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Grand Traverse Herald, August 16, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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rates I 1o i
and Just before Bradnaiioii be obulned not -know by bean.
a pqsiUto—t suppose thst ibe news- thill <.M elm——"
WhM Thtngi Q» Wron«.
Wtieo tbiBcs IP) rlcbl b'isoT tivd
"'WeM.^I suppore It has
Some^G^Oiie knocks a man anmnO
10 !-•
said. Init'l bale murtally to say M—
' And Bcoiu-Bes bin •'tib doable tbons—
good-by. Iioys!
Ifa not ao eaar. I have foaDd.
will send for you
rlBbi we cu aBcee
Now. see bow
,,-STiere'a good In all ihal we can aee
And y>roaa aie Uic aono wc
Bat leaden
We have (n almc another auOB
When tfalOBB
Seveniy-flve dollars a mnnib
the Urgaio!
And ail (be Chriattan rlriaes afaow—
fairly ch«*ea toe!
But out West.
King the big lioniiis. Mltb all their
Be done bf—weds of klndnesa aow.
vbo. batlered hard and
izer, and lhai l« work: and here hi
It Isn't yonr dnw. ao qall ii.
discoasolate. father.
U>en your
are both ihrivlUR Western rap
uurs was
••Fnr*lt lir
~Whars iliai alwui inaklus plans—
But when aoiaee Invites
wMcs pain.
1«( as Bileve wbea we mnst and till
>'“'*l« III
—W^lBBton BUI
the other
iteadily. to stay at haute On the old
There was an Inslaiii 's rileure. Tli.-
Thornten A Bona.
breese that
Idly swung the
PUII 'stooil a-
ruffed butterenpB to and fro; for the if pelrifled.
•ctee bent of a scorebing July sun
"What did you aaja Jerome?
And stolen all Its wnmctlme airenEth
and Ruyety-
BUenily It lied along ovei
believe I heard* correctly."
leugib’ln a puuled lone of voice.
its grasa-growB pathway. Just merMy
“a green rlbboil to prank the down."
lu banks were loir, acarcely two feet
Itigh. aave In one place, where tbc
bank Vnae by degrees to a height of
about all feet... and then shNied grad-
"that i am going to stay at home on
the old farm."
young face, be held out his hand.
tod have seen many Just like It.
plumes In the summer, a torch at frostkindled Same In the tall, a dark tra
be raid
do." exctolmed his father, cm
phaiically. •Blralgtit as his boys stood
bacdi and a bnovanl Inok In bis clear
tbMr worii. and the aunibino flar*s on
blue eyes.
Then the flash of all Jewels of
faith cannot compare with It In spies
very last cut, to
■ c<inaiil’'r n<-'ei«t«ry. "
Then, thrcKigb
l-T ’•’•111
sh- i.s
Mu’leline Ihtgetiing
with him
pretty flower.-
iDSwi-fing Jcruinn's questloi
hei; dainty cire.s.
oo Ooweri-. heraiise we want
give thl.ee
slradfasl loyalty on the part of J-.
‘numgh a b«avy mortgage rcKti><f oi
rome rose upibeforo him Ign that sira-
those fair Tbonttoo meadows, nut fo:
«ne J^iaqt dM the father regret the
«>Ub loll and aeUfenlal aeeesury
•e denial.
has done pri'tty well h>
for had |i not been the moai^or giv
BuppMc you CO out West—take it as
lag his son* a liberal education?
♦ Miday the father's face looked
a*. I think.
rhule yv>ii will And that our good
old Stale ran hohl
iis own with
iviiirn’d Irom an Imisfriani Ru
Phil Would niak-i
;> >n tlie child
l..-m.e-lv-e5; as you did ,i
Ik- was being tr’'ai<vi f
trees of Sere Kngland. aud Massnehn
.eit..; alone ha-, sje-pt in Ihe aggri-gati-
;;4<-ccz:. tbal It WBS‘b*lora
the same idea Was pig into practice Ip
of -lolljis in HMempttng lu
Howard fouml ili-
a apecial favor to
Hi.r- lirre-ze eain*-
As e,rl) as 17s: ib« term ■•hagmaB*
had become rommoq. (he wrwd heUm
hint that
il’-fined lo”Morrey's IMcllooary n( tbiR .
<aere seiPras:
• le-y were het.) In ehcek
hy varl’Mis
whh-li prey^-d u|M>a It and r’diired its
year, the example belag qu-Aed (row
The title
-cammereial travclerr" ‘s
'be only OMidWti part of the idea, the
i-lderod ill K’iroj<e a serioiis pest,
ancient lagman laxtlhg Mill tbe Im
provements In travel cauied Ibe term .
In czrller year* (be ualesmaa tiarei.-d with - his
Tli«- 'grea* Imp-irianc.- nf this work
c^h days that tbe sample trunk be
to thi- d-qiarimenl of agrtrultiire must
came the feature of the traveler's o«i-
Ire ro«-oEnired wh’-n it is known lha'
flt —Rxcfaange
"I tiio’ighi — why. whose h-rii:e
the gypsy
would, except fin
Minn- s’lrh rosiri'H’tn. spread over a
latge pan of the Cnii’d delates
A Loaf of Bread TvseitJjr Ccrtivriea OW
The -style ot the Mat - used by the
r. sUiillDgly
Howard >.ays that If. for Instance, it
ancl’«ts*is depleted IB a (oaf of bread -
whetls wniti’l
vide eariiagc
.,prc.,,i to WariiingluB it would prot"
which hts beet, dag (rum the niiat of
a - -^.-tiom a d-lollstor of ir.V, as H
1‘ompeil and
t ’»m «- t.
made of
eni sp’-’-le^ of K’l
Ins’et i-fii-inie. of Ih'
, j Willi H view t.i goflung them in Ma: .a
sinning Idack
'suniig’-r ol moth
•liMsef. and
whNfe te*
lha’ sli’Ui’
liriiif a siqgl-. sho’-fr
f I'mi.
the |.a> .;i a privat.. .-.idlef
iHva. cinders and sDabe upou Ibe an'
The ioa( aaa found la the
taafl evl-'-
In prejiaratloii for Ihe evening meal.
With 1^ ’-ite-pllon «rf ahsoiute terdt,-.sn. the Pal is sp9ar*atIJ » perfect
'o-lay as It was Uw day It came frotn^
• h- hakei's oven, ttoft than V oeii
'uii’s ago —t'hicago fJhroolcle.
Teire in the Millc.
■••I - arm.
I tn.ll.DMb on a rural route, lb aa-
lln- l.wo litib-. freekh
>:i to a complain' a. to the quality
i Iiro|;i<i> of ci.^-ee and thlnreii
milk be w«;: f'ltnlsbing a ruiKmer.
,h«' I'dt disrmr ih-Jr.l-rown f>e.;‘
itw fsiid
'll- lovlitde, a. V- •d .slavery.
In a sinH>l
Bcwtilug, t’-n v-ar.'
•.f W'.ndetfnl
•h’un COWI, o’ mine are Just tia aorsy
•|*»’it it a> I am-
that -rer cllnihed to th’- lop rrf a tail
pipe tn-e. alter a cbiw's tn-st?
feel as iHj wttM’ir milk <^1 do 'am
fjoni yrxi l>e|i«ve It. mwm?" -
John F
B.illey of Mltmao.
the Uigest landlndder iu thi. c
In’- jiroi-fty in seven ’liffeicn’
I i.-nlicve It." respnaded bu
■vi'iotRri. 'rnil I wish In future you'd
c-ee that they dou t
drop their tear*
■I') r,or Cali"—Farm and Hr«»(*e.
Cauae for Thank*.
Ih’- ■>iber. with the happy dr’-aniy eyer.
with the flam’- id the blood-r’-d gerau
I often see' 'em err '
in - t-guiar '-rylQ', mum—'eaaac they
' tf.ving in Ih- m’e.1 ,
don't get
• fii.-;gh gra^- tblr. time o’ year.
Ih her arm aro’iu’t hi.-
stiii.horn. willful
-quaie hims-if as followi:
nianaRed hi i
head rd - a
itie spiil’-s Ip b’^r '•■arfol fare, ’■oiil'l
ricat smile on hf* son s face.
ptepared Ibe food
ileii’iy l*'.-n taken by some housewifs-
, Curirirt Bill.
in that licBr
. uplif’d
tbe bills far away
____ ... .....
.. .... andh'iw
"On-'way." be sdl-l. half laughing,
a U-w shan-s
>ravc eyre that was pitiful lo see. as j West you will find no aire ■r hlllx, BtJ I w ish wc coultl inviywt tn sixteen •you are trying to make a fool ■( Uic
With an open letter hanging llaUeMly i»|rer atreichre of meadot ►. oo more; share*: that would bring u* in nearly old man.
Anyway. i' ibink wre win;
Xrm> Ms hand he listened to Phll'.lp^u,
„„ „o n lieautifu>|imo buodred dollars., for which we haw to write to Phil tbal ae haven't a
who bad
ciiYoDi-i> on Ibe in-(ated day wbea'
r’lliiv of a tomA where |l
On the
top is stamps iW name of Ibe ^«r
-I’-tii eiiy
rpiteof M-r. I-I. Ih’^tnol
The Par If rt’uod and thick.
V’-H’iv-iiis pour-d Jtd'vlais of bunting
It lamk hv
tiipiiv. for h- raughi sigh' nf the q-iiz- "Mi’i" nf old. the nid»o<i lilth- li«)ytl’-n
> will let
other Iln.').
o'lt Furn|K-ai1 eiMiD’ries. hut did nut
Here Farmer 'ninmton stonjw.d sb- this le- til-
Xnd In- ilon t lo
t, otir own busy day. hul as e
rs* a SlH-ffleld cutlery manuUcturor
ni-w bank tlia’ Is alrvatlv iwylng Its;
d. nii:
••over the hills wln-ie 1h.; i.plen, crow "
No on>-
Think of ii!|
stockhniiters a Ivrelv.-
lorome from 'hat isniree exccedal
seCnl as rich a r'lhoiigh It came from
<ui s’-enied iq le- je-rf-
inline as he is. Ihe |trcsAl<*nl of a;
mark in the world
•luring ao on.- y.-sr of bis oil ice bad
•e berome nbsoitic.
Is h<' IMP floing sp.eudidiv?" I a’ ;
served in IIS Uva bed,^r
ou Jerome
• there Is onlv Nan left lo stint "
snh-mniy deciired tbal
’•nc'lved 111’- Idea of sending lo tbe
an quesi after the Inseci eneml’-i
Ihe gypsy-lm»lh
ThU imah hs' eootini-tii glib lalkera to enarinra tbe
lH«-n. ever-Wdc its ItuporialloD toim merehanife ibar Hw> Cnglisb-made cut
far- rinltod Blates. ravaging tbe shade lery- was s-ujierinr I'l. that of local
•'gii alt U- land’d hi IhMttni In gotd
and worn, and there was a look In his j
For this reason the work I:. not eon
-I thick that wi- have a Nap-d.-on «t|
Onanre tn tlie fanillv."
it bas geiM-rally li
this, with
V.Mi know I atu M”l -so lueati
hill-answered prompliy:
Cemmerctal TravMcra «f the fl
which p|ey iijinn'ii and he sts”;
blii baste
lor lihrretoarili«:- the
pnnier thus Inlerj-reted
-sling firanches nf 'he old elm.—-W«>mai'-s Magazlni -
‘•rl.v’as all iliai! '
a Ibodgbl iha'i
■ \Ve have never ataived oil the ool
fatm," went on JeSrnie sicadlly.
pay the all devouiHng iatei^ on it.
Why? wli..-e fair, deep
• What ilo you take me f
Jerome luokc-l some
n-pobter In
ton and ^uis* was form’d, under tbe
lull <d flowerP. ami hlowliig .-haid!. ol
r .-.-OI •lividend on
ilollara for the al<l^e> ju«t «
Wel’-om.; home:"
-and Urine
gei along with her every day diesset-
If fou want (»
with honor
away, emdifion.
hack a»4
It sirtply remsim- to h- stiapje-d In hi.tlielched a.-.-a
r«u.c.b'ied 'hlH-’W:
s’-en whether they can be MPressfulIj moved from place to place, and K ««•
acres bi’d acre;! ef ap|<!e ire*-.-, ablotyni d-ropagated and Increased in America DM until the passiBg of tbe Stage
Sliall we write tn her Ihal she mus-
'Jerome. I nerer ibiiinfbt iliai yt>u
Yt«r» nnd yrare <C
Bid’- verandaii and Ps great windows
fan't you iDiagine oui
with satiny ro.-e,- a* tier pn-ity throat.
'"Well. answtTcd Jerj^nie.
sw-reiness, and the
gar.leiie.1 man/iion wa:
he wanted a new dress
Mad’-liue. in
ear id''n'inc
ahum -au im-d le :ay'.
•Hrmie supplies. chMli"- for njolhej
• I won t listen to afnither wnol'":
you qnd 1. ilu- fonaervai.ii v .-zie-nses
ton sraa a medlum-alied
man. thin, enable us to do'a great deal more for
of Mailehue and liltl- Nan and the you (!npp”s’- tha' I would c
blown and careworn as to feature: him than we ronid do bv slaying a: nilicBc eaia-ns<'s of Henry and S’ephnn-nt'.’ anxl’-iy to tlial
little laiA *'''.
and starving on this dull old
bill a look Into tboae keen. blue eyes,
i-n. Well, gm-s* If we run jire'iy r|t>-cC thing that is having lli. bwj.pM-s' time ;
and one caught a glimpse of such an farm? Just think, we have liwen to
to ihie wind We ran task’- iwci-tbo’i-- Khe ’!ver had in 'le r lib-? Ilaau i .-h-.
ladomitablc spiNt. that he knew witb- gelher all our life, and now yon turn and cover-lhem all •
always hail a rough time. I woiid-n ?'•I"’
«Bl further inquiry that 'come life or the cold sbniildre Just tor n whim.
she „.ed «;«■'!
"Thill leave*.n.< only one iiiousand. years and year, iba’
«wne death." heiv was one ready to I wtm't have It ao. I Jell you. Father
char and almve expenses. tJiirv' 1 enpeh. and lime, aail tim’-s t1u,t she
don't eiieniira^. such a foolish Idcu
do faattk- with either.
should have- icKikcil Mt«)n s’lehra sUi took her im-’r IHilc f’ret iu h’-r hanik. *i*‘
ir a single—"
Of hla two soar. Jerame. the yoiinRiH-’-anro i|i.v
Iiu. as that as a small loritioe.- I.ui and eit.-.| ov<jr they
Hut here Phil etoppdd. He/ranght
«r. resembled him the most. He had
■•w—well ihcn-. Jerom-. road that- llctnd so. and io-aus’- slu- roaill ic>l de-i
the nine flrm lino atound the mouth, sight of tbp Mill interlocked hand d
Jerome icsik the Icier:.and as ti'- nin around like tin- oih.-r eh'ildn’;li; ’
Jerome and his father. nf( from whose
ibe nme thin nostrils and the <
n-ail bis fare .grew i-oIst. bH the hiicht
Bhinildeni <me would have sworn full
(earless blue eyes. But imillp. "li
■if failing opt of h.
Wbeti he had w b’-ii sh’- WHS nnd’-' .th'- spreiallal's: lot
. years had rolled.
_ mne Phil." with bis great, dark brown
fltiishcul. he han’led |i tuck to hi- fa'h- car. : and now, wh-n .’he lia.-< got soinHC
«gea and waving efai-singi hair
Hold your lionu-s. I'bll." mi.iwerv'i
er without a wool
FarnoT Tl.oiuion that she ran etip’.v lile. f..i h< r pi« -fH-.
tU UBia of gold, "luok aficr"
fals brother.-e'l am mil nn^ of tin- kiti'l
f.-.sor ja rii.-s ihal fIi’- i-.
p’-rf’T'I.v Ml.a
said- enihcjsiasllrally:
of fellows that turn the cold sh'dldii
i! Iip-in icr violin, y.ei sugfi. M ■ In’' What do you think r-f i’. Jeroine?"j
1st for a whim—you know I am not.'
How proud Farmer Thumton was of
-li| -half Ih- III•WeJi." answ.osl Jerome. >d..wlv.i
graduated from college
lu their n»w, ru-'
hluh grass, iiqd all
such a i.wi'll orvasimi and .’cune
would fail me like thia," said Pliillp-
Phil winced
lA-yi vr-ry gencrsllt dtstrllint’d ihronsl'
dsiidcthuu- laughed up from ibr- flngi-r-
Ttn-y ate to have a grand-
wrote nie that
e the la-“t btH'-it ye.vis. but. <
ded daintily, and the luctls lattg with
concert then- ;z>on aud sh<- lia.v Is-r-n
es lighting at nl the iiigb* «/l llie kOii
smiling our
had a letter friHu
•drength of a lusty yomiR maobtuNl.
< xt.-rmina'|on.
dividend that
oiorning. uud
sttwd at his* side.
Ibe frrehucss nf s
au’l II-
-ajphomores: and as for lire girls, wcrll.;
Hug die.- •; Koi’li'ii r.reen;rollage iiM-
pli-s of the far H'-»q>eiidc-.-.
Farmer Thornlon Ired ed
Phil's thin
■f with a halniy wliul^-Ump-dcoas.
Stephen rep<-:ii," an
lage. others gulden ns the famous a|e
rdlsl traveler is a product
eul Ihrongh idme c-\.
den of preciourt fruit—some erliusou.
uiasi.r .l bis Ir-fi band: and then and
"Weleome liom''. uiy chil’lieii!" -
I on me fnr atr much
t’.ik 'Phifs thin right arm
then-. III! D’ W partnership .cl “Thoni
i-m tal’l from the d-'idhs o| his h'-ari:
! d«m-| s
Hisgiisi ami fatherly pride showed
help him any more than I do—havwit
Under this <dd elm ibis July u
lag mood three men—Farmer Thom- you got common aense enough to know
(bs and hU two noDs. FUrmer Thorn that aevoaty-Avf dollars a mouth wit!
ipon tnfore
Iiands 111 his frin- hand. Farni’-r Tliorn
• Well. cai|-| -wc- eeemon
i 'wiuild
lianbrup ry. aad, dc-
aev er du^g any oae year
•' a
liMle wile li’-ld cMit
strong arm. and folding
wnndeni on the old place. .No longei
fallicrT' and
1 ca.-es of
rvoded Ihrtwtourihs: of the anoMl.
Then, swe.-|.liig iln- In-nilding Iltll.
could the eye roam*at will «iver the
wunian np to Ills shouMer with
iwered Jerome.
wide stretclies e| no-iflow land inia'd
1 p-Minds in peiyjol.llro accrulag
-blldren iiuiiig quite
had bis iacome frutp that source
a ciurer illlh- soh In her voce. "F.-i
house as I would like to
where elsv then?
HI of hi:.. brother-*aud aa If
her iiands impulsively, and :satd. wtUi'
I know'thut y^ii and
lu- annually rewived live ttanu-
ic arni ;-t<de iivef his sliouhler
plainly in Farmer Th-rton's
"l wont have It so.
w.-re l«y». fne lo make mir
ily il’-nled in the HrmSe nf l,ordB
r. chill' would rail:
' leir-l rhanccllor Ridoa <mre
was mu tew my good
I win iBlo; a Ihoiisaiii
tlie fare thst
siopl«e«l. a sialwari. ttllxdi giay-halred
bniiH' xonifrwhal. aud
The two struck hands.
help falher—and you don't want to
three two SMU of his. who had Jui--
Hi- mail 'prang alinard. and the ;.ick man
Ajid the Ilred
•What did Colonel I.Riiin4rv say?
When the great Ice atonni
itisti-ad .of
■I liv.-d li
Ruddl-r anil rounder and
had "touched
fanner now with his bead ihrowii
the ieeabealbed boughs of stately old
lestuesii In tbe tones of hin voir>-.
hu’I aluiiKU
and more ttfsii one lalr of
;dd to the value .d tbe plaee, l| bore Midd'-nly with teats ’alien, as th<- train
lick hands with tils yomiRcr son;
"don't you waul a chum?"
ihoHtgh the- weary hours of the limg again "
m the height- wa.s slarioiii'd u pit
hoiu over the clowly-w-riMcn sheets,
with ao undermrreni ot deeiH‘.u
' On thU llUle eminence grew an old
k monster rlnster of given, feathery
Then turning in hi--
father with a sunny look nu hU r-iroug
aally away again.
said." repealed Jerome, flriulv.
It 11
tlnlc wife. 1 .-ouid wish from the hot
Jerome Wept on:
Imrodarad. and.
■ > al tn It to suport riiir proposabi.' *
Us-u II makr-s nn- fiwl BahaitM<d clear
Ibe old olin with aiioilier l.-ticr in thing left to send out wet
self Si
111 irf von. and bow ■velf'se.'klllg I have
»t a Idade id gra:;s, lint vouohaaf’-d no
• And ILcii think betw much It would
si'h the rare wine oi summer's vili
{ don't
he said at
m.vn. whom' I’lm of my heart, that onre more we
of the quiet, keen-cyml
lear one of Ills boys refuse a tempting Orchard giBsses and rows and rtinks
iffer. simply berause. I)e iiruferred t-> of apple trees |txidc.l wllli ll.elr l.UI
siand by his father?
with his wife, hud fcvi-lvi-d such lo\- ihi’xigli.
imethysi nnd piirplc so((eii'-l all 'ilc'
IKI daisies. . Iiisli-ad, were slu.rt
dbre of nofaM In Bs llltilnR. than the
wrailKV-lna'cn iii>B»«rown farmihous<- raising hlmseic up. ealled ex’ ll’slly , Ss
credulously at faltTyounger son. I>id k-»
Down throuBb the Thornton mea<l-
/rom Hie preparaiHiffs lor deparinn
w»h. father, from the train, ihsi this pallid fellow
Seven years later when a w*fl. vo
he white ali'l moiuiic .d liiiti.-i
H U tw jhc kid* that this
moih’Ts of tb>- next. | confldenily ap-
i-’lucation to kids In ibeir IrntwraalnB-
this gcneraikin tiHII ts- tbe falhcrw aad
•tlu are a not'd fttllow. Mtai'.s a fact."
i need ng dwell oa tbe
ln|s>rtaace to the rvttnmqUIp of
imparilng a s<nmd morel aad secular
Iilf<‘rence bis lavaliy and
Mr. Thornton industri-iusly ehewrsl they
father raised his bead and siured In
-«ws a UtUe brook allpped. uakinR b»
The thioiieli ]>as-eiigers had
one." au-wer»d Jerons-.
faih.i." he said
I have iboucbl of that
i| li"w much Jeronn- has U-eu to yo.i.
so. long: d’U i illaapjMilnl me for the
with all the res’ id tbe wliicows made Ptnelands a little longer than usual.
ve 1-vii hs’klng f.wwar.1 to tbU pasM-nger of
expineiveiy. md that was not the only olwervablt
’bange. Ahitldio's lamp in the aluipe of
“1 am golDg.' went on
Phil , eyv-s ailed with teats
"U. you
Mtvisi- to remember that the kid* at
fr<->li coaP oi
s^k'- of a iwtdve per cent dividend tiic. lin-h-ss imnistriil lolls at the hands
Why of eoiirw- you an- g«
log: -You know, pt .Wordswerttc*
uu.r iJiyiiiR. -TI*. kid Is father to
laml^-laaii that waM.thal compan, able years
Rank of O—.
Hill tnrm-d around In surpiis,-.
cnustliD’nts when they read tie nex3
"It majts tlie place where Je
-Who said anything to ib<«eoiilrar} '
then aoand ibe strain,
W’-ie.| Ins lai|r;r with drep
omc and I .reilere.1 into jarincrsbip "
that laAmlr me-.-a«e ami fell inl.i ifae
the fallnre of the Sc'cmul
Just aa ?i
Imagine the 'imma'-
vr-r and oryi-r again, and 11 alwaya
rather Bbsiii.y hoiiw
than II was that Jiilv nsirnlng when
only tolly
deal." an-
iiarlr- me homesjek. And wlien f thliil.
take you out to O—.
far Mas rare worn
wrillcn. but printed
of the right
haoi- flrst sound »hvp he bad khuwu slmV-
thtiik what a change it wouM make in
Uls hand.
why. mine are already mrfdc. I am
And a seuk. thin, whiiefiq-ed man
• your litHe lllackic. j.-rome?"
bad; fnd we'll
. bare tbem sfaln.
i-aid Phil, in’-asnn^g It with his e.ies.
Over the wires that nicht flashed a
used, and, for ibe sake of brertty. tb«
ibr .q--rator at Ibe other end «( the
-y>Mi have kept tbe old tree in spile wire
The mesaage. however, was Dot
but die
sank liaek on his pilloib
freqaeaUy .
reached the old elm. Ihal lowe(^ wp clerk euln.ttiia’Hl kflis.' trusnng that
like a giant seuiinet, ke,-p|ng watch the al”-rai|on would be rorrertee by
telegraui; T-omii« -Jejtiiiie"
Just a
yours if y*Hi will laki- ii, Phil
distance Farmer Thornlon stood un-
Resret? They would nerer permit II
Our ironbtas we've
fioni tie
el pay a month's Isiard In advgfire "
Still the father said nerer a word:
:il Jerome. coliectlOB
WiiSE breese.
hied up a
liirg’-r. aU|t a
hcBRi of ScpteiiilsT into reiv sliailes of
And (he wbo is esu^t by iHb wbls
joint, father,
r dav. aud lb" offi-i- is o|>ei.
and murmur work and Inttutwi money Is dime awa>
tn a daily jiaper In Bradford
subject ol I
We t .-topjird at the link' Maii'Ui ol
I wav
iUlists, we'll see tbal all this hani luptlous liure. trausmuletl l>y the sim-
oW trees
titorks migtil Mtlng. an-l where com
"Wake up. Jerome., wbat's the mat eaplessly.
OriB winter baa Unsered. but Eurb’
Strtre for btoomlnB
ibai'E ool
think how much oit>n- pleasant
Hshionc<l, raiuhliiiR larni-liozie of
thiiiBa are
His brvHher. tvlin knew bow mneh
ter with - yoii? Are yon
Thia earth baa ita eorron and likewise dreamlnit? Braee up and go In plan Jerome rami |or the skvk young civa
tta rm.
looked at him n momciii in m
nlns oui'a'way hy wtilrli we eau en
If you Snd yoa out't rlBhl any nis- out Weat without drawitic.any furlbe’ lenee.
chief thU's done.
•-Well. Jerome.- he said at length,
the Rood old Rovernor. Dtin l look
' *Tnrtft It! runslt ttr Fter^t It
bbMsnms. nntll
I wouldn't >ee anyihmg bajijwu lo
'Wall a momcBt. I’hil." he add'-u. fonalde eliaiis might le< tljiped'liark
•'Tlic very
Slowly- they wi-at nut through the
Ibe iraB.ffllastoB of the report ot M,
parllameatary spereA by Mr
was-Ihe answer.
of <he enerogchnii'bIs'Ot Ibe orchard.'
alwuptly raine to a ri6s>-.
* Is tbe^.flhl
and ward over all
lien- Ih*- leH
e lt:e.-
meat of fats iMtys w
I the abuulder.
lira's no use' complalnlni; of boa
"I bate livi-d In that oi l
cri oishbiiH-d leiw-windnw wlicr’
I'lillip clapped bis brother shailill
kee|n aKkill- if I d.in'l siip|H>-,-
■ Nan could take her rkdln. an I
IP hills and far away'.-
by day.
•irbornlnn aoMOU'ly "I lb.nl c-’.
wants to com., hotrie sn luid ahd .
; siiraiiR to hl.« llp“. iVlio ii<,-i|. cftuple of. wide verandas'«her«
It'dill, at least
"Wont It lire yon*- Inquired Farm
-•Hut ooi home is nm; and the boy.-
while Jerome's look iDSile him ihitik
TSod sje-e.!. Phil." uld Jerome In .i
in and he is aiiu«.-l helpless, and
falher. ledly.
r-Ves." answered his father, tirledy.
i^baking voice. Ibinigb the r«no1u>e will Imiiie wtiiild wvm to them. If that big.
Ibe fairest
orchard, through tvaow-llke drifts of
. "Wlial If they are?" intcrpo-ed hi.i Jrtv.nii- will
averins of n
And now n<-rvipir prostration hay
as Phil turned away. "I forgoi some-
usually so full s>f
of nn old nqrsery Jiosle amrnt -tHM
DonY keep oo bewalUbfi your lot day
had tn.th'-m. and we ate honw-l-
will look like the roof loth*', old shed,
bis toil-worn bsD(l^ in ibail slb-ncc;
t qbalnt wa,
Of ■etrlly naytoB -Fursit M»
over every cM»t of prT>|>eTty that
au’l girls an- coming bono-.
with dropped bead, looklns down iiu
There was aotne one or other who bad
-Fatlii-r ••-aid l>fail. l«i
vbs later. "Tterv is a weilamheuiicated story
lusr rive me yn.i, arm. twoun yon, I current to the repiiriers' gallery of a
an' to wall: .an t.. the old eliB'
strange freak of a lielegrai>h clerk lb
was .broken:
tellers a-- r.ono- of ibem were, while
Jerome, "our
boany enthusiasm where the advance
father, who. was
.-ChleaBO Oaltr News.
cJ him Ihe nxm—Piiilip nr tits father
Why. what doia this mean?
propose -In
■W.-ll. yon can ttay hen- and g
pushing Hfe..llRhleDlng up every
henv. that's the place for me."
8UII keepa bit lenper and fait nem
chard Is the pride of ttie«v)uolry. Is It
Immense rhanres for making money, kept tael, the linpi'l-'iyc cry of a wis
lid—-Where Ihop giwsl. I will
qrllh the great cleelrlral currents «il
StUI. aH mjr praise I will reaerre
When IMdrs
Ewered the'uOkt calmly, "they hoih
positor; becaii le pour.In -siieh eru*d
■ Bsslern farm or Western farni."an
And.half-dazed with
flowers of .:prmi:
others were -,> p«|fnl;«nd Phil IOitp'O
inly IhKjtwglUDlag! Oh. If we were it you want to. bul with you orw»»hoot
only outuierc now! 'm'ls dull dead you I am goinc Ui m-<- wbal lb( woild
and-alirr life Is like a ibk-lc. foul air. ba.s in More for me."
Do iintn ^bera as we would
seemed as if his heart
.tritrled and piacvd u
whose l.illowB of wheal are lioundeu
TTiInk of It-wliy,
princely salary now. but U may tM-
bo wfobb.
When ihlDga to riltht «e can be good
For bin
hefii his
bad uiight her
Tbe two men areu-d themselves on and letlerE from stcatkbuMera ami de
with the gr. ai level fanue of the We:
seveniy-flye doilara a month looks liJmi «
And iHMMe aouni oar little ewcet
bad to M-e aU his i>lajns fail one altet
this Ihiag over." bi* kaid slouly.
for each of os. and a prospect lv<- r|w
Ibe danrins fcol,
be Ims
Jerome's lle irle.l ,m. hard to prevent K; but he
need a good deal of one kind of fertil
WUb mar one on abrtbloB.
'•f.«'t IIS ait down, father, and talk another: aud alter the rtasb came It
depend oo one- solely livi sunrise and sunse<!"
thing—if I ran And a good place for
When itklnin Bo wroRS
When UsiDRs
-and poor J*bll baa lost
Tbe perturbed look
Unk at It!
Eighljr acres
Well, as he was golsR folly.
iBdown land witk weoiy meadow:
away, iw field out his hand and said
and lliiMWiill paMuree! Compare It
with a queer little ralefa In bis ^ce
Ftor otber folk to have renrd
And Brant reqnestt with
Why. under
“Look si It!' broke In Phil, t
rapers would say that he aceetiied it
To keep « pICMut. cboorfnl fmce.
In. I.aplan’1 Mm» crime which l» poo-
ium on Ihe'^^lip*. ami the *W’.etn*-«* of l.tud rfow severely, next lo murder,
At a camp moella^
those wlio felt
they bad .
th.- lily on tie velvety ehr'ek*
1' i* msfryiftg a girt against rh<-express ronetblng <o l*> thankful for. to rtaa
I river* than those that lay before you: :wunldn'i have to work a stroke. Im cent to spare."
“Oh. (aiber.. just tiiink of it. w»* I aad tbe same blue sky U over all. "
and say no
Many responded, and at
Three years later, they gave a letresild not Im- Ihe li'lte lame, sad-farvsl
wl'h at her parents,
j not growing lazy." h.- added, depreci(here ever such luck!
Phil made an impatient gesture, but .aiiogty. "but J never had a cent ,in ter in slleoce to “owther." asd the Nan that uaed to be. wb^ ftngere;Thr— g.JOd washiH are recHv”.
1 tbe writer ot
ibis let-!Jerome sUII kept
. o
• «or. George Bllioi. and he was a roymll
"Look at it!
imod Wlow If (here ever was tme. He'place
the old
my life that
I didn't have to work
moiber't tear* f-!! last over tbe trar-
See what a slBhtlv:ror: aad I would like-}*) know how it blotted letter from tbe ;R‘esieni ilaQgbbomeMred
And feds to bare some money come In that ter. whom she had never seen;
unthiaicd Just a year bdore we did. ihera's not a spot on It tbai we d>i was ao( ea'rned by the sw.-flt. of mr
••The bank bay fall«!." sn
would glMe over thedumb window-' ati 'Afayatlnian during bis rarwc
ledge or table as shetried to weave, hi* binb. oo taU marriage morn,
out the music that the pines on
it’ ran, bill«lde and th-
bis d’Wth.
At all other llmei
in the meadow f ih’inv soap aad water.
-B'ril. breibrea. I bafn'l got bat taro .
-rb. ! t-t; t'hsak Cod-, they hit.-
Chat aomo nceUant time will he made.
•vrtrM «r 403 WMt Ninth MrMt tM*
Mr. Squlr*f daughter was claaning
asm* ahalvao and had taken numeroue
In ..»e siring llaroi.i Kn-eland »aand tbe committee eepret* a lai?:* whole plan. Already the men In the
WA, a'
A special tnrl'a- deal are lobking tar abrad and from Allcy ....................................................................... rilrtiakltlg popder cm -i
J.:!gn;al ral-.-il He shut twilve straight
l>udingtOB tbe road will.push on to Savder ..................................................... ..
while aoutb It will extend it* steel An P”*' .
gers to grasp the Intcrurban net work Bnedand .....................
Rev. Mr. Carpenter Will Remain.
Upon one ahelf w
ceiVG a re«p|iolnlment.
wfndoure In .udurnea.
tbo accident Mr*. Sgulma wa* ir
kKehon and npoK the otove. but waa
not Injured In the laaat.
the lida knocked off.
Every doer
completely covarad
tha black aeot and powder.
No other
have them maniifaclurcd In Traverse
and will
bo lomplelod
of purposes.
Mr. Ludgste’e Buceeaa.
' Trarerae City people will be
Bo obulaed a lease gf ttoadman'b
MlaDd which
her. H. V. Hustou. Jamen l-Yilcy, C. W.
I*hail, II. II.
The road will not W ran os art' the
lar coaches oii
ing Oroih with n -very serious crime.
Groth works Tor his brother Charles
and Mr*. Durst keeps house for them.
taken as directed.
' 'l li-'s*- sit - •* ortiy ■•"U a liilh)
lr»' .\nll-raln ni1« sn
n n»d T>r. Mllr!
- f-.r in--f--«-mtr»c
isl'o u--—*1 lli-ef sit
I »isv«,r* In «iii» ..
r«iii »r»-*n y.-.\r*
lUlt- '•
111-10 tioi’i
llo-y itri- • lii'Hs-r in
ll piya In I'-’y ih'-
The fn-lght rsrs will also be full rl-<-
the right
temple with a 3* calibre revolver.
Mr. Kas* bad been a sufferer with
mad will pass is r«nu- of the rtrin-.i, ii.
II has the frail of 0<—atiu.
the nail and liimlx-r of the norlliern
eountles. (he tnanufnclured pr>nbi<i-nf Muskegon, and a passenger irr.fli'ranglng from the travel iM'tweeii local
James K. Flood of Hart, president <>t
the West Miehlgan inU'ntrhan. Imtay
insde the following ofllclal. slat, im-n-.
I'cdnesdny is
TTiat Is the finale fu Mleblgan electnr
Tttad building, and slrMdy the planh
are w«-ll under way and nnusl
Room 310 New State Bank Building.
Traverse City.
the companlCH' will
then bo maile one.
-Ottr further plans?
Welt, really I
do not dt'sirc to talk about thjpgs i*s'
far aheail. but eventually we int-inl to
inrarthm will l<e started...Mmn.
reach the resort eomilrj in Hie north
The Brsl step In the entcnniHc
part of Hie state by wav of Mauls
fruit belt, and Htllr innible was looked
Yon will soon la- rt-tuly to niiiah your hoiiae. W'v •■iirry n
full lino in »lm'k un.l ntv in sjiape lo f'-t out 8i>.'ci;il mirk in .i
hurrj’. Got our prici-*. .\U kimls <'f -Iry hmiU r »u 8b*-k.
When in a hurry. »eml yujir or.l. r to ui.
I’li-mos. liell HIH; Cit/..'30‘^.
Ibe iwvolver shot rang out.
by tbe aonad. be wheeled and ku>kcd
For yoai^ Ibe myst^y of Michigan
thU year and the Uvlmr day lieirna
railroading has been the laxity of the mcni will nndimbleill.v aiiracl a InrgIVri' M.vrqui'tle iu not building
nerting link iM'tween l*entwBter and
On Tl«ir».la.v. Aug. 18. Anna Oal-U-;
will 1h< bore and will give an ovlill.i
IH-nlwalcj; brattrli
at Hr. Kam; but saw him still sitting
the company extonds lioni this city
roniwalcr aud ends Utcre.
This canseii him to think
trun club gitinnds at ZiSn-i.. m.
lofnrc, thlK
famoiii. .wunian
that possibly be was the onr shot at
lies fourteen mites further up Lak<
man's work lia* l■•eti.|•e.'ll in .1 leni a>
and be started on a
Michigan but only a stage
ige line 0
some dlWnre
for Ibe house.
y lo come to this city and
went to the blUaidc where the Ilf
body reaied In such a deceiving
The terrible wound in hi* tern
pie served to show
Ibem what bad
taiiy deranged, be being afillrted with
cbnmk' parebl-mentngftis."
has surveyed
Now- that llie road la In the hands ol
le rereivers there U little proepeet
that It will Im' biiili for yrars
wife died at Ibe Boko* borne five years ;thc opportunliy prewented
Accordingly the pmpoKiiloD was pm
age and the only one nf flve children
op to a numlKT of Ludington eapiisiists
Regatta at Aldan.
Alden. Mich.. Aug. lO.-The Wggi-:'
regatU In Aldun's history win be boid
here Aug. 33 and
24, arrangenesti
o]>|*>minllr to M-c her al Hose range
H. l>. Alley won ihc medal al He
ol -Ibc possible iw.-iity five iioi-l
The iwetily-weoud bird was th-
Tile tnierurbao promoters
Hr. Ka-ss was a Bohemian by birth
and bad l>een n resident oT l^eelanau this’While they- were taking
ItmlnBry step* and were quick lo grasp
CDUBly tor a number of yearn,
left > Mr*. John Jlokc*.
regular weekly shoot of tbe club Fr
win and then to l..iidtngtnn. a distance day afleruoon. breaking iw.iUvfou:
of nearly !«' rolU's by rail to ctmoi'et
After a abort sesohm the verdict was (ween the elites, hut t^ extenalon has
•ver been built.
reached ‘‘l>eatb was canned by his own
band tma a revolver ^01 while m'en-
[ Siouk -doors delivered same day an ordered. Odd
doors and window screens in thrift days.
Well send, a man lo take the measurements
I Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Hose Bags
This is tin- e-.-i.i.'ii Ikiit '•••■IK f*>r.
Screen Doors and Window Screens
«■- Lav.- ;i wry .-i.nii'i 1.' st'-'k --f lln’W
lia\.- I il.*nr «*iin|il.-|.
witii tri.iu..iii;;>i for $1 OH
I. Mil-ur.-nU'*t l»irc.-iiii >«»i owr U-4W.
Slip il over the horso-'hoad ati-I
ilirm anywhere.
No lime lost in putting up your I'-.im aii<! no inoiu-y to
pay out lor stable rent. The saviiij; in liim: an<i iiumcy will pay for th»: bat’s in a short time. Tiiey wi]l last
for years. I’rice fiac.
Thia m
n.it t!jo
r. -l sL-um'.l .i.M.f'willi ,'ii.ii.'! fruHi.-ll.at is tuui.lly *ol.l
;it, nwa
f-'T li..-lu-ai) >lf«.<r. t'Ui ll i - iii i'i'- of fic-l'-'-U.-'l stock,
hw a
■ of
1 fr.-itiii-...ill.'! H
>1 10
■■■* ,wMUd
i>i>tiiU-<l U-wk.mKlfi
libick, lUKl oot^
ol the
It'I'lor* uiii i--
U’<-iiitv) have tin- oih'al ihwira
u'io'l.m 8<T.-«-iit fn— ‘’■
*1 2-'
i*]i W-la-11 you .want ..iiyiliiiiie in lliislinu i;ivf u
then go north to While «'lt»ud. to Bald
bawmed and coroner L. H. Gage was cities only fourteen miles apart
Many limes iu tbe past the railroad
BOtUed. immediately sommooti
This exhlblHim li.-n- will give all if.
teach Ludingttui from I'cntwaicr U Is
of tbe
In order
wllh I’eatwsler.
After alarming Ibe family, n niimlter
With Ds.
•'i'l L ike Aienu.
linn of faiK-v tihooliiig at Ihe lb«l niu!
On Lab<rt Day.
fur lo bring matters to a (orus.
The Traverm* City Rtwl and G.iii
But the promoters looked further
club will glv.' a Mg Khixd h<-iv IjiMu
tbe evetilng milking. He aolteed the ahead aud tor niunlhs have been quiet day for the hpurismen. «rf nnrtlieru
tllllag egalDst
Mleliigaii and will win l«rk Hu .rilVi-r
which took deOnlic shape In l^idlngtou cup which Ik now rvpiwlng at Mniir.ionee but tbongh nolbing of il as be
„ l
wont to sH tbere hours at a lime Wednesday.
Iona. TI10 club ha* had no Mg sh.»ii
twenty rods of bis fsther-ln-law whi'U
Order lor
bich will be built fnini Muskegon (-
northern resort country at Petoskey
imU creMe
Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Btate Only.
tle to bring them to the barn and do
On bis return
202 Wilhehii 151k.. Cilz. I’h.mc »»
it Is the In
of till! {.udinglon
build down lo Hart lo nii'el the llit.c
line electric road from Chicago te the
TravorM eit]P
Plat* Class. Steam Boiler and Accldont (nsuranco.
connecti'd with
.-ei;t Michigan interests,
Electric P
Tire Insurance!
- per. John Rokos started after the cat
B tbe westber permllied and dote
im Bloqk
Were* f-evolT B.ek III 1* . UFTH'JlT
•It la true that the Inlertirban
rb.. Aug. I
siallohs to tl>e hnrdi-s which timme
the nprthrwi resorts.
>e promoUon of the West Mlcbi|nn
and Trawrse City and on lh<
iierurban company, organized in Uih
south lo flo»lty
n-ai'h fhleigo le
tala mind. city 1*0 year* ago.
nienn* of the jndisiia eli'clrle road-.
This company seenred an air line
Tha attneke woald come upon him
••Tilings an' pn.frewsliig in the niivsright of awv from Muskegon to Hart
tbre* or four ilmea In a week and yes
iiiufariory manner with the nuid
wllh the Idea of paralleling thf I'cre roiiEirarllon wilt iie start.-d nhurilj.'
terday be bad been In such pain that
Maruuetie tbrouirii te great Oceana
be woald partake of no food-
with tbe cows. Mr. Rokos wo* within
over bis pipe, reading.
Ob. F. J. MacNett
Ui 8EA80K.
M**bew*,tol«srwph mI
aUwL ■
and Ihe.territory thrmigh which itn
the slate
wlik lb* '
TMC8. 8. 8PRAOUff A SON.
■erere beadtefae* for acveral
When tbe family bad finished sup
> »i>.
II til III.-1
bat of late they bad
worae. ^bably
w-t'i d’-nu>ci-a .
iv.-,-;l t
The power to run ibla enormous ..ytern will eome from the rivers of
era Michigan, so rich in
rig hove in sight.
A* Mir. took-Ms own life shortly af-
• I.'
,>i..l i^ld bH.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind |
ably skipped out when tba aherirs
during tbe warm aummer days. James
- .ni
• •il
tba Mao* where be bad spent many
9oU R^oa. aeren miles northwest of
-•“•1 Ftidi"-
Rowland Dounlass
roads at terminal points a:, are th‘-
that'dale and ii was then that the
rrime was enmmitled.
HO Is preparing to erect a large sa*-Mr. Taylor drove to tbe farm Jiil)
nlU on tbe Island and has plans wbleb
ITtb prepared to bring the ma
T ' «U1 cul4UUtj In ijftbcr Indnslrlea. 1nthe dty. On his arrival, after tbe sui>^
cdadlng a fpiiiltnre faclorr and. a dry
per boar. Charles Giolh said that his
«0^ Hr. Ludgate-s experienee wllh
brother was In a bark lot spraying
Us men of tbe Trarerae City Lumber
potatoes but would be back later. This
tmmpany In this elty proved bin to be
evidently not true as Mr. Tay
a mu of wonderful energy and a flgbilor sUyed around the place until after
ar. He baa demonsiniied these-same
in o'clock and made n ccarrh of the
gnaUUea In Vancouver and has won a
premise*, flndlng bo trace of bis man.
victory under dincullle* which would
It stand* lo reason that he was not
•uUme dlaeanraged muy men of lees
spraying potatoes that late and pml>-
Was^ who lives with his son-in-law.
e-ieuiiir: :i:
Hie end.
ears of any other railroad.
were berrying aeveral days prior
boars over his pipe and newspaper
I.- .4 iMitv
I- i.h
and will Ite lransfcrre4 •“ Ibr steam
Jjard Pan Shots
^ forrimn
puny efforts of thC steam eiiglu"---
She swore out the wamiol July Sitb.
Kan* Killed HImasIf.
the tfarungh
Iraveliog with a spe^ t« shame tli<-
\ai dalma that she and the defendant
Mag rendered In favor of Mr. Lud-
Thursday evening
-.liiyiOBKi ti'-i .srtiio-.e ii-ar Hi. laes-
>ii« all'
hauled by monster cle.-dric loeorooln--.
sworn out by Martha K. Dorsl, ebarg-.
-woo ont. Ibe dertalon of the tirtvy
^er I o’dock
u-in L> |trrrtwl« pr>,.-tW and ml
41),mw suic fauk ^BlhUas. T
' nntm 0»r.
. .• ,
arrfy.-.I tr.-i .w. .-W an-!
larged sticel cars, .hut will have regu
ty Sheriff Taylor, the warrant being
Mr. Ludgaie bn* Bnslly
^boating blmacir through
are in many respects unique in ekvlilc
arrested Thursday afternoon by Depu
km court and baa rested tbere. being
Shackeilon and
The plans for this gigantic syi-teni
on blB brotber'a farm near Yuba, was
eoaacu of ib* Dominion gat
(C >nr M..M-)
n *i.i.vw,«'e>4*iy»
Ua:-ir: .
au't W.t*ii'-|u mis -1
Tlie way to
Frank Groth. a young man working
Ibe matter was taken Into tbe Doniln-
aoven yean.
running Into thcja-veii iiwiv
dunng tbe
Honesl Shoes at Bootsl Price.
fected. Neuralgia simply makes
' HI.-*
. ,\IU..IIK 111. :...'-iar.-Vc«-h .4 the w<-W
present Inlerurbans wllh tiioiely tii
Tbe DomlnioD troops
fongbt oecMloaslly
Cartiers. A. K. and W. A., also willi
village of Leland,
fleoltioa which enaiied when Hr. budto take
With him are tfie twer
elrrlc. and with them arc U. H- Dam
Tbere was
were-tailed to take n hold In the dif^ atlompted
The building will
Taken all together the building
acaa* dUfleultr In securing pc
at oae Ume.
.1 N.-vkimiii .(l-il-'li-ij.'Mi.'b .
The whole Pain family yield to
and several limr* a gnlKTiititv
rial iMWslbimy.
will make an excellent addlilun to the
M*, X.
more iirotuincni nerves arc af
Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills do this.
Chi< f nmmig Hieiu li;
lumt- o!
The Interior work will Iw entirely of
eonrer and 'oorered with a large eup-
ll...:..n, inriiaifawli^
W iu-n
ner^•es fyccome
life uncndurahic.
I* <« ka.olheC
l-. ij. M; uu.l Mr,
S’l e.r t'Hn-imrd'i. «*
’.•r, F1-.11-'
They arc .<cniiiu!s
ment of your yyslctn.
. .
that warn you of any derange
rak. giving n very bent and jiretiy On
ralgta. etc.
ayray of nami-s.
will add a great deal in Us appearance.
Mr. Uideate left here seven
yaanago and went to Vancouver. U
rarry on the work, ha* an imish-iiig
Justus S. Stearns. millionHlrr liii
tain line plate glass windows which
log a- Chicago bank who «wned the
Backache, Stomach ache. Neu-
day fonni.'d a leni|Hirarj oitiiiwuiy
It> one end the boat man-
and a bank.
Otnpany. for acveral yea™, repreeeol-
The Ludingtiin men who. Wc<lin's-
part will be used for n general store
BOW owoed by tbe John' F. Ott lAimber
’ 3rcrCealaUeM<»riiicDeMlu. N '
N.- . -a.
.Ui. ai -
M.h o.' Mi
Iki.-ril!.; l'..bl|
n3l^es of titc family are Hc.-id-
stomach nerves .nrc weak,
1 Gaerif
’I he
At Hart are J. K. Upcsl; ex-slair seiidiRCSlion
and , you
or. and Fred J. Russell. Judge Sos- ■ doiihlc up -with pain, and if the
by fall.
the death ^ Judge Wauly.
win have Us factory 'while tho from
gate, who was manafieT of the saai mill
Mr. fii.it
lltcy are
ufariuiing eSUbllshment of that place
aated in tbe career of Tbeodore I.Aid-
prc.<icncc fell cvcrvivlicrc.
Ktracturc will lie used for a number
..f-t Mi
xi;-. l- ..inr;- t'-*.-
makes you
building is lo he 48x100 feet in sice
ha. *yeu would thbik tho entire house
t*!;i,-h!. t • H';• il.
You know llient;
shlp at Grand flaplds made vacant by
eions’ predi'cessnr on the lieneh of the
for K. B. Chandler wf l.rland.
•The way tha emofcc poured out.'’ oald
SellkCt.i.'ip, M-
the lirain
Atfchlleci Jena C. PeU-rseB 1« pre
SURPLUS. *30.000
V ' l’a|.|H n
tie 1- V.-’ 11
•ani-o. S;-.ul -W.-!i
hausted or irritated. Headache
paring plans for a new briek smieture
priMd to find so little demage done.
H. Gal»-
The Pain
possibility for tbe Unlieil Stan's judge-
A Lelatd Building.
hauoo at the time and hoard the noise
(centh Judicial circuit and a strong
City, ven* probably the latter.
ply of •plewlld
He ba* tor an nssnri
ale C. W. Sesstoiis. judge pf the four-
from the oapkoion was graaUy aun
tract conslRtlng of Viaple. movUu; opiril.
ialand or will ran.>4hc loga here and
A gentleman who was passing the
renters never uU(1tT*riti--a liond.
tided whether be will operate oa
of Ha contentA
large available
The mcmtng“a
IrwrtM which waa only a fmv feet
Uon. If tlie Uliuricrs of ibe money
trarl of timber iu the n?glon. having
In Ibis city F. A. .S'iuis. head of ihe
aequlred the limber rtgbis on eRsver grc-al legsl and nilniiiC Arm of NImS.
iBland. Tbe timber on the Island la j
rain £ Vanderwerp. Is the
an the otove waa blown open and all
a^-l tfamilv. M' ,
frail In the oiganiuUM of a tempo
rary company there to build ibe llhc
from Ludington to Hart.
Tbe work of securing the necessary
kmatag been eompleted last night Tlic right of way. eic_ will he taken tip nt
gnse luvd a« soon a* this is eonipletod
will be Ipr a aUver cup.
t;inifl... of
rirh Kent fruit belt
raillioi^ to fliinnee the whole proposl
At the time of
thmugh Grand
can command in a iiromeiit eoongn
D. C. Germaine has purrhaseci
■mviv .Mlanta..l>*.: Mr.,
............. *I
idle dream for the men iM-bInd the di-al
Tho oxpleoien made a terrific neiac
and wao aoeompanlad by a groat deal
^ of ameke. which poured out of the
Natch. ',
doing aome
avont Hying through the air.
:;j|aud thru 41.^
ccniral Indiana lines
brr in re-appoInt tbe Rev. U B. Csr- and through (he great fruit conniry
penier u> tbe pastorate here.
Hr. ibont SI. Joseph and Henino tUrbnr.
Inening and had an extra hot lira,
waa therefore net many mlm/taa bo- Carpeptn baa glrm areat eailafaetlno' Through the soittbern part of the stale
ibe church members and it Is tbeir it will toueh all ol I lie popular cUles.
fora a vldant oxploaloh auddanly
anlmouB deetre that be ebould nArid there is no fear that ihts
plaoo and ketdea, griddle* and pan*
•gulroo had
ManlBiee. Traverse City and Petoskey. t'aner
boats to enter.
Tbe orfldal iMjard of tbe rMirteentb of Donhern and
largo package of g«npo*der. which street'M. B- etaiirrb held an iDportanl and the Chicagn
The road will
aha dM not notka. and thie vme put locelliip Inst sl^ht and regneeted tbe
Into the otove along with the nibbleh. conrerenn-. wbleb meeU next Septem- Rapids and the
; A. TRACY LAV. PtwalOsiit
U. l>'W.-nIni-.;
(loD is extended to the Trarerse aty
from ‘ihom.
Into the nr*.
Guest* at Leelanau.
Bat this is but a small part of tbe
number of entries.
mwty ovcrtMl.
iSf. the string. nnisUiag up sUb 1
Tbo ncatla arin be rticbl in InM-wa-
morning and • o^rloiM aocMMt nor>
Traverse Qly Stale Bank
n»«k his nerve and h* dropr^-d .-lx
TborrareawuDbarof (aet bow* la evetrlblBg will be ready tor tbe InttM-:
IlDC between Mtnkegon bM
Ida and vldBliy and It I* espec'rd Ing or
No cough I* too trifling or too
fcninis to tie treated by the H0M
method, and the right method is
tbe u-ic of tbe best coosh cun.
which is
Kemp’s Balsam
Cuneb Boxes
^ It is now excursion time.
for your trip.
tii'l L’<«loUi..v buil'liii;;.
Get a iiiee
Dinner Pails
Have jun-ever iric«! the
Royal Tl*»r
grip and
oin of the thr.'Ot and bronIrri'.alion..................
______ tobsslkimiDwItalctyrcmfired
liy- the nxe of Kemp's BaWm.
Sold lyaU dealers al a<c. and coc.
Always handy; we have them at every pri'
C»UMt4t C«n$
«0d SaIhimt
They are the bett. SoW raily by
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Santraun and
Tlu' Omeua ctriurs
crimsoa, preen and
Ths TmrerM Otr P«Wte Wbo «'■ wUe of Ctndnliatl paaaed tbroneb the
fiBiSM Uw UDoal MtobmXKi oTtite dty today oo their way to Nonbport from west to east In ever chaneint;
inis. an<f many psrilM were out cazKortbm llh:bl(9D Ms«Ab«« Auoei- and Omena.
A. C. Wort ley and wife of Kaiamasao ina St the KlorT until the last brisht
BUw beld *t
tOTMl AcMoe ibU iRoniliif
and Mrs. C L. WbUaey and
ttn* io the dlffcreat «ool«ti. ibc family spent ibe day on the Island.
Tntrm* 0*r bond eorryfog off the
MIsa Bessie IVaa of Grand Ratdds
hODOn lo the bend
Md the
passed throach the eny Ibis momlns
decree teen of the Tr»Te«e B*j Hire
I her way to Ne4b-U-sranta
■ Ko. 71 wlDlilsc flW prite.
Mrs. Blebael.lArdle went to Ke^taUader the efflclmi leederehJp .< C.
U-wanla this moraine at did Min
A, gfcetdier the Tmrerec City bend
Roaina Stewart.
piered two eelectlooA • roHy-Ovc MIpG. Pawlinsoo
for Norihpon this
uine from Brotdw«>~ and a march.
“ArpbU" BO well that there waa
aa to whore the f.'at i»H*e boloiiRod
band took
prise or its.
The ladles' drill
series a craai depl of credJi for their
^^^rformsDce last erintac. dofne the
.'mtifk lo flfioeo minum. But a tiiori
tine has been devoted lo practice boi
each member of thcteam showed soeh
an (mdersiaadlnc of the work iliat all
pQsalUlliy of serioas blunder was elliD'
A remarkable feature of the
ion lu
crimson Jap lantern.
he lieautimi.- how
The following guests registered at
the Clovers the past week:
rented lians Villa at fSast bay and will
sm-inl a^iuplo ttl wi^eks there.
DItiman launch Alcyooe tor Mackinac, day-evening Inst was considered Ih"
crowd! aucb aa flocked Into the city touching at most of Hie resorts on ilic best all-around aairff of the kind tbey
cABt shore and having a glorious time,
faail yet bad.
Hio north side crowd had their first
Arthur had
tbe mlafoitune
The following evening
Jiisi-plesH-'____ 2::'Allliei-p ...------ 2:"l
either Thursday Bight or yesterday. wniind.
This/rather dampened Hi.' of the Old Mission Yaclit Cluh a
Great Commander N. S. ardor of Hic young men and they pe- AHilellc aasoclailon. making many
BoyntoA. OiWAt
Commander turned Friday, a day earlier than ex friends among the niiHves an wi
-They were:
Record pected, but the lienuritui launch bad
Keeper Brama B. Bower. Great Med- breasted the wave* like a sea craft
leal Bzamirwr Albert T. Sleoean and and brought them safely home.
Great Lieutenaiit Ct
•FoutrsI llH- buoy.
*l»;o|,ped out ..
I- Al|pi;i. the n~rulrli Imai. whic
lir-i. lur h- ili>- six-mHe miiis
o. of
vunt' down
iH-eii iKiUghl llii> si-UMiu.
DanBrjiu, a farmer living sli
Tile eiop I-
n«IDa.T» H1S0!;
this rt^hui. elostsi its doors afli-i
Theie w-ti-. alsmi lueii
:ar . . ,
of closing ami a puity t-f Kk* wa- ■’«
peeie.1 loflHtrrow.
Tin- htiiis*- was formaTiv nii, iieil Jul
K. Iltimiy.: It «ns •legaiitly ftlniKlic-.
nm! pie|';Hvilons wi-t- made for lurLi
iKHtl'Iiigs. . It
has h-'<-n known for :
i or mice that thelnmse WeilM It
clost-l in ft sh-iri lliiie. ilie'on-he-in
having Is-en I«h go Montlay.
le partv^v-hlcil was evih-cl.-d le
morrow Ik umier tin- a-is;,ie.-s ..f He
lelt Tpuris -omiisny ef riii<-hin:i'
and wt>iilil-ha»e reniaiue.l hero ,.-v. in
attetitilng Hu- liiCiau eaiiip ne .-i
Tlie'iorly N now
at Ki-ankToi
If you are poor your treatment
is free. If you are discouraf.cd
and wre can cure you, we will wait
for our pay until you are well
Come and sec us; this is your
last chance.
We live tado good, are honest
with alL Forty-five years’ ex
perience free. This trip and to
day only.
it is ni>t .known where k will g
James H. Monroe
Mr. C. C, Carder of Grand Rapiil.J
' •;
8t*ts Hessa.
^v,„ „ ,b..
‘side in INlnili.
Methodist pi.-nic to ivtrolt and
gie ItUrarv at FUn' ' B.-lle Is .- and a Knights of Columbus
. ■ xc.irsi.iii t.
e og Wedm-siiay.
PIrkIng will U-gi'n alsiul the lw<-!:
r;li. wlih-li i-, iii'atly a w.vk earls r
iliau it has U giiii in pivvioiis y>-ars.
ly-n\<- giil>l. in 4h>- h.iiis.- at the lim
" and was umlt-r the ntnn.nci-iiM-ni of l'
deveh>ning arpidly.
i*.'*eli liotjf-1. the hlggt*
dlini'-r lodiny.
n* Sbav* U th. plrtUr. of ths oBlr Dr. f»
B. Si.loBtr In itui *is:w Hi. h;.: -rs IWIt.sw; Ptiimi r-«i* In
iwrtr* «; ih—. In usn fUrinaw.
t>n tV-vnii^r 13, ll»C.
^urs-.;. to. f.fiMi «Iis
ti'MTM h. h» l t-nxlu nnuth r si)
. .n s—>1 »r.»i«- f
-r liuonfM acau. H. »lU
Vh-e iva Ann In Detroit calllnx ihrmp-lTvo
't-mi- r fc Cn . tint it.. f-.unj*r of tli. WaiK
r.« l-m *s4 for ov.r iw. ymr.. sad Uwr
i;n\- no rUXI lo lb« n-MS. of Ki-lr.n-rIV. XI- roBiInc
>'oyr town on daW •
b4 nt
>a4 xrr wtllint to _IV.,
Fine WaUcr mucb' of He time. ,
Fine Roaos most of ihe lime.
Fine liAe of Buggies, Runabouts and Harness
Here All of tbe lime.
Grn^i srleciion for quick buyers.
No use lor us to try to drscrilw’ them, for wf: have
too mtiiiy styles, but here are a few prices' that oujfht
to bring you in to look :fi them.
Open Driving Buggies from $30 up.
Top Buggies from $35 up.
So why is there an_j' use for you lo send your money
to t^ catalogue house when you can save frqm 10 to
25 i>er cent by buying your buggies and harness right
here at home?
We carry' in stock a full line of horse goods, con
sisting uf Harness of our own make. Blankets. Coolers,
Fly Nets, etc.
The Leading Implement and Harnes I ><‘,iter in Grand
Traverse County.
i:i-> SlaUi Stn«t.
Citz. Plidne tKi.
spetil a few days of his vacalioii
> ■-«( Toa hai-* brra .Kk.
ADt. oar «oi,-u:ui^-iB .id
sir ortnl'in. xe- xl.an IbS
.RilnxU.o, nn-I X IXr loni
■i!-ot 1. *i«»r» told ih.
whxt kc OXB r.ly. T. nil
home tif Mr. a
,-i"n. »r 1—i-iul fe-r. oolr e
.,f i-ar4 wMl- t-iilrnl la r*
III., and Miss Ulnsla Day of Oak Par!.
Miss FenTnrs accuAi-
The local di-h gallnn voiml for liaiilmeut Is such ns one reads of. hut
allent drill which brought much ap- that one sinks back comfnriahly with and three children of Yprilnnli? Mich.
closed eyes at the flret full Uirobbiiic Mr. Alfntl Km-is of l.iiiic Rts-k. Ark
Charlevolg wow chosen as the itcst nWe. eotifl^eni that while "the vulc»Mr. ami Mrs. E. I. Z;:rn tif laHraiisc.
wish for. and
..d laidh-. Iiuyiug hir ft. P. Is-ve
intiuiiiiiif In tip-isilon oiilv
the resort population.
A few friends enJo)-cd a lielighifnl Cherry Croft, the
Mra. J. C. Mills.
meeting plane although Traverse Clty Cfmllnnes. there will lie nothing left t
..earrbed.al Ibe Jail.
This tends to ;ui..> i.ast of Monnw. was antwted .m
'One of tbs
u- Imilr. fii>i'i"-<-u riiluu'tv ,nxl I.-
e was the only tent en home. Mr. Currier, with Miss Aline
Doubtless ihe merrii-Bi crowd of peo
tering A degree team and they were Fenlln as accom|ianlst. sang h
ple on thi- rt-sort is asst-mbh'd. iimler
given the pHxe. After they had mm- and llial means much, for siieli a voice the spacious niof of Kt-rnwood. ihpWlcd their drill, however.' tbe Trav Is given to but few, an rieh and full, lieeeh laitup'.
week's gin-sl
erae City team went through with n so tender and sympaiheiie. so true, Is-lng Rev. and Mrs. Arthur lloacii
f<ir Hie first Duebi-ss appU's that have
eveffing at Mrs. Dlitman'a charming
and ManiRlee Imih wanted Hie ronven
iK-toiisiila W<slm-sday and cooirarii-.l
Mlnii.-wawa ...r. r.:
Great camp offleera from Port Huron
Siar:..lM louml-Finis:
frttin there ns timie of the lay resort
of t^e day and welcomed the guests In catcb bis left thumb beiwoen two cog corn roast on the beach. Several more
that number <>
arc Iwked for the last of the week
a most pleasing manner after which
wheels of tbe engine, and nearly
T. A. Kerkhoff of Chicago, who has gues^s^.tbj ^Uings 1k*Iuk very heav;
aumber of tbe offleera of Ibc order It off. His sufferings were exeru
AMkK Among the speakers was Mayor Ins for some two hours, when fortu- iMvn a guest al Ptirier House, has
I. Ih tidy. Hii- IiiudleT-'l. held r
Friedrich of this city, whd Is
naK'ty they sighted a revenue mUer. turned home, but exis-rls to come hi.r);
ber of the grcni executive
Arthur was soon on board and In rfae later. Mrs. Kerklinff and the children
skillful hanils of a flne surgeon, wlu are still at the hotel and will stay i
detlvx-reil addresses took four sHiehes and dressed the III Bepi 1st. Mr. Kirt-klioff is eap't
the terniimis of the CJitrago A North.;
very- gmstj t-aiiloff tor'ull ibr Kails.
R. !lnop<T and wife, MexicoClt): Miss' Jaek ami filll.
pranfc-ally'mi s«a. soithai ile-ie wai
lha eipreaa purpose of accommodating
| they will not buy mMy app'k-s from sWvo of his underAlri when be was
Mrs. H' G.jibr northern part of the state as the
TIuto was a piioJ wind Idimiiip. ba'
Stoni an! Tliere wcii- no U'lncb races owing ’u
Helges. capul nand crew of the -lrv- a IwlI caim- K-ive.-;. Ih.- OM MUsion
■Jennie P. Whin- iJinslng. Mich.:
George Cald-
WjeUiat. value.! at from
to low.-r the piiiH-. the
maximum of , Hiaige of Wga.-ay. ih.. offirera allegir-.'seC .Msnil two weeks aw> be lef’ which will du:iKI,«s. t.e T5 ,
rag that h<; Itas
for Ibe wi-sT and located at Shoshone.; fcwrrcl drliver<.d on the lacking lablc.
The iuifih
Murr>’. TInkbam. Moore.
Wnd coneeria after which the dele their MuislDK, Phil Burgh of 8i. Louis, ar.' greatly enjo5'e<l ami nuniontu
gates repaired lo
Burr Irwin of Quincy, and R<1. their curslons are planned. 'Hie one glvi-j
7&X12S feet
•t which has bronsrrected for colored Iwy. left Wednesday on the by the guests nt The Pines on W.slnn
Boyd. liJhrr ef
w.n. opened up on Aug. 4.
Old w.d.liers were given lb.- first j,
first and sVernd t. atr .'•'•'zt Saeirda.v
William Burkeye. editor of. the Casi- Iha." Traverse Oly: B. A. Hill and
ili.' .Iraainc for c laim-, i,
wife. Columbus, Ohio: M. E. Bell and I the salt bfCt rare S to be to Elk Its:" ebance on
apolls VicIlaDt, spent the day on the
wife. Columbus, bhk.; Miss norenc
Island with Rubtoson Crusoe and iiK
Hell. Columbus.
Ohio: Miss E.lith|l4
man Friday.
Vlasipori aud will g-.t half ihi- valu* t.:
Bew-lay. ancinnatL Ohio; MUs Flor t...‘i<Ies
Mrs. Mary fS. Wilson, of Munsey.
It- claim.
McPlerson drew fourth,
leiwt'iD <lld Mi-.'i'u. au'l KIk lUtpMBuUock. Pawtuche-. R.
lAd.. arrived at l^-land this moraine
hoiee in thi- drawing «i his claim wiU
qth:. .1 hui. diV I.l 'i-xiF-Cli.
KusM-l Thomson. Grand Rapids. Mich:
where she will siiend a few weeks.
Mr IVivd is well
Mr. G. n Rnilih. BvansvHle. Ind.; kfr. elM luqe-.iV’ hnv- u- iiiuiiy .ivuiis «P iu- a vaUialde one,
JR. H. Honeer and wife are spendln.:
kmiwii here and his m;iliy frend,- wl'l
Alex.'B. Ysrid. Reyruih. Syria: Mr. iMith kiudl.'iu tli.- iae<'e as
a few da.vs at l>-land.
zlqti lo lit-ar of his k-skI f-.iiimc.
Henry C. Menke. Jark».n. Mich.; Mrs. -Tbi- sailliOa'S litiivs well- as folhiw
Oren U<v>t and Frank I.s>foi
Jennie M.'Wlilte. I'eoria. 111.: Mbs
ifae-'llbrarian.. Mrs
R.ierb ot Tenth,strsvi. has struck a;ct»p lanber south and .ner io Wis
M-T> riJb claim in the »e,irrn pan ot consln Is
thou artj urdav Uri; «;i.' tl’r iK-t <*l:e -id sli.
He will remain sevoral days-than'formerly aiding groaily la'thelj.i
Struck It RkbJ. B.
never wuub
like a huge [ from OW
driplpnc. came the m
time ilw locahladies have taken Ih''
Perry P- Powers was the president
care lo »p«:id one mid-r inir.icr owe;
l„ C. Abrams. WashlnWon. I).
was the thifl From Saturday's Record.
Ml*. Ih-nJ. Willie. Washington. It.
Omeua Point, MIrii.. Atlg. II.—One
Miss Virginia' Beliaefer. Wsshliigton
laareis while undir the
more w-wk of plc-amm- usk be« n < i
ll. C.: Rev. A. V. Hraidiear Alhgaii,
Mrs.J. K. Marllnek. Thoa.-who made Jiiyed at Omeua Polnl rexori. Quite
up the team were:
large party spent one day on Troiil
Marilbek. Helgea. Youker. Crelllck. island, cunveyed thither by Mr. SwanOM.Mission. Mich.. Aug. 11.—Nev<
Biabop. Bliss. O’Neil. Meno .his new; launch. "I'm Ornilng." bar Old Mis.dou (•tll•■rlnlued so man
Munroe. A large fire was built on arrival, eofkm-sif: as this scaiain. Since the ir.th
Jamesem. Marion
and Miss f.v made and n fine lunch wm-.l.
June, when the Rusliimire hnuse
Stories and songs begullnl ihe hai>i>y
opened, every rtxira ban U-en lak<'
Maccabco day in Cadillac waa as it honra away, and the time fur depar>and advance' ri-sen'aiions Jiavo <-i
plwaya haa been In Traverae City, the
eame ail uu soon. 8<-vcraI other gagcl tver>'thli>K Itll S.-pi, Iki.
biggnsi of big daya. Between five and parties have been out with Mr. Swan
Hr. P.xnie*- of Chicago is the bitej
all ibouaand people were In ibe city.
evenings, enjoying - Ibe glorloii.1 irrrivai al the Uiishmore house; wliil
• AU the
trains emptied crowds all inuoDllght anil happy voices float back
Miss Freitlinc Swanx
through the morning from as far aoiilh over Ihe water lo Ibooe on Ihe cottage
Park. III., it tho mtuii recent guest
as Rood City and Mt. Pleasanu Seven porches, who Arc not timid of niiirse.
purler House.
bands dlscoursod music .throughout hut prefer a firmer foundation under
thh'day and added greatly to the pa their feet. Mr. Rwanmu will run
rade which waa the first big feature. quite a’ ways with Ills engine, then eomes In fur Its share of summer busi
The parade waa led by thirty auiomo- close It down, pul up Jhe sail and float ness. the register showing the fidlowMrs. / K. Prockeit and
Mltfs. a large number of which were off Into Hie moonlight, as ■lid^'Tlic ing names;
Mrs. W. W. Welih tif To|>eka; Kansus:
It grade cars and
Owl and the Pussy Cal" In Hie "pi-a
Mr. W. A. Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Charie
these were the great camp officers and green liooi."
Kline and Mrs. John Williamson ef
the tpcire prominent lodge workers.
The morning reading club m<d Ihls
Tho cars were ftdiowed by the differ week with Mrs. Dliinan and eonilnueJ Chleawi: Mr. and Mrs. 11. C, IVllakly
and daughter tif CMnum. lo-*a. ami O.
ent dcloffatlons and bands. Ncarly
Hie reading qf "Conislon."
W. Brown and wife of Pass Cliristiaii,
Voteii lenta and him were in the
Mr. Ihitman is spi-nding a wc
ten days In ClnHniuiH.
The ItcBuHful moonlight evenings
After the soon hoar, there were
Ooorge -and Arthur Dltimnn, with
cwatesl was lhal
brecz.w and pure a'ir. and be^ayw he
the eaat. and suddenly up from the feein DOB' ae' though
Yorv] TJiK l» dot., to ifie tael that thete hn-| ibc viclmiy ibere wa^ S'mHbn^bMit
aud it is his
bis iuteTilluu to reiuime
rcMime this' b»-eu moir
more rain and aanshlite this v»-arl
v»-ar! tin- dlsapiiertniure
dlaapiiertniure «
oit a malrb ^aiM
‘well. |i lias Jnsi been fo«Bd to a ven-,
hot and'diy-.
■di>-, *o muco dii>. ysai tbv at the, hotel, hosrever. closing up his, earty devvlopmeut «if tbeapplra.
None of the Chicago buyers Uve tllalnr shaft lo the }all «nd Berg has
ihouKlii tipi>cjmosi In bis mind aa» business..
[ sbtrwn np as yot and ll.is probable thu* , ronfesnsl that be hod It hiddcti In the
fell opbn us; then came a llcl:t from
w-aiers ef Grand
IrsieJlup pushiou uul of Sew
ilic Grand Can
The d'sclio- says the
sct-ncry w^ Iwautihil. prsnd.
bue faded, sad the shades of night
bHnUne are at the Park Place.
vta thtuD t«o of «i>e flm prf*** of-
qaealtim in the niods of the judse*
»lup|s.ij and vi^l>,<d
Miss Campliell of Toledo.
We have moved our stock which was in
tbe Mribera cRy as It was bHd Hicre
N‘l<lom hears.
She Is a reiniirkahle Mrs. J. II. lasley of Kansas City.
raio siinlliwl
musician of very Inieresilng ]ter»on- Kan., are guests of Mrs. C. o. laisle
good U'me while the Charlevoix tent allty.
at Vaughan ooitagr. Tliuj' will siu.was very aaxhfus to get tbe canrmRuth lUtiniah and
Helen .Smith lw«i weeks.
thM lo IH7.
gave a plciuresqip' lunrhmo Monday
Mni. Earl PaiterMXi «f Clitc.-igu
at their camp. Na-yah-shang. on
rived on sleamt-r llliuois for a
a into fin aattorlatloA. lM*arh Mr. and Mrs. Fml CuteJnsm
days' visit with Mrs. George i'. Kill"
eleetlng Hra. Callic .Thacker president
and children left Monday. Max Cuich m kliintrcDM- cotlaue. Mis. I’atierstiii
sad Thomak Parker aecretary.
s visit was. rut short liy his se- and Mrs. Riim s|kiiI a few days Iasi
The fcdlowing offleera were elected:
His many frlemls re ».tek at 1*.-toshey and Harbor Poiiii
■lx years ago and
the brick buiding, 13-5 State street, to the ,
PraaMont, Dr. L. B. BartleU. Char- joice to learn he is'improving.
The dancing party on
! ffom
Prof. Stuart of lake Forest, with hl« evening last was one of the Itest tif the |
Recrelaiy, H. L. OUding^ Charte- guests. Prof. Kilwanl Cupps and Dilt- season.
arper of Chicago univorstiy and Mr.
Mi*, a. E Johnston of Oak Park.;^^. ^
Vermicelli of St. Xeuls sailed over who has-iwen a gm-sl at the Porter
Treaaarer. H. Oocgicp. Oiarievoli.
from Norihpon
and House, lias gone to Mackinac Isltiinl.
Vjoe-prealdenti. Emmet eonnty, Nel
railed upon General
Grierson and where she will spi-nd' a week, going
lie Braae. AUnson: Mn. Wood. Petos
Prof. Cai>i>s' eouslo. Miss Bt'ssle. a: from *there to The Cove al Stiirgisiu
key; Charlevoix. W. P. Squier. Eas:
'The Garrison." A light tunchi-on was
•-xtmc'ls lo spend part, of SepJordan; Mary a Gray. Boyne City;
qerved on Che porch of the Art.age.
IeiDlH>r in Old .Mission.
Kalknaka. Mra. -Biouni.
'. Allen King has arrived from
The Jaek and Jill took a merry pirtv
Grand Traverse. N. Sorenson. Kings
Jacksonville. Illinirts. 'Thiet- -years
' Elk Ka||tls on Momlaj last, where
ley: Mra. Mary Martinek. Traverse
ngo when here he was just out of eoi- they saw the slghit aVross the isiy.
qiy: Bnnxie. Lyman Bites. Frankfort:
lege; riow he Isa ver>‘ prospemos phy
Kerkhoff and ehlldK-n slaying
^ Hymn. Thonipaonvllle: Mlssausician. with a large piaelice and n deand taking Hie trip up the inland ;
1tee. Prank Scrvlra. Jennings; Marie
Inathm to stand at the head of
t. the gui-sts of Mr. Williams on:
Jorgnuon. Jennings: Manlaiee. Mrs.
his launch.
• '
Catherine GleAson. Copemlsh; John
•, nod Mrs, ItiHcy of Detroit have
Miss MiKwIy lade a reluctant gpod
Keegan, Manistee; Wexford. Mrs. Jen
ium arrived
for a month al hj-o to friends at the
nie Bt. John, Cadillac: John W. ReiOaks.",
We-lnesdav Jatt left for her
•en. Cadillac.
Sanir.Lvy night two parlies left by heme Id Spiiogfleld. JM.
the Gr.iml Tr.Tverzc
County District.
water for the dance at Cedar l.odce.
Mias Uura Beach and S. UrOonahl
are Park ^Plaee guests.
Mn. H^emle. Miss Newton. MisSIngfleld and
HacKentie aR ‘of
Chicago passed through the city ihU
aMraing on their way to the northern
Three rvsartera. frtim 'The Garri-
at N*«h-ta-waDtn.
O. W. Ward of Grand Rapids pasaed
throat the city ihU monilag on hl«
way ^ Northport.
Bchouien and
Miss Cora
Ing poinj.
Dr. C. W. Lciringwei! of KDOxrille.
faces for
from Knoxville
Whittier. Cal..
drupiied upon one of Mr. Graves' wel
where he visited
come red l«mehes and
ranch owned by hU son, from then*
place he
tbe Utter
hlx daughter.
Munday all were treated to a most Wilson, on fhclr ranch. The Wlnde
SylYcster Brown
glorious sunset, viewed from the Gar mero. »i lakvKldr. Waablagtoii. which [Several Years S.-rvice ns Clerk.
h'a. Daniels of
^ Q
Grand Rapids U a rison dock, and from Ibe boats floai- overSmAK Lake Otvlan. tite zdok! picTreasurer ami SujN-nlso
gnsAt nt NoHEport IPoint hotel.
Abnul. 'it
B tu be lumiqae lake
Loug Lak« Tuwnbbip.*
etc., at a bi;i discount.
These gooods arc
mriviug rapidly at these cut prices.
while the stock is complete.
P—o Cmr.
our Johnson
Mowers and Binders are
“standard” and at less price than the trust
sells them.
i:(5 STATE ST.
From 7;00 a. r
No pcraonal re II pthe efiast to San Franelsco. Port
marks wdre made, as they were three land and
r: kind.
S; JI'":,;?.
ifivos rosy
nrav rhci-k-;
.anil acti\'c
active health to p.Tlc,
D-tIc. sickly
sicklv children*®
chcck>^ .mil
And it,_i> ^'ooil fijr their elders, too.
.-\sk )'our dru.!^)^ist for iU
I.. who Is a re-eni at^val at his eoi-
After gazing Into one In- tl.otm mile* of irav.-l—starting in-June
their own stupidity.
Wagons. Harrows. Land Rollers, ]*iows,
Remonlier Date
Jaync’.s Tbnic
Hiss Golden .tl Orrbar.1 Home.
unexiM-ctedly came out at ibelr alnri- tago. has just comideu-d a circle of
Mr. and Mr^ Hlnshllff and Gdorge
Blnabllfl. Jr., arc spending so'me'time
After wandering about In
circle for an hour or two. thej quite
bulky gOoils, we are olTerin}; BuKRifTS,
Miss Pawers of St. Ch.trtes. lil. qnd
r». John
in." who should have known Iwtier. Elliott ef Grand Raptiks are guests of
ere lost in Otpena's dark forest one
' account of lack of room- for many of our
Member of the
Candidate for Republican
»n for
rnm Tharaday*a Bacord.
Moore building, l'2tl-133 State street. On
Caiulidaie for Rcnominaiirir
on the Rtptiblic.m'
Ticket for
To Core a Cold in One Day
Dr. H. D. ordered
Bemo« HArbor. Aog.
that could l*e desired al-lrntted Siites of •;hteh about ll.(^
rbtlobtnc U tbe aebedale of diina
StM* Tti<
hr the
though the morning was rioudy and;an-.in
flag officer of
gar# every iBdirstiuu «rf rain.
CUw. for rtgbl ycM m member of aquAdron;
The Indlaas
Mondar. Aag. S.—Boat drill br ahlpe
ibe V:btcSco ba«n) o( b«Jtb. SM ta
Mtchisap and esiimste.1 that
jaboat three-fuunhs of the liutl nUiu-
yesterday i Ur live wwt of the Mlsstoslpiil.
Mr. l-euw, in faU address to the lo
Merer hoeplUt bere frori a Berrous under cmra. acbool of ahlp aad a«e- erecting the large tent which Is to be'
osed at an auditorium. It bad beenltllans tost nlgbt stated that be had
Hon; nl^i drill with Vor alfnala.
diMaae. I». Clan waa gives Ute eredK
fa Jba nadleal worM of having dlaeov-
hoped that tbe IndSae people would;coma.la lung
ered ibe aeartet fever cerma aM at
have found away to secure a perms-1 prlvDege of
under oara and Salla; acbool of
the (ItDa of hU deaib «as esperiment- aad aection;
tag vitb aeartei fever aotidoxln.
Wedneadar. Atlg. S—lading parir
Bowlm. aged so. atniabled and feil In
and re
bfUft ts cry tfas
Tot Inflmti nni ChildrwL
aervices and|grrtled that be had lo como so t
They could jor that he could cot aiay fouii-r
not do this so secured a very large .couaidered that one t';y
ct eoxivo for this year..
Hiaa Vletorta Mo- fledt meaeuvere; torpedo attack, repeUIng, between 7 p. n. aad midnight
Detroit, A«g.
for the
have It erected this year.
GtHinMad and Loaf LHe.
nlgbt drill with Ardola
dis anoc to .enjoy
meeilng them
than done at all.
- as better
He t. . i
Indiana cane in all day and pitched It was an iinnimmon itainfc to And ah
scorr A now-st. c
1-iAft snvet.
their teats In tbe great rircic around | Indlau ramp cienlng that the old tent
float of a Grand Trunk train near
Tburaday. Ang. 9—Ride aad platol tbe open apace oecu^jed by the audl-;waa ua-.d to rule medicine; uriny the
abtp; im-lum. The Icdtopsyith th«r tents j tent Is uiwd <o make medicine of a betTbe matches. Sve men from
llving very mud^aythey did befor- ter kind; He told them to illow m.-nbodr waa ukaa lo the eounir morgue. Beet maneuvm.
Prldar. Aug. 10—Boat race# over a coming under the^omlnailon of the'to make them usbamed of tht;r rare,
while people. The line oM foreai sndjtbai n
Imliin'was as gi>i.t a' a
Deiioll. Aug. 10.—The iifeleaa bodr one mile eourae for teo-oared edti^.
of Prank D. Cruaoe. aged SS. of tU ala-oared glgi and touroared dlngfalea- the qnaiDt servlees will form a sc«-BC<goail nhlie man: that the Indian had
Warren avenue and tbe wbrela aev•rad her bead from Ue bodr.
_ obteek
All ahipi will bo Impeded apd tat- lung lo he renenU-red and which ttoprai's in him just iR guud and just a>
i strong ns (he white: ihai he should
will Uke place at tme eat) afford to iotas..
Bveaoe. was
Ihia SKiniag with bla band tallon Inspeetion
s tbe
He wai an emplbre
and waa Irrltm «o remove the Inaulalion from the wire to make a
for an electric tan. probably aiippoalag that the current was Hilled oft.
• Brte Pall 0^ Him.
Detroit. Ang. JO.—Michael Kawkowabl. at work on the Sral floor of the
additloa to the Campbell school, will
die n tbe remit of ItUarles from a
falling upon
him from Ihe supper story.
His akull
waa cmabed and spine dlalocaled and
leg fractured.
Married, aged 40.
Ml Haa Wonepoiy.
Benton Harbor. Aug. 10.—The Mich
Igaa Tdephono comjtaar la about to
become owner'o< Die Twin City Tele
phone company which will glee tbe
Bell people absolute monopoty in tbU
city and 8i. Joseph.
The stoekholdei
of tho- iDdepenaent company will be
given stock In IW'lilehigaB company
aad heller service will be given.
Mining InatltoU.
CaloiSH. Ang. 10.—The members of
the Uke Superior
Whkh la holdlnr Ua annnal medlng
Minnesota Icoo
Prempfcs'DijeslioaChttffidW9S and &RM.C<miAia5 ndU0
leiBf ?fancfal.
t6 rvnial;: In re until
r;<-'tiag ek»ct. \
und-rlinish has been
takenjhe was a good faith kttejKr l.in had
Ihe ruail to the grounds bus not always lui-o iraint-d in n
^opened down
to the bay
bills dealing with qiiestions |>ertal&
The Essex, however, failed ?o utiee
bis duties.
In fact
he c.rigi-
: to keep pace with tbe rest of
nates a good deal of iIh> legUlailoii.
lusdron that Anally Ihe Wolverine Tho rest of the link' he sgtends viritIhe big black sloop of war Ing ageneies and arbooto. He has hee;i
tnte now haa 4SS m
will get next years meeting. Tho Inail-
'She he*
Solon and rapii
entirely, and the latter gave up trying out
to repeat the flag signal.
tlnce May 13 on HiU trip,
for sup
Naval ReviM at ManitM Islands.
DoubilesH the reason for ihe Essex’s idieg. at tbe Uulti-d States waodum.-waien Artaw. Mleh_ Aug. C.-Th» gor- falinre may be found In the fact.that
New York. Clilrar.ii. Si. l.xuils an I
training ships Wolverine. Lieutenant Commander NIekleL com San Francisco and Is-sides ha* vl»l;e l
FWrti. Dorothea. Hawk and Tantle
manding the Baaex. waa found on Sat- twenty-seven ugtmeies and
rived at South Manitou Island rMiof- nrday to be suffering from appenill- So iliai. literally, except in a few In
day tor naval review.
Bears the
' In
For Over
Thirty Years
luadron la iinTler nay.
here, vlalled ibe South ^nge mine
aad some amelllag planu tuday.
Ooloth and
a half!
anl ty. ihal Ik- aliow<-l rrivtaf Hmigs
bn-ir'* I
iiilerien- wiih his
erbmrd'- will take place whUe tbe mkde'much wider near tbe eutranee
sliinl.iy. II— I
mu ith of III. ItoarduiBo .-^alur.l.iy.
gale ao that teams now have ample lliipreNtut] u|M>n Ihi'li iiiinds ilih: Irulli.
w<uiy-IIvi- toll lamirJi
ri<-w of Hi.{ »
They shmiM do what they s-.-r.- eipoclroom to Him around.
land ma<Ie tto- livt-r and ih-«l «i> f- '
No servlees were held nntil evening cd to do when they wc-ri- exp'-;-4ed in.
S^uih Manitou Island. Mich.. Aug.
Otuiles Francis M*-s*th
—The naval reserves bad twelve hours These were in eharge tif the Rev. T. CThe ernfi I* owuihI liy It- and A
of bard sigaal practice Monday. Xbe Tbnroas. known among the Indians at | pn-sldeni of Shaw unltersiiy. arrived
Vi*i>chi'r und ih<-> are ai'i'ointi.tni:-1 In
naval tdfleers exercising every art at Nah-lmy-nayash of Ddanah. Wis. Ihjihi* morning and will remain uni-1
(•till Kan. lieurge ik-Kryiif and
teir command lo ungle the tands- will have charge of the evangelistic | Monday afternoon. Aug. it:. He will
Th'- |siny ,1HI
llollaiiaddn-ss ihe liiduu- this <•
en. but aueceedlug In l.ot few cases. part of the aervlee* tli
WcilnaMlay ruornhig un-l Tiavr raco :d
Dual drill uuder oars began for all camp meeting. He arrivisl Thursday ■lay inutnlug aiiil evi-iiiiiy
IT'M nil rorl* of weitifaiT Kim-'- ih'-ii
at 1 p. m.
ablpa at B o'clock In tho morning, each Rinming.
I- fir>i two day* il rnim-d. rained
Tin llev. T. C. Tlionru will also
•I directing Ibe maneuvers of Its
Hon. P. B. Lenpp, commissioner ul
hard that th-- tunopy va* ii» ppi
own boat by signal. The Wolverine Indian affairs. Wsrtilngton. I). C..
l>^‘•'I' ^koi wlih
tty-ilou. Yi.U'-rday
wa- ulniojt au
bad tour boats, ibo porotbea six. Ba lived yesterday aflemoun.
lb- re ]« spli-mlid pei.onaliiy and nukes a
idul JO;, inn lli!w iijoniinc tliiiiKbe Hawk, ibe Gopher and maincd miiU this afternoon and gavel'leep anti lasting Impression on all wh,i
Imked ratli'-r w:i:i-ry Ivfurt- llie lini''
Yantle four each, which executed variIt 1 o'clock
o'ciock iiMlay.
Mr.['‘s"'“ «»
»«■ Pft-avl" ’' I" vi'ht r
address at
eiaft p>i!iiil<'<l L'st li'-oii lui’ii'.
Indian or English.
us evolutions, lo independent groups. I.eup|> has charge of questions n*1
lun&iim ai a fri-nirndiiUK
Then followed exerclaea In slgnal- 10 the govemiuent of the Indians.
il.i-iig. In which the Wolverine. actiOE as agents make treatUn. manage lauiU.
■i the aV->
1- B'lina »
flagship, made a gnat number of sig Issue railons and clothlnp and cinduei
i-:> r
nals by the Uieal signal code, by the trade with the Indians. The adiuliil.-■ tiannel. ilu' Cu
Iniemation code, and by wigwag,
iratlon of the office kee|>s him in
-w wa* laii'I'-d on i|t<- l.nr and it
limes all three methods were In
Washington for iwven or Hglii monii!. j
iljiuiifl'-l ' I'P'llv
dy. and the work of the each year where he is lisiklng after;
liii'-i •IaiDai;i'i- to iS- •■ugtio’.
Tti-offleera and men- on board the naval Indian l^lrlailon and coiiferrlnB wU'ij
■Hiuipp<-d -wllli n flvelior*
ship was generally prompt and ----------------•------ ’ comlnillees in fraiuiiig'
of the H. C Barn- Eleetrte cnmpanr ealind for.
Miss -Millie CanlMiQ. wl.o I* a mat
in In the Klamath Indi-an r-x-i-taihm.
Tho KTirands art.- clean and Inviting' ciililvate the trait irf ims'liK s-:. tliai
gracing a live Wire In n dark
of Ibe elty ball.
An 4-efly rUii'ir lo tbe e^iup nui-Ung
The Kioii You Have
Aiwa]^ isught
elUs. which
tor stances he hasn't spent two nights In |
Eruption Broke Out in Spots All
Q^er Body—Caused a Continual
Itching^jrTwo Years—Doctor’s
Medicine Did no Good—Cured at
. Expend of only $1.25 and Now
7%Me ships are Ihe naval reserves active duty.
tame Iwd rinee loavtng Washing- j
of the nalea of Illlnola. Ohio. Michi
At 5 o'clock both aqoadrons headed
The'tripe into and out of some of;
gan and Minnesota aad they began back for this harbor. Bn- route algnajs the/eservntlons are qnlie difflcult and
d lnHight
iheir erulae together Saturday.
tor exercising at
Inpg; taking. In some cases, Oireo «*r
la thlk cmlae. which was anggested made, and creditable work was done four days to reach an agency and very- me luote g»wl than any nK-dieinc, I e» cr
. 'TU-vciiri'Jiiii.-Mfiiiv ■kinUi»cx-<e,
by |5apt. W. P. Pardy.
In pirking up the buoy, in the even eommonly two days—(n the sotiOiwivu
I am veiy thankful to you. My
IlllMla naval roaertaa. aad which waa ing the Wolverine kept the officers:
■ parileularly-where railroads an*; tnmUe
lie was eruption of tbe akin, which
baartlly approved by the navy depart and signal men of the naval reserve less abundant.
In those plae«>s ho
It la WBabiagtoB. tbe *
ahlp busy receiving and making algItUfoU are r
nato by the lantern and searchlight where there are no habitat Iona of aay . meji^ofadoctor.
but it did not cure
a on board the cruiser Dorothea. wigwag, by the Ardois system,
la rislilng one agency this year me, and w^ I _
ad.. I sent to j-ou tor the Cutici
the Perry pistol method.
I the Colorado i
he had
1 tlien
and 1 studied mv
my case m it.
Yesterday the forenaon was devoted where It was
0 swollen that it was
ug store
................the drug'. and bouglit one
Cleveland and Toledo, respectively. to fleet drill, ibeaquadran's boats first
a Soap,
six miles wide and no small cake of Cutirura
Suan, one box of Lu*
________ vial of CullJtkdilcaa brooght to the
under oara and then under tail. Ibe part’of Ihe difficulty in eroaslng It runthe former gunboat Taalle. which— evoluUooa being directed by signal
iKSt Old Loss OF SUSP.
TwSmato SifnatBre of
I'y. Ind„ houp.bt by tlie
i 11 -w
: i: ih<
wiiit.:, ri-t
r e;i,“i-d in ttii- ll'ui;
A^crt Bcfnedy farCbftsGpfttimTSour SioiMCh.DH(Tten.
<b- -■•lau- ul i'wrtii« H-fW.i
■t. A n I'M.
> l:hU i:
Ill h’i l!:i')nl< si'iliwii.'ds. Sitl.
;i Vf-n Uial ("ur moQtl
toMli U«V"t Aucu>l. A. II. IqiC. tiB.
all-'Ml to
to l-ro-riil ll^r
wlw« Bod vt
•Bkl dorr >
tif.u-’.i'iu jpi.-tnuibav}.
M .
.iUT,in.*i.l.*Him».......r e.*» •Iwfui* III. Imh il«,T -r
A 'l>.
Bod ll,4l mMl rlBiii'* will lx- O'-bt-I I>*
U-oxi*' ilx- init. -li; -f
' -k IB l>'x lor>-i>.x,a
!Liy hln-vl
< ';:iz.-i»’h'|>lioii.* No. Citiil
A. V. R1 KFRD. Traverve Cfij
Ohio seat two veaaela—the Essex and
the Hawk—manned fay'seamen from
n. -»o fsSSs iS? f-Tayist:
^»w«l»'the BHex-hhs'nade many a dis rfrom tbe Wolverine. •
which was completely overflowed' *> «nd two am cakes of Cuiii
tant crotae lo tbe regular navy. fVom
In the afternoon the ships went
that he hnd to wind hit way among
' "Blaaeoola comes the Oopher. fonneriy sea again for evolutions In sections of the ireea. In another instance he ha-I I suffered for two years, and 1 spun
. thank Culicura for my cure. If vou
home on the navy Veglaitr as the threes.
Last evening they repeated
iiako a trip of no luiles on ill''
vwiflknk wbirii to Maooed by4he uaval Mooday's drills with different varie o|ion Pacifle ocean In an Indian diigreaervea balling from Duluth.
ties of night
Monday nlgbt arrangements Robe
He said that there wore alioui sixty
'ifhlW of the naval rsaerve forces of made tor giving Ihe crews two enter- reservations and a great many rescr
the lake states will be appreciated by talnmenu. The navy department has
every expert In naval driU and Olacl- sent a hiograpb to Commander Morrell
drove Farui.it.F.D.2, Walnut, Kau.,
Jnna 15. 1905.’'
rrcHi ITCH! ncHi
vation schools.
These reservation schools are *iin!
t^ot onlr will the men of each arid It is expected lo^rrlve here loChe non-rerident sehunl of wbirli
state take an exceptional
Several sets of moving pietiire That at Ml. I'loasani. Mich, is otto.
pains to make the heal abowing possi films of views and scenes llliisimtlve They MllTer in that none but fhe trfb-'
ble for tbe sake of Cot
of life almard navy ships liave. U-en
the re^rvnllon lia* the right to
XI aiBinia Binao i
-.l>r.the Veil .u>
r. XI vmn xrheX IK the f.
.,ii,.Kh.l l.j;.
TLerenpi.ti it
V4d> dsT <d Augi
g the forvTx.
au,lse4S 1‘njtlBtB.
loUea In the Pnawte
TiBTerw I'ltv. Bn.lBbi-«.
tiB. xL}- the I.rxyvr4.f the |x-ui|.
" Aili“w'orther<m!-re.l,Jh»I -uUd pet.
sire IWilKe t,i thi. JeTMOle Illt'-V-IMl ll
BBialB u( du- IB'llde
’ r'Cv.
t BauTOil
SCRATCHl. . Th’is
u tbo
of Uuusuito of skin_ women, and cWldrcn. wlw
may be instantly trilevod and speedily
--------i be warm lulhs with Itut irura Siap
:i=s mmmmk
:*end children lo the school and the
studies are not cartieil quite so far.
mle U to brtleved will talsi-
• Indian Camp HeetinB.
The nDn-reiervailon school might
Aug. ,11.—Th- called Ihe fluisbiRg scbm.l tor the In
great Indian camp meeting began yes dian system.
He wlatod ih
When Captain Parily brought tbe terday at Shaw-ako-ke-xblk (gmeu were about
3Ti>.oi«i Indians
Mea of ihiB rendeavoua to the notice akyl near ibta place, and will
Vo Hun
the effleleacr erf all the crews parUcipatlag in the sreek's maneuver*
of the aartaunt aecreury (rf tbe navy, ilnue nnill Monday. Angiist
who has Ibe affair of the naval re-
. ,v
nervea under lilt special charge. Mr.
who was an .experienced
eommander la the naval resenes of
Michigan before he was called to tbe
a place in tbe navy department,
toamedlatrty gave bis hearty auppori
Ifftn Tie IMkii lie
WNknei k| Om-WiiL
Buhealthy KldBeyt Kakt Import Mood.
It uscl to Iw considered that oul>
ttriuary aad bUiUer trouble* were to 1*
traced lo the ki'lueyr.
aciy^ -pio\-e*
him lo do ao.
It waa exported also that three ofhavr their begiiming
ftoere' from the North Atlantic fleet
in the disonler of
to'the auggaiioa and promlsid that
he would hlmsrtf aUsnd the reodavtut U his official duties permitted
would Ire detailed to duly, with the
D and poaslbly
Commander C. E. Vreelaad from
A Daily Necessity
that manv p-HipW- ovi-'lock. i< ttw- n«
a linger liiieB not injure ill*-tvi*1 ot llii-Tx-Jy; i,-'.
l.«xol one or xcveral lix-lti. elte<1a ina»li\.-ali.-ii—..i,;—ii.
1m|uei>i 10 liiiJtUat
Real Estate and Loans
are Hxi-X! that ar.- the c-a»i,-l lo be ii-gh-. 1. -1
eii'ov 1-1 have mv give your n-a1e. te.l leeth
IM-Bt (uiieol* inri->l
>eiid Iheir In-n,!- t„ me,
' .iii„- m jinl wi- »ill
have a I'tea-ain Ullle emver-ation al-«il >our Icelh.
Pere Marquette
partment that Commander Harry Mor
The different dlrlsloBs of tbe tillnols Bsval reserve hare been making
weakly crniaeB aboard the Dorothea
ever Mhce June 30. but Ihe exception
al features of the eariy August week
it the fart that the vessels of other
Mates are present and the rierrtsca
will Ibcretore l>r of a more InierestiDg
obaracler than they are usually.
commanding offieerw
U.vou arc sick or vfeel brnlly." hegir
the great kidney reme.ly, l>r
taki£g tbe
kidneys are well they will help
all lhe other urgaiis lo health. A Inal
will ctaiviuec ani-one.
If vou are sick you can make no mi*Uke'bv first doctoring your ki'lne>>.
rtlinan- effcel of
The mild aud the cxtraiwtlii
»0L the great
Dr. Kilmer'* S
soonI Tcalixrd.
kklnev' teuiedy,
ligktcstfor iU wooilerful eiire»
a 11
tv hi
aud i» sold
. its
'fifty' “
and oaeolollar
of the
ships ate as foliowa;
Ik mikea. Captain W. F. Fardy:
Ki(i1ri:’T.aak. IJeuleaaot F. R. Sea
mtm; Yanii-', rommaader F. D. Stand
ich. art Copker.‘Oommirter G.
Traverse City, Mick.
and purify the tdood—
______ ___
that I* their work.
■rticrefore. when tout
your kidneyasre
make snggeatkwa to the icaerves and
w out of
order, vou
-It sail
Mil ubt
undenOand lio»
o leara their aeeda and
lickU- vour entire Ualy
Usly i* aSertol
ft to the tnteuttoo of the navy de
:h orgaa seetus to fail t do iU
ine. shall act as flag officer of the
127 Front SI., nonueue Blk..
City Opora House Blk.
Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
navy departmwt, would be preteni
rell, oommandlDg the U. S. 8. Wolver
■sEii: Jrii^TRY 'A HtkALDWA.Nl AD..,
hv mail free! also a pamplilel telJin^’
bow to find out if 5-00 bsx-e kidney
blaihler ironldr.
Mentiont this
w hen writing to Dr. Kilnrer & Co..
S. « Don't make any
ly mtsuke,
but teureinWr the
imixKool. and the ».l- I
You have had some c.xpcrience in the past you would
Uke lo forjjcl. If you would use H. & L. Co.'s ,
M. & ■*, E. TIE MRO
\V<; will uct you seven i>cr cent \.<:t annum for
yuur money and ijivc you as security gilt edge
Traverse Ciiy Tval estate* or Jjili edge (annti in
SI'lour. “Michitfan’s Best,” the plrasure of thr prosrni
would make you forjjet The disagrr^abUt thirjis of the
past. Ask your dealer for the'’BKST.<'
money will be absohitely '.afi*.
Qrand Travcr.*c County. Mith..’jwKcre your
, Berve Si-WB. ■.BBS 4 oi{, IT
P A Wm'tIKUu
wade: bfroSx
,.4,tuRsoAV. Auourr
It Ir nice that y«i like !• itn i'«
K)i«ot. bill 1 esp<.^ riM like racaikm.
don't ywiiT It ts no nice to be out
<3t tloors tbeze m'«m) numincr dar*-
m. ism.
Paris 6reen
CDat Kills
night: they .Ing’in MastaachnsHts many J
jcuidii aomething dreadful had hapji
which deeply tmprvBiuMl bw. Her iraioj
pened to you; they—”
BaaMa’a Oueer Man.
But here tbe coustns ww Interrupt- ►lopepd twenty mlnuti-s at a siaib-i |
It happened a leap ilrai- ago. when eil by a atrie* irf egcked erUw fnun She IuoKmI out < r a winiiliW at a v. 4 ,
en didn’t know It. but they wer»- tnj gtaodmothor waa a litile glr1.
within the house; the kllrticn door terfall which, tumbling over _nwk»
g «w«M rMM M$
keeplns our Sunebloc pledge, weren't very pretty girl ahe •most have b
fiew open, and out rushed Bessie'* >^lroa ilimci a wide l>no! whi<-h flown!
Tin-k.Ilimr power o! raria<ipe«i varies aecoRlini: to the itro.
for ahe bad the biggest of dark eyes lumber, followed by her father and up 111 the railway.
I arfU try anvne «a tmrry m
portion uf iirarnic which it conCiins. Wo have a Iffaod .U|al is
Full In the *un. netr.by. slutxl a ce:
•ad great black curia falling
right uncle* and anni* and*her two
£ fm> aAent an/MUtThe name of Jeaso Tnllcr’a brother. BbonMer. and she waa so plump that grown-up sisters.
i'" tialn The mourofnl snnnrti. that
of (oil alantlaril strcnmli oml whi--h wt guaraatco to lu- the best
I wHi trr »,*• m tmm • >
Daniel, la on our Cradle Roll thU every one called her "Little Pudding.
."Why. where have you liecn?" eras came from It touched her heart. bvvr»
gra-lo on. the murki-t. Come in ami cet pur price.
week. He bM leanted inicb a cuonne
It was another kind of pudding than the general eiy. while Bessie conldjere*Ice of room between the iiar«
; MfSTMlMlb
Ittto trick all by Mnadf. When any. bereelf that ormpicd my gramlmolh- only bug her nmihor and aoh out?
‘ acrosi. the doorway* Was fitted with
I «4U trr to bn InvtRD
aaya to btm "WblaUe. Daniel,’’ be er’B mind nt the time of which I write
• Oh. I must have sleirt through nipaiheilr noses, sniffing eap-rly at th<
M« Mntf to MwyMy a«« to
wUl pucker bla mouth and In’ t’J Every one In the bouse was busy mak hole night and this ts tomorro* ! bulirj gust* that bl«-w by. How iii.-;
•Mry H»tos thto#.
whittle. He was voc >-car old the ing puddings and pie* and cheesecake moroing!’’
'must have Miffered. In sight of water
If I Mr fad to trrtoS t. «•
ninth of Jol).
other giKMlies. to my
•Tbere were ao many childr«i anl!with not a drop to we^ ihvir poo:
SIMM Ihlilfi, I •» “Try, try
nothing of the dOrka that were irelng
bad » much to think abont ikat I! patched mouths.
ila NoRsInRcr vrlusa that abc ha* roasted and the turkeys that had Just
voT missed you until dinner was al-* Miss Alcoit's kind h<'srt wa* so
bad a Mribday ihle month. I kMw been stuEed. Then my grandmother
jst finished and I had time to loci, moved by tbe sufferings of the cattle
ahe will not feel that It la too laic t<r hcraelf bad cllmbwl the ladder and
out me." said bet molber. later, j and sheep that she was lempltwl to g* '
na all to wUb her many happy returns banded down the lira of currant )eily
iomehow we must have caleulaled|oni and see what she could do for
of the dav.
and raspberry Jam from llie topmost wrong, for there wa* no chair unoccu-' them. Tbe time was marly iip.-ajui
sbelf of ibr closet, and she had helped pled. If there had U-en we ellould while f\u- healiaUil. two licile
aurr and read tbe verac that
nplswn'd. Thi'v had lu-en berrying
duM tbe Iwtile* of cowslip wine
Iboughi of you srsJoer.T
Waldo Bridge has aent ua Let
that stood on the dresser ready to Ik"Nc," s4itd Bessie, who was slowly ntiil. •■mptyinf their |iall. and iuimIiii
not fbrset to keep ftoae three an
\Vi: will i>ay Ni.xly cents j>t*r .c.isc
recovering from hiT disappoluimrn; the U-rrti-J- In a salt plari-. the rddrs
The cause of all this escltemcnl was with the abl til the only piece of plum girl ran lo the poyd.'and carried .
of >i\u:en cinans. or a propora family reunion, which waa to take euke saved from the ravages of ye* liailful of water to lire suff«-*iiig shri'p
-^liooatc jiVicc per tR>uB<l, for alt
Eyt RaplA. Midi, July *6. 19M.
plaee at the l.lg farmhouse tUai had terdsy. "I rememlicr there was on<- who rtretchert their hoi longiiiDear Prealdent—It baa been a Ioiir alway* i>cen niy grandmollier a Ixiu^ riuLlr wanting, ao I evened out the oth gratefully to tnec-1 it. Theti- eagenu-s!
bliickberrics delivered at ofiir facUm Bloce I WTOU. to yon. so I
"How many will there 1*'. do you ers pnd placeil the napkin on the man made lllllc baiepHd V la-k a liard
ipryin any <n*antiiy. I lu: crop
To and fro she ran. m ver lir«-«l
Ebt I wonid write a fbort 1
think, mamma!" she asked.
nnt Vkn RrwMmt—MHmI Baton
rb tbe name* of two ]>cople who
"Exactly llilrly.” her mother an
-It lb Ju»l as well you did." sMd her r hough the small |>all wa.^ mioii em|il>
of wild berries is larj{e. and thia
Her ftli-nd nieauwblle .pulled gr«ir
father. smBlng.
’Wc sliouljl never
. BMMd Vica PmaMmit, Mr*. Iran* wUh to become Sunahlner*. “nioir swered.
ts a j;o(h1 op|>ortunity to take
aainc* arc Evelync Thompson and JoAt .1 o’ckirk the '
have f^nd you In time and shcmld handfuls <■! clover and grass for tli<
aepblne Rex. My alster Locllle aent sisted In moving the three tables In'o have niisBcd nlir good dinner. Ko:' ■nws. Having no lall. she fl1b-<l b<a<lvant.Tj!c of it.
■tamp to our other prealdeat
the large colonial hall, which bad Im>cii who would faav«' thought of looking for •plcktngtlish" with wau-i'lo throw or
Mai^ for a button and did not reedve gayly hung with red. while and blue a little pudding ill u liay-Iurir'-ilri- the pool, dusty lio»i-». appi-aliiig '•
her thro.'igh the Irars. "I wlsli." wroi<
Pleaae aend ber one. I am aend- bunting and evergreens, and which cagu Dally Now*.
a aiamp for a bunon for myaelf •raa to serve as the banquet root
Miss Ahull. "I could have told ilditot, ISOS. 442E
tcnder-hcaiti-d riiildreii how ImwikUi:
WcIL 1 must close my letter now. i iblf occasion.
T-tckt With Egg*.
oothcr. wltoae name
iai us tell you how you mar have o their eompasriou piade that luu. nob;
It’* lead tbo plan today, ny boy.
Bottle Brigga.
Bessie, you must know, was among little fun. Piinctnn- the shtdl of a raw place, and what a swv: plcluri- I Pk.I
And All the taoraea' maaKora.
Yon have received the two butlous'; the most active ibere. She helpol to egg with a pin. and through Ihe bob' away with me of Those iwn Utile sh
Tlmi cat tbe woods aknif tb* road.
of rlmrlty."
by Ibla time. 1 im glad Bvelync and spread the cloth over the three tables thus nude exeruct the contimts. When
They look ao bad to Blrangm
pblne want to be Sunahlner* also. so that they looked Just like our. and Ihe shell has become thoroughly «lry.
It'a boat tbe c«s* and watcb tin
then ahe carried chairs from all over pour fine aanil through the pin-hole ut.
-Teaching Klttena Trteka.
Bonner’* Perry. Idaho. July 18. i»(ri.
the house and placed ibera ainmnd til Ilu! egg I& alKiul one-foiirih fl1b-<l.
Mori little glHs-havc n pjcsj-csi
Dear Prwtldeni-^1 will write another
And Eire the abeep Ibelr ralkm.
he table, and when she had lirougltl j Then seal up ilu- lioU- wlili white
in a.s mtxsi lliile Ikijk have n doletter
Tben weed tbe onion bed-yon ace
every ebair that she eoiibl lliliik of. ami your Imiiailon egg will he i
And Hu- puns) c.-ui Im- lailglil CUtmlll:
pIcBic the 4th -of July up in the there wsh atill one uranting. She sal
I'Bi bavtaE my vacation.
ural In api>earanre ns a tva) one
tricks atfnosi as ea.ily as ihe puppy.
wood* and I had a Ane time. My down and tried lo think where she
The next time ’ boiled eggs
Becaiilu- they ar.- so fuppie rats lai
!fa EH a pail o( water. Joe.
mamma bat twenty young ehlckena.
could find another.
erv«>d at breakfast, siilwlilule your In- iralmsl to Jump unusually high
My birthday was tbe Z3rd of July. I
' Tbe kclUaa aD Med IUHie:
BoMrie was only 8 years old. ami und .t-Rg for the one that you
even sexi-ii or- «-lglit f<-> l In the
And take away tbi* pan of buaka.
have broken my Runtbinc button. W>.she had been up before fi that inoni- from the dish, and tell your eoinpaii- il.dd II tiny ill! of meat In one hnn.lf
Look out. ny boy. tbey'ra apllUns: have got two Httlc calve*. We have
now there was ui> more liWB that you are going to make li
ami a hoop lu the othn^a riitall bar
ri'a biinE eone wood. Ibo Arc U loa, got aoioe of our hay pul up. dood-byc.
excitement, she began to feci tired.
egg olK-y your aligliu-st wisli. Yi
rri hoop will do, H'lld It' low al firs
DoB'i atop tor racraatjon.
■; Wesley Oonper.
"You look sleepy.’, Llltle Piiddln’." may make It stand on ihp edge of
liirrea»e :b.- hi-lghl each day. Jitid i
Bel ruud hael tbe baby upTon must have .had a Ane time at ■aid her father. ••Briicr nm up and
knife or on tlw rini of a glii**, no mi
win mu In- long until you ran hold
I'm bavins ny vaeatlon.
your pknlc. 1 wish I copld have been
] 'our I 'loiir o/ throf nioir tm- $14
take a nap. hadn't you!"
ter whetbri you pul it shJ.'ways ,
hoop eoverel with brigli* Ibsiii- pam
with you.
Your ilioitc oj thrtf more jor$ib
■Yes. BesiU'.’ Kiid her mother, who endways.
and rild-ouK high over .rour head, nu
Ii’B lirlat ne Ibla and earry ibat.
came downstairn at that moment with
The tnily prteatillon lu'cessary is
Mbs I'liKsylilll spring through II with
All day. alncc aobool waa over.
Interiorben. Mlrh. Aug. I. IMS.
You Is-tb-r hiifrx-. they will not l»o hi-re lonjj.
pile of napkins i»n each arm, "place lap the 1-gg gently every time you d. - very little t-v. rllon. TIi.n jt will l"No pUybw ball or iniaat now.
Dear President—I iboughi I would
«up1 aif tliQ m-w Kiinlall Orgun
e to place It In any |s«sUlon. so'as qull.- easy to U-acti hei ‘ lo jump
No bwHlBK larka witb Rover,
write to yon. as I have not writico (or these napkins around, tme l-efore etch
iu hati-latiiiic niuhi>i(:iiiy c.ifi«‘. This ii abcHttly,
make the sand selllc at the hot through ><’ur arms.
t do what everybody aayA
« hmg time. We have a nice Sunday chair, and then run iipsitUra ami lie
till- lirsl ahowii in tlio oily.
n. and the weight of the sand wilt
She ran leani to i-lt up and tu
And work like all creaUon.
seboM in Mr. VanderbooTa grove. I swn. ni call you when they come. ’
"Oh, no, mamma.’’ pleaded Beaalc. keep It as yon wish It lo Ik:. ThU
Beoauee. you koow. 1 an a boy.
hi-r piaijr*’’ jtii-t as a dog can—al
go evocT Bunday I can. Anna Tuller
And bavins ny vaeathn.
tlui'iaii f lakes p>'>t'a|>--' “ .liMb'
la the teacher In our class. Ros’ "Indeed. Tm not n liU sleepy, and it ealUnl the olMdleiil e.cg.
1-11 you bo* to make liie inure p-illenrc.lo .K-ach her.' Aliy
Bunibam, Bendon. Mich.. R- F. D. No. will spoil CTCiTthlng If I have to go to
dlsriiedlenl egg. wiili whjeb yni may can IK- taught to follow her llill.1. would like to loin the Sunshine Hl."
••Well. well." fcslil her mother, un have even more- fun Hian wltb'th.- lri-s> .-ven on long walk*. Take
Wlahing and Working.
M. II. Hiirn.-r, 1’nfii,
clnb. PiesST aend her a canl and but(By Ueorge Cooper.)
ign. I hope our other preaidcnl I* willing to K- severe at such a lime. "1 olH'dleol one. Make the hole lu th" Wis of im-sl .-vt first, and urge h>
shell iHige <nnugh lo iillow you to in- go with you each-riay fiw a Ihile I
Ubder an apple tree. Uay Joe
having a good time. Welt. I will cluse
think 11 would lx- so mncli iroduee half un ounce of One shot, be er walk. Reward li.-t .-very Bill.- whllWatched tbe bouEha wave to »nd fro. tor this Ume.
heller for you to have a lllllc nap: gitber with a ll'.lle |M>w<lend sealing- wllh a 1)11. Id meal, uiid scratch
Ladea wUb.Etobe* of goldal brown
you would l»e able lo enjoy ihc dinucr
throii! softly or rtb yo-ir flns-T* i
Hoping that aome would patter down.
Jennle Bridge.
Age U;
Thu done, senl up the linie neatly of her raiv. which nil pussies lov. .
ve*7 »*«! to get a letter
"Ob. for a good atremg wind to blow
But Dcaaic did not think so ai all. with white wax and ihi-ii warm t!u She will siM.ii follow >v>il as faithfiiil.
from you ag^. Jennie. Isn't It nice
Pippins are nk*: I like them eo!
She distributed the ngpkins. placing
gently ov<-r tbe fire. .Tills *111 as any dog.
that Waldo Is' a Sunboam. loo!
Bat It'a Itke work to climb a tree:
that belonged to the missing give }-ou a fixed coli'er til gravity III
Alter puMiPR pussy thnuigh any ex
ni IM the brecie'elimb thU for me!’
chair on the mantel; for she hart de
Inlertochen. Mich. Aug. 1. 180«.
egg and no roniti-r how jfmi may etTlri'i be sure to f<-e>I her, and si.
lo plac- H. the weight of th»: will h.- move willing next- time. It
Ondar u apide tree, bmiy Ned.
member, but 1 will write a short tel
shot, held In a ma->s by the ncallDg
to Is-elti III teach pussy when kU<WhichIns the bmatk*. gaily tald:
I like my card and button very the kitchen. Then she cvem-d
wax. will drag It away frotn it* poal-: |„ quH,. v-niing. Never t
-’Wlahlng U only waate of time;
jniis intlinldale* ih.un. iiad they i
Applet tor tbote who fm- them dlmb! mueb. I have Ave slaters. They all the chair* on that side of the table, so Hon jiiHt a* soon as you releast- It.
bokwg to the Sunshine club. They that when Ihe guests arrived
■ ' - ■
not itud'-rstan.l wlisi ii m.-atis, Mi."Ob, how they Milne In mornlng'e dew! have for a Ibng liatc. My sisters and might not be able to tell rtiai anyihliig
Gi'l'a fit'Snee.PeL
|c:in'lc done with them H they a
Oh. bow they Itogh lo yonder blue!
as wrong.
A dainty llliU- girl In j»ie blue mus-•
nml ennearac-.! by kind tie.
pick lols of berrle*. I like to pick
Wp Imvp
■p just rpcpivrel a
Up. up. l'» go. and never atop.
berries If the sun Is not too hot.
When all this wa* finished Bessf' a frock, her gold.-n hair pit-iHIy mcAi.
fg r 1 ad of
‘ TIU ihe best I gaibn- at lb* top!pMs 1 have a dog and a Ubby cat. Oiir suddenly teircnit'cre.l that ohe hsd losaed Ji ythe wind.'seated on the'
l.nuid lack ol a rhlmK-eros Is th. m.tst
ami (\imlAxigHew to Eat Candle*.
Under the apple lre«i lacy Joe
would just have time to run to the
tiun I'rt-stt-ra that we uro
f’ut fn«ni pn sppl.- as iK:n.-! an im
Walled Ud tonged tdr a brocte t<>
In tbe' ronatry chan in tbo'hoi. Iisrn and see that they'wi re nil right el the visitor who Is spending an aft-r (■..-iiiiui of :■ laib'W eaiidu- >» tHis-B-li
tfriinK to r.nt Imforn tlw
pi the IV-rllp S.OO. Ijlll.- Vel,. t:«'t .1 sw.-'-i iilmoad, anil rut lli<- wtrk.
dusty city. I
our other presi
It was a cold day In Kcltniary, hut
public at NOCK IMJTriieii, or Violet, the diminutive la-ly Light thU-,wirk an 4nstan> Hi wil.
PRICKS. Thouo.
Baty mou^ *twonId be to aay.
write n* Boon. I think Zetta'a verse only In throw a shawl over Iut head who lias suereeili-.l ill taming one of name op l.riri.t'^1. blow it o-it. ai.o
uauhily larffP tniainrsa wo
And here waa a Ictaon for tbe boys— was very gtxid. and here Is another and. taking a
th.hare Iioi-d duing lliia euin»*I “irat lor the
place this elianed'wir k iii tlie lop ol
A ICMOB for work or playUme Joya:
m-r cfiiibh-s iis to ifix-c
reoiher act. she was soon climbing In •taiighler «if Ket:per 8ehw*rl»A-n. of the raiiJie and jo-i rr.- n-a.lv to amuse
the animal Iioiih--nt the con. and al yo-.ir crow.! of y.umg jK-vpl'*- Wlu.-ii al:
Ijsrjfnint that aip on• Wishing is anrely a waate of time;
Three aouill rules that are must keep to Ihe haybtri.
<«|naU<l nnywhoni in the
Applea lor thow? who work and cllmU!
To make this llto happy and bright
Yea, there they were, siifc and though she r.-jn count hi-1 seven Burn ts In readiness, s-laud iHifore thi- as
Wu Ikivk purcliaani
ers. her fame hits gun.- far abroad;
-Smile la Ihe morning. smUe at noon. sound, and while Tabtiy ciijoycil hci
fj-.iibled ciowii'and make a spi-<eb.
sbK-k nt * niAinmolli
For everyniii- el«e in the world, no Say that j.ui have lK-«n a sr.ie travel
Anil keep on smiting at night."
limrh. Bessie look two of the llllle
■ Friday. Aagual 10. IMC.
roluetion and nro adiln lo
excluding hr keeper. Ihe huge thick er an-1 Hist among the woiidirf-.il
Your Sunshine boy.
,cresiureb In her lap. nml ilioiiqlit
New memben Joining since last re
pill ihetn iJiit nclnnDy iese
Age 7.
Waldo Bridge.
she wi;u1il siirprlM- her eoi-vln* with .-kinned animal Is one of Ho» ugliest llhincport cd;
ihing« >c
you l•■.■•rm-.l while
ihnn fact'ity pricea.
That ts eenatnly * spiradid verse them. As she petted, amt they pum-d. and rttisM-K' menilicrs of Ilu- coo lamBvelj-ne Tbompann. Josephine Rex.
ef elj'llg caurllc*
Bnl the moment llllie Vrilrlien
Elk JUpMs. names tent by Boaslc fur us to taarn. Wc all foci Ilk her eyes rinsed, and her head began
wick. IH It burn u hion
11.-fc ate only a f«:w t»f
app«'ar* tin ilu- scviio the great munthanking Waldo, don't wc!
I- that it I* g.Jiuin' i.ltpe:
Ih'ssie moved sleepily and opened sler hceimn-s as mild an.l dorlli- ns a.
iloae Burnham. Bendon R. F. O. No.
V. -ir m'-uh. H wi!I Uim
Kingsley. Mich.. Aug. 1. INK.
Iamb add tries liy the most sbs'ir.1
her eycn: then she gave a start;
1. name sent by Jennie Bridge.
Dear Prealdeni—I hare noi wrltl<*n
WUUam H. naff. Clinton R. CoS.
••Goodm-sst I have U>en .nsle<-p,’ amblings and twisting of his ungainly;
Solid Oak suil. rvKtiisr *24, ...................................... ....»l2.r0
I you for a long lUne. It Is very nice
iMply to express the plt-asuie that her
ahe cried. "It must t* very late."
Erv«W! J. OoS. IKagalcy R. F. D. No. today. School will soon commen
Suit ».,w ........................ ................ ................ 14.00
Dot no: the sun was shining brigb' dainty pres<-nrr aflonis him An.'
Z. names sen' by Myrtle Lyle.
H<-.iuhir $;iil Suit Bt-w.. • -•••,.......................-.............. loXJO
oommences the tweDlletb,.of August.
ly. She could not have slept more Vellch.-n has as much affection lor her
H. V. P. •tmahin* dub Cradle Roll.
Suit now................ ......................................... lii.fO
We have got three little kitten*. One
Ilian a few nilniiics: she would Jusf tlilnoc.'T-<is tileiid a* he ha* loi her.
UaelcI Tuller. age one year. InU-rwith
t -p Kri r.ch Ikiel I'h.le I>i?w*«-r .S..lid
A* Odd MatnO'isl.
ts over at the barn and we can't An1
In jier eyes lie U the iNTf-'cH.m of anT
lochon.’name sent by Jesse Tuller.
have lime to get her licst dress
O.iL. L<'U uf ..ill. r« at i.pPt’lj lo^* prioift.
It. but the other two are here. aaO
and her hair nicely combed before
Ill :>ny (-outilM i- Hie o:ie
they are playing nil the time prrtty
wltbcui some lu.'hsome juorse-l. which
Tour preeldcmi has another true
Vour Rdi.Tble I’lirniiiirc,Store.
wtiWi has lately Imn-ii plamNl In S.-ejiii
near. W* have forty Inenbator chi
She Bcramideil down quickly and he taki-s from h.-r pink lit tie flng.:- Alrica lor the herres •* !.;. I, le)l. lU
bird atory iw you this week. It U
Papa made me a lawn swing;
ran toward the house. Why. there wUh periPCt gentleness.
BlsviK a dove that lived In Saginaw,
the rt-c-nt AirCan war.
will give you a list of names: William
were her cousins already, playing i
near a Ug hotel there. Tbe other
The sUjKil' mot! ime.Kt, r-i..-•win.iig
Ooff. Clinton R. Ooff, Ervine J.
lN-as;'s day come* whm h'* fragile'
II was too had. hut she would try
day it got Ila foot tanglol la some
om- nt the tl'oes: uf 'hi: Ib-uo'ichbre-:..
Goff. Kingsley. R. F. D. :. My address
l'.'7Sou:)i Uni'>n Street
little rolsireiuf' is llfliM I|> Ills hugslip In and dress liefnre they saw h
string Ibat was fattened high up oti
i2». -i d irii.K I'n- 1 niiiiulgii. -’..nds »t
the same.
affernbon anihlc
She wa* Just on ihc kitchen steps liBck for thenthe building and although U trfed. anl
Port E::?a'iK-I^i. Cape C'"l-.:iy
Myrtle L.vle.
when the oldest cousin caught sight of through the park- eH Is qui'e a picIt tried. U couldn’t gH loote. U was
1 wish I could see your three kit
•o far from the ground that nobod.r
IS. and all those conning chickens,
ugly lusk that adorn* his upp.-r lip I
"Wh.v. there’s Bessie
could rotrh It. and how do you aupposc
•u must enjoy tbe swing eo much.
aide 'entlrelf to dettro..- hi* air of «h-Bbcuied.
l> waa set free! Well, all of a anddeu
"Where have you been!" they cried Isfactlon.
it beard a great elattering. and
as they rushed up to her "Whore did
strong horses eatne running down tbo
street, bringing the UIl ladders of the
very small Iwter, I juH Joined!they find »ou! We have iM-ea huni
Tongue Twiaurtk-,
'Ai« department. They stooped to the Sunshine club. I thank you for «b-ilng everywhere,
Wbai a shame that such :i shafNly
Pn->id*-' foTm<kof Stomach Disordera once cored
fKmt of the Banrrofi Hauw.>**d the card and button. I am ten year* of' "Oh. have you hern here very lone! sssh shnnid shaWhy siitrhc* show.
iu tbit way never prim
ceat letttf t<
Jrsgsuwatat Ms. a boMte
' -rwddatdrag
Give Jim Grimes Georges gilt gig-,
go to school. We had I I'm so aorry. 1 did no- know B was
ArewB raised tbe Isddcr* up. op into
»satwor wussy retasdad.
the air. Tben one of the men Mlmbed the laat day of school the iweoty-ihlnl tale.' sadI Bessie, politely,
• haAreifNoibriBiiiifsi VorTl Pis'grrntct Tu-l fr -ni tl.r r-m»tk UiU -.-qp. ■"».ie.<l 1—t
i.-ire not used Pcpeofals before,
"0. we will set
a jixeDt bottle FREE
to where ihc dote was hanging, an-) of June. .Our teacher's ngme wa* Miss: "Ijite!" thev ehornsed. "Why. ir
Six misses mixed hlsspflhwbwl>*fH»d(b*.kaiqftlMbwt|.>.r>ic<qw>' riNtl,atristni«'-.falubU..B-t.N>.*eh»i1iiKWU."j
i.m.achailiw-su Srod BiAour’iIame^si^^dtea***^*
cut tbe string. How happy that dove WHIs. i think i must riose ray tet-'all over: you've missed It nil."
If he -‘tpp.-d, should she rip!
PemoiiH care D.^pcjiMa
mnai have been! 'And t believe tbe ter. tor I cank think of anything else. I "AU over—what-wliat have I
Stumld a ship's riewsrd
Stomach idsextet. in a new way. by re-,
asdDvwiiTsWMkw-.. I hiT.n-.| ,..qj|.r..; i>4;riiigtbe wuraout lining of Ih--*Stomaehi
Atgtneo were happy, loo. sad all th. Please exnise my^f^ioer'writing.
imlssed^ atammered Bessie..bewii- sbniidv wilt! •
.......-.............. ic. dc-roy ill rlirea-N- l.i
proMe «ho gaikered in that big cron-------- your Biiuvhiner.
jdered. while n horrible nnllnn oinIioI
Siiii should soon h-B Sam 'is rii.irf
jweediug germs. Dy>peima ana the worst carayou.
u> UK lacx ii»i 111* <
to soc what ,wa* being done. TboiFrask Zdi-ttck. jihronsb her mind.
.Hngic ahiaglew
126 £. Front Sb
Seid and racer
$. email
Cravtrst eity’s Ceadliig Drug Start
Traverse City CaniiiDg Co.
Slaughter Sale
Second-hand Organs
. Taken in eichanee tor Flanos
Some more Bid Bargains
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
chased by the yard and also comes
( be used unUI ibe last I
of pieces has been in the briac at iee«
made up ready to bang.
a week.
used ^ the windows a^ tor
llieD for piekiing they tbould
It U Urgely
Wash clean. apaM one portlcnA:
Numerous -vafleUes of enrtalns and
mlnntc la boHIng water, take out. and
soak in cold water over nl^t. In the portieres sre abowa la the stores, bm
morning drain ofl tills water and add
Serve with
fresb. to eliminate all trarea of "salU- the tnizcvtlrn > given will be fuuud
II nsuatly takes three chang helpful and satisfactory.
Cream togciher one cnpful «
and one cupful «
when IlmlK-d In purcbsalng. some ot
ings of water.
Add the white of one egg
Then the pieces arc
Many are compelled to apeod the
tborongbly'wariied ngaln.
arm summer months a* beme. mak.-
pieces tbal feel soft should be thrown
g summer resor s
Expresses His Great Faith in Pe-ru-na.
p»«nt !■ A twin &Fndn%
Adutnd to tkn Prnvtatte and Bntinf nf AU Ontuxhnl Atlmnrtn
Ban tn tiM Tkynttidai of
beaten aiiV. a .mile blackberry juice.
For sweet pickle, wrigh tbe rind. homes. The absence oi Crapbrtf* at
hair*a grated nutraeg.'ooc tcaapocmTo live ponada of it take'three pounds that lime les»<-ns the care and rc'^su:
fnl of lemon juice.
Set on Ice till
^auixiof sugar and three plnu of vinegar. alUllly. and the bouse will
roadr te icrve.
Mil sugar and vinegar together and comfortaUe wltbwl them.—Farm snd
ABd toM kn- tboosBud siroafu
im Ihy wJiliic keart above.
And k4a the ebaat'toing rod.'
For Uarough
(he donds aurroundlng
SblDee down the tmlle of .God.
When all U» wmid goea rtgfai. mr
dear. . J
When all the world gooc
And frleads are near who make good
And ngtare'a face (a bright.
FDncet not that tbeae gleama of light
By Ibe aame power are given
That Ihrou^ Ibe night, aa In tbe light
Would guide thee up to heaven.
Bat. let Ibe world go wrong or right,
it UiiB thy dally prayer—
May 1 anroll my lunoat aou|,
Perfe^ my litUe part .
And one day oKer at his fed
A pore and eoniunt bean.
•^Holcn Hughes.
• Wbo blesses
. *
• ^Win flnd the healing which bU «
spirit needsl
BlaeklK-rry Jam-To every pound of-
• And every lleww In other's path- •
frult allow one pound
ihc blackberries W s large bowl. e«-
way Mrm
Ooafera a pleahng fmgmncc on '
sugar. Crush
boil up. skim and pour over the rtad. fall and water.
W««k and tired eye* sre refn-slicil
Repost i6rre times, ibet) conk rind and
Make a syrup of the sugar, allowing a
syrup together for ten ninntes. Skim by bathing with warm water and ssli
Public speakers and many -noiel
tbe rind and pack In your jar.
sprinkling It gencrouslv with cloves, singers use a wash ol salt and water
capful of .water to each pound.
allspice, msec, nutmeg, grated lemon
tracllng as much
juice as possllile.
Lei It
cook till almoBl ready to go back to
Then sHr fn the blackberries,
and cook togeiher from
rind, while popper,
iKfore and after itsing the voice, a* It
pepper strengthens tbe organs c< (he Ifaroat
Salt niblK^ into the scalp nr occ;-
If relished, a few celery seed
Add to Ibe rind a quart of good elder (o sionally added to the water la a-ash
(he syrup, a poand of best lump Ing prevents (he hair falling .out.
cooking most be very rapid, over a b
Feather* uncurled by damp weather
sugar and the strained Jiilee of fonr
Boil l( (wo minutes, skim are quickly dried by shaking o
Jam for Tarts—Pol togetbec in
clear und pour on the rind. I.ei it cool In which salt has been thrown.
Salt always should be eaten with
There's nolblng on earth can help you
imeovetvd. then cover and keeii cool ■
and ala quarts of ripe blackberrie*.
ntiiB. and a dessert fnrti salt used
So macb as a fctadly deed.
snd dark until wanted.
Add one small icacupfu! of wajer. Set
should be specially made.
If twenty pounds of salt and
Cheitih UU as eaeied wit:
Drapinfi the House.
l« the fruit come to a bolt. It i
pounds of muriate of ammonia Ik
TAUgh a little bH.”
The most esn-tltial juirt of fnrnlKhbe kept boiling tilt the damsons drop
solved In seven gallons of water and
Keep ft with you. sample It:
ig a bouse Is the treatment of (he
from the stones.
Then remove the
bottlml. many fire* may be ptcvenicd.
-LniVt a lilUe bn."
windows and d«ora. The draperies for
Slones, and stir the fruit till it la
il spraying thi- bunt
Little Uls win sore betide yon.
them wllV-cIthcr dosiroy or add to the
smooth msss.
Allow one pound of
ing srilrles the liree Is soon exilnFortsne may not alt beside you.
Iwaiity of the room, conrcqucnll}- col?
An Incombiisilble coating
Hen may nmek and Fame deride yt
or and effect should lie carefully stud
lioll together steadily for alsiul l
immtMiraicl) formed
But roa*ll mind them not a whit
ied when considering liiai part of the
ty minutes.
Add salt to th<- wal<-r in wliicli black
U ytM lan^ a ItUie ML
lb nlmn*l every room slmi>ktd white- cottftn gcMids ari- wash*--'.
niacklKrry Fingers—Cut six sllet s whltc draperies for the wltidow* arc
Irons may Ik made smooth if
Maay Indeed think of being happy
the most appropriate atid pleasing,
wUh God in heaven: but the being altout four Inches long snd one Inch at tbe present lime ecru Is very popu- rahbert over salt.
QMd Chaer for the Week.
Do aottethlng for somebody always.
Whatever may bo yOar creed:—
Not a mortal mUeea.
But we'n make the future fair
Juice over tbe Ungers, allowing them
lops, and finish them with a narrow afterwards.
and basting and Turning or- niffle of the «fme. For the windows
r a small ieas|<onnrril of flue Kilt
artde.1 to a quart of milk It will In
thceortalns to fall just Iwlow Ihc
caslonally nnUl all the liquid li
sorbed: tben
Immediately egg'
allowing for the hem at the
prcsertttl sw«-t and |iuri- (»>r wvciwl
y«f (Ac meritt ot AerwM MIy 4
her ot/Heud* w ho h«tw Ukea
mcH trouble mad mlt
aatu la praltlag IL A» m n
tally neommead H.’
In a later letter to I>r. Hsrtmin. Col. Hamilton write*:
•• My eommmad uted yoar Ptrvam daring our tervkm In the Spmalth~
eHcmnWmrmadlwintmytbH.tbatlftheW--''------------------- * are
mr mad I m ill 'may IbH. ibat It ibe War DepmnaieM recordt
conutUed. II will be found ibmt tbe emtamUae* la my regiateat reghaeat el
at tbe Army Corpt m bUe at Cmmpt
tbma In any mber regiateat
Meade mad Butbaell. The total death* It. aty mglmeai. daring the seres
Bonfbs’ ten-ice, mem aetea oat of m loitl immberet 1400. I, of
cmaoei help bat Iblak Ibtt Peruat eertmlaly wmt * great beaeOt to my
If ynureppetUe is pimr. again Perana
acts as a good, trae friend and Is
r. Col. Hamilton saya:
tonic n^ed.
-1 haVe tried It for months and
I bare already w-rfrren yea ml
only too glad to acknowledge il as a
reatedy durfrtf (he SoanJtb..
Iroe, loyal standby in times ot (ronble.
1 do DolbeslUteto recommend II to all r
In old age the mneon* membrane* Iw1. T. Markland, a well-known bnslncssman ofCiDelnnatl.O.. address R.R. come tir.ckrned and partly lo»e tbclr
>'c bavc luKD asing Peraas (or (Ivo
No. 1. MU Washington,Ohio, writes:
Tbi* leads to partial lo«i of hearing, year*. 1 iKlIcre (bst II U the tiMl med>
'•1 find thst In my ca*o Perana U a
smell snd isste. a* well as digest Ivedl*- lidnc that 1 know of.
n DOW at work tnr banccs,
Perana correct* all ihl* t>r it* cflleient dren do not need any doctor, elnee we
ewry day, and
have gained ten operation on all the mn<-ou* mVmliranes B»c I'rrans.”
of the b-fly.
pounds. I*iook your
One iKlUcwiHi
todireeUoDsand there
One resMin why 1‘erahB has foaM
n*ed and Peruna iweomc* a life-long -permanent use in
many homes Ulhsl
Yon stand-by with old and y«nDg.
It roDUIns BO narcotic oY any kind.
Pe-n-ta CoDtaiBi >« ImnotW
told pie In your flirt letter that yon
would cure me
losgbt I
tbr»- year* old asdj
». lam
,o SI tend to my bg*ine«»a*B*n*l."
At to Summer‘Pickling.
Ill maCliic Plckk-I. use- none but IIk
Ooppi-r and glass may Ik 1k quickly
Egirael from a qusrt of black Isr. and figured musltns sre usetl es
elesnsed'hy dipping half a lemon In
•»t cider vlm-gar.
tere Into tbelr ihoagbt—John Wesley. berries every psrtirle of juice by cook pecially in (be bodroons.
Never ke«-p pickle* In Blazed earth
fine salt, then rubbing thcm'ovcr slnlning them unUl leader with a
A bedroom in almost any style
a* II I* mil to have k-ad in
cup of sugar and sufficient water
Let's be happy while we may.
color can be draped In white sa tss or cd ohjrcl*.
and sail also rentove sinln* ilie glaze, and the vliif-gar will^et mi
prevent burning snd then pressing muslin.
Griefs may lurk before ns.
Make the covers for
k<-ep them In glass or hard vtuiie
through a fine sieve- Pour this fruit dressing-table and dresser In fit the from Ihc lingersDo not use soap
And the skiee grow mar hand gray
Lowering darkly o'er na.
Gallant Porto Rican Soldier Gives Praise te Pem-no.
> snfferlng With I
■ yon, o
Id, la gri
s, Peruna restores you b
happy with God on earth never en- wide.
Pain and loss and carking care
Owitafit War Corngpoadgat Eae-
A' fknrering garden fair.
Before God's face, and In ny place
An Old Snldia'n Pnisa.
Btackberrr ‘Cake—Rub ^ree Ubte- bring to a boll. Blflra well and pour Flrwldt
Mr.F. B.Coa, Center Oak, Pa-. writM;
•ooDfult of butter In two cupMta or bolting bot over (be rind, which has
•<1 was Uken with hemorrhages nt tbe
Beat three
eggs amarateir. been pa^ed In a stoue crock
stomach and hod from one io*Uii
The Oc«d Uara of Salt.
Beat with tbe yolba « ctipful i* engar. highly sMsoned with nutmeg,
Salt clonniica the ^late and furred]
then add tbe well beaten wbllce. Ml> nod (he grated yrilow rind nf li•erbedoeton aaid my stomach eonld
tongue, amt a gargle of salt aud watcr
with flour and buiicr., gilr Ip one cup Ncrt day drain off syrup, .bill
not bo eared, and It was only a qurotlon
oftrn efflcactouB. *
ful of blackberry jam. Sesaon with again, skim and return to jar. Ri-of bowaooB one of tbess spells would
A pinch of nil on (be tnacue, follns- ktil me, and 1 was given np several
iiwnpoonful of powdered cimtiitwice, then place
cd ten minute* afterward hy a drink ut
times, as (bey had no hopes for ms.
one-half of a nutmeg grated, and. amount in a preserving ke((le,
“I Anally wrote to yon, and yi>u said
laetly. put In one cupful u7 wiifr milk lioll three minutes, adding the strained cold water, often cures sick headache
ifr itwasnotaeaneerorai
It was not aeaneerora tninor.Pai
Salt hardens gtinis.
buticrtnilk. Id wblcb hn* boe
half a dosen lemons. Boll on<
wonld core
white and swe«en* the breaih.
aolved one email (caaponnful of
longer, pour Into jars: tie c6\
-I eommenced taking Perana right'
Cui flower* may be kept fn-sh by
Bake In a square tin and frost
and have never bad one ot tboee
r and let siojid for a week Ik‘F.w
lidding salt in the water.
fore using. For soar pk-kle the pieces
Weak ankk-s shimld be ruWW who
*^1 am an oldnoldler.oneof Phil Sheri
of rind are simply taken from
dsn’s Roogh Riders, and pretty nearly
blackberries. Crush
solution of -salt, water and nlcnbnl.
narii of ripe
tirlne and scalded lightly In weak
colds, hay fever and kindred played out now, but I have a pretty
Bllghll.v. and pobr over them rgar. drained and packed In jars, with
good etomaefa agaU.”
affoettons may be much twllevt-d by
two quarts of best \1negar. U>t Ihoni layers of spices between.
Cover an
siahd twenty-four hoiim. and strain
using fine, dry sail like snuff.
Inch deep with cold elder vinegar, drop
Dyspepsia, hiwriburo and Indigesibrough a muslin bag. squecsing well.
tin lumps of siigsr (hat have U-en well
ion arc n?licved by s cup of hot wsler
Pour Ibis liquid over three quarts of rnbbcd on a lemon rind, cover tightly
In which s small spoonfnl of salt ba>
fresh Iterrles and attain, after stand
care-Hlack and While.” «BB Craig Bl..
and let stand a week.
Meen melted.
ing twenty-four
bourn. Allow
Montreal, Canada, writee:
A spIccd n.-liah is another variation
8sl( and water will sometime* re
pound of sugar to every plot' of jnlec. of this delicious ••rind pickle." For five
•‘When a man VraveUln extremely hot
r-r cold climstes. he realises howvalusvive an unconscious
Pui in a jar. wbiefa must bo sol In a
pounds of the fresfaent-d rind,
>de a friend be has If he earries a botUe
vessel of hot water. Bkim well and 'sweet pickle.'; tske three
hurl. If brandy or other remedies iire
of Pernna.
boitlc when cold. Two tabicspoonfuls
whole ginger. bniUc It well and
“t-know of no article In my irareling
of Ice water makes a me
Hemorrhage from tooth pulllug I*
twenty minutes In s qiuirt of water.
enifit which X.have learned to pralee
dcllghifut and refreshing beverage.
ttopiKd by fliling the mouth wllU
Strain and add three luunils of aiigi'
For free modirsi *drte<. sddrfsu t>r.
I’eranahas no t>ad effect apnn the
II. Hartman. I'rontr-iii of TIo- Han- •y*b-m. and grsduallv eliminate* ca* >n H*nlt*rium.(!-.'lunit-ii-,tl. AM eor- larrb by muuvlDC the cause a( (ta
ip-iadrncc betd alricily omOdcutiaJ. catsrrli’.
think you will In- iMithered with n
h'-r g.iesi ha* laid her a eompliment
any longer.—Kxrhang*-.
wh.-n b.' remark*:
do y.tnr w.rrk."
. Cucumber Preserves.
oni-* of tiiillorln el
rirkk'K should In- vxamlio-tl every •wa*li and |uii Hi<-i
moiiih and soft plen-* remove.1.
' V**
or sht-Ivt-y with water and a s|
fill or .K> of eat Isdic aekl. anil I d<
Ti.k.- .
- |.n-|.-tnb1e'
slniiig brim
rfwaeh. th.-.i
The iM'tfsIoiiHl aildlHou of a IIUIo pul Hi<-ni ill fii-Kh wsKT, which nIoniI-:
sugar k«vps pickles BmM and Improves changed four llfluai during the tw«-tii>
"Hnw <«idly .>na
tl may 1k that the
gm-si kn.iw* very little ah..ut II. But
the fart n-maln* that In him the work
of the bouM-wlf.- *e«-ni* s-aslly dom-.
mean* (hat Hie h.MiM-h.rid mie
elilm-iy U VI. II olk-d. (beie I* no ruahlit I.- nnd
there I
Jarl iiHiRK-ot. There
tom and a flounce at the top. When days.
is no tuMlng wh.li N.meone bappeas
Eggs packtsl In salt can Ik kept for Ihelii.
lour hour*.
hung they are pushed liack
In lie laie to a ID.'Sl. Tti.'ie I* nil flniS|dr«-s In plekk-s sloui.d Ik
powdered sugar and serve on a folded side, and Ibe center of Ibe pole
- "A lan^ Is worth a h
wvcral months.
I.lne yo-ir iirerorving Kriih* wIM'
nml jumping ap. wxwlmle.
A pinch of salt added In imistaol
la any warkeL-—Obariea Lamb.
grai* baw->. luy In )«mr eneiunlKT.finished with a flounce eight or I
prefenilily mu ground.
If ground, Kcaticr lilts ot alum among*! tinn- .••ij.llig'.ui.-'- --'-If lo rush lo *«• if the.
prevents It souring.
Inches deep or the same depth »s I
blM-iill* are liiiriihig.
TTM-re I*
upoonful of conA smouidering or dull fire may Ik h<-^'- shoiiM ll■••t up III ihin muslin fill np with (n-sli water, cover wiit
Thou cas'st not buy
the- curtain*. If one was
Uses for Watermelon Rii)d.
oil III.- lorHi.-Xil of Ibis iHNiKwlle
cleared for. liniiling by ii handfut of
grai»- l--iivc*. licit »m top of kinlr. «■'
It Is oficn diffletiU in procure lit lowed. Cut the flounce de<-per than
who rtw* her work "m rosily " The
Most pieklf*. ' -11 ma.le. iltiprt.ve hyj^^_^^
Bub It U part of thy
Ibe markets the right sort nf melon* qnlrtsl. (o allow for the hem and n caswoman
the shiii pniTis of the vinegar pa**
To.ilve la love abd trust and fealty.
Salt thrown on any buraliig sub'A'h.-n ulc-lj grtv-tm.l, .lio|.
thc lop.
When nimtiitg the
preserve, says a wril.-r'lti Table
off and il.e fiav.o* of the H|ili-rs Into ic.'-wai.T and let ib.-tn r.-inaln inns and freli- «iid (ucm-s will aniior.T
T«> mlad.Md heart oa lllUc pleasure*
slsnct- will slop the smoke and lilar.c.
Talk. If they come tr^b from your curtains on the imle. run on eme cur
or laUf brt-ak down and Ik a rliroak
Bread Insiirfirlently salted iKComcS Iil.-mlitig pl«-a»antl>' i.tg.-ther.
until th.iro.ighly cold.
own garden there will In? do difficulty lain and then the floonce before pm
Sorb a woman I* a btrrdea
Ill pr.-paring plrkl.-s av.il.l nsing any
fn»m the wal.-r. wlje (
about gelling the right hind.
They ting on the second curtain. This is al
i-rrolf an.T no .-oiroilsH.m lo her
A hMrt ftril of thankfulBCSB.
Omd made with salt water Is said CIPIMT vesH-I. mil.-*. W.-II plart-d with- them, ami wHb a small kiiU.- cm an
so a pretty arrangement for dining
should'be "caugbl young:" that Is
with tin. N.«lting in 'he »haiK of Im-ISl.ill III oil,' Kide of i-:ii-li rii.iimlN-l. fan'ilD. Tfi.- mote slb'Dily the wbrrii
I Ik pood in some cases of consiiropA tumble full of cniu.
say. when purchased or •clectod. r««*- room curfains. If the Bgured muslins
of .|..nie»i|e i.ffalr* roe made to nia.
eoiijKr. I.-ii.l or p.-wi.-r sliou.l In- al S<-raiK OIII Ih.-MK-il
A ooul of a
S'tilT with eb.q.
ibly ripe. The delicious deep pink are used for tbe window* the
III.- Ii.tiMibr .'h. fcmlly and the bapKireng l.iwe.1 to com.- in roiilsel with viimgh
An aariy awralac prayer:
When cabbage, onions
m-d rai*lns and eltri.o. ami row .i|>
should -correspond with tbs' <
of the Cenier should be crisp:
- -wll. ami andlter.^Oblauo
A amllc to greet tbe moralng with.
Iiieisjim. bi-lng c
tint, and soft to the loiich. signifies wall-paper and general c -lor-achemc snu-lling vepelahles have iKcn I>ni'
A klad word as tbe key
To 1«|V.
in pans, to prevent odors rllnclng
111.' eiH-unib.-ni In n lug
that the melon was either picked
of the room.
ihmigli III peif.-ei ..r.l. r- shmil.bnot b.- (im.- Ill'- rnmlD* an-1
To open Ibe door and greet tbe (lay.
green or from a dead vioe. SmJTl dear
Colored lapcsirie* an- popular for them, place some salt on the sir
Blcacbir^ Linen.
all.iweil lo sli.iid in B ideke iMtliie ni eh.ipiKd :an.l mlx.-.l'>
Whatever It briag to thee;
dining-room which and turn the pan* lioltnm up nve;
blisters on many of the semi* s
W.- b-rt. nil j'lHirtr (laurtkercbteC*
A patient trust In Providence
salt- In It few minutes the iians illl jai (ill iii..n- than aii iiiatani.
ovcp-ripeness.- Tben you have the : bad l)Cen d*'Oorated in deep red
nd .b.ilc
ibatV/llK bane of
WikkI.'Ii »ih*»iis aud |*d.lb'* uif. In
To sweeten nil the dny—
smell swe«-l.
Afi.-r Niulfiiig. wi'ii
odor that the mdlon exhale* as a fecilvely draped In red tapestry
iKcanK of ihui dingy'. Offlfl
AU UMm comjdaed with ittoagbau!- guide. U they tave been packed ton very light weight. Lace and net i
All salads should be *<iak>Hl In salt
• well -IKlIl.d I
Ol'-. eB'r".l l-> air iniudirtoaB n**- nf
making III Ik dotii- In thi- liomi-. *iii-l
Siuk. a e.vnip of
gracefully hung nre always In and water to destroy aulmaleiilsi- o;
closely In an alr-tlght car. they gci
........ . nr fn.m atq. pertapa. Now. If
II for
1... ih>- ...................................
l.iekl.-V- ................................ W.H1 take n tappy dny.
r by IN.IIII1S .mill ■<
get heated and give forth a peculiar good taste for the sitting-room, and sman worms.
h.-.. ic- aiik.m. 'ln'(he Ironble that I
Make a strong brine and water gar
[I ai.'l drt.|. i'll ri.
• -«»'i ................
e mo*l satisfactory for a llvdead odor. Choose the melon whose
cu^ m 11 1 f garrl.bi me bdl yo-t
v.-i. ™, 1-- k..|.i
as they do not roil a* easi den walks to kill we.sls. A niiNlera'rind Is without spot or blemish. JIrsi
ills- to do say* a; writer in a rereti*
"• .......... ,-r
-I-........... -I-:,,,,.
quantity of
Among the berries which grow In toating It by scraping np a bit of green ly ar the innsltn.
Waidl |iO tlK usual wrmy
«-im>iaii' p.imUmg—
,1 plan- in II
Tbe most effective and l(i«-X|Kn»lve
Ibe'grentest profusion In
northern akin with tbe finger nail. If tbe skin
ci‘1. d.-an, f-.fi w»ier and any g"»d
Salt iitid ramphor in cold i
. MIebIgno nre blackberries, and the
.*.|. ami vh.;> soak ow-rnlgbt In cK-aa
n exrclli-nt dlslnfeetant in Ik
Bug* and Metba.
.yiip, and b-.11 d.rwn nn
wild ones are sweeter and more idl- with It. the chances arc the melon is are denims and burlap*. Denim eoni*-*
yiNl hav<- i.iii rteam t>f
ouse mid* shaiiM isitir sab
idiy.p III <'leiiiiibr-is am
In all colors, in plain, design* an1
ckHu ttan the garden varieties. They fresh. Skill (hat slip*, leaving bare
ai'H!. a K-asporMifiii lo roeryqnariiR
Her using H. down the ilrai
•] niln'i'ii-r' loup' i. Nt'x. j
blocked. Cut them the de«lr«d length,
are wttbin the reach of everyone and smoofh surface. Indicqics a melon y<
la'--: I{it>ro out m-il day and.
Sewer ga-' U eo'inteiaeti-d
'*j«rs. lyii'g 'tc-ii up wl
Perfect melon allowing enough for « bent ■* 'he hotsbMld'nat be neglected when eanning bad b«ler paa* bv.
anl'l... are; dried *II|) li'di'-*handful ef *alT p1ar.-<i In i-iil'
and s casing through which
flPBb Is crisp. Him. juicy, with
time arrives. The following reclpc!
.11 wilt not r.-r..tni/.- -b-’m a- 'b<Ksebaiiga pole a< the top
Trim them basins.
picked up here and there, will be of fragrance, free of strings or hard
ury. >gly Ihliig.,
-“.rl. .rtr.
- iuf.-'t.d
Water for laying
with an Oriental braid or .trimming
cores at the heart. Though (he v
proeticnl use In (bU eonarcUoD.
and I iK-wm*' sl^'ot
of han^onlring color*. This may be tective when sal' is aildin!.
Blackberry Jam—Gather the fruit best ntelons show a fea- Immature
Cucumber and Tomsto S*»sd. '
n a trl.-nd
eenerslly usd In Rngland
In dry sreather. allow hair a poand of abortive seed*, there. If they sho-*': purchased In dlfferenl widths, but a
l*»r.- ai.'-i *t.e.- 'w.i go<*d, -i''-.l ''.i
,:-.rti".-o irr km*
•!:. rio
A salad d: - .,i-|
good brown sugar to every, pound of anywhere bnt In the ends, proclaim one-inch to iwo-Inch trimming will b:: towns lor this purpose ,
..'imiH iv, an-I '.»k In '-om *a'’r .«.•
Rattan, liaffllioo and t>a«kei
-tt.-r than i,s.' «-.mea from
(fall: boil tbe whole together gcnil.v ihe^nilt to be away lielow first ctas*. found the mMi satisfa’* orr.
Irraio on a •■«li
m a 'skull
furniture may Ik thoroughly cleaned inaiiing. and enet- In a wn,..- l w.e.M
H ,
for an hour, or till the blackberries The color of the seeds does not sle- the braid down one side and aero**
oed rut lit", 'hid.
iwo red,
ssies.'.lHi 'A smsar. a
fln-! a bug iiiMl. r t)w ................. i'- 'I'ld'-r
are aoft. stirring and mashing them nlfy If they are ripe snd perfect. In the iKMom of the portiere* about two by scnilibing wl.'b a brush and sal'
to'P- salt. »n-l .It.! muittard. (btw litthe h.-d, I rai-.-d up lb. . iger nn-l
For a *lngl<- water.
my ^rjH-rience I have found that either Inrhe* from the e^.
well. Put In small jars and Ue dowi
bl.-l-Kti-fu -.f t'n'gar and Urm- of
Japanese-and plain siraw niiMiug wiped up the flw Wl'h Wt.'. r,
red or the lemon variety of th« water door one of these portiere* will he
Tills U particularly good for chlldrei
Dd Kimatu.-* nllr-rnst.which I bad p.n-.-.t a smai! .i.an'lty
tl'l' *-ii >■’'1
'*(> beab-n
Bieamed Blackberry Pudding—To melon with black-^ged light brown sufllclcni. but for wide double dooia should tK wavhe>|rwith sail and water
8«-r*.- with Frenci.
-BE y.-> Hai '- Ilti a donbte boiler
and nibbed dry.
Thi* keeps them of the earUrlle t.eM. i
one quart of flour add two teaapoon- seeds were always* better flavored a pair will be necceqpary.
______ ______________
an.: <m un'-t 'I'd mixiare M' ilk.’
Tbe figured denllc-. and burlap* arc soft and prerenu brinle meking
Watermelon Hod
fsU of baking powder and one tea- than any other*.
Of bed.’.-adr *|5.1 In the ererke ;t: Hi're.-aui. j
simootnl of salt, a heaping tablespoon- should he csrefullv saved, as they can made tip In tbe same manner, bu' where irafllr (* heavier.
I dl.; Ibl* tn 'he <pnng; A M.rrt to,Hou**koep«ra.
Brooms soaked in bof salt water wau* etc
In all case* the
fiil odartl or huttA and enough wokt be used In mtny dellclons ways with without trimming*
at ho-.Kel.«ning lire. ai'lenre«alli, .H'm,Kk.K„.r. who d.. 'letr ,dw..j
to mahe tbe consistency of biscuit only a little ironhle. At (be beginning color of the portiere* should han.ton- wear beiier and do not break.
Cucumhkr fiandartebas.
-haocei work and aie trt/uMr.-d with tin-.l fee:.;
Bedroom floor* may be kept rooi; ihrough th. Mirnmcr
dmigb. Boll it out half an Inch thick of the melon season fill a jar with Ire with tbe furnishings of the room.
II • i.rnmlKni. perH and slice etqn*
I; will find great, a.lvontage from u-ing|
These materials are also n*cd (or cor and very fresh Ip summer If wfpef.rfound a bi;g or iw
—spread oo It one quart of ripe black good brine, strong enough to float
i eti»bion to Ktsnd on while washlnj wi,-'- verv tbiD:inartaB>e with Freacb
daHy with cloth wrane on' ot strong i hav.- never >Ken one since
berries and sU Juicy apples, pared. egg. and a* tbe Hod* accumulate, put ing window seat* and cedar chests,
dUbes'of prepsrtnr v.-z.rtaiaes. mtdv'-In—fnc: let stand two bo-.r*
salt water. All microbes, moths and (be mo*' complete remeft | ha»e e?
cored and sueed thin. Sprinkle the (bem Into the brine, first paring off and even a trank will be found ctafrom row-rsl thlckte-.**.- of old el.rtn emir- wb-at bread in eirele* theasnu!
!u*e«k. This la deadly
venleM «fid not nnaUrecflve In a bed pest* are thus destroyed.
fniltvwtth sofar. and (oW tbe dough the outer rind, then cutting gli up In
i>r blanket. Tari. 1.1* a eomfortahle]size as cncunibet. sod siuwad fbmi
the way of chi!
Black,spots on disbes an.l .llacolo--. sbontd be kept
room if bidden by a cover made from
about iwo-lDcb pieces. Cover wUh
over It. Put la cloth wrung
r with mayoatuUee dreaalag.
and furolRh whh a lu'ip a
atioos on teacup* are removed
by dren
bniUnf water and well fionred. Steam plate to keep the pieces well under the denimcirvdM at teeai;
: slice lieiwfeli t
we! .ridrtanec'tb baht .ip >.ui .rf dhe wi
This wutild also Ik
Btrlped aertm makes a very altrarf Aafwp tutIt.-JTtiladeIpbia Pablic iKdg-]
the brine, ton need not he afraid of
(or boll, by puttlag (he p<t<MlBg
pnmr eilge* i.*.-tb V SDd aerve.
he rlrswer* In -ure.
I (or* moth*. "Wasb <
the rind getting too salt. They should ire summer drapery. This may be pur- ei
boillag water) lor one hour and
With reaamber^ blisuea.
bread-erutnb (hem and fry in bot fal
to a golden brown: roll while hot
Paces 7to 12
meloos for bn cents a camel toad. He on the plaiform. ctothM la them. Of .
Indian Camp Masting.
| Thomas la the
Nimbpori. Mich.. Aug. IS.—Tbe In-; vd will take full eVrge of these WV toM iVt a mv could bey all be special lalciwM la IkU coatume waa
newded to eat vd to wear far 323 a the hat>kh«,Virora uMar the vMI.
Ians at the camp meetlBR llrienad to wbea Ml. Thomas leaves.
1< wetehaiAnar
vd U .
three exceUeal dlscouraes by Prof.
Tbe looriol pnriy from ClaclaMlI
The manners and custimis are at- fastfoed at the back BHtec sUromKraacia Mcaervc. president M Shaw that stoppari oV at Omev. visited the
esi exvily the sbm m la Bible ers woven la with the hair. It la wont
unlversliy yesterday. Tbe evcalng VV. •S.ime of the customs 'aeem
I month al a time vd IV womea
dr«*a was parflcotorly lalere*llv a*
ThI* evening Professor Goodrich of
be talked tm tbe pobsIWllly of indUas Albkm college will give hi* illUBtrated very strange tb us. In our country w»
write frtwn left to right, la that coua- them that Hie head ache. If the cv **
with the whiles.
lecture. ••Palestlne-^is People. TVIr
off. ' Tbe colors la the dreo* fa
the course of Ms remark*. Pro COSloms and Habits.'' 1’e.rplc dreasef
feasor Heserve eadeavoredTo prove in the costume* of Palestine la the our country a vatlemsn taken o0 bis vored (be colors of (he coviry aad
were greee vd red.
I no entering a
that the Indian wu^ hvdicapped lime of Christ will take part. Pr>>
In Ihe (nwa of Iva there wu v
by bis color, ciliv a aumVr of ex fessor G.sjdrich delivered a krtore
Death ef Mre. Hiitchlnaon.
lake* off his shoes on enlerlng a home. mnm In the Inn. They went to (he
Northporl. Ml<-h.. Aur. 13.—Mrs- amples. Bv+ry ladUa which tried lo
la*i l»ecember Bvery one'wb i
IV caatt^lde' crowd ate a
He told that when one tap|^ na i next tiest bouse wEirfc enusisted of
Mai y K. Hutchinson, widow of the laic rise la the wofld succeeded aad his heard him at that lime was delighted
one room. A high ^tforte flllad
Dr. Him-lilnsoo. died at J;3fi thin surcess was measured only by the ef He Is an able and Hiieui speaker Tbe
time, (be
avenlnc and bad a
Sotneonc within srould'ray "mla" one half tbe room. On Ibis ibe pen|de
runruiDR ol canci-r. She was 79 years forts IVi be had put forth- He staled Bvwoclalirtn'eonsident this a* t«e cd
li-avlue, the window
nature of a picnic.
which means "who Is Ibcre.'' You lived The rest «i( tbe floor was liaie
After (be topper waa over, (he
erod and tbe «r<s.-n. which bad U-*-!!
wait until all the womea have RrouDil and wa* orrupled bv a calf, -a
of iDdurirtes Iti which the Indians did
■ssor Goodrich should !*■ greeted by
ally iBcJloed played tV pUno In t
removed by In-odlOR hark soave nails, Wliilfrcl Sebroeder.
left Ihe room for no tlallor ts allowed cat and sevdrel diinkeys. in Ihe edge
Mrs- Hutchinson was a ploni'er of iiifl try to participate and which the
large audleore He Ju"' iwc* from
while dandoK waa tadolsed In. Tbe
u repUi
■pun-d. The desk or imfe
look upon the faces
of (be platform a kind of irOBglasras
this ntion and was a well-known lit- whiter; inaiHipolire dbut which the In neBancc. Ohio, where he has been
of Iowa sneete were Hist Louiac Sbepwith.
it (dupei
medan sromen. The houaes are biitll seoitpcd owl In which (nod lor the Mlkrt of Detroit. wV li tIiIIIbr Hiaa
Two yeant bro the same window ■•caiy woman. Vvlnc one of the beat dlans could eiiRURe In )usl as advan- ttiring daily for Ic ndaye. He will of taud wtth^lhr excepHm of Iji.- roof, maU was placed. At pressmi Ume tha
Florence Hlllw^; Mica Hasel Harrta of was broken aa<l (K^vrral raxots taken.
of brvrhes laid ovei
her* nflen lay tbeir IIHIc faablas
which 1* daSe
contains a laree numtur of choice Ihe various resorts was one ibinc tVI
CadUlac and Mlaa lUtile Thco John,
■r' wlUi mud nd enreved with pilch. The
the irougbs to keep ibMn from
books, rare volumes and medical they could do Just a* well as anyone
ana of Cbleaso. who are VHtUlBR the
flmernor Warner and il<m. Wllllan boase* have n<i windows and
rolling off Ihe plaiform ahd hateg
MlaM Lelab and Myrtle Miller; Mias
Atdea Smith and party are expected
and the rotrf falls la when It
ipled upon by (be vimais. Mr
As an example of Hie success which Thursday morning Bisbop Walden
The funeral was held Vj't'dncsday,
' rolk of Litcbfleld. ill, who Is vIslUne
one Indian, who bad started pour, the M K church, vd Dr Fltiyd. Held rain*. Tbe house ha* only one room. Gootlilrb uid. *Ybere for the teat
tilas Laeaa of WashlDRUm atrect: tbe
Is sVred by the family and (he vl
had made of his life, be told «>f Oov secreiai-> of rhe misstouaiy sodety o
lUaaea Prideaox of Millsdale. wbn are
For MIsa Huellmantel.
i le which our Savior laid '
enmr Hn>wii
ihe Seminole tribe fd
vttlUBS tbeir slater. Hit. 8. 8. Smith,
the M K church. Will abs. arriv
The Tw-euHeth reniury club
n» family Invited Unm I*, dinner
showed tbe nwtume of V JkrIhu Indian terriiory. Oovertibr Brrrwti
aad £lr. Kirby of Hllladale wbo is vUdlRltl cave a granile aljower for Mtrs <.wn« u a l.vigc t.tore and his clerks Thi'C'dai mornluc. They will lake
V w.-re siuiti-dVrouDd a mud tahb
in hoy and. rloseid by abowteg
lUnc Chkriea Aabton.
Alivcua Hiiellnianicl. who will lu- mar wife Willie men I'rofessor Meserve
inehes high on which was plarert
euriortilcs from FateaUVThe iirosiMci for^a large altendvev
lo tl'sirce Ibrrrouth rai^Aug Ifi
Amnag Ihese was a mode) of a qaaev
ponnday meal. Tbt* •
vIslUil him and on the day he
\ ftetwrrtd From New York,
Ihe IfVqiiet I*‘good. Liverymen In bread, olive*, diba vd conee. DItm la
The shower was held at the home of
. lamp *jm
there Mr, llroan was very- busy
fer. and Mrs. Stepbea CUek ro
alt the n'wr-hy towns rep«>rl that their made ol grape* One (reveler «ald years nld and a vessel tor rarryiK the
Miss Nellie Wiirr.hurR on Dnloo irtreei
had Hilrter-n rats of cattle and each
torned Monday from a trip to'Now
IRS are all envged for that day.
Miss lluellmanlel rreelved many'very
the lamp without wblefa tM
about the -bread, 'TYie bread seem* to
csr cotilained iweniy head worth «30
-Yorti and New Jeiwey. Mrs. Cisek has
Good meals can V obtained on the b«- made of tough, drab colored cloth lamp would au bcuf much uae
mefnl pies»-iil». , A i«arl bf the even
head. Tliese caltb- were peint
been away about six weeks aitendlDR
ing was speal at cards, at which Miss shipped lo SI. I.rml.s as Hie price* gniiinds as the dlnng hall Is tinder
tbe evcBlag Ihc prnfesoor apofco
of flour and millstoneii ir
Vr afater. who has been seriously 111.
Annie Merle* won HrsI prise whlb- there on llial day wer«- higher than Hide management. The proprleltir. •-qiially together" The loaves
avln of Ihe laqil of the PhlHsOvs
While la New York Hr. Clack took a
■■niployed a chef from Northporl
Mrr.. 'Jehu Qulgl")' r»‘e<-lved Ihe eom-o-.
and of Palesitae He rpoke of the «xIhe oiber markets, showing that Mr. Beach iMrtel and ve doing Ihrtr best rotnid and flat like paarakn. They
namber of tripe on tbe new underiBllon. Music an^ slncInR fnrouvl a
(he old Htr of LVIV,
iiM- them for plales Vd pot all food ravatlons
Brown had good business judgment.
groiwd railway. Tbe Interior, be aay5.
to give a moil efflclenl service.
pleasvt fcaliire of the evening's cn<i|>on them. They break off a pleee nl where thirteen rllir* Wfue ainwveied
Indiau women, ho al>c. had
la TWT Sac. all belnR Baisbed la Ultertuinmcnl. Herr.»bmenls consIsllUR
Hie plate, toll It up ami use |1 for « and evldeares found verifying scripeurouragometit. In a land alloinieni
. Inc. bat tbe service and venUlatloD
From Wr-dnesday's Record
lie Mild (bat the apsde aq(l the
of lemou Ice an*l cake were served.
OkluhoiiiB he jsaiitei] lo see
are very poor. Accidents occur alraoal
Northporl; Mich-. Aug U. -The pn- vpkln They fliiffih Hie mal by eat pickax wen- Ibe evidences of Ibe truth
had ehtige of Hie dmwi
aRi-ni V
dally bat are always kept as quiet as
limlnary servle.-* yesterday aflernooii ing up the piste, spoon and aapkln.
of God. He took us with him In ImAl Wale* Works.
name was Clarh ami wl
possible. Al one Ume Mr. Clack was
perutlarly InU-resHlfg -owing
ihe gtmiBd whlrb «iu'
They w<-ni from Joppa through
■Odarbin While has l>e.-n appolnle.1 be-teqiiired (or ‘'Mr. Clark." MUs
ridtnc In one of the anbway cars wboa
Chief fORlneer al the water wr.rks and Clark vswered hlin and stated that the unique history of the pp.-Vlicr wh> the laud trf the Plillisllnes. He said Savior irod lu (he Ivd of Galilee aad
an aeddent occurred aad -tc was
the well at Hbcehem. to (be city ^
will bercafu-r have entire charce of
the agent. He said what
forced to remain there for three fabnra.
tn ^usalem.
so dangernus, IrylBg and expensive.
the plarii. City hSiginrer t^aldwell te'llati ms'l^ of himself or herself
Improvem'eau In the TcntUatloa. are.
Hen. O. C. Leach.
Mission, upper peninsula. MIebIvn. Tbe penuin who aranged ihe trip seat the sai-red enclosure wbAe no Jew I*
will have RoniTal suis-rvliilrm the
qu<-stloD of talent and not color.
bowever, bdlag made as fast as poaslMr. Lightfnot was left an orphv when a sOliUer with ihem Iteeaime tbe Ivd illowed lo eater aV which maiV the
< as in lb* past, but will l>e re
ConimissioiM-r i>eupp rompleied
four days qW. His father had died
safe. He aliu> seal a gnide, site of Rniomoa's temple and other*
Held, M«>.. are Ruesls iif frleads in liev-ed of -some of the rr.utine work. address Baliirday afternoon. Il
Itcfore Mr. Mghlfoni was iHtni affd cook, mule rtrivern and several help and of which wotblag remalv: ibsi
town for a few days, and a'hearty and Mr. White bv I>een a fallhful employe hill oLniiggels to the Indians w^ho MsAll at Work.
jl to f'avary to Ihe hill ahaped llkA
A* there are n't hotel* to that
the piimplng slalKm for a numbe.- tcmvl Very closely. He urged on them Ills mother (Uiesed away -iMinit after his
. YVUatof thetoamrterawVatrnck rurriial RreellnR Is Riven them I'.v the
skull, where our Savior was cruellleil
birth. Hr was lell friemlles* and help cumlry evi-rylhlng had to l-e carried
yosr* and Iho promolltA Is a de
have a feeling of n-sr*>nsl
last week .on the UbIob street^ paviac few old-Ume friends who remain io re
less. (bHintli-sH stories have Imr-n told with litem:. In Ihe flnil village they vd here he stopped vd made bare
served rea-ard.
Job retarned to work on Tuesday
ami have l>eeii written depicting (be passed ikroiuib they naw tall grea* the life vd Rkiry of oar Savior Jdsls
rharle* U Parker, who has lieen t
to do II wc-n. He, In closing, especially
after aevaral of ble fellow woricers re- tbe sixties and mrly sercnlk's.
spoke this aliernoua at 1:30.
ly years, cspecUHy those immedi
im^tessed upun them the necessity of
anaMd hMiUag yesterday afemoon.
Professor Goodrich speaks with
e of Ihese sheep w e grazlusix years, hv rculRaed Ms proliloo doing a thing when II should be doae. scarcely think of the Indian wliboni
TV iiMii|ti which they made were ately precedlDR and follnwinR
ananciatlng this Word- wUli'-kbe
in the foroe and vlgffr. " THa "Wiire. white
Ashdod wa* reached I
and will engage in another line of
•at iwyad hlthymb they are RetUoR civil war. Mr. I.swch was prominent In
thought. This wa* shown t.. be unjust Mfiernoon
The traveler* marche-l largely
From Toesday's Bectird.
largw wacet at preaent as tbe haul
lo the Indlv liy I'rufewaor Meserve through the «»wn tr> Ihe bouse of Ih r«"ferfni
the leacbiav Pf the
Ntirilipoti. Mlr-h.. Aug. H -fharle?
la taDRer asd they do their nwa load- I8t9 he was (di-'-n-*! to ll«- b-elslatonlu his address Sunday gRerntmn and Nhelk, who I* Ihe chW of the town Bibb and reruialy helped all wV
picnic al Dock Lake.
Pnincis Meserverl.L D.. president of
and aaloadlBR. Tbe men who were on the whlR anii aiiH-sUiver.v tieUH. In
from Rim to beiier uaddhsUad
the Stoo' 'nld by Mr. Ughlfoot further Mr thiodrtrh said ' He welcomed it;
A biR basket picnic will be held
!^aw iinlrersiiv. ilaleleh, N C-. ad- whows the utljitstness of these
taken on Ui tbotr places are still or the feJlowInR year he was a memlter ol
very warmly. He touch«Hl our fore many >* tbpse IbhiRs spohea of Ml
Duck Ijike resort Salurda.v. Aug.
(Iicssrul the IndUiis yesterday after
and there an a doien teams at worl the coiiKtllnllonal nnuentlon. and In
IM7 acted In the «inie cii|iacllj in iimler Hie auspice* of the American noon, lakiv for his loidc "Kind of au The beans of Sanim-I I-dghtfoql vd head, chin and l»odv and said In Are Bible. The lecture was, Indeed, latar•ow.
bis wile who were Indians,‘. we^p.
Society <d E.|iiily. the 1. O. O- K. vd
. 'Peace' be unlo you.' and then w< cstlag vd lOBtrarllve Mr. Goodrfeb i
Tbe street Is now open as far south the cooventloo of Ihal year. In tk.Mi
Kd.tr«11on fnr an Indian." Among
.* of the
down on a mud. ■•eneh. H was thi speaks this afunOM al l;3A
elected as » republican to roiiother things he advls--d Ihe Indlvss to little txiy and they at ofiee ad»|>tt-d
as Bisbib Btreal beyond which polm
Noribport. Mich, Aug. U —The Re*.
prcsldeut of rh.- day nnd the music
«.nly one In ibe room Al the other
end their older cUlldnm I" the schiitmb;
tVre U but HtUe brick laid. The Vul- eresB from the old h'nririh district
wn a camel waa mnnch J. D. Deets has raeteved a leteffrVl
They ppived to In- Ihc kindest
II be furnished liy Ihe Klngsi.?
esiablisfacil by the government for the
ins of coabtOB sand was coaunenced then cmbraclmc all MirliiRan from
of parents lo the IlHle fellow. They Ing hi* end. The sheik seni two
from Governor Waraar stating that ba
Ivd. The foHowing Is the progrum;
Indians vd to keep the younger cbil
today preparatofT to the ««iUi
brought him tip. gave li!ra u good
thr'-e soldiers to guard ns for the will be here at 9:4S tamorrow morolv
9 o'clnrk—Ball vme between Mon
upper peninsula,
dren at home and wnd them t«> Ih'of tv briai laylBR which will V re
to lake imrt la tba "governor's iMf
high school t-ditcatloD as the town of l>eople were not very hv»i "
roe Center and Wylie team No. 2.
while M-bonls If Ihe enndilitms were
sumed late this aftenMOO. Tbe con elected in IR-W and derliu.-.1 a Ihinl
celcbration at Ibe romp meeting. OORi.'Anse. whcn-lbey lived, could ftir
11 o'clock—SiM-akliiR (or tbe Amer
At Gars the peofde still point
In DWo. Mr. lawh l.mk
gortd In these. He said that he would
crete toOBdatioa is teld acrom tbe Inthe place where Rampsoci carried sway gresKman WllllaB- AMea Hailtb wBl
ican Society of Kquity.
advise this for two reasons. Hrsl.
tetdecUcB at Tenth street while the an active port In the cxcillnR deliales
also be preseat. arrHiag oa (ha aaiMb
He gra'Iuaied from the High s«bnr>l
Vie. To,show dmw IIHI1 orl.uk—l-be Rev. A. A- DtrilBg
imfne<llthat (be Indian ehlid might have the
curb le la to raeventb Vl Is not yet
wlieibhe was 1l< years old
coiild depend «>o the truthfulness .of train
will s|s-ak for the I. n. (). F.
l•eIlellt of the association with white
hard enoaRb to permit the laylnf of ately before the wnr, and is i«>day tinAt (be bvquet la Ihc town Mali Mi
rnm-i-rief) when he wms a child, btil guides vd that none could be st
Z O'cbick—r. r Ollhcrt win speak
only HvInK rcpn-selilalUe of the "tVtchildren and p*eeive good Impre.,
more fotudatkw there.
the evealv. addrcaaet will be mada
liarkslld. Als'iil two yeais ago he con that an object was actually what
for the Modem Woodmen.
mont conRro**" ol IKSS. lu I8«
slODs; secom!. and vastly more lra|«or.1 o'clock—Ball game le-lween. Shei
ireraled himself to God and deter was represented to be. Vie said- "While by rBwenor Warber. William Aid*
Itev, Raotia Laavea. ..
mined lo enter the ministry. This he I was In Germany I saw nines from Smlfi. C'mgreaamv BIVv. CotoR C.
man IndependcBis and Grawn Potato
ihrough them, the while parenie. did and began amoung the rfalppewa
■rt* Rev. K. L. Requs, pastor of tgan, then an Important poslllnil.
jlJtHe, A F Roaitag. the Bar. J. C.'
■ he ladder Jacob saw in hi* vlstpn
In IkCS Mr. Leach cnTuc with bis Dlggere.
miMii become better acquainted with Indians alunit a vear a;
the FrteVa church, wni leave for
ouce 'saw two beads of John the Hap Floyrl of rinrlautl Vd others
the good qualities of the Indlv.
VaatVM. lad-. tV latter pari of 8ep- family lo Traverse riiy. In IkfiT i
Tbe train will not wait neitl attar
He prepared himself for the work. He Hsi. wbb-fa wa* explained by eitiing
A Fine Clack.
real cstale and lirok.TaRc Arm
temVf to take a pastorale there.
He spoke of Ihe advantages secured Is now 2>> years of age Ui* Indian that the smaller one was Ifle bead o' the' banqiwd. leavteR vNorthport at «
J. K. Martjnck has jtiM received
Beqoah baa been here for the past two 1x»ch * Bales was lorroid. nuisisrins new chronometer which he has dl* by the Indian wbo attended llieae (••refathets were,piearhers for several John Ibe Baptist when he wa* a l<ny' o'rlock at nlgbl hisMad of mldalRbt
yaare and Vs made many frieadi dur::cbooU. since llieir courses
was expected so that those wbo at
geneiwilons. Ills (osier fatbar's
They went from (tere into the land
the same yrer Mr. l.eiicH bouRht th«- played In bis window. Tbiy lime piot-e
inc his stay la the c«y wV will be
raiigi-d lo irulD Imlh the mind qnd (he ent wa* a n>ip|>ewa Indian nresebet •jf the Bedoiilni. "nieM- are desoutd tend the bvquet win hsvc to suy
Uraod Travernr Herald of Hiwpan is one of exceptlcaallr flue value ami
aerry to wa he and his. family leave
Kvry Indian leaves these nnd a memler of l.oth eonlereoccs
A Isrge party Is expected from
nuts of Irhmael. are flerre, >.lni<«eT and
llalt-s wbo had «T.isl.ll.-Iied il In 1K;.8. umiraie adjiisimenl. It cos' K<"t and
the dty.
is guaranteed nm in vary more than :u-h*s»ls al'le I-. w-nrk at gpmc gissl the M F. ch'ircJi In Michigan 1
rniel, dl'-.hoocsl and even m'lrderou* Traverse City.
VfMUIeld has a much targer efanre.h In IK7C Hr. Ls'ach Mild tin- Ili-niliV
iwti and one-r<iurlh minitte* durlu » trade. To ilhiMrate the good
cares more (nr hi* Indian (rieads than The}' U' t' ilieir women icrr l>adly
Thos. T. Bates and irinovi-d
than the on# In Ibis city. bavHiR
lojurcd by t
year. II Is sel In a glnibb- so It U al (ages obtained a' these bchools he be <bH-> for the w-btte man and wishci When a child I* l.orn The womc.
moat double the mraibersbip. Tbe
Wimaaistmrg. Mich , A'lg. 13—JokR
ways al a iwrfecl level. The chpv told about Bobert I>. Agosa, who b-ft In 1>c rallfd an Indian H>- is-certain ■ eailier lo offer t-onersluls'1»n
If a
town U V educational center, an
nonieler has a thlrteen jewe! move Ills home In this pjare In atc-nd Has ly a self mart*- luati, and the siory of le,y Is lorn ih>-> bring pr'-*eolt If a Grt-dy- I-. sure tbsl fbe rartrldv h«'
academy, which is a .tributary to one
his dynsmrte cJmrv was nil
and gts-s llfty-six hours without kelt In'-IKiile. |„B*reii..-. Kalis*,, and .his tile should lie a means of eneour rlti I* liortt 'h'-y offer.’na present*. g<
of tV FrlMids collcRW. Vlnp located
ihiii- uecure an •-duration tor blm.s>-ll. agemi-n' to tlio.e among whom he has Mw»y rorrowfiJl and offer no eongralu right lie was a little xkcptknJ pren. ,
there. The church is V excellent one.
It Is the Imst tfme keeper known He attended, the school an>1 learm-d
lall'inv f'lIlR are ofiili pcomlsr-d In onsly but after the doctor bad ttelMted
VlDR In fine condition and having a
pieces of rock and ih* carl- .
Mid is.used cut all warslilps and large 'hi- tailoring tni*le He Is now doing a
Ptof r K tjoodneh
coaaUnlly growing membership.
m of him he wax perfeetty a«ncttan galBR vessels where an abso- very SMeees-'ful busilies;; at Traverse leg-, Albion. Mtrh. rtellv^
mariled wlii-n bnl k-oi 1‘> yewrr. old
:lv^M' I
Mr. Bequa came here from Illinois
liilelj accurate limepiere is necessary- r'i'y He alrpoke of Rlmou R'-d drt-** on
Pal-*Hne. Its CuMom- lie .'•aw a girl limping arid f'njnd Hu' lKfl<-l
oe aceounl of bU health which he has
;mdy I- a well kmcm farmer
The inslriiment was made in I/»ndoo. bird, who a'fended the same *e(if«; and Habi':- ' Reforr- the speak'
n *-as the reioill of having been
completdr recovered and la bow able
and lr-an,<-d car|u-n'ry. He was s<i si.< .
all the w.irk iM-inc done by baud.
In K< MIh* Frye. Inslru''t'i' jtlirus-n from » window by her idoHk i near Ba'c* Thu morning be was'em
to take care of heavier work. Hts
cessfiil Hiai the cov«rnTn*-n' gate L;m in •■i.-le In'b'-Indian school at ttenoa.; when a ll'lle baby Ctrl lisbles.are gag'-d to btuHng stumpHe was
aabcessor here has not yet bc» n
a lesstrion and h- is now learber o' Neb, latic I'lv Mccepiably the wuig som'-Hme* pul to death licca'i*e ««(
rklng shout 7 o'clock wbea e*e off
Pleaunt Trio.
named. IV anoauncemcDl that the
ihts.liade In Haskell tnstliiiO' Atil Til'- Bird With Hi'- Broken PInbm " ; 'ti«-ir *cx
charges fatted iu explode After
Bev. W. 1. Cleaver of Carthago, lad-.
wvmg a rrosr/nabte Hme be want up..
Ibis U all given tree. He lllusiraterl
Mr Goo-lri-b *ald In part
1 am ' Mr Go<»drfh Ib'ui 4'>w.-d
tiirmsl 'Sunday from a weeks trip,
Vd accepted a call here bdag a mis
edurail'ui by staHng v'-ty kUd K. sp- ak to you this afiei- i "im'- of a.B'^o-jln sheik |t cmvlsrci
what the' matter was Ho—
Hiroitgh the Inland lake- They start-1
that he spent 3:.vui >o give bi~ daugh noon ab>iui tha' wondorful Isnd where I'd a bea'ldresf made >jt a large tqusre looked into he tede and started to
H fioiii here. ROIBC to KIk Rapids vJ
e'lllegc co’irfe
'..lit Savior liv'-d A giwsi many ^r-o-i of •-tlk cloth lotded ltHo a (riaiigie and p-ill i< >rii The eipi'.ston dlVt '»me
A Vrglafy,
.-ri *nd M'rw him full of bol<w.
He iirg'-d the ludlan* to take a>l pj,. know v'-ry li"t«- aliout that land; h<-ld on 'be h'-art by a larg>- b*-avy
They en*-«iiin|ered a couple of rainy
The Bccoed-hvd store of Millar A
Artto remoriug the cbax«l> bs s»art„f ,n,.
wtMid'-rful i r«.|.e ring The mantle wa> probahl;
days, but this did not bother them at vsq'agc ..f ihU «*4u>aiHoii while il wa*: i,„, p
Hiwae w likM rronl street was InirgI lo iinsrep il and look a* C. Tite
„o ,h„ f,, f of ihe earth
A like thal worn by John 'b'- BapHr
While on Torch lake last Thur* fic- Th- whi'CK wen-oaiecliag and
larlaed BMday night, the miscreants
wa> not sm'ridering and II didn't
day they ran Into a m-vctc storm Hie Indian school would In time b." friend I'dd m* lhai he hart alway s f'-H bm made of «o"/m and w'sdrui Wbeti
geiilBR away with several dollars
which tossed their t-uils almut ronsld ] • I’Mrawn.
H- '-mpbaslw-d . very;,^,, Palclne W, ibe-arth when our’'be H.epherd lie- down to rt-st a' nigh' >xpt'>dc in hi* baMs rtther
worth of Vrdware Vd tV fact not
After taking out l|ie enrtrtdg* V
rebly but which Ihev rode out ml e'cmely tha' no msticr how w'dl 'bey i
a gres' wrhlb-watching hi* *beep be plare* hibeing discovered Vtll this morning.
IK-rfiw! safclv Bv far the worst siorm i »ere cylnraled. If ihcy w-un* Ml well
........... h,rc tbai idea '
• h'wd In 'he large fold a> ih' .hotiftei ho'igh’ be would •mamlne ibat fo aro
Mr*. D. C. Leach.
Batraace was eBected by a r«
eneoimtercd ws* yesterday when theii (reined morally their educatum W.ml'1,
pmy took asleamor at Alex- and wrap* hi* man'le at«ui . He If {< wa* what reamd tbe (rmbte. t(
•window which tqseas directly Into the
w«*n t bill ie- didba know II until be
were romiag around Ihe Old Mission ! le-«if no aecoimt.
' andrts. Egypt, lor Joppa. He said tha* *ho*..d vorb'-r vrmet.' coo.i*i|ng
Sprincllcld. Mo. Kfimulng after
ofhee of the esUbHsbraent. The
had placed it oo a rock vd bammerod
point In order to avoid 'he rock* I*, i Profewsor Mew-rve I* a pleasing and ‘ ss the, saw' the low rock Shore. ,rt , a hesd'tress. manrte and girdle . T
a sereea outside aad the lower sash (vw years, he was ciigagetl exKDslvelj
H and an exploston worthy of a-bihl
was nect-ssary to k'-ep more than a fureeful speaker. He 1* wen acquaint Palestine come into vtew they f.-l' ih' girdle I* spoken ol freqoenUy In i
In cranberry rulinrc at Walton, until
was fastened J>y a stick resting
mile from shore. Just when In the; ,d with (he Indian qu-stlonn he wa- hope* .pf . iifctinKabou' to ts: Bibb- vd we could.s« b«« Hie .«rer list rewar'led Ua offeris
top of It aad then braced against the w fi-w years ago be ami Mrs. Leach,
He mvtged to laabe bis wsy borne
storm the pump on Albert Ctemenf; .upertntvdeni of Haskell Insri.iie for. (ulBlled.
w'«ld gird up hi. loins m pr.-partne
VPer sash. Tuesday morelng Hr. look up their pcrmaiieot home with
Imat fca«Hl to wmk. and It *v somea numiwr of year* So wVf be had! H- found 'ba. Jiippa *a* a eiiy of for a Journey The siewvev .re very where irr. Bancs of WimaatsburR
Morae toM his partner that IV stick their children at Sprinffiidd.
time before H could be again pm in to say mVc a deep Impression on hl*;one siree*. |r was so narrow tha- the wide, the opening often meaauriv dressed bis Injorlea.
had been broken and was Informed by Lroch is uow in his eighty-fourth year
There were a aUber of pteres of
; camels almost crowd on* off Inlo the from eleven lo lhlrt'-"n feci vross
Mr. Millar that he Vd noticed It Mv- but still shows much'of tbv vim
B.-li*irc. the bo.vs say. is tnat ereiy.
Tbe Rev LotiU Medavl*, au Oitawt vticr vd «i fllthy that a person cmn The wrimen often use this for a pocket rock and tbe carirMv In bis left arm
Vy Btorolqg. An InvestivUcm was activity that charactertred bis }'•)an'l tbe Injury *ae ffalnfai but v BevL
Nrerlv every one In loin owns some from Dorr. Mich., preched last even-loot step off the sive walk.- Joppa book, basket
•as made and two'revolver*, a *2 vd days, and Mrs. I.(«rb lewrs the honors
kind bf a boat. Severel of them. It Is; ing He Is ah ordalnetl devoq In tbe possesses mvy beauHful lemon vd
He next spoke of Bethlehem vd a* results are antldpated-.
a S«. four or dv* pearl hvdled Vlves of Vvaacing .vears with the same dig
Tbe iroubte moat hav« Loan to (be
orenge. groves. These fruits are v ijbowed one of its bridal o
ally and charm that made her *« loret reported,are very speedy, and Judging,M. B church. Is a farmer vd has
■neial knlveu of lesa value vd
i plentiful that «e ev buy oreoffes ter I better show the different eor.nme^ dmamke bat be dMat baMmer Umt
by the pioneers of the Grand Traverwe from (he way they ran around tbe lake' charge of work in aouihers MichlRV
(usqple of boxes of 32 cartridges we
and oat.
^ ■
Goodrich had people appear
Ihe Isiy-. think Ihe ifport ts tn.>e.
,Hc come- te SMirt 1>- Rev. T. C.
foBBd to be mbtslBR. All fld there
Of) Hk» WlrtMar'
Oa hU Mrthdv
boar of (be daj oa whteh he wM bom.
r»ak B. Strtckler of BendoB pMMsd
•way at Ue fatber"* beaac yeatenUy
of coaaamptS«B.
neceaaed vai S3 yt»n of am a»d
iMrea a wife and (wo email children.
The -ronCTal.waa beU Ibla aftenwon
|Bder the dlrecUoa of Hervey Aadcr-
(blBRs had l*en taken litHu tbe front
abowcase but as there Ih nu ll«bt In
the diore after closln* time (be ihtof.
or ibicres, were sblctded by the darkfrom (V eyo. of people on Uie
The work was d.rac bastlly and it It
evident that the person who look Ihv
Roods knew what be was after fof
notlilliR .was dlsarranxed In sitch an er
as to attract attention, even the
iticin of tbe proprietors. A l»i»x
r«> was turned mer and tbe roi
ton In the rase where the Idiives wi r.kepi was partially piill«-d out of the
II cannot bat be aometbiae of a sad
honH-comlDR to both Mr. and Mr*
lA9ch. for very few Indeed n-nialn of
tbechuwr and more Inilmaic friends of
those far-away days of the middle six
ties. But to those who do remain It
Is a pIcBKurc beyond wotds to meet
iliem once more. »ad many a pleasant
reminiscence and happy roemory is recalbd-of the plooMT days of Traverse
L J.
-Arai-iivtiiiiv.iti.it5*.'. .
Grand Trarmc Herald
FaUbSat af^ Tharadar M Tnrma Otr.
MkUtaa. br
A ^bw Ouriiam. '
i f
iber of InfluMiltml cJU*«« of
William L. WilaoB of Klnssler.
who have baietoforc beau Sr®
TOpponaiw of Hr. DarrtsS. T!«! Erk father of T. W. WIimo of ibis <diy. has
littered Dnibam eow. tTctorta by
ins Roponl wn«TB «b«l tbw t» now
queation of tSe wwlMth- of M». nstne. of which be la lustly prowd.
The animal gave birth lo twin calv<e<
r.ovell at the prinariw Sepi. 4tb.
Friday, to eleven years old sod Pnday’a c^t made her ihe molher of
Tbh Iniquity of Perwenalltlea.
irtttorcslv^ all of which have iwld
DurinB Ihe entire eooBressloiial i*
(or excellent prices.
Robert E. Walter! excujjsions
Pere Marquette
August 39tb. DETROIT.
tine f» ■< and fiftv . i-ni- .:i-!i.!
a-ir<ii-‘!.isi •-•>u|»-n.
•>u|»-n. Itate <ai
r> P- |.i. Till,
■in limli.
Onvell has bad anv-fhlna to aay
From Monday's Record
personal character or aealnat his
Mrs. F, E I&djerts of Grand Rapids
aWlHv as a lawyer or his «ood c«l*en- lain the elly the guest of her husivand.
Bhlp. ^e papers-opposed to Mr. l)arMiss Hard Harris of Cadillac ar
: .p » la Adraan.
raBji have likewise refrained from |>e>- rived lo Ihe cily today for a vlwil wllh
lalliies. It remains, bowevr-r. for Miaars Lelah and Myrtle Mlll.-r.
the r.lobe, a paper ptiWIahed In Cad
MIssea Ida and UsUsy Cn-swy armar, in another disiriri.
atlark tb<a >(vcd in the clly today for a ic-w days
H« Knenwi the HeedA
personal character <A Mr, OeorRe G
Oeofse O. OorHI knowa
rcqiilre- Covell. We are glad thai the new*- risH.
aeaU of IhlB part of Mlrbigati. and. papers of the eierenlh dlstriel‘ arc
From Toesday'a Record.
knovins thew. ia jn« ihV inaii to f«>ah pohlished hy men who rerognlrc the
The five HotlaUl lioys who arrlve.l
them throm* a too otteo aeHab and
here In Ibe gaw.llue Imineh Curlew
merits of a fair fisht and <
rcloctanl eonsiraa. A e«f tor Gcorpe
iniquities <if mud-slinKlni:.
laai Saturday left Itar home
Republican Camlidale for ReC. Cowll of Traretw City la a
The Cndlllae ISIobr wakes a direr! n'eliirk tills morning.
'1 for a Bood tnan. " wan In the prime ittark upon Mr. CoveHs character
nomination for
I>r. K. O. Ijmra-ster left ye.-Ulife, who baa done IWobb tn
for a few w.-eka' trip in ih<- upi»r
which tn Itself will prove a
pMt afld who will do mill moTx? in the
If H has any Infl.iencr at ail. The peninsula liefore n-tumlhg in •ilivei.
talure. and a man who. if elreted. will
course pnrsued by the triolic la what
Miss l-Turenee K*"ind «t S.-aiHc ts In'
be tied down bj- promleoi. lo no elique It eorainonly termed "dirty polities."
the city for a seven wi-eks' visit wllh
of Grand Traverse County,
^ or riBB- He will be anawemble aloe
and siieh inolhods never aeeomplliOi her mother. Mrs. It. \V. Round aiiU
lo the people.—Central lAke Torch,
Ihe deidivd reauH. where the person other relarivny.
■V. K N. Ilul ;ipl- I'-fl fur CBllaeked is a man *>f elesm rhararier
Mr. and Mrw. FnsI Willhitn-sdi and
Mora Frtenda for Coveil.
dvr Uun thi- lu'nnb’r whei-i- he wlh
and who la reeoisiiliod as a pmd eill- three ehlMren oC Angola. Ind.
Aergr U one of the charartcrfalc*
In (be seetlon In which Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kriinl, t’ani-r. .t'li'&d n ttiiiiduv rehoul e"UV*>n*i"ii.
mtldi, with manr other qoallBcatlons, Coveil retdiles he is very hlr.hly re- orWaahington street. Tliuir llille 1«>;.
Mr-^, 1-' Shank-of k'Unt ;«n-l Up- Ml ;
■ U maklBB stitroK enpportera an! garded: his home life Is Ideal
Chapman of Flint Is ibe Kue--.t ei Ital u and l:i .«'i-went P- Em
'• Irlenda for the Hon. Georse C. Coveil atilllly has been proBotineed. an.^ in his ■»f W. II. Ahlsdi. Mr. Chapman Is
p'r- Hi;:, luoruin.-.
In the fisht for hla nomination
Mr hnil Mr . A. II. K.nned» went
home lown he is- regarded as one of CM>ert fisherman am! enme up r.ir ih• Tepuhlicna tldtet a* conBressman Traverse City's eleancst and most sue- purpose of enjoying Ihe fine paurt In to C.-ai itnii Hit Riominc.
; from tblB dlitflcl at the primaries ' eeaaftil elfizena. He baa reeelved
Mr. 'mid MrK Will StIU • necimpan
I Ills region.
' be held the fonrth of September. That faonora not only from bis own dlstrtev.
i.-.‘ I v Mi - - Ina «'niiipt-ll nnd l>i
and Mrs. Chandlor Halr.bi.
he la tnlly cnpahle of manajtliut the but from the lf*lslailve dlsirlci wbleh turned tu Ionia KkU) after visiting pin .t|*-ii-her h-fi i-Klsi for a l«Hi iliiyK'
' aSalra of that ofBce baa been demon- he repiwnied in Lanslnp for wveral friends in the ei'j.
eanieihf trip at |);iek lake.
• str^ by his ability as ptoaeciitor. ynira. ami from the national enpMal
Ml ,.
Vliii.m i.r Williiitosbnrs
Mrs. O. C. Bucher r*-turn<sl ^o Ray
- lectAOor and United States disiriri where he reeelved the appointmenl of City Ihts n.s>n after a few w.-s-ks'
n. :pi-n-'iim u few da,«s wi'h fri-nds
^ nUoraey. each of these otOces brine Uniied Buies'district altorney for with Mrs, .\. Hean .rf Ninth nlre-t
In'he < I' v.
* «led with honor to hlsywriy and hlm- western Michigan, for three terms, a
SiU l.-i'er uiH Mi: :< AlJirv Is-lle
Hoyle lefl this np'rniur
nHf. Thal.be woold make one of the nrnrd herelofore unknown In the for I.udingf<ra. called Ihere-f.y the ill »H Ml- .-iii-l Mil. Wni Nli-h'uls •.
bast oonitresemen this dlsirict
,t<-nii- »v.-nT Id ll•■Jn■r l;e-t v.>-i-k Ju 111
Untied SUtes for a dlstrlel altorney.
of lier.sisiiT.
ever bad Is conceded by many who arc
Idi-lll.- Ullil eveial •dlier
This honor came to Mr. Coveil le- Augnslliie was born In one of Ihe <d>loppoMd to his nomlnallon. posidbl) muse of bis excellent abilities fur
P’ Traiene ruj -tud had s vet
Itonses III-the United Itiales a.
baewiM of the otSces they are boldlDB imporUni a position, and U was
- Urn-'
Aiigusiine. FIs.
under the present Inrumbeni or per- served. Now that he Is a candidate
t.-l'-r ha- -one «Arthur /iromerraaq relarie.1 Tc--lrr
^ haps ed home cari wheel ooneidcratlon for the conBrcsslonal nomliuUon la day from a rlx week::’ vltll wilit
n-.haui fur a vi.-ii n-.ili her piireiP
; «bt comas from who knows where.
tlH- eleventh district bis popularity friends in Indiana.
The IneoMlstency of some men v
seems to have become mure wldeMr. and Mrs. G. t». Jewell went In
else nppea) to the voters lb the fart sprekd. Not wily will he receive al Lciand this morning.
oub j
, that wMleadrocatlni: hot two terms of
Ibe solid vole of his own county
Mrs M- E. Troman rvWurned lo b<-i
■ otSca for the avera«e offlee holder the but be Is rwlvlng the firmest and home III Cedar Run ihi:r morning.
prcMOt coOBTessman-s suppoileTs
* .upport of Ihe leadUE ImslThe Misses Alh-c nn.1 Mllarta Hul.kv
I f«at"f for a re-nomtastton for a fourth
and ritizeiis. ineliidlni: Ibe wen' Ic.'Chicago loday.
s t:-. 'i: «-i • :ii :.i
term, 'oonslatenry. thou art n Bern farmers, who have come in contaet
Mrs. A. H. Hanoefnrd and children cit-.-! iu> ifi i;
mtthonl price." why Is this bdOR dbne.
him all ovcf the district. His re visiting friends nl IV-:ir I.-ikr.
I Tl. t -lay. M-p.
1 can there be a good and anfflrieni
piihtle life is well-known and his sue
Mrs. J. F. Jeiiks nent to Inierhkdien i .
ml om ir
' MlOf It other than selfishness? 8nft»
have iieen reciifcnlr.ed. I'erwHi- this niorningg.
tin- jp.j
ly It ts not from a purely friendly
The Misses Ual.-y .nnl Ida Ci'-s:i<-.v i uh:,; .........
ally of a niodi-st dlsposlttun. his ehar..
‘ ttvc, nor beeanse of the marked abil arier appeals favorably io everyone , (Iraiid napidi- nri lv*sl iii ihe elu j i,-. ilu-■-.u-nH.
ity that hat been shown.
with whom he eonies lu etmlael
yeslerday fur a wi-ek's vi It r iih llpdi ; .d.-n
Mr. Ooretl It a man of the people Is a splendld-wpcaker. well in(onnc-d parwiTtf. tor. wnd- Mfs. CCresse-.
.iffi-.- nf the riid .-:i-rk.- Sk.-pvi.-i"
' -and H Bhdi'M'askthtr ttibir snpport. u|<oa public qiieslliiDs and In clore
Guy Kroil of Baginaw Is viailing bis hhls will a'.Ki l-e re.i'iy.'.l fir It-.- e-n
and his many stuiptiners arc focllnB lourli wllh eondiilons. nut only of (be brother. Charles Krotl. of Bleyenlh Kli-erlir.n. plitml-iiiB. lu-aiing and *ii
morn etmfldent as Ihe flBhl soes
Httvenlh dlslriet but of the entire street.
Tip- lK«r.l 1. -.-W.that the people will rbocse him
The Misses NeHli- and I.ydto C»siie
riitlil lo P-.l-i -vnx :it!-l ;.‘l l-ld
state. These are Ihe reasons G<?>. t!.
ttalr*ncxt tandldale fW congressional Covell is a popular candidate for the re spending a few day:; al Uhl Mf - |•ii•n.. and : r— ilb .ui^
tawn.-CrrEtal Mall.
.1. ai tin- S'vie r-i’iiirTiit till”.. Trai
Rate* to Ne» Vo-k
One lAf.- pl-i* l»..
Yurk. (•■r honp--iv «oio: «>l V\ ni J
an. On -k.1,- Aim. Iivil. .ii-i I';-.:,
luin Hiu.1. S<-pi. Iri.. ■
|.i, IT'h. •
F M'S".
County Clerk
Bids for Cansttiiciioii of C
llins House.
three reasons he will doubtless receive
Mr. CoreJI Is
with grant'enttanslnsm
Asi K».
v.ses «>ti b.tsbr
■ ■tr. IKK.}.. rohsH
iJifiniT Wa’c
Turk'-js ;........................ 1
lUirks ...................................
GecM ...................................
TMIuw ........................... ..
No. I-t'iiH’.l bi.I«N«.i.
No. 2-4-.ire.l Hides..
Green bide* ...................
I’.yor.liTof Ihe tn.-Vr l nf ••Up.-rvisei,
W'nile- \V. |iej!i. ciiait-ninii.
llolM-r K Vi.'inv '•l- ik,
t.(iiJld ILipId'-Mi. k* i-'Ut (’".-•Il
ivsi.vl at Travel ,.
111., who are vlbll'lng frl.nds in the cily
;::i ,!:ii .d Au.:i>:.i.
(hat such laeiles will do more harm
a-rv...' Ill
i;:viliml;i’.7 ei:i*.
«iiv. M*rh -'th'
l;p. flU.ll
S”.- 1
their own candidate than tn his opp
higt'm. went to Allyn yi-slerday inurpIt ts Blsled that large
"T.) Oh- Gli-durs nf the Co inty .if
Ing. wIpTe they wilt make their (ii
ben of slgnera of Mr. Darragh's peli- nent.
Graiiil Tiiiverse:,
wever. no mailer what the G1ul>e
re home.
DoM did so. upon the nssumplhm Ihu'
N.-th-.- Is lieteliy givni. Ih;il purMrs. V. I.Tf spent yeslerday at
there was no other candidate In Ihe may have ft» say against Mr. Cnvell. Us
Kuam tu .T roiilnili'n |S}>-'ed Iq- U-e
•ekL Many of Iheae have askod that Idfloenee Is so narrow that It b scarce,
Miss Nola Sprlngstead went tyi C<-
Uwlr names be withdrawn from' Mr. ly worth notlee.
hmvc tOgncl
the petition of Mr. Covell.
"The Clarian Is (or George O. Cov-
bar it drops nnd n-malns thiuv Inslead
of l<elng taken out inlo Ihe l>av u
here is Ihe mailer of the laonrhes
the city.
The people livliig on the eaM
as Dnny other papers of guml sundiug plaee In keep Ih.lr Ismt* than (he
river. The luiy al this isiinl. unMkr
and wide InOuenec are throwing
This the west side. Is ullerly unproteeleil
one would rare to risk their
man to (he dlsirict beHer quaiillpd
who will do more for the diK'rict
craft St s mooring when- tin- full lore.dorms,etwild strike it.
U the river
the congress of the UnH«-d Slales H
George C. Covell.
Mr. <*nvell Ik ah elo
' poent apesker. a man of forceful ehar- the river or else kepi niitalde in either
- acter.and Indomliahto energy.
- to Ihb he b thoronghly famUtor
tvenl working a great lB«mvenl*-nre.
If the,bunch owners have ou means
(he needs of pvpry city In the dlsiici of egresa. they have a pbei- to
and U making it Us imsinesK to ibur- gale in about throe blocks lung and
onghly fadimartxe himself with the that even Is gelling au shallow that
It the dlalrici.
from Niagara Falls, whete lie and'Mr.
Clarence Sheff.-r aniT Harry Mors
lefl this afternoiwi (ur a few da.is' oiil
In the cllj for a Iwu w.-ekf visi!
Bauman and family of
Br 'aml Mrs ,s. n
Sept. 4th.
.lav id
1*. l!sii;. iJii-iiiiie.^ii-.n "f
ralsim: la.-lve tlpmsan-l ilull.vr-. tfl".
0*ii->) by hum. fur llu- ii;ir|Ni>iini a |s..r In......... f-T '.ud emiulv lil-uii
Ixmg lake.
Mrs. 1>-roy Thumas nf Grand Rapids
Ith August
at the primaries
the ts-vi-ral lutMi>hipk_aiid. war.l-
lii said eiiiiiiiv i.n the
Umlor Kts-nt nui days.
g at
Sawyer an- Mn-
Ih.- iss.i farm liuw
I.y il,i- e..nti
in 111.- LiwiiOitp «if Garrield. at -i
curd tv'i 111 «-\.-.>-.1 tl’.iimi; amt 'liai
liumjK uf Ch- isHiiiiv |i.-
f. r. saiil ls.li.l-. lu 1,.-ii. II............
m 111”
ran- uf nui 1.. .-vr.-.-.i flv.- p.-r'.-.-iii. t“ r
Insde of a ahort time H wlU be short
l.alluiK ‘^■.r’llu.....' —...........TrfrU.ll -.-I I ....................
daiigh'er l.fi |.!r Wahun this ni.irnlnc
aiahist ib.- b.;i
K B. l>-veH and wife .who h.vve Wii j”'“
veiling frtiie.ls lu the elly n-tnrned
In Ihclr hume In Mnltoe this
Speahind of.
. pay able
prnnd naren'” "I *
$;.nOn J,m:i:iry l-i. lb<i<, with ..ve
If spiles were driven su ns i<> make rived Monday.
t:.hJ inr.-ie^i .111 alt
riim,>mibIhe river mouth funnel shaped the
Melnl.vro and wife 1.41 for Man’m!i.->i.!. and
'“‘b ................ . inl.-r
eiurenl would tienmie much swifter ton ihls morning
. j
on all b-ti>l> I. riiiflilii:; iinpribl i-i
and would earw the refiiM- well out
Mr*. F Kelley and daughter ila'He.l
fiVKl «d J.iinialy ..f .-in !i i.ar ilu-ie
into Ihe l>ay. If there Is asy skepil
~ »» V SiiMon and Mrs. N. K Car j
rism ahont the rondlllun nf the river pi-nter went t» Manlun this murulud
murulu f”'’-'' f*-*''*
• that tl).',-.- v.epig fur :ai.-h hmit
»t pn-senl. a visit in ilie mouth will where they will atfned th.- Free Melh ‘
■r |Tlii'.-d ..n t
!«ear mit tb<> slatements
Vamp mrettfig
baw- »«n'.
TMs merely ahowa the change of side of the city* and Ihe memtiers «rf
the Weqite-lcing elul. have no other
napport Is well pbccd.
Candidate for Republi
can nomination for
e!.-.-iiiiw <d said rsiiinlv .if Grand Trjv-
line aeralnl and made harmtess.
aentlmeni Is Ihr press of the dlstrlel.
toflaence In favor of Mr. C»w-U
TsVr t.ANATIVK-IUl.’Nlu .J-i-nl.i.- To-l.-ll'rurcl«l-r.(B..'l'• u riil.l'irur.
W ViUoVKKlSiSeslup. ■...nss.h 1«B »r.
me. at'a Slieelal el.s-'luu 111 Isr li< Id
From Weilnesitgy s ileeonl.
about righteen inches of water. There Randolph street.
great deal of sewrage run Inlu
Misses Ruby and Irene Chapman
Ihe river and wln-n this slrikes the left today fora h-w days' visll al Were
In adiilm m ihe sanitary quesiluu
cU for congress."
a iiK-eUiic
While V\5irc
.In I'li-. lino >v<: Itav.r in'i
ri i.-'-u'.t! >mn<-.«nw'>li.i|H '
ii'-vi-r l.i f'in; vhown • i-i
llii-i markfl. I;or mhii'••
tiling I M'‘i I ill .ilrsiijn
an.I of unuMt.1I finish v"i:
shoiilri >(•«• our nrw T'*a
ami ColTcu (?iiiis .mil
tu Manlsie yeslerday.
There Is urgent necessity fur WBU'
dredging or plllim to tw done at the
aietrtct and b maklni; frlenda every
mouth of the Moardman riv.-r
Aay. He has a plraaing pcraonallly.
aside the Inteiests of the yweht own
has had long experience In the legbIf the tar Is allowed to mmatn as
Mtnra. ’ll the state senate and aa
It b and ihe water dr«|.s mu. h lower,
UnlM Slates district attorney has
the aituation Is npi to Imperil the
provided himself with a wiile know
beahh of the rilj and the river from
ledge of state and naHonal affairs
Ihe mouth some distance up
; whieb to ««»clally deslrahlr In
dangerous cess pool.
' dIdaU for concRSB.
At the mouth now. there Is only
Mr. Covell to gaining In popularity
■ nnd Inlaenee every day and It acems
now only a question of the sire uf his
' nuiorUy al the primaries on Ibc <ih
■ «( September. The malority of the
1 kmdhtg neawpapers of Urn disiriri arc
' ; kwUly snpportlng Hr. Covell. Tbo; Reed City Clarion puWUhed by Ren
; Rarfcef has always been a slauneh
; porter of Coogn-ssroan Uarragh but
thto year to siippurilng Mr. Covell
I wtth a vigor which Is charaet.-ristlr of
■ Editor Barker. The hearting of
snpport i's shown in the liHer. prininl
nhMg the heading of Ibe paper iritlch
Id tSr.iu.l Trav.r-.- a*
J. W. Murray, wife au^ sun reiurncd h.'ld «m Ihe .f'lh day of Jime. A. I>.
IPK. ihiTc will Is- Mii'mlilcd tu Uie
Mr. Covell
has made several aprache* io various
towns, in the aoulhera partloo of this
IS.i.vr.1 uf Sii!» r-.i-i.is,iif il..- i^ild imin
dar Rim yeslerday.
S'-t' IV’ In;-r
I-w \i
.•••.’.T.v.- i.nri liR. ly •
ill. (iuiIk! '-’'i-Vvll'T'- i
Trav.r .- Crv
It y
I liiri!' r Si I ‘I's (:• -I'
tall :tl ijlii
ihk”, nutn.al b) vaiutai-', w!
Mrs. Frank lli'lt.T "f Si-allh-. Wash-
'■< li/i'-. IT-KTSMr I'vW*
J. C. Turriff and. wife of Valtiwi;i.
received one which will lie eondemn.>d liy Ihe s|wni.yericrdjty ai InTerh-elien.
Mn . Myrtle Briggs of ihl* city an.|
wherever be friends of Mr. narragh. whu realise
Cnas and Is making a favorable (m
~e niy. ViHi.
We fimly Is-liuv.- liiut our
Bt.,m1s •-illpuit aiiv.il in
till-n-;iliii ufUi.- ri>r»s:lil I’i.itm ..n r*.- w.-Wm.. .•omjMris..ii
an l iiiv.s(iit .lbvi t hir .till ipip-,- iii lli.-6r//ieaW fin»» P/«au is
-,lh.wii ill. till- UnUmilei Canraofac ..
........... ;,n.«ii,-v tn
ill ■IfiitiPriil. •'
■ (■ .1'n ril • f->''it. * I'ur,-. i-ri--. . .iii-l I-rum.
o.' I.«w*1 V'.l*(
leturiied lo chrfr home In Peoria. III.,
■ gratifying cuvnaa for ibc congrraslon- lack of the OM^.. 1he«Tu|e. Is
^ ■oodnatloe (ram the elewrath dlr- only nntlnu'ly and nnwarranieil
U ini!»-li.-s . i. ry r. -.iiisiti uf 4 s'
hiulr-.iue-iit. ..
Its Thip-of aviinifnis «t>, ,'tni-as—fill!, ro'li a'>'I ruii.!.',.
|if<x-l liniK il .it
a I’i4ii.'...f tlie lit.;lipsl imx^hoo.
lion, tfiw l*--f iUhl iii.r.i <-t|s-iisivi- i-mIo--.'! ii.nnr. •.;
Tull. ii of lb" otiipisl i-l:iMi< ity ;ui.l , vi-iin<dis.
Its Hiiruliility is uih|ai-Kii.itp'J. f.i* ..uly tj..- vi-ry 1-.-G n,-i
1i-ri:U» iithI in'isl a|iiiru\, I jirineipl.-s of ts-i.-iiiilir I’l.uiu liinl-iin :
:.r< i-itnil-.>v.l in itn ntn'iiif p-itire.
N.-itlp-r linn-. 1»!«.( lu-r •
;ire m|UKt.liTiKl tn tli.prrsliu-'.hui of-ib*'CWttF/f
'•.• tusc vlu unr l•ull■llll;•
f.cr lip- ftiuiru !iii«1 onr sol.- .vim i* 1-- ppsluc- u r.-rfi-ct Mtisudil
iavetse Cily yior.: 159 East Front St.
have ls>h rtslilng friends in Ihe dity.
The at
Sjlisfits the
most Critical
8cj»L 4lh.
For these rresons he Is
Meal; U
F.-icl. H I
i;-.- . v-r
a lairc majority at the prlkarles
eiiiilled to the nomination.
O«0iss O. Coven la making
♦ Mrs. T. G. I.u'dky and Vtacighler wh-'
Traverse City Markets
This moor I Ih tniirtu u|> on
«lsy ofoar t< week . Tlir- »'>-r-vPI
rosuonslhle for r hantres in l•llc• '.
u'ir I--II n.iir.-iiiir*
a r.vili. 4I •; 'i. rl-,-- l'r,.iii til.. f..ril|.
Iiim. "CriKir.
F..”r>Is»!y .miys h'u
Tl:--ii liii r- ■
■Cbt 3»uifl!«"
I Kh.vl! I
I I'll rnon-.■ilfiiit
V-ii II kii.i
j.if.is wli-ujcii iiavj nml it Ify-.i
U.'l. ..f till*.- t}icii (ry
"Eady nalHitiorc”
>”v.ral lownslitti b.ilU ur ..lle r lu'ial
Mr. and Mr«•ip to ■
‘■'"•"U, and m t.rant-e hall. In
ter left this nsimlng fuc
; First ward in l!-.* city of Trav.-rse
Marhlnaw Hland and the
: »V‘*>"
rimel 1
Mrs. John
:S.WWdVatd; at the .Sud-b PHr
Falls Ihl' murnle]
Jiff.- uf'fwri- hiiilding. eurn. r Teiiili
J(din Ib-njamln and J.
Orlmiell Itne, h-ft for Grand lUpids
Uri-*-'’tin- Tliii.l wai.l
I the Fisiilh WBI-.I engine no<i»> In
this morning
IFomlh ward: an-1 at the Hfih wail
Mr* Margarri Traer reiitrr;”.l
.ball In the Fifth ward of said city
terd.vy from a two wfteksMrip tu
DaK.sl ’bis third (by uf Auguvi
*”*'*Ui tune
H..nry Smith Is f pen ling ihe day ai
Walter'W. Dean.
Chairman B<ard of Supervi-or*
John Setnlon. the paving camacior,
Robert E. Walter.
1* In the city.
Clerk Bivard of SupewUor*.
B. I. Paulson rouinied
'■ng 4-tf
city tbb montog.
liy (Iv.cii Wist.-r, Voti .Inn’t IP"! Ml intr-.Iue..
(ion V.'his stori'-B TJu-y tinA
• .I-iILir ami ;i i|iiart(ir I-iivs ,uiv .11- uf (li. t-. •
Register of Deeds
RcpabUcan Candidate
for Re-nominatiOD.
Woold cmtlf appreciite vonr snpj«!l at Ibc piiouriesSfpi. 4. *06. ^
Cit^ Book Store
Zbt Hohart Co., Props,
traotrst C/ff, iWeb.
Wdl Meet Hera.
B. £vmai. bMli ol thU di> were aniW
Mnn-In Kenny of ibis city. ,«1m Is
li. S. Unit ul’t udisl lire ineellii;: el
XBUTtBse br JaRlcp at <b« Pwa
wklna at Inland, nut With a very
the H»r«lw<s«l .Maaiifarinrer? aasorii
A. r. N<d1ha«»r «'4^dn<dAF.
NewiOB OIKtT KMdcr sod JudtUi
liad acridem Tbtirsday which nearly
ticn of
siTCraMVooe of bi* ftnecrif.
pany with anoiliQ'' woilcer he
seek an| upon.Mr
The Edit Bar ud Blair tovnabip
SdwUT acbool conveoHoa »a» beM at
rehool. bouw
Ulchljaui at
il•■1^> InriU lon
sasl th»; neit nierHins wlllW fceld in Trtn
un<lerhni*bln* and tboy wen- sorians \ era.; City tn Ociotur.
This aitayiatici
Taraday. too done lofcH her. The av which the i cmUraci r all tte iirim l:>al
The Rev. R. N. HolaapU- and the R«v. oOii r man ma* u.lne at^ck !dr- Ksn-j'iuanuUcturiTs in the v
T. P. UUotrffrom thl* city aiti-ndod.
; A.4.JUri>*««.*. J.n«T»UDd
ny in the band Inlliclln? the soond.)
At Jhe lat<-sl report he was doiu? nice- j
Catv-ston's Sea WaU
ManiufU'' 1> and it I* hopi-.! that the flnn-’r ran!
Mai es Ilfu new as ^aiV in the.- . r
the tn? saved, iboiisli tlif“ 1« not
ason-ht hiaLer apiandK. W r...r.
deput .on Ore nr Jlal-« aa It paase.l. assurtd tact.
rnrT L-r. bCBmAi. Mr*. JbUo. T tUni-b. a»Brf
ted. H. c. Crt.. i-*rr e«iur». o«. w
soiitii iKwnd
The aec'lon
3 ta cent allowed oa Time Deposits
in« eillnsolshed
blaze before tquA damaec- »aa done.
Serious Aeeidtrl.
Allan Cameron i»f r-O .AVesi b.tiiih
Mr. anil Mrr. 3: SI. BlaVealct arrived Stie<-t mf-i with a V‘TJ- ha<.i acchi- iii si
liome Sunday from a i*i* w«*cW* aof«'
ihe potato imidtriK.iii facieiy Fri-.a>
moMlf • Iniir.
They *f«t throupli tiutrnlne. Ife was ciUlhe « larc-- pullvy
many «rf the somliem Michlaan roans. ioiii hud,a HT‘W- liriv.r lu hit ham;'
Indiidlnif'Battle Cn^ k. Lanslnc and wiitfh Kllpv-ed aniT was eangh! to >h*-
toti^raetOMat drada
IK-Indl. The rtr aorVe.V!">‘ '>'• *>'jos rapidly P-vol-.-ltie win-*').
The p i'l-1
Mr. niakMh-c -wnrrr'ly any trouhl.-. ilii;* It toil wlili'Sr'iit forc<', -iriKiniThe last day’s run from St. I>»uls bci.t Sioltii (loMPnard itinin Mr. i:a«i-T<.n'-. a Hnc »nc.
The tout dlslati
fn-.i and sroins char rhr»«icb I'.
They started at 7 i
auiT arrived here at II |>. tn.
Fell to Her Ocalh.
waa enjoyed.
on bfs rtpht b^d while workinK <»t
tes. candles, outs
WiuslmcU-s pktiic with
Iw-rg was un
irst accidents In its hisr«ry Vnirrcd.
tbe pUacr tn tbe Usket factory Tnes
served on tbe town, tin* pb-asaiil "um
yniing lady who was at ihi- islaiid
day anentoMi.
tmdlng In a ride borne, leaving some
, hi-r wisldlng tri pliad asceuded
pretty islfiR as a remembrance of the iiiwi-r of the tdd fort, liicjilisl at SI
A hill for diroree of Henry Brelth- day.
itiar and in aome wrfy caiiglii In r bsit
in her dreak and f- ll
3. A. Momacne
'to daimod that tbe wife deserted her
accompanies ail
of 313
West Ninth
The run fnini llarttor 8)>iliit:s,
only pills thill an- •aoaniiii-s--1 to v.'.
ssiisfaciion ............
The lines im liide Sleevtdcss Vests from
Family Reunion. A Tamilv reuniioi tuoi
idare >■
V at thl- .WdetiiH- of
has-sy and Mrs. SUra Msht r fn>m ili'
of the Slate.
This Is Hu- Cisf
Tlie innn
trerctr. Vice
gaibtTlDi: anil will l«i un cxcidl.iii iftiic tb!Vl Ihc family hav.c his-u ioc.-ih
? for
iKrch Ihc city and the vlsli- i r In many v,-nrs. All «.f th.- hm
e local aerie of thing
huldlng it on the schisjl fought In the clvli war. wvnic of rh<-iii
grounds, a tong diivc Is done away have npl si-cn each oflor sitin'. Tln-y
tbe H. 4k N. B. for Milwaukee, where
the iieople nre'kcjd down will remain In the city sc\i-tiil davs
they wni aflMid the grand lodge mcH-twhen- they can do their traiiing taking In i-xiuf-.iooa to iIu- iii-ar:.;.
tog from Ang. J4 to 18.
handily and nlso attend the czcrclw
lowi^s BDil J-cspiti
and aliont
trip through the inlennedlate lakes
The degree- team ami officers of it
They win go from here to Blh Rapids,
Modern Woodmen
gave a
pared and It was a complete surprise
.Xfbw months ago Hiss Kate Knhle.-
to him.
ssiread prepanti hy Mrs; KlBUSi-n. Tli<
and Sunday the finger waswmpuUiiml.
liariy was one of the best ever given
Tbe wound bad cawed Mias Kohler
Buring the latter past of the
evealng they sal down to a HiiippliioiK
toto her finger. I.IwkI poisoning s
hy Ihe K-am. every one enjoying thi-tn-
caoMderable tronbto and kept geulns
n ilollaf,
«>.-uiJi ilollar ileposiU-iJ
U-irin Vith
if residence property on Wush!:i-.t
•n wi-.-et fumlliarlv
i-oin]»iiii<lo(l twiw ft year.
p.'r cent iiiU-r<-st.X
i«8U»i C«Ttitii-ali-s
l)opi«it hnnriii-.’
of iiiti n-sl.
ferly occuplisl ,hy C. S. Brooks of the
Mu-sclmaii Or-s-er iniiiimn.v. who lias]3
li-asWihe IV H- Hrar'k.-n (.io|ii-i!\
sinii-r of \VasUiiiai"0 :-i"i M-cliine-14
Mr. Ciolfi-r i-ipiei- t'-;4
mul.c Ills home in the propii’y wh.iij^
Greatest Shoe Sale pn Reeord
ated as to Just why the bids for .plgie
1^ water mains for Ihe city
If the
held up.
secnis tiiai
the lowe.
price quoted was $:!3 and this was P
Meetrie line to ever built It will be
tB(wt cxecltont tolng for ihe -frnlt ganled as too high by the council, the
growern and poUto shippers of Trav- price last year Iwing 820. As ilii«4oa air. as U will give them eomik-- cUasr- «vl!l Involve alstiil I'.oiMt. whii-li
Uttoa thaf will be most Iwneflclal as has alp-ady lewn npproprialisl. It
the rallnmds will hot oaly have the thoiighl IM-Iler lo ddlay the puirhas',
JI. U. Fricdricb
water haul to oompelo -with bnt also tinlil winter whi-n it will Is- cho.V|sw
esiM-cialiy tdiici- the mains coiildiri lthe «4oc*ric Tond.
receive prociieally
no p-n-nue
The Store that
Sells Rood shoes
laid iinin Oclols-r and Ihe city wotihl
A. J. MomgomcrT and William T.
Bhafer of Grand Rapids were In Uic
<diy today looking over ihe country In
Heavy TravsL
order to compare It with their coiinly.
Back ol tbe graitomcn arc on
board of snpervisnra and claim that
ibelr aiaeaaed ralnailon has been in(veaaed hy Ibe aiaie tax commission
They state lhal
thto part "of the conniry Is taxed at a
proporitodal rate tban are Ihe
•ootbern countiea.
•'ll 1>eai* the dickens
travel cotni-s fmm.”
Phil Griffin
said rimdiii-loi
Ibis morning.
hnow'wbt-re Iher conic from or whei
they go.Tbo paaseng'-r traffic through th-
tries to market his i-rops when lliej ar.- r.iisi-l. just 80 \v.- iiiakv
Grand Rapids to Mackina* . -Tills .doe.
not include through passeng-Ts br'
and Is pui oar by tbe Pntnam maebine mcrf'ly those who ger <« at one statioa
Bteiera of Ftlchhgrg. Maas. With t and off at anoih<T along the lior
Mr. Griffin haodlod beiw-cn uw an-1
there will is- but few leraporan- «■
no local p-nai-ngers on lil« run ye-
pair* which cannot be made in th<
terday. which is bill an averagi- day
avniding the
that was i>r«‘j»atvi1 Unlay:
jnst as every
it a point never to carryover o,v year's Bh-rw into tin- ne.i
In «rtli;r to make room for our tfreat stock of early (all footwear we must
di>pose of every pair of .summer shoes on our shelves. Many of these arc broken
lines -jusi a pair or two of a size—Km no doiiln yon can find just the sijie you wcbSw.^
This is a u«neral clean up and straij'hieninR out of all summer shoes, and wc want
dear shelves ftirNhc new Rootls. NoihinR better conhl happen to the jx^ople of
Traverse City than this unral
Summer Shoe Sale :
Don't miss this Rreai sale which is now on. It will be ilollars saved to you on every
purchase you make, and ihi: followiiiR remarkable prices tell you how much:
Some lines we !>otn:!il too heavily t»f. ollu-r lines have Ui-n suh!
L.vd-e*- T.—I Kit French Heel Ovfoitfs:
I.--, i,
II. >"
Price Ras Been^ut
Co Ce$$ Cban 0ost
niaile ill till' v--ry inleal
Mrs. Oenrge JediBsoa gave a ven
out all !>ut a few latire. iiml t-j dyse tlu-se out tlV>.
WOMEN'S OXFORDS-l'at.-nt !c-.v.!f r.
imMlIng of the stock In Ihe ahem*.
All Summer Shoes Must Be Sold
cany- t»vcr l<> u>-
counlr}. Is much larger than it has i-i
Tbe maeUoe it thirteen fricl la Ien0h
machine rd this size ready for usi
.lost ns'l'very lionscwifc tries !i:inl tint
er been U-fore. One condnetor on th-
artwily to tbe already fine equipment.
cliy. and in fact, the whob- norlh.i-n
A new aleel latbe to being InsUlled main line with five coacho- and a
In Ibe itnwd bonne at the Pore Map chair car handled over *«0 loc.vl pa-qneoe yarda today whitdi will add M-ngers on one run last w'i’k from
50c to $2.75, now 38c to $2.06
tiD'Dl of this hank you <-.in a
Will Build Fire Recideoce.
J. O- Cftiiser of Kinssic). owiii't
nsiderable Interest has lion cre
openlicn waa aecesaar)'-
Union Suits.
uf the lliriflk-ss ♦ ♦
worae and worse until ni last ihc al-
25c and 50c, now 19c and 38c
‘y: t
of opjR.r ♦ ♦
it is roniplel<-d.
selves to the fullest extent.
Won>en-£ T.in fluttiR Calf Ovferds. .1
• I,
f.>, i
‘........................................ *■
Ovfortl*. 1-ie
KM t.ml Tato
ami niaile to wiiir.
tiK«lort!iem#l'.-m-U:!.-'>0 osfonls. f<-r...................
Q* t
Mondav evening In
honor of
M'.« Miunc Brown of Grand RapbU
and Wm. Durkc and FVed llcrirngton.
of CasaiipolU.
The evening was verv
pleasantly,passed, the time going alto
Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your bat to your
o*-n hair? Can’t do Ji?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro
duction! May the acquaintance result in a heavy growth
orrich,ihick.glossyhair! And
we know youII never be gray^*
Women's ratem .tn.l Kitl. SiJ-.'iO s!ioe« . -.
Woroena one strip Slippers, liainl tiirm-!
CliiUren's v‘xfortls. estrnsion soles......
CliiUreu's Sliix-f. -j lo -. >;..vtil wt-ariiic-..
the guest* nt dean to .-i »um|iiuoii>
MipiKT prepSHd by Mrs. Johii*on- kfusic and aingliig atoo formed an enjoy
able feature of tbe evening-* pleas-
He*.irtera at Ea«
Bay have been
very much annoyed- totely by pcliy
chlevliig and rcruln parties trying to
the cottages-
evening they got Into the ban of H. E
fheldoB and got away wllb a tie rtrap
and boori of a ral>l>er tired bnggy.
to appan-ni that the whip also Beomed
dealrable proiM-riy but In tbelr borry
to escape unnntlfi-d was dropped. Tlic
sported but If the amcles are returned
immediately nothing will Ite done in
tbe mailer: (rifaerwlsc proper punish-
anil at the Mime tin:.-as
ui.wi *1’ am! $*:
t- -ixt- s^-I
iiiiii-li biyU- aii'l
lit .is
V-. ■■
( Mf-
........... S5C
........... 69c
......... 58c
nsk Rb»ut Our Shoe* Isr eultivatina
t::.'- 1KI»............... .'S1.81
Weirer-£ Rustia Calf BlucSer Oxford*:' ►i.-- •
' ’ '' ' 0.SO
women's White CanvA* Pump*: »Vxr-N 4. 4^. I.
RusvB C»tf “Gihsen
0««ord*: •
Men * Tan Shoe*:
wemen-s Rusti.v Calf Pt»to Toe Oxford*:
: .
1. i: -ir. • • •••s. t. J'..
fj.-:., 5..*
;a. k. Sii; U,t
f..rni<rr .
■k. ;•*-»:: fr/rnK-r
............. '...H.:!
HANNAH & LAYj“J|,gBjgS|fl|-8”
Auefs ^
Women* Gray Heavy Sole Oxford*: size*, 8. 4.
shoes, for...................................................tP/ ••J ^
SHOES-l’fttent .C,.ll. ’Ki-1
«/? / •a/l/
cnjoi-able party at ber bame on Fifth
tmiitiito tbnttm- eleur oiil J J
(mil the boat acroea a abort atrip of party to Joseph Kltusen Monday nighi Crawfonl propi-rty. has let the eontoad, and continue the trip up the
■ the AsbMin farm where he Is cannv Iran for'ri-njoiU'llrrg it for the ii'iri>"i^~
of dcvolojilng It into a handsoim- .vml
At night they will camp
;. Ur. Klauscn bad.no Inkling that
»rn rr»sldcnec. .The hoo'e was forIhe varkHW-ptocea along the route.
ansthing of tlio kind war lielng pre
of T«nt|i street ran a blackherry brijir
rants, ankle and knej- l«*nj;ihs.
i„.i ♦ ♦
.i few Ihui
take r.<lvaiita«<-
This tanners- picnic ahoiild be made
Hr. nml Min. A. U Unchani and
Artbnr afid Mr. and Mrs. E. U Ed permanent fiiiiin- nml should gio
wards toft Ttu'sday for a ten day mightily with the years.
15c to $ 1.00, now 1 1 ic to 75c
The Way
0 Hake Money
Is to Save It...
TIikm- pri-suni an- hi
IN imsyivanla and Mts. .Farsh Wi ll
Tbe farmers- pimic and crango rall.'-
here Aitgtlsl S5. wiil Ik> a vesy iar;:c pan
I ^Irrhlhl
Onr UntiorwiMr stiles this stt-ison have Iw-cu very saiisf.actory, but the season has passctl for us antIWe must
close out the stock. To do this quickly we have made a
straijilu rethiction of -J-'i per ^em on the eniirtt line, with
lilt- cNcepiiim 41 the loiii'sleeved vests and corset covers.
It Is estimkiiii^lhai m-r r.ii.isiO
brtrthers, W. H. .and S. f. P.rtt.r .
cepted a poaltloa aa Iravcllnp aales-
b-w htmiv-
• -How l.fkn-r^dP'|H®°i.s!to aitnil - -f
l.iliousn.--s and Tfcd.ll...al nmstipaic.,i
.invftcry th:.i ftr. Mu'^s N. ••
l.ir.. Pills soivni for I...-." wul-s Jol
N. I>|.-es.-n.i :.f Magiiidin. Iml
IsHnt the first atcidi-m • v-r r**cnr>i<
pUBh baa resigned hla poMHon and ac ami rain being enroimieivd on
Eagles, left
They wimt as far as Georalun
company as chief engineer of tbe hsml here was made yesienlay. mueli wind
mn tar A. W. Rickard.
had a
is->;de have arc.-iidu! the lower, this
bay. cniising amtin<#tlier.- f«ir several
been omployed by the Michigan Siajclt
dowii s'.v'-ial
Pichis of*sUlrs. dvlns a
hnaband In 1BS4. after living with bint W eeks- cruise on the yacht Gem. Tie•>
had the iisoni enj..yal.le time .which
twelve ycara.
-ttreel. who for the |iast five year, has
Good-Bye /•Summer Goods
i vi-nd -•U"
ilu-. Isliiml <nu- of the
it 8. Finch
Nii-iii.;;- ■
Jaeoh 11. Sioinli-Tg n-iiinu-l Mimib;- 111.111 fniv.-iiK- j'il..- and
fn.tii a trip to St, Ignacc. Siii>» Wands, nlnUmiconsi.i- and UackUiac Island. Whih- Mr. S'l ln
Ing of ice cream, cake assorted eis.li-
aup of Bast Bay va Ulllc Breiihatip
Mary 1,-i
A merry time
ioBl ibp ends «t iho last tvo Snanrs
was-filed by Lu H. Gaee Monday.
Mr- and Ml*. Will
i- went to Honor last «.hK u. ii
pily surprised. Monday afl.mooo
Ek venlh str«-l.
nnaiii In a sliorl tim--.
Ymirie^ plsymaK-s, at her home.
Toauny Kroupa. a 14-year^d ,l>oy
Ml. J..-it.T and
Is' iloine nicely aud CApect-- to Ix-'out
Utile Mis* Beulah Holmes sws hap
Circulation this week 3,00(
Undemr Clean-Up
injury sws a very jialiif'il o&c. but b<-
seue/? Of GOOD SHOfS
MERCANTILE CO. I dealers in everything.
danshter d'dne In infancy, nnd on«in, Henry, died a ye'.ir aS'i at >li •
a«c of fortyciie .veurr. Tli>- r.-tUBilii:>i:
children arc, Mrr. Martha Siad< li.:.".ei
of jilonme Center. Krank rj TraiereCliy. and Kiorm. Jiiii. Jy'in and Wil
»( Blottcbtrd t
lard -*f Graan; eiabi Crendcblldiv :
Every week oerrctpenSenc* N r»! riiDc>«l.
jrTBtdjraudeblld.* iicrldee
Mivtd toe im to »•«. AlleorretponS;
Ahr. IS
.many other nlatlvo. Au-riindani" ‘if
•nee mutt reeeh the Hereld olBee not
her aisler: the late
l«(er then Tueedoy neon of each eecek.
of N'orihpon.
and K eerreaeondenta fail te find .
rr.-e fear*.. iStr-dWT'.
ired the hprdeliii
Edna of Tnnmto. Canada, who liari'
ife. and Tliureda}bi^ea vlsiliiit: l»T aleK-r. Mr... Oi-nrci
! bi >*ide
' 'tin- h-.r>b:;ad wii.i
Ilf.an <il Viiba. and \\’-r iHiuh.T. Mr.
iweniy-f.iur .verm nc.i.
J. L. <:ll)hs and hpr parrnls, Jon Hootli of Knvadln. n turand h»n.i
I Mrs. S. O. Barceanl. aiiirted
hcT ntnno, Mra H. C. Diinn. Th.-v will
■ani. <
Hr. McKi'tikie and Kratu!dai:i;hl-vr r-*atop at Urand Hapidv. IViroli nlid !^< v- 'unied home at C««lar Spring*, la.
lira. Arrh Ctblis anil UUfe Mabel
"tal n'iuT rtlW on the Canadian eldn.
M-Ut l
Lulu Holme* and »i>t< r are vielllas
f'rll.ln> <if Traverw CHj- epvut
lira. Uunn camn hnr.- for mlUd fnini here.
the wi
Mr*. G
Hodse* start* toiDorrov.Mr. and
Plan Rarnuai i-Ultni hav fnv.r. lull 1* murh lu-mr.
1r«. Pla
. Mr*.
hiieband nxi«Tt* to join linr In TnroiiLV lot Peiin*ylvanla, where rhe will viijt
Monde a( Nonhport
Ihe Aral
lahine In iht InOkati cunpmoct. in a few wni-ky to aunnd tli<- aumial hi-r mother.
Mr. and Mr* Reo. Pancnifi. Mr. an?
• lap Sunder.
Mr*. Jfim Mrrt h mid l.-«-:i* vi»li.*1 al
Hnm. l« Mr. and Mr*. Addlemi Me
Ihe hoini' '
rivrd Monday miAn in liali hrr dang*iEvem- line
ealhi rin;:
Icr. Mr». Plau Uernnm.
blnrkherriiw iiiid thnuhlnc.
Grand Traverse Region.
Mm. ttirbarilBfn U belter .no i
Oiffhdil ie biitldins a new
Hall and mother ' apimt Uie'
evenlns with Mra. CoBielil.
Mr*. Atnoi; Hall and IIIMe daiicti'er
GladyH are vielltiie friend* in Trnverw- Cii.v.
Mr. tlp.l>ke haa Jn*i eome hark from
Ihe wmiJiem imrl of Hie aiate. brlnisIne'lntek a nice llllle drlviliR let
Elliott Is
JiiliD Tsk«t 1l8^ Kiam-i out «l'5i fi*
ihreshinc ni.-iHii'ne. Ira imtin'T. Hair>
TJaVor ainrMr. Radel tn- horkins foi
Mr*. Jam- Hnn'ey and
dn ikhi-r
Mrs. Ollk- Kobn. mlle.1 on Mr. and
Mr*. Joint lA'nK Silnda>.
A. \
C.< WrnWit hm-.■■..a.iu Mm.
flit*. f%.
eonbMn the txriMidiMi1 lo
visit frleh-:- .:nd cute
..... .
>S3as« >-«*
-«l.. 1
. ri!n. »n.I T..=, 1-..J dmiA,
Tl:e Mn-r.yi .<.-;i<*ilbi«ise
Major rinani. raTRliBfsu] mnnaiirr
' the ConKiituilunuli*'. ‘'Emintmei*.
V,, when • hi* was flercely attackol.
•'ll' \<-nr* B4?>. by pile*. Umchl a box
I nurhienV lAnilca Sahe. ..f whlrh
•li dll'
muii)e Kiu
!<) ' tr.aiim* -11 Se-i! •
Mu;i!t-ui 1. r l?ii-l eierrlse-," di
'l:i\-' I.M.! Jis* uiariues.
Mrs. I.- , bitiv.-x hsUi.WI-ee li.r Mi
............ .
to Rapid Ci'.v, Saiji.Lv
.klva Y'luns. Jim Cliam y
Yoiinz all hde.l tin Isii! RU
' .V.-A-f.in WanuT win. h*.s l- .-u »:;!
hi* nont
TiNinjas IVjH. t «jf •R.-h/enia
AUR. 13.
fo!<> are lisitliis the la.i.i :
iiilsaiui abut.Ii u*
iPeopU’s Savinsa Bank)
lail.e-l Hr. Diiii l.uee Hhd laliiii. -Iasi
.Mr. .Mid Mm. lJu-!i
I s ';:H:ei- Ia«t .‘sUUdaV.
-s.-. Piossi.. and Rpvi:
J. ]l>:|i<'il mill Wifi'. MiSs L. HIM.
Mrs. <’. Ituiim-. Mi>v K.
mid ir.!n'i; !'-,-T. .VIis.' Iftnmi* ami skiliirs-.-l
vs* 1. liKii.p- ,.r Mr. ali l Mi.s. U. l-iiee
Qiiiie n number from iuri- nre a’
tart Tie-Sd.ni;
leiiillnc Indian eaiiix 1111-1*110^.
ilsear KvauK and wife were vi^Hdr* ‘
Mi*s Rerlie liolloli is Itullie leg- :i
Ill HiIh IIIIzlilde-hosl Iasi snmlav..
Mrr. I’.Hinener
1 Ml. JoJimaoiV. \l*ii!iii; lio aued fnilie*. A>hi> I* 1
I’lJ.'nr iliHV,* In ,Tiav'
AUR. 12.
•Ciiv -fVid-i' ■■■
ICBii* t.i:
1 leiehtwila for U.eir Hii-Icv-- d.'
.SiiilcB an Uisilaflfn
•. I.. Porter It eAlortalninE friend*
from Indiana.
RICE’S CORNERST?ie mtle rhild of
Hr. and Mra.
Mrs. Sophia Hall Nash, a pioneer of)
Mr*. (ieore<- Haskins Is lionie vi-i;
Clafenee Dean is very nick with chol- Hila reeinn. die.! hi her home liearl tnc her liioHier. Mi-. Ttiiiee
Rrawn. Aucu.H 7ib. of r<'r«-brhl hem t
Rondiiy, wliile Mr-. Win. Wliier.a-.
em Infantiinh
Mra. O. P. -Carver and Mr*. P. Cur- OTTliase at .the a-^e of Tf vr>nr*, llfeeltint; txady to «o in il» ei.n 1’
HriM l.imi*.-> in:.-:.- :
I'tuiii'!n*i M. iiiluv.
Ua of Trnverae Ciiy
Hi" imiiillix anti 17 day*. Kuplila Hnll was; honu- rcu. nichii-ne i
M:-i, i;i1l *.f !•■.■* of
fsnerpl of Mr. and Mrs. Clia*. Wood * Ivini'in sSajIll-Id.. Kent eooniy. Ens 'HiiowinR Mr.s. Witie ov.-s' !y.e'.iw:ii.
» rtlld TUnrtalas.
land, AiiRum Htili. 1k3'.i. ami wa* h*n to the craimd. She received lilirlit 1
The Infani chihl of Mr. and Mr*. an oriiliaii at the as>* of nine years. A.. Jurle.*.
tael, vDlillls Hi.- |o*t.w.sRnindma Nash diixl An:.isl 7-h <
, Wooil. Med 2 month* and K few mnDlh* lali-r willi an older Kisierj
. died WodncMHla)'. The fumnil she rame lo America, seliliiic In ill!-1 een-hral tieniiirrhuife. le-r hue i>eli
held Tliiirailay at the home of nola, where she «:i* nianied a* ih']77 y<*ai>. II iimiiiHis and 7 day*. Tl
IP.il.-r of Chir.-fu-' ir V-i
wenly-oiie to Wm. M'. Nash,
fanillv htve ihe svniiinlliy of "hi ii':
a. .Wood
* parent*.
parent*. Mr. and Mr*. )a» of twenly<ine
IKireiit*. Ml.
Frank Ilona, flev. A. I.. Thurston «.ffl-)To Ihi* tmlini were iKirn elRlit
miinity in Hieir *a<! lH*iT'av>'liie*l.
Mr. iiml Mrs. Evan Tra\eri* were lliill' '
tialhiff. Mr. Wood’* father and hrnlher; dren. al* son* and two dniiclilers.
The End erf the World
How's This?
Of ir.iuld. S ifcl r.d-l* d R II. Melf.
of n. -.r tlioi.-, la., of all .1 .-IiiheKs
wl.i. h.- l.-mn lakitte El.vlrl
|!e Uiii.-t : 'Two war* ai:j
Tdey .-It,. r,;i.d tin- .-f e-m-ra.
tvitifilf,;H:ufTtw.-ia, iPs
.. ..............
aVptKli:f>lNBl.;uJ* :;.V..r .'I'-ub.-
«»k.-*. m.-iri.- im
ivjilk ‘lUfiley ‘
^-iiilii^ra fomtfit i('brT>ril
oline warbiri^i’ 'Jieiij
w..,{i,.-'-V‘'w‘‘3..'i.''UvT"ri-n Y ji.lV-xMltml i
.Um-i..* f.Tii.. I...I 1:. >..rs .I..I
2i‘ADtfrfc ((ill),
...... .
• Aue. n.
Cba*. Non
Tnnle l.ake
- Mrs! T. T.
Is sick
lick at Ata 1
I Vaa- Ins.
J. H. Uyer and family called on Mrs
. di.apOI Bn«L». who I* sick.
Rev. Rmall of BmpIte spent Sainrly nlrtii with N. Ray L**wU aad wlh-.
Blaekbcrrylni! I* wow Hie order of
the day.
Mis* Mai UUmon-has rrlurnnltHm
Csnailn. when* abe. baa been vlslt^
Hon at Cndillm-'ritdav.
Mr. and-Mrs, i‘ Haiirrefl vislus! s
Hie holin- of Dan Prat' fltiiiduv.
Mis* Kali'- J.ihns.in «f i’.-l.isk-v i<
liocie for II vielt wiili Ui i iiareiii*.
FallK. •
Mrv- Sqiilefsi «•*'• eall>sl lo Siiri.’iR
Mix* IJiira Colli 1* workini! for Mm
Viili.y. Miiin.. I.v Hie itfies- o! lo-r
A. f \V)-nkoop.
Site orrlveil
MiK* ■ Miirj- Camile of 5<-ndoii rr
aiiornlnc on the Imat. hi-l sis'>'V having
tiirne<l lioqie today after tiKiiltii: lie:
parent* and .liroilien. near Ovlatt.
Mr*. Ollii ,-im! dausbter. Mlis Ke-tie.
Tile in*reif Nellie Nurri* and Coldki
ara Ihe cwsis of Mr. Snni' r* nnd falti-
1«V„ A,„,„ ,P,. ..................
------------- irhti
AiiK. 13.
J*> IHek.-rd
il.'iilUR ndative* !:i the ti' ieh1.o>-b"
r c-!phl«i
' &r:Ui Manilnn >Men1*:..
Mr.'^nd Mr*. H. Warrvn and faniil'
and Clia*. Rlai-and family w. iV Btf
Khc; Pmv
tvd relntive* !i
l.np one dav la*: week aiid'reiwc a
r ('Sty lart «.«•*.
pood time
Wil! Oaei-oh ».nd San-. CtiEBey dmv
Dory RUl workesl for Tom Wliab y i i,> Bapl-1 C!i • Sa:urday nico:
en . day la#t wi-e*;.
j the boiins e.mt. jt
Win. Win.. 1» cbiinalnc the h...f.
Oln and Tim . Pray
!.i* bucKv; he 1* paintinirit on.,
:i; Citv Satuida; afuruomi
Mr. WX.ai an! Mr. Ri*l
- fiah-i-U!’
- -- eamr
irifi «ae- da.' ia.i ne»-k. "11
*eh...1 in Tran-rae Ci-v ihe j A nnmU’
r. *iiod er.trl; of fl'h.
-leiiir i! rtlSI «ix Wi -K*. rett!:!d-.l hone; ;4|M>Tn. Wsrr>n riid s<
1 'be Klw .•^ho.dnout.e ime ' O
Mr- l.eyi-n Karr r. ••irn.-! ybi-sr lay.
irliiijifi.-, ill
“You’ll have to Hurry” if you want to take advantage of the fact that you can buy
furniture right now cheaper than at any other timfe of the year.
Our JInnual Sample furniture Sale
Is how in progress and all fillCS Of Bo'tllO FumlsbitlflS can be bought at a saoillfl o! 20
per cent or better. These goods that we are sacrificing profit on are not dam
aged—they are all pieces that we have used as samples on our sales floors for the
past year. A few may be slightly marred from handliitig, bgt this fact only tends
to make the cut proportionately deeper. All these samples must be sold before we
will have room on our floors to show our big lines of new goods—hence our
——Willingness to sacnfice.===
Vour Credit Ts Always 0ood Rere
The fact that you are a little short of ready cash at the present time need not de
prive you of taking advantage of these low prices. You may select what you,want,
take it home with you and pay for it as you can.
YOUR R E Ul A B U E M O lYI E F u F* IM I S M E R'
The Store the People Have
Learned to Trust
(tiate Ma faniltr at Oak Date. ret«ni«d
Cbicaso TummUv.
Mrs. J. Slrphcnaon and famBjr fia'
«orood to thrtf homo a* IndlaMpcdl
Ll|kc B|>cii
JllJiX thi'lr lindb
at Seltm.*
Mr, and Hr«. 11. Clark of Carf L»k«
I. Goo. curt, at
iretwMo Inn.
. R. Muti Bad famllT of Edlobdra.
: a( Oak
•• and Mra. B. Outhiie acre Traraiy rallcra Monday.
Mhia Laura Cmry apont
wllk frtPBda at Trayerae City.
MU* Flora BeWoBor ban l«aroi-l
•. Thp oait»ni*r.s arr
her bnnn- at Maple City after
wort oa I*.
* rml.l-nroi;. ft 1T;.H of Travor»0 Cttf calloO week'-s virtt wtth Bthei Hlnuhaw.
Mr. and Mra. C- D. Bum are t
•I this piar»- ».or rtaj Iasi wopk.
Jitsl* M John Harllnc.
Mrj P Kilwv. a-ho ha.' I'Orti ■
T. RheraMti waa a t»lk>r in «w tnwn
• tac »iUi Mra. ilanachUa ai Tra*
r etty la»t wwlt.
. m> for Brrrral wtfks. rolurniMl
aad Mm.
Friday oroaina.
■ r. Mayfleld for
A. Pon».T anid anothrr acpai
laal Turt-Uy Qcar lUnlat-i;.
Metwre. Jerry
AU6. 13
Joe Sponek and Oconee Maaon
«lar. Mr. Mclniyro of Traverae Cltjand Jim Mam« of J^lncton. arho
wore camplbK In to«h. left Moaday f«Mtbdr rarlosc booii-s.
CharW An<lernr.n did IraslBC*.- at
Travorro City Monday.
Mr*. E. Chandbr. MIm CUra and
M. K- Phtirch
B.I left Monday for C4"dar Hapacblnc- Hr-v. Knot of li
nrvarhrd a very lnU-r«wllaB wmioii. t't- Inwa. tor an fTitrnded vlall
)-de Miebaciree of MuDCle.
; Thorr w«*r*“««o tiapllaod frow the
lie* hrr^wi
• .V'nlifHl nrothron cHorth at Bale*
bo has been rcsortini: here, rot
vocterday. the njaiiter bolaK one and boime Friday.
AUR. 13.
a ynuni; lady. A larae nambci
od^he cirrrUe* at the bay.
itnc St
at nearly 1Bnlabrd.
GOOD MARBOft.l«i- HrrnwB of R<»toii
■<ajra iHT»- rwc aiiy.
. w. c.
Fai-mera to the Front.
Uora anybody objert lo that? It
let the objocior prorc hlnacif moft
uaofitl than the farmr.
When it ram<^ l» essKy they '
from a
all do»n(.-d: can't a ttack; I hat
The rule of Kiafi mort itlve pHcc
1 of equity.
If farmer*
labt to fix >he price i
>rod»ris trf tbelr own lalior.
the pi
who t
•The taborci B worthy <
Equity lakm O rlRhl* fr
It oppresses D< une: but it
farniem rtebis they bS'
d<-nli-<!—the simple richt to e-sitmal.
the value of th.ir own projK.-rt.r—prod
•I* of their bard labor.
The A. 8. of E- doe* not projursc n
make arhilrar.v or extort kmate prior
For prlee* are l«aE“i
upon acruKi supply and
id inaiana arc attendloR the comr
The thirty-nlDth rrankm and bu*l-
whti ha* Imcw aerl.
J. U-onard. Jtmlor ineml**r of the
aeM company, was here Usl week InEpanioB the pea rrop.
Mr. and Mm. J. nUon irent to Cadlllse to the Maerabee rally.
There ate loada of
people koIbr
blaekberryinit every day.
;rniH>dy are
W. Ramsey and S, Kmnedy
ilni; ma
kept bnay nmnliftt their threshl
te U at
cblnra. The Kennedy masblae
C. Camrto'a today.
MUs Bsalo Vinton
refiimeil li
• week frnm a three weeks' visit at a
'■ near Chl'Tiro.
H. la GilHsple I
Mr. and Mrs.
family a
.-*1. meeilOR of tbc EleUi-enlh Mleb|.
rislocritic • ConuteiK-n
■-.o wsdt paM chief .att«>rlihy ta
.els', dejailin.n; of Hi* Aot'-rlean S'
u.=^ by Kalloonist Ray as he wa>
iBil.lnR an asevBslun at GoRuar lake
C'harlotte. and be felt iwenly-livv
Ill* hip was dtoloeaied and hi
Ruioeil iDii-mal Iniurii-s. '
Mae:-.ilK-eB will le hdd Ft tlaw Beef,
.tup. 23.
Juhn H Pric*-. *a|v. ridlend* nt «f ■'
READ TfcllS!
,'.M K..-I mines. I* shcbllu- h*s -k
,jro tin., Why Nol Yen?
L Is a T*;;. peculiar puvo ..f liui iic
.< rli. the rauM of which the medu
The she'iding
lalH «» Ids Ongirs
r> ea^*-rteil tii flm' his roriiM* ti<
ii.i.v to-ly .► ...m,
are expeeled.
Ttie .ptanl of Ihe lloliie Telephese
MH* P:'
♦diea hS't h*>-q Mr. Tewip rs *t<0'
Boynton and Grcai lady C
•'T nmipaiir. New Verk.
ay* a'j’ldl!l_piJmrg..WoU!aii'a. »|eei
The annual county pienle and ear
nivsl of the Knlehi* and Ladle* of tio
U>. sit Romeo, which ha*' lM* n
he emiTgid fteoi Hie debris nti
mi. P. * WOlFf, Prop.
. A-rt 414 Wllhilm RJk.
Tr»rtf5c Ciu-
l.-II l.et*'Bu*sl l*>' 'Is
<d rii. liabll
ntay and <
Uilli'-n :>iid u half l-> •s.'U
'Ul «t which 1e.u.-tbati a million wa*
a Sivdelunati
laifsl hi- i-auvr in It*
ill- gu;.i
A*k ye
B l*IX.
Bilir*r*. Hit
?ehs'iq*-d iivo ilp-
L'llrA and lha
'.-.h..V*o ■woywi*
Mt Wririi.
lang law- II Ik lndl
He wa.s a wai ivirT>-*poU.:
W. W. DE\N
Can^ifate for
Keguter of Deeds
• Imi Ihl- Kell T' l'.phoB*. omiiv
doubling Vs r.ili's wli*-n the ;
»w* *4 the wa.
bus a>iih«'rlr.*
. 1. alUc.-l'i.. In InefHeleUt.
;Ol. It«nc
;ira> M-.Gt-rk ..rWfnil.r.>p M.
rhl'alag t..ls.-o
*'1 which wetit lUiWB
aiionw/lo l--iiii |i
I'bi- .\or*i
ol Mr Prtia
V loalnr
'I allilj Hr. nioma*' hu b-
h'M.d. one vd Hie If
: in partial <
ltn~.nl. H..W Pn
IH.'p-e .'tf
The !u.l.' di .
of SiinQHd ;
... .
, |..r
I .rtur OI -l to ••Id *Wt
(. i,.ii*ii*i i.r,.
iii.i th.......vy 1. emntnl le h:u »eif .Fwai*
F.ed Ka**ler.‘a bivmc r of near Mb!
Seville. r*.maiiied in 1h<- water rtnib
,e wa*
exlui'tsti'd wfilb-
■Aim. and
I fer h'wrlne «»• I
elp ould rvaeJi him.
Ji welcy valno.! at $3.o«» has «Ath«ri
*n f.
II rtolen
pnium nut ■->cet,.n|nlM
ftvi.ii the home cT
■ W. H.vi:
•> find
I 'he iwlic
I '-! *
a Suffer:* m Traver:? City.
No wimaii can U- heallli. and »< li
If the
are »lek. Voisms tiiui
' iiatlou
par* off in Ihe urine »hi'ii the kidney*
are aell are ivlaln.d in thi- liodv when
the kidney* are sick.
Kidneys uiid
li worth
hlrdder rm Intlametl
erowdlni: the delicate female orsr»n>
ink Wilson of Miiski g<ui. !rs<'S S3
Mie'te fleiij who siiiok.d ferfv i
them. TUI* is the true ciBw of mar
boarlnR down iialns. latcene.*. haci
is dead from ihe poison, ond k:
itdeache. etc. Uric iwiM iiiTiR a
wa* iiinie<l vellow by. the ioco
*. dlrxy *|«.H.
with which it wa. .af.iiate;!.
When suffering *o. li
irulman AVm. Walsh of Ann .3rl*>r
ney nils, the rrautly I
whix.b'il a liuriow Inlu sin ebvmiiu
kidiiev*. Yen will get
kidneys get belt. r. and health will n- o|smn-g in ib<. new ilieh *rl,o.il boil'
and b*. f*ll flliv fix." wllhon;
turn when the kidne.m
a Tmveme Cllv woman
lin-aUng aiiV Is’iie.*. ulihpiigh hw in*.'
Kidnev Pills.
haw wrlmis iniernpl Injiiri'u*.
E. Punnlnit^r
Robert M. Worden, one of llifli.e
stfeei. say*;
"Pain* aen X* roy back
nnd hip* were l•»peciall^ evore when llarlwir's oIdi**t id* n<-f :*., dii-d W*dii>
l>ii*.v Bi work. I wa* nerv III* and had day. Bg'sl 73. He wa* iiroiiiiu.nl
utlaek* of headuche.
Odd Felh.w and <5.
It. riivl*.*.
sinking rpell*- 1 knew
.Ml Ihe l;iiin l•Illl'!lnc^ I'Xivni t<-
.'.ti’tj*-r .5m
In Ibr **no.T <
. B.
7t’v., b
iij« ^
Ftf*! VOtr WHS lit jlhv ficH
;‘^-".'.".;w.^uE.t*H-rrt.UTrf —H--.IWT. f,,y
hraio^v ;■
Veli-Mn: c-nlisl !cl Sept.
HI; |],,nomi>}ydi»i*iiai
|].>nnmi>}ydi»i‘iiai ipxl New.
r„:..r in n..*l »r*l
Linoolii. kn»l
jl;*l «a*w l«T-rp.:liW»D-l . ircoUl.-t in
ml Cbairman of
rBKi'j^wjM.Kra ^
$15.00 Men’s Suits at $9.75
a Li;:
stir iti
ihi- clnthim: busim;w*-\vt; an: ifoinii
-..to J:i:n.ln-.l
... ami
We Will SeU $4.50 Men’s Pants at $3.25
i. .niiifnl siylt saiid wi-li iai!<T. *!. w>n‘li
« well, a.* th
d*-stn*yi-d by fliv We*lue»<lu>
l.Jo bother m«
bis* to $3.*fon. iniillally r*>ver.v
I wa* milueed to try n-iau'* Kidtie
Pill* and they helpedI the from tii
flrsf. 1 UM-d four Inixe* in all nn'l ar
I farmer I^in;
•Kalpli Scott,
»o well pleaned with the
Ihwiii. wa* li 'iiiul Tii.'-vtoy
do not he>.iiaie to
U-ins siepped ••
1.) a horse M;
ledy to atiyoae who suffi
no long.'
F'Vr sale by all ilesU r*.
Price I
The horse * bool luJIICe.! Scott a!s>':
eenlfc. >'o»UT-Nlll.um Co.
(ji'- ht«d and hi- isui.ll'ion i*
New Pork, sole apui* for the t'nix
V Howard Iawi*-iir«.. H year* oi as.
KeneraluT Ihe• Mini—Duan'*—an! wa* drowmul In the mill in*n>l ut Ih.l
lake no other.
•lab-, nie la.i ‘.as flshitii: .lan.lin.
in -hallow w;ui. r.
• liuimre liju.id
run* you
make* vtiii aireafv vleiini for
disemu-x. Burdock HUxnI Hilt'
lie* the, lihiod—euies
is ihi.1 h.- was taken wilh a fit at
fell ini*. Ihewat'.r.whbh wa.- only Iv,.
•t de.-p.
General Newt.
Hear:- t5as*away
Ihtvi., i!
Soo after hi* Trl|i through Eun-pe .-it
Vice presbb-ntitr
Egypt. He to niurh impnnni In hrwli
will pipiably eni*T the-n- v'
though not yet In Hie lu-M ul conditio
fn*ni tin
e«vmd ' West Vlt
-Sl'e. f l.r,"...i.l r!.'".
$2.00 B|)ys’ ^nee Pant Suits at $1.35
wa- .-ibj.vi t.
faitillng rv*-Ils. or fl<s. Tiii'i tne th.s.i,
SUte News.
Chase S. 0»l«m has arriv. d at il
dfulj!'. fur choice only
y:::;:..„$1.35 .
.Good Wool Knee Pints at 25c
Tudor Suits at 38c
Men's Straw Hals and failor Pats for Clilldies, | Qn
worth 35c, al - - • ■ - j ««
The Rev. John W. Erksine of tl
flmi CoBgrcgathKial Churrh ai Stand
l»b. has rexigiuvl hi* pastorale to lal
vffeet S«-pl.'3V.
>' Phllmb'lphia C'i'i
and Inn
He wa* married i
Bachelor Shx,
Extra Good Sox
3 pairs for24c
eently to Miss Minnie Avdis of Eiart
Nine wtftuen who aii.-nde<l »cbo
.4 pairs lor 5c
at Hmlion fony-eight .vears ago m
here last »^k. and they propose to
have a
ciilrcns of Battle Cr.-ek c.itnilaln
jtbat the new $l2i.<"r' pi-sioffier i, no'
chunk* ohi of Bob' horse* and r*.v
O. B
! commensurate with the city's probabbWm. H. I'mlor. ini«lee.
He enncJiid»l to <*-11 I''
Isrowth. lull Is ev«-n loo small for pro*..
Paris, pafeel*. see. l. tn<
rhow- In-fore It becan eat
[ ent nelsls.
11: $250.
Lunle M. Itori* to Otto Rlrhlde an.l i
Three hundred women of Kaiamuzoo
wife, pai
i will "man" .the *trei-l ear* for one day j
From a lift- in
II: $:rdi.
u-rmak-r to Thomas Nee-!«r»-' in Sepl*-»her. a percnlage otj.
A th.'|lishi
the iweipi*
Ml** Mande Otirry aad Ml«* Hagen ». town 23. rnitRe 12: $2.N». •
ihe*.*l —w
KnlautsTOo ht-.i.lial. In
of Milwaukee are fhe guest* of Ml«a]
Mr*. Alire Siansell in Smith R<-sliv
witiaen ate iniettu-io*!.
. Mantle nniMi«L
jcn.. M 3. Mork 4. lU U. 4* On'* 4th;
I Spiritusltots from all o er Ihl* state make'
J. E. Bradstrtvi.
BradMiwi. wl
who has teen rto- W2S.
BrowD Mixed Soxacd Plain Black,
5c a pair
Turkey Red or ludiro Blue
Hanaktrcliicfs at, - -
day 01
Sow atTvintr <«»u tti Urm
Tiiii i ward.
e winter of 1M*1
raoBe 12: Rt.roo.
y tb^l
Jone»rille AoR. 23 and 51
acrldenl hamH.ned lo the appar
t. Willis I* a enost at the bonn
Empire. Mlehof Mr. and Mm. H. E GlIL
Mr. and Mrs. N.
Horsan. aoeom
panted by Mm. Sheldon and tIanRhtc:
Bemlee. spent Sunday In town.
Mm JeoniuR* nr Neahiawanta wa
W. H. Steele apem a few day* <i quite M-k Ism week.
1* week at South Manitoii i.-laud.
Mr*. Goo. Jamleeiin I* oiiloyiir:
Mr and Mm. W. t(. Hoaeb spout s
,i*it from her ■iaiiRhter. Ib-rtlia Mai
a dav* of ihl* wet-k In town.
'ball, of lAnxiiiRMm. A. Baillelt. who ha* boon 111. is
Mr. nail Mr... 1'<im laitn'm and tb-i
ChuriO* Raiianm of Hanlon *|iem a pienle P
few day* of Ihl* week at bis home In
Jim lAnnfn «:is
>r* over In Alden
r. and Mm. 1- A. 8«Bm spoilt a
fea- days of thbi week In town,
with hi* ibreslili
E. Barnes of Grand Rapid*
Mr*. Fro.1 Nelson of Atrhl- vi*iie.
her da"Khler. Mm. John Kruiipa. Ja
The Sunday srhcMd cl*** of Mm.
1*1 Stindav.
Mib-* Atwoo.1 of VnUa I* vtoiiinc hi
Mas Grhroeiler
aa. eliapt'rotied
i*:<-r. Mr*. Mile* Gllulore.
Taylor and MllHken
Mr. and Mf* Mile* Gilmore vtoile.
** Alice GUI and
friend. MU* with Mr*. Gilmore'* siMiT ni 1.»land ;
days lust utik.
CUrk. of Harlatr SprlORs. are «jwnd
' '
wei'k a' Wli'
* In
riuIstophtT's. KveryoiuK< m. who ha« iK-i
Mi*;i Mor'<-'* e-it
BIk Rapid*.
Mi** Julit Hiller Hponi a few dayi Trrverse Ciiv.
AuB. 14.
of this t
Misses Rdllii Spolt and Nettle
Nelanu are vUillni; friend* at OtdTO AIUNC- WOMEN.
ar iiml l.iidlmnoii.
E. Palmer of Snlinn Bav s]k-uI Sim
A Little Scund Advice Wyll Help Many
IV with friend* lit town.
n«- fThey tstpert to make this plac
their hnme aitaln. and Hr. OHNsph
oslthtn as bkcdi a
tb' depot.
' 'A well mawHine i* ai wom on me
rehnol KTOiinds ItorlnR for a flnwinu
well. If one lM Hocured II will bi- of
Mr. and Mr*. L. R. I*erk an- *pwMl
. Rreal rdyuntaae lo the *ehi>ol.
Mm. Haiile Ilnuile relumed Thtir*c ji fen day* m Grand Raidd*.
Miss I.anra Fiirtneh returned to hi-r
tday fiom ber vUU with her daushter
home In Traveree City »fter hiiendlna
at Beaver Island.
Miss lUtel Estop I* rUHInc in tbc a few dsv* In town.
................................... .. week.
Mm, A. Hennanver ha*
A numtiw of oor cliliens. Incladiiie homo ?i«m a vl*lt with relative*
the famlllas of 8. B. Taylor. R. n.
J. PalRc of Traverse City was In
• White and W. H. Ayem an- eafnpln*
m-n this week.
on FIV take nt present.
The Ml»»o* Mildmil and Ida Bmld
•e vtohlnR retatlve* and frleadi
'■ from the PenlnMla and spent Sunday
with tbdr non Barm aad fatallyChurlevoix.
Hr. asd Mm. B. M. Perry came b^k
friHn pear Fllni, where they spent the ha* been the Ruest of Mi** E
snmtiHir racailnm. last week. »o a* ir
lx> here for the openlOK of school next
MlBH Grace Kehl has roinmed home
from Charlevoix, aeeompanli-d by MIek
HU* Smtt of Traveree
City hsi Ida Prlre.
Misse* Alice Rivard and CUni
* beep encsRcd to leach the,'
laine of Kankakee. III., and M
____ a LIule Evans of Traverse City.
formorly a toaehcr here, spent Sunday
with friends.
AUR. la.
*]>ent a few days of last week ta-iiu
her aunt. Mm. Albtri Voice,
a. J. Ihime of Evanston.
H. nay allenrtrd the mertlne of
his home In
H-ndinc 1
dM^n Hardwood Msnufartur
this place.
which wai
Mr. and .
Mackinac Uland Ihl* week. He wa.*
led by ht* wife and «lauKh- of Kansas spent a few days
ea A
Alice; Eva and Estelle, rt^ week at the home of Mr. and Mr*.
ten. MUsea
home on the IlHnot* Friday, Wllltomson.
and Mm. 8. SptirilnR of l'^'an*•
t. Chat. Frifke of Peniwater
tun. III., ar
rtvnl oa the HlRsourl Saturday
Ins and aill make her home here the H. E. Gill.
Au«. II.
reniBinilrr of the »ea»on. her husbaud
belns one Of the surfmen at the Sleei*
Real Estate Tranafera.
Ins Hear life aavlOR station.
Witltom Lvoii lo Merritt L. Lytoi
The arrivals for Cedar Sprlnss
K bltick 1. Boon & Anibony * add
I>slee this week were:
Burt Wollram. Mm. E. D. Scott and Mis* May $1.00. '
Henrv IV MeCowan
Jeffemon. all of lV*|dalne*. III.. Fr|.
and wife, nwt^ ol
day. and Rev. C. IV Moore. Mr. Peter Cba*. E. Mallory
beti. see. 11. town 27, raURe 12; $2.<KHi.
Kelly and win of CbicaKO. Saturday
AbilM- J. Jenaon to Jas. Biirinn KyA. likeonyiuu* of idle-a-Whlle to
cr. Bt* Ini* 18. I», SO and 21. block
the llllnol* .for OMcam Friday.
P. H.'* ttb: $£13.
Ilarvc y Scribner of Toledo arrived
Leonard S. Hoxsie t* Charles «'
rm the Illinois k'ridHv for Gresory's
resort, where hi* wife ha* been S|wnd- FaUKl. lots .38. 3k and IV. Hoxsle'i 1st
Id.. Acme: $200.
Inp the Rtimmcr. Mi. Slocum wa* alao
Hannah A Jav Co.
to Floyd U
.al ft>r GrcRor.-'
Smith, let* 30. 31 and 32. hidek 4. H..
mi Saturday evenina.
Savaito of ChlcoRO tranaarted L. & Ca* 14ih: $»40.
Philip Roach and
nd party
Brown, wlq of bc^*.
CPEO arrived on the MIhmiutI Saturday
B’m. U Brown and wife to Proknp
crMax for Glen Ra>
Kyeelka. wti of -*eto. ace. 23. towi
Master tiarid and Ml»*
1. ranRc 12: $3,200.
tViiv *penl part cf Ihl* wii-k
Thornton MltchHI and wife lo IIauI:
tlv< A in East Empire.
F. Becker and family oaili
Beckwith, parcel*. P. H.'» l*t: $!.
J II. Mrinnis and bbiily Si
The arrivals on the Missouri Jor
Kenwood Saturday evenina were; Mr.
Sheridan and
Mer«rs. i:.ehmA. Oook. Sholit. Poole.
Clara \V. Van lo Byron D- Lee. lot
Harvey. Thayer and Miss Poole, all IG. bl«k 3. Bayride; $300.
of Clileasu. and G. II. Bowman of iliue
William Lyot to Emma J. Lyon, par
cel*. P, H.'» 2nd; $1.00.
J. fi- Peamon of Detroit arrived
Laura D. Gibb*
Ibb* to Adrum
Gran, lot
Friday to spend a few daya at Lorelei
btock 8. Ml....................
yfleld; $25.
Gi-o. E. Martin and wife t J. GorUt^C
laiullion 7V<wner. memtor
san volnntocr infanio' will be held at
That mean* pro*p«-i|tv for the farm
linre the'lire of H*»l. ha* Inin sole
er and In every leRlIlmste Iju»liie*« i
our land
o the Mkhlsan Ttlepto.ne Co.
NolKidy to In the hsbit of buyitu:
Hori-a Clark. «iio
0 dH^
dojI at Iirtn-w a
year's supplle* in advance, an ah"
1 IlvRl tu
ever farmer* force on t^e tuarkii
yiwr't. siipplie* In a week. Hot mav
know tbev win clut ihe market an t
desiniy thiir pries and piofli.*.
niaiif-r what iieople *aj. the only thins
tieCdiul to Bceiire a steady maikei all
Wm. 6. I.,an*iiic. n nii-uil>-r of
Ihe year at fair prie.-* 1. to sell the I'apili.l Bheltle KoiiiioT-iiii; <'•■. <1
prodiirt* only In quautlllcs aiifflrlenl
LauvMic ho*piinl foiloalne
he demand.
>u. Il<-was 2d year'of ain-aiie
a widow and tine child.
eommon *eo»eT Put it in pr
while and note resali*.
«1U Hatter' of Moati
W:aiVer. wrnt.i-t .
The market U n< v. r Rlulleil
...............................of this
„ rtead* here.
demand; it 1* over*'
I away Monday after a pivini:
A number of yonni; people fmm here
-nlllde. It
e lo-Gov.-rnor Warner and Ik-ni'
re ranplnc at one of the lakeiT up short nine**. Dpeeased leave* a danch- It that makes 'be (rni
and many,friends lo mourn her a vUlhic supply that I. . UKl-d *
Ir Caiididale Kimnserte for a j»i(
l>eut the
by apeciilai
lie on Ue irS'K-.;
ilie i-ampaig'
The teach hotel closed Saturday.
he .T.IXV.X.,- of a Irt'isllt IlUiB o.i
Comp meetlns here ha* opened sritb
lany •prominent *|>cakvra la aitond- world '
l*erv Marquelle liioke !l«r-e
a year to market
p graili'. Mimlibvl from the
f.<*t u«. Iirotber far Item, try It I
Oeorse Winnie of Trarcrac Qty was
and roliisl diiwn »n nnbankmeni
urefiUlv tint'
eonple i
Mr. and Mi>. l-avat of Allegkn «mn
TheVarmer i il hi* fsoilly will Ihe whole tialn rn-w aUard at
Mr. and Mr*. Norman Thoms* spent
ty are snewta of Mr. and Mm. J. N
kegoii. All jiiiu;*-.! ex-wp' »''mv
Kennetly and tkey are all Bpendlnc a Sunday In towp.
muke a IIvIbr.
A. Barthli. who has been 111, is
few days ai Carp lake aith Hr. KenSlack, who hart Itvn n*i<3-,i. nnd th-
OQsty I
*oaeymoon trip as wile oZ
meoilni: at Vieksbnnt.
Ovid preparing tor a JnhBee Ang- S*
have H. Thirty fear* couM solve thU
Ug Sunday In the city, the |
pnibicm. Yon must net oomparc your- Dd to. Governor Warner and Chas.'
Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Itortnsn.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Haight, who «clf now with Uncotn and Moses, at H. Klmraeriee expected.
Wind, bail aad lighialng cause aehare 'bemi on their weddtag trip, spent tbe height of Ibelr devriotoueat.
There are two great principle* to rtous damage to enqs aad property.
B short time with friends to tbU dty.
Hr. ^d Mrs. Prank Miller and Mr. and whtefa yon shonld give mnch •ttenllon. Dowagtac and vlelalty.
T%c lirM Is 'b*blt.' and the second ibo J-rank Crawley. Michigan Central
Hr*. I. O. Hobbs.
J. W. Mllllken left for Greenrtlle haw cf scrnmnlative efflriency.' A) brvkeman. succumbs afier lasing liolh
Sret tbe people won't care, then they legs under train nar Alger.
this morning
Work beptn Monday oa the ne*
with tbe Pouto implement coropany. become somewhat Intetesied and see
Mra. Charles E. Quick add son Rus ing tbe wheel move, help ’ It along. fhrps.ol the Cfrand Trunk raitoia.l ar
lUille Creek which are to 0,1 |3.r,ixi.'
This U accumulative action.
sell retnreed Saturday night'from
iHSt and win tiecupy Bfte. n acre*.
I onr llva we shonld seWi <
fonr weeks' visit at Berlin. Ont.
enimaSed that It will take three year*
Hr. and Mrs. Albert Donner and principle of action. Take the
Ml*. Warren Salsburr returned last problem that comes along nnd slick to nimpleie them.
night from Manltoyoc. WU.
Gcoeral News.
Mrs. Gibbs and daughter Marion of and pride lire logeihi-r. Tbe only difCapt. Alexander Simpson
ferrace between the surccasfiil pcvip^
Hsyficld nre In the city today.
Aberdeen 'liter Morarian. which re.Pll
O. C. Baker left this morning for and others Is Ibsl the one do and k<'rp
Pivimieih the other day hom.-"‘arMl. Pleasant and will later attend doing while the cHhcni do nothing.
Don't get entbusiartir and do nothing. icjimd III Lundno from Sydney and the
school at Big Rapids.
Mr*, a 8. Jones of Riverside, and Xbe dtfferpoee in Ibf stiecesa of people Cape. Is on his aoenty-brst voyage
and borne from Rydner. a ix>ci>rii
sUler Marietta Wlghiraan. have gone is In Ibelr growth. One stops and
goes III Feed, while the otbe; ibai is believed to be without parallc
to the C. A. R. encampment at Mlnuts.
Editb Gibbs returned today fre
ill the history of lbs BriUsh mcrcan. I
short visit to Mayfield.
tile marine. He bas Is-en duicf Uicj
T. B. Braucr and wife of Chicago cessful.
Miss IxHiie HavUand'lefl this n
VO}age for over forty y«-ani and hr.',
ere guests of Park Place over Sun
Inx for Carp lake, where she will Join
covered altogether sl»m MsW.'kHt
a camping party.
SUto News.
miles without mUbap. For i-icht.v-n,
Mr. and Mr*. Bd Oiuirtiman of New
Fred Croaa of Grlnnetl Bros.’ U
In a Jnsttitht.
The great record keeper's office of year* he ha* been eSperinieBlIng wp|j|
York are guests of Hr. and Mr*. the U O. T. M. M. will be rntwetl
apenittg his vacation at Maple City.
nunsttm tnoftaduilf.
regard to the sot of cKx-an curreuts I
Joseph Brother* of Unloo *trect for
Ann Arbor to Port Huron on Sepiem- and hundreds of bottle* placed In the
Prom Fridays Record.
few days.
sea by him have U-en returned
Rev. P. P. German of Bay Clly
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Blsbec arrived
Grand Haven has voied to spend all parifcof the world.
Saturday from the southcni part of the $01,000 for a general sewer system.
P. J. Harper and wife wont to Mil- stale for a visit with Mr. and Mr*.
Ugbtning carried half a doten t>(
The uxpayers of Yale have vot
wBukee>}bis morning.
uncorked bottles eoulalning luk d-<wn
Bd Wall.
to bend for $14,000 to Itulld sement
a long stairway In the home of Wil
D. C. U-cch of Sprlngfleld. Mo.. U In
Mr*. B. W. RasUll and children left sidewalks throughout the clly.
liam M. Davl* at Derby. Conn , withtun- it. It sends a J.-i of snmMhlng that
the dty for the Srst lime In tour Fridsy for a few weeks' vlsll In tbe
•I Rev. Franklin A. Sillcs, tor three out spilling a drop. The fluid came iti
Prom Fridays Record. '
ktoks exactly like steani out u( lu
soulberu part of the state.
years pastor of ibe'Dapllsi church at
Hr. and Mrs. Bdgnr C Reed of Lonupstairs window and rang tie
Harry I.onh*rt. former bookkeeper
^ealyaercn eoudes enjoyed the
denvllle. Ohio, rctnrned to thdr home special daMlng party at the Waqua L tbe Oval Wood W«h lac.ory is the Hudson, has resigned.
If the J.-I ttirihcb a htitnan hand ibn.
front door tall as It parsed out.
Mis* Kl.-anor
a Ibist.m society
today after spendinx ecvetml weeks tong dub last evening.
jcsi of H. 8. Hull and family.
APer being lorliired for two week*. girl. Ik to Iw the next Vjiiideridlt hrldc. *|iot that Is ijll will show a little markat Pomitaln PdnU
Oscar .Friedrich, a former Traverse text books on tbe History of Ppace.
Otvtrge W Andre* died Thursday acsmnling to Newpsiri pwrlp. Sbe I* Ilkc a iiurn. j The Jet of “slram“ I*
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Templeton, chil
Mrs. N. R. bTons and danghter ol
Ann Aritor has new fire npitarniiis mmntng at the home of his father. »aiil to hftsr ciliintvd the heart of supposed In jbe sotm- sharp aciit. «*• '
City resident. I* vUiUng relatives In
ClndnnaU paased throu^ the dty dren and maid, of Cbl'cago. are vlslUng
claliy as ti .sm.-llb like nitric arid.
|iy which a stream may U- thr4n-n 1G» William J. Atirtres, ini» Spring street Harold Vaiidcridlt. btolher of the
the city.
thto morning on their way t© FondUln the doctor's sister. Mr*. Henry King.
Paul Ic Qiinte. wte watrtinl ani^..
feet In the air.
Jeffersonville, ^v.. of piirftiim hemort- dtichcK* of MarllstrouBh. HI* mother.
7110 Misses Emma and Ida Scfalegel
Or. L*>
Pontiac council has ordered Miclil. bade*, a dlrease ihtl I* oMisIderel Ml* O. H- r. Uelmotit. win give him a studied the curious tiog. call# It a Uyi«
Bunlee Kelley left this more of Sheboygan. Wlr.. will arrive tomor
enough . small* dragon Ibal spits fire .'
tare, hut is by no meaiiii nnknna-n
“coming out" iw’ity this iiKmih.
tng for a few days' atay .at Carp lake. row for a lenday rUU wttb tbdr par
Dr. B- G. Lancaster, presidcni
from resident sirectk and place them the nitHliral fraiemlly and la offcn
King SlM.waili of CsmUsdia. who*-- aud flame, and he'suggests that imre
ents on Union street.
Olivet college, occupied.the pnlplt
cured. Tlie dlwase Ir a.vxtmpiiile'l dciittrtiiiv.fnim I'arts wa* htstened l>y long ago therc'inay have been giant
In alleys.
Dr. and Mr*. Hontfort left today fw
Pram Tnasday's Baesrd.
iH-cth-s like this one that gave rlse-to
the First Congregational rttnreb Sun-,
al lime* and Us
IbRirtbutlon of patent medicine and by live givate*!
forvign olflce aiilhorllles. wa* hitMrs. U Rofooe. Harry and Jessie tbeir borne In Ithaca. Mich., after
the dragon •lorlc* that every nhUon
day. Dr. Lancaster is making a trip
Boscoe and Mias Kellogg of Horend. few days' rlslt with L. H. Bennett and through the norihere part of the state advertlsinc matter |«ertalnlng thereto action is |•ecnllnr. Pi.i-|de spots toitti icriy dlsapiKiliilt"! *1 iu>l Itring tib tells to ihU/dsy.
at any pan of the i«o<ly. and are fob biwfd to remain longer In Pari*,
MKA. are making Uie Nortbpon trtp family.
The sharp add that Is ejecled by
andbad intended to make no nddres8e« Gtillloit.
lowed by iiiilammaiinn that cause* the loial cstlniaiixl outlay of gtou.iXHi and
B. 8. Randolph of Detroit Is the
whstever. but consented to prcai
I«aln. Jhe hb-sl beemes a whitish no rptiirn tor t»ur nuimy. " is the way the 1-x-lle changes Into vapor as imuu
Ijibor Is Ml seam' in Genem-c
A party canaiaUng of Mr. and Mrs. gnest of George H<vt and family for Snnday morning. ' ElememB in a sueI touch the air. and this makes
color knd Iteglns to oo*e 10 ti
that tbe farmers' wives have
ihrlfiy Krvnchmau sums up the royal
P. N. Hotmre of Grand Rapids. Mlu a few days.
look exartiy as If the isug breathed
casfnl Ufe" was the subject of the out and work In the fields.
face. Id time sapping Ibe life
Dr. Spanton returned from a proLMlse Taylor of Otmnd R^da Mrs.
a j.H of steam fmm lu Jaw*. .
sermon, the text being taken from
W. W. Smitb, Mrs. Spmgne Pratt. fesalonal trip north today.
Kings 1:13.
District Altnniry Mtwan of Dnstoii.
convi-ntlon pussod resolutions tirgintt
Mrs. L. H. McLaughlin of Central
Klsa drare ^Itb. Helen Smith and
(Vt.-gmarian td Grand Rnjdda g
He said In pari: “There la veiy lit Theodore Roosevt-ll t<> accept a third engineered the largest “Jail dellven
SpiU Fire.
Mn. WUUam Rannie, took the Colum- Lake and Hr*. C. Roadhouse Ol Lemabroad tor three itiotlhs' trtp.
Atlnig tin- shori-b «>f th<- Alt)
tle difference in the natural ability of term as president.
In tbe history of the city when he
bK tor Kortbport tbh morning.
mlogton. Ky.. are rlslUng Mr*. Jama
men. Then why Is It that
Casso|)olli farmer. arni«l wHb shot- ordered the release of sixty-seven tli'-i^ Is a gr<«l iHtilc-wbIcb I* InilJ
Aboot twwaty *0001 side young pe^ Finney and family of this alty.
Young man brake leg by sllmiing at
more sueeessful and prominent than gun. round, up horse thief and turn mim and live women fnim the Charle-* a dragon <if the old fniry liile* In
pie spent, the day on Ibe Island.
Hiss Flora Heck left today for Lan
skating rink near Bt. Joseph.
other*? ft simply lies In the use o
*tre<'i Jail. There were over Hkl prib- iBlurc When an eneni) in.'s to
him ovcr'to sberilT.
Mr*. W. P. Btrere nnd mother. Hr*. sing. Detroit and Cleveland, where she maka of his talents. 8olomon.
Norrtna Miss Underwood. Lawrence w'lll buy her fall millinery dock.
the beginning of his reign, was s
John R. Nelson of Antler. K. D-, la
BowM and Dwight Lemon apent the
young and IncfBcicnt man. He askr.i
apendlng a few daj^ In tbc city re
• day M tbe Island.
Ood for wisdom, an unusual request,
C. f. Waiiier of New York paaeed newing old acquaintanca.
and reeelved It. He then built a tem
Prank Vender returned. lad even
tbnragb the ptty ^ Morning on hla
ple which was considered even in pres
ing to bis home In Crystal Spring!.
way to Neab-talwnnta.
ent day vabies would co»i an enormoiis
Mlsa.. after a two weeks vlilt with
Miss Q. A. Upton of Chicago,
He took the remnani of ■■
ed ibrengb the dty tbli morning on relative*.
that have taken aHvMitaKC of the
nailot and made one which has dc
Mr*. D. W. Stewart bas gone*to Mil
bo0 way to Glee Laka
ffed all aliempu to denaturalise IIHr. and Mre. Robert N. McHynn waukee to vlsll.
How did be do It? He chose one prin
Mrs. W. D. Bkmdgood Is visttlng
of Mltwankee are apendlng a tew days
ciple -Bd held to It. If you analyrc
In Saginaw.
the walker farm at Old MImton.
any^lTtei man's life you will And that
leamond left this morning on
Mr*. J. A. Ahrard. Mra J«* Pete
it has one great center > which all
aen and the Mlaaes SteBa Cole and a business trip to Hanlstlque.
other things are
Fred Bongbey left this morning for
Stella Decker, went to Neab-U wanU
“Bvery great life Is controlled by
Carp lake.
Ibts morning.
elements. God and man. Then
Mr. and Mr*. R. T. Water* and son
Mlaa ftalda Brens and mother. Mr*.
how about Napoleon, yon say. Did bPercy
Blsabetta Brans, went to OU MUslon
really have greatness? Ha* he done
morning after a two wertt*' visit In
tK Naab-u-wanu this morning.
anything for the srarld? No. Napo
Mias Minnie Combs went to Neab- this city.
leon wa* not a great man. He simply
Mrs. Tina Cook returned to
toargau IbU morning.
home In Norway this moralag after crated a great stir.
"Let u* analyte the lives of several
visiilnx friends In this city.
Prom Wednabday'B Reoord.
men nnd Bhowihst they- all
Mr*. Charia K. Buck left yesterday
Sev*ral Supday •etaool claases of the
>ese common prluriples. Mosc*
for Hsssachosetts. where she will
Christ Gbnreh are anjoylag a picnic
have reali'cd the savini,.s it means to attend this sale.
poor slave boy. He did not 1kspend
the iBland tod|y.
gln to have the chunce thit yoti 01
Two hundred an thiny-nve people From there she will proceed to Maine,
He once had the opportunity
took adrentage of the excursion to srhich place will be her fuiure home be king, but for the sake of God anil
the Island last evening. Tbe nigbt Daring her stay In Traverse City Mi* the people rboHo to help the Isracliies.
wns coot on the water and very refrah- Bock baa made many friends who
Whit would he Jiavc l>cen had be
tag after U« hot. oppressive day. while greatly regret her ^epartnre.
that it has been a case of seeioR the .same faces a^ain and asain. There arc still hundreds of untaken the kingship? Nothing more
tbe waUr was like a mirror reDcciIng hope* I0 be In Traverse Cltv nest
than a iriummy- But even now he has
summer for a few weeks' visit.
matchablc values awaitinR you. We will just mention a few of them:
the UgbU with beautiful cBect
more power than Rratsevclt. The
A party ransMtig of Miss Chris
secret of hi* success I* that he chose
tina Holdswortb. MM. Ruth Kelley. Pnm Satnrdny'a Record.
one thing and stock to It.
7.-, Men-, Itanl.le Hre.«t«l
Men’s atronjT «nd tlurHlilc
tl.OO Work Panto, made of
Mlw Julta Barlow. Mi*. Minnie Halseh
• Pestaloitle. the foonder of the kin
Snite. mmle of bln.-k clievootlonade and jean*,
and Bdna Grant of Chicago, Miss Jen Green of Northporl passed threugh
mndt' of Rrind ({tiality cingiou anti cotton
nion’g size*.
bam. vide floiinoe. oartbnie Grant. Mr*. Oscar Slmpatm. Mr*. the'city today on thdr way to Cadtl dergarten. and the greatest teacher
tbc world has ever seen. wa« a poor
sale price..............
ikc sale price
Wnilam aemcmt and Miss Lucy Grant c.
8. T. Kingsley returned to Grand boy, dull, elupid and laughed at
•pent tbe day on tbc island.
Several parties took advantage of
Wack hd-I Ian QQf^
jsincss In the city.
the dally escurilons on tbc ddumhlB
the thirty years' war. when the condi
Oiforrl*. sale price...................JpUV
Mrs. W. B. Williams. Mrs. ;
tbhi morning and a good sued crowd
<-ale, madnu cloth, cltcviot. etc. pia...
Greenwalt and danghter Margaret, tions of Germany were In a chso«,
WMt up the bay.
and plaitnd fronts, vnrtb ‘lUc:
Pataloxxl did more than anyone
cni to Row] Clly this momtng
Harry Rostne Is risltlng bis broth- to bring the people together and unite
them. He showed them that through
r Ralph In Elk Rapid*.
Preto ntursday's Rooord.
love nnd sympathy, oven the U-ggar*
Philip Bernstein and daughter
Tbe Mlaaes Madge girangways stto
Men’* While Cantbtic Hawlker- 2c
could l« made useful, and created
chiefs, each.....................................
Jnlla Kelley went to Carp Lake this turned to Fife Lake this morning.
LmUcs’Street Rato and Dr-.s* Sliapre.
Mrs. J. W. Travis bas returned from national feeling., that In the war
■wralD. where they will spend a few
sold early in lire sraaoii for
Peloskcy and Bay View.
days at the Kelley cottage.
Dr. O. L. Noya arrived Tuesday pllshed alt this simply by taking
Mr. and Mr*. C. H. Chalker
daughter wept to Balinc this moralng. night on the Perc UarqneKC to visit principle, working for U and sticking
Lamidry S..H11 tin tin- market.
the borne of Mn, and Mr*. H. Web to It. And so we might lake the live*
Mrs. C. P. McCoy and daughter
lt|-l.l.«cn Wae and tod Haodkeftdimrs,
Mr*. Noyes arrived some time of other great men such as Atirafaani
for Moiek this moralng.
InhmU-«>ft .nio Sbo»«n,l Ktn,|. S.,„.
I«l wdora,
and lOc utialiiy.
Mr*. Morgan PaKe. Mr*. J. T. 8nu- ago.. Dr. Noyes will.be remembered
uball and Mr*. B. Baslngham spent aa formerly one of the doctors at the iey Hall. Rtissell Contwell and wc I
the same principla running throi
the day at Pnoch.
Miss Horence Stewart, of W. Bev their live*. The only general chai
■nwBiaB SbermsA, Jama Morro and
Dr. M. P. Baldwin and family spent eaih street. Is entertaining her friend teristlc which most grat men *«
to have Is that they were stufdd In
Opal Nichols of Cadillac.
the day at Leland.
Bovs'and Tnntb*' ranva* Shoes and
Ikl dozen Winilow Shade*, ,
Mr and Mr*. Blia* Poote. Miss Annie their arly live*.
A. F.
•What are we going to do with
Poute, and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Tyler
It Manistee today.
Judge W. H. Umlor nnd wife left for arrived In the city last evening where lira? Don't say 'I havn'l the ability.'
Ktaipira PalU this moralng.
Dark and liebt Peroale Wnp.
Drif* fsiiiuhams. IiKht and
of yon. When I was in the High
- Blejched Damask Tow.1*.
Mrs. W. D Cook left for Chicago home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Peck.
dark chiKka and atri- Cry
school t thought 1 had nof ordlnarr
with red Irorder, eoo'l
this morntikc. after ependlng a short
pcs, sale price per yd. v
ability and even become resentful
Prom Monday* Record
•ize. sale price............C/W
lime ID tbe «Wy.
Hr. and Mrs. Walter Dawa and against God. But in the university 1
Mr*. Marie Na«el and niece Irene
daughter Ruth of Wabash. Ind. ar learned that one-fonrih of the brala
Hotkey .left for Nllw UU moreing.
KrsMt Irish went to Boyne aiy to rived this morning to spend aboni six cells are not in use. If any 1
srould use all of these cell* be could
wtkks In Ibe cit.v.
Mrs. Klicber. after spending a week easily eclipse all of his fellowmeo. But
Mr*. Hattie Stlrtder retnreed to her
bMW In Gadtllse tbl* moreing. after with her daughter, left today for her }vn say '1 don't have the opporiuntty.
are more problems and opporhome
apendlnx notme time la tbe diy wltb
Mrs. Dr. ThMita* of Alexanaria. Ind.. tUBltln today than ever before,
me tnggest one. It Is estimated tha'
■ Mn. John Netaon retnreed to her is spending a week In town.
Marvin Rice returned to his home nnediair of the people die of eooKumpborne In CndiUne tWs morning.
In Kalkaska this morning after spend- lloti and Ibsl ihrei'-fonrili* of them
Mxn. A. JtAnnon ot Irndtofton
Sttta ItMi*.
Port HvroB. Aof. la^lUiir famlltM
«r» iBtellbc the foiiM* et
at the
^ plut M A cure for who<H>iaA
CDBgh. It U* Mid to be eaeccMfuI hi
maaf eaUA
OM Good MauU
Battle C«ek. Aut-18 —Orer $3.W»
vortb of JewetPT wa» atoleo last alaht
fma the mn of Mrs. H-.N. Sly of
BoCalo ml the Poet uveni. The Jewel*
were taken from a suit caae. The rob
ber* bileoed aa equal awmot la her
•bttsbaad'fe suit eaif.
Played WKb Ravetwer.
niut. Au*.
CIlBttm Oml*. a«ed
#. was kUled last nlgbi m the aeeWen
UI dlacbar*e of a rctolTer which he
was playtac with. Tbc ballet passed
tbnmsfa the tbnmb of George Wallace,
that by Cwnpanlaa.
Port Huron. A«. 13.-BaH Prmscr.
axed 12. and Wallace LeaxH shot with a doable barreled shot gan
In the bands pf Mas Morash. axed 1C.
Simday erenlnx- U I* said that the
beys were aleallnx peaches. Morash
was arrested. The Prsser boy
Farmer Atiletdad.
Coldwsier. Aag. 12.—Chsrtes Pilot
a Klna.rlm» ccmmlMt MU, loday. He was a proaperous farmer i
was Just bBlshlex bis oew home,
leares a wife and two dtoghter*.
cd ihroogh the city ibU morelng oa
»r way to the Boo.
George G. Bates of Chhmgo ts la
the dty on basloeaa. He wtll Jotn his
wife later at.Carp lake, where she Is
camping wlih a party.
Mr*. Charles Passmore left yester
day for a few weeks' rUlt la Indiana.
Glare Tompkins of Old Mission U
rUKInx W. B. WUsoo of Fifth street.
Mrs. 8. P. Price of Shelby, who has
been rIslUng Mrd. W. U. Bishop, retnreed home today.
Mrs. Oakley and daughter Bdna. who
bare been visiting Wn. Wheetoek and
family, returned to th^r home In
Grand Rapids today.
Hiss ids Morse left this neon f<
Grand Rapids, where she will spend
few weeks.
Kiss Ulllan A. Finn has xone i
Burt lake to be gone until the ftret td
of the mott antritioas at floor
foods—Unssda BisciiM—the
only perfect sode cracker. Then
you will be eUe to
because a weU.nourfsbMhtetly
has greeter productive cepsa^.
Thus you will also be able to
because for value received there
is 00 food so economical as
Unsmia Biscuit
So Great Were the Bargains Throughout the Store
10 Z5c
THE GLOBE Store.^^^
Boston Store Old Stand
Sole Arenls for tie “New Idea" lOc Paper Palteris
rates I 1o i
and Just before Bradnaiioii be obulned not -know by bean.
a pqsiUto—t suppose thst ibe news- thill <.M elm——"
WhM Thtngi Q» Wron«.
Wtieo tbiBcs IP) rlcbl b'isoT tivd
"'WeM.^I suppore It has
Some^G^Oiie knocks a man anmnO
10 !-•
said. Init'l bale murtally to say M—
' And Bcoiu-Bes bin •'tib doable tbons—
good-by. Iioys!
Ifa not ao eaar. I have foaDd.
will send for you
rlBbi we cu aBcee
Now. see bow
,,-STiere'a good In all ihal we can aee
And y>roaa aie Uic aono wc
Bat leaden
We have (n almc another auOB
When tfalOBB
Seveniy-flve dollars a mnnib
the Urgaio!
And ail (be Chriattan rlriaes afaow—
fairly ch«*ea toe!
But out West.
King the big lioniiis. Mltb all their
Be done bf—weds of klndnesa aow.
vbo. batlered hard and
izer, and lhai l« work: and here hi
It Isn't yonr dnw. ao qall ii.
discoasolate. father.
U>en your
are both ihrivlUR Western rap
uurs was
••Fnr*lt lir
~Whars iliai alwui inaklus plans—
But when aoiaee Invites
wMcs pain.
1«( as Bileve wbea we mnst and till
>'“'*l« III
—W^lBBton BUI
the other
iteadily. to stay at haute On the old
There was an Inslaiii 's rileure. Tli.-
Thornten A Bona.
breese that
Idly swung the
PUII 'stooil a-
ruffed butterenpB to and fro; for the if pelrifled.
•ctee bent of a scorebing July sun
"What did you aaja Jerome?
And stolen all Its wnmctlme airenEth
and Ruyety-
BUenily It lied along ovei
believe I heard* correctly."
leugib’ln a puuled lone of voice.
its grasa-growB pathway. Just merMy
“a green rlbboil to prank the down."
lu banks were loir, acarcely two feet
Itigh. aave In one place, where tbc
bank Vnae by degrees to a height of
about all feet... and then shNied grad-
"that i am going to stay at home on
the old farm."
young face, be held out his hand.
tod have seen many Just like It.
plumes In the summer, a torch at frostkindled Same In the tall, a dark tra
be raid
do." exctolmed his father, cm
phaiically. •Blralgtit as his boys stood
bacdi and a bnovanl Inok In bis clear
tbMr worii. and the aunibino flar*s on
blue eyes.
Then the flash of all Jewels of
faith cannot compare with It In spies
very last cut, to
■ c<inaiil’'r n<-'ei«t«ry. "
Then, thrcKigb
l-T ’•’•111
sh- i.s
Mu’leline Ihtgetiing
with him
pretty flower.-
iDSwi-fing Jcruinn's questloi
hei; dainty cire.s.
oo Ooweri-. heraiise we want
give thl.ee
slradfasl loyalty on the part of J-.
‘numgh a b«avy mortgage rcKti><f oi
rome rose upibeforo him Ign that sira-
those fair Tbonttoo meadows, nut fo:
«ne J^iaqt dM the father regret the
«>Ub loll and aeUfenlal aeeesury
•e denial.
has done pri'tty well h>
for had |i not been the moai^or giv
BuppMc you CO out West—take it as
lag his son* a liberal education?
♦ Miday the father's face looked
a*. I think.
rhule yv>ii will And that our good
old Stale ran hohl
iis own with
iviiirn’d Irom an Imisfriani Ru
Phil Would niak-i
;> >n tlie child
l..-m.e-lv-e5; as you did ,i
Ik- was being tr’'ai<vi f
trees of Sere Kngland. aud Massnehn
.eit..; alone ha-, sje-pt in Ihe aggri-gati-
;;4<-ccz:. tbal It WBS‘b*lora
the same idea Was pig into practice Ip
of -lolljis in HMempttng lu
Howard fouml ili-
a apecial favor to
Hi.r- lirre-ze eain*-
As e,rl) as 17s: ib« term ■•hagmaB*
had become rommoq. (he wrwd heUm
hint that
il’-fined lo”Morrey's IMcllooary n( tbiR .
<aere seiPras:
• le-y were het.) In ehcek
hy varl’Mis
whh-li prey^-d u|M>a It and r’diired its
year, the example belag qu-Aed (row
The title
-cammereial travclerr" ‘s
'be only OMidWti part of the idea, the
i-lderod ill K’iroj<e a serioiis pest,
ancient lagman laxtlhg Mill tbe Im
provements In travel cauied Ibe term .
In czrller year* (be ualesmaa tiarei.-d with - his
Tli«- 'grea* Imp-irianc.- nf this work
c^h days that tbe sample trunk be
to thi- d-qiarimenl of agrtrultiire must
came the feature of the traveler's o«i-
Ire ro«-oEnired wh’-n it is known lha'
flt —Rxcfaange
"I tiio’ighi — why. whose h-rii:e
the gypsy
would, except fin
Minn- s’lrh rosiri'H’tn. spread over a
latge pan of the Cnii’d delates
A Loaf of Bread TvseitJjr Ccrtivriea OW
The -style ot the Mat - used by the
r. sUiillDgly
Howard >.ays that If. for Instance, it
ancl’«ts*is depleted IB a (oaf of bread -
whetls wniti’l
vide eariiagc
.,prc.,,i to WariiingluB it would prot"
which hts beet, dag (rum the niiat of
a - -^.-tiom a d-lollstor of ir.V, as H
1‘ompeil and
t ’»m «- t.
made of
eni sp’-’-le^ of K’l
Ins’et i-fii-inie. of Ih'
, j Willi H view t.i goflung them in Ma: .a
sinning Idack
'suniig’-r ol moth
•liMsef. and
whNfe te*
lha’ sli’Ui’
liriiif a siqgl-. sho’-fr
f I'mi.
the |.a> .;i a privat.. .-.idlef
iHva. cinders and sDabe upou Ibe an'
The ioa( aaa found la the
taafl evl-'-
In prejiaratloii for Ihe evening meal.
With 1^ ’-ite-pllon «rf ahsoiute terdt,-.sn. the Pal is sp9ar*atIJ » perfect
'o-lay as It was Uw day It came frotn^
• h- hakei's oven, ttoft than V oeii
'uii’s ago —t'hicago fJhroolcle.
Teire in the Millc.
■••I - arm.
I tn.ll.DMb on a rural route, lb aa-
lln- l.wo litib-. freekh
>:i to a complain' a. to the quality
i Iiro|;i<i> of ci.^-ee and thlnreii
milk be w«;: f'ltnlsbing a ruiKmer.
,h«' I'dt disrmr ih-Jr.l-rown f>e.;‘
itw fsiid
'll- lovlitde, a. V- •d .slavery.
In a sinH>l
Bcwtilug, t’-n v-ar.'
•.f W'.ndetfnl
•h’un COWI, o’ mine are Just tia aorsy
•|*»’it it a> I am-
that -rer cllnihed to th’- lop rrf a tail
pipe tn-e. alter a cbiw's tn-st?
feel as iHj wttM’ir milk <^1 do 'am
fjoni yrxi l>e|i«ve It. mwm?" -
John F
B.illey of Mltmao.
the Uigest landlndder iu thi. c
In’- jiroi-fty in seven ’liffeicn’
I i.-nlicve It." respnaded bu
■vi'iotRri. 'rnil I wish In future you'd
c-ee that they dou t
drop their tear*
■I') r,or Cali"—Farm and Hr«»(*e.
Cauae for Thank*.
Ih’- ■>iber. with the happy dr’-aniy eyer.
with the flam’- id the blood-r’-d gerau
I often see' 'em err '
in - t-guiar '-rylQ', mum—'eaaac they
' tf.ving in Ih- m’e.1 ,
don't get
• fii.-;gh gra^- tblr. time o’ year.
Ih her arm aro’iu’t hi.-
stiii.horn. willful
-quaie hims-if as followi:
nianaRed hi i
head rd - a
itie spiil’-s Ip b’^r '•■arfol fare, ’■oiil'l
ricat smile on hf* son s face.
ptepared Ibe food
ileii’iy l*'.-n taken by some housewifs-
, Curirirt Bill.
in that licBr
. uplif’d
tbe bills far away
____ ... .....
.. .... andh'iw
"On-'way." be sdl-l. half laughing,
a U-w shan-s
>ravc eyre that was pitiful lo see. as j West you will find no aire ■r hlllx, BtJ I w ish wc coultl inviywt tn sixteen •you are trying to make a fool ■( Uic
With an open letter hanging llaUeMly i»|rer atreichre of meadot ►. oo more; share*: that would bring u* in nearly old man.
Anyway. i' ibink wre win;
Xrm> Ms hand he listened to Phll'.lp^u,
„„ „o n lieautifu>|imo buodred dollars., for which we haw to write to Phil tbal ae haven't a
who bad
ciiYoDi-i> on Ibe in-(ated day wbea'
r’lliiv of a tomA where |l
On the
top is stamps iW name of Ibe ^«r
-I’-tii eiiy
rpiteof M-r. I-I. Ih’^tnol
The Par If rt’uod and thick.
V’-H’iv-iiis pour-d Jtd'vlais of bunting
It lamk hv
tiipiiv. for h- raughi sigh' nf the q-iiz- "Mi’i" nf old. the nid»o<i lilth- li«)ytl’-n
> will let
other Iln.').
o'lt Furn|K-ai1 eiMiD’ries. hut did nut
Here Farmer 'ninmton stonjw.d sb- this le- til-
Xnd In- ilon t lo
t, otir own busy day. hul as e
rs* a SlH-ffleld cutlery manuUcturor
ni-w bank tlia’ Is alrvatlv iwylng Its;
d. nii:
••over the hills wln-ie 1h.; i.plen, crow "
No on>-
Think of ii!|
stockhniiters a Ivrelv.-
lorome from 'hat isniree exccedal
seCnl as rich a r'lhoiigh It came from
<ui s’-enied iq le- je-rf-
inline as he is. Ihe |trcsAl<*nl of a;
mark in the world
•luring ao on.- y.-sr of bis oil ice bad
•e berome nbsoitic.
Is h<' IMP floing sp.eudidiv?" I a’ ;
served in IIS Uva bed,^r
ou Jerome
• there Is onlv Nan left lo stint "
snh-mniy deciired tbal
’•nc'lved 111’- Idea of sending lo tbe
an quesi after the Inseci eneml’-i
Ihe gypsy-lm»lh
ThU imah hs' eootini-tii glib lalkera to enarinra tbe
lH«-n. ever-Wdc its ItuporialloD toim merehanife ibar Hw> Cnglisb-made cut
far- rinltod Blates. ravaging tbe shade lery- was s-ujierinr I'l. that of local
•'gii alt U- land’d hi IhMttni In gotd
and worn, and there was a look In his j
For this reason the work I:. not eon
-I thick that wi- have a Nap-d.-on «t|
Onanre tn tlie fanillv."
it bas geiM-rally li
this, with
V.Mi know I atu M”l -so lueati
hill-answered prompliy:
Cemmerctal TravMcra «f the fl
which p|ey iijinn'ii and he sts”;
blii baste
lor lihrretoarili«:- the
pnnier thus Inlerj-reted
-sling firanches nf 'he old elm.—-W«>mai'-s Magazlni -
‘•rl.v’as all iliai! '
a Ibodgbl iha'i
■ \Ve have never ataived oil the ool
fatm," went on JeSrnie sicadlly.
pay the all devouiHng iatei^ on it.
Why? wli..-e fair, deep
• What ilo you take me f
Jerome luokc-l some
n-pobter In
ton and ^uis* was form’d, under tbe
lull <d flowerP. ami hlowliig .-haid!. ol
r .-.-OI •lividend on
ilollara for the al<l^e> ju«t «
Wel’-om.; home:"
-and Urine
gei along with her every day diesset-
If fou want (»
with honor
away, emdifion.
hack a»4
It sirtply remsim- to h- stiapje-d In hi.tlielched a.-.-a
r«u.c.b'ied 'hlH-’W:
s’-en whether they can be MPressfulIj moved from place to place, and K ««•
acres bi’d acre;! ef ap|<!e ire*-.-, ablotyni d-ropagated and Increased in America DM until the passiBg of tbe Stage
Sliall we write tn her Ihal she mus-
'Jerome. I nerer ibiiinfbt iliai yt>u
Yt«r» nnd yrare <C
Bid’- verandaii and Ps great windows
fan't you iDiagine oui
with satiny ro.-e,- a* tier pn-ity throat.
'"Well. answtTcd Jerj^nie.
sw-reiness, and the
gar.leiie.1 man/iion wa:
he wanted a new dress
Mad’-liue. in
ear id''n'inc
ahum -au im-d le :ay'.
•Hrmie supplies. chMli"- for njolhej
• I won t listen to afnither wnol'":
you qnd 1. ilu- fonaervai.ii v .-zie-nses
ton sraa a medlum-alied
man. thin, enable us to do'a great deal more for
of Mailehue and liltl- Nan and the you (!npp”s’- tha' I would c
blown and careworn as to feature: him than we ronid do bv slaying a: nilicBc eaia-ns<'s of Henry and S’ephnn-nt'.’ anxl’-iy to tlial
little laiA *'''.
and starving on this dull old
bill a look Into tboae keen. blue eyes,
i-n. Well, gm-s* If we run jire'iy r|t>-cC thing that is having lli. bwj.pM-s' time ;
and one caught a glimpse of such an farm? Just think, we have liwen to
to ihie wind We ran task’- iwci-tbo’i-- Khe ’!ver had in 'le r lib-? Ilaau i .-h-.
ladomitablc spiNt. that he knew witb- gelher all our life, and now yon turn and cover-lhem all •
always hail a rough time. I woiid-n ?'•I"’
«Bl further inquiry that 'come life or the cold sbniildre Just tor n whim.
she „.ed «;«■'!
"Thill leave*.n.< only one iiiousand. years and year, iba’
«wne death." heiv was one ready to I wtm't have It ao. I Jell you. Father
char and almve expenses. tJiirv' 1 enpeh. and lime, aail tim’-s t1u,t she
don't eiieniira^. such a foolish Idcu
do faattk- with either.
should have- icKikcil Mt«)n s’lehra sUi took her im-’r IHilc f’ret iu h’-r hanik. *i*‘
ir a single—"
Of hla two soar. Jerame. the yoiinRiH-’-anro i|i.v
Iiu. as that as a small loritioe.- I.ui and eit.-.| ov<jr they
Hut here Phil etoppdd. He/ranght
«r. resembled him the most. He had
■•w—well ihcn-. Jerom-. road that- llctnd so. and io-aus’- slu- roaill ic>l de-i
the nine flrm lino atound the mouth, sight of tbp Mill interlocked hand d
Jerome icsik the Icier:.and as ti'- nin around like tin- oih.-r eh'ildn’;li; ’
Jerome and his father. nf( from whose
ibe nme thin nostrils and the <
n-ail bis fare .grew i-oIst. bH the hiicht
Bhinildeni <me would have sworn full
(earless blue eyes. But imillp. "li
■if failing opt of h.
Wbeti he had w b’-ii sh’- WHS nnd’-' .th'- spreiallal's: lot
. years had rolled.
_ mne Phil." with bis great, dark brown
fltiishcul. he han’led |i tuck to hi- fa'h- car. : and now, wh-n .’he lia.-< got soinHC
«gea and waving efai-singi hair
Hold your lionu-s. I'bll." mi.iwerv'i
er without a wool
FarnoT Tl.oiuion that she ran etip’.v lile. f..i h< r pi« -fH-.
tU UBia of gold, "luok aficr"
fals brother.-e'l am mil nn^ of tin- kiti'l
f.-.sor ja rii.-s ihal fIi’- i-.
p’-rf’T'I.v Ml.a
said- enihcjsiasllrally:
of fellows that turn the cold sh'dldii
i! Iip-in icr violin, y.ei sugfi. M ■ In’' What do you think r-f i’. Jeroine?"j
1st for a whim—you know I am not.'
How proud Farmer Thumton was of
-li| -half Ih- III•WeJi." answ.osl Jerome. >d..wlv.i
graduated from college
lu their n»w, ru-'
hluh grass, iiqd all
such a i.wi'll orvasimi and .’cune
would fail me like thia," said Pliillp-
Phil winced
lA-yi vr-ry gencrsllt dtstrllint’d ihronsl'
dsiidcthuu- laughed up from ibr- flngi-r-
Ttn-y ate to have a grand-
wrote nie that
e the la-“t btH'-it ye.vis. but. <
ded daintily, and the luctls lattg with
concert then- ;z>on aud sh<- lia.v Is-r-n
es lighting at nl the iiigb* «/l llie kOii
smiling our
had a letter friHu
•drength of a lusty yomiR maobtuNl.
< xt.-rmina'|on.
dividend that
oiorning. uud
sttwd at his* side.
Ibe frrehucss nf s
au’l II-
-ajphomores: and as for lire girls, wcrll.;
Hug die.- •; Koi’li'ii r.reen;rollage iiM-
pli-s of the far H'-»q>eiidc-.-.
Farmer Thornlon Ired ed
Phil's thin
■f with a halniy wliul^-Ump-dcoas.
Stephen rep<-:ii," an
lage. others gulden ns the famous a|e
rdlsl traveler is a product
eul Ihrongh idme c-\.
den of preciourt fruit—some erliusou.
uiasi.r .l bis Ir-fi band: and then and
"Weleome liom''. uiy chil’lieii!" -
I on me fnr atr much
t’.ik 'Phifs thin right arm
then-. III! D’ W partnership .cl “Thoni
i-m tal’l from the d-'idhs o| his h'-ari:
! d«m-| s
Hisgiisi ami fatherly pride showed
help him any more than I do—havwit
Under this <dd elm ibis July u
lag mood three men—Farmer Thom- you got common aense enough to know
(bs and hU two noDs. FUrmer Thorn that aevoaty-Avf dollars a mouth wit!
ipon tnfore
Iiands 111 his frin- hand. Farni’-r Tliorn
• Well. cai|-| -wc- eeemon
i 'wiuild
lianbrup ry. aad, dc-
aev er du^g any oae year
•' a
liMle wile li’-ld cMit
strong arm. and folding
wnndeni on the old place. .No longei
fallicrT' and
1 ca.-es of
rvoded Ihrtwtourihs: of the anoMl.
Then, swe.-|.liig iln- In-nilding Iltll.
could the eye roam*at will «iver the
wunian np to Ills shouMer with
iwered Jerome.
wide stretclies e| no-iflow land inia'd
1 p-Minds in peiyjol.llro accrulag
-blldren iiuiiig quite
had bis iacome frutp that source
a ciurer illlh- soh In her voce. "F.-i
house as I would like to
where elsv then?
HI of hi:.. brother-*aud aa If
her iiands impulsively, and :satd. wtUi'
I know'thut y^ii and
lu- annually rewived live ttanu-
ic arni ;-t<de iivef his sliouhler
plainly in Farmer Th-rton's
"l wont have It so.
w.-re l«y». fne lo make mir
ily il’-nled in the HrmSe nf l,ordB
r. chill' would rail:
' leir-l rhanccllor Ridoa <mre
was mu tew my good
I win iBlo; a Ihoiisaiii
tlie fare thst
siopl«e«l. a sialwari. ttllxdi giay-halred
bniiH' xonifrwhal. aud
The two struck hands.
help falher—and you don't want to
three two SMU of his. who had Jui--
Hi- mail 'prang alinard. and the ;.ick man
Ajid the Ilred
•What did Colonel I.Riiin4rv say?
When the great Ice atonni
itisti-ad .of
■I liv.-d li
Ruddl-r anil rounder and
had "touched
fanner now with his bead ihrowii
the ieeabealbed boughs of stately old
lestuesii In tbe tones of hin voir>-.
hu’I aluiiKU
and more ttfsii one lalr of
;dd to the value .d tbe plaee, l| bore Midd'-nly with teats ’alien, as th<- train
lick hands with tils yomiRcr son;
"don't you waul a chum?"
ihoHtgh the- weary hours of the limg again "
m the height- wa.s slarioiii'd u pit
hoiu over the clowly-w-riMcn sheets,
with ao undermrreni ot deeiH‘.u
' On thU llUle eminence grew an old
k monster rlnster of given, feathery
Then turning in hi--
father with a sunny look nu hU r-iroug
aally away again.
said." repealed Jerome, flriulv.
It 11
tlnlc wife. 1 .-ouid wish from the hot
Jerome Wept on:
Imrodarad. and.
■ > al tn It to suport riiir proposabi.' *
Us-u II makr-s nn- fiwl BahaitM<d clear
Ibe old olin with aiioilier l.-ticr in thing left to send out wet
self Si
111 irf von. and bow ■velf'se.'klllg I have
»t a Idade id gra:;s, lint vouohaaf’-d no
• And ILcii think betw much It would
si'h the rare wine oi summer's vili
{ don't
he said at
m.vn. whom' I’lm of my heart, that onre more we
of the quiet, keen-cyml
lear one of Ills boys refuse a tempting Orchard giBsses and rows and rtinks
iffer. simply berause. I)e iiruferred t-> of apple trees |txidc.l wllli ll.elr l.UI
siand by his father?
with his wife, hud fcvi-lvi-d such lo\- ihi’xigli.
imethysi nnd piirplc so((eii'-l all 'ilc'
IKI daisies. . Iiisli-ad, were slu.rt
dbre of nofaM In Bs llltilnR. than the
wrailKV-lna'cn iii>B»«rown farmihous<- raising hlmseic up. ealled ex’ ll’slly , Ss
credulously at faltTyounger son. I>id k-»
Down throuBb the Thornton mea<l-
/rom Hie preparaiHiffs lor deparinn
w»h. father, from the train, ihsi this pallid fellow
Seven years later when a w*fl. vo
he white ali'l moiuiic .d liiiti.-i
H U tw jhc kid* that this
moih’Ts of tb>- next. | confldenily ap-
i-’lucation to kids In ibeir IrntwraalnB-
this gcneraikin tiHII ts- tbe falhcrw aad
•tlu are a not'd fttllow. Mtai'.s a fact."
i need ng dwell oa tbe
ln|s>rtaace to the rvttnmqUIp of
imparilng a s<nmd morel aad secular
Iilf<‘rence bis lavaliy and
Mr. Thornton industri-iusly ehewrsl they
father raised his bead and siured In
-«ws a UtUe brook allpped. uakinR b»
The thioiieli ]>as-eiigers had
one." au-wer»d Jerons-.
faih.i." he said
I have iboucbl of that
i| li"w much Jeronn- has U-eu to yo.i.
so. long: d’U i illaapjMilnl me for the
with all the res’ id tbe wliicows made Ptnelands a little longer than usual.
ve 1-vii hs’klng f.wwar.1 to tbU pasM-nger of
expineiveiy. md that was not the only olwervablt
’bange. Ahitldio's lamp in the aluipe of
“1 am golDg.' went on
Phil , eyv-s ailed with teats
"U. you
Mtvisi- to remember that the kid* at
fr<->li coaP oi
s^k'- of a iwtdve per cent dividend tiic. lin-h-ss imnistriil lolls at the hands
Why of eoiirw- you an- g«
log: -You know, pt .Wordswerttc*
uu.r iJiyiiiR. -TI*. kid Is father to
laml^-laaii that waM.thal compan, able years
Rank of O—.
Hill tnrm-d around In surpiis,-.
cnustliD’nts when they read tie nex3
"It majts tlie place where Je
-Who said anything to ib<«eoiilrar} '
then aoand ibe strain,
W’-ie.| Ins lai|r;r with drep
omc and I .reilere.1 into jarincrsbip "
that laAmlr me-.-a«e ami fell inl.i ifae
the fallnre of the Sc'cmul
Just aa ?i
Imagine the 'imma'-
vr-r and oryi-r again, and 11 alwaya
rather Bbsiii.y hoiiw
than II was that Jiilv nsirnlng when
only tolly
deal." an-
iiarlr- me homesjek. And wlien f thliil.
take you out to O—.
far Mas rare worn
wrillcn. but printed
of the right
haoi- flrst sound »hvp he bad khuwu slmV-
thtiik what a change it wouM make in
Uls hand.
why. mine are already mrfdc. I am
And a seuk. thin, whiiefiq-ed man
• your litHe lllackic. j.-rome?"
bad; fnd we'll
. bare tbem sfaln.
i-aid Phil, in’-asnn^g It with his e.ies.
Over the wires that nicht flashed a
used, and, for ibe sake of brertty. tb«
ibr .q--rator at Ibe other end «( the
-y>Mi have kept tbe old tree in spile wire
The mesaage. however, was Dot
but die
sank liaek on his pilloib
freqaeaUy .
reached the old elm. Ihal lowe(^ wp clerk euln.ttiia’Hl kflis.' trusnng that
like a giant seuiinet, ke,-p|ng watch the al”-rai|on would be rorrertee by
telegraui; T-omii« -Jejtiiiie"
Just a
yours if y*Hi will laki- ii, Phil
distance Farmer Thornlon stood un-
Resret? They would nerer permit II
Our ironbtas we've
fioni tie
el pay a month's Isiard In advgfire "
Still the father said nerer a word:
:il Jerome. coliectlOB
WiiSE breese.
hied up a
liirg’-r. aU|t a
hcBRi of ScpteiiilsT into reiv sliailes of
And (he wbo is esu^t by iHb wbls
joint, father,
r dav. aud lb" offi-i- is o|>ei.
and murmur work and Inttutwi money Is dime awa>
tn a daily jiaper In Bradford
subject ol I
We t .-topjird at the link' Maii'Ui ol
I wav
iUlists, we'll see tbal all this hani luptlous liure. trausmuletl l>y the sim-
oW trees
titorks migtil Mtlng. an-l where com
"Wake up. Jerome., wbat's the mat eaplessly.
OriB winter baa Unsered. but Eurb’
Strtre for btoomlnB
ibai'E ool
think how much oit>n- pleasant
Hshionc<l, raiuhliiiR larni-liozie of
thiiiBa are
His brvHher. tvlin knew bow mneh
ter with - yoii? Are yon
Thia earth baa ita eorron and likewise dreamlnit? Braee up and go In plan Jerome rami |or the skvk young civa
tta rm.
looked at him n momciii in m
nlns oui'a'way hy wtilrli we eau en
If you Snd yoa out't rlBhl any nis- out Weat without drawitic.any furlbe’ lenee.
chief thU's done.
•-Well. Jerome.- he said at length,
the Rood old Rovernor. Dtin l look
' *Tnrtft It! runslt ttr Fter^t It
bbMsnms. nntll
I wouldn't >ee anyihmg bajijwu lo
'Wall a momcBt. I’hil." he add'-u. fonalde eliaiis might le< tljiped'liark
•'Tlic very
Slowly- they wi-at nut through the
Ibe iraB.ffllastoB of the report ot M,
parllameatary spereA by Mr
was-Ihe answer.
of <he enerogchnii'bIs'Ot Ibe orchard.'
alwuptly raine to a ri6s>-.
* Is tbe^.flhl
and ward over all
lien- Ih*- leH
e lt:e.-
meat of fats iMtys w
I the abuulder.
lira's no use' complalnlni; of boa
"I bate livi-d In that oi l
cri oishbiiH-d leiw-windnw wlicr’
I'lillip clapped bis brother shailill
kee|n aKkill- if I d.in'l siip|H>-,-
■ Nan could take her rkdln. an I
IP hills and far away'.-
by day.
•irbornlnn aoMOU'ly "I lb.nl c-’.
wants to com., hotrie sn luid ahd .
; siiraiiR to hl.« llp“. iVlio ii<,-i|. cftuple of. wide verandas'«her«
It'dill, at least
"Wont It lire yon*- Inquired Farm
-•Hut ooi home is nm; and the boy.-
while Jerome's look iDSile him ihitik
TSod sje-e.!. Phil." uld Jerome In .i
in and he is aiiu«.-l helpless, and
falher. ledly.
r-Ves." answered his father, tirledy.
i^baking voice. Ibinigb the r«no1u>e will Imiiie wtiiild wvm to them. If that big.
Ibe fairest
orchard, through tvaow-llke drifts of
. "Wlial If they are?" intcrpo-ed hi.i Jrtv.nii- will
averins of n
And now n<-rvipir prostration hay
as Phil turned away. "I forgoi some-
usually so full s>f
of nn old nqrsery Jiosle amrnt -tHM
DonY keep oo bewalUbfi your lot day
had tn.th'-m. and we ate honw-l-
will look like the roof loth*', old shed,
bis toil-worn bsD(l^ in ibail slb-ncc;
t qbalnt wa,
Of ■etrlly naytoB -Fursit M»
over every cM»t of prT>|>eTty that
au’l girls an- coming bono-.
with dropped bead, looklns down iiu
There was aotne one or other who bad
-Fatlii-r ••-aid l>fail. l«i
vbs later. "Tterv is a weilamheuiicated story
lusr rive me yn.i, arm. twoun yon, I current to the repiiriers' gallery of a
an' to wall: .an t.. the old eliB'
strange freak of a lielegrai>h clerk lb
was .broken:
tellers a-- r.ono- of ibem were, while
Jerome, "our
boany enthusiasm where the advance
father, who. was
.-ChleaBO Oaltr News.
cJ him Ihe nxm—Piiilip nr tits father
Why. what doia this mean?
propose -In
■W.-ll. yon can ttay hen- and g
pushing Hfe..llRhleDlng up every
henv. that's the place for me."
8UII keepa bit lenper and fait nem
chard Is the pride of ttie«v)uolry. Is It
Immense rhanres for making money, kept tael, the linpi'l-'iyc cry of a wis
lid—-Where Ihop giwsl. I will
qrllh the great cleelrlral currents «il
StUI. aH mjr praise I will reaerre
When IMdrs
Ewered the'uOkt calmly, "they hoih
positor; becaii le pour.In -siieh eru*d
■ Bsslern farm or Western farni."an
And.half-dazed with
flowers of .:prmi:
others were -,> p«|fnl;«nd Phil IOitp'O
inly IhKjtwglUDlag! Oh. If we were it you want to. bul with you orw»»hoot
only outuierc now! 'm'ls dull dead you I am goinc Ui m-<- wbal lb( woild
and-alirr life Is like a ibk-lc. foul air. ba.s in More for me."
Do iintn ^bera as we would
seemed as if his heart
.tritrled and piacvd u
whose l.illowB of wheal are lioundeu
TTiInk of It-wliy,
princely salary now. but U may tM-
bo wfobb.
When ihlDga to riltht «e can be good
For bin
hefii his
bad uiight her
Tbe two men areu-d themselves on and letlerE from stcatkbuMera ami de
with the gr. ai level fanue of the We:
seveniy-flye doilara a month looks liJmi «
And iHMMe aouni oar little ewcet
bad to M-e aU his i>lajns fail one altet
this Ihiag over." bi* kaid slouly.
for each of os. and a prospect lv<- r|w
Ibe danrins fcol,
be Ims
Jerome's lle irle.l ,m. hard to prevent K; but he
need a good deal of one kind of fertil
WUb mar one on abrtbloB.
'•f.«'t IIS ait down, father, and talk another: aud alter the rtasb came It
depend oo one- solely livi sunrise and sunse<!"
thing—if I ran And a good place for
When itklnin Bo wroRS
When UsiDRs
-and poor J*bll baa lost
Tbe perturbed look
Unk at It!
Eighljr acres
Well, as he was golsR folly.
iBdown land witk weoiy meadow:
away, iw field out his hand and said
and lliiMWiill paMuree! Compare It
with a queer little ralefa In bis ^ce
Ftor otber folk to have renrd
And Brant reqnestt with
Why. under
“Look si It!' broke In Phil, t
rapers would say that he aceetiied it
To keep « pICMut. cboorfnl fmce.
In. I.aplan’1 Mm» crime which l» poo-
ium on Ihe'^^lip*. ami the *W’.etn*-«* of l.tud rfow severely, next lo murder,
At a camp moella^
those wlio felt
they bad .
th.- lily on tie velvety ehr'ek*
1' i* msfryiftg a girt against rh<-express ronetblng <o l*> thankful for. to rtaa
I river* than those that lay before you: :wunldn'i have to work a stroke. Im cent to spare."
“Oh. (aiber.. just tiiink of it. w»* I aad tbe same blue sky U over all. "
and say no
Many responded, and at
Three years later, they gave a letresild not Im- Ihe li'lte lame, sad-farvsl
wl'h at her parents,
j not growing lazy." h.- added, depreci(here ever such luck!
Phil made an impatient gesture, but .aiiogty. "but J never had a cent ,in ter in slleoce to “owther." asd the Nan that uaed to be. wb^ ftngere;Thr— g.JOd washiH are recHv”.
1 tbe writer ot
ibis let-!Jerome sUII kept
. o
• «or. George Bllioi. and he was a roymll
"Look at it!
imod Wlow If (here ever was tme. He'place
the old
my life that
I didn't have to work
moiber't tear* f-!! last over tbe trar-
See what a slBhtlv:ror: aad I would like-}*) know how it blotted letter from tbe ;R‘esieni ilaQgbbomeMred
And feds to bare some money come In that ter. whom she had never seen;
unthiaicd Just a year bdore we did. ihera's not a spot on It tbai we d>i was ao( ea'rned by the sw.-flt. of mr
••The bank bay fall«!." sn
would glMe over thedumb window-' ati 'Afayatlnian during bis rarwc
ledge or table as shetried to weave, hi* binb. oo taU marriage morn,
out the music that the pines on
it’ ran, bill«lde and th-
bis d’Wth.
At all other llmei
in the meadow f ih’inv soap aad water.
-B'ril. breibrea. I bafn'l got bat taro .
-rb. ! t-t; t'hsak Cod-, they hit.-
Chat aomo nceUant time will he made.
•vrtrM «r 403 WMt Ninth MrMt tM*
Mr. Squlr*f daughter was claaning
asm* ahalvao and had taken numeroue
In ..»e siring llaroi.i Kn-eland »aand tbe committee eepret* a lai?:* whole plan. Already the men In the
WA, a'
A special tnrl'a- deal are lobking tar abrad and from Allcy ....................................................................... rilrtiakltlg popder cm -i
J.:!gn;al ral-.-il He shut twilve straight
l>udingtOB tbe road will.push on to Savder ..................................................... ..
while aoutb It will extend it* steel An P”*' .
gers to grasp the Intcrurban net work Bnedand .....................
Rev. Mr. Carpenter Will Remain.
Upon one ahelf w
ceiVG a re«p|iolnlment.
wfndoure In .udurnea.
tbo accident Mr*. Sgulma wa* ir
kKehon and npoK the otove. but waa
not Injured In the laaat.
the lida knocked off.
Every doer
completely covarad
tha black aeot and powder.
No other
have them maniifaclurcd In Traverse
and will
bo lomplelod
of purposes.
Mr. Ludgste’e Buceeaa.
' Trarerae City people will be
Bo obulaed a lease gf ttoadman'b
MlaDd which
her. H. V. Hustou. Jamen l-Yilcy, C. W.
I*hail, II. II.
The road will not W ran os art' the
lar coaches oii
ing Oroih with n -very serious crime.
Groth works Tor his brother Charles
and Mr*. Durst keeps house for them.
taken as directed.
' 'l li-'s*- sit - •* ortiy ■•"U a liilh)
lr»' .\nll-raln ni1« sn
n n»d T>r. Mllr!
- f-.r in--f--«-mtr»c
isl'o u--—*1 lli-ef sit
I »isv«,r* In «iii» ..
r«iii »r»-*n y.-.\r*
lUlt- '•
111-10 tioi’i
llo-y itri- • lii'Hs-r in
ll piya In I'-’y ih'-
The fn-lght rsrs will also be full rl-<-
the right
temple with a 3* calibre revolver.
Mr. Kas* bad been a sufferer with
mad will pass is r«nu- of the rtrin-.i, ii.
II has the frail of 0<—atiu.
the nail and liimlx-r of the norlliern
eountles. (he tnanufnclured pr>nbi<i-nf Muskegon, and a passenger irr.fli'ranglng from the travel iM'tweeii local
James K. Flood of Hart, president <>t
the West Miehlgan inU'ntrhan. Imtay
insde the following ofllclal. slat, im-n-.
I'cdnesdny is
TTiat Is the finale fu Mleblgan electnr
Tttad building, and slrMdy the planh
are w«-ll under way and nnusl
Room 310 New State Bank Building.
Traverse City.
the companlCH' will
then bo maile one.
-Ottr further plans?
Welt, really I
do not dt'sirc to talk about thjpgs i*s'
far aheail. but eventually we int-inl to
inrarthm will l<e started...Mmn.
reach the resort eomilrj in Hie north
The Brsl step In the entcnniHc
part of Hie state by wav of Mauls
fruit belt, and Htllr innible was looked
Yon will soon la- rt-tuly to niiiah your hoiiae. W'v •■iirry n
full lino in »lm'k un.l ntv in sjiape lo f'-t out 8i>.'ci;il mirk in .i
hurrj’. Got our prici-*. .\U kimls <'f -Iry hmiU r »u 8b*-k.
When in a hurry. »eml yujir or.l. r to ui.
I’li-mos. liell HIH; Cit/..'30‘^.
Ibe iwvolver shot rang out.
by tbe aonad. be wheeled and ku>kcd
For yoai^ Ibe myst^y of Michigan
thU year and the Uvlmr day lieirna
railroading has been the laxity of the mcni will nndimbleill.v aiiracl a InrgIVri' M.vrqui'tle iu not building
nerting link iM'tween l*entwBter and
On Tl«ir».la.v. Aug. 18. Anna Oal-U-;
will 1h< bore and will give an ovlill.i
IH-nlwalcj; brattrli
at Hr. Kam; but saw him still sitting
the company extonds lioni this city
roniwalcr aud ends Utcre.
This canseii him to think
trun club gitinnds at ZiSn-i.. m.
lofnrc, thlK
famoiii. .wunian
that possibly be was the onr shot at
lies fourteen mites further up Lak<
man's work lia* l■•eti.|•e.'ll in .1 leni a>
and be started on a
Michigan but only a stage
ige line 0
some dlWnre
for Ibe house.
y lo come to this city and
went to the blUaidc where the Ilf
body reaied In such a deceiving
The terrible wound in hi* tern
pie served to show
Ibem what bad
taiiy deranged, be being afillrted with
cbnmk' parebl-mentngftis."
has surveyed
Now- that llie road la In the hands ol
le rereivers there U little proepeet
that It will Im' biiili for yrars
wife died at Ibe Boko* borne five years ;thc opportunliy prewented
Accordingly the pmpoKiiloD was pm
age and the only one nf flve children
op to a numlKT of Ludington eapiisiists
Regatta at Aldan.
Alden. Mich.. Aug. lO.-The Wggi-:'
regatU In Aldun's history win be boid
here Aug. 33 and
24, arrangenesti
o]>|*>minllr to M-c her al Hose range
H. l>. Alley won ihc medal al He
ol -Ibc possible iw.-iity five iioi-l
The iwetily-weoud bird was th-
Tile tnierurbao promoters
Hr. Ka-ss was a Bohemian by birth
and bad l>een n resident oT l^eelanau this’While they- were taking
ItmlnBry step* and were quick lo grasp
CDUBly tor a number of yearn,
left > Mr*. John Jlokc*.
regular weekly shoot of tbe club Fr
win and then to l..iidtngtnn. a distance day afleruoon. breaking iw.iUvfou:
of nearly !«' rolU's by rail to ctmoi'et
After a abort sesohm the verdict was (ween the elites, hut t^ extenalon has
•ver been built.
reached ‘‘l>eatb was canned by his own
band tma a revolver ^01 while m'en-
[ Siouk -doors delivered same day an ordered. Odd
doors and window screens in thrift days.
Well send, a man lo take the measurements
I Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Hose Bags
This is tin- e-.-i.i.'ii Ikiit '•••■IK f*>r.
Screen Doors and Window Screens
«■- Lav.- ;i wry .-i.nii'i 1.' st'-'k --f lln’W
lia\.- I il.*nr «*iin|il.-|.
witii tri.iu..iii;;>i for $1 OH
I. Mil-ur.-nU'*t l»irc.-iiii >«»i owr U-4W.
Slip il over the horso-'hoad ati-I
ilirm anywhere.
No lime lost in putting up your I'-.im aii<! no inoiu-y to
pay out lor stable rent. The saviiij; in liim: an<i iiumcy will pay for th»: bat’s in a short time. Tiiey wi]l last
for years. I’rice fiac.
Thia m
n.it t!jo
r. -l sL-um'.l .i.M.f'willi ,'ii.ii.'! fruHi.-ll.at is tuui.lly *ol.l
;it, nwa
f-'T li..-lu-ai) >lf«.<r. t'Ui ll i - iii i'i'- of fic-l'-'-U.-'l stock,
hw a
■ of
1 fr.-itiii-...ill.'! H
>1 10
■■■* ,wMUd
i>i>tiiU-<l U-wk.mKlfi
libick, lUKl oot^
ol the
It'I'lor* uiii i--
U’<-iiitv) have tin- oih'al ihwira
u'io'l.m 8<T.-«-iit fn— ‘’■
*1 2-'
i*]i W-la-11 you .want ..iiyiliiiiie in lliislinu i;ivf u
then go north to While «'lt»ud. to Bald
bawmed and coroner L. H. Gage was cities only fourteen miles apart
Many limes iu tbe past the railroad
BOtUed. immediately sommooti
This exhlblHim li.-n- will give all if.
teach Ludingttui from I'cntwaicr U Is
of tbe
In order
wllh I’eatwsler.
After alarming Ibe family, n niimlter
With Ds.
•'i'l L ike Aienu.
linn of faiK-v tihooliiig at Ihe lb«l niu!
On Lab<rt Day.
fur lo bring matters to a (orus.
The Traverm* City Rtwl and G.iii
But the promoters looked further
club will glv.' a Mg Khixd h<-iv IjiMu
tbe evetilng milking. He aolteed the ahead aud tor niunlhs have been quiet day for the hpurismen. «rf nnrtlieru
tllllag egalDst
Mleliigaii and will win l«rk Hu .rilVi-r
which took deOnlic shape In l^idlngtou cup which Ik now rvpiwlng at Mniir.ionee but tbongh nolbing of il as be
„ l
wont to sH tbere hours at a lime Wednesday.
Iona. TI10 club ha* had no Mg sh.»ii
twenty rods of bis fsther-ln-law whi'U
Order lor
bich will be built fnini Muskegon (-
northern resort country at Petoskey
imU creMe
Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Btate Only.
tle to bring them to the barn and do
On bis return
202 Wilhehii 151k.. Cilz. I’h.mc »»
it Is the In
of till! {.udinglon
build down lo Hart lo nii'el the llit.c
line electric road from Chicago te the
TravorM eit]P
Plat* Class. Steam Boiler and Accldont (nsuranco.
connecti'd with
.-ei;t Michigan interests,
Electric P
Tire Insurance!
- per. John Rokos started after the cat
B tbe westber permllied and dote
im Bloqk
Were* f-evolT B.ek III 1* . UFTH'JlT
•It la true that the Inlertirban
rb.. Aug. I
siallohs to tl>e hnrdi-s which timme
the nprthrwi resorts.
>e promoUon of the West Mlcbi|nn
and Trawrse City and on lh<
iierurban company, organized in Uih
south lo flo»lty
n-ai'h fhleigo le
tala mind. city 1*0 year* ago.
nienn* of the jndisiia eli'clrle road-.
This company seenred an air line
Tha attneke woald come upon him
••Tilings an' pn.frewsliig in the niivsright of awv from Muskegon to Hart
tbre* or four ilmea In a week and yes
iiiufariory manner with the nuid
wllh the Idea of paralleling thf I'cre roiiEirarllon wilt iie start.-d nhurilj.'
terday be bad been In such pain that
Maruuetie tbrouirii te great Oceana
be woald partake of no food-
with tbe cows. Mr. Rokos wo* within
over bis pipe, reading.
Ob. F. J. MacNett
Ui 8EA80K.
M**bew*,tol«srwph mI
aUwL ■
and Ihe.territory thrmigh which itn
the slate
wlik lb* '
TMC8. 8. 8PRAOUff A SON.
■erere beadtefae* for acveral
When tbe family bad finished sup
> »i>.
II til III.-1
bat of late they bad
worae. ^bably
w-t'i d’-nu>ci-a .
iv.-,-;l t
The power to run ibla enormous ..ytern will eome from the rivers of
era Michigan, so rich in
rig hove in sight.
A* Mir. took-Ms own life shortly af-
• I.'
,>i..l i^ld bH.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind |
ably skipped out when tba aherirs
during tbe warm aummer days. James
- .ni
• •il
tba Mao* where be bad spent many
9oU R^oa. aeren miles northwest of
-•“•1 Ftidi"-
Rowland Dounlass
roads at terminal points a:, are th‘-
that'dale and ii was then that the
rrime was enmmitled.
HO Is preparing to erect a large sa*-Mr. Taylor drove to tbe farm Jiil)
nlU on tbe Island and has plans wbleb
ITtb prepared to bring the ma
T ' «U1 cul4UUtj In ijftbcr Indnslrlea. 1nthe dty. On his arrival, after tbe sui>^
cdadlng a fpiiiltnre faclorr and. a dry
per boar. Charles Giolh said that his
«0^ Hr. Ludgate-s experienee wllh
brother was In a bark lot spraying
Us men of tbe Trarerae City Lumber
potatoes but would be back later. This
tmmpany In this elty proved bin to be
evidently not true as Mr. Tay
a mu of wonderful energy and a flgbilor sUyed around the place until after
ar. He baa demonsiniied these-same
in o'clock and made n ccarrh of the
gnaUUea In Vancouver and has won a
premise*, flndlng bo trace of bis man.
victory under dincullle* which would
It stand* lo reason that he was not
•uUme dlaeanraged muy men of lees
spraying potatoes that late and pml>-
Was^ who lives with his son-in-law.
e-ieuiiir: :i:
Hie end.
ears of any other railroad.
were berrying aeveral days prior
boars over his pipe and newspaper
I.- .4 iMitv
I- i.h
and will Ite lransfcrre4 •“ Ibr steam
Jjard Pan Shots
^ forrimn
puny efforts of thC steam eiiglu"---
She swore out the wamiol July Sitb.
Kan* Killed HImasIf.
the tfarungh
Iraveliog with a spe^ t« shame tli<-
\ai dalma that she and the defendant
Mag rendered In favor of Mr. Lud-
Thursday evening
-.liiyiOBKi ti'-i .srtiio-.e ii-ar Hi. laes-
>ii« all'
hauled by monster cle.-dric loeorooln--.
sworn out by Martha K. Dorsl, ebarg-.
-woo ont. Ibe dertalon of the tirtvy
^er I o’dock
u-in L> |trrrtwl« pr>,.-tW and ml
41),mw suic fauk ^BlhUas. T
' nntm 0»r.
. .• ,
arrfy.-.I tr.-i .w. .-W an-!
larged sticel cars, .hut will have regu
ty Sheriff Taylor, the warrant being
Mr. Ludgaie bn* Bnslly
^boating blmacir through
are in many respects unique in ekvlilc
arrested Thursday afternoon by Depu
km court and baa rested tbere. being
Shackeilon and
The plans for this gigantic syi-teni
on blB brotber'a farm near Yuba, was
eoaacu of ib* Dominion gat
(C >nr M..M-)
n *i.i.vw,«'e>4*iy»
Ua:-ir: .
au't W.t*ii'-|u mis -1
Tlie way to
Frank Groth. a young man working
Ibe matter was taken Into tbe Doniln-
aoven yean.
running Into thcja-veii iiwiv
dunng tbe
Honesl Shoes at Bootsl Price.
fected. Neuralgia simply makes
' HI.-*
. ,\IU..IIK 111. :...'-iar.-Vc«-h .4 the w<-W
present Inlerurbans wllh tiioiely tii
Tbe DomlnioD troops
fongbt oecMloaslly
Cartiers. A. K. and W. A., also willi
village of Leland,
fleoltioa which enaiied when Hr. budto take
With him are tfie twer
elrrlc. and with them arc U. H- Dam
Tbere was
were-tailed to take n hold In the dif^ atlompted
The building will
Taken all together the building
acaa* dUfleultr In securing pc
at oae Ume.
.1 N.-vkimiii .(l-il-'li-ij.'Mi.'b .
The whole Pain family yield to
and several limr* a gnlKTiititv
rial iMWslbimy.
will make an excellent addlilun to the
M*, X.
more iirotuincni nerves arc af
Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills do this.
Chi< f nmmig Hieiu li;
lumt- o!
The Interior work will Iw entirely of
eonrer and 'oorered with a large eup-
ll...:..n, inriiaifawli^
W iu-n
ner^•es fyccome
life uncndurahic.
I* <« ka.olheC
l-. ij. M; uu.l Mr,
S’l e.r t'Hn-imrd'i. «*
’.•r, F1-.11-'
They arc .<cniiiu!s
ment of your yyslctn.
. .
that warn you of any derange
rak. giving n very bent and jiretiy On
ralgta. etc.
ayray of nami-s.
will add a great deal in Us appearance.
Mr. Uideate left here seven
yaanago and went to Vancouver. U
rarry on the work, ha* an imish-iiig
Justus S. Stearns. millionHlrr liii
tain line plate glass windows which
log a- Chicago bank who «wned the
Backache, Stomach ache. Neu-
day fonni.'d a leni|Hirarj oitiiiwuiy
It> one end the boat man-
and a bank.
Otnpany. for acveral yea™, repreeeol-
The Ludingtiin men who. Wc<lin's-
part will be used for n general store
BOW owoed by tbe John' F. Ott lAimber
’ 3rcrCealaUeM<»riiicDeMlu. N '
N.- . -a.
.Ui. ai -
M.h o.' Mi
Iki.-ril!.; l'..bl|
n3l^es of titc family are Hc.-id-
stomach nerves .nrc weak,
1 Gaerif
’I he
At Hart are J. K. Upcsl; ex-slair seiidiRCSlion
and , you
or. and Fred J. Russell. Judge Sos- ■ doiihlc up -with pain, and if the
by fall.
the death ^ Judge Wauly.
win have Us factory 'while tho from
gate, who was manafieT of the saai mill
Mr. fii.it
lltcy are
ufariuiing eSUbllshment of that place
aated in tbe career of Tbeodore I.Aid-
prc.<icncc fell cvcrvivlicrc.
Ktracturc will lie used for a number
..f-t Mi
xi;-. l- ..inr;- t'-*.-
makes you
building is lo he 48x100 feet in sice
ha. *yeu would thbik tho entire house
t*!;i,-h!. t • H';• il.
You know llient;
shlp at Grand flaplds made vacant by
eions’ predi'cessnr on the lieneh of the
for K. B. Chandler wf l.rland.
•The way tha emofcc poured out.'’ oald
SellkCt.i.'ip, M-
the lirain
Atfchlleci Jena C. PeU-rseB 1« pre
SURPLUS. *30.000
V ' l’a|.|H n
tie 1- V.-’ 11
•ani-o. S;-.ul -W.-!i
hausted or irritated. Headache
paring plans for a new briek smieture
priMd to find so little demage done.
H. Gal»-
The Pain
possibility for tbe Unlieil Stan's judge-
A Lelatd Building.
hauoo at the time and hoard the noise
(centh Judicial circuit and a strong
City, ven* probably the latter.
ply of •plewlld
He ba* tor an nssnri
ale C. W. Sesstoiis. judge pf the four-
from the oapkoion was graaUy aun
tract conslRtlng of Viaple. movUu; opiril.
ialand or will ran.>4hc loga here and
A gentleman who was passing the
renters never uU(1tT*riti--a liond.
tided whether be will operate oa
of Ha contentA
large available
The mcmtng“a
IrwrtM which waa only a fmv feet
Uon. If tlie Uliuricrs of ibe money
trarl of timber iu the n?glon. having
In Ibis city F. A. .S'iuis. head of ihe
aequlred the limber rtgbis on eRsver grc-al legsl and nilniiiC Arm of NImS.
iBland. Tbe timber on the Island la j
rain £ Vanderwerp. Is the
an the otove waa blown open and all
a^-l tfamilv. M' ,
frail In the oiganiuUM of a tempo
rary company there to build ibe llhc
from Ludington to Hart.
Tbe work of securing the necessary
kmatag been eompleted last night Tlic right of way. eic_ will he taken tip nt
gnse luvd a« soon a* this is eonipletod
will be Ipr a aUver cup.
t;inifl... of
rirh Kent fruit belt
raillioi^ to fliinnee the whole proposl
At the time of
thmugh Grand
can command in a iiromeiit eoongn
D. C. Germaine has purrhaseci
■mviv .Mlanta..l>*.: Mr.,
............. *I
idle dream for the men iM-bInd the di-al
Tho oxpleoien made a terrific neiac
and wao aoeompanlad by a groat deal
^ of ameke. which poured out of the
Natch. ',
doing aome
avont Hying through the air.
:;j|aud thru 41.^
ccniral Indiana lines
brr in re-appoInt tbe Rev. U B. Csr- and through (he great fruit conniry
penier u> tbe pastorate here.
Hr. ibont SI. Joseph and Henino tUrbnr.
Inening and had an extra hot lira,
waa therefore net many mlm/taa bo- Carpeptn baa glrm areat eailafaetlno' Through the soittbern part of the stale
ibe church members and it Is tbeir it will toueh all ol I lie popular cUles.
fora a vldant oxploaloh auddanly
anlmouB deetre that be ebould nArid there is no fear that ihts
plaoo and ketdea, griddle* and pan*
•gulroo had
ManlBiee. Traverse City and Petoskey. t'aner
boats to enter.
Tbe orfldal iMjard of tbe rMirteentb of Donhern and
largo package of g«npo*der. which street'M. B- etaiirrb held an iDportanl and the Chicagn
The road will
aha dM not notka. and thie vme put locelliip Inst sl^ht and regneeted tbe
Into the otove along with the nibbleh. conrerenn-. wbleb meeU next Septem- Rapids and the
; A. TRACY LAV. PtwalOsiit
U. l>'W.-nIni-.;
(loD is extended to the Trarerse aty
from ‘ihom.
Into the nr*.
Guest* at Leelanau.
Bat this is but a small part of tbe
number of entries.
mwty ovcrtMl.
iSf. the string. nnisUiag up sUb 1
Tbo ncatla arin be rticbl in InM-wa-
morning and • o^rloiM aocMMt nor>
Traverse Qly Stale Bank
n»«k his nerve and h* dropr^-d .-lx
TborrareawuDbarof (aet bow* la evetrlblBg will be ready tor tbe InttM-:
IlDC between Mtnkegon bM
Ida and vldBliy and It I* espec'rd Ing or
No cough I* too trifling or too
fcninis to tie treated by the H0M
method, and the right method is
tbe u-ic of tbe best coosh cun.
which is
Kemp’s Balsam
Cuneb Boxes
^ It is now excursion time.
for your trip.
tii'l L’<«loUi..v buil'liii;;.
Get a iiiee
Dinner Pails
Have jun-ever iric«! the
Royal Tl*»r
grip and
oin of the thr.'Ot and bronIrri'.alion..................
______ tobsslkimiDwItalctyrcmfired
liy- the nxe of Kemp's BaWm.
Sold lyaU dealers al a<c. and coc.
Always handy; we have them at every pri'
C»UMt4t C«n$
«0d SaIhimt
They are the bett. SoW raily by
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Santraun and
Tlu' Omeua ctriurs
crimsoa, preen and
Ths TmrerM Otr P«Wte Wbo «'■ wUe of Ctndnliatl paaaed tbroneb the
fiBiSM Uw UDoal MtobmXKi oTtite dty today oo their way to Nonbport from west to east In ever chaneint;
inis. an<f many psrilM were out cazKortbm llh:bl(9D Ms«Ab«« Auoei- and Omena.
A. C. Wort ley and wife of Kaiamasao ina St the KlorT until the last brisht
BUw beld *t
tOTMl AcMoe ibU iRoniliif
and Mrs. C L. WbUaey and
ttn* io the dlffcreat «ool«ti. ibc family spent ibe day on the Island.
Tntrm* 0*r bond eorryfog off the
MIsa Bessie IVaa of Grand Ratdds
hODOn lo the bend
Md the
passed throach the eny Ibis momlns
decree teen of the Tr»Te«e B*j Hire
I her way to Ne4b-U-sranta
■ Ko. 71 wlDlilsc flW prite.
Mrs. Blebael.lArdle went to Ke^taUader the efflclmi leederehJp .< C.
U-wanla this moraine at did Min
A, gfcetdier the Tmrerec City bend
Roaina Stewart.
piered two eelectlooA • roHy-Ovc MIpG. Pawlinsoo
for Norihpon this
uine from Brotdw«>~ and a march.
“ArpbU" BO well that there waa
aa to whore the f.'at i»H*e boloiiRod
band took
prise or its.
The ladles' drill
series a craai depl of credJi for their
^^^rformsDce last erintac. dofne the
.'mtifk lo flfioeo minum. But a tiiori
tine has been devoted lo practice boi
each member of thcteam showed soeh
an (mdersiaadlnc of the work iliat all
pQsalUlliy of serioas blunder was elliD'
A remarkable feature of the
ion lu
crimson Jap lantern.
he lieautimi.- how
The following guests registered at
the Clovers the past week:
rented lians Villa at fSast bay and will
sm-inl a^iuplo ttl wi^eks there.
DItiman launch Alcyooe tor Mackinac, day-evening Inst was considered Ih"
crowd! aucb aa flocked Into the city touching at most of Hie resorts on ilic best all-around aairff of the kind tbey
cABt shore and having a glorious time,
faail yet bad.
Hio north side crowd had their first
Arthur had
tbe mlafoitune
The following evening
Jiisi-plesH-'____ 2::'Allliei-p ...------ 2:"l
either Thursday Bight or yesterday. wniind.
This/rather dampened Hi.' of the Old Mission Yaclit Cluh a
Great Commander N. S. ardor of Hic young men and they pe- AHilellc aasoclailon. making many
BoyntoA. OiWAt
Commander turned Friday, a day earlier than ex friends among the niiHves an wi
-They were:
Record pected, but the lienuritui launch bad
Keeper Brama B. Bower. Great Med- breasted the wave* like a sea craft
leal Bzamirwr Albert T. Sleoean and and brought them safely home.
Great Lieutenaiit Ct
•FoutrsI llH- buoy.
*l»;o|,ped out ..
I- Al|pi;i. the n~rulrli Imai. whic
lir-i. lur h- ili>- six-mHe miiis
o. of
vunt' down
iH-eii iKiUghl llii> si-UMiu.
DanBrjiu, a farmer living sli
Tile eiop I-
n«IDa.T» H1S0!;
this rt^hui. elostsi its doors afli-i
Theie w-ti-. alsmi lueii
:ar . . ,
of closing ami a puity t-f Kk* wa- ■’«
peeie.1 loflHtrrow.
Tin- htiiis*- was formaTiv nii, iieil Jul
K. Iltimiy.: It «ns •legaiitly ftlniKlic-.
nm! pie|';Hvilons wi-t- made for lurLi
iKHtl'Iiigs. . It
has h-'<-n known for :
i or mice that thelnmse WeilM It
clost-l in ft sh-iri lliiie. ilie'on-he-in
having Is-en I«h go Montlay.
le partv^v-hlcil was evih-cl.-d le
morrow Ik umier tin- a-is;,ie.-s ..f He
lelt Tpuris -omiisny ef riii<-hin:i'
and wt>iilil-ha»e reniaiue.l hero ,.-v. in
attetitilng Hu- liiCiau eaiiip ne .-i
Tlie'iorly N now
at Ki-ankToi
If you are poor your treatment
is free. If you are discouraf.cd
and wre can cure you, we will wait
for our pay until you are well
Come and sec us; this is your
last chance.
We live tado good, are honest
with alL Forty-five years’ ex
perience free. This trip and to
day only.
it is ni>t .known where k will g
James H. Monroe
Mr. C. C, Carder of Grand Rapiil.J
' •;
8t*ts Hessa.
^v,„ „ ,b..
‘side in INlnili.
Methodist pi.-nic to ivtrolt and
gie ItUrarv at FUn' ' B.-lle Is .- and a Knights of Columbus
. ■ xc.irsi.iii t.
e og Wedm-siiay.
PIrkIng will U-gi'n alsiul the lw<-!:
r;li. wlih-li i-, iii'atly a w.vk earls r
iliau it has U giiii in pivvioiis y>-ars.
ly-n\<- giil>l. in 4h>- h.iiis.- at the lim
" and was umlt-r the ntnn.nci-iiM-ni of l'
deveh>ning arpidly.
i*.'*eli liotjf-1. the hlggt*
dlini'-r lodiny.
n* Sbav* U th. plrtUr. of ths oBlr Dr. f»
B. Si.loBtr In itui *is:w Hi. h;.: -rs IWIt.sw; Ptiimi r-«i* In
iwrtr* «; ih—. In usn fUrinaw.
t>n tV-vnii^r 13, ll»C.
^urs-.;. to. f.fiMi «Iis
ti'MTM h. h» l t-nxlu nnuth r si)
. .n s—>1 »r.»i«- f
-r liuonfM acau. H. »lU
Vh-e iva Ann In Detroit calllnx ihrmp-lTvo
't-mi- r fc Cn . tint it.. f-.unj*r of tli. WaiK
r.« l-m *s4 for ov.r iw. ymr.. sad Uwr
i;n\- no rUXI lo lb« n-MS. of Ki-lr.n-rIV. XI- roBiInc
>'oyr town on daW •
b4 nt
>a4 xrr wtllint to _IV.,
Fine WaUcr mucb' of He time. ,
Fine Roaos most of ihe lime.
Fine liAe of Buggies, Runabouts and Harness
Here All of tbe lime.
Grn^i srleciion for quick buyers.
No use lor us to try to drscrilw’ them, for wf: have
too mtiiiy styles, but here are a few prices' that oujfht
to bring you in to look :fi them.
Open Driving Buggies from $30 up.
Top Buggies from $35 up.
So why is there an_j' use for you lo send your money
to t^ catalogue house when you can save frqm 10 to
25 i>er cent by buying your buggies and harness right
here at home?
We carry' in stock a full line of horse goods, con
sisting uf Harness of our own make. Blankets. Coolers,
Fly Nets, etc.
The Leading Implement and Harnes I ><‘,iter in Grand
Traverse County.
i:i-> SlaUi Stn«t.
Citz. Plidne tKi.
spetil a few days of his vacalioii
> ■-«( Toa hai-* brra .Kk.
ADt. oar «oi,-u:ui^-iB .id
sir ortnl'in. xe- xl.an IbS
.RilnxU.o, nn-I X IXr loni
■i!-ot 1. *i«»r» told ih.
whxt kc OXB r.ly. T. nil
home tif Mr. a
,-i"n. »r 1—i-iul fe-r. oolr e
.,f i-ar4 wMl- t-iilrnl la r*
III., and Miss Ulnsla Day of Oak Par!.
Miss FenTnrs accuAi-
The local di-h gallnn voiml for liaiilmeut Is such ns one reads of. hut
allent drill which brought much ap- that one sinks back comfnriahly with and three children of Yprilnnli? Mich.
closed eyes at the flret full Uirobbiiic Mr. Alfntl Km-is of l.iiiic Rts-k. Ark
Charlevolg wow chosen as the itcst nWe. eotifl^eni that while "the vulc»Mr. ami Mrs. E. I. Z;:rn tif laHraiisc.
wish for. and
..d laidh-. Iiuyiug hir ft. P. Is-ve
intiuiiiiiif In tip-isilon oiilv
the resort population.
A few friends enJo)-cd a lielighifnl Cherry Croft, the
Mra. J. C. Mills.
meeting plane although Traverse Clty Cfmllnnes. there will lie nothing left t
..earrbed.al Ibe Jail.
This tends to ;ui..> i.ast of Monnw. was antwted .m
'One of tbs
u- Imilr. fii>i'i"-<-u riiluu'tv ,nxl I.-
e was the only tent en home. Mr. Currier, with Miss Aline
Doubtless ihe merrii-Bi crowd of peo
tering A degree team and they were Fenlln as accom|ianlst. sang h
ple on thi- rt-sort is asst-mbh'd. iimler
given the pHxe. After they had mm- and llial means much, for siieli a voice the spacious niof of Kt-rnwood. ihpWlcd their drill, however.' tbe Trav Is given to but few, an rieh and full, lieeeh laitup'.
week's gin-sl
erae City team went through with n so tender and sympaiheiie. so true, Is-lng Rev. and Mrs. Arthur lloacii
f<ir Hie first Duebi-ss appU's that have
eveffing at Mrs. Dlitman'a charming
and ManiRlee Imih wanted Hie ronven
iK-toiisiila W<slm-sday and cooirarii-.l
Mlnii.-wawa ...r. r.:
Great camp offleera from Port Huron
Siar:..lM louml-Finis:
frttin there ns timie of the lay resort
of t^e day and welcomed the guests In catcb bis left thumb beiwoen two cog corn roast on the beach. Several more
that number <>
arc Iwked for the last of the week
a most pleasing manner after which
wheels of tbe engine, and nearly
T. A. Kerkhoff of Chicago, who has gues^s^.tbj ^Uings 1k*Iuk very heav;
aumber of tbe offleera of Ibc order It off. His sufferings were exeru
AMkK Among the speakers was Mayor Ins for some two hours, when fortu- iMvn a guest al Ptirier House, has
I. Ih tidy. Hii- IiiudleT-'l. held r
Friedrich of this city, whd Is
naK'ty they sighted a revenue mUer. turned home, but exis-rls to come hi.r);
ber of the grcni executive
Arthur was soon on board and In rfae later. Mrs. Kerklinff and the children
skillful hanils of a flne surgeon, wlu are still at the hotel and will stay i
detlvx-reil addresses took four sHiehes and dressed the III Bepi 1st. Mr. Kirt-klioff is eap't
the terniimis of the CJitrago A North.;
very- gmstj t-aiiloff tor'ull ibr Kails.
R. !lnop<T and wife, MexicoClt): Miss' Jaek ami filll.
pranfc-ally'mi s«a. soithai ile-ie wai
lha eipreaa purpose of accommodating
| they will not buy mMy app'k-s from sWvo of his underAlri when be was
Mrs. H' G.jibr northern part of the state as the
TIuto was a piioJ wind Idimiiip. ba'
Stoni an! Tliere wcii- no U'lncb races owing ’u
Helges. capul nand crew of the -lrv- a IwlI caim- K-ive.-;. Ih.- OM MUsion
■Jennie P. Whin- iJinslng. Mich.:
George Cald-
WjeUiat. value.! at from
to low.-r the piiiH-. the
maximum of , Hiaige of Wga.-ay. ih.. offirera allegir-.'seC .Msnil two weeks aw> be lef’ which will du:iKI,«s. t.e T5 ,
rag that h<; Itas
for Ibe wi-sT and located at Shoshone.; fcwrrcl drliver<.d on the lacking lablc.
The iuifih
Murr>’. TInkbam. Moore.
Wnd coneeria after which the dele their MuislDK, Phil Burgh of 8i. Louis, ar.' greatly enjo5'e<l ami nuniontu
gates repaired lo
Burr Irwin of Quincy, and R<1. their curslons are planned. 'Hie one glvi-j
7&X12S feet
•t which has bronsrrected for colored Iwy. left Wednesday on the by the guests nt The Pines on W.slnn
Boyd. liJhrr ef
w.n. opened up on Aug. 4.
Old w.d.liers were given lb.- first j,
first and sVernd t. atr .'•'•'zt Saeirda.v
William Burkeye. editor of. the Casi- Iha." Traverse Oly: B. A. Hill and
ili.' .Iraainc for c laim-, i,
wife. Columbus, Ohio: M. E. Bell and I the salt bfCt rare S to be to Elk Its:" ebance on
apolls VicIlaDt, spent the day on the
wife. Columbus, bhk.; Miss norenc
Island with Rubtoson Crusoe and iiK
Hell. Columbus.
Ohio: Miss E.lith|l4
man Friday.
Vlasipori aud will g-.t half ihi- valu* t.:
Bew-lay. ancinnatL Ohio; MUs Flor t...‘i<Ies
Mrs. Mary fS. Wilson, of Munsey.
It- claim.
McPlerson drew fourth,
leiwt'iD <lld Mi-.'i'u. au'l KIk lUtpMBuUock. Pawtuche-. R.
lAd.. arrived at l^-land this moraine
hoiee in thi- drawing «i his claim wiU
qth:. .1 hui. diV I.l 'i-xiF-Cli.
KusM-l Thomson. Grand Rapids. Mich:
where she will siiend a few weeks.
Mr IVivd is well
Mr. G. n Rnilih. BvansvHle. Ind.; kfr. elM luqe-.iV’ hnv- u- iiiuiiy .ivuiis «P iu- a vaUialde one,
JR. H. Honeer and wife are spendln.:
kmiwii here and his m;iliy frend,- wl'l
Alex.'B. Ysrid. Reyruih. Syria: Mr. iMith kiudl.'iu tli.- iae<'e as
a few da.vs at l>-land.
zlqti lo lit-ar of his k-skI f-.iiimc.
Henry C. Menke. Jark».n. Mich.; Mrs. -Tbi- sailliOa'S litiivs well- as folhiw
Oren U<v>t and Frank I.s>foi
Jennie M.'Wlilte. I'eoria. 111.: Mbs
ifae-'llbrarian.. Mrs
R.ierb ot Tenth,strsvi. has struck a;ct»p lanber south and .ner io Wis
M-T> riJb claim in the »e,irrn pan ot consln Is
thou artj urdav Uri; «;i.' tl’r iK-t <*l:e -id sli.
He will remain sevoral days-than'formerly aiding groaily la'thelj.i
Struck It RkbJ. B.
never wuub
like a huge [ from OW
driplpnc. came the m
time ilw locahladies have taken Ih''
Perry P- Powers was the president
care lo »p«:id one mid-r inir.icr owe;
l„ C. Abrams. WashlnWon. I).
was the thifl From Saturday's Record.
Ml*. Ih-nJ. Willie. Washington. It.
Omeua Point, MIrii.. Atlg. II.—One
Miss Virginia' Beliaefer. Wsshliigton
laareis while undir the
more w-wk of plc-amm- usk be« n < i
ll. C.: Rev. A. V. Hraidiear Alhgaii,
Mrs.J. K. Marllnek. Thoa.-who made Jiiyed at Omeua Polnl rexori. Quite
up the team were:
large party spent one day on Troiil
Marilbek. Helgea. Youker. Crelllck. island, cunveyed thither by Mr. SwanOM.Mission. Mich.. Aug. 11.—Nev<
Biabop. Bliss. O’Neil. Meno .his new; launch. "I'm Ornilng." bar Old Mis.dou (•tll•■rlnlued so man
Munroe. A large fire was built on arrival, eofkm-sif: as this scaiain. Since the ir.th
Jamesem. Marion
and Miss f.v made and n fine lunch wm-.l.
June, when the Rusliimire hnuse
Stories and songs begullnl ihe hai>i>y
opened, every rtxira ban U-en lak<'
Maccabco day in Cadillac waa as it honra away, and the time fur depar>and advance' ri-sen'aiions Jiavo <-i
plwaya haa been In Traverae City, the
eame ail uu soon. 8<-vcraI other gagcl tver>'thli>K Itll S.-pi, Iki.
biggnsi of big daya. Between five and parties have been out with Mr. Swan
Hr. P.xnie*- of Chicago is the bitej
all ibouaand people were In ibe city.
evenings, enjoying - Ibe glorloii.1 irrrivai al the Uiishmore house; wliil
• AU the
trains emptied crowds all inuoDllght anil happy voices float back
Miss Freitlinc Swanx
through the morning from as far aoiilh over Ihe water lo Ibooe on Ihe cottage
Park. III., it tho mtuii recent guest
as Rood City and Mt. Pleasanu Seven porches, who Arc not timid of niiirse.
purler House.
bands dlscoursod music .throughout hut prefer a firmer foundation under
thh'day and added greatly to the pa their feet. Mr. Rwanmu will run
rade which waa the first big feature. quite a’ ways with Ills engine, then eomes In fur Its share of summer busi
The parade waa led by thirty auiomo- close It down, pul up Jhe sail and float ness. the register showing the fidlowMrs. / K. Prockeit and
Mltfs. a large number of which were off Into Hie moonlight, as ■lid^'Tlic ing names;
Mrs. W. W. Welih tif To|>eka; Kansus:
It grade cars and
Owl and the Pussy Cal" In Hie "pi-a
Mr. W. A. Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Charie
these were the great camp officers and green liooi."
Kline and Mrs. John Williamson ef
the tpcire prominent lodge workers.
The morning reading club m<d Ihls
Tho cars were ftdiowed by the differ week with Mrs. Dliinan and eonilnueJ Chleawi: Mr. and Mrs. 11. C, IVllakly
and daughter tif CMnum. lo-*a. ami O.
ent dcloffatlons and bands. Ncarly
Hie reading qf "Conislon."
W. Brown and wife of Pass Cliristiaii,
Voteii lenta and him were in the
Mr. Ihitman is spi-nding a wc
ten days In ClnHniuiH.
The ItcBuHful moonlight evenings
After the soon hoar, there were
Ooorge -and Arthur Dltimnn, with
cwatesl was lhal
brecz.w and pure a'ir. and be^ayw he
the eaat. and suddenly up from the feein DOB' ae' though
Yorv] TJiK l» dot., to ifie tael that thete hn-| ibc viclmiy ibere wa^ S'mHbn^bMit
aud it is his
bis iuteTilluu to reiuime
rcMime this' b»-eu moir
more rain and aanshlite this v»-arl
v»-ar! tin- dlsapiiertniure
dlaapiiertniure «
oit a malrb ^aiM
‘well. |i lias Jnsi been fo«Bd to a ven-,
hot and'diy-.
■di>-, *o muco dii>. ysai tbv at the, hotel, hosrever. closing up his, earty devvlopmeut «if tbeapplra.
None of the Chicago buyers Uve tllalnr shaft lo the }all «nd Berg has
ihouKlii tipi>cjmosi In bis mind aa» business..
[ sbtrwn np as yot and ll.is probable thu* , ronfesnsl that be hod It hiddcti In the
fell opbn us; then came a llcl:t from
w-aiers ef Grand
IrsieJlup pushiou uul of Sew
ilic Grand Can
The d'sclio- says the
sct-ncry w^ Iwautihil. prsnd.
bue faded, sad the shades of night
bHnUne are at the Park Place.
vta thtuD t«o of «i>e flm prf*** of-
qaealtim in the niods of the judse*
»lup|s.ij and vi^l>,<d
Miss Campliell of Toledo.
We have moved our stock which was in
tbe Mribera cRy as It was bHd Hicre
N‘l<lom hears.
She Is a reiniirkahle Mrs. J. II. lasley of Kansas City.
raio siinlliwl
musician of very Inieresilng ]ter»on- Kan., are guests of Mrs. C. o. laisle
good U'me while the Charlevoix tent allty.
at Vaughan ooitagr. Tliuj' will siu.was very aaxhfus to get tbe canrmRuth lUtiniah and
Helen .Smith lw«i weeks.
thM lo IH7.
gave a plciuresqip' lunrhmo Monday
Mni. Earl PaiterMXi «f Clitc.-igu
at their camp. Na-yah-shang. on
rived on sleamt-r llliuois for a
a into fin aattorlatloA. lM*arh Mr. and Mrs. Fml CuteJnsm
days' visit with Mrs. George i'. Kill"
eleetlng Hra. Callic .Thacker president
and children left Monday. Max Cuich m kliintrcDM- cotlaue. Mis. I’atierstiii
sad Thomak Parker aecretary.
s visit was. rut short liy his se- and Mrs. Riim s|kiiI a few days Iasi
The fcdlowing offleera were elected:
His many frlemls re ».tek at 1*.-toshey and Harbor Poiiii
■lx years ago and
the brick buiding, 13-5 State street, to the ,
PraaMont, Dr. L. B. BartleU. Char- joice to learn he is'improving.
The dancing party on
! ffom
Prof. Stuart of lake Forest, with hl« evening last was one of the Itest tif the |
Recrelaiy, H. L. OUding^ Charte- guests. Prof. Kilwanl Cupps and Dilt- season.
arper of Chicago univorstiy and Mr.
Mi*, a. E Johnston of Oak Park.;^^. ^
Vermicelli of St. Xeuls sailed over who has-iwen a gm-sl at the Porter
Treaaarer. H. Oocgicp. Oiarievoli.
from Norihpon
and House, lias gone to Mackinac Isltiinl.
Vjoe-prealdenti. Emmet eonnty, Nel
railed upon General
Grierson and where she will spi-nd' a week, going
lie Braae. AUnson: Mn. Wood. Petos
Prof. Cai>i>s' eouslo. Miss Bt'ssle. a: from *there to The Cove al Stiirgisiu
key; Charlevoix. W. P. Squier. Eas:
'The Garrison." A light tunchi-on was
•-xtmc'ls lo spend part, of SepJordan; Mary a Gray. Boyne City;
qerved on Che porch of the Art.age.
IeiDlH>r in Old .Mission.
Kalknaka. Mra. -Biouni.
'. Allen King has arrived from
The Jaek and Jill took a merry pirtv
Grand Traverse. N. Sorenson. Kings
Jacksonville. Illinirts. 'Thiet- -years
' Elk Ka||tls on Momlaj last, where
ley: Mra. Mary Martinek. Traverse
ngo when here he was just out of eoi- they saw the slghit aVross the isiy.
qiy: Bnnxie. Lyman Bites. Frankfort:
lege; riow he Isa ver>‘ prospemos phy
Kerkhoff and ehlldK-n slaying
^ Hymn. Thonipaonvllle: Mlssausician. with a large piaelice and n deand taking Hie trip up the inland ;
1tee. Prank Scrvlra. Jennings; Marie
Inathm to stand at the head of
t. the gui-sts of Mr. Williams on:
Jorgnuon. Jennings: Manlaiee. Mrs.
his launch.
• '
Catherine GleAson. Copemlsh; John
•, nod Mrs, ItiHcy of Detroit have
Miss MiKwIy lade a reluctant gpod
Keegan, Manistee; Wexford. Mrs. Jen
ium arrived
for a month al hj-o to friends at the
nie Bt. John, Cadillac: John W. ReiOaks.",
We-lnesdav Jatt left for her
•en. Cadillac.
Sanir.Lvy night two parlies left by heme Id Spiiogfleld. JM.
the Gr.iml Tr.Tverzc
County District.
water for the dance at Cedar l.odce.
Mias Uura Beach and S. UrOonahl
are Park ^Plaee guests.
Mn. H^emle. Miss Newton. MisSIngfleld and
HacKentie aR ‘of
Chicago passed through the city ihU
aMraing on their way to the northern
Three rvsartera. frtim 'The Garri-
at N*«h-ta-waDtn.
O. W. Ward of Grand Rapids pasaed
throat the city ihU monilag on hl«
way ^ Northport.
Bchouien and
Miss Cora
Ing poinj.
Dr. C. W. Lciringwei! of KDOxrille.
faces for
from Knoxville
Whittier. Cal..
drupiied upon one of Mr. Graves' wel
where he visited
come red l«mehes and
ranch owned by hU son, from then*
place he
tbe Utter
hlx daughter.
Munday all were treated to a most Wilson, on fhclr ranch. The Wlnde
SylYcster Brown
glorious sunset, viewed from the Gar mero. »i lakvKldr. Waablagtoii. which [Several Years S.-rvice ns Clerk.
h'a. Daniels of
^ Q
Grand Rapids U a rison dock, and from Ibe boats floai- overSmAK Lake Otvlan. tite zdok! picTreasurer ami SujN-nlso
gnsAt nt NoHEport IPoint hotel.
Abnul. 'it
B tu be lumiqae lake
Loug Lak« Tuwnbbip.*
etc., at a bi;i discount.
These gooods arc
mriviug rapidly at these cut prices.
while the stock is complete.
P—o Cmr.
our Johnson
Mowers and Binders are
“standard” and at less price than the trust
sells them.
i:(5 STATE ST.
From 7;00 a. r
No pcraonal re II pthe efiast to San Franelsco. Port
marks wdre made, as they were three land and
r: kind.
S; JI'":,;?.
ifivos rosy
nrav rhci-k-;
.anil acti\'c
active health to p.Tlc,
D-tIc. sickly
sicklv children*®
chcck>^ .mil
And it,_i> ^'ooil fijr their elders, too.
.-\sk )'our dru.!^)^ist for iU
I.. who Is a re-eni at^val at his eoi-
After gazing Into one In- tl.otm mile* of irav.-l—starting in-June
their own stupidity.
Wagons. Harrows. Land Rollers, ]*iows,
Remonlier Date
Jaync’.s Tbnic
Hiss Golden .tl Orrbar.1 Home.
unexiM-ctedly came out at ibelr alnri- tago. has just comideu-d a circle of
Mr. and Mr^ Hlnshllff and Gdorge
Blnabllfl. Jr., arc spending so'me'time
After wandering about In
circle for an hour or two. thej quite
bulky gOoils, we are olTerin}; BuKRifTS,
Miss Pawers of St. Ch.trtes. lil. qnd
r». John
in." who should have known Iwtier. Elliott ef Grand Raptiks are guests of
ere lost in Otpena's dark forest one
' account of lack of room- for many of our
Member of the
Candidate for Republican
»n for
rnm Tharaday*a Bacord.
Moore building, l'2tl-133 State street. On
Caiulidaie for Rcnominaiirir
on the Rtptiblic.m'
Ticket for
To Core a Cold in One Day
Dr. H. D. ordered
Bemo« HArbor. Aog.
that could l*e desired al-lrntted Siites of •;hteh about ll.(^
rbtlobtnc U tbe aebedale of diina
StM* Tti<
hr the
though the morning was rioudy and;an-.in
flag officer of
gar# every iBdirstiuu «rf rain.
CUw. for rtgbl ycM m member of aquAdron;
The Indlaas
Mondar. Aag. S.—Boat drill br ahlpe
ibe V:btcSco ba«n) o( b«Jtb. SM ta
Mtchisap and esiimste.1 that
jaboat three-fuunhs of the liutl nUiu-
yesterday i Ur live wwt of the Mlsstoslpiil.
Mr. l-euw, in faU address to the lo
Merer hoeplUt bere frori a Berrous under cmra. acbool of ahlp aad a«e- erecting the large tent which Is to be'
osed at an auditorium. It bad beenltllans tost nlgbt stated that be had
Hon; nl^i drill with Vor alfnala.
diMaae. I». Clan waa gives Ute eredK
fa Jba nadleal worM of having dlaeov-
hoped that tbe IndSae people would;coma.la lung
ered ibe aeartet fever cerma aM at
have found away to secure a perms-1 prlvDege of
under oara and Salla; acbool of
the (ItDa of hU deaib «as esperiment- aad aection;
tag vitb aeartei fever aotidoxln.
Wedneadar. Atlg. S—lading parir
Bowlm. aged so. atniabled and feil In
and re
bfUft ts cry tfas
Tot Inflmti nni ChildrwL
aervices and|grrtled that be had lo como so t
They could jor that he could cot aiay fouii-r
not do this so secured a very large .couaidered that one t';y
ct eoxivo for this year..
Hiaa Vletorta Mo- fledt meaeuvere; torpedo attack, repeUIng, between 7 p. n. aad midnight
Detroit, A«g.
for the
have It erected this year.
GtHinMad and Loaf LHe.
nlgbt drill with Ardola
dis anoc to .enjoy
meeilng them
than done at all.
- as better
He t. . i
Indiana cane in all day and pitched It was an iinnimmon itainfc to And ah
scorr A now-st. c
1-iAft snvet.
their teats In tbe great rircic around | Indlau ramp cienlng that the old tent
float of a Grand Trunk train near
Tburaday. Ang. 9—Ride aad platol tbe open apace oecu^jed by the audl-;waa ua-.d to rule medicine; uriny the
abtp; im-lum. The Icdtopsyith th«r tents j tent Is uiwd <o make medicine of a betTbe matches. Sve men from
llving very mud^aythey did befor- ter kind; He told them to illow m.-nbodr waa ukaa lo the eounir morgue. Beet maneuvm.
Prldar. Aug. 10—Boat race# over a coming under the^omlnailon of the'to make them usbamed of tht;r rare,
while people. The line oM foreai sndjtbai n
Imliin'was as gi>i.t a' a
Deiioll. Aug. 10.—The iifeleaa bodr one mile eourae for teo-oared edti^.
of Prank D. Cruaoe. aged SS. of tU ala-oared glgi and touroared dlngfalea- the qnaiDt servlees will form a sc«-BC<goail nhlie man: that the Indian had
Warren avenue and tbe wbrela aev•rad her bead from Ue bodr.
_ obteek
All ahipi will bo Impeded apd tat- lung lo he renenU-red and which ttoprai's in him just iR guud and just a>
i strong ns (he white: ihai he should
will Uke place at tme eat) afford to iotas..
Bveaoe. was
Ihia SKiniag with bla band tallon Inspeetion
s tbe
He wai an emplbre
and waa Irrltm «o remove the Inaulalion from the wire to make a
for an electric tan. probably aiippoalag that the current was Hilled oft.
• Brte Pall 0^ Him.
Detroit. Ang. JO.—Michael Kawkowabl. at work on the Sral floor of the
additloa to the Campbell school, will
die n tbe remit of ItUarles from a
falling upon
him from Ihe supper story.
His akull
waa cmabed and spine dlalocaled and
leg fractured.
Married, aged 40.
Ml Haa Wonepoiy.
Benton Harbor. Aug. 10.—The Mich
Igaa Tdephono comjtaar la about to
become owner'o< Die Twin City Tele
phone company which will glee tbe
Bell people absolute monopoty in tbU
city and 8i. Joseph.
The stoekholdei
of tho- iDdepenaent company will be
given stock In IW'lilehigaB company
aad heller service will be given.
Mining InatltoU.
CaloiSH. Ang. 10.—The members of
the Uke Superior
Whkh la holdlnr Ua annnal medlng
Minnesota Icoo
Prempfcs'DijeslioaChttffidW9S and &RM.C<miAia5 ndU0
leiBf ?fancfal.
t6 rvnial;: In re until
r;<-'tiag ek»ct. \
und-rlinish has been
takenjhe was a good faith kttejKr l.in had
Ihe ruail to the grounds bus not always lui-o iraint-d in n
^opened down
to the bay
bills dealing with qiiestions |>ertal&
The Essex, however, failed ?o utiee
bis duties.
In fact
he c.rigi-
: to keep pace with tbe rest of
nates a good deal of iIh> legUlailoii.
lusdron that Anally Ihe Wolverine Tho rest of the link' he sgtends viritIhe big black sloop of war Ing ageneies and arbooto. He has hee;i
tnte now haa 4SS m
will get next years meeting. Tho Inail-
'She he*
Solon and rapii
entirely, and the latter gave up trying out
to repeat the flag signal.
tlnce May 13 on HiU trip,
for sup
Naval ReviM at ManitM Islands.
DoubilesH the reason for ihe Essex’s idieg. at tbe Uulti-d States waodum.-waien Artaw. Mleh_ Aug. C.-Th» gor- falinre may be found In the fact.that
New York. Clilrar.ii. Si. l.xuils an I
training ships Wolverine. Lieutenant Commander NIekleL com San Francisco and Is-sides ha* vl»l;e l
FWrti. Dorothea. Hawk and Tantle
manding the Baaex. waa found on Sat- twenty-seven ugtmeies and
rived at South Manitou Island rMiof- nrday to be suffering from appenill- So iliai. literally, except in a few In
day tor naval review.
Bears the
' In
For Over
Thirty Years
luadron la iinTler nay.
here, vlalled ibe South ^nge mine
aad some amelllag planu tuday.
Ooloth and
a half!
anl ty. ihal Ik- aliow<-l rrivtaf Hmigs
bn-ir'* I
iiilerien- wiih his
erbmrd'- will take place whUe tbe mkde'much wider near tbe eutranee
sliinl.iy. II— I
mu ith of III. ItoarduiBo .-^alur.l.iy.
gale ao that teams now have ample lliipreNtut] u|M>n Ihi'li iiiinds ilih: Irulli.
w<uiy-IIvi- toll lamirJi
ri<-w of Hi.{ »
They shmiM do what they s-.-r.- eipoclroom to Him around.
land ma<Ie tto- livt-r and ih-«l «i> f- '
No servlees were held nntil evening cd to do when they wc-ri- exp'-;-4ed in.
S^uih Manitou Island. Mich.. Aug.
Otuiles Francis M*-s*th
—The naval reserves bad twelve hours These were in eharge tif the Rev. T. CThe ernfi I* owuihI liy It- and A
of bard sigaal practice Monday. Xbe Tbnroas. known among the Indians at | pn-sldeni of Shaw unltersiiy. arrived
Vi*i>chi'r und ih<-> are ai'i'ointi.tni:-1 In
naval tdfleers exercising every art at Nah-lmy-nayash of Ddanah. Wis. Ihjihi* morning and will remain uni-1
(•till Kan. lieurge ik-Kryiif and
teir command lo ungle the tands- will have charge of the evangelistic | Monday afternoon. Aug. it:. He will
Th'- |siny ,1HI
llollaiiaddn-ss ihe liiduu- this <•
en. but aueceedlug In l.ot few cases. part of the aervlee* tli
WcilnaMlay ruornhig un-l Tiavr raco :d
Dual drill uuder oars began for all camp meeting. He arrivisl Thursday ■lay inutnlug aiiil evi-iiiiiy
IT'M nil rorl* of weitifaiT Kim-'- ih'-ii
at 1 p. m.
ablpa at B o'clock In tho morning, each Rinming.
I- fir>i two day* il rnim-d. rained
Tin llev. T. C. Tlionru will also
•I directing Ibe maneuvers of Its
Hon. P. B. Lenpp, commissioner ul
hard that th-- tunopy va* ii» ppi
own boat by signal. The Wolverine Indian affairs. Wsrtilngton. I). C..
l>^‘•'I' ^koi wlih
tty-ilou. Yi.U'-rday
wa- ulniojt au
bad tour boats, ibo porotbea six. Ba lived yesterday aflemoun.
lb- re ]« spli-mlid pei.onaliiy and nukes a
idul JO;, inn lli!w iijoniinc tliiiiKbe Hawk, ibe Gopher and maincd miiU this afternoon and gavel'leep anti lasting Impression on all wh,i
Imked ratli'-r w:i:i-ry Ivfurt- llie lini''
Yantle four each, which executed variIt 1 o'clock
o'ciock iiMlay.
Mr.['‘s"'“ «»
»«■ Pft-avl" ’' I" vi'ht r
address at
eiaft p>i!iiil<'<l L'st li'-oii lui’ii'.
Indian or English.
us evolutions, lo independent groups. I.eup|> has charge of questions n*1
lun&iim ai a fri-nirndiiUK
Then followed exerclaea In slgnal- 10 the govemiuent of the Indians.
il.i-iig. In which the Wolverine. actiOE as agents make treatUn. manage lauiU.
■i the aV->
1- B'lina »
flagship, made a gnat number of sig Issue railons and clothlnp and cinduei
i-:> r
nals by the Uieal signal code, by the trade with the Indians. The adiuliil.-■ tiannel. ilu' Cu
Iniemation code, and by wigwag,
iratlon of the office kee|>s him in
-w wa* laii'I'-d on i|t<- l.nr and it
limes all three methods were In
Washington for iwven or Hglii monii!. j
iljiuiifl'-l ' I'P'llv
dy. and the work of the each year where he is lisiklng after;
liii'-i •IaiDai;i'i- to iS- •■ugtio’.
Tti-offleera and men- on board the naval Indian l^lrlailon and coiiferrlnB wU'ij
■Hiuipp<-d -wllli n flvelior*
ship was generally prompt and ----------------•------ ’ comlnillees in fraiuiiig'
of the H. C Barn- Eleetrte cnmpanr ealind for.
Miss -Millie CanlMiQ. wl.o I* a mat
in In the Klamath Indi-an r-x-i-taihm.
Tho KTirands art.- clean and Inviting' ciililvate the trait irf ims'liK s-:. tliai
gracing a live Wire In n dark
of Ibe elty ball.
An 4-efly rUii'ir lo tbe e^iup nui-Ung
The Kioii You Have
Aiwa]^ isught
elUs. which
tor stances he hasn't spent two nights In |
Eruption Broke Out in Spots All
Q^er Body—Caused a Continual
Itching^jrTwo Years—Doctor’s
Medicine Did no Good—Cured at
. Expend of only $1.25 and Now
7%Me ships are Ihe naval reserves active duty.
tame Iwd rinee loavtng Washing- j
of the nalea of Illlnola. Ohio. Michi
At 5 o'clock both aqoadrons headed
The'tripe into and out of some of;
gan and Minnesota aad they began back for this harbor. Bn- route algnajs the/eservntlons are qnlie difflcult and
d lnHight
iheir erulae together Saturday.
tor exercising at
Inpg; taking. In some cases, Oireo «*r
la thlk cmlae. which was anggested made, and creditable work was done four days to reach an agency and very- me luote g»wl than any nK-dieinc, I e» cr
. 'TU-vciiri'Jiiii.-Mfiiiv ■kinUi»cx-<e,
by |5apt. W. P. Pardy.
In pirking up the buoy, in the even eommonly two days—(n the sotiOiwivu
I am veiy thankful to you. My
IlllMla naval roaertaa. aad which waa ing the Wolverine kept the officers:
■ parileularly-where railroads an*; tnmUe
lie was eruption of tbe akin, which
baartlly approved by the navy depart and signal men of the naval reserve less abundant.
In those plae«>s ho
It la WBabiagtoB. tbe *
ahlp busy receiving and making algItUfoU are r
nato by the lantern and searchlight where there are no habitat Iona of aay . meji^ofadoctor.
but it did not cure
a on board the cruiser Dorothea. wigwag, by the Ardois system,
la rislilng one agency this year me, and w^ I _
ad.. I sent to j-ou tor the Cutici
the Perry pistol method.
I the Colorado i
he had
1 tlien
and 1 studied mv
my case m it.
Yesterday the forenaon was devoted where It was
0 swollen that it was
ug store
................the drug'. and bouglit one
Cleveland and Toledo, respectively. to fleet drill, ibeaquadran's boats first
a Soap,
six miles wide and no small cake of Cutirura
Suan, one box of Lu*
________ vial of CullJtkdilcaa brooght to the
under oara and then under tail. Ibe part’of Ihe difficulty in eroaslng It runthe former gunboat Taalle. which— evoluUooa being directed by signal
iKSt Old Loss OF SUSP.
TwSmato SifnatBre of
I'y. Ind„ houp.bt by tlie
i 11 -w
: i: ih<
wiiit.:, ri-t
r e;i,“i-d in ttii- ll'ui;
A^crt Bcfnedy farCbftsGpfttimTSour SioiMCh.DH(Tten.
<b- -■•lau- ul i'wrtii« H-fW.i
■t. A n I'M.
> l:hU i:
Ill h’i l!:i')nl< si'iliwii.'ds. Sitl.
;i Vf-n Uial ("ur moQtl
toMli U«V"t Aucu>l. A. II. IqiC. tiB.
all-'Ml to
to l-ro-riil ll^r
wlw« Bod vt
•Bkl dorr >
tif.u-’.i'iu jpi.-tnuibav}.
M .
.iUT,in.*i.l.*Him».......r e.*» •Iwfui* III. Imh il«,T -r
A 'l>.
Bod ll,4l mMl rlBiii'* will lx- O'-bt-I I>*
U-oxi*' ilx- init. -li; -f
' -k IB l>'x lor>-i>.x,a
!Liy hln-vl
< ';:iz.-i»’h'|>lioii.* No. Citiil
A. V. R1 KFRD. Traverve Cfij
Ohio seat two veaaela—the Essex and
the Hawk—manned fay'seamen from
n. -»o fsSSs iS? f-Tayist:
^»w«l»'the BHex-hhs'nade many a dis rfrom tbe Wolverine. •
which was completely overflowed' *> «nd two am cakes of Cuiii
tant crotae lo tbe regular navy. fVom
In the afternoon the ships went
that he hnd to wind hit way among
' "Blaaeoola comes the Oopher. fonneriy sea again for evolutions In sections of the ireea. In another instance he ha-I I suffered for two years, and 1 spun
. thank Culicura for my cure. If vou
home on the navy Veglaitr as the threes.
Last evening they repeated
iiako a trip of no luiles on ill''
vwiflknk wbirii to Maooed by4he uaval Mooday's drills with different varie o|ion Pacifle ocean In an Indian diigreaervea balling from Duluth.
ties of night
Monday nlgbt arrangements Robe
He said that there wore alioui sixty
'ifhlW of the naval rsaerve forces of made tor giving Ihe crews two enter- reservations and a great many rescr
the lake states will be appreciated by talnmenu. The navy department has
every expert In naval driU and Olacl- sent a hiograpb to Commander Morrell
drove Farui.it.F.D.2, Walnut, Kau.,
Jnna 15. 1905.’'
rrcHi ITCH! ncHi
vation schools.
These reservation schools are *iin!
t^ot onlr will the men of each arid It is expected lo^rrlve here loChe non-rerident sehunl of wbirli
state take an exceptional
Several sets of moving pietiire That at Ml. I'loasani. Mich, is otto.
pains to make the heal abowing possi films of views and scenes llliisimtlve They MllTer in that none but fhe trfb-'
ble for tbe sake of Cot
of life almard navy ships liave. U-en
the re^rvnllon lia* the right to
XI aiBinia Binao i
-.l>r.the Veil .u>
r. XI vmn xrheX IK the f.
.,ii,.Kh.l l.j;.
TLerenpi.ti it
V4d> dsT <d Augi
g the forvTx.
au,lse4S 1‘njtlBtB.
loUea In the Pnawte
TiBTerw I'ltv. Bn.lBbi-«.
tiB. xL}- the I.rxyvr4.f the |x-ui|.
" Aili“w'orther<m!-re.l,Jh»I -uUd pet.
sire IWilKe t,i thi. JeTMOle Illt'-V-IMl ll
BBialB u( du- IB'llde
’ r'Cv.
t BauTOil
SCRATCHl. . Th’is
u tbo
of Uuusuito of skin_ women, and cWldrcn. wlw
may be instantly trilevod and speedily
--------i be warm lulhs with Itut irura Siap
:i=s mmmmk
:*end children lo the school and the
studies are not cartieil quite so far.
mle U to brtleved will talsi-
• Indian Camp HeetinB.
The nDn-reiervailon school might
Aug. ,11.—Th- called Ihe fluisbiRg scbm.l tor the In
great Indian camp meeting began yes dian system.
He wlatod ih
When Captain Parily brought tbe terday at Shaw-ako-ke-xblk (gmeu were about
3Ti>.oi«i Indians
Mea of ihiB rendeavoua to the notice akyl near ibta place, and will
Vo Hun
the effleleacr erf all the crews parUcipatlag in the sreek's maneuver*
of the aartaunt aecreury (rf tbe navy, ilnue nnill Monday. Angiist
who has Ibe affair of the naval re-
. ,v
nervea under lilt special charge. Mr.
who was an .experienced
eommander la the naval resenes of
Michigan before he was called to tbe
a place in tbe navy department,
toamedlatrty gave bis hearty auppori
Ifftn Tie IMkii lie
WNknei k| Om-WiiL
Buhealthy KldBeyt Kakt Import Mood.
It uscl to Iw considered that oul>
ttriuary aad bUiUer trouble* were to 1*
traced lo the ki'lueyr.
aciy^ -pio\-e*
him lo do ao.
It waa exported also that three ofhavr their begiiming
ftoere' from the North Atlantic fleet
in the disonler of
to'the auggaiioa and promlsid that
he would hlmsrtf aUsnd the reodavtut U his official duties permitted
would Ire detailed to duly, with the
D and poaslbly
Commander C. E. Vreelaad from
A Daily Necessity
that manv p-HipW- ovi-'lock. i< ttw- n«
a linger liiieB not injure ill*-tvi*1 ot llii-Tx-Jy; i,-'.
l.«xol one or xcveral lix-lti. elte<1a ina»li\.-ali.-ii—..i,;—ii.
1m|uei>i 10 liiiJtUat
Real Estate and Loans
are Hxi-X! that ar.- the c-a»i,-l lo be ii-gh-. 1. -1
eii'ov 1-1 have mv give your n-a1e. te.l leeth
IM-Bt (uiieol* inri->l
>eiid Iheir In-n,!- t„ me,
' .iii„- m jinl wi- »ill
have a I'tea-ain Ullle emver-ation al-«il >our Icelh.
Pere Marquette
partment that Commander Harry Mor
The different dlrlsloBs of tbe tillnols Bsval reserve hare been making
weakly crniaeB aboard the Dorothea
ever Mhce June 30. but Ihe exception
al features of the eariy August week
it the fart that the vessels of other
Mates are present and the rierrtsca
will Ibcretore l>r of a more InierestiDg
obaracler than they are usually.
commanding offieerw
U.vou arc sick or vfeel brnlly." hegir
the great kidney reme.ly, l>r
taki£g tbe
kidneys are well they will help
all lhe other urgaiis lo health. A Inal
will ctaiviuec ani-one.
If vou are sick you can make no mi*Uke'bv first doctoring your ki'lne>>.
rtlinan- effcel of
The mild aud the cxtraiwtlii
»0L the great
Dr. Kilmer'* S
soonI Tcalixrd.
kklnev' teuiedy,
ligktcstfor iU wooilerful eiire»
a 11
tv hi
aud i» sold
. its
'fifty' “
and oaeolollar
of the
ships ate as foliowa;
Ik mikea. Captain W. F. Fardy:
Ki(i1ri:’T.aak. IJeuleaaot F. R. Sea
mtm; Yanii-', rommaader F. D. Stand
ich. art Copker.‘Oommirter G.
Traverse City, Mick.
and purify the tdood—
______ ___
that I* their work.
■rticrefore. when tout
your kidneyasre
make snggeatkwa to the icaerves and
w out of
order, vou
-It sail
Mil ubt
undenOand lio»
o leara their aeeda and
lickU- vour entire Ualy
Usly i* aSertol
ft to the tnteuttoo of the navy de
:h orgaa seetus to fail t do iU
ine. shall act as flag officer of the
127 Front SI., nonueue Blk..
City Opora House Blk.
Property of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
navy departmwt, would be preteni
rell, oommandlDg the U. S. 8. Wolver
■sEii: Jrii^TRY 'A HtkALDWA.Nl AD..,
hv mail free! also a pamplilel telJin^’
bow to find out if 5-00 bsx-e kidney
blaihler ironldr.
Mentiont this
w hen writing to Dr. Kilnrer & Co..
S. « Don't make any
ly mtsuke,
but teureinWr the
imixKool. and the ».l- I
You have had some c.xpcrience in the past you would
Uke lo forjjcl. If you would use H. & L. Co.'s ,
M. & ■*, E. TIE MRO
\V<; will uct you seven i>cr cent \.<:t annum for
yuur money and ijivc you as security gilt edge
Traverse Ciiy Tval estate* or Jjili edge (annti in
SI'lour. “Michitfan’s Best,” the plrasure of thr prosrni
would make you forjjet The disagrr^abUt thirjis of the
past. Ask your dealer for the'’BKST.<'
money will be absohitely '.afi*.
Qrand Travcr.*c County. Mith..’jwKcre your
, Berve Si-WB. ■.BBS 4 oi{, IT
P A Wm'tIKUu
wade: bfroSx
,.4,tuRsoAV. Auourr
It Ir nice that y«i like !• itn i'«
K)i«ot. bill 1 esp<.^ riM like racaikm.
don't ywiiT It ts no nice to be out
<3t tloors tbeze m'«m) numincr dar*-
m. ism.
Paris 6reen
CDat Kills
night: they .Ing’in MastaachnsHts many J
jcuidii aomething dreadful had hapji
which deeply tmprvBiuMl bw. Her iraioj
pened to you; they—”
BaaMa’a Oueer Man.
But here tbe coustns ww Interrupt- ►lopepd twenty mlnuti-s at a siaib-i |
It happened a leap ilrai- ago. when eil by a atrie* irf egcked erUw fnun She IuoKmI out < r a winiiliW at a v. 4 ,
en didn’t know It. but they wer»- tnj gtaodmothor waa a litile glr1.
within the house; the kllrticn door terfall which, tumbling over _nwk»
g «w«M rMM M$
keeplns our Sunebloc pledge, weren't very pretty girl ahe •most have b
fiew open, and out rushed Bessie'* >^lroa ilimci a wide l>no! whi<-h flown!
Tin-k.Ilimr power o! raria<ipe«i varies aecoRlini: to the itro.
for ahe bad the biggest of dark eyes lumber, followed by her father and up 111 the railway.
I arfU try anvne «a tmrry m
portion uf iirarnic which it conCiins. Wo have a Iffaod .U|al is
Full In the *un. netr.by. slutxl a ce:
•ad great black curia falling
right uncle* and anni* and*her two
£ fm> aAent an/MUtThe name of Jeaso Tnllcr’a brother. BbonMer. and she waa so plump that grown-up sisters.
i'" tialn The mourofnl snnnrti. that
of (oil alantlaril strcnmli oml whi--h wt guaraatco to lu- the best
I wHi trr »,*• m tmm • >
Daniel, la on our Cradle Roll thU every one called her "Little Pudding.
."Why. where have you liecn?" eras came from It touched her heart. bvvr»
gra-lo on. the murki-t. Come in ami cet pur price.
week. He bM leanted inicb a cuonne
It was another kind of pudding than the general eiy. while Bessie conldjere*Ice of room between the iiar«
; MfSTMlMlb
Ittto trick all by Mnadf. When any. bereelf that ormpicd my gramlmolh- only bug her nmihor and aoh out?
‘ acrosi. the doorway* Was fitted with
I «4U trr to bn InvtRD
aaya to btm "WblaUe. Daniel,’’ be er’B mind nt the time of which I write
• Oh. I must have sleirt through nipaiheilr noses, sniffing eap-rly at th<
M« Mntf to MwyMy a«« to
wUl pucker bla mouth and In’ t’J Every one In the bouse was busy mak hole night and this ts tomorro* ! bulirj gust* that bl«-w by. How iii.-;
•Mry H»tos thto#.
whittle. He was voc >-car old the ing puddings and pie* and cheesecake moroing!’’
'must have Miffered. In sight of water
If I Mr fad to trrtoS t. «•
ninth of Jol).
other giKMlies. to my
•Tbere were ao many childr«i anl!with not a drop to we^ ihvir poo:
SIMM Ihlilfi, I •» “Try, try
nothing of the dOrka that were irelng
bad » much to think abont ikat I! patched mouths.
ila NoRsInRcr vrlusa that abc ha* roasted and the turkeys that had Just
voT missed you until dinner was al-* Miss Alcoit's kind h<'srt wa* so
bad a Mribday ihle month. I kMw been stuEed. Then my grandmother
jst finished and I had time to loci, moved by tbe sufferings of the cattle
ahe will not feel that It la too laic t<r hcraelf bad cllmbwl the ladder and
out me." said bet molber. later, j and sheep that she was lempltwl to g* '
na all to wUb her many happy returns banded down the lira of currant )eily
iomehow we must have caleulaled|oni and see what she could do for
of the dav.
and raspberry Jam from llie topmost wrong, for there wa* no chair unoccu-' them. Tbe time was marly iip.-ajui
sbelf of ibr closet, and she had helped pled. If there had U-en we ellould while f\u- healiaUil. two licile
aurr and read tbe verac that
nplswn'd. Thi'v had lu-en berrying
duM tbe Iwtile* of cowslip wine
Iboughi of you srsJoer.T
Waldo Bridge has aent ua Let
that stood on the dresser ready to Ik"Nc," s4itd Bessie, who was slowly ntiil. •■mptyinf their |iall. and iuimIiii
not fbrset to keep ftoae three an
\Vi: will i>ay Ni.xly cents j>t*r .c.isc
recovering from hiT disappoluimrn; the U-rrti-J- In a salt plari-. the rddrs
The cause of all this escltemcnl was with the abl til the only piece of plum girl ran lo the poyd.'and carried .
of >i\u:en cinans. or a propora family reunion, which waa to take euke saved from the ravages of ye* liailful of water to lire suff«-*iiig shri'p
-^liooatc jiVicc per tR>uB<l, for alt
Eyt RaplA. Midi, July *6. 19M.
plaee at the l.lg farmhouse tUai had terdsy. "I rememlicr there was on<- who rtretchert their hoi longiiiDear Prealdent—It baa been a Ioiir alway* i>cen niy grandmollier a Ixiu^ riuLlr wanting, ao I evened out the oth gratefully to tnec-1 it. Theti- eagenu-s!
bliickberrics delivered at ofiir facUm Bloce I WTOU. to yon. so I
"How many will there 1*'. do you ers pnd placeil the napkin on the man made lllllc baiepHd V la-k a liard
ipryin any <n*antiiy. I lu: crop
To and fro she ran. m ver lir«-«l
Ebt I wonid write a fbort 1
think, mamma!" she asked.
nnt Vkn RrwMmt—MHmI Baton
rb tbe name* of two ]>cople who
"Exactly llilrly.” her mother an
-It lb Ju»l as well you did." sMd her r hough the small |>all wa.^ mioii em|il>
of wild berries is larj{e. and thia
Her ftli-nd nieauwblle .pulled gr«ir
father. smBlng.
’Wc sliouljl never
. BMMd Vica PmaMmit, Mr*. Iran* wUh to become Sunahlner*. “nioir swered.
ts a j;o(h1 op|>ortunity to take
aainc* arc Evelync Thompson and JoAt .1 o’ckirk the '
have f^nd you In time and shcmld handfuls <■! clover and grass for tli<
aepblne Rex. My alster Locllle aent sisted In moving the three tables In'o have niisBcd nlir good dinner. Ko:' ■nws. Having no lall. she fl1b-<l b<a<lvant.Tj!c of it.
■tamp to our other prealdeat
the large colonial hall, which bad Im>cii who would faav«' thought of looking for •plcktngtlish" with wau-i'lo throw or
Mai^ for a button and did not reedve gayly hung with red. while and blue a little pudding ill u liay-Iurir'-ilri- the pool, dusty lio»i-». appi-aliiig '•
her thro.'igh the Irars. "I wlsli." wroi<
Pleaae aend ber one. I am aend- bunting and evergreens, and which cagu Dally Now*.
a aiamp for a bunon for myaelf •raa to serve as the banquet root
Miss Ahull. "I could have told ilditot, ISOS. 442E
tcnder-hcaiti-d riiildreii how ImwikUi:
WcIL 1 must close my letter now. i iblf occasion.
T-tckt With Egg*.
oothcr. wltoae name
iai us tell you how you mar have o their eompasriou piade that luu. nob;
It’* lead tbo plan today, ny boy.
Bottle Brigga.
Bessie, you must know, was among little fun. Piinctnn- the shtdl of a raw place, and what a swv: plcluri- I Pk.I
And All the taoraea' maaKora.
Yon have received the two butlous'; the most active ibere. She helpol to egg with a pin. and through Ihe bob' away with me of Those iwn Utile sh
Tlmi cat tbe woods aknif tb* road.
of rlmrlty."
by Ibla time. 1 im glad Bvelync and spread the cloth over the three tables thus nude exeruct the contimts. When
They look ao bad to Blrangm
pblne want to be Sunahlner* also. so that they looked Just like our. and Ihe shell has become thoroughly «lry.
It'a boat tbe c«s* and watcb tin
then ahe carried chairs from all over pour fine aanil through the pin-hole ut.
-Teaching Klttena Trteka.
Bonner’* Perry. Idaho. July 18. i»(ri.
the house and placed ibera ainmnd til Ilu! egg I& alKiul one-foiirih fl1b-<l.
Mori little glHs-havc n pjcsj-csi
Dear Prwtldeni-^1 will write another
And Eire the abeep Ibelr ralkm.
he table, and when she had lirougltl j Then seal up ilu- lioU- wlili white
in a.s mtxsi lliile Ikijk have n doletter
Tben weed tbe onion bed-yon ace
every ebair that she eoiibl lliliik of. ami your Imiiailon egg will he i
And Hu- puns) c.-ui Im- lailglil CUtmlll:
pIcBic the 4th -of July up in the there wsh atill one uranting. She sal
I'Bi bavtaE my vacation.
ural In api>earanre ns a tva) one
tricks atfnosi as ea.ily as ihe puppy.
wood* and I had a Ane time. My down and tried lo think where she
The next time ’ boiled eggs
Becaiilu- they ar.- so fuppie rats lai
!fa EH a pail o( water. Joe.
mamma bat twenty young ehlckena.
could find another.
erv«>d at breakfast, siilwlilule your In- iralmsl to Jump unusually high
My birthday was tbe Z3rd of July. I
' Tbe kclUaa aD Med IUHie:
BoMrie was only 8 years old. ami und .t-Rg for the one that you
even sexi-ii or- «-lglit f<-> l In the
And take away tbi* pan of buaka.
have broken my Runtbinc button. W>.she had been up before fi that inoni- from the dish, and tell your eoinpaii- il.dd II tiny ill! of meat In one hnn.lf
Look out. ny boy. tbey'ra apllUns: have got two Httlc calve*. We have
now there was ui> more liWB that you are going to make li
ami a hoop lu the othn^a riitall bar
ri'a biinE eone wood. Ibo Arc U loa, got aoioe of our hay pul up. dood-byc.
excitement, she began to feci tired.
egg olK-y your aligliu-st wisli. Yi
rri hoop will do, H'lld It' low al firs
DoB'i atop tor racraatjon.
■; Wesley Oonper.
"You look sleepy.’, Llltle Piiddln’." may make It stand on ihp edge of
liirrea»e :b.- hi-lghl each day. Jitid i
Bel ruud hael tbe baby upTon must have .had a Ane time at ■aid her father. ••Briicr nm up and
knife or on tlw rini of a glii**, no mi
win mu In- long until you ran hold
I'm bavins ny vaeatlon.
your pknlc. 1 wish I copld have been
] 'our I 'loiir o/ throf nioir tm- $14
take a nap. hadn't you!"
ter whetbri you pul it shJ.'ways ,
hoop eoverel with brigli* Ibsiii- pam
with you.
Your ilioitc oj thrtf more jor$ib
■Yes. BesiU'.’ Kiid her mother, who endways.
and rild-ouK high over .rour head, nu
Ii’B lirlat ne Ibla and earry ibat.
came downstairn at that moment with
The tnily prteatillon lu'cessary is
Mbs I'liKsylilll spring through II with
All day. alncc aobool waa over.
Interiorben. Mlrh. Aug. I. IMS.
You Is-tb-r hiifrx-. they will not l»o hi-re lonjj.
pile of napkins i»n each arm, "place lap the 1-gg gently every time you d. - very little t-v. rllon. TIi.n jt will l"No pUybw ball or iniaat now.
Dear President—I iboughi I would
«up1 aif tliQ m-w Kiinlall Orgun
e to place It In any |s«sUlon. so'as qull.- easy to U-acti hei ‘ lo jump
No bwHlBK larka witb Rover,
write to yon. as I have not writico (or these napkins around, tme l-efore etch
iu hati-latiiiic niuhi>i(:iiiy c.ifi«‘. This ii abcHttly,
make the sand selllc at the hot through ><’ur arms.
t do what everybody aayA
« hmg time. We have a nice Sunday chair, and then run iipsitUra ami lie
till- lirsl ahowii in tlio oily.
n. and the weight of the sand wilt
She ran leani to i-lt up and tu
And work like all creaUon.
seboM in Mr. VanderbooTa grove. I swn. ni call you when they come. ’
"Oh, no, mamma.’’ pleaded Beaalc. keep It as yon wish It lo Ik:. ThU
Beoauee. you koow. 1 an a boy.
hi-r piaijr*’’ jtii-t as a dog can—al
go evocT Bunday I can. Anna Tuller
And bavins ny vaeathn.
tlui'iaii f lakes p>'>t'a|>--' “ .liMb'
la the teacher In our class. Ros’ "Indeed. Tm not n liU sleepy, and it ealUnl the olMdleiil e.cg.
1-11 you bo* to make liie inure p-illenrc.lo .K-ach her.' Aliy
Bunibam, Bendon. Mich.. R- F. D. No. will spoil CTCiTthlng If I have to go to
dlsriiedlenl egg. wiili whjeb yni may can IK- taught to follow her llill.1. would like to loin the Sunshine Hl."
••Well. well." fcslil her mother, un have even more- fun Hian wltb'th.- lri-s> .-ven on long walk*. Take
Wlahing and Working.
M. II. Hiirn.-r, 1’nfii,
clnb. PiesST aend her a canl and but(By Ueorge Cooper.)
ign. I hope our other preaidcnl I* willing to K- severe at such a lime. "1 olH'dleol one. Make the hole lu th" Wis of im-sl .-vt first, and urge h>
shell iHige <nnugh lo iillow you to in- go with you each-riay fiw a Ihile I
Ubder an apple tree. Uay Joe
having a good time. Welt. I will cluse
think 11 would lx- so mncli iroduee half un ounce of One shot, be er walk. Reward li.-t .-very Bill.- whllWatched tbe bouEha wave to »nd fro. tor this Ume.
heller for you to have a lllllc nap: gitber with a ll'.lle |M>w<lend sealing- wllh a 1)11. Id meal, uiid scratch
Ladea wUb.Etobe* of goldal brown
you would l»e able lo enjoy ihc dinucr
throii! softly or rtb yo-ir flns-T* i
Hoping that aome would patter down.
Jennle Bridge.
Age U;
Thu done, senl up the linie neatly of her raiv. which nil pussies lov. .
ve*7 »*«! to get a letter
"Ob. for a good atremg wind to blow
But Dcaaic did not think so ai all. with white wax and ihi-ii warm t!u She will siM.ii follow >v>il as faithfiiil.
from you ag^. Jennie. Isn't It nice
Pippins are nk*: I like them eo!
She distributed the ngpkins. placing
gently ov<-r tbe fire. .Tills *111 as any dog.
that Waldo Is' a Sunboam. loo!
Bat It'a Itke work to climb a tree:
that belonged to the missing give }-ou a fixed coli'er til gravity III
Alter puMiPR pussy thnuigh any ex
ni IM the brecie'elimb thU for me!’
chair on the mantel; for she hart de
Inlertochen. Mich. Aug. 1. 180«.
egg and no roniti-r how jfmi may etTlri'i be sure to f<-e>I her, and si.
lo plac- H. the weight of th»: will h.- move willing next- time. It
Ondar u apide tree, bmiy Ned.
member, but 1 will write a short tel
shot, held In a ma->s by the ncallDg
to Is-elti III teach pussy when kU<WhichIns the bmatk*. gaily tald:
I like my card and button very the kitchen. Then she cvem-d
wax. will drag It away frotn it* poal-: |„ quH,. v-niing. Never t
-’Wlahlng U only waate of time;
jniis intlinldale* ih.un. iiad they i
Applet tor tbote who fm- them dlmb! mueb. I have Ave slaters. They all the chair* on that side of the table, so Hon jiiHt a* soon as you releast- It.
bokwg to the Sunshine club. They that when Ihe guests arrived
■ ' - ■
not itud'-rstan.l wlisi ii m.-atis, Mi."Ob, how they Milne In mornlng'e dew! have for a Ibng liatc. My sisters and might not be able to tell rtiai anyihliig
Gi'l'a fit'Snee.PeL
|c:in'lc done with them H they a
Oh. bow they Itogh lo yonder blue!
as wrong.
A dainty llliU- girl In j»ie blue mus-•
nml ennearac-.! by kind tie.
pick lols of berrle*. I like to pick
Wp Imvp
■p just rpcpivrel a
Up. up. l'» go. and never atop.
berries If the sun Is not too hot.
When all this wa* finished Bessf' a frock, her gold.-n hair pit-iHIy mcAi.
fg r 1 ad of
‘ TIU ihe best I gaibn- at lb* top!pMs 1 have a dog and a Ubby cat. Oiir suddenly teircnit'cre.l that ohe hsd losaed Ji ythe wind.'seated on the'
l.nuid lack ol a rhlmK-eros Is th. m.tst
ami (\imlAxigHew to Eat Candle*.
Under the apple lre«i lacy Joe
would just have time to run to the
tiun I'rt-stt-ra that we uro
f’ut fn«ni pn sppl.- as iK:n.-! an im
Walled Ud tonged tdr a brocte t<>
In tbe' ronatry chan in tbo'hoi. Iisrn and see that they'wi re nil right el the visitor who Is spending an aft-r (■..-iiiiui of :■ laib'W eaiidu- >» tHis-B-li
tfriinK to r.nt Imforn tlw
pi the IV-rllp S.OO. Ijlll.- Vel,. t:«'t .1 sw.-'-i iilmoad, anil rut lli<- wtrk.
dusty city. I
our other presi
It was a cold day In Kcltniary, hut
public at NOCK IMJTriieii, or Violet, the diminutive la-ly Light thU-,wirk an 4nstan> Hi wil.
PRICKS. Thouo.
Baty mou^ *twonId be to aay.
write n* Boon. I think Zetta'a verse only In throw a shawl over Iut head who lias suereeili-.l ill taming one of name op l.riri.t'^1. blow it o-it. ai.o
uauhily larffP tniainrsa wo
And here waa a Ictaon for tbe boys— was very gtxid. and here Is another and. taking a
th.hare Iioi-d duing lliia euin»*I “irat lor the
place this elianed'wir k iii tlie lop ol
A ICMOB for work or playUme Joya:
m-r cfiiibh-s iis to ifix-c
reoiher act. she was soon climbing In •taiighler «if Ket:per 8ehw*rl»A-n. of the raiiJie and jo-i rr.- n-a.lv to amuse
the animal Iioiih--nt the con. and al yo-.ir crow.! of y.umg jK-vpl'*- Wlu.-ii al:
Ijsrjfnint that aip on• Wishing is anrely a waate of time;
Three aouill rules that are must keep to Ihe haybtri.
<«|naU<l nnywhoni in the
Applea lor thow? who work and cllmU!
To make this llto happy and bright
Yea, there they were, siifc and though she r.-jn count hi-1 seven Burn ts In readiness, s-laud iHifore thi- as
Wu Ikivk purcliaani
ers. her fame hits gun.- far abroad;
-Smile la Ihe morning. smUe at noon. sound, and while Tabtiy ciijoycil hci
fj-.iibled ciowii'and make a spi-<eb.
sbK-k nt * niAinmolli
For everyniii- el«e in the world, no Say that j.ui have lK-«n a sr.ie travel
Anil keep on smiting at night."
limrh. Bessie look two of the llllle
■ Friday. Aagual 10. IMC.
roluetion and nro adiln lo
excluding hr keeper. Ihe huge thick er an-1 Hist among the woiidirf-.il
Your Sunshine boy.
,cresiureb In her lap. nml ilioiiqlit
New memben Joining since last re
pill ihetn iJiit nclnnDy iese
Age 7.
Waldo Bridge.
she wi;u1il siirprlM- her eoi-vln* with .-kinned animal Is one of Ho» ugliest llhincport cd;
ihing« >c
you l•■.■•rm-.l while
ihnn fact'ity pricea.
That ts eenatnly * spiradid verse them. As she petted, amt they pum-d. and rttisM-K' menilicrs of Ilu- coo lamBvelj-ne Tbompann. Josephine Rex.
ef elj'llg caurllc*
Bnl the moment llllie Vrilrlien
Elk JUpMs. names tent by Boaslc fur us to taarn. Wc all foci Ilk her eyes rinsed, and her head began
wick. IH It burn u hion
11.-fc ate only a f«:w t»f
app«'ar* tin ilu- scviio the great munthanking Waldo, don't wc!
I- that it I* g.Jiuin' i.ltpe:
Ih'ssie moved sleepily and opened sler hceimn-s as mild an.l dorlli- ns a.
iloae Burnham. Bendon R. F. O. No.
V. -ir m'-uh. H wi!I Uim
Kingsley. Mich.. Aug. 1. INK.
Iamb add tries liy the most sbs'ir.1
her eycn: then she gave a start;
1. name sent by Jennie Bridge.
Dear Prealdeni—I hare noi wrltl<*n
WUUam H. naff. Clinton R. CoS.
••Goodm-sst I have U>en .nsle<-p,’ amblings and twisting of his ungainly;
Solid Oak suil. rvKtiisr *24, ...................................... ....»l2.r0
I you for a long lUne. It Is very nice
iMply to express the plt-asuie that her
ahe cried. "It must t* very late."
Erv«W! J. OoS. IKagalcy R. F. D. No. today. School will soon commen
Suit ».,w ........................ ................ ................ 14.00
Dot no: the sun was shining brigb' dainty pres<-nrr aflonis him An.'
Z. names sen' by Myrtle Lyle.
H<-.iuhir $;iil Suit Bt-w.. • -•••,.......................-.............. loXJO
oommences the tweDlletb,.of August.
ly. She could not have slept more Vellch.-n has as much affection lor her
H. V. P. •tmahin* dub Cradle Roll.
Suit now................ ......................................... lii.fO
We have got three little kitten*. One
Ilian a few nilniiics: she would Jusf tlilnoc.'T-<is tileiid a* he ha* loi her.
UaelcI Tuller. age one year. InU-rwith
t -p Kri r.ch Ikiel I'h.le I>i?w*«-r .S..lid
A* Odd MatnO'isl.
ts over at the barn and we can't An1
In jier eyes lie U the iNTf-'cH.m of anT
lochon.’name sent by Jesse Tuller.
have lime to get her licst dress
O.iL. L<'U uf ..ill. r« at i.pPt’lj lo^* prioift.
It. but the other two are here. aaO
and her hair nicely combed before
Ill :>ny (-outilM i- Hie o:ie
they are playing nil the time prrtty
wltbcui some lu.'hsome juorse-l. which
Tour preeldcmi has another true
Vour Rdi.Tble I’lirniiiirc,Store.
wtiWi has lately Imn-ii plamNl In S.-ejiii
near. W* have forty Inenbator chi
She Bcramideil down quickly and he taki-s from h.-r pink lit tie flng.:- Alrica lor the herres •* !.;. I, le)l. lU
bird atory iw you this week. It U
Papa made me a lawn swing;
ran toward the house. Why. there wUh periPCt gentleness.
BlsviK a dove that lived In Saginaw,
the rt-c-nt AirCan war.
will give you a list of names: William
were her cousins already, playing i
near a Ug hotel there. Tbe other
The sUjKil' mot! ime.Kt, r-i..-•win.iig
Ooff. Clinton R. Ooff, Ervine J.
lN-as;'s day come* whm h'* fragile'
II was too had. hut she would try
day it got Ila foot tanglol la some
om- nt the tl'oes: uf 'hi: Ib-uo'ichbre-:..
Goff. Kingsley. R. F. D. :. My address
l'.'7Sou:)i Uni'>n Street
little rolsireiuf' is llfliM I|> Ills hugslip In and dress liefnre they saw h
string Ibat was fattened high up oti
i2». -i d irii.K I'n- 1 niiiiulgii. -’..nds »t
the same.
affernbon anihlc
She wa* Just on ihc kitchen steps liBck for thenthe building and although U trfed. anl
Port E::?a'iK-I^i. Cape C'"l-.:iy
Myrtle L.vle.
when the oldest cousin caught sight of through the park- eH Is qui'e a picIt tried. U couldn’t gH loote. U was
1 wish I could see your three kit
•o far from the ground that nobod.r
IS. and all those conning chickens,
ugly lusk that adorn* his upp.-r lip I
"Wh.v. there’s Bessie
could rotrh It. and how do you aupposc
•u must enjoy tbe swing eo much.
aide 'entlrelf to dettro..- hi* air of «h-Bbcuied.
l> waa set free! Well, all of a anddeu
"Where have you been!" they cried Isfactlon.
it beard a great elattering. and
as they rushed up to her "Whore did
strong horses eatne running down tbo
street, bringing the UIl ladders of the
very small Iwter, I juH Joined!they find »ou! We have iM-ea huni
Tongue Twiaurtk-,
'Ai« department. They stooped to the Sunshine club. I thank you for «b-ilng everywhere,
Wbai a shame that such :i shafNly
Pn->id*-' foTm<kof Stomach Disordera once cored
fKmt of the Banrrofi Hauw.>**d the card and button. I am ten year* of' "Oh. have you hern here very lone! sssh shnnid shaWhy siitrhc* show.
iu tbit way never prim
ceat letttf t<
Jrsgsuwatat Ms. a boMte
' -rwddatdrag
Give Jim Grimes Georges gilt gig-,
go to school. We had I I'm so aorry. 1 did no- know B was
ArewB raised tbe Isddcr* up. op into
»satwor wussy retasdad.
the air. Tben one of the men Mlmbed the laat day of school the iweoty-ihlnl tale.' sadI Bessie, politely,
• haAreifNoibriBiiiifsi VorTl Pis'grrntct Tu-l fr -ni tl.r r-m»tk UiU -.-qp. ■"».ie.<l 1—t
i.-ire not used Pcpeofals before,
"0. we will set
a jixeDt bottle FREE
to where ihc dote was hanging, an-) of June. .Our teacher's ngme wa* Miss: "Ijite!" thev ehornsed. "Why. ir
Six misses mixed hlsspflhwbwl>*fH»d(b*.kaiqftlMbwt|.>.r>ic<qw>' riNtl,atristni«'-.falubU..B-t.N>.*eh»i1iiKWU."j
i.m.achailiw-su Srod BiAour’iIame^si^^dtea***^*
cut tbe string. How happy that dove WHIs. i think i must riose ray tet-'all over: you've missed It nil."
If he -‘tpp.-d, should she rip!
PemoiiH care D.^pcjiMa
mnai have been! 'And t believe tbe ter. tor I cank think of anything else. I "AU over—what-wliat have I
Stumld a ship's riewsrd
Stomach idsextet. in a new way. by re-,
asdDvwiiTsWMkw-.. I hiT.n-.| ,..qj|.r..; i>4;riiigtbe wuraout lining of Ih--*Stomaehi
Atgtneo were happy, loo. sad all th. Please exnise my^f^ioer'writing.
imlssed^ atammered Bessie..bewii- sbniidv wilt! •
.......-.............. ic. dc-roy ill rlirea-N- l.i
proMe «ho gaikered in that big cron-------- your Biiuvhiner.
jdered. while n horrible nnllnn oinIioI
Siiii should soon h-B Sam 'is rii.irf
jweediug germs. Dy>peima ana the worst carayou.
u> UK lacx ii»i 111* <
to soc what ,wa* being done. TboiFrask Zdi-ttck. jihronsb her mind.
.Hngic ahiaglew
126 £. Front Sb
Seid and racer
Cravtrst eity’s Ceadliig Drug Start
Traverse City CaniiiDg Co.
Slaughter Sale
Second-hand Organs
. Taken in eichanee tor Flanos
Some more Bid Bargains
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
chased by the yard and also comes
( be used unUI ibe last I
of pieces has been in the briac at iee«
made up ready to bang.
a week.
used ^ the windows a^ tor
llieD for piekiing they tbould
It U Urgely
Wash clean. apaM one portlcnA:
Numerous -vafleUes of enrtalns and
mlnntc la boHIng water, take out. and
soak in cold water over nl^t. In the portieres sre abowa la the stores, bm
morning drain ofl tills water and add
Serve with
fresb. to eliminate all trarea of "salU- the tnizcvtlrn > given will be fuuud
II nsuatly takes three chang helpful and satisfactory.
Cream togciher one cnpful «
and one cupful «
when IlmlK-d In purcbsalng. some ot
ings of water.
Add the white of one egg
Then the pieces arc
Many are compelled to apeod the
tborongbly'wariied ngaln.
arm summer months a* beme. mak.-
pieces tbal feel soft should be thrown
g summer resor s
Expresses His Great Faith in Pe-ru-na.
p»«nt !■ A twin &Fndn%
Adutnd to tkn Prnvtatte and Bntinf nf AU Ontuxhnl Atlmnrtn
Ban tn tiM Tkynttidai of
beaten aiiV. a .mile blackberry juice.
For sweet pickle, wrigh tbe rind. homes. The absence oi Crapbrtf* at
hair*a grated nutraeg.'ooc tcaapocmTo live ponada of it take'three pounds that lime les»<-ns the care and rc'^su:
fnl of lemon juice.
Set on Ice till
^auixiof sugar and three plnu of vinegar. alUllly. and the bouse will
roadr te icrve.
Mil sugar and vinegar together and comfortaUe wltbwl them.—Farm snd
ABd toM kn- tboosBud siroafu
im Ihy wJiliic keart above.
And k4a the ebaat'toing rod.'
For Uarough
(he donds aurroundlng
SblDee down the tmlle of .God.
When all U» wmid goea rtgfai. mr
dear. . J
When all the world gooc
And frleads are near who make good
And ngtare'a face (a bright.
FDncet not that tbeae gleama of light
By Ibe aame power are given
That Ihrou^ Ibe night, aa In tbe light
Would guide thee up to heaven.
Bat. let Ibe world go wrong or right,
it UiiB thy dally prayer—
May 1 anroll my lunoat aou|,
Perfe^ my litUe part .
And one day oKer at his fed
A pore and eoniunt bean.
•^Holcn Hughes.
• Wbo blesses
. *
• ^Win flnd the healing which bU «
spirit needsl
BlaeklK-rry Jam-To every pound of-
• And every lleww In other's path- •
frult allow one pound
ihc blackberries W s large bowl. e«-
way Mrm
Ooafera a pleahng fmgmncc on '
sugar. Crush
boil up. skim and pour over the rtad. fall and water.
W««k and tired eye* sre refn-slicil
Repost i6rre times, ibet) conk rind and
Make a syrup of the sugar, allowing a
syrup together for ten ninntes. Skim by bathing with warm water and ssli
Public speakers and many -noiel
tbe rind and pack In your jar.
sprinkling It gencrouslv with cloves, singers use a wash ol salt and water
capful of .water to each pound.
allspice, msec, nutmeg, grated lemon
tracllng as much
juice as possllile.
Lei It
cook till almoBl ready to go back to
Then sHr fn the blackberries,
and cook togeiher from
rind, while popper,
iKfore and after itsing the voice, a* It
pepper strengthens tbe organs c< (he Ifaroat
Salt niblK^ into the scalp nr occ;-
If relished, a few celery seed
Add to Ibe rind a quart of good elder (o sionally added to the water la a-ash
(he syrup, a poand of best lump Ing prevents (he hair falling .out.
cooking most be very rapid, over a b
Feather* uncurled by damp weather
sugar and the strained Jiilee of fonr
Boil l( (wo minutes, skim are quickly dried by shaking o
Jam for Tarts—Pol togetbec in
clear und pour on the rind. I.ei it cool In which salt has been thrown.
Salt always should be eaten with
There's nolblng on earth can help you
imeovetvd. then cover and keeii cool ■
and ala quarts of ripe blackberrie*.
ntiiB. and a dessert fnrti salt used
So macb as a fctadly deed.
snd dark until wanted.
Add one small icacupfu! of wajer. Set
should be specially made.
If twenty pounds of salt and
Cheitih UU as eaeied wit:
Drapinfi the House.
l« the fruit come to a bolt. It i
pounds of muriate of ammonia Ik
TAUgh a little bH.”
The most esn-tltial juirt of fnrnlKhbe kept boiling tilt the damsons drop
solved In seven gallons of water and
Keep ft with you. sample It:
ig a bouse Is the treatment of (he
from the stones.
Then remove the
bottlml. many fire* may be ptcvenicd.
-LniVt a lilUe bn."
windows and d«ora. The draperies for
Slones, and stir the fruit till it la
il spraying thi- bunt
Little Uls win sore betide yon.
them wllV-cIthcr dosiroy or add to the
smooth msss.
Allow one pound of
ing srilrles the liree Is soon exilnFortsne may not alt beside you.
Iwaiity of the room, conrcqucnll}- col?
An Incombiisilble coating
Hen may nmek and Fame deride yt
or and effect should lie carefully stud
lioll together steadily for alsiul l
immtMiraicl) formed
But roa*ll mind them not a whit
ied when considering liiai part of the
ty minutes.
Add salt to th<- wal<-r in wliicli black
U ytM lan^ a ItUie ML
lb nlmn*l every room slmi>ktd white- cottftn gcMids ari- wash*--'.
niacklKrry Fingers—Cut six sllet s whltc draperies for the wltidow* arc
Irons may Ik made smooth if
Maay Indeed think of being happy
the most appropriate atid pleasing,
wUh God in heaven: but the being altout four Inches long snd one Inch at tbe present lime ecru Is very popu- rahbert over salt.
QMd Chaer for the Week.
Do aottethlng for somebody always.
Whatever may bo yOar creed:—
Not a mortal mUeea.
But we'n make the future fair
Juice over tbe Ungers, allowing them
lops, and finish them with a narrow afterwards.
and basting and Turning or- niffle of the «fme. For the windows
r a small ieas|<onnrril of flue Kilt
artde.1 to a quart of milk It will In
thceortalns to fall just Iwlow Ihc
caslonally nnUl all the liquid li
sorbed: tben
Immediately egg'
allowing for the hem at the
prcsertttl sw«-t and |iuri- (»>r wvciwl
y«f (Ac meritt ot AerwM MIy 4
her ot/Heud* w ho h«tw Ukea
mcH trouble mad mlt
aatu la praltlag IL A» m n
tally neommead H.’
In a later letter to I>r. Hsrtmin. Col. Hamilton write*:
•• My eommmad uted yoar Ptrvam daring our tervkm In the Spmalth~
eHcmnWmrmadlwintmytbH.tbatlftheW--''------------------- * are
mr mad I m ill 'may IbH. ibat It ibe War DepmnaieM recordt
conutUed. II will be found ibmt tbe emtamUae* la my regiateat reghaeat el
at tbe Army Corpt m bUe at Cmmpt
tbma In any mber regiateat
Meade mad Butbaell. The total death* It. aty mglmeai. daring the seres
Bonfbs’ ten-ice, mem aetea oat of m loitl immberet 1400. I, of
cmaoei help bat Iblak Ibtt Peruat eertmlaly wmt * great beaeOt to my
If ynureppetUe is pimr. again Perana
acts as a good, trae friend and Is
r. Col. Hamilton saya:
tonic n^ed.
-1 haVe tried It for months and
I bare already w-rfrren yea ml
only too glad to acknowledge il as a
reatedy durfrtf (he SoanJtb..
Iroe, loyal standby in times ot (ronble.
1 do DolbeslUteto recommend II to all r
In old age the mneon* membrane* Iw1. T. Markland, a well-known bnslncssman ofCiDelnnatl.O.. address R.R. come tir.ckrned and partly lo»e tbclr
>'c bavc luKD asing Peraas (or (Ivo
No. 1. MU Washington,Ohio, writes:
Tbi* leads to partial lo«i of hearing, year*. 1 iKlIcre (bst II U the tiMl med>
'•1 find thst In my ca*o Perana U a
smell snd isste. a* well as digest Ivedl*- lidnc that 1 know of.
n DOW at work tnr banccs,
Perana correct* all ihl* t>r it* cflleient dren do not need any doctor, elnee we
ewry day, and
have gained ten operation on all the mn<-ou* mVmliranes B»c I'rrans.”
of the b-fly.
pounds. I*iook your
One iKlUcwiHi
todireeUoDsand there
One resMin why 1‘erahB has foaM
n*ed and Peruna iweomc* a life-long -permanent use in
many homes Ulhsl
Yon stand-by with old and y«nDg.
It roDUIns BO narcotic oY any kind.
Pe-n-ta CoDtaiBi >« ImnotW
told pie In your flirt letter that yon
would cure me
losgbt I
tbr»- year* old asdj
». lam
,o SI tend to my bg*ine«»a*B*n*l."
At to Summer‘Pickling.
Ill maCliic Plckk-I. use- none but IIk
Ooppi-r and glass may Ik 1k quickly
Egirael from a qusrt of black Isr. and figured musltns sre usetl es
elesnsed'hy dipping half a lemon In
•»t cider vlm-gar.
tere Into tbelr ihoagbt—John Wesley. berries every psrtirle of juice by cook pecially in (be bodroons.
Never ke«-p pickle* In Blazed earth
fine salt, then rubbing thcm'ovcr slnlning them unUl leader with a
A bedroom in almost any style
a* II I* mil to have k-ad in
cup of sugar and sufficient water
Let's be happy while we may.
color can be draped In white sa tss or cd ohjrcl*.
and sail also rentove sinln* ilie glaze, and the vliif-gar will^et mi
prevent burning snd then pressing muslin.
Griefs may lurk before ns.
Make the covers for
k<-ep them In glass or hard vtuiie
through a fine sieve- Pour this fruit dressing-table and dresser In fit the from Ihc lingersDo not use soap
And the skiee grow mar hand gray
Lowering darkly o'er na.
Gallant Porto Rican Soldier Gives Praise te Pem-no.
> snfferlng With I
■ yon, o
Id, la gri
s, Peruna restores you b
happy with God on earth never en- wide.
Pain and loss and carking care
Owitafit War Corngpoadgat Eae-
A' fknrering garden fair.
Before God's face, and In ny place
An Old Snldia'n Pnisa.
Btackberrr ‘Cake—Rub ^ree Ubte- bring to a boll. Blflra well and pour Flrwldt
Mr.F. B.Coa, Center Oak, Pa-. writM;
•ooDfult of butter In two cupMta or bolting bot over (be rind, which has
•<1 was Uken with hemorrhages nt tbe
Beat three
eggs amarateir. been pa^ed In a stoue crock
stomach and hod from one io*Uii
The Oc«d Uara of Salt.
Beat with tbe yolba « ctipful i* engar. highly sMsoned with nutmeg,
Salt clonniica the ^late and furred]
then add tbe well beaten wbllce. Ml> nod (he grated yrilow rind nf li•erbedoeton aaid my stomach eonld
tongue, amt a gargle of salt aud watcr
with flour and buiicr., gilr Ip one cup Ncrt day drain off syrup, .bill
not bo eared, and It was only a qurotlon
oftrn efflcactouB. *
ful of blackberry jam. Sesaon with again, skim and return to jar. Ri-of bowaooB one of tbess spells would
A pinch of nil on (be tnacue, follns- ktil me, and 1 was given np several
iiwnpoonful of powdered cimtiitwice, then place
cd ten minute* afterward hy a drink ut
times, as (bey had no hopes for ms.
one-half of a nutmeg grated, and. amount in a preserving ke((le,
“I Anally wrote to yon, and yi>u said
laetly. put In one cupful u7 wiifr milk lioll three minutes, adding the strained cold water, often cures sick headache
ifr itwasnotaeaneerorai
It was not aeaneerora tninor.Pai
Salt hardens gtinis.
buticrtnilk. Id wblcb hn* boe
half a dosen lemons. Boll on<
wonld core
white and swe«en* the breaih.
aolved one email (caaponnful of
longer, pour Into jars: tie c6\
-I eommenced taking Perana right'
Cui flower* may be kept fn-sh by
Bake In a square tin and frost
and have never bad one ot tboee
r and let siojid for a week Ik‘F.w
lidding salt in the water.
fore using. For soar pk-kle the pieces
Weak ankk-s shimld be ruWW who
*^1 am an oldnoldler.oneof Phil Sheri
of rind are simply taken from
dsn’s Roogh Riders, and pretty nearly
blackberries. Crush
solution of -salt, water and nlcnbnl.
narii of ripe
tirlne and scalded lightly In weak
colds, hay fever and kindred played out now, but I have a pretty
Bllghll.v. and pobr over them rgar. drained and packed In jars, with
good etomaefa agaU.”
affoettons may be much twllevt-d by
two quarts of best \1negar. U>t Ihoni layers of spices between.
Cover an
siahd twenty-four hoiim. and strain
using fine, dry sail like snuff.
Inch deep with cold elder vinegar, drop
Dyspepsia, hiwriburo and Indigesibrough a muslin bag. squecsing well.
tin lumps of siigsr (hat have U-en well
ion arc n?licved by s cup of hot wsler
Pour Ibis liquid over three quarts of rnbbcd on a lemon rind, cover tightly
In which s small spoonfnl of salt ba>
fresh Iterrles and attain, after stand
care-Hlack and While.” «BB Craig Bl..
and let stand a week.
Meen melted.
ing twenty-four
bourn. Allow
Montreal, Canada, writee:
A spIccd n.-liah is another variation
8sl( and water will sometime* re
pound of sugar to every plot' of jnlec. of this delicious ••rind pickle." For five
•‘When a man VraveUln extremely hot
r-r cold climstes. he realises howvalusvive an unconscious
Pui in a jar. wbiefa must bo sol In a
pounds of the fresfaent-d rind,
>de a friend be has If he earries a botUe
vessel of hot water. Bkim well and 'sweet pickle.'; tske three
hurl. If brandy or other remedies iire
of Pernna.
boitlc when cold. Two tabicspoonfuls
whole ginger. bniUc It well and
“t-know of no article In my irareling
of Ice water makes a me
Hemorrhage from tooth pulllug I*
twenty minutes In s qiuirt of water.
enifit which X.have learned to pralee
dcllghifut and refreshing beverage.
ttopiKd by fliling the mouth wllU
Strain and add three luunils of aiigi'
For free modirsi *drte<. sddrfsu t>r.
I’eranahas no t>ad effect apnn the
II. Hartman. I'rontr-iii of TIo- Han- •y*b-m. and grsduallv eliminate* ca* >n H*nlt*rium.(!-.'lunit-ii-,tl. AM eor- larrb by muuvlDC the cause a( (ta
ip-iadrncc betd alricily omOdcutiaJ. catsrrli’.
think you will In- iMithered with n
h'-r g.iesi ha* laid her a eompliment
any longer.—Kxrhang*-.
wh.-n b.' remark*:
do y.tnr w.rrk."
. Cucumber Preserves.
oni-* of tiiillorln el
rirkk'K should In- vxamlio-tl every •wa*li and |uii Hi<-i
moiiih and soft plen-* remove.1.
' V**
or sht-Ivt-y with water and a s|
fill or .K> of eat Isdic aekl. anil I d<
Ti.k.- .
- |.n-|.-tnb1e'
slniiig brim
rfwaeh. th.-.i
The iM'tfsIoiiHl aildlHou of a IIUIo pul Hi<-ni ill fii-Kh wsKT, which nIoniI-:
sugar k«vps pickles BmM and Improves changed four llfluai during the tw«-tii>
"Hnw <«idly .>na
tl may 1k that the
gm-si kn.iw* very little ah..ut II. But
the fart n-maln* that In him the work
of the bouM-wlf.- *e«-ni* s-aslly dom-.
mean* (hat Hie h.MiM-h.rid mie
elilm-iy U VI. II olk-d. (beie I* no ruahlit I.- nnd
there I
Jarl iiHiRK-ot. There
tom and a flounce at the top. When days.
is no tuMlng wh.li N.meone bappeas
Eggs packtsl In salt can Ik kept for Ihelii.
lour hour*.
hung they are pushed liack
In lie laie to a ID.'Sl. Tti.'ie I* nil flniS|dr«-s In plekk-s sloui.d Ik
powdered sugar and serve on a folded side, and Ibe center of Ibe pole
- "A lan^ Is worth a h
wvcral months.
I.lne yo-ir iirerorving Kriih* wIM'
nml jumping ap. wxwlmle.
A pinch of salt added In imistaol
la any warkeL-—Obariea Lamb.
grai* baw->. luy In )«mr eneiunlKT.finished with a flounce eight or I
prefenilily mu ground.
If ground, Kcaticr lilts ot alum among*! tinn- .••ij.llig'.ui.-'- --'-If lo rush lo *«• if the.
prevents It souring.
Inches deep or the same depth »s I
blM-iill* are liiiriihig.
TTM-re I*
upoonful of conA smouidering or dull fire may Ik h<-^'- shoiiM ll■••t up III ihin muslin fill np with (n-sli water, cover wiit
Thou cas'st not buy
the- curtain*. If one was
Uses for Watermelon Rii)d.
oil III.- lorHi.-Xil of Ibis iHNiKwlle
cleared for. liniiling by ii handfut of
grai»- l--iivc*. licit »m top of kinlr. «■'
It Is oficn diffletiU in procure lit lowed. Cut the flounce de<-per than
who rtw* her work "m rosily " The
Most pieklf*. ' -11 ma.le. iltiprt.ve hyj^^_^^
Bub It U part of thy
Ibe markets the right sort nf melon* qnlrtsl. (o allow for the hem and n caswoman
the shiii pniTis of the vinegar pa**
To.ilve la love abd trust and fealty.
Salt thrown on any buraliig sub'A'h.-n ulc-lj grtv-tm.l, .lio|.
thc lop.
When nimtiitg the
preserve, says a wril.-r'lti Table
off and il.e fiav.o* of the H|ili-rs Into ic.'-wai.T and let ib.-tn r.-inaln inns and freli- «iid (ucm-s will aniior.T
T«> mlad.Md heart oa lllUc pleasure*
slsnct- will slop the smoke and lilar.c.
Talk. If they come tr^b from your curtains on the imle. run on eme cur
or laUf brt-ak down and Ik a rliroak
Bread Insiirfirlently salted iKComcS Iil.-mlitig pl«-a»antl>' i.tg.-ther.
until th.iro.ighly cold.
own garden there will In? do difficulty lain and then the floonce before pm
Sorb a woman I* a btrrdea
Ill pr.-paring plrkl.-s av.il.l nsing any
fn»m the wal.-r. wlje (
about gelling the right hind.
They ting on the second curtain. This is al
i-rrolf an.T no .-oiroilsH.m lo her
A hMrt ftril of thankfulBCSB.
Omd made with salt water Is said CIPIMT vesH-I. mil.-*. W.-II plart-d with- them, ami wHb a small kiiU.- cm an
so a pretty arrangement for dining
should'be "caugbl young:" that Is
with tin. N.«lting in 'he »haiK of Im-ISl.ill III oil,' Kide of i-:ii-li rii.iimlN-l. fan'ilD. Tfi.- mote slb'Dily the wbrrii
I Ik pood in some cases of consiiropA tumble full of cniu.
say. when purchased or •clectod. r««*- room curfains. If the Bgured muslins
of .|..nie»i|e i.ffalr* roe made to nia.
eoiijKr. I.-ii.l or p.-wi.-r sliou.l In- al S<-raiK OIII Ih.-MK-il
A ooul of a
S'tilT with eb.q.
ibly ripe. The delicious deep pink are used for tbe window* the
III.- Ii.tiMibr .'h. fcmlly and the bapKireng l.iwe.1 to com.- in roiilsel with viimgh
An aariy awralac prayer:
When cabbage, onions
m-d rai*lns and eltri.o. ami row .i|>
should -correspond with tbs' <
of the Cenier should be crisp:
- -wll. ami andlter.^Oblauo
A amllc to greet tbe moralng with.
Iiieisjim. bi-lng c
tint, and soft to the loiich. signifies wall-paper and general c -lor-achemc snu-lling vepelahles have iKcn I>ni'
A klad word as tbe key
To 1«|V.
in pans, to prevent odors rllnclng
111.' eiH-unib.-ni In n lug
that the melon was either picked
of the room.
ihmigli III peif.-ei ..r.l. r- shmil.bnot b.- (im.- Ill'- rnmlD* an-1
To open Ibe door and greet tbe (lay.
green or from a dead vioe. SmJTl dear
Colored lapcsirie* an- popular for them, place some salt on the sir
Blcacbir^ Linen.
all.iweil lo sli.iid in B ideke iMtliie ni eh.ipiKd :an.l mlx.-.l'>
Whatever It briag to thee;
dining-room which and turn the pan* lioltnm up nve;
blisters on many of the semi* s
W.- b-rt. nil j'lHirtr (laurtkercbteC*
A patient trust In Providence
salt- In It few minutes the iians illl jai (ill iii..n- than aii iiiatani.
ovcp-ripeness.- Tben you have the : bad l)Cen d*'Oorated in deep red
nd .b.ilc
ibatV/llK bane of
WikkI.'Ii »ih*»iis aud |*d.lb'* uif. In
To sweeten nil the dny—
smell swe«-l.
Afi.-r Niulfiiig. wi'ii
odor that the mdlon exhale* as a fecilvely draped In red tapestry
iKcanK of ihui dingy'. Offlfl
AU UMm comjdaed with ittoagbau!- guide. U they tave been packed ton very light weight. Lace and net i
All salads should be *<iak>Hl In salt
• well -IKlIl.d I
Ol'-. eB'r".l l-> air iniudirtoaB n**- nf
making III Ik dotii- In thi- liomi-. *iii-l
Siuk. a e.vnip of
gracefully hung nre always In and water to destroy aulmaleiilsi- o;
closely In an alr-tlght car. they gci
........ . nr fn.m atq. pertapa. Now. If
II for
1... ih>- ...................................
l.iekl.-V- ................................ W.H1 take n tappy dny.
r by IN.IIII1S .mill ■<
get heated and give forth a peculiar good taste for the sitting-room, and sman worms.
h.-.. ic- aiik.m. 'ln'(he Ironble that I
Make a strong brine and water gar
[I ai.'l drt.|. i'll ri.
• -«»'i ................
e mo*l satisfactory for a llvdead odor. Choose the melon whose
cu^ m 11 1 f garrl.bi me bdl yo-t
v.-i. ™, 1-- k..|.i
as they do not roil a* easi den walks to kill we.sls. A niiNlera'rind Is without spot or blemish. JIrsi
ills- to do say* a; writer in a rereti*
"• .......... ,-r
-I-........... -I-:,,,,.
quantity of
Among the berries which grow In toating It by scraping np a bit of green ly ar the innsltn.
Waidl |iO tlK usual wrmy
«-im>iaii' p.imUmg—
,1 plan- in II
Tbe most effective and l(i«-X|Kn»lve
Ibe'grentest profusion In
northern akin with tbe finger nail. If tbe skin
ci‘1. d.-an, f-.fi w»ier and any g"»d
Salt iitid ramphor in cold i
. MIebIgno nre blackberries, and the
.*.|. ami vh.;> soak ow-rnlgbt In cK-aa
n exrclli-nt dlslnfeetant in Ik
Bug* and Metba.
.yiip, and b-.11 d.rwn nn
wild ones are sweeter and more idl- with It. the chances arc the melon is are denims and burlap*. Denim eoni*-*
yiNl hav<- i.iii rteam t>f
ouse mid* shaiiM isitir sab
idiy.p III <'leiiiiibr-is am
In all colors, in plain, design* an1
ckHu ttan the garden varieties. They fresh. Skill (hat slip*, leaving bare
ai'H!. a K-asporMifiii lo roeryqnariiR
Her using H. down the ilrai
•] niln'i'ii-r' loup' i. Nt'x. j
blocked. Cut them the de«lr«d length,
are wttbin the reach of everyone and smoofh surface. Indicqics a melon y<
la'--: I{it>ro out m-il day and.
Sewer ga-' U eo'inteiaeti-d
'*j«rs. lyii'g 'tc-ii up wl
Perfect melon allowing enough for « bent ■* 'he hotsbMld'nat be neglected when eanning bad b«ler paa* bv.
anl'l... are; dried *II|) li'di'-*handful ef *alT p1ar.-<i In i-iil'
and s casing through which
flPBb Is crisp. Him. juicy, with
time arrives. The following reclpc!
.11 wilt not r.-r..tni/.- -b-’m a- 'b<Ksebaiiga pole a< the top
Trim them basins.
picked up here and there, will be of fragrance, free of strings or hard
ury. >gly Ihliig.,
-“.rl. .rtr.
- iuf.-'t.d
Water for laying
with an Oriental braid or .trimming
cores at the heart. Though (he v
proeticnl use In (bU eonarcUoD.
and I iK-wm*' sl^'ot
of han^onlring color*. This may be tective when sal' is aildin!.
Blackberry Jam—Gather the fruit best ntelons show a fea- Immature
Cucumber and Tomsto S*»sd. '
n a trl.-nd
eenerslly usd In Rngland
In dry sreather. allow hair a poand of abortive seed*, there. If they sho-*': purchased In dlfferenl widths, but a
l*»r.- ai.'-i *t.e.- 'w.i go<*d, -i''-.l ''.i
,:-.rti".-o irr km*
•!:. rio
A salad d: - .,i-|
good brown sugar to every, pound of anywhere bnt In the ends, proclaim one-inch to iwo-Inch trimming will b:: towns lor this purpose ,
..'imiH iv, an-I '.»k In '-om *a'’r .«.•
Rattan, liaffllioo and t>a«kei
-tt.-r than i,s.' «-.mea from
(fall: boil tbe whole together gcnil.v ihe^nilt to be away lielow first ctas*. found the mMi satisfa’* orr.
Irraio on a •■«li
m a 'skull
furniture may Ik thoroughly cleaned inaiiing. and enet- In a wn,..- l w.e.M
H ,
for an hour, or till the blackberries The color of the seeds does not sle- the braid down one side and aero**
oed rut lit", 'hid.
iwo red,
ssies.'.lHi 'A smsar. a
fln-! a bug iiiMl. r t)w ................. i'- 'I'ld'-r
are aoft. stirring and mashing them nlfy If they are ripe snd perfect. In the iKMom of the portiere* about two by scnilibing wl.'b a brush and sal'
to'P- salt. »n-l .It.! muittard. (btw litthe h.-d, I rai-.-d up lb. . iger nn-l
For a *lngl<- water.
my ^rjH-rience I have found that either Inrhe* from the e^.
well. Put In small jars and Ue dowi
bl.-l-Kti-fu -.f t'n'gar and Urm- of
Japanese-and plain siraw niiMiug wiped up the flw Wl'h Wt.'. r,
red or the lemon variety of th« water door one of these portiere* will he
Tills U particularly good for chlldrei
Dd Kimatu.-* nllr-rnst.which I bad p.n-.-.t a smai! .i.an'lty
tl'l' *-ii >■’'1
'*(> beab-n
Bieamed Blackberry Pudding—To melon with black-^ged light brown sufllclcni. but for wide double dooia should tK wavhe>|rwith sail and water
8«-r*.- with Frenci.
-BE y.-> Hai '- Ilti a donbte boiler
and nibbed dry.
Thi* keeps them of the earUrlle t.eM. i
one quart of flour add two teaapoon- seeds were always* better flavored a pair will be necceqpary.
______ ______________
an.: <m un'-t 'I'd mixiare M' ilk.’
Tbe figured denllc-. and burlap* arc soft and prerenu brinle meking
Watermelon Hod
fsU of baking powder and one tea- than any other*.
Of bed.’.-adr *|5.1 In the ererke ;t: Hi're.-aui. j
simootnl of salt, a heaping tablespoon- should he csrefullv saved, as they can made tip In tbe same manner, bu' where irafllr (* heavier.
I dl.; Ibl* tn 'he <pnng; A M.rrt to,Hou**koep«ra.
Brooms soaked in bof salt water wau* etc
In all case* the
fiil odartl or huttA and enough wokt be used In mtny dellclons ways with without trimming*
at ho-.Kel.«ning lire. ai'lenre«alli, .H'm,Kk.K„.r. who d.. 'letr ,dw..j
to mahe tbe consistency of biscuit only a little ironhle. At (be beginning color of the portiere* should han.ton- wear beiier and do not break.
Cucumhkr fiandartebas.
-haocei work and aie trt/uMr.-d with tin-.l fee:.;
Bedroom floor* may be kept rooi; ihrough th. Mirnmcr
dmigb. Boll it out half an Inch thick of the melon season fill a jar with Ire with tbe furnishings of the room.
II • i.rnmlKni. perH and slice etqn*
I; will find great, a.lvontage from u-ing|
These materials are also n*cd (or cor and very fresh Ip summer If wfpef.rfound a bi;g or iw
—spread oo It one quart of ripe black good brine, strong enough to float
i eti»bion to Ktsnd on while washlnj wi,-'- verv tbiD:inartaB>e with Freacb
daHy with cloth wrane on' ot strong i hav.- never >Ken one since
berries and sU Juicy apples, pared. egg. and a* tbe Hod* accumulate, put ing window seat* and cedar chests,
dUbes'of prepsrtnr v.-z.rtaiaes. mtdv'-In—fnc: let stand two bo-.r*
salt water. All microbes, moths and (be mo*' complete remeft | ha»e e?
cored and sueed thin. Sprinkle the (bem Into the brine, first paring off and even a trank will be found ctafrom row-rsl thlckte-.**.- of old el.rtn emir- wb-at bread in eirele* theasnu!
!u*e«k. This la deadly
venleM «fid not nnaUrecflve In a bed pest* are thus destroyed.
fniltvwtth sofar. and (oW tbe dough the outer rind, then cutting gli up In
i>r blanket. Tari. 1.1* a eomfortahle]size as cncunibet. sod siuwad fbmi
the way of chi!
Black,spots on disbes an.l .llacolo--. sbontd be kept
room if bidden by a cover made from
about iwo-lDcb pieces. Cover wUh
over It. Put la cloth wrung
r with mayoatuUee dreaalag.
and furolRh whh a lu'ip a
atioos on teacup* are removed
by dren
bniUnf water and well fionred. Steam plate to keep the pieces well under the denimcirvdM at teeai;
: slice lieiwfeli t
we! .ridrtanec'tb baht .ip >.ui .rf dhe wi
This wutild also Ik
Btrlped aertm makes a very altrarf Aafwp tutIt.-JTtiladeIpbia Pablic iKdg-]
the brine, ton need not he afraid of
(or boll, by puttlag (he p<t<MlBg
pnmr eilge* i.*.-tb V SDd aerve.
he rlrswer* In -ure.
I (or* moth*. "Wasb <
the rind getting too salt. They should ire summer drapery. This may be pur- ei
boillag water) lor one hour and
With reaamber^ blisuea.
bread-erutnb (hem and fry in bot fal
to a golden brown: roll while hot
Paces 7to 12
meloos for bn cents a camel toad. He on the plaiform. ctothM la them. Of .
Indian Camp Masting.
| Thomas la the
Nimbpori. Mich.. Aug. IS.—Tbe In-; vd will take full eVrge of these WV toM iVt a mv could bey all be special lalciwM la IkU coatume waa
newded to eat vd to wear far 323 a the hat>kh«,Virora uMar the vMI.
Ians at the camp meetlBR llrienad to wbea Ml. Thomas leaves.
1< wetehaiAnar
vd U .
three exceUeal dlscouraes by Prof.
Tbe looriol pnriy from ClaclaMlI
The manners and custimis are at- fastfoed at the back BHtec sUromKraacia Mcaervc. president M Shaw that stoppari oV at Omev. visited the
esi exvily the sbm m la Bible ers woven la with the hair. It la wont
unlversliy yesterday. Tbe evcalng VV. •S.ime of the customs 'aeem
I month al a time vd IV womea
dr«*a was parflcotorly lalere*llv a*
ThI* evening Professor Goodrich of
be talked tm tbe pobsIWllly of indUas Albkm college will give hi* illUBtrated very strange tb us. In our country w»
write frtwn left to right, la that coua- them that Hie head ache. If the cv **
with the whiles.
lecture. ••Palestlne-^is People. TVIr
off. ' Tbe colors la the dreo* fa
the course of Ms remark*. Pro COSloms and Habits.'' 1’e.rplc dreasef
feasor Heserve eadeavoredTo prove in the costume* of Palestine la the our country a vatlemsn taken o0 bis vored (be colors of (he coviry aad
were greee vd red.
I no entering a
that the Indian wu^ hvdicapped lime of Christ will take part. Pr>>
In Ihe (nwa of Iva there wu v
by bis color, ciliv a aumVr of ex fessor G.sjdrich delivered a krtore
Death ef Mre. Hiitchlnaon.
lake* off his shoes on enlerlng a home. mnm In the Inn. They went to (he
Northporl. Ml<-h.. Aur. 13.—Mrs- amples. Bv+ry ladUa which tried lo
la*i l»ecember Bvery one'wb i
IV caatt^lde' crowd ate a
He told that when one tap|^ na i next tiest bouse wEirfc enusisted of
Mai y K. Hutchinson, widow of the laic rise la the wofld succeeded aad his heard him at that lime was delighted
one room. A high ^tforte flllad
Dr. Him-lilnsoo. died at J;3fi thin surcess was measured only by the ef He Is an able and Hiieui speaker Tbe
time, (be
avenlnc and bad a
Sotneonc within srould'ray "mla" one half tbe room. On Ibis ibe pen|de
runruiDR ol canci-r. She was 79 years forts IVi be had put forth- He staled Bvwoclalirtn'eonsident this a* t«e cd
li-avlue, the window
nature of a picnic.
which means "who Is Ibcre.'' You lived The rest «i( tbe floor was liaie
After (be topper waa over, (he
erod and tbe «r<s.-n. which bad U-*-!!
wait until all the womea have RrouDil and wa* orrupled bv a calf, -a
of iDdurirtes Iti which the Indians did
■ssor Goodrich should !*■ greeted by
ally iBcJloed played tV pUno In t
removed by In-odlOR hark soave nails, Wliilfrcl Sebroeder.
left Ihe room for no tlallor ts allowed cat and sevdrel diinkeys. in Ihe edge
Mrs- Hutchinson was a ploni'er of iiifl try to participate and which the
large audleore He Ju"' iwc* from
while dandoK waa tadolsed In. Tbe
u repUi
■pun-d. The desk or imfe
look upon the faces
of (be platform a kind of irOBglasras
this ntion and was a well-known lit- whiter; inaiHipolire dbut which the In neBancc. Ohio, where he has been
of Iowa sneete were Hist Louiac Sbepwith.
it (dupei
medan sromen. The houaes are biitll seoitpcd owl In which (nod lor the Mlkrt of Detroit. wV li tIiIIIbr Hiaa
Two yeant bro the same window ■•caiy woman. Vvlnc one of the beat dlans could eiiRURe In )usl as advan- ttiring daily for Ic ndaye. He will of taud wtth^lhr excepHm of Iji.- roof, maU was placed. At pressmi Ume tha
Florence Hlllw^; Mica Hasel Harrta of was broken aa<l (K^vrral raxots taken.
of brvrhes laid ovei
her* nflen lay tbeir IIHIc faablas
which 1* daSe
contains a laree numtur of choice Ihe various resorts was one ibinc tVI
CadUlac and Mlaa lUtile Thco John,
■r' wlUi mud nd enreved with pilch. The
the irougbs to keep ibMn from
books, rare volumes and medical they could do Just a* well as anyone
ana of Cbleaso. who are VHtUlBR the
flmernor Warner and il<m. Wllllan boase* have n<i windows and
rolling off Ihe plaiform ahd hateg
MlaM Lelab and Myrtle Miller; Mias
Atdea Smith and party are expected
and the rotrf falls la when It
ipled upon by (be vimais. Mr
As an example of Hie success which Thursday morning Bisbop Walden
The funeral was held Vj't'dncsday,
' rolk of Litcbfleld. ill, who Is vIslUne
one Indian, who bad started pour, the M K church, vd Dr Fltiyd. Held rain*. Tbe house ha* only one room. Gootlilrb uid. *Ybere for the teat
tilas Laeaa of WashlDRUm atrect: tbe
Is sVred by the family and (he vl
had made of his life, be told «>f Oov secreiai-> of rhe misstouaiy sodety o
lUaaea Prideaox of Millsdale. wbn are
For MIsa Huellmantel.
i le which our Savior laid '
enmr Hn>wii
ihe Seminole tribe fd
vttlUBS tbeir slater. Hit. 8. 8. Smith,
the M K church. Will abs. arriv
The Tw-euHeth reniury club
n» family Invited Unm I*, dinner
showed tbe nwtume of V JkrIhu Indian terriiory. Oovertibr Brrrwti
aad £lr. Kirby of Hllladale wbo is vUdlRltl cave a granile aljower for Mtrs <.wn« u a l.vigc t.tore and his clerks Thi'C'dai mornluc. They will lake
V w.-re siuiti-dVrouDd a mud tahb
in hoy and. rloseid by abowteg
lUnc Chkriea Aabton.
Alivcua Hiiellnianicl. who will lu- mar wife Willie men I'rofessor Meserve
inehes high on which was plarert
euriortilcs from FateaUVThe iirosiMci for^a large altendvev
lo tl'sirce Ibrrrouth rai^Aug Ifi
Amnag Ihese was a mode) of a qaaev
ponnday meal. Tbt* •
vIslUil him and on the day he
\ ftetwrrtd From New York,
Ihe IfVqiiet I*‘good. Liverymen In bread, olive*, diba vd conee. DItm la
The shower was held at the home of
. lamp *jm
there Mr, llroan was very- busy
fer. and Mrs. Stepbea CUek ro
alt the n'wr-hy towns rep«>rl that their made ol grape* One (reveler «ald years nld and a vessel tor rarryiK the
Miss Nellie Wiirr.hurR on Dnloo irtreei
had Hilrter-n rats of cattle and each
torned Monday from a trip to'Now
IRS are all envged for that day.
Miss lluellmanlel rreelved many'very
the lamp without wblefa tM
about the -bread, 'TYie bread seem* to
csr cotilained iweniy head worth «30
-Yorti and New Jeiwey. Mrs. Cisek has
Good meals can V obtained on the b«- made of tough, drab colored cloth lamp would au bcuf much uae
mefnl pies»-iil». , A i«arl bf the even
head. Tliese caltb- were peint
been away about six weeks aitendlDR
ing was speal at cards, at which Miss shipped lo SI. I.rml.s as Hie price* gniiinds as the dlnng hall Is tinder
tbe evcBlag Ihc prnfesoor apofco
of flour and millstoneii ir
Vr afater. who has been seriously 111.
Annie Merle* won HrsI prise whlb- there on llial day wer«- higher than Hide management. The proprleltir. •-qiially together" The loaves
avln of Ihe laqil of the PhlHsOvs
While la New York Hr. Clack took a
■■niployed a chef from Northporl
Mrr.. 'Jehu Qulgl")' r»‘e<-lved Ihe eom-o-.
and of Palesitae He rpoke of the «xIhe oiber markets, showing that Mr. Beach iMrtel and ve doing Ihrtr best rotnid and flat like paarakn. They
namber of tripe on tbe new underiBllon. Music an^ slncInR fnrouvl a
(he old Htr of LVIV,
iiM- them for plales Vd pot all food ravatlons
Brown had good business judgment.
groiwd railway. Tbe Interior, be aay5.
to give a moil efflclenl service.
pleasvt fcaliire of the evening's cn<i|>on them. They break off a pleee nl where thirteen rllir* Wfue ainwveied
Indiau women, ho al>c. had
la TWT Sac. all belnR Baisbed la Ultertuinmcnl. Herr.»bmenls consIsllUR
Hie plate, toll It up ami use |1 for « and evldeares found verifying scripeurouragometit. In a land alloinieni
. Inc. bat tbe service and venUlatloD
From Wr-dnesday's Record
lie Mild (bat the apsde aq(l the
of lemou Ice an*l cake were served.
OkluhoiiiB he jsaiitei] lo see
are very poor. Accidents occur alraoal
Northporl; Mich-. Aug U. -The pn- vpkln They fliiffih Hie mal by eat pickax wen- Ibe evidences of Ibe truth
had ehtige of Hie dmwi
aRi-ni V
dally bat are always kept as quiet as
limlnary servle.-* yesterday aflernooii ing up the piste, spoon and aapkln.
of God. He took us with him In ImAl Wale* Works.
name was Clarh ami wl
possible. Al one Ume Mr. Clack was
perutlarly InU-resHlfg -owing
ihe gtmiBd whlrb «iu'
They w<-ni from Joppa through
■Odarbin While has l>e.-n appolnle.1 be-teqiiired (or ‘'Mr. Clark." MUs
ridtnc In one of the anbway cars wboa
Chief fORlneer al the water wr.rks and Clark vswered hlin and stated that the unique history of the pp.-Vlicr wh> the laud trf the Plillisllnes. He said Savior irod lu (he Ivd of Galilee aad
an aeddent occurred aad -tc was
the well at Hbcehem. to (be city ^
will bercafu-r have entire charce of
the agent. He said what
forced to remain there for three fabnra.
tn ^usalem.
so dangernus, IrylBg and expensive.
the plarii. City hSiginrer t^aldwell te'llati ms'l^ of himself or herself
Improvem'eau In the TcntUatloa. are.
Hen. O. C. Leach.
Mission, upper peninsula. MIebIvn. Tbe penuin who aranged ihe trip seat the sai-red enclosure wbAe no Jew I*
will have RoniTal suis-rvliilrm the
qu<-stloD of talent and not color.
bowever, bdlag made as fast as poaslMr. Lightfnot was left an orphv when a sOliUer with ihem Iteeaime tbe Ivd illowed lo eater aV which maiV the
< as in lb* past, but will l>e re
ConimissioiM-r i>eupp rompleied
four days qW. His father had died
safe. He aliu> seal a gnide, site of Rniomoa's temple and other*
Held, M«>.. are Ruesls iif frleads in liev-ed of -some of the rr.utine work. address Baliirday afternoon. Il
Itcfore Mr. Mghlfoni was iHtni affd cook, mule rtrivern and several help and of which wotblag remalv: ibsi
town for a few days, and a'hearty and Mr. White bv I>een a fallhful employe hill oLniiggels to the Indians w^ho MsAll at Work.
jl to f'avary to Ihe hill ahaped llkA
A* there are n't hotel* to that
the piimplng slalKm for a numbe.- tcmvl Very closely. He urged on them Ills mother (Uiesed away -iMinit after his
. YVUatof thetoamrterawVatrnck rurriial RreellnR Is Riven them I'.v the
skull, where our Savior was cruellleil
birth. Hr was lell friemlles* and help cumlry evi-rylhlng had to l-e carried
yosr* and Iho promolltA Is a de
have a feeling of n-sr*>nsl
last week .on the UbIob street^ paviac few old-Ume friends who remain io re
less. (bHintli-sH stories have Imr-n told with litem:. In Ihe flnil village they vd here he stopped vd made bare
served rea-ard.
Job retarned to work on Tuesday
ami have l>eeii written depicting (be passed ikroiuib they naw tall grea* the life vd Rkiry of oar Savior Jdsls
rharle* U Parker, who has lieen t
to do II wc-n. He, In closing, especially
after aevaral of ble fellow woricers re- tbe sixties and mrly sercnlk's.
spoke this aliernoua at 1:30.
ly years, cspecUHy those immedi
im^tessed upun them the necessity of
anaMd hMiUag yesterday afemoon.
Professor Goodrich speaks with
e of Ihese sheep w e grazlusix years, hv rculRaed Ms proliloo doing a thing when II should be doae. scarcely think of the Indian wliboni
TV iiMii|ti which they made were ately precedlDR and follnwinR
ananciatlng this Word- wUli'-kbe
in the foroe and vlgffr. " THa "Wiire. white
Ashdod wa* reached I
and will engage in another line of
•at iwyad hlthymb they are RetUoR civil war. Mr. I.swch was prominent In
thought. This wa* shown t.. be unjust Mfiernoon
The traveler* marche-l largely
From Toesday's Bectird.
largw wacet at preaent as tbe haul
lo the Indlv liy I'rufewaor Meserve through the «»wn tr> Ihe bouse of Ih r«"ferfni
the leacbiav Pf the
Ntirilipoti. Mlr-h.. Aug. H -fharle?
la taDRer asd they do their nwa load- I8t9 he was (di-'-n-*! to ll«- b-elslatonlu his address Sunday gRerntmn and Nhelk, who I* Ihe chW of the town Bibb and reruialy helped all wV
picnic al Dock Lake.
Pnincis Meserverl.L D.. president of
and aaloadlBR. Tbe men who were on the whlR anii aiiH-sUiver.v tieUH. In
from Rim to beiier uaddhsUad
the Stoo' 'nld by Mr. Ughlfoot further Mr thiodrtrh said ' He welcomed it;
A biR basket picnic will be held
!^aw iinlrersiiv. ilaleleh, N C-. ad- whows the utljitstness of these
taken on Ui tbotr places are still or the feJlowInR year he was a memlter ol
very warmly. He touch«Hl our fore many >* tbpse IbhiRs spohea of Ml
Duck Ijike resort Salurda.v. Aug.
(Iicssrul the IndUiis yesterday after
and there an a doien teams at worl the coiiKtllnllonal nnuentlon. and In
IM7 acted In the «inie cii|iacllj in iimler Hie auspice* of the American noon, lakiv for his loidc "Kind of au The beans of Sanim-I I-dghtfoql vd head, chin and l»odv and said In Are Bible. The lecture was, Indeed, latar•ow.
bis wile who were Indians,‘. we^p.
Society <d E.|iiily. the 1. O. O- K. vd
. 'Peace' be unlo you.' and then w< cstlag vd lOBtrarllve Mr. Goodrfeb i
Tbe street Is now open as far south the cooventloo of Ihal year. In tk.Mi
Kd.tr«11on fnr an Indian." Among
.* of the
down on a mud. ■•eneh. H was thi speaks this afunOM al l;3A
elected as » republican to roiiother things he advls--d Ihe Indlvss to little txiy and they at ofiee ad»|>tt-d
as Bisbib Btreal beyond which polm
Noribport. Mich, Aug. U —The Re*.
prcsldeut of rh.- day nnd the music
«.nly one In ibe room Al the other
end their older cUlldnm I" the schiitmb;
tVre U but HtUe brick laid. The Vul- eresB from the old h'nririh district
wn a camel waa mnnch J. D. Deets has raeteved a leteffrVl
They ppived to In- Ihc kindest
II be furnished liy Ihe Klngsi.?
esiablisfacil by the government for the
ins of coabtOB sand was coaunenced then cmbraclmc all MirliiRan from
of parents lo the IlHle fellow. They Ing hi* end. The sheik seni two
from Governor Waraar stating that ba
Ivd. The foHowing Is the progrum;
Indians vd to keep the younger cbil
today preparatofT to the ««iUi
brought him tip. gave li!ra u good
thr'-e soldiers to guard ns for the will be here at 9:4S tamorrow morolv
9 o'clnrk—Ball vme between Mon
upper peninsula,
dren at home and wnd them t«> Ih'of tv briai laylBR which will V re
to lake imrt la tba "governor's iMf
high school t-ditcatloD as the town of l>eople were not very hv»i "
roe Center and Wylie team No. 2.
while M-bonls If Ihe enndilitms were
sumed late this aftenMOO. Tbe con elected in IR-W and derliu.-.1 a Ihinl
celcbration at Ibe romp meeting. OORi.'Anse. whcn-lbey lived, could ftir
11 o'clock—SiM-akliiR (or tbe Amer
At Gars the peofde still point
In DWo. Mr. lawh l.mk
gortd In these. He said that he would
crete toOBdatioa is teld acrom tbe Inthe place where Rampsoci carried sway gresKman WllllaB- AMea Hailtb wBl
ican Society of Kquity.
advise this for two reasons. Hrsl.
tetdecUcB at Tenth street while the an active port In the cxcillnR deliales
also be preseat. arrHiag oa (ha aaiMb
He gra'Iuaied from the High s«bnr>l
Vie. To,show dmw IIHI1 orl.uk—l-be Rev. A. A- DtrilBg
imfne<llthat (be Indian ehlid might have the
curb le la to raeventb Vl Is not yet
wlieibhe was 1l< years old
coiild depend «>o the truthfulness .of train
will s|s-ak for the I. n. (). F.
l•eIlellt of the association with white
hard enoaRb to permit the laylnf of ately before the wnr, and is i«>day tinAt (be bvquet la Ihc town Mali Mi
rnm-i-rief) when he wms a child, btil guides vd that none could be st
Z O'cbick—r. r Ollhcrt win speak
only HvInK rcpn-selilalUe of the "tVtchildren and p*eeive good Impre.,
more fotudatkw there.
the evealv. addrcaaet will be mada
liarkslld. Als'iil two yeais ago he con that an object was actually what
for the Modem Woodmen.
mont conRro**" ol IKSS. lu I8«
slODs; secom!. and vastly more lra|«or.1 o'clock—Ball game le-lween. Shei
ireraled himself to God and deter was represented to be. Vie said- "While by rBwenor Warber. William Aid*
Itev, Raotia Laavea. ..
mined lo enter the ministry. This he I was In Germany I saw nines from Smlfi. C'mgreaamv BIVv. CotoR C.
man IndependcBis and Grawn Potato
ihrough them, the while parenie. did and began amoung the rfalppewa
■rt* Rev. K. L. Requs, pastor of tgan, then an Important poslllnil.
jlJtHe, A F Roaitag. the Bar. J. C.'
■ he ladder Jacob saw in hi* vlstpn
In IkCS Mr. Leach cnTuc with bis Dlggere.
miMii become better acquainted with Indians alunit a vear a;
the FrteVa church, wni leave for
ouce 'saw two beads of John the Hap Floyrl of rinrlautl Vd others
the good qualities of the Indlv.
VaatVM. lad-. tV latter pari of 8ep- family lo Traverse riiy. In IkfiT i
Tbe train will not wait neitl attar
He prepared himself for the work. He Hsi. wbb-fa wa* explained by eitiing
A Fine Clack.
real cstale and lirok.TaRc Arm
temVf to take a pastorale there.
He spoke of Ihe advantages secured Is now 2>> years of age Ui* Indian that the smaller one was Ifle bead o' the' banqiwd. leavteR vNorthport at «
J. K. Martjnck has jtiM received
Beqoah baa been here for the past two 1x»ch * Bales was lorroid. nuisisrins new chronometer which he has dl* by the Indian wbo attended llieae (••refathets were,piearhers for several John Ibe Baptist when he wa* a l<ny' o'rlock at nlgbl hisMad of mldalRbt
yaare and Vs made many frieadi dur::cbooU. since llieir courses
was expected so that those wbo at
geneiwilons. Ills (osier fatbar's
They went from (tere into the land
the same yrer Mr. l.eiicH bouRht th«- played In bis window. Tbiy lime piot-e
inc his stay la the c«y wV will be
raiigi-d lo irulD Imlh the mind qnd (he ent wa* a n>ip|>ewa Indian nresebet •jf the Bedoiilni. "nieM- are desoutd tend the bvquet win hsvc to suy
Uraod Travernr Herald of Hiwpan is one of exceptlcaallr flue value ami
aerry to wa he and his. family leave
Kvry Indian leaves these nnd a memler of l.oth eonlereoccs
A Isrge party Is expected from
nuts of Irhmael. are flerre, >.lni<«eT and
llalt-s wbo had «T.isl.ll.-Iied il In 1K;.8. umiraie adjiisimenl. It cos' K<"t and
the dty.
is guaranteed nm in vary more than :u-h*s»ls al'le I-. w-nrk at gpmc gissl the M F. ch'ircJi In Michigan 1
rniel, dl'-.hoocsl and even m'lrderou* Traverse City.
VfMUIeld has a much targer efanre.h In IK7C Hr. Ls'ach Mild tin- Ili-niliV
iwti and one-r<iurlh minitte* durlu » trade. To ilhiMrate the good
cares more (nr hi* Indian (rieads than The}' U' t' ilieir women icrr l>adly
Thos. T. Bates and irinovi-d
than the on# In Ibis city. bavHiR
lojurcd by t
year. II Is sel In a glnibb- so It U al (ages obtained a' these bchools he be <bH-> for the w-btte man and wishci When a child I* l.orn The womc.
moat double the mraibersbip. Tbe
Wimaaistmrg. Mich , A'lg. 13—JokR
ways al a iwrfecl level. The chpv told about Bobert I>. Agosa, who b-ft In 1>c rallfd an Indian H>- is-certain ■ eailier lo offer t-onersluls'1»n
If a
town U V educational center, an
nonieler has a thlrteen jewe! move Ills home In this pjare In atc-nd Has ly a self mart*- luati, and the siory of le,y Is lorn ih>-> bring pr'-*eolt If a Grt-dy- I-. sure tbsl fbe rartrldv h«'
academy, which is a .tributary to one
his dynsmrte cJmrv was nil
and gts-s llfty-six hours without kelt In'-IKiile. |„B*reii..-. Kalis*,, and .his tile should lie a means of eneour rlti I* liortt 'h'-y offer.’na present*. g<
of tV FrlMids collcRW. Vlnp located
ihiii- uecure an •-duration tor blm.s>-ll. agemi-n' to tlio.e among whom he has Mw»y rorrowfiJl and offer no eongralu right lie was a little xkcptknJ pren. ,
there. The church is V excellent one.
It Is the Imst tfme keeper known He attended, the school an>1 learm-d
lall'inv f'lIlR are ofiili pcomlsr-d In onsly but after the doctor bad ttelMted
VlDR In fine condition and having a
pieces of rock and ih* carl- .
Mid is.used cut all warslilps and large 'hi- tailoring tni*le He Is now doing a
Ptof r K tjoodneh
coaaUnlly growing membership.
m of him he wax perfeetty a«ncttan galBR vessels where an abso- very SMeees-'ful busilies;; at Traverse leg-, Albion. Mtrh. rtellv^
mariled wlii-n bnl k-oi 1‘> yewrr. old
:lv^M' I
Mr. Bequa came here from Illinois
liilelj accurate limepiere is necessary- r'i'y He alrpoke of Rlmou R'-d drt-** on
Pal-*Hne. Its CuMom- lie .'•aw a girl limping arid f'njnd Hu' lKfl<-l
oe aceounl of bU health which he has
;mdy I- a well kmcm farmer
The inslriiment was made in I/»ndoo. bird, who a'fended the same *e(if«; and Habi':- ' Reforr- the speak'
n *-as the reioill of having been
completdr recovered and la bow able
and lr-an,<-d car|u-n'ry. He was s<i si.< .
all the w.irk iM-inc done by baud.
In K< MIh* Frye. Inslru''t'i' jtlirus-n from » window by her idoHk i near Ba'c* Thu morning be was'em
to take care of heavier work. Hts
cessfiil Hiai the cov«rnTn*-n' gate L;m in •■i.-le In'b'-Indian school at ttenoa.; when a ll'lle baby Ctrl lisbles.are gag'-d to btuHng stumpHe was
aabcessor here has not yet bc» n
a lesstrion and h- is now learber o' Neb, latic I'lv Mccepiably the wuig som'-Hme* pul to death licca'i*e ««(
rklng shout 7 o'clock wbea e*e off
Pleaunt Trio.
named. IV anoauncemcDl that the
ihts.liade In Haskell tnstliiiO' Atil Til'- Bird With Hi'- Broken PInbm " ; 'ti«-ir *cx
charges fatted iu explode After
Bev. W. 1. Cleaver of Carthago, lad-.
wvmg a rrosr/nabte Hme be want up..
Ibis U all given tree. He lllusiraterl
Mr Goo-lri-b *ald In part
1 am ' Mr Go<»drfh Ib'ui 4'>w.-d
tiirmsl 'Sunday from a weeks trip,
Vd accepted a call here bdag a mis
edurail'ui by staHng v'-ty kUd K. sp- ak to you this afiei- i "im'- of a.B'^o-jln sheik |t cmvlsrci
what the' matter was Ho—
Hiroitgh the Inland lake- They start-1
that he spent 3:.vui >o give bi~ daugh noon ab>iui tha' wondorful Isnd where I'd a bea'ldresf made >jt a large tqusre looked into he tede and started to
H fioiii here. ROIBC to KIk Rapids vJ
e'lllegc co’irfe
'..lit Savior liv'-d A giwsi many ^r-o-i of •-tlk cloth lotded ltHo a (riaiigie and p-ill i< >rii The eipi'.ston dlVt '»me
A Vrglafy,
.-ri *nd M'rw him full of bol<w.
He iirg'-d the ludlan* to take a>l pj,. know v'-ry li"t«- aliout that land; h<-ld on 'be h'-art by a larg>- b*-avy
They en*-«iiin|ered a couple of rainy
The Bccoed-hvd store of Millar A
Artto remoriug the cbax«l> bs s»art„f ,n,.
wtMid'-rful i r«.|.e ring The mantle wa> probahl;
days, but this did not bother them at vsq'agc ..f ihU «*4u>aiHoii while il wa*: i,„, p
Hiwae w likM rronl street was InirgI lo iinsrep il and look a* C. Tite
„o ,h„ f,, f of ihe earth
A like thal worn by John 'b'- BapHr
While on Torch lake last Thur* fic- Th- whi'CK wen-oaiecliag and
larlaed BMday night, the miscreants
wa> not sm'ridering and II didn't
day they ran Into a m-vctc storm Hie Indian school would In time b." friend I'dd m* lhai he hart alway s f'-H bm made of «o"/m and w'sdrui Wbeti
geiilBR away with several dollars
which tossed their t-uils almut ronsld ] • I’Mrawn.
H- '-mpbaslw-d . very;,^,, Palclne W, ibe-arth when our’'be H.epherd lie- down to rt-st a' nigh' >xpt'>dc in hi* baMs rtther
worth of Vrdware Vd tV fact not
After taking out l|ie enrtrtdg* V
rebly but which Ihev rode out ml e'cmely tha' no msticr how w'dl 'bey i
a gres' wrhlb-watching hi* *beep be plare* hibeing discovered Vtll this morning.
IK-rfiw! safclv Bv far the worst siorm i »ere cylnraled. If ihcy w-un* Ml well
........... h,rc tbai idea '
• h'wd In 'he large fold a> ih' .hotiftei ho'igh’ be would •mamlne ibat fo aro
Mr*. D. C. Leach.
Batraace was eBected by a r«
eneoimtercd ws* yesterday when theii (reined morally their educatum W.ml'1,
pmy took asleamor at Alex- and wrap* hi* man'le at«ui . He If {< wa* what reamd tbe (rmbte. t(
•window which tqseas directly Into the
w«*n t bill ie- didba know II until be
were romiag around Ihe Old Mission ! le-«if no aecoimt.
' andrts. Egypt, lor Joppa. He said tha* *ho*..d vorb'-r vrmet.' coo.i*i|ng
Sprincllcld. Mo. Kfimulng after
ofhee of the esUbHsbraent. The
had placed it oo a rock vd bammerod
point In order to avoid 'he rock* I*, i Profewsor Mew-rve I* a pleasing and ‘ ss the, saw' the low rock Shore. ,rt , a hesd'tress. manrte and girdle . T
a sereea outside aad the lower sash (vw years, he was ciigagetl exKDslvelj
H and an exploston worthy of a-bihl
was nect-ssary to k'-ep more than a fureeful speaker. He 1* wen acquaint Palestine come into vtew they f.-l' ih' girdle I* spoken ol freqoenUy In i
In cranberry rulinrc at Walton, until
was fastened J>y a stick resting
mile from shore. Just when In the; ,d with (he Indian qu-stlonn he wa- hope* .pf . iifctinKabou' to ts: Bibb- vd we could.s« b«« Hie .«rer list rewar'led Ua offeris
top of It aad then braced against the w fi-w years ago be ami Mrs. Leach,
He mvtged to laabe bis wsy borne
storm the pump on Albert Ctemenf; .upertntvdeni of Haskell Insri.iie for. (ulBlled.
w'«ld gird up hi. loins m pr.-partne
VPer sash. Tuesday morelng Hr. look up their pcrmaiieot home with
Imat fca«Hl to wmk. and It *v somea numiwr of year* So wVf be had! H- found 'ba. Jiippa *a* a eiiy of for a Journey The siewvev .re very where irr. Bancs of WimaatsburR
Morae toM his partner that IV stick their children at Sprinffiidd.
time before H could be again pm in to say mVc a deep Impression on hl*;one siree*. |r was so narrow tha- the wide, the opening often meaauriv dressed bis Injorlea.
had been broken and was Informed by Lroch is uow in his eighty-fourth year
There were a aUber of pteres of
; camels almost crowd on* off Inlo the from eleven lo lhlrt'-"n feci vross
Mr. Millar that he Vd noticed It Mv- but still shows much'of tbv vim
B.-li*irc. the bo.vs say. is tnat ereiy.
Tbe Rev LotiU Medavl*, au Oitawt vticr vd «i fllthy that a person cmn The wrimen often use this for a pocket rock and tbe carirMv In bis left arm
Vy Btorolqg. An InvestivUcm was activity that charactertred bis }'•)an'l tbe Injury *ae ffalnfai but v BevL
Nrerlv every one In loin owns some from Dorr. Mich., preched last even-loot step off the sive walk.- Joppa book, basket
•as made and two'revolver*, a *2 vd days, and Mrs. I.(«rb lewrs the honors
kind bf a boat. Severel of them. It Is; ing He Is ah ordalnetl devoq In tbe possesses mvy beauHful lemon vd
He next spoke of Bethlehem vd a* results are antldpated-.
a S«. four or dv* pearl hvdled Vlves of Vvaacing .vears with the same dig
Tbe iroubte moat hav« Loan to (be
orenge. groves. These fruits are v ijbowed one of its bridal o
ally and charm that made her *« loret reported,are very speedy, and Judging,M. B church. Is a farmer vd has
■neial knlveu of lesa value vd
i plentiful that «e ev buy oreoffes ter I better show the different eor.nme^ dmamke bat be dMat baMmer Umt
by the pioneers of the Grand Traverwe from (he way they ran around tbe lake' charge of work in aouihers MichlRV
(usqple of boxes of 32 cartridges we
and oat.
^ ■
Goodrich had people appear
Ihe Isiy-. think Ihe ifport ts tn.>e.
,Hc come- te SMirt 1>- Rev. T. C.
foBBd to be mbtslBR. All fld there
Of) Hk» WlrtMar'
Oa hU Mrthdv
boar of (be daj oa whteh he wM bom.
r»ak B. Strtckler of BendoB pMMsd
•way at Ue fatber"* beaac yeatenUy
of coaaamptS«B.
neceaaed vai S3 yt»n of am a»d
iMrea a wife and (wo email children.
The -ronCTal.waa beU Ibla aftenwon
|Bder the dlrecUoa of Hervey Aadcr-
(blBRs had l*en taken litHu tbe front
abowcase but as there Ih nu ll«bt In
the diore after closln* time (be ihtof.
or ibicres, were sblctded by the darkfrom (V eyo. of people on Uie
The work was d.rac bastlly and it It
evident that the person who look Ihv
Roods knew what be was after fof
notlilliR .was dlsarranxed In sitch an er
as to attract attention, even the
iticin of tbe proprietors. A l»i»x
r«> was turned mer and tbe roi
ton In the rase where the Idiives wi r.kepi was partially piill«-d out of the
II cannot bat be aometbiae of a sad
honH-comlDR to both Mr. and Mr*
lA9ch. for very few Indeed n-nialn of
tbechuwr and more Inilmaic friends of
those far-away days of the middle six
ties. But to those who do remain It
Is a pIcBKurc beyond wotds to meet
iliem once more. »ad many a pleasant
reminiscence and happy roemory is recalbd-of the plooMT days of Traverse
L J.
-Arai-iivtiiiiv.iti.it5*.'. .
Grand Trarmc Herald
FaUbSat af^ Tharadar M Tnrma Otr.
MkUtaa. br
A ^bw Ouriiam. '
i f
iber of InfluMiltml cJU*«« of
William L. WilaoB of Klnssler.
who have baietoforc beau Sr®
TOpponaiw of Hr. DarrtsS. T!«! Erk father of T. W. WIimo of ibis <diy. has
littered Dnibam eow. tTctorta by
ins Roponl wn«TB «b«l tbw t» now
queation of tSe wwlMth- of M». nstne. of which be la lustly prowd.
The animal gave birth lo twin calv<e<
r.ovell at the prinariw Sepi. 4tb.
Friday, to eleven years old sod Pnday’a c^t made her ihe molher of
Tbh Iniquity of Perwenalltlea.
irtttorcslv^ all of which have iwld
DurinB Ihe entire eooBressloiial i*
(or excellent prices.
Robert E. Walter! excujjsions
Pere Marquette
August 39tb. DETROIT.
tine f» ■< and fiftv . i-ni- .:i-!i.!
a-ir<ii-‘!.isi •-•>u|»-n.
•>u|»-n. Itate <ai
r> P- |.i. Till,
■in limli.
Onvell has bad anv-fhlna to aay
From Monday's Record
personal character or aealnat his
Mrs. F, E I&djerts of Grand Rapids
aWlHv as a lawyer or his «ood c«l*en- lain the elly the guest of her husivand.
Bhlp. ^e papers-opposed to Mr. l)arMiss Hard Harris of Cadillac ar
: .p » la Adraan.
raBji have likewise refrained from |>e>- rived lo Ihe cily today for a vlwil wllh
lalliies. It remains, bowevr-r. for Miaars Lelah and Myrtle Mlll.-r.
the r.lobe, a paper ptiWIahed In Cad
MIssea Ida and UsUsy Cn-swy armar, in another disiriri.
atlark tb<a >(vcd in the clly today for a ic-w days
H« Knenwi the HeedA
personal character <A Mr, OeorRe G
Oeofse O. OorHI knowa
rcqiilre- Covell. We are glad thai the new*- risH.
aeaU of IhlB part of Mlrbigati. and. papers of the eierenlh dlstriel‘ arc
From Toesday'a Record.
knovins thew. ia jn« ihV inaii to f«>ah pohlished hy men who rerognlrc the
The five HotlaUl lioys who arrlve.l
them throm* a too otteo aeHab and
here In Ibe gaw.llue Imineh Curlew
merits of a fair fisht and <
rcloctanl eonsiraa. A e«f tor Gcorpe
iniquities <if mud-slinKlni:.
laai Saturday left Itar home
Republican Camlidale for ReC. Cowll of Traretw City la a
The Cndlllae ISIobr wakes a direr! n'eliirk tills morning.
'1 for a Bood tnan. " wan In the prime ittark upon Mr. CoveHs character
nomination for
I>r. K. O. Ijmra-ster left ye.-Ulife, who baa done IWobb tn
for a few w.-eka' trip in ih<- upi»r
which tn Itself will prove a
pMt afld who will do mill moTx? in the
If H has any Infl.iencr at ail. The peninsula liefore n-tumlhg in •ilivei.
talure. and a man who. if elreted. will
course pnrsued by the triolic la what
Miss l-Turenee K*"ind «t S.-aiHc ts In'
be tied down bj- promleoi. lo no elique It eorainonly termed "dirty polities."
the city for a seven wi-eks' visit wllh
of Grand Traverse County,
^ or riBB- He will be anawemble aloe
and siieh inolhods never aeeomplliOi her mother. Mrs. It. \V. Round aiiU
lo the people.—Central lAke Torch,
Ihe deidivd reauH. where the person other relarivny.
■V. K N. Ilul ;ipl- I'-fl fur CBllaeked is a man *>f elesm rhararier
Mr. and Mrw. FnsI Willhitn-sdi and
Mora Frtenda for Coveil.
dvr Uun thi- lu'nnb’r whei-i- he wlh
and who la reeoisiiliod as a pmd eill- three ehlMren oC Angola. Ind.
Aergr U one of the charartcrfalc*
In (be seetlon In which Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kriinl, t’ani-r. .t'li'&d n ttiiiiduv rehoul e"UV*>n*i"ii.
mtldi, with manr other qoallBcatlons, Coveil retdiles he is very hlr.hly re- orWaahington street. Tliuir llille 1«>;.
Mr-^, 1-' Shank-of k'Unt ;«n-l Up- Ml ;
■ U maklBB stitroK enpportera an! garded: his home life Is Ideal
Chapman of Flint Is ibe Kue--.t ei Ital u and l:i .«'i-went P- Em
'• Irlenda for the Hon. Georse C. Coveil atilllly has been proBotineed. an.^ in his ■»f W. II. Ahlsdi. Mr. Chapman Is
p'r- Hi;:, luoruin.-.
In the fisht for hla nomination
Mr hnil Mr . A. II. K.nned» went
home lown he is- regarded as one of CM>ert fisherman am! enme up r.ir ih• Tepuhlicna tldtet a* conBressman Traverse City's eleancst and most sue- purpose of enjoying Ihe fine paurt In to C.-ai itnii Hit Riominc.
; from tblB dlitflcl at the primaries ' eeaaftil elfizena. He baa reeelved
Mr. 'mid MrK Will StIU • necimpan
I Ills region.
' be held the fonrth of September. That faonora not only from bis own dlstrtev.
i.-.‘ I v Mi - - Ina «'niiipt-ll nnd l>i
and Mrs. Chandlor Halr.bi.
he la tnlly cnpahle of manajtliut the but from the lf*lslailve dlsirlci wbleh turned tu Ionia KkU) after visiting pin .t|*-ii-her h-fi i-Klsi for a l«Hi iliiyK'
' aSalra of that ofBce baa been demon- he repiwnied in Lanslnp for wveral friends in the ei'j.
eanieihf trip at |);iek lake.
• str^ by his ability as ptoaeciitor. ynira. ami from the national enpMal
Ml ,.
Vliii.m i.r Williiitosbnrs
Mrs. O. C. Bucher r*-turn<sl ^o Ray
- lectAOor and United States disiriri where he reeelved the appointmenl of City Ihts n.s>n after a few w.-s-ks'
n. :pi-n-'iim u few da,«s wi'h fri-nds
^ nUoraey. each of these otOces brine Uniied Buies'district altorney for with Mrs, .\. Hean .rf Ninth nlre-t
In'he < I' v.
* «led with honor to hlsywriy and hlm- western Michigan, for three terms, a
SiU l.-i'er uiH Mi: :< AlJirv Is-lle
Hoyle lefl this np'rniur
nHf. Thal.be woold make one of the nrnrd herelofore unknown In the for I.udingf<ra. called Ihere-f.y the ill »H Ml- .-iii-l Mil. Wni Nli-h'uls •.
bast oonitresemen this dlsirict
,t<-nii- »v.-nT Id ll•■Jn■r l;e-t v.>-i-k Ju 111
Untied SUtes for a dlstrlel altorney.
of lier.sisiiT.
ever bad Is conceded by many who arc
Idi-lll.- Ullil eveial •dlier
This honor came to Mr. Coveil le- Augnslliie was born In one of Ihe <d>loppoMd to his nomlnallon. posidbl) muse of bis excellent abilities fur
P’ Traiene ruj -tud had s vet
Itonses III-the United Itiales a.
baewiM of the otSces they are boldlDB imporUni a position, and U was
- Urn-'
Aiigusiine. FIs.
under the present Inrumbeni or per- served. Now that he Is a candidate
t.-l'-r ha- -one «Arthur /iromerraaq relarie.1 Tc--lrr
^ haps ed home cari wheel ooneidcratlon for the conBrcsslonal nomliuUon la day from a rlx week::’ vltll wilit
n-.haui fur a vi.-ii n-.ili her piireiP
; «bt comas from who knows where.
tlH- eleventh district bis popularity friends in Indiana.
The IneoMlstency of some men v
seems to have become mure wldeMr. and Mrs. G. t». Jewell went In
else nppea) to the voters lb the fart sprekd. Not wily will he receive al Lciand this morning.
oub j
, that wMleadrocatlni: hot two terms of
Ibe solid vole of his own county
Mrs M- E. Troman rvWurned lo b<-i
■ otSca for the avera«e offlee holder the but be Is rwlvlng the firmest and home III Cedar Run ihi:r morning.
prcMOt coOBTessman-s suppoileTs
* .upport of Ihe leadUE ImslThe Misses Alh-c nn.1 Mllarta Hul.kv
I f«at"f for a re-nomtastton for a fourth
and ritizeiis. ineliidlni: Ibe wen' Ic.'Chicago loday.
s t:-. 'i: «-i • :ii :.i
term, 'oonslatenry. thou art n Bern farmers, who have come in contaet
Mrs. A. H. Hanoefnrd and children cit-.-! iu> ifi i;
mtthonl price." why Is this bdOR dbne.
him all ovcf the district. His re visiting friends nl IV-:ir I.-ikr.
I Tl. t -lay. M-p.
1 can there be a good and anfflrieni
piihtle life is well-known and his sue
Mrs. J. F. Jeiiks nent to Inierhkdien i .
ml om ir
' MlOf It other than selfishness? 8nft»
have iieen reciifcnlr.ed. I'erwHi- this niorningg.
tin- jp.j
ly It ts not from a purely friendly
The Misses Ual.-y .nnl Ida Ci'-s:i<-.v i uh:,; .........
ally of a niodi-st dlsposlttun. his ehar..
‘ ttvc, nor beeanse of the marked abil arier appeals favorably io everyone , (Iraiid napidi- nri lv*sl iii ihe elu j i,-. ilu-■-.u-nH.
ity that hat been shown.
with whom he eonies lu etmlael
yeslerday fur a wi-ek's vi It r iih llpdi ; .d.-n
Mr. Ooretl It a man of the people Is a splendld-wpcaker. well in(onnc-d parwiTtf. tor. wnd- Mfs. CCresse-.
.iffi-.- nf the riid .-:i-rk.- Sk.-pvi.-i"
' -and H Bhdi'M'askthtr ttibir snpport. u|<oa public qiieslliiDs and In clore
Guy Kroil of Baginaw Is viailing bis hhls will a'.Ki l-e re.i'iy.'.l fir It-.- e-n
and his many stuiptiners arc focllnB lourli wllh eondiilons. nut only of (be brother. Charles Krotl. of Bleyenlh Kli-erlir.n. plitml-iiiB. lu-aiing and *ii
morn etmfldent as Ihe flBhl soes
Httvenlh dlslriet but of the entire street.
Tip- lK«r.l 1. -.-W.that the people will rbocse him
The Misses NeHli- and I.ydto C»siie
riitlil lo P-.l-i -vnx :it!-l ;.‘l l-ld
state. These are Ihe reasons G<?>. t!.
ttalr*ncxt tandldale fW congressional Covell is a popular candidate for the re spending a few day:; al Uhl Mf - |•ii•n.. and : r— ilb .ui^
tawn.-CrrEtal Mall.
.1. ai tin- S'vie r-i’iiirTiit till”.. Trai
Rate* to Ne» Vo-k
One lAf.- pl-i* l»..
Yurk. (•■r honp--iv «oio: «>l V\ ni J
an. On -k.1,- Aim. Iivil. .ii-i I';-.:,
luin Hiu.1. S<-pi. Iri.. ■
|.i, IT'h. •
F M'S".
County Clerk
Bids for Cansttiiciioii of C
llins House.
three reasons he will doubtless receive
Mr. CoreJI Is
with grant'enttanslnsm
Asi K».
v.ses «>ti b.tsbr
■ ■tr. IKK.}.. rohsH
iJifiniT Wa’c
Turk'-js ;........................ 1
lUirks ...................................
GecM ...................................
TMIuw ........................... ..
No. I-t'iiH’.l bi.I«N«.i.
No. 2-4-.ire.l Hides..
Green bide* ...................
I’.yor.liTof Ihe tn.-Vr l nf ••Up.-rvisei,
W'nile- \V. |iej!i. ciiait-ninii.
llolM-r K Vi.'inv '•l- ik,
t.(iiJld ILipId'-Mi. k* i-'Ut (’".-•Il
ivsi.vl at Travel ,.
111., who are vlbll'lng frl.nds in the cily
;::i ,!:ii .d Au.:i>:.i.
(hat such laeiles will do more harm
a-rv...' Ill
i;:viliml;i’.7 ei:i*.
«iiv. M*rh -'th'
l;p. flU.ll
S”.- 1
their own candidate than tn his opp
higt'm. went to Allyn yi-slerday inurpIt ts Blsled that large
"T.) Oh- Gli-durs nf the Co inty .if
Ing. wIpTe they wilt make their (ii
ben of slgnera of Mr. Darragh's peli- nent.
Graiiil Tiiiverse:,
wever. no mailer what the G1ul>e
re home.
DoM did so. upon the nssumplhm Ihu'
N.-th-.- Is lieteliy givni. Ih;il purMrs. V. I.Tf spent yeslerday at
there was no other candidate In Ihe may have ft» say against Mr. Cnvell. Us
Kuam tu .T roiilnili'n |S}>-'ed Iq- U-e
•ekL Many of Iheae have askod that Idfloenee Is so narrow that It b scarce,
Miss Nola Sprlngstead went tyi C<-
Uwlr names be withdrawn from' Mr. ly worth notlee.
hmvc tOgncl
the petition of Mr. Covell.
"The Clarian Is (or George O. Cov-
bar it drops nnd n-malns thiuv Inslead
of l<elng taken out inlo Ihe l>av u
here is Ihe mailer of the laonrhes
the city.
The people livliig on the eaM
as Dnny other papers of guml sundiug plaee In keep Ih.lr Ismt* than (he
river. The luiy al this isiinl. unMkr
and wide InOuenec are throwing
This the west side. Is ullerly unproteeleil
one would rare to risk their
man to (he dlsirict beHer quaiillpd
who will do more for the diK'rict
craft St s mooring when- tin- full lore.dorms,etwild strike it.
U the river
the congress of the UnH«-d Slales H
George C. Covell.
Mr. <*nvell Ik ah elo
' poent apesker. a man of forceful ehar- the river or else kepi niitalde in either
- acter.and Indomliahto energy.
- to Ihb he b thoronghly famUtor
tvenl working a great lB«mvenl*-nre.
If the,bunch owners have ou means
(he needs of pvpry city In the dlsiici of egresa. they have a pbei- to
and U making it Us imsinesK to ibur- gale in about throe blocks lung and
onghly fadimartxe himself with the that even Is gelling au shallow that
It the dlalrici.
from Niagara Falls, whete lie and'Mr.
Clarence Sheff.-r aniT Harry Mors
lefl this afternoiwi (ur a few da.is' oiil
In the cllj for a Iwu w.-ekf visi!
Bauman and family of
Br 'aml Mrs ,s. n
Sept. 4th.
.lav id
1*. l!sii;. iJii-iiiiie.^ii-.n "f
ralsim: la.-lve tlpmsan-l ilull.vr-. tfl".
0*ii->) by hum. fur llu- ii;ir|Ni>iini a |s..r In......... f-T '.ud emiulv lil-uii
Ixmg lake.
Mrs. 1>-roy Thumas nf Grand Rapids
Ith August
at the primaries
the ts-vi-ral lutMi>hipk_aiid. war.l-
lii said eiiiiiiiv i.n the
Umlor Kts-nt nui days.
g at
Sawyer an- Mn-
Ih.- iss.i farm liuw
I.y il,i- e..nti
in 111.- LiwiiOitp «if Garrield. at -i
curd tv'i 111 «-\.-.>-.1 tl’.iimi; amt 'liai
liumjK uf Ch- isHiiiiv |i.-
f. r. saiil ls.li.l-. lu 1,.-ii. II............
m 111”
ran- uf nui 1.. .-vr.-.-.i flv.- p.-r'.-.-iii. t“ r
Insde of a ahort time H wlU be short
l.alluiK ‘^■.r’llu.....' —...........TrfrU.ll -.-I I ....................
daiigh'er l.fi |.!r Wahun this ni.irnlnc
aiahist ib.- b.;i
K B. l>-veH and wife .who h.vve Wii j”'“
veiling frtiie.ls lu the elly n-tnrned
In Ihclr hume In Mnltoe this
Speahind of.
. pay able
prnnd naren'” "I *
$;.nOn J,m:i:iry l-i. lb<i<, with ..ve
If spiles were driven su ns i<> make rived Monday.
t:.hJ inr.-ie^i .111 alt
riim,>mibIhe river mouth funnel shaped the
Melnl.vro and wife 1.41 for Man’m!i.->i.!. and
'“‘b ................ . inl.-r
eiurenl would tienmie much swifter ton ihls morning
. j
on all b-ti>l> I. riiiflilii:; iinpribl i-i
and would earw the refiiM- well out
Mr*. F Kelley and daughter ila'He.l
fiVKl «d J.iinialy ..f .-in !i i.ar ilu-ie
into Ihe l>ay. If there Is asy skepil
~ »» V SiiMon and Mrs. N. K Car j
rism ahont the rondlllun nf the river pi-nter went t» Manlun this murulud
murulu f”'’-'' f*-*''*
• that tl).',-.- v.epig fur :ai.-h hmit
»t pn-senl. a visit in ilie mouth will where they will atfned th.- Free Melh ‘
■r |Tlii'.-d ..n t
!«ear mit tb<> slatements
Vamp mrettfig
baw- »«n'.
TMs merely ahowa the change of side of the city* and Ihe memtiers «rf
the Weqite-lcing elul. have no other
napport Is well pbccd.
Candidate for Republi
can nomination for
e!.-.-iiiiw <d said rsiiinlv .if Grand Trjv-
line aeralnl and made harmtess.
aentlmeni Is Ihr press of the dlstrlel.
toflaence In favor of Mr. C»w-U
TsVr t.ANATIVK-IUl.’Nlu .J-i-nl.i.- To-l.-ll'rurcl«l-r.(B..'l'• u riil.l'irur.
W ViUoVKKlSiSeslup. ■...nss.h 1«B »r.
me. at'a Slieelal el.s-'luu 111 Isr li< Id
From Weilnesitgy s ileeonl.
about righteen inches of water. There Randolph street.
great deal of sewrage run Inlu
Misses Ruby and Irene Chapman
Ihe river and wln-n this slrikes the left today fora h-w days' visll al Were
In adiilm m ihe sanitary quesiluu
cU for congress."
a iiK-eUiic
While V\5irc
.In I'li-. lino >v<: Itav.r in'i
ri i.-'-u'.t! >mn<-.«nw'>li.i|H '
ii'-vi-r l.i f'in; vhown • i-i
llii-i markfl. I;or mhii'••
tiling I M'‘i I ill .ilrsiijn
an.I of unuMt.1I finish v"i:
shoiilri >(•«• our nrw T'*a
ami ColTcu (?iiiis .mil
tu Manlsie yeslerday.
There Is urgent necessity fur WBU'
dredging or plllim to tw done at the
aietrtct and b maklni; frlenda every
mouth of the Moardman riv.-r
Aay. He has a plraaing pcraonallly.
aside the Inteiests of the yweht own
has had long experience In the legbIf the tar Is allowed to mmatn as
Mtnra. ’ll the state senate and aa
It b and ihe water dr«|.s mu. h lower,
UnlM Slates district attorney has
the aituation Is npi to Imperil the
provided himself with a wiile know
beahh of the rilj and the river from
ledge of state and naHonal affairs
Ihe mouth some distance up
; whieb to ««»clally deslrahlr In
dangerous cess pool.
' dIdaU for concRSB.
At the mouth now. there Is only
Mr. Covell to gaining In popularity
■ nnd Inlaenee every day and It acems
now only a question of the sire uf his
' nuiorUy al the primaries on Ibc <ih
■ «( September. The malority of the
1 kmdhtg neawpapers of Urn disiriri arc
' ; kwUly snpportlng Hr. Covell. Tbo; Reed City Clarion puWUhed by Ren
; Rarfcef has always been a slauneh
; porter of Coogn-ssroan Uarragh but
thto year to siippurilng Mr. Covell
I wtth a vigor which Is charaet.-ristlr of
■ Editor Barker. The hearting of
snpport i's shown in the liHer. prininl
nhMg the heading of Ibe paper iritlch
Id tSr.iu.l Trav.r-.- a*
J. W. Murray, wife au^ sun reiurncd h.'ld «m Ihe .f'lh day of Jime. A. I>.
IPK. ihiTc will Is- Mii'mlilcd tu Uie
Mr. Covell
has made several aprache* io various
towns, in the aoulhera partloo of this
IS.i.vr.1 uf Sii!» r-.i-i.is,iif il..- i^ild imin
dar Rim yeslerday.
S'-t' IV’ In;-r
I-w \i
.•••.’.T.v.- i.nri liR. ly •
ill. (iuiIk! '-’'i-Vvll'T'- i
Trav.r .- Crv
It y
I liiri!' r Si I ‘I's (:• -I'
tall :tl ijlii
ihk”, nutn.al b) vaiutai-', w!
Mrs. Frank lli'lt.T "f Si-allh-. Wash-
'■< li/i'-. IT-KTSMr I'vW*
J. C. Turriff and. wife of Valtiwi;i.
received one which will lie eondemn.>d liy Ihe s|wni.yericrdjty ai InTerh-elien.
Mn . Myrtle Briggs of ihl* city an.|
wherever be friends of Mr. narragh. whu realise
Cnas and Is making a favorable (m
~e niy. ViHi.
We fimly Is-liuv.- liiut our
Bt.,m1s •-illpuit aiiv.il in
till-n-;iliii ufUi.- ri>r»s:lil I’i.itm ..n r*.- w.-Wm.. .•omjMris..ii
an l iiiv.s(iit .lbvi t hir .till ipip-,- iii lli.-6r//ieaW fin»» P/«au is
-,lh.wii ill. till- UnUmilei Canraofac ..
........... ;,n.«ii,-v tn
ill ■IfiitiPriil. •'
■ (■ .1'n ril • f->''it. * I'ur,-. i-ri--. . .iii-l I-rum.
o.' I.«w*1 V'.l*(
leturiied lo chrfr home In Peoria. III.,
■ gratifying cuvnaa for ibc congrraslon- lack of the OM^.. 1he«Tu|e. Is
^ ■oodnatloe (ram the elewrath dlr- only nntlnu'ly and nnwarranieil
U ini!»-li.-s . i. ry r. -.iiisiti uf 4 s'
hiulr-.iue-iit. ..
Its Thip-of aviinifnis «t>, ,'tni-as—fill!, ro'li a'>'I ruii.!.',.
|if<x-l liniK il .it
a I’i4ii.'...f tlie lit.;lipsl imx^hoo.
lion, tfiw l*--f iUhl iii.r.i <-t|s-iisivi- i-mIo--.'! ii.nnr. •.;
Tull. ii of lb" otiipisl i-l:iMi< ity ;ui.l , vi-iin<dis.
Its Hiiruliility is uih|ai-Kii.itp'J. f.i* ..uly tj..- vi-ry 1-.-G n,-i
1i-ri:U» iithI in'isl a|iiiru\, I jirineipl.-s of ts-i.-iiiilir I’l.uiu liinl-iin :
:.r< i-itnil-.>v.l in itn ntn'iiif p-itire.
N.-itlp-r linn-. 1»!«.( lu-r •
;ire m|UKt.liTiKl tn tli.prrsliu-'.hui of-ib*'CWttF/f
'•.• tusc vlu unr l•ull■llll;•
f.cr lip- ftiuiru !iii«1 onr sol.- .vim i* 1-- ppsluc- u r.-rfi-ct Mtisudil
iavetse Cily yior.: 159 East Front St.
have ls>h rtslilng friends in Ihe dity.
The at
Sjlisfits the
most Critical
8cj»L 4lh.
For these rresons he Is
Meal; U
F.-icl. H I
i;-.- . v-r
a lairc majority at the prlkarles
eiiiilled to the nomination.
O«0iss O. Coven la making
♦ Mrs. T. G. I.u'dky and Vtacighler wh-'
Traverse City Markets
This moor I Ih tniirtu u|> on
«lsy ofoar t< week . Tlir- »'>-r-vPI
rosuonslhle for r hantres in l•llc• '.
u'ir I--II n.iir.-iiiir*
a r.vili. 4I •; 'i. rl-,-- l'r,.iii til.. f..ril|.
Iiim. "CriKir.
F..”r>Is»!y .miys h'u
Tl:--ii liii r- ■
■Cbt 3»uifl!«"
I Kh.vl! I
I I'll rnon-.■ilfiiit
V-ii II kii.i
j.if.is wli-ujcii iiavj nml it Ify-.i
U.'l. ..f till*.- t}icii (ry
"Eady nalHitiorc”
>”v.ral lownslitti b.ilU ur ..lle r lu'ial
Mr. and Mr«•ip to ■
‘■'"•"U, and m t.rant-e hall. In
ter left this nsimlng fuc
; First ward in l!-.* city of Trav.-rse
Marhlnaw Hland and the
: »V‘*>"
rimel 1
Mrs. John
:S.WWdVatd; at the .Sud-b PHr
Falls Ihl' murnle]
Jiff.- uf'fwri- hiiilding. eurn. r Teiiili
J(din Ib-njamln and J.
Orlmiell Itne, h-ft for Grand lUpids
Uri-*-'’tin- Tliii.l wai.l
I the Fisiilh WBI-.I engine no<i»> In
this morning
IFomlh ward: an-1 at the Hfih wail
Mr* Margarri Traer reiitrr;”.l
.ball In the Fifth ward of said city
terd.vy from a two wfteksMrip tu
DaK.sl ’bis third (by uf Auguvi
*”*'*Ui tune
H..nry Smith Is f pen ling ihe day ai
Walter'W. Dean.
Chairman B<ard of Supervi-or*
John Setnlon. the paving camacior,
Robert E. Walter.
1* In the city.
Clerk Bivard of SupewUor*.
B. I. Paulson rouinied
'■ng 4-tf
city tbb montog.
liy (Iv.cii Wist.-r, Voti .Inn’t IP"! Ml intr-.Iue..
(ion V.'his stori'-B TJu-y tinA
• .I-iILir ami ;i i|iiart(ir I-iivs ,uiv .11- uf (li. t-. •
Register of Deeds
RcpabUcan Candidate
for Re-nominatiOD.
Woold cmtlf appreciite vonr snpj«!l at Ibc piiouriesSfpi. 4. *06. ^
Cit^ Book Store
Zbt Hohart Co., Props,
traotrst C/ff, iWeb.
Wdl Meet Hera.
B. £vmai. bMli ol thU di> were aniW
Mnn-In Kenny of ibis city. ,«1m Is
li. S. Unit ul’t udisl lire ineellii;: el
XBUTtBse br JaRlcp at <b« Pwa
wklna at Inland, nut With a very
the H»r«lw<s«l .Maaiifarinrer? aasorii
A. r. N<d1ha«»r «'4^dn<dAF.
NewiOB OIKtT KMdcr sod JudtUi
liad acridem Tbtirsday which nearly
ticn of
siTCraMVooe of bi* ftnecrif.
pany with anoiliQ'' woilcer he
seek an| upon.Mr
The Edit Bar ud Blair tovnabip
SdwUT acbool conveoHoa »a» beM at
rehool. bouw
Ulchljaui at
il•■1^> InriU lon
sasl th»; neit nierHins wlllW fceld in Trtn
un<lerhni*bln* and tboy wen- sorians \ era.; City tn Ociotur.
This aitayiatici
Taraday. too done lofcH her. The av which the i cmUraci r all tte iirim l:>al
The Rev. R. N. HolaapU- and the R«v. oOii r man ma* u.lne at^ck !dr- Ksn-j'iuanuUcturiTs in the v
T. P. UUotrffrom thl* city aiti-ndod.
; A.4.JUri>*««.*. J.n«T»UDd
ny in the band Inlliclln? the soond.)
At Jhe lat<-sl report he was doiu? nice- j
Catv-ston's Sea WaU
ManiufU'' 1> and it I* hopi-.! that the flnn-’r ran!
Mai es Ilfu new as ^aiV in the.- . r
the tn? saved, iboiisli tlif“ 1« not
ason-ht hiaLer apiandK. W r...r.
deput .on Ore nr Jlal-« aa It paase.l. assurtd tact.
rnrT L-r. bCBmAi. Mr*. JbUo. T tUni-b. a»Brf
ted. H. c. Crt.. i-*rr e«iur». o«. w
soiitii iKwnd
The aec'lon
3 ta cent allowed oa Time Deposits
in« eillnsolshed
blaze before tquA damaec- »aa done.
Serious Aeeidtrl.
Allan Cameron i»f r-O .AVesi b.tiiih
Mr. anil Mrr. 3: SI. BlaVealct arrived Stie<-t mf-i with a V‘TJ- ha<.i acchi- iii si
liome Sunday from a i*i* w«*cW* aof«'
ihe potato imidtriK.iii facieiy Fri-.a>
moMlf • Iniir.
They *f«t throupli tiutrnlne. Ife was ciUlhe « larc-- pullvy
many «rf the somliem Michlaan roans. ioiii hud,a HT‘W- liriv.r lu hit ham;'
Indiidlnif'Battle Cn^ k. Lanslnc and wiitfh Kllpv-ed aniT was eangh! to >h*-
toti^raetOMat drada
IK-Indl. The rtr aorVe.V!">‘ '>'• *>'jos rapidly P-vol-.-ltie win-*').
The p i'l-1
Mr. niakMh-c -wnrrr'ly any trouhl.-. ilii;* It toil wlili'Sr'iit forc<', -iriKiniThe last day’s run from St. I>»uls bci.t Sioltii (loMPnard itinin Mr. i:a«i-T<.n'-. a Hnc »nc.
The tout dlslati
fn-.i and sroins char rhr»«icb I'.
They started at 7 i
auiT arrived here at II |>. tn.
Fell to Her Ocalh.
waa enjoyed.
on bfs rtpht b^d while workinK <»t
tes. candles, outs
WiuslmcU-s pktiic with
Iw-rg was un
irst accidents In its hisr«ry Vnirrcd.
tbe pUacr tn tbe Usket factory Tnes
served on tbe town, tin* pb-asaiil "um
yniing lady who was at ihi- islaiid
day anentoMi.
tmdlng In a ride borne, leaving some
, hi-r wisldlng tri pliad asceuded
pretty islfiR as a remembrance of the iiiwi-r of the tdd fort, liicjilisl at SI
A hill for diroree of Henry Brelth- day.
itiar and in aome wrfy caiiglii In r bsit
in her dreak and f- ll
3. A. Momacne
'to daimod that tbe wife deserted her
accompanies ail
of 313
West Ninth
The run fnini llarttor 8)>iliit:s,
only pills thill an- •aoaniiii-s--1 to v.'.
ssiisfaciion ............
The lines im liide Sleevtdcss Vests from
Family Reunion. A Tamilv reuniioi tuoi
idare >■
V at thl- .WdetiiH- of
has-sy and Mrs. SUra Msht r fn>m ili'
of the Slate.
This Is Hu- Cisf
Tlie innn
trerctr. Vice
gaibtTlDi: anil will l«i un cxcidl.iii iftiic tb!Vl Ihc family hav.c his-u ioc.-ih
? for
iKrch Ihc city and the vlsli- i r In many v,-nrs. All «.f th.- hm
e local aerie of thing
huldlng it on the schisjl fought In the clvli war. wvnic of rh<-iii
grounds, a tong diivc Is done away have npl si-cn each oflor sitin'. Tln-y
tbe H. 4k N. B. for Milwaukee, where
the iieople nre'kcjd down will remain In the city sc\i-tiil davs
they wni aflMid the grand lodge mcH-twhen- they can do their traiiing taking In i-xiuf-.iooa to iIu- iii-ar:.;.
tog from Ang. J4 to 18.
handily and nlso attend the czcrclw
lowi^s BDil J-cspiti
and aliont
trip through the inlennedlate lakes
The degree- team ami officers of it
They win go from here to Blh Rapids,
Modern Woodmen
gave a
pared and It was a complete surprise
.Xfbw months ago Hiss Kate Knhle.-
to him.
ssiread prepanti hy Mrs; KlBUSi-n. Tli<
and Sunday the finger waswmpuUiiml.
liariy was one of the best ever given
Tbe wound bad cawed Mias Kohler
Buring the latter past of the
evealng they sal down to a HiiippliioiK
toto her finger. I.IwkI poisoning s
hy Ihe K-am. every one enjoying thi-tn-
caoMderable tronbto and kept geulns
n ilollaf,
«>.-uiJi ilollar ileposiU-iJ
U-irin Vith
if residence property on Wush!:i-.t
•n wi-.-et fumlliarlv
i-oin]»iiii<lo(l twiw ft year.
p.'r cent iiiU-r<-st.X
i«8U»i C«Ttitii-ali-s
l)opi«it hnnriii-.’
of iiiti n-sl.
ferly occuplisl ,hy C. S. Brooks of the
Mu-sclmaii Or-s-er iniiiimn.v. who lias]3
li-asWihe IV H- Hrar'k.-n (.io|ii-i!\
sinii-r of \VasUiiiai"0 :-i"i M-cliine-14
Mr. Ciolfi-r i-ipiei- t'-;4
mul.c Ills home in the propii’y wh.iij^
Greatest Shoe Sale pn Reeord
ated as to Just why the bids for .plgie
1^ water mains for Ihe city
If the
held up.
secnis tiiai
the lowe.
price quoted was $:!3 and this was P
Meetrie line to ever built It will be
tB(wt cxecltont tolng for ihe -frnlt ganled as too high by the council, the
growern and poUto shippers of Trav- price last year Iwing 820. As ilii«4oa air. as U will give them eomik-- cUasr- «vl!l Involve alstiil I'.oiMt. whii-li
Uttoa thaf will be most Iwneflclal as has alp-ady lewn npproprialisl. It
the rallnmds will hot oaly have the thoiighl IM-Iler lo ddlay the puirhas',
JI. U. Fricdricb
water haul to oompelo -with bnt also tinlil winter whi-n it will Is- cho.V|sw
esiM-cialiy tdiici- the mains coiildiri lthe «4oc*ric Tond.
receive prociieally
no p-n-nue
The Store that
Sells Rood shoes
laid iinin Oclols-r and Ihe city wotihl
A. J. MomgomcrT and William T.
Bhafer of Grand Rapids were In Uic
<diy today looking over ihe country In
Heavy TravsL
order to compare It with their coiinly.
Back ol tbe graitomcn arc on
board of snpervisnra and claim that
ibelr aiaeaaed ralnailon has been in(veaaed hy Ibe aiaie tax commission
They state lhal
thto part "of the conniry Is taxed at a
proporitodal rate tban are Ihe
•ootbern countiea.
•'ll 1>eai* the dickens
travel cotni-s fmm.”
Phil Griffin
said rimdiii-loi
Ibis morning.
hnow'wbt-re Iher conic from or whei
they go.Tbo paaseng'-r traffic through th-
tries to market his i-rops when lliej ar.- r.iisi-l. just 80 \v.- iiiakv
Grand Rapids to Mackina* . -Tills .doe.
not include through passeng-Ts br'
and Is pui oar by tbe Pntnam maebine mcrf'ly those who ger <« at one statioa
Bteiera of Ftlchhgrg. Maas. With t and off at anoih<T along the lior
Mr. Griffin haodlod beiw-cn uw an-1
there will is- but few leraporan- «■
no local p-nai-ngers on lil« run ye-
pair* which cannot be made in th<
terday. which is bill an averagi- day
avniding the
that was i>r«‘j»atvi1 Unlay:
jnst as every
it a point never to carryover o,v year's Bh-rw into tin- ne.i
In «rtli;r to make room for our tfreat stock of early (all footwear we must
di>pose of every pair of .summer shoes on our shelves. Many of these arc broken
lines -jusi a pair or two of a size—Km no doiiln yon can find just the sijie you wcbSw.^
This is a u«neral clean up and straij'hieninR out of all summer shoes, and wc want
dear shelves ftirNhc new Rootls. NoihinR better conhl happen to the jx^ople of
Traverse City than this unral
Summer Shoe Sale :
Don't miss this Rreai sale which is now on. It will be ilollars saved to you on every
purchase you make, and ihi: followiiiR remarkable prices tell you how much:
Some lines we !>otn:!il too heavily t»f. ollu-r lines have Ui-n suh!
L.vd-e*- T.—I Kit French Heel Ovfoitfs:
I.--, i,
II. >"
Price Ras Been^ut
Co Ce$$ Cban 0ost
niaile ill till' v--ry inleal
Mrs. Oenrge JediBsoa gave a ven
out all !>ut a few latire. iiml t-j dyse tlu-se out tlV>.
WOMEN'S OXFORDS-l'at.-nt !c-.v.!f r.
imMlIng of the stock In Ihe ahem*.
All Summer Shoes Must Be Sold
cany- t»vcr l<> u>-
counlr}. Is much larger than it has i-i
Tbe maeUoe it thirteen fricl la Ien0h
machine rd this size ready for usi
.lost ns'l'very lionscwifc tries !i:inl tint
er been U-fore. One condnetor on th-
artwily to tbe already fine equipment.
cliy. and in fact, the whob- norlh.i-n
A new aleel latbe to being InsUlled main line with five coacho- and a
In Ibe itnwd bonne at the Pore Map chair car handled over *«0 loc.vl pa-qneoe yarda today whitdi will add M-ngers on one run last w'i’k from
50c to $2.75, now 38c to $2.06
tiD'Dl of this hank you <-.in a
Will Build Fire Recideoce.
J. O- Cftiiser of Kinssic). owiii't
nsiderable Interest has lion cre
openlicn waa aecesaar)'-
Union Suits.
uf the lliriflk-ss ♦ ♦
worae and worse until ni last ihc al-
25c and 50c, now 19c and 38c
‘y: t
of opjR.r ♦ ♦
it is roniplel<-d.
selves to the fullest extent.
Won>en-£ T.in fluttiR Calf Ovferds. .1
• I,
f.>, i
‘........................................ *■
Ovfortl*. 1-ie
KM t.ml Tato
ami niaile to wiiir.
tiK«lort!iem#l'.-m-U:!.-'>0 osfonls. f<-r...................
Q* t
Mondav evening In
honor of
M'.« Miunc Brown of Grand RapbU
and Wm. Durkc and FVed llcrirngton.
of CasaiipolU.
The evening was verv
pleasantly,passed, the time going alto
Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your bat to your
o*-n hair? Can’t do Ji?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro
duction! May the acquaintance result in a heavy growth
orrich,ihick.glossyhair! And
we know youII never be gray^*
Women's ratem .tn.l Kitl. SiJ-.'iO s!ioe« . -.
Woroena one strip Slippers, liainl tiirm-!
CliiUren's v‘xfortls. estrnsion soles......
CliiUreu's Sliix-f. -j lo -. >;..vtil wt-ariiic-..
the guest* nt dean to .-i »um|iiuoii>
MipiKT prepSHd by Mrs. Johii*on- kfusic and aingliig atoo formed an enjoy
able feature of tbe evening-* pleas-
He*.irtera at Ea«
Bay have been
very much annoyed- totely by pcliy
chlevliig and rcruln parties trying to
the cottages-
evening they got Into the ban of H. E
fheldoB and got away wllb a tie rtrap
and boori of a ral>l>er tired bnggy.
to appan-ni that the whip also Beomed
dealrable proiM-riy but In tbelr borry
to escape unnntlfi-d was dropped. Tlic
sported but If the amcles are returned
immediately nothing will Ite done in
tbe mailer: (rifaerwlsc proper punish-
anil at the Mime tin:.-as
ui.wi *1’ am! $*:
t- -ixt- s^-I
iiiiii-li biyU- aii'l
lit .is
V-. ■■
( Mf-
........... S5C
........... 69c
......... 58c
nsk Rb»ut Our Shoe* Isr eultivatina
t::.'- 1KI»............... .'S1.81
Weirer-£ Rustia Calf BlucSer Oxford*:' ►i.-- •
' ’ '' ' 0.SO
women's White CanvA* Pump*: »Vxr-N 4. 4^. I.
RusvB C»tf “Gihsen
0««ord*: •
Men * Tan Shoe*:
wemen-s Rusti.v Calf Pt»to Toe Oxford*:
: .
1. i: -ir. • • •••s. t. J'..
fj.-:., 5..*
;a. k. Sii; U,t
f..rni<rr .
■k. ;•*-»:: fr/rnK-r
............. '...H.:!
HANNAH & LAYj“J|,gBjgS|fl|-8”
Auefs ^
Women* Gray Heavy Sole Oxford*: size*, 8. 4.
shoes, for...................................................tP/ ••J ^
SHOES-l’fttent .C,.ll. ’Ki-1
«/? / •a/l/
cnjoi-able party at ber bame on Fifth
tmiitiito tbnttm- eleur oiil J J
(mil the boat acroea a abort atrip of party to Joseph Kltusen Monday nighi Crawfonl propi-rty. has let the eontoad, and continue the trip up the
■ the AsbMin farm where he Is cannv Iran for'ri-njoiU'llrrg it for the ii'iri>"i^~
of dcvolojilng It into a handsoim- .vml
At night they will camp
;. Ur. Klauscn bad.no Inkling that
»rn rr»sldcnec. .The hoo'e was forIhe varkHW-ptocea along the route.
ansthing of tlio kind war lielng pre
of T«nt|i street ran a blackherry brijir
rants, ankle and knej- l«*nj;ihs.
i„.i ♦ ♦
.i few Ihui
take r.<lvaiita«<-
This tanners- picnic ahoiild be made
Hr. nml Min. A. U Unchani and
Artbnr afid Mr. and Mrs. E. U Ed permanent fiiiiin- nml should gio
wards toft Ttu'sday for a ten day mightily with the years.
15c to $ 1.00, now 1 1 ic to 75c
The Way
0 Hake Money
Is to Save It...
TIikm- pri-suni an- hi
IN imsyivanla and Mts. .Farsh Wi ll
Tbe farmers- pimic and crango rall.'-
here Aitgtlsl S5. wiil Ik> a vesy iar;:c pan
I ^Irrhlhl
Onr UntiorwiMr stiles this stt-ison have Iw-cu very saiisf.actory, but the season has passctl for us antIWe must
close out the stock. To do this quickly we have made a
straijilu rethiction of -J-'i per ^em on the eniirtt line, with
lilt- cNcepiiim 41 the loiii'sleeved vests and corset covers.
It Is estimkiiii^lhai m-r r.ii.isiO
brtrthers, W. H. .and S. f. P.rtt.r .
cepted a poaltloa aa Iravcllnp aales-
b-w htmiv-
• -How l.fkn-r^dP'|H®°i.s!to aitnil - -f
l.iliousn.--s and Tfcd.ll...al nmstipaic.,i
.invftcry th:.i ftr. Mu'^s N. ••
l.ir.. Pills soivni for I...-." wul-s Jol
N. I>|.-es.-n.i :.f Magiiidin. Iml
IsHnt the first atcidi-m • v-r r**cnr>i<
pUBh baa resigned hla poMHon and ac ami rain being enroimieivd on
Eagles, left
They wimt as far as Georalun
company as chief engineer of tbe hsml here was made yesienlay. mueli wind
mn tar A. W. Rickard.
had a
is->;de have arc.-iidu! the lower, this
bay. cniising amtin<#tlier.- f«ir several
been omployed by the Michigan Siajclt
dowii s'.v'-ial
Pichis of*sUlrs. dvlns a
hnaband In 1BS4. after living with bint W eeks- cruise on the yacht Gem. Tie•>
had the iisoni enj..yal.le time .which
twelve ycara.
-ttreel. who for the |iast five year, has
Good-Bye /•Summer Goods
i vi-nd -•U"
ilu-. Isliiml <nu- of the
it 8. Finch
Nii-iii.;;- ■
Jaeoh 11. Sioinli-Tg n-iiinu-l Mimib;- 111.111 fniv.-iiK- j'il..- and
fn.tii a trip to St, Ignacc. Siii>» Wands, nlnUmiconsi.i- and UackUiac Island. Whih- Mr. S'l ln
Ing of ice cream, cake assorted eis.li-
aup of Bast Bay va Ulllc Breiihatip
Mary 1,-i
A merry time
ioBl ibp ends «t iho last tvo Snanrs
was-filed by Lu H. Gaee Monday.
Mr- and Ml*. Will
i- went to Honor last «.hK u. ii
pily surprised. Monday afl.mooo
Ek venlh str«-l.
nnaiii In a sliorl tim--.
Ymirie^ plsymaK-s, at her home.
Toauny Kroupa. a 14-year^d ,l>oy
Ml. J..-it.T and
Is' iloine nicely aud CApect-- to Ix-'out
Utile Mis* Beulah Holmes sws hap
Circulation this week 3,00(
Undemr Clean-Up
injury sws a very jialiif'il o&c. but b<-
seue/? Of GOOD SHOfS
MERCANTILE CO. I dealers in everything.
danshter d'dne In infancy, nnd on«in, Henry, died a ye'.ir aS'i at >li •
a«c of fortyciie .veurr. Tli>- r.-tUBilii:>i:
children arc, Mrr. Martha Siad< li.:.".ei
of jilonme Center. Krank rj TraiereCliy. and Kiorm. Jiiii. Jy'in and Wil
»( Blottcbtrd t
lard -*f Graan; eiabi Crendcblldiv :
Every week oerrctpenSenc* N r»! riiDc>«l.
jrTBtdjraudeblld.* iicrldee
Mivtd toe im to »•«. AlleorretponS;
Ahr. IS
.many other nlatlvo. Au-riindani" ‘if
•nee mutt reeeh the Hereld olBee not
her aisler: the late
l«(er then Tueedoy neon of each eecek.
of N'orihpon.
and K eerreaeondenta fail te find .
rr.-e fear*.. iStr-dWT'.
ired the hprdeliii
Edna of Tnnmto. Canada, who liari'
ife. and Tliureda}bi^ea vlsiliiit: l»T aleK-r. Mr... Oi-nrci
! bi >*ide
' 'tin- h-.r>b:;ad wii.i
Ilf.an <il Viiba. and \\’-r iHiuh.T. Mr.
iweniy-f.iur .verm nc.i.
J. L. <:ll)hs and hpr parrnls, Jon Hootli of Knvadln. n turand h»n.i
I Mrs. S. O. Barceanl. aiiirted
hcT ntnno, Mra H. C. Diinn. Th.-v will
■ani. <
Hr. McKi'tikie and Kratu!dai:i;hl-vr r-*atop at Urand Hapidv. IViroli nlid !^< v- 'unied home at C««lar Spring*, la.
lira. Arrh Ctblis anil UUfe Mabel
"tal n'iuT rtlW on the Canadian eldn.
M-Ut l
Lulu Holme* and »i>t< r are vielllas
f'rll.ln> <if Traverw CHj- epvut
lira. Uunn camn hnr.- for mlUd fnini here.
the wi
Mr*. G
Hodse* start* toiDorrov.Mr. and
Plan Rarnuai i-Ultni hav fnv.r. lull 1* murh lu-mr.
1r«. Pla
. Mr*.
hiieband nxi«Tt* to join linr In TnroiiLV lot Peiin*ylvanla, where rhe will viijt
Monde a( Nonhport
Ihe Aral
lahine In iht InOkati cunpmoct. in a few wni-ky to aunnd tli<- aumial hi-r mother.
Mr. and Mr* Reo. Pancnifi. Mr. an?
• lap Sunder.
Mr*. Jfim Mrrt h mid l.-«-:i* vi»li.*1 al
Hnm. l« Mr. and Mr*. Addlemi Me
Ihe hoini' '
rivrd Monday miAn in liali hrr dang*iEvem- line
ealhi rin;:
Icr. Mr». Plau Uernnm.
blnrkherriiw iiiid thnuhlnc.
Grand Traverse Region.
Mm. ttirbarilBfn U belter .no i
Oiffhdil ie biitldins a new
Hall and mother ' apimt Uie'
evenlns with Mra. CoBielil.
Mr*. Atnoi; Hall and IIIMe daiicti'er
GladyH are vielltiie friend* in Trnverw- Cii.v.
Mr. tlp.l>ke haa Jn*i eome hark from
Ihe wmiJiem imrl of Hie aiate. brlnisIne'lntek a nice llllle drlviliR let
Elliott Is
JiiliD Tsk«t 1l8^ Kiam-i out «l'5i fi*
ihreshinc ni.-iHii'ne. Ira imtin'T. Hair>
TJaVor ainrMr. Radel tn- horkins foi
Mr*. Jam- Hnn'ey and
dn ikhi-r
Mrs. Ollk- Kobn. mlle.1 on Mr. and
Mr*. Joint lA'nK Silnda>.
A. \
C.< WrnWit hm-.■■..a.iu Mm.
flit*. f%.
eonbMn the txriMidiMi1 lo
visit frleh-:- .:nd cute
..... .
>S3as« >-«*
-«l.. 1
. ri!n. »n.I T..=, 1-..J dmiA,
Tl:e Mn-r.yi .<.-;i<*ilbi«ise
Major rinani. raTRliBfsu] mnnaiirr
' the ConKiituilunuli*'. ‘'Emintmei*.
V,, when • hi* was flercely attackol.
•'ll' \<-nr* B4?>. by pile*. Umchl a box
I nurhienV lAnilca Sahe. ..f whlrh
•li dll'
muii)e Kiu
!<) ' tr.aiim* -11 Se-i! •
Mu;i!t-ui 1. r l?ii-l eierrlse-," di
'l:i\-' I.M.! Jis* uiariues.
Mrs. I.- , bitiv.-x hsUi.WI-ee li.r Mi
............ .
to Rapid Ci'.v, Saiji.Lv
.klva Y'luns. Jim Cliam y
Yoiinz all hde.l tin Isii! RU
' .V.-A-f.in WanuT win. h*.s l- .-u »:;!
hi* nont
TiNinjas IVjH. t «jf •R.-h/enia
AUR. 13.
fo!<> are lisitliis the la.i.i :
iiilsaiui abut.Ii u*
iPeopU’s Savinsa Bank)
lail.e-l Hr. Diiii l.uee Hhd laliiii. -Iasi
.Mr. .Mid Mm. lJu-!i
I s ';:H:ei- Ia«t .‘sUUdaV.
-s.-. Piossi.. and Rpvi:
J. ]l>:|i<'il mill Wifi'. MiSs L. HIM.
Mrs. <’. Ituiim-. Mi>v K.
mid ir.!n'i; !'-,-T. .VIis.' Iftnmi* ami skiliirs-.-l
vs* 1. liKii.p- ,.r Mr. ali l Mi.s. U. l-iiee
Qiiiie n number from iuri- nre a’
tart Tie-Sd.ni;
leiiillnc Indian eaiiix 1111-1*110^.
ilsear KvauK and wife were vi^Hdr* ‘
Mi*s Rerlie liolloli is Itullie leg- :i
Ill HiIh IIIIzlilde-hosl Iasi snmlav..
Mrr. I’.Hinener
1 Ml. JoJimaoiV. \l*ii!iii; lio aued fnilie*. A>hi> I* 1
I’lJ.'nr iliHV,* In ,Tiav'
AUR. 12.
•Ciiv -fVid-i' ■■■
ICBii* t.i:
1 leiehtwila for U.eir Hii-Icv-- d.'
.SiiilcB an Uisilaflfn
•. I.. Porter It eAlortalninE friend*
from Indiana.
RICE’S CORNERST?ie mtle rhild of
Hr. and Mra.
Mrs. Sophia Hall Nash, a pioneer of)
Mr*. (ieore<- Haskins Is lionie vi-i;
Clafenee Dean is very nick with chol- Hila reeinn. die.! hi her home liearl tnc her liioHier. Mi-. Ttiiiee
Rrawn. Aucu.H 7ib. of r<'r«-brhl hem t
Rondiiy, wliile Mr-. Win. Wliier.a-.
em Infantiinh
Mra. O. P. -Carver and Mr*. P. Cur- OTTliase at .the a-^e of Tf vr>nr*, llfeeltint; txady to «o in il» ei.n 1’
HriM l.imi*.-> in:.-:.- :
I'tuiii'!n*i M. iiiluv.
Ua of Trnverae Ciiy
Hi" imiiillix anti 17 day*. Kuplila Hnll was; honu- rcu. nichii-ne i
M:-i, i;i1l *.f !•■.■* of
fsnerpl of Mr. and Mrs. Clia*. Wood * Ivini'in sSajIll-Id.. Kent eooniy. Ens 'HiiowinR Mr.s. Witie ov.-s' !y.e'.iw:ii.
» rtlld TUnrtalas.
land, AiiRum Htili. 1k3'.i. ami wa* h*n to the craimd. She received lilirlit 1
The Infani chihl of Mr. and Mr*. an oriiliaii at the as>* of nine years. A.. Jurle.*.
tael, vDlillls Hi.- |o*t.w.sRnindma Nash diixl An:.isl 7-h <
, Wooil. Med 2 month* and K few mnDlh* lali-r willi an older Kisierj
. died WodncMHla)'. The fumnil she rame lo America, seliliiic In ill!-1 een-hral tieniiirrhuife. le-r hue i>eli
held Tliiirailay at the home of nola, where she «:i* nianied a* ih']77 y<*ai>. II iimiiiHis and 7 day*. Tl
IP.il.-r of Chir.-fu-' ir V-i
wenly-oiie to Wm. M'. Nash,
fanillv htve ihe svniiinlliy of "hi ii':
a. .Wood
* parent*.
parent*. Mr. and Mr*. )a» of twenly<ine
IKireiit*. Ml.
Frank Ilona, flev. A. I.. Thurston «.ffl-)To Ihi* tmlini were iKirn elRlit
miinity in Hieir *a<! lH*iT'av>'liie*l.
Mr. iiml Mrs. Evan Tra\eri* were lliill' '
tialhiff. Mr. Wood’* father and hrnlher; dren. al* son* and two dniiclilers.
The End erf the World
How's This?
Of ir.iuld. S ifcl r.d-l* d R II. Melf.
of n. -.r tlioi.-, la., of all .1 .-IiiheKs
wl.i. h.- l.-mn lakitte El.vlrl
|!e Uiii.-t : 'Two war* ai:j
Tdey .-It,. r,;i.d tin- .-f e-m-ra.
tvitifilf,;H:ufTtw.-ia, iPs
.. ..............
aVptKli:f>lNBl.;uJ* :;.V..r .'I'-ub.-
«»k.-*. m.-iri.- im
ivjilk ‘lUfiley ‘
^-iiilii^ra fomtfit i('brT>ril
oline warbiri^i’ 'Jieiij
w..,{i,.-'-V‘'w‘‘3..'i.''UvT"ri-n Y ji.lV-xMltml i
.Um-i..* f.Tii.. I...I 1:. >..rs .I..I
2i‘ADtfrfc ((ill),
...... .
• Aue. n.
Cba*. Non
Tnnle l.ake
- Mrs! T. T.
Is sick
lick at Ata 1
I Vaa- Ins.
J. H. Uyer and family called on Mrs
. di.apOI Bn«L». who I* sick.
Rev. Rmall of BmpIte spent Sainrly nlrtii with N. Ray L**wU aad wlh-.
Blaekbcrrylni! I* wow Hie order of
the day.
Mis* Mai UUmon-has rrlurnnltHm
Csnailn. when* abe. baa been vlslt^
Hon at Cndillm-'ritdav.
Mr. and-Mrs, i‘ Haiirrefl vislus! s
Hie holin- of Dan Prat' fltiiiduv.
Mis* Kali'- J.ihns.in «f i’.-l.isk-v i<
liocie for II vielt wiili Ui i iiareiii*.
FallK. •
Mrv- Sqiilefsi «•*'• eall>sl lo Siiri.’iR
Mix* IJiira Colli 1* workini! for Mm
Viili.y. Miiin.. I.v Hie itfies- o! lo-r
A. f \V)-nkoop.
Site orrlveil
MiK* ■ Miirj- Camile of 5<-ndoii rr
aiiornlnc on the Imat. hi-l sis'>'V having
tiirne<l lioqie today after tiKiiltii: lie:
parent* and .liroilien. near Ovlatt.
Mr*. Ollii ,-im! dausbter. Mlis Ke-tie.
Tile in*reif Nellie Nurri* and Coldki
ara Ihe cwsis of Mr. Snni' r* nnd falti-
1«V„ A,„,„ ,P,. ..................
------------- irhti
AiiK. 13.
J*> IHek.-rd
il.'iilUR ndative* !:i the ti' ieh1.o>-b"
r c-!phl«i
' &r:Ui Manilnn >Men1*:..
Mr.'^nd Mr*. H. Warrvn and faniil'
and Clia*. Rlai-and family w. iV Btf
Khc; Pmv
tvd relntive* !i
l.np one dav la*: week aiid'reiwc a
r ('Sty lart «.«•*.
pood time
Wil! Oaei-oh ».nd San-. CtiEBey dmv
Dory RUl workesl for Tom Wliab y i i,> Bapl-1 C!i • Sa:urday nico:
en . day la#t wi-e*;.
j the boiins e.mt. jt
Win. Win.. 1» cbiinalnc the h...f.
Oln and Tim . Pray
!.i* bucKv; he 1* paintinirit on.,
:i; Citv Satuida; afuruomi
Mr. WX.ai an! Mr. Ri*l
- fiah-i-U!’
- -- eamr
irifi «ae- da.' ia.i ne»-k. "11
*eh...1 in Tran-rae Ci-v ihe j A nnmU’
r. *iiod er.trl; of fl'h.
-leiiir i! rtlSI «ix Wi -K*. rett!:!d-.l hone; ;4|M>Tn. Wsrr>n riid s<
1 'be Klw .•^ho.dnout.e ime ' O
Mr- l.eyi-n Karr r. ••irn.-! ybi-sr lay.
irliiijifi.-, ill
“You’ll have to Hurry” if you want to take advantage of the fact that you can buy
furniture right now cheaper than at any other timfe of the year.
Our JInnual Sample furniture Sale
Is how in progress and all fillCS Of Bo'tllO FumlsbitlflS can be bought at a saoillfl o! 20
per cent or better. These goods that we are sacrificing profit on are not dam
aged—they are all pieces that we have used as samples on our sales floors for the
past year. A few may be slightly marred from handliitig, bgt this fact only tends
to make the cut proportionately deeper. All these samples must be sold before we
will have room on our floors to show our big lines of new goods—hence our
——Willingness to sacnfice.===
Vour Credit Ts Always 0ood Rere
The fact that you are a little short of ready cash at the present time need not de
prive you of taking advantage of these low prices. You may select what you,want,
take it home with you and pay for it as you can.
YOUR R E Ul A B U E M O lYI E F u F* IM I S M E R'
The Store the People Have
Learned to Trust
(tiate Ma faniltr at Oak Date. ret«ni«d
Cbicaso TummUv.
Mrs. J. Slrphcnaon and famBjr fia'
«orood to thrtf homo a* IndlaMpcdl
Ll|kc B|>cii
JllJiX thi'lr lindb
at Seltm.*
Mr, and Hr«. 11. Clark of Carf L»k«
I. Goo. curt, at
iretwMo Inn.
. R. Muti Bad famllT of Edlobdra.
: a( Oak
•• and Mra. B. Outhiie acre Traraiy rallcra Monday.
Mhia Laura Cmry apont
wllk frtPBda at Trayerae City.
MU* Flora BeWoBor ban l«aroi-l
•. Thp oait»ni*r.s arr
her bnnn- at Maple City after
wort oa I*.
* rml.l-nroi;. ft 1T;.H of Travor»0 Cttf calloO week'-s virtt wtth Bthei Hlnuhaw.
Mr. and Mra. C- D. Bum are t
•I this piar»- ».or rtaj Iasi wopk.
Jitsl* M John Harllnc.
Mrj P Kilwv. a-ho ha.' I'Orti ■
T. RheraMti waa a t»lk>r in «w tnwn
• tac »iUi Mra. ilanachUa ai Tra*
r etty la»t wwlt.
. m> for Brrrral wtfks. rolurniMl
aad Mm.
Friday oroaina.
■ r. Mayfleld for
A. Pon».T anid anothrr acpai
laal Turt-Uy Qcar lUnlat-i;.
Metwre. Jerry
AU6. 13
Joe Sponek and Oconee Maaon
«lar. Mr. Mclniyro of Traverae Cltjand Jim Mam« of J^lncton. arho
wore camplbK In to«h. left Moaday f«Mtbdr rarlosc booii-s.
CharW An<lernr.n did IraslBC*.- at
Travorro City Monday.
Mr*. E. Chandbr. MIm CUra and
M. K- Phtirch
B.I left Monday for C4"dar Hapacblnc- Hr-v. Knot of li
nrvarhrd a very lnU-r«wllaB wmioii. t't- Inwa. tor an fTitrnded vlall
)-de Miebaciree of MuDCle.
; Thorr w«*r*“««o tiapllaod frow the
lie* hrr^wi
• .V'nlifHl nrothron cHorth at Bale*
bo has been rcsortini: here, rot
vocterday. the njaiiter bolaK one and boime Friday.
AUR. 13.
a ynuni; lady. A larae nambci
od^he cirrrUe* at the bay.
itnc St
at nearly 1Bnlabrd.
GOOD MARBOft.l«i- HrrnwB of R<»toii
■<ajra iHT»- rwc aiiy.
. w. c.
Fai-mera to the Front.
Uora anybody objert lo that? It
let the objocior prorc hlnacif moft
uaofitl than the farmr.
When it ram<^ l» essKy they '
from a
all do»n(.-d: can't a ttack; I hat
The rule of Kiafi mort itlve pHcc
1 of equity.
If farmer*
labt to fix >he price i
>rod»ris trf tbelr own lalior.
the pi
who t
•The taborci B worthy <
Equity lakm O rlRhl* fr
It oppresses D< une: but it
farniem rtebis they bS'
d<-nli-<!—the simple richt to e-sitmal.
the value of th.ir own projK.-rt.r—prod
•I* of their bard labor.
The A. 8. of E- doe* not projursc n
make arhilrar.v or extort kmate prior
For prlee* are l«aE“i
upon acruKi supply and
id inaiana arc attendloR the comr
The thirty-nlDth rrankm and bu*l-
whti ha* Imcw aerl.
J. U-onard. Jtmlor ineml**r of the
aeM company, was here Usl week InEpanioB the pea rrop.
Mr. and Mm. J. nUon irent to Cadlllse to the Maerabee rally.
There ate loada of
people koIbr
blaekberryinit every day.
;rniH>dy are
W. Ramsey and S, Kmnedy
ilni; ma
kept bnay nmnliftt their threshl
te U at
cblnra. The Kennedy masblae
C. Camrto'a today.
MUs Bsalo Vinton
refiimeil li
• week frnm a three weeks' visit at a
'■ near Chl'Tiro.
H. la GilHsple I
Mr. and Mrs.
family a
.-*1. meeilOR of tbc EleUi-enlh Mleb|.
rislocritic • ConuteiK-n
■-.o wsdt paM chief .att«>rlihy ta
.els', dejailin.n; of Hi* Aot'-rlean S'
u.=^ by Kalloonist Ray as he wa>
iBil.lnR an asevBslun at GoRuar lake
C'harlotte. and be felt iwenly-livv
Ill* hip was dtoloeaied and hi
Ruioeil iDii-mal Iniurii-s. '
Mae:-.ilK-eB will le hdd Ft tlaw Beef,
.tup. 23.
Juhn H Pric*-. *a|v. ridlend* nt «f ■'
READ TfcllS!
,'.M K..-I mines. I* shcbllu- h*s -k
,jro tin., Why Nol Yen?
L Is a T*;;. peculiar puvo ..f liui iic
.< rli. the rauM of which the medu
The she'iding
lalH «» Ids Ongirs
r> ea^*-rteil tii flm' his roriiM* ti<
ii.i.v to-ly .► ...m,
are expeeled.
Ttie .ptanl of Ihe lloliie Telephese
MH* P:'
♦diea hS't h*>-q Mr. Tewip rs *t<0'
Boynton and Grcai lady C
•'T nmipaiir. New Verk.
ay* a'j’ldl!l_piJmrg..WoU!aii'a. »|eei
The annual county pienle and ear
nivsl of the Knlehi* and Ladle* of tio
U>. sit Romeo, which ha*' lM* n
he emiTgid fteoi Hie debris nti
mi. P. * WOlFf, Prop.
. A-rt 414 Wllhilm RJk.
Tr»rtf5c Ciu-
l.-II l.et*'Bu*sl l*>' 'Is
<d rii. liabll
ntay and <
Uilli'-n :>iid u half l-> •s.'U
'Ul «t which 1e.u.-tbati a million wa*
a Sivdelunati
laifsl hi- i-auvr in It*
ill- gu;.i
A*k ye
B l*IX.
Bilir*r*. Hit
?ehs'iq*-d iivo ilp-
L'llrA and lha
'.-.h..V*o ■woywi*
Mt Wririi.
lang law- II Ik lndl
He wa.s a wai ivirT>-*poU.:
W. W. DE\N
Can^ifate for
Keguter of Deeds
• Imi Ihl- Kell T' l'.phoB*. omiiv
doubling Vs r.ili's wli*-n the ;
»w* *4 the wa.
bus a>iih«'rlr.*
. 1. alUc.-l'i.. In InefHeleUt.
;Ol. It«nc
;ira> M-.Gt-rk ..rWfnil.r.>p M.
rhl'alag t..ls.-o
*'1 which wetit lUiWB
aiionw/lo l--iiii |i
I'bi- .\or*i
ol Mr Prtia
V loalnr
'I allilj Hr. nioma*' hu b-
h'M.d. one vd Hie If
: in partial <
ltn~.nl. H..W Pn
IH.'p-e .'tf
The !u.l.' di .
of SiinQHd ;
... .
, |..r
I .rtur OI -l to ••Id *Wt
(. i,.ii*ii*i i.r,.
iii.i th.......vy 1. emntnl le h:u »eif .Fwai*
F.ed Ka**ler.‘a bivmc r of near Mb!
Seville. r*.maiiied in 1h<- water rtnib
,e wa*
exlui'tsti'd wfilb-
■Aim. and
I fer h'wrlne «»• I
elp ould rvaeJi him.
Ji welcy valno.! at $3.o«» has «Ath«ri
*n f.
II rtolen
pnium nut ■->cet,.n|nlM
ftvi.ii the home cT
■ W. H.vi:
•> find
I 'he iwlic
I '-! *
a Suffer:* m Traver:? City.
No wimaii can U- heallli. and »< li
If the
are »lek. Voisms tiiui
' iiatlou
par* off in Ihe urine »hi'ii the kidney*
are aell are ivlaln.d in thi- liodv when
the kidney* are sick.
Kidneys uiid
li worth
hlrdder rm Intlametl
erowdlni: the delicate female orsr»n>
ink Wilson of Miiski g<ui. !rs<'S S3
Mie'te fleiij who siiiok.d ferfv i
them. TUI* is the true ciBw of mar
boarlnR down iialns. latcene.*. haci
is dead from ihe poison, ond k:
itdeache. etc. Uric iwiM iiiTiR a
wa* iiinie<l vellow by. the ioco
*. dlrxy *|«.H.
with which it wa. .af.iiate;!.
When suffering *o. li
irulman AVm. Walsh of Ann .3rl*>r
ney nils, the rrautly I
whix.b'il a liuriow Inlu sin ebvmiiu
kidiiev*. Yen will get
kidneys get belt. r. and health will n- o|smn-g in ib<. new ilieh *rl,o.il boil'
and b*. f*ll flliv fix." wllhon;
turn when the kidne.m
a Tmveme Cllv woman
lin-aUng aiiV Is’iie.*. ulihpiigh hw in*.'
Kidnev Pills.
haw wrlmis iniernpl Injiiri'u*.
E. Punnlnit^r
Robert M. Worden, one of llifli.e
stfeei. say*;
"Pain* aen X* roy back
nnd hip* were l•»peciall^ evore when llarlwir's oIdi**t id* n<-f :*., dii-d W*dii>
l>ii*.v Bi work. I wa* nerv III* and had day. Bg'sl 73. He wa* iiroiiiiu.nl
utlaek* of headuche.
Odd Felh.w and <5.
It. riivl*.*.
sinking rpell*- 1 knew
.Ml Ihe l;iiin l•Illl'!lnc^ I'Xivni t<-
.'.ti’tj*-r .5m
In Ibr **no.T <
. B.
7t’v., b
iij« ^
Ftf*! VOtr WHS lit jlhv ficH
;‘^-".'.".;w.^uE.t*H-rrt.UTrf —H--.IWT. f,,y
hraio^v ;■
Veli-Mn: c-nlisl !cl Sept.
HI; |],,nomi>}ydi»i*iiai
|].>nnmi>}ydi»i‘iiai ipxl New.
r„:..r in n..*l »r*l
Linoolii. kn»l
jl;*l «a*w l«T-rp.:liW»D-l . ircoUl.-t in
ml Cbairman of
rBKi'j^wjM.Kra ^
$15.00 Men’s Suits at $9.75
a Li;:
stir iti
ihi- clnthim: busim;w*-\vt; an: ifoinii
-..to J:i:n.ln-.l
... ami
We Will SeU $4.50 Men’s Pants at $3.25
i. .niiifnl siylt saiid wi-li iai!<T. *!. w>n‘li
« well, a.* th
d*-stn*yi-d by fliv We*lue»<lu>
l.Jo bother m«
bis* to $3.*fon. iniillally r*>ver.v
I wa* milueed to try n-iau'* Kidtie
Pill* and they helpedI the from tii
flrsf. 1 UM-d four Inixe* in all nn'l ar
I farmer I^in;
•Kalpli Scott,
»o well pleaned with the
Ihwiii. wa* li 'iiiul Tii.'-vtoy
do not he>.iiaie to
U-ins siepped ••
1.) a horse M;
ledy to atiyoae who suffi
no long.'
F'Vr sale by all ilesU r*.
Price I
The horse * bool luJIICe.! Scott a!s>':
eenlfc. >'o»UT-Nlll.um Co.
(ji'- ht«d and hi- isui.ll'ion i*
New Pork, sole apui* for the t'nix
V Howard Iawi*-iir«.. H year* oi as.
KeneraluT Ihe• Mini—Duan'*—an! wa* drowmul In the mill in*n>l ut Ih.l
lake no other.
•lab-, nie la.i ‘.as flshitii: .lan.lin.
in -hallow w;ui. r.
• liuimre liju.id
run* you
make* vtiii aireafv vleiini for
disemu-x. Burdock HUxnI Hilt'
lie* the, lihiod—euies
is ihi.1 h.- was taken wilh a fit at
fell ini*. Ihewat'.r.whbh wa.- only Iv,.
•t de.-p.
General Newt.
Hear:- t5as*away
Ihtvi., i!
Soo after hi* Trl|i through Eun-pe .-it
Vice presbb-ntitr
Egypt. He to niurh impnnni In hrwli
will pipiably eni*T the-n- v'
though not yet In Hie lu-M ul conditio
fn*ni tin
e«vmd ' West Vlt
-Sl'e. f l.r,"...i.l r!.'".
$2.00 B|)ys’ ^nee Pant Suits at $1.35
wa- .-ibj.vi t.
faitillng rv*-Ils. or fl<s. Tiii'i tne th.s.i,
SUte News.
Chase S. 0»l«m has arriv. d at il
dfulj!'. fur choice only
y:::;:..„$1.35 .
.Good Wool Knee Pints at 25c
Tudor Suits at 38c
Men's Straw Hals and failor Pats for Clilldies, | Qn
worth 35c, al - - • ■ - j ««
The Rev. John W. Erksine of tl
flmi CoBgrcgathKial Churrh ai Stand
l»b. has rexigiuvl hi* pastorale to lal
vffeet S«-pl.'3V.
>' Phllmb'lphia C'i'i
and Inn
He wa* married i
Bachelor Shx,
Extra Good Sox
3 pairs for24c
eently to Miss Minnie Avdis of Eiart
Nine wtftuen who aii.-nde<l »cbo
.4 pairs lor 5c
at Hmlion fony-eight .vears ago m
here last »^k. and they propose to
have a
ciilrcns of Battle Cr.-ek c.itnilaln
jtbat the new $l2i.<"r' pi-sioffier i, no'
chunk* ohi of Bob' horse* and r*.v
O. B
! commensurate with the city's probabbWm. H. I'mlor. ini«lee.
He enncJiid»l to <*-11 I''
Isrowth. lull Is ev«-n loo small for pro*..
Paris, pafeel*. see. l. tn<
rhow- In-fore It becan eat
[ ent nelsls.
11: $250.
Lunle M. Itori* to Otto Rlrhlde an.l i
Three hundred women of Kaiamuzoo
wife, pai
i will "man" .the *trei-l ear* for one day j
From a lift- in
II: $:rdi.
u-rmak-r to Thomas Nee-!«r»-' in Sepl*-»her. a percnlage otj.
A th.'|lishi
the iweipi*
Ml** Mande Otirry aad Ml«* Hagen ». town 23. rnitRe 12: $2.N». •
ihe*.*l —w
KnlautsTOo ht-.i.lial. In
of Milwaukee are fhe guest* of Ml«a]
Mr*. Alire Siansell in Smith R<-sliv
witiaen ate iniettu-io*!.
. Mantle nniMi«L
jcn.. M 3. Mork 4. lU U. 4* On'* 4th;
I Spiritusltots from all o er Ihl* state make'
J. E. Bradstrtvi.
BradMiwi. wl
who has teen rto- W2S.
BrowD Mixed Soxacd Plain Black,
5c a pair
Turkey Red or ludiro Blue
Hanaktrcliicfs at, - -
day 01
Sow atTvintr <«»u tti Urm
Tiiii i ward.
e winter of 1M*1
raoBe 12: Rt.roo.
y tb^l
Jone»rille AoR. 23 and 51
acrldenl hamH.ned lo the appar
t. Willis I* a enost at the bonn
Empire. Mlehof Mr. and Mm. H. E GlIL
Mr. and Mrs. N.
Horsan. aoeom
panted by Mm. Sheldon and tIanRhtc:
Bemlee. spent Sunday In town.
Mm JeoniuR* nr Neahiawanta wa
W. H. Steele apem a few day* <i quite M-k Ism week.
1* week at South Manitoii i.-laud.
Mr*. Goo. Jamleeiin I* oiiloyiir:
Mr and Mm. W. t(. Hoaeb spout s
,i*it from her ■iaiiRhter. Ib-rtlia Mai
a dav* of ihl* wet-k In town.
'ball, of lAnxiiiRMm. A. Baillelt. who ha* boon 111. is
Mr. nail Mr... 1'<im laitn'm and tb-i
ChuriO* Raiianm of Hanlon *|iem a pienle P
few day* of Ihl* week at bis home In
Jim lAnnfn «:is
>r* over In Alden
r. and Mm. 1- A. 8«Bm spoilt a
fea- days of thbi week In town,
with hi* ibreslili
E. Barnes of Grand Rapid*
Mr*. Fro.1 Nelson of Atrhl- vi*iie.
her da"Khler. Mm. John Kruiipa. Ja
The Sunday srhcMd cl*** of Mm.
1*1 Stindav.
Mib-* Atwoo.1 of VnUa I* vtoiiinc hi
Mas Grhroeiler
aa. eliapt'rotied
i*:<-r. Mr*. Mile* Gllulore.
Taylor and MllHken
Mr. and Mf* Mile* Gilmore vtoile.
** Alice GUI and
friend. MU* with Mr*. Gilmore'* siMiT ni 1.»land ;
days lust utik.
CUrk. of Harlatr SprlORs. are «jwnd
' '
wei'k a' Wli'
* In
riuIstophtT's. KveryoiuK< m. who ha« iK-i
Mi*;i Mor'<-'* e-it
BIk Rapid*.
Mi** Julit Hiller Hponi a few dayi Trrverse Ciiv.
AuB. 14.
of this t
Misses Rdllii Spolt and Nettle
Nelanu are vUillni; friend* at OtdTO AIUNC- WOMEN.
ar iiml l.iidlmnoii.
E. Palmer of Snlinn Bav s]k-uI Sim
A Little Scund Advice Wyll Help Many
IV with friend* lit town.
n«- fThey tstpert to make this plac
their hnme aitaln. and Hr. OHNsph
oslthtn as bkcdi a
tb' depot.
' 'A well mawHine i* ai wom on me
rehnol KTOiinds ItorlnR for a flnwinu
well. If one lM Hocured II will bi- of
Mr. and Mr*. L. R. I*erk an- *pwMl
. Rreal rdyuntaae lo the *ehi>ol.
Mm. Haiile Ilnuile relumed Thtir*c ji fen day* m Grand Raidd*.
Miss I.anra Fiirtneh returned to hi-r
tday fiom ber vUU with her daushter
home In Traveree City »fter hiiendlna
at Beaver Island.
Miss lUtel Estop I* rUHInc in tbc a few dsv* In town.
................................... .. week.
Mm, A. Hennanver ha*
A numtiw of oor cliliens. Incladiiie homo ?i«m a vl*lt with relative*
the famlllas of 8. B. Taylor. R. n.
J. PalRc of Traverse City was In
• White and W. H. Ayem an- eafnpln*
m-n this week.
on FIV take nt present.
The Ml»»o* Mildmil and Ida Bmld
•e vtohlnR retatlve* and frleadi
'■ from the PenlnMla and spent Sunday
with tbdr non Barm aad fatallyChurlevoix.
Hr. asd Mm. B. M. Perry came b^k
friHn pear Fllni, where they spent the ha* been the Ruest of Mi** E
snmtiHir racailnm. last week. »o a* ir
lx> here for the openlOK of school next
MlBH Grace Kehl has roinmed home
from Charlevoix, aeeompanli-d by MIek
HU* Smtt of Traveree
City hsi Ida Prlre.
Misse* Alice Rivard and CUni
* beep encsRcd to leach the,'
laine of Kankakee. III., and M
____ a LIule Evans of Traverse City.
formorly a toaehcr here, spent Sunday
with friends.
AUR. la.
*]>ent a few days of last week ta-iiu
her aunt. Mm. Albtri Voice,
a. J. Ihime of Evanston.
H. nay allenrtrd the mertlne of
his home In
H-ndinc 1
dM^n Hardwood Msnufartur
this place.
which wai
Mr. and .
Mackinac Uland Ihl* week. He wa.*
led by ht* wife and «lauKh- of Kansas spent a few days
ea A
Alice; Eva and Estelle, rt^ week at the home of Mr. and Mr*.
ten. MUsea
home on the IlHnot* Friday, Wllltomson.
and Mm. 8. SptirilnR of l'^'an*•
t. Chat. Frifke of Peniwater
tun. III., ar
rtvnl oa the HlRsourl Saturday
Ins and aill make her home here the H. E. Gill.
Au«. II.
reniBinilrr of the »ea»on. her husbaud
belns one Of the surfmen at the Sleei*
Real Estate Tranafera.
Ins Hear life aavlOR station.
Witltom Lvoii lo Merritt L. Lytoi
The arrivals for Cedar Sprlnss
K bltick 1. Boon & Anibony * add
I>slee this week were:
Burt Wollram. Mm. E. D. Scott and Mis* May $1.00. '
Henrv IV MeCowan
Jeffemon. all of lV*|dalne*. III.. Fr|.
and wife, nwt^ ol
day. and Rev. C. IV Moore. Mr. Peter Cba*. E. Mallory
beti. see. 11. town 27, raURe 12; $2.<KHi.
Kelly and win of CbicaKO. Saturday
AbilM- J. Jenaon to Jas. Biirinn KyA. likeonyiuu* of idle-a-Whlle to
cr. Bt* Ini* 18. I», SO and 21. block
the llllnol* .for OMcam Friday.
P. H.'* ttb: $£13.
Ilarvc y Scribner of Toledo arrived
Leonard S. Hoxsie t* Charles «'
rm the Illinois k'ridHv for Gresory's
resort, where hi* wife ha* been S|wnd- FaUKl. lots .38. 3k and IV. Hoxsle'i 1st
Id.. Acme: $200.
Inp the Rtimmcr. Mi. Slocum wa* alao
Hannah A Jav Co.
to Floyd U
.al ft>r GrcRor.-'
Smith, let* 30. 31 and 32. hidek 4. H..
mi Saturday evenina.
Savaito of ChlcoRO tranaarted L. & Ca* 14ih: $»40.
Philip Roach and
nd party
Brown, wlq of bc^*.
CPEO arrived on the MIhmiutI Saturday
B’m. U Brown and wife to Proknp
crMax for Glen Ra>
Kyeelka. wti of -*eto. ace. 23. towi
Master tiarid and Ml»*
1. ranRc 12: $3,200.
tViiv *penl part cf Ihl* wii-k
Thornton MltchHI and wife lo IIauI:
tlv< A in East Empire.
F. Becker and family oaili
Beckwith, parcel*. P. H.'» l*t: $!.
J II. Mrinnis and bbiily Si
The arrivals on the Missouri Jor
Kenwood Saturday evenina were; Mr.
Sheridan and
Mer«rs. i:.ehmA. Oook. Sholit. Poole.
Clara \V. Van lo Byron D- Lee. lot
Harvey. Thayer and Miss Poole, all IG. bl«k 3. Bayride; $300.
of Clileasu. and G. II. Bowman of iliue
William Lyot to Emma J. Lyon, par
cel*. P, H.'» 2nd; $1.00.
J. fi- Peamon of Detroit arrived
Laura D. Gibb*
Ibb* to Adrum
Gran, lot
Friday to spend a few daya at Lorelei
btock 8. Ml....................
yfleld; $25.
Gi-o. E. Martin and wife t J. GorUt^C
laiullion 7V<wner. memtor
san volnntocr infanio' will be held at
That mean* pro*p«-i|tv for the farm
linre the'lire of H*»l. ha* Inin sole
er and In every leRlIlmste Iju»liie*« i
our land
o the Mkhlsan Ttlepto.ne Co.
NolKidy to In the hsbit of buyitu:
Hori-a Clark. «iio
0 dH^
dojI at Iirtn-w a
year's supplle* in advance, an ah"
1 IlvRl tu
ever farmer* force on t^e tuarkii
yiwr't. siipplie* In a week. Hot mav
know tbev win clut ihe market an t
desiniy thiir pries and piofli.*.
niaiif-r what iieople *aj. the only thins
tieCdiul to Bceiire a steady maikei all
Wm. 6. I.,an*iiic. n nii-uil>-r of
Ihe year at fair prie.-* 1. to sell the I'apili.l Bheltle KoiiiioT-iiii; <'•■. <1
prodiirt* only In quautlllcs aiifflrlenl
LauvMic ho*piinl foiloalne
he demand.
>u. Il<-was 2d year'of ain-aiie
a widow and tine child.
eommon *eo»eT Put it in pr
while and note resali*.
«1U Hatter' of Moati
W:aiVer. wrnt.i-t .
The market U n< v. r Rlulleil
...............................of this
„ rtead* here.
demand; it 1* over*'
I away Monday after a pivini:
A number of yonni; people fmm here
-nlllde. It
e lo-Gov.-rnor Warner and Ik-ni'
re ranplnc at one of the lakeiT up short nine**. Dpeeased leave* a danch- It that makes 'be (rni
and many,friends lo mourn her a vUlhic supply that I. . UKl-d *
Ir Caiididale Kimnserte for a j»i(
l>eut the
by apeciilai
lie on Ue irS'K-.;
ilie i-ampaig'
The teach hotel closed Saturday.
he .T.IXV.X.,- of a Irt'isllt IlUiB o.i
Comp meetlns here ha* opened sritb
lany •prominent *|>cakvra la aitond- world '
l*erv Marquelle liioke !l«r-e
a year to market
p graili'. Mimlibvl from the
f.<*t u«. Iirotber far Item, try It I
Oeorse Winnie of Trarcrac Qty was
and roliisl diiwn »n nnbankmeni
urefiUlv tint'
eonple i
Mr. and Mi>. l-avat of Allegkn «mn
TheVarmer i il hi* fsoilly will Ihe whole tialn rn-w aUard at
Mr. and Mr*. Norman Thoms* spent
ty are snewta of Mr. and Mm. J. N
kegoii. All jiiiu;*-.! ex-wp' »''mv
Kennetly and tkey are all Bpendlnc a Sunday In towp.
muke a IIvIbr.
A. Barthli. who has been 111, is
few days ai Carp lake aith Hr. KenSlack, who hart Itvn n*i<3-,i. nnd th-
OQsty I
*oaeymoon trip as wile oZ
meoilni: at Vieksbnnt.
Ovid preparing tor a JnhBee Ang- S*
have H. Thirty fear* couM solve thU
Ug Sunday In the city, the |
pnibicm. Yon must net oomparc your- Dd to. Governor Warner and Chas.'
Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Itortnsn.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Haight, who «clf now with Uncotn and Moses, at H. Klmraeriee expected.
Wind, bail aad lighialng cause aehare 'bemi on their weddtag trip, spent tbe height of Ibelr devriotoueat.
There are two great principle* to rtous damage to enqs aad property.
B short time with friends to tbU dty.
Hr. ^d Mrs. Prank Miller and Mr. and whtefa yon shonld give mnch •ttenllon. Dowagtac and vlelalty.
T%c lirM Is 'b*blt.' and the second ibo J-rank Crawley. Michigan Central
Hr*. I. O. Hobbs.
J. W. Mllllken left for Greenrtlle haw cf scrnmnlative efflriency.' A) brvkeman. succumbs afier lasing liolh
Sret tbe people won't care, then they legs under train nar Alger.
this morning
Work beptn Monday oa the ne*
with tbe Pouto implement coropany. become somewhat Intetesied and see
Mra. Charles E. Quick add son Rus ing tbe wheel move, help ’ It along. fhrps.ol the Cfrand Trunk raitoia.l ar
lUille Creek which are to 0,1 |3.r,ixi.'
This U accumulative action.
sell retnreed Saturday night'from
iHSt and win tiecupy Bfte. n acre*.
I onr llva we shonld seWi <
fonr weeks' visit at Berlin. Ont.
enimaSed that It will take three year*
Hr. and Mrs. Albert Donner and principle of action. Take the
Ml*. Warren Salsburr returned last problem that comes along nnd slick to nimpleie them.
night from Manltoyoc. WU.
Gcoeral News.
Mrs. Gibbs and daughter Marion of and pride lire logeihi-r. Tbe only difCapt. Alexander Simpson
ferrace between the surccasfiil pcvip^
Hsyficld nre In the city today.
Aberdeen 'liter Morarian. which re.Pll
O. C. Baker left this morning for and others Is Ibsl the one do and k<'rp
Pivimieih the other day hom.-"‘arMl. Pleasant and will later attend doing while the cHhcni do nothing.
Don't get entbusiartir and do nothing. icjimd III Lundno from Sydney and the
school at Big Rapids.
Mr*, a 8. Jones of Riverside, and Xbe dtfferpoee in Ibf stiecesa of people Cape. Is on his aoenty-brst voyage
and borne from Rydner. a ix>ci>rii
sUler Marietta Wlghiraan. have gone is In Ibelr growth. One stops and
goes III Feed, while the otbe; ibai is believed to be without parallc
to the C. A. R. encampment at Mlnuts.
Editb Gibbs returned today fre
ill the history of lbs BriUsh mcrcan. I
short visit to Mayfield.
tile marine. He bas Is-en duicf Uicj
T. B. Braucr and wife of Chicago cessful.
Miss IxHiie HavUand'lefl this n
VO}age for over forty y«-ani and hr.',
ere guests of Park Place over Sun
Inx for Carp lake, where she will Join
covered altogether sl»m MsW.'kHt
a camping party.
SUto News.
miles without mUbap. For i-icht.v-n,
Mr. and Mr*. Bd Oiuirtiman of New
Fred Croaa of Grlnnetl Bros.’ U
In a Jnsttitht.
The great record keeper's office of year* he ha* been eSperinieBlIng wp|j|
York are guests of Hr. and Mr*. the U O. T. M. M. will be rntwetl
apenittg his vacation at Maple City.
nunsttm tnoftaduilf.
regard to the sot of cKx-an curreuts I
Joseph Brother* of Unloo *trect for
Ann Arbor to Port Huron on Sepiem- and hundreds of bottle* placed In the
Prom Fridays Record.
few days.
sea by him have U-en returned
Rev. P. P. German of Bay Clly
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Blsbec arrived
Grand Haven has voied to spend all parifcof the world.
Saturday from the southcni part of the $01,000 for a general sewer system.
P. J. Harper and wife wont to Mil- stale for a visit with Mr. and Mr*.
Ugbtning carried half a doten t>(
The uxpayers of Yale have vot
wBukee>}bis morning.
uncorked bottles eoulalning luk d-<wn
Bd Wall.
to bend for $14,000 to Itulld sement
a long stairway In the home of Wil
D. C. U-cch of Sprlngfleld. Mo.. U In
Mr*. B. W. RasUll and children left sidewalks throughout the clly.
liam M. Davl* at Derby. Conn , withtun- it. It sends a J.-i of snmMhlng that
the dty for the Srst lime In tour Fridsy for a few weeks' vlsll In tbe
•I Rev. Franklin A. Sillcs, tor three out spilling a drop. The fluid came iti
Prom Fridays Record. '
ktoks exactly like steani out u( lu
soulberu part of the state.
years pastor of ibe'Dapllsi church at
Hr. and Mrs. Bdgnr C Reed of Lonupstairs window and rang tie
Harry I.onh*rt. former bookkeeper
^ealyaercn eoudes enjoyed the
denvllle. Ohio, rctnrned to thdr home special daMlng party at the Waqua L tbe Oval Wood W«h lac.ory is the Hudson, has resigned.
If the J.-I ttirihcb a htitnan hand ibn.
front door tall as It parsed out.
Mis* Kl.-anor
a Ibist.m society
today after spendinx ecvetml weeks tong dub last evening.
jcsi of H. 8. Hull and family.
APer being lorliired for two week*. girl. Ik to Iw the next Vjiiideridlt hrldc. *|iot that Is ijll will show a little markat Pomitaln PdnU
Oscar .Friedrich, a former Traverse text books on tbe History of Ppace.
Otvtrge W Andre* died Thursday acsmnling to Newpsiri pwrlp. Sbe I* Ilkc a iiurn. j The Jet of “slram“ I*
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Templeton, chil
Mrs. N. R. bTons and danghter ol
Ann Aritor has new fire npitarniiis mmntng at the home of his father. »aiil to hftsr ciliintvd the heart of supposed In jbe sotm- sharp aciit. «*• '
City resident. I* vUiUng relatives In
ClndnnaU paased throu^ the dty dren and maid, of Cbl'cago. are vlslUng
claliy as ti .sm.-llb like nitric arid.
|iy which a stream may U- thr4n-n 1G» William J. Atirtres, ini» Spring street Harold Vaiidcridlt. btolher of the
the city.
thto morning on their way t© FondUln the doctor's sister. Mr*. Henry King.
Paul Ic Qiinte. wte watrtinl ani^..
feet In the air.
Jeffersonville, ^v.. of piirftiim hemort- dtichcK* of MarllstrouBh. HI* mother.
7110 Misses Emma and Ida Scfalegel
Or. L*>
Pontiac council has ordered Miclil. bade*, a dlrease ihtl I* oMisIderel Ml* O. H- r. Uelmotit. win give him a studied the curious tiog. call# It a Uyi«
Bunlee Kelley left this more of Sheboygan. Wlr.. will arrive tomor
enough . small* dragon Ibal spits fire .'
tare, hut is by no meaiiii nnknna-n
“coming out" iw’ity this iiKmih.
tng for a few days' atay .at Carp lake. row for a lenday rUU wttb tbdr par
Dr. B- G. Lancaster, presidcni
from resident sirectk and place them the nitHliral fraiemlly and la offcn
King SlM.waili of CsmUsdia. who*-- aud flame, and he'suggests that imre
ents on Union street.
Olivet college, occupied.the pnlplt
cured. Tlie dlwase Ir a.vxtmpiiile'l dciittrtiiiv.fnim I'arts wa* htstened l>y long ago therc'inay have been giant
In alleys.
Dr. and Mr*. Hontfort left today fw
Pram Tnasday's Baesrd.
iH-cth-s like this one that gave rlse-to
the First Congregational rttnreb Sun-,
al lime* and Us
IbRirtbutlon of patent medicine and by live givate*!
forvign olflce aiilhorllles. wa* hitMrs. U Rofooe. Harry and Jessie tbeir borne In Ithaca. Mich., after
the dragon •lorlc* that every nhUon
day. Dr. Lancaster is making a trip
Boscoe and Mias Kellogg of Horend. few days' rlslt with L. H. Bennett and through the norihere part of the state advertlsinc matter |«ertalnlng thereto action is |•ecnllnr. Pi.i-|de spots toitti icriy dlsapiKiliilt"! *1 iu>l Itring tib tells to ihU/dsy.
at any pan of the i«o<ly. and are fob biwfd to remain longer In Pari*,
MKA. are making Uie Nortbpon trtp family.
The sharp add that Is ejecled by
andbad intended to make no nddres8e« Gtillloit.
lowed by iiiilammaiinn that cause* the loial cstlniaiixl outlay of gtou.iXHi and
B. 8. Randolph of Detroit Is the
whstever. but consented to prcai
I«aln. Jhe hb-sl beemes a whitish no rptiirn tor t»ur nuimy. " is the way the 1-x-lle changes Into vapor as imuu
Ijibor Is Ml seam' in Genem-c
A party canaiaUng of Mr. and Mrs. gnest of George H<vt and family for Snnday morning. ' ElememB in a sueI touch the air. and this makes
color knd Iteglns to oo*e 10 ti
that tbe farmers' wives have
ihrlfiy Krvnchmau sums up the royal
P. N. Hotmre of Grand Rapids. Mlu a few days.
look exartiy as If the isug breathed
casfnl Ufe" was the subject of the out and work In the fields.
face. Id time sapping Ibe life
Dr. Spanton returned from a proLMlse Taylor of Otmnd R^da Mrs.
a j.H of steam fmm lu Jaw*. .
sermon, the text being taken from
W. W. Smitb, Mrs. Spmgne Pratt. fesalonal trip north today.
Kings 1:13.
District Altnniry Mtwan of Dnstoii.
convi-ntlon pussod resolutions tirgintt
Mrs. L. H. McLaughlin of Central
Klsa drare ^Itb. Helen Smith and
(Vt.-gmarian td Grand Rnjdda g
He said In pari: “There la veiy lit Theodore Roosevt-ll t<> accept a third engineered the largest “Jail dellven
SpiU Fire.
Mn. WUUam Rannie, took the Colum- Lake and Hr*. C. Roadhouse Ol Lemabroad tor three itiotlhs' trtp.
Atlnig tin- shori-b «>f th<- Alt)
tle difference in the natural ability of term as president.
In tbe history of the city when he
bK tor Kortbport tbh morning.
mlogton. Ky.. are rlslUng Mr*. Jama
men. Then why Is It that
Casso|)olli farmer. arni«l wHb shot- ordered the release of sixty-seven tli'-i^ Is a gr<«l iHtilc-wbIcb I* InilJ
Aboot twwaty *0001 side young pe^ Finney and family of this alty.
Young man brake leg by sllmiing at
more sueeessful and prominent than gun. round, up horse thief and turn mim and live women fnim the Charle-* a dragon <if the old fniry liile* In
pie spent, the day on Ibe Island.
Hiss Flora Heck left today for Lan
skating rink near Bt. Joseph.
other*? ft simply lies In the use o
*tre<'i Jail. There were over Hkl prib- iBlurc When an eneni) in.'s to
him ovcr'to sberilT.
Mr*. W. P. Btrere nnd mother. Hr*. sing. Detroit and Cleveland, where she maka of his talents. 8olomon.
Norrtna Miss Underwood. Lawrence w'lll buy her fall millinery dock.
the beginning of his reign, was s
John R. Nelson of Antler. K. D-, la
BowM and Dwight Lemon apent the
young and IncfBcicnt man. He askr.i
apendlng a few daj^ In tbc city re
• day M tbe Island.
Ood for wisdom, an unusual request,
C. f. Waiiier of New York paaeed newing old acquaintanca.
and reeelved It. He then built a tem
Prank Vender returned. lad even
tbnragb the ptty ^ Morning on hla
ple which was considered even in pres
ing to bis home In Crystal Spring!.
way to Neab-talwnnta.
ent day vabies would co»i an enormoiis
Mlsa.. after a two weeks vlilt with
Miss Q. A. Upton of Chicago,
He took the remnani of ■■
ed ibrengb the dty tbli morning on relative*.
that have taken aHvMitaKC of the
nailot and made one which has dc
Mr*. D. W. Stewart bas gone*to Mil
bo0 way to Glee Laka
ffed all aliempu to denaturalise IIHr. and Mre. Robert N. McHynn waukee to vlsll.
How did be do It? He chose one prin
Mrs. W. D. Bkmdgood Is visttlng
of Mltwankee are apendlng a tew days
ciple -Bd held to It. If you analyrc
In Saginaw.
the walker farm at Old MImton.
any^lTtei man's life you will And that
leamond left this morning on
Mr*. J. A. Ahrard. Mra J«* Pete
it has one great center > which all
aen and the Mlaaes SteBa Cole and a business trip to Hanlstlque.
other things are
Fred Bongbey left this morning for
Stella Decker, went to Neab-U wanU
“Bvery great life Is controlled by
Carp lake.
Ibts morning.
elements. God and man. Then
Mr. and Mr*. R. T. Water* and son
Mlaa ftalda Brens and mother. Mr*.
how about Napoleon, yon say. Did bPercy
Blsabetta Brans, went to OU MUslon
really have greatness? Ha* he done
morning after a two wertt*' visit In
tK Naab-u-wanu this morning.
anything for the srarld? No. Napo
Mias Minnie Combs went to Neab- this city.
leon wa* not a great man. He simply
Mrs. Tina Cook returned to
toargau IbU morning.
home In Norway this moralag after crated a great stir.
"Let u* analyte the lives of several
visiilnx friends In this city.
Prom Wednabday'B Reoord.
men nnd Bhowihst they- all
Mr*. Charia K. Buck left yesterday
Sev*ral Supday •etaool claases of the
>ese common prluriples. Mosc*
for Hsssachosetts. where she will
Christ Gbnreh are anjoylag a picnic
have reali'cd the savini,.s it means to attend this sale.
poor slave boy. He did not 1kspend
the iBland tod|y.
gln to have the chunce thit yoti 01
Two hundred an thiny-nve people From there she will proceed to Maine,
He once had the opportunity
took adrentage of the excursion to srhich place will be her fuiure home be king, but for the sake of God anil
the Island last evening. Tbe nigbt Daring her stay In Traverse City Mi* the people rboHo to help the Isracliies.
wns coot on the water and very refrah- Bock baa made many friends who
Whit would he Jiavc l>cen had be
tag after U« hot. oppressive day. while greatly regret her ^epartnre.
that it has been a case of seeioR the .same faces a^ain and asain. There arc still hundreds of untaken the kingship? Nothing more
tbe waUr was like a mirror reDcciIng hope* I0 be In Traverse Cltv nest
than a iriummy- But even now he has
summer for a few weeks' visit.
matchablc values awaitinR you. We will just mention a few of them:
the UgbU with beautiful cBect
more power than Rratsevclt. The
A party ransMtig of Miss Chris
secret of hi* success I* that he chose
tina Holdswortb. MM. Ruth Kelley. Pnm Satnrdny'a Record.
one thing and stock to It.
7.-, Men-, Itanl.le Hre.«t«l
Men’s atronjT «nd tlurHlilc
tl.OO Work Panto, made of
Mlw Julta Barlow. Mi*. Minnie Halseh
• Pestaloitle. the foonder of the kin
Snite. mmle of bln.-k clievootlonade and jean*,
and Bdna Grant of Chicago, Miss Jen Green of Northporl passed threugh
mndt' of Rrind ({tiality cingiou anti cotton
nion’g size*.
bam. vide floiinoe. oartbnie Grant. Mr*. Oscar Slmpatm. Mr*. the'city today on thdr way to Cadtl dergarten. and the greatest teacher
tbc world has ever seen. wa« a poor
sale price..............
ikc sale price
Wnilam aemcmt and Miss Lucy Grant c.
8. T. Kingsley returned to Grand boy, dull, elupid and laughed at
•pent tbe day on tbc island.
Several parties took advantage of
Wack hd-I Ian QQf^
jsincss In the city.
the dally escurilons on tbc ddumhlB
the thirty years' war. when the condi
Oiforrl*. sale price...................JpUV
Mrs. W. B. Williams. Mrs. ;
tbhi morning and a good sued crowd
<-ale, madnu cloth, cltcviot. etc. pia...
Greenwalt and danghter Margaret, tions of Germany were In a chso«,
WMt up the bay.
and plaitnd fronts, vnrtb ‘lUc:
Pataloxxl did more than anyone
cni to Row] Clly this momtng
Harry Rostne Is risltlng bis broth- to bring the people together and unite
them. He showed them that through
r Ralph In Elk Rapid*.
Preto ntursday's Rooord.
love nnd sympathy, oven the U-ggar*
Philip Bernstein and daughter
Tbe Mlaaes Madge girangways stto
Men’* While Cantbtic Hawlker- 2c
could l« made useful, and created
chiefs, each.....................................
Jnlla Kelley went to Carp Lake this turned to Fife Lake this morning.
LmUcs’Street Rato and Dr-.s* Sliapre.
Mrs. J. W. Travis bas returned from national feeling., that In the war
■wralD. where they will spend a few
sold early in lire sraaoii for
Peloskcy and Bay View.
days at the Kelley cottage.
Dr. O. L. Noya arrived Tuesday pllshed alt this simply by taking
Mr. and Mr*. C. H. Chalker
daughter wept to Balinc this moralng. night on the Perc UarqneKC to visit principle, working for U and sticking
Lamidry S..H11 tin tin- market.
the borne of Mn, and Mr*. H. Web to It. And so we might lake the live*
Mrs. C. P. McCoy and daughter
lt|-l.l.«cn Wae and tod Haodkeftdimrs,
Mr*. Noyes arrived some time of other great men such as Atirafaani
for Moiek this moralng.
InhmU-«>ft .nio Sbo»«n,l Ktn,|. S.,„.
I«l wdora,
and lOc utialiiy.
Mr*. Morgan PaKe. Mr*. J. T. 8nu- ago.. Dr. Noyes will.be remembered
uball and Mr*. B. Baslngham spent aa formerly one of the doctors at the iey Hall. Rtissell Contwell and wc I
the same principla running throi
the day at Pnoch.
Miss Horence Stewart, of W. Bev their live*. The only general chai
■nwBiaB SbermsA, Jama Morro and
Dr. M. P. Baldwin and family spent eaih street. Is entertaining her friend teristlc which most grat men *«
to have Is that they were stufdd In
Opal Nichols of Cadillac.
the day at Leland.
Bovs'and Tnntb*' ranva* Shoes and
Ikl dozen Winilow Shade*, ,
Mr and Mr*. Blia* Poote. Miss Annie their arly live*.
A. F.
•What are we going to do with
Poute, and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Tyler
It Manistee today.
Judge W. H. Umlor nnd wife left for arrived In the city last evening where lira? Don't say 'I havn'l the ability.'
Ktaipira PalU this moralng.
Dark and liebt Peroale Wnp.
Drif* fsiiiuhams. IiKht and
of yon. When I was in the High
- Blejched Damask Tow.1*.
Mrs. W. D Cook left for Chicago home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Peck.
dark chiKka and atri- Cry
school t thought 1 had nof ordlnarr
with red Irorder, eoo'l
this morntikc. after ependlng a short
pcs, sale price per yd. v
ability and even become resentful
Prom Monday* Record
•ize. sale price............C/W
lime ID tbe «Wy.
Hr. and Mrs. Walter Dawa and against God. But in the university 1
Mr*. Marie Na«el and niece Irene
daughter Ruth of Wabash. Ind. ar learned that one-fonrih of the brala
Hotkey .left for Nllw UU moreing.
KrsMt Irish went to Boyne aiy to rived this morning to spend aboni six cells are not in use. If any 1
srould use all of these cell* be could
wtkks In Ibe cit.v.
Mrs. Klicber. after spending a week easily eclipse all of his fellowmeo. But
Mr*. Hattie Stlrtder retnreed to her
bMW In Gadtllse tbl* moreing. after with her daughter, left today for her }vn say '1 don't have the opporiuntty.
are more problems and opporhome
apendlnx notme time la tbe diy wltb
Mrs. Dr. ThMita* of Alexanaria. Ind.. tUBltln today than ever before,
me tnggest one. It Is estimated tha'
■ Mn. John Netaon retnreed to her is spending a week In town.
Marvin Rice returned to his home nnediair of the people die of eooKumpborne In CndiUne tWs morning.
In Kalkaska this morning after spend- lloti and Ibsl ihrei'-fonrili* of them
Mxn. A. JtAnnon ot Irndtofton
Sttta ItMi*.
Port HvroB. Aof. la^lUiir famlltM
«r» iBtellbc the foiiM* et
at the
^ plut M A cure for who<H>iaA
CDBgh. It U* Mid to be eaeccMfuI hi
maaf eaUA
OM Good MauU
Battle C«ek. Aut-18 —Orer $3.W»
vortb of JewetPT wa» atoleo last alaht
fma the mn of Mrs. H-.N. Sly of
BoCalo ml the Poet uveni. The Jewel*
were taken from a suit caae. The rob
ber* bileoed aa equal awmot la her
•bttsbaad'fe suit eaif.
Played WKb Ravetwer.
niut. Au*.
CIlBttm Oml*. a«ed
#. was kUled last nlgbi m the aeeWen
UI dlacbar*e of a rctolTer which he
was playtac with. Tbc ballet passed
tbnmsfa the tbnmb of George Wallace,
that by Cwnpanlaa.
Port Huron. A«. 13.-BaH Prmscr.
axed 12. and Wallace LeaxH shot with a doable barreled shot gan
In the bands pf Mas Morash. axed 1C.
Simday erenlnx- U I* said that the
beys were aleallnx peaches. Morash
was arrested. The Prsser boy
Farmer Atiletdad.
Coldwsier. Aag. 12.—Chsrtes Pilot
a Klna.rlm» ccmmlMt MU, loday. He was a proaperous farmer i
was Just bBlshlex bis oew home,
leares a wife and two dtoghter*.
cd ihroogh the city ibU morelng oa
»r way to the Boo.
George G. Bates of Chhmgo ts la
the dty on basloeaa. He wtll Jotn his
wife later at.Carp lake, where she Is
camping wlih a party.
Mr*. Charles Passmore left yester
day for a few weeks' rUlt la Indiana.
Glare Tompkins of Old Mission U
rUKInx W. B. WUsoo of Fifth street.
Mrs. 8. P. Price of Shelby, who has
been rIslUng Mrd. W. U. Bishop, retnreed home today.
Mrs. Oakley and daughter Bdna. who
bare been visiting Wn. Wheetoek and
family, returned to th^r home In
Grand Rapids today.
Hiss ids Morse left this neon f<
Grand Rapids, where she will spend
few weeks.
Kiss Ulllan A. Finn has xone i
Burt lake to be gone until the ftret td
of the mott antritioas at floor
foods—Unssda BisciiM—the
only perfect sode cracker. Then
you will be eUe to
because a weU.nourfsbMhtetly
has greeter productive cepsa^.
Thus you will also be able to
because for value received there
is 00 food so economical as
Unsmia Biscuit
So Great Were the Bargains Throughout the Store
10 Z5c
THE GLOBE Store.^^^
Boston Store Old Stand
Sole Arenls for tie “New Idea" lOc Paper Palteris
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