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Grand Traverse Herald, November 28, 1901
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
firsnd Cravcnc
For tb« f«U •MMO ot 1901 ««
hkvp one «{the OoMt ••urlmenta
of ne« rtjief of
Trarctsc Oty State Bank
CAPITAUt 100.000
Real Estate*" Insurance
T. ;SE
l-OAN —
207 E. Front Street,
tvA abowo in tbe mBrk<>L All tbe
litrat NorrUir* lo PUida, Caecki.
tod Stripe*, both Foreign aod DooiBtic. Tbcae «e «ill make to
yonr order «t 1 be Trry loveat price*.
rurr,..8t. LeaAiiraercfeutTaUor.
Rooms 10 aod it Badle Block.
Johnson Block. Phone 73
TraveraoCity. Mich.
Tb. .-.1 .tuj.U.ei m
ii ih» fonrntmer of alioMt evrrr ail.
meat. It driillitam the ryatra and
l«*re. <1 an e*».v
to diiitiM-.
lo addirion to y*or rofrnUr wnirdy
it Wosld Iw a wide procaalion lo -wrai
OOr of onr —wml rarioti.* of l.oog
Carpet - Clcanins: - Works
A«2{;£.£.'b5E?“ ‘
X. II.«
C. A. HAMMOND. « «
’ E.’biSStaSiS*.®
n..k.n«k« CMI
riukfun .ai
ILB ud TVMom
■::M>.B..*rHrUv u rrmna/on >i
Is. wnnc FniBkr>«t
Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold._______ K‘£5^grJ;g?Houses for Sale in
All Parts of City.
Many Fai^s^h^le In
Grand TraTene »ki
ON improved city and farm property
MlliiK.n Block,
Fami formerly ormd by .\
Elder. Ii niilee weal
'oandery at Mabi-elosa, Mir1>. Coosiele of UK) arrcb. of which 1^
acre* U cleared andmewtiy free from etampa. 20 ai-rosof troodtirobiT
and 20 acre* that could be cleared very .•**) .
acrea^f thia ia e-ed.
ed down (nearly ail Dew aeediuc ) Soil, good gravelly loam. Haild
ioga: Hay aod stock barn 42 x liO with atose baaeineut and 1> fi pnate.
boraeand carriage barn 22x30—two story; granary ■20x2d-tw<r atory;
Atockabed 4!S ft long: hen hooao 14 x 20. plaat.-red inaide, alao tool
hontu and wagon ahetl. House hae 10 Mrge ronme Wide* pauiry,
eloaeUand larpe voodahed—good atone baaeuientigo-d well and wind
mill at bonae with water piped lo haru; 100 bbl ciaUTii at booee widi
and 200 bll ctatrru at barn, both made of atone.
rie*.plomh and grape*,
l«lt.»:«u>»ii.>a. Everything well fenced
Price. H'iOO. W ill give time on half of
price or wid take good bonae anl-lot <ir farm worth from tl.OOO to
12.000 in part payment Bnildingii painici and iu • good aiale of repair.
Alao honaea, lota and farm* for aale un eaey psymenir
You-hate no
commiaaion to pay. Iliis ia all onr own property.
! mSsteemK^So!
L PhyalclAn and Sursaon.
acid have re-eatal
and enlarged »>>' buaint
. .. ern hous- to handle allI ttbe fur from thia p
ranged with a large eaalern
them, I am prepare«l to pay bigbist price*™
of Uie<* intry for t!
I I T C*M StrMt.
TVnrr— SeMnurioally Fltto*.
Orita UMM M >wkt v*v.
Travel** city. Hios.
Hide*, c
.. ^
Office and Warehtme. 732 E. Front Bt
Otizena Phone 4'1
Bell Phone I:i0.
IVi-a I-Jo-O tb> t-w-. (^ Br.i ai>.l l.m.i
i -i-e-i
An.I yra:!.^ *»rr eer <« l‘*“-
Warti et IB^ aOai^ a. to avo
/wOnod B*Md.. Mntt. TsM«. CfcHnr'
i Md
M..1I**.*.. IKt».
Tar Mteana*. BtT Clij, Port Hm*. Tala
Damn udte. I «!.>.. IIM».m.
Mtf yonall know tbat we have a larger stock of very
fine, nicely decoraletl .TaMe Dishe* of English ina»nTacluns
FWCBarmau i*d Paioakrr. IA>P •.. < *
wohid ask yon to inspect tbeae good*.
on* would be pleased to get
dm im m..
^ A
^ IT
TS coostaDtly receivioj; additions for the
I Holiday trade. If you want anything'
in the line of jewelry do not fail to look
over our stock before purchasing. We
can please, you. Watches: Rings, plain
and jeweled; pins,buttons.chains. etc., etc.
Something to suit all tastes and purses.
Largat line of Fine Silverware in dty.
3IT Front air**t
V^TravarM City.*
They are Landsome.
We aaanre yon that any
'for a New Yrar’ser rbristmia
special invitation is extended
toihe ladies, a* we think Ibattiiey nnderaUnd wbatgoo.1 goods
are better (ban men.
are them
Tlien> is no room for prices—come sod
We also have a good aMortneat of
Tia 'Diabee.
Kilivf* smd Forks. 8pooiu.aiidGrasit*ware»f all descriptions—
coffee aad tea pot*.
AgenU for Cbaae A Bxitbora Teas and
This store is locaied on tbe
OTT. Mica
.,w ™.,n.v Ti„, ™ «
rw Ia her bean
ilrnoe for _
a ________
. en be . t*e<lnes.lay movotny and "rreep In at ' re A_,_a,i^iae ii,ls chaniiw n
ipddenly and cauybt
eauybl her ' Hje
thr k^en
door " by ten o'clork on ,
osi enddenlyand
1 btt while br raid:
m tb* bioloylcal *u
Hare, we------wr------- need
docholb«»rh olh
You run tmaaine
I am loarly aod I want (be
the cbecryj
cbeerr duriny Mooday and1 Teredey
IweeeDoe of joel rech a woman a> yoo
n were ohligv'
I go to eebnol
can br in my bouir. 1 ain't oeveT told , bat e
e. John J
TOO. bterr. bat 1 loved y<« before wbro aeied ilie eaoer off mr
thr loauui
Dartny Ibe ec_________
ttiil did. I have wanted lo tell you ; war. an»a-rrd. "tVei.tiiie and ratinyioft^ year almu
bi fore, bat eomeliow I----- 1-—well. I; muter pi. • while tl.. Ulllr yul wlm
> ot birds
halo'iI had the oociaye.
1 didnt >’(. had lorliyated the inp would barel '# well known ai
poet to tell you when I <
berr to- - failed utterlv in t.eT epellinc. bol that j ^
Maty.^I want you
doaghnate" cam* to ber.
night, bat 1------1------ Jlar
weed* wbiab
■ ••
a much more ar'whleb w
r than Jand. for
an.l royrr lover
S and re what th.y^nt^ 10 yive 1
when Marv bud. faal -
^ner in^m.
I* tirfon. Iier dwtb Jared'a devoI aod fldelitv to hi> old mother
wuo for him the rr>;iert and admiiaiionol all who koew him and hi*
... him the
had dr wmed of 10
younger ycare. Hr won
laid not aak
• home a«d
any woman to
live with bi> D
T, and hie eenee of
duty w*v (o yreat that be would
leave his mother to the care of olh
Old' Mr. Dill had been dead
miMiihi at the time thU little *t
ipvoi. and tbe villayejroasiiia were
pecnUtlnc m regard.sSihr jirobabil.
ly of Jarr* now laklny unto blnmelf
. wife. Jared himwlf tiad •pi'cnUled
oiion lb* advi.abihty of tneo a alep,
but be hod oot yet oa yet picked out
any one. oi tb.- Hind. n yoasi]* woold
hnve pot it.
It w*» javlty certain
ilial aevecml middle oyed epmster* and
widows had intentions oikmi Jaied.
but fav ysve s<. tiyn of a iweferenee
for anv of them, and he was ■till '
Iny alone io bis loeity imle tu
when Thooksyivlng time drew nrn
The day Iwfore Thankspvln*
been a very basy ana for Jared__
bad be<'li rushed from morniny until
niyht filliuy orders, and both Jared
and Ih.'jouny man who amisled him
hod h«d all mat tliey could da Earlv
cldnny was the tale lu 'tbe Imie
town, and it was bulbs'clock when
Jared began to make t»fwniti<ai for
olosiny i.is store
He nad hot one
aoUtoiy turkey I.-ft of th. fifty
tnoee Umt bad been diaplay. d in .
windows and on bis (abtes in i...
morniny. Bui this one turkey «os os
Jared wud, a"noble Urt.”
. Jojvd refieclid a> b* took tbe bird
it of tbe window ,io jioi It into tbs
■Let me »y," he yaid. "lliSTeal.
readv eeul ibe widow Luce a turkey,
ondl haves.nl another one to old Mr.
mad Mrs. Todd, and a fine plump
oliickun to old Uls> B..otl(w, Tbey ore
ail Ihedesp'rtily poor folks I know
of in Mtoden. If knew any ortn-rs I
Would s.'nd tbis lurfcry to tliem. i
nte see. Mary Vane bosc'l been
here for tortev or chicken hetay. i
like a> DO! she u goioyyo do with
one. Losiay the imle life inaurai
poor Phil left her by tbe failure
■he savincs bank must bare bronybi
More rlytit down to bed rock, and '
irobnbly hasn't any money i
lor lorkys. I'm
'm aflat
afraid it will
ing ground and
yjtl. Done of
lo earn aoyIbem yet old rtioayb
.'t believe that Mary
it If 1 earned ibis tar___________ _ h.y on my way borne. I
iiave known, bar eo many years, and
Phil and I were bove lowetber and tbe
best of fnemla 1 J9B believe I'll do
' He began wrappuy (be lai
beotssr i
Utile wrederi. whose
n^ced l>ai always fs
There ho* Jau died in a mm
of a squalid vtltoye la IrelaBd
on who bod spssl aixtv jm
down I
family not even
etory bv if>e rviorts of lier diwlb ho*
bnAen the loay siloeree toepeoluy bar
tree name and ocmdlttoe.
ooabtry neat of oiie «4 lb* mUM
iwDllee Ilf Ireland—wilb a yvoom.
Tbe family promptly dretorad bm
in siate of le r extteam
bad invited. For Imlfa oSBtaiy **
liven as tbe wife of aftteab with .
tee and daayfalere. la a UtU*
will brighten up mV Ion. ly home and , «e mtgbl feel to ecom Tbankiclv.
yladdeu my bean' Tlierv won't be aim
______ _
Thankfcller.» happier man in-Mindeii! "Tliatieo, mother, ' mid tbe old
•a wbo mighl have
hav baOB
------yoa'd better aye. tb* womna
,* ihau Jared pill'
lissisty at TrewrlM'a
ntteado' lak- a TViyalB,
----------lib berate
.. -.......................... , »r farm. I'll
yive ;
np and briny a lowl of tb* folks
Mary with lear-dimmid eyee
•So, 1 don't Mary, but 1.
‘Derate aod widowed io I
.V, „d",‘j"g";nj
.ujte. e,
And be klsUHl h-r ayain andjumw
*»«•- her h«n was too fall to
A alee yoBBg man re Bcreolga eatt.
aad went on his way with a *on«ofl*T*«k
It ~
tbi. mom«t the ed on a ali- yoaag imly aad apest tba
real Tbaaksyiviny in his htart
j Irevelars reached Uie kllcben windows evselnc. my* tbe Bbillatlav. «b*B
he arrived ibet- wo* Bot a eload to
. .. was opened by (kotdle.
sky re be oameu no ambraUa mod
. _r» aeitbergolo*'
laDksyivlng's^.cwlD' nr«l w.-^. wbo reUed onl
"We've come to diuner. ytaodma'" AI 10 o'clock wbea b* aro*
BehredTirr was John. Jr., (ban Mar- wee ralniag cat* and doyk.
some noieon't-"
tbe alee yemag
Mr. Lony siioke
you yo cot in all this ssora
careb year death of cold:
afraid I mlyfaf" wo* lb*
"WaU. Til tall yoo wnat—
■re ,,
- jlfy L.- ,hl* lime disbe*. there were pleniv of strong
all niyht Y'ca enabave Tom'*
I^swe,^ '^1 a^: ' Toung bands re oarty
her orders;
s, slnee be'e at eollaga Tea. oocapy Tom s room. Exsoae me a mtoBta. aad I'll rea ep aad aae If It'sto
ordtr. Tbe yoaay wemaa flaw grea»fully Bp stair* to see thal Tom'e room
was la erdtr. U fire mtoclea As
came down Msmagaaes tbat Tern’*
: oue. Tbe trunk wae almoeC fc
room was to ordre. bat no Obattoa
, : ten. t>i came In tplcodldly wbe
la sight. Bel io a vary faw m»bano and maduallowanoes: elu-knew
ts h* appaand very dHpfdag aM
be was ihlnkinR ol.tbeyesirs when
of taeretofrem ruaslay. sbsadia
-tardy sons aMj»pr< tiy Toong dauyh. •elvos. " a. Goldie Ailed lb was
At last all ml aroand the bt
re a aewaiapg aadcr Us arm. " Why,
r'A“!“.s;r.f’,hS.“2 S'z'
ed, and
es roealtlogi
all love to ________________
mdi*,as tbe parple sod bnofs
happy Tbanksyiviny^'fl^ljbl
’s ■3-
' 'll Ain, " wa* tbe reply.
t'amsleCwMT EvMewM.
a illaatracloe of Irtofa wit tba* la
aad good Is yivto by aa axdhaaff*
story of aa Irlsb sritaare win
was betog axatotaed a* to bU kBOVledgaedasbaoetogaff^.
"Old voe see the shot fired! (b*
mayistmte aeksd.
"So. eorr. I eoly heard U." wre
tbf e^ve^re^ Jsaotretrefaereyy •'
or money tc iiwn lo vt*il tbe
lepltod tbs awgietale elarel.v. "0MM
borne, and
mother'' seldom,
srrole in anewer to the short baainemOo* of tb* laiyesi (arnu in the stale
Tbe wilaees toraed reoad to lest*
like lettari of tb. boys
Tbe haml is lotwted to Dicklnte coanly and tb*.
w box. aad dboedr Me baA «M
that tiaa wielded r^, and broom, fact that it ba. paid yood iMoey for
ned be laogbed deririTriy.
- aad dtibclgth for over fifty years finds erveral yenrs show, tbal tbe am
i>—.---1-I.—.-— ...i.i.ii.-—1
penlneaU K->
ba* yluwiny
uoayb >he tried lo •tlfi* the poMibilittaa.
TTie farm Is knewn as iIm New Yuet
Mrs Ireriy etruoyly desired
farm, aod I. owned by tli. Marioette
op" tor Lumber Co. Twenty-two years ayu it
I as it It
II poialo patob,
Ka. eir. bat 1 bwerd yoa." «w
, ;0(; Bcrp*. all ^
fS^ whol^lo^o'*relM.
Tdo people
are so pirky with Ibelr vitlUe’ Tlie's
acres are
art cleared,
tbat five dollars Jobs sent me 00 my acres
mid Pa*.
Aad this time warybody toagtod
birthday. ! could buy ■he hall outlay ., wooded. Dnrrey
dlnoer of!, were tsised »- tons of hay. Mi toes esorpt tbe asagistrate.
with it. and then s.'od
vun'i D0:O««ira. i.OOO baabels of oau. i.OOO
to tbe poor farm
one iDibam It with re ham: but per-' ba.bel. of .potato#*. UO baabels of
hapslf Im.
Mr* t-~-f aref^ re t^ stock, wtueb reesM
sd ol
off to"doerer of 1» band of OocreteenUla.
u. eallad
Bad tbe Irish agTieoltarlM oa mMto
•oil; tbe Uaraare oa level
gnaad. and Uie Swade er Kaywegia
r. the prodaet of which
Ihe^^t^raod yroo-r
dora Uiey reaped an
{wedllo^OBe aeqaiiadtotbeaUaM._ tbe water 1* pom»d oriea. ^IriAirea etrmlbnaMto
rereea-'aad atafaMy be snMi
D the
. try cteam powiT. id bydiaoU mod l.OCD
Adaau flam* over from
tbe poor form
feet of bow Tbe’feed catlar i* operia tbe oflaraors and was gloo to
d. .bet
•l^ By
iTaeaitomed te aldeblU fmlag.
ly ready for the ov_______ _______ . Dad tbe tool
nag macb___
___ boUd.
>Uod" re rwrfectioo. wblla p*eo.
000 fan
ud cookie* ereod oo the pastry tog aoaaine of a large •fi
boaav. a iwooury root boaaa. a Ibbo.
drv, five bares, two stloa. a tepiwter
lb* lore:
Thank .
Bwa. Afarreot.Umrelaareployed.
aad tb* farm I* vaUad at fiafioeo Tbe
m* to w*U f<w fi
• sot la. aod elm almoal oOled
■U—olmi Mm kaow talber would
bar-"a fm4 far ber pwiaa "
Laatsr Sebbey. <7 yaart old. of Old
bsdtre. a nUsin la Kaw Jreeoy. baa
*.aed a ehall.Dge oSrriag re ma.
Mter. walk barer. Jump Ugbar aad
-be old mas
cHttey" s
than we can afford to carry, and we are sleo htrd np for moce)'
*0 weY* decided to ge-t onr coal oat of lhi( war* snd eamestiy
erowd oal road t
.yen need not pet >t off t
Tb.. Rnrlieb etar
of that: Imie rbaprbap’ .He ii
ie tbe
troylay eM<l* of tba Amud Ua^'fell
fw l■ym- ret ot alL and woald m-n
rrr know the delioo.
Mlliy ihei ebe eoeo foasd henelfrtell. dlffrrroo* brl■lor
iny her lifelaerfriend all beruoable*
eetractiaa of daadaltaa
aad vrUie
He licteaed
ylieh eiwiTow it aidad by
native birds- rbiefiy tbe nr—
t“l yoa Vwhat
.-at rouT Thaokayiviny ' (heir tacM.
Coodsetats. hrnkemeii.
. -i'll some arouu.l aod porter* were all Interested.
iminR with old »*ar.v>o . ____ ________ ______
•ympaHooper and w.'will be morTtrd wiUi., Ibrtloally, ar they ...
■oat anv delay and wilh.mt any fo» ' whlaiirnt of ' Rtandina'
and f.wihen aboal It
I never did ; Iny.Ooldl.-. when
d yeoile.
Uke llie
. mid plt' Jbe ' loylv; " Yoo'se loo old to yo taome to'
•hy ,y.wr yrandm*. ain't too;" which
sach a Uayb that tbe child
we ehould wait a aiuRle day. I'm
bid ber face in oonfasion . but (be ol.l
' mao leaned^orer 10 Mr. Irehy and mid
o'clock lo the montoR. '
Hu imi«wiunltiee were eo gn-ai tl
- t>«n knownI to be riiK
Harr Onallr Tleldrd to them and
10 matt.
r ho* en
eDi._, _
gravaUnii[ tbii jatrona miebi br. uid Jual L'torr b> ki«wr<l
Jan-d « a* a eiii
tBid hrwded man of aboal. year*, who larked "‘^‘ioW did I think when
that -pemlier giti
;i of hewvrn." a IDK np that hiR RoU-ltwio hnnK toyoa
that U woald be a |wI of out wed.
■. Hia llflietli bi'lbday
•till a twctaelor.
1 liu
III. wae not
lU*' he wata man who Hooted aad
tber* itnf 1
Old women.nor *o» it lieoaBae be yable loathe ba^t.
‘ 'eorarr. tori yoo don't beyrndi
ire in tbe morn
regiirJrd matritsonv ae a delattnn and
yoi > I oeir sfeol the motn
■ bat's lockiny. time, .lo
^ and yet anytbiny...........................
a >na
lack., John
Jare.l felt like mvlBR with B -bter Thety'e one thUiR that woolt be leck-l
MOQI cookie-yes.
iny at that Teaat, my dear, end that u
So man can live plouly
rdoaffareyh at in-.
a ibankfut and lovtnii h<«n. for my
____ a» Wllbt-.
iBsIly fo^rottbe Iwys ho.1
bean will tw overflowlny with love
Iarv<r> celibacy had b.-<-n dseio u
and yralinde and it won't be my
'I cbt lie bai
bad beei
lienl. eelf-aacirifirtng eue of a fre'tf^. fault if it ii not a Joyful Tbanktyiv. cook I.'doll* tbey nsed'to dote on eel
W. '.e
deal_10 te
. yot a <___
line and exaetiny invalid inytoall of ue. You tell Ibelutle WelU
■ ■ il for •fsih-r.
- Tbebovsare
H.. wai lire onlv child, and ylrl'a thal (heir new daddy will be
If we M l h
ha.l be«.ii cw&oed to 'her bed for
Jaroil Dill ara* pro|vi*tOT of a ]in>.
vi.ioo and ptrx»t7 Morv lo thr toirti
<.) Mlndro. Tlitn- were tvo at Ibrvr
oilitt atom of tliuktodiii Hlndeo,
bet D00<- of Ui.'Di did a larp-r be>lo««a
than wat door D.v 4a*rd DlU
brrnDi.« tlir bocorwixm
lo be ai.
vrriKhl and I
He Rave fall wriyhl
lowed a Ibad aruolr
Uixle 10
lo ao
of Ilia
ore If
if 111'
lir roold
brlfi It
it. 1
hia round and. >onirwhlial noi
.- TltallaadAtr adaalalfMed. Aati-| PERE MARQUETTE
tfja- \
no.. a mm.
mdly eeoairb. Jand.
X>tulf4 kffptot^m.
-0*r vaaAenas.artv* IS. «...
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
W. ..n.4 Ujpei It. I.ea
••*■4 ebt.. . A.j^ t*u sM 1...' '
Tire Insurance!
try that M y plaamat to M
Row e iMBfe doing wUb yea.
3 per cat allowed BD Tine Deposits.
Opposit B. A H. Block,
Plato Class, steam.Boiler and Accident Insurance.
C E HORST. Director.
Ua limit was fattoSew Bameabtia
hilU: bobardly beard dm ohU&B'r
Jared hada buc> baakat eaUaam. talk. Tbe four bad eeasodbtmla mil.
' aad be Bid a* be art II dews oo tbe la (be Banday iwllUrbt. ot bl* early
life, mawme lutcnlna with baby oa
i**"***, eee bete. «aiy; dea’I yoa beT kaec.
: 30 to aeniar CToee wilb me breaaes of
: wtmt I've due* Yoo kacw that Phtl
brotbee*. aad__________-_____ . .
yea and poor Itook Tnaake^e:
.Phll'e children a Iiiile noeeai.
and will, and yoa oui'l ban my
"Poor Morv. She bod n hrrd time
of it in Ibe (WO years sbe ha* baea
And abe will faav* a *tJl
b^CT lime with all her money yoaewish that—'
beUted customer came
o___ __In for a
inbemea. and• Jared'
- rd'e train
It was brokmi off.
, Jared w t nyfal to hi* oeajaetare.
jlbal Mary ' me'* bean raaat be heavy
lakayivinc rve.
Jl bad
never b<
her husi
aUnoat pcaa|.
e aitempte abe
leae. an<
•be bad
0 a little mobey had i
salted in
bad tiledamvamkayaad plain m
iny. Shk had •evta oSecad lo yo <
by tliv day doiny boatewofk.bal tb...
was very Hnle dasand In *«'-dee (gr
her servioc* ia aoy dtreeiioo In which
she was capable.
(Abe bad teat tten
three dollar, u her porm and aba did
...... ...
na tea M am te read OR biUa m
win ahe toad ^ tbe otbte baUaa
£zra.,52.a.“JGa:, ’
Oalfl witfato metal aaab* wba
lie baalto Ima faUsd laiwbM, Ua
Mateay pireaad him bMtetem***
wasovorda* aad ber ooal ___—
empty. Her efaildna bad yooe «e bwl
and she wae tRuarlay to follow tbam
to eava Uybl aadinat when she twd
a kseab at tba dent.
How «a yaa ill.Mmyr' mkd
*°!^Aad gtedmaamdeyoo d*Ueo«i
<ff ooofciaaV'oald tbe little girt aaatad
a p*f*'e kaaoe "I wish I oo*ld n*
bar^ f*t bn re m*ae ms tasT'
Jaba W re* (fiareg la lb* Are;
Tte fpaatal O. B. * L ear vfa
tea botB tea boBa of tea party
dnr baton la tte appar palaaola
«!»«. VoT. 1. tRlrad a tee a o'oleab
ante Priday BBBlBC.aad left acn
Idetoteafaaanooa. TteBtBba
•o tBl of fas.
AU of tbOB a»pt
CBt aaowed a dear, aad oM of tetta
r>t ivo. Hr. Homy kiUod a Baa la
U OM ptM* ». • *ic> wWah Ml. potel bofc arblob valfbad (lOpoadi
xBMta'i «»•< Peal. HaPliUac Hr. HaU vaa tba ufartaaa awB.
•adVe TnM«ia('" Aao*«r
ewlnlac AU»a«
ir*d* BraUwn. Vod*. Jota K«U>ra van V. HoOtafwB. P.
OaUaioaMMi *waH*«. ”P»rti
i-aad J. Oeacta «f Pittatert.Pa.
Mai. bMMloLM."
Tte party lafi teaU buttef trooada
-priraM lafc*.
t» tk* foilu of tiM wic* vbe pat ap
At ea* paint an Pnat aMM waa
ptaMd. iliowiBf a a-a tea boat,
vUh tha iMBTlpHiwi. “TiaTarta Oltj
•laaat BaUaar- Oar BmiT Hr* Minalaa Dw't fea taaBanp."
J. O. Battetea of Rajdd City,
aaarty of Plfa Latka aad veil knovn
bare, bat bea U tba city rlalttef ate
dotec beateaaa. aad teeidmtally look,
tec after tea Boeectec of a Baa pair
of dear bona vbleb be aaearad latte
apptr patesala.
Hr. Batebtea vatafter deer oaar the ebon of Lake 8
palter, vban they ere plenty, tat
Tha tlma o' tte dapar^ ol*tbe
. fata* *»■ -Baa Sarpantwttata”
haailTil Tha feaitaaa^aopU who
teaa baM ball In qaataatlna la tito
Zal^ faoaaa alnoa lhay wara expoaad
M thaiMaUpoz tkraa «aaka ape Uft vcltbtet too poanda and aeoeedte te
tha daftloB hoaaa Sanday. aa all cettiat II botsa The bonia an brine
tefar or tbalr leraleplBf lha dlaHr. Hatebtet U food of dear heat,
Vo MO In tha hoaaa vhefa-Bacena teg. bat teloka It eomea high.
Paeknrd taa baan alcfc. haa ahown any oe ooai bln jaat«». bol te oaaid.
tee gene ad the eierclae veil
trmfUm* or tlia dlaaaaa. and it
looka at Ibooifa tba oatbaaak wonW
and with ttit
ear eaaa.
PackBid la dolB( aa veil aa potalbla and
U y •01 hla race will not be dlafl*MdataU by tha dlataat. althooirb
ha vat banbaa oat aa thiok aa eooU
vallba arilboat Um-eaaa bains
Br«y poaalbto precanOoo vlll bt
la iba vny ot dlalntaetlnB. ao
(tat tbtnahaU ba no daafar of tba
diMMa daralopinc lalar.
KateMt ar
Than vat a Utta aiwndaaea at tba
■ eearaetlaa or Tiararaa Oicy Lod^
■a. n, Kntfhia ot Pytbiaa TberacUy.
Om candldala vna Initiated law tbr
•teaadtanfc. Tbaaa vtba taToral rlall.
ottfiOB abroad, inoladlac Obaaaelica
nnwavvVT V. R. ChrlitW of ApolU
liodct. l^atM vitb Omciw RobmII.
Dr. Mata. John Batlcool. J. P. Jobs
aM. Prod 0 lan«.0lar Andriaon and
Uvla OlaaocL alto awaben of Apol
la Mitt.
Th«e vwa alto |a
Mam BtaTtatoa of Uaaktconi Valatr. of Bidnar. Ohio; Metay
Brart. Mioh.: fUlph. oT Bay dt;
Mia. of Patoakty.
' Aflor Iba laltlatery vort tba <
baaiot tba lode* and tbalr iceaata aa>Vada-aaaokar.-lartB|tvblab local
Pytbteaa vote aaalaWd In oaurtala.
tmt by aaariy all tba rtalwra Th,
BIk BapUa dalaotina caae bare W
iaapaM Iba baadaoov lodca roa
Tmtmm Olty Lndca and ahtnatt thr
vnafc la tba Saeood iwfc. Tba taiur.
*a aalMifca ot a nalcbbor.
Ur. Ina.
MMr'a UtUa aiatar vat alooe la the
hoOdlacaUtUa atlar B o'elook. and
ted baan tytaf on tba tefa taklaf a
W WhM aha aveka. It vaa to ted
.ttet tba atova and the pipa vara both
tad hoAtad aba vm aonwvbat blcfattMd. Bo aba want to tba next doer
Mdfbber, and aOwd hat to oom In
Mdbaip bar. ai ate vaa afrald^Uia
Pain Pills.
^ u backadte.
paint, BootUy paint, etc.
CM . npply. ud
ihuk rtvyaa
rtc.. with comfort. Atnprnentatire. when taken
proaefa of a reenn
they are rxcclknt.
Of. Mum MUMal C... EUot, te
t. Hr. EltbooiiM ia u
member of tba dab. terlng dlaqnaliBed for utire memberahlp by getting
married laat iprlng.
Two of tee membon atertained
with ploaaing dula ud gnlmi aalee.
tima after vbiob tbagnaata ahattod
uilt upper vu u
nsbaupperl It la feared teat
of the epicarru membon varer
tbeir all^Roee te tea rove Impoaod
After tte -apraad," tee Malta
br ecUre membarablpa In tee club,
nlted for.
Him Filklna aotrl a when they uw hov bleaaed vAa Ifaelr
toataualer. ud tbe follovlng watt
iraier brotber. ud eapeolsl fun at.
Iimaleed for Oitr Attomr Odb
van reapadadto teagiwfol ud
beranroai atrlr:
KoltovleB U the mens ;
-Wliy 1 tt.»e”-Wi.>. Wiloni.
"Whel'a In a V4rue"~UiM Soni>r>
-Home Relror Famo' -MU* Vo
* IU™ieTr.JfO,
K.V Pitd'lnc. tUet Ha
Hra' Pruk Welia rDirrtaliied a
****» **
g O. B. A L mU-
atnol BaMngH tea O. B. A
Ke Batten it Bada of
rortela te fateetla H tte
Data alnat onoteg oTtea Pan Harqeaiaa It vna nlatiea te tUa potel
ttet tte angatetla vna^b teat tea
Braann of oeacy pbalng ogtea ba teqaindto diaioint and ru atedte
imanby of tba dugao. TbU
aaggoBla did net BtM aritetteap1 of tea oeaneU ocaaitBa. Tte
oonneU teUarea thatapanMaantflag.
BU teoald ba atetlood at tela poteL
Aatoteo otter eniaalnga tea oeoneU
an rery vaU ploaed.
WUU tbay
1 mHar a flmgmu at tea Saat
Prat atreet cteolng.teey raallB that
tea elaotrie alarm will greatly lwi»
tee danger at tbi. point Tte daela.
ia teBtlTe te Onla atreot ta avail.
The atatoa of Ita lata Pnaidmt He.
Elalay, otdeted by Otarlm H. Batelay of Katetea. of Obulm B. KleNav Tori, will ba
la abat see mate.
It la aald ibu
to modatod from a ull of eietbm
made after tea unci {mNora of tea
ult wini by Hr. HeElnley.
A party oaaiating of Dr. Chaae aad
btoaa Oooiga ud vUe. urlradat
Aplmm Wedoeaday after a Bra vaeka'
orerlud )araer from Irala. OhularoUooutT.
They are band for
Doroil aad Totedo. Their mode of
oaTeyaaee U belli amnly a u ordlnaiy aiiod vaga. Dr. CfaaM to a
ud apanda
great dmi ot rime hsatlng and fite-
Hnakagg t ta te tb. b.g.,uu u aAM..
•«««■ vlte refenmua aoi
M dlBtoolly ta getktag ta i
diauu. white to iboagbi to te n
d at vlte teeir bate. eepeeUUy: k^d of ba
It U u etddnlc
l^-ala ru.tag.ate Boltote ^
tee ambaa A Horta Itaa At tee klniy.ea boga bare d
mate of Htmkaga barter than to a
tag vu held at tee aagamtla of tba
bu vlte aly tUrwa feat of vuer. tonte lire aiook lultor? oocnmlaalo. ‘
adnaekbutar bu foraad u Orate TMariaary Valdru of Teonmaab aul
Aeu white to r
ta a deiattod areout of tbe dlarue. :
It vooU be a a
Itwogbt Dmt Lenne farmen
______ ____________ ____________________
« tepUa a
M h!^
a impiia
^ farmer, of
“-“blp. lato eouiry. Some
^ , nnmber of then or|BOli.
Villtam Oloey of Tefcoote laiwd
u buocuSIod for the perpou of;
crop of earn tela yor a a new! bolding a mleri acbal daring te*
pieoaef lud narot tatOre tilled, teat I oewlag fall and vwier
mkeall rvoorda He hnaked t.iao[ I'aH «aa aeented utl a (ueber bired. *
aataU from eight asm. ud .Tarnge Tnitioo vna pUced at a nomloal urn
r is; M boabela to tee acre.
{per week or term ud al tbe end of tee
A few yeara age there were twenty- j
“ “O"
bad been
ao mvmiu. epented at Ibelr rnlll*^'*"^
'"mltcd to meet the
upulty at the mate of tbe Huom-eipenae. of tee aetaal. it
Inee rieer. Nov tat tvelee remain. *
**■ 'rlonded w the poplU The
ad tee tlBber remaining will keep ■
lene In epentia hnt a /,w year.
‘‘•»*b'er. ..bo.iBeaa
edneaiioQ ud adruced rtndlm net
X «•
4.«Xn '
achool opened laat.
taa neeteed taformatia teal Ben
math V
Urfeln. bu broteer. nru aeeldulally ‘
abot by a eamtania while banting
a...!!. Cx_.4_ —a jj. ■ —1.1.1
gtfvn util at leeaenl Ibetr air ai«nt
^^Snpariuuddtal vitein,,^^.^,
u-a editia Do. a.
Tm- poalttan of
„ „u u .
When fall work cm
" been finiehed the at• i;--cied «o inrreoM' nia.
. . Detroit alo.
dut. HUt LilliU E. Sabloe. a memAt Imalt Sle Han.- Chicago (anm
bu ot the IMS literary ^laae. A inr. <
hgarisg on the erertia of a hig
tion of tbe prafiti of tbe edition will ; bMel a hu h will to-tbe Urgmi inngo lo tbe nniTi-reily Vomen'a teagae elect hoo-m'the opper imixkola It
J. Horria ibe II you eld aa of
of which Uiw Sahlne.n ]>eeai.toDt. !• Ka’ed ih>t (hr work will beta-aun
Dvlgtat Horria of Fredala. teot and
Ella* Uoeher, dean of
f tl
thi women •» earU In Hie ei-riitg
inatutly killed bimaelf while at
haotlng with two eompulea Be vu
a a log VI
hta afaotgeo
fell Is the water. 1
wupa dimb.rtrd .« h. va. reliin.
II Ml ud Uie .eatetit. eiitrred hit
berul. te^ng It Ci. pireea
B«T Cut ud Suii nv (ante.
U commcBdrd by SiainniTTi. Piofutu^.l enrn aod tbouund* of
^ oibrrt prommeni in the world * aciiviim. tor iti fine diMium'nauon in uhing the aetual new* horn eonSimnt lepoct and Hie preaeo.
talion of current rrcnii ui thatjuu peupocUDn. They eonameni on u>
warn to know aibai l^^oeld doing And it an inirlleciual necesany,
10 judge fram the leneta teteiTed from hundred> It* ednnr.*)* are
compfeheoafTt. ud labor uvuig to tbr bu»r man « aoman
e by Uw beat-ioimawd
■tf .'bmil 8.000 er»e. of
«ln.rSbe nrer her.een ih^ ««.. eiilet
recall, parpo. of teutf-nning
prenmy IRu a farm for the iiorii
of uiar beet alnra. Tbneau'd.
aena of ante laed bar. already beep
Tbia ia dwe by drying
and pampiog at of tee aarpto* va.
trr. The lud ia a daik rieb
vbleb vtak drained aod enltlTated
Baku tbe beat kind of lud for celery
ad root eropa
aad women to ]udg.
of Jt2'»e‘".lr?li^"*"
I kno-*-*i.«'“mll,h il. r..l. s'elirr .^ ''RT.'.‘■’.^''*''d r'.li'r
umnaTiew. hate beea i.fewnird lo •■*!* ii «ery l>.gnii ind...i I think
me that I Ci.-ild n..t tMbftwiye have ii a vnv im|.xiani (-..i ul my
— Tkf»irr, AW.riyir -
n atopa pain of erefy kind, du miticrVhi rc l,«-.ic.i it
totshtmu aod ioTigoutea. H a a meOidac ehc« iniuell.
cr ii a TT
Udillon 10 my libiAry.'
vlte a flno berry apoon. Hra Tu has to lx- repaired like olhi
Dyke vUl lure tea to join bar hsathings and Scott’s Hmulsion itead in tee veat
thc medicine that doivif
late PlHiba fM lid
«l l'«obv___p<aai«
s Of tte
tel Little Tarlaof an
Tory pin
gatberiag Kor. Ktii, ud .tte oily
ofBolaUud Bombenot tee eoucll
partook af delibleoa Talaafarnlabad
Olty Attorney Oeorga B. Oreaa
rolaU of tbou InrlMdafea
lepneal. Tbrea of tte aUarma
ud aU of tea moBban of tte board
vbleb BTeni aamben of i
ot pablle verka
pany dlaplayad tbalr talata
Uayor Palohin. Oily Clark Bean.
A plMBM aeetel afteraou vm Tnpnnr Wnnteiy. Olty
apant Ttanraday by tte meabanof ter Croae. Olty Sorfeyor HUbals. Baaltb
tedlea- LUmry Aaaoetetlon at tbalr OlBear Aabla and AUacaa HamUroonu. Tte nporu of Hra W. Peud ta. Boogtey. Oniiningtem. Bonnd,
ud Htaa Clan Batea. dalnnwa W
dlgnltarlu foraU maetleal
■pu7 gathered abat tte
daintily aat tablae of teaBls«~
Tte fiaotelor>a Olab vaa atertalaHr. OroB-dear (ipellod any
d te hudaoBM ityle Friday arwingat vny ya like) util there vu noth.
tee plaaaut home of Hr. udAln.
g left bat a bone, mid tea Uat tea
Oeorga Kllboame, ,u VoR Tate
ttet Aldermu Boud vu gavlag
A TBT prattybeaa vaodiaftote
It. It vu a Baa ^ead, ud eu ttet
plane te tea haBt of tte trtde'a etatar.
wai greatly ajoyad
eraryae preeHb. BdvnrdPanea,8M Wakater-aBaat
at « p. B. Heraabar ». by vbleb
lb. laBtab Oanton aad Wat Uar•HM Doerr van aaltad la aafriam.
Bar. WUteB UafBea mBrtaltasThen la no poiioa ao b
Ttaa booae vaa prafnaaly deaeaaBd ae dcvcpiireud to deatr
— mayoaanetindbcL________________
loftbadiaeavbandiateprand, ud
^cdoetor aaya yoo an
at leeet bu tallad or refoaed-W
aca bare tea dead vlUi Men
Potaab for moaUii or yean, end
ud pco- get at of tea many teal vonld prob
noucad cured—to ntUte
ntoolate ably be vUllag to be eaptniod
teat tte diaeaae oB
Hank. Onsite iBBedlate trtaeda
him. Thoagb Hr. Orau
aad labtlTea van paaeant
***• «r<.ret.>l>..V
lioUed for hie
Bote Hr. aad Mn. OaMa an veil
aaoggeatla u ti
illTsad tboo
teova Tatrarea Olty yooac poopla.
kid help him ia til
a tefeeted by (bia laetband tea good viabm of tbalr aany
The gathering to dlasna tee ralor DO oibrr poiaon la ao
trtaada to vlte thaaL
Tbay vill be
ted from parrot to cfaUd aa upper oceorred at « o'doak, and
at boaM to tboir trlaada at IM Web
after tte Tulea vu aU dlapoaod of.
Cnurrfa. Scrofnla or anve akin diacao.
the eeapuy lingered and dianaaed
u eld aon or nicer deaalopiiig te iniddla
life, cu be traced to btood pobod con. otiior nbieola. Tte jvrtng qaaatia
ia for a good deal
tea boaaa of tte brlda'a ivnata on
reaeni eadlt
Frost .inei being reapenalbU
ten tercrer, >
pan of UHa-Calk. It vu decided teal
drirra at ii
uiidete for Ute
lu of tee iBwta
aaid. artilia
Htr :«aa
r ptetant oadltla. tea
_______ ro of Otand Bapida. parfeamad
These poor bodies «e.ir mil
worry, from over-worL
fcom disease.
and weak.
all of the old ones
sd^fot ptrtkuUn u lo bow ii un be bail with *n InvaUinbli act
^ fictaictB of firtatttotf Cemponp
mi friote r»Mt tte brid.
ttfUtfUaklUiMT** Maaiiucu
Mb be OntBd Baydda ». doaatdi
m The grata u luiumi im. modca
MU aPan
poBigB at tte au» ttea boMa
mp tea geoenl
titen.and dnetagUataa
beck a
BtMi te TmaatBaty tei.Badi Baay,vtbaBoelea
MnnBa Tte brMa la vaU knovn andtirarr'
aaar popnlar MKBg tte yang paopto. __________ dtew, faM abe boo to
lb. Bid Hn Batdna vtU ba at mnaliat hoBO. It la fata end al
batetee hub af oec
bnaaln teBr MaMa after Du lat. mm. BandterlC
Ed M Vatetegten atnot.
B dlggnl" afmr tee paring ia pal
City Clerk Bura vu eboau to
take the padwginpba. and U pretebly
------Mog hard at It now.
are y.irkcti
It doen the
inside and out.
WE PROVE dUR RIGHTtothe underweartradeof this sec
tion by quantity we keep and prices and values we show.
A GOOD BARGAIN just now is a heavy brown fleece lined,
done up in two-suit bundles and going at
Don’t miss seeing,<vhat we show in our underwear department.
It make-s'-
hard, thin
places full.
Lxes ali
Only the Ixst ma
terials are used in the palchiny
patches don't
through thencwglOwofhe;ilih
No one has to wait hi> turn,
you can do
it youix-lf—you
[]and the bottle.
Thi« pkmrr rrpr*-«w!»
(lberiadcklkd...l sct.iiY
H t-noUnn nr.d i. ni the
d rtjnj^icT of cwcij licii'.*.
f| tad Iw bte oaBbSCOTT k luiWNi:
I 409 l-ekjl .--I..
NVm \ .'<k.
Omm’i niMr II Hk t rnsmi
IhaM am daya of iMoto and M tea b
Never were more in demand. Our line leads aM others. Writ
ten .guarantee sewed in each coat. We show Coat. Russian
Bear. Dog, Calf. Cape Buffalo. Rat; in fact can get you any kind
of fur you vyish. Our best grades run
iBaen'a. Paepto vbo taan am Mud
■a Btala cf Boaw'a Ftoaur bam u am
g ay otevaxtvnal raaady.
Ftoaava aa
They impeae to bold a knrbu_____
al of-tee-vay pBea ud roaH
»a The feoateU ana ate earBaahan of tea teeolty vtU ba
-vaeta of bomar. aaraedlbn
tlekali. Ualtad ia naater. vi
teld ae dafag ................
■ .1
from long usage.
tba pnn e( beat mna. Bar. Bagb Mdcaateba
Bonady oboteted. After oteyteg a ^Itenia
btiir*— vaddteg dlante vitb tba
They gel ihii,
Some of the nei-
ones arc not well made—am’
-I dr- n..| b
41.^ Rr..r-
Tte lady, boverar. nndtratood
IbM Iba benat vat alnady oa Bra.
and vast to tea rotideaea of anelter
■tltelnvttidhndtea flrodapart
r.« o» X— 4-.a»|
ad donate aaaarnena^ajmu tevaabipa ta Laawn oearty ’
ana little taka baok
vh.li Iba boat amaneed u Ibe rio.
pod'llng vu aerrad. that tea riea ted
Tha Ektl Bide WtiUi Olab
Part Place Friday eeeulog ud ea}oyed berii to Beffaloud baok—It vu part.
aarlei of goedmnea te Iba parlon. w> be aald. of tee aru pouda
aoatwred aroud terongb tbalr
A patty of yodag people gaWrad at traok (by tte pwBbaaof tteolBb)
tea bom* of Braea;Huabev on Bri|.
atreei Friday at a recepilM for
ir wedding trip la
Him Aau Aedena.
Th-< goea6
Id teitilia lo tbe damage done
.^Iday erulngthatalorud ioUo abtpplng by tbe reoent lag oddiIu^
pUyad tvroia. for mb
prliet ven von .fay UIm kUe WiUor mediair aoeletJaa of Obrlatten Endar
tetjnle. tee m
ud Allle Haaafanl ud tbr oooaeU. or of tee Ooegrentloal ehnreh met
by HlaaValllt BUskbon ud at (Be bomfoTHtea HaBsad. aaob
farteging a«np of ji^y. gnpe Jnloe or
aa^ ud tea re&Btedar of tba otbm dellcasy
rite alek. or a
orenlag* vaa pamad vltb gum pad
tib. . .
nr time VM u
TbondayeTuingalttehoBirof Hra ed. a Tory pl^ngiogtBia vaa rei
ud otter tteuaru aerrad
Joboaa ra Weal Sigtath lirwt City
Attorney Qeorgt H. OroB eotarteioed lua tee er^lsg-'rary ploaauti;
tea Indy empolyea of teuton of Wil- And good oheer viU b^ carried i
tick ae at tea realt of tte
- '
firo.. vitb W. a. Bradley aa
Never thought of such -t
sign for a medicine did you ;
tee eloB of tte ooelal
lima, ud tbr arniag paaaad raiy daFaateni SBr, vbleb vu la the Well, ft’s a good sigiv fi
utsn of a bravaU W Hra Tu
Scott's Emulsion.
Thv bod
Tha HU of ten teat vu diaenmed
'ka. tee
U voA* trtcbttal TBD tor tea tea
HMt vltfa tee ttrwta la tbrlr pnaant
■tedllloa TbaBodOtvao teal the
UteonnU aaanaly baaean, and tba
ttei Bada tea vaaana joaptlll It vna
diteaalt ter tea BtB to atay oateas.
At tea Motfa tod or Obb tliM brld«
tea* vnna ds or alfbl potato vafent,
rteUh did not fol OBl of tte way
lo riro tea Bra vnicoai toeta.
Aaildi voB erewBad alaoat Into
M Utevalk, aad tte book and laddBviwen eBook a rat ac daepteai
tee tool ben et> tea rear of tea vamo
«« ewMbed Into epllntara aad <Ba ol
tea bMa vaa terovn to bu knaaa
When tea t«w tf tea enppoaed Bn
vaa laaabed. tte BraBon vara IntaCBil ttel a etora ted baan rad-bet.
aat teay latemd to tea eofloa boote
ateet ee VBB ai tea atora bad battk
tired bodube, nevralcic
lube, ivtnrrbal hndacbc.
bendacbe frtu ettiteam. ia
lacl, besdubei of all kinda an
qui^ and aure^ eared vitb
Aaaiqaebat aery daligfatral
ala vaa (ba “•praad"giT«D Friday at
lonn boar 10 Iba oak Perk t
an by HlaaB FllkteaTaylor ad Kalaa 10 tee Bfte grade room. Tba das.
vatlaa van pink eanalloaa ad tea
follovlng man VM tarred:
Hub B«o» a.e-icBek*l'ain>.( PmUIo~
Friday aflernoa te booor of Ur..
Praddea. mother of Hra Oady; vbo
Uvea near Seattle, Waahlagloo.
teeaa of Lake HMddgu by BUteg tea i catribaka a artiolaate Bay do a
tenter Btini III with aatd. Itengu-1 a tea ubyaet of " Wobu In Untra-1
teao tea foote U teaiaitiu-
FIBy-gm bSa BDute bam baa Bkda
■ . g vava pro.
$H, $15, $17, $22, $25,^
Goat Coats much cheaper if you want them..,...^MaHi^
twaav-fov boom"
IDammoll) Selling
At Our Store. Speddla
that (HiU tbe crOard oor
way. Not apeciah for a
few day*, but spedaU till all are gone. ^ what we have for you now
Sto -•!*
Tbora ta
Tha ftaffelk Beantal »ad DIbm- aoraaem ii baalabad.
ana lUtfillar. Perry Itetta'
BrtWak MT7. It b b*Umd tbai
lh***bl<«i » ttKMOf Brilbh Bll
on wbe boM at IM Baatli of OaaadaOaak <n» a wt roml in IWI.
Willb Blaka of Owboedab. Pa..
«M tM to a alaka bf a »lolooa on
IHlen. «ho pllad op wood abeal bis
aMI aat II OB Bia. Aa Uw flaaaa crept
Bp Hieha falalad. Wbaa be raeorcrad
noaacinnmi ba toand lb« Axe oat. a
paorldMUal brwu teWa« awept i<
A. *M.
Laalla of ' Ohloapo w
Inc of «i>« o" »»«»»
Brpnnt ot Tiaeeraa Cl...
_____ for tba Oraod Tmeetw Hamid
aod Ermine Eaooed, apaot m<
thU pUoa 00 batloam
V. 8. Oomall. Hcbl karpar al Foi
UUnd. apaot a taw dap. of Uat waak
Loaal nimroda report
wUdbaaal at larjca In tba wooda
It baa iwyod apec lamllpaabon rlilL
Tba tedlm of tba
Obu^ Aid beelaip bald Ibalr racaUr
DoatlDC la tba obarofa parlon Than
Hn. Marab Oacnoe
a an~‘‘
la tUrfork ywtap.
Vanaarandhb wUaandUUla oblld
t. Caapball ba<
Maauir took op ttalr laaUaooa. Mra
nan trip to Ohl<
Paraer aUowed tbe Bra rear old ohlld
a li Is Korthpert toto php aboot tba bam a baadrod dap oalllac
Tba Indira' Basalt Seeletp of tba
Tmrtb tm. tba boaaa oo tba ad«a ol
L K clicmib ar.- lo ba bald tba Aral
tbaweoda Wood aflarwarda aba clap,
padtetbaraar docrtolookaftortba
Joba RefltI apaal Tbaradap asd PniBbr'a aalatp. Kaar tba bam aba aaa dap la Tiararaa dtp.
.dM Mp paalBit Inlo tlia epaa of an
toBaitb .
bBwaaaa moonuln Uoo. atralobad ap
00 tba cnand and morlac toward tbe
K. A. DaOollar baa mid
ebiU bp t«*aa Tba laothar (aarw)
to mU bar baabaad. wbo waa in ibe
read |aat out of alirbt. bat qoloklp ra.
•alead apoo tba obUd't raaoaa
8be Mildlbi mrod froB aattmelloo bp
aMtadilewlp toward tba lioa. flattatiac bar apmo to atnaol tu attaaA. V. Ualla of Ubleaco will arael a
ttm (ren tba babp.
In ibU wap aba If.ooo entiaar a« Nortliporl Baaoh rraerad bp hardlp paroapiibla ate|w u^ MTt. wbloh win ha OPcaplad by bU
amllp dortbc tba aamiaat.
wllbls twalee faat of tba anloal,
Tba C
wblebWOoeMad low and norad oolp
' laa
IM >twa aod talL Qairklp tba liflod 0>» near fatare.
ap tba abtld wbieli bad barar etorort
How't Tnia7
ila apaa fto« tba llflo. Tba aotbai
MMtad badiward aad aank athanalod« tba doorttapa Jaat ai,bar hnabaodappaarod attbb door. Fnnnar
motahad ap bU van aad abet tba
tbar daad wbara It eranobed. It o
atad lab faal froa tip to tip aod
Wblfbad KO poanda.
At Eaton. 0..bat««aa aidalBlit ted
. Saadap menliii aboot *6.000 worth
^ plait (taa wiadowi la tba baaloeai
peWloa of tbe town w«i tnkao bp
.. .,,,5
^ reoabtlp
m at Daptob, aa earad.
W ttooaa for daBallablo* 1« win’4owa. Ill bala* Urea pUlc claaa la
:yrr.------ ------------Ba wot floallpmp•Biod. aad pUoad lb >IL
Boatano a
—ware Indlp oot ipid ba la andar
. dbaaaio ot aptapaloUb.
Hla »
- -
.Bltb'a Oraaa Booaiali
dolnc In all maaaof
ooeatliatloBa, ahattrrad
iBpoacrIabM blood ihli rem^p froB
(he OtrwB................................
Brarp bottle U soM aadai aa ^baolate
Ria.ia a Mnani. Wh.4.v.l..!
illSi aptba aptacBt pnla (btc.
At any tec
Men . heavy all wool 8o*. ..................
Men s heavy fiemd Bocka, l&C val.
m<n't lliidtrawar
SS .*" ir^fn Mi^aVy k
...... \....................... .....1.24
7ail».* '
,u....................H.« Price
The Holidays Are Fast Approaching ourstote is well filled with
new goods and still every freight train and every boat that ar
rives in the city brings more goods for The Racket. Make The
Racket your headquarters for buying Christmas presents. Our
assortment is large, thepricesare low.thequalityisthebestand |
everything is new.
Lamps! Lamps!
(Xld Diahea from .................................................
EvcrylliioK imsKinable iii dialim.
ir in decorated.
plain white
/lOO-piece Dinner Sets at $6.65.
$,$!0.56.$I0.98 '
.............. 1.50
. . : $1.90
C.piece arU for............................................
ThenewthinasinWaterSets at49c. 74c. 89c. $1.10.
$1.38. $1.48, $1.79.
Goodyear glove brand. i
li-pioee KrU fur................................................... $3.98
Tb.- ahove Ifcxaii ar,- tiift.le m U..- Isleat
J? Tew Bummtrs in our Shoe Dept on Second TIoor
1 Men's Bnmis Calf $:i.V3 well SboethW close bl ...........
abaped pitcher and bowl and are made in thr.'e
1. blue sod brown
I Men'a EnglUl. Eosmel
Wheninthecitycallatthenewstoreandgetacquainted with our i
stockand low prices foryourownbenefitpatronizethenewstore >
132 Front Street.
P. Sandelman. Propr.
Men', high gtAle Vai K4d, rope alilch. leather lioral Kborw. radn. ed from « to
:i sole, to heel, lalesi lor*. $t valuoa
Get Yoor Job Printing Done at the Heralil Office.
bin b*t aelp hsaks lbs valaaMs msmgtUl tahlst UbI was oa lbs loaib as4a* tba aapoU'of Ih* tett moaiiar,
Wham tba oaoqa-rcr I# barlad. bai
Ihv blao kaek away aanp oUwr val•aUas balOBilsf to U» mosqas.whlob
mama to hi jaae.Uoallp BBC«*rd«L
- MissaaddtaSanpspsbt Saaday at
abalf smUlbC tat**Mr. Plsbsr's tacbafam«fa4lB^«
heaM ter tbe wlaw.
Tbe Mid. Ilka tbe Ire. ahoald be Candy Cathamr’
Don't accept I
proBpily dealt with. Wbeo yoa be.'fraudulent tubstilctes, imitations or ,
-------------- h u^ Allen i l^DB Ba^ <-„uwerfeits! Genuine uUlrts stampeoalda't be i nocli
bcai tar tore; I cd C. r. ^
Nercr n,,i,i
sold in balk.
D.*a'- thrcal abd Iobbi and It n
All druggiata. it
A telacmm from BaU*1a.JeTa. aayi
ebolam hac brokan ool at Boerataya.,
uid la aprcndloc
Froai lOo te iso
oaaa an reported dally.
"Oaia tbs eoechand save the lifa”
>r. Wood's Morwsp Pin* 8pmp ear«
aaeba aad oelda, (lows to iha vary |
Wayaa Cmaty Baak hlit-. DETBOIX
aail wi
of tba I
Blow dot
---------1 for laanllp
.aatkaaf hli aos»lss..waa
taaiweatblB Bawarki ‘
“'"“.v.r PATENTS.
ti tb*m an ftvm IX)C to S5.50.
dbt bnrtlac ot claaa
XBaWabot tha iraat Aalatia eoo'
•Mfar. TaMrlBM. wbo dortmprd tba
THOa. b. aPRAOUl A aoH.
ja^cTjohnson .._______ ________Don't AecepHSoteWuta!
at oaa'a rltali
w6na than cb
ptla. Yal th.
Ulotamt narei
Una lot of Me Tama to eloae at
Vaa Pall
Al Wayoe. I
■afore Jaatloa
rer for ablpFor the aaormd UtamatloBal_Llra plac daeki ool of Iba
*W aad roata Depalp Oame Warden
SBitb arteatad hla October se.
Soirtba Pwe liarqneua will aeJl e»eeralen tickeia al a rata of ana fair
rrwitlona_ and o»
our p.i.-m
'bt-y ar« tlie ntwMl rr»>atlona
doek Blood Bltura.
...................... 40
oda. 75e kind..........................................................
Silk Host
detailed la tbfa
'a of 1
mfcea fras oar record of ei-----of^yTtcal ihallbaoolp too flad to
,t tf lamps-
m tba aiplBB for
On Our Basement Floor.
TbaPlwKb loadwap baa awi
tba Prlaa for Vlrtna of 1.000 fraaaa te
Oaella Motaad. a aaawiatmaa. wbe la
a dwarf aad la»«. abd who. bra
acaot Upaarahaa aapportada
ilptlc talbar, a tick motbaa ai
Ibtotberaaad Blatara.
s Whltsay'
Mm O. Blctards and asa. KarL v
Mtd laat Friday.
BsT. Wade of Bmptrs attended .1
acavsbUcci here SamidapKlas Bet* Cork U ssaplac at 0
,ly at tha hoBC
MSB. Mac Jobbctl.
Lacs BUbp speat Basdarp ben vlaItlw Maads and ralattvas.
Ib, W. a T. 0. will bold tWr
. c!':s“JrK‘i5br^s^^
MMbn*' BMlioc; topic. "Ilcollb aod
Handily." Enryborly lovlted
-waa tbrawu fnm l>i<
lawbcr wacon c ,c day laat weak, lbs
■rer hla body.
kaa .batbcwaa badly
jtn. Ubbls Dobbldaon baa a
Iron Bwpin te bar tatbar'a boa
car* fw W taotbbt, wbo ls b> poor
Anotlier Laiyc Bunch of Fine taees.
all widths, also Insertion. 5c yard.
her abaaoc* laat week,
while »t Saskoaa Say.
Edllar W. B. OaapboU of the l^a*, wm ta Umad Katdds lact week oe
All Pure Silk Ribbons. Ko. 9, in all
colois, wndh 12c, at Tc yard.,
Jackets and Suits-3 Good Things
Ladi«’ 4» inch fine Oxford Gray Box Coats, with back and
front yoke, stitched, with cuffs, silk roaminal lining
this coat at................................................................
Misses Long Golf
Coats,. ages 6 to 12 years.
,---- - This
. .... is a very
stylish coat—made
■at—made up of fine imported Golf
GoH Shawls-Shawls - ^ KQ
Nothing like it for wear—this coal is worth Sio.cx).......
Ladies’Stylish Walking Suits, reduced from Si.'. Si'-. S'6. 10.98
Ladies Fine Dress Skirts, made up of Broadcloth, finished
nicely, with tailor stitched bands, in black, worth ?>J-.5o,
aSSn^t.^ trtteb
la sbUplM
Piaak SMSwdoI Bales vlritad twinttn aad trtanda la Ibla ploea cb Bai•via. laat. '
Fine Handkerchief Linens, In slnjlc
and Double widths, at 80c. $1.00
and $1.25 yard.
3 pair good Cotton Blankets, fcr $1.
Underskirts and Waists
Ladies' Black Mercerired Sateen Underskirt, with a veiy deep ^,QQ
flounce—a very sightly skirt at........... ....................'
Of course we have better ones at S1.50 and up to the fine «Jk ones.
Ladies’ Taffeia^^ilk Waists in black and Red, worth Ss-SO-
I >ur l>e«
Flannel 'Waist we placed 00 a table by ihemrelv
are the
the S.;
S.; «o
«o ones,
ese are
ones, and
and to
to make short work of efi
at ....-• ..X.........................................................
up the line we have priced th
V Silk Waists at
Colored Ividerdown. for infants'
1 K
cloaks, per S-d....................... -........
Dark I'lanneleltes. in'very pretty patteras. for
waists and wrappers, rqiiilar Sc qual- RlZ
iiy. at per yd...................................... vv/*
«cial in Bleached Muslins, full .i6 in. wide.
We have just one case of this, and it comes
in lengths from 20 to 30 yds. worth K1/
7C yd. Sold only by the piece, pr. yd
Table Linens from 25c .
to, per yd........... i.......... •-
Napkins in bleached or unbleached. KAO
at 75c per dot. to....................... wv
SPECIAL—A few pieces of caster color Poplins and Melrose, worth $ I
and $ 1.25. per yard.......................................................................... . " *
SPECIAL—If you want a neat, up-to-date dress you should see this lot of de
sirable dress goods: all the new shades; $1.25 values, per yard at only - 8S0
SPECIAL--36 in. Black Cashmeres, nice soft goods. 25c quality, per yd only
SPECIAL—Nice lot of colored Dress Goods in brocaded and plain, worth
25c. this lot is selling fast at per yd..........................................................................aOo A sm»ll line of ladies'
We are showing a fine Cheviot in black and navy. 50 in. wide, at per yd
Black and navy Ocean Serges and Cheviots. $ 1.25 goods, at per yard only
Fine Pebble Cheviots.-in navy, cardinal and black. 52 and 56 in. wide, per yd 81.80
We also have the famous 1003 Broadcloth in black and colors, at per yd
The new Etamine Cloth, in blue and cardinal. 50 in wide, at per yd
Heavy Skirting—We are showing the largest line in this vicinity in all
Golorsand prices, ranging from 25c yard up to...............................................88-80
i=>mcE:s DO IT.
a Harm-
r IlUaoU called al U
D*. MaPball U la lacMnd today <
Extra Qualliy Bed Spreads, worth
$1.50, at 98e.
““coiS.*',^, 5"';
-farfatm a vary awlooa opemaoB.
We can simply quote prices and as best
we can describe the goods, but we would
like to impress upon your mind the fact that
the prices we ^uote here are always on nice
clean desirable goods. That is why we are
always busy.
Fine Linen Towels for the holidays,
at 25c each.
Strictly all wool Flannels in stripes and ch«ks.
used for shirts, underskirts, boys' '1 Q
waisK. etc., alwaj-s sold at 15c. per >-d • J- ^
cosmiroBT pBf-ABnfXbT.
Judge For Yourself
New Lot of .Outlnr Flannel lit yartl.
J. W. Mll-I-IKEN
Our underwear section ‘ is a busy spot these
bt your win
days, li you haven't bought
. e sbowiiw s
supply, do so now as we----I yriSa' and
very strong nunwere. in1
«*<. Thai w*«o*dlaU* adotaliboa t.toe teittu oaxtoMtokoT*
MOf lb* ball fbloBaloMoo. It,
h«*I* *a
« {« tte TimTttw Oltr. Lm)^
HI? “ttVtT
* «■*■><>■■ «*
lU»lTtirTWrt?m*a?^5^ I
1( tptmn ifa>l tkm Lm«
Ub^ «U<A tat tMiTBd K>
■Mb MeoMtrawat h««. wlU ta
«b«t dm* te • M. UM«d ef • fn
pH*. Tb* felloiru* CraH tb» tnm
■ 111 111 iBHIMlIlll
"AnlalM wtn m*i tron Onod
• fv fillBc M IabcUx
Snappy Bargains
tod **H
u.'s.jSsS Watcbts
Now then. Boys and Girls, we're look
ing for you—are've loaded up with a
You've arorked
^ heap of watches.
hard and ought to have a watch, esIntCOtS h.riandouBhi
pedally when such
little money will
larlM tb* BlalaMn aad oibHapaoki *n to irtT* ibl* t^lr (paolai oimbiIm n)stfthfi< buy one—you can scare up $10 easier
WatM/KS than a d«^ can scare upa-Pa’tridRe”
i;**tt*Hl^ That *a ant* a llbaloll
can't you.'
;&Maek^pgRof ^«ort •»«>«:
Ttau w* coattaM to ado-
rr *“«»
Olty. L
r iBllraadBj
We will sell you choice goods at bargain prices. Items
m every department that will interest you. but space
here to mention only a few:
satin. S15 value...................................
oaM akao la all BOcaataMed poiS of |
I lb* eoeat7. oaa baU tolac bhi M tb*
k I Ooaat7 Loon* tnaaairr aad Ibaballaaer to be tatalBod ft* local Dead*.
I RMoleed. Thai w*
fa»<» BM 00I7 •
HioraeoiHi of laaaoei lav* foiili*'
eonriliiiHtot tb* lloBor oaBo. bat
lb* Bltimal* r*BO<ral af ib* naOc
tti>m kiat* aad aatloe.
A role of Ibaaki waa rIth Ibe,
«t>o an BHB«d la lb* p*t«B Tb>
tenehlar of llMR»d MU ibr ppuof * BOV MnlHiT f« HlAtiBD
psepk. • dlmiM vUeb iBlInad m>
ar I* dHH««d M liwi coo of Uw
Ml pepnlu iBun ohton in lb*
■M.BDd vUeta BOW Uu rM>
Cut this advertisement out and bring
it to us and arc will allow you an extra
ten per cent discount on your work
or purchase.
E. A. Vettoo of lb* Sra of Oeek dt
Wooioo lefi today for Detroit. 8*pl'
P. Pearl* roiamod Satardar.
Bkhl troin . bailaon trip to tb* apri.
ealnral ioploMl aad vahlel*
for lb* toll inda
Mra Howard Btova etSaakok**.
Ill . U vUlllBC 'Ufa WiUia Ana.
: R. Oalky aad C. a Stoaky
r from 'SalWe* Bay^lU*
Ital BMokaf tboM* road U bolfo
aOUloa dbllan. of wUeb. aeoardtac
to la*. IHO ii paid la for *>*7
• •
I iHi, A. U Tbantoo of Klnp*l»y k
lb* iMd vlU oorer.
Both Ibe** •ortooaion.cpabl. aodJkiheeltytodoy. '
“A* MW KloblfBD laUroad. odd* well kaowa aad Ib* nkblubmoal of ; m, .
Mra A. T. Pnk ktl today
fttoa bolafl e( iatocool boiaito of th*
. hoapikl will to a pood
. voeaiioa la toalboro Hlobkaa.
n, aad Hra A- V. Priodriobtov*
totol iwauotloa of lb* m tDoefpor- Iblap fH tb. oily aad tpiatottttd by
pone to Ana Arbor f» a vUtb
W. K. Ctoaptotl. odlur In Ib*
; Konhpon Loo^ k la ttfc olty toOiaari hall wo* paoked to lb* don* .
tow ban ovalac propenj la lb*
Oiaad Tiaran* Bar rHort*
BOW ptapaiad abov tbal tb* T. a, U
* M. will roB hoB ■thTHH CII7 to
Mtolhport aoniH tb* pHlamla b*. oppMUoalolbenlooopower, a.lb.l''‘*‘"»«
donfhter. Mra W tt
SwaH Onad Tioran* ba7 aad l^e
UroDd Tiovom ooaaly brooob of Ito ^^'f
Xkhlm aad paodac Ihroacb Omb Aati.aalooo Leocav Al tb* fareaoao
Bt^mboprnao of lb* Oawhan M7 koal pwipk ipMd tb*
Patoot fkaqe* Oo
totowta It vUI rl«a to Oneo* aad
« olty yLiorday. \
to ■tolhporl both at whlob on vld*V. P. O. Wood ot faBHlkk i.
tb* olty,
.Ity. Tki^ bU ^ Roy Wood.
^ boM la Xlahlaaa. tb*te oalH^ lap ftotai* of tbv
ot Ito
Pork Pllm bar^ ibop.
• Park
nadkotlUtk* BBd effaro ompaU. J. W. *9taagoil bM fOM
tot dlauon were broaphi
ta ter tb* bool llo* aorrlM wUidi k
tf Uhm* who wen to aiiaadoae* KIk Raplda
P. A kfitehetl. of Wtnltoae, k ti
u tto ooBToolioe. aad lb* W. C T.
U. HtaainlioD of lb* oily bod pleaiy the olty OB baole*** todif. '
Mr*. Ray Watt k rktUap la tkdlb
of fiod tor then who bad muA i*
wMr«b*Sold M too iballaeoadio.
do thia n ttoi ao 00* bad to ^ baa- toe tbi* wHk.
aan lb» ri<bl of *07. Tu kad
Prpak Oaaoel of Orowa. wa« ta Ito
ha« akad7 pteiol*»d. bat lb* oxom
city today.
pkaot ibreafhvbloh lb* rood
fevUlaalbokaeva oatUofiortbla
nm WedBnOy'a kwoM
oBoonao follow*:
hrip of lb* *c(to*«* aad IbH lb* fwOouty Olert Walur
Ikto* of
mat itBHfwo will b* to*da
tb* waok at Fife Imk*. wbon be will
“la aatlelpatkB of tb* urltal la
HI Thukaplvliip tarkoy tomocraw.
Baorolary-O. A. Johaaoa of TravVenhpert of lb* T. a. U * M., [uJodp* J. M Brardoe of Itba
Um tna eatald* tb* alot* at* ab«ad7
rbo bat btu vtalttop O. D. Eauy
Tr*a»ant—0. A. bi aiaOBd of)tnv
Ito a*ylam. bn retoreod to tak boma
toiHlbp a totcBiSoni bekl Iban
wbkh It k told wiU b**H of lb* ftaI Mimlmata Portaob toapoaolo Au
Mia tb* BMh.Arbor to visit bar auk Mn Iman
Priedrioh Smilb. aad
a B. Manap
tbk *19 (tota*
Ooorpe W. HaU. Rov. W. L. Laafkaa
ooaito Oooalk. wbo an ap tram Flor
Ihtoh* balkn. tbu lb* Me*M7 aad B. J. Falpbaaa
•Spltol to balld tb* Um U aew
ida for a TklL
All of Ibe
Peter Stotmor at Smptn k to tb*
B* ny* tbu tb* ***1*.
<z ottoio member* of lb* exeeo*M wlU b* ton rrid*7 la aenfuj
olty today.
ramoiilMe, wliooreto plu tb*
W. a Bmel. af Karthport k al tb*
with &. a. H*tb*aB7 aad that hit tor tb* eouly. oh ttoi lb*
1*0. Mp* vtU to U oae* tokea
Bomtoon ot tto varieao ponin an of
.Ralph Oa*e of Ktopttoy
tto ripbl attiiaa* to n«ard to tb*
lha voUap of tb* bawd* of hit.ouoiiy
Wblitop today.
or if BOI tofarm
iMkBhabd BaltoM Bay wwubtp*
Oeorpo Balt bb4 Roy Otbto wm to
Ito TMr* of tto eouty a* to Ibk
kMattaaktod lb* |Bo>*eton aad Mr.
Mamy baUam tbai iton wiu to ao
dUMtolB taaviap lb* laid* fieatod
Children's Navy Blue Cassimere Sults.doubid breasted coats, aaes
8 to 16 years, worth 2.25. at ........................ ...................................... .. *.1.50
3 Men's heavy Fleeced Underwear, all sixes, resular 50c Boods: al. 39c
TM Skk iMlTtii IMM Sntoi rm.
tap ae Caol Pnat atmi.
Tto aaOw
laanadad la potUap Iton partially
-----------------atoppad at Barlow atmt. bat <
tMap oMa Mankd ttoiaaiid lfa*y
We are now sailing the old ship alone and if we
don't sail her into the harbor of success, it won't be be
cause we don't try to ser\-e your needs so well that you
will have no occasion to look elsewhere for anything in
our line. Our aim will be to handle REI.l.ABLfc;
GQOUS ONLY, and at prices as low as conservative
business principals will permit. We buy from the most
reputable manufacturersin the country—their best goods
and principally in car load lots, for cash- and we know
we can and will give you better value for your money
than our competitors can do. Of this you can be con
vinced by looking over our .
n------- ....
■ Traverse City Mich.
wbtoh o.veniS^.frvTtoi.-r.j.fSo'^BYir.p'^
at ibe Hly aUr to tbe valuble time.
Ofltoe boan S a. m to S p. at
IbeoHvuUH to
B,tto wtvH'
ly bakaomi
I b*aaou-|
Tto major nffotad a pood daal dortwappltap op*n-1
IW tto alpfat. bet k fain/ oomfoH- low*:
Wberen Tb* ealotm witta it* aliaa- lloa* QO a krp* *oale.
- ahlotoday.
ui eviU. k a ooesmat moral m*e.
Tto kam wm feaad lam* u tb*
*M*kry. aad wu toupbl to Ito livary tora of R J. Honan.
wn nUod to attoad btm. Hk w
■a dtamid. aad to aad Mn. How-
la plu.
for tbe ThaBwlrlip main mrvim k tto obaiebM
^to Uw
Cut Prices
Wberea*. Tto Woe* of tbk oour an vtoklor* ot tto atatatM of tto
-Ale ntltop ta mtoon aad to totnei :
Hied mra. nlllap u 8aada.v. leael
bolidey* ead efkr boan eta. tovtoc
Ito kw« of lb. *•
« aairiu im on
fotn tto am. aad
Ftn Rn Um •tHiniss. Blaolnls.
5,;f-okimJ. now
jij 50 kind.'oi-w ...
Fn CnIs ad Fhsli Robn
Giass of TToftr.
and u (IrjTul i\a|>i.K Ldt
:<l kmd.now-------
gaMKls •■Illy
00 kind, now...............
which are arriving this week.
Also a kw other makes at
BLANKETS—samples, no two alike—at about half
price and will give you the l>enefit. FJon't miss .this
has inanv g.KMl liargains in
Misses. Woincii's and Child-Ten's wear.
trouble t>NF-RH'Rm t)l F tm
' Mf-n's Sample
-allM::es. Come early and ,o show gCNcnfs, compare our
bargains, uur
get value reccived.
pricesbefit makefi.
Xmas SIi|>pcrs for Men. 50c. 05c. 75c. mx. St. Si.is. S1.50, St-75 and Si. Xmas Slip
pers for Women. r?c, Si.,>1.^5, $i.^o,and S1.50. Don't overlxjk our line of leggings
and overgaiters.
of this week, we will show you the finest carload^
Surchvru klirl,
Til- o; i K-!uf'!t- Siio.- HooM-
ever shown in Traverse City. And our prices will be
about the same as others are obliged to ask for cut
ters that won't bear comparison. You will only have
to see them to appreciate this fact.
ofilo* or lit* lutvy delaHuetil. li. urv
K. Xrltcmii. oo* of tin. r*«akr otorrh
*n ul mariae eveoi, tlr.isa*l*d l->
Ito ehiet
hydnwtapfa.H. offinallv
vooebre for Ib* •iiileac* of * *•-• **r
Tb* followui* i> 'b- r-port
skit-xl Oct. 9:. ot
RaMer ttst n n Htadtiiaftifs fn
Wood Swlai NkNhh
p-nt a«wU^*TtoBt lt«> f**i loD«
Tb* head had a blaai. *qiiar» Doer,
and va* rjertinc vat*r lo tbe betobi
of two or ttarv* fort from lU una.
Tti* animal ot tab bad Ibio* diflinri
•eieof fioa aad a lai! Ijiti* arroa.
lit- a lorpola*
Uo it* Utt-k w*-a
braduR ahool
moviDC kuwlv
Iio* mad
Vaated—VOD lo •** oer lio* of Cm.
erw. TratviH Cut Imp
iDooeeoon lo Jam** A. 11-
127 State-Street. Traverse City, Mich.
*L*. Ji: From Su
o Power
day ID kiliadc :?-<Wtv*e tdjoiuiot**
Dorth. aad loBKina* HU deer*** !'
Th* Kr« Stood. tneV* eo is
With it you raa bay cliraper aad;
for it-M^ll cheaper.
We^hi^totlirorcHl, onlyaod tbio
eaahlH «
tu tf
tu viirr
ufft-r >ou
tun euiii
S pkg*. of hairbaok* IkuariBg
2 pkga. Malto Viu......................... 25
Wi Hut Yw Mir ut Eggi '
Higbist Prfm Piii.
NOVELTIES of every
description are being
added to our stock of
useful articles - Pretty China
and. Bric-a-brac, full sets of
Dishes and single pieces at
lower prices than the ordinary
bazaars can sell them, as we
have three big stores to buy
for, and the “quantity makes
Call and see us.
ll^ Kroct Streel.
I'ui a baodialof/ilMto
ve/fee in a plamol water.
Cut Prices
I—ua aalA oB ADCTaL-l hat* aai ocm
praiait Tto «armoa at tb*J«t M. «■
•banb wa. maohid ^ Bm. W.
T. Waadboan pMlor of tb*
.SM MtaraL Tbl* terTk* wm parItoipitod to by tb. Baptkt. Plrtt
M*M««»» Oupneattoeal. Dmalpln
■d rwabllilliii lik.inlm
HoPteawM. Xw IS.O. d. B..aad tto
Reliable Department Store ‘
mm ^itotoKo.
fnud* tb* remit obmieed by tb«ir
D«w*y*t»m. All wbo-eall apcm Ibe
■toctod to tu toidH tbu *VH.
doctors befote Sov. *. will rookve tto
At Bon atnat ea* of Ib* tapi broke
.. -------- bMwBt of ibeti •ervlom util eared
aad tb* MBpM of the wapeo feU oat
Seoood. E 'free of oharpe. If yoo tov* Rb*-----rd Rcm*r;'<i»-Kidoey or Bladder tnable.
at Ib* MOkyok* aad onak late . tb*
: alyka Bean Dtoeam. b
-- b*bif.‘
proaad. Tto wtpW> wu tha* thrown
— —- to oand ,
into tto ak. aad Mr. ud Mn K*w.
•ye.cui. Xb* Deolon wilLl
conk WHO IhrowB oat with piw
iibinp DOi euotlyoo tb* pro. locate yoor di*m*o witbm a*bl^
praMwu *pratic al Ibe oouty eoo. y<» uy asMtioaa
' ttou.
*<*“ »Nnld fail
Mn. Mewoenb did aol nSw a lin- vmlH of tb* Aati.8alooo Leacoe
. Bta MBtob. aad atld* tram tto nron
.. toaUap WM Bot ta tto kaal lolond.
D-afaem oand by u mlroly aew;
L Bat Ito major did not tuo h wok
8 ■* n*otr»d two very mvar* onlp
i wauto. hk kft obealdor wm brakoa.
■ 'Ibo MloaldH bUd* bolap fnelarwl Ufi*oruaae.builteBlUmaiedeeirac- ud caarute* every earn w* aeoma.'
idaatloa. Tbl* raeoto- oatab'e- If yoa havt eamrrb or toap
B ripbl to tto lotot. U* body wm badly
il a brief bat riporoa* •
.«**• “<> kv eamtoed.
r toakad Bad towa* tottlbly *tokn
Tbe liDfOinit Mn,
Too a**d
Ma}<« Cko. E. M.weoab ot tb* p
tank abd bk wU* won lb* viotl
afahad roaaway aoetdat Uat w«*k
tool maltod la ib* aertoa* tafarv of
Olty; Blair. 0*ora---------Ito toBjor Bbd kipfar bar* m
Wetby. Urmwii: Paradtw. Roben U.
Ttoy wu* *■ ihalr
Uaioo. Ptuk
ha«B abaat I e'ekito. wbea tb*
iMwr. Fife Lake: Fife tok*. W.
wwd- drtvtap toeaia*
Brower, Fife lake: Mayfield. Bud
OIbba. Elopdey; Onel. J. K. Ku-1*^^ poor alike are treated.
adtotaa atarlto O. R*L 1
................................................. r..........................................
Thanking you for past favors, and^ soliciting a continu
ance of same for our mutual beneht. 1 am very respect
fully yours.
city TiuttopfrlMda
Traverse City.
lb Bbd & R. Roofni
of tb* O. R. * t. OBcl B. a MoBIbo007 of Um MB rood. buUM O a
Mankp of Tibthh OI17. vbo U with Ibr bam of a J. Hot ], bu fomlb* O. a A L ibHO, an ibo rollnad
aad U>*7 tor* •enblitbed 1
hocplial wub all B»e*iwj r orioint> for tb* mauaeal ot dkn*** of
boiM* aad olbat doneiUc aalaota
The buldlnc o* Ski* tttwi. Bear
«no 0117. a a MotbHOT and a a Ualoo. ovaed b7 Citj Tmnitrir
XatboBBp- n>*M dUMlon are obo*- Wonbaip. hu bn* eakrped aad *•Um
M0I7 Ur ibe FmpoM of tsoorpor- pMkIt7 filled for tb* larpeaa
*tU» BBd tbolj oBOooHun vitl U pan k divided tato Mrerol •talk i*owilb eT*>7 oooTeDl«DO* aad
ObOHB Bl Ibe flnl BBBBal Mill
1117 for tb* ear* 6t alok auimak.
dal* for vUob ti aoi dxed. Th
50 Electric Seai Ccll.rettes, $2.50 kind...........................................
10-4 Extra wide DouWe Blankets .................... ....
HssUll, the Btstfimq 3ewtkr,
nwolailca adopted «Bml7 fwiand-;
lac Ut kbiH* for hU *»>*lkal wort ! _
udi>mot *ap*rlai*edaat.
. I pr.« U.odu • U'v.M
Verlto C Tb*a*M ntaiacd 1
f. '■ rity auanky •nalnp. afur *pMdlBp
, a Uttir over a year la ■oatlwra k
I Beginning Satirday.Nev. 30
and Ending Wednesday, Decemlnr 4tli
1 irto;''i3r*^^-srt5r*32 js: ■ FIRE INSURANCE
I aoiL **U -mrto. tto* to li ifc I ml, *rmr i -
Rrst lUlinal Buk ef;
CCBL « SlTilfS b9i^
“.V—■ -“ncsegL.
a an
they aai
, aar^ ■>«
d»w» to o royal
Steward Wbitnay lite •aeorad
taa fat tatfcaya. white wan 1
3 »cr CCMl tim M TUk Dc*Mta.
PMW duMi.*ttbe ™d«*
b<Mt>lMl la OrtOB, ntM timl Mr.
Otaai»e-» FhytfetaB *1T»
«T •»«
tt*t b. U 1»I«CT.
ru B»m U mppM t>y *fc*
D*D«U lodf* 0* Blk. aad t»pe«» an
lo Uw TfaTan. .City lodn «n*T
f»w daya
- --r~..
I. tattiat BloBt nUaly.
n>a Bite wmawned Hoedaynadar
• awctaea of tea new plaaiaf laotj of Brown A Badth near the Pen
s aad tea aa>telaoty u now aboot ready for bati-
fcrroatl tarkay.! Tboaaaada of aaffenn hara prorod
_____ __________ for Sij^aad
Tba total 1^^_______________
Hcadateaa They Bake para
nawbar to bo ai diaaar
^’btoedaad balld -----------rbteltb.
ap year
eladlaiitba patiaatt, tba
be rbyaieiaaa »Moory
- ______
j If
eol eatad.
Ly ItflO
Sold l.y 8.-------. Wall A Bte. aad Jaa
aa>l aaplayaa, waa imr^r
is money
la wlU be BO acbool. eltbar loday
Circulation this week 2,300-
>oai a idllar.
boiUr aod enyuie rot
M UeSrey. fe* twenty-BT* bnte. Tba Bachioary U of
la Om dcmf tealaMt aad a wall Ml, a new a.'CO posed maicbii
a elllM of UaBUtoa. baaiac telna bariiMi jaal bean added.
IB boftnata tban ouay yaan.
tea beoB tacacad to taka ehaiva of
;l. depoty omoU^r of
Iba dn« dapanaaat of
Hanoab A
I and ProleeliTa
Hr. Melodyaof Iba
rrJ Button Business..
B. a Loottla of Hayflold look oot
dear Itoaua Bo tl» Uooday- Tba lotal
OTiabaf boned laat year waa IM.
Oeem lAlbar baa br»a awi
tea eonlteat for tee W.OOO ootlaar
1«Q M. Loalla al Mcrthpoat Baacb
Iba Utdlaa' Aid SoelatT of tba
jrint H. B. charoh will aarra tbair
anaal Haw Ynr'a dloaet al Oraacr plaoa last aroBln* at tba boma of
Bail, on Wadnaaday, Jaa. lat.
•ba Wide-t aUter la Chloaita Tba
__________ _ partlaa are HIsa Birina
K. *. teoBC. aiaBl of tba W. W
KlaballOo. bat pnaaatod ateh of ibr tiantoo aad Ur. BUtin LawU. bote of
teU city, aad the oaremoo.r will be
tete eteBaoMd with tba loeak aaeoe.'
patformad at tea home of Hr. and
a Baa Tbaakte>tiBg tartay,
Hra. CImrIn SnemiUar
TiBTona Otty Taoi Ho. BTI, K.
Bote tea bride and (rooai bars a
T. IL. will aarra Ihalr ansaal Ootcb
oat of trtaoda ia teU olty. who will
aappar Dec. «. In cOBBoetloa with
tnlta la tba baarticat eoByiataUtiona
Bood iBOBfBm.
AU sir Kabibta a
•ad mod wUbaa
They will make
»d>7«0____ ___
.. Domlaa baa reealrad
word ttel bar aUtar. Hra. Hadalior
Baaaid. Cnarly of Kaat
MW W BaclteW. la aanoaily
left Monday for 9a<rtiiaw.
_______ ‘
tea fond tei«a(h Mr. Balaa who will
teat it will not he lon« till they willl Jv
(orward tea amooeta to tba ataia trnabaroachdnrte^laaaycvebt, and ^
Lt 4«e to knild a
tenrob for thernMl^*.
Borne of kb,- l«i^en of (be more-!
meol on tee weei tide claim teat iliey
have alnadytee Informal approval of
tee bUhop. audlbey roem to hare no
doobt tml that the morement will be
ceiwi aad teat beton eery long a
ehnrob with a iwleel in ebarce.
Will be bolk OB tee weet tide.
rbe committee teat waa appointed
tee OateoliMo! tee wen aide Bon1000. to [■reeeed wiib tee
eecnnnc a new Oaiholtc
ebnrob In tee WMt pan of the city.
Mim Mary Knan of Tiaaano Olty.
Packard will iwibably ha able to
Kiah..andMr. UmU Tareott of BIk
BopBte. Web., aran amiTied al tea «« bU friends by Satnrday or Snadai
bnm of Mr. and Mta. Harahall CbmA Plas .Kar.'TBCIl^
aon on Wmi Htoth atroai oo SatorTba ). K Onilick Oa has Iba em
tey aasntBf at b o'olDok. Tbair
■net (or tba new Hitaros in tea loeawUl ba la BIk Baptda
-loo of tea
Tta«« wUl be a apeclal oonnoil
............ ...............„
till- Parker
tee Boyal A Beleet Melon Friday j „n
(teely imiteed aad deaigned
aroatne. to cbotor tee dogrw upon (g, oaoTenienee aa weU aa attrartiTeaeeeral eandidatM from Beilaire. It la j „«m. The eooaior will taM tee doo*
I men will be tea or j .od will be divided into
-MwbttB Bellalrr.
t ,.^__,.u .____
“ aooii aa
tallow tee initiatory wtwk.
I eland with b mwiria* for ibeba
They hav.- alnady berun tee
work of •eoariug inliacnplioai for tee
bolldmc, formulating a iwtilioo to
aa tee isobey ia talrod.
engaged to nmala in tee
re Vipoae.! and lab-r qaaranlined in
•mat aad impruonment and dnna*.
mim for aae int*»~
•e tapamUte. in Joteiea Brown'. Z.tl 1!^ T.. n“ d.
; tire to tee coonr of l.oalte oflieen Jn
‘ tearte work. Rev. C. T. Stoat, tee'
, ,
ae who wen expand to
tee abaeaoe of farther
................................................... ......
vraof the tearoh.
Many year, ago ,
aod tbe aaUxwitm
be highly econmended tiw teetr
Aa eiplnloa ooearrad ta tte npalr
prr yd. (north about ixiorr) .
ale |>ie<-eB.-i>r piece. 35c to..............
u B
aad auila. Never sold for Itiaa thau
‘.Oc aid SI—special, per yard____
tba haol roai liinc in ibe market
f..r INat piirixjae.
For rir<;ulara
Ladies’ Shirt Waists
Btall’s Drug Ster«.
Black Underskirts
'yyry ry/ 'yy ry ry r j / y rt r y y rryyr'e'yrryy^
le i|Oility mercerired •atin. d.-ep
Made of fine
akirtfor .
Big liae at ll.3-*> up to (->
Taffeta Silk Waists
New Ixit--.-olon> black and cardiual, eUbor.U-1) to.-ked ia back and froot. fairly
.good.iaaUlyailk-fully-orlbtf'^ QQ
|:l >0. very apecial at...................
louncirm the opeiiinj; uf ihe holiday season
are pleased
to state that in m I previous year has there
Skirting Flannels
been offered such a display of beautiful Christmas
have display'
1 Opportunity
n brought
big range of .colon
pvt yard.........................
40c "'50c
Ked or white dannel at 11', 35 op to-50. )-d
together in this city, of
Toys. Dolls, Fine China. Elegant Lamps.
beautiful Celluloid Goods in endless variety,
Children’sChairs. Rocking Horses, Skates. Picture Books. Story Booksand Cift Books. Everything in Cames. Medalions, Fancy Mirrors,
China and Porcelain Dinner Sets. Fancy Goods
and Novelties—in short everyth I ng that our long
experience in handlinBth,sclassaf800d,could
\\'e have gifts th.it will please you. no mailer how
j y^u are to Suit or the size of your purse.
\Vc arc
ready to show you the goods
are \ oil ready to inspect
------------------ --- y yyyyy^
yyyyyyyy y yyy^^^y
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Cn.
E, McMANUS & CO.'’^
Tbe Newest-Mcai. Tbe Best EiBds.tl
Winter Leggings
50c, Women's high tlcccc lined
Leggings. .Sy ;
Boys and Men's Canva, Leggings, foe and
Children’s Warm Shoes
Children's Kid Shoes, neat shapes, warm lined through
out. OCX and 75c: Children's and Misses Felt and Beav
er shoes. <xx. rjc and
Men’s and Women’s Warm Shoes
Women’s F'elt and
Beaver Shoes, with .vnd
leather foxing. 6(x and
Women s
light tlexible soles, side pieces
Beaver Shoes,
of leather,
pure wool
rieece. sewed inside—the warmest shoe made—Si.75;
Women's Beaver Shoes, line kid foxed, kid tips, stylish
enough.to wear anywhere.
$1.50 and Sj.oo.
OYS AND GIRLS come to our
Upstairs Di^t. and see the
greatest lot of Toys, Games
and Blocks in the city. Guns,
Drums, Horses, Sleds, Dolls of ev
ery kind, Picture Books for the ba
bies and children. Story Books for
the boys and girls. For the older
people there is Fancy China, Silver
ware, Vases, Handsome Dishes, all
the Latest Books, Leather Covered
Poems and Dainty Gift Books. This
is surely Santa Claus’ Toy Shop.
Come in at once,^-and buy your
presents, and if you don’t want to
take them home with you we will
lay them away for you until you
call for them.
Fur Trimmed Felt aod Beaver Juliettes, in blue, black,
brown and green. Sioo: Foot-Warmers, made of cloth
woven by hand and lined with pure wool
.Cut,'sole leather sulK'and heels. $1.75. High Cut. soft
leather soles. Si..'5; Low Cut, soft
leather soles, qoc;
Men's Felt aod Beaver Shoes, lace and congress,
41! <hu
>hat only tee lal
In teU
inoiteepUeniwell oared tor. nooe abeeld relax
freqaeat baqanta from trtei^ of tee toirjryu^ la teetr
ebarte Imvealteai
u"thu way saly ea^tne btellta ^
a faad. ao tent la ttma a gate
wool, heavy—aa elegant cloth for dreeeea
' Cbe tittle Biant
Bai« U rMIil t twa law ML
lor a I .Bg offetiag each year an addlUea to' ao grave faan te long at tee
blew eat of a hot water beater aad'
tee Are white atartad tpcaad rapidly '
tm tte teaUe of tee ballfflng. Ko oae
wan laaUa at the time, tat Jea PWroa
wa* Jaai ontalte aad tea Uaae waa
O Pm
Broau mixed, ten mixed, gray mixed, all
leather and rubber soles. $i 50. Sjoo and Sj.50
balUIng on tn and t
drltt. caator, old roee and brown.
Extra Sizes
Leggings. 50c; \Vomen's ten button overgaiicrs.
M tea mme loeaaion.. Hr!•'« 1 ^et, „ Batorallr proad of hie new ioitj. have broo rfleaied. not baring
dereloped anv eymptea. of tbe dUmak* beary porohae** la farm am- ]
Then ere now eo eign* of
ehloary, wagon*. enCMn
peel in tee city or imm^iaw vicinity.^
Tbe Thaakagirieg offering el Otaee
other tee teon white ter city bealih
.anteorttiM beve oombaited. Tiavene
Throagb ber altoroeya. PateUa A
Orouar. Mra C V. Flteer ha. brgui!
for tbe benefli of tee i City can be oongtalnlaled teal'tei>
.letmdilioo euaU.
B'bll* teetr ba.
•xlt agateet Jabn* OampbaU for falaa .
• JV
56-ln. Sackings
ilcece lined Jersey Leggings. 05c and :5c.
Tha Wo^'iOlab wiU give a n-!
It if gratifyine to note that th-n ia
aaiwtaate tee teaebm of tee
little If any fnrther daa«er of the
FttAny afteneon. Memben an n
The rwr of ter room ilgwead of email pox in Traven- City.
^aeoked aol lo Mag otect rneu.
bfing'SxMltirwite ecveiml aocloe- Kugooe Packard, who baa been am.clTka program wiU be in ebatge of
Mn. J. L. OlUa aad will begin aiat. eae for tbe mte keeping of vain- ed wub the dieeaae. ia eo far roooverabln. and another (or a eleeplng room ed aa to aaearo to no other ml effeeta
(cespUy at half paai
rbe Arm tX Fan
iete dlaolrad by macaal eoDaont,aad
Jl*. FerTUwiUeonii.il* tee bo^r-,,^^
9 Pm
per jtrd........................................................
Extra ap-cial value*—colora tan, rrerda.
Children's Knii Leggings, ;5c; Children s
a new eborch. it ia eipMied Dial a
(wlMl wtU be arm aad dial tbe work
I 7C
Half Wool
stock early that you m>;iht have
spcctlhcureatcst assorti
r Ui« city bamjt •
mrouadiviaionof ‘
twriteof Tmverae :5
wbat would betealwat
has bemi in tea ol|y. wilt
TbaProrldent SarUwa Ufa Ataar- •r
' aaea Soeiatr of Kew Tork bare oatab^ ooma arlUi tea laal of tea weak. The
Itekadaa ^oa orar tba Olty Book lUlafoolioa of tea raialdaoM aod tea
of Pateard waa^won Tuaaday.
Blan. Boom id, with Bonjaaln A
rnd tea olotelac. bod
Tbfaa oi OBocia in
>r telnca tent bare bean oaad
' Tbk nfolar antlUB of tea Willard tba room of tea aiek man -^va been
W. a t. U. baa bean poetpoaad oelll Uaraad. Tba dUtnfaction of tba boose
- Mday oraBlns. when li will be ' ‘
will oontinoa teroa«bont tba wr^
tewadbyatBOaiiUeo piran In honor of
a. P. B. Vandyke li wAl be bald
Wright, abruak aod r««dy foi,uae
s AT
Mom for %a- t Osral
ailnsof tbaCaiholica.-eapocially of tec west side of tea city and lb.- ^
adjacent latrilory. was Held in Iba C.
R. R. P. S. hall Snmlay aft
for Ilia l-orpoaa of eonsidarii
The maltar of a nJw rb^b was
dlacnssad at aome leacte, and a commliua waaappolntad to baraifia mstTte McKlalsr Hsasirtsl.
The eommuiac will
Tboa T. Bams bat bean appoUiiad
maallne ti‘U areoinc al wbicte
by Goranor BIUs a member ol
fartbar action will ba taken,
ft appMta teal Ibara u a division of
r. U. Jawall brlapt tba Herald me this city, for tba Katiooal MeKtea teteat of Boa Wolf Blnr ap- lay Hamorial Aaaooialiue. Qea. H.
pWa.aaeb wottbiac saarly
H. DuOald of Dalroll la tee irartaa
Ibtte an aone of tba flnaal arar (or tele flale and will ba^ aided In
uroWB la thU roKioBrnrlou pnrw of tea itala by oommitloro room U abrolntaly noM-miy.
Oaorca W. lArdla ahlppad a oarlead taa mamban named by tea troaiaa and
Then an tboee on iBa wa« iide j
a< petatoaa Mday. oonialnlBg l.MO (ovaivot. la ralaioB foods for the Meof tee city Who let-l teai they an s
Tba ooat for the pokatota KtnUy mamiwial to baoraoted al OdeSobairlpiloos lany ba made lo •e^ TOo^h to hana^yhnreh^
and labor la baBdUn« end llnlnc tba ion.
FMtr Deane of tbU oily and Mlaa
Xbda PbiBoot FoiBat Lod«a
ly Uaaoaad to w«L
Tlio tearrla(a
■■ r. B
1 ptaea In tee eraninc. Ear.
Big Line 54-In. Suiting
cepUonnl vnlna—the ynid ...
Plain Cheviot
Our Savini:s Depirtment
Ooadaette Oordoo of the O.B A 1wtU «ko tba plaea of A. T. Peek dot♦1^ tee aaeaUoo of tba latter.
wna 11 the gaiuiant. now...................
Vary aWcant toxnia, nnil.
53 ia. wide, navy and black, all wool, uood
Paid BP Capiuu
- -
The brlofc arort
•ofoboaaa of tba 1
Ladies’ Underwear
Jobl-t.brokansixevertanadi«Bti, 7Qa
inal nod black.
able for eniu and akirta
ll.aooa»b. loc.-wrtm Era S Hioialborcar. "for tbrar fatMwatr
OUT (amity hara atad Or. Sion'
aiofl aad oarar
ditoorery for coaaamptiox
___ __far Ooacbi
foted ._
iu ,aooal
C^fhj and
as onriralad IXa.
and rvrrjr Photoanpbar
wlmn naed for daapaiata
. .
---------------- -- -Mil... 60 abooUl
bolluDB. They ate
1 BLOO at S K Wail A . Isa U
tba tbine for f'hriktm
kaaon'i Trial bottlea free.
otBeara alaotad were lYaaideot—Obarlas Peleraoa:
01aoBaTt«. MIcb.. Nor. *6—Thr
Vice ,
■boooerOaledoalaof Haoiaa. loadad
Aaaiataol Pnaldeol—Cbarlaa• Faosi
with alaba aad Ctoiatoiaa Otaa ii
Kt Pra-ideoI-Ban Elli>.
MtMaa ban. a total wreok. tl U aapSacratary-O. L. Hall
poaad tba eraw an aata. aa Oaptalo
Traainrer—Phil Sbarmar.
Itaallof tba Ploa l^e. who twaaa
Harabal-WiUiaiB DHL
Soatb UaDltoe thU atanliiB. n>Warden—J. A. Farrow.
porta aaalac a boat wltb tbna isn) io
Gaard-Jobn U UUekan.
rowlBC In from mld-laka aod
Saatrr—Frank Haydoo.
•board tba aobooarT Borum. Aa ao
Traalaea-Wllliani Ilfs. Iran Doun.
foall boat U with Ibo wrack bow oo DeB McDonald. ,
, _
teen bora. Uiia aaraloo ia aoppoaod lo
oSauMloa «o> latseUsssJ.
Tba matter of tba obstroed& on
te«M. AK.B. iraoki
aarlaa of B«a|»l nioatia«a will oaoe-n a tank to tea front of tba
opao lo tea Priaodt teorte Sunday fniybt aorln'' aod threw
_______ _ aaai. oondoclad by Bar. K. ............... ................iMt tba tiaia miitbt ba t,|«
Howard Brown.
Brown, paator of Iba eburte I rteMlad. baa baas mead, and it U
Tba BMatinn will conlinoe
iMinad tbai Ilia obatniclion
least awoak. and probably loorar oo tl-e track by aoclrlrni. and
bll ate ioTitad
u intaijd,-d by anyone. A ,
Bar. Brown and bit wife bare had farmer araa drawinc eoidweod across
tame axparlaaee la tea eranealiatie
al tea point wbala Ilia aeci1. Tba BwaUota will bi«ls rate d>nt ooenmd. aad teat eranint;. aa-•
itneai ttSO o'olook. aad meD- known to him,a pari of bU load
sen of other ehatteas anaakad lo aa o« jest as ha wss ctoasine tea track.
by tealr aitandanoa and tliait Ha did not know il. bnl tea
found it c«L Lalar ba. loo. dlaoorared it. and want look and
waddiBB in white Ttararaa Olty wood, whioh bod oonia ao 1
dar^to tea train.
people will ba msoh tnloreatad looL
Pebble Cheviot
5f< in. widts colon* nary, ten, oxtoii, card
Popular Shoe Boose.
Seller of Good Sboes.
THE ORAMD TRAVEWE HERALD. NOVEMBER 28. lOOlKo T»Mil. an vt«ya fttm kna
Vn. Wrichl kat tta «aUa
Beginning Today
ad for baata.------attll aaotbar far I
«1U Boioi.ly aeai
b^ldl^ «Ub*ati*
HIM. nnaeca BatahyO^lH^
bee ear w»w aMrea set fairly ya_ aad O. T. Ohaalfy aad A. a
aKveraixa or
Soka Joh^ ha« bMa haaliac aM>d
trereat tbeti eoailbd by lakiac recawtateh be wlU an la (be efaMies ot a
laidaaea af Ot«M.-f Aaaeri rioTrer.
•e* ebmay to bto heaea.
tbe faeorlM Madietae af tbe bMliby
mtlliooa A few doeaeeide dlyeeltoB.
H»«M(Xmain.i1 ■■■»..■
K«r s
beard iweny lirely thU Boratac
mrt^’Se'btMdTa^ ^M^yoT^l
Tbe aaetal beldat Aadnv Haw- plenty of horaee are waltla* IB Ibe baoyaot aad elyorau.
Toe eaa yet
exob'e laet tetanHy atabi wa« a aae- ebope Ibelr ten to be ebad.
Dr. U. O Greea'e relUble lesedir*
ean la mrj way.
Tbe alcbl eap*
. P. U. aad tbe Bpwertb ' yoer drnntlira Get Urern'i Speotel
van of all •(ylee aad aalen aad (bey
areal like bat oakea They all lapon laat'eTe^r Md ealenalaed Ik^ ao-'
----------------------------a Bne^iae. whieb la alvay* Ibr < -
.................... £S
using Ivory So»p, women who have trusted
precipice of
ectxMcny and who can now appredale the true econo
hi^-dass togredknts. but made to such quantity a
to hftog the price within the reach erf the very poorest
Indeed it is the very poor vdio most need it. for
dtey on
afiord the extravagance erf common soap.
Grand Traverse Region.
U alalUay j
rim^I^dOiiy b
I Mn. Heory Polaome wai
I of MtA Cbarlea Balaa Thnrw
Mra. Kick Kelaon baa baen rlalUse
witb bar daayblai. Urt. WIU ’
for a few daya
'>ito Pnli'a ebildree hare b
will! a raah. bnt are beuar
Ura t«an Bttea waa tbe yoa** of,
Un. Cbarlea Reeie Toaadiv.
fl Pratt waa tba yaeat o'
Baaae Wednaaday.
liafoa Oraham-a link aon. ©llberv
ia rUlliax witb hia tatbn tbia
Delbert Hoxate baa ntane
d®' ''b.
lokmere went 1 I Elk Rapnear laai week.
Tka kac aspaetad praaebar arriead
MdAUaTUf BppolBtBranta laat SosdV. <(f. Marian ef.Oblo.
Hr. aad Mn
trip to Tran
tlm ASarla rwias tbm.
Day 1
laai w<
.. _ABIA D
le Oily T
lai BUliy la nlliac
Maple Oity.
workioy orer at
Fraak laraaeo
^to Maa^ PtHBM b Maeblof tbe “
Hiw OelhiorBfea west le Tiaeartt
Mlaa Flora ChrU__ a wan 1171111 by tba Bae. Bab. aaek M lakad Weiaeaady. Kae. *d
aMkMriay frMada. Mr. aad Mra.
ObitaB bora imad a anil <« roeeoa
a Johi
my me
a TniB
Mn H
fold t
rlera at Ibi
You bear
a good
deal of
tbe great progress in medi
tbm hasn't
The doctors have not been able to improve
hundred years.
Every mother knows that old-Iashioacd
fancy gold plated
fine Watch Waik a Specialty
159 Front St.
post Office Euildiar
Traverse City. Mich.
' ■*
Store in Northern Michigan
sweet oil is a good
thing to rub on the
you frei«ht.
nose, throat and
glad to sec you.
chest for a cold,
we can save you money.
Come in ami spend ymir spare time at this More.
Hedrodm Suites.
» golden,
Suite, full carvings, with
Three piece Oak Suites, larger glass, swell tiraws, iSoo
A beaultiul three piece Suite, solid
IroiTi Sy. to
oak. golden
Odd Prewers,
pretty scroll work filling, comes in
;_^riilT»-reiii siy'.fs sejiar-ite
What about a Siriclwaid.
Our iron
iini L.m
doCtor S btlL
*il'Vf“'ate. oak
sJidc on
Alban Olea» drora tbroaafa thla
Selecting a new
tin- ilraws-
Mlm Mlldrad StaSaoa waa eear I
aaniv aad helped aweUtbeftaaai
MtaaUtm at tbe nner.
Onae a
thing of a lottery.
what is on the msuie. bnlrss it
Si trv
Sideboards from So so.-io S-.'-j.oQ.
is a Kariien Steel Constructed
All you can see
is the cover.
We don't know
Solid oak.
Couch, and they
teed for three years.
are guaran
You can
frames, neatly carved, lull spring, with spring edge cov
sec the complete construction,
ered with assorted live toned Cleveland Velour; consist
and the filling must be
ing of one settee. one divan, one platfown
rocker, one arm chair and one parlor ch^'/-
we have a good selection of odd
This .-\ir Tight HMter, ex
ed pieces.
Parlor Stands in solid oak. ijxJJ in«b '-opshelf and heavybeaded
legs, for Si.2t.
ii. top, for rjc; 14x14
"^TatUa aadwiftaia baokal
Couches from S',.75 up,,
complete for.................... ...............................................Sio "t
. If you don't need a whole live piece suite.
Jirt tb« BarqaiBS that vt art efttriaq in
wtll made, bamdspmt aad high-grade furaiture
ia Bedroom Saitea, Diaiag Room, Farhr aad
Sitting Room Turaitare. ««««««
couch is
1-rench plate bevel mirror
Tood hr thought
bed stock
from Si/iS up.
get one in solid oak, latest designs, on.- driw
blue, while, apple green or ivory
enamel finish, for only ...............S v7>
from suites, from jo.s,; i ].
may oye
Kiniinuous post, latest design, very
cheai>est Elm to thel>--si ii.iaru-r sawed Oak.
OOCS nOt bUStCr.
.............................. -St.05
Special low prices on Iron Beds.
,\sk to see No. 7i3: it's a dandy:
Kecroom Suites from the
i’arbr Suites in five pieces.
Tka Odd Fallow! and Ibeir frleada
had a eery plcajaat time at tbe a
Tka iB|m yleaa for the baaedt
made, for ............
head viands s ft. : in. high. i'-.
inimiungs, reduc.-il
This on£is solid oak. exactly
like cut. leather cobbler seat, well
I renth plaie mirror, fine
carvings and cast l-rass
PrenJi lierel
........................ So 7.^
This is one Irom .tto gotwl values in
ish. quartrrcil oak panel*, sliaprd front and swell ilrawers. .’4x;o bevel
solid oak. five adiustablc sh-rfve*
nice writing table.
plate mirror, a beauty lor............
20 different'patterns to select from.
check and cure a
Three piece Oak Suites', larger glass........................ 's C'-
cold in a wonder
bevel mirror, for................................ ............................................ ............-m.T Ts
house all the
We arc always
for books,
ingredients chat /
IS A borfc i. d.e
VUUbb Aatwar aad Min Peaa
ViUlai WMaealtad ia urMfa laac
Ikanv- nadraaay Maad*axtamd place at tbe pier, where he ia ooiltny
abd dealToyiny the amall braab and
bnrdooka. whicb hare aiamd tbe
Mn Saaa VUaCD o|Mit Un after' Of Ibe landaeape tor ao lony.
A solid oak.
substantial, three
it confeins lother /
be used on
liara. are atakloy an extended viaic
^irV/.iyfiy » i J
n anything in ouy store, we know
If you simuUI lie interested
Splendid value* for you in three piece
children ..ith p.r-
cept Omega Oil.
JaMWilmlaft Mat Than^ le
and a doctor tan’t
do, and b^des t^
I for a few dayi
• Methodiata b
achool hooae
t urn.-ami mak.->our selection from the lar«rst
l.nrtiest M-Icction. Inw«t prices for the best «.ods.
Where they will meet any oiulottue prices uitii Ihe same article and
fully short time.
actly like cut. k«|rt us bi^
ready for cus
stove for
small room or bed room.
inch top for 55c. T hese
B^l Koom Sniiea.
•at Aarrhurs.
4«M dtal of sadlny^ben. >
F. HawaU la folly
kla nick of tba Krip^ atffl «ya be
'Aoaa not want any men <4 it.
Mra. M. A. Onlrar USneb-better
and bar my fritgai dtp ylad
To Close Out.
on many of the simple old remedies used during the last
that sweet oil
Wm Cham^ia eialted at Ybia pUtw
Ofaaa BiUman and a
bom IfaalT hantlay wtp arlth aa my
AawMtbalBwaircnnditbiM eaoh.
S. BEIMDA & 00.
1 aii.ii .1. < W u>. 1I.4 u. n«owAn-Aiii
This Oil does-^I
•adMr. Mn. Bryi* of UiU plaea.
dartla Oloaae ^ baaa riaitiac bU
MMr. Mn Eaae Stobar of Ibla plauM.
It ia rapwMd tint Mn Baarer left
IlHaSty torMaiad. to riailnUIhaiattlMtplBaa.
MOaObMUa Haemlnbla he
^Mqrttda weak. It baiac atek a
.St stock at ONE «jr.\RTEK ill I
after all.
Bar. Wade of Emfdta. attended tba
.neday antaool eoDTaaticB beldat Ma
ple City Satordar.
d. r. I
Hr. Bradford of Camp Ka 4. eUlled
fneoda at Glea Arbor Bonday.
Mn. Oole of Hatkeyan ia rlaltiay
->r motbor. Mn For
ytaea Chm^
Maater Janet expeola
ramrn wliU
la alaier kn<I attend 1 wolal Haaayoo thU winter.
R«r. Ltaaralt and family of Cblnyo arrlred in
In town laai week.
thU .Ibeir home for
Ai^ IMkMlA wbo U iMskan
dotn^WiUt^f^aUpoz bare, U caiaiaf
1 li ii s « hi-n it counts.
Conic and make yoiirchoicc froni ihe l.irtiest .iiul new
-Ixijocca^ Pil ow roK (imi^itiii^
cal science, but
Bhmb Bahaa asd Ofaarlaa Tiakb-
It s no trick to iiiske an oiler like this when
in the very heart of the scasi.n
I0-TO4AC Xtr.rira:;::n;L;;L Vu'i3* jraverse Ciiy
^Mr. Leraek wool
1 ER Ol I-
season is overit^ey a*' do it ih-ni lU' T K!i .11 T \0\V
Tbe colder
ol- CW A Crotaer'a
Crotaer' block ia ready for I
llie oarpeolen asd D. E. Wyakoop'al^^
la biwtIt Balihed.
Aaraaoh W!
baa “•**ei«.
J. Aaa^
opaoed o'p hia dry yooda atordin tbe I CaaaMa itaaped C C C Nnw aaU h haS
lower floor aad aeti weak will BMeel
Bewat* el lb< daaicr aba btea ta acll
tbe rooiaa bboTA Tbej .
Ilia family iaio tl
Overcosla, t Ist.-rs. Ki-''fffs, Suits
and I’ants. for men ami boy s at a
>A^Ho e«m Afford To Mlmm THIo Solo ?
2ba KllBWy baa
teaay Asdtraee af Tnei
Then will be a aeoktie parly held
Mr. aad Mn. E. S
•M «a«rad a dririaf tma.
I R. anbam-f Tbandiy eraal
Mn. Pnak Bnahaa laqaitatllM rleaaaal pany laai ____
.roT fsih. TheoolybbonanaU.oor. I Moa: II baa alao Wo aeen br erreral - yi.iei. eurrU
After aa eleyaal tapper
lUi wtiiins.
dially ioTilad to allaad.
•creditable wltoeMea io Ihe ricioity of
waa api-al la playia* yam
TIM nBa of nrfcayi and ce*M at
Andrew Hiltoo'a on Komel Hill. an.
WiilBatea and FM Wiboa an
U'. aud Mra Fred Miaer haTeatoae
Mr. EUaiBiT'f Botarday ^ b. waa
eetaTllle. Kalfcaaka ooBBty. baati:iny I they pronoanoe it to be a panther. It;
Uedar to lire.
8U naae asd IbrM
F of I waa toon ayain a few'daya ayo- ao tbe
_ret, Iwt bATO DO dMT at
Wilt Kotewafe aod frieod ^ Wo writiny.
iBAayi ware facBred by the larky
1 ^ya
h «*“• to try and captnre : .
Just think cf it • '* vff from our former low prices.
_.A Portibr, wbo haakrpi baud-; The nla of itba Ouifh War'
iuboa«r for tbe Laaibak C-v bara. i to Uir United______
btatM u
. . .. d^‘^*
baa iroae to Bardiekrille.for tbe fiuBe : Loodoa aa a foregooe ooaclulon
pnrpoae for the
irtat Leek eraa yyi(..r.
Very many oi ibe onapany 'a
an bare one to ilieir lamber
Ed Piraiy hat opened a barbri
Id Ibe balldios lonnrfly occupied
Mr. Wyley.
Mn Waraear aod little ton weal
Ttarenc City laai weak, to elaii 1
Mra Siearoi. and
~»e- of tbe SlelollOery Mir.
eold hit
_ _
Pan onidf. 1
llpoi (irevaila a.
family, alao hi
«hrrr 1* Im* .
bonybl a half in
farm of bU bmib.
kbetr Roodr, oior load
rbere they chart.-re<l
Hr.^aad Hra J.^C l^i imiaya liara
no to apesd
Mrt Oo umiaca- par-
Mr. BBd Mra. Baek af ViUlaBabont
MdM^trttAda bare oa Uwlr w*y la
One-Fourth Off
my to a soap made of pure vegetable oils and other
, a;;;
qbite III Ueter.niac ta_______
ta ebe^ >«<> Iian
beet Mlllac biiim
bilim 1 Iifte baaan Ibe beeiMlllac
bad %o leare beion tbe terrlor
Idled ID fOyrein."
Uoel dieneee be^
Wbl Ony be* a rery flak abild aad elomaob. Iirer.
Peter Carlback'i
ooeliaaea lea aad aereea. El trie Bitian
lUlaa Iirer.
eery ptrcarioai eonditioe.
the elOBaah. teyeUlee
li AUaiA
.Qildf at.
^rtta Dew life aad
Th« wreiber If rrry mild ban yet. *
kir, nadowo
rtoapl an tbr hillA
rhlehB^of ititoadro-----------•
I br S E. Wait A Boa aad J A U
.,_ doo n« have g;umi<ion till one has been
fropcriy Aeatei" Persons of gumption are
at a uniiorin discount of
MtoHlaanpaRe will be
nwiBR for ^eaneb'bm vbkeh*"•»!
be erre eoaeeelaat. ae lba*a U lot* of
timber oloae by.
Boa Cbriiale if back fram ibe
weft wliere be areal a Tear am laat
nriae. Bea fayi be aill go teak ta
lb. firibc aaaiaTbe iMdiM' Aid aoelety Bel wlib;
Hn a a L-a’if laai Tbai^y asd
And cootinuiBg until Xmss. Eve. we will
offer our entire stock of
TER THAR * BAIU » • % %
in Kim. Oolden
In fancy Upholriered Fontflore we are yor
stands are strong—nice
paid by none in lyaortaent or price
for so
1 of $18.00
3-piec* •olid Oak. trolden fioiah. base 22x42
lop drawer! ewell. 24x»> Kreneh berel plats
mirror, this wtek. $25.00
Odd Dnaeera, full size baae. 20x24 is mirror
goliles finUh. while tfery Uat. $9.50
Comolea op from $4.00 Toilet S-te, IT to 12 pie.-w, plain aail deenrs’ed. $2. t3 2.%tlOO.t5uU.ST.UU.tlUOU,tl200.
and $15.00
Large TnitUh Rockers, beet Iratber. hair
Dainty odd fnecea in Corner Cbaira. Romas
Divasa aod
Darenparta in erery con
ceivable design, ni^iobtored in imported Silk
OoDcbea in
Leather, ap from $5.50
filled, ti». r». «45 and $60.
Ta b1cs
from S3 rs ufx
oak extension table, exactly like cot. six foot long, liicc'
ly finished. 3 inch oak rope legs, for dniy........................ ?5 cc
Children's High Chairs and
will find a good selection and prices all right.
Sewing Machines guaranteed for live years.
oak case, three drawers, for Siq.75-
Parior Staada ia Oak, Imitatha mahogaaf, mahogaaf. Birdaeft
maple aad Baagariaa Jtah.i at Prieta to Sait Coerp Oat.
Brand Rapids Furniture €o.
218 Troat Street
218 Tromt StreH
A solid
Steel Ranges from
SI0.50 up.
fo.75 (or this Combination Book Case, exact-
Cook Stoves from
$6.75 up. Peninsular Oak
Heaters from $9.75 up.
oU to whlofa Uw BUMr of Um IMM<« Lltowcd. Tb« cole toirwi
«M tolkad OT«r. Nicbftb «
totton kdalttod to Um artoL nttof
gb. i, ^ ib« InitMl «
thalBftliba>7«»to«0WdtoUwf»4-liud encTTB Mlefalru'
•no coon ud be ffared be eeald luX I poe««iiic • bf«e eBOBDl of
•eqaii bln to tbM ooot wilteat Sru | owot 7.S48 am tt let* «ad to (stfn \
MqsUrlBC UBto UiU.
Ito abid il | bloeke. Tb* I>opm7 <• dtotnbotedl
VM •oly BooeemiT M have tb«M Iri-1 m Uawe.OeMae aad Haekepia c
><leeaad lathe eitlee aad towi
“We •greed.“atld Oanaaa. "the! ; Ladlnctoo, M<*», Pmtwator.
1 (boaU reneiee *!.«(» to eaeh aad i dieaas aad Wblietoto
>I.O» aftar Ibe arlal. Oanuma wae to I him Mean
mtda* to Cbleaco.
KO ee (be ataad ftrat, lO be ooald taa>e | where >be eame aa eetate aearlr three I
two boan with ma to fix ap b; line { nmee ai Unte ae tbil oword bp her M
of tMtlauap to oermpoad arltb bit to ihie eute.
fora too the aex. dap
The Kind You Have
iboottap t^toa would go
BN that t
I thouphl 1 could not
iV auiid it. Mp BoUiar
It ni rue a bottle of Ledia
II LPinkliam'eVfweuUa
FI Compound cod told nw
fl to trp it. 1 took tix
/ boul—and now, tbaakt
f to pour wonderful medicise aJoue, I am * well
wo me II.
"1 with ererr woman
jraria? with female waeki would le-in iu me at
_____ •—JUe tlell ItoTaS, Olito
Tille. Ukb.
How maar watoen there are who auifer JuR like Urr. Bipu
didl If TOU aak mrb ufferera what Irratnieol I her hare ;uu
will fiad tbep are depeodinp upon aome profe—j.mkl theuriR
wbo ban narer cured a <w of utenoe or orenen irreihle or
pou will find Uial Ihep went to their drucslet h. pet Lpdia E.
Itnkham-e Vepetahle CompouBd and a.n- adriwd }.. the
dealer to taka enmetbinc alee. You mar he eure that eur'h
refferimt from female deraaBeioent trill not eim alo-n l.tdia
E. Pmkham'e Vepauble Oxtirnuad ie n<ed Thit Matetneat
Cods orerwbelmiiic Teiifimtion to the pratrful leUen from
L1 '
Bato. ,«to«e Bid -Id, nH.»;«lp„.ihl.forhiB tocar,7«..-,be ra-!
Ibatpaokajre-' Lator 1 eare it to Hr. ‘
It...... ' "aroie eiipalated ill iheBnlio Ir—tp. ,
Bpde aad -w
']aad demaadi that the pnwm c
' It totarferaaee to Tatoieh elfaire,' |
Otaad B^dda. Hot. S»-Tba |
III that Iba eeliaa will lb< a iotro-,
<tri of ape. failed to Tot<- at
S>mr Kie Tupie..
Elk Rapide.
or. to-Tberedep
badlp deooB
•d bodpofa bci
rlieeoTered tn a aectod.Tl
be—Bse t
.I .
The West
FarStnile Sitomlart of
Kcw Tork.
tampMoe — widetemd ’ Tbe i
(onod IB tbe s—eru: nn;Ie.-t o'
wbrch if orKlrcted or udillulli
The -Mjiine tour..! uho imd* himrelf
Wildefilr .liii^in.! eitli fret tad hnsn
t» a akeif <it alippery rock CT»ThaBSin,{
dixrv TTcettacr. uoiirrttaii'la m a icr
ittiral wore the lull meacins <d Ihword*. 'There ii but a Mep hrie-rea me
• '
' ■ Hi» i<cil I. aotrajric in all
era. au u^d in iu uuninlaia
he lirurl a-.moat aunda Rill
r i rrlTlill..rile
btaofortl. I'oiin.
ijtniilc •/ the cocittat peril in
re hre u found tn Ibf oUrming
• mniOD!
when the lunr. ai
dltlOB of bctltli tl
I ben the lunpt
arc " wtS ’ Ihti Ihr Rcrm
For thi> tcaaon the teal danpet
suaided asaiait
ia the
... iaciincnl ei
ana of- the luaga.
». the
the terete lud.
deep coufh. end other
other aflrv'tioaa of
organa it reapacation
Iw cutnl
carol twrirellv
twritollvoud neraiiocmlr
eta I«
hvthe uoe.ot tor. Pirct'o Ooldea Medi^ toucnicrr.
-Iwttltoublolwilb. W cRd,«h!i.-b
SIC s,r'; s
ijati ..air; r-e lb. ...ai. .Tnirmwl traeaiw.
Ii,a.|. ..I
flr.1 .la. .4 hi-..kt.e. t it
ie>l. ui
rr.ai.tkat fta1> are. aiu.aid
Burnt, of jis Uucstio St.. 1i1ir-». N. Y. 1
"InteiJ twoUnvl«olAo-ui-<‘.-).len Mr.1. j
ic»Hr;«:mcis -----------mp cO'JRh
ij-h dLaini^ure-l
en- ,
urely. 1 .-anoot ire.irameod I
j-our niciicine tooh-thlr." [
But - Ooldcn klHical '
Diaeoierp* ia not a mete
la-tile in evnaanii iioa. 'liol-lea He.1Ii d 1 •la.-orerp ' has cfireled
Yiar iiKtia Irik )>
y.1, nnri - Rt.jM Food - i
and »dm.
P uai. I
.-1 ilrai^ Trwi-n*.w. Xiw '-I.* I. IT r. l.i ITT., o IliaC irt «a >#-Ve-ir.tW
Traverse City rays 3 per ■
' cem. on Sawni's Deposits :
........... ..........
' .......
. .~
l.fre. wj-1
L!1 I
.w IWiirelZ. tb. aiu
aendtit;; ton.thit te.!mi»Bul.- writes -Mr. Will II.
Whilmire.of Arkton.Hie-a-
Hen tad womco of URe and judement
to erwerio over the woaderfJ pat- '
: thanlt fur the rciwa-.i-m
'^li^rs:. to heilfh of CLvaon. .A P.
Whitor;iT». ihtou-hihe use
of >i..Men Nediiallnw-tnerr'and • Ideasant IV1I--U.'
Irr M.n eoiit.a.neii a
etdd. and bait a ter. We iulle-l a
be ^iroiur.-need
tultrs. with atthmalie
and he int-Tmed
toy win w-ts liahlc
Him Bamdaon- wlio Itoshl Vueeii
All-—adra the firat Ensliah tbe knew,
ud aflerwaidt inatrarled
:Mm> to the DaiiUb IruiKattie. ba. lawn
I iBTliea to aii.-ad tbe rainontioa cer>"
Imoniea.' Hi.a
IntiantiTe to'etalnre luid is verr coiierr—iiTe in ber waps 'She adhere.
' to old fnehions. one of these beinp the
St—tod aad tbt fUb will ba-dreeaed
aada—t to I—rkrt tonlsbl. Brawetei
was laforawd bp ttardea Hone that
mtoett Imt a elo« eeaeoa, aod al
■au—I ia IlllBoit waten an now
aastnrp to law.
^.L John RlU'.f. nn erfpinrer on ii..—"hmi [PiMtbnrs dirtsioa of the IVnti.rlMiInto railroad, bts nceieetl a cheek lor
' lTi°?JjytlTirtL,*u! *‘’**’-
.^itS!r?SSSA‘.S5: ^
Ely's Creim Bila
» eol'l wttrb. rained iai
betar ' I Wat so tod I weald lie rnaa —r lo ’
a wi the
...r eoaiinu:
da. aad hwr iir totk ta come aad lebere wr fee aiRnal hraterp to sioppilis u run-
'’Faeimte Fraenptaon- mtkes weak
aromen arong, tick women well. Accept
DO tn'—ituie for the taedicioe which
workt wondert lor wetk women.
Dr. Pierefa n«tant Pellrtt ahonld be
aaed with ' Farerite Ihetcriptioa* whcA*
cixr • Uxatire it rcqnircd.
Mi- SUrsnre. Brown, a poutiK n -', ..
limed a
mecher in poblir School So. IJ, Jer;
acpCitp.nnd the iwient« of tbe im;
pila. described at 1-ine ainons ih- ^ \
fnahictitble and wealihp people of rt.e "
town, are making a .irons pruteit.
told me-dial if ti.i-;g;-l krep the IxonchUl luV-% -q- ti. he mur*/ cur. tom;
liqt alter Iteav.r-n h m seteral week-and
approprutions for sanitanums to lavor>
able c^tnates Tlir mrelleal akiU of the
world IS enlisted to i.Rhl eonsumptioti.
Vet ie tpite of all^t is done. **'^‘*^
Medical lev.-vv(-rt-an-1'Pleaiar.t I
1 bad aren wim) nnts'uloDhretighl shout h. fie uw -I iho mch"“J•
' ''h'
Gold Given Away!
$10.00 In Gold
given away to each of the first five purchasers, and
$5.00 In Gold
giveVi away to every succeeding purchaser of one of our
New Style Top Buggies or Two Seat
ed Spring Wagons.
■;;; ''____ t—ll«* of -r-Mrc M"liral lnw'vr'i •
at home and om- >ul of ih- •|•.;>;v■
asd was tben well ennwh to goto West
to tbe worl'l Ui-!e prrvaleore
tumpti-.n ttui! weacrepi it pricl
a neoesaatv eel. If tome ttra:
taie were to lireak out. and
human hie to ih- same erne
eommm;liog. tm-:i a diw-ase ....
looted upon a. .lO apjwlhng plagu*
Uuaraimre would I- i-iuhlidi»d apuu'
11. aod days ol u-v.ng and liraiTr aj
I«>inted bv the rhurrSes lor the nniigi
tion of tbe ih*e-<w
But wr aevrpt c.t
ption as laei-.uhic brituse o! n
llowuiie till* 1. mav Iw jodge-l f
saerin report of iwmu-y <i5i er Cotifa*.
h;. 1—.0.-.-.0.1
fwi-o eaMeli to
Had the fire SOI • *toru tbe lorn
notanp XUaepi Hake Inpvc Uoad.
aunihet of d.arha from eonsnmjiuon.
rhe cunatrvis tli-noughlv afouie-l to tbe
seed of doini- tomeihing to Mop tbe
brown DM. The old
to a preltp home tii Coia.nlia.-< n. u-d
the reooiTes ii vitit from the qoeen
whenceer tbe Ultre uiws to Th-noart.
ftoreow Beet— trow rire.
An the blood in pour bodp (a—ct tbroufh
The Narrow Path of Safety.
»l< Baal or Kara
Over-Work. Weakens
Your Kidneys,
be iDtorire^ber frieodt wonder lhai
tbe thoald adopt a oalliiis to ardoeoa
Her parentj bate endoariwed t
itde their danphter hat to an parpoar
A aaw oecaiiuil of tbe ropti ttablea
IB Eutlaad btt made a cr
•ion on Kiait Kdward e
laie 10 hi' trparded ae i
4— ftwwatar ntanad t
an lha Or—I Lakaa
Ha —ptand
•l^tatB mllet of now treat aal belewtalt (o A. Booth Oa. —laad
•10.000. He bat that bearded (he fitb
Boat Itoe in ila den. and it It arpeet•d lltlgatlcm Will follow.
All tlx
oato wan toand to Mlebima water.
eCBinrp'to Ulebitaa Uw. and to dt
notdaflaaorof the same ward—’e or
dan Brewtter will rwrama hu ere
ntos with a bU
HoMbport. Mlob. Nor. U-Tbai
'aarrowlp Biased betas
In ooeamd to th.e More of SebI
Brea, at Ihie fdaea tbit
^•oltaa lamp wat betas npalred. aad
tba s-altoe bad leaked -I
' oaa—a tliRbl expl—ion wbiebisnitad
tba tnUrtor of tbe elore. Prempt aad
TiS—Oat aattoa Bred the bulldiat
trea deatrutioa. tboasb it was « naf
TOW aaeapa. at the fire bad to b.
taa^t with pallj. of water, there be
ias no fire laoteoloa in the town
For Over
Thirty Years
! V\iirih».(lonvidaiofct.Fc^isb
ss and Lessor Slup.
eletaaea to tbe cx]wdl>ina.
tbe bodp of tbit R)BBW. who wi
pnare oU. asd who imtablp wandered
off and died in that aeelndad >]«<
atoaa Tbara wae Botbtop to iadi—1<
«mt tbm bad been nap ertma to oon
neellcB with tbe on-.
Trarene aty, Mtcb.
lllutiraifU III kcnii i^ion.
Social Life in NtwYork
tbIeTiltope. Tbebodpwae l,rlrp..f‘« pht"lu bank, tbe ara» folded aoroee th. ' 'rotn ho hoiue
braaet and toe feel cro«ed. ae Ibocel ,
IHi.p MilW. ou
eoBe one bed eoupnt out Ihft eeetoded k' e. Hiller, one of i
tordap. nompnwd of J. [I Benoeii.
Oeorpn Ru.wdl.
TIermae Httchrl'.
Adam Snhaler. Juba Bopd aod i H.
Heoebaw. wno Ttewrd the remain,
aad lletooed to tbe teellmoap of eer
oral witae—ea.
Tba raediet of tbe jarp wee Ibet the
nmalae were tbom of a aquaw bp to•ima of Vaoepaarl. wbo dl—p|>r«red
from tba TilUpe Jene to la.l Tb>i|nierd and dried V|
bodp W
that pi
poaRhle. Bat ri.
foBBd. tbe .lew* r
wcHieu s»Rn cwMr.
UolDD SRoire.
kerfeClerir Bki Tee pariflri tbe Stee«
piaoe to whioh to lie down aad d r
will be |«id,tor tb«lB by tho
ff You Could Look
/ ,
.# Ur W* tb«r Ctril aaU tmniorcbanUbto po-
OiuJIatiAiM oorHa
lyMi £. Plakfmm's Vm
Signatoie /M “^cood prices
WhrBToaaekforVri t’mkhai >'• atedictoe at Tovr Jralrr'A
pou map eafelp dietnwt the taotit
to take Kcanhiaitelaeia plaecof
-aTS which Oanaaa deetore.
ba“fakaa ' Tbn dafenea objected.
Boat aariooalp to tbe totrodoetloo of ■ At Baka. Baeato. aa oil wei
'•laallBoap on thl> potn. bat -KToaod-rented from the crown for & i
Hr. Hpde cUimod the leit^ had kopeka par aeta bp the Bakoe Hapb- ‘ |
bean pat tato tbe eaw bp tbe Aefenee the CovpMip he- etarted Kaebtop at
9 that the peoiile ttberafon/ had > tbe rale of, 1.000.030 poodi dailp. '
rifht to lap before I
Woefe bae barn etoppad owiap to f—r
r them.
e —Id tlie of a eoodapratloD.
A pood eqaale
defen— had been waned that
letton wan aw>d tbe people wonld tie
Kinp Edward alwepn driret ui a
SIR oa the whole etoij beiap told. do—d —xTtape. the nilwnp pUlfornu
Tbaeonn nlad that aaTtbiap oon are alwape cleared when lie ie traeeltalolSeftfliir-anaeeethefTOui'.joa
IJ «lii.-ti .....T co.icl> if urrlo-fei
earntop Iba lettcra Ihemsalrei Btpbt top. end while he wae eboottop for
»i:i bttoc «ou. »
».«« —-t o-tiel •!
be admitted, aod tbij decleloa opaoid
ou.i—end iSu: u ijr.IU eoul.l U ihraarli
wide tba door wblob bad beao eltord'
herd aod ful to llie face of tbe proee
•nap wapfarer niipfai —hU
eattoo aiOM the eea—tlonal amet of apee upon
bie mejeitp
I. Strauk of Stroundiharp.
Always Boughi Important NollCB!
he had eon
I:-- a tu-iiuh.
Jeroms af’rjT 1
.oaimeii..'ltiit uw
*In the jau tiionlh i.i'-e were
ipiLoa 10... ferer. Yellow lever
:ld oat be eon-_iered evader
to enable the desire to nuke the !
What light'that throws on out aerep'•nee of roofumplion 1 A scare eri is
raisrl ihit rellow freer u epuleinL- Iw—use of 51 ilea-.h- i= era. mouth. So-, a
Dr. Picree't l..uimnn .Sente Urdiei]
.Adni re. eoBliiorag i-.A pages sail over
i-sent J’ff -in r
700 Illustral-loea.
to aurroi to pay
tB^Vhe^a^TOnth' i '.t mied 71 \-ieumi.or
•ret V51 more lta= -Itel of vellow ferer.
Tbi gr—t question «; R-bp 1* <00-
. lo-ji-bouail M.lum
for the book m
Dr. R. V. Itotee.
For Job Work of all Kiads Call at tbe Herald Office.
Ik. ^Ir-e TtareeKwOib-aMii .ri Trairew
Willk— a »gre uT ttm
i4a>>.-U1-.I iwtareaw ivk. 1—.a—rev.
-e >1- liiiodr.-l are: -w •-■■! tum e>. sw. i. tb. .tore •/lb. torewi-v-ri I..4. r-—3-.rMlr..Ilk. < I -I ti -Wbre. tb. —l-mul Ham. T-af." ..natr lll-tiltaa li i-tiwl
.11' to -I-.- at tki. lial.- f-e |Cia-I}wl and it. ' laaia- 1 to-. -I., a f. a. Wvtial day to I
................... d ll.irere- tlwvrew wl'l. In... ..iQM,. R.ti .em -w .to irik Wap tO» tsataaire.-n-! rrma 1AI«-I«toal e«. lire. Uw.al-we• Fkek u la.. u. Lit— U to
• lu-aw. a-vl mrlaW.nx -ml. a.etaacre. .t iwe- US. i. nww-a to —.MW.wMlit taw
iwrre-wi-<iaireww a— cw> IMaltoww to
DU-'tlATe<>KIiiai-«TATV"r m-HlUXS sTi.-.itit ar.0 tolOi Wtolan .naM'aaW —.
a . .uuiit-e-rraadTraTrew.. w
.. t—---------- ..---------—
At a --mKW to lb- FnAwto 1 Gwn I.e mto trew la—totre- u, tmtiiw ito
—-UI-) tot! a. U|. IW-Aiato .ribre U Uw
U-re-Air.-e aat —reUMtwri. WMM. W Uattoto
to-rmreww IVTt.wito .'k 1mft S're.w.lwf. brereq <i*re >hal kp eUSa. to
.‘i,,“'t4iTau'j-ito^I'^lA«waeir^riain< p—le. wiik tb. Masai. u~.wT-w m
ire.—to toU^iaartoe.ri tb>.wia^to ttto^ : m..resto tbre^u WwiM ysiatim-
f J
-ireadil—warwte to
- to the
the kiioept.
CtflCTiec proves that nearlp
_______________Idtiaamabare their bc(U>asar to kidacp trouble.
Ifpon am alek poo can make do a-.lsttke
bpflntdto-nac pcan fcidn^ The mild
^ibeaEpaenhnatpefleciofDr. Kilmer's
to great kidnap trnnedp is
. ataodsttobichesi lor its
olito meat dtsnasiag-aaa
_______ tamerta
ha.r a^^^
•meffi^bento bp^ii^ a-.y«^in
T*i- ■”
: Our Gold runs out after Dec. 15. 1901 :
bp odr new mvenli-io.
itnlv tto-w boro deaf are lacmwlle.
Not gold, but a beautiful prize goes with each one of our
handsome Cutters.
- .
I will wSprej—
eiopeimaorb to .laora A M«
I, i:;l Stato StrM-t.
Omr rrM—<•/ 4oe» mot 4t
---------------------------- t5S6UUUIitt,t—— ai.
.1 la. .1 totoa-remS-prepiaa aiiai ibto-wart - Vj. i—4 wren to-a- ttoae tk. vfaiw tar
wlrtol a:, awl -I-to. uila. ab-. are me wrewlb- las tb. nrewrt reian fto Mto-aa—Sg. tb
aeeewrf^M elVti»a
You meLy Sna.pf
your Fingers
a.t Dyspepsia,
There is a quality in Rc^al Bak
ing Powder, coming from the^urity
and wholesomeness of its ingre
dients, which promotes digestion.
Food raised by it will not distress.
This peculiarity of Royal has been
noted by hygienists and physicians,
and they accordingly recommend
it in the preparation of food, espe
cially for those of delicate digestion.
tall^^dlar/ of aOeueeateet
BlBlUer. dated ia ITU:
-Wbee J»
Inclement Weather Brings
Coughs, Colds and Catahii.
tloMUBe bettoa aad plotere;
aa a e
T a
earde. I vUl try aad do aa ay aard .
' MU ae to do iaal aa aaob t» I eab.
Id at tba boaaa of Hr.!
. I tare lad Ja« Iota of faa.thUiaa.
Bpea, on re blU sear (7. wbere trejTbaaka ^ar Oed, for all tbe fos
1 aar. Hy ooeaia came aad layed erllb 1
boBBtUal TWkWietac dlnafr. I I bare had tbttawboet tba aaar
I^pon ApatlB. Hleh., WTtlee tiaa Bp«e "VtSTete ■TiBR o«to( «Mll peek' vttb baar-a laaar aad TeeUoa. the ' For the eslliec aky eed «d.'
aa a wtek.
Ve made all ktada
WeablBgtta, O, C*
•a- -■—- a (bar « aMenaae Ap. [o' Bepr>eeeutiylaet of wbicb area e See back abet ta : For tba aamoier'i pleeleoa cberr.
aoJ oekM wilb aa almanaetea eo
i^plper tetbe Iba erooda saar by. After ye Ueaatas i T^ka far eeery jollr *e«e
book. I will eloae for tbU tiae.
miU; tber wrau le ibeir brenbcn
I eneed word eaioa that »a bock ' t baea played ia Oeld aad woo.1,
Year Sanibiaer.
aod lUlan wbo vereavnr for fertlier
> BfaM ea ye Lerd'a day tw fVoaoc. Tbaaki for lorele flowera Diet caai
deeatioet. aad panaadad Ibalr ' '
Aged 10.
Oenrede Owea.
aa Udlaa. wbo ease to Hr. Epae
BIoobiIbii wfaen- tbe aaow-drl ,
:aud noibar (c nakea Wiii to i-------with e lya ia blj moath like Aaeaiaa
Iried rt^bier. vbilr ther czpaadad or old. Ya eoesel tbetefcre refowd _
:ib« moeet tha ‘ '
nTeataesi bat it wee afiar- Tbeaka f<w ell tbe leeeioea fratt.
It waa geltiDc tot
D tbe pi
: Tha caban. eel
_____ decided that PeqnM etaoeld reAwlee red aod porple ptapea;
laalaam: Bed arbre all eaa>a b
eelee 40 eirlpee «are ooe for Itlop aad Tliaoki for rbie aad tree aad root.
dreo had gathered ab
Iba aaeoal faetiTal. the r
reofaDlDp on ye Lorfl'a day. aad. reUrloea of all eone aad ahapre
talk wilb cnadma
r* ihii lotiBR famllT liad i]
alore Hr. Bpea re prioeof tadaer; Th.ak yew for tha aoiae tala,
and oonndariM tbii a joat aod riebtHaklap naalr dowa tbe aaraa.
"Linen.' aeid Villle. "iiow tbe
a ratedtaa to tba old peopla.
aoai aaeleooa oayeuafol baaihao. Koorktoc at tbe wladow-tasa.
wind hlowa down the ehiaioee
aad that a bleaBia« bad been enyed
Daaciop wtib tbe happy lioTat
ihiok Jack Frnai moat teeai loa'ghi. "
:ll all {wnook of
Juat Iben Jane caiue la to |«( eoel on
Tbaok TOO for tbe winter itaya—
the fire, end li.ld the hllle folka it
BMioDfol with tee sod anew.
Merry ndee ia jiagltag aleicltv
" w»”*1m“l ao!r°'f^' TiInkiftTns’
Coaeiioc. •katlag to and fro.
. far ooalUer irltu fioB other baodi
Wont- that 1- Joll. ••
Tbaaki for jo.yoei Cbriilmna-lidiwool____
roeld baea
bad DO. pe««T
U do. Tbe,
a TlII J.a.IH -..i
"Boil" aaid iiairr N'ltiraaii-'
Aod the pretiT etoriee told
eliUldea leaned Ibea »w.
looked at iha. rWk.
"only iw.-nti
■be By the bri(bt aad war
war to gi«e; aad ach retaraiag
Un. Urini R. Walker, who bold, tba
wind aad oold miBoiea morv l» fore ie-dtimr. if wc
ThaokaBlyiDir day oaotuaed to teao- >“« <» “
highe.1 .Itir .4llee ..f the ladlet.d the
Uaiknut It w-ll W I.® late fo;
rale aad forelab tbetr parau' home
aiory. and too know a.
*lUo».. li. A H. will- h I. lleptrllneot
too for the itar* ai
till tbe happy couple
don't waft to im.a that '
For tbe ineat. wirt.- oe*e
ht|.lt.n. wril.e ihe r -ll.iaiiii.-1- ii.t:
1 tae doo'l
leage Thank ,yo» for th- binl'. 1
tVr.Tr.ae .si-nix,,., Ut.
BK brook a I
Tike prrnne M.\1i--ine iti.it>IanihuAD.t
while iTl’il- iCT- ncD.-d IU grandma'i
................................. c.^faiy colored scarf that eor-1 Oh. eo many tbaake we need
.e-iitleaim;--Y-u litve uij .ineera
□ of
'or yout
your klBdneee.
klodnese. aad
and I my.
••WhM .hell ihe .lire 1- .bool,
aak TOD Tery moob lad.-ed
dran'r" asked grendiu.
"A D.enUriTii.e .i..re, pleev,
answered .Imie,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
wlreleea telegrahpy and booeleeeihad.
IP kMp for tbM ami mfw
(bPDir'wM tfei» tba^t tbw two
£?HH‘SrSsrS;=irsirii__ _ „
A. ifieiPU-. laet.
" •» thaakfol that there U no
Kot.-mher ** IBOl
-ni tell .no tl®u
Ctaickeo Brotb-Skl^d chop op a iil,‘^iirtd?L\“abW^pSrtIonWh.-n too read wbal ti bMoe w. - long, long ego. " .an
•mall cfal.
haM a large fowl,
Aad let oa nlso ten here today. ThaBkaRr
and boil
Bee and
Ud all. with a , h»
be thenkfol
thaakfol that torkey^leu Doffil^
for Ihe
iglrl. in Che .tore
.prig Of parley
Thankwiciag dinner eel.-i., the merry Grtn.lma nivl-ird
a ernit of bt^. to a qnart of wawt.
of dome.ilc e
from rime
to fit
doae with and onl;
Dtea to
any ti
to limA Strain ihroorh a ooatee eol -1 nrier. and anr
Yonr tbete
irXey itwarraaKd memory t Dell left behind
jtomeke It a failhfol
fol and driicii
deiiciont SoD.btoi president hope.
I... 1-n
UoDon Breih-le-an loin of rndt-1 eorr'ot". •» thdl the two are in sr.-ry a happy day
ton. exclQ.|ye of boos, one ponad; wepect wbal it technically known at
0. bar-- moch to be ihankfo
ihougl.t D.iiT w.iuM
water three pinia
BoD guDy till I a good combinalioo
erydjiT of Die year ami .1
log oreeii and m.yeery toader. adllog a little «il and
oniOD aocordlng to laiwf- Poor off
i-emo. me. i-ai4iu.
get tutt that i> ptn; cf qpr r^oai
] which nothlogbas the broth inabatia. aod w^a Hit; one aad ooe-half co|rfoU of he.t'iobe gla.l aleray. for all w.'
oool. tkimoff all itafat.
UiM-to nee wmtoiedaad plaoe.1 in double boil- olad for the dear home, the faiher
MRS. M. e. C. BATES, EDiTOa.
C^BksgiPlBg Vent.
Aod safe
nightFor tbe weal
.i.-nil.-m. 11
K.-t Vito. |«»i ulieii.
When we re worked at the lai
reccTery from elekneti. It ohoold be
closely end cook for one honr '
Aad pmoi- hoktaed tbe boom day by bolUd eeparetely oMlI qqiie toft, wd , ponr into' thallow mold, or morer.
pot in when the broth i. heated lor' M.ke,
»nd eprei^
.plead twith the
follor '
Make, and
Ooe capful c- - joioe and grated
The flmt TbaakglTiac Day of tbe
aloe not riadofotie I
lie capful of bollDew oeutOTT ie oow a thiag of the
wit. for tbe aoarpaat.
Il'e family tenniooi are oret
aad only a icoldeti memory left be tofflelent quanUty. or one very amall! three tableainoBlpUof corntiarcli dit
u boil two
hind. Id the year that loteryeaee be .tick of green eeUry. Remore all the i eol'.d in cold waMr.
Oar aecB Uall in»ered,
brolhera. for b.-allh. foi tch.'"l. .w.-i
oouairy air an.l aon.hln.-. • hiiik ..f
r liiih- cliildren In i
p\i-ni.yii-:- tn.I pain.
litd two >hi|> If
■ lid -Uetlleaet.’
( iny l-.Ier fru-nd. tdrtiwd
I mot. a- It haiV helpiD him. and
--Jo.t .. I.,er- m-ea- elN.Qt t.< .tt
,-a.fODi.d tl.i SiMMlwell' w.. f.
ell Dir iwople 1.1
111 Ikvl luilly I
here'* wi laocii wh
-bee, ll..- tyle iMIl.t w-l .Ml in the.
tween tbe oeii ThankeglTUiK Day aad
"• -n fresh oelety U owd it ehoold j ooe egg and a little .ogai-: set in the SotiDiine chlldr.-o tod
"b’..r I ir long iiiiiiilh. they u.iv
trade tbat gleea thU let oa trcMore op day by day tbe
li. thin .Iieet
.hoe. b>
being add-; <>»■» ««
* I«U golden brown, and tomt of them from m.
- opnii Du- --Ml. bnl nt la.l lilt? lalifl
lol ill
little blMiingi that come I
life to ear taad.
tte^^^aod^wealthof tbe There wlU^ do day wlthool iU atore.
o Ihe meat, and a
-iMwe of M—el.u~-tu u.
' Ih-dmil?. i,v.,i
Blew Tbeo when next we keep oor naticma: geiiDr for nearly two boon,
e. adding
"I. w«. l.llter r,.M. M. thk- tik.-o left .
holiday we shall know of a certainty atli and pepper to otie. aad from . T.i- .good thick .III
f De- women and children .m the thlp. '
particle .teak.
time >klm off erery
erer7 parti...
< while they W.-I,| OR u.kd to l-uild log
bow good if U to act apart one day of lime 10j time'Jtlm
leapoonfol of mil end ball sTeo’. '
. -Ikk'ue- • l.kr th.-ii f.-kOkilie. to lire ttk
• Vor*Sr dreami’ttel SiartUt aad all tbe ycar'a days to abow oor grali ol fat Ibai may rite 10 the iMam-ifol of pepp-raad tilace In a bok_____ter It allowed to boil
Wilh a .h.rp knife make t
Del will be hard.
aril «. patlaat. tod- for all the year'e bleekinge.
three''°OOg. deep Dll.
An aeerige egg ereigh. a
- Ihe imy stikekii juet ronnng nut of Ihe M
than l).« bref.ttoff three wi
lot. and 11 U mo
'.with the bright/
Thankwriyiog' What joyful
1 eqnal weight
' in beefrieak. For
. ..
re d,ied
F«e tbe booee that with traset aOec- the word briage before oor
lealldt egg. thoad be toft-boiled or
I. kepi eheerlol .u.l ♦
There ere tee feilit-r and s... .. dropped from the Dm-II iato boiliag
piem~ nkOkle the 1,e.l
VtaSTi^MSae do«B UkeaMid brother, mod tlilcn gatfaen-d arooad water and rerred witb riBoken or
•' they knew tha
* bomn'g'hot tcook. or wal
the famliar
1 cotning Triiin Kp'glMikl Z' ih more Okirn
TbankMrioK soodin. a wbcilr naatiT
, and good'lhti
-d. But the
Cop Ooetard-l
F?Sm!ranb^"tbi^^‘tSd ban foU.
Turkey t
oed a* r
and all to tatU. Beat!, ^M dith, i«or rich
t. oakee,
alooe oao doll
fo-D gol h-u and lesA .
iMjhlyin a iemmuadd »re-nd aad mrr... 'rii.'.*we*ii
Th.- .i
thing bean
• n-iwth.- iswiple wal< bed
Pertm]* we are far from the old
0 mlno'te*
mlnob in
ao oren n
-OseMw. Perhaps fatlieraad tooth about XI
toThe tdior,. aluid- ibrit e
er hare paamd orrr to the other side, ately heeled. Hay be mreed e
their haiiila. itod look wny
Dear Ficsidenl-l will wtit-ogu • water, to ac- if the ship was
aad the family baa aeattered. Tbe —arm. with or wllhoat Jelly.
ebildren an srown and ban
Beef Tea—TbU U beat made br dit
't- are baring lovelv nines this so
Ifu doU-tbeud breek* off at tbe
Ateown DOW.
ileiug a proper ameoal of a renabli ueok, opd perbaps the whole shoulder
,er. I go wading to the rr-vk a
Ml. little <
............. arooad -rand of "beef extract" In a coplol und etaeit putt It broken too. .lou't
1 made u flower garden.
«wir aretidea. y.
meojorlee of the of IkOiiLog water. teatonlDg with ml),
tfaU day :
I v,-«Ublc garden and to it Dt
old b
lae on Ifati
had'rs-en la®Lini
celery and a little pepper, if tbe pa- . ... . Imy u tquure of strong moslin
1 borne Doe aad
lieol oan nm pepper, aod eerring hot. ■o that iU center comet at the center
-UataM 0«d kbaald aad u rala.
IstUsM 0«d kept bank the htdl.
Beef Joioe—Broil qoiokly a I____ ot tbe bole wbere the n.-ck broke off.
rung, and nil th- |»np|e. lug sm
< { h
piroe of ireeb beef oeTOld of fat and Stnff Uie htod foil of eoltoo. imshlog Ther gt--w lorelv.
lie, galhired Icverhrrlo give
theeenierbf the muthn on with ih.o C^l
ble. all kboeld meet, at leant this ooe bone: pot in a meat-prem and .qaeeto ooltoo. When the head It at foil as His'name la Fenny, a
Cio<l Inr Ib-ndiiig fond In Ihi-i
to the ynnr. at fatber'e table.
e givol ,
yon can make it, a|it>«d one Ihe part
ttrenglh or dilated with hM wine
dinners oooLi-d Tfiil daV,
of be motltn that protrudes all round
boy. and girl, hail as n
the opening wfa.-re Ihe cotton wat
thU ooe be kept In tbe old hcmi-.
' coD+d i-al.
ttoffed to und tew 11 well to the
Pertiapi tbii may be the flmt time
delTs body uU around. Tbeo dolly
father ormolbar bays be.-a muniDR.
Ixiuis Hartaon.
Ob obt brawn a wonrlad aaawl
e who hatOaoe draw._______ will be resk^ to enter oita Dew oare*com 10.1 soon so Jack Fn
____ from a etaicken or tmkey. no
of oeefolneua—Good lloosekecpii
Sib ana, Wa-hinglou. Ko
bomea were are *a- matter how the fowl i. to be eooked. for Noyember.
I ThaakeglrioR feaH will never again nm one haying the
Lmle g'xsl liarv
sill OBT gnaniaapm-Bowad '
Dear Mra. Bale* and D1
B 'of with aaddeaed tongb >ioi-wt oBremored. mya Good
onDitoe Friends—I will tell y<
" that' a i
' ire will '
BenwkeepilirniTKoreaber. A marhat
other* grim eetre ertll he L— _ ketman wiH draw a fowl't Undont
1 garden with sweet peas tuid doub
tkelrun at the feait.
In the farm for tbe aaing. bat it it a took eyery little wordt that eerre
we aallad aad ptaUed ow. borne* of oar Usd then- will be aban- hootrwife ought to know how toper- Japanese girls are at
u wekeepTlmnk
mangold- aod estera I ha<l a love
English a* la Jtpi
tpaneee, for li is
.-------- 1.
danoe of good thing* and care will form.
icing lomorto
said Joiio.
bereeU. Boy a fowl wltli
patch ol |iop6>rD, und just llilnk wh
Jap girl 10 bear
rarely be a gpeiL
replied geiidmi
leg* left on. tom It Mo Ut breatl and ..................................... On the other ba
edoot did One Sionday wo we. "the ptv.idciii
bold Ihe took of .w#b Ug. ooe at a however, many girU in Jaian b
Brer ■loot theKew EagUadPOlo. time of oocree in the left hand With the name of eomo homely oomn
ObolAsMBrdB* talk wonld tbiak.
a tbarp kaife-oo the right hand cut
ulL at frvingpan nr dotibru
«a bad Manr doBbtad O od;
oato ..........
yery oarefslly Jett below the knee
It and It wa
W«n Ba ael bU martolfBl
' aU Ihe bl-ssi
haa gl
d. anlli now DM a Duok Joiat. ihroogh the ukin. not any deep tom oommoo among some people of
been followed.
Ba WPBld Mka on faal bu rod.
Im| rest
r tfaii bi ad land bat the er Inride will be fouad the groop of s«n>i»r a child for the first object
Die folk.. Die Clock It go
fMi^^e rtiaer'red'.
ot rigi
tesdeoa there belog eight ie eaeb that strike* the falber * eve efter the only Ufl m-- •
to give gTeiidnm a kiss
and flttiiig that for one day ip the U-g. lying tong ia a grore. They are little ooe bat come IDIO ihe w,irl<l.- go to achool eteri day
We Imve l<i
,-d. and dr^aui of tbe
year we aboold ae a satloa. remember tnacbed to Ihe foM. but tteoagh the Kew YorkJ^ ________
cross Die-met TLn-s ot fnoTOfoor0 Will list,- toaporr.iw
oor bleisuiga with Uiankagielng and dark metl they run away np into tbe
neighbor's clilldn-ii go with u.
Ins. for >ni| know tbev
pnUe<lo tbe great Oirer ot all pood.
U-r.wetl into the vper joint. With a
biggest boy rows thi- bout aerosa Mr
Tbete may hare been ditappoial- ilroug yrirt toewer Ufl each leodou
eto-liesare thml rea-ler. geography,
-laatt and fallatr daring tin- year. a-paralely. bold the ebieken firmly. For all the Joy* of Itviag
A food old land wfaar wer e llyla’
Tbe dropth came aod dretrored some aodpalL If tbe obloken 1* yoang aod
arilhmt-iicand wriiioB. I will eIo«OoodtetiieSeldaa-boWD;
of oar aro|» and left 01 with lea. than tender, each Medon will com. oat
-:v-t year little Suoaini.e Ikiv.
ntotfacr, friend and swe, ihimrteoattotord barreet; yet after all -tatUy aad It on be pnlled by a Might
Phy lUriton
a glerlont yield wc did hare la effort. U the bird hat toea Mrenl
_____tbiaga We iball dm want eree
Tbankmlrlngi. all the mnaoU that
H- l.ia good cli-Iliet still l-IIOUgll I
For fields wbere love it sowing
Tb kbBBkfnl atiU for tbe breaklo'
tboagb the market jwiee U low. We can he pot.............................................
loeeom in the yUireOldBT. whBrIaowan'ioap;
■hall bays all we'nerd In eat and foel qoired. bat I it exactly nch a bird The *•
KeU.'a d-g and a horse In role.
love and woman's tear*,
For atget, with tbe ibadowi makia
':oep oj warm. If «e.J(rd>aye to
.. .. . . mod of the tendoo- For w.
Aod . ran lui.l a gun si.d a wheel U
llTlDgThat S'
A SE^fer tbe wecld tat nlaep
-ir laM ■eatoo't elMhee. So Ut m
rawing prooeea.
w* thlak often of oor eastern Sou
BM fonrei to bi- tbauklol.
Let ai
A turkey cells :
1 mewU. and
Hill li. Iiato't a grandia. an l J m aor
-Frank U Stanton
shine Club We wnold wme ofi.-oer
•ing with epUfted bean. "Preite Ood
a loog poll, a *1
kll aad a pall
Hiat is ennogh In make him |nnt.
: only we eo to tclu®! at Stlvaoa and And wluil Tbauksgitiiig cUv wnold >from whom all bletiing* Bow."
e tolD ID II
We tboald not forget to tell the
iboot half way
reea tbe ka
it it two ti.ilet aod a half Oor school IViibooi a grundniB. I don't n-e
olilldren what the day meana Tell .___land foot and then-will
To derive benefit from tbe expi
bommeared th-- U*l wes-k to Aogoai.
of eralklng, it is ncoeceemry to t
Ab' aanahow hit aalle baa found me. them Irt* tbe Bottom wai inaogu COTS^ immediately tbe_ git
with a light, eUtllc Step wl
A>- tha terk Ilka tha Ufrtit'll ablae
Mav. ag. .1 S w
waiDilng beri
laeher'i name it Mm Banks
She it' mother kut-ad son
swing! the weiglu of >he body eo<
VhUa By ohildieB’tarBaaU roBad gathered in tbe fruit, of tbe bdrr. it er, or if the blnl it qoile elderly. I
dough, tthich I
In lEsi. and bow Boally after mon point of tbe Diarpoer that belong* to I' from one leg to the other that
good teacher 1 like the teaclier
I sqoeaked as Ills ■
baa two bondieel yean it wae made the oarring set. under tbe bnneb of weight is not tele, end which pro;AA^ dtar wUa'a basd id mlna
e. ' -leeried the
. MaUanal holiday be Preiident Lu- tendona Lift them mrefolly, t
' loes a betaihv glow showing tbat
-Frank L. Staatcii.
cola and ba* bees alncv that time ap.
around two or three timeu.
e Doggish blood is stirred to action
-nny. He 1. '
polaled lor tbe Uet Tboiedar In Nofirm hold.
Glre a «mog la the most remote vetna This son
UUai :..c d^
asl<-d l>er inMli
era^r ot each
.........- -ot they will oome, togeth- of walking exbiltnus_ the whole body urren inches higu aad « loot l->ag ,
-.-nlyju.i k.n
... .....
Addr.— The r.-rena il.D
Uarlmau'* lau-tl la-,.k uu ct
‘"d “If’. ‘wST
The Guarantee
■m.M.CCrV tVt Rout .v .is
It -h-'w- *hi- unboumlt-d .ronfidim I.Millini; CiiiP|>any have in fhrir pr-xibu
IT " "
p ih, |1..,M.
M, II V., -
..... .
4T,'‘Ssf; iiibSirTXi’
^ i^a
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
JIrMndtbe €ifiPr’9 tshle.
Aa the raar aerlaga oat of tta aamMT late tha winter, not of tbe aonaUaa Into tbe dark, daU toUa of
MieWBilng dayt and the totkaeto of
tefthanlng nl^ta. It it a bleaaad tUag
MtBT*l UedeBoy to depneetban^t U btokaa byaeall to atop
mt ncmat enr MaaalBgi. ladead It U
m good tlaa ao to do.
Tha yaar 'i
walk hna oome In many ways to ai
Ml Tha seed aawing. tM growing,
ton kwrattliig are all prat. The bam.
nta AUad.
Oallanare atared with
^aoe Ihtogk far tba BPOtba pf reak
Ska wtotor. oold tboagb it may ba.
IB qaUl hoan of gmtbartag
■maad tdiierTal flrae la jdeant <
floBtfilp of family and frieada
It to ngoad time tndewd to
M arar Mto mnoUia and nee
•and • yaar It baa baen. To aom
MUmay anas that UeaMngi I
b«B faw.bal we oTattoek tba Aoagbt
at tbe (mbtoa we bare baea .pared
ttolBtgbt haTebean.
AammeanhBPwn HBgar
a Unit rm pal. It:
“Dw liBl, are ere arm ao thankfel.
Aa teakfml M we aboald be u
WmtSU aagala amit daws to datand
fmm iPBgiti ay ayaa aeree am:
SM wto ere ara haaeaB laatoulal
^gBBkdad from arllpad aam?
Re-Painting and Uphoistering.
state St. near Union.
er. Coaat them, aod if there are not
■<'*nw. repfted May, -| beer a
e have a big dog named >pori. He
eight, go after 'he ooet that are '
a great Uar dog.
Fa;a and I ncle ’
W^‘'tK» to^h’itn'ee.
When you are eofteniiig bntter to
make cake, never sllow it to melt. If Henry, and Mr. Ben Howard and Mr
ag day U act apart at tbe dark meat U eo deUeioou and I
that the dremtiicku of erne turkey
you do ibe cake will U- heavy.
riiBCker and Hr John Jamp. all w-nt
isg. d
be foond tcarceU a large enoogti
- that ll I U
ImmedUtely after opening u cun of np IB Ibe White Horae MounUtos
. fish, eoopa ot regelsbiee. pour Tbry get ihirtceo dt<-r and lolt of
>d no the ablet of borne. ply for tbe family tthle.—G«o-l
atents tou u dUh. Uuny ouem
Tint and ia rilUge* all Hocsekeepiog.
Vet. my eon
iBlbr poisoutog reported In tbe
land; and tbe eooi aod
Dewapupaa are due oM to a pciaor ta Thouaaad fire hundred f-ei bighWilli- - rtieu why di
of tbemsel'ea'tb- <
the canned food but Co pocrefacllre Tbey had a deiigbtful i ioe
from the boiy itreeL exacting olfire.
or all tbe loactoue Turkey
obaagr* that occurred Dter Die cue •toyed a week and a hall.
. lost your pocket be
or newer borne, hack to the placm
I think I like tbq be«BrM known an.) be«l lored. TbctatbE'en belter than the drumtiick
ere 1
notberp wbo ttill keep^ tbe
Tbe seooad Joint or bream.
old I
le icrkry gnbbled to fiercely that
their beet eSon*. that Die chlMeo
E'en better than the wiagUl.
it s.-ared poor Tom away.
Senablne girls cose aexi. and are '
who remain aod those wbo reiorn foe
The giuard or the neck.
It Tommy gobbted the turkey, and
the day nmy be made gUd.
They leOr any of the cBream
Nuul. Ncft. 6. Itol.
Joiee to make ihanktRi'iog a happy
That coutmuie* Ihe wreck—
following cas- it bot asp
Itort^r's iritog Focpie
day for tbe obildreo.
Tfau it a plea
: Dear Mra Batet-1 thought 1 would
many DmlUr oocuring daily in T
Ihal tbe childrea make tbe day tbe
I write to (be Herald. IfaarenMWrii.
1 mt it uTl 1 blink.
oocaaioo for faoaoring the dear ooe.
tea uiDC* I joined the Stmthine club, i this year than too were last'' '
And in mr drowey rupnire
who keep the home, and wbo hare
' lak for better r»oof than 1
Today wa. my hllle aister's l-tni-; by . bO].-fnllv
I think thU golden think"I think ao ah
made it wbal it U Let the yoongei
olilldrrado what they eao to bngfatai
was four yean .di She imt gto^ing C0.I liver ti.l Ual week.
F. A Bldred of
the homely farm boneehad make h
•t her bolioe.
UTenuc. mys; "lb
'Ihuyeulwuy* held I
- tlon that lb*__________________ I er: he IS eight a ktht old.
who will llTcaaddle there: and Id
,* better they «r-off. I i. HUUrd Tbeodore. We hare move
the older ton* and daagbler. with
" Ve-. " replied bis mother,
more meaaa come, briaciiu; cheer a>
"bot don I lay -fat.' dear; my
'' F^‘’tb7.n
well eeaktag it. Row m><- anoam
read tMtchiSg'BH”* j««
Ttareree City I gue* .'•tout'" Tbs next day. at the dinborne was blesaed aad the two who
Bcr tobU. I,e Wiabed for tom* fet
,______________ ......_____pM will in a Kidnev Fills 1 wet todoeed to try I my lelwr U getliug Iceg eeourfa. to . ausL to be mid.
'PUaM- give me
>e I Will cl
than lime OOter n good-tUed Oelli* (bem.' At the lime I M iwiat in the
way*remember. U eery yliidla tbe Being a prat ate bloemer.eooo it u all
Your UttU friend.
wriur-t Bind.
aglow ami perfomea rooB will, lu
Rn^ Hunmun
^ A amall boy rreeetly aioU a denTbe honoead eoo|4e in tbi. borne dtmty coder U U a wery iwfreahtog
tUfk^sgre bearing the lerrend ■'PuiO;
Oedur. Mich . Nor. 11. lUOl.
bad imt forth erery effort to educate
•ret to the faalL
One plant
targe (amlly of idiildreo and to gtre
focr inch pot- lu tnnebee
Dear Hn. Batee-I Ibougbl Chat I '
beaa mtlBBaefal aereiee of tbe completely screeued Ihe upper buU ot _____ aiBoont of aid It afforded, thee would write a few lines to yon. I '
finally I wat unable to go further thun
-rorld. and were mIU helping the
toe yard. I used lees iliun two boxes
yoanger Bemtera of tbe groop
■r iS.'s.?, s
Victor Petertyl,
Traverse City. MICh.
' For Job Work of all Klods ail at Ibc Herald Offict
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages, Etc*
For Broaklast?
amlU Uleea
0B> wd ri«laa »»o«t in tb* ki-fe*.
... Paris the aotboritiea of tlu
~rinrti1r(r decks, vtndows. aad ereiTTbe flag' sBce on Friday. Keromber
ttelT fecrfe.
' Loerre haee heeo ailed epos to infine pieos of silk.T«ry care as an elgfat-page. three eolBBa. Bf-; si—t u
eati«ate the (host «aestioo. brly
tbe ebildns ettfapted to e
bloe in a field of te«B toobee tasiaaTbUlslbeBreti
thraafli the widows. After leeriav the other mniec ooe of the vnards.
! doty it lato patrol the eilael
tbc ceboolboM tbe me rode f
Imdiee preeeoted it to tbe reg- poblish e news|Bper.
Tbe oIob hast
Ion aad keep wotob eeer the
ludebtcd (or tbe haadlcT*n
o's leleelen art tieasorea. rsih- imeat OB its deimrtare for tbs front elected Oairoll E. Hiller at chief edlepistle t.> tbe erTThr-s of an
ed op to hU sopetiof offleer teaffrlyhi
■edihst Ibeal
(feerc from HcrrUa eossty. Teaic. aod declarod that be had aea tbe igeaeftrau the report H>c( c well of olmet pore iobrieeUsp oil face beeo
tme«fal Id there tbei Dowc oee faeadtedead Aftr Imlt per dcf.
Be* well U Bbool thirtr mlln DorlhWMt e^8eoaBwt.
The lofeaie Icebellc of Spoia her
bopD laid gp lliree weeks u the resolt
of SB saloBoblle aeoldtsit. The lafsea is the Biot, asd op to date, the
ealr Spsaisb lady to dries her owa
ulasBOblle. aod her Bret
u DOI at oil lUaoooT
afliif. The moebine too ploab lou
o Btooe woll aad was ssaabed to bits,
ne prioeeie- rl^t wriat was sprained
aod one of bar feel waa hart. Hei
lady-to-waUlBff oDd the tdamlarlala
alao eame to for a abare ot tbe la
teaBompteolold.' by bit It year olr
brother Hooday beoaaw they wen
poaisbed by IbeU mother. U elill
Blire aad may leeorer.
Tbe eldet
beotberiedeed. Joba nid todey tbai
they drank oacbolio eold, kaowiag ii
woold kill them, beeaose they weal
ed their Bother to feel sorry for wbai
she bad done
Ueot-Ooeemor George
TuoU leiUetl tiims-lf lugerber
ttioas that when
luoiis task ut snh-aUtr
riesredby the sarriTOi
L Tbe mao 4aa retlered frooi
faiK-ieil btoj—If as an Mradoty ahd went to tbe boepiBl to be regiment It he forwarded I
b- said >olemul>.beglonlBC
placed to the Coo- ,
w^ died .a toerlty ptet
treated f«r eereoos iroftimtioo. Tbe
ate BOSeoB.
of smallpox oer.-raJ yeoa sga It i»
II ass Ilk- ibis
ISB Ephraim Bliaer. believed to now fsared that an ooibreak will ren .u In ilu- lanramr. K-r His. Jaiinbi m-iBlrrd
bets lb- OM.WI BSO Id the LnltexhoBtog of the body,
■<-r Sts- ka-a ifav ■iiairrt
8. L Dsolorth. a re
plaiaed later to the iiijKiit to ebaiBe ed SBtee, is dead at bU boa.e lb
Ml. relative, say be .
that he. loo. bed seeo tb«"UtUe Oor- UtitB. K. y.
Hii eon lo
poioL " Tbe aolbortUes are oow bar- *s nearly ISi> years old.
iu«troable fladlDK a mo to t«erd ViseoBsin bat tlie family bible, sad
eventog by ■
that partieolar pan of the rreot mate- copy of the- record it conmins is in
a cell ai an iDtoxi•smieoo It bii son in Clito. It
ss gleen uo siientlos. ii liVlf-ii a msti .d Mr. Tank.' .Ia- fe.-ii
that Hr Elmer was bora in toe
A Paris barber oamed Boateaps res alleged. alil toe oexi moning. U- ties g... l-.bl of a blghlj S|.|.rv,._ilit.
eotly potealed a ebaelB( maobioe Town of ffarreo, Herkimer oonniv,
, dipceviwed tliat a mis- and drIU-al- a.ird. be do-sn'i l-( It g.
agalurlll h- l>ss bad a gi->l
oesUllag of reeolTlo* bladea opar- an dsn. to. inf.
—.—c i.mu -MU u.—>■ — — “ ------- — mil i.f p , ~\i. the weiusu »a- In tbe
At Pans lbs Roe Troosbet. whiob
to to- Saginaw geoeial horpltol A !
r-mslT^idlai JasI been paved with a new gUss
ooDsnltatloo ot sik pbyvicUns garelry. .m, tb-d-vor. 1m-.»d-is
iwosett torented J>T U. Oaicbey. bss little hope for hlr rtcovery.bnt claim-1 .mlili j..ner. 11- didu i ord. i
oorered that their olilbt had toraed last-been opened to the pablic. O
ed that bu life might bare been | the n-si .d nr. lu.i l••ll. a. la
bias aad tbe skin tell at if It bad traryto the expectsiionBf many.
spared had be been given sIlealirtB | hut JusI a p.i.I a <b. l-.t .in
^xoelleot foothold sad prom
faeeo aeorebed. PbysieiaBs dlagnoaed
wLea picked np
Hiaeoodltioa •«;
oca as boras prodeced by elne- ises to be wlihml dnsi aad not to ah
• aoLa'oT s|-'l "
trlcliy. beTsoleeo soils for doBSges sorb waste. By the prooett tbe inven family tearctalag t
id !.• bvr hy a Iniio
h.-l,.sl II
has been enabled to otilise all
sgolast tbs barber en- now pmdiegul. of glam debris.
Serec women Of AmeriBo birth
i-t Ball, ot Gaylord, wfalle til-i -Tlin' «a>
reitsorapis-that is.
'ill be iarued to attend the oorons___
_____ _ _________
a boggy in a road a few miles •n-pu-i tori
lonot King Edward aert soauoCT_____ ol of the city goremmeat. are salt nf aa;Uord. talk lag with JsBea lHwrt. Iiad S
Tbey are tbe dowager doobew of Usa- •>nw beiag Blked of for Kew York
-,ho waa staadtog br. was-ayd^'hla*:beitet. the ireseot doebees of Mon- Cty. Ref. Dr. RatoaftolhBid otoer,an.
obesb-r. the doohOB of Horlboroogb.
die ooBOteas of Essex, tbe conaless of
;Two ihots were Bred, aad 'be other.
a, Imdy Canooaad Imdy Rtss----- MmieVe.;-----»ml ihioogh toebuggr.
It G so^ :
tog rod agents are .aakiog
»«»*•«»*'» ‘■T UdI. for Uo.d. . Ilh o
with trig
flat swept tbe eoBste dd Is new ibt
agiag tbe loterior. As tbs BOI*>c>
bold that dBtb froB whstaosim
BBse Ualways oompossod by OB aa
kaewa easay, only dlseoveable
UsoaghwIlehoBfi. wbteerer oril.lafle is Btrseked with whooping eongb
antearet is Jeoosalird. Tbe lottm
lararisbiy destgnetes oaotber rillsge
or tribe as oolpsble and e mldaighi
aissBori of taBOoeoi perioos follows.
The BoAy WoaaBia ladastriol sanitlwtoB, ergnaUed by Dearer profestdOBOl aad bosiofss sen lost spring.
U eew ia reooessftl opentioa. On
• tea-oere Bset fire Bliss from DenTtr. IS or lOtmllsnU ia tbe osri;
otagio of contoBpliaD ore, oadrr tbr
rlrtaaOly Bkiog cote of tbsaoelres. A-o
«bc died oosi Ura Chailee Oamasb of
Waokegao ber Ufa
She bad bean
tag at a nlMlre’s aboel lea Dilfo
to tbe oeantry. She becaae ill sererand oxprvaaud a desire to
J days ago.
Her friends protestbstokso:
tbs patient 'loslsted that sbe
knew she was going to dir aad longed
to see beHboDe Bioe mora
twr eritiasl ooaditioo. her Mends
BnaUy deoldwl to grant the reqaesi
Journey was Btda
Tbe padnil had Jasi raised ber bead end
gianeed ataoat the room, remarktog:
Timak Ood.'
(Htb Ibsto words on her Upe she sank
for toe fanarri of Gra-! *
Table r<
Gratiot fanner was i Robert C KedxG. {Wofeaaoo ot I
informed by asagenl that tbe toBl > oheBlstry at the Agricaltaral college^
oon'of plaotog Migblniag rad. on hG [since IW3. mid formerly iwes.deni of ^.
laaideBra and ban woold not .-weed | the AmentBo K -allh sawseUnoo. waa .
toirtr-Bve dollars, and be- .igfled a tmeken with paralysis while addr-a.-'
ooatrael timi toe work ita.mld be don- ing hi. cUs. Friday aorniag
Tbe ■
ilxyly^evea aad a imU renu per entire T Ight aide of bUbodyi. in- .
rolred iaod he was rendered speechfoot. Eooogb feet of rod. were placed 1 volreil
balldtogs. however, to leea
»t DMtrly two hundred [ao-l the doetoratoiok lie will rallT.
; ,;„oj
I-. say iM'Xt.
luiiii.!., mito no
ir failurr. And
i... « -m
me ms«
with a boaae, as It
dMt Beoaerelt, tbooriag great fsBlIiority with tbo proeidra|-a hUtoiy
aad ofaoiaetiristlea
nm okpMue iBOBtrodia tbe-trial
sad eoarletiiB of Lmo F. Otolgoto.
----------- of PreeldsBl MeKinley,
WBsfll.TWSa Ot this SOB fSOO was
paid to tbs attmeys who defeaded
him: fll.ttn was jmld tbe alienists
who oxoBlaed him; »14t was paid tbe
tepotlB wbo goardedbtin: $» wo*
laid for pletaree taken, sad (here U
btU of flIlS.K for tbe traBspcwtlBg c
Ueeltea and his gaards ta Anban.
This blll it Is czpeeted the sBU will
i*yBn. Patber Wieetoreb. iwieal at Bt
Badvlg's Polish Datbolio tdmi '
ToMo. a. wbo died roesally. bsqdealbed to tbs paritb hU tottn fertaas, aBOBetlag to nearly *100.000
It was ooapeeed Urrely of Toledo
teal ootoU. Patber WIecsorek
ties 0 oebls family ia Poland.
Wbl Doaae Regere. TS. mattied
KlB Lydia Upiaout. Tt. at the UtBt's farm at PrUowihlp, N. Y.. Prt
Both are iwoalDcot Boaben of
the Boedsty of Frtebda
They bad
kaown mb other for eo yesra Vhee
they wsie la tbelr teens erery
ttoB^t they woold wed. Bet
Itoaasetoaotfaergirl wboeenoB
alsoLr^ia Undooou. aad they
BorriedaDd Itred to bapplaew for so
years. The fliot LydU remained tla-
Olemeas. at^ie down town hotel one
T-. Kiisa. atv.H~.rilrr. >0U aent t.
whleb an now being galtorwl by la of to- b-ltoora gave poaltiTe proof i Two riit.hnrr-r. lai.-ntbaldarin*' the month of October he I M'lJl"* 'i''-'
j all for b-r.
liana to tbe nortfaern wooda.
In.lOG,- Mia. I/m
f-” ,
,7ra ' Almanaea •oattorod bnmdcaat to the had npeived *» In lips, while aomej
-at hliu tw.i iMtfowBof Ssredta. K. Y.. with tbo
r for a .-mipl- ot
mooto of Bevamber printed from aa mmoaetaal eaH, daring tbe anmmer I
dGpl., st to*
.r hilOH-If totcicco
<ld plase have badly mixed ap tbe on- leasoo tbaa the alary reorived by toe caraegle Inailiot-.
When he «a
There i..- said one. -a slniil.rliy betin popaGUoo. IBat Sunday all the ileti.
Mr. Tuuk> a..M.-.l
Mra Harley Andn-lge of Reading, twreu the (uncUune of so art Jury BO.e-ri-.l Mga.-l-.j-lr
sloioa to Sweden wen opcm oader the
Satarday aad toondadooble-yoGe.legglnh.-r Len- aod lb—i ,«r toe turlv- m-ti - ------ibe'roal Satarday bastoos retook looop and toaiGfy-tlml rver-preseat.
phot. On Monday tbe people had at- , eharaetoriatic of woman. enrloMW., -wi.-rr
tent bid-jtbe otocr.
leadad worship ander toe lm|xmsaloc
ether ,\ii tli.^-. .lriukitiB-%> tl. Ak-tbe
"Wwi. tu)ih,jDn.-s de.-iJ.
itwmi Sunday Sapervioor BoP
shall iv.n. kiud .-u.,UEh n. --od
nerfset _
tt'-'f "''•■“‘tn
G aetoority for the sBGmmt end of the slotted time twu. perfect
* bans.”
OB Baofiay be aad the kiaptGt ebloke peeked their wav out of the
mtoGtrr went flahtor He alao atatea single aboil, and though a trifle smsU- otnms Jissia.iisrUy.
tlms the average chick, have goti.-n .
ihattoan wCTmereiral. basktog bees,
wtodlag ap with a big dance on Sao- along well
bsug ' tbo j •'
r Jut
Hon. Prank WelU of Imostog. lh<
prealdonl of the eBte boanl of Mto. ''”1 don^'kanw that wliat 3»" •«? G i
Kelaon I
IGtotera ,
at araoeot Beettogmade to-sl^ltog always froe of an nrt Jorj
ownor of BtogfaaaploD,N. Y.
r.-)-.-i-.l say n<
rhoae r
lend to taka a Bdb aad panbaae a ramark toai be aaticipated tost Michd l.-tt.T dr-.p t.
eew nil of dotbet by the board of
aubj.vt.Aad It mas :bcieiipoli dn.pp.^
Be aye he took the bath aad
oftoeoiaigroom *GG gathered *« ,;nrX .to
Ik- got toe oew elotbea, bat objeela to
remriag toem, me l>e aye bis old cam
n fretty good yet. He mas eoee be- torre had l«en
fon ordered by toe Gwllh boor^lo
Barr Uree alemr-to
largo brlto blixA. wbidi G fell of old I feet. When cold
farnitare and oddlllea, toelndiag hG | the germs wil 1 be
_ _______
and that the 1
Ootiagulls atjuoi camp-..k-ry. to-.,
to- os-k. TG- g.-no^ ramp |
sbe s--*
i.io,, .xu
g hto not beeniar- ■
watbrr comes no
IG piinw lirings tears to tG- .yv* . ,
if inspiml.
IS coded |n...
IT iu whichh.-d..-. iiimmk.
re of tbe V.
Ira Oampbell, aaarlr M years old. a tbe Haaiatec KattoDOl rank tt was mai.-s m-n hki.giy,
naident of Olon Ridge. K. J.. has determtoed by a targe majority of the ..
mat had bis lc« aspoiated. going capltol Stock not wenend tbe dmrwr
ibroagta the operaHoa with ooapoeora
aad refaatog to lake aa*
foot wa* lajared some time ago and medUGly after aeb action poblGoo-; u,,up, g«. si«lo..d iG-nn-ook.'-d to:
danger ot blood poisoning made aa- tie* was girea that oo December 8 the in.'noiiu>.. To do this G has got u. an
patation neeeaBry.
InislTWii* of the bank would G sae-' d-muixl iG- ’ kio>-> of Brr to have,
Tbirty-ooa dauaooda have been oeaded t^y tbe private tamklng firm of wb-lra r larg- ra wnall IJa^.
Tlgo. bUISyeareId.doc.
When tbe (leBDed from tbe reins of Charles T. Saada A Barr, oospoaed of LooG or r-dGr .-aib-ra. U-vl«ildaG.k
bow to get toe m
ma otortod Wgstbts ganioIdTige Baiaey'i baraed eoentiy borne, at Seeds and Oeorg- M. Barr.ra^rctlTe- ex^-lMliinr.' <d tabur fnua biscomradem. ;
arose fioa tbe floor near tbe elore. Soolbaaploe. 1. I. 111. Uwee* oaly
•aea a pilifal wbtoe aad weal oet of
doera Bit BatUated body eras feood
BBBberol emeraldsaad other etoaca ix^tmndtog of toe Bembentbere- : will servetofiy (ro..tiD aadgiT
SB tbe La*a«aoas railroad :oacb>
lat so BBWBibrd fiib '■ «* aodmrty fur a f.nrismr
to* rvsteaatie of G of toe higbeat in -------------------------.
It -eriT to CVS* apple | The arense mail s gascllau
. of toe a^ bea-aih wfaal was baoking clRlaa
' l»P'd.Tm.U
■werda. IbecniikaGiold 1 Gra'l time 1.. tab* a va.-sH.*.,
Hn. Batery'a appartBtwi. TbajewAt Praaklort. while to* Ann Arbor
[\>rerty is a serm iGi -very
eU raagbt in tbe fire -were worth Railroad OoBpaoy swllcb eague
,I_.^ Mem to ie-i- frsns hU nelEtGu»lOa.««
woittogto tov-yard Tbaioday. ’
ItGo TlUG JaeobeoB. a well known ' HdUIUr. a secUa bead aad an
torre any p
IS to a G-rw/n v. U. aim a. s agreem with
eltiieii. wa* ridiog oe toe eagtoe Gn- plaint .^n^^wiih yw^.wooV
ataa drove
G gaarded' der when a box ret Jn»ped to. track. aj^iG cGre^iJiot^
oaraBka of toe oeaetory. wbo was
|i ,
«m flat to appoacb tb* g*ra.
hapiflad by a tertoa of pecaltar
aoaada eemtog from tbe aew-aade
gm«e. Btomlatog tb* grave. Ite fdg
was foaad bolptMo to tbe botsoB.
The fanetal was detaymd cob* tiifle
whIG tbe pig wMtetolt ramovod.
lAtUeSyarolPPnBeGM. MHla
of BHdgoport.'Ok. tooogbt a grat
4oI of bar UncG Jaliaa. fo G aaed
to BU ba slotG*. He died
aadtb* UtUeglri wtotaloB*
wwit aloa* tober
toboMoto's boas*, wbere sbe waeparBiitad to Bfco a tea look u hiB.
oMd daaply oAntod aad socm after
aii*tag borne dreppod dad.
At^MOly tWHoglakgoar-
mbh-t, mas .IrtT.-r-iit f
lIlK- .-urtaiii."
npl-s might G-.
er acliaa iG- sam- lurt six nru-veu;,
WJORiu-valive ,
aighu. witomlv ilK. t-sirf tHiiulay to ,
dwtrmet (be miiKl —Hav AndeiM'a ,
as liKiuiiing
fai. old
'"it to'" 'G- side .o' tb..................
„ „h
ide liiH- .ifbi.-y.-bm,
if bi.-y.-b- you know."
And J.UKw
haaa gracry store, J oiLe
V-a Poll Iin-.dgr.avci.mand Bull ’
,URonG.ycb-. . ".-'s IG- agBoll Huum-l--!. '
•-Kuiilhm.nl ini..
basirawk did.i-| G i ■
• Uh. y-u. lIrg.KI
lagBa.'lilh- lusiiofs.
orasl.ing l«i»ib-ss.
IWl m-G*G a
bivc- a rxpaaly nf../
tn-li.E ai. i,u.li. u.
> •••
»l..r.-Gs .|in«ii.K,
II- .Isnvl
t b"" siabbn'J a Ibrill ..f .Iu.i.u- sBepf
>1 ..r a girt
ibr..iigb I,
iiibHi'li. .-ag-rt)-. her
mji.|<li.B hlu
■■Ai«lwhal‘sWliPi-.b..i.g» '
a. h- al.~.l
"H- slG- agent |.« a fanumi gan-1 or. Ii.mlri
maker aiKl...b..ug m.-II. Jl- acUaali;i.ls -.me
ilium an.1 saug.
kiod.-f guus, |,i<l.d. a.ul bteyvW "
K..»M''biiig Gin.-.] In IG- liB.k ..
"Aud J.diBVu.:-"
•‘.lb, G -. a manolanoriag jevrebr. Ihnuii. and It s.s'ui.-.l as ilKKigb G
and be lariM .an a tntglnv p..j wb«rJ
"Billiags. 1 suppiw-. IS siill u to*
fureilotv bosin—
"Yes. bal I nnd.-rsimnd liiut G torn*
not a-luVI-r bi-y-I- il.aii Ik- .|.--u d.mk
boremu. "
The mucD-d trav. 1- r Irgsu is. Guraj
e niacT.ijisiis l.orsi of mms that fv
tliis n-m Ju.r uti'l fmdoBi Ai..f*
- -.GIIUH-ss" bad TaoGG-d fn>
ml- liT-ry bos.
as'" Grek.sl mull
-iV-ri*tolT. i,ui IUine io IG litiG <
in IG reared his «i*i"Ah. Ihefs- gtem
ton. TGoldf-ilom
inflating iie-* '
re any ote- vM.--ini‘eto IG G
cycle lmsan.-Ks'" a-k'.l tG- rs-tatasd
iret-l-r sadly.
Uiiok <d any eu- jost n
■eplMd IG sail r —s-bKtto" P‘o«
■I dral-i
•WeU,,mg. "a
JIG at
r, Charl-s
sle- r-pW
m l.a< moiil.l ba<e he.-u -lUsusil.>i. b
. w. upllfi-d
IlilJl .'iMWks
siunLhUE. >-t i
p.n.sl 1.1 g.-i>-...M. .smiUKs-ii'vnvi prais.
IID.1 l-bl
L-r IGapeUof IG. mumk
■ !.«. .-aoEld Ikt Iu IiI. am
l--r Gsd domu tu'lils lK*m.
'MydartmE! Mj tirareal
einiJ..;-.-. mslllasa .all It
-luiGd. slgGd simI muilderaiely sGparted. - My swretrsi girl. I koew yuo
Vive tue. at you kii-.w iGi I wunUp
yua «- Grr tuM reel, mber
uighi if. ..ur Slngtuf
And th- fr1.-u-l mlM. IGw u
B,.oakGr/ -I/^«T,.-B.U
iGt Io.**GbU- and after,
rerpruing tost st.- .V. n-u Vnfc rsmtid a
bctl-. and s— «G| u pswiag ander txt
very ei«a.—d^yk._____
i.,™ Vn.Gnres
air-sT^ aV
g-nllmrs* ■.nd
iransflgoted Gf .
ll bto G<« cuilsd ty IG nrotwG IGl
Gae -yrd prapV- ate
-..lor Utod. , II wa,
lell. Iben. a* a
tG pvorgta'GsealBtcUd G
anuBg pmmam with baa-: feaotuaai reorteo; I. c
suml ly arGi yog told
G fool srl,., bsd
e—and Gl all
-My dear ai
tere.1 Use nusei
myaeir sborr b
he Gwsu as G am.
iT .......I „,s' Ii.'-ft J,■■■""
re GUn emidoy
mitoyes idle Gndo tot j
poMi(4el ; Aa I wai
U always mHl.
-i.G^ Cu
y Gtp yos -oo Gl* BO 0
■ Tree domeatic Gld.laes* G fooadsi]
•Vet a red •«.Tbea M SG lad yoa IS.
‘ ar^'________
day ts
wttoamt Iob.: arat to It to* Btrrr.l Gtwaa
Ha mi i iiir
An..|dl.illA rsnpl- .< Gpusi.d iMtecs wUto
ere givre turn to pat m wrek pot.
Asamplcd tnpoible aGdawUto
G tnnul arntto.
ongtelluigcdaaafo .
A abonung list raiigiug fna a
t falGki^ l.> Ibfiv. ysnb uf tocm
M.re bUta —Lcodmi Tu-Blla
paUac ly IG 1 .
Ib-y are nut exfmwily named aa
atigilJ- G th- cinwiitatMto >• illogirel
Ijosi But It Ul*w..l.aca*s
Btyri'y uf tG Jedgea BniaUia their
psowtit .luommUGcsiIkt men
rrenn.-Wcmms‘a Juemal.
UlGya—I ranivic uadtottaad why gH
m a-rm lu take to Busch to Um.
Pfayllis—It s simply a caa of Mart
Uttl- lamb
(itadys—Hnw G yoB lasao!
Phyllia—Well, wbtmlG chiIdrw .to
ed. "WGimakre toe laob IrewlUlT
mir' itay wsvs- add. -Wby. Mary Ion*
tG Umh. yoD know." That's IG {.toelplK CD which toe num like Urea.—
K-m r.irk Jnaraal
TG hair tf toedagwtu oarttos
Gle" iso|>t«mtaraUUaGl <dtG«aadamenul priGdpta ot Gasui|iMby. glailia simlliGa raraalar lu IG Blddls
a Rimmfm aoiwnilti.m peralkd
rGwaaaa WM hHISD lyany anlosl esTUlo bain fnan tG nswiar* dobwtGmltebud w-ra Bscsty BIG
toiure and cGstoP tncliead la
Jameo J Belden.' omoar at tG H*0Gitau IKKH. New Irek,
rk. baa glvao
glvaa Ui
r**ld«Bre Id fijraros-. ralard at HD.lOi. to to* flrai I rcBbyiarlan elarto.
P. I. Buqre rei IG staff
Bee-ral Itu. haoia «u to* I‘»n tmerV
lan -spaUlim. lias Grn ap|iolnt*d ram
KreHiery Isaald to be at Wert
opoo a bistnry of IG Ganhope ftally.
with m-kV fa b- Is reanes-tsel iliroagb bU
OOtber. wG OSS tG dsugfalsr of IG
toonh -ori .rf GaobefO
TI.* Iste l/*sl MfiTTtt goi
..lamraivm uf
«f IG
f mreolOL . , - faeVecMrere. _ peddM- Guse wiplog hH masnk. tbOl
woold G -i«1ma fa.-l* evMHwre' tool
G bad hreti bat tag a drtuk.a tGt^^
Uito brr boGM. iSw— has Gmiaa.
ddsTobUoiomrat cm iG feet tGt to*
Gtarricr. with Gr gr*f aG aJBoa
aow-wbllr GIr, lank* a Bseb Hdar
wsamn tlma iG -w|m. wG don
Dot GA bH age. wfalrb* H 4X
ery tataaflre *M
aad Gr mrmary was peoarkaM
fram tG -tty
-«*y. *«Gy.- G pot
lo wGa b*
foB^ *B
to to* old lady
^dJd'j't^rr^koGr tot'likaoM^S
lie til*. Ms—t to lire aroowd Gto OMd
■as an.- <rHd t«* «U ll«r
jdt^i s UKreseot's oemilaUa.
-Did ya kmow Aaar
^A^ Kaaltofs ertad tG aU M
agglB. -WeB. I Bbomld tay I diZ.
HanyH to* parry G* MGm tm dm
:s:£rSa“s;'.sr-d*r “
* iGy are oaaM* to stog was going'i- a^/ tGl
Dally News
I tom ef ea.p at tG
warr G evs
ts for w
ad If yea a
tot^OP J
a give away!
-Why ooer
Boer asked
“WHI- aid G. Tun kaos
on grafitof «e IG Z V and X. (G Ifapn-. -tGt to saartat
Gwy yoora
yeamy I ba^
g. dertdedtbattGi
fabrvsua: toot G .
MM Bt; aa^£Gaagm at ay bog coa^
af gl
roB toe peril ot to* flaaset tnai to tG deer bnatara. wbo adw tnaxp------------------------------TG man wG prow
tiroiitaead to daotroy to* entire win- tog a few Biles are gUd » get Gok
‘Thr obio fitata LRnry assorur.vm . tods to porrGve sad
sr qaarvertof Waltaoe's glrcaa toe w oasp to r«et ap Imat Tw utbisifanri tG setAbllsbasret of central i f*aM» ed
time tGr# was hardly any a
I* has Gen tried ’•
TGyw,., bGrtadoatod a Galdtoglplatotog: thtapeG d—la roaU,
Jaw« to.aomat that tGhtg rent oscbfGtGtaRBa
«UL Ttarelig BdiBi lodiad a to*) At tooato too omd fom to. hanbl,mr
BilG for sonar.
Tbsalrical IwikiBt phutofrapBa
A liauf uviUiKsss to damask dto-
beaid. ‘ IS 1.1 ilu wbi.lc.
At first il.G kuom tolg- ihr.-«1.
iBsio.-. 1 G iM-w "
........... ....
•“'I ImM-'Gi.l. I.G
d ber family, wt» fear
Ilnasm of hH owa '
_.ks— SSI peeed
■ to .h.
G*" ..
idaaped by a former oweetbeart.
toe Ws..kresS
Piaakfon —t.
yaida .
nog Tia gonBersL'
. G is *p« ro'bnas* of tGw* immnii i1 '
iboBibewasaare engaged aad wbo, TG mow to MattiaeRe. Alger. Oa
■5o."s: dtGrifl Baa: “noi^<d by his .aresftcr>.
JoKtee If pr'Ambiy MBd soiGt bG ,
seed ber fre Gcarb of lowmisa.
■Maagim. HoagbUie aad otGw eoBetiet
-ll ts very <iBSTr.‘‘
At Prra. Ind.. wildantoolt wailediof toe eppre peniaataitriom e tool
. said
.. toe cGs-rfal ! met 0,4 G atJe to are tG f."ds wG
a thoomtfaUy.
V7 <0 Am with G
1 toiire aad tried G beat tGlr ogee I and a GU to two-fee* deep It tsvwy i idiot
tooogbtfally. "1
"I didn't
didn’t aauiree
aappree !jtry
a aigirt H I
t Uaak down to dart ooreer* asiwiftaad .mealtohta for aowHumtog,: r«>«»ldbll tG larr-s w.iGsot lak.^
aeir keepatm eoeghito reeoGtoem eBdtooooeKjo«»TUdiad^Bgeoo*;“P^“*
Ills liillld fur
lisH.li e.jnn<-U.>r
' J. D. Nonoo. Jr., and a comnanloO. u.^.mih to .>r<1-r>. I>ui --adlu ll -Is
One of toe oldetl Banter. In toe Dp- members of a baoiing parly who ate d.-.|in.-lo ii.i. woiuso Ik-ass euam.
per peoliiaaU woods ibu season it the : campiag aonb of Hedlmry. nui oato j r.| «l (*.. to- ma.i. r ti|. an cxv.- hi
i SSBT. Howe, of ktoekiaac City, wbo : the trail of a dear and started in par- [
Wiair Ml., f.
I with a party of Mead., ia to camp . aaR.
D.«r Kcstcrla- The dh toe it 7t years overtook them and they became f imr Taoku n-i.iodvd
Tbe flat oargo of trees for Ohrial- old and baa already killed two deer,. mti-d. Norton looked tor abelh-r. but
mas IBS arrived at Ohloago on tbe Ut- and has helped to kill a Volf.Uie Wun.. coold not find m and floally managed
•ebeoaer Jeoeto PbilUpa. which animal bavtog beeo bagged by toe par- u> ktodle afire for protecllen from
a that higli splriu.l '
been bringtog OaristBss trees ty aeyeial days ago Tost Sunday Hr. : the oolit and wild animals He placed
VIlGg- ■-ktiipd.-o on
tbe fire all night, and too a.
from tbe nortoetii woods for many Bowe eonducK-d servioee at Neeioria
■ aDarsIslU-iiia.lKt
gatoeted to toe —tbe first told at the town to a Bum- ■ mora lug roaomed toe saareh tor Ills : i
lost companion. In toe meantime his I
aortben peaiaaalaof Hlehtgan by to- ber of yeart .
At Homer, Dr. Welch, wbo lives oomynnioo had nwched camp aad Utandwore than traasponad to
mr aad wiatar. Boob potirsi
iga.-. where toev ware hmded over tlie Homer Bank, beard a tmaeh- tG- next day Korion was fooad
Tided with s nxBBy teal, plenty of
btot The ^tberiag of toe ing of glass at an early hour W-dav.warm elothlag ud Uaakets,
mrgo took over a fortaigbt. and the day moratog and pok--d hit head out | daughter of Uillionaire Potter, ot ^
. only in c
ofa wtodow.
He mw two motion-ichicago. whom book. ” Un«maonii-<l.' „
maely eold waotber.
less Bcb on guard to toe street, while has attracted so mneh allenlloa and; I
bosinoTedUmt with pniper food aad lataaoy. to Bake a holiday for Obloa(o ofalidreB. woold hare mads a dense ether men wen- operaiiog witli aio^Qurd so macb of a eeamtian to Chi-1 v
elotfal^ aad o Ufa in tbs
Anvwauillli ar-tlc
It of throe or toor emoe had toey sledge hammer on'toe knob of to-j«af.o swell >«clal circles, bae oome to 11
soBAlne, artlBolsl beat is aaaeeesallowed to gnw to their oatire bank mfe inside. Tbo doctor got his; Battle Creek for as exteaded sBy. |''
gBmnt'fifod twoatou at the paGinlaad will take ireatmeat-at tbe mni-!
Tbe told G filled to the
look load had to be eoveml!
tbf etaet. s^d tbe whole gaag fled
: lariam. Sbe G aoootutBiiiod by ber ,
Bd toe deck
WUB took with Bapstot WlUioB ot
iron wbra PblMp IGrweal made kdi
M»t mimic Gr-ra went mild Oier
rhlUp. pnM him onrrw-rv.dG. bol
Us ITU tma.-d ber h.ad le ditoata
■V<|U a. toe |sdar rrgh.aa. that call-d Ifaa eUm tqi. Ansedd old to tbs
voh-.- me. her trtdk-l.
-S.H .-wo doohly wscBgrd kgy. who wai atUl mbiMihl take tbe <-hlU •« Ib.me l.-p btagOw pG.^: •-It IS 1 who am Boot to
kwr. rve-vtwns-a.-1's.si srura. ela.
bUme t.« having dolt yoa as nodtogxvated the frtead m bo bad
blow. Take that oaaa and give it
Viiakra (k. at' It ibMieuiui.c>i.
Bit ..HI. Wtia -.rry SUU.U r~'
cmeashanlayuerdit." ‘‘Xu,
a.1 i»-rtiai«. uti-Hy oa- oG.‘- lbs lad itowored; “1 oaH do
ns Iml a.a.
khoataauutul Ur
-iinrt. ID
tbet - TbewbaUgRiattoiiocilnxiawaa
Usd sing, maahn and alL AnsoM
• -tiGtnat
"J.ura, ynn BBI obey toe,
r troside ts
it yuo diKjtisy, I am naiy to ay t
toall make yuo wrlG uol that page of oBg pans. Ilk- mml things, hi
ive1taum.stayiiwla to do it. ”
r good asw.llasiG-irbwIisun
n R WM d-apmll.B at this
the sparfcUag
clianiru-r iioikt- ku. « l..-t l>«i m
ipn.f hurlamf-Uuwa eridenGy lur
■wmdiiatnra to -».T Iti.i fi.r ili
ing hi have the goid lark thnaselroi uf
ill .............. ..
‘ Gcklaa-- a maslra, Ibat aoddmly la
" l”rat“l.lB ' piirT
spir-d J-tou. I know aoL What I do
n-nsiu l.vbiii.|0-. which. Ikt
know IS Il.;t he rrwrhad forth Ins baud.
iiuo faila.P--ui. iIm w-rk lli.-IMI
tuA IG- ..IM- aidj dealt me onabM
tnan r
k 1 badaoldea
a^w ^n-d'an Ht.vi ly imlliog.dr simI ■ lunnii.g .1. IlgliifuliMtbeiiiigm.d hi« glovm ••psratcly and stiM- c m
dcUG-rai.-ly to.r.>-ntnaier*ilaiiimra.K .*u.. an.i ... .ii I
bat tost nn*T lu/i.iraiirai G- m.mid Pliihi.'. I-^I.
_ _
throw iwhni^n- i” Ihc winds and have maii.-d «d- sW .i
eianp]ian.e. aod then toul to blB:
tbcglmeod wilh.w}-ti Who ihal sl—n..- iini.-i.." -ak tlial drttoUbG wns|m amua
baacv.Tais-n iu> ll.-brsn
Msr-u s lu.i, I
yoor kn— and Ihnra if onl <f toe wtohrilluujt gn-.n glm.-sau-l (G fan ka elipi-H mi.. iImdom. N.vra again will me hays aoypot ool .if iIm-iu!
- li-l-ii
Sb- sen
tolng ti> d-. m iih sach ia.ibndk hire."
On lb- csluT haoit. tbe «vil efl..G«d sb- 1...L..I a*
Tiir Uwia Atauld adds that ROjaml li. to bG TGw. aoDwardly
exiKdlmrt. and that "ha
.-au--. .UK- ... f.*gel .
.-is-b witoool toe sUefc had
mol familiar liii-m aad. In turn.,
utow boatara"—UAiilr l.i 111- |.p>oi)u.r'* luix CO In I
frv-n.lly » liwfiw itM-m.ods. Thu i 1 sane as'.ipe Slug, oiilj
BsrTtsd *e aaegl*.
bapis-n-d ti. In- acv-ral tmi.m. tuilably I
to -The Wiiil.t's Tab-' -Jii Uwdao. t
I -..oiiu: SU.1 glortii.-l -vwy ii.
wl»«r. after plav.ug ii IbU nighls,.! Iia.t' i
toUT»conpl-din.ae.Tsi .dJI.-itmoBc's • r fsllhfal nid siugliig l-a-her. m
aBio.'fais|s.k-u. lBtbet»*Maof a
"' in Ihsah. .lunag I I |.T3red r..r Ikt p. fall iiisdl)
barbebr y.ai will Bud:
r aiid suffiu- sliarpty In ..rvlcr Ibst
Half a diBi-a l-tlesm frea gllto
.« the harm. - ■ i-...er inlgbl.l- iKvual.l .ml
tbeet.T. fnv,oeni|r .
A tailoT'a bUL^^ ciaoki fe* JsohW
r mho W*. ii
cam* to aad began to talk. I drrer tG
dirGd Hra Oowito G toeydfora
^T^S^*------ ttfal H -DateGrito*d.*afflto
.> ooditkm to Ufa tattwb
toomta G mmtadad.--CGMolaff
Ptaty yoBO
■ *dBao wa* tori
wreoacatolGagotofiO. PoBi
at tafltixdla.40 yaaa bona
wUl ma Gmyoto ••
wJHMtAt art
----------- — r r
- r
- -
- - ~
----------- —rr
saar lamiap
TM bktoyef Mo mrbliBl teart
Of tM pratly torasd at aBlf MWMte a tep tteoevy fliiiikad mMm svsbn cf paaieavbo Haeo
« one ttee tbe^^c^e^l^ M|Malrbada aMBrtrtB^ tartiMcasI
' 10m I flat atac <• Cxto JIb Bitte MiKt dar.
oU BU «M
maam «* a» aMbe cme. aod M I
Mart W hand hla bu taper b» nM;
‘Aba. rae ksowrd Ibat Marj bad lale U liHnrBt waa died l>y a law
baaa rtek rar tba Jaat foor «r pTa paBid ia 1881 at Itol bbt tbas *4 per
■linrtr* VaaL abe brraibrd bar laai
It p<r erst cat
A, to
pirtB. IiVa SB dstil naor tM elA ef Mna tM waab done at Man Aaeto
....................................... rthatltwoedM- r
oripla. TMis-{*
flwaa aMaawt^eS. Tbom wboar haada an
bBp bo- and to at bmse an nearty all wcBs
fear 1tbe CO
d by tM sbp npolar cMOnaa Opmwtot are
liaida It la sow csllnaMl M
MSt B iMb B> ay Mred Msw froB
- be West lirtU lal
arofal lalin tbe P- . ..
IKO). aad la no
notjjb^ to sake a iencnlylbai
1» ^ - ---------17. bat !■» flad to aay ab* dW hapiv. pnrtt IB aaiplai
qaantitiB. t tarn aarckde of «a-F«afe.
1 daa't aappoa* yea cas aitmd ttar toBcne. TMinaretianlaedontMoocd-ltbeai
t Baric
■Ml laBOCtaw. b« ni trU yoa a'bat
tesl tree, a Indian Op a Botsl. whleh I Aa apt papU e*
rwM SBM.
, be""*^
are ndrened
nden^ williii:
witliii; r
rii dayw ia a apcclea rt esrtna
ym Blfbl do (or at K TOO wUL *b» tltirlB ore
In tbme Bontl
wbirb. a* paalan, tben
aer br boriad ibaa rmy- At Hof. in Barton, pooplo otv-ellowed to
Tbr cnedtineal ia Sna raHntnl abosl, baildiap np a nsio
» s—-pi» te
ebarpe. Fine penllrmra Be
Blka aroooo wUI bo woe- eaica-BOoey. piemg aa •rreniT Hie n- tbe BKMIr of Draemhrr. TM teati | m nasally have tbeir hand* o
irfcd lb.- bwel Jail"- and ihal te- ,
, tbr bard and rvp-lleinnrvi
goB 111 ert Banted oc'lb oripi of tbe ir wapra two or ibreo woeba
p witb a knifa,
fe. I Boe a week. Tbry an nes likely all to .
to erralar eye—ef
I Bkr far a arroed w\U.
r wbirb bM brew
v wmatlbeworkdcaw attbr a» ttee. i disrHi i„ jp.Ui
be na^rrlB bow Bach
off wrib
an carEfoUy brnabed1 oo
a aqnir-:
IT-: ud tbe eiaitinp
eistinp Banicnre endenTtw*
endeoTtw* ta < Pui>«
Failxr Pmi'.
Pat'. zmele mimlrd
- draweri aptnnno' leoe-r of >■.
i(ai7-a sIbnrtDO roal aad bo<r aooa
, lleliner. E
rd UIL ni.
i* prrloeBed ^ te : U, at a note that ca be corned |
pip wi* avnMr ' Dmelr A.ee
ink. llexca. II
^ be aA Von kaow bow folka an. aakidanduoadanMlapimL PrmiaiBi
U Bade at Heart ftw innrbaut# B-poaitinp poorta u tlmeof tPBpmiT iwibarbytl
tleet. v«I.-t:d. weee-b funbev.
Said be. - .nh.p "Ab. bat b. V Ma '
,!r^ t.
Al Baqtara raw woo! Uirroirrrt ia
Taa ^ Iril ’em tbr rareaitu la u
in tbe r«B cf a amU j pbu. and to^b^a^BaW. h^- I
iJn^’J^rel^awi.h te
I—ace tbe< ItsI I, Ibat .lee-cBln: •Irietn*. [ maw 'earo IB.TcmBI artiM —iw—bMl). .pe-atl'er .efa soareel tee baei bad
CM* SM and till be upariible a Baath. pirdpe. At BnenUniBililaiT^eiter- prnio. baeinp
emph life, ™
Aa far By Banylo aflo. Irll ewi IH Bcnu an • orlod'd tneii tbe anirtni
Benlraw and miemu ma ‘bieie-l* 1r»* m I eleenm dieeiUrr. emi-'
with Hr ltm.l,:.ei. *11. lu. Iie.-u irtb
I . . a.
llial if an Vbtcb may t«- iswned. Tl*' paendioi. to Ibe body rt
at Detaol.l-will not nnive ariiH". id djTinp miaar_ _
Wtinpite finper nail* a* Ilia to ^^,«,„,Prt„,...utBenl few Kaile-rl*aT. and.
in.- .rri.t
MWB freoj •rrrant*rritbiK:l tbenanrat BakinpcaraiiDee. (krbineal alone yields
geo ulk IP «BC ananopbt to tnanll in te ]
liar lef Ibi'lirauDU' i ii______\i.
,9. .,n U-. i.■............-_e_‘.....
eii etd--r ibi .................... ptwiance fn c/ver
0( tbrir mzatinc. Al AlteulaTp and <«ic a purple colew. whki. wbra Btxrd witb
d Hr*. Heerbwaud.
a pride
k in te
h np bra rtin and e*4t | pUvlejli
or two othe r pliww on <«*• t> »lkne.d to a ablatioo of tin in aimanriatb- add. naila and Urn* to prampe
cbrtr -T tV.-lo,-..'.) ,w Tleri-I«r -LdoMrrtaWKaiKT
"W'li.i rt.. «e.u a
Mr fww niib L Iratinp te Mwv !
pawn ani'ln of man- iluui lOu uuka'
ebanpte) to a imst braacifnl tern In pood <wder. Tbe work Urns beOdpetakBRAi
:4ooT.l.-c.= :!..
t,,,,. *
e her buteud
-lb.> yen intend to bavalnc wiibciat Ike etaneii of tbe town ararlrt. Tbe dwnrn-iy ia aald to ban pn i* likely to be raelinncd to pnr1 preabwd blB ana aian on.
talk tn eaeli atbv
Cade Joe llaicber bi owe of tba
been made in lbi> wur:
pas of twantifyinp.
f -d-alelj lie** wemaa ohalA ma wbo wu Bakinp . tecmOBieAllbnopb priralr tswalr^i* < lUt
aebool dlredon la bla dlatrkl a>d ta
TbcDBBbn of peceple. toes and won1 diaro BP to bte booae be came down alaaptirte tbe Bnniri|mlii»titotita>^ la to placed in bii window an extract ol en, wbo BOW lore Ibeir feet atlcsded
BanytowDiibe tauerrefa-e torto lead eocbinral Bade with builinp water, and bi by te obll'faedtft. aa they do Ibcii
tp tbe fate vtcb a faally
Mi baad. Whea we I
hands by te Baniran-, baa also in- ,
en and pawiibnekm ai
nad^ a^ wa tarokra ore^ Tbit eenaed pieailT. TV wiwk npa te | am indnd
acid rtianped te porple dye into a booi 8.~t. i* draw to brnniify tbran: npos j worldly aad war brartedu^ 'f me*, r.r.1 |., iLr w..rM=-;.(,. tr. lid .-(
blWlert from mortinp
■lAak ben. AU. I n
i.t aBiwlr.iaw I -I'eqai.ily nui.- retewted Mr Bncb-,.
bcsntifnl dark ted. and by esperiBrala te fewt. toe mfon. It icDOwreqaind. I witbralcmfl cw
MbMlBa-anfortbeiw.......... -................
-'—Ira will ! waoel. net few a recy -pood nans,
neiiirr ' in Fart..
sUlvoi asaioat rttwliap Ibiama aumi fosnd Ibat Ibe tin dia- by tbe Uw of jooe x. |km. tbat ebira^ ; inp to iVir
catwae Trc tm lo aak ber Iota of qnroA aalotaTy repola
». rad- ' l'«'v * ‘I
ilb fwwn iwkrt* l.freqn.nilr.-nltertrd. iolnd in tbe acid canard tbe ebanpe cf sdiala chall pvie
Om. rrepKooBeor nodoaBben.
. -----------'ac*''^.n'.! , *"^Tm ira'.-dr' aV iletnndaC
» .bar- «or
Tbr rale- if iolen-d flneluaK* a prrat cokw. An inpeniona dyer at Leydeii. board of eaamioe-------—--------------------- ,
MMarterBiyarBwayod. Pbetbl '
. .
deal in OrfBony. a^ Ir lilglhat ftr Holland, bma,
i^a BBarter’B a aew bloe pomp.
cf testate cf KewYcwfc. Some prawns wtok-a. and
ItMaaBe'byoa toertber kla beat
fcction The
have tell fral cared fur al bear. bBI
far a. tin* wcwtd t> o
VMS «d CeiBBbaa diakirer Ai
knowa and a
Bsrb tbr peeaier nnmb-r po to a Bam
Falllftl In leue la l.ke^talHugCBriapeatablithm.ni. in which ohitcpe aaierin and bwe <>
■TytbiBa nin <•' |WI
**nll tbe yar !« of eoBjae - I BI
tosponiry fowiew
drot cwMttul POC yania *
odiata alao an employ
nrewleu w of memlirai
vMed fur
lie yoB BBB It. Abel Iioe'l ;
Tlim ere thirty three mnaenin,. 138
..eOlrllelK. . to fe
•TiBfa tbe date, eeftalaly.”
Ibr name of cockno fleeter ia pinn
Shon.lpMed p.-|d' af.- naWrallp '
Kwleilc and TtC iicwtapor* l>> Hi*
rtoaa .-Irarviw.
pecqUe »b.. .1--.1 In .tree.
>JM('a irtat Harter awya. bat
al leiwl 10 ilifltTeill |eUul*. ttiwt"
lie I. a
! Mber
Wviie-oii leiioblli.
mu 11 down aa J«74, and we Jawed
cod. - .Natotally .1... 1-r.mU .
8 cr V aort Lsrheltc'a ballon
nllniod ill .iUbama. ItTVIae O...U
n.e-n ....Ve
make n,!...!..-.
niUiak.-. I..,:
ls.be|.w ,-al.
.c-teniy.-lk dtPe-rvi.r e..m
It temgl.t
•base K Cor orer as boor laat slcbt. _jn than SO. Ilia tbe race rtlo
a dosen of
f..n> nine nf wl.k 1. are ml
down, lui
rSbedsned If I wooldo'i ban hw an tbe world, rtii Joarb Bmiur ay* II
te_______ ____; wortlnp for blm Ibli
earn. In Irak at
TeT^rltra ‘‘fo ‘ The . .re iilall.m ..f IV l.loeel
..•ii.lunie.. U iwe-tdeiii rt -ii
•Tnrae itaTypeof
-T ou n.
m abnp a*lB ■ l-aod of in tl
tiarela bi- wa* atvock
l.alnnale rt tin-lewld of dlrktrta
______ .
- eWngt™!”hit'P"“^
-ton. -I
of replj
r 4o to yoo. with tbe nBdoenliaoce placed npe« na- tmafol Bia."
M^rtfbt. 1*1 I Buel *lre;tD
artnp .
If- Viter to l«iw yvur bs=
aork, nmelort
eraielort apel
apel general• ■twai
"Wbat baa be doner'
. (be work,
l-a.l .ln-aae.1,"
tbr railed
market i.
of plaat*." rtiorwclreriaicp It
''Homed ubeirene.''—Chirap<e Post ; of tbeac men. during ij
.e,k.-l leoip and aiedly at
ikrtL n’bkh _ ______ ajoinw impreaedem llialavape
knoB II fa.-t ihatSTbehilelfe-----------------------------j me. baa Iran all 1llial .-onld Iw de
«,-tler In the TahlM- l.fhrary It i|.
pbiiuraphj -«;a-v:o I
li tba lOBfewt rlrer la Anertea. Aber
and half cirilitcd piaeplra bate an aceniM| Tb, .r.ieuiaip. eviii.iluail
Temw ilBlf. when ran* prawn tea- and reflect, great
lettii -ay- Ibarte Bred fr— pul.ek- Kewn
inie knowlredip of relijectae f iiataraUiia' ^1 miwe tliau 4e'.<a*> rslr. -r umu
tlerary ecec rataMlibed aeSa tet of
ecmde nlal. beramma a ktnd if cwtmr. ! •*» “fS ‘f**”'"* ’
TOB don't aoy: I Ibeocbt It
lory and a ouifem ntanrurlaiaiee for a. ftue! loBtaafly tnlenae, aoeradtnp to
I 11. KngbiHl ami Kraura ba- i
Him CrnmmcT-Wby
1-el.T.l.eCU. V II In IfJU
BBdaaa. and Marter aaya li e tbr Oblo.
•• Dita*»rid.a made tbe aoBe ob- tep*; Hilua , wlU bara.-Cariyle.
I'l.r Huily peetpaiiug Ibe «c imp!
"Did yw -aril
•ad are pot 00 Bad orer H tbe I
I. and Albeima befejn him
Arpon baa beet foand to I* eom-;p^,.,bi„E
le aeu-ertallM-d Ileal llee- enC
Hre. We.I.I.o....U—-Ali iT disr. yot I
I dneiriaa named adiud Peter
that tbe
onrd of Ove ertb. CT-ee. ao Him telceullNne- .
i|el «|,e, r-woll> .lied at b'l-yr
An expert ten mixer in China ..
lal-r el- ade'> have- li'i Idra benrmoeb more
' "Uh. leei I.ebi* nueb- awill psifr
balled be diflnent
knr.e.n t.. .c.Waln'
,,fv, ti. fe.-i. It a|e|
IM.-ietr a ne|)e,1|.« u| *luul 3 e**] Hr left .Teryiliiop W tUrka*'^MaoH
iieier 1-. -i.ep a man n a< « 1'w.t than u i
pam of Ciwre.
j aoraiy-flve eleme I-.
[pruuiug iiulel deail.
—Sl Luoi. l*‘w>-DierDBich,
It ia. indeed, well knuini that plania
eDBiB By hide, but Ibat'a anotber os bare eartiaaprd ibeir namea larpaly.
■t! Tbe feller wlio pot op toy wt- ■
imi-ooi iaajcuid inflanco rt
■m toU Be that iDdUsapolie n
II tbe tdd beitel* the name la
ISka Is two lowBi tbe olae of »w To.^ pinntu the gimndplne (Ajapa eham
- rtila<41ni.«ireaiucl
laa lei ibe epeiedwel
Vaa Benedict ArooM eeo prealdrat of ■ilia, ill bia "Hint
:in<BTff Cliiraliy.” i:
«bo ralBd Btateor
lepiend of the dmwninp
kniphi throwirp iba flower i.> hi* lady
and fizrd tbr name cai the pretty bine
flower wbirb had pterioiuly been tailed
Boaae ear, from lit old Cret k
----------------rlpblaboBt .
Bonauti*. and both name aad li emad blB aa to tbe bipbeat BoaBtaB. eame popular, bat Poncli. p<einp back
«b0 aasiber af atatea aad arreml to Ha uripinal aaaoriaUtma
Mspa. and wbea 1 drorr
I. and in
M a delicate name fer the
acBtablat bla bmd tad ■
■rMro the aa
■. "noBi olTiaa'’
erehid. Clolc ia
PSBB I Biat be e
* Imn glrtu to Tariost
M. bst I*B not polB to let kUitcr planta la tl# old^l
bBBW ft aad trow orer aae.bnrdeirk. bat
it alwayi
I atw at once tbat ibere i
it waa pradnalJy aitarbed to other
«t Bes Hoira aad at tbe
tend plaala aad
Oonetabin it it
plaaa of
esB I pot doWT
piece of bUckberry
■Ok aad cat a pi
la It a faally r 1 aaked.
IBL rtr. rtpU la tbe faaUy.
d to loaec It to yoo."
Bob Bany people ore ia tbe babit cf
*«« I caal plre yoa aa oOUrlal
OOblinp tbetnaelTea abOQl tbe exact
rtfbB. Tbla L'Blled BBtea porenjnini tf tbe cmipaB to whk-b iliedt
XbI. ef vbkb I aa a pan. neeer BOdMaida bappeu to be pniatrd when they
mm vltb ftBUy Bancta. not ms
lay tbewiaelrm down ftsibeir noctanial
VMS a aaa Itta Ut wUe.mil One Bipfal bare pearr ca tappoaTbas plee BB yaar prtrale ^ilBlOB.
iap, bat for tbe impresiible Sir BcajaBartb aar Bae. wbo pot marrM to
Bun Kielianlaewi. tliai it did not ia Ibe
rtootpe BeoR tl weeka apo. Sbe left
Barter whe-tber Ibe htwd of tse'e
bla laat alpbt . ad walked foar aUeo
rsd were tamed nonh.' aonth,
McsBeboac. ;le booed ber cam. aad
w wen. Bat Sir Brajamin ta fall rt
Ms Myt aboV amr lire witb bla aa- tbeoheacB the anl^ert, and nowtfa ''
atbvjMy- f aay abe eapbt to pa hpM ' I expnnirted tbeas we arc in a
n te know that if we "lofti tnr face
"Wbat did be baa yaar oaia far 1
tMe-weat," like Daddy in the aebsAadafSse.
timrtiBl ballaed. we onpht to pet '
esM bla a BBr.-* abe replied.
anandeet alewp, bresnae in chat eaue “
•Toa. cAed Mb a Uar.' added Undo
cnrtb'a Botieoi will tend lee tend tbe
•m, “and I any be bad a ripbt to box.
knd to tbe bead."
n bsx Baanab'o ean If obe caBcd bo
Hen it a anppeand rare few inac
that Qlea bar OQBlpbt adriee. Aba.
Utb u at Iran woib a trial, and in
■ad Me sopbt to hare oiled bla a
fotaie a rampaB tfanald be an indlaponable article of familan ia eeerr
well Tcpalated bedroeon. Itmayradly
pnlBUy bated whOa bo
KBBiae not a few bedebamber* to
pe the adofitiaD <f tbla wcolward
potitian, wbirb may in arane rate*.
yyd bwdv tbss M IntMdrdr
almcM aa mnrb troable aa_(be yt
poaltioa baa occaainicd fnn tin
•■ABd Mt espbt ta pa back aad My
time in tbe acciraiaattel world.
IMa aecry. ThM MU aay be'a aonr.
'rajamin Riehartba® baa tpoketi.
MO. sad tbcru Mb and make op and
and it only ntnaina feet ihoea- wbe> tcM M happy at two derca. Boe. yoa
B7I biffi aa an oracle te> poipt ibeir bad
•0 tM back beae wUb Abe aa bit
beada doe wrac at all eoau and wi '
delay-—Uaden Urtn.
Baa befctd at ae wnk tean la bet
dpsk a^ 1 wadded ay Mad. aad as
Bmt Mtar I landed ber la ber baae alment tbe best ti
iMld'a araa. Oe wat oat at tbe pate
r;r™ !ET».TeC;.'.s'
h wui
POlWTtO waRaesaPMS.
------------------------ wiJliawtor .
» IVliohiisan and Besunnon'lt
Oil snd Refining Oo.
The Only Company Operating in the Texas Oil Fields with the Home Office in Detroit and Managed by a Board of Directors consist
ing entirely of Prominent Detroit Business Men.
, DR. ALBERT H. STEINBRECHER. Pres.: 4 lO Woodward Avenue
I JASPER W. DAVIS. Vice President, with C. E. Smith Shoe Co.
RtBCf^Aikf* \ R'CHARDC.ELLIOTT.SecretaryandTreas.; ofC.'E.SmithShoeCo.
nfrux inn mnrrFnDx / -IOSEPHMAYWORW. Director: Assistant postmaster. Detroit.
lIvlKJ AIIU UlilLvIUKj:^
. S.JOHNSTON. Director: state Aeent Mutual Benefit Ufe ins. Co.
I FTtED TAYLOR, Director, Traveling Salesman.
! THOS. SANDHAM, Director, Merchant: Alpena. Mich.
V JOHN L. COCHRANE. Director, with Burnham. Stoepel & Co.
gB waawrcBM toio» te^oraph coMP.unr.
We Now Have
Barrels of Oil Per Day
Ready for the Market..
adpkl7 bad Mat alpbt that If we'd b
ta OBlerte afore Btdulpht.-
We are offering the
We are offering the
Last Allotment
Last Allotment
of stock at
of stock at
The price will then be
advanced to
-Bane for Be. tbank you.
t ksow wMt to do with a
If I was blB.-Bocioo CbiM
tby pratmieB.
not Burtfa be tbv
tboa bewocne
bewotne a make 1^.
anejrt.. He
bath bat pained
«d tbe title cf Ia .Jeatn.let
Umiwiiue biB
biBBlf the fort ia notfv
Meotthant lleffi-nuii w*. aaylng
Tba Soper of ocara la probably U- te other day tbat be bad barelly ern
seen ta Irl-bmaii wi*. wa*n'i ready
astad as tbr band ef fate.
with a qnlck rraort. nn aiattra what
R takea a M«.ctoai polltkal
tbe rtrcomauneea might Iw.
•SMB te Bin canpolpa Jlea.
“It- waa about fhm yrane ago that
I arrated a cenaln fdleiu. Ue wu
abom tbe drnokent man b ever mw
Ibo Btay Bea tmlU
;lo V ttni standing e« bu feet Aa
MMeeipmof tbeir
of him be wanted
He wa
rtrtaafWllB oa tbe farend few to piakr^tn.1
and pleat tbe real of •
— _____________ -torn..-be
H a idiot
ctflidf luS^Ot AK4/bcffl
*^tUuL doit^yfeo UH/hAm
«aa praatraties. and then la netbinp
olae tbat will ace qaiekty nliewe and
flneina. in cenvamptioa. inarenBia bydi^ibobia worry, praerl sad kiadr^
ImreonpUiBbk ^Ce-n every edbee day
Ibey aono have a clearinp and wbilrninp eflert oe the comple-xieoi.
SS WUh'L'T^ie-k.
hP « B.
..orae ] conlda'l tieln bat SB, awer. 'Jnst ttrnrk one*
‘■Wea tf tbof. an.- be anawered.
I So'a^ biisna”l
Mipo tM abartUt of tbo '
A MbMaalppt Bob made
s mm* aad te ennaer'
8mbM s eadlet of ■'otcr
Msf—CMmpo DaSy Xew
to FMMS tSbarertorta klOa SUMO .
Barrels of Oil Per Day
Ready for the Market.
«o Bset bet aad be pare Mr a bap aad
• UBandrselaiBed;
We Now Have
The price will then be ad
vanced to
Do You Realize
That 75,000 barrels of oil per day
at 30 cents per barrel means
$22,5<X) EVERY DAY?
Do You Realize
That $22,500 per day would pay
you cash dividends of over
One Dollar for each share you own
every sixty days?
Do You Realize
That bur fpisher is producing
more oil per day than the
Combined Output of the 2.430 oil
wells in California v
The above telegram speaks for itself.
ssible cost,
.0.. the
,h. board
6.„d of
o, directors
di„o.o„ have
, .
oil dirrct
irect from the well to the tank steamers without a cent of expense.
The completion of the pipe line will at once place the company on a CASH DIVIDEND PAYING BASIS.
What Will the Stock Then Be Worth?
it. Our capacity is 75,000 barrels per day. Regarding the price, it has ben demonstrated vf practical tests that oil at Ooc
per barrel is equivalent to coat at $240
$24 per ton: consequently, we can safely figure 00 getting'tib cents per barrel for our oil.
inasmuch as coal cannot
lot be bought
bough for less than S2 40 per ton in any market. lii this connection we will sute that the South
ern Pacific and Santa
Fe arc now changing
all their lo;omotives from coal to oil, the latter shoving asavingof overSs^xM.each year on the entire system
these facts before us. the real value of this stock, in dollars and cents, would be so high as 1 .,
SVe will, however, say this: The toul number of produciog wells in California, as shown by thestatittiesofjoly,
1901, are 24to. There are hundreds of companies there, paying immense dividends, whose stocks have gone op from ooe
dollar to five. ten. and in a few insunces to fifty and a hundred dollars persbare. OUR COMPANY HAS MORE OIL
STOCK OF_______
- YOU T___
THE STOCK__________
We are offering you now an opportunity for an investment that mav never again
again bbe presented to you. Although the
0(1 fields of Texas cover a vast area, tbe extent of the GUSHER PRODUCING territory » limited to lessthansjoacrcs.
which today is owned by a ver>- few companies, none of which can be bought at the price we are offering ours, and most of
which cannot be bought at aov figure.
The price will be raised as the work prepresses, the board of directors reserving tbe right to advance same without i^icr.
aad to return such subscriptions aa may reach the office after the pr«* is raised. TBe balance' of this aliotmbnt it otfered
i,. o«t >lTotn,iir.ili b. pi-ert o. tip m-rka S‘^E°*DOLLAR"ANlf fTfTY
—------ -- —-------tbe price is raiaed. Make all
We advise you to investigate the matter at once and send in
checks, drafts and money orders payable to
RICHARD G. ELLIOTT, Treas., 32 McGraw Bldg., Detroit Mich,
or WADE BROS.. Frank Friedrich Block, Traverse City. Mich.
firsnd Cravcnc
For tb« f«U •MMO ot 1901 ««
hkvp one «{the OoMt ••urlmenta
of ne« rtjief of
Trarctsc Oty State Bank
CAPITAUt 100.000
Real Estate*" Insurance
T. ;SE
l-OAN —
207 E. Front Street,
tvA abowo in tbe mBrk<>L All tbe
litrat NorrUir* lo PUida, Caecki.
tod Stripe*, both Foreign aod DooiBtic. Tbcae «e «ill make to
yonr order «t 1 be Trry loveat price*.
rurr,..8t. LeaAiiraercfeutTaUor.
Rooms 10 aod it Badle Block.
Johnson Block. Phone 73
TraveraoCity. Mich.
Tb. .-.1 .tuj.U.ei m
ii ih» fonrntmer of alioMt evrrr ail.
meat. It driillitam the ryatra and
l«*re. <1 an e*».v
to diiitiM-.
lo addirion to y*or rofrnUr wnirdy
it Wosld Iw a wide procaalion lo -wrai
OOr of onr —wml rarioti.* of l.oog
Carpet - Clcanins: - Works
A«2{;£.£.'b5E?“ ‘
X. II.«
C. A. HAMMOND. « «
’ E.’biSStaSiS*.®
n..k.n«k« CMI
riukfun .ai
ILB ud TVMom
■::M>.B..*rHrUv u rrmna/on >i
Is. wnnc FniBkr>«t
Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold._______ K‘£5^grJ;g?Houses for Sale in
All Parts of City.
Many Fai^s^h^le In
Grand TraTene »ki
ON improved city and farm property
MlliiK.n Block,
Fami formerly ormd by .\
Elder. Ii niilee weal
'oandery at Mabi-elosa, Mir1>. Coosiele of UK) arrcb. of which 1^
acre* U cleared andmewtiy free from etampa. 20 ai-rosof troodtirobiT
and 20 acre* that could be cleared very .•**) .
acrea^f thia ia e-ed.
ed down (nearly ail Dew aeediuc ) Soil, good gravelly loam. Haild
ioga: Hay aod stock barn 42 x liO with atose baaeineut and 1> fi pnate.
boraeand carriage barn 22x30—two story; granary ■20x2d-tw<r atory;
Atockabed 4!S ft long: hen hooao 14 x 20. plaat.-red inaide, alao tool
hontu and wagon ahetl. House hae 10 Mrge ronme Wide* pauiry,
eloaeUand larpe voodahed—good atone baaeuientigo-d well and wind
mill at bonae with water piped lo haru; 100 bbl ciaUTii at booee widi
and 200 bll ctatrru at barn, both made of atone.
rie*.plomh and grape*,
l«lt.»:«u>»ii.>a. Everything well fenced
Price. H'iOO. W ill give time on half of
price or wid take good bonae anl-lot <ir farm worth from tl.OOO to
12.000 in part payment Bnildingii painici and iu • good aiale of repair.
Alao honaea, lota and farm* for aale un eaey psymenir
You-hate no
commiaaion to pay. Iliis ia all onr own property.
! mSsteemK^So!
L PhyalclAn and Sursaon.
acid have re-eatal
and enlarged »>>' buaint
. .. ern hous- to handle allI ttbe fur from thia p
ranged with a large eaalern
them, I am prepare«l to pay bigbist price*™
of Uie<* intry for t!
I I T C*M StrMt.
TVnrr— SeMnurioally Fltto*.
Orita UMM M >wkt v*v.
Travel** city. Hios.
Hide*, c
.. ^
Office and Warehtme. 732 E. Front Bt
Otizena Phone 4'1
Bell Phone I:i0.
IVi-a I-Jo-O tb> t-w-. (^ Br.i ai>.l l.m.i
i -i-e-i
An.I yra:!.^ *»rr eer <« l‘*“-
Warti et IB^ aOai^ a. to avo
/wOnod B*Md.. Mntt. TsM«. CfcHnr'
i Md
M..1I**.*.. IKt».
Tar Mteana*. BtT Clij, Port Hm*. Tala
Damn udte. I «!.>.. IIM».m.
Mtf yonall know tbat we have a larger stock of very
fine, nicely decoraletl .TaMe Dishe* of English ina»nTacluns
FWCBarmau i*d Paioakrr. IA>P •.. < *
wohid ask yon to inspect tbeae good*.
on* would be pleased to get
dm im m..
^ A
^ IT
TS coostaDtly receivioj; additions for the
I Holiday trade. If you want anything'
in the line of jewelry do not fail to look
over our stock before purchasing. We
can please, you. Watches: Rings, plain
and jeweled; pins,buttons.chains. etc., etc.
Something to suit all tastes and purses.
Largat line of Fine Silverware in dty.
3IT Front air**t
V^TravarM City.*
They are Landsome.
We aaanre yon that any
'for a New Yrar’ser rbristmia
special invitation is extended
toihe ladies, a* we think Ibattiiey nnderaUnd wbatgoo.1 goods
are better (ban men.
are them
Tlien> is no room for prices—come sod
We also have a good aMortneat of
Tia 'Diabee.
Kilivf* smd Forks. 8pooiu.aiidGrasit*ware»f all descriptions—
coffee aad tea pot*.
AgenU for Cbaae A Bxitbora Teas and
This store is locaied on tbe
OTT. Mica
.,w ™.,n.v Ti„, ™ «
rw Ia her bean
ilrnoe for _
a ________
. en be . t*e<lnes.lay movotny and "rreep In at ' re A_,_a,i^iae ii,ls chaniiw n
ipddenly and cauybt
eauybl her ' Hje
thr k^en
door " by ten o'clork on ,
osi enddenlyand
1 btt while br raid:
m tb* bioloylcal *u
Hare, we------wr------- need
docholb«»rh olh
You run tmaaine
I am loarly aod I want (be
the cbecryj
cbeerr duriny Mooday and1 Teredey
IweeeDoe of joel rech a woman a> yoo
n were ohligv'
I go to eebnol
can br in my bouir. 1 ain't oeveT told , bat e
e. John J
TOO. bterr. bat 1 loved y<« before wbro aeied ilie eaoer off mr
thr loauui
Dartny Ibe ec_________
ttiil did. I have wanted lo tell you ; war. an»a-rrd. "tVei.tiiie and ratinyioft^ year almu
bi fore, bat eomeliow I----- 1-—well. I; muter pi. • while tl.. Ulllr yul wlm
> ot birds
halo'iI had the oociaye.
1 didnt >’(. had lorliyated the inp would barel '# well known ai
poet to tell you when I <
berr to- - failed utterlv in t.eT epellinc. bol that j ^
Maty.^I want you
doaghnate" cam* to ber.
night, bat 1------1------ Jlar
weed* wbiab
■ ••
a much more ar'whleb w
r than Jand. for
an.l royrr lover
S and re what th.y^nt^ 10 yive 1
when Marv bud. faal -
^ner in^m.
I* tirfon. Iier dwtb Jared'a devoI aod fldelitv to hi> old mother
wuo for him the rr>;iert and admiiaiionol all who koew him and hi*
... him the
had dr wmed of 10
younger ycare. Hr won
laid not aak
• home a«d
any woman to
live with bi> D
T, and hie eenee of
duty w*v (o yreat that be would
leave his mother to the care of olh
Old' Mr. Dill had been dead
miMiihi at the time thU little *t
ipvoi. and tbe villayejroasiiia were
pecnUtlnc m regard.sSihr jirobabil.
ly of Jarr* now laklny unto blnmelf
. wife. Jared himwlf tiad •pi'cnUled
oiion lb* advi.abihty of tneo a alep,
but be hod oot yet oa yet picked out
any one. oi tb.- Hind. n yoasi]* woold
hnve pot it.
It w*» javlty certain
ilial aevecml middle oyed epmster* and
widows had intentions oikmi Jaied.
but fav ysve s<. tiyn of a iweferenee
for anv of them, and he was ■till '
Iny alone io bis loeity imle tu
when Thooksyivlng time drew nrn
The day Iwfore Thankspvln*
been a very basy ana for Jared__
bad be<'li rushed from morniny until
niyht filliuy orders, and both Jared
and Ih.'jouny man who amisled him
hod h«d all mat tliey could da Earlv
cldnny was the tale lu 'tbe Imie
town, and it was bulbs'clock when
Jared began to make t»fwniti<ai for
olosiny i.is store
He nad hot one
aoUtoiy turkey I.-ft of th. fifty
tnoee Umt bad been diaplay. d in .
windows and on bis (abtes in i...
morniny. Bui this one turkey «os os
Jared wud, a"noble Urt.”
. Jojvd refieclid a> b* took tbe bird
it of tbe window ,io jioi It into tbs
■Let me »y," he yaid. "lliSTeal.
readv eeul ibe widow Luce a turkey,
ondl haves.nl another one to old Mr.
mad Mrs. Todd, and a fine plump
oliickun to old Uls> B..otl(w, Tbey ore
ail Ihedesp'rtily poor folks I know
of in Mtoden. If knew any ortn-rs I
Would s.'nd tbis lurfcry to tliem. i
nte see. Mary Vane bosc'l been
here for tortev or chicken hetay. i
like a> DO! she u goioyyo do with
one. Losiay the imle life inaurai
poor Phil left her by tbe failure
■he savincs bank must bare bronybi
More rlytit down to bed rock, and '
irobnbly hasn't any money i
lor lorkys. I'm
'm aflat
afraid it will
ing ground and
yjtl. Done of
lo earn aoyIbem yet old rtioayb
.'t believe that Mary
it If 1 earned ibis tar___________ _ h.y on my way borne. I
iiave known, bar eo many years, and
Phil and I were bove lowetber and tbe
best of fnemla 1 J9B believe I'll do
' He began wrappuy (be lai
beotssr i
Utile wrederi. whose
n^ced l>ai always fs
There ho* Jau died in a mm
of a squalid vtltoye la IrelaBd
on who bod spssl aixtv jm
down I
family not even
etory bv if>e rviorts of lier diwlb ho*
bnAen the loay siloeree toepeoluy bar
tree name and ocmdlttoe.
ooabtry neat of oiie «4 lb* mUM
iwDllee Ilf Ireland—wilb a yvoom.
Tbe family promptly dretorad bm
in siate of le r extteam
bad invited. For Imlfa oSBtaiy **
liven as tbe wife of aftteab with .
tee and daayfalere. la a UtU*
will brighten up mV Ion. ly home and , «e mtgbl feel to ecom Tbankiclv.
yladdeu my bean' Tlierv won't be aim
______ _
Thankfcller.» happier man in-Mindeii! "Tliatieo, mother, ' mid tbe old
•a wbo mighl have
hav baOB
------yoa'd better aye. tb* womna
,* ihau Jared pill'
lissisty at TrewrlM'a
ntteado' lak- a TViyalB,
----------lib berate
.. -.......................... , »r farm. I'll
yive ;
np and briny a lowl of tb* folks
Mary with lear-dimmid eyee
•So, 1 don't Mary, but 1.
‘Derate aod widowed io I
.V, „d",‘j"g";nj
.ujte. e,
And be klsUHl h-r ayain andjumw
*»«•- her h«n was too fall to
A alee yoBBg man re Bcreolga eatt.
aad went on his way with a *on«ofl*T*«k
It ~
tbi. mom«t the ed on a ali- yoaag imly aad apest tba
real Tbaaksyiviny in his htart
j Irevelars reached Uie kllcben windows evselnc. my* tbe Bbillatlav. «b*B
he arrived ibet- wo* Bot a eload to
. .. was opened by (kotdle.
sky re be oameu no ambraUa mod
. _r» aeitbergolo*'
laDksyivlng's^.cwlD' nr«l w.-^. wbo reUed onl
"We've come to diuner. ytaodma'" AI 10 o'clock wbea b* aro*
BehredTirr was John. Jr., (ban Mar- wee ralniag cat* and doyk.
some noieon't-"
tbe alee yemag
Mr. Lony siioke
you yo cot in all this ssora
careb year death of cold:
afraid I mlyfaf" wo* lb*
"WaU. Til tall yoo wnat—
■re ,,
- jlfy L.- ,hl* lime disbe*. there were pleniv of strong
all niyht Y'ca enabave Tom'*
I^swe,^ '^1 a^: ' Toung bands re oarty
her orders;
s, slnee be'e at eollaga Tea. oocapy Tom s room. Exsoae me a mtoBta. aad I'll rea ep aad aae If It'sto
ordtr. Tbe yoaay wemaa flaw grea»fully Bp stair* to see thal Tom'e room
was la erdtr. U fire mtoclea As
came down Msmagaaes tbat Tern’*
: oue. Tbe trunk wae almoeC fc
room was to ordre. bat no Obattoa
, : ten. t>i came In tplcodldly wbe
la sight. Bel io a vary faw m»bano and maduallowanoes: elu-knew
ts h* appaand very dHpfdag aM
be was ihlnkinR ol.tbeyesirs when
of taeretofrem ruaslay. sbsadia
-tardy sons aMj»pr< tiy Toong dauyh. •elvos. " a. Goldie Ailed lb was
At last all ml aroand the bt
re a aewaiapg aadcr Us arm. " Why,
r'A“!“.s;r.f’,hS.“2 S'z'
ed, and
es roealtlogi
all love to ________________
mdi*,as tbe parple sod bnofs
happy Tbanksyiviny^'fl^ljbl
’s ■3-
' 'll Ain, " wa* tbe reply.
t'amsleCwMT EvMewM.
a illaatracloe of Irtofa wit tba* la
aad good Is yivto by aa axdhaaff*
story of aa Irlsb sritaare win
was betog axatotaed a* to bU kBOVledgaedasbaoetogaff^.
"Old voe see the shot fired! (b*
mayistmte aeksd.
"So. eorr. I eoly heard U." wre
tbf e^ve^re^ Jsaotretrefaereyy •'
or money tc iiwn lo vt*il tbe
lepltod tbs awgietale elarel.v. "0MM
borne, and
mother'' seldom,
srrole in anewer to the short baainemOo* of tb* laiyesi (arnu in the stale
Tbe wilaees toraed reoad to lest*
like lettari of tb. boys
Tbe haml is lotwted to Dicklnte coanly and tb*.
w box. aad dboedr Me baA «M
that tiaa wielded r^, and broom, fact that it ba. paid yood iMoey for
ned be laogbed deririTriy.
- aad dtibclgth for over fifty years finds erveral yenrs show, tbal tbe am
i>—.---1-I.—.-— ...i.i.ii.-—1
penlneaU K->
ba* yluwiny
uoayb >he tried lo •tlfi* the poMibilittaa.
TTie farm Is knewn as iIm New Yuet
Mrs Ireriy etruoyly desired
farm, aod I. owned by tli. Marioette
op" tor Lumber Co. Twenty-two years ayu it
I as it It
II poialo patob,
Ka. eir. bat 1 bwerd yoa." «w
, ;0(; Bcrp*. all ^
fS^ whol^lo^o'*relM.
Tdo people
are so pirky with Ibelr vitlUe’ Tlie's
acres are
art cleared,
tbat five dollars Jobs sent me 00 my acres
mid Pa*.
Aad this time warybody toagtod
birthday. ! could buy ■he hall outlay ., wooded. Dnrrey
dlnoer of!, were tsised »- tons of hay. Mi toes esorpt tbe asagistrate.
with it. and then s.'od
vun'i D0:O««ira. i.OOO baabels of oau. i.OOO
to tbe poor farm
one iDibam It with re ham: but per-' ba.bel. of .potato#*. UO baabels of
hapslf Im.
Mr* t-~-f aref^ re t^ stock, wtueb reesM
sd ol
off to"doerer of 1» band of OocreteenUla.
u. eallad
Bad tbe Irish agTieoltarlM oa mMto
•oil; tbe Uaraare oa level
gnaad. and Uie Swade er Kaywegia
r. the prodaet of which
Ihe^^t^raod yroo-r
dora Uiey reaped an
{wedllo^OBe aeqaiiadtotbeaUaM._ tbe water 1* pom»d oriea. ^IriAirea etrmlbnaMto
rereea-'aad atafaMy be snMi
D the
. try cteam powiT. id bydiaoU mod l.OCD
Adaau flam* over from
tbe poor form
feet of bow Tbe’feed catlar i* operia tbe oflaraors and was gloo to
d. .bet
•l^ By
iTaeaitomed te aldeblU fmlag.
ly ready for the ov_______ _______ . Dad tbe tool
nag macb___
___ boUd.
>Uod" re rwrfectioo. wblla p*eo.
000 fan
ud cookie* ereod oo the pastry tog aoaaine of a large •fi
boaav. a iwooury root boaaa. a Ibbo.
drv, five bares, two stloa. a tepiwter
lb* lore:
Thank .
Bwa. Afarreot.Umrelaareployed.
aad tb* farm I* vaUad at fiafioeo Tbe
m* to w*U f<w fi
• sot la. aod elm almoal oOled
■U—olmi Mm kaow talber would
bar-"a fm4 far ber pwiaa "
Laatsr Sebbey. <7 yaart old. of Old
bsdtre. a nUsin la Kaw Jreeoy. baa
*.aed a ehall.Dge oSrriag re ma.
Mter. walk barer. Jump Ugbar aad
-be old mas
cHttey" s
than we can afford to carry, and we are sleo htrd np for moce)'
*0 weY* decided to ge-t onr coal oat of lhi( war* snd eamestiy
erowd oal road t
.yen need not pet >t off t
Tb.. Rnrlieb etar
of that: Imie rbaprbap’ .He ii
ie tbe
troylay eM<l* of tba Amud Ua^'fell
fw l■ym- ret ot alL and woald m-n
rrr know the delioo.
Mlliy ihei ebe eoeo foasd henelfrtell. dlffrrroo* brl■lor
iny her lifelaerfriend all beruoable*
eetractiaa of daadaltaa
aad vrUie
He licteaed
ylieh eiwiTow it aidad by
native birds- rbiefiy tbe nr—
t“l yoa Vwhat
.-at rouT Thaokayiviny ' (heir tacM.
Coodsetats. hrnkemeii.
. -i'll some arouu.l aod porter* were all Interested.
iminR with old »*ar.v>o . ____ ________ ______
•ympaHooper and w.'will be morTtrd wiUi., Ibrtloally, ar they ...
■oat anv delay and wilh.mt any fo» ' whlaiirnt of ' Rtandina'
and f.wihen aboal It
I never did ; Iny.Ooldl.-. when
d yeoile.
Uke llie
. mid plt' Jbe ' loylv; " Yoo'se loo old to yo taome to'
•hy ,y.wr yrandm*. ain't too;" which
sach a Uayb that tbe child
we ehould wait a aiuRle day. I'm
bid ber face in oonfasion . but (be ol.l
' mao leaned^orer 10 Mr. Irehy and mid
o'clock lo the montoR. '
Hu imi«wiunltiee were eo gn-ai tl
- t>«n knownI to be riiK
Harr Onallr Tleldrd to them and
10 matt.
r ho* en
eDi._, _
gravaUnii[ tbii jatrona miebi br. uid Jual L'torr b> ki«wr<l
Jan-d « a* a eiii
tBid hrwded man of aboal. year*, who larked "‘^‘ioW did I think when
that -pemlier giti
;i of hewvrn." a IDK np that hiR RoU-ltwio hnnK toyoa
that U woald be a |wI of out wed.
■. Hia llflietli bi'lbday
•till a twctaelor.
1 liu
III. wae not
lU*' he wata man who Hooted aad
tber* itnf 1
Old women.nor *o» it lieoaBae be yable loathe ba^t.
‘ 'eorarr. tori yoo don't beyrndi
ire in tbe morn
regiirJrd matritsonv ae a delattnn and
yoi > I oeir sfeol the motn
■ bat's lockiny. time, .lo
^ and yet anytbiny...........................
a >na
lack., John
Jare.l felt like mvlBR with B -bter Thety'e one thUiR that woolt be leck-l
MOQI cookie-yes.
iny at that Teaat, my dear, end that u
So man can live plouly
rdoaffareyh at in-.
a ibankfut and lovtnii h<«n. for my
____ a» Wllbt-.
iBsIly fo^rottbe Iwys ho.1
bean will tw overflowlny with love
Iarv<r> celibacy had b.-<-n dseio u
and yralinde and it won't be my
'I cbt lie bai
bad beei
lienl. eelf-aacirifirtng eue of a fre'tf^. fault if it ii not a Joyful Tbanktyiv. cook I.'doll* tbey nsed'to dote on eel
W. '.e
deal_10 te
. yot a <___
line and exaetiny invalid inytoall of ue. You tell Ibelutle WelU
■ ■ il for •fsih-r.
- Tbebovsare
H.. wai lire onlv child, and ylrl'a thal (heir new daddy will be
If we M l h
ha.l be«.ii cw&oed to 'her bed for
Jaroil Dill ara* pro|vi*tOT of a ]in>.
vi.ioo and ptrx»t7 Morv lo thr toirti
<.) Mlndro. Tlitn- were tvo at Ibrvr
oilitt atom of tliuktodiii Hlndeo,
bet D00<- of Ui.'Di did a larp-r be>lo««a
than wat door D.v 4a*rd DlU
brrnDi.« tlir bocorwixm
lo be ai.
vrriKhl and I
He Rave fall wriyhl
lowed a Ibad aruolr
Uixle 10
lo ao
of Ilia
ore If
if 111'
lir roold
brlfi It
it. 1
hia round and. >onirwhlial noi
.- TltallaadAtr adaalalfMed. Aati-| PERE MARQUETTE
tfja- \
no.. a mm.
mdly eeoairb. Jand.
X>tulf4 kffptot^m.
-0*r vaaAenas.artv* IS. «...
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
W. ..n.4 Ujpei It. I.ea
••*■4 ebt.. . A.j^ t*u sM 1...' '
Tire Insurance!
try that M y plaamat to M
Row e iMBfe doing wUb yea.
3 per cat allowed BD Tine Deposits.
Opposit B. A H. Block,
Plato Class, steam.Boiler and Accident Insurance.
C E HORST. Director.
Ua limit was fattoSew Bameabtia
hilU: bobardly beard dm ohU&B'r
Jared hada buc> baakat eaUaam. talk. Tbe four bad eeasodbtmla mil.
' aad be Bid a* be art II dews oo tbe la (be Banday iwllUrbt. ot bl* early
life, mawme lutcnlna with baby oa
i**"***, eee bete. «aiy; dea’I yoa beT kaec.
: 30 to aeniar CToee wilb me breaaes of
: wtmt I've due* Yoo kacw that Phtl
brotbee*. aad__________-_____ . .
yea and poor Itook Tnaake^e:
.Phll'e children a Iiiile noeeai.
and will, and yoa oui'l ban my
"Poor Morv. She bod n hrrd time
of it in Ibe (WO years sbe ha* baea
And abe will faav* a *tJl
b^CT lime with all her money yoaewish that—'
beUted customer came
o___ __In for a
inbemea. and• Jared'
- rd'e train
It was brokmi off.
, Jared w t nyfal to hi* oeajaetare.
jlbal Mary ' me'* bean raaat be heavy
lakayivinc rve.
Jl bad
never b<
her husi
aUnoat pcaa|.
e aitempte abe
leae. an<
•be bad
0 a little mobey had i
salted in
bad tiledamvamkayaad plain m
iny. Shk had •evta oSecad lo yo <
by tliv day doiny boatewofk.bal tb...
was very Hnle dasand In *«'-dee (gr
her servioc* ia aoy dtreeiioo In which
she was capable.
(Abe bad teat tten
three dollar, u her porm and aba did
...... ...
na tea M am te read OR biUa m
win ahe toad ^ tbe otbte baUaa
£zra.,52.a.“JGa:, ’
Oalfl witfato metal aaab* wba
lie baalto Ima faUsd laiwbM, Ua
Mateay pireaad him bMtetem***
wasovorda* aad ber ooal ___—
empty. Her efaildna bad yooe «e bwl
and she wae tRuarlay to follow tbam
to eava Uybl aadinat when she twd
a kseab at tba dent.
How «a yaa ill.Mmyr' mkd
*°!^Aad gtedmaamdeyoo d*Ueo«i
<ff ooofciaaV'oald tbe little girt aaatad
a p*f*'e kaaoe "I wish I oo*ld n*
bar^ f*t bn re m*ae ms tasT'
Jaba W re* (fiareg la lb* Are;
Tte fpaatal O. B. * L ear vfa
tea botB tea boBa of tea party
dnr baton la tte appar palaaola
«!»«. VoT. 1. tRlrad a tee a o'oleab
ante Priday BBBlBC.aad left acn
Idetoteafaaanooa. TteBtBba
•o tBl of fas.
AU of tbOB a»pt
CBt aaowed a dear, aad oM of tetta
r>t ivo. Hr. Homy kiUod a Baa la
U OM ptM* ». • *ic> wWah Ml. potel bofc arblob valfbad (lOpoadi
xBMta'i «»•< Peal. HaPliUac Hr. HaU vaa tba ufartaaa awB.
•adVe TnM«ia('" Aao*«r
ewlnlac AU»a«
ir*d* BraUwn. Vod*. Jota K«U>ra van V. HoOtafwB. P.
OaUaioaMMi *waH*«. ”P»rti
i-aad J. Oeacta «f Pittatert.Pa.
Mai. bMMloLM."
Tte party lafi teaU buttef trooada
-priraM lafc*.
t» tk* foilu of tiM wic* vbe pat ap
At ea* paint an Pnat aMM waa
ptaMd. iliowiBf a a-a tea boat,
vUh tha iMBTlpHiwi. “TiaTarta Oltj
•laaat BaUaar- Oar BmiT Hr* Minalaa Dw't fea taaBanp."
J. O. Battetea of Rajdd City,
aaarty of Plfa Latka aad veil knovn
bare, bat bea U tba city rlalttef ate
dotec beateaaa. aad teeidmtally look,
tec after tea Boeectec of a Baa pair
of dear bona vbleb be aaearad latte
apptr patesala.
Hr. Batebtea vatafter deer oaar the ebon of Lake 8
palter, vban they ere plenty, tat
Tha tlma o' tte dapar^ ol*tbe
. fata* *»■ -Baa Sarpantwttata”
haailTil Tha feaitaaa^aopU who
teaa baM ball In qaataatlna la tito
Zal^ faoaaa alnoa lhay wara expoaad
M thaiMaUpoz tkraa «aaka ape Uft vcltbtet too poanda and aeoeedte te
tha daftloB hoaaa Sanday. aa all cettiat II botsa The bonia an brine
tefar or tbalr leraleplBf lha dlaHr. Hatebtet U food of dear heat,
Vo MO In tha hoaaa vhefa-Bacena teg. bat teloka It eomea high.
Paeknrd taa baan alcfc. haa ahown any oe ooai bln jaat«». bol te oaaid.
tee gene ad the eierclae veil
trmfUm* or tlia dlaaaaa. and it
looka at Ibooifa tba oatbaaak wonW
and with ttit
ear eaaa.
PackBid la dolB( aa veil aa potalbla and
U y •01 hla race will not be dlafl*MdataU by tha dlataat. althooirb
ha vat banbaa oat aa thiok aa eooU
vallba arilboat Um-eaaa bains
Br«y poaalbto precanOoo vlll bt
la iba vny ot dlalntaetlnB. ao
(tat tbtnahaU ba no daafar of tba
diMMa daralopinc lalar.
KateMt ar
Than vat a Utta aiwndaaea at tba
■ eearaetlaa or Tiararaa Oicy Lod^
■a. n, Kntfhia ot Pytbiaa TberacUy.
Om candldala vna Initiated law tbr
•teaadtanfc. Tbaaa vtba taToral rlall.
ottfiOB abroad, inoladlac Obaaaelica
nnwavvVT V. R. ChrlitW of ApolU
liodct. l^atM vitb Omciw RobmII.
Dr. Mata. John Batlcool. J. P. Jobs
aM. Prod 0 lan«.0lar Andriaon and
Uvla OlaaocL alto awaben of Apol
la Mitt.
Th«e vwa alto |a
Mam BtaTtatoa of Uaaktconi Valatr. of Bidnar. Ohio; Metay
Brart. Mioh.: fUlph. oT Bay dt;
Mia. of Patoakty.
' Aflor Iba laltlatery vort tba <
baaiot tba lode* and tbalr iceaata aa>Vada-aaaokar.-lartB|tvblab local
Pytbteaa vote aaalaWd In oaurtala.
tmt by aaariy all tba rtalwra Th,
BIk BapUa dalaotina caae bare W
iaapaM Iba baadaoov lodca roa
Tmtmm Olty Lndca and ahtnatt thr
vnafc la tba Saeood iwfc. Tba taiur.
*a aalMifca ot a nalcbbor.
Ur. Ina.
MMr'a UtUa aiatar vat alooe la the
hoOdlacaUtUa atlar B o'elook. and
ted baan tytaf on tba tefa taklaf a
W WhM aha aveka. It vaa to ted
.ttet tba atova and the pipa vara both
tad hoAtad aba vm aonwvbat blcfattMd. Bo aba want to tba next doer
Mdfbber, and aOwd hat to oom In
Mdbaip bar. ai ate vaa afrald^Uia
Pain Pills.
^ u backadte.
paint, BootUy paint, etc.
CM . npply. ud
ihuk rtvyaa
rtc.. with comfort. Atnprnentatire. when taken
proaefa of a reenn
they are rxcclknt.
Of. Mum MUMal C... EUot, te
t. Hr. EltbooiiM ia u
member of tba dab. terlng dlaqnaliBed for utire memberahlp by getting
married laat iprlng.
Two of tee membon atertained
with ploaaing dula ud gnlmi aalee.
tima after vbiob tbagnaata ahattod
uilt upper vu u
nsbaupperl It la feared teat
of the epicarru membon varer
tbeir all^Roee te tea rove Impoaod
After tte -apraad," tee Malta
br ecUre membarablpa In tee club,
nlted for.
Him Filklna aotrl a when they uw hov bleaaed vAa Ifaelr
toataualer. ud tbe follovlng watt
iraier brotber. ud eapeolsl fun at.
Iimaleed for Oitr Attomr Odb
van reapadadto teagiwfol ud
beranroai atrlr:
KoltovleB U the mens ;
-Wliy 1 tt.»e”-Wi.>. Wiloni.
"Whel'a In a V4rue"~UiM Soni>r>
-Home Relror Famo' -MU* Vo
* IU™ieTr.JfO,
K.V Pitd'lnc. tUet Ha
Hra' Pruk Welia rDirrtaliied a
****» **
g O. B. A L mU-
atnol BaMngH tea O. B. A
Ke Batten it Bada of
rortela te fateetla H tte
Data alnat onoteg oTtea Pan Harqeaiaa It vna nlatiea te tUa potel
ttet tte angatetla vna^b teat tea
Braann of oeacy pbalng ogtea ba teqaindto diaioint and ru atedte
imanby of tba dugao. TbU
aaggoBla did net BtM aritetteap1 of tea oeaneU ocaaitBa. Tte
oonneU teUarea thatapanMaantflag.
BU teoald ba atetlood at tela poteL
Aatoteo otter eniaalnga tea oeoneU
an rery vaU ploaed.
WUU tbay
1 mHar a flmgmu at tea Saat
Prat atreet cteolng.teey raallB that
tea elaotrie alarm will greatly lwi»
tee danger at tbi. point Tte daela.
ia teBtlTe te Onla atreot ta avail.
The atatoa of Ita lata Pnaidmt He.
Elalay, otdeted by Otarlm H. Batelay of Katetea. of Obulm B. KleNav Tori, will ba
la abat see mate.
It la aald ibu
to modatod from a ull of eietbm
made after tea unci {mNora of tea
ult wini by Hr. HeElnley.
A party oaaiating of Dr. Chaae aad
btoaa Oooiga ud vUe. urlradat
Aplmm Wedoeaday after a Bra vaeka'
orerlud )araer from Irala. OhularoUooutT.
They are band for
Doroil aad Totedo. Their mode of
oaTeyaaee U belli amnly a u ordlnaiy aiiod vaga. Dr. CfaaM to a
ud apanda
great dmi ot rime hsatlng and fite-
Hnakagg t ta te tb. b.g.,uu u aAM..
•«««■ vlte refenmua aoi
M dlBtoolly ta getktag ta i
diauu. white to iboagbi to te n
d at vlte teeir bate. eepeeUUy: k^d of ba
It U u etddnlc
l^-ala ru.tag.ate Boltote ^
tee ambaa A Horta Itaa At tee klniy.ea boga bare d
mate of Htmkaga barter than to a
tag vu held at tee aagamtla of tba
bu vlte aly tUrwa feat of vuer. tonte lire aiook lultor? oocnmlaalo. ‘
adnaekbutar bu foraad u Orate TMariaary Valdru of Teonmaab aul
Aeu white to r
ta a deiattod areout of tbe dlarue. :
It vooU be a a
Itwogbt Dmt Lenne farmen
______ ____________ ____________________
« tepUa a
M h!^
a impiia
^ farmer, of
“-“blp. lato eouiry. Some
^ , nnmber of then or|BOli.
Villtam Oloey of Tefcoote laiwd
u buocuSIod for the perpou of;
crop of earn tela yor a a new! bolding a mleri acbal daring te*
pieoaef lud narot tatOre tilled, teat I oewlag fall and vwier
mkeall rvoorda He hnaked t.iao[ I'aH «aa aeented utl a (ueber bired. *
aataU from eight asm. ud .Tarnge Tnitioo vna pUced at a nomloal urn
r is; M boabela to tee acre.
{per week or term ud al tbe end of tee
A few yeara age there were twenty- j
“ “O"
bad been
ao mvmiu. epented at Ibelr rnlll*^'*"^
'"mltcd to meet the
upulty at the mate of tbe Huom-eipenae. of tee aetaal. it
Inee rieer. Nov tat tvelee remain. *
**■ 'rlonded w the poplU The
ad tee tlBber remaining will keep ■
lene In epentia hnt a /,w year.
‘‘•»*b'er. ..bo.iBeaa
edneaiioQ ud adruced rtndlm net
X «•
4.«Xn '
achool opened laat.
taa neeteed taformatia teal Ben
math V
Urfeln. bu broteer. nru aeeldulally ‘
abot by a eamtania while banting
a...!!. Cx_.4_ —a jj. ■ —1.1.1
gtfvn util at leeaenl Ibetr air ai«nt
^^Snpariuuddtal vitein,,^^.^,
u-a editia Do. a.
Tm- poalttan of
„ „u u .
When fall work cm
" been finiehed the at• i;--cied «o inrreoM' nia.
. . Detroit alo.
dut. HUt LilliU E. Sabloe. a memAt Imalt Sle Han.- Chicago (anm
bu ot the IMS literary ^laae. A inr. <
hgarisg on the erertia of a hig
tion of tbe prafiti of tbe edition will ; bMel a hu h will to-tbe Urgmi inngo lo tbe nniTi-reily Vomen'a teagae elect hoo-m'the opper imixkola It
J. Horria ibe II you eld aa of
of which Uiw Sahlne.n ]>eeai.toDt. !• Ka’ed ih>t (hr work will beta-aun
Dvlgtat Horria of Fredala. teot and
Ella* Uoeher, dean of
f tl
thi women •» earU In Hie ei-riitg
inatutly killed bimaelf while at
haotlng with two eompulea Be vu
a a log VI
hta afaotgeo
fell Is the water. 1
wupa dimb.rtrd .« h. va. reliin.
II Ml ud Uie .eatetit. eiitrred hit
berul. te^ng It Ci. pireea
B«T Cut ud Suii nv (ante.
U commcBdrd by SiainniTTi. Piofutu^.l enrn aod tbouund* of
^ oibrrt prommeni in the world * aciiviim. tor iti fine diMium'nauon in uhing the aetual new* horn eonSimnt lepoct and Hie preaeo.
talion of current rrcnii ui thatjuu peupocUDn. They eonameni on u>
warn to know aibai l^^oeld doing And it an inirlleciual necesany,
10 judge fram the leneta teteiTed from hundred> It* ednnr.*)* are
compfeheoafTt. ud labor uvuig to tbr bu»r man « aoman
e by Uw beat-ioimawd
■tf .'bmil 8.000 er»e. of
«ln.rSbe nrer her.een ih^ ««.. eiilet
recall, parpo. of teutf-nning
prenmy IRu a farm for the iiorii
of uiar beet alnra. Tbneau'd.
aena of ante laed bar. already beep
Tbia ia dwe by drying
and pampiog at of tee aarpto* va.
trr. The lud ia a daik rieb
vbleb vtak drained aod enltlTated
Baku tbe beat kind of lud for celery
ad root eropa
aad women to ]udg.
of Jt2'»e‘".lr?li^"*"
I kno-*-*i.«'“mll,h il. r..l. s'elirr .^ ''RT.'.‘■’.^''*''d r'.li'r
umnaTiew. hate beea i.fewnird lo •■*!* ii «ery l>.gnii ind...i I think
me that I Ci.-ild n..t tMbftwiye have ii a vnv im|.xiani (-..i ul my
— Tkf»irr, AW.riyir -
n atopa pain of erefy kind, du miticrVhi rc l,«-.ic.i it
totshtmu aod ioTigoutea. H a a meOidac ehc« iniuell.
cr ii a TT
Udillon 10 my libiAry.'
vlte a flno berry apoon. Hra Tu has to lx- repaired like olhi
Dyke vUl lure tea to join bar hsathings and Scott’s Hmulsion itead in tee veat
thc medicine that doivif
late PlHiba fM lid
«l l'«obv___p<aai«
s Of tte
tel Little Tarlaof an
Tory pin
gatberiag Kor. Ktii, ud .tte oily
ofBolaUud Bombenot tee eoucll
partook af delibleoa Talaafarnlabad
Olty Attorney Oeorga B. Oreaa
rolaU of tbou InrlMdafea
lepneal. Tbrea of tte aUarma
ud aU of tea moBban of tte board
vbleb BTeni aamben of i
ot pablle verka
pany dlaplayad tbalr talata
Uayor Palohin. Oily Clark Bean.
A plMBM aeetel afteraou vm Tnpnnr Wnnteiy. Olty
apant Ttanraday by tte meabanof ter Croae. Olty Sorfeyor HUbals. Baaltb
tedlea- LUmry Aaaoetetlon at tbalr OlBear Aabla and AUacaa HamUroonu. Tte nporu of Hra W. Peud ta. Boogtey. Oniiningtem. Bonnd,
ud Htaa Clan Batea. dalnnwa W
dlgnltarlu foraU maetleal
■pu7 gathered abat tte
daintily aat tablae of teaBls«~
Tte fiaotelor>a Olab vaa atertalaHr. OroB-dear (ipellod any
d te hudaoBM ityle Friday arwingat vny ya like) util there vu noth.
tee plaaaut home of Hr. udAln.
g left bat a bone, mid tea Uat tea
Oeorga Kllboame, ,u VoR Tate
ttet Aldermu Boud vu gavlag
A TBT prattybeaa vaodiaftote
It. It vu a Baa ^ead, ud eu ttet
plane te tea haBt of tte trtde'a etatar.
wai greatly ajoyad
eraryae preeHb. BdvnrdPanea,8M Wakater-aBaat
at « p. B. Heraabar ». by vbleb
lb. laBtab Oanton aad Wat Uar•HM Doerr van aaltad la aafriam.
Bar. WUteB UafBea mBrtaltasThen la no poiioa ao b
Ttaa booae vaa prafnaaly deaeaaBd ae dcvcpiireud to deatr
— mayoaanetindbcL________________
loftbadiaeavbandiateprand, ud
^cdoetor aaya yoo an
at leeet bu tallad or refoaed-W
aca bare tea dead vlUi Men
Potaab for moaUii or yean, end
ud pco- get at of tea many teal vonld prob
noucad cured—to ntUte
ntoolate ably be vUllag to be eaptniod
teat tte diaeaae oB
Hank. Onsite iBBedlate trtaeda
him. Thoagb Hr. Orau
aad labtlTea van paaeant
***• «r<.ret.>l>..V
lioUed for hie
Bote Hr. aad Mn. OaMa an veil
aaoggeatla u ti
illTsad tboo
teova Tatrarea Olty yooac poopla.
kid help him ia til
a tefeeted by (bia laetband tea good viabm of tbalr aany
The gathering to dlasna tee ralor DO oibrr poiaon la ao
trtaada to vlte thaaL
Tbay vill be
ted from parrot to cfaUd aa upper oceorred at « o'doak, and
at boaM to tboir trlaada at IM Web
after tte Tulea vu aU dlapoaod of.
Cnurrfa. Scrofnla or anve akin diacao.
the eeapuy lingered and dianaaed
u eld aon or nicer deaalopiiig te iniddla
life, cu be traced to btood pobod con. otiior nbieola. Tte jvrtng qaaatia
ia for a good deal
tea boaaa of tte brlda'a ivnata on
reaeni eadlt
Frost .inei being reapenalbU
ten tercrer, >
pan of UHa-Calk. It vu decided teal
drirra at ii
uiidete for Ute
lu of tee iBwta
aaid. artilia
Htr :«aa
r ptetant oadltla. tea
_______ ro of Otand Bapida. parfeamad
These poor bodies «e.ir mil
worry, from over-worL
fcom disease.
and weak.
all of the old ones
sd^fot ptrtkuUn u lo bow ii un be bail with *n InvaUinbli act
^ fictaictB of firtatttotf Cemponp
mi friote r»Mt tte brid.
ttfUtfUaklUiMT** Maaiiucu
Mb be OntBd Baydda ». doaatdi
m The grata u luiumi im. modca
MU aPan
poBigB at tte au» ttea boMa
mp tea geoenl
titen.and dnetagUataa
beck a
BtMi te TmaatBaty tei.Badi Baay,vtbaBoelea
MnnBa Tte brMa la vaU knovn andtirarr'
aaar popnlar MKBg tte yang paopto. __________ dtew, faM abe boo to
lb. Bid Hn Batdna vtU ba at mnaliat hoBO. It la fata end al
batetee hub af oec
bnaaln teBr MaMa after Du lat. mm. BandterlC
Ed M Vatetegten atnot.
B dlggnl" afmr tee paring ia pal
City Clerk Bura vu eboau to
take the padwginpba. and U pretebly
------Mog hard at It now.
are y.irkcti
It doen the
inside and out.
WE PROVE dUR RIGHTtothe underweartradeof this sec
tion by quantity we keep and prices and values we show.
A GOOD BARGAIN just now is a heavy brown fleece lined,
done up in two-suit bundles and going at
Don’t miss seeing,<vhat we show in our underwear department.
It make-s'-
hard, thin
places full.
Lxes ali
Only the Ixst ma
terials are used in the palchiny
patches don't
through thencwglOwofhe;ilih
No one has to wait hi> turn,
you can do
it youix-lf—you
[]and the bottle.
Thi« pkmrr rrpr*-«w!»
(lberiadcklkd...l sct.iiY
H t-noUnn nr.d i. ni the
d rtjnj^icT of cwcij licii'.*.
f| tad Iw bte oaBbSCOTT k luiWNi:
I 409 l-ekjl .--I..
NVm \ .'<k.
Omm’i niMr II Hk t rnsmi
IhaM am daya of iMoto and M tea b
Never were more in demand. Our line leads aM others. Writ
ten .guarantee sewed in each coat. We show Coat. Russian
Bear. Dog, Calf. Cape Buffalo. Rat; in fact can get you any kind
of fur you vyish. Our best grades run
iBaen'a. Paepto vbo taan am Mud
■a Btala cf Boaw'a Ftoaur bam u am
g ay otevaxtvnal raaady.
Ftoaava aa
They impeae to bold a knrbu_____
al of-tee-vay pBea ud roaH
»a The feoateU ana ate earBaahan of tea teeolty vtU ba
-vaeta of bomar. aaraedlbn
tlekali. Ualtad ia naater. vi
teld ae dafag ................
■ .1
from long usage.
tba pnn e( beat mna. Bar. Bagb Mdcaateba
Bonady oboteted. After oteyteg a ^Itenia
btiir*— vaddteg dlante vitb tba
They gel ihii,
Some of the nei-
ones arc not well made—am’
-I dr- n..| b
41.^ Rr..r-
Tte lady, boverar. nndtratood
IbM Iba benat vat alnady oa Bra.
and vast to tea rotideaea of anelter
■tltelnvttidhndtea flrodapart
r.« o» X— 4-.a»|
ad donate aaaarnena^ajmu tevaabipa ta Laawn oearty ’
ana little taka baok
vh.li Iba boat amaneed u Ibe rio.
pod'llng vu aerrad. that tea riea ted
Tha Ektl Bide WtiUi Olab
Part Place Friday eeeulog ud ea}oyed berii to Beffaloud baok—It vu part.
aarlei of goedmnea te Iba parlon. w> be aald. of tee aru pouda
aoatwred aroud terongb tbalr
A patty of yodag people gaWrad at traok (by tte pwBbaaof tteolBb)
tea bom* of Braea;Huabev on Bri|.
atreei Friday at a recepilM for
ir wedding trip la
Him Aau Aedena.
Th-< goea6
Id teitilia lo tbe damage done
.^Iday erulngthatalorud ioUo abtpplng by tbe reoent lag oddiIu^
pUyad tvroia. for mb
prliet ven von .fay UIm kUe WiUor mediair aoeletJaa of Obrlatten Endar
tetjnle. tee m
ud Allle Haaafanl ud tbr oooaeU. or of tee Ooegrentloal ehnreh met
by HlaaValllt BUskbon ud at (Be bomfoTHtea HaBsad. aaob
farteging a«np of ji^y. gnpe Jnloe or
aa^ ud tea re&Btedar of tba otbm dellcasy
rite alek. or a
orenlag* vaa pamad vltb gum pad
tib. . .
nr time VM u
TbondayeTuingalttehoBirof Hra ed. a Tory pl^ngiogtBia vaa rei
ud otter tteuaru aerrad
Joboaa ra Weal Sigtath lirwt City
Attorney Qeorgt H. OroB eotarteioed lua tee er^lsg-'rary ploaauti;
tea Indy empolyea of teuton of Wil- And good oheer viU b^ carried i
tick ae at tea realt of tte
- '
firo.. vitb W. a. Bradley aa
Never thought of such -t
sign for a medicine did you ;
tee eloB of tte ooelal
lima, ud tbr arniag paaaad raiy daFaateni SBr, vbleb vu la the Well, ft’s a good sigiv fi
utsn of a bravaU W Hra Tu
Scott's Emulsion.
Thv bod
Tha HU of ten teat vu diaenmed
'ka. tee
U voA* trtcbttal TBD tor tea tea
HMt vltfa tee ttrwta la tbrlr pnaant
■tedllloa TbaBodOtvao teal the
UteonnU aaanaly baaean, and tba
ttei Bada tea vaaana joaptlll It vna
diteaalt ter tea BtB to atay oateas.
At tea Motfa tod or Obb tliM brld«
tea* vnna ds or alfbl potato vafent,
rteUh did not fol OBl of tte way
lo riro tea Bra vnicoai toeta.
Aaildi voB erewBad alaoat Into
M Utevalk, aad tte book and laddBviwen eBook a rat ac daepteai
tee tool ben et> tea rear of tea vamo
«« ewMbed Into epllntara aad <Ba ol
tea bMa vaa terovn to bu knaaa
When tea t«w tf tea enppoaed Bn
vaa laaabed. tte BraBon vara IntaCBil ttel a etora ted baan rad-bet.
aat teay latemd to tea eofloa boote
ateet ee VBB ai tea atora bad battk
tired bodube, nevralcic
lube, ivtnrrbal hndacbc.
bendacbe frtu ettiteam. ia
lacl, besdubei of all kinda an
qui^ and aure^ eared vitb
Aaaiqaebat aery daligfatral
ala vaa (ba “•praad"giT«D Friday at
lonn boar 10 Iba oak Perk t
an by HlaaB FllkteaTaylor ad Kalaa 10 tee Bfte grade room. Tba das.
vatlaa van pink eanalloaa ad tea
follovlng man VM tarred:
Hub B«o» a.e-icBek*l'ain>.( PmUIo~
Friday aflernoa te booor of Ur..
Praddea. mother of Hra Oady; vbo
Uvea near Seattle, Waahlagloo.
teeaa of Lake HMddgu by BUteg tea i catribaka a artiolaate Bay do a
tenter Btini III with aatd. Itengu-1 a tea ubyaet of " Wobu In Untra-1
teao tea foote U teaiaitiu-
FIBy-gm bSa BDute bam baa Bkda
■ . g vava pro.
$H, $15, $17, $22, $25,^
Goat Coats much cheaper if you want them..,...^MaHi^
twaav-fov boom"
IDammoll) Selling
At Our Store. Speddla
that (HiU tbe crOard oor
way. Not apeciah for a
few day*, but spedaU till all are gone. ^ what we have for you now
Sto -•!*
Tbora ta
Tha ftaffelk Beantal »ad DIbm- aoraaem ii baalabad.
ana lUtfillar. Perry Itetta'
BrtWak MT7. It b b*Umd tbai
lh***bl<«i » ttKMOf Brilbh Bll
on wbe boM at IM Baatli of OaaadaOaak <n» a wt roml in IWI.
Willb Blaka of Owboedab. Pa..
«M tM to a alaka bf a »lolooa on
IHlen. «ho pllad op wood abeal bis
aMI aat II OB Bia. Aa Uw flaaaa crept
Bp Hieha falalad. Wbaa be raeorcrad
noaacinnmi ba toand lb« Axe oat. a
paorldMUal brwu teWa« awept i<
A. *M.
Laalla of ' Ohloapo w
Inc of «i>« o" »»«»»
Brpnnt ot Tiaeeraa Cl...
_____ for tba Oraod Tmeetw Hamid
aod Ermine Eaooed, apaot m<
thU pUoa 00 batloam
V. 8. Oomall. Hcbl karpar al Foi
UUnd. apaot a taw dap. of Uat waak
Loaal nimroda report
wUdbaaal at larjca In tba wooda
It baa iwyod apec lamllpaabon rlilL
Tba tedlm of tba
Obu^ Aid beelaip bald Ibalr racaUr
DoatlDC la tba obarofa parlon Than
Hn. Marab Oacnoe
a an~‘‘
la tUrfork ywtap.
Vanaarandhb wUaandUUla oblld
t. Caapball ba<
Maauir took op ttalr laaUaooa. Mra
nan trip to Ohl<
Paraer aUowed tbe Bra rear old ohlld
a li Is Korthpert toto php aboot tba bam a baadrod dap oalllac
Tba Indira' Basalt Seeletp of tba
Tmrtb tm. tba boaaa oo tba ad«a ol
L K clicmib ar.- lo ba bald tba Aral
tbaweoda Wood aflarwarda aba clap,
padtetbaraar docrtolookaftortba
Joba RefltI apaal Tbaradap asd PniBbr'a aalatp. Kaar tba bam aba aaa dap la Tiararaa dtp.
.dM Mp paalBit Inlo tlia epaa of an
toBaitb .
bBwaaaa moonuln Uoo. atralobad ap
00 tba cnand and morlac toward tbe
K. A. DaOollar baa mid
ebiU bp t«*aa Tba laothar (aarw)
to mU bar baabaad. wbo waa in ibe
read |aat out of alirbt. bat qoloklp ra.
•alead apoo tba obUd't raaoaa
8be Mildlbi mrod froB aattmelloo bp
aMtadilewlp toward tba lioa. flattatiac bar apmo to atnaol tu attaaA. V. Ualla of Ubleaco will arael a
ttm (ren tba babp.
In ibU wap aba If.ooo entiaar a« Nortliporl Baaoh rraerad bp hardlp paroapiibla ate|w u^ MTt. wbloh win ha OPcaplad by bU
amllp dortbc tba aamiaat.
wllbls twalee faat of tba anloal,
Tba C
wblebWOoeMad low and norad oolp
' laa
IM >twa aod talL Qairklp tba liflod 0>» near fatare.
ap tba abtld wbieli bad barar etorort
How't Tnia7
ila apaa fto« tba llflo. Tba aotbai
MMtad badiward aad aank athanalod« tba doorttapa Jaat ai,bar hnabaodappaarod attbb door. Fnnnar
motahad ap bU van aad abet tba
tbar daad wbara It eranobed. It o
atad lab faal froa tip to tip aod
Wblfbad KO poanda.
At Eaton. 0..bat««aa aidalBlit ted
. Saadap menliii aboot *6.000 worth
^ plait (taa wiadowi la tba baaloeai
peWloa of tbe town w«i tnkao bp
.. .,,,5
^ reoabtlp
m at Daptob, aa earad.
W ttooaa for daBallablo* 1« win’4owa. Ill bala* Urea pUlc claaa la
:yrr.------ ------------Ba wot floallpmp•Biod. aad pUoad lb >IL
Boatano a
—ware Indlp oot ipid ba la andar
. dbaaaio ot aptapaloUb.
Hla »
- -
.Bltb'a Oraaa Booaiali
dolnc In all maaaof
ooeatliatloBa, ahattrrad
iBpoacrIabM blood ihli rem^p froB
(he OtrwB................................
Brarp bottle U soM aadai aa ^baolate
Ria.ia a Mnani. Wh.4.v.l..!
illSi aptba aptacBt pnla (btc.
At any tec
Men . heavy all wool 8o*. ..................
Men s heavy fiemd Bocka, l&C val.
m<n't lliidtrawar
SS .*" ir^fn Mi^aVy k
...... \....................... .....1.24
7ail».* '
,u....................H.« Price
The Holidays Are Fast Approaching ourstote is well filled with
new goods and still every freight train and every boat that ar
rives in the city brings more goods for The Racket. Make The
Racket your headquarters for buying Christmas presents. Our
assortment is large, thepricesare low.thequalityisthebestand |
everything is new.
Lamps! Lamps!
(Xld Diahea from .................................................
EvcrylliioK imsKinable iii dialim.
ir in decorated.
plain white
/lOO-piece Dinner Sets at $6.65.
$,$!0.56.$I0.98 '
.............. 1.50
. . : $1.90
C.piece arU for............................................
ThenewthinasinWaterSets at49c. 74c. 89c. $1.10.
$1.38. $1.48, $1.79.
Goodyear glove brand. i
li-pioee KrU fur................................................... $3.98
Tb.- ahove Ifcxaii ar,- tiift.le m U..- Isleat
J? Tew Bummtrs in our Shoe Dept on Second TIoor
1 Men's Bnmis Calf $:i.V3 well SboethW close bl ...........
abaped pitcher and bowl and are made in thr.'e
1. blue sod brown
I Men'a EnglUl. Eosmel
Wheninthecitycallatthenewstoreandgetacquainted with our i
stockand low prices foryourownbenefitpatronizethenewstore >
132 Front Street.
P. Sandelman. Propr.
Men', high gtAle Vai K4d, rope alilch. leather lioral Kborw. radn. ed from « to
:i sole, to heel, lalesi lor*. $t valuoa
Get Yoor Job Printing Done at the Heralil Office.
bin b*t aelp hsaks lbs valaaMs msmgtUl tahlst UbI was oa lbs loaib as4a* tba aapoU'of Ih* tett moaiiar,
Wham tba oaoqa-rcr I# barlad. bai
Ihv blao kaek away aanp oUwr val•aUas balOBilsf to U» mosqas.whlob
mama to hi jaae.Uoallp BBC«*rd«L
- MissaaddtaSanpspsbt Saaday at
abalf smUlbC tat**Mr. Plsbsr's tacbafam«fa4lB^«
heaM ter tbe wlaw.
Tbe Mid. Ilka tbe Ire. ahoald be Candy Cathamr’
Don't accept I
proBpily dealt with. Wbeo yoa be.'fraudulent tubstilctes, imitations or ,
-------------- h u^ Allen i l^DB Ba^ <-„uwerfeits! Genuine uUlrts stampeoalda't be i nocli
bcai tar tore; I cd C. r. ^
Nercr n,,i,i
sold in balk.
D.*a'- thrcal abd Iobbi and It n
All druggiata. it
A telacmm from BaU*1a.JeTa. aayi
ebolam hac brokan ool at Boerataya.,
uid la aprcndloc
Froai lOo te iso
oaaa an reported dally.
"Oaia tbs eoechand save the lifa”
>r. Wood's Morwsp Pin* 8pmp ear«
aaeba aad oelda, (lows to iha vary |
Wayaa Cmaty Baak hlit-. DETBOIX
aail wi
of tba I
Blow dot
---------1 for laanllp
.aatkaaf hli aos»lss..waa
taaiweatblB Bawarki ‘
“'"“.v.r PATENTS.
ti tb*m an ftvm IX)C to S5.50.
dbt bnrtlac ot claaa
XBaWabot tha iraat Aalatia eoo'
•Mfar. TaMrlBM. wbo dortmprd tba
THOa. b. aPRAOUl A aoH.
ja^cTjohnson .._______ ________Don't AecepHSoteWuta!
at oaa'a rltali
w6na than cb
ptla. Yal th.
Ulotamt narei
Una lot of Me Tama to eloae at
Vaa Pall
Al Wayoe. I
■afore Jaatloa
rer for ablpFor the aaormd UtamatloBal_Llra plac daeki ool of Iba
*W aad roata Depalp Oame Warden
SBitb arteatad hla October se.
Soirtba Pwe liarqneua will aeJl e»eeralen tickeia al a rata of ana fair
rrwitlona_ and o»
our p.i.-m
'bt-y ar« tlie ntwMl rr»>atlona
doek Blood Bltura.
...................... 40
oda. 75e kind..........................................................
Silk Host
detailed la tbfa
'a of 1
mfcea fras oar record of ei-----of^yTtcal ihallbaoolp too flad to
,t tf lamps-
m tba aiplBB for
On Our Basement Floor.
TbaPlwKb loadwap baa awi
tba Prlaa for Vlrtna of 1.000 fraaaa te
Oaella Motaad. a aaawiatmaa. wbe la
a dwarf aad la»«. abd who. bra
acaot Upaarahaa aapportada
ilptlc talbar, a tick motbaa ai
Ibtotberaaad Blatara.
s Whltsay'
Mm O. Blctards and asa. KarL v
Mtd laat Friday.
BsT. Wade of Bmptrs attended .1
acavsbUcci here SamidapKlas Bet* Cork U ssaplac at 0
,ly at tha hoBC
MSB. Mac Jobbctl.
Lacs BUbp speat Basdarp ben vlaItlw Maads and ralattvas.
Ib, W. a T. 0. will bold tWr
. c!':s“JrK‘i5br^s^^
MMbn*' BMlioc; topic. "Ilcollb aod
Handily." Enryborly lovlted
-waa tbrawu fnm l>i<
lawbcr wacon c ,c day laat weak, lbs
■rer hla body.
kaa .batbcwaa badly
jtn. Ubbls Dobbldaon baa a
Iron Bwpin te bar tatbar'a boa
car* fw W taotbbt, wbo ls b> poor
Anotlier Laiyc Bunch of Fine taees.
all widths, also Insertion. 5c yard.
her abaaoc* laat week,
while »t Saskoaa Say.
Edllar W. B. OaapboU of the l^a*, wm ta Umad Katdds lact week oe
All Pure Silk Ribbons. Ko. 9, in all
colois, wndh 12c, at Tc yard.,
Jackets and Suits-3 Good Things
Ladi«’ 4» inch fine Oxford Gray Box Coats, with back and
front yoke, stitched, with cuffs, silk roaminal lining
this coat at................................................................
Misses Long Golf
Coats,. ages 6 to 12 years.
,---- - This
. .... is a very
stylish coat—made
■at—made up of fine imported Golf
GoH Shawls-Shawls - ^ KQ
Nothing like it for wear—this coal is worth Sio.cx).......
Ladies’Stylish Walking Suits, reduced from Si.'. Si'-. S'6. 10.98
Ladies Fine Dress Skirts, made up of Broadcloth, finished
nicely, with tailor stitched bands, in black, worth ?>J-.5o,
aSSn^t.^ trtteb
la sbUplM
Piaak SMSwdoI Bales vlritad twinttn aad trtanda la Ibla ploea cb Bai•via. laat. '
Fine Handkerchief Linens, In slnjlc
and Double widths, at 80c. $1.00
and $1.25 yard.
3 pair good Cotton Blankets, fcr $1.
Underskirts and Waists
Ladies' Black Mercerired Sateen Underskirt, with a veiy deep ^,QQ
flounce—a very sightly skirt at........... ....................'
Of course we have better ones at S1.50 and up to the fine «Jk ones.
Ladies’ Taffeia^^ilk Waists in black and Red, worth Ss-SO-
I >ur l>e«
Flannel 'Waist we placed 00 a table by ihemrelv
are the
the S.;
S.; «o
«o ones,
ese are
ones, and
and to
to make short work of efi
at ....-• ..X.........................................................
up the line we have priced th
V Silk Waists at
Colored Ividerdown. for infants'
1 K
cloaks, per S-d....................... -........
Dark I'lanneleltes. in'very pretty patteras. for
waists and wrappers, rqiiilar Sc qual- RlZ
iiy. at per yd...................................... vv/*
«cial in Bleached Muslins, full .i6 in. wide.
We have just one case of this, and it comes
in lengths from 20 to 30 yds. worth K1/
7C yd. Sold only by the piece, pr. yd
Table Linens from 25c .
to, per yd........... i.......... •-
Napkins in bleached or unbleached. KAO
at 75c per dot. to....................... wv
SPECIAL—A few pieces of caster color Poplins and Melrose, worth $ I
and $ 1.25. per yard.......................................................................... . " *
SPECIAL—If you want a neat, up-to-date dress you should see this lot of de
sirable dress goods: all the new shades; $1.25 values, per yard at only - 8S0
SPECIAL--36 in. Black Cashmeres, nice soft goods. 25c quality, per yd only
SPECIAL—Nice lot of colored Dress Goods in brocaded and plain, worth
25c. this lot is selling fast at per yd..........................................................................aOo A sm»ll line of ladies'
We are showing a fine Cheviot in black and navy. 50 in. wide, at per yd
Black and navy Ocean Serges and Cheviots. $ 1.25 goods, at per yard only
Fine Pebble Cheviots.-in navy, cardinal and black. 52 and 56 in. wide, per yd 81.80
We also have the famous 1003 Broadcloth in black and colors, at per yd
The new Etamine Cloth, in blue and cardinal. 50 in wide, at per yd
Heavy Skirting—We are showing the largest line in this vicinity in all
Golorsand prices, ranging from 25c yard up to...............................................88-80
i=>mcE:s DO IT.
a Harm-
r IlUaoU called al U
D*. MaPball U la lacMnd today <
Extra Qualliy Bed Spreads, worth
$1.50, at 98e.
““coiS.*',^, 5"';
-farfatm a vary awlooa opemaoB.
We can simply quote prices and as best
we can describe the goods, but we would
like to impress upon your mind the fact that
the prices we ^uote here are always on nice
clean desirable goods. That is why we are
always busy.
Fine Linen Towels for the holidays,
at 25c each.
Strictly all wool Flannels in stripes and ch«ks.
used for shirts, underskirts, boys' '1 Q
waisK. etc., alwaj-s sold at 15c. per >-d • J- ^
cosmiroBT pBf-ABnfXbT.
Judge For Yourself
New Lot of .Outlnr Flannel lit yartl.
J. W. Mll-I-IKEN
Our underwear section ‘ is a busy spot these
bt your win
days, li you haven't bought
. e sbowiiw s
supply, do so now as we----I yriSa' and
very strong nunwere. in1
«*<. Thai w*«o*dlaU* adotaliboa t.toe teittu oaxtoMtokoT*
MOf lb* ball fbloBaloMoo. It,
h«*I* *a
« {« tte TimTttw Oltr. Lm)^
HI? “ttVtT
* «■*■><>■■ «*
lU»lTtirTWrt?m*a?^5^ I
1( tptmn ifa>l tkm Lm«
Ub^ «U<A tat tMiTBd K>
■Mb MeoMtrawat h««. wlU ta
«b«t dm* te • M. UM«d ef • fn
pH*. Tb* felloiru* CraH tb» tnm
■ 111 111 iBHIMlIlll
"AnlalM wtn m*i tron Onod
• fv fillBc M IabcUx
Snappy Bargains
tod **H
u.'s.jSsS Watcbts
Now then. Boys and Girls, we're look
ing for you—are've loaded up with a
You've arorked
^ heap of watches.
hard and ought to have a watch, esIntCOtS h.riandouBhi
pedally when such
little money will
larlM tb* BlalaMn aad oibHapaoki *n to irtT* ibl* t^lr (paolai oimbiIm n)stfthfi< buy one—you can scare up $10 easier
WatM/KS than a d«^ can scare upa-Pa’tridRe”
i;**tt*Hl^ That *a ant* a llbaloll
can't you.'
;&Maek^pgRof ^«ort •»«>«:
Ttau w* coattaM to ado-
rr *“«»
Olty. L
r iBllraadBj
We will sell you choice goods at bargain prices. Items
m every department that will interest you. but space
here to mention only a few:
satin. S15 value...................................
oaM akao la all BOcaataMed poiS of |
I lb* eoeat7. oaa baU tolac bhi M tb*
k I Ooaat7 Loon* tnaaairr aad Ibaballaaer to be tatalBod ft* local Dead*.
I RMoleed. Thai w*
fa»<» BM 00I7 •
HioraeoiHi of laaaoei lav* foiili*'
eonriliiiHtot tb* lloBor oaBo. bat
lb* Bltimal* r*BO<ral af ib* naOc
tti>m kiat* aad aatloe.
A role of Ibaaki waa rIth Ibe,
«t>o an BHB«d la lb* p*t«B Tb>
tenehlar of llMR»d MU ibr ppuof * BOV MnlHiT f« HlAtiBD
psepk. • dlmiM vUeb iBlInad m>
ar I* dHH««d M liwi coo of Uw
Ml pepnlu iBun ohton in lb*
■M.BDd vUeta BOW Uu rM>
Cut this advertisement out and bring
it to us and arc will allow you an extra
ten per cent discount on your work
or purchase.
E. A. Vettoo of lb* Sra of Oeek dt
Wooioo lefi today for Detroit. 8*pl'
P. Pearl* roiamod Satardar.
Bkhl troin . bailaon trip to tb* apri.
ealnral ioploMl aad vahlel*
for lb* toll inda
Mra Howard Btova etSaakok**.
Ill . U vUlllBC 'Ufa WiUia Ana.
: R. Oalky aad C. a Stoaky
r from 'SalWe* Bay^lU*
Ital BMokaf tboM* road U bolfo
aOUloa dbllan. of wUeb. aeoardtac
to la*. IHO ii paid la for *>*7
• •
I iHi, A. U Tbantoo of Klnp*l»y k
lb* iMd vlU oorer.
Both Ibe** •ortooaion.cpabl. aodJkiheeltytodoy. '
“A* MW KloblfBD laUroad. odd* well kaowa aad Ib* nkblubmoal of ; m, .
Mra A. T. Pnk ktl today
fttoa bolafl e( iatocool boiaito of th*
. hoapikl will to a pood
. voeaiioa la toalboro Hlobkaa.
n, aad Hra A- V. Priodriobtov*
totol iwauotloa of lb* m tDoefpor- Iblap fH tb. oily aad tpiatottttd by
pone to Ana Arbor f» a vUtb
W. K. Ctoaptotl. odlur In Ib*
; Konhpon Loo^ k la ttfc olty toOiaari hall wo* paoked to lb* don* .
tow ban ovalac propenj la lb*
Oiaad Tiaran* Bar rHort*
BOW ptapaiad abov tbal tb* T. a, U
* M. will roB hoB ■thTHH CII7 to
Mtolhport aoniH tb* pHlamla b*. oppMUoalolbenlooopower, a.lb.l''‘*‘"»«
donfhter. Mra W tt
SwaH Onad Tioran* ba7 aad l^e
UroDd Tiovom ooaaly brooob of Ito ^^'f
Xkhlm aad paodac Ihroacb Omb Aati.aalooo Leocav Al tb* fareaoao
Bt^mboprnao of lb* Oawhan M7 koal pwipk ipMd tb*
Patoot fkaqe* Oo
totowta It vUI rl«a to Oneo* aad
« olty yLiorday. \
to ■tolhporl both at whlob on vld*V. P. O. Wood ot faBHlkk i.
tb* olty,
.Ity. Tki^ bU ^ Roy Wood.
^ boM la Xlahlaaa. tb*te oalH^ lap ftotai* of tbv
ot Ito
Pork Pllm bar^ ibop.
• Park
nadkotlUtk* BBd effaro ompaU. J. W. *9taagoil bM fOM
tot dlauon were broaphi
ta ter tb* bool llo* aorrlM wUidi k
tf Uhm* who wen to aiiaadoae* KIk Raplda
P. A kfitehetl. of Wtnltoae, k ti
u tto ooBToolioe. aad lb* W. C T.
U. HtaainlioD of lb* oily bod pleaiy the olty OB baole*** todif. '
Mr*. Ray Watt k rktUap la tkdlb
of fiod tor then who bad muA i*
wMr«b*Sold M too iballaeoadio.
do thia n ttoi ao 00* bad to ^ baa- toe tbi* wHk.
aan lb» ri<bl of *07. Tu kad
Prpak Oaaoel of Orowa. wa« ta Ito
ha« akad7 pteiol*»d. bat lb* oxom
city today.
pkaot ibreafhvbloh lb* rood
fevUlaalbokaeva oatUofiortbla
nm WedBnOy'a kwoM
oBoonao follow*:
hrip of lb* *c(to*«* aad IbH lb* fwOouty Olert Walur
Ikto* of
mat itBHfwo will b* to*da
tb* waok at Fife Imk*. wbon be will
“la aatlelpatkB of tb* urltal la
HI Thukaplvliip tarkoy tomocraw.
Baorolary-O. A. Johaaoa of TravVenhpert of lb* T. a. U * M., [uJodp* J. M Brardoe of Itba
Um tna eatald* tb* alot* at* ab«ad7
rbo bat btu vtalttop O. D. Eauy
Tr*a»ant—0. A. bi aiaOBd of)tnv
Ito a*ylam. bn retoreod to tak boma
toiHlbp a totcBiSoni bekl Iban
wbkh It k told wiU b**H of lb* ftaI Mimlmata Portaob toapoaolo Au
Mia tb* BMh.Arbor to visit bar auk Mn Iman
Priedrioh Smilb. aad
a B. Manap
tbk *19 (tota*
Ooorpe W. HaU. Rov. W. L. Laafkaa
ooaito Oooalk. wbo an ap tram Flor
Ihtoh* balkn. tbu lb* Me*M7 aad B. J. Falpbaaa
•Spltol to balld tb* Um U aew
ida for a TklL
All of Ibe
Peter Stotmor at Smptn k to tb*
B* ny* tbu tb* ***1*.
<z ottoio member* of lb* exeeo*M wlU b* ton rrid*7 la aenfuj
olty today.
ramoiilMe, wliooreto plu tb*
W. a Bmel. af Karthport k al tb*
with &. a. H*tb*aB7 aad that hit tor tb* eouly. oh ttoi lb*
1*0. Mp* vtU to U oae* tokea
Bomtoon ot tto varieao ponin an of
.Ralph Oa*e of Ktopttoy
tto ripbl attiiaa* to n«ard to tb*
lha voUap of tb* bawd* of hit.ouoiiy
Wblitop today.
or if BOI tofarm
iMkBhabd BaltoM Bay wwubtp*
Oeorpo Balt bb4 Roy Otbto wm to
Ito TMr* of tto eouty a* to Ibk
kMattaaktod lb* |Bo>*eton aad Mr.
Mamy baUam tbai iton wiu to ao
dUMtolB taaviap lb* laid* fieatod
Children's Navy Blue Cassimere Sults.doubid breasted coats, aaes
8 to 16 years, worth 2.25. at ........................ ...................................... .. *.1.50
3 Men's heavy Fleeced Underwear, all sixes, resular 50c Boods: al. 39c
TM Skk iMlTtii IMM Sntoi rm.
tap ae Caol Pnat atmi.
Tto aaOw
laanadad la potUap Iton partially
-----------------atoppad at Barlow atmt. bat <
tMap oMa Mankd ttoiaaiid lfa*y
We are now sailing the old ship alone and if we
don't sail her into the harbor of success, it won't be be
cause we don't try to ser\-e your needs so well that you
will have no occasion to look elsewhere for anything in
our line. Our aim will be to handle REI.l.ABLfc;
GQOUS ONLY, and at prices as low as conservative
business principals will permit. We buy from the most
reputable manufacturersin the country—their best goods
and principally in car load lots, for cash- and we know
we can and will give you better value for your money
than our competitors can do. Of this you can be con
vinced by looking over our .
n------- ....
■ Traverse City Mich.
wbtoh o.veniS^.frvTtoi.-r.j.fSo'^BYir.p'^
at ibe Hly aUr to tbe valuble time.
Ofltoe boan S a. m to S p. at
IbeoHvuUH to
B,tto wtvH'
ly bakaomi
I b*aaou-|
Tto major nffotad a pood daal dortwappltap op*n-1
IW tto alpfat. bet k fain/ oomfoH- low*:
Wberen Tb* ealotm witta it* aliaa- lloa* QO a krp* *oale.
- ahlotoday.
ui eviU. k a ooesmat moral m*e.
Tto kam wm feaad lam* u tb*
*M*kry. aad wu toupbl to Ito livary tora of R J. Honan.
wn nUod to attoad btm. Hk w
■a dtamid. aad to aad Mn. How-
la plu.
for tbe ThaBwlrlip main mrvim k tto obaiebM
^to Uw
Cut Prices
Wberea*. Tto Woe* of tbk oour an vtoklor* ot tto atatatM of tto
-Ale ntltop ta mtoon aad to totnei :
Hied mra. nlllap u 8aada.v. leael
bolidey* ead efkr boan eta. tovtoc
Ito kw« of lb. *•
« aairiu im on
fotn tto am. aad
Ftn Rn Um •tHiniss. Blaolnls.
5,;f-okimJ. now
jij 50 kind.'oi-w ...
Fn CnIs ad Fhsli Robn
Giass of TToftr.
and u (IrjTul i\a|>i.K Ldt
:<l kmd.now-------
gaMKls •■Illy
00 kind, now...............
which are arriving this week.
Also a kw other makes at
BLANKETS—samples, no two alike—at about half
price and will give you the l>enefit. FJon't miss .this
has inanv g.KMl liargains in
Misses. Woincii's and Child-Ten's wear.
trouble t>NF-RH'Rm t)l F tm
' Mf-n's Sample
-allM::es. Come early and ,o show gCNcnfs, compare our
bargains, uur
get value reccived.
pricesbefit makefi.
Xmas SIi|>pcrs for Men. 50c. 05c. 75c. mx. St. Si.is. S1.50, St-75 and Si. Xmas Slip
pers for Women. r?c, Si.,>1.^5, $i.^o,and S1.50. Don't overlxjk our line of leggings
and overgaiters.
of this week, we will show you the finest carload^
Surchvru klirl,
Til- o; i K-!uf'!t- Siio.- HooM-
ever shown in Traverse City. And our prices will be
about the same as others are obliged to ask for cut
ters that won't bear comparison. You will only have
to see them to appreciate this fact.
ofilo* or lit* lutvy delaHuetil. li. urv
K. Xrltcmii. oo* of tin. r*«akr otorrh
*n ul mariae eveoi, tlr.isa*l*d l->
Ito ehiet
hydnwtapfa.H. offinallv
vooebre for Ib* •iiileac* of * *•-• **r
Tb* followui* i> 'b- r-port
skit-xl Oct. 9:. ot
RaMer ttst n n Htadtiiaftifs fn
Wood Swlai NkNhh
p-nt a«wU^*TtoBt lt«> f**i loD«
Tb* head had a blaai. *qiiar» Doer,
and va* rjertinc vat*r lo tbe betobi
of two or ttarv* fort from lU una.
Tti* animal ot tab bad Ibio* diflinri
•eieof fioa aad a lai! Ijiti* arroa.
lit- a lorpola*
Uo it* Utt-k w*-a
braduR ahool
moviDC kuwlv
Iio* mad
Vaated—VOD lo •** oer lio* of Cm.
erw. TratviH Cut Imp
iDooeeoon lo Jam** A. 11-
127 State-Street. Traverse City, Mich.
*L*. Ji: From Su
o Power
day ID kiliadc :?-<Wtv*e tdjoiuiot**
Dorth. aad loBKina* HU deer*** !'
Th* Kr« Stood. tneV* eo is
With it you raa bay cliraper aad;
for it-M^ll cheaper.
We^hi^totlirorcHl, onlyaod tbio
eaahlH «
tu tf
tu viirr
ufft-r >ou
tun euiii
S pkg*. of hairbaok* IkuariBg
2 pkga. Malto Viu......................... 25
Wi Hut Yw Mir ut Eggi '
Higbist Prfm Piii.
NOVELTIES of every
description are being
added to our stock of
useful articles - Pretty China
and. Bric-a-brac, full sets of
Dishes and single pieces at
lower prices than the ordinary
bazaars can sell them, as we
have three big stores to buy
for, and the “quantity makes
Call and see us.
ll^ Kroct Streel.
I'ui a baodialof/ilMto
ve/fee in a plamol water.
Cut Prices
I—ua aalA oB ADCTaL-l hat* aai ocm
praiait Tto «armoa at tb*J«t M. «■
•banb wa. maohid ^ Bm. W.
T. Waadboan pMlor of tb*
.SM MtaraL Tbl* terTk* wm parItoipitod to by tb. Baptkt. Plrtt
M*M««»» Oupneattoeal. Dmalpln
■d rwabllilliii lik.inlm
HoPteawM. Xw IS.O. d. B..aad tto
Reliable Department Store ‘
mm ^itotoKo.
fnud* tb* remit obmieed by tb«ir
D«w*y*t»m. All wbo-eall apcm Ibe
■toctod to tu toidH tbu *VH.
doctors befote Sov. *. will rookve tto
At Bon atnat ea* of Ib* tapi broke
.. -------- bMwBt of ibeti •ervlom util eared
aad tb* MBpM of the wapeo feU oat
Seoood. E 'free of oharpe. If yoo tov* Rb*-----rd Rcm*r;'<i»-Kidoey or Bladder tnable.
at Ib* MOkyok* aad onak late . tb*
: alyka Bean Dtoeam. b
-- b*bif.‘
proaad. Tto wtpW> wu tha* thrown
— —- to oand ,
into tto ak. aad Mr. ud Mn K*w.
•ye.cui. Xb* Deolon wilLl
conk WHO IhrowB oat with piw
iibinp DOi euotlyoo tb* pro. locate yoor di*m*o witbm a*bl^
praMwu *pratic al Ibe oouty eoo. y<» uy asMtioaa
' ttou.
*<*“ »Nnld fail
Mn. Mewoenb did aol nSw a lin- vmlH of tb* Aati.8alooo Leacoe
. Bta MBtob. aad atld* tram tto nron
.. toaUap WM Bot ta tto kaal lolond.
D-afaem oand by u mlroly aew;
L Bat Ito major did not tuo h wok
8 ■* n*otr»d two very mvar* onlp
i wauto. hk kft obealdor wm brakoa.
■ 'Ibo MloaldH bUd* bolap fnelarwl Ufi*oruaae.builteBlUmaiedeeirac- ud caarute* every earn w* aeoma.'
idaatloa. Tbl* raeoto- oatab'e- If yoa havt eamrrb or toap
B ripbl to tto lotot. U* body wm badly
il a brief bat riporoa* •
.«**• “<> kv eamtoed.
r toakad Bad towa* tottlbly *tokn
Tbe liDfOinit Mn,
Too a**d
Ma}<« Cko. E. M.weoab ot tb* p
tank abd bk wU* won lb* viotl
afahad roaaway aoetdat Uat w«*k
tool maltod la ib* aertoa* tafarv of
Olty; Blair. 0*ora---------Ito toBjor Bbd kipfar bar* m
Wetby. Urmwii: Paradtw. Roben U.
Ttoy wu* *■ ihalr
Uaioo. Ptuk
ha«B abaat I e'ekito. wbea tb*
iMwr. Fife Lake: Fife tok*. W.
wwd- drtvtap toeaia*
Brower, Fife lake: Mayfield. Bud
OIbba. Elopdey; Onel. J. K. Ku-1*^^ poor alike are treated.
adtotaa atarlto O. R*L 1
................................................. r..........................................
Thanking you for past favors, and^ soliciting a continu
ance of same for our mutual beneht. 1 am very respect
fully yours.
city TiuttopfrlMda
Traverse City.
lb Bbd & R. Roofni
of tb* O. R. * t. OBcl B. a MoBIbo007 of Um MB rood. buUM O a
Mankp of Tibthh OI17. vbo U with Ibr bam of a J. Hot ], bu fomlb* O. a A L ibHO, an ibo rollnad
aad U>*7 tor* •enblitbed 1
hocplial wub all B»e*iwj r orioint> for tb* mauaeal ot dkn*** of
boiM* aad olbat doneiUc aalaota
The buldlnc o* Ski* tttwi. Bear
«no 0117. a a MotbHOT and a a Ualoo. ovaed b7 Citj Tmnitrir
XatboBBp- n>*M dUMlon are obo*- Wonbaip. hu bn* eakrped aad *•Um
M0I7 Ur ibe FmpoM of tsoorpor- pMkIt7 filled for tb* larpeaa
*tU» BBd tbolj oBOooHun vitl U pan k divided tato Mrerol •talk i*owilb eT*>7 oooTeDl«DO* aad
ObOHB Bl Ibe flnl BBBBal Mill
1117 for tb* ear* 6t alok auimak.
dal* for vUob ti aoi dxed. Th
50 Electric Seai Ccll.rettes, $2.50 kind...........................................
10-4 Extra wide DouWe Blankets .................... ....
HssUll, the Btstfimq 3ewtkr,
nwolailca adopted «Bml7 fwiand-;
lac Ut kbiH* for hU *»>*lkal wort ! _
udi>mot *ap*rlai*edaat.
. I pr.« U.odu • U'v.M
Verlto C Tb*a*M ntaiacd 1
f. '■ rity auanky •nalnp. afur *pMdlBp
, a Uttir over a year la ■oatlwra k
I Beginning Satirday.Nev. 30
and Ending Wednesday, Decemlnr 4tli
1 irto;''i3r*^^-srt5r*32 js: ■ FIRE INSURANCE
I aoiL **U -mrto. tto* to li ifc I ml, *rmr i -
Rrst lUlinal Buk ef;
CCBL « SlTilfS b9i^
“.V—■ -“ncsegL.
a an
they aai
, aar^ ■>«
d»w» to o royal
Steward Wbitnay lite •aeorad
taa fat tatfcaya. white wan 1
3 »cr CCMl tim M TUk Dc*Mta.
PMW duMi.*ttbe ™d«*
b<Mt>lMl la OrtOB, ntM timl Mr.
Otaai»e-» FhytfetaB *1T»
«T •»«
tt*t b. U 1»I«CT.
ru B»m U mppM t>y *fc*
D*D«U lodf* 0* Blk. aad t»pe«» an
lo Uw TfaTan. .City lodn «n*T
f»w daya
- --r~..
I. tattiat BloBt nUaly.
n>a Bite wmawned Hoedaynadar
• awctaea of tea new plaaiaf laotj of Brown A Badth near the Pen
s aad tea aa>telaoty u now aboot ready for bati-
fcrroatl tarkay.! Tboaaaada of aaffenn hara prorod
_____ __________ for Sij^aad
Tba total 1^^_______________
Hcadateaa They Bake para
nawbar to bo ai diaaar
^’btoedaad balld -----------rbteltb.
ap year
eladlaiitba patiaatt, tba
be rbyaieiaaa »Moory
- ______
j If
eol eatad.
Ly ItflO
Sold l.y 8.-------. Wall A Bte. aad Jaa
aa>l aaplayaa, waa imr^r
is money
la wlU be BO acbool. eltbar loday
Circulation this week 2,300-
>oai a idllar.
boiUr aod enyuie rot
M UeSrey. fe* twenty-BT* bnte. Tba Bachioary U of
la Om dcmf tealaMt aad a wall Ml, a new a.'CO posed maicbii
a elllM of UaBUtoa. baaiac telna bariiMi jaal bean added.
IB boftnata tban ouay yaan.
tea beoB tacacad to taka ehaiva of
;l. depoty omoU^r of
Iba dn« dapanaaat of
Hanoab A
I and ProleeliTa
Hr. Melodyaof Iba
rrJ Button Business..
B. a Loottla of Hayflold look oot
dear Itoaua Bo tl» Uooday- Tba lotal
OTiabaf boned laat year waa IM.
Oeem lAlbar baa br»a awi
tea eonlteat for tee W.OOO ootlaar
1«Q M. Loalla al Mcrthpoat Baacb
Iba Utdlaa' Aid SoelatT of tba
jrint H. B. charoh will aarra tbair
anaal Haw Ynr'a dloaet al Oraacr plaoa last aroBln* at tba boma of
Bail, on Wadnaaday, Jaa. lat.
•ba Wide-t aUter la Chloaita Tba
__________ _ partlaa are HIsa Birina
K. *. teoBC. aiaBl of tba W. W
KlaballOo. bat pnaaatod ateh of ibr tiantoo aad Ur. BUtin LawU. bote of
teU city, aad the oaremoo.r will be
tete eteBaoMd with tba loeak aaeoe.'
patformad at tea home of Hr. and
a Baa Tbaakte>tiBg tartay,
Hra. CImrIn SnemiUar
TiBTona Otty Taoi Ho. BTI, K.
Bote tea bride and (rooai bars a
T. IL. will aarra Ihalr ansaal Ootcb
oat of trtaoda ia teU olty. who will
aappar Dec. «. In cOBBoetloa with
tnlta la tba baarticat eoByiataUtiona
Bood iBOBfBm.
AU sir Kabibta a
•ad mod wUbaa
They will make
»d>7«0____ ___
.. Domlaa baa reealrad
word ttel bar aUtar. Hra. Hadalior
Baaaid. Cnarly of Kaat
MW W BaclteW. la aanoaily
left Monday for 9a<rtiiaw.
_______ ‘
tea fond tei«a(h Mr. Balaa who will
teat it will not he lon« till they willl Jv
(orward tea amooeta to tba ataia trnabaroachdnrte^laaaycvebt, and ^
Lt 4«e to knild a
tenrob for thernMl^*.
Borne of kb,- l«i^en of (be more-!
meol on tee weei tide claim teat iliey
have alnadytee Informal approval of
tee bUhop. audlbey roem to hare no
doobt tml that the morement will be
ceiwi aad teat beton eery long a
ehnrob with a iwleel in ebarce.
Will be bolk OB tee weet tide.
rbe committee teat waa appointed
tee OateoliMo! tee wen aide Bon1000. to [■reeeed wiib tee
eecnnnc a new Oaiholtc
ebnrob In tee WMt pan of the city.
Mim Mary Knan of Tiaaano Olty.
Packard will iwibably ha able to
Kiah..andMr. UmU Tareott of BIk
BopBte. Web., aran amiTied al tea «« bU friends by Satnrday or Snadai
bnm of Mr. and Mta. Harahall CbmA Plas .Kar.'TBCIl^
aon on Wmi Htoth atroai oo SatorTba ). K Onilick Oa has Iba em
tey aasntBf at b o'olDok. Tbair
■net (or tba new Hitaros in tea loeawUl ba la BIk Baptda
-loo of tea
Tta«« wUl be a apeclal oonnoil
............ ...............„
till- Parker
tee Boyal A Beleet Melon Friday j „n
(teely imiteed aad deaigned
aroatne. to cbotor tee dogrw upon (g, oaoTenienee aa weU aa attrartiTeaeeeral eandidatM from Beilaire. It la j „«m. The eooaior will taM tee doo*
I men will be tea or j .od will be divided into
-MwbttB Bellalrr.
t ,.^__,.u .____
“ aooii aa
tallow tee initiatory wtwk.
I eland with b mwiria* for ibeba
They hav.- alnady berun tee
work of •eoariug inliacnplioai for tee
bolldmc, formulating a iwtilioo to
aa tee isobey ia talrod.
engaged to nmala in tee
re Vipoae.! and lab-r qaaranlined in
•mat aad impruonment and dnna*.
mim for aae int*»~
•e tapamUte. in Joteiea Brown'. Z.tl 1!^ T.. n“ d.
; tire to tee coonr of l.oalte oflieen Jn
‘ tearte work. Rev. C. T. Stoat, tee'
, ,
ae who wen expand to
tee abaeaoe of farther
................................................... ......
vraof the tearoh.
Many year, ago ,
aod tbe aaUxwitm
be highly econmended tiw teetr
Aa eiplnloa ooearrad ta tte npalr
prr yd. (north about ixiorr) .
ale |>ie<-eB.-i>r piece. 35c to..............
u B
aad auila. Never sold for Itiaa thau
‘.Oc aid SI—special, per yard____
tba haol roai liinc in ibe market
f..r INat piirixjae.
For rir<;ulara
Ladies’ Shirt Waists
Btall’s Drug Ster«.
Black Underskirts
'yyry ry/ 'yy ry ry r j / y rt r y y rryyr'e'yrryy^
le i|Oility mercerired •atin. d.-ep
Made of fine
akirtfor .
Big liae at ll.3-*> up to (->
Taffeta Silk Waists
New Ixit--.-olon> black and cardiual, eUbor.U-1) to.-ked ia back and froot. fairly
.good.iaaUlyailk-fully-orlbtf'^ QQ
|:l >0. very apecial at...................
louncirm the opeiiinj; uf ihe holiday season
are pleased
to state that in m I previous year has there
Skirting Flannels
been offered such a display of beautiful Christmas
have display'
1 Opportunity
n brought
big range of .colon
pvt yard.........................
40c "'50c
Ked or white dannel at 11', 35 op to-50. )-d
together in this city, of
Toys. Dolls, Fine China. Elegant Lamps.
beautiful Celluloid Goods in endless variety,
Children’sChairs. Rocking Horses, Skates. Picture Books. Story Booksand Cift Books. Everything in Cames. Medalions, Fancy Mirrors,
China and Porcelain Dinner Sets. Fancy Goods
and Novelties—in short everyth I ng that our long
experience in handlinBth,sclassaf800d,could
\\'e have gifts th.it will please you. no mailer how
j y^u are to Suit or the size of your purse.
\Vc arc
ready to show you the goods
are \ oil ready to inspect
------------------ --- y yyyyy^
yyyyyyyy y yyy^^^y
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Cn.
E, McMANUS & CO.'’^
Tbe Newest-Mcai. Tbe Best EiBds.tl
Winter Leggings
50c, Women's high tlcccc lined
Leggings. .Sy ;
Boys and Men's Canva, Leggings, foe and
Children’s Warm Shoes
Children's Kid Shoes, neat shapes, warm lined through
out. OCX and 75c: Children's and Misses Felt and Beav
er shoes. <xx. rjc and
Men’s and Women’s Warm Shoes
Women’s F'elt and
Beaver Shoes, with .vnd
leather foxing. 6(x and
Women s
light tlexible soles, side pieces
Beaver Shoes,
of leather,
pure wool
rieece. sewed inside—the warmest shoe made—Si.75;
Women's Beaver Shoes, line kid foxed, kid tips, stylish
enough.to wear anywhere.
$1.50 and Sj.oo.
OYS AND GIRLS come to our
Upstairs Di^t. and see the
greatest lot of Toys, Games
and Blocks in the city. Guns,
Drums, Horses, Sleds, Dolls of ev
ery kind, Picture Books for the ba
bies and children. Story Books for
the boys and girls. For the older
people there is Fancy China, Silver
ware, Vases, Handsome Dishes, all
the Latest Books, Leather Covered
Poems and Dainty Gift Books. This
is surely Santa Claus’ Toy Shop.
Come in at once,^-and buy your
presents, and if you don’t want to
take them home with you we will
lay them away for you until you
call for them.
Fur Trimmed Felt aod Beaver Juliettes, in blue, black,
brown and green. Sioo: Foot-Warmers, made of cloth
woven by hand and lined with pure wool
.Cut,'sole leather sulK'and heels. $1.75. High Cut. soft
leather soles. Si..'5; Low Cut, soft
leather soles, qoc;
Men's Felt aod Beaver Shoes, lace and congress,
41! <hu
>hat only tee lal
In teU
inoiteepUeniwell oared tor. nooe abeeld relax
freqaeat baqanta from trtei^ of tee toirjryu^ la teetr
ebarte Imvealteai
u"thu way saly ea^tne btellta ^
a faad. ao tent la ttma a gate
wool, heavy—aa elegant cloth for dreeeea
' Cbe tittle Biant
Bai« U rMIil t twa law ML
lor a I .Bg offetiag each year an addlUea to' ao grave faan te long at tee
blew eat of a hot water beater aad'
tee Are white atartad tpcaad rapidly '
tm tte teaUe of tee ballfflng. Ko oae
wan laaUa at the time, tat Jea PWroa
wa* Jaai ontalte aad tea Uaae waa
O Pm
Broau mixed, ten mixed, gray mixed, all
leather and rubber soles. $i 50. Sjoo and Sj.50
balUIng on tn and t
drltt. caator, old roee and brown.
Extra Sizes
Leggings. 50c; \Vomen's ten button overgaiicrs.
M tea mme loeaaion.. Hr!•'« 1 ^et, „ Batorallr proad of hie new ioitj. have broo rfleaied. not baring
dereloped anv eymptea. of tbe dUmak* beary porohae** la farm am- ]
Then ere now eo eign* of
ehloary, wagon*. enCMn
peel in tee city or imm^iaw vicinity.^
Tbe Thaakagirieg offering el Otaee
other tee teon white ter city bealih
.anteorttiM beve oombaited. Tiavene
Throagb ber altoroeya. PateUa A
Orouar. Mra C V. Flteer ha. brgui!
for tbe benefli of tee i City can be oongtalnlaled teal'tei>
.letmdilioo euaU.
B'bll* teetr ba.
•xlt agateet Jabn* OampbaU for falaa .
• JV
56-ln. Sackings
ilcece lined Jersey Leggings. 05c and :5c.
Tha Wo^'iOlab wiU give a n-!
It if gratifyine to note that th-n ia
aaiwtaate tee teaebm of tee
little If any fnrther daa«er of the
FttAny afteneon. Memben an n
The rwr of ter room ilgwead of email pox in Traven- City.
^aeoked aol lo Mag otect rneu.
bfing'SxMltirwite ecveiml aocloe- Kugooe Packard, who baa been am.clTka program wiU be in ebatge of
Mn. J. L. OlUa aad will begin aiat. eae for tbe mte keeping of vain- ed wub the dieeaae. ia eo far roooverabln. and another (or a eleeplng room ed aa to aaearo to no other ml effeeta
(cespUy at half paai
rbe Arm tX Fan
iete dlaolrad by macaal eoDaont,aad
Jl*. FerTUwiUeonii.il* tee bo^r-,,^^
9 Pm
per jtrd........................................................
Extra ap-cial value*—colora tan, rrerda.
Children's Knii Leggings, ;5c; Children s
a new eborch. it ia eipMied Dial a
(wlMl wtU be arm aad dial tbe work
I 7C
Half Wool
stock early that you m>;iht have
spcctlhcureatcst assorti
r Ui« city bamjt •
mrouadiviaionof ‘
twriteof Tmverae :5
wbat would betealwat
has bemi in tea ol|y. wilt
TbaProrldent SarUwa Ufa Ataar- •r
' aaea Soeiatr of Kew Tork bare oatab^ ooma arlUi tea laal of tea weak. The
Itekadaa ^oa orar tba Olty Book lUlafoolioa of tea raialdaoM aod tea
of Pateard waa^won Tuaaday.
Blan. Boom id, with Bonjaaln A
rnd tea olotelac. bod
Tbfaa oi OBocia in
>r telnca tent bare bean oaad
' Tbk nfolar antlUB of tea Willard tba room of tea aiek man -^va been
W. a t. U. baa bean poetpoaad oelll Uaraad. Tba dUtnfaction of tba boose
- Mday oraBlns. when li will be ' ‘
will oontinoa teroa«bont tba wr^
tewadbyatBOaiiUeo piran In honor of
a. P. B. Vandyke li wAl be bald
Wright, abruak aod r««dy foi,uae
s AT
Mom for %a- t Osral
ailnsof tbaCaiholica.-eapocially of tec west side of tea city and lb.- ^
adjacent latrilory. was Held in Iba C.
R. R. P. S. hall Snmlay aft
for Ilia l-orpoaa of eonsidarii
The maltar of a nJw rb^b was
dlacnssad at aome leacte, and a commliua waaappolntad to baraifia mstTte McKlalsr Hsasirtsl.
The eommuiac will
Tboa T. Bams bat bean appoUiiad
maallne ti‘U areoinc al wbicte
by Goranor BIUs a member ol
fartbar action will ba taken,
ft appMta teal Ibara u a division of
r. U. Jawall brlapt tba Herald me this city, for tba Katiooal MeKtea teteat of Boa Wolf Blnr ap- lay Hamorial Aaaooialiue. Qea. H.
pWa.aaeb wottbiac saarly
H. DuOald of Dalroll la tee irartaa
Ibtte an aone of tba flnaal arar (or tele flale and will ba^ aided In
uroWB la thU roKioBrnrlou pnrw of tea itala by oommitloro room U abrolntaly noM-miy.
Oaorca W. lArdla ahlppad a oarlead taa mamban named by tea troaiaa and
Then an tboee on iBa wa« iide j
a< petatoaa Mday. oonialnlBg l.MO (ovaivot. la ralaioB foods for the Meof tee city Who let-l teai they an s
Tba ooat for the pokatota KtnUy mamiwial to baoraoted al OdeSobairlpiloos lany ba made lo •e^ TOo^h to hana^yhnreh^
and labor la baBdUn« end llnlnc tba ion.
FMtr Deane of tbU oily and Mlaa
Xbda PbiBoot FoiBat Lod«a
ly Uaaoaad to w«L
Tlio tearrla(a
■■ r. B
1 ptaea In tee eraninc. Ear.
Big Line 54-In. Suiting
cepUonnl vnlna—the ynid ...
Plain Cheviot
Our Savini:s Depirtment
Ooadaette Oordoo of the O.B A 1wtU «ko tba plaea of A. T. Peek dot♦1^ tee aaeaUoo of tba latter.
wna 11 the gaiuiant. now...................
Vary aWcant toxnia, nnil.
53 ia. wide, navy and black, all wool, uood
Paid BP Capiuu
- -
The brlofc arort
•ofoboaaa of tba 1
Ladies’ Underwear
Jobl-t.brokansixevertanadi«Bti, 7Qa
inal nod black.
able for eniu and akirta
ll.aooa»b. loc.-wrtm Era S Hioialborcar. "for tbrar fatMwatr
OUT (amity hara atad Or. Sion'
aiofl aad oarar
ditoorery for coaaamptiox
___ __far Ooacbi
foted ._
iu ,aooal
C^fhj and
as onriralad IXa.
and rvrrjr Photoanpbar
wlmn naed for daapaiata
. .
---------------- -- -Mil... 60 abooUl
bolluDB. They ate
1 BLOO at S K Wail A . Isa U
tba tbine for f'hriktm
kaaon'i Trial bottlea free.
otBeara alaotad were lYaaideot—Obarlas Peleraoa:
01aoBaTt«. MIcb.. Nor. *6—Thr
Vice ,
■boooerOaledoalaof Haoiaa. loadad
Aaaiataol Pnaldeol—Cbarlaa• Faosi
with alaba aad Ctoiatoiaa Otaa ii
Kt Pra-ideoI-Ban Elli>.
MtMaa ban. a total wreok. tl U aapSacratary-O. L. Hall
poaad tba eraw an aata. aa Oaptalo
Traainrer—Phil Sbarmar.
Itaallof tba Ploa l^e. who twaaa
Harabal-WiUiaiB DHL
Soatb UaDltoe thU atanliiB. n>Warden—J. A. Farrow.
porta aaalac a boat wltb tbna isn) io
Gaard-Jobn U UUekan.
rowlBC In from mld-laka aod
Saatrr—Frank Haydoo.
•board tba aobooarT Borum. Aa ao
Traalaea-Wllliani Ilfs. Iran Doun.
foall boat U with Ibo wrack bow oo DeB McDonald. ,
, _
teen bora. Uiia aaraloo ia aoppoaod lo
oSauMloa «o> latseUsssJ.
Tba matter of tba obstroed& on
te«M. AK.B. iraoki
aarlaa of B«a|»l nioatia«a will oaoe-n a tank to tea front of tba
opao lo tea Priaodt teorte Sunday fniybt aorln'' aod threw
_______ _ aaai. oondoclad by Bar. K. ............... ................iMt tba tiaia miitbt ba t,|«
Howard Brown.
Brown, paator of Iba eburte I rteMlad. baa baas mead, and it U
Tba BMatinn will conlinoe
iMinad tbai Ilia obatniclion
least awoak. and probably loorar oo tl-e track by aoclrlrni. and
bll ate ioTitad
u intaijd,-d by anyone. A ,
Bar. Brown and bit wife bare had farmer araa drawinc eoidweod across
tame axparlaaee la tea eranealiatie
al tea point wbala Ilia aeci1. Tba BwaUota will bi«ls rate d>nt ooenmd. aad teat eranint;. aa-•
itneai ttSO o'olook. aad meD- known to him,a pari of bU load
sen of other ehatteas anaakad lo aa o« jest as ha wss ctoasine tea track.
by tealr aitandanoa and tliait Ha did not know il. bnl tea
found it c«L Lalar ba. loo. dlaoorared it. and want look and
waddiBB in white Ttararaa Olty wood, whioh bod oonia ao 1
dar^to tea train.
people will ba msoh tnloreatad looL
Pebble Cheviot
5f< in. widts colon* nary, ten, oxtoii, card
Popular Shoe Boose.
Seller of Good Sboes.
THE ORAMD TRAVEWE HERALD. NOVEMBER 28. lOOlKo T»Mil. an vt«ya fttm kna
Vn. Wrichl kat tta «aUa
Beginning Today
ad for baata.------attll aaotbar far I
«1U Boioi.ly aeai
b^ldl^ «Ub*ati*
HIM. nnaeca BatahyO^lH^
bee ear w»w aMrea set fairly ya_ aad O. T. Ohaalfy aad A. a
aKveraixa or
Soka Joh^ ha« bMa haaliac aM>d
trereat tbeti eoailbd by lakiac recawtateh be wlU an la (be efaMies ot a
laidaaea af Ot«M.-f Aaaeri rioTrer.
•e* ebmay to bto heaea.
tbe faeorlM Madietae af tbe bMliby
mtlliooa A few doeaeeide dlyeeltoB.
H»«M(Xmain.i1 ■■■»..■
K«r s
beard iweny lirely thU Boratac
mrt^’Se'btMdTa^ ^M^yoT^l
Tbe aaetal beldat Aadnv Haw- plenty of horaee are waltla* IB Ibe baoyaot aad elyorau.
Toe eaa yet
exob'e laet tetanHy atabi wa« a aae- ebope Ibelr ten to be ebad.
Dr. U. O Greea'e relUble lesedir*
ean la mrj way.
Tbe alcbl eap*
. P. U. aad tbe Bpwertb ' yoer drnntlira Get Urern'i Speotel
van of all •(ylee aad aalen aad (bey
areal like bat oakea They all lapon laat'eTe^r Md ealenalaed Ik^ ao-'
----------------------------a Bne^iae. whieb la alvay* Ibr < -
.................... £S
using Ivory So»p, women who have trusted
precipice of
ectxMcny and who can now appredale the true econo
hi^-dass togredknts. but made to such quantity a
to hftog the price within the reach erf the very poorest
Indeed it is the very poor vdio most need it. for
dtey on
afiord the extravagance erf common soap.
Grand Traverse Region.
U alalUay j
rim^I^dOiiy b
I Mn. Heory Polaome wai
I of MtA Cbarlea Balaa Thnrw
Mra. Kick Kelaon baa baen rlalUse
witb bar daayblai. Urt. WIU ’
for a few daya
'>ito Pnli'a ebildree hare b
will! a raah. bnt are beuar
Ura t«an Bttea waa tbe yoa** of,
Un. Cbarlea Reeie Toaadiv.
fl Pratt waa tba yaeat o'
Baaae Wednaaday.
liafoa Oraham-a link aon. ©llberv
ia rUlliax witb hia tatbn tbia
Delbert Hoxate baa ntane
d®' ''b.
lokmere went 1 I Elk Rapnear laai week.
Tka kac aspaetad praaebar arriead
MdAUaTUf BppolBtBranta laat SosdV. <(f. Marian ef.Oblo.
Hr. aad Mn
trip to Tran
tlm ASarla rwias tbm.
Day 1
laai w<
.. _ABIA D
le Oily T
lai BUliy la nlliac
Maple Oity.
workioy orer at
Fraak laraaeo
^to Maa^ PtHBM b Maeblof tbe “
Hiw OelhiorBfea west le Tiaeartt
Mlaa Flora ChrU__ a wan 1171111 by tba Bae. Bab. aaek M lakad Weiaeaady. Kae. *d
aMkMriay frMada. Mr. aad Mra.
ObitaB bora imad a anil <« roeeoa
a Johi
my me
a TniB
Mn H
fold t
rlera at Ibi
You bear
a good
deal of
tbe great progress in medi
tbm hasn't
The doctors have not been able to improve
hundred years.
Every mother knows that old-Iashioacd
fancy gold plated
fine Watch Waik a Specialty
159 Front St.
post Office Euildiar
Traverse City. Mich.
' ■*
Store in Northern Michigan
sweet oil is a good
thing to rub on the
you frei«ht.
nose, throat and
glad to sec you.
chest for a cold,
we can save you money.
Come in ami spend ymir spare time at this More.
Hedrodm Suites.
» golden,
Suite, full carvings, with
Three piece Oak Suites, larger glass, swell tiraws, iSoo
A beaultiul three piece Suite, solid
IroiTi Sy. to
oak. golden
Odd Prewers,
pretty scroll work filling, comes in
;_^riilT»-reiii siy'.fs sejiar-ite
What about a Siriclwaid.
Our iron
iini L.m
doCtor S btlL
*il'Vf“'ate. oak
sJidc on
Alban Olea» drora tbroaafa thla
Selecting a new
tin- ilraws-
Mlm Mlldrad StaSaoa waa eear I
aaniv aad helped aweUtbeftaaai
MtaaUtm at tbe nner.
Onae a
thing of a lottery.
what is on the msuie. bnlrss it
Si trv
Sideboards from So so.-io S-.'-j.oQ.
is a Kariien Steel Constructed
All you can see
is the cover.
We don't know
Solid oak.
Couch, and they
teed for three years.
are guaran
You can
frames, neatly carved, lull spring, with spring edge cov
sec the complete construction,
ered with assorted live toned Cleveland Velour; consist
and the filling must be
ing of one settee. one divan, one platfown
rocker, one arm chair and one parlor ch^'/-
we have a good selection of odd
This .-\ir Tight HMter, ex
ed pieces.
Parlor Stands in solid oak. ijxJJ in«b '-opshelf and heavybeaded
legs, for Si.2t.
ii. top, for rjc; 14x14
"^TatUa aadwiftaia baokal
Couches from S',.75 up,,
complete for.................... ...............................................Sio "t
. If you don't need a whole live piece suite.
Jirt tb« BarqaiBS that vt art efttriaq in
wtll made, bamdspmt aad high-grade furaiture
ia Bedroom Saitea, Diaiag Room, Farhr aad
Sitting Room Turaitare. ««««««
couch is
1-rench plate bevel mirror
Tood hr thought
bed stock
from Si/iS up.
get one in solid oak, latest designs, on.- driw
blue, while, apple green or ivory
enamel finish, for only ...............S v7>
from suites, from jo.s,; i ].
may oye
Kiniinuous post, latest design, very
cheai>est Elm to thel>--si ii.iaru-r sawed Oak.
OOCS nOt bUStCr.
.............................. -St.05
Special low prices on Iron Beds.
,\sk to see No. 7i3: it's a dandy:
Kecroom Suites from the
i’arbr Suites in five pieces.
Tka Odd Fallow! and Ibeir frleada
had a eery plcajaat time at tbe a
Tka iB|m yleaa for the baaedt
made, for ............
head viands s ft. : in. high. i'-.
inimiungs, reduc.-il
This on£is solid oak. exactly
like cut. leather cobbler seat, well
I renth plaie mirror, fine
carvings and cast l-rass
PrenJi lierel
........................ So 7.^
This is one Irom .tto gotwl values in
ish. quartrrcil oak panel*, sliaprd front and swell ilrawers. .’4x;o bevel
solid oak. five adiustablc sh-rfve*
nice writing table.
plate mirror, a beauty lor............
20 different'patterns to select from.
check and cure a
Three piece Oak Suites', larger glass........................ 's C'-
cold in a wonder
bevel mirror, for................................ ............................................ ............-m.T Ts
house all the
We arc always
for books,
ingredients chat /
IS A borfc i. d.e
VUUbb Aatwar aad Min Peaa
ViUlai WMaealtad ia urMfa laac
Ikanv- nadraaay Maad*axtamd place at tbe pier, where he ia ooiltny
abd dealToyiny the amall braab and
bnrdooka. whicb hare aiamd tbe
Mn Saaa VUaCD o|Mit Un after' Of Ibe landaeape tor ao lony.
A solid oak.
substantial, three
it confeins lother /
be used on
liara. are atakloy an extended viaic
^irV/.iyfiy » i J
n anything in ouy store, we know
If you simuUI lie interested
Splendid value* for you in three piece
children ..ith p.r-
cept Omega Oil.
JaMWilmlaft Mat Than^ le
and a doctor tan’t
do, and b^des t^
I for a few dayi
• Methodiata b
achool hooae
t urn.-ami mak.->our selection from the lar«rst
l.nrtiest M-Icction. Inw«t prices for the best «.ods.
Where they will meet any oiulottue prices uitii Ihe same article and
fully short time.
actly like cut. k«|rt us bi^
ready for cus
stove for
small room or bed room.
inch top for 55c. T hese
B^l Koom Sniiea.
•at Aarrhurs.
4«M dtal of sadlny^ben. >
F. HawaU la folly
kla nick of tba Krip^ atffl «ya be
'Aoaa not want any men <4 it.
Mra. M. A. Onlrar USneb-better
and bar my fritgai dtp ylad
To Close Out.
on many of the simple old remedies used during the last
that sweet oil
Wm Cham^ia eialted at Ybia pUtw
Ofaaa BiUman and a
bom IfaalT hantlay wtp arlth aa my
AawMtbalBwaircnnditbiM eaoh.
S. BEIMDA & 00.
1 aii.ii .1. < W u>. 1I.4 u. n«owAn-Aiii
This Oil does-^I
•adMr. Mn. Bryi* of UiU plaea.
dartla Oloaae ^ baaa riaitiac bU
MMr. Mn Eaae Stobar of Ibla plauM.
It ia rapwMd tint Mn Baarer left
IlHaSty torMaiad. to riailnUIhaiattlMtplBaa.
MOaObMUa Haemlnbla he
^Mqrttda weak. It baiac atek a
.St stock at ONE «jr.\RTEK ill I
after all.
Bar. Wade of Emfdta. attended tba
.neday antaool eoDTaaticB beldat Ma
ple City Satordar.
d. r. I
Hr. Bradford of Camp Ka 4. eUlled
fneoda at Glea Arbor Bonday.
Mn. Oole of Hatkeyan ia rlaltiay
->r motbor. Mn For
ytaea Chm^
Maater Janet expeola
ramrn wliU
la alaier kn<I attend 1 wolal Haaayoo thU winter.
R«r. Ltaaralt and family of Cblnyo arrlred in
In town laai week.
thU .Ibeir home for
Ai^ IMkMlA wbo U iMskan
dotn^WiUt^f^aUpoz bare, U caiaiaf
1 li ii s « hi-n it counts.
Conic and make yoiirchoicc froni ihe l.irtiest .iiul new
-Ixijocca^ Pil ow roK (imi^itiii^
cal science, but
Bhmb Bahaa asd Ofaarlaa Tiakb-
It s no trick to iiiske an oiler like this when
in the very heart of the scasi.n
I0-TO4AC Xtr.rira:;::n;L;;L Vu'i3* jraverse Ciiy
^Mr. Leraek wool
1 ER Ol I-
season is overit^ey a*' do it ih-ni lU' T K!i .11 T \0\V
Tbe colder
ol- CW A Crotaer'a
Crotaer' block ia ready for I
llie oarpeolen asd D. E. Wyakoop'al^^
la biwtIt Balihed.
Aaraaoh W!
baa “•**ei«.
J. Aaa^
opaoed o'p hia dry yooda atordin tbe I CaaaMa itaaped C C C Nnw aaU h haS
lower floor aad aeti weak will BMeel
Bewat* el lb< daaicr aba btea ta acll
tbe rooiaa bboTA Tbej .
Ilia family iaio tl
Overcosla, t Ist.-rs. Ki-''fffs, Suits
and I’ants. for men ami boy s at a
>A^Ho e«m Afford To Mlmm THIo Solo ?
2ba KllBWy baa
teaay Asdtraee af Tnei
Then will be a aeoktie parly held
Mr. aad Mn. E. S
•M «a«rad a dririaf tma.
I R. anbam-f Tbandiy eraal
Mn. Pnak Bnahaa laqaitatllM rleaaaal pany laai ____
.roT fsih. TheoolybbonanaU.oor. I Moa: II baa alao Wo aeen br erreral - yi.iei. eurrU
After aa eleyaal tapper
lUi wtiiins.
dially ioTilad to allaad.
•creditable wltoeMea io Ihe ricioity of
waa api-al la playia* yam
TIM nBa of nrfcayi and ce*M at
Andrew Hiltoo'a on Komel Hill. an.
WiilBatea and FM Wiboa an
U'. aud Mra Fred Miaer haTeatoae
Mr. EUaiBiT'f Botarday ^ b. waa
eetaTllle. Kalfcaaka ooBBty. baati:iny I they pronoanoe it to be a panther. It;
Uedar to lire.
8U naae asd IbrM
F of I waa toon ayain a few'daya ayo- ao tbe
_ret, Iwt bATO DO dMT at
Wilt Kotewafe aod frieod ^ Wo writiny.
iBAayi ware facBred by the larky
1 ^ya
h «*“• to try and captnre : .
Just think cf it • '* vff from our former low prices.
_.A Portibr, wbo haakrpi baud-; The nla of itba Ouifh War'
iuboa«r for tbe Laaibak C-v bara. i to Uir United______
btatM u
. . .. d^‘^*
baa iroae to Bardiekrille.for tbe fiuBe : Loodoa aa a foregooe ooaclulon
pnrpoae for the
irtat Leek eraa yyi(..r.
Very many oi ibe onapany 'a
an bare one to ilieir lamber
Ed Piraiy hat opened a barbri
Id Ibe balldios lonnrfly occupied
Mr. Wyley.
Mn Waraear aod little ton weal
Ttarenc City laai weak, to elaii 1
Mra Siearoi. and
~»e- of tbe SlelollOery Mir.
eold hit
_ _
Pan onidf. 1
llpoi (irevaila a.
family, alao hi
«hrrr 1* Im* .
bonybl a half in
farm of bU bmib.
kbetr Roodr, oior load
rbere they chart.-re<l
Hr.^aad Hra J.^C l^i imiaya liara
no to apesd
Mrt Oo umiaca- par-
Mr. BBd Mra. Baek af ViUlaBabont
MdM^trttAda bare oa Uwlr w*y la
One-Fourth Off
my to a soap made of pure vegetable oils and other
, a;;;
qbite III Ueter.niac ta_______
ta ebe^ >«<> Iian
beet Mlllac biiim
bilim 1 Iifte baaan Ibe beeiMlllac
bad %o leare beion tbe terrlor
Idled ID fOyrein."
Uoel dieneee be^
Wbl Ony be* a rery flak abild aad elomaob. Iirer.
Peter Carlback'i
ooeliaaea lea aad aereea. El trie Bitian
lUlaa Iirer.
eery ptrcarioai eonditioe.
the elOBaah. teyeUlee
li AUaiA
.Qildf at.
^rtta Dew life aad
Th« wreiber If rrry mild ban yet. *
kir, nadowo
rtoapl an tbr hillA
rhlehB^of ititoadro-----------•
I br S E. Wait A Boa aad J A U
.,_ doo n« have g;umi<ion till one has been
fropcriy Aeatei" Persons of gumption are
at a uniiorin discount of
MtoHlaanpaRe will be
nwiBR for ^eaneb'bm vbkeh*"•»!
be erre eoaeeelaat. ae lba*a U lot* of
timber oloae by.
Boa Cbriiale if back fram ibe
weft wliere be areal a Tear am laat
nriae. Bea fayi be aill go teak ta
lb. firibc aaaiaTbe iMdiM' Aid aoelety Bel wlib;
Hn a a L-a’if laai Tbai^y asd
And cootinuiBg until Xmss. Eve. we will
offer our entire stock of
TER THAR * BAIU » • % %
in Kim. Oolden
In fancy Upholriered Fontflore we are yor
stands are strong—nice
paid by none in lyaortaent or price
for so
1 of $18.00
3-piec* •olid Oak. trolden fioiah. base 22x42
lop drawer! ewell. 24x»> Kreneh berel plats
mirror, this wtek. $25.00
Odd Dnaeera, full size baae. 20x24 is mirror
goliles finUh. while tfery Uat. $9.50
Comolea op from $4.00 Toilet S-te, IT to 12 pie.-w, plain aail deenrs’ed. $2. t3 2.%tlOO.t5uU.ST.UU.tlUOU,tl200.
and $15.00
Large TnitUh Rockers, beet Iratber. hair
Dainty odd fnecea in Corner Cbaira. Romas
Divasa aod
Darenparta in erery con
ceivable design, ni^iobtored in imported Silk
OoDcbea in
Leather, ap from $5.50
filled, ti». r». «45 and $60.
Ta b1cs
from S3 rs ufx
oak extension table, exactly like cot. six foot long, liicc'
ly finished. 3 inch oak rope legs, for dniy........................ ?5 cc
Children's High Chairs and
will find a good selection and prices all right.
Sewing Machines guaranteed for live years.
oak case, three drawers, for Siq.75-
Parior Staada ia Oak, Imitatha mahogaaf, mahogaaf. Birdaeft
maple aad Baagariaa Jtah.i at Prieta to Sait Coerp Oat.
Brand Rapids Furniture €o.
218 Troat Street
218 Tromt StreH
A solid
Steel Ranges from
SI0.50 up.
fo.75 (or this Combination Book Case, exact-
Cook Stoves from
$6.75 up. Peninsular Oak
Heaters from $9.75 up.
oU to whlofa Uw BUMr of Um IMM<« Lltowcd. Tb« cole toirwi
«M tolkad OT«r. Nicbftb «
totton kdalttod to Um artoL nttof
gb. i, ^ ib« InitMl «
thalBftliba>7«»to«0WdtoUwf»4-liud encTTB Mlefalru'
•no coon ud be ffared be eeald luX I poe««iiic • bf«e eBOBDl of
•eqaii bln to tbM ooot wilteat Sru | owot 7.S48 am tt let* «ad to (stfn \
MqsUrlBC UBto UiU.
Ito abid il | bloeke. Tb* I>opm7 <• dtotnbotedl
VM •oly BooeemiT M have tb«M Iri-1 m Uawe.OeMae aad Haekepia c
><leeaad lathe eitlee aad towi
“We •greed.“atld Oanaaa. "the! ; Ladlnctoo, M<*», Pmtwator.
1 (boaU reneiee *!.«(» to eaeh aad i dieaas aad Wblietoto
>I.O» aftar Ibe arlal. Oanuma wae to I him Mean
mtda* to Cbleaco.
KO ee (be ataad ftrat, lO be ooald taa>e | where >be eame aa eetate aearlr three I
two boan with ma to fix ap b; line { nmee ai Unte ae tbil oword bp her M
of tMtlauap to oermpoad arltb bit to ihie eute.
fora too the aex. dap
The Kind You Have
iboottap t^toa would go
BN that t
I thouphl 1 could not
iV auiid it. Mp BoUiar
It ni rue a bottle of Ledia
II LPinkliam'eVfweuUa
FI Compound cod told nw
fl to trp it. 1 took tix
/ boul—and now, tbaakt
f to pour wonderful medicise aJoue, I am * well
wo me II.
"1 with ererr woman
jraria? with female waeki would le-in iu me at
_____ •—JUe tlell ItoTaS, Olito
Tille. Ukb.
How maar watoen there are who auifer JuR like Urr. Bipu
didl If TOU aak mrb ufferera what Irratnieol I her hare ;uu
will fiad tbep are depeodinp upon aome profe—j.mkl theuriR
wbo ban narer cured a <w of utenoe or orenen irreihle or
pou will find Uial Ihep went to their drucslet h. pet Lpdia E.
Itnkham-e Vepetahle CompouBd and a.n- adriwd }.. the
dealer to taka enmetbinc alee. You mar he eure that eur'h
refferimt from female deraaBeioent trill not eim alo-n l.tdia
E. Pmkham'e Vepauble Oxtirnuad ie n<ed Thit Matetneat
Cods orerwbelmiiic Teiifimtion to the pratrful leUen from
L1 '
Bato. ,«to«e Bid -Id, nH.»;«lp„.ihl.forhiB tocar,7«..-,be ra-!
Ibatpaokajre-' Lator 1 eare it to Hr. ‘
It...... ' "aroie eiipalated ill iheBnlio Ir—tp. ,
Bpde aad -w
']aad demaadi that the pnwm c
' It totarferaaee to Tatoieh elfaire,' |
Otaad B^dda. Hot. S»-Tba |
III that Iba eeliaa will lb< a iotro-,
<tri of ape. failed to Tot<- at
S>mr Kie Tupie..
Elk Rapide.
or. to-Tberedep
badlp deooB
•d bodpofa bci
rlieeoTered tn a aectod.Tl
be—Bse t
.I .
The West
FarStnile Sitomlart of
Kcw Tork.
tampMoe — widetemd ’ Tbe i
(onod IB tbe s—eru: nn;Ie.-t o'
wbrch if orKlrcted or udillulli
The -Mjiine tour..! uho imd* himrelf
Wildefilr .liii^in.! eitli fret tad hnsn
t» a akeif <it alippery rock CT»ThaBSin,{
dixrv TTcettacr. uoiirrttaii'la m a icr
ittiral wore the lull meacins <d Ihword*. 'There ii but a Mep hrie-rea me
• '
' ■ Hi» i<cil I. aotrajric in all
era. au u^d in iu uuninlaia
he lirurl a-.moat aunda Rill
r i rrlTlill..rile
btaofortl. I'oiin.
ijtniilc •/ the cocittat peril in
re hre u found tn Ibf oUrming
• mniOD!
when the lunr. ai
dltlOB of bctltli tl
I ben the lunpt
arc " wtS ’ Ihti Ihr Rcrm
For thi> tcaaon the teal danpet
suaided asaiait
ia the
... iaciincnl ei
ana of- the luaga.
». the
the terete lud.
deep coufh. end other
other aflrv'tioaa of
organa it reapacation
Iw cutnl
carol twrirellv
twritollvoud neraiiocmlr
eta I«
hvthe uoe.ot tor. Pirct'o Ooldea Medi^ toucnicrr.
-Iwttltoublolwilb. W cRd,«h!i.-b
SIC s,r'; s
ijati ..air; r-e lb. ...ai. .Tnirmwl traeaiw.
Ii,a.|. ..I
flr.1 .la. .4 hi-..kt.e. t it
ie>l. ui
rr.ai.tkat fta1> are. aiu.aid
Burnt, of jis Uucstio St.. 1i1ir-». N. Y. 1
"InteiJ twoUnvl«olAo-ui-<‘.-).len Mr.1. j
ic»Hr;«:mcis -----------mp cO'JRh
ij-h dLaini^ure-l
en- ,
urely. 1 .-anoot ire.irameod I
j-our niciicine tooh-thlr." [
But - Ooldcn klHical '
Diaeoierp* ia not a mete
la-tile in evnaanii iioa. 'liol-lea He.1Ii d 1 •la.-orerp ' has cfireled
Yiar iiKtia Irik )>
y.1, nnri - Rt.jM Food - i
and »dm.
P uai. I
.-1 ilrai^ Trwi-n*.w. Xiw '-I.* I. IT r. l.i ITT., o IliaC irt «a >#-Ve-ir.tW
Traverse City rays 3 per ■
' cem. on Sawni's Deposits :
........... ..........
' .......
. .~
l.fre. wj-1
L!1 I
.w IWiirelZ. tb. aiu
aendtit;; ton.thit te.!mi»Bul.- writes -Mr. Will II.
Whilmire.of Arkton.Hie-a-
Hen tad womco of URe and judement
to erwerio over the woaderfJ pat- '
: thanlt fur the rciwa-.i-m
'^li^rs:. to heilfh of CLvaon. .A P.
Whitor;iT». ihtou-hihe use
of >i..Men Nediiallnw-tnerr'and • Ideasant IV1I--U.'
Irr M.n eoiit.a.neii a
etdd. and bait a ter. We iulle-l a
be ^iroiur.-need
tultrs. with atthmalie
and he int-Tmed
toy win w-ts liahlc
Him Bamdaon- wlio Itoshl Vueeii
All-—adra the firat Ensliah tbe knew,
ud aflerwaidt inatrarled
:Mm> to the DaiiUb IruiKattie. ba. lawn
I iBTliea to aii.-ad tbe rainontioa cer>"
Imoniea.' Hi.a
IntiantiTe to'etalnre luid is verr coiierr—iiTe in ber waps 'She adhere.
' to old fnehions. one of these beinp the
St—tod aad tbt fUb will ba-dreeaed
aada—t to I—rkrt tonlsbl. Brawetei
was laforawd bp ttardea Hone that
mtoett Imt a elo« eeaeoa, aod al
■au—I ia IlllBoit waten an now
aastnrp to law.
^.L John RlU'.f. nn erfpinrer on ii..—"hmi [PiMtbnrs dirtsioa of the IVnti.rlMiInto railroad, bts nceieetl a cheek lor
' lTi°?JjytlTirtL,*u! *‘’**’-
.^itS!r?SSSA‘.S5: ^
Ely's Creim Bila
» eol'l wttrb. rained iai
betar ' I Wat so tod I weald lie rnaa —r lo ’
a wi the
...r eoaiinu:
da. aad hwr iir totk ta come aad lebere wr fee aiRnal hraterp to sioppilis u run-
'’Faeimte Fraenptaon- mtkes weak
aromen arong, tick women well. Accept
DO tn'—ituie for the taedicioe which
workt wondert lor wetk women.
Dr. Pierefa n«tant Pellrtt ahonld be
aaed with ' Farerite Ihetcriptioa* whcA*
cixr • Uxatire it rcqnircd.
Mi- SUrsnre. Brown, a poutiK n -', ..
limed a
mecher in poblir School So. IJ, Jer;
acpCitp.nnd the iwient« of tbe im;
pila. described at 1-ine ainons ih- ^ \
fnahictitble and wealihp people of rt.e "
town, are making a .irons pruteit.
told me-dial if ti.i-;g;-l krep the IxonchUl luV-% -q- ti. he mur*/ cur. tom;
liqt alter Iteav.r-n h m seteral week-and
approprutions for sanitanums to lavor>
able c^tnates Tlir mrelleal akiU of the
world IS enlisted to i.Rhl eonsumptioti.
Vet ie tpite of all^t is done. **'^‘*^
Medical lev.-vv(-rt-an-1'Pleaiar.t I
1 bad aren wim) nnts'uloDhretighl shout h. fie uw -I iho mch"“J•
' ''h'
Gold Given Away!
$10.00 In Gold
given away to each of the first five purchasers, and
$5.00 In Gold
giveVi away to every succeeding purchaser of one of our
New Style Top Buggies or Two Seat
ed Spring Wagons.
■;;; ''____ t—ll«* of -r-Mrc M"liral lnw'vr'i •
at home and om- >ul of ih- •|•.;>;v■
asd was tben well ennwh to goto West
to tbe worl'l Ui-!e prrvaleore
tumpti-.n ttui! weacrepi it pricl
a neoesaatv eel. If tome ttra:
taie were to lireak out. and
human hie to ih- same erne
eommm;liog. tm-:i a diw-ase ....
looted upon a. .lO apjwlhng plagu*
Uuaraimre would I- i-iuhlidi»d apuu'
11. aod days ol u-v.ng and liraiTr aj
I«>inted bv the rhurrSes lor the nniigi
tion of tbe ih*e-<w
But wr aevrpt c.t
ption as laei-.uhic brituse o! n
llowuiie till* 1. mav Iw jodge-l f
saerin report of iwmu-y <i5i er Cotifa*.
h;. 1—.0.-.-.0.1
fwi-o eaMeli to
Had the fire SOI • *toru tbe lorn
notanp XUaepi Hake Inpvc Uoad.
aunihet of d.arha from eonsnmjiuon.
rhe cunatrvis tli-noughlv afouie-l to tbe
seed of doini- tomeihing to Mop tbe
brown DM. The old
to a preltp home tii Coia.nlia.-< n. u-d
the reooiTes ii vitit from the qoeen
whenceer tbe Ultre uiws to Th-noart.
ftoreow Beet— trow rire.
An the blood in pour bodp (a—ct tbroufh
The Narrow Path of Safety.
»l< Baal or Kara
Over-Work. Weakens
Your Kidneys,
be iDtorire^ber frieodt wonder lhai
tbe thoald adopt a oalliiis to ardoeoa
Her parentj bate endoariwed t
itde their danphter hat to an parpoar
A aaw oecaiiuil of tbe ropti ttablea
IB Eutlaad btt made a cr
•ion on Kiait Kdward e
laie 10 hi' trparded ae i
4— ftwwatar ntanad t
an lha Or—I Lakaa
Ha —ptand
•l^tatB mllet of now treat aal belewtalt (o A. Booth Oa. —laad
•10.000. He bat that bearded (he fitb
Boat Itoe in ila den. and it It arpeet•d lltlgatlcm Will follow.
All tlx
oato wan toand to Mlebima water.
eCBinrp'to Ulebitaa Uw. and to dt
notdaflaaorof the same ward—’e or
dan Brewtter will rwrama hu ere
ntos with a bU
HoMbport. Mlob. Nor. U-Tbai
'aarrowlp Biased betas
In ooeamd to th.e More of SebI
Brea, at Ihie fdaea tbit
^•oltaa lamp wat betas npalred. aad
tba s-altoe bad leaked -I
' oaa—a tliRbl expl—ion wbiebisnitad
tba tnUrtor of tbe elore. Prempt aad
TiS—Oat aattoa Bred the bulldiat
trea deatrutioa. tboasb it was « naf
TOW aaeapa. at the fire bad to b.
taa^t with pallj. of water, there be
ias no fire laoteoloa in the town
For Over
Thirty Years
! V\iirih».(lonvidaiofct.Fc^isb
ss and Lessor Slup.
eletaaea to tbe cx]wdl>ina.
tbe bodp of tbit R)BBW. who wi
pnare oU. asd who imtablp wandered
off and died in that aeelndad >]«<
atoaa Tbara wae Botbtop to iadi—1<
«mt tbm bad been nap ertma to oon
neellcB with tbe on-.
Trarene aty, Mtcb.
lllutiraifU III kcnii i^ion.
Social Life in NtwYork
tbIeTiltope. Tbebodpwae l,rlrp..f‘« pht"lu bank, tbe ara» folded aoroee th. ' 'rotn ho hoiue
braaet and toe feel cro«ed. ae Ibocel ,
IHi.p MilW. ou
eoBe one bed eoupnt out Ihft eeetoded k' e. Hiller, one of i
tordap. nompnwd of J. [I Benoeii.
Oeorpn Ru.wdl.
TIermae Httchrl'.
Adam Snhaler. Juba Bopd aod i H.
Heoebaw. wno Ttewrd the remain,
aad lletooed to tbe teellmoap of eer
oral witae—ea.
Tba raediet of tbe jarp wee Ibet the
nmalae were tbom of a aquaw bp to•ima of Vaoepaarl. wbo dl—p|>r«red
from tba TilUpe Jene to la.l Tb>i|nierd and dried V|
bodp W
that pi
poaRhle. Bat ri.
foBBd. tbe .lew* r
wcHieu s»Rn cwMr.
UolDD SRoire.
kerfeClerir Bki Tee pariflri tbe Stee«
piaoe to whioh to lie down aad d r
will be |«id,tor tb«lB by tho
ff You Could Look
/ ,
.# Ur W* tb«r Ctril aaU tmniorcbanUbto po-
OiuJIatiAiM oorHa
lyMi £. Plakfmm's Vm
Signatoie /M “^cood prices
WhrBToaaekforVri t’mkhai >'• atedictoe at Tovr Jralrr'A
pou map eafelp dietnwt the taotit
to take Kcanhiaitelaeia plaecof
-aTS which Oanaaa deetore.
ba“fakaa ' Tbn dafenea objected.
Boat aariooalp to tbe totrodoetloo of ■ At Baka. Baeato. aa oil wei
'•laallBoap on thl> potn. bat -KToaod-rented from the crown for & i
Hr. Hpde cUimod the leit^ had kopeka par aeta bp the Bakoe Hapb- ‘ |
bean pat tato tbe eaw bp tbe Aefenee the CovpMip he- etarted Kaebtop at
9 that the peoiile ttberafon/ had > tbe rale of, 1.000.030 poodi dailp. '
rifht to lap before I
Woefe bae barn etoppad owiap to f—r
r them.
e —Id tlie of a eoodapratloD.
A pood eqaale
defen— had been waned that
letton wan aw>d tbe people wonld tie
Kinp Edward alwepn driret ui a
SIR oa the whole etoij beiap told. do—d —xTtape. the nilwnp pUlfornu
Tbaeonn nlad that aaTtbiap oon are alwape cleared when lie ie traeeltalolSeftfliir-anaeeethefTOui'.joa
IJ «lii.-ti .....T co.icl> if urrlo-fei
earntop Iba lettcra Ihemsalrei Btpbt top. end while he wae eboottop for
»i:i bttoc «ou. »
».«« —-t o-tiel •!
be admitted, aod tbij decleloa opaoid
ou.i—end iSu: u ijr.IU eoul.l U ihraarli
wide tba door wblob bad beao eltord'
herd aod ful to llie face of tbe proee
•nap wapfarer niipfai —hU
eattoo aiOM the eea—tlonal amet of apee upon
bie mejeitp
I. Strauk of Stroundiharp.
Always Boughi Important NollCB!
he had eon
I:-- a tu-iiuh.
Jeroms af’rjT 1
.oaimeii..'ltiit uw
*In the jau tiionlh i.i'-e were
ipiLoa 10... ferer. Yellow lever
:ld oat be eon-_iered evader
to enable the desire to nuke the !
What light'that throws on out aerep'•nee of roofumplion 1 A scare eri is
raisrl ihit rellow freer u epuleinL- Iw—use of 51 ilea-.h- i= era. mouth. So-, a
Dr. Picree't l..uimnn .Sente Urdiei]
.Adni re. eoBliiorag i-.A pages sail over
i-sent J’ff -in r
700 Illustral-loea.
to aurroi to pay
tB^Vhe^a^TOnth' i '.t mied 71 \-ieumi.or
•ret V51 more lta= -Itel of vellow ferer.
Tbi gr—t question «; R-bp 1* <00-
. lo-ji-bouail M.lum
for the book m
Dr. R. V. Itotee.
For Job Work of all Kiads Call at tbe Herald Office.
Ik. ^Ir-e TtareeKwOib-aMii .ri Trairew
Willk— a »gre uT ttm
i4a>>.-U1-.I iwtareaw ivk. 1—.a—rev.
-e >1- liiiodr.-l are: -w •-■■! tum e>. sw. i. tb. .tore •/lb. torewi-v-ri I..4. r-—3-.rMlr..Ilk. < I -I ti -Wbre. tb. —l-mul Ham. T-af." ..natr lll-tiltaa li i-tiwl
.11' to -I-.- at tki. lial.- f-e |Cia-I}wl and it. ' laaia- 1 to-. -I., a f. a. Wvtial day to I
................... d ll.irere- tlwvrew wl'l. In... ..iQM,. R.ti .em -w .to irik Wap tO» tsataaire.-n-! rrma 1AI«-I«toal e«. lire. Uw.al-we• Fkek u la.. u. Lit— U to
• lu-aw. a-vl mrlaW.nx -ml. a.etaacre. .t iwe- US. i. nww-a to —.MW.wMlit taw
iwrre-wi-<iaireww a— cw> IMaltoww to
DU-'tlATe<>KIiiai-«TATV"r m-HlUXS sTi.-.itit ar.0 tolOi Wtolan .naM'aaW —.
a . .uuiit-e-rraadTraTrew.. w
.. t—---------- ..---------—
At a --mKW to lb- FnAwto 1 Gwn I.e mto trew la—totre- u, tmtiiw ito
—-UI-) tot! a. U|. IW-Aiato .ribre U Uw
U-re-Air.-e aat —reUMtwri. WMM. W Uattoto
to-rmreww IVTt.wito .'k 1mft S're.w.lwf. brereq <i*re >hal kp eUSa. to
.‘i,,“'t4iTau'j-ito^I'^lA«waeir^riain< p—le. wiik tb. Masai. u~.wT-w m
ire.—to toU^iaartoe.ri tb>.wia^to ttto^ : m..resto tbre^u WwiM ysiatim-
f J
-ireadil—warwte to
- to the
the kiioept.
CtflCTiec proves that nearlp
_______________Idtiaamabare their bc(U>asar to kidacp trouble.
Ifpon am alek poo can make do a-.lsttke
bpflntdto-nac pcan fcidn^ The mild
^ibeaEpaenhnatpefleciofDr. Kilmer's
to great kidnap trnnedp is
. ataodsttobichesi lor its
olito meat dtsnasiag-aaa
_______ tamerta
ha.r a^^^
•meffi^bento bp^ii^ a-.y«^in
T*i- ■”
: Our Gold runs out after Dec. 15. 1901 :
bp odr new mvenli-io.
itnlv tto-w boro deaf are lacmwlle.
Not gold, but a beautiful prize goes with each one of our
handsome Cutters.
- .
I will wSprej—
eiopeimaorb to .laora A M«
I, i:;l Stato StrM-t.
Omr rrM—<•/ 4oe» mot 4t
---------------------------- t5S6UUUIitt,t—— ai.
.1 la. .1 totoa-remS-prepiaa aiiai ibto-wart - Vj. i—4 wren to-a- ttoae tk. vfaiw tar
wlrtol a:, awl -I-to. uila. ab-. are me wrewlb- las tb. nrewrt reian fto Mto-aa—Sg. tb
aeeewrf^M elVti»a
You meLy Sna.pf
your Fingers
a.t Dyspepsia,
There is a quality in Rc^al Bak
ing Powder, coming from the^urity
and wholesomeness of its ingre
dients, which promotes digestion.
Food raised by it will not distress.
This peculiarity of Royal has been
noted by hygienists and physicians,
and they accordingly recommend
it in the preparation of food, espe
cially for those of delicate digestion.
tall^^dlar/ of aOeueeateet
BlBlUer. dated ia ITU:
-Wbee J»
Inclement Weather Brings
Coughs, Colds and Catahii.
tloMUBe bettoa aad plotere;
aa a e
T a
earde. I vUl try aad do aa ay aard .
' MU ae to do iaal aa aaob t» I eab.
Id at tba boaaa of Hr.!
. I tare lad Ja« Iota of faa.thUiaa.
Bpea, on re blU sear (7. wbere trejTbaaka ^ar Oed, for all tbe fos
1 aar. Hy ooeaia came aad layed erllb 1
boBBtUal TWkWietac dlnafr. I I bare had tbttawboet tba aaar
I^pon ApatlB. Hleh., WTtlee tiaa Bp«e "VtSTete ■TiBR o«to( «Mll peek' vttb baar-a laaar aad TeeUoa. the ' For the eslliec aky eed «d.'
aa a wtek.
Ve made all ktada
WeablBgtta, O, C*
•a- -■—- a (bar « aMenaae Ap. [o' Bepr>eeeutiylaet of wbicb area e See back abet ta : For tba aamoier'i pleeleoa cberr.
aoJ oekM wilb aa almanaetea eo
i^plper tetbe Iba erooda saar by. After ye Ueaatas i T^ka far eeery jollr *e«e
book. I will eloae for tbU tiae.
miU; tber wrau le ibeir brenbcn
I eneed word eaioa that »a bock ' t baea played ia Oeld aad woo.1,
Year Sanibiaer.
aod lUlan wbo vereavnr for fertlier
> BfaM ea ye Lerd'a day tw fVoaoc. Tbaaki for lorele flowera Diet caai
deeatioet. aad panaadad Ibalr ' '
Aged 10.
Oenrede Owea.
aa Udlaa. wbo ease to Hr. Epae
BIoobiIbii wfaen- tbe aaow-drl ,
:aud noibar (c nakea Wiii to i-------with e lya ia blj moath like Aaeaiaa
Iried rt^bier. vbilr ther czpaadad or old. Ya eoesel tbetefcre refowd _
:ib« moeet tha ‘ '
nTeataesi bat it wee afiar- Tbeaka f<w ell tbe leeeioea fratt.
It waa geltiDc tot
D tbe pi
: Tha caban. eel
_____ decided that PeqnM etaoeld reAwlee red aod porple ptapea;
laalaam: Bed arbre all eaa>a b
eelee 40 eirlpee «are ooe for Itlop aad Tliaoki for rbie aad tree aad root.
dreo had gathered ab
Iba aaeoal faetiTal. the r
reofaDlDp on ye Lorfl'a day. aad. reUrloea of all eone aad ahapre
talk wilb cnadma
r* ihii lotiBR famllT liad i]
alore Hr. Bpea re prioeof tadaer; Th.ak yew for tha aoiae tala,
and oonndariM tbii a joat aod riebtHaklap naalr dowa tbe aaraa.
"Linen.' aeid Villle. "iiow tbe
a ratedtaa to tba old peopla.
aoai aaeleooa oayeuafol baaihao. Koorktoc at tbe wladow-tasa.
wind hlowa down the ehiaioee
aad that a bleaBia« bad been enyed
Daaciop wtib tbe happy lioTat
ihiok Jack Frnai moat teeai loa'ghi. "
:ll all {wnook of
Juat Iben Jane caiue la to |«( eoel on
Tbaok TOO for tbe winter itaya—
the fire, end li.ld the hllle folka it
BMioDfol with tee sod anew.
Merry ndee ia jiagltag aleicltv
" w»”*1m“l ao!r°'f^' TiInkiftTns’
Coaeiioc. •katlag to and fro.
. far ooalUer irltu fioB other baodi
Wont- that 1- Joll. ••
Tbaaki for jo.yoei Cbriilmna-lidiwool____
roeld baea
bad DO. pe««T
U do. Tbe,
a TlII J.a.IH -..i
"Boil" aaid iiairr N'ltiraaii-'
Aod the pretiT etoriee told
eliUldea leaned Ibea »w.
looked at iha. rWk.
"only iw.-nti
■be By the bri(bt aad war
war to gi«e; aad ach retaraiag
Un. Urini R. Walker, who bold, tba
wind aad oold miBoiea morv l» fore ie-dtimr. if wc
ThaokaBlyiDir day oaotuaed to teao- >“« <» “
highe.1 .Itir .4llee ..f the ladlet.d the
Uaiknut It w-ll W I.® late fo;
rale aad forelab tbetr parau' home
aiory. and too know a.
*lUo».. li. A H. will- h I. lleptrllneot
too for the itar* ai
till tbe happy couple
don't waft to im.a that '
For tbe ineat. wirt.- oe*e
ht|.lt.n. wril.e ihe r -ll.iaiiii.-1- ii.t:
1 tae doo'l
leage Thank ,yo» for th- binl'. 1
tVr.Tr.ae .si-nix,,., Ut.
BK brook a I
Tike prrnne M.\1i--ine iti.it>IanihuAD.t
while iTl’il- iCT- ncD.-d IU grandma'i
................................. c.^faiy colored scarf that eor-1 Oh. eo many tbaake we need
.e-iitleaim;--Y-u litve uij .ineera
□ of
'or yout
your klBdneee.
klodnese. aad
and I my.
••WhM .hell ihe .lire 1- .bool,
aak TOD Tery moob lad.-ed
dran'r" asked grendiu.
"A D.enUriTii.e .i..re, pleev,
answered .Imie,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
wlreleea telegrahpy and booeleeeihad.
IP kMp for tbM ami mfw
(bPDir'wM tfei» tba^t tbw two
£?HH‘SrSsrS;=irsirii__ _ „
A. ifieiPU-. laet.
" •» thaakfol that there U no
Kot.-mher ** IBOl
-ni tell .no tl®u
Ctaickeo Brotb-Skl^d chop op a iil,‘^iirtd?L\“abW^pSrtIonWh.-n too read wbal ti bMoe w. - long, long ego. " .an
•mall cfal.
haM a large fowl,
Aad let oa nlso ten here today. ThaBkaRr
and boil
Bee and
Ud all. with a , h»
be thenkfol
thaakfol that torkey^leu Doffil^
for Ihe
iglrl. in Che .tore
.prig Of parley
Thankwiciag dinner eel.-i., the merry Grtn.lma nivl-ird
a ernit of bt^. to a qnart of wawt.
of dome.ilc e
from rime
to fit
doae with and onl;
Dtea to
any ti
to limA Strain ihroorh a ooatee eol -1 nrier. and anr
Yonr tbete
irXey itwarraaKd memory t Dell left behind
jtomeke It a failhfol
fol and driicii
deiiciont SoD.btoi president hope.
I... 1-n
UoDon Breih-le-an loin of rndt-1 eorr'ot". •» thdl the two are in sr.-ry a happy day
ton. exclQ.|ye of boos, one ponad; wepect wbal it technically known at
0. bar-- moch to be ihankfo
ihougl.t D.iiT w.iuM
water three pinia
BoD guDy till I a good combinalioo
erydjiT of Die year ami .1
log oreeii and m.yeery toader. adllog a little «il and
oniOD aocordlng to laiwf- Poor off
i-emo. me. i-ai4iu.
get tutt that i> ptn; cf qpr r^oai
] which nothlogbas the broth inabatia. aod w^a Hit; one aad ooe-half co|rfoU of he.t'iobe gla.l aleray. for all w.'
oool. tkimoff all itafat.
UiM-to nee wmtoiedaad plaoe.1 in double boil- olad for the dear home, the faiher
MRS. M. e. C. BATES, EDiTOa.
C^BksgiPlBg Vent.
Aod safe
nightFor tbe weal
.i.-nil.-m. 11
K.-t Vito. |«»i ulieii.
When we re worked at the lai
reccTery from elekneti. It ohoold be
closely end cook for one honr '
Aad pmoi- hoktaed tbe boom day by bolUd eeparetely oMlI qqiie toft, wd , ponr into' thallow mold, or morer.
pot in when the broth i. heated lor' M.ke,
»nd eprei^
.plead twith the
follor '
Make, and
Ooe capful c- - joioe and grated
The flmt TbaakglTiac Day of tbe
aloe not riadofotie I
lie capful of bollDew oeutOTT ie oow a thiag of the
wit. for tbe aoarpaat.
Il'e family tenniooi are oret
aad only a icoldeti memory left be tofflelent quanUty. or one very amall! three tableainoBlpUof corntiarcli dit
u boil two
hind. Id the year that loteryeaee be .tick of green eeUry. Remore all the i eol'.d in cold waMr.
Oar aecB Uall in»ered,
brolhera. for b.-allh. foi tch.'"l. .w.-i
oouairy air an.l aon.hln.-. • hiiik ..f
r liiih- cliildren In i
p\i-ni.yii-:- tn.I pain.
litd two >hi|> If
■ lid -Uetlleaet.’
( iny l-.Ier fru-nd. tdrtiwd
I mot. a- It haiV helpiD him. and
--Jo.t .. I.,er- m-ea- elN.Qt t.< .tt
,-a.fODi.d tl.i SiMMlwell' w.. f.
ell Dir iwople 1.1
111 Ikvl luilly I
here'* wi laocii wh
-bee, ll..- tyle iMIl.t w-l .Ml in the.
tween tbe oeii ThankeglTUiK Day aad
"• -n fresh oelety U owd it ehoold j ooe egg and a little .ogai-: set in the SotiDiine chlldr.-o tod
"b’..r I ir long iiiiiiilh. they u.iv
trade tbat gleea thU let oa trcMore op day by day tbe
li. thin .Iieet
.hoe. b>
being add-; <>»■» ««
* I«U golden brown, and tomt of them from m.
- opnii Du- --Ml. bnl nt la.l lilt? lalifl
lol ill
little blMiingi that come I
life to ear taad.
tte^^^aod^wealthof tbe There wlU^ do day wlthool iU atore.
o Ihe meat, and a
-iMwe of M—el.u~-tu u.
' Ih-dmil?. i,v.,i
Blew Tbeo when next we keep oor naticma: geiiDr for nearly two boon,
e. adding
"I. w«. l.llter r,.M. M. thk- tik.-o left .
holiday we shall know of a certainty atli and pepper to otie. aad from . T.i- .good thick .III
f De- women and children .m the thlp. '
particle .teak.
time >klm off erery
erer7 parti...
< while they W.-I,| OR u.kd to l-uild log
bow good if U to act apart one day of lime 10j time'Jtlm
leapoonfol of mil end ball sTeo’. '
. -Ikk'ue- • l.kr th.-ii f.-kOkilie. to lire ttk
• Vor*Sr dreami’ttel SiartUt aad all tbe ycar'a days to abow oor grali ol fat Ibai may rite 10 the iMam-ifol of pepp-raad tilace In a bok_____ter It allowed to boil
Wilh a .h.rp knife make t
Del will be hard.
aril «. patlaat. tod- for all the year'e bleekinge.
three''°OOg. deep Dll.
An aeerige egg ereigh. a
- Ihe imy stikekii juet ronnng nut of Ihe M
than l).« bref.ttoff three wi
lot. and 11 U mo
'.with the bright/
Thankwriyiog' What joyful
1 eqnal weight
' in beefrieak. For
. ..
re d,ied
F«e tbe booee that with traset aOec- the word briage before oor
lealldt egg. thoad be toft-boiled or
I. kepi eheerlol .u.l ♦
There ere tee feilit-r and s... .. dropped from the Dm-II iato boiliag
piem~ nkOkle the 1,e.l
VtaSTi^MSae do«B UkeaMid brother, mod tlilcn gatfaen-d arooad water and rerred witb riBoken or
•' they knew tha
* bomn'g'hot tcook. or wal
the famliar
1 cotning Triiin Kp'glMikl Z' ih more Okirn
TbankMrioK soodin. a wbcilr naatiT
, and good'lhti
-d. But the
Cop Ooetard-l
F?Sm!ranb^"tbi^^‘tSd ban foU.
Turkey t
oed a* r
and all to tatU. Beat!, ^M dith, i«or rich
t. oakee,
alooe oao doll
fo-D gol h-u and lesA .
iMjhlyin a iemmuadd »re-nd aad mrr... 'rii.'.*we*ii
Th.- .i
thing bean
• n-iwth.- iswiple wal< bed
Pertm]* we are far from the old
0 mlno'te*
mlnob in
ao oren n
-OseMw. Perhaps fatlieraad tooth about XI
toThe tdior,. aluid- ibrit e
er hare paamd orrr to the other side, ately heeled. Hay be mreed e
their haiiila. itod look wny
Dear Ficsidenl-l will wtit-ogu • water, to ac- if the ship was
aad the family baa aeattered. Tbe —arm. with or wllhoat Jelly.
ebildren an srown and ban
Beef Tea—TbU U beat made br dit
't- are baring lovelv nines this so
Ifu doU-tbeud breek* off at tbe
Ateown DOW.
ileiug a proper ameoal of a renabli ueok, opd perbaps the whole shoulder
,er. I go wading to the rr-vk a
Ml. little <
............. arooad -rand of "beef extract" In a coplol und etaeit putt It broken too. .lou't
1 made u flower garden.
«wir aretidea. y.
meojorlee of the of IkOiiLog water. teatonlDg with ml),
tfaU day :
I v,-«Ublc garden and to it Dt
old b
lae on Ifati
had'rs-en la®Lini
celery and a little pepper, if tbe pa- . ... . Imy u tquure of strong moslin
1 borne Doe aad
lieol oan nm pepper, aod eerring hot. ■o that iU center comet at the center
-UataM 0«d kbaald aad u rala.
IstUsM 0«d kept bank the htdl.
Beef Joioe—Broil qoiokly a I____ ot tbe bole wbere the n.-ck broke off.
rung, and nil th- |»np|e. lug sm
< { h
piroe of ireeb beef oeTOld of fat and Stnff Uie htod foil of eoltoo. imshlog Ther gt--w lorelv.
lie, galhired Icverhrrlo give
theeenierbf the muthn on with ih.o C^l
ble. all kboeld meet, at leant this ooe bone: pot in a meat-prem and .qaeeto ooltoo. When the head It at foil as His'name la Fenny, a
Cio<l Inr Ib-ndiiig fond In Ihi-i
to the ynnr. at fatber'e table.
e givol ,
yon can make it, a|it>«d one Ihe part
ttrenglh or dilated with hM wine
dinners oooLi-d Tfiil daV,
of be motltn that protrudes all round
boy. and girl, hail as n
the opening wfa.-re Ihe cotton wat
thU ooe be kept In tbe old hcmi-.
' coD+d i-al.
ttoffed to und tew 11 well to the
Pertiapi tbii may be the flmt time
delTs body uU around. Tbeo dolly
father ormolbar bays be.-a muniDR.
Ixiuis Hartaon.
Ob obt brawn a wonrlad aaawl
e who hatOaoe draw._______ will be resk^ to enter oita Dew oare*com 10.1 soon so Jack Fn
____ from a etaicken or tmkey. no
of oeefolneua—Good lloosekecpii
Sib ana, Wa-hinglou. Ko
bomea were are *a- matter how the fowl i. to be eooked. for Noyember.
I ThaakeglrioR feaH will never again nm one haying the
Lmle g'xsl liarv
sill OBT gnaniaapm-Bowad '
Dear Mra. Bale* and D1
B 'of with aaddeaed tongb >ioi-wt oBremored. mya Good
onDitoe Friends—I will tell y<
" that' a i
' ire will '
BenwkeepilirniTKoreaber. A marhat
other* grim eetre ertll he L— _ ketman wiH draw a fowl't Undont
1 garden with sweet peas tuid doub
tkelrun at the feait.
In the farm for tbe aaing. bat it it a took eyery little wordt that eerre
we aallad aad ptaUed ow. borne* of oar Usd then- will be aban- hootrwife ought to know how toper- Japanese girls are at
u wekeepTlmnk
mangold- aod estera I ha<l a love
English a* la Jtpi
tpaneee, for li is
.-------- 1.
danoe of good thing* and care will form.
icing lomorto
said Joiio.
bereeU. Boy a fowl wltli
patch ol |iop6>rD, und just llilnk wh
Jap girl 10 bear
rarely be a gpeiL
replied geiidmi
leg* left on. tom It Mo Ut breatl and ..................................... On the other ba
edoot did One Sionday wo we. "the ptv.idciii
bold Ihe took of .w#b Ug. ooe at a however, many girU in Jaian b
Brer ■loot theKew EagUadPOlo. time of oocree in the left hand With the name of eomo homely oomn
ObolAsMBrdB* talk wonld tbiak.
a tbarp kaife-oo the right hand cut
ulL at frvingpan nr dotibru
«a bad Manr doBbtad O od;
oato ..........
yery oarefslly Jett below the knee
It and It wa
W«n Ba ael bU martolfBl
' aU Ihe bl-ssi
haa gl
d. anlli now DM a Duok Joiat. ihroogh the ukin. not any deep tom oommoo among some people of
been followed.
Ba WPBld Mka on faal bu rod.
Im| rest
r tfaii bi ad land bat the er Inride will be fouad the groop of s«n>i»r a child for the first object
Die folk.. Die Clock It go
fMi^^e rtiaer'red'.
ot rigi
tesdeoa there belog eight ie eaeb that strike* the falber * eve efter the only Ufl m-- •
to give gTeiidnm a kiss
and flttiiig that for one day ip the U-g. lying tong ia a grore. They are little ooe bat come IDIO ihe w,irl<l.- go to achool eteri day
We Imve l<i
,-d. and dr^aui of tbe
year we aboold ae a satloa. remember tnacbed to Ihe foM. but tteoagh the Kew YorkJ^ ________
cross Die-met TLn-s ot fnoTOfoor0 Will list,- toaporr.iw
oor bleisuiga with Uiankagielng and dark metl they run away np into tbe
neighbor's clilldn-ii go with u.
Ins. for >ni| know tbev
pnUe<lo tbe great Oirer ot all pood.
U-r.wetl into the vper joint. With a
biggest boy rows thi- bout aerosa Mr
Tbete may hare been ditappoial- ilroug yrirt toewer Ufl each leodou
eto-liesare thml rea-ler. geography,
-laatt and fallatr daring tin- year. a-paralely. bold the ebieken firmly. For all the Joy* of Itviag
A food old land wfaar wer e llyla’
Tbe dropth came aod dretrored some aodpalL If tbe obloken 1* yoang aod
arilhmt-iicand wriiioB. I will eIo«OoodtetiieSeldaa-boWD;
of oar aro|» and left 01 with lea. than tender, each Medon will com. oat
-:v-t year little Suoaini.e Ikiv.
ntotfacr, friend and swe, ihimrteoattotord barreet; yet after all -tatUy aad It on be pnlled by a Might
Phy lUriton
a glerlont yield wc did hare la effort. U the bird hat toea Mrenl
_____tbiaga We iball dm want eree
Tbankmlrlngi. all the mnaoU that
H- l.ia good cli-Iliet still l-IIOUgll I
For fields wbere love it sowing
Tb kbBBkfnl atiU for tbe breaklo'
tboagb the market jwiee U low. We can he pot.............................................
loeeom in the yUireOldBT. whBrIaowan'ioap;
■hall bays all we'nerd In eat and foel qoired. bat I it exactly nch a bird The *•
KeU.'a d-g and a horse In role.
love and woman's tear*,
For atget, with tbe ibadowi makia
':oep oj warm. If «e.J(rd>aye to
.. .. . . mod of the tendoo- For w.
Aod . ran lui.l a gun si.d a wheel U
llTlDgThat S'
A SE^fer tbe wecld tat nlaep
-ir laM ■eatoo't elMhee. So Ut m
rawing prooeea.
w* thlak often of oor eastern Sou
BM fonrei to bi- tbauklol.
Let ai
A turkey cells :
1 mewU. and
Hill li. Iiato't a grandia. an l J m aor
-Frank U Stanton
shine Club We wnold wme ofi.-oer
•ing with epUfted bean. "Preite Ood
a loog poll, a *1
kll aad a pall
Hiat is ennogh In make him |nnt.
: only we eo to tclu®! at Stlvaoa and And wluil Tbauksgitiiig cUv wnold >from whom all bletiing* Bow."
e tolD ID II
We tboald not forget to tell the
iboot half way
reea tbe ka
it it two ti.ilet aod a half Oor school IViibooi a grundniB. I don't n-e
olilldren what the day meana Tell .___land foot and then-will
To derive benefit from tbe expi
bommeared th-- U*l wes-k to Aogoai.
of eralklng, it is ncoeceemry to t
Ab' aanahow hit aalle baa found me. them Irt* tbe Bottom wai inaogu COTS^ immediately tbe_ git
with a light, eUtllc Step wl
A>- tha terk Ilka tha Ufrtit'll ablae
Mav. ag. .1 S w
waiDilng beri
laeher'i name it Mm Banks
She it' mother kut-ad son
swing! the weiglu of >he body eo<
VhUa By ohildieB’tarBaaU roBad gathered in tbe fruit, of tbe bdrr. it er, or if the blnl it qoile elderly. I
dough, tthich I
In lEsi. and bow Boally after mon point of tbe Diarpoer that belong* to I' from one leg to the other that
good teacher 1 like the teaclier
I sqoeaked as Ills ■
baa two bondieel yean it wae made the oarring set. under tbe bnneb of weight is not tele, end which pro;AA^ dtar wUa'a basd id mlna
e. ' -leeried the
. MaUanal holiday be Preiident Lu- tendona Lift them mrefolly, t
' loes a betaihv glow showing tbat
-Frank L. Staatcii.
cola and ba* bees alncv that time ap.
around two or three timeu.
e Doggish blood is stirred to action
-nny. He 1. '
polaled lor tbe Uet Tboiedar In Nofirm hold.
Glre a «mog la the most remote vetna This son
UUai :..c d^
asl<-d l>er inMli
era^r ot each
.........- -ot they will oome, togeth- of walking exbiltnus_ the whole body urren inches higu aad « loot l->ag ,
-.-nlyju.i k.n
... .....
Addr.— The r.-rena il.D
Uarlmau'* lau-tl la-,.k uu ct
‘"d “If’. ‘wST
The Guarantee
■m.M.CCrV tVt Rout .v .is
It -h-'w- *hi- unboumlt-d .ronfidim I.Millini; CiiiP|>any have in fhrir pr-xibu
IT " "
p ih, |1..,M.
M, II V., -
..... .
4T,'‘Ssf; iiibSirTXi’
^ i^a
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
JIrMndtbe €ifiPr’9 tshle.
Aa the raar aerlaga oat of tta aamMT late tha winter, not of tbe aonaUaa Into tbe dark, daU toUa of
MieWBilng dayt and the totkaeto of
tefthanlng nl^ta. It it a bleaaad tUag
MtBT*l UedeBoy to depneetban^t U btokaa byaeall to atop
mt ncmat enr MaaalBgi. ladead It U
m good tlaa ao to do.
Tha yaar 'i
walk hna oome In many ways to ai
Ml Tha seed aawing. tM growing,
ton kwrattliig are all prat. The bam.
nta AUad.
Oallanare atared with
^aoe Ihtogk far tba BPOtba pf reak
Ska wtotor. oold tboagb it may ba.
IB qaUl hoan of gmtbartag
■maad tdiierTal flrae la jdeant <
floBtfilp of family and frieada
It to ngoad time tndewd to
M arar Mto mnoUia and nee
•and • yaar It baa baen. To aom
MUmay anas that UeaMngi I
b«B faw.bal we oTattoek tba Aoagbt
at tbe (mbtoa we bare baea .pared
ttolBtgbt haTebean.
AammeanhBPwn HBgar
a Unit rm pal. It:
“Dw liBl, are ere arm ao thankfel.
Aa teakfml M we aboald be u
WmtSU aagala amit daws to datand
fmm iPBgiti ay ayaa aeree am:
SM wto ere ara haaeaB laatoulal
^gBBkdad from arllpad aam?
Re-Painting and Uphoistering.
state St. near Union.
er. Coaat them, aod if there are not
■<'*nw. repfted May, -| beer a
e have a big dog named >pori. He
eight, go after 'he ooet that are '
a great Uar dog.
Fa;a and I ncle ’
W^‘'tK» to^h’itn'ee.
When you are eofteniiig bntter to
make cake, never sllow it to melt. If Henry, and Mr. Ben Howard and Mr
ag day U act apart at tbe dark meat U eo deUeioou and I
that the dremtiicku of erne turkey
you do ibe cake will U- heavy.
riiBCker and Hr John Jamp. all w-nt
isg. d
be foond tcarceU a large enoogti
- that ll I U
ImmedUtely after opening u cun of np IB Ibe White Horae MounUtos
. fish, eoopa ot regelsbiee. pour Tbry get ihirtceo dt<-r and lolt of
>d no the ablet of borne. ply for tbe family tthle.—G«o-l
atents tou u dUh. Uuny ouem
Tint and ia rilUge* all Hocsekeepiog.
Vet. my eon
iBlbr poisoutog reported In tbe
land; and tbe eooi aod
Dewapupaa are due oM to a pciaor ta Thouaaad fire hundred f-ei bighWilli- - rtieu why di
of tbemsel'ea'tb- <
the canned food but Co pocrefacllre Tbey had a deiigbtful i ioe
from the boiy itreeL exacting olfire.
or all tbe loactoue Turkey
obaagr* that occurred Dter Die cue •toyed a week and a hall.
. lost your pocket be
or newer borne, hack to the placm
I think I like tbq be«BrM known an.) be«l lored. TbctatbE'en belter than the drumtiick
ere 1
notberp wbo ttill keep^ tbe
Tbe seooad Joint or bream.
old I
le icrkry gnbbled to fiercely that
their beet eSon*. that Die chlMeo
E'en better than the wiagUl.
it s.-ared poor Tom away.
Senablne girls cose aexi. and are '
who remain aod those wbo reiorn foe
The giuard or the neck.
It Tommy gobbted the turkey, and
the day nmy be made gUd.
They leOr any of the cBream
Nuul. Ncft. 6. Itol.
Joiee to make ihanktRi'iog a happy
That coutmuie* Ihe wreck—
following cas- it bot asp
Itort^r's iritog Focpie
day for tbe obildreo.
Tfau it a plea
: Dear Mra Batet-1 thought 1 would
many DmlUr oocuring daily in T
Ihal tbe childrea make tbe day tbe
I write to (be Herald. IfaarenMWrii.
1 mt it uTl 1 blink.
oocaaioo for faoaoring the dear ooe.
tea uiDC* I joined the Stmthine club, i this year than too were last'' '
And in mr drowey rupnire
who keep the home, and wbo hare
' lak for better r»oof than 1
Today wa. my hllle aister's l-tni-; by . bO].-fnllv
I think thU golden think"I think ao ah
made it wbal it U Let the yoongei
olilldrrado what they eao to bngfatai
was four yean .di She imt gto^ing C0.I liver ti.l Ual week.
F. A Bldred of
the homely farm boneehad make h
•t her bolioe.
UTenuc. mys; "lb
'Ihuyeulwuy* held I
- tlon that lb*__________________ I er: he IS eight a ktht old.
who will llTcaaddle there: and Id
,* better they «r-off. I i. HUUrd Tbeodore. We hare move
the older ton* and daagbler. with
" Ve-. " replied bis mother,
more meaaa come, briaciiu; cheer a>
"bot don I lay -fat.' dear; my
'' F^‘’tb7.n
well eeaktag it. Row m><- anoam
read tMtchiSg'BH”* j««
Ttareree City I gue* .'•tout'" Tbs next day. at the dinborne was blesaed aad the two who
Bcr tobU. I,e Wiabed for tom* fet
,______________ ......_____pM will in a Kidnev Fills 1 wet todoeed to try I my lelwr U getliug Iceg eeourfa. to . ausL to be mid.
'PUaM- give me
>e I Will cl
than lime OOter n good-tUed Oelli* (bem.' At the lime I M iwiat in the
way*remember. U eery yliidla tbe Being a prat ate bloemer.eooo it u all
Your UttU friend.
wriur-t Bind.
aglow ami perfomea rooB will, lu
Rn^ Hunmun
^ A amall boy rreeetly aioU a denTbe honoead eoo|4e in tbi. borne dtmty coder U U a wery iwfreahtog
tUfk^sgre bearing the lerrend ■'PuiO;
Oedur. Mich . Nor. 11. lUOl.
bad imt forth erery effort to educate
•ret to the faalL
One plant
targe (amlly of idiildreo and to gtre
focr inch pot- lu tnnebee
Dear Hn. Batee-I Ibougbl Chat I '
beaa mtlBBaefal aereiee of tbe completely screeued Ihe upper buU ot _____ aiBoont of aid It afforded, thee would write a few lines to yon. I '
finally I wat unable to go further thun
-rorld. and were mIU helping the
toe yard. I used lees iliun two boxes
yoanger Bemtera of tbe groop
■r iS.'s.?, s
Victor Petertyl,
Traverse City. MICh.
' For Job Work of all Klods ail at Ibc Herald Offict
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages, Etc*
For Broaklast?
amlU Uleea
0B> wd ri«laa »»o«t in tb* ki-fe*.
... Paris the aotboritiea of tlu
~rinrti1r(r decks, vtndows. aad ereiTTbe flag' sBce on Friday. Keromber
ttelT fecrfe.
' Loerre haee heeo ailed epos to infine pieos of silk.T«ry care as an elgfat-page. three eolBBa. Bf-; si—t u
eati«ate the (host «aestioo. brly
tbe ebildns ettfapted to e
bloe in a field of te«B toobee tasiaaTbUlslbeBreti
thraafli the widows. After leeriav the other mniec ooe of the vnards.
! doty it lato patrol the eilael
tbc ceboolboM tbe me rode f
Imdiee preeeoted it to tbe reg- poblish e news|Bper.
Tbe oIob hast
Ion aad keep wotob eeer the
ludebtcd (or tbe haadlcT*n
o's leleelen art tieasorea. rsih- imeat OB its deimrtare for tbs front elected Oairoll E. Hiller at chief edlepistle t.> tbe erTThr-s of an
ed op to hU sopetiof offleer teaffrlyhi
■edihst Ibeal
(feerc from HcrrUa eossty. Teaic. aod declarod that be had aea tbe igeaeftrau the report H>c( c well of olmet pore iobrieeUsp oil face beeo
tme«fal Id there tbei Dowc oee faeadtedead Aftr Imlt per dcf.
Be* well U Bbool thirtr mlln DorlhWMt e^8eoaBwt.
The lofeaie Icebellc of Spoia her
bopD laid gp lliree weeks u the resolt
of SB saloBoblle aeoldtsit. The lafsea is the Biot, asd op to date, the
ealr Spsaisb lady to dries her owa
ulasBOblle. aod her Bret
u DOI at oil lUaoooT
afliif. The moebine too ploab lou
o Btooe woll aad was ssaabed to bits,
ne prioeeie- rl^t wriat was sprained
aod one of bar feel waa hart. Hei
lady-to-waUlBff oDd the tdamlarlala
alao eame to for a abare ot tbe la
teaBompteolold.' by bit It year olr
brother Hooday beoaaw they wen
poaisbed by IbeU mother. U elill
Blire aad may leeorer.
Tbe eldet
beotberiedeed. Joba nid todey tbai
they drank oacbolio eold, kaowiag ii
woold kill them, beeaose they weal
ed their Bother to feel sorry for wbai
she bad done
Ueot-Ooeemor George
TuoU leiUetl tiims-lf lugerber
ttioas that when
luoiis task ut snh-aUtr
riesredby the sarriTOi
L Tbe mao 4aa retlered frooi
faiK-ieil btoj—If as an Mradoty ahd went to tbe boepiBl to be regiment It he forwarded I
b- said >olemul>.beglonlBC
placed to the Coo- ,
w^ died .a toerlty ptet
treated f«r eereoos iroftimtioo. Tbe
ate BOSeoB.
of smallpox oer.-raJ yeoa sga It i»
II ass Ilk- ibis
ISB Ephraim Bliaer. believed to now fsared that an ooibreak will ren .u In ilu- lanramr. K-r His. Jaiinbi m-iBlrrd
bets lb- OM.WI BSO Id the LnltexhoBtog of the body,
■<-r Sts- ka-a ifav ■iiairrt
8. L Dsolorth. a re
plaiaed later to the iiijKiit to ebaiBe ed SBtee, is dead at bU boa.e lb
Ml. relative, say be .
that he. loo. bed seeo tb«"UtUe Oor- UtitB. K. y.
Hii eon lo
poioL " Tbe aolbortUes are oow bar- *s nearly ISi> years old.
iu«troable fladlDK a mo to t«erd ViseoBsin bat tlie family bible, sad
eventog by ■
that partieolar pan of the rreot mate- copy of the- record it conmins is in
a cell ai an iDtoxi•smieoo It bii son in Clito. It
ss gleen uo siientlos. ii liVlf-ii a msti .d Mr. Tank.' .Ia- fe.-ii
that Hr Elmer was bora in toe
A Paris barber oamed Boateaps res alleged. alil toe oexi moning. U- ties g... l-.bl of a blghlj S|.|.rv,._ilit.
eotly potealed a ebaelB( maobioe Town of ffarreo, Herkimer oonniv,
, dipceviwed tliat a mis- and drIU-al- a.ird. be do-sn'i l-( It g.
agalurlll h- l>ss bad a gi->l
oesUllag of reeolTlo* bladea opar- an dsn. to. inf.
—.—c i.mu -MU u.—>■ — — “ ------- — mil i.f p , ~\i. the weiusu »a- In tbe
At Pans lbs Roe Troosbet. whiob
to to- Saginaw geoeial horpltol A !
r-mslT^idlai JasI been paved with a new gUss
ooDsnltatloo ot sik pbyvicUns garelry. .m, tb-d-vor. 1m-.»d-is
iwosett torented J>T U. Oaicbey. bss little hope for hlr rtcovery.bnt claim-1 .mlili j..ner. 11- didu i ord. i
oorered that their olilbt had toraed last-been opened to the pablic. O
ed that bu life might bare been | the n-si .d nr. lu.i l••ll. a. la
bias aad tbe skin tell at if It bad traryto the expectsiionBf many.
spared had be been given sIlealirtB | hut JusI a p.i.I a <b. l-.t .in
^xoelleot foothold sad prom
faeeo aeorebed. PbysieiaBs dlagnoaed
wLea picked np
Hiaeoodltioa •«;
oca as boras prodeced by elne- ises to be wlihml dnsi aad not to ah
• aoLa'oT s|-'l "
trlcliy. beTsoleeo soils for doBSges sorb waste. By the prooett tbe inven family tearctalag t
id !.• bvr hy a Iniio
h.-l,.sl II
has been enabled to otilise all
sgolast tbs barber en- now pmdiegul. of glam debris.
Serec women Of AmeriBo birth
i-t Ball, ot Gaylord, wfalle til-i -Tlin' «a>
reitsorapis-that is.
'ill be iarued to attend the oorons___
_____ _ _________
a boggy in a road a few miles •n-pu-i tori
lonot King Edward aert soauoCT_____ ol of the city goremmeat. are salt nf aa;Uord. talk lag with JsBea lHwrt. Iiad S
Tbey are tbe dowager doobew of Usa- •>nw beiag Blked of for Kew York
-,ho waa staadtog br. was-ayd^'hla*:beitet. the ireseot doebees of Mon- Cty. Ref. Dr. RatoaftolhBid otoer,an.
obesb-r. the doohOB of Horlboroogb.
die ooBOteas of Essex, tbe conaless of
;Two ihots were Bred, aad 'be other.
a, Imdy Canooaad Imdy Rtss----- MmieVe.;-----»ml ihioogh toebuggr.
It G so^ :
tog rod agents are .aakiog
»«»*•«»*'» ‘■T UdI. for Uo.d. . Ilh o
with trig
flat swept tbe eoBste dd Is new ibt
agiag tbe loterior. As tbs BOI*>c>
bold that dBtb froB whstaosim
BBse Ualways oompossod by OB aa
kaewa easay, only dlseoveable
UsoaghwIlehoBfi. wbteerer oril.lafle is Btrseked with whooping eongb
antearet is Jeoosalird. Tbe lottm
lararisbiy destgnetes oaotber rillsge
or tribe as oolpsble and e mldaighi
aissBori of taBOoeoi perioos follows.
The BoAy WoaaBia ladastriol sanitlwtoB, ergnaUed by Dearer profestdOBOl aad bosiofss sen lost spring.
U eew ia reooessftl opentioa. On
• tea-oere Bset fire Bliss from DenTtr. IS or lOtmllsnU ia tbe osri;
otagio of contoBpliaD ore, oadrr tbr
rlrtaaOly Bkiog cote of tbsaoelres. A-o
«bc died oosi Ura Chailee Oamasb of
Waokegao ber Ufa
She bad bean
tag at a nlMlre’s aboel lea Dilfo
to tbe oeantry. She becaae ill sererand oxprvaaud a desire to
J days ago.
Her friends protestbstokso:
tbs patient 'loslsted that sbe
knew she was going to dir aad longed
to see beHboDe Bioe mora
twr eritiasl ooaditioo. her Mends
BnaUy deoldwl to grant the reqaesi
Journey was Btda
Tbe padnil had Jasi raised ber bead end
gianeed ataoat the room, remarktog:
Timak Ood.'
(Htb Ibsto words on her Upe she sank
for toe fanarri of Gra-! *
Table r<
Gratiot fanner was i Robert C KedxG. {Wofeaaoo ot I
informed by asagenl that tbe toBl > oheBlstry at the Agricaltaral college^
oon'of plaotog Migblniag rad. on hG [since IW3. mid formerly iwes.deni of ^.
laaideBra and ban woold not .-weed | the AmentBo K -allh sawseUnoo. waa .
toirtr-Bve dollars, and be- .igfled a tmeken with paralysis while addr-a.-'
ooatrael timi toe work ita.mld be don- ing hi. cUs. Friday aorniag
Tbe ■
ilxyly^evea aad a imU renu per entire T Ight aide of bUbodyi. in- .
rolred iaod he was rendered speechfoot. Eooogb feet of rod. were placed 1 volreil
balldtogs. however, to leea
»t DMtrly two hundred [ao-l the doetoratoiok lie will rallT.
; ,;„oj
I-. say iM'Xt.
luiiii.!., mito no
ir failurr. And
i... « -m
me ms«
with a boaae, as It
dMt Beoaerelt, tbooriag great fsBlIiority with tbo proeidra|-a hUtoiy
aad ofaoiaetiristlea
nm okpMue iBOBtrodia tbe-trial
sad eoarletiiB of Lmo F. Otolgoto.
----------- of PreeldsBl MeKinley,
WBsfll.TWSa Ot this SOB fSOO was
paid to tbs attmeys who defeaded
him: fll.ttn was jmld tbe alienists
who oxoBlaed him; »14t was paid tbe
tepotlB wbo goardedbtin: $» wo*
laid for pletaree taken, sad (here U
btU of flIlS.K for tbe traBspcwtlBg c
Ueeltea and his gaards ta Anban.
This blll it Is czpeeted the sBU will
i*yBn. Patber Wieetoreb. iwieal at Bt
Badvlg's Polish Datbolio tdmi '
ToMo. a. wbo died roesally. bsqdealbed to tbs paritb hU tottn fertaas, aBOBetlag to nearly *100.000
It was ooapeeed Urrely of Toledo
teal ootoU. Patber WIecsorek
ties 0 oebls family ia Poland.
Wbl Doaae Regere. TS. mattied
KlB Lydia Upiaout. Tt. at the UtBt's farm at PrUowihlp, N. Y.. Prt
Both are iwoalDcot Boaben of
the Boedsty of Frtebda
They bad
kaown mb other for eo yesra Vhee
they wsie la tbelr teens erery
ttoB^t they woold wed. Bet
Itoaasetoaotfaergirl wboeenoB
alsoLr^ia Undooou. aad they
BorriedaDd Itred to bapplaew for so
years. The fliot LydU remained tla-
Olemeas. at^ie down town hotel one
T-. Kiisa. atv.H~.rilrr. >0U aent t.
whleb an now being galtorwl by la of to- b-ltoora gave poaltiTe proof i Two riit.hnrr-r. lai.-ntbaldarin*' the month of October he I M'lJl"* 'i''-'
j all for b-r.
liana to tbe nortfaern wooda.
In.lOG,- Mia. I/m
f-” ,
,7ra ' Almanaea •oattorod bnmdcaat to the had npeived *» In lips, while aomej
-at hliu tw.i iMtfowBof Ssredta. K. Y.. with tbo
r for a .-mipl- ot
mooto of Bevamber printed from aa mmoaetaal eaH, daring tbe anmmer I
dGpl., st to*
.r hilOH-If totcicco
<ld plase have badly mixed ap tbe on- leasoo tbaa the alary reorived by toe caraegle Inailiot-.
When he «a
There i..- said one. -a slniil.rliy betin popaGUoo. IBat Sunday all the ileti.
Mr. Tuuk> a..M.-.l
Mra Harley Andn-lge of Reading, twreu the (uncUune of so art Jury BO.e-ri-.l Mga.-l-.j-lr
sloioa to Sweden wen opcm oader the
Satarday aad toondadooble-yoGe.legglnh.-r Len- aod lb—i ,«r toe turlv- m-ti - ------ibe'roal Satarday bastoos retook looop and toaiGfy-tlml rver-preseat.
phot. On Monday tbe people had at- , eharaetoriatic of woman. enrloMW., -wi.-rr
tent bid-jtbe otocr.
leadad worship ander toe lm|xmsaloc
ether ,\ii tli.^-. .lriukitiB-%> tl. Ak-tbe
"Wwi. tu)ih,jDn.-s de.-iJ.
itwmi Sunday Sapervioor BoP
shall iv.n. kiud .-u.,UEh n. --od
nerfset _
tt'-'f "''•■“‘tn
G aetoority for the sBGmmt end of the slotted time twu. perfect
* bans.”
OB Baofiay be aad the kiaptGt ebloke peeked their wav out of the
mtoGtrr went flahtor He alao atatea single aboil, and though a trifle smsU- otnms Jissia.iisrUy.
tlms the average chick, have goti.-n .
ihattoan wCTmereiral. basktog bees,
wtodlag ap with a big dance on Sao- along well
bsug ' tbo j •'
r Jut
Hon. Prank WelU of Imostog. lh<
prealdonl of the eBte boanl of Mto. ''”1 don^'kanw that wliat 3»" •«? G i
Kelaon I
IGtotera ,
at araoeot Beettogmade to-sl^ltog always froe of an nrt Jorj
ownor of BtogfaaaploD,N. Y.
r.-)-.-i-.l say n<
rhoae r
lend to taka a Bdb aad panbaae a ramark toai be aaticipated tost Michd l.-tt.T dr-.p t.
eew nil of dotbet by the board of
aubj.vt.Aad It mas :bcieiipoli dn.pp.^
Be aye he took the bath aad
oftoeoiaigroom *GG gathered *« ,;nrX .to
Ik- got toe oew elotbea, bat objeela to
remriag toem, me l>e aye bis old cam
n fretty good yet. He mas eoee be- torre had l«en
fon ordered by toe Gwllh boor^lo
Barr Uree alemr-to
largo brlto blixA. wbidi G fell of old I feet. When cold
farnitare and oddlllea, toelndiag hG | the germs wil 1 be
_ _______
and that the 1
Ootiagulls atjuoi camp-..k-ry. to-.,
to- os-k. TG- g.-no^ ramp |
sbe s--*
i.io,, .xu
g hto not beeniar- ■
watbrr comes no
IG piinw lirings tears to tG- .yv* . ,
if inspiml.
IS coded |n...
IT iu whichh.-d..-. iiimmk.
re of tbe V.
Ira Oampbell, aaarlr M years old. a tbe Haaiatec KattoDOl rank tt was mai.-s m-n hki.giy,
naident of Olon Ridge. K. J.. has determtoed by a targe majority of the ..
mat had bis lc« aspoiated. going capltol Stock not wenend tbe dmrwr
ibroagta the operaHoa with ooapoeora
aad refaatog to lake aa*
foot wa* lajared some time ago and medUGly after aeb action poblGoo-; u,,up, g«. si«lo..d iG-nn-ook.'-d to:
danger ot blood poisoning made aa- tie* was girea that oo December 8 the in.'noiiu>.. To do this G has got u. an
patation neeeaBry.
InislTWii* of the bank would G sae-' d-muixl iG- ’ kio>-> of Brr to have,
Tbirty-ooa dauaooda have been oeaded t^y tbe private tamklng firm of wb-lra r larg- ra wnall IJa^.
Tlgo. bUISyeareId.doc.
When tbe (leBDed from tbe reins of Charles T. Saada A Barr, oospoaed of LooG or r-dGr .-aib-ra. U-vl«ildaG.k
bow to get toe m
ma otortod Wgstbts ganioIdTige Baiaey'i baraed eoentiy borne, at Seeds and Oeorg- M. Barr.ra^rctlTe- ex^-lMliinr.' <d tabur fnua biscomradem. ;
arose fioa tbe floor near tbe elore. Soolbaaploe. 1. I. 111. Uwee* oaly
•aea a pilifal wbtoe aad weal oet of
doera Bit BatUated body eras feood
BBBberol emeraldsaad other etoaca ix^tmndtog of toe Bembentbere- : will servetofiy (ro..tiD aadgiT
SB tbe La*a«aoas railroad :oacb>
lat so BBWBibrd fiib '■ «* aodmrty fur a f.nrismr
to* rvsteaatie of G of toe higbeat in -------------------------.
It -eriT to CVS* apple | The arense mail s gascllau
. of toe a^ bea-aih wfaal was baoking clRlaa
' l»P'd.Tm.U
■werda. IbecniikaGiold 1 Gra'l time 1.. tab* a va.-sH.*.,
Hn. Batery'a appartBtwi. TbajewAt Praaklort. while to* Ann Arbor
[\>rerty is a serm iGi -very
eU raagbt in tbe fire -were worth Railroad OoBpaoy swllcb eague
,I_.^ Mem to ie-i- frsns hU nelEtGu»lOa.««
woittogto tov-yard Tbaioday. ’
ItGo TlUG JaeobeoB. a well known ' HdUIUr. a secUa bead aad an
torre any p
IS to a G-rw/n v. U. aim a. s agreem with
eltiieii. wa* ridiog oe toe eagtoe Gn- plaint .^n^^wiih yw^.wooV
ataa drove
G gaarded' der when a box ret Jn»ped to. track. aj^iG cGre^iJiot^
oaraBka of toe oeaetory. wbo was
|i ,
«m flat to appoacb tb* g*ra.
hapiflad by a tertoa of pecaltar
aoaada eemtog from tbe aew-aade
gm«e. Btomlatog tb* grave. Ite fdg
was foaad bolptMo to tbe botsoB.
The fanetal was detaymd cob* tiifle
whIG tbe pig wMtetolt ramovod.
lAtUeSyarolPPnBeGM. MHla
of BHdgoport.'Ok. tooogbt a grat
4oI of bar UncG Jaliaa. fo G aaed
to BU ba slotG*. He died
aadtb* UtUeglri wtotaloB*
wwit aloa* tober
toboMoto's boas*, wbere sbe waeparBiitad to Bfco a tea look u hiB.
oMd daaply oAntod aad socm after
aii*tag borne dreppod dad.
At^MOly tWHoglakgoar-
mbh-t, mas .IrtT.-r-iit f
lIlK- .-urtaiii."
npl-s might G-.
er acliaa iG- sam- lurt six nru-veu;,
WJORiu-valive ,
aighu. witomlv ilK. t-sirf tHiiulay to ,
dwtrmet (be miiKl —Hav AndeiM'a ,
as liKiuiiing
fai. old
'"it to'" 'G- side .o' tb..................
„ „h
ide liiH- .ifbi.-y.-bm,
if bi.-y.-b- you know."
And J.UKw
haaa gracry store, J oiLe
V-a Poll Iin-.dgr.avci.mand Bull ’
,URonG.ycb-. . ".-'s IG- agBoll Huum-l--!. '
•-Kuiilhm.nl ini..
basirawk did.i-| G i ■
• Uh. y-u. lIrg.KI
lagBa.'lilh- lusiiofs.
orasl.ing l«i»ib-ss.
IWl m-G*G a
bivc- a rxpaaly nf../
tn-li.E ai. i,u.li. u.
> •••
»l..r.-Gs .|in«ii.K,
II- .Isnvl
t b"" siabbn'J a Ibrill ..f .Iu.i.u- sBepf
>1 ..r a girt
ibr..iigb I,
iiibHi'li. .-ag-rt)-. her
mji.|<li.B hlu
■■Ai«lwhal‘sWliPi-.b..i.g» '
a. h- al.~.l
"H- slG- agent |.« a fanumi gan-1 or. Ii.mlri
maker aiKl...b..ug m.-II. Jl- acUaali;i.ls -.me
ilium an.1 saug.
kiod.-f guus, |,i<l.d. a.ul bteyvW "
K..»M''biiig Gin.-.] In IG- liB.k ..
"Aud J.diBVu.:-"
•‘.lb, G -. a manolanoriag jevrebr. Ihnuii. and It s.s'ui.-.l as ilKKigb G
and be lariM .an a tntglnv p..j wb«rJ
"Billiags. 1 suppiw-. IS siill u to*
fureilotv bosin—
"Yes. bal I nnd.-rsimnd liiut G torn*
not a-luVI-r bi-y-I- il.aii Ik- .|.--u d.mk
boremu. "
The mucD-d trav. 1- r Irgsu is. Guraj
e niacT.ijisiis l.orsi of mms that fv
tliis n-m Ju.r uti'l fmdoBi Ai..f*
- -.GIIUH-ss" bad TaoGG-d fn>
ml- liT-ry bos.
as'" Grek.sl mull
-iV-ri*tolT. i,ui IUine io IG litiG <
in IG reared his «i*i"Ah. Ihefs- gtem
ton. TGoldf-ilom
inflating iie-* '
re any ote- vM.--ini‘eto IG G
cycle lmsan.-Ks'" a-k'.l tG- rs-tatasd
iret-l-r sadly.
Uiiok <d any eu- jost n
■eplMd IG sail r —s-bKtto" P‘o«
■I dral-i
•WeU,,mg. "a
JIG at
r, Charl-s
sle- r-pW
m l.a< moiil.l ba<e he.-u -lUsusil.>i. b
. w. upllfi-d
IlilJl .'iMWks
siunLhUE. >-t i
p.n.sl 1.1 g.-i>-...M. .smiUKs-ii'vnvi prais.
IID.1 l-bl
L-r IGapeUof IG. mumk
■ !.«. .-aoEld Ikt Iu IiI. am
l--r Gsd domu tu'lils lK*m.
'MydartmE! Mj tirareal
einiJ..;-.-. mslllasa .all It
-luiGd. slgGd simI muilderaiely sGparted. - My swretrsi girl. I koew yuo
Vive tue. at you kii-.w iGi I wunUp
yua «- Grr tuM reel, mber
uighi if. ..ur Slngtuf
And th- fr1.-u-l mlM. IGw u
B,.oakGr/ -I/^«T,.-B.U
iGt Io.**GbU- and after,
rerpruing tost st.- .V. n-u Vnfc rsmtid a
bctl-. and s— «G| u pswiag ander txt
very ei«a.—d^yk._____
i.,™ Vn.Gnres
air-sT^ aV
g-nllmrs* ■.nd
iransflgoted Gf .
ll bto G<« cuilsd ty IG nrotwG IGl
Gae -yrd prapV- ate
-..lor Utod. , II wa,
lell. Iben. a* a
tG pvorgta'GsealBtcUd G
anuBg pmmam with baa-: feaotuaai reorteo; I. c
suml ly arGi yog told
G fool srl,., bsd
e—and Gl all
-My dear ai
tere.1 Use nusei
myaeir sborr b
he Gwsu as G am.
iT .......I „,s' Ii.'-ft J,■■■""
re GUn emidoy
mitoyes idle Gndo tot j
poMi(4el ; Aa I wai
U always mHl.
-i.G^ Cu
y Gtp yos -oo Gl* BO 0
■ Tree domeatic Gld.laes* G fooadsi]
•Vet a red •«.Tbea M SG lad yoa IS.
‘ ar^'________
day ts
wttoamt Iob.: arat to It to* Btrrr.l Gtwaa
Ha mi i iiir
An..|dl.illA rsnpl- .< Gpusi.d iMtecs wUto
ere givre turn to pat m wrek pot.
Asamplcd tnpoible aGdawUto
G tnnul arntto.
ongtelluigcdaaafo .
A abonung list raiigiug fna a
t falGki^ l.> Ibfiv. ysnb uf tocm
M.re bUta —Lcodmi Tu-Blla
paUac ly IG 1 .
Ib-y are nut exfmwily named aa
atigilJ- G th- cinwiitatMto >• illogirel
Ijosi But It Ul*w..l.aca*s
Btyri'y uf tG Jedgea BniaUia their
psowtit .luommUGcsiIkt men
rrenn.-Wcmms‘a Juemal.
UlGya—I ranivic uadtottaad why gH
m a-rm lu take to Busch to Um.
Pfayllis—It s simply a caa of Mart
Uttl- lamb
(itadys—Hnw G yoB lasao!
Phyllia—Well, wbtmlG chiIdrw .to
ed. "WGimakre toe laob IrewlUlT
mir' itay wsvs- add. -Wby. Mary Ion*
tG Umh. yoD know." That's IG {.toelplK CD which toe num like Urea.—
K-m r.irk Jnaraal
TG hair tf toedagwtu oarttos
Gle" iso|>t«mtaraUUaGl <dtG«aadamenul priGdpta ot Gasui|iMby. glailia simlliGa raraalar lu IG Blddls
a Rimmfm aoiwnilti.m peralkd
rGwaaaa WM hHISD lyany anlosl esTUlo bain fnan tG nswiar* dobwtGmltebud w-ra Bscsty BIG
toiure and cGstoP tncliead la
Jameo J Belden.' omoar at tG H*0Gitau IKKH. New Irek,
rk. baa glvao
glvaa Ui
r**ld«Bre Id fijraros-. ralard at HD.lOi. to to* flrai I rcBbyiarlan elarto.
P. I. Buqre rei IG staff
Bee-ral Itu. haoia «u to* I‘»n tmerV
lan -spaUlim. lias Grn ap|iolnt*d ram
KreHiery Isaald to be at Wert
opoo a bistnry of IG Ganhope ftally.
with m-kV fa b- Is reanes-tsel iliroagb bU
OOtber. wG OSS tG dsugfalsr of IG
toonh -ori .rf GaobefO
TI.* Iste l/*sl MfiTTtt goi
..lamraivm uf
«f IG
f mreolOL . , - faeVecMrere. _ peddM- Guse wiplog hH masnk. tbOl
woold G -i«1ma fa.-l* evMHwre' tool
G bad hreti bat tag a drtuk.a tGt^^
Uito brr boGM. iSw— has Gmiaa.
ddsTobUoiomrat cm iG feet tGt to*
Gtarricr. with Gr gr*f aG aJBoa
aow-wbllr GIr, lank* a Bseb Hdar
wsamn tlma iG -w|m. wG don
Dot GA bH age. wfalrb* H 4X
ery tataaflre *M
aad Gr mrmary was peoarkaM
fram tG -tty
-«*y. *«Gy.- G pot
lo wGa b*
foB^ *B
to to* old lady
^dJd'j't^rr^koGr tot'likaoM^S
lie til*. Ms—t to lire aroowd Gto OMd
■as an.- <rHd t«* «U ll«r
jdt^i s UKreseot's oemilaUa.
-Did ya kmow Aaar
^A^ Kaaltofs ertad tG aU M
agglB. -WeB. I Bbomld tay I diZ.
HanyH to* parry G* MGm tm dm
:s:£rSa“s;'.sr-d*r “
* iGy are oaaM* to stog was going'i- a^/ tGl
Dally News
I tom ef ea.p at tG
warr G evs
ts for w
ad If yea a
tot^OP J
a give away!
-Why ooer
Boer asked
“WHI- aid G. Tun kaos
on grafitof «e IG Z V and X. (G Ifapn-. -tGt to saartat
Gwy yoora
yeamy I ba^
g. dertdedtbattGi
fabrvsua: toot G .
MM Bt; aa^£Gaagm at ay bog coa^
af gl
roB toe peril ot to* flaaset tnai to tG deer bnatara. wbo adw tnaxp------------------------------TG man wG prow
tiroiitaead to daotroy to* entire win- tog a few Biles are gUd » get Gok
‘Thr obio fitata LRnry assorur.vm . tods to porrGve sad
sr qaarvertof Waltaoe's glrcaa toe w oasp to r«et ap Imat Tw utbisifanri tG setAbllsbasret of central i f*aM» ed
time tGr# was hardly any a
I* has Gen tried ’•
TGyw,., bGrtadoatod a Galdtoglplatotog: thtapeG d—la roaU,
Jaw« to.aomat that tGhtg rent oscbfGtGtaRBa
«UL Ttarelig BdiBi lodiad a to*) At tooato too omd fom to. hanbl,mr
BilG for sonar.
Tbsalrical IwikiBt phutofrapBa
A liauf uviUiKsss to damask dto-
beaid. ‘ IS 1.1 ilu wbi.lc.
At first il.G kuom tolg- ihr.-«1.
iBsio.-. 1 G iM-w "
........... ....
•“'I ImM-'Gi.l. I.G
d ber family, wt» fear
Ilnasm of hH owa '
_.ks— SSI peeed
■ to .h.
G*" ..
idaaped by a former oweetbeart.
toe Ws..kresS
Piaakfon —t.
yaida .
nog Tia gonBersL'
. G is *p« ro'bnas* of tGw* immnii i1 '
iboBibewasaare engaged aad wbo, TG mow to MattiaeRe. Alger. Oa
■5o."s: dtGrifl Baa: “noi^<d by his .aresftcr>.
JoKtee If pr'Ambiy MBd soiGt bG ,
seed ber fre Gcarb of lowmisa.
■Maagim. HoagbUie aad otGw eoBetiet
-ll ts very <iBSTr.‘‘
At Prra. Ind.. wildantoolt wailediof toe eppre peniaataitriom e tool
. said
.. toe cGs-rfal ! met 0,4 G atJe to are tG f."ds wG
a thoomtfaUy.
V7 <0 Am with G
1 toiire aad tried G beat tGlr ogee I and a GU to two-fee* deep It tsvwy i idiot
tooogbtfally. "1
"I didn't
didn’t aauiree
aappree !jtry
a aigirt H I
t Uaak down to dart ooreer* asiwiftaad .mealtohta for aowHumtog,: r«>«»ldbll tG larr-s w.iGsot lak.^
aeir keepatm eoeghito reeoGtoem eBdtooooeKjo«»TUdiad^Bgeoo*;“P^“*
Ills liillld fur
lisH.li e.jnn<-U.>r
' J. D. Nonoo. Jr., and a comnanloO. u.^.mih to .>r<1-r>. I>ui --adlu ll -Is
One of toe oldetl Banter. In toe Dp- members of a baoiing parly who ate d.-.|in.-lo ii.i. woiuso Ik-ass euam.
per peoliiaaU woods ibu season it the : campiag aonb of Hedlmry. nui oato j r.| «l (*.. to- ma.i. r ti|. an cxv.- hi
i SSBT. Howe, of ktoekiaac City, wbo : the trail of a dear and started in par- [
Wiair Ml., f.
I with a party of Mead., ia to camp . aaR.
D.«r Kcstcrla- The dh toe it 7t years overtook them and they became f imr Taoku n-i.iodvd
Tbe flat oargo of trees for Ohrial- old and baa already killed two deer,. mti-d. Norton looked tor abelh-r. but
mas IBS arrived at Ohloago on tbe Ut- and has helped to kill a Volf.Uie Wun.. coold not find m and floally managed
•ebeoaer Jeoeto PbilUpa. which animal bavtog beeo bagged by toe par- u> ktodle afire for protecllen from
a that higli splriu.l '
been bringtog OaristBss trees ty aeyeial days ago Tost Sunday Hr. : the oolit and wild animals He placed
VIlGg- ■-ktiipd.-o on
tbe fire all night, and too a.
from tbe nortoetii woods for many Bowe eonducK-d servioee at Neeioria
■ aDarsIslU-iiia.lKt
gatoeted to toe —tbe first told at the town to a Bum- ■ mora lug roaomed toe saareh tor Ills : i
lost companion. In toe meantime his I
aortben peaiaaalaof Hlehtgan by to- ber of yeart .
At Homer, Dr. Welch, wbo lives oomynnioo had nwched camp aad Utandwore than traasponad to
mr aad wiatar. Boob potirsi
iga.-. where toev ware hmded over tlie Homer Bank, beard a tmaeh- tG- next day Korion was fooad
Tided with s nxBBy teal, plenty of
btot The ^tberiag of toe ing of glass at an early hour W-dav.warm elothlag ud Uaakets,
mrgo took over a fortaigbt. and the day moratog and pok--d hit head out | daughter of Uillionaire Potter, ot ^
. only in c
ofa wtodow.
He mw two motion-ichicago. whom book. ” Un«maonii-<l.' „
maely eold waotber.
less Bcb on guard to toe street, while has attracted so mneh allenlloa and; I
bosinoTedUmt with pniper food aad lataaoy. to Bake a holiday for Obloa(o ofalidreB. woold hare mads a dense ether men wen- operaiiog witli aio^Qurd so macb of a eeamtian to Chi-1 v
elotfal^ aad o Ufa in tbs
Anvwauillli ar-tlc
It of throe or toor emoe had toey sledge hammer on'toe knob of to-j«af.o swell >«clal circles, bae oome to 11
soBAlne, artlBolsl beat is aaaeeesallowed to gnw to their oatire bank mfe inside. Tbo doctor got his; Battle Creek for as exteaded sBy. |''
gBmnt'fifod twoatou at the paGinlaad will take ireatmeat-at tbe mni-!
Tbe told G filled to the
look load had to be eoveml!
tbf etaet. s^d tbe whole gaag fled
: lariam. Sbe G aoootutBiiiod by ber ,
Bd toe deck
WUB took with Bapstot WlUioB ot
iron wbra PblMp IGrweal made kdi
M»t mimic Gr-ra went mild Oier
rhlUp. pnM him onrrw-rv.dG. bol
Us ITU tma.-d ber h.ad le ditoata
■V<|U a. toe |sdar rrgh.aa. that call-d Ifaa eUm tqi. Ansedd old to tbs
voh-.- me. her trtdk-l.
-S.H .-wo doohly wscBgrd kgy. who wai atUl mbiMihl take tbe <-hlU •« Ib.me l.-p btagOw pG.^: •-It IS 1 who am Boot to
kwr. rve-vtwns-a.-1's.si srura. ela.
bUme t.« having dolt yoa as nodtogxvated the frtead m bo bad
blow. Take that oaaa and give it
Viiakra (k. at' It ibMieuiui.c>i.
Bit ..HI. Wtia -.rry SUU.U r~'
cmeashanlayuerdit." ‘‘Xu,
a.1 i»-rtiai«. uti-Hy oa- oG.‘- lbs lad itowored; “1 oaH do
ns Iml a.a.
khoataauutul Ur
-iinrt. ID
tbet - TbewbaUgRiattoiiocilnxiawaa
Usd sing, maahn and alL AnsoM
• -tiGtnat
"J.ura, ynn BBI obey toe,
r troside ts
it yuo diKjtisy, I am naiy to ay t
toall make yuo wrlG uol that page of oBg pans. Ilk- mml things, hi
ive1taum.stayiiwla to do it. ”
r good asw.llasiG-irbwIisun
n R WM d-apmll.B at this
the sparfcUag
clianiru-r iioikt- ku. « l..-t l>«i m
ipn.f hurlamf-Uuwa eridenGy lur
■wmdiiatnra to -».T Iti.i fi.r ili
ing hi have the goid lark thnaselroi uf
ill .............. ..
‘ Gcklaa-- a maslra, Ibat aoddmly la
" l”rat“l.lB ' piirT
spir-d J-tou. I know aoL What I do
n-nsiu l.vbiii.|0-. which. Ikt
know IS Il.;t he rrwrhad forth Ins baud.
iiuo faila.P--ui. iIm w-rk lli.-IMI
tuA IG- ..IM- aidj dealt me onabM
tnan r
k 1 badaoldea
a^w ^n-d'an Ht.vi ly imlliog.dr simI ■ lunnii.g .1. IlgliifuliMtbeiiiigm.d hi« glovm ••psratcly and stiM- c m
dcUG-rai.-ly to.r.>-ntnaier*ilaiiimra.K .*u.. an.i ... .ii I
bat tost nn*T lu/i.iraiirai G- m.mid Pliihi.'. I-^I.
_ _
throw iwhni^n- i” Ihc winds and have maii.-d «d- sW .i
eianp]ian.e. aod then toul to blB:
tbcglmeod wilh.w}-ti Who ihal sl—n..- iini.-i.." -ak tlial drttoUbG wns|m amua
baacv.Tais-n iu> ll.-brsn
Msr-u s lu.i, I
yoor kn— and Ihnra if onl <f toe wtohrilluujt gn-.n glm.-sau-l (G fan ka elipi-H mi.. iImdom. N.vra again will me hays aoypot ool .if iIm-iu!
- li-l-ii
Sb- sen
tolng ti> d-. m iih sach ia.ibndk hire."
On lb- csluT haoit. tbe «vil efl..G«d sb- 1...L..I a*
Tiir Uwia Atauld adds that ROjaml li. to bG TGw. aoDwardly
exiKdlmrt. and that "ha
.-au--. .UK- ... f.*gel .
.-is-b witoool toe sUefc had
mol familiar liii-m aad. In turn.,
utow boatara"—UAiilr l.i 111- |.p>oi)u.r'* luix CO In I
frv-n.lly » liwfiw itM-m.ods. Thu i 1 sane as'.ipe Slug, oiilj
BsrTtsd *e aaegl*.
bapis-n-d ti. In- acv-ral tmi.m. tuilably I
to -The Wiiil.t's Tab-' -Jii Uwdao. t
I -..oiiu: SU.1 glortii.-l -vwy ii.
wl»«r. after plav.ug ii IbU nighls,.! Iia.t' i
toUT»conpl-din.ae.Tsi .dJI.-itmoBc's • r fsllhfal nid siugliig l-a-her. m
aBio.'fais|s.k-u. lBtbet»*Maof a
"' in Ihsah. .lunag I I |.T3red r..r Ikt p. fall iiisdl)
barbebr y.ai will Bud:
r aiid suffiu- sliarpty In ..rvlcr Ibst
Half a diBi-a l-tlesm frea gllto
.« the harm. - ■ i-...er inlgbl.l- iKvual.l .ml
tbeet.T. fnv,oeni|r .
A tailoT'a bUL^^ ciaoki fe* JsohW
r mho W*. ii
cam* to aad began to talk. I drrer tG
dirGd Hra Oowito G toeydfora
^T^S^*------ ttfal H -DateGrito*d.*afflto
.> ooditkm to Ufa tattwb
toomta G mmtadad.--CGMolaff
Ptaty yoBO
■ *dBao wa* tori
wreoacatolGagotofiO. PoBi
at tafltixdla.40 yaaa bona
wUl ma Gmyoto ••
wJHMtAt art
----------- — r r
- r
- -
- - ~
----------- —rr
saar lamiap
TM bktoyef Mo mrbliBl teart
Of tM pratly torasd at aBlf MWMte a tep tteoevy fliiiikad mMm svsbn cf paaieavbo Haeo
« one ttee tbe^^c^e^l^ M|Malrbada aMBrtrtB^ tartiMcasI
' 10m I flat atac <• Cxto JIb Bitte MiKt dar.
oU BU «M
maam «* a» aMbe cme. aod M I
Mart W hand hla bu taper b» nM;
‘Aba. rae ksowrd Ibat Marj bad lale U liHnrBt waa died l>y a law
baaa rtek rar tba Jaat foor «r pTa paBid ia 1881 at Itol bbt tbas *4 per
■linrtr* VaaL abe brraibrd bar laai
It p<r erst cat
A, to
pirtB. IiVa SB dstil naor tM elA ef Mna tM waab done at Man Aaeto
....................................... rthatltwoedM- r
oripla. TMis-{*
flwaa aMaawt^eS. Tbom wboar haada an
bBp bo- and to at bmse an nearty all wcBs
fear 1tbe CO
d by tM sbp npolar cMOnaa Opmwtot are
liaida It la sow csllnaMl M
MSt B iMb B> ay Mred Msw froB
- be West lirtU lal
arofal lalin tbe P- . ..
IKO). aad la no
notjjb^ to sake a iencnlylbai
1» ^ - ---------17. bat !■» flad to aay ab* dW hapiv. pnrtt IB aaiplai
qaantitiB. t tarn aarckde of «a-F«afe.
1 daa't aappoa* yea cas aitmd ttar toBcne. TMinaretianlaedontMoocd-ltbeai
t Baric
■Ml laBOCtaw. b« ni trU yoa a'bat
tesl tree, a Indian Op a Botsl. whleh I Aa apt papU e*
rwM SBM.
, be""*^
are ndrened
nden^ williii:
witliii; r
rii dayw ia a apcclea rt esrtna
ym Blfbl do (or at K TOO wUL *b» tltirlB ore
In tbme Bontl
wbirb. a* paalan, tben
aer br boriad ibaa rmy- At Hof. in Barton, pooplo otv-ellowed to
Tbr cnedtineal ia Sna raHntnl abosl, baildiap np a nsio
» s—-pi» te
ebarpe. Fine penllrmra Be
Blka aroooo wUI bo woe- eaica-BOoey. piemg aa •rreniT Hie n- tbe BKMIr of Draemhrr. TM teati | m nasally have tbeir hand* o
irfcd lb.- bwel Jail"- and ihal te- ,
, tbr bard and rvp-lleinnrvi
goB 111 ert Banted oc'lb oripi of tbe ir wapra two or ibreo woeba
p witb a knifa,
fe. I Boe a week. Tbry an nes likely all to .
to erralar eye—ef
I Bkr far a arroed w\U.
r wbirb bM brew
v wmatlbeworkdcaw attbr a» ttee. i disrHi i„ jp.Ui
be na^rrlB bow Bach
off wrib
an carEfoUy brnabed1 oo
a aqnir-:
IT-: ud tbe eiaitinp
eistinp Banicnre endenTtw*
endeoTtw* ta < Pui>«
Failxr Pmi'.
Pat'. zmele mimlrd
- draweri aptnnno' leoe-r of >■.
i(ai7-a sIbnrtDO roal aad bo<r aooa
, lleliner. E
rd UIL ni.
i* prrloeBed ^ te : U, at a note that ca be corned |
pip wi* avnMr ' Dmelr A.ee
ink. llexca. II
^ be aA Von kaow bow folka an. aakidanduoadanMlapimL PrmiaiBi
U Bade at Heart ftw innrbaut# B-poaitinp poorta u tlmeof tPBpmiT iwibarbytl
tleet. v«I.-t:d. weee-b funbev.
Said be. - .nh.p "Ab. bat b. V Ma '
,!r^ t.
Al Baqtara raw woo! Uirroirrrt ia
Taa ^ Iril ’em tbr rareaitu la u
in tbe r«B cf a amU j pbu. and to^b^a^BaW. h^- I
iJn^’J^rel^awi.h te
I—ace tbe< ItsI I, Ibat .lee-cBln: •Irietn*. [ maw 'earo IB.TcmBI artiM —iw—bMl). .pe-atl'er .efa soareel tee baei bad
CM* SM and till be upariible a Baath. pirdpe. At BnenUniBililaiT^eiter- prnio. baeinp
emph life, ™
Aa far By Banylo aflo. Irll ewi IH Bcnu an • orlod'd tneii tbe anirtni
Benlraw and miemu ma ‘bieie-l* 1r»* m I eleenm dieeiUrr. emi-'
with Hr ltm.l,:.ei. *11. lu. Iie.-u irtb
I . . a.
llial if an Vbtcb may t«- iswned. Tl*' paendioi. to Ibe body rt
at Detaol.l-will not nnive ariiH". id djTinp miaar_ _
Wtinpite finper nail* a* Ilia to ^^,«,„,Prt„,...utBenl few Kaile-rl*aT. and.
in.- .rri.t
MWB freoj •rrrant*rritbiK:l tbenanrat BakinpcaraiiDee. (krbineal alone yields
geo ulk IP «BC ananopbt to tnanll in te ]
liar lef Ibi'lirauDU' i ii______\i.
,9. .,n U-. i.■............-_e_‘.....
eii etd--r ibi .................... ptwiance fn c/ver
0( tbrir mzatinc. Al AlteulaTp and <«ic a purple colew. whki. wbra Btxrd witb
d Hr*. Heerbwaud.
a pride
k in te
h np bra rtin and e*4t | pUvlejli
or two othe r pliww on <«*• t> »lkne.d to a ablatioo of tin in aimanriatb- add. naila and Urn* to prampe
cbrtr -T tV.-lo,-..'.) ,w Tleri-I«r -LdoMrrtaWKaiKT
"W'li.i rt.. «e.u a
Mr fww niib L Iratinp te Mwv !
pawn ani'ln of man- iluui lOu uuka'
ebanpte) to a imst braacifnl tern In pood <wder. Tbe work Urns beOdpetakBRAi
:4ooT.l.-c.= :!..
t,,,,. *
e her buteud
-lb.> yen intend to bavalnc wiibciat Ike etaneii of tbe town ararlrt. Tbe dwnrn-iy ia aald to ban pn i* likely to be raelinncd to pnr1 preabwd blB ana aian on.
talk tn eaeli atbv
Cade Joe llaicber bi owe of tba
been made in lbi> wur:
pas of twantifyinp.
f -d-alelj lie** wemaa ohalA ma wbo wu Bakinp . tecmOBieAllbnopb priralr tswalr^i* < lUt
aebool dlredon la bla dlatrkl a>d ta
TbcDBBbn of peceple. toes and won1 diaro BP to bte booae be came down alaaptirte tbe Bnniri|mlii»titotita>^ la to placed in bii window an extract ol en, wbo BOW lore Ibeir feet atlcsded
BanytowDiibe tauerrefa-e torto lead eocbinral Bade with builinp water, and bi by te obll'faedtft. aa they do Ibcii
tp tbe fate vtcb a faally
Mi baad. Whea we I
hands by te Baniran-, baa also in- ,
en and pawiibnekm ai
nad^ a^ wa tarokra ore^ Tbit eenaed pieailT. TV wiwk npa te | am indnd
acid rtianped te porple dye into a booi 8.~t. i* draw to brnniify tbran: npos j worldly aad war brartedu^ 'f me*, r.r.1 |., iLr w..rM=-;.(,. tr. lid .-(
blWlert from mortinp
■lAak ben. AU. I n
i.t aBiwlr.iaw I -I'eqai.ily nui.- retewted Mr Bncb-,.
bcsntifnl dark ted. and by esperiBrala te fewt. toe mfon. It icDOwreqaind. I witbralcmfl cw
MbMlBa-anfortbeiw.......... -................
-'—Ira will ! waoel. net few a recy -pood nans,
neiiirr ' in Fart..
sUlvoi asaioat rttwliap Ibiama aumi fosnd Ibat Ibe tin dia- by tbe Uw of jooe x. |km. tbat ebira^ ; inp to iVir
catwae Trc tm lo aak ber Iota of qnroA aalotaTy repola
». rad- ' l'«'v * ‘I
ilb fwwn iwkrt* l.freqn.nilr.-nltertrd. iolnd in tbe acid canard tbe ebanpe cf sdiala chall pvie
Om. rrepKooBeor nodoaBben.
. -----------'ac*''^.n'.! , *"^Tm ira'.-dr' aV iletnndaC
» .bar- «or
Tbr rale- if iolen-d flneluaK* a prrat cokw. An inpeniona dyer at Leydeii. board of eaamioe-------—--------------------- ,
MMarterBiyarBwayod. Pbetbl '
. .
deal in OrfBony. a^ Ir lilglhat ftr Holland, bma,
i^a BBarter’B a aew bloe pomp.
cf testate cf KewYcwfc. Some prawns wtok-a. and
ItMaaBe'byoa toertber kla beat
fcction The
have tell fral cared fur al bear. bBI
far a. tin* wcwtd t> o
VMS «d CeiBBbaa diakirer Ai
knowa and a
Bsrb tbr peeaier nnmb-r po to a Bam
Falllftl In leue la l.ke^talHugCBriapeatablithm.ni. in which ohitcpe aaierin and bwe <>
■TytbiBa nin <•' |WI
**nll tbe yar !« of eoBjae - I BI
tosponiry fowiew
drot cwMttul POC yania *
odiata alao an employ
nrewleu w of memlirai
vMed fur
lie yoB BBB It. Abel Iioe'l ;
Tlim ere thirty three mnaenin,. 138
..eOlrllelK. . to fe
•TiBfa tbe date, eeftalaly.”
Ibr name of cockno fleeter ia pinn
Shon.lpMed p.-|d' af.- naWrallp '
Kwleilc and TtC iicwtapor* l>> Hi*
rtoaa .-Irarviw.
pecqUe »b.. .1--.1 In .tree.
>JM('a irtat Harter awya. bat
al leiwl 10 ilifltTeill |eUul*. ttiwt"
lie I. a
! Mber
Wviie-oii leiioblli.
mu 11 down aa J«74, and we Jawed
cod. - .Natotally .1... 1-r.mU .
8 cr V aort Lsrheltc'a ballon
nllniod ill .iUbama. ItTVIae O...U
n.e-n ....Ve
make n,!...!..-.
niUiak.-. I..,:
ls.be|.w ,-al.
.c-teniy.-lk dtPe-rvi.r e..m
It temgl.t
•base K Cor orer as boor laat slcbt. _jn than SO. Ilia tbe race rtlo
a dosen of
f..n> nine nf wl.k 1. are ml
down, lui
rSbedsned If I wooldo'i ban hw an tbe world, rtii Joarb Bmiur ay* II
te_______ ____; wortlnp for blm Ibli
earn. In Irak at
TeT^rltra ‘‘fo ‘ The . .re iilall.m ..f IV l.loeel
..•ii.lunie.. U iwe-tdeiii rt -ii
•Tnrae itaTypeof
-T ou n.
m abnp a*lB ■ l-aod of in tl
tiarela bi- wa* atvock
l.alnnale rt tin-lewld of dlrktrta
______ .
- eWngt™!”hit'P"“^
-ton. -I
of replj
r 4o to yoo. with tbe nBdoenliaoce placed npe« na- tmafol Bia."
M^rtfbt. 1*1 I Buel *lre;tD
artnp .
If- Viter to l«iw yvur bs=
aork, nmelort
eraielort apel
apel general• ■twai
"Wbat baa be doner'
. (be work,
l-a.l .ln-aae.1,"
tbr railed
market i.
of plaat*." rtiorwclreriaicp It
''Homed ubeirene.''—Chirap<e Post ; of tbeac men. during ij
.e,k.-l leoip and aiedly at
ikrtL n’bkh _ ______ ajoinw impreaedem llialavape
knoB II fa.-t ihatSTbehilelfe-----------------------------j me. baa Iran all 1llial .-onld Iw de
«,-tler In the TahlM- l.fhrary It i|.
pbiiuraphj -«;a-v:o I
li tba lOBfewt rlrer la Anertea. Aber
and half cirilitcd piaeplra bate an aceniM| Tb, .r.ieuiaip. eviii.iluail
Temw ilBlf. when ran* prawn tea- and reflect, great
lettii -ay- Ibarte Bred fr— pul.ek- Kewn
inie knowlredip of relijectae f iiataraUiia' ^1 miwe tliau 4e'.<a*> rslr. -r umu
tlerary ecec rataMlibed aeSa tet of
ecmde nlal. beramma a ktnd if cwtmr. ! •*» “fS ‘f**”'"* ’
TOB don't aoy: I Ibeocbt It
lory and a ouifem ntanrurlaiaiee for a. ftue! loBtaafly tnlenae, aoeradtnp to
I 11. KngbiHl ami Kraura ba- i
Him CrnmmcT-Wby
1-el.T.l.eCU. V II In IfJU
BBdaaa. and Marter aaya li e tbr Oblo.
•• Dita*»rid.a made tbe aoBe ob- tep*; Hilua , wlU bara.-Cariyle.
I'l.r Huily peetpaiiug Ibe «c imp!
"Did yw -aril
•ad are pot 00 Bad orer H tbe I
I. and Albeima befejn him
Arpon baa beet foand to I* eom-;p^,.,bi„E
le aeu-ertallM-d Ileal llee- enC
Hre. We.I.I.o....U—-Ali iT disr. yot I
I dneiriaa named adiud Peter
that tbe
onrd of Ove ertb. CT-ee. ao Him telceullNne- .
i|el «|,e, r-woll> .lied at b'l-yr
An expert ten mixer in China ..
lal-r el- ade'> have- li'i Idra benrmoeb more
' "Uh. leei I.ebi* nueb- awill psifr
balled be diflnent
knr.e.n t.. .c.Waln'
,,fv, ti. fe.-i. It a|e|
IM.-ietr a ne|)e,1|.« u| *luul 3 e**] Hr left .Teryiliiop W tUrka*'^MaoH
iieier 1-. -i.ep a man n a< « 1'w.t than u i
pam of Ciwre.
j aoraiy-flve eleme I-.
[pruuiug iiulel deail.
—Sl Luoi. l*‘w>-DierDBich,
It ia. indeed, well knuini that plania
eDBiB By hide, but Ibat'a anotber os bare eartiaaprd ibeir namea larpaly.
■t! Tbe feller wlio pot op toy wt- ■
imi-ooi iaajcuid inflanco rt
■m toU Be that iDdUsapolie n
II tbe tdd beitel* the name la
ISka Is two lowBi tbe olae of »w To.^ pinntu the gimndplne (Ajapa eham
- rtila<41ni.«ireaiucl
laa lei ibe epeiedwel
Vaa Benedict ArooM eeo prealdrat of ■ilia, ill bia "Hint
:in<BTff Cliiraliy.” i:
«bo ralBd Btateor
lepiend of the dmwninp
kniphi throwirp iba flower i.> hi* lady
and fizrd tbr name cai the pretty bine
flower wbirb had pterioiuly been tailed
Boaae ear, from lit old Cret k
----------------rlpblaboBt .
Bonauti*. and both name aad li emad blB aa to tbe bipbeat BoaBtaB. eame popular, bat Poncli. p<einp back
«b0 aasiber af atatea aad arreml to Ha uripinal aaaoriaUtma
Mspa. and wbea 1 drorr
I. and in
M a delicate name fer the
acBtablat bla bmd tad ■
■rMro the aa
■. "noBi olTiaa'’
erehid. Clolc ia
PSBB I Biat be e
* Imn glrtu to Tariost
M. bst I*B not polB to let kUitcr planta la tl# old^l
bBBW ft aad trow orer aae.bnrdeirk. bat
it alwayi
I atw at once tbat ibere i
it waa pradnalJy aitarbed to other
«t Bes Hoira aad at tbe
tend plaala aad
Oonetabin it it
plaaa of
esB I pot doWT
piece of bUckberry
■Ok aad cat a pi
la It a faally r 1 aaked.
IBL rtr. rtpU la tbe faaUy.
d to loaec It to yoo."
Bob Bany people ore ia tbe babit cf
*«« I caal plre yoa aa oOUrlal
OOblinp tbetnaelTea abOQl tbe exact
rtfbB. Tbla L'Blled BBtea porenjnini tf tbe cmipaB to whk-b iliedt
XbI. ef vbkb I aa a pan. neeer BOdMaida bappeu to be pniatrd when they
mm vltb ftBUy Bancta. not ms
lay tbewiaelrm down ftsibeir noctanial
VMS a aaa Itta Ut wUe.mil One Bipfal bare pearr ca tappoaTbas plee BB yaar prtrale ^ilBlOB.
iap, bat for tbe impresiible Sir BcajaBartb aar Bae. wbo pot marrM to
Bun Kielianlaewi. tliai it did not ia Ibe
rtootpe BeoR tl weeka apo. Sbe left
Barter whe-tber Ibe htwd of tse'e
bla laat alpbt . ad walked foar aUeo
rsd were tamed nonh.' aonth,
McsBeboac. ;le booed ber cam. aad
w wen. Bat Sir Brajamin ta fall rt
Ms Myt aboV amr lire witb bla aa- tbeoheacB the anl^ert, and nowtfa ''
atbvjMy- f aay abe eapbt to pa hpM ' I expnnirted tbeas we arc in a
n te know that if we "lofti tnr face
"Wbat did be baa yaar oaia far 1
tMe-weat," like Daddy in the aebsAadafSse.
timrtiBl ballaed. we onpht to pet '
esM bla a BBr.-* abe replied.
anandeet alewp, bresnae in chat eaue “
•Toa. cAed Mb a Uar.' added Undo
cnrtb'a Botieoi will tend lee tend tbe
•m, “and I any be bad a ripbt to box.
knd to tbe bead."
n bsx Baanab'o ean If obe caBcd bo
Hen it a anppeand rare few inac
that Qlea bar OQBlpbt adriee. Aba.
Utb u at Iran woib a trial, and in
■ad Me sopbt to hare oiled bla a
fotaie a rampaB tfanald be an indlaponable article of familan ia eeerr
well Tcpalated bedroeon. Itmayradly
pnlBUy bated whOa bo
KBBiae not a few bedebamber* to
pe the adofitiaD <f tbla wcolward
potitian, wbirb may in arane rate*.
yyd bwdv tbss M IntMdrdr
almcM aa mnrb troable aa_(be yt
poaltioa baa occaainicd fnn tin
•■ABd Mt espbt ta pa back aad My
time in tbe acciraiaattel world.
IMa aecry. ThM MU aay be'a aonr.
'rajamin Riehartba® baa tpoketi.
MO. sad tbcru Mb and make op and
and it only ntnaina feet ihoea- wbe> tcM M happy at two derca. Boe. yoa
B7I biffi aa an oracle te> poipt ibeir bad
•0 tM back beae wUb Abe aa bit
beada doe wrac at all eoau and wi '
delay-—Uaden Urtn.
Baa befctd at ae wnk tean la bet
dpsk a^ 1 wadded ay Mad. aad as
Bmt Mtar I landed ber la ber baae alment tbe best ti
iMld'a araa. Oe wat oat at tbe pate
r;r™ !ET».TeC;.'.s'
h wui
POlWTtO waRaesaPMS.
------------------------ wiJliawtor .
» IVliohiisan and Besunnon'lt
Oil snd Refining Oo.
The Only Company Operating in the Texas Oil Fields with the Home Office in Detroit and Managed by a Board of Directors consist
ing entirely of Prominent Detroit Business Men.
, DR. ALBERT H. STEINBRECHER. Pres.: 4 lO Woodward Avenue
I JASPER W. DAVIS. Vice President, with C. E. Smith Shoe Co.
RtBCf^Aikf* \ R'CHARDC.ELLIOTT.SecretaryandTreas.; ofC.'E.SmithShoeCo.
nfrux inn mnrrFnDx / -IOSEPHMAYWORW. Director: Assistant postmaster. Detroit.
lIvlKJ AIIU UlilLvIUKj:^
. S.JOHNSTON. Director: state Aeent Mutual Benefit Ufe ins. Co.
I FTtED TAYLOR, Director, Traveling Salesman.
! THOS. SANDHAM, Director, Merchant: Alpena. Mich.
V JOHN L. COCHRANE. Director, with Burnham. Stoepel & Co.
gB waawrcBM toio» te^oraph coMP.unr.
We Now Have
Barrels of Oil Per Day
Ready for the Market..
adpkl7 bad Mat alpbt that If we'd b
ta OBlerte afore Btdulpht.-
We are offering the
We are offering the
Last Allotment
Last Allotment
of stock at
of stock at
The price will then be
advanced to
-Bane for Be. tbank you.
t ksow wMt to do with a
If I was blB.-Bocioo CbiM
tby pratmieB.
not Burtfa be tbv
tboa bewocne
bewotne a make 1^.
anejrt.. He
bath bat pained
«d tbe title cf Ia .Jeatn.let
Umiwiiue biB
biBBlf the fort ia notfv
Meotthant lleffi-nuii w*. aaylng
Tba Soper of ocara la probably U- te other day tbat be bad barelly ern
seen ta Irl-bmaii wi*. wa*n'i ready
astad as tbr band ef fate.
with a qnlck rraort. nn aiattra what
R takea a M«.ctoai polltkal
tbe rtrcomauneea might Iw.
•SMB te Bin canpolpa Jlea.
“It- waa about fhm yrane ago that
I arrated a cenaln fdleiu. Ue wu
abom tbe drnokent man b ever mw
Ibo Btay Bea tmlU
;lo V ttni standing e« bu feet Aa
MMeeipmof tbeir
of him be wanted
He wa
rtrtaafWllB oa tbe farend few to piakr^tn.1
and pleat tbe real of •
— _____________ -torn..-be
H a idiot
ctflidf luS^Ot AK4/bcffl
*^tUuL doit^yfeo UH/hAm
«aa praatraties. and then la netbinp
olae tbat will ace qaiekty nliewe and
flneina. in cenvamptioa. inarenBia bydi^ibobia worry, praerl sad kiadr^
ImreonpUiBbk ^Ce-n every edbee day
Ibey aono have a clearinp and wbilrninp eflert oe the comple-xieoi.
SS WUh'L'T^ie-k.
hP « B.
..orae ] conlda'l tieln bat SB, awer. 'Jnst ttrnrk one*
‘■Wea tf tbof. an.- be anawered.
I So'a^ biisna”l
Mipo tM abartUt of tbo '
A MbMaalppt Bob made
s mm* aad te ennaer'
8mbM s eadlet of ■'otcr
Msf—CMmpo DaSy Xew
to FMMS tSbarertorta klOa SUMO .
Barrels of Oil Per Day
Ready for the Market.
«o Bset bet aad be pare Mr a bap aad
• UBandrselaiBed;
We Now Have
The price will then be ad
vanced to
Do You Realize
That 75,000 barrels of oil per day
at 30 cents per barrel means
$22,5<X) EVERY DAY?
Do You Realize
That $22,500 per day would pay
you cash dividends of over
One Dollar for each share you own
every sixty days?
Do You Realize
That bur fpisher is producing
more oil per day than the
Combined Output of the 2.430 oil
wells in California v
The above telegram speaks for itself.
ssible cost,
.0.. the
,h. board
6.„d of
o, directors
di„o.o„ have
, .
oil dirrct
irect from the well to the tank steamers without a cent of expense.
The completion of the pipe line will at once place the company on a CASH DIVIDEND PAYING BASIS.
What Will the Stock Then Be Worth?
it. Our capacity is 75,000 barrels per day. Regarding the price, it has ben demonstrated vf practical tests that oil at Ooc
per barrel is equivalent to coat at $240
$24 per ton: consequently, we can safely figure 00 getting'tib cents per barrel for our oil.
inasmuch as coal cannot
lot be bought
bough for less than S2 40 per ton in any market. lii this connection we will sute that the South
ern Pacific and Santa
Fe arc now changing
all their lo;omotives from coal to oil, the latter shoving asavingof overSs^xM.each year on the entire system
these facts before us. the real value of this stock, in dollars and cents, would be so high as 1 .,
SVe will, however, say this: The toul number of produciog wells in California, as shown by thestatittiesofjoly,
1901, are 24to. There are hundreds of companies there, paying immense dividends, whose stocks have gone op from ooe
dollar to five. ten. and in a few insunces to fifty and a hundred dollars persbare. OUR COMPANY HAS MORE OIL
STOCK OF_______
- YOU T___
THE STOCK__________
We are offering you now an opportunity for an investment that mav never again
again bbe presented to you. Although the
0(1 fields of Texas cover a vast area, tbe extent of the GUSHER PRODUCING territory » limited to lessthansjoacrcs.
which today is owned by a ver>- few companies, none of which can be bought at the price we are offering ours, and most of
which cannot be bought at aov figure.
The price will be raised as the work prepresses, the board of directors reserving tbe right to advance same without i^icr.
aad to return such subscriptions aa may reach the office after the pr«* is raised. TBe balance' of this aliotmbnt it otfered
i,. o«t >lTotn,iir.ili b. pi-ert o. tip m-rka S‘^E°*DOLLAR"ANlf fTfTY
—------ -- —-------tbe price is raiaed. Make all
We advise you to investigate the matter at once and send in
checks, drafts and money orders payable to
RICHARD G. ELLIOTT, Treas., 32 McGraw Bldg., Detroit Mich,
or WADE BROS.. Frank Friedrich Block, Traverse City. Mich.
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