*
*>. Gran- niderraaB. formerlr of:
and Mn^ il^ DMua. Sr . rc- _ pUCf, aat united In martw on.
.jraod Salurttr fron a two moatbt ntanlugivlns at biT tmme In Chylo-,
voU. Her tnanr frienda Join In bc.«
wltbea for her futun- bapplnet*.
"l5Se HMfricb caae frean Traverte
Mrt- J. Brace and nephew are vUcur aad apent Bondar arUb ber par1
Mapleton tOns relallvni *i Klogaley. A
Mr. BUllwell It aaalMing In the “•••-'
laat Satunly. yie^^wi verr guod.
“&Ke a nniaber
for a few dar*.
Alden Mon- ont Bar bank
_rBC* Emma and Bdjtbo Bor-i
b bla
Swediab^nreb and all bad a good
mtu Icli Ibla atpk for Chicago. |
.jiber Cbaric*.
Mr*. Ben Gbertag ha* none
Booe lo TravBet. Holaapic Of Traverse CItJ
City to star while 1^5
auoadrt the Bandar aebeol coneea■ad btolber Jeaale and .Camtir a t<
of Helaforth t croaalng tpent Tbaakv- „ ai-t-k. .Mr. A 8. Ilainum-* coudVi
tbidr buoae {daa«
•ai-mbUnrr- r«> (■-iwiaal charms.
giving with reUtlvp* lu town.
I TU« animunpori. tbe mat who
^r^^Kiwo of Oadllte »Wt
Bmorr did a Ene atroke of but
V. Boogbor tlKPt a few dag* of tbit j
a«a Balortar to the line of bnieba Cbaiie* Lanoln,
bar pamnta. Hr. and Mta. Oeo. We
--The Man Who Urok.-Ibe Baul
taraljitc atrok.- two w<fka ago. I* t* • Mdcd to an advcrtliKBondar evening
and Mra. L VanAllcv of Pew- ginning lo aatk around as>la.
Will Lannln'B.
*^i^luSaM and. dauitbto of
n.... K>..™i.inu I. ni«rlr rvcavcmd ail*
nicr arc- viainng ra-UUve* in town.
Maatca apeni Trtdar bad Satartar tbe baacDeot-----------Ura. MllUkcn spent Monday gt Travtwo qvBu and bad a good
CS^r. «d Hrt, U» Woldnnr.
a ho bad cb*rgi-<l *Hh having .wladled a largt
Mi> Ttompnou a-a* In Klugal-) „.r-, muascoger 1«JT. '
"^ta^Triganlo Jt« «hl* week fur
. .-mploj-. Tb- Bumbor of BngUabmro la bit '^omb
ling belter than 1
Kimball of Boj
Hr*. Chandler la foellag
rric-L the cbunti ^"’*
“ *« and Bmilhweat Couat 8«<«m Trawllns
Tbankaglvlng at borne.
tbe baa far a long time.
I wrougbij.
‘ Mra. Ki. Bematdne aac
and conS^hiog wndhate - The only E*b
by Monday's storm.
The NoKfa Manltaa Ufe aavlu m- er at Mr.,Oolden-a and It 1* i
- Martha irtomcd from a vli
‘dlilon*. many lame, nomc duagured. caught. It U alleged. w.t« ib<- ln»t»i
Fttrf. Ooodrkb *1 dellVCT a lertare .
m eleaid at sl<
sldalght-Nor. 30. BdUon
, r. who diwppvd about lU.OOO
one of the cri
wart PUher. who
9b on account of tbe weather.
__ ______________
o LMand
Mias Unte Rtdmiaod of Trarcrac tarort
tun.-cooree. Bubjoci.
PwMcrdar «« arrived home toitar.
atr U vMUng at the borne of Mr*. vUli at borne.
B. E. Waller, wife nod aoo erf Trav- ^Mr. and Mr*. W R Camplfll ap-'iH
a lltUe John uni* aad Mr*. Golden.
^eiT dar until alriiba are b«te«
O- W. lUff bt» returned to Qiand Slf. Marie are- lu loan Mr. and Mra.
0 aiofud
Jennie lAUgrick of Booth Manwith Mr. and Mra. WUl
Boo CAW over lait Mondar for a
Cleveland of Traverar City
«Boft *Ua wltb ber pareala. Mr. aad
a. Jtsm MOtmes naa i»«*>
In town on l.uatocaa laat week. .
wa> In lb.- ManLC thin week
Mra. «. B. BharidML
icr aereri) Mek apcll. They agnu
John r. Bcmar apent Tbankiiid
taair an hour wtdie res-;
K- atj.
• Tl» Barge LteiT took lo^w fm®
me more fregnent and her »nire#Bandar. Uer.
Topicr fOTJm\oT^.^
for Jo
flngget-s team.
ng “n- of M. J iinggets
Wiinftdoelt laat «e^ Bhe etnld
• mrmcthlng terrible lo wllnwi
igcr and Ilia
it had U> vn draa nJu by a bo.
cwirlbrer l.OOO.OiO feet.
Idle Of Manceloaa n
len.in.- Parker wont to J*lei
piartc PUber cAne home from
Md Mra.'p. CooUn.
see lib mill- slater, who wa-' aerloualy •
Mia* M(i- iod'ly baa returned from
Ctuieron ac
Wtnler U berv In good eamot. The a vl*K at Kalkaska.
■imparh a few tlsya ibl> week.
oiniis- W him
Rev. aud i
people are rules their *leW>a and
Maggie Jkniirvin kp<«t
callers one
TbaiiUgiriag ai'h frlond« and r»4aAmbrw
Kcartr cveiTonc epeni Thankaglvtiv<« ill <;:»-agarrT^^raici
a quiet day In town last week.
at borne, and It —................
I- Mondnv
. Iiome at £
Hr*. Daltell
Dalt< aad aona, Ned and Dave
Cadillac, spent Tbankai
Charier Klnaaler. O. Morgan. Mra.
i’rintdi bj pcminioti
^n Bhonn-'snd etalMmi. Mra. O. gnesu of Hr*. Gardner and dan
Mtaa Winifred Hodge* la vl
Lapfaam and dsaMiter Harfe. Mr. and
act?tte pyt
Long Lake, Micb., Dec. 1, VJ06.
Cameron. Mr. Sirleko-. Mr.
fynree. Cotta You Nothing If It
yoenf ma dfaaaed aa Bwodlsb '■ra.
I, J, Niehan of Soutb
alio of this . bora wte bad Jnat arrived. rang and duUe a number of o
i have for year* -been troubled whh Headachei,
__a few days last week
Falla,- Say E. E. Wait A Eoitt.
tun Arbor Ballraad Co. haiw
aUU omrtM tbMr grtpaack*
i.iing in the cat KW'li of httv
Ner. ousocss and Poor Vision. List September I con
Oeo. Clay. Will Grintta. f. H. Gjpy with Mr. and Mra. W. WeD*.
Mra D. 8. Etheridge of Marion made
and Nonnan NVwid*n reurnod from
Tb Ib*' |A-' a,ek.
sulted Dr. I’auison. w ho prescribed a piir of bIessc*.
enunch fnlii in
Mr., tim 1. enb.ying a visit allb ber
■Jelr banting trip «]i north. They' bad U Baker and wife a'ahort visit la.l
It llt-omt'l b
i^klond the iD.«b.r (mm pAnnaylrani.
which have entirely cured my headaches and oen otwfrom ulte good lock, each getting a dec
ihyMrea by abowlag ther
Jobn Jora baa gooc to Indiana to vUBam Mycra and f»mUr alarted t
the Md at the -Swwdlab Nightingaleoess and given me perfect reading and distant vision.
ar for Van Wert, 0. where they e
make ibelr fniui '
Ml" Ei.mk Fk">t, Long Lake. Mich.
{ Miss Famawonb kUls i- mlerobes and germs c
aty were
Louis ButterOeld reuned
laat week.
reatetdor .edc from Melroee, O, aad baa .
lUAty Nasaen rcuimad
Why Suffer While Others Are Being Cured
to work for Peter Darla In A. C. Wj-n- J. A. Snyder went to Kal
lalBcas Eaiuniay. .
knm'a camp.
Hr*. Ida IlulWtaa gone to
tire. Will Harrington went
IsTiu- only mrtbod «>f irtal-; *^Ji.bu Hamilton la Ixime -Iron) -0*011.
Hla* Sarah iJbwAer la In
UIM> today.
.•aids by dir.-ct Inhalaiioo
Baldaln has B»u' t*» Cu|r.Hn. Dorn Oiaac and daa^ter ZeU OadUlac lor a few day*.
Fred Judkla* baa gone lo Rockford. paiuacc. a balsamic air thal
iroy* ml-h b. vrk fur Dr. Core. ll
» vlitted Rots Bnnyon over TbanksDol|>b Aldridge ha* sold out his dray
ivlng during Mr. Draggao-s alwoBee.
all catnrvU^ germ. In the I
Travers# Cltp. kttoli.
Suite ♦ 13-41A Wllhnlm Block
Thera was a phaanaj.gathering of
Mias Rrica Wllaou of West Almira to Wra. Holbrook asd moved bis fam ____________ and piirifle. the- Wood j family ^o 'nn'tairsjrt'Uw .^^^^
ily eul to p. Naylofs.
• t ^enty gabats Mat Hoaday - drove over here Btuday. Nina "
Ub addtilun.1 cTonu. --; B.”:;i:-’.n;*.v”;r:rbr...n*7’T..r
The funeral of Mra- Groff »as
tbe borne cf Mra. StandbBtb t
S her borne for a
maneni and eomploie.
Nettle da^' vlall.
Friday morning at the Cat
.... .. KlngMey. The
Arista *'
Icbak-r.a boUk-otHyo-' Jamo
'‘’M7”and Mra. Leon R. May bate r^ mrt and a druppor.
perfonned at men br
The Inhaler will. Mauiui*<•<• M- moth. f.
Tbe boaie waa deeor- **8.*g! Draggoo”aimnl TTuiBkagl'ns iriicd to Star City after a short vl»U last a lifetime, and additional tottUt .............
.i-.limg here.
-Ith Mr*. May-a parents. Mr. and Mr*.
. IJalnl bntebered a
Lake Ana wUlilDg Irteada.
J. W. Caatpbell. Clayton Campbell — of Hyomcl tan be obtained for GO ■ Tbursdav
H. Case and wife of Weal
were Codar Run calhra Baturtay vveua lew mlnnu.-* ^ Clark H"o-<- h*’- .larud
Mr. and Mrs. Roy lilac have
at tbe town hall
d'yonr enurrt will ^ toi^t
wan'.a •aetma. '‘‘Mre. Ftcd Laguire and children re- into Mr*. M- .Vndereon’s bonse.
E. L. Fclkernon bn* returned
oyster supper tnmed hone .Friday evening from
don after a few days at borne.
Poantain. Masco CoasCy. where
Mias Other Arcber spent the latter
Mr. 0d Hn.%nnedr a
bare been rialUng her parenu fo
ODoTtry 10 e-jr>- caiar.-b wltbor-. broiUei-tuHaw. Fred Mabli-.
pvt of the a-rek at Summit City.
ftMate at «rand ApUa and
ary ntomach m«llcUM-.-. Bre-alhe’ Dit. «.
Waller Huff baa gone to So
Tommie Wynkotw vl*
Iicaling Hyomcl which eof* to
-- ------------------John BOlf’and May Nleki
............. eacber nl the borne of Dr. Boaidffian. where he baa cmpleymr
n- pan of ^e air pta*agv* tnd rv*
____ ™ naiarnitt^miarp
Mra. Will KcAt made a trip to Cadmarried at Tiaearae air
Lake Ann Batarday.
piratory organs kUUug thi. caiarM
-Bbrnralalatlon. of
Thay hage ' *
- - ' pn-vcntlng tbclr grwwtb.
. •MI •
«... Hollis Tabberer
only inaiBK-nt lor esianb
v'a. Fred
-Beba Baatae;
apeat Baadsy at bto brotber'a.
rt yoor 1
ndwiffcncc Often Beiaga
Wedacaday la
local dealer.-. S. K. W
Mr. Bwuribwalte of Travene City
boon "l>c ’time :
F Peterson I* entertaining
Trnabl*—s. E. W*K A Son* Oflera
f. have the best
ran in loan Mooday.
ber alater. Mrs Lncy Johnson and chllIt of frjenda
think of Holiday tokens.
Means of Eacaoe.
...mod from bla bunting
Our entire line: is now o00
ThankagiTiag day at Chicago, tbe
M^ Frank Green la vUlttng
wltb two doer.
news rt violaiing pb; <
disi'lay,aDd you arct; cordially
I and J. Mul tetumed guests of Mr. aftd Mra. BIcpicIm.
Sontta Boardmto.
One of the omployci-.
-n as nnplea>4ni aH’Alfred Jdhnaon arrived borne from
.cr pentnaula lut Tuesday
Mra. Lonhs
Jn-y's mill had ihv mUfortna.- 10 terakUig'rfa oral rnk. Tl.«- tiing«x-n
iuMicd to coll and ioapcct it a
Mhhigaa aty. wbero be ba* been in dellgbirnny a
« goc deer.
come in eooracl wl'b n saw. enttlng. |Bdulg*«r-. «>f vr-eatlug bring, cun*'
early and as often as you can.
_ nrwbo «k*-be«n dotug enr- the life *avli« hcrvicc.
ugly gash
amount to n
In quality, assonment aad novArthtiT
■ “ • - -----rds. Mra. Kdni non tbe priie at
peaur work <» Mr. WOaon'a buwae.
MvM Masii
ligoiu ha-v mwv.vi bU fan-' |„dige,oon ^ not DalnraJ:
it Is not
bai oomph-led Ms Job tbere aad gone
dre aad Mra. Doherty at fllneb. De- lly from Ala farm
to iM- second sIott I ^**1 • K ,tvnld not M-. 8- E. Walt k
eitv our ilisDlay exceeds anythihi;
ume on 8Binrta.v.
store building for;
mta* a m'«-<s of oMape f Mlcf Ibc old D(
10 be found in this iocaliiy. All
amnclaon of North SUni' It la simple and iiraetilon Island was In town last Friday.
the new things arc here. It will
Mr*. Boy Pvair U riBillng friends
a Mieweil party- OyMer* and ’other
you to kc the stock a» soon as,
and reloUvvs at Traverse Qty.
. from Thanksgiving boUdays with Mrs. AJ-^ urj, raloaldr- medicinal *g.ml« «you
can. bctauic the thing* t^t you
Oacar Ontiaff arrived
Arthur Lsviurle. wbo U attending
die tilbbr, rvtnrelng Setid*>.
, ,eaulb Mibs»Ilal".
Higb JttbOBl at Traverne Chr. imenl BeUalre Monday
would like best may be sold early.
Mb^ Ni-lilc TTiiompson came home'J’‘'"n'“otb«'-"'ri-^-dK-*
all otb«- rt-mvdli-s
I. Wednesday, to Mr. aad Mr* from
TbnnEay with bla pamla. Mr. and
____ buying
mying or
OB her dcbool
e^ In
to the N^vnon
Sj^vraon d^ ; ttwiblc*.
ttte.ble*. e«
c riooi
rix.oi oialatc.
on '
ami tonic
However, whether you intend
Hn. J, R. Udrrie. «rf tUa place.
for Tbanksgirlng. Onlng 10 111, ^
■etives »blcl
wbicb promote the at
'peter Wnrsburg took a trip to Trat- trict
t, we want you to see our display while it »
-----Aidsli of Travoree Cl
KwUt^rtc wlll^^Mke np her school,
^ ,yp digvttive onaas. atreugtl
Htashaw and family U
~ e buying
buyine will take care of itself.
complete. The
^ ICS! TtU death was pankr*—Teddy Saxivn has boagbt lb,- houic
___In Ibis place.'
fonnerly oecupkd by Lconart Holli
vt >uu like.
Mr*. C. B. Kcbl cnu-nalned friends day and has bad U mond to a lot ad^Nbe .ympaihy of all In tbttr aEW^
LuScr ,^th
*1tb bcadscbti
bcadacbti. IndlI her bone oa Tbaskagtvlne.
Uon. The lUUe casket was eovued
Bore this week, to Mr. and Mt* O -Joining Frank Sayvn-’ prvprrty. He'g^ioa. Datulmcy. besrt born,
Abent eighteen Irlcad* rt Mr*. Ben
will IK It up for occuiancy a* soon ns 1 ness, sleeplcstncsfc backaeb>.
Bnnra gave ber a very pleasant pan:
weakness, begin the use rt
W Hoada.v. Tbe afiennon wa* apen
Ooau aad baa boeght a place n
oae tablet oni
Tbe •
in garnet and a candy bint. A dalaty
Is eompleud asd aa soon aa ibe trana- of a 50 reot boa beferre each meal, and
InartMoa was servod at 3 o'ctock. rtter
Mr. ume has been
formera can U procured
pUrvd yoo will regain perfect bealib and
wUtti. Ibe gneata departed.
Ml days at a Haren's
tbe li^t wlU be tuned oa. Tbe plant atrttigtb.
rieC. CoiMlandV father
Ask e. E. Walt E Boas to show jm
-vtrirti Rees:- redtatloo. -Alaata. was started 6r« tbe erenlng brtore
itmg Mrs. Boy Paoae. rwwsed
tiUBrt in tbclr Eome
MIta Green: nolo. Hl*> ThaakaglriBg. aad tbe UftaUag at the guarantee uad« wbkb Ibey sMl
Tbaraday and »s el*t«r Traversa Cyy Tnaaday. aeeempas
MI-04UU It eatt* Mblng
ire of Hoaw. 8*e-I Klogsley It very •atWactury.
by UUM Sainld Peaae.
ter wlib hMira Peart Dame. 'In i Hr*. Prank Bayerv M oniie poorty levrsT Tbe risk fs allU tbeira.
Tbe MCtai given by the Bpvonb
■asortar to work la a pbotocrt^
*7. He etpecta to team t
;-;7.is s-Sir-; t
Uneeda Biscuit
• jsi5i-.?r.T.^r5i,?U”Si'
riS^rSt" Sri™.
The Star of Hoje
And learn what we are
doinfi! for others
W.P.nWlfE,.Pmt DII.B.LMHtSM,»l«ilM
Christmas Btlls
Will Soon be Hinging
2SJSME - '
___ .
City Book Store
tnwene CHfr mkb.
BsHir. lodi, dk. ■<-». umuw
•M la Ii>n MoBdar- .
1«BW aie i»o «*»<» «t aoulet ttiur
In ttaa.
‘ Hrt. O«orge 8ar<-laaa of Rcvadto
to TtoMlea her PWI«U. Mr. aad Mr«.
;..W«Mer. td thto Mace.
Mt». MonMUi aih ina«lrtiy «er«
•Mto a Mn. Co*tk^ UM S*<wil*r.
HIM tMtoeiftRllB^ (« n^ott :i
U>« *Mo pli' at ly eaeMl..
Mr. Plati,' awl (antfr o( Attolra
(. naU'a (ifter. Mil. Rraa
U r. Sbcrtdaa <d dea Artair wu I
TMi PCiiPBct wmr’ MmiM M. a HInifkt-u 8hrl i
AUaa tot let. Oak IMghto. '
jlesra ef Tnnrea City CWas Hare
TboBU W. ^toB aa^. wKc to
J .
Lancncd ti
Tnnrso CKy Hsaor Dost On., psr
aato-r froB tmekoehr.
There Is only uar wa> to care 1'.
BSebanl Drewer to Itoillh ^rrrtHw
The perfect way U to enre (he kid
A bad back airntm alck kUacy*.
BteMrd Otto to Cb(u. .e«to. wla to
Kcidpc'. Ii. uriuty irmbln follow.
H. ixL as. town ». raa«e 1a;^
-i . ■Doan's
Kidney PRU are Bade (or
fiTlac Corelnc aad wttr to thoBax.
MacAridc lAutcr Cn.. paictoa
t. e. Grrfltck Co. <0 Trerene CH> Lane. NlUa. V...... .... ......................
otor Beat Oa, parceto, are.H. (torn Set kidney dlscoses a tout Use t
F. M.-lwa. AaiBiMy ndlh
Grasd RdpUx HoMA %u to town Uu.
•IM eftost weeki a the tourest ot the
Piaak Sfacridaa aad BafMe.ftobtw,
M Glen Arbor, who hare bra baattoa
to the npper pealasnla, retained I
f .
■ ■
Hundreds of shrewd slioppers that luve visited our Cloak Departtnent have
tost week. TbCA
Pllli. and while
tbe idea that when The Globe Store advertises a Qoak
Henry Oodriade to Ore B. pn-rev.
my kidneys were «
geitto* a »eer.
I reoaun they did
Sale, all otheCrSales arc at a standstill. It stands lo reason why wre can offer you
Cart Mbrrto hu bra «ailc akk ibe uh of^aeto. »«. SS, iown,«. raa#c
.jJto oa tfaf
siM'i ^ Brietii's disbu bmi TtaltloK tost (ew days wUhVaadiee.
these garments (or less than they can be duplicated for elsewhere. We bought these
k BCfaed an the time and
Mrs 1. C. naker of Ukb Mn apee.t Hulel MoitsoM to M'arm T. Bosi- If I eanidlt cold It was so lsm< (bit
,-y o( ibto ptec, nun*«d 4
garioeots from two of the largest manufacturers in the east at V>n on the dollar. It
bnakutotos b«e srtU Mr. aad Mrs. BBa. ini ts. Mock 3. Baou-A A<>- T eonld seareely sc' aroand to aum.l
iMr am at Bt JUpIMMOdar.
t>-ework.. NIMits
I wa, areacontains their entire sample line.
CMtor Caa« ajtoat Atadaf aid Mm
] pabu In my back
Wood Olsb Oo. to «'am-n T. ^,2; '
id birs. R. C. Oidby (X Tracerre i ^bl
il« totth hto (Udlp at paoxoabu
Cn>il<lren's Ki.k-nkreii Cbuka
Tha Udto*- Aid a«cJ«*T i™ "*« «
in pink auii white, (riauivd
the toMM at Mr>. MaMaaai WMaaa- Mmi ThadkacIilBc at (be bo»e ml
Mr. and Mr*. BIU Horrla
Fnr .. Ladiua' C'oHi'iDade <>f (
Mra. A. KlflRaa aad (UMm ani
............... .......................
silk ertiain*] plub u’uumed \
Rapsaad MeabM. thatt^naihiHiU
acbe away as well as tbe other sympI an nr ibe opioton thsi iberwill Anmru fur. :t0 inchi-* J
tfiHd mi Hr. and MM. L«DBBTd Mciboa. Hra. Pcier PJartoy toft IberMay for a j Ho;* II. H.,. L * Co.'t Sad.
other kidney remedy that can
: ioiuV ai'id^ciiffa _______
A;ilr p. Drown (o PhBlp Roaeb. toIoi«mh1 liMsl. Theartgid)
dtedtondaraneraabortUlacat. Tha rulare beue In Chlrajto.
lUa<i For bcarfi triininc<{
Dou-s Kldmr Pill* ; witli nstrarlwii. a j£ OQ
Bdni Reynoldi or But Bmplre bad tz. Oak Krieht*.
fnunl «ai hcM to tha CtoNPUfaltoul
witli ait laib. c1nali-r« aiwl
l*leaiir more proof like .............
T 30 gareicBL for fTm^O
ebattto at HoBCalead MaadM aRar- bU wladtolH WowB (0 piceaa by lh» Oaf D. MMHay and wito to Ctortoxa Trarerse City people. Call at Weber
«(Jd by
-4 Co.'s druc store and ask whxi Ihclr
DOM aad totnuMt «lt Mad« M (ha hlA Vlada tout week. XauabOBt MO. KmWto. pBccU.
fe.B.DaUay areat toChleaBDCe ba<- . (too H. Ctmt* and wU<- <o (tov. G. enstomen report.
Homtftoiad camatyrT.
For nie by all dealers; Price av
ladu ton Taeaday.
; Covell. Id IniereM tot 2. arc. St. lot d.
ila Phsler-MlIbBra Co.. Baffalo.
Mr. and Hn. Sncob BnM ot Platte I are. IS. town ». raaiir
. w \ork. sole aaenu for tbc Voitnl
Bmptre (alien Tueadap;
! tMria Dtlle Btoefc (o W. M. S’ltex. Staler.
Hadaa. HIM, Oee. J.-lHw Marie
the ume—Doaa's—aa<l
Adaatoacd hor Baiwii ito*a toatTlad A i. Taeddto «( triieerdh CHy waa paireHa; aM t. town S7, nace 10.
no other.
B. g. HbDtu and wife to Hiram
Mat TtoMidap at (hh «>wa M (he i.abtoa on bnatoret IM Wedaetday.
Hri. fi. R. Dailey rtatiM from Tiieii.'t.. Uoaard. cH oT ae\i. ace. U. town
t. Geer aad wUe of Hlaneapelis plan
hrMah MUicr, abeai bait a nlle north
day unlll Satorday at TrireiOw Citr|ST.
to walk arouad tbc srortd, sianin;
of llartu.
Marie BMie Stock to Wb. M. Stllre. •iiboat BMiey and BtodoE wbai ibc.<
Hr. Md Mra. Bd Xtatar Mtwaed and Onekama.
tS-TandlSuLaaica’ I :i.vLatlie«'$.’lt>nMa|
ChiktrL'ii'a Lour
Chtldrenn Whiucn toor. Geer once poshed a
last T*grMay'(«MBliif. They are U a Wokoll aad Waller Mato we.e pneeU. eec. 2. town S7.
Cloaks, marlcof wttni
Fnr Lineil Coal*. \ Skin*, mndi- of Inteat | amt ilruwii Botrakin
In Tnrene CUy the Arst a( the week.
Herbert KnaU to W. H. 8llt». wfareUArrow arooad the dobe.
Butoc to naka imelr Snt reatsi
henry I'loakiug. worth
Kruaddoth nr Key» -y 1 Binti-ri.vl mui alyh-a. | C««ito. aohl <>vcrt’.
1, C. Baker spent Bnaday nt bl* pmreels. see. 3. town 2T.___ .
> for tliia aok',
| wlirrcfoT$.'i.our|triou f
covi-riiiii. aah' jiricf.
auk- |>rioc.
Lacy 0. TIbblls lo Jlorbiwt KunU.1 There's ntobtoa su Rood for a rur.
The orttar aupi^ oe TbanluslTUig borne In Lake Ann.
perrelr. ice. 5. lowb 27 renfc ML
UlM Buto Rcynidda or Drawn
day HU naeb aajoyad. It «u MIBtos-Wycko# lo Mrs. Alice HsIMl S^ln i°j
Relieves any
Tired toai Mondiy (or a week's rtoil
land by a daace.
n<A of nctl.sec. 17. town r7. ransc t:.r
--------!------------The amaaera werr atran a diaacr witk (rienda to town.
Mn. Flank Paymeet, dr, to Burl
Olar A. Nelson Ud wife to Cbaa■ P. Ij ' Torluriut ecsema spread*
today at the han orer Mr.
tes area every day
day. Donn a Oint:
Btopdre Tlsited (rienM to Kesaen Ciiy A NtoiWk w>«to swUrto tel4 sec. C3.
atoTo.m Lndic*' Clooka. ioaao niul
Bmatifnl ai-lcelinn of ahort Far Ki«k I’iortw.
lankily MOP* H* siireadlaa. lasUDliy
last week.
Hn. A. r. Cbnrchm and
ImdcAfoU tciigth. itootly trinmiil. uiad<- b(
Inl.wt atykm. We jdaw o» sale a black aa.
Tbe pansenaer coach to acton to are
Clara were ta OopeBith Sal
nil wool Srotrb mislim* oul (duin iiU wool
Uodiaii fur pien- with doulje tatm ao<l
* ’
Hlaa Carrie M^fi U elcfiana to after bntoc repaired from Its reeeni Lumber Co.. Dwlf to sett. sec. S. (ttoti!
' ki-rac{a. wortb fjfromOlO loOl:!. /
toiry claxim, satin litii*!. worth ^
; j„|u, Rj^iund hu broken gruuml (or
Gee. A- Uanaa'i alora bow. Mr. Han- anubnp. caosed by eoUidtoc with a J5. range »,
toad to toss to Bmpire yttnerioa.
or. to Mytof potateaa
(hreenitory buu-l oo (he site or
Tbe Sleeptos Bur ilb Mtiac si*Hra. Hike Dwyer and aoc rlaltoj
c barned Standtoh boon-.
Mra. Haary P. BbtMoB on Thaalu- tloB ekaed Tbonday alghi at It. Sev John Hs'sta wu In Trave
.--------------------eral to the sarfBCB teak tbe (rein from Toradav of tost week
alTtoa day.
Uarrlnon B'cHaian slopixn here
IkiaaV Reaulei* eoie cvuxipsilo
Bax Joalio cat
band wtlh hto ax here Friday Borelng for (heir boees. Tuesday raroute ui Treverx- O'v I tone the siomacb. siimulaie iIm-live
ayurBW OlWy. MIoH.
Mtos t'tolet Voice wu qnllc
. SPP.-H
whBe woiUiia Id c«b9. Dr. CmmU
I epsy passages to tbe bowel*. Ar
lul.to the week hiti to boiler at ibis
<d copeaitoh to uwatlBs K..
I druggist (or Ibem. SS oeols a b
BIc Raiejf
Quito a namber from here auead-'d
the masqaende ball u Glen Artur ’*Sr'l. F. tvilllams n Wrducmla;
rpenl the rv
Thursday niebt.
lb rvlx'lve*.
M. F. Horen bouebt the Uvery baslacta to Win. PraU on Wllce street aul a cigar naaufae'oo'
took poeiesstoD this mornini:.
Mra. Bam llnlell aad (oar y»uDKC
The electric licbt pUnl o( the Bmleft Wedneoda* (or a v|>
plre DoBber Co. to completed, and the chiMn-n
wlih retoiive* la Mlaaourl.
BlU and shops are sow llsbtcd liy etocMr. and Mr*. Soho Plech.r «■*
caller* In Trarcree City Tuvrday M. Desks wu a Tiarene CRy rtou- trtdiy.
A. B. wnurd retarned BUonliy laat wbU.
or Memday.
Hra. D. L, JEnxlgn weal to Grai
(MB a trip tn Mllwaahre. Chicaso and
W. K. WltoM to Bottar onto
He spent Tbuikaclvins
tars whkh be pnrehtned mMatly
tost nantod place with hto danaci
' Tiarereu <9l).
And tbe dna csBo liacki Mr. Durke
The best line of useful presents in Traverse Ctiy at great money-saving price*.
took bis doc oil iato the woods. MM Mlcblaan scBlnary. Shortly after bi well kiK.aii Bcri'. and mu- sianuixii
him aad left hiB. u . be anmnnod. arrtred bone be bad the BiiXortane tn were married at the home to the
bride'* pareaixla Gnat inanahip. Tbdead, reccalty. Dal abenl a week toire severely sprain hto ankle and will !>•' uvual
well wUboa go with the hapjiy'
the dog appeared at hto eld hMac. obliged to walk with the aid to crutch,
'"nra' ADUX Feotoo la ilow4j recover
MBewhat crippled. It to irne. bui es (or eome time.
peter BitckKio It bow dellrcrymaa Ing her healib.
Wherwiae none Ue worse (or hto trip
Hra. Fred Nlsan and toilMr-'n apeei
(or ibe Rmpire Lambcr Co.’s store.
to the happy hnatlitc iPMndA
Mrs. Bagene Stoyke aad Mta. John ^ankaglrtbs with Ben Bchell aad
Mrs. BDaira ItoWHt aad (sally.
Mrs. WllUt DeWItt aad danahlcr. W. Dewitt spent Thaaksglriag with ibeir *Uim Vein and D^lly W)-nkoo>
a (cw Bar* la«l week wi'u
J. Ctarii. Bert Dare, Ctoadu Worden
(fiend* here. Mlw Doliy rciurnod ton
' \v„r,h SlS.00to $2.V(», ai
Bed tomfilea desire to thank the lap la PlaUc.
Jaiaet Daly aad Bimer Atkinson ex- evening.
IriMito aad asi«W»ra who no ktodly
Tlie Five Methodixta have par.
asstoltd ihcB duriag their reecat bo
ebasod the hoixe and W un CHr*
U to spesd the wluto'.
Mreei, o«-u<-d hr D. L. Ttaxlgn. and gill
iixc II (c-r lielr imraonage. Tlio jm»NtoO Sawyer retamed (rea Prankor lo rbarpe. Rev. McGralA bav
'rrasuiy llaperttort HMMlay alabL
iu>ed bU (uully there.
W’axUBgten. Dec. C.—Tbe anuail re.
The scarlet fttrer putomu are all
Ilugtfa-aloud.' I* hoBM- from Thi-nip-.
port to the secretory to the troaxuir wavllle.'when-he U« been SI work. I
Ilearr Sm'ili ban moved his (atnilv I
Rer. Boon begaa a aertes Of rertral wu made today. It akuwed that the
xd bounehold good* tn Soulh n.«rd |
BectlBsx here Maaday ereatoc. All total rcrauea of tbe country (or tlie aa. abere hu wiU worii J. It. klunyear were $«7.1*li69.K. Of ib'i* . w'x tonn.
are Inrlted to attend.
tlU.8SS.tSS.10 wax from ihc
A. n, Ailnsoii aeni lo Traveree CH;
AM eoetoty aeeis with Mrs. Dow*
imaul arnkc. Tbla to aa Incrcaxe is taxi evT'iing.
Nr. and. Mr- Johu Fcmla** to Ma->Ctoado Worden aad badly are sUj. Itoal roerlpl* aver 1901 to tlSASC.- loD
Thankrgivlug with ibe (o:Handkerchiefs
Men’s Heavy Wool Pants
ins wKh Mr. aad Mra. Dst Bartoo (or kW.31. Tbc pmul rrcelpto abowed
aiec * pan-ui*. Jacob FV-wl*** add allNice Silk and Lini;ii aii-H''nnil>ric in )>bin. h••^■Mik.■ll-'l.
Wm. Wurzburg wu a Traverac Cl'.r
inereate to S9.34S.N0.TC.
worth iMX) to J -v.>. .-a 1.50 and '1.75
. a few days. .
. "
fancy ami initial, .-n............. 1 OC. 1 5c. 25c and 60c
expradltarca for the yvar catU-r lai>t Wudui-.vUav.
Mts. (Aayliv Danea to enterta
F. W. WlIsoB aad tomlly o( Trav
Best Home-made Mittens and Socks
Wren S'SO.lK.mAS, Ictrvlng a do- er»c
rriailvet fna JaySedd. ■
fliy aprtil a Jew dasa Iasi week
Fine Socks. Gloves. Mittens. Etc.
worth -jOl- to <i0r, at 45c
irteocy to SSJS04AtB.«. Tbc de- with nMatlvea bere.
at 23c. 4Bc. 98c, 1.36, Etc., par pair
Hra. C. W. CbaoTy called In Trai•dCDcy
. tMPIRt
SlB.0SSm. Cumpared with 19M Uiere r*e aty Wedneiday to lari arek.
BBpIn.; btldL, IMb' ».~Bobert
Last WWecrdaj-'mroaliMrthe rteetrie
Christmas Suspenders
Beet, Newest Patterns in Neckwear
SMtth. Who wax tor thrd* aeasoai « wu a deoroue to 11,171.447.10 ia the ll^tx wore taroad on loMbaArnt Iter
nt 23c. 35c, 50c and 69cpar pair
pt 22c and 45c
the SMrplBC
tbc onUnaiy rereaoea tor ItW.
tatlas aiauon. bat wai traaa^tred eba
Best Knit Mufflers
and Hr,
tm Of Jaly Is Ike etaikB al Mtca^ ympared wiih INI. show aa Increi
griUBlsted on Uie ispidlly wUb wbleU
at 4Sc, 68c, 96c, Etc. up to 3.60
in Black. White and all nfora. at 22cand 45c
ther. paHM riie work on ibcm. Kina'
awa payk. IrnactTlag the coapntala to S3.«US3Mt, wUle ibe
wore IcM by S73.it3,407Jg. the art ley now bu a cpod iyriem to llghi.
tkas c( hix Mends aad aneb broo
and when her waierworiu arc usialrnoli (or IN ftacal
awe eebBent by Its pren ihioqgbtea* to cxpeadlturea over rereoaci to lishcd ahe wUl be aS well equipped n
Ml tM awe. aad to aarbe tdreles
Ever shown by any cloak ttore :arc HERE for >’Our iospctiion.
StaerbBy toe the heroUa dUpUiyed
For the put two }*«n> ibt cxjieadl- rrte«dt fa Reed City,
whila heiptol to reaeae the Mumcen tore* to the goreniBeat have been in
Misses Long Cloaks
Udies' Beautiful Long Cloaks
tod crew ot the Gtnhba * Mertoa
w.M^lh 'i -VJ an-J TJH). a'................................ ;.................. 5.00
to the ren*tH-i to the aggrekw*. a clear roxr comulr
atoaaa'AIM vblHi waat oa the beaeb
u( plaiu or notvUt dolhx. worth 15.0) to 2U.0".
Children’s and Infants’ Coats
at iha oatraua to KeOaad han»r ^ Mtotal to more than SSl.090.WKI. toT’^rdST^i^BI^S^.^ruS
tbe akin, restore
................................ tfOand 1 2.50
Kov. S4tto A lbs with the breeches
Do H now! Don't maltl
__ •;
«. „ z,,.. i SIS" r.J“S
1 3.48
the: OL.OBE
...BUY .YOUR...
Christmas Presents
BEST SUITS FOR MEN : : S8.95. SII.50 Md SU.50
$9.75, $12.50. $16.50
1.95, 2.95 and 3.95
0 on acovoai to tbc IVnatna reaat.
hoard knew bow to property aake the
Mu bat Mr. Bank took a saaU The New York police depart:
Med aad aleme aadc the trip tkronM hu adopied (be FTeaeb xnicB to takheObcaarf to the wreck. Whea near tag iBpriatx to the palm to the band
ia a Bxau to MentHribg orlaiaalf. A
«BMM a tine wu threere so
whteh he bstued aroand hto body Npareaen detsot!*« bu been neat lo
and leapad to the lake aad wu patlei Paria to learn bow u U demr.
ehnagh the ley water aad oate the
heal, when he nade the Itoc (bat aad
RM BBMa Tremtare.
Hk trork et rceeae began. The brt
Wb. L. Brown aad wife to Philip
that he bat far 'two weeks prerioailr Roatoi. cast 10 fcei lot 4. aU tots S and
heeo saScriat with Wood potoaa
f. Uoek IS. H, L. A Ca's NA
•ae M W hM«a ttaa aa to.«ai7
BbBF P. Own ta BMrd W BaperectrM M the ttbe (he XaU Lyou was vMara to Oread Trarerae eouiy.
wrecked there to detWmr and one u? to awli to Mil. ace. 37. town 17. rante
hto feet badly lajared shorlly
tstoc «a board (ha Aigo lukee thu Howard C. AdaBsJo'Bul ft Adami
Sedd »ere ^laoweetty. Hr. SBith lot iCLOakHalikta.
tosbhera hu Mutto efSD by hto aeNatL Imaa A lav. Co. lo C Bay<MBItoaa««a m BHOn and ytetotty' WiM Walt. w!i loi 14. bloek 17. Trev
sad the tiearty eontretatollrau ot ad erw- piijr
Cheap Fur Scarfs at 4$c
for Ladic*. Misses and Children, at very special low
Handsome styles, full lengths at l.'.’j aod13(i.
Short lengths at 45c. (>.>c. ^‘x. Etc.
piicea, Coc to 15,tK).
ci4nkis-rMAS DOi-uu f-or-ri-iK OMiLoreKN
< >ver a tltauaam] U-autifnl itolU will Im given aw:iy {nk- at ('hrixtiiia* (iinc.
aO«*ftt purclu*-.
Kver> iirnon li.wiag twenty nr more Doll
The Store That Gives You Most and Best for Your Money
um eiTV', MiotH.
Take tlie Hurry and Worry Out of Christmas Shopping
Small Wares Section...
osiels Always Come Handy
Oir pare linm HwA To.^ At 10=. 25=.,:«5c «i“f
Uiin«l to» tiw laooeT ct-W
you Satin Dimuk IWlt. iitW
lifinMhrhtrf ttcnmeil orV>nced.«t Sou. SOr, OCkc. 76o, |1X0tad 1.SS.
lie MW to •« the JI0c«i. A few of the ^welal b&ok toweU Ml at Ue
LmUmt Oood*-Poctot.bdob». 6boppi#« Biga.
•liac CbMa. etc. Jewdiy—PwttJ Eioodiea. I iao. Bat im,
drao-a Pin Beta, Bdt B«cUm. Krckwnar-Pnttj thiaga in tmey
cedkn. For the TWbt-Oo«bi, Brwh-»-toolh. nail. Wf *»«
dottiaa-MaBienM Beteoct and KniTea. Eabrodety SetMon. Tbna
all make iMfpKitfM and laettr gifti and ore nicwwrifa that rrary
lady will ajifneiate.
tlonyoullhavelnmaklngyourselecUonB. T^an.TO
Eib^?a«%orj^ough"rLuW^?os^^V your frien';!. and you w.nt.om
here in the store.
50c SUITINGS 39c
Plain Panamaa, Hrariettaa and funcy miiturca. liraken
ineof tiokin in onr Fifty and Sisly cent. Roodi.
Do yon know of eoMhioi
know rf any of your lady
with a new aua
aOk unwe
dreta ui
or nsUl^
If yon would got her aomeihing most f n »ahl« tn t^
^Ik line, get a Moneyhak Taffeta Poan da 8q»p, Poan de
36 lack wMthf l.SO ar 2.00
ay iBch wuih* 12S ar 150
24 iBCh wMfte tAiO Yarn
ffj ineb ebangabk Taffeta in a lino wry fwoll for waists
■ad diirt waist aniu and gowna at
Probably no other ono thine >• l»oghl as freelr tnr gift
paipoace aa handkerridefs and no othe atoic ii as wril
eqntf^ to anpply yonr every n.Til ia Ibis atote. Ow
lino this KWftMi Is mote than nanally attractive and la in
nan wh6 will show yon the line in en
rharoe of a
3C. 6C. IOC, 12 1 -2C. I SC.
up to 3.00.
This a very attractive department. ^ many pretty i
iiractical gifts for both Udies uml cb$iircii. such ns Shawls.
Kascinatom. Swceitsra. pretty lirdroom alipp- ra. Bahy
.T.ickcU, Bootees, To«iU(>a, Hoods, etc.
Lunch and Tny Clcibs aud Diewr ScArfa e great vari^
of styles, (bwigtia and sites. 8e« the Jap band embroid.
ered Lunch Cloths at
We arc stwwiuRn
and .Tag Si^ks
$2 to 3.50
Tbeeo arc chnnnii U' for wnisU an<l party gowns,
Are you insadod just whai to l.iiy r
Here nrc some things yon may not
liate thought of.
Silk IVUicoat, as frilly nnd rnstly
ns any lady will cere fv. at $5 te $12.
Silk Union Bnita at $S ta $10.
Silk m*r1 Wool Union Soils at
$2A0 to $4.50
and Hoc Woo) Hoee 8Sc A
$2.00 pur.
Bath Kobea and Kimonai at $3.00
and $3J0; Fura-yon can’t go wrong
bore; no aizet to bothe you; Xcck
Senrfa fSo to $(K; muffs to match, si
II.oO to
Silk WnisU$2.'^ to $10.
i; nothing Is »wc popnlar than
$1.00 and $1.50
Tliey lie neve out of dale, and n<i fear of their having
pieot^. No housewife has too many llnpoi. w« are
allowing some verv attra. tive thing* in lliU ilopartmeat.
Ask to ieethe Table Liium prirtri at 60c, 7Bc, 1.00
1.29 and 1 59.
Tftble Cloth atxl Xapkiiia it. SeU. Tlicrc aU'gome bosnUful paltcms in thcai- for eilluT Muml or ftiuare Ubbe at
• $8 to $18 set
Bhadow PUidB.
wUe. colon navy, gray, rce^da.
i,aboUaiAMde«Mn. This k one of the, bm.
We are ahowing eomc escrileni baTRaina in tbeae goo^
AH broken ioto of Ladiet' CoaU and the popular Mittntea. 8i«
ftjf 32 to 4a
40, prices
pricea were 1000.12 U). 13.50 and
B OO. Thee are only twen^^one left, pneod
priced now at $J
1 IXOa All new goois. moat of them 43 in.
Oia. o
$1.00 YARD
30 ineh Chnmelon Silks, aa their name anggoal their
ohangeahlraest in colorings nro man>. three, e^ aw
nseii in tllo wearing to gel this cff«:t. « e oonstder tht'in
cxcngHcoal raloes at
at wTsSr. «.M yard.
g^'^Ts, SKIRTS
ALWiTS m'oaiAin)
3U_ |f j„
find It for you. (or it.
No woman ever had to» many pairs of glovsa; ao they arc
anre to be aceepUUe. You ran tw rkk fti sine as they
■•an be exchanged before wearing Uaiwk not ooTTWi.
Weshow the bent end moat oompleta lina and
ably have just the om- SHE woan. nt IJW, 1.5$. l.TS, 2M
KM lums-soe. rsc. iJM, ijftM $.«e
F«r futuu Ur imug. 3M pair.
the pQnilarixdcn. 11.00 valnee. for Tbc
at Speda! Prices eBtU
12S up to 17A0
The modern sweeper has robbed sweeping day of its terrori has done more to preserve woman's health and
temper, tossy nothing of the preservation of her carpets, furniture, etc., than all other agencies combined.
Beauties at **.»0 •n«J Wa-OO.
All sizes at
that sweep for the
Per Cent Ulsamst
Gains At
Sizes 8-3X12«,
a'3xl2 h.
also larger ones
for the Hiss of 12
to 15 yean
fine line
1,00 op to 8.00
35c to m
1.98 Pair
for C'lrtains worth
up to:: 00.
good assortment
of colors
1.25 up to $6
to close out lot
werth '■) 75 and 4.00
rioonced, used
one to a window
all sizes
10.00 each
worth IS.OO
up to 4 00
This isiiu roc Here
of TriTersc aty.
See Mr boUday as
35c up to
Ingrain Stair
Special Cleaa up Price
Hcducing Our Linoleum Stock
We nearly doubled our Linoleum business this year,
just happened to have t:ie right goods and a little
smaller price than other stores. Stock must be re
duced this month.
'For heavy do-
■ s^V urns; new goods.
line patterns and
SQUAlft Bood wearers.
of fine English Linoleum,
floral designs and blocks.
6 feet vskle. to close, at
Made Op Of Remnants
and Short Bods sellinc
very cheap---these
make Sensible Gifts.
Get a Carpet Sweeper if Yon Want to Please Her 365 Days in the Year
America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,
whosesubscriptionispaid one year in advance, to January I, 1907.
i TIiis is the Finest Premium Offer Ever tVlade bf a tWichigan Paperr
FARM AND FIRESIDE has from 24 to 38 large pages, 1 I by 16, each and every issue, contain
ing the finest half-tone illustrations, and articles from the pens of the greatest agricultural writers in
America. There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It is the greatest Journal of its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it is taken
and read in nearly 400,000 of America’s best rural homes twice every month, 24 times a year, by
The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements have been made whereby both the
wili be sent during the entire year 1906 for the price of the Herald alonei—
OIML.Y $1.00
The only condition is that $ 1 be paid in advance for the Herald. You will get the two papers for'
the price of the Herald alone. This offer is limited in time, and all subscriptions should be received
before January 1st.
The offer is open alike to old and new subscribers to the Herald. If your subscription is now
paid to Jsmuary 1, 1906, send $1.00 this month and you will receive credit for both the Herald and
Farm and Fireside in full to January 1, 1907.
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1906, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1.00 in
advance for the Herald, and you will get Farm and Fireside free for one year. Remember, $1.00 in
advance from old or new subscribers secures both the Herald and Farm and Fireside for a full year.
This is a Great Offer-lt is Good Anywhere in the United States.
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