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Grand Traverse Herald, March 07, 1911
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
and Travaraa
lirii M M mw cmKy^iteii min
Wmttitrnm, afi*
I penclo .
. but finall)' withI
«i «tn mm
len n beauM «t1mM Mh. Ttw
--- -------------------r Lodn li
veta *n th* fl’Ibtirtcr U>0 blU to dMth.
Wublacton. Marcb 4.-Tbnw«b aitM ttw
other oll-sicht Mulon the aeuto of
' the United Sutee etnialed with n
JonnimeDt of the slztr*Am oongrew
gM* erejrat U:th •t noon today. Only from S to 7
to jm the! o'doek thla moralag were the legle'• egreed to rat* oa taUee wbeeU at a sUDdailll.
cM^Ariwwwfth The enailry clvU bill paBaed at 7:30
BL It provldee^00.eeo for a tariS
e of CC
mu TO «D
OriroMMShAre Here> For the Pi
In Fruit
Two real estate men are to tbe
today for tbe parpose erf cairytog
OIgPLAY clfy
out a deal that will
' '
I county If It, Is
b their lirfetitkM
X of 1.000 aciTs of good fruit land
_f tbe ricy sqd divide it up into
tracts of forty »eres each, which will
be set out toTnili tree*, and as soon
TO ftPREAC as these trees oonie Into bearing they
will be sold for fruit fanns. During
tbe lime that tbe trees are grawiog
they will be cmred for by tbe oouipany
No Wmoow Why EaeUm Farmers BO that the tracu can 1^ turned
ghewM Oe West te Rsiss FntH
in first class condlto thee puri-has<ni
With gtteh Opportunities
In Miehlgsnorked successIly in other aetxious of the country
Lansing, U^h l.—Ooe of tbe m.
id there is no resson why the sane
Interesting festures of tbe roond-op venture could not be made a
lastltou was tbe extensive exhibition^ one her*.
of fruit, especially apples, which have
(teen grown in tbe northwestern sec
II la one tract ao that the cost
tion of the state. The exhibition wai of work!
rklng can be reduced to the
ahown UD<ta the auspices of the West minimum
urn during the years
yesrs that the
ern Michigan Development b
trees are coming Into bearingSecretary John I. Gibson of Traverse
peraemsUy looking after
PervnH ExpendKwre of
Purchase of Such Lsndi
AM to Dieeover Un
taxed Lands.
ulng.-Mlch..'Haicb i
g aid for the benefit
senate Wednesday
;hL Tbe Fester blU providaa that
board'of auiterviaors of any
ty may appropriate the sum of |2JKI0
annually In advertising the a^cultural advantages of their county.
The Walter bill anlhorlxei the board
of Bopenisort of any county to Issue
bonds tor tbe purpose of purehaslog
land to be placed at tbe disposal of
agricultural sorieiies for holding exblbiUoni or fairs. Twelve tbonsand
dollars Is the limit that cam be rslsed
for this purpose.
A bUl toirodu
man autborites tbe state tax commis
sion to make an Investlgatloe for tbe
£ purpose of discovering property
At tbe Une of ibe big Chicago show
MIchigaa frujt growers were told by
K from fruit belu <
. . far west, that their fruit would not
stand up as well as that from tbe irrlgatloa dlstiicta. Tbe present cond(Tiutyuip eiTV CANMINfl FAC '
a'of thOM apples, considering the
rt that they have been shown in oth
er parts of the state during the last
M fa «l Roeal«et-e tale
three months, bears out Mr.^Ibton’i
AftOMg^^ J. Mei^
suiement that Michigan flUt will
Thonaa Uatefaett, oae of the old- kMp fully as well. If net better, than
eet reeidenta U the Oraad Traverae the western product It Is generally
tbe last ten years. When discovered
conceded that tbe Michigan fruit
tale «< the ptoF- ragloo, paaaad away ah hla home^
' propenles can be taxed tor tbe
"Id examples of which are in.m etty OaBitag Marfleld lAwnahlp Moodar. and
amount and tbe money ao col
___ la the exblblt has much better PETER
r. It erne 4Hd la hU dMth the ooanty loaea ooe of —
lected -used to create a fund which
, ter the a J. Mor- hMt known and lODal eaUraable dtl- flavor than tbe forced Car western
rhall be known ai the omitted.tax
•eaa. The funeral eerrlcM w«« hdid fruit While, in moat cases, the Irrlfund.
at the Methodlat church at Kingsley gstlon product has It over tbe Michi lee Parted from Shore without Warn
The senate adopted .the repoK of
ing, Taking Fishermen and IceJnI «>»wi
tnaartal naaia.
baeU. reaterdar, the afTvtcM being con- gan fruit la Else and color, Mr. Olbaon
le cdmmlttee on consUtoUonal
Be« Parlies Out Toward
vadar the nan- daetad fay Rer. W. HUerheit of b of the opinion that Michigan fruit
amendments, recommending the paaLake Mlchlssn.
niMtil. and Her- Tlarecae City. After the reenUr w^ growers may soon develop fruit as
of bouse resolutions flavoring
- - '0
reneral waa taken «harn pleasing
to the eye
e: in sUe and color
M supa^ vice the teneral
>m«DdmentB to the taw on primary
FektMM nnd the
at that of the far western belts.
wae tearod of by the Odd
arooned oa ice poes
chool fund and on tbe law governing
tlM of the rice of
“Why eastern Carmers should go ao
<1 to the nick of Ume
be power of the le^riaUra The
tar west to raise fipit In tbe irriga
lee of many TraverM I
first mmendment provides for a dlstion belts, has long been a pussle to
poul of tbe surplus money of the
Thcansi MaSchett
waa horn in me.’' said Beeretarr Glbeon. “Right
school fund. Tlw purpose of tbe
here In Michigan we have ooe of the
ond is CO empower the leglslstnr
Drdmrdim. mad &<eu ^
re|«al local end special acta.
Onad TraretM eonaty. MIoIl, Fah.
The bouse' rawtation calling for a
of Irrigating '
Ung and
n. 1»1L at tte nge of 72 yaare. 3
convention lo ai
B (gderal c
they can never be s
on the i
arface at varfawa sdiutlon so that
ha aad rr day*,
ny will be
distances from the shore.
waa oM of aevea ehOdrae bon
to David aad Jaaa (Aebaaon) Matdiwasrs
lenstor l.«e raised tbe question as
en. who Bwred frith their fatally to
Canada wberw the mother died la
vhether Or not the senate should i
tnaity for very cheap transportation the break was so sudden that no one in federal affsir*. After going It
Bruce county.
When Thomas was a child of tew by water. We can put a barrel of ap- suspected the aitusUon that they were executive session the senate conOrmyMtw, his parenu came to Canada. plM in the Chlcaso market tor a* In until tbdy saw cakes of ice floating
Ibe east and west shores, and
leaThM him in the old te»e la care cents a barrel, while ibe Irrigation
looking toward tbe city they saw
of a M«bd aunt and unde, who bad ^ardlst U forced to pay’ tl-bU. There
gTMt possibilities In thisI section
tbe great ic-e field bad parted
ao family. At the age of ]« yMru b«
the company with the shore and that their gan Soldiers’ home.
ctcaaed the Atlantic alone to Oana- 0^ Michigan and the people» of tbe
da. where be had been preeeded ■ oountry are fast beginning to realise passage to tbe land had been comIf a bill introduced by Senator »
iletriy cut off. TtaU was the situs- becomee a iaw-R will be possible for
sears by an eider brother RobChase 6. Oi
Jon of aboui^twenty men and boys
^d togther they with Oenrge
to be appointed county at
.Ate ofOcials i............... _ who were on the ice north of the Orel- women
. ilotaon and Bcbert Downs, took
of the poor This privl _
Uek dock, but as luck would have it has never been extended the women
the trsH Ibr Oraad Rapids and De axpactad ...
^^ol” Sucb*l3R?pw^V*^* there were boats along tbe shore and of
troit, being nearly two moothe on the the axhIMt
Ibis BUte. Both tbe house and ee
th? vfMtwn Michigan* De a number of peot>le on the shore.
wny in snow and rain nnl dniing
ate adlooroed until Monday night
— —the direction
On this part of ib^bay there were
that tim Mr. Bwaiotson
three Iccboaia speeding over the
Downs, being dlacoanced. add their
Ic*. and the crew of each
proTlaloas to unde
were having the ilhie of their Jives
hrotbar aad retnmed. While the lat
icoua ■
ter kept steadily oa unUl they reach
Friends and Neighbors Surprised Mr.
ed a log komeaear tha Manistee rtrand Mrs. A. E. Portar Last
and two
er. where they stopped a short Uma
• inspecting the exhlMu the
. . ___
____ of Cornand Uwo prooaaded to the botoe of
Grandpa Ulekarann and la the spring
Mission. Mich-. March 3.—About
-- im Mr.
aatered a
and neighbors of
Id la
•k said. “We w
Ir. and 51r». A. E. Porter Invaded their
nyle. Aimraey General
home last evning. the occaaioo being
Ha 1waa- _______
mamad ^ i. 1174 to
the 3Snd anniversary of tbrir marMlM Laanna MdUU. ifho waa bora la Knkn. end Dairy and Food Commlarlaxe.
Hancock ooonty.Obta Of thU uaton akmar Dame gave short talks. ' '
Tbe eariy pan of tbe evening van
were borw'&tc children, three glHi lowlBg which Governor oaboru :
-----------ingement to tbe work of
defective place In the Ire. and t
M-eni In card lOaylng and social cbtiaad two hoys, two of the glris —
In ns short hut inspiring ad pact threw every une of the men in ebat. Wben tBe supper hour arrived,
no the bteebtv^ In infancy.
tbe cockpit a long dlHtance. McManus. each gemleraan was provided with a
Mr. MatcheU beii« ooe of the pi's «Md the viillora to spread the Comstock and Baker slid about three
s>nis•ooeer settlers beM many of tha refmattoa thru tbey were niylnng hundred feet on the glassy Ice. Mc
spnaatble oMcm in the wwnshlp, beManus was stunned for a few seconds procession
formed, hitided' by
and when each was able o tget up It Mr. and Mrs Porter,
ter, and tlM-y marcbV
_ room to tbe sualnr
nf tradt In the district in wtdeh he
......................................bring n
of Ibe strong
of MendelasobiTs
tsobn's W(-ddlng
b^ boat because
Brad. ;
I like b^ which comlnue<i to Mow them back en -hlch was play'ed by Mrs. J. G. Mills
Be was-a member of the fiammlt in the state, but the
see b such sa
Ibe Ire all of the lime. Dean had dis During the supper. Marrin Blodgett
CRy cnaM aad one of the eddest
"Put on Vi>ur Old Gray booappeared and was diaeovereil
members of the L Q. O. F. of Kingse
-kpll Iof the
;>n>t “Wb>-n You and I Were
tclous undecihe
tar, bdonglng to that order for over
right to
the farmert'
hit a .................... oung. Maggie "
•I years. He waa a torita bnsbaad. a
The Rev, 0. L The
had thrown him back
load fate- aad a good airiaUbor. doe boat and a bad gash was d Mr. and .Mrs Itoru
Itoru-r with a handHome
sllrar baking dish, on behalf of
cut In bis
Is knee,
besides otherwise
shaking him up. The water was fast the friends guihered. and they re
Be IMVM to mocra his toM a wid
surrounding him when pulled from un plied In flUing manner, speaking their
ow. Laaaaa MaleheU, Mb anas. Prank
kindness shoan
D. aad tra lu and a daivfctar. Mra •ome Figuras »n the Tkmpt'hWn of
the Impact of the
Mas BaUa of
Klatalry. a brother
FahcMry, 1811, and In Othsi
After the fupper. th.- diDlng room
; crack In the Ice.
Robert of ChartafulX' aad a
took up the
gfBbi daoghier. MeHam Mattaett. to?
After palling Dean out. tbe four tmo of Ibe msjorlly until a lati- bour
wiih a .boat-oT Meads aad
The Mtewy juat paaaed was tbe
_ ora. while thoM whe^ew him warmtadn 82 years, with tbe excep- were standing on me ice when they
heard another party of men shout that
best will mlas him amat
turn of that of ISS:. The average for tbe Ice was koing out. and they
thb hslag 28. while that of IS
thought that they bad plenty of time
30. Tet in thb Fehruary the
to gel to Ibe west shore, as the Ice
temparatnre was lo above loro. while would be blown that way on acoonni
that of 1882 was oair'l above.
of the, southeast wind. However, a
Tlmre was sriy uule enow, the beavy boom was heard and It was
Well Knew RatWeM «# glala Tee
gwalaal (all whs on the Mih when 4 Been that the ice was cracking north
ship Peseed Away Last
indma fell: thb -was preceded bj
fiel Inand south, breaking tbe large field
thUBdar storm whM the rain
smaller ones, so each made
rlvervary of Tent CK K. O T M M
run for tbe west side. When tbe first of tbU pU« snd th.- ev.ni was cele
Chartes S. Dowd of Blair townaUp meitaB enow was threwdWirth* of
_____ la seeartag
dlsd Thuraday evealag about 8 o'clock Indb Tha highest temperature was tC man went over the break it was last trsted with s chlikm supper snd geo
Mad who want to nf heart titmMe. at the age of elstywidening, and the last man had to ersl good time
- la dha -worM.
)nmp about five feet, landing on the
;t«« yaara. He leaves e wife, two
At the time lUs tent was orginixed
The eoUast February in 32 years edge, and it la a miracle that be did ll bad ihi;-.ecn rbarti-r member* of
m every after- sems. and a daughter. The tnneral
of two-------- wa MeM Snnda.r ut 5 o'clork from the was that of 1875. when the average not fall in.
vhofn four were present; Frank tJo
was about ooe hriow sera, the lowest
ig aatU a a.......... Rloe U. E. church at Blatr.
McManus has not seen bis boat ton. Fred Avcr>'.' June U Warner,
bring 17 below, snd tbe snow tsll since, bat he Is In hopes that she will and Kersefari ItJhbs. TTpOsc who were
M to taka charge
Motty. There are
come back with the Ice today or
abaent w.-re John Csuntlett Oasalus
'fta lowsftt SBowfalb (or Febraai
waat wort on
Stiles. John Heigve. Emery Roae and
0 32 years were 8H Incheg In 182
LaFranier. Peter Hanson and Prank BsrUeit. Tboee of tbe orlglhsl
inoDM to 1801. «H.to«tas^^W$. JnilLloyd
r them erttb
os Swanson were fishing on
members wbo hsve died during tbe
Company Hevea
ice off Bdgewood at the same time:
that the Iceboat arrident occu;
The TraverM City Caakai eompav
Mr. Hanson bad a Une down and no- aad Henry Thacker.
U movlM from the H. U Carter faaUdte 4* Ualon sOMt to the riarmers’
ftappty company bdUdlag oa state
tbe rogular river emrenl sboald
t -MM UWi^dgl^M Mar I
Hteat Owing to the Incnuiac btiMthrow the line to the north, be thought
aaaa of the Mnket compnay aad the
that something was wtostg, but upon
need of more fcom. and the fact that
looking toward tb* abtwe notiuag Tbctnaa Cranapem of Bay Oty Died
fTMldant-fc 3. Case.
conld be aeea. However, three distinct
B. R. CBsafty—Clerk.
crashes were heard, denoting tbe
ft. ft. Drii^ce—Trei___
Bay aty. March 8 —Thomas Cranabreaking of the k« from me ahore. gem. builder of the flrii sugar tactory
ta. MW UW U» •
Mbs hatmfta Trastaas tor two year*—A B. 8tlo- and It was found that the ice was * in hUcUgaa. died boro yeoteiday. aged
(ConuuMd fM Pace Two.)
aoa. Q. L. Fenton. A B. Hnckman.
OefiMBskl,i GINi tor CirciN Mp IfAM t,7R0
_____TWIowiM la 1
list with tbe axesAa «.__ ______
ty-eeveoth dtotrio. «U(B haa Mi pM
been determtoM:
1-Ouy M. Chaster (ft)b.
:-Q«o. M. BridcoM* (ft).
Elisha K. Cllnh of East Jordan oould
3^. K O’Hara (D)
ddesi Judge Mayne. but Mr. dink
4- Jamev A. ParitiMOa (D).«
«as 'coobdent that be eouM do eo.'
Hmj. j. wuitoM.
-Tbe result is
5- Clemew Smlf
shows that CUnk rarried
only his
>me town. ^^’terdan. by 1S3 maTboodore Ml__ ,
iority. Charlevoix
ievoix townahip by one
7-C. a Wisner (ft)*
majortl; Uie Second ward of tAtMark W. Brown (D).
y by 25, and tby Fourth wahd /8-F. D. M. Davto (ft)*
B. It U alao stated that be
2—Frank K. Knappan (ft
Brito towushl]
10Wm. Q. Gaea (ft)*
ty. .by about 30. but 1
w. a Kestditofc (
turns had pot been tvceived from iM
^loeaph H. Btam
outlying townahipe In Antrim coanty
Bugane F. Law,
up to 2 o’clock this afternooB.
12—Harvey Tappaa '
Traverse City was euppobed to bo
11- F. W. MayM (
tbe real battle ground of the whole
district and Mr. Clink bad
forces at work (tere. be himself being
in the city to await the reeulL At one
It—Henry 1
time duitnc the afternoon. whM tt
Jaa. a _____
was shown (bat tbe vote would be
very light, there were
feere that
wrou B. FstSb (R)a
Judge Mayne would be defeated. Many
of his friends to the city eooceded
that dtok would carry the cKy.
Th resoR pravad ooncluslvety that
at no time did Mr. dink hsv« the
remotest chance to win. alUwugh he
and his friends pot- la name bard
C. W. Parry
n-ork during the aqltre campaign- Mr.
23-a D. ranm
dink's friends even claimed La^Arthnr Brown
au eonuy. but wben the
2»-«tato J. showed that Mayne got -438 and dink
2^Wntacm BahcB *(S^‘
only 85. the dalra was iwvxrded as a
. . . __(»)•
........................... ........ would be
bcatao in Travene Cfty
Bono or tbe damoonU 'lo «Bt busy
wKh the Idea that If flUna was de
feated. to put a sDong damodWt to
the field against dtok. Tbe result
was thatlHarry C. Darts recaived six
votes and M. W. Undarwood tour In
tha Fim ward. Underwood also rocelvad one In tha Second and one to
the Third ward.- As the results sund.
there *111 probably be .. _________
candidate to oppose judee Mayne.
The following are tbo comirfate «>■
turns oL the townships anh wards
with tbe exception of the few «ownEblps mentioned:
:::::: S
wnBsrdad Wtshae «2 OsBaro al Bta
Inaw-Lafl Out taMtatiro nta
r sail C. Oatrnadar.
S ft Bird. Adrian.
Luctaa L. Hubbard, tlnnthfnn
Maaher auu hMid e( tdnrortM
Thomas W. NadaL OUvM.
......................... of pahMc totawetlOT
jhL inawood.
_--------- BUta beard of agrtenltaro
-John W. Baai^ DatrolL and Jaftoodmaa. Faw hw.
tglnaw, March V—fteraraer Onr SB out aad oat maad
and the proproalas la>
inBed 8e cftaMO tha
icourae of abaoluU caatloa wklcB tto
i« «!,«« «»artc<a. n-
• lout yetterdiv. The
6 ’ i finally adopted by
»I A decUrmtioo to tafor oT rivO aer* |vtca was cast by tho wayMda to the
’ ; era’ liability
. changed as u ____
.. ,..
; wltiwni force. 1%# riauae ‘
regard to neillgeace'’ on tha part of
the employer In relatioa tF 8 west'
f* man’s right to recover, wa* strldUB
« out. thus prsctieally plodglBg the
* i«rty to a cootlnuane* of tho praesat
, liability BUtuies.
After a resolution hU paaaed the
,coBventloa forbidding the toaertioa to
>49 the pUtform of any propoaltion set
----- reponed oat by the namwlttea, tho
measure wblcb Gov. Oehora dodnrod
CUnk. tbe party eboald hot shirk. lifSTOlM
7 Itself on never even rooetvlng n heor3 log. Reciprocity and the laMMaa,
3 referendum and recall did aot^MM
e commltt
.ttera of p
ns little e
a 00 oro tho c
1 to favor of state o
3 prised tbe govs
12S J which the convmt
m nuAK omcai
sp-doha L. (YMaata (D).«
36— 8. Shrtner (
3C-ls B Dea \
37— Waltar U
Edward J__________
38— C. A. OoUaB (S3*
THiRn-SEcoMi ummi S.vr:;r
Other CIrauH JudBsa NatlitaSift
Nearly all of (he clPCUU JiM’"’- the euie, ouUlde «( Way** <
Wet We^tria. , .
maXHity that will probably exoeed
1.2V0. With tbe towBshipa of Hodran
■n tTbartevotx cMuly. Jordan. 8Ur.
Warner and Krbo In Antrim eotuty
sllil to be heard from. Judge Mayne's
4 Xtognra Fans, ilarth E-A BMta
4 axplodod at tha 9oS» Of Iho OaStaw
----- Power Oft, 4hlt morolns. kfOlBB BMao
3U and tejorf teat crfhMa.
irM^for iiKk* «i «» tU^M of the
rmt V’ e*rta«« V(X«*
Mitklt «ftH «ir«]«m ia tlnn. th*
»et, vttli. an
«T k was Jost f e
rM(W«ar that eiwMtf the
nee wd ther heve reuKn
to eOB*ntoJ«e thenwelrM upoti their
AD0|Ui<«- thl&f that
be tuSTle•blo. hnrttt be m lufteAloB br the
l«oite« of the lc« coodiuotu ahd warn!«■ ciren throoKh the k*al papers of
abo«>« it«alat
Vo* W
n UnaohlBg the
I not lane cmonih
piiipiip uiflS W'
icMsan Pradpoaa MUaaw
in Ya*r duet OoMd.
K Tracy Uqr. Rr«Mmr.:u.
Saclaaw. Mlcb. March E—SutlsPeS.tl.>Ms. It. R. PUyd CUech. Vloe PiaalEili
tics corertnn the t............. ....................
of tha f»nairy. wMeh bM Jen heM FARM FOR bALC-My aaocre Tam,
A. J. HavHaod. RI^IC
wfctah at Uiaas >^c«--wrer the
iamntotoi. show that MMOgn teada
2% miles from the vUlage of ^
erak dreocblnc him «-iih the .tn
in the Unhm in the prttdurttea dT hast
Hire. Leelanau oonty: «0 i
vater be niMweded In reaehla*^
...: o-clodt Tharsday uMmias the
.toith CaUlerau ssennd Last
dmred. good fenrsa. good uw.----located la the rear of the store
the state prodeced MEaw.aao
bouse, good ham. fatrne ocehard IS
to keep a fo
M V. K. Round was dUcorered eavela of sofar.
naaeosenDa one of them -va_____
oped' iB-flanes which bad lalsod ««(*
cm ttoard, hai the danceroba i^lH
tsaoed. no buUdlaga. Prime ea apthe Ice made the roscoe of'lbeo^
tdkatkm. Mika MUumagk. Emptre.
er a dangemus basiheas, M the ice
beeu were gtown la»i year. .
taes Uii.il
apri tt5
cnnaWed when stepped opon Bear the stfwad. and the henae oerapted hr i factories paid ST.eM.OM to farnMra,
E, tioBt had beea sadly f*----------■ ‘ the average price per acre helag I7E
<he <m«c of
the ftre wbUh awept thnxwb
the at- The average loaaags per am-----’*
5TATK 0>' anCHIUAK>-The Pro
r than any ,l>aie
which U three tlm
le Court lor the County of Grand
elstp^ ooacreM of the I’afted made
'the origin of the lire is nnkaowa. tmriw ymr. ^
-----of Trazeysc.
It narks alto the paaalog of
Um haifcen lee that was toUowIhe the but It U supposed to have originated i|bc if factories
At a session of said court, held _
sad rapreU ^ open which the men were. In the bant, near Where eight or nine
ihs probuie-onee. In thuAky of Trav
. . tl A<«aBt PSII
Twenty minutes after the men had faarreU of lubricating olU were stored, i.
»fcl I ■ MH .,, HMWIHi
-------------- Ifirse OKy, in mid cdjmuv. on.the STih
.Me k Aifut* Who have helped to make hUtory and. been taken oH the Ice Uifwbcrfe.th-ld laad when K bad burr-^
imed to
the '
•- where '•“
id»> oI IVbraarj.
usi). A. I).. I!*n.
irreU wee ioca
.. there
warn aa ea.»e la AAiMBi who wnUth*
I Pteoent. Moo. Fred R. Walker. WANTEO—Oiri for , geoefel hana
freatly mlaaed by their was smtind to pieces hr
work, three ta.thrtwwilj: iMd k
la all dlplotloD which spread the ftre li--------Probate,
oed. Seme of the oM war
e»4 h
rectloa*. miking the bulMIng a seechmatter't
literrof .Ihe «
vffi ttep down aad one and
1 bm Utcle cSi
HelcD A. Heaib bavtag Bled in mid
ri ms wUl take Ihelr plaraa.
w the. north oT tho
•wired ^ore I
.coort her account as sdntlaUtratrU
Tbara are aeweral nwia, than ordl fnap of eottaget. When the boat
1 it wR» fonn
of naid estate, and her petition l>rar
aarflr >bi»plCTions anree whoae reached dhe lee on the shore ahoin- someone would have beea lajured by
~ ' la a
ng for the allowance thereof.
«>U b« no toncer heard U the
difOeuIiy atosc In geUlag lu oc- le a>1ag debris.
It Is ordered that tbe JMh ^y
becesaors lis R. ErtMlfitepw;fi'''
DUMB on the ■
The house occupied by Mr. Horst {gSAL|
kUonal eapttoLDutero la HMee. .Wael. Rrck TrUm
Parfaape Uie moat proalnent of all
waa/wlib considerable '
ily commonicated to the woodshed,
te aod Is hereby apimloied tor
the sabisr^ lefUlaUre stars Js -Un
and from there wah drawn u|i through
hting and aHowIng said acronni.
CKlunt. Bell.
. bouse where
cle Joe- ChPDon. who for years has
. atile’by a strong draft, with the
It U further ordere.1 that pobllc no
.ed out ready for the
iuli tbv (he roof was burned
ire thereof be given by pahUcatlnn
dlre^ed fbe destinies of
city. Hanson and
il pU
of this order, for three sue)f^i
the rnr*—chair. HU esecoUre seat ow««BMveie AD (he tcc about an
could be reached by a line of I
will’ bb BM« by aaoiber. bat he will hour ap^ hslf after LaKranUr UTi Pan of the furaluire In the house was LOST—Bet<
■ of Pine Mriaa.
.. in the tlnind Traverse Her
stfD be bd^ tmn. His sute wlU not
■ved. aad what remained s-as badremovet
aad EleveflHi streeu. on I’niott and
neniaiier primed and <Rrvu
Zn^.,------- because he Is pelUd 10 "keep.moving In order to
wilh wat er. The '
Priedrieb'a shoo store, lady's opM
tl aatd louniy.
fane gold watch, black sQk fob^witb
1- of the hdbae. keep on a se<3lon.of Ice Urge enougl ______________ to Mr. Horst was not
to bear Uem up.
la the bouse at ibe time, which fan
lodge of Pnibate.
On the eonuary.'bU Toloe will be
The three mca were brought to the saved It from aertous daf ^ which
to Record-Bagia Bawarft.
hoard Tsftb m naeartaln sound when- city htat rigs that had gone out to Ibe
e be:
fine trtf
rie. Preepertiro
Ul to
ewef there Is seed of the aghtlnc spirit sceM^ and it is aale to say that they As il was the furniture
It profttabU to eM rtywin be more csrefill In the future
was damaged by tbe
IrMeh te a part of hU nature.
1 Udore
The iBBurance
take f
. . . atte_.--------------. - >«
__ _
Cannon was elected •oing.f
am prepared to try out aurtton made anywhere.
_____________ that has been mSfle
UIng U naay times prevhmsly in tbe lieraU;
i In and out of the city Farm
Springteld. IHlnoU. In ms and abor*.
I.I. «*lod». fios
that DO commanlcnUoas can be used rali-t esiMctolU- sollrlled. Terms right
has been lamnied to every contreas
ed by Insurance. Tbe hi
«. O.
oua Ml «unl tm <• IM ttee nisM. He U probably the oMaet In ily from the peninsula becaohe (he
' satisfartMl
"srae of tbe
CEDAR. RftlC«E s -■
Ilora. were out of order and it Is
»i. Trav1 by Mrs. JnlU Parker.
srriter. Izical
point of wrrlce of any
lucky tbui Mr. Winnie suw the di
aent lo this week from
Daring all these years. OongressraaP lemma of (be airanded men. 'Hone of
different points wbiefa would have
a hfarttM.iaork «aa done Guison has been in the UmeUght. He ihU party are any the worse tor their $T<Hi on tbe stock that
been naed If we h .' ki^B the
LaPraniei'. being the only tbe barn, and the build
writers. Please besr
tor Ur. eau ma rraeataa Otty was U a poUUcfan and atateaman of the eaiwrience.
who g(M wet. It Was no coldd chat a total loss, com IWOO «
hereafter—that all
a faii Out be carried oU tdtool. a type that U rmduaHy one
the water Irose to him as f, l SB the years ago........... .
tended for. the HeraU
id bhli
taken care of by the Inaui
-UncU Joe- U ta a class by
:mme of the writer. ThU
Wlldlngi and atock that he always jto regular and
1 tte iiiMiCM W »•M’Ar »< Uameir. a dHuaner of dogged person^
allty. wonderfnl force and-as IndeThe first alarm was turned in by
poadance that galns-for him the retelephpne sbortiy after the fire was
uepsiiiusui NOTICE OF
ipect of hU pollUeal enemies, of Which'
he has many. He ruled congresa. TOURIST BUSINESS 18 aVaYING arrived Chief Murray thought that it
would be best to turn In a general
dr*rit wbkh lia'aartM la Itavme while apeaker. with an Iron band, bnl
alarm and so pnlled boot 14 to bring bate Court for the County oi Grand
Ctty. hue
no man can say that "Unde Joe- ever
out the volnateers. Tbe boM on. the ,Traverse.
Railroad Fisurae Shm» .Great I
second wagon woa not needed, how
e dUhtmest art while serrIn the matter of the estate of Sarah
in TUkeU Sold fe; Travsr
ever. as there were hydrants near by M. tVhionery. de<
lag hiss slate In Washington. Hfl.U of
.Notice Is hereby glveft that four
advertising In al! direcilions. Had (be wind been
e that la being repUcod''^By the
blowing at the time as It has been do montba from the :7th day of Pebriiary.
rersc Ctu I
a jwngresalve element which cone
ing nearl>- every night. It would have
been hard work to save the entire
dIUeps are demandldg. but the Impreaa
block, SB there are many wooden struc
of bU intltteoce sriU be left upon the roBiU. and Inm this
tures near (bat would have
itraenf. and
readily seen, that ft
historyeasy prey to the ftames.
1 credtlora ol said <
-Unde Joe” hss served hU country s}>eni In advertUlng
The only clue to the origin of tbe
Q present ibelr ciainia to said
been reiimied by Jl
e is In the fact itisi when tbe fire- court. Dt Ihe prolate
well. Although bltterty crlUcUed, be enjoy the wonderfnl-------relate <offiie. In the city
of Traveroe CH». In said county,
swerved from the course he bad for w-biCh tbU region is Justly famor iK-fore the Mdh day of Jone. A.
mapped oat for himsplt. He-wlU I
IVII. and Ibst Slid <9a!ma will bo
chair evea
tpeeker-s t.............
mlgbi have been that .nSueooe was beard by said court on ffettayv-ihai
aloeplag .ln the bain and careletaly setb day oi
by Those who fought him a»d who of trade has secured figures
o’rinrti in t
could UM hut admire his Independent
Hght, and prove beyond a positDated Feb. :7th. A.D.. 1911.
spirit and Indoidtabte wUl which they bU doubt that It Is one of The >uot
sau Dl the City. According to ate QcoaUaMbiaak.
The fire was so hot that It pnt
Judge of Prohaia.
Canaon will not ran ftres furaUbed -by <he O. 8.cAil‘ trtenhone cablea. located In tbe alley,
feb 2S mrh 7. 14. 21
n‘'road. the number of iourtats*-(ick- out of business, and a force of men
of representttives next,
eta nold over that Hoe for Traverse were put to work early Tborsday
■ion. but be is not yet eligible for the
»»;..wblU In 1810 aaornlng repairing t be damage. Luckisc« to 274S.
t aumbor lncr»ai
aown»n^ dnh by any
D> the electric wiret w ere not croased
others or there woubl have
Rltb (
the advmMng that w as puf qm last, been a great deal more oamage done bate Court for t
1 raverwe.
year by the board, of trade.
from this source.
estate of
In the matter
The ftnanclai dSd of this irafftc
■ . -■
Charles Palmer.
be roadOy seen when it u esUmaied
.Notice Is hereby gl‘eii that -four
enttb hrre. E ' 1
■from the shore. Swaasoir that each person who
intbs froDi (be 27th day of Pobraary.
.ware not able to awlm. , spent at least ISO which means ihaf • 4
D.. ffll. have I«een allowed for
— was only aboot a bun- tbe sum of WS.OOO was brooght to
present Ibelr claims
TTavorae City ak>oe by those people,
bora whue ekab
-ils, however. U not the end of U»#
I tba ke mesenU - «a irad^ nnr a . fartphooae
;konlng because the lourUt ucket. by Loren V
itors of said deceased are reM»W
be dU- pboM tMft&nneia.aking the sboro ro
Corner Froqt & Ccs: Streets.
louired to preseni tbeir claims to said
tnka their hoau and rescue the other real uumber during the aeoron. as
own and family, who has jrourt. at (bailrobate office, in the diy
Orn Broi
^ bw hes
But‘ ■-*
the ’■bonis be- even moro pay tbe regular me than been suyhig'at
0 of tbeI party. “
.hlg'at Fldding Watson's lof Traverse City. In said county, on
latly Bsts
aale eseapt In
excursions. this aimer, has moved ba< tbe resIdenU of the penln- take advantage of the
' 'or b<___
gtljft^»itedhere.and when the
With Ibis amount doubled it means home.
aaowed in evideoi
;i9ll. and tb*t Mid claims, will l»e
that during last season over the G.
Watson's ;h.«rd by'said codrl on Thunslay. Hie
Jim Watson visited
R. E I. alOBe ........ !2*lh dar of June. A. D., 1911. al ten
camp Thursday.
.£TS*u.?^;SS>Sr3f!S .
arLis '^r
SW oaufis,a^
„rt- STX
....... •#»*
»< **
_^ __ .
It is,about lime lo think of Sflulfhg It
male ^plants. We just reived our htft
seeds, and would suggest dial you.
your wants at once. We h^ «
fresh stoifk of Golden 'Wax Beiu»> __
and .M^elwurtzer, Cabbage, Cai^
Corn, Cucumbers, Lettuce, M
Onions, Paimips, P«^
ishes, Rutabaga, in fact, JmpR
for tbe garden. Also Clover,
'Orchard Glass and Alfalfa for t|^
It is here for your inspection, at die cotn^
Front and Cass streets.
- :___
ten p
out «ae
anboTaok them
iUMRg thane were a
nd^ava. Had thU «m*y^oi at aidt. them U
a good many hamat
mj wphld te. IB
.* ^
ad) JuMus
Tea in on the
^t«»-hlde e« tht imy. Th«a mei)
■•^^fcla n|^ri|«s paelUo^ i^ hnfl
fttlr mmtt «*«b Wfew mUniae Jai<
,ir. Tamili-nbrFOiHblrkafabadt
^^'-hgTaanlL baipRas
beimRas the
the' heavy aaaa were
hpi^ ap itoe ua
boat and 'wether
with Harry
and C. A.
Ihe> had the graaieBt
niter -friT
that they
- t the oara'and after securing a pair
gum tt awl <4 the her. tSon for « DiEB for R ycur.
Bnt ftome people Mt amd
t>iAeUa 'M><
Mt end fiw dunner. *niU
fi • aefedive difertioD
RheaU. he lahsa aer.^eniOfftabiag and »lMCdeof
lirird Im______
lajtftt wiRbw tlBM. --aad the
Wl snrfeeuaatea nxper
)iiti)(| E^Rli3b n waralag to other
rt_-»^|ftsltf|fr nupa th« tie ka I
nndjSwraaon it
aftknaea and
art Ruick iW U U
(hii«alr aie nail
pane m4 tMTRai ta bo RanM by
«R «o RMlanla
roftl RftWNirBiUir le MaacEsE This
TooriSowiu VUkWirw
at least 175.000 In the band,
local tnercUsma and boarding, bourc
oniv sraa this shos lng made
by the a. B. E I. but Ha same can be
said of tbe Pere MarQueltn. which
vhUe not giving the figures In retard
Ihe number of people btonght'here
CUM, mm
give some interesting sutemeni
less U)
lo the Increase In the bitslness
1-rtverie Oiy from some of the'
transfer polnw. According floI fheae
fignres tbe increose in tbe/passengei
irafflc from the points In the south,
west and aouthwest bound for Trav
erse City ahewod an tnereaso during
.. --------- *.
of .„...
isi.i -----mer .w.
the —.vhjU'
ai follows: Chicago, 10 per
cent; Toledo i:: per ceni and Uobuii
40 iwr oeuL A rlnlUr iocroaso U
abown from many other itointa i
Une wbm the imlfic
tfic ■w«s Ugbi
Prom tbes^ figures
t^ neoasalty
m-----adveriialng Traverse atp tUa. paac
Brown baa been qalic alrk:
fell :s meb :. 14. :i with tho mumpe the past '
City !.
f. E. Pray was a Tran
caller last Thursday.
Default having been ^e. Ii
George Hastings of Contral Une.
was calling on oldI fiienila I Mabel conditions of a .ertaln mortgage
by Bobrni W Mniieaan •
; O. C. Pray mode a flying trip to gtella J. MsiicMin. m Jaute* ,M
<Uy WednesdayUniosb deied May I2. iwcj. Md/te :
Some of Ihe ladles of Mabel mM at '.©r.led in the offiee «.f the iraartar-ot.
the home of Mrs. Carrie Pray Thurs jaeedK for the couniv of Grand Trav
day afternoon to help her celebrate Ierse and stale of Mltblgan. on the
ber sUirthday. aleo lor ihe purpoae|tbineenlh day of \la:. Itsf. In l.ifxi
of organUliig a aoeleiy called (be|&2 of mortgages on i>age 294, and i))c|
-Helping Hand." There was a nice Im^gagee in sahl tnorigage hating,
list of members enrolled and the fob ,pi^.ip.| ae.i herebt d x-s clevi t
Rising ofOeera elected:
l.bre ih- wjsrtle smoutit seems
President—Mrs. Carrie Pray.
mutigage due and tdllectflile. o.*
Vbv president—Mrs. Orln IJnsey.
moitaage there H claimed'o be
Secretary—Mrs Jlabel Pray.
i<]|is a< the date of this notice the sum
Treasurer—Mrs. Mary GleiideaDlng.:«(
and attorney fee of
A. S. Pray weui to Wataoa's camp-protided for In said mortgage. 9u4 no
Krida.r wUh a load of freight lor Pray kuIi or |,rosec.|lngs at law hating Wn
E Pray, who has recenily bought out mMiiiiied m r«-over tbe moneys »c
there owned by Mrs. Mag-;<-ur«,( i,v rai» mot.gage.or asT part
a posllItlOB fo
thereof. Vos, therefore, h>- vtrttH of
-------------------- - r fund
sorry to learn of the aer- (Pc lower of sale conialncd to suld
bnay and hand In ihOlr^ertnga'The w«. Ill,
mnass of Mr. Cregger. and aU:tM>ngage. and the stacuie in kui h
general adverilBing
■ glad to leer* he U aome 4»elter. also,case made and provided, t^lr-i- Is
done, by th^W,eatcrn_ JlicWg^
Ibla ttui* son who has been 111 wltta n^bv given that on Wednetait': (he
typhoid fever, is getting better.
iwent'(ourtfa day of May, Utll^gf* ten
with that trim the bualnoaa lagn
, - of ,----------------'
------------------- o'clock In the forenoon I shall hcll at
. City wub
W turn a greater i
' 'blghest bidder aELECTION NOTICE.
I publii atxlion to tbe
tide of gewriers
Xesoriet this way than h^iTo ibe Ugal-Voters
Lagal'Voters ol Grand Trav-;'
Trav-^rth froct door ol the court
en known
knot _ beforv.
...... ..........................
Many wtl!.
I In the city
rliy ol Traverwe City. In said
come ta look over the adraniagcs of
cenmv (that Ibeing the ptare -where
w^ero Wlbl
Wlblganwili ihey j^ ■‘'‘omieral Election to be held In thi*
the circuit <conn for Grand Triv
^ VougW to thl8^ototih|w^,be.i^^^ ^
,h,n, day of i«wmv U beldl the premise^
neceaaary for tbe mrai^eopie
*t iA^,iL isn. tbe following officers arei«-Hl>ed in saU mortgage or so n
irart them by timelyva^d app^riau
thereof sr may be aecessa^ to pay
;, two
TWO Justices
jusuces of
Of tbe
toe ftopremg
enpreine Own.
ssmrx. ,b,
(be aaounl
amount due on said
sain mortgage
moriiMr srlib
Re*«nt» of
Vnlvershy ol’seven per c«ii Interest sod all legs'
acaiWMi iUQMB Pflflt mq Michigan. SopertDtendent of Pubhe In-; comb, together with an attorney fe<
l^ljn mWMl nBI ttrni|«r«tioii. Member of the Stale Board,<,f gi.-;oo reienamed tor ihereln.
.. . ......................
abais of the;pre|I^»as being described in said mori
joL-Pdoeatlon. i
iidrte Board of Agricnitnre. a^ owe nge as land situated la Ike ttwnshli I
in Rtet fMiappearii^: Not i
to Prow* hlteacs.
__ .. lit Jadge <4 tbe l»b Judicial Clr- i^WUuswaier. county of CraRd Tra-v I
(erse and auie of Michigan, ili: South !
aaUoB Harbor. Mkh..
—S' —of aoulbeast quarter of,
__________ woe lor the term of two> oorth. range
y-Trelghier City ol Travor^of the mlaaiw
'V toS •****■
GrahaoTE Mortin une. made Us first Ueara. one »««•
^ railed SUtes snr>^
In wltn— ..............
. v'tween Cht-lset my hand thU seventh day q
cago. HhUand and « % port. The CrstjrwafT. *- D-- >»>> •' Travs
isr.:;;. “'
Voial’s Crescent Finwl
Insures Success
7b bW Wfe
toi^ fnm hike
MirJteRf CRCR IftRtnf il At mtu.
's ^ ^ ^
You Imir to fe^ Epos ils
profh^ -cxftctljr llw .iaSe Op
coma 4wlf
horn ibocou^ iRpwkdr^
equipment aod fJoei not add to ibe pciee. ihhoR^ it hft*
to the Savor, lestore ud color d eadi toaf. htscuitt
^«tSCEMI fUia|^
A trial g»ck wiH coovioce jwa ind jfou-ate ulcgutnlcd
by a goaraalee d atiiUctiaBu
^ .
•Otee KM EvcrjrMsr UkiTi
J. 4. Bwzuta; Prokop K}*ai lka;.C. 'Wabd^4.Co.. L. K *
_ lOJoyiiiiEO lu iiip TWENTY-eNE
{ WMim^. «*r«b 4_o«t •« th*
ctMint Mtto m
rnmtat tfwt KM<t» f Ufff In-
________ _____a«r»oW
•# Um offort to H
•iai LwiMr m OMMtor frMi ininoio.
ViNiM ortho O
tho oortalMy otfm
Mt Urtff
InyM •> • f^Xta U XM !•
March 4.—Tho Mut'
odo4 today hr eairtlta- gaoraa af Cataaaa Traatplad to Dadt
«. AO (ha bic approWMto
boatlr cot thraagh aa4
■a alffiH hr Praotdoat Thft. Taft
Sfi-aMi ah ostra aooaiea April 4.
traaptod to
-- «aa aa awMlai oooata la holh eat paracaa
Yoi« today, whoa a wM of
. la tho •
Rarrtac Saooo fooaht for food botac. : difltrttetod hr
Oarh M iijtttao dwoH tor
Pdkla. March 2.—ThBlao aad the
*-i;aclo Joa."
plagM are owoopliig o%or Chlao. Tbo
WaAloftoB. Mar* 4/<^Tho bditae kBoww deaths froai tho ptagBo Banhar
adlouroad at JJ:3S. Tho tariff boar
bUl was paoaod by the scaato at
otadoUca. tbo death rate averaffoo 200
a. B. K aao vUbdnm aad cUalaa
' r. Bat tho oStdalo hare U("
rUdffv«t tho coedlUoaa la the
Tbc FnOt Show Olvta bj. The Hannah A Lay
iirarcantOe Company Stni FarnUbtac
Favorable Advertlolot.
yoa bare heard of It tram a
» a
. .
I A JjKT McRaatUe ooBSpsay
It la alwaya spokaa of
■ • I with
aa the Grand Travers* *reglOB.' and
____Ity booBtlaa Ibar enter a Seld oc: doB't yoo know that the woid 'regtoawigtoal pabUclty—which tbroagb lu mskes yoo think of a cold and banwo
origiBallty eiwadaa a great deal of fs- cooBiry. Yoa arc never told tboai
Trwvarse ooaBtn—«. it is
Noae rcalltad. and tae commaULv •» Orand
Tcgloo.’ aad ncloa always
dM not -reallto. the tawiaBae amowt lwa.v8 .4V.>
iincsi the prodm show beU la •ooads cold to one.
--80 It h not to he nndand at it
yoa have conlnred a^ptettoo of a Mask,
thU district.
The Hcrsld
hss received
ihlnTof Ibis portldilar
iee m a aamber ol irsde loumU
idetarm of U»e show, amoni which eoBBtr>'tore 1:
WlU be fooBdlhe Dry Goods Reporter. besw
Dry Goods BcoSmbIsL The Trade. Of were to drop down la that region i
Detroit, the Bdehsnu Trsde Joaraal
imer aboot the time the frmlt trees
of Dm MetBap.-iiows. etc.. glvlBs an
ladeD with the very dmlceet frolt
axtaaalTc a^at of the fnili show
Ulostrafei with Bamerout repro- (shies and gndn t
‘ photographs which the duced Id tbe sectloD of cooncry i
had takes at that time.
wOizlBM have a drculs- (osnding Grand Traverse bay.
Koaoor nrae. iho bio
tho latoilor and the pUffoo for . ..
atthvthe flrat iaov)eBe
jceaoa haa aot aKractod taoeb pebUc
tlumte tho tariff hoard
l-he don atteaikia.dor th^rale UniUig debate,
It l> iBpoeolblo ereh to oatlaiato tbo
ecrau dh)etcod to the
DBBher of dMtho that hare rcaoltaff
trrun lack of food. Dr. SOoari Coefcraae, aa Aneiicao. who to
tbo work of relief, oara:
t>oe KQUon'peopIo wlU dte before
tbo Ataf dhoBlo harreotod. Thlt wlU
bo ocaatr becaoao (bo pao^ bare not
tho dtrenathdo till th* soil ahd ao aiii- the United States, I
be appre
ciated what stick pabllcliy a
Tbo defldeocr
One of the nnlveraal conmen
»■ oared by a pi
made by these papers, which Is of e
(peetod hr the FttoferM torcaa.
oeptiottal valw. states that the oblect
Chalnsao Tawsey
rawBoy aoddcidr .obtalaod
of the iwodtice show was to dei
and bad a coaioreace re__. _
conclusively .1.4.
that ■tbe prodacu
bt tbe snrroondlng touotry were In
iBy Asaocistod Proas.)
every respect oannl to tbe representaDouoiL March 1—R'hcat 1. white tkiBB which tbe Western
D .Mlchignn
> presenUng
NO LoMqr
Of this seetkn.
Tbe followiBg original commenu by
tbe edlior of.Sbe Merchants Trade
repoK of tho opo^
.......................prove of
tbtfo te. aad has bmm. no lobby or «m oau. SVH«%. '
•how that tbw-p^aoe sbow is i
U topft^ laflwaco olthw for or
MhiBM ship raiNMy ledsUtlm. Tb«
-Did yon ever hear of the Grand
Traverse regtea of nonbwesterB Mlchigaa? Ym. yoa say. 1 denalnly have
beard about It. Yoa have ooi forgotbow you shivered over tbe map
wbea you were a youngster In school
and tbe teacher told you about tbe terrible winters that
ihst last*
lasted ibroogb about
eight months of the year . ..
whole coBDlry np there was buried nnioT great drltto of snow and i>acks of
, tretaraa dlploaiat. I
1 lawyar. tomor woratai;
( du Daltad Statae and c
lUs ‘region' are utierly false and that
in reality this Is becoming one of the
richest frolt shetiona lo oar,country.
Urn to others who have attended
f the great fruit exhililtlona that
bdd in various
• m« ipart* of the country
t Is not jd aU BurpHsiBg
they hsve am i
exhlbiu that come fKm -tbe Grand
Travgrae regiua and know that they
carry oC-bigta honor* at all these —
U loaUy akTonlsblnfi-to eec
srtol crops of fruits, regpubles
and grains (hst arc being prodoced In
this section of country tbat aas been
• Bnt the people are
so long neglected,
bccomlog nroosed.
kst they have climatic
rondtUoos and
soil (hst Is just rigbi for tbe productioD
on of s
a groat
grost many of the most prof
ric kl •
Ita They have learood ihst they
rroi>s of pesebea
raise wonderfal
apples, etc., and if yoa wtU glancewi
tbe pbotograpb showing the big ears
of corn, yoa will see that they are
pTodacing corn In that part of tbe
coonlry tbat would make tbe com
grower In tbc famous ‘earn belt’ get
~B«t thaa wa dM not start «M to
** }OB about the agrkmbwnl prodot the Grand Traveree ruglon.
tUag oro do want to
I Is bow adroitly tho I.. .
Loy MorenntUe compnay. of Travo •
CHy. Mich., look advaaiago of th »
___________ to «iMy «to tit tbb
ordimy to wo a tdi ffltoday «t Im
aad orM intoito to a Mg dagorl
■aot aUHw. M y«n «m aotlto Iff tto
pbotogratihti tbm.amy hnd.Al—atoh
eahlUt la tba shoa ‘
' —
Traverse Oty. one ot tbe U««M mUe dtlM of iu sIm to be feuad la the
y. U ri^t in the heart of this
Travme regkm. It hw a great
nmay mighty wMeawake aad proerwalve busloess men. men who believe fa I
their town and thair coantry aad do I
astute Hi laUlng tbo woriA about
mong the big one* at tbe city Is
the Haaaah A Lay Hercnotlle .
pony. Tbe company cooducu a-deTUTIPN RVINCO
paitamnl ptorc that ranks srlih tbe de-!
imrtmtlR'tiCbrw ot many cities of ffre:
times tbe size of Traverse CUy. It Is
a big esublUbment—we aro not go- Two Hundrad and PMjr Rayti tiM
ing to tell )oa bow big. (or yon might;
Oirta Marched Out hi Oaad
aot believe there was such an c
; buUdlng of Mount Bt. Mary’s tollaga.
Mercaotlie.^ fonr-storv stone Roamn Catholic In
in) U Ug hecanse they have al- .utuUon. was burned early today. Tba
ways used big methods They havei|0„
havei|o„ ^ezeoeds gSOO.tiOti. Two
made it a iiractice ( Uke advantage. ^
jirb and boys. mtaimO.
oruer, um
--------uohed out lo goodI ordo^OMtito
make their laHnence bigger,----------.. ___ staatUy attired'Kal'4 .
object of this article Is to toll youj^f them loot their ptroaaal offtK*.
something ol (be wmy they ranched
(be iieoplc of that sectioD of tbe
tnfiiHKaK * mi
meet in tbelr city during i
•i December IMT. 1»10. i
put OB the loodi
t time and thus get
nlstng of the
__ Uma give tbe
pnoMe a chance to attend both the
show and tbe-meetlngs of tbe grange
"Tbev had bnt'O'moath in which to
. ivertlse the shew which, at Aral
thought, seemed too short a time to
got the peoide sufflcjently iniereated
to get (he ezblbiiB ready lor tbe show
Bnt they knew ezactly bow
arouse (hr people on.short notice
arul Immediately
got busy, i ............
bey used
the local
oo inpera and also sent o '
r advenls:
Iv, :sing such as premlnn
...... and b> time for the
s> bad abont 1.000 Items or
close the:
attldes tbat bad been pr
tbat section ot th* conntry.
-.Sow tbe Hannah A Uy MercantBe
rmpaay did not go oDt
oot and rant
rnat a big
ball for this prodnea show. Xo. Ibnt
was where their hU advortlslag Mont
came la—they held the show In the
aisles of their stOre. The couaters aad
•bow cases were •hlRed abont a ttttla
Ala_ March S.-Jn%n
Cletnero. chalrawn of tho Utontolo
Commerce Oommlsslnn. e
gomery today .. hear
The case ti regarded
trial asMclaiion of Uaioa
Ala. agalBit. tho Chotral of
and other rallrooto ■oCf'Tke cee te tegnrdod oa
itaportanee. '
and buyer
In the
qwtrisi I
bnyera. oottoo
yoy hot Is not aMa to aoMna tor
[ SSI West Biclith BtnaL
Baaaab » U9 Ob.
We place on sale today aiL extraordinary'under-price puickase of
19,700 rdk crisp, new q>rii^
s;‘.ia-«T5T£: aatloa ware
ware raodvad.
Ml o( Aaertcn taodar haya had
. JsUWBiabad mar thha OoBara( Vhetar aad prahaUy adBe haa
raodetea hto opaatry aaro rataable
aarTtoea la *
her la a atrttW lUoatrattoa «f tho OaltoA.
oaceooo that feUoorB-waO-dlroetad.af-
.S'.;;;;.... '.................“
la WBO affwinad bo the her la
......... „..4....h#to
dm war. Be aorred from the hofflnptos ao tho aad of the war aad
auaterad out with an noeUent
ord. Ha ratarved to BraaorUle aad
straw .
few roar* later waa appoiuied poaiHMaa, Pwto
Btaatar. whWk waa his Irwt efdeisi
padUoa. 1h tbs tea. years hofflaalng
eurod hides
wllh lin ha aarvod
y»»w Made aad ftala.
iMitBB the jaatdoartor af a eeetnry
OiahTfladar haa aorred the. Uoltoa.MM apodal nUdoao
secured direct from the factory at almost half their actual worth. We
were enabled to secure this big price’concesskm only by closing out U»dr
entile stock on hand,
19,700 Double Rolls "tol
All new spring goods in latest paUems, every roll perfect and full measure.'
When we save, our customers save; and beades, the number of rolls is large
even for our busy wall paper section, so we place the oitire purchase on
^e today priced, for quick selling, according to the way we bought them:
4,900 Rolls New
dartaa or aatters c
aa oxtaraal cobcotb
«C^ world.
W. S. Oltlotto raealvod _ ----------fron QraBd Jimdlon. Colo., Prlda)
aaylBg (hat Us niaee. Mrs. Carrie, for■Mriy Jeado Rose of this pUcc. died
Loo Oodd^.Mhe hao radgnod Mo •addoab-.,
pedttoa at the O. R. * 1. freight ofgea. lafl thia noralac tor a few woaka'
' had TUtt with Irleada 1b KalaiBBwo^ la DotroiL
^nir6c foi 4c double raOioombhlinm witb odik^ uid bor-
Bran OtAIH:rJBY every standard of
THe Vosfe Piano
Wi. isrssi
the gam athOBcr. No ooe detafl » ffivn apedal Atteatkm at the
of the othcra and aa a reauU tfaii Piauo ia pMed m tnry
The dd«^ oa^ are'of the hiffb^ ^de.
«*»«* P*w
____________ .___and every operalioo baaed
Badi itactnunenl undergoea a complete in-.
every Vooe Piano is the best instrument the great Vow factory
t of the erxpe
epreaentatiTca of thia Kano. Oar lUl stock enbraea
Va are exdviva
______ _____ _______our
ware rooms and learn how completely this instrument would fill everjIstfstatglea.
■tot<l\cuui|tidaBt of pour bona. IVrfeetly proportkmrd and finely finished, it is a splendid
■wtllhM ftinJtltoe. yMe hs meh. anging tone will aurdy diann fon as Yt ia diarming many
not only in tbk bat in foretgn eountrica aa weU—the fame of the
Tom s Voae Piaae4]
. The prke u i
rang* Bagy l>!ByiHBt Tenm. Brny
r home
may know aod enjoy t
hare giyen the Yoga Ha high gtaadiag
i toe wrid of mone.
»g in
hloga aod
and other interealing literature
postpaid on requesL
r tsveSKSs.
iMvsnwcnrsisKf ntr Fnsl SW Csss Stoeds
der. good pdtienu.................
4.475 Rolls New
Plptng Room and
Bedroom Paper
that woidd sell legdaify at 10c, 12c
and I5c rot; about twelve dtfefmt
^ QQ
I to oefect From. at.
4,426 Rolls New
Parlor Paper
diAt would ocf&ianir •«£ at 16c.
20c atoi 25c roB. L.atat paltemi
new henry red. «iid
5.932 Rolls New
Kltch|m Pa£££
Ilix wodd
iipikHv u 25c.
3Sc .id 30c reO; emboMd .nl
heafy ^ id rkb ctfecti.............
Don’t delay making your selectioos; over 19,000 ffills is a lot of paper,
but as the prices avoage very close to one-half there’ll surely be big paper
selling on oiu
Tlraverse Qiy, Mlcbfgau.
■ ■ l-l
Mi«iiiri^»»iit>< ky
Simr Olvta by The Hunah & Lay
nmjam The Fn«
Mercantile Company Stm Pamtohinc
4.-t1w iktr-
to tto heto* tba tmm
FavtMaMe Advcitisine-
i by
_____ were lajured.
cto?M UifitoiaMtoB tor
PekiA March A-^bmlao and ^
*-0»el« Joe-"
«^iB*toa. Mto* 4.-^Tbe Mue
•UHBMd u lt:8S. Tke tartt
_ to toe oCldal
uo n* pHMd br toe muu
rate averagea see
a. to. K «w vUMnam sad ctt
dally. B« to*______
hai>ve uttle
tobrtbe towasat 11:46. afiar<
of toe candlUoasto toe Into* BOto Houot tStaiatotB •*•* fa
r, or. ^^y
they have,
have. they
tbe. are
.. . bA
toat -tDdr to rwn. Ilto wtthdfBtoal
facu to be ksewa.
«sa tonaaUT
Uader Parse. Tbe flJIbaatw tosaa
»4to Uto Snt wmeaMat
p» pat
R has net attracted nueb pobUc
‘Abe tarts twtod toeasu* os,r«to UnSUnv debate. Iba
It i« Itoppaslble eree to estimate toe
aamber of deaths tost bare retailed
m» lack of food- Dr. Sitoori OocbroQ calls, vbkb defeated toe------- rase, aa Aawrlcan. wbo Is isgamd tS'
work ot relief, mts:
All appeeraaee *4 order «a* tre- toe
*ttoe mOlloa pctode will die before
qaentlr lo» *sd ttoeaber CaaaM o(- to* tret toopile^barveMed. Tbis «1U
(es capered toe eerseast ad am to be aeaatr becaoiB tbe people bare sot
drive toe toeatoera back -to
tbe stTcnctoto tm toe eol) asd ao aalreaato (to ptowlof."
. deflctener ' Mvrepftottos klU
to toTFtSSSd^tSSl
t ap tor oMu
» oooM bead it «S. At ii:4«
(Br AMOctoied Preee.)
baads erer* tuned back
Douott, toarcb
Wheat 1. vhltoIT to peftoit toe dlitooaltom
r.Hi » red. MH; Mar. MW; Jnlr.
i.«f tiM jg<m«i M«k
l»:-8epL »0H: con. «W; oats.
• to th» N* Lebby Per er *totost the Ship 83; rre, MW; beans. |1.9:.
Cbkeso. March 6.-4lye. UWeS :
Wetolaeioa^ar^V^^AccordlB* to
'leat. Mar. 81W:
_ ...... of —- _____
MW; «|ra. 48W:
OMMtUMttM «r there to. aad ^ been, so Mibr m nee oata. SOWfiW-
• >aliM cf nm tarn* to w«Mt wu.
mm Urttoto to to—tof fram iniMto.
,#«ltato «««w C«mAm fKltotoltjr
^ktowtoW. towinf tto cftttoty to to
;MMn| to
»toto«»to Urt#
5SS?- - —
dnaar •eoreeuv ef Mate to Oath
•nttoatod Tedajr.
WatoUngtos. D. C- Marak i—John
j^p^ton to • ftoitltoito to Mtoin to W. poaur. veteraa dlptoasat, latoe*
lUli^ AMtoto toto «tow Mtoriw.
aatkmaJ lawyer, former aeoelarT'Ol
• ftgp»topw||yiri to tatototo Mr mte ef tke united Sutoi and coon' ra. mintoten and
toMto toto*. to* • ciwiHiUn
recetoed tbe ooamm Ptorttoi •• tovtlfto tlw «*■ gnUolatloM ot a BBldtade of
today on (b*.oc(Mk» of Ite eo^ty.
tfto aatorereary of hit birtb. Prm»dent TaO. tomer Prealdeat Rioaevelt. tormer Vk» prealdeot pabbaaks
andabaatcfi '
amOB* tL...............
greatl^ were reeelvod.
Pew menof Anertadteedaybarehed
a aaore dlstlacatobed career than Oeaaral Poetor and probabty aona has
raadeied bis cooutry more vatoable
serrfee* la varied copadUea. Hto car
eer to a BtrlklDc UnatiatSoe of toe
ord. He retaned to BnurlU* and a
(ew years later was appototed postrhieh was bis Itet otleiai
i cimi-i«as ir muM
We place.on sale today an extraordinaiy udfe-price purchase of
19,700 rolls cri^, new spring
secured direct from the factoiy at almost half Aeir actual wordi. We
were enabled to secure this big price'concession only by closing out their
entire stock on hand,
1^ 19,700 Double Rolls "toil
All new spring goods in latest pattmns, every roll perfect and full measure.'
When we save, our customers save; and besides, the nundier of rolls is large
even for our buw wall paper section, so we place the entire purchase on
sale today priced, for quick sdling, according to the way we bought them:
tor part ef toe Bar
M^rolng that tbe
week of Deceml
store decided to pm on toe prod'
_ _,atolfcigi
Conunerce Oea
Dw at Ibr same time and thus
gomery today .. ..
s.benefli t.
. . idverUslng if
'Tbe case to regarded a
ce and at tbe same Uom give
trial BSsocUtkw of Uaton BgrtMA
psople a chaned to attend both
Ceatral of
ot <--------Ooercla
Inst tbe Ceotral
AU, Iagainst
the leetlngs of the grange. und otherr railroad*
of tola iioUim
"The> had
h. . biu
_ a nvontb 'to which
Ttis cae to regartgd bsrMto. of .too
venise. the''sl^«ni, wbicb. at Arsi great importaace. as tbe dWtottB^
mght. seemed loo abort a time to allecl too inieeeeta ot ercry dcfam
tly Interested planter and buyer and *vwO' tolBvM
ihe^r MHcrowtog e&UA
....................................... bow
of the cotnmertdal aa taand arouse the |>cople on short notice duatrlal i--------------- ------------.
and InimedUielt got busy. . i bey Used diacrtBlaatoM
toe laBroads
the local i«pcrs and also sent out oth agUnn couoe bnyera. ootoeo »*cer advertising such aa iircintom UstA- ebaau and umpramofA
by time for tbe entries to
. .
ey bad about 1.000 Items or
Kttoeyn BtoskA af b(HMk*ito mm.
articles that bad been produced to
wbo kaa beeo oooftod to tar borne ter
that seciton ol the counUy.
-.Sow tbe llsDUab A Lay Mercantile toe pom week vriik tta ttto >• kftprovlag bnt to ^ tale to aaMoa tar out and r
................................. e show.
was where their big advertlsl _
came In-tbey beld tbe show to toe
of 824 West Blfbtb atrooL
beet -tatermatf men to toe UaRed
StetM, K not to toe werM. opos tbe
pike county. Indiana, ba
‘ tom la toe atau
im add pumad bis pcetoMkm In
etmmie nnUl toe be^nlng ot toe
He eerred from tbe bcton- BMter
poto^. In tto
wMir im he I
United Btatea
ircee—b«t It to always spokeo of
Qraad Traverse ‘region.' and
they eater a held of as the)t>n
know that toe wort -regloa’
orlgtoal pabUcItr—vblcta toroogb Us don't
yoa tbiak ol a oold and barrea
orlgtoaUty creates a great deal of fa- makea
cooBiry. Yoa are never told about
‘Irtverse country—no. It to
Noee realltad, and tne commooltr alwavB vecion.’
and regtoa always
did not realU*. toe Uneieeee amoani
ot conment tbe produce show held In aonoda cold to one.
"So It 1* BM to be Koifttored at U
« “big swe" grange wlmk produced
yen have ooulnred a pictare of a bleaA
t this district.
bhrreo. tceboood ragtou when you
Tbe Herald
has received ooplink of Ibis partleulsr sectloa of
im os a nnmber ol trade lonraaU wltb
pjctures of the show, among wbicb
vriU be tonod toe Dry Goods Reporter.
Dry Ooodii Bcotapmlsu The Trade, of
Detroit, tbe MertoaSts Trade Joornsi
ot Dm MotocA’ Sows, etc, gfrlag an
V choicest fralt
eiteaaire aoceoat of the trait show aad see tbe great crops of frail, vege
and UlnatraUd^tb BOiaenMi repro- Ubies and grala tbs; u being |«odnethNi* ot photographs which tbe doced in the eectlon of conntrj sur
It bad taken at that time.
maSBilBes have a drcaU- rounding Grand Traverse bey.
-Yes. tt may perhaps surpriee some
tloa covering every town1 and city In
- be appre^ people to know that many of the hor
(be United Btetes. It will
rible stories they have beard about
ated what sneb pabllcity
Ibis ‘region' are utterly false and that
One of the - ubiverMl
lb reality ibis is becoming one of tbe
made by these'papers, wbirb U of
ceptfonal valae. states that the objecl rif-best trait sections in our epuntry.
wbo have attended some
of the produee abor - - - '
----- I But to others
|of toe grest trail exblbltloai that are
variouK purls of tbe country.
oi the enrvonadtog eotintry were In' brid
to not pj *U surprlstog
- - . respect
rwn^ .. - ................ ............... - * siaienieni
Uoos, which tbe WeMern Michigan bbeanee tbey have M aome of toe
were presenting exblWto that come ffbm the Grand
Dev^pmeat ban
Tiavatae regloa aad know ihai they
edtbigta honors at all these }bA'
liie Mlowing original comments by taibHionA
tbe editor of;ihe Merduuu* Trade
■It Is.i. .
Jonraal vrill preve ef toierest—ifaey wunderfOl croi>s of fralu. rcgeubles
•ew that tbwpreduce show u stlU and grains that arc being produced to
iralsbing service to ibe community: ibU secllOD of country tost iias'beeu
"Did l-ou trir beer of tbe Grand so long neglected. But the iieoplFare
Traverse regton U nortbweslern Mich becoming aroused, they have learnedigan? Yes. yon sav, I certatoly have that they have rllmaiU- condlUons and
beard about It. You have not forgot a soil that Is lust right for-the prodneten bow )-du shivered over tbe map
when you were a yonagsier to school
and tbe teacher told you about the ter
rible wlDleri that fasted througta about
eight mootbs of tbe year and tbe
whole country up there was buried un tbe iibotograpb showing the t
der great drttu of snow and packs of of <
if eoone H ia stotMy-osd ef tob
f TrsvasBc
ty. Mich, t
* ol these atolWt la toe she* ilipertmef , atolM
la toe voMc eecttoa. vartow ktodmef
trttta and canned •sodaJ* ton cMpM
Traveroe CUy. cm of t
and drapery seettou. Sod aa 4*
tie cltieeoriu sUe to be
conntry. to right In toe Iheart ot tola tbiQUghoni toe oattoa etoca."
Grand Traveroe regloB.
ssany nighty wMeawal aad procrealive bnslDMs sma men who believe to
tbelr town and their country a
not besJUte to t^ing toe world about
big one* ot toe city to
toe Hannah 41 Uy Uertmaifle coni- CATHOLIC tOUCATIONAL H4BT»paay. Tbe tompany eunducts a dcTUTION RUINCD
partmani glore that rauks with tbe deperUMF stBrea of many elites of Bve :
_, time* the stoe of Traverse CUy. It to'
--------’^“-'itueni—we are not go-! Two Himdrad and Fifty ■*»* ahd
tog to ti........................
bow blA
..... tor yoy might |
Oirie Marched Out In vleed
not believe there
•re was «such an esub- Order—Lear ttOCAdO.
Usbmeni to a city of that *Ue. bni you I
can look up the store's rating to sal
ty your curioslix.
Tbe Ifannab ^
, ,vu........
company to big because tbAv have al- ,,„u,ion. v^s horned early today, the
ways used big methods- They have ■
p,coeds A500.000. Two hMdrii
made It a pracUce to take advantage i
af(y |^p|* aad boys. itahi*W.
of every opiiortuBlty to reato out and ■ ^^bed o« to good order. tkMCb
make toelr ieflueoce
and the II,^me wer^'acantUr atUred' anA ttP«
oce bigger, aad
»t of tola
ethtog of t
W. A Ollletta rocelved a talegram
from Grand Junction. Colo.. Friday
saying that bis niacc. .Mrs. Currie, for
merly Jennie Rose of this place, died
Ue OedtorA who has teetonad hU baiadenl)-.
poottton at tbe-O^ * I. treitot ofBee. left this mormnc for a few weaka'
-trip and visit with Meads
^Tli« Vose F^iano
; . The Vote Ptiiw m a vdl balaaccd ioetnuBcut throughout—
ivwjr pceeeto .n the eoagtmetioh of thb iimtnuneot m earned out
ift the aame UBBer. Ko obe deUfl to given gpecial gttantioD at the
ITT ?•“•
the othen and as a result Ihia Piano to perfect in eveiy
Tha ■atariato wed aie'of the hi^eet grade, the workmen
ai^ilojrad, ridllad asd experienced in Piano building; nanufactarh^fadlitka are conplete and mo^en and eveiy operation baaed
•an eocroet priadpiem Ea^ ingtrument undergoes a complete inigme^ and thuvagfa teat, and erery Vow Piano to the beat inatrumeot the grebt V<me factory
can produoa the raault of the experienee gained in
- Wa an axdwhm Miehigan repremntaUTca of ihto nano. Our IMl stock embracea the
latoat *t7l«A Vtoit our warerooma and learn how completdy Ihto ingtrument would fill cverv- •
-it of yo«r
and finely finished, it to a splendid
■■■lull MuiraMat
your burnt
bomt l*rrfectly proportnned
tgmHwa, while Ha leeh, aingiog tmte will aurcly, citarm you as it to •charming many
TtaTl^ionly in this but in foreign coontrica A well-^he fame of the
' To <rvu a Voae Piano-insum unqualified aattofaetion. The priae to moderate and wc,ar^
? laaga Bagy Paywent Tema. Svery hone nay know and enjoy those aplowlid qualities which
' 'hkTegivem the Vose Ha high aUndittg in the world of tawit
- Catalogs and other mterceling literature poatp*id
ISVCSKSS. UrwvaMCHySiaROwwrtsmaMCaaBaMs
4,900 Rolls New
5,932 RolU New
Kitchen Paper
that would seB ordbtriy at
abort 6c lot 4c doidde nil; conbinalinni with cdHug and hotder good patterns.................
4,475 Rolls New
that woAd teD Kgidaily at lOc. 12c
and 15c roll; abort twelve dtfefcrt
combwatioiu to select hom. at........
Parlor Paper
that wotdd
, roa
4,426 Rolls New
that would oftfemrSy ad at 16c,
20c aad 25c rott. Latest pattens
adodiag new beeey reds and
z/, *Mi.
Bedroom Paper _ . ,,
20c tJ*
reguiariy at 23c,
3Sc and 50c toll; emboaaed and
ktavy gib in rich cfiectA..............
Don’t delay making your selections; over 19,000 tolls is a lot <rf paper,
but as the prices averse very close to one-half there’ll surely be big paper
sellinE on our second
TMverse Qty, Mlcblgan.
he hi. B. chaAb arOI hqM,aB aU
&der roriSSt^TSSl^ a5*^
V. B. WUUao» roUirsed
llotiiar.Bly oC Pmaabey was la toon
aavanU days thin a*ak.
Mrt. lSBuna'8al»«( Be_____
ty dl the Maoeahoaa at the World,
waa la town We>liwodBy and. cal ad
apo^l iDCciiag ol the 1a4|te.
, Bd Ciotcr and K. WaUauw le
Vo4»cada> uiRfat tor Ttveraa.CKy.
^ MraaUU ebb ariU meet with
Mra. a Barsy Taaaday aftamoon. •
. Benry Bloholy ot Travena City vaa
)a town Uondav.
\i^ to Ur. and Mra. J. Caatra.
kra. tohn. Alrdyao la VbdUns to Big
Alra. .D. Oabrton of'Drand Bapids
hM teas vtoUtog trtenda hare.
ThoJantoraand aaafcm ga*oa danc
iag parB^Frlday eventog. Haalc.waa
fiinuabad by Mr. MUdlctoo aad Ulaa
Mra. Rah of Tra>*no CUy, ^
heru viaitjnc bar anal. Alra. II. H.
Swreau Craaked a Warp FaIsS**
. their naaiaa and pomsEl««
able Impresaien.
__________the aecreury accMipoatod.
b.v the aBBSal fee of M ceau. Tbla,
The sutcepth auBugl
ataoMd be dbae seea. er at toaM-befeM
Famcra- IndRnto round-up wa* beW
the fliat«f.Jhto la ante U> iaaiKe knvat tbe Agrirwilural <t«
iag ibeir aeiaea ptooed. opoa tbe maB
Ftb. ygUL. and dualac hkidai' aft«- lag Hat and recelviag a copy al tbe
noon. March grd. Ibll. The Mtendance repOTk
a & uaio. OM Mtoston.
aas Ursa, neaxiy every counU' In Ibe
fcUie betas .-epmepted.
stitme Eoclety.
The larenocm naalaai were ghca
r-a T~ 0"W~^
near priaapolly to a series ol.lec• 4h A *.«;» «
Lures by i>ii7fcesora of toe colksa cn
■*0Ua.” “Fealltoera.’ a*d^ “Bhrm ♦ -LAUrttCR-MCWHRORHOaOl ♦
♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
The leureat in iMbs* lec- a ♦-♦♦♦♦ h
iiu^waa Rreatly tftfnsaed by tbu
Sleighing 1. nae ^ this etdalty.
fatUUirs a( hand lor UlaatnaiBC and
March briags bmtp saow.
prorliig the inith ot tbe prtneipan
A number of ramiltos In tbto'Vk-lauu^.
ily are <nSering wub an attack ot to
Prof. JeOery . who has ebaisa «f the ffrtppt;. \
departairm of soil physics.
•»«Utos M. E. Bnrkman resamed her
toi aitenikia to the ocadUlous aCect liuilea as leached Moaday after a
tng Mhl nwtotore tind lu rutotion to week's. lUohss.
ftost lisdins. PrM. Kcdale ahoaed by
Otto J^Atoer went to Uwrott Wednamrruus illu>UKlHias and expoHb« c'iOBoriBUoo ef sail failU •^“A^hSier raturaed to Berlto.
prsc-tlral iiintlKMto of detona- Canada. Wedaeaday ercalag after
lulag the kind ol Cenlllxi-rs requin< spendiag a week with Joseph l.nuiaor
lu xtve best resuka The three (arm and Irieods
cTOpB to wbli-ta sprctol auoollon was
The Vetera altMiM primary etocKiveo 'were clover, turn and alfalfa
n at GrelUckvOto Wednesday.
Great iniercat !■ maaUceted In tbe
Utos hUa Lauiner Is vlalUag her
growing at these (rope and l^y i
sister. Mrs, Frank. Bleder. aouth of the
Tte daiU mol with lira. P. Crumk the college i
of Ohio.
Jote^Bad^, who la onployod at
aBcrnoon acsskiQs were dt a
Bay Shore., waa here over Btinday with
varivd character. A oonaiderakl> ton>U>v' .
AMilicr.nuiulMr or the- lenure I4e purtiou of the Uine was glvoa
the discuostoo of topics rotottog to
couise wUl
fruit growing and dairying, both of
Uaixb Z. I
wiik'h are (coming to be leading in
dustrlcu in Mtchlean.
(ton. W. Frink left Batnrday
Prof. a. T. Ma.vnard o(
btm aa far as FltoL
lira. Jacob OiKhal left Monday for
an Arbor to enter (he boapltah Ura.
all acoojttgaalad bei .
Mrs. Chaa. Carver entartatoed Fri
day with a e o'clock <iii
.M lUptda, Uarcb I.—Uktc Ktfater
■PMt SoBdV'^ Bk Rapldi.
A. a Uon^iartr vent to BcUftlrc od
«li. Om sX
Host Jot^n U vU-
I mM UoD<Uj tar
_______ _
(Wvaliw Sat-
of Bn«t Jottfsa vrlted
to tain ni) Ms old poidUn at
¥onu cd
at C^B^iaTotx was In tow*
, wbo. hM
Edward Fhrton. o( . SSg
WlWam ftobtoaoB. who not long
.ja parenased a a acre
(inn on
Which there was bat a little during.
BOW has the creator part of It dearrd and set <wt to cherry and
ireee. LoM aeaeon be bolli a lai^
tiiOdera house with iall the Bodoru
The wrawr wHl he pip<< into iho house from a .purCT cohl
ing. wiiit indite^ Mr. Boblnson
inyest and make these improveloenta was to see the Sne large peoib
- a attpeflor qwallt) ralaod on
lOT* 40. I3d Robinson’s pbun.
TMa It only a wmile of what the
new cottcaras wlH do In (hla famOha
peach and ealUorala fralt bell.
Mrs. Henry Milks ot Rlngaley vWb
with her asm. Mrs. ~
In the cliy.
Many from here attended Ibe sale
,MT. l«Uor-a. A Sne dtober was
aenred. Mr. and Mra. H. R. Thayer
had charge ct the eonktoc- .
AreUc Ui___ __
trtettor W«dM*dB)'.
Urn. Ora Baiiel entertained wttb
M* U tb« home of Mra-Joe Boiler,
nre tables ««re nacd 4n play. ilra.
Otto I*wen «od Mra. Oeo. V. Ferry
«on the prUes on a dlhv;
Pmdlnaod SehanlU joK with a ec- fOk Rapids will to aU ............ ..
; How aecMeU at the anv mlU Tnea- tihvo a new plddo salting sUUoo this
year, aa all the plans have been aubmltted by ihc promoters and both tbu
ten and ramtere of <hia communiiOdh^AA society wIB have an ... have Mdsed npon the opiiortonity
jdl day Ihetdior ,«!tb t>ot-lu«l: dinner with gnat cnihualasra to land an
other booeficlal insiltolion to the alroady ttarivtog vlllace.
Mm John COil^rlcr la enteriaio
Ing Mlaa Kfile hidder of Pruremaul
ICkT a few days.
KA Plater of lUa place baa losaied
In Traverse Oty.
.trt Howard ol East Jordan ha-i
ac«ei>ted a -pwttton aa mw tier in the
»«w ntHl.
The M. E. AM Oodety will meet In
to -tou^nrai jfiailora of -the chnrdi
Dvxt'TunMiay ^Ing, Mordi 7.
of the pi
_________ dk and theyaayfi h fi
Itat h Ite heM Ui^t 1 ever
mZ I hm on hand yon Sere,
CMte Oinim myadf and neigh.
Oir«d Tlinah.
btteiywUitatat let hetam and
■yNIL^ h tta bcM llahamt la
thaon^'letred ooeef ■yhetaat
at OnS. Her feat «o« raliaa;
Aa (NMcaaw bet i aba hid down ‘
antftuiiiki and apint sicn
of iMpenen.
idio rib, itpeaetiatta.
Wm km a ipaaiii,
cob orildiiZiei
dnoe wi^ pob
lu Fnilt Culture- and "The Renova
tion of Old Orchard.."
Paul ROM. a practical fruit grow..’ of J-'ranktorL Mich., spoke of the
Intensive methods ot cultirating and
feiCillzlDg and care in grading and
packing ihot have brough him the
greatest proUu.
The dairy Interests, feeding standarda.
... ... etc.,
___ weiu
.lu aably dtocnaaed by
Fiof. G. C. llumphrt-y
llumphri-y a fonuer Mlehgraduaie of pur
igan boy. gi
pi Agricuttufai
college, Isa BOW at the head of
the dairy department of W
Uulveralty- at Madleoa. W1
The cweulng aeaslona wen la aomo
all. InHh; topics rMating to the dtoelcpmeni of the rraourcea of the
of our lio.va and girls
and the improvement ot oondlUona
aBeeting tire bcahh. happlneas aud
l•ros|>n'lty of those enggind In rural
Ju sddHion ,10 the regular aMskmr.
the Womens' congress held aeparste
scssloDB on Tnorsday and Friday rftornoona la lb««e meetings various
lies were dtocusaed akmg tbe line
borne economics. TIm ladte were
also Inviied to visit the co^ttnfc lab-
iiuUons of Ibe princlplee Uught In
tbe variousI departtohnls .of the rul^vvD at various Untos dorlege were given
log tbi- weM(. and all rtoltora were
aordtoliy invited to attead.
The leadlag manulaciarers of sptayig outfits made displays, allowing all
.je different styles In' commdta nse.
These were In actual ^ration much
of the ttime, Kiting visitors «n oppbrunit)- I
iparc the mcriu of tbe
. .
Ion csposlUon: al
ami Irrigation
cclU-cUon of
>f peacbea. iicars
>ed lu BUsa Jai>.
One of the things wbkh
noatl.i to the Heasurc of the
ngs was Ibe czcelleni .1_________
music fur
nishrd by Ihc colh
orrheaira fromu the SUlc School for
Blind andtbe
cboi^fi 1 (be Industrial School for Boys?
Tbe Institute was also honored on
'Viday by the presence of Governor
Osboru and other state offlclaJs. wrno
over to see the exbiWis. and
were Indiiocl to sUy nud s|ieak for n
i4)ort lime at i.ic nivnlng ol the aftci
>00 soision.
Taken as a whole, this groat losil
lie aok ona at tbe best ever held lu
ic state. Mach credit i« due to l■r<1f.
. K. Tall, the supentiieiident. aad Ills
as:.t-=lalits for ptaunlnB at»d carvyln':
meelti'K wldeli will result in
Mli-ii greot cood to the tarmerv ^
.MItUuain. Not only was iiinehknjiAlInrd by itavsc ui atfeudanec.
aud ecilhuidasm
a deternilnatlou
d sm-lcThu IhdiyteriBn LodMa'
(y wUI iDi'ci WMmtday. March k.
at the liomc of Mrs. DonaMaoii.
. Tbo luniace of tbe Aplrlu l(uo To.
has again gone Into Mast afu^ bcluK
rIoBcd fi-r several months.
Mrs, Fonttoand Schnalu. who Ims
!.<"on serioiisl.v 111 for three weeks, it
soowwhat better at Ula ttoar.
The Xlro-Amerlran
olnEers bdd
forih at the Opera bouac March z.
and were tery much enjoyrd,
Tbd Improvements recanU: made
.\o aaautot has l>ceo made In this
on the M. K. church '
Brihle to Kite a synu|>sls ol the i«
pers iiiVM-nietl at this liisiltaie. as
Uiuo aad KjiBce will not permU.
eouiplete atxdaui of iltTrooud-tiii
■muiiato. lachtolng many of Ibe ad
drassca In full as well aa.thejdli
-tt>d«r Wealeb has ratonaod to tbe
. jsae of hhi bsthen tear, after
tons ahseACe la Trarwne QKy.
LMicr Innis w*^ Aritoath MUtoo
Tiittor Monday .
MwlU (tniMi, Mr . Hehry F»*
nnS llillc «un went
to Kalamasoo
Xs>. <Dr.- Uatola ol Ok BapMa ard
Mrs. Sherret at Oauada. aiw vUtoni
at tbe Goodman home tkia week.
panln, HaOer «
Min dan Aenlarcger raturaed I
ar acbool Monday after a tw
ttoeihs’ Twcaiton.
Ur. F. & Hoag waa agala called i
Kd Wood of Btt Badds calk
bto parents hare tost'Satarday.
* Uiw. Ed Mesua to toaadtog a f»w
days with her meiher and etotar In
Traverae Cfty.
♦ « ♦ • SV«^.S>« ♦ SvD ♦ ♦ «
^‘miu Irene BitHthaupt apeat Taosday evetaag «Uh Mlaa Flora Anaorge.
Mrs. Wencei Leutacr to vtoiUag her
eon. Albert Laotnei.
Mm. John Wlikop viUted Mrs. Ed
Laniner Tbursday afumoon.
Peter Scbehlcl is
iiany this week from Grand Uapids-
new stodc of
oFI&fia' Rto^-to-weal.
F. R. Edwiy has'goto lb NeW Yodt Gty id coapirie jBF
iiRfe/ Smis, CaOs, Cditamts
Extra Speeid Sde Trk0
’ wiU be made aU this month to effect a complrie mUmra of ^
broken Imesof winter Suite. Coats, Dresses, Sbrteas wdl as the
broken assortments of su^h staple articles as Waisl^ (ia lavini
or silk) Gloves, Corsets, Hosieiy and Petlicoab.
Provemoini. March S.—Miss BUm-I
MoMer Is vtolting friends at
Bore, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymuod
Plamondoo tin Frh. Uih. a drl.
The Hroremont sootol club held
rvinrned from Beaver Island.
Jacob Schaub lost a borse one day
tost week.
M. MUtor of Manistee and C. Cutver of Cedar speait Bundsy la town.
‘ Simon Scbaiib and John
were Leland vtoltora one day tbto
For Fifteat Days
We will make the lowest prices ever named for shisflar vdues
and assortments of
High-Graie Coals and Dressy
V All this season's purchases.
team ataitad. thrmtet
Bar-back. .
- ACME-^
- . •
♦ wrards avwr (h* Mock. teMiB km
hack MOM.
♦ ♦ ♦ a ♦ a JO.
Him Oan BrMthaagt altitgd Mte
Acbc. MIA.. March 4.—Mer. G. W. Anat
ABanm of tbe emadr like Oto
Imaertant Beeaton Was Held M Den- Plevs is>tolUBg ia the neigWmrIwod
aanto Wnieh Waa Ooneludad
tbto week.
WMlnsaday.Tbe Ladies' AM met at tbe bome-of
sty Pomaaa graage Mra. David MUte Wednesday. March
pr6f>ldlng. held a
and friends
_ . ^ at. Benioato.
_____ .
Feb. » and
Mrs. J. Lemon
-- eh i. Tbe
The weather waa fine and a
4 and RMoad kr *•**>
great many took advantage of (he Greea Tburaday
good iMeigbing to attend
After dinner tbe.Purens gatbered urwxm.
ia Caae's iuill where they were wel
>y pnmnd tbe
Mnu A. Z. Ureea to mucb Impnatl
comed by W. J. PcOtt. master of in bealth atner ber retnrn from Ann
Benaodta grange. Ur. Watwou aiMl
Mr. Voorbeto of Frankfort responded
cofUiiloD of bto dtoeovevy «
a behalf of tbe vltlilsg memUrs,
Bonb po4e^ Tb* WU ba k«B r«
■a boastona to thnhaaae,|
D. E. Meaurc riaaa at ber bom Baiarday evening.
AU report a good time.
♦ Hto aubject was “PI
'Albert SUtea sad Homer Brows
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •a."
went to Barlser Creek
- Alter dtocusaloa oa (be
eaforew BoralBK to work In tbe ablate mlU.
tbto viclnUy ue Utter lart Bent of (be tow. regarding (he
' Mrs. Cien -Siler to quite sick at Abbot tost week.
ting ol
weeds, (be gr
Miss UUtou SUmpBer. who has went o:
on,.^ record with tbe
J. W. Smith nrotvM home a load of
>e nattendlng a^ool In Traverse
lath Priday. He is evidently going to
. ily. risited her ^uvuts, Mr. and ,Mrs.
do vome Improving la (he near tuiare.
"Reaolvetl. That U lie tbe expi
Chas. SUmpAer. over Suoday.
akw of (lito Pomona grai . or B
Mr. MeConnlc
sonIa county, that each township of- .lA) of rariilal
n accouui u
4 bouse.
■tvr eufoTce all laws retollvc to tbe t' rior of the
Utos Van Duren.
ts of Ml
Jonn StJtrs • putting In (be redestnictluB ot all noxwios weeds In
t SUWi.ller and PelKv UnjHoti. i heir raapecilvc
vcapectivi- townshtpaa
townshtpag giving
mtiil Po-ir of
' lao^-m-iit of the
fermor graduates of the ' UiUc t.cr-,
aUeatk* to iho deatrncOop of iK-w school h'R
_“WiiUsoa^Teoi“ “ ' - --Joaepb valley i s a Traverae Ciiy
I uesoay.
visitor Tuesday.
...... Ataold to entctialnlng ' his
brotber from tbe touihera part of the
Mra K. G. Si
City visitor Tbui
of youag teks aUendrd
- pariy out In the.couBtry the olb*r evmUag at D> Couturier's.
A numbar ot young folks spent a
tor pieewt evening at tbe home
of SUaabetb Couturier, the occasion
bebig her biribday. The party was
an eatlre surprise but the crowd was
i.one the less welcome. RWrcshmrnis
of coffee snd cake were scneil. sho
n-d bet with
u t, A toi
IVI A CA-Zl'iq B
,aod along higliways, and wc coaaidJay Aldridge of. ItouiU BoarduuiL >to e.- the rag w,ed one of the worst of «
icI reUilves lu Siu-lugfleld
from Sun«««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦•«•
ay until Thureday.
A reaoludhu wus also adopted amWe cxioiid our ayinpaihy to Mr.
Ra;:. Vaa 0uaen of MrBain s|«ut di-mnlng a bill passed by the aenste
iunday at the home of E. J. Sump- and DOW before tbe bouse In which t'iui. Borough and tanilr as hto taUcr >» >vry 111. He bad (he intoforume
Insurance dlRerepcea aie to he set
'iiarl AbaJr and Eli !lan-eu were tled by coun instead of by arblira- fto loae a taorac tost Saturday.
Harry JeaeU to (mining.
badb' hurt last week while decking lion. as petlllott>-d
Uy the
Mi>. i:tnu-r Pmkard ot Kaanon vi»logs^uear Manton.
iii-vl al Mr. Lorough's one day thU
Quite a number "f yoniic laH.idcE. McClti
intirc's siUdn-s.-* on •Pro
from this vlclDlly aitendvl Ibe dan.-r Eresa. \erv<t« Dceadettee." was <teMr
eilbauirt bad a v>fry
at ttfo Idke Kelt. ZZ. AH .xi-oii a tivered la open liiMCJng helon- a torge
Fcaix- Snlantoy oveniag
good lime.
audience,w liicji elM>ai-d its appciias- tirriow
iraihc lomc fiuni the city
Johu and ln< (tolllli'lg)'
imn by pIik-' aileiifiim. Mr M<-<1urc rblbA
in'o their rig.
tvneibaugh of f.diiinl'UR. Oliio. .
able >-peakcr and'iliaadled his ihiowiog tlu.m out; fbsl acairal their
_i_____—1 .1,...
at the home of Edward Siampller Sun
||-;>III ;.fni lh»y rail .away Otliee Ihkn
day cvenlnK.
and Mr
BsTDlo Raftery, who t» eu.ployc.1 on had been Hpeul to iia prepar.,
the M. ft N. K. rallrao3. H-eot Sunday class of eight memto-r-v was iaitjated
Ills iKinir til Springliold.
Mr. and Mra. K. J. Stam|.(ler made prmalltcd i.y ( berry cniliBC ol rranx-'
.h»ni«»Ui« nr ant- one else
huMinesR trip to Traven-e City .MunMra. John Vaoderbrook was callH
to Olt-ego last week by Ibe illuess of
her utoliici.
Frank amra
Smitb n—
Hiw. arana
duinro ,-------_,
-'is . .
____ _
Wedneaday erealog (or a eoajtitlag pnny. and
time wax enknyed
Richard Phil) pe who ha:- beet
teead tor-oomi tlsra reinraed bom*
Mca. F. Jk auBerd toll ler UM
Mtsaioa rrcrcitly to keep house, for
n<-J sod Ilifftvd thalfard.
iuufadniWTs. Mscbsalna. Has
amth. latoramg /
le Waahlagtoe btothday ooctoi
beM Feb. n. was a nd
Aboot >1S was netted Dom tbe affair.
Lotto ly'ais.abo fractured falsamt Matins gs' Rbe Mi a nrge to ihe nf
a abort ite' am>. to rapldto mendij>« Act that bIm- waa leas inoaac .tkao
aad wiu aooa be ahont ateo-
SfriMei^ Ba^ware
getting bet
■vh of ManlMon heU a meeUog' al ' <' •• Este*. who baa bceii staying
Mra ^nk S^^TbutSaTr
Traverae CUy for (he past two or
railed«raa»®eai Of lYof
R> IniTfiWi't g—clrrle of ii;,. ' Hublwrd .tosalnlaggaiteUstSeu;^ T^f
The sleighing around Bate to gat
• Pra^L Mra Mara Cm Um «!«•»*
wbeeU are hegib
lUL slag to coma iMo use
Mlaa Grace Grave* of Traverae City
*Un.' Jaa Kllmury. Tbe stoptied off the Saturday evening train
to attend (he Sonday school coavenHag «ni be held with
(toe and iwalnoil over wUb Lwna
iceaidvM Tkaraday aftmiaon.
going hack to her oc-hccl Monday iDoming.
A wondoffy} ate..__________ ____
of this Medtankal Aw' tonratotwe.
^ maa aho i
will toow
ooe: or write Uo- pubIKbers tor a traa
miBple copy
Tbe - Sh -p V*le*~
Dead, nf to
pagan, leiu assy waxa to do IteteHow lo make refalra. and arthdto for
homo aod ahop. nte.
-Aiiu.(cur Mechaaka- to (agaa.
ledto bow to. make miteoa furahara.
.liother MiB. Oeotse .Vvwmaii. a fvw wlralcaa. bonis. teEtoM, magic, aad
All 111* ibings a boy loves
rdnys Ibis week.
per yuri ointe copies u ennto
. -ng 1to now ilic order of thn 41.40
Ask Your Nevaadnsler Or Agdram..
ivecAtng fo“ llic >uuiir:
i Mra. J* l-u
22> Wsahingtor
-'ir. and I a rewuli <>( II Is.ll Sill- Wa. .Icppingi
left Mondav tor Ima-jt.-oiu a bk-h to the rig «»n tb.:J»(d. ?-14-rt-ak _
lUlcs. ?
• Ur-*. I- J
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a sing.
Itowera liariior. Marvh (-••Mra. E- Irieods
saw as a delegale to tbe repuhllfan.
.'iZrViea n.t
[sute ronvwloa. Tliey expect to re
jinT ttooSe valley to suBermg ; wro SwuirlTy I.ro tWteon to help
‘^"“1’ '*
4M Artida
_ ,
li YDB «rc ffoua ...
to bo3d
b04»e of bnii #
to tSpto* •!»»•.><- tord-
M«1 bttcK
tojr». wus jto. B) t*»w “4 «r •• *«t
~ awaM.
We Jb»a • alj kw pa» <* bab. Kato
BrnDoaRotmadTadtHuCm.* We M* A.
“ Wtotoad- Tndlr mJ ito -Kj Feaaa rawaa asl fo. en-l rl daa <4 Ito nek
you tboe foodi joM •• cbe^ Brywi «•
A«: ^ JOB Mc tbe good* bd^ 7W
r Ur
*4ntAi^ rRAVEKfE nmXU> ANT) traverse bay EAOLE. ,rUJSDi^T. MARCR 7. 1911.
\ «■ farest
Tb« Mudi I'
mtb aoen to aee tala appear at tba
doer. Bnt wbea three daya paaaed
wltboBi word or algn from blm ber
Into alarm- The
tbe reguUr odl ofUic caiemUr vu*
ukna np and mat of tbe caaaa were
reported ready for trial.'
i tC^ac Judgr b'ayae glamnd over
(h« oUendar be asked VrrweraUng A(lorney Pratt if all the criminal buaineaa for the term waa rcpieeetHed
1 he'
_______ dniM> wta*
wwirtec •>«« Hw
of ^
mm mmm rnm. tmnmt \MMmrn
I for. tbe ream
lMU«t ttwCM»
Caltod StatM, for all tu taolia awnrd moreir an rxtonaloo of tlio BacUab
fora <jf garRuiiiooL
ttet MB WWotbrrford waa alao fBorlac la «eap
Mtmlir fritertd bin »d Ibovsbi and at laat put tala peiptositr
MMI-IM «W* bncfe sad veoMid. IMO a qaaMoa. “Wbat an 1 to do?
l-n MclaalBC to fM qi>a». l mboii
Um ckaacaa for my bartac amaMpot
ai« pony fair. Uajrbo I'd bauer drop
down to IMIpbBr aad report to (be au4Mr-OM ra4« •». wbUbi pwtk*> tborllWa. I*TO fot a d^ or two bej fore tba I
1 br»U.D to atww
M,«(. m mm-
Js a Mod to la-
ifc-ttatdM bobo I
_^!i(lal4 h|a_«ot7.aB4
thread <rf IL
___ _
4 waian mto
iibo«. b« It laekad aid
w«k • dptliad-
•tm/mu.- TM.dldat haadta tba
UdipiUt dldbatapagaWn. *«am.
badr bad to lead a bibd» 1 oobMan
Ifera yea
» a^ aWbn yM*jw got
t t aaad a lybar wMla
’^WHES*-Tba^aSit broka a«t
'N aai tpa atpab facb *Tea oagbt ta ba
X.*SSnjpak a Btap toward bl&
abe went font Into tbe street to Inih,, {,, tbe case of tbe People
qalra. One of the ttrat lueo she met
Andrew -Moore charged with Ug.
(tiricm. who was sitting, aa usual. iuBy, wjm'plead gulK> tn the reeurdoataldc tbe Mrory tarn door. amUlag. era tnurt a short tltoc ago.
taMOeleat. cootc-ut. Of him she asked.
When Mr M«v— w-. bronghi into
-Have ydb seen Mr. Caransgh?*
cctrn Monday nfteraooQ he aigMrei!
-Tm.-he answered:-I saw hlmyen- to hare hanged hb lalad andwaa loib
terday/ju« afi« dinner, down at the i ?
poatomae. Jte was writlug a letter at --v- tir'use rtariiad
Ithe de*. Aiubst Umoedbiely afuw
In tb lower c-oart. aud'
wwd lie monaird and rude away. Ha
OOestiODed bv Judge
was M('h cut up urer bb c-bk-Pa db- Mayne a.' I whether he had n-:atrmbaal.^
;ad.at auoraey b>- suied that he bad
Tbe (TM1I1 ib'-ii S'.Ill Into de
“tVby baa be not written
abe asked beterif. -and why sbouU Ite : UlU as
bare gtaie away whbuut a w«rd of; OnaMy^ e!«iu-.l the ii.iormaltoii
greeilur exvioiiallon or goodl>y? It
inoiuent's eaiatc and
lid hare ukm but
« ..»« —
tne duor.ouor.;
time to callII at tbe
Tbe more
e abe dwelt u|
upon tida neg* 'gu.
leri the rw« algulOcaM U bmaine.
After due eonslderailon tbe
After tlio TrodVT luuT In bb eyes, decided to alh.w Miure to soleen au
after tbe ardent clflsp of lili band, the attonrey. and be Hiose J. M'. Pat.-hhi.
Indifferent *bo <ouk f.lin a«ov for an Interview.
When they r<-tiiriM-<l to theeiHjn irmui
Ur. Patchlit KtHiiMl (hat be lMli-«e.l
to... ...... .. ___ I______ V. .
UmiCthere sere some eirruiustaiw- i.
I caranacli atudkd bln eloaejy. *T>.*6tr.
■‘n connection siib lb- .use that li..««
tbioklnc you're got 1l i'
learnshould know bH.>rc- fiawdn;:
aitarb a
eyes dim with hot tears.
pnieeded cc» yirTbe blab aldtnda aod tbe
Rasa came to town and went away a bbiory of ih- eaae as It Ind Wu
; yrladi op ibwe Mtgbt to prereot laack to hb cabin wltbcmt coming to given tilni by fala cUeot. A reply was
tMtioD. m lot afraid for nyarif.
i« me.”
.made by Prosecuting Auoniey 1‘iaii
bat U yoB'ra able pMiapa »a'd better
“Ar» yog aiire be'a been berer
• and the mailer was eiill i--iidinK laic
pall out toMcrow.'*
Tea. He eome In. got aome letters tbH afiectmiMi
Latrr U tbe-day Wetberfort esprtaJohn Henry
enry Kbare. .a |i hailoner
aod then b-de
In euurt and hi.-: '|M>ri f:i'
ed deeper delectkni. "l-doa't aea baytblng ahead of ne aBybow." be e«nand grief orpine ber.
so nsid tiu.i
taaed. -If I go back to tbe'peo'I'M
riWag poaltlon. p,
ordered dUelmrged. ui«n |a> 1
41a Of laag truaUe. aad I duo't fcaow There's
___ ot the eenu In eonae-tlon w ith
mistake aboat tbis. [owiit
bow I'm gidog to aara a llrtog hi tbe Boa ttarattagh never was tbe wbiffllag : hi* ruse, will
ed to about Udly. UebU (be bM tblag 1 r«old do
You've got to rememls-r
d»-r Kliare
tCt>are wanie
wanted to go to itetn-il. where
woold ba
be to btaka the pox aod go uaI resl.le.
dar. rm affal
d him right back
te.1 abopt i
tlnoed. *1 al'
had Moey. Now that I aaa oM and
be fully
braka I daren't go. No city for ne.”
to say Ju«
a woni
. But .tell cue cic^'.i Sim waK rcleaHcd
roleased on proCaraaagb'epailearegaTeway. -But.
away without a batioa. t^cyeral who knew him ie»iiMB. yea can't atay bera'. I'm parkhb< exemplary habit* dui
tag ap to leara. Year only chance
tbe |iBsi year and (be conn sa^ lU
of getting oat of tbe roaatry b to go
fled that hr hud been fully puniahed ]
when 1 go end la iny company.- Ub
for what he had done Jle made «meek* M* berth nnd keen, and (be old
madUte rettiemaat and wa» n-leaae<l.
nan felt lie edge, tint be made no re
Tbe first case that wUl t« tj1e<l thi*
ply. and tbb Md ellcnce laored Carterm will be that of f'lanrU C. Cun.ningbant vs. Oils Hawkiaa. and tbe
abagb to repcatanca.
IJury will be drawn this afternoon.
. deeply
I The case of RnIna.A. Boatwlck vs. [
rbaaflat la kb own natara.
i-Tfce Michigan RtarcJi rompany u«* reAnaoarblng tbe brooding felon, be
ilKsrfed settled out ol court. ,
apoke gently aad adly. -I'm aorry
prweeruting Attorney Pratt stated
Cor yon. Wetberford, 1 anre am. bat
___ 10 the eourt that Orla Cariienter. who
It'a np to yon to get clear away aoJbat
was to have purged himself of 4he
Lee will aercr by any poaalble chance
charge of conieiuirt of court, or else
dad oat that yoa are allre. 8be baa
.npiicar lor sentence, had not done
The Finest Tafloribg ioititulioa in the world it the dcfcriptioo of the (aclorir when AtScR*
a romantic notloa of yoa aa a repreeither, and that It wnuld l*e nec-es'-src
Rochexter Ciothes are mt^ aod if you would ajipcir am tug the best dressed roes ia ^ cqbmb*
;io again lai c up the case ac thi. leriii.
MOttUra of tbo old Ume weat. and It
wooW ba a dxaadfal abock to her if
itjr get your next itiil of
aba kacw yoa aa yoa are. It'a bard to
Imeo bar. 1 know, bow that yoa're
aaaa bar. bat that's tba taanly. tblag to
do-tbo only thing to do.” ■
-Oh. yoa're rigbt-of coaraa yoa're
itgbL Bat I 0[>*k I mold be of aome
ana to bar. 1 wbb 1 could kind of heap
Trctertt Cfy
Miebanrbee. I'd be cted cooucb.to
« Enjoyed Baef Steak
alga after promlalag to eome." She •
........................ I la her kUeb
burled ber fate lu tbe ccirerlet of ber i
oUke ber”mother's bed and we|U la t-Ulldiab griesf ;
M-ab over tbicc* *k’cttand feet at-ove'ent on come twHt
and despair.
i ‘ A* the a-nu^i eicc-iton of i»!fi.*cr»
Vra kn-H. an ..Itli'.idc- where «tr»w-l The mlddlCinalt tfcl
.Llae was furred to acknowledge tbat ©t the Trave rse Ciir lodge <iT inks
VetMtford i^cd at blm with the ranger's acHoa was InextiUcsble, ,TbU'-sdny evening, there wa* the
I Cl :ve« can l«- growti a'-cndanily. Tb^' K*fc Ic the -deal ”_______ _________
e-rt, m
... a..ii .mc cPmair: nh. ilk- cbmuc! That Is a**» «hc re»alt «f tbe* rwUmm tadlReiatandy cyea. lat^ wbbb a teea light bu| she did ber hc-st to make Ugbt of ;largest aitcndaere of the yes:. The
laapaA -Oon^t yaa iaieod tn many
fcui'p-c-c Ibat bos pc-Ti"lc-x«l mar) a ence a>K>wn towards tbe etmdlUaa ®f
«,c. m,Kl ..a U..1.1 . »»n.
btrrv.un’.d-be .pi'.'SMtanher
Tbe ci-mate ibc roads by Uioee who are-^RdaUr
vcicc'K giirupiJy. ubl only in rebulmi
------ BPioimed to attetid -to aacb maUerS.
^ftom tnraed amay. -N'o; I don't'' 1
^jEditor of tb- Herald—
lime. but.in n« nlat'on to Uwallvy. Oiilv laat spring
ailing two of ray
m; a ' * ‘
htm._ti?«eiobcrr. Ho-U be In tumoftow
Interest fell In tneeleauitof'
teault .
djr:— Having arrived r..vtiilv’ia iu
\iiu may bovc five fo-t of imow- !n took <«0 BMoetotly packed ta .
.the election. The folUiwlag were Grand T
ruc place, and ten tBilM iv*ay iio egg <w»ea to town, and on arrirtag
Mu.n at n’l. On- pccnHaiitv j*. llK.t tliere found ibat ewery •€> was brok.and srent aboat her dally u*k*.
Eikii«i luler-Oeorgc G Oivell. . u 'cwni. I lliid
.be c'ic-i.uunii-(*4'*oUrii i» down mau. c-D. A auie of tbe roada wbieb pn>Eatm-m-cl l>>aclmg tCnieht-Jcttcqvb :'ctfafam wll. pckjp!-b'o: I]
not married, bat”— He but tbe day iwsaecl nnd another withil-ai«t. biwei I'l the vsllcyy iban on (likrew reaulu like tbew. It smy be
; nc-ems' to tut- co |« an -aiiM-^tbeat Mklag hb aMaing o«t word or sign of the recreant low, Bleder.
lb- U|>lancU: ftn iiiMSBce aliunt Gbriet taierred. Is not eoadnclra ta plaamue
::iuK. icpft, tlio iBi*nnroii-tc.r ai my o; comfort Jf you w lab to take a drive.
piBln. -I’m-golDg to teara Ibecooniry and eacdi (lav Urvuglit a deeper'oe^! »lc-c-raecl Uival'Knight—J. \V..Han iwi iiiloiiiution on chai niiicli
of loss, bnt lic-r pride woa»d not pe^ ncn.
-d at-Mc
wiin ..ii|. p-nuc».S
KMueBK- Wifi eix beJov zero, while You lake yoor aaat ta tbe bogey,
mlt berto KbiMv ber grief ^
Kstc^med i.ccliirmg Knltiii W n. will give ).ri":i> i'i> iiiim.-».ioijs
MC.Tal hunilivd li-et kiwrr down. :7 and start fur townt; aH goe* wen lor'
Waibcrlbrd caugfat blm np -I leckI elow wa» ro.'ordcsl, -Viw bkv. it a >hon lime, wben mddeoly yow edOB I ooderttaad wbat yoa mean. You
- WitlaiiHlic
valb-y,- I rounter a quantity of looaa auboa aa
the cause of ber troubled focc-.
rreaaurc r-Cha* 8. Vk.lc r
miu ut.< ubivp.ui )coBBMrr ilia and me aubabaUe pa^ Hast
a-ipr.irtr-icc on—. ‘’Vee. I:.rge as a nuiB's hewd. Yoo are jecktuok (bis ocvaaloQ I" offer comfurt. ; Tili-r—A. C. IVcBpri-.i.
nc-lf oi i..- i;.--,.. an- .l;i .l.c i
enta-notJaat tba kiad you'd cat oat of
>■ mnrl. I wciaM uistli (i! About ill your oeat In aucb a lively
toward-ber bad changed
Tm-rcH-. ihriw- y.-nrs-|i,.
•. til add>i:->ii 1.1 vj.”
tbp hart of ypv own fine wUL Weil, Bine* abe no longer bad o twri ta the icowl.y,
:Iil-r ll. Ce a llllie MH.W.manner ihsi you becta to wonder if
or the vali-ce Uien are Ui.One
your ocmaes have decefred you, sadtbat'a all right i dual bUme you no managemeut of tbe vwtiiig bouse, aud . Onn'd larigc- detegai- .laiac-N k<- Uuc looibiilK or liptanil* aii<l inUe
i:.: »b-tf -call r- arc ~rc-mo(e Item lurtead ot tiding lu a buggy vtai are
br aa I'm cnoccnicd. But you ran fur- fcir that reuBODsbeclW nut repulse him; bc«-.
' lUads. Tl.es- upUnd scrfl* a;■ ,0..,,, ii.Him i.f inrsldeiwbl'
scaic-d u a buc-klag
clhg broacbo. aaad In
(H mn-coBBlder me a dead one. ni ao-BbarvIy as else bscl been WotU to- M.cwnMc <0 nraiid U-1g--ytalii. G ifull) cd v.ilcanu- u.ie:;. umI .■uu'e
,.,4 j„. ,h .jirBiomir ia dl*
w cf possible erentiuHtles
^rer bother her nor yoa.”
da. He really bote ('arawigh no HI Riraub.
t*"*"'*"' "■ * I" nc.iuiul p'an.
cast tf yocir mine] wbribec tbenp i_
Caeaaagb threw oot an Uapetlmt
n-uch to etioee between, beiag Imband, -a b iBMiaartlilr.- be proteMcier^ In the mndbule cm yo«t HtAt
ad. -Itb batter Car bar and battar for
v.|ita^onseguent damate to >««r bolM tbat 1 abaalC dp an. I'm gnlag
Id.iv attire or betng fiejaoalted oat tbe
bnck:tnmyn«ap«ople.cTM Xs. on ymir b-fi. wiiP the poaaibll
of a few dlnees hi the regtoa cd
.VWharford WM. tlMivdCUy rooecd be found i*er «tfitidf:.« ta ber refusal helm. -Txallcol RuUt Jaates K«-le—. 'uH*-.. tmi I Uave liad ifocju-ru
If ,. „ ei'cv-itiagias e*iierienc*- alter Hr
i!ic- rftre 8i-rii sir tae eaklllarisUng
new. 8ome part of hb oM ttme Ore to iiermli auy fauilllaritr.
IJurliic the ev.ntag. :u impres- u.u.iies uT c-.«nvv.wug w.:!i_|k
-tiec-i. ol a ride to Iowa ta Kaaf'
aHBied to retara to him. Hewaafrotu
“Bee here. Mias Virginia.- be cried Ive taUU-t eecvice wi« hc-lil lu m.**.-,
m.... . who me rCMdeni* .1;. iv. alW v.ii"cw. If he- tu-1- >1 carload Of taw*
hb cbalr and appronebed tba ranger aa abe sra^-fSicitBc blm in tbe bail. “1
cf Joh-i Moriisira. w1k> iliecl .-.I ' l-ectp)- wb' hav.- farm-il ll—rc.
-. nl! 1- well; lie csti whip 11,
Your* respettfully.
_ ,; sbort
ngo Viter the busiiic-ss ( She idea gcnernl'j e.-cpr»—.•••cl i- 1
•rmly. -ree aecn you act like a man.
ac-efyoa're wurrical about Uae-I
ira.-kiav boo«-. inii
sa* tbe vail, i
Rom Caeanagh. You're ben a good laeaa your motLef-aad If 1 c-sn,* I—
I«l ISM.
iw _________J
......... I..
- fln*
--.u_ lec-i aU-ok
......... Mii-iWr
s "run ci-jwTi."
j finer than a rai'/iaij.
partaer tbeoe la« Crw daya-a an Vi
tame .«UUM
ron'll CSll
rhll VU
on UiC
me.” ;; . . ■ ...
any um
c lOWW
At the- bc*ata-; leceiiil). hov.
the -soil Is ri-.-iwau I
enuMut bare treated m be(ler-a»d As abe thanked blm wlibuui entba-ri-'‘?^'r .if*
mil 01
Klks band Icir.'i itiE to b Ii.«i l ulinie.
k.Cd-1. -n.,» K ,b,
■firrrd ""
cxcclleri' Ruslc. After tte up-lo-ila'- mc’boc.- of If-atnient
-I think Bbe's better.- vii!! :
CDod thincR on the table wi-n* <\l»Tbe Giaii'le tt--!ii)» valb-.i
maber baa to you.”
-Can 1 see betr
liosedol. W It. C. <;■ rtnainc wa* call- sojd griUa ao.1 r uiafu ••cu.iitiy.
Bom aaid alowly: -It vlU ba bard
His tone was ao earnest that (be girt rd 0 pr-We as P . ^ . , -Ur. Ger-; Wallowa cjlliy ptoclurc.you to undemand wben I tell yoo sras aaored to ny. “I'll ask ber.mul^> made a very 1plcas'iiic a.ldr-s* ' liniii'ti.r ItB;-. »h-t- IrriKBiioU can If
meintwrs and rondcwt.M'itir ' pU'^tc'-d. .tint c- the soilisl.
-1 wlab you would. I snat to aay
admlraSle manner.. _
arc In map) pbues :ai(i. kii<l if
, proti^alD
aomesblng to ber.“
dieesc-s were nude by Macor K. \Vli. Inlmtiun te ii|>PO*si‘-l
Uaa'a toIco reached where tbey■
......... .........
. ....
RulM .......
Kchoe, ibis character, or.iy lj;<liffcr»ni citi
Mood. "CoBte la. Joe; tba door's J»ast Exailcd Ruler John
' '
' S>rauh. at. prudiKxd. T5ic
«<< -J.e
il.e 11;1
■ J VV, Hannen and Joaefih Slc^r.
'land* are somewhat varishle. t :t
He recepted ta.T latMatka ratber. Tfc- r^k*' cnartet o-nrtcred Wvc-: wHl sananll) ;-rodm-c
very fair
• Wetberterd dropped bb band. "I awkwatdlv, bat bU lace was Impaa- .*'
aflecclMU and eiceHent solos crop- otyair. ,nd ap aoe« rss-f
aeer Ub lona waa deapalring. -Wheu
t waa yooag we morrWd
girta we
tor.'d la defiance of ereryUslag. Bat
(p* n,i, »a« one of Hie is-rt eo.-iat erown with miicb success. ta:t I:
you are nut tbat kind. Yon may be Tkai'e dolus ta tbe lownr
(To Be OoEtiBUed.)
< scar tons I be lodge has ever eo>>>-ItwUcA tkai a second ctv« of G.-- tasi
right I'm BMhIax bat a debllUated
-----------------------ed .'.tid .a laigo number o' outside {can b>-grixsn ui.bont img-vUaii.wrdcii
aU cnwpuDcber branded by tbe euteTtie toefihhlpa have commcneed'aat-' memters were p:. -ent. a 'urge cicle- irwu only be pr.>cip-ed Ir c(r> tactated
a man who- threw away tab riiaare- titag with County Treasurer Htm-iptlon attendlPp ;rom Elk Rapid*
invuacee tn the uj.’andf.
bu I can teO yoa atialdbt rrelaahird ____ -_ —
• was ••
. .
there arc a tec la>«dly
dor-! I bi
The flm'tP
May- ' _
Tbe lodge
that Mrtbiac but tbe lore of a womaa field, followed dosel.v' by Acm^ The;tag tbe Urt tear aad ihw wtll Is- a ''-ored corjRTK of (be
state wbe.—
ies»fullr gntwn. but speck
I* >-«af;claBk of severw) inMiatied boIcTe the. corn 1
c nights
where' s jtaual tner-ilng which takas ptat-seoera;i;iy ttai
n' ■■ are 1
e Lm TlrglBb wait
wereltbe flr« Thursday ta April, at wt^ *Hr cem to mainie.
■B1.V elected offleers wiil j Appl^. pear* an^ptuws bi
:. while this yeor tbey t « only jtl» the Hei.............................................................
Bam Ckraaagb'a ..mura. capecttac
Your New Suit For
The Summer Season
Should have that individuality which muks a good dtewef.
This has been an impossibility in the past unless one patropiz^
the high pric^ tailors, but no longer are you required to do dm.
Since The Big Store has been providing its trade with AderRochester Clothes the men of Traverse City and vicinity are en
abled to appear in geumenls of the most exacting style and perfect
fit, made of materials and finished in a manner that is not exceiird
by the tailor who demands a price-many^egrees too high for the
average man's purse.
'!• Wa
9. -U Uia Btata
.. ig iaada arary derMaaU «al|bBta am of it.
atm to tba wolraa.
■ of prey.timm im. laa«ir. bat
bM to tteMNi fay a
aaa a«t ad bte bldtag
tbattdbp daiMT «r
i««K latojL dt waa a
luat eryr ba ao. It
T.waB «ar a yoMg auar1 Mb arto tarad tba
a Mm ^ tb^aM aad who
M-|teao4» OMwba daaltad
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
L A Y C (L.
i !‘mob
•<« '
- —
- —^
AUfICHiNB UTHEAA.tW HiittI «b/ Bora. W« kw« wothcr cmA I ten mm mm mmM
\rnta, Wate.
tve Bate tebr tena. tter cm« «r ter tte —telii Ctefe. Air Btttetek. I. Ull. yaL Wa win tin ny Unto aatte a way aa4 iote Mlwwrtt Pte A
te* te A aprlBC- W* ten m unto CnUto Ban 1 ten aana M« aaM
1 tteteU I veaU Ute to tall yaa ntf csK. My t«a oMar btatten arork Marjory Wteatoa. ate atoo mr Unto
ateu BrMto. aiy my ova Go«. Wa t^eweanry Satartey. I a* •olac Mater. Alica Ladto. Wa ten a iter
A ateak- to eaU aa a atek Urt tUa alianooa. at tena. ate to A aprtoc A laya
to Blek «Hk A aittete 1 viU foar ecsi ia ter aaat. akiKitoC a day
to —at By
batwaaa aacb two. ao it tataa a weak
Am aate a card A tet- tetora AAA aaat fall. After
Ttey Un at Buitoaa Bay. R. r. At A toys two cate Boath. A
w mmm
♦' I tidU toy aanr to taarty
♦ fiw -- —
♦ aotrth. Mtoato said to A UtA QW,
♦ A wa. yaar Pntodaat.
Wea.dnttoBHa-------------------) to Bilk bar. la a taw
nttec Am mm to rte. mj •ttw- smM ten mj vteMn wUtete Aw
itea «n am attiaette to a grvm a( tel! O tootter. wr«t I tate terT
aMB aate
utter ate tUtter
te ton. Ucte^^ mto a« • «•*
la aaateaanr to aacate TtetettOM nr«:
at A rimtor aitte tetoc conraA
Amtal Btoterte
ateai taaaty o( A aau aoacU aafaqr
DuiUar at Min Naaay Bkteite
oa a larca cite at aartlt. At Bm Ay Cm Dr. Btoterte. BmotflaM. Mna.
»m acanatte aboat onr A Ucteat
ABabaTa poetet «at m -~w Al
pan at A Unto aaaad. ate to all a»- A bad to nry ter a«>Jv^-rbhT ap
Aram wna toditanat as to Air ^ atoan to order to aeoaBAdata
aarroatetota. Aftar a Unto ooa of A tba card; tet Kaaay asaarte A ^
Fraa mr torA Baaablaar.
aaa ibU to wlot. I raatea, as erar.
A clrcoit bontte Ak to bto
It appaaA tA Ay thaa ABaM to A AUoa. mt pat t
Mary Kalehlk.
for tbe flm Una. realtate At Ay
What a cunaink pat teickea! I do
t aaat oa A atedy alda cd A
aat wAer that li waou to atay with
Your ftieada abaU tertatoly aU ban ware ntnouadad by water. Tba ear
eattida A
V ^
am CUU1» »ATM, UMr.
•a >«»
IMI Dtoab was aooa orasaed to A ***°'
OMatd «1»U« It«i CO.O.J wiu
was yellow roaaa. A Mtoala urate
to look at A' lirtlatMri.
nw vica
taai< VM FrKia-aa. Ir«i«
.. 'BT'f'. *^'**”'~*''* ■*•
SJirtL '*^
........... ......
t»i mitrtr ••
«™i « b«
arttbaeUc, readlna. apaUtox. toacaaca
ate seacrtpby. I bare two names (or
the Cradle Roll. They an my two UtDonald Witooa.
tu a.ien, J<
t'wepblpe. ace dve years.
eiM. b.li« U.
tbroa years. My teachU Sister FardlaaiiA I like
bar very wait -My aaatmato 1a Clai^
itsa Arnold. Aa my letter is AUte
telanalfn ^
■!■««■« A wall.
?»b. «, nil.
grwul.’' aald MtoBle. if yoo cant
-3--------------------» oat, A Aa none ^
1 win BOW try ate wHW a few Uaaa
t wmaa M A Cradto •7
at yottr ehUdm ^ M bait.
to A BiuUaa pace. WaiotAtatI. 1P11. Itl. '
tor At mwIoS^ 0. dS. A w.
' wen va^Tlteto Ar from you. and
<. «Bti, tjtm.
«(BW MtenciiB. teM. OU MlBln. MMl
'glite patotoato Btedte. Web.. B. P. a aolaUoa of i
'te.lto.-l. .
ooursa Jwy. ib
tor to tba Sansbloa Oob. I ten
I tor A aob- Tbay aiw
tbraa a
Ony AtcO. Joe Arell A Daisy
AraU. 1 hare one name for tte
CAle Roil. It Is Ruiaell AlbH^t. 1
would Uka to have our l^Mnta picton at A top of A Saasblpa pace,
I bara a UtUa Atber two ate a At
ycarm old. I have lots of fun playUc
Xi" ' •»' <X»«wttb blto 1 learned two pi«to. tor
t of Ab ara
Cecelia Swenor.
Oirlatmaa. The i
fO“r HlUe atotera wUI Uke -Waltin*." A-Orandma-a Cbriatmaa.
««>r bripbl-eoloA Adla Roll card*. Too.“ I a» B>telas you a litUa ^
**t older they may bm^me white 1 lermoed at acAU ate which
1 ae I
Id to yoa.
.U.W *imI th*
mam draw bmk.
Naanya roste ton tooted
*»Ate to A Uc vladaw. A
J** •“‘Alto* nUy.aa A wand
bAkercbtof A A
^ laas!" A0«bt
»«tod away. A
“• m7
barttod e« to M paST’to’nl
cma al torn, ate A
ii. 1 Love You. Hotter."
aUek. went its full tcagth oat A
mother," aald UtUa Jobs.
Joba. A.bladaa
A.bladeo of grata oa to tba dry tote.
1 love you. mother.weather Then fonetUag bis work, his cap was WKhout ^ second's bealUUoB te tara-
tordteM^ar?irapl«wa at myself *toar ParaMenttow^'l
I cAd aaa yol I
nubad aboat o*er aacb otA la a A
riWa atau ot axftaUoa. A A a
was rapidly approaebA Than A
now hardly room for tbM to ante
on; JA a llule while aod Uial wooM
te oaA water. Ttey naate atrar
gltoc. AUed down iote moOonlaaa
AeOrlty. A aeemed eotirely rastcaad to their fata
I jdeted up a^litUa «lck A-A It
| woaa tte wator to A . point whan
I „i,
ants •onT'^y
werer\Ttey aaemad daaad.
mt tit mt iostoiTly take teraataca
of the maan. of aacnp* teordad Am.
«M nl.iA an.1
Ob. what a tncto BtOp toea Itony
A! Her ayaa ««n pwoltoa wMb
cmBg. A at flrat A A gtoto
wan aato to
^ ^
... ttep „
moontlgbu 1 teve aoite aamei for And te was off to the garden swA. oompanloni. Now A sAA —
tbe Cradle Roll. Vella May Wheeler. Aring bU Aber tbe wood to bring, ot tba group nturned with biw to dry “*
A mIB4
Adeline Bronson. VelU to'mV-------------------------------------------to my
late. They bulb ntnA Air awpa,
•toter. My brotA Floyd would "I love you. Ater." said rosy Nall; and A w«k ot naeaa basan- Tba Analy. U moAr. m tost Atoto
* mmu
-I 1...,- ...... b....... bk... .......
____ ________________ _
Ap It whan A otA SaBBblM pbo- 1UQ» to Join the Sunshine Qub and “1 love you Ater than tongM can roat aaamte paaaiva., Araly aubaarrLI
A a card A button. Ha U ton years
tell." .
« At to tte wlU of Iteaa two. Bate
Ay ran. toffnA a ptooad.
. or wbaa Amabel A toft bar atm *•
oM. 1 Ank it would be very nica to Tbaa.taaste A pooA full half A .vim a companl
Jobs lomw- atopplas daftly «*«r A Awork ot
eould not naiatabar. ten A totoni
have A PnaWanfa plctun at A top
pUca ot Bfaty.
Maple City. Mite.
B. D. No. 1. veodte tratea. whtto A hoya, -who
of A Snashiae page. I am goluc to TiH bar moAr nJolA
Tba sAI < » waa A sincb a
*endaaplnARaOrateOaBa.eallFlab. 10. 1911.
write to HMan Kovarfk sow.
acUva. te nacnlng aboM thna to A averyteen. ton mbtag
pfpmilTC f^teoaa Hinkle A> ad.
. "LAOk wU" A failonaly rang tba Dear PraaMant—
rAlng a atory ia tte KenOd. A I
I mvlona. na
IMabikHfftoMte ora. Naaaa aagim ML
Wteator/ltopto Oty. MIcIl. piaaad a HtUa nd aboalder Awl Aaers
4* itito. i. itotoa mthyinteovar ABam pigtaito. “araTo au Iter UtUa saAto.
nady bat A pnvWoaa. Toa
Werii . mr Mule ntoture'
rjMp KMfte toteto Xtrt. Sattpaa earry A baakat antll Ifb Avy. ate W*“ * •“* "“*•
1 ahaU
... d«r u.««. rLS* .“L^rs—“
"■> -■
stnlght to A back
»«b.r.- .Id mui^
's.'SLflJ S£
*a_ua,i. •k, Jnj..
I, Boa oaj
“Y “®r* for tbia tlma. no I will close. “Today I U help yon all I ten.
,ooi te .nwiiinc attend A ootor A -o.,o4 d. *«_ onotM »».!..« m
A JMStaS A Dalsr girta Bade Air way. w
f onr. Mite. Namaa tha-KUteea eonunanA to langh
- oonew
boraaa. TMr
paBea .™
a Kick. King.
le naan Binmea tmpw-mrwik
.noir w™™
ao A^rocA the tahr UUA tril
00^ tte*!^liite^ avar at A Ante! 0l a anMftPto tor
Db- Obi Ob!“ cftod A twn eifr SaaLANalUa. Igowateoolnaariy
fast aalaap.
***~ **'**"*= A aP bar ptoawn to
■Mbatb rawipa. dm as tbay paapad at what waa oa pvary day. My wateWa aama la
raacA wmaate tlato w a plm te ^,,0
ft. MB 1. Namaa tba table. (A.I A aanyrm never
Auattodatea-Klttete. rattead eat
ir bA ter A basket A «nhiUr
Clty.Mlcfa. ,dapoalA in U one
torta. luat big anongh tor doQtoa. A
•H.lianr Aadarao. Sitod with cuffanl Jam. "Now run
I. ItoBB
ante W
1 omv A don't boAr. ar I'D aquab,
Mlaa AlA I A'aliUng with Ulla
Burttond. I Uko to sit wUh bar. 1
lA to raad A Sunablna tottara. I _
^ .
have tote my SoAloa pin, A wlsb ^ PratedenlyM
Tan. 1 will
u have
A bteo yof wOl
have baUB
battar toek
Mary K. Brodrtte.
oak. vttb tbla om:
Mary Ada- ^ nwtetnd A todden om A two.
r. MIcb.. B. P. pp umy daBbatod A aUpabapa tod ,
Nortbpoit. MIcb; Boi U.
A o^ op. ap Ay
Fte. 11. 1911.
«ilBA A oovarad ladder Into tba Dear Prnaldaot—
■te te* yte«l tree.
I bava A my button. I am very
y'4**te Fteto.
n At tor a-ptay-preteod A aeny that I bava lost IL WUI you
Mmpa.aate by Cooalla ^ ^ nimwir A! BaA-ablBBertag ^aaM
T 1 gn to
^aaaa aA
sA ma
tea a bcwom
AatteaUi. Uka aobool every day. 1 am In A fourth
gma iravea rtteUag la A wind! grada. 1 aa atoven years old. My
How aaar A A aamal A bow birthday to A 99th te NovamA. I
uaamty the grate wWle ctoudoaUa have A te ta Aing down bUl. Wa
- I A a Mg Chrtotaaa tree In our acbool
(Bagat u
Tte Uttto Olrt waa quite hone tbla year. I A a doU tor
A bint!
_ mtete t to drift. A drift, in the tra- ObrtatBM. A a A of cAy from
ball A ay taaAr. l a * posul. and an orAUtttogMa*
B. r. D. No. te ptoy-erteA tear.
with abrtokn
„ No !
Then mpiA softly A tote A
iirrmrate *"'*’•'*“ *’*^
Nanny alepl tota A teat BOttea*.
*"***• «•
^ Brnr A
^ v -Si JUS -«! “*
<»«»**". •«»
*** •«*»«« «* »»*
^ Avy-ayad. A toad arary A at
wrttA for a long _ room. ♦
^ ^_____ ^
A late one. SUll be tet not oonum. |,„oklast. and a liay oaTteapa te bar
lirct^nff^tel!^ **“• * U^Abt I would write now. Our
tel day ^ A ^
^ n«A hack la aaarcb ot otbera. \
ta IfiB Napay
acbool A An out for a Bontb bow. Helpful and cboarful aa child could ba. ^
,ow Bteiad ,
away, and be turned to mk safety tor
Tarbapa Ifa a party." teSStetod
™ w -.t
.'.L ~*^**-!??**.
^. -
*ta about to tefTA
Ba bated IP apo '
** ’ery nice to Aa A T>ratedant> Which do yoo think tba BOtbar m tpi aa wA oonactons te nacalac
picture « tbe top ot tba Suoablne
The water was rnanlaff
Wa. A child who truly loA A .^ tb. telck. Tba late avam te
Tour toving Sonsblnar.
aacwpa aaemad etoaed to him toroA.
JuUoa Wbaatof.
Y»“r Sunablna girt.
Ho wmil to A blgbaat point and aetyou for A pretty poatte that
perfecUy atlU. Hla pro.
. „
*•<«• eftn^wt eoBVIaced bo At ho
F®" •«“ •“ F®®*"
fond of
w a,. m„
-r p.„ m.
Old Ulaaton. Mich,
Fab. IS. 1911.
Dear Pretident—
1 Ub* your vialB. and 1 do want to Dear PraaMent—
1 would libe to Join A 8«i|^
•ba a • • •. vhll j-oo please sand
me one of j-our nleo buttona? 1 don't ^ ‘ “-ei^ISld A“ln‘A^Atb
.w-.go to Mbool. but am toarnlng to rA
iTo 4 UtUa alstte earon
and write a litUe..! have five valend in tbe first grade. Her
Dinab w aatoad W * ten* eraatera
who bald a pefrknUe batwoan bU
taethv while atealwart flgnro readied
after A baekot of tblmA taru!
bUanto atood. at bay. faring vaUantlyat Aeaptora.aacr»UydellgbA
At bar gam sbotdd have drawn A
tas.trs.I.iiiriSu'r*. r
Meat tba bravest tit Uwb aU tom ^
-p. S.-l aDcioaa ay ptotem At
te a;-
bouse cat.
proB yoor BaBahlnsr.
Mary Andaraon.
Wiib love.
Mary Ad.
I wonda bow old Paul A tame
m I wlU aA Am each a Cradle
What a door UtUe Buasblner you
RoU card. A you a new Sunablna ^ going to be! 1 hope you will write
“^n «»the SuoahA page
Bandoe. Mich.. R. P-D. No. 1.
Maple City. Mich.
Feb. II. 1911.
^i.t teteona. whom ba A so roeenily tor*
Cousins aeries. I go to the
^ **"*' ^
Wbatovar I
Sunday acAL I guess tbis wTiTde
®* say bnva dona tor Am. I can but feel
for this time.
At. In tbis exnmple. tbe little hero
Voor Utile friend.
_PBLdld naeb more tor me.
Rose G. Davidson,
have read the Pnidv itoriet A
- The Myatory te Amabel.
W—W they
.k.A« nice
..1.— •
-A Nnnny
go teoner cried
Knnny'i mother, with an arm aqueeud
Ugbt Aut her little daugbier.
Feb. 16, 1911.
•ttortalnly." said .N'aot» s father.
Dear President—
^ rWby. Boston Un t tba north ptea!
I will write you a few lines sow. 1
Too A ab* oerds a oew coat A A
got tbe card, mi buitona. A was ^
nndannk. n
very glad to gej tbam. Ruby is alz day'a shopping Jours*
irseir. or I sA
years old. She is in A flrat grade. have you 111 agaiiin. rn put her w A
Tbe games I pU> ai recess are We re
of the fooductor. A bar
trgln in
MarcUng nmum
Round tba i^»aa.
Uvea. wtu.
UtUa At Knle *Hl
i,er at A «Ar
™/.r mi,
_____ C«-U M k™ h «« with K. »1- a.b. I u. i: T-™ .la -d ut Ua 0...
ftte jne* ffteA m A IP. ana m
onw.. Oa ablp waa toabad td A aoveatk grada Mr teaebar'a aama U
. — .s-L-w vmt white oak. A la A alck te Mia Margvat Dwyer, d would Uke to
^ A te
f*>s pte Aoagb
naked to A reacae. have
_ a
- card- aad baiA. 1 have some
tiwota boaac
s-s.Ate tete
—- .. a.- ^
------------------ awayed wHb A
^ naaaate
wmajo aA
a«d la
in as
as a
a member of A
Ate ftA te*B 99. A Ate A aat
eoafflet. whUa Minnie gnnrdeii Snanblna Onb. They nre Bltee
, tetbpfp.
tbo toftm.
ann, Boteo Bncteann. Cecil HipAA* tMp|( ApMki vite bate- Fvea
wlAtA Bd's atete^-CUnbetb Pawins. Y’oa inar
_________ _________________________
■-I,,.. p.rr.r
. i,,-....c,..
I W.U uy -d wrt.. .
tow linai. 1 go to acbool every day I
My leaeher'a
teaeber'a name u Mias Bnrcan. My
dead. 1 like her very much. My atudles are rAlng. nriiboteUc.
We bare n valentA A in ow school
this year. Tbera nre twenty-two cbllAt
Tb AsteteFwteftact
dnae. hoping to ...
____A ABSP xa bte itfMff Glri begged, too.
lane, a X w« ctoa.
.rm- .'.--JL.. ^ ^
"Wen." tnld fid. indlcuuy. “Ay tbU In print
Maint Ak A plank If yoa any an. Yoor BanteUner,
,h. tort tooy don't danerve A tartt."
Lyla Cteeaaa.
••AW!" ctW Ftak. “Who A «U op l know At FM «a ffXng to ba
_ ..........
TP** r.« «- X... "1—1. ». “•
-Thare an tat two aptoa. t
r„ .u. ..^2 'j.r."w-;:.vii..“ “j: ■“ wm bHH.1 d.r.-
tbe grwA
at my mora. aa wlU do..
Cater. Mich.. R. P. D. No. 1.
i. Mieb., R. P. D. No. 1.
Feb. IJ. 1911.
Ik.ll. J911. Dear Praldent—
It A Bot baan vary h^T^nce 1
wnta to A BnasUna paga. but 1
tbooihl I wooM wrlu anothar leuar.
tbooghl 1 woom n ......................
i vary bA anjoy raadA A laonrs
ponahlnar. write. A eapw
dally Uaaa whom I know, in A tat
HaraM I Mote A namaa of Am te
Mr oM pat A la down
■ant with bar UcUe Midta
MBpiDCNTS onlotad detoiM. A pood wtahea troa TMr am aam weeks old now. TM
SStetaS^atfa T«te Itea
maad a bA dte. A mi
. tote *pph P*te TtaHUPt proatead Otbao^ Adelina Pbrioag. Altn OUlatt. 1 btaogbt U np teter^ A «iod torlt.
PM « trnoUM «Mry. te aAt bar A JtePa Whaata.
A now It doaaaT want to pa beck ia
s A
NA poat cards with
to A SunsbA
to A sunuune
^ Mva aMt^PV Item te navar A CA this wMt. Mapgla A Mandla
TS.bMa am A Am tp Mm a
w yoor ProalA kapp Atete ***■»» wara.'
.NaUia Cracker baa
; itecanM Ate *»r bwpyr
-Boston. 9m
TWrliaa Motbar^
Toa a.*,
have auBeA ffroat aagWy ao HP
accoani. and I baette M aaagre pad
wou.- pmuro. auQ t—te u.e» «u x«c
*olWtude tor the Ufa of ojberu ba InwSwIIvate «• OPtete
anas Urn and draw pl««res. Papa ukai
aton^i^T 1 think a Within btoown
^ p^day. vftAl li^L I aa
In algbt!" «‘Pani wonld Uko to have bU name
Uula ina to A bam on ay .lad and 1 fA
'“*•** *** *"
•» »»I*ttonca to tabmpa^ te«o
from be- OB A.Cradto Boll. A my Uttia
» her tba boraaa and watch tba cows go out
»•«>“■«**“«' aorn. With many kiaoaa.
_ ... — .i-i-w ....____ __
-eHhar did he die. A ba waa
_____ ________ ____ ____
u, <h-i.
u».-,... »«>- My testers teacher is Mia Nat-
mSVSm a-u* day A tau'et awtte canape.
1 JUM- im -mm -j. '
♦ '
________Lpe long ago? Ha wUllngly
My advoaAte bava bm dft
^sA bis own life At ba mi^t eave
A pelntaltoH I Ml te* til
coted a kmro AteM axam- ^
A bands te frlenda. Ovtegttp'A
I*"?"* **
**““ *T *»«»• ®P Ptek frock a ae
striking oiamA a ba Quito nnfit for wm A ftMtt
miat Could a n»r« striking--------Aibarty leva and nnaalSah davoAt to remala 1a A tttp leM
^ Awn? Could a more eanate-------- reotoalah w wuSUTn
- ,v. Uttto«rt-^B^ AdoU A abaU taUgatttatong,aol wmek»aa.bop- lUacesk Tbe barn c*tt won't let me
Riebarda —M. 'Hhy.
And Are. to ba aara. .
in* A tag* of A note, a a m*
pAograph ot Aasbal. lookteff ffUte
happy. aiAugh bar frock BlBf
her la tatteri.
Nneny's father and boAF pM| pS
aacb otber A at A teta, A Pted.
sontiT dasoad Op A dawn.
-q mother. hOV BA dnpp (O
rrid,j_j,ow many |Bmr
„ reined aa If Af
pMs-iboaa tbroa dtps. Wbas Pt tV*
a«pA> NmsF OPpU
,tarm\r tear berate PMp Bite A
»,o4ow tor/nn-1
{toctor Rkkprda. vba« b
«OBi Af
• AaAi tetea M to •
" — *"'•**•'
“ - ....... f
- ^lii
tour tins SuAioer. «
.1—.-. reasBureo k
.w .nwiAn.
now iBKn_an
- K
uuuous -wh^
omam. coacern. .was
Knthrm Baaba.
-vi'.U.'- aid Mrs. Rlebardt. “1 sbaU
How niec It is to h«er fron oar A- ^
oHram on a ard Sfnny . baby coo.
1 was lataroaA to ^
,ocUat Am. **^,*^-y
writtat to tbe SuabA paga. A good
—- - 6onshlDer«.up
-—vi_«— _« bera have
maay of• the
loat ibter plna 1. think wa wUl hnvo
^ eumtelne entertalnmeoi some Friday
t sebooL a I would Uka to
bare you aA A SnnsbA battoos.
What an the Suntetoa ribboa coIots?
Tba toDowtng ara Asa wbo want MW
i^as: HA James. Marie Wbaatoa.
Ooy Wbaatoa. Maurice n*baaton. GerAd, Soaaerfddt. Brngatt. Soaaar
toldt. Hple. Brodrt^ Alta Wbote^
a WeUapa wouU bka
A tetaU.
Richards UugA and went away to
Ant's Haraism;
Tbe ann was Just ..etUng wA I reNnany's mother did'iwt forget A
tarA, teigbtly failgA. from aav- cord. A whUa It was beA aaam tooral mUaa' ride « my wAI. ara a to A podiet of her Unle brosm coat
writer la A St. Looia uiona-uaao- Kaany aald:
-«oU,.r. ,U1 n« wrttt , -rt W
oat. As U my custom oa rtearalac.
1 took A garden boee A tnmd wn- AambcL toor
tar Into a amall treoeb white A
“Afe yoo going 1
bOM dog aioA a aatee um ta A'aald Mrs. Ri-------------------- .
parpoM te bddiag water a minctote afrted you msy loa. bar. dta. 1. A
Ua. to paralt A dirt adjocta to A crota"^ _
^ ^
"MoArr cried Nanay. *"S It I
roots to I
i^ViHofto bXldSlV|
dnk fit
long, pinw.r faatbar.
...............bat Aa^ baanr «dte
..snoy-B motta. iBpp a|i unalMd
(be box. but Ara vaa *0 dpn »
throw Ugbt on A BynUry.
sabel. whM bava yoa baanr
itet nhbo^ A A
^ ( Nanny,
aabed tbu qaasUno aany Uaaa
^ "
A nerm^ told. TMt'iTM?’.S?SX
and Travaraa
lirii M M mw cmKy^iteii min
Wmttitrnm, afi*
I penclo .
. but finall)' withI
«i «tn mm
len n beauM «t1mM Mh. Ttw
--- -------------------r Lodn li
veta *n th* fl’Ibtirtcr U>0 blU to dMth.
Wublacton. Marcb 4.-Tbnw«b aitM ttw
other oll-sicht Mulon the aeuto of
' the United Sutee etnialed with n
JonnimeDt of the slztr*Am oongrew
gM* erejrat U:th •t noon today. Only from S to 7
to jm the! o'doek thla moralag were the legle'• egreed to rat* oa taUee wbeeU at a sUDdailll.
cM^Ariwwwfth The enailry clvU bill paBaed at 7:30
BL It provldee^00.eeo for a tariS
e of CC
mu TO «D
OriroMMShAre Here> For the Pi
In Fruit
Two real estate men are to tbe
today for tbe parpose erf cairytog
OIgPLAY clfy
out a deal that will
' '
I county If It, Is
b their lirfetitkM
X of 1.000 aciTs of good fruit land
_f tbe ricy sqd divide it up into
tracts of forty »eres each, which will
be set out toTnili tree*, and as soon
TO ftPREAC as these trees oonie Into bearing they
will be sold for fruit fanns. During
tbe lime that tbe trees are grawiog
they will be cmred for by tbe oouipany
No Wmoow Why EaeUm Farmers BO that the tracu can 1^ turned
ghewM Oe West te Rsiss FntH
in first class condlto thee puri-has<ni
With gtteh Opportunities
In Miehlgsnorked successIly in other aetxious of the country
Lansing, U^h l.—Ooe of tbe m.
id there is no resson why the sane
Interesting festures of tbe roond-op venture could not be made a
lastltou was tbe extensive exhibition^ one her*.
of fruit, especially apples, which have
(teen grown in tbe northwestern sec
II la one tract ao that the cost
tion of the state. The exhibition wai of work!
rklng can be reduced to the
ahown UD<ta the auspices of the West minimum
urn during the years
yesrs that the
ern Michigan Development b
trees are coming Into bearingSecretary John I. Gibson of Traverse
peraemsUy looking after
PervnH ExpendKwre of
Purchase of Such Lsndi
AM to Dieeover Un
taxed Lands.
ulng.-Mlch..'Haicb i
g aid for the benefit
senate Wednesday
;hL Tbe Fester blU providaa that
board'of auiterviaors of any
ty may appropriate the sum of |2JKI0
annually In advertising the a^cultural advantages of their county.
The Walter bill anlhorlxei the board
of Bopenisort of any county to Issue
bonds tor tbe purpose of purehaslog
land to be placed at tbe disposal of
agricultural sorieiies for holding exblbiUoni or fairs. Twelve tbonsand
dollars Is the limit that cam be rslsed
for this purpose.
A bUl toirodu
man autborites tbe state tax commis
sion to make an Investlgatloe for tbe
£ purpose of discovering property
At tbe Une of ibe big Chicago show
MIchigaa frujt growers were told by
K from fruit belu <
. . far west, that their fruit would not
stand up as well as that from tbe irrlgatloa dlstiicta. Tbe present cond(Tiutyuip eiTV CANMINfl FAC '
a'of thOM apples, considering the
rt that they have been shown in oth
er parts of the state during the last
M fa «l Roeal«et-e tale
three months, bears out Mr.^Ibton’i
AftOMg^^ J. Mei^
suiement that Michigan flUt will
Thonaa Uatefaett, oae of the old- kMp fully as well. If net better, than
eet reeidenta U the Oraad Traverae the western product It Is generally
tbe last ten years. When discovered
conceded that tbe Michigan fruit
tale «< the ptoF- ragloo, paaaad away ah hla home^
' propenles can be taxed tor tbe
"Id examples of which are in.m etty OaBitag Marfleld lAwnahlp Moodar. and
amount and tbe money ao col
___ la the exblblt has much better PETER
r. It erne 4Hd la hU dMth the ooanty loaea ooe of —
lected -used to create a fund which
, ter the a J. Mor- hMt known and lODal eaUraable dtl- flavor than tbe forced Car western
rhall be known ai the omitted.tax
•eaa. The funeral eerrlcM w«« hdid fruit While, in moat cases, the Irrlfund.
at the Methodlat church at Kingsley gstlon product has It over tbe Michi lee Parted from Shore without Warn
The senate adopted .the repoK of
ing, Taking Fishermen and IceJnI «>»wi
tnaartal naaia.
baeU. reaterdar, the afTvtcM being con- gan fruit la Else and color, Mr. Olbaon
le cdmmlttee on consUtoUonal
Be« Parlies Out Toward
vadar the nan- daetad fay Rer. W. HUerheit of b of the opinion that Michigan fruit
amendments, recommending the paaLake Mlchlssn.
niMtil. and Her- Tlarecae City. After the reenUr w^ growers may soon develop fruit as
of bouse resolutions flavoring
- - '0
reneral waa taken «harn pleasing
to the eye
e: in sUe and color
M supa^ vice the teneral
>m«DdmentB to the taw on primary
FektMM nnd the
at that of the far western belts.
wae tearod of by the Odd
arooned oa ice poes
chool fund and on tbe law governing
tlM of the rice of
“Why eastern Carmers should go ao
<1 to the nick of Ume
be power of the le^riaUra The
tar west to raise fipit In tbe irriga
lee of many TraverM I
first mmendment provides for a dlstion belts, has long been a pussle to
poul of tbe surplus money of the
Thcansi MaSchett
waa horn in me.’' said Beeretarr Glbeon. “Right
school fund. Tlw purpose of tbe
here In Michigan we have ooe of the
ond is CO empower the leglslstnr
Drdmrdim. mad &<eu ^
re|«al local end special acta.
Onad TraretM eonaty. MIoIl, Fah.
The bouse' rawtation calling for a
of Irrigating '
Ung and
n. 1»1L at tte nge of 72 yaare. 3
convention lo ai
B (gderal c
they can never be s
on the i
arface at varfawa sdiutlon so that
ha aad rr day*,
ny will be
distances from the shore.
waa oM of aevea ehOdrae bon
to David aad Jaaa (Aebaaon) Matdiwasrs
lenstor l.«e raised tbe question as
en. who Bwred frith their fatally to
Canada wberw the mother died la
vhether Or not the senate should i
tnaity for very cheap transportation the break was so sudden that no one in federal affsir*. After going It
Bruce county.
When Thomas was a child of tew by water. We can put a barrel of ap- suspected the aitusUon that they were executive session the senate conOrmyMtw, his parenu came to Canada. plM in the Chlcaso market tor a* In until tbdy saw cakes of ice floating
Ibe east and west shores, and
leaThM him in the old te»e la care cents a barrel, while ibe Irrigation
looking toward tbe city they saw
of a M«bd aunt and unde, who bad ^ardlst U forced to pay’ tl-bU. There
gTMt possibilities In thisI section
tbe great ic-e field bad parted
ao family. At the age of ]« yMru b«
the company with the shore and that their gan Soldiers’ home.
ctcaaed the Atlantic alone to Oana- 0^ Michigan and the people» of tbe
da. where be had been preeeded ■ oountry are fast beginning to realise passage to tbe land had been comIf a bill introduced by Senator »
iletriy cut off. TtaU was the situs- becomee a iaw-R will be possible for
sears by an eider brother RobChase 6. Oi
Jon of aboui^twenty men and boys
^d togther they with Oenrge
to be appointed county at
.Ate ofOcials i............... _ who were on the ice north of the Orel- women
. ilotaon and Bcbert Downs, took
of the poor This privl _
Uek dock, but as luck would have it has never been extended the women
the trsH Ibr Oraad Rapids and De axpactad ...
^^ol” Sucb*l3R?pw^V*^* there were boats along tbe shore and of
troit, being nearly two moothe on the the axhIMt
Ibis BUte. Both tbe house and ee
th? vfMtwn Michigan* De a number of peot>le on the shore.
wny in snow and rain nnl dniing
ate adlooroed until Monday night
— —the direction
On this part of ib^bay there were
that tim Mr. Bwaiotson
three Iccboaia speeding over the
Downs, being dlacoanced. add their
Ic*. and the crew of each
proTlaloas to unde
were having the ilhie of their Jives
hrotbar aad retnmed. While the lat
icoua ■
ter kept steadily oa unUl they reach
Friends and Neighbors Surprised Mr.
ed a log komeaear tha Manistee rtrand Mrs. A. E. Portar Last
and two
er. where they stopped a short Uma
• inspecting the exhlMu the
. . ___
____ of Cornand Uwo prooaaded to the botoe of
Grandpa Ulekarann and la the spring
Mission. Mich-. March 3.—About
-- im Mr.
aatered a
and neighbors of
Id la
•k said. “We w
Ir. and 51r». A. E. Porter Invaded their
nyle. Aimraey General
home last evning. the occaaioo being
Ha 1waa- _______
mamad ^ i. 1174 to
the 3Snd anniversary of tbrir marMlM Laanna MdUU. ifho waa bora la Knkn. end Dairy and Food Commlarlaxe.
Hancock ooonty.Obta Of thU uaton akmar Dame gave short talks. ' '
Tbe eariy pan of tbe evening van
were borw'&tc children, three glHi lowlBg which Governor oaboru :
-----------ingement to tbe work of
defective place In the Ire. and t
M-eni In card lOaylng and social cbtiaad two hoys, two of the glris —
In ns short hut inspiring ad pact threw every une of the men in ebat. Wben tBe supper hour arrived,
no the bteebtv^ In infancy.
tbe cockpit a long dlHtance. McManus. each gemleraan was provided with a
Mr. MatcheU beii« ooe of the pi's «Md the viillora to spread the Comstock and Baker slid about three
s>nis•ooeer settlers beM many of tha refmattoa thru tbey were niylnng hundred feet on the glassy Ice. Mc
spnaatble oMcm in the wwnshlp, beManus was stunned for a few seconds procession
formed, hitided' by
and when each was able o tget up It Mr. and Mrs Porter,
ter, and tlM-y marcbV
_ room to tbe sualnr
nf tradt In the district in wtdeh he
......................................bring n
of Ibe strong
of MendelasobiTs
tsobn's W(-ddlng
b^ boat because
Brad. ;
I like b^ which comlnue<i to Mow them back en -hlch was play'ed by Mrs. J. G. Mills
Be was-a member of the fiammlt in the state, but the
see b such sa
Ibe Ire all of the lime. Dean had dis During the supper. Marrin Blodgett
CRy cnaM aad one of the eddest
"Put on Vi>ur Old Gray booappeared and was diaeovereil
members of the L Q. O. F. of Kingse
-kpll Iof the
;>n>t “Wb>-n You and I Were
tclous undecihe
tar, bdonglng to that order for over
right to
the farmert'
hit a .................... oung. Maggie "
•I years. He waa a torita bnsbaad. a
The Rev, 0. L The
had thrown him back
load fate- aad a good airiaUbor. doe boat and a bad gash was d Mr. and .Mrs Itoru
Itoru-r with a handHome
sllrar baking dish, on behalf of
cut In bis
Is knee,
besides otherwise
shaking him up. The water was fast the friends guihered. and they re
Be IMVM to mocra his toM a wid
surrounding him when pulled from un plied In flUing manner, speaking their
ow. Laaaaa MaleheU, Mb anas. Prank
kindness shoan
D. aad tra lu and a daivfctar. Mra •ome Figuras »n the Tkmpt'hWn of
the Impact of the
Mas BaUa of
Klatalry. a brother
FahcMry, 1811, and In Othsi
After the fupper. th.- diDlng room
; crack In the Ice.
Robert of ChartafulX' aad a
took up the
gfBbi daoghier. MeHam Mattaett. to?
After palling Dean out. tbe four tmo of Ibe msjorlly until a lati- bour
wiih a .boat-oT Meads aad
The Mtewy juat paaaed was tbe
_ ora. while thoM whe^ew him warmtadn 82 years, with tbe excep- were standing on me ice when they
heard another party of men shout that
best will mlas him amat
turn of that of ISS:. The average for tbe Ice was koing out. and they
thb hslag 28. while that of IS
thought that they bad plenty of time
30. Tet in thb Fehruary the
to gel to Ibe west shore, as the Ice
temparatnre was lo above loro. while would be blown that way on acoonni
that of 1882 was oair'l above.
of the, southeast wind. However, a
Tlmre was sriy uule enow, the beavy boom was heard and It was
Well Knew RatWeM «# glala Tee
gwalaal (all whs on the Mih when 4 Been that the ice was cracking north
ship Peseed Away Last
indma fell: thb -was preceded bj
fiel Inand south, breaking tbe large field
thUBdar storm whM the rain
smaller ones, so each made
rlvervary of Tent CK K. O T M M
run for tbe west side. When tbe first of tbU pU« snd th.- ev.ni was cele
Chartes S. Dowd of Blair townaUp meitaB enow was threwdWirth* of
_____ la seeartag
dlsd Thuraday evealag about 8 o'clock Indb Tha highest temperature was tC man went over the break it was last trsted with s chlikm supper snd geo
Mad who want to nf heart titmMe. at the age of elstywidening, and the last man had to ersl good time
- la dha -worM.
)nmp about five feet, landing on the
;t«« yaara. He leaves e wife, two
At the time lUs tent was orginixed
The eoUast February in 32 years edge, and it la a miracle that be did ll bad ihi;-.ecn rbarti-r member* of
m every after- sems. and a daughter. The tnneral
of two-------- wa MeM Snnda.r ut 5 o'clork from the was that of 1875. when the average not fall in.
vhofn four were present; Frank tJo
was about ooe hriow sera, the lowest
ig aatU a a.......... Rloe U. E. church at Blatr.
McManus has not seen bis boat ton. Fred Avcr>'.' June U Warner,
bring 17 below, snd tbe snow tsll since, bat he Is In hopes that she will and Kersefari ItJhbs. TTpOsc who were
M to taka charge
Motty. There are
come back with the Ice today or
abaent w.-re John Csuntlett Oasalus
'fta lowsftt SBowfalb (or Febraai
waat wort on
Stiles. John Heigve. Emery Roae and
0 32 years were 8H Incheg In 182
LaFranier. Peter Hanson and Prank BsrUeit. Tboee of tbe orlglhsl
inoDM to 1801. «H.to«tas^^W$. JnilLloyd
r them erttb
os Swanson were fishing on
members wbo hsve died during tbe
Company Hevea
ice off Bdgewood at the same time:
that the Iceboat arrident occu;
The TraverM City Caakai eompav
Mr. Hanson bad a Une down and no- aad Henry Thacker.
U movlM from the H. U Carter faaUdte 4* Ualon sOMt to the riarmers’
ftappty company bdUdlag oa state
tbe rogular river emrenl sboald
t -MM UWi^dgl^M Mar I
Hteat Owing to the Incnuiac btiMthrow the line to the north, be thought
aaaa of the Mnket compnay aad the
that something was wtostg, but upon
need of more fcom. and the fact that
looking toward tb* abtwe notiuag Tbctnaa Cranapem of Bay Oty Died
fTMldant-fc 3. Case.
conld be aeea. However, three distinct
B. R. CBsafty—Clerk.
crashes were heard, denoting tbe
ft. ft. Drii^ce—Trei___
Bay aty. March 8 —Thomas Cranabreaking of the k« from me ahore. gem. builder of the flrii sugar tactory
ta. MW UW U» •
Mbs hatmfta Trastaas tor two year*—A B. 8tlo- and It was found that the ice was * in hUcUgaa. died boro yeoteiday. aged
(ConuuMd fM Pace Two.)
aoa. Q. L. Fenton. A B. Hnckman.
OefiMBskl,i GINi tor CirciN Mp IfAM t,7R0
_____TWIowiM la 1
list with tbe axesAa «.__ ______
ty-eeveoth dtotrio. «U(B haa Mi pM
been determtoM:
1-Ouy M. Chaster (ft)b.
:-Q«o. M. BridcoM* (ft).
Elisha K. Cllnh of East Jordan oould
3^. K O’Hara (D)
ddesi Judge Mayne. but Mr. dink
4- Jamev A. ParitiMOa (D).«
«as 'coobdent that be eouM do eo.'
Hmj. j. wuitoM.
-Tbe result is
5- Clemew Smlf
shows that CUnk rarried
only his
>me town. ^^’terdan. by 1S3 maTboodore Ml__ ,
iority. Charlevoix
ievoix townahip by one
7-C. a Wisner (ft)*
majortl; Uie Second ward of tAtMark W. Brown (D).
y by 25, and tby Fourth wahd /8-F. D. M. Davto (ft)*
B. It U alao stated that be
2—Frank K. Knappan (ft
Brito towushl]
10Wm. Q. Gaea (ft)*
ty. .by about 30. but 1
w. a Kestditofc (
turns had pot been tvceived from iM
^loeaph H. Btam
outlying townahipe In Antrim coanty
Bugane F. Law,
up to 2 o’clock this afternooB.
12—Harvey Tappaa '
Traverse City was euppobed to bo
11- F. W. MayM (
tbe real battle ground of the whole
district and Mr. Clink bad
forces at work (tere. be himself being
in the city to await the reeulL At one
It—Henry 1
time duitnc the afternoon. whM tt
Jaa. a _____
was shown (bat tbe vote would be
very light, there were
feere that
wrou B. FstSb (R)a
Judge Mayne would be defeated. Many
of his friends to the city eooceded
that dtok would carry the cKy.
Th resoR pravad ooncluslvety that
at no time did Mr. dink hsv« the
remotest chance to win. alUwugh he
and his friends pot- la name bard
C. W. Parry
n-ork during the aqltre campaign- Mr.
23-a D. ranm
dink's friends even claimed La^Arthnr Brown
au eonuy. but wben the
2»-«tato J. showed that Mayne got -438 and dink
2^Wntacm BahcB *(S^‘
only 85. the dalra was iwvxrded as a
. . . __(»)•
........................... ........ would be
bcatao in Travene Cfty
Bono or tbe damoonU 'lo «Bt busy
wKh the Idea that If flUna was de
feated. to put a sDong damodWt to
the field against dtok. Tbe result
was thatlHarry C. Darts recaived six
votes and M. W. Undarwood tour In
tha Fim ward. Underwood also rocelvad one In tha Second and one to
the Third ward.- As the results sund.
there *111 probably be .. _________
candidate to oppose judee Mayne.
The following are tbo comirfate «>■
turns oL the townships anh wards
with tbe exception of the few «ownEblps mentioned:
:::::: S
wnBsrdad Wtshae «2 OsBaro al Bta
Inaw-Lafl Out taMtatiro nta
r sail C. Oatrnadar.
S ft Bird. Adrian.
Luctaa L. Hubbard, tlnnthfnn
Maaher auu hMid e( tdnrortM
Thomas W. NadaL OUvM.
......................... of pahMc totawetlOT
jhL inawood.
_--------- BUta beard of agrtenltaro
-John W. Baai^ DatrolL and Jaftoodmaa. Faw hw.
tglnaw, March V—fteraraer Onr SB out aad oat maad
and the proproalas la>
inBed 8e cftaMO tha
icourae of abaoluU caatloa wklcB tto
i« «!,«« «»artc<a. n-
• lout yetterdiv. The
6 ’ i finally adopted by
»I A decUrmtioo to tafor oT rivO aer* |vtca was cast by tho wayMda to the
’ ; era’ liability
. changed as u ____
.. ,..
; wltiwni force. 1%# riauae ‘
regard to neillgeace'’ on tha part of
the employer In relatioa tF 8 west'
f* man’s right to recover, wa* strldUB
« out. thus prsctieally plodglBg the
* i«rty to a cootlnuane* of tho praesat
, liability BUtuies.
After a resolution hU paaaed the
,coBventloa forbidding the toaertioa to
>49 the pUtform of any propoaltion set
----- reponed oat by the namwlttea, tho
measure wblcb Gov. Oehora dodnrod
CUnk. tbe party eboald hot shirk. lifSTOlM
7 Itself on never even rooetvlng n heor3 log. Reciprocity and the laMMaa,
3 referendum and recall did aot^MM
e commltt
.ttera of p
ns little e
a 00 oro tho c
1 to favor of state o
3 prised tbe govs
12S J which the convmt
m nuAK omcai
sp-doha L. (YMaata (D).«
36— 8. Shrtner (
3C-ls B Dea \
37— Waltar U
Edward J__________
38— C. A. OoUaB (S3*
THiRn-SEcoMi ummi S.vr:;r
Other CIrauH JudBsa NatlitaSift
Nearly all of (he clPCUU JiM’"’- the euie, ouUlde «( Way** <
Wet We^tria. , .
maXHity that will probably exoeed
1.2V0. With tbe towBshipa of Hodran
■n tTbartevotx cMuly. Jordan. 8Ur.
Warner and Krbo In Antrim eotuty
sllil to be heard from. Judge Mayne's
4 Xtognra Fans, ilarth E-A BMta
4 axplodod at tha 9oS» Of Iho OaStaw
----- Power Oft, 4hlt morolns. kfOlBB BMao
3U and tejorf teat crfhMa.
irM^for iiKk* «i «» tU^M of the
rmt V’ e*rta«« V(X«*
Mitklt «ftH «ir«]«m ia tlnn. th*
»et, vttli. an
«T k was Jost f e
rM(W«ar that eiwMtf the
nee wd ther heve reuKn
to eOB*ntoJ«e thenwelrM upoti their
AD0|Ui<«- thl&f that
be tuSTle•blo. hnrttt be m lufteAloB br the
l«oite« of the lc« coodiuotu ahd warn!«■ ciren throoKh the k*al papers of
abo«>« it«alat
Vo* W
n UnaohlBg the
I not lane cmonih
piiipiip uiflS W'
icMsan Pradpoaa MUaaw
in Ya*r duet OoMd.
K Tracy Uqr. Rr«Mmr.:u.
Saclaaw. Mlcb. March E—SutlsPeS.tl.>Ms. It. R. PUyd CUech. Vloe PiaalEili
tics corertnn the t............. ....................
of tha f»nairy. wMeh bM Jen heM FARM FOR bALC-My aaocre Tam,
A. J. HavHaod. RI^IC
wfctah at Uiaas >^c«--wrer the
iamntotoi. show that MMOgn teada
2% miles from the vUlage of ^
erak dreocblnc him «-iih the .tn
in the Unhm in the prttdurttea dT hast
Hire. Leelanau oonty: «0 i
vater be niMweded In reaehla*^
...: o-clodt Tharsday uMmias the
.toith CaUlerau ssennd Last
dmred. good fenrsa. good uw.----located la the rear of the store
the state prodeced MEaw.aao
bouse, good ham. fatrne ocehard IS
to keep a fo
M V. K. Round was dUcorered eavela of sofar.
naaeosenDa one of them -va_____
oped' iB-flanes which bad lalsod ««(*
cm ttoard, hai the danceroba i^lH
tsaoed. no buUdlaga. Prime ea apthe Ice made the roscoe of'lbeo^
tdkatkm. Mika MUumagk. Emptre.
er a dangemus basiheas, M the ice
beeu were gtown la»i year. .
taes Uii.il
apri tt5
cnnaWed when stepped opon Bear the stfwad. and the henae oerapted hr i factories paid ST.eM.OM to farnMra,
E, tioBt had beea sadly f*----------■ ‘ the average price per acre helag I7E
<he <m«c of
the ftre wbUh awept thnxwb
the at- The average loaaags per am-----’*
5TATK 0>' anCHIUAK>-The Pro
r than any ,l>aie
which U three tlm
le Court lor the County of Grand
elstp^ ooacreM of the I’afted made
'the origin of the lire is nnkaowa. tmriw ymr. ^
-----of Trazeysc.
It narks alto the paaalog of
Um haifcen lee that was toUowIhe the but It U supposed to have originated i|bc if factories
At a session of said court, held _
sad rapreU ^ open which the men were. In the bant, near Where eight or nine
ihs probuie-onee. In thuAky of Trav
. . tl A<«aBt PSII
Twenty minutes after the men had faarreU of lubricating olU were stored, i.
»fcl I ■ MH .,, HMWIHi
-------------- Ifirse OKy, in mid cdjmuv. on.the STih
.Me k Aifut* Who have helped to make hUtory and. been taken oH the Ice Uifwbcrfe.th-ld laad when K bad burr-^
imed to
the '
•- where '•“
id»> oI IVbraarj.
usi). A. I).. I!*n.
irreU wee ioca
.. there
warn aa ea.»e la AAiMBi who wnUth*
I Pteoent. Moo. Fred R. Walker. WANTEO—Oiri for , geoefel hana
freatly mlaaed by their was smtind to pieces hr
work, three ta.thrtwwilj: iMd k
la all dlplotloD which spread the ftre li--------Probate,
oed. Seme of the oM war
e»4 h
rectloa*. miking the bulMIng a seechmatter't
literrof .Ihe «
vffi ttep down aad one and
1 bm Utcle cSi
HelcD A. Heaib bavtag Bled in mid
ri ms wUl take Ihelr plaraa.
w the. north oT tho
•wired ^ore I
.coort her account as sdntlaUtratrU
Tbara are aeweral nwia, than ordl fnap of eottaget. When the boat
1 it wR» fonn
of naid estate, and her petition l>rar
aarflr >bi»plCTions anree whoae reached dhe lee on the shore ahoin- someone would have beea lajured by
~ ' la a
ng for the allowance thereof.
«>U b« no toncer heard U the
difOeuIiy atosc In geUlag lu oc- le a>1ag debris.
It Is ordered that tbe JMh ^y
becesaors lis R. ErtMlfitepw;fi'''
DUMB on the ■
The house occupied by Mr. Horst {gSAL|
kUonal eapttoLDutero la HMee. .Wael. Rrck TrUm
Parfaape Uie moat proalnent of all
waa/wlib considerable '
ily commonicated to the woodshed,
te aod Is hereby apimloied tor
the sabisr^ lefUlaUre stars Js -Un
and from there wah drawn u|i through
hting and aHowIng said acronni.
CKlunt. Bell.
. bouse where
cle Joe- ChPDon. who for years has
. atile’by a strong draft, with the
It U further ordere.1 that pobllc no
.ed out ready for the
iuli tbv (he roof was burned
ire thereof be given by pahUcatlnn
dlre^ed fbe destinies of
city. Hanson and
il pU
of this order, for three sue)f^i
the rnr*—chair. HU esecoUre seat ow««BMveie AD (he tcc about an
could be reached by a line of I
will’ bb BM« by aaoiber. bat he will hour ap^ hslf after LaKranUr UTi Pan of the furaluire In the house was LOST—Bet<
■ of Pine Mriaa.
.. in the tlnind Traverse Her
stfD be bd^ tmn. His sute wlU not
■ved. aad what remained s-as badremovet
aad EleveflHi streeu. on I’niott and
neniaiier primed and <Rrvu
Zn^.,------- because he Is pelUd 10 "keep.moving In order to
wilh wat er. The '
Priedrieb'a shoo store, lady's opM
tl aatd louniy.
fane gold watch, black sQk fob^witb
1- of the hdbae. keep on a se<3lon.of Ice Urge enougl ______________ to Mr. Horst was not
to bear Uem up.
la the bouse at ibe time, which fan
lodge of Pnibate.
On the eonuary.'bU Toloe will be
The three mca were brought to the saved It from aertous daf ^ which
to Record-Bagia Bawarft.
hoard Tsftb m naeartaln sound when- city htat rigs that had gone out to Ibe
e be:
fine trtf
rie. Preepertiro
Ul to
ewef there Is seed of the aghtlnc spirit sceM^ and it is aale to say that they As il was the furniture
It profttabU to eM rtywin be more csrefill In the future
was damaged by tbe
IrMeh te a part of hU nature.
1 Udore
The iBBurance
take f
. . . atte_.--------------. - >«
__ _
Cannon was elected •oing.f
am prepared to try out aurtton made anywhere.
_____________ that has been mSfle
UIng U naay times prevhmsly in tbe lieraU;
i In and out of the city Farm
Springteld. IHlnoU. In ms and abor*.
I.I. «*lod». fios
that DO commanlcnUoas can be used rali-t esiMctolU- sollrlled. Terms right
has been lamnied to every contreas
ed by Insurance. Tbe hi
«. O.
oua Ml «unl tm <• IM ttee nisM. He U probably the oMaet In ily from the peninsula becaohe (he
' satisfartMl
"srae of tbe
CEDAR. RftlC«E s -■
Ilora. were out of order and it Is
»i. Trav1 by Mrs. JnlU Parker.
srriter. Izical
point of wrrlce of any
lucky tbui Mr. Winnie suw the di
aent lo this week from
Daring all these years. OongressraaP lemma of (be airanded men. 'Hone of
different points wbiefa would have
a hfarttM.iaork «aa done Guison has been in the UmeUght. He ihU party are any the worse tor their $T<Hi on tbe stock that
been naed If we h .' ki^B the
LaPraniei'. being the only tbe barn, and the build
writers. Please besr
tor Ur. eau ma rraeataa Otty was U a poUUcfan and atateaman of the eaiwrience.
who g(M wet. It Was no coldd chat a total loss, com IWOO «
hereafter—that all
a faii Out be carried oU tdtool. a type that U rmduaHy one
the water Irose to him as f, l SB the years ago........... .
tended for. the HeraU
id bhli
taken care of by the Inaui
-UncU Joe- U ta a class by
:mme of the writer. ThU
Wlldlngi and atock that he always jto regular and
1 tte iiiMiCM W »•M’Ar »< Uameir. a dHuaner of dogged person^
allty. wonderfnl force and-as IndeThe first alarm was turned in by
poadance that galns-for him the retelephpne sbortiy after the fire was
uepsiiiusui NOTICE OF
ipect of hU pollUeal enemies, of Which'
he has many. He ruled congresa. TOURIST BUSINESS 18 aVaYING arrived Chief Murray thought that it
would be best to turn In a general
dr*rit wbkh lia'aartM la Itavme while apeaker. with an Iron band, bnl
alarm and so pnlled boot 14 to bring bate Court for the County oi Grand
Ctty. hue
no man can say that "Unde Joe- ever
out the volnateers. Tbe boM on. the ,Traverse.
Railroad Fisurae Shm» .Great I
second wagon woa not needed, how
e dUhtmest art while serrIn the matter of the estate of Sarah
in TUkeU Sold fe; Travsr
ever. as there were hydrants near by M. tVhionery. de<
lag hiss slate In Washington. Hfl.U of
.Notice Is hereby glveft that four
advertising In al! direcilions. Had (be wind been
e that la being repUcod''^By the
blowing at the time as It has been do montba from the :7th day of Pebriiary.
rersc Ctu I
a jwngresalve element which cone
ing nearl>- every night. It would have
been hard work to save the entire
dIUeps are demandldg. but the Impreaa
block, SB there are many wooden struc
of bU intltteoce sriU be left upon the roBiU. and Inm this
tures near (bat would have
itraenf. and
readily seen, that ft
historyeasy prey to the ftames.
1 credtlora ol said <
-Unde Joe” hss served hU country s}>eni In advertUlng
The only clue to the origin of tbe
Q present ibelr ciainia to said
been reiimied by Jl
e is In the fact itisi when tbe fire- court. Dt Ihe prolate
well. Although bltterty crlUcUed, be enjoy the wonderfnl-------relate <offiie. In the city
of Traveroe CH». In said county,
swerved from the course he bad for w-biCh tbU region is Justly famor iK-fore the Mdh day of Jone. A.
mapped oat for himsplt. He-wlU I
IVII. and Ibst Slid <9a!ma will bo
chair evea
tpeeker-s t.............
mlgbi have been that .nSueooe was beard by said court on ffettayv-ihai
aloeplag .ln the bain and careletaly setb day oi
by Those who fought him a»d who of trade has secured figures
o’rinrti in t
could UM hut admire his Independent
Hght, and prove beyond a positDated Feb. :7th. A.D.. 1911.
spirit and Indoidtabte wUl which they bU doubt that It Is one of The >uot
sau Dl the City. According to ate QcoaUaMbiaak.
The fire was so hot that It pnt
Judge of Prohaia.
Canaon will not ran ftres furaUbed -by <he O. 8.cAil‘ trtenhone cablea. located In tbe alley,
feb 2S mrh 7. 14. 21
n‘'road. the number of iourtats*-(ick- out of business, and a force of men
of representttives next,
eta nold over that Hoe for Traverse were put to work early Tborsday
■ion. but be is not yet eligible for the
»»;..wblU In 1810 aaornlng repairing t be damage. Luckisc« to 274S.
t aumbor lncr»ai
aown»n^ dnh by any
D> the electric wiret w ere not croased
others or there woubl have
Rltb (
the advmMng that w as puf qm last, been a great deal more oamage done bate Court for t
1 raverwe.
year by the board, of trade.
from this source.
estate of
In the matter
The ftnanclai dSd of this irafftc
■ . -■
Charles Palmer.
be roadOy seen when it u esUmaied
.Notice Is hereby gl‘eii that -four
enttb hrre. E ' 1
■from the shore. Swaasoir that each person who
intbs froDi (be 27th day of Pobraary.
.ware not able to awlm. , spent at least ISO which means ihaf • 4
D.. ffll. have I«een allowed for
— was only aboot a bun- tbe sum of WS.OOO was brooght to
present Ibelr claims
TTavorae City ak>oe by those people,
bora whue ekab
-ils, however. U not the end of U»#
I tba ke mesenU - «a irad^ nnr a . fartphooae
;konlng because the lourUt ucket. by Loren V
itors of said deceased are reM»W
be dU- pboM tMft&nneia.aking the sboro ro
Corner Froqt & Ccs: Streets.
louired to preseni tbeir claims to said
tnka their hoau and rescue the other real uumber during the aeoron. as
own and family, who has jrourt. at (bailrobate office, in the diy
Orn Broi
^ bw hes
But‘ ■-*
the ’■bonis be- even moro pay tbe regular me than been suyhig'at
0 of tbeI party. “
.hlg'at Fldding Watson's lof Traverse City. In said county, on
latly Bsts
aale eseapt In
excursions. this aimer, has moved ba< tbe resIdenU of the penln- take advantage of the
' 'or b<___
gtljft^»itedhere.and when the
With Ibis amount doubled it means home.
aaowed in evideoi
;i9ll. and tb*t Mid claims, will l»e
that during last season over the G.
Watson's ;h.«rd by'said codrl on Thunslay. Hie
Jim Watson visited
R. E I. alOBe ........ !2*lh dar of June. A. D., 1911. al ten
camp Thursday.
.£TS*u.?^;SS>Sr3f!S .
arLis '^r
SW oaufis,a^
„rt- STX
....... •#»*
»< **
_^ __ .
It is,about lime lo think of Sflulfhg It
male ^plants. We just reived our htft
seeds, and would suggest dial you.
your wants at once. We h^ «
fresh stoifk of Golden 'Wax Beiu»> __
and .M^elwurtzer, Cabbage, Cai^
Corn, Cucumbers, Lettuce, M
Onions, Paimips, P«^
ishes, Rutabaga, in fact, JmpR
for tbe garden. Also Clover,
'Orchard Glass and Alfalfa for t|^
It is here for your inspection, at die cotn^
Front and Cass streets.
- :___
ten p
out «ae
anboTaok them
iUMRg thane were a
nd^ava. Had thU «m*y^oi at aidt. them U
a good many hamat
mj wphld te. IB
.* ^
ad) JuMus
Tea in on the
^t«»-hlde e« tht imy. Th«a mei)
■•^^fcla n|^ri|«s paelUo^ i^ hnfl
fttlr mmtt «*«b Wfew mUniae Jai<
,ir. Tamili-nbrFOiHblrkafabadt
^^'-hgTaanlL baipRas
beimRas the
the' heavy aaaa were
hpi^ ap itoe ua
boat and 'wether
with Harry
and C. A.
Ihe> had the graaieBt
niter -friT
that they
- t the oara'and after securing a pair
gum tt awl <4 the her. tSon for « DiEB for R ycur.
Bnt ftome people Mt amd
t>iAeUa 'M><
Mt end fiw dunner. *niU
fi • aefedive difertioD
RheaU. he lahsa aer.^eniOfftabiag and »lMCdeof
lirird Im______
lajtftt wiRbw tlBM. --aad the
Wl snrfeeuaatea nxper
)iiti)(| E^Rli3b n waralag to other
rt_-»^|ftsltf|fr nupa th« tie ka I
nndjSwraaon it
aftknaea and
art Ruick iW U U
(hii«alr aie nail
pane m4 tMTRai ta bo RanM by
«R «o RMlanla
roftl RftWNirBiUir le MaacEsE This
TooriSowiu VUkWirw
at least 175.000 In the band,
local tnercUsma and boarding, bourc
oniv sraa this shos lng made
by the a. B. E I. but Ha same can be
said of tbe Pere MarQueltn. which
vhUe not giving the figures In retard
Ihe number of people btonght'here
CUM, mm
give some interesting sutemeni
less U)
lo the Increase In the bitslness
1-rtverie Oiy from some of the'
transfer polnw. According floI fheae
fignres tbe increose in tbe/passengei
irafflc from the points In the south,
west and aouthwest bound for Trav
erse City ahewod an tnereaso during
.. --------- *.
of .„...
isi.i -----mer .w.
the —.vhjU'
ai follows: Chicago, 10 per
cent; Toledo i:: per ceni and Uobuii
40 iwr oeuL A rlnlUr iocroaso U
abown from many other itointa i
Une wbm the imlfic
tfic ■w«s Ugbi
Prom tbes^ figures
t^ neoasalty
m-----adveriialng Traverse atp tUa. paac
Brown baa been qalic alrk:
fell :s meb :. 14. :i with tho mumpe the past '
City !.
f. E. Pray was a Tran
caller last Thursday.
Default having been ^e. Ii
George Hastings of Contral Une.
was calling on oldI fiienila I Mabel conditions of a .ertaln mortgage
by Bobrni W Mniieaan •
; O. C. Pray mode a flying trip to gtella J. MsiicMin. m Jaute* ,M
<Uy WednesdayUniosb deied May I2. iwcj. Md/te :
Some of Ihe ladles of Mabel mM at '.©r.led in the offiee «.f the iraartar-ot.
the home of Mrs. Carrie Pray Thurs jaeedK for the couniv of Grand Trav
day afternoon to help her celebrate Ierse and stale of Mltblgan. on the
ber sUirthday. aleo lor ihe purpoae|tbineenlh day of \la:. Itsf. In l.ifxi
of organUliig a aoeleiy called (be|&2 of mortgages on i>age 294, and i))c|
-Helping Hand." There was a nice Im^gagee in sahl tnorigage hating,
list of members enrolled and the fob ,pi^.ip.| ae.i herebt d x-s clevi t
Rising ofOeera elected:
l.bre ih- wjsrtle smoutit seems
President—Mrs. Carrie Pray.
mutigage due and tdllectflile. o.*
Vbv president—Mrs. Orln IJnsey.
moitaage there H claimed'o be
Secretary—Mrs Jlabel Pray.
i<]|is a< the date of this notice the sum
Treasurer—Mrs. Mary GleiideaDlng.:«(
and attorney fee of
A. S. Pray weui to Wataoa's camp-protided for In said mortgage. 9u4 no
Krida.r wUh a load of freight lor Pray kuIi or |,rosec.|lngs at law hating Wn
E Pray, who has recenily bought out mMiiiiied m r«-over tbe moneys »c
there owned by Mrs. Mag-;<-ur«,( i,v rai» mot.gage.or asT part
a posllItlOB fo
thereof. Vos, therefore, h>- vtrttH of
-------------------- - r fund
sorry to learn of the aer- (Pc lower of sale conialncd to suld
bnay and hand In ihOlr^ertnga'The w«. Ill,
mnass of Mr. Cregger. and aU:tM>ngage. and the stacuie in kui h
general adverilBing
■ glad to leer* he U aome 4»elter. also,case made and provided, t^lr-i- Is
done, by th^W,eatcrn_ JlicWg^
Ibla ttui* son who has been 111 wltta n^bv given that on Wednetait': (he
typhoid fever, is getting better.
iwent'(ourtfa day of May, Utll^gf* ten
with that trim the bualnoaa lagn
, - of ,----------------'
------------------- o'clock In the forenoon I shall hcll at
. City wub
W turn a greater i
' 'blghest bidder aELECTION NOTICE.
I publii atxlion to tbe
tide of gewriers
Xesoriet this way than h^iTo ibe Ugal-Voters
Lagal'Voters ol Grand Trav-;'
Trav-^rth froct door ol the court
en known
knot _ beforv.
...... ..........................
Many wtl!.
I In the city
rliy ol Traverwe City. In said
come ta look over the adraniagcs of
cenmv (that Ibeing the ptare -where
w^ero Wlbl
Wlblganwili ihey j^ ■‘'‘omieral Election to be held In thi*
the circuit <conn for Grand Triv
^ VougW to thl8^ototih|w^,be.i^^^ ^
,h,n, day of i«wmv U beldl the premise^
neceaaary for tbe mrai^eopie
*t iA^,iL isn. tbe following officers arei«-Hl>ed in saU mortgage or so n
irart them by timelyva^d app^riau
thereof sr may be aecessa^ to pay
;, two
TWO Justices
jusuces of
Of tbe
toe ftopremg
enpreine Own.
ssmrx. ,b,
(be aaounl
amount due on said
sain mortgage
moriiMr srlib
Re*«nt» of
Vnlvershy ol’seven per c«ii Interest sod all legs'
acaiWMi iUQMB Pflflt mq Michigan. SopertDtendent of Pubhe In-; comb, together with an attorney fe<
l^ljn mWMl nBI ttrni|«r«tioii. Member of the Stale Board,<,f gi.-;oo reienamed tor ihereln.
.. . ......................
abais of the;pre|I^»as being described in said mori
joL-Pdoeatlon. i
iidrte Board of Agricnitnre. a^ owe nge as land situated la Ike ttwnshli I
in Rtet fMiappearii^: Not i
to Prow* hlteacs.
__ .. lit Jadge <4 tbe l»b Judicial Clr- i^WUuswaier. county of CraRd Tra-v I
(erse and auie of Michigan, ili: South !
aaUoB Harbor. Mkh..
—S' —of aoulbeast quarter of,
__________ woe lor the term of two> oorth. range
y-Trelghier City ol Travor^of the mlaaiw
'V toS •****■
GrahaoTE Mortin une. made Us first Ueara. one »««•
^ railed SUtes snr>^
In wltn— ..............
. v'tween Cht-lset my hand thU seventh day q
cago. HhUand and « % port. The CrstjrwafT. *- D-- >»>> •' Travs
isr.:;;. “'
Voial’s Crescent Finwl
Insures Success
7b bW Wfe
toi^ fnm hike
MirJteRf CRCR IftRtnf il At mtu.
's ^ ^ ^
You Imir to fe^ Epos ils
profh^ -cxftctljr llw .iaSe Op
coma 4wlf
horn ibocou^ iRpwkdr^
equipment aod fJoei not add to ibe pciee. ihhoR^ it hft*
to the Savor, lestore ud color d eadi toaf. htscuitt
^«tSCEMI fUia|^
A trial g»ck wiH coovioce jwa ind jfou-ate ulcgutnlcd
by a goaraalee d atiiUctiaBu
^ .
•Otee KM EvcrjrMsr UkiTi
J. 4. Bwzuta; Prokop K}*ai lka;.C. 'Wabd^4.Co.. L. K *
_ lOJoyiiiiEO lu iiip TWENTY-eNE
{ WMim^. «*r«b 4_o«t •« th*
ctMint Mtto m
rnmtat tfwt KM<t» f Ufff In-
________ _____a«r»oW
•# Um offort to H
•iai LwiMr m OMMtor frMi ininoio.
ViNiM ortho O
tho oortalMy otfm
Mt Urtff
InyM •> • f^Xta U XM !•
March 4.—Tho Mut'
odo4 today hr eairtlta- gaoraa af Cataaaa Traatplad to Dadt
«. AO (ha bic approWMto
boatlr cot thraagh aa4
■a alffiH hr Praotdoat Thft. Taft
Sfi-aMi ah ostra aooaiea April 4.
traaptod to
-- «aa aa awMlai oooata la holh eat paracaa
Yoi« today, whoa a wM of
. la tho •
Rarrtac Saooo fooaht for food botac. : difltrttetod hr
Oarh M iijtttao dwoH tor
Pdkla. March 2.—ThBlao aad the
*-i;aclo Joa."
plagM are owoopliig o%or Chlao. Tbo
WaAloftoB. Mar* 4/<^Tho bditae kBoww deaths froai tho ptagBo Banhar
adlouroad at JJ:3S. Tho tariff boar
bUl was paoaod by the scaato at
otadoUca. tbo death rate averaffoo 200
a. B. K aao vUbdnm aad cUalaa
' r. Bat tho oStdalo hare U("
rUdffv«t tho coedlUoaa la the
Tbc FnOt Show Olvta bj. The Hannah A Lay
iirarcantOe Company Stni FarnUbtac
Favorable Advertlolot.
yoa bare heard of It tram a
» a
. .
I A JjKT McRaatUe ooBSpsay
It la alwaya spokaa of
■ • I with
aa the Grand Travers* *reglOB.' and
____Ity booBtlaa Ibar enter a Seld oc: doB't yoo know that the woid 'regtoawigtoal pabUclty—which tbroagb lu mskes yoo think of a cold and banwo
origiBallty eiwadaa a great deal of fs- cooBiry. Yoa arc never told tboai
Trwvarse ooaBtn—«. it is
Noae rcalltad. and tae commaULv •» Orand
Tcgloo.’ aad ncloa always
dM not -reallto. the tawiaBae amowt lwa.v8 .4V.>
iincsi the prodm show beU la •ooads cold to one.
--80 It h not to he nndand at it
yoa have conlnred a^ptettoo of a Mask,
thU district.
The Hcrsld
hss received
ihlnTof Ibis portldilar
iee m a aamber ol irsde loumU
idetarm of U»e show, amoni which eoBBtr>'tore 1:
WlU be fooBdlhe Dry Goods Reporter. besw
Dry Goods BcoSmbIsL The Trade. Of were to drop down la that region i
Detroit, the Bdehsnu Trsde Joaraal
imer aboot the time the frmlt trees
of Dm MetBap.-iiows. etc.. glvlBs an
ladeD with the very dmlceet frolt
axtaaalTc a^at of the fnili show
Ulostrafei with Bamerout repro- (shies and gndn t
‘ photographs which the duced Id tbe sectloD of cooncry i
had takes at that time.
wOizlBM have a drculs- (osnding Grand Traverse bay.
Koaoor nrae. iho bio
tho latoilor and the pUffoo for . ..
atthvthe flrat iaov)eBe
jceaoa haa aot aKractod taoeb pebUc
tlumte tho tariff hoard
l-he don atteaikia.dor th^rale UniUig debate,
It l> iBpoeolblo ereh to oatlaiato tbo
ecrau dh)etcod to the
DBBher of dMtho that hare rcaoltaff
trrun lack of food. Dr. SOoari Coefcraae, aa Aneiicao. who to
tbo work of relief, oara:
t>oe KQUon'peopIo wlU dte before
tbo Ataf dhoBlo harreotod. Thlt wlU
bo ocaatr becaoao (bo pao^ bare not
tho dtrenathdo till th* soil ahd ao aiii- the United States, I
be appre
ciated what stick pabllcliy a
Tbo defldeocr
One of the nnlveraal conmen
»■ oared by a pi
made by these papers, which Is of e
(peetod hr the FttoferM torcaa.
oeptiottal valw. states that the oblect
Chalnsao Tawsey
rawBoy aoddcidr .obtalaod
of the iwodtice show was to dei
and bad a coaioreace re__. _
conclusively .1.4.
that ■tbe prodacu
bt tbe snrroondlng touotry were In
iBy Asaocistod Proas.)
every respect oannl to tbe representaDouoiL March 1—R'hcat 1. white tkiBB which tbe Western
D .Mlchignn
> presenUng
NO LoMqr
Of this seetkn.
Tbe followiBg original commenu by
tbe edlior of.Sbe Merchants Trade
repoK of tho opo^
.......................prove of
tbtfo te. aad has bmm. no lobby or «m oau. SVH«%. '
•how that tbw-p^aoe sbow is i
U topft^ laflwaco olthw for or
MhiBM ship raiNMy ledsUtlm. Tb«
-Did yon ever hear of the Grand
Traverse regtea of nonbwesterB Mlchigaa? Ym. yoa say. 1 denalnly have
beard about It. Yoa have ooi forgotbow you shivered over tbe map
wbea you were a youngster In school
and tbe teacher told you about tbe terrible winters that
ihst last*
lasted ibroogb about
eight months of the year . ..
whole coBDlry np there was buried nnioT great drltto of snow and i>acks of
, tretaraa dlploaiat. I
1 lawyar. tomor woratai;
( du Daltad Statae and c
lUs ‘region' are utierly false and that
in reality this Is becoming one of the
richest frolt shetiona lo oar,country.
Urn to others who have attended
f the great fruit exhililtlona that
bdd in various
• m« ipart* of the country
t Is not jd aU BurpHsiBg
they hsve am i
exhlbiu that come fKm -tbe Grand
Travgrae regiua and know that they
carry oC-bigta honor* at all these —
U loaUy akTonlsblnfi-to eec
srtol crops of fruits, regpubles
and grains (hst arc being prodoced In
this section of country tbat aas been
• Bnt the people are
so long neglected,
bccomlog nroosed.
kst they have climatic
rondtUoos and
soil (hst Is just rigbi for tbe productioD
on of s
a groat
grost many of the most prof
ric kl •
Ita They have learood ihst they
rroi>s of pesebea
raise wonderfal
apples, etc., and if yoa wtU glancewi
tbe pbotograpb showing the big ears
of corn, yoa will see that they are
pTodacing corn In that part of tbe
coonlry tbat would make tbe com
grower In tbc famous ‘earn belt’ get
~B«t thaa wa dM not start «M to
** }OB about the agrkmbwnl prodot the Grand Traveree ruglon.
tUag oro do want to
I Is bow adroitly tho I.. .
Loy MorenntUe compnay. of Travo •
CHy. Mich., look advaaiago of th »
___________ to «iMy «to tit tbb
ordimy to wo a tdi ffltoday «t Im
aad orM intoito to a Mg dagorl
■aot aUHw. M y«n «m aotlto Iff tto
pbotogratihti tbm.amy hnd.Al—atoh
eahlUt la tba shoa ‘
' —
Traverse Oty. one ot tbe U««M mUe dtlM of iu sIm to be feuad la the
y. U ri^t in the heart of this
Travme regkm. It hw a great
nmay mighty wMeawake aad proerwalve busloess men. men who believe fa I
their town and thair coantry aad do I
astute Hi laUlng tbo woriA about
mong the big one* at tbe city Is
the Haaaah A Lay Hercnotlle .
pony. Tbe company cooducu a-deTUTIPN RVINCO
paitamnl ptorc that ranks srlih tbe de-!
imrtmtlR'tiCbrw ot many cities of ffre:
times tbe size of Traverse CUy. It Is
a big esublUbment—we aro not go- Two Hundrad and PMjr Rayti tiM
ing to tell )oa bow big. (or yon might;
Oirta Marched Out hi Oaad
aot believe there was such an c
; buUdlng of Mount Bt. Mary’s tollaga.
Mercaotlie.^ fonr-storv stone Roamn Catholic In
in) U Ug hecanse they have al- .utuUon. was burned early today. Tba
ways used big methods They havei|0„
havei|o„ ^ezeoeds gSOO.tiOti. Two
made it a iiractice ( Uke advantage. ^
jirb and boys. mtaimO.
oruer, um
--------uohed out lo goodI ordo^OMtito
make their laHnence bigger,----------.. ___ staatUy attired'Kal'4 .
object of this article Is to toll youj^f them loot their ptroaaal offtK*.
something ol (be wmy they ranched
(be iieoplc of that sectioD of tbe
tnfiiHKaK * mi
meet in tbelr city during i
•i December IMT. 1»10. i
put OB the loodi
t time and thus get
nlstng of the
__ Uma give tbe
pnoMe a chance to attend both the
show and tbe-meetlngs of tbe grange
"Tbev had bnt'O'moath in which to
. ivertlse the shew which, at Aral
thought, seemed too short a time to
got the peoide sufflcjently iniereated
to get (he ezblbiiB ready lor tbe show
Bnt they knew ezactly bow
arouse (hr people on.short notice
arul Immediately
got busy, i ............
bey used
the local
oo inpera and also sent o '
r advenls:
Iv, :sing such as premlnn
...... and b> time for the
s> bad abont 1.000 Items or
close the:
attldes tbat bad been pr
tbat section ot th* conntry.
-.Sow tbe Hannah A Uy MercantBe
rmpaay did not go oDt
oot and rant
rnat a big
ball for this prodnea show. Xo. Ibnt
was where their hU advortlslag Mont
came la—they held the show In the
aisles of their stOre. The couaters aad
•bow cases were •hlRed abont a ttttla
Ala_ March S.-Jn%n
Cletnero. chalrawn of tho Utontolo
Commerce Oommlsslnn. e
gomery today .. hear
The case ti regarded
trial asMclaiion of Uaioa
Ala. agalBit. tho Chotral of
and other rallrooto ■oCf'Tke cee te tegnrdod oa
itaportanee. '
and buyer
In the
qwtrisi I
bnyera. oottoo
yoy hot Is not aMa to aoMna tor
[ SSI West Biclith BtnaL
Baaaab » U9 Ob.
We place on sale today aiL extraordinary'under-price puickase of
19,700 rdk crisp, new q>rii^
s;‘.ia-«T5T£: aatloa ware
ware raodvad.
Ml o( Aaertcn taodar haya had
. JsUWBiabad mar thha OoBara( Vhetar aad prahaUy adBe haa
raodetea hto opaatry aaro rataable
aarTtoea la *
her la a atrttW lUoatrattoa «f tho OaltoA.
oaceooo that feUoorB-waO-dlroetad.af-
.S'.;;;;.... '.................“
la WBO affwinad bo the her la
......... „..4....h#to
dm war. Be aorred from the hofflnptos ao tho aad of the war aad
auaterad out with an noeUent
ord. Ha ratarved to BraaorUle aad
straw .
few roar* later waa appoiuied poaiHMaa, Pwto
Btaatar. whWk waa his Irwt efdeisi
padUoa. 1h tbs tea. years hofflaalng
eurod hides
wllh lin ha aarvod
y»»w Made aad ftala.
iMitBB the jaatdoartor af a eeetnry
OiahTfladar haa aorred the. Uoltoa.MM apodal nUdoao
secured direct from the factory at almost half their actual worth. We
were enabled to secure this big price’concesskm only by closing out U»dr
entile stock on hand,
19,700 Double Rolls "tol
All new spring goods in latest paUems, every roll perfect and full measure.'
When we save, our customers save; and beades, the number of rolls is large
even for our busy wall paper section, so we place the oitire purchase on
^e today priced, for quick selling, according to the way we bought them:
4,900 Rolls New
dartaa or aatters c
aa oxtaraal cobcotb
«C^ world.
W. S. Oltlotto raealvod _ ----------fron QraBd Jimdlon. Colo., Prlda)
aaylBg (hat Us niaee. Mrs. Carrie, for■Mriy Jeado Rose of this pUcc. died
Loo Oodd^.Mhe hao radgnod Mo •addoab-.,
pedttoa at the O. R. * 1. freight ofgea. lafl thia noralac tor a few woaka'
' had TUtt with Irleada 1b KalaiBBwo^ la DotroiL
^nir6c foi 4c double raOioombhlinm witb odik^ uid bor-
Bran OtAIH:rJBY every standard of
THe Vosfe Piano
Wi. isrssi
the gam athOBcr. No ooe detafl » ffivn apedal Atteatkm at the
of the othcra and aa a reauU tfaii Piauo ia pMed m tnry
The dd«^ oa^ are'of the hiffb^ ^de.
«*»«* P*w
____________ .___and every operalioo baaed
Badi itactnunenl undergoea a complete in-.
every Vooe Piano is the best instrument the great Vow factory
t of the erxpe
epreaentatiTca of thia Kano. Oar lUl stock enbraea
Va are exdviva
______ _____ _______our
ware rooms and learn how completely this instrument would fill everjIstfstatglea.
■tot<l\cuui|tidaBt of pour bona. IVrfeetly proportkmrd and finely finished, it is a splendid
■wtllhM ftinJtltoe. yMe hs meh. anging tone will aurdy diann fon as Yt ia diarming many
not only in tbk bat in foretgn eountrica aa weU—the fame of the
Tom s Voae Piaae4]
. The prke u i
rang* Bagy l>!ByiHBt Tenm. Brny
r home
may know aod enjoy t
hare giyen the Yoga Ha high gtaadiag
i toe wrid of mone.
»g in
hloga aod
and other interealing literature
postpaid on requesL
r tsveSKSs.
iMvsnwcnrsisKf ntr Fnsl SW Csss Stoeds
der. good pdtienu.................
4.475 Rolls New
Plptng Room and
Bedroom Paper
that woidd sell legdaify at 10c, 12c
and I5c rot; about twelve dtfefmt
I to oefect From. at.
4,426 Rolls New
Parlor Paper
diAt would ocf&ianir •«£ at 16c.
20c atoi 25c roB. L.atat paltemi
new henry red. «iid
5.932 Rolls New
Kltch|m Pa£££
Ilix wodd
iipikHv u 25c.
3Sc .id 30c reO; emboMd .nl
heafy ^ id rkb ctfecti.............
Don’t delay making your selectioos; over 19,000 ffills is a lot of paper,
but as the prices avoage very close to one-half there’ll surely be big paper
selling on oiu
Tlraverse Qiy, Mlcbfgau.
■ ■ l-l
Mi«iiiri^»»iit>< ky
Simr Olvta by The Hunah & Lay
nmjam The Fn«
Mercantile Company Stm Pamtohinc
4.-t1w iktr-
to tto heto* tba tmm
FavtMaMe Advcitisine-
i by
_____ were lajured.
cto?M UifitoiaMtoB tor
PekiA March A-^bmlao and ^
*-0»el« Joe-"
«^iB*toa. Mto* 4.-^Tbe Mue
•UHBMd u lt:8S. Tke tartt
_ to toe oCldal
uo n* pHMd br toe muu
rate averagea see
a. to. K «w vUMnam sad ctt
dally. B« to*______
hai>ve uttle
tobrtbe towasat 11:46. afiar<
of toe candlUoasto toe Into* BOto Houot tStaiatotB •*•* fa
r, or. ^^y
they have,
have. they
tbe. are
.. . bA
toat -tDdr to rwn. Ilto wtthdfBtoal
facu to be ksewa.
«sa tonaaUT
Uader Parse. Tbe flJIbaatw tosaa
»4to Uto Snt wmeaMat
p» pat
R has net attracted nueb pobUc
‘Abe tarts twtod toeasu* os,r«to UnSUnv debate. Iba
It i« Itoppaslble eree to estimate toe
aamber of deaths tost bare retailed
m» lack of food- Dr. Sitoori OocbroQ calls, vbkb defeated toe------- rase, aa Aawrlcan. wbo Is isgamd tS'
work ot relief, mts:
All appeeraaee *4 order «a* tre- toe
*ttoe mOlloa pctode will die before
qaentlr lo» *sd ttoeaber CaaaM o(- to* tret toopile^barveMed. Tbis «1U
(es capered toe eerseast ad am to be aeaatr becaoiB tbe people bare sot
drive toe toeatoera back -to
tbe stTcnctoto tm toe eol) asd ao aalreaato (to ptowlof."
. deflctener ' Mvrepftottos klU
to toTFtSSSd^tSSl
t ap tor oMu
» oooM bead it «S. At ii:4«
(Br AMOctoied Preee.)
baads erer* tuned back
Douott, toarcb
Wheat 1. vhltoIT to peftoit toe dlitooaltom
r.Hi » red. MH; Mar. MW; Jnlr.
i.«f tiM jg<m«i M«k
l»:-8epL »0H: con. «W; oats.
• to th» N* Lebby Per er *totost the Ship 83; rre, MW; beans. |1.9:.
Cbkeso. March 6.-4lye. UWeS :
Wetolaeioa^ar^V^^AccordlB* to
'leat. Mar. 81W:
_ ...... of —- _____
MW; «|ra. 48W:
OMMtUMttM «r there to. aad ^ been, so Mibr m nee oata. SOWfiW-
• >aliM cf nm tarn* to w«Mt wu.
mm Urttoto to to—tof fram iniMto.
,#«ltato «««w C«mAm fKltotoltjr
^ktowtoW. towinf tto cftttoty to to
;MMn| to
»toto«»to Urt#
5SS?- - —
dnaar •eoreeuv ef Mate to Oath
•nttoatod Tedajr.
WatoUngtos. D. C- Marak i—John
j^p^ton to • ftoitltoito to Mtoin to W. poaur. veteraa dlptoasat, latoe*
lUli^ AMtoto toto «tow Mtoriw.
aatkmaJ lawyer, former aeoelarT'Ol
• ftgp»topw||yiri to tatototo Mr mte ef tke united Sutoi and coon' ra. mintoten and
toMto toto*. to* • ciwiHiUn
recetoed tbe ooamm Ptorttoi •• tovtlfto tlw «*■ gnUolatloM ot a BBldtade of
today on (b*.oc(Mk» of Ite eo^ty.
tfto aatorereary of hit birtb. Prm»dent TaO. tomer Prealdeat Rioaevelt. tormer Vk» prealdeot pabbaaks
andabaatcfi '
amOB* tL...............
greatl^ were reeelvod.
Pew menof Anertadteedaybarehed
a aaore dlstlacatobed career than Oeaaral Poetor and probabty aona has
raadeied bis cooutry more vatoable
serrfee* la varied copadUea. Hto car
eer to a BtrlklDc UnatiatSoe of toe
ord. He retaned to BnurlU* and a
(ew years later was appototed postrhieh was bis Itet otleiai
i cimi-i«as ir muM
We place.on sale today an extraordinaiy udfe-price purchase of
19,700 rolls cri^, new spring
secured direct from the factoiy at almost half Aeir actual wordi. We
were enabled to secure this big price'concession only by closing out their
entire stock on hand,
1^ 19,700 Double Rolls "toil
All new spring goods in latest pattmns, every roll perfect and full measure.'
When we save, our customers save; and besides, the nundier of rolls is large
even for our buw wall paper section, so we place the entire purchase on
sale today priced, for quick sdling, according to the way we bought them:
tor part ef toe Bar
M^rolng that tbe
week of Deceml
store decided to pm on toe prod'
_ _,atolfcigi
Conunerce Oea
Dw at Ibr same time and thus
gomery today .. ..
s.benefli t.
. . idverUslng if
'Tbe case to regarded a
ce and at tbe same Uom give
trial BSsocUtkw of Uaton BgrtMA
psople a chaned to attend both
Ceatral of
ot <--------Ooercla
Inst tbe Ceotral
AU, Iagainst
the leetlngs of the grange. und otherr railroad*
of tola iioUim
"The> had
h. . biu
_ a nvontb 'to which
Ttis cae to regartgd bsrMto. of .too
venise. the''sl^«ni, wbicb. at Arsi great importaace. as tbe dWtottB^
mght. seemed loo abort a time to allecl too inieeeeta ot ercry dcfam
tly Interested planter and buyer and *vwO' tolBvM
ihe^r MHcrowtog e&UA
....................................... bow
of the cotnmertdal aa taand arouse the |>cople on short notice duatrlal i--------------- ------------.
and InimedUielt got busy. . i bey Used diacrtBlaatoM
toe laBroads
the local i«pcrs and also sent out oth agUnn couoe bnyera. ootoeo »*cer advertising such aa iircintom UstA- ebaau and umpramofA
by time for tbe entries to
. .
ey bad about 1.000 Items or
Kttoeyn BtoskA af b(HMk*ito mm.
articles that bad been produced to
wbo kaa beeo oooftod to tar borne ter
that seciton ol the counUy.
-.Sow tbe llsDUab A Lay Mercantile toe pom week vriik tta ttto >• kftprovlag bnt to ^ tale to aaMoa tar out and r
................................. e show.
was where their big advertlsl _
came In-tbey beld tbe show to toe
of 824 West Blfbtb atrooL
beet -tatermatf men to toe UaRed
StetM, K not to toe werM. opos tbe
pike county. Indiana, ba
‘ tom la toe atau
im add pumad bis pcetoMkm In
etmmie nnUl toe be^nlng ot toe
He eerred from tbe bcton- BMter
poto^. In tto
wMir im he I
United Btatea
ircee—b«t It to always spokeo of
Qraad Traverse ‘region.' and
they eater a held of as the)t>n
know that toe wort -regloa’
orlgtoal pabUcItr—vblcta toroogb Us don't
yoa tbiak ol a oold and barrea
orlgtoaUty creates a great deal of fa- makea
cooBiry. Yoa are never told about
‘Irtverse country—no. It to
Noee realltad, and tne commooltr alwavB vecion.’
and regtoa always
did not realU*. toe Uneieeee amoani
ot conment tbe produce show held In aonoda cold to one.
"So It 1* BM to be Koifttored at U
« “big swe" grange wlmk produced
yen have ooulnred a pictare of a bleaA
t this district.
bhrreo. tceboood ragtou when you
Tbe Herald
has received ooplink of Ibis partleulsr sectloa of
im os a nnmber ol trade lonraaU wltb
pjctures of the show, among wbicb
vriU be tonod toe Dry Goods Reporter.
Dry Ooodii Bcotapmlsu The Trade, of
Detroit, tbe MertoaSts Trade Joornsi
ot Dm MotocA’ Sows, etc, gfrlag an
V choicest fralt
eiteaaire aoceoat of the trait show aad see tbe great crops of frail, vege
and UlnatraUd^tb BOiaenMi repro- Ubies and grala tbs; u being |«odnethNi* ot photographs which tbe doced in the eectlon of conntrj sur
It bad taken at that time.
maSBilBes have a drcaU- rounding Grand Traverse bey.
-Yes. tt may perhaps surpriee some
tloa covering every town1 and city In
- be appre^ people to know that many of the hor
(be United Btetes. It will
rible stories they have beard about
ated what sneb pabllcity
Ibis ‘region' are utterly false and that
One of the - ubiverMl
lb reality ibis is becoming one of tbe
made by these'papers, wbirb U of
ceptfonal valae. states that the objecl rif-best trait sections in our epuntry.
wbo have attended some
of the produee abor - - - '
----- I But to others
|of toe grest trail exblbltloai that are
variouK purls of tbe country.
oi the enrvonadtog eotintry were In' brid
to not pj *U surprlstog
- - . respect
rwn^ .. - ................ ............... - * siaienieni
Uoos, which tbe WeMern Michigan bbeanee tbey have M aome of toe
were presenting exblWto that come ffbm the Grand
Dev^pmeat ban
Tiavatae regloa aad know ihai they
edtbigta honors at all these }bA'
liie Mlowing original comments by taibHionA
tbe editor of;ihe Merduuu* Trade
■It Is.i. .
Jonraal vrill preve ef toierest—ifaey wunderfOl croi>s of fralu. rcgeubles
•ew that tbwpreduce show u stlU and grains that arc being produced to
iralsbing service to ibe community: ibU secllOD of country tost iias'beeu
"Did l-ou trir beer of tbe Grand so long neglected. But the iieoplFare
Traverse regton U nortbweslern Mich becoming aroused, they have learnedigan? Yes. yon sav, I certatoly have that they have rllmaiU- condlUons and
beard about It. You have not forgot a soil that Is lust right for-the prodneten bow )-du shivered over tbe map
when you were a yonagsier to school
and tbe teacher told you about the ter
rible wlDleri that fasted througta about
eight mootbs of tbe year and tbe
whole country up there was buried un tbe iibotograpb showing the t
der great drttu of snow and packs of of <
if eoone H ia stotMy-osd ef tob
f TrsvasBc
ty. Mich, t
* ol these atolWt la toe she* ilipertmef , atolM
la toe voMc eecttoa. vartow ktodmef
trttta and canned •sodaJ* ton cMpM
Traveroe CUy. cm of t
and drapery seettou. Sod aa 4*
tie cltieeoriu sUe to be
conntry. to right In toe Iheart ot tola tbiQUghoni toe oattoa etoca."
Grand Traveroe regloB.
ssany nighty wMeawal aad procrealive bnslDMs sma men who believe to
tbelr town and their country a
not besJUte to t^ing toe world about
big one* ot toe city to
toe Hannah 41 Uy Uertmaifle coni- CATHOLIC tOUCATIONAL H4BT»paay. Tbe tompany eunducts a dcTUTION RUINCD
partmani glore that rauks with tbe deperUMF stBrea of many elites of Bve :
_, time* the stoe of Traverse CUy. It to'
--------’^“-'itueni—we are not go-! Two Himdrad and Fifty ■*»* ahd
tog to ti........................
bow blA
..... tor yoy might |
Oirie Marched Out In vleed
not believe there
•re was «such an esub- Order—Lear ttOCAdO.
Usbmeni to a city of that *Ue. bni you I
can look up the store's rating to sal
ty your curioslix.
Tbe Ifannab ^
, ,vu........
company to big because tbAv have al- ,,„u,ion. v^s horned early today, the
ways used big methods- They have ■
p,coeds A500.000. Two hMdrii
made It a pracUce to take advantage i
af(y |^p|* aad boys. itahi*W.
of every opiiortuBlty to reato out and ■ ^^bed o« to good order. tkMCb
make toelr ieflueoce
and the II,^me wer^'acantUr atUred' anA ttP«
oce bigger, aad
»t of tola
ethtog of t
W. A Ollletta rocelved a talegram
from Grand Junction. Colo.. Friday
saying that bis niacc. .Mrs. Currie, for
merly Jennie Rose of this place, died
Ue OedtorA who has teetonad hU baiadenl)-.
poottton at tbe-O^ * I. treitot ofBee. left this mormnc for a few weaka'
-trip and visit with Meads
^Tli« Vose F^iano
; . The Vote Ptiiw m a vdl balaaccd ioetnuBcut throughout—
ivwjr pceeeto .n the eoagtmetioh of thb iimtnuneot m earned out
ift the aame UBBer. Ko obe deUfl to given gpecial gttantioD at the
ITT ?•“•
the othen and as a result Ihia Piano to perfect in eveiy
Tha ■atariato wed aie'of the hi^eet grade, the workmen
ai^ilojrad, ridllad asd experienced in Piano building; nanufactarh^fadlitka are conplete and mo^en and eveiy operation baaed
•an eocroet priadpiem Ea^ ingtrument undergoes a complete inigme^ and thuvagfa teat, and erery Vow Piano to the beat inatrumeot the grebt V<me factory
can produoa the raault of the experienee gained in
- Wa an axdwhm Miehigan repremntaUTca of ihto nano. Our IMl stock embracea the
latoat *t7l«A Vtoit our warerooma and learn how completdy Ihto ingtrument would fill cverv- •
-it of yo«r
and finely finished, it to a splendid
■■■lull MuiraMat
your burnt
bomt l*rrfectly proportnned
tgmHwa, while Ha leeh, aingiog tmte will aurcly, citarm you as it to •charming many
TtaTl^ionly in this but in foreign coontrica A well-^he fame of the
' To <rvu a Voae Piano-insum unqualified aattofaetion. The priae to moderate and wc,ar^
? laaga Bagy Paywent Tema. Svery hone nay know and enjoy those aplowlid qualities which
' 'hkTegivem the Vose Ha high aUndittg in the world of tawit
- Catalogs and other mterceling literature poatp*id
ISVCSKSS. UrwvaMCHySiaROwwrtsmaMCaaBaMs
4,900 Rolls New
5,932 RolU New
Kitchen Paper
that would seB ordbtriy at
abort 6c lot 4c doidde nil; conbinalinni with cdHug and hotder good patterns.................
4,475 Rolls New
that woAd teD Kgidaily at lOc. 12c
and 15c roll; abort twelve dtfefcrt
combwatioiu to select hom. at........
Parlor Paper
that wotdd
, roa
4,426 Rolls New
that would oftfemrSy ad at 16c,
20c aad 25c rott. Latest pattens
adodiag new beeey reds and
z/, *Mi.
Bedroom Paper _ . ,,
20c tJ*
reguiariy at 23c,
3Sc and 50c toll; emboaaed and
ktavy gib in rich cfiectA..............
Don’t delay making your selections; over 19,000 tolls is a lot <rf paper,
but as the prices averse very close to one-half there’ll surely be big paper
sellinE on our second
TMverse Qty, Mlcblgan.
he hi. B. chaAb arOI hqM,aB aU
&der roriSSt^TSSl^ a5*^
V. B. WUUao» roUirsed
llotiiar.Bly oC Pmaabey was la toon
aavanU days thin a*ak.
Mrt. lSBuna'8al»«( Be_____
ty dl the Maoeahoaa at the World,
waa la town We>liwodBy and. cal ad
apo^l iDCciiag ol the 1a4|te.
, Bd Ciotcr and K. WaUauw le
Vo4»cada> uiRfat tor Ttveraa.CKy.
^ MraaUU ebb ariU meet with
Mra. a Barsy Taaaday aftamoon. •
. Benry Bloholy ot Travena City vaa
)a town Uondav.
\i^ to Ur. and Mra. J. Caatra.
kra. tohn. Alrdyao la VbdUns to Big
Alra. .D. Oabrton of'Drand Bapids
hM teas vtoUtog trtenda hare.
ThoJantoraand aaafcm ga*oa danc
iag parB^Frlday eventog. Haalc.waa
fiinuabad by Mr. MUdlctoo aad Ulaa
Mra. Rah of Tra>*no CUy, ^
heru viaitjnc bar anal. Alra. II. H.
Swreau Craaked a Warp FaIsS**
. their naaiaa and pomsEl««
able Impresaien.
__________the aecreury accMipoatod.
b.v the aBBSal fee of M ceau. Tbla,
The sutcepth auBugl
ataoMd be dbae seea. er at toaM-befeM
Famcra- IndRnto round-up wa* beW
the fliat«f.Jhto la ante U> iaaiKe knvat tbe Agrirwilural <t«
iag ibeir aeiaea ptooed. opoa tbe maB
Ftb. ygUL. and dualac hkidai' aft«- lag Hat and recelviag a copy al tbe
noon. March grd. Ibll. The Mtendance repOTk
a & uaio. OM Mtoston.
aas Ursa, neaxiy every counU' In Ibe
fcUie betas .-epmepted.
stitme Eoclety.
The larenocm naalaai were ghca
r-a T~ 0"W~^
near priaapolly to a series ol.lec• 4h A *.«;» «
Lures by i>ii7fcesora of toe colksa cn
■*0Ua.” “Fealltoera.’ a*d^ “Bhrm ♦ -LAUrttCR-MCWHRORHOaOl ♦
♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
The leureat in iMbs* lec- a ♦-♦♦♦♦ h
iiu^waa Rreatly tftfnsaed by tbu
Sleighing 1. nae ^ this etdalty.
fatUUirs a( hand lor UlaatnaiBC and
March briags bmtp saow.
prorliig the inith ot tbe prtneipan
A number of ramiltos In tbto'Vk-lauu^.
ily are <nSering wub an attack ot to
Prof. JeOery . who has ebaisa «f the ffrtppt;. \
departairm of soil physics.
•»«Utos M. E. Bnrkman resamed her
toi aitenikia to the ocadUlous aCect liuilea as leached Moaday after a
tng Mhl nwtotore tind lu rutotion to week's. lUohss.
ftost lisdins. PrM. Kcdale ahoaed by
Otto J^Atoer went to Uwrott Wednamrruus illu>UKlHias and expoHb« c'iOBoriBUoo ef sail failU •^“A^hSier raturaed to Berlto.
prsc-tlral iiintlKMto of detona- Canada. Wedaeaday ercalag after
lulag the kind ol Cenlllxi-rs requin< spendiag a week with Joseph l.nuiaor
lu xtve best resuka The three (arm and Irieods
cTOpB to wbli-ta sprctol auoollon was
The Vetera altMiM primary etocKiveo 'were clover, turn and alfalfa
n at GrelUckvOto Wednesday.
Great iniercat !■ maaUceted In tbe
Utos hUa Lauiner Is vlalUag her
growing at these (rope and l^y i
sister. Mrs, Frank. Bleder. aouth of the
Tte daiU mol with lira. P. Crumk the college i
of Ohio.
Jote^Bad^, who la onployod at
aBcrnoon acsskiQs were dt a
Bay Shore., waa here over Btinday with
varivd character. A oonaiderakl> ton>U>v' .
AMilicr.nuiulMr or the- lenure I4e purtiou of the Uine was glvoa
the discuostoo of topics rotottog to
couise wUl
fruit growing and dairying, both of
Uaixb Z. I
wiik'h are (coming to be leading in
dustrlcu in Mtchlean.
(ton. W. Frink left Batnrday
Prof. a. T. Ma.vnard o(
btm aa far as FltoL
lira. Jacob OiKhal left Monday for
an Arbor to enter (he boapltah Ura.
all acoojttgaalad bei .
Mrs. Chaa. Carver entartatoed Fri
day with a e o'clock <iii
.M lUptda, Uarcb I.—Uktc Ktfater
■PMt SoBdV'^ Bk Rapldi.
A. a Uon^iartr vent to BcUftlrc od
«li. Om sX
Host Jot^n U vU-
I mM UoD<Uj tar
_______ _
(Wvaliw Sat-
of Bn«t Jottfsa vrlted
to tain ni) Ms old poidUn at
¥onu cd
at C^B^iaTotx was In tow*
, wbo. hM
Edward Fhrton. o( . SSg
WlWam ftobtoaoB. who not long
.ja parenased a a acre
(inn on
Which there was bat a little during.
BOW has the creator part of It dearrd and set <wt to cherry and
ireee. LoM aeaeon be bolli a lai^
tiiOdera house with iall the Bodoru
The wrawr wHl he pip<< into iho house from a .purCT cohl
ing. wiiit indite^ Mr. Boblnson
inyest and make these improveloenta was to see the Sne large peoib
- a attpeflor qwallt) ralaod on
lOT* 40. I3d Robinson’s pbun.
TMa It only a wmile of what the
new cottcaras wlH do In (hla famOha
peach and ealUorala fralt bell.
Mrs. Henry Milks ot Rlngaley vWb
with her asm. Mrs. ~
In the cliy.
Many from here attended Ibe sale
,MT. l«Uor-a. A Sne dtober was
aenred. Mr. and Mra. H. R. Thayer
had charge ct the eonktoc- .
AreUc Ui___ __
trtettor W«dM*dB)'.
Urn. Ora Baiiel entertained wttb
M* U tb« home of Mra-Joe Boiler,
nre tables ««re nacd 4n play. ilra.
Otto I*wen «od Mra. Oeo. V. Ferry
«on the prUes on a dlhv;
Pmdlnaod SehanlU joK with a ec- fOk Rapids will to aU ............ ..
; How aecMeU at the anv mlU Tnea- tihvo a new plddo salting sUUoo this
year, aa all the plans have been aubmltted by ihc promoters and both tbu
ten and ramtere of <hia communiiOdh^AA society wIB have an ... have Mdsed npon the opiiortonity
jdl day Ihetdior ,«!tb t>ot-lu«l: dinner with gnat cnihualasra to land an
other booeficlal insiltolion to the alroady ttarivtog vlllace.
Mm John COil^rlcr la enteriaio
Ing Mlaa Kfile hidder of Pruremaul
ICkT a few days.
KA Plater of lUa place baa losaied
In Traverse Oty.
.trt Howard ol East Jordan ha-i
ac«ei>ted a -pwttton aa mw tier in the
»«w ntHl.
The M. E. AM Oodety will meet In
to -tou^nrai jfiailora of -the chnrdi
Dvxt'TunMiay ^Ing, Mordi 7.
of the pi
_________ dk and theyaayfi h fi
Itat h Ite heM Ui^t 1 ever
mZ I hm on hand yon Sere,
CMte Oinim myadf and neigh.
Oir«d Tlinah.
btteiywUitatat let hetam and
■yNIL^ h tta bcM llahamt la
thaon^'letred ooeef ■yhetaat
at OnS. Her feat «o« raliaa;
Aa (NMcaaw bet i aba hid down ‘
antftuiiiki and apint sicn
of iMpenen.
idio rib, itpeaetiatta.
Wm km a ipaaiii,
cob orildiiZiei
dnoe wi^ pob
lu Fnilt Culture- and "The Renova
tion of Old Orchard.."
Paul ROM. a practical fruit grow..’ of J-'ranktorL Mich., spoke of the
Intensive methods ot cultirating and
feiCillzlDg and care in grading and
packing ihot have brough him the
greatest proUu.
The dairy Interests, feeding standarda.
... ... etc.,
___ weiu
.lu aably dtocnaaed by
Fiof. G. C. llumphrt-y
llumphri-y a fonuer Mlehgraduaie of pur
igan boy. gi
pi Agricuttufai
college, Isa BOW at the head of
the dairy department of W
Uulveralty- at Madleoa. W1
The cweulng aeaslona wen la aomo
all. InHh; topics rMating to the dtoelcpmeni of the rraourcea of the
of our lio.va and girls
and the improvement ot oondlUona
aBeeting tire bcahh. happlneas aud
l•ros|>n'lty of those enggind In rural
Ju sddHion ,10 the regular aMskmr.
the Womens' congress held aeparste
scssloDB on Tnorsday and Friday rftornoona la lb««e meetings various
lies were dtocusaed akmg tbe line
borne economics. TIm ladte were
also Inviied to visit the co^ttnfc lab-
iiuUons of Ibe princlplee Uught In
tbe variousI departtohnls .of the rul^vvD at various Untos dorlege were given
log tbi- weM(. and all rtoltora were
aordtoliy invited to attead.
The leadlag manulaciarers of sptayig outfits made displays, allowing all
.je different styles In' commdta nse.
These were In actual ^ration much
of the ttime, Kiting visitors «n oppbrunit)- I
iparc the mcriu of tbe
. .
Ion csposlUon: al
ami Irrigation
cclU-cUon of
>f peacbea. iicars
>ed lu BUsa Jai>.
One of the things wbkh
noatl.i to the Heasurc of the
ngs was Ibe czcelleni .1_________
music fur
nishrd by Ihc colh
orrheaira fromu the SUlc School for
Blind andtbe
cboi^fi 1 (be Industrial School for Boys?
Tbe Institute was also honored on
'Viday by the presence of Governor
Osboru and other state offlclaJs. wrno
over to see the exbiWis. and
were Indiiocl to sUy nud s|ieak for n
i4)ort lime at i.ic nivnlng ol the aftci
>00 soision.
Taken as a whole, this groat losil
lie aok ona at tbe best ever held lu
ic state. Mach credit i« due to l■r<1f.
. K. Tall, the supentiieiident. aad Ills
as:.t-=lalits for ptaunlnB at»d carvyln':
meelti'K wldeli will result in
Mli-ii greot cood to the tarmerv ^
.MItUuain. Not only was iiinehknjiAlInrd by itavsc ui atfeudanec.
aud ecilhuidasm
a deternilnatlou
d sm-lcThu IhdiyteriBn LodMa'
(y wUI iDi'ci WMmtday. March k.
at the liomc of Mrs. DonaMaoii.
. Tbo luniace of tbe Aplrlu l(uo To.
has again gone Into Mast afu^ bcluK
rIoBcd fi-r several months.
Mrs, Fonttoand Schnalu. who Ims
!.<"on serioiisl.v 111 for three weeks, it
soowwhat better at Ula ttoar.
The Xlro-Amerlran
olnEers bdd
forih at the Opera bouac March z.
and were tery much enjoyrd,
Tbd Improvements recanU: made
.\o aaautot has l>ceo made In this
on the M. K. church '
Brihle to Kite a synu|>sls ol the i«
pers iiiVM-nietl at this liisiltaie. as
Uiuo aad KjiBce will not permU.
eouiplete atxdaui of iltTrooud-tiii
■muiiato. lachtolng many of Ibe ad
drassca In full as well aa.thejdli
-tt>d«r Wealeb has ratonaod to tbe
. jsae of hhi bsthen tear, after
tons ahseACe la Trarwne QKy.
LMicr Innis w*^ Aritoath MUtoo
Tiittor Monday .
MwlU (tniMi, Mr . Hehry F»*
nnS llillc «un went
to Kalamasoo
Xs>. <Dr.- Uatola ol Ok BapMa ard
Mrs. Sherret at Oauada. aiw vUtoni
at tbe Goodman home tkia week.
panln, HaOer «
Min dan Aenlarcger raturaed I
ar acbool Monday after a tw
ttoeihs’ Twcaiton.
Ur. F. & Hoag waa agala called i
Kd Wood of Btt Badds calk
bto parents hare tost'Satarday.
* Uiw. Ed Mesua to toaadtog a f»w
days with her meiher and etotar In
Traverae Cfty.
♦ « ♦ • SV«^.S>« ♦ SvD ♦ ♦ «
^‘miu Irene BitHthaupt apeat Taosday evetaag «Uh Mlaa Flora Anaorge.
Mrs. Wencei Leutacr to vtoiUag her
eon. Albert Laotnei.
Mm. John Wlikop viUted Mrs. Ed
Laniner Tbursday afumoon.
Peter Scbehlcl is
iiany this week from Grand Uapids-
new stodc of
oFI&fia' Rto^-to-weal.
F. R. Edwiy has'goto lb NeW Yodt Gty id coapirie jBF
iiRfe/ Smis, CaOs, Cditamts
Extra Speeid Sde Trk0
’ wiU be made aU this month to effect a complrie mUmra of ^
broken Imesof winter Suite. Coats, Dresses, Sbrteas wdl as the
broken assortments of su^h staple articles as Waisl^ (ia lavini
or silk) Gloves, Corsets, Hosieiy and Petlicoab.
Provemoini. March S.—Miss BUm-I
MoMer Is vtolting friends at
Bore, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymuod
Plamondoo tin Frh. Uih. a drl.
The Hroremont sootol club held
rvinrned from Beaver Island.
Jacob Schaub lost a borse one day
tost week.
M. MUtor of Manistee and C. Cutver of Cedar speait Bundsy la town.
‘ Simon Scbaiib and John
were Leland vtoltora one day tbto
For Fifteat Days
We will make the lowest prices ever named for shisflar vdues
and assortments of
High-Graie Coals and Dressy
V All this season's purchases.
team ataitad. thrmtet
Bar-back. .
- ACME-^
- . •
♦ wrards avwr (h* Mock. teMiB km
hack MOM.
♦ ♦ ♦ a ♦ a JO.
Him Oan BrMthaagt altitgd Mte
Acbc. MIA.. March 4.—Mer. G. W. Anat
ABanm of tbe emadr like Oto
Imaertant Beeaton Was Held M Den- Plevs is>tolUBg ia the neigWmrIwod
aanto Wnieh Waa Ooneludad
tbto week.
WMlnsaday.Tbe Ladies' AM met at tbe bome-of
sty Pomaaa graage Mra. David MUte Wednesday. March
pr6f>ldlng. held a
and friends
_ . ^ at. Benioato.
_____ .
Feb. » and
Mrs. J. Lemon
-- eh i. Tbe
The weather waa fine and a
4 and RMoad kr *•**>
great many took advantage of (he Greea Tburaday
good iMeigbing to attend
After dinner tbe.Purens gatbered urwxm.
ia Caae's iuill where they were wel
>y pnmnd tbe
Mnu A. Z. Ureea to mucb Impnatl
comed by W. J. PcOtt. master of in bealth atner ber retnrn from Ann
Benaodta grange. Ur. Watwou aiMl
Mr. Voorbeto of Frankfort responded
cofUiiloD of bto dtoeovevy «
a behalf of tbe vltlilsg memUrs,
Bonb po4e^ Tb* WU ba k«B r«
■a boastona to thnhaaae,|
D. E. Meaurc riaaa at ber bom Baiarday evening.
AU report a good time.
♦ Hto aubject was “PI
'Albert SUtea sad Homer Brows
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •a."
went to Barlser Creek
- Alter dtocusaloa oa (be
eaforew BoralBK to work In tbe ablate mlU.
tbto viclnUy ue Utter lart Bent of (be tow. regarding (he
' Mrs. Cien -Siler to quite sick at Abbot tost week.
ting ol
weeds, (be gr
Miss UUtou SUmpBer. who has went o:
on,.^ record with tbe
J. W. Smith nrotvM home a load of
>e nattendlng a^ool In Traverse
lath Priday. He is evidently going to
. ily. risited her ^uvuts, Mr. and ,Mrs.
do vome Improving la (he near tuiare.
"Reaolvetl. That U lie tbe expi
Chas. SUmpAer. over Suoday.
akw of (lito Pomona grai . or B
Mr. MeConnlc
sonIa county, that each township of- .lA) of rariilal
n accouui u
4 bouse.
■tvr eufoTce all laws retollvc to tbe t' rior of the
Utos Van Duren.
ts of Ml
Jonn StJtrs • putting In (be redestnictluB ot all noxwios weeds In
t SUWi.ller and PelKv UnjHoti. i heir raapecilvc
vcapectivi- townshtpaa
townshtpag giving
mtiil Po-ir of
' lao^-m-iit of the
fermor graduates of the ' UiUc t.cr-,
aUeatk* to iho deatrncOop of iK-w school h'R
_“WiiUsoa^Teoi“ “ ' - --Joaepb valley i s a Traverae Ciiy
I uesoay.
visitor Tuesday.
...... Ataold to entctialnlng ' his
brotber from tbe touihera part of the
Mra K. G. Si
City visitor Tbui
of youag teks aUendrd
- pariy out In the.couBtry the olb*r evmUag at D> Couturier's.
A numbar ot young folks spent a
tor pieewt evening at tbe home
of SUaabetb Couturier, the occasion
bebig her biribday. The party was
an eatlre surprise but the crowd was
i.one the less welcome. RWrcshmrnis
of coffee snd cake were scneil. sho
n-d bet with
u t, A toi
IVI A CA-Zl'iq B
,aod along higliways, and wc coaaidJay Aldridge of. ItouiU BoarduuiL >to e.- the rag w,ed one of the worst of «
icI reUilves lu Siu-lugfleld
from Sun«««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦•«•
ay until Thureday.
A reaoludhu wus also adopted amWe cxioiid our ayinpaihy to Mr.
Ra;:. Vaa 0uaen of MrBain s|«ut di-mnlng a bill passed by the aenste
iunday at the home of E. J. Sump- and DOW before tbe bouse In which t'iui. Borough and tanilr as hto taUcr >» >vry 111. He bad (he intoforume
Insurance dlRerepcea aie to he set
'iiarl AbaJr and Eli !lan-eu were tled by coun instead of by arblira- fto loae a taorac tost Saturday.
Harry JeaeU to (mining.
badb' hurt last week while decking lion. as petlllott>-d
Uy the
Mi>. i:tnu-r Pmkard ot Kaanon vi»logs^uear Manton.
iii-vl al Mr. Lorough's one day thU
Quite a number "f yoniic laH.idcE. McClti
intirc's siUdn-s.-* on •Pro
from this vlclDlly aitendvl Ibe dan.-r Eresa. \erv<t« Dceadettee." was <teMr
eilbauirt bad a v>fry
at ttfo Idke Kelt. ZZ. AH .xi-oii a tivered la open liiMCJng helon- a torge
Fcaix- Snlantoy oveniag
good lime.
audience,w liicji elM>ai-d its appciias- tirriow
iraihc lomc fiuni the city
Johu and ln< (tolllli'lg)'
imn by pIik-' aileiifiim. Mr M<-<1urc rblbA
in'o their rig.
tvneibaugh of f.diiinl'UR. Oliio. .
able >-peakcr and'iliaadled his ihiowiog tlu.m out; fbsl acairal their
_i_____—1 .1,...
at the home of Edward Siampller Sun
||-;>III ;.fni lh»y rail .away Otliee Ihkn
day cvenlnK.
and Mr
BsTDlo Raftery, who t» eu.ployc.1 on had been Hpeul to iia prepar.,
the M. ft N. K. rallrao3. H-eot Sunday class of eight memto-r-v was iaitjated
Ills iKinir til Springliold.
Mr. and Mra. K. J. Stam|.(ler made prmalltcd i.y ( berry cniliBC ol rranx-'
.h»ni«»Ui« nr ant- one else
huMinesR trip to Traven-e City .MunMra. John Vaoderbrook was callH
to Olt-ego last week by Ibe illuess of
her utoliici.
Frank amra
Smitb n—
Hiw. arana
duinro ,-------_,
-'is . .
____ _
Wedneaday erealog (or a eoajtitlag pnny. and
time wax enknyed
Richard Phil) pe who ha:- beet
teead tor-oomi tlsra reinraed bom*
Mca. F. Jk auBerd toll ler UM
Mtsaioa rrcrcitly to keep house, for
n<-J sod Ilifftvd thalfard.
iuufadniWTs. Mscbsalna. Has
amth. latoramg /
le Waahlagtoe btothday ooctoi
beM Feb. n. was a nd
Aboot >1S was netted Dom tbe affair.
Lotto ly'ais.abo fractured falsamt Matins gs' Rbe Mi a nrge to ihe nf
a abort ite' am>. to rapldto mendij>« Act that bIm- waa leas inoaac .tkao
aad wiu aooa be ahont ateo-
SfriMei^ Ba^ware
getting bet
■vh of ManlMon heU a meeUog' al ' <' •• Este*. who baa bceii staying
Mra ^nk S^^TbutSaTr
Traverae CUy for (he past two or
railed«raa»®eai Of lYof
R> IniTfiWi't g—clrrle of ii;,. ' Hublwrd .tosalnlaggaiteUstSeu;^ T^f
The sleighing around Bate to gat
• Pra^L Mra Mara Cm Um «!«•»*
wbeeU are hegib
lUL slag to coma iMo use
Mlaa Grace Grave* of Traverae City
*Un.' Jaa Kllmury. Tbe stoptied off the Saturday evening train
to attend (he Sonday school coavenHag «ni be held with
(toe and iwalnoil over wUb Lwna
iceaidvM Tkaraday aftmiaon.
going hack to her oc-hccl Monday iDoming.
A wondoffy} ate..__________ ____
of this Medtankal Aw' tonratotwe.
^ maa aho i
will toow
ooe: or write Uo- pubIKbers tor a traa
miBple copy
Tbe - Sh -p V*le*~
Dead, nf to
pagan, leiu assy waxa to do IteteHow lo make refalra. and arthdto for
homo aod ahop. nte.
-Aiiu.(cur Mechaaka- to (agaa.
ledto bow to. make miteoa furahara.
.liother MiB. Oeotse .Vvwmaii. a fvw wlralcaa. bonis. teEtoM, magic, aad
All 111* ibings a boy loves
rdnys Ibis week.
per yuri ointe copies u ennto
. -ng 1to now ilic order of thn 41.40
Ask Your Nevaadnsler Or Agdram..
ivecAtng fo“ llic >uuiir:
i Mra. J* l-u
22> Wsahingtor
-'ir. and I a rewuli <>( II Is.ll Sill- Wa. .Icppingi
left Mondav tor Ima-jt.-oiu a bk-h to the rig «»n tb.:J»(d. ?-14-rt-ak _
lUlcs. ?
• Ur-*. I- J
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a sing.
Itowera liariior. Marvh (-••Mra. E- Irieods
saw as a delegale to tbe repuhllfan.
.'iZrViea n.t
[sute ronvwloa. Tliey expect to re
jinT ttooSe valley to suBermg ; wro SwuirlTy I.ro tWteon to help
‘^"“1’ '*
4M Artida
_ ,
li YDB «rc ffoua ...
to bo3d
b04»e of bnii #
to tSpto* •!»»•.><- tord-
M«1 bttcK
tojr». wus jto. B) t*»w “4 «r •• *«t
~ awaM.
We Jb»a • alj kw pa» <* bab. Kato
BrnDoaRotmadTadtHuCm.* We M* A.
“ Wtotoad- Tndlr mJ ito -Kj Feaaa rawaa asl fo. en-l rl daa <4 Ito nek
you tboe foodi joM •• cbe^ Brywi «•
A«: ^ JOB Mc tbe good* bd^ 7W
r Ur
*4ntAi^ rRAVEKfE nmXU> ANT) traverse bay EAOLE. ,rUJSDi^T. MARCR 7. 1911.
\ «■ farest
Tb« Mudi I'
mtb aoen to aee tala appear at tba
doer. Bnt wbea three daya paaaed
wltboBi word or algn from blm ber
Into alarm- The
tbe reguUr odl ofUic caiemUr vu*
ukna np and mat of tbe caaaa were
reported ready for trial.'
i tC^ac Judgr b'ayae glamnd over
(h« oUendar be asked VrrweraUng A(lorney Pratt if all the criminal buaineaa for the term waa rcpieeetHed
1 he'
_______ dniM> wta*
wwirtec •>«« Hw
of ^
mm mmm rnm. tmnmt \MMmrn
I for. tbe ream
lMU«t ttwCM»
Caltod StatM, for all tu taolia awnrd moreir an rxtonaloo of tlio BacUab
fora <jf garRuiiiooL
ttet MB WWotbrrford waa alao fBorlac la «eap
Mtmlir fritertd bin »d Ibovsbi and at laat put tala peiptositr
MMI-IM «W* bncfe sad veoMid. IMO a qaaMoa. “Wbat an 1 to do?
l-n MclaalBC to fM qi>a». l mboii
Um ckaacaa for my bartac amaMpot
ai« pony fair. Uajrbo I'd bauer drop
down to IMIpbBr aad report to (be au4Mr-OM ra4« •». wbUbi pwtk*> tborllWa. I*TO fot a d^ or two bej fore tba I
1 br»U.D to atww
M,«(. m mm-
Js a Mod to la-
ifc-ttatdM bobo I
_^!i(lal4 h|a_«ot7.aB4
thread <rf IL
___ _
4 waian mto
iibo«. b« It laekad aid
w«k • dptliad-
•tm/mu.- TM.dldat haadta tba
UdipiUt dldbatapagaWn. *«am.
badr bad to lead a bibd» 1 oobMan
Ifera yea
» a^ aWbn yM*jw got
t t aaad a lybar wMla
’^WHES*-Tba^aSit broka a«t
'N aai tpa atpab facb *Tea oagbt ta ba
X.*SSnjpak a Btap toward bl&
abe went font Into tbe street to Inih,, {,, tbe case of tbe People
qalra. One of the ttrat lueo she met
Andrew -Moore charged with Ug.
(tiricm. who was sitting, aa usual. iuBy, wjm'plead gulK> tn the reeurdoataldc tbe Mrory tarn door. amUlag. era tnurt a short tltoc ago.
taMOeleat. cootc-ut. Of him she asked.
When Mr M«v— w-. bronghi into
-Have ydb seen Mr. Caransgh?*
cctrn Monday nfteraooQ he aigMrei!
-Tm.-he answered:-I saw hlmyen- to hare hanged hb lalad andwaa loib
terday/ju« afi« dinner, down at the i ?
poatomae. Jte was writlug a letter at --v- tir'use rtariiad
Ithe de*. Aiubst Umoedbiely afuw
In tb lower c-oart. aud'
wwd lie monaird and rude away. Ha
OOestiODed bv Judge
was M('h cut up urer bb c-bk-Pa db- Mayne a.' I whether he had n-:atrmbaal.^
;ad.at auoraey b>- suied that he bad
Tbe (TM1I1 ib'-ii S'.Ill Into de
“tVby baa be not written
abe asked beterif. -and why sbouU Ite : UlU as
bare gtaie away whbuut a w«rd of; OnaMy^ e!«iu-.l the ii.iormaltoii
greeilur exvioiiallon or goodl>y? It
inoiuent's eaiatc and
lid hare ukm but
« ..»« —
tne duor.ouor.;
time to callII at tbe
Tbe more
e abe dwelt u|
upon tida neg* 'gu.
leri the rw« algulOcaM U bmaine.
After due eonslderailon tbe
After tlio TrodVT luuT In bb eyes, decided to alh.w Miure to soleen au
after tbe ardent clflsp of lili band, the attonrey. and be Hiose J. M'. Pat.-hhi.
Indifferent *bo <ouk f.lin a«ov for an Interview.
When they r<-tiiriM-<l to theeiHjn irmui
Ur. Patchlit KtHiiMl (hat be lMli-«e.l
to... ...... .. ___ I______ V. .
UmiCthere sere some eirruiustaiw- i.
I caranacli atudkd bln eloaejy. *T>.*6tr.
■‘n connection siib lb- .use that li..««
tbioklnc you're got 1l i'
learnshould know bH.>rc- fiawdn;:
aitarb a
eyes dim with hot tears.
pnieeded cc» yirTbe blab aldtnda aod tbe
Rasa came to town and went away a bbiory of ih- eaae as It Ind Wu
; yrladi op ibwe Mtgbt to prereot laack to hb cabin wltbcmt coming to given tilni by fala cUeot. A reply was
tMtioD. m lot afraid for nyarif.
i« me.”
.made by Prosecuting Auoniey 1‘iaii
bat U yoB'ra able pMiapa »a'd better
“Ar» yog aiire be'a been berer
• and the mailer was eiill i--iidinK laic
pall out toMcrow.'*
Tea. He eome In. got aome letters tbH afiectmiMi
Latrr U tbe-day Wetberfort esprtaJohn Henry
enry Kbare. .a |i hailoner
aod then b-de
In euurt and hi.-: '|M>ri f:i'
ed deeper delectkni. "l-doa't aea baytblng ahead of ne aBybow." be e«nand grief orpine ber.
so nsid tiu.i
taaed. -If I go back to tbe'peo'I'M
riWag poaltlon. p,
ordered dUelmrged. ui«n |a> 1
41a Of laag truaUe. aad I duo't fcaow There's
___ ot the eenu In eonae-tlon w ith
mistake aboat tbis. [owiit
bow I'm gidog to aara a llrtog hi tbe Boa ttarattagh never was tbe wbiffllag : hi* ruse, will
ed to about Udly. UebU (be bM tblag 1 r«old do
You've got to rememls-r
d»-r Kliare
tCt>are wanie
wanted to go to itetn-il. where
woold ba
be to btaka the pox aod go uaI resl.le.
dar. rm affal
d him right back
te.1 abopt i
tlnoed. *1 al'
had Moey. Now that I aaa oM and
be fully
braka I daren't go. No city for ne.”
to say Ju«
a woni
. But .tell cue cic^'.i Sim waK rcleaHcd
roleased on proCaraaagb'epailearegaTeway. -But.
away without a batioa. t^cyeral who knew him ie»iiMB. yea can't atay bera'. I'm parkhb< exemplary habit* dui
tag ap to leara. Year only chance
tbe |iBsi year and (be conn sa^ lU
of getting oat of tbe roaatry b to go
fled that hr hud been fully puniahed ]
when 1 go end la iny company.- Ub
for what he had done Jle made «meek* M* berth nnd keen, and (be old
madUte rettiemaat and wa» n-leaae<l.
nan felt lie edge, tint be made no re
Tbe first case that wUl t« tj1e<l thi*
ply. and tbb Md ellcnce laored Carterm will be that of f'lanrU C. Cun.ningbant vs. Oils Hawkiaa. and tbe
abagb to repcatanca.
IJury will be drawn this afternoon.
. deeply
I The case of RnIna.A. Boatwlck vs. [
rbaaflat la kb own natara.
i-Tfce Michigan RtarcJi rompany u«* reAnaoarblng tbe brooding felon, be
ilKsrfed settled out ol court. ,
apoke gently aad adly. -I'm aorry
prweeruting Attorney Pratt stated
Cor yon. Wetberford, 1 anre am. bat
___ 10 the eourt that Orla Cariienter. who
It'a np to yon to get clear away aoJbat
was to have purged himself of 4he
Lee will aercr by any poaalble chance
charge of conieiuirt of court, or else
dad oat that yoa are allre. 8be baa
.npiicar lor sentence, had not done
The Finest Tafloribg ioititulioa in the world it the dcfcriptioo of the (aclorir when AtScR*
a romantic notloa of yoa aa a repreeither, and that It wnuld l*e nec-es'-src
Rochexter Ciothes are mt^ aod if you would ajipcir am tug the best dressed roes ia ^ cqbmb*
;io again lai c up the case ac thi. leriii.
MOttUra of tbo old Ume weat. and It
wooW ba a dxaadfal abock to her if
itjr get your next itiil of
aba kacw yoa aa yoa are. It'a bard to
Imeo bar. 1 know, bow that yoa're
aaaa bar. bat that's tba taanly. tblag to
do-tbo only thing to do.” ■
-Oh. yoa're rigbt-of coaraa yoa're
itgbL Bat I 0[>*k I mold be of aome
ana to bar. 1 wbb 1 could kind of heap
Trctertt Cfy
Miebanrbee. I'd be cted cooucb.to
« Enjoyed Baef Steak
alga after promlalag to eome." She •
........................ I la her kUeb
burled ber fate lu tbe ccirerlet of ber i
oUke ber”mother's bed and we|U la t-Ulldiab griesf ;
M-ab over tbicc* *k’cttand feet at-ove'ent on come twHt
and despair.
i ‘ A* the a-nu^i eicc-iton of i»!fi.*cr»
Vra kn-H. an ..Itli'.idc- where «tr»w-l The mlddlCinalt tfcl
.Llae was furred to acknowledge tbat ©t the Trave rse Ciir lodge <iT inks
VetMtford i^cd at blm with the ranger's acHoa was InextiUcsble, ,TbU'-sdny evening, there wa* the
I Cl :ve« can l«- growti a'-cndanily. Tb^' K*fc Ic the -deal ”_______ _________
e-rt, m
... a..ii .mc cPmair: nh. ilk- cbmuc! That Is a**» «hc re»alt «f tbe* rwUmm tadlReiatandy cyea. lat^ wbbb a teea light bu| she did ber hc-st to make Ugbt of ;largest aitcndaere of the yes:. The
laapaA -Oon^t yaa iaieod tn many
fcui'p-c-c Ibat bos pc-Ti"lc-x«l mar) a ence a>K>wn towards tbe etmdlUaa ®f
«,c. m,Kl ..a U..1.1 . »»n.
btrrv.un’.d-be .pi'.'SMtanher
Tbe ci-mate ibc roads by Uioee who are-^RdaUr
vcicc'K giirupiJy. ubl only in rebulmi
------ BPioimed to attetid -to aacb maUerS.
^ftom tnraed amay. -N'o; I don't'' 1
^jEditor of tb- Herald—
lime. but.in n« nlat'on to Uwallvy. Oiilv laat spring
ailing two of ray
m; a ' * ‘
htm._ti?«eiobcrr. Ho-U be In tumoftow
Interest fell In tneeleauitof'
teault .
djr:— Having arrived r..vtiilv’ia iu
\iiu may bovc five fo-t of imow- !n took <«0 BMoetotly packed ta .
.the election. The folUiwlag were Grand T
ruc place, and ten tBilM iv*ay iio egg <w»ea to town, and on arrirtag
Mu.n at n’l. On- pccnHaiitv j*. llK.t tliere found ibat ewery •€> was brok.and srent aboat her dally u*k*.
Eikii«i luler-Oeorgc G Oivell. . u 'cwni. I lliid
.be c'ic-i.uunii-(*4'*oUrii i» down mau. c-D. A auie of tbe roada wbieb pn>Eatm-m-cl l>>aclmg tCnieht-Jcttcqvb :'ctfafam wll. pckjp!-b'o: I]
not married, bat”— He but tbe day iwsaecl nnd another withil-ai«t. biwei I'l the vsllcyy iban on (likrew reaulu like tbew. It smy be
; nc-ems' to tut- co |« an -aiiM-^tbeat Mklag hb aMaing o«t word or sign of the recreant low, Bleder.
lb- U|>lancU: ftn iiiMSBce aliunt Gbriet taierred. Is not eoadnclra ta plaamue
::iuK. icpft, tlio iBi*nnroii-tc.r ai my o; comfort Jf you w lab to take a drive.
piBln. -I’m-golDg to teara Ibecooniry and eacdi (lav Urvuglit a deeper'oe^! »lc-c-raecl Uival'Knight—J. \V..Han iwi iiiloiiiution on chai niiicli
of loss, bnt lic-r pride woa»d not pe^ ncn.
-d at-Mc
wiin ..ii|. p-nuc».S
KMueBK- Wifi eix beJov zero, while You lake yoor aaat ta tbe bogey,
mlt berto KbiMv ber grief ^
Kstc^med i.ccliirmg Knltiii W n. will give ).ri":i> i'i> iiiim.-».ioijs
MC.Tal hunilivd li-et kiwrr down. :7 and start fur townt; aH goe* wen lor'
Waibcrlbrd caugfat blm np -I leckI elow wa» ro.'ordcsl, -Viw bkv. it a >hon lime, wben mddeoly yow edOB I ooderttaad wbat yoa mean. You
- WitlaiiHlic
valb-y,- I rounter a quantity of looaa auboa aa
the cause of ber troubled focc-.
rreaaurc r-Cha* 8. Vk.lc r
miu ut.< ubivp.ui )coBBMrr ilia and me aubabaUe pa^ Hast
a-ipr.irtr-icc on—. ‘’Vee. I:.rge as a nuiB's hewd. Yoo are jecktuok (bis ocvaaloQ I" offer comfurt. ; Tili-r—A. C. IVcBpri-.i.
nc-lf oi i..- i;.--,.. an- .l;i .l.c i
enta-notJaat tba kiad you'd cat oat of
>■ mnrl. I wciaM uistli (i! About ill your oeat In aucb a lively
toward-ber bad changed
Tm-rcH-. ihriw- y.-nrs-|i,.
•. til add>i:->ii 1.1 vj.”
tbp hart of ypv own fine wUL Weil, Bine* abe no longer bad o twri ta the icowl.y,
:Iil-r ll. Ce a llllie MH.W.manner ihsi you becta to wonder if
or the vali-ce Uien are Ui.One
your ocmaes have decefred you, sadtbat'a all right i dual bUme you no managemeut of tbe vwtiiig bouse, aud . Onn'd larigc- detegai- .laiac-N k<- Uuc looibiilK or liptanil* aii<l inUe
i:.: »b-tf -call r- arc ~rc-mo(e Item lurtead ot tiding lu a buggy vtai are
br aa I'm cnoccnicd. But you ran fur- fcir that reuBODsbeclW nut repulse him; bc«-.
' lUads. Tl.es- upUnd scrfl* a;■ ,0..,,, ii.Him i.f inrsldeiwbl'
scaic-d u a buc-klag
clhg broacbo. aaad In
(H mn-coBBlder me a dead one. ni ao-BbarvIy as else bscl been WotU to- M.cwnMc <0 nraiid U-1g--ytalii. G ifull) cd v.ilcanu- u.ie:;. umI .■uu'e
,.,4 j„. ,h .jirBiomir ia dl*
w cf possible erentiuHtles
^rer bother her nor yoa.”
da. He really bote ('arawigh no HI Riraub.
t*"*"'*"' "■ * I" nc.iuiul p'an.
cast tf yocir mine] wbribec tbenp i_
Caeaaagb threw oot an Uapetlmt
n-uch to etioee between, beiag Imband, -a b iBMiaartlilr.- be proteMcier^ In the mndbule cm yo«t HtAt
ad. -Itb batter Car bar and battar for
v.|ita^onseguent damate to >««r bolM tbat 1 abaalC dp an. I'm gnlag
Id.iv attire or betng fiejaoalted oat tbe
bnck:tnmyn«ap«ople.cTM Xs. on ymir b-fi. wiiP the poaaibll
of a few dlnees hi the regtoa cd
.VWharford WM. tlMivdCUy rooecd be found i*er «tfitidf:.« ta ber refusal helm. -Txallcol RuUt Jaates K«-le—. 'uH*-.. tmi I Uave liad ifocju-ru
If ,. „ ei'cv-itiagias e*iierienc*- alter Hr
i!ic- rftre 8i-rii sir tae eaklllarisUng
new. 8ome part of hb oM ttme Ore to iiermli auy fauilllaritr.
IJurliic the ev.ntag. :u impres- u.u.iies uT c-.«nvv.wug w.:!i_|k
-tiec-i. ol a ride to Iowa ta Kaaf'
aHBied to retara to him. Hewaafrotu
“Bee here. Mias Virginia.- be cried Ive taUU-t eecvice wi« hc-lil lu m.**.-,
m.... . who me rCMdeni* .1;. iv. alW v.ii"cw. If he- tu-1- >1 carload Of taw*
hb cbalr and appronebed tba ranger aa abe sra^-fSicitBc blm in tbe bail. “1
cf Joh-i Moriisira. w1k> iliecl .-.I ' l-ectp)- wb' hav.- farm-il ll—rc.
-. nl! 1- well; lie csti whip 11,
Your* respettfully.
_ ,; sbort
ngo Viter the busiiic-ss ( She idea gcnernl'j e.-cpr»—.•••cl i- 1
•rmly. -ree aecn you act like a man.
ac-efyoa're wurrical about Uae-I
ira.-kiav boo«-. inii
sa* tbe vail, i
Rom Caeanagh. You're ben a good laeaa your motLef-aad If 1 c-sn,* I—
I«l ISM.
iw _________J
......... I..
- fln*
--.u_ lec-i aU-ok
......... Mii-iWr
s "run ci-jwTi."
j finer than a rai'/iaij.
partaer tbeoe la« Crw daya-a an Vi
tame .«UUM
ron'll CSll
rhll VU
on UiC
me.” ;; . . ■ ...
any um
c lOWW
At the- bc*ata-; leceiiil). hov.
the -soil Is ri-.-iwau I
enuMut bare treated m be(ler-a»d As abe thanked blm wlibuui entba-ri-'‘?^'r .if*
mil 01
Klks band Icir.'i itiE to b Ii.«i l ulinie.
k.Cd-1. -n.,» K ,b,
■firrrd ""
cxcclleri' Ruslc. After tte up-lo-ila'- mc’boc.- of If-atnient
-I think Bbe's better.- vii!! :
CDod thincR on the table wi-n* <\l»Tbe Giaii'le tt--!ii)» valb-.i
maber baa to you.”
-Can 1 see betr
liosedol. W It. C. <;■ rtnainc wa* call- sojd griUa ao.1 r uiafu ••cu.iitiy.
Bom aaid alowly: -It vlU ba bard
His tone was ao earnest that (be girt rd 0 pr-We as P . ^ . , -Ur. Ger-; Wallowa cjlliy ptoclurc.you to undemand wben I tell yoo sras aaored to ny. “I'll ask ber.mul^> made a very 1plcas'iiic a.ldr-s* ' liniii'ti.r ItB;-. »h-t- IrriKBiioU can If
meintwrs and rondcwt.M'itir ' pU'^tc'-d. .tint c- the soilisl.
-1 wlab you would. I snat to aay
admlraSle manner.. _
arc In map) pbues :ai(i. kii<l if
, proti^alD
aomesblng to ber.“
dieesc-s were nude by Macor K. \Vli. Inlmtiun te ii|>PO*si‘-l
Uaa'a toIco reached where tbey■
......... .........
. ....
RulM .......
Kchoe, ibis character, or.iy lj;<liffcr»ni citi
Mood. "CoBte la. Joe; tba door's J»ast Exailcd Ruler John
' '
' S>rauh. at. prudiKxd. T5ic
«<< -J.e
il.e 11;1
■ J VV, Hannen and Joaefih Slc^r.
'land* are somewhat varishle. t :t
He recepted ta.T latMatka ratber. Tfc- r^k*' cnartet o-nrtcred Wvc-: wHl sananll) ;-rodm-c
very fair
• Wetberterd dropped bb band. "I awkwatdlv, bat bU lace was Impaa- .*'
aflecclMU and eiceHent solos crop- otyair. ,nd ap aoe« rss-f
aeer Ub lona waa deapalring. -Wheu
t waa yooag we morrWd
girta we
tor.'d la defiance of ereryUslag. Bat
(p* n,i, »a« one of Hie is-rt eo.-iat erown with miicb success. ta:t I:
you are nut tbat kind. Yon may be Tkai'e dolus ta tbe lownr
(To Be OoEtiBUed.)
< scar tons I be lodge has ever eo>>>-ItwUcA tkai a second ctv« of G.-- tasi
right I'm BMhIax bat a debllUated
-----------------------ed .'.tid .a laigo number o' outside {can b>-grixsn ui.bont img-vUaii.wrdcii
aU cnwpuDcber branded by tbe euteTtie toefihhlpa have commcneed'aat-' memters were p:. -ent. a 'urge cicle- irwu only be pr.>cip-ed Ir c(r> tactated
a man who- threw away tab riiaare- titag with County Treasurer Htm-iptlon attendlPp ;rom Elk Rapid*
invuacee tn the uj.’andf.
bu I can teO yoa atialdbt rrelaahird ____ -_ —
• was ••
. .
there arc a tec la>«dly
dor-! I bi
The flm'tP
May- ' _
Tbe lodge
that Mrtbiac but tbe lore of a womaa field, followed dosel.v' by Acm^ The;tag tbe Urt tear aad ihw wtll Is- a ''-ored corjRTK of (be
state wbe.—
ies»fullr gntwn. but speck
I* >-«af;claBk of severw) inMiatied boIcTe the. corn 1
c nights
where' s jtaual tner-ilng which takas ptat-seoera;i;iy ttai
n' ■■ are 1
e Lm TlrglBb wait
wereltbe flr« Thursday ta April, at wt^ *Hr cem to mainie.
■B1.V elected offleers wiil j Appl^. pear* an^ptuws bi
:. while this yeor tbey t « only jtl» the Hei.............................................................
Bam Ckraaagb'a ..mura. capecttac
Your New Suit For
The Summer Season
Should have that individuality which muks a good dtewef.
This has been an impossibility in the past unless one patropiz^
the high pric^ tailors, but no longer are you required to do dm.
Since The Big Store has been providing its trade with AderRochester Clothes the men of Traverse City and vicinity are en
abled to appear in geumenls of the most exacting style and perfect
fit, made of materials and finished in a manner that is not exceiird
by the tailor who demands a price-many^egrees too high for the
average man's purse.
'!• Wa
9. -U Uia Btata
.. ig iaada arary derMaaU «al|bBta am of it.
atm to tba wolraa.
■ of prey.timm im. laa«ir. bat
bM to tteMNi fay a
aaa a«t ad bte bldtag
tbattdbp daiMT «r
i««K latojL dt waa a
luat eryr ba ao. It
T.waB «ar a yoMg auar1 Mb arto tarad tba
a Mm ^ tb^aM aad who
M-|teao4» OMwba daaltad
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
L A Y C (L.
i !‘mob
•<« '
- —
- —^
AUfICHiNB UTHEAA.tW HiittI «b/ Bora. W« kw« wothcr cmA I ten mm mm mmM
\rnta, Wate.
tve Bate tebr tena. tter cm« «r ter tte —telii Ctefe. Air Btttetek. I. Ull. yaL Wa win tin ny Unto aatte a way aa4 iote Mlwwrtt Pte A
te* te A aprlBC- W* ten m unto CnUto Ban 1 ten aana M« aaM
1 tteteU I veaU Ute to tall yaa ntf csK. My t«a oMar btatten arork Marjory Wteatoa. ate atoo mr Unto
ateu BrMto. aiy my ova Go«. Wa t^eweanry Satartey. I a* •olac Mater. Alica Ladto. Wa ten a iter
A ateak- to eaU aa a atek Urt tUa alianooa. at tena. ate to A aprtoc A laya
to Blek «Hk A aittete 1 viU foar ecsi ia ter aaat. akiKitoC a day
to —at By
batwaaa aacb two. ao it tataa a weak
Am aate a card A tet- tetora AAA aaat fall. After
Ttey Un at Buitoaa Bay. R. r. At A toys two cate Boath. A
w mmm
♦' I tidU toy aanr to taarty
♦ fiw -- —
♦ aotrth. Mtoato said to A UtA QW,
♦ A wa. yaar Pntodaat.
Wea.dnttoBHa-------------------) to Bilk bar. la a taw
nttec Am mm to rte. mj •ttw- smM ten mj vteMn wUtete Aw
itea «n am attiaette to a grvm a( tel! O tootter. wr«t I tate terT
aMB aate
utter ate tUtter
te ton. Ucte^^ mto a« • «•*
la aaateaanr to aacate TtetettOM nr«:
at A rimtor aitte tetoc conraA
Amtal Btoterte
ateai taaaty o( A aau aoacU aafaqr
DuiUar at Min Naaay Bkteite
oa a larca cite at aartlt. At Bm Ay Cm Dr. Btoterte. BmotflaM. Mna.
»m acanatte aboat onr A Ucteat
ABabaTa poetet «at m -~w Al
pan at A Unto aaaad. ate to all a»- A bad to nry ter a«>Jv^-rbhT ap
Aram wna toditanat as to Air ^ atoan to order to aeoaBAdata
aarroatetota. Aftar a Unto ooa of A tba card; tet Kaaay asaarte A ^
Fraa mr torA Baaablaar.
aaa ibU to wlot. I raatea, as erar.
A clrcoit bontte Ak to bto
It appaaA tA Ay thaa ABaM to A AUoa. mt pat t
Mary Kalehlk.
for tbe flm Una. realtate At Ay
What a cunaink pat teickea! I do
t aaat oa A atedy alda cd A
aat wAer that li waou to atay with
Your ftieada abaU tertatoly aU ban ware ntnouadad by water. Tba ear
eattida A
V ^
am CUU1» »ATM, UMr.
•a >«»
IMI Dtoab was aooa orasaed to A ***°'
OMatd «1»U« It«i CO.O.J wiu
was yellow roaaa. A Mtoala urate
to look at A' lirtlatMri.
nw vica
taai< VM FrKia-aa. Ir«i«
.. 'BT'f'. *^'**”'~*''* ■*•
SJirtL '*^
........... ......
t»i mitrtr ••
«™i « b«
arttbaeUc, readlna. apaUtox. toacaaca
ate seacrtpby. I bare two names (or
the Cradle Roll. They an my two UtDonald Witooa.
tu a.ien, J<
t'wepblpe. ace dve years.
eiM. b.li« U.
tbroa years. My teachU Sister FardlaaiiA I like
bar very wait -My aaatmato 1a Clai^
itsa Arnold. Aa my letter is AUte
telanalfn ^
■!■««■« A wall.
?»b. «, nil.
grwul.’' aald MtoBle. if yoo cant
-3--------------------» oat, A Aa none ^
1 win BOW try ate wHW a few Uaaa
t wmaa M A Cradto •7
at yottr ehUdm ^ M bait.
to A BiuUaa pace. WaiotAtatI. 1P11. Itl. '
tor At mwIoS^ 0. dS. A w.
' wen va^Tlteto Ar from you. and
<. «Bti, tjtm.
«(BW MtenciiB. teM. OU MlBln. MMl
'glite patotoato Btedte. Web.. B. P. a aolaUoa of i
'te.lto.-l. .
ooursa Jwy. ib
tor to tba Sansbloa Oob. I ten
I tor A aob- Tbay aiw
tbraa a
Ony AtcO. Joe Arell A Daisy
AraU. 1 hare one name for tte
CAle Roil. It Is Ruiaell AlbH^t. 1
would Uka to have our l^Mnta picton at A top of A Saasblpa pace,
I bara a UtUa Atber two ate a At
ycarm old. I have lots of fun playUc
Xi" ' •»' <X»«wttb blto 1 learned two pi«to. tor
t of Ab ara
Cecelia Swenor.
Oirlatmaa. The i
fO“r HlUe atotera wUI Uke -Waltin*." A-Orandma-a Cbriatmaa.
««>r bripbl-eoloA Adla Roll card*. Too.“ I a» B>telas you a litUa ^
**t older they may bm^me white 1 lermoed at acAU ate which
1 ae I
Id to yoa.
.U.W *imI th*
mam draw bmk.
Naanya roste ton tooted
*»Ate to A Uc vladaw. A
J** •“‘Alto* nUy.aa A wand
bAkercbtof A A
^ laas!" A0«bt
»«tod away. A
“• m7
barttod e« to M paST’to’nl
cma al torn, ate A
ii. 1 Love You. Hotter."
aUek. went its full tcagth oat A
mother," aald UtUa Jobs.
Joba. A.bladaa
A.bladeo of grata oa to tba dry tote.
1 love you. mother.weather Then fonetUag bis work, his cap was WKhout ^ second's bealUUoB te tara-
tordteM^ar?irapl«wa at myself *toar ParaMenttow^'l
I cAd aaa yol I
nubad aboat o*er aacb otA la a A
riWa atau ot axftaUoa. A A a
was rapidly approaebA Than A
now hardly room for tbM to ante
on; JA a llule while aod Uial wooM
te oaA water. Ttey naate atrar
gltoc. AUed down iote moOonlaaa
AeOrlty. A aeemed eotirely rastcaad to their fata
I jdeted up a^litUa «lck A-A It
| woaa tte wator to A . point whan
I „i,
ants •onT'^y
werer\Ttey aaemad daaad.
mt tit mt iostoiTly take teraataca
of the maan. of aacnp* teordad Am.
«M nl.iA an.1
Ob. what a tncto BtOp toea Itony
A! Her ayaa ««n pwoltoa wMb
cmBg. A at flrat A A gtoto
wan aato to
^ ^
... ttep „
moontlgbu 1 teve aoite aamei for And te was off to the garden swA. oompanloni. Now A sAA —
tbe Cradle Roll. Vella May Wheeler. Aring bU Aber tbe wood to bring, ot tba group nturned with biw to dry “*
A mIB4
Adeline Bronson. VelU to'mV-------------------------------------------to my
late. They bulb ntnA Air awpa,
•toter. My brotA Floyd would "I love you. Ater." said rosy Nall; and A w«k ot naeaa basan- Tba Analy. U moAr. m tost Atoto
* mmu
-I 1...,- ...... b....... bk... .......
____ ________________ _
Ap It whan A otA SaBBblM pbo- 1UQ» to Join the Sunshine Qub and “1 love you Ater than tongM can roat aaamte paaaiva., Araly aubaarrLI
A a card A button. Ha U ton years
tell." .
« At to tte wlU of Iteaa two. Bate
Ay ran. toffnA a ptooad.
. or wbaa Amabel A toft bar atm *•
oM. 1 Ank it would be very nica to Tbaa.taaste A pooA full half A .vim a companl
Jobs lomw- atopplas daftly «*«r A Awork ot
eould not naiatabar. ten A totoni
have A PnaWanfa plctun at A top
pUca ot Bfaty.
Maple City. Mite.
B. D. No. 1. veodte tratea. whtto A hoya, -who
of A Snashiae page. I am goluc to TiH bar moAr nJolA
Tba sAI < » waa A sincb a
*endaaplnARaOrateOaBa.eallFlab. 10. 1911.
write to HMan Kovarfk sow.
acUva. te nacnlng aboM thna to A averyteen. ton mbtag
pfpmilTC f^teoaa Hinkle A> ad.
. "LAOk wU" A failonaly rang tba Dear PraaMant—
rAlng a atory ia tte KenOd. A I
I mvlona. na
IMabikHfftoMte ora. Naaaa aagim ML
Wteator/ltopto Oty. MIcIl. piaaad a HtUa nd aboalder Awl Aaers
4* itito. i. itotoa mthyinteovar ABam pigtaito. “araTo au Iter UtUa saAto.
nady bat A pnvWoaa. Toa
Werii . mr Mule ntoture'
rjMp KMfte toteto Xtrt. Sattpaa earry A baakat antll Ifb Avy. ate W*“ * •“* "“*•
1 ahaU
... d«r u.««. rLS* .“L^rs—“
"■> -■
stnlght to A back
»«b.r.- .Id mui^
's.'SLflJ S£
*a_ua,i. •k, Jnj..
I, Boa oaj
“Y “®r* for tbia tlma. no I will close. “Today I U help yon all I ten.
,ooi te .nwiiinc attend A ootor A -o.,o4 d. *«_ onotM »».!..« m
A JMStaS A Dalsr girta Bade Air way. w
f onr. Mite. Namaa tha-KUteea eonunanA to langh
- oonew
boraaa. TMr
paBea .™
a Kick. King.
le naan Binmea tmpw-mrwik
.noir w™™
ao A^rocA the tahr UUA tril
00^ tte*!^liite^ avar at A Ante! 0l a anMftPto tor
Db- Obi Ob!“ cftod A twn eifr SaaLANalUa. Igowateoolnaariy
fast aalaap.
***~ **'**"*= A aP bar ptoawn to
■Mbatb rawipa. dm as tbay paapad at what waa oa pvary day. My wateWa aama la
raacA wmaate tlato w a plm te ^,,0
ft. MB 1. Namaa tba table. (A.I A aanyrm never
Auattodatea-Klttete. rattead eat
ir bA ter A basket A «nhiUr
Clty.Mlcfa. ,dapoalA in U one
torta. luat big anongh tor doQtoa. A
•H.lianr Aadarao. Sitod with cuffanl Jam. "Now run
I. ItoBB
ante W
1 omv A don't boAr. ar I'D aquab,
Mlaa AlA I A'aliUng with Ulla
Burttond. I Uko to sit wUh bar. 1
lA to raad A Sunablna tottara. I _
^ .
have tote my SoAloa pin, A wlsb ^ PratedenlyM
Tan. 1 will
u have
A bteo yof wOl
have baUB
battar toek
Mary K. Brodrtte.
oak. vttb tbla om:
Mary Ada- ^ nwtetnd A todden om A two.
r. MIcb.. B. P. pp umy daBbatod A aUpabapa tod ,
Nortbpoit. MIcb; Boi U.
A o^ op. ap Ay
Fte. 11. 1911.
«ilBA A oovarad ladder Into tba Dear Prnaldaot—
■te te* yte«l tree.
I bava A my button. I am very
y'4**te Fteto.
n At tor a-ptay-preteod A aeny that I bava lost IL WUI you
Mmpa.aate by Cooalla ^ ^ nimwir A! BaA-ablBBertag ^aaM
T 1 gn to
^aaaa aA
sA ma
tea a bcwom
AatteaUi. Uka aobool every day. 1 am In A fourth
gma iravea rtteUag la A wind! grada. 1 aa atoven years old. My
How aaar A A aamal A bow birthday to A 99th te NovamA. I
uaamty the grate wWle ctoudoaUa have A te ta Aing down bUl. Wa
- I A a Mg Chrtotaaa tree In our acbool
(Bagat u
Tte Uttto Olrt waa quite hone tbla year. I A a doU tor
A bint!
_ mtete t to drift. A drift, in the tra- ObrtatBM. A a A of cAy from
ball A ay taaAr. l a * posul. and an orAUtttogMa*
B. r. D. No. te ptoy-erteA tear.
with abrtokn
„ No !
Then mpiA softly A tote A
iirrmrate *"'*’•'*“ *’*^
Nanny alepl tota A teat BOttea*.
*"***• «•
^ Brnr A
^ v -Si JUS -«! “*
<»«»**". •«»
*** •«*»«« «* »»*
^ Avy-ayad. A toad arary A at
wrttA for a long _ room. ♦
^ ^_____ ^
A late one. SUll be tet not oonum. |,„oklast. and a liay oaTteapa te bar
lirct^nff^tel!^ **“• * U^Abt I would write now. Our
tel day ^ A ^
^ n«A hack la aaarcb ot otbera. \
ta IfiB Napay
acbool A An out for a Bontb bow. Helpful and cboarful aa child could ba. ^
,ow Bteiad ,
away, and be turned to mk safety tor
Tarbapa Ifa a party." teSStetod
™ w -.t
.'.L ~*^**-!??**.
^. -
*ta about to tefTA
Ba bated IP apo '
** ’ery nice to Aa A T>ratedant> Which do yoo think tba BOtbar m tpi aa wA oonactons te nacalac
picture « tbe top ot tba Suoablne
The water was rnanlaff
Wa. A child who truly loA A .^ tb. telck. Tba late avam te
Tour toving Sonsblnar.
aacwpa aaemad etoaed to him toroA.
JuUoa Wbaatof.
Y»“r Sunablna girt.
Ho wmil to A blgbaat point and aetyou for A pretty poatte that
perfecUy atlU. Hla pro.
. „
*•<«• eftn^wt eoBVIaced bo At ho
F®" •«“ •“ F®®*"
fond of
w a,. m„
-r p.„ m.
Old Ulaaton. Mich,
Fab. IS. 1911.
Dear Pretident—
1 Ub* your vialB. and 1 do want to Dear PraaMent—
1 would libe to Join A 8«i|^
•ba a • • •. vhll j-oo please sand
me one of j-our nleo buttona? 1 don't ^ ‘ “-ei^ISld A“ln‘A^Atb
.w-.go to Mbool. but am toarnlng to rA
iTo 4 UtUa alstte earon
and write a litUe..! have five valend in tbe first grade. Her
Dinab w aatoad W * ten* eraatera
who bald a pefrknUe batwoan bU
taethv while atealwart flgnro readied
after A baekot of tblmA taru!
bUanto atood. at bay. faring vaUantlyat Aeaptora.aacr»UydellgbA
At bar gam sbotdd have drawn A
tas.trs.I.iiiriSu'r*. r
Meat tba bravest tit Uwb aU tom ^
-p. S.-l aDcioaa ay ptotem At
te a;-
bouse cat.
proB yoor BaBahlnsr.
Mary Andaraon.
Wiib love.
Mary Ad.
I wonda bow old Paul A tame
m I wlU aA Am each a Cradle
What a door UtUe Buasblner you
RoU card. A you a new Sunablna ^ going to be! 1 hope you will write
“^n «»the SuoahA page
Bandoe. Mich.. R. P-D. No. 1.
Maple City. Mich.
Feb. II. 1911.
^i.t teteona. whom ba A so roeenily tor*
Cousins aeries. I go to the
^ **"*' ^
Wbatovar I
Sunday acAL I guess tbis wTiTde
®* say bnva dona tor Am. I can but feel
for this time.
At. In tbis exnmple. tbe little hero
Voor Utile friend.
_PBLdld naeb more tor me.
Rose G. Davidson,
have read the Pnidv itoriet A
- The Myatory te Amabel.
W—W they
.k.A« nice
..1.— •
-A Nnnny
go teoner cried
Knnny'i mother, with an arm aqueeud
Ugbt Aut her little daugbier.
Feb. 16, 1911.
•ttortalnly." said .N'aot» s father.
Dear President—
^ rWby. Boston Un t tba north ptea!
I will write you a few lines sow. 1
Too A ab* oerds a oew coat A A
got tbe card, mi buitona. A was ^
nndannk. n
very glad to gej tbam. Ruby is alz day'a shopping Jours*
irseir. or I sA
years old. She is in A flrat grade. have you 111 agaiiin. rn put her w A
Tbe games I pU> ai recess are We re
of the fooductor. A bar
trgln in
MarcUng nmum
Round tba i^»aa.
Uvea. wtu.
UtUa At Knle *Hl
i,er at A «Ar
™/.r mi,
_____ C«-U M k™ h «« with K. »1- a.b. I u. i: T-™ .la -d ut Ua 0...
ftte jne* ffteA m A IP. ana m
onw.. Oa ablp waa toabad td A aoveatk grada Mr teaebar'a aama U
. — .s-L-w vmt white oak. A la A alck te Mia Margvat Dwyer, d would Uke to
^ A te
f*>s pte Aoagb
naked to A reacae. have
_ a
- card- aad baiA. 1 have some
tiwota boaac
s-s.Ate tete
—- .. a.- ^
------------------ awayed wHb A
^ naaaate
wmajo aA
a«d la
in as
as a
a member of A
Ate ftA te*B 99. A Ate A aat
eoafflet. whUa Minnie gnnrdeii Snanblna Onb. They nre Bltee
, tetbpfp.
tbo toftm.
ann, Boteo Bncteann. Cecil HipAA* tMp|( ApMki vite bate- Fvea
wlAtA Bd's atete^-CUnbetb Pawins. Y’oa inar
_________ _________________________
■-I,,.. p.rr.r
. i,,-....c,..
I W.U uy -d wrt.. .
tow linai. 1 go to acbool every day I
My leaeher'a
teaeber'a name u Mias Bnrcan. My
dead. 1 like her very much. My atudles are rAlng. nriiboteUc.
We bare n valentA A in ow school
this year. Tbera nre twenty-two cbllAt
Tb AsteteFwteftact
dnae. hoping to ...
____A ABSP xa bte itfMff Glri begged, too.
lane, a X w« ctoa.
.rm- .'.--JL.. ^ ^
"Wen." tnld fid. indlcuuy. “Ay tbU In print
Maint Ak A plank If yoa any an. Yoor BanteUner,
,h. tort tooy don't danerve A tartt."
Lyla Cteeaaa.
••AW!" ctW Ftak. “Who A «U op l know At FM «a ffXng to ba
_ ..........
TP** r.« «- X... "1—1. ». “•
-Thare an tat two aptoa. t
r„ .u. ..^2 'j.r."w-;:.vii..“ “j: ■“ wm bHH.1 d.r.-
tbe grwA
at my mora. aa wlU do..
Cater. Mich.. R. P. D. No. 1.
i. Mieb., R. P. D. No. 1.
Feb. IJ. 1911.
Ik.ll. J911. Dear Praldent—
It A Bot baan vary h^T^nce 1
wnta to A BnasUna paga. but 1
tbooihl I wooM wrlu anothar leuar.
tbooghl 1 woom n ......................
i vary bA anjoy raadA A laonrs
ponahlnar. write. A eapw
dally Uaaa whom I know, in A tat
HaraM I Mote A namaa of Am te
Mr oM pat A la down
■ant with bar UcUe Midta
MBpiDCNTS onlotad detoiM. A pood wtahea troa TMr am aam weeks old now. TM
SStetaS^atfa T«te Itea
maad a bA dte. A mi
. tote *pph P*te TtaHUPt proatead Otbao^ Adelina Pbrioag. Altn OUlatt. 1 btaogbt U np teter^ A «iod torlt.
PM « trnoUM «Mry. te aAt bar A JtePa Whaata.
A now It doaaaT want to pa beck ia
s A
NA poat cards with
to A SunsbA
to A sunuune
^ Mva aMt^PV Item te navar A CA this wMt. Mapgla A Mandla
TS.bMa am A Am tp Mm a
w yoor ProalA kapp Atete ***■»» wara.'
.NaUia Cracker baa
; itecanM Ate *»r bwpyr
-Boston. 9m
TWrliaa Motbar^
Toa a.*,
have auBeA ffroat aagWy ao HP
accoani. and I baette M aaagre pad
wou.- pmuro. auQ t—te u.e» «u x«c
*olWtude tor the Ufa of ojberu ba InwSwIIvate «• OPtete
anas Urn and draw pl««res. Papa ukai
aton^i^T 1 think a Within btoown
^ p^day. vftAl li^L I aa
In algbt!" «‘Pani wonld Uko to have bU name
Uula ina to A bam on ay .lad and 1 fA
'“*•** *** *"
•» »»I*ttonca to tabmpa^ te«o
from be- OB A.Cradto Boll. A my Uttia
» her tba boraaa and watch tba cows go out
»•«>“■«**“«' aorn. With many kiaoaa.
_ ... — .i-i-w ....____ __
-eHhar did he die. A ba waa
_____ ________ ____ ____
u, <h-i.
u».-,... »«>- My testers teacher is Mia Nat-
mSVSm a-u* day A tau'et awtte canape.
1 JUM- im -mm -j. '
♦ '
________Lpe long ago? Ha wUllngly
My advoaAte bava bm dft
^sA bis own life At ba mi^t eave
A pelntaltoH I Ml te* til
coted a kmro AteM axam- ^
A bands te frlenda. Ovtegttp'A
I*"?"* **
**““ *T *»«»• ®P Ptek frock a ae
striking oiamA a ba Quito nnfit for wm A ftMtt
miat Could a n»r« striking--------Aibarty leva and nnaalSah davoAt to remala 1a A tttp leM
^ Awn? Could a more eanate-------- reotoalah w wuSUTn
- ,v. Uttto«rt-^B^ AdoU A abaU taUgatttatong,aol wmek»aa.bop- lUacesk Tbe barn c*tt won't let me
Riebarda —M. 'Hhy.
And Are. to ba aara. .
in* A tag* of A note, a a m*
pAograph ot Aasbal. lookteff ffUte
happy. aiAugh bar frock BlBf
her la tatteri.
Nneny's father and boAF pM| pS
aacb otber A at A teta, A Pted.
sontiT dasoad Op A dawn.
-q mother. hOV BA dnpp (O
rrid,j_j,ow many |Bmr
„ reined aa If Af
pMs-iboaa tbroa dtps. Wbas Pt tV*
a«pA> NmsF OPpU
,tarm\r tear berate PMp Bite A
»,o4ow tor/nn-1
{toctor Rkkprda. vba« b
«OBi Af
• AaAi tetea M to •
" — *"'•**•'
“ - ....... f
- ^lii
tour tins SuAioer. «
.1—.-. reasBureo k
.w .nwiAn.
now iBKn_an
- K
uuuous -wh^
omam. coacern. .was
Knthrm Baaba.
-vi'.U.'- aid Mrs. Rlebardt. “1 sbaU
How niec It is to h«er fron oar A- ^
oHram on a ard Sfnny . baby coo.
1 was lataroaA to ^
,ocUat Am. **^,*^-y
writtat to tbe SuabA paga. A good
—- - 6onshlDer«.up
-—vi_«— _« bera have
maay of• the
loat ibter plna 1. think wa wUl hnvo
^ eumtelne entertalnmeoi some Friday
t sebooL a I would Uka to
bare you aA A SnnsbA battoos.
What an the Suntetoa ribboa coIots?
Tba toDowtng ara Asa wbo want MW
i^as: HA James. Marie Wbaatoa.
Ooy Wbaatoa. Maurice n*baaton. GerAd, Soaaerfddt. Brngatt. Soaaar
toldt. Hple. Brodrt^ Alta Wbote^
a WeUapa wouU bka
A tetaU.
Richards UugA and went away to
Ant's Haraism;
Tbe ann was Just ..etUng wA I reNnany's mother did'iwt forget A
tarA, teigbtly failgA. from aav- cord. A whUa It was beA aaam tooral mUaa' ride « my wAI. ara a to A podiet of her Unle brosm coat
writer la A St. Looia uiona-uaao- Kaany aald:
-«oU,.r. ,U1 n« wrttt , -rt W
oat. As U my custom oa rtearalac.
1 took A garden boee A tnmd wn- AambcL toor
tar Into a amall treoeb white A
“Afe yoo going 1
bOM dog aioA a aatee um ta A'aald Mrs. Ri-------------------- .
parpoM te bddiag water a minctote afrted you msy loa. bar. dta. 1. A
Ua. to paralt A dirt adjocta to A crota"^ _
^ ^
"MoArr cried Nanay. *"S It I
roots to I
i^ViHofto bXldSlV|
dnk fit
long, pinw.r faatbar.
...............bat Aa^ baanr «dte
..snoy-B motta. iBpp a|i unalMd
(be box. but Ara vaa *0 dpn »
throw Ugbt on A BynUry.
sabel. whM bava yoa baanr
itet nhbo^ A A
^ ( Nanny,
aabed tbu qaasUno aany Uaaa
^ "
A nerm^ told. TMt'iTM?’.S?SX
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