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Grand Traverse Herald, July 14, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Tnrasc Qly State Bank
Tire Ttisurance!
PUt»OlaM.StaM) Boiler «nd Accid
?«tT bsM Bt dmul »eiTl
ma jw of pmetli
Tear pMna^ •olldtsd.
CAPITAL. «30(M>00
Moncr te Loai oa Improrcd Real Estate Only.
Room 31 o Now State Bank Building.
S iff OcM IBMM MI1M IMptlUt.
wreailer of TuUnp, T
e Terrible Turk.” wh* ;
•he nntmer norgo]
d foaier of all BMekeydnat
la Ibe boly rliy pf Muttra. IT Malbura.
Je W.
otlwwt pbpos m. omot 40L
Maw WWstta Btoek.
Ttavaras Oly
For ca.se of operation.
lifEhtiiKS of running,
case of handling, close*
ricssofskii iming.
plidty of construction,
the Empire has no equal
Mrs. James Harris won
the Governor's Gold
iT f.
for butter made*
on an Empire, in Eduraiional Butter con
test last year.
Machine can be seen
and supplies secured at
Frank 'I'tWc's hardware
store. 146 Front street,
Travenie Cfty.
caialoRueA etc., write
T.W.IIlllrf, HslllCtA(l.
Alden. Mich.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Ete.
CUd0on$ ^
Wj-pUi«terf b cve^y 'iwpea.
Th«t are mide to tue at «en at teU. They are
not made of dieap material, and given a flaihy
fipiih to catch the ey-e; but are doraUe, cootet*
able, and oeaL The dte^ on the maiket, qaahiy oonridered.
Once tued and )«u wQJ buy no other tn«k>
K6 state strttt. » Uictor Fctertyl.
Ighiera to.
Royal TIe.r Toao and OofTaaa
Ro^al tiger Si
•m4 Salman
They are the beat
Sold only by
ClUnnt at, Bell 1«
II 4L and Lafca Ava.
BEST 1(eu RUBBER PLATES................ |i,M
Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
dapiag and damsting
win begin in a few daj-s and >-ou will want
bonie tools. We have a good stock of Scythes.
Snath, Cradles, Scythe Stones, Kakes, Forks,
etc. When you want anything in this line
cone in and lee US. Our prices are low and
our goods are right.
Pans ffreen. Land Plaster,
Sprapers and Sifters
Our Land Plaster is Fresh, ground line, pm up in new
hags (300’lbs to hag.l The Paris Creep is of the best
quality. If jt>u must have these things get the best.
I’nce of Paris Green is 20c per 1 Ib packagc.^^leas t»quantity. Gel our pri«»$. Und Plaster 70c per bag.
Spraj’crs from 50c to
Imnlc oF Kin8t«l«y
MMponnltolll^, •MO.OOOOO
P«r caat Iptprpst pi id if left m aoutlu.
•MOMKV~¥e fti^AM. .
--- '• •»»»•'
% hariag at do jmir wnA.
rmmtataHj loeatpd Semai PImt State Bfllk BiBilar.
Opea Tmsday, Thatadiy »»d SUardar Evnii«t- Both Pbooes.
_____ _ ...
Have you ever tried the
J. J.Kmm«
and then .traak half a
A City Full a( lta«*aya.
a^lea. ibe laae. I iblnk. fnim which
hrallb laat pulie >
the organ grinder generally aeleeiz hU
pannrr. The prtoelpal rare In life of and more miis<-|,ui and nerves Ihaa
Thara It ezaetly.
Farland Ihe nilzepa Iz to proleel Ihemselvif .irdlnary lu-nnlc, .lemanil m.uv f.ipit lo
'haacea lo have an teqnaln nee with
keep up rh.tr .Irength,
a»d their prupCrty from the depreda
he aaae people, and «he
Ilona of tfala privileged elaza. for.
here ihU anep
When ahe met
f Is ntoro^ibeidcl of hp
thoQcht It appropriaie not In Hladoo-lazid?—they ran
to utter a pleaaanirr oe tao regardlB*
killed or moleaied In any manz
douM w
the reUilte pfmpecta
chillier sUlI the eiasp
^^^ery window In the town I. barred from at
'< hail oreaakm to
On sleeMIpp'd rifle Brliply held eNblo
mlih tolllrew. a. not even the blgbeai
'”«'»n«i’d qiiBilrap.'d. for
his epsrdlaa riasp.
la oul of ibelr rearit. for they ci
At any rate. Hie flared up.
give potuti to Ihe heal gymnaai
lovlay aherr ihe w.df l>'rtoiivTdl^.
minute ita<') were puarreUiK
Hark! What Is iht'T fto Biiiflied o
ever swung on a trapeze
gerous to mankind.
arboottdrla. tlefore li waa over—by
upon the rlrer rMe?
undiraldeof Ibe blghewt halronlea i
the wav. Carber, baa your wife any
Is but the plash of risini
fcillow oar anolber In single fUc. k
■ rouble with her beanr
herald tDarpInic Tide.
ing paai Intervening hrnrk.ta, <w z
Ion. or the emnuT. A
Carber ataited violepily. and ainnd
A llrefly* upripht. '-Vea,- he replWt); -the dorior •me bound Iher clear the aireel.
-i«<snai,f .NewMezlromt
a luy
ihe ealplBR
awingiog from ifae pendani branefaea pay hundreds of dolbrs a y,
baa CIVCB her airlcl order, lo arold
gray wolf.' scalps, Such ai scalp
of a hanyaa tree. In they go at a
IMd ,he-r Apiutedl,.
ch.-ap Bl ti: or lid
small opening left for a aom>-ni
A mnunied mar* The-'Coaaaek pnat"
nebor. for
he reseaird himaelf. graaplnc Ihe olh
l>0Dea'b yon rJanp of tree*.
guardnl. lured by the sight uf a b
anly bav
- a arm. -Tell me." be wld. -pnick.Hna hme, 0 Lord, how Inae. until the
rf mnk on the Hll: and when they are desiroyed many lli
value k
"Be calm, my d*«r fellow;
fa irolns
■low; I'D
iuD. Ihal PCI an red.
ehaw mu again at the polal of a
sphe Cif all the warfare made upoa
IU spae
lAri Biehi upon ihe Itaiile fl,-ia. ntee
t>rpnailck. they
ihey go and eoniofe them
are. S^tlpp^ ^'e”r!“i.“
them, and all the prlcw pul upon tbpir
more abalt lUi bla bead?
t Ibe alalia of the fnill
■B a donor, and |iut her lo
i lied
V loDc before hi. aamlnc ra
(heir chief beads, ihcae dreaded, niyriprtoua
waa heiiur In a abort lime, (the mad. Reid of aelbw
ahall alvc the new dtv breath,
•Ion* Ibe "ghala.
them prumlae uol lo tell you
Bm ll
I llehl Ihe walilBi: world aealp-lo
>u-pa descend
oreurred lo u. Ihal. were we In ymir
life ■prrebapee to death?
(bey aim **
faai flowtng Jumna. Here al Intervals ages, halfkl.
place, we’d want to know li '
dore. each for fc|
tnd wHhoui a
•Thank yon. ohl man." aald Carber
hU owB
Fapdierier. far. (he Mauaer'a mar. Ihe
• Tm obliged lo you for tetllne me 1 the dlCerem ImIhiBg places.
pnm.|iaei‘i yappina bark.
underaiind her ropdliton. Ii'a more ^nn-d ,m dom... rctlng oa alepdor
last year the aiaie of MlnaMoU
The MlOW of Ihe rreoanl. than tbia
MTloua. I’mI afraid.
afraid, tbap you iliink. Of
paid over IC.ooA . ampth In Ihe betl
aaliine In the dark!
red sandstone rlsw ■irnlghl from
<. A-brlaj
did not realize
of the wolf seam. One day of the
The alDRlns lead, the arreaminc ahell. what ahe
- - _...ip of tlmo-n
ra. doing. She la
.“?«•»> •h-.'I*'
n•mple^, This lower seems to be ten
paU K.ll
It Uwptka. Tbp
tan ihli eerie, weary
anted only by monkeya. There
IMal fim ....
r monlha preepdlm.
■ be foeman In bi> li
n main a few alone gargoyles, bui
a this tasis tbe e
ere?animated gargoyles are even mor
font up nearly as mpph
aprinca aaifily
-avely. aa he aroac and drew Carber’a I'-resilng. At a amtll apuaro wit.____
yearn preceding, which Pp- '
slu a mother monkey with b«r Infant,
• ••
ra lo Indl
dleaie ihal Dnrtber Wolf b
>me friend.
wnyeh at once iiiggeata a eartrai
ling bis own, even as a matler
— —.... ------------- -- ip ward.
meree. In many parts of tbe srppfuaual frailly of
Relief ai laat!" Ibe olJeu aphere
hence ahe la aomeUmea no._______
eaiile range ihr gray wolrea ara
that rllmlia the orient aky
easing, rather than dlmlaUblac.-'
Ta« killed the hoar l«'rntc Ihe dawn aidi rale aa tnlgfal be dealred. Rut abe'a
neld and Stream.
-badly cm up over tbU affair Twaa
—the .Inadlul tlcll'a hj
‘ who aeut me to And you topighl.*’
to a Flalah.
'Did the Kdl you lo recount iu me
covered and psurly bidden by
------------^ Btrongth of apldtop
siruggllng mass of moukc^a.
is shown In a nunilwr of well antteatlCarberIn the parly morning hours these raied laslatire,," said a blolagist pT
CarlH-r. ranrildai
-No. I di
sirpa are crowded with baibon and
i-nileni of piilille Inairiieilon. after a If aervnl n
I niversliy of Pennsylvania. ~Tbn
women fllllog their sparkling copper
bare an instasee of a hsmm
ryinc -liiT In bla
Jars wllh water; the varied colon of •pl^w catching a two^lnch fish.
iuiei Volllleo, i liked forth ahme into
the fzMtumes. Ihe fauusile amhlleei
The spider weighed H mint. U
of Ihe eotivenlUin eliy. The
' you an ld«-a aa lo her nalure—
ure. the dense ftdiage and drooping
iiir aaa near mlclniehl. y.-i ihe hum
of apology, you nee."
branrhea of Ihe great banyans which
>- aaw ateo. or tmagloed that he
ominB wllh Ihe arrival of the earlier aaw. the wnman'a purpoae In Ihuiwp overhang the waler. are all mirrored Kllng Wllh (hp flsh on tbe edge ct a
In the swiftly moving cnryepi.
"tile pcwl. It. claws wert buried to
;lecailini" waa aimne In the air
Prialcg hip of hla wife’s mndliton
fish s tall-li had the tall out of
of the ghats Is set apart for tl
her a-af farm-hn'd. and the
h«ked ------------------------------------ ...
who come to bathe, and f
water-hul Ihc head still renudnefl
vearicd him. Ilia ann waa niimli from ling him oul of the way. or ii the leaal
repeated ahaklnc Hla head aeheil nf diairaning hla aitrallon from the an ever ahlfllng kaleidoscope <d vivid underneath. Uke a flend Ibe apMer
■liilly. anil hi* mniiili va* dry from llic airuRgle (hen In progreaa
Pier of silk and gold, as they throw ofl
led desparreiioaieil ulleranr.- of «
ahe waa pluming heraelf upon this lo
draw tbe spiderTnto
r.italn humor alUeli lu
lerieniion nf Providence, aa li aigbi tbelr Hblaing draperies, and reveal
Id minutes
the PdeUtol
repulullon In fyiiiMall
!-■ called. In belialf of Fkrlanrt. aed their luyely outlines and Ihe satin
iched ihle silent and fdeadbflM
■sd^ flghl.
lustre of their amlMylirown akius
enipiy ron\,tntuni
laughing-yea, h* knew zbe waa laugh
Then he hurried —..............“7
rotlst HkP.
1 set awa\ from ii for a few lug at him and (he poor little woman
for a bm
h the flghlen It
mitmles" he lold liunM-lf. "and draw who waa nior>- In him than all the po from among Ihe
hrealh or two of rinfi-iiered air. of I lineal office, in the world. He had enterprising muokey Is seen lenllng
lo IIbe wide .av.^ of a lemple. drag
mil r.'itilBly iioi Ih’ lii for the flirt,i .•-en Ibeae femalea of ancalled strong up lo
fl.b was dead and Ihe i«,lder ww tlouKing al
afiVr bim an embroidered "pbud
eharatter—eold. heartiMa, unfeeling
Then there is a gn«l
and hatwl of tongues, nnd the mopkey
wiier.-fore he aalk-vl rapidly. i,ui
' Orying geed Com.
•Hern’s a ear." The words of his
E, I.CW1S. an Iowa farmer, baa 4emn. who had followed
leed non
aait-hfiil ere up the Utile deuiazui'
d him for an
i.ul night.
Hop.' you’ll And
Whieh promises a very Intereall
'•llBg fl*.
they are armed wllh tong white waudz'.
>e wife mi
that Imporlael farm work. Ou
reaenily, i d toui'lie.1 bim
nighi • I’.rluT swung Mm which are only used lo Imlmldate ibi
aggressor, but It would seem wllhoui
Ihe platfonn
much gueeess Tbelr usual plan, sino.'
sift and ywis has devlaed an app«B-Hello yourself ' V->;rre"'™rari;er
Ihe shawl is always out of reach. Ii to
lus which worki Boeeesafully and hag
aren’t you?"
plane i hit of fruit <
'— generally adopted by hit naUh"I am,- raru-r admitted ihr fact
"I hoped vou wutildn’i hear of ll.
with a touch of pride lu his voice dear." she wbls|i,T<-vl
"Is evervihlng then to ileal around to the nar, wL.„
Tbe pith
wh^^t the other smiled. ’’May I prethe monkey is ezptvied lo forget (he
shawl la bis e«e
eagerness lo aelze Ihc
Tialcly. My names Glllman I’m
Idiinder; Imi I bare am him
•I have filth.’’ replied Carber. gc
jusly descend, dragging the ■abawl which la PH a lopg drill Ml e
IVIImon- county, and I’m up
t her tmnUed I
to ciiinlute Farland fur ihe >ii
him. sienre the fruit, and
Ihe tower end wllh an Iron wbenL
make good his CK
without losing
llghi cable ronnecU (Be wbrol with
any of bis booty,
____ _____' tenet'
not a. paritrularly enciur
I’m going to stay wi
ont-horae tread power. The ImU
he could aafrly deride with end nf (be ear la placed upon the rab
cy from my
|.„ui of
be thing's I ellled."
irber, -What can I do
m sa glad, dear." She drew .
idly revolrtog bit and the cob la hob
joj? Want me to r
long easy breath, and rl.med hhr erea. A frepuenl object of cupidity I
IOW.U1 lo Ihe Up. Twenly-ftfO buaheig
1? I cant you know i
• 1 twileve I nan gu lu sleep puw
I small, glllterlng braH pot which
|M-r day ran be treated to IhU war by
havi-n'i slept a wink since—since I Hindoo carries for drinking purpoars
The other laugh.-d. ’It
and which Is sametlmes Ailed with
not," he aald. -Neither ai
sour milk, or aome other succulent
EapeMlvt Inaeeu.
here: you and FarUnd a
Twelve laszrU will
east tIbe Uallpd
111 cost
place, and—!.» the
e Juat all
Ktalea $3M.
$3M.0Wjy 1 this
1 wife you are tor
. Ir««r. Tha
B.u'i Farland? ”
rliesnoning p
bug will <1 w IIW
liw.00g.aw P
Clan like me-Oi-t
I feel aoniewhai
ar"’ Then aloud
with him. however I ludR.- i h.'- .’.iuca"
1. stcT. lore
I fly
fly wUI
llonal enndlilnns in Delh
1 bis r
:i lor at least IW.oeojtW .
d hafipily. and sT.-pi,
roe worms that Bttaek Ibe cMua
In notetall.
•Ilsni will Bssess Ibe farmers for a to. .. earc-r with
er a time CarU-r arose and went
Interest fur ih.- i».B..flt |
e monbey populace as lal of gcii.lion.rdui and Ibe pouio baA
in >h.' window
The dawn of conv.-n
gk.iHHi.ooii wortb of lu ravoria
'Inn ilay was l.reakltig
Alar ,.lt b.
■he steps. The »
Mu.'tl... Bl1d,.,| dome irf the sl.lperintendenl."
dollars la a moderate esllmatc pf
tiouse rising above the misi of th- riv
he sentiment I
• Injury Ibal will be dime
smaller fry. who follo'
e b
by Ibp
aper and ibe .moke of the faetryn.-. and amttng i
nwated. I trust yon
Pie worm, and I
aterplllar (hat
ll- ilineheil bl. han.ls hard.
tnaki-s cabbage lu sjiecitlly
will 4»
trim te-hind Ihe openlngs^i*’ihe
Th.'v ll l,.wi me. he told hlmaeir.
night.IS wiib
the eager curloiliy of siroy tHlAinnj>i>A worth o•f crisp greea
aim,i-i groaning
If I'm not there.
I Imys
A most D'lving Incident
ton. have siilfered ’’
a Aghi nearly to death
They walked on In sll..ne.rival1 uairlarrbs.
He turned again to the loul, and sl^!
In the Island af Jatnaiea there gra«s
. Kirnlnc at h'ngib loin i
Ics.kinc down at ili- white lace ui«.t
tee aitfa th>' 1-rUnlc name of Papli•l and .eailng Ihems.-lv.-..
breathless Interest at our Brsl bull
1-agHin. from the braaefaet of
sungesilon nf Olliman u|s.n Hi.- edze
flgl't In Oral,s,la
isnr would have es
ich native workmen make peculiar
the sidewalk in ih- leaf tillered tlie lu rtume of sw e..| peas, blew fre, lv pss i.vl much preliminary ebatterlng
into me n»>m, yei his forehead wa)
ly sirring and ezeclitiii whips, which
Shi fn.m tin arc lamp
sod Dulual vimperallon; but no; tbe
bale Ihr liaodle and lasb all in one
•Perhaps you havevbear.r- it w».
.wifti, Imrk and for
The handle consizu of a pan
Glllman who spoke -',if a ri.e m
cli-l-rmlnailnr of two veierao pugllliiz
Mem retaining Uie bark. Far
Ik limore rounlv relat[|tg
, clrl the window and the |>ed.
Al first there was conslderabb' etelleon th- soft carpel
1 Ih. Mem Is deprived of bark
ei.uldnt pa«a ih. etzmlnziion re
meni among th- others as they
His wile's II||. movetl. aad hd ihr-u split Into Mrlm. which are
" nliialn a tr'ach-r* c.-nlfl
rushed down lo ttk- pan In tbe fr
In a flezit.le erfd alt
who waa Ileiermtn.ul tn learb
but Ibe DoBkey police used tbelr
sev.m feel long. Tlie proper taper
notwlihsiandlng. Aad she did leaeh
d advantage tn keeping
aR.rrdrd by detaching more and
The direeloM of a craln disirin
d lo separate
t- nf tbe alrips as the -nd of the
e bluri-d
gage.1 her. and stood I,, h.-r. and sb.Ihe prlarlpals: touch them they dared
I, is approached.
laught reganlless of Farland'. leiier*
zposlultllKD. Flaallv be wet
w.n yet anoi^r day of a
steps :-aomr
King Dn a Little Isleed.
district la person, turned
and peace rj n
The sorerelgn who r. lgnr «ve
sebolars and teacher om td the sebnol.
' If she sleeps
munarcliy it, it
rorld is tbs
house, t 1 loeked the d
he said tn Carl
'ber. "you had bet.
.1 wrestled. Ibe fur flew; they both
. a group rrf Maods
key away
remained In
1 into Ihe water, and rrawled out
Ulasils -were
.Lortly I ler his depart
srly drowped and so weakened by
• n-d alaeii Z“>i y-arr ago by thp
the scholars. rMi
h>r bim. A brief mite of eaphnailon
• of blood that they could hardly captain of the Keeling, bui were a>m*
window, and coniinued
s*oi by him In the mrly mornlnr bad
■iy im^known till is». Wbeu
.nd: aad at tost they dragged (hem
deter '
brought no respoB— The day dragged
res wearily ap the ttopa.and limped :
- Mrnek by ibelf In-auly pad
ro Ihe main atrwec followed by all
"Tes?" chuckled Carber '
Late in the afiernoao a meiie
l•yt<aBdert.—Harper’s Hagazlpw took up hla aliode ibero. Ii u klB
did Farland do then*'
rrau-i<M,B,-Hr. Oenrgr Roai, who mew
Well, be didn't du much
I-UM. ,way over Ihe t!ocos,-'nt.B«i.
on the back of a handbUI When
and Must
read It at the door, he fell back
a«; but he dldn’i
against the
Lonpey'ity ef Blrda
Yon see, there »
-» zride
fimtil staging birds lire from t to
the girl that he liked. She reuld have
Dear Carlier,- said
Ik years
Ravens bare lived for ak
^ a flrsiTlais rertlflrate «stly if
two In Eacope .
muM s himdred year* Is eapflrlly.and
she bad been able w^ember dates
size. He U sev.
parrots longer than that Fowls lire
IMle* were
feet two Iscbes ip belghL and weighs from If) lo SO yean. Tbe wild goose
mas Strang otherwise—real rharieler,
a»i pounds. When engaged by his em
lives upwards of a hundred years and
you know. And her parents bad died
ployc-r. he waa promised by the totUr •wans are said lo bare ailalned' tbe
Barker, of Tlllgaie
Ir- an aecidenl. leaving her with a Ut
- not only
age of jno The long life of birds has
unsnspeeted sueegth
ile brother aad sisigr to auppon Apd 1?^
’ wage, but all the food be a
“ interpreted si e
M as pretty as a plciure AndThe employer claims that he gave Ibe great mortality of u
into nine Prompt actios on ,
Fariand became desperate at
Im every 4ay two quartz of tea. a
body’s part was aoceatory. Tou
aad married her."
of bnlter. a pound nf cheeae,
> lake such aeltoo; ao i took
OriNto Far Olvaeee.
cat Seoit!" aald Carber. "Tou
Wethrpanase stoltoUeuJ pampUat
mads of me
•cat, pevenl peuadt ef pe- states I hat s Japanese amr dIvrwM
prerlzelr what be did.
quarts ef colee, a poond hit wifr far talking — —f
K1 cd a flchier he b; beef bwcow and (oar ptmads of <
btoek beend. Still tbe giant <
t may copUppe the Meadahlp
fwy time.
did not hdve aaough food.
repoetad to the year, there verr mm*
to night on tbe aidmlk.
ya be’a golag I
This may posclUy be tru....................... than MJMP diresem.—TK-Btto.
«fi‘» polltfci queerer Mi
that WIBW
and pxpartoBPW polk Oaod (toner, of Henry the E^-s
now tbe reason why.
Five tl.pgp ireaaaiT nMdS have {.A
tSeofl! This. ibpB. la metriy
(Imp. and who weighed 4M poumds pad
ataod to Us bar* tops ppvsa tM nad:
Oeorp tWwp topbae. nte at aaa mnaf ■■
Traveree Ctty.
pour aife
talked polidc
-They did! How did they happen to
• ife la atavlac with aome
t Maple l>ark—oot la Ihe
Tbea bo llplood hattlly upatalra. and
1 Ibe new. 10 bla vlTo.—
Itltap BadMvor World.
be puraile clcbi.psU Bom* brea
the reldl slim laJU sleep:
1 pslfSc Bm. c
their Pbblpit trsieli to keep;
- iIuahTlBc trleiul ud vsiehfal
foe fslat zephyrs
Th.' cboslly boar before the dsea
throbs dulJ vllh piiUloe soopdBefore ibe septry's aebiPE eyes dip)
shapes bestp In loom;
A Iboataod Deo seem nih'haf Iben-,
plekml BP a pebble, pad sappppd
Into the roadaar.—-vhat <d ItT*
Uiwount i>u large otders
on alt these things. Don't go past comet Front and
Cass. H.T:', Grocery.
. r.K
i^i *
fvs PPMW aCwntd toSTto taw
Iff Mf .MUM b«« « *M .fUMIM
PMI*« *»•.
oBliiloo •« U Uw I
»«aph> to TMt Uii flttr ror Ibe d
« had a pMoa:
lee erroBi pod cake
B tbo f»ar« I
to a apaelal trala (ron LMiadtoa hr
var et BaldvlB aad awKbar fitn Bar
Vtor. Peuaker
patauaortb. Tba
trip fioB Ladlacina b Stad at K aal
«ill be aaada
m Baidda.
Tbaae ratea are e
WMBitlae to be ran
tbe epaebi tralaa be
apeadeaoe irllb Oneral
Aaeat LockTCOd of tbe G. K. ft I. aad
aawiaaee b alrea that a aaiUbk
raaaiaiPBt inn be aiade. vtib pe
aMf apeeUI tniai. Oeaerel Paaaee«rr A«eet HHeball <d tbe U. ft N. B.
baa abo alrra tbe coBBlltoe aaaen
aaee that that Mae win provide proper
taelHUaa to batvdle tbe erowda aad
at ratea that win be aiiraetlre.
AHapetbor tbe
r aad wlib.i
rwe Beet ee tbe lOtb. lllb
at aa addlUotial atiiaetloo there
^ aare to be tbe blcaaal crowd b<
that baa ever beaa recorded. It will
be a U« Haeeabee bolldar aad the
baalaero laee aad dUaeaa aeaerallr of
the dir will aee to It that tbe vlaltora
an wartalr
aad low ratea will atirael
Jair OB other bolldar where boalBet*
Tbe apcBlat of the Bae new ■
Ml ban oe Ibe coraer of Slaia aad
Badow MTaela oeeaned laat PHdar.
Tbe ball wai aiM aad tbe evealiif'i
(WerutaDeal wia la keeplac wtib
other Ukt eatertallMeaU dv<
Ton Nelwn wai maiter of tba
ia« Bad cave a abort addteai of waioom to tboae iweaeaL Tbe procrant
waa oae of tbe beat gtrea la tbe dtr
ytdhnrlec the prvnua
faaal waa aerred la tbe dialac
kr Babert Oarldaoai aad VUUaei
BlaoftriBd towbleh all did foil Jotlee.
TWfanowlaa waa the laeaa:
Prtoud cblefces.
Gold bolM h
Beatmer •aaMOL
•Ikad taoMOoee.
i raele" Daa ort oalr voted for Pi*Mr. Joha Bans wu bora la B>
I Doal but waa one of tbe fnldcs oe the
«rope. aad (we to Aoierles wllb bU
I tnrmorabir cxpedlilra arroaa tbr eouaartoU wbea be waa Ira r«an
|trr aerompasrtsa tbe Fremtol party
aetUlBf la Loralac eonair.
Its Journey over the Rorky mocS'
where be lived aatll BiarrM. tbra Hr.
Rorta and hla wife Bored to Oraad
RapMa where bU wife died efir
r be waa isirddoeed to Ibr as
' ' tea IBciatba. After tbr
wife Mr. Bartx weal back
’ S.>ek hr woe literally taken poaseaatoo
to Otio. aad was later atarried to Hlaa tiUe fofwplMfptf
TOCPO Wtataii—I had traqoratU by the delegalea and the vlaltora
Joe«vkla« Rodolpb of Blrrta. OfaU.
after wkUh br with hla bride moved
AmW of a aevera aatnra. dark {,ad bla Traverae City frirada saw ao
North Dorr. Alleaaa eouair.
Mkb. V ■bere tber actttol oe a
farm wb
he "orlslnal tVeoioDl man" and |
d tt rears tod waa veir
Dt loolyaeorned
........ - *
sere KiVffl slib a sill murh lo
Tbea Hr. Baru removed lo Hoaroe
bat aha kept a. _
Oeater or a fani which be Improved
aad was verr aocreaalul aad pmper
- A the best reason la tbe,
. After llvtaa at Htonx Crater 21
n Hr. Daria with bU wife removed
bealtb 1^ i Winiam Ie-.|., ah ol.l pk.n«T of Fife
Traverse Cltr laat November, DtoTSil. anil fltiillj I--------with*! i.ake died on Friday momlna of bean
whore be waa Ukra alek Prb II.
I^vop waa an old retldeSI,
Juae rtth afier areal suRei
b be bore verr paileaU}.
pal lei
moo. M 0tatnl Are.. HiaBeapol ; .-M-mIt r tr. that tlllam' about
ihrniich that r..itkd him borne from Ula w<
iz waa
aaferlaa bad e
Slon, :i.’ sa. about Tn j.-arr of ape.
a tree
the |.Vi-aeni Hoe hr mas a r.-ilre.|
elver aad iipbiilldro of tbe Catholic
farnuT. ..wnlnE up lo a few years BRO
diarob. whlrb hr abd bla fanllr wen
slthln a half mil.' of Ibe vll
devoted lo.
a lo them 10 ebib
n bla early days In tbe vlllnse
id all bora foor of
■bear cblldreo dylai while llriag
North Dorr, aad are aleeplna ih»
two more died while llvlac
Hoaroe Crater. Mr, Clemeare Baru
htojSr"u«r ^draw‘la
iravloa a wife aad oae rblM. aad Mrs.
Em*.; bar advice U free.
Joeephlae Webber who Iraves
aad three eblldrra.
Ilidrra HriBi.
Mrs. Mar?
leaves foar (blldrea
c anil ricKn
ran rneslatiBi! of
RewA of Dorr Craler. wfao ao falib- ona
was elven.
d her mother
er lila this
follf a
Nnrman Tbonaa arrived Tr.iin Wn'
ID Mnndiv and api-Bt Ibe dar wUli
Crabler. who
relailveii and friends. retnrailnE no ibia
verr faftbfol
Will _oi Baru. who Uvea at afleraoMD
H. I. Derry Is l.iilldine aamher sum
atrivm, aad Jobe Rartt. who Uvea
. Hotiroe Cealer ra the bomeairad ler
Hiss Allee Gill redirned bom.- fnitii
ilaer hla paresis moved to Traverae
•rtmr Ritrlnes Wednesday.
Besides bla wife and to
The Foiirih of July celebmiloti
Barit baa one brolber. Ja.
off pkaaanti)'. Grit. D. U
cob. of Cblileafo, aad iwo brotfaera asd pasard
Catebeon of Grand Rapbla delivered
In the town hall which wri«
ao1 address
hly_^enJoy.vl. Bsri^lona
I. Torch IaVc ■
Bverrwbrre he II
Norwood. The day
spent by all. nitboupfa stimr tif the pre
cram was not nairied o<il
alwara ktad
of Graail lUp
■ ■ ontil Jolr the
.. ........... ............. «» rears alBCe IdWIs TlslilDE reUilvra aud frirada In
toru aad faU devoted wife would
aurprlse pany was given at the
have traveled tbU life loanber. Mrs
Hev. IkwU on Saturday
Barit aad chlldiwo wlab tn.lbaak the lag elo t.fhoBor
of Fiord IIouht <d tve
frieodt and aelabbon for Ibe kiadi
tral Lake.
tbowo them durisa ibe (Irboeas
lb of Iheir buibaad tall father.
Bald? Scalp tUBT andthliiP
Tbea it’i probably too late.
You Bcciected dBBdruff.
you bad only ttkei our ad*
vice, you would bare cured
Oa tka Carma af Ftmt oW StHto ttimH.
After 1 hsa received tbe agency towoonaBUlMofooe at the
UrgeH Kastern
rAStcra wool nunulncturen,
nuutuiaciivcn, tbe
tuc cootrsci
uouisar was ru.1c to boild
a lanfc brick warcbonsc at the above loration.
Monday, July 18.
Ihc new diiiuBg* cf wool on tbe new gyMcm |>lan that i* to p»y i
every wool seller in this Incaliiy the higheu rognulactnier*i ca»h prie*.
Ktoto*torin Wtotol ABronR
rraroraP Cil/. «/eft.
John HonBeld of Chlw who su
perintended Ibe eoaaintatloB of
Slate bank bulldlap and who has
I employed fay the cliy u> snperln
the crtciloe of tbe new Fourth
ward aebool baUdlan aad the Caraeele
library bnlldlns. has decided
Traverse City
HoraBHd likes Traverse City
«s a prraperous fptare for
oHyl He has already esUbllahed hlmWlf In a bualBiws wbicb promises
he eneaulve and which wll reach far
beytod Travene City. Me baa leased
tbe Hsndora boMloi
warcbooao oa Ilay street
bonding maierW of all klada. He will
In every kind of airaelural
1. laclading nideivaik priimatlr
llgbiA fcolktw twlldlng biork llle, atari
tsalc. wood mnaleU. floor lllir.cv
of all Uada and adamant wall plaster.
Mr. Horaacld la agrat for Noribera
Mlriil^ for the Itolled istaiea Gypompaey. maBafnelnre^ jif l.w
hi plaster aad aiatiato be hw
wllh her hnslmnd and she nitn
aged In RCt him In ibe house and sum
medical aitraidanra-. but he was
Bol able to apeak a word from ihv
time be ns alrieken nntll death or
tarred. Friday he bad made bla usoA
detirrry of milk to bis patrons hut Sa:
unlay moraine be tnlii tb.- I>.v wtu.
working lor him lu make the trip
aad br would stay borne and rest.
Bpearer was tk years of age. Ht
lived out OB the aisle road niKuii ihrm
miles, la Garlleld lownablp. Uesl.h..
bis wife be baa a son living at Lons
Island. He also has a Iiroiher in
Cadilar who was aummoaiil Imme
dlslcly after he was alrieken.
Speaerr was liked by all whe Unr-s
him and It ta uid by hla cIom-si av^
that he did not have an
For Pain
TaKe a Dr. Miles'
AnH-Pain Pill, and
the Palo will dis
appear Like
morr.mM. Mnlwr.
will certify to the above f;c‘s
A Car-gF
ity. Skrak
tv. Frank Dark.
Hr. aad Mrs. Wlltom Harrow aad
. r. oaft Mta L. R. Peek sprat tbe
Poonb ta Lelsad.
Tto M. C. Batoor actoel beM tbek
CUUna-g ftv Sfttoa ta tto (Bortb
•mm 11 litas, fts ............I gre-
A ContinuousOispiifty of Marvelous Preformane
by a Mighty Conclave of Originat Notables
The Immensity. Originai-ty. Uniqueness and NokWity of Uto Great Wallace Show
Not only in its Exclusive Circus Features. Zoologi
cal Exhibitions and Horsi Fair Displays,
but in its grea‘.
\\V elcvatp only-’4 degrees, others elovato from
j lo 4ii degrees.
binder iss the
the lightcsi
lightcsi draft
■ ' and■ mo<t compiccc
The 0,borne
Showing REMARKABLE FEATS, demonstrating
the Surprising Intelligence of Trained Elephants,
Baboons. Bulls. Horses. Ponies. Monkeys.
Coats. Pigs ar>d Donkeys.
Uertical Bar Itlower
one of their bpccialiics.
tnaebinery and Farm TmpItmenU
Remember that we sell the
"miller” eat
eaMiine Enoine.
The only Gasaline Engine that a child
can Stan and handle without' trouNe in
cold weath'er. We have sold over forty
engines the last >-ear out of Traverse
City, and they are giving the best of satis
faction Before placing your order (or
any make of Engines, call at our store
and see the Miller.
larisnily rv
tinea as ru«enl«A lrri>
»•>» anoarr bara. Nerar suM
Uks SmB DeLoog orrit
World’s Best Circus Talent
of operation. POWER produced and DUItABILlT Y“of
W. H. Sleek
A. Jabratn et TravtfseleRy was In
Lofty in Conception. Regal in Equipment. Honor
ably Conduclcd. Truthfully Advertised. The
And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
polaaaa New •ICIA Dtotoebe. Piamacb*
acbA Urasf
actual test of EASE. SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
Mrs. Mary Raekard. Ibrungh her at
toraeya. Prait ft Davis, has begun ain;
against Ibe JVre Msrqaelie Kaliws)
ximpaiU’ for llb.piai dsmases forwh.
..f her hushaod. Tb.- deCli^
was served t>u .be rallwa; eom
Rarkanl waa a Perv Murqueit.
roadartor. tost wint.c he «s«
nil trala at DItely. Oor car wa. eri(.
>le<I and he went la Uiw.'.ni that i
uiolber car to are what the mat
Tlie iraia was liaeked di.ati
)Im and he waa killed. Ills widow
egvw hegllg.-nee «n Ihe iiart -.1
The a<vlilvnt (Kcurrod Jsn, 10. H
Ohio. Uri' neeuBylag the Carmai
Ageal MllUkea baa g
WAtae, lnd_ for a tew
ttaa. j j Andry et Grai
The Most Original, Modem
Nelsnn 7. Speneer waa atriekra with
paralysis Saiurdny moraine aad dl.v
Saaday moreing at Sir!" o-clork
Hr. Speneer was aasktine his wllv In
Ibe garden and whoa the slr»^ ramv
iinnplae over to pull up a wee-i
fbmpbell aad family et Torob
Ukv aaem the FearU la ear village
Rev. A. (Hnara of Qraadrilk Ohio
tbe daadruff.MTBd your hair,
M MM ana n II. If
South CraeerM
Side e»ty.
Tbe Bwedlab Bratton ptoiie
■raot neeroi Soadar. It wa;
at aaat Bar park and an dar tbe
toOMda were crowded with a bappr
fhPBto la tbe aKwnlBi a dd^adoa
ftota tbe Ooibii aodeir at CadlUae
(we over. There were aboot erreati
ftve la this partr ladadhu the prroifteat et tbe lodce. At aoos. terrotr
' ftve aw here of tbe Bvea eodetr <d
■tbe lodBe bead.
This pkster k used to all
There are aboai thlrtr awbdVt el klada of iatertor flabhlngt and l
(to loeal lodae o( Bwedleh Braibera
intBRnrcra eoairol W per teal
which 1« reoJtr tbe BwedUh Vabed the totpat of ibti plaster la tbe
Bw (d Aaieftoi. Tbe local lodae
Called States. TbU eompsay also
pteeeai la tuD force realerdar aad ao rurelihed M per eeat of itbe pkH.r
a«ort wai epared to make the tor <«■ -lUd ataS used oa the bnlUinga of the
toable for alt the vteHon. It It need' 81.1.oala espnliion aad their oahll.
leea to add that Ibe eftorlm were o la rae of tbe Sarai at (be fair, I
Ur^ aaceeaafaL
IR»" tbe oulpsi of -he company w;
After partaklna of a beartr dlaaer.
Iona and Ibe remarkable h
MEkal aad oraioneol proarmn war
will be nbowii wb..a It la aui
BHto. Tbe dibiwr war of a»i>le pro. that In 1M>3 the output -pas i.ioo.iii
porttooa aad ererrbodr had their All loos.
at an kladt of dellcaeire aad (obcttoThis li but oae of ibr snlelea hai
Uol dlebeo. The propimB waa opcwed dl(d by Mr. Horalrid. Mber maierfsb
with a abort addreoa of welroo
belt* equally Ugb grade ' Ileing
Thb Kelaoo. preildcet of the local a^ praniral architect aud halMer be
ctolr. HU addreea waa lollowed br .wpocuilv well eqalpped (o cvwduet
CarUoB. prraUrat et tbe Ocftba bunlaeaa of ihU Mad. Ik la lorai
r. Cadillac. He alee spoke tm
the Slate bank bulldliu and aai
the beaeflu aad work et the axletr. euted wRb bln ta the eSce k bla
HU addreaa waa (ollowrd far a eoap
. Uovru M. WIMev.
aaanet troai the local ta^
oanel waa doapoeed of: Petar
UBBdBlal. CharUe Baaderm. Oaear
'OhMoe. Toa> Ntino.
Prod UadHooB of Haalaiee thee
poke to Ibe beaeftla of Ibr order
The laat apeaker oa the proanta waa
Bapletor Becretarr Atheei Ghekaoo of ^ Grand Rapids Moaduy to a visit
reUilvea aad friends.
HuMre. He apoke to wlial the with
Ur. and Urn. Prank CHvla <
BwedUb people la the roucto' eoeld
ir moved la towe thU___
• o.'cwpyUig the OanaE r«|.
Going to Build?
If so. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your mateiial. Shop
and^mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.
TWi rew. towCTW. Ibiod win b»
tfee sweni ywigy acraU td Ihc
Van Manaftf. 0. ti. * t. aai U. »
M. K. aM vblk all
mat retmapkte Uiare li a pfotp
^•djlknea aad rerr Un rat
•nwlaHtItaa baa bad a daia
brakemaa atfBaled 10 Ibe ca.
f lo bark np aad ewiaa to b.a
Inraperkare. lecospeceaier. laefkka.
baH a dar tiiniaa to loraie
er aad waat of rare Raekard waa ey- ta cede
rasabt H betwraa ib« ears aad laiared aqi that be dkd.
Charlea Cocker, who waa a memta
of Ibe TweBtr.roanh Hkklsaa I
-Cack- Dee Wblppk. Traverae (aairy. of llie .rlrra Brlfade.'' dl<
Siisday na tbe aaBlveraarr of bU b
Clir'a reBieoarlaa. waa tbe eraler of
le battle of Getty
tiiraetfam at tbe - roder (be Oaka"
Mn r«n MO *IM CM itottan
UM U-re *««
lit, 1>04.
OvM la to lave a ebeeec factorr thU
tall. Tbe alU...........
aad ImlMlBa wUI be farBlabed br Ibe VOlaae.
vOlaae. mulBg^k.
of Elsie, will put la ibe
I If tber weadd niu
and tbe UUe coold do br
BdelUe aad aauiilaa wUb
tbe nea'e tojpa,
Wc have
buggies, which
bueg)' before tl
looking our lar_
soon as possible.
Cor. Case & State St.
Wallace Circus Day Prugrainine i
IO a. m.—A Combined Street Parade. A antqto:^^..
atkm of Gbwvoot Street Ciniitral, SpectneuUr Street Fair, t
Horae Fair and CNtierng Pif
do not wait but call as
Both Phones 49.
1 & 7 p. m.—Doors OpeiMd to the Im-aeoae Waie^iwf Teto*. '
1:16 & 7:15 p. m.—Prof, Bronson’s Concert Banrf
of Kaowtod Soioto BoeidmM berai a ftStoOMite Criad f
the eemter M(e.
2 & 8 p.m.-
THOBSiMa; jmr H MM.
ml LaU M Ma «aaatt a( T. A
We Are Selling Out
Maban tM4 hmOT.
can to tan WttfaaaM;
Hr. aM
M< Hf^
Mn. TO
Mtoi Look BoalMD to
fav dart la Trararaa CHr-
-feHjMir. «!■. **• CItr Fri'^i**aadTii? bra2ua^
■ IrHOrBM.>MM<tkrawh tfeM*elfknt fBoato
CMbartaa Bear “rarfraa Oir ara rtaltla* ratoUraa la
Maa« M Ml «v <e ■ Pl-------Bar. «M 4M Hat Twadar. «aa M4
M «m «l » «MMeri> li
Tb^ ItodHa' Baaadt1 tocMr VIII
Tban^ tta ■■■■HI BlaHUr. Bl
a dAaaa eaal aopper at tba
to •
HM. WMt M U M bM
ball oa Saianlar amlax. Jalr
MM flf HMit. fto«tMM4 4DW- CkailM. Till aad fUrrr Stto i<
iMi MbMito fnrtow CHr • awk* Tlamia O^met **oa^ la towa. Itib. Aoto ( to • o'clock.
Tba JaaHr A L. (ara aa lea a
•rial OB tba ton o( tba H. A
ra tto Borau cB Hto.
lar araolBc which vu
■fibiMi M oM )ela sroMl Cb«s. M
Tba bud tofvHbod too
mmmal u> w bl* on if*—"
.HA TnTww air a»4 Ml lo Kl
WMO VMn to hto «Uto4M tcOt_
balrU Racard aprvt tba Fbanb
oai Saadar ai
HUt btoU ‘‘mil 8. J. Oma and fatoUr
Eraaatoa. iD.^artl^ Plldv aad a^
TM HlMM Jaaale Bnanaat aad Hn- Iba Baaau of Hn. A P. Daiaa.
HM Haa« OAora cf WatM i<
drad OdHmv mmI Baadar la leaa.
Bar TBoABkae a
A i. Qrar bai rHaraad Iroai Boraa
. *oSy*^%*qSM awMt. bM CHr.
mac aad toealas.
tatototr df W«M. iM M (b« M- Hr. aad Hra. Warabar* maraad
Au Mrrtla Purtlto Ip rpamtla* bar |
«MI Bom la OraM BafUt. Jair 4.
tros ibatrnddtac irta Taaadar
r rtralloe ti brr bona In iblP '
tka Ttoaalto van Howhi to Ht oM
MM M W«M to tartol. Hr.
mH a
Oaek Ham. la toava hla lo«u too
m aad (HaadP la t .
atato. Hmm «M raaMH. HH wtfr colUcr Bl Cadar Uidca.
Thf Ml«ta« Har Boroioa aad AMU
Jtod a tor raart aM.
a OallHk aad too HA Fndar lUrrla of Trar.-rna Cli.t ppaBi Satar
Mn. AMa CaaaHa a( Waatod baa
laR trttb ratotlvM aad Maada da> la love.
Mas ea IM aHfc 1W. bat H
Tba baad para
tuad Saurdar araoiac attar tba aoA A. I
boaaa la ChaHarato __ _____ _ _
lav vaahi with bar daacblar. Hn.
Waliaa WUna.
Gbarlaa o
Hra. C. a KabI aod taadlr HA
total to Ua thfOBi.
Ttoadar tor a rWt with ratoilrn aod
And CUnCURA Ointment,
toa tm OnManl atartad to Idaho MaMt la ChaitoToto.
Thraa foralm aabauadon
the gnat Skin Gire.
It tbara
HairHdar. Har
Ibr porui llphu ai Bar Harbor
Joat BO w—M Bnin of fVemarfc. Coonl
Canlcl of Rntala aod Baroa HcB«aI'
lak Rotoaua. aocoapuM br hla BOlHr
BBlIar of Aaatrla. Tba -int— proiaI rf
iial fMifrm tiiH ttitr
■r. Hn. Marla Bnaatotn. drora
U ba a carar oaa iban Bar Hartroto Lalaad Tiwadar aad war# lior baa
aaaa for raua. aa aa usi
iod rot
wtala of D. U Buaa aad faaillr.
a W. WlltoB U rtoltlas ralatlraa If lar* Bsmbar of Nav Tork aad
ara at iba Hlrartoda las t
ilUa Craak. Sba vu acaoiapaaM
o ba aaraaal h
br bar iHtar. Hra. W, B. Ourlaa. wbo
wlU to to aaralaod
2m mat ID
Tba ataanar CubbIdo li roBDlas
to tto atlie rooB of bU coaiJr FUib wbtoalltMfalk.
IT TtUn lataraad rma Trararaa
atwaaa ikH port aad Trararaa air trraaa
palaea Colooal John Jacob .
la placa cd tba Crracaou which
•rraai-Hodaa aaaUaH.
i^d IImSw,'^ a%idi’^fb*^^Tli
Hra. HtoUa WarHr HA Wadaaadar
llBia ■tudrinp aod aaparLmaaltos la
toantiH to bar bom at Tboa
atacirical trlaara. A pranlca] tod
vaubtai BVi of battoaaa. ba aaplarti
d Maada at HUnMaa.
part oId hii duly............
■■ar HoddB ad Port Huraa aaaat '
bU »aat ptownlaa. I
ta« dara la ton teat nab.
haa a pcleatiar broi and li
bln it> anlra aoa
Jar AUUnU aad trlla ratoraad i
Ibaaaraa CHr Tatodar aftar a abo
atoll wUb Onatr CHi% Btoabav ax
toto to niitoirS." *
ES'fl£^^^amto bM.
High PiicM for Perm Help
an Da. Fowlar'i EzSlravbarry baa baae
■ ' il. dyaaoierr,
diarrboaa. bloodr
pals ta tba aa, riM. Marw fall, Ic rl,v aeou .alutartaici.
Piouarb. and It t
do ararythlBC rIalBad
IT-ese lines bit to be dosed out at once. We must have more room for our CLOAK Rod SUIT DEPARTME.VT. and so have___
u the shoe depanmeni as toon as possible. We do not oAfer
you hctitiouii. hal/-pric* values, but are ..ipviog
poniiiv reductions in desirable, up-to-date (ootwear. making our
ing positive
prices way below any ever before offered the people of Northern Michigan. To those who want to save monev
we say. “HERE IS YOUR OPI'ORTUNITY,’^ as this i» a genuine bargain sale. Our entire shoe «odk
must be sold out. none rescried.
If tbe dooinK oot fwice oa iwe bmlred ptoi at the a«vc«. mam op-to dale ftylef U
Kvery put u o^v1h a: least $3 00 asd tome of tbcB veD vOrtb $S.S0. ia tbe lot arc bifh swJ lev eat Shoot aod Oeienh. Bade o<
the beat Paieni Lcuber and Kul. to all the different nylct of toet sad hceb, to all file oewcto latoa- aS Aii tesaoci't cnake-.in imt, tciiUe oc
areh ioiet, all Rxet and vidtht. To oitke a cleu Iweep usI coovince yoa nghl dowa to yoor iect that we (ire arorr csmlort, more gmil Hyle.
and tatittoctioci to ewSotsen, we hare mule tbe prior Sl.i>3 iaa the taoie aad better iootvear thaa yoa'd have to pay U.UO ao.1 t-T.Su far aar^
where ebe.
|s. If the cki^ OBt (neeooaoai-
oq. fur Misses'Sandals.
J 1.95 Si'S"
Men's Fine Shoes and
To cfaae out -haff left—abool 76 pun— J
of Mitto*' Sao-Ulf, all ihi* Kt*r>n'. porchue.
we r’rpT on tale ooe. two aod four ttrap tan. ( Male nl Patent Leather, Ideal Kid and Coh
dak. to Patent i-eatber and K.d, all titet up | Skm—at tightly, at corafartaWe. aa dorabk.
to J. wonh $1 S5 an.! »1.50. at nsk
at any yoo will fend anywhere at iS 00. The
1 rery newest Una, all titet. u $1.»S.
QOn for Boys'Shoes.
Thit k the eLwog oot pore aa fifty ,ain at
bojrt’ lace ihaet, not oLl u,lei. but all ■««.
.lewrablc kook, the tame )oo WDUklhAre.
to payatkiH $lS6an.I $1.80 fa, elsewbere.
we ire toTenn* now in all iirci up to 6| at RBc
children's Shoes59cl
Madeoffioe Vki Kid an.) Goal’t UMS, HtSM' Ui
wuh^otk! me.lt»m wcHh,
In ton) tolct, toil tolea, hard
lolei. etc. Many |»eny ttylei, all t^ttzet
lo^K.'.Lrth CQe U
P“" 0^ <Kkk an.) erkli,:
tixet and colmt. wurih 6Uc and 76c aad $1.00. at .... H MR
eoc, at ;fi»e. Baby loft »ol<
^toet at :11c Babies' Moc- Oq Chlldrwn’o Nobby Slippors ^ ^
Infants' Shoes
Misses* Shoes. 98c
All of Itie Lartt (ta.les of $1.60
Mate*’ Shoei. in all the ftnest
leatben ami ervest laaiA
all i.iet op to % W.I! be 0Q||
dote.) oat SL I>et put .. gQ||
Mitset’ Shoe*, worth ^
$1.76. $$a».l $16(1, #1 AC
Men’s Shoes Worth ti.soai sso j Men’s Shoes worthsi.so>t9i.ea
Ladies Shoes worth tz at ^i.io j Ladies’ Shoes'«o,h,a.2a ^,.3a
For Men or Women, wonh
S3.5U. t .OUand Sn.Ui.
Don't wait until your size is gone, come while the assortment is complete and save nearly half on vour
Shoe purcha<tcs.
Traverso Oity.
sinA ere. that
OF 0008
quicluy. We have coosidered neither profit nor cost—our one and only aim is to dose them out. They arc not a lot of undeMrable
ass anything in the store.
undesirable things but are
a a-> strii tl\ fresh and new
Come Quick
Just a few
Suits of
a Kind...,.
' Prkt» IM minhmr
Bat TM will BO doabt Sad roar
Blze la aoar of tbc bmebm.
to of our beat all v«m>1 dron
tba Kttpmbri^
suaraalrod ktod—oalr a few
of a fciBA worth tio aad tn.
o door at S14AA
Tl.at M.1.1 U0 lo 13.00 to Me.
Tl:a. Mid .IP lo $4 M ror SIAA
Thai rold up Id KOO to S1.N.
* jr**"
. TiB.
*' ’*■“* •*'“
rroiitr prirv
'Cf.1™ SSS V.V,V.... .ris
UirMSi ptar Vlrl Shoe*, orrr tl Tr.,
n., V,.
. r.xiilir pri^.
V.... . V-l»ar.-
. »I r. .1^..-.
..... .
1 1,1.^.. .-,L ,v.r t
F'l *1
’ Ladk-' F.i'oi (
.Me. 7S* and «Sc
Sample Bilk Wanta at 1-3 oR.
$\ ;ard>. rDsutar
I plrcp : ranU. rrsutar ralu* 3Ac. pio-c
"" -............ UNoLiuHA
All Lodto- Silk Omta.
_ ___
l*1i •• suil. D.d BMIto^
aboTP. aod all CblMm'i 8»k aad'ci.rt
Urmt bi.DP Of If ihPT arc aol bm wbmi
acTor ktrovB toTaro. Tbc
pl«««« thai arc dlcblly
aonod arc alaort cHea
to* '
1 pier,' 7 Tans*. lurBer prlii «iv]
1 pK(» 5 1-3 ran},, fortoer pncp TV.
He Paacr Drooa SUrta ............................
I" Suta. aaaoriml «!,.«
t plrw C yar.!«. rrpil»r im<» Jc*-, n,...-
OMJM at Hob'S Balk
Pritts In Our
, Txn.iii, :
UdlM' Fine Virt Kid Sbor*. vortb SIS'*
d m. bleh a
... £
r eboefc AproD Ctoshato
Trifito (My, litlL
■'1 f|-
.aftnmjgtinBip aaflia THBMnAt. reiT i»«t
M 4b* bos*
te lb* be«
tftriu. Tb« albMie «nau Mr* i
MtiluA AND aceoflo ce.
TIM nnlti d. tM S:M
lo ait
toe* trai tbb* to
an Bap. Captd*
Tb* auflfanr OaOmbto browaht to
Hr. and Hr*. H. T. Oalu d Firetewc after vWttos (rteada la the cUr.
real to lb* Bn lUi voralM for «
.aea* trip.
Ur*. B. B. C*n*r d CUeMO It to
(fa* dtp the CM d her brother. Lee
I I » a
Uctto Mrb .
Ur. and Ura. AKwitr Cfari d Vtoton. Bbe adll tpead ibe <ai«r
ia 1
a 4 a a Arcble called « fttond* beee Barddf. be*e.
UM Undred Doekerap d Trareew
TIB* be beau. 1;UU. CIM. 1 = M- , Ufa. Job* TrotBtoi »d Wttb fldte
a tod •crldent Hoodar
l:UU. !:»%•
Tbl* d*e Ladj creau flrit: LHtle TrdtBar wat Ptokto, eberrle* aad
► Doteb. ateoad: Ooabeei B. (bird: Doe m cBiJylB* thCB Uio a cherty
crate wten a beary weldiled letl-r
Chariet Ban went to Uaatoo tbl*
I (Dortb. aad awtfi Uadoaie. flfib.
TbU vae tb* aeaoad a*e tbat'tiUto BUwk bT4 oo tbe b<
Bcnlac oo a battoeaa triptaub bae er(^ beea U aad tbe unto dilh eUgbi tajerie*.
Harry SielaboV. unveUic pnaaeecer
Ur. ted Ur*. Chariet aiwr et OM
) acral d tbe Wtaeowato CenUnl.
fcor*. abtob tbe aaBe
Mlwioa rpnt Basday afieranoa with Boil peetentor for aa ewended rUlt tbe city today.
• ronb Baar word* of adiaUatlo*.
? (ac( (bit bon- wae *n«lbto to >he roJt Ur Fairer^ pareoU. Ur. aad Hr*, *Ub retoUre. la Cbleaco.
Joba Helffrich went lo Maalttec tht =
A tad. Sad Caat.
idifa rulrer.
; rae* touaad of ptrttolpai
Got tpeeulaUag, iBt heavily,
Mlu Nellie Kroepa d Ti*>er»e Ctly afienooB to lake the ule bath*.
tme deeperate. tbo( blmteU. He
Ulie Lena Wpcanl arrired
Ul Boead lb* eaBBcr with her
BwW Ua«<%
C4 LaatBff.
widow tad (farce ehlldreo. la
r>St doUa. B»H fSbar drlTla*; WUUau miier aad JirMlMr. Hr*. C Kroaiw ntcbi from Oraad Rapida to rl«lt 8. boreau drawer were found iwo pollJoba Sanborn d lOOS Suie itreet.
ele. «r life iuuraace which be u-k
of Ladr Cndt. CUTDr*. J O. and U. i Treebknd will out teveral year* before. But Alul
» laCBOoll drtriac; Dr. i. H. 0*U(rant learc tomotro* for 8i. LouU. where both bad Up*ed tor aao-paymral of
T Of UtU* D«U*. Chari**
premlama due eight Booth* prevloa*.
they will alteod the nailoaal oaleolor
' OanMln* drtolna:
Oae wu la the
pathle coereoUoB aod rtoll tbe e*poluaraBce Company, and
d Ocabe* B. alw drirfaif: i.
[ <m the company (or I
; tliioo for a eocple of weeke.
I Wade, owaer of Doe. ElBer Week*
'■if" I
Ur Uopller d tbr medlenl ataS d
k Bro. manager*, at Deiroll.
B.er Packard and ““"J
Mich., got the widow ber money wlihfair, aad Mra PranI
; turned frou a inoatb-. trip iBroncb JB a week
Tbe other eompafip »ll»HopkiB* Sunday.
cUlmed any liability, because tbe tnBto Rapuu I ,hc upiier pealDiula and WI*eoa»ta.
Braibt Doll ba« I
(o attend icbooM
Mr* O V HolBifS ul Holme* Siding aured did o»i rrquett the paid-up i
surance laalde ol six maotbs from il
K. W. Blzby Atuinod borne
l» la the city today oo a bu.laeu trip. lime he lacmed. They had MCO.IM
dap after ipeocIlDg a week vtolilag
bl* money, aad the widow gq
•no Leon and wife cd Button* Bay.
Rqv. Henry McKinley aad Chnrk. but a letier tlaitog “be ough
Mabel Hall and Ml** Johntoo '
dar rlalted Stella Cork Sue^ay.
Jeflric* went lo Carp Lake tbto morn read over bis policy.' Sad
! l:U. l:I4HBea Welllnger bat built a aew barn
lag on a fishing trip. They aay they
for hlnuclf.
Mr. Amldon ba*1 been I aviBC tbe are after anyibieg that will bite.
i»c (lied
fiaad af farm
klicliea o( bl* hour
Chrtt* Kryger and wife of Kalkuka
Ai« yau I
Iwlpf Oirto wiahing amglaplorm HcQueer andI Rob McLaaghlln spent part of yenerday In the cUy oo
mant at dining rwe
did the work
Bora, to Mr, aad Mr*. 8. R. Barite, builneu
Charle* Smnnbwalie wrat lo Red
Park to aprad a couple of week! with
I* worklBC for Mr*.
* ‘
1t. 1
TtoHcd Un.
„ r'f
S;' ;•
“Whm m» U
tor idee Paebee oa (be fleet baltot—
(be aaa wbMa Ur. Bern bad
flM*d for tbree noatbt. (be
vbeae Meaflt Ur. Bma bad «nM.
tba Baa «ba Ur. Bnaa bad mU
U«aM aei be beBbtaWd aad caaM
•d fa* alaeied.
rdir eoBBUtu* repweeatliE tbeoe deiefate* bmfbt to
a pletfera wbleb wae eUat tm (be
Boaer acaatloa aot a rotoe wa* ratoed
to eapodaladna or protod VUle
badredf were readr to aboot tor
Paifeer, M oae appeared to defaee
: dbBdIdate wbOB be ha* daa* to
to defeat to adraaea. bot be pUee*
: btaa M a ptotfarB wttb ■ bote to It
Ml woagb to drep tbe «Btlre partp
*lt to bad —■'■t* to bare Ur. Brraa
- dftoattai radtaal daBoenitto ttmtaattopa Wbea Ur. Bma it bWe to
, BnatoB aad DaeU a HOUta
• itotabU
rrb* Ckrealeto to aot la VB
' wUb Ur. Btraa’t Maai. Tfer alibi
paaf* It hat iduad to b*Ke*« that
Hr. Brraat Utat were aeeepui
s • tbe real demoerato d tbe eooaur. Tbe
a bu moved his re*ia
to ewMe of FRBt and Park street>.
and bu refitted and refaraUbed the
bolldiag to Bice shape- ft I* a good
place to get a good Bc«l at a (air
price. Tty It next time yoo i
the etiy-_______________________»
line of Shoe» that |{ivea yoa Value Received.
You take no chancet when you buy them. We make a
specialty of $:?.(«. $3.50 and $4.00 grade*. CompOHitc.
Gloria and the Governdr. Call and see them. \Vc
want your ins)>ection.
July 26 to Aug 6.
Rontt TMK hiHl
from a vlali to Maaloo.
aad Mm TtMira rlalted
Mlu Zoe BeyaoUU bu returacd;
tea Praifa of BBpln Sonday.
from a rltli with DeuUb relative*.
Ml*. Chat. BIoob bat a coutto aad
her hutbaod fntoi Lodtoctoa rltlUac
A- Green‘of Detroit arc vUlUag Mr*.
Koben UcLaugbllo and daacfaler Rlckey of Sixth street.
Peart went to Cadillac SalartUy.
Mrs E. J.
Fifth atrrat
street | ,
l. Thompson of Fifib
AL-KBPaRMtermi. la to.
will auy tod ritii her anal. Hr*,
leave* (or
alto drtrtoi; Ctoreaee Horler. owner maa. for a while.
Mr. aad Mr*. J. B. Naeta. HIta Lot aod other poloia tonlgbt.
Bell SBer Weeke drfrlai;
.Mar by. Two mIIm Met* uMtaodim on f U
II Nub aad lady di
tie aad
William Tuatsoo left Ibla uoratog
tL i. Bene**, owner d Don B. aleo
:r«e City Saadty.
(or a several weeks' bualneu trip that B^ul.amiki VaKiBM..Tn'*eMU>y, Mm«
drirtos: Wbedler * LBUe d Fraakwill take In Chicago. Bi. Louis. St
It friesdi aad rrUUi
ftti. .oner d UUle Patch. Dtaer
Paul and other places
Bhar dririai.
Miss Beule Fulghum weal to KalAuteBBblle BaMbHien.
■tka and Maaeeloaa this morning,
The bm aotoOMbtle exblUUoe wa*
where she will give a recital.
between Pred Boufber and Bd Broub,
r. W. Wllaon went to Kiagtley tbit Stl. Phsarmi.:.nnt>.
la wbicb (be toUtr bad erprrtbtai bit
Mr. and
larelng oo a buslnees Irip.
owe war. PbU Bhumer rode with tbe Ml*. Croat of Trarerae Clip ritlied at
Supi. E. H. Barnes of tbe G. R. A I
former and W. C HaU erllb (be laUer. W. e. Aabicy't Suaday.
There wu ao piente at Umc Lake road from Grand Rapid*, speai lut
n* aaaaad aabtUtka waa between
the 4ih on aceoaat of the rata, but Dl^l la lilt city and reiuraed borne
Sd Bmaeb and W. C Halt. Tbe latCrr'
cveryooo aerced tbat the ralo wu betu PMU, <s4d rrvBM. M
wUb bit toner Baehtoe eatllr outdlt•r than any picnic.
J. Cook aad family of Traveme
ueoed the naaller Baebla*. Pted
ACBM Maho of' Cedar - alteaded
dtp. who have been vltlUag P- A
at Maple City Sunday.
tare, tuul Umi, waeoo iUds: tarm wWl
Doaiher rode with fid Broeeb nd
Mr. aad Mr*. C. M. D, Clement re Weatoo and family for a atom (ime,
Jack Proberi with W. C. Hall. Owlai
turned to tbit place lut Friday from murned to their borne Wednesday. draahr |mmur», Ui^ ina ismmi taaa liw
irn d tb* track belai to Colorado wberc (bey hare been
Tbe trip wu made from Traverse Cliy
obarp (nod tiBe eould aot be Bade paat year. Mr. Clemrat it In Tory
here and rclnra by bor«e and carriag-'
toll tbe Bile waa tpaa oE to t;0S.
Many Cl
Mr. aod Ur*. Prtlfarove to Burdlck- taking two days lo go one way.—PcTbe third exbIblUoa wtt br W. C.
itle Saturday to tee Ur*. Ague*.
lo»k*y New*.
Hall, wlib four to (he Bacblne. tbe
Her. J. Rorotgrb wu quite tick to
F. B. WKhey of Marquette arrived
•lal qaarler wat nude la SI teeonde week, bin It belter at tm* writing.
The W. H. U. 8. met lut Tharwlay in the city Friday, lie came lo at
fad tba tott Boaxcr d tbe Bile to
lib Ur*. Webb. Tbe aett meeting
a meeting of the board of direc
ecoadt. or a two-alante clip. Tbe
will be In three weeke wHb Hr*. On- tor* of the Grand Traverse and Arlto ,
ille wat roHedofl to 1;6T.
na Mining company and to confer wl'b j
Uusaiy at
«t OtMid Ti*»»™*. m
Ath^ Bewnta.
... s ■!!■■* ut ibr Protau Canal ><e mI4
the other olBcei* and aome of the Couaty.bsUsi
** *
tbt PrutisleiAa*
u ibt (*iv
Br«rr rreot wat cloaelr eniatied
bwt -Babe- Winnie ebowed bit toisU with Mr. Smurtbwtlte and family '
C. C. SparllDg and wife rltiied
pertoritr la oearlr all tbe ereau aad
.. 8. Bernum'e Monday.
I iheir cottage at Portage lake.
eaptntwd flrat prtoe Id rmrtblai bat
late u< Psradl.-- Ivtratolp, Is isld naiiily,
Uri- Blanche Schneider and Hr*,
uauaer throw.
toll Barnum were to Fife Lake lut
^ n2.“JtIv'S S.T^Jr’ST' SS ir¥ ?
Starter. John Ubmb
eewtCBpdbto laatraBaataUtr lor (be
Judiea, FTed Frail. TboBu I
eagtodtaUca d WIUtaB i. Brraa and
: tte •cbool d dBaaBacau Miowtei to faPd V. B. Rdaad.
TlBfkeeper*. H. t Friedrich d Big
-nt CbroBteto bdleiwt tbat tb* rc- lUpldv Bi. Uataer aad E. R. Uecog.
pablleaa partr. whOc ad bwe d ft*U
br aar Beaai. oCare tb* ABerieaa
paapto at thli tla* tba oolr prapeet
Oraadma Etoery «at*Ratoed
d *fltodMrt. latdUcaat aad bneet lov
paar Eaaday at dianer. She to 8*3
«raBm (bat to aarwberc to be aeea.
ear* old bot cna
and. to beltoTtoi. it wlU do what ii
< oaa to adrane lu prtaetodca aad u
Ur. nnd Ur*, c. Adurt of Tnrme
lu mot Bandar with Ur. and Ur*.
will b« tnratofa <
Jerry SaUlvaa of Cedar I* la lb- Mid retiuos. aad ihst Ibt ht*n si isw
d.i iMsd sad sJl utb« ptesw
city today
Tony Ptull aod Ed. Knapp went to
boldoBst Ihv PsebsM OAn-, is Ibt <Mr of
Pouch tbl* morning and will spend
time camping out.
Aad u It funsie cedand. thsi ssid p*a
Building on Spruee street, (..r the purose o( electing 18 delegate* lo the
nuniy conrenilon lo I- heliVlB Steinerg's Grand Opera House. Friday afi
Daie.1 July If. 1»0t.
Oalre a Cartlt.
Ward No. 8.
lucot will be
I la Ward No. 3. c I Wednetday.
y f«. 1*«4. at 8 p
n. In Central
School Boildlag. (or i r purpose of
electiag IS (
to the coantp
convrailm lo be held In Steinberg*
Grand Opera House. Friday afieniooB.
July ff.
Itoied July It. l»04.
A. B Cook.
A. B. CtiKli.
Prtd U Ursabafg'* Bar Btwad
18c * pound; 6 poorob (or
: ::: SSS
0tlV Book Store
226 E. Front St.
Crawru euy. IIHdi..
Trmm GUj, Wet.
.. 23.
Itatl Rtttfn Atittiiflii
BiMpU.asKnstrseu sad i(sdaioa.y
V-eavsbte. rrilsbb- Ismrsaoe workm
7 Bavt
Quit Stlling
dorses bp retail
And therefore all p^wii row be
paid when the; are dae.
1 oee<l
my roone)’ (or going into new bwncB.
PlesM do not uk for laager
dtrmeu Bfman.
Mrs. J. H. Marvin. His* Winifred
and Arthur Marvin and IliUe Arthu'
M. Goble left this morning (or a two
weeks' vUii le and near Hllladale.
Republican want caucuses will, be
held In ibe several wards o( Travene
City. Mich., on Wednesday evening.
• • M. IPnt.ufollo*-*:
Ward No.
A republican ward caucu.
rid In Ward No
.so, I.
.. on
.IE We
Joly M.I. 190t
19ot at R p. m. In Orange
ball. Cue
u» sir
street, for ike purpose of
electing: IS delegates to the eouniy
convention to be held In ................. „..
Grand Opera House. Pridav afternnon.
July 8Snd
Dated July i:. ]»ot
John A. Loranger.
E. R. MeCoy.
A H. Hollldi).
Ward No. t
All dcfift ap^PKlate
imtmab. Itwarnt.
eit ralueierer
... SALE...
Our Mid Summer Clean Up Sale is a general low (M-lce offering
on all summer wearing apparel and summer materials of all
kinds. We haven't the room to carry over goods from one
season to another and have to turn them into cash even at an
immense sacrifice. Below we only quote a few items picked
up at random from our large stocks in every department.
Igs tl
of date.
Q]/g pair for I.ad les gi;ood black
Stockings (.1st black
1 K/» cadi for l.adjes rich KmLroidered
Collars. 2:>c and .5ftc values
EJl/g yard for good liic
bress Gingham*
Q/g for Shilling Lawns
Otif and n.mitW
2 ^>S£ _ ______
A republiraa ward
Tbl* Iowa hu been harlag a vltlta. held to Ward No. 4. on WedaeMtor.
OB at uavellng peddlSi ul'tog Joly fft, i»04. ai * p. m. la FmglBe
M bold r»d, on the lanallmra? Hoaac No. 1. Cus *tr« ' *
pose i>( eleellDg 6 di
0 to be held la S
erg's (_____ .. ST* Houte. Friday
raooa. Jaly 3f.
’em Fntar^ Bmtea.
Daled July I*.
Ul« Itabel Smith a d MUt Bda*
Hendenum of Cbk*«D
E rPope.
Ur*. Fred North.
F. D. Marvin.
F. F. Greer It maktei
opr, eidd trim-Ded. eight bone
trip to laieriaebea today.
Oka Doyle went to 8
power doable cylinder vifjam in
mralag (or aa enraded rteR wUh
Uia. Harr toerp e«d flnochtiw of retotire*.
Ch«Vroto ere rtalttoc reteWre* ben.
Ur*. J. W. Slater aad daagbter*.
There win be a daae* to tbe
to« Nora aad Btoal went
bam Friflar melac. An ai
Utoto. Utoh, tu. BorUig (or a etalt.
Arthur Roaenlbal hu gone (o Cbleago 00 a buslnes* trip.
fur your choice from over three-hnodred title*
of Standard Books. Publisher* pnoe i> 75 ,
Printed from Urge type and on eacelleat
quality of pai'or. bniind in uniform doth bind
ing with gilt tops.
Thone same books an; Aot sold (ortefin than 40
to 5<l cents anywhere but we bought an extra
large quantity and will sell them at this extraonlinary low price for a few days.
eek u gueau of Hr*. Natbao Boek(be dtoeoa throw tbe tollowtoi
•ell and Ur*. Wm. Lelton.
paitldpaied tad tbe tooieet dlcUnee
Hr*. Maade HodCM reiuraod Wedeach one threw tbe tH-poand dltcui; aetday from a rtell tc
ttobd aad aad* tbe plaifarB.
Wlnate. 10» teet; Albert
'A ttBU eatuni deaooat.
Uariafa, PI feet 4 tocbei; Frank
IiHdlir tBaitoad tbat be eodd
Kratoehmie. T( feet 8 laebet; Willard
iber Mary hare been camping
WBBtoated w aa aakaowa. bat been
Kaae. Tt feet 8 laebet: ioba Oark. 87
ic lake.
ptoead Ob tbt tlekd wlita aa adoceMr*. L. U. _____
feet 4 toebea.
aartoa tiwe tnmtto troB Weat Tlr
Btbel, Hre. Archie OI
la (be baBBer throw the toUowloi
ipcnt the 4th ' .............
flato aad eeppUed with a Mtifora
were the renilto: ioba Clark. 101 Addle A. OIbbe and family.
which aoonato to aa ted
feel: Albert Uenea. M feet 8 tocbei:
Ura. Blanche Scbaelder and little
(be ptotformt d Cbleaio aad Saatae
'Babe' Wtoaie to feet « iocbei; dangkter Katbertoe retnrncd lo
CKr. T%e popaUtUe we*t aad tbe reFrank Kratoehrllle. M led: WUtort home In Oraad Rapide Thurtday.
fldbBaiT natb are aiala la alllaaee. Haai. •: ted 8 toebei.
A camping party rampoted of the
Camille* of George RarlrV. Frank Say. wttta a aew leader It It trw. b« with
la Ue nnalBi blsb tamp. ‘Baber* and Hr*. Maude Hodger epent
ao (Aaaie to prtodple aod parpoee.
ribato Bth. 4 feel t todwe: tteoo
iree days at Raiay lake recently.
Tbe Ueket bevt the ttaBp d popoThere U a new clerk at iho ei
Colbr •eend. 4 ted 7 laefae*: Uorri*
ItaB. nere to aot a plank
here tbto week.
Decker third. 4 fed 8 toebea. la tbit
Barr iame* bu- been under
pUttoTB whU wae oat Bodifld br
Wlaate elearod tb* bar cnillr wratber lor a few day* and le no*
ted * larBat aad todlutlai., bl* racallon. recuperating bltmlret
*Tba dtBetralle partr to attaebed
•ere that be noM “do" aaottaw foot camping at Hosibark laklt m'i*.
aatoa. U to eaaemeat
and the eblldrra will Join him
'>* SrTBB. II bat aea pertaaded amlait
to tbe KNVrard daab tbfa cook
The family of Ur*. Addle A- Gibb*
tu aatatal. toeUatlioet to aoBlaate
Saitbed altood to a boaeb aod
aad Milt Beasle Emmon* aro
aa BBbBOWB CBBdldtte WbOB BtTia
fottowin* order: “Babe" Wnale. D».4 lenilnc at the aame lake,
bat aataioatoed. bat it bat pemlited
A party of young people drove
WlBBle. Art Walt, WHl Lardle. TUn.
to the lake lui Tue*day aflerm
’ Bnaa to do tbe ratL Tbe dee>oa«tk
: ceaoadt.
baring a lunch tad bonfire on
paitT to Brraa and there to oo r«**os
la tbe tto-rfatd dfafah Wtoaie enally bcaeli to (be evening. Much alarm
' to >Bppo*e (bat lit triampb aader tbe
won. }wl keeplna abend d hie oppo- wu (ell (or iheir safely unUI a li
IcadBcblp d a B*a who retod twice
Beau *0 tbat all Baltbed to > baoch wu felt (or (heir ufeiy until their
turn at a late hour.
tor Beraa aad free eUv*r. and baaatod
to (he toIlowlBc order: 'Babe- WinJoba Seeley and family and U
d It. wodd be aarthlBf eto* (baa
m WbH. DIdi Wtoaie. TIbc 8< Tblmpsoa aad family drove to F
MBBpb tar Brraa.
‘Umredai tBBdaB«Btatlr with
Prtoee Awarded,
Mm. Agnes Campbell and her family.
: ais letder aod tbit partr la noM
the free^orwll (b* following
Tbompaon remained for a
fc„ . - tblage *ad acraetoi wUb tb* repob.
print were plren: FUat prlie. Ilfbi
Ikaa panr to tb* ****Bilaii d lu
baraeu; teeo*d prUe. eooUc
ofwed. Tbe Obroatoto todar takee leave
(bird priae, codlas blanket.
der repairs for (he put wt
' d tbp dcBoentlc partr ud alllo Hbear
la tbe 8;M elatt: FM prtoe. Ilstai
eeU with tbe repi
barneB; faeuBd prtoe. eeellac blm'At at preaeat eonttltmed and led.
------- Knight
s here ralltog
ttalrd prll^. moltos blaakd on frirads Sonday.
. tbe dMaoeiBtle partr to a Bcoaee to
rowtb prtoe. whip.
held tott
. tb* pMM..tbe protperlir and tbe
to (be Bibletto ereati odr flrti
Uw«r d tb* OalUd BUto* aad tbetr
prtoe* were Mrea aa MIowt;
peofd*. U bat i
put In u usetsor.
100.T*rd <Uth. loTlas rap.
Dr- Tcdman of Summit City
priMdpto* aad takaa op with tbe ndbeen taktag the .
tSOmrd datb. pear dick pto.
- IcBltoa d popoltotJ and •odaHeto aad
rlclaity a
Htob ioBp. fonaiato pea.
tb* obdretcUoatoB aad tb*
sired it. d
DInnt throw, fob.
d wraete* and
raeull of SB^po* ao near there ^ a
HaaBer throw, cold bmlebed pin goodly number of a
end eaa eotM oat d IL With t blank
anas here Jasi
tar a caiidktole aad a btoak (iw a ptotSaturday
- torw it wtu bwon* Bor* aad
243 FRONT 8T.
lust 29 Cents
lailroad Rataa from all
--------a points,
■<T«»4bMt d (be d«le»M to tb*
hts parent* at tbeir cottage.
Mlu Viola Hauler bu retnrncd |
cnlllac on friradi to
a ■
ban; tb«B fata a
b* tbai (be dacMV
Make of
A afienon n a bod
at boon:
•wKI MtbwiH.................. *
............ —
Tletor Parker el KatoBano. bwktlpartUaeUp. talathecMp rtolt.
C W. AAto
A repabllcan ward catMB* wDI be
held la Ward No 8. on Wednesday.
July fo. 1*04. at 8 p. Bb. la Stale Street
Sehesri BalMlag. for tbe
ekcriac II delegate* to the maty
coBTralloa to be held to Stetaberg*
Hoaae. Friday afteratma.
Q/k each for Ladies
Gauie Vests worth 15c
For Sale
At Bargato
new. tweetjr-faiz lo« wood can*
Aafiiiig oeder.
hare dapbeau engine lame
obore will tdl eepotqtdy.
Ittt tVhitc Waiata. Lttdie. and
OOC Mi,«t, airo. ,onh SliO uod *1.75
Fuicy VimoU at leal than HALF FUICE
ttolad jBly It 1»M.
- K. geralBU.
* ““ *' •“
HALF OFF oinll our Lac(ie. Tailor Suita
Grind RaftoMMicE.
Make this your headquarters when you come to town next
Monday for the,ciroua. You can spend your time profitablvL
while waiting for ^parade.
u M U._blaek P. KaOCATMOP P. IL VnUMIM.
1 MaSTceart
Wk ktm
aw abu-waaia; fL
lea*.- WTtlea
a Mra.
^ Chaa.
CM. Appiepate. i
ncefe B. WmUM
ban i. Prtto sad wito to Mrs. C
loaM hardly p
•urM iMn
• rmUMt «
M. Ball. psieaL sac. S. tows It. raspe
ChH. J. Itomma. prooft n
M nO M otriar
aUovtBi Wllllaw «a« anwMUr aa veO aa l: 111*.
friablfany aad apU
Onra C. Caac aad wife to" Ollrer E. all otber Bwdlclaei telM. three ll.M)
4 aa aneauti. a boaa I
of a H of ae V.
bolllea of Dr. Klax'e New ptsooren
Ml Mattaft. He at* aap- towB r. raape 12: tSAP.
wholly cored me Iaod I pained W
k it oBea «M aai Mian of <
U aM tfur th* aaal laid
poaDda- If* abaolBtely
aiaiT iaaBM to fear aa4 aa I
Wimaa r. CalklB* in Willard
Cottfba. Cotdr.
■ada appoladM UMa RoMiti <
Teedyr. Ma P aad 1*. btoek 7. Petry
nadlDd lo hlM aboat • o'eiMft be na
TKMble*. Priee We aad tl.ou. ----aaaab-i tecoed add; lljaa.
10c at Jaa G. Jobaaoo'a and P.
KatbertoeT Uolkey to garab'fc. Or H. Meadt
k ad hi* aeek. HI* vUe aai
Drap Bure*
r ter ibrir aoD aad d Caap, tot* C tad 7. btoefc t.Sonb PUe
Oniaier u her bnabaad i [Abe: tiw.
Isa ad Louie H. aad Clanbel M. >
WlUba> landm to BetlM Briato'.
•. aad aiao <Mb o( oSee af foar- '
nadlrMed H od *e U. *ec. 2. tows 2«.
diaa tkd.
No Pnr I
Bk SaxtoB to Wiiuaa
1. & I. A. BLCCTtON.
Mr*. W»b«a wa* aboat to Mara
-For year, fair was afier oe coa■e >d >ee. 2. tows 2C. raace t: ll.OM. llBSoaaly.' wrlle* F A. Galledpe. VrrThe LadM Ceaaaun- lMMOT«wat tb* rosM aMrtlr aftar II o'rlocfc
................... a trrrll
Hodattea bai rieeted the (eHowlat call tbeir eoe vbeo aM heard tb* pa
------ -------Jap :t
Been far tbe eoMlat rear:
ttest caap aad epos reaeblac tbe bed
failed Boeklrn'e i
fosDd ber baebaad bad expired.
aie.- EpBal'r P™>1 I'
achee and p
Bik rupldt M aboeked al tbe aeddea
dntb od cm cd ber foremoat clllaaa*
nniam* baa sot beaa ttroap tar.
Orsod RapUa—ftata P2AD.
Hate, bet so car npretrd that
•unday. July 17.
TrBVBr** City MarkAtA.
ThM etoe praaldiat. Mr*. I
>uld be atrlckee *o aooe.
la will Irarr Trarene City at
I deccaaed wai a prosiloeot C:20 a. a. See potlrn nr ark aereu TbMroportianit. Tbe Herald la net
BaeaMlac aaenlarr. Mra.- Aaella
>er cd U>e abitIb eeuatr bar aad ' e pariiciilart.
eofared the esteen od tbe lepai fia
riMBeisI aaantsiT. Mrt. Aaaa Caltbe tute.
able, enliared aad oar wbo eoBsaad [ >eulcfw- Pane la tb* Seuth and bestbTmaarer. Mra. Harr Tblrlbr.
ed jpreat lafloeoce. ..1 m..r In.
Tka baard od dlraeUn M ai follev*: friaadi. pe Tiarerpe City
ationteyi lie at all aUtloai os Prat aad thli
Aaaa Soala. daaat* Oillaa- bald biB la blpb repard.
t fSB^ will probaUy be held
Friday aad I■ 1* expected tbai tbe atWsrW* Pair, gt. LsuU.
y od Aatrls). Cbarierolx aad
Rouad trip Uckeu at Mw rale*, oa
At tb* toebakab lodte laat gatorday Ormad Ttarerie eonatle* will attead. lie at til ticket *uUoo*r Aik apeaU
araatop tbe foUowlsp sSeera para toa rale*, limit of tlekeu and ‘ '
gkatsh ed Bucceaadul Camr.
atalM br D. D. P. Hrrtie* Pn;
Hoc. Filch Raed Wimaw wm ben
P. N. a. NalUa L. Johaaae.
Tbe aflleled will be pleased
to Datebeaa eonaly. New Teat. Dee.
tbit Dr HcDoaalA tbe i-mlccni
K. a. Jaaai* tMStb.
l*3t. bto pamta reatorlap lo
>perl*ll>i of Grand Rapidx. will l»V. O.. Lera Btehaidi.
in Trareree City, at Park Place HoBaeordlap aeta«tarr. Bateoa Bller Sbaroc. OoBO.. Is bto lataeey. aad la
■el from Tbnr«dsy murnluE. Jiilv
ID Sbaroe, Waabietiaw eoealy,
Ptaaaetoi saentorr. Cbn Dtoa.
wstfl HoaPay erraia*. July
Hlcblpaa The f*»lly later reBorrd
25lh. five dan only. rotiMiliatlun.
Traaaarar, Melrisa Cbaae.
AlblOB. MIrb, where tbe aoa ai-j rximlnalloti and adrlre (r.- CaD
R. B. u N. a. Ksia Coaia*.
and arotd ibe m»h
1. g. to H. 0, Alice AiMtap*.
collepe) aad la l»t aelercd tbe oatWardaa. Hair Dari*
Teiaity, frsBi which be piadotled la
Coedaeiar. HaUte Oawbal.
MAtb* U( ■>* oa hli t>. O. UbU* Tbonea.
' Mat BUa.
ad LMta aad Oceek In Albion
L 0, Cara gatioa.
r i1^ tost sMsabad Trldap vbU* at
tor two yaSTA aod
B. g. to T. 0. Hanto MlDar
Mb at Bast Bar. B* *a* haadllM
Ificd la the ebair of Ulla la tbe
L. 8. to V. c, Mrn r«L
Mi .has U* fast bscsSM eaacht
onlremUy for a like term. Tbe death
ChaptolA Merer Moanw.
' Mmss a ridd aM Ik* toe aad «a*
of Ms tether at AIbkm compelled blm
to return there lo rare lor the family
aad etiiie, where he remalaed ili
year*. He wa* admitted to IbeAmr at
Tk* sU latirtPtMM svitdi Mabl*
Wanbail la 1S«8 aad after a ioreearat tbs ran HanMU aM a B. * L
ful practice of two year* at Albion he
tSlMd snastaf at Karrr. ***r BaUMd aeaas* an batac toasad with toned (ra« LaaalBp. The dab to or- weal to Elk Rapldf lo barv ebarpe of
tbp esieoslTe iBlera*!* of ibe then
•s* aidMla. TM tM •ssda* psato puilied tor aodal pnrpoee aod
; M balag rartosad «tih atsal tewsr*
popolar club. A well kaowa firm of Dexter A Nobl*
Styles that become broken in sizes, lines of which
n Mitbaar*t*teP«l>>«»(«*M*M*p* torpe
at that pure He ha* pranlced law
e find loo many were purchased and kinds we are
aouiily 1a Ibta part of the aulc
bare already beaa earolled
iscontinuin^. all put on our barirain Tables and sold
■aMhna aad tbe pmpeeta <d tbe or- ter (klriy yean, moat of lb* time
: big reductions.
In Ibe aerenUe* he wa* aaioCBr Ctaab CkaiMt M. Baan hat re- ^Maltoe are brlghb
Tbe otoeen ve: Pretldest. Cbaa Hated with J. A. I
rakaaka, Jr.: rtee preaUeet, Joa. H.
a OOkafL <*«* I* at prasast la
m. atattac that bto aoa WIlBaM had ledhmsh; aaerMarr. J. M. BMkeaMa <t William* A FartlntOD. aad after
Mst Mtk aa asaUnt aad bad bl* l*i tnasarw. W. O. HoMaa: diraeten. ward* for a tbort time with Cbarlec
WoncB’s Sbfifis.
Oee. 0. Corell Chaa. Proehaxk*. Jr.. T. Hleko*. now of Milwaukee. WU. la
Wfinea’s Sh»u
Elk Rapid* wa* the coobty *eal
J. H. Medtesfb. J. M. BlakMiee. W. O.
of a dliirIH wbieb ha* alaee been dl
ftoUaa aad J. W. Haaoaa.
PermaaaBt elsb nioaia bar* aoi yet
HeFhanas peal. O- A. B. aad tbe
Kalkuka. Ouepo and Crawford. From
beea pnesrad bat
. W. B. C ban baaa lartiod Is apaad
me Hr. William* sarrad a*
rntw aad BatBidar at Harrar Car
proteenUnp attorney aad
fifty caae* for InfraHlon of the liqoor
Womeo’s SUfipcTi.
Wonen'fi Oxfords.
lawi, secarlDp cenrlrtioDa la fortyI aatablM aad dtaha* bat
OOBtractor Moeros s( Cbarierolx alne of them. He wu elected lo tbe i
I..exthrt. i-l i n toes, rai
In good aninic style*
bA vfD hs tirslAad. Tbs lartU- hai rseeirsd a eoetracl for baUdlop a ■Ule senate la m< aad ta that body
ttoa wD b* sMaptad aad c«e plaa*- dock at Kedt Hokesa had Abpeaa rw
; aM dart ar* bslad MM temrd to.
The aew dock will be a cobUb- Jen of taxatloa, a aubjeel on wbicb
BatioB at Bphih street. wbMh baa he had beiiowed ipeclal atody.
Ken'S ISSMo.
Hr. Williams wa* in eeery seaM a
wDl be ICS feet hMg fnn tbore lesdlap clUtee of Northern Mlehlpaa.
Imported Paieni l.eaiber*, *
(o tb* CDd of tb* dock. The work oa
Going to
best madr, maiked
yeaierday aad
clean a few
t. aad by I
-- ---------stjlet up xt
a aad panda traai tb* etpeaae tfbelDt dlrUed bed
also to It* aoclal and aural id
tmhf-Ihtd isBl to btip la the cslabnUna oa tbe two resort*.
lest And In ibto coonrcllon li
Ontractor Hosm la Just eoaipMi- would be nnjast to omit BteaUon of
AW. U. i. T. Bblaldt aad toha Klaf
« 1 dock al MlieheUk aad ibnae two
van appatetod datocata* to the
Wlllluu. formerly HLaa Slia•orta aeeared Us to balM tbeir betb iaae BoberU of Opdea. Hoonie
All sires, all *oli<l. great
TMt breoght El.riO lo
Bl run II itlMBPTii Attbacleas Mk. At tnt
cooDty, New York, wbo became Hr*.
wearer*, nixrkeil
SlOU. cot the price
al lb* rapalar weak tb* taai aafarad baud It ibastalrea bat at Ulx Brs WllllBM Aop. It l»6t Aa aodoaiadown
oa wMt's
•terTtUap with wUeh to do tbe uaee formed at Albipa collepe led to
la* ems aad cabs.
left to...
k It was dccUnd to M II om by tbe anhu. 8be aleo reealred a liberal
edacaUao at Albioo eollepe. Hlebipu.
tke doiA wm be T- ibapad. focty.New York,
elpM teet wide at tbe* sad aad tbe
ilred not only
aa Taailar la tk* oBs* ad Jad
A. L«*aM*r tor tb* paipaa* td>*r and aad tbe walk Madlap oat win be (or ber domeatlc and toclal qoaU^ea,
•Ipht feat wlds. Tb* docA wUl be but also her lllcrary and artUtle altiMtop tor Iks dataOt ad tk* tM
ter tbe aeeoamodatloa of tbe renteh Robert
to peasad* lb* eoaatf oeant
Rexto Mokeaa and Ahpoea Biniamt. surrirn. He It aleo an *1reaceti and ereryfaedy else ai well, loraey. Mr. Wllltama wu a member
h wDI be
of tb* Muoalc fraieralty and of ibe
tboe* owmlap lanaebc* aod bmla.
Alpha DelU PU of Mkblpaa ulrerTb* dal* cd tb* ward a
After tbe eoertnet wort to c
polltka aad alteoded with bl* father
: at • >. to. Tb* aBelal asUeat wHI b*
side* sad seata. A Bipataff orer
Uie fonaallOB of tbe party ‘aader
feM blpb will alao be put ap and
tbe oaks' at JaefcaoB la leu. He wu
rice presldeat of aad peneral eotiesel
for tbe Qk Rapid* Portland Cemeol
tart T. PnalMted ad Wastlas
ipaay. aiioraey for tbe Elk Rap
lad. tetmmir ad Ihl* do. who It etall.
id* Itno comway aad many o|her cor^ hi* partMt ta tb* cHr far a tet
poraliau aod gram la Northern HiebIMa. M* aetaptad tb* call is lU tbe
and also attorney for aad cm* of
at tb* Waatiaad toanA acu At a rneeUip of Uie directen of toe
stockholders aad dlyaar at a asbataattol laenaaa b 'e^oetoop elab yaat wert. ft was de-
Pere Marquette
Tor the Porch
( These are made from the bark of
PORCH SHADES ] the Bamboo Cane and are there( fore ver>'tough and durable.
All lues complete with pulley and cord.
S ft.................
8 It.................
8 ft..................
8 ft.................
8 ft.................
....$ 125
....... 2X»
----- 2.60
....... 3.00
Straw Porch Stats
Made of woven rice straw over spiral center coils and
imitates a target, most desirable as a summer cushion
for lawns, piaxzas, cottages and outing uses.
16 Ittdj Dlamtter al St Each
Epcry Day finds Dew
Real Barflaiiifi
Crtx 6rass Hlatting
This is 3 feet wide, comes in plain and fancy color
ings, nothing like it for hard wear; worth (iOc yard, at
38c; 6 yards of this makes a porch mg.
6x9 In Size hr f2.2S
Cbfs OI«k Ole PM on tbe Barsaln Cabicst
Also Crex Rugs fringed at hOc and up
StoidMf mrFiMqi
> ft
sup It ltd Lctk Ottr Our Bargalt Cii/»
Whnmr Yn JItt U C .-TO i Ottd Wif It
Saet nitter.
Jtlfred V. Trkdrich
lUeCan Give Vou
Be Min Mi Ibre* toert Moatta to
•B oa tba oU yaar. hM aew yW b*ptoalM OsL 1. Mr. Poaalapioa hat
Mdt May Meato wUM away aad
bM WiiPa Mra will be pMaasd to
Man at U* taeeasa to bl* aew Batd.
TM toOowtoc datogiia* <
The best for the price in
for this port aad tteps were tabes I
praaeat. tbe Meal barbor 1*
ly wilboot prouctMa. Sblpa Ibat are
toopht la a beary ttaru ben aalet*
way. Tbla, at eeano. workt
apalam tbe tUnriap laieresti at tb*
Card of Thanks.
We '
rxprwa* oor sincere
ibank* to all oar
ar trlead*
friend* aad aeiph
bora wbo *o kindly sMlrted la erery
tray lo tbe Mat
' It sad rite* of our be
tored wife aad moiber
Newel Hick*.
r. and Hr*. E- J. Beaneit.
U g. WaBar. W. W. Brawar. Laaratl City itood taal oa tM list of ports oa
K. Orsaa. O. T. nstmadb. W. A. Kaet. tb* praat hket toto yw. Brary otber
port 00 tM tokn did nor* mariae
Bsabta Ltan. FUBp Barasttto.
Ufa tk*a tbto dty. Ttarraneaty
raaatotiaa to tM acatt tMt an hwr
e mem Mportaat city to the aonta
Bbi* Pttaaa b* aaad to raasM
try aad ter thli raoaaa Meal b*slBabait Waltar m ammtr elart wai
■aa belMra that tbe port thoald
OM of tb* Madtop baotaam toes of
lad Paali
tbe city aaid a cate barber wooM be ut
■ tbetoM
bCMit. Tbe tocrataa od ihip.
piM toeURMs wooU tadaee more betorla* to hmata Mra a* tbeir prodaets
L O. O. F. omCBIM.
M toarkatod toaoh aora ebeaplr
IhaBhpian. It woald atoo beiePt thi
dattop fiiPiwiji to M toaaa'extaat.
1.1. C. O. p. tott s
TM torapteta dtoldad to
ipBMbyai>.aM.A. aiBDw
P. K a. Wat KatB.
M. 0. C P. Cbaa*
Boa. William W. gmlb
T. O. D. O. Blur,
B. B. to M. a. Vto fkamplaa.
to hmk IM toatur ap
•ji. : k B. to H. O. Wto. Oyfc*.
Md <s
to rase
toM <tM Mosaaty aupa to
££.( JL tots T.o. ADM rum*.
betop R to tbe BiMMMa at tb* poran■KJ . latotoT.to.PoM BaoO.
Feed, IDeal, Bran, IDiddlinas,
£om and Oats
We buy nothing but the best grain and you gei the
pure anicic.
arpala la pasollae lanaeb and enptae. Do not mlu it. See lb* adrt.
la aaoiber coiumn.
This Is Your Chaneel
M.ny .re already mirert lh*i w« h.v* had a eoleadU llaa at Fsrek aad Law* Faraitora aad Hw nrtos* astor.l*htd teem for flTM ei***. full, warrants fieed*. Ns. •« dmiY warn to s
•M will make remarfcaM* r*ductia<H on anythinp la tbi* ikia that wa tiara 4*n.
“pick of mw pack.- Oea-i you want to be sa* of Uw •yiakanV
And *«tt*e« te matfh. mad* ia tiw dark brwwn. doll fialea. *11 siaaa*r at add -“-p- TMr ara oa iiiYrtli
for the heuse a* ttw peren. Veu Miwld ewa at loam aa*.
I. r*ellniafi chair
toratosd. Th* acmanamt fittof pratoetod fram Om bssl I
aad aura at all tkaaa by mua. of the mderawa caatpy top. H la aa cuafartaot* ter esadlafi or rrrTtnj
or ataepiag. it ram aa wWi.
d satou* turaltara that k
laMfactBitd fram omall ktekarr trass tslth aU ihs astoral ram^
rartsu left on. All mmmmar ,1 .Hama, la bMk racAsra sM .Mira. fiem. Km,,
amu wsraa
Recorded by RepMter it Deed* F.
W. WDeoa 10 July I. 1PM.
DO Maaro to WiUtoto gpsaUliip.
parcel, acc. i. town a. raape 10: »ti.
AddM A. Qibfai to Wnitom Spaoldlap.«areeL Mayfield: US.
AodHor peoertl lo Jobs Suoaacb. *
H of ra H. see 2t. town tS. raape P:
>bH Tbomptoo aad wife lo Hau
Nord. *I*lotia.btortD,H.I.4
>>.•» aereatb: fiPOO.
WDIlam M. Beat aod wit* to Atexaader Hamm, tot *. m«. 12. lowa 2*.
raape U; ILPM.
ItoaMl to Craodan aad wBe lo
Ctora Wickham. wtA Btortwood;
d camp etasN ara most hsMy ter mettoa ar ter Mma tms. Vos wBl aasd iMm maay tiatos dprtofi too
For Wood Wort aad Fnniitiite which bu' beeoiDe marred
or worn, when coated with JapA-Lac ii mewed aad beaotified. For screeos—frilliam Hack Jap^a-Lac prolong* the
life of wire doth, iml ocher colon Btodoc the frame* makes
them look u good u oew. also eicdlent to brighten op
Wirtef-Fuinituie, Refrigerators, Lmoleoai, Oil CfotM aad
Th* naaol yso will fi
a. sr estora. Vso *■« «
ysa •* ta you •ararnsr s*«ttg*. wM. rm* ara to Mma AM Md. I, tb. tk« to My topm «Map.
Mm L. Brawa to C A. Bam■Mto 1^7. btoek 7. FWity Bfibaakt
>*>»• Wk A. n to toainnUtot
esort araselathm. M S. sac. 21. Ms-
Bofttlb Fnpand Paints
e Olait « $«ns
■AVKM0K orrv, MfiOtoto.
iBSiaaT. Jitix ix un:
' Ln
«t U> tmUmr*
maomv. «wd«
-------------, Hr. L009
_______ aad ■oat r
hanw beoi a reaU 9( Of IM<
•J2Srirt.“^ui5ri ‘S
tana oaohaH Bile aorth. alhIA be t»t.
mrad tad abere fc* watted oaUI a
afler riiUlu bl
^ - Hr. u< Hr*. SoIUtu tetoM to
K OMIT bcwe *1 HuUbh. 0*U Wed^.M*d*r. Bfur a HmM rWt with tkolr
! M*. fM a. k«re.
doe HorwnHkT nat to U**iu<e
Mn.J.W. AppM7fl<Tomto.OBt.
'- ■-Ua* at Hr*. 0«n* Harr—
V. Carer oC BMt Uk
j vlth hi* fBBlIr here.
J. W. Odod of Taaaar I*
taher at Tala Hoaatala.
rraiih Baiter It vorklet ht the eanr!
Vidov, three aoU and )two daa '
..n and boau a( Meodt to moan
death. The faoeraj dtacoorve vat .
Hrend hr BoM. E. Walter of Tnrerta
Clir. Haar and bMBtirDi donl (ribteatlded to the cateee* «f frleadt.
ramaJa* vere laid 10 net in the
efllace casMMrr.
Jtmet Loop, of Sparu. tHieh.. la la
the villaae. called here hr the death
r hie brother.
The loOovUia la a II* bf the delelUa to the eoBDlr e«
_t the repnUleaa «■
. .
rr. L. B.
L. a Walter. W. W. Btpver.
OrM*. O. V. Hotmet. W. A. Kent.
" ‘ R.
•md P. Benttelne. Ta«
vere butraeled 10 ate ■
orable maaoi to aeenre ibo 1
tloe of Hohert K. Walter for
HIM Raa* Carter of Tn<
rlalttat tbe faaillr of Dr. Walter,
W. A. White of Tr*i
aiy it in
ivn ihli DoralBc.
The Archer firit of Trareme City
re dovD here
Tto cad ~
at harlns de
Ik ^di
f tvo trip* dally.! conar
ini for Trarerae Oty.
Ilnnle Oatraoder of Tn\____
baa been rUltbw Mnda li Ibta ptaee.
aW WmoeavtU Ml Satnrdar fw
Mr. and Mn. Jaaet Btfberit. after
hatias tpenl aereral moOtht ia Chb
casD. bare -retnrned to tbAr borne Id
thli place. .
Hia. C. 8- Wall hat b
bat it ahrvly roocAertog 1
Mrs. W. Blinaa It
Pred Atktaioe v*t In TraeA Oi
y Hat Taaadar and retsmed the aas
I. ODrer ^ Itart OMtaa cam ap
it cam lo tight ttat Hr
vM the Paertb vlth her ene ,
td aaminifal toetate h
artt's tnHat son vas TarrlO Barwy and family. WedMednyi
V boa oquHod. He <1
iBimH Hat veek bet M tm- isi BM feettng rery vril sflor h
fa* she alaned to go op to her 1
U a tev dan
H vrTd of Hevard Dnaa la* ve
handa. She bad .
aad daasbter RaUla
^*Mn y(^l
. I umo aenoi Wtetrte B
rirttt taalthi oa a rWl vtrh Mm
hoard her HU and lastaatir veet to ^ U't tbe gnaleot modldao
bor and foead her autohaetaei. the If,, thoi tivmble. A tev botlloB Of R
' Mtaa DabT HUIa vas caltad to PVe *Mg brokea aad qoMe a gath la her.
>M*y reberad oed evad
Lake Satardar to aflaad tbe faaanl
at gaed for Ltew aad WHoy
ad bar mmle. Hr. Loo*. '
kies aad gaaMal dobOMy. gaUoMr. and Hr*. Ralph GHm apeat Sanoa guacaatcod by Joa. O.
da? vhh C. H. ABderaoa aed famllr
F. H. Heads. drvgglSU.
rtf FVe t»h»
. {«yatelaa calM. vbe tbonghi U ii
poHdble for her to reeorer. She r
red u a aev coal of palat aad a Buleed uncoBodeot nth Ibe ar
Waridag NIgM
_ eema«.vblle*rea>ea(v*Ik*«< day. ■She va* no lev her chlMm ,
baataet aad a _
to the rxienal apearanee. Tbe bolM‘ vere seat for. Friday al^t sbe vas ! thing that rm van mad* M Or.Klag-t
Hk vlll be readr for ueeupaaer aetl thought to be dying, but that seemed
to be a lanlng point for tbe berier.
*Hr*aDd Mrs. Ben SvUl are rWitat Yeatenlny tbe doctor thought she
Into eecrgy. brala tag iaio meal
Prof. C. I). BwHl and vlfe.
might poMlbly reeorer. at she had brr pover. TbeyTc voadecful H beUdmg
Laii Friday, vbllr
abarpealnc a
aad van feen^maeh better
apthebcatth. Oaly »e per bos. "—
tator. RUe Bell e« hit mtle ftneer
by Jat. O. Jobaana aad F. H. MM
quite aererely.
A nev cemeai sralk It betac coaPOgmVE PROOF
atrorted In froni of Dr. Peotoo't bnlld-------------:
Tear* ttf cateriag teUerod H
gheuM Coovineo tho OrootoM gknptle ^ night. IMrlag pUeo yield at o»^
Elder Carrel of Trarerse Citr
pmehed in ibe M. E. ehnrrh la* Sanly to a large and appreeUIlm aodllee.
The Infant dangfaler of tbe Rer.
Peter Price, ponor of the Latter
Salnu ehnrch at thU place,
•. died xtry
laddenly last Friday. Tbe fi ineral vat
brid lait Snnday. The rfaildreri'
■cii't choir
of tbe H. E ebn
led. InierRiau. HIU. The
y leretllgaied.
idorsemeni of merit.
my vbeta life t
beet ol proof. Read It:
. bIo^^'bTi
Mrs. Almira A. Jacknon. of E.
1 Frool
Frool !:
By body. I teemed beyond curt.
tireec beyond Barlov ttreet,--------'
- Wi a a B. hat made me a perieeily
broke me
Md for vomaa-. Mn. Charles Hniton.
enty years :
•aid 1 had liver troohle
trouble bm
bni I might
M veil have eeed as
at much cold vBier ‘ A Mormebold
net . ,
at Aelr medk-ioes. Jut before I com
eon ; u
at' Eclmiic
Erlectiic Oil. Heals buns. cute.
is< Dona.............
t KMeey Pills I vouods of any ton; ctue* sore thgui.
ptnlysed. Had a knife jrmup. catarrh, uthma: nerer fallt
r Vine* Sarah
Into my kldn.-js the pain I
nve been tonre toteste.,
■ was more like t trance ; Don't Oet Foota^t Cat Allen's
tnv rilsiorted flgores. At i
Clark and family, nccotnptnled
preted. antmying dlBcnlt
In. Dr. Culbiim. aiiendrd terkUlney seerettans esisted
M. E rburtb last Sunday, and I vat neiiiaily
enmlng fftm their cottages at Lorut thirst
Nns I wan'I the people
- re In ibeir gsMillne launrh.
rrnverse Oty to read tbe follovlni
r. and Mrs. Murphy and MUs Mar
r Duun't
4 lloldec arrived from Chicago Pint, the bloaling vhlcb pemlstetilly j
veek for a titli with relatives at riling in me for tventy yean gradul-1 ^
(his place.
The Rev. BrovD of Cbleaco U vlall- pounds lest, until I could sleep II'
Ing B'lih S. Holden aad family.
' "' until I conld read for t
Prof. J. B. Davit of Ano Artior. vhn
every evening, an utter Impoaha* beeo speudlng some time vlth the
r bnforej MHnmeoce. '
. .
engtoeen vho i... ________
I vlll gUdI
here, left
for Wyoming Inst vcHl (IcuInn of my exp.Hn. Davit yetumed to her home In >d Doan's Kidney Pills to any lady
00 Arbor.
vho ealli oa me penoully. and if she
Mn. Handy of Caoip Darlt. enter e-ally suffers from kidney complaint
tnined her alster, Urn. Myen. of Cedar and vlsbce to kaov what course to
to bring relief,
sale by all dea.......................
^lers. Price te
Poster Ullbnrn Co.. Buffalo.
iplre iw veekT
A big relebrntlon Is being planned Y. sole agents foe tbe UnUed
ir the annul Old -Setclen' picnic RememW the name. Doan's, a
■hat oecun at iblt place on Angu* S.
aar tataaded to p> to Haalatea bm
I ~LI^*bat ud Hmitr came
[ Hv Ch« cnoatr to apnd the Fourth
I WloM Im'tm
|-to hand a boan aa aooe aa he e
IdHtaM. It taokt aa thoBch
A tatead to noU hH baccr
and Mn. Spencer and little aon
from Ailania. Ga, are here for a trlslt
ora OBAMT.
alih Mn. Spencer's sitter. Mrs. Al
ger and family.
e haying, cullimting and
Mn. Ed CMe and James. Fortin*
Mntkegon a: ■ here to TisiMbe
their mi
................... abandant
this year, the mosi ih
terera] years.
Neariy all from here voat to Qrcea
iMkc the Fon^ and bad a good t
here, moving n> Chi
ere* tboogii iFdU rain. Hr*. Ch
pk« and Mrs. Braxebrldge took
»ln. little Flther vent to Wexford
> and treated their nrlghbor<
MWaalag of the Podrth a Hrg. laal veek to aiuad the faooral of :
.any gsibceed at C. Choate's and brotheHn tav, George Cook^
Chat. A. Flther bu berf given
stayed drevoict and tee cream.
Hr* Bmma Drake
and ^Mrea e^ltm of Ume and Harry Dt._
vHb raHUre* boro brille as an aatisUnl fu taking the
ewnt of the tovntblp of derelaBd.
member* of tbe losmsfalp
Hn. Appleby -di Canada It rlslling
We* Catan Aid met Thoraday aftraooB vlth Mrs. Cannie. Ice cream
We Isboe drifts payable
iQ foreiCQ ometries.
Wbcoe?er yoa have occasioa to send money
abroad, it will pay yon
to send It throD^b this
First National
Trayerse City Business College
and so on right through.
ExctpUsully Caro* JIxMrIiiMat el
....$ C.7Ji
............... 750
and so on right up to
values for................................... $17.50 and
Med Snpt Noribeni Midtigaa Atylam
HfB. John Wotai aaimaliied bta
•Iftor. Hr*. Ptaak TnM aad laj?
of Trarene Cliy Hot veek.
i. rum of Reed City vat a r
the paranona* . f,* dayt Hsi_____
Barvesfing and
mowing maebin^
Mrarwi. cwmti.
We always carrj' a good stock on hand.
>•" «■« rri-
A beautiful, decorated UlO-picce dinner set. gold
trimmed, (worth SJ2 and $14), your choice for $9.00
of Iron Beds at e
■lifftrenl paiterns. lrom'$2.75 n'p to $i2m to b<t cloi.r,i
out at about factory cost.
You can find a bed here, any size,1. any color at any
price you want to pay.
away below factory cost.
iFcoated granite te.a and coffee pots, for
Extra large enamel wash bowls,
- -- for.....................
and soon right through
large stock of graniteware
JtavBHna von vant in Springe mg
to get a Refrigerator
Our btapint cm le on Slgthearg*
11 is time for your
ntilwaukee $ Deering
as we have three times as many as
we want in }uly
IVlow.r is especially
adapted for roufih land. A very complete Machin^ ^
Don't forael us when you want a Carriaee or Buggy. \Um carrv
acomplel. line. We have received and
r ; ^ .
carloadathisspring and summer.
Bamey Jlndersoti «
____ "e-
$1 .Win values
IS.On values
^>.75 values
3650 values
50.00 values
for .
. n.7.5
for .
- H.7ff
for .
. I'TJif*
for .
. :i5 75
We have several prices in between
CwtptlMMnp Carge Dn«
BindArm, R«Ap«r»,
of wdl made, well finbhed EXTE.\’9fON TABLES.
75 diflenim styles of chairs to select from. Several
p^temi of these at first cost, all others at a big cut.
««i ne»' style rockers to select from, at same pro*
POrtional cut.
^ , A large assortment of COUCHES
A targe assortment of MORRIS CHAIRS
In tact,
fact, a large a»rtracnt
assortment of everjnhiog >-ou need
ywr home, all front regular,
reli^le f^oriei
.__ioriet, aid
will cost you
lets money,
m some
m some
would pay some other place for cheap job staff.
J- w.
Wholesale and Retail^
■i- »■»'
yon will find some of the higgevt hargain. you ever saw.
““P'ionn") liig 1in.ini«
goods and have od<l pieces and odd set* of all kind*
and desCTipiions, thai must go regardless ok cost"
Mr. r, F^oHIC ud rUMrra tf]
eaMHnt stauM nnO an*at*
mattressa (wonh $3.75|
; Ssr.";;.':r,2‘4r. "i
■tth her daa^ier.
Laun Chairs, Lawn Settees. Camp Stool* #o cheap
you cannot afford to go without them
A good folding Camp Stool.................'......... _____ ^
Cheap ones...............•......................................... ...........ji^
A Bood. solid, well dude, nicely win,ed. ’ foidinV
lawn sellee. will
ihree people, lor 1.0) and SI.25
A lint- comfonable. foldinK hammock chair, only SilW
Croquet ...................................................... 45cper «,l up^
in enr eracktry, CIn and BranttAm D«pt.
Hn extra Fin., Cnr*. Dn.
be prond
Thayer and Hahei B<WhM
Blankets. Bed ^ccts. l^d°Sp^i^s“i»illow Caw«.Com<
- forters, 1‘illows. etc., at a big saving lo you.
0,1 Stoves Ga. Range., Wood and Coal Stove, and
Yottrt very inily.
arc showing in otu-Carpet, Rug and Curtain Dertinem. ^ou will J>c the loser if you do not visit
s depanment now. A line assortment of all styles
and grades of Caniets at a big sacrifice. A beautiful
• cheap j-ou could
Id afford 10
to hav
have it in your kitchen
of Lace and Tafic»tr>'
a(>cstr)' Ciirtai
)-ards long. (75c valui-s)
each or :t5c per pair
Next style i$LII(i valucsl." for ^............... 4-'»c per pair
V-^Ottm^patUlvo years, -.uvvqju
Attbot^b «ur
our vara
..m kopvJm^
wwvMK^ ol
01 Btaay
many tedinkal vonli
r^itires the
^Mr. ABtpach a
SMntol HMBiMcst Baroalw
A large asaonment to select from
a™"^”„ce",i' ri' criraiio’vr ’™
o itate that Chat,
WlH Laon WWgaad and Htat HH^ntatbrih of Btagkan apeat Ban-
P»*r ataiar. Hia. i. Oron*^
One el the hMeicst oils Is on Bedreen Siitts
students and their employers
hot boon TMUag.
. ht,^ Ste. Harie. Oat
Wat Alma WelM of Trar*t*« Oty
Hr. T. Paha* of JIHm ^
Many articles you can buy here for le^ than a common dealer pays for them for
our stock must be reduced and lots of odd pieces in nearly everything to close out.
jpedal Attention to Each and Every Stodent.
given mo* exce£ni aata
N. E. STRONO. Mngr.
Evcrjlhing in Small Instnimenls. Sheet Music, Talking Machines, hic.
Has DO superior in preparing for business.
The Oltaaets hare their meeUagi
hall ererr ivo veek*.
The Imgee vat ven attended last
» tpwynknat saccoa. The aoOaetloa
wo lor fMHga mln-
W. W. Kimball Co:
129 Front St.
Our July Clearance Sale this year is the greatest chance you ever had to save money.
Our stock of good, honest, reliable goods is so large and our assortment is so complete
that you can find just what you want at just what you want to pay.
flian Friday.
Hr. aad Mrs. John Faal ristted at
Ir. Oberen't Bnnday.
Hr. and Hrt. a CtavHid Hailed at
treatad _
Etaa MeOembt vat 00 the tick lUi
on our floors and you will be undecided no longer. You
get more %-alue for your money in the l^mlull ihan in any
other instrumeni )Ou can buy. FBcuir>' prices and most
tag; r.
;Wnc> I
r frleod. Mr* Ceorge Hama.
Hrt. Renaedy fell and hurt her
ae«h aad face qolie badly one day doeUed lo recelep kids for ihe cample
laal veek. Sbe tainted aad had u> be ............... the bridge until the SOtb of
nth. ahen thcj'i...............
II boM anearned Into Urn boose.
other mcedng to exnml • the hldn
Mr. and Mr*. B. Bar
Mta.>. M.
Chicago tpending t
Harea t decided whai kind to buy ? Well imt call and
look at the new style hitfh*grade
at quite
qaite a large
Bara, to Hr. and Hn. H. H. WM,
a daa^ter.
pikycd hail, batldet horse racea. tight
Hr*. A. H. BBlIh ritHad Hr*, deba
valklog and other things
Mdpher teat naradar.
mention vere partidThe Sellp Laaibar Co. are tettlai
. . J ta.
in. ending
vlih n dance In the
:IMr teg* from here. Oee raft veet |
K. 0.
‘ T. M. ball
Races of all deserlplloo have been nrA party of t.
Ivelre girls
ranged for. ezcunlou 00 the lake and
t hare.
iron Charlerrdx and sp<
‘ fine program. In vbicti the An Ar. . Oeo. Jactam met vUh
ith a bad acdIn
hoaae of Hr. Bmeneamiird h.-iv a lii have
r «a« rae dar la* vaak.. He fen trem
orTh. They
I Ih* tan e( a tan aad a
erovd and 1
mm vhiek gar* hi* a hard
e hone lor hU tpeed;
A good assonment of ice Chcs'ls'for a httie moLey’
good, reliable 2-bumer gasoline stove, for only $'i.7.5
ley range right up to a beautiful :{-bome,r cabinet
gasoline range /worth $411.1. for only................ wi.75
O.AS K.\,\'GES. conncr.ed fr. SI I. $12. $i:j.
WfKJl) and COAL
rang' s and stnvi.-s. Wc
afu ays carry a complete
ass(H-imcnt of the vcr>Um make* and at prices
that defy competilion.
Our Steel Range, with
high closet, and rev.Tvoir
tburns either coal or wood
(just likccuO at...$27.7.5
cannot be equaled.
Jbe same way with oar
S*o. range.
Any one who has ever
Will tell you that they
______ cannm be equaled.
Wc give you .lime .lid ea.yMrni<M>(l 00 tk™,
-prices the same as before.
Reliable Home Furnisher
0EB CBUSB nt|vm HKAiat XBimailAT. JULY 14, )fM.
Over-Work Wcakcm
Your KUocya.
MaHferDMqrtJM lapMcIM.
IM vhM
^S!mm!^ 4ttM
' lor Mir Ijm. M tkc
mM too CTMI 4>i tk« 1.
>ru PiMual
Mi thK Halt
• 4« flicwttry Ibr 44i Spc4k«
|iMt WMMiBmn|
Rnvn. Jnly 11.—A dlapaU* (o t!
kpeerta Uberta from Cbee Foo i
poru that Clone Too, ike kev to (I
ikjdnqrs anreo ME0IC04UR6ICAL INETITin-E OF defrnae of rort Ar-bar. baa beat ea
THEY WILL K AT THE HOTEL ttired by the iapanror. Tbe flybtiey
- ------- proceeding aloiip the rbain of hllb btAYS ONL'
] Cluny Tnn nnd Port Arth-rr.
AND irth.
0 report ndd* Hun (be Rnaalan
taaee t
taatileablp Rrivlan and nnnib>-r
iea- <
tietbip bare been deairnyi-d. Nn
laeloded la (be report.
AI th* bteoi a ro« M7 paat tbroack
e Mils 4»
I. M
re 411m e
«. U^
poMUee. «1tb tfe* ■!
i>il>»l «b WM. to P*ftor M4 N«- or tfe«okMi
04k* Mrloc epoB tMr eecn
WtoM« •)& t«o. IMur
. Prea trae 4>i bDl Mi <rMkM
oa Ike eboelMn «r tbe t4!l.
IMM W OM Mi Wm( TUftBl*
»AH tMM triei In ireln to pet 4
wMe eaaa 4Bldc or mts
TiM at tte inner tbenter. where the
and naka dm leelata
» wal
M. Bite* Preaoet eoten nni pRia
Uenn* vtth their (rieM^
- -r<«orkta( la penpiac tklck. kldacr■oaei Mood Ibroarb ran and vtorta.
ead to b« ccaaM ihoi oniT ertaur
■• Mi atant (ku Pve( the epenker*.
..jblawereie be tncad u the UMeri.
Tboee who bellerei
bet eav modern adeaoe proee* that nearlr
« viu 4 r«i Mi • i<
Hkhinn cMli ai eat d» M
• M n« aB «
n* KM Tm Haws Alwsvp BaafM. mi4 wkkta kte kMB
t* mto Ibt owar M TcAfp, tea ter«a tte alp—tBre «T
AU CtMUterftUa. E
SktertMcmta ttet trtte wttk Ate 4tadABc«T Ite BmMIi ar
lAtamta ate C----“
t an Mad* of chiMle
To«l report* ibai
r eolnmn bar appeaiod uo i
mala nmd in Bnkden
WM toe tM. hovtw, to •
AB MM iMf th»4 UWDUM
I Un M»ek M*-
mM Um 4e»l4»W04 «r 40 I
MU* MMpt Pwtur. tktl It b
«BCfe M MM Mi mU tMU ■
— Mtfpn* Oo taitr oa<M ta t
mMM V «M 4
Parka Mfe *Mh taen. Tbaae eaadi
Mu* van BMraL Orar. OlacT. Wall.
OnehraO and HOaa. Bitm added to
the UM th* name at M-Ooramor Pal-
e no ml___
the npaUtiu, taia -The mild
llbertr at 4« nie- br B^iociortncVeo'
------,---------Dt. KUmer-e
jBioo* ereau that
_, ... L 'Jw fre*t kldnc/ remedy U
Mknred IIM. were eapbaUeallr it»malUed.
lor 111
appolatei, The haadfel or aen who
•k eonnael ta the open ar a lb* hiv
in vow*
i wblie*
nni btaefci hare aailpll
-- -__r b*v* a^^^B
pi* bottle by mail
rtM^tyartiat at
the ileirV
and (or th
. .. boll______
fa MRM. Swamp- Root. D>. KUmer-i
UUeal laterecu or
the day Od. John
Hay. (be Mead of Uttcoln aad
Uncle Joe"
of (be people: Eennlor PUrbMk
•oMtac neoMnde dlanlty: Aib
Oeaerml Heir, true ton of hU tauer.
Jauet O'Doonell and other veilknown Ecnre*. the people bad a feaet
aalde Iron the (heni- "Uaele Joe~
CMnoo. pletoretooe. •hrrwd. eatertaJalnc aad without (be tbadow of
rtr-eeondooaneta, wu (he center of
laay a sroap. aad Secretary Hay derared blawelfofofaa
-----------------a elaaaie. Tboiuaad* of people formed
le line to nhake haadi with tb- di*Uacolnbed s«eau. All tba familiar
Astirc* la raeeet atale repobikmn poll- were part of the aondaK line. The
e atate waa repreaeeied by lla
■•1 ellUn*. Bee -to repreaeaUUre
to* hour lehhn set toMtber U
th* tavotta *oBi aai the MU-Parliv
tareat bat an n* ta vata. The piaa*
ad iha BUL Harphr. ObaebM coabtae
wan taa mB taU.
•tyaak Or**4*M FlpM.
mt aboBl 4 o-aiaek Ikt* iKirnlaf
VLm BepM anma aad walkad akrvly
to tba ptadara ataU MatMlat che«n
af Marty enrybuty ta hall. Irlaad.
ta fanac wltb badai: The
aad (aaa atta, aai iallraiM btefTMt
- rtolad la eolor. aad
ipiirb. Aa «llb ballDW bnt biaflat
raa atrlklai. it waa
MM BBRMaAad by rMi UaA drJaekaon. The llaea
9 were crowded with
dH. hit eotea le hoaky that It Masad
eiiora. Ban (be yoeac Idea waa aa
to war tha vary tanh of bla throat aad.
------ la ertdaaee oa Ifce aireeta aa If.
hit body iraoplBC vlth oxhaatlhn. Meed, all the bolldaya. ladudlac the
Bttm Mode bU latl ataai ta tha eno- Pwb, had baen merped laco oee.
YMllM ban, he ended the creataat From early a>orala« oalll nearly mtdalfbl (be ettj rcwwaiM with ecboe*
battle c« hie UTa
«i eotbnaiaaia.. The city had
1 yatara to yo«r etaadard yon I
Bleed Ibe payrbolosleal hour
■M to baar." bt tbaadand, -I i
blatory. ataee 1U4. and (here____
bara tailed ta wtadota aad aay h
loal asbt bat I daiy any man to any italahlreelebrallon.
le tyaiema la operation la ladUat
Bicblpan, bare recetred prlraie
maikm to (be efloct ttat tSO.OM,
dOO haa been made arallable (or the
porehaae of rompeilaa llaea by ibc
Bell Telepboae eoapaay aad Ibat a
detertlitaed flytat will be made to eroih
all ladepcadeat compaalra Mcratlaa
In Indiana. Ulebipaa. IlllaoU. Ohio
od other middle alaiea.
Thla lalomitloe la aee«Tiied aa
leanlnp a bitter war between tbe Dell
company and an lodH«<len( eoneeraj
tiny In opporttloa to the eaatera
Oyater Bay. July 11—By far tbe
mcMt Importaet republlran
of tbe campaign U now la progreea at
(be prenldent-f home. Conanlutlon
eoatlnue today, tomorrow and
pertiap* througbonl the loilowing day
Cornelius H. Dlls*, treasurer of
naiinnal eommliie.’. arrived here ibl*
momlac and proceeded to Sagai
Hill. Ule Ibis afternoon Senator Pairhanks. Ibe Vke presldeniial eandldate.
will Join the Imporiani trio alreadv
dlseussInK Ihe camptlcn problem.
w Ctaatar OB. Paita-
yoor eaae and pee yoo tbe benefll
of their isRlical kaawledpn. Them
la no MperiawoUap or pwe*» work.
Ton will be told wbetber yon can be
caiad or oot. If yoor caae U cura
ble, they treat yoa; if Incarable they
will piee yoa aaeh adrlce aa may
Tbelr new medlenl dinoeariai
piveathcmeoatToIof tlUeaaea that
other* do not poate** and their treatmeat of the Kerrou* Byuem. Heart,
Stomach. Lany., Kidney*, RbenauUuB, KenralpiA Male and Female
Veakaeaaea aad olber cbiaaac dia.
caaea. ia proriop a blcaaiop to aoffeiiap btuaanity, aa aaarrellooa
care* are effected whererer Ihi* »y».
lemiabeiapiotrodacod. Tbooaaad*
who have piven ap all hope of beiay
cored, DOW hare aa opportonily to
___ alt >peciali»u of repautioo. A
vUil to than oo*u yoa nolblap aad
may aaee yoor lift
They treat deafnana fay aa entire
ly new BMtbod and bearing la many
CMC. U reatored at once. Catarrh
io all lU vari«d formi cored ao it
ertllDevermnra. If you hare weak
Ittaptorecaanmptiea do not (aU to
Heavy Flrir>s at Pert Arthur.
CTiee Foo. Jiilt II —Heavy Brins
a* hesr.l In Hi- -llrwUon of For:
Arthur la<i Diehl which larted (mm
mlrlalghi until 2 i-'i ii-rl. ihl* mornlnc
t. Manba Hlioon. l>-aawee mur
>ldml ploni-rr. rel-'lirnted |ii.‘.ili.
It 1a PlMMAU
•or MIbcr BarroCls
aabatanee. Ita a«« ia Ua foi mataa. It Eeatnry* Worva
ate aUayn Fewtatocaa. It rarco Dlantea ate WIte
OoUe. It roUerM Teetktaw 1
ate Flatalemey.
I U th. n*iw ^ Ik. 1^1.
fVwbKi. ■w.-.m.i.
it Uvttf 8M I* m
Ds. DOluiD mm
Bmn tiw Sifutton. Df
hronoc u tk. Uruad
Tha Wall Kttown Spaclalfat,
The KM Yod HaYft Always BonAht
In Use For Over 30 Years.
UU- l.in<l<-ii l..>s
p(i r.-m--ni •Idi-ssiks Parent
Tw»y>-ar-<ilU Rliu Hall girl in-rlou.
ITra.Wv 01}.,D Ik- SMt ds> id JuBs.la
tuAsrd.lsw-rirsvvrmOir.uimli ewnuty.
Cancer*, (omors, nicer* aad all
akin, blood and acsip dUeaac* treat
ed by *a entirely new melbod. IHle*
cored witbont tbe nw of a knife.
They make a apedally of dUesM*
pecnliar locilberacz and core when
If yon Bupret kidney tronble.
bring a two ounce buttle of yonr
nrise for chemical aod mtaroi^ical anaIjmU.
Tbelr treatment give* quick (rllef
and poMlire a cure. Being prepar
ed to auit each Individual caie the
bnman syitem is t horonghly cleans
ed of tbe disesae in a natural and
direct manner and improvement ia
noUced at once: even the worai ease*
ore treated without any inconvenieoce totbepaCmt or tbe pursuing
of hUdallyTocatlon. IfyouarelniproTiap nuder your family physician do not come and ukc up their
TBlnable time. They wish to give
each ooe plenty of time, but cannot
Uatea to tong
ig atoriea
not pertaining
Haalatee. Bleb- Jaly A—TUny
^a bepaa ta tbe
CaateM East Laket WU today the eaKalkaska. Ulcb„ July A—Wednes
was ablaze
I 10 ead
WhOa tho-baUaUac *w taktac piaee
Moll Of tbe bop grinding day Dlgbl at 10:30 several person*
■ryaf taft tfea hall Md WMt to bli halve* nlonpalde the cooper chop here allege (hey aame a machine of
roaai ta tha JeEeeMO hoUl
•on pass over ibdr heads a6nit
woriclap bot aad aeulap Are
irappad M hli bad Mm aahai
eboMlBSi oa tbe bell feedlnp ibe for- 300 (eel blah. Tbe tblap resembled s
haetae baM waektat tor Afiy hotn. aaee at tba aah Uoek.
wapoB box wltb Iwo huge lights, one
ta a few ateanda be wna aatoap.
teh end. The engiBe operating
tea boor later all waa wradcad. the
Tha Am balW roaallad ai lOllowi; tow. ahlBple. BUve aad latb mUI and
saeern could be plainly faear.l
Paikar <U. Haant SM. Ooitartill 42. eooperape abop bavlap been burned to Tbe atrangc object was watched for
Qtaay tt. Wall <7. Oray It
J minutes am] traveled In a
tbe proood. Of ihe 126 men employed
4. OortaM S. HeClellan i. HUaa $. omay were compelled to junp horn soutbweslerly dlrecilot.
Ho esperiments. but te.l for your■TowaeLOolerl. Then aereial ilalei tbe aecoad nary to aa4e ikeir lives
aclf. Croat eye* atraigtatened before
aappottad ilearil iwaap
m rtedly did tha flame* apread. an
Stata NawB.
-*« at iktaph a train of powder bnd
Ovid and St Louis wlU swap supr
Tilh the advance that U eonataii•L Laak. Ha, }aly It.—Ba-Seoa
Inteadenis nf tbelr respective munli
been spread through the mUI.
being made In Surgeiy, It Is a
Bevy 0- Darte at WM I^ita waa Two moalhs ago tbe Peters Bali an<i paj, light and water pUnts. Barton i
well known fact that to be stKctaoUeaa.
■itataaiad lor the rted prodi
ipaay acgalred
and Rlehard L. Redding, of St Lonis «ul raq«l»a gmi oklU. knowledge
of Ibe mill aad tbe salt block from ib-- wUI go to Ovid.
conatant practice, which can
Tb* receipt at
Parma had a untaue Fourth of July only be bad by apecial attention to
Canfleld esuie at a oast of $80,000.
c lb* iaeorpor- Tbe lumber mUI was leased to BcKII- eelebrallon Boada.v. aad Uiougb tot a the ditcaoea which nuy be relieved
was exploded nor a speech
altaa ad a sold ptaak la the piaiforai ilp and Hcvper wbo expeetod to oper- -- acker
in thU manner. These eminent
tbe relebrathni was ooe o'
throw the aMVMtlM tato the vOMat
U (or tour year* when the mill
enjcryahle on record tbera
speciaiiau pOMCm aneb qnallflca.
IBtaiM. Tha ■aatan waa lakaa me wmM have beaa dlamaatled- -- old-rashloofd basket picnic wai
Uoaa, and having all the latest ime of (be day.
M attaawt OB tba port ad tba praal- aalt weU Md denidt tveratej by
proved instnimcntt are prepared to
AMtaTaotataw ta Aletata to tba cm- Petars A Wore ware (he only thing*
perfewm My aod all kind* of opera.
tMitaa aad a etarta af UMwaae pro- tared. They will be na In canned
ISerenee bow difficnli o
wltb tbe East lake alR. Tbe burned
hai taatai ta bta lalMn* that ba mill win DM be rebsllL It waa folly
R£BEb(BER:--Tbefree offer U
««M vMhAnw It tba ptaak waa not
d. BoRUItp A Hopper wi
dtwiag tbU visit only aod will not
pM ta. Tha cM?Mttaa ntaaad to M
Uaaea at the limber a>
be given again. Poaona eommen.
that, taktaa tba itaad that
dog any treatment after this trip
WUm wai tba oaty
tbe other bana. a'
will be required to piy. bat nM one
gdn in SeM it a yto^trw
cent will be asked of those commeneDESERVED HONDA
EaeUoa at the pArty. Tbe Kalkaafca. Bleb.. Jsly I.—oeorpe W.
tlng treatment during thb wUit for
BCdiciBC neceaaary to effect a
Peraoaa. proprietor of Peraoaf Polat
also a positive guarantee to
the aborea of Torch pie with obadBte J
care will be gives to patients ocerptake, waa yesterday tbe recipient of
a SMday merfltap a ta
under their aystem of trcaimenL
braose medal of beaar fram Oewrg*
tat bim la answer to I
Tboae having long atonding and
■■ “
No. 6. G. A R.. of
1 ta tba aftsrMim. Tl CbMagp. al.lbe hands of C V. Pleeee becB^pe^ectl^^
compUcated diseaaei. wbo have
failed to get cored and become disZ B. Beadi ta tbe presence of
nooriged, are especiallj Invited to
te W« to taa» fluM tm tba n
forty member* at the loMl O. Acall aa thonaindi wbo had given up
allbofMscan testify to permanent
releran at tbe dril war and always ceaded ta
are* obtained.
n Amerteaa flag floating (ram faU
Karried Udlm not accompanied by
tbetabusbaoMwiil be refused con.
nag the summer of Ite a gang
of Chleago brUpe baltden ware WUgIM
river and boardtag wltb Br.
o*. At (be lime of Pretidaei
Bom mtytap that
^ BnSalo
Br. PersoM hAlf-maaled bis flag Md
VMIe la tbe art oi ao Mtap orsrbeard
two of (be
4^.t.r the
flag aod tbrcaloitag to tear it down
whkb ao enraged Peraooi (hat be
Ptrov'.ccmm Mvdfcsi ivory ligbi crop, only almut half
drove them Tram Ihe piaee at tbe potai
of a Wlacheatar. Br, Pleree waa a
wIlaeM to tha taeideai Md reporiei
The Uapevr Pn-.t w-II. s
it tn bla poet with (be resnit ihai the
in that town who says be
eolog to
r aodUara af S0.AM psepla. who
I waa otdwnd atrock Md promarry a a boh- Im of glrU
aa taM Ur aad aaar. movad with SMted a* above.
Common ito» Bediral Advte. fuioro He l« a Jusiic* of the pracr
1 Impolaa to pay Mbaba ip tba
A valuable horse dronmd dead on
leeB large page* is ient>nr OB Rceipt M
MoimB to pay expense at mmhag eah. tbe street at Fatrgrove the other day.
!b tba Arm Btaad :
lapont. ini. July 11.—The ofiees
jt ooecent sMm|a (m the clett apparaily from no otber eaiu* iha-i
aaM hare -Cadar tbe Oak*- tfty
■ ma. TUaeaataoaeeaneafpaa- r Ibe tadapawdent Telapboe* com
fright at a threshing engloe passing
pts taofe op a posltkm la the aataral •ay at Lapttt*. ropraaeattag tbe laURhvtar feemsA by tba hOM
IboT dsir
Traverse City
Park Place Hotel
psobA^^iM^a. IcrEtOHIOAM
May boniliii, Jgly 2lsl,
NoHlay Enniog. Jily 26III,
Fin Dip Oil,.
Dr. McDonald
Has for year* i
,nvi-r, Hcmarh. ki.inrv>. hl*.bl.-r, anil
srl.-nMfli-*';) and jiucri-.-.-tullt
im MrDONAI.D T«yr *ruv-lal alien
lion 1.1 raiarrh, Catan-tml IVafnets
Throat sn.l I.ung I>i-Ti.e-, rhronic
I)l,-.-*se« ihv-iiliar n> wom-n. N-rvnu.
aii-l Pli.i-slni! Ik-liliiiy. Rh(.iin)sil*m.
Paralysis. .V-uralgl*. I>,»r»-p-ln. an-l
all rbrnnlr and a<-rvnu. t1>—..... ..i
. Men. tV.unen and I'hlldrr-n.
,wh« yoiir disease ma> I-. THKIir I
; STILL HOPE- Tl..-n 1*1 MIT HI
' BPAIRM.ul ei.rt.uu 'l>r. Melk.Viai.l
g-t a corrvn diagnnsii. i.t vnur -li—
*»»urvl that il..- Kortr
,'.“I i
l«l**-l aud vsfvulamdta ! M Prubal^oSf1"IJ^liTJ^.?•J^^!^2
“Hb Won't ato
............. ........
■a Wrth a tkli MM. roasbinad
ate tba wsiiaal aptrtt at tbe occatea. wn «*• (ba Aay a ptaaa la Uatary. lOeUaM Band earth aaMm
tawr aiBUa ta aa aavtahta Ilgbt b
mm bar aacnad moot dtaUagU
is a Downright
uy nothing oi warmth aod comItxrt—tn having a furnace that
will bum any kind erf fuel with
eeottotny and
lucccii. and
keep one's
house at a
warn), even
kmperatwe at all liinca. that cannot be
reckeoed in dollars and ccotx. Tbe great
Round Oak
AlSum.,. (of Munyum.
• *Mr~. Tra.-r.. lily. m*a sin
M NUAiass.
L-l provwi
o F. a.
-M- I Tnus^vm
has the reputstam o! bcu« 1ml meb a I——- g| yo
taru««bota.“T*rmtateCus■ kat«*otF.B.BacawiTN.
- --
Hannah « Lay Mereanttic
City. Mich.
Mustang Liniment
a. a
***^ "
When you need a LINIHENT get a GOOD one.
orixir Mvm *1 * a. m. M
Has earned the title of
'Pioneer of Uniments” I
, Itwm rtop pshi and bad mM
hurt. quMa,
PlSf Marquette
patehed. aad (he earpaB bee (net
apM pt apaek. ate B edaa drlrtag
•toe tel aX alM kv< (w tke «mMtt a«ap (te heoar edeaanu or (he
paaee aad ton aad harawap. A ehlU
eaaaet eatop ble
BsTBk tor tte taMtral tlacl
„ a atogaeiae or hook ahall be left <
■t oat e( plan vhaa aei be
read TM theae eraraeat wetam I
Mae OMip la thair etrap^
. .' Aa4 Cnt n (te pngnB. «kUe tB »«
leaBleaen. aad (he Idee t
(Imp en« do actaal Biaag to (he
earrplag oat B theB eaereeae Ideal
: Amt BMU rn^rnUirm tteir '
Opea (he dew. let la (he eae:
Re hath a nOe fw erwp oae;
He bath mde of (he raladnpe poldea
Opea thedowflt theaonl; Mia
Stnac, pare thoaAU wbkh teaO baaBhala:
Tha ahall glow aad biooB with
•an dtrlae
t.«huflactte^WBtaUb>ial«. Aad (heir (roll ahaU be aweater th
«kt «t«» B •■miUe *tth
Opea (he dowi
Mlfet nn « nd «!•
Opea the doer. M ta (he dir:
Itewtadi Braeweat.aad thi
wnU to
Pop B abroad
the voiU
eeoe lUi
U ear .dew It vMe K aap o
. tte Aj.
> Aitf tke na (■ • AwW Itet «atilM
tte aw.
right la (be glaae fara. tie tot
with • eeft owil w eMp B ■
aad boa to nitad wotwwatO^
■rokeo. The HeoB arielag
will oook (be Upi saBdntlp- Tben
Witt a broad paddb er perforated
epooe allp the aeperagu late eaae. flU
w«b hot water and enl If prBerred.
m eaa be cot into aaeU pleeee
B belag canned to rtalk.
lUee-SBeet flra. enall ripe
sa. dtp late boUtog water (hai
■klac wOI roBon eartlp. Plan la
atcoa n BlaatM. thn
with bBIlag water aad leal. lartnd
B pottlag la BleaBer aoe caa plan
the ektoaed tomitow te bolltog wi
aatll bnted throngk. hot not boiled
tteo clip geoUp Into the healed c
[lb bet water ae abore.
bB boded (ha tone alnort like fmh
tOBrtoet, It In ao eaa matter t
rtewed loBrton. which cab be ond
fw aoope er neallopn. Per nladn or
atstred w baked inaeUee In wialer.
tta Boat be canned whole.
Beete—CB tbe enMp bcBn that are
■Ball aad iweeC Hon until done, pui
In cold water, when Ibe nkln* tllp og
eartlp. rm bot caai wllb (be beet*
aad til te orerdowlng with bdllng
wbleb a Unie nalt ban been
added and eeal. When opaed in win
ter thete beeU taste like aew
Some eaa then be pot In rtaegnr for
idBcIe or aned to latod and for
ninhiag. To nerre an a regeuble to
wialer. bnt them and terre
am oltet teBP BA I BB ti Ite BWratert. Mg P«U on ■ «B. (««
Bsd a «o>. Mr atator to twain
tor thto ttaa. no gaadhre.
Mnir rowr SoaaUBer.
Ateh brnbelle Mete
a Inca fW ordw aad (Btoeaa: te
I hare bees mere Iheoghtfal aad
dcraw. aad ttroartKnt hto life
Mewoe OeatBT. Mite, Jbm IP. tPM.
Osar Mrs. SbIob—I wOI writ# ym
m UBca te irtl pou I thaak raw ft
(be cord aad button and BBnrc. K M
The oBBa-toete tod (w aie.
y warm da and onr p« coo.
Who lesd* an tte net to pBr.
WHh BBBp a cteer. aad aecor a fear. laid op to (be tree to tbe shade all
Oar nehool was out (be atolh B
Bell kappllp end Ite daMamaa aod Anal UlltoB
oBtil I learate bow to soceeaBonp The BHip ijid tnp fw me,
oa sad I went ftsbiu tte ttlr
haadle the dough w ratter tetter, ter
(natb aad we got about aereBtp tte
Whwwrer pea Bod Ub. Ot
li nboold be to boB caa<
la dtp w town, tbenh awor a ftowa aad aaw (wo tiirUea. I wUb poa could
hare vnd reooRe.
oae aad go fahtog with ox we have
Pw sadi n* up tod. I know.
Up farortie redpes are mom
ate lou B toa.
try oaa I had dtoearded te betog too
Calla Honoa.
Boeh on the brM tel order to be pal
Prtda. inlp t. 1«H.
Haraa Ml. Oob. Marquette, Hite
UtUe br lliUe our package B B«catable. and all beeaone. to ordw t
June 20. 1PM.
them Into the desired shape. I
sbtoe leurra grow* amallcr. tor oar
Dea Hn. Bale*—t hare not written
Boabenau like the gnat out doon
loo moch Boor. To reewre
last now bMler than talks B wrlltog
dlBenltp la the (ollowtog:
Mien. Ttel to all right. Then arc
olda Baebeam* srbo have been lie Bower garden of mp owa (I
lag board hare a good eopplp B tern, walling (w room this tong Ume and ptanied Ihto spring Papa made maple
tad i>rer thii poor Ibe batter. Ftoar we ahall b««r from tbem pmip noon. amp (his spring, but li wdk not
pour haadi well and |«( the maa Into Ucanwhlle have a good lime. Soa- vea good rear. It was too cold. The
nlmont the required ihleknees, after sbtoe bops aad girls, and If pou ever •lath at Hav wa* mp blribdap. I
which dun the rolllag pla with Sour fed like It. IHI us B (base same good 12 pean old. Hp grandma has lakn
and cconptete tbe tolling pnioeat. be
> and bow pou an npeudtoc pour (he Herald lor 30 pean. I hope In s<
ing carBol to keep Boor boiweea the vaeatlon dasthis to tbe Herald. *» 1 will ebwe.
Prom poor IHile Sunshine girt,
board and batter. Now dip poor oookp
cotter Into a dlnb B Sour, placed Bear We have Just received from Olen
Nellie Perkins.
for the pnrpone. and poo will Bad Burrows aod from Ctots No. 8. Wert
tel*. Mich- R- r. D. No. L
It In coittog oot the cookies, ttougn Union Sondap scbool. a big package
Dear Aunile Bates—I ibougbi
? teller to rea eBu pou wIU here B Banda sebool papen. Thanks tar
iroQble with It efberiag to the eotmme. Tber will be put wfaete wouU write pou a few lines. We are
I tbe farm now. Wo have been here
. Vte a brand poaeake toner to tha will br B use.
montt and a half. I like It b
miferriBC from board to poa aad the
lao I did np town. Ilnw are
PraveamBl. Jube 17. IMI.
Dror Un. Bates—t tboughl I wonH tb»e alee dapa. I am well and hope
ion, I have a llitle garden r l
write to lei son know Ihat I am well,
wa this summer. It eonialns on
sad hope pou anf (be same. I am slap
watermelons, pannlps. ramjts.
lag nl mp grandfather's for (he pre«
Pleasant Work.
letiuee. rabtege. Iieans, peat. I ha e
Shemog pean aad bulltog ttrawberall reponed a fine (tone. There planted Bweei Willlamx sweet peas,
trlee are the poeta B lahw. espeabout forip-seven people there. aslen, pansies, popple*, raodp-iBto.
ctollp If taken out oa a ebadp porch
marlgnlds. pusp beans, morning glories
do. ea* the Pam JounaL Bat do, Our teacher's name was Paul Ptomou and Uue eolambtoe*. I bare found
We ted a ipelllng malrb Iwo
« shell (be pea* Into poor top w to'
of wild alrawlierrlet Ihls week,
s ago 1 guess I will close fur this
aaemg the natbelled oae*. If shelled
ima Isn'i feetlng ver^ well lodap.
line, so good-bpe.
dlreetlp Into a Beta baala ibep need
•t mp buttoo and I had II two
Prum pour Suntblne Imp.
wanting, wbleb rob* tbem to none'
* 1 have a egt named Tab tn.I
kittens named Fluffp and Patlp.
WonraeCenter. June IP, IWi.
brow tbe pod* on the Bow. for l&ni
Thep were given lo me. Tha plsv
Osar Hn. Bates—I would like <o all B Ibe lime. We have anme peonies
aean. ezin beading of the back to
weep tbem op again. HulIlDg berrie*. loto Ibe Bansbtoe dab. Please sen.l
bloom. Hp blribdap was on ibe
cord and button 1 will write
rtmng cherries, aad nemmlng enrl«ib B June, ind I gal n pair of sioekIs atoo dalntp work. To stre poo a Mier to tell pou we are alt well. tag*.,* nin- Imok ealled Waler Dabio
iproB* and aleeres from stato, spread Toda 1* Children s daand * pair of knit slippen and tome
Bkmsom Horton.
■paper orer the top. and l
silk ihread tnd a cake. This to all I
Iccve* do aot roll np preieei tbem
eaa think of. Good bpe.
Buttons Bap, June rt. IMt.
taper cog*. Learn to aarc work
From pour Inrlaz BuBSbIac girl.
Dear Mrs. Bales—I have never wntno will lighlBl labor.
Edna Bell Allra.
teo to (he Herald before. I would like
wte ao Mshtoted that tte kaepv got
Im (ate hla eage with mtto tnnlito.
Tte bolse aooa drew a crowd B pM>pla. omeog tbem Jimmie, wte ted fob
lowed tte police all afleraono. and dU
T*« get to aoe tte aalmal. at tta
had drirea e* bBore he arrirod.
Tte people asked Boterl a i
mar qneailosis. and be wa* praised
tor aettog no pramptlp. He felt well
(or abeptog hto mamma. A few
dap* later te was very happp. (or
recHred a lae new btorte from (be
wbo owned tbe leopard be bad
helped to capture.—Margaret Alltooe.
ertern Cbrtottoa Advoeote
A PwM Sijsi ‘Perasi b ■
T«k^ eactaej.'
clilzen of South HeAletlcr it the
<e B a remarkaldp smBcalled Snnbram. Stubeaai It a
apaaiel aboot two pears old. and bat
alwaps been a great pet to Ibe bom
boid. About six weeks ago a hrnrt
rbirkens were baiteed. their moth
dptog soon after SunU-am ai nu
n.lci amnlfeat great latereti In I
llitle-'orpbant tod took (hem to rharpAlilrti Its owner was afraid he •i.iilrt
injure Ihim, but he would burl
rp no ao that be wai at tost given
«h(di> charge of tbem. and bli
W no hnundt. No stranger dare
rh hit ni-wlp adopted telldren, and
all dap he lollowt them froB place
place all Otfr the ptrd. If i«c B them
happens In wander ntf n sbnn dlslnncc
Met. AM* ro-tor. g grataatof
from the rest he It iiorasp unill
again. At nlgh< <be lliiie <
a roosting plaee in 8unl>eanr>
■haggp cnal, and if they an- not i
a certain llmi- 8unl»-am gw-s
- lard) ones. Tbe tiny teirki
reallre that BiiiiWm Is ttel
tor. and alii ]>-..p long and Ic
thep lose sight of hloi. Th<p are
«rak from Ite afur
c under Suoticam’s rar.- Jon ns srell
If Ibelr mrdher were rtive—Knaatr
__________me to fwBrt* BblRr.
Clip Journal
toatM*rtedf(p vMvatermsrtrteaM
mmt etretmn tm m n aadiiteRi' ateri
f/oB.*-—Jure TAVLo*.
LInenIfi nod the KIHtim.
During Ibe war Unroto nw
mens crawling abuni a leni In which
f was rltillng. Their mother bad died
aad tbi-) WOT Bewlng plKxmslp.
great, lender-hearted maa tote Ihera
In 8lroBrha there to a Urae. brarti
bit lap. stroked them, aad gt
ful irc’ that 1* a blewUng to the p.ro
7 that tba sboold br well eared pie It iM-ars great lainrbM B twee,.
. AfK-rwardt Mr. UneBn bunted i<iicp while (hiwer*. wbtira prtoto are
np those kllient nevcral limes lo mak<- half an Inrh thick. In the ntgbl Iter
■arc. Ibep were getting on well. Even drop oir, and at dawn men womra aad
(be midst at those lealble e
children nisae wlih bnakeii aad galber
wbra Ibe fate B the ualbin bong ofu-n (hem np (.o rm«d. Bran, even stop nil
upon bis nets, rnir noble president htd night.' bulMIng fires I.. keep the wild
ttonghl for those (urlorn lliil.
mnlmaJs awap. for iha rot the llowqri
grordllr. Th«u> tree* fsrntoh bread to
the poor froia Ibe tost B Marrb to tbe
oilddlc of Ma-
Cora—Con In the aort
of all regBablee to can. ■
Mot* tonUat ttea IkoM trsM tke ppn tbe daw or (he hml; M to
eartlp. Thin recipe l< i
SpaBathp met tor etrmager aad Ma.
: <nwkM|lW«frMau<ttotee: t( win Babe the hate oTthe heart
preci down aad gn agal
•klM ud Um.
tta we packed full. Seal a
im torn* galera «(
aad boll three boor*.
peb BBp eater ttaawan.
sod tetk
Opea (he dowi
^ Ai^a «BTtala (kat iBai ea ttoe.
The Julp Coimtfy Bride.
~BrUBh Weekip.
For Ibe bride who lire* to tbe rounr «W bUSav mad eUivlati aad tad
UttB Helpera.
ta nothing I* pretUer than a elorer
U Bothen eoaU reUlae (ba(» b bet wedding. If the nrcmonp to perfonnrd
ter to bwla tbBr hoaeakeeptag lee- to a great orehaid. or to a grore which
eoai whea their daotfitB* arc Bx la- adjolni the bonne, the egeet to ebannHead ot lixteea pean edd, It waold tog Indeed. To ilrtre for drcorslioet
Aad «tea tte plar^ orar tbe
hea Baap a beartaehe over the B palau aad bot boon ron* would be
■caalac lirtav
btaaden «( tbe pang girl wbo oftea oot B tailc wheb all aat-of-door* to
: A dtaplar t* the enfu aad iai
aaeaBe dotlei tor wbleb the U ifp^pc to make the da glad and fragnat
«kan B aplaaSac. the laaat dkat arw wbollp oadttad.
bride, to white, earrtei white
I Bot iBportaat. aad aet erea
Aad mndlv et Bacleal hoM
dealiable, epoa eateriag eocletp. that elorerv Tbe mahU In ^le gr««o doi- 4>d ««a*lac a( (abr-Uka «ata «
a glri ebeald be the Boat laahkiealde Jla eara boufluBn B pink elorern. la
tore or erebaid there will on■raea.'
e Baat attra^re aawng her
Ink BlBlna.
.Aad Baklac o( paver, aad ten tae. I
I. bet It B laportaat that ate doubtedip be few If nap of the frnblouoBa, bnt the geld* nbonndehoold be taa^t la earip pooth the
A srrtter to tbe Cbicago Becor-Hertog Boni pleld their treanam. If the Id sutunlis the foHowlng method B
; le inaap rtikt treah baa the a
(telto Tim*.
out B colored wart
a part at her etodlei, ao
led Into a nasip snarl, and no
Mildred was ftisi Ibn-e months eld
iBrtened l( will retoto Iu treiih- natcrtolt. It has been foond quite
hankeml tar the pd. of going out wiiu when wc took her to n mesd's to obow
neu (or dapi. This will mean work
«ful. using II on blue aad osiidog nad sianlig the ka tog. In her .B This Isdp-s mu- Imps. ( and
i .; Aaeatteat lananlni paa lad
tor tbe unall hope of the famllr. Dul lood gingham*
ihc crew was an Indian wbo was note I € )<*r* B age, were vap morh later
the eBeel to beaniifnl.
Cover the spol wllb lartaric arid,
erted to the Ijnbp Tbep asked maap
for bis eonlness and bis kA border of clorer bed«. or n mou
Chlldrea taa leara to work (liraiigh
then molwen. As the tok to taken np
Ihms. such a*, -fan the uir Ml
l>oss anally lookr-d over In hH dlrMbp tbe arid rinse and renew tbe appll“ftoo she waikT' tc On dlamvertog
their pbp. ereo beton tba are oM of elorere here and anoiber (here,
-Locoole." he said, "poll gn
to ettead eebooL Tba caa be elaer nod« bnlU'op about the bone of eatkm as often as to necessarp. Drop
<ad nu teeth that sh- slt^
and break that Jam. and I'll see
tree all produce aa arttotle cBeet to ondiloted household amn
ttagbt te wacb the Bothlag (or Ibelr
the lime, that she cosid
pan get a nice puK In tte paper.'
wbleb win mew the color and
nrtih.-r talk nor wrtk. Ilerten. lb*
dol|i. ead tba wDl aatoP It iBBean- The bride who to married o
Tbe redskin looked at the logs,
out whalercr faint trace B tbe tok
rounger bop. tald. nomewbai pitrtogtp.
Ip. lBpreaiapae(beBtba(tteaierBten at the boss -Dead Inlun
-Well, wbea • I ahe be allTetlag b (be tiae (w eadi work, sad for«mp rrmato. il musi flnallp be rinsed
nM» oo paper.- he grunted, and
abb them with
■borougbtp. and tbe more eipedliloo
nsed to the process ibe toss apt It to lo
; - Tte Uih eaa ^ hB toUaB tot tben ipaitor aad tplaab about to Ung B the tuB.
If the gnus to Imperfeel a green weaken tbe material.
Itelr little tub. A »ea UtOe ant■ '•
llftle girl had heard her -»e«t—
EJtBianls airt Mle«.
*■ Aenac Ua teHi; the erawdlaf Bitfit will teoch tbea bor to wacb aod carpet eaa te anrolled from the dew
to tte place where ibe rosrs wm te
The terrors of tbe mouae lo larger talking about making name raadp
Han. (bell? elethn praperlp. sad
Canning WHhewl Cooking.
doTcr bade
tlmalt have (orraed tbe snbjecl B kisses A mile while after her grand
»UR ea«ar ilpa, aad dnda the tic probe win aUBulate ithaa te ban spoken. Two tlap flower gtrU. with
Here to another recipe for "eoU
mother B*k.-d ber ftw a kiss tet the
storage coBBlng.- Some B onr Trar
girl atld, -I I>av4m-t 4M 4Bn
lag the wedding porip. form wUh the ersc Citp bonsekeeper* have tried thto
pemilirmi have ariara to coo
wblteaeae with the faalB waihlog.
-• Tin dravep tra through vetap
quencc. Nevertbelcas, aa etophanl
later on tha eaa be (aogbt bow to ctelDi aa aisle, throngh wfaieh tte method Witt snccess.
Haeae teode;
brMc aad ha aiieadaati pass.
uanallp afraid of onp saiall oninml
ALtacaU tha Baa abore the ctareb and IroB Ibeee
Ptoee a toper B berrlet aod a toper
NM His Ortng.
LB tbe mue haadi roll oat tome B
I It IS ■umceu.tomrd, A dog or
aleepp vmea.
sugar to a resael until all are to:
IJitb- Rop-a older iTother had ten
•e doogh. baklag dapa
cat, and aomnlmes even n monsc, w
BgItBg OKD am
• While with deep arblrrtag baae '
t (ben stand over nlgtal. to
traslng bln atom Ibe ahape B hU
Kite rraua-AaUm<
the top B (he pepper
' him aanopnacc. espeetonp If
monlog B1I Ian full, teal and place
owe. ntaen Ite mile fellow (toctolnvd
TaaiBg their Uap pipee. ite aMlI' their mUc bleeulU aad caket. Thep
cool, dark place. When opened
-I taa't tetp II: I gun'i Imp ft. It
wni be Wood to -belp aotber,’' and
noise of a moose ntnnlng through the
tasie like terries (hat have been . Join (be !>
Th* tenM B Vownlns.
ij Please send Hew Robert Helped Capture a Leopard
as a birfda p'e*4«.If tba an act dlecoaraged aad Bade
hap-will often cause an riephani to l*-gar over nlgtal. Tbe seem
A good. (ride,
me a card and bulinn. We have
A True Simr.
OBderataad (hat tba
eome excited
having eveottlng fresh and clean, ■ le dog m* name Is Rover. I bare
splendid thtog fw
hotter than good, tteir dellgkt la
A pawn to nature'* demand fw rert. scalding cons Ibe morning before Ibep
sister and thri>e brotters. Hp ra pears old. aaw bis mamma. Aunt Alice, i
Mp amber »nk mp rtsler aad me U
CDOklBg will ahMc Witt thea whea the
used nod packing no that i
Some people ibtok Ihep'onlp pawn bether has a hardware store TfaU to all DoIIp Dimple and Sister Margie drive I
He Wanted to Oa Thore.
the Breap.
bbealu are bpger. aad Bade fw the eansc tbep are aleepp. But (his Is oot
no empa spaces.
n think of this time. Hoping to awap together to see the „ree.
-Oh. maami.' tbe aold a* n Bo*
toBltp laitead B ddlle'i tea table.
Too pawn becaaae pou are Ured
Sunsfalner when 1 write again, so
prd In bsA a> the el
Tben are Baap ttiage tliat chndrea
•Ip even if |,„b*
Bpkod Cwrrants.
good bpe.
rubber all nver?Bmp be sleea also, bm ttel to not
H It poBible (w a womaa tabetoo eaa do aad eejop, too. that an B real
BeniU-p brtl promlieil that he could «„ I
the real caoee of poor pawning. Ton
Prom pour Irlend.
8U pounds curranis. oae lercl lablcthti tboa about henvai: it
Matt Maap aa euedleet I
to tbe evening with pep. end sec tbe ' n ibo glorhxiib
bel^ bacldea pleUag ap their erwe are aleepp teenuae pon are tired, snf
Age 10,
Rua* Sogge
spoOB etonamne. four pounds sags-,
(tooted a dak* Heetpe. '
woald gin aa taatant aad decided
trained tra lions and the animal show.
aad keeping theB la wder.
poo pawn Iwcaasc pou ore tired.
■I will.- said the mrHher: -bin did
one level teaspoon cloves, iwo pound*
The mistreat rame Jau> Ibe kUcteo
*tei* to thto dBtalloa. Bat then ere
Robert lived to a qui.-t nelghls.r
a Bitb brooB and dart pan be
Williamsburg, MIeh.. Jane 2t, IN-4
im lah.- Il.e s>mp out ••fghe waierT' Be dap aad said to tbe cook. “Bridget,
pon feel like pawning, raisins, one level teaspoon allspice,
two eldee to It. ai (hm are to BMet glTCB to a child (or iu owe apodal
Dear Ma Rau-s—As Ibe letter* Ir baod. where there was -DoihlB* rter
-<»h. peih. I m Iburr I
rn. Ikmt la In sappresi ,i
(rood at making Jobes?' “T«.
oecthHn. A reeeat writer la a hooee- oae. and at tbe aaae (ime a HtUe taah
■lilned. as hr .,,nie.l , The m..ih-r read Ibe dertrlplbm B lom.- repitel Bridget, "bow maap
poa think It to (mpellie to
s, wssta. drain and remove Ibe ■ he Herald are loten-sllng I would like
a atp paper hai be antgaed. aaeh aa the brahlng ap pawn. Put pour band orer poor moueb
B my us o. There are ao
I tbr b.-*utlful ulif, Ibe slrras of gold, eggs go to RT1*. Pm Into a preseatog kettle,
B crambe oiider the dlalag uhle after g poa srnni to. bnt let (he par
>p ihti have Jnln.-d (he Buasblue
best friend. Jimoib-1 **”' «»"■• «f |warl He' lisimed
add Ibe sngsr. raitins aad vinegar an I
each BMaL tbe child win be pinned And If poo on where pou con Wretch
I I tbougbi I would like to join Feaion. rame running, sating his rap [<l«'Ilgbii but shen she came in
DBlit 11 eommewre* to iblrfcen:
Whrt Oranrtog lx
■ proud B the drtp. Oorlag tbe
SCI please send m.- a card aad bur le wa* neatly exrlinl, and ralKsl out, I V'M*. -N-. rme eaa pmer there wbo
tbe name lime ibai poo pawn, jost
be spice* and cook lo a thick
Uill" BesMe (Uaks she knows wbai
Par pcHi I hate fourteen Belgian •What do pou thtok. Jbito-n- Two <rf ; '"‘'i*’ ■'( malrth a lie." boonding up.
r Bftrraaaae IB the lltUe girt ntmeb and pawn. This In nature'n
drawing l> “Ton Just ifalnk B aooieIte iatenat Ite hoeaewtfe lakn la
V B mretebtng and reUrtim the
be lecqiard* got awap fmoi the animal ^
»nd thee almui Ihlnc pou havi- m-.ii. and then draw a
'ter bOBe. wbea It cobb to tbe pBot
Well, mp inter it gelling long for Ihl bow, and the i«i||et- ar<- out Lon'log
“‘•I’"' - N"nhne.iern Mooihlp.
BaH In Bathing.
where ete elaki her whole lodiridme. so good-bre
Don.'i be afraid to open the moaib
or them; Ciei pour rap, ai.mt; i^,-. j.
enpful of ordlana rock snll li aa
iBiltp la her hooaewetk aad attket her doll* fraa paper pattens; to- wide and pawn and slrrtrti wheaerjr
Kopiug to le< a Sunshlner.
go with tbem. and hav..
”■ -------•naoae aboet bw wMcted. (rortag ■troet her bow to new them aeatlp. pon feel like U. Indeed. If pou are nvtlunble addlilou to the balb. Ii to
Ace 9.
Hara Vane
lallp sooihlng to a pernon with
ttep a>ap bring in a ipei^ B mad
r to make bow* for tte little hats rea tired but Bo not feel like pawn
laded nerve*, and will often Insure a ■Traverse Clip. MIrh . R. P D N.i
let a Up ibroogh the aema. There
cap* aod what eoablaalloB B <
ing. there to nothtog (hot wUI rest ptw resifnl sleep lo on Invalid or a IllUc
April 25. 1904
an wonea o< tbe tppe who kaow aolhma te oied tar the eortnofs.
no qnk^ on to tit oe a slralgtai-back child. Tbe salt tbould be dissolved
tog her absenri- j
urge.1 him i
Dear Mr* Bates—I ibuugbl 1 wou
btg bat the noad ot daOp wort la (he
on win find that II wfO te time (*atr and lifting the feet from tte
n. bin be refused
and tboroaghlp mlied wllb the wata
hoaae: who are aeldeea aeea wlthoaf' well spnt. Bottm. tor poa win
•nor. posh ttem out to frani B poa at
Jimmie Dnallp lost hU leiaper.
wbleb tbould be moderaielp ^rnrm.'
Mp papa uk
laptog (be toundukB B taste to dn
tor 0* ponible. sirateb tbe arms, push
<0 rrad the I.
eklllfnl oae B the tte bead hack, oen tbe month wide! Baihs B Ihto kind will, in a measure. > »>e HeraM
tog pi«w' Ror-ri'*ftm.
ake Ibe place of ttm baihtog.
I bate fire *
needle, which to a tew peart wtQ te
1 make ponraeU paw*,
lonelp ihti. ever, and if hr
Cixir lirathcr* 1 bi
Nesrtp 4SJK0 to daily uae; PjOOD Ir
B nine to tte pouag girt who hai lUrbos* tense aeaee will relax tte
teery purchaser
tame hen Please s<’ad me a card and had aot been snrh a big to.y be
iBBiwIate, Aod woe he to the oae
•^terilor *«thrato*L
- to spend opea ter tenet,
ilraeted monelea wUI sMch. and
who (ergeu to wipe the aad off U*
Ctecker* are badlp aSectod ..
make ter brain aad (tegera tte whole bodp will be resiA Do this
The -aterltog- Ptaao ]• desei
The bouse seei
pular. II Isrme Bthe ■
ihon ootHde (te door, or top* down do wbai Boea wUl dofw bw rtstor two or three limes wbn poq are Ured
moist weather, and tba are Doeo to write I wllf cloac. wishing pou
oo Bueh at a aewepoper oa a table.
■rip rained Tbep abotid
wbo to more tartimaie
aad see wbai It will do for
Age ID
Uura A. Portoo
nothlBg lo do lo
Troa aaeh hoaea the hatfaaad
teratlp admired for Its dellghlful •slngtog qutllip.' deep snoorora
alwaps be kept to tight tin boxe*. and
Health CaKore.
thep ndll not get toft and cromblp. If
went lo the kitchen and ulked a while |
ttalp to map to Bon coagea
bats, aad clear bHI-llke treble. It. actlra It B Ibe tort aad responds
Let tte bops te lartncted to tte
Acme. June «, 1»04.
with llsdca. (be pleasaai temnered •
pteaa. where te b aot eoaUaaaltp ootdow woik; M tbem cate for tte
thep bare been aafieaed bp the wraibtostaatlp to ite llgblesl toueb. full/ merttog Ibe rfqnlrrpimr
Dear Ma Bale*—Well. It is so long
Trabilnq B Bopa
to girt, wbo was b •king cook
tegged tor ena BBbap. rrea each
er tba should be put la a beg oven for
tte mart ezpen ptonlns.
tew tools, aad
a time since 1 hare wriiieo to pou
I wonder If the motber when tratoteaea the aOMroa dp to plap i
. and tba wni have
read tom* te bit erw book,
teteh ttoB to repair ttdr own aad
We kaow Ibe -sierilnr" wears well, to (act pbenomraitlp so. bethat pon will think I have (orgat'en
.walghbwi- bouaea. w ae tbe meet.: their stoters- brakea torn, to pot a naU tog her ba Witt n telpful. osefnl
ttrir crlsptoee. qoltelp tratntte
wondering what to do a
pou. I have gne mp ballon and card
«»nra we hare sold II tar orer iwBlp prars and have pet (o hrar B
eaiip wamog. aa tha grow Bd- or a screw bera aad tttre aboot tte hood to new. aer Ihtokt Blhc p<m*l- tbem.
when be beard a toft -plt-pai- np
aad think tbep are nice Hp steuol Is
a dlstatlrfied parehaaer Is pdint B terrlr* the -Bteritog- is aaimrUe and rea probable wife wboi '
er. tor tha dap wbea tba ehaU lean boose
stoae steps. He raa lo tte front hall
oot and I an going to bt'
fitted Ay my Ptaao produced, on mailer what ite price
dap map b
(te rood for eoe at Ibolr owa. Ttea them
aad peeped ibroogh Ite glaas door
Tired PwL
coortnet tieds aad wagaat
lisnc Up iraebM gave me
The “Bterltor I. farnl.bod la a virte.p of mort arttoUr tmm.
. aaefe beaee It oftea bappeo* that bop* and aapthtog ihat wm Bstraet them mother tows ao will ibe wife
There lap a bug* toopard oa tte
roung wife wbo lake* great
•go, aad dertiov oolp aatldp babiu. to tte oae B tool*, ao that later oo. It
snpwblp finisbed-oalp (te h.iu.|i>
tbe verandx calmlp resting
baibe lb«n^ hot water, ibra a dai aU around It. We had a fine time. We
pride to dolag the work B ha
'had glria Who prere abaolaU tk
r, watooi and oak veneraa (Mag raed
•e oe bi* paws. Boben waa
“eeonaaa. tta eaa turn ttw fc
plenir. We have got
me. bui tboae dmie* arc doabled bv
: beet an aagged 'rogardlag the edge to bccooat.
■ch frightened, bm H oocorrod (^
Ton tboald not conatder ptocl
n poOT^Ptoao laI yrar
corelens. a«Mp bosband-naddr
Tbtae B antacae that tea had takea
bat little
a liferobbers Wpm «Ro tte Ikkuc. colUa several pain B rttoet and wear them
' aaafetaaidtaUketDtteUea.ate(oaad
of mStel"
To Caa Vegntsdtea.
-\ BBiltftetkm.
». te bis ntoiamx aoatle ..d rtx
iIsfaetloB. A rbraply mode I
•Bl 11^ -^lowa. npea tbe sUeboard. sitnraauap to not onip good (eg tte bapa. Thu ha* been n cold aad drtotbeaeelea wtahlag tar (te
■f troobto and
Most hoanmtren ante to eaa roedip. But «e ran n
op to (te berae
- bnt good tor the abee* at wetL
dropped npoa tte aarateeni.
B tte pupil On tte other hand, aa anlsUc
. grpapdite (wBiaon thW «bM 1b-: hlea. tor Hto ardsbos labw aad to
shine to tbe boo^. -m* to
d Urod
tbe -Stertlar Is aa totpirathm lo tte ptoyi
OTote. Whea hu wife ask*
I rUtf oM^caa Imp tbea sow at
er, aad
I «ai write men.
emere eaiBnl be taps. iSHhitog- p
ont rtwratedip aa If for
- raa
d tbongttlesatr. 'Mother si
ted op after me: whp caat
otert Timimbatirt ite pBte wer
I to setBte to tte man. bat i
hnattog tte lootete; ao he tek
»oal taoli goB (oRba bock. tor. a* „
Hate CUP. Joaa fi. ifiM.
ftex -Motbdr ahrv* plekod op afta Bits B osop that aro toe tmall to te
Otar MOlor-Ai I have mot wriOra
tte old eoptog la. -if* ted BbeoU be raiBoap laU aalte te or a lo« Urn*. I win write
•a old dog Bww trtckx- taanda dapx wbra ttep ran te aaktewara noaotera ratelan Mrt
•il mt mmt u (te wMh team
(tefir- ItefiteMmterraai
TravanaCIty Store 169 B. Finotf
Tnrasc Qly State Bank
Tire Ttisurance!
PUt»OlaM.StaM) Boiler «nd Accid
?«tT bsM Bt dmul »eiTl
ma jw of pmetli
Tear pMna^ •olldtsd.
CAPITAL. «30(M>00
Moncr te Loai oa Improrcd Real Estate Only.
Room 31 o Now State Bank Building.
S iff OcM IBMM MI1M IMptlUt.
wreailer of TuUnp, T
e Terrible Turk.” wh* ;
•he nntmer norgo]
d foaier of all BMekeydnat
la Ibe boly rliy pf Muttra. IT Malbura.
Je W.
otlwwt pbpos m. omot 40L
Maw WWstta Btoek.
Ttavaras Oly
For ca.se of operation.
lifEhtiiKS of running,
case of handling, close*
ricssofskii iming.
plidty of construction,
the Empire has no equal
Mrs. James Harris won
the Governor's Gold
iT f.
for butter made*
on an Empire, in Eduraiional Butter con
test last year.
Machine can be seen
and supplies secured at
Frank 'I'tWc's hardware
store. 146 Front street,
Travenie Cfty.
caialoRueA etc., write
T.W.IIlllrf, HslllCtA(l.
Alden. Mich.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Ete.
CUd0on$ ^
Wj-pUi«terf b cve^y 'iwpea.
Th«t are mide to tue at «en at teU. They are
not made of dieap material, and given a flaihy
fipiih to catch the ey-e; but are doraUe, cootet*
able, and oeaL The dte^ on the maiket, qaahiy oonridered.
Once tued and )«u wQJ buy no other tn«k>
K6 state strttt. » Uictor Fctertyl.
Ighiera to.
Royal TIe.r Toao and OofTaaa
Ro^al tiger Si
•m4 Salman
They are the beat
Sold only by
ClUnnt at, Bell 1«
II 4L and Lafca Ava.
BEST 1(eu RUBBER PLATES................ |i,M
Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
dapiag and damsting
win begin in a few daj-s and >-ou will want
bonie tools. We have a good stock of Scythes.
Snath, Cradles, Scythe Stones, Kakes, Forks,
etc. When you want anything in this line
cone in and lee US. Our prices are low and
our goods are right.
Pans ffreen. Land Plaster,
Sprapers and Sifters
Our Land Plaster is Fresh, ground line, pm up in new
hags (300’lbs to hag.l The Paris Creep is of the best
quality. If jt>u must have these things get the best.
I’nce of Paris Green is 20c per 1 Ib packagc.^^leas t»quantity. Gel our pri«»$. Und Plaster 70c per bag.
Spraj’crs from 50c to
Imnlc oF Kin8t«l«y
MMponnltolll^, •MO.OOOOO
P«r caat Iptprpst pi id if left m aoutlu.
•MOMKV~¥e fti^AM. .
--- '• •»»»•'
% hariag at do jmir wnA.
rmmtataHj loeatpd Semai PImt State Bfllk BiBilar.
Opea Tmsday, Thatadiy »»d SUardar Evnii«t- Both Pbooes.
_____ _ ...
Have you ever tried the
J. J.Kmm«
and then .traak half a
A City Full a( lta«*aya.
a^lea. ibe laae. I iblnk. fnim which
hrallb laat pulie >
the organ grinder generally aeleeiz hU
pannrr. The prtoelpal rare In life of and more miis<-|,ui and nerves Ihaa
Thara It ezaetly.
Farland Ihe nilzepa Iz to proleel Ihemselvif .irdlnary lu-nnlc, .lemanil m.uv f.ipit lo
'haacea lo have an teqnaln nee with
keep up rh.tr .Irength,
a»d their prupCrty from the depreda
he aaae people, and «he
Ilona of tfala privileged elaza. for.
here ihU anep
When ahe met
f Is ntoro^ibeidcl of hp
thoQcht It appropriaie not In Hladoo-lazid?—they ran
to utter a pleaaanirr oe tao regardlB*
killed or moleaied In any manz
douM w
the reUilte pfmpecta
chillier sUlI the eiasp
^^^ery window In the town I. barred from at
'< hail oreaakm to
On sleeMIpp'd rifle Brliply held eNblo
mlih tolllrew. a. not even the blgbeai
'”«'»n«i’d qiiBilrap.'d. for
his epsrdlaa riasp.
la oul of ibelr rearit. for they ci
At any rate. Hie flared up.
give potuti to Ihe heal gymnaai
lovlay aherr ihe w.df l>'rtoiivTdl^.
minute ita<') were puarreUiK
Hark! What Is iht'T fto Biiiflied o
ever swung on a trapeze
gerous to mankind.
arboottdrla. tlefore li waa over—by
upon the rlrer rMe?
undiraldeof Ibe blghewt halronlea i
the wav. Carber, baa your wife any
Is but the plash of risini
fcillow oar anolber In single fUc. k
■ rouble with her beanr
herald tDarpInic Tide.
ing paai Intervening hrnrk.ta, <w z
Ion. or the emnuT. A
Carber ataited violepily. and ainnd
A llrefly* upripht. '-Vea,- he replWt); -the dorior •me bound Iher clear the aireel.
-i«<snai,f .NewMezlromt
a luy
ihe ealplBR
awingiog from ifae pendani branefaea pay hundreds of dolbrs a y,
baa CIVCB her airlcl order, lo arold
gray wolf.' scalps, Such ai scalp
of a hanyaa tree. In they go at a
IMd ,he-r Apiutedl,.
ch.-ap Bl ti: or lid
small opening left for a aom>-ni
A mnunied mar* The-'Coaaaek pnat"
nebor. for
he reseaird himaelf. graaplnc Ihe olh
l>0Dea'b yon rJanp of tree*.
guardnl. lured by the sight uf a b
anly bav
- a arm. -Tell me." be wld. -pnick.Hna hme, 0 Lord, how Inae. until the
rf mnk on the Hll: and when they are desiroyed many lli
value k
"Be calm, my d*«r fellow;
fa irolns
■low; I'D
iuD. Ihal PCI an red.
ehaw mu again at the polal of a
sphe Cif all the warfare made upoa
IU spae
lAri Biehi upon ihe Itaiile fl,-ia. ntee
t>rpnailck. they
ihey go and eoniofe them
are. S^tlpp^ ^'e”r!“i.“
them, and all the prlcw pul upon tbpir
more abalt lUi bla bead?
t Ibe alalia of the fnill
■B a donor, and |iut her lo
i lied
V loDc before hi. aamlnc ra
(heir chief beads, ihcae dreaded, niyriprtoua
waa heiiur In a abort lime, (the mad. Reid of aelbw
ahall alvc the new dtv breath,
•Ion* Ibe "ghala.
them prumlae uol lo tell you
Bm ll
I llehl Ihe walilBi: world aealp-lo
>u-pa descend
oreurred lo u. Ihal. were we In ymir
life ■prrebapee to death?
(bey aim **
faai flowtng Jumna. Here al Intervals ages, halfkl.
place, we’d want to know li '
dore. each for fc|
tnd wHhoui a
•Thank yon. ohl man." aald Carber
hU owB
Fapdierier. far. (he Mauaer'a mar. Ihe
• Tm obliged lo you for tetllne me 1 the dlCerem ImIhiBg places.
pnm.|iaei‘i yappina bark.
underaiind her ropdliton. Ii'a more ^nn-d ,m dom... rctlng oa alepdor
last year the aiaie of MlnaMoU
The MlOW of Ihe rreoanl. than tbia
MTloua. I’mI afraid.
afraid, tbap you iliink. Of
paid over IC.ooA . ampth In Ihe betl
aaliine In the dark!
red sandstone rlsw ■irnlghl from
<. A-brlaj
did not realize
of the wolf seam. One day of the
The alDRlns lead, the arreaminc ahell. what ahe
- - _...ip of tlmo-n
ra. doing. She la
.“?«•»> •h-.'I*'
n•mple^, This lower seems to be ten
paU K.ll
It Uwptka. Tbp
tan ihli eerie, weary
anted only by monkeya. There
IMal fim ....
r monlha preepdlm.
■ be foeman In bi> li
n main a few alone gargoyles, bui
a this tasis tbe e
ere?animated gargoyles are even mor
font up nearly as mpph
aprinca aaifily
-avely. aa he aroac and drew Carber’a I'-resilng. At a amtll apuaro wit.____
yearn preceding, which Pp- '
slu a mother monkey with b«r Infant,
• ••
ra lo Indl
dleaie ihal Dnrtber Wolf b
>me friend.
wnyeh at once iiiggeata a eartrai
ling bis own, even as a matler
— —.... ------------- -- ip ward.
meree. In many parts of tbe srppfuaual frailly of
Relief ai laat!" Ibe olJeu aphere
hence ahe la aomeUmea no._______
eaiile range ihr gray wolrea ara
that rllmlia the orient aky
easing, rather than dlmlaUblac.-'
Ta« killed the hoar l«'rntc Ihe dawn aidi rale aa tnlgfal be dealred. Rut abe'a
neld and Stream.
-badly cm up over tbU affair Twaa
—the .Inadlul tlcll'a hj
‘ who aeut me to And you topighl.*’
to a Flalah.
'Did the Kdl you lo recount iu me
covered and psurly bidden by
------------^ Btrongth of apldtop
siruggllng mass of moukc^a.
is shown In a nunilwr of well antteatlCarberIn the parly morning hours these raied laslatire,," said a blolagist pT
CarlH-r. ranrildai
-No. I di
sirpa are crowded with baibon and
i-nileni of piilille Inairiieilon. after a If aervnl n
I niversliy of Pennsylvania. ~Tbn
women fllllog their sparkling copper
bare an instasee of a hsmm
ryinc -liiT In bla
Jars wllh water; the varied colon of •pl^w catching a two^lnch fish.
iuiei Volllleo, i liked forth ahme into
the fzMtumes. Ihe fauusile amhlleei
The spider weighed H mint. U
of Ihe eotivenlUin eliy. The
' you an ld«-a aa lo her nalure—
ure. the dense ftdiage and drooping
iiir aaa near mlclniehl. y.-i ihe hum
of apology, you nee."
branrhea of Ihe great banyans which
>- aaw ateo. or tmagloed that he
ominB wllh Ihe arrival of the earlier aaw. the wnman'a purpoae In Ihuiwp overhang the waler. are all mirrored Kllng Wllh (hp flsh on tbe edge ct a
In the swiftly moving cnryepi.
"tile pcwl. It. claws wert buried to
;lecailini" waa aimne In the air
Prialcg hip of hla wife’s mndliton
fish s tall-li had the tall out of
of the ghats Is set apart for tl
her a-af farm-hn'd. and the
h«ked ------------------------------------ ...
who come to bathe, and f
water-hul Ihc head still renudnefl
vearicd him. Ilia ann waa niimli from ling him oul of the way. or ii the leaal
repeated ahaklnc Hla head aeheil nf diairaning hla aitrallon from the an ever ahlfllng kaleidoscope <d vivid underneath. Uke a flend Ibe apMer
■liilly. anil hi* mniiili va* dry from llic airuRgle (hen In progreaa
Pier of silk and gold, as they throw ofl
led desparreiioaieil ulleranr.- of «
ahe waa pluming heraelf upon this lo
draw tbe spiderTnto
r.italn humor alUeli lu
lerieniion nf Providence, aa li aigbi tbelr Hblaing draperies, and reveal
Id minutes
the PdeUtol
repulullon In fyiiiMall
!-■ called. In belialf of Fkrlanrt. aed their luyely outlines and Ihe satin
iched ihle silent and fdeadbflM
■sd^ flghl.
lustre of their amlMylirown akius
enipiy ron\,tntuni
laughing-yea, h* knew zbe waa laugh
Then he hurried —..............“7
rotlst HkP.
1 set awa\ from ii for a few lug at him and (he poor little woman
for a bm
h the flghlen It
mitmles" he lold liunM-lf. "and draw who waa nior>- In him than all the po from among Ihe
hrealh or two of rinfi-iiered air. of I lineal office, in the world. He had enterprising muokey Is seen lenllng
lo IIbe wide .av.^ of a lemple. drag
mil r.'itilBly iioi Ih’ lii for the flirt,i .•-en Ibeae femalea of ancalled strong up lo
fl.b was dead and Ihe i«,lder ww tlouKing al
afiVr bim an embroidered "pbud
eharatter—eold. heartiMa, unfeeling
Then there is a gn«l
and hatwl of tongues, nnd the mopkey
wiier.-fore he aalk-vl rapidly. i,ui
' Orying geed Com.
•Hern’s a ear." The words of his
E, I.CW1S. an Iowa farmer, baa 4emn. who had followed
leed non
aait-hfiil ere up the Utile deuiazui'
d him for an
i.ul night.
Hop.' you’ll And
Whieh promises a very Intereall
'•llBg fl*.
they are armed wllh tong white waudz'.
>e wife mi
that Imporlael farm work. Ou
reaenily, i d toui'lie.1 bim
nighi • I’.rluT swung Mm which are only used lo Imlmldate ibi
aggressor, but It would seem wllhoui
Ihe platfonn
much gueeess Tbelr usual plan, sino.'
sift and ywis has devlaed an app«B-Hello yourself ' V->;rre"'™rari;er
Ihe shawl is always out of reach. Ii to
lus which worki Boeeesafully and hag
aren’t you?"
plane i hit of fruit <
'— generally adopted by hit naUh"I am,- raru-r admitted ihr fact
"I hoped vou wutildn’i hear of ll.
with a touch of pride lu his voice dear." she wbls|i,T<-vl
"Is evervihlng then to ileal around to the nar, wL.„
Tbe pith
wh^^t the other smiled. ’’May I prethe monkey is ezptvied lo forget (he
shawl la bis e«e
eagerness lo aelze Ihc
Tialcly. My names Glllman I’m
Idiinder; Imi I bare am him
•I have filth.’’ replied Carber. gc
jusly descend, dragging the ■abawl which la PH a lopg drill Ml e
IVIImon- county, and I’m up
t her tmnUed I
to ciiinlute Farland fur ihe >ii
him. sienre the fruit, and
Ihe tower end wllh an Iron wbenL
make good his CK
without losing
llghi cable ronnecU (Be wbrol with
any of bis booty,
____ _____' tenet'
not a. paritrularly enciur
I’m going to stay wi
ont-horae tread power. The ImU
he could aafrly deride with end nf (be ear la placed upon the rab
cy from my
|.„ui of
be thing's I ellled."
irber, -What can I do
m sa glad, dear." She drew .
idly revolrtog bit and the cob la hob
joj? Want me to r
long easy breath, and rl.med hhr erea. A frepuenl object of cupidity I
IOW.U1 lo Ihe Up. Twenly-ftfO buaheig
1? I cant you know i
• 1 twileve I nan gu lu sleep puw
I small, glllterlng braH pot which
|M-r day ran be treated to IhU war by
havi-n'i slept a wink since—since I Hindoo carries for drinking purpoars
The other laugh.-d. ’It
and which Is sametlmes Ailed with
not," he aald. -Neither ai
sour milk, or aome other succulent
EapeMlvt Inaeeu.
here: you and FarUnd a
Twelve laszrU will
east tIbe Uallpd
111 cost
place, and—!.» the
e Juat all
Ktalea $3M.
$3M.0Wjy 1 this
1 wife you are tor
. Ir««r. Tha
B.u'i Farland? ”
rliesnoning p
bug will <1 w IIW
liw.00g.aw P
Clan like me-Oi-t
I feel aoniewhai
ar"’ Then aloud
with him. however I ludR.- i h.'- .’.iuca"
1. stcT. lore
I fly
fly wUI
llonal enndlilnns in Delh
1 bis r
:i lor at least IW.oeojtW .
d hafipily. and sT.-pi,
roe worms that Bttaek Ibe cMua
In notetall.
•Ilsni will Bssess Ibe farmers for a to. .. earc-r with
er a time CarU-r arose and went
Interest fur ih.- i».B..flt |
e monbey populace as lal of gcii.lion.rdui and Ibe pouio baA
in >h.' window
The dawn of conv.-n
gk.iHHi.ooii wortb of lu ravoria
'Inn ilay was l.reakltig
Alar ,.lt b.
■he steps. The »
Mu.'tl... Bl1d,.,| dome irf the sl.lperintendenl."
dollars la a moderate esllmatc pf
tiouse rising above the misi of th- riv
he sentiment I
• Injury Ibal will be dime
smaller fry. who follo'
e b
by Ibp
aper and ibe .moke of the faetryn.-. and amttng i
nwated. I trust yon
Pie worm, and I
aterplllar (hat
ll- ilineheil bl. han.ls hard.
tnaki-s cabbage lu sjiecitlly
will 4»
trim te-hind Ihe openlngs^i*’ihe
Th.'v ll l,.wi me. he told hlmaeir.
night.IS wiib
the eager curloiliy of siroy tHlAinnj>i>A worth o•f crisp greea
aim,i-i groaning
If I'm not there.
I Imys
A most D'lving Incident
ton. have siilfered ’’
a Aghi nearly to death
They walked on In sll..ne.rival1 uairlarrbs.
He turned again to the loul, and sl^!
In the Island af Jatnaiea there gra«s
. Kirnlnc at h'ngib loin i
Ics.kinc down at ili- white lace ui«.t
tee aitfa th>' 1-rUnlc name of Papli•l and .eailng Ihems.-lv.-..
breathless Interest at our Brsl bull
1-agHin. from the braaefaet of
sungesilon nf Olliman u|s.n Hi.- edze
flgl't In Oral,s,la
isnr would have es
ich native workmen make peculiar
the sidewalk in ih- leaf tillered tlie lu rtume of sw e..| peas, blew fre, lv pss i.vl much preliminary ebatterlng
into me n»>m, yei his forehead wa)
ly sirring and ezeclitiii whips, which
Shi fn.m tin arc lamp
sod Dulual vimperallon; but no; tbe
bale Ihr liaodle and lasb all in one
•Perhaps you havevbear.r- it w».
.wifti, Imrk and for
The handle consizu of a pan
Glllman who spoke -',if a ri.e m
cli-l-rmlnailnr of two veierao pugllliiz
Mem retaining Uie bark. Far
Ik limore rounlv relat[|tg
, clrl the window and the |>ed.
Al first there was conslderabb' etelleon th- soft carpel
1 Ih. Mem Is deprived of bark
ei.uldnt pa«a ih. etzmlnziion re
meni among th- others as they
His wile's II||. movetl. aad hd ihr-u split Into Mrlm. which are
" nliialn a tr'ach-r* c.-nlfl
rushed down lo ttk- pan In tbe fr
In a flezit.le erfd alt
who waa Ileiermtn.ul tn learb
but Ibe DoBkey police used tbelr
sev.m feel long. Tlie proper taper
notwlihsiandlng. Aad she did leaeh
d advantage tn keeping
aR.rrdrd by detaching more and
The direeloM of a craln disirin
d lo separate
t- nf tbe alrips as the -nd of the
e bluri-d
gage.1 her. and stood I,, h.-r. and sb.Ihe prlarlpals: touch them they dared
I, is approached.
laught reganlless of Farland'. leiier*
zposlultllKD. Flaallv be wet
w.n yet anoi^r day of a
steps :-aomr
King Dn a Little Isleed.
district la person, turned
and peace rj n
The sorerelgn who r. lgnr «ve
sebolars and teacher om td the sebnol.
' If she sleeps
munarcliy it, it
rorld is tbs
house, t 1 loeked the d
he said tn Carl
'ber. "you had bet.
.1 wrestled. Ibe fur flew; they both
. a group rrf Maods
key away
remained In
1 into Ihe water, and rrawled out
Ulasils -were
.Lortly I ler his depart
srly drowped and so weakened by
• n-d alaeii Z“>i y-arr ago by thp
the scholars. rMi
h>r bim. A brief mite of eaphnailon
• of blood that they could hardly captain of the Keeling, bui were a>m*
window, and coniinued
s*oi by him In the mrly mornlnr bad
■iy im^known till is». Wbeu
.nd: aad at tost they dragged (hem
deter '
brought no respoB— The day dragged
res wearily ap the ttopa.and limped :
- Mrnek by ibelf In-auly pad
ro Ihe main atrwec followed by all
"Tes?" chuckled Carber '
Late in the afiernoao a meiie
l•yt<aBdert.—Harper’s Hagazlpw took up hla aliode ibero. Ii u klB
did Farland do then*'
rrau-i<M,B,-Hr. Oenrgr Roai, who mew
Well, be didn't du much
I-UM. ,way over Ihe t!ocos,-'nt.B«i.
on the back of a handbUI When
and Must
read It at the door, he fell back
a«; but he dldn’i
against the
Lonpey'ity ef Blrda
Yon see, there »
-» zride
fimtil staging birds lire from t to
the girl that he liked. She reuld have
Dear Carlier,- said
Ik years
Ravens bare lived for ak
^ a flrsiTlais rertlflrate «stly if
two In Eacope .
muM s himdred year* Is eapflrlly.and
she bad been able w^ember dates
size. He U sev.
parrots longer than that Fowls lire
IMle* were
feet two Iscbes ip belghL and weighs from If) lo SO yean. Tbe wild goose
mas Strang otherwise—real rharieler,
a»i pounds. When engaged by his em
lives upwards of a hundred years and
you know. And her parents bad died
ployc-r. he waa promised by the totUr •wans are said lo bare ailalned' tbe
Barker, of Tlllgaie
Ir- an aecidenl. leaving her with a Ut
- not only
age of jno The long life of birds has
unsnspeeted sueegth
ile brother aad sisigr to auppon Apd 1?^
’ wage, but all the food be a
“ interpreted si e
M as pretty as a plciure AndThe employer claims that he gave Ibe great mortality of u
into nine Prompt actios on ,
Fariand became desperate at
Im every 4ay two quartz of tea. a
body’s part was aoceatory. Tou
aad married her."
of bnlter. a pound nf cheeae,
> lake such aeltoo; ao i took
OriNto Far Olvaeee.
cat Seoit!" aald Carber. "Tou
Wethrpanase stoltoUeuJ pampUat
mads of me
•cat, pevenl peuadt ef pe- states I hat s Japanese amr dIvrwM
prerlzelr what be did.
quarts ef colee, a poond hit wifr far talking — —f
K1 cd a flchier he b; beef bwcow and (oar ptmads of <
btoek beend. Still tbe giant <
t may copUppe the Meadahlp
fwy time.
did not hdve aaough food.
repoetad to the year, there verr mm*
to night on tbe aidmlk.
ya be’a golag I
This may posclUy be tru....................... than MJMP diresem.—TK-Btto.
«fi‘» polltfci queerer Mi
that WIBW
and pxpartoBPW polk Oaod (toner, of Henry the E^-s
now tbe reason why.
Five tl.pgp ireaaaiT nMdS have {.A
tSeofl! This. ibpB. la metriy
(Imp. and who weighed 4M poumds pad
ataod to Us bar* tops ppvsa tM nad:
Oeorp tWwp topbae. nte at aaa mnaf ■■
Traveree Ctty.
pour aife
talked polidc
-They did! How did they happen to
• ife la atavlac with aome
t Maple l>ark—oot la Ihe
Tbea bo llplood hattlly upatalra. and
1 Ibe new. 10 bla vlTo.—
Itltap BadMvor World.
be puraile clcbi.psU Bom* brea
the reldl slim laJU sleep:
1 pslfSc Bm. c
their Pbblpit trsieli to keep;
- iIuahTlBc trleiul ud vsiehfal
foe fslat zephyrs
Th.' cboslly boar before the dsea
throbs dulJ vllh piiUloe soopdBefore ibe septry's aebiPE eyes dip)
shapes bestp In loom;
A Iboataod Deo seem nih'haf Iben-,
plekml BP a pebble, pad sappppd
Into the roadaar.—-vhat <d ItT*
Uiwount i>u large otders
on alt these things. Don't go past comet Front and
Cass. H.T:', Grocery.
. r.K
i^i *
fvs PPMW aCwntd toSTto taw
Iff Mf .MUM b«« « *M .fUMIM
PMI*« *»•.
oBliiloo •« U Uw I
»«aph> to TMt Uii flttr ror Ibe d
« had a pMoa:
lee erroBi pod cake
B tbo f»ar« I
to a apaelal trala (ron LMiadtoa hr
var et BaldvlB aad awKbar fitn Bar
Vtor. Peuaker
patauaortb. Tba
trip fioB Ladlacina b Stad at K aal
«ill be aaada
m Baidda.
Tbaae ratea are e
WMBitlae to be ran
tbe epaebi tralaa be
apeadeaoe irllb Oneral
Aaeat LockTCOd of tbe G. K. ft I. aad
aawiaaee b alrea that a aaiUbk
raaaiaiPBt inn be aiade. vtib pe
aMf apeeUI tniai. Oeaerel Paaaee«rr A«eet HHeball <d tbe U. ft N. B.
baa abo alrra tbe coBBlltoe aaaen
aaee that that Mae win provide proper
taelHUaa to batvdle tbe erowda aad
at ratea that win be aiiraetlre.
AHapetbor tbe
r aad wlib.i
rwe Beet ee tbe lOtb. lllb
at aa addlUotial atiiaetloo there
^ aare to be tbe blcaaal crowd b<
that baa ever beaa recorded. It will
be a U« Haeeabee bolldar aad the
baalaero laee aad dUaeaa aeaerallr of
the dir will aee to It that tbe vlaltora
an wartalr
aad low ratea will atirael
Jair OB other bolldar where boalBet*
Tbe apcBlat of the Bae new ■
Ml ban oe Ibe coraer of Slaia aad
Badow MTaela oeeaned laat PHdar.
Tbe ball wai aiM aad tbe evealiif'i
(WerutaDeal wia la keeplac wtib
other Ukt eatertallMeaU dv<
Ton Nelwn wai maiter of tba
ia« Bad cave a abort addteai of waioom to tboae iweaeaL Tbe procrant
waa oae of tbe beat gtrea la tbe dtr
ytdhnrlec the prvnua
faaal waa aerred la tbe dialac
kr Babert Oarldaoai aad VUUaei
BlaoftriBd towbleh all did foil Jotlee.
TWfanowlaa waa the laeaa:
Prtoud cblefces.
Gold bolM h
Beatmer •aaMOL
•Ikad taoMOoee.
i raele" Daa ort oalr voted for Pi*Mr. Joha Bans wu bora la B>
I Doal but waa one of tbe fnldcs oe the
«rope. aad (we to Aoierles wllb bU
I tnrmorabir cxpedlilra arroaa tbr eouaartoU wbea be waa Ira r«an
|trr aerompasrtsa tbe Fremtol party
aetUlBf la Loralac eonair.
Its Journey over the Rorky mocS'
where be lived aatll BiarrM. tbra Hr.
Rorta and hla wife Bored to Oraad
RapMa where bU wife died efir
r be waa isirddoeed to Ibr as
' ' tea IBciatba. After tbr
wife Mr. Bartx weal back
’ S.>ek hr woe literally taken poaseaatoo
to Otio. aad was later atarried to Hlaa tiUe fofwplMfptf
TOCPO Wtataii—I had traqoratU by the delegalea and the vlaltora
Joe«vkla« Rodolpb of Blrrta. OfaU.
after wkUh br with hla bride moved
AmW of a aevera aatnra. dark {,ad bla Traverae City frirada saw ao
North Dorr. Alleaaa eouair.
Mkb. V ■bere tber actttol oe a
farm wb
he "orlslnal tVeoioDl man" and |
d tt rears tod waa veir
Dt loolyaeorned
........ - *
sere KiVffl slib a sill murh lo
Tbea Hr. Baru removed lo Hoaroe
bat aha kept a. _
Oeater or a fani which be Improved
aad was verr aocreaalul aad pmper
- A the best reason la tbe,
. After llvtaa at Htonx Crater 21
n Hr. Daria with bU wife removed
bealtb 1^ i Winiam Ie-.|., ah ol.l pk.n«T of Fife
Traverse Cltr laat November, DtoTSil. anil fltiillj I--------with*! i.ake died on Friday momlna of bean
whore be waa Ukra alek Prb II.
I^vop waa an old retldeSI,
Juae rtth afier areal suRei
b be bore verr paileaU}.
pal lei
moo. M 0tatnl Are.. HiaBeapol ; .-M-mIt r tr. that tlllam' about
ihrniich that r..itkd him borne from Ula w<
iz waa
aaferlaa bad e
Slon, :i.’ sa. about Tn j.-arr of ape.
a tree
the |.Vi-aeni Hoe hr mas a r.-ilre.|
elver aad iipbiilldro of tbe Catholic
farnuT. ..wnlnE up lo a few years BRO
diarob. whlrb hr abd bla fanllr wen
slthln a half mil.' of Ibe vll
devoted lo.
a lo them 10 ebib
n bla early days In tbe vlllnse
id all bora foor of
■bear cblldreo dylai while llriag
North Dorr, aad are aleeplna ih»
two more died while llvlac
Hoaroe Crater. Mr, Clemeare Baru
htojSr"u«r ^draw‘la
iravloa a wife aad oae rblM. aad Mrs.
Em*.; bar advice U free.
Joeephlae Webber who Iraves
aad three eblldrra.
Ilidrra HriBi.
Mrs. Mar?
leaves foar (blldrea
c anil ricKn
ran rneslatiBi! of
RewA of Dorr Craler. wfao ao falib- ona
was elven.
d her mother
er lila this
follf a
Nnrman Tbonaa arrived Tr.iin Wn'
ID Mnndiv and api-Bt Ibe dar wUli
Crabler. who
relailveii and friends. retnrailnE no ibia
verr faftbfol
Will _oi Baru. who Uvea at afleraoMD
H. I. Derry Is l.iilldine aamher sum
atrivm, aad Jobe Rartt. who Uvea
. Hotiroe Cealer ra the bomeairad ler
Hiss Allee Gill redirned bom.- fnitii
ilaer hla paresis moved to Traverae
•rtmr Ritrlnes Wednesday.
Besides bla wife and to
The Foiirih of July celebmiloti
Barit baa one brolber. Ja.
off pkaaanti)'. Grit. D. U
cob. of Cblileafo, aad iwo brotfaera asd pasard
Catebeon of Grand Rapbla delivered
In the town hall which wri«
ao1 address
hly_^enJoy.vl. Bsri^lona
I. Torch IaVc ■
Bverrwbrre he II
Norwood. The day
spent by all. nitboupfa stimr tif the pre
cram was not nairied o<il
alwara ktad
of Graail lUp
■ ■ ontil Jolr the
.. ........... ............. «» rears alBCe IdWIs TlslilDE reUilvra aud frirada In
toru aad faU devoted wife would
aurprlse pany was given at the
have traveled tbU life loanber. Mrs
Hev. IkwU on Saturday
Barit aad chlldiwo wlab tn.lbaak the lag elo t.fhoBor
of Fiord IIouht <d tve
frieodt and aelabbon for Ibe kiadi
tral Lake.
tbowo them durisa ibe (Irboeas
lb of Iheir buibaad tall father.
Bald? Scalp tUBT andthliiP
Tbea it’i probably too late.
You Bcciected dBBdruff.
you bad only ttkei our ad*
vice, you would bare cured
Oa tka Carma af Ftmt oW StHto ttimH.
After 1 hsa received tbe agency towoonaBUlMofooe at the
UrgeH Kastern
rAStcra wool nunulncturen,
nuutuiaciivcn, tbe
tuc cootrsci
uouisar was ru.1c to boild
a lanfc brick warcbonsc at the above loration.
Monday, July 18.
Ihc new diiiuBg* cf wool on tbe new gyMcm |>lan that i* to p»y i
every wool seller in this Incaliiy the higheu rognulactnier*i ca»h prie*.
Ktoto*torin Wtotol ABronR
rraroraP Cil/. «/eft.
John HonBeld of Chlw who su
perintended Ibe eoaaintatloB of
Slate bank bulldlap and who has
I employed fay the cliy u> snperln
the crtciloe of tbe new Fourth
ward aebool baUdlan aad the Caraeele
library bnlldlns. has decided
Traverse City
HoraBHd likes Traverse City
«s a prraperous fptare for
oHyl He has already esUbllahed hlmWlf In a bualBiws wbicb promises
he eneaulve and which wll reach far
beytod Travene City. Me baa leased
tbe Hsndora boMloi
warcbooao oa Ilay street
bonding maierW of all klada. He will
In every kind of airaelural
1. laclading nideivaik priimatlr
llgbiA fcolktw twlldlng biork llle, atari
tsalc. wood mnaleU. floor lllir.cv
of all Uada and adamant wall plaster.
Mr. Horaacld la agrat for Noribera
Mlriil^ for the Itolled istaiea Gypompaey. maBafnelnre^ jif l.w
hi plaster aad aiatiato be hw
wllh her hnslmnd and she nitn
aged In RCt him In ibe house and sum
medical aitraidanra-. but he was
Bol able to apeak a word from ihv
time be ns alrieken nntll death or
tarred. Friday he bad made bla usoA
detirrry of milk to bis patrons hut Sa:
unlay moraine be tnlii tb.- I>.v wtu.
working lor him lu make the trip
aad br would stay borne and rest.
Bpearer was tk years of age. Ht
lived out OB the aisle road niKuii ihrm
miles, la Garlleld lownablp. Uesl.h..
bis wife be baa a son living at Lons
Island. He also has a Iiroiher in
Cadilar who was aummoaiil Imme
dlslcly after he was alrieken.
Speaerr was liked by all whe Unr-s
him and It ta uid by hla cIom-si av^
that he did not have an
For Pain
TaKe a Dr. Miles'
AnH-Pain Pill, and
the Palo will dis
appear Like
morr.mM. Mnlwr.
will certify to the above f;c‘s
A Car-gF
ity. Skrak
tv. Frank Dark.
Hr. aad Mrs. Wlltom Harrow aad
. r. oaft Mta L. R. Peek sprat tbe
Poonb ta Lelsad.
Tto M. C. Batoor actoel beM tbek
CUUna-g ftv Sfttoa ta tto (Bortb
•mm 11 litas, fts ............I gre-
A ContinuousOispiifty of Marvelous Preformane
by a Mighty Conclave of Originat Notables
The Immensity. Originai-ty. Uniqueness and NokWity of Uto Great Wallace Show
Not only in its Exclusive Circus Features. Zoologi
cal Exhibitions and Horsi Fair Displays,
but in its grea‘.
\\V elcvatp only-’4 degrees, others elovato from
j lo 4ii degrees.
binder iss the
the lightcsi
lightcsi draft
■ ' and■ mo<t compiccc
The 0,borne
Showing REMARKABLE FEATS, demonstrating
the Surprising Intelligence of Trained Elephants,
Baboons. Bulls. Horses. Ponies. Monkeys.
Coats. Pigs ar>d Donkeys.
Uertical Bar Itlower
one of their bpccialiics.
tnaebinery and Farm TmpItmenU
Remember that we sell the
"miller” eat
eaMiine Enoine.
The only Gasaline Engine that a child
can Stan and handle without' trouNe in
cold weath'er. We have sold over forty
engines the last >-ear out of Traverse
City, and they are giving the best of satis
faction Before placing your order (or
any make of Engines, call at our store
and see the Miller.
larisnily rv
tinea as ru«enl«A lrri>
»•>» anoarr bara. Nerar suM
Uks SmB DeLoog orrit
World’s Best Circus Talent
of operation. POWER produced and DUItABILlT Y“of
W. H. Sleek
A. Jabratn et TravtfseleRy was In
Lofty in Conception. Regal in Equipment. Honor
ably Conduclcd. Truthfully Advertised. The
And we are prepared to PROVE IT TO YOU by the
polaaaa New •ICIA Dtotoebe. Piamacb*
acbA Urasf
actual test of EASE. SIMPLICITY, and ECONOMY
Mrs. Mary Raekard. Ibrungh her at
toraeya. Prait ft Davis, has begun ain;
against Ibe JVre Msrqaelie Kaliws)
ximpaiU’ for llb.piai dsmases forwh.
..f her hushaod. Tb.- deCli^
was served t>u .be rallwa; eom
Rarkanl waa a Perv Murqueit.
roadartor. tost wint.c he «s«
nil trala at DItely. Oor car wa. eri(.
>le<I and he went la Uiw.'.ni that i
uiolber car to are what the mat
Tlie iraia was liaeked di.ati
)Im and he waa killed. Ills widow
egvw hegllg.-nee «n Ihe iiart -.1
The a<vlilvnt (Kcurrod Jsn, 10. H
Ohio. Uri' neeuBylag the Carmai
Ageal MllUkea baa g
WAtae, lnd_ for a tew
ttaa. j j Andry et Grai
The Most Original, Modem
Nelsnn 7. Speneer waa atriekra with
paralysis Saiurdny moraine aad dl.v
Saaday moreing at Sir!" o-clork
Hr. Speneer was aasktine his wllv In
Ibe garden and whoa the slr»^ ramv
iinnplae over to pull up a wee-i
fbmpbell aad family et Torob
Ukv aaem the FearU la ear village
Rev. A. (Hnara of Qraadrilk Ohio
tbe daadruff.MTBd your hair,
M MM ana n II. If
South CraeerM
Side e»ty.
Tbe Bwedlab Bratton ptoiie
■raot neeroi Soadar. It wa;
at aaat Bar park and an dar tbe
toOMda were crowded with a bappr
fhPBto la tbe aKwnlBi a dd^adoa
ftota tbe Ooibii aodeir at CadlUae
(we over. There were aboot erreati
ftve la this partr ladadhu the prroifteat et tbe lodce. At aoos. terrotr
' ftve aw here of tbe Bvea eodetr <d
■tbe lodBe bead.
This pkster k used to all
There are aboai thlrtr awbdVt el klada of iatertor flabhlngt and l
(to loeal lodae o( Bwedleh Braibera
intBRnrcra eoairol W per teal
which 1« reoJtr tbe BwedUh Vabed the totpat of ibti plaster la tbe
Bw (d Aaieftoi. Tbe local lodae
Called States. TbU eompsay also
pteeeai la tuD force realerdar aad ao rurelihed M per eeat of itbe pkH.r
a«ort wai epared to make the tor <«■ -lUd ataS used oa the bnlUinga of the
toable for alt the vteHon. It It need' 81.1.oala espnliion aad their oahll.
leea to add that Ibe eftorlm were o la rae of tbe Sarai at (be fair, I
Ur^ aaceeaafaL
IR»" tbe oulpsi of -he company w;
After partaklna of a beartr dlaaer.
Iona and Ibe remarkable h
MEkal aad oraioneol proarmn war
will be nbowii wb..a It la aui
BHto. Tbe dibiwr war of a»i>le pro. that In 1M>3 the output -pas i.ioo.iii
porttooa aad ererrbodr had their All loos.
at an kladt of dellcaeire aad (obcttoThis li but oae of ibr snlelea hai
Uol dlebeo. The propimB waa opcwed dl(d by Mr. Horalrid. Mber maierfsb
with a abort addreoa of welroo
belt* equally Ugb grade ' Ileing
Thb Kelaoo. preildcet of the local a^ praniral architect aud halMer be
ctolr. HU addreea waa lollowed br .wpocuilv well eqalpped (o cvwduet
CarUoB. prraUrat et tbe Ocftba bunlaeaa of ihU Mad. Ik la lorai
r. Cadillac. He alee spoke tm
the Slate bank bulldliu and aai
the beaeflu aad work et the axletr. euted wRb bln ta the eSce k bla
HU addreaa waa (ollowrd far a eoap
. Uovru M. WIMev.
aaanet troai the local ta^
oanel waa doapoeed of: Petar
UBBdBlal. CharUe Baaderm. Oaear
'OhMoe. Toa> Ntino.
Prod UadHooB of Haalaiee thee
poke to Ibe beaeftla of Ibr order
The laat apeaker oa the proanta waa
Bapletor Becretarr Atheei Ghekaoo of ^ Grand Rapids Moaduy to a visit
reUilvea aad friends.
HuMre. He apoke to wlial the with
Ur. and Urn. Prank CHvla <
BwedUb people la the roucto' eoeld
ir moved la towe thU___
• o.'cwpyUig the OanaE r«|.
Going to Build?
If so. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your mateiial. Shop
and^mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.
TWi rew. towCTW. Ibiod win b»
tfee sweni ywigy acraU td Ihc
Van Manaftf. 0. ti. * t. aai U. »
M. K. aM vblk all
mat retmapkte Uiare li a pfotp
^•djlknea aad rerr Un rat
•nwlaHtItaa baa bad a daia
brakemaa atfBaled 10 Ibe ca.
f lo bark np aad ewiaa to b.a
Inraperkare. lecospeceaier. laefkka.
baH a dar tiiniaa to loraie
er aad waat of rare Raekard waa ey- ta cede
rasabt H betwraa ib« ears aad laiared aqi that be dkd.
Charlea Cocker, who waa a memta
of Ibe TweBtr.roanh Hkklsaa I
-Cack- Dee Wblppk. Traverae (aairy. of llie .rlrra Brlfade.'' dl<
Siisday na tbe aaBlveraarr of bU b
Clir'a reBieoarlaa. waa tbe eraler of
le battle of Getty
tiiraetfam at tbe - roder (be Oaka"
Mn r«n MO *IM CM itottan
UM U-re *««
lit, 1>04.
OvM la to lave a ebeeec factorr thU
tall. Tbe alU...........
aad ImlMlBa wUI be farBlabed br Ibe VOlaae.
vOlaae. mulBg^k.
of Elsie, will put la ibe
I If tber weadd niu
and tbe UUe coold do br
BdelUe aad aauiilaa wUb
tbe nea'e tojpa,
Wc have
buggies, which
bueg)' before tl
looking our lar_
soon as possible.
Cor. Case & State St.
Wallace Circus Day Prugrainine i
IO a. m.—A Combined Street Parade. A antqto:^^..
atkm of Gbwvoot Street Ciniitral, SpectneuUr Street Fair, t
Horae Fair and CNtierng Pif
do not wait but call as
Both Phones 49.
1 & 7 p. m.—Doors OpeiMd to the Im-aeoae Waie^iwf Teto*. '
1:16 & 7:15 p. m.—Prof, Bronson’s Concert Banrf
of Kaowtod Soioto BoeidmM berai a ftStoOMite Criad f
the eemter M(e.
2 & 8 p.m.-
THOBSiMa; jmr H MM.
ml LaU M Ma «aaatt a( T. A
We Are Selling Out
Maban tM4 hmOT.
can to tan WttfaaaM;
Hr. aM
M< Hf^
Mn. TO
Mtoi Look BoalMD to
fav dart la Trararaa CHr-
-feHjMir. «!■. **• CItr Fri'^i**aadTii? bra2ua^
■ IrHOrBM.>MM<tkrawh tfeM*elfknt fBoato
CMbartaa Bear “rarfraa Oir ara rtaltla* ratoUraa la
Maa« M Ml «v <e ■ Pl-------Bar. «M 4M Hat Twadar. «aa M4
M «m «l » «MMeri> li
Tb^ ItodHa' Baaadt1 tocMr VIII
Tban^ tta ■■■■HI BlaHUr. Bl
a dAaaa eaal aopper at tba
to •
HM. WMt M U M bM
ball oa Saianlar amlax. Jalr
MM flf HMit. fto«tMM4 4DW- CkailM. Till aad fUrrr Stto i<
iMi MbMito fnrtow CHr • awk* Tlamia O^met **oa^ la towa. Itib. Aoto ( to • o'clock.
Tba JaaHr A L. (ara aa lea a
•rial OB tba ton o( tba H. A
ra tto Borau cB Hto.
lar araolBc which vu
■fibiMi M oM )ela sroMl Cb«s. M
Tba bud tofvHbod too
mmmal u> w bl* on if*—"
.HA TnTww air a»4 Ml lo Kl
WMO VMn to hto «Uto4M tcOt_
balrU Racard aprvt tba Fbanb
oai Saadar ai
HUt btoU ‘‘mil 8. J. Oma and fatoUr
Eraaatoa. iD.^artl^ Plldv aad a^
TM HlMM Jaaale Bnanaat aad Hn- Iba Baaau of Hn. A P. Daiaa.
HM Haa« OAora cf WatM i<
drad OdHmv mmI Baadar la leaa.
Bar TBoABkae a
A i. Qrar bai rHaraad Iroai Boraa
. *oSy*^%*qSM awMt. bM CHr.
mac aad toealas.
tatototr df W«M. iM M (b« M- Hr. aad Hra. Warabar* maraad
Au Mrrtla Purtlto Ip rpamtla* bar |
«MI Bom la OraM BafUt. Jair 4.
tros ibatrnddtac irta Taaadar
r rtralloe ti brr bona In iblP '
tka Ttoaalto van Howhi to Ht oM
MM M W«M to tartol. Hr.
mH a
Oaek Ham. la toava hla lo«u too
m aad (HaadP la t .
atato. Hmm «M raaMH. HH wtfr colUcr Bl Cadar Uidca.
Thf Ml«ta« Har Boroioa aad AMU
Jtod a tor raart aM.
a OallHk aad too HA Fndar lUrrla of Trar.-rna Cli.t ppaBi Satar
Mn. AMa CaaaHa a( Waatod baa
laR trttb ratotlvM aad Maada da> la love.
Mas ea IM aHfc 1W. bat H
Tba baad para
tuad Saurdar araoiac attar tba aoA A. I
boaaa la ChaHarato __ _____ _ _
lav vaahi with bar daacblar. Hn.
Waliaa WUna.
Gbarlaa o
Hra. C. a KabI aod taadlr HA
total to Ua thfOBi.
Ttoadar tor a rWt with ratoilrn aod
And CUnCURA Ointment,
toa tm OnManl atartad to Idaho MaMt la ChaitoToto.
Thraa foralm aabauadon
the gnat Skin Gire.
It tbara
HairHdar. Har
Ibr porui llphu ai Bar Harbor
Joat BO w—M Bnin of fVemarfc. Coonl
Canlcl of Rntala aod Baroa HcB«aI'
lak Rotoaua. aocoapuM br hla BOlHr
BBlIar of Aaatrla. Tba -int— proiaI rf
iial fMifrm tiiH ttitr
■r. Hn. Marla Bnaatotn. drora
U ba a carar oaa iban Bar Hartroto Lalaad Tiwadar aad war# lior baa
aaaa for raua. aa aa usi
iod rot
wtala of D. U Buaa aad faaillr.
a W. WlltoB U rtoltlas ralatlraa If lar* Bsmbar of Nav Tork aad
ara at iba Hlrartoda las t
ilUa Craak. Sba vu acaoiapaaM
o ba aaraaal h
br bar iHtar. Hra. W, B. Ourlaa. wbo
wlU to to aaralaod
2m mat ID
Tba ataanar CubbIdo li roBDlas
to tto atlie rooB of bU coaiJr FUib wbtoalltMfalk.
IT TtUn lataraad rma Trararaa
atwaaa ikH port aad Trararaa air trraaa
palaea Colooal John Jacob .
la placa cd tba Crracaou which
•rraai-Hodaa aaaUaH.
i^d IImSw,'^ a%idi’^fb*^^Tli
Hra. HtoUa WarHr HA Wadaaadar
llBia ■tudrinp aod aaparLmaaltos la
toantiH to bar bom at Tboa
atacirical trlaara. A pranlca] tod
vaubtai BVi of battoaaa. ba aaplarti
d Maada at HUnMaa.
part oId hii duly............
■■ar HoddB ad Port Huraa aaaat '
bU »aat ptownlaa. I
ta« dara la ton teat nab.
haa a pcleatiar broi and li
bln it> anlra aoa
Jar AUUnU aad trlla ratoraad i
Ibaaaraa CHr Tatodar aftar a abo
atoll wUb Onatr CHi% Btoabav ax
toto to niitoirS." *
ES'fl£^^^amto bM.
High PiicM for Perm Help
an Da. Fowlar'i EzSlravbarry baa baae
■ ' il. dyaaoierr,
diarrboaa. bloodr
pals ta tba aa, riM. Marw fall, Ic rl,v aeou .alutartaici.
Piouarb. and It t
do ararythlBC rIalBad
IT-ese lines bit to be dosed out at once. We must have more room for our CLOAK Rod SUIT DEPARTME.VT. and so have___
u the shoe depanmeni as toon as possible. We do not oAfer
you hctitiouii. hal/-pric* values, but are ..ipviog
poniiiv reductions in desirable, up-to-date (ootwear. making our
ing positive
prices way below any ever before offered the people of Northern Michigan. To those who want to save monev
we say. “HERE IS YOUR OPI'ORTUNITY,’^ as this i» a genuine bargain sale. Our entire shoe «odk
must be sold out. none rescried.
If tbe dooinK oot fwice oa iwe bmlred ptoi at the a«vc«. mam op-to dale ftylef U
Kvery put u o^v1h a: least $3 00 asd tome of tbcB veD vOrtb $S.S0. ia tbe lot arc bifh swJ lev eat Shoot aod Oeienh. Bade o<
the beat Paieni Lcuber and Kul. to all the different nylct of toet sad hceb, to all file oewcto latoa- aS Aii tesaoci't cnake-.in imt, tciiUe oc
areh ioiet, all Rxet and vidtht. To oitke a cleu Iweep usI coovince yoa nghl dowa to yoor iect that we (ire arorr csmlort, more gmil Hyle.
and tatittoctioci to ewSotsen, we hare mule tbe prior Sl.i>3 iaa the taoie aad better iootvear thaa yoa'd have to pay U.UO ao.1 t-T.Su far aar^
where ebe.
|s. If the cki^ OBt (neeooaoai-
oq. fur Misses'Sandals.
J 1.95 Si'S"
Men's Fine Shoes and
To cfaae out -haff left—abool 76 pun— J
of Mitto*' Sao-Ulf, all ihi* Kt*r>n'. porchue.
we r’rpT on tale ooe. two aod four ttrap tan. ( Male nl Patent Leather, Ideal Kid and Coh
dak. to Patent i-eatber and K.d, all titet up | Skm—at tightly, at corafartaWe. aa dorabk.
to J. wonh $1 S5 an.! »1.50. at nsk
at any yoo will fend anywhere at iS 00. The
1 rery newest Una, all titet. u $1.»S.
QOn for Boys'Shoes.
Thit k the eLwog oot pore aa fifty ,ain at
bojrt’ lace ihaet, not oLl u,lei. but all ■««.
.lewrablc kook, the tame )oo WDUklhAre.
to payatkiH $lS6an.I $1.80 fa, elsewbere.
we ire toTenn* now in all iirci up to 6| at RBc
children's Shoes59cl
Madeoffioe Vki Kid an.) Goal’t UMS, HtSM' Ui
wuh^otk! me.lt»m wcHh,
In ton) tolct, toil tolea, hard
lolei. etc. Many |»eny ttylei, all t^ttzet
lo^K.'.Lrth CQe U
P“" 0^ <Kkk an.) erkli,:
tixet and colmt. wurih 6Uc and 76c aad $1.00. at .... H MR
eoc, at ;fi»e. Baby loft »ol<
^toet at :11c Babies' Moc- Oq Chlldrwn’o Nobby Slippors ^ ^
Infants' Shoes
Misses* Shoes. 98c
All of Itie Lartt (ta.les of $1.60
Mate*’ Shoei. in all the ftnest
leatben ami ervest laaiA
all i.iet op to % W.I! be 0Q||
dote.) oat SL I>et put .. gQ||
Mitset’ Shoe*, worth ^
$1.76. $$a».l $16(1, #1 AC
Men’s Shoes Worth ti.soai sso j Men’s Shoes worthsi.so>t9i.ea
Ladies Shoes worth tz at ^i.io j Ladies’ Shoes'«o,h,a.2a ^,.3a
For Men or Women, wonh
S3.5U. t .OUand Sn.Ui.
Don't wait until your size is gone, come while the assortment is complete and save nearly half on vour
Shoe purcha<tcs.
Traverso Oity.
sinA ere. that
OF 0008
quicluy. We have coosidered neither profit nor cost—our one and only aim is to dose them out. They arc not a lot of undeMrable
ass anything in the store.
undesirable things but are
a a-> strii tl\ fresh and new
Come Quick
Just a few
Suits of
a Kind...,.
' Prkt» IM minhmr
Bat TM will BO doabt Sad roar
Blze la aoar of tbc bmebm.
to of our beat all v«m>1 dron
tba Kttpmbri^
suaraalrod ktod—oalr a few
of a fciBA worth tio aad tn.
o door at S14AA
Tl.at M.1.1 U0 lo 13.00 to Me.
Tl:a. Mid .IP lo $4 M ror SIAA
Thai rold up Id KOO to S1.N.
* jr**"
. TiB.
*' ’*■“* •*'“
rroiitr prirv
'Cf.1™ SSS V.V,V.... .ris
UirMSi ptar Vlrl Shoe*, orrr tl Tr.,
n., V,.
. r.xiilir pri^.
V.... . V-l»ar.-
. »I r. .1^..-.
..... .
1 1,1.^.. .-,L ,v.r t
F'l *1
’ Ladk-' F.i'oi (
.Me. 7S* and «Sc
Sample Bilk Wanta at 1-3 oR.
$\ ;ard>. rDsutar
I plrcp : ranU. rrsutar ralu* 3Ac. pio-c
"" -............ UNoLiuHA
All Lodto- Silk Omta.
_ ___
l*1i •• suil. D.d BMIto^
aboTP. aod all CblMm'i 8»k aad'ci.rt
Urmt bi.DP Of If ihPT arc aol bm wbmi
acTor ktrovB toTaro. Tbc
pl«««« thai arc dlcblly
aonod arc alaort cHea
to* '
1 pier,' 7 Tans*. lurBer prlii «iv]
1 pK(» 5 1-3 ran},, fortoer pncp TV.
He Paacr Drooa SUrta ............................
I" Suta. aaaoriml «!,.«
t plrw C yar.!«. rrpil»r im<» Jc*-, n,...-
OMJM at Hob'S Balk
Pritts In Our
, Txn.iii, :
UdlM' Fine Virt Kid Sbor*. vortb SIS'*
d m. bleh a
... £
r eboefc AproD Ctoshato
Trifito (My, litlL
■'1 f|-
.aftnmjgtinBip aaflia THBMnAt. reiT i»«t
M 4b* bos*
te lb* be«
tftriu. Tb« albMie «nau Mr* i
MtiluA AND aceoflo ce.
TIM nnlti d. tM S:M
lo ait
toe* trai tbb* to
an Bap. Captd*
Tb* auflfanr OaOmbto browaht to
Hr. and Hr*. H. T. Oalu d Firetewc after vWttos (rteada la the cUr.
real to lb* Bn lUi voralM for «
.aea* trip.
Ur*. B. B. C*n*r d CUeMO It to
(fa* dtp the CM d her brother. Lee
I I » a
Uctto Mrb .
Ur. and Ura. AKwitr Cfari d Vtoton. Bbe adll tpead ibe <ai«r
ia 1
a 4 a a Arcble called « fttond* beee Barddf. be*e.
UM Undred Doekerap d Trareew
TIB* be beau. 1;UU. CIM. 1 = M- , Ufa. Job* TrotBtoi »d Wttb fldte
a tod •crldent Hoodar
l:UU. !:»%•
Tbl* d*e Ladj creau flrit: LHtle TrdtBar wat Ptokto, eberrle* aad
► Doteb. ateoad: Ooabeei B. (bird: Doe m cBiJylB* thCB Uio a cherty
crate wten a beary weldiled letl-r
Chariet Ban went to Uaatoo tbl*
I (Dortb. aad awtfi Uadoaie. flfib.
TbU vae tb* aeaoad a*e tbat'tiUto BUwk bT4 oo tbe b<
Bcnlac oo a battoeaa triptaub bae er(^ beea U aad tbe unto dilh eUgbi tajerie*.
Harry SielaboV. unveUic pnaaeecer
Ur. ted Ur*. Chariet aiwr et OM
) acral d tbe Wtaeowato CenUnl.
fcor*. abtob tbe aaBe
Mlwioa rpnt Basday afieranoa with Boil peetentor for aa ewended rUlt tbe city today.
• ronb Baar word* of adiaUatlo*.
? (ac( (bit bon- wae *n«lbto to >he roJt Ur Fairer^ pareoU. Ur. aad Hr*, *Ub retoUre. la Cbleaco.
Joba Helffrich went lo Maalttec tht =
A tad. Sad Caat.
idifa rulrer.
; rae* touaad of ptrttolpai
Got tpeeulaUag, iBt heavily,
Mlu Nellie Kroepa d Ti*>er»e Ctly afienooB to lake the ule bath*.
tme deeperate. tbo( blmteU. He
Ulie Lena Wpcanl arrired
Ul Boead lb* eaBBcr with her
BwW Ua«<%
C4 LaatBff.
widow tad (farce ehlldreo. la
r>St doUa. B»H fSbar drlTla*; WUUau miier aad JirMlMr. Hr*. C Kroaiw ntcbi from Oraad Rapida to rl«lt 8. boreau drawer were found iwo pollJoba Sanborn d lOOS Suie itreet.
ele. «r life iuuraace which be u-k
of Ladr Cndt. CUTDr*. J O. and U. i Treebknd will out teveral year* before. But Alul
» laCBOoll drtriac; Dr. i. H. 0*U(rant learc tomotro* for 8i. LouU. where both bad Up*ed tor aao-paymral of
T Of UtU* D«U*. Chari**
premlama due eight Booth* prevloa*.
they will alteod the nailoaal oaleolor
' OanMln* drtolna:
Oae wu la the
pathle coereoUoB aod rtoll tbe e*poluaraBce Company, and
d Ocabe* B. alw drirfaif: i.
[ <m the company (or I
; tliioo for a eocple of weeke.
I Wade, owaer of Doe. ElBer Week*
'■if" I
Ur Uopller d tbr medlenl ataS d
k Bro. manager*, at Deiroll.
B.er Packard and ““"J
Mich., got the widow ber money wlihfair, aad Mra PranI
; turned frou a inoatb-. trip iBroncb JB a week
Tbe other eompafip »ll»HopkiB* Sunday.
cUlmed any liability, because tbe tnBto Rapuu I ,hc upiier pealDiula and WI*eoa»ta.
Braibt Doll ba« I
(o attend icbooM
Mr* O V HolBifS ul Holme* Siding aured did o»i rrquett the paid-up i
surance laalde ol six maotbs from il
K. W. Blzby Atuinod borne
l» la the city today oo a bu.laeu trip. lime he lacmed. They had MCO.IM
dap after ipeocIlDg a week vtolilag
bl* money, aad the widow gq
•no Leon and wife cd Button* Bay.
Rqv. Henry McKinley aad Chnrk. but a letier tlaitog “be ough
Mabel Hall and Ml** Johntoo '
dar rlalted Stella Cork Sue^ay.
Jeflric* went lo Carp Lake tbto morn read over bis policy.' Sad
! l:U. l:I4HBea Welllnger bat built a aew barn
lag on a fishing trip. They aay they
for hlnuclf.
Mr. Amldon ba*1 been I aviBC tbe are after anyibieg that will bite.
i»c (lied
fiaad af farm
klicliea o( bl* hour
Chrtt* Kryger and wife of Kalkuka
Ai« yau I
Iwlpf Oirto wiahing amglaplorm HcQueer andI Rob McLaaghlln spent part of yenerday In the cUy oo
mant at dining rwe
did the work
Bora, to Mr, aad Mr*. 8. R. Barite, builneu
Charle* Smnnbwalie wrat lo Red
Park to aprad a couple of week! with
I* worklBC for Mr*.
* ‘
1t. 1
TtoHcd Un.
„ r'f
S;' ;•
“Whm m» U
tor idee Paebee oa (be fleet baltot—
(be aaa wbMa Ur. Bern bad
flM*d for tbree noatbt. (be
vbeae Meaflt Ur. Bma bad «nM.
tba Baa «ba Ur. Bnaa bad mU
U«aM aei be beBbtaWd aad caaM
•d fa* alaeied.
rdir eoBBUtu* repweeatliE tbeoe deiefate* bmfbt to
a pletfera wbleb wae eUat tm (be
Boaer acaatloa aot a rotoe wa* ratoed
to eapodaladna or protod VUle
badredf were readr to aboot tor
Paifeer, M oae appeared to defaee
: dbBdIdate wbOB be ha* daa* to
to defeat to adraaea. bot be pUee*
: btaa M a ptotfarB wttb ■ bote to It
Ml woagb to drep tbe «Btlre partp
*lt to bad —■'■t* to bare Ur. Brraa
- dftoattai radtaal daBoenitto ttmtaattopa Wbea Ur. Bma it bWe to
, BnatoB aad DaeU a HOUta
• itotabU
rrb* Ckrealeto to aot la VB
' wUb Ur. Btraa’t Maai. Tfer alibi
paaf* It hat iduad to b*Ke*« that
Hr. Brraat Utat were aeeepui
s • tbe real demoerato d tbe eooaur. Tbe
a bu moved his re*ia
to ewMe of FRBt and Park street>.
and bu refitted and refaraUbed the
bolldiag to Bice shape- ft I* a good
place to get a good Bc«l at a (air
price. Tty It next time yoo i
the etiy-_______________________»
line of Shoe» that |{ivea yoa Value Received.
You take no chancet when you buy them. We make a
specialty of $:?.(«. $3.50 and $4.00 grade*. CompOHitc.
Gloria and the Governdr. Call and see them. \Vc
want your ins)>ection.
July 26 to Aug 6.
Rontt TMK hiHl
from a vlali to Maaloo.
aad Mm TtMira rlalted
Mlu Zoe BeyaoUU bu returacd;
tea Praifa of BBpln Sonday.
from a rltli with DeuUb relative*.
Ml*. Chat. BIoob bat a coutto aad
her hutbaod fntoi Lodtoctoa rltlUac
A- Green‘of Detroit arc vUlUag Mr*.
Koben UcLaugbllo and daacfaler Rlckey of Sixth street.
Peart went to Cadillac SalartUy.
Mrs E. J.
Fifth atrrat
street | ,
l. Thompson of Fifib
AL-KBPaRMtermi. la to.
will auy tod ritii her anal. Hr*,
leave* (or
alto drtrtoi; Ctoreaee Horler. owner maa. for a while.
Mr. aad Mr*. J. B. Naeta. HIta Lot aod other poloia tonlgbt.
Bell SBer Weeke drfrlai;
.Mar by. Two mIIm Met* uMtaodim on f U
II Nub aad lady di
tie aad
William Tuatsoo left Ibla uoratog
tL i. Bene**, owner d Don B. aleo
:r«e City Saadty.
(or a several weeks' bualneu trip that B^ul.amiki VaKiBM..Tn'*eMU>y, Mm«
drirtos: Wbedler * LBUe d Fraakwill take In Chicago. Bi. Louis. St
It friesdi aad rrUUi
ftti. .oner d UUle Patch. Dtaer
Paul and other places
Bhar dririai.
Miss Beule Fulghum weal to KalAuteBBblle BaMbHien.
■tka and Maaeeloaa this morning,
The bm aotoOMbtle exblUUoe wa*
where she will give a recital.
between Pred Boufber and Bd Broub,
r. W. Wllaon went to Kiagtley tbit Stl. Phsarmi.:.nnt>.
la wbicb (be toUtr bad erprrtbtai bit
Mr. and
larelng oo a buslnees Irip.
owe war. PbU Bhumer rode with tbe Ml*. Croat of Trarerae Clip ritlied at
Supi. E. H. Barnes of tbe G. R. A I
former and W. C HaU erllb (be laUer. W. e. Aabicy't Suaday.
There wu ao piente at Umc Lake road from Grand Rapid*, speai lut
n* aaaaad aabtUtka waa between
the 4ih on aceoaat of the rata, but Dl^l la lilt city and reiuraed borne
Sd Bmaeb and W. C Halt. Tbe latCrr'
cveryooo aerced tbat the ralo wu betu PMU, <s4d rrvBM. M
wUb bit toner Baehtoe eatllr outdlt•r than any picnic.
J. Cook aad family of Traveme
ueoed the naaller Baebla*. Pted
ACBM Maho of' Cedar - alteaded
dtp. who have been vltlUag P- A
at Maple City Sunday.
tare, tuul Umi, waeoo iUds: tarm wWl
Doaiher rode with fid Broeeb nd
Mr. aad Mr*. C. M. D, Clement re Weatoo and family for a atom (ime,
Jack Proberi with W. C. Hall. Owlai
turned to tbit place lut Friday from murned to their borne Wednesday. draahr |mmur», Ui^ ina ismmi taaa liw
irn d tb* track belai to Colorado wberc (bey hare been
Tbe trip wu made from Traverse Cliy
obarp (nod tiBe eould aot be Bade paat year. Mr. Clemrat it In Tory
here and rclnra by bor«e and carriag-'
toll tbe Bile waa tpaa oE to t;0S.
Many Cl
Mr. aod Ur*. Prtlfarove to Burdlck- taking two days lo go one way.—PcTbe third exbIblUoa wtt br W. C.
itle Saturday to tee Ur*. Ague*.
lo»k*y New*.
Hall, wlib four to (he Bacblne. tbe
Her. J. Rorotgrb wu quite tick to
F. B. WKhey of Marquette arrived
•lal qaarler wat nude la SI teeonde week, bin It belter at tm* writing.
The W. H. U. 8. met lut Tharwlay in the city Friday, lie came lo at
fad tba tott Boaxcr d tbe Bile to
lib Ur*. Webb. Tbe aett meeting
a meeting of the board of direc
ecoadt. or a two-alante clip. Tbe
will be In three weeke wHb Hr*. On- tor* of the Grand Traverse and Arlto ,
ille wat roHedofl to 1;6T.
na Mining company and to confer wl'b j
Uusaiy at
«t OtMid Ti*»»™*. m
Ath^ Bewnta.
... s ■!!■■* ut ibr Protau Canal ><e mI4
the other olBcei* and aome of the Couaty.bsUsi
** *
tbt PrutisleiAa*
u ibt (*iv
Br«rr rreot wat cloaelr eniatied
bwt -Babe- Winnie ebowed bit toisU with Mr. Smurtbwtlte and family '
C. C. SparllDg and wife rltiied
pertoritr la oearlr all tbe ereau aad
.. 8. Bernum'e Monday.
I iheir cottage at Portage lake.
eaptntwd flrat prtoe Id rmrtblai bat
late u< Psradl.-- Ivtratolp, Is isld naiiily,
Uri- Blanche Schneider and Hr*,
uauaer throw.
toll Barnum were to Fife Lake lut
^ n2.“JtIv'S S.T^Jr’ST' SS ir¥ ?
Starter. John Ubmb
eewtCBpdbto laatraBaataUtr lor (be
Judiea, FTed Frail. TboBu I
eagtodtaUca d WIUtaB i. Brraa and
: tte •cbool d dBaaBacau Miowtei to faPd V. B. Rdaad.
TlBfkeeper*. H. t Friedrich d Big
-nt CbroBteto bdleiwt tbat tb* rc- lUpldv Bi. Uataer aad E. R. Uecog.
pablleaa partr. whOc ad bwe d ft*U
br aar Beaai. oCare tb* ABerieaa
paapto at thli tla* tba oolr prapeet
Oraadma Etoery «at*Ratoed
d *fltodMrt. latdUcaat aad bneet lov
paar Eaaday at dianer. She to 8*3
«raBm (bat to aarwberc to be aeea.
ear* old bot cna
and. to beltoTtoi. it wlU do what ii
< oaa to adrane lu prtaetodca aad u
Ur. nnd Ur*, c. Adurt of Tnrme
lu mot Bandar with Ur. and Ur*.
will b« tnratofa <
Jerry SaUlvaa of Cedar I* la lb- Mid retiuos. aad ihst Ibt ht*n si isw
d.i iMsd sad sJl utb« ptesw
city today
Tony Ptull aod Ed. Knapp went to
boldoBst Ihv PsebsM OAn-, is Ibt <Mr of
Pouch tbl* morning and will spend
time camping out.
Aad u It funsie cedand. thsi ssid p*a
Building on Spruee street, (..r the purose o( electing 18 delegate* lo the
nuniy conrenilon lo I- heliVlB Steinerg's Grand Opera House. Friday afi
Daie.1 July If. 1»0t.
Oalre a Cartlt.
Ward No. 8.
lucot will be
I la Ward No. 3. c I Wednetday.
y f«. 1*«4. at 8 p
n. In Central
School Boildlag. (or i r purpose of
electiag IS (
to the coantp
convrailm lo be held In Steinberg*
Grand Opera House. Friday afieniooB.
July ff.
Itoied July It. l»04.
A. B Cook.
A. B. CtiKli.
Prtd U Ursabafg'* Bar Btwad
18c * pound; 6 poorob (or
: ::: SSS
0tlV Book Store
226 E. Front St.
Crawru euy. IIHdi..
Trmm GUj, Wet.
.. 23.
Itatl Rtttfn Atittiiflii
BiMpU.asKnstrseu sad i(sdaioa.y
V-eavsbte. rrilsbb- Ismrsaoe workm
7 Bavt
Quit Stlling
dorses bp retail
And therefore all p^wii row be
paid when the; are dae.
1 oee<l
my roone)’ (or going into new bwncB.
PlesM do not uk for laager
dtrmeu Bfman.
Mrs. J. H. Marvin. His* Winifred
and Arthur Marvin and IliUe Arthu'
M. Goble left this morning (or a two
weeks' vUii le and near Hllladale.
Republican want caucuses will, be
held In ibe several wards o( Travene
City. Mich., on Wednesday evening.
• • M. IPnt.ufollo*-*:
Ward No.
A republican ward caucu.
rid In Ward No
.so, I.
.. on
.IE We
Joly M.I. 190t
19ot at R p. m. In Orange
ball. Cue
u» sir
street, for ike purpose of
electing: IS delegates to the eouniy
convention to be held In ................. „..
Grand Opera House. Pridav afternnon.
July 8Snd
Dated July i:. ]»ot
John A. Loranger.
E. R. MeCoy.
A H. Hollldi).
Ward No. t
All dcfift ap^PKlate
imtmab. Itwarnt.
eit ralueierer
... SALE...
Our Mid Summer Clean Up Sale is a general low (M-lce offering
on all summer wearing apparel and summer materials of all
kinds. We haven't the room to carry over goods from one
season to another and have to turn them into cash even at an
immense sacrifice. Below we only quote a few items picked
up at random from our large stocks in every department.
Igs tl
of date.
Q]/g pair for I.ad les gi;ood black
Stockings (.1st black
1 K/» cadi for l.adjes rich KmLroidered
Collars. 2:>c and .5ftc values
EJl/g yard for good liic
bress Gingham*
Q/g for Shilling Lawns
Otif and n.mitW
2 ^>S£ _ ______
A republiraa ward
Tbl* Iowa hu been harlag a vltlta. held to Ward No. 4. on WedaeMtor.
OB at uavellng peddlSi ul'tog Joly fft, i»04. ai * p. m. la FmglBe
M bold r»d, on the lanallmra? Hoaac No. 1. Cus *tr« ' *
pose i>( eleellDg 6 di
0 to be held la S
erg's (_____ .. ST* Houte. Friday
raooa. Jaly 3f.
’em Fntar^ Bmtea.
Daled July I*.
Ul« Itabel Smith a d MUt Bda*
Hendenum of Cbk*«D
E rPope.
Ur*. Fred North.
F. D. Marvin.
F. F. Greer It maktei
opr, eidd trim-Ded. eight bone
trip to laieriaebea today.
Oka Doyle went to 8
power doable cylinder vifjam in
mralag (or aa enraded rteR wUh
Uia. Harr toerp e«d flnochtiw of retotire*.
Ch«Vroto ere rtalttoc reteWre* ben.
Ur*. J. W. Slater aad daagbter*.
There win be a daae* to tbe
to« Nora aad Btoal went
bam Friflar melac. An ai
Utoto. Utoh, tu. BorUig (or a etalt.
Arthur Roaenlbal hu gone (o Cbleago 00 a buslnes* trip.
fur your choice from over three-hnodred title*
of Standard Books. Publisher* pnoe i> 75 ,
Printed from Urge type and on eacelleat
quality of pai'or. bniind in uniform doth bind
ing with gilt tops.
Thone same books an; Aot sold (ortefin than 40
to 5<l cents anywhere but we bought an extra
large quantity and will sell them at this extraonlinary low price for a few days.
eek u gueau of Hr*. Natbao Boek(be dtoeoa throw tbe tollowtoi
•ell and Ur*. Wm. Lelton.
paitldpaied tad tbe tooieet dlcUnee
Hr*. Maade HodCM reiuraod Wedeach one threw tbe tH-poand dltcui; aetday from a rtell tc
ttobd aad aad* tbe plaifarB.
Wlnate. 10» teet; Albert
'A ttBU eatuni deaooat.
Uariafa, PI feet 4 tocbei; Frank
IiHdlir tBaitoad tbat be eodd
Kratoehmie. T( feet 8 laebet; Willard
iber Mary hare been camping
WBBtoated w aa aakaowa. bat been
Kaae. Tt feet 8 laebet: ioba Oark. 87
ic lake.
ptoead Ob tbt tlekd wlita aa adoceMr*. L. U. _____
feet 4 toebea.
aartoa tiwe tnmtto troB Weat Tlr
Btbel, Hre. Archie OI
la (be baBBer throw the toUowloi
ipcnt the 4th ' .............
flato aad eeppUed with a Mtifora
were the renilto: ioba Clark. 101 Addle A. OIbbe and family.
which aoonato to aa ted
feel: Albert Uenea. M feet 8 tocbei:
Ura. Blanche Scbaelder and little
(be ptotformt d Cbleaio aad Saatae
'Babe' Wtoaie to feet « iocbei; dangkter Katbertoe retnrncd lo
CKr. T%e popaUtUe we*t aad tbe reFrank Kratoehrllle. M led: WUtort home In Oraad Rapide Thurtday.
fldbBaiT natb are aiala la alllaaee. Haai. •: ted 8 toebei.
A camping party rampoted of the
Camille* of George RarlrV. Frank Say. wttta a aew leader It It trw. b« with
la Ue nnalBi blsb tamp. ‘Baber* and Hr*. Maude Hodger epent
ao (Aaaie to prtodple aod parpoee.
ribato Bth. 4 feel t todwe: tteoo
iree days at Raiay lake recently.
Tbe Ueket bevt the ttaBp d popoThere U a new clerk at iho ei
Colbr •eend. 4 ted 7 laefae*: Uorri*
ItaB. nere to aot a plank
here tbto week.
Decker third. 4 fed 8 toebea. la tbit
Barr iame* bu- been under
pUttoTB whU wae oat Bodifld br
Wlaate elearod tb* bar cnillr wratber lor a few day* and le no*
ted * larBat aad todlutlai., bl* racallon. recuperating bltmlret
*Tba dtBetralle partr to attaebed
•ere that be noM “do" aaottaw foot camping at Hosibark laklt m'i*.
aatoa. U to eaaemeat
and the eblldrra will Join him
'>* SrTBB. II bat aea pertaaded amlait
to tbe KNVrard daab tbfa cook
The family of Ur*. Addle A- Gibb*
tu aatatal. toeUatlioet to aoBlaate
Saitbed altood to a boaeb aod
aad Milt Beasle Emmon* aro
aa BBbBOWB CBBdldtte WbOB BtTia
fottowin* order: “Babe" Wnale. D».4 lenilnc at the aame lake,
bat aataioatoed. bat it bat pemlited
A party of young people drove
WlBBle. Art Walt, WHl Lardle. TUn.
to the lake lui Tue*day aflerm
’ Bnaa to do tbe ratL Tbe dee>oa«tk
: ceaoadt.
baring a lunch tad bonfire on
paitT to Brraa and there to oo r«**os
la tbe tto-rfatd dfafah Wtoaie enally bcaeli to (be evening. Much alarm
' to >Bppo*e (bat lit triampb aader tbe
won. }wl keeplna abend d hie oppo- wu (ell (or iheir safely unUI a li
IcadBcblp d a B*a who retod twice
Beau *0 tbat all Baltbed to > baoch wu felt (or (heir ufeiy until their
turn at a late hour.
tor Beraa aad free eUv*r. and baaatod
to (he toIlowlBc order: 'Babe- WinJoba Seeley and family and U
d It. wodd be aarthlBf eto* (baa
m WbH. DIdi Wtoaie. TIbc 8< Tblmpsoa aad family drove to F
MBBpb tar Brraa.
‘Umredai tBBdaB«Btatlr with
Prtoee Awarded,
Mm. Agnes Campbell and her family.
: ais letder aod tbit partr la noM
the free^orwll (b* following
Tbompaon remained for a
fc„ . - tblage *ad acraetoi wUb tb* repob.
print were plren: FUat prlie. Ilfbi
Ikaa panr to tb* ****Bilaii d lu
baraeu; teeo*d prUe. eooUc
ofwed. Tbe Obroatoto todar takee leave
(bird priae, codlas blanket.
der repairs for (he put wt
' d tbp dcBoentlc partr ud alllo Hbear
la tbe 8;M elatt: FM prtoe. Ilstai
eeU with tbe repi
barneB; faeuBd prtoe. eeellac blm'At at preaeat eonttltmed and led.
------- Knight
s here ralltog
ttalrd prll^. moltos blaakd on frirads Sonday.
. tbe dMaoeiBtle partr to a Bcoaee to
rowtb prtoe. whip.
held tott
. tb* pMM..tbe protperlir and tbe
to (be Bibletto ereati odr flrti
Uw«r d tb* OalUd BUto* aad tbetr
prtoe* were Mrea aa MIowt;
peofd*. U bat i
put In u usetsor.
100.T*rd <Uth. loTlas rap.
Dr- Tcdman of Summit City
priMdpto* aad takaa op with tbe ndbeen taktag the .
tSOmrd datb. pear dick pto.
- IcBltoa d popoltotJ and •odaHeto aad
rlclaity a
Htob ioBp. fonaiato pea.
tb* obdretcUoatoB aad tb*
sired it. d
DInnt throw, fob.
d wraete* and
raeull of SB^po* ao near there ^ a
HaaBer throw, cold bmlebed pin goodly number of a
end eaa eotM oat d IL With t blank
anas here Jasi
tar a caiidktole aad a btoak (iw a ptotSaturday
- torw it wtu bwon* Bor* aad
243 FRONT 8T.
lust 29 Cents
lailroad Rataa from all
--------a points,
■<T«»4bMt d (be d«le»M to tb*
hts parent* at tbeir cottage.
Mlu Viola Hauler bu retnrncd |
cnlllac on friradi to
a ■
ban; tb«B fata a
b* tbai (be dacMV
Make of
A afienon n a bod
at boon:
•wKI MtbwiH.................. *
............ —
Tletor Parker el KatoBano. bwktlpartUaeUp. talathecMp rtolt.
C W. AAto
A repabllcan ward catMB* wDI be
held la Ward No 8. on Wednesday.
July fo. 1*04. at 8 p. Bb. la Stale Street
Sehesri BalMlag. for tbe
ekcriac II delegate* to the maty
coBTralloa to be held to Stetaberg*
Hoaae. Friday afteratma.
Q/k each for Ladies
Gauie Vests worth 15c
For Sale
At Bargato
new. tweetjr-faiz lo« wood can*
Aafiiiig oeder.
hare dapbeau engine lame
obore will tdl eepotqtdy.
Ittt tVhitc Waiata. Lttdie. and
OOC Mi,«t, airo. ,onh SliO uod *1.75
Fuicy VimoU at leal than HALF FUICE
ttolad jBly It 1»M.
- K. geralBU.
* ““ *' •“
HALF OFF oinll our Lac(ie. Tailor Suita
Grind RaftoMMicE.
Make this your headquarters when you come to town next
Monday for the,ciroua. You can spend your time profitablvL
while waiting for ^parade.
u M U._blaek P. KaOCATMOP P. IL VnUMIM.
1 MaSTceart
Wk ktm
aw abu-waaia; fL
lea*.- WTtlea
a Mra.
^ Chaa.
CM. Appiepate. i
ncefe B. WmUM
ban i. Prtto sad wito to Mrs. C
loaM hardly p
•urM iMn
• rmUMt «
M. Ball. psieaL sac. S. tows It. raspe
ChH. J. Itomma. prooft n
M nO M otriar
aUovtBi Wllllaw «a« anwMUr aa veO aa l: 111*.
friablfany aad apU
Onra C. Caac aad wife to" Ollrer E. all otber Bwdlclaei telM. three ll.M)
4 aa aneauti. a boaa I
of a H of ae V.
bolllea of Dr. Klax'e New ptsooren
Ml Mattaft. He at* aap- towB r. raape 12: tSAP.
wholly cored me Iaod I pained W
k it oBea «M aai Mian of <
U aM tfur th* aaal laid
poaDda- If* abaolBtely
aiaiT iaaBM to fear aa4 aa I
Wimaa r. CalklB* in Willard
Cottfba. Cotdr.
■ada appoladM UMa RoMiti <
Teedyr. Ma P aad 1*. btoek 7. Petry
nadlDd lo hlM aboat • o'eiMft be na
TKMble*. Priee We aad tl.ou. ----aaaab-i tecoed add; lljaa.
10c at Jaa G. Jobaaoo'a and P.
KatbertoeT Uolkey to garab'fc. Or H. Meadt
k ad hi* aeek. HI* vUe aai
Drap Bure*
r ter ibrir aoD aad d Caap, tot* C tad 7. btoefc t.Sonb PUe
Oniaier u her bnabaad i [Abe: tiw.
Isa ad Louie H. aad Clanbel M. >
WlUba> landm to BetlM Briato'.
•. aad aiao <Mb o( oSee af foar- '
nadlrMed H od *e U. *ec. 2. tows 2«.
diaa tkd.
No Pnr I
Bk SaxtoB to Wiiuaa
1. & I. A. BLCCTtON.
Mr*. W»b«a wa* aboat to Mara
-For year, fair was afier oe coa■e >d >ee. 2. tows 2C. raace t: ll.OM. llBSoaaly.' wrlle* F A. Galledpe. VrrThe LadM Ceaaaun- lMMOT«wat tb* rosM aMrtlr aftar II o'rlocfc
................... a trrrll
Hodattea bai rieeted the (eHowlat call tbeir eoe vbeo aM heard tb* pa
------ -------Jap :t
Been far tbe eoMlat rear:
ttest caap aad epos reaeblac tbe bed
failed Boeklrn'e i
fosDd ber baebaad bad expired.
aie.- EpBal'r P™>1 I'
achee and p
Bik rupldt M aboeked al tbe aeddea
dntb od cm cd ber foremoat clllaaa*
nniam* baa sot beaa ttroap tar.
Orsod RapUa—ftata P2AD.
Hate, bet so car npretrd that
•unday. July 17.
TrBVBr** City MarkAtA.
ThM etoe praaldiat. Mr*. I
>uld be atrlckee *o aooe.
la will Irarr Trarene City at
I deccaaed wai a prosiloeot C:20 a. a. See potlrn nr ark aereu TbMroportianit. Tbe Herald la net
BaeaMlac aaenlarr. Mra.- Aaella
>er cd U>e abitIb eeuatr bar aad ' e pariiciilart.
eofared the esteen od tbe lepai fia
riMBeisI aaantsiT. Mrt. Aaaa Caltbe tute.
able, enliared aad oar wbo eoBsaad [ >eulcfw- Pane la tb* Seuth and bestbTmaarer. Mra. Harr Tblrlbr.
ed jpreat lafloeoce. ..1 m..r In.
Tka baard od dlraeUn M ai follev*: friaadi. pe Tiarerpe City
ationteyi lie at all aUtloai os Prat aad thli
Aaaa Soala. daaat* Oillaa- bald biB la blpb repard.
t fSB^ will probaUy be held
Friday aad I■ 1* expected tbai tbe atWsrW* Pair, gt. LsuU.
y od Aatrls). Cbarierolx aad
Rouad trip Uckeu at Mw rale*, oa
At tb* toebakab lodte laat gatorday Ormad Ttarerie eonatle* will attead. lie at til ticket *uUoo*r Aik apeaU
araatop tbe foUowlsp sSeera para toa rale*, limit of tlekeu and ‘ '
gkatsh ed Bucceaadul Camr.
atalM br D. D. P. Hrrtie* Pn;
Hoc. Filch Raed Wimaw wm ben
P. N. a. NalUa L. Johaaae.
Tbe aflleled will be pleased
to Datebeaa eonaly. New Teat. Dee.
tbit Dr HcDoaalA tbe i-mlccni
K. a. Jaaai* tMStb.
l*3t. bto pamta reatorlap lo
>perl*ll>i of Grand Rapidx. will l»V. O.. Lera Btehaidi.
in Trareree City, at Park Place HoBaeordlap aeta«tarr. Bateoa Bller Sbaroc. OoBO.. Is bto lataeey. aad la
■el from Tbnr«dsy murnluE. Jiilv
ID Sbaroe, Waabietiaw eoealy,
Ptaaaetoi saentorr. Cbn Dtoa.
wstfl HoaPay erraia*. July
Hlcblpaa The f*»lly later reBorrd
25lh. five dan only. rotiMiliatlun.
Traaaarar, Melrisa Cbaae.
AlblOB. MIrb, where tbe aoa ai-j rximlnalloti and adrlre (r.- CaD
R. B. u N. a. Ksia Coaia*.
and arotd ibe m»h
1. g. to H. 0, Alice AiMtap*.
collepe) aad la l»t aelercd tbe oatWardaa. Hair Dari*
Teiaity, frsBi which be piadotled la
Coedaeiar. HaUte Oawbal.
MAtb* U( ■>* oa hli t>. O. UbU* Tbonea.
' Mat BUa.
ad LMta aad Oceek In Albion
L 0, Cara gatioa.
r i1^ tost sMsabad Trldap vbU* at
tor two yaSTA aod
B. g. to T. 0. Hanto MlDar
Mb at Bast Bar. B* *a* haadllM
Ificd la the ebair of Ulla la tbe
L. 8. to V. c, Mrn r«L
Mi .has U* fast bscsSM eaacht
onlremUy for a like term. Tbe death
ChaptolA Merer Moanw.
' Mmss a ridd aM Ik* toe aad «a*
of Ms tether at AIbkm compelled blm
to return there lo rare lor the family
aad etiiie, where he remalaed ili
year*. He wa* admitted to IbeAmr at
Tk* sU latirtPtMM svitdi Mabl*
Wanbail la 1S«8 aad after a ioreearat tbs ran HanMU aM a B. * L
ful practice of two year* at Albion he
tSlMd snastaf at Karrr. ***r BaUMd aeaas* an batac toasad with toned (ra« LaaalBp. The dab to or- weal to Elk Rapldf lo barv ebarpe of
tbp esieoslTe iBlera*!* of ibe then
•s* aidMla. TM tM •ssda* psato puilied tor aodal pnrpoee aod
; M balag rartosad «tih atsal tewsr*
popolar club. A well kaowa firm of Dexter A Nobl*
Styles that become broken in sizes, lines of which
n Mitbaar*t*teP«l>>«»(«*M*M*p* torpe
at that pure He ha* pranlced law
e find loo many were purchased and kinds we are
aouiily 1a Ibta part of the aulc
bare already beaa earolled
iscontinuin^. all put on our barirain Tables and sold
■aMhna aad tbe pmpeeta <d tbe or- ter (klriy yean, moat of lb* time
: big reductions.
In Ibe aerenUe* he wa* aaioCBr Ctaab CkaiMt M. Baan hat re- ^Maltoe are brlghb
Tbe otoeen ve: Pretldest. Cbaa Hated with J. A. I
rakaaka, Jr.: rtee preaUeet, Joa. H.
a OOkafL <*«* I* at prasast la
m. atattac that bto aoa WIlBaM had ledhmsh; aaerMarr. J. M. BMkeaMa <t William* A FartlntOD. aad after
Mst Mtk aa asaUnt aad bad bl* l*i tnasarw. W. O. HoMaa: diraeten. ward* for a tbort time with Cbarlec
WoncB’s Sbfifis.
Oee. 0. Corell Chaa. Proehaxk*. Jr.. T. Hleko*. now of Milwaukee. WU. la
Wfinea’s Sh»u
Elk Rapid* wa* the coobty *eal
J. H. Medtesfb. J. M. BlakMiee. W. O.
of a dliirIH wbieb ha* alaee been dl
ftoUaa aad J. W. Haaoaa.
PermaaaBt elsb nioaia bar* aoi yet
HeFhanas peal. O- A. B. aad tbe
Kalkuka. Ouepo and Crawford. From
beea pnesrad bat
. W. B. C ban baaa lartiod Is apaad
me Hr. William* sarrad a*
rntw aad BatBidar at Harrar Car
proteenUnp attorney aad
fifty caae* for InfraHlon of the liqoor
Womeo’s SUfipcTi.
Wonen'fi Oxfords.
lawi, secarlDp cenrlrtioDa la fortyI aatablM aad dtaha* bat
OOBtractor Moeros s( Cbarierolx alne of them. He wu elected lo tbe i
I..exthrt. i-l i n toes, rai
In good aninic style*
bA vfD hs tirslAad. Tbs lartU- hai rseeirsd a eoetracl for baUdlop a ■Ule senate la m< aad ta that body
ttoa wD b* sMaptad aad c«e plaa*- dock at Kedt Hokesa had Abpeaa rw
; aM dart ar* bslad MM temrd to.
The aew dock will be a cobUb- Jen of taxatloa, a aubjeel on wbicb
BatioB at Bphih street. wbMh baa he had beiiowed ipeclal atody.
Ken'S ISSMo.
Hr. Williams wa* in eeery seaM a
wDl be ICS feet hMg fnn tbore lesdlap clUtee of Northern Mlehlpaa.
Imported Paieni l.eaiber*, *
(o tb* CDd of tb* dock. The work oa
Going to
best madr, maiked
yeaierday aad
clean a few
t. aad by I
-- ---------stjlet up xt
a aad panda traai tb* etpeaae tfbelDt dlrUed bed
also to It* aoclal and aural id
tmhf-Ihtd isBl to btip la the cslabnUna oa tbe two resort*.
lest And In ibto coonrcllon li
Ontractor Hosm la Just eoaipMi- would be nnjast to omit BteaUon of
AW. U. i. T. Bblaldt aad toha Klaf
« 1 dock al MlieheUk aad ibnae two
van appatetod datocata* to the
Wlllluu. formerly HLaa Slia•orta aeeared Us to balM tbeir betb iaae BoberU of Opdea. Hoonie
All sires, all *oli<l. great
TMt breoght El.riO lo
Bl run II itlMBPTii Attbacleas Mk. At tnt
cooDty, New York, wbo became Hr*.
wearer*, nixrkeil
SlOU. cot the price
al lb* rapalar weak tb* taai aafarad baud It ibastalrea bat at Ulx Brs WllllBM Aop. It l»6t Aa aodoaiadown
oa wMt's
•terTtUap with wUeh to do tbe uaee formed at Albipa collepe led to
la* ems aad cabs.
left to...
k It was dccUnd to M II om by tbe anhu. 8be aleo reealred a liberal
edacaUao at Albioo eollepe. Hlebipu.
tke doiA wm be T- ibapad. focty.New York,
elpM teet wide at tbe* sad aad tbe
ilred not only
aa Taailar la tk* oBs* ad Jad
A. L«*aM*r tor tb* paipaa* td>*r and aad tbe walk Madlap oat win be (or ber domeatlc and toclal qoaU^ea,
•Ipht feat wlds. Tb* docA wUl be but also her lllcrary and artUtle altiMtop tor Iks dataOt ad tk* tM
ter tbe aeeoamodatloa of tbe renteh Robert
to peasad* lb* eoaatf oeant
Rexto Mokeaa and Ahpoea Biniamt. surrirn. He It aleo an *1reaceti and ereryfaedy else ai well, loraey. Mr. Wllltama wu a member
h wDI be
of tb* Muoalc fraieralty and of ibe
tboe* owmlap lanaebc* aod bmla.
Alpha DelU PU of Mkblpaa ulrerTb* dal* cd tb* ward a
After tbe eoertnet wort to c
polltka aad alteoded with bl* father
: at • >. to. Tb* aBelal asUeat wHI b*
side* sad seata. A Bipataff orer
Uie fonaallOB of tbe party ‘aader
feM blpb will alao be put ap and
tbe oaks' at JaefcaoB la leu. He wu
rice presldeat of aad peneral eotiesel
for tbe Qk Rapid* Portland Cemeol
tart T. PnalMted ad Wastlas
ipaay. aiioraey for tbe Elk Rap
lad. tetmmir ad Ihl* do. who It etall.
id* Itno comway aad many o|her cor^ hi* partMt ta tb* cHr far a tet
poraliau aod gram la Northern HiebIMa. M* aetaptad tb* call is lU tbe
and also attorney for aad cm* of
at tb* Waatiaad toanA acu At a rneeUip of Uie directen of toe
stockholders aad dlyaar at a asbataattol laenaaa b 'e^oetoop elab yaat wert. ft was de-
Pere Marquette
Tor the Porch
( These are made from the bark of
PORCH SHADES ] the Bamboo Cane and are there( fore ver>'tough and durable.
All lues complete with pulley and cord.
S ft.................
8 It.................
8 ft..................
8 ft.................
8 ft.................
....$ 125
....... 2X»
----- 2.60
....... 3.00
Straw Porch Stats
Made of woven rice straw over spiral center coils and
imitates a target, most desirable as a summer cushion
for lawns, piaxzas, cottages and outing uses.
16 Ittdj Dlamtter al St Each
Epcry Day finds Dew
Real Barflaiiifi
Crtx 6rass Hlatting
This is 3 feet wide, comes in plain and fancy color
ings, nothing like it for hard wear; worth (iOc yard, at
38c; 6 yards of this makes a porch mg.
6x9 In Size hr f2.2S
Cbfs OI«k Ole PM on tbe Barsaln Cabicst
Also Crex Rugs fringed at hOc and up
StoidMf mrFiMqi
> ft
sup It ltd Lctk Ottr Our Bargalt Cii/»
Whnmr Yn JItt U C .-TO i Ottd Wif It
Saet nitter.
Jtlfred V. Trkdrich
lUeCan Give Vou
Be Min Mi Ibre* toert Moatta to
•B oa tba oU yaar. hM aew yW b*ptoalM OsL 1. Mr. Poaalapioa hat
Mdt May Meato wUM away aad
bM WiiPa Mra will be pMaasd to
Man at U* taeeasa to bl* aew Batd.
TM toOowtoc datogiia* <
The best for the price in
for this port aad tteps were tabes I
praaeat. tbe Meal barbor 1*
ly wilboot prouctMa. Sblpa Ibat are
toopht la a beary ttaru ben aalet*
way. Tbla, at eeano. workt
apalam tbe tUnriap laieresti at tb*
Card of Thanks.
We '
rxprwa* oor sincere
ibank* to all oar
ar trlead*
friend* aad aeiph
bora wbo *o kindly sMlrted la erery
tray lo tbe Mat
' It sad rite* of our be
tored wife aad moiber
Newel Hick*.
r. and Hr*. E- J. Beaneit.
U g. WaBar. W. W. Brawar. Laaratl City itood taal oa tM list of ports oa
K. Orsaa. O. T. nstmadb. W. A. Kaet. tb* praat hket toto yw. Brary otber
port 00 tM tokn did nor* mariae
Bsabta Ltan. FUBp Barasttto.
Ufa tk*a tbto dty. Ttarraneaty
raaatotiaa to tM acatt tMt an hwr
e mem Mportaat city to the aonta
Bbi* Pttaaa b* aaad to raasM
try aad ter thli raoaaa Meal b*slBabait Waltar m ammtr elart wai
■aa belMra that tbe port thoald
OM of tb* Madtop baotaam toes of
lad Paali
tbe city aaid a cate barber wooM be ut
■ tbetoM
bCMit. Tbe tocrataa od ihip.
piM toeURMs wooU tadaee more betorla* to hmata Mra a* tbeir prodaets
L O. O. F. omCBIM.
M toarkatod toaoh aora ebeaplr
IhaBhpian. It woald atoo beiePt thi
dattop fiiPiwiji to M toaaa'extaat.
1.1. C. O. p. tott s
TM torapteta dtoldad to
ipBMbyai>.aM.A. aiBDw
P. K a. Wat KatB.
M. 0. C P. Cbaa*
Boa. William W. gmlb
T. O. D. O. Blur,
B. B. to M. a. Vto fkamplaa.
to hmk IM toatur ap
•ji. : k B. to H. O. Wto. Oyfc*.
Md <s
to rase
toM <tM Mosaaty aupa to
££.( JL tots T.o. ADM rum*.
betop R to tbe BiMMMa at tb* poran■KJ . latotoT.to.PoM BaoO.
Feed, IDeal, Bran, IDiddlinas,
£om and Oats
We buy nothing but the best grain and you gei the
pure anicic.
arpala la pasollae lanaeb and enptae. Do not mlu it. See lb* adrt.
la aaoiber coiumn.
This Is Your Chaneel
M.ny .re already mirert lh*i w« h.v* had a eoleadU llaa at Fsrek aad Law* Faraitora aad Hw nrtos* astor.l*htd teem for flTM ei***. full, warrants fieed*. Ns. •« dmiY warn to s
•M will make remarfcaM* r*ductia<H on anythinp la tbi* ikia that wa tiara 4*n.
“pick of mw pack.- Oea-i you want to be sa* of Uw •yiakanV
And *«tt*e« te matfh. mad* ia tiw dark brwwn. doll fialea. *11 siaaa*r at add -“-p- TMr ara oa iiiYrtli
for the heuse a* ttw peren. Veu Miwld ewa at loam aa*.
I. r*ellniafi chair
toratosd. Th* acmanamt fittof pratoetod fram Om bssl I
aad aura at all tkaaa by mua. of the mderawa caatpy top. H la aa cuafartaot* ter esadlafi or rrrTtnj
or ataepiag. it ram aa wWi.
d satou* turaltara that k
laMfactBitd fram omall ktekarr trass tslth aU ihs astoral ram^
rartsu left on. All mmmmar ,1 .Hama, la bMk racAsra sM .Mira. fiem. Km,,
amu wsraa
Recorded by RepMter it Deed* F.
W. WDeoa 10 July I. 1PM.
DO Maaro to WiUtoto gpsaUliip.
parcel, acc. i. town a. raape 10: »ti.
AddM A. Qibfai to Wnitom Spaoldlap.«areeL Mayfield: US.
AodHor peoertl lo Jobs Suoaacb. *
H of ra H. see 2t. town tS. raape P:
>bH Tbomptoo aad wife lo Hau
Nord. *I*lotia.btortD,H.I.4
>>.•» aereatb: fiPOO.
WDIlam M. Beat aod wit* to Atexaader Hamm, tot *. m«. 12. lowa 2*.
raape U; ILPM.
ItoaMl to Craodan aad wBe lo
Ctora Wickham. wtA Btortwood;
d camp etasN ara most hsMy ter mettoa ar ter Mma tms. Vos wBl aasd iMm maay tiatos dprtofi too
For Wood Wort aad Fnniitiite which bu' beeoiDe marred
or worn, when coated with JapA-Lac ii mewed aad beaotified. For screeos—frilliam Hack Jap^a-Lac prolong* the
life of wire doth, iml ocher colon Btodoc the frame* makes
them look u good u oew. also eicdlent to brighten op
Wirtef-Fuinituie, Refrigerators, Lmoleoai, Oil CfotM aad
Th* naaol yso will fi
a. sr estora. Vso *■« «
ysa •* ta you •ararnsr s*«ttg*. wM. rm* ara to Mma AM Md. I, tb. tk« to My topm «Map.
Mm L. Brawa to C A. Bam■Mto 1^7. btoek 7. FWity Bfibaakt
>*>»• Wk A. n to toainnUtot
esort araselathm. M S. sac. 21. Ms-
Bofttlb Fnpand Paints
e Olait « $«ns
■AVKM0K orrv, MfiOtoto.
iBSiaaT. Jitix ix un:
' Ln
«t U> tmUmr*
maomv. «wd«
-------------, Hr. L009
_______ aad ■oat r
hanw beoi a reaU 9( Of IM<
•J2Srirt.“^ui5ri ‘S
tana oaohaH Bile aorth. alhIA be t»t.
mrad tad abere fc* watted oaUI a
afler riiUlu bl
^ - Hr. u< Hr*. SoIUtu tetoM to
K OMIT bcwe *1 HuUbh. 0*U Wed^.M*d*r. Bfur a HmM rWt with tkolr
! M*. fM a. k«re.
doe HorwnHkT nat to U**iu<e
Mn.J.W. AppM7fl<Tomto.OBt.
'- ■-Ua* at Hr*. 0«n* Harr—
V. Carer oC BMt Uk
j vlth hi* fBBlIr here.
J. W. Odod of Taaaar I*
taher at Tala Hoaatala.
rraiih Baiter It vorklet ht the eanr!
Vidov, three aoU and )two daa '
..n and boau a( Meodt to moan
death. The faoeraj dtacoorve vat .
Hrend hr BoM. E. Walter of Tnrerta
Clir. Haar and bMBtirDi donl (ribteatlded to the cateee* «f frleadt.
ramaJa* vere laid 10 net in the
efllace casMMrr.
Jtmet Loop, of Sparu. tHieh.. la la
the villaae. called here hr the death
r hie brother.
The loOovUia la a II* bf the delelUa to the eoBDlr e«
_t the repnUleaa «■
. .
rr. L. B.
L. a Walter. W. W. Btpver.
OrM*. O. V. Hotmet. W. A. Kent.
" ‘ R.
•md P. Benttelne. Ta«
vere butraeled 10 ate ■
orable maaoi to aeenre ibo 1
tloe of Hohert K. Walter for
HIM Raa* Carter of Tn<
rlalttat tbe faaillr of Dr. Walter,
W. A. White of Tr*i
aiy it in
ivn ihli DoralBc.
The Archer firit of Trareme City
re dovD here
Tto cad ~
at harlns de
Ik ^di
f tvo trip* dally.! conar
ini for Trarerae Oty.
Ilnnle Oatraoder of Tn\____
baa been rUltbw Mnda li Ibta ptaee.
aW WmoeavtU Ml Satnrdar fw
Mr. and Mn. Jaaet Btfberit. after
hatias tpenl aereral moOtht ia Chb
casD. bare -retnrned to tbAr borne Id
thli place. .
Hia. C. 8- Wall hat b
bat it ahrvly roocAertog 1
Mrs. W. Blinaa It
Pred Atktaioe v*t In TraeA Oi
y Hat Taaadar and retsmed the aas
I. ODrer ^ Itart OMtaa cam ap
it cam lo tight ttat Hr
vM the Paertb vlth her ene ,
td aaminifal toetate h
artt's tnHat son vas TarrlO Barwy and family. WedMednyi
V boa oquHod. He <1
iBimH Hat veek bet M tm- isi BM feettng rery vril sflor h
fa* she alaned to go op to her 1
U a tev dan
H vrTd of Hevard Dnaa la* ve
handa. She bad .
aad daasbter RaUla
^*Mn y(^l
. I umo aenoi Wtetrte B
rirttt taalthi oa a rWl vtrh Mm
hoard her HU and lastaatir veet to ^ U't tbe gnaleot modldao
bor and foead her autohaetaei. the If,, thoi tivmble. A tev botlloB Of R
' Mtaa DabT HUIa vas caltad to PVe *Mg brokea aad qoMe a gath la her.
>M*y reberad oed evad
Lake Satardar to aflaad tbe faaanl
at gaed for Ltew aad WHoy
ad bar mmle. Hr. Loo*. '
kies aad gaaMal dobOMy. gaUoMr. and Hr*. Ralph GHm apeat Sanoa guacaatcod by Joa. O.
da? vhh C. H. ABderaoa aed famllr
F. H. Heads. drvgglSU.
rtf FVe t»h»
. {«yatelaa calM. vbe tbonghi U ii
poHdble for her to reeorer. She r
red u a aev coal of palat aad a Buleed uncoBodeot nth Ibe ar
Waridag NIgM
_ eema«.vblle*rea>ea(v*Ik*«< day. ■She va* no lev her chlMm ,
baataet aad a _
to the rxienal apearanee. Tbe bolM‘ vere seat for. Friday al^t sbe vas ! thing that rm van mad* M Or.Klag-t
Hk vlll be readr for ueeupaaer aetl thought to be dying, but that seemed
to be a lanlng point for tbe berier.
*Hr*aDd Mrs. Ben SvUl are rWitat Yeatenlny tbe doctor thought she
Into eecrgy. brala tag iaio meal
Prof. C. I). BwHl and vlfe.
might poMlbly reeorer. at she had brr pover. TbeyTc voadecful H beUdmg
Laii Friday, vbllr
abarpealnc a
aad van feen^maeh better
apthebcatth. Oaly »e per bos. "—
tator. RUe Bell e« hit mtle ftneer
by Jat. O. Jobaana aad F. H. MM
quite aererely.
A nev cemeai sralk It betac coaPOgmVE PROOF
atrorted In froni of Dr. Peotoo't bnlld-------------:
Tear* ttf cateriag teUerod H
gheuM Coovineo tho OrootoM gknptle ^ night. IMrlag pUeo yield at o»^
Elder Carrel of Trarerse Citr
pmehed in ibe M. E. ehnrrh la* Sanly to a large and appreeUIlm aodllee.
The Infant dangfaler of tbe Rer.
Peter Price, ponor of the Latter
Salnu ehnrch at thU place,
•. died xtry
laddenly last Friday. Tbe fi ineral vat
brid lait Snnday. The rfaildreri'
■cii't choir
of tbe H. E ebn
led. InierRiau. HIU. The
y leretllgaied.
idorsemeni of merit.
my vbeta life t
beet ol proof. Read It:
. bIo^^'bTi
Mrs. Almira A. Jacknon. of E.
1 Frool
Frool !:
By body. I teemed beyond curt.
tireec beyond Barlov ttreet,--------'
- Wi a a B. hat made me a perieeily
broke me
Md for vomaa-. Mn. Charles Hniton.
enty years :
•aid 1 had liver troohle
trouble bm
bni I might
M veil have eeed as
at much cold vBier ‘ A Mormebold
net . ,
at Aelr medk-ioes. Jut before I com
eon ; u
at' Eclmiic
Erlectiic Oil. Heals buns. cute.
is< Dona.............
t KMeey Pills I vouods of any ton; ctue* sore thgui.
ptnlysed. Had a knife jrmup. catarrh, uthma: nerer fallt
r Vine* Sarah
Into my kldn.-js the pain I
nve been tonre toteste.,
■ was more like t trance ; Don't Oet Foota^t Cat Allen's
tnv rilsiorted flgores. At i
Clark and family, nccotnptnled
preted. antmying dlBcnlt
In. Dr. Culbiim. aiiendrd terkUlney seerettans esisted
M. E rburtb last Sunday, and I vat neiiiaily
enmlng fftm their cottages at Lorut thirst
Nns I wan'I the people
- re In ibeir gsMillne launrh.
rrnverse Oty to read tbe follovlni
r. and Mrs. Murphy and MUs Mar
r Duun't
4 lloldec arrived from Chicago Pint, the bloaling vhlcb pemlstetilly j
veek for a titli with relatives at riling in me for tventy yean gradul-1 ^
(his place.
The Rev. BrovD of Cbleaco U vlall- pounds lest, until I could sleep II'
Ing B'lih S. Holden aad family.
' "' until I conld read for t
Prof. J. B. Davit of Ano Artior. vhn
every evening, an utter Impoaha* beeo speudlng some time vlth the
r bnforej MHnmeoce. '
. .
engtoeen vho i... ________
I vlll gUdI
here, left
for Wyoming Inst vcHl (IcuInn of my exp.Hn. Davit yetumed to her home In >d Doan's Kidney Pills to any lady
00 Arbor.
vho ealli oa me penoully. and if she
Mn. Handy of Caoip Darlt. enter e-ally suffers from kidney complaint
tnined her alster, Urn. Myen. of Cedar and vlsbce to kaov what course to
to bring relief,
sale by all dea.......................
^lers. Price te
Poster Ullbnrn Co.. Buffalo.
iplre iw veekT
A big relebrntlon Is being planned Y. sole agents foe tbe UnUed
ir the annul Old -Setclen' picnic RememW the name. Doan's, a
■hat oecun at iblt place on Angu* S.
aar tataaded to p> to Haalatea bm
I ~LI^*bat ud Hmitr came
[ Hv Ch« cnoatr to apnd the Fourth
I WloM Im'tm
|-to hand a boan aa aooe aa he e
IdHtaM. It taokt aa thoBch
A tatead to noU hH baccr
and Mn. Spencer and little aon
from Ailania. Ga, are here for a trlslt
ora OBAMT.
alih Mn. Spencer's sitter. Mrs. Al
ger and family.
e haying, cullimting and
Mn. Ed CMe and James. Fortin*
Mntkegon a: ■ here to TisiMbe
their mi
................... abandant
this year, the mosi ih
terera] years.
Neariy all from here voat to Qrcea
iMkc the Fon^ and bad a good t
here, moving n> Chi
ere* tboogii iFdU rain. Hr*. Ch
pk« and Mrs. Braxebrldge took
»ln. little Flther vent to Wexford
> and treated their nrlghbor<
MWaalag of the Podrth a Hrg. laal veek to aiuad the faooral of :
.any gsibceed at C. Choate's and brotheHn tav, George Cook^
Chat. A. Flther bu berf given
stayed drevoict and tee cream.
Hr* Bmma Drake
and ^Mrea e^ltm of Ume and Harry Dt._
vHb raHUre* boro brille as an aatisUnl fu taking the
ewnt of the tovntblp of derelaBd.
member* of tbe losmsfalp
Hn. Appleby -di Canada It rlslling
We* Catan Aid met Thoraday aftraooB vlth Mrs. Cannie. Ice cream
We Isboe drifts payable
iQ foreiCQ ometries.
Wbcoe?er yoa have occasioa to send money
abroad, it will pay yon
to send It throD^b this
First National
Trayerse City Business College
and so on right through.
ExctpUsully Caro* JIxMrIiiMat el
....$ C.7Ji
............... 750
and so on right up to
values for................................... $17.50 and
Med Snpt Noribeni Midtigaa Atylam
HfB. John Wotai aaimaliied bta
•Iftor. Hr*. Ptaak TnM aad laj?
of Trarene Cliy Hot veek.
i. rum of Reed City vat a r
the paranona* . f,* dayt Hsi_____
Barvesfing and
mowing maebin^
Mrarwi. cwmti.
We always carrj' a good stock on hand.
>•" «■« rri-
A beautiful, decorated UlO-picce dinner set. gold
trimmed, (worth SJ2 and $14), your choice for $9.00
of Iron Beds at e
■lifftrenl paiterns. lrom'$2.75 n'p to $i2m to b<t cloi.r,i
out at about factory cost.
You can find a bed here, any size,1. any color at any
price you want to pay.
away below factory cost.
iFcoated granite te.a and coffee pots, for
Extra large enamel wash bowls,
- -- for.....................
and soon right through
large stock of graniteware
JtavBHna von vant in Springe mg
to get a Refrigerator
Our btapint cm le on Slgthearg*
11 is time for your
ntilwaukee $ Deering
as we have three times as many as
we want in }uly
IVlow.r is especially
adapted for roufih land. A very complete Machin^ ^
Don't forael us when you want a Carriaee or Buggy. \Um carrv
acomplel. line. We have received and
r ; ^ .
carloadathisspring and summer.
Bamey Jlndersoti «
____ "e-
$1 .Win values
IS.On values
^>.75 values
3650 values
50.00 values
for .
. n.7.5
for .
- H.7ff
for .
. I'TJif*
for .
. :i5 75
We have several prices in between
CwtptlMMnp Carge Dn«
BindArm, R«Ap«r»,
of wdl made, well finbhed EXTE.\’9fON TABLES.
75 diflenim styles of chairs to select from. Several
p^temi of these at first cost, all others at a big cut.
««i ne»' style rockers to select from, at same pro*
POrtional cut.
^ , A large assortment of COUCHES
A targe assortment of MORRIS CHAIRS
In tact,
fact, a large a»rtracnt
assortment of everjnhiog >-ou need
ywr home, all front regular,
reli^le f^oriei
.__ioriet, aid
will cost you
lets money,
m some
m some
would pay some other place for cheap job staff.
J- w.
Wholesale and Retail^
■i- »■»'
yon will find some of the higgevt hargain. you ever saw.
““P'ionn") liig 1in.ini«
goods and have od<l pieces and odd set* of all kind*
and desCTipiions, thai must go regardless ok cost"
Mr. r, F^oHIC ud rUMrra tf]
eaMHnt stauM nnO an*at*
mattressa (wonh $3.75|
; Ssr.";;.':r,2‘4r. "i
■tth her daa^ier.
Laun Chairs, Lawn Settees. Camp Stool* #o cheap
you cannot afford to go without them
A good folding Camp Stool.................'......... _____ ^
Cheap ones...............•......................................... ...........ji^
A Bood. solid, well dude, nicely win,ed. ’ foidinV
lawn sellee. will
ihree people, lor 1.0) and SI.25
A lint- comfonable. foldinK hammock chair, only SilW
Croquet ...................................................... 45cper «,l up^
in enr eracktry, CIn and BranttAm D«pt.
Hn extra Fin., Cnr*. Dn.
be prond
Thayer and Hahei B<WhM
Blankets. Bed ^ccts. l^d°Sp^i^s“i»illow Caw«.Com<
- forters, 1‘illows. etc., at a big saving lo you.
0,1 Stoves Ga. Range., Wood and Coal Stove, and
Yottrt very inily.
arc showing in otu-Carpet, Rug and Curtain Dertinem. ^ou will J>c the loser if you do not visit
s depanment now. A line assortment of all styles
and grades of Caniets at a big sacrifice. A beautiful
• cheap j-ou could
Id afford 10
to hav
have it in your kitchen
of Lace and Tafic»tr>'
a(>cstr)' Ciirtai
)-ards long. (75c valui-s)
each or :t5c per pair
Next style i$LII(i valucsl." for ^............... 4-'»c per pair
V-^Ottm^patUlvo years, -.uvvqju
Attbot^b «ur
our vara
..m kopvJm^
wwvMK^ ol
01 Btaay
many tedinkal vonli
r^itires the
^Mr. ABtpach a
SMntol HMBiMcst Baroalw
A large asaonment to select from
a™"^”„ce",i' ri' criraiio’vr ’™
o itate that Chat,
WlH Laon WWgaad and Htat HH^ntatbrih of Btagkan apeat Ban-
P»*r ataiar. Hia. i. Oron*^
One el the hMeicst oils Is on Bedreen Siitts
students and their employers
hot boon TMUag.
. ht,^ Ste. Harie. Oat
Wat Alma WelM of Trar*t*« Oty
Hr. T. Paha* of JIHm ^
Many articles you can buy here for le^ than a common dealer pays for them for
our stock must be reduced and lots of odd pieces in nearly everything to close out.
jpedal Attention to Each and Every Stodent.
given mo* exce£ni aata
N. E. STRONO. Mngr.
Evcrjlhing in Small Instnimenls. Sheet Music, Talking Machines, hic.
Has DO superior in preparing for business.
The Oltaaets hare their meeUagi
hall ererr ivo veek*.
The Imgee vat ven attended last
» tpwynknat saccoa. The aoOaetloa
wo lor fMHga mln-
W. W. Kimball Co:
129 Front St.
Our July Clearance Sale this year is the greatest chance you ever had to save money.
Our stock of good, honest, reliable goods is so large and our assortment is so complete
that you can find just what you want at just what you want to pay.
flian Friday.
Hr. aad Mrs. John Faal ristted at
Ir. Oberen't Bnnday.
Hr. and Hrt. a CtavHid Hailed at
treatad _
Etaa MeOembt vat 00 the tick lUi
on our floors and you will be undecided no longer. You
get more %-alue for your money in the l^mlull ihan in any
other instrumeni )Ou can buy. FBcuir>' prices and most
tag; r.
;Wnc> I
r frleod. Mr* Ceorge Hama.
Hrt. Renaedy fell and hurt her
ae«h aad face qolie badly one day doeUed lo recelep kids for ihe cample
laal veek. Sbe tainted aad had u> be ............... the bridge until the SOtb of
nth. ahen thcj'i...............
II boM anearned Into Urn boose.
other mcedng to exnml • the hldn
Mr. and Mr*. B. Bar
Mta.>. M.
Chicago tpending t
Harea t decided whai kind to buy ? Well imt call and
look at the new style hitfh*grade
at quite
qaite a large
Bara, to Hr. and Hn. H. H. WM,
a daa^ter.
pikycd hail, batldet horse racea. tight
Hr*. A. H. BBlIh ritHad Hr*, deba
valklog and other things
Mdpher teat naradar.
mention vere partidThe Sellp Laaibar Co. are tettlai
. . J ta.
in. ending
vlih n dance In the
:IMr teg* from here. Oee raft veet |
K. 0.
‘ T. M. ball
Races of all deserlplloo have been nrA party of t.
Ivelre girls
ranged for. ezcunlou 00 the lake and
t hare.
iron Charlerrdx and sp<
‘ fine program. In vbicti the An Ar. . Oeo. Jactam met vUh
ith a bad acdIn
hoaae of Hr. Bmeneamiird h.-iv a lii have
r «a« rae dar la* vaak.. He fen trem
orTh. They
I Ih* tan e( a tan aad a
erovd and 1
mm vhiek gar* hi* a hard
e hone lor hU tpeed;
A good assonment of ice Chcs'ls'for a httie moLey’
good, reliable 2-bumer gasoline stove, for only $'i.7.5
ley range right up to a beautiful :{-bome,r cabinet
gasoline range /worth $411.1. for only................ wi.75
O.AS K.\,\'GES. conncr.ed fr. SI I. $12. $i:j.
WfKJl) and COAL
rang' s and stnvi.-s. Wc
afu ays carry a complete
ass(H-imcnt of the vcr>Um make* and at prices
that defy competilion.
Our Steel Range, with
high closet, and rev.Tvoir
tburns either coal or wood
(just likccuO at...$27.7.5
cannot be equaled.
Jbe same way with oar
S*o. range.
Any one who has ever
Will tell you that they
______ cannm be equaled.
Wc give you .lime .lid ea.yMrni<M>(l 00 tk™,
-prices the same as before.
Reliable Home Furnisher
0EB CBUSB nt|vm HKAiat XBimailAT. JULY 14, )fM.
Over-Work Wcakcm
Your KUocya.
MaHferDMqrtJM lapMcIM.
IM vhM
^S!mm!^ 4ttM
' lor Mir Ijm. M tkc
mM too CTMI 4>i tk« 1.
>ru PiMual
Mi thK Halt
• 4« flicwttry Ibr 44i Spc4k«
|iMt WMMiBmn|
Rnvn. Jnly 11.—A dlapaU* (o t!
kpeerta Uberta from Cbee Foo i
poru that Clone Too, ike kev to (I
ikjdnqrs anreo ME0IC04UR6ICAL INETITin-E OF defrnae of rort Ar-bar. baa beat ea
THEY WILL K AT THE HOTEL ttired by the iapanror. Tbe flybtiey
- ------- proceeding aloiip the rbain of hllb btAYS ONL'
] Cluny Tnn nnd Port Arth-rr.
AND irth.
0 report ndd* Hun (be Rnaalan
taaee t
taatileablp Rrivlan and nnnib>-r
iea- <
tietbip bare been deairnyi-d. Nn
laeloded la (be report.
AI th* bteoi a ro« M7 paat tbroack
e Mils 4»
I. M
re 411m e
«. U^
poMUee. «1tb tfe* ■!
i>il>»l «b WM. to P*ftor M4 N«- or tfe«okMi
04k* Mrloc epoB tMr eecn
WtoM« •)& t«o. IMur
. Prea trae 4>i bDl Mi <rMkM
oa Ike eboelMn «r tbe t4!l.
IMM W OM Mi Wm( TUftBl*
»AH tMM triei In ireln to pet 4
wMe eaaa 4Bldc or mts
TiM at tte inner tbenter. where the
and naka dm leelata
» wal
M. Bite* Preaoet eoten nni pRia
Uenn* vtth their (rieM^
- -r<«orkta( la penpiac tklck. kldacr■oaei Mood Ibroarb ran and vtorta.
ead to b« ccaaM ihoi oniT ertaur
■• Mi atant (ku Pve( the epenker*.
..jblawereie be tncad u the UMeri.
Tboee who bellerei
bet eav modern adeaoe proee* that nearlr
« viu 4 r«i Mi • i<
Hkhinn cMli ai eat d» M
• M n« aB «
n* KM Tm Haws Alwsvp BaafM. mi4 wkkta kte kMB
t* mto Ibt owar M TcAfp, tea ter«a tte alp—tBre «T
AU CtMUterftUa. E
SktertMcmta ttet trtte wttk Ate 4tadABc«T Ite BmMIi ar
lAtamta ate C----“
t an Mad* of chiMle
To«l report* ibai
r eolnmn bar appeaiod uo i
mala nmd in Bnkden
WM toe tM. hovtw, to •
AB MM iMf th»4 UWDUM
I Un M»ek M*-
mM Um 4e»l4»W04 «r 40 I
MU* MMpt Pwtur. tktl It b
«BCfe M MM Mi mU tMU ■
— Mtfpn* Oo taitr oa<M ta t
mMM V «M 4
Parka Mfe *Mh taen. Tbaae eaadi
Mu* van BMraL Orar. OlacT. Wall.
OnehraO and HOaa. Bitm added to
the UM th* name at M-Ooramor Pal-
e no ml___
the npaUtiu, taia -The mild
llbertr at 4« nie- br B^iociortncVeo'
------,---------Dt. KUmer-e
jBioo* ereau that
_, ... L 'Jw fre*t kldnc/ remedy U
Mknred IIM. were eapbaUeallr it»malUed.
lor 111
appolatei, The haadfel or aen who
•k eonnael ta the open ar a lb* hiv
in vow*
i wblie*
nni btaefci hare aailpll
-- -__r b*v* a^^^B
pi* bottle by mail
rtM^tyartiat at
the ileirV
and (or th
. .. boll______
fa MRM. Swamp- Root. D>. KUmer-i
UUeal laterecu or
the day Od. John
Hay. (be Mead of Uttcoln aad
Uncle Joe"
of (be people: Eennlor PUrbMk
•oMtac neoMnde dlanlty: Aib
Oeaerml Heir, true ton of hU tauer.
Jauet O'Doonell and other veilknown Ecnre*. the people bad a feaet
aalde Iron the (heni- "Uaele Joe~
CMnoo. pletoretooe. •hrrwd. eatertaJalnc aad without (be tbadow of
rtr-eeondooaneta, wu (he center of
laay a sroap. aad Secretary Hay derared blawelfofofaa
-----------------a elaaaie. Tboiuaad* of people formed
le line to nhake haadi with tb- di*Uacolnbed s«eau. All tba familiar
Astirc* la raeeet atale repobikmn poll- were part of the aondaK line. The
e atate waa repreaeeied by lla
■•1 ellUn*. Bee -to repreaeaUUre
to* hour lehhn set toMtber U
th* tavotta *oBi aai the MU-Parliv
tareat bat an n* ta vata. The piaa*
ad iha BUL Harphr. ObaebM coabtae
wan taa mB taU.
•tyaak Or**4*M FlpM.
mt aboBl 4 o-aiaek Ikt* iKirnlaf
VLm BepM anma aad walkad akrvly
to tba ptadara ataU MatMlat che«n
af Marty enrybuty ta hall. Irlaad.
ta fanac wltb badai: The
aad (aaa atta, aai iallraiM btefTMt
- rtolad la eolor. aad
ipiirb. Aa «llb ballDW bnt biaflat
raa atrlklai. it waa
MM BBRMaAad by rMi UaA drJaekaon. The llaea
9 were crowded with
dH. hit eotea le hoaky that It Masad
eiiora. Ban (be yoeac Idea waa aa
to war tha vary tanh of bla throat aad.
------ la ertdaaee oa Ifce aireeta aa If.
hit body iraoplBC vlth oxhaatlhn. Meed, all the bolldaya. ladudlac the
Bttm Mode bU latl ataai ta tha eno- Pwb, had baen merped laco oee.
YMllM ban, he ended the creataat From early a>orala« oalll nearly mtdalfbl (be ettj rcwwaiM with ecboe*
battle c« hie UTa
«i eotbnaiaaia.. The city had
1 yatara to yo«r etaadard yon I
Bleed Ibe payrbolosleal hour
■M to baar." bt tbaadand, -I i
blatory. ataee 1U4. and (here____
bara tailed ta wtadota aad aay h
loal asbt bat I daiy any man to any italahlreelebrallon.
le tyaiema la operation la ladUat
Bicblpan, bare recetred prlraie
maikm to (be efloct ttat tSO.OM,
dOO haa been made arallable (or the
porehaae of rompeilaa llaea by ibc
Bell Telepboae eoapaay aad Ibat a
detertlitaed flytat will be made to eroih
all ladepcadeat compaalra Mcratlaa
In Indiana. Ulebipaa. IlllaoU. Ohio
od other middle alaiea.
Thla lalomitloe la aee«Tiied aa
leanlnp a bitter war between tbe Dell
company and an lodH«<len( eoneeraj
tiny In opporttloa to the eaatera
Oyater Bay. July 11—By far tbe
mcMt Importaet republlran
of tbe campaign U now la progreea at
(be prenldent-f home. Conanlutlon
eoatlnue today, tomorrow and
pertiap* througbonl the loilowing day
Cornelius H. Dlls*, treasurer of
naiinnal eommliie.’. arrived here ibl*
momlac and proceeded to Sagai
Hill. Ule Ibis afternoon Senator Pairhanks. Ibe Vke presldeniial eandldate.
will Join the Imporiani trio alreadv
dlseussInK Ihe camptlcn problem.
w Ctaatar OB. Paita-
yoor eaae and pee yoo tbe benefll
of their isRlical kaawledpn. Them
la no MperiawoUap or pwe*» work.
Ton will be told wbetber yon can be
caiad or oot. If yoor caae U cura
ble, they treat yoa; if Incarable they
will piee yoa aaeh adrlce aa may
Tbelr new medlenl dinoeariai
piveathcmeoatToIof tlUeaaea that
other* do not poate** and their treatmeat of the Kerrou* Byuem. Heart,
Stomach. Lany., Kidney*, RbenauUuB, KenralpiA Male and Female
Veakaeaaea aad olber cbiaaac dia.
caaea. ia proriop a blcaaiop to aoffeiiap btuaanity, aa aaarrellooa
care* are effected whererer Ihi* »y».
lemiabeiapiotrodacod. Tbooaaad*
who have piven ap all hope of beiay
cored, DOW hare aa opportonily to
___ alt >peciali»u of repautioo. A
vUil to than oo*u yoa nolblap aad
may aaee yoor lift
They treat deafnana fay aa entire
ly new BMtbod and bearing la many
CMC. U reatored at once. Catarrh
io all lU vari«d formi cored ao it
ertllDevermnra. If you hare weak
Ittaptorecaanmptiea do not (aU to
Heavy Flrir>s at Pert Arthur.
CTiee Foo. Jiilt II —Heavy Brins
a* hesr.l In Hi- -llrwUon of For:
Arthur la<i Diehl which larted (mm
mlrlalghi until 2 i-'i ii-rl. ihl* mornlnc
t. Manba Hlioon. l>-aawee mur
>ldml ploni-rr. rel-'lirnted |ii.‘.ili.
It 1a PlMMAU
•or MIbcr BarroCls
aabatanee. Ita a«« ia Ua foi mataa. It Eeatnry* Worva
ate aUayn Fewtatocaa. It rarco Dlantea ate WIte
OoUe. It roUerM Teetktaw 1
ate Flatalemey.
I U th. n*iw ^ Ik. 1^1.
fVwbKi. ■w.-.m.i.
it Uvttf 8M I* m
Ds. DOluiD mm
Bmn tiw Sifutton. Df
hronoc u tk. Uruad
Tha Wall Kttown Spaclalfat,
The KM Yod HaYft Always BonAht
In Use For Over 30 Years.
UU- l.in<l<-ii l..>s
p(i r.-m--ni •Idi-ssiks Parent
Tw»y>-ar-<ilU Rliu Hall girl in-rlou.
ITra.Wv 01}.,D Ik- SMt ds> id JuBs.la
tuAsrd.lsw-rirsvvrmOir.uimli ewnuty.
Cancer*, (omors, nicer* aad all
akin, blood and acsip dUeaac* treat
ed by *a entirely new melbod. IHle*
cored witbont tbe nw of a knife.
They make a apedally of dUesM*
pecnliar locilberacz and core when
If yon Bupret kidney tronble.
bring a two ounce buttle of yonr
nrise for chemical aod mtaroi^ical anaIjmU.
Tbelr treatment give* quick (rllef
and poMlire a cure. Being prepar
ed to auit each Individual caie the
bnman syitem is t horonghly cleans
ed of tbe disesae in a natural and
direct manner and improvement ia
noUced at once: even the worai ease*
ore treated without any inconvenieoce totbepaCmt or tbe pursuing
of hUdallyTocatlon. IfyouarelniproTiap nuder your family physician do not come and ukc up their
TBlnable time. They wish to give
each ooe plenty of time, but cannot
Uatea to tong
ig atoriea
not pertaining
Haalatee. Bleb- Jaly A—TUny
^a bepaa ta tbe
CaateM East Laket WU today the eaKalkaska. Ulcb„ July A—Wednes
was ablaze
I 10 ead
WhOa tho-baUaUac *w taktac piaee
Moll Of tbe bop grinding day Dlgbl at 10:30 several person*
■ryaf taft tfea hall Md WMt to bli halve* nlonpalde the cooper chop here allege (hey aame a machine of
roaai ta tha JeEeeMO hoUl
•on pass over ibdr heads a6nit
woriclap bot aad aeulap Are
irappad M hli bad Mm aahai
eboMlBSi oa tbe bell feedlnp ibe for- 300 (eel blah. Tbe tblap resembled s
haetae baM waektat tor Afiy hotn. aaee at tba aah Uoek.
wapoB box wltb Iwo huge lights, one
ta a few ateanda be wna aatoap.
teh end. The engiBe operating
tea boor later all waa wradcad. the
Tha Am balW roaallad ai lOllowi; tow. ahlBple. BUve aad latb mUI and
saeern could be plainly faear.l
Paikar <U. Haant SM. Ooitartill 42. eooperape abop bavlap been burned to Tbe atrangc object was watched for
Qtaay tt. Wall <7. Oray It
J minutes am] traveled In a
tbe proood. Of ihe 126 men employed
4. OortaM S. HeClellan i. HUaa $. omay were compelled to junp horn soutbweslerly dlrecilot.
Ho esperiments. but te.l for your■TowaeLOolerl. Then aereial ilalei tbe aecoad nary to aa4e ikeir lives
aclf. Croat eye* atraigtatened before
aappottad ilearil iwaap
m rtedly did tha flame* apread. an
Stata NawB.
-*« at iktaph a train of powder bnd
Ovid and St Louis wlU swap supr
Tilh the advance that U eonataii•L Laak. Ha, }aly It.—Ba-Seoa
Inteadenis nf tbelr respective munli
been spread through the mUI.
being made In Surgeiy, It Is a
Bevy 0- Darte at WM I^ita waa Two moalhs ago tbe Peters Bali an<i paj, light and water pUnts. Barton i
well known fact that to be stKctaoUeaa.
■itataaiad lor the rted prodi
ipaay acgalred
and Rlehard L. Redding, of St Lonis «ul raq«l»a gmi oklU. knowledge
of Ibe mill aad tbe salt block from ib-- wUI go to Ovid.
conatant practice, which can
Tb* receipt at
Parma had a untaue Fourth of July only be bad by apecial attention to
Canfleld esuie at a oast of $80,000.
c lb* iaeorpor- Tbe lumber mUI was leased to BcKII- eelebrallon Boada.v. aad Uiougb tot a the ditcaoea which nuy be relieved
was exploded nor a speech
altaa ad a sold ptaak la the piaiforai ilp and Hcvper wbo expeetod to oper- -- acker
in thU manner. These eminent
tbe relebrathni was ooe o'
throw the aMVMtlM tato the vOMat
U (or tour year* when the mill
enjcryahle on record tbera
speciaiiau pOMCm aneb qnallflca.
IBtaiM. Tha ■aatan waa lakaa me wmM have beaa dlamaatled- -- old-rashloofd basket picnic wai
Uoaa, and having all the latest ime of (be day.
M attaawt OB tba port ad tba praal- aalt weU Md denidt tveratej by
proved instnimcntt are prepared to
AMtaTaotataw ta Aletata to tba cm- Petars A Wore ware (he only thing*
perfewm My aod all kind* of opera.
tMitaa aad a etarta af UMwaae pro- tared. They will be na In canned
ISerenee bow difficnli o
wltb tbe East lake alR. Tbe burned
hai taatai ta bta lalMn* that ba mill win DM be rebsllL It waa folly
R£BEb(BER:--Tbefree offer U
««M vMhAnw It tba ptaak waa not
d. BoRUItp A Hopper wi
dtwiag tbU visit only aod will not
pM ta. Tha cM?Mttaa ntaaad to M
Uaaea at the limber a>
be given again. Poaona eommen.
that, taktaa tba itaad that
dog any treatment after this trip
WUm wai tba oaty
tbe other bana. a'
will be required to piy. bat nM one
gdn in SeM it a yto^trw
cent will be asked of those commeneDESERVED HONDA
EaeUoa at the pArty. Tbe Kalkaafca. Bleb.. Jsly I.—oeorpe W.
tlng treatment during thb wUit for
BCdiciBC neceaaary to effect a
Peraoaa. proprietor of Peraoaf Polat
also a positive guarantee to
the aborea of Torch pie with obadBte J
care will be gives to patients ocerptake, waa yesterday tbe recipient of
a SMday merfltap a ta
under their aystem of trcaimenL
braose medal of beaar fram Oewrg*
tat bim la answer to I
Tboae having long atonding and
■■ “
No. 6. G. A R.. of
1 ta tba aftsrMim. Tl CbMagp. al.lbe hands of C V. Pleeee becB^pe^ectl^^
compUcated diseaaei. wbo have
failed to get cored and become disZ B. Beadi ta tbe presence of
nooriged, are especiallj Invited to
te W« to taa» fluM tm tba n
forty member* at the loMl O. Acall aa thonaindi wbo had given up
allbofMscan testify to permanent
releran at tbe dril war and always ceaded ta
are* obtained.
n Amerteaa flag floating (ram faU
Karried Udlm not accompanied by
tbetabusbaoMwiil be refused con.
nag the summer of Ite a gang
of Chleago brUpe baltden ware WUgIM
river and boardtag wltb Br.
o*. At (be lime of Pretidaei
Bom mtytap that
^ BnSalo
Br. PersoM hAlf-maaled bis flag Md
VMIe la tbe art oi ao Mtap orsrbeard
two of (be
4^.t.r the
flag aod tbrcaloitag to tear it down
whkb ao enraged Peraooi (hat be
Ptrov'.ccmm Mvdfcsi ivory ligbi crop, only almut half
drove them Tram Ihe piaee at tbe potai
of a Wlacheatar. Br, Pleree waa a
wIlaeM to tha taeideai Md reporiei
The Uapevr Pn-.t w-II. s
it tn bla poet with (be resnit ihai the
in that town who says be
eolog to
r aodUara af S0.AM psepla. who
I waa otdwnd atrock Md promarry a a boh- Im of glrU
aa taM Ur aad aaar. movad with SMted a* above.
Common ito» Bediral Advte. fuioro He l« a Jusiic* of the pracr
1 Impolaa to pay Mbaba ip tba
A valuable horse dronmd dead on
leeB large page* is ient>nr OB Rceipt M
MoimB to pay expense at mmhag eah. tbe street at Fatrgrove the other day.
!b tba Arm Btaad :
lapont. ini. July 11.—The ofiees
jt ooecent sMm|a (m the clett apparaily from no otber eaiu* iha-i
aaM hare -Cadar tbe Oak*- tfty
■ ma. TUaeaataoaeeaneafpaa- r Ibe tadapawdent Telapboe* com
fright at a threshing engloe passing
pts taofe op a posltkm la the aataral •ay at Lapttt*. ropraaeattag tbe laURhvtar feemsA by tba hOM
IboT dsir
Traverse City
Park Place Hotel
psobA^^iM^a. IcrEtOHIOAM
May boniliii, Jgly 2lsl,
NoHlay Enniog. Jily 26III,
Fin Dip Oil,.
Dr. McDonald
Has for year* i
,nvi-r, Hcmarh. ki.inrv>. hl*.bl.-r, anil
srl.-nMfli-*';) and jiucri-.-.-tullt
im MrDONAI.D T«yr *ruv-lal alien
lion 1.1 raiarrh, Catan-tml IVafnets
Throat sn.l I.ung I>i-Ti.e-, rhronic
I)l,-.-*se« ihv-iiliar n> wom-n. N-rvnu.
aii-l Pli.i-slni! Ik-liliiiy. Rh(.iin)sil*m.
Paralysis. .V-uralgl*. I>,»r»-p-ln. an-l
all rbrnnlr and a<-rvnu. t1>—..... ..i
. Men. tV.unen and I'hlldrr-n.
,wh« yoiir disease ma> I-. THKIir I
; STILL HOPE- Tl..-n 1*1 MIT HI
' BPAIRM.ul ei.rt.uu 'l>r. Melk.Viai.l
g-t a corrvn diagnnsii. i.t vnur -li—
*»»urvl that il..- Kortr
,'.“I i
l«l**-l aud vsfvulamdta ! M Prubal^oSf1"IJ^liTJ^.?•J^^!^2
“Hb Won't ato
............. ........
■a Wrth a tkli MM. roasbinad
ate tba wsiiaal aptrtt at tbe occatea. wn «*• (ba Aay a ptaaa la Uatary. lOeUaM Band earth aaMm
tawr aiBUa ta aa aavtahta Ilgbt b
mm bar aacnad moot dtaUagU
is a Downright
uy nothing oi warmth aod comItxrt—tn having a furnace that
will bum any kind erf fuel with
eeottotny and
lucccii. and
keep one's
house at a
warn), even
kmperatwe at all liinca. that cannot be
reckeoed in dollars and ccotx. Tbe great
Round Oak
AlSum.,. (of Munyum.
• *Mr~. Tra.-r.. lily. m*a sin
M NUAiass.
L-l provwi
o F. a.
-M- I Tnus^vm
has the reputstam o! bcu« 1ml meb a I——- g| yo
taru««bota.“T*rmtateCus■ kat«*otF.B.BacawiTN.
- --
Hannah « Lay Mereanttic
City. Mich.
Mustang Liniment
a. a
***^ "
When you need a LINIHENT get a GOOD one.
orixir Mvm *1 * a. m. M
Has earned the title of
'Pioneer of Uniments” I
, Itwm rtop pshi and bad mM
hurt. quMa,
PlSf Marquette
patehed. aad (he earpaB bee (net
apM pt apaek. ate B edaa drlrtag
•toe tel aX alM kv< (w tke «mMtt a«ap (te heoar edeaanu or (he
paaee aad ton aad harawap. A ehlU
eaaaet eatop ble
BsTBk tor tte taMtral tlacl
„ a atogaeiae or hook ahall be left <
■t oat e( plan vhaa aei be
read TM theae eraraeat wetam I
Mae OMip la thair etrap^
. .' Aa4 Cnt n (te pngnB. «kUe tB »«
leaBleaen. aad (he Idee t
(Imp en« do actaal Biaag to (he
earrplag oat B theB eaereeae Ideal
: Amt BMU rn^rnUirm tteir '
Opea (he dew. let la (he eae:
Re hath a nOe fw erwp oae;
He bath mde of (he raladnpe poldea
Opea thedowflt theaonl; Mia
Stnac, pare thoaAU wbkh teaO baaBhala:
Tha ahall glow aad biooB with
•an dtrlae
t.«huflactte^WBtaUb>ial«. Aad (heir (roll ahaU be aweater th
«kt «t«» B •■miUe *tth
Opea (he dowi
Mlfet nn « nd «!•
Opea the doer. M ta (he dir:
Itewtadi Braeweat.aad thi
wnU to
Pop B abroad
the voiU
eeoe lUi
U ear .dew It vMe K aap o
. tte Aj.
> Aitf tke na (■ • AwW Itet «atilM
tte aw.
right la (be glaae fara. tie tot
with • eeft owil w eMp B ■
aad boa to nitad wotwwatO^
■rokeo. The HeoB arielag
will oook (be Upi saBdntlp- Tben
Witt a broad paddb er perforated
epooe allp the aeperagu late eaae. flU
w«b hot water and enl If prBerred.
m eaa be cot into aaeU pleeee
B belag canned to rtalk.
lUee-SBeet flra. enall ripe
sa. dtp late boUtog water (hai
■klac wOI roBon eartlp. Plan la
atcoa n BlaatM. thn
with bBIlag water aad leal. lartnd
B pottlag la BleaBer aoe caa plan
the ektoaed tomitow te bolltog wi
aatll bnted throngk. hot not boiled
tteo clip geoUp Into the healed c
[lb bet water ae abore.
bB boded (ha tone alnort like fmh
tOBrtoet, It In ao eaa matter t
rtewed loBrton. which cab be ond
fw aoope er neallopn. Per nladn or
atstred w baked inaeUee In wialer.
tta Boat be canned whole.
Beete—CB tbe enMp bcBn that are
■Ball aad iweeC Hon until done, pui
In cold water, when Ibe nkln* tllp og
eartlp. rm bot caai wllb (be beet*
aad til te orerdowlng with bdllng
wbleb a Unie nalt ban been
added and eeal. When opaed in win
ter thete beeU taste like aew
Some eaa then be pot In rtaegnr for
idBcIe or aned to latod and for
ninhiag. To nerre an a regeuble to
wialer. bnt them and terre
am oltet teBP BA I BB ti Ite BWratert. Mg P«U on ■ «B. (««
Bsd a «o>. Mr atator to twain
tor thto ttaa. no gaadhre.
Mnir rowr SoaaUBer.
Ateh brnbelle Mete
a Inca fW ordw aad (Btoeaa: te
I hare bees mere Iheoghtfal aad
dcraw. aad ttroartKnt hto life
Mewoe OeatBT. Mite, Jbm IP. tPM.
Osar Mrs. SbIob—I wOI writ# ym
m UBca te irtl pou I thaak raw ft
(be cord aad button and BBnrc. K M
The oBBa-toete tod (w aie.
y warm da and onr p« coo.
Who lesd* an tte net to pBr.
WHh BBBp a cteer. aad aecor a fear. laid op to (be tree to tbe shade all
Oar nehool was out (be atolh B
Bell kappllp end Ite daMamaa aod Anal UlltoB
oBtil I learate bow to soceeaBonp The BHip ijid tnp fw me,
oa sad I went ftsbiu tte ttlr
haadle the dough w ratter tetter, ter
(natb aad we got about aereBtp tte
Whwwrer pea Bod Ub. Ot
li nboold be to boB caa<
la dtp w town, tbenh awor a ftowa aad aaw (wo tiirUea. I wUb poa could
hare vnd reooRe.
oae aad go fahtog with ox we have
Pw sadi n* up tod. I know.
Up farortie redpes are mom
ate lou B toa.
try oaa I had dtoearded te betog too
Calla Honoa.
Boeh on the brM tel order to be pal
Prtda. inlp t. 1«H.
Haraa Ml. Oob. Marquette, Hite
UtUe br lliUe our package B B«catable. and all beeaone. to ordw t
June 20. 1PM.
them Into the desired shape. I
sbtoe leurra grow* amallcr. tor oar
Dea Hn. Bale*—t hare not written
Boabenau like the gnat out doon
loo moch Boor. To reewre
last now bMler than talks B wrlltog
dlBenltp la the (ollowtog:
Mien. Ttel to all right. Then arc
olda Baebeam* srbo have been lie Bower garden of mp owa (I
lag board hare a good eopplp B tern, walling (w room this tong Ume and ptanied Ihto spring Papa made maple
tad i>rer thii poor Ibe batter. Ftoar we ahall b««r from tbem pmip noon. amp (his spring, but li wdk not
pour haadi well and |«( the maa Into Ucanwhlle have a good lime. Soa- vea good rear. It was too cold. The
nlmont the required ihleknees, after sbtoe bops aad girls, and If pou ever •lath at Hav wa* mp blribdap. I
which dun the rolllag pla with Sour fed like It. IHI us B (base same good 12 pean old. Hp grandma has lakn
and cconptete tbe tolling pnioeat. be
> and bow pou an npeudtoc pour (he Herald lor 30 pean. I hope In s<
ing carBol to keep Boor boiweea the vaeatlon dasthis to tbe Herald. *» 1 will ebwe.
Prom poor IHile Sunshine girt,
board and batter. Now dip poor oookp
cotter Into a dlnb B Sour, placed Bear We have Just received from Olen
Nellie Perkins.
for the pnrpone. and poo will Bad Burrows aod from Ctots No. 8. Wert
tel*. Mich- R- r. D. No. L
It In coittog oot the cookies, ttougn Union Sondap scbool. a big package
Dear Aunile Bates—I ibougbi
? teller to rea eBu pou wIU here B Banda sebool papen. Thanks tar
iroQble with It efberiag to the eotmme. Tber will be put wfaete wouU write pou a few lines. We are
I tbe farm now. Wo have been here
. Vte a brand poaeake toner to tha will br B use.
montt and a half. I like It b
miferriBC from board to poa aad the
lao I did np town. Ilnw are
PraveamBl. Jube 17. IMI.
Dror Un. Bates—t tboughl I wonH tb»e alee dapa. I am well and hope
ion, I have a llitle garden r l
write to lei son know Ihat I am well,
wa this summer. It eonialns on
sad hope pou anf (be same. I am slap
watermelons, pannlps. ramjts.
lag nl mp grandfather's for (he pre«
Pleasant Work.
letiuee. rabtege. Iieans, peat. I ha e
Shemog pean aad bulltog ttrawberall reponed a fine (tone. There planted Bweei Willlamx sweet peas,
trlee are the poeta B lahw. espeabout forip-seven people there. aslen, pansies, popple*, raodp-iBto.
ctollp If taken out oa a ebadp porch
marlgnlds. pusp beans, morning glories
do. ea* the Pam JounaL Bat do, Our teacher's name was Paul Ptomou and Uue eolambtoe*. I bare found
We ted a ipelllng malrb Iwo
« shell (be pea* Into poor top w to'
of wild alrawlierrlet Ihls week,
s ago 1 guess I will close fur this
aaemg the natbelled oae*. If shelled
ima Isn'i feetlng ver^ well lodap.
line, so good-bpe.
dlreetlp Into a Beta baala ibep need
•t mp buttoo and I had II two
Prum pour Suntblne Imp.
wanting, wbleb rob* tbem to none'
* 1 have a egt named Tab tn.I
kittens named Fluffp and Patlp.
WonraeCenter. June IP, IWi.
brow tbe pod* on the Bow. for l&ni
Thep were given lo me. Tha plsv
Osar Hn. Bates—I would like <o all B Ibe lime. We have anme peonies
aean. ezin beading of the back to
weep tbem op again. HulIlDg berrie*. loto Ibe Bansbtoe dab. Please sen.l
bloom. Hp blribdap was on ibe
cord and button 1 will write
rtmng cherries, aad nemmlng enrl«ib B June, ind I gal n pair of sioekIs atoo dalntp work. To stre poo a Mier to tell pou we are alt well. tag*.,* nin- Imok ealled Waler Dabio
iproB* and aleeres from stato, spread Toda 1* Children s daand * pair of knit slippen and tome
Bkmsom Horton.
■paper orer the top. and l
silk ihread tnd a cake. This to all I
Iccve* do aot roll np preieei tbem
eaa think of. Good bpe.
Buttons Bap, June rt. IMt.
taper cog*. Learn to aarc work
From pour Inrlaz BuBSbIac girl.
Dear Mrs. Bales—I have never wntno will lighlBl labor.
Edna Bell Allra.
teo to (he Herald before. I would like
wte ao Mshtoted that tte kaepv got
Im (ate hla eage with mtto tnnlito.
Tte bolse aooa drew a crowd B pM>pla. omeog tbem Jimmie, wte ted fob
lowed tte police all afleraono. and dU
T*« get to aoe tte aalmal. at tta
had drirea e* bBore he arrirod.
Tte people asked Boterl a i
mar qneailosis. and be wa* praised
tor aettog no pramptlp. He felt well
(or abeptog hto mamma. A few
dap* later te was very happp. (or
recHred a lae new btorte from (be
wbo owned tbe leopard be bad
helped to capture.—Margaret Alltooe.
ertern Cbrtottoa Advoeote
A PwM Sijsi ‘Perasi b ■
T«k^ eactaej.'
clilzen of South HeAletlcr it the
<e B a remarkaldp smBcalled Snnbram. Stubeaai It a
apaaiel aboot two pears old. and bat
alwaps been a great pet to Ibe bom
boid. About six weeks ago a hrnrt
rbirkens were baiteed. their moth
dptog soon after SunU-am ai nu
n.lci amnlfeat great latereti In I
llitle-'orpbant tod took (hem to rharpAlilrti Its owner was afraid he •i.iilrt
injure Ihim, but he would burl
rp no ao that be wai at tost given
«h(di> charge of tbem. and bli
W no hnundt. No stranger dare
rh hit ni-wlp adopted telldren, and
all dap he lollowt them froB place
place all Otfr the ptrd. If i«c B them
happens In wander ntf n sbnn dlslnncc
Met. AM* ro-tor. g grataatof
from the rest he It iiorasp unill
again. At nlgh< <be lliiie <
a roosting plaee in 8unl>eanr>
■haggp cnal, and if they an- not i
a certain llmi- 8unl»-am gw-s
- lard) ones. Tbe tiny teirki
reallre that BiiiiWm Is ttel
tor. and alii ]>-..p long and Ic
thep lose sight of hloi. Th<p are
«rak from Ite afur
c under Suoticam’s rar.- Jon ns srell
If Ibelr mrdher were rtive—Knaatr
__________me to fwBrt* BblRr.
Clip Journal
toatM*rtedf(p vMvatermsrtrteaM
mmt etretmn tm m n aadiiteRi' ateri
f/oB.*-—Jure TAVLo*.
LInenIfi nod the KIHtim.
During Ibe war Unroto nw
mens crawling abuni a leni In which
f was rltillng. Their mother bad died
aad tbi-) WOT Bewlng plKxmslp.
great, lender-hearted maa tote Ihera
In 8lroBrha there to a Urae. brarti
bit lap. stroked them, aad gt
ful irc’ that 1* a blewUng to the p.ro
7 that tba sboold br well eared pie It iM-ars great lainrbM B twee,.
. AfK-rwardt Mr. UneBn bunted i<iicp while (hiwer*. wbtira prtoto are
np those kllient nevcral limes lo mak<- half an Inrh thick. In the ntgbl Iter
■arc. Ibep were getting on well. Even drop oir, and at dawn men womra aad
(be midst at those lealble e
children nisae wlih bnakeii aad galber
wbra Ibe fate B the ualbin bong ofu-n (hem np (.o rm«d. Bran, even stop nil
upon bis nets, rnir noble president htd night.' bulMIng fires I.. keep the wild
ttonghl for those (urlorn lliil.
mnlmaJs awap. for iha rot the llowqri
grordllr. Th«u> tree* fsrntoh bread to
the poor froia Ibe tost B Marrb to tbe
oilddlc of Ma-
Cora—Con In the aort
of all regBablee to can. ■
Mot* tonUat ttea IkoM trsM tke ppn tbe daw or (he hml; M to
eartlp. Thin recipe l< i
SpaBathp met tor etrmager aad Ma.
: <nwkM|lW«frMau<ttotee: t( win Babe the hate oTthe heart
preci down aad gn agal
•klM ud Um.
tta we packed full. Seal a
im torn* galera «(
aad boll three boor*.
peb BBp eater ttaawan.
sod tetk
Opea (he dowi
^ Ai^a «BTtala (kat iBai ea ttoe.
The Julp Coimtfy Bride.
~BrUBh Weekip.
For Ibe bride who lire* to tbe rounr «W bUSav mad eUivlati aad tad
UttB Helpera.
ta nothing I* pretUer than a elorer
U Bothen eoaU reUlae (ba(» b bet wedding. If the nrcmonp to perfonnrd
ter to bwla tbBr hoaeakeeptag lee- to a great orehaid. or to a grore which
eoai whea their daotfitB* arc Bx la- adjolni the bonne, the egeet to ebannHead ot lixteea pean edd, It waold tog Indeed. To ilrtre for drcorslioet
Aad «tea tte plar^ orar tbe
hea Baap a beartaehe over the B palau aad bot boon ron* would be
■caalac lirtav
btaaden «( tbe pang girl wbo oftea oot B tailc wheb all aat-of-door* to
: A dtaplar t* the enfu aad iai
aaeaBe dotlei tor wbleb the U ifp^pc to make the da glad and fragnat
«kan B aplaaSac. the laaat dkat arw wbollp oadttad.
bride, to white, earrtei white
I Bot iBportaat. aad aet erea
Aad mndlv et Bacleal hoM
dealiable, epoa eateriag eocletp. that elorerv Tbe mahU In ^le gr««o doi- 4>d ««a*lac a( (abr-Uka «ata «
a glri ebeald be the Boat laahkiealde Jla eara boufluBn B pink elorern. la
tore or erebaid there will on■raea.'
e Baat attra^re aawng her
Ink BlBlna.
.Aad Baklac o( paver, aad ten tae. I
I. bet It B laportaat that ate doubtedip be few If nap of the frnblouoBa, bnt the geld* nbonndehoold be taa^t la earip pooth the
A srrtter to tbe Cbicago Becor-Hertog Boni pleld their treanam. If the Id sutunlis the foHowlng method B
; le inaap rtikt treah baa the a
(telto Tim*.
out B colored wart
a part at her etodlei, ao
led Into a nasip snarl, and no
Mildred was ftisi Ibn-e months eld
iBrtened l( will retoto Iu treiih- natcrtolt. It has been foond quite
hankeml tar the pd. of going out wiiu when wc took her to n mesd's to obow
neu (or dapi. This will mean work
«ful. using II on blue aad osiidog nad sianlig the ka tog. In her .B This Isdp-s mu- Imps. ( and
i .; Aaeatteat lananlni paa lad
tor tbe unall hope of the famllr. Dul lood gingham*
ihc crew was an Indian wbo was note I € )<*r* B age, were vap morh later
the eBeel to beaniifnl.
Cover the spol wllb lartaric arid,
erted to the Ijnbp Tbep asked maap
for bis eonlness and bis kA border of clorer bed«. or n mou
Chlldrea taa leara to work (liraiigh
then molwen. As the tok to taken np
Ihms. such a*, -fan the uir Ml
l>oss anally lookr-d over In hH dlrMbp tbe arid rinse and renew tbe appll“ftoo she waikT' tc On dlamvertog
their pbp. ereo beton tba are oM of elorere here and anoiber (here,
-Locoole." he said, "poll gn
to ettead eebooL Tba caa be elaer nod« bnlU'op about the bone of eatkm as often as to necessarp. Drop
<ad nu teeth that sh- slt^
and break that Jam. and I'll see
tree all produce aa arttotle cBeet to ondiloted household amn
ttagbt te wacb the Bothlag (or Ibelr
the lime, that she cosid
pan get a nice puK In tte paper.'
wbleb win mew the color and
nrtih.-r talk nor wrtk. Ilerten. lb*
dol|i. ead tba wDl aatoP It iBBean- The bride who to married o
Tbe redskin looked at the logs,
out whalercr faint trace B tbe tok
rounger bop. tald. nomewbai pitrtogtp.
Ip. lBpreaiapae(beBtba(tteaierBten at the boss -Dead Inlun
-Well, wbea • I ahe be allTetlag b (be tiae (w eadi work, sad for«mp rrmato. il musi flnallp be rinsed
nM» oo paper.- he grunted, and
abb them with
■borougbtp. and tbe more eipedliloo
nsed to the process ibe toss apt It to lo
; - Tte Uih eaa ^ hB toUaB tot tben ipaitor aad tplaab about to Ung B the tuB.
If the gnus to Imperfeel a green weaken tbe material.
Itelr little tub. A »ea UtOe ant■ '•
llftle girl had heard her -»e«t—
EJtBianls airt Mle«.
*■ Aenac Ua teHi; the erawdlaf Bitfit will teoch tbea bor to wacb aod carpet eaa te anrolled from the dew
to tte place where ibe rosrs wm te
The terrors of tbe mouae lo larger talking about making name raadp
Han. (bell? elethn praperlp. sad
Canning WHhewl Cooking.
doTcr bade
tlmalt have (orraed tbe snbjecl B kisses A mile while after her grand
»UR ea«ar ilpa, aad dnda the tic probe win aUBulate ithaa te ban spoken. Two tlap flower gtrU. with
Here to another recipe for "eoU
mother B*k.-d ber ftw a kiss tet the
storage coBBlng.- Some B onr Trar
girl atld, -I I>av4m-t 4M 4Bn
lag the wedding porip. form wUh the ersc Citp bonsekeeper* have tried thto
pemilirmi have ariara to coo
wblteaeae with the faalB waihlog.
-• Tin dravep tra through vetap
quencc. Nevertbelcas, aa etophanl
later on tha eaa be (aogbt bow to ctelDi aa aisle, throngh wfaieh tte method Witt snccess.
Haeae teode;
brMc aad ha aiieadaati pass.
uanallp afraid of onp saiall oninml
ALtacaU tha Baa abore the ctareb and IroB Ibeee
Ptoee a toper B berrlet aod a toper
NM His Ortng.
LB tbe mue haadi roll oat tome B
I It IS ■umceu.tomrd, A dog or
aleepp vmea.
sugar to a resael until all are to:
IJitb- Rop-a older iTother had ten
•e doogh. baklag dapa
cat, and aomnlmes even n monsc, w
BgItBg OKD am
• While with deep arblrrtag baae '
t (ben stand over nlgtal. to
traslng bln atom Ibe ahape B hU
Kite rraua-AaUm<
the top B (he pepper
' him aanopnacc. espeetonp If
monlog B1I Ian full, teal and place
owe. ntaen Ite mile fellow (toctolnvd
TaaiBg their Uap pipee. ite aMlI' their mUc bleeulU aad caket. Thep
cool, dark place. When opened
-I taa't tetp II: I gun'i Imp ft. It
wni be Wood to -belp aotber,’' and
noise of a moose ntnnlng through the
tasie like terries (hat have been . Join (be !>
Th* tenM B Vownlns.
ij Please send Hew Robert Helped Capture a Leopard
as a birfda p'e*4«.If tba an act dlecoaraged aad Bade
hap-will often cause an riephani to l*-gar over nlgtal. Tbe seem
A good. (ride,
me a card and bulinn. We have
A True Simr.
OBderataad (hat tba
eome excited
having eveottlng fresh and clean, ■ le dog m* name Is Rover. I bare
splendid thtog fw
hotter than good, tteir dellgkt la
A pawn to nature'* demand fw rert. scalding cons Ibe morning before Ibep
sister and thri>e brotters. Hp ra pears old. aaw bis mamma. Aunt Alice, i
Mp amber »nk mp rtsler aad me U
CDOklBg will ahMc Witt thea whea the
used nod packing no that i
Some people ibtok Ihep'onlp pawn bether has a hardware store TfaU to all DoIIp Dimple and Sister Margie drive I
He Wanted to Oa Thore.
the Breap.
bbealu are bpger. aad Bade fw the eansc tbep are aleepp. But (his Is oot
no empa spaces.
n think of this time. Hoping to awap together to see the „ree.
-Oh. maami.' tbe aold a* n Bo*
toBltp laitead B ddlle'i tea table.
Too pawn becaaae pou are Ured
Sunsfalner when 1 write again, so
prd In bsA a> the el
Tben are Baap ttiage tliat chndrea
•Ip even if |,„b*
Bpkod Cwrrants.
good bpe.
rubber all nver?Bmp be sleea also, bm ttel to not
H It poBible (w a womaa tabetoo eaa do aad eejop, too. that an B real
BeniU-p brtl promlieil that he could «„ I
the real caoee of poor pawning. Ton
Prom pour Irlend.
8U pounds curranis. oae lercl lablcthti tboa about henvai: it
Matt Maap aa euedleet I
to tbe evening with pep. end sec tbe ' n ibo glorhxiib
bel^ bacldea pleUag ap their erwe are aleepp teenuae pon are tired, snf
Age 10,
Rua* Sogge
spoOB etonamne. four pounds sags-,
(tooted a dak* Heetpe. '
woald gin aa taatant aad decided
trained tra lions and the animal show.
aad keeping theB la wder.
poo pawn Iwcaasc pou ore tired.
■I will.- said the mrHher: -bin did
one level teaspoon cloves, iwo pound*
The mistreat rame Jau> Ibe kUcteo
*tei* to thto dBtalloa. Bat then ere
Robert lived to a qui.-t nelghls.r
a Bitb brooB and dart pan be
Williamsburg, MIeh.. Jane 2t, IN-4
im lah.- Il.e s>mp out ••fghe waierT' Be dap aad said to tbe cook. “Bridget,
pon feel like pawning, raisins, one level teaspoon allspice,
two eldee to It. ai (hm are to BMet glTCB to a child (or iu owe apodal
Dear Ma Rau-s—As Ibe letter* Ir baod. where there was -DoihlB* rter
-<»h. peih. I m Iburr I
rn. Ikmt la In sappresi ,i
(rood at making Jobes?' “T«.
oecthHn. A reeeat writer la a hooee- oae. and at tbe aaae (ime a HtUe taah
■lilned. as hr .,,nie.l , The m..ih-r read Ibe dertrlplbm B lom.- repitel Bridget, "bow maap
poa think It to (mpellie to
s, wssta. drain and remove Ibe ■ he Herald are loten-sllng I would like
a atp paper hai be antgaed. aaeh aa the brahlng ap pawn. Put pour band orer poor moueb
B my us o. There are ao
I tbr b.-*utlful ulif, Ibe slrras of gold, eggs go to RT1*. Pm Into a preseatog kettle,
B crambe oiider the dlalag uhle after g poa srnni to. bnt let (he par
>p ihti have Jnln.-d (he Buasblue
best friend. Jimoib-1 **”' «»"■• «f |warl He' lisimed
add Ibe sngsr. raitins aad vinegar an I
each BMaL tbe child win be pinned And If poo on where pou con Wretch
I I tbougbi I would like to join Feaion. rame running, sating his rap [<l«'Ilgbii but shen she came in
DBlit 11 eommewre* to iblrfcen:
Whrt Oranrtog lx
■ proud B the drtp. Oorlag tbe
SCI please send m.- a card aad bur le wa* neatly exrlinl, and ralKsl out, I V'M*. -N-. rme eaa pmer there wbo
tbe name lime ibai poo pawn, jost
be spice* and cook lo a thick
Uill" BesMe (Uaks she knows wbai
Par pcHi I hate fourteen Belgian •What do pou thtok. Jbito-n- Two <rf ; '"‘'i*’ ■'( malrth a lie." boonding up.
r Bftrraaaae IB the lltUe girt ntmeb and pawn. This In nature'n
drawing l> “Ton Just ifalnk B aooieIte iatenat Ite hoeaewtfe lakn la
V B mretebtng and reUrtim the
be lecqiard* got awap fmoi the animal ^
»nd thee almui Ihlnc pou havi- m-.ii. and then draw a
'ter bOBe. wbea It cobb to tbe pBot
Well, mp inter it gelling long for Ihl bow, and the i«i||et- ar<- out Lon'log
“‘•I’"' - N"nhne.iern Mooihlp.
BaH In Bathing.
where ete elaki her whole lodiridme. so good-bre
Don.'i be afraid to open the moaib
or them; Ciei pour rap, ai.mt; i^,-. j.
enpful of ordlana rock snll li aa
iBiltp la her hooaewetk aad attket her doll* fraa paper pattens; to- wide and pawn and slrrtrti wheaerjr
Kopiug to le< a Sunshlner.
go with tbem. and hav..
”■ -------•naoae aboet bw wMcted. (rortag ■troet her bow to new them aeatlp. pon feel like U. Indeed. If pou are nvtlunble addlilou to the balb. Ii to
Ace 9.
Hara Vane
lallp sooihlng to a pernon with
ttep a>ap bring in a ipei^ B mad
r to make bow* for tte little hats rea tired but Bo not feel like pawn
laded nerve*, and will often Insure a ■Traverse Clip. MIrh . R. P D N.i
let a Up ibroogh the aema. There
cap* aod what eoablaalloB B <
ing. there to nothtog (hot wUI rest ptw resifnl sleep lo on Invalid or a IllUc
April 25. 1904
an wonea o< tbe tppe who kaow aolhma te oied tar the eortnofs.
no qnk^ on to tit oe a slralgtai-back child. Tbe salt tbould be dissolved
tog her absenri- j
urge.1 him i
Dear Mr* Bates—I ibuugbl 1 wou
btg bat the noad ot daOp wort la (he
on win find that II wfO te time (*atr and lifting the feet from tte
n. bin be refused
and tboroaghlp mlied wllb the wata
hoaae: who are aeldeea aeea wlthoaf' well spnt. Bottm. tor poa win
•nor. posh ttem out to frani B poa at
Jimmie Dnallp lost hU leiaper.
wbleb tbould be moderaielp ^rnrm.'
Mp papa uk
laptog (be toundukB B taste to dn
tor 0* ponible. sirateb tbe arms, push
<0 rrad the I.
eklllfnl oae B the tte bead hack, oen tbe month wide! Baihs B Ihto kind will, in a measure. > »>e HeraM
tog pi«w' Ror-ri'*ftm.
ake Ibe place of ttm baihtog.
I bate fire *
needle, which to a tew peart wtQ te
1 make ponraeU paw*,
lonelp ihti. ever, and if hr
Cixir lirathcr* 1 bi
Nesrtp 4SJK0 to daily uae; PjOOD Ir
B nine to tte pouag girt who hai lUrbos* tense aeaee will relax tte
teery purchaser
tame hen Please s<’ad me a card and had aot been snrh a big to.y be
iBBiwIate, Aod woe he to the oae
•^terilor *«thrato*L
- to spend opea ter tenet,
ilraeted monelea wUI sMch. and
who (ergeu to wipe the aad off U*
Ctecker* are badlp aSectod ..
make ter brain aad (tegera tte whole bodp will be resiA Do this
The -aterltog- Ptaao ]• desei
The bouse seei
pular. II Isrme Bthe ■
ihon ootHde (te door, or top* down do wbai Boea wUl dofw bw rtstor two or three limes wbn poq are Ured
moist weather, and tba are Doeo to write I wllf cloac. wishing pou
oo Bueh at a aewepoper oa a table.
■rip rained Tbep abotid
wbo to more tartimaie
aad see wbai It will do for
Age ID
Uura A. Portoo
nothlBg lo do lo
Troa aaeh hoaea the hatfaaad
teratlp admired for Its dellghlful •slngtog qutllip.' deep snoorora
alwaps be kept to tight tin boxe*. and
Health CaKore.
thep ndll not get toft and cromblp. If
went lo the kitchen and ulked a while |
ttalp to map to Bon coagea
bats, aad clear bHI-llke treble. It. actlra It B Ibe tort aad responds
Let tte bops te lartncted to tte
Acme. June «, 1»04.
with llsdca. (be pleasaai temnered •
pteaa. where te b aot eoaUaaaltp ootdow woik; M tbem cate for tte
thep bare been aafieaed bp the wraibtostaatlp to ite llgblesl toueb. full/ merttog Ibe rfqnlrrpimr
Dear Ma Bale*—Well. It is so long
Trabilnq B Bopa
to girt, wbo was b •king cook
tegged tor ena BBbap. rrea each
er tba should be put la a beg oven for
tte mart ezpen ptonlns.
tew tools, aad
a time since 1 hare wriiieo to pou
I wonder If the motber when tratoteaea the aOMroa dp to plap i
. and tba wni have
read tom* te bit erw book,
teteh ttoB to repair ttdr own aad
We kaow Ibe -sierilnr" wears well, to (act pbenomraitlp so. bethat pon will think I have (orgat'en
.walghbwi- bouaea. w ae tbe meet.: their stoters- brakea torn, to pot a naU tog her ba Witt n telpful. osefnl
ttrir crlsptoee. qoltelp tratntte
wondering what to do a
pou. I have gne mp ballon and card
«»nra we hare sold II tar orer iwBlp prars and have pet (o hrar B
eaiip wamog. aa tha grow Bd- or a screw bera aad tttre aboot tte hood to new. aer Ihtokt Blhc p<m*l- tbem.
when be beard a toft -plt-pai- np
aad think tbep are nice Hp steuol Is
a dlstatlrfied parehaaer Is pdint B terrlr* the -Bteritog- is aaimrUe and rea probable wife wboi '
er. tor tha dap wbea tba ehaU lean boose
stoae steps. He raa lo tte front hall
oot and I an going to bt'
fitted Ay my Ptaao produced, on mailer what ite price
dap map b
(te rood for eoe at Ibolr owa. Ttea them
aad peeped ibroogh Ite glaas door
Tired PwL
coortnet tieds aad wagaat
lisnc Up iraebM gave me
The “Bterltor I. farnl.bod la a virte.p of mort arttoUr tmm.
. aaefe beaee It oftea bappeo* that bop* and aapthtog ihat wm Bstraet them mother tows ao will ibe wife
There lap a bug* toopard oa tte
roung wife wbo lake* great
•go, aad dertiov oolp aatldp babiu. to tte oae B tool*, ao that later oo. It
snpwblp finisbed-oalp (te h.iu.|i>
tbe verandx calmlp resting
baibe lb«n^ hot water, ibra a dai aU around It. We had a fine time. We
pride to dolag the work B ha
'had glria Who prere abaolaU tk
r, watooi and oak veneraa (Mag raed
•e oe bi* paws. Boben waa
“eeonaaa. tta eaa turn ttw fc
plenir. We have got
me. bui tboae dmie* arc doabled bv
: beet an aagged 'rogardlag the edge to bccooat.
■ch frightened, bm H oocorrod (^
Ton tboald not conatder ptocl
n poOT^Ptoao laI yrar
corelens. a«Mp bosband-naddr
Tbtae B antacae that tea had takea
bat little
a liferobbers Wpm «Ro tte Ikkuc. colUa several pain B rttoet and wear them
' aaafetaaidtaUketDtteUea.ate(oaad
of mStel"
To Caa Vegntsdtea.
-\ BBiltftetkm.
». te bis ntoiamx aoatle ..d rtx
iIsfaetloB. A rbraply mode I
•Bl 11^ -^lowa. npea tbe sUeboard. sitnraauap to not onip good (eg tte bapa. Thu ha* been n cold aad drtotbeaeelea wtahlag tar (te
■f troobto and
Most hoanmtren ante to eaa roedip. But «e ran n
op to (te berae
- bnt good tor the abee* at wetL
dropped npoa tte aarateeni.
B tte pupil On tte other hand, aa anlsUc
. grpapdite (wBiaon thW «bM 1b-: hlea. tor Hto ardsbos labw aad to
shine to tbe boo^. -m* to
d Urod
tbe -Stertlar Is aa totpirathm lo tte ptoyi
OTote. Whea hu wife ask*
I rUtf oM^caa Imp tbea sow at
er, aad
I «ai write men.
emere eaiBnl be taps. iSHhitog- p
ont rtwratedip aa If for
- raa
d tbongttlesatr. 'Mother si
ted op after me: whp caat
otert Timimbatirt ite pBte wer
I to setBte to tte man. bat i
hnattog tte lootete; ao he tek
»oal taoli goB (oRba bock. tor. a* „
Hate CUP. Joaa fi. ifiM.
ftex -Motbdr ahrv* plekod op afta Bits B osop that aro toe tmall to te
Otar MOlor-Ai I have mot wriOra
tte old eoptog la. -if* ted BbeoU be raiBoap laU aalte te or a lo« Urn*. I win write
•a old dog Bww trtckx- taanda dapx wbra ttep ran te aaktewara noaotera ratelan Mrt
•il mt mmt u (te wMh team
(tefir- ItefiteMmterraai
TravanaCIty Store 169 B. Finotf
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