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Grand Traverse Herald, July 26, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
VM. XLVin.
^iratoeir^ie Memlb.
races 1 It 6
NO. m.
k do* by' HiAuuag white orvy- ctoihs with copper nrito; tba Irph
HMUe. put that dtlld right down give his hour glaft at k**i two lurws
Jttst aa the chlld'a repilar breaUi> ncr pm on your Sunday frock and go
YRt Rain Tlut C«tnM Over tiw Milt
tng lafanis la (heir arwta. the young wrtter la your tosstaews offtoa. tho
jcforc his orstory ante lo a pause.
and Come home with me."
Tb« rmiD tbx com* «*«r the hlU— « nnDooaeed that be «aa aaleep. the out CO the south porch."
escaping unharmed In art case, slgas ouUWe the office door, aad the
Thomas Hooker tardy sat 4awy^Mollle had Uved in an orphan's
door opened asalti. Thla time a tall,
the i*ln!
mag man In eatral IRInoto was JcHcrlag oa the office window -a^ cmLater In the summer, Walter Lawta home all her life, but she had never til be bad rvurhed'dhe atf^<.toAhlrd
;ei tired-looking woman co1W attdcAl. BirMlad nia.
hour; and on one ^rcu^. after pass reeling with a mastic dry; during tbe pto.T this same ta« at*Icnri —Detroit
«em os fhNP Uw Mrrteh ^ tkt tendolng a little neces- 7%e childish mouth settled into firm ing thU Hmtt bv ^"r»d 30 mluuta. progress of aa eli-rtrlal storm. Tbe News,
p«r»te tklet—
"Ob. MolUe. Mollte. bow manr timea
only n-»umcd bis sat m promU- dog was struck dad by a Mi. aorly
lines 'and she tbnro her bead bark
Tb* akte that are st*j u are
luil I tell ytjv DM to rock that hcavr Bury hoeing. Every few
Pl«an tuna for *
, to cemuoue his discourse oo ihc all of the balr being barned from Its
with a proad Uttie gesture that would
«*Ud. Yon aren't atrona enooBb. and aught a gllmpcc through Ibe screra
Jow'a eyoa.
The rirerta M Loadoo are.aoi yet
have l>ceD pairictan bad she not been foHowing Sabbsih. Once. It to trae. body, while the young man was only
Oh the i*ln!
I can't have IL He ouBbt to have be- door of a slender girl preparing breakbrought up In a Home. Sbe started be ele-etrifli-d his congregailon by com- iHilly slMu-k.-d A farmer was kiss paved with gold, drw^le popular tra•blstled
With the BiiMil «r jroow wbaal *>«» enn kms afo to «o to aJeep bf himseir
to a full stop afu-r i:><miBule«' ing hto wile goud-bye before Rarftng dlitaa to the roairar). but owe of tha
sMig. and presently, leaning upon his to rlM>. bni rctnembered her burden
the itplaad ptala—
aa the oibera do.”
psi noBibarievn metropoiltaa subfor tbe country fair when be was
hoe. he looked tbuugbtfully Into space. A null- red spot burned in one cbees.
Tk« nin that com vrtr Ibe Un.
*'l Bol tbrougfa earlier 'n usuai wUb
struck dead by a boll of lightning,
week today—yes. a week It la. A aod In her tow. firm voice there was a
wife's balr was moKumed by the
position, after which be resumed hi*
- Tb« ralB that com ot«t tl» WU- the Mheni. ma’am, and somehow t week of perfect bappineiw H seems lo great dal of
can't resist when be asks me so pleade tor ordinary Ma
e. but she was otherwiiie unin
••1 win not" she said: 'i wUl n« discourse and continued for two hours
tba rain!
him as musingly be realls each delie b different from tbe'otbers.
jured. Three drunken farm-hands re
Th* Blghtr and meaatireloaa i
I. I shall stay here at the Home all longer.
bllfcsful wock-the quiet
yon know, and yeaierday be cried him.
ts the emtar of IM
Baxter. Knox. Hooper. Bun>aa and turning from a dance, all arm In arm.
Tbat drenebet the r«*“
ly life long."
drive to the Hume—where be found
aeir to sleep."
woodland and aweepa
“Oh. Mollle. dar Mollie. you didn't Calvin rarely prach»-d le*s than two In eastern Nebraska, were ovvrtaka
;be parlor flilcd Kilb greens and flowD electrlo] storm on the road. try. During tbe seaeoa the IntM nftah
Mrs. Aldcn tuoched the fflrl’a hair ?r* and children, the tears In Mr*. think I was cross with you wben I bnuTS, and often saw tbe sand run
Uka an aTalaoebe over the dim toaaIn (be hour glass <<ir the- third Tbe man In tbe middle was killed by detertoratn and Ihe magirimie ihcrtrcctlonatcl}- and imHed.
las aieepa.
Alden'B motherly eyes and M-si of all. spiAe. did yon. dearr In his anriety
iipou omAscstPa tbe c
Oh the rain!
"There, child, do aa yon will this the datk-eyed. whlte-rolHd bride. He Walter's anger dlsapiared. "1 was time la-fore they e»»me to "la.--tly;" hm
circumstance Mr'
one of them all euuld rival the knocked sa»*-l«-ws. but quickly re-cot
That {alb with a roar on the vale'a lime, ni sit here aod wail white yon remombor* the happy, silent drive angry at «>lher people. I was afraid
from ww to im Iona of ftwti to be eonjcraaar floor—
pot him dowD. for I want to Ulk to bufiic. and Mollic'i pleasure In the that they had forced yrm to come hack. prollxily of Rev. Thomas Uaugs. a sov. eretl. They found themselve* cm
drmned la a single daj^
The rain that cornea over the hDL you."
shouldn't have spoken » such a tooe ealecnib century divine, who on on- ptriely sober wbe n they came to.
;iousc and new furnishing. She bad
lariad of being discharged Into
A letter carrier In Kansas City ws
accusioraed herself so naiurwlly to the > you. di-ar. See. 1 gel ilowu on my occaslon. after k«-plng hi* congr«-ga.
Hollle looked up '
The r»lo that cornea over the hUI—
ktu-es and beg you to forgive me and tion over two hours, said. "And now, bamllng a woman servant a Iv-.-e i barges and -tumped Into the sa. rbe
nnusital !*•*“«
busy Mrs. new BuivoiindlDgs and
the rain*
fruli ’
..red in a much more bybaring cleared the gntund by the*-door when a
■ui«- Itome again "
smile, proud and contented,
Alden to sU down In (be middle n(
The steefnl and ftlllerins min.
I - . . sle-t .o,.,., It to cmricsed to Nto
Mi'IIle'* bead droppe-d back against few prellmlnarr remark*. I wilt ad- lightning struck be^een then
across bis face ai he thinks ol
TJmt ptays htde«nd-aeek with the atm the forenoon.. Bui afirr she bad po'
i myself more ditT-rilv to m*
DobUe down, she followed wUliuut
and the shade.
. ,bock. iMit both were t*o.,ght o.-ooei.-d. and t.< Various
her gentle self again, but she did not
such a sweet, old-fashioned dignity.
U Mwwers of Jewela that sparUe and quesUoD when Mrs. Alden lead (be
ipreord tote slabs like atoM.
I amusing story to told In this eon iround all right. The letu-r was con
As his thought* became less re spdak. Walter did not rise nor loosen
way into her little siiitnB room. The)'
ncetloD of the Rev. William St. Ccorg.- sumed Two lam band* engaged la
sal down omneltc roeb other. Mrs. mute, he suddenly beame aware that hl^ hold of tbe little hand.
Oh the min!
well known sugar refloery ntBUdli
was II. dear, -weren't you Palerron. who. not iruiny yarn ago. plowing In a liioacre fdoi In South
liad sarcely begun the work. H
That veUs the deep meadow and Alden looked at Mollle, and Mollli- In
the dnms from the product for paving
Is.her bewilderment aured at the plrturc
UiMtha la the slndwpn-arh for him oo the following Sun
three mlnuie*. Three young kll- The waste to a verv thick star PM
fore- hrakfast. as afterwards m<-u Iilep*ant. Ilui perha|>s I am loo
The min that comes over the Mil. of the Washington famUy. Mrs. Alden
The eU-rgyman. who objcett*i
s.plaving In a backyard tn lode liquid. What lo do wHb H «aa •
did not know how to begin; llnally she were coming whose work he mufi iinrj ro'igb for such a gentle little
thu* to-lng made a sloji-gap. deiiicnce. Mo., wvre' struck by light; ■ homy problcin for some time.
oveTsec. With all bis haste. It was thing."
Tbe mln- lhal cornea over the hlU- said:
At iskl one ol the emptoyri altothat. Hh-atM- don't think clinetl Ihe duty. wbereu|>ou tbe dean ntng. One of them was killed, the
tw^tj^iy flvc minute-* past the breaktasi
tbe mis!
'Home, bow old ere ^u!"
little pained flush col- n-toru-d by commanding him to nifaer two being only singed. A Ger- eelva Ibe Ida of miring It with «rthour 'is-fore he flnlslicd. He threw
The ffmdoaa and plentiful min,
'Seventeen, ma'am, gnio’ on cighiIhc totter belBg applied la auSIpreach.
named Hllixen (which mean*
down Irt^ hoc. and stopping only to nr«>4/her chi-eks. "Oh. U was he
i." said the girl a little apprehen
ii quantlHa to render (he Mans
As there wa* no way of escape. Mi. llghtninc In .wr language) was struck
pick the hsual poesy for Mollle's piste. till-Us> tx'iuiiful for me—hot-"
lively. "Oh. donr, Mrs. Alden. anyone
Paterson dili-rrolned to "to- level" sad killed hr a l»lt while Ulklng solid and stable. The mixture Is then
"Ah. tt wa* me. then 1 was
When tbe forest to faint and the fields
grtng to adopt me. are they? Oh.
It Into small bricks aad cotapiwaaed.
kitchen sink, and remarkeil tbe thorn in that rose garden. I am a wHh till- dean. and. annotiDritie a* lii* almui hi* quecT name with a party of
are athirst
In the north of Raglaad naay of lha
don't let them, plcaw. I couldn't go,"
the one hundredth and nin.-li-entb friend* iu a Uvero in central Arkan
slate order of that room al such an gr<-ai. lumtM-ring fellow, not III to have
Oh the min!
"No." said the wofnan. slowly, with early hour.' The- floor had been newly niich a little. delicaU- thing as you. I psalm, he began iiy reading his (ext
The sbeq. of a bird fancier it. rads are told with g1as» rtog. This
That brines back her ml to the >
Fur (he Brut time washed, and upon the table next the
•but—oh.. Mollie. I loved you of 17fi versa tlirougfa iwlre Then Chicago wa* Ktruck by a bolt. Of two
isktng acb verse la turn hi- dellverrel psrnx* In one age. one was killed
Indow then- were twii^ile* cooling. BO."
The rain that comes over the hlU. In her busy life she realised that the
girl in Ihe ugly regulation frock of the
homily on It. floallv re-Mimlng M* aad the other permanently bllnd(*d. use was fouod for H. Ibe sUg v .> l -ft
Mollie drew his band to her ll|>s
"That child mustn't work so naril
Breumutote in huge mounds, JisAgThe min that com over the bill— Home w*8 prelly—yes. very pretty. before brakfu:;l." he said lo himself and kissi-d it.
ai at the tioiK- of the third boar, by to-siries to-Ing .rendered deaf and
• the min!
which itmr the only surviving membt-v dumb. A gang of cirrus hsnds wen- iiring the rounlryridr.
“Mollle. girl, tell me if you like Wal
"No. U wasn't you. I—do—y
we-Dt Into Ihe dining-room. Hi*
A Pr.rto iDvator. however, enme U
The dewy, mlraeulons min.
the cougregaiioD wa* tbe dan irjlng lo round up an ewaped tiger in
ter Lewis."
bre-aktast was set out wna covere t.-i
With tbe comfortlne ctonda that drift
MIsMuiri town, wh.-n the tiger wa* i« rescue. He dortoed a prtH-esi Mr
• Was It the wnrk—was It loo bard bImM-ir. After Ibe service the preach
“Why. yets." said Mollle Innocently, keep It warm, but Mollle was not
preparing Ihc refuse and burning It
eloee to the breast
“better than anyone else c»eept at there. Ho was a little surprised Hun for you? I wanted to get a glri for er said good-bve to the dean In the struck dad by lightning. During a
or the tranaflffured Barth, by the nofi the Hume. U-cause I know him better. she had not waited.
you know, but you wouldn't bar robing room. "Good aRernom, Mr. running race al an lllinoto eounty Into small blocks. The slag was melto
mlsu caressed.
Ihwn." wa* hto farting shot. "I don't
In which II horse* were compet ed. and by a secret traintMit IU hr«t<
You know he's been so kind to bring
He called up the stairs twice,
qnalily was socceMfully overOh tbe min!
lltlle. think ymill command old Paterson to ing for the purse, the winning horse
Bobbie and I borne from the village receiving no answer, concluded that
That dlstorU not. nor breaka the en- with his team ever no many times. sbe was out someB'hcre among' the his great ev}-* unclosed a moment, lie pleach again In a hurry." .
Btmck dad iDstantIv after hav
Kaperimente are aow being orriad
ehantment It mnkenwon the race by a hod on the
|ook«-d up inlo the brown eyes above
In Blrlking contrast lo these tongAnd lately he's come down In tbe end fiowera and sat down alone.
prove the eWdeno of ris«l for
The min that cornea over the hUt. of the garden where Bobble and I
But Bomebow nothing tasted goo.1 his, drawled "Mollle" with a slgb of winded sermons are (be dlscoursa wire.. None of ihe other horses, most
which begia and end wiibln a minute. of whkh were clooe up at Ibe Anlsh. rad pavlag. Tbe rieel to two techM
gtteas I didn't loll thal morning, and be felt that It
content and slept again.
r tbe billThe rain that coma i
thick and Is in tarffe ptatcs. vMrt am were hurt at all.
Tars gathered In Mollie s era an.
the mla!
bolted lugelber.
off from bis place last Sunday." and
lor he kniV llie reason he I here- w*-re tears in her voii-e as eh- Ib-tiry Jackson. :>ii olo-ltmc Yorkshire
The ucrni Ud tremolottB min.
Onr- town, wboae great deulr* is to
little flush of color showed In tbe could not eat was because there was mid ungrammatically but patheilally t b ar. on the li-xi, ■ tbal I* love." Tl
The Age of Copper.
That Boba by the wMeopen wlndm
reduce- the noise of Ue traffic tn
him—I an t leave him. I'v- was bis hunitly; "If. my friend*,
brown cheeks.
opposite to pour Ihe coffeiExperts estimaie thal the copper
at dawn
"He is a good young man—excep- vilh childish gravity and talk lo her laid awake everv night a long while were- to preach lo you for a monih 1 production In tbto coiinirv Ib»i yar eirewts to (he mlntmum. has paved
Where the ffrterin« trees weep on the
some of the iboroughtares with a comtrying to think it nut. I have
Uonally good, and he has such
. approximately DlS.doo.noii pound*.
ifretty way.
could add iiulhliig lo the glorious siganywhere and don't know
I33.oon.iHki puuifd* more than In pxditon of cork and other toaierial.
pretty place." Mrs- Allen spoke rsIlKV
iilflcance of the:.e three words; and so
He srent Into the arden. but Mollle
Oh tbe mtn!
Tbe cork la Aral g
HMt: and It to predh-led that thU
lave them with
was nol there. Thi-re were fresh atKiui surh thing*, but 1 try
ralllnc aofUy. like aaaeows o( bepea meditatively. She added: "He
mixed witb a prep
ht-TV to see me last night about you. floweni in the vases in tbe stiff linlc what seems right to me. 1 have always
thal are sane—
Mttrc remarkaldc wa* Ihe sermon of year will show an even larger ink and eonverta
D are- of Hobble.' ever *ince h-’
cre-sMT. Vet al such a pace 1* ibe rem
luirlor. but po Mollle. Uit-slalre. dowi
Tbe min that comes over the bill Can yon guesa wbat for?"
Ihe Rev, Andrew tlarke, delivered
Into a aolld, durable suhetance.
Mollle bad pccelved n plain cdua- slain*, garden and orchard, all tin—Boberi Boms WUi
few year* ago In Chlcagti. "I w-ait
India ruhhtT to aJao used for (ha
lllllt- iKMly all bruiK-d and hb
the oiitiiui of ore dot-s iwd meet
Mollle. Walter could m
lion Id tbe Home acbool. but she had
pa'Ii-nily for tin- Uunl." wa* his lex
three toeha
mind frtghiem-il out of him. Hobble and tills wa* hto sermon: ".Now. my national m-ed* and we are Importing
never read a novel nur assoelaicd with
1 It. He trierl to think of
Ihickoess. but Ibe high cal of (ha
MolUe.niimlwr of things that she mighi lx- diM-sn't know much In some w-ays, but hretliren. 1 put It lo you, if David larger and largc-r quaJiHHcs from maictlal procluda Ha exlenrive adopgirls of her qwn age. However,
• Tbe shutters of the Home were dosed. blushed again, rosier this time.
arros* ibe AHanUc.
doing-shopplug. iK-rrylng. walking. he knowi httw to lov«-. amt he lake* criuld wall patiently and fiMind
.But tn through the open windows seemed partly to underritaod.
lo roe than to anyone else
'ndouldedly the (etepbone sysli-m
or talking with a neigtl*or. hut did not
wxjrth wbUi-. why ac t you?"
came the hnm of bees, the ebeephow he'd miss roe; I eoulilu't
he toiiesl single user of copts-r in
•'He wmnu to ask you to be his wife, believe any of them.
Hut If one wants a m<*iel for a
' cheep of tnsecta and tbe taint click of dear; be loves you.” gonity. "I
this remntry today, and that moana
He felt a nervous foreboding. She help thinking of It. No one el*t- ht-re short sermon—one which an be cr
n diBUat mowing macUne. Mollie ed to speak to you first about It,
Ihe largest user In the world. One of
had gone away anil he would never love* him as 1 do. abd—1 don't kuow
laM her little burden upon the bed. hss a beaiftlfnl home which his father find her. He fanxl he had noi under- but It seem* to me that love Is what fnrtably delivered within Cn secondi
He wna the rixtb baby she bad rocked left him. and Is an lioncst, unccessful stcMid bow to make lier happy
»uch a child wants. Think how hani It would Ik- difficult to And a Iwilcr
and you think iras an etoyipA- '^
two or three, and M-e for youraetf bow
to Sleep that ' morning,
farmer. He la like hU father, and had Iwx-n bright «tid sweet, tiul now he thing* have iK-eo for Itol.We. HImuch easier It to to get them asMgomnoothed the TTuie plUow aa softly would make his wife as happy as bis remi-mbercd a certain Khad.iw lurklii.t liabv brain bi-aten out of him. and onl> Hie Text. "Man I* born to trouble as tains wire enough. If U were all la
iban to make them plain FMIowand kissed tbe llUie bemi as tenderly mother sras. which Is saying a gnut In the tendw brown eyes. an<l in
one i>i-rson lo love him. Then to have the spark* fly upward.'
ronlinuous pletrt-. to set up a very re
"I shall divide the dtoroiirse Into *p<-ctahle system by Itoclf. The
arc a few amualng raulls of aort
as K sbe had not done the same to deal. I wanted to speak to you first tioM-. a little, pensive droop of the that one taken away—ii isn't fair. '
eneb baby In tbe IltUe row of cMs.
"Ho you loVc Bobble be-tter (ban
iarg*-*l stoc rnlile encloM-s in It* efforts, with two or Ibrrw aiorMs at
for fear you would refuse on the chi! chlldisb montb.
gras Into the world, 2. Hto progres* U-ail-'u shl-Bih l.2<Hi *eiarai<- wires and
expense of re
She sat down again tn Ihe rockluE dren’s account or mine. But Stella
Ills one thought wss lo find her and
a Buaioa a
chair, took from a
at her ride a und May can du very well with tiu jry to make thing* tight. He drove
-No. no, you know 1 don't-but It' ihrbtigh the world, and Z. Hto egress >-cpm>-s in emi-fool length*.
(bat al
needle and thread and
together It is made up rt( Hu mlfca of paper apjx-sred as follows:
•different. Though 1 d«m't Ruder>tan< om of Ihe world. I. Hi* iligrexs
bablde, and though no one can Uk< about all the forenoon with
man in the dCr goods imd*.
sew a button upon n coarse IllOe shoe my dear, palienl Mo11h-'s plare
r«.pp. r threads; the average length of
res*, taking arc to let no one Know such thing* very well. I've thought I
belouglag to the dark-haliwd baby yet Uulc Is old enough to help qtiilc anything of the oac. Il<- had ploade*! all out the Ikx-i 1 could, 1 thought you progras through the w'orld to trouble w-oion* ol cshi-1 used for under to ixf partly ouidoora aad partly be
Hi* egress out of tbe gnxind work to th<- hig cIHe* to Z
hind ihi- counter."
wy alept In number four.
could gt-l sorat-om- rl*e to lote an and care.
Perh^w yon don't know bow sudden business snd
The f'lllowlng rstmet from a MadV
f.-<-t. which m- atiH ir« mlb-s <»f wire
A door optmed. discloring u mo dear you are to me. Mollle;
are fur .vou. Pi-opU- an't help It, , world to nolMMly know* where.
If wp live well here
cal advrrtisemeni to perhaps correctKverv Ht’-to-'lsl'' engine ha* bn
ment's view of a rimitar room where Bo busy bcrc that we don't stt>p
Kiiuillv. about noon, hr thought of nnti .Mollie* glance trf loving pridejconcludc;
lb while you cffh.
nil cup-, au-l iHfsring* must lx.- made
older children were taking napa upon enough to (cit each Mher such things going to the Home, ami won.k-red that was almost luatcroal. "There are- so;*halI lit.
of hra*», gun m- tal. hroni-- or other for aft<-r yrw have taken one bottla
CMS Bunding in long rows upon each but I came here Just nficr louing
mint girl* in the village to-n.-r and you more If 1 preach a wliole y<
he had not thought of it l«-(ore
of my rotoiure. you an't."
coni|Hi*IHons of Cfjpper if Ihey
•Me of the room. A child of about Ittic Margaret and found you a l>ahy gave hlB wanu. tired htw*e an eneour. smarter than I am. Mr*. Alden said Huston H’-rahl.
A bulebrr'* sign out west reeds ea
ix-ct.-d to willKiand the- temfic war
all years entered and tIpAoed over to and kjvcd yon right away, t have aging pal amt hurried over th«- road. any girl in the village would have
maclilnery Brass and cop- follows: "John Jacobs kills pigs tlbe
Pranks of Lightning.
to-vu glad lo marry you. Vou see. «
tbe chair where the girl aat. He was worried about you lately: you look
Sins. Alden met him al tht ■l-w
ills fatlirr"
tlioughi vou could get another wilt-| An official atiach.-.l iu Hie wcatliiT| p. r tuliliig to u^'In many
a riiubby riilld with pretty, rilky hair. bin and srorn. 1 am aCmId yot the Home and gn-eied him with
A •. - :a hill In hiB window M
_i,ijt there's uo one but me that' l.iiivaii ha* kept. duriK the |>a*l 1< esjH-clally in tbdPe of i.iroin-il
But bis bead whs ta|)ge and unwieldy, have srorked tow hard, child, hut some
half-smile, hut dhl not siH-ak. ShiI ><-ar*. all ot th>- Ih>i BBlhvniicatrd ar-' u sill irndiire -e
uud Ihe ^vacancy of the large, light
t couldn't help it; there Is alwa;: led him from Ihe coot, dark ball' hive* U..bble,
Tbla to a
Waller. ID sidle
hi* perplexity, al-^ c-nim* conilng under Til* eye of ih- , i* an < icellc-nl conduciw of b-*Mae eyes showed that the little boy's so much to do. and you have been al through a re*om lined on either side
..SI smikd It c-rtalniy wa* odd to ^pranks of lightning throughout the;cr.pp.-r lulx-s are osc-d filmott ,.x , Hieoce for rpare tailors,
Bind had sever developed. He slipped ways so willing."
with while eots. Inlo annibt-r with
his band through Monies' arm and
smaller cols. Here-, iu a chair by the bar her.'quaintly Isiktng atrout hto w-orM. Oii<-of the Isn* lu lx.-deduct-i c|.i*n-ny in marine condenm-r*. while 1 One advertisement eras haded,
•“I haven't worked loo hard at i
gased at her with a kind of dog-like ma'am. I—I loved to do It for you.'
window. Waller saw his one w-re-k'* geiting anoth.-r' wife. Ck-irly Mrilli-’ed trem th.- great mas* of sIorK-.i! many vom-Is have their hulls' '"Two airier* waa* washing' Bo do A
Isixmt the eh-ciriclly of the havens: shath.-d with crjpper - ^
Ig'xd man» hro'hers Another adverflmroUoB.
bride. • She was clothed In the old rea knew liltU- ( e«mv(-n!.onslltk-».
Mrs. Alden smiled and went on;
"Wanted—a bey to
llghinlhg cannot lx- dodg<-d or| The «ky*crap«-r has rrxxflng and cor ; Hsenient wi
The rlilagc rl<x-k rtnirk one. A
“If you are for him. dar. nothing nlation brown linen, and Hubhic slop'
“Mollle. wock Bobbie," be drawled.
see I In her lap with his havy head upon thought amc to W.vlu-r—a pton. A. avoPlecl. There- are many sccounts ■ nic«-> made from Hto n«-'al; church*-* ' sandpaper. '
• *T cauX” said Motile in (he sub. would make me happier than
of llshinlng Mriklng and killing :lmid|an.l public huridlng* ar- ai-.rn.-d with; An evening paper sUted that ••memcti''* h«-tiiatiou. then;
dned nndeftone acquired by a Hfeilme you Walter Lewis'* wife. You have her shoulder.
wotiKii wl... bud taken tefugi un i> r ‘ hrouie ga'e. and dwjrs. snd hronr. . fresM.-iit liaya went (oBaalorSber
a* the door opened, almost Invol- - i'll'* dinner time, Mollk: wc musi
«f rockipg babies. "Mrs. AMcn say« been aucJi a dar little mother to yo
Mrh your things. Ix-duand iiiclusc--* In most of the*.- grill w..rk; and from c.*HH r and Its man x,^f.-Md<;o.-e rn hts arrival In
bablcs that I wraut you to be a | unta'illy she put up a Anger to say
you're to sleep by yourself as the
raiu i It 1* shown Uiai the i*-r,->ns, ...mi»>Mti.>n. are wrought all manner Wtshlngion. • where a
real one. The worid annul well sjmre' "Sh." but stopped half way when she '■ Ap|>le pk- for dinner."
others do. But there, there.'
who have remained in the room* -.f .>ther decoralJon»-vi*« *. urn*, tab-'
hr.-ayfs-t and i-crerml
added, “don't packer up mr Up sml such mothers. What—child—c^lng?| saw who It was. She beame vctv | A* theyhad drire-n over that
Kuo'h* and friend* lisd Irtv-n pretparod few him."
day they bad al«iidoned bv the victlni* thus killed !.-<>. Uu*is and statu.•*
- took BO nnowful. Jnri watt till I've There, tell me all about U." and t^-j pair and dropped her rye* npon the read onthe wedding
D. th" corrapoodat who lequlra
Idee bappi. very happy, bul to-iay an while seektog safety liave csapcd lork* for doors and furnlmr*-, rod..
duos this aboe and IH rock you this went over to the worn old aofa aalehilrt.
f-.f poniert-s. curiam* and »iair ar- H th-re ha* twen a^y andden drop ll
■ew the girl down beside her.
1 Walter had been augry ttnly a few element of uo*clfi*Uurss had txwn | onhaimed The state of Kansas e
OM. thonch I know I Itodo-t ought
pip.-*. and
often plated dry gwei* tbU week, a
_ . faum*.
“1 dont know what I am erring for: i times in his life—so few that he could addtd to ihcir Joy and made It purer.; to liave the palm for the ficrei.. jpcis;
He stood paUenUy by tbe chair I feel home-sick like. HeX to rich and' count them on tbe Angers ol one band for bww-wa them *at a lllHe child I of It* electrical slorm*. with ail of the with nickel, hut. nr-vertbelas. n^per wH..-i -sys: "We have noticed hot
while she taatenud the button. Oaee all that and I'm only a Home girl- I ^ That this was one of those time* did that knew oul.r how to love.—Ladies'’ *taips of the Mihsoun aod Mlsatosippi i.nd-nx-ath; furniiw, lamps, ebande 'die. Kite said, wba w« pfehed her
vaHrys following rtose behind. An l|r-i>. and a hUDdr«-dfln*U*-r bul equal- up. ihi
he paltend her tanned cheek tovlngly haven't gut any Caiber and mother I not make hi* anger ibe Ugbicr: be'World,
army officer riding from Leavenworth, ly necasat) things iie made from
n-d to
Ml tatmtie liana Then he tried and an't even remember any. Fr'apa | felt arried beyond himself. He wa*;
Variety to flennons.
Kan, in August. HW. waa shocked , jx-r. brass an-1 brotire
walk "
I not angry' at Mollle—be never thought
to poke hit loreflBger throng a rimy I wooldn'I do on that areount"
The good people who cooHder them, thrw ilma bv bolls striking nari Id manofarturiug processes, for
A farmer wro>e as^tows to a dla'It to you yoarvcif that be wan(f.|or that—hut at the people in the
tort of her hair that hung In a Utile
that deceitful Mrs Alden. selva aggrieved If they have lo listen; him. He saw nine huge tree* riyajiirensll* as well a* maebtoery. eopp-r tingulshe-l ackntlAc agrialturlat. to
little girt: he will icll ytw aU nt>out Home:
tendril over her
wh.-m he leP under obtlgaltona for t*.
If anyone had seen tbe girl |dek up 11. Y'ou mustn’t vaiiic yoursrif too; who
..a-.-,. ..
...* ^...id'f
had upon Mol- use* have good ryaso nto congratulste!later from the elerirta; shocks, while lb many way*. Sugar fact-wia andiiroduclog a variety of swine; "BeiigfaUy.
A —.................
belter lUHc.............
at havy
the child'
the child, cuddle his hrad down
her ahoulder and rock him gently to nor a sweeter girl dw-sn't lire in Hll- li.-s shoulder, at ih.-'flBly brown frock jtbemsclTe* that they did nol lire In;Ihe officer himself suffered no Injnn'! refineria dep-ud upon It for ibclr speried Sir: I went voierdav to th*
pre-ny. atlporiian dars. when a procher
wa* of anv Importance.| i«n*. pulp and paper mills for their,atOe show. I found several plgm of
wd fro while Bhe sung a litUe alum- ton. If I do uav It. But there-|wi. hi which »he looked so
in far:, except
at Mollk. 1 .mly warming to his subject
thej There are stor%*<rfthree women. I vat*,
for ihesr worm* a
her nong. be would sot have wonderod
Blrady. Bat go now. dar. to yo-ir Hto honest hrown face wa* color!.-**'end of an hour, aod felt that he wa*|ooe In K*n»a.-, one InArkan*aa and. *Hlto. breweria for tbclr k.-iHe*. Pat- rirety of bogi. and I a a aMoaiahed at
ttat Mollle bad
room and think about H. and after die- and be Hx-.kc Ip tow. tense
)noi discharging hU dm.* If he
no; the other tr. Mto*onn,having been‘terns
are itamprej on calico* and print
at (be Cblldrrt'a Homc.
Mn. Jc^n BUck died at tier borne
Ulasd ii cotered vUh Mnable (laber win illustrate bla stories la a most
pleatdDg way.
tad aftee Its renovsl wOl be Md<
uumner resort.
is imo'lcMeB UM fYtd«r ssd tbe re'
Bsslot will
be Bblpped
MoBdsr norslns.
J. M. I
At tbe meeiingor tberouncit Friday
. are Is cbsrte of H«oer Aoderaon.
FMd b»y.
Ke* Wexford. Mieb.. 3u\y 21.—At a
' weeung of the Bo*lne«B Mes's «s»o
cistlM Jftit nlehi II vsn decided i<
obierre Aag. i s* field day.
oomsittees were appolpted- ■mooif
then belBg a ronnitiee oo barbecue
Perry r. Powers 'W Cadillac will be
••oiQted i-lty ireai.urer, to fill tbe «B-
laily I-; an
-aplred term »rf M.
Tbe conatnjelloB of the new hank
to be bom by G. A. UrtmaiB and Fred
llaahrti; re-
appoioiment. was
in her
During tbe past
three sea
sons they luive appi*ared in fony-iWo
firmed nn motion of Mr. Wiute.
pleic endorMfsieni »f l->'h press
Hneiimso'ers b"ad wlib fbartea Wll
furotlei. wan approv'-d on Mr. Ab-
Tbe rotoDilMi-e apprdnied to confer
The date U Niiv. II
cheytra consist"
»Ilb J. C. Morgan :.tid son in regard
The or-
of eUblecn
inder Ibe lejdershiji Of llelli. Yealcw.
character m always
i-cople. and Ibis nucnls-r will no iIihiIiT
of .this
pin inc to the
IlitMiks Klelrhi-r. the leriuriT. Is 1
nest III order.
n Army
Dr. Tlouua- i:
f Atnerlean life,
springs and
sb-iialor J. R. llol
K»r Ihi- t>.’i;1 tlii.s- tiurn
for t. ii
Velnier II
gieitir with
Tlnir pro,-;iam
rODreri niiinlH'rs l>)
•Iiiniinsers, obi'lime
oalside of tio- fc’tlowlug pn»|M»!^
■ Inn. he bad nothing i» say;
The nqKXlttb.dATts '>ui
> good
Meetings win h.- hold
every Moaday etealog in the Horst
academy aad tbo membenhlp Is 81
wftb 25 eeais a moaih dues.
rooun f'otmvil of’i>ii' t'lly of Trav
Vie r. Palmer4Cnd Jatms M
Horat a committee of ibreet o draft
e.HBie owned by iir. known a:; leu.
There was a apeelal meeting ul the
oYloek for tbe pqipose nf
I"b Hay nirct. frontiiir on i
Itorlh end-wf Norili
srer of Tmrerse Clly. wbo.se resignstJOB was tendered at the last mooting
Dnlon street
raid city exeepiiiig a strip of Iniid I
wide off Ihe esst side of said
ing a aoceeeaor to M. E. Haskell, treas-
in consideration of
d<-c«1e<l In IIS |ois three |.1l. four til.
«( tbe oonnell. Meyqr Friedrtrb tuime<l
and a pari of lot iiix on which
J. M. HncUraaMel to servo unUl tbo
t of Jhe pmpori)
oteedon aest aprlag. when Hr. IU^
keUY term would have expired.
was In bnsineaa In ibU Hiy fnr many
• yeaia and oBly recently retired,
baa had an excellent bDElncas train
lag and will devote hIs entire Utne
"afad atteatlon to tbe place.
the "Ml lonunes ,if Mli-k.y."
He has
Borrow eveatag. 'Mr. Haskell w in re
flnellataaiel In the duties of the ofOoe
iv.’il, in III.- jiiv.tiih' 'siiirl.
Cberrtea arc merlng slowly on the
toeal tnarkoi. the Hontmtneney bring
tag 90c while good sweets bring more.
Tbe new potatoes are almost ready
In faet
Qraad Traverse potatoes tor sale by
grooeta end mall dealers
eliiirely hi- oun
lb- tins hnyk.-ii uv
irangi; of lough., |.iniliig Mu-ru
adher.'Uts .d
th.- law
yet altboagta they would bring from
Tbe/generat ouMonh Is
farorable for a good potato rmp.
been made Ibis year
lam Trontwlnc
I-- n.iii;i-a'iila1—t
by Will
There were two cars,
the Pii'al i
inn.t. •noil
.'rilereil hiiilt l-elw.-’n tlo- main fnlory nod ili.'
A In-i.-k viall wa
l-iib-r v.».iii nii.l patn-
end (If Hannsh. laiy A I'o.'s spur track
and Hn- further eoiiiddiTnilon of
suiMur.- rate and a.Id
ilioiisaud dollars ltl".tf"'l In cash.
Ml agris-, in ease this |iro|nv
Riraii a
tJI. (our HI. five l.s' and eaTH i«ri ol
patiy':. be; !«•-:.
large Itii-oas.- m
sixty ‘ sheep,
Hotmail picked tip
Raiker ami-i slxly-live feet In width
Till' exev-ative ixininnil.x' wa- ;-lv.-
Wlbjis'l to the ■‘OBdilioii. howen-r. IhnI
l«>»or t.« .xmslrm-l Ho- do.-k lim- an-i
prauled the pilyllegi’ **f m-atitir,
the plallorai of mic wngnn M-abs
tile siriNd on
butlding lo
tH^esl side
• lU
er«<-iis| on the raid '
Dress Shoes
lor men
Fox laliod Lur
pill iui the pvad.
nsb A l.ay csmipaiiy and he said
nmiilng all siimm.-r. .1
ley Lumber t Rhingle rompauy. who
;;tni.ied to build a eoqi-m sbiewalk
on <as-t
siie.-i l<eiweeii Gar
sritb Urn about Sfl>-eii men ami fimi
tBsaiE which he broiicbl with him lasi
wbeteter net>»sary
Ing fp- the Kelley ljim»« r A Sbincle
F. yiilmamv. omim.-fetai agen^
M. J
■ lie rtiy iwday. eonilne In bv lann.-ti
1. N rloiej i—.k a till lue. s trip op
Siipt. I. n GUI- 11 bas di-cidcd upon
ploy about wixiy mew.. A laige amount
tur." eoitnu- ili.- mmlag y.-.ir
of ptovUloas B'liJ rwkl|< r<|<ii|uice wei-
l—ri lugs >iat>sl no evi-nse or pain*
taken includlnc: a oiwl~ r <4 tents in
in .sts-kiiig to nii'ke if,., rnming reai
which the crew vwIII; be eomlnnable a l•al■h•^ oil*
ply win follow In a few days^ wbirh
will Ineinde dmong other nlags ihre.- t-en
rcrenlly bmigbl
Keller Lumber » .Riiingle qirmpany
Mr till
in He ht'U.rv .4 ib-
'ligb se|n«il Ux-Hire reiir-..High selofid
Ihe leading
Ihe leasi u atid w\l y.*arV nnirx wi
Oei. 1
butccrous lectures.
i* sjiendln-: e
IDicgb s .ni-l
ttanaponaiion will ba |>o«sII<lo.
who cieaied ^iiEter•
*iii.!i>v.ii at
: Lane’s Family
Trsvwss CMy i
M:' VViflp-hii iUk.,('iU. I'lnmu 14^
'-Aki-w**. r.s to
Order lor
; SuKk
duors anil
three da)'s.
.Odd !
We'il scixl :t man to take the measurement^'
Ksiiitii:. B
«t|ir ll.<•tl.l;
l'l..-i..-t'ii-, :J"*
iTraverse City Mfg. Co.i
l.ook it o\'..r iii<- iM-M tiiri'- \
Builders’ Hardware
1.. . ji
.1 .ir-
aU.-iili.,i. D. i.iir Mill- »f
m ii>w
■ Sel l ^•3ra!!dsa:ersa•. Sfc. an.'.
-.11. v'v line .IifiiRnn in l^>.•L
Wcllliyoiir IiiiIMiTa'
». tdriim. y.-ar :ii v. r\ InW' pr;.-t;a>*1w.it.- .i;r.-* t frei lie- tii-i'Mir-e tiirer. ami l>y ari .|.>.
j.n p'r.<l t/> ifiiik. >•.'! B441IP very U»vr
Pe for.' y.tu l.iiy ymir Iadi d.B.r hniiRIII.
.*. .IIP- ill at,.| . \.,ii.ii. ..lit -|.e k niel Ri-l our iiric-i-*i
Ilir.R II
IiiiiR.r ui»le aipl «v iire
\- ty i-.» pti-.-
per shakers, spoon h'.il'i-.r -. •
This inJu'ks
l’..r. •i.iii.,
'■,1 IiJiiiMiii;:
AiniTicati war* .
li is mad" to'-Mtul
in :
Hxvc yrni ever It.e-I l^e
:■ ■
a family m wlii. li •.!!. r«: .ire ;;nnvin,^ c^uldret
»ymi ’Tlc^r
alv> -
C»n»e4 C#i«
tiger and Sstmaa
They ire t^;c H«t
'..•.IIS ..f bean tltxexs.-.
cites a sera's of drawings
DgS Whi'
|k-:diTH 111 nil kimU
I.aifly w<• I. lies ing Iht- licori i
Mr. Outesiili \
IMIquc aad commuaieaUtms will be ca- bcc«:;«. famous tbe wotid o
Ubliabed with th« Islnads so that daRy artist
TrsjviTSc Clly
Manbi.H- pa- ••
r. omeauli app.-arlng I
The tag makes regular trips to Man
-An rxifll< ju liii';.
I>. A. Barber will act as Is the fitwl date anm>uiin>d. Riehar-t
.M.-ike till-kill.Ulli.'il fit yxiir
d.sirs aii.l
l"c articles in
In year
In* mi Oicepthm to the rule.
James Ifciil.-y wmi lo Kniplr.
Hit;, nbirning.
and other nonbem pmnti; and will em the niinil-Ts for the High sehoni i. -
il.,i.k we liH-.. t‘.<-
lb.' MAN I' ibl: morning
Tl»e Lectura Piegram.
crew in Northpnrt. RutleaK Bay anil
•ii-i ixiki-
('lark i4 Siitlons Ray wds In
Mr Klldee
The Snith Side lombeiCo.
rompaay, who have t’v'ea walliuc •• •
• x.i ily
With Os.
From Thurs.1ay's R.-eurd.
< onituiiUs- and ibe lire ehlef.
Ti avorso Clly.
l-vr days at ICmpin
Uie m.vller of .1 ;.l*lidpipi‘-,
DtiUlt -.iM-el wn;. r-|.-ir*ij-1^
Room 310 New State Hank UtilldinK-
Tile f.i.-lory has t--en
Painck Raff.-riy went to Foneh th‘
«'IH4r II D
in.t-iH.1. oM
••P.-O.SKS num «u»h l*e*.
■I MisploB n -.ii.-rs will IH'XI
Money lo Loan on Improved Rea! Estalc Only.
Mi. .Moimili elslmed
Morgan and ask litni If b-
Tire Insurance!
tlial Ibe. biiildiag ismbl noi In- tnoied
The J-oard of piddle works was
** ***
l.-> .<a I*, all I
..ill. i. *»i!I -.x.p I..1I..W -.•1/
ranis It s.-vera1 frnv.diiig m.-n will i,.
they had seen Mr. Raliden. of the Han
ihelr propiTiy.
• :»lLlr.i
,1. l..mi.b. lb.
liii.ln.-ss U iKiw vm a s.»mi.| Diuml.
see Mr
'Ml.- ■.Do
Wsywo I'aeaSr h«w» H!.-< . DKl F-Jlt
g.-yil ami ih.-i,
Hen. and aw»Mn as th.- maik.-t wai
' ins>ruri4<d
TH06. ». aPSACUt A SOM.
j'ri.vrt and e-'isnnl. r ..iir
•'Jidm f. Morgan A Sen.':
woiild «vnstd«T an efler of
he bas foMhe past year lu-en tumlrei
This v.-«r th*- f-elory w»
••Dated this 17th day of July. I!*i'*'..
be expecta to operate the
Monday from HlFsaukee county, wfai'te
l-xB p
Hf-Hal ottowtSa
IJ I..
.4 I'XK. aAH. maul .ra
niK»AT I1U-.-0. aura
• U Menwautovw bUr* beva -raraiw to
<a«t erafls
Dr. F.
Rowland Douglass
mess has l»■en v.ry
hilt it is said ilial i;<»je is a Grand
Shoe Store, opp. WIiiiiiR: Hotel
late in Ftarling but m-yerth.-b*ss bu-
he )o1v ileslml
ar.' many ..rd.-e-
rax IMand OB the toe Maggie, where
Mr. -Klldee lt»k
iH-for.- Monday iily.lit. July 2.1, IPe.:
biulaess on a large Rcale for the Kel
.-r-ie niy.
uioniliic on biisiin-ss
B. A. KUdee left Fnday tor North
Try it to-day.
the •simUllon IhnI H In- .iiss-pied on or
The mmmlHtv Dirt her reporiisl iha*
y ai. lejiMv ..) n,.- ..lais l« litg
life-RivtnR sleep, and Rives the
■ if l>ll■l•]itll: III,-i(.-rial, li.-i i.tir
In Chicago.
Th.- I'«.iat.. Impb'm.'iii .simpany 1
was i.ss iv.sl ami flleij
one nt till- gr.iwinc induslrl.-- ..f Trav
•>f lb.> G, R A I.. Wa- III the v|iy Ihi
this may In- .lone wilbiii ;i f. w iminib
'nie repiirl
daring the bm months
strenRiheniP the
make li.Te III a sliori ,limi‘.
Rapids luoti'i' who iiislo's a H|»-elall:
pecta to birr the
ih- <x>ni
of mming l.rirk l•uildhl^..?.
tbe arrival uf lU tng
Ibe rest la ablpped here as a e»-nter.
rest less.
Tlie ni;vhlneiy imiu
abont the clly but the bulk of ii Ik and
will largely iii.'r.*a.<' It:- working t.>i>x
stock Is
Jiy a l.vk of nerve foree.
II d.a-s n.d iis.iaUv .lo. anil )i.-M fab
lilr, or irther ailmenis r;ii!s...l
Tin- piireliaM- will
lot six lOi <4 raid lUunah. laty C
o. oii.Kicrrv. AtbwwM a> t
. sn.i •-.i-ii... ini-Lss-xry -imwoIoIi
It was alsvi d<-<-libxl lo boy o'H lli.
• Jn'emilb-. Mieh.
feet off the sniltli end of said lo’s ■
t'o.’s elevenih addition.
-nf.'iy 41 til.' plfliii.
street pitriK-M-s. slxiei-n
a'- rtoiri
nils will greaily ................lit.- in
there were 161 bead of stork./even)}
calves and eight head t*f cattle.
i.ri.H-s of.
is.iirpany l.isi Frida;-
said laud nr eireei from Ihc
It* -•••oiKt K-vai’.y ■
•II ai,.t lUe mvml- ;
Plata Class. St«nm Bollorand Accldunt Insuranco.
Miieh iDipnrtaiil b.i in.-ss was-Iran
I. R.
R. lo irai'h our.new Inralhm
r- II ai.l.m i-.w.irnnrmsw Bm
c.. W.III.4IU 1-in.a.
KunsyUa. lMl
Noi Saliir-lay ll:
T.-nv.-rs.- I'n
ione of wblcb was a double decker, and
I I...IJ
’I'akmg the eoim-- as a whole it I
alxo IhL* right of way for the
Tbe largest shipment of live stork
ablpepd to Buffalo
loiiii.il al 111.
rerlalnly an ex. .-idloii-I .i|j<- am! Mi
-i-.| al 111.- niis-'iiig ..r :h.- l-.anl .-i
•This pniiMMfl'hm is also siibjec
A little new hay is roming in now
and then and hHngs from 87 to 88 a
tut bas
1 :.-..ii
et ofthe <x.ursr.
* Tin
le naitil--r alone Is w.'iili ili.- . iitir-
Bought Creonvillc Factory.
tbe tracks as now laid and
hava been ottered on tbe market a*76 to 80 cents.
Vi--bnt Vai-iii*.ii.'. .Ml.bile
t?( RF.AR.iN'.
m<-in* ul :.ui-li a small .-.--i.
of way foi
Aswwa- to
I N.Tiniiort.
lb- i
In hi6 i-oiiri Mr I.in.l*.-> eirs m.'tiiml
logs and ronienl'i iH-foiv
rew'nlng llie>righl
3 |ier CCBt all«WC«M rUMC
:4ii'b a '.I ri> - .-I l.-.-liir.' .-iml eii<.'tl;iiii
sliton Is aerfioisl. To eomey to
The Marhete.
for tbe market.
Uudray ha:. lM-<sinie fam..:i.< iboidgi.
living 111.- iMx.pb- ol
Ihe P«-ro Marijuene to ri'aeli
‘ •2J52r2,'KJt3=.?-'~
■ F. M. PAJNt.
ntdliioD lo Travrne fity. Mlcblfmo-
bit bODda ready fOr presontallim to
the 4-Py
r II Sb.-iman aad tamilv at- *i-n<l'
vvlial >vmi
by uii In Hannah, lay * t'o.'s eleienlli
ret-crvlnc Ibe ilghi to move uvir tniild-
est reaMenta of Traverse Cily
is just
Mr. Hoell^lel U one of the old
' mala
Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind
ronvey to the city of Tra\
for iilieot pnrpns'-s, the real
city ooimcU Friday evening at
We hereby ituhfflil the proposi'lon m
eoaetltatloo and by-laws.
a Treasure
erse niy:
To Ihe Mnnorable .Mavor-nnd rnia
Imaorable <-<>ramlllee. James Mnrchie,
The prealdeai has a
!i Ibl- U-nnuig l>" Fraukli'ii
This .-lull isiiisinfs
vari. iy llial all class..- will b.* ph-ased
p«rt««d that Iheylisd i..s*n Mr. Moigau
M.— iw.tiy *4 -Mm Arl.'i vl li..l
Cablw. ll
.ends III
Dr. Miles' Nervine: it s—.iltes
.vtnsists ol three parir. giving sii
to openinr Dnlon streei to the itiy
Hnaleal Directoi^K. A. Horst.
tiiig a catch of foiiy,
I luoznWrs-. nnd.'i- lu.- dirisdiiiii i^f
Praddent. F. O. Ilcumann.
one of tbo bekriest
With ber mulher ta M'ayww I
tb il
il your husim-ss m sletp.
of a mosi
ra< tioii for Ki-b. r.
TtCMnrer. Phil Sinner.
Mrs. |w|ta Kiuep left this anirning
The parly j
Secretary. D. R. I'lmska.
rilf-ria. indicoslion. j-vor ai'p. -
The M.iiiuluc Gles-
Tioe president. Alb^ lifer.
■. ug on ih.- I^rdinau^
entertaining a
•.GARLAND. CavbiM.
lbi« mortilQK by ilo'
illu.-ss ol her m.-h'.'.
Is-rg. r w.-tii fl-biog this lu.duiiis, gH-
liaii l«*eij askisl to liiiure praetiial^v
lag otfieera were elected:
Vtar. Looia
D.ver is
orcanS^'Wer D> work natiirof
Sanger Bund
«... ^
Mrs. Mary Kirngle-milh ma* railed
i.i Kumuiii «’<i..
Hie moiniag. '
V-il tVlunte H si-.-nCing a i. «
Grand Traw TM* air.
house party' at Keystone
IIV«T rays of hi. le.-’iire, "A ina..n-vf'.l
lianaa’: .
Aealih was gr.wily vmtirov.sl by lb* , ’
Sanger Bund.
Orasd Traverse
Rawy..r rvtunicd tolii't
sin-ndlng some tin:, in tbe rU
nerve cnercy
atod with The nipidlv flowing rtirreni
:!2 pair;
t. 3: quilts, 2; l«by rabs. 2:
borne yeaierday.
..<1 f.ir rejair work:
jrenty i»\r years ho has l>s n a; '<
Biasy ihlngR given oiii at. uauat.
Ii.'.ly rc<iitircs this miconsoi.iu*.
lerttiriT-c»n * .luo-rl’uio Dn»l>|ejti-..*' 1
Ibe fnilpwlag U ibc pepott:
4toTe, 1; work foiind. IS:
conics cxliaustnl, and you .ire
tin Jail, "t
waiD) tnontbi and hence there are not
Id wife diirtag Ibe i«si wc-ks. Icfilix
iilaranit• siiffii'ii tit t.lrej..
The rixt-u-e It.-i!
ihe llstenei
ple seed leaa aaslatance daring ibe
food, bnafaelB. 16;
-eg tin- guests of JeroBH- fU.s!c<*t* 1 w-is-inrcsl to Je-r b.*m. in
uee al<rae(.'. a'tciillen ami l■ll>-r•'^l
idea or tbo work which tbe army la
.fiAnring on In the city. The poor peo
Vm Iw-
■‘-iTraverse Qly Slate Baak
Mr*. K
he w V..inu. Ihs
F. Sawyei. who bar
Sir. and Mr*. M L Hanna, who tar.-i .. .aonM-r
atn'-stni i-s with whiei, .i,- s|Makr.
Tbbi will glre tbe people aonie
Mrs. u
doinp when v.jli fail lo get rc-^-
Me i.x a -in-»k<T of
ini-dlor re ability.
ban lu« made bla regular quarterly
v- . Door, .4 Cbtea-.:j
tbe begianins of *l>e potato buying
the dty today on i^ way
oumlier on ifai-
pected that II wtll be romjdeled before
•hoM. 68 pair;
and Mrs. VVilssiu t'ol
A Gcacni Bukiic BBslnmlMK
lomo ax the third
Walker bas hecB aiarted anrl it Ie ex
<4 Mr. and Hrr. J>-ns
and public
belni, J R Manin and Frank Voirolia
tbe apetker of ibe'day.
t'iiy. •This company consists of
foar memtmra.
wbo give readings.
M. Hnellmanict warn ap- •rdns. duets, trio and quaiveis, Barb
eA-entsK, J.
During Ibc week of Nor. S the Cbligo Lady-Entertainers will vhit Tcav-
Pefw Maifisarie onctala, are la the
Sok* o*i!y by
Frank Boyd, who bns bran vUhlns
ahead nnUI she got becalmed Just beThos. T. Bates and famfly. toft last
sight for hb bcmie in Chicago.
Bl swimming party oo. and the many
9. E. Wait. Mbs Hlaale Walt and
porch nltolr* all cooiribute to good was greatly ewjoyed.
*• «Ma bMrri af
The launch race In the evening wns Mr*. Cora Pulver and rhlldren wii;
spend the day at Hartan Iriaad.
«MrtUM hM at th« Nerlhani MIetiiDr. C W. tsBlagwefl has recently
B. Starbnek nf
•an AayltMR tor 0»* laaana Tliirttfay,
Id a large dlnlag table made on the
the rlty today.
ttaa rata af.malMananca «>aaft<ad at47binfis near the water lor the use rt
wa» .
Mr*. C. 8. Poylon
themsrives and ihelr friends <m the
You Havc the satisfaetton of knowing that your CARTraverse City vlritor ves'etday.
resort, and on Alday evening Inst the
E. L Bee-kman «f Elk Rapids ijnmRI.AGE Of HARNESS i« evrr>thlog that is consider
m aanta a Bay tor patlaMa In
families ot Dr. C. W. Leflngwetl. J.
acted businer-s
MRpar iMnliiaaia. Tba rau wa
B. Montrose and C. W. Pierce enjoyed
ed GOOU. Quality and service are never overtooked.
aaiita laat yaar far tha lawar panK
their first sapper.
Prm PridayY Becord.
but we like to have our
ana H«ant> tor tha uppar. Tha aWG. P. Rlnn and wife atopped orer
Miss ainor OraS of Chtengo. a St.
o*riock eloelag.
night at the Park Place, tearing thU Msry-s graduate and a drar friend of
faranaa In tha aaat It baeauae tha
much approval. All ot the shoe deal
aaaaltiaa af Ufa ara pRweh hightr In morning for Norlbport.
Hiss Defflngwell, arrived on the Prom Friday's Record.
base agreed to tbe new nib- ar.d
Oemge Bine, of the Hannah A Lay
Mr*. C. A. Baltic, a Korthport Point steamer niinois for a month ot good
tha nppar paninawla than thay ara In
Mercantile Co. has gone to Chicago to the Hannah. Lay A Co. store whi
tba lowar. Tha changa ta totaar rata reaorter, van in the city yenterday.
time at the LeSIngwell cottage.
will maka a BWaranea a> aama VOr
Hrn. J. A. Crocket and Mra. W. W
The Porter boose guests always attend the furniture expoaltkm and adopt the plan next wtsA.
It b hoped and expect**! that woh
just as hoe as can be had for the mone)'. -Won’t you
Goff of imoDOU panned throngh ^e seem to be enjoying life nnd Landlord purchase the taU sto<^
flOO a yaar ta tha atata.
, a abort time every business bon«e
Mr*.' EUa Oleson leave* today for
The flxlaK of the rale of malale- dty yenterdny on ihrir way
Porter laya he looks for a better re
In the rity will close thrir door* ** d.
•aabe vat the noat Inportatit botl- HlMlon.
sort boalne** this year than last and Port Oneida, tor a ahort vWt.
Mr*. Gibson and daughter EHzabetfa
P. J. Bcgloff and wife of Sew York tor this to be the banner year In the
aaaa of the Bar. tbe aeeaSoB bdnR
Urgriy eoBBaed to roaUae work. Tbc atopped over night nt the Pnrk Place hismry of the resort. Among tbe re^ nf I.OS Angeb-S. Cal., are vUltlng Mr*. Saturday nlgUta.
Fruuk Goffar. E. Ninth street. Mr*.
procraa aa publltb in Uit wedt’a Her- learlng thin morning for Omena.
rent arrival* at tbe Porter bouse
aM waa carried out la foil and the
Hr. and Hrn. W. R. Hart of Big Rap E. P. Clary, wife and child of Jack Gltisna's mother.
General NCwn.
Mr*. E. A. Wrixhf and daughter.
Wlon paprra were moat eacalJeaL la are rcMirtlns at tbc Park Place.
sonville. III.; Mr*. David H. Procior
Heir to »:<•<<.'*•« Icf' bv bis uncle.
M.vigam. arrived fmnr Chicago last Robin Jacolx. a dia^ r in junk and
R. W: rreeman and family of Ornnd sad child, Mrs. Frank Proctor
After adloiimincnt which took plac*
night and are gue«t< of D. E. Wrigbt second hand xc»l> in East Oakland.
Rapida panned throngh the dty today Mis* Emily Proctor of Peoria. III.
at l:3«, tba riallor* went to Inneb
1 their way to Ne«b4a-waot
tba atyJiuB. after ^bleh they enjoyed
Cal., baa l*-en elevated trom on* of lb"
Mrs. Chas. Brown and Miss Hallle ami famIV.
Mr- and Sir*. L. A. Innls of Detroit poor<-*t men ol ’hat *>s-;kia. With bl
B. P. Sehcnck and wife and WllliaD Hitt are recently added members of
a abort drira aboat the dty.
The rednelnK of the allowance of E. Scbcnck of Pekin. HU are npcndlng the Springfield colony at the Rush- re the guesu of Mr. and Mr* W. D brolb«T*.’'8Bmuel aad J'»»<-pa. Hri.ia
aaeh patteni one cent a day meant
a few dayn at the Park Place.'
Jacob* wUI share the
more bourne. They came on Friday
A nnumber of the memben of Mc- last and expect to remnln a month.
great deal to the Uspayera of the
by L0ul* Cordon, s Wall strewl broker,
atate. bring a aarlng of $3.6B on each Pberaon poat and the Woman** Relief
who dU-d two y«ir» ago.
Mr*. J. N. Black enterUlned c
patieat a year. The popnlatlon of the corps went to the Inland ihU morning,
Miss Elb-n Terry ha* written the
Wednesday evening last with a card
Mrs. D. Livingston and Mr*, B. Mur
knal aayliiB at preMnt fa about 1300 where they will tqiend the day.
party. The game of ~»n**wna played ray went nTUvIngstoo this morning lollnwlng letter to the student* a
R. Walt and wife and Prank
and the ledDcikM will tbow a
l>*ed» Dramatic colk-ee; "I have
and refreshment* of wafer* and punch
Mrs. J. P. Robins returned to her
84.7(1 on the inaUtntlon In tbla dty. ^yd and wife are spending the' day were served. This affair
asked: to say a word to you. If
home In Reed City after visiting rel
favor us with a call f More sot up finiAhed VEHICLES
aarlng of at the lalaad.
one'wr.nl II will b>- 'Work.' If U
of farewell party tor John W. Black atives Id the city for some time.
John Roett and Claude Oriait went
$4.7(4 In tbU dty.
to show y-ou than any other-retail store in the Statetwo word* 1 should say 'Be patient.'
nnd his friend, Mr. Pease, who lefi
Mr. aud Mrs. C. Lewi* w-iurned
to Old HlMlon thU morning.
Tha tmateea in ati
for Ihrir home In Springfield the fol tbelr borne in South BoArdman this and If It were ifctee word*. 'Don't Im>
styles, all (n’adei. all prices.
A. 3. Min*. Dr.
John on and family. Hra. Perklnt
lowing moniing.
-H. A. Oaboma. K. N. Batea. C. V, Cook. and family of Cbkago and Hra. 8.
Tbe Loncfellow Naiional Memorial
Mrs. B. F. Williamson, two riilldreo
Mrs. G. Van Auken returned to her
Garland are apendlng a few days at
C. 8. Palmerton and Supertntandei
assorialloD has been formni In Wash
Id nurse of Chicago are at San home in Vanderbilt after
L Noble.
ington. with Chief Justice Fuller a* li
Bond, where she will remain the rest some time with friend* at Old Mis
. Pontiac ftaylnm: Q. 3. TlaUm. D. B.
pr»t-lilbnl. lo proonte :l;e creelhm of
bf- tbe summer the gum of her par- sion.
PralL Peter OToorheU. B. H. Hurphy. Pram SalBnUy-s Reaort.
statue in 'he naiioual capital to Henr/
enta, Mr. and Mr*. C. W. Pletee.
re^ B. Ihompeon. D. R. Waterbary, and
entertained Vbeir home in Reed City this townlng. Wadsworih
lie.idqiiartcni for the O. K. Line of McCormick Har*
Bopirlnten^t B. A. Cbriatlan.
Rooseveli has wriPen a bUer imlor-*Mr*. Freneo* 8. Smith left ihU
the hotels have not begun to lose ibeir with a swimming parly for the young
ing the projeet. aad I’ l« propo“*-d lo
* Newberry Asylum: Otto Fowle. P.
vpsiinjf Machinery, CarriaKts, Wauon«t. loipleimmer guests In any numbers ss yet people, followed by a supper that was- orning fur Doy-ne City.
ral«for the statue, of which
and 8nperlntendent B. H.
Mr. and Mra. Earl Irish went ic
while the Incw^g travel continues much enjoyed.
mects; Harness made to order: Repair
above (4.0O0 b* in hand.
Ourk this morning.
unabated. The &nns of the bay nnd
ing promptly done.
VlM-oiini Aokl. Ii:e new Japanese
loals Aaylnm:
Will Gaines left for Cadillac this
country Increase
mliaKsador at Wasbiagton. baa as his
Waabbnm. and f
morning after spending some lime in
every day and the resortera are con Fram Saturday's Re9>rd.
ron>isni companion in bis boice a
Traveme City. Mich.
CiU. Pbooo 9a.
the city with friend*.
tinually finding new futures to enjoy.
Mr. Monoo SIcg of Chicago, who
great malieae c.vl. Mr. OaVl new r !*■
lUrry Wall returned from Old Mis
Traverse City Asylnm: G. A. Hart.
A party consUtIng of 8. E. Wall. baa been a guest at The Pines, left for
eelr.-> a guest wtlboui pn-M-ntlBg him
Then. T. BatSA R. C. Davla. H. V. Miss Walt, Mrs. Fted Culver and chil
sion this morning.
borne on the steamer IlllnoU.
"To IVier. wliti all* on a «-;ie*- near thand Bupertotendeat 3. D. dren. Mrs. and Miss Abbott and Mn.
Dr. H. J. Moth of Chicago U tbe
New arrivals at The Pines are Miss
dllpcmai * chair. '>«<-r rarely lo'--*
Ed Wail went to the Island thb morn Helen Senrs and Mr. Gail HuBaker of guest of M. S. Sanders.
right of his master and sometimes :>r
Dr. J. L, LaCore and famUy of Elk
Other aUte ondate present were: ing to spend the day.
him on bis driv.-s. Thr
Rapid* pa»8.>d through the city this
F. O. Balch and wife wmt to Northd H. Warner, Dr. H. P.
■ell* erery one that IV
Mrs. LeRoy Warren gave
Howry, and L. C. Storra. Becretary ot port this morning.
I n-—l the w-r4 siMl ms-t bar. tt
!• lu-I iirat hbm- wri tOse
is the most aceomplisbed nf hithe
Emerson Dlsrkmsn of Lancaster.
in Heusi Slid r:uUd-H|.hu I n,wle e.nlrw-le s;th in.,-4 lUe Urir-« SMjrm ■(»>
Hr. nnd Hr*. H. G. Bacon and Miss
Hie State Board of oorrecUoaa and
kind.-that be ha* lived In four cnplgue.is. Mrs. John Barrows and
€>n. nd:Uban-oAtraetedSeauu|»in>l->41b'1->: onssrie*! b<>4. -. 14..^ sad H
Ohio. pi’Ksed ibrough tbe eiiy c
GhartUaa, Oeorge A. Preacott. 8e6re- Agnes llnlln who are summer guests
the ocean »1x Ume*.
U-u1.siHihr.4bef nOI t.ir Ulile I-.* - -i <rs.i» 1 rsn gH-*>H I bai .nt» I lUiMS
daughters of Chicago, and on Satur- way to Cedar Rim this morning.
ttry of Btate, J. B. Bradley. Auditor SL Bdgewood. took ibe bay trip to
Mat— •*
I mm <mtw tt
Peter wear* a heavy link’-d silv.r
da*y morning the same crowd enjoyed
Mrs. O. O. Wlloox is vitltlDg friend*
Omena this morning.
d-«'t Itabo tc. any l.»-al 4|pter aad ert n.y ptiree ate) M .atiiaB <■ Ibayuead.i.a bUI
- OeaeraL W. H. Rose. Commiialoe
chain with name and addren* inhcrlbed
the day at Omena. the Anna Tbei
at OHbornc.
Dr. Joseph UneU of Ind
the State Und OfSee, and Dr. A. H.
French. On fete day* a big knot
Louise Shepherd of Detroit, who
passed through tbe rity this amralng
and d.Mi-1 f.4g.4 to Moa.
It - the frW j<« are att-r, and il
of ribtsin I* f.vstened lo hi* erdlar and
portation. The bay never looked more formerly resided in this rity. Is
! Ward, at Ann on hU wsy to Leland, where he will
of the ]
t great national f‘a*is a ehrysan’hiaitrncilve and blue than on that morn peeled to arrive' tonight for an
spend tome Bme.
urn is mlded.
ing. not a ripple to disturb the placid tended risli.
.-pulrallfurShr ■
Bi-Tmstee W. O. Vinton, who
King lasipiild of Belgi’im, while at
beauty of tbe surface, and the trip
A. S. Hnliart and wife. Miss Sadie
rived at Deland this morning.
aarvad tor twenty years on the
Diarriiz taking a vacation front the'
Vnsburg and Ralph Hobart are spend
Hra. Fred B. Sriinelder of Wiscon wa*-grewtly enjoyed by all.
Uac hoard, and who was. for many
worries of klngslilp In gea< ral ainlj
yean chairman ot that board. Is also sin Is stoppliig at the Park Place and Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Montague. Mr*. ing tbe day at U-Innd.
t’nnKolaod troubles in particular. w.t<:
win later leave for tbe northern repraaaat. aa honored gneai.
the central figun- In dlr-tnrident tftileh ;
Fred Hoover, Ben Montague and Tbetorta
set that fashionahle French watering
Other goeeu from nbroad nre R. C.
Horgan of Traverse City spent th-' From Saturday's Reeoril.
J. F. O. Reed and wife of Grand
Mr*. Will Hederman of Chicago ar place laugtilng. The demorraiir mon
Btardley. steward of the Uplfr Panin*
Rapida .arc resorting at the Pttrfc
rived Id the city today'for a visit with arch bathed there, as did every other
aula Hospital tor tbe Insane, and 3.
and Mrs. J. H. Robert*.
Draper, aeoountant at the PwiUac
man. privately and nnosteniatlouriy
Mr. Slater Montrose of Rock Isl
Marion and Emma Huriburi of Dt^
Mr*. Malcolm Winnie left today for One morning a* he came out of ih>Asylum.
troll passed through the city today on and. Ill, is a guest of bl* brother. J.
water he riianred in collide with B
The lady guetU from abroad were;
trip to southern Michigan.
B. Montrose. He will stay about two
their way to Omena.
ponly man. who evidenilr did not
Hra. Oovemor Warner. Hra. J. B.
Bradley. Hra. Noble, HiV ChrUttan.
Mr. C. W. Pierce and Mr. Wm. Hues- Misnc* Ruth and Catherine Meckel know the king In a hathing *ul'.
Mn. Gampben. Hra. Long. Hra. 0»retiirned to Chicago this noon, after a "What do you mean. *lrr' he snorted,
bonw. Mra Washbun. Hra. Belknap. ter Van Dommelln, Grand Rapids, re steamer. Mr. Pierce will relui
few weeks’ visit with Victor Peteriyl savagely. 'Be more carefi:]. I wOut I
have you to know I am a memlier of
Mn. Storra. Mrs. Case. Mrs. R C. turned home .Tuesday, after a fort week or so.
Wc have moved our stock 'which was io
and family.
Bndlay. Mra. Qnatotanee and Mra. night at the Beadi hoicl.
Mra. E. D. Galloway of Johnson the pari* rity coanrli;" "Then I offer
I-' - -•
Hr. and Mrs. H. L. Frank ot Chi
thousand apo1ogl«-«," repli<-d !>*••
the brick buiding, 135 State street, lot!iR.-;
Hart and daughter Mlaa Peori; and
cago are at the farm home of Mr. and Tenn, is the guest of 8. K. McMIchnet
praepo!d at once ,^| am only the king <if
Mra. G. O. Bales and Mrs. F. O. Boyd
anil family of Eighth street.
Mrs. John Marshall fur tbe summer.
Ucc for a golf
Moore building. 129-133 State street. On
of Ghicaga
Mrs. Harry N. Gardner of Marlltor- the Belgian*."-/
The gueets from the city were Chap- plates entering In 8
’.tir Allen, former middleweight'
Ind.. filled the polpli of tbe First Con- oiigh Is vlsillng relatives and friend*
accojjnt of tack of room for many of our
Mn. a F. Qlvini. two sons
tain Bev. D. OochHtt and wife. Rev. C.
for a miiple of w««eks. Her prize fighter nnd pniprietnr of a no '
grcgaUonal church on Sunday U*:.
T. Stout and wife, Treasurer 8. Oar- (tougbter from St. Louis arrived on and hi* hearer* were delighted
husband will arrive on the <-vrnlng torioii* road house Ip OiBwa. Out .
bulky goods, wc are offering Buggies.
land and wUe. Senator and Hra. O. C. Sunday. Mrs. Girins will visit at The
aln and will spend a fern- day* in is In Moody institute, rhlcago. where
MoBatU RepteecnUtlve and Mra. 3. H. Ranch and the young men are domi bear him a^ln.
enrolled a* a utiuleni 8atiirda>. 'I
Wagons, Harrows, Land Rollers, Plows,
Monroe, Mrs. H. C. Dnrls and daugh ciled at the Northport Beach hotel;
Mrs. Elmer Brown Is enteriatninc
s two mile* from a drink and
Mr. and Mn. K. Flieken^r and two
H. T. McConnell of the Chicago Co
ter Joeaphlne, Mlaa gw, Mrs. Rowetc., at a big discount. These gooods are
children and Mr*. Hark %ehpffel of her parents. Mr. and Mra J. A. Zim thirsty when 1 wandered into ibley, Mn. Caaavaa, Mra. Whitney. Mlsa tillon and Carnival Co., will arrive Toledo. O,. are at Vaughan, the gue«ta merman of Maple City.
church where Torrey and Alexan-ier
^ Dr. Stev«aon and the other members here niuraday morning to handle the of Mr*. C. O. Usiey nnd MU* Dim■ moving rapidly at these cut prices. Come
hanilln' t|i,- gnsiu-t to the p«-opIe.'
W. B. Weston, piihllsher
cotillon at the Beach hotel. ThU Is
of the BMdtcal Stas.
Allen. 'They grjh)M-d CW-. but I
Bier, who gave a deilghiful marshmul- Chronicle and a veteran Grand Rai>the first cotllhm of the aeason. and
while the stock is complete. Remember
Ids newspaper man. ri-Turned home called 'foul,' and they pave me till
A nwaber of the tocal launch ownalt the resortera are Invited, a ro.val low roa*t on the beach In front of
era intanded giving tbe vlsliois a
tbelr cottage on Monday evoning last. this morning after a short visit with Sunday to get mm rendition Snn-lay
good time U expected.
our Johnson Mowers and Binders arc
ride onthe bay but owing to the threatnight I went lb th< msi wl:h them
J. W. Hanncn.
Mr. and Mra. Chat. E. Bmidy bead
—tef weather It was decided not
MUs Helen Hinnen and Miss Mar? There w.-re -hrei- men and iso womi-n
fire, all the young people on the re
•standard” and at less prit* than the trust
ed a fishing excursion to "Sbabyti
Kellogg have reiiirneil home from an against me an-l I *tirrender«--l "
take advantage of the oSer. The vlsTuesday morning. A prise was offered sort and some from the hotels Joining
tton egprMsed thrir t^anka for the
extended visii In southern Michigan.
The bisho;. ef S‘-!kirk, Dr, Ib.m!,**.
s^s them.
for the first catch and Mn. Carl Klus- in the sport.They vlrficd Grand Rapids. Albion. whnee death i-i anaoimee.1 from llrit
eowtem' la a very cordial ma
ftmethe lucky wthner. T|ie Jolly
Homer and lAnsing..
i*h t'ol'iniida.
hi lalMirs unde:
party consisted of Mr. and Mr*. Pau tion* of-the last week wa* the bridge
Mrs William Turner and Mrs, Mar he Churrh Mi»,ifuary society mobRnsori Nnlss.
lin. Mr. and Mn. Carl Klusman of pBrir given by Miss O'Brien at Mont
shall T. tlallowell of Cbirago
llurn forty year* ago For a hirfc slille
Fkom nnrsday*s Record.
Chicago. Hun. Chas. N. Perk and wife. rose eotiage on Wednesday last. Four
among the Indian* of Gti-:ii
OU Mlcrion resort business te on Coocottlia. Kas, Mr. and Mra. Howard table* were used and nB repon a good guest* of Mr. and Mr*. L. Mark* at
the aaeant this year. Every cottage, Gin and Fred Allen.
time. Ice cream anti cake wa* served Snosei cottage. Ri-n-nl visitor* w<-r> H--ar lake, in a teat, and he afu-r
dwelt lo an kehouse wdh ih>Mr. Prederlrk Dunlap of Washington
with the exception of two. Is oceu
The new gasoline launch for the to The guesU. who all agreed that Mis*
13.5 STATE ST.
_ 111- eoveri d great distane.-*
moat of the resortera being ther^ for Northport Beach hotel a^red on Mon O'Brien could aun-Iy give a good time,
thur P. Harper of Chicago.
foot. It 1* nald that la two yi arthe Mimmer. Tbe cottages took very day and she mussed up'the waters of and a* surely ploy bridge.
A. 0 Loomis, manager of the Grand hi- sa:k.il U'dl miles.
pretty In the evening, many of them the hay In'great shape Tuesday with
But the boat races of Saturday
havlBg dUterent colored lights and lan- Miaaes Rachel and Gladys Bond. Mis* fine. The pier waa crowded with In opera houbc. left today for a few day*
rarw baagldg on the porch. In early Mae Leslie. Hiss Lucrdla Magill. Mr. terested speeiatms as well a* many stay at Benton Harbor.
The Misses Elizabr-Ih Folk an-J
evening the* dock beconres the centw H. K. and T. M. Givens abrard. The along the beach. In the afternoon I'
Lou!»- Meadow* of Uchfteld. III., art
of me. At 1 obloek UOs morning the mile heat Is finished In oak and U was sail boat races and in the
the guests of J. P. Luca* of Washing
r harbor leaving a very speedy. John Fettlg. chief engltng the launehe*. with their bright
ton siret-t.
the hotel, handles her.
light*, making a picture In them
X. E- Digan and wife are spending
hundred crates of cherries.
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong ncrvfes and miKcIes.
selves. Four sail boau entered, the
Mnch wll] be done next year ta tbe
Old Mission. Mich, July :i.—The Jack and Jill, the Minnehaha, tbe Jo the day at Lake Ann
Will Earl left this morning
Gives tone, vitality and snap.
way of land ImprovemcnU and the Intense heat, with its accompanying sephine and the Alpha. Tbe Jack and
bnlMlag of new a
dUcamfiture. hare Ml tbe people jni got from the Josephine three min- Northport where be will work In the
i: itum jbdr 3ru{|^
office of the Northern for
from title* seeking rrilef from the op) and the
der of the summer.
pressireness of placet leas favored gave the J
Pram Tbsrsdayh Rneord.
i> five minutes, and
W. L. Monger «4 Detroit passed
Mr. and Mrs. George Paaflelder. sr. than here. And as one result the col
tbrogfa the riir this morning on bU
mi Mra. George Paaftrider. Jr., and lages are about all filled and the ever,
way To Empire.
popular Roshmore booae has had
daughter of Springfield. IB, p
The time* were:
J. E Lambkin and wife
through the city this morning on thrir refuse api^lcatloot for rooms, as they
, Empire this morning.
way to Old MUriott. where they will were all taken for the entire season.
At ttM wmitUmmmi J»M MMthifl •*
ttM aiylwii bMrdi «f th* aut* and
The Creaeeat dab. rixtaaa ttrang.
went to tba talaad tbla morning to
apend the day.
Hr. and Mtb. T. J. Quoting mad eon
of Detroll are at the Park Place.
Hm. Oeorge Paateld. adn and dangbter panned through the dty on ihrtr
way to Old HlMlon.
C. 8. Senaasy and wife of Dayton.
O., aiTtved In the city Un nidiu They
left thli nKwning for Omena.
Twoea. auto pnrtlea. I
ft'\ ....
The children’s friend—
apend n few weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. O. Miller of west
Tenth street. Mrs. R C. Miller
Btovewth street. Misa Ulllaa Miller
of Mammce and Mra. F. O. Winterbother took the trip up the bay thia
Recritt ahowers have cleared and
cooled tjie air nntil the attDOsfibei
perfoc’, although at no time has the
heat been oppmslve owing to the
breexe from the wgter. one and an
agreeing that Old Mission U tbe moK
eomfon-taklng ptae* on the map. Boat
r i'“........
............ .............3:^
lied out
ot race
:o i^ir home in Honor thi>
after spending aome time
with fiienda to the city.
Mra. J. W. Kennedy and dangfab-r
Loriie of Detroit are visiting Mr. and
Mra. B. E. MOIar, of State mnei.
To Core a CoM in One Day
I no-> reason to complaia that their
{school leaehera oUlbe male persua
ioloQ cauae beart-buratnea amoog ib j local maidens, for Irntta tbe new su
■perintendeei and the new iiriDripa;
IwRl he crill In tbeir boneymoon. Rd
[ward J. Wil’mas of Moaiagae. *up.T’
I Inteadent-eltet. was '^rried at Sber
jman. bis bride l>e|ng M:s* V. sv (!uM
; smith of that eby. where he r-rme'lI taught. Mr. Wlllman was on ..»• Sor
mal- fkrilege rieballag Ivku: and war
editor of tbe sealui annual, the Au
rora.'rTjd-ia;:«K l;i J me. T:io new
l•rtnrIpai. V
U'lmer of flayi.»a.
Ills <
eratni'le. niariyin:
UU.r I'arU-r u( Morcacl. u gvuduaie
lid* vear id KaiwmariMi •-dlizi'. Itr.
eiurfi; Jaiy to—A aid) boy n
Winiaa IMedrich iaaqwd oS tSe dock
tBio tweire («*t at mer «i Uw foot
aTBibbAM avMu at 11 •^ekiak today
tad vaa droned.
Mnakeson. July ».-<LDeiM B. BwK
ter or ibU ell». who vac kUJed lait
e««U^ a«er Buapenaloo Bridge, Cana
da. WM Hding In tbe cab at tbe
^CM of a panaenger itaiB ohteb ran
Mo.a frelgW. He tod botb lega anpataied and died tit bourn aftpr ihe
Port Huron, July ».-Jobn MKVd
lam. 40 yeara <dd, ia rellKloutly laawe and li In a ptoded rell a< coantr
lall. He toa a vile and tea children.
W'lKner alr^i i'r;:d:i;i:< .| iruiii ilir Nor
mal In
Port HiiroB, July SO.—Aletanrter
Blia, aged 77. died at the n^niy hoote
Tbnraday. He wan btiotrn aa * Sandy~
aad wan once a well lu du geatlemai
’Hila M Ilw aecood dMiih In the eonnty
bauae Id a werdc.
of rnmlern
•nay sui|irf>i M.me of the young jss..
.le iH .1111 j'ki .III ktiiim il;al
•y iiiiii- Vfiirs‘aso raiiii'-i. wi-i.- Mill
Mother’s Ear
The Kind Toa Hats Alwayg Boaebt, and wUek Mgg beea
ID Dse for OT«r 30 yoara. hag T
d 1ms been made ondcr bw -ptoMl wapenrinoa since Mb innuiey.
Ailuw iioonetodcceiTepoutn tbui.
All Connfcrfetis Imluu.ma nnd “Jnst-aa good»»are bat
j:ipcrinicntu tliut trifle with nndemUnvertbe bmltb of
luftuiU and Cbildrcu-lixpertence acsimd Mepertmenu
and fulii. froiu ItadK >.f ha-l-a-i
uM-.i fS>m muW5 in liaiiiii m lal'
Mackr. Thi>c aii>-totM liave i, iimii
I- thai hav-i.iiiUlRs lia« i-ii-.-.j o.
MaaiJ MiiUrr >oK -Stall i!i,.il.
CBstonn Is a hnrnilcsa anb«titmo fop Csstu* OH, Pare.
l>popu amt s<M>thIu|f tivrniw. It 1* PImiMU It
cuninms uoitlicr Oj.l.mi, Morphine nop oUter Narrotle
Mitotaocc. ituaireta
It deatroyn Worms
ttiHl ailuys Fcrcri>Jiii«n.x. It cures Dliirrhnra and WIml
Colic. It rcHcvcM Teething Trouldex, eiirrs Onasitpsttoa
lem-}', It amniiiilutes n„,
ami Plutiilemy.
remitalm tto
ml ii
iMiwels, giviiiR heulthy and i
The ChildiviiV 1‘uuaoea—The .Hothcr's Fncml.
:<• Mg fc.ntir*' <if fh>- il»v-4i.i <':ii
.-••it for iu-liiiii:;
In■i.ii.i.ii-iiir Wii Ti
Hint I.e u.ii. on fair bIw.vvs Is Uh- l.iU?
[ n.n Ik'iween itig KA|i;d*. ami Hi*r ln-a-ii-rl -Rill' I.ovnlv :il Hu- I'li-i-'i-i
I.f ll.r fair j..-a|.i ai;o M-i-i.-l Hi. in!'
mini ai rliai tli.u . and that ilu- ladli-:'
.Oelroll. July.».—The liaise Tele
phone eompany ihla naomhig died n
d^ cf truM or WAOO.toO wttb the
(^nonwealth Tnini eomtiany of 8i
UMa. to aneure that anonni of bondn.
Ian, Jnly SI.—Ooldle Blinder, a
_aiy Insate of Hut
inled to nee her lather In Detrali
^ Hhe lumped from a aecood aiory
r of the HavHan.7 roitase bm
a raptured. Haxel Rnblna jumped
m a third alary window at the i
a and ’hodiy la badly Injured,
alyxed Irt^ the hipa down.
HetroH. July Sll-Mra. WHIlam S.
Harper, mother of Floyd Harper eonfkted of the murder of John N. Daly,
was tonod dead In a chair this morsteg ia the home of Hn. Reid. S4C
Hnlleit atreei. 'Sbe bad been ill wtifa
ebolara morhna since Friday.
.Port Hunte, July SI.—Bariy this
M dt4ll aaleep on tbe bay.
llooia^or New Tork aiate at the camp
d^.eOnr dob” below .SC CUlr for ioolteg tents.
JaetoM. July 28.—Tba Rev. James
R. PiiBlen who TefiVTinia
aSd farmers hare out of about I1.SM.
ftes anoMed at Barlinaton, Wla.. for
sney ander false pn
a pastor of tbe BnpUat dinrtdi
m Cement aiy and hbd aecnrad an
I mJnlater aa Burlingw in Jnfl bwe.
tSr’ne la BOW 11
'Port Haron, Jnly S3.—Waller Oaxtfin. aged M. while working in a plant
oC the Barala Bay Mill Sble company,
wba orereome by tb> beat Saturday
tfienooa and died In a fnr mlantea.
Ik mrau a wife aad amall cbHdrea.
vJactoon, Mich.. July S3—Tbe Jewaiorc-of W. W. Rugg was burglarlaat iiigfat add about $300 worth ol
ttetebes and Jewriry atotea.
ii'Hei.-ii ii.
itai-h joa. run-iManv Inui! iim hi i
U->irtil.|.- fl.; n h:!iiirailt lur ear ailes
ri-lai< wiili iiilil.' lii>i how- inniiy lim-
:i i-aie of gi illii;: a lii.i
. wll . .Vi w>.
I'lilr ihlldnii
I*i iii
nui luiiaily
fie w-i-t'ilii.-. Ol 111!, i.-ar's eoi|i
ms iii
l-mi-U .
It ii- v-iiil itiiil ll.v- lilji-ial i.rl.-'-
il.. ai<’ n .-Hi.iuellili- more than uii>
iHiiii <-I»i-
f Besrs the Signskure of
itiility Ilf liv.-n iu-k In ini. and nih.-i
II l.e a'ti'ii.l'il i.y an unuMial imtiilier
■r .•■l■e!l|e;lTv. vfjp-.r of wlilrli lure iMU-n
-timaii- ilii
•vlK'i..*;- seilciui-. Tbi y li;)ve tim tl.-
«.ii‘!y li.iii .-1111'ii-.l ,,iiinnhinii iiy 91-
tnmiil rioiii nm.-ivny with imittiKt:
liiarhlii. V. evK f.i-tn ll:e knives lli.-r.-
I'••llllt■<:.ns 1Iii> loitic, who can
R eal
The Kind
You Haie Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
riii...:i-:i I ■u.ii^rauli.i: !>i-amy in lial.i111' j'l.lU'iii.t-- Mtiii::'!!" up ot pii/.
>1 ji ill l!
. IseAbled at the liol<d Rellevere uuaiting the arrival of Ocinm |{>•yI|■•n Biakovish and other proipfiieni im iitlu-Ts
of the iKuiy.
Caught In Great Crash.
8i. Peiershurg. July 13 —An ImTills was on the meiporablo day In
1224 when the great^iliire of Ortnt A I«pHa1 uka«- relleyml M. tion-mykiu of
tbe prenijershlp and apiioimed M.
Ward was annoimeed. reaiililng in the
Sfdyiiiii pivniler. He arwi lelafns liU
loss to Mr. Sage.of about IG.OM.OhD
7ir>'seiit )Hist of DiiDiHfer of the In
a long line of ‘‘pnla.”
11a operallonR nereBnitnled the pos- lerior. M. SliehinsUl. niAtisler of agriruliiitc. was n-signed.
aoaslOD of a vast arnuunt of ready cap
The i>atiuitui-nl lutlldlng was close.!
ital and Mr. Sage always kept hla resoureoa ao well In hand i.hat in any ye.slenlay and guanled hy police, who
amission except to tbe presi
emergeacy he waa eaalrled to comdent and vtre president of ilie luvuc.
and almoat onlfmited fiinda..
At the time of kla oeaili Mr. Sage llie streets werw empty and bad the
aa an offleer ami director In tweniy- u.Mial Sunday asiieci.
With the imperial iikasc diB?o1viiid<
flve railways and ct>rporailon<i.
Itarllamem. wltleh was promulguted
Nearly Ataatainated.
ciily y«-ster<:uy morning, the cirHalti
An inclilem which aianled the wnriil tore yoott'possibly the last act In the
oecurreil In Ur. Sage'ti uffle in the uld igrcai draniR of tin- Uijsslan rcvnlnlion.
Arcade huilillng. No. 71 .Rroadwny. on The |Hs.|ilt' and the go\■■ritua-nl now'
4. 1291. On that day be was stand face In face and >i|kiii the army
vlalied by H. P. Norcraui of Boston, a cie|>endK the )mm<‘dia;c Issue.
man of tinimlauced mintl. who demand
ed a gift of ll.sno.Oim. when the doStata News.
nuad was refused. SoreroHS dropped a
"Thfro'Jiro more flags flying in Ran
jnlte bomb on the hnnr. the explo- Fruu'isco than in any oilu-r city in
aloD of which decapItaUHl Norrros*.
the ITiiuul Stales." savs ex Maver
killed one of the clerks and WTcckcd
Htiieo J. Maelmnalil of Flint, who has
the whole office. Mr. Sage was only
J'ist reiiirne*! fnua a trip along the
slightly Injured by Ihc explosion.
ralifornlii foosi. -Ever}- man who
For many years Mr. Sage occupied
en riii a building, and they are ntwi!y of nne.Ftor>. frame or rovensl with
No. 5<>G Fifth avenue, from which
riK-ei iron, proceeds at onc>> to put iii>
wna reluctantly eompelle.| in im>v»
a flagstuff for the stars anil stripes.
about four years ago. owing to the in
If he cannot find a ling or cannot af
vasion of retail Blores, (o No, IT.2 Fifth
ford one he iiiivs cotton cin h and
avenue. Hla summers were spent a'
palms the Mars ami sirl|s’s on It. No
hla country place at ijiwrence. where
i.tif is idle in Trisco."
he din).
Mrs. Ceorge Holly, of near Ijinsing.
Mr. Sage was married twice, first lu
retiimeti fiom a visit to ii relative to
1241 to Miss M-trie Wynne, daughter
find a note from her htisliond. snying
of Hanes I. Wynne of Troy. His wife
iti.at he ha.l left her forever. She
died In Kew York city In IMT. and two
’racked him into town and Imilld his
years later he marri-st .Margar’-i
lio»e and Imggy staniling outshle a
Olivia, daughter of Joseph Sluruni ol
Rill- tpiii-ily tippnii>riat«-il
Syraeuae. N. Y.
them and ilmve home, letiting her
loisland to lullow or not, :is he >-aw
ClAgey Tnubie Makes You Miserable.
vhodv who reads the iii-ws'lo kilim of tlic wvnidvmil
luadc by Hr.
. the great Lidliver uiid liladII is tbc'great roeilIcal liiumpb of the
nincteeiub century :
diacovereil after vx-ari
of scielltilic rcx-jn-ll
bv !>r. Kilmer, the
eminent kiducy and
bladder apecialiri. ami « womieriiinv
aoecemful ia pruntjuly curing laiue lock,
uric acid, catarrh of the hla-hler ami
Brigitfa Hineaae. which is the wurat
form of kidaev tronlile.
. -Root is u.it recr. Kilmer's
thinghutii vouhavr
kidney, liver or blii^der troulileitwill Ufound iust the rvuuxly y«wi neoi. It hnbeen tested in ao many *wy<. in
work and in private pnlt
proved «> succeiiafcl m ev^y i
uiecial arrangetneut ba» ecru niiide lo
' ikh all remletw ofthispajwr. whoha’i
I^rtiter of Jay-Emdd.
I alttadv trie.1 il. may bav-c a KlClI’Ir
I.Ki'k tell
Akoul tbU time he fanned aasoelamore alioul Swnniu-Kooi.anJ liow tv
tten wi'h Jay OouM whkh copUaued ing
fiodoutUvouhavxktdueyorhiaddcrifotifor many yoarF About IMS Mr. Sage hle Whra writing mention reading OnOTlglnaled tbe arstea of "pula, calls generoua offer in ihi* paper and
j oui
nnd aindille.>.’' which he developed addreasto Dr. Kilmer
. Ibareafter on a eoitosal scale. While
to putrbated a arai < I tbe New York
gtorfc eschaare In 1274. 11 la heUevto'-^^^^^^tMtiecara g—.<i—laiu
'’Itot be m ver appeared on Ute Boor of' rold In- all good dmggiais. !>on'i make
reraetnber the
V came.
w <to exebaage.
aav miauke. bet remetnber
pti.iiii'ii ImM.-i.
Tl!>- diip fn.rn tin- eandli
r Tork. Jnly SS.-Huaaell Base
auddcnly yesterday at bla eouatry
*. Cedarcroft. Ijiwreacc. R. I.
e immediate canse of death was
i an failure renuUIng from a compHdon of dlaeaaea Incident to old age.
^ veteran Bnancler would have celeI Ued bU Biaeiletb birthday on Aug.
Mr. Sage bad been in exeepilonald benltb alaee hU arrival at hla
Vlboiirg. Finland. July 23.—Mute
•r home about alx mootbt ago.
the o-iilawed
m yesterday be was aelied with than 2no members
douma have reached here -tuil ate askifore hla death, whteh ocenrred
' Rnaaell Sage, muln-mltlloiialre and
Mnaar of American BnaneierB. was
Mgl Etet. 4. 1KU. in Verona, Oneida
egSAty, New York, where hla pareau
MHiba-nnd Prudence Sage. memlM-ra
<* a lUtle company of ploaeera from
OnsdoUM had baited while on their
tgaafwaid* march in gneet of a homeg|^. Al tbe age of IS yenra Ruaaell
began feU career ns a aaeasenger boy
In tbe more of bla brother at Troy.
At tbfc ngd of » be eetabilsbcd a
wbcdeaale grocery of bla own in that
pn» 1837 to 1257 ,he engaged in the
wholeaale grocery toatoeai 1a Troy.
In IM7 tb was trenraer of Renaselear
eonnty and member of eongreaa from
IKS to 18S7. tepreMUng the Rnilg
Mr. 8a^ removed to New York la
IMO and engaged la the rale of *priv.
Uegra” la Wall mreet. and later beeame a large operator in aecutitJea.
.Tililug iu olfi'Hng I'a-h price. |..i i|t.
A'tiMiiigli imy
...........I Hdrti^jl^lr Sl.-nocanae
h olly'&Bked tbe Bundanl OH com
y to remove Ha unka from the lollon nabr several factorlen. the
0 raise the pricea of
which would have erii&lied r
d ganollne.
tke proxtibfty of the tanka to the flw<t^ea;
tcieli war Mgliii-I l.> iii>i-<- Kie-riii ran*a\ii| 111 ilio-i- iTavs. Iirlii,- lo'ind vi-r>
u 1.V,.
---------------- revgfte, every UitUe.
Suffered for a Long Time Without
Relief-Had Three Doctors and
Derived No Benefit~0ne Doctor
Was Afraid to Touch Them —
Soreness Disappeared and Hands
Now Smooth After Application of
.nil fill
lliiu.iii fin fail . •-
.............. .
QTAT* ok MK'.tima.S'-TlIB ntoUATI
i.r 111. Iirt.bnii. «-nuit ti.r ..ul
CouiK., h.-lil 4l th. isi.twi.-rinir. in llu- t'lljr
•4 1'ratf-rw. fit., ue tlii- Iwb it.. .« JuK.
Ill Uic yrar
th.iu'..i>.l mih- bunitrvd
Pr««c. Krwl U w.lliir.JadeeaT Pnilaite QTATB OK ilU'HliiAK- Tb. PrubetcCuun
O tor tbv iimiili ut Orauil Trar.r.c
Vt'“u^i “XT "’l
Thi.ma. AlaacMuiiut .*14 rwurt, b.1.1 ai (he I-r>.
!•!« i.fllc,, in Ih, rttr -4 TniTcm. Cilv.tti
uu Ibr Uiu day uf Joly.
.«o-.tr.jiM»i.,i l.r.-u.,-!,. -.U th.- int.-rtwi
i'reMl. Bub. Prud'H .Walker,. Judge id l*rti'
<rf i-ai-l
IB r.--...............................................
b1 ~ian- O.-wr.-lB
rtr- riU.il
In tbe maii.-r i.l the date <d Wllli.
‘Thw.-iin-r II t> r li-r.'.l Ural 1 r.Uy. lb*
II IK li.iituit.all .i-cluck
William HoJi.j harun.'
lo dd ewrt
etiMl fur tbe hMil^of
IsflrM annual a.-i,.unt a. cua-.ltan ut aaid
and Inn pellli.ui prayme lur ili.aM-.w
i.r Mid di-.'....l I
■U Ilea 11 i.,u
............................luinds whirb wen- iii h
'luiiifiil. and dirkgreesiMe. 1 lud il
dorlora nnd derivivi no !■
i.filirrn. tine d
said 111'
afraid to touch my liand
ids s" .vou
niiV't know bt>w‘ bad they
nlhrr said I never cniild
eniild lie riired;
tlic third said tlic
tl>e aons were
by tlic dippmg of tnv >.amU
han.L in wi.ler
ill tl«e dj-e-botws wlicrc I work. I
aaw ill rite^prrs altoul the womlerfiil
. ...
Remedies iiiul
|>riM'ur>-il aonie of llie I'lilicura Sup
and tTitinira
In thn-e
days uficr the applicsitiim
fiiticura Ointment niv hafid* liegni
to pi-el
and were
. bcMer..The
' lUid
uiid i
new dis.tp)irared,
Miioiith and clean, and 1 aiu
woriiitig in Ihcd.v^ioiine.
•'1 simiigly rrenmmemi Ciiticura
Soap .md C-.iliciira ttinlnictit to any
one with soie hamU, and 1 Imne HmI
this Idler will be Hie mean, .it Is-ljing other siiffenT*. \crv truly v.mrs,
Mrs. A. !•:, Miiiiier. 2340 State .St.,
Cbicago, 111-1 ••ul.tf ». 1W5."
idu l.furl
W. III.rr b>
Inw-neinl In aaid
Ih.-iB-ndeney ut uod |>eilti-.n. and tbe
tberw.r. Iiy imtwac n e>«r u( Ibl,
I- pci.b.lii.l in -4.C ilnna Trmveoe
i new.iBp.*^ rriPteit ard eireoUled
111 all tilt- latest tii-aiifiia. Sat.
isfui'lloii I’liiirnnleptl.
matii- tools mill labot iniprmivl mafhiiiprv.
Offietmil works :!S1 llnv strael
t’iliycn’s phone No. fViO,
Judge at PruUta.
QTATB 1 iP MICHII>AN-The Pr.ilBte Ciwrl
'O f'T Ihet-.iuntr I.r ilranil T'ar.-r—
AI a—MUMi ..realil tv.iir;, I..-M at th- I'm
la>«eom.e 111 tlieCii' i f Tt.vi.-r-- «Ttt in -jud
lb- Klta -U' -J Jolt. A l>
^K!>KK ■X' I’I'KI.lraT10X-SUIr,.t Pirh C.-unty.
^ Igan. I'heTh'n.-nili Judicial I'le-uli in
A. W. Rl' KERO. TnrerK Ctiy
nun pi.tHlii.e JU lUcull f.mrt far tb«:
CutiBlr .r tiraiul TiwvrfM-. In --haai-ery, at
Traeem-t'ite. Xieli.gan. ■*. tbe laih <Uf of
QTATROK SIli-lllOAM-TbepeidwleUvaet
EiUn HrCMrv.crinpUinant.ve llanrEi Xe —
latSi.eaue 11 ar|N-arm« that tbe dri.nil
am la iiui a reaxlamt u( Ihia ataie liat re-ulie
airarVEne. Hcmrioa at Canada. Ihentore.
<vi luotioo i.t Verte C Otil.-n, «,lM-it«r tur
cci-Ulnan'. i' i. .uil-md that defendant
*T.£a‘”« J'-j’
“'‘ke.-tafa-of Ualtla 'U BUC
I - .^t.« i« pryaaal tl^^akm
iiearlng that the aaldde
ei.t a vrOdrat
uf thw
thia Oat* hut
iI.i.e..htiroeil n'.—!ivp, ni. ,,ia^ -f r-i
To know that a warm bath w'ilh
Cutinira So.ap and a isiiigie aiioinriii
■’ f
•' iiticii
-■ ra. the gnat Skin fur
t ands«Tele.l of eiii'iUieni'. viill
alTonl iiKtaiil rclii-f and n'fn-.hiiig rhs-p
to skiti-tor
skin-tortured babies, and rv< for
tired and worn^ut iiiotbers.-
j: pH:'B;~ If:;;;
if^lTRY a herald wakT
Yhe citirens of flladstone will hare
is n r’outionoiiacharm that al«n]a th-lighU iLosc whom it
rtMchcs. tiooil toclli are nm> of the oaoentia] i-lemenu to
prvwiuei- it. It is oftea neuiarkahlo how sevi-Tiii re|)laoei)
teeth wi!l improve the arit •tilation.
TI11>I.1'M.\ •iVFoltlierK.licciil.lu.I.o.g-. ..n.l . .1. nt,t
lu' ill ; i:-s-il 1i i ili. • I'M' r JJ.111 my w.iik iii.ilii-s -Vas-.I
— h .
luv-no di-»lt.-Ill mil.i.ti.i-niN t.i gi-lu iii.- :!lri
.\ ic. I... iab.iul > oui leelh. I will b. i;laa to I. II yuu.
DR. T. A. WILHELM, city Opora Housa Blk.
Ren! Esiate and Loam
Pere Marquette
‘Best” Flour
holds first phtce. Will
jTHi not yiv«; it a irialf
A*.k yottr Krortrr for a
Traverse aiy, Mich.
Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
In the Pantries
of thti most critical families,
cliib houses, hotels an>l
12T FroDt St., nonlaeuc BU.,
to eSrel J”1. i
, \W will ''(.'t you set'en jHir c«*m iwr .innum for
your money and give you -ns security gilt edge
Bmi-ire J-t...............
Bmuire eiaXeS B..
•: tu
I: In n
.11 -
Traverse City real estate or gill cilge farms in
• r
Grand Traverse County. Mkh.. where your
a tt
II 1C r uI'adJiae............
. Ana Arbor ..
i to
: il
> ii
money will t>e absolutely safe.
: iv ""
- » ai a tt
'll X.
>4jS p w
Treiu* f„r ^•..1ae < vr and P
-Pr>.v,.uMit >.wra al
g Al a m. nn-l: .ni- ni
Trs'n. tr.ua I'WUr iKpand
id PraietBuat aniii
«! ,
« I4a
l»a n. and* *• i- m
- arrive I- V a aa a»d <.« B. a
Xaie v.e
r a miti ueij, u p. b
r JEKKli. AgML
have her m* «»a twiee.
I win try to to towti« totoM
■to Idto to mrytoty wto to
mnn ii«ltit thlto>
ff I •var toll in trylnn to to
ttoM thintA I «W 'Tor. *rf
alrntwl nit
alone anti baa two treib.
Caa be join
the H. Y. P. Cradle n.ll?
PtoBM' w-ud
the card
Travetae City. Mich.
\Vc burr a llMie
coll. Are calree and ciaht llule plitr.
They arc aarful cute,
t will be aorrr
when you «o away, bm J Uopf; you wUl
write oftenaway?
When arc
you K«ln»
I will cloac with a llul<- »cr*
Tbc thloa that
tbe fanfaciM
Towarda makins IHc worth while.
That coKtM tbe leaat. and duev
Is Juai a friendly amllc.
l.rf>lla Soffalnac
Ttaink yon for Ihc >cr*c. U-lla.
have nid It over a r-d mniii^ ilnior
atnec your letter came, and each lime
I Bay it. 1 want In amilc.
. ^
Honur. MIcb.. II. P. I>. 1. July II. llk«.
'Flrto^k* Pm«ii
)ola vour tJuDsblnc cliili,
made nf
reil and si*l«T. and she slopis'd a min
-pip-li dl-aplH.-Bi's in the water a> lb
ulc. then
said Ibe words rigfal
lu out—"I thought rou Ellis didn't llk> jronii
Dll'. BUil wo-ililn'l ever be frku.9. andj slide
giMMl romp In the snow i
fish dinner, the liMcis a.e
Our icachiTV BwVc^aK Wai
I liki-d him
5oe*» tlwri- iV-nab «H'- Bunsbliii-r In
• tor a nap.
So tln-n 1 alnpis'd iblliMn:'
8be U In the »am<.- cradc I am In.
bow you ought to make It pleisiiilev
. pMture.
Wbaro the <|u«ll wblitlc IcrnU In Ihr
Gladya Blllotl.
Where tbe ecarietlHiped airawUerr}
BcnC and wc are all pleased to tbiuk
that you want FfI be a gunsbloe girl.
Aad the Aral crlmaOB buda of the
7%ey satber Ibe aider bloom while
They fifid wbei* tbe dtiMty trapes pur
. In tbc Boft-llnied October light
faaliloned. au.l t.ui lone for her: but It
‘^ey know wltcrc tbeffniU baagame
^On tbe tboray Wsekbemr vinca.
Aad balM Itoy caallea of aand;
bate drifivd to
we didn't want any more.
llie bumble and poor become great;
wbph Ihe plrlon-s are IIimIwii. of s
Equally simple is Ibe iHTformanre
wall In a daikem-O nxiin. sv
tbe author and
Three small Uiys sa' tn a n
balk ii|K.n ids ivyal iigliuess will cui I
illness and wlmxlaie the aiix. iln oi
Sl\ dinv hands rubbed ihu
Ibe sirk child f< rt’Jiinie elioiigb nI uiix: siiHio '
. ,
aw.iy from i-H tear? ->e-' Three
to buy earti Iwy a lop when
sbp expeeled we'd ask
round. IIS Ibe form ol the mirror
y hr.
her lo
It yi'i n-mains to liitixi
Tlits is easily doio^ You
ist only Imid a iiaper llgurv belwi-fm
Ibe ea^le and the glans and Its shailmimir. remxuxl on the elolb.
mlnuies she aat down ou ibe eleps and
You ba
IK M-euixsl tile slide ilsi'lf, squan'
gives in wllhouetle ibe loi-m the |>B|ier.
Moving It forward Ix-iwo-n the can
nearly all noun lime, and we couldn't
dle and the glass, the figure will a|s
help seeing her while wc played,
pear to walk more or less leisurely, or
tic KItly—She's always
r promonade may ix' arranged.
'Tbete are
out)' three plar^. aud it'll make
'"Snip, chip"
will loadlly suggest IhemM-ives lo tin
Shall be bcM la tbe
little brown
tSiBi do you sqppoae whe saw?
Tills is
lell US. and they I.IX a
nstronomer.xtSIIM' Hlev
Iim what, a dll
marie a peg Initi the bole Id tbe apou)
Ol l^x'
me eanicra
vBiiieia as a factor
laio-i in
«u the
mt case.
................ .....
A new pbotognipb of
'-'e Ix-avetn'.
Then gnindpa found a Imtion mold ^'onipleled nol Very long age
Now a bulloo |
■ iglu million I
and II turned Into a lop.
in his Ivll-haiiil |x>ekel.
mold Is a round meee ol w.xxl wUh a |
Ihe n ry
moiher for one.
flew around snolix'i
ami I; made a
l.y Ibe t
i.!l.-s.v|»e and the r_,ii'Ta In
Riandiia's lug k"U'" ,_j
ix e:
bit of Ihe-fexi*-
' \
mold and it j
turned Inio a lop.
Slaughter Sale
lie pui-beil II lmo| whea Owe Asks th;
Hie I'ole In the Jimton
fimc Un at fhe
Norih Pol',
tine <-f i1i>' ixlditii - of our rvi-leni
Then graml|va found a big l«-ad. j.joi
I- esemnllll.sl
•■8'on-?' we all said at
er's table, bet e.Mw a!l iwlokly ana
laughing, amt si,.- i.s.ked almost pmiy
mtx-h prettier than Maria,
town at her Ixiween the kwves. Then who Jumped upon the tahK- Ix-sldc he
iL Iregan to laugh, and she found om
'•Yes. I've slaiinl
a mote ' s>
^t It waa one of her Sunablne boys! aald. and I should ihlnk-roji bmisekeepers
wtuihl need lo buy lots of
^Oniy two iHUTt ihJP week, but ouch
Ipee ones.
la-i us all try tmd loam
Ito toroe L^la tau atok
Taken in eichange for Pianos
yellow oue. In his gui-ss-tbai poekH. I tbe qin-sHmi as m whai lime ibe iioilb
. /
and then the big knife made a |H'g|l»de kc'i.s.
from a bit of Hic lenc- and grandpa 1
pushed the peg Into Ibe bole'lu llx'l.f l.-ngliude IfTiT's^ibe
iK-td and It imnnl into n loj..
In theory'all plain s on om- nieibliun
Iheiefer.-, ihi
} our (hour .'/ //;/<•■• tuoro for $i(>
iioi'H P“’e. being !
(vnital |s.lm ot
You Ix-ltor hiirr>'. 1I1C.V
tVmic in
ueei-ssarllv have
pti' It Into his |sM-kel.
U't $ u <o
) ',‘iir t/toil)-../ f/irrr ii/o/r for $if
Sbonid Ibe |Kdi
"r Is'i-'ime habits ;
nme llin
m w
ill liHttilnnuu' iiintiOKxiiy (wm-.
Kiinlwll ‘ Iritnu
Tliia iir ■U'iiutjr,
tlx-lint sliowd til tbu'-lly.
Iht lha<
Well, none of tts wauled her. and
Sbe sthpped and Blared, and tt paeped
■fitai was the b««l of alb wasn't it?
^'Second-hand Organs
of Ibem all crowded up lo have four
glrl» lu It."
She wa-- Panlng against the teach
and bad its mouth full of rberrtos
Traverse CHy. )l»chlt*ff :
ere Ilian -'•-•m" wMb the unaldc-I
d be aide to have j
Me tbe lesidi-nt '
It Is. however. ucx-esKary to n-mem- dog had a lovely time spioniiig tops day or iiigid at
lionr llii Hi.siiyi i
tbe pleiiin-s show In ulb ngill Sue ealbxl Hx-ni. then they all by .-K-ellng t.. take III- lime from «'
wi-ul Into Ihc ?'o;i-'<- an date a tlp-loii
Killy eouldn'i do anything without of the luipers ean be ceiwnded u|Mtu to dinner—Chrisi Ian Inteiligenrer.
Ivbntild siieli
-Mary II. Kroul.
tbe ivsl (ff us. Ihmigtl
she liuikol. give sbatH- and form.
•e v.-ei:bi bsv-- i
That's the way li
djiiHinx-lii ol oil!
Blinders for Heroes.
four oi five days. We fouud 'kluuda
iv;k..xiuc urn. 1.1
Omi Averted war.
Friday. July :o.
Few iHTHUts think .rf the siiffi-riii'.;
Jane knew as much alsiui her lessons
|■..lll ri.is
joining alnce lad vfrauMHl to horses Irom^li.- u-s-of blliid
as any of ua though her dres
child's playlbing once hs.l a siNOhiug
The b..i>.-'s ey.-s are pla.v.1 ou
loo long, and tbe other ehlldn-n liked Influence ii|»n a warlike Apaehi- irilie.
RIadya Blllod. Honor. K. F. I). I.
the side of Ibe Ix-a.l, but tlie lilinders.
h(-r In games at n-cess; hut we girls
was tbe means of avoiding a serl- shiiltilig off Ihe si.b- view. e<nniH-I liim
M. V. P. SwnahiM Club Cradle Rdl:
wouldn't i>ay her any aiteniion.
war. Il
bapiH'Det; wh<ti a Mt lo bx.k ahead, b-iiix' lliey miis.- a eon
Frederick Kmery Kevwlieh. age sU
schoolbouse la In tin- eouniry.
llourke was In
with Rex. smut slram. ,Abieli veierlpary sui-1 ivmiisula. .Iimvv.i«.I a
aauatha. Trdverae aiy. Name sent by
nice woody plaee. nuil so we thought t'rooke.
1lie gi-neral was trying tn -gvuiis tells ns lends lo |ii\uliit-e w.-ak-i < all.-I tlx- lantvix ll>. wliieli mat.
LwlU Noffaluger. '
Manda June was going lo Itmk for
i,l»anil of AivaeUes tuick on the tvvKlon aml bllii.in. --s
It.-^lde-; m.-m l.a|.» wiib.»i'
wild floners when six: didn'l sloii
sene'but (ould not Caleb them wUli
I as lell.viols, and n-fl.vl lie '''int'li wos ,..n
Irra what ail the tbe Bleps. one day. hot walked right
Il killing Ibem. nmf tbm be dtd nor siiu s glare into the animal's seiisliiv. foubi liii'l ..'I' wis
Sunbeams arc doing, these braittlful past where wi- wcie. farther In the
ant to do. One Hay bis ux-n rapiurr’l -yes. Most t"-op> know Hi.- .-fle. I ot |le«. Iml b. «i U.
•ammer days. It Is play-time. Isn't It
gn>ve. Kyand hy. we saw her moving
Its bcu.l.
little Indian girl anil t<x>k her in ih< lb.- <-ye (rf a ra. of -xiiitlshi irom • y.vtion .'ll <b. le
aad she hopoa you are baring Ibe ver alKMil. us bnsT as she eniild U-.
.Is liaek nil
She was quiet ail da), saving ralinii.
a nos.- and Hil'
«ccM time that ever waa. HW Wij^he
making a plBylHiUH- ail by bei It a wonL but ber black l«ads ot
. s'ldif. Illy
Hi.' ab'i..m.ii. ri>
b.irse is
«rcr atop to think bow many hap|>y H.|f.
s waieh.'.l every thing- When nlglo ) ff,-,,j, h,things vmi cunid aee when »<»u wer.-j
"t ,|jok u,,,
Is' awfully lone
iHJwever. she .broke .iowi
bind him. In Jtussla. «h re blinders
«|it (rf dunrs? Your pivsideui imik a some." said KHiv. attd I think we all
soblx-d Ju.sT as Bxy while eblld wo ild an- n.v.r iis.'.l. a sb;ins bnis.- I- a
abort walk the other day aud then- fell -a mile aerry and son of mean,
have dom . Why a Oog Trots SiOew.seIII..S’
were so many pleasant things to s«s only W(. wouldn't ray so.
They tried In vaiq to eornfi.ft bet. shirflld Is- iiM-'l In rahiiia tbun oil
.that she smik’d all tbe way. First of
The nevi day 'Manda Jane bullied and i''en Mr. Itourke ba.l
an id.w
the sun was shining, and we kiow off Jusl'tht: same way.^ and the da;
From 'll.' adjiuam's wife In- l«rn.w.Hi, - mm.l.-is w.
tow nice that is. don’t we. Baniwwms: after that. loo. and wv could stx- hv
. Aplatxii.on I'
lirt-liy .loll that belonged to h(V li' ' HkIi nol.b-mm
lien. too. there waa
liny littb living about and
I- X -niBir
tic (taiiuU'er. -nm! wb«n
the young! ,,ji.fye.‘ bm
tb' X tli.'V
bteen that seemed to be plu.vlng with prmended we didn'l cart'-whai il was.
Aiiarh.' wa.« maib' to understand thaj j
j ,. j.
thsistearew. and having such a gnu., bm really we nxild hardly irfav at all
ktvu. bet sobs e«»sed 1 ^oats
of the n-iblllty. and <
lime. There were fiowers n. ..v in all for waiehlng her. But ibe nest mwu.
and she fell asbvp.
|.,„y rnux ii.:o Is-iilon,
the yards, and aomeUmes a loim'alti
hen we were gciUag nady to go foi
When tnivmlug eamc tbe'doll «ss;„..|,i„„ ,.f
i.t birds O'
with a iglnhow In It. The Wrda-aueh | iir irasbets. she slopped iia.
ftill elasord In her arm*. She playc't ^ lai.p-.' Uiuii.-s. nxd the
•autlim cy.'
a lot of
"There's a ix'w store ataned down with It all day. and
: np Imvsus
a;ipaivntly nd.',rf 1)1,. bolt.
al.nginB. and In a Im theta weiv two hour where you tolt^ keep IntUM-.'
Ilioughl of ever getltng bsek to be'
mnnlng *«mui
Just a* watd. ' aud If y«xi want ict. sugar, snap,
irllw had left her.
• though the) were playlB* •«- Wb«m
anything, ibewoman that keep*
Aoveral days passevt. nud as no orers
Ipiir ptewldenl went a litile torihei|(fn give
amt sell
m-s about the lefirn rrf the paiwax...
afee looktxl up Into another i
had beep wade by the irlU'. tbrj sv'lC
The aoble and wine of tbc land—
Tbe aword aad the eklael aad palotit
Graiid Rapids Furniture Co.
12? Soatb Union sired.
feieul slory iv l.dd wlicn wi- make use
Tlicu Hitee small Is-; s and «iic small;
imaginative mind.
Your KcliaMc Fiimitiin* Ston*.
Hie oMliiiary
have counteil Hii-ni.
Then the big knife
Rrsnd|>a shm np his big knife an.l
-"Whose playhouse ean she. have part
of thenr' asked Marla.
under l*'e most favtu-abii' coudi'lon«.
Then li;
shani aod thin.
will Ih- ibniwii on tbe rioin.
in the skf mxi
are mmvme.l
i.-r ol faet. m no lime e.vn any oix.
he found a|
blade, and one end of the snool grew
So when noontime come, nml the
a, Imx.I.-
serVL't. It Uia-s bsiV a-- H Ibere w«i '
came bis
I windk- onposlie to It on a table,
CAM- AM) SHE Tlll-M.
n eniinlli-s- ti’inilH-r. and yel. as u mnl
rening so that tbc ligbt will not
to come lo om srboot, and we enn go
"We went lops lo Kpln! " wept three
stars'' ibm one
smsll boys.
reeCly strike the cloth, but keep It
’ll Is a veiy eoniuxiu Oiiiig to lx
matter wiib my boys?"
knife; It was big and sharp.
curoftaratlve darkness. Then hold tbe
"Well, we don't need to have ber." mirror sideways iKrfoie the candle
"We dldn i ask her
angle ibiii the rellecMoii of
68 cervts a Sa-t
'I'licM' ililiK's arc ihc,f.iiiVnis I’RMS-CUT
arc made up of a beautiful design.
SI-.-, s«. !i“"
beuTls were f"ll of
:> light
said UellH Kelly.
A'l Bg'pl. tnim tl—
Ihe -U-ncc.
with a iKKik or a similar object inter-
and It's so much trouble to gel ac-
to sfcurc a liantlMHUc tet of
lowest f. tlx- blgb.-st. knows ibai i •
hmrletl—wanted to ask her lo come.
Shall grow mighty rulera of state.
tbe further eoixll-
ICgypiiaii' fall stek ilii>
tbe-e auimalh
Grandpa’s Big Knife.
three playhlMiiH-a out under tbe tnes,
Those-not so favonsl. howevi-r. wlIi
loo, bat we dldn'i, aod after
By a nong that a fond mother
Tboac wbo toll bravely ara^atroageal:
When Hub
brought our dinners—Jiiai enough for
Where Ibe orMe'a hammock aetd home, wc hurrlt-d off aud left 'Manda
Jane lo beraelf. She |ook<-.| up as If
Ato at aigtat-Ume are folded In atnro
i; ii-rard<'d a- pro-is-nsis.
and besides, wc nil know- each other,
Icarber and Ibe oH.er elill.tren
Tbe pen
on just tbe same's If she wasu'l ben'.
They wave from the tall, rocking tree
is a'lacbed
llon of
ao wlx-n
qiia'lnled with strangers.
They gattor iha dcHata aeawee^
They pick up tbe beauUful sea abella—
Palry barks that
favor any substitute for bis precious
wasn't fust bow she looked Ibal waa rairnir, a (wndle aud sonx- iiaiM-r figIhe matter. I guess wx- ibougln there
Ibere wore nlue of
s-Aa dare awceter tbaa Italy's wlaea,
Ti-sl upon n r.T;-islll«- hi* viari It. In -
■"Manda Jane."
• None of us liked 'Manda Jane: we materials readlK acxxxsMile In any Ihe ground o-ady lu bowl, bm when
all i«td an Ibe first day abe (Wtne to bouseliolil, They eonsisi of the wbiU' hr saw gnuidna be t«rke.l for Joy.
Her dress was sort of old- cloth—oi i>a|M-r
••Hello. " gratxlps said, • wbal'a tie.
were enough of us wIlhiMil her. and
Vbay kffbw where tbc apples baog
l.Tlug liiik. till' roiii'v
lie iolercsied lo know ibal almost ibc «b< went to loan.
One small dog calUxI Snip sal «n |
same results wlll'^w uhiatiKNl with
’htey KBChcr tbe c
.¥h«y toaa the bay In tbc meadow;
Tb. Cgvpiiam- l•eIie^.■
are ranii-<l mib-s t« li">k iil"ui on' oi
Boveral xiozeu inieresilug stliic-s
inissesslon. Ibe fnorv
at l!ii’ very lowest |.riee. \V. have about Oiiu Huncitm: out
(Ired ami I'orly Sets Irfi lh.it we arc KMiHK
ai tin: Mti.ill Mnii of
are foriiiiiaU' enough I
»• of ikcil II
The hapio ow tier of a magic lanlei u
may la- sup|Hiee<l lo .egurd wilh dii
Your Suuabiner,
That are.ycliev «ilb Tlpcnlns Eralo.
They Bad in tbc thick. warlBR srasiir^
a b.-aity
;iio I««d5 ntade
MSI!.' they
^h«y a
will work ti»id
Y'nur ear<l and
i.-utly upeii every crii.v
A Magic Lanum.
I will cloab<
for now.
wbcnl Ili-ldB
taught to tb- tirlv u-lksd
$. €. (Uait $ $on$
Craverse Eity's C«ading Drug Start
.b«ll flitl le carrl'H t- Hu M-a. ilx'i
•low II a .ii.le
SebiHil Vicitor.
WllM>n !>• three .
Iran la three muutba old.
, Cp thRMgb tbe Ions. «li»4r Unr,
TbekiUitinimwiTol PariaUrepo varuaaccoffduis to tbe petJportion of areeaic which it e muina. We havr a lirand that ifi
of full atAwlairl atrvnsfllt an-l wlii.-li wv Kiiamotoo to be the boat
gra-le on the Ob-irket Come in and p-l oar price.
4bey n-sl.t Ibe l•■mp■ali•lil of euBMlns
fur me. and began to iilaii bow
I have twn little hroibir*. Wilaon and
Ttof dritc bone ihc cowe from Iht-
'll'iws are out on IPlii
nur wbiBil. that l« Winnie Worthlns- make tiilugb ulcer for you."—
Uttl* Brawn Hnnto.
Paris 6reen
Cbat Kills
tisb.-.'t exet.i'
o ncitii'v a rrorvJI'v. -oix* «l ihv tin
Alt.') imboiit or two of
Our rchtMi war aJt the Ihinl that ar<' willtiiE to make ib<-n>s<-l«e.'
ter Walllr.
One alter another O-os-ua'
Mike a |ilae«i. then.' she
clcv»;n yr^m of api^ and am In the for me.
aatd. -All Ibe world wants Ibe uue.
fifth srade. Mll.c to ko to Hcbuut
(If July.
■ivwm as he plunger
I told graudma ihciv waaii i any plae«'
pIcBM’ aend «c a rani and bultnn
■- ankiou'ly awaiis ibr day
eieb eivmg a surlll. whi.-lliEC
will yna
_Jnr.- t!n'
bark: Ihov waa while uand for ruaai
mil be Klx mootbH utu ibe rli^ieenita
of this month.
Tbe queen of Uenmarit ooce paW a
.Hit 'o the nantsb erfony erf lev-land.
liimsi'lf to the uimoti.l:. show *i. '
kltrbl alKive Ibe water line. If he
Id muskral bole or a mink borrow etevyihlng that ww* -aorth sc-ius Ths highly deUgbted. for then be. quesn {Mid many ■omirfllB^irs to I
aad peUdet for coffee, aod she bad
i-amFl that be a
•list. and. haviug leai
needs «>nly to enlarge it a Wi.
made rimnios I10le paper bass '
family t
Ot all the dalBiie* be cares moat for j
thlass in. Ob. It was aorh (on!
It bapiH-ns |
salmoa aad trout. If fish are plenty be: lany ehil.lren be had.
buusfat and IwuBbi. and abe ru
for -ehlldrvo- i.* |
sioeerbread—such suod lakis only the cbole.-»i parta. a few,
Identical tn sound wK£“ the
I from Ihc ahoulders. but when tbe
Slnserbrcad that ber araadi
made—IteeaUM- abe said alOrc-keepera streams are Ptw be is glad to dine on leclandic word loiy^wbgav
worthy l.ishop^i^tsr knowledg.- of
'K, fn>ga and water bugs.
otbinga When they had an 'openWinter Is
his playume; then he Danish was niir “• eomplei.- a> I
We foigot alt about i«n want'
might havi luvu—undeTst«K>d h.T maj
Inc bci. and almost fiirgni to pli> Ifii-s Wgb and enioy-s every moment,
rsly to ask how many stuvii h> owio .:
keep buuH' at all. because we were all t'ress.'d In bis warn., do.iide fur coat,
and ptiunplly aocw.red:
the time running to the store.
She be starts out with two or tbi.r- ooni
•'Two bundled."
bad Hj much euslum ibal six- saH panbms. rp-Mrvani they swim. Uslag
•Two bundr.-.l rhlldivn:" vii.sl tbheir limail tails as rodders and Ibeii
i.0f of oa mlcbt be olirk. but every
qii.vb. aslDiinde.l
-How can you t-»s
laidy Bpoke fur the place, and we bail webbed fevt m» |taddkf.
slldy maluiaiii
a niiinlH'i T"
• Ah." cries Otps tia. "a slldei Xo'i
lake turns. It was the .tery niee»'
Baslly ei,..,;p!i, pbas,' j
scrambbmamllntc w<-M had. and noluMly cvei
.lib a|
npli.sl the
thouglii «.r Havlna Manda Jane out a^d VI.-ep np the briis snowy plane
1 tun*
eb.-erful smile "In '1;. -umi
m-siili as Bias..
T.=-s.tid tbe t«H> :>
after chat; w. «-ouldD t do without her.
tbetii out i;ivu til. Iiiil' to Era->.
among iix- ir^"How did you ever come to think erf wlBils in and nut
wbeti winl.-r lomes I kill an-l
Uatvnu spivads blius.U uii
anyihlns like ikti:" Ik-iia asked bei iruiiks
■ be snow, etuis bis loi.-|>aw up imdri
lUe da»^'Cnntlma made me iiiink of it.' »b< Ills brensi. layslils ucs.' «in ilie ftii/.^i
The eaby ar-d the Crocodile.
Faster and faster be go.
"You see. I fel' a lltlie bit loiu' pathway.
Whi n a UHlv tmby retix s t.. ai
ill b.' laiT-Iy fill's, and w.lb si'ate«'U
seme, and I ibisishl"-‘-er fare .givv
Fgjp'lan m<>i!i.-raml fsih.-t tb. iii-.il.
tell you my litik- neplicw'a nam
rtnooib clump
Monroe Center. Mlrh.. inir t1. ItoC.
I arm *7 iMMr I* «n»fy m
I wHi In'«• k« M iM*»r M I
A Quccit'a Mistake.
Of nil tbe wood folk. Oseena tbe ot
There waa a nice, ter. bew loves to play aod hau-s work.
lor a
counter and He makes hte home In a river Imnk
•M> tbc preuk-ai place with moaa and
«Mk[ r»mt
lixJO, THUMOAV. iULv'n. 1
Fifto 1
She had filed
We began to rniwj round her. I
ixiicU. oid.i
i -nioie nod wee." and we didn't wait
honiiie <mly. so that only tbe outline-
w>o« Way to Cut Giaaa.
doll situ in her IWVIH'..
H. IV ts an .'sperimeli: foi ibc tx’rs
Hen. Pack to hvr p.sq.k .
Tell *onx lx>dy ibal >-*u
Bouikc had no b1<-a of iM' ef to miike
ts henevuMU act wunld have cut glass with a ibiead and peTbap.
upon t.*ic Indians.
the child
wi:i nui I'.ll'-ve yoj.
reaclKd lliect. with IH.' preil;.' doll in
do II
very easily.
Us (hubby hamiMli mad-' a gnat sen
But yoa (
.M 15. Iliirinr, rjop.
o^niudi clic^ier
Baad Maoaf For Cvtey Bmp
Of Bmam Tm Nava Ta toll.
ISul V'.'i (Joti'l get all yonrrmrs iiroilucc bjr
a llnrd to a ha;( unless vsu Usc a Separator.*
The iu-I>ruVrd fricliouiesB
, Empire Cream Separatfif
taVos all tiic cream oi:l of I!..- tnirK and takes il out at
Con* IM and Sm Hbw tka
iu«»tcs.!» IV «>■ IS ®t ■ I • i:-'
OatM CHy loal. Ct„ Trmiaa
. - (onn< of Stetnach Duorder
■ in Ibis wav never rHnrnt.
PewMod, a rv K-Ut > I dr ..a >1.
A noted phr»ici*n of I'ittdiarg. 1
I rececit teller to Dr. Oidtuau way
Have a si rip
R>!bvn air.ceE ihein, an.l laier on H.- .lippiil Ihe thread in sulphur, wrap it
mother ram.' bark 10 ihe p^.st' wli.s it. ;;:rviiii.l the glS-'S wher»> you wish lo
l»: S.l..q iu»iTol.l-Ti. ls..t
I e.-( .•igahle rsni-lr T"" .li-e.-r-'.st. wewill«e»l (VXl s So-cettt YotUe FKEE.
.„nie au.l address and jrOB
■t loaa.-a-wje ea'>PejMoi-1. core
nv»;*^«ti arvd all,
^te. a full awed bottle.
^'I»jassa3site=s *«-«. «i«t~
iT.'oJ-I i.'Hir i-i” Tsi'r.n^tbewwucmt lioinv'oftbsSPrn;
She was kin-tly twned. and boa- <-ut It. 'Tbia wet fin- to tiiv thread aud
■ertr-tkiw. *Psa».4.t..' aa hnadr—■
pUaPly tr-a.id. aad ibr.wgb her tix while 11 Iw bumitu: dip It quickly
breeding gvriuv. Dv .pr{.sva smltbe wor.t‘c>t«y -a.
................................. ut..-rw-r.l i-: .m.s .Ho|...M '-a-.r and ii k.ll rut ibe tnaiwFwi ii.ax.iru.tba lact
move hark to ibe reaewf.
1 Inin two |*er^
Sow and
After the akin baa been aoCleBed
with aoBe alsoBd pa«e or a light
pouilke, loBioa jalee will
ftwekke. To
«Pfdr. mb a freata cat teOMB oa the
atnaglr rMotnBienda lotlona of rlehr
water, algbt and nonlnc. eoaUaned
for several alnatea and allowed to
diT -wUbottt wlplBg. This caa certainBu BOW I win Biw In a aolt raCnla
Ir do DO bam.
Of the glri yo« would like to know;
Alaioat anr case of frecAlea which
Tka Kiri who CBB cook wUboat paper re not perma»eoi should rield to
or book.
iBie ft these rctnedlea.
The Kiri who can dan and atn.
Of the Kiri who nerer went far fro
Fa tha Aumner Qlrl.
Th* AMMtMt OIrt «f All.
Ft* ntf or Ibe (Irli vbo pl»r wt loK.
Of the clH« wbo e«k ■«<! ■hoM;
rv« MBg e( tbe maid wbo'i Dot mfrald
. To poM IB b«r bMUns ault
rre saap of tlie Klrl vbo ««d* > doko.
ABd ilTM la a palace ball; '
AM ihe fooUlght saidA with their
Uefata a>d Bhadea.
Fee aBB« c< then one aad alL
Bllk. The same design to very
pretty If. after sewtog. tbe braid te
tbe matertal to cm away and. sfv
working, tbe cover placed over a green
or porch tbc Ru»
For (be b
stoa trash pillow is a gearrol (avortu. aad deserredly so. (or it to artis
tic aad cool, aad does net rellnq
its beauty throuA> harsh treatmei
Tbe large baodanaa handkcrc!
kmgtcd at the corners orer yoor win
ter sofa piilowa give tbem a quaint
look. Bad are a good protcctlcm for (be
Aa attneUre pGlow
Sheer grass cloth, embra
pise cooes to tbeir aatnral shades of
warm greva and brown, and tbe
dies done to outllac sUteh, to 4lark
green. ThU Is' flnisbed with a hem
stitched ruffle of the grass cloth.
ires US that the fitting comtpooda with the embroidery.
So doubt moat of our readera aiv fa.
miliar with fagoting and bare made
ycAes. stocks and dress trimmings,
but have never dreamed what a dainir
pillow eorer can be lasfaioaed
(agedag. The renter Is made by
crossing the baDdR to that a small
square is formed and In each square a
spider or ^ce stitch filliag is put
Tbe corners are straight bands fag
oted together. The ruffle has a band
fagoted oa the outer edge. If made ot
white plaec tbe cover over a dainty
pillow. ThU IB
work and tbe cost trifling, as
pretty pittres ot law ns -and linen Ivtl
fro mthc summer dresses can be util
ized. Make your stitches very cluse
together (or a pillow cover as It
bard usage, and besides, will launder
bettery -For this work some adviw
sUtebing tbe bands on each side, not
trusting the folded to edge fur pillows.
miss making a clover |>IIIuw
this year. Gather the hi-uds of sweet
scented cioTcr. spread tbem on papers
where they; will dry qulckly-T^bui
to the sun. Fill a muslin pillow slip
with the dried clover, adding a sprink
le of clover sachet ^powder, pul
dainty cover, and you will have a fragrunt souvenir of ’ ibr p>od old
Imc.” A trio of clover pillows
which arc (be pride of their designer
have covers of heavy green iiovn
to the shape of four-leal clovers. The
leaves au- sewed smoothly over tbe
pillows, which have puffings of clover
pink linen around the sides. Two
the pillows are round. Ibe other U
square. White lawn with a deep hem
etlirhe^odge. laced over a green slip
with narrow pink rildion. makes a
charming cover, for a clover pillow,
with a handful of pink clover blos
soms ami leaves falling across from
one corner, painted very sketchily in
a sok blurred effect like flowered mus
lin. If indelible Inks arc used, this
cover may be laundered.
carters aboald be Hued Instead of pa
per. as tbe bair may be voaad llgbler
on tbem without palUag at tbe rooU.
Far Atmymr Cvaalnga.
Ginger Water' lee—Rather aansua)
Is (bto froaen sweet, bat aome there be
wbo praaouBce It dellcious,_To make
It prepare a plain lemo^ Ice and flavor
K strongly with tbe 'svrup of pr>-served ginger, preferably tbe Ira ported
variety. When the lee Is ball (roiea
sUr to chopped gtoger to tW^eslred
Mint Sberbol-Aiifrbet to made
by adding a lUfdfnI ef crosbed mint
boiling hM and very sweet leimn
adc. fctttng it ataad (ill coul. strain
tog and (reettog. A lew droih- of greeii
ec orlag Improves Its appearaace A
sprig of mint may be pot la (he sber '
bet glass wUh tbc Ice. ir needed.
Cocoa Frappe—Mis ball a pound of
coroa^d three cupfuls of sugar; cool.'
wiib two cupfuls of builiag wa'er iin
til smooib; add to three quarts and'tii
half of mtik scalded with ctonamon |
bark; cook (or ten minutes. Beat in |
the beau*a wbites ot two eggs mixetl I
with a cupful of sugar mad a pint •>('
whipped ertam. Cool, flavor will,'
vanilla cx'rtcl. and (rveac. Serve in'
Coffee Mousse—Coflee mbossr t
made by whipping swvcteaed crea«D
sirougiy flavored with'black coffee, uii
111 t( U perfeeil) stllf; Ibca paeklnu
to a mould and burying to lee aod sal<
at least four hours before it t
Peach tee—Tile pulp of peaches, aell as apricots, makes a deliclouwater Ice. combined with the acid ot
m Juke. Pr-clcd and rubbe-l
■ hrough o puree sli-vc either the pul >
of aloe plump, ripe peaches or Itopulp of a dozen luscious apricots. Adii
the Juice of three lemons. Boll rap
Idly a quart of water In which a ptn>
of sugar has bten dissolved. Add lb<
(roll pulp and Ireere.
BIM llaiBKs for the boraa drawers
Who U Tcdd of all aodal
r sWrl-wsm boxes, la wblrt poo
Wbo U bo»eljf sad aeat. old-taabloaod kap par prclilat blouM. kap them
MdalaUlp white. Siceve linings
, The girl wbo* pon aee la jonr map.uke the form of tissue aper or
of ptein cotta st«ir«. which are laid,
•-Joe Om. ta WoBiaa'a Hone Co*- flnt la tbc drawer and folded over
the pile of white elotha. Or tufted
Iwda. with oome deliaie. subtle per^
I Introduoed Into the cotta fllli» I wotdd flood row path with aanIng. fill the need In a fashion which
inch preuier. sad cost but a trifle
I would feace pon traa all lU.
1 would crown poo wttb nil bless- ■
Gloves'win war lager If thep arc
Inga If I could bat bum np
»ren aired bp lartBg\them at a a
Bbeet of aper aar a window after
9 Ape! but bnmuu tore may err.
(hep have been sron; (hep map tbra
be smoothed at and laid swap In the
’• Aad n power all wine la neur.
olia aper la which they amc from
• 6o I onlp prap God Meaa pou.
.tore; thU oiled aper helps the
kM to retain Its elattlcltr. and lagth•' And Ood keep poo to the end.
• Drinks.
as the life of the gloves.
FVult Beverage—Peel a doica lemVella ahald never be folded; a glli as and aqaecae (be juice over tbe
irtaln rod. hung upon little blocks of 'pbclings and let it stand for three
wood Just toridc the wardrobe dar. hours: then put to one pound of augaffords a oavalat pl^ for hanging
To a Bhrodded pineapple, canned
''The Soniiner Otrt—Ood l|)csa her! theca away without a fold or wrinkle, will do. add one quart of mashed red
Car? of the Hair.
Tk* huwleat. brt^leai. merrlcat bit
rellaa ahald be unrolled before
ipbcrriea and a half pound of sugar
la tbe hot weather Ihe hair need,
«d femlolnltp la the universe! What putting then away, and a wide full
itraln the raspberries first—ihea
more aitentloa than any other port ot
elder woBua la there, worn with Jlfe's
of denlm.^t^od to the lower strain-\hc lemon Juice: mix alt with
the dermal svstem. Tile exccsstv.
fwpfFUilWlKlea, even uibiigh happp In part of the wardrobe door. 1a an ex
quarts of water. Serve with
perapiratioD of the aralp to summei
then aad in her bode caree. who does cellent place la which to keep (ham.
crushed lee.
collects dust and causes dandruff. In
ant look buck with plcanre npoo tbc Parasols shoald be rolled securely In
Lemonade Syrup—Take the grated
erder to prevent the pores from being
ttee. nU 100 nlyrt, which Intervened scented tissue paper, and told to a
rinds of six lemons; add a pound of
clogged by effete matter Hie greatest
Aetween her adintd daps and tbc
dnwer. away from the dust
sugar; moisten with enough water to
atieailon should be naid lu cleanli
bonn when It flrtt began to dawn npe U so old-fashioned as to ua< nbsoib tbe sugar, then boil till It 1s
ness, to the exercise of the little mus
e« her that there war aonelhlng nor<
nsdown putt or adding th< clear syrup. Ad dthc Juice of twelve
cic* of the skin and the ventilation
‘Ik life than barUtg a good Ume; that -beauty touch” one to nnfortnnat lemons while hot. but do aot boll. Bot
the hair shafts, to addition to
It held dudes. carei.Jienrtncbes. The enough to have it soli bccaaloBally.
tle while hot. and cork when cofd.
the ends of tbc baIr should be frt^
gaxiods daps, the dppa of bard work, The way to make It alec and eleon
Keep a bottle on^ec. and mix with
quenily clipped.
pea. even the oaea flUed with deeper,
iway" again to to make
e to
I wtobed.
In washing and brushtug the bal
wilder >07 ibaa the dreemed of t^en. a warm lather nod then gently aqueexe
Temperance Punch-Take two lable^
Is well to rcmemlier that (be epi
an all the better for the meawrice of Uc down until all th« dust -li oat of t<
spoons of the best green tea and add
dermis and corium of the scalp bt'the andree «apa of girlhood. Give The riastog water most be fresh and
a half gcllnn of freshly boiling water.
supported by a 'hick layer of
the glrla n bappp Une. Let them I cold wHb a little blueing added. Then, Let it stand five minutes, then pour
tissue as is Ihe rest of ihe skin of
Ante at taaat oae anuaer to which after abaUag the water out of tt the off the clear tea on the iblnlv peeled
iKxly. So lo washing and drying Hi tbep can look back all ibrir lives aad puff should be hung to a current of air rtod and Juice of two oranges and six
one’s cageniesB to be clean sbouM
•ad H good. Bvra If tbep at
to dry.
lemons. Add a pound of sugar and' let
cause one to scrub the bead
BUM a Uttla tboagbUeas. and take It
Do not allow white gloves to become It stand 11^ the Icebox to ripen (or six
strength was tbe one essential In ob
M their right Jaet aow. tba dap wltl too much aoUed before having tbem hours. When ready to serve add a
talnlng good resulU.
tese when tbep wlU look back to K cleaned. They have to be rubbed so pint of strawberry or raspberry Juice.
To Keep the Hair in Curt.
ontimes one reads la -Steps
with a warn glow of happiw
bard to remove tbc soli that the kid Pill the glass tbrev-quarters and fill
A writer in The Designer gives the Bcauly” that bruslilng the hair every
their hearts, eva while the
and stiff.
with scltaer.
kdlowing recipes for keeping tbc hair night will develop tbc muscles of ihe
ataad la their epa as tbep think <<
Make coruet covers of your white
Fruit Lemoaadc—Allow the Juice of
to curl during the. warm summer days n«-ck and arms, and at once the homely
the tmariflab‘Jop wbitdi the dar ■birt walsu that arc still good but oot a half jemoD for each
This Is the Ume of vear when rt
wbo wishes to be beautiful
Mother took In tbeir ptaaaare. aad m of style. Cat out the neck, back and ublespoonful of sugar and a tumbler
bcllioiis tresses must be kept In curt seizes a hair brush, and even takes
naenhariag, tba will pan it aloag front, and take oot tbc sleeves, mak of water. With these proportions
by arilflce. Perspiratton
one in each hand for symmetry's sake,
la tan to tbeir own girls. <wd the ing (be armholes larger. Flalab around the desired quantity. Put to a punch
mid will bold bawtaeas la cverdn- tbe neck and armholes with ribbon, bowl, (hen add a Jar of maraschino the dampness of the seashore plays and goes through a regular. Inilisn
club exercise on her bead. After some
creaalag ratio beaaa of the UtUe drawn beading and lace, or embroid cherrlea. two minced bananas, a whole havoc with ihi'm
Here Is a vcncrabU- and an efficient months faithful devotion to the cause
eaeds nova a manr pours ago.
ery edging.
shredded pineapple, a plat Jar of
It U good advice not to leave an strawberries. If fresh ones are out of remedy; Take bruised qiilnee seed*, of muscle, she proudly shoas a finely
indcd ann. but, alasr tbe hair is but
The Mai Gift.
umbrella standlag on tbe point to (be season. Serve In glasses with small, a taUU-spoonful; eloan rain water,
pint. Boil gently to tbree-quarters ot a wisp! It is friction of the scalp,
ordinary way when wet. The water fong-bandled spoons.
^ floetb Utile kladneeea.
a pint, then stralmthrough muslin and gentle and regular, that acts as *
mieb BMet lave adoste or daplae. tricklfs down, apoiltog the silk sad
''High Noon" Is a beverage men al add alcohol or brandy and cologne
Brushing the hair will not affect
PKr anaght that aeta om bait at maktog tbe wires rusty. It to also a
ways like. Maab together finely n UT. ot each two iablesi>oonfuls. This (be scalp, and 'be old saying that
mistake to open it and leave It atandquart of strawberries, a quart of
applied by moistening (be fln "You raunot brush the scalp too :
Ing. as this stretches ,U|e silk, maktog
Aad givetb bapplnest or peaa.
stooe^ tart cherries, a shredded pine gers and passing tbem through the or the hair too little." is to be heedid.
It baggy, so that It to tmpcMsIbIc to
iBlowataenad la her epea.
apple and two pounds of sugar. L
hair; or. wha!
neater, by using for
Tbe hair needs air as well as brush
ftdd It smoothly- The proper way Is
She hath ao acorn of eonunoa tbiogi. to Bhake out as^tfa» Jraler as possi It sUad for a day or over alghi. The
tbe puritose a small sponge.- The ing. The custom or braiding it
Aad. Ihoagb she aeea* of other birth. ble. then atand.(be nmbrriU oa Ita strain through a sieve. Fill tall glass sponge should alwa» be washed Im night is roDducive to liad results,
es halt full of crushed tec. pui in two mediately after using, and kept sweet may be a llitlo uncomfortable lo have
Round a her. beart atwtna ud
Ubiespoons of this (roil svrop. then and clean lo avoid qf adherence ol one’s trz-s«*s living around ihe fae.
A glri friend vi^ Is very fond of
fill up with ke<old seltzer or apol- dust or a gluey slate.
. And atleaUp she folds ba sringa
blit If one throw It over the pllli'w
certaio shades of pink for summer
To tread Ib^. bumble atbs of artb.
The following Is equally welt adapt will no' inic'rfero wlib oni-'s ctmiler;
chafed by her friends,
Cherry Cup—Wash a pound of Mo- cd and easily compounded: IMssotvr sfler the flrst few nights It will
^ tet la benelf abe dweUetb not,
rcllo cherries and pour over thei ibroo ounces of p»vdere<l sum arahir surprising to find what gtsid resnl’the
vARhaa^ ao borne were ball a fair.
e from this bubil of allowing
But being the soul of thrift aad econ throe pin's of iMdllng water. Let thei In half a .-plat of nnu- waieri^Sirain
No aSmpieat duly la forgot, .
Make a knd add sufficient anilin red—about ^ the hair Trtedum from twlsis
omy. this taunt Slang her to the con- simmer for three hours
‘ life bath BO dim aad lowlp dpot
syrup by bolting a cupful of sugar and
drop of (be solullon—lo give It ;> Liralds and hairpins.—Boston liiidgel
That doth aot la her aansblae share. fesskm of her method. Pour boiling
one of water together for twenty min rosy czdor. This not only k€H-p,» th<—Jama Rvaaell Lowril. water ov^ i amstl piece -of turkey
A Good ltfea.~
utes. Mix with the cherries and let it hair in rurl. hut lends to i' a peeuhar
red cheneeloth. Expcrteace
Here Is a suggestion for ornament
Far Freeklea.
quickly tell what amount will give the stand for a few hours. Strain, chill and very attractive brilliant gloss
ig a white cambric shiriwatst wtn-h
This last preparation Is similar to looks quite elalHiriite, but is not •!
le#- apoto I
desired (tot. Let this sund for a few and serve with cracked ice.
Orangeade—Steep tbe rind of tfatve Ihe ceUl>raU'd en-rae de mauve, whi' h
beauty ot many a face, and on tbeir
till tbe color to all
<ir trace a I
aeoooat asaay sromen regard the ad
then pour the dye to Oranges In a pint <rf bolllug water fui Is. afier ail, Dotbing bui glycerin scent- size tiulierfly lui ahlle pa'iHr <‘ni
vent* ot aammer with dread. Semea bucket of cold water and afu?- ten minutes. Add a pint of sugar and ed with cxinicl ol Jasmine and colored
it on a vhirt lrv>n’ that
washing and thoroughly rinsing yua^- boll twenty minutes. Add the juice with antlln rwi. The jiretty llnl which Us-n tuckol a short dlsiance from
Umen freckles appear oa the first
lent, put it into the dye srater -yf six oranges and two lemons, and tl gives the hatr. as well as Ibe gloss,
poeure of the face to the wtods of
>1 with a 1*^^ draw it.- i
March, an dbecome deeper under the and allow It to remain for pertupa an strain; then add a quart and a half of render it nuite popular.
ihr mtislin. Th*-n cut ou'
Sometimv9. in cases when the hair
ana’s rayq aa the summer advances, hour, then wring Ugbily and hang It icq water. Partially fill tall glasses
mall-rial anil Isiv under it a i>;<v','
to drv. No matter how old and with shared Ice and pour In the or Is very stiff and oPsilnate, a sllil point d'<^prit. and wt-b a nanow
yet utmost disappear to wla(er. Some
times they tctaalB alt ibe year around. faded the goods, this method gives tlx- angeade. placing a atrawben^ to each stronger ingnvlieai is necessary, lu wash lirald turn iuand cov<r iheedgc
this case a small quantity of alum Is
perfectl.v even coloring as if fresh glasa.
' Any simple appUcaUan tor tbeir
the muslin. Thi*l.<xly <d lb. buU.-i
sometimes added lo either of the af■oval such as are given below fill from tbc store. Try It on a faded cal
ran Is.- embrotdi-red with lltieti
czihol nclpcs. but usunlly they will InAema Dainty Pillow Cevera.
pMre cBcacloaa (or a time. Init the ico wrapper.
floa- and lh> markings »I (be
Summer girts and summer pillows found to answer perfectly without this put In wlih a danilng s’tleh As
certato to return oa exof thevtace lo tbe sun or wind, Making Celiar Aata-of Handkerchiefs. re a good comlilna'loo when taken : iDgredIcnt. For the same purpoM. l•mte^fll•> can l« iosern-d as de^insl.
hair dressers frequently employ wha:
One of the maav uses to which connection with a shady tdazza and
mple, harmlesa aad quite sacand thev can Iw of dlffeient
handkerchiefs may be put to la (he warm afternona. Ht-rc are some ttlcw' is called hard or stick iiomBium. Thi, thereby adding to Ihe ..-flict
with more or less
ot borax to rot water. It abonld be tashtoafog of the quatoiesi of cotlar wlilrh can IK- worked out l.v the gtrU'
Oathcr Fer-*a.
applied five or six times a day and and cuff seta. Embroidered handker dell Angers during tbe sunny summer aatmal fat. and sented and coloivd
Ihiring y-our walks through
in various manners Ciwan> It
chiefs are chosen to auke them of: days.
allowed to dry npoa the skin.
Ode sMe. with a comer formlag each, i Coni hoMis lorn to narrow strips injurious. I>ui It gives a greasy appear- woods when on y> ir racsiien saih.-i
Tbe foUowInf tormala ea)oys
and feeling, does not permit
all Ihe ferUf vou can carrr. Select
cMefoltv. and caa raadlly be com- end. cut off two and a half laches make a light, cool fllilag for summer
l«y smr,tjibly U-twe«u
pounded at borne. Take best Gagilsb deep for the.eoUar. aad each of the pillows. Hay cut flue Is another flit Ihe flutfleess so desirable, and Is ln~ ptriect
mnatard, to powder, a toUeapooafol: other potato BMktog a cuff four iaebes lag that gives a root effect, aad a lerlor la every way to the 'baadoilaes newspaptr* and put to pr>-s.- uioi'-r
trunk. Thex- may r«-inaiB wii!i-i
plcwsaai odor.
team Jnte. eBongh to make a thick deep.
uni.fl rr'iirniag to the
On a twenty4wo Inch square ot
Then take valendenaes lace about
paate; oU of almtmds. a toaapooafol.
Mix well abd apply to Ue form ot a an Inch wide, aad ease it. laiKad of' sheer grass rioih draw a design of pers are used they should not b< cpy. -nit roiw-bowU half fail of sand
tbkk ^e. algbt aad moratog. nntil fulling II around tbe h«na. Too much large sraUrn*d leaves aad outltne wennd too ilghity. as is usually the and slick these- prv;-crr.d Itfca In
.tbe akin aamrta. After a few days the fullest makes the laro turn hack on these wlih white coronation braid rase, as ihor«traia upon the roots o! them Place ibex- about your room^,
and yxm will have woodsy spots all
onter akto abonld looaen and freckles the cult, and roll up to anything ^ut Pill la the center of the leaves with the hair is lajuttous to its growth. '
By Judiciously aslng tbe mucUag- wint.T. t; tbe ferns berime dnst.r.
briar ailirhlng to green silk. This Is
dtoappear. Aflor they bare goae. tbe a pretty (i^laa when yon wqar It.
quickly srorked aad very showy, na- tootm washes just described, the bair wash them gBotly. The smallest terns
In making tbem ap. especially for
aorfoce of tbe akto Mioald be washed
•everm] Itmea a day with a wdatlcia of gift, tbe daintiest way. of coarse. Is < Ish Ihe edge with a mBle. and work a will remain to curl or to ware witbnni may be used with (qesh (lowers (or
decorating tbe table.
new tbe bands on by baad. making row of l■llchtog aronad tbe edge in sarh violence being required.
par aUtcha as aaarlp lariafole ss
posalble. A quick wap to to aUich
them a bp amebtac. some women
clalmlag that the maebfoe aUtcblag
firmer flalab. Wbat to a Arm
ud pet gIVM the dalBlp toueh of hand
work to to do tbc Brat aUtrblag o( tne
toad bp macblae. sad hem it down bp
Haadkercblefa. embroidered la alt
while, make the daintiest of all the
sets—the kind that map be won srHb
up akw or with triitte aurilp vrcll;
bat tboae with btta of color tatre
dnecd into tbe,work have a atple about
them that to most unasaal.
There are those with tiny flowers
done la aa effccUve blue—oae of the.
mup shades which oonw uder (be
Preneb blue. All the reA of
(he embroidery Is white, only the flow
<ud those not set dorely to
getber) are la blue.
The same Idea cornea la red ud In
Sometimes It Is possible to get a
handkerchief with a set little dewlga.
which can be matched (airly well la
the lace that to to go with It. which
adds Just one more bit of beauty to
tbeir act.
When ytni put tbem on^^pscT^reity
little cuff pin right at tbc point to
k.'cp It from carliDg up—the caff
should be adjaated. ot course, ao that
the point Is cm the upper side of tbp
sleeve. Instead of being tuned too tar
They are not only easy to make—
these sets—but they an.- among the
easiest seta to do up; and If you Iron
the ince while It to still wet. U will
out of the operation with Just a
little body to It. very like the ac
LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
Lots 235. 236. 287 as advertised arc now sold
LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
These are all early selections and are
Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now lar«cly built over, and j:ood lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa
rately. excepting 1S2, 183, 184, which must be sold toneihcr. All must ro for spot cash, and the prices
will be
The whole bunch ol
if sold at one lime and for cash down, would be
As the^icc would be made accordingly and to allow
for hotdinii as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.
Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
FrontinR East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot,
1» Fmiit Street
Paces Thu
ben dUtributed aatong tbe vart
Ubraiy for FMIh Ward.
tbe -bed physicsllv developed young
Camp Mseting Netsu.
diTorae cases and two cases to obc. e. eitetiwi.
Tbe regnlar mxieilag of tbe OeoAral
AI tbe meeting of the board €<y*Sa ous kwildingx aad that be would like
In the northern penlnsnla. For
Tbe Indian camp meeting *t NorthTbe C0PS«E««towl .ciiilfttai B« Utn allnonr and snli moner..
Tbe dlTorees taken up wcrc:Mcbael_ port from Aug. 10 to 30 will be the this resstw bis d(Stb Is harder to lUoD Tuesday wrenlrfh,*!®^ were to go IB Chicago to take a tour week* Labor t'nMn was beW Meoday. evua«M*or net PrMar evenUw »l the
taken toward tbci e^MIshment of a course al tbe umtcnlty. This would Ing and (be offleen for tbe ^ext six
kone tf-MUa Once Laeu lor ibelr Glarla rs Hannah Glarin. chargtnf largest ever bdd. More Indlsas hare
c hU borne In this branch library at ^ Oak Park buUd- bring him bark two w-eeks before loutbs were elected. Tbey «: "
t—■—r nMUnc- Tbe followiBK ot- adultery; Albert J. Motm rs Bdwlna signified Ibelr Intention of attending
President. J. Kanfusn.
5- Tbe matter was tvlerred to the school began. There wa* no ctbJcctSaa.
city'about six yeara ago and was a
•cer. were elected for Uie ewtiUtf Morse, cbsrglng desertion nod cruel- than ever beforo and on account of
Vice presMeat. G Sipes.
mmlltre on buildings and groonds
tr; Esther C. Owstktni »* George B. liberal- advertising.'the number of ____ 1 of William llc^ who died while
Unanrlal aacrrtary. C. Kragfu.
make an InvesUgailoa In regard to
wntkins. charging desertion sod wm- while visitors will be greaUy In ex riding a borse here I short Ume ago.
•aoxle WHh Grand Travero*.
PreeMefit. Mm Edith lioleoab.
Recording aeeretary, O. O. C*dM
ippon: Mnriek A., Cbspipan rs Ada cess of prevlou years.' All tbe spesk- He boa been living In HoughU* since suitable roum and also (be extra cost
Laaaing. Mkb.. July Si.—It b ant
Vkse praetdent. AbmI CbMcb.
living here. His brother Bert bad not that would be emailed.
at ail likely that there will be a *pe.
' Reoordlnc aecreUiT. Peul Tbseker.
TnoBurer. T Farurk.
seen him for s year sod s halt but In
L. Sprague appeared before the dal aesalon of the leglrlsture to reapCoirespondiaf McreiUT. Fnacce and cmcltr. and Paulina Latremas hi Bitendanee.
J R. WrckoCI. iBllllam Alden Smith, member of two weeks he wss coming here to visit meeting and stated the propnaltktn. portloa the xenalortal dixtrtcl* on *c
John lAlvemas. on the charge of
;reai preparations had been made saying that the library was tbe best count of (be Supreme court dnisloa hrorat and G. Sipea
congress, ha* slgnifii-d hi* laumiion ol
cmellT. All of these were granted.
TrM*orff. OU**rr Wdteie.
nlzed fur Its size In the stale yesterday. Governor Warner will nn
being present In the followiag letter: for hi* coming and a large number of
After the bo»lne»« •«*'* •«<'«»»'•
good times had been planned both by but It was not filling tbr' bid as well doubledly bold that (bere Ix so lltGrand Rapids. Mich.. July 30. J»0C.
Jit moner were. Viola Kroapa tv
nesU were eereed
tbe Une
Em-Ad Mb Wl I* Ike aame of a c«his brother and his friends in the city. as II might because there were Star or
differeore between the act of ISPS tage at East Bav ocrupM by a JoRy
pleMMtljr la eoclal enjor- Cbaries Kroapa and Edward U Hefcb Mr. John U. Deeis, Nortbport. Hkh.:
more cfaildreo gtdng to scIkioI on (be and the act Just dechred unconititu
My Dear Sir-Vour kind letter of
Ts UlUan Rck-h. Tber were taken un
crowd, ceasisting eff Mr
Boyne CHy 1. O. O. F. Hall.
sid4 and the distance to tbe It
the l8ib haa Just been received and
der adtl^enl.
Bert Wilhelm, the recognized coo- braO' WB* so great that they couldn't (hmal that (be expense of an extra aea and Mra. Curtis Alwav. Mr and Mm
Heoec Struck,
Tbe caw of Pearlie Carpenter noted. I made s memorandum In my
i would not be warranted The Bari Henry. Mr and Mra Joha CVa
intfflcnt buuk to be at Nonh|Kin
f The rwldeoce of Joeepb Thotuas. against Ora Carpenter of WllllamaI leglKblure. however. U virtually chanowsky and Dr. and Mrs T<« WBcured hy Ibe Boyne City Odd FYllowi.
a week usually brought a larg<'
Bile* eoatheMt c( Tiwretee CIt)-. burg. to determine the parif »bo shall Ang. K and I expect to hv Ihent. I
ipelled to enact a law more marty belm Boating, flsblng aad swtaHlac
superintend tbe ennstrucllon of nnmlK-r of carts and took bark all ih.ta But OwSeld. vu struck hr Hibl- have custody of a three-Tcar-idd child, bppe this will be sufflclent promise
In accord with >be legitimate ratio of are ihi- ftvortte amnaMeaia
Ibelr new temple at Hoyne City.
books that they could carry, other pupulalion. ft will now be bard for
-leg twice Bandar at 8:30 A n. wa* commenced at * o'clock yesiM- upon my part. I regard the oppor
Las' evening one loember of tba
Tbe new building will be three parts of the town can reueb the li
Tbe first Ume the UghtnlnK cane In day aflcmooD and continued until
(be leglxiature to withhold her fifth party In gelling out of a boat alaa^
htotie* in height with full basement brary wltb roraparallve rose. He
ae and I shall avail myself of it.
<n tbe tdepbcNie. bnmed oak tbe evening and U occupving the atten
senator from Wayne county.
ber fooling and stepped Into Shoot
Trusting that the occasion will be a&d the dimensions will he a-xlM. ft stated (hat what the trustees wanted
ahone apd tore off tbe bottom of a lion of the court today. Tbe case U
feet of water. No sertooB rawill lie of solid Ancrete, the first of wax to open a branch library and they
acreen doors. Tbe second bolt came one which has aroused the entire a>m pleasant and helpful to all who honor
It.s kind In Michigan. eoiu.iructed simi asked room for such purposes In Ihc ably U- the Invalldallno of the nomlna. Lull* t.dlowed Ike Siahap. howevor.
ta on tbe chhnner ap stairs; lore up mnplty. and'willlamsbarg Is well rep a by their presence. I am with great
ttutis of Gus Canon of East Tawu to Tbe party wll! remain dnrtag tbe eolar to the concrete Inilldlpgs tn San Oak Park building.
tbe cblmner and one partilloo enUrelf resented In tbe court room by many respect.
uectx-d Senator Ikiheny. and Repre
Francisco Ibal wllhstood the rarthlaaes which bare been summonYours v(-ry truly.
and made a bole In tbe root of about
^SuperlDtrndt-nt Gilbert sUted that seniativc Ming of Chelioygan. lu suc
qiiakc. The front will consltt of three
Wm. Alden Smith.
there w«Te one or two rooms available ceed Senator Curtis, sloce both dls
dxfi feel. FoUowlng Ib^ rafter It tore ed by both sides.
Rig Frolght.
On Aug. 11 -there will be a big lisn- lullladois arches, the center farming for this puniose al (be building*. Ibe Iricix arc not the same nodcr the
The mother of the child. *■** on
at about twelVe fert of cornice.
The amount at freight which I*
grand eni ranee, surmounted by .-i
No one was hurt, tbe damage to tbe the stand yesterday afternoon and for i|uei. In honor of Corcraur Warner and
rooms l-elug closet* but having en
being handled by (be T. C.. U fl M
of IPn; as under the act of UW5.
time tbU morning. She tesU- other prumlucnt vlsitons. Tickets to
boose being about W. Both bolls octrance* cither from Hose or Webster
v-Igbt dlxiricis will be affected by keeps on the Increase every week.
with Corluthian capl'als supporting a
fled to the fact that her married llfi- this will be $1 a plate and they are
eapled about two fnlaotei time.
Seven hundred and five ton* of frelgbl
tbv chuDge to tbe old law.
being sold and can be secured by heavy molded cornice with an artistic
wUb Ora Carpenter had not been bap
Mr. Sprague stated farther that If
unac county will be Uken out df were brought Into tbe city Mooday
lamc and date st<nic In the center.
Rev. I. H. Cnim.
py. but very unbuppy and that last
ling and thirty cars were rolled
brsry work today- was more extended S<-nator Doherty's dlstrtrt and put In
/ Tbe Rev. J.
who oceu
December they bad s«.-iiaratei]. Carpen- Northport.
than It was years ago and that :
the Itay-Midland districc Benzie eoun ontu tbe car fcr*y Sunday sight for
tbe pntpit at tfae Hrat CongregaU
Tbe Rev. William Petoskey writes rurlicd BO as to bave (be building cm- •ne of Hie great feauin-s .was
giving ber the farm on which they
ly will IH- taken out of (he Manlstoe- (be north.
cbnrdi Sonday was the founder and lived and dividing the personal prop very oplimlsllcallv In t^rd to the •Itbi-.! by cold ueaibor.
ITre Marquette lx tranaferrlng
story hour.*' These story hours
•n-ljikc-Oceana district and put
or^laer of tbe ctanreh. Over forty erty while be retained poaseasloa ol tn<H.-Ung. slating (bat many Indians
large number of ear* to the T C . t,.
for the purpose of influencing a child's
Camp Mayflower.
he tw'-uty-seventb dbtrtct with
Yean ago eervlees were etarlcd tn tbe the child. The agreements were wrjlbe present. The Rev. John
reading by the inductive melhod. A Wexford. Grand Traveree and adjoin- * M. orery day and it la all that tba
•ebool bouae which waa located whore
Odens, WIs.. states that
and slgne^ but tbe mother Jacobs
engtnva whicb are now in uac can do
story is told In sueli a manner that Ingeount k*.
tbe Park Plaee annex now stands. In stated that pbc thought that tbe ar
f IndUns u-iU come over from lay. Mich.. July 33 —The camp pre- the child becomes interested and its
Mackinac will be iranxfermi from to band!'- IL Tberc^ra about thirty
addition to bis preadilng Mr. Crum rangement ln> regard to the disposi- Wisconsin. Rales have been secured enis a hvciv and anlmiited scene. reading will follow along those ftnes.
loaded onto tbe ftwry every
the twcntv-nlnth to (be thirtieth dl*
About (Wrty boys arc present, all full
also Un^l tbe viUnge school. At UoD of Ibcyaild was not final.
'Enough light reading lx iK-lug taken irirt. Ri'prexeutallvc Ming haa Al and (he big ^t U full on ever
u^ lUc and K]diit.
that time there were ecarcely more
Mrs. M. H. Thacker, mother of Mrs.
from the library.'' said Mr. Sprague. ready U-cn nomlbated for that district from ManlsUque.
than a dornm buildlnga In town, and Carpenter, was calK-d to the stand cay. an Eph
bisbop. will
shores of the hay and Ihc boys arc ~whai wc want Is to rreale a demand in which Macklmir ha* been inelndcd.
the’change Mnee then Is. of coarse. this morning and tcslIBed as to Ihc preach the first Sunday.
VcMtlaii Day.
having a grand time: swimming most for biography, travel an'l historical .Uarklnor will Ik- added to Senator
Terr great. Mra. Crum Is expected family life as she saw ft vrbile she
Tbe program this year Includes men
Next Saturday will be VtaeUan (Uy ofthe
time. They have a raft anchored works. This reading cannot bo forced Mortarty's dlslrti-i.
to arrive next Prlday evening aifd livod with her dangbler and son-ln- who are known all over t.hc conniry
tNoribport. This Is something navar
upon the children. It ix probable that
tbit will be ber first visit here In
Mrs. Thacker said that she con and among them is Commissioner
Rlory hour will be held for (he ty-second dixtrtet. repreaenled by Sen efore Introduced In tbi* uectloo of tba
aeariy forty yeara. After spending a sidered Carpenter no safe man for a Lcupp of the department of Indian af the lumber furtbe raft.
country. The enstnma provalliag la
Smith »r Hubbell. aa^ added to
Mr. Cochlln Is our chef and the kindergarten and another tor the pri
few days In Traverse City Mr. and woman to live with and gave scverali fairs who win speak.
Venice will be carried out at Ur as
mt-als he prepare* are greatly relished mary grades. MUs Helen Stout, the the thirty-first district.
Mra. Cram wlU leave for Old MIs- Instances which she claimed Illus
p<iBjilbto. In the afteraooB tnat race*
present librarian, has been educated
akm and later will apend some time trated bis treaiment of her daughter.
and water xporU will prtduibly be held
for this work."
Mrs. F. H. Sstss ShoL
In Gbarlevolx nnd Petoskey.
though ihl* haa not been definlldy de
Tbe witness said that one morning
. Meads moved ihat the board
locben, Mich.. July S3.—While roast last night and were Kinging.
Frankfort. Mich..
cided. Bui tbe main evenia wHI eome
bad been some srords at the Mrs.’F. H. Bate*. wUe of a bandsaw
The bonflras were-burning brightly grant the library irastcc* tbe n*c ol
Friends Meeting.
off in the evenlc;- t'
planned tq
breakfast table and Caiponler wa* in
wo rootns attbe Oak Park build
■ Tbe qnarlerly meeting of tbe a bad bomor, and when trying to find filer, was walking along the sluice of hioei of the night.
held bere yesterday nfteriKnihave ...I
. l-o... fcluuraled with
A raiding party from tent No. 2 com- ing but-lbe motion wa* not seconded. Ilimtlng was tenomlnaled on ■rrleads diorcb which was held flaUr- the place lb. tbe Bible for the morning Dock lake, she was struck In tbe left
Mr. Gilbert was of the opthloB flmt
hip M a bullet from a 38-callber ^ |K)se<I of Hiizen Gardluer. Jack Lucas
darn^ytHfirWM u>« >*rBest at worship, lost hU temper, backed ber
pi vlng will be another
the work would prove verv beneficial, Ivalloi for bis second term a* r. tended la tbe tael ten years. Dslsy daughter up tn a corner ami proceed yolvvr and a serious around InOictcl. and Francis Miirtln was out raiding
of (be evening. Many Trav
espteially in that part of tbo city wo taiive from the Benzh-LcclaiiBU dix
Bsrr. tbe yesrly meeting evangelist ed to lirutally beat ber In the breast The shot wax fired bv Adrian Barr, all the tents and all one could hear
irlcl. There Were (wo other eandl- erxe Cliv people are planning to at
"Go on, let u* aleep." The name -mote from tbe main library.
-wss present together wltb her singer. with bU flats. Another lime, he bc- who wasoo a launch coming over
daita, J. E. Campbell of lA-elanau and tend. Blihm’ (be Columbia or the O.
The queatiun of compensa
from the resort and who ahtrt at a party was swimming In the cool water
Mine Leon Bogue, nnd delivered ex
R. A 1. railroad will run an excurstoa
the morning fflosi and
It- Janitor, the matter of llgbla and R. B. Kcynoldx of Benzie.
cellent sddneeee. There were unite stnSed bis wife's mouth fill of buck dead bead. He staie-d that the bullci
Ledanan county wa* repreaenled hy while many prls^ launch -parttca
The boys have appointed ajcommlt licst were, all lll>craUy dlscuBsed and
n number ct people present from wheat cakes In order, to make her glanced, and going upward twelve feet
. H..ArhcnnBD. 1. R. Sogge. Martin from both eut aM weal bay wilt
V to look after the raft. Gibb* Shll- (he board' decided that it would be Brown. Carson Warner. J. E.CampMaple air. Long Lake and Maotou. stop talking. There was no famll) struck Mrs Bates.
make (be (rip.
Iftier to give the matter careful con
Mr. Bsir^ld everything possible for sou wax elected chairman.
Tbe business transacted showed that worship that morning.
S. C. Ganbe and C A. nxher;
sideralion before arriving at a dedMrs. Dates, haring her sent home anil
Boeb improvement bad been made
Protty Party,
Rebzli- county by R. B. Reynold*. W. J.
At other times, ft U clslmcd. be
xlon .therv-fore it was referred.
a doctor. The bullet was
Hlaterlc Convent Destroyed.
during tbe" gunner, especially In the
Vbe home of Edwin C. Thtea at 218
would aisp her face nuUI ber lips srere prolted for but It bad taken a back
Tbe committee on buildings and
Tbe historic old convent si Cross
work of the'Sunday achooL
South Division Biraei waa Ibe acena oC
vwolleo, nnd bad threatened to slan ward course and had lodged In the Village wss struck by lightning and gruuD'Is on Mr. Montague's motion Peter Johnson. Dr. I. P. Covey and M.
MiH Barr preached Sonday
a very pretty lawn party Monday evsm^
der ber and Injure her character In mnscles of tbe bark. II was not kv completely destroyed by
empowered to do such electrical G. Paul.
lag on people finding thelrg»laeea. The
The rexululloos reaffirmed (he prex Ing. Tbe affair was given In honor ot.
tbe mind* of ibe rammunlir if she caied and Mr*. Bates passed a bad o'clock Sanday morning. The blaze wiring ax they thought necessary
•emah was an excellent one and was
Nellie and UUdvs Roger* ^
It platform and Initoreed (ftwernot
took the matter into court vo that vhe night bnt no serious consequences ate removed one of the most inieresting (be building.
^ned on tbe story of QneM Esther
Warner and Rcprroeotatlyp Bunting, Michigan Oiy, Ind. The Uwn wn*
would not stand a chance of winning. looked for.
sinirturos In the north.
Miss Marion Pratt was employed
pleading with tbe king for tbe lb
an'l roeomraended the adoptloo of an prettily decorated with Japanese
Several of tbe'petloncr's witnesses
supervisor of drawing at t6f> a month
«r ber people sad bcrself.
tte eveclM betog ■!»«»(*
amendment to the primary law which terns, must iff
ere examined during Ibe
young men ratiie over frtrtn Buckley, years ago by a German pru-sl, ihe
place of Miss Woodman, who
. la tbe evenlag. she preached on tb^
of door*.
ra. 'it
'iKtthe evidence brooglit
ft Is allegetl that some of them bad
Fr. Welmaa. who wax very «•- signed, her resignation lH.-lng acccplvnl pie.
eoBtag kingdom ai»d tbe work tbe
In his speech of secepianee Mr nlsbed n great deal of a
the effect ihat both parties bad talked been drinking and srere aomewhai cetitrir In a number of ways but who
Iasi evening. MUs Woodman, early
Tktaade din^ bad done to aid In
located la otwctwff'
Buntlug favored William Aldbn Smith
about Ibe rase a gt+at deal tbrooghoul Rndcr the InBiusiSte of liquor. They possessed great Influence over the In
brtngiag this sboot. Tbe erenlng ad
ie month. requexK'd ihat she b<places about (be bona* and yard. Pwri'
tbe country. Tbe oplnton of the s
very noisy and wanted to take dians and attracted them to him In allovred to resign ax sbe bad an offer for senator.
dress was a matter stroke and ai
ner* for refresbmeuit were found by
waoesses was that liie home
the launch over to Wiley but ft bad great numbere. Fr. Weiman kepi his of IJ»" a month but she did not wish
Ill- said that be helleved hr waa fa
tunes there waa scarcely a dry eye In
getting answer* to conundrum*. Tb*
Theron Carpcoivr. Ora's faiber. and
goUen.back yet. It Is said that coffin* In his office for,iwenty-flve
miliar with the xenllment of the coud gentlcmeo were given walaula which
leave unless the t«art could
in whose bone the child U. was' not they walled In the hall and made a
nd one lime. It Is>ald. fearing .ploy a suttal'Ie person for l«ev place ties which he rcprexeni* and that he
Blned HK-eoouadruma while thw
Ibe best place where a child could be pn«t deal of nois^e and resisted al- that the dImenRions were m« right, he
Circuit CMirt.
^be recommended a MIsx Reynnld- xh'Uild represent thell' wishes to Ih*- ladles had (be answer*. Tbe letreeb^
reared as the family are not sociable tempiB-to quiet them.
slept In It over night an? proved
FroB Tauadayk Reootd.
Jiiii Mlsx Pratt wa.« Ju'leed to be bet best of hlx ability. He ventured tbe racoiR onxixied of* tee cream nad'
CIrcalt GOun convened this moralng and the head of It'ls a trouble making
When the lawarti arrived. Nelson Oh himself that it was comfortable and ler fltle.l for the position. Mik* prati axtuTtlon that W p<-r cent of hlx mopunch. Mlxs Ethel Hunter precMMff
lor a few days' wrestle wllk
horn, brolberIn-Uw of llerlK-rt Gli- well fitting.
Is a graduate of the Traverxe Cl’y Xllluenix desired the elertlon of Conpunch howl. The eublbR
Ora Carpenter look Ibe stand this bert. proprietor of Ihc resort, rttacfaetl
^ aon-Jury imses. One wss disposed
in bis spare lime he worked al High school, also of the State Normal crexxman William Alden Smith to the passed all ton quickly everyone prowafternocm and testified in regard to fal>
of this morning and tbe tesUi
and allempled to tie it up.
building himself a tomb and Ihat. (on. au'l for the pjisil five yitrs has Ihv-ii rotted Stale.* lenau- and xald that. II
having u most enjoyable lime.
he did so. It Is alleged, R.nnsom Gldills wk«<ampleic<l and ready for hi* occu xupi-rvixor of drawing at WS|
e|<x-ied, he should pul forth hlx best
taken on another.
- Tbe dlvogce ease of Ambrose Mllkv they spoke of separating It was alwar* sirnek him a severe blow, knocking pancy manv years ttefore his destb.
She coni'-* with the v.-rv bert of effortx to MTtire hix election, so long
Prohlbltlofi Cer
T*. VIetU Mllka wa* the first one taken with the understanding ibal be was him down. The rest of the party gath ^^l■ry detail wa*
TeeoDimen'Iatiiin and the Wapakoneia a> there was hope of success.
The prohibition county •
favor of 'be primary was held In the Salrailon Army ball
np and tkree wUneasen were
He derlared
Ki'hool wax v<-ry rclortant to release
util after death It was not becausetned. It wa* Jpougki out tkal tbe
law Including the nomination of i
this afternoon. bHng aitended by bnt
woBaa>en<lentty wHbout uny reason, again and the first thing that she did him by Adrian Darr, who tied it on hlr he had iefi anythiug utidoue
a handful of members of (be periy
The xrh'xd iK'iid of J M. Hueliman ernor and defend^ bis postiloo
... to kick him In (he aliins and
suspenders and sinned aerossthe lake
The content was sup|>oried by a fine
beenme discontented and went away,
l••l, sl>po|nt*-d cltj- ireaJirer to succci-d the HudMvti lorajc'nptlon hill, which he After IK-Ing called to order. W A. TeyfuTB l)im (bat she fc£d been a school in the boat.
farm of I6<i acre* aad the greater part
ber husband giving her money ti
lor. chairman of (be stale rummlttee.
M E Hask' ll. n-slgned wax approv«-d
of the work on this was done by
•o and baa now been gone somol
spoke for nearly nn hour, telling of tbe ^
Tie- l-ond is lor IT",'"xi and the xore- irem' iv faulty in Itx eoosiruriinn,
claimed, she tormented him. continu- empty the gun by shooting at varlotia pries's who (Were at the convent.
over two yean. The decree
lies were Jn<>i'R Sanin, C. A. Ham hear'lly thanked the convention and growth of the liquor traffic and deal
tatfclng In n alighting manner objects In the water, the last shot
About ICO year* ago the stock com
granted and Milk* Is held under reple<le<-d
ing wi'h many of Ibe statements that
mond. Dr H. B Garner. Howard Whit|Kvny. which coniroll<-d the organli
utrlctlao from marriage for three abcral his parents nnlil he conld stand xtriUng Mrs. Bates.
he did In bis addr*** Saturday ey«bItig. William Loudon. E. Mr.S'amara. E.
no longer and gave ber s black eye
Mr. Osborn was so badly injured by IMm. iToke up and 'he sisters were
Booths While bb termer wife wll!
Willi.Jm Mr HiielltMiiiel'K city bon-1 Albion. 111.. May 17. 1871. and U rrf ing
the tdow that be Is unable to work
transferreil to Joliet 111. In a smaller
have to wall a year.
• This little gathering of men by no
■X for
gfijnSth.-- fall be will Kngllxh desrcml He obikined his edu
rblM wltb such a mother luui tbut war day. He wax not well anyway and he Iiml*tic IQ fn>ui of the couvctii
CKiInn at Bonzonia college and gradn- mtatiK reprrocuia tbe strength of tbw
Tbe ease of Amll F. Kcrllnger vs.
tbe reason why be wanted to rid him carried the revolver .to prtrteei himsell
la^e entrifix and this together with
ai'-d from tbe law deparim'-nl of (hi jiartT In this county." said Mr. Taylor.
. Cborlea W. Asblon was next taken up
self of her. later. Carpenter said that os he haadii-d considerable money at ih< ebimo of Ik'IIx were removed to xtai.- and county taxes..
I' tit M ia August. ISM He w*. prtn 11,,. ,i„,n „j,j „f ,he grcfwtb of tbe parly
and la belag held un<
Tuasiiitr M E; liaxkell reporiol
his wife had but very tittle to do wltb the Tcsort.
Juliet and most of the furniiiin' sold
dial of the Thompxoiivitl.- wIkkiIsjcooDIry and adviaed
Tte eape arose from ■
(be baby after II, was weaned and he
No arrests have yet been made.
Tbe building* were sold for the luin 111" r<-c*-ipt* an'l ex|u.-ndHunai for the In im and Ikkl and of ib" F^plre: n,*t * i-oiir.ty ticket i.e orMnlnated tbU
t of tbe Nerllnger Real Bi
take care of it as a mother
iK-r there wa» In them and tbe work of year iH.-gitming Svpt. 1, l»3, and end schools in ls‘j2 and wax *'imftcd to |
t;oi»lnuli»g. he gave tb*
tate Exchange nnd the Sou Collectkm
Geerge Needham Drowned.
liemollxhing tbi- buildings begun. Huw- mg Jiin 3". Ib"« On S(-pt. L therz 'he bar in IS!C iocailtg at Empire, j ,,f,,},it,|Honl*u eredlt for the recent
agmey. la wMdi both parties won
In tbe cross examination of this wliBert Needbam. xhlpping clerk
<-v<T. when tbe chape! was reached. was a l■alB^^e on han't of tse.SSTJSd where h"'ha» xlDce rralded.
Ieuve-mm'-nt Investigation. The apeakinterested. It U claimed that a
ccxKa be admitted that there was
Beiincr's mill, rvcclved a telegram .h. maiu... .bo
aoin, tb,
“ •"
tlBc Of dlsaolntloa tbe firm
Mr. Bunting faux bez-n » lif'-lone r< t tix-n ran through tbe aute Uc^
«ory to (be effect that hi* parents bad
T" aUbu™rm. t>._«ro IK.
ling xtatlDg that hU brothe- l.ld do.. ,boi, looi. .ta dull. retuMU. j
nwoey to rtkeats and Ibni Mr. Nerlin
puMiran an'l bsx l>cen honored by the (,.||ing bIkkiI tbe men wte wer^ nutcome here and lived on tfaeir present Geoote had been drowned yextervlay
r. unber. Oto at ,b,. brolhon, H'= - '—'"b * '-'•to. ot b.td ot
gM- ba* paid more than bU ahan
irt ud botrt, ,b,.j
~ Th.u-lt.lb.l.to,- — ' people with mort- than oni? office ax a ■ nine for office.
farm with his aunt, a Mrs. Siockwell. afternoon at Houghton. Tbe icit-gram I
oow waau Mr. Aabtoa to pay the re
and within a fc wwcik* of (heir ar gave no parUeularx. It was sent bv
mainder. mn.fr
rival, and when the woman was sick, hlx father.
Bomi mere, ine couveni
Thr-«-t.iii. amoumed • »od prowcctuing attonicy of hi* coon-, pleasure of the meetln* »nd a nflmhor
A reccM was taken unUl S o'clock
obtained a deed to the farm. After
Needbam. of course, has no
tkla afternoon.
sbe recovered she offeiM them Booey knowledge bow the ncctdeni occiirrert
Tbe ease of Brown Ta. Tuttle was
J the rv-publican national con-1 were made. Mr. Craae was mad* per■o give ber back tbe deed but nothing but thinks th*i
brother probably I Harbor Spring* visited the place a* ft
authortzed to make a ihort-Ume «
tnbsn up tbU afternoon. This esse
maneot chairman and W. M. Wright
loan not to exceed <1.000.
' DikiD at Philadelphia.
was ever done about returning to ber. -vui uui «ii the
wa* an object of great inierexi.
deals vrllh some of the pr^erty In tbe
TbooBh a first U-nnt-r Mr. RunUng'secretary. It is probable that tbo
The bids for the varkios school supbut abe lived with the family for about templed to BWim in. he having done p The Rev . L B. Carpenter of this city
oM Cutler csiat* and it U claimed that
much Influence in tbe last | nomination of a ro**ty Odttt wUl bo
plle* were referred l^ ... ----------- • ,i acquired
ten year*.
thu property wax' nei-er IcBdiy pv»on text books and apparatus with ;l•-gi«l*ture
l•-^i«l*lure and was one of its best iput over until Auff«sL
lar form of amuaeamut. He was an i There u-ax no '^slble way to
I known men. He served on Important'
j power to act.
Mr*. Ida Sebaffer of Mishawaka. expert swimmer, having *oa the long^ ,he old building.
In the Bbsenw,^ the mayor. W. ©. committee* and wa* strong on the| Mtaa Eva Ofborae
OteaffP ■«*■
Ind.. was shot dead by a woman friend
two year* ago and being able to swim 1 Tbe new <3««.o«" station of the Foote a«ed a. chairman pro tom.
jooor. HI* geniality aad nblHty to j out beyond ber depth to Dacfc to at
It wo* oeoriy l«:3(i last sight be- who was ahooliag with a rifle :
In any way. Mr. Needham was evy! 'Srand Trank railway was lyproed for i Supeimtendeni Gilbert suied jbai • make frietKls made hi nor valne to bis' Mnrtiegoo and^wM drovaed Mas*
flm the Omit eourt irfflclate stapfond of athletic sport* aad wax one of traffic on Sunuay *t Battle Crwk,
jthe vt.r>r.x xupplk-x so far ax possIbS-idlstriet.
.help could roach her.
pefl work, but they disposed of five Bdwardsbug.
tZl IhJre"'
A". J
mr. JULY a». tMc.
-Grand Trarctsc Haald
«W7 Ttaiw*»y «t Tnim CM]
Editor and Manager
OMd Tlm*« for Fam^ro.
Accoapanrlair aa Induatrlal and
cuUmatt'lal activltr aoeli aa the pa*<'«
brat rear* did
«iaai. co»o* ibo a*
anraac* tbat the wheal and rom and
e«t0B erop> of (be Unlied Htatm (bU
y«r will be jn-eaUr than (be pa*t hae
erer kaown. Thl« anaarance mak<« »'
ecrtalB ihai (he Amerfran fanner will
ahar« to (be (atieet in the pmaperlO
<4 the mlnera. qie tnanufartarer*. (he
Berchant*. and (be wmjt«Mwmem. U
(her were not proaperou* the fannerV
Uk eropa wobid couni for Hiile. Com
belac bamed for foe), wheat at lea*
than flnr <wttt a bnabel and raiton a;
a lower prtee than It had eoal (o prodace It. are meaioilea eonnerted with
aom reeoTd-hreaklnK eropa of the
paat. II wa* when the mill men and
tactorr hand* and all
tariff ebansea and atmnea political
tboortea^od' promises. I^munately
tb* Ma^Ps A tbe 'eoalna season
wtU Met no nprk unfortunate condl-
A Man of Enersr for Congrwa*.
Hw reroni announcement of Hon.
- 0*0. G. OoreH of his randldary (or (he
rapobllcaii nomlMtlen in tbe 11th dts
Met has bmoKfat out many expreai
M-approral from all orer the
Wet. Mr. Cored f* no well hnown
and kla abllUy so widely twcoitniaed.
that Us anneaneement briBKS a areat
• daal of aallafaetlon to sound huslnesv
men of tbe district. It is conroded
without queatloB that Ur. Corell pos
In eonarms.
ih-b bis annonneeThe manner In w^h-b
ment te recelred ln(tbe soutbern pan
”n* announrement of the randidaey of Oeonw G Corell. of Traverse
City (or (be repubikaa cenarcealoud
hn^Ubn In run dlslrlrt is eaute
for fuBUlne irmUAeBtloa on tbe part of
sB thoee who enjoy neguaintance with
(he lentteman. MaanlBeently endowM with *
» posiliM. he will prove * radlSato who win gain atreogib as as the
tampalcn pitwrease*. .Alibougb nol
u possessor r>f wcaHh to a money
•aase. he Is richer than the ordlnayy
HVirant In bavtnjc been tnilmnte for
rSM with hundreds of represeuintlvf
rapnhikut over the district and there-
patfB that Is to follow will, U Mr. Cor40r» Mpporier* have (heir way. be
MtM and the argument of ra*soB«ij;
father than that of debauritery of do.Mn wQI have grmUoat wrigbt.
“Mr. Covell la tbe Aral to enter the
flaw aa a candidate for this high of
ten. Goograsamaii Darmgh. I.
tala quarters fqr pome*Ume.
'Ooreir* aanouneement ts (4
words, brief, plain, pmetlmt. He has
a record both public and prirate (bai
has BO dark side. He Is a real worhet
la tbe priMe of life who arltl. If nomlantnd aad Merled. represent Ihe whole
dUtriet. the rich and the poor, with
abselut* bo4e«ly <4 purpose. Wllh
aaeh a man tn ibe nallonal enugi
wn May yet hope lo see tbe Rleventh
dIatrW Anally assume U* proper Im
The primary syatem under which o
coafrwloaal namlaalton win be made
la this dlMrlel Sept « neif wilt be
.Made la the booth by nukllDed voter*
tnther than by a ranventleu assem
blage rom posed of a few huudrcl poll
tielans. many of whom are irifAcker*.
aa ha* been the rwstom lonnerly, Thl*
oaght to help some^nd. U I* be
Heved. will ns*lM In brtnclBs vlrttw}
toCnadidaie Oivell."
•upperl* Mr. Covell.
The foUowlnn edtiorial fnwi (he Isa
holla Count) Koterprlse I* *lRBlAeant
The Biterprlse T» n Arm supiMvrter
foe Hon. Croo « c«.vell lor ongres*
and tbe eununits .4 U* ivtiiorial Rln«
aoBM very aattsfsetory reosous wh;
Mr. Corell should receive the ecj
grosMnaal aomlnatloo In thl* dlsirtri
“In the kiststnn- of 1119:.. .me <4
the ablest (riend* and sUunebest sup
pardon <4 the llawnrahle Hober.
Brows In the efnrl* to establish ih.OMlnd Slnle Normal Behu.4 In Ml.
Pteuannl was the Hoaornble Oenrae
0. Corell.
“Mr. Oovetl -was man than a good
friend and napporlnr. he was a atardy
dafandn of tb* norma] aeheol at
Mount Pleasant and against tV mat tignani enemies c4 hutk.
’■Wbea tbeac enawwa tailed to make
Mr. Corell recede fra* hla poaHkni
as aa earnest adeucaie of the oebool.
(her emploTed threala to make him
desist, and be was toM that hi* polllical eereer was ret tdtorl bj hi* actioa. aad earioeBlr ewnurh the andi
of MouaFrieesant then is tahInc the stand^cainkl Mr. Coaell's candidacr BOW.
-When the hill raine before ibe
cnniBitlee of the wbule of (^ bouse.
(far mnsi crllleal staee of Us
The slipfatett error In nillna.
Hitp of (be inoaue or sharp iiarllai
larr move wmild bare rru*hed the life
of the hill. It* eaeinle* were i
and active. Tber haured lhai they
would make a football of ibe bill and
Their plan* were well
UU and If all Ihnt they rounled Upon
ed It would bare ■•ren
bIdc a pHmtp srboal ai Motmt Pk-aswhlle the town (anher north
would have eni<*yed the di»«lui-H<>n of
havlaa a nonnal M-bnol.
"At thl* point Rp'-aker (Jordon comanded Hr. Corell to preside over
le cnintniiiee'* dellberatloBH. Thl'
as the firsi Iwrknrl to the opponent.*
rd (be MU. and when Hr. Corell look
Ibe Mrcl they met defeat after
teal as rrcnUrly ns de>iriK-ilvc
by them. Mr Cttri II held a flrmi-band
aad made all IiIk nillnR* f*v..r bill heenuiie bis heart was in the eause
ot edutnilon The Mil was reported tii
lmu»- (inmarred to the Rreai Rrai
IdmHim* of ll* IrtenclB wb» rejok-ed
that the worst nrasovei.
"On the Anal |i**r-«se .If the bill.
Ur. Covell made u in-wl poaerfid and
(ellltdc speech and carried cnnvlrllon
even to the minds of opponents so s<;
ilntiaixe Ihclr eAorts to ld•^-kad•'
Its passina
“No one now llvln* In the eleventh
district played sn imi<onnnl a part in
this arhlcvcmeni as did Mr. iMvell
and Wednesda.t h.- had the pIcaWre
of paylni; his Arst vKIl to (be Instltn
tion that stand* a* a permanent mon
ument to bis perseverance, and aetlv.
enemy. It Is safe to say that ne
act of hi* ^isy life was ever so
ducilve to humanity and it was with
profound Kmlltnde that he observed
the atato wide ipind ihe institutiuu iii
dolitR for tbe riKlUK Reneraiion.
"The Normal and ibe pcvpte .4 Isa
bella coimly and Mirhiean will some
time revere the memorj' of OocRe t;.
Covell neit to that .i| Rolieii Rrnwn
and Senator Shaw. They rerininlv
now have Ihe oppnrtiinlly In expre*.
a smiltude diie him hy rivIur him a*
ststanee on ScptenilH-r 4ih a*. (h<
luabt token they e«n be*low -a v.Ke,
Ji»dge Mayo*.
Silica (he death of tbo late Judge
Wanly, TTbo oicetipled a enaspicuou*
piBcw on ibo fedonil benrb. many, can
dldales have been spoken <4 a* bk
MiccesRor. A Rtvsl many «4 Hk
friends <4 Judee Mavne .4 tbe Tblr
teonifa Judicial circuit have odranemf
bli name as a desirable randidatc for
tbo appolDliuent. Judge Mayne ha*
many quallBcatkins which tkould At
him for so exalted a posiilon. He ba*
been an al4e jurist and hi* work
tbe bench In till* dlsiriei lias lu*cn
cuosrlenlloiu and hi* judsmeni such
ould reAerl envlil upon Buy^iidRc
Wc have not heard c4 any .rther ran
dldate fmm northern Ulrbigsn six
lid this exeelleni eily he Riven ai
opportuDUy. Judge Mayne w.uilil Iw )
desirable eandUlale. Hi* reeonl
Maeo his eVeriloD has been a Rood om
and northern MlrhiRsn win he pleaxul
lo see Judge Mayne un Ibe fetirral
lag Record. wUhoai aaylSSk^Uon aad the (naeraJ wsa hell fiom (he
Mr*. Cha* D. Moore, of :::
Wba(ever (bat It was published a* an bouse this afternoon. In:rrp^-Bl txkins Tenth Mreei. has gobs to visit Ni*Ehra
adTcatiaemeat. Tbii. eomtag (ram place at BMghsm. Tbe cause of death I'm!*. BuBalo aad Rorhcnior. N Y.
Mr. IMrragh's baete town, lead* us to wa* rnaeer of (hr atootaeh and bladMl** Graev McKercher arrived ib
bellm Ibat thore I* a deHberate ta- d.T. She leave* a basband aad three motalBR from Li iaad to ntfrad the t
t(yi(ioB to raake ll appear in Ibe *nuth rUiigfalers.
eeidioo given for I“n4 Sl.-A.-ni- lb
era imri ef the dMrtri (hai (he HerFcrwoaala.
vnt ll supponlag Mr. Darragb. Thl*
Ur* W. (1 l««.ri-atv lw< gmi- Huffalo sod Uki- Side. N. Y. f..i
method (4 iradeavor m tiecure vutn From M«ai4u‘a Recent
Cha* Broni-on of Muskegon wa* a | w«-k.
■ U dlshon*’*!. aad i
parently Inieaded (
Traverav- City visllor.
position of thl* p*|>er. Jiud «bo Is re
Roy Ltonamorc of Clevi-laad. O.. I* .'for a iriparoiinil the lake* IU-I<k
] iitruing she will vl*li Milwauk.v
sponsible for l( we do uot know, bnl vUliIng friend* in the city.
J C Hrttv of Barker Creek wa* inleagi. and otb.-i Uk. ]»ni*
do knos. that Inasmuch a* ibe etmAdenre <4 Ibe k^ventn:' Record ba> the city ye*ierday.
j Mr*. Wilitield Ijugw-rMlCl.n
»d K*-Ihx-. Cbarlev lindge. Fwljfor lJr.eAyille./!4*clk_v
been lietrayed In Ihi* malitT. tbal
)-----^-------------herrwfier nnl a line will In- printed in MHIer and Ciiyh-r Hall rvlunieH lIbis paptT favorable lo ihe randldary day Irom IS-msk.-y.
of Mr. tlarragli. either edlu.rially nr ; Mr aud Mrv. F. K Beach and Mr>
tuberwlite. for any i>riee wbaterer. iBdna Mellcur.y. who havi- lx-.ii visitIbe confidence of ibl* iiaix-r bu* I Ing C. J. Elinor and family. Icfa lo
:>rvu ImpoNcit iijkiu. the part) iu 4la> feu (heir home iu I’rmllae.
whose lichalf sneh imposition I* di ! J. Sullivan .4 Co.l.ir wa* lu ihe .11)
Thursday. July 2«. 1906.
rected cannot aerTjtv ixibiieily through
iiu aUiv.- dat.' lii-kc-i ag.iu- --t HiIhi* pa|>er at anr prire: In other
». W Ms***-) and wife aud W. ( I’.-re Maripielu- will *. M i<i'i:i>l lri|
wool*. Ihe advertising and kx-nl eid- Manwry and wife of Cadillai- were i lickelK to
Hc> yesierday,
They drov Atlantic City. Cape May. Ocean City
the iCvening ll.-eurd are
Sea Isle City
closed lo Mr llnrnutir* enndidar) Hipxigli iu their A.U.II11 -.siring «oi< At .-xlr.-nii-l) l.iw rali-w. I’a--.nt.-ifrom thl* time on. Not a line edlum- mrdiile.
may have Ih.- opH.m of ci’h.-i !.*ii .-i
Mr* Holland of Cole Hois eirrij rail liwii*|*Mlat*-ii Ih-iw.-.'ii Imr.i.ally ha* ln>en printed Ihi* year in
favor of a rennmlnatiou <f Mr. llar who wa> lakeii *l<-k while Ibe *Jio and Ihidalo. iu-k.-l* l»-iiis c*"l --n I Ixtai* .4 (he IXtpiit and liunui
ragh. amt tlieiv will Ih- n-itlilug fawn wa* low. and wlo. ha--.
Im-.-u 1
Sl.-amlKNii C.i uT Ihe.North. 111 Mi. am
Ih.- Hotel Colnmbl;.. l.-ft Hd* noim haul C.i Ix-twiv'u Ho- 1*11111.-. IU- II
lie in Ibis eanipalcB
The Kvening ItrcoM lia* always Ing for Mu*k(-giui.
Tick. I* c<wmI Aft.-.-n day*
W, A l•er^<•v anil wife .4 |•.-ntral
been friendly m Mr. harragh. and In
,A*k ag.-nt*
nt* tor '.nil puni.'.il:
the paiit ha* had many kind Ihlng*
Ijil:.- passcl ilio.ugh Ho- .I'y t.xlav
H. K. Mm ller. <1.
for him and hi* work Th.-rcfore on their wsv (0 MaiiMee.
m*1hm1 ackiplea i-. an lmi»|pitinn
A. S ll■■l•ari wunt to Int.-rbxdieii
enlirel) •mJii*Mfi.-d. Hon H.-o t ihiH morning on biistne**.
Jay. July 26.
Covell. however. I* ,a Tu)er>.- m
Miss Grace I'eiernui l-i viMHog at
. a man of niarki'’! abiliiv. an hurif^.
Vs al rvli.'Jii.l)
who ha* made « dls'tiii:;nl-he
Th.ima* i«h. i man and w if.; rr-iurm-d ;
PS* as a puHle ofHcial Ml- ha to tlii-ii h.ino- in Kmpiic Hu* Rouuing j Ntagar:
had aRpIrallon* (or a >ejt in ,-,iugni
Mra, W. II Wol.-oit w.ni I.. Island
and Ihl* paper loKeiiier with a v-a- thl-. ni.wnlne,
•-itli.-r Ixvii ui lull
rnak'dl) of (he people tif llil.s lerlpHi
l-hiR.'ue I'aekard of |v|ip.-mlDg I* In ir.'il and Burr;iln. Ii
* Ix'inc a
desire lo wy him smil to \Va*lilDgton Ibe ellv shaking haiid.s wiHi hi* man. e.l f.ir ra-sag.' '“''t
ibuii-il I.v Ho- tk'troi.i
tk troi.i ft Hulfalo Si.-ani
We have taken up *lr. Covell * Wu*e frieu<l*. Mr. I'arkanl 1* a<-e.im|«ni.Hl ibqi.-il
Ixiai Co., bill |ia**.-uK.-ra taking Hi-and sill give him most hearty nip l.y hU wife and will tvmiitii two ^rnd.* Ixiat lou- niu*i proviili- Ihi'ir osu |.aliort mini the piinuirii's arv liebl.
Mrs J. C M-rgiii ana ehildreit went ragi- lH-1-.vi.'n IhiAahi mid Niagara
KallII i* a MgiiiAeanl (ai-i Ilial Ml.
Ti.-k.-ls g.»xl tw.-Jv- day*
('•■veil lia* nm' lierni req<iir<-<t to pa.
Mil.* Maud.- II. l'd.11.,-1 Cl.-v.-laiid,
lor advrrilMUg space in Ihe u-w:
(•aper* of the elvenlh dlslrkl. Tli«snpporl which ha* In-en given liim
from m-arly all of the Iradiag taixrr
of Ihl- distrii-t ha* liei-n voluntary,
nud chi-eriiill) ginn. Tl.t* I* lu Uiell
a high iribiilc-io Mr. Covell ** a inati
and a* an able oAtrisl. Mr. riot-ll -.
i-uppnrl b> genuiue and rooi.'s (r-ir.i all
over the distrirt; he ba* frlrlid i in
Ibe southern part <4 the dimrlei whare giving him most heartr snpieud.
which i* lueriled. We do not r.iiv lo
lirrNlIrl at this lime yii*l what the oulrv.me w ill lu-. 1ml ll i* «uir narai-id be
lli-r tlial Ibe nielbipl* ado|>«Hl by Mr
Covell Hre sneli a* lo eolunieu'd liitii lu
every voli-r in (In- el<-v<-ni'i dlitiiel.
and We believe ilial Ihe iiH-lhisU <01
ployed (0 mlKitipresi-nl by ihc t>*|>cr*
favorable lo Mr. Darragli will In- met
wllh a rebuke when the primarie*
held and lhai Mr. Covell will eome out
The mmilnallon <4 A. If Hunting
the *i*le l•-glKlBtlIP• by the republl -a
Of Lieclanau and Ih-iirit- eimutbs I*
exeelleni chnlre. Mr. Bunting, in I
prevlon* tv*rm. ha* nisde n vi-r^ g<*xl
rehvrd and even HkhirIi >1 wa* ou1> hi*
Aral H-rm, lit* luAucm-e In Hie houixwa* felt and he wa* plae*-d on M-veral
ImiMiriaiit' tvimmliiia-*. Mr. iluuiing
hUK servixl his illslrii t well and with
the expi-rlenee galm-d (mm hi* Hrat
lernr will do even iJeller in hi* sw-ond.
Death RaiL
luterbw-hen. Mieli., July S-l.—-Mr*.
Mary, wife of JuIid Blaeji. dh-.) B.nurday murnltig of empyena. age.1 Til
ycBlw. Bhe was an old n-*ldeni uml
Irarvw one danehter. Mr*. Kllrl.le .4
Bo>-ne City, and three won*, one at
f Method* employed.
Boyne Cilv- <rml (be o(b.-r» li.-re, Thc
The followlDR edllurial appUe* with romalu* mete takeu to Bagliiaty (or
liial force to the Grand Travers. burial.
Herald, wbirh nkn ptiblirhed .** an ad
vertlM-moni. Mr. Hanugta'* Bunounre
Jowepfa Kaniisky died at the h<-n>e<4
I of hi* candldary. I’uder (he elr hi* employer. Charie* Giirr a> Acmi
Btanee* the Herald pun*.the
Thursday of cxmanmptlon. He wa
ord lu deellning hervaller to use nay only
year* old hut leave* a wifiadverllKlBR lo advance Ihe polUlen and two small ehlldr.'n He had l*x-h
liileresti. <4 Mr. HarrsRb lu the pr.*s employ.M on Hie form for rono-dlrae
eni eampalRn for nomination I'w a The funeral win lx- held mim the iliin
foiirlli 1.-nn In mugres*.
Ixvme imunrrow ai |u a tn. and Ui<
interim-nt will t;ik<- idurr in Hiv Vulu
A *h«n time agn the Nvenlng K.-e
or.1 printed, n-. an adeerllseipenl. a
write >ip fiinilKheri b» l|..n. A B l»ar . The Infant ehlld of-.l \V K-.-:e. li::
ragh. preveui eoneiv«'-mBn fieni the Third elreei. died Monday, in-rutng
Kltwenlh ecngresri.mal divtrlel The and wa* hiiric.1 in Oakw.xM Tue.day.
nrlirle aa* plainly marked ns an sd Arrangements were in charge of E if
vertlsemenl. wPh the Biiml>rr<4 times diugbes.
charged for since the nnhllcsIioD .4
Mr* Sarah Huston died at the home
tW» nrtb-le tn (he ll.-cord. thr *ime
of her daughter. Mr*. J. W. H-'. at
ba* npptared In other lapen. in the
Keyslom- Monday at the agi- «f T2
ivMtlhern part of .Mils roogreis*fonBl
year*. leaving 'lirec ehlldren to ocuirn
HIMrirt. beinc credite.t to Ihe RvenlPg
her loss, two of wli-m arc lu l*o:tland.
Reeord. wlthiml
Ihe adverilHlng
mark*, leading to the Impresslon.ibal
Ur*' HiiM.ui came here in ‘.Iprll
thi* paper I* ediloriariy siipporilng
fmm Portland and the Ixxlv will lxMr. llarragh for a renomlnalioii for a shipped ihere l.y K. L Iliigbej. ihi*
fourth term: when a* a maltei .4 fai l.
Hie Kvenias R.wird is civlng Itv Arm
and undivided s.ipinirt lo the enndi
Mr*. l'.-artd>. Hall dh-d ai th.- h.ime
daey ,d Him (j„. «. f„v.d| of this (4 h.-r *lKt.-r-ln-Uw. Mrs. WIMIam
C'>it',v n| TwcMih Niit-i.t. Monday
The Reeonl has lieen oul*|mkenI ( ,]iaiiily*is IkTt-aiexl wa* only r:
Ibt*. bin ha* not redived adva-rilvtng v.-wi.< old an.I leav.^ a a-m-nlhsol.]
matler frtUB Hr IJarraRh. Th.- puH l-4:lx-. H.r bn*l«nd lirew .01 hi* (arm
raitoo of Ihr aniel.. la questhm lo mai l.<-iTg lak.- .vnd her fath.-r and
other newsiwpen.. lorwever. with |
'i.-p-mother live ai Hnntw. The funer
plainly etid.mi tnientteu to make
al wl!! le held front lb« lYjrey home
appear (bat Hm' Kvealnq Record
loaurrow at r p m. The Rev Hngb
.upporttiig Mr. Dnrragh. i* * rtolaUiw Kennedy will vdheiate. Remains arr
of every newspaper eourteay sod
efcargv of the Anderaou L'ndertakTOcognUed rule* of reputable n
: company
^P«w». Thl* arilele appraied is the
Rt.. Imnl* Repohllean-Lrwder t4 th.
ttiih Inri.. Udng ernUtod to (he Bvv«-
wh.. i* the Kuci.t .4 Mra c J. Km-e
. V. M<x-ll.r
P. A.
land, h-fi for Chi-ago. wh.-ie :-bc will
spend R vco-k. r.-iiivnluc to Un* city.
Musk'cgon. Grand Rapids.
O. Milehell. claim ag.-nl for }be
Rate. $2.00.
Sunday. August S.
C. H. « Q. Hue In SI Joseph. Mo., w.-ul
* Train will I.J.V.- Ir.iv.-nx- Ciii
mirth "UI the iKOt ve*nvrilav.
Th<- «;». a III S-.- js.-i.-ir or ask ag
Ui-ual aiuunnl .4 li.-ighi wa* 1.41 h) l-r (uutieiilar*.
Annual {iiialx-ut.-st oi Grand I
■ he lioRl
Mr-end Mr:. Ik-it K.-lly nnd Hill.- id*
.m :•>
II r. Ntx-ller. G, P
daiishi.-r and Mi*.< l.illlan Hon’ou
One ef the Many
E xcellent Pianos sold by
U Ij:. iitpe.»t dn« li-llil'i:i“ M-« «
II 1.1 11..- w.d. -ii..-ad aud r.i-wixu 1. wbii-li ba- app‘nq.|ial.-u u.n 1. :
)ur .|iiu.ii f .-.-nlury .-visMb-f - v,iHm
11* i-i m.lor*.- and rrmnin.. n-' 'l v.
Wllh •■’ll |x ro'iinl g-iarau'.-., w liMi v
,..arui.-.v -4 iU.;Si. i
Grinnell Bros.^
Music House
Triverse City Store: 159 Uaht Froot Street.
I-4. X.I* laao.wi k*lw.»iB
jpUl.-.. V—-t •• —X . --I t..: ..41 fnv IS M
o-xb Id,..**;
> Mutt..-r Gray*. Sweet Cox.lvra for ■ |
,irr-.4xllT ii'dl,, XI. "h-r «;e>«. x~r-e ’ll : I
*... V-»k.
f. I
... |:..l-I.m*.*
BI.KV- WX.I r.«xl*lx <t<- I* *>4> •»■ !*..■•••, I
Wnrsi. Over Sl,l»n«.-..t*xXU»l« nk»> *•». »
AI *11 ■Vxervf. .'x-. lOwi-k nH’K
Addrw.AlIear, I.Ui-d lvKcy..S V
g 41
V—, I*- iiwt u txTvl-; aixm*. d,
' -aid |xvX«*.' of*—,
. Cattle
Baa’ains Always
it the
l-'.vmumy Slurc.
This time it iu
Sticky Fiy Paper
1 rfouWlt: sheet for... - 'Jc
*2 double sheets for----- :k
4 double sheets 'for.... 6c
Comic Postal Cards 2t
cadi or 20i' pcF-doFcii.
Kt-yrular lOe
I look* .Tfid Kyes. Nos. 0
to Ng.
ill iilack or
while, with one do7cn
siraiL’ht eyes extra.
r’5^.;.ha. ,x..-V ...iiJ
Mr. Bllil Ml*. II Srii.imlx-n; relimfeit
y.-Merday (luni Giwild Rapid*, wfa.-re
th.-y have Lxx-n allemling ihe funeral
Of Mr. SeLonib.-rR» l.oith.-r.
.SeliomlxTg-s home I* Hi N.'W York,
aud it was wliile vIhiHng In ibl* cii>
a wix-k ago that' he w.v* tak.-u *h-k
III- liuni.-ilUlely w«-iit K. Grand RapidTraverse City Markets
tor *pix-ial IrealAi-Qi and liieiUlliere Ttvis report la inaflw «iponW*dr.c*
lay of aavli wowk. TWw Hotaid la not
aaponslble for rjvanaaa in prlcM
Mi** luer wiis ha* gone to Mani*
ing Price.
l.x- (o ink.- Hu- salt liathH Cor iuniiiii Clear pork, jx-r ban
tualory r)ie>iniaH*ni
n.-ar pork, tx-r (xiunit
W W. ICiehntond. lumher Iniycr'for Short rut ]xirk....................
the l«*kci faelfiry, b-ft for Hi<- s.nith- Fb.iir. H 1. A t-o * lb-I
Hyi- ll-.u., II I. A I
• (•erli pait <4 the alBle t.xlay
Ml** Eva Thompainn. who ha* lx-.11 Meal. M f. A Co x 114*1..
Foci. H I, A Co s Best..
Ibe gii.-t of Mr* Frank M>-a.t*. |e|i .KgC*. |K-r d..r.-ii..................
f-ii lier lioni.- in Gmu-I lUpId* i-xiuy C«xlfl*li. |x r ikxiikI............
J W I'liff i.tiiiixii t.xlay fnnu a Imr-I, pr-r ixxind .,
trip along MAN E. ixdiil.*.
-aniirv I
Mr* J B Hall b-tl t-lav (nr a *bon
■-X.I..1 ..
I*»r yxiii.l
viidt ID Cran.1 Rapid*.
C A CroRs.-y left Ihl* imnnhig .m a
. IX .
.h.»rl Ixislii.-** trip lo I'lar.-,
John l.uea:: left thi* DK.nilng t.u^iB'aii.
KlngKley •
Will Ib-nneit i* making a trip along f.]''""
t: R k I p..int*
O C Cooper of Willtamrburg
« wr Traverse City Dealer*
• DiiVing R
• Wh. at .
Ibe city loday
I-tr l..|*tx-!.
llctlxr. Cox, wile and bal.v .4 An.
Ixi). Ind-. ao- ihe.gm-*!* ..( Mr and
Rvo .............. ...
Mr* C. H. Brarii.gl.wi .4 Jhi-i Siv Riiii'-r. I* r {x.iitii
H-oaih *lr.-vX.^ Mr C.ra I, Mr:Brarli.g Keg*, i- r d-r.iu
ton* nephew.
- B.i-kwl.cal
' Chicken-. Kprlcg.
Hens ............
a-toa Wc«liiCBda>> Rreord.
' F TI-iddar.! wculI lu FtnwTiMii-'0*'», ..........................
Ilarvvy Wt (or lul.tltB-Jicirn.l-
lUi.i,. m«l -si,- .4 th.
.:t -nive uUai home Piano.
hi; I.'-. .V1..J 1- sian.l law I.
■ wtil : o. li> .ctiiiou t
SurliRK: piaiOS nrr n>4tl on
.-*9y |viyiiipnti
liut i f Miflii«a« iHiri-haBi'rw
.nnl l.wlitiioiiiaU n.ai'.vl t»
.<iiy :i<Mr<'»a l>y (h«-.-Nclnaivc
went lo Cani Ijk.- l—lay (ora w.-.-k'-FOR SAl.K -Mr. Wm. Winxiaiil.-y lu
-tay nt ihe CurijMMr. and
for *al.' «lo- t.-am, Ixuli alx.xi
Mr* .1. S. Ilorion will I*- tht-lr gue*!-.
year* .4 age. w.-lalp. alx.iii rP»
G»xi farm working
ab- Itiv bi-.b.- I .-a.-ii iiii--.- 'Iial.-i -.- Ci-v
.nvi Sunday,
giHHl for irareliiig Wni Wliisiai lion XVoiI..
IVrry Roli.-ri* of «rand llnpid* Ifn-i II
lev. Solon
ilsIHng hi:, fiUlk r. V. K llol«-fl*.
CY. I.OVi; INSC-R.V.rlC.
KnpwlKni. law pi.if.-s.or <x
i.-ir. Km
A Cwriain Cor* for Achlrvg Fnet
Ann Arlsii amt -ii<- .4 Hn 1*-:^ eitmA'k<nc.H*o>linc Ss.-llr* f. .< H*,ni>l> *• ■>• . C , >
inul lawy.T* III tbe slatv-. is vi:isliing rSBB. sIwKsntpkixf Fn.H Raw-s-axitart i>vw
Pad. a wev inv-x>i--n Addmw. Albw 8 olxi -vu.l :
frl.-iid*l n (be ellv.
ll'■ll■•I araiie-i evtHou-- in ib.-|
Si*’.- Muiuai .4 lJ(x-.-r. Tbl* l* a 1
nvm Tuesdiy'a Recvird.
Court Burges* of Port Hiiivin. wg* v.-ry *v1- ittrl ry-lliHi»e <-<ua|-anv and!
Mis* Jennie llrigg* of Sagluaw. who wo xearvvl at nwly txdng nin «»v.-r I y
rat.-* [.iw. II >.- in> wh.- ti r a max
liirmerly .lir.xi In Ihl* eilv, Is vlhlitng a RH|dil Itailwray ear Ibai Im ha* ln>i
toiaui..-; Ill- pr.f|.. iiy.
friend* beiv.
iweiily'iKiuiid* in welghl ill ax many
QTATB OFMli-mOAK -TbxprulaVrCoaM
Mr*. J. S, IhdllsI.T. wh.. ba* Ixx-n
O lm-«h.|-.HiM»r4cir*ixlTn>«xfw
vistiiiig ih-o. H. Hamlin ami wif.
hrid *» Uie |«..
.liieofBr.-, II. Ih- elly <4 Trxvtxw t‘(ly. i» **xl
i.xl.vy for Southern MbHilgan.
Ub« niw !a”uTws‘"
Hr. aud Mr*. FTisIxv <4 Geiici
d money II
. . ____ .
. Fr.,l U w.dk.r. Jude* .4
IB * ta 14 rnUwIx
V.. who have Inx-u visiting Ih.- family ^Wl raKTMRN* fslb t
..f G.-ne Wall at Hid MBwIon. spcni
Nrtixyest.-rday will. A \V, Wait and family
an-l.l.-t.'mix-- x>i-- •■-r- *; lb* Vinx- »
h-aviiig (or lionie Hn* luorulng.
arwUlDi- l>wal h-vr--r .aid ilxxwari an
-.1 in. w.-n- Slniek f.
t)t|.-11-> :n.-nt iK- r--*l .--^1.- .-I vhi-ii
\V Ovi-rholi of Kingsl.-y wa* n
V Cbari.-* IH WalM.
-xisly injur,-.1. Ik.tli ; A.l» iwx' at len
Tray.-r*.- Cilv visU.ir v.-*teiday.
Marion Glhbs of MRy fi.-hl t* s^-ndliig the day In ihe cliy.
W. II. Cork of Cc.lar was in Hie elty
3i:-i 1* ^410 l-T,»p»ard .4 I-
- iiisT-iin-ill: arv tn^uk.- i„ mi
;t:i.lNG VIAS04 and lb-- exprx
*Sic«-r.* ..................
11 I- l«ria-y
txil-lx-al.on -4 a r>iiy .4
(ih--r—-rix- elr.
.,,r-.miT- w.-k-iam.-xm
ih.» •rfd.-f. f-r -.0.
|■■•a]dday■■l 1. vmac. la II-- Urwml Trav-^rpam* (XVBlt-d aad ■ ,r-Bla’--l,'a
JwU* uf PrulwU
Try a Herald Want Ad.
Bring Vour
-tiid havL th( tn fr.im'd
|.r<.[H fly.
laryc slotk uf
Cit^f Book Store
hclfcft ...
‘Cowh ..........
Mr* It K.4xi-*r.n .4 IHlroil
Clarrncv- Mctcxlf. wife and daughii-r.
arc guevU of T. A Wiiklnsoo of tbiv-Hr^* ....................
.Turtev. ...............
I Duclu ........ ..
Ttd S^thard icfi this moraiiig
a abort trip to the Cppv-c Pv-aiBsuia.
mil Kcodham U traaaartlfw: Ixivi '
5^bMrt Cc., Prtps.
Crsptrst Citft tBicb.
r Lv. PraMMt; K.
OUBOroiB-A. YW*T »-T. *■
• M. B. C IMm. Mm MttfM. C
» Kr crM aO0vM M TIM De»Mto
Clnailttten Hilt week 2,9 75
R. Fiord aiBch. 1
the HuMb * L«r c
tt* ettr (or • coaple ot wrek*' lUy o«
bothiow «ad plfunre.
^ plot o( Pnwpect j»rtc. Bllwr
lAk*. WM died Id tke t«clner-| offtce
-aMvtay. Tlw piDt rooDUU o( elghi
•ae Mi« ieU. two of wblcb uv alreadr
Tvner o( Okrtvstt •luulMd
iMctm of cbc (orcom while pUjlulh«' ta doinc Bleelr. bCFWerer. a»d wUI
be DKMWd Id • tr« d»rt.
Stowkit HoIbho. »H WDibUutcio
■tiwM. anfered the Iom of the Index
Rvr of Wi t«bi hud mdA'
-irtine at work ta Ibe buket factorrThe roue MM waa worklns on
*hlaaker~ and rot bto Biicer oader she
knHe. -(aalai a# the ud ud maktac
The laJaiT
a eerr palntul.
and Otis Caneeo la la ebarse. A fine
both saddle and drlrlaa boraes
While wocklBS at Caldwell ft \jm- have been taken over and alao
ftMh Aop Thandar A. Oorbe atel
r of fine rigs. This branch stable
■ «(th a ecuewbat palafol. tbooBh not
a g^t
sentence to the
e wa* la the
sorters ud also to people dealring
woodworUnc department niuinjc the
Old Mlsston from here. They
band aaw when the block aUpped. cui- can take the steamer to .Ne-ah-ia-wantlac bin fln«er leverelr. He Inmedl- ta. secure teams at Ne-ah-ta-wsnts and
ateir bad the wooad druacd and ex- drive ov«.
peeU to be at work aa aaaal la a (ow
B-blle working at tbe Binghai
Wednesday Herman Remus had three
fingers ud
a thumb of hlsl eft
hand cut off by s citcular saw. Tbe
accident happened shonly after tbe
mill started for the afiomoaa's xrork
At that time Mr. Remus wax culling
edgings when suddenly one of the edg
ings slipped and allowed his hand to
fall on the aaw. A doctor was imme
diately aummoBcd from Traverse City
but Is not u yet able to sta
Bdwla Middleton and Mian Katha
: serioiuaess of tbe tnjnryrine Woolaer. both of Kortbport.
■Bited In inarriaBe br the Rer. Hnieh
R. Sebomberger In making, heavy
shipmeau of woo) th'is week. Tbe
wrenlac at 6 o'cloj^ Tber were accom> duuUty of wool wblcb be bad on
paaM br a nonain of the groom. B
hand waa an great that be was forced
1 and tbe (nil ring aernt one of Markham'S stares, for
rice waa need. Tber will make tbelr
merly occupied by Straub Bros, and
hoM' la Northport.
Amiotte. This Ireek Hr. Schomberger
will ship four carloads of woo) to
The Trarerae CItr Brick <
Rbod/ Islud, ud next week a like
int will be seal out. The wool
«C red preaaed brick. Tber hare
to all parts of the coonlry, a rebed of fine red clar at their Kerstoar
conslgameal being sent to New
pUnt and If it pane out an well an ex-;
peeled Ttarerae Clir people will not Orieua The froo) U aorted Into
hare to aead ooUidc for facing brick-1 dlCereOt grades ud then put up Into
A aample brick' made Irom tbo Ker-' y^XpouBd bales.
The Tiaverw Bar Bne has ude
maar improeoMte at Marion Inland.
Roatlc aenta bare been pmced la cosr
aboot the Kroondt ud
Innneb dock ban been bnllL Three
tnred (or renttag porpoeea and Ibe baaa fiahiac In
Uld to be ascelleBi. The retpiUr
dance will be held thnw totnomw
■one clar lotdcn u'nlce an ur of
TheMayflower club ntarled on their
-thone of oauide muufarture. - It in of
unnal camping expedlHoa Tuesday
n deep red color aad wonld make
Ing. Promptly at • o'clock about
; bandww ornament for nar bonne.
thirty boys galhqed at the First Con
John T. Beadle Ud bean P. Titon. gregational church ready to start for
praatdeol ud cashier <4 the PIrst Ke- Duck Point, where tbe ea^p will )>e
ilonal bank. left Monday
located. The Rev. D. Onchlln will
trip throngh aontbem Michlun to have (diarge of the affair, acting in the
1^ orerbuk buildlngn and get tdean combined capacity of chef, porter and
tor the new National huk huUdlag to genera) overseer. AM kinds of conbe erected on tbe
will be held. Boat races will
They will Tlalt Battle Creek, Jackson. occur every dav while ball games will
Ohelaea. Ann Arbor. Detroli ud oth be frequently palyed. Each boy will
er ptoeea. The atyle of a bnUdiag to fiimisb a ihre«‘-day supply, of provlha erected here will depend largel.r stou. ud the party wm remxju as
npod the report at theae gentlemen.
long as the food supply bolds out.
Bne« Lichty ud Hlu Loin Harsh,
W. T. Roxbiir^ left today for a r
J. W. Slater wont to BOt Bli>ldn
Tiwaday on buntaem la couectloB both uf Bale*, wett united la aw- la Reed City.
rlage by the Rer, U B. CarpeaUr at
wttb bin
t of Grud Rapid*.
at thrt place.
day. Th<-y were aitvaded fcy the
I's brother. John Lichiy. and believe* shv 1* being bclu'ta L'hicaen
J. A. DeLeury. nalesmBB at J. W.
ran«oiB. ,ax she wax to come Into
SlaKr'a boane fnrnUhlag store, weal Mis* Rryu. Waller Haush ud
in 0«-i'!)er. Thr.r--day
to Oraad Rapids yerterday. whet* he Alia Seeley. They will make their!* «««'“
will apoad his racallon. He will also boar on the farm of the bride's father •'«* rifx-l'e-' tbe foHowlng teb-mn* 1
ni'iutfiy. Crysi*:
r Bates.
attend tbe tumltare exhiUi while
Is sick. Friend, Idll West Suieentl.
Tbe Bummer lax roll for this year stre-el.'* Vltser*. whose wile dinaj>Of Wesford and han Uen made up and the ttdl U p>at«d a wee-k ago Thuiadav.Jrfl at
Lake ceanUea In cooveation at Cadll- BOBi-B-hat lower itau for the last year. |an<e for Chicago and will go to the
lac. after nomlaaiiag Dr. Barry of Last yeor'i rate was 2.22 per hundred i address given «1i^ a ixdicenian. Ileortetia' for tbe ntatc legislature, de and this year it varies In the dlBervni
A Tragic Finish.
clared for William Alden Smith as ward*. In the First and Fourth ward*
A watebmsn's neglert pemittisd a
their choice for the Vnlted Stale* sen- thU year'* estimate is Il.TS. for the leak In the great North Sea d.vkr.
Third 1142 ud fe.r the S-eood and wUri) a ehUd's finger couM have
Fifth IL92. The reason for the differ- stopixM. to become a ruinous break
an entire province of H(d
About ftfly local Raises will aHend eat rates In the various warts Is b<- devai-iailng
latwl. In like manner Kenneth Mcthe national coareatloa which will be caus«- of the more advanced street Im- ,lv.-r. of VaDrelioro. .Me. pa-rmi'ted a
pruvemi-nt.s which some warts hav< jlinle «o1d 10 go unnoticed imiil *
held la Milwaukee. Aug. 14 to IS.
the other* and beacerequlre k-S'' tiagte
fiul^b was cnsly aveitrt by lit.
e has been secured over tbe
King's New IMseovery. He wriivs:
M. ft N. E. which is not only good money for this purpose.
'Three doctors gate nie iip to die of
for Eagles but for uyone who wishes
i'jtig Inllammarion. caused bv a
Tbe I. D. K. club held 'heir regular;]lecle.1 row, bill Ur King's New
take advantage of the opportunity.
eoV.'-^V .<aved 'tr•x }|eovery
• e>.......
The' tmln leaves at »:40 Sunday meeting Tufsda>/ev»%lng at the home
of the Mi»*e«‘Rebecra ami Agnes! best couch and
Aug. IS and tbe tickeU are good for
AI.„ ,b,
tu days.
a gnessing contest was eii)o)e.l
Mr. ud Mrs. Stewart of Sharkey'-: all. MIsB Nell Send iK'itIg presenusi
with the Orwi prise ud Mias Mar-1 Harvey Coff and Bry MrUngfatln
ebram entertaiaed about tweiuy
goeriie Brookmyer the aeeond prize. | two lads uken to Monroii chargm!
-era* City people at ibeir borne
IhUny refreshment* mioii foilowe.11 with breaking into a cigar store, ham
recently. Tbe company drove frui
eoBslslIng of watermelon, punch.'be«n released,
here In rigs, apending the atiernooD
wafer* and assorted eafc<-s. The cro*<! ]
there ud returning la the evening.
departed at a late hour staling ibatj
A Hard Lot
They were eniettalaM bv a picnic on
they all hod a jolly goa.1 lime. The , Of trtiulile* to contend with, spring
take abore while bonring and
ifnim a to^ )her and bh«ekaile-l i*>w
next meeting will l>e beM at tbe borne els, unless ynu awaken tli>-iu to ibriTswimming fnniUb a pleasut feniure
with Or. King* New
prop of the aftemooB’a amusement.
Life Pills; the .
effeetlvo cure for eunstipa'inn. Tb^RaligiOiM CntMalnmcnt.'
and nine o,p Ibe
■ fine bundle of
A large ernwii attencled the rellglODS sysieui. lie a' Johnson Drug C
wheat Is on exhibition la tbe window eatcrtolament given at St. Frue's K. 11 Mead*. C. A. Bugbee Drug C
of tbe Queen City It
ehtireb by the Rogers Lyeoum cunt drug stores.
party. It waa grown by Joseph Amtntoy last evening and wiine***-d an
buchler of Solon ud Is a new variety aitraetlan of very high clan* order.
called LoDgherry, never before kaowp
One of the chief attractions were
lb this' secUon ot the couatrv. The the baritooe solo* hr Mr. Norris, who
bundle was.one that was picked up
has an exceptluually fine voice.
random. Hr. Amtsbarhler-'hariDg
entire field ot tbe name kii«.
Talt Brans lanncbed hU new motor
hont Tbnndar and the little craft
ahowed that riw had been rightly delairocted by nkimmlng
right along. Tbe boat u foorteen fm
la kmeth with a Ihrec^oot beam ud te
apalpped with u Eclipse tbree-qnarter
home power englac. Tbe boat in
cyprees plukad with oak ud cherry
decks. Tbe boat wan built aftm^ Mr.
Brans' own patteran and idcan ud
by him sine* eebool
tot ««t at odd Umes.
ltostn(ic* Depanawat. Waohtocton. at
IT at Traverw* City. Mr. Carnr aome days ago sent bis bCBd* for
t4C4M which have been approved. Ud
be fs now preparrt to take ebarge of
tbe office an nooo an tbo neceanary ar-'
’n cao br made. Posti
Canror athied this moralag that ho
wm take poaacnaioa at the office on
tbo first of Aagtst. thereby allowiag
tbe baslBoas of the office tor thU
memth to be properly dosed before be
enters apon tu daUea.
jllic Foimdation off
FYom Wednesday's Record.
Harold Harvey, wbo has be(>n visPing B. H. Bracken, left today for bi»
home in Grand RapM*.
Mrs. Fred Pnlv<<- ud Mr*. Sarah
Abbott left yesienlay for Old Mission
where they will remain alnml or-'
A. L. Joyce ha* relumed from the
Elk* convention »i tXmver. A. W.
Straub, tbe other delegate, went mi tt.
Pueblo to visit his hrnlher.
Miu Josephine Head* of Scoitvillo
1* viriting Mrs. P. H. Mead*.
Captain Barrett ud Cadei FMbley,
Salvation Army officers of Rusbrillo.
Ind.. arrived in the cliy today.
Louie and Be*.*ie Steinberg of D.-troii are the guest* of J. Sleinlierg an l
Roy McManus will leave Satiirciay
tnr Empire, where be will play short
stop fur the Empire team Friday.
E. W, Hubble and wile and daughter
Minnie will leave oa the C o'clock
Every department is full of these July bargains—every
thing of a summery nature must hustle out of the way.
There are many things that you need and need now: plenty
of warm days and sunshine in which to use these warm
weather goods. Our season is over but that is nething to
you—it's the price you are after now at this season of the
There are so many things that one needs just now to
finish out the sunSmer that can be picked up at a fraction of
their worth that the wise buyer takes advantage of these
many sales and secures new things for her wardrobe, but
a picks up many a bargain for the home. This is your harvest
time for bargains—they are here in every line and in every
starts an Z
Traverse Oly
State. Bank
♦ The oIdi*t and strongest d
k in Northern M' ' ^
Summer necessities in
Jit Uery Cow Prices.
Caditn' Oxfords
Cnnoan eoodn
In Pntrnt Leallier. Tnn and Ki i.
.Ml of them till* vear's xtrles an.l
rvwjr [>air ol Ihi-ni wurih sy to
•y morr than we ask (or tbcni.
ChiblreD'B Canvgg Oxfortls
Mignen' OxfonU.
75C to $1.15
Women'g Oxfordi.
Caditn’ Oxiord*
Not tbo best, but a styirsb. . om
lortablo. (airlv i;ik*1 wt-arinj; I'llor.1. ntnde o( Kid Iratbrr in guvO
got to $2.00
in all cttl.irt In mateb
JTirur c“»n. Wi- huvr ni--re ikaii
30 difii-rrnt xiylv of tbvsr to xvlt-ri
Youths' Canvas Shoes.
Boys' Canvas Shoes,
With strap and h>iw. hand tumod »-J.- ivvry
Vou bavr |>aiU S1.25 (of no U-Itor
Men's Canvas Shoes,
lUtn’n Drtns Shots
Easy Slippers,-
Feed your htir; oourisb it;
CiYe it soffletbioc to live oo.
TbeD li vni stop ffilUof, sod
*Q1 trov loot and heavy.
Ayer’s Hair Vi(Or is the only
hair-food you cao buy. For
60 years it has been doicf
fun whu ve claim H vffl do.
It will DOt diupp^t you.
* One Mlu
Means Clean Up in All Lines.
vrli<-rr lh€>v will spend two week*.
Caditn' Sandals
My Hair IS
I The habit of aat-iD»;.|
1 fonnetl in parly life, ia the i
2 fonnilatioa off niaoy
niaoT a for- Z
♦ tone. Thrifty people J
• patronize tbe •aviiit's bank*
The deportment uf suv- f
Sintrs is a sp<aial fiattn
2vrith this bank.
It h:
T many Utve depoaits. It *
• has many small ilepjsits. •
all draw three per 2
t iuterest compouudetl 2
S twice a year.
........ 50c
Serge Slippers............. 28c
Serge Shoes. Cong.
$1.00 to $1.50
Madr of a Ii|;ht dressv Ki.y>aih.
• T. in Blufhrr stylo, oti a new
swing last (or
Ven'rt lasing a lot ol lilt’s bapptntsn by
net istaring eomfortablt loonotar tbtst
warm days.
We Sell the Pianos
That give the Iwist of satisfahioo; that have records
back of them; that can be sold on their merits. We
' want to talk business with you. If you cannot come to
us let us know and we will come to you. We treat you
fairly, squarely and you get the iincst pianos made:
is all that is necessary to say.
The material, the workmanship,
the wearin;; ability and tone
quality are the very best known.
Tbroiijih eight administrations
in the White House is enough
recommendation. We have
never had a dissatisti<Nl cus
is a piano that for richness of
tone, depth of vibratimi and
workmanship has few equals.
Wc want you to be sure and see
this piano. We know you will
like it. and the price is most
I Henning
One of the finest medium-priced
pianos on ihc Market. One
that has proved Aiosi satisfac
tory wherever it ha-^ been
placed. No trouble to show our
beautiful pianos and explain
fully all their many good quali
ties. Should U: pleased to sec
you in our i’iano Room in the
Furniture Dept, at any lime.
stands for the very best organ
that is made. The sweetest
tone, the ftoest materials, the
best workmanship. There are
many wbo prefer organs, and
churches and young people's
societies should see and hear
this beautiful organ. The price
pleases all. You should own
one of them.
We sell piano and organ stoofs, both single and
double, and the finest of piano scarfs.
■riwAVKMSK orrv.
Gr^d Traverse Region.
; fcmccToe
th* MhM •am Mt
Mar thwi TMAiy wmi *f Mek wMk
mm n nffmjtntimta fail ta flnc
- «Min IR. «My my ba waam that it
Oon RBd pouutaa ar« dotait wpII;
- * U BnUhrt. VkPat Uid rye a lli
-.arly all cut thli week.
Jairaa Taylor »• oa u.e tick ll«.
limB Taylor bouEbt a nc* mowO^mchiDc laai week.
VUIIa Allen bouabt a new rake,
■n. Sarah Tay)or !■ orer toOtnek‘ aaalMXns bar dauchier.
I. In UklB* care of bar
luia had ihe aaibms
nbe paal *a«-k.
■ill Oarrltoo. a teacher in an lott^nchoQl IB Oiacm, U viflilBR Mre.
I weeks. crravUtlar of maslc sM slaa-l caller in Tmverse Cify WedneMay
( demcrathM
The rooBcem and ao«
Only S2 Vaa
All raen)>ers are reOMisied iniUet.
_____ „ ,
, .
..’an the RoeheMlem is Bdaa Au-' “• *■ <wfT *•
and doal
' come and brtn* th.-ir
Miss On>b%
On>bA Kobo
Kebn was a bcslness
ni ur and Wm oaav
even when I get to ba real »W
eallrr In reverse City
Wedoesilav; **•**■ dau^tar of Mr and Mra. Frank ;
as | ran cei
Good, wh
who has been In 1-si.
-Rockefeller of Russell. Kas. Tills .Eleetrie
Bitten.- mars
Mm. E If
lael visited frlendit la Softb MU .Mra. Ella Good,
wks Uk '
Miss Orpha Bdgelt of Cnlar City is' young lady, wbom John It. Ruckefeller Bransoa. of Huhllr,. Ca. Surely itien-'.i
.... the latter pan of the week.
; Tmverae City the past
....................... Bg her parrot*. Jut. ai:c. Mn.
else keep* the old, aa yotrag
Miss Jeaale Lencea. who for the ; lag care of her sister. )
It to style hU
hu "favorite
"fav.oite niece'
niece.' “b'blng
k as strong ss lUs
past Booth has beep la BUswonh. iwj rich, was home over Banda
I thoughI Ihe nnd her father are ooly^*"„5
turned to her home la Angell Sunday.:
Miss .Vellle White went ic
icotislna. ba* Just married John Porter'pid Hver. Inflamvsl kidneys or chnrale
Mr. and Mm. T. J. Cams of Trav-'Oty
aper laVlsg
erne Clt» apeni Saturdav nlgbi with ] botre ihtr oioinins.
;t< rffelfl und seve.-al uibet
the former's pareni^, Mr, and Mrs.!
July r:.
jweie In -1 raverve Ci'y eluiw iiay la-t
John Cams.
Mem!*, i
Miss .Mabel Ma-iell of Rllswortb Is!
I gists. Price Stic.
and Mr*. Will Hriffiil. am!
The f.tnners
visiting Irieods in this pUcr.
Twenty >
• Battle.
their wheat and .. .
July r
iwcnt.' yeat- bii. ;
.* a loser ft
Br-r: VVetxi LruughrWiome
;,v ..rder of Eilward VII vhV
I r.i-K sprwytn- ntachlue It
sore*, uiril I irtist Buckii-e'- .Vrnv-i'., r I'xcelit ncv. ■
Mias] Ibis
hi retofore iwl.- a
Mr. Field dr Manistee
r i Salve-, which turne.1
* Bp
M. f l•»l* was
Bp to Travers'I Mi,s ijiura Coin .
Fk.renrc Higgins of Traverse City
il. .y il:le extended to the wile .y
.. Fruu'.pOC U«h.
' vUillng tiio latter'* urandparcoienuir P-oeml of Canwdw. wiit
, Mr. and Mq.. A. M. Broith. las’
', rs ov right. 8* well as all raari-a
Rekah Wlhton and Mr* Wallet \Ve,t Almira aitetidej i
Mr. and Mra. A. M. Smith wire in
•i* ;,vl r»»p<Yi given Ihe'goverunr
rttliy iiighi.
‘ ’ , »
f. A. IfciSf'' l»:'ts
Triiverse City last
S:iiur<lay doing
Hates FYlday.
Mr, and Mr*. Carl Bates, Mr
Henry McCurdy visiied at Williaras
Mrs, Asa Palmer an.1 children t
burg las' Sunday.
The pirnir in Pike', gmv.- \Ve.lne^
W<- have had plenty of rain.fui the
Ml*. Htiftts Bates. Biinday.
• .:»> was uuii. well aliettde-I
emps; everything hiokH fine.
PHdiT tor a two weel
ler brother. E. O. Wini
I with her
Bom. n> Mr. aad Mm. Heaiy Halett.
». a boy.
- 1 Mra. Cbartle
aty 'Iasi Satordar. rrtomPrwrerse C
IBC. SaDday.
Fife Lake last
Jnsiux Lt
C. Bartait. t
Carry wen) SshlDg iaai
Miwe ran than fish.
wmie Church went hiicklebcrr
!aai week across the Maalstee i
mil brousht home IHnio.
July ».
.. .
h„„.. .h„ .m »..n
Mrs. fola M. Rose and son have reirned m iheir borne near Grand lUp
ids. afifr a tew weeks' visit here,
Mr. and Mm. John Bnulrlck hnv>
jeea eniertalnlng relstlres from Vnlrtiaslo. Ind.. the |>ast week.
Mrs. Philip Schlrhtei. Mm. Ami.ld.
ROL Phsel anil Mins Uuie Fasel art'
iDona ihose who w.t«- at Matumi on
The w ind last Suiiday hieu off tjOine
frtUt. but there 1* j.letilv letl iMi tite
wiirklna (or
Mrs, I*. Swanson. Jr. who has l-een
TlKltlrig at ClIlK Pier for eotne time,
•uttned 1a>l Kridav.
M. .Sleiter had a s'.vr hltle.1 hy
liatitniui: laM Salnnlay night.
iMI.K Wahlpreen. n imvcling rai»Slcmary. occupied the pulpil at tit.Swerllsh chntth here yeRTnyday.
Mr. and Mis. K.l i:illd-rt-of Trav■sc City are here f.w a few days' t.iii-
i-r:., r-JL
July 23
Hayltm Is nearli itow and the wheat,
irrest besan this tntinilna.
Mrs. BirlckUnd and
rimily. Mrs.
Conover, Mrs Bslclwln, Mm. De|->iy.'
Caie'li OB ibc alcb ilat. baa been Mr. Carr and Mi, 1'iKlike. ai krf In ,
lerlochen. earoe up on the exeumlnn;
^m*^iib and wife called ai N. train yesterday and spent the day at,
8. Slrirkland's.'
V. Harrfnmoii'a Sunday.
iJuly a.
Mrs. W. Hleks has letiinied home
ora Traverse City.
She U a little,
Ftorenee Strickland of Traverse;
• Myroa Neiaoa «« an ua aick lUi
aty Is visitina bfir Rtandmoiher. Mm
vtlh nymptoiBi of typhoid fercr.
B. KIlDselaoiltb.
I. who
wbo ban
ban bee*
(. la belle
my alA the pati week,
y b
bare «
Mr. and Mm. I). C. Ktncaley
»ew piano.
' Mlaa Marjory Speer weal I
atae City thU mumloK.
Conler last Saturday. They n-|>»ited
■Mini Ruth Jackson Is apendine a
" .... i j™-* y *..™'- - .r.™--.
S,.. ............ „
h... ........
K.„u. S*
after spvntlins ’W.> wr-ks
roihers heie.
ne.- th.wn.
David WyaVoop of T..v.-.*<. Cii, ,
-IS!.,;;' :r;
Tltc lie" harvest V aUuit «
e for Tiigi-f Hnis. ro.|wA
pmaiti.s '.f a yn--ng Indian waEim..r:rt,.r.i,.
e iimarthed h,.- ».-w.t digg.-r
n the West luuik of Mat river ai l*>»
The leg and Sint l*n;e* and Bku.
n- iniafi. and the hair aiui H-ei>>
r«i well luete-rveci'.
An Inm I'lnti
wk p-ilii frace* of Ihe wi.Mleii han
• III ilie^ocK-ke. and t»i» roi>i>«-r ke
ait inside of a niomh.
M; and Mtr*. Wt:l la-.he drove over 1 il.. s relilalilliig Well pMsyei-visI tiieio;,
‘ scs'ds and y.hat
Miss oiu
Ktnma Mr-ereis ieiitme,| honn
City Raiunltv
. ri. i*i»
alter Riiendinc two wertts
last •’hiiraday.
whJi frlead
rlead* at Mapleltm.
W. r. Aid met last week
A few fn
hall. The Dogl meollng
• ball Aug.I
His* Urib- Winsianh-v I* helping
B of DtoRion U
Tie McCombs will lead the; «... rjtuule AmiahMchler this week.
Hina Carrl
Yteitlag bar |*rents. Mr. Bad Mrs. J.
leBgile meeting next Sunday evening. I
July 52.
weel *. muniwl hiiree today.
Joe Podlarko wiiR In ine neighlMrr
Mr. and Mm. I.. Innis of Detroit are hood the past week making hay.
lost one of his I
Mr. and Mm. Nell Munra. Jr. spent a Kbori lime agn.
I was serred by the boaiess.
There will Iw n speclbl part added
9Se aexLneeilDR will be held ai Ihe
III ibe young |>o«iple'* meeting I
.•liMMaf Mrs. SkulleU.
.«f«k vIHUBE friends In Oraad Rap-
l—eii tsirii aii,i
wi-n- luiiud will, il-.e holies.
T.i, laim.rs are luisv gailu-ring In ,
' |sii:,lo luig- 1 . w.-H a s the olliir
,MW>en*«lllUI><'nSl diew-e
• Kohn was
»‘n‘UK; AlT
For the past tw6
weeks this sale has
l>Bon in progress and will continue until ail furniture and house furnishings that have been used as samples on our sales floors have been sold.
CblB Eeaton, more than mr before, people are faWita adpantaae ol our annual sale ef Sample Farniture
■ .
.. f
eM eslesp
#M I r
standpoint it is a decided success, for it is making our store the most talked of place of business in the Grand Traverse region.
Como and Oo-t Yours B^foro -tho Bes-t Bargsins are Oono.
IB Joor covorlnga. of raurwe
easplo. tani
ill sraph*..
and Shades
rhalrs that any iilher stole in
of fiirnii’ire iiiriii;vlM»i!
ymi *ome idea of Ihe niimt>er «>f
I a sami»!i- <in em -;;ie< ti.s.r-ratniile* we have In ihi* line.
ili he rli.;. It e r ft: nn.tu-i >»v
!• iirl'v-s.
are rUMlng out
jr- '.ft and $•; m«* sell f..r
S2G0. $2.75. Siso. $175 and $f.
lU nmail lo-s at uur aampte sale
Don't ml** till*.
renaanta. abort eada aad aaiall
rolle wlU go
Our I
Rncken; that have sold at
In this di-partmcnt nsidi- from
we have ho
Rockers and
morris ebairs
pie is marked.
Kierj- •
Come in and
Cook Jlround
and Parlor
All bic iiliw* lit l**l
i 1 .rmiitre wl'h ibe slight
iikr -ir K.-ratrli has li'-.-ii cut
54 pair extra heavy Noiting.
ham Curteinii. w.d.1 at t2.U> prr
Betreial plccee of carpet
pair, now tZM.
tahlag caqagh for aay ardinary
■U^ room. In all grmdeA
i pair good Bab act Curtains,
regular ll.on grade*, nnw 6Se.
Oae exMB'bearr piece, good
lagraln, wewth He, now ti
And hundred* of other* euually as good that lack of srav-f
fmlild* m>-nlkm.
piece all
wool iagntln
worth CSr. BOW dSc.
wkii-re one
ihnn has Item used as *aa>|i
Three piece* extra heavy hai-
fitmiMire is
>- * . t!r>- niaking tie- I'l:;
■I 2S per cent disceunL
tnoaet earpH. tegular price fOr.
All ••l*-gaiit K..1I.I »*»i.
luari.-d wl.if.- anwlie.'
tal.i- ha.. I......... >.• ..It t'Bt uf i*
111*"', leiw •lOl,
is just as good during this sale as though we were charging
regular price. Come in and select what you want. You don't
need the money. There is no red tape in our credit systemjust tell the salesman to charge it.
.. u
- .'k
A ■•••nv'ifid all I
a. n»vt $e.75.
!i <-.‘;u!r.. kUd r'-f.-|iti-i:i
grad- v.-h>iif. ffwme »Il-h-
:> ti.ai-."I. w>W f'T $12.5®. new
that havA- hung im twr wall*
Bceml pleeee IJatdeum.
UlnlBR from « «o U yard*, at
>,a: iu
ariiiai valm-.
n&ens sad di>?s-Bs of Olid lace
Revrtal piece* of tbS aiatllac
left at 7V,s per yard.
Id pwrlur stands wii:t
a wbnrt lime at almul 4 their
as per cent 4iaMti«|.
eurtalns. por'iertr-.'and
lierve at less than actual
te.Ii--eal4e *r*r*
r.aie all leeeh'au'!
1-^^MO.el one Ob-.B-
seal* ail- r<* k-r-
..f ai.ii'lier, a> a illwveiiii of 8a
»l:; ri ki r-3lr;d'-
prieu.. !•
ptr ernt
Don-' f
„ I.*dt thi-e
Borne cur apnK m rev dari
................................... JubB
- .
' iirr. J. Doraiurti
plB« bix rherrtex. Hv eblppH over
veokB tbe nieBl o( Bcr. 8boUr >t
K. Mniwtk. wbots In Ann Arwlek.
Brn. Pn-enu lx on ibi- rbIb nnil l» li»r (or Irminenl. viittv boae be U
DU liiHier. If anriblns. vorxe.
■Me Ui Bit up 4Blte ■ whUt.
lDic wkni han-rsi hu bcKun.
•ape vin<*. Tbere to an orentrovib
W. H. nrlffbl
MMl K. R. Pu-luinl
' vine* this rear and.the earlr.f*«n>
hsVe liouctal new netr-WndtTb.
Hlkt! (be emi Mtiln* of (niU. amjte.
Jolf M,
to* M-arn-, boi If >»u
prune, vbai Riapes >xmi will haw will
I* pbotot-.
,t (o Mid' ^31nc and Tuni l’ni>
The <laae- aut Mr. and Mr*. Ilarte>
te(M lo pta) Ml
II Hul
ktortlO B ai Ka«i ll<•a.l Saturday «.t<u
«<ul l« "^mverBr CU)
A. 8. Pnv v>ui
S waa w«dl aiu-ndt-d.
Bandar on tin- ( trurelou.
Tbe canio erf bax liall playtti
Mlu Cxdia {tedlcr baa bi-m aulK'
- ll.-*-r l>unito-i
nick. Ut Ib Impnivlua now.
Jan><« HaaiiMmd of Kalkaidia wax iMm and ilic K. L. Co tram wax
'll Ibe nelghlxirlMnl one
hiM ohMe saaie. Tbe
boauThe bo« usam »u« opi
Next Sundtiv- aliemoon they i>lay tb<
C. K. Hall of tbe II. A I- Mcrcaatlle White atRl'w of Acin< on the K. L
I ball arouDdx jh Htoat ll<-ad.
Ibilxml.r *«i
A BinsiiUf acbool to held every Pri
one dar >aai week
dar evcDlnx at ibe Courtade aebuol
Ml lilem lx the (•-.teller.
lougb huckV-lKHTfe*
huckVheirfpx auaie aearrx
ik BiralAhl wax liir ky enough n
ixItlDB nlaMvoB berc
a One patch. 1(1 om- day
tdekfd Ma rrac-x and took (horn to
r of Bib Rapid* town to (hr evening and luild (hem fui
■m. Samuel
to>en* itolilDK ber paretua. Mr. and liAa a crate. luikiDg buu ts for hi*
M(p. A. Uiidi
.lay a wm-k.
Jobu N. coiirlade baa fenreal In bi*
TO-nere (arm <ni Ibe l>-a(di road with
wire. He wlU uec ll fu>
la« t (.inifi to BiinitiHT pnim ro»t
« ciir
rflil'^' irf Mallet <
Mlkitolh UHbdar UM wet^i.
Mra. Dr. nurh« baa rwnraed
baaN> tor a abort llae.
Tbe baU aanie Batorday between
y JuDbtre rea^m and (be Maple CUr
favor oi
■tiled la a seore of 1 in 8,In
Boylnginn. wblle atopliig
broke (be longue on hi* mower, and
Inxitad <rf going i» b>wn lu get an
other longue be veni Into Ibe wood*
eliae by and in li tolniiiea be bad
longue miKlc und put In place. It w
a belter (iinguo than he rould get (
lu (OVD.
I^Arman AHer*. wbo has been aurf
■an No. 3 in (be Bleeptog Hear Ilto
aving sUtlon for mudo Gnte, baa re
dsned fitxn
tbe xiwvlce and returoei
:o U* fintiHr borne.
Bunnell of
ito tiUoe has ■•eur
ing auballtule.
Charlea 1. PrMAt
r l>unl«airr. Mtrb.. arrlve.1 Satni
IV evening lu Oil Mr. Aller*' place
July ».
Tbe bnll BUd wind atorm rrf yextet
gtual lUw! of
. uiornlug
Ige la Ihto Vldnilv. blowing fenre:
«nd iivA- down and doing <pi>i
.rf damage to fruit and all other t-rop*
It balled Ml murb (ba< u neighbor ol
ira picked up enough Ice to niaki
p cream with.
Haying lx uearlv through and mo*tbe fannerx
fanners luve begun lo rut
cut IIbeli
Charb-a Kltlmt has a
Andrea t'mlor of
laid up with a very sore arm;
It Jiial below
-a. C. EllbMt ealled at Elk lUpld:
le Ladle*- AW of the M K. cbuirl
It Mra. Will Allgulrex laM Thiir*
lay aliertiixin
TUer fintoto-d a guilt
for tb<- nilDtoler'* wife.
Having a bad Cpid seem* lu to- gull,
unmnu now day*.
lu-lp lx .............. sx-atce he
July 53.
Gibacni and wife
each, lot* 9 and IP. blork
Cr» a Tad.
Anna 8. Smitb lo Naiban W. Smith,
•areeto. vec. k. town :i. range IP. *»•'
John A. Humrieh and wHe to Jacob
Doienbeckuc. nwH (rf net,, ace. 17,
-wn S5. rang.- II. ft.ixm.
Nina Tavlor lo Artbur A Taylor
vrret*. »»<a>.
loabellB Diaoa to Wm. H.- and Rob
■1 O, lliion. wHx <rf seti Hand (
null, sue. I(i. town 53. range IS.
Joseph B UanMry and wtlrmfwyp
J.Keph ll Barney to Prank Kulw-ck
ot IM. Evergreen Beat
Frank B Gannett uud all.- to Mary
Ganuetl. (inrrel*. *<-c. H-. loan SJ
range 11. tl.<Ms<.
Sntllb b Hull Co to Cliaries K
.rf neU. arc.
Buck. wto of sw'^
’ch*^to*T?*lliirl. to Iran Prat'.
A *mt, of ne'.. see.
IT, town S3.
i.-ir^B. wi*e aud wife t.i Ihi*.
Uoran. Iff I». block in. H..-L & Co.'x
tod, li ft-.
Jame* W
launlU-ti aud wlJr, l.n It. bl.K-k S». H
to A Co. x Tib.
Ham.rh A IJ*V Co t.. Mb lid--i Ilal
er-’ak. paireU. H.. 1- A C«>'« I5tb,
John .\. Hnmiich and wile |o Jake
Ikuvutov-ker. nwki ..f iiet^. M-c. IT
range 11. tl <H«
ik-rk Wilkop to Jeiou
■u. iniTeU^ 153.
of Gasi Gmplrr
has been vtopast wiwk. ITChlrago Friday on (be MU-
Sh.in^w.-ra ihi- giii-*it. .rf Ito- I
and Mi>
tjuaricrly nu-t
Ing TClder Fergr
h.-bl -rfl Barki-r
II. H•■l■l>K.
If in Donbl, Write to (he
Addre» Given Below
enltvened tbe
For till- paal Iwo Tcaro my eyc-t hiive pirrn
.*-v»retl A.-F..1. wft 7S, aiyxlcr!
■I> dtoapix-anxt from
--. N
V, iu April, toaviug hi* ag:ri
mother ami aisu-r haw -alon iU*<n
.«d ajtar
Thlx w.*-k *ln.- ivcelv.«d
Paulaoi. aixl ,,ro well |iJ.-aoovl.
titted with
glaMca liy t>r.
will be glad to antwer asy
Mra O. R. CUypool, SoJon. MJhh.
Art. r^Ju-artlig the Mr.1
. lira-.;--
Im.-s Ml
l.■nl.>rr Mu.-ral Hm
We Offer You
V .on.-lu<l>*l that b.-r bnxband wa*
a yitoiiMiri: nip in Sumb .Atiierii-a.
Vexler-lav igim.t. were tvceite.1, *a.
the words ot our |mti(*nla.
- Fox 1* (Hiniiug tonne."
Sltiiug It III. Jr., xou m ihe fahiou*
l.-il.-ra from those in doubt.
tbi- . xpr.-.x^Hu-kaA^SwaLto-'
•r' Ih.'
a urcat ileal of
by I>r 1‘auloon nl l>r. Wolfe’s (vfti.-c. I ow; fierfecUy
lieada.-i.ea an.l m-rv-out troublea haw .ujlirely .haa|.p.vaml.
in Syra
.Mlu !.y .-xpi.-.k
k whicta^wben
which when l^Een
-at ih.
Ail IsBl winter 1 wao .-oiiiprlled to haw oiheta
1 am pl.«*.. 1 to auu- that aiiiw wearing the gUateo fitted
gate.-x ai
iimpli.i.g amai.-i.r
a xumuier rexiri
II i*
iniplr... a* ht*
riK-i. i> I*, playrus wiHi I.......
II- make- a il.vlxeui ll
. fighi.-t.
T.irn* lidve Hie iii.-Moallon lo "kilt HuDiplr-" m-iv ilni.-* diirtiig a gam'
■ban any pitrfe**b.ua! u-am. but ........
DR. P. A. WOIFE, Piqi.
■I ito-in hax.evei had a .l.-xir. o. kb
H.- U.a largo lii.lUi
40 04 WllktlmBIk.
wiini r.»iii|«iv.I t«' -••m. of III
ctoni li .mU r* <d l/lx triu.
lh-.lfor.l, hi* Olipvl
r Kan*..* iTiy.
Ml.-tool raru.oilv
l.-avlog tl.iHNi lo ........................
l«'lng '
argi'in- a ilxinuigb kliowl.-.lge .rf co
xilhukm*. If.1 a IK.- irf aa4*-Hci*m
-Our Fon-.-*." Ilev. Thoma--Our
Ma.>b.-w. rb-h
■arx old. Is wtirkhig a-- a oilll hnu
I N.-w
Id nuKiaxlir *nu|dlciiv.
* In Ihe .New- Uedfon! T«-x
S-mimary. Ur, Warre
S—u l.o>ir.
!:5i.. -loi,
-ar* ngo to- went
a da..
II.- worke.1 hard .'very
He- da-iglili r of a H-ulto-ni
4V-. a.-iit lo nis-s'.-v.-r. inonilng and
I.II.I etp.-<-is i.| |.»i in .-. V
iv.-d bis mui..-,v
. !*•- "Our FlnBD.-e*. - Rev R. :
Holsaphai-Oiir Futnre.- Rev. Tbuu:
H.- bad »3.«o« in
iul.-«iu <-11 .xiai
e«r Prap
Uam ta* ImporlM ct Ot tIT
lu work for Hn-
a slmph- thing at
i.x-i d.-|iariUHm .rf Kaiixa* Clly at
.1 I..II.I10- i'll luuilrf.. I.-
li.ii uii.-u you know Tlx from Ibr
TImI s
Thai •
rvh-cj b^ Ito
IP Mapbitm orehesira wilt he
A M. tvmu1.ee, iyrd.b-nl
r*. 1' Glierlug. Svereldry.
mth of II..' natiM- who ha-
. fa.-aUliful I
ilKuii griplui
l-i-.m bl. ii
with tto s.tv.-niin.til of Ito- e.»l
tVlIllniu*. Ill
th.-Htidx.ni by
rr.-al gian.iliiHi.r un.l liU gi- aigr.-xi
Juim J.dm*4Ui. who kllb .1 lij*
III.- bi-1
Y.'iikeiv imin- Hiaii a y.-nr am*,
-h. d a new .Ivatli 4-to-allilg
tVi hta an hour
Hniui. Vb-w*H
grabldUK hioi by Hi
r.ilb iM-r ,lefi
.iiing S-'ih f.*-i
■lid Hu-
lu xhmv by vlBondt*
had to-.n lak.-n 1
luild g.-l a iH'pxiuu of J3ii
■p .s<inpleh-.l.
-xl uulvD of slalea «u eanb
Glilfell of
KankakfH-. IM-. n wi.xli.-i woman wdui
liad.xavod n:.,'""i bv year* .if ai -
SI.Mis ejiacl..ill
oiharto- «rr ix.ln of I.iiro oi
.. uiliiiih'x; toiaraan.iix.'l.-ai-li.-. two hdiirii:
,. lv.- hour. - Dr. Ttomun-
Itcbliig piles irfiivoki- iirnrHiillT.
MIX lull, iviuark.-il wlieil n Iri.-lld
with h.-r
at her work.
few e.inHiraliM;
Next day xlie itroi-|i<--l
,- M..r*4-. .rf T33 W. Seventh
avx-Ikan-x Kianev PHla
B doiilrfful
I I •
111.- piil.ll. xliould
Jii.lgi- frum Itofa.i* I wa* ua.i.T a phyxIcUux irv-aim.-nl b.r l.iiir w.x-k*. gav.- up hot"' »f
lUe ihixT tim.-w. and
when I eoairarnrxHl Ihxina Kidney PHI*, wa* ci
w.-ak Hiai I had (o to- l.-.l arnixs lb<floor. Fur flv.-or six .tor* B(t.T I firm. ■
-iin-d ihi- ir.WTm.-ui Jlie kldii.-r
-il.ms w.-ii- pure ldix«l. and U-f
1 iis.sl <MM- liox lUey w.-Tr clear and
I rollnacil Up Ito- Hv*lm.-ul.
1 If Ito-re I* a nwriviicc. I
is.tixi-l.'|iiloii*ly *ay Doan * Kidney
i-d (he (.vnililc niid MVed my
nil. I
xaV4*l 1
-).aia(loli* foi
a-aitirU ux to- lielp<-.| xai
-I II (|«ll.work rxxiu slid to-gin
eivhg ll^c." Mr*. Iblrlr^rb
i-lialr iioHi-i-
■ believex Hial ev.-iv iinlu.i
-•veiiinilir *ir.di<t. wlHi lo-r ilclii m
lx will |ue
iPdllr.- a
Uou .if Ito-
h-g.-. hi* luHi.-r, 111* grau-lfalto-T. Msiandla'h-r all having to->-u trii-l.H-.
General New*.
Mary EJb-k. II y.-arx old. Waved tbe
all Uralcra.
Price SU
Cu. IliiEiUo.
agehn tor ihi- I’ntld
scald In
.- bo«i.
- ihroai,
K.'n>. mber Hu-
iu—lk«D's -an.l
ilig.i over hm- lull*
Amioiiiir.-meiu Hiai flv.- Ir.-.
liix|MVliir* wi.iilil U- aplxniiliHl
Ihe new
'■aii*e.l r.,iiisi ni.-u to xw.xip down ot.
PLEASE NOTE that this store from rtow on will close every evening at sla o’clock.
copt Wednesdays ami Ssturdays.
til.' ChU-sigo elly ball In nue*i of tto
The jay lx ll.iiixi a year nn-i
Ito- .luHea me lo tn»p<-cl and cal fre i
limrh afd (mx* ui*iu lu iiuiHUve uu.t
l).-ulihf.ll guslilUra.
T.HBuus may *.sm to- taken from ih'Meadly
malailli-*" clu*» a* a
Ilf a new mwuuunt whleli ba* liei-ii
sncceaxfullv «*.-d lii
Ihr.-e casex at Hie P.-unsvivanla ho»pllal. Ptiiln.l.-I|diia.
The treatment (
xtmplv II more nllonnl u*e irf (be (•
latius aiiH'oxIn
Hiue ag-
at Steinberg Bros.
the Iio*plt*l plivslclaii* ,hll tiiH.li tto
plan of making the injcoGou Into
nerve elOM- hi tto- poltii of iiifecHo;.
Instead of in flu- xplnal cur.1.
xkeU-iou .rf a glaul
ftwxilin :
h.irx.- liaie to-.-:.
dlMv.iv.-ivt! In Ito- IMg S*-p.-lwBier dl
vbl.' (uxxll U-.U
,T1i.' .Ilxeon-r) ove.
ilirow* the acce|*.-d (bedgv
lJuU lb-
horwe wa* evolv.Hl (rrm. a. slusM an.
Thla *k.-Ul.Mi
i* 3u f.-.-i
li-UI afale of prexi-rraiiou
h.-rldvi>nnix niiiuial and Ilie )■• tomdUptuv* iHiw.-rfiil crtD'lorx. wbb-b at
wlf.- of a wsIHiv Net. t.wk met.,
Ihe home of hi* wife * parent*, for In
X* Mary SrhuBeld w.
Mra. Mrlulito and rhlldr. i..
•i.-al.-r. rwbed in falx lu-ni.- «b. u *t’
(rf which then- arc five llt'l.- .m.-*. In tto- I*.-olu*ula ISKt week
l oi.T her
Mr and Mr* J*. Ftitleit .rf Belatlr-; heard be waa *. rlou>ly 11>
with Mr*. Mctnnls- wlstcra. Mrs RlU.
care Ihi: sick man i.xxiven d and tb«>
and Mra. Sinclair, left fnr that plar- xpeni Sunday with relalive* here
have gnn. to Guroja- t..g.-ih.-r. (j.rfSainrrlav.
John Mclnnla waa la ttorixiiing
prime ..f III* Ilf.-. Hr bad be.-n fore,
tnul.- Mark.-nsi.. of whom Mr* Hrai!'
for D. H Dav for a nnmto-r ol Hol-lM for a few day*.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Slnffonl «lupi*x| wax Jy-ntotto- bas left the *iag<-. U mai
• and by- whom be waa held In
lb* hlgbcat caiecm- and whose run oE hen- on ibHr way to th.-lr home at ried and living In Canada.
Ocaver Unnd laat week after a vlsli
I lew of lumber for
fldtace In him wa* unlimited. HU cli
The Brcwi-rt.-*- Bund A S.-ciifi'l. •
When ibry Co.. Ih.- niB bn-w.-ry iru.l In Gieair On. for CMeago.------------ ,------- ck- of friend* comprised all be ram.: with rcl#lv«« in Caniida
(be John Mee are Nim- In roBUct a-iib and hr was "Mac- is conttaned their Journey Fridav nlebt
Mrs. Staflenl-x moth.-r. Mr*
Haiti.- New y.nlc, ha* clox.-d eon’ract* with
Tbe roptaJn and a brotkei
all (rf them, -from the oldeai rlitoen
plnn-, acrnmiuKx] j.-u compaulc*. and ba* pranliali..
atleai rhtid; of a chrery and Hoasle (rf
s of Ibe
Ito-iP for a few w-.-eki' vi*ll.
dlapbxlHon. comlilnrd with
4-waip).ied aeguHaiiou*
July S3.
I Roy and Aline Tay- strrliag charaei.-r of rigbt and wrong.
•rfher*. Wta.-n tbe combinaHoB
Tbe world to better that be baa llveJ
pleted It win have a prodncli
Real Estate Traiwfera.
in H
Tbomaa McC.arry. Sr- and wife
ity <rf 5.3U).0fio barirU aDDuallv. an-1
r. and Mra. Fred
Tboma* MfOarry. elj lot 9 and lot
will iv ftv Aprg«f*t brawer/ eombiuc
block t. Bayride.a4.T4l'.
To add
S3U, Domlne ot Rasi
in Ibe wortd. It 1* capliAllievl a;Sl5.
WltlUm O Foot.-, ei al. to Eari
H«n4 wetT Ibe gueai* over Sundav of grief of Mr Mclnnle
Mclnnl* word wa* received here Saltirday ibai bi* brother >trl*h. parcels. (ToodrieVa 3rd. ll-SSh.,
Alex, former sberiS (rf Macomb coon-l
Ollc* E. Hodgn and wife in Hnr-‘
President JtuubexeU cailmA out-H
raiSitH Sundav of Hr and Mrw. Cbaa. rjr, wHo Wa* Irfm III (or *nm<- time, rin Markham Md wife, lot No. is, .| Oratn Rar ra^.-r-l:
.Itod at hlx torn..- Fridav.
i I4.xd. It. Flf- l-rtc Utml-ct Co.*'
.. down the hpi
Mr aad Mra. Bd Dc Fnr of Travmc
ttoptain Wilbur .rf Chlcngo. witb bi* »!«.
vr,: arc Boiti* lo dcnc out
every straw hjt .Tin! will :11 New Siriiw Hals, worth
00. at .......................................................................................
75c ami $1. at.....................
irwns si.
-liht litlli- il.eaywd.
$1 oH. $21X1. $3 m and
aad fiillv ax lall ami U In an exrel
1 which Pr.-xid
Cuoi'Bt- w llr.xon. niilibmalo- and
»■ pre*etil.
pn-xi.I.-uL of Hie <-Ui<-xg<’. D.-.lilalii.
laat Sun.la'
Mr. nnd M^ B .to Ames, son an-t
A Fox Hlv.r rallroa.!. dl.-il lu (-lile.vt-.
xivvlc* her.-.
two .laughter*, who have In-en *|K-nd
from hs-kjaw. dio- to a *Ilclii iiijm
Ihe annual »eh>*d
Laat Sunday Mr Md^Mra. Drlt
Ing some Hmi- at (V.iar Spring* Isalg.-,
from nr.-w»i-k. OP July I
I«* the imiMdx for iK.itUern r.-*orl* .llxirlcr It wa* d-cld.-.l t.. hliv i
ware (he guesu «rf Mr. and Mm.
ii-acto-i. a* the larger naim »
Saiunlay .-veoiDg
bK-b-ly at Col'irado Spriug*. C.ito
Saturday afiernoun Capt. Olwm «rf
TbI. re roDillig ton cr»wd.-<l for eBlrleni
U amav.-.! over Hie in*>-i that (-b;ifk
port wn* rerelv.-d here Ihe middle of Bn au inirrne-dlaie nnm, con
A. Baldwin, multi millionaire and l>a-l
this week from St. B<mt(are tosiplisl. -rf III.- (oortli. firth sn.l sixth arad«-«.
(rill In- (urmed. J|I*I wlii-ie tli«
er .rf Ito- uioM .xeliihivc x.-t. ha* «in
• a enll i>u Hrurvr tVHirtadi*
Tbe sad ■i.-wi
Ml- and Mra. f. to IXanlne.
ibuiidrrhnl' from a
rl.-ar aky. and riHim that IbU mxk.-* will l>*
braced I'hrlMlan SHen-e
xeemM beyond belief, but a l.-ilnr re- len-.l U IKM drOulielv d.Tldcl
Writ Knudwai. Nelx Pi'leraun.
ha* dlxmUxed hU physician
' ' nim and Nolili- Olxnn. all of (h- ee1v.-d from Mr MclunU bv hi* wile will togin lb.- I.iih erf Auau!
4-*plan«il..u that be -ha.l gl
t. n( tbe Johu M>-r. look a walk Ibnt eveulug i-aylug
hiwas Iti lit Ib.-u baV4- two week'- vacation
‘ 1 the country iaat Sunday and health and .hi bU way holm- ieud>-d loto-r ill "Td.-r Ihal tto- ixo* niav help <al xrl.-uc»' a Inlr 'rial lunl
MablLN. Oourlade. They wer*- to eonllrni ib.
rc|iort.- as
be wax in i«.laio digging.
xir.xl (o iry other liue*. ITiarlea Katun U having hi* h<aix4 alTbw fine luipo.vewents «>u obliged Iw alutii.loii ihi- )<Hiro.-y and
r-ii .•
Wearl.-d l4> thnx(hr.x- uii'-iie.-i'**
irlade’a plnce
Mr. ti.urtkdt- enter Ibe towidial. The romainx bav.- repaliil<-<l. 'hu* niaklag a derided Im
'iT^llii i r M
picaanni for them. Tbev were U-en forward.-d to Souib hTankfurt. provemrut in ibv louk* iif bU prp|i
lee trexh
. t(( all Ibe alee
milk iIh-)
drink and all lUe cln-rrU-a Oil*
eat. This waa a gnat irvai
ite aallor hbyw.
biooday Ibe laat oUbL car* of (
5>«d.taHi fn-i pot In on Ibe Klid.a- }
<«ibe Kloodyke branch was irceli
A^lKi Kelley Lumber On.'a yanto.
aebooaer Johu
•ullt-d a xirvng. .-ven stroke, but ib-
Silling Bull. Jr.
|Te*bleai and bi* too* mxnn.be toiar*. Tb.-y rowed down lo IJoyd'
(e.-t. «ve mlK- from the Sagaim-r
vttoxioii. .\<igui>i 9. tSin:
Blackwood and
of Raxl Leland rslle.1 o
***M-asra. Irfml* C.rrnello.-. Han.ld for.
oellu* and OtKwr Glldd.-u of Grand^
Rapidx have reluro.-d lo th.-lr tonne.
•1»T a few days- outing ai Oak i»ale
The TIllDoIx landNI
a party here
Carl T. Grawn bsx reiuraiil to Mt
the Mapi« CUr Jualora.
J Ito
I. Bailey
Wednesday, nmxlsiltig of J.
A anwber fruto
b«e have s<nr who will (wrupy Mm. R. W
INuaxaut after a|K-ndlng a l.-» week
ll la-land.
rotUge; Mra. A. R. Clark.
Mra. Bioii
('. I. Dayton wax a Nuribpun ttoli
daiiMiler. Mia* Lou Caxxell.
Monday .
Hiller, all »( Chirngo:
Mr*. C. to Dayton vlHIe.l at Trav
Oluu. Mapes. three daughter* and
'A. K. Bolllnaer. wife and danxhti
Clly one day last week.
servanis. of Katixa* t'liy. and
Pkn bnve been In .’MHwankee n tew Mra. Warren Behan aud ihree (um* u
Hr. and Mr*. Will /.dab are vtolHm
E lilnaban'* Ihlx week
Ana Arbor, lor Lnrmd Gnm- mtiag>
le Iron here went lo Bniplre rinMr*. Ira Moblo and lamily have r.
Mr Clark arrival Saiurday evenlua
to nllend tbe boll Raniv.
lunH-d t» ibeir hotue si Bast Jonbin
I the lilUioto.
Mix* Hattie Paulu.. wan a I rav^r..
Inly U.
Mra. Tbomaa hVsiler •>( South ManI
V iaiand, wbo bad Iwen to Cm-n Cily visitor Thursday
Warner spent Ibe da:
•Mil • Utrle
Bay for medletil>reat!ueal. dle<l (here
^e old aeitlera' ptenw will be beh)
broughi to Ibe borne of her atoler.
Mr*. 0<x>rge t.-aner. of
(hi* plare
Vlekera un.l Bob Hold.-u of llrarll
where ilie funeral wa* held Tbunula)
irrmeni in Maple Grove eemetery. Ind,. are xlM-ndlug fu few week* a
r*. Po*l>-r bail Imx« In III l)i>allli foi Iblx btirgeQF».^lb jpxKl auialc, will be ran dm
Mr*. L, llump*eb and Mrx Ids Hu*
me lime, the innildr developlug
4ag Ihir day and evenlnf; aiao free ex
.rf N.w1b|x.rt aiv the g.ie.lx of Mrs.
cancer of tbe xiotnnrh. and the
rShJoBa will be gtrenby n. >1. Day'.
John Hartiog and rnnilly.
Iu( uo <3leii lake.
Sprerkea redia Oiwiallon wn* too *ev«-n- for to-i
Mlaa KtUel C.a.n .rf fc»*.*i
UQ«a.and inodAW>air win In* remUrred weakened stale to recover from. She
town (or It h-w- V.-.-k*.
dnnt the anemoun. Ail are mrdUtlly wax a daugbler of Mr. and Mrx. iKane
Mix* Mnrit- J.-utoon of Graud lUpId
lulmo and a alaler-lu-las' of the late
invited U
Oak Dale for a lew day
linn. W. II. Pnaier. She leaves a (am
ug Ibaa
Mix* Madgi’ Harilug
Ity roDHlallDR of her hualiand.
A large ntimber of the alndroli
penplr froai aurroundlni vlduliy at- Boua and four daughter* lo nnnirn lieihwa. aa well nx her alaterx. Mra. Jii
tended t4e bnU gaae at Bmpli
Hcpta Haan. Mrx. Itumer Selby. Mra.
J. Morgan and daagblrra iiaiiaed George Carter. Mrs. I' J. McCauley,
July :
Mra. James Wvx<- and Mra. Bert Ban
h (awn Baiorday.
A nnaaber of people fi ...
l»a Sninia' rhorcb |iere bnptlaed lii
Capt. Wm. Wntk.-r's staler. Mra. Ja*.
Wirfd ha* tov-n n-e.-iv<*l here from
l4 lake
Hannah, with son and <lauRhi'
Lke by Btder Skewer.
Maiixtb-Id. O.. tliBl II S. I.
able dlaeonrae by .
Cillrngo arrived on Hie niiuoh
m.-rly «rf ihi* plae.-, had dle.1 .nid *■*
the AaU-Baloon l(«in(e was given
buri.*l last Thm*<lav. HU .l.-alli
. lug IV
The llurkley kiaded a cargo of ma caus«-<1 hv ainiralytlr airoke rcceU-ctl
ple for the T. Wllce romimny of Cbl- several month* ago.
Wm. J- Mcy of Bellaire vIxU.hI with
(ago Saturday.
Biiperlniendenl Charlea MoiKui irf Ilia .laughU'i. Mrs. Cbarlc* htoton. ove
lira. Jim McPbll. atbu ha* tieen danIrand llareu rtoUisi Ska*ptug Ibw Sunday.
.xeroMilr III fev tbe pBM week, la a
John Acker lx biilbling U
u ii.-w
i«-w liani
lUUc better at Ikla writing. The dorim hU place wbicji hu n-reully |HirTbe Mlaxos Alice and Gru Day vei
ti« la attewlaMw gave tbe family a
the guesla of the Hlasea Reta Ctnk chaae.1 uf Will Crirp.
U^l^enpouragemeat yeeierday.
Rex Bablrtil left Saturdsv (or Trie
D at Gton Arbor <
and Kartne K.
d Bklnner bad (be miafonnnu i
erao Clly cn route for Oregon, where
bU latrenia are now living.
Tbe Weacoit loaded xiain
Aliy- Bobt. Dixoa. who hat been viaTbere to lo be a rural mall
vaukev- tbia week.
mag ber oM home at Br. H. and M.
-. the carrier
Hlaa Resale Aynea. wbo has been
u CIt)
inakiyhU Drxt trip
Sept. 17lh
apending name time at CeiUr Bprii
gm-s clear around
• Tillage
village. *tj,
laulge. cm Glen lake, led for Cblo
ter than when the flrat enme borne,
Ing west and conilug
Friday on the Mtoianiri.
lira. Perale to on tbe alck
soolb and taking In alarai I3i> jai
Adva and May Godard <rf Trave
IMI a 31-mlle rout.-, Tlien- are imUviroli
Ttoliing Iheir old borne
clOr (
1 tranaacied baxlnes* applicants for the laixlilmi of tarrier;
Ihougb prpbably it w-lll lie sol c Hnie
tore Tburaday.
Prude lUmxcy will lend the leaRue
la-fore ll will be rkuown wbo
D. H. Uay
Day pnlenaiiied
ibe gueali
n« Oraat ebnreb neat Sunday even
Cedar Spring* Lodge, tourelel Lodge lucky one.
W. T. Waugh r.-c-ntly l.atk
and Mr. Wood of Giv>gury'a renon on
‘*1 R. Coanlue of Wrafmd baa tmfine phoioftraphs of Mias Giil
hla gulf llokx one day tbla v<Wk.
proved Ibe
* e Ibuka of tbe town by liuildThe Mlaara Helen Cbriatlanaon mui Pray. Infant daugbler of Mi. and
it walk Id frvntoor III* Karine Nt-*a..n of Hanixtee. vbn'nr.- William Pray of Traveix- (Tty.
iIxIHuR In Glen Arlgir. and Mias Reia her six grandm<rtbi-i-<.
low hto einmple. fi
Mr*. K.Nvxiiih Sill
Cook of Gl.-n Arbor wen- Ihe guesla mother* w.-r.-:
of lb.- Mtorca Alice and Bv* Dav of of WnitamKlmrg. Mrs. Andrew- Pray
Maying to the onlor of (be day in
Mato-I. Mr* SHU-* of Williamsburg.
plac«< Tburaday and Friday.
thta neWthborbaod. wbteh b a very
Tto- arrival* on ihi- llllDoti “ • gnod.onip In npUc of (be dry wcaiher.
Mr*. Pray of Mato-1 and Mr* Cbarl.
day Pveniug for Keuw.xxl resort w.-i
Jliw. Orlie Adana and children bavi
if ilnie*. Tto- la*l four w.-r
>nd Mr*. I
f<nraed Ho> (heir homo aRer
gHvI graii.lmnvbera of Ho- young lad;
wapka’ Tlalt with retalivea In rJag<*i
bo wax the eeiUer of Ihe groiip.
The K. O. T. M. M.’x of Weafurd arr
Mr and Mr*. Alto-rt McDertmuiH of
aen U 1
add giwnlly to the tmaevnloure a
■a In loukp.
Jtdy U.
tod act'-d a* admiral of Ibe family
LOT Of BKArTiR L wiim:
i:: rd). lit
pn-tti.tt atyles alinwti tbia noiis'in. iiidii.l^
ing nil <ivn| embroi.lory
i»i jib.1
wnisU. wnrtli
$7/ arv reduovl f.-i
iliii.-k . l.-iisnn-e U» only.
STKAW HATS, worth 25c,
it-K; anti -Vk, 31 .. .....................
L.MHKS* WAISTS. aoolUer 1*4 of rdwioc
alylea. r<xlue«l (rum a nunjlwrof QS/t
.liffercnt priot-* to........................
Home were $2.00.
oxlfs Jfwl atylna (nr gent-fsl ase.
well worth “.'wan-l $1. at only...
SI.95, $2.95, $3.50, S4, $5 and $6
close out (iiiickly the entire
offer foriy beautiful White
rare c'di' ettun
of new
very unuKual
iiriti; . made
29c, 49c, 59c-and 69c
ebaCover-; ever shown a'
Many of them worih 5f.l |»er cent more than the price asked.
Children's rtnslln Pants al 9c
Skirls at 7c
Ladies' VesU, while or black, 4c
You can't find biKEcr bargains anywhere, than those at
Traverse City. Michigan.
Baal Bay ...
PVe Lake ...
Oiaat ..........
Oi««B Lake .
Urns Lake .
'• SI. PMetabars. Jaly M.-liW
Hayteld ....
TcaoaaA Ue Ooeeaeka a^ Ssktlas ParadUa ...
arawd vtU
tka r------- «crtbaa aad plteMorta. At Odaaaa
titt Java are la eoMplata paale aad
•ni laaetas Ika eUy la sreal aan
J^yAaoa. ialT *4.-Wardaa Ar«atre^ wUI uka au*a at «» to aeeai* »««MaibMi for the eatabltaUas
fd a taetorr for aaldac Madias taiae.
^ a tooaU of U*e •apiaate ooarfe de>0 Idle aad aa Ue terlae U aov Mde
MOetlr by a irart tke aiaaaiattare of
•MMoa a tarse auaber of coarlcU wtll
tt ooaM aot laurfere «1th tke aal
Btolr ...
Bear Bay
te . - - <
PIfe Lake
Oraat ..............
Oreea Ldte ..
Loas Laka ...
Patadtoe .. ..
Penlawto ....
Ualoa ..........
WkUewater .
Traverse City
1st ward ..
3d ward ...
3d ward ...
4lh ward ..
tih ward ..
, cirea asaUto Ue direct aoMnaed BcpaWboa caadldaies lor aald
pCles. Tetal 383.
Tbe whole aawber ef eote*
lor aad asatoai tbe direct nowtoatioa
Ik ecraaditotci of iV IMucrailc pa
tor Ltenimaai Ooscraor was Ai
three tCSi.aad they were slvea M
lowt; SUty^wo <82» volrs wive fct'
for tbe «arwn nctaatloo of 0«
cratic candMatrs for said uSIn. i
It 1 uae (i« roic was slvea asatosi Ut
K i: djeet Bcoiiaatlua of Uewjciaiw candi
a 18
".dates let said oaioe. To;al, «
28 ”
Tte whoto aewter M rote* stvei.
^ for aad asalail >be diteet nowlaatii'n
' of eaadidsie* ot the Prshlbliloc t>.n>
for Ui-uu-Bsof Ooveraur »a» eishc isi,
aad >bey were slvea as foJi.i»» 8.»ep
ttl votes weiT sl»eo for tbi- dirw
liaaltoD of Protalblllgo eaadldaies
said oBlee and one ill vote w
^B a^tost tbe direct aoraniailoa
i af BapakllMa Can-
»t-Tb« •«wr»t Owed Travotae CmmUf ArMrjr Baottan. doM U. 1*01
COM tod«7 dMlded U*i Ike Mklsg
€t kranu la tke autc ortn awMite
to leactdof a trade aad ti tkertdott Otrodt NaatlMtlaa of WeoaWlna Caa.
vnhIWtod br Uo eBoeW*»»«w-
:!~ts "4
BUlr ..........
East Bay ..
PUa Lake .
uardrtd ..
S ‘i* 'm
%¥ 7¥
Lons Lak.
7 M
Unloa .
WbUewater .
Trareraejaiy1st ward ...
»d ward ...
3d ward ..
«tb ward ..
Ub ward .
01 »
• •
The soda cracker is an
ideal food. Uneeda
Biscuit are the ideal
soda crackers. Indeed,
for said oB>c\-
soda crackers rights
made in the first place,
rightly protected first,
last a^ all the time,
Teul. 8
The whole DB.ber ol voU» flvei
>r sad asalast tbe dlri-ct aon
toaiioa of candMates of ihe Re;>ul
ncae party for Bepreseaiallve to Coo
ST«.s» was dve buDdrtHi alavy-tw-v
! U| «l
1 S74 12 838 582 (i»:. and they were *l»ee ar fidl-JWs
TWals* . .
Waraav. Joly 14.—A taad of artUi ml Ilk
nve huadrad seveoty-oloe l5t»l vole-,
48, 48
teTMa. wko kad aiallalad. Had a
were *!»«« for Ue dire.-d aomlaatiob
'I 83 83
^eOay laio tka balldlai oceaplad by
of RepQbHeaa caadldatvs fur said ufState L*s**laura.
Sveaadfbirteen 413) vote* were slvei.
tka otleare- clob. Two oftcera
.1 8M: 13 883 tC.
asalBkl ibe dlmt BOBdaaUon u( K«'
kUlad aad tka ■oUaaoim ware am
pabUcaa cnadidates fur satd office T..
Mraat NeolMtlofi of Oaaweratlp Caoky tka lafaatry.
Ul. 382.
Tbe whole Buiaber of vote* civen
DairaH, Jaly ».-Tba atora of W*.
for and aj^ast tbe diteet aomlBalina
of candidates of the RepabUean psn>
Bawklaa aad a bakery oa Joaei* Ca*efor State Senator was ftve buDdre.l
SOB aaaaaa aad OiayUas atraM
Btoetj-rme tiSli. and they were stwu
•I r
karaad at t:M thla awralas.
as folleas: Five bnodred sevroi
elsbl tSTk. vo'. .. were si'en for i
PUe Lake ..
dlreel n<imlnalkM> of RepuUlcan ci
Wa. Chariot, aewar laapactor. who
"o' "i
dldsti's for nalcl rdflce. and Thlrutr. flee sad twelve tl2l voir* ww slv-fc 'litst.' of klli'litenu. t iiunt) <>( Grand
yoatad Ikeai eat of bed la Uair alsht Blair ..........
Ot 11
-|an Bay ..
U3> votes were slvru asalast tbe di
Oreea Lake .
ctotkoa aad drasiad tbeai oat.
I henby ci-nlly that the f<trc«olng
.Va Lake .
,n-ct noatlaailoi. of Kepabllcaa cand.
Loas Lake ..
an- com-rl irwascripi*■ of Ibe slateOardeld ...
dates for said office. Total. 5SI
Maydeld ....
iw ill tb
tbe TweaiyBevaatua Craaak, Jaly K.-Tke Mlehl- Oraat ........
glvim meal of the voliw
Tbe whole nunher
votes Slwn
Paradise ...
The whidc Bumlrer i*<
tti'iiaiorUI dtslrlrt.
for and asalast tbe diivct nomloaiioi.
•aa Roral Latter Carriera' aaoed '
and asalntl tbe direct nominaTl
Lons Lake
ot ratididate* of tbe RepobUcaa party
alaetad the MIokrIas ofScara: Praa Maydeld .
r Kle<-llon taHil
for Repr<-se-BUllve la the Slate Lesl*
R,-tirv«cniative to Uc Stat
Ideal. C. J. WOct*. AUasaa; Tka praa- Paradbe ..............
Traverse City—
la’ure was five buadred elsbty.slx
in ws* fony-etsbt <481, and tht-v
tarciae City—
«-rmlDailua at
1st ward ..........
tdaat, Arthor rolto^ Mlee: aatat
PenlnauU ;..........
1st ward -----4» 41 48
Id ward............
live buodn-d sevetuy-»tir ti74l voles itTl votOK were given for the dlrrel
p. S. OanUB. HinadMe; traaaarar Ji^ Ualoo ....................
2d ward........
117 101 1ST
3d srard ..........
were slvco for the direct nomiaaTloti n«.luatlon ot Democratic candldale*
3d ward ____
H. fUuaaay. Kaloa Baidda.
4tk ward ..........
Tia»erae Oty—
of Republican randldate* for aald of- (or said office, and one 111 vole was
4tb ward ....
Stb ward..........
let arard............
flee, and twelve illi vo-e* wete sivi-fi
3U ward ....
DatiolL Jaly ».-llra. BUa J. May,
M ward ............
asatast tbi- dln-ct noaUBBiloB of Ree this imb day.o
Totato ..............
U ward ............
«(«d 77. ■other of To. May. '
pnlillran.candidatef for aald office
e tboutand Dim- hundred MX.
4tk ward ..........
Haooi cartooalat of the JoaraaL died
>1. 38C.
Ruben B. Waller.
Stb ward ..........
The whole nmnlK-r or vole* s*vca Caonty Can
CMiflcaU *1 Dathb taoralag it kar koaia on Howard
County Ck-rk.
didate* fee Cawnty
>r and asalnsl Ihe dtiic, aomlBalion
of Cl
Direct NamlnatteB foe Bttte I
itivc DMricto.
for L-............. -............Uaatas. Jaly
Wallace Cook,
toturx' was forty-elsbt I4ki. and they
epre.eniatlvo IMstrici of the County
slvea as follows: PortyAWn
the aoa of Ike Her. A. E. Cook of Pen<rf Grand Traverse
___ votes were sUen for the direct Sane of HKiilgan. Coaniy of Grand
ton. Mpkryad by the Reo wton
BOBlasiloa «>f liemorraiic candidates
Trav er»e—a*.
^orka. waa ma orar by a Oiand Trank
We lb. Hoard of County Caavarser*
for said office
-T8«iSia* tkU nomlas. Both les*
slvea ssainvl the direct noailnsUon of Grand Traverse counlv. do heti^y
of I>i-DK>craUr candldau-s for said of- di-termlne
mine and n-rtify
ci-nify that al the Prl- Antrim ................
eat of. the rtskt tm abore tka kaae
334) 88] S42! It
Btolr ...................
F3fCiU>n held oa the twelfth day ('harU-voIx ..........
-a Total. 4k.
Aad tka Mt below. He probably
57* Ul 8*11 &
Bast Bay ..........
uBd nlae Grand Traveiw* .
The whole number <U vote* jeU
le )yiar
i‘, in tbe
ir and asstott ibe dirw-i
biindn-d *11. the dli
Btolr ....................
1731 30 2113' I
Oardeld ..............
271- 1
tovUnau ............
Orasi ..................
Bast Bay ............
SU3{ 471 3801 3
Oraat ................ .
Green Lake........
Wexford ..............
live fauadn-O
PUe Lake ..........
l7 11.
Green Lake ----Loas Lake ........
elsbtv-nlde tlkSi. and tbe) were sfv<-n aiinuar* by Ihe annexed siaienii
Oardeld ...............
171 0!
U*s Lake ........
MaydeU ..............
Totals ...,..........
Mra. W. J. Olchewar of Ua An- Grant ..................
a* foljow-s: Five hundretl seveniy-flvc
in Witness Whereirf. We have here,
41t ¥
Maydeld ............
Paradise ............
sel our hand* at Traverse (Uy.
loTr.i voles wcTf glea for the direct
sMae. CalL. paoeed tkmsk the Mty to- Omen Lake........
Paradlae ............
PMlBBUto ..........
nomlaatloD of Repiibllcaa
day on kar way to itanaal Lodsa at Lons Lake ........
Pentosuta ..........
Ualon ..................
said oihees. and fminoen tlti
Maydeld ..............
28^ 4j
Ualea ..............
WbUewater .. ..
A. K Pulver.
votes were given against tbe dlrec<
Paradise ............
Whitewater ...
Traverae City—
V W. AshloB.
nrailnailun Aif Republican candidate
Mlaa Sdlth Bewlay M CtodaaaU. Pentoaato ..........
Traverae CKy—
1st ward .a
K J Taylor.
for said office*.
UaloB ..................
let ward ....
O, to Ntok4ias the aaauaA
3d ward ..........
&«rd of rtiuniy OanvaseiT*.
Plslnwetl llchining playivl a slrange
whole number ol vote* given
tVhitewater .. ..
3d ward ........
Kiilkiiig Ih.' b.iuse of Karl
Trarerse Cily—-.
4(h Wftrd _____
County of Oraad
Mn. Boyd, of St. Looto, Mo.. arilTed
Jam.-*. It went ihmugb Ue chimney. •
Stb ward -----ooDiy
kaiw laat alskt. tonrlas aarty tkto
We do bereb) eerilfy that the (nn- dowma whip that waa aiaadlag to tbe
01 U3| IIS
and they were given as (ol
3d ward ..........
rs 141 588^
Totals ............
•ofwlns for Noitkpert Polat.
tbe floor and down the
4U ward .....
direct nomination of Dataoeratle vot<« given In the Grand Traverae Um-l of a shotgun which was stand8U ward ........
> P. P. BeaTer, of Dayton.
candidates for said office*, and two Reim-M-mailve Dtotrirt of Grand Trav- lag la Ibe corn.-r of ibe kitchen. Tbe
didate* fa rCawnty omca*.
ad thtoosh tka city tkla ■otnlas on
erw- Cimniy. for and acalnM the dln-cl
given agatost Itae
It] 3831 687
I WMM haded aad exploded, puuc
^ way to tka Nortkport Baaek hotM.
nomlaaiiun of caadldate* tor Repnof iv-mocrailc cat
ireaaittaive in
M-ntailvc la lb- Siste Is-glslatur
ragSlw- crtllBg with alioi. The
date* for said olllcot. Total. 47.
• c. 3. Vlrlaa'aad arUe of a
the Primary EIccUon. held on 7
Townships and
Tile whole number of vote* gi'
stock of the gun waa tknra to piece*,
.lay the iweHih day «d Jun.-. In tl«. T Ihe candtdalui of Ihe Rcpublb
hut mile damage to Ibe bnuae was
^koy wUl leaTe lor Nortkport PodaL
parly (or governor was 11 ,e buttdn-d
M-venty-eeveh l57Tl. and they, were
..Mdward Paynoa and Mr. aad Mri.
During, the laii few monUa Mogiven (or the following i lamcd per unto set our bands al Traverse CMy.
P. M. Wmrtas. all of ChknsA P*»
in said counlv and stale, Ibis l»lh day aonry In ibe Stgtoaw Valley ha*.
Btolr ......................
ad throasb tka dty on thetr way to
Bast Bay ..............
l-red M. Warner reei-lve.l five hun Of June. A. U. I»0C.
oude must important advaaces tu
Fife Lake ............
dred seveiiiy-neven vole*—577
nee lit tbe iR-gunlzailon Of ibe
Garfleld ................
Tidal. 577.
' • A. W. HaiaUl aad wtfa.of Chkaso Btolrt......................
Bast Bay>:....
Mystic Kurtbc t.-mple at Saginaw an!
Grant ....................
Tbe whole nninlier of votes given
Bant Bay..............
dn saaato at tka Park Ptoea.
Fife Lake...........
Green Lake..........
(or (be candidates of tbe DemornUe
ihe fonsIMory eslabllshed al Bay
FVe Lake ............
OarflMd ...............
Long Uke............
party for gc.veraor was *1*1)-Hgbt.
Uiato H. SekrtTar of.ClaeUaaU, 0» Garfleld ................
may l.-ad to Uc widening
Grant ..................
Orstriet Can
lUrfleld ................
and Ibev were given for the (ollowlag
yaMd UtoQsk the dty yealantoy on Oraat ..................
of Ih.- *c.»I>e of -TU- MomIc." s moolhSenator.
Green Uke........
named persons
Oreea Lak* .... 1] ill
Siaum.nl of vot.-s ctv.-n In «he ly nublkalkm iaattud by Bagtoaw lodge
LoBK Laka ........
Pentosnla ............
Woodbridge S.v FarrI* received
Mra. J. W. Roberto and Mr*. Vletor
Unloa ....................
sixiv-elghi vote*—<h.
So 77 F. A A. M.. and laakc II the of01 43 43 Whitewater ..........
Mayfleld ...............
and against th.- din-cl n'«Bnlall«
Parwdtoe ............
Total. «8
a. Price. NaAk4a-wantn raaortera. Paradlae ............
firlsl organ at Masonry In Ibe BnglPenlnaoU ..........
-and idauTrwrerse City—
Tlie whole aumher of vote* given
arare nt the Park Place yea
Penlnsuto ..........
Union ..................
tot war
for Ue candidate* af Ibe Republleit. Ihe I’rlman Eli-ell.in held on Tuesday, naw Valley. Ii Is not anlUely that to
• Mm r. 8filaahda.ar of CladanaU, Ualoa ..................
Whitewater .. -.
Ihe (aH such a step Bay be token.
party (or lieutenant governor was
O. paaaad tkroask Ue dty yeetetdar Traverse aty—
five hnartred three f3H3l. and the)
The whole number ol voKs given The May County Masonic Outing asso
1st arard .
ftk ward .
glvt-n for the fothiwlag named
an bar way to Oeaena.
tot w^ ........
43 41
for and against tb. dir.-t D.rtnluallon ciation. win have It* fltwt imtlng at
' Mm Torn OoBtoo and lltOa Deilte
81 4'
oi nr m 3U ward .
W<’U.>aa Iswcb. Tliars.|ay, July 26. A
Patrick II K< l1"y ree«t\,-d flve tiuo
9 W
01 471 47
3d ward..........
;• 47- 45 driul flfiy-ihnv voles—553.
for fiiBi.- 8.-liaior was tw.» iliousand l.ntitrw of Ibe annual onimg mil be
6awj«r Want to Bowera HnrMw yaaTotal* .
01 ¥
wrard ........
a . S3
4tb V
tiv hutidr.-.! sixtv nin. C.-dl". and lAll games to4w.*-n i.ams of ibe dlftatday ■oralns on tka Colwahla.
Total. 5.t5.
3U V
!(„-) w.r.- cU. b as folk'W*. Two.ib.«i
Richard aad Jobn Boest left
a bandis' 592' I
Iiiindr.-<1 lliir‘> nln.- iZiTh! l.-r.-ot bslccs, (..r a prinfor the candldaicM of th<; Itemoerslb- sand ibr.-.Sutemeat of votes Kl»<-n la i
Mattoa Ulaad yeatantoy mar
w.-r«- Rlv. u lor ih.‘ diri-cl noralslli.-r b.vlng^up.
y (Of !b-ii’enaot gon-rnor was flv<coUBir <if Grand Traverse, blate
iitalun of lt.-inibll.-iiti candidal.-s for
rhara they will apand a few daya Obeet Neminatian
and Ihev
Hicfargnn al the Primary Klietioh,
oBie.-, and two b.imlred thin,
didato* for »tete Sanater.
Tuesdav. tbe Iwi-lfih day of
1 TUU-s were given against iti'c.Tart*Toe
m and Mm I
Jaae. In.ihe rear one ih«u*and nine
-I Domtnailon ••( Republican taa- •cttd<ila. idnipb-*. rasbe*. e Btedd BHto Impur, blisM. Dur
hundred six. (or and against the direct
pMk took the bay trtp to Onaaa yeanlc. Make,
tarday. rataralns In tbe afternoon.
ck-wr-braliiod. clenrml parties voting thereon, an'
Mm 8. A. Keyae of the Ckwara
offices nami-d bcTrin. also a *
Slate ..( Michigaf., County of Grand
Oaani waa to the dty ytaurday.
of voles given for Ue candidaies lor
and Lieutenant Governor.
We do hereby eerilfy Iba' ih.- ('«•<•
Mm P. C. Behnefer. an Omna
We do h-r.-by c rtlfy that Ihe
Acme ........
‘r.-ie “•’“IB! "is Governor
Tbe whole number of votes given going 1* a .co/eerl staiem.-nl of »U0 13 IS
Candidate for RepabUean
..I 15
aoiter. apaat yaaterday to tbe dty
is « «-.irreet siat.ynenl of
Btolr ..........
(or and agaioFl the dln-ci nominal loo voles givi-n in the e..-jn'v of t.ran-l g.dug
vor.-s gtv.-n in the Tw.-ut)-8. vemti
Bast Bay ..
Nomination for
. A party eondeUiis of the Mcidai
2! SSi
Senatorial district, (or and against th.Fife Uke .
for governor was live faubdred ninety- on th'- iwelf'h day of Jun.-. In itu
atritoea. Cole. D. C. Camea. J. C Peter- nte Lake ....
dln-et Donjlnation of randidaio* fur
Garfleld ..............
Garfleld ........
three (3931. and ib«-y wen- given a* one ih'iusand nine hunun-d six
Boa and A. Qardtoer look the
Grant ..................
Grant ..............
tve hundred eighty l..8"> and against the direci nonilnsUoo of Slal.- S.-uaior at the Prtmarv y,|e«
Green Uke........
woond the bay tkto ■omtos.
oreea Lake ..
given for the direct Domi candidal.-* of the i«litlral parii.-s v.i.^ lion held on Tu. .-day. Uo tw.mh d*>
1' 11!
l>»g Lake ........
la.konor ef his dsMeeatk Utokday. Long Lake ...
nation of r«‘piib!lc*D candidate* for Ina th.T.-on and (or the o(fie.si nanu-4 of Jun*. in the >ear .lUc thousaotl M«*
01 17'
Mayfleld ..............
said office, and ihirl-en 1151 vedes her.-ln: al»o ■ correei stai.-men' of hundr.Hl
Keanath 8.1th oaiottatoed abont a Mayfleld ........
In wlin.-ss wb.reof. we hav.' lief'
Paradise ........
were given again*’ the direci aomlna- V.iies given for Ihe candidal.-*
doeea of tala frtonds at Basaetto' Uland PenlnsBl* ...
lint., s.t our hands at Travers. i P),
Pealasnla .......... . Ul
tfeoi of republican candidates for said gor.-rnor and Ib-iii'-Dint gov.-rnnr.
Union ..................
In sabl eo'iniy and stale, tbtw
tbday. Tka day was apant to Ike pa- Union............
offi^. Total r.95
I In wlin'-K- wb<-r.-of. we Have h«
!».. 1906.
TUk. aad abed tbe totond enjoytos WbUewater
Tbe whole niirober of voic* given,: uiiKi SCI our hand, at Trnv.-rx- City.
Cbas. 8. J.ihnM>i,.
Traverse Oty—
for and against the dlnel aomlnailon ; said conniv and stale, ihl* l»'b day ol
the autay ailracUona al Ue bendlfol Traverse
11 88
Fraiirls K !tr»*n.
. 87'
1st ward
1st arard ..
of caodldates of the Derooi-nitic party; une. A D , IW
2 4i>
Robert e. W*li'-r,
2d ward .......... . 431
2d ward ...
(or governor was sixty-three O-r.i. sad
A. K. P.il«er,
Dvard ot Senatorial Dis rlct t'aiivass
3d ward .......... . nr 0 ns :
3d ward ...
they were given a* follow*: Slxt»^«o
C. W. Ashton
4th ward ........
4tb ward ..
t«2i voles were given for tbe direct;
E. J. Tafl^.
The Rev. Hofk Kaaaedv aad fam
of democratic candldsK*
Beard of County Canva.-;ser».
Oisiriet Caovaaactw’ Certineate of Oasaid Offici.----------ily at* apendlag aooK Um at Carp
Atte»i: —
Totela .............. : 878' 13’ 39i: 583 lor
given against the direct nomtna-ion of
lAke Uls w«^.
Twenty-Seventh Senatorial DietrleL
democratic candidates for said office
rf County Canvasfcrj Sut. "f Mlehiesb. l.•«:mt» of Grand
Mm Waiter KcOay toft tkto a
Three beys who alMe a .eiOD at has been liberated, tke Jury rvunitog Total 85.
tl« for Carp Lake.
assar were flaed 82* apiece or Uirtp
We lbot S<'Dalorlal Msand aaginsi tbe direct nomtaaiion
‘ Mm J. H. CarrMI et SL Uioto. pasa- days to tol!. They had ao amey aad
The copper eoimtry la facing a *e- (or
Staiemetit of vol.-s glv.n in the toi Catvas-rs lor th.- Tweaty-Sevn party
ofcaadtoate* of tbe Prohibition------*d ihieasb Ue dty today on her way were locked ap.
rkm* labor famiac. Fro. every quar for governor was eight tt-i
to th.-r, Grand Traverte ro.in-y Rt-prc*,-nta en’l. S<'nat"nal diwnci of tbo/^tate
of Mlrhiz:.b. do htnby .leiertainc and
te NorUpoc BeaU.
ISeven iTl’tlw- IMs'rtci of the Coun'ifof Grand eenifv tha'. s' .'be Primary ElecUon
The Afrtcaa HetbodlsU. tbe lade- ter where unakflled labor 1* nked were given as follows:
nomi-i Travers.-, (or
again*! 'htdlrvet
sore given for me direct nomi-1
lor and again«t
'nt- «»•'*
,T. T. Fitopatftek and sen el Clacia. ndeat OrngregatloBBl. Ue First M. come* tbe complaint that
• twelflbdSJ of June, la Ihe
ot Prohiliitlon cnadidates for nomtoatloo of candi..aie* for repr^
aHL are BBCsts at Park Place.
E and tbe Cerlstton Sctoulsu have acaree and to great de^nd. A* aa satd offlee. and one HI vote was given s.-Dtaflve to the State 1-^^"“*'"" ^ year on- thousand nine huodted tlx.
J. E 8aaio vent W Oama Ul* oBlted Ul build a cknrck at Battle lastence. the Copper Baagv railroad arainst tbe direci nomlnaiioe of Pro 'the Prlmaiy Bi'-ctlon held ol To. toay, the din-t nominailoii <4 candidate*
Senator was duly caovasrtto
hai.tocren>ed tbe wage* of nceiJoo hlMtlop cnndidaie* tor said office. T.ejtb. twelfth day <d Jane w '1. year
Creek to be ua*« Jolatly.
. aPiR-srs by the annexed statemont
^ g
jon. -ibousaad nine btindnJ
. Tbe Co(B.bta look aboat eighty of
whereof, we have b*uIn will
Albert E Naally af Boptb Haven pot hands by 15 cenU per day. but ihU to ' The Whede numl-er of vole* given, The whole aamtor of v.
«be B^tot Bnsdv *ek*xX cfaUdres U
bands a
iaaaffleleBt te bold tbern. RepM, for and against ihe din*; nomliiatloo ; for and again*: the dire-). (
bia fool between Ibe cog* of
Ue talind Uto nmtog.
p,„y'cf radidate, of the Republicsn parly lb said n
hare to be am-1 from mine* are that tbe narface bosses for and again
prasa. and kl* 1^
, hun-il-w Reprenniathe la the State L«i»
are liartog bard ttosea geittog enough
d~ti^ Bl»rt>-thr..i- H93I and they wert :U!ure ms flie
Francis E. Brown,
1 Several Yeare Service sa Clerk,
George Knakl. Ibe Saginaw yotrtb men to carry on tbe necessary work,
John McLarea ef Plyiaoutta. whose
Roberi E. Walter.
' Treasurer and ftnprmieor 0*
e giren lor tbe dlreH'Flve hundred « veniy-fo-jr .r-74
Mg was ersthsd to a train accent a who was armted on a charge of hav
1 of Republican eandidale*' were given for the. direr. DomiBStion BoaH of Seaaiortal DUtrtot Canv*«* J
strong men with pick and shovel a
f weak ago. kad It aaspatotaA-JTedaa*- ing poMted Mickael Mmlnafci. aged 11.
fwjnid oBlee. and mlrieen (I5i -vwe- ot ReptiHlran cnndtoaics 1
tote Ike water and canned hts dentk. j hampered to the same manner.
ec /«s
s ;i
J ■;!
7 t
^ ^
.1 "i
1? i
s i\
S Jti s
H 1
;i ^
■i ”i
:l Si
Sylvester Brown
VM. XLVin.
^iratoeir^ie Memlb.
races 1 It 6
NO. m.
k do* by' HiAuuag white orvy- ctoihs with copper nrito; tba Irph
HMUe. put that dtlld right down give his hour glaft at k**i two lurws
Jttst aa the chlld'a repilar breaUi> ncr pm on your Sunday frock and go
YRt Rain Tlut C«tnM Over tiw Milt
tng lafanis la (heir arwta. the young wrtter la your tosstaews offtoa. tho
jcforc his orstory ante lo a pause.
and Come home with me."
Tb« rmiD tbx com* «*«r the hlU— « nnDooaeed that be «aa aaleep. the out CO the south porch."
escaping unharmed In art case, slgas ouUWe the office door, aad the
Thomas Hooker tardy sat 4awy^Mollle had Uved in an orphan's
door opened asalti. Thla time a tall,
the i*ln!
mag man In eatral IRInoto was JcHcrlag oa the office window -a^ cmLater In the summer, Walter Lawta home all her life, but she had never til be bad rvurhed'dhe atf^<.toAhlrd
;ei tired-looking woman co1W attdcAl. BirMlad nia.
hour; and on one ^rcu^. after pass reeling with a mastic dry; during tbe pto.T this same ta« at*Icnri —Detroit
«em os fhNP Uw Mrrteh ^ tkt tendolng a little neces- 7%e childish mouth settled into firm ing thU Hmtt bv ^"r»d 30 mluuta. progress of aa eli-rtrlal storm. Tbe News,
p«r»te tklet—
"Ob. MolUe. Mollte. bow manr timea
only n-»umcd bis sat m promU- dog was struck dad by a Mi. aorly
lines 'and she tbnro her bead bark
Tb* akte that are st*j u are
luil I tell ytjv DM to rock that hcavr Bury hoeing. Every few
Pl«an tuna for *
, to cemuoue his discourse oo ihc all of the balr being barned from Its
with a proad Uttie gesture that would
«*Ud. Yon aren't atrona enooBb. and aught a gllmpcc through Ibe screra
Jow'a eyoa.
The rirerta M Loadoo are.aoi yet
have l>ceD pairictan bad she not been foHowing Sabbsih. Once. It to trae. body, while the young man was only
Oh the i*ln!
I can't have IL He ouBbt to have be- door of a slender girl preparing breakbrought up In a Home. Sbe started be ele-etrifli-d his congregailon by com- iHilly slMu-k.-d A farmer was kiss paved with gold, drw^le popular tra•blstled
With the BiiMil «r jroow wbaal *>«» enn kms afo to «o to aJeep bf himseir
to a full stop afu-r i:><miBule«' ing hto wile goud-bye before Rarftng dlitaa to the roairar). but owe of tha
sMig. and presently, leaning upon his to rlM>. bni rctnembered her burden
the itplaad ptala—
aa the oibera do.”
psi noBibarievn metropoiltaa subfor tbe country fair when be was
hoe. he looked tbuugbtfully Into space. A null- red spot burned in one cbees.
Tk« nin that com vrtr Ibe Un.
*'l Bol tbrougfa earlier 'n usuai wUb
struck dead by a boll of lightning,
week today—yes. a week It la. A aod In her tow. firm voice there was a
wife's balr was moKumed by the
position, after which be resumed hi*
- Tb« ralB that com ot«t tl» WU- the Mheni. ma’am, and somehow t week of perfect bappineiw H seems lo great dal of
can't resist when be asks me so pleade tor ordinary Ma
e. but she was otherwiiie unin
••1 win not" she said: 'i wUl n« discourse and continued for two hours
tba rain!
him as musingly be realls each delie b different from tbe'otbers.
jured. Three drunken farm-hands re
Th* Blghtr and meaatireloaa i
I. I shall stay here at the Home all longer.
bllfcsful wock-the quiet
yon know, and yeaierday be cried him.
ts the emtar of IM
Baxter. Knox. Hooper. Bun>aa and turning from a dance, all arm In arm.
Tbat drenebet the r«*“
ly life long."
drive to the Hume—where be found
aeir to sleep."
woodland and aweepa
“Oh. Mollle. dar Mollie. you didn't Calvin rarely prach»-d le*s than two In eastern Nebraska, were ovvrtaka
;be parlor flilcd Kilb greens and flowD electrlo] storm on the road. try. During tbe seaeoa the IntM nftah
Mrs. Aldcn tuoched the fflrl’a hair ?r* and children, the tears In Mr*. think I was cross with you wben I bnuTS, and often saw tbe sand run
Uka an aTalaoebe over the dim toaaIn (be hour glass <<ir the- third Tbe man In tbe middle was killed by detertoratn and Ihe magirimie ihcrtrcctlonatcl}- and imHed.
las aieepa.
Alden'B motherly eyes and M-si of all. spiAe. did yon. dearr In his anriety
iipou omAscstPa tbe c
Oh the rain!
"There, child, do aa yon will this the datk-eyed. whlte-rolHd bride. He Walter's anger dlsapiared. "1 was time la-fore they e»»me to "la.--tly;" hm
circumstance Mr'
one of them all euuld rival the knocked sa»*-l«-ws. but quickly re-cot
That {alb with a roar on the vale'a lime, ni sit here aod wail white yon remombor* the happy, silent drive angry at «>lher people. I was afraid
from ww to im Iona of ftwti to be eonjcraaar floor—
pot him dowD. for I want to Ulk to bufiic. and Mollic'i pleasure In the that they had forced yrm to come hack. prollxily of Rev. Thomas Uaugs. a sov. eretl. They found themselve* cm
drmned la a single daj^
The rain that cornea over the hDL you."
shouldn't have spoken » such a tooe ealecnib century divine, who on on- ptriely sober wbe n they came to.
;iousc and new furnishing. She bad
lariad of being discharged Into
A letter carrier In Kansas City ws
accusioraed herself so naiurwlly to the > you. di-ar. See. 1 gel ilowu on my occaslon. after k«-plng hi* congr«-ga.
Hollle looked up '
The r»lo that cornea over the hUI—
ktu-es and beg you to forgive me and tion over two hours, said. "And now, bamllng a woman servant a Iv-.-e i barges and -tumped Into the sa. rbe
nnusital !*•*“«
busy Mrs. new BuivoiindlDgs and
the rain*
fruli ’
..red in a much more bybaring cleared the gntund by the*-door when a
■ui«- Itome again "
smile, proud and contented,
Alden to sU down In (be middle n(
The steefnl and ftlllerins min.
I - . . sle-t .o,.,., It to cmricsed to Nto
Mi'IIle'* bead droppe-d back against few prellmlnarr remark*. I wilt ad- lightning struck be^een then
across bis face ai he thinks ol
TJmt ptays htde«nd-aeek with the atm the forenoon.. Bui afirr she bad po'
i myself more ditT-rilv to m*
DobUe down, she followed wUliuut
and the shade.
. ,bock. iMit both were t*o.,ght o.-ooei.-d. and t.< Various
her gentle self again, but she did not
such a sweet, old-fashioned dignity.
U Mwwers of Jewela that sparUe and quesUoD when Mrs. Alden lead (be
ipreord tote slabs like atoM.
I amusing story to told In this eon iround all right. The letu-r was con
As his thought* became less re spdak. Walter did not rise nor loosen
way into her little siiitnB room. The)'
ncetloD of the Rev. William St. Ccorg.- sumed Two lam band* engaged la
sal down omneltc roeb other. Mrs. mute, he suddenly beame aware that hl^ hold of tbe little hand.
Oh the min!
well known sugar refloery ntBUdli
was II. dear, -weren't you Palerron. who. not iruiny yarn ago. plowing In a liioacre fdoi In South
liad sarcely begun the work. H
That veUs the deep meadow and Alden looked at Mollle, and Mollli- In
the dnms from the product for paving
Is.her bewilderment aured at the plrturc
UiMtha la the slndwpn-arh for him oo the following Sun
three mlnuie*. Three young kll- The waste to a verv thick star PM
fore- hrakfast. as afterwards m<-u Iilep*ant. Ilui perha|>s I am loo
The min that comes over the Mil. of the Washington famUy. Mrs. Alden
The eU-rgyman. who objcett*i
s.plaving In a backyard tn lode liquid. What lo do wHb H «aa •
did not know how to begin; llnally she were coming whose work he mufi iinrj ro'igb for such a gentle little
thu* to-lng made a sloji-gap. deiiicnce. Mo., wvre' struck by light; ■ homy problcin for some time.
oveTsec. With all bis haste. It was thing."
Tbe mln- lhal cornea over the hlU- said:
At iskl one ol the emptoyri altothat. Hh-atM- don't think clinetl Ihe duty. wbereu|>ou tbe dean ntng. One of them was killed, the
tw^tj^iy flvc minute-* past the breaktasi
tbe mis!
'Home, bow old ere ^u!"
little pained flush col- n-toru-d by commanding him to nifaer two being only singed. A Ger- eelva Ibe Ida of miring It with «rthour 'is-fore he flnlslicd. He threw
The ffmdoaa and plentiful min,
'Seventeen, ma'am, gnio’ on cighiIhc totter belBg applied la auSIpreach.
named Hllixen (which mean*
down Irt^ hoc. and stopping only to nr«>4/her chi-eks. "Oh. U was he
i." said the girl a little apprehen
ii quantlHa to render (he Mans
As there wa* no way of escape. Mi. llghtninc In .wr language) was struck
pick the hsual poesy for Mollle's piste. till-Us> tx'iuiiful for me—hot-"
lively. "Oh. donr, Mrs. Alden. anyone
Paterson dili-rrolned to "to- level" sad killed hr a l»lt while Ulklng solid and stable. The mixture Is then
"Ah. tt wa* me. then 1 was
When tbe forest to faint and the fields
grtng to adopt me. are they? Oh.
It Into small bricks aad cotapiwaaed.
kitchen sink, and remarkeil tbe thorn in that rose garden. I am a wHh till- dean. and. annotiDritie a* lii* almui hi* quecT name with a party of
are athirst
In the north of Raglaad naay of lha
don't let them, plcaw. I couldn't go,"
the one hundredth and nin.-li-entb friend* iu a Uvero in central Arkan
slate order of that room al such an gr<-ai. lumtM-ring fellow, not III to have
Oh the min!
"No." said the wofnan. slowly, with early hour.' The- floor had been newly niich a little. delicaU- thing as you. I psalm, he began iiy reading his (ext
The sbeq. of a bird fancier it. rads are told with g1as» rtog. This
That brines back her ml to the >
Fur (he Brut time washed, and upon the table next the
•but—oh.. Mollie. I loved you of 17fi versa tlirougfa iwlre Then Chicago wa* Ktruck by a bolt. Of two
isktng acb verse la turn hi- dellverrel psrnx* In one age. one was killed
Indow then- were twii^ile* cooling. BO."
The rain that comes over the hlU. In her busy life she realised that the
girl in Ihe ugly regulation frock of the
homily on It. floallv re-Mimlng M* aad the other permanently bllnd(*d. use was fouod for H. Ibe sUg v .> l -ft
Mollie drew his band to her ll|>s
"That child mustn't work so naril
Breumutote in huge mounds, JisAgThe min that com over the bill— Home w*8 prelly—yes. very pretty. before brakfu:;l." he said lo himself and kissi-d it.
ai at the tioiK- of the third boar, by to-siries to-Ing .rendered deaf and
• the min!
which itmr the only surviving membt-v dumb. A gang of cirrus hsnds wen- iiring the rounlryridr.
“Mollle. girl, tell me if you like Wal
"No. U wasn't you. I—do—y
we-Dt Into Ihe dining-room. Hi*
A Pr.rto iDvator. however, enme U
The dewy, mlraeulons min.
the cougregaiioD wa* tbe dan irjlng lo round up an ewaped tiger in
ter Lewis."
bre-aktast was set out wna covere t.-i
With tbe comfortlne ctonda that drift
MIsMuiri town, wh.-n the tiger wa* i« rescue. He dortoed a prtH-esi Mr
• Was It the wnrk—was It loo bard bImM-ir. After Ibe service the preach
“Why. yets." said Mollle Innocently, keep It warm, but Mollle was not
preparing Ihc refuse and burning It
eloee to the breast
“better than anyone else c»eept at there. Ho was a little surprised Hun for you? I wanted to get a glri for er said good-bve to the dean In the struck dad by lightning. During a
or the tranaflffured Barth, by the nofi the Hume. U-cause I know him better. she had not waited.
you know, but you wouldn't bar robing room. "Good aRernom, Mr. running race al an lllinoto eounty Into small blocks. The slag was melto
mlsu caressed.
Ihwn." wa* hto farting shot. "I don't
In which II horse* were compet ed. and by a secret traintMit IU hr«t<
You know he's been so kind to bring
He called up the stairs twice,
qnalily was socceMfully overOh tbe min!
lltlle. think ymill command old Paterson to ing for the purse, the winning horse
Bobbie and I borne from the village receiving no answer, concluded that
That dlstorU not. nor breaka the en- with his team ever no many times. sbe was out someB'hcre among' the his great ev}-* unclosed a moment, lie pleach again In a hurry." .
Btmck dad iDstantIv after hav
Kaperimente are aow being orriad
ehantment It mnkenwon the race by a hod on the
|ook«-d up inlo the brown eyes above
In Blrlking contrast lo these tongAnd lately he's come down In tbe end fiowera and sat down alone.
prove the eWdeno of ris«l for
The min that cornea over the hUt. of the garden where Bobble and I
But Bomebow nothing tasted goo.1 his, drawled "Mollle" with a slgb of winded sermons are (be dlscoursa wire.. None of ihe other horses, most
which begia and end wiibln a minute. of whkh were clooe up at Ibe Anlsh. rad pavlag. Tbe rieel to two techM
gtteas I didn't loll thal morning, and be felt that It
content and slept again.
r tbe billThe rain that coma i
thick and Is in tarffe ptatcs. vMrt am were hurt at all.
Tars gathered In Mollie s era an.
the mla!
bolted lugelber.
off from bis place last Sunday." and
lor he kniV llie reason he I here- w*-re tears in her voii-e as eh- Ib-tiry Jackson. :>ii olo-ltmc Yorkshire
The ucrni Ud tremolottB min.
Onr- town, wboae great deulr* is to
little flush of color showed In tbe could not eat was because there was mid ungrammatically but patheilally t b ar. on the li-xi, ■ tbal I* love." Tl
The Age of Copper.
That Boba by the wMeopen wlndm
reduce- the noise of Ue traffic tn
him—I an t leave him. I'v- was bis hunitly; "If. my friend*,
brown cheeks.
opposite to pour Ihe coffeiExperts estimaie thal the copper
at dawn
"He is a good young man—excep- vilh childish gravity and talk lo her laid awake everv night a long while were- to preach lo you for a monih 1 production In tbto coiinirv Ib»i yar eirewts to (he mlntmum. has paved
Where the ffrterin« trees weep on the
some of the iboroughtares with a comtrying to think it nut. I have
Uonally good, and he has such
. approximately DlS.doo.noii pound*.
ifretty way.
could add iiulhliig lo the glorious siganywhere and don't know
I33.oon.iHki puuifd* more than In pxditon of cork and other toaierial.
pretty place." Mrs- Allen spoke rsIlKV
iilflcance of the:.e three words; and so
He srent Into the arden. but Mollle
Oh tbe mtn!
Tbe cork la Aral g
HMt: and It to predh-led that thU
lave them with
was nol there. Thi-re were fresh atKiui surh thing*, but 1 try
ralllnc aofUy. like aaaeows o( bepea meditatively. She added: "He
mixed witb a prep
ht-TV to see me last night about you. floweni in the vases in tbe stiff linlc what seems right to me. 1 have always
thal are sane—
Mttrc remarkaldc wa* Ihe sermon of year will show an even larger ink and eonverta
D are- of Hobble.' ever *ince h-’
cre-sMT. Vet al such a pace 1* ibe rem
luirlor. but po Mollle. Uit-slalre. dowi
Tbe min that comes over the bill Can yon guesa wbat for?"
Ihe Rev, Andrew tlarke, delivered
Into a aolld, durable suhetance.
Mollle bad pccelved n plain cdua- slain*, garden and orchard, all tin—Boberi Boms WUi
few year* ago In Chlcagti. "I w-ait
India ruhhtT to aJao used for (ha
lllllt- iKMly all bruiK-d and hb
the oiitiiui of ore dot-s iwd meet
Mollle. Walter could m
lion Id tbe Home acbool. but she had
pa'Ii-nily for tin- Uunl." wa* his lex
three toeha
mind frtghiem-il out of him. Hobble and tills wa* hto sermon: ".Now. my national m-ed* and we are Importing
never read a novel nur assoelaicd with
1 It. He trierl to think of
Ihickoess. but Ibe high cal of (ha
MolUe.niimlwr of things that she mighi lx- diM-sn't know much In some w-ays, but hretliren. 1 put It lo you, if David larger and largc-r quaJiHHcs from maictlal procluda Ha exlenrive adopgirls of her qwn age. However,
• Tbe shutters of the Home were dosed. blushed again, rosier this time.
arros* ibe AHanUc.
doing-shopplug. iK-rrylng. walking. he knowi httw to lov«-. amt he lake* criuld wall patiently and fiMind
.But tn through the open windows seemed partly to underritaod.
lo roe than to anyone else
'ndouldedly the (etepbone sysli-m
or talking with a neigtl*or. hut did not
wxjrth wbUi-. why ac t you?"
came the hnm of bees, the ebeephow he'd miss roe; I eoulilu't
he toiiesl single user of copts-r in
•'He wmnu to ask you to be his wife, believe any of them.
Hut If one wants a m<*iel for a
' cheep of tnsecta and tbe taint click of dear; be loves you.” gonity. "I
this remntry today, and that moana
He felt a nervous foreboding. She help thinking of It. No one el*t- ht-re short sermon—one which an be cr
n diBUat mowing macUne. Mollie ed to speak to you first about It,
Ihe largest user In the world. One of
had gone away anil he would never love* him as 1 do. abd—1 don't kuow
laM her little burden upon the bed. hss a beaiftlfnl home which his father find her. He fanxl he had noi under- but It seem* to me that love Is what fnrtably delivered within Cn secondi
He wna the rixtb baby she bad rocked left him. and Is an lioncst, unccessful stcMid bow to make lier happy
»uch a child wants. Think how hani It would Ik- difficult to And a Iwilcr
and you think iras an etoyipA- '^
two or three, and M-e for youraetf bow
to Sleep that ' morning,
farmer. He la like hU father, and had Iwx-n bright «tid sweet, tiul now he thing* have iK-eo for Itol.We. HImuch easier It to to get them asMgomnoothed the TTuie plUow aa softly would make his wife as happy as bis remi-mbercd a certain Khad.iw lurklii.t liabv brain bi-aten out of him. and onl> Hie Text. "Man I* born to trouble as tains wire enough. If U were all la
iban to make them plain FMIowand kissed tbe llUie bemi as tenderly mother sras. which Is saying a gnut In the tendw brown eyes. an<l in
one i>i-rson lo love him. Then to have the spark* fly upward.'
ronlinuous pletrt-. to set up a very re
"I shall divide the dtoroiirse Into *p<-ctahle system by Itoclf. The
arc a few amualng raulls of aort
as K sbe had not done the same to deal. I wanted to speak to you first tioM-. a little, pensive droop of the that one taken away—ii isn't fair. '
eneb baby In tbe IltUe row of cMs.
"Ho you loVc Bobble be-tter (ban
iarg*-*l stoc rnlile encloM-s in It* efforts, with two or Ibrrw aiorMs at
for fear you would refuse on the chi! chlldisb montb.
gras Into the world, 2. Hto progres* U-ail-'u shl-Bih l.2<Hi *eiarai<- wires and
expense of re
She sat down again tn Ihe rockluE dren’s account or mine. But Stella
Ills one thought wss lo find her and
a Buaioa a
chair, took from a
at her ride a und May can du very well with tiu jry to make thing* tight. He drove
-No. no, you know 1 don't-but It' ihrbtigh the world, and Z. Hto egress >-cpm>-s in emi-fool length*.
(bat al
needle and thread and
together It is made up rt( Hu mlfca of paper apjx-sred as follows:
•different. Though 1 d«m't Ruder>tan< om of Ihe world. I. Hi* iligrexs
bablde, and though no one can Uk< about all the forenoon with
man in the dCr goods imd*.
sew a button upon n coarse IllOe shoe my dear, palienl Mo11h-'s plare
r«.pp. r threads; the average length of
res*, taking arc to let no one Know such thing* very well. I've thought I
belouglag to the dark-haliwd baby yet Uulc Is old enough to help qtiilc anything of the oac. Il<- had ploade*! all out the Ikx-i 1 could, 1 thought you progras through the w'orld to trouble w-oion* ol cshi-1 used for under to ixf partly ouidoora aad partly be
Hi* egress out of tbe gnxind work to th<- hig cIHe* to Z
hind ihi- counter."
wy alept In number four.
could gt-l sorat-om- rl*e to lote an and care.
Perh^w yon don't know bow sudden business snd
The f'lllowlng rstmet from a MadV
f.-<-t. which m- atiH ir« mlb-s <»f wire
A door optmed. discloring u mo dear you are to me. Mollle;
are fur .vou. Pi-opU- an't help It, , world to nolMMly know* where.
If wp live well here
cal advrrtisemeni to perhaps correctKverv Ht’-to-'lsl'' engine ha* bn
ment's view of a rimitar room where Bo busy bcrc that we don't stt>p
Kiiuillv. about noon, hr thought of nnti .Mollie* glance trf loving pridejconcludc;
lb while you cffh.
nil cup-, au-l iHfsring* must lx.- made
older children were taking napa upon enough to (cit each Mher such things going to the Home, ami won.k-red that was almost luatcroal. "There are- so;*halI lit.
of hra*», gun m- tal. hroni-- or other for aft<-r yrw have taken one bottla
CMS Bunding in long rows upon each but I came here Just nficr louing
mint girl* in the village to-n.-r and you more If 1 preach a wliole y<
he had not thought of it l«-(ore
of my rotoiure. you an't."
coni|Hi*IHons of Cfjpper if Ihey
•Me of the room. A child of about Ittic Margaret and found you a l>ahy gave hlB wanu. tired htw*e an eneour. smarter than I am. Mr*. Alden said Huston H’-rahl.
A bulebrr'* sign out west reeds ea
ix-ct.-d to willKiand the- temfic war
all years entered and tIpAoed over to and kjvcd yon right away, t have aging pal amt hurried over th«- road. any girl in the village would have
maclilnery Brass and cop- follows: "John Jacobs kills pigs tlbe
Pranks of Lightning.
to-vu glad lo marry you. Vou see. «
tbe chair where the girl aat. He was worried about you lately: you look
Sins. Alden met him al tht ■l-w
ills fatlirr"
tlioughi vou could get another wilt-| An official atiach.-.l iu Hie wcatliiT| p. r tuliliig to u^'In many
a riiubby riilld with pretty, rilky hair. bin and srorn. 1 am aCmId yot the Home and gn-eied him with
A •. - :a hill In hiB window M
_i,ijt there's uo one but me that' l.iiivaii ha* kept. duriK the |>a*l 1< esjH-clally in tbdPe of i.iroin-il
But bis bead whs ta|)ge and unwieldy, have srorked tow hard, child, hut some
half-smile, hut dhl not siH-ak. ShiI ><-ar*. all ot th>- Ih>i BBlhvniicatrd ar-' u sill irndiire -e
uud Ihe ^vacancy of the large, light
t couldn't help it; there Is alwa;: led him from Ihe coot, dark ball' hive* U..bble,
Tbla to a
Waller. ID sidle
hi* perplexity, al-^ c-nim* conilng under Til* eye of ih- , i* an < icellc-nl conduciw of b-*Mae eyes showed that the little boy's so much to do. and you have been al through a re*om lined on either side
..SI smikd It c-rtalniy wa* odd to ^pranks of lightning throughout the;cr.pp.-r lulx-s are osc-d filmott ,.x , Hieoce for rpare tailors,
Bind had sever developed. He slipped ways so willing."
with while eots. Inlo annibt-r with
his band through Monies' arm and
smaller cols. Here-, iu a chair by the bar her.'quaintly Isiktng atrout hto w-orM. Oii<-of the Isn* lu lx.-deduct-i c|.i*n-ny in marine condenm-r*. while 1 One advertisement eras haded,
•“I haven't worked loo hard at i
gased at her with a kind of dog-like ma'am. I—I loved to do It for you.'
window. Waller saw his one w-re-k'* geiting anoth.-r' wife. Ck-irly Mrilli-’ed trem th.- great mas* of sIorK-.i! many vom-Is have their hulls' '"Two airier* waa* washing' Bo do A
Isixmt the eh-ciriclly of the havens: shath.-d with crjpper - ^
Ig'xd man» hro'hers Another adverflmroUoB.
bride. • She was clothed In the old rea knew liltU- ( e«mv(-n!.onslltk-».
Mrs. Alden smiled and went on;
"Wanted—a bey to
llghinlhg cannot lx- dodg<-d or| The «ky*crap«-r has rrxxflng and cor ; Hsenient wi
The rlilagc rl<x-k rtnirk one. A
“If you are for him. dar. nothing nlation brown linen, and Hubhic slop'
“Mollle. wock Bobbie," be drawled.
see I In her lap with his havy head upon thought amc to W.vlu-r—a pton. A. avoPlecl. There- are many sccounts ■ nic«-> made from Hto n«-'al; church*-* ' sandpaper. '
• *T cauX” said Motile in (he sub. would make me happier than
of llshinlng Mriklng and killing :lmid|an.l public huridlng* ar- ai-.rn.-d with; An evening paper sUted that ••memcti''* h«-tiiatiou. then;
dned nndeftone acquired by a Hfeilme you Walter Lewis'* wife. You have her shoulder.
wotiKii wl... bud taken tefugi un i> r ‘ hrouie ga'e. and dwjrs. snd hronr. . fresM.-iit liaya went (oBaalorSber
a* the door opened, almost Invol- - i'll'* dinner time, Mollk: wc musi
«f rockipg babies. "Mrs. AMcn say« been aucJi a dar little mother to yo
Mrh your things. Ix-duand iiiclusc--* In most of the*.- grill w..rk; and from c.*HH r and Its man x,^f.-Md<;o.-e rn hts arrival In
bablcs that I wraut you to be a | unta'illy she put up a Anger to say
you're to sleep by yourself as the
raiu i It 1* shown Uiai the i*-r,->ns, ...mi»>Mti.>n. are wrought all manner Wtshlngion. • where a
real one. The worid annul well sjmre' "Sh." but stopped half way when she '■ Ap|>le pk- for dinner."
others do. But there, there.'
who have remained in the room* -.f .>ther decoralJon»-vi*« *. urn*, tab-'
hr.-ayfs-t and i-crerml
added, “don't packer up mr Up sml such mothers. What—child—c^lng?| saw who It was. She beame vctv | A* theyhad drire-n over that
Kuo'h* and friend* lisd Irtv-n pretparod few him."
day they bad al«iidoned bv the victlni* thus killed !.-<>. Uu*is and statu.•*
- took BO nnowful. Jnri watt till I've There, tell me all about U." and t^-j pair and dropped her rye* npon the read onthe wedding
D. th" corrapoodat who lequlra
Idee bappi. very happy, bul to-iay an while seektog safety liave csapcd lork* for doors and furnlmr*-, rod..
duos this aboe and IH rock you this went over to the worn old aofa aalehilrt.
f-.f poniert-s. curiam* and »iair ar- H th-re ha* twen a^y andden drop ll
■ew the girl down beside her.
1 Walter had been augry ttnly a few element of uo*clfi*Uurss had txwn | onhaimed The state of Kansas e
OM. thonch I know I Itodo-t ought
pip.-*. and
often plated dry gwei* tbU week, a
_ . faum*.
“1 dont know what I am erring for: i times in his life—so few that he could addtd to ihcir Joy and made It purer.; to liave the palm for the ficrei.. jpcis;
He stood paUenUy by tbe chair I feel home-sick like. HeX to rich and' count them on tbe Angers ol one band for bww-wa them *at a lllHe child I of It* electrical slorm*. with ail of the with nickel, hut. nr-vertbelas. n^per wH..-i -sys: "We have noticed hot
while she taatenud the button. Oaee all that and I'm only a Home girl- I ^ That this was one of those time* did that knew oul.r how to love.—Ladies'’ *taips of the Mihsoun aod Mlsatosippi i.nd-nx-ath; furniiw, lamps, ebande 'die. Kite said, wba w« pfehed her
vaHrys following rtose behind. An l|r-i>. and a hUDdr«-dfln*U*-r bul equal- up. ihi
he paltend her tanned cheek tovlngly haven't gut any Caiber and mother I not make hi* anger ibe Ugbicr: be'World,
army officer riding from Leavenworth, ly necasat) things iie made from
n-d to
Ml tatmtie liana Then he tried and an't even remember any. Fr'apa | felt arried beyond himself. He wa*;
Variety to flennons.
Kan, in August. HW. waa shocked , jx-r. brass an-1 brotire
walk "
I not angry' at Mollle—be never thought
to poke hit loreflBger throng a rimy I wooldn'I do on that areount"
The good people who cooHder them, thrw ilma bv bolls striking nari Id manofarturiug processes, for
A farmer wro>e as^tows to a dla'It to you yoarvcif that be wan(f.|or that—hut at the people in the
tort of her hair that hung In a Utile
that deceitful Mrs Alden. selva aggrieved If they have lo listen; him. He saw nine huge tree* riyajiirensll* as well a* maebtoery. eopp-r tingulshe-l ackntlAc agrialturlat. to
little girt: he will icll ytw aU nt>out Home:
tendril over her
wh.-m he leP under obtlgaltona for t*.
If anyone had seen tbe girl |dek up 11. Y'ou mustn’t vaiiic yoursrif too; who
..a-.-,. ..
...* ^...id'f
had upon Mol- use* have good ryaso nto congratulste!later from the elerirta; shocks, while lb many way*. Sugar fact-wia andiiroduclog a variety of swine; "BeiigfaUy.
A —.................
belter lUHc.............
at havy
the child'
the child, cuddle his hrad down
her ahoulder and rock him gently to nor a sweeter girl dw-sn't lire in Hll- li.-s shoulder, at ih.-'flBly brown frock jtbemsclTe* that they did nol lire In;Ihe officer himself suffered no Injnn'! refineria dep-ud upon It for ibclr speried Sir: I went voierdav to th*
pre-ny. atlporiian dars. when a procher
wa* of anv Importance.| i«n*. pulp and paper mills for their,atOe show. I found several plgm of
wd fro while Bhe sung a litUe alum- ton. If I do uav It. But there-|wi. hi which »he looked so
in far:, except
at Mollk. 1 .mly warming to his subject
thej There are stor%*<rfthree women. I vat*,
for ihesr worm* a
her nong. be would sot have wonderod
Blrady. Bat go now. dar. to yo-ir Hto honest hrown face wa* color!.-**'end of an hour, aod felt that he wa*|ooe In K*n»a.-, one InArkan*aa and. *Hlto. breweria for tbclr k.-iHe*. Pat- rirety of bogi. and I a a aMoaiahed at
ttat Mollle bad
room and think about H. and after die- and be Hx-.kc Ip tow. tense
)noi discharging hU dm.* If he
no; the other tr. Mto*onn,having been‘terns
are itamprej on calico* and print
at (be Cblldrrt'a Homc.
Mn. Jc^n BUck died at tier borne
Ulasd ii cotered vUh Mnable (laber win illustrate bla stories la a most
pleatdDg way.
tad aftee Its renovsl wOl be Md<
uumner resort.
is imo'lcMeB UM fYtd«r ssd tbe re'
Bsslot will
be Bblpped
MoBdsr norslns.
J. M. I
At tbe meeiingor tberouncit Friday
. are Is cbsrte of H«oer Aoderaon.
FMd b»y.
Ke* Wexford. Mieb.. 3u\y 21.—At a
' weeung of the Bo*lne«B Mes's «s»o
cistlM Jftit nlehi II vsn decided i<
obierre Aag. i s* field day.
oomsittees were appolpted- ■mooif
then belBg a ronnitiee oo barbecue
Perry r. Powers 'W Cadillac will be
••oiQted i-lty ireai.urer, to fill tbe «B-
laily I-; an
-aplred term »rf M.
Tbe conatnjelloB of the new hank
to be bom by G. A. UrtmaiB and Fred
llaahrti; re-
appoioiment. was
in her
During tbe past
three sea
sons they luive appi*ared in fony-iWo
firmed nn motion of Mr. Wiute.
pleic endorMfsieni »f l->'h press
Hneiimso'ers b"ad wlib fbartea Wll
furotlei. wan approv'-d on Mr. Ab-
Tbe rotoDilMi-e apprdnied to confer
The date U Niiv. II
cheytra consist"
»Ilb J. C. Morgan :.tid son in regard
The or-
of eUblecn
inder Ibe lejdershiji Of llelli. Yealcw.
character m always
i-cople. and Ibis nucnls-r will no iIihiIiT
of .this
pin inc to the
IlitMiks Klelrhi-r. the leriuriT. Is 1
nest III order.
n Army
Dr. Tlouua- i:
f Atnerlean life,
springs and
sb-iialor J. R. llol
K»r Ihi- t>.’i;1 tlii.s- tiurn
for t. ii
Velnier II
gieitir with
Tlnir pro,-;iam
rODreri niiinlH'rs l>)
•Iiiniinsers, obi'lime
oalside of tio- fc’tlowlug pn»|M»!^
■ Inn. he bad nothing i» say;
The nqKXlttb.dATts '>ui
> good
Meetings win h.- hold
every Moaday etealog in the Horst
academy aad tbo membenhlp Is 81
wftb 25 eeais a moaih dues.
rooun f'otmvil of’i>ii' t'lly of Trav
Vie r. Palmer4Cnd Jatms M
Horat a committee of ibreet o draft
e.HBie owned by iir. known a:; leu.
There was a apeelal meeting ul the
oYloek for tbe pqipose nf
I"b Hay nirct. frontiiir on i
Itorlh end-wf Norili
srer of Tmrerse Clly. wbo.se resignstJOB was tendered at the last mooting
Dnlon street
raid city exeepiiiig a strip of Iniid I
wide off Ihe esst side of said
ing a aoceeeaor to M. E. Haskell, treas-
in consideration of
d<-c«1e<l In IIS |ois three |.1l. four til.
«( tbe oonnell. Meyqr Friedrtrb tuime<l
and a pari of lot iiix on which
J. M. HncUraaMel to servo unUl tbo
t of Jhe pmpori)
oteedon aest aprlag. when Hr. IU^
keUY term would have expired.
was In bnsineaa In ibU Hiy fnr many
• yeaia and oBly recently retired,
baa had an excellent bDElncas train
lag and will devote hIs entire Utne
"afad atteatlon to tbe place.
the "Ml lonunes ,if Mli-k.y."
He has
Borrow eveatag. 'Mr. Haskell w in re
flnellataaiel In the duties of the ofOoe
iv.’il, in III.- jiiv.tiih' 'siiirl.
Cberrtea arc merlng slowly on the
toeal tnarkoi. the Hontmtneney bring
tag 90c while good sweets bring more.
Tbe new potatoes are almost ready
In faet
Qraad Traverse potatoes tor sale by
grooeta end mall dealers
eliiirely hi- oun
lb- tins hnyk.-ii uv
irangi; of lough., |.iniliig Mu-ru
adher.'Uts .d
th.- law
yet altboagta they would bring from
Tbe/generat ouMonh Is
farorable for a good potato rmp.
been made Ibis year
lam Trontwlnc
I-- n.iii;i-a'iila1—t
by Will
There were two cars,
the Pii'al i
inn.t. •noil
.'rilereil hiiilt l-elw.-’n tlo- main fnlory nod ili.'
A In-i.-k viall wa
l-iib-r v.».iii nii.l patn-
end (If Hannsh. laiy A I'o.'s spur track
and Hn- further eoiiiddiTnilon of
suiMur.- rate and a.Id
ilioiisaud dollars ltl".tf"'l In cash.
Ml agris-, in ease this |iro|nv
Riraii a
tJI. (our HI. five l.s' and eaTH i«ri ol
patiy':. be; !«•-:.
large Itii-oas.- m
sixty ‘ sheep,
Hotmail picked tip
Raiker ami-i slxly-live feet In width
Till' exev-ative ixininnil.x' wa- ;-lv.-
Wlbjis'l to the ■‘OBdilioii. howen-r. IhnI
l«>»or t.« .xmslrm-l Ho- do.-k lim- an-i
prauled the pilyllegi’ **f m-atitir,
the plallorai of mic wngnn M-abs
tile siriNd on
butlding lo
tH^esl side
• lU
er«<-iis| on the raid '
Dress Shoes
lor men
Fox laliod Lur
pill iui the pvad.
nsb A l.ay csmipaiiy and he said
nmiilng all siimm.-r. .1
ley Lumber t Rhingle rompauy. who
;;tni.ied to build a eoqi-m sbiewalk
on <as-t
siie.-i l<eiweeii Gar
sritb Urn about Sfl>-eii men ami fimi
tBsaiE which he broiicbl with him lasi
wbeteter net>»sary
Ing fp- the Kelley ljim»« r A Sbincle
F. yiilmamv. omim.-fetai agen^
M. J
■ lie rtiy iwday. eonilne In bv lann.-ti
1. N rloiej i—.k a till lue. s trip op
Siipt. I. n GUI- 11 bas di-cidcd upon
ploy about wixiy mew.. A laige amount
tur." eoitnu- ili.- mmlag y.-.ir
of ptovUloas B'liJ rwkl|< r<|<ii|uice wei-
l—ri lugs >iat>sl no evi-nse or pain*
taken includlnc: a oiwl~ r <4 tents in
in .sts-kiiig to nii'ke if,., rnming reai
which the crew vwIII; be eomlnnable a l•al■h•^ oil*
ply win follow In a few days^ wbirh
will Ineinde dmong other nlags ihre.- t-en
rcrenlly bmigbl
Keller Lumber » .Riiingle qirmpany
Mr till
in He ht'U.rv .4 ib-
'ligb se|n«il Ux-Hire reiir-..High selofid
Ihe leading
Ihe leasi u atid w\l y.*arV nnirx wi
Oei. 1
butccrous lectures.
i* sjiendln-: e
IDicgb s .ni-l
ttanaponaiion will ba |>o«sII<lo.
who cieaied ^iiEter•
*iii.!i>v.ii at
: Lane’s Family
Trsvwss CMy i
M:' VViflp-hii iUk.,('iU. I'lnmu 14^
'-Aki-w**. r.s to
Order lor
; SuKk
duors anil
three da)'s.
.Odd !
We'il scixl :t man to take the measurement^'
Ksiiitii:. B
«t|ir ll.<•tl.l;
l'l..-i..-t'ii-, :J"*
iTraverse City Mfg. Co.i
l.ook it o\'..r iii<- iM-M tiiri'- \
Builders’ Hardware
1.. . ji
.1 .ir-
aU.-iili.,i. D. i.iir Mill- »f
m ii>w
■ Sel l ^•3ra!!dsa:ersa•. Sfc. an.'.
-.11. v'v line .IifiiRnn in l^>.•L
Wcllliyoiir IiiiIMiTa'
». tdriim. y.-ar :ii v. r\ InW' pr;.-t;a>*1w.it.- .i;r.-* t frei lie- tii-i'Mir-e tiirer. ami l>y ari .|.>.
j.n p'r.<l t/> ifiiik. >•.'! B441IP very U»vr
Pe for.' y.tu l.iiy ymir Iadi d.B.r hniiRIII.
.*. .IIP- ill at,.| . \.,ii.ii. ..lit -|.e k niel Ri-l our iiric-i-*i
Ilir.R II
IiiiiR.r ui»le aipl «v iire
\- ty i-.» pti-.-
per shakers, spoon h'.il'i-.r -. •
This inJu'ks
l’..r. •i.iii.,
'■,1 IiJiiiMiii;:
AiniTicati war* .
li is mad" to'-Mtul
in :
Hxvc yrni ever It.e-I l^e
:■ ■
a family m wlii. li •.!!. r«: .ire ;;nnvin,^ c^uldret
»ymi ’Tlc^r
alv> -
C»n»e4 C#i«
tiger and Sstmaa
They ire t^;c H«t
'..•.IIS ..f bean tltxexs.-.
cites a sera's of drawings
DgS Whi'
|k-:diTH 111 nil kimU
I.aifly w<• I. lies ing Iht- licori i
Mr. Outesiili \
IMIquc aad commuaieaUtms will be ca- bcc«:;«. famous tbe wotid o
Ubliabed with th« Islnads so that daRy artist
TrsjviTSc Clly
Manbi.H- pa- ••
r. omeauli app.-arlng I
The tag makes regular trips to Man
-An rxifll< ju liii';.
I>. A. Barber will act as Is the fitwl date anm>uiin>d. Riehar-t
.M.-ike till-kill.Ulli.'il fit yxiir
d.sirs aii.l
l"c articles in
In year
In* mi Oicepthm to the rule.
James Ifciil.-y wmi lo Kniplr.
Hit;, nbirning.
and other nonbem pmnti; and will em the niinil-Ts for the High sehoni i. -
il.,i.k we liH-.. t‘.<-
lb.' MAN I' ibl: morning
Tl»e Lectura Piegram.
crew in Northpnrt. RutleaK Bay anil
•ii-i ixiki-
('lark i4 Siitlons Ray wds In
Mr Klldee
The Snith Side lombeiCo.
rompaay, who have t’v'ea walliuc •• •
• x.i ily
With Os.
From Thurs.1ay's R.-eurd.
< onituiiUs- and ibe lire ehlef.
Ti avorso Clly.
l-vr days at ICmpin
Uie m.vller of .1 ;.l*lidpipi‘-,
DtiUlt -.iM-el wn;. r-|.-ir*ij-1^
Room 310 New State Hank UtilldinK-
Tile f.i.-lory has t--en
Painck Raff.-riy went to Foneh th‘
«'IH4r II D
in.t-iH.1. oM
••P.-O.SKS num «u»h l*e*.
■I MisploB n -.ii.-rs will IH'XI
Money lo Loan on Improved Rea! Estalc Only.
Mi. .Moimili elslmed
Morgan and ask litni If b-
Tire Insurance!
tlial Ibe. biiildiag ismbl noi In- tnoied
The J-oard of piddle works was
** ***
l.-> .<a I*, all I
..ill. i. *»i!I -.x.p I..1I..W -.•1/
ranis It s.-vera1 frnv.diiig m.-n will i,.
they had seen Mr. Raliden. of the Han
ihelr propiTiy.
• :»lLlr.i
,1. l..mi.b. lb.
liii.ln.-ss U iKiw vm a s.»mi.| Diuml.
see Mr
'Ml.- ■.Do
Wsywo I'aeaSr h«w» H!.-< . DKl F-Jlt
g.-yil ami ih.-i,
Hen. and aw»Mn as th.- maik.-t wai
' ins>ruri4<d
TH06. ». aPSACUt A SOM.
j'ri.vrt and e-'isnnl. r ..iir
•'Jidm f. Morgan A Sen.':
woiild «vnstd«T an efler of
he bas foMhe past year lu-en tumlrei
This v.-«r th*- f-elory w»
••Dated this 17th day of July. I!*i'*'..
be expecta to operate the
Monday from HlFsaukee county, wfai'te
l-xB p
Hf-Hal ottowtSa
IJ I..
.4 I'XK. aAH. maul .ra
niK»AT I1U-.-0. aura
• U Menwautovw bUr* beva -raraiw to
<a«t erafls
Dr. F.
Rowland Douglass
mess has l»■en v.ry
hilt it is said ilial i;<»je is a Grand
Shoe Store, opp. WIiiiiiR: Hotel
late in Ftarling but m-yerth.-b*ss bu-
he )o1v ileslml
ar.' many ..rd.-e-
rax IMand OB the toe Maggie, where
Mr. -Klldee lt»k
iH-for.- Monday iily.lit. July 2.1, IPe.:
biulaess on a large Rcale for the Kel
.-r-ie niy.
uioniliic on biisiin-ss
B. A. KUdee left Fnday tor North
Try it to-day.
the •simUllon IhnI H In- .iiss-pied on or
The mmmlHtv Dirt her reporiisl iha*
y ai. lejiMv ..) n,.- ..lais l« litg
life-RivtnR sleep, and Rives the
■ if l>ll■l•]itll: III,-i(.-rial, li.-i i.tir
In Chicago.
Th.- I'«.iat.. Impb'm.'iii .simpany 1
was i.ss iv.sl ami flleij
one nt till- gr.iwinc induslrl.-- ..f Trav
•>f lb.> G, R A I.. Wa- III the v|iy Ihi
this may In- .lone wilbiii ;i f. w iminib
'nie repiirl
daring the bm months
strenRiheniP the
make li.Te III a sliori ,limi‘.
Rapids luoti'i' who iiislo's a H|»-elall:
pecta to birr the
ih- <x>ni
of mming l.rirk l•uildhl^..?.
tbe arrival uf lU tng
Ibe rest la ablpped here as a e»-nter.
rest less.
Tlie ni;vhlneiy imiu
abont the clly but the bulk of ii Ik and
will largely iii.'r.*a.<' It:- working t.>i>x
stock Is
Jiy a l.vk of nerve foree.
II d.a-s n.d iis.iaUv .lo. anil )i.-M fab
lilr, or irther ailmenis r;ii!s...l
Tin- piireliaM- will
lot six lOi <4 raid lUunah. laty C
o. oii.Kicrrv. AtbwwM a> t
. sn.i •-.i-ii... ini-Lss-xry -imwoIoIi
It was alsvi d<-<-libxl lo boy o'H lli.
• Jn'emilb-. Mieh.
feet off the sniltli end of said lo’s ■
t'o.’s elevenih addition.
-nf.'iy 41 til.' plfliii.
street pitriK-M-s. slxiei-n
a'- rtoiri
nils will greaily ................lit.- in
there were 161 bead of stork./even)}
calves and eight head t*f cattle.
i.ri.H-s of.
is.iirpany l.isi Frida;-
said laud nr eireei from Ihc
It* -•••oiKt K-vai’.y ■
•II ai,.t lUe mvml- ;
Plata Class. St«nm Bollorand Accldunt Insuranco.
Miieh iDipnrtaiil b.i in.-ss was-Iran
I. R.
R. lo irai'h our.new Inralhm
r- II ai.l.m i-.w.irnnrmsw Bm
c.. W.III.4IU 1-in.a.
KunsyUa. lMl
Noi Saliir-lay ll:
T.-nv.-rs.- I'n
ione of wblcb was a double decker, and
I I...IJ
’I'akmg the eoim-- as a whole it I
alxo IhL* right of way for the
Tbe largest shipment of live stork
ablpepd to Buffalo
loiiii.il al 111.
rerlalnly an ex. .-idloii-I .i|j<- am! Mi
-i-.| al 111.- niis-'iiig ..r :h.- l-.anl .-i
•This pniiMMfl'hm is also siibjec
A little new hay is roming in now
and then and hHngs from 87 to 88 a
tut bas
1 :.-..ii
et ofthe <x.ursr.
* Tin
le naitil--r alone Is w.'iili ili.- . iitir-
Bought Creonvillc Factory.
tbe tracks as now laid and
hava been ottered on tbe market a*76 to 80 cents.
Vi--bnt Vai-iii*.ii.'. .Ml.bile
t?( RF.AR.iN'.
m<-in* ul :.ui-li a small .-.--i.
of way foi
Aswwa- to
I N.Tiniiort.
lb- i
In hi6 i-oiiri Mr I.in.l*.-> eirs m.'tiiml
logs and ronienl'i iH-foiv
rew'nlng llie>righl
3 |ier CCBt all«WC«M rUMC
:4ii'b a '.I ri> - .-I l.-.-liir.' .-iml eii<.'tl;iiii
sliton Is aerfioisl. To eomey to
The Marhete.
for tbe market.
Uudray ha:. lM-<sinie fam..:i.< iboidgi.
living 111.- iMx.pb- ol
Ihe P«-ro Marijuene to ri'aeli
‘ •2J52r2,'KJt3=.?-'~
■ F. M. PAJNt.
ntdliioD lo Travrne fity. Mlcblfmo-
bit bODda ready fOr presontallim to
the 4-Py
r II Sb.-iman aad tamilv at- *i-n<l'
vvlial >vmi
by uii In Hannah, lay * t'o.'s eleienlli
ret-crvlnc Ibe ilghi to move uvir tniild-
est reaMenta of Traverse Cily
is just
Mr. Hoell^lel U one of the old
' mala
Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind
ronvey to the city of Tra\
for iilieot pnrpns'-s, the real
city ooimcU Friday evening at
We hereby ituhfflil the proposi'lon m
eoaetltatloo and by-laws.
a Treasure
erse niy:
To Ihe Mnnorable .Mavor-nnd rnia
Imaorable <-<>ramlllee. James Mnrchie,
The prealdeai has a
!i Ibl- U-nnuig l>" Fraukli'ii
This .-lull isiiisinfs
vari. iy llial all class..- will b.* ph-ased
p«rt««d that Iheylisd i..s*n Mr. Moigau
M.— iw.tiy *4 -Mm Arl.'i vl li..l
Cablw. ll
.ends III
Dr. Miles' Nervine: it s—.iltes
.vtnsists ol three parir. giving sii
to openinr Dnlon streei to the itiy
Hnaleal Directoi^K. A. Horst.
tiiig a catch of foiiy,
I luoznWrs-. nnd.'i- lu.- dirisdiiiii i^f
Praddent. F. O. Ilcumann.
one of tbo bekriest
With ber mulher ta M'ayww I
tb il
il your husim-ss m sletp.
of a mosi
ra< tioii for Ki-b. r.
TtCMnrer. Phil Sinner.
Mrs. |w|ta Kiuep left this anirning
The parly j
Secretary. D. R. I'lmska.
rilf-ria. indicoslion. j-vor ai'p. -
The M.iiiuluc Gles-
Tioe president. Alb^ lifer.
■. ug on ih.- I^rdinau^
entertaining a
•.GARLAND. CavbiM.
lbi« mortilQK by ilo'
illu.-ss ol her m.-h'.'.
Is-rg. r w.-tii fl-biog this lu.duiiis, gH-
liaii l«*eij askisl to liiiure praetiial^v
lag otfieera were elected:
Vtar. Looia
D.ver is
orcanS^'Wer D> work natiirof
Sanger Bund
«... ^
Mrs. Mary Kirngle-milh ma* railed
i.i Kumuiii «’<i..
Hie moiniag. '
V-il tVlunte H si-.-nCing a i. «
Grand Traw TM* air.
house party' at Keystone
IIV«T rays of hi. le.-’iire, "A ina..n-vf'.l
lianaa’: .
Aealih was gr.wily vmtirov.sl by lb* , ’
Sanger Bund.
Orasd Traverse
Rawy..r rvtunicd tolii't
sin-ndlng some tin:, in tbe rU
nerve cnercy
atod with The nipidlv flowing rtirreni
:!2 pair;
t. 3: quilts, 2; l«by rabs. 2:
borne yeaierday.
..<1 f.ir rejair work:
jrenty i»\r years ho has l>s n a; '<
Biasy ihlngR given oiii at. uauat.
Ii.'.ly rc<iitircs this miconsoi.iu*.
lerttiriT-c»n * .luo-rl’uio Dn»l>|ejti-..*' 1
Ibe fnilpwlag U ibc pepott:
4toTe, 1; work foiind. IS:
conics cxliaustnl, and you .ire
tin Jail, "t
waiD) tnontbi and hence there are not
Id wife diirtag Ibe i«si wc-ks. Icfilix
iilaranit• siiffii'ii tit t.lrej..
The rixt-u-e It.-i!
ihe llstenei
ple seed leaa aaslatance daring ibe
food, bnafaelB. 16;
-eg tin- guests of JeroBH- fU.s!c<*t* 1 w-is-inrcsl to Je-r b.*m. in
uee al<rae(.'. a'tciillen ami l■ll>-r•'^l
idea or tbo work which tbe army la
.fiAnring on In the city. The poor peo
Vm Iw-
■‘-iTraverse Qly Slate Baak
Mr*. K
he w V..inu. Ihs
F. Sawyei. who bar
Sir. and Mr*. M L Hanna, who tar.-i .. .aonM-r
atn'-stni i-s with whiei, .i,- s|Makr.
Tbbi will glre tbe people aonie
Mrs. u
doinp when v.jli fail lo get rc-^-
Me i.x a -in-»k<T of
ini-dlor re ability.
ban lu« made bla regular quarterly
v- . Door, .4 Cbtea-.:j
tbe begianins of *l>e potato buying
the dty today on i^ way
oumlier on ifai-
pected that II wtll be romjdeled before
•hoM. 68 pair;
and Mrs. VVilssiu t'ol
A Gcacni Bukiic BBslnmlMK
lomo ax the third
Walker bas hecB aiarted anrl it Ie ex
<4 Mr. and Hrr. J>-ns
and public
belni, J R Manin and Frank Voirolia
tbe apetker of ibe'day.
t'iiy. •This company consists of
foar memtmra.
wbo give readings.
M. Hnellmanict warn ap- •rdns. duets, trio and quaiveis, Barb
eA-entsK, J.
During Ibc week of Nor. S the Cbligo Lady-Entertainers will vhit Tcav-
Pefw Maifisarie onctala, are la the
Sok* o*i!y by
Frank Boyd, who bns bran vUhlns
ahead nnUI she got becalmed Just beThos. T. Bates and famfly. toft last
sight for hb bcmie in Chicago.
Bl swimming party oo. and the many
9. E. Wait. Mbs Hlaale Walt and
porch nltolr* all cooiribute to good was greatly ewjoyed.
*• «Ma bMrri af
The launch race In the evening wns Mr*. Cora Pulver and rhlldren wii;
spend the day at Hartan Iriaad.
«MrtUM hM at th« Nerlhani MIetiiDr. C W. tsBlagwefl has recently
B. Starbnek nf
•an AayltMR tor 0»* laaana Tliirttfay,
Id a large dlnlag table made on the
the rlty today.
ttaa rata af.malMananca «>aaft<ad at47binfis near the water lor the use rt
wa» .
Mr*. C. 8. Poylon
themsrives and ihelr friends <m the
You Havc the satisfaetton of knowing that your CARTraverse City vlritor ves'etday.
resort, and on Alday evening Inst the
E. L Bee-kman «f Elk Rapids ijnmRI.AGE Of HARNESS i« evrr>thlog that is consider
m aanta a Bay tor patlaMa In
families ot Dr. C. W. Leflngwetl. J.
acted businer-s
MRpar iMnliiaaia. Tba rau wa
B. Montrose and C. W. Pierce enjoyed
ed GOOU. Quality and service are never overtooked.
aaiita laat yaar far tha lawar panK
their first sapper.
Prm PridayY Becord.
but we like to have our
ana H«ant> tor tha uppar. Tha aWG. P. Rlnn and wife atopped orer
Miss ainor OraS of Chtengo. a St.
o*riock eloelag.
night at the Park Place, tearing thU Msry-s graduate and a drar friend of
faranaa In tha aaat It baeauae tha
much approval. All ot the shoe deal
aaaaltiaa af Ufa ara pRweh hightr In morning for Norlbport.
Hiss Defflngwell, arrived on the Prom Friday's Record.
base agreed to tbe new nib- ar.d
Oemge Bine, of the Hannah A Lay
Mr*. C. A. Baltic, a Korthport Point steamer niinois for a month ot good
tha nppar paninawla than thay ara In
Mercantile Co. has gone to Chicago to the Hannah. Lay A Co. store whi
tba lowar. Tha changa ta totaar rata reaorter, van in the city yenterday.
time at the LeSIngwell cottage.
will maka a BWaranea a> aama VOr
Hrn. J. A. Crocket and Mra. W. W
The Porter boose guests always attend the furniture expoaltkm and adopt the plan next wtsA.
It b hoped and expect**! that woh
just as hoe as can be had for the mone)'. -Won’t you
Goff of imoDOU panned throngh ^e seem to be enjoying life nnd Landlord purchase the taU sto<^
flOO a yaar ta tha atata.
, a abort time every business bon«e
Mr*.' EUa Oleson leave* today for
The flxlaK of the rale of malale- dty yenterdny on ihrir way
Porter laya he looks for a better re
In the rity will close thrir door* ** d.
•aabe vat the noat Inportatit botl- HlMlon.
sort boalne** this year than last and Port Oneida, tor a ahort vWt.
Mr*. Gibson and daughter EHzabetfa
P. J. Bcgloff and wife of Sew York tor this to be the banner year In the
aaaa of the Bar. tbe aeeaSoB bdnR
Urgriy eoBBaed to roaUae work. Tbc atopped over night nt the Pnrk Place hismry of the resort. Among tbe re^ nf I.OS Angeb-S. Cal., are vUltlng Mr*. Saturday nlgUta.
Fruuk Goffar. E. Ninth street. Mr*.
procraa aa publltb in Uit wedt’a Her- learlng thin morning for Omena.
rent arrival* at tbe Porter bouse
aM waa carried out la foil and the
Hr. and Hrn. W. R. Hart of Big Rap E. P. Clary, wife and child of Jack Gltisna's mother.
General NCwn.
Mr*. E. A. Wrixhf and daughter.
Wlon paprra were moat eacalJeaL la are rcMirtlns at tbc Park Place.
sonville. III.; Mr*. David H. Procior
Heir to »:<•<<.'*•« Icf' bv bis uncle.
M.vigam. arrived fmnr Chicago last Robin Jacolx. a dia^ r in junk and
R. W: rreeman and family of Ornnd sad child, Mrs. Frank Proctor
After adloiimincnt which took plac*
night and are gue«t< of D. E. Wrigbt second hand xc»l> in East Oakland.
Rapida panned throngh the dty today Mis* Emily Proctor of Peoria. III.
at l:3«, tba riallor* went to Inneb
1 their way to Ne«b4a-waot
tba atyJiuB. after ^bleh they enjoyed
Cal., baa l*-en elevated trom on* of lb"
Mrs. Chas. Brown and Miss Hallle ami famIV.
Mr- and Sir*. L. A. Innls of Detroit poor<-*t men ol ’hat *>s-;kia. With bl
B. P. Sehcnck and wife and WllliaD Hitt are recently added members of
a abort drira aboat the dty.
The rednelnK of the allowance of E. Scbcnck of Pekin. HU are npcndlng the Springfield colony at the Rush- re the guesu of Mr. and Mr* W. D brolb«T*.’'8Bmuel aad J'»»<-pa. Hri.ia
aaeh patteni one cent a day meant
a few dayn at the Park Place.'
Jacob* wUI share the
more bourne. They came on Friday
A nnumber of the memben of Mc- last and expect to remnln a month.
great deal to the Uspayera of the
by L0ul* Cordon, s Wall strewl broker,
atate. bring a aarlng of $3.6B on each Pberaon poat and the Woman** Relief
who dU-d two y«ir» ago.
Mr*. J. N. Black enterUlned c
patieat a year. The popnlatlon of the corps went to the Inland ihU morning,
Miss Elb-n Terry ha* written the
Wednesday evening last with a card
Mrs. D. Livingston and Mr*, B. Mur
knal aayliiB at preMnt fa about 1300 where they will tqiend the day.
party. The game of ~»n**wna played ray went nTUvIngstoo this morning lollnwlng letter to the student* a
R. Walt and wife and Prank
and the ledDcikM will tbow a
l>*ed» Dramatic colk-ee; "I have
and refreshment* of wafer* and punch
Mrs. J. P. Robins returned to her
84.7(1 on the inaUtntlon In tbla dty. ^yd and wife are spending the' day were served. This affair
asked: to say a word to you. If
home In Reed City after visiting rel
favor us with a call f More sot up finiAhed VEHICLES
aarlng of at the lalaad.
one'wr.nl II will b>- 'Work.' If U
of farewell party tor John W. Black atives Id the city for some time.
John Roett and Claude Oriait went
$4.7(4 In tbU dty.
to show y-ou than any other-retail store in the Statetwo word* 1 should say 'Be patient.'
nnd his friend, Mr. Pease, who lefi
Mr. aud Mrs. C. Lewi* w-iurned
to Old HlMlon thU morning.
Tha tmateea in ati
for Ihrir home In Springfield the fol tbelr borne in South BoArdman this and If It were ifctee word*. 'Don't Im>
styles, all (n’adei. all prices.
A. 3. Min*. Dr.
John on and family. Hra. Perklnt
lowing moniing.
-H. A. Oaboma. K. N. Batea. C. V, Cook. and family of Cbkago and Hra. 8.
Tbe Loncfellow Naiional Memorial
Mrs. B. F. Williamson, two riilldreo
Mrs. G. Van Auken returned to her
Garland are apendlng a few days at
C. 8. Palmerton and Supertntandei
assorialloD has been formni In Wash
Id nurse of Chicago are at San home in Vanderbilt after
L Noble.
ington. with Chief Justice Fuller a* li
Bond, where she will remain the rest some time with friend* at Old Mis
. Pontiac ftaylnm: Q. 3. TlaUm. D. B.
pr»t-lilbnl. lo proonte :l;e creelhm of
bf- tbe summer the gum of her par- sion.
PralL Peter OToorheU. B. H. Hurphy. Pram SalBnUy-s Reaort.
statue in 'he naiioual capital to Henr/
enta, Mr. and Mr*. C. W. Pletee.
re^ B. Ihompeon. D. R. Waterbary, and
entertained Vbeir home in Reed City this townlng. Wadsworih
lie.idqiiartcni for the O. K. Line of McCormick Har*
Bopirlnten^t B. A. Cbriatlan.
Rooseveli has wriPen a bUer imlor-*Mr*. Freneo* 8. Smith left ihU
the hotels have not begun to lose ibeir with a swimming parly for the young
ing the projeet. aad I’ l« propo“*-d lo
* Newberry Asylum: Otto Fowle. P.
vpsiinjf Machinery, CarriaKts, Wauon«t. loipleimmer guests In any numbers ss yet people, followed by a supper that was- orning fur Doy-ne City.
ral«for the statue, of which
and 8nperlntendent B. H.
Mr. and Mra. Earl Irish went ic
while the Incw^g travel continues much enjoyed.
mects; Harness made to order: Repair
above (4.0O0 b* in hand.
Ourk this morning.
unabated. The &nns of the bay nnd
ing promptly done.
VlM-oiini Aokl. Ii:e new Japanese
loals Aaylnm:
Will Gaines left for Cadillac this
country Increase
mliaKsador at Wasbiagton. baa as his
Waabbnm. and f
morning after spending some lime in
every day and the resortera are con Fram Saturday's Re9>rd.
ron>isni companion in bis boice a
Traveme City. Mich.
CiU. Pbooo 9a.
the city with friend*.
tinually finding new futures to enjoy.
Mr. Monoo SIcg of Chicago, who
great malieae c.vl. Mr. OaVl new r !*■
lUrry Wall returned from Old Mis
Traverse City Asylnm: G. A. Hart.
A party consUtIng of 8. E. Wall. baa been a guest at The Pines, left for
eelr.-> a guest wtlboui pn-M-ntlBg him
Then. T. BatSA R. C. Davla. H. V. Miss Walt, Mrs. Fted Culver and chil
sion this morning.
borne on the steamer IlllnoU.
"To IVier. wliti all* on a «-;ie*- near thand Bupertotendeat 3. D. dren. Mrs. and Miss Abbott and Mn.
Dr. H. J. Moth of Chicago U tbe
New arrivals at The Pines are Miss
dllpcmai * chair. '>«<-r rarely lo'--*
Ed Wail went to the Island thb morn Helen Senrs and Mr. Gail HuBaker of guest of M. S. Sanders.
right of his master and sometimes :>r
Dr. J. L, LaCore and famUy of Elk
Other aUte ondate present were: ing to spend the day.
him on bis driv.-s. Thr
Rapid* pa»8.>d through the city this
F. O. Balch and wife wmt to Northd H. Warner, Dr. H. P.
■ell* erery one that IV
Mrs. LeRoy Warren gave
Howry, and L. C. Storra. Becretary ot port this morning.
I n-—l the w-r4 siMl ms-t bar. tt
!• lu-I iirat hbm- wri tOse
is the most aceomplisbed nf hithe
Emerson Dlsrkmsn of Lancaster.
in Heusi Slid r:uUd-H|.hu I n,wle e.nlrw-le s;th in.,-4 lUe Urir-« SMjrm ■(»>
Hr. nnd Hr*. H. G. Bacon and Miss
Hie State Board of oorrecUoaa and
kind.-that be ha* lived In four cnplgue.is. Mrs. John Barrows and
€>n. nd:Uban-oAtraetedSeauu|»in>l->41b'1->: onssrie*! b<>4. -. 14..^ sad H
Ohio. pi’Ksed ibrough tbe eiiy c
GhartUaa, Oeorge A. Preacott. 8e6re- Agnes llnlln who are summer guests
the ocean »1x Ume*.
U-u1.siHihr.4bef nOI t.ir Ulile I-.* - -i <rs.i» 1 rsn gH-*>H I bai .nt» I lUiMS
daughters of Chicago, and on Satur- way to Cedar Rim this morning.
ttry of Btate, J. B. Bradley. Auditor SL Bdgewood. took ibe bay trip to
Mat— •*
I mm <mtw tt
Peter wear* a heavy link’-d silv.r
da*y morning the same crowd enjoyed
Mrs. O. O. Wlloox is vitltlDg friend*
Omena this morning.
d-«'t Itabo tc. any l.»-al 4|pter aad ert n.y ptiree ate) M .atiiaB <■ Ibayuead.i.a bUI
- OeaeraL W. H. Rose. Commiialoe
chain with name and addren* inhcrlbed
the day at Omena. the Anna Tbei
at OHbornc.
Dr. Joseph UneU of Ind
the State Und OfSee, and Dr. A. H.
French. On fete day* a big knot
Louise Shepherd of Detroit, who
passed through tbe rity this amralng
and d.Mi-1 f.4g.4 to Moa.
It - the frW j<« are att-r, and il
of ribtsin I* f.vstened lo hi* erdlar and
portation. The bay never looked more formerly resided in this rity. Is
! Ward, at Ann on hU wsy to Leland, where he will
of the ]
t great national f‘a*is a ehrysan’hiaitrncilve and blue than on that morn peeled to arrive' tonight for an
spend tome Bme.
urn is mlded.
ing. not a ripple to disturb the placid tended risli.
.-pulrallfurShr ■
Bi-Tmstee W. O. Vinton, who
King lasipiild of Belgi’im, while at
beauty of tbe surface, and the trip
A. S. Hnliart and wife. Miss Sadie
rived at Deland this morning.
aarvad tor twenty years on the
Diarriiz taking a vacation front the'
Vnsburg and Ralph Hobart are spend
Hra. Fred B. Sriinelder of Wiscon wa*-grewtly enjoyed by all.
Uac hoard, and who was. for many
worries of klngslilp In gea< ral ainlj
yean chairman ot that board. Is also sin Is stoppliig at the Park Place and Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Montague. Mr*. ing tbe day at U-Innd.
t’nnKolaod troubles in particular. w.t<:
win later leave for tbe northern repraaaat. aa honored gneai.
the central figun- In dlr-tnrident tftileh ;
Fred Hoover, Ben Montague and Tbetorta
set that fashionahle French watering
Other goeeu from nbroad nre R. C.
Horgan of Traverse City spent th-' From Saturday's Reeoril.
J. F. O. Reed and wife of Grand
Mr*. Will Hederman of Chicago ar place laugtilng. The demorraiir mon
Btardley. steward of the Uplfr Panin*
Rapida .arc resorting at the Pttrfc
rived Id the city today'for a visit with arch bathed there, as did every other
aula Hospital tor tbe Insane, and 3.
and Mrs. J. H. Robert*.
Draper, aeoountant at the PwiUac
man. privately and nnosteniatlouriy
Mr. Slater Montrose of Rock Isl
Marion and Emma Huriburi of Dt^
Mr*. Malcolm Winnie left today for One morning a* he came out of ih>Asylum.
troll passed through the city today on and. Ill, is a guest of bl* brother. J.
water he riianred in collide with B
The lady guetU from abroad were;
trip to southern Michigan.
B. Montrose. He will stay about two
their way to Omena.
ponly man. who evidenilr did not
Hra. Oovemor Warner. Hra. J. B.
Bradley. Hra. Noble, HiV ChrUttan.
Mr. C. W. Pierce and Mr. Wm. Hues- Misnc* Ruth and Catherine Meckel know the king In a hathing *ul'.
Mn. Gampben. Hra. Long. Hra. 0»retiirned to Chicago this noon, after a "What do you mean. *lrr' he snorted,
bonw. Mra Washbun. Hra. Belknap. ter Van Dommelln, Grand Rapids, re steamer. Mr. Pierce will relui
few weeks’ visit with Victor Peteriyl savagely. 'Be more carefi:]. I wOut I
have you to know I am a memlier of
Mn. Storra. Mrs. Case. Mrs. R C. turned home .Tuesday, after a fort week or so.
Wc have moved our stock 'which was io
and family.
Bndlay. Mra. Qnatotanee and Mra. night at the Beadi hoicl.
Mra. E. D. Galloway of Johnson the pari* rity coanrli;" "Then I offer
I-' - -•
Hr. and Mrs. H. L. Frank ot Chi
thousand apo1ogl«-«," repli<-d !>*••
the brick buiding, 135 State street, lot!iR.-;
Hart and daughter Mlaa Peori; and
cago are at the farm home of Mr. and Tenn, is the guest of 8. K. McMIchnet
praepo!d at once ,^| am only the king <if
Mra. G. O. Bales and Mrs. F. O. Boyd
anil family of Eighth street.
Mrs. John Marshall fur tbe summer.
Ucc for a golf
Moore building. 129-133 State street. On
of Ghicaga
Mrs. Harry N. Gardner of Marlltor- the Belgian*."-/
The gueets from the city were Chap- plates entering In 8
’.tir Allen, former middleweight'
Ind.. filled the polpli of tbe First Con- oiigh Is vlsillng relatives and friend*
accojjnt of tack of room for many of our
Mn. a F. Qlvini. two sons
tain Bev. D. OochHtt and wife. Rev. C.
for a miiple of w««eks. Her prize fighter nnd pniprietnr of a no '
grcgaUonal church on Sunday U*:.
T. Stout and wife, Treasurer 8. Oar- (tougbter from St. Louis arrived on and hi* hearer* were delighted
husband will arrive on the <-vrnlng torioii* road house Ip OiBwa. Out .
bulky goods, wc are offering Buggies.
land and wUe. Senator and Hra. O. C. Sunday. Mrs. Girins will visit at The
aln and will spend a fern- day* in is In Moody institute, rhlcago. where
MoBatU RepteecnUtlve and Mra. 3. H. Ranch and the young men are domi bear him a^ln.
enrolled a* a utiuleni 8atiirda>. 'I
Wagons, Harrows, Land Rollers, Plows,
Monroe, Mrs. H. C. Dnrls and daugh ciled at the Northport Beach hotel;
Mrs. Elmer Brown Is enteriatninc
s two mile* from a drink and
Mr. and Mn. K. Flieken^r and two
H. T. McConnell of the Chicago Co
ter Joeaphlne, Mlaa gw, Mrs. Rowetc., at a big discount. These gooods are
children and Mr*. Hark %ehpffel of her parents. Mr. and Mra J. A. Zim thirsty when 1 wandered into ibley, Mn. Caaavaa, Mra. Whitney. Mlsa tillon and Carnival Co., will arrive Toledo. O,. are at Vaughan, the gue«ta merman of Maple City.
church where Torrey and Alexan-ier
^ Dr. Stev«aon and the other members here niuraday morning to handle the of Mr*. C. O. Usiey nnd MU* Dim■ moving rapidly at these cut prices. Come
hanilln' t|i,- gnsiu-t to the p«-opIe.'
W. B. Weston, piihllsher
cotillon at the Beach hotel. ThU Is
of the BMdtcal Stas.
Allen. 'They grjh)M-d CW-. but I
Bier, who gave a deilghiful marshmul- Chronicle and a veteran Grand Rai>the first cotllhm of the aeason. and
while the stock is complete. Remember
Ids newspaper man. ri-Turned home called 'foul,' and they pave me till
A nwaber of the tocal launch ownalt the resortera are Invited, a ro.val low roa*t on the beach In front of
era intanded giving tbe vlsliois a
tbelr cottage on Monday evoning last. this morning after a short visit with Sunday to get mm rendition Snn-lay
good time U expected.
our Johnson Mowers and Binders arc
ride onthe bay but owing to the threatnight I went lb th< msi wl:h them
J. W. Hanncn.
Mr. and Mra. Chat. E. Bmidy bead
—tef weather It was decided not
MUs Helen Hinnen and Miss Mar? There w.-re -hrei- men and iso womi-n
fire, all the young people on the re
•standard” and at less prit* than the trust
ed a fishing excursion to "Sbabyti
Kellogg have reiiirneil home from an against me an-l I *tirrender«--l "
take advantage of the oSer. The vlsTuesday morning. A prise was offered sort and some from the hotels Joining
tton egprMsed thrir t^anka for the
extended visii In southern Michigan.
The bisho;. ef S‘-!kirk, Dr, Ib.m!,**.
s^s them.
for the first catch and Mn. Carl Klus- in the sport.They vlrficd Grand Rapids. Albion. whnee death i-i anaoimee.1 from llrit
eowtem' la a very cordial ma
ftmethe lucky wthner. T|ie Jolly
Homer and lAnsing..
i*h t'ol'iniida.
hi lalMirs unde:
party consisted of Mr. and Mr*. Pau tion* of-the last week wa* the bridge
Mrs William Turner and Mrs, Mar he Churrh Mi»,ifuary society mobRnsori Nnlss.
lin. Mr. and Mn. Carl Klusman of pBrir given by Miss O'Brien at Mont
shall T. tlallowell of Cbirago
llurn forty year* ago For a hirfc slille
Fkom nnrsday*s Record.
Chicago. Hun. Chas. N. Perk and wife. rose eotiage on Wednesday last. Four
among the Indian* of Gti-:ii
OU Mlcrion resort business te on Coocottlia. Kas, Mr. and Mra. Howard table* were used and nB repon a good guest* of Mr. and Mr*. L. Mark* at
the aaeant this year. Every cottage, Gin and Fred Allen.
time. Ice cream anti cake wa* served Snosei cottage. Ri-n-nl visitor* w<-r> H--ar lake, in a teat, and he afu-r
dwelt lo an kehouse wdh ih>Mr. Prederlrk Dunlap of Washington
with the exception of two. Is oceu
The new gasoline launch for the to The guesU. who all agreed that Mis*
13.5 STATE ST.
_ 111- eoveri d great distane.-*
moat of the resortera being ther^ for Northport Beach hotel a^red on Mon O'Brien could aun-Iy give a good time,
thur P. Harper of Chicago.
foot. It 1* nald that la two yi arthe Mimmer. Tbe cottages took very day and she mussed up'the waters of and a* surely ploy bridge.
A. 0 Loomis, manager of the Grand hi- sa:k.il U'dl miles.
pretty In the evening, many of them the hay In'great shape Tuesday with
But the boat races of Saturday
havlBg dUterent colored lights and lan- Miaaes Rachel and Gladys Bond. Mis* fine. The pier waa crowded with In opera houbc. left today for a few day*
rarw baagldg on the porch. In early Mae Leslie. Hiss Lucrdla Magill. Mr. terested speeiatms as well a* many stay at Benton Harbor.
The Misses Elizabr-Ih Folk an-J
evening the* dock beconres the centw H. K. and T. M. Givens abrard. The along the beach. In the afternoon I'
Lou!»- Meadow* of Uchfteld. III., art
of me. At 1 obloek UOs morning the mile heat Is finished In oak and U was sail boat races and in the
the guests of J. P. Luca* of Washing
r harbor leaving a very speedy. John Fettlg. chief engltng the launehe*. with their bright
ton siret-t.
the hotel, handles her.
light*, making a picture In them
X. E- Digan and wife are spending
hundred crates of cherries.
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong ncrvfes and miKcIes.
selves. Four sail boau entered, the
Mnch wll] be done next year ta tbe
Old Mission. Mich, July :i.—The Jack and Jill, the Minnehaha, tbe Jo the day at Lake Ann
Will Earl left this morning
Gives tone, vitality and snap.
way of land ImprovemcnU and the Intense heat, with its accompanying sephine and the Alpha. Tbe Jack and
bnlMlag of new a
dUcamfiture. hare Ml tbe people jni got from the Josephine three min- Northport where be will work In the
i: itum jbdr 3ru{|^
office of the Northern for
from title* seeking rrilef from the op) and the
der of the summer.
pressireness of placet leas favored gave the J
Pram Tbsrsdayh Rneord.
i> five minutes, and
W. L. Monger «4 Detroit passed
Mr. and Mrs. George Paaflelder. sr. than here. And as one result the col
tbrogfa the riir this morning on bU
mi Mra. George Paaftrider. Jr., and lages are about all filled and the ever,
way To Empire.
popular Roshmore booae has had
daughter of Springfield. IB, p
The time* were:
J. E Lambkin and wife
through the city this morning on thrir refuse api^lcatloot for rooms, as they
, Empire this morning.
way to Old MUriott. where they will were all taken for the entire season.
At ttM wmitUmmmi J»M MMthifl •*
ttM aiylwii bMrdi «f th* aut* and
The Creaeeat dab. rixtaaa ttrang.
went to tba talaad tbla morning to
apend the day.
Hr. and Mtb. T. J. Quoting mad eon
of Detroll are at the Park Place.
Hm. Oeorge Paateld. adn and dangbter panned through the dty on ihrtr
way to Old HlMlon.
C. 8. Senaasy and wife of Dayton.
O., aiTtved In the city Un nidiu They
left thli nKwning for Omena.
Twoea. auto pnrtlea. I
ft'\ ....
The children’s friend—
apend n few weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. O. Miller of west
Tenth street. Mrs. R C. Miller
Btovewth street. Misa Ulllaa Miller
of Mammce and Mra. F. O. Winterbother took the trip up the bay thia
Recritt ahowers have cleared and
cooled tjie air nntil the attDOsfibei
perfoc’, although at no time has the
heat been oppmslve owing to the
breexe from the wgter. one and an
agreeing that Old Mission U tbe moK
eomfon-taklng ptae* on the map. Boat
r i'“........
............ .............3:^
lied out
ot race
:o i^ir home in Honor thi>
after spending aome time
with fiienda to the city.
Mra. J. W. Kennedy and dangfab-r
Loriie of Detroit are visiting Mr. and
Mra. B. E. MOIar, of State mnei.
To Core a CoM in One Day
I no-> reason to complaia that their
{school leaehera oUlbe male persua
ioloQ cauae beart-buratnea amoog ib j local maidens, for Irntta tbe new su
■perintendeei and the new iiriDripa;
IwRl he crill In tbeir boneymoon. Rd
[ward J. Wil’mas of Moaiagae. *up.T’
I Inteadent-eltet. was '^rried at Sber
jman. bis bride l>e|ng M:s* V. sv (!uM
; smith of that eby. where he r-rme'lI taught. Mr. Wlllman was on ..»• Sor
mal- fkrilege rieballag Ivku: and war
editor of tbe sealui annual, the Au
rora.'rTjd-ia;:«K l;i J me. T:io new
l•rtnrIpai. V
U'lmer of flayi.»a.
Ills <
eratni'le. niariyin:
UU.r I'arU-r u( Morcacl. u gvuduaie
lid* vear id KaiwmariMi •-dlizi'. Itr.
eiurfi; Jaiy to—A aid) boy n
Winiaa IMedrich iaaqwd oS tSe dock
tBio tweire («*t at mer «i Uw foot
aTBibbAM avMu at 11 •^ekiak today
tad vaa droned.
Mnakeson. July ».-<LDeiM B. BwK
ter or ibU ell». who vac kUJed lait
e««U^ a«er Buapenaloo Bridge, Cana
da. WM Hding In tbe cab at tbe
^CM of a panaenger itaiB ohteb ran
Mo.a frelgW. He tod botb lega anpataied and died tit bourn aftpr ihe
Port Huron, July ».-Jobn MKVd
lam. 40 yeara <dd, ia rellKloutly laawe and li In a ptoded rell a< coantr
lall. He toa a vile and tea children.
W'lKner alr^i i'r;:d:i;i:< .| iruiii ilir Nor
mal In
Port HiiroB, July SO.—Aletanrter
Blia, aged 77. died at the n^niy hoote
Tbnraday. He wan btiotrn aa * Sandy~
aad wan once a well lu du geatlemai
’Hila M Ilw aecood dMiih In the eonnty
bauae Id a werdc.
of rnmlern
•nay sui|irf>i M.me of the young jss..
.le iH .1111 j'ki .III ktiiim il;al
•y iiiiii- Vfiirs‘aso raiiii'-i. wi-i.- Mill
Mother’s Ear
The Kind Toa Hats Alwayg Boaebt, and wUek Mgg beea
ID Dse for OT«r 30 yoara. hag T
d 1ms been made ondcr bw -ptoMl wapenrinoa since Mb innuiey.
Ailuw iioonetodcceiTepoutn tbui.
All Connfcrfetis Imluu.ma nnd “Jnst-aa good»»are bat
j:ipcrinicntu tliut trifle with nndemUnvertbe bmltb of
luftuiU and Cbildrcu-lixpertence acsimd Mepertmenu
and fulii. froiu ItadK >.f ha-l-a-i
uM-.i fS>m muW5 in liaiiiii m lal'
Mackr. Thi>c aii>-totM liave i, iimii
I- thai hav-i.iiiUlRs lia« i-ii-.-.j o.
MaaiJ MiiUrr >oK -Stall i!i,.il.
CBstonn Is a hnrnilcsa anb«titmo fop Csstu* OH, Pare.
l>popu amt s<M>thIu|f tivrniw. It 1* PImiMU It
cuninms uoitlicr Oj.l.mi, Morphine nop oUter Narrotle
Mitotaocc. ituaireta
It deatroyn Worms
ttiHl ailuys Fcrcri>Jiii«n.x. It cures Dliirrhnra and WIml
Colic. It rcHcvcM Teething Trouldex, eiirrs Onasitpsttoa
lem-}', It amniiiilutes n„,
ami Plutiilemy.
remitalm tto
ml ii
iMiwels, giviiiR heulthy and i
The ChildiviiV 1‘uuaoea—The .Hothcr's Fncml.
:<• Mg fc.ntir*' <if fh>- il»v-4i.i <':ii
.-••it for iu-liiiii:;
In■i.ii.i.ii-iiir Wii Ti
Hint I.e u.ii. on fair bIw.vvs Is Uh- l.iU?
[ n.n Ik'iween itig KA|i;d*. ami Hi*r ln-a-ii-rl -Rill' I.ovnlv :il Hu- I'li-i-'i-i
I.f ll.r fair j..-a|.i ai;o M-i-i.-l Hi. in!'
mini ai rliai tli.u . and that ilu- ladli-:'
.Oelroll. July.».—The liaise Tele
phone eompany ihla naomhig died n
d^ cf truM or WAOO.toO wttb the
(^nonwealth Tnini eomtiany of 8i
UMa. to aneure that anonni of bondn.
Ian, Jnly SI.—Ooldle Blinder, a
_aiy Insate of Hut
inled to nee her lather In Detrali
^ Hhe lumped from a aecood aiory
r of the HavHan.7 roitase bm
a raptured. Haxel Rnblna jumped
m a third alary window at the i
a and ’hodiy la badly Injured,
alyxed Irt^ the hipa down.
HetroH. July Sll-Mra. WHIlam S.
Harper, mother of Floyd Harper eonfkted of the murder of John N. Daly,
was tonod dead In a chair this morsteg ia the home of Hn. Reid. S4C
Hnlleit atreei. 'Sbe bad been ill wtifa
ebolara morhna since Friday.
.Port Hunte, July SI.—Bariy this
M dt4ll aaleep on tbe bay.
llooia^or New Tork aiate at the camp
d^.eOnr dob” below .SC CUlr for ioolteg tents.
JaetoM. July 28.—Tba Rev. James
R. PiiBlen who TefiVTinia
aSd farmers hare out of about I1.SM.
ftes anoMed at Barlinaton, Wla.. for
sney ander false pn
a pastor of tbe BnpUat dinrtdi
m Cement aiy and hbd aecnrad an
I mJnlater aa Burlingw in Jnfl bwe.
tSr’ne la BOW 11
'Port Haron, Jnly S3.—Waller Oaxtfin. aged M. while working in a plant
oC the Barala Bay Mill Sble company,
wba orereome by tb> beat Saturday
tfienooa and died In a fnr mlantea.
Ik mrau a wife aad amall cbHdrea.
vJactoon, Mich.. July S3—Tbe Jewaiorc-of W. W. Rugg was burglarlaat iiigfat add about $300 worth ol
ttetebes and Jewriry atotea.
ii'Hei.-ii ii.
itai-h joa. run-iManv Inui! iim hi i
U->irtil.|.- fl.; n h:!iiirailt lur ear ailes
ri-lai< wiili iiilil.' lii>i how- inniiy lim-
:i i-aie of gi illii;: a lii.i
. wll . .Vi w>.
I'lilr ihlldnii
I*i iii
nui luiiaily
fie w-i-t'ilii.-. Ol 111!, i.-ar's eoi|i
ms iii
l-mi-U .
It ii- v-iiil itiiil ll.v- lilji-ial i.rl.-'-
il.. ai<’ n .-Hi.iuellili- more than uii>
iHiiii <-I»i-
f Besrs the Signskure of
itiility Ilf liv.-n iu-k In ini. and nih.-i
II l.e a'ti'ii.l'il i.y an unuMial imtiilier
■r .•■l■e!l|e;lTv. vfjp-.r of wlilrli lure iMU-n
-timaii- ilii
•vlK'i..*;- seilciui-. Tbi y li;)ve tim tl.-
«.ii‘!y li.iii .-1111'ii-.l ,,iiinnhinii iiy 91-
tnmiil rioiii nm.-ivny with imittiKt:
liiarhlii. V. evK f.i-tn ll:e knives lli.-r.-
I'••llllt■<:.ns 1Iii> loitic, who can
R eal
The Kind
You Haie Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
riii...:i-:i I ■u.ii^rauli.i: !>i-amy in lial.i111' j'l.lU'iii.t-- Mtiii::'!!" up ot pii/.
>1 ji ill l!
. IseAbled at the liol<d Rellevere uuaiting the arrival of Ocinm |{>•yI|■•n Biakovish and other proipfiieni im iitlu-Ts
of the iKuiy.
Caught In Great Crash.
8i. Peiershurg. July 13 —An ImTills was on the meiporablo day In
1224 when the great^iliire of Ortnt A I«pHa1 uka«- relleyml M. tion-mykiu of
tbe prenijershlp and apiioimed M.
Ward was annoimeed. reaiililng in the
Sfdyiiiii pivniler. He arwi lelafns liU
loss to Mr. Sage.of about IG.OM.OhD
7ir>'seiit )Hist of DiiDiHfer of the In
a long line of ‘‘pnla.”
11a operallonR nereBnitnled the pos- lerior. M. SliehinsUl. niAtisler of agriruliiitc. was n-signed.
aoaslOD of a vast arnuunt of ready cap
The i>atiuitui-nl lutlldlng was close.!
ital and Mr. Sage always kept hla resoureoa ao well In hand i.hat in any ye.slenlay and guanled hy police, who
amission except to tbe presi
emergeacy he waa eaalrled to comdent and vtre president of ilie luvuc.
and almoat onlfmited fiinda..
At the time of kla oeaili Mr. Sage llie streets werw empty and bad the
aa an offleer ami director In tweniy- u.Mial Sunday asiieci.
With the imperial iikasc diB?o1viiid<
flve railways and ct>rporailon<i.
Itarllamem. wltleh was promulguted
Nearly Ataatainated.
ciily y«-ster<:uy morning, the cirHalti
An inclilem which aianled the wnriil tore yoott'possibly the last act In the
oecurreil In Ur. Sage'ti uffle in the uld igrcai draniR of tin- Uijsslan rcvnlnlion.
Arcade huilillng. No. 71 .Rroadwny. on The |Hs.|ilt' and the go\■■ritua-nl now'
4. 1291. On that day be was stand face In face and >i|kiii the army
vlalied by H. P. Norcraui of Boston, a cie|>endK the )mm<‘dia;c Issue.
man of tinimlauced mintl. who demand
ed a gift of ll.sno.Oim. when the doStata News.
nuad was refused. SoreroHS dropped a
"Thfro'Jiro more flags flying in Ran
jnlte bomb on the hnnr. the explo- Fruu'isco than in any oilu-r city in
aloD of which decapItaUHl Norrros*.
the ITiiuul Stales." savs ex Maver
killed one of the clerks and WTcckcd
Htiieo J. Maelmnalil of Flint, who has
the whole office. Mr. Sage was only
J'ist reiiirne*! fnua a trip along the
slightly Injured by Ihc explosion.
ralifornlii foosi. -Ever}- man who
For many years Mr. Sage occupied
en riii a building, and they are ntwi!y of nne.Ftor>. frame or rovensl with
No. 5<>G Fifth avenue, from which
riK-ei iron, proceeds at onc>> to put iii>
wna reluctantly eompelle.| in im>v»
a flagstuff for the stars anil stripes.
about four years ago. owing to the in
If he cannot find a ling or cannot af
vasion of retail Blores, (o No, IT.2 Fifth
ford one he iiiivs cotton cin h and
avenue. Hla summers were spent a'
palms the Mars ami sirl|s’s on It. No
hla country place at ijiwrence. where
i.tif is idle in Trisco."
he din).
Mrs. Ceorge Holly, of near Ijinsing.
Mr. Sage was married twice, first lu
retiimeti fiom a visit to ii relative to
1241 to Miss M-trie Wynne, daughter
find a note from her htisliond. snying
of Hanes I. Wynne of Troy. His wife
iti.at he ha.l left her forever. She
died In Kew York city In IMT. and two
’racked him into town and Imilld his
years later he marri-st .Margar’-i
lio»e and Imggy staniling outshle a
Olivia, daughter of Joseph Sluruni ol
Rill- tpiii-ily tippnii>riat«-il
Syraeuae. N. Y.
them and ilmve home, letiting her
loisland to lullow or not, :is he >-aw
ClAgey Tnubie Makes You Miserable.
vhodv who reads the iii-ws'lo kilim of tlic wvnidvmil
luadc by Hr.
. the great Lidliver uiid liladII is tbc'great roeilIcal liiumpb of the
nincteeiub century :
diacovereil after vx-ari
of scielltilic rcx-jn-ll
bv !>r. Kilmer, the
eminent kiducy and
bladder apecialiri. ami « womieriiinv
aoecemful ia pruntjuly curing laiue lock,
uric acid, catarrh of the hla-hler ami
Brigitfa Hineaae. which is the wurat
form of kidaev tronlile.
. -Root is u.it recr. Kilmer's
thinghutii vouhavr
kidney, liver or blii^der troulileitwill Ufound iust the rvuuxly y«wi neoi. It hnbeen tested in ao many *wy<. in
work and in private pnlt
proved «> succeiiafcl m ev^y i
uiecial arrangetneut ba» ecru niiide lo
' ikh all remletw ofthispajwr. whoha’i
I^rtiter of Jay-Emdd.
I alttadv trie.1 il. may bav-c a KlClI’Ir
I.Ki'k tell
Akoul tbU time he fanned aasoelamore alioul Swnniu-Kooi.anJ liow tv
tten wi'h Jay OouM whkh copUaued ing
fiodoutUvouhavxktdueyorhiaddcrifotifor many yoarF About IMS Mr. Sage hle Whra writing mention reading OnOTlglnaled tbe arstea of "pula, calls generoua offer in ihi* paper and
j oui
nnd aindille.>.’' which he developed addreasto Dr. Kilmer
. Ibareafter on a eoitosal scale. While
to putrbated a arai < I tbe New York
gtorfc eschaare In 1274. 11 la heUevto'-^^^^^^tMtiecara g—.<i—laiu
'’Itot be m ver appeared on Ute Boor of' rold In- all good dmggiais. !>on'i make
reraetnber the
V came.
w <to exebaage.
aav miauke. bet remetnber
pti.iiii'ii ImM.-i.
Tl!>- diip fn.rn tin- eandli
r Tork. Jnly SS.-Huaaell Base
auddcnly yesterday at bla eouatry
*. Cedarcroft. Ijiwreacc. R. I.
e immediate canse of death was
i an failure renuUIng from a compHdon of dlaeaaea Incident to old age.
^ veteran Bnancler would have celeI Ued bU Biaeiletb birthday on Aug.
Mr. Sage bad been in exeepilonald benltb alaee hU arrival at hla
Vlboiirg. Finland. July 23.—Mute
•r home about alx mootbt ago.
the o-iilawed
m yesterday be was aelied with than 2no members
douma have reached here -tuil ate askifore hla death, whteh ocenrred
' Rnaaell Sage, muln-mltlloiialre and
Mnaar of American BnaneierB. was
Mgl Etet. 4. 1KU. in Verona, Oneida
egSAty, New York, where hla pareau
MHiba-nnd Prudence Sage. memlM-ra
<* a lUtle company of ploaeera from
OnsdoUM had baited while on their
tgaafwaid* march in gneet of a homeg|^. Al tbe age of IS yenra Ruaaell
began feU career ns a aaeasenger boy
In tbe more of bla brother at Troy.
At tbfc ngd of » be eetabilsbcd a
wbcdeaale grocery of bla own in that
pn» 1837 to 1257 ,he engaged in the
wholeaale grocery toatoeai 1a Troy.
In IM7 tb was trenraer of Renaselear
eonnty and member of eongreaa from
IKS to 18S7. tepreMUng the Rnilg
Mr. 8a^ removed to New York la
IMO and engaged la the rale of *priv.
Uegra” la Wall mreet. and later beeame a large operator in aecutitJea.
.Tililug iu olfi'Hng I'a-h price. |..i i|t.
A'tiMiiigli imy
...........I Hdrti^jl^lr Sl.-nocanae
h olly'&Bked tbe Bundanl OH com
y to remove Ha unka from the lollon nabr several factorlen. the
0 raise the pricea of
which would have erii&lied r
d ganollne.
tke proxtibfty of the tanka to the flw<t^ea;
tcieli war Mgliii-I l.> iii>i-<- Kie-riii ran*a\ii| 111 ilio-i- iTavs. Iirlii,- lo'ind vi-r>
u 1.V,.
---------------- revgfte, every UitUe.
Suffered for a Long Time Without
Relief-Had Three Doctors and
Derived No Benefit~0ne Doctor
Was Afraid to Touch Them —
Soreness Disappeared and Hands
Now Smooth After Application of
.nil fill
lliiu.iii fin fail . •-
.............. .
QTAT* ok MK'.tima.S'-TlIB ntoUATI
i.r 111. Iirt.bnii. «-nuit ti.r ..ul
CouiK., h.-lil 4l th. isi.twi.-rinir. in llu- t'lljr
•4 1'ratf-rw. fit., ue tlii- Iwb it.. .« JuK.
Ill Uic yrar
th.iu'..i>.l mih- bunitrvd
Pr««c. Krwl U w.lliir.JadeeaT Pnilaite QTATB OK ilU'HliiAK- Tb. PrubetcCuun
O tor tbv iimiili ut Orauil Trar.r.c
Vt'“u^i “XT "’l
Thi.ma. AlaacMuiiut .*14 rwurt, b.1.1 ai (he I-r>.
!•!« i.fllc,, in Ih, rttr -4 TniTcm. Cilv.tti
uu Ibr Uiu day uf Joly.
.«o-.tr.jiM»i.,i l.r.-u.,-!,. -.U th.- int.-rtwi
i'reMl. Bub. Prud'H .Walker,. Judge id l*rti'
<rf i-ai-l
IB r.--...............................................
b1 ~ian- O.-wr.-lB
rtr- riU.il
In tbe maii.-r i.l the date <d Wllli.
‘Thw.-iin-r II t> r li-r.'.l Ural 1 r.Uy. lb*
II IK li.iituit.all .i-cluck
William HoJi.j harun.'
lo dd ewrt
etiMl fur tbe hMil^of
IsflrM annual a.-i,.unt a. cua-.ltan ut aaid
and Inn pellli.ui prayme lur ili.aM-.w
i.r Mid di-.'....l I
■U Ilea 11 i.,u
............................luinds whirb wen- iii h
'luiiifiil. and dirkgreesiMe. 1 lud il
dorlora nnd derivivi no !■
i.filirrn. tine d
said 111'
afraid to touch my liand
ids s" .vou
niiV't know bt>w‘ bad they
nlhrr said I never cniild
eniild lie riired;
tlic third said tlic
tl>e aons were
by tlic dippmg of tnv >.amU
han.L in wi.ler
ill tl«e dj-e-botws wlicrc I work. I
aaw ill rite^prrs altoul the womlerfiil
. ...
Remedies iiiul
|>riM'ur>-il aonie of llie I'lilicura Sup
and tTitinira
In thn-e
days uficr the applicsitiim
fiiticura Ointment niv hafid* liegni
to pi-el
and were
. bcMer..The
' lUid
uiid i
new dis.tp)irared,
Miioiith and clean, and 1 aiu
woriiitig in Ihcd.v^ioiine.
•'1 simiigly rrenmmemi Ciiticura
Soap .md C-.iliciira ttinlnictit to any
one with soie hamU, and 1 Imne HmI
this Idler will be Hie mean, .it Is-ljing other siiffenT*. \crv truly v.mrs,
Mrs. A. !•:, Miiiiier. 2340 State .St.,
Cbicago, 111-1 ••ul.tf ». 1W5."
idu l.furl
W. III.rr b>
Inw-neinl In aaid
Ih.-iB-ndeney ut uod |>eilti-.n. and tbe
tberw.r. Iiy imtwac n e>«r u( Ibl,
I- pci.b.lii.l in -4.C ilnna Trmveoe
i new.iBp.*^ rriPteit ard eireoUled
111 all tilt- latest tii-aiifiia. Sat.
isfui'lloii I’liiirnnleptl.
matii- tools mill labot iniprmivl mafhiiiprv.
Offietmil works :!S1 llnv strael
t’iliycn’s phone No. fViO,
Judge at PruUta.
QTATB 1 iP MICHII>AN-The Pr.ilBte Ciwrl
'O f'T Ihet-.iuntr I.r ilranil T'ar.-r—
AI a—MUMi ..realil tv.iir;, I..-M at th- I'm
la>«eom.e 111 tlieCii' i f Tt.vi.-r-- «Ttt in -jud
lb- Klta -U' -J Jolt. A l>
^K!>KK ■X' I’I'KI.lraT10X-SUIr,.t Pirh C.-unty.
^ Igan. I'heTh'n.-nili Judicial I'le-uli in
A. W. Rl' KERO. TnrerK Ctiy
nun pi.tHlii.e JU lUcull f.mrt far tb«:
CutiBlr .r tiraiul TiwvrfM-. In --haai-ery, at
Traeem-t'ite. Xieli.gan. ■*. tbe laih <Uf of
QTATROK SIli-lllOAM-TbepeidwleUvaet
EiUn HrCMrv.crinpUinant.ve llanrEi Xe —
latSi.eaue 11 ar|N-arm« that tbe dri.nil
am la iiui a reaxlamt u( Ihia ataie liat re-ulie
airarVEne. Hcmrioa at Canada. Ihentore.
<vi luotioo i.t Verte C Otil.-n, «,lM-it«r tur
cci-Ulnan'. i' i. .uil-md that defendant
*T.£a‘”« J'-j’
“'‘ke.-tafa-of Ualtla 'U BUC
I - .^t.« i« pryaaal tl^^akm
iiearlng that the aaldde
ei.t a vrOdrat
uf thw
thia Oat* hut
iI.i.e..htiroeil n'.—!ivp, ni. ,,ia^ -f r-i
To know that a warm bath w'ilh
Cutinira So.ap and a isiiigie aiioinriii
■’ f
•' iiticii
-■ ra. the gnat Skin fur
t ands«Tele.l of eiii'iUieni'. viill
alTonl iiKtaiil rclii-f and n'fn-.hiiig rhs-p
to skiti-tor
skin-tortured babies, and rv< for
tired and worn^ut iiiotbers.-
j: pH:'B;~ If:;;;
if^lTRY a herald wakT
Yhe citirens of flladstone will hare
is n r’outionoiiacharm that al«n]a th-lighU iLosc whom it
rtMchcs. tiooil toclli are nm> of the oaoentia] i-lemenu to
prvwiuei- it. It is oftea neuiarkahlo how sevi-Tiii re|)laoei)
teeth wi!l improve the arit •tilation.
TI11>I.1'M.\ •iVFoltlierK.licciil.lu.I.o.g-. ..n.l . .1. nt,t
lu' ill ; i:-s-il 1i i ili. • I'M' r JJ.111 my w.iik iii.ilii-s -Vas-.I
— h .
luv-no di-»lt.-Ill mil.i.ti.i-niN t.i gi-lu iii.- :!lri
.\ ic. I... iab.iul > oui leelh. I will b. i;laa to I. II yuu.
DR. T. A. WILHELM, city Opora Housa Blk.
Ren! Esiate and Loam
Pere Marquette
‘Best” Flour
holds first phtce. Will
jTHi not yiv«; it a irialf
A*.k yottr Krortrr for a
Traverse aiy, Mich.
Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
In the Pantries
of thti most critical families,
cliib houses, hotels an>l
12T FroDt St., nonlaeuc BU.,
to eSrel J”1. i
, \W will ''(.'t you set'en jHir c«*m iwr .innum for
your money and give you -ns security gilt edge
Bmi-ire J-t...............
Bmuire eiaXeS B..
•: tu
I: In n
.11 -
Traverse City real estate or gill cilge farms in
• r
Grand Traverse County. Mkh.. where your
a tt
II 1C r uI'adJiae............
. Ana Arbor ..
i to
: il
> ii
money will t>e absolutely safe.
: iv ""
- » ai a tt
'll X.
>4jS p w
Treiu* f„r ^•..1ae < vr and P
-Pr>.v,.uMit >.wra al
g Al a m. nn-l: .ni- ni
Trs'n. tr.ua I'WUr iKpand
id PraietBuat aniii
«! ,
« I4a
l»a n. and* *• i- m
- arrive I- V a aa a»d <.« B. a
Xaie v.e
r a miti ueij, u p. b
r JEKKli. AgML
have her m* «»a twiee.
I win try to to towti« totoM
■to Idto to mrytoty wto to
mnn ii«ltit thlto>
ff I •var toll in trylnn to to
ttoM thintA I «W 'Tor. *rf
alrntwl nit
alone anti baa two treib.
Caa be join
the H. Y. P. Cradle n.ll?
PtoBM' w-ud
the card
Travetae City. Mich.
\Vc burr a llMie
coll. Are calree and ciaht llule plitr.
They arc aarful cute,
t will be aorrr
when you «o away, bm J Uopf; you wUl
write oftenaway?
When arc
you K«ln»
I will cloac with a llul<- »cr*
Tbc thloa that
tbe fanfaciM
Towarda makins IHc worth while.
That coKtM tbe leaat. and duev
Is Juai a friendly amllc.
l.rf>lla Soffalnac
Ttaink yon for Ihc >cr*c. U-lla.
have nid It over a r-d mniii^ ilnior
atnec your letter came, and each lime
I Bay it. 1 want In amilc.
. ^
Honur. MIcb.. II. P. I>. 1. July II. llk«.
'Flrto^k* Pm«ii
)ola vour tJuDsblnc cliili,
made nf
reil and si*l«T. and she slopis'd a min
-pip-li dl-aplH.-Bi's in the water a> lb
ulc. then
said Ibe words rigfal
lu out—"I thought rou Ellis didn't llk> jronii
Dll'. BUil wo-ililn'l ever be frku.9. andj slide
giMMl romp In the snow i
fish dinner, the liMcis a.e
Our icachiTV BwVc^aK Wai
I liki-d him
5oe*» tlwri- iV-nab «H'- Bunsbliii-r In
• tor a nap.
So tln-n 1 alnpis'd iblliMn:'
8be U In the »am<.- cradc I am In.
bow you ought to make It pleisiiilev
. pMture.
Wbaro the <|u«ll wblitlc IcrnU In Ihr
Gladya Blllotl.
Where tbe ecarietlHiped airawUerr}
BcnC and wc are all pleased to tbiuk
that you want FfI be a gunsbloe girl.
Aad the Aral crlmaOB buda of the
7%ey satber Ibe aider bloom while
They fifid wbei* tbe dtiMty trapes pur
. In tbc Boft-llnied October light
faaliloned. au.l t.ui lone for her: but It
‘^ey know wltcrc tbeffniU baagame
^On tbe tboray Wsekbemr vinca.
Aad balM Itoy caallea of aand;
bate drifivd to
we didn't want any more.
llie bumble and poor become great;
wbph Ihe plrlon-s are IIimIwii. of s
Equally simple is Ibe iHTformanre
wall In a daikem-O nxiin. sv
tbe author and
Three small Uiys sa' tn a n
balk ii|K.n ids ivyal iigliuess will cui I
illness and wlmxlaie the aiix. iln oi
Sl\ dinv hands rubbed ihu
Ibe sirk child f< rt’Jiinie elioiigb nI uiix: siiHio '
. ,
aw.iy from i-H tear? ->e-' Three
to buy earti Iwy a lop when
sbp expeeled we'd ask
round. IIS Ibe form ol the mirror
y hr.
her lo
It yi'i n-mains to liitixi
Tlits is easily doio^ You
ist only Imid a iiaper llgurv belwi-fm
Ibe ea^le and the glans and Its shailmimir. remxuxl on the elolb.
mlnuies she aat down ou ibe eleps and
You ba
IK M-euixsl tile slide ilsi'lf, squan'
gives in wllhouetle ibe loi-m the |>B|ier.
Moving It forward Ix-iwo-n the can
nearly all noun lime, and we couldn't
dle and the glass, the figure will a|s
help seeing her while wc played,
pear to walk more or less leisurely, or
tic KItly—She's always
r promonade may ix' arranged.
'Tbete are
out)' three plar^. aud it'll make
'"Snip, chip"
will loadlly suggest IhemM-ives lo tin
Shall be bcM la tbe
little brown
tSiBi do you sqppoae whe saw?
Tills is
lell US. and they I.IX a
nstronomer.xtSIIM' Hlev
Iim what, a dll
marie a peg Initi the bole Id tbe apou)
Ol l^x'
me eanicra
vBiiieia as a factor
laio-i in
«u the
mt case.
................ .....
A new pbotognipb of
'-'e Ix-avetn'.
Then gnindpa found a Imtion mold ^'onipleled nol Very long age
Now a bulloo |
■ iglu million I
and II turned Into a lop.
in his Ivll-haiiil |x>ekel.
mold Is a round meee ol w.xxl wUh a |
Ihe n ry
moiher for one.
flew around snolix'i
ami I; made a
l.y Ibe t
i.!l.-s.v|»e and the r_,ii'Ta In
Riandiia's lug k"U'" ,_j
ix e:
bit of Ihe-fexi*-
' \
mold and it j
turned Inio a lop.
Slaughter Sale
lie pui-beil II lmo| whea Owe Asks th;
Hie I'ole In the Jimton
fimc Un at fhe
Norih Pol',
tine <-f i1i>' ixlditii - of our rvi-leni
Then graml|va found a big l«-ad. j.joi
I- esemnllll.sl
•■8'on-?' we all said at
er's table, bet e.Mw a!l iwlokly ana
laughing, amt si,.- i.s.ked almost pmiy
mtx-h prettier than Maria,
town at her Ixiween the kwves. Then who Jumped upon the tahK- Ix-sldc he
iL Iregan to laugh, and she found om
'•Yes. I've slaiinl
a mote ' s>
^t It waa one of her Sunablne boys! aald. and I should ihlnk-roji bmisekeepers
wtuihl need lo buy lots of
^Oniy two iHUTt ihJP week, but ouch
Ipee ones.
la-i us all try tmd loam
Ito toroe L^la tau atok
Taken in eichange for Pianos
yellow oue. In his gui-ss-tbai poekH. I tbe qin-sHmi as m whai lime ibe iioilb
. /
and then the big knife made a |H'g|l»de kc'i.s.
from a bit of Hic lenc- and grandpa 1
pushed the peg Into Ibe bole'lu llx'l.f l.-ngliude IfTiT's^ibe
iK-td and It imnnl into n loj..
In theory'all plain s on om- nieibliun
Iheiefer.-, ihi
} our (hour .'/ //;/<•■• tuoro for $i(>
iioi'H P“’e. being !
(vnital |s.lm ot
You Ix-ltor hiirr>'. 1I1C.V
tVmic in
ueei-ssarllv have
pti' It Into his |sM-kel.
U't $ u <o
) ',‘iir t/toil)-../ f/irrr ii/o/r for $if
Sbonid Ibe |Kdi
"r Is'i-'ime habits ;
nme llin
m w
ill liHttilnnuu' iiintiOKxiiy (wm-.
Kiinlwll ‘ Iritnu
Tliia iir ■U'iiutjr,
tlx-lint sliowd til tbu'-lly.
Iht lha<
Well, none of tts wauled her. and
Sbe sthpped and Blared, and tt paeped
■fitai was the b««l of alb wasn't it?
^'Second-hand Organs
of Ibem all crowded up lo have four
glrl» lu It."
She wa-- Panlng against the teach
and bad its mouth full of rberrtos
Traverse CHy. )l»chlt*ff :
ere Ilian -'•-•m" wMb the unaldc-I
d be aide to have j
Me tbe lesidi-nt '
It Is. however. ucx-esKary to n-mem- dog had a lovely time spioniiig tops day or iiigid at
lionr llii Hi.siiyi i
tbe pleiiin-s show In ulb ngill Sue ealbxl Hx-ni. then they all by .-K-ellng t.. take III- lime from «'
wi-ul Into Ihc ?'o;i-'<- an date a tlp-loii
Killy eouldn'i do anything without of the luipers ean be ceiwnded u|Mtu to dinner—Chrisi Ian Inteiligenrer.
Ivbntild siieli
-Mary II. Kroul.
tbe ivsl (ff us. Ihmigtl
she liuikol. give sbatH- and form.
•e v.-ei:bi bsv-- i
That's the way li
djiiHinx-lii ol oil!
Blinders for Heroes.
four oi five days. We fouud 'kluuda
iv;k..xiuc urn. 1.1
Omi Averted war.
Friday. July :o.
Few iHTHUts think .rf the siiffi-riii'.;
Jane knew as much alsiui her lessons
|■..lll ri.is
joining alnce lad vfrauMHl to horses Irom^li.- u-s-of blliid
as any of ua though her dres
child's playlbing once hs.l a siNOhiug
The b..i>.-'s ey.-s are pla.v.1 ou
loo long, and tbe other ehlldn-n liked Influence ii|»n a warlike Apaehi- irilie.
RIadya Blllod. Honor. K. F. I). I.
the side of Ibe Ix-a.l, but tlie lilinders.
h(-r In games at n-cess; hut we girls
was tbe means of avoiding a serl- shiiltilig off Ihe si.b- view. e<nniH-I liim
M. V. P. SwnahiM Club Cradle Rdl:
wouldn't i>ay her any aiteniion.
war. Il
bapiH'Det; wh<ti a Mt lo bx.k ahead, b-iiix' lliey miis.- a eon
Frederick Kmery Kevwlieh. age sU
schoolbouse la In tin- eouniry.
llourke was In
with Rex. smut slram. ,Abieli veierlpary sui-1 ivmiisula. .Iimvv.i«.I a
aauatha. Trdverae aiy. Name sent by
nice woody plaee. nuil so we thought t'rooke.
1lie gi-neral was trying tn -gvuiis tells ns lends lo |ii\uliit-e w.-ak-i < all.-I tlx- lantvix ll>. wliieli mat.
LwlU Noffaluger. '
Manda June was going lo Itmk for
i,l»anil of AivaeUes tuick on the tvvKlon aml bllii.in. --s
It.-^lde-; m.-m l.a|.» wiib.»i'
wild floners when six: didn'l sloii
sene'but (ould not Caleb them wUli
I as lell.viols, and n-fl.vl lie '''int'li wos ,..n
Irra what ail the tbe Bleps. one day. hot walked right
Il killing Ibem. nmf tbm be dtd nor siiu s glare into the animal's seiisliiv. foubi liii'l ..'I' wis
Sunbeams arc doing, these braittlful past where wi- wcie. farther In the
ant to do. One Hay bis ux-n rapiurr’l -yes. Most t"-op> know Hi.- .-fle. I ot |le«. Iml b. «i U.
•ammer days. It Is play-time. Isn't It
gn>ve. Kyand hy. we saw her moving
Its bcu.l.
little Indian girl anil t<x>k her in ih< lb.- <-ye (rf a ra. of -xiiitlshi irom • y.vtion .'ll <b. le
aad she hopoa you are baring Ibe ver alKMil. us bnsT as she eniild U-.
.Is liaek nil
She was quiet ail da), saving ralinii.
a nos.- and Hil'
«ccM time that ever waa. HW Wij^he
making a plBylHiUH- ail by bei It a wonL but ber black l«ads ot
. s'ldif. Illy
Hi.' ab'i..m.ii. ri>
b.irse is
«rcr atop to think bow many hap|>y H.|f.
s waieh.'.l every thing- When nlglo ) ff,-,,j, h,things vmi cunid aee when »<»u wer.-j
"t ,|jok u,,,
Is' awfully lone
iHJwever. she .broke .iowi
bind him. In Jtussla. «h re blinders
«|it (rf dunrs? Your pivsideui imik a some." said KHiv. attd I think we all
soblx-d Ju.sT as Bxy while eblld wo ild an- n.v.r iis.'.l. a sb;ins bnis.- I- a
abort walk the other day aud then- fell -a mile aerry and son of mean,
have dom . Why a Oog Trots SiOew.seIII..S’
were so many pleasant things to s«s only W(. wouldn't ray so.
They tried In vaiq to eornfi.ft bet. shirflld Is- iiM-'l In rahiiia tbun oil
.that she smik’d all tbe way. First of
The nevi day 'Manda Jane bullied and i''en Mr. Itourke ba.l
an id.w
the sun was shining, and we kiow off Jusl'tht: same way.^ and the da;
From 'll.' adjiuam's wife In- l«rn.w.Hi, - mm.l.-is w.
tow nice that is. don’t we. Baniwwms: after that. loo. and wv could stx- hv
. Aplatxii.on I'
lirt-liy .loll that belonged to h(V li' ' HkIi nol.b-mm
lien. too. there waa
liny littb living about and
I- X -niBir
tic (taiiuU'er. -nm! wb«n
the young! ,,ji.fye.‘ bm
tb' X tli.'V
bteen that seemed to be plu.vlng with prmended we didn'l cart'-whai il was.
Aiiarh.' wa.« maib' to understand thaj j
j ,. j.
thsistearew. and having such a gnu., bm really we nxild hardly irfav at all
ktvu. bet sobs e«»sed 1 ^oats
of the n-iblllty. and <
lime. There were fiowers n. ..v in all for waiehlng her. But ibe nest mwu.
and she fell asbvp.
|.,„y rnux ii.:o Is-iilon,
the yards, and aomeUmes a loim'alti
hen we were gciUag nady to go foi
When tnivmlug eamc tbe'doll «ss;„..|,i„„ ,.f
i.t birds O'
with a iglnhow In It. The Wrda-aueh | iir irasbets. she slopped iia.
ftill elasord In her arm*. She playc't ^ lai.p-.' Uiuii.-s. nxd the
•autlim cy.'
a lot of
"There's a ix'w store ataned down with It all day. and
: np Imvsus
a;ipaivntly nd.',rf 1)1,. bolt.
al.nginB. and In a Im theta weiv two hour where you tolt^ keep IntUM-.'
Ilioughl of ever getltng bsek to be'
mnnlng *«mui
Just a* watd. ' aud If y«xi want ict. sugar, snap,
irllw had left her.
• though the) were playlB* •«- Wb«m
anything, ibewoman that keep*
Aoveral days passevt. nud as no orers
Ipiir ptewldenl went a litile torihei|(fn give
amt sell
m-s about the lefirn rrf the paiwax...
afee looktxl up Into another i
had beep wade by the irlU'. tbrj sv'lC
The aoble and wine of tbc land—
Tbe aword aad the eklael aad palotit
Graiid Rapids Furniture Co.
12? Soatb Union sired.
feieul slory iv l.dd wlicn wi- make use
Tlicu Hitee small Is-; s and «iic small;
imaginative mind.
Your KcliaMc Fiimitiin* Ston*.
Hie oMliiiary
have counteil Hii-ni.
Then the big knife
Rrsnd|>a shm np his big knife an.l
-"Whose playhouse ean she. have part
of thenr' asked Marla.
under l*'e most favtu-abii' coudi'lon«.
Then li;
shani aod thin.
will Ih- ibniwii on tbe rioin.
in the skf mxi
are mmvme.l
i.-r ol faet. m no lime e.vn any oix.
he found a|
blade, and one end of the snool grew
So when noontime come, nml the
a, Imx.I.-
serVL't. It Uia-s bsiV a-- H Ibere w«i '
came bis
I windk- onposlie to It on a table,
CAM- AM) SHE Tlll-M.
n eniinlli-s- ti’inilH-r. and yel. as u mnl
rening so that tbc ligbt will not
to come lo om srboot, and we enn go
"We went lops lo Kpln! " wept three
stars'' ibm one
smsll boys.
reeCly strike the cloth, but keep It
’ll Is a veiy eoniuxiu Oiiiig to lx
matter wiib my boys?"
knife; It was big and sharp.
curoftaratlve darkness. Then hold tbe
"Well, we don't need to have ber." mirror sideways iKrfoie the candle
"We dldn i ask her
angle ibiii the rellecMoii of
68 cervts a Sa-t
'I'licM' ililiK's arc ihc,f.iiiVnis I’RMS-CUT
arc made up of a beautiful design.
SI-.-, s«. !i“"
beuTls were f"ll of
:> light
said UellH Kelly.
A'l Bg'pl. tnim tl—
Ihe -U-ncc.
with a iKKik or a similar object inter-
and It's so much trouble to gel ac-
to sfcurc a liantlMHUc tet of
lowest f. tlx- blgb.-st. knows ibai i •
hmrletl—wanted to ask her lo come.
Shall grow mighty rulera of state.
tbe further eoixll-
ICgypiiaii' fall stek ilii>
tbe-e auimalh
Grandpa’s Big Knife.
three playhlMiiH-a out under tbe tnes,
Those-not so favonsl. howevi-r. wlIi
loo, bat we dldn'i, aod after
By a nong that a fond mother
Tboac wbo toll bravely ara^atroageal:
When Hub
brought our dinners—Jiiai enough for
Where Ibe orMe'a hammock aetd home, wc hurrlt-d off aud left 'Manda
Jane lo beraelf. She |ook<-.| up as If
Ato at aigtat-Ume are folded In atnro
i; ii-rard<'d a- pro-is-nsis.
and besides, wc nil know- each other,
Icarber and Ibe oH.er elill.tren
Tbe pen
on just tbe same's If she wasu'l ben'.
They wave from the tall, rocking tree
is a'lacbed
llon of
ao wlx-n
qiia'lnled with strangers.
They gattor iha dcHata aeawee^
They pick up tbe beauUful sea abella—
Palry barks that
favor any substitute for bis precious
wasn't fust bow she looked Ibal waa rairnir, a (wndle aud sonx- iiaiM-r figIhe matter. I guess wx- ibougln there
Ibere wore nlue of
s-Aa dare awceter tbaa Italy's wlaea,
Ti-sl upon n r.T;-islll«- hi* viari It. In -
■"Manda Jane."
• None of us liked 'Manda Jane: we materials readlK acxxxsMile In any Ihe ground o-ady lu bowl, bm when
all i«td an Ibe first day abe (Wtne to bouseliolil, They eonsisi of the wbiU' hr saw gnuidna be t«rke.l for Joy.
Her dress was sort of old- cloth—oi i>a|M-r
••Hello. " gratxlps said, • wbal'a tie.
were enough of us wIlhiMil her. and
Vbay kffbw where tbc apples baog
l.Tlug liiik. till' roiii'v
lie iolercsied lo know ibal almost ibc «b< went to loan.
One small dog calUxI Snip sal «n |
same results wlll'^w uhiatiKNl with
’htey KBChcr tbe c
.¥h«y toaa the bay In tbc meadow;
Tb. Cgvpiiam- l•eIie^.■
are ranii-<l mib-s t« li">k iil"ui on' oi
Boveral xiozeu inieresilug stliic-s
inissesslon. Ibe fnorv
at l!ii’ very lowest |.riee. \V. have about Oiiu Huncitm: out
(Ired ami I'orly Sets Irfi lh.it we arc KMiHK
ai tin: Mti.ill Mnii of
are foriiiiiaU' enough I
»• of ikcil II
The hapio ow tier of a magic lanlei u
may la- sup|Hiee<l lo .egurd wilh dii
Your Suuabiner,
That are.ycliev «ilb Tlpcnlns Eralo.
They Bad in tbc thick. warlBR srasiir^
a b.-aity
;iio I««d5 ntade
MSI!.' they
^h«y a
will work ti»id
Y'nur ear<l and
i.-utly upeii every crii.v
A Magic Lanum.
I will cloab<
for now.
wbcnl Ili-ldB
taught to tb- tirlv u-lksd
$. €. (Uait $ $on$
Craverse Eity's C«ading Drug Start
.b«ll flitl le carrl'H t- Hu M-a. ilx'i
•low II a .ii.le
SebiHil Vicitor.
WllM>n !>• three .
Iran la three muutba old.
, Cp thRMgb tbe Ions. «li»4r Unr,
TbekiUitinimwiTol PariaUrepo varuaaccoffduis to tbe petJportion of areeaic which it e muina. We havr a lirand that ifi
of full atAwlairl atrvnsfllt an-l wlii.-li wv Kiiamotoo to be the boat
gra-le on the Ob-irket Come in and p-l oar price.
4bey n-sl.t Ibe l•■mp■ali•lil of euBMlns
fur me. and began to iilaii bow
I have twn little hroibir*. Wilaon and
Ttof dritc bone ihc cowe from Iht-
'll'iws are out on IPlii
nur wbiBil. that l« Winnie Worthlns- make tiilugb ulcer for you."—
Uttl* Brawn Hnnto.
Paris 6reen
Cbat Kills
tisb.-.'t exet.i'
o ncitii'v a rrorvJI'v. -oix* «l ihv tin
Alt.') imboiit or two of
Our rchtMi war aJt the Ihinl that ar<' willtiiE to make ib<-n>s<-l«e.'
ter Walllr.
One alter another O-os-ua'
Mike a |ilae«i. then.' she
clcv»;n yr^m of api^ and am In the for me.
aatd. -All Ibe world wants Ibe uue.
fifth srade. Mll.c to ko to Hcbuut
(If July.
■ivwm as he plunger
I told graudma ihciv waaii i any plae«'
pIcBM’ aend «c a rani and bultnn
■- ankiou'ly awaiis ibr day
eieb eivmg a surlll. whi.-lliEC
will yna
_Jnr.- t!n'
bark: Ihov waa while uand for ruaai
mil be Klx mootbH utu ibe rli^ieenita
of this month.
Tbe queen of Uenmarit ooce paW a
.Hit 'o the nantsb erfony erf lev-land.
liimsi'lf to the uimoti.l:. show *i. '
kltrbl alKive Ibe water line. If he
Id muskral bole or a mink borrow etevyihlng that ww* -aorth sc-ius Ths highly deUgbted. for then be. quesn {Mid many ■omirfllB^irs to I
aad peUdet for coffee, aod she bad
i-amFl that be a
•list. and. haviug leai
needs «>nly to enlarge it a Wi.
made rimnios I10le paper bass '
family t
Ot all the dalBiie* be cares moat for j
thlass in. Ob. It was aorh (on!
It bapiH-ns |
salmoa aad trout. If fish are plenty be: lany ehil.lren be had.
buusfat and IwuBbi. and abe ru
for -ehlldrvo- i.* |
sioeerbread—such suod lakis only the cbole.-»i parta. a few,
Identical tn sound wK£“ the
I from Ihc ahoulders. but when tbe
Slnserbrcad that ber araadi
made—IteeaUM- abe said alOrc-keepera streams are Ptw be is glad to dine on leclandic word loiy^wbgav
worthy l.ishop^i^tsr knowledg.- of
'K, fn>ga and water bugs.
otbinga When they had an 'openWinter Is
his playume; then he Danish was niir “• eomplei.- a> I
We foigot alt about i«n want'
might havi luvu—undeTst«K>d h.T maj
Inc bci. and almost fiirgni to pli> Ifii-s Wgb and enioy-s every moment,
rsly to ask how many stuvii h> owio .:
keep buuH' at all. because we were all t'ress.'d In bis warn., do.iide fur coat,
and ptiunplly aocw.red:
the time running to the store.
She be starts out with two or tbi.r- ooni
•'Two bundled."
bad Hj much euslum ibal six- saH panbms. rp-Mrvani they swim. Uslag
•Two bundr.-.l rhlldivn:" vii.sl tbheir limail tails as rodders and Ibeii
i.0f of oa mlcbt be olirk. but every
qii.vb. aslDiinde.l
-How can you t-»s
laidy Bpoke fur the place, and we bail webbed fevt m» |taddkf.
slldy maluiaiii
a niiinlH'i T"
• Ah." cries Otps tia. "a slldei Xo'i
lake turns. It was the .tery niee»'
Baslly ei,..,;p!i, pbas,' j
scrambbmamllntc w<-M had. and noluMly cvei
.lib a|
npli.sl the
thouglii «.r Havlna Manda Jane out a^d VI.-ep np the briis snowy plane
1 tun*
eb.-erful smile "In '1;. -umi
m-siili as Bias..
T.=-s.tid tbe t«H> :>
after chat; w. «-ouldD t do without her.
tbetii out i;ivu til. Iiiil' to Era->.
among iix- ir^"How did you ever come to think erf wlBils in and nut
wbeti winl.-r lomes I kill an-l
Uatvnu spivads blius.U uii
anyihlns like ikti:" Ik-iia asked bei iruiiks
■ be snow, etuis bis loi.-|>aw up imdri
lUe da»^'Cnntlma made me iiiink of it.' »b< Ills brensi. layslils ucs.' «in ilie ftii/.^i
The eaby ar-d the Crocodile.
Faster and faster be go.
"You see. I fel' a lltlie bit loiu' pathway.
Whi n a UHlv tmby retix s t.. ai
ill b.' laiT-Iy fill's, and w.lb si'ate«'U
seme, and I ibisishl"-‘-er fare .givv
Fgjp'lan m<>i!i.-raml fsih.-t tb. iii-.il.
tell you my litik- neplicw'a nam
rtnooib clump
Monroe Center. Mlrh.. inir t1. ItoC.
I arm *7 iMMr I* «n»fy m
I wHi In'«• k« M iM*»r M I
A Quccit'a Mistake.
Of nil tbe wood folk. Oseena tbe ot
There waa a nice, ter. bew loves to play aod hau-s work.
lor a
counter and He makes hte home In a river Imnk
•M> tbc preuk-ai place with moaa and
«Mk[ r»mt
lixJO, THUMOAV. iULv'n. 1
Fifto 1
She had filed
We began to rniwj round her. I
ixiicU. oid.i
i -nioie nod wee." and we didn't wait
honiiie <mly. so that only tbe outline-
w>o« Way to Cut Giaaa.
doll situ in her IWVIH'..
H. IV ts an .'sperimeli: foi ibc tx’rs
Hen. Pack to hvr p.sq.k .
Tell *onx lx>dy ibal >-*u
Bouikc had no b1<-a of iM' ef to miike
ts henevuMU act wunld have cut glass with a ibiead and peTbap.
upon t.*ic Indians.
the child
wi:i nui I'.ll'-ve yoj.
reaclKd lliect. with IH.' preil;.' doll in
do II
very easily.
Us (hubby hamiMli mad-' a gnat sen
But yoa (
.M 15. Iliirinr, rjop.
o^niudi clic^ier
Baad Maoaf For Cvtey Bmp
Of Bmam Tm Nava Ta toll.
ISul V'.'i (Joti'l get all yonrrmrs iiroilucc bjr
a llnrd to a ha;( unless vsu Usc a Separator.*
The iu-I>ruVrd fricliouiesB
, Empire Cream Separatfif
taVos all tiic cream oi:l of I!..- tnirK and takes il out at
Con* IM and Sm Hbw tka
iu«»tcs.!» IV «>■ IS ®t ■ I • i:-'
OatM CHy loal. Ct„ Trmiaa
. - (onn< of Stetnach Duorder
■ in Ibis wav never rHnrnt.
PewMod, a rv K-Ut > I dr ..a >1.
A noted phr»ici*n of I'ittdiarg. 1
I rececit teller to Dr. Oidtuau way
Have a si rip
R>!bvn air.ceE ihein, an.l laier on H.- .lippiil Ihe thread in sulphur, wrap it
mother ram.' bark 10 ihe p^.st' wli.s it. ;;:rviiii.l the glS-'S wher»> you wish lo
l»: S.l..q iu»iTol.l-Ti. ls..t
I e.-( .•igahle rsni-lr T"" .li-e.-r-'.st. wewill«e»l (VXl s So-cettt YotUe FKEE.
.„nie au.l address and jrOB
■t loaa.-a-wje ea'>PejMoi-1. core
nv»;*^«ti arvd all,
^te. a full awed bottle.
^'I»jassa3site=s *«-«. «i«t~
iT.'oJ-I i.'Hir i-i” Tsi'r.n^tbewwucmt lioinv'oftbsSPrn;
She was kin-tly twned. and boa- <-ut It. 'Tbia wet fin- to tiiv thread aud
■ertr-tkiw. *Psa».4.t..' aa hnadr—■
pUaPly tr-a.id. aad ibr.wgb her tix while 11 Iw bumitu: dip It quickly
breeding gvriuv. Dv .pr{.sva smltbe wor.t‘c>t«y -a.
................................. ut..-rw-r.l i-: .m.s .Ho|...M '-a-.r and ii k.ll rut ibe tnaiwFwi ii.ax.iru.tba lact
move hark to ibe reaewf.
1 Inin two |*er^
Sow and
After the akin baa been aoCleBed
with aoBe alsoBd pa«e or a light
pouilke, loBioa jalee will
ftwekke. To
«Pfdr. mb a freata cat teOMB oa the
atnaglr rMotnBienda lotlona of rlehr
water, algbt and nonlnc. eoaUaned
for several alnatea and allowed to
diT -wUbottt wlplBg. This caa certainBu BOW I win Biw In a aolt raCnla
Ir do DO bam.
Of the glri yo« would like to know;
Alaioat anr case of frecAlea which
Tka Kiri who CBB cook wUboat paper re not perma»eoi should rield to
or book.
iBie ft these rctnedlea.
The Kiri who can dan and atn.
Of the Kiri who nerer went far fro
Fa tha Aumner Qlrl.
Th* AMMtMt OIrt «f All.
Ft* ntf or Ibe (Irli vbo pl»r wt loK.
Of the clH« wbo e«k ■«<! ■hoM;
rv« MBg e( tbe maid wbo'i Dot mfrald
. To poM IB b«r bMUns ault
rre saap of tlie Klrl vbo ««d* > doko.
ABd ilTM la a palace ball; '
AM ihe fooUlght saidA with their
Uefata a>d Bhadea.
Fee aBB« c< then one aad alL
Bllk. The same design to very
pretty If. after sewtog. tbe braid te
tbe matertal to cm away and. sfv
working, tbe cover placed over a green
or porch tbc Ru»
For (be b
stoa trash pillow is a gearrol (avortu. aad deserredly so. (or it to artis
tic aad cool, aad does net rellnq
its beauty throuA> harsh treatmei
Tbe large baodanaa handkcrc!
kmgtcd at the corners orer yoor win
ter sofa piilowa give tbem a quaint
look. Bad are a good protcctlcm for (be
Aa attneUre pGlow
Sheer grass cloth, embra
pise cooes to tbeir aatnral shades of
warm greva and brown, and tbe
dies done to outllac sUteh, to 4lark
green. ThU Is' flnisbed with a hem
stitched ruffle of the grass cloth.
ires US that the fitting comtpooda with the embroidery.
So doubt moat of our readera aiv fa.
miliar with fagoting and bare made
ycAes. stocks and dress trimmings,
but have never dreamed what a dainir
pillow eorer can be lasfaioaed
(agedag. The renter Is made by
crossing the baDdR to that a small
square is formed and In each square a
spider or ^ce stitch filliag is put
Tbe corners are straight bands fag
oted together. The ruffle has a band
fagoted oa the outer edge. If made ot
white plaec tbe cover over a dainty
pillow. ThU IB
work and tbe cost trifling, as
pretty pittres ot law ns -and linen Ivtl
fro mthc summer dresses can be util
ized. Make your stitches very cluse
together (or a pillow cover as It
bard usage, and besides, will launder
bettery -For this work some adviw
sUtebing tbe bands on each side, not
trusting the folded to edge fur pillows.
miss making a clover |>IIIuw
this year. Gather the hi-uds of sweet
scented cioTcr. spread tbem on papers
where they; will dry qulckly-T^bui
to the sun. Fill a muslin pillow slip
with the dried clover, adding a sprink
le of clover sachet ^powder, pul
dainty cover, and you will have a fragrunt souvenir of ’ ibr p>od old
Imc.” A trio of clover pillows
which arc (be pride of their designer
have covers of heavy green iiovn
to the shape of four-leal clovers. The
leaves au- sewed smoothly over tbe
pillows, which have puffings of clover
pink linen around the sides. Two
the pillows are round. Ibe other U
square. White lawn with a deep hem
etlirhe^odge. laced over a green slip
with narrow pink rildion. makes a
charming cover, for a clover pillow,
with a handful of pink clover blos
soms ami leaves falling across from
one corner, painted very sketchily in
a sok blurred effect like flowered mus
lin. If indelible Inks arc used, this
cover may be laundered.
carters aboald be Hued Instead of pa
per. as tbe bair may be voaad llgbler
on tbem without palUag at tbe rooU.
Far Atmymr Cvaalnga.
Ginger Water' lee—Rather aansua)
Is (bto froaen sweet, bat aome there be
wbo praaouBce It dellcious,_To make
It prepare a plain lemo^ Ice and flavor
K strongly with tbe 'svrup of pr>-served ginger, preferably tbe Ira ported
variety. When the lee Is ball (roiea
sUr to chopped gtoger to tW^eslred
Mint Sberbol-Aiifrbet to made
by adding a lUfdfnI ef crosbed mint
boiling hM and very sweet leimn
adc. fctttng it ataad (ill coul. strain
tog and (reettog. A lew droih- of greeii
ec orlag Improves Its appearaace A
sprig of mint may be pot la (he sber '
bet glass wUh tbc Ice. ir needed.
Cocoa Frappe—Mis ball a pound of
coroa^d three cupfuls of sugar; cool.'
wiib two cupfuls of builiag wa'er iin
til smooib; add to three quarts and'tii
half of mtik scalded with ctonamon |
bark; cook (or ten minutes. Beat in |
the beau*a wbites ot two eggs mixetl I
with a cupful of sugar mad a pint •>('
whipped ertam. Cool, flavor will,'
vanilla cx'rtcl. and (rveac. Serve in'
Coffee Mousse—Coflee mbossr t
made by whipping swvcteaed crea«D
sirougiy flavored with'black coffee, uii
111 t( U perfeeil) stllf; Ibca paeklnu
to a mould and burying to lee aod sal<
at least four hours before it t
Peach tee—Tile pulp of peaches, aell as apricots, makes a deliclouwater Ice. combined with the acid ot
m Juke. Pr-clcd and rubbe-l
■ hrough o puree sli-vc either the pul >
of aloe plump, ripe peaches or Itopulp of a dozen luscious apricots. Adii
the Juice of three lemons. Boll rap
Idly a quart of water In which a ptn>
of sugar has bten dissolved. Add lb<
(roll pulp and Ireere.
BIM llaiBKs for the boraa drawers
Who U Tcdd of all aodal
r sWrl-wsm boxes, la wblrt poo
Wbo U bo»eljf sad aeat. old-taabloaod kap par prclilat blouM. kap them
MdalaUlp white. Siceve linings
, The girl wbo* pon aee la jonr map.uke the form of tissue aper or
of ptein cotta st«ir«. which are laid,
•-Joe Om. ta WoBiaa'a Hone Co*- flnt la tbc drawer and folded over
the pile of white elotha. Or tufted
Iwda. with oome deliaie. subtle per^
I Introduoed Into the cotta fllli» I wotdd flood row path with aanIng. fill the need In a fashion which
inch preuier. sad cost but a trifle
I would feace pon traa all lU.
1 would crown poo wttb nil bless- ■
Gloves'win war lager If thep arc
Inga If I could bat bum np
»ren aired bp lartBg\them at a a
Bbeet of aper aar a window after
9 Ape! but bnmuu tore may err.
(hep have been sron; (hep map tbra
be smoothed at and laid swap In the
’• Aad n power all wine la neur.
olia aper la which they amc from
• 6o I onlp prap God Meaa pou.
.tore; thU oiled aper helps the
kM to retain Its elattlcltr. and lagth•' And Ood keep poo to the end.
• Drinks.
as the life of the gloves.
FVult Beverage—Peel a doica lemVella ahald never be folded; a glli as and aqaecae (be juice over tbe
irtaln rod. hung upon little blocks of 'pbclings and let it stand for three
wood Just toridc the wardrobe dar. hours: then put to one pound of augaffords a oavalat pl^ for hanging
To a Bhrodded pineapple, canned
''The Soniiner Otrt—Ood l|)csa her! theca away without a fold or wrinkle, will do. add one quart of mashed red
Car? of the Hair.
Tk* huwleat. brt^leai. merrlcat bit
rellaa ahald be unrolled before
ipbcrriea and a half pound of sugar
la tbe hot weather Ihe hair need,
«d femlolnltp la the universe! What putting then away, and a wide full
itraln the raspberries first—ihea
more aitentloa than any other port ot
elder woBua la there, worn with Jlfe's
of denlm.^t^od to the lower strain-\hc lemon Juice: mix alt with
the dermal svstem. Tile exccsstv.
fwpfFUilWlKlea, even uibiigh happp In part of the wardrobe door. 1a an ex
quarts of water. Serve with
perapiratioD of the aralp to summei
then aad in her bode caree. who does cellent place la which to keep (ham.
crushed lee.
collects dust and causes dandruff. In
ant look buck with plcanre npoo tbc Parasols shoald be rolled securely In
Lemonade Syrup—Take the grated
erder to prevent the pores from being
ttee. nU 100 nlyrt, which Intervened scented tissue paper, and told to a
rinds of six lemons; add a pound of
clogged by effete matter Hie greatest
Aetween her adintd daps and tbc
dnwer. away from the dust
sugar; moisten with enough water to
atieailon should be naid lu cleanli
bonn when It flrtt began to dawn npe U so old-fashioned as to ua< nbsoib tbe sugar, then boil till It 1s
ness, to the exercise of the little mus
e« her that there war aonelhlng nor<
nsdown putt or adding th< clear syrup. Ad dthc Juice of twelve
cic* of the skin and the ventilation
‘Ik life than barUtg a good Ume; that -beauty touch” one to nnfortnnat lemons while hot. but do aot boll. Bot
the hair shafts, to addition to
It held dudes. carei.Jienrtncbes. The enough to have it soli bccaaloBally.
tle while hot. and cork when cofd.
the ends of tbc baIr should be frt^
gaxiods daps, the dppa of bard work, The way to make It alec and eleon
Keep a bottle on^ec. and mix with
quenily clipped.
pea. even the oaea flUed with deeper,
iway" again to to make
e to
I wtobed.
In washing and brushtug the bal
wilder >07 ibaa the dreemed of t^en. a warm lather nod then gently aqueexe
Temperance Punch-Take two lable^
Is well to rcmemlier that (be epi
an all the better for the meawrice of Uc down until all th« dust -li oat of t<
spoons of the best green tea and add
dermis and corium of the scalp bt'the andree «apa of girlhood. Give The riastog water most be fresh and
a half gcllnn of freshly boiling water.
supported by a 'hick layer of
the glrla n bappp Une. Let them I cold wHb a little blueing added. Then, Let it stand five minutes, then pour
tissue as is Ihe rest of ihe skin of
Ante at taaat oae anuaer to which after abaUag the water out of tt the off the clear tea on the iblnlv peeled
iKxly. So lo washing and drying Hi tbep can look back all ibrir lives aad puff should be hung to a current of air rtod and Juice of two oranges and six
one’s cageniesB to be clean sbouM
•ad H good. Bvra If tbep at
to dry.
lemons. Add a pound of sugar and' let
cause one to scrub the bead
BUM a Uttla tboagbUeas. and take It
Do not allow white gloves to become It stand 11^ the Icebox to ripen (or six
strength was tbe one essential In ob
M their right Jaet aow. tba dap wltl too much aoUed before having tbem hours. When ready to serve add a
talnlng good resulU.
tese when tbep wlU look back to K cleaned. They have to be rubbed so pint of strawberry or raspberry Juice.
To Keep the Hair in Curt.
ontimes one reads la -Steps
with a warn glow of happiw
bard to remove tbc soli that the kid Pill the glass tbrev-quarters and fill
A writer in The Designer gives the Bcauly” that bruslilng the hair every
their hearts, eva while the
and stiff.
with scltaer.
kdlowing recipes for keeping tbc hair night will develop tbc muscles of ihe
ataad la their epa as tbep think <<
Make coruet covers of your white
Fruit Lemoaadc—Allow the Juice of
to curl during the. warm summer days n«-ck and arms, and at once the homely
the tmariflab‘Jop wbitdi the dar ■birt walsu that arc still good but oot a half jemoD for each
This Is the Ume of vear when rt
wbo wishes to be beautiful
Mother took In tbeir ptaaaare. aad m of style. Cat out the neck, back and ublespoonful of sugar and a tumbler
bcllioiis tresses must be kept In curt seizes a hair brush, and even takes
naenhariag, tba will pan it aloag front, and take oot tbc sleeves, mak of water. With these proportions
by arilflce. Perspiratton
one in each hand for symmetry's sake,
la tan to tbeir own girls. <wd the ing (be armholes larger. Flalab around the desired quantity. Put to a punch
mid will bold bawtaeas la cverdn- tbe neck and armholes with ribbon, bowl, (hen add a Jar of maraschino the dampness of the seashore plays and goes through a regular. Inilisn
club exercise on her bead. After some
creaalag ratio beaaa of the UtUe drawn beading and lace, or embroid cherrlea. two minced bananas, a whole havoc with ihi'm
Here Is a vcncrabU- and an efficient months faithful devotion to the cause
eaeds nova a manr pours ago.
ery edging.
shredded pineapple, a plat Jar of
It U good advice not to leave an strawberries. If fresh ones are out of remedy; Take bruised qiilnee seed*, of muscle, she proudly shoas a finely
indcd ann. but, alasr tbe hair is but
The Mai Gift.
umbrella standlag on tbe point to (be season. Serve In glasses with small, a taUU-spoonful; eloan rain water,
pint. Boil gently to tbree-quarters ot a wisp! It is friction of the scalp,
ordinary way when wet. The water fong-bandled spoons.
^ floetb Utile kladneeea.
a pint, then stralmthrough muslin and gentle and regular, that acts as *
mieb BMet lave adoste or daplae. tricklfs down, apoiltog the silk sad
''High Noon" Is a beverage men al add alcohol or brandy and cologne
Brushing the hair will not affect
PKr anaght that aeta om bait at maktog tbe wires rusty. It to also a
ways like. Maab together finely n UT. ot each two iablesi>oonfuls. This (be scalp, and 'be old saying that
mistake to open it and leave It atandquart of strawberries, a quart of
applied by moistening (be fln "You raunot brush the scalp too :
Ing. as this stretches ,U|e silk, maktog
Aad givetb bapplnest or peaa.
stooe^ tart cherries, a shredded pine gers and passing tbem through the or the hair too little." is to be heedid.
It baggy, so that It to tmpcMsIbIc to
iBlowataenad la her epea.
apple and two pounds of sugar. L
hair; or. wha!
neater, by using for
Tbe hair needs air as well as brush
ftdd It smoothly- The proper way Is
She hath ao acorn of eonunoa tbiogi. to Bhake out as^tfa» Jraler as possi It sUad for a day or over alghi. The
tbe puritose a small sponge.- The ing. The custom or braiding it
Aad. Ihoagb she aeea* of other birth. ble. then atand.(be nmbrriU oa Ita strain through a sieve. Fill tall glass sponge should alwa» be washed Im night is roDducive to liad results,
es halt full of crushed tec. pui in two mediately after using, and kept sweet may be a llitlo uncomfortable lo have
Round a her. beart atwtna ud
Ubiespoons of this (roil svrop. then and clean lo avoid qf adherence ol one’s trz-s«*s living around ihe fae.
A glri friend vi^ Is very fond of
fill up with ke<old seltzer or apol- dust or a gluey slate.
. And atleaUp she folds ba sringa
blit If one throw It over the pllli'w
certaio shades of pink for summer
To tread Ib^. bumble atbs of artb.
The following Is equally welt adapt will no' inic'rfero wlib oni-'s ctmiler;
chafed by her friends,
Cherry Cup—Wash a pound of Mo- cd and easily compounded: IMssotvr sfler the flrst few nights It will
^ tet la benelf abe dweUetb not,
rcllo cherries and pour over thei ibroo ounces of p»vdere<l sum arahir surprising to find what gtsid resnl’the
vARhaa^ ao borne were ball a fair.
e from this bubil of allowing
But being the soul of thrift aad econ throe pin's of iMdllng water. Let thei In half a .-plat of nnu- waieri^Sirain
No aSmpieat duly la forgot, .
Make a knd add sufficient anilin red—about ^ the hair Trtedum from twlsis
omy. this taunt Slang her to the con- simmer for three hours
‘ life bath BO dim aad lowlp dpot
syrup by bolting a cupful of sugar and
drop of (be solullon—lo give It ;> Liralds and hairpins.—Boston liiidgel
That doth aot la her aansblae share. fesskm of her method. Pour boiling
one of water together for twenty min rosy czdor. This not only k€H-p,» th<—Jama Rvaaell Lowril. water ov^ i amstl piece -of turkey
A Good ltfea.~
utes. Mix with the cherries and let it hair in rurl. hut lends to i' a peeuhar
red cheneeloth. Expcrteace
Here Is a suggestion for ornament
Far Freeklea.
quickly tell what amount will give the stand for a few hours. Strain, chill and very attractive brilliant gloss
ig a white cambric shiriwatst wtn-h
This last preparation Is similar to looks quite elalHiriite, but is not •!
le#- apoto I
desired (tot. Let this sund for a few and serve with cracked ice.
Orangeade—Steep tbe rind of tfatve Ihe ceUl>raU'd en-rae de mauve, whi' h
beauty ot many a face, and on tbeir
till tbe color to all
<ir trace a I
aeoooat asaay sromen regard the ad
then pour the dye to Oranges In a pint <rf bolllug water fui Is. afier ail, Dotbing bui glycerin scent- size tiulierfly lui ahlle pa'iHr <‘ni
vent* ot aammer with dread. Semea bucket of cold water and afu?- ten minutes. Add a pint of sugar and ed with cxinicl ol Jasmine and colored
it on a vhirt lrv>n’ that
washing and thoroughly rinsing yua^- boll twenty minutes. Add the juice with antlln rwi. The jiretty llnl which Us-n tuckol a short dlsiance from
Umen freckles appear oa the first
lent, put it into the dye srater -yf six oranges and two lemons, and tl gives the hatr. as well as Ibe gloss,
poeure of the face to the wtods of
>1 with a 1*^^ draw it.- i
March, an dbecome deeper under the and allow It to remain for pertupa an strain; then add a quart and a half of render it nuite popular.
ihr mtislin. Th*-n cut ou'
Sometimv9. in cases when the hair
ana’s rayq aa the summer advances, hour, then wring Ugbily and hang It icq water. Partially fill tall glasses
mall-rial anil Isiv under it a i>;<v','
to drv. No matter how old and with shared Ice and pour In the or Is very stiff and oPsilnate, a sllil point d'<^prit. and wt-b a nanow
yet utmost disappear to wla(er. Some
times they tctaalB alt ibe year around. faded the goods, this method gives tlx- angeade. placing a atrawben^ to each stronger ingnvlieai is necessary, lu wash lirald turn iuand cov<r iheedgc
this case a small quantity of alum Is
perfectl.v even coloring as if fresh glasa.
' Any simple appUcaUan tor tbeir
the muslin. Thi*l.<xly <d lb. buU.-i
sometimes added lo either of the af■oval such as are given below fill from tbc store. Try It on a faded cal
ran Is.- embrotdi-red with lltieti
czihol nclpcs. but usunlly they will InAema Dainty Pillow Cevera.
pMre cBcacloaa (or a time. Init the ico wrapper.
floa- and lh> markings »I (be
Summer girts and summer pillows found to answer perfectly without this put In wlih a danilng s’tleh As
certato to return oa exof thevtace lo tbe sun or wind, Making Celiar Aata-of Handkerchiefs. re a good comlilna'loo when taken : iDgredIcnt. For the same purpoM. l•mte^fll•> can l« iosern-d as de^insl.
hair dressers frequently employ wha:
One of the maav uses to which connection with a shady tdazza and
mple, harmlesa aad quite sacand thev can Iw of dlffeient
handkerchiefs may be put to la (he warm afternona. Ht-rc are some ttlcw' is called hard or stick iiomBium. Thi, thereby adding to Ihe ..-flict
with more or less
ot borax to rot water. It abonld be tashtoafog of the quatoiesi of cotlar wlilrh can IK- worked out l.v the gtrU'
Oathcr Fer-*a.
applied five or six times a day and and cuff seta. Embroidered handker dell Angers during tbe sunny summer aatmal fat. and sented and coloivd
Ihiring y-our walks through
in various manners Ciwan> It
chiefs are chosen to auke them of: days.
allowed to dry npoa the skin.
Ode sMe. with a comer formlag each, i Coni hoMis lorn to narrow strips injurious. I>ui It gives a greasy appear- woods when on y> ir racsiien saih.-i
Tbe foUowInf tormala ea)oys
and feeling, does not permit
all Ihe ferUf vou can carrr. Select
cMefoltv. and caa raadlly be com- end. cut off two and a half laches make a light, cool fllilag for summer
l«y smr,tjibly U-twe«u
pounded at borne. Take best Gagilsb deep for the.eoUar. aad each of the pillows. Hay cut flue Is another flit Ihe flutfleess so desirable, and Is ln~ ptriect
mnatard, to powder, a toUeapooafol: other potato BMktog a cuff four iaebes lag that gives a root effect, aad a lerlor la every way to the 'baadoilaes newspaptr* and put to pr>-s.- uioi'-r
trunk. Thex- may r«-inaiB wii!i-i
plcwsaai odor.
team Jnte. eBongh to make a thick deep.
uni.fl rr'iirniag to the
On a twenty4wo Inch square ot
Then take valendenaes lace about
paate; oU of almtmds. a toaapooafol.
Mix well abd apply to Ue form ot a an Inch wide, aad ease it. laiKad of' sheer grass rioih draw a design of pers are used they should not b< cpy. -nit roiw-bowU half fail of sand
tbkk ^e. algbt aad moratog. nntil fulling II around tbe h«na. Too much large sraUrn*d leaves aad outltne wennd too ilghity. as is usually the and slick these- prv;-crr.d Itfca In
.tbe akin aamrta. After a few days the fullest makes the laro turn hack on these wlih white coronation braid rase, as ihor«traia upon the roots o! them Place ibex- about your room^,
and yxm will have woodsy spots all
onter akto abonld looaen and freckles the cult, and roll up to anything ^ut Pill la the center of the leaves with the hair is lajuttous to its growth. '
By Judiciously aslng tbe mucUag- wint.T. t; tbe ferns berime dnst.r.
briar ailirhlng to green silk. This Is
dtoappear. Aflor they bare goae. tbe a pretty (i^laa when yon wqar It.
quickly srorked aad very showy, na- tootm washes just described, the bair wash them gBotly. The smallest terns
In making tbem ap. especially for
aorfoce of tbe akto Mioald be washed
•everm] Itmea a day with a wdatlcia of gift, tbe daintiest way. of coarse. Is < Ish Ihe edge with a mBle. and work a will remain to curl or to ware witbnni may be used with (qesh (lowers (or
decorating tbe table.
new tbe bands on by baad. making row of l■llchtog aronad tbe edge in sarh violence being required.
par aUtcha as aaarlp lariafole ss
posalble. A quick wap to to aUich
them a bp amebtac. some women
clalmlag that the maebfoe aUtcblag
firmer flalab. Wbat to a Arm
ud pet gIVM the dalBlp toueh of hand
work to to do tbc Brat aUtrblag o( tne
toad bp macblae. sad hem it down bp
Haadkercblefa. embroidered la alt
while, make the daintiest of all the
sets—the kind that map be won srHb
up akw or with triitte aurilp vrcll;
bat tboae with btta of color tatre
dnecd into tbe,work have a atple about
them that to most unasaal.
There are those with tiny flowers
done la aa effccUve blue—oae of the.
mup shades which oonw uder (be
Preneb blue. All the reA of
(he embroidery Is white, only the flow
<ud those not set dorely to
getber) are la blue.
The same Idea cornea la red ud In
Sometimes It Is possible to get a
handkerchief with a set little dewlga.
which can be matched (airly well la
the lace that to to go with It. which
adds Just one more bit of beauty to
tbeir act.
When ytni put tbem on^^pscT^reity
little cuff pin right at tbc point to
k.'cp It from carliDg up—the caff
should be adjaated. ot course, ao that
the point Is cm the upper side of tbp
sleeve. Instead of being tuned too tar
They are not only easy to make—
these sets—but they an.- among the
easiest seta to do up; and If you Iron
the ince while It to still wet. U will
out of the operation with Just a
little body to It. very like the ac
LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
Lots 235. 236. 287 as advertised arc now sold
LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
These are all early selections and are
Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now lar«cly built over, and j:ood lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa
rately. excepting 1S2, 183, 184, which must be sold toneihcr. All must ro for spot cash, and the prices
will be
The whole bunch ol
if sold at one lime and for cash down, would be
As the^icc would be made accordingly and to allow
for hotdinii as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.
Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
FrontinR East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot,
1» Fmiit Street
Paces Thu
ben dUtributed aatong tbe vart
Ubraiy for FMIh Ward.
tbe -bed physicsllv developed young
Camp Mseting Netsu.
diTorae cases and two cases to obc. e. eitetiwi.
Tbe regnlar mxieilag of tbe OeoAral
AI tbe meeting of the board €<y*Sa ous kwildingx aad that be would like
In the northern penlnsnla. For
Tbe Indian camp meeting *t NorthTbe C0PS«E««towl .ciiilfttai B« Utn allnonr and snli moner..
Tbe dlTorees taken up wcrc:Mcbael_ port from Aug. 10 to 30 will be the this resstw bis d(Stb Is harder to lUoD Tuesday wrenlrfh,*!®^ were to go IB Chicago to take a tour week* Labor t'nMn was beW Meoday. evua«M*or net PrMar evenUw »l the
taken toward tbci e^MIshment of a course al tbe umtcnlty. This would Ing and (be offleen for tbe ^ext six
kone tf-MUa Once Laeu lor ibelr Glarla rs Hannah Glarin. chargtnf largest ever bdd. More Indlsas hare
c hU borne In this branch library at ^ Oak Park buUd- bring him bark two w-eeks before loutbs were elected. Tbey «: "
t—■—r nMUnc- Tbe followiBK ot- adultery; Albert J. Motm rs Bdwlna signified Ibelr Intention of attending
President. J. Kanfusn.
5- Tbe matter was tvlerred to the school began. There wa* no ctbJcctSaa.
city'about six yeara ago and was a
•cer. were elected for Uie ewtiUtf Morse, cbsrglng desertion nod cruel- than ever beforo and on account of
Vice presMeat. G Sipes.
mmlltre on buildings and groonds
tr; Esther C. Owstktni »* George B. liberal- advertising.'the number of ____ 1 of William llc^ who died while
Unanrlal aacrrtary. C. Kragfu.
make an InvesUgailoa In regard to
wntkins. charging desertion sod wm- while visitors will be greaUy In ex riding a borse here I short Ume ago.
•aoxle WHh Grand Travero*.
PreeMefit. Mm Edith lioleoab.
Recording aeeretary, O. O. C*dM
ippon: Mnriek A., Cbspipan rs Ada cess of prevlou years.' All tbe spesk- He boa been living In HoughU* since suitable roum and also (be extra cost
Laaaing. Mkb.. July Si.—It b ant
Vkse praetdent. AbmI CbMcb.
living here. His brother Bert bad not that would be emailed.
at ail likely that there will be a *pe.
' Reoordlnc aecreUiT. Peul Tbseker.
TnoBurer. T Farurk.
seen him for s year sod s halt but In
L. Sprague appeared before the dal aesalon of the leglrlsture to reapCoirespondiaf McreiUT. Fnacce and cmcltr. and Paulina Latremas hi Bitendanee.
J R. WrckoCI. iBllllam Alden Smith, member of two weeks he wss coming here to visit meeting and stated the propnaltktn. portloa the xenalortal dixtrtcl* on *c
John lAlvemas. on the charge of
;reai preparations had been made saying that the library was tbe best count of (be Supreme court dnisloa hrorat and G. Sipea
congress, ha* slgnifii-d hi* laumiion ol
cmellT. All of these were granted.
TrM*orff. OU**rr Wdteie.
nlzed fur Its size In the stale yesterday. Governor Warner will nn
being present In the followiag letter: for hi* coming and a large number of
After the bo»lne»« •«*'* •«<'«»»'•
good times had been planned both by but It was not filling tbr' bid as well doubledly bold that (bere Ix so lltGrand Rapids. Mich.. July 30. J»0C.
Jit moner were. Viola Kroapa tv
nesU were eereed
tbe Une
Em-Ad Mb Wl I* Ike aame of a c«his brother and his friends in the city. as II might because there were Star or
differeore between the act of ISPS tage at East Bav ocrupM by a JoRy
pleMMtljr la eoclal enjor- Cbaries Kroapa and Edward U Hefcb Mr. John U. Deeis, Nortbport. Hkh.:
more cfaildreo gtdng to scIkioI on (be and the act Just dechred unconititu
My Dear Sir-Vour kind letter of
Ts UlUan Rck-h. Tber were taken un
crowd, ceasisting eff Mr
Boyne CHy 1. O. O. F. Hall.
sid4 and the distance to tbe It
the l8ib haa Just been received and
der adtl^enl.
Bert Wilhelm, the recognized coo- braO' WB* so great that they couldn't (hmal that (be expense of an extra aea and Mra. Curtis Alwav. Mr and Mm
Heoec Struck,
Tbe caw of Pearlie Carpenter noted. I made s memorandum In my
i would not be warranted The Bari Henry. Mr and Mra Joha CVa
intfflcnt buuk to be at Nonh|Kin
f The rwldeoce of Joeepb Thotuas. against Ora Carpenter of WllllamaI leglKblure. however. U virtually chanowsky and Dr. and Mrs T<« WBcured hy Ibe Boyne City Odd FYllowi.
a week usually brought a larg<'
Bile* eoatheMt c( Tiwretee CIt)-. burg. to determine the parif »bo shall Ang. K and I expect to hv Ihent. I
ipelled to enact a law more marty belm Boating, flsblng aad swtaHlac
superintend tbe ennstrucllon of nnmlK-r of carts and took bark all ih.ta But OwSeld. vu struck hr Hibl- have custody of a three-Tcar-idd child, bppe this will be sufflclent promise
In accord with >be legitimate ratio of are ihi- ftvortte amnaMeaia
Ibelr new temple at Hoyne City.
books that they could carry, other pupulalion. ft will now be bard for
-leg twice Bandar at 8:30 A n. wa* commenced at * o'clock yesiM- upon my part. I regard the oppor
Las' evening one loember of tba
Tbe new building will be three parts of the town can reueb the li
Tbe first Ume the UghtnlnK cane In day aflcmooD and continued until
(be leglxiature to withhold her fifth party In gelling out of a boat alaa^
htotie* in height with full basement brary wltb roraparallve rose. He
ae and I shall avail myself of it.
<n tbe tdepbcNie. bnmed oak tbe evening and U occupving the atten
senator from Wayne county.
ber fooling and stepped Into Shoot
Trusting that the occasion will be a&d the dimensions will he a-xlM. ft stated (hat what the trustees wanted
ahone apd tore off tbe bottom of a lion of the court today. Tbe case U
feet of water. No sertooB rawill lie of solid Ancrete, the first of wax to open a branch library and they
acreen doors. Tbe second bolt came one which has aroused the entire a>m pleasant and helpful to all who honor
It.s kind In Michigan. eoiu.iructed simi asked room for such purposes In Ihc ably U- the Invalldallno of the nomlna. Lull* t.dlowed Ike Siahap. howevor.
ta on tbe chhnner ap stairs; lore up mnplty. and'willlamsbarg Is well rep a by their presence. I am with great
ttutis of Gus Canon of East Tawu to Tbe party wll! remain dnrtag tbe eolar to the concrete Inilldlpgs tn San Oak Park building.
tbe cblmner and one partilloo enUrelf resented In tbe court room by many respect.
uectx-d Senator Ikiheny. and Repre
Francisco Ibal wllhstood the rarthlaaes which bare been summonYours v(-ry truly.
and made a bole In tbe root of about
^SuperlDtrndt-nt Gilbert sUted that seniativc Ming of Chelioygan. lu suc
qiiakc. The front will consltt of three
Wm. Alden Smith.
there w«Te one or two rooms available ceed Senator Curtis, sloce both dls
dxfi feel. FoUowlng Ib^ rafter It tore ed by both sides.
Rig Frolght.
On Aug. 11 -there will be a big lisn- lullladois arches, the center farming for this puniose al (be building*. Ibe Iricix arc not the same nodcr the
The mother of the child. *■** on
at about twelVe fert of cornice.
The amount at freight which I*
grand eni ranee, surmounted by .-i
No one was hurt, tbe damage to tbe the stand yesterday afternoon and for i|uei. In honor of Corcraur Warner and
rooms l-elug closet* but having en
being handled by (be T. C.. U fl M
of IPn; as under the act of UW5.
time tbU morning. She tesU- other prumlucnt vlsitons. Tickets to
boose being about W. Both bolls octrance* cither from Hose or Webster
v-Igbt dlxiricis will be affected by keeps on the Increase every week.
with Corluthian capl'als supporting a
fled to the fact that her married llfi- this will be $1 a plate and they are
eapled about two fnlaotei time.
Seven hundred and five ton* of frelgbl
tbv chuDge to tbe old law.
being sold and can be secured by heavy molded cornice with an artistic
wUb Ora Carpenter had not been bap
Mr. Sprague stated farther that If
unac county will be Uken out df were brought Into tbe city Mooday
lamc and date st<nic In the center.
Rev. I. H. Cnim.
py. but very unbuppy and that last
ling and thirty cars were rolled
brsry work today- was more extended S<-nator Doherty's dlstrtrt and put In
/ Tbe Rev. J.
who oceu
December they bad s«.-iiaratei]. Carpen- Northport.
than It was years ago and that :
the Itay-Midland districc Benzie eoun ontu tbe car fcr*y Sunday sight for
tbe pntpit at tfae Hrat CongregaU
Tbe Rev. William Petoskey writes rurlicd BO as to bave (be building cm- •ne of Hie great feauin-s .was
giving ber the farm on which they
ly will IH- taken out of (he Manlstoe- (be north.
cbnrdi Sonday was the founder and lived and dividing the personal prop very oplimlsllcallv In t^rd to the •Itbi-.! by cold ueaibor.
ITre Marquette lx tranaferrlng
story hour.*' These story hours
•n-ljikc-Oceana district and put
or^laer of tbe ctanreh. Over forty erty while be retained poaseasloa ol tn<H.-Ung. slating (bat many Indians
large number of ear* to the T C . t,.
for the purpose of influencing a child's
Camp Mayflower.
he tw'-uty-seventb dbtrtct with
Yean ago eervlees were etarlcd tn tbe the child. The agreements were wrjlbe present. The Rev. John
reading by the inductive melhod. A Wexford. Grand Traveree and adjoin- * M. orery day and it la all that tba
•ebool bouae which waa located whore
Odens, WIs.. states that
and slgne^ but tbe mother Jacobs
engtnva whicb are now in uac can do
story is told In sueli a manner that Ingeount k*.
tbe Park Plaee annex now stands. In stated that pbc thought that tbe ar
f IndUns u-iU come over from lay. Mich.. July 33 —The camp pre- the child becomes interested and its
Mackinac will be iranxfermi from to band!'- IL Tberc^ra about thirty
addition to bis preadilng Mr. Crum rangement ln> regard to the disposi- Wisconsin. Rales have been secured enis a hvciv and anlmiited scene. reading will follow along those ftnes.
loaded onto tbe ftwry every
the twcntv-nlnth to (be thirtieth dl*
About (Wrty boys arc present, all full
also Un^l tbe viUnge school. At UoD of Ibcyaild was not final.
'Enough light reading lx iK-lug taken irirt. Ri'prexeutallvc Ming haa Al and (he big ^t U full on ever
u^ lUc and K]diit.
that time there were ecarcely more
Mrs. M. H. Thacker, mother of Mrs.
from the library.'' said Mr. Sprague. ready U-cn nomlbated for that district from ManlsUque.
than a dornm buildlnga In town, and Carpenter, was calK-d to the stand cay. an Eph
bisbop. will
shores of the hay and Ihc boys arc ~whai wc want Is to rreale a demand in which Macklmir ha* been inelndcd.
the’change Mnee then Is. of coarse. this morning and tcslIBed as to Ihc preach the first Sunday.
VcMtlaii Day.
having a grand time: swimming most for biography, travel an'l historical .Uarklnor will Ik- added to Senator
Terr great. Mra. Crum Is expected family life as she saw ft vrbile she
Tbe program this year Includes men
Next Saturday will be VtaeUan (Uy ofthe
time. They have a raft anchored works. This reading cannot bo forced Mortarty's dlslrti-i.
to arrive next Prlday evening aifd livod with her dangbler and son-ln- who are known all over t.hc conniry
tNoribport. This Is something navar
upon the children. It ix probable that
tbit will be ber first visit here In
Mrs. Thacker said that she con and among them is Commissioner
Rlory hour will be held for (he ty-second dixtrtet. repreaenled by Sen efore Introduced In tbi* uectloo of tba
aeariy forty yeara. After spending a sidered Carpenter no safe man for a Lcupp of the department of Indian af the lumber furtbe raft.
country. The enstnma provalliag la
Smith »r Hubbell. aa^ added to
Mr. Cochlln Is our chef and the kindergarten and another tor the pri
few days In Traverse City Mr. and woman to live with and gave scverali fairs who win speak.
Venice will be carried out at Ur as
mt-als he prepare* are greatly relished mary grades. MUs Helen Stout, the the thirty-first district.
Mra. Cram wlU leave for Old MIs- Instances which she claimed Illus
p<iBjilbto. In the afteraooB tnat race*
present librarian, has been educated
akm and later will apend some time trated bis treaiment of her daughter.
and water xporU will prtduibly be held
for this work."
Mrs. F. H. Sstss ShoL
In Gbarlevolx nnd Petoskey.
though ihl* haa not been definlldy de
Tbe witness said that one morning
. Meads moved ihat the board
locben, Mich.. July S3.—While roast last night and were Kinging.
Frankfort. Mich..
cided. Bui tbe main evenia wHI eome
bad been some srords at the Mrs.’F. H. Bate*. wUe of a bandsaw
The bonflras were-burning brightly grant the library irastcc* tbe n*c ol
Friends Meeting.
off in the evenlc;- t'
planned tq
breakfast table and Caiponler wa* in
wo rootns attbe Oak Park build
■ Tbe qnarlerly meeting of tbe a bad bomor, and when trying to find filer, was walking along the sluice of hioei of the night.
held bere yesterday nfteriKnihave ...I
. l-o... fcluuraled with
A raiding party from tent No. 2 com- ing but-lbe motion wa* not seconded. Ilimtlng was tenomlnaled on ■rrleads diorcb which was held flaUr- the place lb. tbe Bible for the morning Dock lake, she was struck In tbe left
Mr. Gilbert was of the opthloB flmt
hip M a bullet from a 38-callber ^ |K)se<I of Hiizen Gardluer. Jack Lucas
darn^ytHfirWM u>« >*rBest at worship, lost hU temper, backed ber
pi vlng will be another
the work would prove verv beneficial, Ivalloi for bis second term a* r. tended la tbe tael ten years. Dslsy daughter up tn a corner ami proceed yolvvr and a serious around InOictcl. and Francis Miirtln was out raiding
of (be evening. Many Trav
espteially in that part of tbo city wo taiive from the Benzh-LcclaiiBU dix
Bsrr. tbe yesrly meeting evangelist ed to lirutally beat ber In the breast The shot wax fired bv Adrian Barr, all the tents and all one could hear
irlcl. There Were (wo other eandl- erxe Cliv people are planning to at
"Go on, let u* aleep." The name -mote from tbe main library.
-wss present together wltb her singer. with bU flats. Another lime, he bc- who wasoo a launch coming over
daita, J. E. Campbell of lA-elanau and tend. Blihm’ (be Columbia or the O.
The queatiun of compensa
from the resort and who ahtrt at a party was swimming In the cool water
Mine Leon Bogue, nnd delivered ex
R. A 1. railroad will run an excurstoa
the morning fflosi and
It- Janitor, the matter of llgbla and R. B. Kcynoldx of Benzie.
cellent sddneeee. There were unite stnSed bis wife's mouth fill of buck dead bead. He staie-d that the bullci
Ledanan county wa* repreaenled hy while many prls^ launch -parttca
The boys have appointed ajcommlt licst were, all lll>craUy dlscuBsed and
n number ct people present from wheat cakes In order, to make her glanced, and going upward twelve feet
. H..ArhcnnBD. 1. R. Sogge. Martin from both eut aM weal bay wilt
V to look after the raft. Gibb* Shll- (he board' decided that it would be Brown. Carson Warner. J. E.CampMaple air. Long Lake and Maotou. stop talking. There was no famll) struck Mrs Bates.
make (be (rip.
Iftier to give the matter careful con
Mr. Bsir^ld everything possible for sou wax elected chairman.
Tbe business transacted showed that worship that morning.
S. C. Ganbe and C A. nxher;
sideralion before arriving at a dedMrs. Dates, haring her sent home anil
Boeb improvement bad been made
Protty Party,
Rebzli- county by R. B. Reynold*. W. J.
At other times, ft U clslmcd. be
xlon .therv-fore it was referred.
a doctor. The bullet was
Hlaterlc Convent Destroyed.
during tbe" gunner, especially In the
Vbe home of Edwin C. Thtea at 218
would aisp her face nuUI ber lips srere prolted for but It bad taken a back
Tbe committee on buildings and
Tbe historic old convent si Cross
work of the'Sunday achooL
South Division Biraei waa Ibe acena oC
vwolleo, nnd bad threatened to slan ward course and had lodged In the Village wss struck by lightning and gruuD'Is on Mr. Montague's motion Peter Johnson. Dr. I. P. Covey and M.
MiH Barr preached Sonday
a very pretty lawn party Monday evsm^
der ber and Injure her character In mnscles of tbe bark. II was not kv completely destroyed by
empowered to do such electrical G. Paul.
lag on people finding thelrg»laeea. The
The rexululloos reaffirmed (he prex Ing. Tbe affair was given In honor ot.
tbe mind* of ibe rammunlir if she caied and Mr*. Bates passed a bad o'clock Sanday morning. The blaze wiring ax they thought necessary
•emah was an excellent one and was
Nellie and UUdvs Roger* ^
It platform and Initoreed (ftwernot
took the matter into court vo that vhe night bnt no serious consequences ate removed one of the most inieresting (be building.
^ned on tbe story of QneM Esther
Warner and Rcprroeotatlyp Bunting, Michigan Oiy, Ind. The Uwn wn*
would not stand a chance of winning. looked for.
sinirturos In the north.
Miss Marion Pratt was employed
pleading with tbe king for tbe lb
an'l roeomraended the adoptloo of an prettily decorated with Japanese
Several of tbe'petloncr's witnesses
supervisor of drawing at t6f> a month
«r ber people sad bcrself.
tte eveclM betog ■!»«»(*
amendment to the primary law which terns, must iff
ere examined during Ibe
young men ratiie over frtrtn Buckley, years ago by a German pru-sl, ihe
place of Miss Woodman, who
. la tbe evenlag. she preached on tb^
of door*.
ra. 'it
'iKtthe evidence brooglit
ft Is allegetl that some of them bad
Fr. Welmaa. who wax very «•- signed, her resignation lH.-lng acccplvnl pie.
eoBtag kingdom ai»d tbe work tbe
In his speech of secepianee Mr nlsbed n great deal of a
the effect ihat both parties bad talked been drinking and srere aomewhai cetitrir In a number of ways but who
Iasi evening. MUs Woodman, early
Tktaade din^ bad done to aid In
located la otwctwff'
Buntlug favored William Aldbn Smith
about Ibe rase a gt+at deal tbrooghoul Rndcr the InBiusiSte of liquor. They possessed great Influence over the In
brtngiag this sboot. Tbe erenlng ad
ie month. requexK'd ihat she b<places about (be bona* and yard. Pwri'
tbe country. Tbe oplnton of the s
very noisy and wanted to take dians and attracted them to him In allovred to resign ax sbe bad an offer for senator.
dress was a matter stroke and ai
ner* for refresbmeuit were found by
waoesses was that liie home
the launch over to Wiley but ft bad great numbere. Fr. Weiman kepi his of IJ»" a month but she did not wish
Ill- said that be helleved hr waa fa
tunes there waa scarcely a dry eye In
getting answer* to conundrum*. Tb*
Theron Carpcoivr. Ora's faiber. and
goUen.back yet. It Is said that coffin* In his office for,iwenty-flve
miliar with the xenllment of the coud gentlcmeo were given walaula which
leave unless the t«art could
in whose bone the child U. was' not they walled In the hall and made a
nd one lime. It Is>ald. fearing .ploy a suttal'Ie person for l«ev place ties which he rcprexeni* and that he
Blned HK-eoouadruma while thw
Ibe best place where a child could be pn«t deal of nois^e and resisted al- that the dImenRions were m« right, he
Circuit CMirt.
^be recommended a MIsx Reynnld- xh'Uild represent thell' wishes to Ih*- ladles had (be answer*. Tbe letreeb^
reared as the family are not sociable tempiB-to quiet them.
slept In It over night an? proved
FroB Tauadayk Reootd.
Jiiii Mlsx Pratt wa.« Ju'leed to be bet best of hlx ability. He ventured tbe racoiR onxixied of* tee cream nad'
CIrcalt GOun convened this moralng and the head of It'ls a trouble making
When the lawarti arrived. Nelson Oh himself that it was comfortable and ler fltle.l for the position. Mik* prati axtuTtlon that W p<-r cent of hlx mopunch. Mlxs Ethel Hunter precMMff
lor a few days' wrestle wllk
horn, brolberIn-Uw of llerlK-rt Gli- well fitting.
Is a graduate of the Traverxe Cl’y Xllluenix desired the elertlon of Conpunch howl. The eublbR
Ora Carpenter look Ibe stand this bert. proprietor of Ihc resort, rttacfaetl
^ aon-Jury imses. One wss disposed
in bis spare lime he worked al High school, also of the State Normal crexxman William Alden Smith to the passed all ton quickly everyone prowafternocm and testified in regard to fal>
of this morning and tbe tesUi
and allempled to tie it up.
building himself a tomb and Ihat. (on. au'l for the pjisil five yitrs has Ihv-ii rotted Stale.* lenau- and xald that. II
having u most enjoyable lime.
he did so. It Is alleged, R.nnsom Gldills wk«<ampleic<l and ready for hi* occu xupi-rvixor of drawing at WS|
e|<x-ied, he should pul forth hlx best
taken on another.
- Tbe dlvogce ease of Ambrose Mllkv they spoke of separating It was alwar* sirnek him a severe blow, knocking pancy manv years ttefore his destb.
She coni'-* with the v.-rv bert of effortx to MTtire hix election, so long
Prohlbltlofi Cer
T*. VIetU Mllka wa* the first one taken with the understanding ibal be was him down. The rest of the party gath ^^l■ry detail wa*
TeeoDimen'Iatiiin and the Wapakoneia a> there was hope of success.
The prohibition county •
favor of 'be primary was held In the Salrailon Army ball
np and tkree wUneasen were
He derlared
Ki'hool wax v<-ry rclortant to release
util after death It was not becausetned. It wa* Jpougki out tkal tbe
law Including the nomination of i
this afternoon. bHng aitended by bnt
woBaa>en<lentty wHbout uny reason, again and the first thing that she did him by Adrian Darr, who tied it on hlr he had iefi anythiug utidoue
a handful of members of (be periy
The xrh'xd iK'iid of J M. Hueliman ernor and defend^ bis postiloo
... to kick him In (he aliins and
suspenders and sinned aerossthe lake
The content was sup|>oried by a fine
beenme discontented and went away,
l••l, sl>po|nt*-d cltj- ireaJirer to succci-d the HudMvti lorajc'nptlon hill, which he After IK-Ing called to order. W A. TeyfuTB l)im (bat she fc£d been a school in the boat.
farm of I6<i acre* aad the greater part
ber husband giving her money ti
lor. chairman of (be stale rummlttee.
M E Hask' ll. n-slgned wax approv«-d
of the work on this was done by
•o and baa now been gone somol
spoke for nearly nn hour, telling of tbe ^
Tie- l-ond is lor IT",'"xi and the xore- irem' iv faulty in Itx eoosiruriinn,
claimed, she tormented him. continu- empty the gun by shooting at varlotia pries's who (Were at the convent.
over two yean. The decree
lies were Jn<>i'R Sanin, C. A. Ham hear'lly thanked the convention and growth of the liquor traffic and deal
tatfclng In n alighting manner objects In the water, the last shot
About ICO year* ago the stock com
granted and Milk* Is held under reple<le<-d
ing wi'h many of Ibe statements that
mond. Dr H. B Garner. Howard Whit|Kvny. which coniroll<-d the organli
utrlctlao from marriage for three abcral his parents nnlil he conld stand xtriUng Mrs. Bates.
he did In bis addr*** Saturday ey«bItig. William Loudon. E. Mr.S'amara. E.
no longer and gave ber s black eye
Mr. Osborn was so badly injured by IMm. iToke up and 'he sisters were
Booths While bb termer wife wll!
Willi.Jm Mr HiielltMiiiel'K city bon-1 Albion. 111.. May 17. 1871. and U rrf ing
the tdow that be Is unable to work
transferreil to Joliet 111. In a smaller
have to wall a year.
• This little gathering of men by no
■X for
gfijnSth.-- fall be will Kngllxh desrcml He obikined his edu
rblM wltb such a mother luui tbut war day. He wax not well anyway and he Iiml*tic IQ fn>ui of the couvctii
CKiInn at Bonzonia college and gradn- mtatiK reprrocuia tbe strength of tbw
Tbe ease of Amll F. Kcrllnger vs.
tbe reason why be wanted to rid him carried the revolver .to prtrteei himsell
la^e entrifix and this together with
ai'-d from tbe law deparim'-nl of (hi jiartT In this county." said Mr. Taylor.
. Cborlea W. Asblon was next taken up
self of her. later. Carpenter said that os he haadii-d considerable money at ih< ebimo of Ik'IIx were removed to xtai.- and county taxes..
I' tit M ia August. ISM He w*. prtn 11,,. ,i„,n „j,j „f ,he grcfwtb of tbe parly
and la belag held un<
Tuasiiitr M E; liaxkell reporiol
his wife had but very tittle to do wltb the Tcsort.
Juliet and most of the furniiiin' sold
dial of the Thompxoiivitl.- wIkkiIsjcooDIry and adviaed
Tte eape arose from ■
(be baby after II, was weaned and he
No arrests have yet been made.
Tbe building* were sold for the luin 111" r<-c*-ipt* an'l ex|u.-ndHunai for the In im and Ikkl and of ib" F^plre: n,*t * i-oiir.ty ticket i.e orMnlnated tbU
t of tbe Nerllnger Real Bi
take care of it as a mother
iK-r there wa» In them and tbe work of year iH.-gitming Svpt. 1, l»3, and end schools in ls‘j2 and wax *'imftcd to |
t;oi»lnuli»g. he gave tb*
tate Exchange nnd the Sou Collectkm
Geerge Needham Drowned.
liemollxhing tbi- buildings begun. Huw- mg Jiin 3". Ib"« On S(-pt. L therz 'he bar in IS!C iocailtg at Empire, j ,,f,,},it,|Honl*u eredlt for the recent
agmey. la wMdi both parties won
In tbe cross examination of this wliBert Needbam. xhlpping clerk
<-v<T. when tbe chape! was reached. was a l■alB^^e on han't of tse.SSTJSd where h"'ha» xlDce rralded.
Ieuve-mm'-nt Investigation. The apeakinterested. It U claimed that a
ccxKa be admitted that there was
Beiincr's mill, rvcclved a telegram .h. maiu... .bo
aoin, tb,
“ •"
tlBc Of dlsaolntloa tbe firm
Mr. Bunting faux bez-n » lif'-lone r< t tix-n ran through tbe aute Uc^
«ory to (be effect that hi* parents bad
T" aUbu™rm. t>._«ro IK.
ling xtatlDg that hU brothe- l.ld do.. ,boi, looi. .ta dull. retuMU. j
nwoey to rtkeats and Ibni Mr. Nerlin
puMiran an'l bsx l>cen honored by the (,.||ing bIkkiI tbe men wte wer^ nutcome here and lived on tfaeir present Geoote had been drowned yextervlay
r. unber. Oto at ,b,. brolhon, H'= - '—'"b * '-'•to. ot b.td ot
gM- ba* paid more than bU ahan
irt ud botrt, ,b,.j
~ Th.u-lt.lb.l.to,- — ' people with mort- than oni? office ax a ■ nine for office.
farm with his aunt, a Mrs. Siockwell. afternoon at Houghton. Tbe icit-gram I
oow waau Mr. Aabtoa to pay the re
and within a fc wwcik* of (heir ar gave no parUeularx. It was sent bv
mainder. mn.fr
rival, and when the woman was sick, hlx father.
Bomi mere, ine couveni
Thr-«-t.iii. amoumed • »od prowcctuing attonicy of hi* coon-, pleasure of the meetln* »nd a nflmhor
A reccM was taken unUl S o'clock
obtained a deed to the farm. After
Needbam. of course, has no
tkla afternoon.
sbe recovered she offeiM them Booey knowledge bow the ncctdeni occiirrert
Tbe ease of Brown Ta. Tuttle was
J the rv-publican national con-1 were made. Mr. Craae was mad* per■o give ber back tbe deed but nothing but thinks th*i
brother probably I Harbor Spring* visited the place a* ft
authortzed to make a ihort-Ume «
tnbsn up tbU afternoon. This esse
maneot chairman and W. M. Wright
loan not to exceed <1.000.
' DikiD at Philadelphia.
was ever done about returning to ber. -vui uui «ii the
wa* an object of great inierexi.
deals vrllh some of the pr^erty In tbe
TbooBh a first U-nnt-r Mr. RunUng'secretary. It is probable that tbo
The bids for the varkios school supbut abe lived with the family for about templed to BWim in. he having done p The Rev . L B. Carpenter of this city
oM Cutler csiat* and it U claimed that
much Influence in tbe last | nomination of a ro**ty Odttt wUl bo
plle* were referred l^ ... ----------- • ,i acquired
ten year*.
thu property wax' nei-er IcBdiy pv»on text books and apparatus with ;l•-gi«l*ture
l•-^i«l*lure and was one of its best iput over until Auff«sL
lar form of amuaeamut. He was an i There u-ax no '^slble way to
I known men. He served on Important'
j power to act.
Mr*. Ida Sebaffer of Mishawaka. expert swimmer, having *oa the long^ ,he old building.
In the Bbsenw,^ the mayor. W. ©. committee* and wa* strong on the| Mtaa Eva Ofborae
OteaffP ■«*■
Ind.. was shot dead by a woman friend
two year* ago and being able to swim 1 Tbe new <3««.o«" station of the Foote a«ed a. chairman pro tom.
jooor. HI* geniality aad nblHty to j out beyond ber depth to Dacfc to at
It wo* oeoriy l«:3(i last sight be- who was ahooliag with a rifle :
In any way. Mr. Needham was evy! 'Srand Trank railway was lyproed for i Supeimtendeni Gilbert suied jbai • make frietKls made hi nor valne to bis' Mnrtiegoo and^wM drovaed Mas*
flm the Omit eourt irfflclate stapfond of athletic sport* aad wax one of traffic on Sunuay *t Battle Crwk,
jthe vt.r>r.x xupplk-x so far ax possIbS-idlstriet.
.help could roach her.
pefl work, but they disposed of five Bdwardsbug.
tZl IhJre"'
A". J
mr. JULY a». tMc.
-Grand Trarctsc Haald
«W7 Ttaiw*»y «t Tnim CM]
Editor and Manager
OMd Tlm*« for Fam^ro.
Accoapanrlair aa Induatrlal and
cuUmatt'lal activltr aoeli aa the pa*<'«
brat rear* did
«iaai. co»o* ibo a*
anraac* tbat the wheal and rom and
e«t0B erop> of (be Unlied Htatm (bU
y«r will be jn-eaUr than (be pa*t hae
erer kaown. Thl« anaarance mak<« »'
ecrtalB ihai (he Amerfran fanner will
ahar« to (be (atieet in the pmaperlO
<4 the mlnera. qie tnanufartarer*. (he
Berchant*. and (be wmjt«Mwmem. U
(her were not proaperou* the fannerV
Uk eropa wobid couni for Hiile. Com
belac bamed for foe), wheat at lea*
than flnr <wttt a bnabel and raiton a;
a lower prtee than It had eoal (o prodace It. are meaioilea eonnerted with
aom reeoTd-hreaklnK eropa of the
paat. II wa* when the mill men and
tactorr hand* and all
tariff ebansea and atmnea political
tboortea^od' promises. I^munately
tb* Ma^Ps A tbe 'eoalna season
wtU Met no nprk unfortunate condl-
A Man of Enersr for Congrwa*.
Hw reroni announcement of Hon.
- 0*0. G. OoreH of his randldary (or (he
rapobllcaii nomlMtlen in tbe 11th dts
Met has bmoKfat out many expreai
M-approral from all orer the
Wet. Mr. Cored f* no well hnown
and kla abllUy so widely twcoitniaed.
that Us anneaneement briBKS a areat
• daal of aallafaetlon to sound huslnesv
men of tbe district. It is conroded
without queatloB that Ur. Corell pos
In eonarms.
ih-b bis annonneeThe manner In w^h-b
ment te recelred ln(tbe soutbern pan
”n* announrement of the randidaey of Oeonw G Corell. of Traverse
City (or (be repubikaa cenarcealoud
hn^Ubn In run dlslrlrt is eaute
for fuBUlne irmUAeBtloa on tbe part of
sB thoee who enjoy neguaintance with
(he lentteman. MaanlBeently endowM with *
» posiliM. he will prove * radlSato who win gain atreogib as as the
tampalcn pitwrease*. .Alibougb nol
u possessor r>f wcaHh to a money
•aase. he Is richer than the ordlnayy
HVirant In bavtnjc been tnilmnte for
rSM with hundreds of represeuintlvf
rapnhikut over the district and there-
patfB that Is to follow will, U Mr. Cor40r» Mpporier* have (heir way. be
MtM and the argument of ra*soB«ij;
father than that of debauritery of do.Mn wQI have grmUoat wrigbt.
“Mr. Covell la tbe Aral to enter the
flaw aa a candidate for this high of
ten. Goograsamaii Darmgh. I.
tala quarters fqr pome*Ume.
'Ooreir* aanouneement ts (4
words, brief, plain, pmetlmt. He has
a record both public and prirate (bai
has BO dark side. He Is a real worhet
la tbe priMe of life who arltl. If nomlantnd aad Merled. represent Ihe whole
dUtriet. the rich and the poor, with
abselut* bo4e«ly <4 purpose. Wllh
aaeh a man tn ibe nallonal enugi
wn May yet hope lo see tbe Rleventh
dIatrW Anally assume U* proper Im
The primary syatem under which o
coafrwloaal namlaalton win be made
la this dlMrlel Sept « neif wilt be
.Made la the booth by nukllDed voter*
tnther than by a ranventleu assem
blage rom posed of a few huudrcl poll
tielans. many of whom are irifAcker*.
aa ha* been the rwstom lonnerly, Thl*
oaght to help some^nd. U I* be
Heved. will ns*lM In brtnclBs vlrttw}
toCnadidaie Oivell."
•upperl* Mr. Covell.
The foUowlnn edtiorial fnwi (he Isa
holla Count) Koterprlse I* *lRBlAeant
The Biterprlse T» n Arm supiMvrter
foe Hon. Croo « c«.vell lor ongres*
and tbe eununits .4 U* ivtiiorial Rln«
aoBM very aattsfsetory reosous wh;
Mr. Corell should receive the ecj
grosMnaal aomlnatloo In thl* dlsirtri
“In the kiststnn- of 1119:.. .me <4
the ablest (riend* and sUunebest sup
pardon <4 the llawnrahle Hober.
Brows In the efnrl* to establish ih.OMlnd Slnle Normal Behu.4 In Ml.
Pteuannl was the Hoaornble Oenrae
0. Corell.
“Mr. Oovetl -was man than a good
friend and napporlnr. he was a atardy
dafandn of tb* norma] aeheol at
Mount Pleasant and against tV mat tignani enemies c4 hutk.
’■Wbea tbeac enawwa tailed to make
Mr. Corell recede fra* hla poaHkni
as aa earnest adeucaie of the oebool.
(her emploTed threala to make him
desist, and be was toM that hi* polllical eereer was ret tdtorl bj hi* actioa. aad earioeBlr ewnurh the andi
of MouaFrieesant then is tahInc the stand^cainkl Mr. Coaell's candidacr BOW.
-When the hill raine before ibe
cnniBitlee of the wbule of (^ bouse.
(far mnsi crllleal staee of Us
The slipfatett error In nillna.
Hitp of (be inoaue or sharp iiarllai
larr move wmild bare rru*hed the life
of the hill. It* eaeinle* were i
and active. Tber haured lhai they
would make a football of ibe bill and
Their plan* were well
UU and If all Ihnt they rounled Upon
ed It would bare ■•ren
bIdc a pHmtp srboal ai Motmt Pk-aswhlle the town (anher north
would have eni<*yed the di»«lui-H<>n of
havlaa a nonnal M-bnol.
"At thl* point Rp'-aker (Jordon comanded Hr. Corell to preside over
le cnintniiiee'* dellberatloBH. Thl'
as the firsi Iwrknrl to the opponent.*
rd (be MU. and when Hr. Corell look
Ibe Mrcl they met defeat after
teal as rrcnUrly ns de>iriK-ilvc
by them. Mr Cttri II held a flrmi-band
aad made all IiIk nillnR* f*v..r bill heenuiie bis heart was in the eause
ot edutnilon The Mil was reported tii
lmu»- (inmarred to the Rreai Rrai
IdmHim* of ll* IrtenclB wb» rejok-ed
that the worst nrasovei.
"On the Anal |i**r-«se .If the bill.
Ur. Covell made u in-wl poaerfid and
(ellltdc speech and carried cnnvlrllon
even to the minds of opponents so s<;
ilntiaixe Ihclr eAorts to ld•^-kad•'
Its passina
“No one now llvln* In the eleventh
district played sn imi<onnnl a part in
this arhlcvcmeni as did Mr. iMvell
and Wednesda.t h.- had the pIcaWre
of paylni; his Arst vKIl to (be Instltn
tion that stand* a* a permanent mon
ument to bis perseverance, and aetlv.
enemy. It Is safe to say that ne
act of hi* ^isy life was ever so
ducilve to humanity and it was with
profound Kmlltnde that he observed
the atato wide ipind ihe institutiuu iii
dolitR for tbe riKlUK Reneraiion.
"The Normal and ibe pcvpte .4 Isa
bella coimly and Mirhiean will some
time revere the memorj' of OocRe t;.
Covell neit to that .i| Rolieii Rrnwn
and Senator Shaw. They rerininlv
now have Ihe oppnrtiinlly In expre*.
a smiltude diie him hy rivIur him a*
ststanee on ScptenilH-r 4ih a*. (h<
luabt token they e«n be*low -a v.Ke,
Ji»dge Mayo*.
Silica (he death of tbo late Judge
Wanly, TTbo oicetipled a enaspicuou*
piBcw on ibo fedonil benrb. many, can
dldales have been spoken <4 a* bk
MiccesRor. A Rtvsl many «4 Hk
friends <4 Judee Mavne .4 tbe Tblr
teonifa Judicial circuit have odranemf
bli name as a desirable randidatc for
tbo appolDliuent. Judge Mayne ha*
many quallBcatkins which tkould At
him for so exalted a posiilon. He ba*
been an al4e jurist and hi* work
tbe bench In till* dlsiriei lias lu*cn
cuosrlenlloiu and hi* judsmeni such
ould reAerl envlil upon Buy^iidRc
Wc have not heard c4 any .rther ran
dldate fmm northern Ulrbigsn six
lid this exeelleni eily he Riven ai
opportuDUy. Judge Mayne w.uilil Iw )
desirable eandUlale. Hi* reeonl
Maeo his eVeriloD has been a Rood om
and northern MlrhiRsn win he pleaxul
lo see Judge Mayne un Ibe fetirral
lag Record. wUhoai aaylSSk^Uon aad the (naeraJ wsa hell fiom (he
Mr*. Cha* D. Moore, of :::
Wba(ever (bat It was published a* an bouse this afternoon. In:rrp^-Bl txkins Tenth Mreei. has gobs to visit Ni*Ehra
adTcatiaemeat. Tbii. eomtag (ram place at BMghsm. Tbe cause of death I'm!*. BuBalo aad Rorhcnior. N Y.
Mr. IMrragh's baete town, lead* us to wa* rnaeer of (hr atootaeh and bladMl** Graev McKercher arrived ib
bellm Ibat thore I* a deHberate ta- d.T. She leave* a basband aad three motalBR from Li iaad to ntfrad the t
t(yi(ioB to raake ll appear in Ibe *nuth rUiigfalers.
eeidioo given for I“n4 Sl.-A.-ni- lb
era imri ef the dMrtri (hai (he HerFcrwoaala.
vnt ll supponlag Mr. Darragb. Thl*
Ur* W. (1 l««.ri-atv lw< gmi- Huffalo sod Uki- Side. N. Y. f..i
method (4 iradeavor m tiecure vutn From M«ai4u‘a Recent
Cha* Broni-on of Muskegon wa* a | w«-k.
■ U dlshon*’*!. aad i
parently Inieaded (
Traverav- City visllor.
position of thl* p*|>er. Jiud «bo Is re
Roy Ltonamorc of Clevi-laad. O.. I* .'for a iriparoiinil the lake* IU-I<k
] iitruing she will vl*li Milwauk.v
sponsible for l( we do uot know, bnl vUliIng friend* in the city.
J C Hrttv of Barker Creek wa* inleagi. and otb.-i Uk. ]»ni*
do knos. that Inasmuch a* ibe etmAdenre <4 Ibe k^ventn:' Record ba> the city ye*ierday.
j Mr*. Wilitield Ijugw-rMlCl.n
»d K*-Ihx-. Cbarlev lindge. Fwljfor lJr.eAyille./!4*clk_v
been lietrayed In Ihi* malitT. tbal
)-----^-------------herrwfier nnl a line will In- printed in MHIer and Ciiyh-r Hall rvlunieH lIbis paptT favorable lo ihe randldary day Irom IS-msk.-y.
of Mr. tlarragli. either edlu.rially nr ; Mr aud Mrv. F. K Beach and Mr>
tuberwlite. for any i>riee wbaterer. iBdna Mellcur.y. who havi- lx-.ii visitIbe confidence of ibl* iiaix-r bu* I Ing C. J. Elinor and family. Icfa lo
:>rvu ImpoNcit iijkiu. the part) iu 4la> feu (heir home iu I’rmllae.
whose lichalf sneh imposition I* di ! J. Sullivan .4 Co.l.ir wa* lu ihe .11)
Thursday. July 2«. 1906.
rected cannot aerTjtv ixibiieily through
iiu aUiv.- dat.' lii-kc-i ag.iu- --t HiIhi* pa|>er at anr prire: In other
». W Ms***-) and wife aud W. ( I’.-re Maripielu- will *. M i<i'i:i>l lri|
wool*. Ihe advertising and kx-nl eid- Manwry and wife of Cadillai- were i lickelK to
Hc> yesierday,
They drov Atlantic City. Cape May. Ocean City
the iCvening ll.-eurd are
Sea Isle City
closed lo Mr llnrnutir* enndidar) Hipxigli iu their A.U.II11 -.siring «oi< At .-xlr.-nii-l) l.iw rali-w. I’a--.nt.-ifrom thl* time on. Not a line edlum- mrdiile.
may have Ih.- opH.m of ci’h.-i !.*ii .-i
Mr* Holland of Cole Hois eirrij rail liwii*|*Mlat*-ii Ih-iw.-.'ii Imr.i.ally ha* ln>en printed Ihi* year in
favor of a rennmlnatiou <f Mr. llar who wa> lakeii *l<-k while Ibe *Jio and Ihidalo. iu-k.-l* l»-iiis c*"l --n I Ixtai* .4 (he IXtpiit and liunui
ragh. amt tlieiv will Ih- n-itlilug fawn wa* low. and wlo. ha--.
Im-.-u 1
Sl.-amlKNii C.i uT Ihe.North. 111 Mi. am
Ih.- Hotel Colnmbl;.. l.-ft Hd* noim haul C.i Ix-twiv'u Ho- 1*11111.-. IU- II
lie in Ibis eanipalcB
The Kvening ItrcoM lia* always Ing for Mu*k(-giui.
Tick. I* c<wmI Aft.-.-n day*
W, A l•er^<•v anil wife .4 |•.-ntral
been friendly m Mr. harragh. and In
,A*k ag.-nt*
nt* tor '.nil puni.'.il:
the paiit ha* had many kind Ihlng*
Ijil:.- passcl ilio.ugh Ho- .I'y t.xlav
H. K. Mm ller. <1.
for him and hi* work Th.-rcfore on their wsv (0 MaiiMee.
m*1hm1 ackiplea i-. an lmi»|pitinn
A. S ll■■l•ari wunt to Int.-rbxdieii
enlirel) •mJii*Mfi.-d. Hon H.-o t ihiH morning on biistne**.
Jay. July 26.
Covell. however. I* ,a Tu)er>.- m
Miss Grace I'eiernui l-i viMHog at
. a man of niarki'’! abiliiv. an hurif^.
Vs al rvli.'Jii.l)
who ha* made « dls'tiii:;nl-he
Th.ima* i«h. i man and w if.; rr-iurm-d ;
PS* as a puHle ofHcial Ml- ha to tlii-ii h.ino- in Kmpiic Hu* Rouuing j Ntagar:
had aRpIrallon* (or a >ejt in ,-,iugni
Mra, W. II Wol.-oit w.ni I.. Island
and Ihl* paper loKeiiier with a v-a- thl-. ni.wnlne,
•-itli.-r Ixvii ui lull
rnak'dl) of (he people tif llil.s lerlpHi
l-hiR.'ue I'aekard of |v|ip.-mlDg I* In ir.'il and Burr;iln. Ii
* Ix'inc a
desire lo wy him smil to \Va*lilDgton Ibe ellv shaking haiid.s wiHi hi* man. e.l f.ir ra-sag.' '“''t
ibuii-il I.v Ho- tk'troi.i
tk troi.i ft Hulfalo Si.-ani
We have taken up *lr. Covell * Wu*e frieu<l*. Mr. I'arkanl 1* a<-e.im|«ni.Hl ibqi.-il
Ixiai Co., bill |ia**.-uK.-ra taking Hi-and sill give him most hearty nip l.y hU wife and will tvmiitii two ^rnd.* Ixiat lou- niu*i proviili- Ihi'ir osu |.aliort mini the piinuirii's arv liebl.
Mrs J. C M-rgiii ana ehildreit went ragi- lH-1-.vi.'n IhiAahi mid Niagara
KallII i* a MgiiiAeanl (ai-i Ilial Ml.
Ti.-k.-ls g.»xl tw.-Jv- day*
('•■veil lia* nm' lierni req<iir<-<t to pa.
Mil.* Maud.- II. l'd.11.,-1 Cl.-v.-laiid,
lor advrrilMUg space in Ihe u-w:
(•aper* of the elvenlh dlslrkl. Tli«snpporl which ha* In-en given liim
from m-arly all of the Iradiag taixrr
of Ihl- distrii-t ha* liei-n voluntary,
nud chi-eriiill) ginn. Tl.t* I* lu Uiell
a high iribiilc-io Mr. Covell ** a inati
and a* an able oAtrisl. Mr. riot-ll -.
i-uppnrl b> genuiue and rooi.'s (r-ir.i all
over the distrirt; he ba* frlrlid i in
Ibe southern part <4 the dimrlei whare giving him most heartr snpieud.
which i* lueriled. We do not r.iiv lo
lirrNlIrl at this lime yii*l what the oulrv.me w ill lu-. 1ml ll i* «uir narai-id be
lli-r tlial Ibe nielbipl* ado|>«Hl by Mr
Covell Hre sneli a* lo eolunieu'd liitii lu
every voli-r in (In- el<-v<-ni'i dlitiiel.
and We believe ilial Ihe iiH-lhisU <01
ployed (0 mlKitipresi-nl by ihc t>*|>cr*
favorable lo Mr. Darragli will In- met
wllh a rebuke when the primarie*
held and lhai Mr. Covell will eome out
The mmilnallon <4 A. If Hunting
the *i*le l•-glKlBtlIP• by the republl -a
Of Lieclanau and Ih-iirit- eimutbs I*
exeelleni chnlre. Mr. Bunting, in I
prevlon* tv*rm. ha* nisde n vi-r^ g<*xl
rehvrd and even HkhirIi >1 wa* ou1> hi*
Aral H-rm, lit* luAucm-e In Hie houixwa* felt and he wa* plae*-d on M-veral
ImiMiriaiit' tvimmliiia-*. Mr. iluuiing
hUK servixl his illslrii t well and with
the expi-rlenee galm-d (mm hi* Hrat
lernr will do even iJeller in hi* sw-ond.
Death RaiL
luterbw-hen. Mieli., July S-l.—-Mr*.
Mary, wife of JuIid Blaeji. dh-.) B.nurday murnltig of empyena. age.1 Til
ycBlw. Bhe was an old n-*ldeni uml
Irarvw one danehter. Mr*. Kllrl.le .4
Bo>-ne City, and three won*, one at
f Method* employed.
Boyne Cilv- <rml (be o(b.-r» li.-re, Thc
The followlDR edllurial appUe* with romalu* mete takeu to Bagliiaty (or
liial force to the Grand Travers. burial.
Herald, wbirh nkn ptiblirhed .** an ad
vertlM-moni. Mr. Hanugta'* Bunounre
Jowepfa Kaniisky died at the h<-n>e<4
I of hi* candldary. I’uder (he elr hi* employer. Charie* Giirr a> Acmi
Btanee* the Herald pun*.the
Thursday of cxmanmptlon. He wa
ord lu deellning hervaller to use nay only
year* old hut leave* a wifiadverllKlBR lo advance Ihe polUlen and two small ehlldr.'n He had l*x-h
liileresti. <4 Mr. HarrsRb lu the pr.*s employ.M on Hie form for rono-dlrae
eni eampalRn for nomination I'w a The funeral win lx- held mim the iliin
foiirlli 1.-nn In mugres*.
Ixvme imunrrow ai |u a tn. and Ui<
interim-nt will t;ik<- idurr in Hiv Vulu
A *h«n time agn the Nvenlng K.-e
or.1 printed, n-. an adeerllseipenl. a
write >ip fiinilKheri b» l|..n. A B l»ar . The Infant ehlld of-.l \V K-.-:e. li::
ragh. preveui eoneiv«'-mBn fieni the Third elreei. died Monday, in-rutng
Kltwenlh ecngresri.mal divtrlel The and wa* hiiric.1 in Oakw.xM Tue.day.
nrlirle aa* plainly marked ns an sd Arrangements were in charge of E if
vertlsemenl. wPh the Biiml>rr<4 times diugbes.
charged for since the nnhllcsIioD .4
Mr* Sarah Huston died at the home
tW» nrtb-le tn (he ll.-cord. thr *ime
of her daughter. Mr*. J. W. H-'. at
ba* npptared In other lapen. in the
Keyslom- Monday at the agi- «f T2
ivMtlhern part of .Mils roogreis*fonBl
year*. leaving 'lirec ehlldren to ocuirn
HIMrirt. beinc credite.t to Ihe RvenlPg
her loss, two of wli-m arc lu l*o:tland.
Reeord. wlthiml
Ihe adverilHlng
mark*, leading to the Impresslon.ibal
Ur*' HiiM.ui came here in ‘.Iprll
thi* paper I* ediloriariy siipporilng
fmm Portland and the Ixxlv will lxMr. llarragh for a renomlnalioii for a shipped ihere l.y K. L Iliigbej. ihi*
fourth term: when a* a maltei .4 fai l.
Hie Kvenias R.wird is civlng Itv Arm
and undivided s.ipinirt lo the enndi
Mr*. l'.-artd>. Hall dh-d ai th.- h.ime
daey ,d Him (j„. «. f„v.d| of this (4 h.-r *lKt.-r-ln-Uw. Mrs. WIMIam
C'>it',v n| TwcMih Niit-i.t. Monday
The Reeonl has lieen oul*|mkenI ( ,]iaiiily*is IkTt-aiexl wa* only r:
Ibt*. bin ha* not redived adva-rilvtng v.-wi.< old an.I leav.^ a a-m-nlhsol.]
matler frtUB Hr IJarraRh. Th.- puH l-4:lx-. H.r bn*l«nd lirew .01 hi* (arm
raitoo of Ihr aniel.. la questhm lo mai l.<-iTg lak.- .vnd her fath.-r and
other newsiwpen.. lorwever. with |
'i.-p-mother live ai Hnntw. The funer
plainly etid.mi tnientteu to make
al wl!! le held front lb« lYjrey home
appear (bat Hm' Kvealnq Record
loaurrow at r p m. The Rev Hngb
.upporttiig Mr. Dnrragh. i* * rtolaUiw Kennedy will vdheiate. Remains arr
of every newspaper eourteay sod
efcargv of the Anderaou L'ndertakTOcognUed rule* of reputable n
: company
^P«w». Thl* arilele appraied is the
Rt.. Imnl* Repohllean-Lrwder t4 th.
ttiih Inri.. Udng ernUtod to (he Bvv«-
wh.. i* the Kuci.t .4 Mra c J. Km-e
. V. M<x-ll.r
P. A.
land, h-fi for Chi-ago. wh.-ie :-bc will
spend R vco-k. r.-iiivnluc to Un* city.
Musk'cgon. Grand Rapids.
O. Milehell. claim ag.-nl for }be
Rate. $2.00.
Sunday. August S.
C. H. « Q. Hue In SI Joseph. Mo., w.-ul
* Train will I.J.V.- Ir.iv.-nx- Ciii
mirth "UI the iKOt ve*nvrilav.
Th<- «;». a III S-.- js.-i.-ir or ask ag
Ui-ual aiuunnl .4 li.-ighi wa* 1.41 h) l-r (uutieiilar*.
Annual {iiialx-ut.-st oi Grand I
■ he lioRl
Mr-end Mr:. Ik-it K.-lly nnd Hill.- id*
.m :•>
II r. Ntx-ller. G, P
daiishi.-r and Mi*.< l.illlan Hon’ou
One ef the Many
E xcellent Pianos sold by
U Ij:. iitpe.»t dn« li-llil'i:i“ M-« «
II 1.1 11..- w.d. -ii..-ad aud r.i-wixu 1. wbii-li ba- app‘nq.|ial.-u u.n 1. :
)ur .|iiu.ii f .-.-nlury .-visMb-f - v,iHm
11* i-i m.lor*.- and rrmnin.. n-' 'l v.
Wllh •■’ll |x ro'iinl g-iarau'.-., w liMi v
,..arui.-.v -4 iU.;Si. i
Grinnell Bros.^
Music House
Triverse City Store: 159 Uaht Froot Street.
I-4. X.I* laao.wi k*lw.»iB
jpUl.-.. V—-t •• —X . --I t..: ..41 fnv IS M
o-xb Id,..**;
> Mutt..-r Gray*. Sweet Cox.lvra for ■ |
,irr-.4xllT ii'dl,, XI. "h-r «;e>«. x~r-e ’ll : I
*... V-»k.
f. I
... |:..l-I.m*.*
BI.KV- WX.I r.«xl*lx <t<- I* *>4> •»■ !*..■•••, I
Wnrsi. Over Sl,l»n«.-..t*xXU»l« nk»> *•». »
AI *11 ■Vxervf. .'x-. lOwi-k nH’K
Addrw.AlIear, I.Ui-d lvKcy..S V
g 41
V—, I*- iiwt u txTvl-; aixm*. d,
' -aid |xvX«*.' of*—,
. Cattle
Baa’ains Always
it the
l-'.vmumy Slurc.
This time it iu
Sticky Fiy Paper
1 rfouWlt: sheet for... - 'Jc
*2 double sheets for----- :k
4 double sheets 'for.... 6c
Comic Postal Cards 2t
cadi or 20i' pcF-doFcii.
Kt-yrular lOe
I look* .Tfid Kyes. Nos. 0
to Ng.
ill iilack or
while, with one do7cn
siraiL’ht eyes extra.
r’5^.;.ha. ,x..-V ...iiJ
Mr. Bllil Ml*. II Srii.imlx-n; relimfeit
y.-Merday (luni Giwild Rapid*, wfa.-re
th.-y have Lxx-n allemling ihe funeral
Of Mr. SeLonib.-rR» l.oith.-r.
.SeliomlxTg-s home I* Hi N.'W York,
aud it was wliile vIhiHng In ibl* cii>
a wix-k ago that' he w.v* tak.-u *h-k
III- liuni.-ilUlely w«-iit K. Grand RapidTraverse City Markets
tor *pix-ial IrealAi-Qi and liieiUlliere Ttvis report la inaflw «iponW*dr.c*
lay of aavli wowk. TWw Hotaid la not
aaponslble for rjvanaaa in prlcM
Mi** luer wiis ha* gone to Mani*
ing Price.
l.x- (o ink.- Hu- salt liathH Cor iuniiiii Clear pork, jx-r ban
tualory r)ie>iniaH*ni
n.-ar pork, tx-r (xiunit
W W. ICiehntond. lumher Iniycr'for Short rut ]xirk....................
the l«*kci faelfiry, b-ft for Hi<- s.nith- Fb.iir. H 1. A t-o * lb-I
Hyi- ll-.u., II I. A I
• (•erli pait <4 the alBle t.xlay
Ml** Eva Thompainn. who ha* lx-.11 Meal. M f. A Co x 114*1..
Foci. H I, A Co s Best..
Ibe gii.-t of Mr* Frank M>-a.t*. |e|i .KgC*. |K-r d..r.-ii..................
f-ii lier lioni.- in Gmu-I lUpId* i-xiuy C«xlfl*li. |x r ikxiikI............
J W I'liff i.tiiiixii t.xlay fnnu a Imr-I, pr-r ixxind .,
trip along MAN E. ixdiil.*.
-aniirv I
Mr* J B Hall b-tl t-lav (nr a *bon
■-X.I..1 ..
I*»r yxiii.l
viidt ID Cran.1 Rapid*.
C A CroRs.-y left Ihl* imnnhig .m a
. IX .
.h.»rl Ixislii.-** trip lo I'lar.-,
John l.uea:: left thi* DK.nilng t.u^iB'aii.
KlngKley •
Will Ib-nneit i* making a trip along f.]''""
t: R k I p..int*
O C Cooper of Willtamrburg
« wr Traverse City Dealer*
• DiiVing R
• Wh. at .
Ibe city loday
I-tr l..|*tx-!.
llctlxr. Cox, wile and bal.v .4 An.
Ixi). Ind-. ao- ihe.gm-*!* ..( Mr and
Rvo .............. ...
Mr* C. H. Brarii.gl.wi .4 Jhi-i Siv Riiii'-r. I* r {x.iitii
H-oaih *lr.-vX.^ Mr C.ra I, Mr:Brarli.g Keg*, i- r d-r.iu
ton* nephew.
- B.i-kwl.cal
' Chicken-. Kprlcg.
Hens ............
a-toa Wc«liiCBda>> Rreord.
' F TI-iddar.! wculI lu FtnwTiMii-'0*'», ..........................
Ilarvvy Wt (or lul.tltB-Jicirn.l-
lUi.i,. m«l -si,- .4 th.
.:t -nive uUai home Piano.
hi; I.'-. .V1..J 1- sian.l law I.
■ wtil : o. li> .ctiiiou t
SurliRK: piaiOS nrr n>4tl on
.-*9y |viyiiipnti
liut i f Miflii«a« iHiri-haBi'rw
.nnl l.wlitiioiiiaU n.ai'.vl t»
.<iiy :i<Mr<'»a l>y (h«-.-Nclnaivc
went lo Cani Ijk.- l—lay (ora w.-.-k'-FOR SAl.K -Mr. Wm. Winxiaiil.-y lu
-tay nt ihe CurijMMr. and
for *al.' «lo- t.-am, Ixuli alx.xi
Mr* .1. S. Ilorion will I*- tht-lr gue*!-.
year* .4 age. w.-lalp. alx.iii rP»
G»xi farm working
ab- Itiv bi-.b.- I .-a.-ii iiii--.- 'Iial.-i -.- Ci-v
.nvi Sunday,
giHHl for irareliiig Wni Wliisiai lion XVoiI..
IVrry Roli.-ri* of «rand llnpid* Ifn-i II
lev. Solon
ilsIHng hi:, fiUlk r. V. K llol«-fl*.
CY. I.OVi; INSC-R.V.rlC.
KnpwlKni. law pi.if.-s.or <x
i.-ir. Km
A Cwriain Cor* for Achlrvg Fnet
Ann Arlsii amt -ii<- .4 Hn 1*-:^ eitmA'k<nc.H*o>linc Ss.-llr* f. .< H*,ni>l> *• ■>• . C , >
inul lawy.T* III tbe slatv-. is vi:isliing rSBB. sIwKsntpkixf Fn.H Raw-s-axitart i>vw
Pad. a wev inv-x>i--n Addmw. Albw 8 olxi -vu.l :
frl.-iid*l n (be ellv.
ll'■ll■•I araiie-i evtHou-- in ib.-|
Si*’.- Muiuai .4 lJ(x-.-r. Tbl* l* a 1
nvm Tuesdiy'a Recvird.
Court Burges* of Port Hiiivin. wg* v.-ry *v1- ittrl ry-lliHi»e <-<ua|-anv and!
Mis* Jennie llrigg* of Sagluaw. who wo xearvvl at nwly txdng nin «»v.-r I y
rat.-* [.iw. II >.- in> wh.- ti r a max
liirmerly .lir.xi In Ihl* eilv, Is vlhlitng a RH|dil Itailwray ear Ibai Im ha* ln>i
toiaui..-; Ill- pr.f|.. iiy.
friend* beiv.
iweiily'iKiuiid* in welghl ill ax many
QTATB OFMli-mOAK -TbxprulaVrCoaM
Mr*. J. S, IhdllsI.T. wh.. ba* Ixx-n
O lm-«h.|-.HiM»r4cir*ixlTn>«xfw
vistiiiig ih-o. H. Hamlin ami wif.
hrid *» Uie |«..
.liieofBr.-, II. Ih- elly <4 Trxvtxw t‘(ly. i» **xl
i.xl.vy for Southern MbHilgan.
Ub« niw !a”uTws‘"
Hr. aud Mr*. FTisIxv <4 Geiici
d money II
. . ____ .
. Fr.,l U w.dk.r. Jude* .4
IB * ta 14 rnUwIx
V.. who have Inx-u visiting Ih.- family ^Wl raKTMRN* fslb t
..f G.-ne Wall at Hid MBwIon. spcni
Nrtixyest.-rday will. A \V, Wait and family
an-l.l.-t.'mix-- x>i-- •■-r- *; lb* Vinx- »
h-aviiig (or lionie Hn* luorulng.
arwUlDi- l>wal h-vr--r .aid ilxxwari an
-.1 in. w.-n- Slniek f.
t)t|.-11-> :n.-nt iK- r--*l .--^1.- .-I vhi-ii
\V Ovi-rholi of Kingsl.-y wa* n
V Cbari.-* IH WalM.
-xisly injur,-.1. Ik.tli ; A.l» iwx' at len
Tray.-r*.- Cilv visU.ir v.-*teiday.
Marion Glhbs of MRy fi.-hl t* s^-ndliig the day In ihe cliy.
W. II. Cork of Cc.lar was in Hie elty
3i:-i 1* ^410 l-T,»p»ard .4 I-
- iiisT-iin-ill: arv tn^uk.- i„ mi
;t:i.lNG VIAS04 and lb-- exprx
*Sic«-r.* ..................
11 I- l«ria-y
txil-lx-al.on -4 a r>iiy .4
(ih--r—-rix- elr.
.,,r-.miT- w.-k-iam.-xm
ih.» •rfd.-f. f-r -.0.
|■■•a]dday■■l 1. vmac. la II-- Urwml Trav-^rpam* (XVBlt-d aad ■ ,r-Bla’--l,'a
JwU* uf PrulwU
Try a Herald Want Ad.
Bring Vour
-tiid havL th( tn fr.im'd
|.r<.[H fly.
laryc slotk uf
Cit^f Book Store
hclfcft ...
‘Cowh ..........
Mr* It K.4xi-*r.n .4 IHlroil
Clarrncv- Mctcxlf. wife and daughii-r.
arc guevU of T. A Wiiklnsoo of tbiv-Hr^* ....................
.Turtev. ...............
I Duclu ........ ..
Ttd S^thard icfi this moraiiig
a abort trip to the Cppv-c Pv-aiBsuia.
mil Kcodham U traaaartlfw: Ixivi '
5^bMrt Cc., Prtps.
Crsptrst Citft tBicb.
r Lv. PraMMt; K.
OUBOroiB-A. YW*T »-T. *■
• M. B. C IMm. Mm MttfM. C
» Kr crM aO0vM M TIM De»Mto
Clnailttten Hilt week 2,9 75
R. Fiord aiBch. 1
the HuMb * L«r c
tt* ettr (or • coaple ot wrek*' lUy o«
bothiow «ad plfunre.
^ plot o( Pnwpect j»rtc. Bllwr
lAk*. WM died Id tke t«clner-| offtce
-aMvtay. Tlw piDt rooDUU o( elghi
•ae Mi« ieU. two of wblcb uv alreadr
Tvner o( Okrtvstt •luulMd
iMctm of cbc (orcom while pUjlulh«' ta doinc Bleelr. bCFWerer. a»d wUI
be DKMWd Id • tr« d»rt.
Stowkit HoIbho. »H WDibUutcio
■tiwM. anfered the Iom of the Index
Rvr of Wi t«bi hud mdA'
-irtine at work ta Ibe buket factorrThe roue MM waa worklns on
*hlaaker~ and rot bto Biicer oader she
knHe. -(aalai a# the ud ud maktac
The laJaiT
a eerr palntul.
and Otis Caneeo la la ebarse. A fine
both saddle and drlrlaa boraes
While wocklBS at Caldwell ft \jm- have been taken over and alao
ftMh Aop Thandar A. Oorbe atel
r of fine rigs. This branch stable
■ «(th a ecuewbat palafol. tbooBh not
a g^t
sentence to the
e wa* la the
sorters ud also to people dealring
woodworUnc department niuinjc the
Old Mlsston from here. They
band aaw when the block aUpped. cui- can take the steamer to .Ne-ah-ia-wantlac bin fln«er leverelr. He Inmedl- ta. secure teams at Ne-ah-ta-wsnts and
ateir bad the wooad druacd and ex- drive ov«.
peeU to be at work aa aaaal la a (ow
B-blle working at tbe Binghai
Wednesday Herman Remus had three
fingers ud
a thumb of hlsl eft
hand cut off by s citcular saw. Tbe
accident happened shonly after tbe
mill started for the afiomoaa's xrork
At that time Mr. Remus wax culling
edgings when suddenly one of the edg
ings slipped and allowed his hand to
fall on the aaw. A doctor was imme
diately aummoBcd from Traverse City
but Is not u yet able to sta
Bdwla Middleton and Mian Katha
: serioiuaess of tbe tnjnryrine Woolaer. both of Kortbport.
■Bited In inarriaBe br the Rer. Hnieh
R. Sebomberger In making, heavy
shipmeau of woo) th'is week. Tbe
wrenlac at 6 o'cloj^ Tber were accom> duuUty of wool wblcb be bad on
paaM br a nonain of the groom. B
hand waa an great that be was forced
1 and tbe (nil ring aernt one of Markham'S stares, for
rice waa need. Tber will make tbelr
merly occupied by Straub Bros, and
hoM' la Northport.
Amiotte. This Ireek Hr. Schomberger
will ship four carloads of woo) to
The Trarerae CItr Brick <
Rbod/ Islud, ud next week a like
int will be seal out. The wool
«C red preaaed brick. Tber hare
to all parts of the coonlry, a rebed of fine red clar at their Kerstoar
conslgameal being sent to New
pUnt and If it pane out an well an ex-;
peeled Ttarerae Clir people will not Orieua The froo) U aorted Into
hare to aead ooUidc for facing brick-1 dlCereOt grades ud then put up Into
A aample brick' made Irom tbo Ker-' y^XpouBd bales.
The Tiaverw Bar Bne has ude
maar improeoMte at Marion Inland.
Roatlc aenta bare been pmced la cosr
aboot the Kroondt ud
Innneb dock ban been bnllL Three
tnred (or renttag porpoeea and Ibe baaa fiahiac In
Uld to be ascelleBi. The retpiUr
dance will be held thnw totnomw
■one clar lotdcn u'nlce an ur of
TheMayflower club ntarled on their
-thone of oauide muufarture. - It in of
unnal camping expedlHoa Tuesday
n deep red color aad wonld make
Ing. Promptly at • o'clock about
; bandww ornament for nar bonne.
thirty boys galhqed at the First Con
John T. Beadle Ud bean P. Titon. gregational church ready to start for
praatdeol ud cashier <4 the PIrst Ke- Duck Point, where tbe ea^p will )>e
ilonal bank. left Monday
located. The Rev. D. Onchlln will
trip throngh aontbem Michlun to have (diarge of the affair, acting in the
1^ orerbuk buildlngn and get tdean combined capacity of chef, porter and
tor the new National huk huUdlag to genera) overseer. AM kinds of conbe erected on tbe
will be held. Boat races will
They will Tlalt Battle Creek, Jackson. occur every dav while ball games will
Ohelaea. Ann Arbor. Detroli ud oth be frequently palyed. Each boy will
er ptoeea. The atyle of a bnUdiag to fiimisb a ihre«‘-day supply, of provlha erected here will depend largel.r stou. ud the party wm remxju as
npod the report at theae gentlemen.
long as the food supply bolds out.
Bne« Lichty ud Hlu Loin Harsh,
W. T. Roxbiir^ left today for a r
J. W. Slater wont to BOt Bli>ldn
Tiwaday on buntaem la couectloB both uf Bale*, wett united la aw- la Reed City.
rlage by the Rer, U B. CarpeaUr at
wttb bin
t of Grud Rapid*.
at thrt place.
day. Th<-y were aitvaded fcy the
I's brother. John Lichiy. and believe* shv 1* being bclu'ta L'hicaen
J. A. DeLeury. nalesmBB at J. W.
ran«oiB. ,ax she wax to come Into
SlaKr'a boane fnrnUhlag store, weal Mis* Rryu. Waller Haush ud
in 0«-i'!)er. Thr.r--day
to Oraad Rapids yerterday. whet* he Alia Seeley. They will make their!* «««'“
will apoad his racallon. He will also boar on the farm of the bride's father •'«* rifx-l'e-' tbe foHowlng teb-mn* 1
ni'iutfiy. Crysi*:
r Bates.
attend tbe tumltare exhiUi while
Is sick. Friend, Idll West Suieentl.
Tbe Bummer lax roll for this year stre-el.'* Vltser*. whose wile dinaj>Of Wesford and han Uen made up and the ttdl U p>at«d a wee-k ago Thuiadav.Jrfl at
Lake ceanUea In cooveation at Cadll- BOBi-B-hat lower itau for the last year. |an<e for Chicago and will go to the
lac. after nomlaaiiag Dr. Barry of Last yeor'i rate was 2.22 per hundred i address given «1i^ a ixdicenian. Ileortetia' for tbe ntatc legislature, de and this year it varies In the dlBervni
A Tragic Finish.
clared for William Alden Smith as ward*. In the First and Fourth ward*
A watebmsn's neglert pemittisd a
their choice for the Vnlted Stale* sen- thU year'* estimate is Il.TS. for the leak In the great North Sea d.vkr.
Third 1142 ud fe.r the S-eood and wUri) a ehUd's finger couM have
Fifth IL92. The reason for the differ- stopixM. to become a ruinous break
an entire province of H(d
About ftfly local Raises will aHend eat rates In the various warts Is b<- devai-iailng
latwl. In like manner Kenneth Mcthe national coareatloa which will be caus«- of the more advanced street Im- ,lv.-r. of VaDrelioro. .Me. pa-rmi'ted a
pruvemi-nt.s which some warts hav< jlinle «o1d 10 go unnoticed imiil *
held la Milwaukee. Aug. 14 to IS.
the other* and beacerequlre k-S'' tiagte
fiul^b was cnsly aveitrt by lit.
e has been secured over tbe
King's New IMseovery. He wriivs:
M. ft N. E. which is not only good money for this purpose.
'Three doctors gate nie iip to die of
for Eagles but for uyone who wishes
i'jtig Inllammarion. caused bv a
Tbe I. D. K. club held 'heir regular;]lecle.1 row, bill Ur King's New
take advantage of the opportunity.
eoV.'-^V .<aved 'tr•x }|eovery
• e>.......
The' tmln leaves at »:40 Sunday meeting Tufsda>/ev»%lng at the home
of the Mi»*e«‘Rebecra ami Agnes! best couch and
Aug. IS and tbe tickeU are good for
AI.„ ,b,
tu days.
a gnessing contest was eii)o)e.l
Mr. ud Mrs. Stewart of Sharkey'-: all. MIsB Nell Send iK'itIg presenusi
with the Orwi prise ud Mias Mar-1 Harvey Coff and Bry MrUngfatln
ebram entertaiaed about tweiuy
goeriie Brookmyer the aeeond prize. | two lads uken to Monroii chargm!
-era* City people at ibeir borne
IhUny refreshment* mioii foilowe.11 with breaking into a cigar store, ham
recently. Tbe company drove frui
eoBslslIng of watermelon, punch.'be«n released,
here In rigs, apending the atiernooD
wafer* and assorted eafc<-s. The cro*<! ]
there ud returning la the evening.
departed at a late hour staling ibatj
A Hard Lot
They were eniettalaM bv a picnic on
they all hod a jolly goa.1 lime. The , Of trtiulile* to contend with, spring
take abore while bonring and
ifnim a to^ )her and bh«ekaile-l i*>w
next meeting will l>e beM at tbe borne els, unless ynu awaken tli>-iu to ibriTswimming fnniUb a pleasut feniure
with Or. King* New
prop of the aftemooB’a amusement.
Life Pills; the .
effeetlvo cure for eunstipa'inn. Tb^RaligiOiM CntMalnmcnt.'
and nine o,p Ibe
■ fine bundle of
A large ernwii attencled the rellglODS sysieui. lie a' Johnson Drug C
wheat Is on exhibition la tbe window eatcrtolament given at St. Frue's K. 11 Mead*. C. A. Bugbee Drug C
of tbe Queen City It
ehtireb by the Rogers Lyeoum cunt drug stores.
party. It waa grown by Joseph Amtntoy last evening and wiine***-d an
buchler of Solon ud Is a new variety aitraetlan of very high clan* order.
called LoDgherry, never before kaowp
One of the chief attractions were
lb this' secUon ot the couatrv. The the baritooe solo* hr Mr. Norris, who
bundle was.one that was picked up
has an exceptluually fine voice.
random. Hr. Amtsbarhler-'hariDg
entire field ot tbe name kii«.
Talt Brans lanncbed hU new motor
hont Tbnndar and the little craft
ahowed that riw had been rightly delairocted by nkimmlng
right along. Tbe boat u foorteen fm
la kmeth with a Ihrec^oot beam ud te
apalpped with u Eclipse tbree-qnarter
home power englac. Tbe boat in
cyprees plukad with oak ud cherry
decks. Tbe boat wan built aftm^ Mr.
Brans' own patteran and idcan ud
by him sine* eebool
tot ««t at odd Umes.
ltostn(ic* Depanawat. Waohtocton. at
IT at Traverw* City. Mr. Carnr aome days ago sent bis bCBd* for
t4C4M which have been approved. Ud
be fs now preparrt to take ebarge of
tbe office an nooo an tbo neceanary ar-'
’n cao br made. Posti
Canror athied this moralag that ho
wm take poaacnaioa at the office on
tbo first of Aagtst. thereby allowiag
tbe baslBoas of the office tor thU
memth to be properly dosed before be
enters apon tu daUea.
jllic Foimdation off
FYom Wednesday's Record.
Harold Harvey, wbo has be(>n visPing B. H. Bracken, left today for bi»
home in Grand RapM*.
Mrs. Fred Pnlv<<- ud Mr*. Sarah
Abbott left yesienlay for Old Mission
where they will remain alnml or-'
A. L. Joyce ha* relumed from the
Elk* convention »i tXmver. A. W.
Straub, tbe other delegate, went mi tt.
Pueblo to visit his hrnlher.
Miu Josephine Head* of Scoitvillo
1* viriting Mrs. P. H. Mead*.
Captain Barrett ud Cadei FMbley,
Salvation Army officers of Rusbrillo.
Ind.. arrived in the cliy today.
Louie and Be*.*ie Steinberg of D.-troii are the guest* of J. Sleinlierg an l
Roy McManus will leave Satiirciay
tnr Empire, where be will play short
stop fur the Empire team Friday.
E. W, Hubble and wile and daughter
Minnie will leave oa the C o'clock
Every department is full of these July bargains—every
thing of a summery nature must hustle out of the way.
There are many things that you need and need now: plenty
of warm days and sunshine in which to use these warm
weather goods. Our season is over but that is nething to
you—it's the price you are after now at this season of the
There are so many things that one needs just now to
finish out the sunSmer that can be picked up at a fraction of
their worth that the wise buyer takes advantage of these
many sales and secures new things for her wardrobe, but
a picks up many a bargain for the home. This is your harvest
time for bargains—they are here in every line and in every
starts an Z
Traverse Oly
State. Bank
♦ The oIdi*t and strongest d
k in Northern M' ' ^
Summer necessities in
Jit Uery Cow Prices.
Caditn' Oxfords
Cnnoan eoodn
In Pntrnt Leallier. Tnn and Ki i.
.Ml of them till* vear's xtrles an.l
rvwjr [>air ol Ihi-ni wurih sy to
•y morr than we ask (or tbcni.
ChiblreD'B Canvgg Oxfortls
Mignen' OxfonU.
75C to $1.15
Women'g Oxfordi.
Caditn’ Oxiord*
Not tbo best, but a styirsb. . om
lortablo. (airlv i;ik*1 wt-arinj; I'llor.1. ntnde o( Kid Iratbrr in guvO
got to $2.00
in all cttl.irt In mateb
JTirur c“»n. Wi- huvr ni--re ikaii
30 difii-rrnt xiylv of tbvsr to xvlt-ri
Youths' Canvas Shoes.
Boys' Canvas Shoes,
With strap and h>iw. hand tumod »-J.- ivvry
Vou bavr |>aiU S1.25 (of no U-Itor
Men's Canvas Shoes,
lUtn’n Drtns Shots
Easy Slippers,-
Feed your htir; oourisb it;
CiYe it soffletbioc to live oo.
TbeD li vni stop ffilUof, sod
*Q1 trov loot and heavy.
Ayer’s Hair Vi(Or is the only
hair-food you cao buy. For
60 years it has been doicf
fun whu ve claim H vffl do.
It will DOt diupp^t you.
* One Mlu
Means Clean Up in All Lines.
vrli<-rr lh€>v will spend two week*.
Caditn' Sandals
My Hair IS
I The habit of aat-iD»;.|
1 fonnetl in parly life, ia the i
2 fonnilatioa off niaoy
niaoT a for- Z
♦ tone. Thrifty people J
• patronize tbe •aviiit's bank*
The deportment uf suv- f
Sintrs is a sp<aial fiattn
2vrith this bank.
It h:
T many Utve depoaits. It *
• has many small ilepjsits. •
all draw three per 2
t iuterest compouudetl 2
S twice a year.
........ 50c
Serge Slippers............. 28c
Serge Shoes. Cong.
$1.00 to $1.50
Madr of a Ii|;ht dressv Ki.y>aih.
• T. in Blufhrr stylo, oti a new
swing last (or
Ven'rt lasing a lot ol lilt’s bapptntsn by
net istaring eomfortablt loonotar tbtst
warm days.
We Sell the Pianos
That give the Iwist of satisfahioo; that have records
back of them; that can be sold on their merits. We
' want to talk business with you. If you cannot come to
us let us know and we will come to you. We treat you
fairly, squarely and you get the iincst pianos made:
is all that is necessary to say.
The material, the workmanship,
the wearin;; ability and tone
quality are the very best known.
Tbroiijih eight administrations
in the White House is enough
recommendation. We have
never had a dissatisti<Nl cus
is a piano that for richness of
tone, depth of vibratimi and
workmanship has few equals.
Wc want you to be sure and see
this piano. We know you will
like it. and the price is most
I Henning
One of the finest medium-priced
pianos on ihc Market. One
that has proved Aiosi satisfac
tory wherever it ha-^ been
placed. No trouble to show our
beautiful pianos and explain
fully all their many good quali
ties. Should U: pleased to sec
you in our i’iano Room in the
Furniture Dept, at any lime.
stands for the very best organ
that is made. The sweetest
tone, the ftoest materials, the
best workmanship. There are
many wbo prefer organs, and
churches and young people's
societies should see and hear
this beautiful organ. The price
pleases all. You should own
one of them.
We sell piano and organ stoofs, both single and
double, and the finest of piano scarfs.
■riwAVKMSK orrv.
Gr^d Traverse Region.
; fcmccToe
th* MhM •am Mt
Mar thwi TMAiy wmi *f Mek wMk
mm n nffmjtntimta fail ta flnc
- «Min IR. «My my ba waam that it
Oon RBd pouutaa ar« dotait wpII;
- * U BnUhrt. VkPat Uid rye a lli
-.arly all cut thli week.
Jairaa Taylor »• oa u.e tick ll«.
limB Taylor bouEbt a nc* mowO^mchiDc laai week.
VUIIa Allen bouabt a new rake,
■n. Sarah Tay)or !■ orer toOtnek‘ aaalMXns bar dauchier.
I. In UklB* care of bar
luia had ihe aaibms
nbe paal *a«-k.
■ill Oarrltoo. a teacher in an lott^nchoQl IB Oiacm, U viflilBR Mre.
I weeks. crravUtlar of maslc sM slaa-l caller in Tmverse Cify WedneMay
( demcrathM
The rooBcem and ao«
Only S2 Vaa
All raen)>ers are reOMisied iniUet.
_____ „ ,
, .
..’an the RoeheMlem is Bdaa Au-' “• *■ <wfT *•
and doal
' come and brtn* th.-ir
Miss On>b%
On>bA Kobo
Kebn was a bcslness
ni ur and Wm oaav
even when I get to ba real »W
eallrr In reverse City
Wedoesilav; **•**■ dau^tar of Mr and Mra. Frank ;
as | ran cei
Good, wh
who has been In 1-si.
-Rockefeller of Russell. Kas. Tills .Eleetrie
Bitten.- mars
Mm. E If
lael visited frlendit la Softb MU .Mra. Ella Good,
wks Uk '
Miss Orpha Bdgelt of Cnlar City is' young lady, wbom John It. Ruckefeller Bransoa. of Huhllr,. Ca. Surely itien-'.i
.... the latter pan of the week.
; Tmverae City the past
....................... Bg her parrot*. Jut. ai:c. Mn.
else keep* the old, aa yotrag
Miss Jeaale Lencea. who for the ; lag care of her sister. )
It to style hU
hu "favorite
"fav.oite niece'
niece.' “b'blng
k as strong ss lUs
past Booth has beep la BUswonh. iwj rich, was home over Banda
I thoughI Ihe nnd her father are ooly^*"„5
turned to her home la Angell Sunday.:
Miss .Vellle White went ic
icotislna. ba* Just married John Porter'pid Hver. Inflamvsl kidneys or chnrale
Mr. and Mm. T. J. Cams of Trav-'Oty
aper laVlsg
erne Clt» apeni Saturdav nlgbi with ] botre ihtr oioinins.
;t< rffelfl und seve.-al uibet
the former's pareni^, Mr, and Mrs.!
July r:.
jweie In -1 raverve Ci'y eluiw iiay la-t
John Cams.
Mem!*, i
Miss .Mabel Ma-iell of Rllswortb Is!
I gists. Price Stic.
and Mr*. Will Hriffiil. am!
The f.tnners
visiting Irieods in this pUcr.
Twenty >
• Battle.
their wheat and .. .
July r
iwcnt.' yeat- bii. ;
.* a loser ft
Br-r: VVetxi LruughrWiome
;,v ..rder of Eilward VII vhV
I r.i-K sprwytn- ntachlue It
sore*, uiril I irtist Buckii-e'- .Vrnv-i'., r I'xcelit ncv. ■
Mias] Ibis
hi retofore iwl.- a
Mr. Field dr Manistee
r i Salve-, which turne.1
* Bp
M. f l•»l* was
Bp to Travers'I Mi,s ijiura Coin .
Fk.renrc Higgins of Traverse City
il. .y il:le extended to the wile .y
.. Fruu'.pOC U«h.
' vUillng tiio latter'* urandparcoienuir P-oeml of Canwdw. wiit
, Mr. and Mq.. A. M. Broith. las’
', rs ov right. 8* well as all raari-a
Rekah Wlhton and Mr* Wallet \Ve,t Almira aitetidej i
Mr. and Mra. A. M. Smith wire in
•i* ;,vl r»»p<Yi given Ihe'goverunr
rttliy iiighi.
‘ ’ , »
f. A. IfciSf'' l»:'ts
Triiverse City last
S:iiur<lay doing
Hates FYlday.
Mr, and Mr*. Carl Bates, Mr
Henry McCurdy visiied at Williaras
Mrs, Asa Palmer an.1 children t
burg las' Sunday.
The pirnir in Pike', gmv.- \Ve.lne^
W<- have had plenty of rain.fui the
Ml*. Htiftts Bates. Biinday.
• .:»> was uuii. well aliettde-I
emps; everything hiokH fine.
PHdiT tor a two weel
ler brother. E. O. Wini
I with her
Bom. n> Mr. aad Mm. Heaiy Halett.
». a boy.
- 1 Mra. Cbartle
aty 'Iasi Satordar. rrtomPrwrerse C
IBC. SaDday.
Fife Lake last
Jnsiux Lt
C. Bartait. t
Carry wen) SshlDg iaai
Miwe ran than fish.
wmie Church went hiicklebcrr
!aai week across the Maalstee i
mil brousht home IHnio.
July ».
.. .
h„„.. .h„ .m »..n
Mrs. fola M. Rose and son have reirned m iheir borne near Grand lUp
ids. afifr a tew weeks' visit here,
Mr. and Mm. John Bnulrlck hnv>
jeea eniertalnlng relstlres from Vnlrtiaslo. Ind.. the |>ast week.
Mrs. Philip Schlrhtei. Mm. Ami.ld.
ROL Phsel anil Mins Uuie Fasel art'
iDona ihose who w.t«- at Matumi on
The w ind last Suiiday hieu off tjOine
frtUt. but there 1* j.letilv letl iMi tite
wiirklna (or
Mrs, I*. Swanson. Jr. who has l-een
TlKltlrig at ClIlK Pier for eotne time,
•uttned 1a>l Kridav.
M. .Sleiter had a s'.vr hltle.1 hy
liatitniui: laM Salnnlay night.
iMI.K Wahlpreen. n imvcling rai»Slcmary. occupied the pulpil at tit.Swerllsh chntth here yeRTnyday.
Mr. and Mis. K.l i:illd-rt-of Trav■sc City are here f.w a few days' t.iii-
i-r:., r-JL
July 23
Hayltm Is nearli itow and the wheat,
irrest besan this tntinilna.
Mrs. BirlckUnd and
rimily. Mrs.
Conover, Mrs Bslclwln, Mm. De|->iy.'
Caie'li OB ibc alcb ilat. baa been Mr. Carr and Mi, 1'iKlike. ai krf In ,
lerlochen. earoe up on the exeumlnn;
^m*^iib and wife called ai N. train yesterday and spent the day at,
8. Slrirkland's.'
V. Harrfnmoii'a Sunday.
iJuly a.
Mrs. W. Hleks has letiinied home
ora Traverse City.
She U a little,
Ftorenee Strickland of Traverse;
• Myroa Neiaoa «« an ua aick lUi
aty Is visitina bfir Rtandmoiher. Mm
vtlh nymptoiBi of typhoid fercr.
B. KIlDselaoiltb.
I. who
wbo ban
ban bee*
(. la belle
my alA the pati week,
y b
bare «
Mr. and Mm. I). C. Ktncaley
»ew piano.
' Mlaa Marjory Speer weal I
atae City thU mumloK.
Conler last Saturday. They n-|>»ited
■Mini Ruth Jackson Is apendine a
" .... i j™-* y *..™'- - .r.™--.
S,.. ............ „
h... ........
K.„u. S*
after spvntlins ’W.> wr-ks
roihers heie.
ne.- th.wn.
David WyaVoop of T..v.-.*<. Cii, ,
-IS!.,;;' :r;
Tltc lie" harvest V aUuit «
e for Tiigi-f Hnis. ro.|wA
pmaiti.s '.f a yn--ng Indian waEim..r:rt,.r.i,.
e iimarthed h,.- ».-w.t digg.-r
n the West luuik of Mat river ai l*>»
The leg and Sint l*n;e* and Bku.
n- iniafi. and the hair aiui H-ei>>
r«i well luete-rveci'.
An Inm I'lnti
wk p-ilii frace* of Ihe wi.Mleii han
• III ilie^ocK-ke. and t»i» roi>i>«-r ke
ait inside of a niomh.
M; and Mtr*. Wt:l la-.he drove over 1 il.. s relilalilliig Well pMsyei-visI tiieio;,
‘ scs'ds and y.hat
Miss oiu
Ktnma Mr-ereis ieiitme,| honn
City Raiunltv
. ri. i*i»
alter Riiendinc two wertts
last •’hiiraday.
whJi frlead
rlead* at Mapleltm.
W. r. Aid met last week
A few fn
hall. The Dogl meollng
• ball Aug.I
His* Urib- Winsianh-v I* helping
B of DtoRion U
Tie McCombs will lead the; «... rjtuule AmiahMchler this week.
Hina Carrl
Yteitlag bar |*rents. Mr. Bad Mrs. J.
leBgile meeting next Sunday evening. I
July 52.
weel *. muniwl hiiree today.
Joe Podlarko wiiR In ine neighlMrr
Mr. and Mm. I.. Innis of Detroit are hood the past week making hay.
lost one of his I
Mr. and Mm. Nell Munra. Jr. spent a Kbori lime agn.
I was serred by the boaiess.
There will Iw n speclbl part added
9Se aexLneeilDR will be held ai Ihe
III ibe young |>o«iple'* meeting I
.•liMMaf Mrs. SkulleU.
.«f«k vIHUBE friends In Oraad Rap-
l—eii tsirii aii,i
wi-n- luiiud will, il-.e holies.
T.i, laim.rs are luisv gailu-ring In ,
' |sii:,lo luig- 1 . w.-H a s the olliir
,MW>en*«lllUI><'nSl diew-e
• Kohn was
»‘n‘UK; AlT
For the past tw6
weeks this sale has
l>Bon in progress and will continue until ail furniture and house furnishings that have been used as samples on our sales floors have been sold.
CblB Eeaton, more than mr before, people are faWita adpantaae ol our annual sale ef Sample Farniture
■ .
.. f
eM eslesp
#M I r
standpoint it is a decided success, for it is making our store the most talked of place of business in the Grand Traverse region.
Como and Oo-t Yours B^foro -tho Bes-t Bargsins are Oono.
IB Joor covorlnga. of raurwe
easplo. tani
ill sraph*..
and Shades
rhalrs that any iilher stole in
of fiirnii’ire iiiriii;vlM»i!
ymi *ome idea of Ihe niimt>er «>f
I a sami»!i- <in em -;;ie< ti.s.r-ratniile* we have In ihi* line.
ili he rli.;. It e r ft: nn.tu-i >»v
!• iirl'v-s.
are rUMlng out
jr- '.ft and $•; m«* sell f..r
S2G0. $2.75. Siso. $175 and $f.
lU nmail lo-s at uur aampte sale
Don't ml** till*.
renaanta. abort eada aad aaiall
rolle wlU go
Our I
Rncken; that have sold at
In this di-partmcnt nsidi- from
we have ho
Rockers and
morris ebairs
pie is marked.
Kierj- •
Come in and
Cook Jlround
and Parlor
All bic iiliw* lit l**l
i 1 .rmiitre wl'h ibe slight
iikr -ir K.-ratrli has li'-.-ii cut
54 pair extra heavy Noiting.
ham Curteinii. w.d.1 at t2.U> prr
Betreial plccee of carpet
pair, now tZM.
tahlag caqagh for aay ardinary
■U^ room. In all grmdeA
i pair good Bab act Curtains,
regular ll.on grade*, nnw 6Se.
Oae exMB'bearr piece, good
lagraln, wewth He, now ti
And hundred* of other* euually as good that lack of srav-f
fmlild* m>-nlkm.
piece all
wool iagntln
worth CSr. BOW dSc.
wkii-re one
ihnn has Item used as *aa>|i
Three piece* extra heavy hai-
fitmiMire is
>- * . t!r>- niaking tie- I'l:;
■I 2S per cent disceunL
tnoaet earpH. tegular price fOr.
All ••l*-gaiit K..1I.I »*»i.
luari.-d wl.if.- anwlie.'
tal.i- ha.. I......... >.• ..It t'Bt uf i*
111*"', leiw •lOl,
is just as good during this sale as though we were charging
regular price. Come in and select what you want. You don't
need the money. There is no red tape in our credit systemjust tell the salesman to charge it.
.. u
- .'k
A ■•••nv'ifid all I
a. n»vt $e.75.
!i <-.‘;u!r.. kUd r'-f.-|iti-i:i
grad- v.-h>iif. ffwme »Il-h-
:> ti.ai-."I. w>W f'T $12.5®. new
that havA- hung im twr wall*
Bceml pleeee IJatdeum.
UlnlBR from « «o U yard*, at
>,a: iu
ariiiai valm-.
n&ens sad di>?s-Bs of Olid lace
Revrtal piece* of tbS aiatllac
left at 7V,s per yard.
Id pwrlur stands wii:t
a wbnrt lime at almul 4 their
as per cent 4iaMti«|.
eurtalns. por'iertr-.'and
lierve at less than actual
te.Ii--eal4e *r*r*
r.aie all leeeh'au'!
1-^^MO.el one Ob-.B-
seal* ail- r<* k-r-
..f ai.ii'lier, a> a illwveiiii of 8a
»l:; ri ki r-3lr;d'-
prieu.. !•
ptr ernt
Don-' f
„ I.*dt thi-e
Borne cur apnK m rev dari
................................... JubB
- .
' iirr. J. Doraiurti
plB« bix rherrtex. Hv eblppH over
veokB tbe nieBl o( Bcr. 8boUr >t
K. Mniwtk. wbots In Ann Arwlek.
Brn. Pn-enu lx on ibi- rbIb nnil l» li»r (or Irminenl. viittv boae be U
DU liiHier. If anriblns. vorxe.
■Me Ui Bit up 4Blte ■ whUt.
lDic wkni han-rsi hu bcKun.
•ape vin<*. Tbere to an orentrovib
W. H. nrlffbl
MMl K. R. Pu-luinl
' vine* this rear and.the earlr.f*«n>
hsVe liouctal new netr-WndtTb.
Hlkt! (be emi Mtiln* of (niU. amjte.
Jolf M,
to* M-arn-, boi If >»u
prune, vbai Riapes >xmi will haw will
I* pbotot-.
,t (o Mid' ^31nc and Tuni l’ni>
The <laae- aut Mr. and Mr*. Ilarte>
te(M lo pta) Ml
II Hul
ktortlO B ai Ka«i ll<•a.l Saturday «.t<u
«<ul l« "^mverBr CU)
A. 8. Pnv v>ui
S waa w«dl aiu-ndt-d.
Bandar on tin- ( trurelou.
Tbe canio erf bax liall playtti
Mlu Cxdia {tedlcr baa bi-m aulK'
- ll.-*-r l>unito-i
nick. Ut Ib Impnivlua now.
Jan><« HaaiiMmd of Kalkaidia wax iMm and ilic K. L. Co tram wax
'll Ibe nelghlxirlMnl one
hiM ohMe saaie. Tbe
boauThe bo« usam »u« opi
Next Sundtiv- aliemoon they i>lay tb<
C. K. Hall of tbe II. A I- Mcrcaatlle White atRl'w of Acin< on the K. L
I ball arouDdx jh Htoat ll<-ad.
Ibilxml.r *«i
A BinsiiUf acbool to held every Pri
one dar >aai week
dar evcDlnx at ibe Courtade aebuol
Ml lilem lx the (•-.teller.
lougb huckV-lKHTfe*
huckVheirfpx auaie aearrx
ik BiralAhl wax liir ky enough n
ixItlDB nlaMvoB berc
a One patch. 1(1 om- day
tdekfd Ma rrac-x and took (horn to
r of Bib Rapid* town to (hr evening and luild (hem fui
■m. Samuel
to>en* itolilDK ber paretua. Mr. and liAa a crate. luikiDg buu ts for hi*
M(p. A. Uiidi
.lay a wm-k.
Jobu N. coiirlade baa fenreal In bi*
TO-nere (arm <ni Ibe l>-a(di road with
wire. He wlU uec ll fu>
la« t (.inifi to BiinitiHT pnim ro»t
« ciir
rflil'^' irf Mallet <
Mlkitolh UHbdar UM wet^i.
Mra. Dr. nurh« baa rwnraed
baaN> tor a abort llae.
Tbe baU aanie Batorday between
y JuDbtre rea^m and (be Maple CUr
favor oi
■tiled la a seore of 1 in 8,In
Boylnginn. wblle atopliig
broke (be longue on hi* mower, and
Inxitad <rf going i» b>wn lu get an
other longue be veni Into Ibe wood*
eliae by and in li tolniiiea be bad
longue miKlc und put In place. It w
a belter (iinguo than he rould get (
lu (OVD.
I^Arman AHer*. wbo has been aurf
■an No. 3 in (be Bleeptog Hear Ilto
aving sUtlon for mudo Gnte, baa re
dsned fitxn
tbe xiwvlce and returoei
:o U* fintiHr borne.
Bunnell of
ito tiUoe has ■•eur
ing auballtule.
Charlea 1. PrMAt
r l>unl«airr. Mtrb.. arrlve.1 Satni
IV evening lu Oil Mr. Aller*' place
July ».
Tbe bnll BUd wind atorm rrf yextet
gtual lUw! of
. uiornlug
Ige la Ihto Vldnilv. blowing fenre:
«nd iivA- down and doing <pi>i
.rf damage to fruit and all other t-rop*
It balled Ml murb (ba< u neighbor ol
ira picked up enough Ice to niaki
p cream with.
Haying lx uearlv through and mo*tbe fannerx
fanners luve begun lo rut
cut IIbeli
Charb-a Kltlmt has a
Andrea t'mlor of
laid up with a very sore arm;
It Jiial below
-a. C. EllbMt ealled at Elk lUpld:
le Ladle*- AW of the M K. cbuirl
It Mra. Will Allgulrex laM Thiir*
lay aliertiixin
TUer fintoto-d a guilt
for tb<- nilDtoler'* wife.
Having a bad Cpid seem* lu to- gull,
unmnu now day*.
lu-lp lx .............. sx-atce he
July 53.
Gibacni and wife
each, lot* 9 and IP. blork
Cr» a Tad.
Anna 8. Smitb lo Naiban W. Smith,
•areeto. vec. k. town :i. range IP. *»•'
John A. Humrieh and wHe to Jacob
Doienbeckuc. nwH (rf net,, ace. 17,
-wn S5. rang.- II. ft.ixm.
Nina Tavlor lo Artbur A Taylor
vrret*. »»<a>.
loabellB Diaoa to Wm. H.- and Rob
■1 O, lliion. wHx <rf seti Hand (
null, sue. I(i. town 53. range IS.
Joseph B UanMry and wtlrmfwyp
J.Keph ll Barney to Prank Kulw-ck
ot IM. Evergreen Beat
Frank B Gannett uud all.- to Mary
Ganuetl. (inrrel*. *<-c. H-. loan SJ
range 11. tl.<Ms<.
Sntllb b Hull Co to Cliaries K
.rf neU. arc.
Buck. wto of sw'^
’ch*^to*T?*lliirl. to Iran Prat'.
A *mt, of ne'.. see.
IT, town S3.
i.-ir^B. wi*e aud wife t.i Ihi*.
Uoran. Iff I». block in. H..-L & Co.'x
tod, li ft-.
Jame* W
launlU-ti aud wlJr, l.n It. bl.K-k S». H
to A Co. x Tib.
Ham.rh A IJ*V Co t.. Mb lid--i Ilal
er-’ak. paireU. H.. 1- A C«>'« I5tb,
John .\. Hnmiich and wile |o Jake
Ikuvutov-ker. nwki ..f iiet^. M-c. IT
range 11. tl <H«
ik-rk Wilkop to Jeiou
■u. iniTeU^ 153.
of Gasi Gmplrr
has been vtopast wiwk. ITChlrago Friday on (be MU-
Sh.in^w.-ra ihi- giii-*it. .rf Ito- I
and Mi>
tjuaricrly nu-t
Ing TClder Fergr
h.-bl -rfl Barki-r
II. H•■l■l>K.
If in Donbl, Write to (he
Addre» Given Below
enltvened tbe
For till- paal Iwo Tcaro my eyc-t hiive pirrn
.*-v»retl A.-F..1. wft 7S, aiyxlcr!
■I> dtoapix-anxt from
--. N
V, iu April, toaviug hi* ag:ri
mother ami aisu-r haw -alon iU*<n
.«d ajtar
Thlx w.*-k *ln.- ivcelv.«d
Paulaoi. aixl ,,ro well |iJ.-aoovl.
titted with
glaMca liy t>r.
will be glad to antwer asy
Mra O. R. CUypool, SoJon. MJhh.
Art. r^Ju-artlig the Mr.1
. lira-.;--
Im.-s Ml
l.■nl.>rr Mu.-ral Hm
We Offer You
V .on.-lu<l>*l that b.-r bnxband wa*
a yitoiiMiri: nip in Sumb .Atiierii-a.
Vexler-lav igim.t. were tvceite.1, *a.
the words ot our |mti(*nla.
- Fox 1* (Hiniiug tonne."
Sltiiug It III. Jr., xou m ihe fahiou*
l.-il.-ra from those in doubt.
tbi- . xpr.-.x^Hu-kaA^SwaLto-'
•r' Ih.'
a urcat ileal of
by I>r 1‘auloon nl l>r. Wolfe’s (vfti.-c. I ow; fierfecUy
lieada.-i.ea an.l m-rv-out troublea haw .ujlirely .haa|.p.vaml.
in Syra
.Mlu !.y .-xpi.-.k
k whicta^wben
which when l^Een
-at ih.
Ail IsBl winter 1 wao .-oiiiprlled to haw oiheta
1 am pl.«*.. 1 to auu- that aiiiw wearing the gUateo fitted
gate.-x ai
iimpli.i.g amai.-i.r
a xumuier rexiri
II i*
iniplr... a* ht*
riK-i. i> I*, playrus wiHi I.......
II- make- a il.vlxeui ll
. fighi.-t.
T.irn* lidve Hie iii.-Moallon lo "kilt HuDiplr-" m-iv ilni.-* diirtiig a gam'
■ban any pitrfe**b.ua! u-am. but ........
DR. P. A. WOIFE, Piqi.
■I ito-in hax.evei had a .l.-xir. o. kb
H.- U.a largo lii.lUi
40 04 WllktlmBIk.
wiini r.»iii|«iv.I t«' -••m. of III
ctoni li .mU r* <d l/lx triu.
lh-.lfor.l, hi* Olipvl
r Kan*..* iTiy.
Ml.-tool raru.oilv
l.-avlog tl.iHNi lo ........................
l«'lng '
argi'in- a ilxinuigb kliowl.-.lge .rf co
xilhukm*. If.1 a IK.- irf aa4*-Hci*m
-Our Fon-.-*." Ilev. Thoma--Our
Ma.>b.-w. rb-h
■arx old. Is wtirkhig a-- a oilll hnu
I N.-w
Id nuKiaxlir *nu|dlciiv.
* In Ihe .New- Uedfon! T«-x
S-mimary. Ur, Warre
S—u l.o>ir.
!:5i.. -loi,
-ar* ngo to- went
a da..
II.- worke.1 hard .'very
He- da-iglili r of a H-ulto-ni
4V-. a.-iit lo nis-s'.-v.-r. inonilng and
I.II.I etp.-<-is i.| |.»i in .-. V
iv.-d bis mui..-,v
. !*•- "Our FlnBD.-e*. - Rev R. :
Holsaphai-Oiir Futnre.- Rev. Tbuu:
H.- bad »3.«o« in
iul.-«iu <-11 .xiai
e«r Prap
Uam ta* ImporlM ct Ot tIT
lu work for Hn-
a slmph- thing at
i.x-i d.-|iariUHm .rf Kaiixa* Clly at
.1 I..II.I10- i'll luuilrf.. I.-
li.ii uii.-u you know Tlx from Ibr
TImI s
Thai •
rvh-cj b^ Ito
IP Mapbitm orehesira wilt he
A M. tvmu1.ee, iyrd.b-nl
r*. 1' Glierlug. Svereldry.
mth of II..' natiM- who ha-
. fa.-aUliful I
ilKuii griplui
l-i-.m bl. ii
with tto s.tv.-niin.til of Ito- e.»l
tVlIllniu*. Ill
th.-Htidx.ni by
rr.-al gian.iliiHi.r un.l liU gi- aigr.-xi
Juim J.dm*4Ui. who kllb .1 lij*
III.- bi-1
Y.'iikeiv imin- Hiaii a y.-nr am*,
-h. d a new .Ivatli 4-to-allilg
tVi hta an hour
Hniui. Vb-w*H
grabldUK hioi by Hi
r.ilb iM-r ,lefi
.iiing S-'ih f.*-i
■lid Hu-
lu xhmv by vlBondt*
had to-.n lak.-n 1
luild g.-l a iH'pxiuu of J3ii
■p .s<inpleh-.l.
-xl uulvD of slalea «u eanb
Glilfell of
KankakfH-. IM-. n wi.xli.-i woman wdui
liad.xavod n:.,'""i bv year* .if ai -
SI.Mis ejiacl..ill
oiharto- «rr ix.ln of I.iiro oi
.. uiliiiih'x; toiaraan.iix.'l.-ai-li.-. two hdiirii:
,. lv.- hour. - Dr. Ttomun-
Itcbliig piles irfiivoki- iirnrHiillT.
MIX lull, iviuark.-il wlieil n Iri.-lld
with h.-r
at her work.
few e.inHiraliM;
Next day xlie itroi-|i<--l
,- M..r*4-. .rf T33 W. Seventh
avx-Ikan-x Kianev PHla
B doiilrfful
I I •
111.- piil.ll. xliould
Jii.lgi- frum Itofa.i* I wa* ua.i.T a phyxIcUux irv-aim.-nl b.r l.iiir w.x-k*. gav.- up hot"' »f
lUe ihixT tim.-w. and
when I eoairarnrxHl Ihxina Kidney PHI*, wa* ci
w.-ak Hiai I had (o to- l.-.l arnixs lb<floor. Fur flv.-or six .tor* B(t.T I firm. ■
-iin-d ihi- ir.WTm.-ui Jlie kldii.-r
-il.ms w.-ii- pure ldix«l. and U-f
1 iis.sl <MM- liox lUey w.-Tr clear and
I rollnacil Up Ito- Hv*lm.-ul.
1 If Ito-re I* a nwriviicc. I
is.tixi-l.'|iiloii*ly *ay Doan * Kidney
i-d (he (.vnililc niid MVed my
nil. I
xaV4*l 1
-).aia(loli* foi
a-aitirU ux to- lielp<-.| xai
-I II (|«ll.work rxxiu slid to-gin
eivhg ll^c." Mr*. Iblrlr^rb
i-lialr iioHi-i-
■ believex Hial ev.-iv iinlu.i
-•veiiinilir *ir.di<t. wlHi lo-r ilclii m
lx will |ue
iPdllr.- a
Uou .if Ito-
h-g.-. hi* luHi.-r, 111* grau-lfalto-T. Msiandla'h-r all having to->-u trii-l.H-.
General New*.
Mary EJb-k. II y.-arx old. Waved tbe
all Uralcra.
Price SU
Cu. IliiEiUo.
agehn tor ihi- I’ntld
scald In
.- bo«i.
- ihroai,
K.'n>. mber Hu-
iu—lk«D's -an.l
ilig.i over hm- lull*
Amioiiiir.-meiu Hiai flv.- Ir.-.
liix|MVliir* wi.iilil U- aplxniiliHl
Ihe new
'■aii*e.l r.,iiisi ni.-u to xw.xip down ot.
PLEASE NOTE that this store from rtow on will close every evening at sla o’clock.
copt Wednesdays ami Ssturdays.
til.' ChU-sigo elly ball In nue*i of tto
The jay lx ll.iiixi a year nn-i
Ito- .luHea me lo tn»p<-cl and cal fre i
limrh afd (mx* ui*iu lu iiuiHUve uu.t
l).-ulihf.ll guslilUra.
T.HBuus may *.sm to- taken from ih'Meadly
malailli-*" clu*» a* a
Ilf a new mwuuunt whleli ba* liei-ii
sncceaxfullv «*.-d lii
Ihr.-e casex at Hie P.-unsvivanla ho»pllal. Ptiiln.l.-I|diia.
The treatment (
xtmplv II more nllonnl u*e irf (be (•
latius aiiH'oxIn
Hiue ag-
at Steinberg Bros.
the Iio*plt*l plivslclaii* ,hll tiiH.li tto
plan of making the injcoGou Into
nerve elOM- hi tto- poltii of iiifecHo;.
Instead of in flu- xplnal cur.1.
xkeU-iou .rf a glaul
ftwxilin :
h.irx.- liaie to-.-:.
dlMv.iv.-ivt! In Ito- IMg S*-p.-lwBier dl
vbl.' (uxxll U-.U
,T1i.' .Ilxeon-r) ove.
ilirow* the acce|*.-d (bedgv
lJuU lb-
horwe wa* evolv.Hl (rrm. a. slusM an.
Thla *k.-Ul.Mi
i* 3u f.-.-i
li-UI afale of prexi-rraiiou
h.-rldvi>nnix niiiuial and Ilie )■• tomdUptuv* iHiw.-rfiil crtD'lorx. wbb-b at
wlf.- of a wsIHiv Net. t.wk met.,
Ihe home of hi* wife * parent*, for In
X* Mary SrhuBeld w.
Mra. Mrlulito and rhlldr. i..
•i.-al.-r. rwbed in falx lu-ni.- «b. u *t’
(rf which then- arc five llt'l.- .m.-*. In tto- I*.-olu*ula ISKt week
l oi.T her
Mr and Mr* J*. Ftitleit .rf Belatlr-; heard be waa *. rlou>ly 11>
with Mr*. Mctnnls- wlstcra. Mrs RlU.
care Ihi: sick man i.xxiven d and tb«>
and Mra. Sinclair, left fnr that plar- xpeni Sunday with relalive* here
have gnn. to Guroja- t..g.-ih.-r. (j.rfSainrrlav.
John Mclnnla waa la ttorixiiing
prime ..f III* Ilf.-. Hr bad be.-n fore,
tnul.- Mark.-nsi.. of whom Mr* Hrai!'
for D. H Dav for a nnmto-r ol Hol-lM for a few day*.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Slnffonl «lupi*x| wax Jy-ntotto- bas left the *iag<-. U mai
• and by- whom be waa held In
lb* hlgbcat caiecm- and whose run oE hen- on ibHr way to th.-lr home at ried and living In Canada.
Ocaver Unnd laat week after a vlsli
I lew of lumber for
fldtace In him wa* unlimited. HU cli
The Brcwi-rt.-*- Bund A S.-ciifi'l. •
When ibry Co.. Ih.- niB bn-w.-ry iru.l In Gieair On. for CMeago.------------ ,------- ck- of friend* comprised all be ram.: with rcl#lv«« in Caniida
(be John Mee are Nim- In roBUct a-iib and hr was "Mac- is conttaned their Journey Fridav nlebt
Mrs. Staflenl-x moth.-r. Mr*
Haiti.- New y.nlc, ha* clox.-d eon’ract* with
Tbe roptaJn and a brotkei
all (rf them, -from the oldeai rlitoen
plnn-, acrnmiuKx] j.-u compaulc*. and ba* pranliali..
atleai rhtid; of a chrery and Hoasle (rf
s of Ibe
Ito-iP for a few w-.-eki' vi*ll.
dlapbxlHon. comlilnrd with
4-waip).ied aeguHaiiou*
July S3.
I Roy and Aline Tay- strrliag charaei.-r of rigbt and wrong.
•rfher*. Wta.-n tbe combinaHoB
Tbe world to better that be baa llveJ
pleted It win have a prodncli
Real Estate Traiwfera.
in H
Tbomaa McC.arry. Sr- and wife
ity <rf 5.3U).0fio barirU aDDuallv. an-1
r. and Mra. Fred
Tboma* MfOarry. elj lot 9 and lot
will iv ftv Aprg«f*t brawer/ eombiuc
block t. Bayride.a4.T4l'.
To add
S3U, Domlne ot Rasi
in Ibe wortd. It 1* capliAllievl a;Sl5.
WltlUm O Foot.-, ei al. to Eari
H«n4 wetT Ibe gueai* over Sundav of grief of Mr Mclnnle
Mclnnl* word wa* received here Saltirday ibai bi* brother >trl*h. parcels. (ToodrieVa 3rd. ll-SSh.,
Alex, former sberiS (rf Macomb coon-l
Ollc* E. Hodgn and wife in Hnr-‘
President JtuubexeU cailmA out-H
raiSitH Sundav of Hr and Mrw. Cbaa. rjr, wHo Wa* Irfm III (or *nm<- time, rin Markham Md wife, lot No. is, .| Oratn Rar ra^.-r-l:
.Itod at hlx torn..- Fridav.
i I4.xd. It. Flf- l-rtc Utml-ct Co.*'
.. down the hpi
Mr aad Mra. Bd Dc Fnr of Travmc
ttoptain Wilbur .rf Chlcngo. witb bi* »!«.
vr,: arc Boiti* lo dcnc out
every straw hjt .Tin! will :11 New Siriiw Hals, worth
00. at .......................................................................................
75c ami $1. at.....................
irwns si.
-liht litlli- il.eaywd.
$1 oH. $21X1. $3 m and
aad fiillv ax lall ami U In an exrel
1 which Pr.-xid
Cuoi'Bt- w llr.xon. niilibmalo- and
»■ pre*etil.
pn-xi.I.-uL of Hie <-Ui<-xg<’. D.-.lilalii.
laat Sun.la'
Mr. nnd M^ B .to Ames, son an-t
A Fox Hlv.r rallroa.!. dl.-il lu (-lile.vt-.
xivvlc* her.-.
two .laughter*, who have In-en *|K-nd
from hs-kjaw. dio- to a *Ilclii iiijm
Ihe annual »eh>*d
Laat Sunday Mr Md^Mra. Drlt
Ing some Hmi- at (V.iar Spring* Isalg.-,
from nr.-w»i-k. OP July I
I«* the imiMdx for iK.itUern r.-*orl* .llxirlcr It wa* d-cld.-.l t.. hliv i
ware (he guesu «rf Mr. and Mm.
ii-acto-i. a* the larger naim »
Saiunlay .-veoiDg
bK-b-ly at Col'irado Spriug*. C.ito
Saturday afiernoun Capt. Olwm «rf
TbI. re roDillig ton cr»wd.-<l for eBlrleni
U amav.-.! over Hie in*>-i that (-b;ifk
port wn* rerelv.-d here Ihe middle of Bn au inirrne-dlaie nnm, con
A. Baldwin, multi millionaire and l>a-l
this week from St. B<mt(are tosiplisl. -rf III.- (oortli. firth sn.l sixth arad«-«.
(rill In- (urmed. J|I*I wlii-ie tli«
er .rf Ito- uioM .xeliihivc x.-t. ha* «in
• a enll i>u Hrurvr tVHirtadi*
Tbe sad ■i.-wi
Ml- and Mra. f. to IXanlne.
ibuiidrrhnl' from a
rl.-ar aky. and riHim that IbU mxk.-* will l>*
braced I'hrlMlan SHen-e
xeemM beyond belief, but a l.-ilnr re- len-.l U IKM drOulielv d.Tldcl
Writ Knudwai. Nelx Pi'leraun.
ha* dlxmUxed hU physician
' ' nim and Nolili- Olxnn. all of (h- ee1v.-d from Mr MclunU bv hi* wile will togin lb.- I.iih erf Auau!
4-*plan«il..u that be -ha.l gl
t. n( tbe Johu M>-r. look a walk Ibnt eveulug i-aylug
hiwas Iti lit Ib.-u baV4- two week'- vacation
‘ 1 the country iaat Sunday and health and .hi bU way holm- ieud>-d loto-r ill "Td.-r Ihal tto- ixo* niav help <al xrl.-uc»' a Inlr 'rial lunl
MablLN. Oourlade. They wer*- to eonllrni ib.
rc|iort.- as
be wax in i«.laio digging.
xir.xl (o iry other liue*. ITiarlea Katun U having hi* h<aix4 alTbw fine luipo.vewents «>u obliged Iw alutii.loii ihi- )<Hiro.-y and
r-ii .•
Wearl.-d l4> thnx(hr.x- uii'-iie.-i'**
irlade’a plnce
Mr. ti.urtkdt- enter Ibe towidial. The romainx bav.- repaliil<-<l. 'hu* niaklag a derided Im
'iT^llii i r M
picaanni for them. Tbev were U-en forward.-d to Souib hTankfurt. provemrut in ibv louk* iif bU prp|i
lee trexh
. t(( all Ibe alee
milk iIh-)
drink and all lUe cln-rrU-a Oil*
eat. This waa a gnat irvai
ite aallor hbyw.
biooday Ibe laat oUbL car* of (
5>«d.taHi fn-i pot In on Ibe Klid.a- }
<«ibe Kloodyke branch was irceli
A^lKi Kelley Lumber On.'a yanto.
aebooaer Johu
•ullt-d a xirvng. .-ven stroke, but ib-
Silling Bull. Jr.
|Te*bleai and bi* too* mxnn.be toiar*. Tb.-y rowed down lo IJoyd'
(e.-t. «ve mlK- from the Sagaim-r
vttoxioii. .\<igui>i 9. tSin:
Blackwood and
of Raxl Leland rslle.1 o
***M-asra. Irfml* C.rrnello.-. Han.ld for.
oellu* and OtKwr Glldd.-u of Grand^
Rapidx have reluro.-d lo th.-lr tonne.
•1»T a few days- outing ai Oak i»ale
The TIllDoIx landNI
a party here
Carl T. Grawn bsx reiuraiil to Mt
the Mapi« CUr Jualora.
J Ito
I. Bailey
Wednesday, nmxlsiltig of J.
A anwber fruto
b«e have s<nr who will (wrupy Mm. R. W
INuaxaut after a|K-ndlng a l.-» week
ll la-land.
rotUge; Mra. A. R. Clark.
Mra. Bioii
('. I. Dayton wax a Nuribpun ttoli
daiiMiler. Mia* Lou Caxxell.
Monday .
Hiller, all »( Chirngo:
Mr*. C. to Dayton vlHIe.l at Trav
Oluu. Mapes. three daughter* and
'A. K. Bolllnaer. wife and danxhti
Clly one day last week.
servanis. of Katixa* t'liy. and
Pkn bnve been In .’MHwankee n tew Mra. Warren Behan aud ihree (um* u
Hr. and Mr*. Will /.dab are vtolHm
E lilnaban'* Ihlx week
Ana Arbor, lor Lnrmd Gnm- mtiag>
le Iron here went lo Bniplre rinMr*. Ira Moblo and lamily have r.
Mr Clark arrival Saiurday evenlua
to nllend tbe boll Raniv.
lunH-d t» ibeir hotue si Bast Jonbin
I the lilUioto.
Mix* Hattie Paulu.. wan a I rav^r..
Inly U.
Mra. Tbomaa hVsiler •>( South ManI
V iaiand, wbo bad Iwen to Cm-n Cily visitor Thursday
Warner spent Ibe da:
•Mil • Utrle
Bay for medletil>reat!ueal. dle<l (here
^e old aeitlera' ptenw will be beh)
broughi to Ibe borne of her atoler.
Mr*. 0<x>rge t.-aner. of
(hi* plare
Vlekera un.l Bob Hold.-u of llrarll
where ilie funeral wa* held Tbunula)
irrmeni in Maple Grove eemetery. Ind,. are xlM-ndlug fu few week* a
r*. Po*l>-r bail Imx« In III l)i>allli foi Iblx btirgeQF».^lb jpxKl auialc, will be ran dm
Mr*. L, llump*eb and Mrx Ids Hu*
me lime, the innildr developlug
4ag Ihir day and evenlnf; aiao free ex
.rf N.w1b|x.rt aiv the g.ie.lx of Mrs.
cancer of tbe xiotnnrh. and the
rShJoBa will be gtrenby n. >1. Day'.
John Hartiog and rnnilly.
Iu( uo <3leii lake.
Sprerkea redia Oiwiallon wn* too *ev«-n- for to-i
Mlaa KtUel C.a.n .rf fc»*.*i
UQ«a.and inodAW>air win In* remUrred weakened stale to recover from. She
town (or It h-w- V.-.-k*.
dnnt the anemoun. Ail are mrdUtlly wax a daugbler of Mr. and Mrx. iKane
Mix* Mnrit- J.-utoon of Graud lUpId
lulmo and a alaler-lu-las' of the late
invited U
Oak Dale for a lew day
linn. W. II. Pnaier. She leaves a (am
ug Ibaa
Mix* Madgi’ Harilug
Ity roDHlallDR of her hualiand.
A large ntimber of the alndroli
penplr froai aurroundlni vlduliy at- Boua and four daughter* lo nnnirn lieihwa. aa well nx her alaterx. Mra. Jii
tended t4e bnU gaae at Bmpli
Hcpta Haan. Mrx. Itumer Selby. Mra.
J. Morgan and daagblrra iiaiiaed George Carter. Mrs. I' J. McCauley,
July :
Mra. James Wvx<- and Mra. Bert Ban
h (awn Baiorday.
A nnaaber of people fi ...
l»a Sninia' rhorcb |iere bnptlaed lii
Capt. Wm. Wntk.-r's staler. Mra. Ja*.
Wirfd ha* tov-n n-e.-iv<*l here from
l4 lake
Hannah, with son and <lauRhi'
Lke by Btder Skewer.
Maiixtb-Id. O.. tliBl II S. I.
able dlaeonrae by .
Cillrngo arrived on Hie niiuoh
m.-rly «rf ihi* plae.-, had dle.1 .nid *■*
the AaU-Baloon l(«in(e was given
buri.*l last Thm*<lav. HU .l.-alli
. lug IV
The llurkley kiaded a cargo of ma caus«-<1 hv ainiralytlr airoke rcceU-ctl
ple for the T. Wllce romimny of Cbl- several month* ago.
Wm. J- Mcy of Bellaire vIxU.hI with
(ago Saturday.
Biiperlniendenl Charlea MoiKui irf Ilia .laughU'i. Mrs. Cbarlc* htoton. ove
lira. Jim McPbll. atbu ha* tieen danIrand llareu rtoUisi Ska*ptug Ibw Sunday.
.xeroMilr III fev tbe pBM week, la a
John Acker lx biilbling U
u ii.-w
i«-w liani
lUUc better at Ikla writing. The dorim hU place wbicji hu n-reully |HirTbe Mlaxos Alice and Gru Day vei
ti« la attewlaMw gave tbe family a
the guesla of the Hlasea Reta Ctnk chaae.1 uf Will Crirp.
U^l^enpouragemeat yeeierday.
Rex Bablrtil left Saturdsv (or Trie
D at Gton Arbor <
and Kartne K.
d Bklnner bad (be miafonnnu i
erao Clly cn route for Oregon, where
bU latrenia are now living.
Tbe Weacoit loaded xiain
Aliy- Bobt. Dixoa. who hat been viaTbere to lo be a rural mall
vaukev- tbia week.
mag ber oM home at Br. H. and M.
-. the carrier
Hlaa Resale Aynea. wbo has been
u CIt)
inakiyhU Drxt trip
Sept. 17lh
apending name time at CeiUr Bprii
gm-s clear around
• Tillage
village. *tj,
laulge. cm Glen lake, led for Cblo
ter than when the flrat enme borne,
Ing west and conilug
Friday on the Mtoianiri.
lira. Perale to on tbe alck
soolb and taking In alarai I3i> jai
Adva and May Godard <rf Trave
IMI a 31-mlle rout.-, Tlien- are imUviroli
Ttoliing Iheir old borne
clOr (
1 tranaacied baxlnes* applicants for the laixlilmi of tarrier;
Ihougb prpbably it w-lll lie sol c Hnie
tore Tburaday.
Prude lUmxcy will lend the leaRue
la-fore ll will be rkuown wbo
D. H. Uay
Day pnlenaiiied
ibe gueali
n« Oraat ebnreb neat Sunday even
Cedar Spring* Lodge, tourelel Lodge lucky one.
W. T. Waugh r.-c-ntly l.atk
and Mr. Wood of Giv>gury'a renon on
‘*1 R. Coanlue of Wrafmd baa tmfine phoioftraphs of Mias Giil
hla gulf llokx one day tbla v<Wk.
proved Ibe
* e Ibuka of tbe town by liuildThe Mlaara Helen Cbriatlanaon mui Pray. Infant daugbler of Mi. and
it walk Id frvntoor III* Karine Nt-*a..n of Hanixtee. vbn'nr.- William Pray of Traveix- (Tty.
iIxIHuR In Glen Arlgir. and Mias Reia her six grandm<rtbi-i-<.
low hto einmple. fi
Mr*. K.Nvxiiih Sill
Cook of Gl.-n Arbor wen- Ihe guesla mother* w.-r.-:
of lb.- Mtorca Alice and Bv* Dav of of WnitamKlmrg. Mrs. Andrew- Pray
Maying to the onlor of (be day in
Mato-I. Mr* SHU-* of Williamsburg.
plac«< Tburaday and Friday.
thta neWthborbaod. wbteh b a very
Tto- arrival* on ihi- llllDoti “ • gnod.onip In npUc of (be dry wcaiher.
Mr*. Pray of Mato-1 and Mr* Cbarl.
day Pveniug for Keuw.xxl resort w.-i
Jliw. Orlie Adana and children bavi
if ilnie*. Tto- la*l four w.-r
>nd Mr*. I
f<nraed Ho> (heir homo aRer
gHvI graii.lmnvbera of Ho- young lad;
wapka’ Tlalt with retalivea In rJag<*i
bo wax the eeiUer of Ihe groiip.
The K. O. T. M. M.’x of Weafurd arr
Mr and Mr*. Alto-rt McDertmuiH of
aen U 1
add giwnlly to the tmaevnloure a
■a In loukp.
Jtdy U.
tod act'-d a* admiral of Ibe family
LOT Of BKArTiR L wiim:
i:: rd). lit
pn-tti.tt atyles alinwti tbia noiis'in. iiidii.l^
ing nil <ivn| embroi.lory
i»i jib.1
wnisU. wnrtli
$7/ arv reduovl f.-i
iliii.-k . l.-iisnn-e U» only.
STKAW HATS, worth 25c,
it-K; anti -Vk, 31 .. .....................
L.MHKS* WAISTS. aoolUer 1*4 of rdwioc
alylea. r<xlue«l (rum a nunjlwrof QS/t
.liffercnt priot-* to........................
Home were $2.00.
oxlfs Jfwl atylna (nr gent-fsl ase.
well worth “.'wan-l $1. at only...
SI.95, $2.95, $3.50, S4, $5 and $6
close out (iiiickly the entire
offer foriy beautiful White
rare c'di' ettun
of new
very unuKual
iiriti; . made
29c, 49c, 59c-and 69c
ebaCover-; ever shown a'
Many of them worih 5f.l |»er cent more than the price asked.
Children's rtnslln Pants al 9c
Skirls at 7c
Ladies' VesU, while or black, 4c
You can't find biKEcr bargains anywhere, than those at
Traverse City. Michigan.
Baal Bay ...
PVe Lake ...
Oiaat ..........
Oi««B Lake .
Urns Lake .
'• SI. PMetabars. Jaly M.-liW
Hayteld ....
TcaoaaA Ue Ooeeaeka a^ Ssktlas ParadUa ...
arawd vtU
tka r------- «crtbaa aad plteMorta. At Odaaaa
titt Java are la eoMplata paale aad
•ni laaetas Ika eUy la sreal aan
J^yAaoa. ialT *4.-Wardaa Ar«atre^ wUI uka au*a at «» to aeeai* »««MaibMi for the eatabltaUas
fd a taetorr for aaldac Madias taiae.
^ a tooaU of U*e •apiaate ooarfe de>0 Idle aad aa Ue terlae U aov Mde
MOetlr by a irart tke aiaaaiattare of
•MMoa a tarse auaber of coarlcU wtll
tt ooaM aot laurfere «1th tke aal
Btolr ...
Bear Bay
te . - - <
PIfe Lake
Oraat ..............
Oreea Ldte ..
Loas Laka ...
Patadtoe .. ..
Penlawto ....
Ualoa ..........
WkUewater .
Traverse City
1st ward ..
3d ward ...
3d ward ...
4lh ward ..
tih ward ..
, cirea asaUto Ue direct aoMnaed BcpaWboa caadldaies lor aald
pCles. Tetal 383.
Tbe whole aawber ef eote*
lor aad asatoai tbe direct nowtoatioa
Ik ecraaditotci of iV IMucrailc pa
tor Ltenimaai Ooscraor was Ai
three tCSi.aad they were slvea M
lowt; SUty^wo <82» volrs wive fct'
for tbe «arwn nctaatloo of 0«
cratic candMatrs for said uSIn. i
It 1 uae (i« roic was slvea asatosi Ut
K i: djeet Bcoiiaatlua of Uewjciaiw candi
a 18
".dates let said oaioe. To;al, «
28 ”
Tte whoto aewter M rote* stvei.
^ for aad asalail >be diteet nowlaatii'n
' of eaadidsie* ot the Prshlbliloc t>.n>
for Ui-uu-Bsof Ooveraur »a» eishc isi,
aad >bey were slvea as foJi.i»» 8.»ep
ttl votes weiT sl»eo for tbi- dirw
liaaltoD of Protalblllgo eaadldaies
said oBlee and one ill vote w
^B a^tost tbe direct aoraniailoa
i af BapakllMa Can-
»t-Tb« •«wr»t Owed Travotae CmmUf ArMrjr Baottan. doM U. 1*01
COM tod«7 dMlded U*i Ike Mklsg
€t kranu la tke autc ortn awMite
to leactdof a trade aad ti tkertdott Otrodt NaatlMtlaa of WeoaWlna Caa.
vnhIWtod br Uo eBoeW*»»«w-
:!~ts "4
BUlr ..........
East Bay ..
PUa Lake .
uardrtd ..
S ‘i* 'm
%¥ 7¥
Lons Lak.
7 M
Unloa .
WbUewater .
Trareraejaiy1st ward ...
»d ward ...
3d ward ..
«tb ward ..
Ub ward .
01 »
• •
The soda cracker is an
ideal food. Uneeda
Biscuit are the ideal
soda crackers. Indeed,
for said oB>c\-
soda crackers rights
made in the first place,
rightly protected first,
last a^ all the time,
Teul. 8
The whole DB.ber ol voU» flvei
>r sad asalast tbe dlri-ct aon
toaiioa of candMates of ihe Re;>ul
ncae party for Bepreseaiallve to Coo
ST«.s» was dve buDdrtHi alavy-tw-v
! U| «l
1 S74 12 838 582 (i»:. and they were *l»ee ar fidl-JWs
TWals* . .
Waraav. Joly 14.—A taad of artUi ml Ilk
nve huadrad seveoty-oloe l5t»l vole-,
48, 48
teTMa. wko kad aiallalad. Had a
were *!»«« for Ue dire.-d aomlaatiob
'I 83 83
^eOay laio tka balldlai oceaplad by
of RepQbHeaa caadldatvs fur said ufState L*s**laura.
Sveaadfbirteen 413) vote* were slvei.
tka otleare- clob. Two oftcera
.1 8M: 13 883 tC.
asalBkl ibe dlmt BOBdaaUon u( K«'
kUlad aad tka ■oUaaoim ware am
pabUcaa cnadidates fur satd office T..
Mraat NeolMtlofi of Oaaweratlp Caoky tka lafaatry.
Ul. 382.
Tbe whole Buiaber of vote* civen
DairaH, Jaly ».-Tba atora of W*.
for and aj^ast tbe diteet aomlBalina
of candidates of the RepabUean psn>
Bawklaa aad a bakery oa Joaei* Ca*efor State Senator was ftve buDdre.l
SOB aaaaaa aad OiayUas atraM
Btoetj-rme tiSli. and they were stwu
•I r
karaad at t:M thla awralas.
as folleas: Five bnodred sevroi
elsbl tSTk. vo'. .. were si'en for i
PUe Lake ..
dlreel n<imlnalkM> of RepuUlcan ci
Wa. Chariot, aewar laapactor. who
"o' "i
dldsti's for nalcl rdflce. and Thlrutr. flee sad twelve tl2l voir* ww slv-fc 'litst.' of klli'litenu. t iiunt) <>( Grand
yoatad Ikeai eat of bed la Uair alsht Blair ..........
Ot 11
-|an Bay ..
U3> votes were slvru asalast tbe di
Oreea Lake .
ctotkoa aad drasiad tbeai oat.
I henby ci-nlly that the f<trc«olng
.Va Lake .
,n-ct noatlaailoi. of Kepabllcaa cand.
Loas Lake ..
an- com-rl irwascripi*■ of Ibe slateOardeld ...
dates for said office. Total. 5SI
Maydeld ....
iw ill tb
tbe TweaiyBevaatua Craaak, Jaly K.-Tke Mlehl- Oraat ........
glvim meal of the voliw
Tbe whole nunher
votes Slwn
Paradise ...
The whidc Bumlrer i*<
tti'iiaiorUI dtslrlrt.
for and asalast tbe diivct nomloaiioi.
•aa Roral Latter Carriera' aaoed '
and asalntl tbe direct nominaTl
Lons Lake
ot ratididate* of tbe RepobUcaa party
alaetad the MIokrIas ofScara: Praa Maydeld .
r Kle<-llon taHil
for Repr<-se-BUllve la the Slate Lesl*
R,-tirv«cniative to Uc Stat
Ideal. C. J. WOct*. AUasaa; Tka praa- Paradbe ..............
Traverse City—
la’ure was five buadred elsbty.slx
in ws* fony-etsbt <481, and tht-v
tarciae City—
«-rmlDailua at
1st ward ..........
tdaat, Arthor rolto^ Mlee: aatat
PenlnauU ;..........
1st ward -----4» 41 48
Id ward............
live buodn-d sevetuy-»tir ti74l voles itTl votOK were given for the dlrrel
p. S. OanUB. HinadMe; traaaarar Ji^ Ualoo ....................
2d ward........
117 101 1ST
3d srard ..........
were slvco for the direct nomiaaTloti n«.luatlon ot Democratic candldale*
3d ward ____
H. fUuaaay. Kaloa Baidda.
4tk ward ..........
Tia»erae Oty—
of Republican randldate* for aald of- (or said office, and one 111 vole was
4tb ward ....
Stb ward..........
let arard............
flee, and twelve illi vo-e* wete sivi-fi
3U ward ....
DatiolL Jaly ».-llra. BUa J. May,
M ward ............
asatast tbi- dln-ct noaUBBiloB of Ree this imb day.o
Totato ..............
U ward ............
«(«d 77. ■other of To. May. '
pnlillran.candidatef for aald office
e tboutand Dim- hundred MX.
4tk ward ..........
Haooi cartooalat of the JoaraaL died
>1. 38C.
Ruben B. Waller.
Stb ward ..........
The whole nmnlK-r or vole* s*vca Caonty Can
CMiflcaU *1 Dathb taoralag it kar koaia on Howard
County Ck-rk.
didate* fee Cawnty
>r and asalnsl Ihe dtiic, aomlBalion
of Cl
Direct NamlnatteB foe Bttte I
itivc DMricto.
for L-............. -............Uaatas. Jaly
Wallace Cook,
toturx' was forty-elsbt I4ki. and they
epre.eniatlvo IMstrici of the County
slvea as follows: PortyAWn
the aoa of Ike Her. A. E. Cook of Pen<rf Grand Traverse
___ votes were sUen for the direct Sane of HKiilgan. Coaniy of Grand
ton. Mpkryad by the Reo wton
BOBlasiloa «>f liemorraiic candidates
Trav er»e—a*.
^orka. waa ma orar by a Oiand Trank
We lb. Hoard of County Caavarser*
for said office
-T8«iSia* tkU nomlas. Both les*
slvea ssainvl the direct noailnsUon of Grand Traverse counlv. do heti^y
of I>i-DK>craUr candldau-s for said of- di-termlne
mine and n-rtify
ci-nify that al the Prl- Antrim ................
eat of. the rtskt tm abore tka kaae
334) 88] S42! It
Btolr ...................
F3fCiU>n held oa the twelfth day ('harU-voIx ..........
-a Total. 4k.
Aad tka Mt below. He probably
57* Ul 8*11 &
Bast Bay ..........
uBd nlae Grand Traveiw* .
The whole number <U vote* jeU
le )yiar
i‘, in tbe
ir and asstott ibe dirw-i
biindn-d *11. the dli
Btolr ....................
1731 30 2113' I
Oardeld ..............
271- 1
tovUnau ............
Orasi ..................
Bast Bay ............
SU3{ 471 3801 3
Oraat ................ .
Green Lake........
Wexford ..............
live fauadn-O
PUe Lake ..........
l7 11.
Green Lake ----Loas Lake ........
elsbtv-nlde tlkSi. and tbe) were sfv<-n aiinuar* by Ihe annexed siaienii
Oardeld ...............
171 0!
U*s Lake ........
MaydeU ..............
Totals ...,..........
Mra. W. J. Olchewar of Ua An- Grant ..................
a* foljow-s: Five hundretl seveniy-flvc
in Witness Whereirf. We have here,
41t ¥
Maydeld ............
Paradise ............
sel our hand* at Traverse (Uy.
loTr.i voles wcTf glea for the direct
sMae. CalL. paoeed tkmsk the Mty to- Omen Lake........
Paradlae ............
PMlBBUto ..........
nomlaatloD of Repiibllcaa
day on kar way to itanaal Lodsa at Lons Lake ........
Pentosuta ..........
Ualon ..................
said oihees. and fminoen tlti
Maydeld ..............
28^ 4j
Ualea ..............
WbUewater .. ..
A. K Pulver.
votes were given against tbe dlrec<
Paradise ............
Whitewater ...
Traverae City—
V W. AshloB.
nrailnailun Aif Republican candidate
Mlaa Sdlth Bewlay M CtodaaaU. Pentoaato ..........
Traverae CKy—
1st ward .a
K J Taylor.
for said office*.
UaloB ..................
let ward ....
O, to Ntok4ias the aaauaA
3d ward ..........
&«rd of rtiuniy OanvaseiT*.
Plslnwetl llchining playivl a slrange
whole number ol vote* given
tVhitewater .. ..
3d ward ........
Kiilkiiig Ih.' b.iuse of Karl
Trarerse Cily—-.
4(h Wftrd _____
County of Oraad
Mn. Boyd, of St. Looto, Mo.. arilTed
Jam.-*. It went ihmugb Ue chimney. •
Stb ward -----ooDiy
kaiw laat alskt. tonrlas aarty tkto
We do bereb) eerilfy that the (nn- dowma whip that waa aiaadlag to tbe
01 U3| IIS
and they were given as (ol
3d ward ..........
rs 141 588^
Totals ............
•ofwlns for Noitkpert Polat.
tbe floor and down the
4U ward .....
direct nomination of Dataoeratle vot<« given In the Grand Traverae Um-l of a shotgun which was stand8U ward ........
> P. P. BeaTer, of Dayton.
candidates for said office*, and two Reim-M-mailve Dtotrirt of Grand Trav- lag la Ibe corn.-r of ibe kitchen. Tbe
didate* fa rCawnty omca*.
ad thtoosh tka city tkla ■otnlas on
erw- Cimniy. for and acalnM the dln-cl
given agatost Itae
It] 3831 687
I WMM haded aad exploded, puuc
^ way to tka Nortkport Baaek hotM.
nomlaaiiun of caadldate* tor Repnof iv-mocrailc cat
ireaaittaive in
M-ntailvc la lb- Siste Is-glslatur
ragSlw- crtllBg with alioi. The
date* for said olllcot. Total. 47.
• c. 3. Vlrlaa'aad arUe of a
the Primary EIccUon. held on 7
Townships and
Tile whole number of vote* gi'
stock of the gun waa tknra to piece*,
.lay the iweHih day «d Jun.-. In tl«. T Ihe candtdalui of Ihe Rcpublb
hut mile damage to Ibe bnuae was
^koy wUl leaTe lor Nortkport PodaL
parly (or governor was 11 ,e buttdn-d
M-venty-eeveh l57Tl. and they, were
..Mdward Paynoa and Mr. aad Mri.
During, the laii few monUa Mogiven (or the following i lamcd per unto set our bands al Traverse CMy.
P. M. Wmrtas. all of ChknsA P*»
in said counlv and stale, Ibis l»lh day aonry In ibe Stgtoaw Valley ha*.
Btolr ......................
ad throasb tka dty on thetr way to
Bast Bay ..............
l-red M. Warner reei-lve.l five hun Of June. A. U. I»0C.
oude must important advaaces tu
Fife Lake ............
dred seveiiiy-neven vole*—577
nee lit tbe iR-gunlzailon Of ibe
Garfleld ................
Tidal. 577.
' • A. W. HaiaUl aad wtfa.of Chkaso Btolrt......................
Bast Bay>:....
Mystic Kurtbc t.-mple at Saginaw an!
Grant ....................
Tbe whole nninlier of votes given
Bant Bay..............
dn saaato at tka Park Ptoea.
Fife Lake...........
Green Lake..........
(or (be candidates of tbe DemornUe
ihe fonsIMory eslabllshed al Bay
FVe Lake ............
OarflMd ...............
Long Uke............
party for gc.veraor was *1*1)-Hgbt.
Uiato H. SekrtTar of.ClaeUaaU, 0» Garfleld ................
may l.-ad to Uc widening
Grant ..................
Orstriet Can
lUrfleld ................
and Ibev were given for the (ollowlag
yaMd UtoQsk the dty yealantoy on Oraat ..................
of Ih.- *c.»I>e of -TU- MomIc." s moolhSenator.
Green Uke........
named persons
Oreea Lak* .... 1] ill
Siaum.nl of vot.-s ctv.-n In «he ly nublkalkm iaattud by Bagtoaw lodge
LoBK Laka ........
Pentosnla ............
Woodbridge S.v FarrI* received
Mra. J. W. Roberto and Mr*. Vletor
Unloa ....................
sixiv-elghi vote*—<h.
So 77 F. A A. M.. and laakc II the of01 43 43 Whitewater ..........
Mayfleld ...............
and against th.- din-cl n'«Bnlall«
Parwdtoe ............
Total. «8
a. Price. NaAk4a-wantn raaortera. Paradlae ............
firlsl organ at Masonry In Ibe BnglPenlnaoU ..........
-and idauTrwrerse City—
Tlie whole aumher of vote* given
arare nt the Park Place yea
Penlnsuto ..........
Union ..................
tot war
for Ue candidate* af Ibe Republleit. Ihe I’rlman Eli-ell.in held on Tuesday, naw Valley. Ii Is not anlUely that to
• Mm r. 8filaahda.ar of CladanaU, Ualoa ..................
Whitewater .. -.
Ihe (aH such a step Bay be token.
party (or lieutenant governor was
O. paaaad tkroask Ue dty yeetetdar Traverse aty—
five hnartred three f3H3l. and the)
The whole number ol voKs given The May County Masonic Outing asso
1st arard .
ftk ward .
glvt-n for the fothiwlag named
an bar way to Oeaena.
tot w^ ........
43 41
for and against tb. dir.-t D.rtnluallon ciation. win have It* fltwt imtlng at
' Mm Torn OoBtoo and lltOa Deilte
81 4'
oi nr m 3U ward .
W<’U.>aa Iswcb. Tliars.|ay, July 26. A
Patrick II K< l1"y ree«t\,-d flve tiuo
9 W
01 471 47
3d ward..........
;• 47- 45 driul flfiy-ihnv voles—553.
for fiiBi.- 8.-liaior was tw.» iliousand l.ntitrw of Ibe annual onimg mil be
6awj«r Want to Bowera HnrMw yaaTotal* .
01 ¥
wrard ........
a . S3
4tb V
tiv hutidr.-.! sixtv nin. C.-dl". and lAll games to4w.*-n i.ams of ibe dlftatday ■oralns on tka Colwahla.
Total. 5.t5.
3U V
!(„-) w.r.- cU. b as folk'W*. Two.ib.«i
Richard aad Jobn Boest left
a bandis' 592' I
Iiiindr.-<1 lliir‘> nln.- iZiTh! l.-r.-ot bslccs, (..r a prinfor the candldaicM of th<; Itemoerslb- sand ibr.-.Sutemeat of votes Kl»<-n la i
Mattoa Ulaad yeatantoy mar
w.-r«- Rlv. u lor ih.‘ diri-cl noralslli.-r b.vlng^up.
y (Of !b-ii’enaot gon-rnor was flv<coUBir <if Grand Traverse, blate
iitalun of lt.-inibll.-iiti candidal.-s for
rhara they will apand a few daya Obeet Neminatian
and Ihev
Hicfargnn al the Primary Klietioh,
oBie.-, and two b.imlred thin,
didato* for »tete Sanater.
Tuesdav. tbe Iwi-lfih day of
1 TUU-s were given against iti'c.Tart*Toe
m and Mm I
Jaae. In.ihe rear one ih«u*and nine
-I Domtnailon ••( Republican taa- •cttd<ila. idnipb-*. rasbe*. e Btedd BHto Impur, blisM. Dur
hundred six. (or and against the direct
pMk took the bay trtp to Onaaa yeanlc. Make,
tarday. rataralns In tbe afternoon.
ck-wr-braliiod. clenrml parties voting thereon, an'
Mm 8. A. Keyae of the Ckwara
offices nami-d bcTrin. also a *
Slate ..( Michigaf., County of Grand
Oaani waa to the dty ytaurday.
of voles given for Ue candidaies lor
and Lieutenant Governor.
We do hereby eerilfy Iba' ih.- ('«•<•
Mm P. C. Behnefer. an Omna
We do h-r.-by c rtlfy that Ihe
Acme ........
‘r.-ie “•’“IB! "is Governor
Tbe whole number of votes given going 1* a .co/eerl staiem.-nl of »U0 13 IS
Candidate for RepabUean
..I 15
aoiter. apaat yaaterday to tbe dty
is « «-.irreet siat.ynenl of
Btolr ..........
(or and agaioFl the dln-ci nominal loo voles givi-n in the e..-jn'v of t.ran-l g.dug
vor.-s gtv.-n in the Tw.-ut)-8. vemti
Bast Bay ..
Nomination for
. A party eondeUiis of the Mcidai
2! SSi
Senatorial district, (or and against th.Fife Uke .
for governor was live faubdred ninety- on th'- iwelf'h day of Jun.-. In itu
atritoea. Cole. D. C. Camea. J. C Peter- nte Lake ....
dln-et Donjlnation of randidaio* fur
Garfleld ..............
Garfleld ........
three (3931. and ib«-y wen- given a* one ih'iusand nine hunun-d six
Boa and A. Qardtoer look the
Grant ..................
Grant ..............
tve hundred eighty l..8"> and against the direci nonilnsUoo of Slal.- S.-uaior at the Prtmarv y,|e«
Green Uke........
woond the bay tkto ■omtos.
oreea Lake ..
given for the direct Domi candidal.-* of the i«litlral parii.-s v.i.^ lion held on Tu. .-day. Uo tw.mh d*>
1' 11!
l>»g Lake ........
la.konor ef his dsMeeatk Utokday. Long Lake ...
nation of r«‘piib!lc*D candidate* for Ina th.T.-on and (or the o(fie.si nanu-4 of Jun*. in the >ear .lUc thousaotl M«*
01 17'
Mayfleld ..............
said office, and ihirl-en 1151 vedes her.-ln: al»o ■ correei stai.-men' of hundr.Hl
Keanath 8.1th oaiottatoed abont a Mayfleld ........
In wlin.-ss wb.reof. we hav.' lief'
Paradise ........
were given again*’ the direci aomlna- V.iies given for Ihe candidal.-*
doeea of tala frtonds at Basaetto' Uland PenlnsBl* ...
lint., s.t our hands at Travers. i P),
Pealasnla .......... . Ul
tfeoi of republican candidates for said gor.-rnor and Ib-iii'-Dint gov.-rnnr.
Union ..................
In sabl eo'iniy and stale, tbtw
tbday. Tka day was apant to Ike pa- Union............
offi^. Total r.95
I In wlin'-K- wb<-r.-of. we Have h«
!».. 1906.
TUk. aad abed tbe totond enjoytos WbUewater
Tbe whole niirober of voic* given,: uiiKi SCI our hand, at Trnv.-rx- City.
Cbas. 8. J.ihnM>i,.
Traverse Oty—
for and against the dlnel aomlnailon ; said conniv and stale, ihl* l»'b day ol
the autay ailracUona al Ue bendlfol Traverse
11 88
Fraiirls K !tr»*n.
. 87'
1st ward
1st arard ..
of caodldates of the Derooi-nitic party; une. A D , IW
2 4i>
Robert e. W*li'-r,
2d ward .......... . 431
2d ward ...
(or governor was sixty-three O-r.i. sad
A. K. P.il«er,
Dvard ot Senatorial Dis rlct t'aiivass
3d ward .......... . nr 0 ns :
3d ward ...
they were given a* follow*: Slxt»^«o
C. W. Ashton
4th ward ........
4tb ward ..
t«2i voles were given for tbe direct;
E. J. Tafl^.
The Rev. Hofk Kaaaedv aad fam
of democratic candldsK*
Beard of County Canva.-;ser».
Oisiriet Caovaaactw’ Certineate of Oasaid Offici.----------ily at* apendlag aooK Um at Carp
Atte»i: —
Totela .............. : 878' 13’ 39i: 583 lor
given against the direct nomtna-ion of
lAke Uls w«^.
Twenty-Seventh Senatorial DietrleL
democratic candidates for said office
rf County Canvasfcrj Sut. "f Mlehiesb. l.•«:mt» of Grand
Mm Waiter KcOay toft tkto a
Three beys who alMe a .eiOD at has been liberated, tke Jury rvunitog Total 85.
tl« for Carp Lake.
assar were flaed 82* apiece or Uirtp
We lbot S<'Dalorlal Msand aaginsi tbe direct nomtaaiion
‘ Mm J. H. CarrMI et SL Uioto. pasa- days to tol!. They had ao amey aad
The copper eoimtry la facing a *e- (or
Staiemetit of vol.-s glv.n in the toi Catvas-rs lor th.- Tweaty-Sevn party
ofcaadtoate* of tbe Prohibition------*d ihieasb Ue dty today on her way were locked ap.
rkm* labor famiac. Fro. every quar for governor was eight tt-i
to th.-r, Grand Traverte ro.in-y Rt-prc*,-nta en’l. S<'nat"nal diwnci of tbo/^tate
of Mlrhiz:.b. do htnby .leiertainc and
te NorUpoc BeaU.
ISeven iTl’tlw- IMs'rtci of the Coun'ifof Grand eenifv tha'. s' .'be Primary ElecUon
The Afrtcaa HetbodlsU. tbe lade- ter where unakflled labor 1* nked were given as follows:
nomi-i Travers.-, (or
again*! 'htdlrvet
sore given for me direct nomi-1
lor and again«t
'nt- «»•'*
,T. T. Fitopatftek and sen el Clacia. ndeat OrngregatloBBl. Ue First M. come* tbe complaint that
• twelflbdSJ of June, la Ihe
ot Prohiliitlon cnadidates for nomtoatloo of candi..aie* for repr^
aHL are BBCsts at Park Place.
E and tbe Cerlstton Sctoulsu have acaree and to great de^nd. A* aa satd offlee. and one HI vote was given s.-Dtaflve to the State 1-^^"“*'"" ^ year on- thousand nine huodted tlx.
J. E 8aaio vent W Oama Ul* oBlted Ul build a cknrck at Battle lastence. the Copper Baagv railroad arainst tbe direci nomlnaiioe of Pro 'the Prlmaiy Bi'-ctlon held ol To. toay, the din-t nominailoii <4 candidate*
Senator was duly caovasrtto
hai.tocren>ed tbe wage* of nceiJoo hlMtlop cnndidaie* tor said office. T.ejtb. twelfth day <d Jane w '1. year
Creek to be ua*« Jolatly.
. aPiR-srs by the annexed statemont
^ g
jon. -ibousaad nine btindnJ
. Tbe Co(B.bta look aboat eighty of
whereof, we have b*uIn will
Albert E Naally af Boptb Haven pot hands by 15 cenU per day. but ihU to ' The Whede numl-er of vole* given, The whole aamtor of v.
«be B^tot Bnsdv *ek*xX cfaUdres U
bands a
iaaaffleleBt te bold tbern. RepM, for and against ihe din*; nomliiatloo ; for and again*: the dire-). (
bia fool between Ibe cog* of
Ue talind Uto nmtog.
p,„y'cf radidate, of the Republicsn parly lb said n
hare to be am-1 from mine* are that tbe narface bosses for and again
prasa. and kl* 1^
, hun-il-w Reprenniathe la the State L«i»
are liartog bard ttosea geittog enough
d~ti^ Bl»rt>-thr..i- H93I and they wert :U!ure ms flie
Francis E. Brown,
1 Several Yeare Service sa Clerk,
George Knakl. Ibe Saginaw yotrtb men to carry on tbe necessary work,
John McLarea ef Plyiaoutta. whose
Roberi E. Walter.
' Treasurer and ftnprmieor 0*
e giren lor tbe dlreH'Flve hundred « veniy-fo-jr .r-74
Mg was ersthsd to a train accent a who was armted on a charge of hav
1 of Republican eandidale*' were given for the. direr. DomiBStion BoaH of Seaaiortal DUtrtot Canv*«* J
strong men with pick and shovel a
f weak ago. kad It aaspatotaA-JTedaa*- ing poMted Mickael Mmlnafci. aged 11.
fwjnid oBlee. and mlrieen (I5i -vwe- ot ReptiHlran cnndtoaics 1
tote Ike water and canned hts dentk. j hampered to the same manner.
ec /«s
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Sylvester Brown
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