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Grand Traverse Herald, April 07, 1909
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
flAt A YEAS.
Fhyileian Says There I* No Hop* For
Hi* Recovery—Had Worked
Only One Week.
For Gevamer in 1900.
U*)bury. dl..d at bi* bnnie at S
oVIork loU murelDg follnwlng a sudattach of uraemlr polsunlng from
whirb be suffered monlb*.
Maybiiry waa a prumluenl'demo*1. was tbv unovreessfiil eaiidldalr I Billy Wat on Stand and Idontlflad
ir goremoi In 1900. Maybury Iuk:
Soyla aa the Man Who KMron*rloo»De*K rtVdnesday and neyi
napad Him—Few Wilnaaoregained It. A brofber and three *isea Enaminad.
anrvlve. lie wns Ikirolt'^ bkm
Merver. pa.. May fi.—Billy Whitia
famoua eltixen and was prominent I
Hasoiiir and otbeeorders and clubs.
testified first In the trial nS Jami«
Boyle on the rharge »f kldniping.
lie described the kidnaping, bbi Nay
Ciereland, and return and pointed
Boyle aa bis kidnaper. Jllfiy also
•ntified the letter* he wrote bl*
father. The eros* examination wai
__ lerlal.tolber wilnessea told of *eeIng Boyle in Rbarnn Ibe day before
the kidnaping.
UE8TS FOR LOCAL IN8TITUI.awyer Wlillla tesllfied to're-taking
■ be ransom (o Cleveland. On croa* exa he denied thai be met
Boyle ahortly after. Wter two more
witnesnei, tbe proaeeutkm retted.
Boyle conferred witb bis allorneya
and retted wllhcmt defense.
Hoyle was-declared guilty, after a
IrUl of three and one half hours, Ibe
Jury being out C, luiniile*. Tbe penal-^
j-ear to life.
LmIi IIaMw, a Riaaaar of Fiw
ment, an« eaa of tha Scat known real.
■ dent# of Laalanau owintjf, wai drawnad In Laka Laatanav aema time befora neon today, hla body being found
. by Auguat Otto at t e-doek In aaven
feat of water.
Mr. Hoakr. vhe war 78 yoani old;
vaa vorklag oo (he boom near Ibe
lirldpyibe boom boldlDg Ibr loga tor
hto RfllL He did not r«em bome to
ElBiiar time and aa be vaa old and
TaTy'Uhraosa, anxiety was Imiuediate.
^ fetLAd ibe alann gtren. Hta boat
HII7 foM at the boom which waa
' ' open, with the toga Tanning ooL
With tbe othera.
- SoMb^r the body waa imncdute. "*1y b«n. but It waa not uttUI aorenl
LanMuL «lch..“luy S.-Tbera ha*
^ .^D^^^had paaaed that Anguat Otto been nomt- awful alasblng done In Ibe
<»f which
now veporicd out. X^e N*■
Traverse City got U» slmre of tbe
at that fared belter chan some
other Inattiutkms. Hotnethlng like
llliri.000 wa* anked for Ibe N. M
A., and tbe hill aa reported out pro
vides for bat $f!AO0. S15.0M tor
1 heating plant and to be raised lit
1909. and the lialance . K>.nf>o. for rold
storage plani and |*.f*kl for new roof
boiler room in be raised in tVtO.
rompariton wlib amoiibla report
ed out on other Inslllutlons Is ^ven OutrnoM Centmua oeapiu the Fact
That tha Yeung Turk* Hava Oeu
hied Ouerd Throughout the
Western Slirhigan asylum. Poollae.
lippn- Peninsula Hoapital for Inrenstantioople. Mat S.—Tile Young
me. Newberry. »,tt,»«.
Turks are tloiibllftg Ih*' luilltary
Jackson prison, st.TSd.
Home for feeble minded and opHcp- guards ihrougbout the t-niid/T In anatan Nationai Rank Gate Into
tidpalion of trouble. Hie dismissed of
lie, Lapeer. gSJ>00.
Rrlaen for II Montha and
8Uie bonae of correction, Uarsueitn flelals endeavoring lu start a reucliun
Faya SiMO FIna.
ary onlbreak.
Ailuilr dispsithes nay irooim are in
PItlifaaHt. Slay C.—Judge Fraaer InI insiiuiie r
auffirleni to r^ture order and more
. day aenteiired ali aa a ,r«inU of ibe blind. 88I.UKI.
are need>>d a* the outrage* «-ontlnue.
allegad eouDclimaair boodiing. ('oun-.
Oiber* have received amount
Tbe missions are endangered and a
oUman KUeit waa M>nte»eed to three ptoporiion, none of tbe achols gettjng
yean and aix vioniba and finded SI.S00
larger aiuounL In the bills ns reporttor roniplrary and at-reptian briltet.
OaaarllnaD Rraml, drew two yearn.
■ and Dae of 8M6 t<w aeceptlng brlbea.
Former PrenWem Ramaey.,^of the
Oarain Kallenal bank, tor coiuplracy,
n Man. Well KfSmn
waa aeoienred to IS raontba and flned
11.000. Jtmea and CTiaries foiliert.
for alleropted Jury DaUig. got two
yean eatti. and were Dned I.VW.
Word has been rereived In this City
I the death of J. A. Week* of Seat Launch Engipe Gave Out and He Had
Only One Paddle—Wai in'
tle. Wash., wlio was suieken with apSad Shape.
(•opleiy on Thursday last, and lingei
ed for several days In an unconsrlou*
Bowers Harbor. Mieh.. May 4^—.An
condition. With him at the time of his
SamutI F. Ruaaali Waa Tamarod Vary
nkuuw’n man who resides in Tiavdeath
daugbFiaaaant Surprite In Honor of
er*e Clly. who was on his way home
HJs* Leslie Week*. HI*
Frank Week*. Is toealed In New Yoik Ifrom Frank Kretipa'* in a launrli.
and wa* not able to reach bU was picked up out In the hay by
Samuel P. Ruaaell wan Cl yeara old
Charles Wells nearlt frozen lo deaili.
Jpaterday and whik- be waa cAjoylng father s bedside. It rained so bard that the engine
Mr. Weeks was at one time mat
Se eomforta or bla home Tbaraday
: the Western Union teii-grapb olfier refused lo work and the man woe
evening, a laige romiutny of friend*
It in the .l..ri„ with 01,1} one padMuskegon, and was wejl knowi
eoddenly eame In and. made cBVme,
aelven at hoUK. He wan luueb aur- throughout, tbe stale. He wa* about
P.'ople going lo Traverse, City saw
year* old, He had
prUrd bul In a nomeni tumbled to
the tnnn calling lor help, but couldn't
what had happened, wo Joined la and tbe we*i for some lime. hU daughter
whs' he walited. Ur. Well.'
bad a good lime aa well a* anybody. following a few years nao anO hi*
10 s" a mile lo get a boat to
Aa a lowen of esteem Hr. Hsaaell was wife going to Sesille last fall Mr*.
the man who It be bad been
prearnied.wUh a fine Sabing rod while Wc-lpi Is a cousin of Mrs. StHIa H
hour longer wiwld hare I
Mra. Knaaell wa* not forgaiten but Champtiey. of this city, and was for
- .
waa tue reriplrni of a line eel 9I many year* la the employ of tbe West Iroben todeath.
The man was taken to the home of
Union offtc*.
an,l made cohiforiaMe for
The evening wa* plea»anity *^-ni in
playing progreaalve pi-drti. tbeiy be
t* tiONES
tm Dura 3 YEARS
61 Y^ OLD
ing aeven tabiaa. Tbe firm priw «ta
woo by Hi«a llatel Rnwell and the
aeeond by George RoaH. the ronaola
lion gnlng to Ray McGarry. A pni
tuek supper wa* served and all pres
ent bad a tory enjoyable evening.
Tboae preoeni weee; Hr. nnd Hr*.
Odte McGarry. Mr. aad Ur*. Geo.
Roael. Hr. aad Hrw. Robert Fk-mlng.
Ur*. Henry Strain. Urjuid Urn. Uedad
Vinton. Ur. and Mrs. Will j. Green.
Ur. and Mr*. Samnel Rnuell. Mr. and
Ur* Hugh Boyd. UIm Hate] an**ell.
Mt*a Ftorrece Bnrgea. Ul*p Ollv.
PtemfSK, Mlaa Oannide naming.
Frank llelg**. Geo. W. Grean. Bmeat
Bluaell. Rny McGarry. Uar*Me Raaaejl, rrad Covey.
FOfwwr Trav*r*a Ctip Lady Fataed
Away at Jaek*on—Lcavat Huaband and Son.
Word waa reerlved la this dty Mon
day of tbe death of Ur*. Lulu Lew
Is. wife Of. Ron la-wls, or Jackson. Be
aides her busbartd she hare* a amall
ton. Mra. Lewi* was well known tn
this elty several y^rs aga having mad<
her home with her atint. Ur*. Fran
ce* Tllsa. for maoy years, and 1
member of ibe Daplisi rbnrrb. She
was a coJsIn of I.eott F. Tllu*. Urn.
Til ns weal to Jackaen yeatenla]
.aueod tbe funeral of her ahx*.
.MalieelooB. Mlcb, May 4—Frank
fWlker. aged US and slugb-. fraitured
his skull by (ailing Ik feet from a
trestle In tbe Aniriin Iron vonipany'a
slock house. Ule yesierdoy abemuou.
The man lost liis ('uling. tailing bead
toremusl to the floor beh'W. Jlis pb>
Vivian sa>* lie caaiiut r.-corer.
Federal Circuit Judge Lurten Stateo
IhM-lker bad been In ibe employ ul
that He HO* Not a* 'Vel Named
the romjiany but a week, rotuing hen>
a New Clly Clerk for
from tUsilngs He u an elei-trhian
and was repairing a wire on tbe
Lansing. Mich!. May G.—Tbe aenaie
trestle at liie lime of Ibe accident.
today passed Clarken's bill creating a
board of prison lodoatrics. 8G lo G.
bill iiuw goes lu Ibe ’ governor.
Th.- senate also I«**nd the Oolllti*
for a aiate imblk a<-riHint>
partiueni. Tbe home bas defeated
Woodruffs' iinifonu arcounllng blit.
The bouse imsseti Hie Jury commis
sion bill.
‘flcleatcd on Bail.
Maine and tlrwer Kurrls. Indicted
the charge ■>( giving Armst
grofl, idraded.nol mi«v
leased on ball of tSM.
Detroli. Mfly S.—fVder.ir Circuit
Judge lainou replying to a apecial
telegram today aent a mestage denybe appointment, of ex-clerk
Jualica Moore of Michigan Suprerr
Court Preoided Over the Scoslen
Thic Morning—Inlercctod
hirago, May 4.—The peace ebnferenre held Its closing sessions, today.
(bief inlen-*! cenlcriog In the
resolutions lomniltee'u report.
.Tu.sliee Moore, of the Ulcblgan Sii
pn-iiie nmrt presided Ibis morning,
Trj'on Nile* wa* 1101 present and
A Farquer read his addn-ss.
I'ongn-si^an ilartbol. of Missouri,
preeldifd ibls.afiert.aoa and Wu Tli-g
Fang and oiber dlplecnats *puke.
The ts'kolulinn.- rmniillttef n-porled
lai publli svr is oui of date, a relic
r biroarlsiii and uasorih} of the
uics 1..C raiiioiis arnunieiil rital
ry . a roiirivjuf siif.plcloii." They
lletUlc ill.- IMlWltS sIliHlId agiee oil
dlsaniiaiiii-iii imnn-illaie]).
Dock Will Be Repairod Dy That Ti.m*
—Leelanau Soon To Co On
Htr Run.
Considerable activity U liclng mani
fested in the development Of l.eland
Ibis spring. Tlie dork, wblcb suffered
damage during the winter from tee lu
the lake win be put (u tboraugb repair
la good lime before ihe regular
eebedule of the NorUient Michigan
TransporiatloD company's sieamshlp*
Til" summer schedule of Ihe steam
Isiat line b.'gina June 21 and bj that
lime Ihe d<u-k will be In flnil class couditiun. including a large warehouse. ,,
A repor: had aoniehow been elfenisled In oii'stde papers Ibat rhe dock
would nu, b.. pul-ln shape to permit
sicamstaips 10 land Ibere this summer.
This statement was clrmlated wlilioul
authority and on Hie contrary the dock
will have better farllllles than 1*',
Th'- sleanier l-eealnau. whir* w
dnniaged by cxplusion laN summer.
b.dug tbornogl.i) overtauleiF and will
have a new engine and bdilei. When
i-ompleied the kteanier wlfl mak“ regu
lar 'Tips tM-iween Fourh and Is-iand
Cireull court will convene Saturday
afternoon at I o'rlock at the court
bouse (or Ibe purpose of bearing tbe
mailer ut John HeiTdge*. ei at. relal
or*. T*. tbe Township Board of Blair
township, to show cause why a
OUMU City Eleelrie Light and Powr damus kbould not be issuJ^ (ns
CiiTuil court eomtnandlng .ibat Ibe
Coi H*v« Taken the Roeim Farm,
retail liquor bond to said relators be
•riy Occupied by Gee. W. Miller.
furthwllta approv.-d l.y aid respoad
Tbe Queen City RIeol'Ir UghI t CBL
Power eurapany hare leased the buildA slallar order ha's Iteen issoed lu
tllg taerelofore oreupk-d by George Ibe caw of J. O. Croiser. reoeUer. «
Miller. S48 fSa*t From street, and tbe iV Boutb Side Lumber company, nn
lease run* for one year with tbe priv on bU petltloo for ib* aame. that the
ilege of purchase. Tbe eompenr will ciedltor* of the said company^ond
Bt tbe building tot busIncM office* otbera Interested shall appear ml
beadguariei*. They bate a force o'clock to show can*e why the prop
sen at work now. setting pole* erty o< the South Side Luteber ro
pany ahaJi not be-aeld in aceorddb
iwiib the prayer of the peUttoaer.
RKEN AND COLLiNlS MEAS C't^s Fruit Of Unusual Sue M Well
at Gloeaem* Adnm Limbo—O
ange DleMoma Aiao.
Refuted In Ol'.cu** tnc Reported Sale
of the German RighU Of Tbeii
Machine to the German Air
ship Study Society.
London. Ms, £ - Wilbur and Orville
Wright Hailed fur bome on tbe Kroii
arhnowledged wotld's cn-atesl avla-
Bvoid a diAiumstration muih to Ihe
Make* the Laieat Closing Midnight dlsappulnlm<'(>I of their frieud*.
The Wrigbla refused lu dls'-ns*
and Frovlde* for AimMt Complete
reported sale of Hie German riKhl* o'
Hem* Rule—Many More
aeroplane to tbe Oerlaas Air
ship study yoriel}
Unslng. Mlcb.. Uny 4-A aubeilIie Uquor bill was repoHed today.
Id made a special order for Friday
Tbe hit] provldea greater liqiur
siricliuus and aliuust t-ompl-tr ba
Tbe latest rlmilag i* tuidtilgbl. and
this limit II. one ksiiHin'fur every SOU Annual Meeting of th* Firgt Chareh
Society Followed, Mia* Poari Walk
The bin Ik 3 substitute for (be Waf
er Being Elcelcd PreeWenL
er and Cramion bill*, and It Is plan
ed to lake the measure up for c
The losing side” a eoniMtt la th.
slderatluu m-xt Thursday, along w
nrs-l M. B. Epsortb League for ffiemle henaie search and seizure bill.
berahlpr of which Ben Church Whi
Under this bill an outside dealer cspttin. tendered a banquet and enI.* lo pay a SMi llc.mse fee So do tenalnment 10 the winBing side,
bukiuess In Ibl* atale. as doe* ilie which Miss Ids Campbell was capUiriHgan wholesaler
Two cunvlr- tain.itilheehur'-h parfora Tuesday
iiont ul a violation uf tbe liquor nlgfat. The entertainment and aupprr
luw sill W suHIclenl. If tbi* bill foilosi-d the annua! business toeeilBg.
bemmu-k a Isw, tu revoki- Hie IlK iise
which Ihe rullowiog officers «
III- KUiity iiqii.ir wller.
Common i-ounnls are given
J>re}.ideiit —Ml s Pearl Walker.
ol ovi-r Hie nuntlier of saUvuis Vlfst Vi.'e prerUenl-^Wis* within the corporaii- IlmlU of
rliy -or village, provided the nuuift-cond vie- |,i.-sideutf-UlkS JeDhle
nf tbirsl parlor* doea not
Ciad one to each £00 popuJulOB.
Fourth viiv preMednl—Mix* Cora
provided, however.
that all
loons doing liiisioe** Ibis year may
Seeiviary-loii't- H-Iliday.
sve Ibelr license wnewed ___
Tnusurir-ilHiiy ihillldsy.
ar excep' the coti^ll priTicribe*
riKi'ister—Miss Kstella Bailey
laser ta'io to ihe ptopnlalHJO.
1'lsiilst—MUse IjiDore JU-ndersun
Anotlier f.alilie of the me,
Till- supper was a novel affair. TaTollow> (He triad of * i.ruvirloo of
the search and m-Iziiiv- bill which feivai ruuiitiio. n|(Il th- gu-stiwcre
requires druggist* lu dry counHea seai<>d first at. a isl.ie givlog
(laud, itn-n ou- giving route food
reprekenling India’, followed l.y
• rulk lor all coiiniK-* and
Japan db-b, then a F>vn< h dish. Mu
SII let* Hie kale Ilf liquor on o
sis a part of (be eieuing's
po-Mfiiillon 10 one nip or bollle.
Capoeted that th* Leg
li Net Profane Language.
Xairobl. May £-Rooi..ieli killed
ro more iious y-rlerday and today
stalking gtrafli'S. e ■ _
The natives lovingly fegarl Roosetelt. wllb superstition* a»e callinx
Mm ' Swana Tumbo.' c ForUy Uaater"I
A lemon .1214*13^ inchea ^>111
busky lemon tree in the boo
Mr*. Robert Dewar. I0:2 tot Cgbth
street. W^lle all over Ihe liw ale lem
•lusaoms In pnifusluii. Mrs. Dewar was pn-*eoled wllb Ibe plant
years ago from a Irlem] la Uhh>, and
by careful nurtute .the plant baa put
fonb fruit. When Ihe blosscuna
Imrst forth, Ibere were 7.4 In all. and
these one bas matured into a
of utiuoual kize. nblle olbrr* are
Mra. Dewoi also baa an or
plant In full bloom. ,lbe tragranoe of
llyeie bioseoips and Ihe leinuB
sonis making tbe air heavy wllb per
fume. A <nrn ctA cactus more
high Is also one of Mr*. Rescue Wm Effected In Thur*
DewagJ ^'ts. and a la<v cactus which
arm m the Vicinity el MaaH
bas gnMn b> a iblng of beauty
teland—Left Fee Frank
is out IP In- liandlisl wliiuMit dm
fort to' Dot DoaL
:-aiillnn. A Wnshibgton '«ceeping
LhBsIng Mar S —Th- bouir today
passed the senue n-soiuiion provid
ing Ibe final adjoanunent on Jaac 2
and (be c^plerion of btiklne*
May 19 Tbe Clarken prison Indwlrtea
biU WJU be ronsidersMj in jbe •
cteci lighter BaUvrta. thought ta Kauo been drowned, wee* brought to GarbF,
ind„ today by tho steamer ttmrptm
which picked them up in inld-tMtc near
ManHbu ieland.
The BaUvia w»* being tawed to tu#
fale by the ctrsmer W'lkeabarr* ahtf
parted th* cable In Thursday** Mohr,
Capt. Apey and ce*w, unable te man.'
age the helpleee (serge, algnaM thb
ettam baige Sharplee. wMeh rMoueG
them aeepunting for the tatavl*'* g^
pearanca of hasty abandonmoM udwH
picked up by th* Ann Arbor faery.
r crew wa* brought her* and imBtely ctarted for Frankfort, Mieh,.
whore the BauvIa was eoitfuetaC bn
B* the journey to Duffala.'
bappem-d (o pull a log lo oM iMb,
nnd aaw tbe body lying on tbo bob'
It waa (wcovetwd vtUwai dlOcully.
No One Saw AaeidoaL
(o oufi aaw Uie sceMML Mr.
iiaving been worUag on tbe boea
'alone. It is mippaaed that he allgfaE
■e togs and (eU In bKweea. mm
unable to releiM blmseU beedagg «
Ibe cold water* sad bU affk Wmt
MHHi Ibe booiB to MM kunm matu
(bought (hat be tMy bar* falte
from tbe boai and been drowaaE
■ endeavoring to Oooo IL
sailor on tbs great Mkaa ter
17 year* aad afier Uviag at Pnow
time, mored to B«tM
to. coming back to Proramobt
years ago FMr ytara be was angnpW
in tbe milling buloeM but aoU
the Putman Lumbar Oik. BnRr
buying ib<- bustnean back agaJb ab«
engaging in Uw BllUng tMMlMOi wtn
bit death today.
Large Family LbfL
Hli wide died three yearn igD, bot
large family survive* Ms* BW
daughter, Mr*. HabHIa LABoate. toot
her life when Ibe ateaawr T—nr- '
blew up IBM summer. Tbe fyfflu
childreu are Leo. Peter, CtoaitW.
septa, and Arthur of ProfcaoM, WIb
Ham of Hlk Raplda. Mrs. Oeutimriar ot
Elk Rapids. Un. Jooegh Talley of
Provemonl. Mrs. Hilton of MSlba.
and Mrs. Pauquetle of Oregoa. Tba
fiinersl arroogeueato have MM jM
Highly Retpaetad,
Hr Mosler was a very UAly ».
le-m-d resident of ProreoMat aa4 •
bad a large imraber of trleadi oeaUtfs
ed all over tbe region. Daring tba
■ars be reelded at ProTiiMmL
alwaya an exemplary eltlmm
and was most highly asteeaed. hto
-udden and untimely death doming ad'
S great i.bo<'k to the whole eonbtry.
C'llrent Tetephea* Cbmpmiy Ogqr.
store Called On Mia* Wototoe,
ThMf CWof.
Mis< Ux-Ua WetoiCT. chief opermtsr
the ciMvea* Telepbooa Ca. vaa
iibde^ aplea«aat sarprtoc Taeaday
evening h> about K of the other tfrto
employ-d by tbe eampany. Mtoa
Weish-r bad no Idta ibal ahe wa* to
' a bwlear. but recovcfvd aad bdi
pb-asant * time a* her gaaeu. wbleb
*x)ing a fbedt deal. Tbe suryrtoa
was h.-igbtened by tbe tact Ibat Uw
tonne ladles abpeared to vartoa* aad
aikunird rovium^ aome of lham bacoming and some of them MM. Imt
none of them snythlng Uh* tbeirbawai
garb, Tbe evening w«* spent la
and game* and wa* moat enjnynkdg.
Light rerri-ihmanu were aerved and h
light plcnro lahaa of tto parly.
JMMI m wrt <!■ M
wSSx 19M. «t tb* ptMtefflot t
our. xi<^- ondwtb*Ac»
tMUm M «M 3,on
TM mveton «t tto Onbd TrmrarM
tMfion Fftir UMdailOD d*9idc4 r«%
UH0J BOt to bold ■ fair Uli T««rA SMBt Wi<r viU recrot tbat tber* U
!• bt M fair tat ader the elrcomrtr-— tba Alraetm an»d VM7 >«
Mt •ucap(li« a talk rrblek weald
ta aiMeavfil owtag to Uw (act tbat
tta tatatr bat BO tartBaatal (air
giMdi tad tbc aaaortaik* li eatirewltbok todi.
m bcUm a talr. ndi ai «a> bold
bat Ttar, b a mom nceriiom tbtak
lar thla rtfhM. It aot ooljr eaeoar
' urn (ba AuM*r to lacnaac bU oflarta ta tba ptodactita of tbe predaeta of Uu aeU aad orcbard. bat ear
rtaa tat to tbc wmM,. er«ni«» ct
tar arteaHoral tod
Yntb the date of Ibe 'adtanMat
■aad and a lai«e anouat of baalaan
ahead, it betUw to took aa tboata tbo
MsiBlatard wonid bm (et aitaafl «e
tba dab lawa ttaU aaialoB. Theaa tewa
are a eery laportaet natter aBeeUn
tbe eedoyeieai aad area tba wMiote
at a lam eanber of people wtihia
tbe etate ai well ai tba tboosasda of
rlMtorp aad avrely tUa meiter abeaM
In talberlns arbetaa.'lt te welt to
tatt Wednesday e
take a abarp knife along rather tbaa
pull tbe vlBee ap by Ue roou. Arha
ir year by year getUng aeareer Miow’a *^ont or liUwatha'
Tbe atagbv*ui decorated wlib trees
aad tboee who gather It are tome*
making It repreaent a
what to bUne taeanae ot tbelr careloml. A« Indian wigwam Moodlaanm.
end of tbe auge. making the *bole
n mors life-like. The ehartetera
Oee of tbeae dapi there will ta 10
* Indian snits. tnocraains and
!W baaa that they woat ta worth
ibered headgear aad carried ladlaa
while prMectlog aad by tbat tine, tbe
leglaiatBre wUl pitibably haea goUea kateet, data and tavi and errova.
>d U paaebcg a law cbaBglag tbe AriK nslng a liberal rupply of «ar
•eaaoB to tbe Uate it etaoald ta ao*. palm they nere typical ladlane.
Tbe sealing capacity of tbe srbool
Tbe Detroll Pree Preu apeaks of a Mm was taxed to Its atnwat and
sonar In potateeB." Up tan wbare- lany were compelled ««• stand. rA-Ipoutoet are grown aad aoid. we know tatlolu. aonga and drills were glren
I potato corner caeept tt ta the between tbe acta. .-e entire program
one where Union and State atreeia was Tcry well gleen and reflected
leb credit upon the pupils and the
efforts ot ibeli teacher. Miss UnTbe naUrca in tbe rldnlty o( take bpoaey.
little glrU who look pan In the
Tleiorla are aaid to be aMMed wtib
the ‘Oleeplag alekBeea." That lion (be -Ddly Song~ and ibe Uttle boys In
Tonabavr Drtir did especially
taunt Of tbe eg-pratMent aad tba
ThrongbODt the enilre pro
parte tberefim nrely ongbt to keep
gram tbe pupllh showed that thry had
tbcM awake.
been well trained and took tbelr parts
Aa long aa tba bate o( the wonea falthlnlty. The parts la -Htewatha.re aa large aa tbej are at pre*»t. wbile dtmcBlt to handle, were taken
they wl.l acrer .otala the light ot by the following pupils aa If Ibey
cnffcii;. . lur th> .. mple reaaon that bad been old bands at tbe work;
Mlnnebaba—XevB Johnson.
lb- r cauuoi gut Into tbe elecUoa
ARWw Maker-Harold tardle.
Xokemis—EIttora Hoffmann.
ttltb ti lew more dan like yeatep
B/bj Hlawalba-Freddle HeCraw,
day. tbe popnlar occupation ot drown
Hiawatha—Harold DeGraw. /
ing angle wortM will becotta laoro
Mudjekeenls—Oordtm Valley.
popnUr than erer.'_______
Ugeo—Waldo Gilmore.
Paa-Pnk-KeenU—Itadore tardle.
Tbe tulttn erldenlly doea not eare
rhiblabli—rerre« Johnson.
I eacape tronble aad dlacord. Re took
n wlrea wltb him wbea be k>« bla
It tel M toe a tftla retard u
fc V tba ■krtaa bard. «M a tba
UM tcrdc Of tba eaostry. R la
Atbat Maee tba trM a tba year.
‘^Mtn ben Bold trea tbta
• dale tain brtBslac the laaUMAN. YMe becd waa BOt ObLb^ ata bit or alw netbodi
■ «r Matay -iBtaeretmL What
d Bt the atate
Itataaita na }nt ai well ta ao.dHteUUbd bf ptirate ovnara
"tnUdba.fMtp tbe proiu as r-tU.
ta ataed pretiouair, c <>'
Bl^ aOBBt be taade. Bncb herds
' Mt tbe reaalt of ctaDw or accidnt
' tat of cbtAI deelta- Orer la WUeoo
ita tbtr an aaklnc batter procreaa
tajUttUl, ata« the ntae Ueea
' ita'lB WtaltaB. bBt'Utefat:»a
' tata B MIranity at tBteraaia tbat tbe
taMkrand uoek nliiac faaiufee
or.tat iMiMeWalt Howerer, aa tbe
. u—ij ba»i OB aeOUBT nore tUek
ly,4ba dairy aad lira auek latemta
taU aacraapoodlafly laernaa ata
anr ta tba tint to make tba beplB' alpft .
beta Mat tbe pceeent ortaaln
tba wia be a BtlmalBB to aiallar osea
tbrmbeat tkm .eaetlea bbi tbat
. OiMUl Twaiae Ure atoek will
. tan ae ofoal rtak with Oroad Trar
e UMt and Onad Tiaieiae rege1. Am la BO rceai
wby It
cktay It ao will
tbnta makta
■ ttae. Btaey aad paUnca.
-Tbe flowern tbat bloom in the
apHag. tea la,' teem rnoauy to bloom
on tbe tediea bata
“Grand Ra^dt kaowi bow* to es
cape a flood this year, apparently.
Bnt maybe not yet.
Pratty Wta«iig at (ht Home of tN
•rWt Waa floteftmiaad at 7 OYteck
Tuaaday NttaL
Bert Kayweed of Oraad RapMs.
and Ulta Aagatt Hern of Went Filtebaatb Miaat were married at the
home of tbe bride at T e'deefc Tuesday
erenlnc. tbe Bet. Ft. Boer otflcUUng.
ceremony was performed la the
mot of a auBber of Wends mid
relalteen from Cadillac. Maalttee aad
other nearby dliea.
Tbe beat man waa Thoaua Hents
or Cadillac, brother of tbe bride^ad
tbe bridnmald waa Hioa Alice Heuaa.
r of tbe bride, alto from Cadillac.
Ttae bride waa cbamingly gowtu
cream voile wbile Use brideimald was
attired In cream nerpe- After the eerernonr. a dainty wedding supper wna
Tbe bride ii the dahgbter ot Mm.
Alice Reoaa and Is f ymmg wm
with a large number of (riendt. I
was formerly a Bell Telephoae Co.
erator la Us city. The groom is
Grand Roplda leleidioae man with escelleat proopecta and tbe yoang peo
ple will be at borne to tbelr frleada
In tbat city mfier Jnne 1,
nMD rpni^NEiis
: P .VV P o S F
c \ TV
btoat Pvtaucta.
Pork chops, per lb
Ne'w York, May. 5.—Poultry—Alive, Clearback pork, per
■ pork, per lb
aieady; chickens, broilers. SOQUr
fowls, ireniic; dresaed. flnU; chick
ens. 12lic: fowls, 1SCI614C.
Cbicaso. May 5—Poultry—Steady:
turkeys. I7c; chickens. I»He; springs
Sunday, May 9
Grand Rapids
Two loads of pototoe* were
ea the market ycaiergar. One of i
was of seed potatoes. Tbe tatere are
Miu gooted At 25 emits.
Grrenrnte. Mieh.. Uby S.-C. K.
Glliatm « Co. qiMie the bnylag price Potatoes ...
of pmtioes on the CreenrIIle market
at 75c; beans. »2Jft baste.
Chlcaio. May 6.-Pouioea—8l«dy;
choice-to fancy, gflcfftl: fair to gncM.
Wm. Upchurch, of Glen Oak. OkU.
was an exile.from borne. Moiintali
air be iboogbL would cure a trigbiful
luBg-racklng cough ibai bad defied all
remedies for two }-ears. After sis'
moaths he returned, death dogging his
steps. “Then 4 began to nse Dr King’s
New Dtscorery." be wrliea, "and after
lag six bottles I am as well
desperate long diseases. Infallible (or
Coughs to roMs ICdlspeU Hearse•css
Tbroai. Cares Grip,
ichkis. Hemorrhagea. Aathi
ip. Whooping Coogb. 50r and ft
..............tie lOf. guarasteed by S. E
“ g Co.
obown that a deeimbte InveMmeat bat three dtstlaet fea
tures; Mfety. reasonable Income aad
arallablUty (or tbe money, a narlnga
ncecnnl la this tank nfforda all these
adrantagei. bnt tta owner bat tbe addUonal conventeace of increasing bf«
aecoDDt from time to time. Just aa be
ii aMe. We welcoma depeelta from
OM dtdlar npwarda. paying t per cent
Deere’s Michigan Special
Pere Marquette
Ynong Oirit Arc Victims
of headache, oa well as older wo
bnt all get goick relief and prompt
care from Dr. King's New Life Fllb.
> Tiail Kalkaska comity tor tbe
Ibe erorld's beet remedy (or sick a
pnrfKiae of Investigating tbe good
nervODs headaches. They mabe pt
blood and strong - ''•res and build up roads gyifem. and report to Ibe eomyour I '! Ti
. at. 25c at 8. E.
Wa-. i s. .- .•
logbee Drug Co,
Rf- nsh a. taj.
shl|a< of tbe county and airertaln ttae
Itlona ot tbe roads and tbe wants
of tbe people In regard to them.
A Good
Dy Unwed Presa.1
Bast Buffalo. N. Y-. May a.-Caiile.
none: steady. «S2..A C.T5. Veala. 4W:
active, gCAfl.a. Sheep. T.«w: active:
lambs. gi; :.nfi I. Hogs. 2.T20: active;
yorkers. »T.r-^AT.M.
Chicago, May £.—Cattle—Receipts.
cMlmated at J7JIM: market steady
Isei.lS; Texas steera. f4.eoG5.7S
western ateem. 14.7005.7$; alockers
and feede>n. fS.aDO£-M: «>*»
heifers. f2.40O6.2S: calves. tSOT.
Hofi^ecelpts eMlmaied at 2T.(W;
market weak to Sr lower: light. fn.SS
07.U:' mixed. f6.)S«7.35; heavy. fT
frT IS; rough. f707.16; good to rhoice
licary. t7,15O7.40: {rigs. fS,?SC6.75;
bulk of sales. $7.2007.35. Sheep—Receipta estimated at «/H»: ' ntarkei
strong to lOc blgber; native. gS.IOG
6.30; western. fS.fOOSJS; yesrllnfs,
$6.2507.50; lambs, native, $ee$.80:
Tbm Traverat Cl^ Men Hade De- weeteni, f6.50C7.I5. Veal—Firm; 50 Hundredweight corn meal ..........SI.T'>
60 pound weights. 606Hc; 60 lo
olMd to Hake Homs.
David Ponton. Charles Proveocher ts pound weights. 708V: » 10 llfl
aad-Joe Diooghy left Tuesday over pennd welghlt, 9 OlOc.
tbe Pere Mtrouette for Cripple Creek.
BEANS. CoU where they will locate permaChicago. Hay 8-No change ae far
uenily. Mr. Ponton prevtously lived
Ibts week. The jnarket rema'lns quiet.
five yearn at Cripple Creek, but lot
Demand Is lame for all kinds. Offer
the loM three' years has Wa llrlng
ings are very moderate of domestic
Trarerae Ciiy. Hit'wife aad childbeans. There la no ahoruge, howev
Bay and grain lor ^e.
T« wlU follow later.
er, for there are foreign beans on rsic. Potatoes wanicde Jay B.
Detroit. Hay 5.—Benns-Spot.$2.r.O;
A Chicken Fancier,
Bendon. Hlcli.
if be wooM bare bis bens look sllrk October. $•
March 19-3 mot
nd tbelr featbers smooth must give
aem a tonic and ^a Harrctl s CondiPRODUCE.
Cbtrago. -May S.—Butter—Steady:
i^e Eren
chosen for Its mndldnal properties creamerieit. 23G27e; dairies, l»M<f
nnd there la atwolniely no waste In 24Hc. Eggs—Steady at work; flrsu.
the package, which Is full weight. Obprime flrala. 22c. Cbetwe—Steady
!>ery where at 25c per paefcv
Isles, I:.GISV: twin*. I4iiei5c:
1 by & E. Walt A Sons and
young Americas, I4^4tl4V-: tong
^ S^e
honia. i4M«l4He.
New York. May S-—Butler—Firm:
receipts'. 6.845* creamery specials.
28^G30c; extras. 29e»V: 'birds
Meeting was Held Voatcrdny and flrais. 22e28tic; held. 22G27e; state
Contlderablt BueinsM Tranaactdairy, common to choice. 2M?2te.
•ea—Win Vtett TowngWpa
■e—Easter; receipts. JJSO; new
state full cream, specials. !4Gt4^c:
rain will leave Travierac City
So colored, larta *Bd small. i:V; do
>:30 a. at.
Hetuming, leave
(inad Rapid* at <i:In p. m.
at tbe court boose, tbe Hon. Frank
A Cartajn Cure For Aching Feet
Hampton talag cbooen cfaalnnan of
board, and Connty Clerk RnlH-rt E.
To MUSKEGON > $2.00
Waller clerk, as prorided by law.
Tbe flrst Wednesday of each month
waa decided uppn as the day upon
wbich tbe.x«^ltsioDers ehall meet
at t o'cloA In the morning. Tbe «hmeeUngi are to be armnged tor accordtDg to the rules nnd regulations.'
It was.mdked and supported tbat the
clerk be aotborited to seenre board
tton< but to order to carry -on »nrii a
IMdMt Ibere Koat
.^utfieicBI (ucdt
MtaS 10 prOTlde aolraWc sroiind.. and
Mdtasa M tbat the »,in»p«Beni tf
wterprtae could be evened nub
«iMa' 4ttid] of aeoeata.
<li» MaodaUdii abouU Molrtre br
tm» U«Ulin»M bmbi to aecote per^immM rondi >od tondiota, and
Gordon Valley. Itadore tardle. wnile
^«f«er.«o do ae, acme mtea '
e tteeete In the city Hoffman. Harold tardle. Forwrt
ifln abtaJd be aAoptad.
There are
likiK ffl tieh aa we easa«t tare an At- tbat could ■
Ouarda—Ray Umlor and Cnrtls Gilnbui hiSt jrear. It wia ta w«t1 I without any r
ft tbe dUtem who bare to uae them.
Vb «ta Clad IB Bote the fotsiat
!«« *Br«T
r Md baltera tbat neb an
a wm do
I atBBdBTd «t lire Mack la
I. Lin otocfc «d
a la cha tat7 kisd of
A baM ta tba taauttr aod taalr k la
■ ta taUar or whetbar tbo aatUtaB aid lar beat.
suae, iwa Made of Iroa. and two loads small white. UMc. Egge-Baator; rect poUteea were wH^ et the etiy celpta. tIJI*; western Moraga. pack
ed. UHCSte: western SraU, gS«
seateo yeoterday.
tJHe: necaada.
Feed U blgber aoa. being tl.70 and
CUcogo. May 5.—Prortelons 11 the
praiag were umbenged 10 Sc tower.
Cloae; Pork-May. IIT.TS; July.
flTb*»n.»TH: Beptember. |17.»5.
(By United Presai
Lard—May, |!0.27li; July.
DetrkR. May t-Oone-R-bs
September.- »lbA0«|O5jt».
gl.«g; cora. T»c; oiu. Uc.
Chicago. Hay 6.—CJote—Wb«
gl.2i1(; com. ;sr; Otte. U%c.
Two toads ot coal, three toads of
A little talk about Farm Imple
ment buying for farmers
cbolesale w.-iy for
We have been bandlUtg Farm Implement* in
over three yetrt now. and when we And
flnd the number of hand*
pleraect baa got to go Ibiougb before It reat-he* the farmer and the
number of profits that le 'hiR.tn pa* berauseofthe faci.that the retail
dealer buying implemcidis oi/ time ba* to pay the manufacturer from
8 to 10 per cent more far the good.* provided be sell* them on llra^
•We believe, that'
be too g1l(d to boy tbolr Implement* on exactly the came termi aa
they sell tbelr poiatoei; for spot cssh, that la the < la*a of trade we
wish to secure. We have the finest Hoc of farm Implements there la
in any one esUbUtha^ent In Nonheni Michigan, and by selling Uem
for cash, we can take advantage of all the wh dte.ounth and make
you prieea tbat will a*t0n!ah you. All we ask Is for ksujb come to
our warehouse SBd lodk over our goods.
Among other thinsts wc wish to call }-our anenUon to Steel
^'agens. which are perlccsly satisfactory in every rctpecL They have
wood wheels, wood tongue, and wood taxes, otherwise they are mad?
entirely of steel and we will piiranlee them to carry a load of lO.taO
lbs. wltbont infary to any pan of them.
Among other thbigx w« have are Spring Tooth. Peg aad Dlsr Hartows, Cnltlvatora. Movers. 3teapers. Binders and Hay Rakes. We alto
bare tbe best Uuare Spreaders, that are on the market today.
UTien fn Trevlru* City, tail at our place of busioess. Bay and
. I’olon Sti. and If In teed «<f aBythlni before, correspond wltb ns. We
also carry a large line of rejailrs for tbe_machines wc handle. ^ ‘
•MTV g I
Very waly.
Jotah C. Morgan Co.
tn-lM ana IM.Bay SL . Travers. City, Mlrti.
II will pay y4M well to examine this plow
cnreioily belorc buying any olh^ ■
Speelnl Fcatnres.~WrouKbt Sieul Main Sluifiba.
Hiffb Carbon Htool Beam. Soft Center Steel Monhlboanl,—ontpr Ia$rr wiU mt 'glau. Full Steel Jointer Standanl arc! Foot
in one piece, Knn fieavjr .lojnter Cinmp and Klnck. Steel
Wbeel Slandartl. Larue Wheel. Long Bamllw Well Bnoml,
CiiilW «r 8U0I u.d.i,u. .H(h .WjmuUs Kh™., 12. l;i,.t II
inch, wide or narrow, pUin or culter poiate.
We both lose II you do not bay n John Deere
Farmer’s Supply Co.
deposiied in the TR.VVEKSi; CltV STA'I U BANK
is absoluu^ly safe.
Bui the modern fire-proof buildinf*. the strong safes,
burglar-proof vaults and wonderful time locks are the
least part of the safety.
Resources of more than $2,000,000 Oil. and Capital,
Surplus and Undivided I’rofits of $2s.V*00.00, make
this the largest and strongest bank |n Northern
We Solicit Your Account
Traverse City
State Bank
To The
nized OxfordStore
i rmoAV. MAT r.
omaeu-A. Tncr *Ur. PnstA«tl! B. noTi aiBCh. ViM PtmIAbu;
BMual OwMBA. Cwhler; A. J. Msr»n). A. X.L INfltaBd.
IN*ir................AwMUBI C*^
**mBBCrOB9<-A Trtcjr Uy. R.
TIN* CitocA. Mn. Juiliu T. Hunah,
s »« ecu ipJifvM M Tiae D9*a
K. B.>-Addml bU/OoIImUom i
tdCBOe nnrdlof lUnklM
> tte Trsvem Citr 8taUi
preparing Plant for ■ EulUblo
Hama on Their Property on
Caas Etroat.
One ot thi- old I
Blreet. the Ladies’ Ubrary balldlng.
changed baada -and wUl no
*OH' to be a bmlllar object on t
deal waa ctoaed Tueaday whereby
»WM at Elk' L»k# «ad W« «»• «t the property waa porchaacd littiD
___ »• Library aaaoeJaUoa by Sliorth* MdM RfWittW* Ewa«M A
OBD A lIuBler. cloUilag deak-ra. the
Took EMM Pkft.
deratloo ot Ibe tranelcr ie ttO.Report of tbe"i«h qokrterty
OOU. Which U In line with the price
vwtMa or tie XcB» «nd WUllewolcr or other pn>i>crty . aold on Kroat
SuBtey artool oowcUUcm heJd «l Bk aired In recent yearn.
l«ke. aSUrdky. April tt. Oar aoUo.
!man A lluntor cipccl to and
It uoceaaai’y in n abort time to racnle
*Be Dlllccst la BotlDW.'’
M«niia« •oMion.
the Imlldinc where they arc now lo. 06 Baal Pront aired, and
have decided to erect a buUdlog that
H. tPOBThwe—"How C»b Wc Piwwof lb« will aolt the needa or th^ir- growtne
Must iBtoreoUwr U»e 8uBd*y Schooir bttalDoaa. Tbe firm will clone out lla
Am pomto—Miw. CHteo.
rtocL in iti prcecnt location and iuat
As •apertoteadekU—iarw^l *<««• « beo balldUis opcrailona will be MartAi tMcberii-a.D. nTiilA
cd they arc not yet prepared lo alate.
-t>lseaMk»—Hr*. RoB SuKei. fol- The ptoperly haa a Troolagc of
Mwed by • Benoiwl dUch*»a*o In fed adjoining the new Flrat katton«hldi a •BToat may Tory food Bl bank bulldliig. bM U one ot tbe
beat plecet Of pro^rty on Proal
I. It la the object of Bbennan A
Hnnler to erect a sulnlaatlal tuodera
gbc bolac abwnl. there waa a feaer- building that wUl not only be ai
ai dlMMlon on UUs *ab}eet.
aamenl. but will be aulled to tbeir
or orcaDlaed daai
Mn. Boae Hosrie.
IB probable liiar the Ladles' UtUa waa a apleodid paper. teRlat biary bulldlug will tmt be wrecked
--May laUreatiBs Uilnci abont orgaa- but wni be moved to anoibcrHoeatloa
land elaiaea
and devoted to other purposes.
Wbat Can We Do to Promoto ttte
Plana for New Home,
IMareaU of the Temperuce Can^?—
la (be neaBtime the Ladles' Ubran'
Mia. Baitoa. tolloaed by an open dli- saoclatlon' will aecore temporan
badquartera for ib< lr library meetInga. It is stated by tbe officers uf
There U to be a eotmty tonr Inatead
asaoelatloB howeyer. that they
«f a rally. Tbe ooaveaUoe In onr
proceed immediately lo pn««ro
aaacclatlw to tako place ot tko third
for a new home of ibelr own.
Tbe aasoclnilon now owes a very de
t ot the ncboolt sirable lot (SxlSO feet on Casa a
ware read by tbe aecreUrlea.
adjoialeg tbe posiofSee property and
Owe Of the moat Interaating fua- It U tbeir purpose to uretl a itructnro
tnrea at the day waa a claaa of boya suiuble to tbeir oeeds and In keeptng
WKh their teacher (roa the Barker with the character of the aaroclailon.
Own Ewaday aebool. TMi proved Tb'o style and material to be adopted
niNMdiia. Why cannot other tenchnot y« been decided upon but
era eoww and brii^ tbelr(elaaaea?
It will be or either brick or atone.
0*l*g lo eteryone UklBg part
is tbe desire: ot the ladles to
have tbeir new borne ready lor oceu
pancy by September If possible. When
mmt Unto.
completed ibis structure will be
Evonin« tonalcii.
very bandaotne ornaaieal. It ii not
algaed by the ladles to devote It
the Ear. M. TlmDpaoo.
renui jrarpoaes but to ate it exclu
sively for tbe assodallOB and have it
bww Arm the fooadatlOB of'thelr <
clatkm was laid, bai bocoma a mattar
ot record to tbe very aaaala.oLTnv>rao City Itaelt.
pirat Chanar OMinad.
- The opening of tbe yw ino tonad
71 books In the poaaeaaloa ot the aaaocUlloa. 61 of whlcb' word .donated
and 16 bought In 1671 the first charter
was obtained, and tbe U U A. waa a
Blaed Imellcctual and social powthe little village. Seven }
'la 1676. saw the ereettoa ot a
building, and all Traverse CHy «at
Itroud or Its --Udiet- Ubrary." In
ibr L. U A. became a (pember of
Hlcbiiao Bute mderallon of
WoDPD't clubs, and In tbat organtuUoa bu bacB n-cognlavd as one of
the plooorr cUibs of (he slate.
Tbe story of Uc Ladles' Ubraiy aaaoctaUoB Is one of strwdy gtowlb.
carctul bnslucss mclhoda aud tbe sub
stantial .consiTvaibuu of . an expnr-.
It aoed .orgaalxslkra. la IMI the 60ycar charter baring t-xplrud. a new
rhancr was Ulued. and ibc U L. A.
fell a frcab llnpetus for even butter
thlnga. It waa about tbU time that
loda! afU'rnpcm wab started,
abich baa proved such a succcu
many ways. At these uectlags Ibc old
spirit of neighborly compaaloi
WeMtiig Of JEBh Rreedfeet and Hlaa.
Netlia UrEla Will Oocur on
In bemor of tSThrtde^lect. MUa
Nellie Lardlc, wboee marriagi
Jack Broadfooi oectira May 16. Mias
Jennie LoadOB eateruiDOd Tneaday
right at a 6 o'eloek dinaer, there b«ig lu gnesu present.
The- color acheme was lavender and
»k>loU. liacd as decoraUont. each
guest havlag a bWb ot vIoleU at
place, the bride-elect baring a spec
ial bouqnol. Tbe plscv catvL
band palnled vloleU. with appropritoaata. VMei ibadus aofteued tbe
light from the ohandcller. making
very pietiy .effect.
VIok-l liiibonii
suspeaded from tbe cbandelier
Iq ibe'ivioter of ibyublr. Tbu meuu
Orape FVuii.
Roast Chifken. Dteaelag, Gravy.
Cream Potatoes.
Qrcua Peas.
' Jelly,
Cherry Salad.
Cheese Walulw.:
Heart Shaped Ice Creapi.
Salted 1‘ci.aua, Atier UiTuer Candles
The evening was very plcoeanlly
siM-nt by tbe young ladtes,, and a
guessing coaiest. -Tlie Flower ot Bomaane," was the feature of tbe even
ing. MIm Mabel Bldred wlaning first
renting a bomi- Is not at all alineAfter o
it wlr.htlve to Ibi- members of tbe asaociallon,
y have worked maoy years tor
bomc they bow have aad aow dogip
slrc to take a rest.
long labk's decorated with geraniums
Have Money te-BulM.
and marguerllvs and all n'bdy for the
As suicd this mortnlOA they
lonty to build, baring a considera entire cumpsuy tu all down lo Ihc folpiwahn Who Blow Into
ble amount out at Interest and tbe as- lusbig meuu:
Ewaday CoaU Not Obuta
Pressed Chicken.
socIpiloB-does not owe a rent to any
naked Boana.
one. Its ofBoemfkave always made^ Pouio Salad.
Ham Sandwiches.
eelaBa. liicb.. Uv 4.—Uollow
rule MTcr U
td^Uwcl debts tor any
tad w... Moated taeea two thing, .and eseJpl lor ibo debt whlcb
Maple Syrup.
derelleu awtored a local
UB Ibu original boildlng, wbeo
eri'Clvd. they hH\e acrer owed Awsortedpake.
repBvI. inuaic and games
anybody. tVheo they started, the assa
RaUirdny ninht'a dcbanch bad l«^l elation knuw that they could my for were t-nJo}<-d Lyall and It was
(heat in an awTul crndliloa. Being that bulldina and tbev have dooe aq late wbt-n tbe happy cek-bratlun cmlacraagera a bo Ud drttM b here They have aow come to a rqalirsitoB ej by tue guests going home.
from aoBie of the plaoea _at
d ihe hopes wbleb they taavt- eutc
dry. ibcy were oaaware ot tb>> bet tained for a great many years.
that'the ajifoa kceprr* here abide by
This desire U of double Importani
(be bw.
because It will add soOther fine bui
The two mn ehoar the
ness structure to Front street, also
Edwin Black la tlic First President
aa a UkMy place lo gel aa "eye openhome for Ibe Ladies' Library i
ot the Jersey Breeders Aaaocla- iv^“ Jwt wbre aadiy oilaUken. One ot aoclsUoD which wUI'be a very bandtlen Formed veaUrday.
#m goaded on by tbe ftetee cnTtag
>meal lo Caaa street
kr wbtaky otorud tbe proprleiw • monament to the efforU and dlllgrai
Tbe lullowing officers were elcvU-d
Eve doliar gold piece tor^a plat. -9a«t work Of tbe ladlea o( the aaaociaitoa Bl Ibe meeting of the-Jersey Breedhc.matwrad Utlckly from be for maay years past.
asoclation which was organized
tween tala cracked and cwoUea llpt.
Thursday aftornoon at the
early Days.
-But bla eraTlag for the flald wi
Id the aummer of 1869. Jusi lo yonn bouse by W. p. Raven, field agent of
AOt aaiiaAed. They bob left, only i ago. an orgaalutlon calleB tbe La le Michigan Hteedcn' aasoclatlou;
man once more and betag retnaed dles' Ubrary
President—Edwin Black.
Vice pmldenl—D. M. Blodgelt.
the aceond time with an Invitation
Istenee; the charter osmbers being.
iwvb. they purefamaed two botUea
Seemary-lreasurer—James Harris.
Mrs. Morgaa Bates, Urw. M. E. C.
catasp. SUatlng It with warm water Bates, Uts. M..K. Back. Mrs. B. 8.
Plrectors—DaUd Roush, WuUam
Piall, Mrs. L. 'W. HobUell. Mrs. F. Grant. Tbe aaaocUUon gUnt out with a
I.sicy Arnold, Mrs. 8. C. Fatler. and
ice memberablp, and the pros
Reabea Hathh.
a brare adveature la iboae
If days, when Traverse City was
Tm Kaihaaka Itan Warn PlMd N
ly a lumber town, hewed from tbe
arid Caata by dwatlea Wllaan.
Kills Her Fde Of 66 Yaara.
James Ooaey and W. M. iduie of MIehigaa torest. But the spIrU of aeal
he movi aiercllev. enemy I bad lor
eathnalaara wblN
ears,'' dedares Mrs. James DuuKalkaska, ware Eaed $i and tUi
or HayacsttHe. Me., ''aas -Dj'senma aaeh by Jostlce W. J. Wlboa at hearts of the pioneer wornra. has been pepaU.
I suffered intensely after eat
years, a biased trail. Madlag
Eafkaata Twaaday night. Tbs mu
lag or drinking and could scarcely
tbe way to
eanght tro« baa Ihas seren laches
sleep. After many remedies had failed
and several doctors fare me up. I
Inng. Bau Depwty AUn SaUh d soeceja.
Electric Dltier>. which cure# me
tkR city happnad along and made aa AI that time the weman’s club move- tried
ramplelrly .Now 1 can eat anj-iBlng.
taapaeOu and the armta ahd Enaa sent was la. lt*-Mlaacy. But
am 70 years old and am overjoyed u
sacb organlzailoBa as the L. L. A. Ig*t
my beollfa and strsagfii back
then existed in Mlcfalsaa.
agalB " For IqdlgesUon. l-aiaa ot Ap
Por way gala, from tap <b toe. from idea liaelf waa a bold oae and iu petite. Kidney Trouble, l^me Back.
Female (-WnpUieta. lU aaequaled
aE/eaaia.agBif Pr.naMtKdeatHc earfrtng out mean courage sod akin. Oaly 66c at 8. E. WaK A Bom, C. A
Ecaal nay wEtrt U it sMl How W«a These eight veaes bnllficd. Bagbeo Drag Cm, Haiaab A Imy.
■---- FMSS
FOR nss LARDS '•"“BStafast'-""
Twenty years ago yesterday. M
and klrs. £d PI^Ilps ot Elmwood town
ship were united In marriage. Tbele
bceamu aware of tbe dale
Of Uie anniversary and last evening,
about 60 of them tendered Mr. and
Mrs. Pblllps a most picaaoat surprise
by calling la a body.
The first pa’' of the evening was
pent Hi playing progressive pedro.
Irv. Peter Sebcldel winning the first
prize, and Mrs. Artbur Schneider.- the
rollowing the podro game. Hisi
elle Halveraon played the wedding
Diareb and the happy couple
marrbed Into the parlor, where they
found that all pTvparatioDS evo
and bridrrsmald. had
been made in marry them all
agaln. The ceremoD) Waa performed
by AI
Albert Lauincr and Mrs. Peter
Zlmmeroun and Prank CanSbl^'sUtor
and brother uf the bride, acted '
brldesaiuia and best man respccilvi-
Q- TATE or UIcniQAN. THS T«»
u tbu Inicllectual culture ot iis
a ouDibcr of y<-nrs the aubjcct
lew llbrsry bulhilug has (ict-e up
permost In tbe minds uf the uiem
and eapeelally dear to Ihc beans of
tbe fine caeeutUc board which ha
wisely governed the affairs of ILO daooclailon. Aailcipating this project,
tbe fine pk-ce of property was pur
ebasud a fe'W years SRu.on tlass street,
adjolnlug Ibc pusioffice. when- the
iDCUL home of tbe L. L. A. will
finally be placuA
Fife Lake, illch.v May 4.—G'.-orge
Thayer Is Kpendlng a few days In,
raverse CUy.
Tlu' Infant child of Walton Rarey
d.ed Friday and waa buried Satur-
day Evening in the PrcMncC of
Large Number of Friends.
Miss Rose Newell, who has been
bmking M extended visit will)
parents. Mr. and Mrs. B.- F. NewcU.
left Wednesda.v for Delroll. Her moth
er accompanied her.
Mrs. T. Y. Kimball vlslled friends
loa n several t^ya of Iasi week.
Miss Zala Crooun ol Kalkaska, t lsited Miss Florence Gregory on
B E. Smith, ot Traverse City
, town OR business Wednesdsy.
Miss Molly Clark Is visHlng her
aUter. Mrs. B. L. Curtis. In Jennings.
peni Sugday with bis i«reut». 6lr.
and Mrs. C. DUberg.
Mlfs Nellie Foley, of licoton Har>r. U visiting her molber. Mrs. Wil
liam Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Hodges and
wero 4o KIngsIc.v
Mr. and Mrs. W.N.Tcrry.who have
bot-n vlfclllng her sister. 6lrs. Reuben
U-ani. returned lo their home in Elyr. Oblo, Saturday.
Pearl Straub. ol.-Maatoa, vIstTod hU
hiiT. Mrs. A. V. Whipple, over Sundv.
Mrs. Anna Witbercll, who bas been
visiting with friends In this vicinity.
Went lo Cadillac Saiiirda.v.
The Keep Sweet'- claas held Iheli
uslncas meeting at tbe bomeef Mr*.
G. B.‘ Dogherty. Wednesday .-vcnlng.
The following officerv wen- elected:
rresldcm. Louise Hutchins: victi
ul. Fanny Crego; -secretary,
Andean; ireasuriT. Gertrude
Tbe Seldor lilhle riass will bold
Ihi-ir business meeting at the bume of
Ih-rt 'Darpion.-. Friday evening.
May 7ih.
Springfield Township.
During the severe clectri.al
which vUlled this vicinity Thursday
lightning entered th. Uoumor E L Snyder, ex-tveasurcr of Siirlrig
field lownsblp.tore op tbe floor, biv-.vkIng one sleeper, broke two clfiir* aril
set the bouse on fire in seieral places.
By prompt m#aiun-B tbe fire was ex
tinguished wlihunt outside help. The
ramily were fonunatcly unlzjncvd
The lightning entered through tbe ici-ntaone. it not being {irovlded
;iound wlr«.
W.,A. Sinclair went to' Kalka.vka
yesterday to alteod a mecliiig of
board of auperrlsora.
John Btrabaa Is making Hnprovc
menta on bli barn by the addllloi- of
n» w bip rpof.
Tbos. Hiaes of South Springfield
u> the guest of Fnak Cogrwell
and wife Wedaesday.
Frank Colman of- lonhi. was visit
-lug relatloBs here last week,
Judge of Prabata.'.
bale court for the county of
t a s<-eslOD of said court, held i
probate Office. In tbu cll>' ot Tra
erw.- t'il.t. in said county, on the SSu
ly ot April A' U.
■■ 1909.
----Preaem. Hun.
Fred. R. Walker,
•tc of
or prubale
1 ihi- muiter of the estate of WUlini Harrison, deceased.
Ellen r. Oonani havln
ring filed In uid
r prillloD pray lug the admlnof aald estate b.e grauied
grauK to
leiiry Ham
IV other sultO. P. CARVER A enOTHER MUST ble person.
It Iss ordefeil.
ordered. That the
Ibe I7lb
ITib day ot
May A. D. 1»1>. at ten o'clock la tbe
forenoon, at said probate offlre. be and
Ik hereby appointed foe bearing said
sem They Occupy Has Alsnys Roan petition /.
1< is Jarihor ordered. Tbat public
an inauranec OfRcc Elnoa RuijE
noUcf tbcrvui) be given by I'libllcailoii
Ing was EuHt.
of a copy or {hit order, for three suecesrlvo weeks previous to ssld.da) of
Wltb tbe abake~ In leuanls oc
brsrlug. In the Grand Travel/..- Herald,
pylng Front aireei buildings caused a newspaper primed aud clrculaied In
by the transfer of the Lndles' Library
ling to Sbennan A iHimer. comes
Judge of Probate.removal of ibe lii“urance busi Apr M > M»y ^14
ness of O P. trarvcT A IJni, to n
quarteri., the present quarleni In i
L L. A. building, having been need
D-l>uU having, b<--u made In tbe
offices from the time tbe yndIHc.iis
of a morusge, made and
building waa erected.
-IlD and Sidle' Brown
‘ucker liiuw dco-asedl
The first insurance office to open Us
Ibe souihni'/.| nnartcr
Mrs to the public in this building the soitlliwest
quarter of siTlion
as the firm ot Steele A Tltut. tbe flfieen il.'ii, township iwetiiy-six t*6i
E. Steele, who north, range ten (Hi) wesi. dated
rerord.-d lu offlio ot
later located in CalUorula. and C. O.
of Grand TraveruTitus, who died in 16$0.
nty. Mirhigan. January Hk D>oi. In
,riil| Ibc death of C. O. Titus, D.
Liber 43 ol morigages. on page 402.
Titus, conducted bis half of the bu»I- Tbe said luorlgage will be force
by a lak- of the, above d.»crlbed
neus. and later a man.by the name
Lang purchased ibc entire twalncss. Hou..................................
elly of TraveraB tTly.
Lang conducted the Insurance busi
VO o'.
• • p.
ness alone (or .a Ume. and tben he
for one hundred afvenly five and
coffloililed suicide.
28.IVU <617.3610 dollars, ibv amdunt
cUinied to be due at lhl> date, lohib abstract baslness to O. C. Mot- geiber with .-lewii and 47-100 (611.471
and when Ibe Insurance business dollars for taxes paid <m said pr<'pilses
ihereou. wlib Interest
ngAi lit tbe mscki-l through the and
the *whole amount from this date at
death of Lang. O. P. Cnrver purchased seven per tvnt. |>er aiiiiuiii. nnd IniliidIng the costs aud expenses aliowed l.y
Ibe business la the suniuicr of 1
bod uklng ID partnerablp 0. H. Ti
Dated April In. A, D. I!*'*:'.
tbe two conducted the business
i/ons G. wii.usox.
years. Jusl two yetra l>i a
from the day the firm of ('Arvrr A Ti
meut of Iklta 8.1
tus was organized,
Y M. WllJiOX.
Carver conducted
orlgagee. F
from tbat date until about eight years Apr. M-Frldays o July 16
ago. when he took as a partner hi*
brother Frank Carver of Angola, lud.,
Arm being known as O, P. CarA llro. Just where iht-y will i
ilii'ir business is not yet khown.
:3.-.fi.Msy 7 14
_______ •
11^ J5SS
New MunaoB Btk.
ClUaeaa teleptaOM; otfieo, 766; rUR
idenco. 60?.
>ak to be diroetod to Mi otfica oR ,
poiUe Sbermaa A Huatar.
Do not bo icasdlreMod.
.« ■
Gold work of tho Tory taat
Porcelain inlaya.
' ’ ^
ilBleae eilraexlOB.
ucs .
. ^
Office honra 7:60 t« UtM. 1 fa %
Other hour* by requeat.
F'rtaci B. F’edorspital
J. F. Shear. Beach, Mkh.. wHiea:
I have Used your llarveirh I'ondiilon
'owders lor pn-r ten yi-ars. and b»>.Iways loUDd Ibeiii Jnst what my
horses and calilt needed when out of
aorls. They always brlug hsik Ihc appetlic. My stuck show the it-suIU
Sliicv feeding Harvell's t'-ondkl
Powders 10 our poultry they have i
bei'ii troubled with chok-ra or rot:
id we get loU of i-ggs. Sold by S.
nil A Sons and K E.-Miller.
Farms and City Properly
Boagbt, sold and exebanoed
Boom 1-4 Magotic BMtr., Traverae City, Micb.
Mrs. Ed Dodds left today for Trout
Lake, for a vUii wiih friendA .
Miss Nina 8hcarv-r went lu Bnyuc
Falls today lor a vl»!t with friends.
To Mothers In Th< Town.
riuUiwa wkosredvlWsu. fMerWti sad eras
Moias'-h ar.ralhsllvw.msk1a(svleklrchild
airenc sad hmlUiy. A rmain nm for vronat
have («ntraeied with one of the
laryaat woM mills In the aaat for Ida000 pounds of Michigan Fkeco Wool,
so a must purchase (he wool to deliver,
and I am willing .(e pay the full
aide market
Mil Or contrict
poilr wool to anybody alee unUI you
got my prict. Alee. I have ihippcd
from the wool mill enough wool twine
Houseman Siding, belonging t«
Dlab Co- of Traverse Ctty, Is being its tarniab atl my eustomera free of
lessened by trains of five or six
large, as to save using blnding-tsvlne
any other kind which should dam.AND POR EALE-4WH Sec- 14. pga Otd weak Pleaat call for U whenTown If X. Range 6 W. Township aver you aae randy.
of I'nloD. Grand Traverse eounty.
address. Alice R
Towra, Go«l*3n,. Mil
Apr. SO-T
20-Turs lo May II*
FREE—Tbe use omT
orchard land, good i
• penlDsnla. three mth
er»e City. Only requirement—esuHon In prevenllag t^ry to tr«et
from plowing^ sad cultlra^^T.
tale court lor the eoastr < ,
pose borae. weight abMt
Grand Traverae.
R. liarak. Balos.
Apr. >-(t
probate office, li
• n:y. in aald couaiy.
txMDiy. tOB Ihg UtRTATE OP MlfHIOAN. THE PRO- day of
.. April
..prll A. D. 1M9.
' bale eoun tor the conaty el
Preacni. Hon. Fred.
rpDd Traverse
la the matter ot tbe estate ot Clareace J. Harpham. deceased.
E Thompson, deroased.
Notico to-hereby given that four
o-------- . --iMUidi* havtofil '
nWDlbs tram the 91b day of April A.
patRtBB pngrlag -,
D IMt. have bven allowed tor that said couri
asfi da- ^
. lUAU
ditora to present tbeir claims lerniine who were at tha
tlma o( kla ,
dost said dei-eased tasald raurl toT ^eaib the legal brlr* ot
>f said I*——
daeiMN ■
examleatloa and adjustment, and that and enlllled to Inberll
It the re.
real aMUig '
all creditor* of said lleceasrj are re of
which maid deneased
--d died
d a____ _
quired to present their claims to'aald
It Is ordered, that the 17th Aap N.
(Ourt. at tbe probs:e office. ' ‘
May A 1) 1»<W. at tea o'dotk la A. .
of Traverse nu lu salj roi
foranouD. at said probate office, bo aW
before tbe 61st
nist ds> of August
A. U 1. hereby appointed for haartafi^NU -im, gad that,
that said claims wlU
. .. be
heard by said conn'oa
nun oa-Tuesday
further ordered. Thai
31.1 fiay of Auguri A. D, IW,
hereof be given by put..^___
o'clock In Ibe forenoon.
py of ihts ordim. tar tk(qa gn- i
Dated Aprll’»th. A D. 1909
Judge of Probate.
a nea^i^Ti?^ aqlgizjraUiad lB
Apr. 30—May 7-U-II-SR
said rouifij
Your Fruit Trees
Probably you intend toi! ^ If so, we are interested,
Wc have the veiy best Blue Vitriol, araenate of lead,
Pari? G-ee.i, etc, that we can buy. You will not be
dissappointed in results if you \>urchase Spraying Mat*
If you want quick RCtion and prompt Mrvic*
at all times send your orders for Sash, Doors,
Mouldings. L.u.mber, Shingles.
Work. Cottage Material, to
Lath. Shop
SouBi Side Lumber Co.
Cltz. Ptai48l. Itiinoit 130
X.O.CaOISER. Reedvw' !
oiwNO niAvcftn houvo.
'«ru -To
Bay«^‘ BMhar oaor Bodca Sarardar
April n. a <
««a BuBdar
Alloa and
Ura. Jastea aod Mn. Jamtaon atteadtd tbP-U O. T. M.M. aapper-at teare for .Sew;
Grand Traverse Region
.daofbier. Un. T. J. C*n»A la Trt»rroD ber aen. Tbeodore SIOBaia. toraa•rtF CItr.
Mr». J^ter Iltuili aad Miaa Ratb erly well koown hare.
- fMch «h* H.r.w aMlM Mt njorne veal Balurdai Jo T«
Un. Femaoo la calnlu very aloi
r aa abe la very- weak- Mn. <k>re. t
sod ;|venue,
avenue, U aiayiaa
aiaylDK ^iti
^Itb br
„.. aod Mr«. i.ow»H Sewn otUaded
cburcta Id RIk fUlrtda Bandar. '
Un. Uaier InoU and Mlaa Ru|l<
IgtB Tf*tigT*r CHr. wbere ahe apeoi
r. « «,-.n»eeU «hla week
Thumlo)- wltb Jlra. iamn Doao.
n «ll Soora *M a Trmnrae City
_____ ___ Badcl'--
fhioav. hay
Ladlea' Aid w<7l meet at Mn.
W. Browa'a
nn'a Thunday.
Mn. Colter
OoUe CKpecu
borne la Tm
tfcU wrek Vr. Yiww^rt hw
r^flo iSf r»llro«d *lwr* be »m
Ur and MraMra. Claui .^cb. of Good
ouv day U»i
D. H I>a> and ana. IW
Satarday from a trip to C
ba'^tb Wibday by aoln« tnnniat la
he anemuoo and to Cedar to iodite In
kin Franna Tbonpaon. of Uurtley.
relumed lo ber home Monday •t''•
week aiieni with old frlenda and nelah
JS.'';;.,'::.."" ■. r.'SiS.s
- —
’ widneaday 1.'
■.' a
b-i -r ^.o: I.......... j„. I»UU Uarm ^
•ended the a
a««7 Mertiall I*.
.. oo Ibe L.J, .
„ •t..„hu Aid
taeia'a tana.
.)« .f ih» hnna. ol .'.in. UavM k
-nd U:- ■ ‘rta wen ai
rIalUM at
UmIbv Ihp saeat • 'i^r children.
i.-wla and tainly and Bthel
Boadl aad boahaad.
*"jHel Edith Grinder la lo work in
Cke^aad riallad Un. NoDalar
Cbarlea Teancut. ol Freemll. la bark
uSirta aad wife vUUad' Mn.
Bark l^wl______
"<^arln Uoflar 4a *one to Hoaor.
Tbe Beaile
Mr. and Mre.
B-Mli- Couii'v
and publlaber «(
la*ad^r. for dinner ni Ihe Hotel yUale
HuDor oil May
daya naa very »ioi
• nniber pre'eel
m^terd-a Saaday ackpal rtaaa
•( yoaaa ladlea met at Ibe Aome ol
4taiW C«oper
Cooper Saturday aftemoou fdr
Tba t^dJaa' AM wiU mo
CBaa. Hayea TbundaT.
.. v-_
' V 4ln. Jtte Oaraa. who bai aiwri :
>aaa -t«o weoka with ber d <- shi<
MTA WiB. Curry, reinmod V< .
. Bar home la Traverae.
The" Sunday'aVhwi Ik planulna
ChUdreo'a Day
A Rood time
„ive Children'
The new
new flare'at,Wexford la doinc a
"vs.“ ■■:■.
■KV........ ..
Does Not Stimulate
. back
Ayer’s SaniqiariBR does not stimulate. It does not make
______ _______
Helea Burr went to Travel
Sa^ay to work for Mra.
'inere is not a chop oi aiconui in ai-
Hnrvey A.
til^r iMIcblRan's 'blind
po«-i. a
author aod lerlurert (cill occupy
the pulpit al the Ovlat M. E. church
on Sunday tnorulim. .May Pib
Puller U well known tbrou^out th.
alai/e ua a apeaker of no nM-an ability
People will be well r>‘tuld f
beai bim apeak
j^ru-To Mr. and >lni Wm
H.'neber Wekt o bmena Baiurday
returnin* today.
Mr Slewari. tbe KalicRb Men|edy
mao, i^M-d ibrpURb our illlaie laat
Mis John Heinke. «Ao bar been so
very sick at t.ake Ann. lawoiiie betUT.
Bberman Aniidou Is workiiiR
James Sullivan had two shk ho
ift week
A 11. Fisher ami Orval Ih llliiRer
lade iwo trips to t>laud last week
;|:b lombei'.
May 4
r of leilihf maple
so >e ejn'i think
'lipir belpR ■
»f ellRai- i«M i
In Ihia nelRhUirlinod are
' A tiiiinbeinil
irybiR: the new Uelecel M-|«fltUf.
la belploR
M»- M„ Mable BracebrldRe. tbla
. i.'n.'i* .ha* hi' 're.cream
ii -I'-i- ’•■’1 h’a-t
Mrs H. O Campbi-n. rstb .Si.
Traverse City. .MIHi. r.iy*'. "Expefi
allb kidney reiiH-die* haa UnalK
there J» a sure .-un- lor ktd
tbe us«. ill Uoau's
ney complaint
Kidney Fills. R
mv sboiildcrs
l.s.-k, Ihul ms
si.Mip ill lili *i-ie apme of tb.- 1
hies from «bli-li 1 Kiiffer.-il
Kidney I'llls. pnviired a< tin- '
Drug Co. relleied nw and in vie
my experience 1 lake pl-asure lu
dorsinR this remedy , For sale by all dealer*..
Fosler-MHbum Co. HuKalo.
rolc apcnlt lor ih
i uu nave uic Mswy,
even gain that comes from a strong tonic and attentive.
We wish you would ask your doctor about tfall>; He
* iws. ’Hristhim. Do as he says. j.c.A^'' r flf*
ra Kate Sanford le hatln* a brlrk
It Can B« Done. So Score* of Trav>
• made lablrh will make it
era* City CItUena Say.
acioiimiiKlate her
Mra. n Carponler. who la v
>r jwu-enla, Mr. and
Mn. Batnnd patroua tbe (tmilna ■umuer.
e pains ol rheamatlsui.
Goftar. la over at Honor tbla week.
e tiredeiUl IwliiiR,
one day laat week of Mr. Blackherbr
W, S. Goflar baa soar to Kai
■ach the spol—Ret ai tbe
PlowliiR aeeina to h<- the order of
Wm. BurnleMoa aud wife a
s -Its the kidney*
In most
Ick al Ihia are fur the hid
l>oau'a Kldm-y
Mn. Caante U rUltlnc in the nelsb-1
Bert Mattlee la movias tbit week. 1
laaac Huff dmve to Cedar Rao Tnea-
in town laai Wedneaday.
MUe Anua Baxter anil Iwwiher. B IIIMn'c*'!. Hannalord baa aold ber
,IU. .lalied rrlailvee In town la>
farm and moved away to Tra»
*Mn John Tobin, ol GI«oiu.-re. vl,
Un J. W. IMckenaan and Warren
• ' ni-ek.
lied in town U«l
iatted at C -kV. WiUlama. at Maple
i;hapii lan.
City, tbe flat. It belDl bh :ilb Wrth
Armour A Co.
day aod be rererved a ahoner of voatal
Ibe e.ore Krid
U« ibree 1*mm W wort.
Mlaa Audle TaylorJa
rarda and leitere lo tbe iiumbv of »»
of Soul
Jnrnea Burdl
• Hrt. >ta«ilnf»r »Ul««l ber a*o*band Ae wa> aurpriaed and oucb
lau (onD tw tbe rear.
. , ■ ,Non«:
'‘Thp“M^iIJ^ilKer Bwid 8. 8 rla« «l
•Tasera mill baa alarled up aod la
youns people Irom here
elchl Utile *lria, «a\> a pro*nm ••on- dolac cuaiom nawlnp.
daniv at Empire Saturday i
nufut and xKe
Mr. ud KliiloK of a-paBuinilmi- and a canuia
Mn .8 B. Cate ham flniahed aasar.
Mn. Quit
Monday etenlbr al the churcb. Thia
BKIe Brow. U ' "-Visi* it HUri «a< f<dIowed-»r-fanr, tiarrbln*. each
bl« pa
KeiMB at B >• = ->
In town laai Sundayi,
Itenia <V'. •«« T.r.. -!
r, i
Un. Jobs ABaa
•’ aiul Mrs R K Campbell, two
rhildfeii. Marh>rie and l^flle. spent
the da» in Traierse
Morcan and Ida-SU-kle were Trav.
I'liy iMIinrs lodai
ura reiurnrd
murtird IHaturday froi
k busllinas
isllinas trip f.i ChiiwRo
CortisioCk and• daURhli
I Cortisi
returned IbU •-teniuR
Bay .
The infant .liHd nj Mi and Mr. It
Rvan died on Monday laat aod was
biirrled from ibe liouie on 1 uesda;.
The Ke> A Beulill oSIciallliK.
JaiMb Jaeobsoh i' ereciinR a new
rvsldi iii-.- on bis lot
I. It Pe.A speiii Sunday- at borne
returnllif; to Heimfo.-ih's I'rOssiiiR Ibis
iitoK a here hi- is don
doiuR some bUlId
lot tiro lleimfiii
Ilia li
Nol a'nythlUR. a. yiT, ha* he.-u hi>ard
Inim the owners of tbe stiiel tlRhter.
as. lound by Capl
Fvedrii-ksoh. ol The Ann Arbor i-ar
ferry So I. near Fox Island on Friday
The Itorolhv/K. will run an exctir
Sion to 8iil'i^Jlii> oil Saturday. May
tiih. BiiinE all whk ailili a ebaoce to
aileiid tin-tsuodayl achonl ennvenlion.
U I. Topif ten .-iiiiday. M*> ?. -Msk
Ins a tiiie-t of Christ" le-ader. laJUle
!•ulmall '
• Fri-d I'urki-s' li-alii ran away
The wagon ta-lnc com
pleU-ly demoHabr-*
Tbe Uadlrs* I
oclety wil
meet on Friday
i with Mr*
Kate Wilson
Id their hall ou Friday Whins,
Mumpseh »
It aiiiiaeu t............................. .. .
i Wayne, lud. when be apenl a
•k's vareUoo
'be IVOman's club met at the boiBe
Mrs W F RoberteOB on Tuaaday
.. Miss Xcltu- XeUoB Rave aa arth
on, "The Charlol Races ol Pa*aa. " Mias Barnard a very IptereplInR one on. "The I.iirc-of Ameriea"
The Woman's club wlH ntrrl with
Miw J F Mathews On Tuesday alter-.
mI;, Bate, is very ill
8. W Forler i
Mrs Wairen linxsie Is. la Traverae
Cllv lailiiR lor her dauidilt-r.
Hon>--To Mr. and
Ijiuiuei. n St]
dsuRliier* , aad
Mr* Want
Mr. Hounhlou I
pOlIUiR In a wall
lo have
rountrv 1
*>• 4
How's THIS?
BuAM DbOm lUw^Yw
Wstft.r ttns Bui
was clv.-ti last week b* 'p^i
Kelt li-mCiii
Als.nl -ixtv
lleurv Sitvii. a*-l-teil hv
John Uxrlh. had il.arge of the w.trk ey f«r th. lats li ..ow*. sad WBnw hi ■ |sW.
I.eilr h..n<.rwlitt In sit buonss irsMsrwuaM
alleiiii.^l the funeral
I'urr}. at Suitoii;
.ra r
Ralph Nenboute h*- atrepied'.n poHirtji on the.Dally^News. of^LudiBK-
; .X"'
nortbem lllicbiaaii’s
Gomes Furnisbed on
at 0a$b Prices
Here are a ttm ol the leading Go Carts and Carriages sre are seliiog this year. Vou will notice from the inuttrations that
«"doTot eo".e oJr l“e .“‘oa? kiod only, hot S.e a variety 61 the best kind, made We hate a special w^eel ™
aand encountered-ro coootry roads, and the pnees are eaceptiooally low. ranging right along Irom $1 4j to S...00,
Ciirpets, Rug$y Linoleums, Mattings, Lace
Curtains and Draperies
All lovers of beautiful and dependable floor covers, rich draperies and elegantly designed lace
curtains should visit our carpet department and see the many new things which make the home
the most pleasant and desirable place in'tho world. We are better prepared to meet the big de
mand tor this class of home furnishings than ever before-you'li find an unusually wide variety
to decide from. They're not all high priced either: By purchasing for our three large stoi^ we
bought at a price which is right, and we guarantee a price to you which will please you. Eutery
day we're grinding out bargains bigger and bettor than you can imagine without seeing them.
■ We cordially invite you to come and 'nspect them, for we take pleasure in showing you whether
you contemplate buying or not. ^
Handsome Parlor Suits
We would like to iuvt; vou >'. '.lieit- I’a^r S:i’f..
• lo.
, arrived anJ are cer'.;tnu> fli'.; :mcst liftf o£ Sl;.. w.t'.v s-vfr i.n'-.-red. •
They coinv io quaritired K-il-ieu nak or mahorfaiy trainrv with leather
Yerolu. Yeiout.pitwhaoilin^iiif coveringi. We tell the D^vru or
tepamte if you prefer to buy them ihU way.
Start Housekeeping
• ' - Tii
-:•>'■ i-.
h'.it!-U A N.
• f-c-j;u:;
r. ;.
can VOUK
Our t.rrtjiD*! cavy paymeui plan wiU-eoabie
to furnish your whole house today and you-can pay for it
as you cam the money.
aiuND TluvnM HtnAL^ rniDAv,
IBC dOM befera lbs ~speU of winlereane.
Now Ibe ones srbo did I
c io
have are very boay trylitc
- nakc
r. im.
rive itDBM- Toefiday momlns with tbe
Quite • d&ber from this wny ei
■ended the elBblb rade esereUes in
Syrup of Ttmty
and Wkolesomeness
1^1- AUB. MIcb. Ms> U.—A lwrs<-
dtotriet No. 6. AH report a fine proCreek wbere they have beea stoltlac
their eblldrssrtbe peat.three weeks.
Mr.' and Mrs. a U Friak etoltod
Tbe aasital awetlnc of tbe i>melery aaedstlon was held at ibe rhnrcb with tbe latwr's parrats la 8ouU Mb
Monday ereelnt
ioa Bnoday.
{taessecccf Bros, are |
A tor»e crowd sttelifiod the^urc.
well for JoBb Popllnski
Baaday erentBa. by (be Rev. Mr. HowJohn PnNIhskl is enetoslus bto farm
era. In tbe M. H eburv*. •
a lumintre vambb that dries cuickly. with a
brittam awl durable finkh: a caniaee vamiA
that withsonds mud, lak) and shine. JUtncwihtT
r;cMr *
Tni^ City. Sdch.
Tt/f tbe Horal-.
AobutU W«II wm bom Jane ».
l»7a. IB Psrsditr towasblp. --------------Barrli-d to rbirim t-rapo
1K>7. Thlnkioc her hraJm Bl«hl be
teproiril by tb^ wmliwii dlaiBle they
• moved to Bolu-. Idaho, tbe first at
'■optember. Ihts. Bat sbe reeelvcd no
kMefit freuB the
stolo-Mrv IVfl &
Sek-el rcadlnc-M
General disi-usrinn. -WhsI
Suiw of Ibe Olirii-ullies Met In
duillns a ladles' Aid Scxlela
llos to Meet Tbcn. " opened li) Mrs.
Maud Bau-y.
Beleei readme- Mr*. « M.I'oiAv
tisilinc »l<b her oiolhcr today.
Rer-lutloo—Lucy Herran
Urv. NUU W rlsbl a tbe cuvet ot
Slnclnc—Monroe renter AM
Mrs. R R ttali-Readiuc-Mrs Sirieklaud
James Rrran. o? loike Ana. 1* la o
KeeltntloD~ Lcuts Mct'oiutw
»kinlty delkerlns fruit Here.
Preil \VII*oB drote le Trsverie t*l
Mias Rekafa Wllm sras tbe curst
of Hale) rase 1.1SI Thursday..
Mr. and Mn. Will tiiark have neved
back onio (beir fsnu brre. alter sUy
Inc mith Mr. and Mrs. llatld Tboaip* O.
SOB alt wlater.
Mrs. L. E .Batea vent to Traveren
aVeeibibBle wire and motbar, aad
Wimantburs. Mlcb.. May i.—Mix
■any frlead.i at aad arounii Klnteley <^y laat Tuewlay. tctwnlnt bomc Prid«nea
lelt Saturday iilcbt
■ Uaneeb'BS will ht-ar »lth s
Biui-r Ahbee wRI CO to Kortb for ber bone near Bib Rapids, ebere
Rranrh to aork for Albert flooker.
April 51. IbW. at Hour,
sbe ezpecta to remain for
Mefutrs. Obarie) Bales and
learea io tnoora ber low. her
id. r. W. Crapo. two little aitis. Henry, were La Brsverse Clly
aped ten. and Cttia. etshl. Hot
r. GdSrard Wall, and one alsier.
MUude Taylor, and other rrU
, Mra. Mb
RiipaiTtoor Guy Slack Is coins ot"
ttptoTBihlp of Wexford, ceanilns tl
Any nade a baslnaaa trip
. TS.T3S«
lly have
»they lat»-rhr«* Rlntra. v
toMkke their boiM.
that'>rBBk tUrfcard
_________ _K him a near
•am Oreen Is bolldlag I
m hit pUee lolalBc Bd. S
.The toe ertan aoclal
a BOae to
Max Arary aad Harry Beckwhh Isfi
yraterday for Grand Rapida where
they expect to take tbe '
The 1. A S meei.s at the Eaai Car- (or eauuca to tbe
neld u R ebun-b today. Work vill be
Bom. Wednesday, April 2S. }»0». io
lumlahed by Mrs. ZlmDcrmaB.
A party ot Meads mH ultb Mrs. Mr. and Mn. Hayes, a clrL
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bunco haw
I Moaday evenlnc to belp
e ber blribda) .
iBor.cd into tbe tarn of Dr. Bunee.
of frieads csttaered Tuessouth of this TlIUcl.
As Utile Uordon Hill, the 5->eaf old
aon of Elwya Hilt, arts ptaylbc about
Mr. UadlsoD and (amlly are________
Into tbe
bouse owaed by PMIIIp
Mlm Laora Parton. vbo has beea
acMRaly Ul. to nach bMter at
Mrti.ll. Wbo im. l-en taVnu;
............ ..
um al that plan-.
Giawn, also tier biotbi-r. A. We-doi-K.
of Traverse City . Sbe ivai licd ih-re el
ter a fine vu.vaice. takhi* IJ days lU
((ussins the Atlantic.
Mi'S HatUf Webber returned tbi.
noraiBB to Fite Imke.
L, & Hodjees ivturvcd lu KtuBsler
Olympia. Wash., who i> rt'Oiliij:
tbiB ell) wHb bir busbstui Wi kKWie
Mr. aud Ml- I'niiik Kfvu|ip wu< al
Kc-r»l«u,> cuuf. tti'll iilcan-d GraiiRe ValP'y'k Sunday.
.kS-s famtii ba- feuledG't'l of his
for Jacksoe. wberit
IS called by
of a baby B>rlirrii^ Keadall was calhd ('•
u«ar ItoiuoaB to Uke care
! ber uuHiei, who. has been i
Nowost Northern Granpe Was ‘DcROn,.
Jam-' 7.<i!jer to'«uiie aick ai
Iced .Mortday at MOfnestoad.
BenstO County.
KiBssiP.v tnlK BiurolaE. after a
In (b« city with relatives. .
for JseksoD, lo allend Jbr luneral of
Dean Cooper arrived home yester her ainv. Mrs. Lulu Urwis. Mrs. L>'0day from Souifi Boardnan for a rUli Is was formerly tioin this city aud
wiib bis ntoiber.
her uacy friends bore tovl tbeir loss.
Kroupa Bros, buusbi a new horse last
scarcely a
crimpbcaicd with it
It it at (hr betA srsujs- with :i etiai|.-T te<ut.er' ;,om ol mott ol the serious discaSM
an i>i Batiii''d at ll«tn"si«-ed. tieiii'*-led life. ____
.tiunly Miuids) oilKfar by Iwpuiy *«■«■ ,.^’3
at Oraauirer f. J. SuiUb. of Travers.-jjtoa
, Rut OBfnrtunstH
Cll.v. U.e new giailuv Iw-iiij; o.vlued who
.tio do
Oe n-.t
n.l *.i
No idsucc vWal
U lbs nature er .«asr «W ll.nr ooo>
suiwuon. and so mstirr
mstirc how eWrvnicsBd
i-.fia-tuadu« «
P H.
Is. the
they win n'.< bad a
-_J |■slluer.
toller .ure than lire w»n-ViH.wn Ur.
l'bail.4> Olmy. Fiaiiis-s Jum-pb and
Otejsrt’r—A. E. Taylor.
inuer Btluuer made a busliv-ss lilp
L.vtuiwr-Mrm. I.ydto Smiih
> Grand Rapids the Brat of tbe we«-k.
1^‘rouna' or mi.*
Steward—Floyd Wstotoy
free I. St liDitk te snvwnr who nods aano
The pupils m the eisbih Riade ate
AskUiaai kieward—Sdwaid
sad oMrewk to Ih CsUw-h
U> labJi t‘)e stae
ot Esl«« fUr-Ms. KtcU.. lur Mr J P. Bdwsrds. or I rcwrom. t*nn . and a tool of
toDdurtur-Wimam BvIju.t.
MUs Mrtile BoNsi'. of Marilto, was
Treasurer-'Kalpb Jobusou.
BUesi ot Mra. Elmer MrlWnser. sev
Gate ki-ejier—Lucius Smith.
visited Ills couslaa, Ed Urimim-r an'i
fsaill] o.er Sunday.
Miss .Velth- HUPO tlsUed relsll.e.s
Pall" .rrd Mr Rdwmrda 4U4.
as Mt<
Khlcb U tu (o to Ibr nswreM Ong atsea
Ceres—Mn-. Mtij MeftC
' Putooua-Mis. Hesstr sWIkh-y.
Flora—Mra. Gruie I'slmor
Lsd.v WkSMtani stensid—Miss CBlb
erlm- Merli.
CaWwni'* Uyruo
uet s laMM
«r powder, but a ttmild laxsase (onto
wtaMS !• what a Bond rafwtlBailm rwta•dr Miotdd be Tboiwsnds. wto once siM
... Jl is ih. ...
lazauvo iiicradtooU «
and friend' ai Gleucarry tasi IV'ediiv-S
John Uillis t-n Ibis norainc' dav.
auy «ld or nesr customero
1‘ There h nn luiKilna nf the human
'body to iqiporianl as. keeping Ibe
IthTwels open. L'pon the cncidUHNi oi ,
'the bowrN, more than upon any other
thing, drpriidt llir health aad
rll-bcing n{ the enure yysirni. There
.MU' lltaucbe-ttrluinn-r made a I’U'i—s ’.ill ■•> Truvene City datuntay.
MUk Ip-Itie Danville weni to ter
^ Noa Brow aad dau^ter Lucy wear
home at Ma.illa Tuesday aflerauoa.
to Kinssley ttaU raornlop.
KuBene RItoy of Ch-vetond. Ohio,
Mra. O. E. SIUMHir went lu ManevIona this nioroins.
Mrs. ttoorer Ackernan rrturned to
Open; Rn
I'o'iwmi'li. .MIHi. May <i
Mr. atid
tiv Wiin. IbK-kwill iirr lb. I.UPP.V
eral ds>' IB'I week.
the death of her nleca.
CHi/eii.htp.'’ Tlic lirtiwvi Town 111(11
-rUNd ha- IWe Riwdusles this year.
iriu lo lSeoTBe Valley^
on Thursday nud Filday.
Ulile fellosr to recovertne aleely.
tiaal ivimmnuvmeut exerrtaeo of Ibn
lln.wn Towu ilich scbm.l. loraled at
Simons and l.vimly.Tuesdsy.
It in (be city, f
Mra. itoanUyn 11. ^nlib weal to
IMiry K.iM-.vbu <■
wir'i. ua> al borne over BuiHlay
Graad Rapids (hV inornltiK lu njcel
ber dauBbter. Mrs. A K. .\sble.v, <>r
E. N’. Eni’-ry tii» *<mo to Charlnuiv fbi.-f. •Uaul'i.v ramnty Mr. Crisp'*
yirt will l> -TIm- IW-ti-kqirnettl ot
•- will iiniu M»- Fauura Kish- bi>-B
this BoraanBWill lUxon nod daURbUr Vera of
Mrs. Charles Hlltor. of Klansley. re
turned borne (bis tpornlUB utter n vl-*- South Giani si-re tiuesis ei Kalpb
Mr and Mrs. C Uaruian rcinmrd lo
M.IUc ttii'«eusoM >)>-nl
ds, wdli Miv; Willwn Em-ty.
Mrs. t'lsta l^lluer
East Proat Mrect.
Mr. and Mn. Ernie Cooper
................ ted and...............
--iSratS-*"'...... ...
bsnd. Mr. Itiooli. bavin* b.d M-v. r-.i.
al Bo*era Muwrbel la au.rtma.o. TV .
l-ently. .
Gi-orR- U Cti'i. Grand Traveroa
H4fVi.’i. Mi<ih„ ilsy t
CaiToll l» S' li’iuu- lor « s.-,-k >.-<ting couuiy -rleiul ■-utmulskiiia.-r. will be
•|••■lak<'r of the evrulua al tbr akIt trail He.-,,
....... ..ico’v.Sevesaf ...........
wf- "V
i.-d i>. Itoild in tb.- 1i-.ir lutu..'
Grand Raidds Ibis psoniiiis after rUillDB Mr. and Mn. W. LoveUed of
oved fron the tenant bouse on Jerod
00*000 *%• 0^0 •••••0
Ansue Mcc-oll n-.„raed
ruyu Uv
..........................-.ii.rwURc OI' ri.-V.-rd
was cot la the top of bis head, bat ibe
bats, and will be cUd to welcone
toll. atrtUnc his head acslnsi tba cor
aer of tbe bed post. Quite a bad cavb
.. .......... ......................... ..
tbe bouse tost flatunlay evenlnc. be
Laai Saiunlay nomlac WIH.Keoai'
friday. May T. will be tbe last day
of tebool at the r
- —
;ti was round aleae at bto bone
will have a picnl
ferlBj from a stroke of paralysis. At
Bice procram.
be is belns rand for by Jobm
Mr. Boenlnc anAfainlly bare not ed
• filearcs Is drswina crave] onto the farm receaily parebaaed
actnarlac to balldlDC a ne» boaae oe him. fma Mra: Hasklat. of DeiralL
Mrs. mma Tbonss of Alden. wish, Ma farm to raptare the one that burned
" Thayer apeal Saturdi
rday aod
to aanouBce that sbe will b« a_____ _
Ith frlro.Mrm. Rolfe's parlors every Saturday
afternoon with a full Hae ot sprins
- EAfiT KASfiON.
Saul Heacy has noted on thscpltce
which he recealiy bouchl of 1. J.
Shorter aad Is beclnalac to «ia
fam of It.
i. W RInebart Is sldlnc his house
aad will olbermlse cobiplete it. Inside
bare had qalte a .
ist feu dayt. We are la hopes'
euL nakiRc -It one of tbe band>st botnet In this viclalty.
irlas Bire weather.
1. Millie Pall r and rtalldrea arc
me fanners bad tbeir sprite soc^-
maoT amnu-oien-s sad plrl.ure of
Ibe cieninx Ape; serMny an clecant
The most dclivk-.i; for Efriddle
caLfs of ^ Rtakes—or
use wlicrc syrup L-.fcc*.'
A pure. At lioloo.Ttc food,
ire. eft.
yar mtou^rias.
lor erery aurfacei a floor ismish diet’s hard,
'dutibk and kntrour-made to be walked upon t
tbe Mb birthday of' Itaelr daach'er.
Mery. They enjoyed a real old tsab
loned elufirsuonaii emeriiis Into the
Mrs-Frank O'Dell left for the Trav 'Upper, ad dc|<stt.'<d tor bou<-. Jubllpni
erse City iwalisrlnn Mondsy. where over the >uyv-4s Utue. they bad
Geo. E HsbUicr kas .old m> 1>-4U
Tbo lAdlss' Aid Sorlett coBveatton sbe will uaderpo a wHdbi operafkiti.
Iirnl buoic Ii: lake Aon to Ur
to be held at Mearae C'enier charrh
Mrs U S Willard, who will otc.-upy
May IS. isos. beclBsiDC at ‘
son time.
♦ h In ihef more. a. tbeir bonicadj
Seiipture readme and pra>cr by
F- U Tow.ley. the keuUl R. F l>
Mrs, Westly. bis
Music by Mrs. Spaactor aad
I'oiiHma. Micb.. May i—Mrs. Cbas. carrier, i' on a .wrallua add
Phelps was a Thonpoonvllle caller -sub" 1. IcatutoB tbe route aud au|! '
Welmne by Mrs
.. Moaroe.
luc ou It. patrons.
Monday. '
Respoae—Mrs ti'brai.
.Mlu Gi ve liiyan Is >»>• raupleyvd
>lr. aad Mrs. H. Q. Kena.-dy arc sis• Select readme—Mrs. Mayer
III Ills Sti'r<- vf & fi Burnell, where
tilDs toic'Uds In town .
>br It pleased to. tuevt many sc
Ora Ledwlrk.u QDlte skk, Recitation—Lucy Herroa.
Bert Hysell did basiacMi la CadU
Sinctne. -ABserroa."
IVauk SiMsoii. a furuer Ijke Aliu
toe Toesdsy.
lo.c. w bo bar l«vii abseui for about
Afternoon l:3e. rcadlnc Ibe
Dan Holora. rf TrtviMvw Cltj, U
Psaliu lu concert
bve .leaf'. bSvItiK made bis bouie near
tnllinc bis dauBhter.
.Solo—Mrs. Prlestl}.
Ia>\ .Viixcle., Cal. ba> returned l<> bi>
old bpiue to vl'l; m'Rh • rvlallvo nu>l
Bi-liuol ssk i-lini-d IB the ml-ituidiWillard TbomiooB of Fieuio« to
liii'Uds b<-:e.
He has many
sisllins bU bnilber. Oils, 7
_ie room Usi Fridsi la-caii'c id itu'
sold, to: Boutbern ( aUtirmla. Kmiil}
Him" Of Ibe leacliei. Mb' M.iry livOW'lUlam McDonald was a Piuuuna
wilt Iiaialii b-r« about nso ■uunihs.
('■lief Tuesday .
County School
Comm.sswnor Cri^
and Ihi-ii Tvl'icv B tbe hmd u; sure
Miss .Mynli- McDonald >rviiini>d t».
Mrill oolivcr AMrwts at CAM
Ctfc thoee maned
net, tbe worn
^ linolten, die acuSed Min and
Uatend fio« deer, a new dnn.
i and CKdr dcoe.
residence ol Mr. and Mrs Wm
Habtmier Monday
e<eslBB. ir bone
. Miss Dunaa tkilion who has
ijulle 'tek. I' abb- In b<' out asam
Will ItoDtIlle of Manila. WB> callins CO Irieiulk at ManUiee Ssttirday.
Mre. H. IlIutUiVM-ii. of ibe :
visUiliig at the bom>' td ber
.Miss Lola Gleason vnsiled fiiends Mre. Artbui KoM'uUtal u[
tf ttor* to snytblBg wbsut
I JW sinrwst tost rra d'*'t
I undentaruJ. or if too wwM
r mcdtowl aertc*. vHto
the doctor, and to wSi
rw«r you Kdly. Tbm M
BO chsrw* for tbto sravtca
' ws to Dr. W ft
at MaoUtee Saturday.
Fbxls-dbnu. and expeti to leave sooa
lor Flint, wbere be hss secured a poslllu Id aa automobile factor.v.
“The WUtest of White Bread
Is the Most Nutritious Food”
(otApd. 1906.
». A. M- M. D, • McClure-s Ma«aato
• ww
Cedar. Mich.. May
t.-bVank Kin
ss n Traverse Clt)' vlstlor one in
U>( s-eck.
Kre<] UrMars. wbii lias Is-eu tielllii);
Lto taiaity for a lew di}>. rvluini;)!
> l-'raukfort yestrrtto.v,
‘‘Thn uabc wtutM tV M-hae wheat flour cooHehslbwi
ace noe evaflaUe nmoses than any bsowe. ImtW.
flow b iridciftc.
Mn. McFall has bwu tery skk but
lu better acaln.
' BUke fjtefaueck aad Mrs. Pepllaskl
**WMe ihtcc h a Urea aneuel oi
li lutrocm
niirocet. ia whole
trbefe wheal
leMthaanwhiieflon.^wUteftkMesccaiiiiB tha (em ef
hn«rhmb,whkharv A ettorh m4it«stiUe ■ tha feed laU
were nurried tl lb*- Celbulle cburvli
■ le neh «w4«t er CMwnt rnitSm-
Peplluskl’s eUter. of a ulk- south ul
. ,
’‘WUfeflotr.iedtDeaLaadUne btood make tbe triceiw flat
of caagoeA The bnttled mpcinr inintive value of whole ^ain
These am aood foods
a font wiy doM Jhe c
at Isadurc ycsteidsy. Tbr soddlnc rttvpliuu oceuiivd St tbi- bone of .Mi>
Mra. J. Susslraa and dsucluer, Mam
to rrturD<<d Irvu Ibeir irlp In Grauil
Rspl.U ttsturdsy.
Viols Klssliicr. Harry Herelhjrner.
and ChCBier Meseben will take ihe
Lily White
**Tbe Fkiv the BMt Cooks Um**
kikewMMMofwhhcfloun. Nu a blur while, but« rkk. cnaav
while, the vary
produetbn d
ski. bedh as to color
•idulriiive cafoe.
e have
a Beat il
kooUel .casdan^ ibe artkk «f Dr.
arafeRedioaboveendbomwfaicbdiefaMlfodeiM•vbrtfARMircttiMmat lie taken.
Thuraday tud IVIda) at Maple ril>.
Airs. John Tucker and Mra. McFnli
spent a few days at Maple Ciij la^i
Joseph Uewett otTiavcrse C|l> sa seen on tbe slrrets one day last *e<-k
J'rwak Stefaneck wlU now in tb<Ms>- vaealed by Henry York
Mr. and Mrs. Fred UeMtra nd Mav
ir Ralph were in Traverse Cltj Bat
We wl
na3 it to angrooe ssfao b lalmlad in die food
h a wJ wordi reedne and uity help mnir who bare
boencmMbrMMUulfoodfadndseflfoneMtoabedMcim<^2^^factlbri*foa»ribUr«CMnor Uieann'' n the
Every ,Man
Owes it 10
to be
as well dressed as possible.
(10 th
invcsMjiatiiiK to see mat he ifctw the
best {yoh^bie vaUics itir his muacy.
When it comes H> value M'vinE >'nu
will find this store ^Iways un top, and
you will always liod the best assiyrtinent. No man, whether he is y-uuiiu
or old. whether he wants the extreme
nr conservative styles will find this
store the top-noichca'.
There is a Suit for every purse;
You will had here, clothes from the
best tailors in America, at - prices no
higher than is asked for ordinary
clothes. S|>eciil showing at
$12. $15, $18 and $2»
Kswadtn. Mich, Mfo .t-R. U Wi'
son wears a bronl smile.nowaday', all
s account of ibe new son ibst canSt Friday to Bladdcn tbeir bone.
Foe tak by
Word was received Sstnrday of lb<
•rioos Illness of ibr talber of Mrs
. Drroeber and T. Velllqulie. Tbry
toft that eveolat lor Milwaukee. Moaday a Ulecrna cane aayiaB be bad
pwssed away, awd that they wuuld^n/;
Hamilton Clothing Co.
orbeol. - me
Ike mad You Have Ahmr> Boaflit. And wUiA kM >e«
In u<ie Air over SO
hoi borne the elgiMfre ed
— mul luM Ik«o m«de niider hl« per*
Allow ao ooetodeeotve r«a la thU.
nttnnA aad ««JortiMi»ood^are bo>
rUie health eT
lalaate aod CklhU«u>Esi>crlci>oe l««iaut 1
OeauwlA Ik. a l>.-iriM)vK8 Mtlwtltirte fbr -Caalor Ofl. tttre*
aevlr, l>n>i»i auU K<molblW
>i: njr hyrupa,
L, Sloridilne
rouudiu mditipp Oaliun«
u«r other 2)ere«
• eimru
iruuU3«i It dcatroje
T. l,. MbllM.li.
Aalaon RaalrKtiana.
lt« laro U iu
I'Dlly vir.'il <lr>. aiul i( uss «!««■ Mi'i 'iililli.i' at imtiiis Ourrif) rii-s is »•
rpuiiril d.ibhyl
dti-kh-il lu
IU Unlit Ihr OUBi
OUBI ■ lai.-d.
iist.-d. tsUln Thau tUr utnapi- cily
Claluui BBil arniuuu—.kbuoii. llUlt'i-'lhr rpuiirll
. Ihs-r of salocms. tbr.ii.y hi-adliis oil.«. Haas.
rnt. Idihyii
o souVi-^ir lu.in-of H.lo'U k>s-I« i» U'bo
Tli- ir an . bi.sri.-i. |i1aOs a.kipir l
Wairr-AUI«il. Ukkrid. Murrbl
• lU-uk.-d upno Traiusr fn> as a Bood
„-srraI sli.-ns iM. jrar I
Kir.' and poU»—Hurrlil.v Ulrk<“'fd-.li.
ill-mn |o-iirvi-It
m push ihr mat
U. Id to kH'Bl.
ts lui of pjiliig iwi iai>lill>. I»ir i\iis'.
I Uriirv.''
iilrrs Hir Iu surli a lODilliimi iIimI I P.'
Iloodririi. Ilua-'n. l».ii k-'is'
. i-wjiiri! sliiHlId r
tlwln.-b. IVr" Ktanlrd lirr
.Jilildltif; rlllzriis end sh
smli. h-il ilio
i.uilitirr lU tux l.ind.'U
,.kbulilrli III... atv «real .'cl ili-is'Dils i'IiUm-b-.alilrli
,Iv upon 1 hriiiM-n.'s. K».-r>
Kianird ull of th.'
sllolllll 1
-vlully rousiilrr.-d,
bis ll<..'nsr riilll'.-s vh.Hild >>' rarvluU
no moil'. II Is 111.'
lb. dot) of: Thr biv.td ul yllblli- sorks dniil'
lirldars—(h>t>drk-li. IS'rkrit: Siililb. ,>'■< police drpaiiiiicut lo iu.r thai lo.' ili.- lui.i year sau; laio..' lur.lluU'
The Kind You Haye Always Bonglit
......... ..
is;",s s;-';:'
ITlmliisf-Miaiii. Ijinn-Mi. Ubjiii.
t'iirka—.^uoD, Lahym. I^imsun.
Whurf—LbIiiiu. Kicki-iiJ. Uaodilib.
-Or. H.'J. OMiBitu
ettf. J»hn BUcKen. OlHe Larkins.
IC year—
Jehit Rsnnie.
Anisttnt chid ef fire departmcnl.
eiie yeai'—Henry tsfayctle.
Chief of pellE*. ons yssr^c. W.
Rsgulsr—Allan Cnyson, PstSf Bny
Jesso Srsydon.
•picisl Polleo.
FiiinK Ji:ii;i-i»<u. Joe VUfk,
Ikna.'ii. ruaiho Z- lKl>-r. Aunm Honv
i-li. .l•■l>n ttullnn. Jnini Avbton.
Special police Without Pay.
Ovi.1 AV«id Itiah To, OW Yc«r-A
C.^H. M*niB «ueef»*i W. R. Cildwslt
IJ. liriimm. V. I'lrkrll..
tv'llrium ,U. lim-i A 8un.. oin- yt ar—
as C«y Sr^fl-nser While O'. H. h
D'.* F. A.
Vit-niftati Siaifh e«inii«Br.un<j year
city otternay, ana year—Pr«i M.
» Hull.
tm- •.‘.•ar-nu.rlr* Howard,
City oat^oeer. eno year—C- Htin.
»<nlltb^8iIlP iaiibU'r Oo.. ew je»r—
'V. H. WilliaMi. CO.. o»r >,aiwT.
ri,.<rl„r„.,y..«.. IT .I-II,
Meat and .milk inapector, one year ^Mai-m-u,
llius.. .{in.
)iar- Join
Begins tomorrow at
Steinberg Bros.
Two hundred p«trs of 91.25
and 91.50 Lace Curtulns
go on sale at
r. a
. Ul'. fur Ull-lo iinpii-ss this Hl.lUiv aiiii ihi-ir uoik for lb-' ui
oin<<-rs h.-rHiisi'- lb.-lr diil.i'llias l-i-l. of piuctlral vi
Is |>b.iii In tills n sard.
' Educa
Our •inblh srhoi.ls
The Prepoaad Dock Una.
Tbr niall.-r ol -^-nsVruHU
Thr Ural im«tlOg ul ibv new c«undock lirr i™.„ SoiiUi l-Bloti sirc i l- bas l--,-n e-rrnil aim in- n-wuu; s-..
II was culled lo ordi-r al tiH by Ihr nimilh uf thr livrr is OBr whi-h
c..>ir»r iHr iiiauaErnirui .
“l^. offlr Ills of Ibr rliv and>n rk'-nslvr syMom of publn- sebuo:
Mayor Crruiaiin- last ovcBluc, n ri y:
rinlj. gi
gi-pl .murr.U
aldrmian wilb thr exc-ptlon Of Jnlin, l!|r .:xi.a.rrrs s.-nrinU.
A. 1. W'ld,.,
.hr river as
lumisun of Ihr Flrsi waid. who Is .-oo,
II rxMs iiulNi I a Biriint'T' lu'pnbUi
favorab'e fomn
lined to Ills buiue b> llin^, belr.g IB, hrallh. Thr rl.i ' banka uloiig Mimr vUfs favorab’e
his w«l. Then- were iwb new tares porlkius ul tlir strrana are a dlsgrair
Tht-rr has l«n-n nmeli
Iasi evrnliis. JMin K. Hadrii of Ihr tfi Otr eomoiunily. and I^»-lfr»r li is
:lir roimell lu rrmrdy i:>'- . ...Ir ts-l'lllw- tu,ih<- pll
First wani, wiw aurcrvdrd MakulBi
'IK-rti owm-ia aloiig '
luln land. lor loiik pur)
WlBBlr sr.. BUd.Ci-orRr gniMh of iki.
shoDld '
inks of .III- TlIts lb I ('rsliv III enlrr liilu tin
Fifth ward, who sucnwdrd ,lohn K
’ to rl.-ar liir inviiils.
r-.v |.r>ij>oslH<in. Ilownir,
Ilirir liiilUIlnRs uiid (brirhy
McCormlrk At k.li, Mtsor O.TPUlhr
ss'"|urgr lb- liiigrov.-------!ua wr niiw. Iiav'
Wr hate s.'Vr:nl
braaii loading his tnesaagr. tin- rrad.
In slum wii; b'
lug taking exactly 10 ulautra. tbc.mes
•I'"tlcolDr »v!> uivlllug. While I dU no! «•
sage being folloni-d cluucly Ii)' 'lh<.c-nimriul Ull} i-vifavaRaBt rxp nd
)(M-f1y owii-r,.
large number uf rlll*«i» iir.'s»iil. Tbr
lure ill tills dli.-etlou. I .lu hellrvr tn,.
, ___ ,irll laB nu.’.c
I bellr
nirseagu was aa follows;
aysii I
us to make tlir liiir<;
sui'h provl
Mayor-a Motaaga.
,vy to l-wr than may now u.
Tu tbr I'umiiiuii t'uiHiell of thr tli.>
r i>n>1>ab1r. I would urRr liiiiurdi
Trav.-rsr I'Ui*
and ihfli-li'- aniuu in tbi- dii.T
I Tbr I loir m»> not Irc fui I
tii-nlb-mi'ii- li Is 111)1 my jiiii-jiosr
Ibis tliiir to iiiakr any inalrrlal n-ru
i-'iRgi-stlon. but I liHlri.'
idsiknis U'(Hasr { feel tbr ins
l■olUtU1rnl .if a park isilaiiib
i.rve wiilidiu pay wi.iilJ i.tl
l>rrs .. ;hls iviuiii-11 Slid till' lirw ..ai
lully ruii.iTsant wllB Ihr 1
lilriiil'.-rs of Ihr ioiinrll of mu
iKirlniil matir;. ihal will tunfroiil
Trav.-n.,- rjly -ml lb- 1m|..u.rni.-m '
:idy during
I desire U
rvrr. lo tliank (li
shwnrr r.-Bdri.-il
d tor tbr
admliilsIRS ebara
tratlnu. I dwlrr
.' I).T>pi-
1 b<-Uev« I am wile in
the year.
yoar—H. O ioynt..
j \Vvll.il!n:iiiaU Co>air yr*ir-OiH>rBe
.ayliig tl
Heatth olfieor. one yeer-Or. O. A-jji.-.^i,
plioli lull
I J. K. ll.rllk-k I'o . onr j.-ur Ara thr eominutiliy.
th.' rirparliurnu
year-FMnk riilanT.
. .
W.-qimi.nii: dub. our yrar -hVank ,lui\r lirrn dllip.'iil. julnsiaking. jui
b.v.r M-ived Ihr rity wyll.
yoan-E. I- lUnlsnU.
Fire pepartmant.
} As-,laiIL Tpnr >rar-Bd Krat. II. I*.
Our fire .d.-partnienl
•Xlty ocauenger. one yew-^-W.
lu .-t iu Ibr wlal«'. Us siork
Peundinasiar. wie year-W. G. *lru-|
IJu-Bsr—IVrkvIl. Muun. Mniilll.
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Firemen, rseuisr. an# y.
fUlBhum. J. J. Bslier. Htnry
L \y. Kt,i :
........................................ IVr.
elM'E Wsll A MtU... C^A1 I :* :in^l* IlsI'T'*.- sJiidrsal.' Tirwc lono-'. J li-iul .••• Itrut I o . 'HaDoati A l^>
.................... ...1.1
bhr,l1i«. pir-Tudioao. Ulod
htMUM-h anil Bnwris |rl^l»lr braHlix and luUtintl fdoep.
The ChJIdrcu'e l>aitacea-Tbe MuUivr'* Frlcad.
Chirt ef lift depsrtmsm.
! uni. r l.-ii him a.fU pt-siPiUu-.
Stosiding Commlltaea. .
ml,. „>uik-II irl^Ut.- !■> 'U-- «-«litrti.>ii; .
Board of Pitblie Werln.
«Yoii luid niruiia—Uirkrttl, .Vliboll. W Ihi- iiuiuU-r <f salisiiis ill Iht- dt> ; Tli- U.aid of imb'U- »oik« li«t,
JA» )iiii sll Vuou, TiaviTM' fiiy bav ........ ii luaut luati-rs ol tiiipi>nariii.
nud allajre Fi-vorikhiirea. li cure* Ub
It rrllcvce Teolhlnc Tr»iibloi, ciiroa CooeUROtkui
end Flutub ap). It awliulLtU-a the Food. n«ula(ee the
} Bmxs the Signature «f
IvTBianre ef Ibrtr arxrtal Uutlea.
— fnlilo property and In tbr eodna
rvnsrctMl Fllta t
Rrsprcif lo aiat^aucb
imuo> Oiouimuds of (loUars. No Bre d«- Hr
Mike Vinlor.
. iii>
Id WcUsaa Is tPBuecilvin'.
bare had under C»oCroiral scbMl. oDc year—H. Cot. !’*'?“
__________ibaa our» aSd 1 bf-'aJSeraU'O IH icaitrr ol a sewaae dlaB’bereter and abi-oewr as iiu-'poaol plan: and an rstiaiaie baa beec
foiisd BFCvsrar}. ibirrjproetiied lor it- ,vn»iiuriioB of such
eroBODi} rierrb-ea 'a
a ptaul.
ptanl. 1I belli'Vi'
iN las <M.tos aonld
—^rse Ju
thal ibe dnpartinem abuuia vudorn- ibe pUu wlueii has beoB pre
I belle.
Mha l.i;tiaa Sbh-lda tcaareed M
KiBiwood aieaue aebonl, one ynr—.
cost IS BiK |r»l eoBslil
I« oalnulsed SI \u
Ukr Cl:.. tod» aRdr rtaltlB« la the
A. Thompaob.
and tbal
schMil, (10U year—A. A. sie .umaxKl ovii>( to liirrras,.d pop .
kllsa l4U>t {M aad Uiv Ada BorTT^
should i.n.Ud-. UHkl 'eominuiitiy If th..« atll takn deBni"
nu to Baipin- KnlBy for a vMt with aalBP Uros.
dlo, ih. esUPhsbBK'OI ul ib. Klvitt Ttaarsday's Kcvortl
j|.lBW.>rsesaa..dl»lK»salau|U. strd o
ISolK'H' Hod||i;tali
thl- rv.-uhlB liTmds.
J Pellet DapartfDOsiL
l...mr ulb.-i tlial aill iu*.r.i Ihr* rv
Mr, am! Mjs. K Btraait rHoniod
;• Kalaau'oo «b>ry- h- sas lalM
'ili>ii,c<nuuilse}<im-rs. one >i'ar—j Vt>p.-finlUx. <l«i>ariiuiiil U «.miili i «;iiintl nm^s. I ronsider this a ni»i
P- Cnrtwr. II. C. tu faroraUi- iviniiui-nt. Tbr pi-a»v of
sr'Ot imi'onaBTr and that 11*. In 111# d.uiUi u( aa Biiul. II'' is an ul i» PaoilTi'.. t.Kle. alivn- burylUB hrr 'iii'ihcr. Ura. Adsii. ____
jlhr roluiiiunlir has Us-n piuuuuiirv! ^offlrlal* should •'X'-rclH' uo delay li u-hdsnt a; iiu- a.niuoi
and Mrs. K. M. 1 kursu.a
' !.. J
I—t.™«........... .
Kliaf »aiil. tuu >.-4rT-J.». 8l'.d<r.
of ibvlr ablllly n,| Tl.i- plan
<\t-*-loo of .m
l.nlolring tbi- lasra and siils.ortins;'uo* Ih l"«srt»s. I b
W. 3. libbbs.
,K Ills uritaiv ..r til.- fity I Is'lim.. that' b-'. ui I- ‘uslIB.-d. Ou^r ualer «i.r»
liii: I. •: •• .. I.'l tl..:i KUiiTi.r'r u.m;r
Iso .yi'ors-'Tlius.
II lunlnlali^ iKdlis- de|wnoi,-t:'1 *-iib lUr additK>n •>! tbr iKa piiniia 11 r.-i'i-.: I.
>|.-. Thuistmi h.i* a
•I iii.-au- of UfliisMie rrluiM.ai "'ll
»«l'«ualr l<
, o.
________ ,
Tflhd aanl. I«<> >rars-AulbiKiy lis 111 Jusliir. U also a |lll'»•.ntall^r ul
nii"'''' ><ars lo-ts-ni
S L'1- itf J4U>k-H’n. «tn.-.ru-.
Mk'in —1^
and 1 iirrOin il.ai Ihr .s.mhu ■l‘•l•'>■*'•"»'•"‘r I" l“”“
by ils. rffleirnry the pro|>eri> own
of ihr rlly hn.r Im-<'|i ronfidriil ol
l.'.lhiu wuil Its xmiiugrm.'iil
Tbi-r.' Mir iii.siiy
On- of Ibr firSuI.°i *|^iU"Us «b-h
•..:.r.-r.i ns Ibis ..-ar, is n mail.T «t
.wiiRc dls|H,s4l. II bus l-Tii nmt:.ar in Us Inal Un' old pkiu of si
IV lannc* In- nllow.-,l lo -xn. mr
l-liowex.'!' il.-si.
r lOliM.b-iation
... .....
th.' roiiiio- }.
.■1. i-nlbm nml b.iimoi
r..s|>ous IiMiii any .-:1> ollleial <rr n
.......... . r.iij-'il
ism.- I
.1- ii-.' .-ill rfljlis
Tin- oiUi-i.i'is in- ilo-siMSiils .11 in--
Being unable to renew the lease of the store we occupy, we must therefore build or lease elsewhere
in the city. To move with our present very large stock would be a great expense, and for this rea
son and to raise money to build if necessary we shall offer our entire stock at price reducti.yn^ rang
ing from
cent less than regul.ar prices
This sale will begin Friday, May 7th., and we assure our patrons there will be PRICES THAT WILL
MOVE THE GOODS. We carry only reliable makes of clothing and furnishings, and (guarantee every
thing we sell. Come yourself, and tell your neighbors.
236 Kais-fc Frorii: St.,
Steinberg Bros.
pr<.M'r«liiR »a!u
TEN TO Fifty per
sate RI
Travorsw. Oity
E dnALO, FRIDAY. MAY 7. 1M«.
Win CarletoB. tbe poet, will p
nouaca the oalocr and appropm
cereiDOPlea will be held.
Har Ufa.
Laura ■Both Kavnasd wai bora
Killer. Out.. Canada. Dae. M, iMt. tbe
dansbtar of Daniel and Seae BlanchSmith. Her father, a natlre of Kew
^ATUe FOB “AOHT LAURA' HAVYorb, waa an approved oUnlater of tbe
Society of FHenda. a man Of «ron«
convictlena. deep aplrllual feeltnc.
ntirent of apeeeb. Lanra married
Chariea HaviUnd Jr_ of Lockport. N.
T.. 00
w the
Me- M
«iei Bt
ei Korember. lt». and
became the mother of aeven eblldren,
I ber and are
Of whom Bve I
atm Urine, la IK* Charie* and Lanra
Hariland came to Mb-bican and took
Uf. AHaltfW A HMTilaM it tht WM*w up a farm la BalMa lownkbip. I^eoawM county, within ih'ee mllea of
Tfc»- rolloB’lag. rmn W. K. Ourlla. mother and the heat hind of a plonivr.
-of ^b^ f^lracD R«rard HwaH. u>d Ur adaptiBc beraelt to all dreunohlfsh appwMd ta lAU paper Tbnra- rianeee, barln| a clever faealtr
4a7. Bill be of freal talereal to mas overcomlai dlfflcolUee. abd a cbeertol
Traverae ('Itf frteBda of ibr tamllr- helpfol abiriC
Tbe dUliainiMied BomaB Bbarn
km| after abe me aeltled ahe
tbe Htliesi Dl her bomr lOBit pnipoae atarled a acbool in a llltle baildlni
to bonor la ao awkNl a aiant
adXrtolDi ber (am boate, where ab«
laaght the ehltdreii of (be B'-inbhorIbe OMiiber of the Ule.Ilon.
HarlUad. vho 4M ai hU home berc bood. there betai do other perenn In
aereral )eara a^. ‘Mca. J. R liarl■maaolt)- able to naderiake tbal
■taitd la aUii Uriel bMt- aail wlib her dotf. Later ber brother. Harvey Rml'h
h ber dalwbter. Mtw l^llie HatlUad. aeld hif farm of IM aerea and a
Ibe crand dausbter of -Auni l^ara" the proceeda built what afterward
RartlaBd; A. J. Hariland, anlatani ante ‘-Ralaln iDatltute." the llrai m
rmataler of ibe Trarerae 'ntr Stale ual tralnlDi acbool la MIcbliao. and
bMk is a randaOB. Mn. Mlnale Hart- probably Ibe Srat IB the went. It wa>
llBd Aahuai. Blfe of CMef
potlre r.
- of
(or the education of orphan*
W. Aabloa, la alao a frand daufUiter ,od tbe cbildrea of parenta who wenawd ber daugbier. Uura Aablon, I> m,, Bble to enpport them. Tbe flrai
•aned for ber
pupiU were nine eblldren from the
Many beautiful metuorlea
with (be few oldalme friend* here who
Thin aehnol beenme famona, wat ul
are left of tboae who weie adiolited tlmately adopted by the elate Icgtala
ID the rioae eompanlonihlp of thit lure, and was the nueleua ol two *iae
rhamlog womaa. wboae whole life induairUI acbool*—olm tor glrU ai
wa* given lo good -work*, and wboae; Adrian nad the other (or boyi at
name will be prominent aipjmg the Ooldwater. Tbeir exlMenee la due tfi
Botahle Men and wooien of tb« laM Ibe labor* and influence of Laura Hnvlland.
la one of the organizer*
W featlral at Adrian. Mich., will be the Bnt Anll-Blavery aodety. of Micbi#vMM and dedicated a ataiue
-Igan. and her home wat the Brat "an'Jtlwt-LBara' Karllaad. a Qoakww*i|o,rgTonnd ratlroad afallon- In that
. ft aimpia Hfe. mmaamming
cooperated «,.u ,«c-u.c*
sad flalet demeanor, wtth a noft volee
^erj, cfjj
,„i,ting alarra
■Si a teader intt. of whom OenerM
fnm ibe.pUniation* of the
' orant onpe aaid that if be bad
aouib and helping' them on to Canada.
BMra women like ber ha could dla- Sbe made freguent vititi to poluu on
peaae with baU bia gMerala and aeb tbe Ohio rtrer, to entabllata Unci or
41m and put dozm the rebelllas
eatioB, and 'undeegronld
attriona*' hpd became *o effective In
•fea waa a woman of oxiraordinary
: that a reward of tS.WO waF
aspeaUve abmiy and ^yaleal and offered anyone who would dellrer her
Man) oouraga, romhtm il with a raKeetseky dead or alive. Shortly af
iMwiallr girt of oramiy and a d«err thla offer «ai announced, ebe rla■inatlon of purpoae which never yield
a (ould not bava overcome. She p,,*,,;
to make'any differing" wUh
had broad and noble view* of life; a p*, work. She ctmilnued her aeaiouv
efforu to releaae men and womco
from tiavery until ihe ouibrciik of the
civil war wben tbe went Into Ibe Un
d and In Ih* Ion army a* a nurae. and with ma*t
atmeiloa of wrtmg. Town* bare been erly energy end abilliy organlzt-d
■MBOd In her boner. periraHa of her camp and beadgtiartera. boapUal*.
kiadly face enframed In a Quaker nap. cvrpa Of nnraea and dl«penanrl<« for
. zrtth broad ribbona lied under ber medical tupplle*.
(RM, haag la bnndred* of aeboel- She worked under tbe Chrlatian
bamea nd tbonaand* ot borne* on
IKSf. wben abe
both aldet of Ibe Ailanilr. Her dnat appointed agent ol the 'Freedmen'*
liH bMl^ Ibat ot ber klndrdd la Bai- Relief asaocltiinn at New Oileau* to
Bia Valley eemriery near Adrlan.- dlatribute suiiplleB and relief to the
. Vbere ab« died April ». ISM. ta the newly emancipated aegroe*. WUV- in
BbieiMh year of her age. Tbe teat performance of this duty *be vlrlleJ
' taak of her Ilf* waa to write an antl- the pH*en camp* on Ship Uland onJ
Mography. which waa pnblltbed under Dry Tortuga*, lo the Qulf of Megiro,
the tHIe of *a WemaB'a Ufe Work.' and there learned of tbe treachery ol
mad M reeerd* Many blatorlcat ovenla
CapMlB Altoctaa. formerly of t.le
' lhaty are not printed g>1a»wtaerr.
Dfederate army. who. having *uiTen
A Modest Dumumeat. eorraapoadlntH dered and taken the oath of alleglanic
to har Mmple dignity, maria tbe was imipkiyad by'Oeneml flanks a* n
place where abe steep*, but the HtP apy.ThUgare Atlocba afi opportmilly
. laas of AdrUn have colleeted fundi
practice almoar unlfmKod blackby popular suberHiMlon to erect a
. tiUMte to her meMory that ahal) an4are for the agaa. ln order that all eral prleon*. Having learned of tbeiu
. who com* after them may know who fart*, lAitra Hariland quietly aH
she waa and what she did; lh« ihe akHii a work of iDveMIgalloD and sac
JMmory at the fnai thal) not periab. mtIPd It) bating Atlocba convicted
nnd puDlebnd.
• wa< ftequently at Waahinglon.
and wa» pernenilly knotrn to Freai
Lincoln, the memberv of hit rah
loei, to all of Ibe eommandrra of ihi
t-nton army and to tbe leading i<ul>ll<
men thrmigbout ib« couolry.
After tbe doee of tbe war abe <lc
Stop y|»r Indigeation right away;
you ran • II if you will.
voted ber enerale* (orellerlDg the dif
Oe lodS) and Sri a box of Mto-no im* among the phmeera In Kan*a*.
taMeta. Take oai before, with or
after meal* for a few day* an^ note and *10 doing olber works of benero
lence tbrougboat Ihe nation: After »hc
tbs wonderful mull
la a week you can eat and enjoy any
paaaed ber elghlielb year ahi
- (and yea want wlibout after dlijnrba vltli to Burope and was lloo
aSM. la two week* you wUI feel like a
Ited everywhere abe went.
‘-Careful women who want to bare and
kMp n good complFXloo. roay cbMks.
. aad brtgbl eyes, abeutd try Ul-»na.
- aadnt a* it doei oa (be aiomach It I*
tta greet prrveutlve ot Impure blend
fought In between two Hga. Warrei,
blottbet. (
«■. your Fuller, who aa* riding a blcjrle on
U BbOBld Froot atreet Ia«t etvnlag .had an ex
cl: Ing expertenre at the rorner o!
1 yonr atoaiacb
Front and Cae* alreel*. lie waa rid
HIcena laeuntly atop*
gL mr atomarb. heartburn and foal
sat and a rig wa* behind him. A
borae coming around the Caas Klreei
MMeoa la gnaranieed by 8. K. Wall
rr got frightened at tbe puproni
A Sees to care dyepepada. tea or gar
For an Itmuni. paiwrabr held
MrkneM. vonltlag ol pragnatyr. or
their breath*, but the frightened hon>Dorn beaftate -to try Mtoraa. Il.!» •werv-ed anfflently le dear the
for tale by leading droggiaw everyMr. Fuller walked and led hi* whiHl
-esi of Ibe way.
Hr*. Frank ^ortele* andtaugblers
Hr*. Oareflee Martin and Ml** i:mma A. Fortele. retarned to Motley
day. after attending the funeral
Oma «Muri>
---------- nammy bark. ins» Olsrewte Hartln. Hla* Ada Portlele ftIn. OeMTicleoatSl. tnrhMHiw
. IfWraUdllMOCe. Oni«klA liiraed to lUiantaxao.
---- e.......... ..
................ —
the echAl ronnde here thb
Ing by ibeeMaa* ,< r IM* of the Old
MluiOD HIslNrhbol, a clear i
Ing planted, the tree bearing a
In co|>per. eo fialened that as 'it
ffoa*. Ibe tablet bearing tie letfrlp
lion, "Claev of ituri," will b-eoan- Im
».edded la the wood.
The two large rom« marched from
■ he hulldlnc to the grounda two by
Ibe elder'aludent* leading. The
Iftbel and ropper rive tk in (aalon It
b-d on a cojiper tray luorv
than a huBdn-d year* old, the im}
having been the property of |he gnja:
'-idmoiher.nf klaraball Pratt, oni- W
gmduat.-*, Tbe lal»-l wan plarod
on the Ite.. by E H. Wllenx. iht- prin
Ipal, faetebed iHe mp]N-r lalilei lo its
'Trerioua In the st-Uinfi nf the tiv<,
leaden raakel in whieb were placed
'rtigrama and other wiiirenlre
Hr*. Winiaaa Wright nnd Hr*,
il*e friend of lb* dtildron.!
.11* string Hl»? m*p a mr
He aecnied the tret, e-nn. r<mg tnaher boarding plac^ In the Fred Carter aa d chUdren from Travmade the nere-.v-v ,,.r.-;iui-rfce evening pamed off very erne Cfty were Tiailliig at B.-I. East's
anirateiKs for the planung.
|>Iea*auiI|- wUh gam-e aod niusic.
While Mm'^race Tompkln*. the
leadUd the tree'. MarIhe epade.
aaaitted l.y >U yo-unr-’r brother Carl
aad hi* •lelrr, HU* Helen. While W. ft. Shelby Waa Chosen Pmident
odag put in pure .Ms*.
and Traaturar and R. R,
Metheany Seeretsry.
Fnonte Bwaitey. primary t<-arher. r-.-id
on tiW planting.'the exet.
cl*e» closing aith the *inglng of adiThe annual n»-eilns ol the Traverse
rity Hallnwid •v>nip*ny wai- held Jn
group plclntv wa* ttk-n
iheofSceof Mr. Balm Tbnr*dav mornfharle* Herheft of T.ravetwe rit*.
lug and the loltowlng directhi* were
■ - '
e'e-cted fdr the ensuing year:
As Cadillac Seet ft.
I Tho*. T. Bate*. W. H. Shelby. J. H.
t. ht*.lM^deci<|edatTraverMfityji. Huabati. T J. O'Briru, K U MchoM no fal.' ihU jeai. 'he tail thcany. W. R. StlmsoD. J. W. Hubler.'t
that BO a-opiahic permanent
■ inn rould l-reeenft'd being thc.eltuxlinn that cau»ed this dedkioiiThen- Iieni of the Mockholdery- moeling.
I- value in thU entire neciion of Ihe l.e folkiwitlg Officera Weie ojcci.-d;
Mate III *U(‘h fair* hi O'and Travei>e
W. R. Sh. Ihy-Pft-Sldeni and' ir.-a»tooni) I* capable of providing aiitl
mslnialnlng art It l« much to b* d"
aired ihai adMi'w"' arrauaemenia '<>
that end wlll.le- made for next y.-ar
end peinianenil.v Iherean-r. in ilu-;
meautinie a very' eoidlal InvIiaHuh U
exionrt'-d loourdranil Trarerae coun
ty nelBhlor* lojoln «'‘'b Wexfiitd anti Kl-cla| to Til.- r.iening Record.
l.nnRlJ.k.- »uh .Mnyi -Th.- Hcv.
the Ollier coniitlef: nf Ilu- Norlli Iliatrici Fair awvoclation In Hie enji.y- ft.-rva>- Fai.-i ill.* ft-tuin.-<1 tioni Ms-'
aienik and prMIcaei. which tUI pk- City when- he Ime k-eii arH-t^
worihy yiirceaKfiil enieiprlee, will af log ln-i.-ihal •^.•rvlceii.
ilr and M,.. AU-.T l.i-'h Iftrt
ford In all It* patr»ii« niul lairiri
vli.|te.| at Mr, Ad.-.
loinlt-- Cadillac News.
Rchiui! cl..*. .1 m Diet. X... J la-t Kvijy with :i)i:-r.'priate e\*-r.-lM-r tA.-
. The Lion Shirt al
ways nis a man “a-H
ways.*’ We have them
at 95c, $1.35, $1.50,
$2.00. extra large size
18. I8 1-2. 19. SI.2S
each. Lion Brand Col
lar I -4 size 2 for 25c.
Look at ourBoff^lUjr
Shirts for summer;
they are right. When
you want a perfect fit
ting Union Suit ask for
the Superior UnionSuit.
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.
Gigantic aothing Sale
Of Men’s and Youth’s Suits
.We are determined to reduce our
. big stock of Clothing at C O S T .
^ We place on sale at once
800 Men’s and Youth’s Suits
New Spring and Summer Clothing
in all the neat and stylish effects.
Now is the time to secure a suit and be one of
the 800 to take advantage of this unusual^,
offer to secure a bargain in clothing,
made in New York by New York’s
leading wholesale tailors,
Our salesmen will be pleased to wait upon you.
We can please the most exacting
in fit, style and materials
at Manufacturers’ Cost
To Act talara.
bread thJBlr buitered; Uh« pUte
It U Impiwdlble to tell whether a «d
•loaocoarul of >aoce on up and cc
with the alfied yolk of ^rd-bolled or la fast befotr wasbln*. but by far
Ibe aalcM |Hb* I* 'b
the eolor>~
eu. pot Ihe MHCe. plate in a (oea to Ibe tub tor Ibe Rr«t
foielli (M
uelboda Of netlime. Due ol
r iUid nbru melled a
» n
1 1 I
1/ «l I
I I 1/ M 1 0
aratc. aad
Um- the IoHowIbr UIIbs
betweea and on toQ: Two
espa «
atcaed aod aweeieoed plepUoi. at
one rap of either Br< or dmte». aiei
rd and chipped; otok tbiM toRitbi
lot » lew minute., then append on tl
i.of flnur; nheo tint delieaie ralors cooaUla la aimply cake while both are hoi. Whipped
ne eapful of
Capt. HutchinsaD h &
Stanch Friend of Penma,
Made so by P^raonal
ful of Mil.
. to broBlbc dn-ply and l«
lepUm- ~Cui lu half inch
from lw.-:ve «
ra.uly>^T bo;.,.. Of
l■o■lllT arilon lubtomk and
r bolSoR
couiae ihia «;:ouid Ur dom- Ju.t before
, RMall aotoF will) Mjrlnc HI creamy.
for Bve mlauiea. Draia off
lo -........................
the iBundiy.
BAed Aapa.-.—
----------------------------- ROloR •aad
A> IY«.r4 atjltoo- Mb an Inwarb
add a cup Ol
buRdlea of laparaRUs umll p«.-rfe<'ily aboiUd om be allowed m diy lu II.
mom- aone. »r run c*«> ""I
pieplani. pui In a
m and call ih«- «'hlci«-n*
* fffcai torfMt ailMCo arboo Cho III
rlahl In a k
aenni.1 UMtcx, or lake a I
Ud feMrt
,|ia UBCOvreed; la tbia Wny oms- set thb way will be hrlRbl as
of ibe .dance lhat one kired bofiirc one ihAicnder HP
Aro Mill. Birf VO ao lOBCW rointala
•tied and ■•eiilcd down." Thai • acr- the atenm will cook ihe lipa while the UtHR as li would be reasonable to ekOut ova lamatruM iboaghu and train
qiiarl of
tliBc down" nhyaicalir and D»-nia:iy holliOR wat.»r la niakInR ibe-aialk. tra-j|>eK II. A sinniR solulioii of alum
Rood, particularly wlili finely chopped tdralanl in a very I
le nerhapa the one ibliia moai cau'B- tier.and llle lotmer will not be eookedjau
dellealc shades Ol «aier unlJI Mfi. pres. thirhiRb a
piece, aa U loo fret|>>eBtty the |,u
proteci ooc'a m>II analnel. How
e When done, drain »iid tni lu,o!b,o*u. bul It' eBcct is n«i w> laailnR. 'aud.-r, .aeeteD .to taste.. Bat»r wl;b
ihe romark
' i>owed
In aln^anraa of brait Utai *r ■uaj' rlcBldraol la
lemon: then h-i rcI very cold.
down w|fb arief- or If a
qian haa email pieces. reiuovliiR only the
|s>rUon of Ihe en.ls To each two
aaranuiuitc ‘he haa »ro*ra ICB
Hta vlll. and in Iba alloB*** of «ir
lablespoonfiils ol
>eara older In a week - Orl-I, If yield. rupfuls of asparacus add . an equal
whisk liRhib mill lhl> pieplani
ed lo. dor-a horn down ihe body.. »o arnoum of 'Rieicd bread cromlo.. mo
il.e lop wilb sugar and Bnelt cliOi<ped
Tbw vomr *o M<*
^ »■*'
irewInB With tha CIPtbM Wringar.
lablesiswnfuls Id bul’.er. one eUpMll
All linRliVhwomaii »W.d for her. almonds, and sM-ve.
milk, one-half tcaspmu.fiil ol sail
One muat aanmon thv will lo .Ihe
I*l.plaiii Jell) IbsM-n-Waah and
snd thrts- or fimr dasbe. of |s-p|s-i. bon-ikes-piai. lauRhJ m- lo mangh'
M-aeiie. The Inert amach-e and heavy
cut 111 inch pieces wllboui peeling; It,
I a welt bhuered mold diahlly wilb iiy flat lluen. the lowels. pillow caaes
Work and Roat.body aanat he tmeraland and luvltrnnnbs. ihcn arruuRe the mpar- ‘Biall sheets, tea-uiwels. -U.. Wllh BU .•avh quart add i> plm of sui.-r and
oraled. The very ••Butt inaile In lhu»
aemly unill il Is a mush. Si;alt,
BKUs aad eruiubt lu nltemaie luyein
Tlw for drrvMa:
eelf lu h»id" and holdwiihuui piesKUre. tbrough two lUU-k
dustlbR each wuh aa!t alKl pepper. tliesi- pieces lu'loiv they ate quite
Dm boa- ehMdt.lraral,
lOR Ihe hotly braveir erect eBect. the
nesses of cberseclolh.
neatly loltl 'hem «ud
duttiBR wllh mile bus ol buller.
Hmr iM rlrrr «Imm».
menial aiatc wh<ilc.oiuel>- Coaraie
make lery sweel.'kleasiiiv. and le, .1
iRh the Wrtusir with ■
e Ihe Iasi layer oi email*,• pour
bc«lBa In replace deepondency. AsalB.
pint and a half .oak a kencroiis h.:;
over ibe mllkABd bake In a noderale quile llRhl. Air on the clolhes-hoise.
-Hov tbo dovora «t>f*hln.
wbea evcryiblnR la <o|»y-lurvy. and
Rtnnuloled gelailne
Ihey will need no l.Bih.-r IrouluR.!ppckaae
ovea iweoty minutes. 8.-ive hw.
And (ba geliMt roni
feeliURit are
i.-ai- half rnp of cold waler. When sc|fiou
AsparsRUs Hold—Uake n creara
»-hlan«a Ood-B pralMta
rrlexroiu. Inolead ol cIiuiOIor the day
a,td Ibe bnl pieplani, silt; until lb*
siture will, two labb s|ic»tilUU each ul
-of I gives meplraauri-io wrilryuu iMs l•'ll•-r at ifala llmeoa weeounl of lha'
BMOiUa and atom.
with IrTliahlllly. or RilevlDg i«ou' ooe
Rtlaiiui- Is dliaolved, and pour lul„
t good ><mr IVruoa ba* doOwmr wh. a I was qu.i.-d-.ns op wHb a very l-sdrakd.!
and NiiiK-r.
an aoRty won), Jtiai try a alm>sl nuMilfls uBtll Arm Serve wilb
"I ,.,,uui I.ardlv V rf'.rm my ordinary duili-s. bul fnua Uivnseof fVroa'a'
or aali. a dash «r two of pepper, and
To work for 004 la ■>«><■
lih- phyalral eulnide reuidy. Riand
Never m< a broom ueuIiim. ihe wall cream.
y lam almost resu>i,sl lobeallb.
ooe copriil of crenm. When smo
iwrtielly aim for a
lull mliinte.
o, stand 11 in the conKi-'li spolla HuI
‘-l-wm qniiv eoRv in,-ed that II has hi-lt»l me from cbroBle catarrh, tv
neplaai . Wllk
and bollliig add cuie half cuplut of
Ht«ria ftov BioBt Biioag In Him
V whlgA 1 am SUI-P-.-I. Il liaaalao Uyi.-lli-tl uiv Iliioal.
Hcwaihe Dull and deeju^-l rq Ibe
slia|M- ul the Uuoul. 'I'lit a rb:d In
told chlrken lit veol cbopisel nne. one
Ctsani—t'ul oiH- isMiml of ph-plaui In
eanllroly te.-umRsriid It as H Lest all-nmud nirdleln* II baa Iwa my
Thnwi^ Hwo and rott."
tcnalon In the innHclea. tauu-ii
batidk' and bang ihe bionni up.
liiect'. aod pul in a graulte
cupful Of cuoke.i aspuragtis lips and
< privilege i>t.s-oi,ira.— ai iit..lw,II.. «>f IU» I am qult.-e-uivlneod from (ay ^
bard-ael Jaw. aninoib oi'l the fore
broom Is made to l.-u-i lonae. II,
>i.»n.-»is-rten V.--C ap'. !e-mu-l U. Ilulvhiasou. M--ul{s Jlnr^Vt.
four well-bealeB • rrs. Uiie a wull-hulhnklns pan with one eU|i of sUROi.
bead'e flown. -Uei *o“ phyaleally. aad
when new.U la si«rl>ed u few iiiuuirais
lered mold wllh cuoketl asparaRUi tips
• . IHtaMH yoaraoir at tonrii aa *
the mental lel-go will lollow.
and turn Jn^he as|mraRns mislure.
i|na!l strips, uiid (
• riw poaatb^.aaotnpoaeo:
Never pul a hnmm away d,wiy
When IhiBRa aeem to He roIdr
mold In a dish of hoi water,
• a»> odortjmt br knia« all ibinn •
Tse one bruom for sweeping carpel*
aronf and we bare boRon in lake
» fall
fall to
to ibr
which ttooblo
and hake in a hoi o». n,uotll the cen
a'ml Idke UK, ik lendi t. Then add lUie.
iroond which
or ••,-•“••0 —- -• —. . -••••
r taunt at rficl Mr.l*w,s/>n,. mlilur aod propileMt
uid aiiolher lor parches.
cvery^lay I
ter I. Brill. Then l.-i slind a few mlnOiiDC u| si-ljlllie. pi.'Vk.iisij s.,f
N.r ->i. Augu*i,ijeU«lmr,'’wr,lH:
Never scrub wllh the>irtor broom,
rorkioR iba illrs. Invert over a shnttow healed
at aavtUlBE that; -Any man In public work finds n»
lened in one-halt cep -f raid wa,er;
i m
ttf-aru to handle liu- broom so ns lo
lauRb- will dish, and Kenily llfl Ihe mold. 8cnc
l-.t.- 1 W..Uld
• «aU to aalllo.
brlBR a Mumrtable-Inward <te]|n(
airafa. 1 found that will. It | Juaf MT
ones- wllb bailer sauce.
__________ _ ____ ___ lalde
• tarlild thfou«ll
would fill with c
e*u...,g -e u.n.-b appellle. and mv br=ln seemed lovrork
which iiaually
siuaiu of h-uioa )ul<-c. and gmur nil In
AsparwRus a-Hh KrT- !*'»«• enoked
• aiD^aroa.
d-siress and unp)
.ut f'vlinRsfur au .u»'-.-ae,Dgly du,,ns waking and *ku^
where il van is- Wikeu up ib the
seneraly lauRh becauae we arc Rlad.
tspararis >n • hutlensl liakiiiR
lalii-y ihtiuld whirh ha- l-s i, dip
hour or twoafi.r e*. I. in-wl.
I Itig h'Mir-. s.. I was tired nod WurnoM
bul phyaMoRUU tell n> ibai we will and seawn U)rc1>. lleai the yolks of
-Bul. Ihanas lo .v-ur F<-rnna. I am
lu c«M wBfr. .Ki-ep on l.v .mill
tkfore Is-Klnnlng to sweep. duM a
be RUd because we latiRh; and II the
la uaui very llRhi add
lo seive. Ih.-.. pm out <in ...glass BuW eomplviely rure.1, and van rrl.yn.v'
, . I -Tvoi-aitd^lUTlirorwlora werw nMru^-hiwt-, phOiORcaphs and Uk>;i Im
more naigml metboda ol lauRblBR beIr-<I
any of
of i
g-siedand Iried, tail nulUlnc waaoTtwatfuls each of h,liter and ereain
. fill ihr- r.-nie,
whh whipfswl thing I want lu vnih-ut any
Diture and leyuoTe lo aludbel room.
treusmg syniptom*.
cauae we ore Rlad have ten
efll bi ntf Ihii F'-rnna. That la ce>s
il and pracmy nn-tls as I ute>l
C'over Hiroimre loo heavy ,o inov,
irfcald* mMk-lae. I wn
lected. II may be well to learn i
sltffly bealea whiles of Ibe ecRt. Four
pound Ihe >-Ily.
due In Hr. Hartman aud Id* wuud- tul ] r—Wmi In-threw weeks
fd»l arOcl# « ‘The Mental^ ........ fUd becauae we laoRh.
over the asparnRiis and bake li
l^.Uni Spons'—I't" ai««« a .lo*<-n Mi-dleine. Fwrliaa.
j b.-a!ihy .•..nrfiiM^.myapi-dlte'rwtUfwad
iu4e* la Ibe foltowlnt from iba KapWalls
quick ovea upill ihc crrh arc sei.
-It has bm-B whe year tioen I WMiaud u,y sk-vpwas rv Inwhlag.'*.
.lalka of pink
la-.o fncii |
aaa farmer:
II Ihc eurtalns leacb lIu- floor pin
Tba Daat Bprlng
AspaniRUs on Toast—Wash the
hTBUi Pieevs aml sVm will, a haU| Tr"-J -VJ-'-"-----------Them il ao doobi hut lhal oar meatbein up oui of Ihe any.
la aerrlBR BsparM'
paragu. carefully. TIoil as lor ot
U1 aUJtade haa much to do with our
ir twenty-rue .-cm* and with a cm
Carry lul the lugs. brush and l-eRl ■•ound of crtish.-d loai lURor. Rile.- tip g.-ihrr and w-w ih.-m o
find dllBculiy IB RcitlBR il cooked recipea mull nearly done, then i
: while vnaiiH l palm, a few touch**
them, and lay ibi-ui aw.vy out oi ibe lour pa-iiny riamev vak-a and lin-- a''ma.hnn-, not .yining ibe
iw too
sofaaltAiid c
' gvdd and some sblolng brass books
freai amouoi of work to m.................,ufBcleBily .cookdpdl.'Upi'D thv windows so lhal the small jmd'HBs-.tish w.'h Ibem. nwii |;. large lot wns sevd r
five mluuies longrr. Cook n small
Sng ib.'Di 111 In as well ua imssIWv.
i.i wind the i.a;!.
,r vup. . hauged U Into a rap hod
Inn. rbopped fine: a bay h-af and
Now pm a lav.-r of, pi'-plani uvi-r. aii'l
Tii.-y work.'l lue.-lliv
lai-- ra.k whu-h was the admlratloo
ei-p Ih-Klu
peppercorns la iwo lahlespooiiPils
arranxv H,.-1.-matudvr ofHi' vak.-s ln|jeawiog n...
huiter UUIll It luihbh's. bUI
pIciHbbi fov.'r wlili
with ap thouiht of what U to follow
.. clmfa and ilusi ifiora Ihc eubwvbs
Dot he allowed lo brown; at
nve the rurt.lus.almv.. ibe imrtlc... «'u‘- -tnd »
*«!»■•■>-.for tb.Boiuvi* J«an Cahm
„ -S.S so,
IS. »,
,l» .of,level
«-av>r ea,<
•I the taak la
At Brai
Brai ibouB-----ibouRht
I'l-am oue-balf taip of bolter with
The a.|>aniRua Boor, and eilr .md rook uniU sm-san,>R <be con.ers, ..ver ih.- drars. In the In a r«.l idac- till neat day. Thra made rapid pf.ttr.-ss
IhU BUT aeem Word, bul whew we
.ndow. and .along I'.e .m i.ir.- i.mld- lurn «m nmo ibe dish' Il is iV^ ,t.-y wer,-.bs.
lie t up of «ngar. |sv.:r i :lo Ibis (ho
of equal IcnRib,
and ihirk. then aetd Iwo. rai.fuU
eu|.fuU of
'serred lu and eve. Iblrky
.oma to ooaalder that every dUerem
idk* of Ibc-e welj'bi-:il''& eggv Bint*
tandlnf upward la a
mil .vnd the n
rblckcn or
1,1 llv. Istwi lb which < gg* w*r* bratUak calte IBU. play a dlffemi aet of
In, dusting ilowii a p
aaucepaa. The water sboald ronw
Cl itiauRlea of h<
A Rrwily Plait RMk.
maaelw, aad ihat while we am mIhr
u w.ili one half cup ol mltk. Addon*
nol to linisb Hx- iu|k-,
iw«-ibti4a of Ihe war
tlpa, toaat
In ,< 1i-niirng 'h- v.ini of a place
About CMIdrcn'r Clothoa.
snd thiiH- iiuariei* rapr at ;dl|ed flour
owe aet the other U reatlBR. the auv
wfaich abonld be rooked by ihc jib
AspaiwRUs Sobal—Take only almot bps \.e,-u brusbiHl uif
wbhh two ivMpmnruU of baklM
e cliiVIrvn luiw ivmgvowii Hielri-jahae. Cook for half a
Inches ol rbe tip .-lid ol tbd aulks (h-aued.
ril->. 1 r<Hii,a l«» •o,iv,l pks-i-s
powd.v have been miked, u-nl alw.aon»
U«1 aa them is a eoapcl of work,
•I-IS tU.-y can W made ideniyj*'
sIlRblly aalli-d belllnR a-i
Swe<-|i uhuui ihl rji’|u;|
Ibis valad. Ib this mstaoce
I I-. -'ll llv d -to liuld the
limii.il oi raisin- sUHied and
ac them b a r»P*>
kiiRv vi.c.imb hy ois-iilng Hi'"b-,***
lb- kmeec It Ibe asparagus
makihg ..
Sweep w'lib ihsi nap of i
uM la'hiimed bureau.
-d wilt, a lIMIe Sour and OOfsoapal M real la one that U
e la.ilnm up to the sl—y
naniasi ib,
harder tor Ihe areraRe wobm to put >®“"'
H-ader, and al'the end of ..mp. Wash Hie tips ami pui Hum I,111,!.weeping
I-I of a pound of. lirun Beal tha>
lhal time both llpa and'stalks will be|,ap|j|j. lullliig waier .liRhil^alled.'.ipst
lled.;.ip,t lulu the earpH iostvud >•
•s -Ml aud sH. gvnily through tb*
UHo BThctlee, Noi many women are
Ill wilhin a few luvhe* of Ihe wrisl:
Under and dellHoua. Sumelloie* tlpalRngraok
Il fllte.-n I link/-, or uu-'liiR It off. Wlihb wlil'k
n-eded mo-.-, so I had been w."
UiilUkv lu steady oira tanjfa^liitaly iRiy. The majorliy am too
(hen S.-I in some striis. Aids .-onugb
Bud sulk* tre cooked aepamlely. but.* III lender. Use boiely wal'-r emiugb'uiil under iiouk.
until swell -Hill- a.' I iv.uld -dui-i
amMiloM. IM Mreoitoua, and aliolo iiiakv Ihe gariix-ni a* large a. wan’t'kcepi tor soOM- aperlal dishes, this
hem wllho,il bniwlnK irrain^hvavy furalturr.
Hil suifd.niy the ld.-a
, Relher too tadifremol \to ibis HuportI'd, laiMTlug ihem lo a i*'H" n.-ar the
way la aot aa pleaalni. The very lougb and M-l a
10 cool. When i.-ndv
aat DMpel of rr»i. A womib taay
Crmlng* the World Ovur.
Till-, Sinp can
eoaise enda abould be removed beige rhvni on a salad dish p another. Take ii|< IB>- dust of euvh lojiium ol the
'"I'-.-i Iron. Ibe <dd bun-ai
ihlBk ahe know* ibe value of tea mlnFnidi !>
Ilow can .voar*
be miele from some -a.li ihln ph-.e- of
fom cooking. il only ihe tips are lo he
French diessliig lu a ainail pool upon a sh8rie,-lk>Ht dust-pun.
iild haidly wal' aiuft
oua'reel at euted perloda 4urtiiffibe
Jhj yb
How di> yv« ar*r
while flannel. . S*-v«-ia1 tow* of sin
used, a dellckm* aoup may be maile shallow dish lo each
vliMie, wa,
When Ihe roonr is sw.-p'. elo>
raiiMi—"How do you siaod?^
gle Civlchel WOlkecI 111 silk Ol fine Hl.lt ]
Ing dip •
sawed a hmg hteird n ;b,ve h-pglbv.
e lufo tbe dressingnnd h
li’h opi-n w'lnilo*.FPBDiah-- lUtatiH. (ind. ww.'
yarn, make a neai finish for th.' wrlsisj
nailed (lOe li-lig|h (111 ik'i top. middle
Hu!.ssm~-1low ito you liveWr
very often .be U miMaLt. .Imply
a-id nukies. flni.hlbg .iff wilh:
is.roi.i ot '.h“ bnr-au pletv-s,
>lf au bout will Is- long eiM»,ign
bcMaae her menial attitude U «) dlsveRmahle:
flgypilali--ltaw do you-pm^for*
.mull -o-alloiis. O.H.1I. yoke* can l.e
•nfiig ihi-m tog-1
•(Ual way:
r that time, vlns.l Hie » liiduws.lBe
turbo4 «y thaaghu el the work
ln‘ Aaparaius Soup—Wash a
l>oii-b---<iow do you hav*
your,-<-d loi 1euxlh"Mlng pahfs and ih-ii,
tuNird*. the .loor panels, vto.ethe
babd tlmt the Idle tea mlButew la mom hunch of aa|>arafui. vul off tbe Ups.
OUIS. and ihess sklrt.'^ loo. ivod the,
fn these day* «vl maich.Hl iilmmings. Windows, lemnve the covers iivmi HeWMrtw than raattul. The only way ~vcr ibe .talk, with cold water, aad
' Arabdii-Tbank Mod. he* ara
oke ran leTUi rveiml o, piduH-d w 'lh
-bil-d sh-lf: ih-ii I • r-B.-d
(A real U U9 put away all thooRhu ol Uul Bve oilndles. tbea drain. Jtbti Ii:ee may be rheaidy lillil easily d.ve.1 lurolciiiv, dual it. vuiplii the rurialns,.............
ill Hie lop :ind 'tekp
his.k. u.id-r Hie tup sbef! Olid
home Huy a tube >*f nil l>aHii m litlng hi Ihe /wg» and other turiHtuiv
work Md worry and mlak memally cover nlib mme pinis of soup aiock
l-i-rsian -~May Ihj \^dow never'
tiellgh lO g'Ve III.' requlr.-d leog'h.
'll a Iblrd of
the rewerved ll|is Iheeolqr you wish ami squeeie stum- :,iivl ii'arrauge (Im ruuiii.
Md |*ymically. and i s any wnnaa and add
:< lore making n.-w loiion ini-> nn- inetli.-r tfiM I ■>,- ,ytm boy.
>1 Ka<u>liue. thir till
. A, Ivast one.' » uoiiih biipg In 'IMcankAntodowllh a IhUc praeUre. Cook unlll tke BMUiratu*
I. soft
FreDtft- -“llOw do y.M «wrr>
!,.ga>ni'-iiis 10) chlldr-w, Hn- >«iio»
nialiy eoiiiplim.uiis
slep ladder, lurn the pii'i,tri-s to ihv
AfiOther cause ol mealAl Md pbya-, cooURh «o inesa through a aleve hr eol w<-ir,^»ulved. and Iben o-si II
sboul.l Is- shrunk Ui the pl.-o.- I.......
ibo,. ,1
So ole- know - I mad- if u
wall ami dus.l off Hie hacb'.; dust iP'c
hUiglrth. Am-rtTga aod fnaad
icariallrie U our ambllloa to do aoderAad leav.>only the fiber behlad *l(i55.' by dlp|.li.g in a sumU sami'
iMdnR evil and uiaih- up The sli,inking I- - I tell ! Iieni.
1 al'o
made a..,...............................
Isaot* tbaa w-e are afcle lo do. Therciihea mura ibe soup and pulp in ib,
Ipthe. hamier ■ lofc'r-oibsl vtoih- . r-^-I
.•}}.. under'the
.•ik-nedor llgblene.1 by addmg inutabuicBt. 'BrcAcasoa lo lasie and bring F'io i
In- doors uud wiudows
a limit to t
o< Wiii-i a'u.( allowing i' lo
old liar,k:,.d vh.i-a-a,ue.j
bmi; drop In the remainder of the lips paliit 01 more gasoline Then dtp HuNev.-r use an iibbemm'doriiillThor* aual always -------------- • Ihlaga
--------I uniil
iv|s-ai.wlly HU II Is iKc dr |vlelh for dust (diDhs, Th'-y leav,
. ............................ ' .,-.0- ..-H-w I. .von,
Ml Ufidone la every botmclmld. fer)*b^ ^ve been cooked gently lu aa; He go.«l« dr.ppibK from HP' *aIh.vi- you valen yoUr river
M loMWOBUtahaa tbe atrcttfib Md'»>her saoMpaa nnlll tender.
Heal sired tint and haag In tbe 0|icB air leifiluiie rav. i.-d wllh lini
I'lU' savli,-.: co's-.-s. ami wle-n
several bours. Rlblmb may >•1'he tws) dust cloths are made
efidaroMc lo ktwp overy wheel la Ibe
cupful of cream or rich milk
Iv di. press with a hoi lion. Tii.>J look*
fresbceed In ihe same way: fiatl- rs
rninie.l aquares of doul.le-iare,i
doaoaUc aachlocry of the ..eraRe.anoihcr boiler, nd thiekeb with t
.a flannel.
linusrhnld ruonlig amcMbly at all
ttbleapoonfoU each of Boor and aud osirlvh plumes cm be i,nt.-d. and
flower* n>eoU*red.
Wtew n
wm-n duM.ng neve, II,rt the I.........
UmoB wllh Mihlag ocgloetml wsnhii»t'*’"*'*‘f cablied sniuuibly together, add^
earn tinge Is wl'bed for Uee. wak flirting the dusi lino itt. Ms«m,
Lm ua tkmi labor tor u lerrard atilt'
The Heme of Captein KutchiRBon. of Montpellec. VL
.• T
Tvcro. a M.IInrSown a •
Chrome CMarr* Md ThTMl TfMMt.
« :
iM emw» CiWf
bodu, iMif«.
.. u .ho«id
■.le :r.,
•u someiimvs gives a belter, shatblau black eff-v.
be My aateuni of vrork krfi undooe crouioat.
«befi w« aimply aicp'ot the aiage of
•alOB, Md there will be other haads
to take up Ibe. work.
TbU belRf the caee.'U would aeem two amill spring cmlOBa. When the asIbe port of wisdom for every boay parmgos is ivnder. lub all through
bourn wB* to “gel w»e~ as to tbe real sieve. omablBg and rul-blng thruugb
pblhioopby of work aad resi. A wriu-r
lirth picks op Ihr dusi «iuu the du-<
bid Ihe fiber. Return the palp and
b> very dcUvaie lay it b.-;ween
shevii Of blue its-Mie
'll wlih
and rpriu
Parmem' WiresAMdlag soup to the (ire.
lave. Wlm* slikii and flue wblir
ir peiqier aqd o-lvr) salt, and add
UpgeHc waists iban pulling ii ;,•»>
plBlMmllt. Lot tt MBH
bloc tissue. Bluff tbe Sleeve, abd
. ihlvkea wifb one level
uicraagry requliemsttl. and if oar can
ni* of y.Mir dainty blouses *,ih ft.
drop lb* worn- over tbe work which ■poeatul each oi flour and butter rub■moolhly loRHber, and ■‘mmer map la sefeial layen. of tlw pap. 'la OM arcompllabed much U galred
kvep them S-auHiullj
poise, nme Is much la the phlloa- ten mluutea loager..
Course aaya ibo aailafaciloo of defag
all thM Is poasible la really ibe oaly
opky of at^adoo in work whs
be aaie of doiog tbe huf that is poa. goa until lender, tbea drain, aad place
sibt* nod letting rraoHs «m»c as ihey
urdk Timy are much more
laye/ In a tmtiered
;hlch haa b-ea well sprlaklet!
come sueceusfally ihaa ocberwtae.for Irtsd rrumb* Sprinkle tbe asparagus
tbe ahaadon of core and worry allowa wilb chopped bacd-bolledt BBS. pepper,
owe to do good work.
wait, sod grated ebeese. and pi-oeevd
Irctlie tor ridding oweS self ot
ramelshair brush is :itn,-<>i invaiughlc
,-d IllIBlIuie. .11 lie- .'lll'l is ole
ale. WM Ihe brush In kei^-ml.sl w,lb;Waiel.
,e. od'lv^ 'O -el, -U ',
e\eei^-n- lor lii-JMl!-.
n;ini-el .to. king, aud ;,:i su<
aoulen a.ii'Ie-
All kimu o, w.sd. :
fa! llv. slwiuld I-- kept pulled in:" ;ei
l-i-l shsiMHooi ahrii,Vilns\\rhen
rsmed Asparagna—After eoukieg pin down on a aheci. varcluily Finning
tbe vegetable, drain P free ftna wnCer loui Mch point aad eoverlag ui'h a
e eloih.
'.Maos' Ufifi to stretch tbe body to li< and BiTHkge niz Stalks uu tonsudlplece
gat to tgste while It Is stiu but
House Paint
1 Uaplil.. and eaa adt
,.n .everai tmildiag* In
le. ,d-sp a
lug and this .an pe Pd out
neiMed. Tbere *l<rbe Hire- hult-.!'-
(II (ho Mriog.
needed to Chwe Hie lOICk (A 'h.' wa.,s'
vn- is ao Is-iiei spring aiipeliter
and a ro* mi the bo,tom a: eq,»: ..iitonic than |Pep:aal 4^ HH. can
II Uce must he waaht-.l lake a mlii,- iH- served in so mimy way. H*a' there
ptDTs and aaoihe, <ow :wo la.l.'
eKUs.- im Iriilng the lam.ly tue
drieal glass boHle, half fill it wiin
rhove for holding the pmtkoats. Th •
lui.blug ai.-and
lliHe skirts shouid 1»- B**4v wiih UJ •
loo vloh-ntlv Ib the imiU-T. wind the
\xt. su-w In a small
lice carefully srouud thlv, and luist1-1 «,.' as ,,-qulred.
pieee ol ebrew rloib oa Ibe o-.i.idc quaniiiy of waier uu'U irnder. adding
Tbe mwilal and emotloaa)
In Ibia.way on^il the pM U full, bav Atler It h«a bolW sUffleieoHy. r.“nsv
mme or bwa laaneace by ibr bodily ing tbe lop* la.v^ot asittrngua. Four In allghlly blue wale, <Ua sligkl
eoadliloba aod aetlvtilew A dejected >ver It a eui>ful M ibla while s
U desired aitd a little wb>
pbyalcal attuude teada \o develM
o tbv rlase waico. piess ik
prlnkle -aHlh buttered crumbs,
>ui gently wliboui wringing and
dejectad meaul aittiadc. ' Oa tbe brown In boi oven.
«ibcr band there la aoihlag am.v
dampen* vlotb'io .lo'i dark
<«ton-d furulioie; ii siiiea: « Ibe sui
u.ugu. sla. lace.
Fiaiv u weigh! oo 11 and tebV aUnil
bours. Tbetw Is Botblng bel
U lb*
.r'.r .if"''
•v.-r Hie lurniluie sinwivj and -j- Ih- "
If lace is sollevt H should be vi-aned n »nlll the c-luih Is lull ol dSsi Shake
rream Of Asparagus Skiup—Cooa
te bunch of aaparnaus in one quail before .ly.'lug. and this. too. can le- 1 om of doors aud lay ii as,.l- ,i> ue
beamllully at b.m.e, ana vaie 'sash.-d before next sweeping «»>
i,sprig ol panley aud
We have a giwii- higher for,
VI. h «e ai'..d,n-,v guaiai,''• lor
We hav.- sr,i!ah:gt," .:n« •>
'lUe dollar jr-d ••sen-, five cWn'.
r. y.srs and gw- p.-n.-ci ssi.-.-s'
We also har.dli- h;-skoi-n-. ,1 gui gaarati-.-u ye, lak- r.o
M-ldi'-O on )>ap.T as *>: a- |„
.... i.'.d and ..il -paint, bat (tats
s. I...1 foiiiivriy sold by u. fur
li aid Web tb- maaufaiiuror*’
.!. sa'i prepnraHan whirb rM
-•e.| nail*,
rid- po*»4 parttCaa be ulted Is but Or
little orange peel is flet bolted lu
e water It will adj a pleasant Us-
A Hint fer dh* Doya.
Ore Of the
nnd |ir«tllest le:
carp.-i* 1 ever saa wa. made by Ihboyw of the family, aay* w frleod o
I Home Cbt-er. Tbe omibe- rut the rsg
I. bake until done; theo sep 'boy. h
o lap aad fdid lue lag-
A. W. Bartak & Son
flAt A YEAS.
Fhyileian Says There I* No Hop* For
Hi* Recovery—Had Worked
Only One Week.
For Gevamer in 1900.
U*)bury. dl..d at bi* bnnie at S
oVIork loU murelDg follnwlng a sudattach of uraemlr polsunlng from
whirb be suffered monlb*.
Maybiiry waa a prumluenl'demo*1. was tbv unovreessfiil eaiidldalr I Billy Wat on Stand and Idontlflad
ir goremoi In 1900. Maybury Iuk:
Soyla aa the Man Who KMron*rloo»De*K rtVdnesday and neyi
napad Him—Few Wilnaaoregained It. A brofber and three *isea Enaminad.
anrvlve. lie wns Ikirolt'^ bkm
Merver. pa.. May fi.—Billy Whitia
famoua eltixen and was prominent I
Hasoiiir and otbeeorders and clubs.
testified first In the trial nS Jami«
Boyle on the rharge »f kldniping.
lie described the kidnaping, bbi Nay
Ciereland, and return and pointed
Boyle aa bis kidnaper. Jllfiy also
•ntified the letter* he wrote bl*
father. The eros* examination wai
__ lerlal.tolber wilnessea told of *eeIng Boyle in Rbarnn Ibe day before
the kidnaping.
UE8TS FOR LOCAL IN8TITUI.awyer Wlillla tesllfied to're-taking
■ be ransom (o Cleveland. On croa* exa he denied thai be met
Boyle ahortly after. Wter two more
witnesnei, tbe proaeeutkm retted.
Boyle conferred witb bis allorneya
and retted wllhcmt defense.
Hoyle was-declared guilty, after a
IrUl of three and one half hours, Ibe
Jury being out C, luiniile*. Tbe penal-^
j-ear to life.
LmIi IIaMw, a Riaaaar of Fiw
ment, an« eaa of tha Scat known real.
■ dent# of Laalanau owintjf, wai drawnad In Laka Laatanav aema time befora neon today, hla body being found
. by Auguat Otto at t e-doek In aaven
feat of water.
Mr. Hoakr. vhe war 78 yoani old;
vaa vorklag oo (he boom near Ibe
lirldpyibe boom boldlDg Ibr loga tor
hto RfllL He did not r«em bome to
ElBiiar time and aa be vaa old and
TaTy'Uhraosa, anxiety was Imiuediate.
^ fetLAd ibe alann gtren. Hta boat
HII7 foM at the boom which waa
' ' open, with the toga Tanning ooL
With tbe othera.
- SoMb^r the body waa imncdute. "*1y b«n. but It waa not uttUI aorenl
LanMuL «lch..“luy S.-Tbera ha*
^ .^D^^^had paaaed that Anguat Otto been nomt- awful alasblng done In Ibe
<»f which
now veporicd out. X^e N*■
Traverse City got U» slmre of tbe
at that fared belter chan some
other Inattiutkms. Hotnethlng like
llliri.000 wa* anked for Ibe N. M
A., and tbe hill aa reported out pro
vides for bat $f!AO0. S15.0M tor
1 heating plant and to be raised lit
1909. and the lialance . K>.nf>o. for rold
storage plani and |*.f*kl for new roof
boiler room in be raised in tVtO.
rompariton wlib amoiibla report
ed out on other Inslllutlons Is ^ven OutrnoM Centmua oeapiu the Fact
That tha Yeung Turk* Hava Oeu
hied Ouerd Throughout the
Western Slirhigan asylum. Poollae.
lippn- Peninsula Hoapital for Inrenstantioople. Mat S.—Tile Young
me. Newberry. »,tt,»«.
Turks are tloiibllftg Ih*' luilltary
Jackson prison, st.TSd.
Home for feeble minded and opHcp- guards ihrougbout the t-niid/T In anatan Nationai Rank Gate Into
tidpalion of trouble. Hie dismissed of
lie, Lapeer. gSJ>00.
Rrlaen for II Montha and
8Uie bonae of correction, Uarsueitn flelals endeavoring lu start a reucliun
Faya SiMO FIna.
ary onlbreak.
Ailuilr dispsithes nay irooim are in
PItlifaaHt. Slay C.—Judge Fraaer InI insiiuiie r
auffirleni to r^ture order and more
. day aenteiired ali aa a ,r«inU of ibe blind. 88I.UKI.
are need>>d a* the outrage* «-ontlnue.
allegad eouDclimaair boodiing. ('oun-.
Oiber* have received amount
Tbe missions are endangered and a
oUman KUeit waa M>nte»eed to three ptoporiion, none of tbe achols gettjng
yean and aix vioniba and finded SI.S00
larger aiuounL In the bills ns reporttor roniplrary and at-reptian briltet.
OaaarllnaD Rraml, drew two yearn.
■ and Dae of 8M6 t<w aeceptlng brlbea.
Former PrenWem Ramaey.,^of the
Oarain Kallenal bank, tor coiuplracy,
n Man. Well KfSmn
waa aeoienred to IS raontba and flned
11.000. Jtmea and CTiaries foiliert.
for alleropted Jury DaUig. got two
yean eatti. and were Dned I.VW.
Word has been rereived In this City
I the death of J. A. Week* of Seat Launch Engipe Gave Out and He Had
Only One Paddle—Wai in'
tle. Wash., wlio was suieken with apSad Shape.
(•opleiy on Thursday last, and lingei
ed for several days In an unconsrlou*
Bowers Harbor. Mieh.. May 4^—.An
condition. With him at the time of his
SamutI F. Ruaaali Waa Tamarod Vary
nkuuw’n man who resides in Tiavdeath
daugbFiaaaant Surprite In Honor of
er*e Clly. who was on his way home
HJs* Leslie Week*. HI*
Frank Week*. Is toealed In New Yoik Ifrom Frank Kretipa'* in a launrli.
and wa* not able to reach bU was picked up out In the hay by
Samuel P. Ruaaell wan Cl yeara old
Charles Wells nearlt frozen lo deaili.
Jpaterday and whik- be waa cAjoylng father s bedside. It rained so bard that the engine
Mr. Weeks was at one time mat
Se eomforta or bla home Tbaraday
: the Western Union teii-grapb olfier refused lo work and the man woe
evening, a laige romiutny of friend*
It in the .l..ri„ with 01,1} one padMuskegon, and was wejl knowi
eoddenly eame In and. made cBVme,
aelven at hoUK. He wan luueb aur- throughout, tbe stale. He wa* about
P.'ople going lo Traverse, City saw
year* old, He had
prUrd bul In a nomeni tumbled to
the tnnn calling lor help, but couldn't
what had happened, wo Joined la and tbe we*i for some lime. hU daughter
whs' he walited. Ur. Well.'
bad a good lime aa well a* anybody. following a few years nao anO hi*
10 s" a mile lo get a boat to
Aa a lowen of esteem Hr. Hsaaell was wife going to Sesille last fall Mr*.
the man who It be bad been
prearnied.wUh a fine Sabing rod while Wc-lpi Is a cousin of Mrs. StHIa H
hour longer wiwld hare I
Mra. Knaaell wa* not forgaiten but Champtiey. of this city, and was for
- .
waa tue reriplrni of a line eel 9I many year* la the employ of tbe West Iroben todeath.
The man was taken to the home of
Union offtc*.
an,l made cohiforiaMe for
The evening wa* plea»anity *^-ni in
playing progreaalve pi-drti. tbeiy be
t* tiONES
tm Dura 3 YEARS
61 Y^ OLD
ing aeven tabiaa. Tbe firm priw «ta
woo by Hi«a llatel Rnwell and the
aeeond by George RoaH. the ronaola
lion gnlng to Ray McGarry. A pni
tuek supper wa* served and all pres
ent bad a tory enjoyable evening.
Tboae preoeni weee; Hr. nnd Hr*.
Odte McGarry. Mr. aad Ur*. Geo.
Roael. Hr. aad Hrw. Robert Fk-mlng.
Ur*. Henry Strain. Urjuid Urn. Uedad
Vinton. Ur. and Mrs. Will j. Green.
Ur. and Mr*. Samnel Rnuell. Mr. and
Ur* Hugh Boyd. UIm Hate] an**ell.
Mt*a Ftorrece Bnrgea. Ul*p Ollv.
PtemfSK, Mlaa Oannide naming.
Frank llelg**. Geo. W. Grean. Bmeat
Bluaell. Rny McGarry. Uar*Me Raaaejl, rrad Covey.
FOfwwr Trav*r*a Ctip Lady Fataed
Away at Jaek*on—Lcavat Huaband and Son.
Word waa reerlved la this dty Mon
day of tbe death of Ur*. Lulu Lew
Is. wife Of. Ron la-wls, or Jackson. Be
aides her busbartd she hare* a amall
ton. Mra. Lewi* was well known tn
this elty several y^rs aga having mad<
her home with her atint. Ur*. Fran
ce* Tllsa. for maoy years, and 1
member of ibe Daplisi rbnrrb. She
was a coJsIn of I.eott F. Tllu*. Urn.
Til ns weal to Jackaen yeatenla]
.aueod tbe funeral of her ahx*.
.MalieelooB. Mlcb, May 4—Frank
fWlker. aged US and slugb-. fraitured
his skull by (ailing Ik feet from a
trestle In tbe Aniriin Iron vonipany'a
slock house. Ule yesierdoy abemuou.
The man lost liis ('uling. tailing bead
toremusl to the floor beh'W. Jlis pb>
Vivian sa>* lie caaiiut r.-corer.
Federal Circuit Judge Lurten Stateo
IhM-lker bad been In ibe employ ul
that He HO* Not a* 'Vel Named
the romjiany but a week, rotuing hen>
a New Clly Clerk for
from tUsilngs He u an elei-trhian
and was repairing a wire on tbe
Lansing. Mich!. May G.—Tbe aenaie
trestle at liie lime of Ibe accident.
today passed Clarken's bill creating a
board of prison lodoatrics. 8G lo G.
bill iiuw goes lu Ibe ’ governor.
Th.- senate also I«**nd the Oolllti*
for a aiate imblk a<-riHint>
partiueni. Tbe home bas defeated
Woodruffs' iinifonu arcounllng blit.
The bouse imsseti Hie Jury commis
sion bill.
‘flcleatcd on Bail.
Maine and tlrwer Kurrls. Indicted
the charge ■>( giving Armst
grofl, idraded.nol mi«v
leased on ball of tSM.
Detroli. Mfly S.—fVder.ir Circuit
Judge lainou replying to a apecial
telegram today aent a mestage denybe appointment, of ex-clerk
Jualica Moore of Michigan Suprerr
Court Preoided Over the Scoslen
Thic Morning—Inlercctod
hirago, May 4.—The peace ebnferenre held Its closing sessions, today.
(bief inlen-*! cenlcriog In the
resolutions lomniltee'u report.
.Tu.sliee Moore, of the Ulcblgan Sii
pn-iiie nmrt presided Ibis morning,
Trj'on Nile* wa* 1101 present and
A Farquer read his addn-ss.
I'ongn-si^an ilartbol. of Missouri,
preeldifd ibls.afiert.aoa and Wu Tli-g
Fang and oiber dlplecnats *puke.
The ts'kolulinn.- rmniillttef n-porled
lai publli svr is oui of date, a relic
r biroarlsiii and uasorih} of the
uics 1..C raiiioiis arnunieiil rital
ry . a roiirivjuf siif.plcloii." They
lletUlc ill.- IMlWltS sIliHlId agiee oil
dlsaniiaiiii-iii imnn-illaie]).
Dock Will Be Repairod Dy That Ti.m*
—Leelanau Soon To Co On
Htr Run.
Considerable activity U liclng mani
fested in the development Of l.eland
Ibis spring. Tlie dork, wblcb suffered
damage during the winter from tee lu
the lake win be put (u tboraugb repair
la good lime before ihe regular
eebedule of the NorUient Michigan
TransporiatloD company's sieamshlp*
Til" summer schedule of Ihe steam
Isiat line b.'gina June 21 and bj that
lime Ihe d<u-k will be In flnil class couditiun. including a large warehouse. ,,
A repor: had aoniehow been elfenisled In oii'stde papers Ibat rhe dock
would nu, b.. pul-ln shape to permit
sicamstaips 10 land Ibere this summer.
This statement was clrmlated wlilioul
authority and on Hie contrary the dock
will have better farllllles than 1*',
Th'- sleanier l-eealnau. whir* w
dnniaged by cxplusion laN summer.
b.dug tbornogl.i) overtauleiF and will
have a new engine and bdilei. When
i-ompleied the kteanier wlfl mak“ regu
lar 'Tips tM-iween Fourh and Is-iand
Cireull court will convene Saturday
afternoon at I o'rlock at the court
bouse (or Ibe purpose of bearing tbe
mailer ut John HeiTdge*. ei at. relal
or*. T*. tbe Township Board of Blair
township, to show cause why a
OUMU City Eleelrie Light and Powr damus kbould not be issuJ^ (ns
CiiTuil court eomtnandlng .ibat Ibe
Coi H*v« Taken the Roeim Farm,
retail liquor bond to said relators be
•riy Occupied by Gee. W. Miller.
furthwllta approv.-d l.y aid respoad
Tbe Queen City RIeol'Ir UghI t CBL
Power eurapany hare leased the buildA slallar order ha's Iteen issoed lu
tllg taerelofore oreupk-d by George Ibe caw of J. O. Croiser. reoeUer. «
Miller. S48 fSa*t From street, and tbe iV Boutb Side Lumber company, nn
lease run* for one year with tbe priv on bU petltloo for ib* aame. that the
ilege of purchase. Tbe eompenr will ciedltor* of the said company^ond
Bt tbe building tot busIncM office* otbera Interested shall appear ml
beadguariei*. They bate a force o'clock to show can*e why the prop
sen at work now. setting pole* erty o< the South Side Luteber ro
pany ahaJi not be-aeld in aceorddb
iwiib the prayer of the peUttoaer.
RKEN AND COLLiNlS MEAS C't^s Fruit Of Unusual Sue M Well
at Gloeaem* Adnm Limbo—O
ange DleMoma Aiao.
Refuted In Ol'.cu** tnc Reported Sale
of the German RighU Of Tbeii
Machine to the German Air
ship Study Society.
London. Ms, £ - Wilbur and Orville
Wright Hailed fur bome on tbe Kroii
arhnowledged wotld's cn-atesl avla-
Bvoid a diAiumstration muih to Ihe
Make* the Laieat Closing Midnight dlsappulnlm<'(>I of their frieud*.
The Wrigbla refused lu dls'-ns*
and Frovlde* for AimMt Complete
reported sale of Hie German riKhl* o'
Hem* Rule—Many More
aeroplane to tbe Oerlaas Air
ship study yoriel}
Unslng. Mlcb.. Uny 4-A aubeilIie Uquor bill was repoHed today.
Id made a special order for Friday
Tbe hit] provldea greater liqiur
siricliuus and aliuust t-ompl-tr ba
Tbe latest rlmilag i* tuidtilgbl. and
this limit II. one ksiiHin'fur every SOU Annual Meeting of th* Firgt Chareh
Society Followed, Mia* Poari Walk
The bin Ik 3 substitute for (be Waf
er Being Elcelcd PreeWenL
er and Cramion bill*, and It Is plan
ed to lake the measure up for c
The losing side” a eoniMtt la th.
slderatluu m-xt Thursday, along w
nrs-l M. B. Epsortb League for ffiemle henaie search and seizure bill.
berahlpr of which Ben Church Whi
Under this bill an outside dealer cspttin. tendered a banquet and enI.* lo pay a SMi llc.mse fee So do tenalnment 10 the winBing side,
bukiuess In Ibl* atale. as doe* ilie which Miss Ids Campbell was capUiriHgan wholesaler
Two cunvlr- tain.itilheehur'-h parfora Tuesday
iiont ul a violation uf tbe liquor nlgfat. The entertainment and aupprr
luw sill W suHIclenl. If tbi* bill foilosi-d the annua! business toeeilBg.
bemmu-k a Isw, tu revoki- Hie IlK iise
which Ihe rullowiog officers «
III- KUiity iiqii.ir wller.
Common i-ounnls are given
J>re}.ideiit —Ml s Pearl Walker.
ol ovi-r Hie nuntlier of saUvuis Vlfst Vi.'e prerUenl-^Wis* within the corporaii- IlmlU of
rliy -or village, provided the nuuift-cond vie- |,i.-sideutf-UlkS JeDhle
nf tbirsl parlor* doea not
Ciad one to each £00 popuJulOB.
Fourth viiv preMednl—Mix* Cora
provided, however.
that all
loons doing liiisioe** Ibis year may
Seeiviary-loii't- H-Iliday.
sve Ibelr license wnewed ___
Tnusurir-ilHiiy ihillldsy.
ar excep' the coti^ll priTicribe*
riKi'ister—Miss Kstella Bailey
laser ta'io to ihe ptopnlalHJO.
1'lsiilst—MUse IjiDore JU-ndersun
Anotlier f.alilie of the me,
Till- supper was a novel affair. TaTollow> (He triad of * i.ruvirloo of
the search and m-Iziiiv- bill which feivai ruuiitiio. n|(Il th- gu-stiwcre
requires druggist* lu dry counHea seai<>d first at. a isl.ie givlog
(laud, itn-n ou- giving route food
reprekenling India’, followed l.y
• rulk lor all coiiniK-* and
Japan db-b, then a F>vn< h dish. Mu
SII let* Hie kale Ilf liquor on o
sis a part of (be eieuing's
po-Mfiiillon 10 one nip or bollle.
Capoeted that th* Leg
li Net Profane Language.
Xairobl. May £-Rooi..ieli killed
ro more iious y-rlerday and today
stalking gtrafli'S. e ■ _
The natives lovingly fegarl Roosetelt. wllb superstition* a»e callinx
Mm ' Swana Tumbo.' c ForUy Uaater"I
A lemon .1214*13^ inchea ^>111
busky lemon tree in the boo
Mr*. Robert Dewar. I0:2 tot Cgbth
street. W^lle all over Ihe liw ale lem
•lusaoms In pnifusluii. Mrs. Dewar was pn-*eoled wllb Ibe plant
years ago from a Irlem] la Uhh>, and
by careful nurtute .the plant baa put
fonb fruit. When Ihe blosscuna
Imrst forth, Ibere were 7.4 In all. and
these one bas matured into a
of utiuoual kize. nblle olbrr* are
Mra. Dewoi also baa an or
plant In full bloom. ,lbe tragranoe of
llyeie bioseoips and Ihe leinuB
sonis making tbe air heavy wllb per
fume. A <nrn ctA cactus more
high Is also one of Mr*. Rescue Wm Effected In Thur*
DewagJ ^'ts. and a la<v cactus which
arm m the Vicinity el MaaH
bas gnMn b> a iblng of beauty
teland—Left Fee Frank
is out IP In- liandlisl wliiuMit dm
fort to' Dot DoaL
:-aiillnn. A Wnshibgton '«ceeping
LhBsIng Mar S —Th- bouir today
passed the senue n-soiuiion provid
ing Ibe final adjoanunent on Jaac 2
and (be c^plerion of btiklne*
May 19 Tbe Clarken prison Indwlrtea
biU WJU be ronsidersMj in jbe •
cteci lighter BaUvrta. thought ta Kauo been drowned, wee* brought to GarbF,
ind„ today by tho steamer ttmrptm
which picked them up in inld-tMtc near
ManHbu ieland.
The BaUvia w»* being tawed to tu#
fale by the ctrsmer W'lkeabarr* ahtf
parted th* cable In Thursday** Mohr,
Capt. Apey and ce*w, unable te man.'
age the helpleee (serge, algnaM thb
ettam baige Sharplee. wMeh rMoueG
them aeepunting for the tatavl*'* g^
pearanca of hasty abandonmoM udwH
picked up by th* Ann Arbor faery.
r crew wa* brought her* and imBtely ctarted for Frankfort, Mieh,.
whore the BauvIa was eoitfuetaC bn
B* the journey to Duffala.'
bappem-d (o pull a log lo oM iMb,
nnd aaw tbe body lying on tbo bob'
It waa (wcovetwd vtUwai dlOcully.
No One Saw AaeidoaL
(o oufi aaw Uie sceMML Mr.
iiaving been worUag on tbe boea
'alone. It is mippaaed that he allgfaE
■e togs and (eU In bKweea. mm
unable to releiM blmseU beedagg «
Ibe cold water* sad bU affk Wmt
MHHi Ibe booiB to MM kunm matu
(bought (hat be tMy bar* falte
from tbe boai and been drowaaE
■ endeavoring to Oooo IL
sailor on tbs great Mkaa ter
17 year* aad afier Uviag at Pnow
time, mored to B«tM
to. coming back to Proramobt
years ago FMr ytara be was angnpW
in tbe milling buloeM but aoU
the Putman Lumbar Oik. BnRr
buying ib<- bustnean back agaJb ab«
engaging in Uw BllUng tMMlMOi wtn
bit death today.
Large Family LbfL
Hli wide died three yearn igD, bot
large family survive* Ms* BW
daughter, Mr*. HabHIa LABoate. toot
her life when Ibe ateaawr T—nr- '
blew up IBM summer. Tbe fyfflu
childreu are Leo. Peter, CtoaitW.
septa, and Arthur of ProfcaoM, WIb
Ham of Hlk Raplda. Mrs. Oeutimriar ot
Elk Rapids. Un. Jooegh Talley of
Provemonl. Mrs. Hilton of MSlba.
and Mrs. Pauquetle of Oregoa. Tba
fiinersl arroogeueato have MM jM
Highly Retpaetad,
Hr Mosler was a very UAly ».
le-m-d resident of ProreoMat aa4 •
bad a large imraber of trleadi oeaUtfs
ed all over tbe region. Daring tba
■ars be reelded at ProTiiMmL
alwaya an exemplary eltlmm
and was most highly asteeaed. hto
-udden and untimely death doming ad'
S great i.bo<'k to the whole eonbtry.
C'llrent Tetephea* Cbmpmiy Ogqr.
store Called On Mia* Wototoe,
ThMf CWof.
Mis< Ux-Ua WetoiCT. chief opermtsr
the ciMvea* Telepbooa Ca. vaa
iibde^ aplea«aat sarprtoc Taeaday
evening h> about K of the other tfrto
employ-d by tbe eampany. Mtoa
Weish-r bad no Idta ibal ahe wa* to
' a bwlear. but recovcfvd aad bdi
pb-asant * time a* her gaaeu. wbleb
*x)ing a fbedt deal. Tbe suryrtoa
was h.-igbtened by tbe tact Ibat Uw
tonne ladles abpeared to vartoa* aad
aikunird rovium^ aome of lham bacoming and some of them MM. Imt
none of them snythlng Uh* tbeirbawai
garb, Tbe evening w«* spent la
and game* and wa* moat enjnynkdg.
Light rerri-ihmanu were aerved and h
light plcnro lahaa of tto parly.
JMMI m wrt <!■ M
wSSx 19M. «t tb* ptMtefflot t
our. xi<^- ondwtb*Ac»
tMUm M «M 3,on
TM mveton «t tto Onbd TrmrarM
tMfion Fftir UMdailOD d*9idc4 r«%
UH0J BOt to bold ■ fair Uli T««rA SMBt Wi<r viU recrot tbat tber* U
!• bt M fair tat ader the elrcomrtr-— tba Alraetm an»d VM7 >«
Mt •ucap(li« a talk rrblek weald
ta aiMeavfil owtag to Uw (act tbat
tta tatatr bat BO tartBaatal (air
giMdi tad tbc aaaortaik* li eatirewltbok todi.
m bcUm a talr. ndi ai «a> bold
bat Ttar, b a mom nceriiom tbtak
lar thla rtfhM. It aot ooljr eaeoar
' urn (ba AuM*r to lacnaac bU oflarta ta tba ptodactita of tbe predaeta of Uu aeU aad orcbard. bat ear
rtaa tat to tbc wmM,. er«ni«» ct
tar arteaHoral tod
Yntb the date of Ibe 'adtanMat
■aad and a lai«e anouat of baalaan
ahead, it betUw to took aa tboata tbo
MsiBlatard wonid bm (et aitaafl «e
tba dab lawa ttaU aaialoB. Theaa tewa
are a eery laportaet natter aBeeUn
tbe eedoyeieai aad area tba wMiote
at a lam eanber of people wtihia
tbe etate ai well ai tba tboosasda of
rlMtorp aad avrely tUa meiter abeaM
In talberlns arbetaa.'lt te welt to
tatt Wednesday e
take a abarp knife along rather tbaa
pull tbe vlBee ap by Ue roou. Arha
ir year by year getUng aeareer Miow’a *^ont or liUwatha'
Tbe atagbv*ui decorated wlib trees
aad tboee who gather It are tome*
making It repreaent a
what to bUne taeanae ot tbelr careloml. A« Indian wigwam Moodlaanm.
end of tbe auge. making the *bole
n mors life-like. The ehartetera
Oee of tbeae dapi there will ta 10
* Indian snits. tnocraains and
!W baaa that they woat ta worth
ibered headgear aad carried ladlaa
while prMectlog aad by tbat tine, tbe
leglaiatBre wUl pitibably haea goUea kateet, data and tavi and errova.
>d U paaebcg a law cbaBglag tbe AriK nslng a liberal rupply of «ar
•eaaoB to tbe Uate it etaoald ta ao*. palm they nere typical ladlane.
Tbe sealing capacity of tbe srbool
Tbe Detroll Pree Preu apeaks of a Mm was taxed to Its atnwat and
sonar In potateeB." Up tan wbare- lany were compelled ««• stand. rA-Ipoutoet are grown aad aoid. we know tatlolu. aonga and drills were glren
I potato corner caeept tt ta the between tbe acta. .-e entire program
one where Union and State atreeia was Tcry well gleen and reflected
leb credit upon the pupils and the
efforts ot ibeli teacher. Miss UnTbe naUrca in tbe rldnlty o( take bpoaey.
little glrU who look pan In the
Tleiorla are aaid to be aMMed wtib
the ‘Oleeplag alekBeea." That lion (be -Ddly Song~ and ibe Uttle boys In
Tonabavr Drtir did especially
taunt Of tbe eg-pratMent aad tba
ThrongbODt the enilre pro
parte tberefim nrely ongbt to keep
gram tbe pupllh showed that thry had
tbcM awake.
been well trained and took tbelr parts
Aa long aa tba bate o( the wonea falthlnlty. The parts la -Htewatha.re aa large aa tbej are at pre*»t. wbile dtmcBlt to handle, were taken
they wl.l acrer .otala the light ot by the following pupils aa If Ibey
cnffcii;. . lur th> .. mple reaaon that bad been old bands at tbe work;
Mlnnebaba—XevB Johnson.
lb- r cauuoi gut Into tbe elecUoa
ARWw Maker-Harold tardle.
Xokemis—EIttora Hoffmann.
ttltb ti lew more dan like yeatep
B/bj Hlawalba-Freddle HeCraw,
day. tbe popnlar occupation ot drown
Hiawatha—Harold DeGraw. /
ing angle wortM will becotta laoro
Mudjekeenls—Oordtm Valley.
popnUr than erer.'_______
Ugeo—Waldo Gilmore.
Paa-Pnk-KeenU—Itadore tardle.
Tbe tulttn erldenlly doea not eare
rhiblabli—rerre« Johnson.
I eacape tronble aad dlacord. Re took
n wlrea wltb him wbea be k>« bla
It tel M toe a tftla retard u
fc V tba ■krtaa bard. «M a tba
UM tcrdc Of tba eaostry. R la
Atbat Maee tba trM a tba year.
‘^Mtn ben Bold trea tbta
• dale tain brtBslac the laaUMAN. YMe becd waa BOt ObLb^ ata bit or alw netbodi
■ «r Matay -iBtaeretmL What
d Bt the atate
Itataaita na }nt ai well ta ao.dHteUUbd bf ptirate ovnara
"tnUdba.fMtp tbe proiu as r-tU.
ta ataed pretiouair, c <>'
Bl^ aOBBt be taade. Bncb herds
' Mt tbe reaalt of ctaDw or accidnt
' tat of cbtAI deelta- Orer la WUeoo
ita tbtr an aaklnc batter procreaa
tajUttUl, ata« the ntae Ueea
' ita'lB WtaltaB. bBt'Utefat:»a
' tata B MIranity at tBteraaia tbat tbe
taMkrand uoek nliiac faaiufee
or.tat iMiMeWalt Howerer, aa tbe
. u—ij ba»i OB aeOUBT nore tUek
ly,4ba dairy aad lira auek latemta
taU aacraapoodlafly laernaa ata
anr ta tba tint to make tba beplB' alpft .
beta Mat tbe pceeent ortaaln
tba wia be a BtlmalBB to aiallar osea
tbrmbeat tkm .eaetlea bbi tbat
. OiMUl Twaiae Ure atoek will
. tan ae ofoal rtak with Oroad Trar
e UMt and Onad Tiaieiae rege1. Am la BO rceai
wby It
cktay It ao will
tbnta makta
■ ttae. Btaey aad paUnca.
-Tbe flowern tbat bloom in the
apHag. tea la,' teem rnoauy to bloom
on tbe tediea bata
“Grand Ra^dt kaowi bow* to es
cape a flood this year, apparently.
Bnt maybe not yet.
Pratty Wta«iig at (ht Home of tN
•rWt Waa floteftmiaad at 7 OYteck
Tuaaday NttaL
Bert Kayweed of Oraad RapMs.
and Ulta Aagatt Hern of Went Filtebaatb Miaat were married at the
home of tbe bride at T e'deefc Tuesday
erenlnc. tbe Bet. Ft. Boer otflcUUng.
ceremony was performed la the
mot of a auBber of Wends mid
relalteen from Cadillac. Maalttee aad
other nearby dliea.
Tbe beat man waa Thoaua Hents
or Cadillac, brother of tbe bride^ad
tbe bridnmald waa Hioa Alice Heuaa.
r of tbe bride, alto from Cadillac.
Ttae bride waa cbamingly gowtu
cream voile wbile Use brideimald was
attired In cream nerpe- After the eerernonr. a dainty wedding supper wna
Tbe bride ii the dahgbter ot Mm.
Alice Reoaa and Is f ymmg wm
with a large number of (riendt. I
was formerly a Bell Telephoae Co.
erator la Us city. The groom is
Grand Roplda leleidioae man with escelleat proopecta and tbe yoang peo
ple will be at borne to tbelr frleada
In tbat city mfier Jnne 1,
nMD rpni^NEiis
: P .VV P o S F
c \ TV
btoat Pvtaucta.
Pork chops, per lb
Ne'w York, May. 5.—Poultry—Alive, Clearback pork, per
■ pork, per lb
aieady; chickens, broilers. SOQUr
fowls, ireniic; dresaed. flnU; chick
ens. 12lic: fowls, 1SCI614C.
Cbicaso. May 5—Poultry—Steady:
turkeys. I7c; chickens. I»He; springs
Sunday, May 9
Grand Rapids
Two loads of pototoe* were
ea the market ycaiergar. One of i
was of seed potatoes. Tbe tatere are
Miu gooted At 25 emits.
Grrenrnte. Mieh.. Uby S.-C. K.
Glliatm « Co. qiMie the bnylag price Potatoes ...
of pmtioes on the CreenrIIle market
at 75c; beans. »2Jft baste.
Chlcaio. May 6.-Pouioea—8l«dy;
choice-to fancy, gflcfftl: fair to gncM.
Wm. Upchurch, of Glen Oak. OkU.
was an exile.from borne. Moiintali
air be iboogbL would cure a trigbiful
luBg-racklng cough ibai bad defied all
remedies for two }-ears. After sis'
moaths he returned, death dogging his
steps. “Then 4 began to nse Dr King’s
New Dtscorery." be wrliea, "and after
lag six bottles I am as well
desperate long diseases. Infallible (or
Coughs to roMs ICdlspeU Hearse•css
Tbroai. Cares Grip,
ichkis. Hemorrhagea. Aathi
ip. Whooping Coogb. 50r and ft
..............tie lOf. guarasteed by S. E
“ g Co.
obown that a deeimbte InveMmeat bat three dtstlaet fea
tures; Mfety. reasonable Income aad
arallablUty (or tbe money, a narlnga
ncecnnl la this tank nfforda all these
adrantagei. bnt tta owner bat tbe addUonal conventeace of increasing bf«
aecoDDt from time to time. Just aa be
ii aMe. We welcoma depeelta from
OM dtdlar npwarda. paying t per cent
Deere’s Michigan Special
Pere Marquette
Ynong Oirit Arc Victims
of headache, oa well as older wo
bnt all get goick relief and prompt
care from Dr. King's New Life Fllb.
> Tiail Kalkaska comity tor tbe
Ibe erorld's beet remedy (or sick a
pnrfKiae of Investigating tbe good
nervODs headaches. They mabe pt
blood and strong - ''•res and build up roads gyifem. and report to Ibe eomyour I '! Ti
. at. 25c at 8. E.
Wa-. i s. .- .•
logbee Drug Co,
Rf- nsh a. taj.
shl|a< of tbe county and airertaln ttae
Itlona ot tbe roads and tbe wants
of tbe people In regard to them.
A Good
Dy Unwed Presa.1
Bast Buffalo. N. Y-. May a.-Caiile.
none: steady. «S2..A C.T5. Veala. 4W:
active, gCAfl.a. Sheep. T.«w: active:
lambs. gi; :.nfi I. Hogs. 2.T20: active;
yorkers. »T.r-^AT.M.
Chicago, May £.—Cattle—Receipts.
cMlmated at J7JIM: market steady
Isei.lS; Texas steera. f4.eoG5.7S
western ateem. 14.7005.7$; alockers
and feede>n. fS.aDO£-M: «>*»
heifers. f2.40O6.2S: calves. tSOT.
Hofi^ecelpts eMlmaied at 2T.(W;
market weak to Sr lower: light. fn.SS
07.U:' mixed. f6.)S«7.35; heavy. fT
frT IS; rough. f707.16; good to rhoice
licary. t7,15O7.40: {rigs. fS,?SC6.75;
bulk of sales. $7.2007.35. Sheep—Receipta estimated at «/H»: ' ntarkei
strong to lOc blgber; native. gS.IOG
6.30; western. fS.fOOSJS; yesrllnfs,
$6.2507.50; lambs, native, $ee$.80:
Tbm Traverat Cl^ Men Hade De- weeteni, f6.50C7.I5. Veal—Firm; 50 Hundredweight corn meal ..........SI.T'>
60 pound weights. 606Hc; 60 lo
olMd to Hake Homs.
David Ponton. Charles Proveocher ts pound weights. 708V: » 10 llfl
aad-Joe Diooghy left Tuesday over pennd welghlt, 9 OlOc.
tbe Pere Mtrouette for Cripple Creek.
BEANS. CoU where they will locate permaChicago. Hay 8-No change ae far
uenily. Mr. Ponton prevtously lived
Ibts week. The jnarket rema'lns quiet.
five yearn at Cripple Creek, but lot
Demand Is lame for all kinds. Offer
the loM three' years has Wa llrlng
ings are very moderate of domestic
Trarerae Ciiy. Hit'wife aad childbeans. There la no ahoruge, howev
Bay and grain lor ^e.
T« wlU follow later.
er, for there are foreign beans on rsic. Potatoes wanicde Jay B.
Detroit. Hay 5.—Benns-Spot.$2.r.O;
A Chicken Fancier,
Bendon. Hlcli.
if be wooM bare bis bens look sllrk October. $•
March 19-3 mot
nd tbelr featbers smooth must give
aem a tonic and ^a Harrctl s CondiPRODUCE.
Cbtrago. -May S.—Butter—Steady:
i^e Eren
chosen for Its mndldnal properties creamerieit. 23G27e; dairies, l»M<f
nnd there la atwolniely no waste In 24Hc. Eggs—Steady at work; flrsu.
the package, which Is full weight. Obprime flrala. 22c. Cbetwe—Steady
!>ery where at 25c per paefcv
Isles, I:.GISV: twin*. I4iiei5c:
1 by & E. Walt A Sons and
young Americas, I4^4tl4V-: tong
^ S^e
honia. i4M«l4He.
New York. May S-—Butler—Firm:
receipts'. 6.845* creamery specials.
28^G30c; extras. 29e»V: 'birds
Meeting was Held Voatcrdny and flrais. 22e28tic; held. 22G27e; state
Contlderablt BueinsM Tranaactdairy, common to choice. 2M?2te.
•ea—Win Vtett TowngWpa
■e—Easter; receipts. JJSO; new
state full cream, specials. !4Gt4^c:
rain will leave Travierac City
So colored, larta *Bd small. i:V; do
>:30 a. at.
Hetuming, leave
(inad Rapid* at <i:In p. m.
at tbe court boose, tbe Hon. Frank
A Cartajn Cure For Aching Feet
Hampton talag cbooen cfaalnnan of
board, and Connty Clerk RnlH-rt E.
To MUSKEGON > $2.00
Waller clerk, as prorided by law.
Tbe flrst Wednesday of each month
waa decided uppn as the day upon
wbich tbe.x«^ltsioDers ehall meet
at t o'cloA In the morning. Tbe «hmeeUngi are to be armnged tor accordtDg to the rules nnd regulations.'
It was.mdked and supported tbat the
clerk be aotborited to seenre board
tton< but to order to carry -on »nrii a
IMdMt Ibere Koat
.^utfieicBI (ucdt
MtaS 10 prOTlde aolraWc sroiind.. and
Mdtasa M tbat the »,in»p«Beni tf
wterprtae could be evened nub
«iMa' 4ttid] of aeoeata.
<li» MaodaUdii abouU Molrtre br
tm» U«Ulin»M bmbi to aecote per^immM rondi >od tondiota, and
Gordon Valley. Itadore tardle. wnile
^«f«er.«o do ae, acme mtea '
e tteeete In the city Hoffman. Harold tardle. Forwrt
ifln abtaJd be aAoptad.
There are
likiK ffl tieh aa we easa«t tare an At- tbat could ■
Ouarda—Ray Umlor and Cnrtls Gilnbui hiSt jrear. It wia ta w«t1 I without any r
ft tbe dUtem who bare to uae them.
Vb «ta Clad IB Bote the fotsiat
!«« *Br«T
r Md baltera tbat neb an
a wm do
I atBBdBTd «t lire Mack la
I. Lin otocfc «d
a la cha tat7 kisd of
A baM ta tba taauttr aod taalr k la
■ ta taUar or whetbar tbo aatUtaB aid lar beat.
suae, iwa Made of Iroa. and two loads small white. UMc. Egge-Baator; rect poUteea were wH^ et the etiy celpta. tIJI*; western Moraga. pack
ed. UHCSte: western SraU, gS«
seateo yeoterday.
tJHe: necaada.
Feed U blgber aoa. being tl.70 and
CUcogo. May 5.—Prortelons 11 the
praiag were umbenged 10 Sc tower.
Cloae; Pork-May. IIT.TS; July.
flTb*»n.»TH: Beptember. |17.»5.
(By United Presai
Lard—May, |!0.27li; July.
DetrkR. May t-Oone-R-bs
September.- »lbA0«|O5jt».
gl.«g; cora. T»c; oiu. Uc.
Chicago. Hay 6.—CJote—Wb«
gl.2i1(; com. ;sr; Otte. U%c.
Two toads ot coal, three toads of
A little talk about Farm Imple
ment buying for farmers
cbolesale w.-iy for
We have been bandlUtg Farm Implement* in
over three yetrt now. and when we And
flnd the number of hand*
pleraect baa got to go Ibiougb before It reat-he* the farmer and the
number of profits that le 'hiR.tn pa* berauseofthe faci.that the retail
dealer buying implemcidis oi/ time ba* to pay the manufacturer from
8 to 10 per cent more far the good.* provided be sell* them on llra^
•We believe, that'
be too g1l(d to boy tbolr Implement* on exactly the came termi aa
they sell tbelr poiatoei; for spot cssh, that la the < la*a of trade we
wish to secure. We have the finest Hoc of farm Implements there la
in any one esUbUtha^ent In Nonheni Michigan, and by selling Uem
for cash, we can take advantage of all the wh dte.ounth and make
you prieea tbat will a*t0n!ah you. All we ask Is for ksujb come to
our warehouse SBd lodk over our goods.
Among other thinsts wc wish to call }-our anenUon to Steel
^'agens. which are perlccsly satisfactory in every rctpecL They have
wood wheels, wood tongue, and wood taxes, otherwise they are mad?
entirely of steel and we will piiranlee them to carry a load of lO.taO
lbs. wltbont infary to any pan of them.
Among other thbigx w« have are Spring Tooth. Peg aad Dlsr Hartows, Cnltlvatora. Movers. 3teapers. Binders and Hay Rakes. We alto
bare tbe best Uuare Spreaders, that are on the market today.
UTien fn Trevlru* City, tail at our place of busioess. Bay and
. I’olon Sti. and If In teed «<f aBythlni before, correspond wltb ns. We
also carry a large line of rejailrs for tbe_machines wc handle. ^ ‘
•MTV g I
Very waly.
Jotah C. Morgan Co.
tn-lM ana IM.Bay SL . Travers. City, Mlrti.
II will pay y4M well to examine this plow
cnreioily belorc buying any olh^ ■
Speelnl Fcatnres.~WrouKbt Sieul Main Sluifiba.
Hiffb Carbon Htool Beam. Soft Center Steel Monhlboanl,—ontpr Ia$rr wiU mt 'glau. Full Steel Jointer Standanl arc! Foot
in one piece, Knn fieavjr .lojnter Cinmp and Klnck. Steel
Wbeel Slandartl. Larue Wheel. Long Bamllw Well Bnoml,
CiiilW «r 8U0I u.d.i,u. .H(h .WjmuUs Kh™., 12. l;i,.t II
inch, wide or narrow, pUin or culter poiate.
We both lose II you do not bay n John Deere
Farmer’s Supply Co.
deposiied in the TR.VVEKSi; CltV STA'I U BANK
is absoluu^ly safe.
Bui the modern fire-proof buildinf*. the strong safes,
burglar-proof vaults and wonderful time locks are the
least part of the safety.
Resources of more than $2,000,000 Oil. and Capital,
Surplus and Undivided I’rofits of $2s.V*00.00, make
this the largest and strongest bank |n Northern
We Solicit Your Account
Traverse City
State Bank
To The
nized OxfordStore
i rmoAV. MAT r.
omaeu-A. Tncr *Ur. PnstA«tl! B. noTi aiBCh. ViM PtmIAbu;
BMual OwMBA. Cwhler; A. J. Msr»n). A. X.L INfltaBd.
IN*ir................AwMUBI C*^
**mBBCrOB9<-A Trtcjr Uy. R.
TIN* CitocA. Mn. Juiliu T. Hunah,
s »« ecu ipJifvM M Tiae D9*a
K. B.>-Addml bU/OoIImUom i
tdCBOe nnrdlof lUnklM
> tte Trsvem Citr 8taUi
preparing Plant for ■ EulUblo
Hama on Their Property on
Caas Etroat.
One ot thi- old I
Blreet. the Ladies’ Ubrary balldlng.
changed baada -and wUl no
*OH' to be a bmlllar object on t
deal waa ctoaed Tueaday whereby
»WM at Elk' L»k# «ad W« «»• «t the property waa porchaacd littiD
___ »• Library aaaoeJaUoa by Sliorth* MdM RfWittW* Ewa«M A
OBD A lIuBler. cloUilag deak-ra. the
Took EMM Pkft.
deratloo ot Ibe tranelcr ie ttO.Report of tbe"i«h qokrterty
OOU. Which U In line with the price
vwtMa or tie XcB» «nd WUllewolcr or other pn>i>crty . aold on Kroat
SuBtey artool oowcUUcm heJd «l Bk aired In recent yearn.
l«ke. aSUrdky. April tt. Oar aoUo.
!man A lluntor cipccl to and
It uoceaaai’y in n abort time to racnle
*Be Dlllccst la BotlDW.'’
M«niia« •oMion.
the Imlldinc where they arc now lo. 06 Baal Pront aired, and
have decided to erect a buUdlog that
H. tPOBThwe—"How C»b Wc Piwwof lb« will aolt the needa or th^ir- growtne
Must iBtoreoUwr U»e 8uBd*y Schooir bttalDoaa. Tbe firm will clone out lla
Am pomto—Miw. CHteo.
rtocL in iti prcecnt location and iuat
As •apertoteadekU—iarw^l *<««• « beo balldUis opcrailona will be MartAi tMcberii-a.D. nTiilA
cd they arc not yet prepared lo alate.
-t>lseaMk»—Hr*. RoB SuKei. fol- The ptoperly haa a Troolagc of
Mwed by • Benoiwl dUch*»a*o In fed adjoining the new Flrat katton«hldi a •BToat may Tory food Bl bank bulldliig. bM U one ot tbe
beat plecet Of pro^rty on Proal
I. It la the object of Bbennan A
Hnnler to erect a sulnlaatlal tuodera
gbc bolac abwnl. there waa a feaer- building that wUl not only be ai
ai dlMMlon on UUs *ab}eet.
aamenl. but will be aulled to tbeir
or orcaDlaed daai
Mn. Boae Hosrie.
IB probable liiar the Ladles' UtUa waa a apleodid paper. teRlat biary bulldlug will tmt be wrecked
--May laUreatiBs Uilnci abont orgaa- but wni be moved to anoibcrHoeatloa
land elaiaea
and devoted to other purposes.
Wbat Can We Do to Promoto ttte
Plana for New Home,
IMareaU of the Temperuce Can^?—
la (be neaBtime the Ladles' Ubran'
Mia. Baitoa. tolloaed by an open dli- saoclatlon' will aecore temporan
badquartera for ib< lr library meetInga. It is stated by tbe officers uf
There U to be a eotmty tonr Inatead
asaoelatloB howeyer. that they
«f a rally. Tbe ooaveaUoe In onr
proceed immediately lo pn««ro
aaacclatlw to tako place ot tko third
for a new home of ibelr own.
Tbe aasoclnilon now owes a very de
t ot the ncboolt sirable lot (SxlSO feet on Casa a
ware read by tbe aecreUrlea.
adjoialeg tbe posiofSee property and
Owe Of the moat Interaating fua- It U tbeir purpose to uretl a itructnro
tnrea at the day waa a claaa of boya suiuble to tbeir oeeds and In keeptng
WKh their teacher (roa the Barker with the character of the aaroclailon.
Own Ewaday aebool. TMi proved Tb'o style and material to be adopted
niNMdiia. Why cannot other tenchnot y« been decided upon but
era eoww and brii^ tbelr(elaaaea?
It will be or either brick or atone.
0*l*g lo eteryone UklBg part
is tbe desire: ot the ladles to
have tbeir new borne ready lor oceu
pancy by September If possible. When
mmt Unto.
completed ibis structure will be
Evonin« tonalcii.
very bandaotne ornaaieal. It ii not
algaed by the ladles to devote It
the Ear. M. TlmDpaoo.
renui jrarpoaes but to ate it exclu
sively for tbe assodallOB and have it
bww Arm the fooadatlOB of'thelr <
clatkm was laid, bai bocoma a mattar
ot record to tbe very aaaala.oLTnv>rao City Itaelt.
pirat Chanar OMinad.
- The opening of tbe yw ino tonad
71 books In the poaaeaaloa ot the aaaocUlloa. 61 of whlcb' word .donated
and 16 bought In 1671 the first charter
was obtained, and tbe U U A. waa a
Blaed Imellcctual and social powthe little village. Seven }
'la 1676. saw the ereettoa ot a
building, and all Traverse CHy «at
Itroud or Its --Udiet- Ubrary." In
ibr L. U A. became a (pember of
Hlcbiiao Bute mderallon of
WoDPD't clubs, and In tbat organtuUoa bu bacB n-cognlavd as one of
the plooorr cUibs of (he slate.
Tbe story of Uc Ladles' Ubraiy aaaoctaUoB Is one of strwdy gtowlb.
carctul bnslucss mclhoda aud tbe sub
stantial .consiTvaibuu of . an expnr-.
It aoed .orgaalxslkra. la IMI the 60ycar charter baring t-xplrud. a new
rhancr was Ulued. and ibc U L. A.
fell a frcab llnpetus for even butter
thlnga. It waa about tbU time that
loda! afU'rnpcm wab started,
abich baa proved such a succcu
many ways. At these uectlags Ibc old
spirit of neighborly compaaloi
WeMtiig Of JEBh Rreedfeet and Hlaa.
Netlia UrEla Will Oocur on
In bemor of tSThrtde^lect. MUa
Nellie Lardlc, wboee marriagi
Jack Broadfooi oectira May 16. Mias
Jennie LoadOB eateruiDOd Tneaday
right at a 6 o'eloek dinaer, there b«ig lu gnesu present.
The- color acheme was lavender and
»k>loU. liacd as decoraUont. each
guest havlag a bWb ot vIoleU at
place, the bride-elect baring a spec
ial bouqnol. Tbe plscv catvL
band palnled vloleU. with appropritoaata. VMei ibadus aofteued tbe
light from the ohandcller. making
very pietiy .effect.
VIok-l liiibonii
suspeaded from tbe cbandelier
Iq ibe'ivioter of ibyublr. Tbu meuu
Orape FVuii.
Roast Chifken. Dteaelag, Gravy.
Cream Potatoes.
Qrcua Peas.
' Jelly,
Cherry Salad.
Cheese Walulw.:
Heart Shaped Ice Creapi.
Salted 1‘ci.aua, Atier UiTuer Candles
The evening was very plcoeanlly
siM-nt by tbe young ladtes,, and a
guessing coaiest. -Tlie Flower ot Bomaane," was the feature of tbe even
ing. MIm Mabel Bldred wlaning first
renting a bomi- Is not at all alineAfter o
it wlr.htlve to Ibi- members of tbe asaociallon,
y have worked maoy years tor
bomc they bow have aad aow dogip
slrc to take a rest.
long labk's decorated with geraniums
Have Money te-BulM.
and marguerllvs and all n'bdy for the
As suicd this mortnlOA they
lonty to build, baring a considera entire cumpsuy tu all down lo Ihc folpiwahn Who Blow Into
ble amount out at Interest and tbe as- lusbig meuu:
Ewaday CoaU Not Obuta
Pressed Chicken.
socIpiloB-does not owe a rent to any
naked Boana.
one. Its ofBoemfkave always made^ Pouio Salad.
Ham Sandwiches.
eelaBa. liicb.. Uv 4.—Uollow
rule MTcr U
td^Uwcl debts tor any
tad w... Moated taeea two thing, .and eseJpl lor ibo debt whlcb
Maple Syrup.
derelleu awtored a local
UB Ibu original boildlng, wbeo
eri'Clvd. they hH\e acrer owed Awsortedpake.
repBvI. inuaic and games
anybody. tVheo they started, the assa
RaUirdny ninht'a dcbanch bad l«^l elation knuw that they could my for were t-nJo}<-d Lyall and It was
(heat in an awTul crndliloa. Being that bulldina and tbev have dooe aq late wbt-n tbe happy cek-bratlun cmlacraagera a bo Ud drttM b here They have aow come to a rqalirsitoB ej by tue guests going home.
from aoBie of the plaoea _at
d ihe hopes wbleb they taavt- eutc
dry. ibcy were oaaware ot tb>> bet tained for a great many years.
that'the ajifoa kceprr* here abide by
This desire U of double Importani
(be bw.
because It will add soOther fine bui
The two mn ehoar the
ness structure to Front street, also
Edwin Black la tlic First President
aa a UkMy place lo gel aa "eye openhome for Ibe Ladies' Library i
ot the Jersey Breeders Aaaocla- iv^“ Jwt wbre aadiy oilaUken. One ot aoclsUoD which wUI'be a very bandtlen Formed veaUrday.
#m goaded on by tbe ftetee cnTtag
>meal lo Caaa street
kr wbtaky otorud tbe proprleiw • monament to the efforU and dlllgrai
Tbe lullowing officers were elcvU-d
Eve doliar gold piece tor^a plat. -9a«t work Of tbe ladlea o( the aaaociaitoa Bl Ibe meeting of the-Jersey Breedhc.matwrad Utlckly from be for maay years past.
asoclation which was organized
tween tala cracked and cwoUea llpt.
Thursday aftornoon at the
early Days.
-But bla eraTlag for the flald wi
Id the aummer of 1869. Jusi lo yonn bouse by W. p. Raven, field agent of
AOt aaiiaAed. They bob left, only i ago. an orgaalutlon calleB tbe La le Michigan Hteedcn' aasoclatlou;
man once more and betag retnaed dles' Ubrary
President—Edwin Black.
Vice pmldenl—D. M. Blodgelt.
the aceond time with an Invitation
Istenee; the charter osmbers being.
iwvb. they purefamaed two botUea
Seemary-lreasurer—James Harris.
Mrs. Morgaa Bates, Urw. M. E. C.
catasp. SUatlng It with warm water Bates, Uts. M..K. Back. Mrs. B. 8.
Plrectors—DaUd Roush, WuUam
Piall, Mrs. L. 'W. HobUell. Mrs. F. Grant. Tbe aaaocUUon gUnt out with a
I.sicy Arnold, Mrs. 8. C. Fatler. and
ice memberablp, and the pros
Reabea Hathh.
a brare adveature la iboae
If days, when Traverse City was
Tm Kaihaaka Itan Warn PlMd N
ly a lumber town, hewed from tbe
arid Caata by dwatlea Wllaan.
Kills Her Fde Of 66 Yaara.
James Ooaey and W. M. iduie of MIehigaa torest. But the spIrU of aeal
he movi aiercllev. enemy I bad lor
eathnalaara wblN
ears,'' dedares Mrs. James DuuKalkaska, ware Eaed $i and tUi
or HayacsttHe. Me., ''aas -Dj'senma aaeh by Jostlce W. J. Wlboa at hearts of the pioneer wornra. has been pepaU.
I suffered intensely after eat
years, a biased trail. Madlag
Eafkaata Twaaday night. Tbs mu
lag or drinking and could scarcely
tbe way to
eanght tro« baa Ihas seren laches
sleep. After many remedies had failed
and several doctors fare me up. I
Inng. Bau Depwty AUn SaUh d soeceja.
Electric Dltier>. which cure# me
tkR city happnad along and made aa AI that time the weman’s club move- tried
ramplelrly .Now 1 can eat anj-iBlng.
taapaeOu and the armta ahd Enaa sent was la. lt*-Mlaacy. But
am 70 years old and am overjoyed u
sacb organlzailoBa as the L. L. A. Ig*t
my beollfa and strsagfii back
then existed in Mlcfalsaa.
agalB " For IqdlgesUon. l-aiaa ot Ap
Por way gala, from tap <b toe. from idea liaelf waa a bold oae and iu petite. Kidney Trouble, l^me Back.
Female (-WnpUieta. lU aaequaled
aE/eaaia.agBif Pr.naMtKdeatHc earfrtng out mean courage sod akin. Oaly 66c at 8. E. WaK A Bom, C. A
Ecaal nay wEtrt U it sMl How W«a These eight veaes bnllficd. Bagbeo Drag Cm, Haiaab A Imy.
■---- FMSS
FOR nss LARDS '•"“BStafast'-""
Twenty years ago yesterday. M
and klrs. £d PI^Ilps ot Elmwood town
ship were united In marriage. Tbele
bceamu aware of tbe dale
Of Uie anniversary and last evening,
about 60 of them tendered Mr. and
Mrs. Pblllps a most picaaoat surprise
by calling la a body.
The first pa’' of the evening was
pent Hi playing progressive pedro.
Irv. Peter Sebcldel winning the first
prize, and Mrs. Artbur Schneider.- the
rollowing the podro game. Hisi
elle Halveraon played the wedding
Diareb and the happy couple
marrbed Into the parlor, where they
found that all pTvparatioDS evo
and bridrrsmald. had
been made in marry them all
agaln. The ceremoD) Waa performed
by AI
Albert Lauincr and Mrs. Peter
Zlmmeroun and Prank CanSbl^'sUtor
and brother uf the bride, acted '
brldesaiuia and best man respccilvi-
Q- TATE or UIcniQAN. THS T«»
u tbu Inicllectual culture ot iis
a ouDibcr of y<-nrs the aubjcct
lew llbrsry bulhilug has (ict-e up
permost In tbe minds uf the uiem
and eapeelally dear to Ihc beans of
tbe fine caeeutUc board which ha
wisely governed the affairs of ILO daooclailon. Aailcipating this project,
tbe fine pk-ce of property was pur
ebasud a fe'W years SRu.on tlass street,
adjolnlug Ibc pusioffice. when- the
iDCUL home of tbe L. L. A. will
finally be placuA
Fife Lake, illch.v May 4.—G'.-orge
Thayer Is Kpendlng a few days In,
raverse CUy.
Tlu' Infant child of Walton Rarey
d.ed Friday and waa buried Satur-
day Evening in the PrcMncC of
Large Number of Friends.
Miss Rose Newell, who has been
bmking M extended visit will)
parents. Mr. and Mrs. B.- F. NewcU.
left Wednesda.v for Delroll. Her moth
er accompanied her.
Mrs. T. Y. Kimball vlslled friends
loa n several t^ya of Iasi week.
Miss Zala Crooun ol Kalkaska, t lsited Miss Florence Gregory on
B E. Smith, ot Traverse City
, town OR business Wednesdsy.
Miss Molly Clark Is visHlng her
aUter. Mrs. B. L. Curtis. In Jennings.
peni Sugday with bis i«reut». 6lr.
and Mrs. C. DUberg.
Mlfs Nellie Foley, of licoton Har>r. U visiting her molber. Mrs. Wil
liam Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Hodges and
wero 4o KIngsIc.v
Mr. and Mrs. W.N.Tcrry.who have
bot-n vlfclllng her sister. 6lrs. Reuben
U-ani. returned lo their home in Elyr. Oblo, Saturday.
Pearl Straub. ol.-Maatoa, vIstTod hU
hiiT. Mrs. A. V. Whipple, over Sundv.
Mrs. Anna Witbercll, who bas been
visiting with friends In this vicinity.
Went lo Cadillac Saiiirda.v.
The Keep Sweet'- claas held Iheli
uslncas meeting at tbe bomeef Mr*.
G. B.‘ Dogherty. Wednesday .-vcnlng.
The following officerv wen- elected:
rresldcm. Louise Hutchins: victi
ul. Fanny Crego; -secretary,
Andean; ireasuriT. Gertrude
Tbe Seldor lilhle riass will bold
Ihi-ir business meeting at the bume of
Ih-rt 'Darpion.-. Friday evening.
May 7ih.
Springfield Township.
During the severe clectri.al
which vUlled this vicinity Thursday
lightning entered th. Uoumor E L Snyder, ex-tveasurcr of Siirlrig
field lownsblp.tore op tbe floor, biv-.vkIng one sleeper, broke two clfiir* aril
set the bouse on fire in seieral places.
By prompt m#aiun-B tbe fire was ex
tinguished wlihunt outside help. The
ramily were fonunatcly unlzjncvd
The lightning entered through tbe ici-ntaone. it not being {irovlded
;iound wlr«.
W.,A. Sinclair went to' Kalka.vka
yesterday to alteod a mecliiig of
board of auperrlsora.
John Btrabaa Is making Hnprovc
menta on bli barn by the addllloi- of
n» w bip rpof.
Tbos. Hiaes of South Springfield
u> the guest of Fnak Cogrwell
and wife Wedaesday.
Frank Colman of- lonhi. was visit
-lug relatloBs here last week,
Judge of Prabata.'.
bale court for the county of
t a s<-eslOD of said court, held i
probate Office. In tbu cll>' ot Tra
erw.- t'il.t. in said county, on the SSu
ly ot April A' U.
■■ 1909.
----Preaem. Hun.
Fred. R. Walker,
•tc of
or prubale
1 ihi- muiter of the estate of WUlini Harrison, deceased.
Ellen r. Oonani havln
ring filed In uid
r prillloD pray lug the admlnof aald estate b.e grauied
grauK to
leiiry Ham
IV other sultO. P. CARVER A enOTHER MUST ble person.
It Iss ordefeil.
ordered. That the
Ibe I7lb
ITib day ot
May A. D. 1»1>. at ten o'clock la tbe
forenoon, at said probate offlre. be and
Ik hereby appointed foe bearing said
sem They Occupy Has Alsnys Roan petition /.
1< is Jarihor ordered. Tbat public
an inauranec OfRcc Elnoa RuijE
noUcf tbcrvui) be given by I'libllcailoii
Ing was EuHt.
of a copy or {hit order, for three suecesrlvo weeks previous to ssld.da) of
Wltb tbe abake~ In leuanls oc
brsrlug. In the Grand Travel/..- Herald,
pylng Front aireei buildings caused a newspaper primed aud clrculaied In
by the transfer of the Lndles' Library
ling to Sbennan A iHimer. comes
Judge of Probate.removal of ibe lii“urance busi Apr M > M»y ^14
ness of O P. trarvcT A IJni, to n
quarteri., the present quarleni In i
L L. A. building, having been need
D-l>uU having, b<--u made In tbe
offices from the time tbe yndIHc.iis
of a morusge, made and
building waa erected.
-IlD and Sidle' Brown
‘ucker liiuw dco-asedl
The first insurance office to open Us
Ibe souihni'/.| nnartcr
Mrs to the public in this building the soitlliwest
quarter of siTlion
as the firm ot Steele A Tltut. tbe flfieen il.'ii, township iwetiiy-six t*6i
E. Steele, who north, range ten (Hi) wesi. dated
rerord.-d lu offlio ot
later located in CalUorula. and C. O.
of Grand TraveruTitus, who died in 16$0.
nty. Mirhigan. January Hk D>oi. In
,riil| Ibc death of C. O. Titus, D.
Liber 43 ol morigages. on page 402.
Titus, conducted bis half of the bu»I- Tbe said luorlgage will be force
by a lak- of the, above d.»crlbed
neus. and later a man.by the name
Lang purchased ibc entire twalncss. Hou..................................
elly of TraveraB tTly.
Lang conducted the Insurance busi
VO o'.
• • p.
ness alone (or .a Ume. and tben he
for one hundred afvenly five and
coffloililed suicide.
28.IVU <617.3610 dollars, ibv amdunt
cUinied to be due at lhl> date, lohib abstract baslness to O. C. Mot- geiber with .-lewii and 47-100 (611.471
and when Ibe Insurance business dollars for taxes paid <m said pr<'pilses
ihereou. wlib Interest
ngAi lit tbe mscki-l through the and
the *whole amount from this date at
death of Lang. O. P. Cnrver purchased seven per tvnt. |>er aiiiiuiii. nnd IniliidIng the costs aud expenses aliowed l.y
Ibe business la the suniuicr of 1
bod uklng ID partnerablp 0. H. Ti
Dated April In. A, D. I!*'*:'.
tbe two conducted the business
i/ons G. wii.usox.
years. Jusl two yetra l>i a
from the day the firm of ('Arvrr A Ti
meut of Iklta 8.1
tus was organized,
Y M. WllJiOX.
Carver conducted
orlgagee. F
from tbat date until about eight years Apr. M-Frldays o July 16
ago. when he took as a partner hi*
brother Frank Carver of Angola, lud.,
Arm being known as O, P. CarA llro. Just where iht-y will i
ilii'ir business is not yet khown.
:3.-.fi.Msy 7 14
_______ •
11^ J5SS
New MunaoB Btk.
ClUaeaa teleptaOM; otfieo, 766; rUR
idenco. 60?.
>ak to be diroetod to Mi otfica oR ,
poiUe Sbermaa A Huatar.
Do not bo icasdlreMod.
.« ■
Gold work of tho Tory taat
Porcelain inlaya.
' ’ ^
ilBleae eilraexlOB.
ucs .
. ^
Office honra 7:60 t« UtM. 1 fa %
Other hour* by requeat.
F'rtaci B. F’edorspital
J. F. Shear. Beach, Mkh.. wHiea:
I have Used your llarveirh I'ondiilon
'owders lor pn-r ten yi-ars. and b»>.Iways loUDd Ibeiii Jnst what my
horses and calilt needed when out of
aorls. They always brlug hsik Ihc appetlic. My stuck show the it-suIU
Sliicv feeding Harvell's t'-ondkl
Powders 10 our poultry they have i
bei'ii troubled with chok-ra or rot:
id we get loU of i-ggs. Sold by S.
nil A Sons and K E.-Miller.
Farms and City Properly
Boagbt, sold and exebanoed
Boom 1-4 Magotic BMtr., Traverae City, Micb.
Mrs. Ed Dodds left today for Trout
Lake, for a vUii wiih friendA .
Miss Nina 8hcarv-r went lu Bnyuc
Falls today lor a vl»!t with friends.
To Mothers In Th< Town.
riuUiwa wkosredvlWsu. fMerWti sad eras
Moias'-h ar.ralhsllvw.msk1a(svleklrchild
airenc sad hmlUiy. A rmain nm for vronat
have («ntraeied with one of the
laryaat woM mills In the aaat for Ida000 pounds of Michigan Fkeco Wool,
so a must purchase (he wool to deliver,
and I am willing .(e pay the full
aide market
Mil Or contrict
poilr wool to anybody alee unUI you
got my prict. Alee. I have ihippcd
from the wool mill enough wool twine
Houseman Siding, belonging t«
Dlab Co- of Traverse Ctty, Is being its tarniab atl my eustomera free of
lessened by trains of five or six
large, as to save using blnding-tsvlne
any other kind which should dam.AND POR EALE-4WH Sec- 14. pga Otd weak Pleaat call for U whenTown If X. Range 6 W. Township aver you aae randy.
of I'nloD. Grand Traverse eounty.
address. Alice R
Towra, Go«l*3n,. Mil
Apr. SO-T
20-Turs lo May II*
FREE—Tbe use omT
orchard land, good i
• penlDsnla. three mth
er»e City. Only requirement—esuHon In prevenllag t^ry to tr«et
from plowing^ sad cultlra^^T.
tale court lor the eoastr < ,
pose borae. weight abMt
Grand Traverae.
R. liarak. Balos.
Apr. >-(t
probate office, li
• n:y. in aald couaiy.
txMDiy. tOB Ihg UtRTATE OP MlfHIOAN. THE PRO- day of
.. April
..prll A. D. 1M9.
' bale eoun tor the conaty el
Preacni. Hon. Fred.
rpDd Traverse
la the matter ot tbe estate ot Clareace J. Harpham. deceased.
E Thompson, deroased.
Notico to-hereby given that four
o-------- . --iMUidi* havtofil '
nWDlbs tram the 91b day of April A.
patRtBB pngrlag -,
D IMt. have bven allowed tor that said couri
asfi da- ^
. lUAU
ditora to present tbeir claims lerniine who were at tha
tlma o( kla ,
dost said dei-eased tasald raurl toT ^eaib the legal brlr* ot
>f said I*——
daeiMN ■
examleatloa and adjustment, and that and enlllled to Inberll
It the re.
real aMUig '
all creditor* of said lleceasrj are re of
which maid deneased
--d died
d a____ _
quired to present their claims to'aald
It Is ordered, that the 17th Aap N.
(Ourt. at tbe probs:e office. ' ‘
May A 1) 1»<W. at tea o'dotk la A. .
of Traverse nu lu salj roi
foranouD. at said probate office, bo aW
before tbe 61st
nist ds> of August
A. U 1. hereby appointed for haartafi^NU -im, gad that,
that said claims wlU
. .. be
heard by said conn'oa
nun oa-Tuesday
further ordered. Thai
31.1 fiay of Auguri A. D, IW,
hereof be given by put..^___
o'clock In Ibe forenoon.
py of ihts ordim. tar tk(qa gn- i
Dated Aprll’»th. A D. 1909
Judge of Probate.
a nea^i^Ti?^ aqlgizjraUiad lB
Apr. 30—May 7-U-II-SR
said rouifij
Your Fruit Trees
Probably you intend toi! ^ If so, we are interested,
Wc have the veiy best Blue Vitriol, araenate of lead,
Pari? G-ee.i, etc, that we can buy. You will not be
dissappointed in results if you \>urchase Spraying Mat*
If you want quick RCtion and prompt Mrvic*
at all times send your orders for Sash, Doors,
Mouldings. L.u.mber, Shingles.
Work. Cottage Material, to
Lath. Shop
SouBi Side Lumber Co.
Cltz. Ptai48l. Itiinoit 130
X.O.CaOISER. Reedvw' !
oiwNO niAvcftn houvo.
'«ru -To
Bay«^‘ BMhar oaor Bodca Sarardar
April n. a <
««a BuBdar
Alloa and
Ura. Jastea aod Mn. Jamtaon atteadtd tbP-U O. T. M.M. aapper-at teare for .Sew;
Grand Traverse Region
.daofbier. Un. T. J. C*n»A la Trt»rroD ber aen. Tbeodore SIOBaia. toraa•rtF CItr.
Mr». J^ter Iltuili aad Miaa Ratb erly well koown hare.
- fMch «h* H.r.w aMlM Mt njorne veal Balurdai Jo T«
Un. Femaoo la calnlu very aloi
r aa abe la very- weak- Mn. <k>re. t
sod ;|venue,
avenue, U aiayiaa
aiaylDK ^iti
^Itb br
„.. aod Mr«. i.ow»H Sewn otUaded
cburcta Id RIk fUlrtda Bandar. '
Un. Uaier InoU and Mlaa Ru|l<
IgtB Tf*tigT*r CHr. wbere ahe apeoi
r. « «,-.n»eeU «hla week
Thumlo)- wltb Jlra. iamn Doao.
n «ll Soora *M a Trmnrae City
_____ ___ Badcl'--
fhioav. hay
Ladlea' Aid w<7l meet at Mn.
W. Browa'a
nn'a Thunday.
Mn. Colter
OoUe CKpecu
borne la Tm
tfcU wrek Vr. Yiww^rt hw
r^flo iSf r»llro«d *lwr* be »m
Ur and MraMra. Claui .^cb. of Good
ouv day U»i
D. H I>a> and ana. IW
Satarday from a trip to C
ba'^tb Wibday by aoln« tnnniat la
he anemuoo and to Cedar to iodite In
kin Franna Tbonpaon. of Uurtley.
relumed lo ber home Monday •t''•
week aiieni with old frlenda and nelah
JS.'';;.,'::.."" ■. r.'SiS.s
- —
’ widneaday 1.'
■.' a
b-i -r ^.o: I.......... j„. I»UU Uarm ^
•ended the a
a««7 Mertiall I*.
.. oo Ibe L.J, .
„ •t..„hu Aid
taeia'a tana.
.)« .f ih» hnna. ol .'.in. UavM k
-nd U:- ■ ‘rta wen ai
rIalUM at
UmIbv Ihp saeat • 'i^r children.
i.-wla and tainly and Bthel
Boadl aad boahaad.
*"jHel Edith Grinder la lo work in
Cke^aad riallad Un. NoDalar
Cbarlea Teancut. ol Freemll. la bark
uSirta aad wife vUUad' Mn.
Bark l^wl______
"<^arln Uoflar 4a *one to Hoaor.
Tbe Beaile
Mr. and Mre.
B-Mli- Couii'v
and publlaber «(
la*ad^r. for dinner ni Ihe Hotel yUale
HuDor oil May
daya naa very »ioi
• nniber pre'eel
m^terd-a Saaday ackpal rtaaa
•( yoaaa ladlea met at Ibe Aome ol
4taiW C«oper
Cooper Saturday aftemoou fdr
Tba t^dJaa' AM wiU mo
CBaa. Hayea TbundaT.
.. v-_
' V 4ln. Jtte Oaraa. who bai aiwri :
>aaa -t«o weoka with ber d <- shi<
MTA WiB. Curry, reinmod V< .
. Bar home la Traverae.
The" Sunday'aVhwi Ik planulna
ChUdreo'a Day
A Rood time
„ive Children'
The new
new flare'at,Wexford la doinc a
"vs.“ ■■:■.
■KV........ ..
Does Not Stimulate
. back
Ayer’s SaniqiariBR does not stimulate. It does not make
______ _______
Helea Burr went to Travel
Sa^ay to work for Mra.
'inere is not a chop oi aiconui in ai-
Hnrvey A.
til^r iMIcblRan's 'blind
po«-i. a
author aod lerlurert (cill occupy
the pulpit al the Ovlat M. E. church
on Sunday tnorulim. .May Pib
Puller U well known tbrou^out th.
alai/e ua a apeaker of no nM-an ability
People will be well r>‘tuld f
beai bim apeak
j^ru-To Mr. and >lni Wm
H.'neber Wekt o bmena Baiurday
returnin* today.
Mr Slewari. tbe KalicRb Men|edy
mao, i^M-d ibrpURb our illlaie laat
Mis John Heinke. «Ao bar been so
very sick at t.ake Ann. lawoiiie betUT.
Bberman Aniidou Is workiiiR
James Sullivan had two shk ho
ift week
A 11. Fisher ami Orval Ih llliiRer
lade iwo trips to t>laud last week
;|:b lombei'.
May 4
r of leilihf maple
so >e ejn'i think
'lipir belpR ■
»f ellRai- i«M i
In Ihia nelRhUirlinod are
' A tiiiinbeinil
irybiR: the new Uelecel M-|«fltUf.
la belploR
M»- M„ Mable BracebrldRe. tbla
. i.'n.'i* .ha* hi' 're.cream
ii -I'-i- ’•■’1 h’a-t
Mrs H. O Campbi-n. rstb .Si.
Traverse City. .MIHi. r.iy*'. "Expefi
allb kidney reiiH-die* haa UnalK
there J» a sure .-un- lor ktd
tbe us«. ill Uoau's
ney complaint
Kidney Fills. R
mv sboiildcrs
l.s.-k, Ihul ms
si.Mip ill lili *i-ie apme of tb.- 1
hies from «bli-li 1 Kiiffer.-il
Kidney I'llls. pnviired a< tin- '
Drug Co. relleied nw and in vie
my experience 1 lake pl-asure lu
dorsinR this remedy , For sale by all dealer*..
Fosler-MHbum Co. HuKalo.
rolc apcnlt lor ih
i uu nave uic Mswy,
even gain that comes from a strong tonic and attentive.
We wish you would ask your doctor about tfall>; He
* iws. ’Hristhim. Do as he says. j.c.A^'' r flf*
ra Kate Sanford le hatln* a brlrk
It Can B« Done. So Score* of Trav>
• made lablrh will make it
era* City CItUena Say.
acioiimiiKlate her
Mra. n Carponler. who la v
>r jwu-enla, Mr. and
Mn. Batnnd patroua tbe (tmilna ■umuer.
e pains ol rheamatlsui.
Goftar. la over at Honor tbla week.
e tiredeiUl IwliiiR,
one day laat week of Mr. Blackherbr
W, S. Goflar baa soar to Kai
■ach the spol—Ret ai tbe
PlowliiR aeeina to h<- the order of
Wm. BurnleMoa aud wife a
s -Its the kidney*
In most
Ick al Ihia are fur the hid
l>oau'a Kldm-y
Mn. Caante U rUltlnc in the nelsb-1
Bert Mattlee la movias tbit week. 1
laaac Huff dmve to Cedar Rao Tnea-
in town laai Wedneaday.
MUe Anua Baxter anil Iwwiher. B IIIMn'c*'!. Hannalord baa aold ber
,IU. .lalied rrlailvee In town la>
farm and moved away to Tra»
*Mn John Tobin, ol GI«oiu.-re. vl,
Un J. W. IMckenaan and Warren
• ' ni-ek.
lied in town U«l
iatted at C -kV. WiUlama. at Maple
i;hapii lan.
City, tbe flat. It belDl bh :ilb Wrth
Armour A Co.
day aod be rererved a ahoner of voatal
Ibe e.ore Krid
U« ibree 1*mm W wort.
Mlaa Audle TaylorJa
rarda and leitere lo tbe iiumbv of »»
of Soul
Jnrnea Burdl
• Hrt. >ta«ilnf»r »Ul««l ber a*o*band Ae wa> aurpriaed and oucb
lau (onD tw tbe rear.
. , ■ ,Non«:
'‘Thp“M^iIJ^ilKer Bwid 8. 8 rla« «l
•Tasera mill baa alarled up aod la
youns people Irom here
elchl Utile *lria, «a\> a pro*nm ••on- dolac cuaiom nawlnp.
daniv at Empire Saturday i
nufut and xKe
Mr. ud KliiloK of a-paBuinilmi- and a canuia
Mn .8 B. Cate ham flniahed aasar.
Mn. Quit
Monday etenlbr al the churcb. Thia
BKIe Brow. U ' "-Visi* it HUri «a< f<dIowed-»r-fanr, tiarrbln*. each
bl« pa
KeiMB at B >• = ->
In town laai Sundayi,
Itenia <V'. •«« T.r.. -!
r, i
Un. Jobs ABaa
•’ aiul Mrs R K Campbell, two
rhildfeii. Marh>rie and l^flle. spent
the da» in Traierse
Morcan and Ida-SU-kle were Trav.
I'liy iMIinrs lodai
ura reiurnrd
murtird IHaturday froi
k busllinas
isllinas trip f.i ChiiwRo
CortisioCk and• daURhli
I Cortisi
returned IbU •-teniuR
Bay .
The infant .liHd nj Mi and Mr. It
Rvan died on Monday laat aod was
biirrled from ibe liouie on 1 uesda;.
The Ke> A Beulill oSIciallliK.
JaiMb Jaeobsoh i' ereciinR a new
rvsldi iii-.- on bis lot
I. It Pe.A speiii Sunday- at borne
returnllif; to Heimfo.-ih's I'rOssiiiR Ibis
iitoK a here hi- is don
doiuR some bUlId
lot tiro lleimfiii
Ilia li
Nol a'nythlUR. a. yiT, ha* he.-u hi>ard
Inim the owners of tbe stiiel tlRhter.
as. lound by Capl
Fvedrii-ksoh. ol The Ann Arbor i-ar
ferry So I. near Fox Island on Friday
The Itorolhv/K. will run an exctir
Sion to 8iil'i^Jlii> oil Saturday. May
tiih. BiiinE all whk ailili a ebaoce to
aileiid tin-tsuodayl achonl ennvenlion.
U I. Topif ten .-iiiiday. M*> ?. -Msk
Ins a tiiie-t of Christ" le-ader. laJUle
!•ulmall '
• Fri-d I'urki-s' li-alii ran away
The wagon ta-lnc com
pleU-ly demoHabr-*
Tbe Uadlrs* I
oclety wil
meet on Friday
i with Mr*
Kate Wilson
Id their hall ou Friday Whins,
Mumpseh »
It aiiiiaeu t............................. .. .
i Wayne, lud. when be apenl a
•k's vareUoo
'be IVOman's club met at the boiBe
Mrs W F RoberteOB on Tuaaday
.. Miss Xcltu- XeUoB Rave aa arth
on, "The Charlol Races ol Pa*aa. " Mias Barnard a very IptereplInR one on. "The I.iirc-of Ameriea"
The Woman's club wlH ntrrl with
Miw J F Mathews On Tuesday alter-.
mI;, Bate, is very ill
8. W Forler i
Mrs Wairen linxsie Is. la Traverae
Cllv lailiiR lor her dauidilt-r.
Hon>--To Mr. and
Ijiuiuei. n St]
dsuRliier* , aad
Mr* Want
Mr. Hounhlou I
pOlIUiR In a wall
lo have
rountrv 1
*>• 4
How's THIS?
BuAM DbOm lUw^Yw
Wstft.r ttns Bui
was clv.-ti last week b* 'p^i
Kelt li-mCiii
Als.nl -ixtv
lleurv Sitvii. a*-l-teil hv
John Uxrlh. had il.arge of the w.trk ey f«r th. lats li ..ow*. sad WBnw hi ■ |sW.
I.eilr h..n<.rwlitt In sit buonss irsMsrwuaM
alleiiii.^l the funeral
I'urr}. at Suitoii;
.ra r
Ralph Nenboute h*- atrepied'.n poHirtji on the.Dally^News. of^LudiBK-
; .X"'
nortbem lllicbiaaii’s
Gomes Furnisbed on
at 0a$b Prices
Here are a ttm ol the leading Go Carts and Carriages sre are seliiog this year. Vou will notice from the inuttrations that
«"doTot eo".e oJr l“e .“‘oa? kiod only, hot S.e a variety 61 the best kind, made We hate a special w^eel ™
aand encountered-ro coootry roads, and the pnees are eaceptiooally low. ranging right along Irom $1 4j to S...00,
Ciirpets, Rug$y Linoleums, Mattings, Lace
Curtains and Draperies
All lovers of beautiful and dependable floor covers, rich draperies and elegantly designed lace
curtains should visit our carpet department and see the many new things which make the home
the most pleasant and desirable place in'tho world. We are better prepared to meet the big de
mand tor this class of home furnishings than ever before-you'li find an unusually wide variety
to decide from. They're not all high priced either: By purchasing for our three large stoi^ we
bought at a price which is right, and we guarantee a price to you which will please you. Eutery
day we're grinding out bargains bigger and bettor than you can imagine without seeing them.
■ We cordially invite you to come and 'nspect them, for we take pleasure in showing you whether
you contemplate buying or not. ^
Handsome Parlor Suits
We would like to iuvt; vou >'. '.lieit- I’a^r S:i’f..
• lo.
, arrived anJ are cer'.;tnu> fli'.; :mcst liftf o£ Sl;.. w.t'.v s-vfr i.n'-.-red. •
They coinv io quaritired K-il-ieu nak or mahorfaiy trainrv with leather
Yerolu. Yeiout.pitwhaoilin^iiif coveringi. We tell the D^vru or
tepamte if you prefer to buy them ihU way.
Start Housekeeping
• ' - Tii
-:•>'■ i-.
h'.it!-U A N.
• f-c-j;u:;
r. ;.
can VOUK
Our t.rrtjiD*! cavy paymeui plan wiU-eoabie
to furnish your whole house today and you-can pay for it
as you cam the money.
aiuND TluvnM HtnAL^ rniDAv,
IBC dOM befera lbs ~speU of winlereane.
Now Ibe ones srbo did I
c io
have are very boay trylitc
- nakc
r. im.
rive itDBM- Toefiday momlns with tbe
Quite • d&ber from this wny ei
■ended the elBblb rade esereUes in
Syrup of Ttmty
and Wkolesomeness
1^1- AUB. MIcb. Ms> U.—A lwrs<-
dtotriet No. 6. AH report a fine proCreek wbere they have beea stoltlac
their eblldrssrtbe peat.three weeks.
Mr.' and Mrs. a U Friak etoltod
Tbe aasital awetlnc of tbe i>melery aaedstlon was held at ibe rhnrcb with tbe latwr's parrats la 8ouU Mb
Monday ereelnt
ioa Bnoday.
{taessecccf Bros, are |
A tor»e crowd sttelifiod the^urc.
well for JoBb Popllnski
Baaday erentBa. by (be Rev. Mr. HowJohn PnNIhskl is enetoslus bto farm
era. In tbe M. H eburv*. •
a lumintre vambb that dries cuickly. with a
brittam awl durable finkh: a caniaee vamiA
that withsonds mud, lak) and shine. JUtncwihtT
r;cMr *
Tni^ City. Sdch.
Tt/f tbe Horal-.
AobutU W«II wm bom Jane ».
l»7a. IB Psrsditr towasblp. --------------Barrli-d to rbirim t-rapo
1K>7. Thlnkioc her hraJm Bl«hl be
teproiril by tb^ wmliwii dlaiBle they
• moved to Bolu-. Idaho, tbe first at
'■optember. Ihts. Bat sbe reeelvcd no
kMefit freuB the
stolo-Mrv IVfl &
Sek-el rcadlnc-M
General disi-usrinn. -WhsI
Suiw of Ibe Olirii-ullies Met In
duillns a ladles' Aid Scxlela
llos to Meet Tbcn. " opened li) Mrs.
Maud Bau-y.
Beleei readme- Mr*. « M.I'oiAv
tisilinc »l<b her oiolhcr today.
Rer-lutloo—Lucy Herran
Urv. NUU W rlsbl a tbe cuvet ot
Slnclnc—Monroe renter AM
Mrs. R R ttali-Readiuc-Mrs Sirieklaud
James Rrran. o? loike Ana. 1* la o
KeeltntloD~ Lcuts Mct'oiutw
»kinlty delkerlns fruit Here.
Preil \VII*oB drote le Trsverie t*l
Mias Rekafa Wllm sras tbe curst
of Hale) rase 1.1SI Thursday..
Mr. and Mn. Will tiiark have neved
back onio (beir fsnu brre. alter sUy
Inc mith Mr. and Mrs. llatld Tboaip* O.
SOB alt wlater.
Mrs. L. E .Batea vent to Traveren
aVeeibibBle wire and motbar, aad
Wimantburs. Mlcb.. May i.—Mix
■any frlead.i at aad arounii Klnteley <^y laat Tuewlay. tctwnlnt bomc Prid«nea
lelt Saturday iilcbt
■ Uaneeb'BS will ht-ar »lth s
Biui-r Ahbee wRI CO to Kortb for ber bone near Bib Rapids, ebere
Rranrh to aork for Albert flooker.
April 51. IbW. at Hour,
sbe ezpecta to remain for
Mefutrs. Obarie) Bales and
learea io tnoora ber low. her
id. r. W. Crapo. two little aitis. Henry, were La Brsverse Clly
aped ten. and Cttia. etshl. Hot
r. GdSrard Wall, and one alsier.
MUude Taylor, and other rrU
, Mra. Mb
RiipaiTtoor Guy Slack Is coins ot"
ttptoTBihlp of Wexford, ceanilns tl
Any nade a baslnaaa trip
. TS.T3S«
lly have
»they lat»-rhr«* Rlntra. v
toMkke their boiM.
that'>rBBk tUrfcard
_________ _K him a near
•am Oreen Is bolldlag I
m hit pUee lolalBc Bd. S
.The toe ertan aoclal
a BOae to
Max Arary aad Harry Beckwhh Isfi
yraterday for Grand Rapida where
they expect to take tbe '
The 1. A S meei.s at the Eaai Car- (or eauuca to tbe
neld u R ebun-b today. Work vill be
Bom. Wednesday, April 2S. }»0». io
lumlahed by Mrs. ZlmDcrmaB.
A party ot Meads mH ultb Mrs. Mr. and Mn. Hayes, a clrL
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bunco haw
I Moaday evenlnc to belp
e ber blribda) .
iBor.cd into tbe tarn of Dr. Bunee.
of frieads csttaered Tuessouth of this TlIUcl.
As Utile Uordon Hill, the 5->eaf old
aon of Elwya Hilt, arts ptaylbc about
Mr. UadlsoD and (amlly are________
Into tbe
bouse owaed by PMIIIp
Mlm Laora Parton. vbo has beea
acMRaly Ul. to nach bMter at
Mrti.ll. Wbo im. l-en taVnu;
............ ..
um al that plan-.
Giawn, also tier biotbi-r. A. We-doi-K.
of Traverse City . Sbe ivai licd ih-re el
ter a fine vu.vaice. takhi* IJ days lU
((ussins the Atlantic.
Mi'S HatUf Webber returned tbi.
noraiBB to Fite Imke.
L, & Hodjees ivturvcd lu KtuBsler
Olympia. Wash., who i> rt'Oiliij:
tbiB ell) wHb bir busbstui Wi kKWie
Mr. aud Ml- I'niiik Kfvu|ip wu< al
Kc-r»l«u,> cuuf. tti'll iilcan-d GraiiRe ValP'y'k Sunday.
.kS-s famtii ba- feuledG't'l of his
for Jacksoe. wberit
IS called by
of a baby B>rlirrii^ Keadall was calhd ('•
u«ar ItoiuoaB to Uke care
! ber uuHiei, who. has been i
Nowost Northern Granpe Was ‘DcROn,.
Jam-' 7.<i!jer to'«uiie aick ai
Iced .Mortday at MOfnestoad.
BenstO County.
KiBssiP.v tnlK BiurolaE. after a
In (b« city with relatives. .
for JseksoD, lo allend Jbr luneral of
Dean Cooper arrived home yester her ainv. Mrs. Lulu Urwis. Mrs. L>'0day from Souifi Boardnan for a rUli Is was formerly tioin this city aud
wiib bis ntoiber.
her uacy friends bore tovl tbeir loss.
Kroupa Bros, buusbi a new horse last
scarcely a
crimpbcaicd with it
It it at (hr betA srsujs- with :i etiai|.-T te<ut.er' ;,om ol mott ol the serious discaSM
an i>i Batiii''d at ll«tn"si«-ed. tieiii'*-led life. ____
.tiunly Miuids) oilKfar by Iwpuiy *«■«■ ,.^’3
at Oraauirer f. J. SuiUb. of Travers.-jjtoa
, Rut OBfnrtunstH
Cll.v. U.e new giailuv Iw-iiij; o.vlued who
.tio do
Oe n-.t
n.l *.i
No idsucc vWal
U lbs nature er .«asr «W ll.nr ooo>
suiwuon. and so mstirr
mstirc how eWrvnicsBd
i-.fia-tuadu« «
P H.
Is. the
they win n'.< bad a
-_J |■slluer.
toller .ure than lire w»n-ViH.wn Ur.
l'bail.4> Olmy. Fiaiiis-s Jum-pb and
Otejsrt’r—A. E. Taylor.
inuer Btluuer made a busliv-ss lilp
L.vtuiwr-Mrm. I.ydto Smiih
> Grand Rapids the Brat of tbe we«-k.
1^‘rouna' or mi.*
Steward—Floyd Wstotoy
free I. St liDitk te snvwnr who nods aano
The pupils m the eisbih Riade ate
AskUiaai kieward—Sdwaid
sad oMrewk to Ih CsUw-h
U> labJi t‘)e stae
ot Esl«« fUr-Ms. KtcU.. lur Mr J P. Bdwsrds. or I rcwrom. t*nn . and a tool of
toDdurtur-Wimam BvIju.t.
MUs Mrtile BoNsi'. of Marilto, was
Treasurer-'Kalpb Jobusou.
BUesi ot Mra. Elmer MrlWnser. sev
Gate ki-ejier—Lucius Smith.
visited Ills couslaa, Ed Urimim-r an'i
fsaill] o.er Sunday.
Miss .Velth- HUPO tlsUed relsll.e.s
Pall" .rrd Mr Rdwmrda 4U4.
as Mt<
Khlcb U tu (o to Ibr nswreM Ong atsea
Ceres—Mn-. Mtij MeftC
' Putooua-Mis. Hesstr sWIkh-y.
Flora—Mra. Gruie I'slmor
Lsd.v WkSMtani stensid—Miss CBlb
erlm- Merli.
CaWwni'* Uyruo
uet s laMM
«r powder, but a ttmild laxsase (onto
wtaMS !• what a Bond rafwtlBailm rwta•dr Miotdd be Tboiwsnds. wto once siM
... Jl is ih. ...
lazauvo iiicradtooU «
and friend' ai Gleucarry tasi IV'ediiv-S
John Uillis t-n Ibis norainc' dav.
auy «ld or nesr customero
1‘ There h nn luiKilna nf the human
'body to iqiporianl as. keeping Ibe
IthTwels open. L'pon the cncidUHNi oi ,
'the bowrN, more than upon any other
thing, drpriidt llir health aad
rll-bcing n{ the enure yysirni. There
.MU' lltaucbe-ttrluinn-r made a I’U'i—s ’.ill ■•> Truvene City datuntay.
MUk Ip-Itie Danville weni to ter
^ Noa Brow aad dau^ter Lucy wear
home at Ma.illa Tuesday aflerauoa.
to Kinssley ttaU raornlop.
KuBene RItoy of Ch-vetond. Ohio,
Mra. O. E. SIUMHir went lu ManevIona this nioroins.
Mrs. ttoorer Ackernan rrturned to
Open; Rn
I'o'iwmi'li. .MIHi. May <i
Mr. atid
tiv Wiin. IbK-kwill iirr lb. I.UPP.V
eral ds>' IB'I week.
the death of her nleca.
CHi/eii.htp.'’ Tlic lirtiwvi Town 111(11
-rUNd ha- IWe Riwdusles this year.
iriu lo lSeoTBe Valley^
on Thursday nud Filday.
Ulile fellosr to recovertne aleely.
tiaal ivimmnuvmeut exerrtaeo of Ibn
lln.wn Towu ilich scbm.l. loraled at
Simons and l.vimly.Tuesdsy.
It in (be city, f
Mra. itoanUyn 11. ^nlib weal to
IMiry K.iM-.vbu <■
wir'i. ua> al borne over BuiHlay
Graad Rapids (hV inornltiK lu njcel
ber dauBbter. Mrs. A K. .\sble.v, <>r
E. N’. Eni’-ry tii» *<mo to Charlnuiv fbi.-f. •Uaul'i.v ramnty Mr. Crisp'*
yirt will l> -TIm- IW-ti-kqirnettl ot
•- will iiniu M»- Fauura Kish- bi>-B
this BoraanBWill lUxon nod daURbUr Vera of
Mrs. Charles Hlltor. of Klansley. re
turned borne (bis tpornlUB utter n vl-*- South Giani si-re tiuesis ei Kalpb
Mr and Mrs. C Uaruian rcinmrd lo
M.IUc ttii'«eusoM >)>-nl
ds, wdli Miv; Willwn Em-ty.
Mrs. t'lsta l^lluer
East Proat Mrect.
Mr. and Mn. Ernie Cooper
................ ted and...............
--iSratS-*"'...... ...
bsnd. Mr. Itiooli. bavin* b.d M-v. r-.i.
al Bo*era Muwrbel la au.rtma.o. TV .
l-ently. .
Gi-orR- U Cti'i. Grand Traveroa
H4fVi.’i. Mi<ih„ ilsy t
CaiToll l» S' li’iuu- lor « s.-,-k >.-<ting couuiy -rleiul ■-utmulskiiia.-r. will be
•|••■lak<'r of the evrulua al tbr akIt trail He.-,,
....... ..ico’v.Sevesaf ...........
wf- "V
i.-d i>. Itoild in tb.- 1i-.ir lutu..'
Grand Raidds Ibis psoniiiis after rUillDB Mr. and Mn. W. LoveUed of
oved fron the tenant bouse on Jerod
00*000 *%• 0^0 •••••0
Ansue Mcc-oll n-.„raed
ruyu Uv
..........................-.ii.rwURc OI' ri.-V.-rd
was cot la the top of bis head, bat ibe
bats, and will be cUd to welcone
toll. atrtUnc his head acslnsi tba cor
aer of tbe bed post. Quite a bad cavb
.. .......... ......................... ..
tbe bouse tost flatunlay evenlnc. be
Laai Saiunlay nomlac WIH.Keoai'
friday. May T. will be tbe last day
of tebool at the r
- —
;ti was round aleae at bto bone
will have a picnl
ferlBj from a stroke of paralysis. At
Bice procram.
be is belns rand for by Jobm
Mr. Boenlnc anAfainlly bare not ed
• filearcs Is drswina crave] onto the farm receaily parebaaed
actnarlac to balldlDC a ne» boaae oe him. fma Mra: Hasklat. of DeiralL
Mrs. mma Tbonss of Alden. wish, Ma farm to raptare the one that burned
" Thayer apeal Saturdi
rday aod
to aanouBce that sbe will b« a_____ _
Ith frlro.Mrm. Rolfe's parlors every Saturday
afternoon with a full Hae ot sprins
- EAfiT KASfiON.
Saul Heacy has noted on thscpltce
which he recealiy bouchl of 1. J.
Shorter aad Is beclnalac to «ia
fam of It.
i. W RInebart Is sldlnc his house
aad will olbermlse cobiplete it. Inside
bare had qalte a .
ist feu dayt. We are la hopes'
euL nakiRc -It one of tbe band>st botnet In this viclalty.
irlas Bire weather.
1. Millie Pall r and rtalldrea arc
me fanners bad tbeir sprite soc^-
maoT amnu-oien-s sad plrl.ure of
Ibe cieninx Ape; serMny an clecant
The most dclivk-.i; for Efriddle
caLfs of ^ Rtakes—or
use wlicrc syrup L-.fcc*.'
A pure. At lioloo.Ttc food,
ire. eft.
yar mtou^rias.
lor erery aurfacei a floor ismish diet’s hard,
'dutibk and kntrour-made to be walked upon t
tbe Mb birthday of' Itaelr daach'er.
Mery. They enjoyed a real old tsab
loned elufirsuonaii emeriiis Into the
Mrs-Frank O'Dell left for the Trav 'Upper, ad dc|<stt.'<d tor bou<-. Jubllpni
erse City iwalisrlnn Mondsy. where over the >uyv-4s Utue. they bad
Geo. E HsbUicr kas .old m> 1>-4U
Tbo lAdlss' Aid Sorlett coBveatton sbe will uaderpo a wHdbi operafkiti.
Iirnl buoic Ii: lake Aon to Ur
to be held at Mearae C'enier charrh
Mrs U S Willard, who will otc.-upy
May IS. isos. beclBsiDC at ‘
son time.
♦ h In ihef more. a. tbeir bonicadj
Seiipture readme and pra>cr by
F- U Tow.ley. the keuUl R. F l>
Mrs, Westly. bis
Music by Mrs. Spaactor aad
I'oiiHma. Micb.. May i—Mrs. Cbas. carrier, i' on a .wrallua add
Phelps was a Thonpoonvllle caller -sub" 1. IcatutoB tbe route aud au|! '
Welmne by Mrs
.. Moaroe.
luc ou It. patrons.
Monday. '
Respoae—Mrs ti'brai.
.Mlu Gi ve liiyan Is >»>• raupleyvd
>lr. aad Mrs. H. Q. Kena.-dy arc sis• Select readme—Mrs. Mayer
III Ills Sti'r<- vf & fi Burnell, where
tilDs toic'Uds In town .
>br It pleased to. tuevt many sc
Ora Ledwlrk.u QDlte skk, Recitation—Lucy Herroa.
Bert Hysell did basiacMi la CadU
Sinctne. -ABserroa."
IVauk SiMsoii. a furuer Ijke Aliu
toe Toesdsy.
lo.c. w bo bar l«vii abseui for about
Afternoon l:3e. rcadlnc Ibe
Dan Holora. rf TrtviMvw Cltj, U
Psaliu lu concert
bve .leaf'. bSvItiK made bis bouie near
tnllinc bis dauBhter.
.Solo—Mrs. Prlestl}.
Ia>\ .Viixcle., Cal. ba> returned l<> bi>
old bpiue to vl'l; m'Rh • rvlallvo nu>l
Bi-liuol ssk i-lini-d IB the ml-ituidiWillard TbomiooB of Fieuio« to
liii'Uds b<-:e.
He has many
sisllins bU bnilber. Oils, 7
_ie room Usi Fridsi la-caii'c id itu'
sold, to: Boutbern ( aUtirmla. Kmiil}
Him" Of Ibe leacliei. Mb' M.iry livOW'lUlam McDonald was a Piuuuna
wilt Iiaialii b-r« about nso ■uunihs.
('■lief Tuesday .
County School
Comm.sswnor Cri^
and Ihi-ii Tvl'icv B tbe hmd u; sure
Miss .Mynli- McDonald >rviiini>d t».
Mrill oolivcr AMrwts at CAM
Ctfc thoee maned
net, tbe worn
^ linolten, die acuSed Min and
Uatend fio« deer, a new dnn.
i and CKdr dcoe.
residence ol Mr. and Mrs Wm
Habtmier Monday
e<eslBB. ir bone
. Miss Dunaa tkilion who has
ijulle 'tek. I' abb- In b<' out asam
Will ItoDtIlle of Manila. WB> callins CO Irieiulk at ManUiee Ssttirday.
Mre. H. IlIutUiVM-ii. of ibe :
visUiliig at the bom>' td ber
.Miss Lola Gleason vnsiled fiiends Mre. Artbui KoM'uUtal u[
tf ttor* to snytblBg wbsut
I JW sinrwst tost rra d'*'t
I undentaruJ. or if too wwM
r mcdtowl aertc*. vHto
the doctor, and to wSi
rw«r you Kdly. Tbm M
BO chsrw* for tbto sravtca
' ws to Dr. W ft
at MaoUtee Saturday.
Fbxls-dbnu. and expeti to leave sooa
lor Flint, wbere be hss secured a poslllu Id aa automobile factor.v.
“The WUtest of White Bread
Is the Most Nutritious Food”
(otApd. 1906.
». A. M- M. D, • McClure-s Ma«aato
• ww
Cedar. Mich.. May
t.-bVank Kin
ss n Traverse Clt)' vlstlor one in
U>( s-eck.
Kre<] UrMars. wbii lias Is-eu tielllii);
Lto taiaity for a lew di}>. rvluini;)!
> l-'raukfort yestrrtto.v,
‘‘Thn uabc wtutM tV M-hae wheat flour cooHehslbwi
ace noe evaflaUe nmoses than any bsowe. ImtW.
flow b iridciftc.
Mn. McFall has bwu tery skk but
lu better acaln.
' BUke fjtefaueck aad Mrs. Pepllaskl
**WMe ihtcc h a Urea aneuel oi
li lutrocm
niirocet. ia whole
trbefe wheal
leMthaanwhiieflon.^wUteftkMesccaiiiiB tha (em ef
hn«rhmb,whkharv A ettorh m4it«stiUe ■ tha feed laU
were nurried tl lb*- Celbulle cburvli
■ le neh «w4«t er CMwnt rnitSm-
Peplluskl’s eUter. of a ulk- south ul
. ,
’‘WUfeflotr.iedtDeaLaadUne btood make tbe triceiw flat
of caagoeA The bnttled mpcinr inintive value of whole ^ain
These am aood foods
a font wiy doM Jhe c
at Isadurc ycsteidsy. Tbr soddlnc rttvpliuu oceuiivd St tbi- bone of .Mi>
Mra. J. Susslraa and dsucluer, Mam
to rrturD<<d Irvu Ibeir irlp In Grauil
Rspl.U ttsturdsy.
Viols Klssliicr. Harry Herelhjrner.
and ChCBier Meseben will take ihe
Lily White
**Tbe Fkiv the BMt Cooks Um**
kikewMMMofwhhcfloun. Nu a blur while, but« rkk. cnaav
while, the vary
produetbn d
ski. bedh as to color
•idulriiive cafoe.
e have
a Beat il
kooUel .casdan^ ibe artkk «f Dr.
arafeRedioaboveendbomwfaicbdiefaMlfodeiM•vbrtfARMircttiMmat lie taken.
Thuraday tud IVIda) at Maple ril>.
Airs. John Tucker and Mra. McFnli
spent a few days at Maple Ciij la^i
Joseph Uewett otTiavcrse C|l> sa seen on tbe slrrets one day last *e<-k
J'rwak Stefaneck wlU now in tb<Ms>- vaealed by Henry York
Mr. and Mrs. Fred UeMtra nd Mav
ir Ralph were in Traverse Cltj Bat
We wl
na3 it to angrooe ssfao b lalmlad in die food
h a wJ wordi reedne and uity help mnir who bare
boencmMbrMMUulfoodfadndseflfoneMtoabedMcim<^2^^factlbri*foa»ribUr«CMnor Uieann'' n the
Every ,Man
Owes it 10
to be
as well dressed as possible.
(10 th
invcsMjiatiiiK to see mat he ifctw the
best {yoh^bie vaUics itir his muacy.
When it comes H> value M'vinE >'nu
will find this store ^Iways un top, and
you will always liod the best assiyrtinent. No man, whether he is y-uuiiu
or old. whether he wants the extreme
nr conservative styles will find this
store the top-noichca'.
There is a Suit for every purse;
You will had here, clothes from the
best tailors in America, at - prices no
higher than is asked for ordinary
clothes. S|>eciil showing at
$12. $15, $18 and $2»
Kswadtn. Mich, Mfo .t-R. U Wi'
son wears a bronl smile.nowaday', all
s account of ibe new son ibst canSt Friday to Bladdcn tbeir bone.
Foe tak by
Word was received Sstnrday of lb<
•rioos Illness of ibr talber of Mrs
. Drroeber and T. Velllqulie. Tbry
toft that eveolat lor Milwaukee. Moaday a Ulecrna cane aayiaB be bad
pwssed away, awd that they wuuld^n/;
Hamilton Clothing Co.
orbeol. - me
Ike mad You Have Ahmr> Boaflit. And wUiA kM >e«
In u<ie Air over SO
hoi borne the elgiMfre ed
— mul luM Ik«o m«de niider hl« per*
Allow ao ooetodeeotve r«a la thU.
nttnnA aad ««JortiMi»ood^are bo>
rUie health eT
lalaate aod CklhU«u>Esi>crlci>oe l««iaut 1
OeauwlA Ik. a l>.-iriM)vK8 Mtlwtltirte fbr -Caalor Ofl. tttre*
aevlr, l>n>i»i auU K<molblW
>i: njr hyrupa,
L, Sloridilne
rouudiu mditipp Oaliun«
u«r other 2)ere«
• eimru
iruuU3«i It dcatroje
T. l,. MbllM.li.
Aalaon RaalrKtiana.
lt« laro U iu
I'Dlly vir.'il <lr>. aiul i( uss «!««■ Mi'i 'iililli.i' at imtiiis Ourrif) rii-s is »•
rpuiiril d.ibhyl
dti-kh-il lu
IU Unlit Ihr OUBi
OUBI ■ lai.-d.
iist.-d. tsUln Thau tUr utnapi- cily
Claluui BBil arniuuu—.kbuoii. llUlt'i-'lhr rpuiirll
. Ihs-r of salocms. tbr.ii.y hi-adliis oil.«. Haas.
rnt. Idihyii
o souVi-^ir lu.in-of H.lo'U k>s-I« i» U'bo
Tli- ir an . bi.sri.-i. |i1aOs a.kipir l
Wairr-AUI«il. Ukkrid. Murrbl
• lU-uk.-d upno Traiusr fn> as a Bood
„-srraI sli.-ns iM. jrar I
Kir.' and poU»—Hurrlil.v Ulrk<“'fd-.li.
ill-mn |o-iirvi-It
m push ihr mat
U. Id to kH'Bl.
ts lui of pjiliig iwi iai>lill>. I»ir i\iis'.
I Uriirv.''
iilrrs Hir Iu surli a lODilliimi iIimI I P.'
Iloodririi. Ilua-'n. l».ii k-'is'
. i-wjiiri! sliiHlId r
tlwln.-b. IVr" Ktanlrd lirr
.Jilildltif; rlllzriis end sh
smli. h-il ilio
i.uilitirr lU tux l.ind.'U
,.kbulilrli III... atv «real .'cl ili-is'Dils i'IiUm-b-.alilrli
,Iv upon 1 hriiiM-n.'s. K».-r>
Kianird ull of th.'
sllolllll 1
-vlully rousiilrr.-d,
bis ll<..'nsr riilll'.-s vh.Hild >>' rarvluU
no moil'. II Is 111.'
lb. dot) of: Thr biv.td ul yllblli- sorks dniil'
lirldars—(h>t>drk-li. IS'rkrit: Siililb. ,>'■< police drpaiiiiicut lo iu.r thai lo.' ili.- lui.i year sau; laio..' lur.lluU'
The Kind You Haye Always Bonglit
......... ..
is;",s s;-';:'
ITlmliisf-Miaiii. Ijinn-Mi. Ubjiii.
t'iirka—.^uoD, Lahym. I^imsun.
Whurf—LbIiiiu. Kicki-iiJ. Uaodilib.
-Or. H.'J. OMiBitu
ettf. J»hn BUcKen. OlHe Larkins.
IC year—
Jehit Rsnnie.
Anisttnt chid ef fire departmcnl.
eiie yeai'—Henry tsfayctle.
Chief of pellE*. ons yssr^c. W.
Rsgulsr—Allan Cnyson, PstSf Bny
Jesso Srsydon.
•picisl Polleo.
FiiinK Ji:ii;i-i»<u. Joe VUfk,
Ikna.'ii. ruaiho Z- lKl>-r. Aunm Honv
i-li. .l•■l>n ttullnn. Jnini Avbton.
Special police Without Pay.
Ovi.1 AV«id Itiah To, OW Yc«r-A
C.^H. M*niB «ueef»*i W. R. Cildwslt
IJ. liriimm. V. I'lrkrll..
tv'llrium ,U. lim-i A 8un.. oin- yt ar—
as C«y Sr^fl-nser While O'. H. h
D'.* F. A.
Vit-niftati Siaifh e«inii«Br.un<j year
city otternay, ana year—Pr«i M.
» Hull.
tm- •.‘.•ar-nu.rlr* Howard,
City oat^oeer. eno year—C- Htin.
»<nlltb^8iIlP iaiibU'r Oo.. ew je»r—
'V. H. WilliaMi. CO.. o»r >,aiwT.
ri,.<rl„r„.,y..«.. IT .I-II,
Meat and .milk inapector, one year ^Mai-m-u,
llius.. .{in.
)iar- Join
Begins tomorrow at
Steinberg Bros.
Two hundred p«trs of 91.25
and 91.50 Lace Curtulns
go on sale at
r. a
. Ul'. fur Ull-lo iinpii-ss this Hl.lUiv aiiii ihi-ir uoik for lb-' ui
oin<<-rs h.-rHiisi'- lb.-lr diil.i'llias l-i-l. of piuctlral vi
Is |>b.iii In tills n sard.
' Educa
Our •inblh srhoi.ls
The Prepoaad Dock Una.
Tbr niall.-r ol -^-nsVruHU
Thr Ural im«tlOg ul ibv new c«undock lirr i™.„ SoiiUi l-Bloti sirc i l- bas l--,-n e-rrnil aim in- n-wuu; s-..
II was culled lo ordi-r al tiH by Ihr nimilh uf thr livrr is OBr whi-h
c..>ir»r iHr iiiauaErnirui .
“l^. offlr Ills of Ibr rliv and>n rk'-nslvr syMom of publn- sebuo:
Mayor Crruiaiin- last ovcBluc, n ri y:
rinlj. gi
gi-pl .murr.U
aldrmian wilb thr exc-ptlon Of Jnlin, l!|r .:xi.a.rrrs s.-nrinU.
A. 1. W'ld,.,
.hr river as
lumisun of Ihr Flrsi waid. who Is .-oo,
II rxMs iiulNi I a Biriint'T' lu'pnbUi
favorab'e fomn
lined to Ills buiue b> llin^, belr.g IB, hrallh. Thr rl.i ' banka uloiig Mimr vUfs favorab’e
his w«l. Then- were iwb new tares porlkius ul tlir strrana are a dlsgrair
Tht-rr has l«n-n nmeli
Iasi evrnliis. JMin K. Hadrii of Ihr tfi Otr eomoiunily. and I^»-lfr»r li is
:lir roimell lu rrmrdy i:>'- . ...Ir ts-l'lllw- tu,ih<- pll
First wani, wiw aurcrvdrd MakulBi
'IK-rti owm-ia aloiig '
luln land. lor loiik pur)
WlBBlr sr.. BUd.Ci-orRr gniMh of iki.
shoDld '
inks of .III- TlIts lb I ('rsliv III enlrr liilu tin
Fifth ward, who sucnwdrd ,lohn K
’ to rl.-ar liir inviiils.
r-.v |.r>ij>oslH<in. Ilownir,
Ilirir liiilUIlnRs uiid (brirhy
McCormlrk At k.li, Mtsor O.TPUlhr
ss'"|urgr lb- liiigrov.-------!ua wr niiw. Iiav'
Wr hate s.'Vr:nl
braaii loading his tnesaagr. tin- rrad.
In slum wii; b'
lug taking exactly 10 ulautra. tbc.mes
•I'"tlcolDr »v!> uivlllug. While I dU no! «•
sage being folloni-d cluucly Ii)' 'lh<.c-nimriul Ull} i-vifavaRaBt rxp nd
)(M-f1y owii-r,.
large number uf rlll*«i» iir.'s»iil. Tbr
lure ill tills dli.-etlou. I .lu hellrvr tn,.
, ___ ,irll laB nu.’.c
I bellr
nirseagu was aa follows;
aysii I
us to make tlir liiir<;
sui'h provl
Mayor-a Motaaga.
,vy to l-wr than may now u.
Tu tbr I'umiiiuii t'uiHiell of thr tli.>
r i>n>1>ab1r. I would urRr liiiiurdi
Trav.-rsr I'Ui*
and ihfli-li'- aniuu in tbi- dii.T
I Tbr I loir m»> not Irc fui I
tii-nlb-mi'ii- li Is 111)1 my jiiii-jiosr
Ibis tliiir to iiiakr any inalrrlal n-ru
i-'iRgi-stlon. but I liHlri.'
idsiknis U'(Hasr { feel tbr ins
l■olUtU1rnl .if a park isilaiiib
i.rve wiilidiu pay wi.iilJ i.tl
l>rrs .. ;hls iviuiii-11 Slid till' lirw ..ai
lully ruii.iTsant wllB Ihr 1
lilriiil'.-rs of Ihr ioiinrll of mu
iKirlniil matir;. ihal will tunfroiil
Trav.-n.,- rjly -ml lb- 1m|..u.rni.-m '
:idy during
I desire U
rvrr. lo tliank (li
shwnrr r.-Bdri.-il
d tor tbr
admliilsIRS ebara
tratlnu. I dwlrr
.' I).T>pi-
1 b<-Uev« I am wile in
the year.
yoar—H. O ioynt..
j \Vvll.il!n:iiiaU Co>air yr*ir-OiH>rBe
.ayliig tl
Heatth olfieor. one yeer-Or. O. A-jji.-.^i,
plioli lull
I J. K. ll.rllk-k I'o . onr j.-ur Ara thr eominutiliy.
th.' rirparliurnu
year-FMnk riilanT.
. .
W.-qimi.nii: dub. our yrar -hVank ,lui\r lirrn dllip.'iil. julnsiaking. jui
b.v.r M-ived Ihr rity wyll.
yoan-E. I- lUnlsnU.
Fire pepartmant.
} As-,laiIL Tpnr >rar-Bd Krat. II. I*.
Our fire .d.-partnienl
•Xlty ocauenger. one yew-^-W.
lu .-t iu Ibr wlal«'. Us siork
Peundinasiar. wie year-W. G. *lru-|
IJu-Bsr—IVrkvIl. Muun. Mniilll.
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Firemen, rseuisr. an# y.
fUlBhum. J. J. Bslier. Htnry
L \y. Kt,i :
........................................ IVr.
elM'E Wsll A MtU... C^A1 I :* :in^l* IlsI'T'*.- sJiidrsal.' Tirwc lono-'. J li-iul .••• Itrut I o . 'HaDoati A l^>
.................... ...1.1
bhr,l1i«. pir-Tudioao. Ulod
htMUM-h anil Bnwris |rl^l»lr braHlix and luUtintl fdoep.
The ChJIdrcu'e l>aitacea-Tbe MuUivr'* Frlcad.
Chirt ef lift depsrtmsm.
! uni. r l.-ii him a.fU pt-siPiUu-.
Stosiding Commlltaea. .
ml,. „>uik-II irl^Ut.- !■> 'U-- «-«litrti.>ii; .
Board of Pitblie Werln.
«Yoii luid niruiia—Uirkrttl, .Vliboll. W Ihi- iiuiuU-r <f salisiiis ill Iht- dt> ; Tli- U.aid of imb'U- »oik« li«t,
JA» )iiii sll Vuou, TiaviTM' fiiy bav ........ ii luaut luati-rs ol tiiipi>nariii.
nud allajre Fi-vorikhiirea. li cure* Ub
It rrllcvce Teolhlnc Tr»iibloi, ciiroa CooeUROtkui
end Flutub ap). It awliulLtU-a the Food. n«ula(ee the
} Bmxs the Signature «f
IvTBianre ef Ibrtr arxrtal Uutlea.
— fnlilo property and In tbr eodna
rvnsrctMl Fllta t
Rrsprcif lo aiat^aucb
imuo> Oiouimuds of (loUars. No Bre d«- Hr
Mike Vinlor.
. iii>
Id WcUsaa Is tPBuecilvin'.
bare had under C»oCroiral scbMl. oDc year—H. Cot. !’*'?“
__________ibaa our» aSd 1 bf-'aJSeraU'O IH icaitrr ol a sewaae dlaB’bereter and abi-oewr as iiu-'poaol plan: and an rstiaiaie baa beec
foiisd BFCvsrar}. ibirrjproetiied lor it- ,vn»iiuriioB of such
eroBODi} rierrb-ea 'a
a ptaul.
ptanl. 1I belli'Vi'
iN las <M.tos aonld
—^rse Ju
thal ibe dnpartinem abuuia vudorn- ibe pUu wlueii has beoB pre
I belle.
Mha l.i;tiaa Sbh-lda tcaareed M
KiBiwood aieaue aebonl, one ynr—.
cost IS BiK |r»l eoBslil
I« oalnulsed SI \u
Ukr Cl:.. tod» aRdr rtaltlB« la the
A. Thompaob.
and tbal
schMil, (10U year—A. A. sie .umaxKl ovii>( to liirrras,.d pop .
kllsa l4U>t {M aad Uiv Ada BorTT^
should i.n.Ud-. UHkl 'eominuiitiy If th..« atll takn deBni"
nu to Baipin- KnlBy for a vMt with aalBP Uros.
dlo, ih. esUPhsbBK'OI ul ib. Klvitt Ttaarsday's Kcvortl
j|.lBW.>rsesaa..dl»lK»salau|U. strd o
ISolK'H' Hod||i;tali
thl- rv.-uhlB liTmds.
J Pellet DapartfDOsiL
l...mr ulb.-i tlial aill iu*.r.i Ihr* rv
Mr, am! Mjs. K Btraait rHoniod
;• Kalaau'oo «b>ry- h- sas lalM
'ili>ii,c<nuuilse}<im-rs. one >i'ar—j Vt>p.-finlUx. <l«i>ariiuiiil U «.miili i «;iiintl nm^s. I ronsider this a ni»i
P- Cnrtwr. II. C. tu faroraUi- iviniiui-nt. Tbr pi-a»v of
sr'Ot imi'onaBTr and that 11*. In 111# d.uiUi u( aa Biiul. II'' is an ul i» PaoilTi'.. t.Kle. alivn- burylUB hrr 'iii'ihcr. Ura. Adsii. ____
jlhr roluiiiunlir has Us-n piuuuuiirv! ^offlrlal* should •'X'-rclH' uo delay li u-hdsnt a; iiu- a.niuoi
and Mrs. K. M. 1 kursu.a
' !.. J
I—t.™«........... .
Kliaf »aiil. tuu >.-4rT-J.». 8l'.d<r.
of ibvlr ablllly n,| Tl.i- plan
<\t-*-loo of .m
l.nlolring tbi- lasra and siils.ortins;'uo* Ih l"«srt»s. I b
W. 3. libbbs.
,K Ills uritaiv ..r til.- fity I Is'lim.. that' b-'. ui I- ‘uslIB.-d. Ou^r ualer «i.r»
liii: I. •: •• .. I.'l tl..:i KUiiTi.r'r u.m;r
Iso .yi'ors-'Tlius.
II lunlnlali^ iKdlis- de|wnoi,-t:'1 *-iib lUr additK>n •>! tbr iKa piiniia 11 r.-i'i-.: I.
>|.-. Thuistmi h.i* a
•I iii.-au- of UfliisMie rrluiM.ai "'ll
»«l'«ualr l<
, o.
________ ,
Tflhd aanl. I«<> >rars-AulbiKiy lis 111 Jusliir. U also a |lll'»•.ntall^r ul
nii"'''' ><ars lo-ts-ni
S L'1- itf J4U>k-H’n. «tn.-.ru-.
Mk'in —1^
and 1 iirrOin il.ai Ihr .s.mhu ■l‘•l•'>■*'•"»'•"‘r I" l“”“
by ils. rffleirnry the pro|>eri> own
of ihr rlly hn.r Im-<'|i ronfidriil ol
l.'.lhiu wuil Its xmiiugrm.'iil
Tbi-r.' Mir iii.siiy
On- of Ibr firSuI.°i *|^iU"Us «b-h
•..:.r.-r.i ns Ibis ..-ar, is n mail.T «t
.wiiRc dls|H,s4l. II bus l-Tii nmt:.ar in Us Inal Un' old pkiu of si
IV lannc* In- nllow.-,l lo -xn. mr
l-liowex.'!' il.-si.
r lOliM.b-iation
... .....
th.' roiiiio- }.
.■1. i-nlbm nml b.iimoi
r..s|>ous IiMiii any .-:1> ollleial <rr n
.......... . r.iij-'il
ism.- I
.1- ii-.' .-ill rfljlis
Tin- oiUi-i.i'is in- ilo-siMSiils .11 in--
Being unable to renew the lease of the store we occupy, we must therefore build or lease elsewhere
in the city. To move with our present very large stock would be a great expense, and for this rea
son and to raise money to build if necessary we shall offer our entire stock at price reducti.yn^ rang
ing from
cent less than regul.ar prices
This sale will begin Friday, May 7th., and we assure our patrons there will be PRICES THAT WILL
MOVE THE GOODS. We carry only reliable makes of clothing and furnishings, and (guarantee every
thing we sell. Come yourself, and tell your neighbors.
236 Kais-fc Frorii: St.,
Steinberg Bros.
pr<.M'r«liiR »a!u
TEN TO Fifty per
sate RI
Travorsw. Oity
E dnALO, FRIDAY. MAY 7. 1M«.
Win CarletoB. tbe poet, will p
nouaca the oalocr and appropm
cereiDOPlea will be held.
Har Ufa.
Laura ■Both Kavnasd wai bora
Killer. Out.. Canada. Dae. M, iMt. tbe
dansbtar of Daniel and Seae BlanchSmith. Her father, a natlre of Kew
^ATUe FOB “AOHT LAURA' HAVYorb, waa an approved oUnlater of tbe
Society of FHenda. a man Of «ron«
convictlena. deep aplrllual feeltnc.
ntirent of apeeeb. Lanra married
Chariea HaviUnd Jr_ of Lockport. N.
T.. 00
w the
Me- M
«iei Bt
ei Korember. lt». and
became the mother of aeven eblldren,
I ber and are
Of whom Bve I
atm Urine, la IK* Charie* and Lanra
Hariland came to Mb-bican and took
Uf. AHaltfW A HMTilaM it tht WM*w up a farm la BalMa lownkbip. I^eoawM county, within ih'ee mllea of
Tfc»- rolloB’lag. rmn W. K. Ourlla. mother and the heat hind of a plonivr.
-of ^b^ f^lracD R«rard HwaH. u>d Ur adaptiBc beraelt to all dreunohlfsh appwMd ta lAU paper Tbnra- rianeee, barln| a clever faealtr
4a7. Bill be of freal talereal to mas overcomlai dlfflcolUee. abd a cbeertol
Traverae ('Itf frteBda of ibr tamllr- helpfol abiriC
Tbe dUliainiMied BomaB Bbarn
km| after abe me aeltled ahe
tbe Htliesi Dl her bomr lOBit pnipoae atarled a acbool in a llltle baildlni
to bonor la ao awkNl a aiant
adXrtolDi ber (am boate, where ab«
laaght the ehltdreii of (be B'-inbhorIbe OMiiber of the Ule.Ilon.
HarlUad. vho 4M ai hU home berc bood. there betai do other perenn In
aereral )eara a^. ‘Mca. J. R liarl■maaolt)- able to naderiake tbal
■taitd la aUii Uriel bMt- aail wlib her dotf. Later ber brother. Harvey Rml'h
h ber dalwbter. Mtw l^llie HatlUad. aeld hif farm of IM aerea and a
Ibe crand dausbter of -Auni l^ara" the proceeda built what afterward
RartlaBd; A. J. Hariland, anlatani ante ‘-Ralaln iDatltute." the llrai m
rmataler of ibe Trarerae 'ntr Stale ual tralnlDi acbool la MIcbliao. and
bMk is a randaOB. Mn. Mlnale Hart- probably Ibe Srat IB the went. It wa>
llBd Aahuai. Blfe of CMef
potlre r.
- of
(or the education of orphan*
W. Aabloa, la alao a frand daufUiter ,od tbe cbildrea of parenta who wenawd ber daugbier. Uura Aablon, I> m,, Bble to enpport them. Tbe flrai
•aned for ber
pupiU were nine eblldren from the
Many beautiful metuorlea
with (be few oldalme friend* here who
Thin aehnol beenme famona, wat ul
are left of tboae who weie adiolited tlmately adopted by the elate Icgtala
ID the rioae eompanlonihlp of thit lure, and was the nueleua ol two *iae
rhamlog womaa. wboae whole life induairUI acbool*—olm tor glrU ai
wa* given lo good -work*, and wboae; Adrian nad the other (or boyi at
name will be prominent aipjmg the Ooldwater. Tbeir exlMenee la due tfi
Botahle Men and wooien of tb« laM Ibe labor* and influence of Laura Hnvlland.
la one of the organizer*
W featlral at Adrian. Mich., will be the Bnt Anll-Blavery aodety. of Micbi#vMM and dedicated a ataiue
-Igan. and her home wat the Brat "an'Jtlwt-LBara' Karllaad. a Qoakww*i|o,rgTonnd ratlroad afallon- In that
. ft aimpia Hfe. mmaamming
cooperated «,.u ,«c-u.c*
sad flalet demeanor, wtth a noft volee
^erj, cfjj
,„i,ting alarra
■Si a teader intt. of whom OenerM
fnm ibe.pUniation* of the
' orant onpe aaid that if be bad
aouib and helping' them on to Canada.
BMra women like ber ha could dla- Sbe made freguent vititi to poluu on
peaae with baU bia gMerala and aeb tbe Ohio rtrer, to entabllata Unci or
41m and put dozm the rebelllas
eatioB, and 'undeegronld
attriona*' hpd became *o effective In
•fea waa a woman of oxiraordinary
: that a reward of tS.WO waF
aspeaUve abmiy and ^yaleal and offered anyone who would dellrer her
Man) oouraga, romhtm il with a raKeetseky dead or alive. Shortly af
iMwiallr girt of oramiy and a d«err thla offer «ai announced, ebe rla■inatlon of purpoae which never yield
a (ould not bava overcome. She p,,*,,;
to make'any differing" wUh
had broad and noble view* of life; a p*, work. She ctmilnued her aeaiouv
efforu to releaae men and womco
from tiavery until ihe ouibrciik of the
civil war wben tbe went Into Ibe Un
d and In Ih* Ion army a* a nurae. and with ma*t
atmeiloa of wrtmg. Town* bare been erly energy end abilliy organlzt-d
■MBOd In her boner. periraHa of her camp and beadgtiartera. boapUal*.
kiadly face enframed In a Quaker nap. cvrpa Of nnraea and dl«penanrl<« for
. zrtth broad ribbona lied under ber medical tupplle*.
(RM, haag la bnndred* of aeboel- She worked under tbe Chrlatian
bamea nd tbonaand* ot borne* on
IKSf. wben abe
both aldet of Ibe Ailanilr. Her dnat appointed agent ol the 'Freedmen'*
liH bMl^ Ibat ot ber klndrdd la Bai- Relief asaocltiinn at New Oileau* to
Bia Valley eemriery near Adrlan.- dlatribute suiiplleB and relief to the
. Vbere ab« died April ». ISM. ta the newly emancipated aegroe*. WUV- in
BbieiMh year of her age. Tbe teat performance of this duty *be vlrlleJ
' taak of her Ilf* waa to write an antl- the pH*en camp* on Ship Uland onJ
Mography. which waa pnblltbed under Dry Tortuga*, lo the Qulf of Megiro,
the tHIe of *a WemaB'a Ufe Work.' and there learned of tbe treachery ol
mad M reeerd* Many blatorlcat ovenla
CapMlB Altoctaa. formerly of t.le
' lhaty are not printed g>1a»wtaerr.
Dfederate army. who. having *uiTen
A Modest Dumumeat. eorraapoadlntH dered and taken the oath of alleglanic
to har Mmple dignity, maria tbe was imipkiyad by'Oeneml flanks a* n
place where abe steep*, but the HtP apy.ThUgare Atlocba afi opportmilly
. laas of AdrUn have colleeted fundi
practice almoar unlfmKod blackby popular suberHiMlon to erect a
. tiUMte to her meMory that ahal) an4are for the agaa. ln order that all eral prleon*. Having learned of tbeiu
. who com* after them may know who fart*, lAitra Hariland quietly aH
she waa and what she did; lh« ihe akHii a work of iDveMIgalloD and sac
JMmory at the fnai thal) not periab. mtIPd It) bating Atlocba convicted
nnd puDlebnd.
• wa< ftequently at Waahinglon.
and wa» pernenilly knotrn to Freai
Lincoln, the memberv of hit rah
loei, to all of Ibe eommandrra of ihi
t-nton army and to tbe leading i<ul>ll<
men thrmigbout ib« couolry.
After tbe doee of tbe war abe <lc
Stop y|»r Indigeation right away;
you ran • II if you will.
voted ber enerale* (orellerlDg the dif
Oe lodS) and Sri a box of Mto-no im* among the phmeera In Kan*a*.
taMeta. Take oai before, with or
after meal* for a few day* an^ note and *10 doing olber works of benero
lence tbrougboat Ihe nation: After »hc
tbs wonderful mull
la a week you can eat and enjoy any
paaaed ber elghlielb year ahi
- (and yea want wlibout after dlijnrba vltli to Burope and was lloo
aSM. la two week* you wUI feel like a
Ited everywhere abe went.
‘-Careful women who want to bare and
kMp n good complFXloo. roay cbMks.
. aad brtgbl eyes, abeutd try Ul-»na.
- aadnt a* it doei oa (be aiomach It I*
tta greet prrveutlve ot Impure blend
fought In between two Hga. Warrei,
blottbet. (
«■. your Fuller, who aa* riding a blcjrle on
U BbOBld Froot atreet Ia«t etvnlag .had an ex
cl: Ing expertenre at the rorner o!
1 yonr atoaiacb
Front and Cae* alreel*. lie waa rid
HIcena laeuntly atop*
gL mr atomarb. heartburn and foal
sat and a rig wa* behind him. A
borae coming around the Caas Klreei
MMeoa la gnaranieed by 8. K. Wall
rr got frightened at tbe puproni
A Sees to care dyepepada. tea or gar
For an Itmuni. paiwrabr held
MrkneM. vonltlag ol pragnatyr. or
their breath*, but the frightened hon>Dorn beaftate -to try Mtoraa. Il.!» •werv-ed anfflently le dear the
for tale by leading droggiaw everyMr. Fuller walked and led hi* whiHl
-esi of Ibe way.
Hr*. Frank ^ortele* andtaugblers
Hr*. Oareflee Martin and Ml** i:mma A. Fortele. retarned to Motley
day. after attending the funeral
Oma «Muri>
---------- nammy bark. ins» Olsrewte Hartln. Hla* Ada Portlele ftIn. OeMTicleoatSl. tnrhMHiw
. IfWraUdllMOCe. Oni«klA liiraed to lUiantaxao.
---- e.......... ..
................ —
the echAl ronnde here thb
Ing by ibeeMaa* ,< r IM* of the Old
MluiOD HIslNrhbol, a clear i
Ing planted, the tree bearing a
In co|>per. eo fialened that as 'it
ffoa*. Ibe tablet bearing tie letfrlp
lion, "Claev of ituri," will b-eoan- Im
».edded la the wood.
The two large rom« marched from
■ he hulldlnc to the grounda two by
Ibe elder'aludent* leading. The
Iftbel and ropper rive tk in (aalon It
b-d on a cojiper tray luorv
than a huBdn-d year* old, the im}
having been the property of |he gnja:
'-idmoiher.nf klaraball Pratt, oni- W
gmduat.-*, Tbe lal»-l wan plarod
on the Ite.. by E H. Wllenx. iht- prin
Ipal, faetebed iHe mp]N-r lalilei lo its
'Trerioua In the st-Uinfi nf the tiv<,
leaden raakel in whieb were placed
'rtigrama and other wiiirenlre
Hr*. Winiaaa Wright nnd Hr*,
il*e friend of lb* dtildron.!
.11* string Hl»? m*p a mr
He aecnied the tret, e-nn. r<mg tnaher boarding plac^ In the Fred Carter aa d chUdren from Travmade the nere-.v-v ,,.r.-;iui-rfce evening pamed off very erne Cfty were Tiailliig at B.-I. East's
anirateiKs for the planung.
|>Iea*auiI|- wUh gam-e aod niusic.
While Mm'^race Tompkln*. the
leadUd the tree'. MarIhe epade.
aaaitted l.y >U yo-unr-’r brother Carl
aad hi* •lelrr, HU* Helen. While W. ft. Shelby Waa Chosen Pmident
odag put in pure .Ms*.
and Traaturar and R. R,
Metheany Seeretsry.
Fnonte Bwaitey. primary t<-arher. r-.-id
on tiW planting.'the exet.
cl*e» closing aith the *inglng of adiThe annual n»-eilns ol the Traverse
rity Hallnwid •v>nip*ny wai- held Jn
group plclntv wa* ttk-n
iheofSceof Mr. Balm Tbnr*dav mornfharle* Herheft of T.ravetwe rit*.
lug and the loltowlng directhi* were
■ - '
e'e-cted fdr the ensuing year:
As Cadillac Seet ft.
I Tho*. T. Bate*. W. H. Shelby. J. H.
t. ht*.lM^deci<|edatTraverMfityji. Huabati. T J. O'Briru, K U MchoM no fal.' ihU jeai. 'he tail thcany. W. R. StlmsoD. J. W. Hubler.'t
that BO a-opiahic permanent
■ inn rould l-reeenft'd being thc.eltuxlinn that cau»ed this dedkioiiThen- Iieni of the Mockholdery- moeling.
I- value in thU entire neciion of Ihe l.e folkiwitlg Officera Weie ojcci.-d;
Mate III *U(‘h fair* hi O'and Travei>e
W. R. Sh. Ihy-Pft-Sldeni and' ir.-a»tooni) I* capable of providing aiitl
mslnialnlng art It l« much to b* d"
aired ihai adMi'w"' arrauaemenia '<>
that end wlll.le- made for next y.-ar
end peinianenil.v Iherean-r. in ilu-;
meautinie a very' eoidlal InvIiaHuh U
exionrt'-d loourdranil Trarerae coun
ty nelBhlor* lojoln «'‘'b Wexfiitd anti Kl-cla| to Til.- r.iening Record.
l.nnRlJ.k.- »uh .Mnyi -Th.- Hcv.
the Ollier coniitlef: nf Ilu- Norlli Iliatrici Fair awvoclation In Hie enji.y- ft.-rva>- Fai.-i ill.* ft-tuin.-<1 tioni Ms-'
aienik and prMIcaei. which tUI pk- City when- he Ime k-eii arH-t^
worihy yiirceaKfiil enieiprlee, will af log ln-i.-ihal •^.•rvlceii.
ilr and M,.. AU-.T l.i-'h Iftrt
ford In all It* patr»ii« niul lairiri
vli.|te.| at Mr, Ad.-.
loinlt-- Cadillac News.
Rchiui! cl..*. .1 m Diet. X... J la-t Kvijy with :i)i:-r.'priate e\*-r.-lM-r tA.-
. The Lion Shirt al
ways nis a man “a-H
ways.*’ We have them
at 95c, $1.35, $1.50,
$2.00. extra large size
18. I8 1-2. 19. SI.2S
each. Lion Brand Col
lar I -4 size 2 for 25c.
Look at ourBoff^lUjr
Shirts for summer;
they are right. When
you want a perfect fit
ting Union Suit ask for
the Superior UnionSuit.
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.
Gigantic aothing Sale
Of Men’s and Youth’s Suits
.We are determined to reduce our
. big stock of Clothing at C O S T .
^ We place on sale at once
800 Men’s and Youth’s Suits
New Spring and Summer Clothing
in all the neat and stylish effects.
Now is the time to secure a suit and be one of
the 800 to take advantage of this unusual^,
offer to secure a bargain in clothing,
made in New York by New York’s
leading wholesale tailors,
Our salesmen will be pleased to wait upon you.
We can please the most exacting
in fit, style and materials
at Manufacturers’ Cost
To Act talara.
bread thJBlr buitered; Uh« pUte
It U Impiwdlble to tell whether a «d
•loaocoarul of >aoce on up and cc
with the alfied yolk of ^rd-bolled or la fast befotr wasbln*. but by far
Ibe aalcM |Hb* I* 'b
the eolor>~
eu. pot Ihe MHCe. plate in a (oea to Ibe tub tor Ibe Rr«t
foielli (M
uelboda Of netlime. Due ol
r iUid nbru melled a
» n
1 1 I
1/ «l I
I I 1/ M 1 0
aratc. aad
Um- the IoHowIbr UIIbs
betweea and on toQ: Two
espa «
atcaed aod aweeieoed plepUoi. at
one rap of either Br< or dmte». aiei
rd and chipped; otok tbiM toRitbi
lot » lew minute., then append on tl
i.of flnur; nheo tint delieaie ralors cooaUla la aimply cake while both are hoi. Whipped
ne eapful of
Capt. HutchinsaD h &
Stanch Friend of Penma,
Made so by P^raonal
ful of Mil.
. to broBlbc dn-ply and l«
lepUm- ~Cui lu half inch
from lw.-:ve «
ra.uly>^T bo;.,.. Of
l■o■lllT arilon lubtomk and
r bolSoR
couiae ihia «;:ouid Ur dom- Ju.t before
, RMall aotoF will) Mjrlnc HI creamy.
for Bve mlauiea. Draia off
lo -........................
the iBundiy.
BAed Aapa.-.—
----------------------------- ROloR •aad
A> IY«.r4 atjltoo- Mb an Inwarb
add a cup Ol
buRdlea of laparaRUs umll p«.-rfe<'ily aboiUd om be allowed m diy lu II.
mom- aone. »r run c*«> ""I
pieplani. pui In a
m and call ih«- «'hlci«-n*
* fffcai torfMt ailMCo arboo Cho III
rlahl In a k
aenni.1 UMtcx, or lake a I
Ud feMrt
,|ia UBCOvreed; la tbia Wny oms- set thb way will be hrlRbl as
of ibe .dance lhat one kired bofiirc one ihAicnder HP
Aro Mill. Birf VO ao lOBCW rointala
•tied and ■•eiilcd down." Thai • acr- the atenm will cook ihe lipa while the UtHR as li would be reasonable to ekOut ova lamatruM iboaghu and train
qiiarl of
tliBc down" nhyaicalir and D»-nia:iy holliOR wat.»r la niakInR ibe-aialk. tra-j|>eK II. A sinniR solulioii of alum
Rood, particularly wlili finely chopped tdralanl in a very I
le nerhapa the one ibliia moai cau'B- tier.and llle lotmer will not be eookedjau
dellealc shades Ol «aier unlJI Mfi. pres. thirhiRb a
piece, aa U loo fret|>>eBtty the |,u
proteci ooc'a m>II analnel. How
e When done, drain »iid tni lu,o!b,o*u. bul It' eBcct is n«i w> laailnR. 'aud.-r, .aeeteD .to taste.. Bat»r wl;b
ihe romark
' i>owed
In aln^anraa of brait Utai *r ■uaj' rlcBldraol la
lemon: then h-i rcI very cold.
down w|fb arief- or If a
qian haa email pieces. reiuovliiR only the
|s>rUon of Ihe en.ls To each two
aaranuiuitc ‘he haa »ro*ra ICB
Hta vlll. and in Iba alloB*** of «ir
lablespoonfiils ol
>eara older In a week - Orl-I, If yield. rupfuls of asparacus add . an equal
whisk liRhib mill lhl> pieplani
ed lo. dor-a horn down ihe body.. »o arnoum of 'Rieicd bread cromlo.. mo
il.e lop wilb sugar and Bnelt cliOi<ped
Tbw vomr *o M<*
^ »■*'
irewInB With tha CIPtbM Wringar.
lablesiswnfuls Id bul’.er. one eUpMll
All linRliVhwomaii »W.d for her. almonds, and sM-ve.
milk, one-half tcaspmu.fiil ol sail
One muat aanmon thv will lo .Ihe
I*l.plaiii Jell) IbsM-n-Waah and
snd thrts- or fimr dasbe. of |s-p|s-i. bon-ikes-piai. lauRhJ m- lo mangh'
M-aeiie. The Inert amach-e and heavy
cut 111 inch pieces wllboui peeling; It,
I a welt bhuered mold diahlly wilb iiy flat lluen. the lowels. pillow caaes
Work and Roat.body aanat he tmeraland and luvltrnnnbs. ihcn arruuRe the mpar- ‘Biall sheets, tea-uiwels. -U.. Wllh BU .•avh quart add i> plm of sui.-r and
oraled. The very ••Butt inaile In lhu»
aemly unill il Is a mush. Si;alt,
BKUs aad eruiubt lu nltemaie luyein
Tlw for drrvMa:
eelf lu h»id" and holdwiihuui piesKUre. tbrough two lUU-k
dustlbR each wuh aa!t alKl pepper. tliesi- pieces lu'loiv they ate quite
Dm boa- ehMdt.lraral,
lOR Ihe hotly braveir erect eBect. the
nesses of cberseclolh.
neatly loltl 'hem «ud
duttiBR wllh mile bus ol buller.
Hmr iM rlrrr «Imm».
menial aiatc wh<ilc.oiuel>- Coaraie
make lery sweel.'kleasiiiv. and le, .1
iRh the Wrtusir with ■
e Ihe Iasi layer oi email*,• pour
bc«lBa In replace deepondency. AsalB.
pint and a half .oak a kencroiis h.:;
over ibe mllkABd bake In a noderale quile llRhl. Air on the clolhes-hoise.
-Hov tbo dovora «t>f*hln.
wbea evcryiblnR la <o|»y-lurvy. and
Rtnnuloled gelailne
Ihey will need no l.Bih.-r IrouluR.!ppckaae
ovea iweoty minutes. 8.-ive hw.
And (ba geliMt roni
feeliURit are
i.-ai- half rnp of cold waler. When sc|fiou
AsparsRUs Hold—Uake n creara
»-hlan«a Ood-B pralMta
rrlexroiu. Inolead ol cIiuiOIor the day
a,td Ibe bnl pieplani, silt; until lb*
siture will, two labb s|ic»tilUU each ul
-of I gives meplraauri-io wrilryuu iMs l•'ll•-r at ifala llmeoa weeounl of lha'
BMOiUa and atom.
with IrTliahlllly. or RilevlDg i«ou' ooe
Rtlaiiui- Is dliaolved, and pour lul„
t good ><mr IVruoa ba* doOwmr wh. a I was qu.i.-d-.ns op wHb a very l-sdrakd.!
and NiiiK-r.
an aoRty won), Jtiai try a alm>sl nuMilfls uBtll Arm Serve wilb
"I ,.,,uui I.ardlv V rf'.rm my ordinary duili-s. bul fnua Uivnseof fVroa'a'
or aali. a dash «r two of pepper, and
To work for 004 la ■>«><■
lih- phyalral eulnide reuidy. Riand
Never m< a broom ueuIiim. ihe wall cream.
y lam almost resu>i,sl lobeallb.
ooe copriil of crenm. When smo
iwrtielly aim for a
lull mliinte.
o, stand 11 in the conKi-'li spolla HuI
‘-l-wm qniiv eoRv in,-ed that II has hi-lt»l me from cbroBle catarrh, tv
neplaai . Wllk
and bollliig add cuie half cuplut of
Ht«ria ftov BioBt Biioag In Him
V whlgA 1 am SUI-P-.-I. Il liaaalao Uyi.-lli-tl uiv Iliioal.
Hcwaihe Dull and deeju^-l rq Ibe
slia|M- ul the Uuoul. 'I'lit a rb:d In
told chlrken lit veol cbopisel nne. one
Ctsani—t'ul oiH- isMiml of ph-plaui In
eanllroly te.-umRsriid It as H Lest all-nmud nirdleln* II baa Iwa my
Thnwi^ Hwo and rott."
tcnalon In the innHclea. tauu-ii
batidk' and bang ihe bionni up.
liiect'. aod pul in a graulte
cupful Of cuoke.i aspuragtis lips and
< privilege i>t.s-oi,ira.— ai iit..lw,II.. «>f IU» I am qult.-e-uivlneod from (ay ^
bard-ael Jaw. aninoib oi'l the fore
broom Is made to l.-u-i lonae. II,
>i.»n.-»is-rten V.--C ap'. !e-mu-l U. Ilulvhiasou. M--ul{s Jlnr^Vt.
four well-bealeB • rrs. Uiie a wull-hulhnklns pan with one eU|i of sUROi.
bead'e flown. -Uei *o“ phyaleally. aad
when new.U la si«rl>ed u few iiiuuirais
lered mold wllh cuoketl asparaRUi tips
• . IHtaMH yoaraoir at tonrii aa *
the mental lel-go will lollow.
and turn Jn^he as|mraRns mislure.
i|na!l strips, uiid (
• riw poaatb^.aaotnpoaeo:
Never pul a hnmm away d,wiy
When IhiBRa aeem to He roIdr
mold In a dish of hoi water,
• a»> odortjmt br knia« all ibinn •
Tse one bruom for sweeping carpel*
aronf and we bare boRon in lake
» fall
fall to
to ibr
which ttooblo
and hake in a hoi o». n,uotll the cen
a'ml Idke UK, ik lendi t. Then add lUie.
iroond which
or ••,-•“••0 —- -• —. . -••••
r taunt at rficl Mr.l*w,s/>n,. mlilur aod propileMt
uid aiiolher lor parches.
cvery^lay I
ter I. Brill. Then l.-i slind a few mlnOiiDC u| si-ljlllie. pi.'Vk.iisij s.,f
N.r ->i. Augu*i,ijeU«lmr,'’wr,lH:
Never scrub wllh the>irtor broom,
rorkioR iba illrs. Invert over a shnttow healed
at aavtUlBE that; -Any man In public work finds n»
lened in one-halt cep -f raid wa,er;
i m
ttf-aru to handle liu- broom so ns lo
lauRb- will dish, and Kenily llfl Ihe mold. 8cnc
l-.t.- 1 W..Uld
• «aU to aalllo.
brlBR a Mumrtable-Inward <te]|n(
airafa. 1 found that will. It | Juaf MT
ones- wllb bailer sauce.
__________ _ ____ ___ lalde
• tarlild thfou«ll
would fill with c
e*u...,g -e u.n.-b appellle. and mv br=ln seemed lovrork
which iiaually
siuaiu of h-uioa )ul<-c. and gmur nil In
AsparwRus a-Hh KrT- !*'»«• enoked
• aiD^aroa.
d-siress and unp)
.ut f'vlinRsfur au .u»'-.-ae,Dgly du,,ns waking and *ku^
where il van is- Wikeu up ib the
seneraly lauRh becauae we arc Rlad.
tspararis >n • hutlensl liakiiiR
lalii-y ihtiuld whirh ha- l-s i, dip
hour or twoafi.r e*. I. in-wl.
I Itig h'Mir-. s.. I was tired nod WurnoM
bul phyaMoRUU tell n> ibai we will and seawn U)rc1>. lleai the yolks of
-Bul. Ihanas lo .v-ur F<-rnna. I am
lu c«M wBfr. .Ki-ep on l.v .mill
tkfore Is-Klnnlng to sweep. duM a
be RUd because we latiRh; and II the
la uaui very llRhi add
lo seive. Ih.-.. pm out <in ...glass BuW eomplviely rure.1, and van rrl.yn.v'
, . I -Tvoi-aitd^lUTlirorwlora werw nMru^-hiwt-, phOiORcaphs and Uk>;i Im
more naigml metboda ol lauRblBR beIr-<I
any of
of i
g-siedand Iried, tail nulUlnc waaoTtwatfuls each of h,liter and ereain
. fill ihr- r.-nie,
whh whipfswl thing I want lu vnih-ut any
Diture and leyuoTe lo aludbel room.
treusmg syniptom*.
cauae we ore Rlad have ten
efll bi ntf Ihii F'-rnna. That la ce>s
il and pracmy nn-tls as I ute>l
C'over Hiroimre loo heavy ,o inov,
irfcald* mMk-lae. I wn
lected. II may be well to learn i
sltffly bealea whiles of Ibe ecRt. Four
pound Ihe >-Ily.
due In Hr. Hartman aud Id* wuud- tul ] r—Wmi In-threw weeks
fd»l arOcl# « ‘The Mental^ ........ fUd becauae we laoRh.
over the asparnRiis and bake li
l^.Uni Spons'—I't" ai««« a .lo*<-n Mi-dleine. Fwrliaa.
j b.-a!ihy .•..nrfiiM^.myapi-dlte'rwtUfwad
iu4e* la Ibe foltowlnt from iba KapWalls
quick ovea upill ihc crrh arc sei.
-It has bm-B whe year tioen I WMiaud u,y sk-vpwas rv Inwhlag.'*.
.lalka of pink
la-.o fncii |
aaa farmer:
II Ihc eurtalns leacb lIu- floor pin
Tba Daat Bprlng
AspaniRUs on Toast—Wash the
hTBUi Pieevs aml sVm will, a haU| Tr"-J -VJ-'-"-----------Them il ao doobi hut lhal oar meatbein up oui of Ihe any.
la aerrlBR BsparM'
paragu. carefully. TIoil as lor ot
U1 aUJtade haa much to do with our
ir twenty-rue .-cm* and with a cm
Carry lul the lugs. brush and l-eRl ■•ound of crtish.-d loai lURor. Rile.- tip g.-ihrr and w-w ih.-m o
find dllBculiy IB RcitlBR il cooked recipea mull nearly done, then i
: while vnaiiH l palm, a few touch**
them, and lay ibi-ui aw.vy out oi ibe lour pa-iiny riamev vak-a and lin-- a''ma.hnn-, not .yining ibe
iw too
sofaaltAiid c
' gvdd and some sblolng brass books
freai amouoi of work to m.................,ufBcleBily .cookdpdl.'Upi'D thv windows so lhal the small jmd'HBs-.tish w.'h Ibem. nwii |;. large lot wns sevd r
five mluuies longrr. Cook n small
Sng ib.'Di 111 In as well ua imssIWv.
i.i wind the i.a;!.
,r vup. . hauged U Into a rap hod
Inn. rbopped fine: a bay h-af and
Now pm a lav.-r of, pi'-plani uvi-r. aii'l
Tii.-y work.'l lue.-lliv
lai-- ra.k whu-h was the admlratloo
ei-p Ih-Klu
peppercorns la iwo lahlespooiiPils
arranxv H,.-1.-matudvr ofHi' vak.-s ln|jeawiog n...
huiter UUIll It luihbh's. bUI
pIciHbbi fov.'r wlili
with ap thouiht of what U to follow
.. clmfa and ilusi ifiora Ihc eubwvbs
Dot he allowed lo brown; at
nve the rurt.lus.almv.. ibe imrtlc... «'u‘- -tnd »
*«!»■•■>-.for tb.Boiuvi* J«an Cahm
„ -S.S so,
IS. »,
,l» .of,level
«-av>r ea,<
•I the taak la
At Brai
Brai ibouB-----ibouRht
I'l-am oue-balf taip of bolter with
The a.|>aniRua Boor, and eilr .md rook uniU sm-san,>R <be con.ers, ..ver ih.- drars. In the In a r«.l idac- till neat day. Thra made rapid pf.ttr.-ss
IhU BUT aeem Word, bul whew we
.ndow. and .along I'.e .m i.ir.- i.mld- lurn «m nmo ibe dish' Il is iV^ ,t.-y wer,-.bs.
lie t up of «ngar. |sv.:r i :lo Ibis (ho
of equal IcnRib,
and ihirk. then aetd Iwo. rai.fuU
eu|.fuU of
'serred lu and eve. Iblrky
.oma to ooaalder that every dUerem
idk* of Ibc-e welj'bi-:il''& eggv Bint*
tandlnf upward la a
mil .vnd the n
rblckcn or
1,1 llv. Istwi lb which < gg* w*r* bratUak calte IBU. play a dlffemi aet of
In, dusting ilowii a p
aaucepaa. The water sboald ronw
Cl itiauRlea of h<
A Rrwily Plait RMk.
maaelw, aad ihat while we am mIhr
u w.ili one half cup ol mltk. Addon*
nol to linisb Hx- iu|k-,
iw«-ibti4a of Ihe war
tlpa, toaat
In ,< 1i-niirng 'h- v.ini of a place
About CMIdrcn'r Clothoa.
snd thiiH- iiuariei* rapr at ;dl|ed flour
owe aet the other U reatlBR. the auv
wfaich abonld be rooked by ihc jib
AspaiwRUs Sobal—Take only almot bps \.e,-u brusbiHl uif
wbhh two ivMpmnruU of baklM
e cliiVIrvn luiw ivmgvowii Hielri-jahae. Cook for half a
Inches ol rbe tip .-lid ol tbd aulks (h-aued.
ril->. 1 r<Hii,a l«» •o,iv,l pks-i-s
powd.v have been miked, u-nl alw.aon»
U«1 aa them is a eoapcl of work,
•I-IS tU.-y can W made ideniyj*'
sIlRblly aalli-d belllnR a-i
Swe<-|i uhuui ihl rji’|u;|
Ibis valad. Ib this mstaoce
I I-. -'ll llv d -to liuld the
limii.il oi raisin- sUHied and
ac them b a r»P*>
kiiRv vi.c.imb hy ois-iilng Hi'"b-,***
lb- kmeec It Ibe asparagus
makihg ..
Sweep w'lib ihsi nap of i
uM la'hiimed bureau.
-d wilt, a lIMIe Sour and OOfsoapal M real la one that U
e la.ilnm up to the sl—y
naniasi ib,
harder tor Ihe areraRe wobm to put >®“"'
H-ader, and al'the end of ..mp. Wash Hie tips ami pui Hum I,111,!.weeping
I-I of a pound of. lirun Beal tha>
lhal time both llpa and'stalks will be|,ap|j|j. lullliig waier .liRhil^alled.'.ipst
lled.;.ip,t lulu the earpH iostvud >•
•s -Ml aud sH. gvnily through tb*
UHo BThctlee, Noi many women are
Ill wilhin a few luvhe* of Ihe wrisl:
Under and dellHoua. Sumelloie* tlpalRngraok
Il fllte.-n I link/-, or uu-'liiR It off. Wlihb wlil'k
n-eded mo-.-, so I had been w."
UiilUkv lu steady oira tanjfa^liitaly iRiy. The majorliy am too
(hen S.-I in some striis. Aids .-onugb
Bud sulk* tre cooked aepamlely. but.* III lender. Use boiely wal'-r emiugb'uiil under iiouk.
until swell -Hill- a.' I iv.uld -dui-i
amMiloM. IM Mreoitoua, and aliolo iiiakv Ihe gariix-ni a* large a. wan’t'kcepi tor soOM- aperlal dishes, this
hem wllho,il bniwlnK irrain^hvavy furalturr.
Hil suifd.niy the ld.-a
, Relher too tadifremol \to ibis HuportI'd, laiMTlug ihem lo a i*'H" n.-ar the
way la aot aa pleaalni. The very lougb and M-l a
10 cool. When i.-ndv
aat DMpel of rr»i. A womib taay
Crmlng* the World Ovur.
Till-, Sinp can
eoaise enda abould be removed beige rhvni on a salad dish p another. Take ii|< IB>- dust of euvh lojiium ol the
'"I'-.-i Iron. Ibe <dd bun-ai
ihlBk ahe know* ibe value of tea mlnFnidi !>
Ilow can .voar*
be miele from some -a.li ihln ph-.e- of
fom cooking. il only ihe tips are lo he
French diessliig lu a ainail pool upon a sh8rie,-lk>Ht dust-pun.
iild haidly wal' aiuft
oua'reel at euted perloda 4urtiiffibe
Jhj yb
How di> yv« ar*r
while flannel. . S*-v«-ia1 tow* of sin
used, a dellckm* aoup may be maile shallow dish lo each
vliMie, wa,
When Ihe roonr is sw.-p'. elo>
raiiMi—"How do you siaod?^
gle Civlchel WOlkecI 111 silk Ol fine Hl.lt ]
Ing dip •
sawed a hmg hteird n ;b,ve h-pglbv.
e lufo tbe dressingnnd h
li’h opi-n w'lnilo*.FPBDiah-- lUtatiH. (ind. ww.'
yarn, make a neai finish for th.' wrlsisj
nailed (lOe li-lig|h (111 ik'i top. middle
Hu!.ssm~-1low ito you liveWr
very often .be U miMaLt. .Imply
a-id nukies. flni.hlbg .iff wilh:
is.roi.i ot '.h“ bnr-au pletv-s,
>lf au bout will Is- long eiM»,ign
bcMaae her menial attitude U «) dlsveRmahle:
flgypilali--ltaw do you-pm^for*
.mull -o-alloiis. O.H.1I. yoke* can l.e
•nfiig ihi-m tog-1
•(Ual way:
r that time, vlns.l Hie » liiduws.lBe
turbo4 «y thaaghu el the work
ln‘ Aaparaius Soup—Wash a
l>oii-b---<iow do you hav*
your,-<-d loi 1euxlh"Mlng pahfs and ih-ii,
tuNird*. the .loor panels, vto.ethe
babd tlmt the Idle tea mlButew la mom hunch of aa|>arafui. vul off tbe Ups.
OUIS. and ihess sklrt.'^ loo. ivod the,
fn these day* «vl maich.Hl iilmmings. Windows, lemnve the covers iivmi HeWMrtw than raattul. The only way ~vcr ibe .talk, with cold water, aad
' Arabdii-Tbank Mod. he* ara
oke ran leTUi rveiml o, piduH-d w 'lh
-bil-d sh-lf: ih-ii I • r-B.-d
(A real U U9 put away all thooRhu ol Uul Bve oilndles. tbea drain. Jtbti Ii:ee may be rheaidy lillil easily d.ve.1 lurolciiiv, dual it. vuiplii the rurialns,.............
ill Hie lop :ind 'tekp
his.k. u.id-r Hie tup sbef! Olid
home Huy a tube >*f nil l>aHii m litlng hi Ihe /wg» and other turiHtuiv
work Md worry and mlak memally cover nlib mme pinis of soup aiock
l-i-rsian -~May Ihj \^dow never'
tiellgh lO g'Ve III.' requlr.-d leog'h.
'll a Iblrd of
the rewerved ll|is Iheeolqr you wish ami squeeie stum- :,iivl ii'arrauge (Im ruuiii.
Md |*ymically. and i s any wnnaa and add
:< lore making n.-w loiion ini-> nn- inetli.-r tfiM I ■>,- ,ytm boy.
>1 Ka<u>liue. thir till
. A, Ivast one.' » uoiiih biipg In 'IMcankAntodowllh a IhUc praeUre. Cook unlll tke BMUiratu*
I. soft
FreDtft- -“llOw do y.M «wrr>
!,.ga>ni'-iiis 10) chlldr-w, Hn- >«iio»
nialiy eoiiiplim.uiis
slep ladder, lurn the pii'i,tri-s to ihv
AfiOther cause ol mealAl Md pbya-, cooURh «o inesa through a aleve hr eol w<-ir,^»ulved. and Iben o-si II
sboul.l Is- shrunk Ui the pl.-o.- I.......
ibo,. ,1
So ole- know - I mad- if u
wall ami dus.l off Hie hacb'.; dust iP'c
hUiglrth. Am-rtTga aod fnaad
icariallrie U our ambllloa to do aoderAad leav.>only the fiber behlad *l(i55.' by dlp|.li.g in a sumU sami'
iMdnR evil and uiaih- up The sli,inking I- - I tell ! Iieni.
1 al'o
made a..,...............................
Isaot* tbaa w-e are afcle lo do. Therciihea mura ibe soup and pulp in ib,
Ipthe. hamier ■ lofc'r-oibsl vtoih- . r-^-I
.•}}.. under'the
.•ik-nedor llgblene.1 by addmg inutabuicBt. 'BrcAcasoa lo lasie and bring F'io i
In- doors uud wiudows
a limit to t
o< Wiii-i a'u.( allowing i' lo
old liar,k:,.d vh.i-a-a,ue.j
bmi; drop In the remainder of the lips paliit 01 more gasoline Then dtp HuNev.-r use an iibbemm'doriiillThor* aual always -------------- • Ihlaga
--------I uniil
iv|s-ai.wlly HU II Is iKc dr |vlelh for dust (diDhs, Th'-y leav,
. ............................ ' .,-.0- ..-H-w I. .von,
Ml Ufidone la every botmclmld. fer)*b^ ^ve been cooked gently lu aa; He go.«l« dr.ppibK from HP' *aIh.vi- you valen yoUr river
M loMWOBUtahaa tbe atrcttfib Md'»>her saoMpaa nnlll tender.
Heal sired tint and haag In tbe 0|icB air leifiluiie rav. i.-d wllh lini
I'lU' savli,-.: co's-.-s. ami wle-n
several bours. Rlblmb may >•1'he tws) dust cloths are made
efidaroMc lo ktwp overy wheel la Ibe
cupful of cream or rich milk
Iv di. press with a hoi lion. Tii.>J look*
fresbceed In ihe same way: fiatl- rs
rninie.l aquares of doul.le-iare,i
doaoaUc aachlocry of the ..eraRe.anoihcr boiler, nd thiekeb with t
.a flannel.
linusrhnld ruonlig amcMbly at all
ttbleapoonfoU each of Boor and aud osirlvh plumes cm be i,nt.-d. and
flower* n>eoU*red.
Wtew n
wm-n duM.ng neve, II,rt the I.........
UmoB wllh Mihlag ocgloetml wsnhii»t'*’"*'*‘f cablied sniuuibly together, add^
earn tinge Is wl'bed for Uee. wak flirting the dusi lino itt. Ms«m,
Lm ua tkmi labor tor u lerrard atilt'
The Heme of Captein KutchiRBon. of Montpellec. VL
.• T
Tvcro. a M.IInrSown a •
Chrome CMarr* Md ThTMl TfMMt.
« :
iM emw» CiWf
bodu, iMif«.
.. u .ho«id
■.le :r.,
•u someiimvs gives a belter, shatblau black eff-v.
be My aateuni of vrork krfi undooe crouioat.
«befi w« aimply aicp'ot the aiage of
•alOB, Md there will be other haads
to take up Ibe. work.
TbU belRf the caee.'U would aeem two amill spring cmlOBa. When the asIbe port of wisdom for every boay parmgos is ivnder. lub all through
bourn wB* to “gel w»e~ as to tbe real sieve. omablBg and rul-blng thruugb
pblhioopby of work aad resi. A wriu-r
lirth picks op Ihr dusi «iuu the du-<
bid Ihe fiber. Return the palp and
b> very dcUvaie lay it b.-;ween
shevii Of blue its-Mie
'll wlih
and rpriu
Parmem' WiresAMdlag soup to the (ire.
lave. Wlm* slikii and flue wblir
ir peiqier aqd o-lvr) salt, and add
UpgeHc waists iban pulling ii ;,•»>
plBlMmllt. Lot tt MBH
bloc tissue. Bluff tbe Sleeve, abd
. ihlvkea wifb one level
uicraagry requliemsttl. and if oar can
ni* of y.Mir dainty blouses *,ih ft.
drop lb* worn- over tbe work which ■poeatul each oi flour and butter rub■moolhly loRHber, and ■‘mmer map la sefeial layen. of tlw pap. 'la OM arcompllabed much U galred
kvep them S-auHiullj
poise, nme Is much la the phlloa- ten mluutea loager..
Course aaya ibo aailafaciloo of defag
all thM Is poasible la really ibe oaly
opky of at^adoo in work whs
be aaie of doiog tbe huf that is poa. goa until lender, tbea drain, aad place
sibt* nod letting rraoHs «m»c as ihey
urdk Timy are much more
laye/ In a tmtiered
;hlch haa b-ea well sprlaklet!
come sueceusfally ihaa ocberwtae.for Irtsd rrumb* Sprinkle tbe asparagus
tbe ahaadon of core and worry allowa wilb chopped bacd-bolledt BBS. pepper,
owe to do good work.
wait, sod grated ebeese. and pi-oeevd
Irctlie tor ridding oweS self ot
ramelshair brush is :itn,-<>i invaiughlc
,-d IllIBlIuie. .11 lie- .'lll'l is ole
ale. WM Ihe brush In kei^-ml.sl w,lb;Waiel.
,e. od'lv^ 'O -el, -U ',
e\eei^-n- lor lii-JMl!-.
n;ini-el .to. king, aud ;,:i su<
aoulen a.ii'Ie-
All kimu o, w.sd. :
fa! llv. slwiuld I-- kept pulled in:" ;ei
l-i-l shsiMHooi ahrii,Vilns\\rhen
rsmed Asparagna—After eoukieg pin down on a aheci. varcluily Finning
tbe vegetable, drain P free ftna wnCer loui Mch point aad eoverlag ui'h a
e eloih.
'.Maos' Ufifi to stretch tbe body to li< and BiTHkge niz Stalks uu tonsudlplece
gat to tgste while It Is stiu but
House Paint
1 Uaplil.. and eaa adt
,.n .everai tmildiag* In
le. ,d-sp a
lug and this .an pe Pd out
neiMed. Tbere *l<rbe Hire- hult-.!'-
(II (ho Mriog.
needed to Chwe Hie lOICk (A 'h.' wa.,s'
vn- is ao Is-iiei spring aiipeliter
and a ro* mi the bo,tom a: eq,»: ..iitonic than |Pep:aal 4^ HH. can
II Uce must he waaht-.l lake a mlii,- iH- served in so mimy way. H*a' there
ptDTs and aaoihe, <ow :wo la.l.'
eKUs.- im Iriilng the lam.ly tue
drieal glass boHle, half fill it wiin
rhove for holding the pmtkoats. Th •
lui.blug ai.-and
lliHe skirts shouid 1»- B**4v wiih UJ •
loo vloh-ntlv Ib the imiU-T. wind the
\xt. su-w In a small
lice carefully srouud thlv, and luist1-1 «,.' as ,,-qulred.
pieee ol ebrew rloib oa Ibe o-.i.idc quaniiiy of waier uu'U irnder. adding
Tbe mwilal and emotloaa)
In Ibia.way on^il the pM U full, bav Atler It h«a bolW sUffleieoHy. r.“nsv
mme or bwa laaneace by ibr bodily ing tbe lop* la.v^ot asittrngua. Four In allghlly blue wale, <Ua sligkl
eoadliloba aod aetlvtilew A dejected >ver It a eui>ful M ibla while s
U desired aitd a little wb>
pbyalcal attuude teada \o develM
o tbv rlase waico. piess ik
prlnkle -aHlh buttered crumbs,
>ui gently wliboui wringing and
dejectad meaul aittiadc. ' Oa tbe brown In boi oven.
«ibcr band there la aoihlag am.v
dampen* vlotb'io .lo'i dark
<«ton-d furulioie; ii siiiea: « Ibe sui
u.ugu. sla. lace.
Fiaiv u weigh! oo 11 and tebV aUnil
bours. Tbetw Is Botblng bel
U lb*
.r'.r .if"''
•v.-r Hie lurniluie sinwivj and -j- Ih- "
If lace is sollevt H should be vi-aned n »nlll the c-luih Is lull ol dSsi Shake
rream Of Asparagus Skiup—Cooa
te bunch of aaparnaus in one quail before .ly.'lug. and this. too. can le- 1 om of doors aud lay ii as,.l- ,i> ue
beamllully at b.m.e, ana vaie 'sash.-d before next sweeping «»>
i,sprig ol panley aud
We have a giwii- higher for,
VI. h «e ai'..d,n-,v guaiai,''• lor
We hav.- sr,i!ah:gt," .:n« •>
'lUe dollar jr-d ••sen-, five cWn'.
r. y.srs and gw- p.-n.-ci ssi.-.-s'
We also har.dli- h;-skoi-n-. ,1 gui gaarati-.-u ye, lak- r.o
M-ldi'-O on )>ap.T as *>: a- |„
.... i.'.d and ..il -paint, bat (tats
s. I...1 foiiiivriy sold by u. fur
li aid Web tb- maaufaiiuror*’
.!. sa'i prepnraHan whirb rM
-•e.| nail*,
rid- po*»4 parttCaa be ulted Is but Or
little orange peel is flet bolted lu
e water It will adj a pleasant Us-
A Hint fer dh* Doya.
Ore Of the
nnd |ir«tllest le:
carp.-i* 1 ever saa wa. made by Ihboyw of the family, aay* w frleod o
I Home Cbt-er. Tbe omibe- rut the rsg
I. bake until done; theo sep 'boy. h
o lap aad fdid lue lag-
A. W. Bartak & Son
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