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Grand Traverse Herald, June 25, 1909
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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twice a
I and .McBaln. t
■ band, elmoal a High erbool
trade oTManton, Invitalloaa troai l-'dlagton and riom I'Moakcy verr tUn
rreaapted for tba IflO tocetlng. Tb=*
qucatloD vat ibao vmoI upon, ib.i t
Tbe prizes airardfd
> at
belag 511 roict eaat. Ludlagton re
reiving m aad Mtalon I5«. Jitnion los'a:
Ladle.- degree loam drill contralIbeo rp*** a tpotinn Uitt the IntKrFirat priae. $10.00. Awarded to Kingaba accci'led and it vat u
Ire .So. 41«: Mcoad prize. $5e.0U.
PKWtlr accepted.
a.arded to Empire Itive No 205.
After tba qnetlioe of bolding the
eat cODveailon van
rnze to util admItUng the greatest
number ol i-ndovmeot membira Iron
May I to June IS. ll"d‘. $S.««>. awardUanrekma tent .So. 505.
number of Adomnn-nt members from
I to June i:.. I9«S>. $i.w. yet to
Jobnaop. Teoi
IM. Ludtogton.
kadiae- Dagrva Team Coeteat.
Tbe ladlea- degjoe team conteet va.i
held Id the Citr opera bonae laat eren-
pM tht EvpMpO.
tog. Deputr Commander Wntaon hav
ing ebarga of the contest and annoul
mm TfcPTPdAi^ R»eor4.
TH’ MMMbM* of Nortlioni Midi-
Ing tba teama aa they came upon l
If Eay* o»e «Dd fooe. Th«o *«• Boor. There vere three coanpMIrs
UoMPdA Of them berp roMertar •«« guarta of three teuna entered Md
, one, tvo. and three. Tbe
(fe« dir VA* t«od OVT to tteni.
tlM9^««are vcU optertAUMd tfnriac Brat team called was Empire
from Crrenvood hive So. »5.
tbdr BUT Iwra ME loft with «Ycellpiit
bapraodou of tha cHr Md tron lb* Tbe team or<ten(rd a B'-c nppeartuev
tber luarcbed Into ibe tvli, tbc
«im. of ihdr anirm] optll tbc lad
l•■H at nudnlirtu lart nl»M. Ibdiea or tbe team vearing vblle vUb
ttere vat aosatblns dolix. That aot a tlie lodge colors, red vbll« ard black.
•tacle acddi^ni iparkad -the day. thai Tbe accond team called vaa Cbarlc-
against Manisue. likewise was Mm-' lamlly . Tbe roM bcarera were Bkanah Kvaiis and Mia* CAaele Dyke..Mr.
celona'a balfg of tbc Inning.
Tbc fltib again brought a run for and Mrs. Ham Wales of Traverve
Miss Carrie
Manlslsv. Lundbooe bit to right and f'uy. Jay Wales Md
was scored by Watrick's two base hit Tbemp»oo. and Oeoige and Misa May
rigbt. Again Manrelona could do Wales ol Keystone.
Many beautiful presents were givCR
nohiing against
and a thrre- r-»iise luncbeos vaa serv
In Ibe sixth Manuicc bad anetber ed. About $0 guests were pres<-ot aad
deUgMIul lime vaa enjoyed by
good time, this lime scertng three.
AndaJ. Perry and Rose. Here by a
ze to hive admitting the greatest
tlA* A YEAR.
double play Manulrc
pot out
threw MMcclens pla.rers ta straight
Coalrwa of Wexford Hava Bought orwIn the se,vcnth Tindic aboved hta
eery Store—Ray BcWuig Will
class by striking not tbrwe Manlati*
Ba Manager.
V tn a tw.- - Mancekiaa
men put out at Brat In (hi
be reported.
J*rize for Maecabve degree team
In (be eighth ManMee wdded
roe lest ®d rllualutle vork—First Forced to Give Up Her 4B»-Mlla Welhora te tbdr score, aeortug Bntfca.
prize, llOOOr awarded to LudlngtOB
Ing Trip Much Age'"o* Mar Will
and Rom Mancitona could do jimbTeot So 1$8; aenind prize awarded
—gen Oot Her Back te the
Ing at all thta toiitag and In the nlatb
I OadlUae Tent N'o :k.
Railroad Button.
Maaeolona did ot score.
Prize lor beat dreosed uolform laFor tbe Manistee Recorde. Bom at
dlM- degree team taking port In pv
Mrs. Stella M Champney and eon
abort and Rasmoa at third played pretradtf. $10.00. awarded to CharleMli
Den O. Champney. irrlvvd on t
Hive No. 44S.
noon trvla from Ohio. Mrs. Champn
Tindal and Biinia, Tlndal
u for greatert number of
baring ren-lved .a auovtrelie wbi
:lilng II slilke outs, eoougb to
about 60 luii.a out of OHerlin and
) KlllS'ley
ly game with good support.
parade, $1000. awarded
vs» wlih greai dilTln.l'y that b«- e
Tbe teams lined up a* fojlova:
Den got her-back to the suilon at
MMletee—Feiry. 2b;
Rose, m;
Prize for best decorated float, $10.
Fremont In time to retch the train for
Luadbone. If: Walraua. ef- Watririt.
UO. awarded to Elk Rapids Hive No
the north on which be bundled her
1b: Ha.«mas. $b: Aodel. mi Bufka.
mneh aMlnst ber will
rontested ball game. $56.00, prize
Talbot, p.
They bso walked «he dlatMee of
awarded to Manlsece baU team.
eiilea It- ilir.1 i’:-; .
.•! .•
B^'d coneeit-PIrat prize. $5000.
Tba CoDlnee of Wexford have porebaaed Ibe grocery alorr at Iniarloch
Owned by Bert Oenneti and utu
nuke an additloa of a stock ol <
gupdi and ahoea. making the plare
Anar the Fvwgrawi Had Been CMilBff
ed Oancrag was Enjeyad iv NMr -.
./Full el Ceupira UoUl 11 .
up-iodate geperal store Ray Beldlng.
formerly in the employ of Conlna •
msey In Ibis city, has been eaf
rouduM the store Md will leave
wllh bis family .Monday for ;
From WedaeadavTRerardTlv Mrarabm raeepUcn.MB St MR
Cliy opera Imqgr laMW.bM
atlandrd by ZBemtum’ltoaat mt
drr and Ibr gueeta. Ua program
' itaresilng and enjoyable.
In inirojaci.. Great CoamMd*r
orge 8 Loi-Mm. FraaHsR! dobs
A Lorangrr d- ■ arfd tt
b. ra had done m.ww tor
other erd.- Tbev had dORo mneS
PkfA {
then WOK ftp arreau. oolr ooa drunk ToU. Ttnilte Rose hive No. tU. Klogii. avarded to Maurelena tllrb
McaprlBc the ooop. Abeva that Ibe ley lndn«rtal hive No. 416 folloved >>and; errot-d P’lrWhite Rose and gave evidence,
they had hern rnr«-f'iUy drllVi
■ Slrert f.smes.
veil babatpd.
‘ -mvd vat PM emir »olI bapdNd. but
Thive judse* veie sppoli.iert all thr..
Tba atraatt Mat nlliii ivoaenlo
sdBBtad opana. People wre everr- l-eiTig UT'knom *i ... > - r-1 -' • ■
vbar*. Uatauar «o the mnah-: ridins,
to tba ali»t aeotoc aulnmobilaa. lak-j
lli()*"-«. of Al.a'l.;. e;'. \i,.
V.llilfu Uorl of \lvtii
toe trip* OP tbe Ur or datUag Uiv
CPi^raL k a-aa a good naturrd tbftmgi
HI Md Jdlsa Carrie Tlioupuni.
,.... i.-j-r—t
i-iimptou »-ue;
and ttP tonXettl tlw freely. The band of lAidlngton.
Tbe priaea offered vere |40 Brat $5.00.
eoeearu vara oueb antored anil like
Sack race—KIrit prize, ftie-elalid
tba dar. the aigbt vaa a auecMafnl prize and tU aecond prlrc. Klngaley
walked away vhh the BrM priro
$2.00: second prize. Johnson $1.00
Prize lor greatest niiuiber of roera140 and Rnplre took the second prize
from any on.- t.-:.i mareh.ng in
■ |I6- .
Thera vaa aome rerr ^e rttuallaae of parade, $1“awarded tp Tad
Band Conearta.
tie vork raetardar, Ip tba atlen
lae'Tent No. 2W
Laat evening tbe vUlilDg bands
Trararee Bar bKe No. II OEampl
Prize for bevl imITormed degree
gave concerts on the nmis. Wl'h
tba BamorUI York vbUa tba ta
UaneeloDa. McBaln, Queen ntj-. PlI- iram marching in liue oi parade.
B| hlrea altarvard gave a guard drill
bram (ompaur'a and Campbell’r city llti.OO, »w.vrded to J..idlnglon Tent
vUdl vat fulir appreciated br Ibe
band. Ibere vaa iileniy of niuzlc. Tlic No 308.
targe noml^N ^o vNtneaaed It
feature of the eveniiw was Anh*-!
tbc amiiaf ooMAd um.daeve P
UagaabY ndlo vKb hand aerompi
; drill eoptritn nM tba vork in (aeae
to vbleb be was obliged to
.^vta eapeetaltr Sne.
apoad with an eneore. Uter la Qse
Tbe aoecUla dM
««1| mUalght. ao that
evening the Manreloiia and MrBali
braida. winners in the conlevi, gave
all get away
wna a
large crowd on the streMa antU that
eCme very enjoyaole band music.
ad a burr da.i
yesterday, making czcuralons areond
ihi ialaod. The beat made five trips,
besides the tup in the evening, Abmi
500 people enjoyed the trips on the
bay during tbe day.
Ur Btreetf and also tbe one
«CRMr Of Btau street Md Railroad
in tn e*' Aliow^ to MOV* 'for a
r^riifscThu Ti.rit a.» it Th.'is-ind
Cate* NOW and Mora cemlng at
Rata ef Hundred a Day.
St. P“U'rth.ira.~june 2 4.-i-Choyera From Wedneeday'a Rerord
condition* ere wore add nearly equal
In the ease of MartlP B. Harner vs.
Ihoee of Inirt siimnirr. The offlelals Ira Orlnnell. at al. trial of pbm
THOR-TESTIFIEO IN HIS OWN giUrr the cases at 5U..vhlle etbei
abaiement.llir evidencewasa’I in j
terday and ibla morning the court ren
locreariog a biindred n day. A ’bird
dered a vrnlicl to (aver of Ira L. Grlnase* are faUL Tbe goverameni
U dotaf mile.
The races run off at the driving
park yesteniay were, very aucersaful
All Wf them wore close, even to the
IlnUh. Tbcy resulted;
Allaoed That He Leaked the Matter
Over With Cleveland and That
Seme Changet Were Suggest
ed—Grand Larceny Charge.
SEPT. 14. IS, 1$ AHO 17.
Committee Held a Meeting Yeatarday
and Selected the Executive and
Citizens' Cemmittaca
New York. June 24.—Broughton
Rrandenburg losrifird id hi* owi
The oflliUl t-omnitlrc uf the 0.
ti-nse today to hto trial lor grand lar- :R rnvnmpmvDl bold ■ merling at tbe
Traverse sxld roniaincd aome Ibnughls aloiig
City. TboropMnvlIlc. Fraakloit. Copc
line dlscnaaed
Tbe matter
h. Manistee, pentaratw. Hart. Sbel.
ari^ged eonseruUvcIy
Wc look
MoDtagiH', Whlleball. Muskegon. ed tbe mailer over and 1 suggeaied
Class A.
T r.t-rmalne.
2ud—C Creenman
highly. The laiereai of all, a
was tbe progreaa of (be ardor and doiclarcd tbsre bad bees po Um S^I^
oBieDW niseilng Id talk ot asH^lPB
tbs Ann <Uy of aexl term of court bw' thta. Bbe a«TM«d an mMibWa Id
vhelli will be tbe Brat Monday In Oc
tbMr>saltb. at by (bade
lober. The eonrt granted the rootlon. precauiloDa Ibe welfare of Uw dcMr
the opening of the morning ae*well aa ol the ladividaal voalB bd
slon. 3. W. Patehin made mptioi. tu advanced.
rliow a morion for n new trial In lor
■ was folloved by Oraot Bddoeff
William W. Wright v. IoilU- Keeper A. M. Sley. vbo tbatikdd Trav
VInglIng, which was broiighC up to erse City for 4ia cordiality Md eepaotuatire t^rt and appealed to (he Cir tally ex-Mayor A. V. Friedrteh tor par*
cuit court. Tbc court denlgf ibe mo
favors. He declared the aatd»
tion to prrniii inem lotmov* fur new bile ride be bad vRb the dHBdiW
one ol the mnat eBjoyabto ot hM
aad Clayton N. GrtoveU.
•Nelson vs Mary E. Nelaon oeru
bird the greater porriOD ot tbe atler-
deriaied that thta matter
tied tn the article signed "Grov
Lodington. have ezrended to tbe mem- er neveland."
party a welcome never
formet excursion.
RiKktord. Cedar Spring*. Howard City.
Bi^ Rapids. Reed Cliy. Scottvil’e. and
Redskin. Jrd—N. Bmler.
Class C.
Billy W. 1st—B. B. Hadley.
Irvin 8. 2nd—J. K. Lengvell.
Lady GycMf. $rd—W. IngeraoH.
dt-monatratlng moat clearly the
dtallty which they feel (ot the Cream
•treat Cabteat.
Qttf. be It
Ibe street conteet^ was held yralerRi'iolved
day afternoon and furnubrd ransid
crable ezcHemtvU.
in the lOO-yard daab. Miller and
SimeDO used .le rroaiblgg Mart, anc
.M tnlgbt be ezpccted beat Menolds'
vid Heren a reuple of yards on ttu-
ui.-rnhera af thr Mrre-h*nt« and Manufnrtnrerr aiaoclation of Miiw*uk-i
expresv th^e^eartfrlt apprrrlation
of the kfiid liosjiltalliv so g--nenMJsly
riyffered vnd h-rvw'llh ext.-'id
pre-ssloti of'vhaiiks to thr mnyoni. city
..impson linlsfaed firei and Mil cDlriala.
avenne. Tbc teem drivep by
OUie ler second. . uen Menolds aad a coucltlzcps ef these cltle*. cordially
LmUna bad (be kmger n.n and bad
barktra bognn their little inviting iill to visit Mllwaal-tw vnb
Feature Was TIndart Striking Out 1
Men. But Even Then. Menralena
Could Not Score.
Arch Ueed aa a OeceraUen
Hlsterle One. Having Served a*.
Several Similar Oecaalene.
Doon aeaslon of court today, and te^
if a arnsAllenat nature wax
Scviriiiie. The Others live to the
cintty or Reyntene. The Rev, J. Allen
n. .
Daflriag was iben enWdd vatU 11
n cioek. Masenich'a Are pleeo crebra
tra turnlsbing excellent moaie. Thare
wax ample mnn tor tba bMdred 0^
pies nn Ibe floor and aretyOMFBjoy^
all oftba pregrau.
Mrs Nelson U <*>oteomig tbe
From Tbnraday’e Record.
company wax again taken Bp at Iba
A beasUtnl double wedding
afternoon aetaloa Mr Proatap. porplace yeeterdKy at 1 p tn. at Keyriiaser. cnm<- up fn-m Iraia
ibe borne ot Mr and Mrv.
George Wales thr pai
bri.lw. Tbe contrarllog parries arere
Sojlt Tboinpson and
Wales, and Gaylord Kvan* and Mlaa
Eertha Wales. Ur. Tbompaee ta ot
wat brief-tod light, vilb oo attamK
I make a apeecb.
Great LieutenMt ConmMder Chao.
H. Tboraaa and Catl WoMhoer apgfce
briefly, ihelr apeerbes betoc U a
lighter vein.
A. V. Ulcdricb was called opoe and
spoke Of the Joyalty of tba order to
Traverwe City, both to tba oedar aa a
txMly and aa IndlvMoata. saytog that
In bla recent tUaeaa tbe ktodadii ot
thu Older to bim had k»ov» po
hounds. He thanked (bew haditlly for
prot edtnga
Thr caae ot J O CroUer. rewdv«
oobipulnant, v«. Sooth Side Lumber
^^c^tMlrire* R^^a easily ent ire, hi
.water on Brat, altbongb the one drir- tune, deriarmg that the locals bad the aaaurance that every citizen of Mil
classed f-e M-r
en by Jim Baker made sneb good time
id an nnfalr advantage. Taelr pro- vankee zhall bi- their host.
that It VM a eleee dteiak». In the
-n was overruled.
Tour* very truly.
wtontoff ersv Vere: OlUe Lmblns,
In the 200-yard daab. the runner*
W1LUAM GF»BOr: nnr •••
drlveri <jbler Rennie. Frank I’mlor. flnlaued In tbe.name order. U<vioId>
POfsIe men:
Jack dropping
................. out badly beaten at the-15»
Lawrence and Henry Lntayette. bymark.
BrMt men. Tbp Iom» very: James
Biker, driver: - Artbnr LardM. and' i..,. ,i -...
ilngcr appearing tor the ce
and Alloruey Tvcddic for the defopdThr divorce proceedingt of William
Grand Huron. Holfand. Grand Rapidi.
Claaa B.
Either B.. lat-McKengle.
Baby Mine. 2nd—W. Rennie.
111 Uip
M.- 9».j
yxsi reluriu-d
i.i;!. irip IhfOngL HoolajiB, Uiegup. lilaiM and oUwr wrMt.
era Mates whsto the Mareibam hsE
iped the aame rich harvest «d to
ssed membership they bad to MIMtgan and the w
Divarco Catca.
At y..ideiday'* sevaloD of i-oun a dv
i-ciifj In eonhuction with the I'leve- court bousi' ^'sicrday afiernoeo and
cr.-v of divorce was granted to George
Isnd Interview.
ihu date «t bolding the m-« G.
RarKk from bin wife Dolly Rarlek
Hi dcBcribeti bU nogoilailons
caiupmcu: nas s<-i tor Scpirmbcr
wttb tbe slipulaliiMi that George Rarwllh (Teveland regarding tbe
M. 13, l« aud IT.
Ilk BO not marry vithln six moaiba
.ns party on board ibe apeiUI train palan arlJclca. Brandenburg suggestThe exccotlve comnilltcr is ea (oland Mrs. Rarlek vllbin one yeai.
Saturday. June 12th. passed
,**: A. S. Frtte. Maplefity. 1
A deerurot divorce wax alto grutlowing resolution:
tboughU on tbe political campalgi Herrlngtun. Maple l'ity ;;M. D.
cd to Jlay Llndsi-y v*. George Lind
Whereas, during this, the i
■II a aerie* oT thn-i- article*, wbiib gan. O I' t'ancr and J W llllllker nl
sey and one tn fiopbia Hrinrr ra. John
uual cacurslon of tbe Mereban.a Krandepburg would sell
Traii-ise tlly
iBrlncr. In both Insuaccs (he p-irtU-»
«i.d Maimliicliirvisa-.*oclaUon
HraDdeDban: paid ITcielaod $2.*00
(be citizrus' ronuntlice
Milwaukee, tbe following cities of tb-; for tbe aitirlaB and was to get bis own Mayor W. O f Ucrmatni', Tbos T. are prohlblti-d from morryliig
If one year.
great fruit belt of
Wolverine .it-muneratlon (or (hi- sale.
Bates. James Milliki-n. D G. ('handler
The divorce case of William J. Nrisinu- vU: Cadlllai, Manlnn, Kalkas
Hr declared. "I saw Mr. nevclaud
Robert Waller of Traveree CJly.
.on vs. Mary E. Nvlson la or cupyli
ka. Man?cloaa. Boyne Falla, B-q^ again in fate oflico here and be ha
be Bttenlieo ef the eo<iri. Amll F. NvrCity, Pcloskev. relUtm. Cbarleitrii,
bundle of pap«T*, wBlcb
William Mr. 3rd—B. lAHlner.
ii vu-sth-al evkmin-'
t\'. Patehin. niiervey (or tb* gtatnUff,
naked for Slay of proeecdlhg* until
The Cfac
Moiiy B
k. u risvrjvv Ciiy '
r Se--n.a>- ,
|cri.,Tes* ui.d.
TravefM' Wen Apa'ntime. Tbe evealng breeae' cooled
Fbr tbe second time In one day tbe
iMngm BO that tbe indoor nUnetioaa
local K- O. T. M.^, baseball U-aoi deand tbe earatrml drew wmb better
tules Eatcnded Them by tbe
freted CaditUc. yesierday altcrnoon
tkM they did In the ansnuMm. DreamCities of MiGbiBsn.
being 18 to i in ih'cir fuvor.
iMd gave scrap abows yestenliy and
For the locals Brayion and Bak^'' did
played to more than 5.0W people. All
Tbe following from the Merchants
ll'c batlery vork. while Powers and
tbe Bttractkms at the carnival also
Kid tbe pllcblng alont wlib Jardint nud MMUIacturers asOrlation o( Mil
Bid heavy
busonew, esptcUUy
catching. The only feature o< tbe waukee is‘self czplaoKoiy
came vaa tbe locala' buary bitting. Mltor the Record,
Nn Olanrder.
• Trmveree City. Mich.
Jui-t at tbe present tbe locals arc playAkbeogb the crowd vm largo and
Dear Sir—I am pleased to advise
PNW paUontMd the aaloons qulio II.E aweU balL
that tbe mvntbcre of tbe mercb-
fraely. there vaa practUall.v no dlaorder. In tba afternoon there
small eocoanler. m old man Jumping
onto a young man Md asMulilng him.
tbe young mao uM eirlklug bln.
canae M Ua age. b«t <bli did not
■te niKb of a sUr.
When tbc aeleaBs ckaed .at
e'clocfc Md tbe patrons came upon
the atreeU. there vaa no bowling
kaoKh of drtmka and tbe eiovd
* Ro different ibM before.-ln tact, tbe
TtaRora behaved ti<eaiBi:l\.-s iUe genUemen Md WiUea.
Tbe town vaa admirably pn^eed so
tbst had there been any ellficuHr
whatever, n could have been bMdied
ven. Chief Ashton Md bla men
en duty from enrly morning unUl ni
ter tbs laat trata vent oot while Sbei
IB Bbuter vaa
in evidence, should
bis senrtewa have been repaired.
Plrq DapartmeM Rim.
Tbe ashiblilon ran of tbc Bre de^rtamnt vaa one of tbe beet ew
made. The tvo trams made
I nvar at ptnetkally the cutr.e time aad
vrant down Stau street at a groat rate
divorces granted
LPirta Harron ef Chtaage, Hal «Mi ••
Acoidam that wm Krap
Him Here sonm Timm
Frara Wedneaday'a Bceord.
1o>uta Herron, of Chicago.
L-<-ea rtaUing hit brother, Morria ot- .
Ibis cny. auserad quite a patotul accl-■.enl yetterd'
Mr. Herron aras eipecttog to leava
Ceremony Occurred
tbc Heme ef ■ be city last h'gfat and to yeMordAg
tbe Bride'a Parents. Mr. and
I ft.-rnoati wax enjoy ing a nrtm to tba
Vr«. Hi-l'-sH.
y. He VS' J .-.ing Off the dock and
:i -barp'radt
. Mha Blacken, neszle men and Lron
Baker and Joe Mlrovaky. hydrant
UMIngtoh Next Yedr.
The boalneaa mecUna of the Northees Hldilgu Msec*bee aeaortauon
BiC HOTEL eilfflED
• 4-1. ..
Dell'eyed Tod»z
............................ .
UTiJ-suia.i i
_ V
am arrived to ---ke i.VM held to tbe CBy open bouse yea- waa RD cxuiualfm. It noa • betou
lism Harsha. Judge lloel. Hawlit Black,
lerday afienm at $ o'rioefc. Pre*(- ful and dignified speriarie. Umgh.
w tbe knlgbU go through their and Warred Rovtaorg left thta mi-rn- out
Se« of tbe aaaoclatlM. J. A. Loranger
In Ibe third Perry of Manlu-v srer-:i!tw<. conpiri took ue voaa rd
emlva drill and tbe crowd ap tog (or File Lake, where Ralph Hleka
oceupylag tba chair. Tbe matter of
aupcrtl.01 of that township. Joins .d «n an error w-hu* Ma-icWona could rllnony at the aatoe Inaiant. Tbc
asMettog the pm meeUag piace of planded (be work lUrerelly.
J ootblag to (he aeere geuingline, ler bearen were Hiram and Mlaa
(hem and tben to Kalkaska coun'y m
the aesoetoUon was taken up. tbc aetbe commqu
csnndl an<
Jy tvo bands took pari to tbs reriev tbs rounry roads there.
The fourth wax three oasy
at Heme ef Sen at S«m,m»l Ciu.
Viil-. Jmi-. 2«
f.,:.. n.-»
Wih.n died a- ’hr bdlpn
• : . .-.r, I i„. i,., ■ ,.rt F..<I Ir W'nrti, at 6 ocWl:
{■•.- ;.ev...Ds. •.r-.IT.y-.vre The body
M Ci.fog bnr.
mat- MaaJstM are U the city vtaittog their,
Cow-.father, John Scblegel. The Mlstea Fred. Braer Md Hannah Bolflu;
Msr-lscblrgel are to the raintnery btuloeM cf Cadillac, are apendtog part of tbdir
varattan in tbta dty.
ootolgie Wale* Ibe Junior membera «'the al MMlatee
atreeU waa
tween Tenth and Elerent^
adopted OD Ur. tYrkni'a MoUan.
The reMiIuilon lilrr-cttec ^
R« TO DECIDE ON 6EWroll of »pecUI
East Nlnlli sire
file ani
OfDn, m
rroei SumL
OM T«a».............
■ts liOBlh*..........
«%TM MOBtA*..
..|1.M U AdTi
....Me IB Adri
....2M 111 Ad*Bm
CewMcil Teeh Action at the Meeting
Night—Per el^he • —
«t Uie peatortloe
MldL. mder Uw i
Oot a Late SUi
CtaMN Ml wwt 3.IS0
Md a ne» iwrd. not soiUn* Martmull *i1», a l^irt^^puhllc
ItaRUR aii B UUN Wt ear or«r tbe A( 10:12.'Clie cooacil »di»Jumc-d,
fact ttat BtM Boto* vei« oTBed thare li:|; acted upon 21 ltrn.K ot l>u.l
m and Utinsou wi-n
u« p«t ■» A UuR tM W>.l»iur
MM 1» RBrtfcM
t fiveo
___ C tho council will meet July
S p. m. lo bear remonktrance*.
adopted on Mr. Rlckerd's iOCAlon.
:IInj, tliP comrotUM' oo
rente anil walk*, which
At Ifate
that tine. :
that bine whh a lift of eerei
«hl« bnSElca. agd Kalkaaka, while constructed sufdrii-nt to
not thclUted to be toaeuol. haa an ceeds of the eliy for the next 25 years
•M GeaeB aad a Ejlac nachlBe. Man- and that the queMion of issujnc bond*
...................If that purjioe.'
•M win etiher hare to pet eacisea
■payers at the
•ad rabber Urea on wbeelbanowi
On Hr. RirkI waa BdojU'e!.
The commUlee on «n- and pollc.
n-coiomc-iiJi-d tb.il the volitaleer Are.
paid It for the Or* llOUl and
t an hour Uh-reaTler
wprktns on Ore*. iliU to apply only
alarms given by the dre whUII--. i
motion of Mr .Mureble. thu ni*
war adopted without dUcusslon.
Dcbnlie aclli.ii war taken In n-Bard
the Corolinu lyplorr, the
Mr. RIckerd'a motion.
Other Bualfieea.
Mayor Ocrmalne appMnied -B. F.
traon. WillUrn l-arrar and Bud Sleder AS Spoclal poljce. Ue oppoiu'.im-nt
hring coDhrnicd on Mr. Murthk- > inn-
Caranwny Waa Partor^ by
J. A. Canby at the Home W
l_ W. CMC.
From Tu.-i-l*y'»
r-i-lsy'. Ue.vird,
.Miss t,.eica
;ik i:t> and Hermail KiaMT uf Mi.
Flea>ant were uiilK-djln martiage at
2?5v Ibis
_ . afternoon
at Ihc home of
1. W,, Case Tin \Veli*ler
J. A Caoby ofliht Chuich ol
t. the rtlut -sr.-vljc I rliig u.-*>d.)
ring the vvrepiiiiy ilie vviune
tuiiik of pOUed
- >f«od Isefurea Itui;
is aud th.
decorated in smllax and piuk earua
tVe^s E. Pray Allcgea That Crea
Tbe ring *ervl^- wa.- us.-d and
■ng If Net In Accordance with
<-mony was witlne«a-0 by about
Premlaea and that It Interferaa
40 frii-mls Of the yoiiig p>-oph-. Mis*
With Farm Work.
Mabel Royce of the ^ aetud as the
l.rldesmilii while <!l|l«i StraKon ol
Ml I'h-a^ml'wsf br^ pmn *
The b:lde wa- ehgrmlngly cown.-d
In cream ines>>Ulne Mlk aud she ...rrrcUy. lo lb.
Tied ejeaui loses.
The brldeiUiftiil
People Vk. WlllUtU O-x.
Alexander wa« clad. In. e.ream sl|k mull and
imet »li the- ball bond
rl-d pink rose*.
AJt-'r the pr.
Kupp. Ihe ctmrt
eeremonv.^ a luelieon iw-as t-i-rved.
uuiount of
-he pe
bond bc^’’
tind ludgn
1 for -Mt. Pirasiint
he;v they
... .. ... for that aiiioent.
iiiRliig in the verdiel -ii .1:05. On
Valkeiihorgh Is a young
nil of I'ndt-rwuixl L I'uilPr. com
lady who. will he kliifeCely
inIsM-d by
defendant. <• 'g>y until
a large number ol friends. Two
br term Of Cl
first du} of next
mins her*', .she laught.
ranu'd b
in thi- Son s biklw land during her
DVe for I
May here lins 1»'. !i li aehirg '!i-- f
grade at t;ie >sk l^rk bnildim;..
le KUm vu *«'«. »itbliKislJi-\i-ellr,iit :' e
wxirk makbig
On Mr. Ihb.Tin's BKHion. the water
.orku sujaTlnlenilrnt wai- ifireetcJ U>
mnnccl a di inking fount at Hanusb
I*ros«ruHng AUomcr Pratt called at
lenilon' to a mailer that may
damage xult agatoett tbe city,
u that properly < nt-rs who a
building Interior tide .
el on the slr.<-t>. without SerurlnR _
MissloD Of marklns the (ibslmrlion
rap. way. Mr. I'rnti detailed
at eaip'rlenc't vlien lii h< w
b.’i out
r. Rlck........................................
i-rd moved I
• police
instructed ot notlty the proi*r
rose aad contractors building inic
ior walks that all obsiructlun* niv
b.' marked at night by a red light i
til removed, and the motion ca^ed.
Or Mr, Hlrkerd s motion. liie cvh
rll adjourned to uert tonight al
eotnmetidlng Ihut the board of pub
lic works U- lnMrucle.1 that when
HEAT AND HUMIOrrv CONTINUE llieae tree* tn the sln-ete am
3 daniatte to Mdewsikt or *<
irealeu to do damage, that they no
fr tlx' owperr of the abutting prop
en’y and If the tree* are niA removed LIVINGSTON DIO NO STOP AFTER
«hMr«i of the Peer are the Werrt within a n-a»on*l.le
remove them. I
•iMfare and Many Oeatha of
the r-i-ort
•ahlM are Rapertad.
Petitlent and C
Col. M. A. Marrifcid It Dead—Miche
The boaid of public work* rpre
son Mai
Man Seneusly Hurt When
IMr Tofk. Jnaa M.—EWht na
eeru’ eklluiaic f>
ed the onclneera'
Train Struck A
I sewer in the alley betwrnn
bile at
a Brander.
nod Blctenth Mreit*. h
IVMtaa iaday. It la bot and U<
^•h«MM Bd IMat deatba. Uw ladl-
Mra L. Iw DaSey U Ttelllag ber
ibout t-HUkc and asking nine months
lary at 155 a mo
or $<B5.
$«B5. was
e oo Mr. J
celved and placed
TMTeree CKy.
boU's MotlOB. .
air. «Pd Mn. WUbar Haaley were
-port of the claims aOtk-'^c
TiSfane Ctty ealloru Wednesday.
uiolucr- was aerepu-d
on kfV. Abbott's motloa.
Ctottos Phalps aad taiaUy aueaded
mtito Aaaghtar, Mra. Balph. Ryea. erf
the t'hureh Of'i'-hrisl The .gv.-.m
a leaeber I'l manual, Iralniiig. hiiv
sueiessfiilly bundled; this bronih
Ml- Pleasant durinfl
durina the y.-»r
luiUssl Hint
end<-d. so suvcesstully ImUW
n> iktrealed,
wn.' it-ndi-nd and nn* neirepivd a
At Ihe morning
mui'h mo-i- iulvaiiieJ posit
.XUrquello warae line In tin- Ikdrolt *
Ub.-rea E. Pray Vs
v> l••-^e .Mai
.............'. was brought up he ard his bride kill n
Railroad eomiiaay.
I’urm C. GllU-ri home Iheie
:<m! a Jury st-cun-d
struiiUl'l*' » for the iilnliiiiff and JAllorney
Sir.reier. nf
Rills t Sire
firm of Covell 4.
the defense. Thithe placing ot
•rt) of R*b.-e
111* Of b
lircc of r
r the proiieily. anil Is not jn ;ic
DC" wlib tli<- jilans and stno< iH-fore mail-: Th<- pUlutiD al
the Maoeshee eelebraflae In Traveree
CUy WedaamUy.
James Cameron, of Central Lake,
1 buMorws visitor In Ihe city.
Ml*. Nellie Hufliuan, cf Manioa, I,
adaptfik II tbe rily- tor a few days
Sr*. Ami
drew Burdick and daughter
CaWle III acmih Manitou rae in the
i few dnyk.
Dime, of SurthiM.rt. pm-M-d
UMTED states]
tbiouga the
We Credit
ot our
AVIlIlam Gitauh-y, of
amiMHt ot soMf-BMaal tateresi
them. Debesttora may proseat ibelr|
books aar Une after that <Utc and!
have the same ouiered tberron. Alii
depmiut made prior lo July S-.L. wHli
dr*« Inlcreat tivm July IsL
Elk Rapid*
as a 'lUkiues* visitor ycMerday.
On June mh, we place te the xrcd-|
E. J. FIsitaer. of Kingsley, was In
K- city >i-»tcrd*y.
N H. iiuuker. ot Cnailevuix. Is In
h.- «-ity,
wiiiik r
P*-nmngtoD wa*
the clly
uukuiesk yesterday,
harlt-s E Jobnaoo aod Gvorge Sad
dier. ol radllU*. arv In the eity.
l-ixtni llwtvy Jointer Clamp nnd
Wliocl Stnudatil.
Latvv* Wliovl.
Woi-k. Stenl
Hativllee Well KraooLl,
Ailjnatal.le Sloe, li iJ.vr
incL, trub or narrow, |^in or cutler poiuU.
We bolb lose II yon do not buy a John Deere
The Record of
this Bank
w ui'u u*i- was a suiaji iiisiMilimil.
y. '
TuBay it *- lav- largevt mud rtrotigcat
iiank lu Tt-avi-iki- City and uf North-
ern Mk-Iilgaa.
At all ilim-s it tio*U-.-U
lirtrt ouiM.vWly ill vh-w.
en an i-vtirem* ly luiisiNiattve liasl',
IIm- iiiL-*.*--.(v of Ilk d>‘|s>sllors la-lP;;
As u rrsuli ll iia* .-njoyi-d tla- conB<•«•«.*• Ill tlu- |«ibHr nml IbPiugb Ibal
<tNrfM*-m->- lias i;rvw-n tu tla puv-en<
It IS a bank urgniilzi'd to sxfeg-urt
Child Had Fallen fr^m the Hannah A
V Co. Chute—Father With a
Fiehpole Hauleii Out the
, OfEcer.
roni Tu-,-.hiy's-l!-lvr.l
Traverse City
State Bank
ehi:ti- last .•v-iiliig uiaiul
'•ire of I'aliolim.ii i Jes.
would hor*' diowiierf In u
The offuer wa* im h.
II pl.i.mr
in ordered Ittem *
s*-im-d fiigbu-nivl by
foi fhey tunitd and buirkd
v\;u*l 4or.-. Ak hlie i
lo- Hit!.- glr!
ed liiuk toward
offic'-r, ap
I:lly still frluklrniui u
disastrous, for kh.-. 1
of Ih-i ehul- i.int disai
water. 12 fret |lei-p a;
also a i-iiisi.li-i.
Ills noliit.
- she f*-il. 111. iiifii's-r
ll elit; III. till- liriil.li .
doau.Ihe wast*-** av ol 111'
Iieinllig dlsl.tnce ’p til- J-mn: uln ie
he ylll V*.,k str'mgiill.; in Ih*' WJt.l
Sue wi.s puiliiii* ii|. u guiice IlyiM
jiT l*«'r liH- 110*1 .'*1i- sei‘iuc*l to UUiI<-r
lauii ll-r pr-'dl.uin-'nt. ami k-pt land
ILliK Part o( i!.i- llilre in-r he.id w,i.
■ut -jf Ibe MSI -r. lb--n sb^ sauk, * otii
lb- kotfa.e if.rei
•i -mly
' one n.oiiihiul
-ll. ........
• olOcvr •
:i*;lii I kdf-'ly. lik-a>
u iilm. ond III- hi^v-
s «ppar. iiHy afi-a.d I"
id p it H:-«m tile ae< I
ml I -II I'.' -fheer I..-:
itra M. R TVilrd It sia-udiug a f.
lays iiisTraversc Clly.
The Swastika club pump rOmni.i'l'ye
Ir bti*y pmtlng itown a town puiup
Mr Strait Is hold'ing F-v ival i
>ngr ill the clnucb Ibis wi'-k.
Tnc Hurt Hardwire Co. has eluiug- d
l;:<nds The n* w Brtu will la- known
li.hBMoi snd 8*-abHghi. two h'l.-tb
*oung uieii trom Albcan. who u
• <-]-p •-veivil-.iiig up to ilate ID th
'.*o<-. Mr. Johbson will umve !iU fam
h*iv Sainrday and <«-ciip> the roo
vv.T the bardwar*' and Mr Seahrultl
pi moving laid th.- Geaiige Hurl bn
• Mr. ait.l Mrs, Ray Saxton are
proud pai.-tii, m a TuiViy lavy wlilit
■’Ivi'd St their lujm* FriJa.v.
Farmer’s Supply Co.
ftrawn, Ml.b., June IS—Mis. Jol
Flunk went i*> Honor Ibl* niornti
•o visit hn duugbter, Ida. o\i-| S"
convention i* being
.•enter l■■day.
Wllltini Cox I* bciv loading two ear
Mt»s BalUrd. of Cmlllluv. and tbe loads of bark
Miane* M.-»k.Pg.-' ,.f Kseaasba. arv
If You Would Bo
the gu.-klk of Mis* Etna Walyon. ol
A sui.vtsiul faitu-.r. horseman and
'\V*'b*ter kirev't.
»l*sk raiscr. you should Us.- HarvclV*
Condition Powders, tb" old*-*l and
most relltble on the niarkc*.
sums fer 1$ Year*
llgi-sllon’* pang*—trying maav with great >Ue*re>» by all the leading
• and $2uii.00 worth ol m*>dl*-ine ■loek. r»is*-r» *j! thI. i-ouiilry. Aetvain. B. F. Ay»i-ue. of Inglesldr X
1* a toni*. Inereatins dlgettlon and
at last us*-d Dr King* N.-w IJfi eircmlaSlon. thi n li.v- imrea'lnB ib5 ap
they wbolh cured bctu*- and the growing powers
Uloua sale everywhere ai 25*- per paikage
Xoi a: all vxpcnijve and allcr a irla.’
you will aay a paying Ynw-stmenl
240ld by S E. Walt « Son* aad E E
L'o, Hianih * Lay.
in onp pivov.
CiiiU.-vl or Steel lAniUi.k- irilb
be gut ei Of kin. Cora Coddlngton fm
I portion of the week.
ExdbtM-cuitng AUortie.v l^yloa M
HiRli C'grbon MUt'l IWm, Soft tVuter Su»l MouUtboan],—ent
er lajx-r wiH.-ut glaaa. Full Steel .ToinU>r SUnOardaiivl Fool
:ilid Muled Ihat be ha*l to haul a
The eiiKlnw-T'a erlluiale for the Ul
if wtp-ai'lhnre quariv|j> of u
•ral sewer begioniug at the eomi r of
atvmud and through ilo- T '
State street and Railroad avcime-aad
*ro»siiig li
•talMUa to the peer for aKn-plod.
ending at Ho*o aircol was aim pn-:l kloiltns
g north, a
MPt.-d. tbu ostlmale Irelug tl.91210
e ralli-nad onipany pot i
♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Received and filed on Mr. Ooodrl
le. PlalllliB s
♦ mot ion.
Tiie ImarC of epcclal assessors prehi inrm ow ing to iU<- di:
scnltJ the special a»t s*moni for the
'iiig th* leapi-r uud Juadi
Ter* take, Mich.. Jtme 24.-A parNli.th fctre
•f grain over ibe erosslnp.
. « «( ladlet dUeeded tbe ice <
Andrew Pray, one ol the w|lnes*-*s
'voni, is an employe of the I’ere Mar
■Pdal ftM by the youBf peoplea motion.
The mavor's veto of the ordinance
pivni*- Railroad company, being tick
IMMa^ « MMlpoft Toeeday efenlBg. allowing Ihe sal.wns to ti-nuiin oi«n
•I ag.-nt at M’ellslon.
AhhM Bocse of Boyne, waa la
til n o'clock WUS
|.n-»ei.ud and
Ill tip- eax- Of Reln-<'ia K. ITay' vs
IS rereIVtU snd and placed —
MeeMar weadBE. ea route u> hu
•eie Marqu.-lle K H. to. P.
Mr. BIckerd'k motion,
>erl atoim-.* leu tb<- pluloHlI. aski-<l
•t aaettfitle. Mi*.
rhe InvItatioB of Ihe Mnccal
eave In have ihe vase illsiuiilltiiied.
MMb Non Shay U apending ,
take iwrt lu the parade and atlend
*s he vviuhl not at present pnalme
dva at ia Bapida Tuition fslcuda.
■■ and reception
pro]M-r proof of tilb- of ptainillf The
red on'fllc.
MrL mja* te eBtcrtalnlai
lured kkull
Tveoit aiid (wn dough tnutkin was granied.
,f K. E- Uuckner. conWant Sale Set Aside,
wptewa ot Old Mtoahw
lightly hurt and Kd Hand
klon to enci the 1
heerin* w:i. h.-ld In Ibe Ciri-uil
.Ann Arbor, Mieh, Whs seriously
' Library .-issoeiailoo building
■I not falally I lurl. Hand had Just
IMa. 1L WimaBa Made a boDiDoaf
I street, the building to be- cn
I O Croteer. reirelver rompUliiant,
Id Ihe Tysons hl-> luaehlnc.
a« n Oatm lAke Wedaeaday.
lilered by Ocl. 25, was granted on i
It .^iiiih Side
ipan:. defeodani, Attorney .Vlchols
.Vichols ol
of Jonla
Mr. and MH. McBwaa are eUttlaa
*^An”ln»^tlon to attend a mteiins
ippi-ars for the pureha.ser.
ireha.ser. T. H
tbeir daaefater. Mra. Dewey of CSaai
the police, sheriffs and prosecuUng
:iHi. Siiiurtliwaite
_________ k A
Allwsy for the
attorneys at ManUtee July H and 15.
-e<re.v<-r. Taggart.
Tagghrt. Dennison k Wilson
WBMai Ouneraa h la Centra] Iwke war referred to Ihe poUec commlUeo
<f Craiid KspMs and Judge .
tor a tew dais.
.r.-dA $* livery bill of the city engineer
1’ C i:i:i*-rl solleilor*
Ckvtaa OUbort Made a bil
was not approved by <he board of pub
This Is an urguim-nt on ai
«.a>n;i- 111-10 and S Snidd-ll, both vrder lo show »au»<- why tb.- praye
trip to aUc BapMa Monday.
lie work*, tbe bill being from Ocrof the Kept Slate bank and otlier:
ArtWt OBMeroa and daaahter. Htu maine biolhcrs. Mr. kfamn,^ the eih
I Manlon are in Hu- city.
F. X. Vinlon. of Wllltaoikbura. vis pi'iliioiiers. shall not be graii«-d.
Loelaa C. were giitnU of BTlUam glneer, siati-d that this Mil bad been
On .the Mb day Of June an order wa
eoniraitcd when he Brat camo 1
Hod lh<- < iiy tin buslnea* yrsierday.
C&aeronY Snndey.
d was necessary that be uiBbl gel
'iiaile ivuiflrmlng the sab- <il J. C
B. ). JehMoa Made a btwlaeai. i
['rolscr. ri-c-IVer of the assets ol th
yiind to bis work On motion of yir.
South Side Lumber enmpanv by a
re in tho riiy.
to SuR Jordaa and while there <
iden. the bill was allowed, all vot.
of the court on May 21“. a
GMn TlUt Ua daashter,
IViiy-F- l‘ow.-rs, of Cadillac, 1»
which lime they wi re, siruik off 1
“' e petlUon of the Que-en fliy Elec
itirg In -In eiiy.
riiad B Preaton ol Ionia at publii
. - Light and Power Co. lo erect a
Mr*. J. (’
Jolipkon wenr to
teb- for »i'«.yu)n TIT The Kent Slat*
brick building at tt: Front ktnrel«a>nerk. main
bank .vnd olhi-ri*. p.-t'Hion<graatrd on Mr. Ooodricli'e nioltop.
plre this morning lo visit her
rt. elainflng
The i>etltk>n «t the Hell telephone
r*. F. Rohr, .
0, asking permission to erect
John 1'i.ie and wrf.. of MiJluuJ.
phone pole at the south end
I isp;
ion street bridge, was refem-d
^4444444444444404 slreel* aad walk* louiuiHlcc with |iow
i-v then for*- pray lha.
II. I, ^:ul1lvall. uf-l'edu'-, i* tUIIIng
a-slde fbe ordi-r . .infirm
Tmhs. Stlch.
dime t«.^L Aah-'
'.h<- -uile tn said Pr.-s'oo .*nd a*k
A communleation from William Uro
emdl MMMittri aakMe by baagtag.
'A. 11. Reeve* al'J family ol't'ulum
n r(-h<-arliig of the
ft sUlIng timl on July 5. IWK. he
Ms iMM a wtfa aad three •oom to
Jk. Ohio. *enl to I’lMTie lake
IS BppolDU-d a regulBi fireman t
gsoara bis loss,
September wa* laid off by the chief morning, wheru they will six-nd tin
M «Ml avEoren. All tbe ^rfca
It will pay you well to cxantlae this plow
caretuUy bclore baying any other.
Special Fcatnrcs.rS^^^lii
Main Stan-laHl,
.—The steamer
kt.-amer Llv
.Mp<-na. June 22.—The
Itigslon rellMh-d and sunk ;he steam
,.r W. IV
V The*
Thes Ihrtk
thro- afile. off Thun
r Island In n heavy fog tf
; The Uvlngslon didn’t s
The Thew s c
oats aod wc
steamer Mary
The Thew rank II. half an I Of at
■r tn-liig' slrurk li IS fathoms ■nd Is
The O'
probably a lot'sl I iSi.
ilugti Have} of Ik
Col. iricid Dc
Vnlon City. June 22.Mi-rrlfb'ld.
proniltienl In Michigan pnllllcs. ant
an attorney, died ot tils home, today
Traio struck Auta.
Toledo. June 22—Five were Injured
whrui a liorking Valh-y train -Iruik
iu;o at Brander.
Mr*, le-vy Ty
fM iMit«( the beat, aad poor carv.
•re eery--r---------Tbe pour childien
Deere’s Michigan Special
1 It lias i.,« bii-i-ie-
■ -lyJ
■ .1- ill . 1,1 f.s., I .,11*; -:,* uiH
..hlpi-ai.- U'i H.i wuik
moon It was di.vmv
hli-Is naim wu- Ui
l.|l.e v-'SI old -UUilll
panying h-r a--r. Kdna Fori.iu a
All.’ •Pi.-'t-. rhiid vn of nCighlkirs
Mr I*arm.
Ss spearing *>;; ■
vhu:.-, -Ne
llld-.u would f
ha*.- b.-. ii •
of 1
1-r had >*is'
ranght. whe
.bild is v*-i
-iarll--d 1*1 r
In Spain Over 1
Arrival of Little One.
Ms.lrld. Jum- 2t —i daughter a
horn TO th- qu'-enio! Spain this mn
Ing at l.agraudja paiaeMoth-r a
ebllrt are doing w-ll and thengreat rep.lrlng SL- 1. the third vii
born tv> .AIpboDso aud the queen, t
oibcn being boy*.
Good Bargains
.. in ..
Women’s Oxfords
Wc have just piircbasol several lots of Wom
en's fine O.ifords io Tan and Black and
Offer Ihem al Big Reductions fo
Move Them Qiiicki.v
LOT NO. 1. Ladies’ Patent Leather,
medium heavy sole, stylish
Colon,- es’ Russia Calf
' Tan
ai Tie. iatest
style: were 2.75..now..........
-LOT NO. S. Ladies’ VIci Kid. pat
ent tip. all scUd.,Rood
looking: were 2.00, now —
LOT NO. 4. Ladies’ Patent Leather,
light soles, sensible heel;
w^re 2,50. now............... .
TEe Bovtr etwu>d Houi lut«rk>cli- tbe l-alldlnK. eo'tbc walera
CC *
• too REWARD. SlOO
TWaaaSsessr thw Mpw w(U Ik plea
twOWMt. fb2s‘(kSrirh Can la s£a teMMUr. arnar •bncsly ai-a the kWaad
■aewaa aarfac^MtlbaarUeai.ikerahr deeieoy.
at Iba tananansa « ibe CtataK. aad
MMeta hy buiUiat ni> U>
■VOaBoa AKl 4-l.naa r*«“'» ta <tati
week, nr peuanemr. %««mark fi
•ta raeaut e powaaa tha> thee oter Oae
(« b m modem Mmcture, ltdUl tec|.
'‘^c*.^.5«tfkotlta"b^l U dnUb•Halted betTocn Duck ood <lrec«
--------'Htfi nak, and a docble verMUkM «o the ehorc ol arew Ukc. It b
1 wide eaieoda , alone (be
•omwadt^ bjr oJaioat ZOD acres ot *lf
Ii.it Orewn take and aeroas
Tbe modem kRcbcn and
in the rear but conpcclcd
n bu*ldlns
ker ot oiMlIer lakes mad trtiut atni
w open for eatsl
Is now
«Mllr reacbvd. makee It a
■ibllity by both II.
y accvssirMa plao-dor (he tsbemu
llruad and tbo Mw
stnio Herv Maroi
Tbc- baHdlnc U a Uree-atorr
UreelUK •Hh
anh bOM^BMOt JttaM.
JZkat* The build islee E North L.
h particularly dealralilc
tSf la ..................................
Utfbicd OiroucboulI by aeetyIcBt
uira Tenignt a
C». The apparaius lor ■euersllDS
. irsln aiopa In
in H«n^
Mono/ Wf
wf tM ViaOpera House
VAcathiii. (he
■UMbclDrin a bulldUiK
lUf buildloc
nar of tba hotel aapeci-..,
c I'cic Manj.K-Ue depot Is only
la tha «>g Day.
parpos<-. The vater b fMrfcd. helni
_ mile a»-v. A bus wilt convey duesU
pumped (rtiin a uell beloe three air*
'itiai Tuesday's Kc-c-ord
Ptt M.
ot hartjpM aad tore
forced. throupboiE
U Ot
fmiu the hotel fr...
The ^dianee puard of iIh Maces!«• by a hot air oniriiie.
thA bouAC
oDidiie' There
■ from 12 to IS per dts.
-•B und l.ady Matca'.u-es ur.ived In
tus for bcatlBs *al«r
Is also BB
a ai*ps
nt Is maklu; a apedab he city today, the llrot arrivals bring
i« coorvectlon
^ctlon «hl. the wale syaleOi
_. _______ ..jiiilay dinners.
n t.ic M A K. K. and Fen- Marqu.Htf.
so t^t hot wiur and cold . ..
Row lusts and sal! boota are Ob
ti.1 a lew inliiuu-s aflerward. a large
atMllr obtainable ua any floor. Them
tainable at the oflli-« U 'he l•o(cI. and
uiuiur uliRlited from Jhe train liom
l« also a dilnUiix (ountaln and fir*
the R.ie.Ilw lannchue under the hotel l'< at-Vj. on It..- Grand lUpWs « Inhose Of. eacb Ho?r. The bath roomo
ruuiageirent rjn eieurslons oi
diaim Koili coacbes of this dale
and closMe are modem In every P^
tjCbUr. The arweraie ■ysieuj
eysien. ••
Is pe^
B'U-d. Tl..- d.-leRalloiis on all ol
ideal plat e to spent Supday or a
a<-i.- ufel by Ihe Queen City
led. the a. wfl*e bi-lOR cartd for
It ion.
liiiiid and uieiulicrs ol ibe reccpliou
modem disposal plant In tbo rear <jf
. ..:.imlUee. hiudcd h) I'rvsldeni J. A.
Ixiianger. Mayer Germaine nnd eiyiaynr Filodrleh were on hand with
Hii-lr ButouibbHbs to take the dcleRates to (heir RHeU.
getable Ice Chest
Have You S^cen ihe New Vegetable
iireau e»t«eels to c.
Merer la the hjalory of Orand Tt«terae rcjlon hare our i*oplc bt*n I'rt" n-nd at least »IO.n«0 tor udverlUluit I
this eainsfion This apace 1s very va
aenied with such a «olden ^rtuu>ty
able ind the bureau was very furtan.
lu In sccurluf It. as It wui eagerlv
iken hy rallreud eoropnnl«-s, land com
|.anl.-s. etc., frem all parts ol the Unilul mates. All took nil (hey rould gel.
rml all sold in a few hour*. It was
mto. • land *“d imailou Mposli,on, tbrouRb the InBuenee j>f the Perc
quelle railroad eoioiuiny
ir-au succeeded In Rellluf
nllolu-d to them. Su|irome -
!!jflCSrSIlj'bc*c.Wbll. iKre i>t the
w^erfnJ trulU of rarlons aectlonr.
.as danmaatrUloBk of the
ci.f trtrtw soil from all
gnt eeaatry.
It would be a.slmmo If (
Free eoonly ai tbu oonoi
w-ooU oot roapoud
it tbU prirnd'- opponmity to deiounMmte to the outside world the wosderful superlorliy aad merlta ot all
trelii sTown Id Orund Tmrerao coun
tv ooTof the bast onrden apola of
the world. Wc osnnoi ovormUmale
tbe value (hat n food ckoiblt V (>■■
MM muDiy. It would pot Otahd Truvana county in the very front ra|iks
tmmedlaiely, we would evi more real
advanteinc from It (ban M yoara of
eswaty -am. becanao we roach IM
aame time and place tbal tbe bl, o^• V-Jlr klic* » Itvid.
will probably be
iSsUcd dally by tOO.OM vIsHora iron
Hy. Sball w© tnim uach a foiden/opjmriunliy? Oraud Trurerac county ran
aceure few cxblhlu about one bundred
aquurw feel ol apace at thia oapnaldoo from the West Miebtfaa DevelopSm bureau for ahoui ROO.the bureau
hut •eeuied 1.M0 square (cel. and
will allot IP Ibo ch-ren tounliea with
iB the bureau bi
ol It. tbe halBBf
oIMtad to prirow paiviei '
ieswUblD these counties I
weak____ __
at list liand the
poaalbllitles of land ownership In tb|S
■■wonderland of America.’’ and It U to
el the nation lUal Ibis cusyfpion baa
been projecled.
Grand Traverre county will
ll.lla so as to Includo
all vartetlosI Of
. (rolt. UtrRC glass ditsocuied, b« as to
play )arw ohould
elualcni allarhiul
,------ ot bmnebt-s
(act In si'ch imrts so as to make the
rst potalblc clfi-.l. ’Thoro should bo
book on tb<. cover of the Jar, ao as
. susi«-i.d branches will, cluster to
,me. aud name of Rtower und addr«M Ubclod on Jar. There arc anch
Jan made ekpcvtsly lor that purpose
and wc should have some rlglil away,
«bd f hope tbe llusln<-sa MensboMoCX
otlon. tbe various granRi's. HAcIcty of
Eqully, ot loir aesoelalion wdll en
deavor to secuu- su(h Jai-s right away,
tmd do tlii lf 1. IM lowsul this great
project in lurtbenug tat besMnU-rvst
of Grand TrarerM coiiuly. Ftor any
further inforumtlou address,
Geo. M Dame, ebatmuu. Kortbport,
Hen.; K.A.imcbtll, Manistee. MIchi
B. K. George. tVtroll. Ulcb.; E- D. U
Bvans. Freoinont, Mlcb., who hare
•esl Mlehlga:
leeu appointed by the Wesi
IJovcIupmtnl bureau, It take ebarg
ot tbia matter.
KespetIfuHy yout
roing for (
wtaeze be will aid1 In tbe 1
Col. Seotfa homo U In OelroH. biz
work (uverlDg boih MIclilRun ac4 In
From Tbutaday’a Iterord.
Mloa Carrie Johnson who baa boen dlana.
at Big Rapids on ppolcuaional d
Hr. and Mrs. Gi urgc DIU left for
a visit In Uunblng, Iml. Today.'
boa retureed borne.
J W. Blaler wt-sl4o Elk Rapids iLls
Harry Jivead hak returned (o Soulh
anerwea la koh after bbi ntore theiv
Mra. IVnu r.-lurned to her borne Iu
Plena Roebaefc left ibla moraine
Marloa, lud., this morning.
Itor a visit at Hairiiea' CrouFlng.
Dewitt Boderty and wife toft lor
Mr. rzid Mrs. J. Harvey left
.Sot less'
baud prlaes.
k.i". I*. U —Uuslnt-sv aa-ellng ol the
AssorbUpa at City opera ball. Kleeseiecllng
iig plaiciaiid sueb other busln-s.s as |
-ball come belure (be meting.
Band concerts by vlalt-
’arroV liak- an.! laluily .
.Mrs\\iua imliey -.1 If
n. I. I. imiiy
I'. v
Dress Your Children Neat and Cool
Beet Greeaa. per perk.;
piaik i
FerdLfar lb.................. i
CodSah. par lb................^
MacketeL per lb..........
WfanoCsb. per lb.............
«ke trout, par lb...........
............. ISCSSe
............. ..Utoe
tSESSak: aSS.‘SSi"«2!S'.'StieKS!:
MM RnUa to par dn
sulk ................... sei
Wc ore lu a nuslllon
to pay kigkest mnrkcl
price Isr any qaantlty.
Gel onr prices before
Sunday, July 4
Train will
i r> a. ni.
Foote ACoddington
leave Travi-r«t ICily
iti-tumiog. Icavu Saxi
naw at (> p. UL
Twine lor tying wool
tree to onr enstomern.
to Muiki-Koii ODtl (>d. Rnpida.SZ
CIL Pbone 1141
To Soifinaw..................................................S2
Meat Froitoeta.
CoWA per Ih ...................................
Steers, and hellers, per lb. ...
chlA'iis. live melgbl.............
Sbrep, live .....................................
Butter, dairy .................................
Egg*, per doz...^................
A little talk about Farm Imple
ment buying for farmers
a Wbolesak- way for
-Wu hav, been haiidllLg Far.n Impl-:iii
over tbri-e )cars
and whin we nnd i e auniU.T gf band* as tmH r J.4I-. ibu farmer and tha
ph-ment hss goMo g» ihr..iigh h'-fur-
iiuuil-.T of i-rollL- that li, bar !-• !>a.v b'-.a
-if Hie fad. that the retail
.1-jU r buying implement- on iiiuj ha- to iia> ib'- manalactarer (rota
8 iu lu pt^r rent mure lur U- e»od*s proiidi IIWe heiKve. that th.-r,
n large elan.
Ibrta ua tlB-^
nu n. that would only
be too glad 10. buy ih.-!r liiipb.-munls uii • »s-.'!l> ihe -auu; l»rma aa
lliey sell their pululues, tor spot ca b. that u the Clksi of 'radf w*
wl.-h t» -cure
Wc have ihe linv-st Ilu' uf (arm iiuidemenU there la
in any «ne i-stuhlUhioei.t m N'urlh-ru Mb tiigant aad by tx-Uiaf them ■
Figv. iJM_llrrr-..................
Does not Color the Hair
New Williijlm I
TraverDL- City.
k:(-l>cr'>riu‘t:MP. M.—n(.vptl..n
John Kucera
Pebe Marquette I
WmiuiU' ot this city.'
Mrs, Ueurge Hay and cblld b-fl Ibis '*f t'ii"'"
rrnmns Hmir
Grsnd Traverse
LeeUnas Coullcs
on reaonable terms
Morlgigee. F
to July IS
Bran. P.T 100 Ibz................................
-ksbrat bran .......... ......................
(. per barrel ...
I. H. * I- ................................
I, T C. Milling <’a................
UT, T. i- MiUioc do..........
Wli-.i.t. 11. k 1., r-r Wi-h-1..
Rye. T. C Mliilog Cu.................
Rve. H tI....................................
Oats. T, C Milling Co................
IS, per hushc! H. ft I- - • •
■ultig prkv - were Stflic hi
Improve Farms
i-Isven and (T-loo llll.C'
i\es paid on -aid pn-mls.-tberem, wltb totor.-sl on
mount from this date nt
nt. per annum, and Includ
Ing the cults and MlK-a-es alios ed l-y
Haled April 15. A H ISOS
Kxeeotors of 'be last Will and T.'sla
iri-til of IL-Iia S. Tuck.T. di-(v»s.-d
the dtius gods dei'artFtowr. Pa«a.~Mia^HaMOtn
irnl uf the J. w. Mllllken do g-wids Spring Wh-..l Flour ................. ....
lore for some lime la-tore loealinu Lrly Wh;U Flour...,.................
1 Mt FiefcaUl. Mr HIshop Is a imr- Ideal flour, per harrol....................
haul <il Mt- I'h-asant and tins I- Lis H. A 1. best fine feed per 100 .
H. and lataezt flour, per barrel
.Mrs Adeline Cnrll-a Jell ihls momg (or several months' visit through
March Ui-3 ssos
ig iK-t-n In
llundredweW ettro meal ..
id prize ot $J3, wilt rvlualu In Ih-j 3hell.-d corn, per bushel ...
Hay and sraln lor sale.
Potatoes wanted. Jay B.
Davis. Bendon. Mick.
for .me hundred s.-v.-nty-Bve
S8HN' (flT.'Skl dollars, (lu- anioup:
tz-ulhi-rn Ohio,
L. Foster hfi this nioruiu;
c's visn at C<-dar Uun.
;;.'-oi> h.-.ik- „i..l loe law n;l-w. the great
IV-fsull haling Ini-n made In thuidllioiis ol a nioruag''. made am:
eze.uu-d hr H.vrldi and Sadie llroarti
to lielU 'S. T-Jikcf (no* di-eeasMI a>
a lien up.-n the southwest quarter oi
the southvM'St quarter of seclou.
tllle.-u ii;.>.4o»ushlp twenty ziz ilTi
north. rauip* i-'u tH>)
we-\ dai-i:
January k. l‘M*:;,.reiurd<-d In offl.v
II.-Bister-til Ih-eds ul Grand Trav.-rs.uiintv. Michigail January 13. IML Ir
l.tlier t:. ot mortgage-, .in page (o:
The -aid mortgage will hi- toretiose-'
li. a sale of the nUue dezcrit.,:
pr< iiii.'es. at front donr of th.- C»ui:
House, iu the elty of Traverae Cil.'
,ak'i:<g b.iiiUa with Ills friends here
Straw, par tor...................................
n he IS well’known in lUls yilj, hvv-
ty a few days (hi-'gu-.'sl ol relntfves.
The Big Store
lli-r(«-rt Bafls'.-ni} wnd C. Bishon of
1 i'l.-vsaiil. were in ihc eliy a,l-w
Mrs. llolieri Whe of Enipliv. 'lue of
This Store Closes Friday Aftern6oB§i^.
for the Haif Hoiiday.
liomof pork, per pound ...
c ol Ml. Huller, crr>auiery (ht Ib..
Hutler, dairy, per lb.............
Lard, per lb......................... Clm-Wlrolx. who Veal aivwt .................................
Mrs-Will Har.l>
. tile cravOBlioll Veal cbopi. par ft.................
as In aUciidalue
•hlekens. per Ib ..................
ii> a few dayr, Olemargerlne, per .a
,« gtii-sl of her slslcr.
Kgga. ^r aoz............................
(he d--1ega(es h> tbe Manabev loniefl
(Ion and one of the Ud;m lu Ih.- d-
M.iui: i..r
See Our Window of 50c Books
ten cv»Die'ln lUid pick -your eliuiiv f:»iii im-r
William 11- Mi!l-r.inil
CUmes (•
M-e it at oaca
. and wbile yo«u and coion-d irlimulngs
riMsaUl Bie visllii
•l.lhvoi wnm-otlhoosi-new Wash Sun.-, ilMl se
lung ili.-lr sl-!er, Mir. if.
ays (Ilia wwk.
e r.nd Davy and
while clu cks. This really is an sm- value, hut
and you will oB'O a good waist »r dn-Ks.
d'riolD. par lb ................
reaata. per lb.......... ............... tgik
.$ and i:Hc
Hamterger. per Ib .. ..
IHirk rc«sl, pt-r pound
Tl rk chops. jH-r pound .
aeaaback pork, per bM
Pork aausagav per Ib
I •ncBle bami..........................
Baaos. per Ib................... f.
tiy and Umb steak, par Ib...........
,r.- U. L*go(Uml).parlb ...;.
FrvlU and Nuta.
Hives ou urrkul ^jrawiM-rricN.-^r quart.........
Bodwig of 81, Paul, Uiunang let a vUit In-Cadillac.
.-Ball game at Driving' M^uis. per ql.V.........................
Hicitory nuts, per qi...............
il Mrs. O. Evans rviurned
park bai: :
SHBB.. Is 'ilsKliig her ouBl. Mtw.
Naval Orangca.
MaoccluDa today.
D. Hobbs of Spruce street.
Uronkes. per dex.........................
tin. n. Kwanson returned to ManlUaa ttculub Oouglaiai
M.-Addres> ot wi herrica. per lb............... ..............
10 Ibis nmrulug. tiller rUlting Ui the John
Woratag tar a vuil it Kolamaaoo.
Melons .............................................
Great Commander U><urg,- S.
Mr*. Bolue lefl lor UadilUc and
Watermelons, each ..................
ojiera bouse or I n
Mrs- Ed IV-aae retrined (o Xewber. cither
OregoD apples, each................
Parhr, U. P- ull>r visiting Mrs. Jai
California pearbes........................
John Strand retamed to Fife Uke
I;30 r. M -Contreted hall gai
Calilorela apncoui. per doz
eye Aoraing.
-. p.-r doz............... ,...
Q Howard of I'lisrievoix is a busi winning .(ram.
«0l. Bcotl «'f the Salvation army,
vfaia a
......... 1*. -\1.—EKempUfU-alion of -roeness visitor Ul (be elty.
who baa been conducting apecU:
j> Traverse bay
Bay Hive
tollow.-d by KBaTd drill by
Hive No ;i and Trav- l-olatoe* ..
Turulp*. pet
y Hive No. 533,
3;|>U I* M.-8ire.il
n-.il Gam.-.
rumm... ______
dash, tir-l pilro $3.00: se.imd
$3<Mi. -wv yard doah. first prin- $3.0U.
loGwoae radishes, per buouh 3 tor 1
se tund priic, $3,00 Wh.-vlbartui
tbuborb. p-.r buBeb ..............................
llrsl prize $3oi>: seeund priz<te $3(«o
lorida cabbage, per lb..................... tV
Three-legged roie. first p.-tz.•reen oak»t. per buacb.......... I ter 1
si-1-.-ond pi Ire $3.t*i'
Sack ra< , ,
Wai beans, per lb.......................................1
ir $3.l>v: sound prize $Mu>.
:f» P. M.—Tug of war. seven jnon
on a side. $:-.iHi. Tug 0! war. seieti
Itdler onaslilr. $S.0(>.
Kbak made a abode dazfcer.
N.e less than than ihree roniest
It* (or anv of above prizes.
COO r. M.-Iland tonwrt at cornei
of Caaa and Frout atrevU or aetiool
AA Mm wbM be tbMka M R.
park. Firm prize $50.00. w.'cond ’prtz.
-_________ 3 c Av» e
$fU.«0, third prltc $30.00, tourth prize
IP (be ctey.
Mrw. Joba
'hiat Laimdrlco Silk
Is what tbe ladi.-s like It will laundry s
tiTflwn Mid whin-, blue anil while and luveiule
ronteat at opera ball, tirat prlae
IIUOP; sc-cond prU* ISi.OO.
8M* P. M—Band ttinrect by prlae
winning bands.
*;3ti P. M—Maccabee degree team
eonlest.-uld rlluaJIalic work, at opera
ball; first priu- tlQOO. second prize
weeh^ vUU at Honor.
KtngsK.y liulay.
K. S. Horst left lor Mnnlsteo tbia
tVlIna \innm left for a visit
hig iwruf- will U- bi-1d
Fort Wayne lliU wornlug.
G. B. tMer ot thU cHy l«R
Illy Cmt-d I-tcss.)
oa-lock lonianow »ud will n-st on UnMrs, .1 U. llaylH-w tvlunied to
ou siroti. (be tine of march havRig
iLlrolt. Jure I't —CLise—Wheat—
Wylie ibU morning to aUend the wodborne, lu Mu.iisUiwu ult.-r
vialling -ecu initillshed m (he U'-eord yesierBlng o( tala Blece wbkb Bccan.toaiorII13. cm,
: oats, :yk,e..
Iluy. The pacaiU- «i:i ) •' 1- d hy n hand
cago, JUB.- I'L-^loseWheal —
- row.
nssig-ji-d i<> ih.u
d-:l> loHo»ed I
Mrr F. Kraae leiurneo to tUe :
B. E. t^madler and daufhter of Dc$|,13(s; .urn, if’dtgc; oils. H'A,c.
gr(-at ofllcvis 111 •arnugi-s and cay v
il» nPHh.i.g- .
Brers In caii-iag- s. Tenu from the 1
Toledo, Juuo. 3(.—Clow-\Vi-.-at—
lond are Tlaltlag In iho city,
>lrs. M- lim.-ry went to Chcboyi
n. It I. and fSrc .Mvirqueite trail
j. Q. BofEe ol BL Joba'a la In the
i IT. coin, T4c; oau. Utlte.
win form cm Stale street w.si of V
its uurhli'g ou busfni-ss.
- CUy OB bualneas.
wlUk- ilii/Travrrae Cll> tenis w
Miw. t:. M. Andnla left for Grand
(Jiy Vnlt.-d Pfe» >
W. Burns and B. K. Wadeck. both
u on Slate rant uf Tnion. Ti'nts ar
liufialo. Juue
i.ung on the M. A N. K will fuiin on
M Lodtefton. afv vHMIng Wends
l.ady; f».3jDMa.
Mrs. IL A.*AW»>“ left, lor tira^ Cnluu sireel uoxtb of Fiunl. Fkiazu
Sh..;., JIHI. sl..s; 1.
Rapids I Ilk luuniing. after visiting ber
PMer J. Caderel of Tbo:
reel Mid drop In line afU-t the icnta
slow; yo.k. I •
>n. J. U. rii-rn4 m (liu cHy.
ja IB (be city yeatzwday
I whieh (hey uie uunllary.
Hr. and Mrs. W. A. Grulisw ret
F’rwd. CbrfctcnsOD add P. Uoylt of
Tito rest of (hr progiam ter (ojnurlu IVufioJd, IVun.. alter vlslliiig E. S.
Grand Rapida are busln.-wi vlatWBw.
G. W. Uomi-U of iviilral Uhc
hut you will Botier tbit In tbe
n> always tivab and |P>od.
Ftabirw cold-aad cr<ip. Eiviytbiug Ju Ihe gvrdun Creek ii
*110011 Prize for greatest pueiber of
members froa. any one Tent marehlng
• llm- ul parade.
$10 im lor greatest uuipbar of mem
bers (rum any one like marking la
line of parade
lie.w prize lor b.-st uolfomn-d de
grev team marching in line ol parade.
Iiu.ow pi lb- lor lu st mlHtBry drilled
degree t<-ani takliiR Uklng part and
maretiing In line ol parade.
flO.Od prlzewlll be aaurded fortbe
Amnas.ihu distinguished ofdcials arJiesaed III uulforiii. ladU-s degre-e
rliinK thU noun were Ureal Licuu-ntaking 1iurt In the parade
nnt ConimonikT Cbaa. H. Thomas o
d ladies00 prize for be.i drilU-d
Hastings. Ureal .Rccuru KtS'per A. M
Sle, of l*or1 Huron. Creui M.-dicai degree U^aiii In line of luirsde.
jiri/.e to' Hie Tent or Hive,
Fvuniliic.- I^Ibert Slinvau of Fort Hu
roai. Great Editor 8.1) tVlllisus of U‘ members of tills assmiatluii. admlliron. Givat I>-pu(y CoiuiuKliv Pero' tlHR the Rc-alesI liumher id KndowQM-nt members from May 1st to Juno
F. 1‘uaers of CadllUe. Great IK-liui
l;io'*. us shown by Ut, » K.
loidy C-ui
LVimniaodcr Jennie B. Waison.i
$:..ori prize 0 the Ti nt n Hive s
. Ualley, iK'piily Great
e greatest
niinil" r
iring the
C- H. Pel ry of UadillBc.
K-iJt apiiUcatb
June :
r or Guun
$10.00 prl»- given for the best public
Gaia Array.
-Idress ou b-ueflls aud lui-riu of Ihe
Iiusiriss liuuses M
Order, hi
slri-eti. Is-gan tills ufii-rnu
It Camp or Great I
lion, nm
a cnin duy apiM-uranie. k Rival nflleer.
. Is-iiic- loih.T slow In seMlnR
surted III tills JIn-cHon. Tbe fliat dec
1 In a|i|s-ur was iliHt upon ihi
WIiltiiiR, Undlord Olime.r bav
ing U-Ri
«i dalurduv and hariuy
i-.y .-lalMioie display, »> Fl.HU Thursday'* Iti-tzird
loiuorrow n-oming
t-> her
. Fiaitkflcid tvliiiii
streets mill prraeut n brilliuui ap
III Me.vIMU lu«nv, ix-srnne.-.
The City o[M-ia bsus.' -n
1-lneJial m<-.tlogs will lx ‘mid.
this iiKinvlng.
beaiiiKully d-eoniu-d Hi (be nail'......
Kniil'fV-lander' :i
colors urn! tin eokiis of IV
U4F K. 0. T.
, ,.
. M. ThlII 1h- Ihe biadquariirw have n iiirm il lioiii n «•.
of the z.aoclallo
Ion while the beadquaiti-is of the Ineal eumniKloei
».( i:.e Hei.ilJ an.I !l.-it>rd ota«wi-Allu-r till- tiioiBiiig gave iiroio:
N Ing dh.Rnv-il'Ie hui >-lore
llie clouds were driven away a
buautlful day was ibi- result
Tiie elnhuialc.baraeler of the prepuruilous lor the annual mi-eilng ot (he
Nonhern Mt.hicuu K. O. T. M. M. and
M. M. assnelatlou la Trav, have i-viaenily In-.-n herald111 slirouil to a gnmt i sli-nt. buca'ise
tidings navi- come fniiii
s'lien- a leiil oi hiu;;:d^
he teirllory eiulhuo
iKed i» the assocla.
Hon. (hat iIkiv will
In- s
a Ul
Urge attend,
II Isce. This, eoinhinod. With ifie porUxl
iBB|x>rtall»ii .........................
Ihe Pe.-V Manimil.. Ut.uu) Kuplds
Indiana and Maui-tm- a N’nrlbea.d
D, assinvs (be laif>-si erowd ibs(
Truverve Clly Un>- ever »ltncs»»-d.
Today waa git
great (uuip and
greater pan
me. hut B reg
; of Trav.rse
e lta> hive No. 7i
-nlng and
elbslng od woik hy 1
Hay hue
- Tl wiaa .Riv< n. 1
n. also
als- Uie ezempliflcnpieseowtlou of eolurs of Traverse
CHy hive No. y.il followed to a school
Of iusiruiisin hv past Ureal Coiumamler n-ule l A iUilo>.
n the eviiiiiig n formal'■'■-■i-pLloa
Ux* gretil camp h:iiI great hive offl-s hy nu ii.hers ot tbe l0.-;il trnie
d hives will Uke plutv lu ilu Ci<>
era house, wlif.-v a grtind UU will
Wc keep Ibis eel door. il’. the Utiie ol the east ol Ih.
center of ihe rase U a gikaeized pun that will bold :(H' ^ui
d> of KV. nn-i till/ kevqai all tbe veg-
I6r cash, we can ttae advanizge ol all Mie ca-h discounU and Waka
ypn prlcrs that will as'-inith you'
All we a..k U fpr yon to come (0
our warehouse and lookfov.-r our goodz.
Among elher thing- se wish to call ygnr
Wagons, wbkh are pi rfecll.v zatiafsdory In every reapmS. Tbey have
wood wheels, wood loogu.. and wood bozes, olherwlsc (bey are mafte
In the t
fu:li, dec
t iillreiy of -t.-el abd we w .il guarantee them to carry a load of IbJKW
:bs. wIlLoui injury Ui any part of tbrto
Among o-.^r thing* wc have arc Sprtog TooUi. Peg aad Disc Har
row, culuvat^w. MoBus, Reasem. Dlodcri and Hay Bakea. We ajao
said d .'"asv'd u>
and atUui
e ,.l -jol dete.
ir.-M li! ’.bMr e
It '.h.^pro'lati
, day of .t><U.h-.-r.
-aid (lainis w ill
■Old mart nn Wednesday.
Or-fdher. A l> It'"i'. S'
Gj<- f-JT-'li
1". .A. H
hsv. the bvA'.^Maaurc Spreaders, ibai arc on the market today.
When tn Traverse- City, cali at uor
place of bosiacaa. Bay aid
I'Diun 8t-. and if in n.vd uf anyihlcg before, correspond wUk Ol. Wa
also carry a Urs- Use of repairs Icr the machines' We buidie.
Very truly.
John C. Morgan Co.
tZl lZi end IM Bay $L
Traverse city. Ulcfe.^
Grand Traverse Region
tmry «Mk wrrtipoiNwM li r*
IM tt> UM.AH ct
_____ rMch th« H»r»M «me» not
---------Earted tbr funeroJ
-------Noted el Mewro. Bd BchaeWer. Kroni
fltodalr. Mn. Mlaah- HuHlmasu-l u>ii
JEte Ira VoH««u
Tb>‘ poll brart-rt
arere Moa.ro WHIlc X.1«d. WJHi,
c of lei
Mr Bockmllh aod chlldrtu
la thr Lay
mr MO WMBOOi CO laoir irn.oa. ouo
•NKhbon duhu bar lllDooa. Tfary
IttoetboaraiiMib)' oft he aorroundiitfi
Tboro were {4 rehlele.
that feltowed the reaiaUi. to tbe eemBmt
laaaral wa. bald SuDdajr
Nn. Danlal Wrlcbt woat to.Codar
toe BatoiEar aod her '
- -
>>S«'l^*l» earn# u.t
Itaradar for as 'ouUdk and to vtilt
«(tb hla brother.
The Ladlea' Bu.y Doe. wUI oeet
wAh Mr*. Ftora Lake oh July l.tMs
thr •ftaroooD
Tbore Yeic IS preoool at Mr*. Lanra
BMM' iaat Thunday. 8be .reed Ice
EataF Iaat Thured.y. She Mrre.
City vlklied friend. In this dielnity on
John ScheBlualdCT retutned .
Kred Atklnioa, Jr, I. spendtac a few eveulng from Traveme ('ity.
day. at borne.
le BpwoKh League took In 13
OeOTCe Barber of Olen Lake vlelted
abi’tai at Ike Foini on Fr
(ahra b.t one. and do doubt that wlU
amonc frlcDda tn thl. vietutty Uat evening.
be uhea aoon
Mr. and Mr*. Oscar Dame e
Mr. azMi Mr*.
A’very plearant aurprl.e wna ctven over from Fta l.kand laet Thurr
Jaekwinllle. Ill
Mr*. II. Wlkkochll lau Saturday when
reluming ihi. morning.
ir rammer on hi. larm.
Mr. and Mr*. Cloud Falnuan
Mr pnO Mr.-.' William Gm-cn and
which daughter o. K..X icuu.; me Mundlng
bniyntcou. rt’fretbmcni. were -a-rved thl W.s-lt ill t(j*B.
a -cli.-:
ralruUUon. lo care
li.y exerci.e. a.-te held
ilr and Mr. Prunel returned to
I’teked.. He bi. buHl a1 1lar«e b«i
the SE B. eburcc lut vvr> .
fhlcaco alter .pendlnc
to buprd aad todse them.
Mr. and Mr. 8 J Dame murned
at ftai- Traverse lake
e rea^ri..
Mr*. Hobett Laihej U. okperlrd
io L'v^niDii on Saturd;.y alter having
June Zt.
|>le ol voek. wllb
Jay l« »|a-lid a <vu|>le
--jK'ni'dh.' |i*.t two week,
Mr. John Null.
her pan nu. Mr andil M
mother. Mr- K V DaluOVIATT.
Mre. Jnt.li Drew u rerovt rln*
r Bmpir
her M'kerr inner., altbuush a will bi'
I spend til.' >umm<
I’.me. '
. at tbi
3 lone Unie tk lure she will
The many friend* of Dr William
'^Mlr. Klltabrib Holme, will retnrti
iwdio. a<.oa.p.iDl<-d a.
Sbilllday will ba- Inicreried .to learn
fliy ».,v h.s f.iher,
to t'hlcaao Ibl. week to
'bat tbe doctor 1. Improvlnc \i-rv
.urk a. a buiwi ..
I’ilj fonle.im. who »f«-ut lb. day Ihvf ”
'• ' '
n.rraUkL _________ _
Tbi' .luiuni luinqie’i wa- siv.u lui
O-rtV BeOkon went lo Traver.e fii> Wedu.’Kduy
.1 ibe fongn-gmiunal
on bMoe*. I
uidylnn lor a DurM> In Chlcaso
luirlor* b> the l.adl.-' .4ul
Tbe rir*t ball tame ol the M>a»
Tbe parlor, and ditilnp mom *•■!’•
,a. plavi-d yektrrday. Traverw Cli>
pr.-tlil) decorated lor tb. oti-aMon and
a lim program wa. rendeied through
nd Old .MitiMUi bo>
n bad the ml.The rt. amcr Kai»
.e lately, by It
me nf Inains a h
id It wa. well patron lallng into Iba- el.ii
Mr. and Mr.
William N Sweet ai
.. enjoyed ..
Mr. and Mra. Jamo. Roberta and dauebter Myrtle .itrnded ehurcb ai
>1r«- Trumble arrlrfMi from rhleaico
Edward Raoram and Roy Thoms.
Mr Jpna. Ncsten had a new tel
and will .pend Itae Mimmer i
• turned boinc from Ovlstl on Friday
hone put lo Ia*l week.
■venlng lor tbe Minini-.r.
beautiful uume at tbe MUaloe.
The annual eli cUoD of officent
Mcent for
William McMacken U very HI'
, Dr Walker of
he Younc
Pa-Opla-’. nieetlBC will take
lac her parecti
place next Sunday i venmc.
viumed t
Walker, a U.ll.
home to MoutroM- Isat Ti
Tbe 8 8 cenvenuoa. held at Archie, Don't forget your pencil.
HI.. MIMraul riaw.nn, who ha. been tng to rprud (bi- summer laiatlon.
was not very well attended on
attending .cbool In Traverse fity. 1.
Ml., name liamard left Wedneaday
count of kuch a bu.y time with er .
to attend the coraiaenn-iuent exerriivs
A good lime wa* had
at CuldwaU-r where .be will rewaln
next convention will be at tbe MlMtoo at thl. place
Mr. and Mrs A 1, Burr went
during the summer. '
In Repiembrr.
Lake Ann on bu.lneu Iaat week.
l*n>t G f Fuller left ibl. morning
June :i.
to .|a-ud the Siimnwr at Ibe Stale
unlver.lty at Aain Arbor
He will
Big Rapids and
0 Mr... and Mr». Joseph I'opp.
e Dorothy K. will nin an exeurMr.. B. WLkoehirt moved Inlo her on Tonday last, a girl
Mr and Mr. Downing of, Ml.slon
OR Wedieeday to Traverwe City
BOW re.->ort hotel oB-Trmveieo lake
are \l.lling tbelr aun. John, and tam
lend the U O T M eoiiK-uUon.
take ebarce lor the aea»cm
ge crowd I. going from here
North* I'na;
dance will be given in tbe town
Glen Arbor ball
on July '-Ul
tn the tuna’ of l.'i to : In a cane day lli Traver.e f«y.
In Trar
Mr* O nirlsard
nirtsard U
I. vl.ltlng
r A. Ilaille and family and
Herkin. nr Chi('a|p7>ai
TuoiulBy to oa'iiipy hi-r kvitU*
MournvUIe. fanada Tiie»djy, He hac
Traverar lake
lu->-u here t alliKR till old In> nd.. Tbe
Mr and Mr
following went with bim to I'amdii,
Hurdla-kvHlle vl
a-d witl
ochll on ..ulidiy.
1-ui ha. i.-H'-d
The Oood Harbor
l»r bal
rVMae. Moda Ulrhanl. Henry I'lamon
; 1,1 Prof l.iiidly
I Uiiilly
r In
don and G. Uagnoo
BuDday by a scure of 14 to 3.
June :z
Mi and Sir.. Joe Bwabod. til Maple
^.''iTr. I
after naklns hi-r iwrettu. %
______ m> lUrroUah.
lUrroiutl a rt.ll
. Mr. end Mr. r________>d
rimriiw Been of Tn
4 sil«0on yi
«ne nir dm«e
trrday in dberr
■ Lu ' Hr. Marshall I. able Iti b« around
P ^l^dMa aliboucb hr 1. far from e'elL
Jamei liardK' ha. a rood well, pul
Eetra by Mr. Usbt of Traverse rj
• Every eMtase at the Hlaalo
The Rev
pulpit here today in Mr. Hukis'a
place II,. gave a line disttwirse'
Little Mi.. Etelln Joherao of Greg
ory Region wa. the gue»; ol little
Pearl Tlr.ig a lew day. last
Mr Burgeia and family bavi- gone'
to South Manllou lor the .umaier. In
the canin' III U-iuard l->i,kMm.
New. imnt Wisioniin .ta>» thenwan a b'.iy fio-t lo..A»hUnd »e the
mgbi ul ibe tllb. cBUslDg damage tu
the trull tlvI-».
IMr. lie btehcr. Mr. Rekdy .od Irer
Jobn-oii uei't III South Maiiiou’in ibc
Tenl. Tm .rfla}
They went Hum Iherc
•o Xo’tli Mamtou Wednesday, .taned
bonii bii' had lo put libio South -Mss
iiini, .1
F>idai n
.re vi.lting lb I'Vwnkfort and Beu
lab thl. week
A delegation ol Odd FHIow. attend
I tbe luncral of Hon. Hudran It
Man,vlooa Saturday.
J L fcnriii of Barker free* waa It
town Ob bir.lnc.. Friday.
-Mr. Hind, luic of White
'.rant on Monday. June thi- rm. the
arte- j»rved .upper.
Mr., i*
E- Batcoek of Jackson called OD hla
ITani-i. Guy on Sunday.
,r fbicago w-a. cdllthE.
f TburNay
f Ho«. were Trdverae
O Holbr..
in Alden Ir
r .'..ter. Mrs. H<-aB at frj-kta
Mr. learn of File luike b tl.itin
Hit »l»l.f. Mr». II Foster.
John .M»>> t> l•ulldtBga leiiuida ul
ihe Mavr., hievl.
Juih :>
. .'“-rr.rjis;;.-”-"*
Vjrl Hail. h;i» t-en wurkleg fo,M.vi.19 Baldwin :bc past w.i-k
« irn 4r.-'fi
-Ml., fiiruiog I. working ol Dr Pui
if liR-e.bc.iIng gvf.cn
die .
Kdu-n- Fl.h.T and: Her Jubukon
fhitdr-n'<’ Ikiv .a, obii-ned. Jum
imk Mr Ehic and hta m>i, I'ba:!.-.- to
vmn Bi lb. M E, ebutvb
the T
John Heal- ba, been Wurking a< Ui
.Mr and Mr. Vir
afinded III,’
i proud i>Br,'i
V pnlly widdilig althc hcun,
Irom Trail
and Mr' Ather. AUiln,«n v!
NelMn Dunham i. on ihr ij-ck lUl
Ed Coonliie ha. r,'turned
of Ifhtrsgo
tiled in
fu. R.
*ge i>.'
ig -cerv.
.. ka T laiwday
* tiUT^tn'Kal-
MlWk' i^w
ihM Mine
•i th Elrbard Sundii}’.
called on NeUle
1-. brii
Uauiifully gowned lo wb.'.c
.Tried while
whiii carnation:
mull and ewrried
lowing the ciTemony a aumptaou. we,i
g dln.T
ihi-y left 'f r a vMt With tbe gro.HU lllinol.. then a trip l->
panU aad back lo tbHi home
In Chlce
a tony
bride and groom i
prokpvrou. .'nd happy life, undI a t
ler sequatntanee vilh tbe fine Jookj
-June 21. .
Rev. Biirdge. Mr Msxon. Mr and
Mr- Ler Armstrong. aliend'Hl the
l-, .ictie rally at lli-llalyv Tu.-.-ilav.
Mi-i, Marion Neiti. I. vl.ltlng at
E F nr-i'e
Mi— ll.-l-n fii> la uml-r the doiJliv ltiurg- IIII'WIIKUI anil Mr». H
|b>U ................ KIk likiildit Thiirwdny
Mi-.ilanic' E At.iiaugb aiul Me Fail
Land & Inoorporated
Mortgage Co.
Bays, scllE NNd
aad aiy PropSly.
Loans on Real Estate Security. Real Estate Mcrt*
.bought and soli
sold. If you wish to BUY OR SELL
tiitate or LEND OR
OK BORKOvV on Mortgage,
call and pec us.
OtUecs la WtlbcliN Block
C. A. Bainnood, Pm.,
F. B. Fedenpiti, Sec^,
W. P. CrotsEr, flce-Pns.
L F. TltBi* Treu.
$118 Four Room Outfit for $94.00
During Our June and July Sale
Dining Room
For the Partor
I rMdAfi. Mk exlensloB table................................ $7.00
0 ceUeneik dialer cbilrs....................^................$6.50
1 50 piece dlaoer set............... .............................$$.76
iSydfchetFj Uooieom........................
2 reed window shades....................
1 pair fine lice curtains...... ................................$2.7$
This is unquestionably one of the greatest bargains
ever oficred ^ any concern on a four room outfit.
Add the totals'of each room and you’ll find their regularvalue tobeS118.25. Buying the outfit complete for
$94.00 you will
Bed Room
Save $24.25
We are also ofTering remarakble values in three, five,
six and seven room outfits. Why pay board and endure
the inconvenience of living with some body else: Take
tbe money you pay for board and invest it in one of
these outfits, then you'll have everything you can call
your own.
lorrernr or carpet......................................... ..$12.M
oik parlor table..................
oak arm rockers..................................................$8.0$
pair lace curtains............................................... .$$JM
parlor conch........................
window shades.......................................................7tc
The Kitchen
kitchen cahinet... .
cook StOTC............. $12.00
rranlte coffee pot. - $$c
granite tea pot.. ..S5c
dish pan............. - - SOe
water pall..........
dn$t pan.............
floar*slfcer................. lie
wash dish................. lie
granite stew kettle----- 18c
copper bollom lea kettle . (Sc
We make a specialty of ouD
fits. If you can’t call write us
for price Hsi on any number
of rooms you wish to furnish.
Big Vatues in Carpets and Rugs
If® m
If yau have been waiting for a big bargain in carpets or rugs, now is your time. We are dosing oOt odd lots in,
rugs and remnants .of carpets, matting, Upoleum and oil cloth at cost and some way below cost. Here are a
few examples
Also many others being sold for $3 00, $6 00 and $8.00. Whatever you want in rugs you can find them here
at greatly reduced prices. Many good remnants of ingrain,.c|rpet8 as low as ISc per yard.
J. W. Slater’s
Reliable Stores
Good cork linoleum at.......... .............. ..................... $$c
Good quality oil cloth at.....................
Good matting at.............................................. .9c
We are a^o offering some pretty lace curtains ^
No.1bere Mich
wbahlp. waa wtth bla family rUItlag |o( tha woM. ('omt
neighbor Bnaday tet. In tbrlr ab-‘ igan, wbera bomes are cheap, where
Brnre sotar pereoa or peraoes made crepa of al kinds grow, where fruit
fte** iB.buaUty, U grown In abun
>try by removing a wli
Mrs. Mary YMUw. aod baby, arrived daUng tbe lower aapb la tbeir dwell- dance. While soam porthma are dry.
mg. and ibey are mlaua SSto. TbIa U tocauM of BO saiooiia. we bare luu
from Obarlevola Monday for a
Bk Builds,
Alfw-^ laav boat trbicfa C. W. Hltctoll pur with her alslrr. Mra. George Baraaln. a severe loss to tbrae people, with but (Cao gel along wlibont ito other wM
Daring tbe year Ito*. Jl.isi saw tub aad gams coi
wet In ibe lakes, rivers and brook
•Hm ebaare to flad m* thief or
MM WtadM, «lur • IM« IUbm* oI cbaaed loot Aufukt from a eouple
whkp a«cai»i
d'rlnk from our springs ttlre a lev« milb U the United SURes ttanutne
Friday DlRhi, caniKM to
WkMr of tbs liver. pMssd o«t]' «i atrsBiere. BAd Frldiy left urllh her for
blood Of tbe aged, sod makes the lured 3SiS».jO.«« fe« of lumber, 22»1 luillt In Pe
her bOBie port! Bt. Idtiaee
ranged lor. b« It will be held In the Tbe farmers about the country
tba bOB* oC W* »»r«Bls dfbt the tova
reported to tb
according to a preliminary repoft Juai
toe fellowe vbo eold (be
r near foture. It a-lli to givea by
1.M7 mills. la North Garre
Ubb BMardBjr. Bt iba a«a Of U pMn. Cbii b nerviuB • Uve-yeor eeoteu.,
issued by the-bureau of tto censiu
fipwortb league and (be proceeds
alive, aad. truthfully speakiag. spondeat that bis duties ai supervisor Tbvae mills also rut i;.l«C.4S3.UOO Una reports ' came from 2,74* mlUa.
PaeOBlfd WM BO iBdUBlrlMU r<MB( td toe other U porolled for a y>
• ill go to purrboK new singing
and in Kentucky from 1A30 mOte. Tte
(^. Myna T. Betena baa tw
MB BBd WUI to (rwij Oluto br bl>
Mrs.-’wmiain J. A>ers left for Cen -•forth Michigan Is a veruble Osrdea was made arduous this year by rea ablngte and :.W«.<»4.VOO lath Lum unmtor of mills roporttag from Tern
obliged to assess all dogs, tor manufacturing, like Aery other
tral Lake Salurdtj. night, to remuln
••ad pomu Bsd B Un* tlroie of .me aeeded repair, ou toe dOi«
Homeaeekers are insured honest In- causing se -ral vlslts^io Oad (be alore- lodosin. lelis the elects ol busiaes* nresec was only 40 leas than from
trtaMB- Tto tuiwral oer»H*i oer* Hlrta- laadlBC aad »Hl make re*ular .mill after Mias Ruth Yonnga- wed
lormatkM. aad object lessons as to toe maid dogs
dFprvssion wbicb began In October. Kentucky In West Virginia, baargda.
ding. ebich occure Wednesd.ry,
told at tto ^brtarUa etaurto Boa- elopa Ihere oa Pridaye at »:00
Sam Willis bax about a doten young Itof Consequenlly tbe preducUon In MImuuH. Ohio and Indiana betwes* .
4by, MBdacled b; Chartea tlBBieli.
Ibis veAr Do BOt go to tbe land lolca and intends to grow mul
IM* was below that lor Ito previous l.VOO Slid l.UHi nillU eack ware en•Mrs. Charles Ptower and litlle
•ad taiorowat uato la
Grove >u( .bapr for a aueceanfal
ualaeaa oa toe loland lake.
year. In IMT the cut ol SI.RSO saw Rag«ii ID ruling lumber lam year Tba
daughter Maxine of Bt Jobpt are vis
race output per mtU wws SM.WO
aigbt fw many and attmcl much i
(•pL Ira T. Sharp aHb bU .
mills waa tU.£j«.134.i-vU leet. tbe blgb
Iting St tbe borne of Cpsall Hobb'.'
I In New York, ate $.»•.«« foot
BtetTthlac U p
bound ID win out.
r Mabel ran aa exi-ur.iuii to Belialre
eat production ever recorded
Mr and Mrs. Will Pray and cUught bl( eelabratloa oo Baturdar. July jeelerday for tl.v
ls>nlsiana. these two atatea *rathe demand Uu Ibe dascendentt
wiihsiandutg. tberclorr. that In Itok
M. Tto»pfO«TB» l« pibcileally at- tboee vbbloc to atlood Ibe temper
iing nearly (be extrOmto-te penraporti srere received ftvjm eight per
phis. Tenn. last Wedcu-say. have
nikced BBd (tore will to aootrtblai aaoe rally at (bat pUee.
Pomona. MIcb.. Jtioe JJ,—Mtv. ft-t- intends
cent more mills than lu IWT. tbe de duciion by small and Urge mUU.
dolBC froD^ oarJy tnomlas UBtll ttme Tbe Meaner Lena Kaobtocb a-m been vlsKlpg friends and relatives Iba Huisard is working for Nelson _ . as be can perfect tbe
yjMam pute. Douglas tlr. wbMe plte
b«-re lor a le* days, tofo.e go
uak. hemlock und spruce. In (be order
(hat all booeat p«iple aere la bed raa an eicuratoo from Old jill.
isreen the honey bee- and the light- them was sllgblly over If per cent
lug to tbeir home in Traverse City.
AJDplx other atirBctloae two toaetol! aad Elk Kapidv' to Uvyoe ilty
1. were the woods cut mtO tamFloyd Lake returned from Grand uing bug. M> they ran w«r'. nlgbjk
Washington, as lor several yvars
Mrs. Ted Talss and son Wel.-oii..
(••el. Elk Raptde vt Traverse City Runday. ikr STib. teavlaa Old Mlutou
4 Ibe largest qaanligr. Y'eUoqr
W Y'oung of Ibe Central is geulag past, aim ranks first among ibe
Rapids Saturday.
e inO^
to the (oreooM. aad Elk Kapide va.
pine has ranked Biwt since U aa^
Mrs. John Sliver Is sole to to up
Ml and Elk Haplda i
atalea lu lumber produclton. Us i-ui lused while plae In the later nMairlevolx: abere Mr. Twiss Is
pMMkay la tfie afteroopo, UoUIn* The Old Mu.loa aad Boyue cily ball CharlevoiC
the iravellng i>ubllc hi* Is i
BBd niOOlBf ra»M for boreM. boae
lies, and II Is xtlU (ar la the leog.'^
• trill play at Old Mlaatoa
Some of our young pecqi<e attended and he get* his share oMbem.
flecrea-*- Ol
» per ci-nt over tbe More recently, while pine has ate '
chores choir of loys and girl’s has
me. • nae Hat of atraei aporta sad Saturday and atit Suyoe Clly oa Sua-Howling humanity." "Beings^ lu
le service at Ito Harlan cbuicb Sun
In iwn Nearl) all tbe lumbw been surpas.-d .by DiMgte fir. ao tMl
been organised to sing at the UpwoKb
— for litoral porsae. day aad day.
wbito ablrtt." eic., are names applied
day evening.
lufartured in Wastamgtoe Is Doug
league service. A great eSoit 1> belwg
aidkr fire aorki, aad three haoda to
tovers of baseball »ho attend Bun las tir. the' market fur wbicb was ow il o.HUpl<‘> third pUce
.Mrs Jsmea Borst of Meakk spent
made tu awaken general Inleresa In
WaahingtO^ibaa ^n'lbrp rtncipal
taralah (to aoUe-. Froo. bH reporU ■oldea eedidas of toe Hon and
day games While no one should to seriously allecled by the panic
Baoday In Pomona.
• record bieahlac ero*d la coafldeol
the Sabbath. It should to
Uouiberty m Monday le society and something tnlere
ranks yeivud, wlU :.;22
iy aipected. lOP»e aad celebr^e with evening. Juue Saib.
planned for every service.
remembered that many persona labor t21.t><Hi feet a decreaae of 2i*1.0t>u.vv< of red cedwr xbingles tooamd gteotwL
biotber Orvlll Moral of CadllUc.
m. We proialae you a day of pleaiMisa
im Is visiting
I supplied Ihree-miks ot tto tdt•1
Mr. and Mra lliartei O.etU ai
xl output of xhiugies last year Amoag
Hvea In Traverse CHy.
recreatlun ihrmselvea The ball Ito*. _LoolsiaJs Is first la the i
«raeon. Roy Care., left Monda> fur
Mrs Elmer May. of Tbompsot
;be other shingle producing staloa,
John and Orloff Hrlges sb- at work
The ablpmeoU of cemeal made lait vUlt at Middleton.
spent SsiBiday Bight and Sunday boys ve all grBlIemen. Tbe sports durtlun of both yellow pine and
Mlrbten. I^HilxUaa. Maine and CaU«eek by tto »k Cemeat * Upie coinwbo attend are only, loyal and show
Frank Uuvemey la alepplng higher upon a dne new barn for James Sel
Kb Puniooa frleada.
ypresa is a paKIculsrly nae .'IrnU were t^e DkmI Iniportaal. Tho
PMT acrefaied (bout l.ooo bartela.
than a autn, all on
Mias Gertie Weicber visited Mrs Ibelr loyalty by somrilmet mating a fill and valuable wood, and apparent
gie* cut ^n Michigan and Haiaa
noise. But Ibe park Is away far ly. (be manufaciureni or It did not suf
W, B. CBrIlale (raa (a to«a Bator- rival cd a fine baby boy at hla borne
OtU TbompsoB Sunday.
cfalelly of white redar. tboae la
ddy. bsvlBi iuat loioroed froB a rlaH Monday, tto :ut.
Froe band concert every Saturday enough so tbe anuoyance raaaul to of ter as severely from dull limes as did
l*oulsUna of cypreaa, and Iboaa la
Vllfc Ma BOttor la Caaada Bod to ^Tho MiMee Mary tad UmUe .SackALDBN.
of yellow pine and
r ladiea epteNalaod M Ibt park Donglas fur Mississippi was the third CallfurwU of redwood L.atb are geeXlBdora rant. Buffalo aad other etoi erinaa. who bave boon teaching In tto
erally a by product of lumber maaoora polau. Mr. CartUle bat beta la Traverae City arhuoU. returned
Alden, Mlcb:. June kk—O. H. PruIB lumber pniductloo in IIKI facture. add are made to name exiCBt
toe eatpioy or th* Elk Rapidt tn» Friday. Thoy
attendance wasgoodnbout forty dot
lice losl a borne last week.
t total ol 1.Ml.«16-i)00 lert- freini alawM* every wood that It cat
■ BMMBBy tor to yesra aad tbia la tal> lor another tcbtiol year
Urn waa gWaaed aad all sqemed tn
Farmers are more than Ibanlful lor
I per rent from Ibe
lumber. Among Ihe bladi af
tint VBMtiN. It baa beea oelt
feel amply paid for Ibelr money.
Mrs. John Humlev baa lufflclenlly tto recent rains, on account of to Special to Tbe Bvenlng Record.
ItoT. Arbauiuu raulud fourth, witb
w'hicb are moat prumiiK'Bi ara
Long l.ake, Ulcb.. JiiiH- St —Mrs.
Tto dm of W. rtrrlngion A Uu '» l.e3«.toI.ovo leel-B derreaae of
growing ciopa.
recovered from a protiarled llncis
white tune. Douglas gr. aprnco. y*0AbMl TO fro* here atieadto the
able to dMve <mt I'rlday. Her Seymour Evans allended tbe tuaei OurtU. from Mautoa. baf been a guaai I bankruptty ttorrlngiM sent away. ly 17 per vent over the prev loua year's
k>B pine, cyprexx and hemlock.
daace at Old Mhatoa laai Friday many trleada aaneelly hope that her al of bis broltoMa-Uw. at Bellsiru I tne parsonage for tbe panl am-l
output, and Wlarooaln fifib, with
Ororie Loucka from Blrtrley
StoM, the---------- Uaa Kaohlorh recovery may to speedy and pcrata- si week.
l.«2S,3lS.eo* lert against 2,0«S.*7».fWtolif as tiBtoaM.
There hre many of tbe tegular re- ftwndlng a few daya with bis
000 la Itoi. In Texas.' where (he lum
. > Ibis eountry. We hope to s< tor ibdus.ry' In epnflned al
n* ■•B.bei. td tto Db Itopida
Tbe Kerewlll Phalpa compayitr vlib aorren. coming here to apend tbe e-Igteor.Mr. Aukenion. '
many new bomes started ibli year.
Tbe Rev. Oervaa Ciiey and v
Ibelr workmen are at Rm Terra,
jmmer. already.
clutlve to yellow jpine. the falling
bMBbBlI tMiD Oil n»e a daner
toe opera bouoa aeit Friday evea.—. reaori tob week, where they bate
Tbe Aldea band boya will run ea- ire aaiertalBlng a lUile mUi ibai
la very iMvy' Tbe total
toa Uto The toye have beea turaUh- large contract of contract wcHik.
state IB Ito* was l.U4,OU3.UOU
cursloBS to Elk Kkplda. July 4. w> toe *veu laat Saturday.
Mrs B. U. Rk-bsrdsoa and daughter
toi aome eicelleot imu—r—• for levfeet-a deciease of 31 < per cei
Jack Bluer of Traverse CUy called steamer.
m of too aatloBal laae aad deaerve on Elk Rapids Irteads Bnnday.
mt in ino;. Eight other
Charles Angel bss.togan the erecUll
maaufaclured' more ibon one bllKuu Or. 0. A. Jarvis' Maahltw Blow Up
• liberal patroaai*
It ooat beat Ball M.Th for that 7f. Hon tor a new resMeure on ^auklin
Mr. and Uis. Barton Jeanlngs from
each of lumbJb la>i year,
The eacaralOB oa too' Pore Mar- ponad elUTleoB be speared Iq. Elk
Thia Naon Whon Ha Waa BM
tbe order of Imponance they w
Dr, Hoag who has been visiting Traverse City apent Bunday with
' «Bott Suaday (rdto the oortb brtoibt River Bunday, June IStb.
Bboet Olaunoa Away.
Mr. abd-Mra. Will Plerew
.Mli-bigan. Gregon. Mlnntteta. F
friends In Canada taas returned
••tr B fe« >bataaBen. Froia
worth tbe price.
kir. and Mrs. Oscar Ijona (nun toe
lylvanla. VlrgluU, AUbaiua. North From Tuesday's ".rcord.
Eugene 8. Wall came over from
•alnaula apant Buiiday with
two 'xecN-ads ware all thn
OM MMate Friday to toe baU game,
l•a^enl*. Mi and Mra. Aukersoa
nia. and Maine. oAer alaies which Mivtd Dr. u '. JarvU from aarloaa
prwteedad to Aldn and vUiad rria potatoes.al Belialre. baa returned
reported more that one billhm le-l Injury or poruapt death aboat wot*
Oeorye dwttooib OM Of tto tooal tlT«a. and raiaited bniiw. SMurday. Alden.
ih. vukwateF (a bts aR
' Drake Bros., Ibe bustling bnlcbers.
night on tor Knoblorb.
Uce blew up; doiBf damago amaalp.—r'—-______a«^*“PEIMONALB.
figure In IMII Tbe totals
of Aidea. are aupplylng Kapid City
Dr. J. t. Oauatlelt of Travecae^
The Imdles' Aid aecitly oobToatin suies were greater In ito* Uikn Iq >g to probably m.
--ted rated Ui ban sad b bavins
loaday realdeuls with meat.
oaa an Elk Rapids visitor Moai
The doctor bad beea workiag aear
«CM atablo ballt aader H1»UT. but (bis was rbirtly due to
the vulc-aiilier, and i pailebi oaiah
-Mrs. Learn of Fife Lake was toe From Tuesdav's Herurd
A Paul MM over froa 81 Ifmare Tto donor sill alsais to a welcome
meeting vaa called tb order by Vice Uiger number of repong set-ured
E BayPer. of Detroit. U In tb
Ing, be left It aUnr
gueal of Mra Foster last week.
Fru8ldent>AIr*. OtUngw of Travafs*
'twi week, nued Ml tbe large MaM- vlalior to KIk Rapids.
1 business.
UR. be bad Juat
Jgottaa to'tto
■ slates in 190*. lu tjeorgia,
R C. Babcock of Jat-k.-on is vlslllns
J nyoa ar CadUlsr jx la tbe rlty.
Otiy. Scripture reading, tba
Ibwl xeparales the Uboraloto
hla fattor-ln-lsw. toe Rev. Ur. Gray.
B W. Nevl*. of Otsego, was la lbs Paalm and prayer by Mra. PrtesUy ol
fruoi (be operating room, when Ilia
Increased Ihe number of mills r.-p<in explosion occurred Ro great was tho
I> Moaday ou busUieta.
! Sereral Odd Fellow* from AM.-i- ul
lor.-e ot IbU that le walU ot tha
O E. Mtebelt, of Alanislee. visited Orawn. lollowed.
■ng nearly onelbird. while
tended the funeral of Hon H. 8 Hud le
Bingini—"Bbowers of Blenlbgt.
were cracked it irUlt that bad
c*y HeMay.
subiog increase Id Reports of toixl
son at MnnceloDS. last seek
iviug upoe lb - -ich wore acMT W. devle. of Lake Odessa, pass Mrs Spangler appolated Mcrei
production wax only t per rent.
all about aB'- '
gai Jrt waa
ed through the city yealerda)
pro tern.
isacbusetts, <10 mills reported
twuted out Of sh.:e
Despita tho
H Buras. of New York. Is i
''Wldfeet Id tto* ax com damage, lit Jarvu -etldert hlmsaV
rot of
city on busin;
ture lor -OtorllB eoUeglate laeti'.iU."
w Bedotl's Poetry "
^uy faWtn
(By BtalU H- Cbampnay-)
pared with a cal ol 3<t.2JI.OPo fere lucky, ax Qxd Ibe . ; 'oekm bald ott
bava toOB
>U lime Ibe aull-alavery srnliSeng—*1 Shall Know Him”
Obmfin. Ohio. Jnaa M.-lf irom
by 518 mill, la 1007 In Colorado, bending over tbe m !u. ate what
Paper rest from Oorcto sodaty of 254 mlUi cut iCS.OJt.Ooo feet In l»0«. ■ be results would hs;- been U hard
•asOd Ulk toe laaguage of tbe peopV. mem rea bigb. and a eland was ttoKewadin. Mlcb.. Jims »—Mn.
tin J. Spaulding, of Detroit.
•dmlttlag colored stadcats to all Conrad BarbI Is visiting (rvnds in
Traverse City.
mtet a marvelmit ule o^ evoiuUoe
wbile la 1W7, 230 milU cot I34.2»to0 to lay.
• city Monday on 'butl
rights and privileges of tbe ccU- Ntw berry.
Woman's Work (or Cbrlet
Mold to told by Oberna-a blatorKr
I Chase, of
A patllculirly Urgs gala
Sonf-''Atnerlca.e city htoik
«tel From that tolmy aprtag day <i> lege, which iMtlmenl has always pre.
There will to children's day c«
i^r. ri-ponlng was made in Gki
uonn J. Msaaestad, of Suttona Bay.
BenedlcUon-The Rev. Ur Priestly boma In 10U7. 12!) mills lu (h
the yito UkS. when iboto godly men vbUH. ana today tbe wbito etudeota Claes U Bomb Milton oext Sunday
Lam Ball Had to Pay^foe Fan a( Sptar
< in ihe city on busmexs.
JohB J. Sbepbetd aad Philip P Stew
state cut I40.015.ou0 feet, while
Hlks Alta Anderson went to W
Q 0. SllnlsoB. a student at Ann ArOa
May**l*TLem BaU at
an. kselt Imaeatb
apreadlui «1 brotliers and sWen.
or. passed tbrougb tbe city ye*ler1S08. 2lt mUhi cut I'.S,;5«,000 feel
UIre WedoeMay, re'urolog Friday.
Elk Rapids speared a 75-pooad aturIn tbe years since Otorlln csmeYnlo
Bong—"Unspeakably Prechms "
branehm and prayed for gnldaaee In
While htere are many very Iwige geen in Torch river and got bis aama
Ulna Emma Bacht letl for Old Mis
Mra Q N. Campbell and •
Reprxilug the 22d Psalm In conct
tb* gruot work wbkb abould prodno- betng. from lUJ to IMI. there bave slOB Weduealsy, where she will work
-aw mills in the United Stales, the
(be Stale paper* Tbe apekrtag
Prayer by Mi> Burros.
ea ai.W mudenl* enrolled. tS.IOn ill summer,
• also made many people lata
toe maxlmam Bt spirUaa] toBetl to -a
.mail milk- far outnumber the Urge
Mrs, W. C.
Song by Rev. and Mrs Priestly
whom are still livlag.
porlablng wortd,- to tbe tbrnmeoceones, and a Is punk-ularly Interest tor church Yesterday, StkU Gama
Ills morning to attend tto unveiling
R. L Wilson It Anovlag inlc
Report of SoraiDsting Committee; ing to note- bow mnov of these small Warden Smith of this clly appeared
wmt of Obrribi eoUege. »»». bas H
bouse recenUy vacated by J. 0. Dooih. r the Alim Laura Hsviland monuv.U«e and
Bslljuid Jurtte
nd Mr Bsllgu
e and It.TS c
Stood theta, watching tbe tlay dame
mill;, there sie in Ibe states wbicb
Arthur Winters relumed home.
home frw
Ura. Robert WUtera left this mornVlre president—Mrs. Hdrrifi. Grsnt are not now ot lirsi rank i
ii tb" boys gave bim aad tto
grow brighter and stroager until It is through its portals.
Ann Arbor Monday. He hass b.-eo-Vo Intg for a t«o weeks' trip to Detroit
p bought oo (to atrength ot
Stecreixry-Mrx Spangler, ^ooroe produ.lioa* The laatlstici
"The Merebast of Vt-nlca" was play -g to school itacre.
MW one of tbe groat Ugbts of the <-d
and olh* r points in southern MIcbIgxn.
highed on the rauipua Baturday ulgbl by
IbcrlS Martin Brown, of Le Cenler.
York were collected by the fuiswt.
wolteal world.
Frank Odell •!« bOdie from LeeisI (be city today.
Uoiion made and carried to areapt
studebls. Tbe nlgbi was ‘aa rare illle over Bunday.
The bagtaelBg of OberilB wqs an
. A. Flam and daughter re- le report and ollireri. declsrad
V day la June." No stage sellloK
BHBlI. ao iBtlgatoesat that Us found
Miss Hannah Drake of Travertw- (uriH-d tu tbeir home in Howard City
Are UUM dreamed of tto power and In rtiuM have been more beaotllul with Cll.v. visited with her sister. Mrs. C. lis mornlog.
Reading by Mrs Carrie Hargravet
Mrs. 8. F. Shuter. wbo has been vis*
BtoM* tor good II would to la tto the araalng shadows sicallng tbrougb <1 llollebbeck Issl week
iting at Ltland. K-ft this moraing for “Angelic Measures"
'(l«ss. and the stars coming uul
coming ceaturr. A tract of Uud v
Tbe North Milton Epwonb leagu* Fort Wayne to stay with her aon.
RecKatitm—Mrs. Burnis. "Tba Tap
•aeotod la tbe foroal of tx>rala toa
will have a soi-lal at ihe grange hall
r and Mrs l.«nioB Waruer left ealry Weavers "
pectant tores Of Ibe tkousands of *per
Car tbe purpose of plaatbig a cob
morning for Grand Baplds
xt Wedncsdxy nlgbi. Jane :k.
Sod—"Ble-sSod Be HU Name.'
Ulors galbered on tbe grand stands
r and Mrs W'llkop returned
af torMlBB. lamUte. to to beuiul
Keaaditi went ov.-i and played ball
mv some of (hr
r home in Cadillac
" ■ e ilIbw morning.
P. Chambers war. a good Anlnulo. with Elk lake laia ttslurdxy. Ito
getter by a eovetobi pledged to ph
dimcultte met In conducting a Ladles'
CM Uvlag and higbeet tUaklBg to or- J. p Wimarns e typical Bbykwk. w
ecurea tolug t and g In KIk IaIo's U mg to spend her vacation li
Aid society and bow to meet them'
'Merrick was, awrei ns Ponii]
•er that they might to tbe ulmoal '
Opened by Mrs Kennedy, lollowed by K.uJ uiiif...tion .xl txl boo-.
The entire dramatis personre was
Dr. and Mrs O R Chase
glow of Ibair poaseaaloos for
> RTlIUm PowrII U entbrtainiog
lev Mr Frleslly
'moraing for Anti Arbor to stiend
as well ebosen. S
■prete af tto kingdom of God.
I.er slater of Cenlrat, Lake for
e class of Uto.
• bat would become of Ike pas
PrereedIng tto barralaureaie ser daji,
pebool was foneded for tto eduralUm
Kroest (Iretlick has -leiurned from
It K was not for >or Ladles' Aid
mon today by Pieslent Henry fhureh
•( tto chlldrwn of Ihwe lamlllev
Mrs. Lydla-^rink two dvugbicrs alx moiitl).' trip throughout the west aocWiles. Mrs, Young of Traverse
>n to Finney Ulhe apd-tlelle, and Mrs Hsil visited iid to tbf Facifk coast.
at Ibelr nelgbbon. and to irala tuacbmtuninet.wiU to better aad quwp
that by nnliy and
Memorial chapel was mosl impesing. »Uh WYll Gee ami fsniiiy Saturday
r^, to Iowa He was SLComps
Ing earuesily, many obstacles couM to ■r dona, with gicsiei petscmxl
Ibe tervlres IB Itolr black cvjw srd and Snnda.v.
borne by bis son.
cotnfon fot the worker, if. instead
overcome, fidlowed by Mra Sacketl of
Junior lassies
James 1. Murray, of Grand Rapids.
^ tto *«d'og bast of Kvol hre,
Crxwn, Mr. Birch of Monroe Center.
Ill lUc vUv tor a fiw days
The ntosl inipou'ag qieclaele of corna important part o
tnialag «
tto ttattmtrauJ
Sacktdt of GrwwD. Mrs Sbell ol> you cv»ok
A. K FTnney of Oklabouia Is home
ment aweek, however, alll to oa
1 a sbori varalloa
VVednci■sday amoinlng. wbi-n tbe acadPeter p. paaeee.
Select Beading by Mrs Blrcb. “Hanutr proceMkm takes pisce.
Tto Brat aeliler built bis big cabin
ThomptoBvllle. Mi.'-h iunV
There Is s comblnalloe of good
■Mar tbe ahatew of the historic elm.
<r village special election Monday dgbt tlmsa Ito atrength to go upstate
BecUalloe by Mrs Alma Leggett
things IB Otoriln. Inielleaual. social,
called to vote, upon tbe iMuina bonds that M reowlrsd for tto mma dlstaM
Vbicfe stands oa tbe aouil
Son—"ToiUag Oq"
moral and rellgloua. It has ever been
I campus. With 1C
iwbuUd the dsm. tbt citltens am tto tofsL .
Report of tnterlocbea Aid read.
so sad will continue to the enl Tbe
showed their loyally'and entire
Verbal report . W‘«ai Unte Aid
at h—aever wtoie yoa 4aa*i omm
Liicbse. New the CABUfTT T(W,
M Clearing tbe iMd was togua mnJ
IsfartloB with (be move by recording
,lbe personal feelags. all (bgre an
loik her given {^y Mra. Skrtl.
and ksepUg food bat sitw CBoked, aJm
OborllD ban. a tva story poodea atle of n fv>r and II against tbe best but pimples, skin eruptions, sores
Reeumg of mlnulew of tel I
esntofoldcd bank wteato U wt. aad
The very atmospbere breslb-w proposition. TbU rlacbes tbe
lalr. wax ballt; with _____
and bolls rob life of Joy. IJstenl
g loweB.
illHy, and courtesy la In the tor
Bwkte-s Arwlew Salve cures them:
datkam for stadeuta. Two tearb-'vs
MiBuies of tbis meetlBi read and
Cxbtei Top. At yoas d<
Ollient wishing to Improve the vlt oaltea tbs s'kla soft and velvety it approved
werw employsd aad at tbe sad of the (Ybat would a southern genib-ican
think If be saw an Otorlln gent'eman late tuned to build a cement salk glorines tto fac« Cures pimples.
term there were 4< atudeaia. I) of
Sore J^ea, Cold Borsia, Cracked
- ked Ups.
from iba ceineiery to Inierseci %i
pped ilan'dw
Hands. Try
them bring young woamn.
Beuedlctloo—Tbe Res. Mr. Priest
.iired lady eaiered tbe car abei
Piles toe at 8 E WaH
P Sons.
the sidewalk at ibe south end
U FebnsaiT. lUf. aa act of lamrpo
A. BugbM Drug Co. Hannah A
Third itreei Tb* y fonnd. alter
ratte waa aecared from tbe ieguieMRS JENIOE RPANOI^R.
Sunday to a quiet day. Until only a
‘Vrey. that Ibe property owned by l*F'vO Seeretey.
few weeks ago one cQuId not get
Mrs. J H. Mills was at least partly
Mctber Orayto •
Card af Thanhs.
a glaaa of lee cream soda oo Biiaday.
W U Btlger. of Atwood, wbo bat
tbs street They began the walk
However, ice cream, soft drinks and and no doubt will dnish the same u S.sk> re the manr friends (or tbeir .been visitlag bis daagtater. Mra. Bowlunches are bow served at Gibeo
llluess and death hall. relumed (his asorwiBg acenm
uaderalood that there
t OUT bus as
pwtod to toi grwnddaaghter. Vatm.
Abow Z&
Ibe deJegatas (mm ba ttralnlhg la Ibe matter,
MRS. K. .
wbo wtu spate the vamUfiB WBA
tto action has bee
JdaccabM eobvcuio
Mn- Bonn, tern with
€lk H»pUs. Dtpartmat
- ^For
flie Summer^
JIM' Bk FIsm M'CgAam
' '^1
mn smuf- »uns
(bath n lai^l eeeai late for a «elt<- be fleei. yet ll «aa the twuel
hour. Tbe uaeeabeee. he tail to an
order Of people abo ere ahturaUy duI to be fraleraal la their rela-
■aa a eratnmailr cmnipBlcn to
the aaxt <«airraaioQ. todiiicloa, toe, ta a caodldMe lor lh« nexi
and rIrruUtad lllara4ara
toUTH «lt>e LUMBCB
lew cream Mid caA wra Arved by|
idlaa ClariiMd Murchie aad Sllsa L«
vile HuiUday. lorwwr PuylU ol \Sttoa
SaunAn. The dialog room war a
laaaa of aweet fa-aa aad maidea Air
iem» which fllleO the room with (Air
fragrance. The amlng rt»m wa* deco-
Mias hA aaaeBblA lo piaTER NOT kETTLeO YET.
and tarda elaiias tbelr iDientkni to Btalsnle the prtnciplea of tbia order.
to after the tntae The dnh«aMa from
Ua4 (bat all uIbOi get aetpWlaUid with
that BMtku 01.0 wore badcea bearloa
great offleye. la yrtuM to veM.-d
the iBecrlpUoo:
raafiumlbUtiy of ceaduoUus
ften In f»HL'’
rr. He aM a tribute to Ovorsv
<«a* m<iB <Mi' Avrlace, great roomaader of tb. or
tac dw.1. «d the: tadllla^ traa th.
der, Ayiag be wa a man who k»e
iDCiral caadidele lor the urxt maeltbe order nuU wA wu leadlBB ll.e orFOR PROPERTY.
tns but uada oo ayntutuallc wraea
KaataatldB to auceeweful achlevetuvau
Aav nI«o oMde K Koowd that that
Pai (iieal CumoiandeT Boyuiot.
be clad to have (he nen
arould not A pn-Mmi, owing to ll Caaa Waa Taken Up Again Thia Memaweltng. There l» a elronit aeatl
teallB. but A wrote Mr. U'raugei
Travero- (hi)
rfaat flV> heart and euul were with tA
•bould be t
order. TOay U lA 72nd birthday of
lOinl nieellns*.
the revenM paat ■unmutudvi
Tiareme CHy Uaccabeea, however,
W0DJ.0 BID S82,«00
while they would like Traveree Cliy
VB the Matcabii. aad Lady Mawa,
Wee of the aaaoHatloa. thU atem bu
BPihUeM beea the •»« aaapicto
l.uraB|:i,r inlrtMlureil Qteai Ouuibe filed a* the kemaeent place
mander 1.c,vvUre wlio aai.l ibat « wa
salberlDc have not naidfeMed
II an ordinary pleaaure Iw
aetMb aplrtt In-tMe retard and will
c pivKcm »t iblt mea-tins
aot etaod in ibe way of other loww
He bA been Are niwy tlm.w. ami
which have JuM clalme. There
thoui^t Muil many «( lbo«' pre.eni
athere hbu belletre that Traveree niy
rr ineiiiAr when be flr»l
abould have the annual nieetina lor
• mewing at Ijke Aun IS j»«i»
at leaet a pertod of three yeare, ThU.
ago. flluie that (Mne he l<*» wulAA
howerer. wUI be decided at Ue.bu
lirogreui ol lA oiAi wilb priile
toeia meetloB at 5:«W v'eterk tbU pfHe iMitl Ibal lA local lent'*, njlghl
Veil be proud In liave arr'-mbli-d on
l ucre la doubtjena aa lar«e a crowd
(heir Mr.<-u auch a feiiilierlKg of
I Traverwe fnV. today aa have
pie, Ibe reault ol arUiiouh effort aud
been naihered here for any dr
Btratlon. Tbe UarcabeM have been uiiUrliig enivg.v.
While rlaliulng nu peraonal credit.
cordially raeelved by the people of the
rtty and eeer)- effort ha» bren made A KMH proud to A the li-iul ol eu,h
an order aa the MarcaUvs. Kiir ibe
by the coBmllteen In cbar«e lo mal
Ike kMonr of the aaeoclatloo.
(ha daj pbwaaat for tbe vi.lloiv
^ UM OocMian^t Cl«i»
tWa U • BiteeM In Cvtrjr
9tmm Wedaeadair'a Rarerd.
Tbt azpNtaitotM of the noat m
gm» of thane «ke bad is «tance Uu
aiiaaiiairnTi for the aaBosI celebm«!(■ of the Northera Hlrhltaii K. 0.i
T.'M. W. a»d L. a T.
-«tM bavt: Iwea aiere than
Ike early
aMetOac promlea
•Mean hat (a a rcry abort time the
TIwuaaBda Unad Up.
omaode were lined
tlaadB daared aaay
U ol the cJiy IhU Boon lo wliMother pretalkd.
one of tbe moat apnclacular paUat
I (hat Ima ever been.lO'Tt'avenw
ho^ and the t^ieen CHy band cave CUy. (be brilliant pa«ewm Juotlnji
OMearU apon lue mala Mreeu. ahlrh akidB In time to tbe eiralnk'of five
arora pocAed nth people, and eeeryreailon belnc beaded
mo oeeei-d to eater law the apirii
Hollre y. W. Aablon
«< the MireM Of the bl( Maeuabee ^mouDied on boreetotrk.' Back of the
ebief of police came (he Uaocelona
rpmmot t • o <io<* tbu a
a 019 aad Uwipl>all'«Y Aad
D aad black, beadipaaatad apoa tho.atraeu aad mid<
IBB lA ka>B line of carrtape.
ad talB^iWt wurte- The eoaimUteea
b were Mayor Qermalne and the
«i charsi ol tbo anaDBaateau
rlly ofllcWi and (be variwii areal
dSHpaatkeutt worC froai (be early onieen of Ibe K. O T. M. M. and
kaara «d the Mfalhp and At for the L. O. T. M. M. and (he eierutive com
..datar a( the apaotol
miltaea of (he Northern MioblRan
Wth oa lha a B. 4fc 1- rallraad. tbe eoctailon of Uaccabeei. Sen lu c
atTBinto~mi voohl Av« be< •> carried
la the MeBaiD AA. W'hlcii> .
.aat vtth the prectoton ut clock w.> k.
tbe city with the deloBatlon from
T>» dalay. A*rar. «ua aot auicialriillac nnd which btoded (bat deleIp, in|li|-r- the only BoamBlty''be- ■wlhNi la tbe. parade. Ibe raemArv of
im lA eBna..wi of the lenpth of tbe which prMenled a fine appearaare V>
ornOm at ThompaaarUto. Thh trail
«w 4W at »;«fl At antiod at B:W
TA apeelal tiala dA troo
Cadillac and laiermedlote polnta aouU
ana aehedulA A reaA here at >:SI
At oAbb to 1A Cfowda vaa delayed
a«M lfl:Sd. TAra wore Mvea coach
aa (a tltto «ala aad everyone war
Atomd. Mpna of people AlA forced
A «iu)il
TA «p» >1'
thn no-lV
«p Uw- <J. B. 4 L vu.< J,:.<>v>l .M.t.
Many 1^1' paat al-'><-.<
Ike reatdartrala im,.lAad Aoat cm tUA
it-.h oo
tlie ea«. The Aide is well known in
Iklk city baling Ix-en a lemi .H~- le
•’.(•Bidiuan niin'ie acbopl daring
Five MiAUa Late Laat Evaning
MaccabN Team waa in .Fine
wbu appearw (or tA pui -;.c-u-r Pre^
ion, aHege* (At rreaiftu had already
Pourtean PIaA
«re w. JO (be order lolloirlus
fhvu] Hive .S'o. TS. UAtotee Hive
The flrki
y on. tA Trav.ia*
fin li
WoikK. a copnrH'er.hlp and Jaiaui-
um Ibe Arr.41 Cu.. Ibe buanl
ending the Old of Ibe llarrelt C«.
inning up.^ wllh the -riie 1.14 ot the la-wia (Vwav 7 2 cetila
ivickage* A rel.irned,
Baker atoned (blngaTor (A,
apierv Alng alluwt.d f-r Iho barrel*.
to icfl Held. The bidot the Arret Co. was k cent*
,md eeiry out all cuniracla made by iilltlng fur two
Caulkelt hit li| left, droriug Baker. in I2 UU0 gallon A*, package* includ
the n-o-lvee,
KbreolH'rgerhll a fly lolihlrd.^ruylun >-d. CO cent* aplcn- or more If lA
in tA> caae or Martin H. Haravr
III out Bi flrat. iMWrenn- bit lu |dloh
ireapa«> on
ml IMI at Aral,
eii< out at flrst. and
to Srati Foe tbe local
11 ilr«l but rialcy wa*
oul on first. Clark Htriirk' out Ihii land
safe beciius.- file caiiehiT droianal
In tA MIA and Omv a Pew
uk kate-oi, Urvl lind Ilea w
Oat Out.
le Ack hul on Vower's fly Caillkett^
nnd Reynold*.put oiil lie* aud Smith,
a Laekowunua
mtttm Adad A •ttraottona to
«l4or aawtcal (Anras of the orta
Tka McBtln AA came
«p Mb PhoaBM (rain. tbU maklw
iWr htoAa to (A Mae of man*.
adIMlA 10 (A haA of Ue PUIbeam
CampAII* Concert
And beadA tA other Traverae Cliy
No Tl. which carrlA an aAa
r.3 m.-D ailll ealomAil will
P. and alw a btoA bee hive
wMch were niany Ilitle yelkiw heea
baeklUB In tA aunahine.
uniqae oad addA to tA adrac> of (be float.
One nl the preilh'kt of (lie June
from 25 to SA per rent, flaing lA- duly
1 lumU-I dreaaed on one aide al '
•ala pcT (huuuad waa ado|ged by
xe of 56 10 28.
-uleUiniaed at ibe ie>lden»
K. U Sprague of Wakhiiigtoii
ihj* aUrrnuun. and wblvh
tmkey, the Rev. R. S. MrOregur
t the targe fkiM carrylns
cAiter memAr* of Traverra
kAm- otHMarad badore In Northera Udder roofany AdiA tbelr brilllaut
MIAlAU PrvAbfy A MMP A la uy tciarlM to tA araae.
TA ■brautthU aAdle horae ridden
Inkaw Mill at Midnight
of dampueaa. dratiA aturma
J AthlDk worked aa NIghi
I. at Banner Sprlnga. Temi
Sorb espokore gave him a eeve
aA lA (utaaUc coetamea of (he do
layor Oenaatee-v
that aettied cm bl> luuga. At
Oak laUad Teat Na 78 of Vicka- bad to gl>e up work. He irlec
PTA UbMP Of <ha aaiAA taoU ud
Ars. Hk*.. a dlatanre of 207 mil
remrdlea but all (ailed until be u»<-d
kitA wade a v.ry tine dtoplay.
IW. Klng'a New DUcovvrv. "Al
ropraaeetA by oA avembar
Ing one Allle," he wnie*. '
to Tiama OKy Ath (A avowed tA aaaiial meellA AM hete.
back to work lu well a> ever." Avere
OauMa Waleamad.
pitoili of IbAIw (^e naeOai
Ike addreaa Ot weleome clvra
ihraaiB wad wore lung*. Hemorrba
tIU. Mvorir dalapMo.WA AoraA
ihla aflaeiwon wu poet ri^ and Whooping Cough get qi
Att • AdA bArlBf lA letead:
tnaed eeveral
glorioua tuadlcJoe.
5bc and
tl w
ledm might A proaunt but (Ay
TA lltoAtoo bec..nr htu., M
Trial bottle MIc. Ouaranieedj^b.* S. K
-t arrira aad the eiarctoee a
Walt 4 Soaa. C. A. Batoee tirog Co.
mmd ptoaA the u<:‘ apos e. :
Haaaah 4 lay.
cdueted wHbom them.
•key WM A. - lA eapply WAeBkaaatby Chief Aabton to the prapeny of
Tke addrea* or welmme waa pvea
to too Y^ktotat towaflw ^jMrah*arj^ aai* (At A
TA U;- too tent offteMBOpaMd
;c^. V
lii'l. Sliutr. I* walked,
toll wbA Kilk and rai-ried
khuwer boaqttei ur white roses. Tb
biideamald was Miss Ueorgis Saui
-r» of Ibiule Cr-MTc. alater of 'A
‘Hemp wus kUl. on |n .-rinr Ir Ihe
■Khth. iK.-* iml mil si flnU.- Klik h.t
*!• imi Ham;, wnk oei ui third; Kent
ol «ui on k.-ennd Tnl- inen
K.ik In this liimug. iscorlfig CluK-y.
.Clark and Reynold*.
Ill lA ulnib III.' Cadlilac Ay*
II IQ on. .two ihree yyle.
Fur Ihe Usa:. Caolketk aiM I
pUv.'d Ihe AM All, ;doiug nye
marriage M|.>-Marie Bauederv,
cr ibla eliy and Fr.-d U .Malm of I'-
Senator Tlllmaa
cLsnied Kii’kl Metbudikl cArcb fH-rfurniiug
thto afiernouD on tA atmaie Ilnur (luit
renmi'y which united the
^naior Aldrlcb bad prw«Dled a (alar vciiiig people.
aiaiemem regarding tA crat o(
I*romi>Hy at 3 o'clock to the k>'*m>
n thto (dtp. oA lA talph omelaU
TA Traverae (Sly Plre dt^iaRmenl
M tA K. a T. M.
' MendelkSOhn'k wedding uu".b,
aa alao well raprearatA. bolb Queen from a Burnapoa. Vl., Erro (At (be bridal couple link Ibelr plates in trout
Mated UA I’ ama lA ooM osuealre
ooki ol drekflug InmAr on *wj
parada *ap, Ad aaer aeaa. There Uty englAa No. 1 and No 2
of tile Ank of luOm* and lei
With longA and groove waa 82 10 p.
wara mpta h.u» aA teoto la ritual (Are. pullahA A no onsWer
fliw Ibe large bay window. Tbe hriJc
pollakA betare aad tA book and
«pHa laAiln 'u <A Um of marrb thaa
eiriui-llely gnwliecl In ivory
E to allow the band
ent.irc., hti*. raiHk-d.
“You duift make Tiey gaud matou
3lr. laybin oak.d the city cl.-rk tu with tAl InstmtAot- aald (A ISAnotify ill.- Ihre Marquett.* tAl tne ecu! byataodcr to tA maa Ahtod (A.
cliy had lullllled ll* !*rl ut the cin- bOA drum aa tA And cuoaA to
Ir.vi'i in i.-eaVd lo Maiiavh fuirk and
I Al the iiiilro.id i-mbatikiii.-nt Wi.a nuw
M-ady l.ir stNldliig.
admitted IA drum poaa4gt.
“At then, von see. I drown a lump ct
had---Chlcago N**s
hunt. Kcoring llKikiaa.l Uaker. li
• out trying lo klr<-(rh Ihe bit. Rn-
r«n> Mednesdav'. Herard
w> Jdings waa the
.vnd Hiougbi llial nu ordinance pii.'-dK will ronduci igua la (Air
sliiMjid la- drafi's! This ia ren.-n*.! by own parl*b.**, after whlrh tA UaAp
le law. tiowsvff. and liir ni.e will Ukkim tu ib.-Bi Ihe AVtohra la
iiikirQ.-l liic rhi .f of pullc.- <0 whicii ili.-v will take up (Air duilea.
liii vale oter,*ceo9d, Ilraylon bii
Ar nsi-^e vote Anwk tbe bissrat
prFcedA TraveiA CHy Hive N< 1,32.
non-iutrUaan nuQmlty yet agalnai kin
whU-b nwa one of tA uratrat floali
Mr. Hkk.rd ktal.-d I At f.ir the last pri.-*t>, who will A vested wl(b the
few'" vlavk.hi- had noHnd (bat auloino- powiT to administer aacrasacnlr ol lA
r.- l»-lnp drlv.-n
young Human CBiho;ic riiureb.
A> (a Ukually the iviktonj IDs- AW
iK.y*. He l~-l1.-ved thi* lo A dang.T-
Hcorlng CaiitAH. Lawrjmce and Irlal
* Tbe flrki ,ihr<» tallvT* up for fad
illae wer.- <ml In theUlKth. -k1 Ihli
;.vl d-slailng that many are de*d. Ik- slage of the. game Kent,.re|>l:n-ed l’»-v
,li> are lacking.
. i> al plUh nnd Ibe lufal* s.-vincd H
Later advitea declan* that
ilk- lilni. f-n- Cluhy till sal.- lo right.
iimi-r« au- dead, and alt fatally
Clark hii over riglil. keurlng rluler,
cu.nnd 23 kcrloukly wnumicd by the
K.-yiK.Id. (Ihd oui lo rl^ht flcM SrnKU
tpIOBloii in niliic So. lour. J-'Ire start- Uiaking one uf the ivrinie-i catch.-a
^Ibik uncruoiin and It Is toen tl ihiH '<>; ihi-^gnioe. Ii*k.-r walked. Ceulkv
Waa pinally FUA at 50 Centa
a TbMtang—Big Majority
CatAdral ThAwday.
(Irond KapUa. Uich.. June 22—H.**
•lii-ly for c.-UH*t..i7 ;«jr|iO».di. 8e^e^ |i-ah*d by iBabop RIrht.T Ud.at talcrd to Hi.- w.iya and m.-ana eouiqiH ral* .I'lring lA cereavony tA uacred
iihHCBtiiiU!. will bi- cunt.'iTed upoa (A
-•• on Mr. (Adil.-irk mmion.
the loc.vla Baker KlViick 0"‘. Caul
re|kir(isl dead and many in;iir(sl
iiugiii 1.1 k.-(vmd a* waa Snirih afi.-r a
il.sl.- For Ihe local* j^BiajIno. law-
adM «Aat hand, a (lan mualcol
pruduci Ik kaua-n at (siuhl white
(In- Arretl Co. Iftanuracttjres tarvia.
III out try ing '-o • i eul; aecond. Hanip
OABBriah (MM In Aer tbe M. 4 N (lAi ol (be Trarerae <Viy i
A*a*''(l Rrducttoc.
S. atekt intBa(aa ahead of arbeduled xaHa. thu lent bavins a novel fliot
which waa a bee blve
Una. Thto (nlB had eleven coacbe.
Waxhingtun. Jun- 22.—The «enate
rope .celloB around until U loukA a.-,
(aWAtoiy UUad. Ach train w^
.(adAy difeau-d by a tulc of 24 lu
wrr* tbe lnboblum> jitSena'or Slr('umb<-r's itiueii,luteal
aA- Aa QaaA Ok> and OamAtol't tA hive. The float aws while wUh
Croem't HOfA la in petoakey While
ituake tbe rough lumAr duly II.
Artond. of Ilel^ daialea draped aloni
(A BrWe Waa TeaeAr in lA
,The fliiance rommltiee bad ivArted
■be edse and clAtera of ferw addins
•oartonan Avawe SeAel.
favor ^ $I » diify on r>ui*b
to (A brauty of (A float. Thia float
Qaeeo (Sty band -and prdceeded (be
and eaplain.<d the ta<*rlU of the'
I'liNlurl of (heir flinia. The L^U rota-
a Hire.- i-aa.1ldai.-a for tbe piWtAll Retmilda llk*i out to lUird.
lu.ib bad a king Ilsl of itvalvd ai'erla hood ol 111.' Kutuon Catholic ohan-h
bui liaAr hit ajwo Agger. -tcoHng
imrion eer,'monies wil' A mnduei* cilie*. A* ibe boarj h*.d
rurk and Irlah. lUker (wi at secoud.
.••commended laniu and a* tbe prim- e.I by HUbOp Richl.T at «t- AnArWa
Fur (todillac In Ibe ^blrd Ir.uuig.
• a* prarttcall) the aame, on Mr. n.(h.-drdl Tburaday marnlw. lA day
Ilamp hit Ihiouah abort,
Ulck.rd'a iiK.tlan. the rei«>f of <be Aing all <A more algDlAnat u It ta
lafe OB flrat. Then Hafnp go! ciughl tx.ard waa ar<v|i(ed and adopted. The (In- occakl.>n nt Ihe feast of SL Paai
lejUiij; second. l*o«erJ wiilki-d. H.-fe
(oiilract wa* approved on Mr. (loofl,- arid St pei.-r,
RliienArger and R<-vi4l(to pbiled i>lf
Thoa.' upoa whom (be vows e( (A
irb’s motion.
duuA* play reilriUK jlleK and l*ow
J. If. Flm-k coBi|.luln.-d thul ihe .-e .hureh wUI A Imposed an* Andrew
s. Then fur lA ‘U.-.-kj Cimlkell fla-d
MIcb.. Blwaid
iH-jii kl.I. walk in fowl ..f 3UC Wck! Narla-h of leoirore.
II lu-g^ghl, haic-nArger wa* safe .*
Tw.'Iflh *ln-. l wo* ill :iD .inyali- con IMdlaxacw'ski. bt Milwaukee and FHlx
nikt by bn infleld error. Ilraylon wu
.Mary k-iuTikb In Ihl* cHy.
(•iiiun. saying Ihol 11 wuk l.iiHt by ihe V..gt ul
ife on flrat but got fnii on accon
o y.dii* ago. H.d.-ri.d -n ih., TUi- ..I.-Inoi.i.*. ill which Hi- olAr
Id IrUh waa oiil on u|f> In second
and walk* romuiue. ob -Mr. nieml* is of lA llraad Rapid* clergy
In Ibe founb Stevens! struck out as
will luHkipate will (omavence al 8
RlckerdV muHua.
did Skelllnger :ind (liimure
Tbe board nf public work* renym- v- cka-k and will MU-nd throughout
fli-i.-C'ul*^ out on flrKl.
At uf the (oreetoun.
BJ-nAd Hiai l.i ,vr<*« o* Hi.- land own
nark fanned and IteyAlA did
I>«ntinrltl high mau wltl A eateed by lhi. city A «o1d lo Hie Catholic
Wi'linin. 1*B.. June 23—Averal men
Duty on LumMr Oreaaed on Ont Side
RrooA of tbe Itorivt Co., wen- ,.r-*
In the finii Shower* Iwalked. Smith
Mr. lUII of the lu-wla Co. and Mt.'
8k *a(<,^n an error.; Sbowera
an • tidoaiun
If lb«r* la asyihlra ahaul
our alAeat that you goa t
AcniooA or K you waat
L anr BMdical wdvkw. wtH*
I lo tA dMtor. and A w«
aotwm you fuBy- Tbma I*
A cbaiga ter kWa arevlow
a TA addiAa to IX*. M. S.
■ ChUwsU tu*.
rrfnrn v^f (be Awl* la good
. put
Mere ThaivTi Hundred Were Working
hM for lbs'nU*Mt*Mttii
price ji^ iilgber. to A aJtou’c*]
tor til.
In lA >
> did Kkelllnger.
r.-mwrger slnnk onl. ^
In the --•i.-mh. Idlmorc was pntm.il
llBMt flWBl toaebbiB I Ai.lac aad
guliuu. ( o. b. Tra'-erae Cliy In Uuk
ur*. and 7.7 rents on condllloo lAl
> flub-v on u fly, Stevena atrurk out
the previouii uh', and »sr>v ii
arlnnell e( al.
-TIu. laiard of ptibllc woriu Ad Ad
wine tinder mnslderalloo two blda,
the F. ,1. U*wlk Co. and tb.-
T. M. »
aulllac leiuu at Al. Jardlne waaoo;
-ion. will bid al .-aid >ale (be
o' iKr.ucai, [ur all ul the aaieia oHerad
So. 14, While Koae Hive So. (Cl.
areenwood Hive No. 292
Naval FlAt.
In the All game ibU morning b--
Mon- than a liundn*! men
working wiifalii and only a few •'
No. 4ie. Klacaley Hive
Krus 11... No. 322. I.udlB#lon Hive
Tbaae riMta were followA by the
The KIDC-Ipal bu»iile»s
i.il ini- city learn ct radmac,.’A lo1 kUnghi'T, winning by the
calk Ad
:u1 and Toke Co. mine tcxlay.
No. «(. Tliora Hive .So. M2. UDl;>n
- ■
uieeliug wBnJ Ibe sej-wtion of pavi
mah-rial. ibe nHitraci l~dng flnaUy'let
ad«a4 ol aavaa
MaAadAtA40MW. The
2SK\.",SK,’ ^
II tin- itorrett Mauufaclurlog Co.
keen the Anl K
itlth- lainiAt cumfiany eball A
,-iied and KaM n«eeia sUull agnia
for «ale A He- n-c.-l'
ke hive* aearlA the lecalla aa droljra. rad, white and btock
The Jlf■atonl hive* rep-c. 'MA lu tbe i
But the Vltiteca Simply CouU t
Maka Cennactlona. '
entered into a coniraci, and It wnuid
1 conalderalle ins* lo bil
•. trial or plea lb aAl.-meat t
Ife aald tbal wherever a Iraterr
hrouBbt up al (be morajag wwbKiu and
al urBaniratluM wna foiiiuled In
Alb MdcK of Ibe caae argued
niUBlly. ilial place U made luSler. IIevldelire lAeu.
luMirailng bU pulni by a beautiful I
Moraing Baaalea.
TA hairing U cm in the cpcuil
Sir, Lovelace apoke r*f Hie wirtid.today (-unllBued from yoMcrday.
II ebangva that bare tak^k place j
• «-aae of J. O- Crolaer receiver
ic region in lUv pa<( 2S year'. «rsl
<ouip|aiuau(. VA IA Souiirslde
lere were Irww. then
ier c^Aoy IB which a re-h<«rlng
i-luutia and now bnmew. (be bulwaik
aiid Ibe fubmloKloo of a new bid
■ be communliy.
aaked fur.
Hlia tAughl that aolhiag bad do
lA mMlIng k-caatem ot rouit
more fur Ibe regitm than the order
wua Hwured lo ibe cbm- or Ma
SlarcalMH-K lor HiIk order prolecla I
lln B. iUruer vk. Ira 1. CrlluieU. el al
ne. and glveii the child of lA wid
InwAaa on Ibe rake, trial of piea
all Hull anyone im,- a right to av2
ubalenjenl. Afier Ihe Jary wan aecured
, an oj.portunlly- ll placee all oo a
in ibi* caae ihe re« were dikcl>aige,l
i-qulliy al tbe foul ot lA ladd<
leaving th. m lo climb, lie told a «li
, iK'lug (he litkl (>r (I
ry of ruefa a My.w A Ad made a eii
There were K 'lAU- lo ibe Arade.
—State Lav. in Regard (a
Autereobil* Orivurw.
claima tAn oontbiM IA
hltu-wa, and It wa lAse Lind ol
that the order cil Slaecatawa pro
ill repreaeullnc the hive whAe'
Ara they carried Ad (A ladlea of
AlAemen Began Tbelr SeualA Only
living by the awel'ing or incir migluy
to (ha compM)- dUcouralu
irely KralA Bloof the way.
-s.srX’T'.ds:. sskrais:
31 8:63. an hour tA’ A* noi tnvn
ll.e cwlom (or-Mime lime at lea
- - ---- uj, „f
be vaudeville perforaiera a
uiora-of lA company, the And A
The brulat couple will leave itnmidiaiely on an esfentjed trip throug!.
Hie city couadl tout ev.-ning aUrt.-J
of nl^ »l all claaaea. are lor tbe
4«Ma« oaaad.
TA aapatow traU aa tA O. M. « I
baai «A aeatb araa crowded wltl
The only «Ut of town gueatk were
Mr. and Mn- AdelArt Malin ut peioakr) and Slikk Harriet Spencer of CA
iitunilUB Hvu-lun. Judge Sthyne .tated
Macrala-eii. wfaih- ihelr ranka conaial
rert And Ad corrlasea In wl
of flea eoaebaa baartap
veddiag march, necompaaW by Mlea
UucA' Hululay on tA viulla.
TA bat year* of life are die awuH*
e«L Ad yet the moat ditnculi to pr»PAV loag- It ia thea (At the greatcat cara
to ctcerctocd ia maintaioi^ bod%
health. But the chiel rare aAnld al
ways A with regard to the food yoa
At and whetAe yoa arc digesu^ it
prvqverly. Yon should aot allow yourself to become coaatipaled.
tliat he wa* dlapoaed to sram a re
li.-arliig In the caae. AU'>riie« Nich«:-
'k». and aakl be waa proud of him.
tAlr renalla. belBS al>o tbe larpeel
' P. M. FM.
rKloo prifrnl al lA eonreoihm.
MaccalHk- Ay.
iVka (M tiala to arirve Upa
• Thia Ik your order." be said, “not
tap «M (rat tA borth on the Pere •<d the ftodl
ine. S ou Ave given me a temporary
MHBftta ma apecA imln con
food aAwin« aad'were a
>*A>>'‘II>II1'>' wblA I mu«l Ktvi- L
iMaAofwIan oaachai but (A awebm
IKkm to tA parade.
Tbe Hlbeani 1 he SAlely at preeel'il la in good
■m aat «(l tuiad. -TA trato aniv«>’
luaeraeol company wa* wi-ll rrpre- dition. II tv your duly tu keep it i
•pi^dtp on tiwa. Tbe mki (rain oi
watA. bavtaiB with Ibem their com
laied with plak carnaiiop* and tA
ball with paiau aad fern*. Sllaa Har^
iK( SADier. of Cbicagu. played
hVom W.'-dn.-sda.r'*'K.-cord.
,Th.- UijwiRual regular m.-eling of
kM of wch.
hA Itora h:u:<]Bcna mam from Lad
ptoldBd up the Prwaklort del
i.ailing work.
K*vil aud
jih piirb-d ul.e All fur. Cadillac.
A lin-*t| k were
ladiba.—Jardine. (j; S'-ven«. a»;
.Gillnjore. 2b:
Svuiiti, rf: HAmp. !!-J>os.-ni
aitd Keni. p; lies, m.",
M -Hater,
(' .-ilk-ti
ni. hairvObeigef. k*; llrayiuu. <
Be one 4^ the ‘‘particular” pec^e.
When you make up your mind that you wank
“Lily While” flour, you’ve a reason for it and you
should insist on getting it.
The “ca^” person geU what the “partidiUt**
person doesn t want.
if you're particular and choose the best, you’fl
gel it.
You’ll find that most particular penile buy
Lily White
**TIw Ploa* tbe Best. Cooks Use**
ivno-. :f; liikii. 1h:'<Tuley. ;t,. t'laik
R-vAld». 2b.
W.livc Lcir and (.•• Fae Left This.
Horreng tor CMIaraia te MtcA
,\'i;ilv Ig- an.I Le. Foo. former pro
etori o' tA Cblae>c laundry In Ihly. K-;t IV (3 Munday ot.-r
<: «
L. tor Chicago Atler a sArt
tAi 'lit. they WilLgo to CalKorula
wa> ltiend<-d by Frank Johnson
end aj*-bri a ytr of more 'in
U-si man aad tA ring
good hlnclikh school.
Huwev-r. l*>tb w ill keep aa e;
Used. Mlkses RowvA
Trat.rse City aud afor tAy have ha
:iherlne IMvIa nttended tbe
trbed lAit acbuol wuik. if tb-)- Ih.i.k
•le dalniv-'dreaa-s of white Atiste. business coodiiicr.k warraai A
Inunedlatv'l.v follnalng tta ceretnooy
id cungraiutalHna. Ultn Carrie Itoric ealal rvkTsiiraai.
'Oiig 'Sing. O sing. " by Tl -F. Bae- yoang m.-n have b<ea Ar (Ay Avv
old A glad
.,d I U-. T..Tn,l,.->, C.,.|g-e—^
age la boatrle Ji
Ide. and she wore a gown of pluk
yilk mull and rar-ied a ahower buupink rose*. The britl?groom
Be Particular
And thA most of the people who do not nse it
are not particular what they use.
Us«s of Lily White are pec«le
thou^du wd
decision. They are uang Lily While becauie they
believe il is the best flour and because no one can
sell them any other kind.
Don’t let anyone get t^ impiesaoa that you*ie
Be particular—get Lily Whrte.
F<» s^ by your dealer.
AtA HMMV. iUNC n. nm.
Mnwi toltti na nwOr caltn
4fe* hem» of a HobtHs fluadv arifT-
**^SMrKF Piffi»r «od wlfr wrrr
fkHilh BoardBM TveMv.
Mn. A. a Btovb wu ia 8«
DMirdaaa .a day tUa «•>«.
tw B«r. Mr. TlioaipKM and lainlU
cpMU BatttnUy night nlth A. J- Monianatfr,
Vni.BM^er moM to Tra*««>
■WaAaoadaymn BrovD aveat Sandal at Ikmk.
n Mag kb birthday.
Mr. and Hn. Ran Bndra wrxf at
tka nwaty aeat a day Ub *«ek.
AUm HbN apeat Saaday With ht-r
slMt^. Mra. ntUlam BaUer.
Boni. to Wr. and Mra. B.« Btod•aU. June e. a girt.
WrQtagloa Ryckataa ««at to KaJ
Mia. Oram Wboary
Mlaa BarrtM Mrtigar
A. J. HoalgonM>ry-a a day iMa waak.
Hr. Bawyar b Tbitlog at Uie hon
or Portia
---------Oraadn. ______
tirrak with Mm. Loab
,.«O0d. of Kal
JaiM Kyrkmaal
a to
UUan Dtok *aa
*- Xalkaaka “
DaVid Vadar la oadar tba doctor'a
WUbar By «aa
^^Hr^iUl^tatlanon vlallad Mr*.
NoatgOBiary a day laai vaak.
> Atkina drora to Plla Lak<
Mtoa Tan Darilag «( South »uini-
JatoM HwIgoroarT-aod laoilly vbttod at tba iMima of Jaotaa Rrrfcoton
a f^ fnm (hb Ttrlnliy atfad _
btg in Kalkaaka Saaday.
(toorga Rynaawa apaat Sunday ai
lha buma ol liU daoskt-r. Mra. Daan
■ and a lfa ara iha g,____
a t pound baby boy. born
.. I. Ktta Booker and eUldrra arr
rbhlBf her paienta, Hr. and Mra.
^cXdlDa Med
^•li'a Sunday.
t apeadiag a few weeka with relallrea
• ■< r
31 la ibu- nelghbortuod. Mr. SnarThe l3dlu>' AM Mirleiy wl
Oriita Tianod
' Itoga' hcilih has been quite poorly Thunday afiertioaa to clr
thb eprtng und we hope the tuuntry Cb-jr<h. A Urgi. aiTendancv I
Prank Lagg^^ Sunday.
Pill beneli him.
, .Mta. J. W Hobba and Min. Ileary
Orandma Daed
ralM '-OB
Mra. Thayer of Ma>n. U rlMie^'a Mra. IL
thnektarb-^' on PrMay last.
Young Sunday.
'mUs Marton tilths grairaatfM from
Mlaa J>aiurapa rUlled At bee ablaai weel
uwk and reWe an- glad to know that Miu. base fHlwrt coUege last
irr-a. Mra. Cbarlea iobaaoa'a. Sun- Newmareb U impmrtog. and we hope turned borne.Tbui-4av
bui-4iv eve
crenlng. Harday.
oirt tiibbs. alen at. Ullvel
uilvei sti
khe Will rouiinue w.
E. A. Smith b baalug a water eya- at the aameviaie. ahoMr* 4. I
their mother, and Mle* Clara 8
It lo Olivet ter f
CbarlM Henry Tennant died at
landed trip In tb
father a hOBM- ta Weldon Onier Ji
IJoyd Marp-han baa been *|>-B<lmg
)R. 1> ■
. lew day* ullh Harold Gibb*
d to iaam that Mra
r are pie
Orandma Sparling rall<-d on telenda
Married. Thuraday evenring, lane
IG, at the bom- ol her graatKalhet,
■ alayt>elil. one day last week.
Merdaioea Oleaon and Xelaon ol
bIKp Keck
Beck ot
of Kingsley. MltoMis* Elisa
4ohn Sparling U* aUendiog e
Mr lAke sre viattltig at Hr. WII
Gran of- ibl*
■ e and- Mr Haul
proceedlnga lu Trarerne LTly
■ton BurtliAon'a.
Sihoulc of KMigaley. tbe
the erreoKtoy
beHr. Sirlrkter and Xaliilly of Mr
g performed by Ret. fUbtHile.
Mra. Lmile YorkK returned to
Me b vialUng bb brother of
iber of tbe _
graom. Them
ertr are many
home In Traverm- Ctty taei week
..tend* of the -brid- here who
*ho >>in
dng wet] al tb'u
glad to know that Mi«. tbc.very beat wishes for hyr '
jlr. aad Mr*. Sthoiilr'sill <
_ ..bt U able to be
bousekeplog at Kingsl
around'again, altbeogfa abe
Is employed I
qnite poorty.
ore or A B tttiai
Mr* Flora RtauHag and Mr*. MaTlUrry Oal srp and Prank WUaoc at
B.vU* Davi* ha. gone to K->
ile Smith were Trsveror Oty vmior*.
tended ChJMrea'a Uay eierclaea at
I work for the Queen CUy Elenrtc
tokl week.
"B« Kaaaoo churrh Sunday
i« progreaalog very rapidly
Srbool rtoa4d TUrsday »ilh a pirnlr dinner. The teacher. Uba Anna! OB Bdwlu rharlea’ One new hie roof
Smith, returned to her home at fYaiik.
u'rlork Sum
tort Prl^
morning. ®gllT,« *i
Kk.( Ituereotl
. d Iti'i
a lady tm
B'urk in the Alum* of lYilcsgo and
ebbing la (hb eleinily.
bear there in to be
Indian* In Oklabonta and AritoBj
tahoAly at.thbpltee
Mi*l Wtd irbriatma* ha* rein
W. E. Payne and famOy vlatted vltV
bb paronta In fwfcxr Run Sunday,
ackj-li ,of Traterw. (
Aload from hen- attended rhureb at
Ml*. le-*:-r Saver* U at home again
the Morgan achoo) bouae Sunday.
from a tiip to the Manitou Island*
Mra Bern
.e SI.
J TratenuMr. and Mra. A. -SI. Igtvejoy »!»lt-d who. It »‘itl b- r-nieniber*OREILICKVILLE.
vltb friend* at lloUge* Orrr .Huuila.' old pant uf i-asinway* on
.Mr*. Iluuaid MaiSey and Mr*. A igao during rti- smoky wvatber la-t
tgtt-ioy called at Traveoe Oily IM- fall.
Urv I.-P Ilalliii;» has It-rei •'
Mra. Mtra Markham of Unnd Rap- dav.
a few ilay*. hiR i. <it)l aaatu »•
Ma apem Sunday mith Mr*. Joka OrelOenrge So«h tbiled I
Ml - Jifbii VanilerKrrt r-:unv«
IlDdgc. Sunday
Grand Rapid* Sunday, hating
Mra. Truutau Howard a
We e«eiMl our heartleat eeagratu'there to rousult au orculi'Mii regard
latloaa to Howard Ur-lUdi and Wilto bee liille Wind soil. Malar a* he
llatn Palmer, who graduklod from the ’*Ji*e‘'ss'
«a> reluntinc from tbe PlanTraverae High aebool.
lor the hlhid al lAUsIhg
Rich Man'a Olfta Ara* Poor
A number from here attended the
r». l->ed Tahberer and »l*ler, \li**
graduating pragram held at the rity beside Ihl*; -1 want to go on record Havel Kidder,
as saying that I regard Kl-clHc llllopera bouae and on Ibe OMral achuol
l<«* a< one of the greatest gift* that
* <pput Sunday and Mon(lod ba*Biadelowoman."WTlte* Mr*
are glad to arelrome Mr. and
' r*e nt:
O. Rbluevault. of Veatal Center. >
kbv. Wimam Weller of Callforoto
-I can neter forget what It ha*
for ma." TbU glorious m-diclne give* wet* used
a woman bnoiani aplrit*. tlgor of day ami *<
bOdv and lubllani health
It quickit
Mr-i. It-Ufv Tabherer
Mr-. and
cum NertuusUeMt. Kli-»Alea>Ae*-t. Me|.
ancholy. Headache, Uat kartte. Paint Fife Uk- and Mr and Mr. Wa!
ing anil nitty Sp-ll*; m*>b bnIhN up StiKHtllsb and Ml—
tbe weak, ailing amt *lcklc. TiT them, weiv gth »ts at Fr.nl Tatih'-'-r's SupCraiM are atl looking Bnc
.'dip. at S K. Avail A fbtn*. C. A
MIta Mary Reck
KhiK»'e.i visUed
bee Drug Co . Hannah A {Ay.
William Bimiling of Trarnr
.... . _la°sL_,,
her slater. Mr*. AngUM Otu Mobday
Roy earns of Elk Rapids la spend
and Tuesday
liig a cDuttle at week, al E. V. WluMr dame* #arktaa (m* returned nle'a
from the Soldier*' Home at Grand
C. Hn« ley o( Alden cam- Wed
~lapMi aad expe<q* go spend Che treat
r pnn of the summer with Ocorge
Viner. an old civil war veterwo.
Ur*. Ague. Kalgbi aad danghifw, fOc. e.perlai1.v of Grand Traverae rlase). or Hodg*. are tlsktag Mr.
U one <tf very practical value i
leUt* Tabberec
•Ural popnlallon. It preaeni* aeettUdren'* Hay I* lo be «b>«
ere next Sumtay.
•rtuce or bavlng tl:
'■'^e?hJ‘iert^d a*
Cleaaeut fpel. at
lary. For Ibe
numritt.le U*— for, wbith fibwea
liml-er mat I*- needed, ihe fan
knew* how —trabl,- It t* to bav.
limber w
Tb-n n bMinilie* aad enhaon*
anpearance of'a cowatiy to a.-e
timber loierwperwed with green He
and waving gtain. -ne Umber |
M-rreu are the hi-aaly and pride ot
Eurtmean loril* and oohleioen. I.,
shady Jmee atid^-oul retreau Ibiougb
tsbitb. with ftl-ods and ktndnd Uuy
- -T rbie <w rviani. funtWie* deitgbl in
-• Of IW.I a id r.<-reatlon. Tbe plcla.the grove runu-hes friends and
nclgkisir. rvci.-atlon and rvlreshmeui
with relief oMiei waluiory and ln*|iir.
ing Yea. (he tooonlUbi reiiiblee of
the swain with his be)o»*^.-oheB
mark lb- beginning of hive', enduring
iwiuiia>-l which -tid- oulv
The d-Iiaht* ihtwv fimitd at
niiibg and aalmoiy than druna
liiyiedy. ibun farce or comedy.
Tnen Ike facllilte*. such ivBnlng
and practical advsnaige*
greater Ihan In this region. Sowhert
Havuiaklng ha* began'
MIm /.t«ma Car^uier reewrwed
her hobH- lo Bessonla ttfday. nret
psnieil ht Miss Iml* Hurhe.
Mtsees Mary sad Kvs Jminlshaeok
In leacher*
examlnatloo Tbaraday
and Friday
It tbe Ualo k
nagtowtod <
as . Tb* alC
site place to cVonic diaerdeea atm
aunervr goes gradualy lato tba-R
of dUbetso. droppy. BtgBCa f
gravUI or *ome otbe* sartanr
Ktdiney eantfdalat.
If -yoa aaffer from batter
schea. dllgy spells; If tb* k
cretioaa are trregntar of pai
appetwanr*. «a «
*00.1 Is tbe !■
Mergan of Trav.rwe CUy
'^ltocn.”oT?r aad'Mr*. Prank It Rey.
iKddr. ^Xiurdav. Jane. t«. a soa
Thcanpaon. m
>e (Tty . Mkte ■
ktan-a Khtnay I
hat they are a ratoedy wW4
ig rvUrf.
We bav* te*n t__
ided IbmaV Kidney mia a>44
pleased «o do *o\
from th:* plare-went
to acrtice Sundan
lap oetrtiig
Cbarie* Iteitcr
-r l-li
le|( •Moaday
laid for
Grand Rapid, for a short
•A Urge nmulte^ frttiii h-re a'teit<l..d
Remember Ihe I
the Mel TrOI'er tt>ee,mE>
take PO other
cur Mniiday .nd-Tn-Mla: .
MIm V-ra lauiiwn uboha* been il*.
state OF MICHIOAX. TH* 1
Ulna fri-iids beri. leutee Tiinsdav for
hate Coon I.
Insbon. \i.nh HakolB. wh-re sh.- will
ruxke her home
Mi» Harel >A1|M l-a>-» Tu-Mlay
.At a m-tslon ol said Canrt. b«M j
for Ionia, •her.-, she will lake a po
■ be iWwIe OfTice In lb* Cttr 1
sition a» steiiogrkpher
Traverae City
la said tYwaly. a
Jdis* l.uU
Mtmu I* again
* Vitmu
:«h day ol 4aae. A l>. l*te
A Allen .
Preaeoi: Hon
Fred tL W
A oiiupauy 1*. ts-ink organlied
4udgv of Fmbare •
eiari a ihe.-to> factory here Suih
with such SI
In tbe mailer of ihv mui* of i
indu-irt Will be;,very welconi--lu
«ia<k..Mtcani(eient. WlUlam Mi '
ChiMr-n'- dgyr was telebraled
- Ill- btiaiid ebun-h .Uumtay » hy. fa
farn- owa-ra should take a deep praying far'TlteMa~to mdt lb* fl|l
- rhuri h wa^ preUlly i-iieraa
vwt in prVM-ivlBg and t>e«nllf)luK c*t o> •okl relate
aettalB ladli
derontteil and ik- t
tlml*-i land* yei leuialatog In this late tberelt: described
1-srl pt <Kir state.
It to ordered, thai the IPlh 4V 1
Yrt then- may arl-e smne f-ellng 4nly. A l> t>»A. at ten o clot* In B
In ihv mindeotm that they night f.evwmn. at »ald proltole otflM, T
cisnr B|I a larner an a en On Ir farm*.' and I. hereby awmlnlrd fw ht
In most ca-e.. If ilii- land alr-ody said petliloii, and tbat the B*
ir«l wa. cuH-tsi-J w.ih more km and all iwnmn* totereated II
(hiM-n and uud- >o y»-ld <ip lo miate appear betore said rour
KlhiliHe. ihroiigli tN-iier lu-lli wahl lime and plan-, to show t
eat return* .vwld be r-Blu-d why
whv a II
llcea*e ip sell the iBIWi
Tb- churih
;-h wi« filled wUh people
le Uuihei hn would hveoue an said e«tj,
e*t*(e m said t*«l Mlatd 8
Sunday ................,
illness lb- rhildn-n*
_________ Hay
.Ing source of dellgoi
del '
In tb- rti- not b- g-ani-d;
program, wbli-b wa* ytet flue. Tfaere
> a friillfii'
were a numb-r from \orib Mlhon. Elk
Rapids amt Yubi
Mir* tiara Hoartr
f Elk Rapid*
cnsdlre wmte pretWna t
'beirlng. In the Grand ^
aid. a newt^paper printed t
hun h
I* City People Sheu
Wall isti-d In Mid coantv
MariUntil n Is Tee L
.• preiiy ,
Itpalltsg dravUi rat- from KM*
■ June::., ipiy:b-i^
Extraordinary Price Cutting Untii July 4
Now is the time to buy this seasons CHOICEST WEARING APPARFLL at the LOWEST of LOW PRICES. You know from PAST EXPERIENCE
that their is always a BIG SAVING in buying at the LOW PRICE STORE. And NOW above all other times the GLOBE DEPT. STORE should
be the place for to trade. BECAUSE we not only sell -you goods at the UIW PRICE bnt we have put the KNIFE into our all ready LOW
nSKXS, which means a LOT MORE TO YOU than a cut in prices from any high priced stored; and besides this we glvo you the GLOBE
tig CiotHing Salo it
Ill a.25 and SI.00 Loffi Silk Gloves • - 79c
Th**- are (be bsisl qnalRy 1C and IJ button Iciigtba. with double fingor
(ISta. all cotora lo aclecl froni al TSc
AU $2 Lona SUk Gloves - - $1.19
-nie** arc tb- be*t idik Usle. 1C and IS Uulion Icngtha. guarani—d flng-r
Upa; aotne tucked lopa. nearly all d-iJraWe colors; while they lent, ft It*.
41S inch Satin Messaline Ribbon lOc and 13c vd
Tbis 1* an all-tUk ribbon. b-*i •lurillty; Ju*i the thing for Mi*h-s and
half bows.
SI8.00 Satin Wessaline Orasses - . SI0.48
Th«d« am of (be latrat «ty1-« and in tb* neweM color*; evvry dress ta a
- boautr, wbtlc they U.t, IliMk
MM aUrl Waists fw Fanr.v lar* and embroidery trlnimed. made ot good
- 73c
$15 SatlB FeutanUs Dresses 59.98
Where you will find all lb-new colors — Ro*,-. IN-uicKk. Taup-. a* well
Maple dOlora. nnd for less than you can buy the >Jlk For
$6 Ladles’ Tub Suits - - 4.48
We had a very soccesshil Millioery Season. Now
we are wilimj to close odl what is left at less than
1-2^01-3 on. We oean to make this the Anal
dearance: these prices win do it Just 41 trimmed
hats lelL The lollowini prices wffl close them
out in a lew days.
S3.00 and 3.S0 Trimmed Bats for - - - $1.93
$4.06 and S.00 Trimmed Bats for - - - $2.43
$6.00 Trimmed Bats for - . - - $2.93
Choice ol wbal Is tell ol hols thst oold
dorlog the season lor 07.SS, 18. SIO
lor SS.48 and..........................................
Made ol Indian Head suiting*, all color*, nicely Irlmiued
AH $1.25 and $1.35 waists for 98c
Her* you -will find alxly different style*, both fancy trlmm.-d and |*lain
Uitorvd; not a waist worth l<-*a than tV.r,.
M $I2.SS and $13 soil Dresses for - - S8.48
The** are made ot l.oul*lDe silk, very serviceable, praciily irlmawd
And tailored; only five ot them k-fl. Your choii-. fS.tV
5L75 ud $2 waists now $n for $L17
Botoe of oof rboic««t xlySso ar* In this ioi. Inrludlcig uome allcivrr em
brolderT waist*. They would hr cheap at
$6 Silk FetUcoats idr - - $4J9
75c Shirt Waists im - - - 49a
Hade of plain laws and cotevd piTcalM. raibroldcry trimmed, lalTorvd
Style. Compare them with xrtut cithers are nbowlng.
tile .I.e."m-r- Ilf ro)iir*; tm:b plain and 11: i t'lsO. .iLj made of extra
!I I.I-T. : I
$1.75 Ladies’ VIci Kid Shoes $Lll
(W«>d stii—. :.gli: or h-av) »ole*; lai*. «ivli-» ........................................................... $1.19
$2 and $2.50 Ladies' Oxfords for .' - $1.4$
Wiimi-n's Tan (Ivlord*. ih- pruper *bade. good >i.ile lasts: • drewy aho*
$1.75 Hammock - - - - 98c
I.aig- sire, diiulile *trv:(!icr cloae'*and larg- aasorimeni of colora.
$12.50 Refriaator oi-ik-.i
$2.50 Men's Eikskln Shoes ■ • ■' $1.39
Ttiii uiak— an -xt-rll-iil icunl* or oporfliiu
$2.25 Vid Kid Shoes for men - • • $1.48
■ili.-.iil.. »lloi.., >l>l.*li )a»;‘
$1.35 eoys’ Box Can Shoes - - - - 84c
. 'J III l;. Uiad- •.•.li * iiuti liaik -u.i. J.J.: lb- •hoc for bard or*nr.
$1.85 Boys’Elk SUn Shoes - - - - $1.89
7-*i»'I> 11 •sliii' >W- Iiiedi', i-viiilurtabh' yet Mrlld as a ruck; cxrior*
blar% <ir a;:\- gr.-i,
$16JO and $18.00 lea’s Saits - - $9.4$
Men’s Dress Pants at Gut Prices
$2.00 Tslaes for 1.30
$3.00 Tatnes for LM
$4.00 valMS far &$$
Giok Dept Store
A V.i; ivllwi-i.i: n! tiiiii'* band tulk.f-d sulu. tb- •lyl.-» kiclude newly
IA. r.-ftinj: -lijl !. g.,e«) Ibis *ea«Mi.
25e Boys’ Bkmces ior - - 12Akc
Agi- i to IS yi-*r> totd- of percale, mostly ttghi colon.
SI2J0 Men’s Sots
$6.50 Men’s Sotts tor - - - - - $4J8
i Otiitmitttllimims
swing loose.
Kor docs abe leave
boor (w two ksforehmk-
TUt to tbe eecret
qneatly. No one Is ma
ovrinkM aklrta while travell^
both porter ud ■
' If poo eboose (e rise at an early
When fi to Use to arise put .
bMr. rsi-aln In your room until nearly tbe wonua wbo wishes to walk up
>oea or allppen while sitting in tbbrsakfut time, unless you are very
I dwb (he pUUorm everr time bertt. slip yoor ektrt oa
Then tneu
sure that yonr presence In the parlor the tiBid stops. On n Journey days in I) roll yonr ctotbes In a dark pHt
length thU It permlsiiblr oceaslooal coat or place :bem in s bag. and paa
will not be nnwclcotne.
I Will a* Out
h* says tbst *• all o*«d a
large Isurrs. In a promt
. at atattons where the irala wakes
i to Ibe dressing roow■
into tool VOOdItBi plMM. ekUd Mint. We ar* toe
your mind, -be punctual."
lenrby stop. Hu: u.e wousn
A< each stalton approschet. ib.
• «u form (I«M'
It Is well to remember that •«# does ji may tsai as.-ur.-d iba:
porter gives bis attention to ,tb<
I kft*» bMTE ausy
(kt tkoegau aaE plMtam vblck vc ihlegi wbkh eecm of very litilv !m- potter ud easdurior are naeosy
u aosr iMM
abe U la ibc car oace.ntorv Tiiey ctotbes of the paiteeogerv.dlsembsirk
portuce to you may make u unpleaaea>ay«4. To fcekp >vun«
tbere. brushing them iborougbl.'
k UE smM Ut Wmm
mpressloD upon others, in cans*- are never certala (bat sbe will not
mlBd and body va aieit aai rargM
L.-1 taini dv your bat and cost beti
quence of a dlffereac* of early iraln- board Ibe wrong Onto or get leR alla aa)ay. Siyt Trlaa; -You
they are put on. A ne-re motfog
carry oa bualacM all (be btnicr tor
band or bead will br.ng him It
• tCblle the porter wfll ten yon Ibe
bplac fa tbr playful Mod vbci
Is too (ar sway lo be spoken loo. (o
• w* cRia aMritt la tk* u«m lalad If aft your baalani.- aad ba
time for mfals. be Is to no way rs^
wonderful bos- slert it bis ot
«a« aaoBtaiBB.
ble for (bem. nor gbould be be
proeeeda la prow that at wr allav:
den.ianding. M'ben the. bmsbing 1
« vttk eyM ta
ouraelTM lo frew aid in nlad.- Ibe ••Yes.- said one. “be U very bsodlb.- lip is given—twenty tfiv.
l^aM ««od fDda-^T* y«t: toratu bedy.tDilova tbr aama trrad. aad
. but be does Mt pie alib bit When tbe meal ls.«repared. a walur
tor each twenty four bou
passes through ibe\ car announclDg.
ac» eraapa aa apaev. «fa«r<««
Take' csre llui oo tribe
portion thereof. At the same time b.
-nrst twll for dtoai-r.- or breaktssi.
NjUMb BMarKr;
yaoBC in bran an-, as a rule, co
that kind Is recalled vbra people
may be told lo come for your ‘bs.
Vt lUy aUaat itor »fll a»«afc vUk ■poadlagly youeg la body and la spirit. sp«sklnc of you.
or lunebeoD. or wyiever It happens
• ben you leave ibi- train, allbougl
to be You may-vltber go at once
Bui k U aat poaxlbto lor all of us
Keep your vsn room in order, ud
Ibis U dune altboul suggestiem If (h
the dining car or wait for .the final
ta CM avay from boaie lias. Hare > not srxuer your belooflncs
At the end of tb
rail some time lab-r.
ir you
I arkk pray-ra I abalt mpr
ikoucbt lor tkosa wba caa oaly fer tbe bouse. If your (rirnds
take the bag ud kl..
to car sickness, be es
kata boBM tar a day ar tvo
orderly. It wilt, annoy ibrm lo see
dull.-* end.
MM aka Ela-iu lava
iIbm>. or prrbapt for oaiy a frv boars your tblncs out of pince: and If they
ot trnvr
the dining car In whuh you will have
B«raataf^ tarcA bajalaM, ar vhaa at at tliap A'bllr (fats U vriusa vlib
not. tbelr o»n disorder sUI be
an upper Perth, because. eiSrer
(o rid.- backsanf. In ibe dining car
spsdUl iboucbi for ibaw who
enougl- vllboul sddloc yours
eeu It Is a matter of life or death
you depon yourself as In any restka lake mtoa of .Noribwa klidtlsaa.
kisbc up yourmlnd to be enlertalnIt i
You pay for each weal when no woman vbovid undertake it
It la aqaally applloabis lo aay taral- ed with vbst la Aicned to eniertsin
i-r lo go by uotber route or lak
Hava you over ciraa yoersall
II your friends Invite you lo foie
ter train oa wbleh-• lower ben:
alter from ten to IweMy-rite rents
TseaitOB fay faacomlai srqualatrd them In an excursion, Express your
be recured. If u upper berti
When you sbb lo retire, ask tbe
h •• «at lata te&l vaadlaaA pUcaa with Iha pratly placet riibl lo your pleasure' sod readiness to go. an
porter to make up your bettb. Anyl™“‘' be taken, all me undressing an.
k apaa kaart aaJ ean.
ava (ova? IVopla oonta for kuadredt »t a« as tbouib you s..re conferring
lime after eight o'clock is sniiaHe. as!^^'”'
a 4A1M fcaU. ntaalac ivitt of mik-a to eajoy tbt-ui. (baa vby ...
favor Instead of receiving one
with tnOM psrrengera the 'earlv to'""" “»•
to tl 00 Ibe step
youT ffov inaey Traverse City proIf games are proposed, do not
bed. and earl) lo rise- bibli pr.-vall.
*‘" *‘’’*“* A womai
k ka^arJ raaeUak raaia.
da. lor tostsBce. bava ««Vn strollrd that you will not play, or “s
lu tots hour ef preparation lor sleep!'"'
otubarraaslng sit
I acalB aad' kaav OflU'a ta the tap of Penvood bDl. and
rather look oa." biit-yoln tbe rest,
lanful woman learns tbst one of
ad at tbs lop to farbold aai'h bxainias do the beat you can. Sever let a
most important points' to traveling'
kL^ BtiKMA ta Loadoa OvUaak. aa ibey did aat dream could axial Isb reeling of pHdr, les: yo.i should
s sleeper It knowing bow to took'“
»"'vling togelbe.
ariibla a fav blocks of tbea: ludi ax- not make so good an appentnee sa tbe
a section, whirl
r way
If a
d man JuK they should o
Hlfk Ofi Um Hllla.
of blue bsy. auefa voadrrfully: ntben. prevent yoor tr)lng.
e unlnlttoted would seem tb-*
I aa tka kUla tka graat vtada
MNniiMI. BUM. ;
• atraady Wav;
I artak. E>7 «raaata aUf«^ la aad
" «ia;
k at vkita. a ErUiUs, vladr -Mawk boai;
I ararbatd;' Imtaaaittfakly r*-
SMTlIllflil Wnm
liFiititila. ;
tlatad hnif. aucb pUy of llchi
abxde oa tbe lake at tfae Hybi, aucb
CUinpaaa of pretty dvenincx.{nFailtuc
imonc creea ireet. Kos- maay have
ever coar to the top of Kauadetl's
Hill, or the bill back of lar aaoiiarluDi,
aad tbere cau(bi cHiapaea of the ivu
baya aaparated by tbe vardasi creea
tonnuond Traverse people kavc
taken (be Carp lake trip to i«Und. re-
1. Mely cavtac of a crow
Mmtt. Okoftly KUI «kd
tunibg tbs sane day after a dev of
bsautlfoi Lake Ulcblcan, and bourt
of rvetful qnlei oo winding Carp lake'
Have you ever taken tW beautiful
twoBay trip .'~nrouBd Ibe bom.'
gOB* to Nortkpon on (be railroad.
ylH tka UM ckSas cai
|*iUd-«Wa. vtkd-Mrapt apacas
‘ ' lacp wtaUbc tkrllU
j^'tkt Uroat
allaaM vitk a aaaadlaM
f drava aaarkr tkaa «a kaev,
a UUt.
■r Baaaatt, la ike
pgsiUic as flBs a scenic bit of coun
try as 1s w be found la tbe nonh*
Or If you live farther east. In Astrim.
bars yoa ever spent tbe day oa t:
lUmd cbsln of tokest
your baarts, you do not Bead to tl
yourself ail out gettlnc ready for
trip across tbe coniinroi. vbea sU the
dories been could deeire lie vlihia
few blodis of your
chief difficulty, as Horn* Cheer eeee
■ to a UtUa rbad (kai vtads aad
t aasar aaarn to aiNaa ta any
I ky It onaaN IlUaa away
“tCbst's (he matlerr aald tb<
-Haven't ycin
ay place to cor
t (ks nal ta klddaa tkroueb
% I walk aa H vkao tka isr&icht
-Any ptoce ter co^~ *ai the
•mptuons reply. "I ve «pt the whole
Inited Slates before me.
I've cot so
uany places ter $o dat it's wonrlB'
le dluy mabln’ up my mind which
ray ter stan!-
>r faiatly^nry far away.
n »a traw ara baakad aad tuD
I aU tka kMa m ^ oat o'
>i’«a riv.
«tka wkIM Motka kaso aot bofun
' u or.
I^camsa to abMt Baa, sett aad
comfortable ways lo travi-1 There Is
Ibe opposite seat Ud ride beckwerd room from the a
nothing bard about It. and there is
>r a while.
M need lor the feeling of tksardness
per berth and lower berth exbellWhen the porter ie ready to begin
II ease which too often spoils
like tbotr in a section, nnd a atogb
I your berth, uke your bag ud go to
the flmt tong Journey. A writer In
couch alona Ibe other -tide ot tb.
the dreealng room. There make your
(hr Womu'a Home Companton has
room. . They are nol curUlned of
evening lollei. lossrnlna your shoes
given tbe beaettt of ber experience
ud only Ibose beds nhlcb are n*ce>
fasleulligs tbs! wtll not mar
IJ1.SO simple and plain a way tbai
ury are made up
Tbree w*mei
your appesrnce. On returning lo your
Home Cheer gives (be oiosl necessary
Irav.'llna togetber would find It (aberth tell Ibe porter at wbat- bour
parts of It for tbe benefit of those
.ipref.-rnble !o three beiihs and n*'
you wish to be called. Incld.-ntally;
who may be cootemplMlng a trip this
more expensive, wfaile for aa old per
le well to find out tbe desunatton
summer. Tbe writer eays:
son or u invalid It i« the oiily *oai
your fellow-paiselfgen ot ibe tame
A word to women who travel: carry
ifortsble nay to tak.- a trip .Tb.X. If others are maktog an earlier ., , ^
less luggage ud more tact. Tait lo
irt (hu you. give them the flratI!;*!'-'
cnae Is tbs capacity for dltilncbuce at tbe drencing room, and re
gulsblBc tbe esseuMal among small'
^esls. It I* bever n-cesaary to leave
main to ywir berth until they are off
matters. For example, some women
It. and even they may
le- **rv.-il
tbe iralp or ready to go
But if you
the porter, -others do not. Tbe
tbere If one wishes. An «Ie<^rlci b«-11
yourself must make an early atari, todmeri-ocv' Is uolmMortsul uulesi the
summeos the porter.
atroct the porter lo call you w-clf in
porter Is made srqualnt>-d with It.
advance ot that time, that yon may
Ths Oardtn In Juns.
Tbe eseential thing, (far iirime cobjldhave Ibe dressing room fo youreclf
So matter bow well Ibe. buisbec.
eratioo. f^r tbe woman who travels
few niinnios before otbere need
vines and plants of all klods iu Ibis: let tbe por'er know lo ad-
it. iB our tsklBC iDBumenble vacaflower garden
blooming this
tlooe this summer at so expense, and vange that be Is going to be Upped.
monih Ibe ilorlsi mustn't .onsld.-r h.-t
with BO oaitoy except a little physical
This does not.mean tbst tbe porter
Iwerk finivbed and n.-aWl Idrlng
enerty In the way of a walk or a
> to be told In so many words that
Is coualned to the tlory of the trgmp. he Is lo receive tbe money. Tbe ease stoning away your belongings: an In-',hem proper ntlenriq^n. June blospoms
re tbe result of much llBH-ud Isbor.
which is BOlBC tka rounds of tbe pa- Of the mucb-traveled womu^ ud her i-llued . shelf (Ibe upper sesl back
recognition of her rights and prlvl pulled ouit across Ihe head of Ihe ,( pot some money, spent ui«n *b.Iceatati to the tramp.
up. get him out of your Itoe of vlrlOD
Ths Woman On a klsepar.
DonT force him Into the berth ,nd P®*'"
Many women have never uken long
diacomforla of undreirlng ihere.l’®'’
one could ksv.
trips and have a real terror uf aa all When If you were away he could take'''*'®P*‘"« “ »«"vroom.
nigbi ride in a sleeper, while In resl- off collar, lie. shoes and bell belore|
Tbe stateroom ti
e end of tb.
lly thl%4s one of Ibe eisiesi snii most the curtain closed about him. Take’'*'- •*'P*r»ttoit the momen's dreesim
Dr. Watte visited lord Alitey's. tosodlBg to stay a fonnlcbt. and stsyd tony years, at tbe request of the
amlly. who touad b|m such an aireeble guest that Ibey would not let him
epan. A writer In 81. Nicholas oTIecs
besu sucpeOloas to visitors who
_ _ It flad out. aad ^y tketr pa>
d atay a KUta while.
-By sito Yomc.
bkiWar forward aor bskiad
aia* Ik baca ar fear;
B BMiofU. taka tka Bead I flad.
• baat at kow aad ksra.
It «aai Vlads btow. aad. Uactac
li tear tka Rlad stroaxM rua;
C wladaws of ay. aoul I throw
a ta tka stu.
I Mara paepit ar* «a
a tka fan Ibst *-ali werit
• ptor to as bad far ^wa npa
b la Mr (kOdiwa. A ckaace ef lam Mr
a few days seems
r Ms tbld kraia aad rest t
r body, aad tkt ekancs should
•Plate as It to poasibla to
Par lastaaca. a man ar »
» to oacacad la atoMly oanflalac
ar oocapMioB wblefc exaretoes tbs
b ad tbs axpMsa of tka body
« Uee ost ^ doora fw as sacb
h Bay as peaolUa Barlag Ike va. For tks oouatry woMoa tkera
sat aad ckaac* ikaa
t-dp toaw tore* aK>. wkor* tl
^ imt Maads-wUi k* aaunlr aew.
a tp.kto boUt, -la Tub* Witk tbe
• ear porter, and let him U-rt
) your seat. This porter you do
I'uless you have some good reuen
not lip. for be to in ckbrge of the
or Ml doing to. 1st your friends know
sleep.*. Its will undi-rilsnd that llie
bt day. aad It poasible. tbe hour when
III be fortbconiiag at ins
ou expect to arrite. Surprises sre
of Ibe Journey.
esy sell In tbelr way. but
Iton'i take into ihe ear anything
es bousebolds Id sblcta It Is quite
ore ibaa you must
Check all
.OBvenlent to bars a friend drop
lUage possible. At h-t the i
eltkoui wiralaa for a prouacted
itt will have In which to stow away
your belongings Is all loo smaU,
Let your friends know, If poM‘l'><. you wui. therefore, only those things
■Ml Suer you arrive, about bow long shlrh
ti'tually ary necessary,
■Sfox airib— ■ —• tfroth
the curialns to, closing tb..m[«be llo*er **rd,-i.
Tb- real Impor
th.-s.- dunes are
• IHi Jfi'e buttons provided (or the pur-!>uce
n.-fl.-n dl Ibe
POS.T If Ibc upper berth Is to use. s, sppr.-cttted ui
short d-vrk rurtain bangs before ib..'sri. iirglei-i.-d
ruilaiiis, sad U. loo. should be drswn|ro‘e busbe* *111 give ib.- aphis aud
{other lij>.-.i .■iieml.-s a ibau.-e lo do
Wblh- sming on tbe •Oge of tbe.mohg.i them, utui u. litberth, arrange the hair, remove .he'"'
collar and waist, and
:iurn a blcs.ming garden Itito bare an.
Tire ssisl msv b.. bung ov-.-r|‘*»"'“
the hammock, where j. nlll keep unwrinkled.
Then take off the shoe., »"■> ” ““
drawing the feet up into the berrt
ver Uke a nap In the alimaon
you. nnd may. ibereiore. monuu and the shelf at the foot of the berth, icool ol tbe evening or ratl>- mornitig
Ksl only te-rter thsD !*.■-. fkj*
wbeo I am at borne, bot I do wbea I for you to arise
lYKb (be pillow arranging tbem no they both air and
makes tbe dirrerenl ilarkam rlslilBC. becidise I know wbat
make yournel^(omtorMbl«. always re-'do tot get crumpled,
relief It has sometimes bees lo t
memberlng aot to rncroacb upon an- enough-to keep from falling during
'"Y I
.. bare cempaB.v lie down for a llnie Jiber's terrltorrthe nlgnl. Tbere U no reason why
while, aiuf dlnaer.''
Try. without being too ftmlllar.
A Oood kummer Drink. ;
•the. abotsld be stuffed IMo tb« abelf.
Tbe porter will flv* aay Informa-Jtbcy
rooliiig bsverwfr* can W bad at a
If something to tbe'as many women think
If it seems
make yoameU so much Uke one of the passing country k of particular in 'necesaary, they -may to- pinned to tb* momrii-’s notice if ■ bon;.- of un
family ikat an tme shall feel
terest. be may b« asked about it; be'edge sad allowed to swing Hygiene ferroen.ed grepe Juice sed
tbe smy: ud. at tbe same time. • HI change Ihe vewllstors upon re-jsuggesls that Ibe clothing should be kmons are kepi at band
If misbrd
too tiiorb of s luxury, then keep
• and bung as remotely as possible from
and s bottle of water
vssine' III
Bp wbat the world agrees to call good
istema ef tbe keuM
Do not k
your friends sUtlng np naiU later tbu
L nd Bo oM ks yoambw bkout
-Tb*(« la M •xcos* (or fotog aairay. It to eMf to aak quaMkaa.
t qoMttoo af(M prevento boorElag a
wrong train or Bakthg > «(«oc aaov*.
sa; return by another rout* and nee Davy Croeben's motto la oopeclolly
ymetbing new.
Sboold tbe ret
cable (o travel—Be «or* yoa'm
ip. for arbitrary reasons, be neees- right. Uk« go abnsE.
iry. vary 1-. as muck as poslble.
Maay of the dtsrWerri ot txovnl
on,^ve taken tbe deligbirul tlodsoc
ver trip by tUe ^v tmis.
wh.-n y.iu
rvnirn take
.gbc boM. it noold be bi
birb Of thnne'.lrips has toe Mrvngei
lalm on tbe iourlyt. twperialiy'ln,Vn
at w.ulh.-r'
Don't parry
■e due lu the ptocraMinaUag traiwl- himaelf.
Many a disgruntled UM.
t-lee baa airuEgled into TippM- is'
Then “h.wrr
could have beep-aw
ured H the reoervwttoo bad
There Is.a great deal-ol virtu* la,
lemoe It *111 oftew prevrot or <wra
beck al! you can and carry only the
lings you »«• sure 10 n«-.-d
ir slrkn.ws.
An emergency fonrh to odvbmkta.
The railioads hever provide tor anck
. Ikin'l burden yourself *lib books,
yon are guiiig to read all the tmi.
Ml Ri^ht .vs Well siby at bniiie Tbrna: Umk u. Nature Is .spread out Uire voii. »bile you are un irsvclj
-ad Il.:d This, tiuwevcr dues not a
travel, .ns
ramtU<-a ur frtrtids in partiea ot
.re* or four will gjeoily ancmeat
ie.r romforl by eanagiM a Er«ilGr-.
tu.Mii. aad Ibe expense 1s no mot*:. '
ive your worries and rsm bw -
aok. at.- tb.-n must dieirable
bind yviu.
vv.-*: .vinnmn sen*.- gjim-nis ibat
111 >.o: .I..VW tbe dux. ib.i
A shun
uss vu >h. and mat ore ns llghi In
«nkHt* to alnaya reatful and r*lr*sb
elgbi US- the wraiber w.ll p.'rmll
.p.-ciu.l. rcgnrd lyc d.-nnnds of com
He friendly, but mol familiar, wlib
strangers, and. above all thtnga. bn
guod (rrnu *(lb yourself.
Tips ar.’ a'ue.vissitv eui
Kot an
-1-day Jou -vey tip toe puiicr t.emy
ve cento, pnyyidtoa you .get' gnsd
take your camera' The al^m of
insps" ibat can thus lib se.-ur.-d *11'
id grraily lo (he perntaneni valu.
f Ihi- Irlp. You ewnno! atoa.s bu.
le pi.(ures that are besi wonh buv
DonT overiook the side irips
"heart tnterei*" In travel is noi
vuiid along Ihe main iravelrd roads
you visit Hurion. sldeairp lo f*ly
outo and 10 S«t.-*ii; if vMilng New
ork, run up to Hleepy
ran the coast. If to Itoftato remem
■rThat Nianra S but half an bout
say. On tbe Banta Fe route to the
aciric oOBsl do not make tbe ml.Mke
>C tockblenest
To value independence without tonvg fsilh In her fellows.
To undentand aorlal eeaTentlnu
bd use Ibem (or ber own prOtMtlOo.
Never (o let friendship InTrlng* apa seii respert
Never lu sign papers wllboat kM»ibg wbat they are about
Not to cling with her eysa abut.
Alnayu lo siand erect
things squarely to the (nee.
Rntaxatlan. •
This to how one - aensibto wegsan
lies her strength. Sbe nays: Beary
wot stvpplag off Iu vVIl (far (Irand
anyon.: K Is better «;^b your while housewife should have a cot la kitehdliilna ruoui on •bleb sbe can rewln line, nnd tbe same ta nue ul Isa foi a momem while waiting lor
isD anything y«u will sit- on Ib.-
•e Y.-nowslone, that rails fur a aid.- someibing to rook, and (or a few mlnwtin a favorite luagaxlDe after a
Ip troni tb.. northern main lto.«.
Mine ts to Ibe dining room. 1
Travel U an educator as well as a
delight, but
Is Is nut, newssary <c
a cot-atoe matiresa on k, oovee-
H is
y a spread (bat drew np ton nboft
not a mailer of dlslanre that iM.-i
-ravel a pl.-asure and a pram
fur bed une. I dyed,-lbl4 > dart rod to
niMcb the will paper of (be room and
cross a continent or an nrys^
Take a rare |esl ibe selfisb aide Of
'Our issiuts’ assert llself. In our trav
"Is.we are luu apt to forgei ibat ntfa.-ri
irv i-ntdled to (bn natue prlv11i-Kes we
claim fur ouraHres.
The tostfst train ts nol always tb.
l»st iraln for a pleasure trip
i.T svl.-.-l (he (rain
nilb the m-.st
.vimforTs a'nd wlib a sHiednl.- ivaU-u
Uied to rearb ifae must laii'-iesiinc
IMtot.. ol (be niiwt desirable biiurs
with several
pillow, of cream
UK- Sli.i ri-d'riu*ets. mad.- a dainty
*•■11 as oumfortable addllKMi (0 tb*
New Munson BIk.
TrorM* CRg.
^^CTitoena^ielepboM: otBe*. Wg; fota
Aak (e b* dtraeiad t« M* g(8e* EM
.............. Ibe edge of tbe berth and let sloiie *111 .ism.lak.- |Hi.s.-.lon ot
you mean to stay wkb ibem. as they sides, lor chicki'd baggage tbs
mlgki aot like to ask the quteilon. and road 1s responsible, but tbst which Is
Place the .h.M-s on the (toor. Inside "'1
wouH sim find U convenieai to know Uhen Into the car Is at your owe
the curium, where .be porter can (tod '"■«
whether your visit Is to bsvd a dura
tbe around *.111 me
them, for one of bis duties is ,u clean
tion of three days or three ^reki.
After Ibe train Is under way, re- tbem before ib'-y are nss-ded the
' Tabs with you some work (bst you
flurry of ain.1
Pstlur*- to k.-.-p t
«ve your coat and bsi. Hang your nett morning.
Tbl> pUrlng of ibv
have aIrqsBy begun, or some book
)si on Ibe small book next ta tbe shoes Is also s token by which he
you nr* readUig. tbst you may be window, above
clMtire to f'-il upon i|i- r-r-u.t>
of (be seat kno*i- be. Is to b« llbped.
acrssably -employad when >our host- Un most reads £e porter y.111 bring
tbe toll that til.’ fluser- .eign. i» bs
The remsindr-r
of the undressing
caoke I
ass la eacaged -With ber owg affairs
strong pspek bag. to which you must be.done oo the berth
A small
and BO) be sltilag sbout i
place your bst. wbfeb can tn- pul *n- woman *111 find that she xaii kneel
sraliiug to be entenslned. wbrn ber der Ibe seat, with your bag Al ihv quite romforlsbly and so „•! m.-lsotur’ln-' '"»• dl'**--ble during
time la Becessaiity taken op with
lime be may offer you a pillow, clq'bi-s off wiiboui any irouble. but '*"■
'aSMUOI Ol I- must l>e-<tone If III..
eometblng else.
u may ask him to give you one the isil woman muss do it as beat sbe
tbeir U-st
Jlos- Of'
A lady who Is ebarmfag as s fnen He will get It from beneath the rush- cun in a sluing posture.
■nd as a kosUss. once aald to mr.
of your seat or of that In lyvni
Hang tbe cloibei over (be hammock work cjii sud should t* iluie-
unen. BerHnte yow bears of rtslnc by
aMtost Pravldence. It wlU aBE noth
ing to ymr pleasure or to FO«r repalattoe.
unn.-ci-swry faiili
It posito Sbertnan B Hamnr.
one naturally
s. convey tbe loformntlun. while berrh, snotner across the fool. ajffo*,.r gsrdeu, ond
does li.u add l.i your pb-asure and it
Do not b* BiadlrMlad.
woman who stnigglea along witb- iniall hammock s(ruqi across ibe wto-U.„„ ,h..lr b.owy and Iragranre lo makes .vou a niiliaiire lu uih.-is
belp. besllallog to avail herself dow.. and a book it each .end of It, i,si throughout the tong laxy summ.-r
on.- I1.-1.I on 111.- .lining cor m.-nu Js
Of his services, mikes tbe porter
Palnlrws eitranlaa.
•rung, pass K; eat the twenty Iblug.
' Strung, natural appa
skepilral. And as conditions now ex(but aie right
A Judi.iuus "kl.-k.*" brat artlAetol ueUi.
sstlsfartor)! tip Is the best In ihere Do not iK hlm^do 11. Instead.- per's. ilol, dry days atv very thy In* might efle.-! sim>e r.-tonu, but a
Maks apnolDimnss
from Ibe nevk down tod place |tn most all clssaes of blooming piauis
vestment Ibat s Iravelec can make.
--klckcr- never Is Judlckius. The bab penidbl*.
'“‘e head of the ,„u unless they arew given
It you aVc siariliig out from a largo
berib, wlih your bag afongside. Most
needed to offset the evil el It of -ku-ktog" so soua
cUy. band your'bsg to a station porchr.uil.(bat - ibe ‘kl.-ker*- forgets
when you enter a station, and let women do Dto wear nlgbldresses on f„-ts of hot mvatber th.lr p.-n*d of
'This is especially
him takV you to the train Never mind the train, preferring a toot* negligee picxmi *111 b.- rut materially
FREE—Tbe use of IS teres of young
wbfrb to tbelr mind IS Th.-v must have water, the earth
If Ibe bag Is small and easily carorchard land, guud scfll. loralsd m
is U^Isv.mI by a snow
ible to case of an acci '.round ih.-m should b,- too-en.-d and
Tbe tib you give the porter—
p.’niiisiila. tbr.-e nilt.-s - fruin Trav
A long, dark eolored klmona' (orkt-d onu- a *e.-k or so lo prev-nl blocKsdr- or a wasbuu-. ur any ..(her
erse niy. (Inly r.-<|ulfeiurBl—can
fifteen cents—sill bear fruH all d.-nt.
non I11 pM'reiiilii* Injury lo treat
wrapper wllf (ske Us plsce.l,j, »urfs.e from .-aklhg, and insert unavoidable i-aus.-. to.-r<- is .uuiblng
along the Journey. Or If for some
fium plowing and rullivsiing. T. J.
Weeds, gained by
Uxniing tbe vv>lidu<I.>r.
I you seek ibu train yourself. and b.- equally comfortable, and U a’eu.:nil.-s inuti b.- k.-pl uway
llenderMin. Houseman Hldg. aranB
>1 >>nter tbe car stone.
Pbuw moral auppun against (be thought of^mo. a.v p..rsltleni .-nenun. wbu-li pros there's no Mllira.'tluD iu railing
Hsplds, UicMgan.
Apr. lIFrl-U
wliliou. any ■ n.-.>urug>uu.-iif. ud II
ilrket at -tbe door, hand tbe bag
.lain for n few days or weeki:
P-v^ (ba ratdtrap coaa to. uUr
I vky tka criaMoa lUtos bn an
Baal Hsipn fee tiw Jnurwey.
In iduBBlna a trip tor pkwuru
r allow a talie economy to induce
ou to buy a round-trip tlckM. says
n experienced traveler la Good
Don't doobk oa
Oo one way: nee all
way render thV aasisitnee
tactful wot^n. uos-ver
iddlng the Jirtre oKiwo
to: cost and bag. rMber tban for.un- lemons to the quart of grs'^-diice.
.seoaeolng wllb sugar to suit the itaste
: dergsrmonts.
tl Double your skin' bsnii and wlib a drllrious drink Is secured. V tbe
-'a bai pin fakien tbe skin to the In grape Juic'e Is boms made, water uty
wktM am onaMM-'onr sIBc 0( tbe conoln. no
: Bo added (» S*BBM IC
Your Fruit Trees
Probably you intend too. Kio. weare interetied.
\Vc have the vnr>' bc*i Blue Vitriol, arnenate of lead
I’jri*- (Iree.i. etc. that wc can buy. You will not be
ditvgappointed in retnlii if you purchane Spraying Mat
If you want quick action and prompt
service at all times send your orders for
Sash. Doors. Mouldings, Lumber, Shin
gles. Lath. Shop^ork, Cottage Material,
South Side Lumber Co.
J. O. CROTSER, Receiver.
Bolb Pboaea ,2!
Traverse Otys Mch.
twice a
I and .McBaln. t
■ band, elmoal a High erbool
trade oTManton, Invitalloaa troai l-'dlagton and riom I'Moakcy verr tUn
rreaapted for tba IflO tocetlng. Tb=*
qucatloD vat ibao vmoI upon, ib.i t
Tbe prizes airardfd
> at
belag 511 roict eaat. Ludlagton re
reiving m aad Mtalon I5«. Jitnion los'a:
Ladle.- degree loam drill contralIbeo rp*** a tpotinn Uitt the IntKrFirat priae. $10.00. Awarded to Kingaba accci'led and it vat u
Ire .So. 41«: Mcoad prize. $5e.0U.
PKWtlr accepted.
a.arded to Empire Itive No 205.
After tba qnetlioe of bolding the
eat cODveailon van
rnze to util admItUng the greatest
number ol i-ndovmeot membira Iron
May I to June IS. ll"d‘. $S.««>. awardUanrekma tent .So. 505.
number of Adomnn-nt members from
I to June i:.. I9«S>. $i.w. yet to
Jobnaop. Teoi
IM. Ludtogton.
kadiae- Dagrva Team Coeteat.
Tbe ladlea- degjoe team conteet va.i
held Id the Citr opera bonae laat eren-
pM tht EvpMpO.
tog. Deputr Commander Wntaon hav
ing ebarga of the contest and annoul
mm TfcPTPdAi^ R»eor4.
TH’ MMMbM* of Nortlioni Midi-
Ing tba teama aa they came upon l
If Eay* o»e «Dd fooe. Th«o *«• Boor. There vere three coanpMIrs
UoMPdA Of them berp roMertar •«« guarta of three teuna entered Md
, one, tvo. and three. Tbe
(fe« dir VA* t«od OVT to tteni.
tlM9^««are vcU optertAUMd tfnriac Brat team called was Empire
from Crrenvood hive So. »5.
tbdr BUT Iwra ME loft with «Ycellpiit
bapraodou of tha cHr Md tron lb* Tbe team or<ten(rd a B'-c nppeartuev
tber luarcbed Into ibe tvli, tbc
«im. of ihdr anirm] optll tbc lad
l•■H at nudnlirtu lart nl»M. Ibdiea or tbe team vearing vblle vUb
ttere vat aosatblns dolix. That aot a tlie lodge colors, red vbll« ard black.
•tacle acddi^ni iparkad -the day. thai Tbe accond team called vaa Cbarlc-
against Manisue. likewise was Mm-' lamlly . Tbe roM bcarera were Bkanah Kvaiis and Mia* CAaele Dyke..Mr.
celona'a balfg of tbc Inning.
Tbc fltib again brought a run for and Mrs. Ham Wales of Traverve
Miss Carrie
Manlslsv. Lundbooe bit to right and f'uy. Jay Wales Md
was scored by Watrick's two base hit Tbemp»oo. and Oeoige and Misa May
rigbt. Again Manrelona could do Wales ol Keystone.
Many beautiful presents were givCR
nohiing against
and a thrre- r-»iise luncbeos vaa serv
In Ibe sixth Manuicc bad anetber ed. About $0 guests were pres<-ot aad
deUgMIul lime vaa enjoyed by
good time, this lime scertng three.
AndaJ. Perry and Rose. Here by a
ze to hive admitting the greatest
tlA* A YEAR.
double play Manulrc
pot out
threw MMcclens pla.rers ta straight
Coalrwa of Wexford Hava Bought orwIn the se,vcnth Tindic aboved hta
eery Store—Ray BcWuig Will
class by striking not tbrwe Manlati*
Ba Manager.
V tn a tw.- - Mancekiaa
men put out at Brat In (hi
be reported.
J*rize for Maecabve degree team
In (be eighth ManMee wdded
roe lest ®d rllualutle vork—First Forced to Give Up Her 4B»-Mlla Welhora te tbdr score, aeortug Bntfca.
prize, llOOOr awarded to LudlngtOB
Ing Trip Much Age'"o* Mar Will
and Rom Mancitona could do jimbTeot So 1$8; aenind prize awarded
—gen Oot Her Back te the
Ing at all thta toiitag and In the nlatb
I OadlUae Tent N'o :k.
Railroad Button.
Maaeolona did ot score.
Prize lor beat dreosed uolform laFor tbe Manistee Recorde. Bom at
dlM- degree team taking port In pv
Mrs. Stella M Champney and eon
abort and Rasmoa at third played pretradtf. $10.00. awarded to CharleMli
Den O. Champney. irrlvvd on t
Hive No. 44S.
noon trvla from Ohio. Mrs. Champn
Tindal and Biinia, Tlndal
u for greatert number of
baring ren-lved .a auovtrelie wbi
:lilng II slilke outs, eoougb to
about 60 luii.a out of OHerlin and
) KlllS'ley
ly game with good support.
parade, $1000. awarded
vs» wlih greai dilTln.l'y that b«- e
Tbe teams lined up a* fojlova:
Den got her-back to the suilon at
MMletee—Feiry. 2b;
Rose, m;
Prize for best decorated float, $10.
Fremont In time to retch the train for
Luadbone. If: Walraua. ef- Watririt.
UO. awarded to Elk Rapids Hive No
the north on which be bundled her
1b: Ha.«mas. $b: Aodel. mi Bufka.
mneh aMlnst ber will
rontested ball game. $56.00, prize
Talbot, p.
They bso walked «he dlatMee of
awarded to Manlsece baU team.
eiilea It- ilir.1 i’:-; .
.•! .•
B^'d coneeit-PIrat prize. $5000.
Tba CoDlnee of Wexford have porebaaed Ibe grocery alorr at Iniarloch
Owned by Bert Oenneti and utu
nuke an additloa of a stock ol <
gupdi and ahoea. making the plare
Anar the Fvwgrawi Had Been CMilBff
ed Oancrag was Enjeyad iv NMr -.
./Full el Ceupira UoUl 11 .
up-iodate geperal store Ray Beldlng.
formerly in the employ of Conlna •
msey In Ibis city, has been eaf
rouduM the store Md will leave
wllh bis family .Monday for ;
From WedaeadavTRerardTlv Mrarabm raeepUcn.MB St MR
Cliy opera Imqgr laMW.bM
atlandrd by ZBemtum’ltoaat mt
drr and Ibr gueeta. Ua program
' itaresilng and enjoyable.
In inirojaci.. Great CoamMd*r
orge 8 Loi-Mm. FraaHsR! dobs
A Lorangrr d- ■ arfd tt
b. ra had done m.ww tor
other erd.- Tbev had dORo mneS
PkfA {
then WOK ftp arreau. oolr ooa drunk ToU. Ttnilte Rose hive No. tU. Klogii. avarded to Maurelena tllrb
McaprlBc the ooop. Abeva that Ibe ley lndn«rtal hive No. 416 folloved >>and; errot-d P’lrWhite Rose and gave evidence,
they had hern rnr«-f'iUy drllVi
■ Slrert f.smes.
veil babatpd.
‘ -mvd vat PM emir »olI bapdNd. but
Thive judse* veie sppoli.iert all thr..
Tba atraatt Mat nlliii ivoaenlo
sdBBtad opana. People wre everr- l-eiTig UT'knom *i ... > - r-1 -' • ■
vbar*. Uatauar «o the mnah-: ridins,
to tba ali»t aeotoc aulnmobilaa. lak-j
lli()*"-«. of Al.a'l.;. e;'. \i,.
V.llilfu Uorl of \lvtii
toe trip* OP tbe Ur or datUag Uiv
CPi^raL k a-aa a good naturrd tbftmgi
HI Md Jdlsa Carrie Tlioupuni.
,.... i.-j-r—t
i-iimptou »-ue;
and ttP tonXettl tlw freely. The band of lAidlngton.
Tbe priaea offered vere |40 Brat $5.00.
eoeearu vara oueb antored anil like
Sack race—KIrit prize, ftie-elalid
tba dar. the aigbt vaa a auecMafnl prize and tU aecond prlrc. Klngaley
walked away vhh the BrM priro
$2.00: second prize. Johnson $1.00
Prize lor greatest niiuiber of roera140 and Rnplre took the second prize
from any on.- t.-:.i mareh.ng in
■ |I6- .
Thera vaa aome rerr ^e rttuallaae of parade, $1“awarded tp Tad
Band Conearta.
tie vork raetardar, Ip tba atlen
lae'Tent No. 2W
Laat evening tbe vUlilDg bands
Trararee Bar bKe No. II OEampl
Prize for bevl imITormed degree
gave concerts on the nmis. Wl'h
tba BamorUI York vbUa tba ta
UaneeloDa. McBaln, Queen ntj-. PlI- iram marching in liue oi parade.
B| hlrea altarvard gave a guard drill
bram (ompaur'a and Campbell’r city llti.OO, »w.vrded to J..idlnglon Tent
vUdl vat fulir appreciated br Ibe
band. Ibere vaa iileniy of niuzlc. Tlic No 308.
targe noml^N ^o vNtneaaed It
feature of the eveniiw was Anh*-!
tbc amiiaf ooMAd um.daeve P
UagaabY ndlo vKb hand aerompi
; drill eoptritn nM tba vork in (aeae
to vbleb be was obliged to
.^vta eapeetaltr Sne.
apoad with an eneore. Uter la Qse
Tbe aoecUla dM
««1| mUalght. ao that
evening the Manreloiia and MrBali
braida. winners in the conlevi, gave
all get away
wna a
large crowd on the streMa antU that
eCme very enjoyaole band music.
ad a burr da.i
yesterday, making czcuralons areond
ihi ialaod. The beat made five trips,
besides the tup in the evening, Abmi
500 people enjoyed the trips on the
bay during tbe day.
Ur Btreetf and also tbe one
«CRMr Of Btau street Md Railroad
in tn e*' Aliow^ to MOV* 'for a
r^riifscThu Ti.rit a.» it Th.'is-ind
Cate* NOW and Mora cemlng at
Rata ef Hundred a Day.
St. P“U'rth.ira.~june 2 4.-i-Choyera From Wedneeday'a Rerord
condition* ere wore add nearly equal
In the ease of MartlP B. Harner vs.
Ihoee of Inirt siimnirr. The offlelals Ira Orlnnell. at al. trial of pbm
THOR-TESTIFIEO IN HIS OWN giUrr the cases at 5U..vhlle etbei
abaiement.llir evidencewasa’I in j
terday and ibla morning the court ren
locreariog a biindred n day. A ’bird
dered a vrnlicl to (aver of Ira L. Grlnase* are faUL Tbe goverameni
U dotaf mile.
The races run off at the driving
park yesteniay were, very aucersaful
All Wf them wore close, even to the
IlnUh. Tbcy resulted;
Allaoed That He Leaked the Matter
Over With Cleveland and That
Seme Changet Were Suggest
ed—Grand Larceny Charge.
SEPT. 14. IS, 1$ AHO 17.
Committee Held a Meeting Yeatarday
and Selected the Executive and
Citizens' Cemmittaca
New York. June 24.—Broughton
Rrandenburg losrifird id hi* owi
The oflliUl t-omnitlrc uf the 0.
ti-nse today to hto trial lor grand lar- :R rnvnmpmvDl bold ■ merling at tbe
Traverse sxld roniaincd aome Ibnughls aloiig
City. TboropMnvlIlc. Fraakloit. Copc
line dlscnaaed
Tbe matter
h. Manistee, pentaratw. Hart. Sbel.
ari^ged eonseruUvcIy
Wc look
MoDtagiH', Whlleball. Muskegon. ed tbe mailer over and 1 suggeaied
Class A.
T r.t-rmalne.
2ud—C Creenman
highly. The laiereai of all, a
was tbe progreaa of (be ardor and doiclarcd tbsre bad bees po Um S^I^
oBieDW niseilng Id talk ot asH^lPB
tbs Ann <Uy of aexl term of court bw' thta. Bbe a«TM«d an mMibWa Id
vhelli will be tbe Brat Monday In Oc
tbMr>saltb. at by (bade
lober. The eonrt granted the rootlon. precauiloDa Ibe welfare of Uw dcMr
the opening of the morning ae*well aa ol the ladividaal voalB bd
slon. 3. W. Patehin made mptioi. tu advanced.
rliow a morion for n new trial In lor
■ was folloved by Oraot Bddoeff
William W. Wright v. IoilU- Keeper A. M. Sley. vbo tbatikdd Trav
VInglIng, which was broiighC up to erse City for 4ia cordiality Md eepaotuatire t^rt and appealed to (he Cir tally ex-Mayor A. V. Friedrteh tor par*
cuit court. Tbc court denlgf ibe mo
favors. He declared the aatd»
tion to prrniii inem lotmov* fur new bile ride be bad vRb the dHBdiW
one ol the mnat eBjoyabto ot hM
aad Clayton N. GrtoveU.
•Nelson vs Mary E. Nelaon oeru
bird the greater porriOD ot tbe atler-
deriaied that thta matter
tied tn the article signed "Grov
Lodington. have ezrended to tbe mem- er neveland."
party a welcome never
formet excursion.
RiKktord. Cedar Spring*. Howard City.
Bi^ Rapids. Reed Cliy. Scottvil’e. and
Redskin. Jrd—N. Bmler.
Class C.
Billy W. 1st—B. B. Hadley.
Irvin 8. 2nd—J. K. Lengvell.
Lady GycMf. $rd—W. IngeraoH.
dt-monatratlng moat clearly the
dtallty which they feel (ot the Cream
•treat Cabteat.
Qttf. be It
Ibe street conteet^ was held yralerRi'iolved
day afternoon and furnubrd ransid
crable ezcHemtvU.
in the lOO-yard daab. Miller and
SimeDO used .le rroaiblgg Mart, anc
.M tnlgbt be ezpccted beat Menolds'
vid Heren a reuple of yards on ttu-
ui.-rnhera af thr Mrre-h*nt« and Manufnrtnrerr aiaoclation of Miiw*uk-i
expresv th^e^eartfrlt apprrrlation
of the kfiid liosjiltalliv so g--nenMJsly
riyffered vnd h-rvw'llh ext.-'id
pre-ssloti of'vhaiiks to thr mnyoni. city
..impson linlsfaed firei and Mil cDlriala.
avenne. Tbc teem drivep by
OUie ler second. . uen Menolds aad a coucltlzcps ef these cltle*. cordially
LmUna bad (be kmger n.n and bad
barktra bognn their little inviting iill to visit Mllwaal-tw vnb
Feature Was TIndart Striking Out 1
Men. But Even Then. Menralena
Could Not Score.
Arch Ueed aa a OeceraUen
Hlsterle One. Having Served a*.
Several Similar Oecaalene.
Doon aeaslon of court today, and te^
if a arnsAllenat nature wax
Scviriiiie. The Others live to the
cintty or Reyntene. The Rev, J. Allen
n. .
Daflriag was iben enWdd vatU 11
n cioek. Masenich'a Are pleeo crebra
tra turnlsbing excellent moaie. Thare
wax ample mnn tor tba bMdred 0^
pies nn Ibe floor and aretyOMFBjoy^
all oftba pregrau.
Mrs Nelson U <*>oteomig tbe
From Tbnraday’e Record.
company wax again taken Bp at Iba
A beasUtnl double wedding
afternoon aetaloa Mr Proatap. porplace yeeterdKy at 1 p tn. at Keyriiaser. cnm<- up fn-m Iraia
ibe borne ot Mr and Mrv.
George Wales thr pai
bri.lw. Tbe contrarllog parries arere
Sojlt Tboinpson and
Wales, and Gaylord Kvan* and Mlaa
Eertha Wales. Ur. Tbompaee ta ot
wat brief-tod light, vilb oo attamK
I make a apeecb.
Great LieutenMt ConmMder Chao.
H. Tboraaa and Catl WoMhoer apgfce
briefly, ihelr apeerbes betoc U a
lighter vein.
A. V. Ulcdricb was called opoe and
spoke Of the Joyalty of tba order to
Traverwe City, both to tba oedar aa a
txMly and aa IndlvMoata. saytog that
In bla recent tUaeaa tbe ktodadii ot
thu Older to bim had k»ov» po
hounds. He thanked (bew haditlly for
prot edtnga
Thr caae ot J O CroUer. rewdv«
oobipulnant, v«. Sooth Side Lumber
^^c^tMlrire* R^^a easily ent ire, hi
.water on Brat, altbongb the one drir- tune, deriarmg that the locals bad the aaaurance that every citizen of Mil
classed f-e M-r
en by Jim Baker made sneb good time
id an nnfalr advantage. Taelr pro- vankee zhall bi- their host.
that It VM a eleee dteiak». In the
-n was overruled.
Tour* very truly.
wtontoff ersv Vere: OlUe Lmblns,
In the 200-yard daab. the runner*
W1LUAM GF»BOr: nnr •••
drlveri <jbler Rennie. Frank I’mlor. flnlaued In tbe.name order. U<vioId>
POfsIe men:
Jack dropping
................. out badly beaten at the-15»
Lawrence and Henry Lntayette. bymark.
BrMt men. Tbp Iom» very: James
Biker, driver: - Artbnr LardM. and' i..,. ,i -...
ilngcr appearing tor the ce
and Alloruey Tvcddic for the defopdThr divorce proceedingt of William
Grand Huron. Holfand. Grand Rapidi.
Claaa B.
Either B.. lat-McKengle.
Baby Mine. 2nd—W. Rennie.
111 Uip
M.- 9».j
yxsi reluriu-d
i.i;!. irip IhfOngL HoolajiB, Uiegup. lilaiM and oUwr wrMt.
era Mates whsto the Mareibam hsE
iped the aame rich harvest «d to
ssed membership they bad to MIMtgan and the w
Divarco Catca.
At y..ideiday'* sevaloD of i-oun a dv
i-ciifj In eonhuction with the I'leve- court bousi' ^'sicrday afiernoeo and
cr.-v of divorce was granted to George
Isnd Interview.
ihu date «t bolding the m-« G.
RarKk from bin wife Dolly Rarlek
Hi dcBcribeti bU nogoilailons
caiupmcu: nas s<-i tor Scpirmbcr
wttb tbe slipulaliiMi that George Rarwllh (Teveland regarding tbe
M. 13, l« aud IT.
Ilk BO not marry vithln six moaiba
.ns party on board ibe apeiUI train palan arlJclca. Brandenburg suggestThe exccotlve comnilltcr is ea (oland Mrs. Rarlek vllbin one yeai.
Saturday. June 12th. passed
,**: A. S. Frtte. Maplefity. 1
A deerurot divorce wax alto grutlowing resolution:
tboughU on tbe political campalgi Herrlngtun. Maple l'ity ;;M. D.
cd to Jlay Llndsi-y v*. George Lind
Whereas, during this, the i
■II a aerie* oT thn-i- article*, wbiib gan. O I' t'ancr and J W llllllker nl
sey and one tn fiopbia Hrinrr ra. John
uual cacurslon of tbe Mereban.a Krandepburg would sell
Traii-ise tlly
iBrlncr. In both Insuaccs (he p-irtU-»
«i.d Maimliicliirvisa-.*oclaUon
HraDdeDban: paid ITcielaod $2.*00
(be citizrus' ronuntlice
Milwaukee, tbe following cities of tb-; for tbe aitirlaB and was to get bis own Mayor W. O f Ucrmatni', Tbos T. are prohlblti-d from morryliig
If one year.
great fruit belt of
Wolverine .it-muneratlon (or (hi- sale.
Bates. James Milliki-n. D G. ('handler
The divorce case of William J. Nrisinu- vU: Cadlllai, Manlnn, Kalkas
Hr declared. "I saw Mr. nevclaud
Robert Waller of Traveree CJly.
.on vs. Mary E. Nvlson la or cupyli
ka. Man?cloaa. Boyne Falla, B-q^ again in fate oflico here and be ha
be Bttenlieo ef the eo<iri. Amll F. NvrCity, Pcloskev. relUtm. Cbarleitrii,
bundle of pap«T*, wBlcb
William Mr. 3rd—B. lAHlner.
ii vu-sth-al evkmin-'
t\'. Patehin. niiervey (or tb* gtatnUff,
naked for Slay of proeecdlhg* until
The Cfac
Moiiy B
k. u risvrjvv Ciiy '
r Se--n.a>- ,
|cri.,Tes* ui.d.
TravefM' Wen Apa'ntime. Tbe evealng breeae' cooled
Fbr tbe second time In one day tbe
iMngm BO that tbe indoor nUnetioaa
local K- O. T. M.^, baseball U-aoi deand tbe earatrml drew wmb better
tules Eatcnded Them by tbe
freted CaditUc. yesierday altcrnoon
tkM they did In the ansnuMm. DreamCities of MiGbiBsn.
being 18 to i in ih'cir fuvor.
iMd gave scrap abows yestenliy and
For the locals Brayion and Bak^'' did
played to more than 5.0W people. All
Tbe following from the Merchants
ll'c batlery vork. while Powers and
tbe Bttractkms at the carnival also
Kid tbe pllcblng alont wlib Jardint nud MMUIacturers asOrlation o( Mil
Bid heavy
busonew, esptcUUy
catching. The only feature o< tbe waukee is‘self czplaoKoiy
came vaa tbe locala' buary bitting. Mltor the Record,
Nn Olanrder.
• Trmveree City. Mich.
Jui-t at tbe present tbe locals arc playAkbeogb the crowd vm largo and
Dear Sir—I am pleased to advise
PNW paUontMd the aaloons qulio II.E aweU balL
that tbe mvntbcre of tbe mercb-
fraely. there vaa practUall.v no dlaorder. In tba afternoon there
small eocoanler. m old man Jumping
onto a young man Md asMulilng him.
tbe young mao uM eirlklug bln.
canae M Ua age. b«t <bli did not
■te niKb of a sUr.
When tbc aeleaBs ckaed .at
e'clocfc Md tbe patrons came upon
the atreeU. there vaa no bowling
kaoKh of drtmka and tbe eiovd
* Ro different ibM before.-ln tact, tbe
TtaRora behaved ti<eaiBi:l\.-s iUe genUemen Md WiUea.
Tbe town vaa admirably pn^eed so
tbst had there been any ellficuHr
whatever, n could have been bMdied
ven. Chief Ashton Md bla men
en duty from enrly morning unUl ni
ter tbs laat trata vent oot while Sbei
IB Bbuter vaa
in evidence, should
bis senrtewa have been repaired.
Plrq DapartmeM Rim.
Tbe ashiblilon ran of tbc Bre de^rtamnt vaa one of tbe beet ew
made. The tvo trams made
I nvar at ptnetkally the cutr.e time aad
vrant down Stau street at a groat rate
divorces granted
LPirta Harron ef Chtaage, Hal «Mi ••
Acoidam that wm Krap
Him Here sonm Timm
Frara Wedneaday'a Bceord.
1o>uta Herron, of Chicago.
L-<-ea rtaUing hit brother, Morria ot- .
Ibis cny. auserad quite a patotul accl-■.enl yetterd'
Mr. Herron aras eipecttog to leava
Ceremony Occurred
tbc Heme ef ■ be city last h'gfat and to yeMordAg
tbe Bride'a Parents. Mr. and
I ft.-rnoati wax enjoy ing a nrtm to tba
Vr«. Hi-l'-sH.
y. He VS' J .-.ing Off the dock and
:i -barp'radt
. Mha Blacken, neszle men and Lron
Baker and Joe Mlrovaky. hydrant
UMIngtoh Next Yedr.
The boalneaa mecUna of the Northees Hldilgu Msec*bee aeaortauon
BiC HOTEL eilfflED
• 4-1. ..
Dell'eyed Tod»z
............................ .
UTiJ-suia.i i
_ V
am arrived to ---ke i.VM held to tbe CBy open bouse yea- waa RD cxuiualfm. It noa • betou
lism Harsha. Judge lloel. Hawlit Black,
lerday afienm at $ o'rioefc. Pre*(- ful and dignified speriarie. Umgh.
w tbe knlgbU go through their and Warred Rovtaorg left thta mi-rn- out
Se« of tbe aaaoclatlM. J. A. Loranger
In Ibe third Perry of Manlu-v srer-:i!tw<. conpiri took ue voaa rd
emlva drill and tbe crowd ap tog (or File Lake, where Ralph Hleka
oceupylag tba chair. Tbe matter of
aupcrtl.01 of that township. Joins .d «n an error w-hu* Ma-icWona could rllnony at the aatoe Inaiant. Tbc
asMettog the pm meeUag piace of planded (be work lUrerelly.
J ootblag to (he aeere geuingline, ler bearen were Hiram and Mlaa
(hem and tben to Kalkaska coun'y m
the aesoetoUon was taken up. tbc aetbe commqu
csnndl an<
Jy tvo bands took pari to tbs reriev tbs rounry roads there.
The fourth wax three oasy
at Heme ef Sen at S«m,m»l Ciu.
Viil-. Jmi-. 2«
f.,:.. n.-»
Wih.n died a- ’hr bdlpn
• : . .-.r, I i„. i,., ■ ,.rt F..<I Ir W'nrti, at 6 ocWl:
{■•.- ;.ev...Ds. •.r-.IT.y-.vre The body
M Ci.fog bnr.
mat- MaaJstM are U the city vtaittog their,
Cow-.father, John Scblegel. The Mlstea Fred. Braer Md Hannah Bolflu;
Msr-lscblrgel are to the raintnery btuloeM cf Cadillac, are apendtog part of tbdir
varattan in tbta dty.
ootolgie Wale* Ibe Junior membera «'the al MMlatee
atreeU waa
tween Tenth and Elerent^
adopted OD Ur. tYrkni'a MoUan.
The reMiIuilon lilrr-cttec ^
R« TO DECIDE ON 6EWroll of »pecUI
East Nlnlli sire
file ani
OfDn, m
rroei SumL
OM T«a».............
■ts liOBlh*..........
«%TM MOBtA*..
..|1.M U AdTi
....Me IB Adri
....2M 111 Ad*Bm
CewMcil Teeh Action at the Meeting
Night—Per el^he • —
«t Uie peatortloe
MldL. mder Uw i
Oot a Late SUi
CtaMN Ml wwt 3.IS0
Md a ne» iwrd. not soiUn* Martmull *i1», a l^irt^^puhllc
ItaRUR aii B UUN Wt ear or«r tbe A( 10:12.'Clie cooacil »di»Jumc-d,
fact ttat BtM Boto* vei« oTBed thare li:|; acted upon 21 ltrn.K ot l>u.l
m and Utinsou wi-n
u« p«t ■» A UuR tM W>.l»iur
MM 1» RBrtfcM
t fiveo
___ C tho council will meet July
S p. m. lo bear remonktrance*.
adopted on Mr. Rlckerd's iOCAlon.
:IInj, tliP comrotUM' oo
rente anil walk*, which
At Ifate
that tine. :
that bine whh a lift of eerei
«hl« bnSElca. agd Kalkaaka, while constructed sufdrii-nt to
not thclUted to be toaeuol. haa an ceeds of the eliy for the next 25 years
•M GeaeB aad a Ejlac nachlBe. Man- and that the queMion of issujnc bond*
...................If that purjioe.'
•M win etiher hare to pet eacisea
■payers at the
•ad rabber Urea on wbeelbanowi
On Hr. RirkI waa BdojU'e!.
The commUlee on «n- and pollc.
n-coiomc-iiJi-d tb.il the volitaleer Are.
paid It for the Or* llOUl and
t an hour Uh-reaTler
wprktns on Ore*. iliU to apply only
alarms given by the dre whUII--. i
motion of Mr .Mureble. thu ni*
war adopted without dUcusslon.
Dcbnlie aclli.ii war taken In n-Bard
the Corolinu lyplorr, the
Mr. RIckerd'a motion.
Other Bualfieea.
Mayor Ocrmalne appMnied -B. F.
traon. WillUrn l-arrar and Bud Sleder AS Spoclal poljce. Ue oppoiu'.im-nt
hring coDhrnicd on Mr. Murthk- > inn-
Caranwny Waa Partor^ by
J. A. Canby at the Home W
l_ W. CMC.
From Tu.-i-l*y'»
r-i-lsy'. Ue.vird,
.Miss t,.eica
;ik i:t> and Hermail KiaMT uf Mi.
Flea>ant were uiilK-djln martiage at
2?5v Ibis
_ . afternoon
at Ihc home of
1. W,, Case Tin \Veli*ler
J. A Caoby ofliht Chuich ol
t. the rtlut -sr.-vljc I rliig u.-*>d.)
ring the vvrepiiiiy ilie vviune
tuiiik of pOUed
- >f«od Isefurea Itui;
is aud th.
decorated in smllax and piuk earua
tVe^s E. Pray Allcgea That Crea
Tbe ring *ervl^- wa.- us.-d and
■ng If Net In Accordance with
<-mony was witlne«a-0 by about
Premlaea and that It Interferaa
40 frii-mls Of the yoiiig p>-oph-. Mis*
With Farm Work.
Mabel Royce of the ^ aetud as the
l.rldesmilii while <!l|l«i StraKon ol
Ml I'h-a^ml'wsf br^ pmn *
The b:lde wa- ehgrmlngly cown.-d
In cream ines>>Ulne Mlk aud she ...rrrcUy. lo lb.
Tied ejeaui loses.
The brldeiUiftiil
People Vk. WlllUtU O-x.
Alexander wa« clad. In. e.ream sl|k mull and
imet »li the- ball bond
rl-d pink rose*.
AJt-'r the pr.
Kupp. Ihe ctmrt
eeremonv.^ a luelieon iw-as t-i-rved.
uuiount of
-he pe
bond bc^’’
tind ludgn
1 for -Mt. Pirasiint
he;v they
... .. ... for that aiiioent.
iiiRliig in the verdiel -ii .1:05. On
Valkeiihorgh Is a young
nil of I'ndt-rwuixl L I'uilPr. com
lady who. will he kliifeCely
inIsM-d by
defendant. <• 'g>y until
a large number ol friends. Two
br term Of Cl
first du} of next
mins her*', .she laught.
ranu'd b
in thi- Son s biklw land during her
DVe for I
May here lins 1»'. !i li aehirg '!i-- f
grade at t;ie >sk l^rk bnildim;..
le KUm vu *«'«. »itbliKislJi-\i-ellr,iit :' e
wxirk makbig
On Mr. Ihb.Tin's BKHion. the water
.orku sujaTlnlenilrnt wai- ifireetcJ U>
mnnccl a di inking fount at Hanusb
I*ros«ruHng AUomcr Pratt called at
lenilon' to a mailer that may
damage xult agatoett tbe city,
u that properly < nt-rs who a
building Interior tide .
el on the slr.<-t>. without SerurlnR _
MissloD Of marklns the (ibslmrlion
rap. way. Mr. I'rnti detailed
at eaip'rlenc't vlien lii h< w
b.’i out
r. Rlck........................................
i-rd moved I
• police
instructed ot notlty the proi*r
rose aad contractors building inic
ior walks that all obsiructlun* niv
b.' marked at night by a red light i
til removed, and the motion ca^ed.
Or Mr, Hlrkerd s motion. liie cvh
rll adjourned to uert tonight al
eotnmetidlng Ihut the board of pub
lic works U- lnMrucle.1 that when
HEAT AND HUMIOrrv CONTINUE llieae tree* tn the sln-ete am
3 daniatte to Mdewsikt or *<
irealeu to do damage, that they no
fr tlx' owperr of the abutting prop
en’y and If the tree* are niA removed LIVINGSTON DIO NO STOP AFTER
«hMr«i of the Peer are the Werrt within a n-a»on*l.le
remove them. I
•iMfare and Many Oeatha of
the r-i-ort
•ahlM are Rapertad.
Petitlent and C
Col. M. A. Marrifcid It Dead—Miche
The boaid of public work* rpre
son Mai
Man Seneusly Hurt When
IMr Tofk. Jnaa M.—EWht na
eeru’ eklluiaic f>
ed the onclneera'
Train Struck A
I sewer in the alley betwrnn
bile at
a Brander.
nod Blctenth Mreit*. h
IVMtaa iaday. It la bot and U<
^•h«MM Bd IMat deatba. Uw ladl-
Mra L. Iw DaSey U Ttelllag ber
ibout t-HUkc and asking nine months
lary at 155 a mo
or $<B5.
$«B5. was
e oo Mr. J
celved and placed
TMTeree CKy.
boU's MotlOB. .
air. «Pd Mn. WUbar Haaley were
-port of the claims aOtk-'^c
TiSfane Ctty ealloru Wednesday.
uiolucr- was aerepu-d
on kfV. Abbott's motloa.
Ctottos Phalps aad taiaUy aueaded
mtito Aaaghtar, Mra. Balph. Ryea. erf
the t'hureh Of'i'-hrisl The .gv.-.m
a leaeber I'l manual, Iralniiig. hiiv
sueiessfiilly bundled; this bronih
Ml- Pleasant durinfl
durina the y.-»r
luiUssl Hint
end<-d. so suvcesstully ImUW
n> iktrealed,
wn.' it-ndi-nd and nn* neirepivd a
At Ihe morning
mui'h mo-i- iulvaiiieJ posit
.XUrquello warae line In tin- Ikdrolt *
Ub.-rea E. Pray Vs
v> l••-^e .Mai
.............'. was brought up he ard his bride kill n
Railroad eomiiaay.
I’urm C. GllU-ri home Iheie
:<m! a Jury st-cun-d
struiiUl'l*' » for the iilnliiiiff and JAllorney
Sir.reier. nf
Rills t Sire
firm of Covell 4.
the defense. Thithe placing ot
•rt) of R*b.-e
111* Of b
lircc of r
r the proiieily. anil Is not jn ;ic
DC" wlib tli<- jilans and stno< iH-fore mail-: Th<- pUlutiD al
the Maoeshee eelebraflae In Traveree
CUy WedaamUy.
James Cameron, of Central Lake,
1 buMorws visitor In Ihe city.
Ml*. Nellie Hufliuan, cf Manioa, I,
adaptfik II tbe rily- tor a few days
Sr*. Ami
drew Burdick and daughter
CaWle III acmih Manitou rae in the
i few dnyk.
Dime, of SurthiM.rt. pm-M-d
UMTED states]
tbiouga the
We Credit
ot our
AVIlIlam Gitauh-y, of
amiMHt ot soMf-BMaal tateresi
them. Debesttora may proseat ibelr|
books aar Une after that <Utc and!
have the same ouiered tberron. Alii
depmiut made prior lo July S-.L. wHli
dr*« Inlcreat tivm July IsL
Elk Rapid*
as a 'lUkiues* visitor ycMerday.
On June mh, we place te the xrcd-|
E. J. FIsitaer. of Kingsley, was In
K- city >i-»tcrd*y.
N H. iiuuker. ot Cnailevuix. Is In
h.- «-ity,
wiiiik r
P*-nmngtoD wa*
the clly
uukuiesk yesterday,
harlt-s E Jobnaoo aod Gvorge Sad
dier. ol radllU*. arv In the eity.
l-ixtni llwtvy Jointer Clamp nnd
Wliocl Stnudatil.
Latvv* Wliovl.
Woi-k. Stenl
Hativllee Well KraooLl,
Ailjnatal.le Sloe, li iJ.vr
incL, trub or narrow, |^in or cutler poiuU.
We bolb lose II yon do not buy a John Deere
The Record of
this Bank
w ui'u u*i- was a suiaji iiisiMilimil.
y. '
TuBay it *- lav- largevt mud rtrotigcat
iiank lu Tt-avi-iki- City and uf North-
ern Mk-Iilgaa.
At all ilim-s it tio*U-.-U
lirtrt ouiM.vWly ill vh-w.
en an i-vtirem* ly luiisiNiattve liasl',
IIm- iiiL-*.*--.(v of Ilk d>‘|s>sllors la-lP;;
As u rrsuli ll iia* .-njoyi-d tla- conB<•«•«.*• Ill tlu- |«ibHr nml IbPiugb Ibal
<tNrfM*-m->- lias i;rvw-n tu tla puv-en<
It IS a bank urgniilzi'd to sxfeg-urt
Child Had Fallen fr^m the Hannah A
V Co. Chute—Father With a
Fiehpole Hauleii Out the
, OfEcer.
roni Tu-,-.hiy's-l!-lvr.l
Traverse City
State Bank
ehi:ti- last .•v-iiliig uiaiul
'•ire of I'aliolim.ii i Jes.
would hor*' diowiierf In u
The offuer wa* im h.
II pl.i.mr
in ordered Ittem *
s*-im-d fiigbu-nivl by
foi fhey tunitd and buirkd
v\;u*l 4or.-. Ak hlie i
lo- Hit!.- glr!
ed liiuk toward
offic'-r, ap
I:lly still frluklrniui u
disastrous, for kh.-. 1
of Ih-i ehul- i.int disai
water. 12 fret |lei-p a;
also a i-iiisi.li-i.
Ills noliit.
- she f*-il. 111. iiifii's-r
ll elit; III. till- liriil.li .
doau.Ihe wast*-** av ol 111'
Iieinllig dlsl.tnce ’p til- J-mn: uln ie
he ylll V*.,k str'mgiill.; in Ih*' WJt.l
Sue wi.s puiliiii* ii|. u guiice IlyiM
jiT l*«'r liH- 110*1 .'*1i- sei‘iuc*l to UUiI<-r
lauii ll-r pr-'dl.uin-'nt. ami k-pt land
ILliK Part o( i!.i- llilre in-r he.id w,i.
■ut -jf Ibe MSI -r. lb--n sb^ sauk, * otii
lb- kotfa.e if.rei
•i -mly
' one n.oiiihiul
-ll. ........
• olOcvr •
:i*;lii I kdf-'ly. lik-a>
u iilm. ond III- hi^v-
s «ppar. iiHy afi-a.d I"
id p it H:-«m tile ae< I
ml I -II I'.' -fheer I..-:
itra M. R TVilrd It sia-udiug a f.
lays iiisTraversc Clly.
The Swastika club pump rOmni.i'l'ye
Ir bti*y pmtlng itown a town puiup
Mr Strait Is hold'ing F-v ival i
>ngr ill the clnucb Ibis wi'-k.
Tnc Hurt Hardwire Co. has eluiug- d
l;:<nds The n* w Brtu will la- known
li.hBMoi snd 8*-abHghi. two h'l.-tb
*oung uieii trom Albcan. who u
• <-]-p •-veivil-.iiig up to ilate ID th
'.*o<-. Mr. Johbson will umve !iU fam
h*iv Sainrday and <«-ciip> the roo
vv.T the bardwar*' and Mr Seahrultl
pi moving laid th.- Geaiige Hurl bn
• Mr. ait.l Mrs, Ray Saxton are
proud pai.-tii, m a TuiViy lavy wlilit
■’Ivi'd St their lujm* FriJa.v.
Farmer’s Supply Co.
ftrawn, Ml.b., June IS—Mis. Jol
Flunk went i*> Honor Ibl* niornti
•o visit hn duugbter, Ida. o\i-| S"
convention i* being
.•enter l■■day.
Wllltini Cox I* bciv loading two ear
Mt»s BalUrd. of Cmlllluv. and tbe loads of bark
Miane* M.-»k.Pg.-' ,.f Kseaasba. arv
If You Would Bo
the gu.-klk of Mis* Etna Walyon. ol
A sui.vtsiul faitu-.r. horseman and
'\V*'b*ter kirev't.
»l*sk raiscr. you should Us.- HarvclV*
Condition Powders, tb" old*-*l and
most relltble on the niarkc*.
sums fer 1$ Year*
llgi-sllon’* pang*—trying maav with great >Ue*re>» by all the leading
• and $2uii.00 worth ol m*>dl*-ine ■loek. r»is*-r» *j! thI. i-ouiilry. Aetvain. B. F. Ay»i-ue. of Inglesldr X
1* a toni*. Inereatins dlgettlon and
at last us*-d Dr King* N.-w IJfi eircmlaSlon. thi n li.v- imrea'lnB ib5 ap
they wbolh cured bctu*- and the growing powers
Uloua sale everywhere ai 25*- per paikage
Xoi a: all vxpcnijve and allcr a irla.’
you will aay a paying Ynw-stmenl
240ld by S E. Walt « Son* aad E E
L'o, Hianih * Lay.
in onp pivov.
CiiiU.-vl or Steel lAniUi.k- irilb
be gut ei Of kin. Cora Coddlngton fm
I portion of the week.
ExdbtM-cuitng AUortie.v l^yloa M
HiRli C'grbon MUt'l IWm, Soft tVuter Su»l MouUtboan],—ent
er lajx-r wiH.-ut glaaa. Full Steel .ToinU>r SUnOardaiivl Fool
:ilid Muled Ihat be ha*l to haul a
The eiiKlnw-T'a erlluiale for the Ul
if wtp-ai'lhnre quariv|j> of u
•ral sewer begioniug at the eomi r of
atvmud and through ilo- T '
State street and Railroad avcime-aad
*ro»siiig li
•talMUa to the peer for aKn-plod.
ending at Ho*o aircol was aim pn-:l kloiltns
g north, a
MPt.-d. tbu ostlmale Irelug tl.91210
e ralli-nad onipany pot i
♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Received and filed on Mr. Ooodrl
le. PlalllliB s
♦ mot ion.
Tiie ImarC of epcclal assessors prehi inrm ow ing to iU<- di:
scnltJ the special a»t s*moni for the
'iiig th* leapi-r uud Juadi
Ter* take, Mich.. Jtme 24.-A parNli.th fctre
•f grain over ibe erosslnp.
. « «( ladlet dUeeded tbe ice <
Andrew Pray, one ol the w|lnes*-*s
'voni, is an employe of the I’ere Mar
■Pdal ftM by the youBf peoplea motion.
The mavor's veto of the ordinance
pivni*- Railroad company, being tick
IMMa^ « MMlpoft Toeeday efenlBg. allowing Ihe sal.wns to ti-nuiin oi«n
•I ag.-nt at M’ellslon.
AhhM Bocse of Boyne, waa la
til n o'clock WUS
|.n-»ei.ud and
Ill tip- eax- Of Reln-<'ia K. ITay' vs
IS rereIVtU snd and placed —
MeeMar weadBE. ea route u> hu
•eie Marqu.-lle K H. to. P.
Mr. BIckerd'k motion,
>erl atoim-.* leu tb<- pluloHlI. aski-<l
•t aaettfitle. Mi*.
rhe InvItatioB of Ihe Mnccal
eave In have ihe vase illsiuiilltiiied.
MMb Non Shay U apending ,
take iwrt lu the parade and atlend
*s he vviuhl not at present pnalme
dva at ia Bapida Tuition fslcuda.
■■ and reception
pro]M-r proof of tilb- of ptainillf The
red on'fllc.
MrL mja* te eBtcrtalnlai
lured kkull
Tveoit aiid (wn dough tnutkin was granied.
,f K. E- Uuckner. conWant Sale Set Aside,
wptewa ot Old Mtoahw
lightly hurt and Kd Hand
klon to enci the 1
heerin* w:i. h.-ld In Ibe Ciri-uil
.Ann Arbor, Mieh, Whs seriously
' Library .-issoeiailoo building
■I not falally I lurl. Hand had Just
IMa. 1L WimaBa Made a boDiDoaf
I street, the building to be- cn
I O Croteer. reirelver rompUliiant,
Id Ihe Tysons hl-> luaehlnc.
a« n Oatm lAke Wedaeaday.
lilered by Ocl. 25, was granted on i
It .^iiiih Side
ipan:. defeodani, Attorney .Vlchols
.Vichols ol
of Jonla
Mr. and MH. McBwaa are eUttlaa
*^An”ln»^tlon to attend a mteiins
ippi-ars for the pureha.ser.
ireha.ser. T. H
tbeir daaefater. Mra. Dewey of CSaai
the police, sheriffs and prosecuUng
:iHi. Siiiurtliwaite
_________ k A
Allwsy for the
attorneys at ManUtee July H and 15.
-e<re.v<-r. Taggart.
Tagghrt. Dennison k Wilson
WBMai Ouneraa h la Centra] Iwke war referred to Ihe poUec commlUeo
<f Craiid KspMs and Judge .
tor a tew dais.
.r.-dA $* livery bill of the city engineer
1’ C i:i:i*-rl solleilor*
Ckvtaa OUbort Made a bil
was not approved by <he board of pub
This Is an urguim-nt on ai
«.a>n;i- 111-10 and S Snidd-ll, both vrder lo show »au»<- why tb.- praye
trip to aUc BapMa Monday.
lie work*, tbe bill being from Ocrof the Kept Slate bank and otlier:
ArtWt OBMeroa and daaahter. Htu maine biolhcrs. Mr. kfamn,^ the eih
I Manlon are in Hu- city.
F. X. Vinlon. of Wllltaoikbura. vis pi'iliioiiers. shall not be graii«-d.
Loelaa C. were giitnU of BTlUam glneer, siati-d that this Mil bad been
On .the Mb day Of June an order wa
eoniraitcd when he Brat camo 1
Hod lh<- < iiy tin buslnea* yrsierday.
C&aeronY Snndey.
d was necessary that be uiBbl gel
'iiaile ivuiflrmlng the sab- <il J. C
B. ). JehMoa Made a btwlaeai. i
['rolscr. ri-c-IVer of the assets ol th
yiind to bis work On motion of yir.
South Side Lumber enmpanv by a
re in tho riiy.
to SuR Jordaa and while there <
iden. the bill was allowed, all vot.
of the court on May 21“. a
GMn TlUt Ua daashter,
IViiy-F- l‘ow.-rs, of Cadillac, 1»
which lime they wi re, siruik off 1
“' e petlUon of the Que-en fliy Elec
itirg In -In eiiy.
riiad B Preaton ol Ionia at publii
. - Light and Power Co. lo erect a
Mr*. J. (’
Jolipkon wenr to
teb- for »i'«.yu)n TIT The Kent Slat*
brick building at tt: Front ktnrel«a>nerk. main
bank .vnd olhi-ri*. p.-t'Hion<graatrd on Mr. Ooodricli'e nioltop.
plre this morning lo visit her
rt. elainflng
The i>etltk>n «t the Hell telephone
r*. F. Rohr, .
0, asking permission to erect
John 1'i.ie and wrf.. of MiJluuJ.
phone pole at the south end
I isp;
ion street bridge, was refem-d
^4444444444444404 slreel* aad walk* louiuiHlcc with |iow
i-v then for*- pray lha.
II. I, ^:ul1lvall. uf-l'edu'-, i* tUIIIng
a-slde fbe ordi-r . .infirm
Tmhs. Stlch.
dime t«.^L Aah-'
'.h<- -uile tn said Pr.-s'oo .*nd a*k
A communleation from William Uro
emdl MMMittri aakMe by baagtag.
'A. 11. Reeve* al'J family ol't'ulum
n r(-h<-arliig of the
ft sUlIng timl on July 5. IWK. he
Ms iMM a wtfa aad three •oom to
Jk. Ohio. *enl to I’lMTie lake
IS BppolDU-d a regulBi fireman t
gsoara bis loss,
September wa* laid off by the chief morning, wheru they will six-nd tin
M «Ml avEoren. All tbe ^rfca
It will pay you well to cxantlae this plow
caretuUy bclore baying any other.
Special Fcatnrcs.rS^^^lii
Main Stan-laHl,
.—The steamer
kt.-amer Llv
.Mp<-na. June 22.—The
Itigslon rellMh-d and sunk ;he steam
,.r W. IV
V The*
Thes Ihrtk
thro- afile. off Thun
r Island In n heavy fog tf
; The Uvlngslon didn’t s
The Thew s c
oats aod wc
steamer Mary
The Thew rank II. half an I Of at
■r tn-liig' slrurk li IS fathoms ■nd Is
The O'
probably a lot'sl I iSi.
ilugti Have} of Ik
Col. iricid Dc
Vnlon City. June 22.Mi-rrlfb'ld.
proniltienl In Michigan pnllllcs. ant
an attorney, died ot tils home, today
Traio struck Auta.
Toledo. June 22—Five were Injured
whrui a liorking Valh-y train -Iruik
iu;o at Brander.
Mr*, le-vy Ty
fM iMit«( the beat, aad poor carv.
•re eery--r---------Tbe pour childien
Deere’s Michigan Special
1 It lias i.,« bii-i-ie-
■ -lyJ
■ .1- ill . 1,1 f.s., I .,11*; -:,* uiH
..hlpi-ai.- U'i H.i wuik
moon It was di.vmv
hli-Is naim wu- Ui
l.|l.e v-'SI old -UUilll
panying h-r a--r. Kdna Fori.iu a
All.’ •Pi.-'t-. rhiid vn of nCighlkirs
Mr I*arm.
Ss spearing *>;; ■
vhu:.-, -Ne
llld-.u would f
ha*.- b.-. ii •
of 1
1-r had >*is'
ranght. whe
.bild is v*-i
-iarll--d 1*1 r
In Spain Over 1
Arrival of Little One.
Ms.lrld. Jum- 2t —i daughter a
horn TO th- qu'-enio! Spain this mn
Ing at l.agraudja paiaeMoth-r a
ebllrt are doing w-ll and thengreat rep.lrlng SL- 1. the third vii
born tv> .AIpboDso aud the queen, t
oibcn being boy*.
Good Bargains
.. in ..
Women’s Oxfords
Wc have just piircbasol several lots of Wom
en's fine O.ifords io Tan and Black and
Offer Ihem al Big Reductions fo
Move Them Qiiicki.v
LOT NO. 1. Ladies’ Patent Leather,
medium heavy sole, stylish
Colon,- es’ Russia Calf
' Tan
ai Tie. iatest
style: were 2.75..now..........
-LOT NO. S. Ladies’ VIci Kid. pat
ent tip. all scUd.,Rood
looking: were 2.00, now —
LOT NO. 4. Ladies’ Patent Leather,
light soles, sensible heel;
w^re 2,50. now............... .
TEe Bovtr etwu>d Houi lut«rk>cli- tbe l-alldlnK. eo'tbc walera
CC *
• too REWARD. SlOO
TWaaaSsessr thw Mpw w(U Ik plea
twOWMt. fb2s‘(kSrirh Can la s£a teMMUr. arnar •bncsly ai-a the kWaad
■aewaa aarfac^MtlbaarUeai.ikerahr deeieoy.
at Iba tananansa « ibe CtataK. aad
MMeta hy buiUiat ni> U>
■VOaBoa AKl 4-l.naa r*«“'» ta <tati
week, nr peuanemr. %««mark fi
•ta raeaut e powaaa tha> thee oter Oae
(« b m modem Mmcture, ltdUl tec|.
'‘^c*.^.5«tfkotlta"b^l U dnUb•Halted betTocn Duck ood <lrec«
--------'Htfi nak, and a docble verMUkM «o the ehorc ol arew Ukc. It b
1 wide eaieoda , alone (be
•omwadt^ bjr oJaioat ZOD acres ot *lf
Ii.it Orewn take and aeroas
Tbe modem kRcbcn and
in the rear but conpcclcd
n bu*ldlns
ker ot oiMlIer lakes mad trtiut atni
w open for eatsl
Is now
«Mllr reacbvd. makee It a
■ibllity by both II.
y accvssirMa plao-dor (he tsbemu
llruad and tbo Mw
stnio Herv Maroi
Tbc- baHdlnc U a Uree-atorr
UreelUK •Hh
anh bOM^BMOt JttaM.
JZkat* The build islee E North L.
h particularly dealralilc
tSf la ..................................
Utfbicd OiroucboulI by aeetyIcBt
uira Tenignt a
C». The apparaius lor ■euersllDS
. irsln aiopa In
in H«n^
Mono/ Wf
wf tM ViaOpera House
VAcathiii. (he
■UMbclDrin a bulldUiK
lUf buildloc
nar of tba hotel aapeci-..,
c I'cic Manj.K-Ue depot Is only
la tha «>g Day.
parpos<-. The vater b fMrfcd. helni
_ mile a»-v. A bus wilt convey duesU
pumped (rtiin a uell beloe three air*
'itiai Tuesday's Kc-c-ord
Ptt M.
ot hartjpM aad tore
forced. throupboiE
U Ot
fmiu the hotel fr...
The ^dianee puard of iIh Maces!«• by a hot air oniriiie.
thA bouAC
oDidiie' There
■ from 12 to IS per dts.
-•B und l.ady Matca'.u-es ur.ived In
tus for bcatlBs *al«r
Is also BB
a ai*ps
nt Is maklu; a apedab he city today, the llrot arrivals bring
i« coorvectlon
^ctlon «hl. the wale syaleOi
_. _______ ..jiiilay dinners.
n t.ic M A K. K. and Fen- Marqu.Htf.
so t^t hot wiur and cold . ..
Row lusts and sal! boota are Ob
ti.1 a lew inliiuu-s aflerward. a large
atMllr obtainable ua any floor. Them
tainable at the oflli-« U 'he l•o(cI. and
uiuiur uliRlited from Jhe train liom
l« also a dilnUiix (ountaln and fir*
the R.ie.Ilw lannchue under the hotel l'< at-Vj. on It..- Grand lUpWs « Inhose Of. eacb Ho?r. The bath roomo
ruuiageirent rjn eieurslons oi
diaim Koili coacbes of this dale
and closMe are modem In every P^
tjCbUr. The arweraie ■ysieuj
eysien. ••
Is pe^
B'U-d. Tl..- d.-leRalloiis on all ol
ideal plat e to spent Supday or a
a<-i.- ufel by Ihe Queen City
led. the a. wfl*e bi-lOR cartd for
It ion.
liiiiid and uieiulicrs ol ibe reccpliou
modem disposal plant In tbo rear <jf
. ..:.imlUee. hiudcd h) I'rvsldeni J. A.
Ixiianger. Mayer Germaine nnd eiyiaynr Filodrleh were on hand with
Hii-lr ButouibbHbs to take the dcleRates to (heir RHeU.
getable Ice Chest
Have You S^cen ihe New Vegetable
iireau e»t«eels to c.
Merer la the hjalory of Orand Tt«terae rcjlon hare our i*oplc bt*n I'rt" n-nd at least »IO.n«0 tor udverlUluit I
this eainsfion This apace 1s very va
aenied with such a «olden ^rtuu>ty
able ind the bureau was very furtan.
lu In sccurluf It. as It wui eagerlv
iken hy rallreud eoropnnl«-s, land com
|.anl.-s. etc., frem all parts ol the Unilul mates. All took nil (hey rould gel.
rml all sold in a few hour*. It was
mto. • land *“d imailou Mposli,on, tbrouRb the InBuenee j>f the Perc
quelle railroad eoioiuiny
ir-au succeeded In Rellluf
nllolu-d to them. Su|irome -
!!jflCSrSIlj'bc*c.Wbll. iKre i>t the
w^erfnJ trulU of rarlons aectlonr.
.as danmaatrUloBk of the
ci.f trtrtw soil from all
gnt eeaatry.
It would be a.slmmo If (
Free eoonly ai tbu oonoi
w-ooU oot roapoud
it tbU prirnd'- opponmity to deiounMmte to the outside world the wosderful superlorliy aad merlta ot all
trelii sTown Id Orund Tmrerao coun
tv ooTof the bast onrden apola of
the world. Wc osnnoi ovormUmale
tbe value (hat n food ckoiblt V (>■■
MM muDiy. It would pot Otahd Truvana county in the very front ra|iks
tmmedlaiely, we would evi more real
advanteinc from It (ban M yoara of
eswaty -am. becanao we roach IM
aame time and place tbal tbe bl, o^• V-Jlr klic* » Itvid.
will probably be
iSsUcd dally by tOO.OM vIsHora iron
Hy. Sball w© tnim uach a foiden/opjmriunliy? Oraud Trurerac county ran
aceure few cxblhlu about one bundred
aquurw feel ol apace at thia oapnaldoo from the West Miebtfaa DevelopSm bureau for ahoui ROO.the bureau
hut •eeuied 1.M0 square (cel. and
will allot IP Ibo ch-ren tounliea with
iB the bureau bi
ol It. tbe halBBf
oIMtad to prirow paiviei '
ieswUblD these counties I
weak____ __
at list liand the
poaalbllitles of land ownership In tb|S
■■wonderland of America.’’ and It U to
el the nation lUal Ibis cusyfpion baa
been projecled.
Grand Traverre county will
ll.lla so as to Includo
all vartetlosI Of
. (rolt. UtrRC glass ditsocuied, b« as to
play )arw ohould
elualcni allarhiul
,------ ot bmnebt-s
(act In si'ch imrts so as to make the
rst potalblc clfi-.l. ’Thoro should bo
book on tb<. cover of the Jar, ao as
. susi«-i.d branches will, cluster to
,me. aud name of Rtower und addr«M Ubclod on Jar. There arc anch
Jan made ekpcvtsly lor that purpose
and wc should have some rlglil away,
«bd f hope tbe llusln<-sa MensboMoCX
otlon. tbe various granRi's. HAcIcty of
Eqully, ot loir aesoelalion wdll en
deavor to secuu- su(h Jai-s right away,
tmd do tlii lf 1. IM lowsul this great
project in lurtbenug tat besMnU-rvst
of Grand TrarerM coiiuly. Ftor any
further inforumtlou address,
Geo. M Dame, ebatmuu. Kortbport,
Hen.; K.A.imcbtll, Manistee. MIchi
B. K. George. tVtroll. Ulcb.; E- D. U
Bvans. Freoinont, Mlcb., who hare
•esl Mlehlga:
leeu appointed by the Wesi
IJovcIupmtnl bureau, It take ebarg
ot tbia matter.
KespetIfuHy yout
roing for (
wtaeze be will aid1 In tbe 1
Col. Seotfa homo U In OelroH. biz
work (uverlDg boih MIclilRun ac4 In
From Tbutaday’a Iterord.
Mloa Carrie Johnson who baa boen dlana.
at Big Rapids on ppolcuaional d
Hr. and Mrs. Gi urgc DIU left for
a visit In Uunblng, Iml. Today.'
boa retureed borne.
J W. Blaler wt-sl4o Elk Rapids iLls
Harry Jivead hak returned (o Soulh
anerwea la koh after bbi ntore theiv
Mra. IVnu r.-lurned to her borne Iu
Plena Roebaefc left ibla moraine
Marloa, lud., this morning.
Itor a visit at Hairiiea' CrouFlng.
Dewitt Boderty and wife toft lor
Mr. rzid Mrs. J. Harvey left
.Sot less'
baud prlaes.
k.i". I*. U —Uuslnt-sv aa-ellng ol the
AssorbUpa at City opera ball. Kleeseiecllng
iig plaiciaiid sueb other busln-s.s as |
-ball come belure (be meting.
Band concerts by vlalt-
’arroV liak- an.! laluily .
.Mrs\\iua imliey -.1 If
n. I. I. imiiy
I'. v
Dress Your Children Neat and Cool
Beet Greeaa. per perk.;
piaik i
FerdLfar lb.................. i
CodSah. par lb................^
MacketeL per lb..........
WfanoCsb. per lb.............
«ke trout, par lb...........
............. ISCSSe
............. ..Utoe
tSESSak: aSS.‘SSi"«2!S'.'StieKS!:
MM RnUa to par dn
sulk ................... sei
Wc ore lu a nuslllon
to pay kigkest mnrkcl
price Isr any qaantlty.
Gel onr prices before
Sunday, July 4
Train will
i r> a. ni.
Foote ACoddington
leave Travi-r«t ICily
iti-tumiog. Icavu Saxi
naw at (> p. UL
Twine lor tying wool
tree to onr enstomern.
to Muiki-Koii ODtl (>d. Rnpida.SZ
CIL Pbone 1141
To Soifinaw..................................................S2
Meat Froitoeta.
CoWA per Ih ...................................
Steers, and hellers, per lb. ...
chlA'iis. live melgbl.............
Sbrep, live .....................................
Butter, dairy .................................
Egg*, per doz...^................
A little talk about Farm Imple
ment buying for farmers
a Wbolesak- way for
-Wu hav, been haiidllLg Far.n Impl-:iii
over tbri-e )cars
and whin we nnd i e auniU.T gf band* as tmH r J.4I-. ibu farmer and tha
ph-ment hss goMo g» ihr..iigh h'-fur-
iiuuil-.T of i-rollL- that li, bar !-• !>a.v b'-.a
-if Hie fad. that the retail
.1-jU r buying implement- on iiiuj ha- to iia> ib'- manalactarer (rota
8 iu lu pt^r rent mure lur U- e»od*s proiidi IIWe heiKve. that th.-r,
n large elan.
Ibrta ua tlB-^
nu n. that would only
be too glad 10. buy ih.-!r liiipb.-munls uii • »s-.'!l> ihe -auu; l»rma aa
lliey sell their pululues, tor spot ca b. that u the Clksi of 'radf w*
wl.-h t» -cure
Wc have ihe linv-st Ilu' uf (arm iiuidemenU there la
in any «ne i-stuhlUhioei.t m N'urlh-ru Mb tiigant aad by tx-Uiaf them ■
Figv. iJM_llrrr-..................
Does not Color the Hair
New Williijlm I
TraverDL- City.
k:(-l>cr'>riu‘t:MP. M.—n(.vptl..n
John Kucera
Pebe Marquette I
WmiuiU' ot this city.'
Mrs, Ueurge Hay and cblld b-fl Ibis '*f t'ii"'"
rrnmns Hmir
Grsnd Traverse
LeeUnas Coullcs
on reaonable terms
Morlgigee. F
to July IS
Bran. P.T 100 Ibz................................
-ksbrat bran .......... ......................
(. per barrel ...
I. H. * I- ................................
I, T C. Milling <’a................
UT, T. i- MiUioc do..........
Wli-.i.t. 11. k 1., r-r Wi-h-1..
Rye. T. C Mliilog Cu.................
Rve. H tI....................................
Oats. T, C Milling Co................
IS, per hushc! H. ft I- - • •
■ultig prkv - were Stflic hi
Improve Farms
i-Isven and (T-loo llll.C'
i\es paid on -aid pn-mls.-tberem, wltb totor.-sl on
mount from this date nt
nt. per annum, and Includ
Ing the cults and MlK-a-es alios ed l-y
Haled April 15. A H ISOS
Kxeeotors of 'be last Will and T.'sla
iri-til of IL-Iia S. Tuck.T. di-(v»s.-d
the dtius gods dei'artFtowr. Pa«a.~Mia^HaMOtn
irnl uf the J. w. Mllllken do g-wids Spring Wh-..l Flour ................. ....
lore for some lime la-tore loealinu Lrly Wh;U Flour...,.................
1 Mt FiefcaUl. Mr HIshop Is a imr- Ideal flour, per harrol....................
haul <il Mt- I'h-asant and tins I- Lis H. A 1. best fine feed per 100 .
H. and lataezt flour, per barrel
.Mrs Adeline Cnrll-a Jell ihls momg (or several months' visit through
March Ui-3 ssos
ig iK-t-n In
llundredweW ettro meal ..
id prize ot $J3, wilt rvlualu In Ih-j 3hell.-d corn, per bushel ...
Hay and sraln lor sale.
Potatoes wanted. Jay B.
Davis. Bendon. Mick.
for .me hundred s.-v.-nty-Bve
S8HN' (flT.'Skl dollars, (lu- anioup:
tz-ulhi-rn Ohio,
L. Foster hfi this nioruiu;
c's visn at C<-dar Uun.
;;.'-oi> h.-.ik- „i..l loe law n;l-w. the great
IV-fsull haling Ini-n made In thuidllioiis ol a nioruag''. made am:
eze.uu-d hr H.vrldi and Sadie llroarti
to lielU 'S. T-Jikcf (no* di-eeasMI a>
a lien up.-n the southwest quarter oi
the southvM'St quarter of seclou.
tllle.-u ii;.>.4o»ushlp twenty ziz ilTi
north. rauip* i-'u tH>)
we-\ dai-i:
January k. l‘M*:;,.reiurd<-d In offl.v
II.-Bister-til Ih-eds ul Grand Trav.-rs.uiintv. Michigail January 13. IML Ir
l.tlier t:. ot mortgage-, .in page (o:
The -aid mortgage will hi- toretiose-'
li. a sale of the nUue dezcrit.,:
pr< iiii.'es. at front donr of th.- C»ui:
House, iu the elty of Traverae Cil.'
,ak'i:<g b.iiiUa with Ills friends here
Straw, par tor...................................
n he IS well’known in lUls yilj, hvv-
ty a few days (hi-'gu-.'sl ol relntfves.
The Big Store
lli-r(«-rt Bafls'.-ni} wnd C. Bishon of
1 i'l.-vsaiil. were in ihc eliy a,l-w
Mrs. llolieri Whe of Enipliv. 'lue of
This Store Closes Friday Aftern6oB§i^.
for the Haif Hoiiday.
liomof pork, per pound ...
c ol Ml. Huller, crr>auiery (ht Ib..
Hutler, dairy, per lb.............
Lard, per lb......................... Clm-Wlrolx. who Veal aivwt .................................
Mrs-Will Har.l>
. tile cravOBlioll Veal cbopi. par ft.................
as In aUciidalue
•hlekens. per Ib ..................
ii> a few dayr, Olemargerlne, per .a
,« gtii-sl of her slslcr.
Kgga. ^r aoz............................
(he d--1ega(es h> tbe Manabev loniefl
(Ion and one of the Ud;m lu Ih.- d-
M.iui: i..r
See Our Window of 50c Books
ten cv»Die'ln lUid pick -your eliuiiv f:»iii im-r
William 11- Mi!l-r.inil
CUmes (•
M-e it at oaca
. and wbile yo«u and coion-d irlimulngs
riMsaUl Bie visllii
•l.lhvoi wnm-otlhoosi-new Wash Sun.-, ilMl se
lung ili.-lr sl-!er, Mir. if.
ays (Ilia wwk.
e r.nd Davy and
while clu cks. This really is an sm- value, hut
and you will oB'O a good waist »r dn-Ks.
d'riolD. par lb ................
reaata. per lb.......... ............... tgik
.$ and i:Hc
Hamterger. per Ib .. ..
IHirk rc«sl, pt-r pound
Tl rk chops. jH-r pound .
aeaaback pork, per bM
Pork aausagav per Ib
I •ncBle bami..........................
Baaos. per Ib................... f.
tiy and Umb steak, par Ib...........
,r.- U. L*go(Uml).parlb ...;.
FrvlU and Nuta.
Hives ou urrkul ^jrawiM-rricN.-^r quart.........
Bodwig of 81, Paul, Uiunang let a vUit In-Cadillac.
.-Ball game at Driving' M^uis. per ql.V.........................
Hicitory nuts, per qi...............
il Mrs. O. Evans rviurned
park bai: :
SHBB.. Is 'ilsKliig her ouBl. Mtw.
Naval Orangca.
MaoccluDa today.
D. Hobbs of Spruce street.
Uronkes. per dex.........................
tin. n. Kwanson returned to ManlUaa ttculub Oouglaiai
M.-Addres> ot wi herrica. per lb............... ..............
10 Ibis nmrulug. tiller rUlting Ui the John
Woratag tar a vuil it Kolamaaoo.
Melons .............................................
Great Commander U><urg,- S.
Mr*. Bolue lefl lor UadilUc and
Watermelons, each ..................
ojiera bouse or I n
Mrs- Ed IV-aae retrined (o Xewber. cither
OregoD apples, each................
Parhr, U. P- ull>r visiting Mrs. Jai
California pearbes........................
John Strand retamed to Fife Uke
I;30 r. M -Contreted hall gai
Calilorela apncoui. per doz
eye Aoraing.
-. p.-r doz............... ,...
Q Howard of I'lisrievoix is a busi winning .(ram.
«0l. Bcotl «'f the Salvation army,
vfaia a
......... 1*. -\1.—EKempUfU-alion of -roeness visitor Ul (be elty.
who baa been conducting apecU:
j> Traverse bay
Bay Hive
tollow.-d by KBaTd drill by
Hive No ;i and Trav- l-olatoe* ..
Turulp*. pet
y Hive No. 533,
3;|>U I* M.-8ire.il
n-.il Gam.-.
rumm... ______
dash, tir-l pilro $3.00: se.imd
$3<Mi. -wv yard doah. first prin- $3.0U.
loGwoae radishes, per buouh 3 tor 1
se tund priic, $3,00 Wh.-vlbartui
tbuborb. p-.r buBeb ..............................
llrsl prize $3oi>: seeund priz<te $3(«o
lorida cabbage, per lb..................... tV
Three-legged roie. first p.-tz.•reen oak»t. per buacb.......... I ter 1
si-1-.-ond pi Ire $3.t*i'
Sack ra< , ,
Wai beans, per lb.......................................1
ir $3.l>v: sound prize $Mu>.
:f» P. M.—Tug of war. seven jnon
on a side. $:-.iHi. Tug 0! war. seieti
Itdler onaslilr. $S.0(>.
Kbak made a abode dazfcer.
N.e less than than ihree roniest
It* (or anv of above prizes.
COO r. M.-Iland tonwrt at cornei
of Caaa and Frout atrevU or aetiool
AA Mm wbM be tbMka M R.
park. Firm prize $50.00. w.'cond ’prtz.
-_________ 3 c Av» e
$fU.«0, third prltc $30.00, tourth prize
IP (be ctey.
Mrw. Joba
'hiat Laimdrlco Silk
Is what tbe ladi.-s like It will laundry s
tiTflwn Mid whin-, blue anil while and luveiule
ronteat at opera ball, tirat prlae
IIUOP; sc-cond prU* ISi.OO.
8M* P. M—Band ttinrect by prlae
winning bands.
*;3ti P. M—Maccabee degree team
eonlest.-uld rlluaJIalic work, at opera
ball; first priu- tlQOO. second prize
weeh^ vUU at Honor.
KtngsK.y liulay.
K. S. Horst left lor Mnnlsteo tbia
tVlIna \innm left for a visit
hig iwruf- will U- bi-1d
Fort Wayne lliU wornlug.
G. B. tMer ot thU cHy l«R
Illy Cmt-d I-tcss.)
oa-lock lonianow »ud will n-st on UnMrs, .1 U. llaylH-w tvlunied to
ou siroti. (be tine of march havRig
iLlrolt. Jure I't —CLise—Wheat—
Wylie ibU morning to aUend the wodborne, lu Mu.iisUiwu ult.-r
vialling -ecu initillshed m (he U'-eord yesierBlng o( tala Blece wbkb Bccan.toaiorII13. cm,
: oats, :yk,e..
Iluy. The pacaiU- «i:i ) •' 1- d hy n hand
cago, JUB.- I'L-^loseWheal —
- row.
nssig-ji-d i<> ih.u
d-:l> loHo»ed I
Mrr F. Kraae leiurneo to tUe :
B. E. t^madler and daufhter of Dc$|,13(s; .urn, if’dtgc; oils. H'A,c.
gr(-at ofllcvis 111 •arnugi-s and cay v
il» nPHh.i.g- .
Brers In caii-iag- s. Tenu from the 1
Toledo, Juuo. 3(.—Clow-\Vi-.-at—
lond are Tlaltlag In iho city,
>lrs. M- lim.-ry went to Chcboyi
n. It I. and fSrc .Mvirqueite trail
j. Q. BofEe ol BL Joba'a la In the
i IT. coin, T4c; oau. Utlte.
win form cm Stale street w.si of V
its uurhli'g ou busfni-ss.
- CUy OB bualneas.
wlUk- ilii/Travrrae Cll> tenis w
Miw. t:. M. Andnla left for Grand
(Jiy Vnlt.-d Pfe» >
W. Burns and B. K. Wadeck. both
u on Slate rant uf Tnion. Ti'nts ar
liufialo. Juue
i.ung on the M. A N. K will fuiin on
M Lodtefton. afv vHMIng Wends
l.ady; f».3jDMa.
Mrs. IL A.*AW»>“ left, lor tira^ Cnluu sireel uoxtb of Fiunl. Fkiazu
Sh..;., JIHI. sl..s; 1.
Rapids I Ilk luuniing. after visiting ber
PMer J. Caderel of Tbo:
reel Mid drop In line afU-t the icnta
slow; yo.k. I •
>n. J. U. rii-rn4 m (liu cHy.
ja IB (be city yeatzwday
I whieh (hey uie uunllary.
Hr. and Mrs. W. A. Grulisw ret
F’rwd. CbrfctcnsOD add P. Uoylt of
Tito rest of (hr progiam ter (ojnurlu IVufioJd, IVun.. alter vlslliiig E. S.
Grand Rapida are busln.-wi vlatWBw.
G. W. Uomi-U of iviilral Uhc
hut you will Botier tbit In tbe
n> always tivab and |P>od.
Ftabirw cold-aad cr<ip. Eiviytbiug Ju Ihe gvrdun Creek ii
*110011 Prize for greatest pueiber of
members froa. any one Tent marehlng
• llm- ul parade.
$10 im lor greatest uuipbar of mem
bers (rum any one like marking la
line of parade
lie.w prize lor b.-st uolfomn-d de
grev team marching in line ol parade.
Iiu.ow pi lb- lor lu st mlHtBry drilled
degree t<-ani takliiR Uklng part and
maretiing In line ol parade.
flO.Od prlzewlll be aaurded fortbe
Amnas.ihu distinguished ofdcials arJiesaed III uulforiii. ladU-s degre-e
rliinK thU noun were Ureal Licuu-ntaking 1iurt In the parade
nnt ConimonikT Cbaa. H. Thomas o
d ladies00 prize for be.i drilU-d
Hastings. Ureal .Rccuru KtS'per A. M
Sle, of l*or1 Huron. Creui M.-dicai degree U^aiii In line of luirsde.
jiri/.e to' Hie Tent or Hive,
Fvuniliic.- I^Ibert Slinvau of Fort Hu
roai. Great Editor 8.1) tVlllisus of U‘ members of tills assmiatluii. admlliron. Givat I>-pu(y CoiuiuKliv Pero' tlHR the Rc-alesI liumher id KndowQM-nt members from May 1st to Juno
F. 1‘uaers of CadllUe. Great IK-liui
l;io'*. us shown by Ut, » K.
loidy C-ui
LVimniaodcr Jennie B. Waison.i
$:..ori prize 0 the Ti nt n Hive s
. Ualley, iK'piily Great
e greatest
niinil" r
iring the
C- H. Pel ry of UadillBc.
K-iJt apiiUcatb
June :
r or Guun
$10.00 prl»- given for the best public
Gaia Array.
-Idress ou b-ueflls aud lui-riu of Ihe
Iiusiriss liuuses M
Order, hi
slri-eti. Is-gan tills ufii-rnu
It Camp or Great I
lion, nm
a cnin duy apiM-uranie. k Rival nflleer.
. Is-iiic- loih.T slow In seMlnR
surted III tills JIn-cHon. Tbe fliat dec
1 In a|i|s-ur was iliHt upon ihi
WIiltiiiR, Undlord Olime.r bav
ing U-Ri
«i dalurduv and hariuy
i-.y .-lalMioie display, »> Fl.HU Thursday'* Iti-tzird
loiuorrow n-oming
t-> her
. Fiaitkflcid tvliiiii
streets mill prraeut n brilliuui ap
III Me.vIMU lu«nv, ix-srnne.-.
The City o[M-ia bsus.' -n
1-lneJial m<-.tlogs will lx ‘mid.
this iiKinvlng.
beaiiiKully d-eoniu-d Hi (be nail'......
Kniil'fV-lander' :i
colors urn! tin eokiis of IV
U4F K. 0. T.
, ,.
. M. ThlII 1h- Ihe biadquariirw have n iiirm il lioiii n «•.
of the z.aoclallo
Ion while the beadquaiti-is of the Ineal eumniKloei
».( i:.e Hei.ilJ an.I !l.-it>rd ota«wi-Allu-r till- tiioiBiiig gave iiroio:
N Ing dh.Rnv-il'Ie hui >-lore
llie clouds were driven away a
buautlful day was ibi- result
Tiie elnhuialc.baraeler of the prepuruilous lor the annual mi-eilng ot (he
Nonhern Mt.hicuu K. O. T. M. M. and
M. M. assnelatlou la Trav, have i-viaenily In-.-n herald111 slirouil to a gnmt i sli-nt. buca'ise
tidings navi- come fniiii
s'lien- a leiil oi hiu;;:d^
he teirllory eiulhuo
iKed i» the assocla.
Hon. (hat iIkiv will
In- s
a Ul
Urge attend,
II Isce. This, eoinhinod. With ifie porUxl
iBB|x>rtall»ii .........................
Ihe Pe.-V Manimil.. Ut.uu) Kuplds
Indiana and Maui-tm- a N’nrlbea.d
D, assinvs (be laif>-si erowd ibs(
Truverve Clly Un>- ever »ltncs»»-d.
Today waa git
great (uuip and
greater pan
me. hut B reg
; of Trav.rse
e lta> hive No. 7i
-nlng and
elbslng od woik hy 1
Hay hue
- Tl wiaa .Riv< n. 1
n. also
als- Uie ezempliflcnpieseowtlou of eolurs of Traverse
CHy hive No. y.il followed to a school
Of iusiruiisin hv past Ureal Coiumamler n-ule l A iUilo>.
n the eviiiiiig n formal'■'■-■i-pLloa
Ux* gretil camp h:iiI great hive offl-s hy nu ii.hers ot tbe l0.-;il trnie
d hives will Uke plutv lu ilu Ci<>
era house, wlif.-v a grtind UU will
Wc keep Ibis eel door. il’. the Utiie ol the east ol Ih.
center of ihe rase U a gikaeized pun that will bold :(H' ^ui
d> of KV. nn-i till/ kevqai all tbe veg-
I6r cash, we can ttae advanizge ol all Mie ca-h discounU and Waka
ypn prlcrs that will as'-inith you'
All we a..k U fpr yon to come (0
our warehouse and lookfov.-r our goodz.
Among elher thing- se wish to call ygnr
Wagons, wbkh are pi rfecll.v zatiafsdory In every reapmS. Tbey have
wood wheels, wood loogu.. and wood bozes, olherwlsc (bey are mafte
In the t
fu:li, dec
t iillreiy of -t.-el abd we w .il guarantee them to carry a load of IbJKW
:bs. wIlLoui injury Ui any part of tbrto
Among o-.^r thing* wc have arc Sprtog TooUi. Peg aad Disc Har
row, culuvat^w. MoBus, Reasem. Dlodcri and Hay Bakea. We ajao
said d .'"asv'd u>
and atUui
e ,.l -jol dete.
ir.-M li! ’.bMr e
It '.h.^pro'lati
, day of .t><U.h-.-r.
-aid (lainis w ill
■Old mart nn Wednesday.
Or-fdher. A l> It'"i'. S'
Gj<- f-JT-'li
1". .A. H
hsv. the bvA'.^Maaurc Spreaders, ibai arc on the market today.
When tn Traverse- City, cali at uor
place of bosiacaa. Bay aid
I'Diun 8t-. and if in n.vd uf anyihlcg before, correspond wUk Ol. Wa
also carry a Urs- Use of repairs Icr the machines' We buidie.
Very truly.
John C. Morgan Co.
tZl lZi end IM Bay $L
Traverse city. Ulcfe.^
Grand Traverse Region
tmry «Mk wrrtipoiNwM li r*
IM tt> UM.AH ct
_____ rMch th« H»r»M «me» not
---------Earted tbr funeroJ
-------Noted el Mewro. Bd BchaeWer. Kroni
fltodalr. Mn. Mlaah- HuHlmasu-l u>ii
JEte Ira VoH««u
Tb>‘ poll brart-rt
arere Moa.ro WHIlc X.1«d. WJHi,
c of lei
Mr Bockmllh aod chlldrtu
la thr Lay
mr MO WMBOOi CO laoir irn.oa. ouo
•NKhbon duhu bar lllDooa. Tfary
IttoetboaraiiMib)' oft he aorroundiitfi
Tboro were {4 rehlele.
that feltowed the reaiaUi. to tbe eemBmt
laaaral wa. bald SuDdajr
Nn. Danlal Wrlcbt woat to.Codar
toe BatoiEar aod her '
- -
>>S«'l^*l» earn# u.t
Itaradar for as 'ouUdk and to vtilt
«(tb hla brother.
The Ladlea' Bu.y Doe. wUI oeet
wAh Mr*. Ftora Lake oh July l.tMs
thr •ftaroooD
Tbore Yeic IS preoool at Mr*. Lanra
BMM' iaat Thunday. 8be .reed Ice
EataF Iaat Thured.y. She Mrre.
City vlklied friend. In this dielnity on
John ScheBlualdCT retutned .
Kred Atklnioa, Jr, I. spendtac a few eveulng from Traveme ('ity.
day. at borne.
le BpwoKh League took In 13
OeOTCe Barber of Olen Lake vlelted
abi’tai at Ike Foini on Fr
(ahra b.t one. and do doubt that wlU
amonc frlcDda tn thl. vietutty Uat evening.
be uhea aoon
Mr. and Mr*. Oscar Dame e
Mr. azMi Mr*.
A’very plearant aurprl.e wna ctven over from Fta l.kand laet Thurr
Jaekwinllle. Ill
Mr*. II. Wlkkochll lau Saturday when
reluming ihi. morning.
ir rammer on hi. larm.
Mr. and Mr*. Cloud Falnuan
Mr pnO Mr.-.' William Gm-cn and
which daughter o. K..X icuu.; me Mundlng
bniyntcou. rt’fretbmcni. were -a-rved thl W.s-lt ill t(j*B.
a -cli.-:
ralruUUon. lo care
li.y exerci.e. a.-te held
ilr and Mr. Prunel returned to
I’teked.. He bi. buHl a1 1lar«e b«i
the SE B. eburcc lut vvr> .
fhlcaco alter .pendlnc
to buprd aad todse them.
Mr. and Mr. 8 J Dame murned
at ftai- Traverse lake
e rea^ri..
Mr*. Hobett Laihej U. okperlrd
io L'v^niDii on Saturd;.y alter having
June Zt.
|>le ol voek. wllb
Jay l« »|a-lid a <vu|>le
--jK'ni'dh.' |i*.t two week,
Mr. John Null.
her pan nu. Mr andil M
mother. Mr- K V DaluOVIATT.
Mre. Jnt.li Drew u rerovt rln*
r Bmpir
her M'kerr inner., altbuush a will bi'
I spend til.' >umm<
I’.me. '
. at tbi
3 lone Unie tk lure she will
The many friend* of Dr William
'^Mlr. Klltabrib Holme, will retnrti
iwdio. a<.oa.p.iDl<-d a.
Sbilllday will ba- Inicreried .to learn
fliy ».,v h.s f.iher,
to t'hlcaao Ibl. week to
'bat tbe doctor 1. Improvlnc \i-rv
.urk a. a buiwi ..
I’ilj fonle.im. who »f«-ut lb. day Ihvf ”
'• ' '
n.rraUkL _________ _
Tbi' .luiuni luinqie’i wa- siv.u lui
O-rtV BeOkon went lo Traver.e fii> Wedu.’Kduy
.1 ibe fongn-gmiunal
on bMoe*. I
uidylnn lor a DurM> In Chlcaso
luirlor* b> the l.adl.-' .4ul
Tbe rir*t ball tame ol the M>a»
Tbe parlor, and ditilnp mom *•■!’•
,a. plavi-d yektrrday. Traverw Cli>
pr.-tlil) decorated lor tb. oti-aMon and
a lim program wa. rendeied through
nd Old .MitiMUi bo>
n bad the ml.The rt. amcr Kai»
.e lately, by It
me nf Inains a h
id It wa. well patron lallng into Iba- el.ii
Mr. and Mr.
William N Sweet ai
.. enjoyed ..
Mr. and Mra. Jamo. Roberta and dauebter Myrtle .itrnded ehurcb ai
>1r«- Trumble arrlrfMi from rhleaico
Edward Raoram and Roy Thoms.
Mr Jpna. Ncsten had a new tel
and will .pend Itae Mimmer i
• turned boinc from Ovlstl on Friday
hone put lo Ia*l week.
■venlng lor tbe Minini-.r.
beautiful uume at tbe MUaloe.
The annual eli cUoD of officent
Mcent for
William McMacken U very HI'
, Dr Walker of
he Younc
Pa-Opla-’. nieetlBC will take
lac her parecti
place next Sunday i venmc.
viumed t
Walker, a U.ll.
home to MoutroM- Isat Ti
Tbe 8 8 cenvenuoa. held at Archie, Don't forget your pencil.
HI.. MIMraul riaw.nn, who ha. been tng to rprud (bi- summer laiatlon.
was not very well attended on
attending .cbool In Traverse fity. 1.
Ml., name liamard left Wedneaday
count of kuch a bu.y time with er .
to attend the coraiaenn-iuent exerriivs
A good lime wa* had
at CuldwaU-r where .be will rewaln
next convention will be at tbe MlMtoo at thl. place
Mr. and Mrs A 1, Burr went
during the summer. '
In Repiembrr.
Lake Ann on bu.lneu Iaat week.
l*n>t G f Fuller left ibl. morning
June :i.
to .|a-ud the Siimnwr at Ibe Stale
unlver.lty at Aain Arbor
He will
Big Rapids and
0 Mr... and Mr». Joseph I'opp.
e Dorothy K. will nin an exeurMr.. B. WLkoehirt moved Inlo her on Tonday last, a girl
Mr and Mr. Downing of, Ml.slon
OR Wedieeday to Traverwe City
BOW re.->ort hotel oB-Trmveieo lake
are \l.lling tbelr aun. John, and tam
lend the U O T M eoiiK-uUon.
take ebarce lor the aea»cm
ge crowd I. going from here
North* I'na;
dance will be given in tbe town
Glen Arbor ball
on July '-Ul
tn the tuna’ of l.'i to : In a cane day lli Traver.e f«y.
In Trar
Mr* O nirlsard
nirtsard U
I. vl.ltlng
r A. Ilaille and family and
Herkin. nr Chi('a|p7>ai
TuoiulBy to oa'iiipy hi-r kvitU*
MournvUIe. fanada Tiie»djy, He hac
Traverar lake
lu->-u here t alliKR till old In> nd.. Tbe
Mr and Mr
following went with bim to I'amdii,
Hurdla-kvHlle vl
a-d witl
ochll on ..ulidiy.
1-ui ha. i.-H'-d
The Oood Harbor
l»r bal
rVMae. Moda Ulrhanl. Henry I'lamon
; 1,1 Prof l.iiidly
I Uiiilly
r In
don and G. Uagnoo
BuDday by a scure of 14 to 3.
June :z
Mi and Sir.. Joe Bwabod. til Maple
^.''iTr. I
after naklns hi-r iwrettu. %
______ m> lUrroUah.
lUrroiutl a rt.ll
. Mr. end Mr. r________>d
rimriiw Been of Tn
4 sil«0on yi
«ne nir dm«e
trrday in dberr
■ Lu ' Hr. Marshall I. able Iti b« around
P ^l^dMa aliboucb hr 1. far from e'elL
Jamei liardK' ha. a rood well, pul
Eetra by Mr. Usbt of Traverse rj
• Every eMtase at the Hlaalo
The Rev
pulpit here today in Mr. Hukis'a
place II,. gave a line disttwirse'
Little Mi.. Etelln Joherao of Greg
ory Region wa. the gue»; ol little
Pearl Tlr.ig a lew day. last
Mr Burgeia and family bavi- gone'
to South Manllou lor the .umaier. In
the canin' III U-iuard l->i,kMm.
New. imnt Wisioniin .ta>» thenwan a b'.iy fio-t lo..A»hUnd »e the
mgbi ul ibe tllb. cBUslDg damage tu
the trull tlvI-».
IMr. lie btehcr. Mr. Rekdy .od Irer
Jobn-oii uei't III South Maiiiou’in ibc
Tenl. Tm .rfla}
They went Hum Iherc
•o Xo’tli Mamtou Wednesday, .taned
bonii bii' had lo put libio South -Mss
iiini, .1
F>idai n
.re vi.lting lb I'Vwnkfort and Beu
lab thl. week
A delegation ol Odd FHIow. attend
I tbe luncral of Hon. Hudran It
Man,vlooa Saturday.
J L fcnriii of Barker free* waa It
town Ob bir.lnc.. Friday.
-Mr. Hind, luic of White
'.rant on Monday. June thi- rm. the
arte- j»rved .upper.
Mr., i*
E- Batcoek of Jackson called OD hla
ITani-i. Guy on Sunday.
,r fbicago w-a. cdllthE.
f TburNay
f Ho«. were Trdverae
O Holbr..
in Alden Ir
r .'..ter. Mrs. H<-aB at frj-kta
Mr. learn of File luike b tl.itin
Hit »l»l.f. Mr». II Foster.
John .M»>> t> l•ulldtBga leiiuida ul
ihe Mavr., hievl.
Juih :>
. .'“-rr.rjis;;.-”-"*
Vjrl Hail. h;i» t-en wurkleg fo,M.vi.19 Baldwin :bc past w.i-k
« irn 4r.-'fi
-Ml., fiiruiog I. working ol Dr Pui
if liR-e.bc.iIng gvf.cn
die .
Kdu-n- Fl.h.T and: Her Jubukon
fhitdr-n'<’ Ikiv .a, obii-ned. Jum
imk Mr Ehic and hta m>i, I'ba:!.-.- to
vmn Bi lb. M E, ebutvb
the T
John Heal- ba, been Wurking a< Ui
.Mr and Mr. Vir
afinded III,’
i proud i>Br,'i
V pnlly widdilig althc hcun,
Irom Trail
and Mr' Ather. AUiln,«n v!
NelMn Dunham i. on ihr ij-ck lUl
Ed Coonliie ha. r,'turned
of Ifhtrsgo
tiled in
fu. R.
*ge i>.'
ig -cerv.
.. ka T laiwday
* tiUT^tn'Kal-
MlWk' i^w
ihM Mine
•i th Elrbard Sundii}’.
called on NeUle
1-. brii
Uauiifully gowned lo wb.'.c
.Tried while
whiii carnation:
mull and ewrried
lowing the ciTemony a aumptaou. we,i
g dln.T
ihi-y left 'f r a vMt With tbe gro.HU lllinol.. then a trip l->
panU aad back lo tbHi home
In Chlce
a tony
bride and groom i
prokpvrou. .'nd happy life, undI a t
ler sequatntanee vilh tbe fine Jookj
-June 21. .
Rev. Biirdge. Mr Msxon. Mr and
Mr- Ler Armstrong. aliend'Hl the
l-, .ictie rally at lli-llalyv Tu.-.-ilav.
Mi-i, Marion Neiti. I. vl.ltlng at
E F nr-i'e
Mi— ll.-l-n fii> la uml-r the doiJliv ltiurg- IIII'WIIKUI anil Mr». H
|b>U ................ KIk likiildit Thiirwdny
Mi-.ilanic' E At.iiaugb aiul Me Fail
Land & Inoorporated
Mortgage Co.
Bays, scllE NNd
aad aiy PropSly.
Loans on Real Estate Security. Real Estate Mcrt*
.bought and soli
sold. If you wish to BUY OR SELL
tiitate or LEND OR
OK BORKOvV on Mortgage,
call and pec us.
OtUecs la WtlbcliN Block
C. A. Bainnood, Pm.,
F. B. Fedenpiti, Sec^,
W. P. CrotsEr, flce-Pns.
L F. TltBi* Treu.
$118 Four Room Outfit for $94.00
During Our June and July Sale
Dining Room
For the Partor
I rMdAfi. Mk exlensloB table................................ $7.00
0 ceUeneik dialer cbilrs....................^................$6.50
1 50 piece dlaoer set............... .............................$$.76
iSydfchetFj Uooieom........................
2 reed window shades....................
1 pair fine lice curtains...... ................................$2.7$
This is unquestionably one of the greatest bargains
ever oficred ^ any concern on a four room outfit.
Add the totals'of each room and you’ll find their regularvalue tobeS118.25. Buying the outfit complete for
$94.00 you will
Bed Room
Save $24.25
We are also ofTering remarakble values in three, five,
six and seven room outfits. Why pay board and endure
the inconvenience of living with some body else: Take
tbe money you pay for board and invest it in one of
these outfits, then you'll have everything you can call
your own.
lorrernr or carpet......................................... ..$12.M
oik parlor table..................
oak arm rockers..................................................$8.0$
pair lace curtains............................................... .$$JM
parlor conch........................
window shades.......................................................7tc
The Kitchen
kitchen cahinet... .
cook StOTC............. $12.00
rranlte coffee pot. - $$c
granite tea pot.. ..S5c
dish pan............. - - SOe
water pall..........
dn$t pan.............
floar*slfcer................. lie
wash dish................. lie
granite stew kettle----- 18c
copper bollom lea kettle . (Sc
We make a specialty of ouD
fits. If you can’t call write us
for price Hsi on any number
of rooms you wish to furnish.
Big Vatues in Carpets and Rugs
If® m
If yau have been waiting for a big bargain in carpets or rugs, now is your time. We are dosing oOt odd lots in,
rugs and remnants .of carpets, matting, Upoleum and oil cloth at cost and some way below cost. Here are a
few examples
Also many others being sold for $3 00, $6 00 and $8.00. Whatever you want in rugs you can find them here
at greatly reduced prices. Many good remnants of ingrain,.c|rpet8 as low as ISc per yard.
J. W. Slater’s
Reliable Stores
Good cork linoleum at.......... .............. ..................... $$c
Good quality oil cloth at.....................
Good matting at.............................................. .9c
We are a^o offering some pretty lace curtains ^
No.1bere Mich
wbahlp. waa wtth bla family rUItlag |o( tha woM. ('omt
neighbor Bnaday tet. In tbrlr ab-‘ igan, wbera bomes are cheap, where
Brnre sotar pereoa or peraoes made crepa of al kinds grow, where fruit
fte** iB.buaUty, U grown In abun
>try by removing a wli
Mrs. Mary YMUw. aod baby, arrived daUng tbe lower aapb la tbeir dwell- dance. While soam porthma are dry.
mg. and ibey are mlaua SSto. TbIa U tocauM of BO saiooiia. we bare luu
from Obarlevola Monday for a
Bk Builds,
Alfw-^ laav boat trbicfa C. W. Hltctoll pur with her alslrr. Mra. George Baraaln. a severe loss to tbrae people, with but (Cao gel along wlibont ito other wM
Daring tbe year Ito*. Jl.isi saw tub aad gams coi
wet In ibe lakes, rivers and brook
•Hm ebaare to flad m* thief or
MM WtadM, «lur • IM« IUbm* oI cbaaed loot Aufukt from a eouple
whkp a«cai»i
d'rlnk from our springs ttlre a lev« milb U the United SURes ttanutne
Friday DlRhi, caniKM to
WkMr of tbs liver. pMssd o«t]' «i atrsBiere. BAd Frldiy left urllh her for
blood Of tbe aged, sod makes the lured 3SiS».jO.«« fe« of lumber, 22»1 luillt In Pe
her bOBie port! Bt. Idtiaee
ranged lor. b« It will be held In the Tbe farmers about the country
tba bOB* oC W* »»r«Bls dfbt the tova
reported to tb
according to a preliminary repoft Juai
toe fellowe vbo eold (be
r near foture. It a-lli to givea by
1.M7 mills. la North Garre
Ubb BMardBjr. Bt iba a«a Of U pMn. Cbii b nerviuB • Uve-yeor eeoteu.,
issued by the-bureau of tto censiu
fipwortb league and (be proceeds
alive, aad. truthfully speakiag. spondeat that bis duties ai supervisor Tbvae mills also rut i;.l«C.4S3.UOO Una reports ' came from 2,74* mlUa.
PaeOBlfd WM BO iBdUBlrlMU r<MB( td toe other U porolled for a y>
• ill go to purrboK new singing
and in Kentucky from 1A30 mOte. Tte
(^. Myna T. Betena baa tw
MB BBd WUI to (rwij Oluto br bl>
Mrs.-’wmiain J. A>ers left for Cen -•forth Michigan Is a veruble Osrdea was made arduous this year by rea ablngte and :.W«.<»4.VOO lath Lum unmtor of mills roporttag from Tern
obliged to assess all dogs, tor manufacturing, like Aery other
tral Lake Salurdtj. night, to remuln
••ad pomu Bsd B Un* tlroie of .me aeeded repair, ou toe dOi«
Homeaeekers are insured honest In- causing se -ral vlslts^io Oad (be alore- lodosin. lelis the elects ol busiaes* nresec was only 40 leas than from
trtaMB- Tto tuiwral oer»H*i oer* Hlrta- laadlBC aad »Hl make re*ular .mill after Mias Ruth Yonnga- wed
lormatkM. aad object lessons as to toe maid dogs
dFprvssion wbicb began In October. Kentucky In West Virginia, baargda.
ding. ebich occure Wednesd.ry,
told at tto ^brtarUa etaurto Boa- elopa Ihere oa Pridaye at »:00
Sam Willis bax about a doten young Itof Consequenlly tbe preducUon In MImuuH. Ohio and Indiana betwes* .
4by, MBdacled b; Chartea tlBBieli.
Ibis veAr Do BOt go to tbe land lolca and intends to grow mul
IM* was below that lor Ito previous l.VOO Slid l.UHi nillU eack ware en•Mrs. Charles Ptower and litlle
•ad taiorowat uato la
Grove >u( .bapr for a aueceanfal
ualaeaa oa toe loland lake.
year. In IMT the cut ol SI.RSO saw Rag«ii ID ruling lumber lam year Tba
daughter Maxine of Bt Jobpt are vis
race output per mtU wws SM.WO
aigbt fw many and attmcl much i
(•pL Ira T. Sharp aHb bU .
mills waa tU.£j«.134.i-vU leet. tbe blgb
Iting St tbe borne of Cpsall Hobb'.'
I In New York, ate $.»•.«« foot
BtetTthlac U p
bound ID win out.
r Mabel ran aa exi-ur.iuii to Belialre
eat production ever recorded
Mr and Mrs. Will Pray and cUught bl( eelabratloa oo Baturdar. July jeelerday for tl.v
ls>nlsiana. these two atatea *rathe demand Uu Ibe dascendentt
wiihsiandutg. tberclorr. that In Itok
M. Tto»pfO«TB» l« pibcileally at- tboee vbbloc to atlood Ibe temper
iing nearly (be extrOmto-te penraporti srere received ftvjm eight per
phis. Tenn. last Wedcu-say. have
nikced BBd (tore will to aootrtblai aaoe rally at (bat pUee.
Pomona. MIcb.. Jtioe JJ,—Mtv. ft-t- intends
cent more mills than lu IWT. tbe de duciion by small and Urge mUU.
dolBC froD^ oarJy tnomlas UBtll ttme Tbe Meaner Lena Kaobtocb a-m been vlsKlpg friends and relatives Iba Huisard is working for Nelson _ . as be can perfect tbe
yjMam pute. Douglas tlr. wbMe plte
b«-re lor a le* days, tofo.e go
uak. hemlock und spruce. In (be order
(hat all booeat p«iple aere la bed raa an eicuratoo from Old jill.
isreen the honey bee- and the light- them was sllgblly over If per cent
lug to tbeir home in Traverse City.
AJDplx other atirBctloae two toaetol! aad Elk Kapidv' to Uvyoe ilty
1. were the woods cut mtO tamFloyd Lake returned from Grand uing bug. M> they ran w«r'. nlgbjk
Washington, as lor several yvars
Mrs. Ted Talss and son Wel.-oii..
(••el. Elk Raptde vt Traverse City Runday. ikr STib. teavlaa Old Mlutou
4 Ibe largest qaanligr. Y'eUoqr
W Y'oung of Ibe Central is geulag past, aim ranks first among ibe
Rapids Saturday.
e inO^
to the (oreooM. aad Elk Kapide va.
pine has ranked Biwt since U aa^
Mrs. John Sliver Is sole to to up
Ml and Elk Haplda i
atalea lu lumber produclton. Us i-ui lused while plae In the later nMairlevolx: abere Mr. Twiss Is
pMMkay la tfie afteroopo, UoUIn* The Old Mu.loa aad Boyue cily ball CharlevoiC
the iravellng i>ubllc hi* Is i
BBd niOOlBf ra»M for boreM. boae
lies, and II Is xtlU (ar la the leog.'^
• trill play at Old Mlaatoa
Some of our young pecqi<e attended and he get* his share oMbem.
flecrea-*- Ol
» per ci-nt over tbe More recently, while pine has ate '
chores choir of loys and girl’s has
me. • nae Hat of atraei aporta sad Saturday and atit Suyoe Clly oa Sua-Howling humanity." "Beings^ lu
le service at Ito Harlan cbuicb Sun
In iwn Nearl) all tbe lumbw been surpas.-d .by DiMgte fir. ao tMl
been organised to sing at the UpwoKb
— for litoral porsae. day aad day.
wbito ablrtt." eic., are names applied
day evening.
lufartured in Wastamgtoe Is Doug
league service. A great eSoit 1> belwg
aidkr fire aorki, aad three haoda to
tovers of baseball »ho attend Bun las tir. the' market fur wbicb was ow il o.HUpl<‘> third pUce
.Mrs Jsmea Borst of Meakk spent
made tu awaken general Inleresa In
WaahingtO^ibaa ^n'lbrp rtncipal
taralah (to aoUe-. Froo. bH reporU ■oldea eedidas of toe Hon and
day games While no one should to seriously allecled by the panic
Baoday In Pomona.
• record bieahlac ero*d la coafldeol
the Sabbath. It should to
Uouiberty m Monday le society and something tnlere
ranks yeivud, wlU :.;22
iy aipected. lOP»e aad celebr^e with evening. Juue Saib.
planned for every service.
remembered that many persona labor t21.t><Hi feet a decreaae of 2i*1.0t>u.vv< of red cedwr xbingles tooamd gteotwL
biotber Orvlll Moral of CadllUc.
m. We proialae you a day of pleaiMisa
im Is visiting
I supplied Ihree-miks ot tto tdt•1
Mr. and Mra lliartei O.etU ai
xl output of xhiugies last year Amoag
Hvea In Traverse CHy.
recreatlun ihrmselvea The ball Ito*. _LoolsiaJs Is first la the i
«raeon. Roy Care., left Monda> fur
Mrs Elmer May. of Tbompsot
;be other shingle producing staloa,
John and Orloff Hrlges sb- at work
The ablpmeoU of cemeal made lait vUlt at Middleton.
spent SsiBiday Bight and Sunday boys ve all grBlIemen. Tbe sports durtlun of both yellow pine and
Mlrbten. I^HilxUaa. Maine and CaU«eek by tto »k Cemeat * Upie coinwbo attend are only, loyal and show
Frank Uuvemey la alepplng higher upon a dne new barn for James Sel
Kb Puniooa frleada.
ypresa is a paKIculsrly nae .'IrnU were t^e DkmI Iniportaal. Tho
PMT acrefaied (bout l.ooo bartela.
than a autn, all on
Mias Gertie Weicber visited Mrs Ibelr loyalty by somrilmet mating a fill and valuable wood, and apparent
gie* cut ^n Michigan and Haiaa
noise. But Ibe park Is away far ly. (be manufaciureni or It did not suf
W, B. CBrIlale (raa (a to«a Bator- rival cd a fine baby boy at hla borne
OtU TbompsoB Sunday.
cfalelly of white redar. tboae la
ddy. bsvlBi iuat loioroed froB a rlaH Monday, tto :ut.
Froe band concert every Saturday enough so tbe anuoyance raaaul to of ter as severely from dull limes as did
l*oulsUna of cypreaa, and Iboaa la
Vllfc Ma BOttor la Caaada Bod to ^Tho MiMee Mary tad UmUe .SackALDBN.
of yellow pine and
r ladiea epteNalaod M Ibt park Donglas fur Mississippi was the third CallfurwU of redwood L.atb are geeXlBdora rant. Buffalo aad other etoi erinaa. who bave boon teaching In tto
erally a by product of lumber maaoora polau. Mr. CartUle bat beta la Traverae City arhuoU. returned
Alden, Mlcb:. June kk—O. H. PruIB lumber pniductloo in IIKI facture. add are made to name exiCBt
toe eatpioy or th* Elk Rapidt tn» Friday. Thoy
attendance wasgoodnbout forty dot
lice losl a borne last week.
t total ol 1.Ml.«16-i)00 lert- freini alawM* every wood that It cat
■ BMMBBy tor to yesra aad tbia la tal> lor another tcbtiol year
Urn waa gWaaed aad all sqemed tn
Farmers are more than Ibanlful lor
I per rent from Ibe
lumber. Among Ihe bladi af
tint VBMtiN. It baa beea oelt
feel amply paid for Ibelr money.
Mrs. John Humlev baa lufflclenlly tto recent rains, on account of to Special to Tbe Bvenlng Record.
ItoT. Arbauiuu raulud fourth, witb
w'hicb are moat prumiiK'Bi ara
Long l.ake, Ulcb.. JiiiH- St —Mrs.
Tto dm of W. rtrrlngion A Uu '» l.e3«.toI.ovo leel-B derreaae of
growing ciopa.
recovered from a protiarled llncis
white tune. Douglas gr. aprnco. y*0AbMl TO fro* here atieadto the
able to dMve <mt I'rlday. Her Seymour Evans allended tbe tuaei OurtU. from Mautoa. baf been a guaai I bankruptty ttorrlngiM sent away. ly 17 per vent over the prev loua year's
k>B pine, cyprexx and hemlock.
daace at Old Mhatoa laai Friday many trleada aaneelly hope that her al of bis broltoMa-Uw. at Bellsiru I tne parsonage for tbe panl am-l
output, and Wlarooaln fifib, with
Ororie Loucka from Blrtrley
StoM, the---------- Uaa Kaohlorh recovery may to speedy and pcrata- si week.
l.«2S,3lS.eo* lert against 2,0«S.*7».fWtolif as tiBtoaM.
There hre many of tbe tegular re- ftwndlng a few daya with bis
000 la Itoi. In Texas.' where (he lum
. > Ibis eountry. We hope to s< tor ibdus.ry' In epnflned al
n* ■•B.bei. td tto Db Itopida
Tbe Kerewlll Phalpa compayitr vlib aorren. coming here to apend tbe e-Igteor.Mr. Aukenion. '
many new bomes started ibli year.
Tbe Rev. Oervaa Ciiey and v
Ibelr workmen are at Rm Terra,
jmmer. already.
clutlve to yellow jpine. the falling
bMBbBlI tMiD Oil n»e a daner
toe opera bouoa aeit Friday evea.—. reaori tob week, where they bate
Tbe Aldea band boya will run ea- ire aaiertalBlng a lUile mUi ibai
la very iMvy' Tbe total
toa Uto The toye have beea turaUh- large contract of contract wcHik.
state IB Ito* was l.U4,OU3.UOU
cursloBS to Elk Kkplda. July 4. w> toe *veu laat Saturday.
Mrs B. U. Rk-bsrdsoa and daughter
toi aome eicelleot imu—r—• for levfeet-a deciease of 31 < per cei
Jack Bluer of Traverse CUy called steamer.
m of too aatloBal laae aad deaerve on Elk Rapids Irteads Bnnday.
mt in ino;. Eight other
Charles Angel bss.togan the erecUll
maaufaclured' more ibon one bllKuu Or. 0. A. Jarvis' Maahltw Blow Up
• liberal patroaai*
It ooat beat Ball M.Th for that 7f. Hon tor a new resMeure on ^auklin
Mr. and Uis. Barton Jeanlngs from
each of lumbJb la>i year,
The eacaralOB oa too' Pore Mar- ponad elUTleoB be speared Iq. Elk
Thia Naon Whon Ha Waa BM
tbe order of Imponance they w
Dr, Hoag who has been visiting Traverse City apent Bunday with
' «Bott Suaday (rdto the oortb brtoibt River Bunday, June IStb.
Bboet Olaunoa Away.
Mr. abd-Mra. Will Plerew
.Mli-bigan. Gregon. Mlnntteta. F
friends In Canada taas returned
••tr B fe« >bataaBen. Froia
worth tbe price.
kir. and Mrs. Oscar Ijona (nun toe
lylvanla. VlrgluU, AUbaiua. North From Tuesday's ".rcord.
Eugene 8. Wall came over from
•alnaula apant Buiiday with
two 'xecN-ads ware all thn
OM MMate Friday to toe baU game,
l•a^enl*. Mi and Mra. Aukersoa
nia. and Maine. oAer alaies which Mivtd Dr. u '. JarvU from aarloaa
prwteedad to Aldn and vUiad rria potatoes.al Belialre. baa returned
reported more that one billhm le-l Injury or poruapt death aboat wot*
Oeorye dwttooib OM Of tto tooal tlT«a. and raiaited bniiw. SMurday. Alden.
ih. vukwateF (a bts aR
' Drake Bros., Ibe bustling bnlcbers.
night on tor Knoblorb.
Uce blew up; doiBf damago amaalp.—r'—-______a«^*“PEIMONALB.
figure In IMII Tbe totals
of Aidea. are aupplylng Kapid City
Dr. J. t. Oauatlelt of Travecae^
The Imdles' Aid aecitly oobToatin suies were greater In ito* Uikn Iq >g to probably m.
--ted rated Ui ban sad b bavins
loaday realdeuls with meat.
oaa an Elk Rapids visitor Moai
The doctor bad beea workiag aear
«CM atablo ballt aader H1»UT. but (bis was rbirtly due to
the vulc-aiilier, and i pailebi oaiah
-Mrs. Learn of Fife Lake was toe From Tuesdav's Herurd
A Paul MM over froa 81 Ifmare Tto donor sill alsais to a welcome
meeting vaa called tb order by Vice Uiger number of repong set-ured
E BayPer. of Detroit. U In tb
Ing, be left It aUnr
gueal of Mra Foster last week.
Fru8ldent>AIr*. OtUngw of Travafs*
'twi week, nued Ml tbe large MaM- vlalior to KIk Rapids.
1 business.
UR. be bad Juat
Jgottaa to'tto
■ slates in 190*. lu tjeorgia,
R C. Babcock of Jat-k.-on is vlslllns
J nyoa ar CadUlsr jx la tbe rlty.
Otiy. Scripture reading, tba
Ibwl xeparales the Uboraloto
hla fattor-ln-lsw. toe Rev. Ur. Gray.
B W. Nevl*. of Otsego, was la lbs Paalm and prayer by Mra. PrtesUy ol
fruoi (be operating room, when Ilia
Increased Ihe number of mills r.-p<in explosion occurred Ro great was tho
I> Moaday ou busUieta.
! Sereral Odd Fellow* from AM.-i- ul
lor.-e ot IbU that le walU ot tha
O E. Mtebelt, of Alanislee. visited Orawn. lollowed.
■ng nearly onelbird. while
tended the funeral of Hon H. 8 Hud le
Bingini—"Bbowers of Blenlbgt.
were cracked it irUlt that bad
c*y HeMay.
subiog increase Id Reports of toixl
son at MnnceloDS. last seek
iviug upoe lb - -ich wore acMT W. devle. of Lake Odessa, pass Mrs Spangler appolated Mcrei
production wax only t per rent.
all about aB'- '
gai Jrt waa
ed through the city yealerda)
pro tern.
isacbusetts, <10 mills reported
twuted out Of sh.:e
Despita tho
H Buras. of New York. Is i
''Wldfeet Id tto* ax com damage, lit Jarvu -etldert hlmsaV
rot of
city on busin;
ture lor -OtorllB eoUeglate laeti'.iU."
w Bedotl's Poetry "
^uy faWtn
(By BtalU H- Cbampnay-)
pared with a cal ol 3<t.2JI.OPo fere lucky, ax Qxd Ibe . ; 'oekm bald ott
bava toOB
>U lime Ibe aull-alavery srnliSeng—*1 Shall Know Him”
Obmfin. Ohio. Jnaa M.-lf irom
by 518 mill, la 1007 In Colorado, bending over tbe m !u. ate what
Paper rest from Oorcto sodaty of 254 mlUi cut iCS.OJt.Ooo feet In l»0«. ■ be results would hs;- been U hard
•asOd Ulk toe laaguage of tbe peopV. mem rea bigb. and a eland was ttoKewadin. Mlcb.. Jims »—Mn.
tin J. Spaulding, of Detroit.
•dmlttlag colored stadcats to all Conrad BarbI Is visiting (rvnds in
Traverse City.
mtet a marvelmit ule o^ evoiuUoe
wbile la 1W7, 230 milU cot I34.2»to0 to lay.
• city Monday on 'butl
rights and privileges of tbe ccU- Ntw berry.
Woman's Work (or Cbrlet
Mold to told by Oberna-a blatorKr
I Chase, of
A patllculirly Urgs gala
Sonf-''Atnerlca.e city htoik
«tel From that tolmy aprtag day <i> lege, which iMtlmenl has always pre.
There will to children's day c«
i^r. ri-ponlng was made in Gki
uonn J. Msaaestad, of Suttona Bay.
BenedlcUon-The Rev. Ur Priestly boma In 10U7. 12!) mills lu (h
the yito UkS. when iboto godly men vbUH. ana today tbe wbito etudeota Claes U Bomb Milton oext Sunday
Lam Ball Had to Pay^foe Fan a( Sptar
< in ihe city on busmexs.
JohB J. Sbepbetd aad Philip P Stew
state cut I40.015.ou0 feet, while
Hlks Alta Anderson went to W
Q 0. SllnlsoB. a student at Ann ArOa
May**l*TLem BaU at
an. kselt Imaeatb
apreadlui «1 brotliers and sWen.
or. passed tbrougb tbe city ye*ler1S08. 2lt mUhi cut I'.S,;5«,000 feel
UIre WedoeMay, re'urolog Friday.
Elk Rapids speared a 75-pooad aturIn tbe years since Otorlln csmeYnlo
Bong—"Unspeakably Prechms "
branehm and prayed for gnldaaee In
While htere are many very Iwige geen in Torch river and got bis aama
Ulna Emma Bacht letl for Old Mis
Mra Q N. Campbell and •
Reprxilug the 22d Psalm In conct
tb* gruot work wbkb abould prodno- betng. from lUJ to IMI. there bave slOB Weduealsy, where she will work
-aw mills in the United Stales, the
(be Stale paper* Tbe apekrtag
Prayer by Mi> Burros.
ea ai.W mudenl* enrolled. tS.IOn ill summer,
• also made many people lata
toe maxlmam Bt spirUaa] toBetl to -a
.mail milk- far outnumber the Urge
Mrs, W. C.
Song by Rev. and Mrs Priestly
whom are still livlag.
porlablng wortd,- to tbe tbrnmeoceones, and a Is punk-ularly Interest tor church Yesterday, StkU Gama
Ills morning to attend tto unveiling
R. L Wilson It Anovlag inlc
Report of SoraiDsting Committee; ing to note- bow mnov of these small Warden Smith of this clly appeared
wmt of Obrribi eoUege. »»». bas H
bouse recenUy vacated by J. 0. Dooih. r the Alim Laura Hsviland monuv.U«e and
Bslljuid Jurtte
nd Mr Bsllgu
e and It.TS c
Stood theta, watching tbe tlay dame
mill;, there sie in Ibe states wbicb
Arthur Winters relumed home.
home frw
Ura. Robert WUtera left this mornVlre president—Mrs. Hdrrifi. Grsnt are not now ot lirsi rank i
ii tb" boys gave bim aad tto
grow brighter and stroager until It is through its portals.
Ann Arbor Monday. He hass b.-eo-Vo Intg for a t«o weeks' trip to Detroit
p bought oo (to atrength ot
Stecreixry-Mrx Spangler, ^ooroe produ.lioa* The laatlstici
"The Merebast of Vt-nlca" was play -g to school itacre.
MW one of tbe groat Ugbts of the <-d
and olh* r points in southern MIcbIgxn.
highed on the rauipua Baturday ulgbl by
IbcrlS Martin Brown, of Le Cenler.
York were collected by the fuiswt.
wolteal world.
Frank Odell •!« bOdie from LeeisI (be city today.
Uoiion made and carried to areapt
studebls. Tbe nlgbi was ‘aa rare illle over Bunday.
The bagtaelBg of OberilB wqs an
. A. Flam and daughter re- le report and ollireri. declsrad
V day la June." No stage sellloK
BHBlI. ao iBtlgatoesat that Us found
Miss Hannah Drake of Travertw- (uriH-d tu tbeir home in Howard City
Are UUM dreamed of tto power and In rtiuM have been more beaotllul with Cll.v. visited with her sister. Mrs. C. lis mornlog.
Reading by Mrs Carrie Hargravet
Mrs. 8. F. Shuter. wbo has been vis*
BtoM* tor good II would to la tto the araalng shadows sicallng tbrougb <1 llollebbeck Issl week
iting at Ltland. K-ft this moraing for “Angelic Measures"
'(l«ss. and the stars coming uul
coming ceaturr. A tract of Uud v
Tbe North Milton Epwonb leagu* Fort Wayne to stay with her aon.
RecKatitm—Mrs. Burnis. "Tba Tap
•aeotod la tbe foroal of tx>rala toa
will have a soi-lal at ihe grange hall
r and Mrs l.«nioB Waruer left ealry Weavers "
pectant tores Of Ibe tkousands of *per
Car tbe purpose of plaatbig a cob
morning for Grand Baplds
xt Wedncsdxy nlgbi. Jane :k.
Sod—"Ble-sSod Be HU Name.'
Ulors galbered on tbe grand stands
r and Mrs W'llkop returned
af torMlBB. lamUte. to to beuiul
Keaaditi went ov.-i and played ball
mv some of (hr
r home in Cadillac
" ■ e ilIbw morning.
P. Chambers war. a good Anlnulo. with Elk lake laia ttslurdxy. Ito
getter by a eovetobi pledged to ph
dimcultte met In conducting a Ladles'
CM Uvlag and higbeet tUaklBg to or- J. p Wimarns e typical Bbykwk. w
ecurea tolug t and g In KIk IaIo's U mg to spend her vacation li
Aid society and bow to meet them'
'Merrick was, awrei ns Ponii]
•er that they might to tbe ulmoal '
Opened by Mrs Kennedy, lollowed by K.uJ uiiif...tion .xl txl boo-.
The entire dramatis personre was
Dr. and Mrs O R Chase
glow of Ibair poaseaaloos for
> RTlIUm PowrII U entbrtainiog
lev Mr Frleslly
'moraing for Anti Arbor to stiend
as well ebosen. S
■prete af tto kingdom of God.
I.er slater of Cenlrat, Lake for
e class of Uto.
• bat would become of Ike pas
PrereedIng tto barralaureaie ser daji,
pebool was foneded for tto eduralUm
Kroest (Iretlick has -leiurned from
It K was not for >or Ladles' Aid
mon today by Pieslent Henry fhureh
•( tto chlldrwn of Ihwe lamlllev
Mrs. Lydla-^rink two dvugbicrs alx moiitl).' trip throughout the west aocWiles. Mrs, Young of Traverse
>n to Finney Ulhe apd-tlelle, and Mrs Hsil visited iid to tbf Facifk coast.
at Ibelr nelgbbon. and to irala tuacbmtuninet.wiU to better aad quwp
that by nnliy and
Memorial chapel was mosl impesing. »Uh WYll Gee ami fsniiiy Saturday
r^, to Iowa He was SLComps
Ing earuesily, many obstacles couM to ■r dona, with gicsiei petscmxl
Ibe tervlres IB Itolr black cvjw srd and Snnda.v.
borne by bis son.
cotnfon fot the worker, if. instead
overcome, fidlowed by Mra Sacketl of
Junior lassies
James 1. Murray, of Grand Rapids.
^ tto *«d'og bast of Kvol hre,
Crxwn, Mr. Birch of Monroe Center.
Ill lUc vUv tor a fiw days
The ntosl inipou'ag qieclaele of corna important part o
tnialag «
tto ttattmtrauJ
Sacktdt of GrwwD. Mrs Sbell ol> you cv»ok
A. K FTnney of Oklabouia Is home
ment aweek, however, alll to oa
1 a sbori varalloa
VVednci■sday amoinlng. wbi-n tbe acadPeter p. paaeee.
Select Beading by Mrs Blrcb. “Hanutr proceMkm takes pisce.
Tto Brat aeliler built bis big cabin
ThomptoBvllle. Mi.'-h iunV
There Is s comblnalloe of good
■Mar tbe ahatew of the historic elm.
<r village special election Monday dgbt tlmsa Ito atrength to go upstate
BecUalloe by Mrs Alma Leggett
things IB Otoriln. Inielleaual. social,
called to vote, upon tbe iMuina bonds that M reowlrsd for tto mma dlstaM
Vbicfe stands oa tbe aouil
Son—"ToiUag Oq"
moral and rellgloua. It has ever been
I campus. With 1C
iwbuUd the dsm. tbt citltens am tto tofsL .
Report of tnterlocbea Aid read.
so sad will continue to the enl Tbe
showed their loyally'and entire
Verbal report . W‘«ai Unte Aid
at h—aever wtoie yoa 4aa*i omm
Liicbse. New the CABUfTT T(W,
M Clearing tbe iMd was togua mnJ
IsfartloB with (be move by recording
,lbe personal feelags. all (bgre an
loik her given {^y Mra. Skrtl.
and ksepUg food bat sitw CBoked, aJm
OborllD ban. a tva story poodea atle of n fv>r and II against tbe best but pimples, skin eruptions, sores
Reeumg of mlnulew of tel I
esntofoldcd bank wteato U wt. aad
The very atmospbere breslb-w proposition. TbU rlacbes tbe
lalr. wax ballt; with _____
and bolls rob life of Joy. IJstenl
g loweB.
illHy, and courtesy la In the tor
Bwkte-s Arwlew Salve cures them:
datkam for stadeuta. Two tearb-'vs
MiBuies of tbis meetlBi read and
Cxbtei Top. At yoas d<
Ollient wishing to Improve the vlt oaltea tbs s'kla soft and velvety it approved
werw employsd aad at tbe sad of the (Ybat would a southern genib-ican
think If be saw an Otorlln gent'eman late tuned to build a cement salk glorines tto fac« Cures pimples.
term there were 4< atudeaia. I) of
Sore J^ea, Cold Borsia, Cracked
- ked Ups.
from iba ceineiery to Inierseci %i
pped ilan'dw
Hands. Try
them bring young woamn.
Beuedlctloo—Tbe Res. Mr. Priest
.iired lady eaiered tbe car abei
Piles toe at 8 E WaH
P Sons.
the sidewalk at ibe south end
U FebnsaiT. lUf. aa act of lamrpo
A. BugbM Drug Co. Hannah A
Third itreei Tb* y fonnd. alter
ratte waa aecared from tbe ieguieMRS JENIOE RPANOI^R.
Sunday to a quiet day. Until only a
‘Vrey. that Ibe property owned by l*F'vO Seeretey.
few weeks ago one cQuId not get
Mrs. J H. Mills was at least partly
Mctber Orayto •
Card af Thanhs.
a glaaa of lee cream soda oo Biiaday.
W U Btlger. of Atwood, wbo bat
tbs street They began the walk
However, ice cream, soft drinks and and no doubt will dnish the same u S.sk> re the manr friends (or tbeir .been visitlag bis daagtater. Mra. Bowlunches are bow served at Gibeo
llluess and death hall. relumed (his asorwiBg acenm
uaderalood that there
t OUT bus as
pwtod to toi grwnddaaghter. Vatm.
Abow Z&
Ibe deJegatas (mm ba ttralnlhg la Ibe matter,
MRS. K. .
wbo wtu spate the vamUfiB WBA
tto action has bee
JdaccabM eobvcuio
Mn- Bonn, tern with
€lk H»pUs. Dtpartmat
- ^For
flie Summer^
JIM' Bk FIsm M'CgAam
' '^1
mn smuf- »uns
(bath n lai^l eeeai late for a «elt<- be fleei. yet ll «aa the twuel
hour. Tbe uaeeabeee. he tail to an
order Of people abo ere ahturaUy duI to be fraleraal la their rela-
■aa a eratnmailr cmnipBlcn to
the aaxt <«airraaioQ. todiiicloa, toe, ta a caodldMe lor lh« nexi
and rIrruUtad lllara4ara
toUTH «lt>e LUMBCB
lew cream Mid caA wra Arved by|
idlaa ClariiMd Murchie aad Sllsa L«
vile HuiUday. lorwwr PuylU ol \Sttoa
SaunAn. The dialog room war a
laaaa of aweet fa-aa aad maidea Air
iem» which fllleO the room with (Air
fragrance. The amlng rt»m wa* deco-
Mias hA aaaeBblA lo piaTER NOT kETTLeO YET.
and tarda elaiias tbelr iDientkni to Btalsnle the prtnciplea of tbia order.
to after the tntae The dnh«aMa from
Ua4 (bat all uIbOi get aetpWlaUid with
that BMtku 01.0 wore badcea bearloa
great offleye. la yrtuM to veM.-d
the iBecrlpUoo:
raafiumlbUtiy of ceaduoUus
ften In f»HL'’
rr. He aM a tribute to Ovorsv
<«a* m<iB <Mi' Avrlace, great roomaader of tb. or
tac dw.1. «d the: tadllla^ traa th.
der, Ayiag be wa a man who k»e
iDCiral caadidele lor the urxt maeltbe order nuU wA wu leadlBB ll.e orFOR PROPERTY.
tns but uada oo ayntutuallc wraea
KaataatldB to auceeweful achlevetuvau
Aav nI«o oMde K Koowd that that
Pai (iieal CumoiandeT Boyuiot.
be clad to have (he nen
arould not A pn-Mmi, owing to ll Caaa Waa Taken Up Again Thia Memaweltng. There l» a elronit aeatl
teallB. but A wrote Mr. U'raugei
Travero- (hi)
rfaat flV> heart and euul were with tA
•bould be t
order. TOay U lA 72nd birthday of
lOinl nieellns*.
the revenM paat ■unmutudvi
Tiareme CHy Uaccabeea, however,
W0DJ.0 BID S82,«00
while they would like Traveree Cliy
VB the Matcabii. aad Lady Mawa,
Wee of the aaaoHatloa. thU atem bu
BPihUeM beea the •»« aaapicto
l.uraB|:i,r inlrtMlureil Qteai Ouuibe filed a* the kemaeent place
mander 1.c,vvUre wlio aai.l ibat « wa
salberlDc have not naidfeMed
II an ordinary pleaaure Iw
aetMb aplrtt In-tMe retard and will
c pivKcm »t iblt mea-tins
aot etaod in ibe way of other loww
He bA been Are niwy tlm.w. ami
which have JuM clalme. There
thoui^t Muil many «( lbo«' pre.eni
athere hbu belletre that Traveree niy
rr ineiiiAr when be flr»l
abould have the annual nieetina lor
• mewing at Ijke Aun IS j»«i»
at leaet a pertod of three yeare, ThU.
ago. flluie that (Mne he l<*» wulAA
howerer. wUI be decided at Ue.bu
lirogreui ol lA oiAi wilb priile
toeia meetloB at 5:«W v'eterk tbU pfHe iMitl Ibal lA local lent'*, njlghl
Veil be proud In liave arr'-mbli-d on
l ucre la doubtjena aa lar«e a crowd
(heir Mr.<-u auch a feiiilierlKg of
I Traverwe fnV. today aa have
pie, Ibe reault ol arUiiouh effort aud
been naihered here for any dr
Btratlon. Tbe UarcabeM have been uiiUrliig enivg.v.
While rlaliulng nu peraonal credit.
cordially raeelved by the people of the
rtty and eeer)- effort ha» bren made A KMH proud to A the li-iul ol eu,h
an order aa the MarcaUvs. Kiir ibe
by the coBmllteen In cbar«e lo mal
Ike kMonr of the aaeoclatloo.
(ha daj pbwaaat for tbe vi.lloiv
^ UM OocMian^t Cl«i»
tWa U • BiteeM In Cvtrjr
9tmm Wedaeadair'a Rarerd.
Tbt azpNtaitotM of the noat m
gm» of thane «ke bad is «tance Uu
aiiaaiiairnTi for the aaBosI celebm«!(■ of the Northera Hlrhltaii K. 0.i
T.'M. W. a»d L. a T.
-«tM bavt: Iwea aiere than
Ike early
aMetOac promlea
•Mean hat (a a rcry abort time the
TIwuaaBda Unad Up.
omaode were lined
tlaadB daared aaay
U ol the cJiy IhU Boon lo wliMother pretalkd.
one of tbe moat apnclacular paUat
I (hat Ima ever been.lO'Tt'avenw
ho^ and the t^ieen CHy band cave CUy. (be brilliant pa«ewm Juotlnji
OMearU apon lue mala Mreeu. ahlrh akidB In time to tbe eiralnk'of five
arora pocAed nth people, and eeeryreailon belnc beaded
mo oeeei-d to eater law the apirii
Hollre y. W. Aablon
«< the MireM Of the bl( Maeuabee ^mouDied on boreetotrk.' Back of the
ebief of police came (he Uaocelona
rpmmot t • o <io<* tbu a
a 019 aad Uwipl>all'«Y Aad
D aad black, beadipaaatad apoa tho.atraeu aad mid<
IBB lA ka>B line of carrtape.
ad talB^iWt wurte- The eoaimUteea
b were Mayor Qermalne and the
«i charsi ol tbo anaDBaateau
rlly ofllcWi and (be variwii areal
dSHpaatkeutt worC froai (be early onieen of Ibe K. O T. M. M. and
kaara «d the Mfalhp and At for the L. O. T. M. M. and (he eierutive com
..datar a( the apaotol
miltaea of (he Northern MioblRan
Wth oa lha a B. 4fc 1- rallraad. tbe eoctailon of Uaccabeei. Sen lu c
atTBinto~mi voohl Av« be< •> carried
la the MeBaiD AA. W'hlcii> .
.aat vtth the prectoton ut clock w.> k.
tbe city with the deloBatlon from
T>» dalay. A*rar. «ua aot auicialriillac nnd which btoded (bat deleIp, in|li|-r- the only BoamBlty''be- ■wlhNi la tbe. parade. Ibe raemArv of
im lA eBna..wi of the lenpth of tbe which prMenled a fine appearaare V>
ornOm at ThompaaarUto. Thh trail
«w 4W at »;«fl At antiod at B:W
TA apeelal tiala dA troo
Cadillac and laiermedlote polnta aouU
ana aehedulA A reaA here at >:SI
At oAbb to 1A Cfowda vaa delayed
a«M lfl:Sd. TAra wore Mvea coach
aa (a tltto «ala aad everyone war
Atomd. Mpna of people AlA forced
A «iu)il
TA «p» >1'
thn no-lV
«p Uw- <J. B. 4 L vu.< J,:.<>v>l .M.t.
Many 1^1' paat al-'><-.<
Ike reatdartrala im,.lAad Aoat cm tUA
it-.h oo
tlie ea«. The Aide is well known in
Iklk city baling Ix-en a lemi .H~- le
•’.(•Bidiuan niin'ie acbopl daring
Five MiAUa Late Laat Evaning
MaccabN Team waa in .Fine
wbu appearw (or tA pui -;.c-u-r Pre^
ion, aHege* (At rreaiftu had already
Pourtean PIaA
«re w. JO (be order lolloirlus
fhvu] Hive .S'o. TS. UAtotee Hive
The flrki
y on. tA Trav.ia*
fin li
WoikK. a copnrH'er.hlp and Jaiaui-
um Ibe Arr.41 Cu.. Ibe buanl
ending the Old of Ibe llarrelt C«.
inning up.^ wllh the -riie 1.14 ot the la-wia (Vwav 7 2 cetila
ivickage* A rel.irned,
Baker atoned (blngaTor (A,
apierv Alng alluwt.d f-r Iho barrel*.
to icfl Held. The bidot the Arret Co. was k cent*
,md eeiry out all cuniracla made by iilltlng fur two
Caulkelt hit li| left, droriug Baker. in I2 UU0 gallon A*, package* includ
the n-o-lvee,
KbreolH'rgerhll a fly lolihlrd.^ruylun >-d. CO cent* aplcn- or more If lA
in tA> caae or Martin H. Haravr
III out Bi flrat. iMWrenn- bit lu |dloh
ireapa«> on
ml IMI at Aral,
eii< out at flrst. and
to Srati Foe tbe local
11 ilr«l but rialcy wa*
oul on first. Clark Htriirk' out Ihii land
safe beciius.- file caiiehiT droianal
In tA MIA and Omv a Pew
uk kate-oi, Urvl lind Ilea w
Oat Out.
le Ack hul on Vower's fly Caillkett^
nnd Reynold*.put oiil lie* aud Smith,
a Laekowunua
mtttm Adad A •ttraottona to
«l4or aawtcal (Anras of the orta
Tka McBtln AA came
«p Mb PhoaBM (rain. tbU maklw
iWr htoAa to (A Mae of man*.
adIMlA 10 (A haA of Ue PUIbeam
CampAII* Concert
And beadA tA other Traverae Cliy
No Tl. which carrlA an aAa
r.3 m.-D ailll ealomAil will
P. and alw a btoA bee hive
wMch were niany Ilitle yelkiw heea
baeklUB In tA aunahine.
uniqae oad addA to tA adrac> of (be float.
One nl the preilh'kt of (lie June
from 25 to SA per rent, flaing lA- duly
1 lumU-I dreaaed on one aide al '
•ala pcT (huuuad waa ado|ged by
xe of 56 10 28.
-uleUiniaed at ibe ie>lden»
K. U Sprague of Wakhiiigtoii
ihj* aUrrnuun. and wblvh
tmkey, the Rev. R. S. MrOregur
t the targe fkiM carrylns
cAiter memAr* of Traverra
kAm- otHMarad badore In Northera Udder roofany AdiA tbelr brilllaut
MIAlAU PrvAbfy A MMP A la uy tciarlM to tA araae.
TA ■brautthU aAdle horae ridden
Inkaw Mill at Midnight
of dampueaa. dratiA aturma
J AthlDk worked aa NIghi
I. at Banner Sprlnga. Temi
Sorb espokore gave him a eeve
aA lA (utaaUc coetamea of (he do
layor Oenaatee-v
that aettied cm bl> luuga. At
Oak laUad Teat Na 78 of Vicka- bad to gl>e up work. He irlec
PTA UbMP Of <ha aaiAA taoU ud
Ars. Hk*.. a dlatanre of 207 mil
remrdlea but all (ailed until be u»<-d
kitA wade a v.ry tine dtoplay.
IW. Klng'a New DUcovvrv. "Al
ropraaeetA by oA avembar
Ing one Allle," he wnie*. '
to Tiama OKy Ath (A avowed tA aaaiial meellA AM hete.
back to work lu well a> ever." Avere
OauMa Waleamad.
pitoili of IbAIw (^e naeOai
Ike addreaa Ot weleome clvra
ihraaiB wad wore lung*. Hemorrba
tIU. Mvorir dalapMo.WA AoraA
ihla aflaeiwon wu poet ri^ and Whooping Cough get qi
Att • AdA bArlBf lA letead:
tnaed eeveral
glorioua tuadlcJoe.
5bc and
tl w
ledm might A proaunt but (Ay
TA lltoAtoo bec..nr htu., M
Trial bottle MIc. Ouaranieedj^b.* S. K
-t arrira aad the eiarctoee a
Walt 4 Soaa. C. A. Batoee tirog Co.
mmd ptoaA the u<:‘ apos e. :
Haaaah 4 lay.
cdueted wHbom them.
•key WM A. - lA eapply WAeBkaaatby Chief Aabton to the prapeny of
Tke addrea* or welmme waa pvea
to too Y^ktotat towaflw ^jMrah*arj^ aai* (At A
TA U;- too tent offteMBOpaMd
;c^. V
lii'l. Sliutr. I* walked,
toll wbA Kilk and rai-ried
khuwer boaqttei ur white roses. Tb
biideamald was Miss Ueorgis Saui
-r» of Ibiule Cr-MTc. alater of 'A
‘Hemp wus kUl. on |n .-rinr Ir Ihe
■Khth. iK.-* iml mil si flnU.- Klik h.t
*!• imi Ham;, wnk oei ui third; Kent
ol «ui on k.-ennd Tnl- inen
K.ik In this liimug. iscorlfig CluK-y.
.Clark and Reynold*.
Ill lA ulnib III.' Cadlilac Ay*
II IQ on. .two ihree yyle.
Fur Ihe Usa:. Caolketk aiM I
pUv.'d Ihe AM All, ;doiug nye
marriage M|.>-Marie Bauederv,
cr ibla eliy and Fr.-d U .Malm of I'-
Senator Tlllmaa
cLsnied Kii’kl Metbudikl cArcb fH-rfurniiug
thto afiernouD on tA atmaie Ilnur (luit
renmi'y which united the
^naior Aldrlcb bad prw«Dled a (alar vciiiig people.
aiaiemem regarding tA crat o(
I*romi>Hy at 3 o'clock to the k>'*m>
n thto (dtp. oA lA talph omelaU
TA Traverae (Sly Plre dt^iaRmenl
M tA K. a T. M.
' MendelkSOhn'k wedding uu".b,
aa alao well raprearatA. bolb Queen from a Burnapoa. Vl., Erro (At (be bridal couple link Ibelr plates in trout
Mated UA I’ ama lA ooM osuealre
ooki ol drekflug InmAr on *wj
parada *ap, Ad aaer aeaa. There Uty englAa No. 1 and No 2
of tile Ank of luOm* and lei
With longA and groove waa 82 10 p.
wara mpta h.u» aA teoto la ritual (Are. pullahA A no onsWer
fliw Ibe large bay window. Tbe hriJc
pollakA betare aad tA book and
«pHa laAiln 'u <A Um of marrb thaa
eiriui-llely gnwliecl In ivory
E to allow the band
ent.irc., hti*. raiHk-d.
“You duift make Tiey gaud matou
3lr. laybin oak.d the city cl.-rk tu with tAl InstmtAot- aald (A ISAnotify ill.- Ihre Marquett.* tAl tne ecu! byataodcr to tA maa Ahtod (A.
cliy had lullllled ll* !*rl ut the cin- bOA drum aa tA And cuoaA to
Ir.vi'i in i.-eaVd lo Maiiavh fuirk and
I Al the iiiilro.id i-mbatikiii.-nt Wi.a nuw
M-ady l.ir stNldliig.
admitted IA drum poaa4gt.
“At then, von see. I drown a lump ct
had---Chlcago N**s
hunt. Kcoring llKikiaa.l Uaker. li
• out trying lo klr<-(rh Ihe bit. Rn-
r«n> Mednesdav'. Herard
w> Jdings waa the
.vnd Hiougbi llial nu ordinance pii.'-dK will ronduci igua la (Air
sliiMjid la- drafi's! This ia ren.-n*.! by own parl*b.**, after whlrh tA UaAp
le law. tiowsvff. and liir ni.e will Ukkim tu ib.-Bi Ihe AVtohra la
iiikirQ.-l liic rhi .f of pullc.- <0 whicii ili.-v will take up (Air duilea.
liii vale oter,*ceo9d, Ilraylon bii
Ar nsi-^e vote Anwk tbe bissrat
prFcedA TraveiA CHy Hive N< 1,32.
non-iutrUaan nuQmlty yet agalnai kin
whU-b nwa one of tA uratrat floali
Mr. Hkk.rd ktal.-d I At f.ir the last pri.-*t>, who will A vested wl(b the
few'" vlavk.hi- had noHnd (bat auloino- powiT to administer aacrasacnlr ol lA
r.- l»-lnp drlv.-n
young Human CBiho;ic riiureb.
A> (a Ukually the iviktonj IDs- AW
iK.y*. He l~-l1.-ved thi* lo A dang.T-
Hcorlng CaiitAH. Lawrjmce and Irlal
* Tbe flrki ,ihr<» tallvT* up for fad
illae wer.- <ml In theUlKth. -k1 Ihli
;.vl d-slailng that many are de*d. Ik- slage of the. game Kent,.re|>l:n-ed l’»-v
,li> are lacking.
. i> al plUh nnd Ibe lufal* s.-vincd H
Later advitea declan* that
ilk- lilni. f-n- Cluhy till sal.- lo right.
iimi-r« au- dead, and alt fatally
Clark hii over riglil. keurlng rluler,
cu.nnd 23 kcrloukly wnumicd by the
K.-yiK.Id. (Ihd oui lo rl^ht flcM SrnKU
tpIOBloii in niliic So. lour. J-'Ire start- Uiaking one uf the ivrinie-i catch.-a
^Ibik uncruoiin and It Is toen tl ihiH '<>; ihi-^gnioe. Ii*k.-r walked. Ceulkv
Waa pinally FUA at 50 Centa
a TbMtang—Big Majority
CatAdral ThAwday.
(Irond KapUa. Uich.. June 22—H.**
•lii-ly for c.-UH*t..i7 ;«jr|iO».di. 8e^e^ |i-ah*d by iBabop RIrht.T Ud.at talcrd to Hi.- w.iya and m.-ana eouiqiH ral* .I'lring lA cereavony tA uacred
iihHCBtiiiU!. will bi- cunt.'iTed upoa (A
-•• on Mr. (Adil.-irk mmion.
the loc.vla Baker KlViick 0"‘. Caul
re|kir(isl dead and many in;iir(sl
iiugiii 1.1 k.-(vmd a* waa Snirih afi.-r a
il.sl.- For Ihe local* j^BiajIno. law-
adM «Aat hand, a (lan mualcol
pruduci Ik kaua-n at (siuhl white
(In- Arretl Co. Iftanuracttjres tarvia.
III out try ing '-o • i eul; aecond. Hanip
OABBriah (MM In Aer tbe M. 4 N (lAi ol (be Trarerae <Viy i
A*a*''(l Rrducttoc.
S. atekt intBa(aa ahead of arbeduled xaHa. thu lent bavins a novel fliot
which waa a bee blve
Una. Thto (nlB had eleven coacbe.
Waxhingtun. Jun- 22.—The «enate
rope .celloB around until U loukA a.-,
(aWAtoiy UUad. Ach train w^
.(adAy difeau-d by a tulc of 24 lu
wrr* tbe lnboblum> jitSena'or Slr('umb<-r's itiueii,luteal
aA- Aa QaaA Ok> and OamAtol't tA hive. The float aws while wUh
Croem't HOfA la in petoakey While
ituake tbe rough lumAr duly II.
Artond. of Ilel^ daialea draped aloni
(A BrWe Waa TeaeAr in lA
,The fliiance rommltiee bad ivArted
■be edse and clAtera of ferw addins
•oartonan Avawe SeAel.
favor ^ $I » diify on r>ui*b
to (A brauty of (A float. Thia float
Qaeeo (Sty band -and prdceeded (be
and eaplain.<d the ta<*rlU of the'
I'liNlurl of (heir flinia. The L^U rota-
a Hire.- i-aa.1ldai.-a for tbe piWtAll Retmilda llk*i out to lUird.
lu.ib bad a king Ilsl of itvalvd ai'erla hood ol 111.' Kutuon Catholic ohan-h
bui liaAr hit ajwo Agger. -tcoHng
imrion eer,'monies wil' A mnduei* cilie*. A* ibe boarj h*.d
rurk and Irlah. lUker (wi at secoud.
.••commended laniu and a* tbe prim- e.I by HUbOp Richl.T at «t- AnArWa
Fur (todillac In Ibe ^blrd Ir.uuig.
• a* prarttcall) the aame, on Mr. n.(h.-drdl Tburaday marnlw. lA day
Ilamp hit Ihiouah abort,
Ulck.rd'a iiK.tlan. the rei«>f of <be Aing all <A more algDlAnat u It ta
lafe OB flrat. Then Hafnp go! ciughl tx.ard waa ar<v|i(ed and adopted. The (In- occakl.>n nt Ihe feast of SL Paai
lejUiij; second. l*o«erJ wiilki-d. H.-fe
(oiilract wa* approved on Mr. (loofl,- arid St pei.-r,
RliienArger and R<-vi4l(to pbiled i>lf
Thoa.' upoa whom (be vows e( (A
irb’s motion.
duuA* play reilriUK jlleK and l*ow
J. If. Flm-k coBi|.luln.-d thul ihe .-e .hureh wUI A Imposed an* Andrew
s. Then fur lA ‘U.-.-kj Cimlkell fla-d
MIcb.. Blwaid
iH-jii kl.I. walk in fowl ..f 3UC Wck! Narla-h of leoirore.
II lu-g^ghl, haic-nArger wa* safe .*
Tw.'Iflh *ln-. l wo* ill :iD .inyali- con IMdlaxacw'ski. bt Milwaukee and FHlx
nikt by bn infleld error. Ilraylon wu
.Mary k-iuTikb In Ihl* cHy.
(•iiiun. saying Ihol 11 wuk l.iiHt by ihe V..gt ul
ife on flrat but got fnii on accon
o y.dii* ago. H.d.-ri.d -n ih., TUi- ..I.-Inoi.i.*. ill which Hi- olAr
Id IrUh waa oiil on u|f> In second
and walk* romuiue. ob -Mr. nieml* is of lA llraad Rapid* clergy
In Ibe founb Stevens! struck out as
will luHkipate will (omavence al 8
RlckerdV muHua.
did Skelllnger :ind (liimure
Tbe board nf public work* renym- v- cka-k and will MU-nd throughout
fli-i.-C'ul*^ out on flrKl.
At uf the (oreetoun.
BJ-nAd Hiai l.i ,vr<*« o* Hi.- land own
nark fanned and IteyAlA did
I>«ntinrltl high mau wltl A eateed by lhi. city A «o1d lo Hie Catholic
Wi'linin. 1*B.. June 23—Averal men
Duty on LumMr Oreaaed on Ont Side
RrooA of tbe Itorivt Co., wen- ,.r-*
In the finii Shower* Iwalked. Smith
Mr. lUII of the lu-wla Co. and Mt.'
8k *a(<,^n an error.; Sbowera
an • tidoaiun
If lb«r* la asyihlra ahaul
our alAeat that you goa t
AcniooA or K you waat
L anr BMdical wdvkw. wtH*
I lo tA dMtor. and A w«
aotwm you fuBy- Tbma I*
A cbaiga ter kWa arevlow
a TA addiAa to IX*. M. S.
■ ChUwsU tu*.
rrfnrn v^f (be Awl* la good
. put
Mere ThaivTi Hundred Were Working
hM for lbs'nU*Mt*Mttii
price ji^ iilgber. to A aJtou’c*]
tor til.
In lA >
> did Kkelllnger.
r.-mwrger slnnk onl. ^
In the --•i.-mh. Idlmorc was pntm.il
llBMt flWBl toaebbiB I Ai.lac aad
guliuu. ( o. b. Tra'-erae Cliy In Uuk
ur*. and 7.7 rents on condllloo lAl
> flub-v on u fly, Stevena atrurk out
the previouii uh', and »sr>v ii
arlnnell e( al.
-TIu. laiard of ptibllc woriu Ad Ad
wine tinder mnslderalloo two blda,
the F. ,1. U*wlk Co. and tb.-
T. M. »
aulllac leiuu at Al. Jardlne waaoo;
-ion. will bid al .-aid >ale (be
o' iKr.ucai, [ur all ul the aaieia oHerad
So. 14, While Koae Hive So. (Cl.
areenwood Hive No. 292
Naval FlAt.
In the All game ibU morning b--
Mon- than a liundn*! men
working wiifalii and only a few •'
No. 4ie. Klacaley Hive
Krus 11... No. 322. I.udlB#lon Hive
Tbaae riMta were followA by the
The KIDC-Ipal bu»iile»s
i.il ini- city learn ct radmac,.’A lo1 kUnghi'T, winning by the
calk Ad
:u1 and Toke Co. mine tcxlay.
No. «(. Tliora Hive .So. M2. UDl;>n
- ■
uieeliug wBnJ Ibe sej-wtion of pavi
mah-rial. ibe nHitraci l~dng flnaUy'let
ad«a4 ol aavaa
MaAadAtA40MW. The
2SK\.",SK,’ ^
II tin- itorrett Mauufaclurlog Co.
keen the Anl K
itlth- lainiAt cumfiany eball A
,-iied and KaM n«eeia sUull agnia
for «ale A He- n-c.-l'
ke hive* aearlA the lecalla aa droljra. rad, white and btock
The Jlf■atonl hive* rep-c. 'MA lu tbe i
But the Vltiteca Simply CouU t
Maka Cennactlona. '
entered into a coniraci, and It wnuid
1 conalderalle ins* lo bil
•. trial or plea lb aAl.-meat t
Ife aald tbal wherever a Iraterr
hrouBbt up al (be morajag wwbKiu and
al urBaniratluM wna foiiiuled In
Alb MdcK of Ibe caae argued
niUBlly. ilial place U made luSler. IIevldelire lAeu.
luMirailng bU pulni by a beautiful I
Moraing Baaalea.
TA hairing U cm in the cpcuil
Sir, Lovelace apoke r*f Hie wirtid.today (-unllBued from yoMcrday.
II ebangva that bare tak^k place j
• «-aae of J. O- Crolaer receiver
ic region in lUv pa<( 2S year'. «rsl
<ouip|aiuau(. VA IA Souiirslde
lere were Irww. then
ier c^Aoy IB which a re-h<«rlng
i-luutia and now bnmew. (be bulwaik
aiid Ibe fubmloKloo of a new bid
■ be communliy.
aaked fur.
Hlia tAughl that aolhiag bad do
lA mMlIng k-caatem ot rouit
more fur Ibe regitm than the order
wua Hwured lo ibe cbm- or Ma
SlarcalMH-K lor HiIk order prolecla I
lln B. iUruer vk. Ira 1. CrlluieU. el al
ne. and glveii the child of lA wid
InwAaa on Ibe rake, trial of piea
all Hull anyone im,- a right to av2
ubalenjenl. Afier Ihe Jary wan aecured
, an oj.portunlly- ll placee all oo a
in ibi* caae ihe re« were dikcl>aige,l
i-qulliy al tbe foul ot lA ladd<
leaving th. m lo climb, lie told a «li
, iK'lug (he litkl (>r (I
ry of ruefa a My.w A Ad made a eii
There were K 'lAU- lo ibe Arade.
—State Lav. in Regard (a
Autereobil* Orivurw.
claima tAn oontbiM IA
hltu-wa, and It wa lAse Lind ol
that the order cil Slaecatawa pro
ill repreaeullnc the hive whAe'
Ara they carried Ad (A ladlea of
AlAemen Began Tbelr SeualA Only
living by the awel'ing or incir migluy
to (ha compM)- dUcouralu
irely KralA Bloof the way.
-s.srX’T'.ds:. sskrais:
31 8:63. an hour tA’ A* noi tnvn
ll.e cwlom (or-Mime lime at lea
- - ---- uj, „f
be vaudeville perforaiera a
uiora-of lA company, the And A
The brulat couple will leave itnmidiaiely on an esfentjed trip throug!.
Hie city couadl tout ev.-ning aUrt.-J
of nl^ »l all claaaea. are lor tbe
4«Ma« oaaad.
TA aapatow traU aa tA O. M. « I
baai «A aeatb araa crowded wltl
The only «Ut of town gueatk were
Mr. and Mn- AdelArt Malin ut peioakr) and Slikk Harriet Spencer of CA
iitunilUB Hvu-lun. Judge Sthyne .tated
Macrala-eii. wfaih- ihelr ranka conaial
rert And Ad corrlasea In wl
of flea eoaebaa baartap
veddiag march, necompaaW by Mlea
UucA' Hululay on tA viulla.
TA bat year* of life are die awuH*
e«L Ad yet the moat ditnculi to pr»PAV loag- It ia thea (At the greatcat cara
to ctcerctocd ia maintaioi^ bod%
health. But the chiel rare aAnld al
ways A with regard to the food yoa
At and whetAe yoa arc digesu^ it
prvqverly. Yon should aot allow yourself to become coaatipaled.
tliat he wa* dlapoaed to sram a re
li.-arliig In the caae. AU'>riie« Nich«:-
'k». and aakl be waa proud of him.
tAlr renalla. belBS al>o tbe larpeel
' P. M. FM.
rKloo prifrnl al lA eonreoihm.
MaccalHk- Ay.
iVka (M tiala to arirve Upa
• Thia Ik your order." be said, “not
tap «M (rat tA borth on the Pere •<d the ftodl
ine. S ou Ave given me a temporary
MHBftta ma apecA imln con
food aAwin« aad'were a
>*A>>'‘II>II1'>' wblA I mu«l Ktvi- L
iMaAofwIan oaachai but (A awebm
IKkm to tA parade.
Tbe Hlbeani 1 he SAlely at preeel'il la in good
■m aat «(l tuiad. -TA trato aniv«>’
luaeraeol company wa* wi-ll rrpre- dition. II tv your duly tu keep it i
•pi^dtp on tiwa. Tbe mki (rain oi
watA. bavtaiB with Ibem their com
laied with plak carnaiiop* and tA
ball with paiau aad fern*. Sllaa Har^
iK( SADier. of Cbicagu. played
hVom W.'-dn.-sda.r'*'K.-cord.
,Th.- UijwiRual regular m.-eling of
kM of wch.
hA Itora h:u:<]Bcna mam from Lad
ptoldBd up the Prwaklort del
i.ailing work.
K*vil aud
jih piirb-d ul.e All fur. Cadillac.
A lin-*t| k were
ladiba.—Jardine. (j; S'-ven«. a»;
.Gillnjore. 2b:
Svuiiti, rf: HAmp. !!-J>os.-ni
aitd Keni. p; lies, m.",
M -Hater,
(' .-ilk-ti
ni. hairvObeigef. k*; llrayiuu. <
Be one 4^ the ‘‘particular” pec^e.
When you make up your mind that you wank
“Lily While” flour, you’ve a reason for it and you
should insist on getting it.
The “ca^” person geU what the “partidiUt**
person doesn t want.
if you're particular and choose the best, you’fl
gel it.
You’ll find that most particular penile buy
Lily White
**TIw Ploa* tbe Best. Cooks Use**
ivno-. :f; liikii. 1h:'<Tuley. ;t,. t'laik
R-vAld». 2b.
W.livc Lcir and (.•• Fae Left This.
Horreng tor CMIaraia te MtcA
,\'i;ilv Ig- an.I Le. Foo. former pro
etori o' tA Cblae>c laundry In Ihly. K-;t IV (3 Munday ot.-r
<: «
L. tor Chicago Atler a sArt
tAi 'lit. they WilLgo to CalKorula
wa> ltiend<-d by Frank Johnson
end aj*-bri a ytr of more 'in
U-si man aad tA ring
good hlnclikh school.
Huwev-r. l*>tb w ill keep aa e;
Used. Mlkses RowvA
Trat.rse City aud afor tAy have ha
:iherlne IMvIa nttended tbe
trbed lAit acbuol wuik. if tb-)- Ih.i.k
•le dalniv-'dreaa-s of white Atiste. business coodiiicr.k warraai A
Inunedlatv'l.v follnalng tta ceretnooy
id cungraiutalHna. Ultn Carrie Itoric ealal rvkTsiiraai.
'Oiig 'Sing. O sing. " by Tl -F. Bae- yoang m.-n have b<ea Ar (Ay Avv
old A glad
.,d I U-. T..Tn,l,.->, C.,.|g-e—^
age la boatrle Ji
Ide. and she wore a gown of pluk
yilk mull and rar-ied a ahower buupink rose*. The britl?groom
Be Particular
And thA most of the people who do not nse it
are not particular what they use.
Us«s of Lily White are pec«le
thou^du wd
decision. They are uang Lily While becauie they
believe il is the best flour and because no one can
sell them any other kind.
Don’t let anyone get t^ impiesaoa that you*ie
Be particular—get Lily Whrte.
F<» s^ by your dealer.
AtA HMMV. iUNC n. nm.
Mnwi toltti na nwOr caltn
4fe* hem» of a HobtHs fluadv arifT-
**^SMrKF Piffi»r «od wlfr wrrr
fkHilh BoardBM TveMv.
Mn. A. a Btovb wu ia 8«
DMirdaaa .a day tUa «•>«.
tw B«r. Mr. TlioaipKM and lainlU
cpMU BatttnUy night nlth A. J- Monianatfr,
Vni.BM^er moM to Tra*««>
■WaAaoadaymn BrovD aveat Sandal at Ikmk.
n Mag kb birthday.
Mr. and Hn. Ran Bndra wrxf at
tka nwaty aeat a day Ub *«ek.
AUm HbN apeat Saaday With ht-r
slMt^. Mra. ntUlam BaUer.
Boni. to Wr. and Mra. B.« Btod•aU. June e. a girt.
WrQtagloa Ryckataa ««at to KaJ
Mia. Oram Wboary
Mlaa BarrtM Mrtigar
A. J. HoalgonM>ry-a a day iMa waak.
Hr. Bawyar b Tbitlog at Uie hon
or Portia
---------Oraadn. ______
tirrak with Mm. Loab
,.«O0d. of Kal
JaiM Kyrkmaal
a to
UUan Dtok *aa
*- Xalkaaka “
DaVid Vadar la oadar tba doctor'a
WUbar By «aa
^^Hr^iUl^tatlanon vlallad Mr*.
NoatgOBiary a day laai vaak.
> Atkina drora to Plla Lak<
Mtoa Tan Darilag «( South »uini-
JatoM HwIgoroarT-aod laoilly vbttod at tba iMima of Jaotaa Rrrfcoton
a f^ fnm (hb Ttrlnliy atfad _
btg in Kalkaaka Saaday.
(toorga Rynaawa apaat Sunday ai
lha buma ol liU daoskt-r. Mra. Daan
■ and a lfa ara iha g,____
a t pound baby boy. born
.. I. Ktta Booker and eUldrra arr
rbhlBf her paienta, Hr. and Mra.
^cXdlDa Med
^•li'a Sunday.
t apeadiag a few weeka with relallrea
• ■< r
31 la ibu- nelghbortuod. Mr. SnarThe l3dlu>' AM Mirleiy wl
Oriita Tianod
' Itoga' hcilih has been quite poorly Thunday afiertioaa to clr
thb eprtng und we hope the tuuntry Cb-jr<h. A Urgi. aiTendancv I
Prank Lagg^^ Sunday.
Pill beneli him.
, .Mta. J. W Hobba and Min. Ileary
Orandma Daed
ralM '-OB
Mra. Thayer of Ma>n. U rlMie^'a Mra. IL
thnektarb-^' on PrMay last.
Young Sunday.
'mUs Marton tilths grairaatfM from
Mlaa J>aiurapa rUlled At bee ablaai weel
uwk and reWe an- glad to know that Miu. base fHlwrt coUege last
irr-a. Mra. Cbarlea iobaaoa'a. Sun- Newmareb U impmrtog. and we hope turned borne.Tbui-4av
bui-4iv eve
crenlng. Harday.
oirt tiibbs. alen at. Ullvel
uilvei sti
khe Will rouiinue w.
E. A. Smith b baalug a water eya- at the aameviaie. ahoMr* 4. I
their mother, and Mle* Clara 8
It lo Olivet ter f
CbarlM Henry Tennant died at
landed trip In tb
father a hOBM- ta Weldon Onier Ji
IJoyd Marp-han baa been *|>-B<lmg
)R. 1> ■
. lew day* ullh Harold Gibb*
d to iaam that Mra
r are pie
Orandma Sparling rall<-d on telenda
Married. Thuraday evenring, lane
IG, at the bom- ol her graatKalhet,
■ alayt>elil. one day last week.
Merdaioea Oleaon and Xelaon ol
bIKp Keck
Beck ot
of Kingsley. MltoMis* Elisa
4ohn Sparling U* aUendiog e
Mr lAke sre viattltig at Hr. WII
Gran of- ibl*
■ e and- Mr Haul
proceedlnga lu Trarerne LTly
■ton BurtliAon'a.
Sihoulc of KMigaley. tbe
the erreoKtoy
beHr. Sirlrkter and Xaliilly of Mr
g performed by Ret. fUbtHile.
Mra. Lmile YorkK returned to
Me b vialUng bb brother of
iber of tbe _
graom. Them
ertr are many
home In Traverm- Ctty taei week
..tend* of the -brid- here who
*ho >>in
dng wet] al tb'u
glad to know that Mi«. tbc.very beat wishes for hyr '
jlr. aad Mr*. Sthoiilr'sill <
_ ..bt U able to be
bousekeplog at Kingsl
around'again, altbeogfa abe
Is employed I
qnite poorty.
ore or A B tttiai
Mr* Flora RtauHag and Mr*. MaTlUrry Oal srp and Prank WUaoc at
B.vU* Davi* ha. gone to K->
ile Smith were Trsveror Oty vmior*.
tended ChJMrea'a Uay eierclaea at
I work for the Queen CUy Elenrtc
tokl week.
"B« Kaaaoo churrh Sunday
i« progreaalog very rapidly
Srbool rtoa4d TUrsday »ilh a pirnlr dinner. The teacher. Uba Anna! OB Bdwlu rharlea’ One new hie roof
Smith, returned to her home at fYaiik.
u'rlork Sum
tort Prl^
morning. ®gllT,« *i
Kk.( Ituereotl
. d Iti'i
a lady tm
B'urk in the Alum* of lYilcsgo and
ebbing la (hb eleinily.
bear there in to be
Indian* In Oklabonta and AritoBj
tahoAly at.thbpltee
Mi*l Wtd irbriatma* ha* rein
W. E. Payne and famOy vlatted vltV
bb paronta In fwfcxr Run Sunday,
ackj-li ,of Traterw. (
Aload from hen- attended rhureb at
Ml*. le-*:-r Saver* U at home again
the Morgan achoo) bouae Sunday.
from a tiip to the Manitou Island*
Mra Bern
.e SI.
J TratenuMr. and Mra. A. -SI. Igtvejoy »!»lt-d who. It »‘itl b- r-nieniber*OREILICKVILLE.
vltb friend* at lloUge* Orrr .Huuila.' old pant uf i-asinway* on
.Mr*. Iluuaid MaiSey and Mr*. A igao during rti- smoky wvatber la-t
tgtt-ioy called at Traveoe Oily IM- fall.
Urv I.-P Ilalliii;» has It-rei •'
Mra. Mtra Markham of Unnd Rap- dav.
a few ilay*. hiR i. <it)l aaatu »•
Ma apem Sunday mith Mr*. Joka OrelOenrge So«h tbiled I
Ml - Jifbii VanilerKrrt r-:unv«
IlDdgc. Sunday
Grand Rapid* Sunday, hating
Mra. Truutau Howard a
We e«eiMl our heartleat eeagratu'there to rousult au orculi'Mii regard
latloaa to Howard Ur-lUdi and Wilto bee liille Wind soil. Malar a* he
llatn Palmer, who graduklod from the ’*Ji*e‘'ss'
«a> reluntinc from tbe PlanTraverae High aebool.
lor the hlhid al lAUsIhg
Rich Man'a Olfta Ara* Poor
A number from here attended the
r». l->ed Tahberer and »l*ler, \li**
graduating pragram held at the rity beside Ihl*; -1 want to go on record Havel Kidder,
as saying that I regard Kl-clHc llllopera bouae and on Ibe OMral achuol
l<«* a< one of the greatest gift* that
* <pput Sunday and Mon(lod ba*Biadelowoman."WTlte* Mr*
are glad to arelrome Mr. and
' r*e nt:
O. Rbluevault. of Veatal Center. >
kbv. Wimam Weller of Callforoto
-I can neter forget what It ha*
for ma." TbU glorious m-diclne give* wet* used
a woman bnoiani aplrit*. tlgor of day ami *<
bOdv and lubllani health
It quickit
Mr-i. It-Ufv Tabherer
Mr-. and
cum NertuusUeMt. Kli-»Alea>Ae*-t. Me|.
ancholy. Headache, Uat kartte. Paint Fife Uk- and Mr and Mr. Wa!
ing anil nitty Sp-ll*; m*>b bnIhN up StiKHtllsb and Ml—
tbe weak, ailing amt *lcklc. TiT them, weiv gth »ts at Fr.nl Tatih'-'-r's SupCraiM are atl looking Bnc
.'dip. at S K. Avail A fbtn*. C. A
MIta Mary Reck
KhiK»'e.i visUed
bee Drug Co . Hannah A {Ay.
William Bimiling of Trarnr
.... . _la°sL_,,
her slater. Mr*. AngUM Otu Mobday
Roy earns of Elk Rapids la spend
and Tuesday
liig a cDuttle at week, al E. V. WluMr dame* #arktaa (m* returned nle'a
from the Soldier*' Home at Grand
C. Hn« ley o( Alden cam- Wed
~lapMi aad expe<q* go spend Che treat
r pnn of the summer with Ocorge
Viner. an old civil war veterwo.
Ur*. Ague. Kalgbi aad danghifw, fOc. e.perlai1.v of Grand Traverae rlase). or Hodg*. are tlsktag Mr.
U one <tf very practical value i
leUt* Tabberec
•Ural popnlallon. It preaeni* aeettUdren'* Hay I* lo be «b>«
ere next Sumtay.
•rtuce or bavlng tl:
'■'^e?hJ‘iert^d a*
Cleaaeut fpel. at
lary. For Ibe
numritt.le U*— for, wbith fibwea
liml-er mat I*- needed, ihe fan
knew* how —trabl,- It t* to bav.
limber w
Tb-n n bMinilie* aad enhaon*
anpearance of'a cowatiy to a.-e
timber loierwperwed with green He
and waving gtain. -ne Umber |
M-rreu are the hi-aaly and pride ot
Eurtmean loril* and oohleioen. I.,
shady Jmee atid^-oul retreau Ibiougb
tsbitb. with ftl-ods and ktndnd Uuy
- -T rbie <w rviani. funtWie* deitgbl in
-• Of IW.I a id r.<-reatlon. Tbe plcla.the grove runu-hes friends and
nclgkisir. rvci.-atlon and rvlreshmeui
with relief oMiei waluiory and ln*|iir.
ing Yea. (he tooonlUbi reiiiblee of
the swain with his be)o»*^.-oheB
mark lb- beginning of hive', enduring
iwiuiia>-l which -tid- oulv
The d-Iiaht* ihtwv fimitd at
niiibg and aalmoiy than druna
liiyiedy. ibun farce or comedy.
Tnen Ike facllilte*. such ivBnlng
and practical advsnaige*
greater Ihan In this region. Sowhert
Havuiaklng ha* began'
MIm /.t«ma Car^uier reewrwed
her hobH- lo Bessonla ttfday. nret
psnieil ht Miss Iml* Hurhe.
Mtsees Mary sad Kvs Jminlshaeok
In leacher*
examlnatloo Tbaraday
and Friday
It tbe Ualo k
nagtowtod <
as . Tb* alC
site place to cVonic diaerdeea atm
aunervr goes gradualy lato tba-R
of dUbetso. droppy. BtgBCa f
gravUI or *ome otbe* sartanr
Ktdiney eantfdalat.
If -yoa aaffer from batter
schea. dllgy spells; If tb* k
cretioaa are trregntar of pai
appetwanr*. «a «
*00.1 Is tbe !■
Mergan of Trav.rwe CUy
'^ltocn.”oT?r aad'Mr*. Prank It Rey.
iKddr. ^Xiurdav. Jane. t«. a soa
Thcanpaon. m
>e (Tty . Mkte ■
ktan-a Khtnay I
hat they are a ratoedy wW4
ig rvUrf.
We bav* te*n t__
ided IbmaV Kidney mia a>44
pleased «o do *o\
from th:* plare-went
to acrtice Sundan
lap oetrtiig
Cbarie* Iteitcr
-r l-li
le|( •Moaday
laid for
Grand Rapid, for a short
•A Urge nmulte^ frttiii h-re a'teit<l..d
Remember Ihe I
the Mel TrOI'er tt>ee,mE>
take PO other
cur Mniiday .nd-Tn-Mla: .
MIm V-ra lauiiwn uboha* been il*.
state OF MICHIOAX. TH* 1
Ulna fri-iids beri. leutee Tiinsdav for
hate Coon I.
Insbon. \i.nh HakolB. wh-re sh.- will
ruxke her home
Mi» Harel >A1|M l-a>-» Tu-Mlay
.At a m-tslon ol said Canrt. b«M j
for Ionia, •her.-, she will lake a po
■ be iWwIe OfTice In lb* Cttr 1
sition a» steiiogrkpher
Traverae City
la said tYwaly. a
Jdis* l.uU
Mtmu I* again
* Vitmu
:«h day ol 4aae. A l>. l*te
A Allen .
Preaeoi: Hon
Fred tL W
A oiiupauy 1*. ts-ink organlied
4udgv of Fmbare •
eiari a ihe.-to> factory here Suih
with such SI
In tbe mailer of ihv mui* of i
indu-irt Will be;,very welconi--lu
«ia<k..Mtcani(eient. WlUlam Mi '
ChiMr-n'- dgyr was telebraled
- Ill- btiaiid ebun-h .Uumtay » hy. fa
farn- owa-ra should take a deep praying far'TlteMa~to mdt lb* fl|l
- rhuri h wa^ preUlly i-iieraa
vwt in prVM-ivlBg and t>e«nllf)luK c*t o> •okl relate
aettalB ladli
derontteil and ik- t
tlml*-i land* yei leuialatog In this late tberelt: described
1-srl pt <Kir state.
It to ordered, thai the IPlh 4V 1
Yrt then- may arl-e smne f-ellng 4nly. A l> t>»A. at ten o clot* In B
In ihv mindeotm that they night f.evwmn. at »ald proltole otflM, T
cisnr B|I a larner an a en On Ir farm*.' and I. hereby awmlnlrd fw ht
In most ca-e.. If ilii- land alr-ody said petliloii, and tbat the B*
ir«l wa. cuH-tsi-J w.ih more km and all iwnmn* totereated II
(hiM-n and uud- >o y»-ld <ip lo miate appear betore said rour
KlhiliHe. ihroiigli tN-iier lu-lli wahl lime and plan-, to show t
eat return* .vwld be r-Blu-d why
whv a II
llcea*e ip sell the iBIWi
Tb- churih
;-h wi« filled wUh people
le Uuihei hn would hveoue an said e«tj,
e*t*(e m said t*«l Mlatd 8
Sunday ................,
illness lb- rhildn-n*
_________ Hay
.Ing source of dellgoi
del '
In tb- rti- not b- g-ani-d;
program, wbli-b wa* ytet flue. Tfaere
> a friillfii'
were a numb-r from \orib Mlhon. Elk
Rapids amt Yubi
Mir* tiara Hoartr
f Elk Rapid*
cnsdlre wmte pretWna t
'beirlng. In the Grand ^
aid. a newt^paper printed t
hun h
I* City People Sheu
Wall isti-d In Mid coantv
MariUntil n Is Tee L
.• preiiy ,
Itpalltsg dravUi rat- from KM*
■ June::., ipiy:b-i^
Extraordinary Price Cutting Untii July 4
Now is the time to buy this seasons CHOICEST WEARING APPARFLL at the LOWEST of LOW PRICES. You know from PAST EXPERIENCE
that their is always a BIG SAVING in buying at the LOW PRICE STORE. And NOW above all other times the GLOBE DEPT. STORE should
be the place for to trade. BECAUSE we not only sell -you goods at the UIW PRICE bnt we have put the KNIFE into our all ready LOW
nSKXS, which means a LOT MORE TO YOU than a cut in prices from any high priced stored; and besides this we glvo you the GLOBE
tig CiotHing Salo it
Ill a.25 and SI.00 Loffi Silk Gloves • - 79c
Th**- are (be bsisl qnalRy 1C and IJ button Iciigtba. with double fingor
(ISta. all cotora lo aclecl froni al TSc
AU $2 Lona SUk Gloves - - $1.19
-nie** arc tb- be*t idik Usle. 1C and IS Uulion Icngtha. guarani—d flng-r
Upa; aotne tucked lopa. nearly all d-iJraWe colors; while they lent, ft It*.
41S inch Satin Messaline Ribbon lOc and 13c vd
Tbis 1* an all-tUk ribbon. b-*i •lurillty; Ju*i the thing for Mi*h-s and
half bows.
SI8.00 Satin Wessaline Orasses - . SI0.48
Th«d« am of (be latrat «ty1-« and in tb* neweM color*; evvry dress ta a
- boautr, wbtlc they U.t, IliMk
MM aUrl Waists fw Fanr.v lar* and embroidery trlnimed. made ot good
- 73c
$15 SatlB FeutanUs Dresses 59.98
Where you will find all lb-new colors — Ro*,-. IN-uicKk. Taup-. a* well
Maple dOlora. nnd for less than you can buy the >Jlk For
$6 Ladles’ Tub Suits - - 4.48
We had a very soccesshil Millioery Season. Now
we are wilimj to close odl what is left at less than
1-2^01-3 on. We oean to make this the Anal
dearance: these prices win do it Just 41 trimmed
hats lelL The lollowini prices wffl close them
out in a lew days.
S3.00 and 3.S0 Trimmed Bats for - - - $1.93
$4.06 and S.00 Trimmed Bats for - - - $2.43
$6.00 Trimmed Bats for - . - - $2.93
Choice ol wbal Is tell ol hols thst oold
dorlog the season lor 07.SS, 18. SIO
lor SS.48 and..........................................
Made ol Indian Head suiting*, all color*, nicely Irlmiued
AH $1.25 and $1.35 waists for 98c
Her* you -will find alxly different style*, both fancy trlmm.-d and |*lain
Uitorvd; not a waist worth l<-*a than tV.r,.
M $I2.SS and $13 soil Dresses for - - S8.48
The** are made ot l.oul*lDe silk, very serviceable, praciily irlmawd
And tailored; only five ot them k-fl. Your choii-. fS.tV
5L75 ud $2 waists now $n for $L17
Botoe of oof rboic««t xlySso ar* In this ioi. Inrludlcig uome allcivrr em
brolderT waist*. They would hr cheap at
$6 Silk FetUcoats idr - - $4J9
75c Shirt Waists im - - - 49a
Hade of plain laws and cotevd piTcalM. raibroldcry trimmed, lalTorvd
Style. Compare them with xrtut cithers are nbowlng.
tile .I.e."m-r- Ilf ro)iir*; tm:b plain and 11: i t'lsO. .iLj made of extra
!I I.I-T. : I
$1.75 Ladies’ VIci Kid Shoes $Lll
(W«>d stii—. :.gli: or h-av) »ole*; lai*. «ivli-» ........................................................... $1.19
$2 and $2.50 Ladies' Oxfords for .' - $1.4$
Wiimi-n's Tan (Ivlord*. ih- pruper *bade. good >i.ile lasts: • drewy aho*
$1.75 Hammock - - - - 98c
I.aig- sire, diiulile *trv:(!icr cloae'*and larg- aasorimeni of colora.
$12.50 Refriaator oi-ik-.i
$2.50 Men's Eikskln Shoes ■ • ■' $1.39
Ttiii uiak— an -xt-rll-iil icunl* or oporfliiu
$2.25 Vid Kid Shoes for men - • • $1.48
■ili.-.iil.. »lloi.., >l>l.*li )a»;‘
$1.35 eoys’ Box Can Shoes - - - - 84c
. 'J III l;. Uiad- •.•.li * iiuti liaik -u.i. J.J.: lb- •hoc for bard or*nr.
$1.85 Boys’Elk SUn Shoes - - - - $1.89
7-*i»'I> 11 •sliii' >W- Iiiedi', i-viiilurtabh' yet Mrlld as a ruck; cxrior*
blar% <ir a;:\- gr.-i,
$16JO and $18.00 lea’s Saits - - $9.4$
Men’s Dress Pants at Gut Prices
$2.00 Tslaes for 1.30
$3.00 Tatnes for LM
$4.00 valMS far &$$
Giok Dept Store
A V.i; ivllwi-i.i: n! tiiiii'* band tulk.f-d sulu. tb- •lyl.-» kiclude newly
IA. r.-ftinj: -lijl !. g.,e«) Ibis *ea«Mi.
25e Boys’ Bkmces ior - - 12Akc
Agi- i to IS yi-*r> totd- of percale, mostly ttghi colon.
SI2J0 Men’s Sots
$6.50 Men’s Sotts tor - - - - - $4J8
i Otiitmitttllimims
swing loose.
Kor docs abe leave
boor (w two ksforehmk-
TUt to tbe eecret
qneatly. No one Is ma
ovrinkM aklrta while travell^
both porter ud ■
' If poo eboose (e rise at an early
When fi to Use to arise put .
bMr. rsi-aln In your room until nearly tbe wonua wbo wishes to walk up
>oea or allppen while sitting in tbbrsakfut time, unless you are very
I dwb (he pUUorm everr time bertt. slip yoor ektrt oa
Then tneu
sure that yonr presence In the parlor the tiBid stops. On n Journey days in I) roll yonr ctotbes In a dark pHt
length thU It permlsiiblr oceaslooal coat or place :bem in s bag. and paa
will not be nnwclcotne.
I Will a* Out
h* says tbst *• all o*«d a
large Isurrs. In a promt
. at atattons where the irala wakes
i to Ibe dressing roow■
into tool VOOdItBi plMM. ekUd Mint. We ar* toe
your mind, -be punctual."
lenrby stop. Hu: u.e wousn
A< each stalton approschet. ib.
• «u form (I«M'
It Is well to remember that •«# does ji may tsai as.-ur.-d iba:
porter gives bis attention to ,tb<
I kft*» bMTE ausy
(kt tkoegau aaE plMtam vblck vc ihlegi wbkh eecm of very litilv !m- potter ud easdurior are naeosy
u aosr iMM
abe U la ibc car oace.ntorv Tiiey ctotbes of the paiteeogerv.dlsembsirk
portuce to you may make u unpleaaea>ay«4. To fcekp >vun«
tbere. brushing them iborougbl.'
k UE smM Ut Wmm
mpressloD upon others, in cans*- are never certala (bat sbe will not
mlBd and body va aieit aai rargM
L.-1 taini dv your bat and cost beti
quence of a dlffereac* of early iraln- board Ibe wrong Onto or get leR alla aa)ay. Siyt Trlaa; -You
they are put on. A ne-re motfog
carry oa bualacM all (be btnicr tor
band or bead will br.ng him It
• tCblle the porter wfll ten yon Ibe
bplac fa tbr playful Mod vbci
Is too (ar sway lo be spoken loo. (o
• w* cRia aMritt la tk* u«m lalad If aft your baalani.- aad ba
time for mfals. be Is to no way rs^
wonderful bos- slert it bis ot
«a« aaoBtaiBB.
ble for (bem. nor gbould be be
proeeeda la prow that at wr allav:
den.ianding. M'ben the. bmsbing 1
« vttk eyM ta
ouraelTM lo frew aid in nlad.- Ibe ••Yes.- said one. “be U very bsodlb.- lip is given—twenty tfiv.
l^aM ««od fDda-^T* y«t: toratu bedy.tDilova tbr aama trrad. aad
. but be does Mt pie alib bit When tbe meal ls.«repared. a walur
tor each twenty four bou
passes through ibe\ car announclDg.
ac» eraapa aa apaev. «fa«r<««
Take' csre llui oo tribe
portion thereof. At the same time b.
-nrst twll for dtoai-r.- or breaktssi.
NjUMb BMarKr;
yaoBC in bran an-, as a rule, co
that kind Is recalled vbra people
may be told lo come for your ‘bs.
Vt lUy aUaat itor »fll a»«afc vUk ■poadlagly youeg la body and la spirit. sp«sklnc of you.
or lunebeoD. or wyiever It happens
• ben you leave ibi- train, allbougl
to be You may-vltber go at once
Bui k U aat poaxlbto lor all of us
Keep your vsn room in order, ud
Ibis U dune altboul suggestiem If (h
the dining car or wait for .the final
ta CM avay from boaie lias. Hare > not srxuer your belooflncs
At the end of tb
rail some time lab-r.
ir you
I arkk pray-ra I abalt mpr
ikoucbt lor tkosa wba caa oaly fer tbe bouse. If your (rirnds
take the bag ud kl..
to car sickness, be es
kata boBM tar a day ar tvo
orderly. It wilt, annoy ibrm lo see
dull.-* end.
MM aka Ela-iu lava
iIbm>. or prrbapt for oaiy a frv boars your tblncs out of pince: and If they
ot trnvr
the dining car In whuh you will have
B«raataf^ tarcA bajalaM, ar vhaa at at tliap A'bllr (fats U vriusa vlib
not. tbelr o»n disorder sUI be
an upper Perth, because. eiSrer
(o rid.- backsanf. In ibe dining car
spsdUl iboucbi for ibaw who
enougl- vllboul sddloc yours
eeu It Is a matter of life or death
you depon yourself as In any restka lake mtoa of .Noribwa klidtlsaa.
kisbc up yourmlnd to be enlertalnIt i
You pay for each weal when no woman vbovid undertake it
It la aqaally applloabis lo aay taral- ed with vbst la Aicned to eniertsin
i-r lo go by uotber route or lak
Hava you over ciraa yoersall
II your friends Invite you lo foie
ter train oa wbleh-• lower ben:
alter from ten to IweMy-rite rents
TseaitOB fay faacomlai srqualatrd them In an excursion, Express your
be recured. If u upper berti
When you sbb lo retire, ask tbe
h •• «at lata te&l vaadlaaA pUcaa with Iha pratly placet riibl lo your pleasure' sod readiness to go. an
porter to make up your bettb. Anyl™“‘' be taken, all me undressing an.
k apaa kaart aaJ ean.
ava (ova? IVopla oonta for kuadredt »t a« as tbouib you s..re conferring
lime after eight o'clock is sniiaHe. as!^^'”'
a 4A1M fcaU. ntaalac ivitt of mik-a to eajoy tbt-ui. (baa vby ...
favor Instead of receiving one
with tnOM psrrengera the 'earlv to'""" “»•
to tl 00 Ibe step
youT ffov inaey Traverse City proIf games are proposed, do not
bed. and earl) lo rise- bibli pr.-vall.
*‘" *‘’’*“* A womai
k ka^arJ raaeUak raaia.
da. lor tostsBce. bava ««Vn strollrd that you will not play, or “s
lu tots hour ef preparation lor sleep!'"'
otubarraaslng sit
I acalB aad' kaav OflU'a ta the tap of Penvood bDl. and
rather look oa." biit-yoln tbe rest,
lanful woman learns tbst one of
ad at tbs lop to farbold aai'h bxainias do the beat you can. Sever let a
most important points' to traveling'
kL^ BtiKMA ta Loadoa OvUaak. aa ibey did aat dream could axial Isb reeling of pHdr, les: yo.i should
s sleeper It knowing bow to took'“
»"'vling togelbe.
ariibla a fav blocks of tbea: ludi ax- not make so good an appentnee sa tbe
a section, whirl
r way
If a
d man JuK they should o
Hlfk Ofi Um Hllla.
of blue bsy. auefa voadrrfully: ntben. prevent yoor tr)lng.
e unlnlttoted would seem tb-*
I aa tka kUla tka graat vtada
MNniiMI. BUM. ;
• atraady Wav;
I artak. E>7 «raaata aUf«^ la aad
" «ia;
k at vkita. a ErUiUs, vladr -Mawk boai;
I ararbatd;' Imtaaaittfakly r*-
SMTlIllflil Wnm
liFiititila. ;
tlatad hnif. aucb pUy of llchi
abxde oa tbe lake at tfae Hybi, aucb
CUinpaaa of pretty dvenincx.{nFailtuc
imonc creea ireet. Kos- maay have
ever coar to the top of Kauadetl's
Hill, or the bill back of lar aaoiiarluDi,
aad tbere cau(bi cHiapaea of the ivu
baya aaparated by tbe vardasi creea
tonnuond Traverse people kavc
taken (be Carp lake trip to i«Und. re-
1. Mely cavtac of a crow
Mmtt. Okoftly KUI «kd
tunibg tbs sane day after a dev of
bsautlfoi Lake Ulcblcan, and bourt
of rvetful qnlei oo winding Carp lake'
Have you ever taken tW beautiful
twoBay trip .'~nrouBd Ibe bom.'
gOB* to Nortkpon on (be railroad.
ylH tka UM ckSas cai
|*iUd-«Wa. vtkd-Mrapt apacas
‘ ' lacp wtaUbc tkrllU
j^'tkt Uroat
allaaM vitk a aaaadlaM
f drava aaarkr tkaa «a kaev,
a UUt.
■r Baaaatt, la ike
pgsiUic as flBs a scenic bit of coun
try as 1s w be found la tbe nonh*
Or If you live farther east. In Astrim.
bars yoa ever spent tbe day oa t:
lUmd cbsln of tokest
your baarts, you do not Bead to tl
yourself ail out gettlnc ready for
trip across tbe coniinroi. vbea sU the
dories been could deeire lie vlihia
few blodis of your
chief difficulty, as Horn* Cheer eeee
■ to a UtUa rbad (kai vtads aad
t aasar aaarn to aiNaa ta any
I ky It onaaN IlUaa away
“tCbst's (he matlerr aald tb<
-Haven't ycin
ay place to cor
t (ks nal ta klddaa tkroueb
% I walk aa H vkao tka isr&icht
-Any ptoce ter co^~ *ai the
•mptuons reply. "I ve «pt the whole
Inited Slates before me.
I've cot so
uany places ter $o dat it's wonrlB'
le dluy mabln’ up my mind which
ray ter stan!-
>r faiatly^nry far away.
n »a traw ara baakad aad tuD
I aU tka kMa m ^ oat o'
>i’«a riv.
«tka wkIM Motka kaso aot bofun
' u or.
I^camsa to abMt Baa, sett aad
comfortable ways lo travi-1 There Is
Ibe opposite seat Ud ride beckwerd room from the a
nothing bard about It. and there is
>r a while.
M need lor the feeling of tksardness
per berth and lower berth exbellWhen the porter ie ready to begin
II ease which too often spoils
like tbotr in a section, nnd a atogb
I your berth, uke your bag ud go to
the flmt tong Journey. A writer In
couch alona Ibe other -tide ot tb.
the dreealng room. There make your
(hr Womu'a Home Companton has
room. . They are nol curUlned of
evening lollei. lossrnlna your shoes
given tbe beaettt of ber experience
ud only Ibose beds nhlcb are n*ce>
fasleulligs tbs! wtll not mar
IJ1.SO simple and plain a way tbai
ury are made up
Tbree w*mei
your appesrnce. On returning lo your
Home Cheer gives (be oiosl necessary
Irav.'llna togetber would find It (aberth tell Ibe porter at wbat- bour
parts of It for tbe benefit of those
.ipref.-rnble !o three beiihs and n*'
you wish to be called. Incld.-ntally;
who may be cootemplMlng a trip this
more expensive, wfaile for aa old per
le well to find out tbe desunatton
summer. Tbe writer eays:
son or u invalid It i« the oiily *oai
your fellow-paiselfgen ot ibe tame
A word to women who travel: carry
ifortsble nay to tak.- a trip .Tb.X. If others are maktog an earlier ., , ^
less luggage ud more tact. Tait lo
irt (hu you. give them the flratI!;*!'-'
cnae Is tbs capacity for dltilncbuce at tbe drencing room, and re
gulsblBc tbe esseuMal among small'
^esls. It I* bever n-cesaary to leave
main to ywir berth until they are off
matters. For example, some women
It. and even they may
le- **rv.-il
tbe iralp or ready to go
But if you
the porter, -others do not. Tbe
tbere If one wishes. An «Ie<^rlci b«-11
yourself must make an early atari, todmeri-ocv' Is uolmMortsul uulesi the
summeos the porter.
atroct the porter lo call you w-clf in
porter Is made srqualnt>-d with It.
advance ot that time, that yon may
Ths Oardtn In Juns.
Tbe eseential thing, (far iirime cobjldhave Ibe dressing room fo youreclf
So matter bow well Ibe. buisbec.
eratioo. f^r tbe woman who travels
few niinnios before otbere need
vines and plants of all klods iu Ibis: let tbe por'er know lo ad-
it. iB our tsklBC iDBumenble vacaflower garden
blooming this
tlooe this summer at so expense, and vange that be Is going to be Upped.
monih Ibe ilorlsi mustn't .onsld.-r h.-t
with BO oaitoy except a little physical
This does not.mean tbst tbe porter
Iwerk finivbed and n.-aWl Idrlng
enerty In the way of a walk or a
> to be told In so many words that
Is coualned to the tlory of the trgmp. he Is lo receive tbe money. Tbe ease stoning away your belongings: an In-',hem proper ntlenriq^n. June blospoms
re tbe result of much llBH-ud Isbor.
which is BOlBC tka rounds of tbe pa- Of the mucb-traveled womu^ ud her i-llued . shelf (Ibe upper sesl back
recognition of her rights and prlvl pulled ouit across Ihe head of Ihe ,( pot some money, spent ui«n *b.Iceatati to the tramp.
up. get him out of your Itoe of vlrlOD
Ths Woman On a klsepar.
DonT force him Into the berth ,nd P®*'"
Many women have never uken long
diacomforla of undreirlng ihere.l’®'’
one could ksv.
trips and have a real terror uf aa all When If you were away he could take'''*'®P*‘"« “ »«"vroom.
nigbi ride in a sleeper, while In resl- off collar, lie. shoes and bell belore|
Tbe stateroom ti
e end of tb.
lly thl%4s one of Ibe eisiesi snii most the curtain closed about him. Take’'*'- •*'P*r»ttoit the momen's dreesim
Dr. Watte visited lord Alitey's. tosodlBg to stay a fonnlcbt. and stsyd tony years, at tbe request of the
amlly. who touad b|m such an aireeble guest that Ibey would not let him
epan. A writer In 81. Nicholas oTIecs
besu sucpeOloas to visitors who
_ _ It flad out. aad ^y tketr pa>
d atay a KUta while.
-By sito Yomc.
bkiWar forward aor bskiad
aia* Ik baca ar fear;
B BMiofU. taka tka Bead I flad.
• baat at kow aad ksra.
It «aai Vlads btow. aad. Uactac
li tear tka Rlad stroaxM rua;
C wladaws of ay. aoul I throw
a ta tka stu.
I Mara paepit ar* «a
a tka fan Ibst *-ali werit
• ptor to as bad far ^wa npa
b la Mr (kOdiwa. A ckaace ef lam Mr
a few days seems
r Ms tbld kraia aad rest t
r body, aad tkt ekancs should
•Plate as It to poasibla to
Par lastaaca. a man ar »
» to oacacad la atoMly oanflalac
ar oocapMioB wblefc exaretoes tbs
b ad tbs axpMsa of tka body
« Uee ost ^ doora fw as sacb
h Bay as peaolUa Barlag Ike va. For tks oouatry woMoa tkera
sat aad ckaac* ikaa
t-dp toaw tore* aK>. wkor* tl
^ imt Maads-wUi k* aaunlr aew.
a tp.kto boUt, -la Tub* Witk tbe
• ear porter, and let him U-rt
) your seat. This porter you do
I'uless you have some good reuen
not lip. for be to in ckbrge of the
or Ml doing to. 1st your friends know
sleep.*. Its will undi-rilsnd that llie
bt day. aad It poasible. tbe hour when
III be fortbconiiag at ins
ou expect to arrite. Surprises sre
of Ibe Journey.
esy sell In tbelr way. but
Iton'i take into ihe ear anything
es bousebolds Id sblcta It Is quite
ore ibaa you must
Check all
.OBvenlent to bars a friend drop
lUage possible. At h-t the i
eltkoui wiralaa for a prouacted
itt will have In which to stow away
your belongings Is all loo smaU,
Let your friends know, If poM‘l'><. you wui. therefore, only those things
■Ml Suer you arrive, about bow long shlrh
ti'tually ary necessary,
■Sfox airib— ■ —• tfroth
the curialns to, closing tb..m[«be llo*er **rd,-i.
Tb- real Impor
th.-s.- dunes are
• IHi Jfi'e buttons provided (or the pur-!>uce
n.-fl.-n dl Ibe
POS.T If Ibc upper berth Is to use. s, sppr.-cttted ui
short d-vrk rurtain bangs before ib..'sri. iirglei-i.-d
ruilaiiis, sad U. loo. should be drswn|ro‘e busbe* *111 give ib.- aphis aud
{other lij>.-.i .■iieml.-s a ibau.-e lo do
Wblh- sming on tbe •Oge of tbe.mohg.i them, utui u. litberth, arrange the hair, remove .he'"'
collar and waist, and
:iurn a blcs.ming garden Itito bare an.
Tire ssisl msv b.. bung ov-.-r|‘*»"'“
the hammock, where j. nlll keep unwrinkled.
Then take off the shoe., »"■> ” ““
drawing the feet up into the berrt
ver Uke a nap In the alimaon
you. nnd may. ibereiore. monuu and the shelf at the foot of the berth, icool ol tbe evening or ratl>- mornitig
Ksl only te-rter thsD !*.■-. fkj*
wbeo I am at borne, bot I do wbea I for you to arise
lYKb (be pillow arranging tbem no they both air and
makes tbe dirrerenl ilarkam rlslilBC. becidise I know wbat
make yournel^(omtorMbl«. always re-'do tot get crumpled,
relief It has sometimes bees lo t
memberlng aot to rncroacb upon an- enough-to keep from falling during
'"Y I
.. bare cempaB.v lie down for a llnie Jiber's terrltorrthe nlgnl. Tbere U no reason why
while, aiuf dlnaer.''
Try. without being too ftmlllar.
A Oood kummer Drink. ;
•the. abotsld be stuffed IMo tb« abelf.
Tbe porter will flv* aay Informa-Jtbcy
rooliiig bsverwfr* can W bad at a
If something to tbe'as many women think
If it seems
make yoameU so much Uke one of the passing country k of particular in 'necesaary, they -may to- pinned to tb* momrii-’s notice if ■ bon;.- of un
family ikat an tme shall feel
terest. be may b« asked about it; be'edge sad allowed to swing Hygiene ferroen.ed grepe Juice sed
tbe smy: ud. at tbe same time. • HI change Ihe vewllstors upon re-jsuggesls that Ibe clothing should be kmons are kepi at band
If misbrd
too tiiorb of s luxury, then keep
• and bung as remotely as possible from
and s bottle of water
vssine' III
Bp wbat the world agrees to call good
istema ef tbe keuM
Do not k
your friends sUtlng np naiU later tbu
L nd Bo oM ks yoambw bkout
-Tb*(« la M •xcos* (or fotog aairay. It to eMf to aak quaMkaa.
t qoMttoo af(M prevento boorElag a
wrong train or Bakthg > «(«oc aaov*.
sa; return by another rout* and nee Davy Croeben's motto la oopeclolly
ymetbing new.
Sboold tbe ret
cable (o travel—Be «or* yoa'm
ip. for arbitrary reasons, be neees- right. Uk« go abnsE.
iry. vary 1-. as muck as poslble.
Maay of the dtsrWerri ot txovnl
on,^ve taken tbe deligbirul tlodsoc
ver trip by tUe ^v tmis.
wh.-n y.iu
rvnirn take
.gbc boM. it noold be bi
birb Of thnne'.lrips has toe Mrvngei
lalm on tbe iourlyt. twperialiy'ln,Vn
at w.ulh.-r'
Don't parry
■e due lu the ptocraMinaUag traiwl- himaelf.
Many a disgruntled UM.
t-lee baa airuEgled into TippM- is'
Then “h.wrr
could have beep-aw
ured H the reoervwttoo bad
There Is.a great deal-ol virtu* la,
lemoe It *111 oftew prevrot or <wra
beck al! you can and carry only the
lings you »«• sure 10 n«-.-d
ir slrkn.ws.
An emergency fonrh to odvbmkta.
The railioads hever provide tor anck
. Ikin'l burden yourself *lib books,
yon are guiiig to read all the tmi.
Ml Ri^ht .vs Well siby at bniiie Tbrna: Umk u. Nature Is .spread out Uire voii. »bile you are un irsvclj
-ad Il.:d This, tiuwevcr dues not a
travel, .ns
ramtU<-a ur frtrtids in partiea ot
.re* or four will gjeoily ancmeat
ie.r romforl by eanagiM a Er«ilGr-.
tu.Mii. aad Ibe expense 1s no mot*:. '
ive your worries and rsm bw -
aok. at.- tb.-n must dieirable
bind yviu.
vv.-*: .vinnmn sen*.- gjim-nis ibat
111 >.o: .I..VW tbe dux. ib.i
A shun
uss vu >h. and mat ore ns llghi In
«nkHt* to alnaya reatful and r*lr*sb
elgbi US- the wraiber w.ll p.'rmll
.p.-ciu.l. rcgnrd lyc d.-nnnds of com
He friendly, but mol familiar, wlib
strangers, and. above all thtnga. bn
guod (rrnu *(lb yourself.
Tips ar.’ a'ue.vissitv eui
Kot an
-1-day Jou -vey tip toe puiicr t.emy
ve cento, pnyyidtoa you .get' gnsd
take your camera' The al^m of
insps" ibat can thus lib se.-ur.-d *11'
id grraily lo (he perntaneni valu.
f Ihi- Irlp. You ewnno! atoa.s bu.
le pi.(ures that are besi wonh buv
DonT overiook the side irips
"heart tnterei*" In travel is noi
vuiid along Ihe main iravelrd roads
you visit Hurion. sldeairp lo f*ly
outo and 10 S«t.-*ii; if vMilng New
ork, run up to Hleepy
ran the coast. If to Itoftato remem
■rThat Nianra S but half an bout
say. On tbe Banta Fe route to the
aciric oOBsl do not make tbe ml.Mke
>C tockblenest
To value independence without tonvg fsilh In her fellows.
To undentand aorlal eeaTentlnu
bd use Ibem (or ber own prOtMtlOo.
Never (o let friendship InTrlng* apa seii respert
Never lu sign papers wllboat kM»ibg wbat they are about
Not to cling with her eysa abut.
Alnayu lo siand erect
things squarely to the (nee.
Rntaxatlan. •
This to how one - aensibto wegsan
lies her strength. Sbe nays: Beary
wot stvpplag off Iu vVIl (far (Irand
anyon.: K Is better «;^b your while housewife should have a cot la kitehdliilna ruoui on •bleb sbe can rewln line, nnd tbe same ta nue ul Isa foi a momem while waiting lor
isD anything y«u will sit- on Ib.-
•e Y.-nowslone, that rails fur a aid.- someibing to rook, and (or a few mlnwtin a favorite luagaxlDe after a
Ip troni tb.. northern main lto.«.
Mine ts to Ibe dining room. 1
Travel U an educator as well as a
delight, but
Is Is nut, newssary <c
a cot-atoe matiresa on k, oovee-
H is
y a spread (bat drew np ton nboft
not a mailer of dlslanre that iM.-i
-ravel a pl.-asure and a pram
fur bed une. I dyed,-lbl4 > dart rod to
niMcb the will paper of (be room and
cross a continent or an nrys^
Take a rare |esl ibe selfisb aide Of
'Our issiuts’ assert llself. In our trav
"Is.we are luu apt to forgei ibat ntfa.-ri
irv i-ntdled to (bn natue prlv11i-Kes we
claim fur ouraHres.
The tostfst train ts nol always tb.
l»st iraln for a pleasure trip
i.T svl.-.-l (he (rain
nilb the m-.st
.vimforTs a'nd wlib a sHiednl.- ivaU-u
Uied to rearb ifae must laii'-iesiinc
IMtot.. ol (be niiwt desirable biiurs
with several
pillow, of cream
UK- Sli.i ri-d'riu*ets. mad.- a dainty
*•■11 as oumfortable addllKMi (0 tb*
New Munson BIk.
TrorM* CRg.
^^CTitoena^ielepboM: otBe*. Wg; fota
Aak (e b* dtraeiad t« M* g(8e* EM
.............. Ibe edge of tbe berth and let sloiie *111 .ism.lak.- |Hi.s.-.lon ot
you mean to stay wkb ibem. as they sides, lor chicki'd baggage tbs
mlgki aot like to ask the quteilon. and road 1s responsible, but tbst which Is
Place the .h.M-s on the (toor. Inside "'1
wouH sim find U convenieai to know Uhen Into the car Is at your owe
the curium, where .be porter can (tod '"■«
whether your visit Is to bsvd a dura
tbe around *.111 me
them, for one of bis duties is ,u clean
tion of three days or three ^reki.
After Ibe train Is under way, re- tbem before ib'-y are nss-ded the
' Tabs with you some work (bst you
flurry of ain.1
Pstlur*- to k.-.-p t
«ve your coat and bsi. Hang your nett morning.
Tbl> pUrlng of ibv
have aIrqsBy begun, or some book
)si on Ibe small book next ta tbe shoes Is also s token by which he
you nr* readUig. tbst you may be window, above
clMtire to f'-il upon i|i- r-r-u.t>
of (be seat kno*i- be. Is to b« llbped.
acrssably -employad when >our host- Un most reads £e porter y.111 bring
tbe toll that til.’ fluser- .eign. i» bs
The remsindr-r
of the undressing
caoke I
ass la eacaged -With ber owg affairs
strong pspek bag. to which you must be.done oo the berth
A small
and BO) be sltilag sbout i
place your bst. wbfeb can tn- pul *n- woman *111 find that she xaii kneel
sraliiug to be entenslned. wbrn ber der Ibe seat, with your bag Al ihv quite romforlsbly and so „•! m.-lsotur’ln-' '"»• dl'**--ble during
time la Becessaiity taken op with
lime be may offer you a pillow, clq'bi-s off wiiboui any irouble. but '*"■
'aSMUOI Ol I- must l>e-<tone If III..
eometblng else.
u may ask him to give you one the isil woman muss do it as beat sbe
tbeir U-st
Jlos- Of'
A lady who Is ebarmfag as s fnen He will get It from beneath the rush- cun in a sluing posture.
■nd as a kosUss. once aald to mr.
of your seat or of that In lyvni
Hang tbe cloibei over (be hammock work cjii sud should t* iluie-
unen. BerHnte yow bears of rtslnc by
aMtost Pravldence. It wlU aBE noth
ing to ymr pleasure or to FO«r repalattoe.
unn.-ci-swry faiili
It posito Sbertnan B Hamnr.
one naturally
s. convey tbe loformntlun. while berrh, snotner across the fool. ajffo*,.r gsrdeu, ond
does li.u add l.i your pb-asure and it
Do not b* BiadlrMlad.
woman who stnigglea along witb- iniall hammock s(ruqi across ibe wto-U.„„ ,h..lr b.owy and Iragranre lo makes .vou a niiliaiire lu uih.-is
belp. besllallog to avail herself dow.. and a book it each .end of It, i,si throughout the tong laxy summ.-r
on.- I1.-1.I on 111.- .lining cor m.-nu Js
Of his services, mikes tbe porter
Palnlrws eitranlaa.
•rung, pass K; eat the twenty Iblug.
' Strung, natural appa
skepilral. And as conditions now ex(but aie right
A Judi.iuus "kl.-k.*" brat artlAetol ueUi.
sstlsfartor)! tip Is the best In ihere Do not iK hlm^do 11. Instead.- per's. ilol, dry days atv very thy In* might efle.-! sim>e r.-tonu, but a
Maks apnolDimnss
from Ibe nevk down tod place |tn most all clssaes of blooming piauis
vestment Ibat s Iravelec can make.
--klckcr- never Is Judlckius. The bab penidbl*.
'“‘e head of the ,„u unless they arew given
It you aVc siariliig out from a largo
berib, wlih your bag afongside. Most
needed to offset the evil el It of -ku-ktog" so soua
cUy. band your'bsg to a station porchr.uil.(bat - ibe ‘kl.-ker*- forgets
when you enter a station, and let women do Dto wear nlgbldresses on f„-ts of hot mvatber th.lr p.-n*d of
'This is especially
him takV you to the train Never mind the train, preferring a toot* negligee picxmi *111 b.- rut materially
FREE—Tbe use of IS teres of young
wbfrb to tbelr mind IS Th.-v must have water, the earth
If Ibe bag Is small and easily carorchard land, guud scfll. loralsd m
is U^Isv.mI by a snow
ible to case of an acci '.round ih.-m should b,- too-en.-d and
Tbe tib you give the porter—
p.’niiisiila. tbr.-e nilt.-s - fruin Trav
A long, dark eolored klmona' (orkt-d onu- a *e.-k or so lo prev-nl blocKsdr- or a wasbuu-. ur any ..(her
erse niy. (Inly r.-<|ulfeiurBl—can
fifteen cents—sill bear fruH all d.-nt.
non I11 pM'reiiilii* Injury lo treat
wrapper wllf (ske Us plsce.l,j, »urfs.e from .-aklhg, and insert unavoidable i-aus.-. to.-r<- is .uuiblng
along the Journey. Or If for some
fium plowing and rullivsiing. T. J.
Weeds, gained by
Uxniing tbe vv>lidu<I.>r.
I you seek ibu train yourself. and b.- equally comfortable, and U a’eu.:nil.-s inuti b.- k.-pl uway
llenderMin. Houseman Hldg. aranB
>1 >>nter tbe car stone.
Pbuw moral auppun against (be thought of^mo. a.v p..rsltleni .-nenun. wbu-li pros there's no Mllira.'tluD iu railing
Hsplds, UicMgan.
Apr. lIFrl-U
wliliou. any ■ n.-.>urug>uu.-iif. ud II
ilrket at -tbe door, hand tbe bag
.lain for n few days or weeki:
P-v^ (ba ratdtrap coaa to. uUr
I vky tka criaMoa lUtos bn an
Baal Hsipn fee tiw Jnurwey.
In iduBBlna a trip tor pkwuru
r allow a talie economy to induce
ou to buy a round-trip tlckM. says
n experienced traveler la Good
Don't doobk oa
Oo one way: nee all
way render thV aasisitnee
tactful wot^n. uos-ver
iddlng the Jirtre oKiwo
to: cost and bag. rMber tban for.un- lemons to the quart of grs'^-diice.
.seoaeolng wllb sugar to suit the itaste
: dergsrmonts.
tl Double your skin' bsnii and wlib a drllrious drink Is secured. V tbe
-'a bai pin fakien tbe skin to the In grape Juic'e Is boms made, water uty
wktM am onaMM-'onr sIBc 0( tbe conoln. no
: Bo added (» S*BBM IC
Your Fruit Trees
Probably you intend too. Kio. weare interetied.
\Vc have the vnr>' bc*i Blue Vitriol, arnenate of lead
I’jri*- (Iree.i. etc. that wc can buy. You will not be
ditvgappointed in retnlii if you purchane Spraying Mat
If you want quick action and prompt
service at all times send your orders for
Sash. Doors. Mouldings, Lumber, Shin
gles. Lath. Shop^ork, Cottage Material,
South Side Lumber Co.
J. O. CROTSER, Receiver.
Bolb Pboaea ,2!
Traverse Otys Mch.
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