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Grand Traverse Herald, August 04, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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C&ya:ttt> ^uteeyge igjeira:lt>;
travebse cmr. aRAMS tbatcssb county, iochioan. auo-ubt a.
Grand Traverse Herald
Jfow Is the'titee to boy s ohssp Cum. oa ossy psymeats
8os pArtba Ust below.
SUBPLUS s&,teo
r^—-—-—I—•-■Tr»<rm oiw.
lAtMt Id*M ABd AppUuiOM.
Boameas Oardg.
* PftBhM
Merchant Tailor
sad see tbsYlctsat sew liae of'
eprlBsStylM of Woolet» so*
<aiBSle.wbleb»IU beasdeap
la Um Lsteat Stales, ead at
NO BLUm 2SJf*s.
at SIS Front Street.
Me dsebeef” |»od. la
^eooe »M hurt, uk Ue boym MSf
Atlar a aellfhUal trip Ihroacb
aad ri«Trs wa
rMcbrd the (Taitr loTM raplda.asd
•re bare •boi the eaayos
twice la oar tsaJI tk»t to
like. They
ar* aol aeariy it bad at
they are reported ta be The taayoa
—lu M
l^atrer iWaed'tl
israed that piaal
a^enei rlell loL'sciadawi'k moaey-«
No tail-
ijndW thi^?
O. P.Carver^.
Real Estate
--- - —, „„ J
'O tirdt ' P ea.«r
takitp. rraud.-tirit
teBMOkly wlib the elaalaf of
- Mdfor
_____ ethller.
illrratlae, W> bar. ihrrr 1
k at I d'elwrk Ihi-Arat ahlftof
Irrmta. Wa war. lala.1 P •)'«rt >o Ihr rn.ad aud wr
ityaardeuBu. aadely.
tad (bra at 1 tb'*tiB.t.oial os a.afi.tibk'
1 daly.
---------------------------- ata baupry I'■ a fiff rtmr. oaly a huudivd Umat
the ctpteiB at tha
».b<K>i b.j fulur bosr v> dlanar. .o it»>-Taa».d
Ii b
apart, aad 1
•levea tlalwart ama. AaJM
At u
• bra wr ttd corarrdot.r btlf tb. dltl‘b. wra hark aad try It ar-ta.
- “ rltr ID a teal haul J ■»» ■ « "■ath ou- i« the (ol
t reealeae of
-------. —- -------- JU« ahuir In a tn-w : fieldt
1 u.Hild ual uke (Iwif..
ttad IdsdW
bank fiM-ih. Bi aad I’aot tod I mti rb t
•‘bit laaraiafkad Iba talitftrti.*
---------------------B ui: mteairbt a
imp, K'llloir there abjaiblotk
Ihtl .
errryihiiie u ttl. i.
/oh.itVbere'>UiliUi tdcMui'
tbd sierra paardtptlr,
(aardt ptlrul wiihaal n
1 a cooU drti
e.erj Bj«r of tbe tetide of the
If h.a tkru tli.n'. Miwr dclldki It
. from tbe oorridocaot Ibe ptaomy
Ttlalrlk b. .ee a. ihr etw.
le w bare, away down ia tbe asrtb,
111 With tw.i utb.r bait utdr a ct
, ‘ baal -LitUr Ab,'. '
ij W. ar. all «j iv-B|r oar i.tp ira
wwrd ehiblTaidJ aUltua dWIan
»il.a mile aad a half f>
l<er aad iJiuatt at aach r>ld. u
l.aKa LiBfKriaaBI aad nuamn
ilmeatrlf aud art.
frit Ml well la .lui
«>rs IM^MluaterklM kllT^
the top dtir. waere there It aolblex
whip^w Ibr laiDbrr f.r- oar
a,.rcTa)uhbie'lbMaitcblaery. Ptaecd
”■***.T"!'•" •■'-F*"']
ABUakrmjii Xuu-Verb Dandy.
at (request iB.erT,i. tbr,rapbout tha
ivrriiloro arc ele.'incal derieM tar »
Insrl/i ret no
biiop Iter ronlaiB of tbe paard lo keep
art. We. I itdid two too. 1.1 a liad,.oi wUicMwati
iht ua bit men
lUcb of throe Utile
wiihtbr.ti and tuck from
aTsirr. otbn
t wlih the rtr
_ 1 aad on'e ' u"'*"’
k-l. Ii..lu...
uda iqipia
rip fcoBir ,io*u .vttb r.i«.i uouBfl. in ^ lTau“lTl^“lM
EverrUilDf le lb« rrrj bait coadiUoD: i
aai-a k> the aiuL Here It te that U
liar bsTc otber piset sad will Mil si s crest ai rifies flMM essta will bar
ipiala b tialioatd all tbruapb U
Ihe way Tkea we W, k mir lark whip
leap heart of hit tbifl.
Grery I
ttaUcattBCCBow. loqnireaf
tawiciv tad roied il bard wsrk until
btra IMCB talk.OK wii
alauletaod a half
AdMa' of our'duly by tbr f,w.
wayoi.kMl teit
Ilia*Titcihrlom. soBitof I
le round__________
b« ..ut utbr l.kr WM. If pot iblr.i,a^,
' Bul..rkk.iMttb.bl..h«w
Icarsl ran. a. un \
r oadbMUurasnl a toBc partlcahtjyUr ll.ta the ta-ipp The firm ' ABd tkrt ruldUi. I uurdly.,, I.
of lb. ixikUae10a
iaOtedaiidii p. IfUdotaut
-------------------------<4 tfce dialanvr. tkreeqatrtsra
Ara .f a lueuioopoarOUiekb.p, a
tbea tbe capteia kaowt Itaat aoBsthlap
. Ibrie waturer e*dlaetef “""'Of
Ike wttci ibey bad lo____ _
if.vtm «a'«.tt ..f llir trail .*•—-'*”‘**
! . ■?_ -?“*** I ’■vir «t m»l to 'lurul U.liOB ar i. -k
ymi went to yiiur
but It bat bere a leap time tiaoa Iha
.,>1. itwy.. ouibid.
tailed loeand fertb I'a
” J‘“‘ Ceowo •nirh ““
bad bc-a brrur-t .a
Proper tlae. F, r
rdprd' Bp and
tbr butt aiul 1 S icebtt Ih‘
- dllapup-ard
eat «t w
• frli oat
licp. ea
aleauUtt iMny i
pire. i. iM
ihr, uukbio.1
ifaeybao to <ft
ar.-Bph and
Hr,,m|iptly at aldaipbt tha aaaoad
ha ' 1.1 the .
HureM thetol. tk.l k.
•if lUe aipht paard pauteaaa»loee ta reltere the early tbifl.
-1 ouepoard of a capteia tad alerinl.-i.
plkL...thrrr ‘•kl-i^,„
ir,'rrk»t »r*.ler.l.1
rootru Wurtura ridrra r, ri
aad they »pllt op. atU
lelblnr tb.y had
iqttJ. lato iBtldeaod oauide detail,.
Ar»l and thro *ildr
•’ . .r.'.iirt-if. trd I
kv, . ^
follow 1a tbi
>e foatetepa
tb-r aallthaia Irall id Ibjt ci«Hct».v taeVoiwi.
•Tery faoally oleil
air block ^oil atpbtli iwi.'ei
'•>'« • ’Vf we-ld.ir.
Uieaick an latradar.
wat w. .Iiir. iaa.ralkl
hip reridTera are not
■rtopon wbioh the poa
tioeaob eldeuf the awrtdir
p from (be ChMtoul iircht uulitiked. aaiiaaw « ri.
uaadt a walaat cate. Throupb
ipen waled any ..f ter roift tiiraa,
U1 the rail ul
I Burm.ikif .i,wbr.
id.Uir carr-a and rofied fa'OOJfll t« lUi- r.ibrf tbip Biiil 1 fillip eaperly to tbr p.iliihe<l pita froatof ooo frowa.
■ y Vi.arbetter rlflet.
abip-rardkl fteasett
ward hiB The ntn au, ■treat 'd, i.kr
I.l aol
BOV imaifii
imaifiD- fr.ini ibltlhai wrarr
tbr ulUrrt. iD>;u'lh.a wuivh arreUyiof 1.1 kill . . ... • Ikitkad.il
drolb wimid he tut the work of aa te
hard U> tarol nf at tl ArvL
am f le the puardt. ana tbea woa be
Latter drota Alatka
r<rr ai-aia Tar nta't fare wtaro'
uto aay ato or Ben apoa whoa It
not laiad il at til. I
cd aitna week'. Ward.
ili' wt
The tollowiar ealractt from leitert ia lay life, tad wheo I oi,d
iphibe fuBOU Btraiytry totarathaa.
pretty U'Upli tprv men
Tbr pm
reoaired by Kar. K. L'KslJ
f irlBe rcT.iUcrt there U kept MoIclimk a mi.uBlaifl <irda any I
Old ueVre.. ■pi.ir.-bitu ' VVeli. I di
hit son
haed in tbe miat too pouatt
i 1 feel at Ibi'Uirb I had
.............. the ride
riffet 'aad
and 1 am frc*a New Vor
kteeb ot^^ '
pl,c«.—b^ix, bMla. It il
BeatKa.aod wri •r»pbleailyofbbj^,^„
aanlt It aa rxpci
e face of a y.iuiip New
], pitwl aad the paa.
tteamm. aad errrr Kind itaaeiaitirr
awed wiib a pteaUfal
Lake lleBBrtt. B
Ibry hare
a rule tbit all
11 l.w.
Verk.p e. Vnyakerr Ik Ike tlrtbd Trt.n
1 tal, atoeini-r. who bad
Oae perallar tbiac te
U> a ae*
ae.e -■vmrr
ia | muy l« r.-eiaered.
with a p'»H deal of coiti.
p,._ Berkm ltriadrdr..S>i«r.Kll.lka>.
yreeitilnr aJiarotVaylhtef
Will b
thw euuktry ■• the fact Uakt tb.ru
.i.wn... au.n the parwu
Bifbt allhit liar of the yaar
■O rTpitl
. il-red here tlut aeaaoa aod
Vork. bul pirea bia
l<BpTriateDart)l B.(yar sad AoiitMst
re il Lake
sqw lu:IS p. m. aad I am wrilioj
et IMatou. 'o't
atindiaa Kaaaey bulb talbad ta tha
' il It te rrttli
r wat certainly thecked, le.,uw rpertcr about the aethadt ta
totcra ia pretty tooo.
aod a certain huaptv look la tbe milprvterl tk. __________ _
darkctl tlm* <if tbr ulchi it from tem. T feel nideon the bottecuaudv . Ituaaire priraW, fi r JiO him in tt
■eoia Hotb tallid tipalAraatly wbat
Uto»a. at., bul tbia It U oaly twl- on ion with a allrbt beud on tbe tidet wbalbecouid do f. bim
iiity af oae
— peiitep away
ikt tSit ftainr. of It bat! at the end.
I.alie I.loriermau ard drink nf cuid watt
Lioe of tbt Tl
wlnivr, abro tbr ilart will Lake ii .aaelt are larce, bat aey pre Mid llir Midirr.
bdta thort aad iht nirbu at louf. Wr
mipht dud you a en
lolly for aay ose lo (17
hark baea hariajr btaoliful wratber.
'"hiCb purter. "Ibat wi
tbe New York aaa
that Aerott I
dm to paw aay .iq
The di
-------- r»«a-maai1 pltaii)n l.irat iFilir Mi
'dp'CTiiiaU tbr repuUt-om
a Uu.r cooler, bul tVbitaUorte Kapdtaataad Ueuiirbtt t
.fyouiou d
but 1 rural tI.rT'illel yean." tbe latter aald, ■■aad'teo aaaa
ardayereBlnraad lai
yoa;plie me a drink nf wttrr ^
ba aiteapt ba* crer been atde.
It te
reaiac wiib a Are in
tad are buiidiiic a iml' bo
and pet a p;teb«
' le for aay oae he
We kaee twoaiorrt
which we bad all U
If water, aad pat ■
fniB the oa
<1. tmalltbeel iraDaare U
fire boeTd«,-whieb '
e nw oat lee in it. aad the tu'd er to.iV a plaa
lark wood aad with aa orea
tlhkrt lew wiir one of 1'
lit ia three of it eaperly, apd faTc the reel that
We kare pleoly of
•d fond.
Il ade aid iwv haadlet— wat la the pitcher
ilchei ■<> bit omradeu
KID loTbiuwt aad hope U)i
' yon ikoold aee ut etl
>u mirki
eaa ea,‘iy he c
rad. but
like our bakiBC powdrrbreai
We rbali U I
bould bare eosp
the buildlap
ildlap carefully
cel ae hatfry Ibat aTeVylbiac
lirleotocaa. . £••
I cloerd for tbe day. and
iitoea wio'ae' let mr tloar luap reptmeal btii an belter wttei than the
aaured if
’ aoew'
1 for tbe Ittl two day, to yoo ean
iou(bu to lake aay <eouifurt ia writ old Crotoo tee mea ba4 bean driakiap.
bow we lire tialardty—breakfatl.
if tbe t.
Vm Mirt hin^iir ikAin lek.ii ik.R
A Summer Cottage
At Old Mission Resort
s. iir'JW Jtertsrssi:
a. wlllwll far «2.too.
AUecDcr* al
(I'M I* t*nmi*
sties-- .-■.. ESses
I'-iJ’ *****
wse am e^a snsb-bed
Re w.ald
heeM thel KV bne>, bad 4 *‘?*^*>. “* •“ pereoa ost a( s
aerer pfr*
Ibr pbrni ataa-4l> e»
not the rapMt aad ?.'■ were
Tas-eUMlWr'd (wrbw xkrouct ia.ua
He ss. of sO^HuAipbKSl 'trm wrMbed. bat did bare that the repvt
Md sriw ajiUi.d » UlM,
persMBl aad . sprue.«1 aetthM j ly
al^ttall reaUMewt^ie^M
, ucir -»u« wn.- -kwn,.-' ua
Tbeia le sMBUiw f—"
“^•‘*•1 bb dellcbital ccael.
« r bilrb.ll MM. More rope oa bin std
□•de 8aa, bat
bathi*-----------h^ k deters.____
f» pMplr aad get their palroaaca.
elsrled kin up ksecoad liar, boi ••
•r Mooro* ^ Waraci irortb K.OOO. wUImII
Ke ksps place b. leet bb feet ~
two ropnoa b;a sat
Tbakefara ha hM tehaa all
04, U-. kn.'^ kw k•lUlar b^k a kreoLd■
prapMly prw
labftiv iOperoctaet.
llmrwe dor tlai eut i
lirbt, the teUlteM
tekeaetep lorwkrd he_________
d apte
fuel. After
foi Uar away ball au hoar i ‘‘be a bird, aad oar (oodt are at dry at
fler ft..LBfmwaT
■red a rape lad tackle Irvtaltbooe Of rourae ae deekid bero.er
irtiat wbu wrte ropiac their wiihrao.tt ebeete aad leau Uj keep
p th« tuiuial'.. tad welked him 'be [roodt protected from the tpru.
Ml .kvl.i III tV. .wl
dipped i>u
. ,
W. <!.•■> cc.au.k e. u
fottard la th» b..w, abkrr
i\MIUrd araaod the ffnndt. Ii <
No. 114—40 oera. a w V ot a w U Sect. SO t K • w. All iapra
41ar4JSDMlMiU;eb«i*pat(inD0. N CMk boUaccoo tteeat T<pw. e
or^Ks a lULMniAi
«M y«*r.
.... I.;.";; 2"
£. W. HASTiyas
B«Al E>Ut« ExchAiiye. -
XnTeru City, ICich.
'in; ivi
\Vhen cithcra ChaitfoisXung Protector .or Vest
trill be a neccssitj-. We can supply you with either.bat
you can economize and yet have somet!iin>j just as giKKl
by bnyinp a chamois and making one Good value.s at 30.
SO and 75 cents
v1UfM]sklwkk>7«keell Ut.
e kei.kkd .11 an-
V L. unoa. D. o. •■ I
Bt. •mAlt awioi*.
iidCHlMHEIBDUiDllie. 02.-
Imni Glj Scbool or Issic! All mail orders
receive prompt
OtreMTFMt kkd Oww (M.
SUte M OreatoM. MM aUteT. Seh
■MMebeir irbii..iUMdatrtk
K. SUkrbk.
F. M. PAINE, Florist
niose M.
tIO W. UeraoU
__Money to Loan
6cythfis, Snaths, Rakes,
Screen Doors and Windows,
Oa Mpmd Itn bM «u ympwlji.
OAMTeekr MeatkdMakertaue Ml
OsUXdXarly lath* Sty.
Carpet Cleaning Works
COaMww tt HsMO Bwttnwu
Stureyor and Civil Engineer
fountain Point House,
TbW h*Ml U ettshlsd oa Carp Labe
II Blire CniM rsaoh.. It ie fat
iklac powder bread, coffee aod
; dlBOsr. pea aoop. baked
'-'ll park, reatl bread, fried
rralsd .poiatee,! eoff.e aud
tpada leraporai
apricot pit. topppr. bacoB. (raty. ycatt
bread, boiled itce, aprirot taacr aid
baoday—breakfatl. rolled oau,
bkoos, ffrary. bread, offee: dleoer,
a few
Botquit, I
tbroefb it.
haadt and doa'i forprl
their reatic ge’t Boaotocuat
■t uf
of Alatka
f• ■
BOtqailo pert
it aot eatpreraudattll They are it wel! trtio«d at Hirbiraa m iqaiiort. aad wbea
tta.rali tUpatoDc- iBeyBahe Bore
n.iite ibau lh> TruT'-rae City taaod.
We mold aot llte aii>,oal oar boodt.
for at umrt tbe air 1. )i ack with them,
>d ary other o:d tbinc that aad they trill peobab'r (et worae at it
! Bteia
handy,. boiled bam. fried tpada
baked tDacusroal
^•«t like wnaiisriae wbat earthly, or
Tsd. peach pie i
trtbly, por|>.«». ibey caa poatibly
Ipjed beef with fijorfrary. bek ae
« it wbea wr ara aaliaK. far we
: :.‘.T
Granulated Sugar Gan, 1
QgA.S. xxusa
to Fooeb, U
bpabMBbaat (a hhotel dodt. HMtse
Wl^ fttbtac Is Northers HkhifSB
of raitiBk
That k
« sat bad. Ml■ Itk pMl 11 p.
1 Ja.t ttepped tibe door of lay uat aud catt ay eyaa
orertke lake aad brheld IbebMTeai..
be baat:
all aflow with beaatiral
u of pli
yellow aad bias
ttraaps u, ihs after laBaat affeeu la the
it Tea aeeealy
lock at borne.
1 yoa of my trip back le
isp after a tab aad with beard
le other Ihiaft that we decided
---------- ...
p,oi aac
, camp
p oae moniiar
ar aad a tec* oa h;.
, et the waab tab aad
elberhacor* Uircxtea with pack traiaa bee
.... dy Uaitadaad It waaaa aawteldy
lead lo Ue oa. aad iba trail wat aoiaeitarawtal, but waSaaliy (ot to tbe
. mica There wat qaile a lot «f ituff
thaec that we had ukea sp the dty be
on aad I hired teeeral parkett wtabe
llo the aammik aad wi-it up wiw
them teabow them where to pet it aad
pay tham. at Paal aad Tarley tAoaffbi
they eoa'A lead tat ra all rbrht ap the
** I trail.
Wbea I had paW tbe
parkera I ttarted tmek
tea iraU loobinir f«*
boyv aad mat Panl
They were ia trouble vp to tbeir eyet
Tha IVteraoa trsU It act atauep at
: the oae the padcan (• ep bat It it to
•keep that It It almett impamible u
eralh dewa wltheat teoaiaff year feel,
aad thaee tea place where aome ataad
ap aad tilde, aetav a atleb to keep
alaady; aad aaother whoa Uer aii
down, held up their (aet. draw a'roud
A ar two aad dad tt-------- —
J. A. 8AKOIN. MaBh«er.
^ ininers^ir
Brosch’s Meat Market
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
•Ki2rS— J. W. Q-a-ujQ.-bX©-tt.
Fiwh. Spll iiul Smokid Mats, Siungn ttc.
me BUT pF'CVCwrTHna
oxailhi. and it 11 bard tneafwitboae
baad aad defead ouraeleat with the
We hare aol laeeeedrd ta pettiaff
aay pamc eteeptafrw red aqairrelt.
- li tck. pray or (oxtqeirtal and I wael bobliaff
Muedty and foaadoleaiT
carlbaa trackt. bi»t dia aiyt aee aay
rtiae. 1 witbwebad bniacbtaffood
Oat Boraiap iweeally. wbea w*
ware campine ea Lake Tapaitb. we
came aerw. a tarre blaek bear. Fail
baa a tbot ran tad 1 had ay rllt ar,|
Iwatabeat two rodt frua him He
ealted se to cemr quirt with ar pea.
but wbea be called tbr bear omde
btave to depart sad by the Uae I ar,
need be rrat oat of aipbl up a dap eaayi>a We followed bia. but flaally lost
ate traa If we bad only had the
ipbt part we trould bar* baoa lleinp
Best sow. aad piTiap our ba
T^'^pdoha the
‘ipbtfiL Tbe w*a<
ie metqaiu
woald b;
_____ the ttc
of ugr abip I; ^
iee. and tbe twaard
ird bpf to refute
I'ben tbe nfficer
d tbe tteward nf a
peed r the ice.
aad of ceurte fat pot u lamp o* the
tfr BOlbiap for the inraiid. —L’ Mi
le additiao to Ua two tbifta af nlphl
lefJt Hup-riateadeot li ya aad Ate
rattKitas 11
■oppinp ia at tbe atel al odd Mra
■e Mnte te are Uat erarythlv te
C-dop no , 1 rlpbt.
Hnap at Hautupa.
.eoaaartad wlUUuaaaeexacutirecooiaiitceui ibe Ra
tral telepboae ateUcia.aad aboeU thcro
, tuciely 10 New York reonred
be treabie the ropiaa of Ute paaid
r frumocu-of the aartei tt haul
could euaaoeirou wiU aeltec teaapoa few dayi tpo
It telli of, U
quartan In a brief epaea oY Uaa. Wte
trip madi on Ue Texae. aad eayt Ibi
tee traabiu with bpata ranched a crate.
- oeaarrad to Nr. Boyv that
raaerwbary ab rat r
>y wiU tbe oaalrsl polk
o.nbiap bvlbnf,
city ball.
He a
rot. ba
iflcc with wb«Bi
to Diruclor of tbe Hiat PreMas, aad
to feed U
told te
----------- , day*
•yt hefare a *h
tbiapt to belp*tb'aa'
eaa be
W eeal (roa
eapp tea amred.
poliro drp
withoet Ut d
bat theru wat c > taeb brolteUoa
aaoBp tbe Cebant
the letter royt
•''•-'-it.te by oar own paople. we
lied oa (ieneraJ (Hrcil of the
> our cola.- ruaaftrodBaCabaa aray, ted wert auat eoroiaily lapblMlt tea
iTod. b« aedirol aea.^^ooly
rlad toarorptail we bM OT^nffer.
dd wlUUea
Ha ae wealoeer
huapiadetea te ha^
tsj. which wat at
uidteea a ploro
a eaa be laropiaed, aad
plane at
bepaa to work.
The houte aad pa
4 aad traaaforasd with web a bapnea
■ea of aosp <aad
ler at aerer wat a-ard of befora
iwuifbied rapi.B. a
teat litLc boapital w
tp-n IB towai aad toaffm becaar b
belkeen and army ot&rora b
reatteaca who doted their ba
' Aad It te preUy peed adetea to fedlow. toe.—rbk/idripbta /aqwfrer- .
A L-aited Bcairo aonhol la Tmii
use. ataad Bafeur. white (tetoff a
cr.alaal had ate pockrt pteteto^
Uera that eteaaJlnea'ii tb« tm •
tee country
"Thai little Wl at praetlrol wak
Uawottbe apread Uroaph raak and tie lltee wild
A N^ Torb al
cb twaatifol - e. add beforu aiphtfall oar poor boyt
.. bloc, who bad beca lyiap ea the
. . _lHa^‘<r
toora. aaey of them wlthoat erea a
laraohUpid to at
blSBket. weeu aaktep catei other aad
their tloreely ante aartsa haw It
Ba*. Daaa W. ■artiott te*t
pare taea the po-by, aad.pal the
aroaa bad with toft pUtewa ^ ruTiTBl
U BoAteteOai!:
blaakclA aad clroa aWete.
aayaara. B. told kte tereea ^
"Of aoarie. t«eh eiporoda ktefclap bri: wad wa. te -htoady utchth"
aad the terrible coatrast ber
Msr.^to ftpht sfide.
CabsB aad aur aray hoapii. . _____
hae. bat oaa raaaU. and the sray aarpaoM were at aaaa trlUtep aad lapar
-------- ------------------ -------------------------------- tap- ta haeu tet aa aay uraa we 1 —paarudMetaetaptha Boaatsla. Itee
effect wat broatifel at they tparUad
them we afa pripseid tofiau.’’*
Is the hriffht dteSlIrM.
t^ripbl effeeur aad
ssKciSs; i
tol d* iatoataria w
V^ottations Oommenoed Tfaroogh the French
Ambassador, K. Camhon.
» eapadlUaa laalaM aB Ua •**■ Ito Bp
anlaaacdbf mm
Bawn (karyad wiU
MaAw IWeaadBaaJaaa.
ral Btook* aad *taflr an cm tto
on Loata.
tromaatolayto Baa Jaaa
Tbe traaaperi Haatlayo ta
ehlpt cetared tto harbor tto 8|ei
WaUlayue. Jaly to.-By direettoe
■w leadlay wlU wca oa tto way
“■(■la will (fwbaMr |wolcM BfalBU larorary. aad It will probably nil to
ItoaUukapoaParWBba afMr
WartlartM «W»el tod oOeiaUr n-
•aw port to tto Halted Btolae t^y.
craanoiTBjr a CHasi-a.-
Tto reply of
Of tto aaaotory of war. order*
toned that Miami atoll to
tto Haitod Bum to tto iiKiatry of
Spain reyardlay whaUer Uta yoearn
meat woeld eoaaaaA to tto opaalay of
waa plaead U tto
hasdi of
doeed as oee of tto permaaaat camp*
of tto Uaited Btato* faon. aad dbaetlay that tto tnxqw aow ttoreehaU ba
imwliately ta Jaekaoo-
■wbaeaador. towporarily rapraaeaUny
There are aow at Miami aboat
Tolaateen, the dirtataa eomprtoKew York. Jely H.-A epa^l (able Bpaia, at iwa o'cl^ thtaaftoraooa.
lay tto First aad BecoadTazat. First
Tto reply aaaoaana ttovito Ualled
nya that totiabsebeaa applied ta tto BtoUa ta wUllay to opaa paaea aeyoti- aad Haoood Alatoma. asd rlrat ■
tow ttoasMt dalM of Ito Sptobb'
Steoad Loatalaot.
ITbUa Ucra
lajarad faaltto* of the Cabaae wba ra- atloat aftw Bpala ahaU ton ayraad
■■■Atollfil, maklBC It citor Itot tto aaat tto feet that they ware aot par>'.
macb eiekatatamoarlraopa at Miami,
to tto tollowlay pnliwlaaria*:
Oaltol 8Wtw dotamd iU OMWar U
wardepartmaatdaaot iadiwlttod to eater Ue elty of Baatieyo.
■qatahwaat by Bpala af ao*■ritolodMIbltafUr the AaoriM
0. a —towD aiyhtaaa odlw relyaty la
1 Caba. Tto Hailed Btotoa
teMatodfBlMdafaoUhf la
Crow here oa ttoraUway Ito*. bar heea
ooatrol Uata nalil a ■uUa
BktooatVK srrvtTioB at ■tstiA.f’
aderad to the dwertaaa tenaa.
iwaat^ to aaiabltabad. Abao■Mortofaauaaid todaf, “Wa rw aad Ue Cabaae aadarOaaaral OhUUo
Waehlaftoa. Anyaet
aaaloa to Ua Halted Blatw ot
«i«od poaa* Bwar dari ar> oo^
MerriU baa ayala )»bl*d U* war detore bate perwlttod ta oeoepy it
li PwUBicoaad all tto talaad* la tto
ktonovrwolaUiwi to the Uoltod
relsUre to Ua altaatlaa at
wat held by a yarrtaoa of tto Bpaatak Watt ladlea-ea*^ Cato. TtoaeqatalItotoa fomweBL I raroni u ><>“
Manila, whicb he
aoldlet*. ^ptaiii Oarratol. tto oowUay atatlaae la Ue Ladroae
■■« *oU aw. ae daatiuw of Kood faith
and danyerOa*. owiaytetto attiwde
waader.^ra Bp tto towa wbea oScl- talaBda.aadi>arhapaUeOan>UaBt. No
•ewrtUiWthi^Amerieato have
la Ue oplbton of
ally adrtaed of tto capitutoUea of OaaiwptloB of SpalB'* Cebae or Porto
'•ItoaatolaainadrioprotoBi (falaat
Ueneral MerriU the attitad* ot Ue laaral Toral'e amy.
Blean debU by tb* llnitMl SUMt.
taryentt taeimlltr to Uat
lUomaUr-" __________
Dr. Joaqoto Ctotlllo. Ur brother ol
BBlty frou dptln aa to Ue
(iarelt'e Caban* npoo tto qaeatlna of
l!a«rid. Jalj ((.-With the ■ador- Ue yaaenl. will leara for Waebli
w. Tto reply «ay* la
riyhu Ao
(tiadlhf that to tode—ity wlllbed#- la a few day* with a prtltloo frow tto
ttataferUer iudewalty tbr
e elty. alUoayh the i
■■■dod aod that SpahUh aoeort
Oehaa raeldeaU. la which preatdeat HaludSuUi will bold ^e ally of
moek^Borafomldable elemeot.
to the PhUlaplBot will to rwyaetad. UeEialey ta aakad to permit Ue Cotoa
Maalta. Ita bay aad'^arb-«. Va^>»B
beiey more aumaroai.bat bettor armed
, «to aowapapM hora maldar the lerw foreea to ntor HaaUayo.
the deWraiaatloD ot tbe feUreyorerDaad filled wiU the
•ftooeo atiHtotto tb Prceldwt Hotmar *t wuaa.
weat ot the wlude talaad yroap.
rk-torli- orer ttoir
Etotoy aa aawptabla. Ito papa>^
New York, f aiy ts.-A Ooay Koay talaad of Ue Ladroae fronp I* to be
Ueoarsl MerriU indi
howtow. (TOUat afatael a aMUaaaaat cable ray* Uar* are three Hpaataa yaa- ceded to tto Uaite^ Sutea. thta yorera- Spaatah foOA
cate* tbst hr will do hta utmoat to pro•I toatUlttec t>7 the UaiWd 8latee
boata at dab Hlyua. Lasoa lalaad. aad waat to wake It* aelaetioa later.
cltliea* from the mtayery ot Ue
Ipaia tod nod for peon.
foar at Palarta Itlaad aad thatDewry
“la deiaaadlay Ue aartaadar ot BpaaThe totehtor of war. Oonral 0
baedattlladUe Balalyb aad Coeoord tah aoeerelyaty to all oor aeanby laaajyetiU. Uoayb tbe Utk ts delleate
aod, difllcoli. bemta*e he mast.
toamafiarfar ^ rocepUoa of the to roaad ttow op.
waten. tto reply diplomatically atolda
Byktlay Spaatardt. be ready at aay
wahloy aay pledyto at to what U to ba
moment to repel thr InsarireBtA
iaaitace. aad la fwoparlac oaDitaiy
dooebTUtaywrameat aa to i
Tbe yewral yere notice Uat be
■toUonla ardor to pranat the
yar ba* yirea order* for Ue rawaral of TtoAaiericaa reply dtotlacUy yiraa
aboai to eumbloe wlU A<la>li>t Dewey
all of Uaaeral Bhafter-* anay to Loay waralay that Ue propoelttoe aa to tto
iaaj-iat demand for Ueasrreader of
TBT wAirr *0 aoaa.
Ulaad ae aooa a* It eaa be i
aarreoder of all aoeerelyaty le
How Tark. Jair M.-Tto Barald'a
Ur city to Ue I'oited (Jutr* form.
tht>* foraatalllu Ue hHaryeaU.
^mnox rao« i-mui-nxea
thaopa wUdi rooaatlr oase
UU more may cauiea raptara.
WaahlayioB, Joly ».-Thc. eeatl aay dtacaealoB wtotanr.
M freufav nador tto waaolo
It ta pcaaible. la riew ot tto fart
awBtlaruheretaronbleto Ue realfttinaa tT ataiiA.
fcanieoa daiar. Ooloaal Howard of Ue
ttotueaeral HerriU’e eableyram was
deal* who bare. Unayb agaoU ta Ba>
.toa Fraactaeo. Jaly *o.-A eprclal q*at tram (krito last Tliuraday. Uat
'm^th Ohio iKtwnt toa oabtod
petlUoaad l*mldaat HeKloley
Itoaidaat HeKialay aablaf that Ua
this axiremeDt ba* be^ made already
■ot toabaadoa Uem to dpaiBb aaUorKoay. eaya: •Hleaeral Merritt aad bta by Ue militoty and
aarpa 'tftber to dtapatehod to Porto
oaral forvea.
ity. Tbe petitioa eey*: “Oar loyally
Uaaaporta loaded wUh troop* arrieed althuayh Uere. ta aome doubt abooi
Btoite aotira aaroka or aeal back
aadtrallaUchoaorof Aweriea eayeatwday. All ware well. Oee.
Utaon^acooant of tto alatamcat fnw
tlltae at to yoor eoaaldacaUoa aad aapt will e
■rlfwUar Oaawal Wood. atUltorr
Ueaeral Merritt Uat be may need all
p wt To head orer oar eoealry ayala
tiea. HerrUt'* capedlUoa laeladae Ue bl* eoldier* Utore attacklag. Ittapoe.
to dpala ta eaaUary to tbe bai
foar tiaatporta whieh left here
aibU that Ue demand will be made
laa prooaadlaca of year aoble aaiioo
Jaae M earrytoy >.«» olBreta end wee wllboat belay immedlstely followwt
tto wtabea of all elaww ot elrlliiioa hM aa wall aa Ito awall
BBder Uea. McArlhar and two oUer by ae altnck; which taiyht be deferred
wtioB. Trade aod ordar will be leal
1 paebacaa lor the tcaaaioai
traDaporto wlU MM nm ander Ut tw' anlilail tto t>oepB bare reached Oarite.
IfSpaaiah aathorily ta ra-catobltabed
mediate eOBwaad of Oea. Merritt. To tbe data of Ue report. Ueaeral
la aay fona."
Tto loaal beard for harhor toproroThere an t.ooo oMeeta aad wee to tto Merritt bad wlU bim abont IS.utti tolBaaaur Darla aayi
tooala haa aoUtod tto fwraraor tt toa
Ulrd party. Tto Brat w
diers. So far cena ezpadltkaa toe.laftforSpala to eealrel the PhlUptaotond ao toaaa. H baa boaa aeoktof
rlad t.Mu niea. aad the aaaood t.too left Sta »>anetado. earrj-lny eoldlets to
plar Itlaada.
tototattooolloeUoaef fasoa aathor-^
wen, ao tiaa. Merritt aOW haa 11,000 Ue Pbmpp>aea..aad it ta Ue latrotlon
uer or vinnutN
bad fay tto preclawattot of Uoaeral
waa. eiKrayh to Uke Maalla when to to lerntab Ueaeral MerriU e.ouo
New Yai*. Jaly SV-The foUowiBy;
plaaae*. wiu'the amtauaea of Admiral than tbe prraeot fore*.
If be delay*
CMata tort ban twaod aaUlar apoa la Ue Itat ot.alek aad woaadad HiabDeway.
Ue attack natil all ton roaebad him
iyaa aeldlara oa board tto Lae
a dmUr wM eo this •■%-
dtapatob to Tto Herald Crow «a8ttoyo
>«l to Ml to tb* (oim*. It wUI
Maalla 4ill not be tokaa ttol wsy bt-
hKMkriBo w roRTO aico.
Ay to tto wayar or to tto alUiary cor- Carl Maallar. Ray City, yellow fe<
anor nay death oowriar to fata hoaae. aydaay Lake, ttaylaaw. yolloi^ terer;
ffm September,
Pooaa. horto Blaa. ria St. Iki
Inyamayemewtaler .ito t
for the' last of Ui
Ja1y ML—Tto elty of Poeea bae for- iroep* bare not yet surfed from San
Ttopwwllyfor aoaeoapllaaor Prad Powler. Reatoa Harbor, yallaw
Pranctaoa. It may be. Uat anarraacak thirty dayi'hard labor to the eiraata. farari Ptaak Jedeiy. Otaeyaj Joaapk mariy haea ylna oear to tto AmeriFerdlaaad Toro, Ue Briita^ Bent a* U tto Pbllipplata. which it ta
HiUar. ttaod Btaek. aU af Ue llilny.
eornol. aeUayJa behalf of tto Spanl- czpectad will to Ineladed la Ua peace
■U mam of wali«aaat dtaamoa to ttoir Third Miehlyaa.
Thera waa aa ncyaoa n tto Leeea arda. piaoad the elty to pa*eeealoa ol treaty, will obriato Ue aeemlty
dtakteta aad all aaanlury eoadlUoaa
vfatah they My ohaorr*.
bd tto wea ware attoodad by Ue Oen. MUea. wiu whom waa Oaa. Wll- larUvaetkMoa U«partof Ua VRt-
r. Moriaa arlll to pormittod to ebarpe ablp-> boaptul aad Uelr owa oBtoen
Dr. Doty decided
^mrat axuaton sA -
yaladaythaa oac la*olriay Ua aar-
toapoaad leatof broad. Oa aeeoaat
tto ferer patlaata to ewlareader ot tto city. A majwlty of tto
oftto laryo taaaUly of Boar whkb bataa lalaad aad tbe coara
taMdaak rom^aed to the city to
haa baaa ahlpprd lato the olty Ito foe- woobded eoldlera to Hoffi
oraorha* ralod tfaat.ttrmlfo prtaao'
iratUeeadof twaatj-foiu-hoatalt b
The earcDoey woe aaiqaa. Oaoeral
. to fanad are aawanaatod.
toaatah allrertaata dtacoaal of M fooad Uat at
Mllm aad Uaaeral Witaoa. by a pro*
yellow farar Uatot^aad Laoaa paaptooeataad aweakoopan ral
arraayad plan, had beea driroa from
eaayara wUt ba taleand.
ricaa headqoprtom at Port
romw n t*k».
Tau4jw ri I aa aituawic.
Paaea to Oaea del Ray to Ue city prop
Waablayua. Jaly M.—Tba aary deHaw York. Jalyto-TboltoabHaeber. where. Coaeal Toro aad lUptoao
artaabt bat poatad Ue tollowlay baltoftoa aarrwpeadiat wya Uat aoeordCalea. Ue maj-or of Ue elty. awaited
toe to rotortaraealrad loot alffat trow leUa:
Uam. Tto bombaro. or city fir* boyiltomaa. Jaly n—Poaec. Porto
■aattaeo It ta laaraad that aaarly
ad*. waa drawa ap la La Llaaa de DelEtoo.
Baarth of ttoaratytaatak. Poardayi
ala, eppoalta CUa dal Bey. aad at Oaa' aye tto total caaaa wan t.ooo; aow
-----------,.............. -Jp aad aioa*
Milra aad itoaaral Witaoa
The aaw aaaee ebeatorlaDUaaaelaJalyt? to bloek-
tfaara ara aaariy t.ooo.
Pill* u rebere saddm (wnixyan:* cd t>*la
aadhradarto- I *ono felt msch Uiprirrd
and toe pais* aed ache* aad erarte
’ *mt. I Itoa to,* Hr. HOm- Be*
Toak-ard •>* an.
r4 health.Ik. Hike- It
am *hU to a
(tau BBder a
Tto aaat-
bar naonrad aad lalaraad to daty ta Poaeeaad Ptayaeamodarad
Then wan Bn daatto frooi yel
low toar yaatarday.
ttafiark tolla-
to i
lar ttartaapn demand at ;____
- _ July:*.
Tto Awarleaa Bay wat
Him aro rapidly ratraatiay to tto lalerlor. learlay behead ttom a naU of
baralay plhnUUoa* aod dew<latod
Dial. Cotmo Slid AdjoaUs.
womea and cbildraa.
military aaUoritta* for protectloa.
beteaBDot atod aid to Ue snlTrrinc
Porto Rkae* L pmanL
llaerhiapratmbleUatUeailustloB at
AiIioDtoaU worn Uaa .at any otbrr
of nobrldled Ilejue.
Itta iapomlhle U nrify th«e rr-
profeeito kno* U.- ■neatrayers wboj
party orer Ue line of Ue railniad and j
dltcoretai that, while Ue Spaniard*
bad mined Ue traek. U* artillrry. all I
bare hy nil. and tbta wlU be done.
porta bare arrirtA.
tkto tto haaltfa problaw
dirtalon of Ue First corps.
briny tto total American fqrce in Purlto
Oeemal Mllea aad omaral
Uaa awppad oat ae tto balcony to
riew tto aqaara.
■aaata aad 1*0 lawt af am.
Itat. tto eaparbawaa aCorta
U.ooo mea would
aaonyh to take Us lalaad.
AUrmlny raporu that Uc Spastard*
itr din-
Tbe old «b*t*cta* that a*»d to prreem
wfllbesnspeadedlaUe Aatlllr*.
plbhod fact befora Aayaat
BeaUayod* Cnba. Aaynst f-Coloaal
btoltky ebOdtea.
taaTaetntayby Itofaaaport lrr>qBui* |
for New York.
He ta daayoRMtiy
rlU malarial fr*«r.
Coleaal Pay* ta tto laa* Ckiltmal of ]
tto rayalor army left la Cab*.
ttooUmawto came oriyUaUy
riUer billed la battle or dtad of atak- ]
Jniy M—Tto SapabUaaa
TbeoMrsrwsgettothBssdthBmorsEeodi we B*U,s8dtbBmerewss*UtliB ^
ehMper th«7 get. Oor slm ia to hsvs SB Ultl* gooda to ahip aa poasibU In ordsr to i
sccompUali that oad wb pot prtess bslow anything Bossonabto It wlU bo s msttar A
of only a fow wsoks wbon yon wlU nood an Ovsrooat or an mBtar-wby not boy A
now and aavo from $4.00 to tiaoof
X>0 HOT K188 THIS LAST CALL! Itf an opportnnlty of your llfr to buy J
[ Olodbing, Oont’S FumiBhing Goods, Hats and Oapa.
Btato Opera*lion will to hrid Io Da- ,
dmtai wiP am act*a yUaatM apaa pn.
a^ya ^
ad from AnrMtM'.b to Sa*temto
te Aeeld* tto Hbhi. bat ttora *
Tk* talaad. to mU. weald BOW
d -ase haUel*. la which tto dat
bmkk. Pc. ««»*»-» PI Him TePimcai*
lata «to Ow;
We PositiTely Close Oor Doom to tiie Pablic.
Jobs *. I'ayc. Tblid iBfaatry(rcyulan) |
Saturday, Aogust 13, 1898|
brilel ta tbst peua will to
best eWiaaawaAtod tto AmetleaM to
Tto aapadltkw «aa-
Only 9 Days More!
•eaitarlrrnUem and that hmUlltle*
aajoy praaparity aad paaea and ito
Dr. Ayer's Pill* are specially adapted for use with Aj-ePs
S.nrsaparilb. They promote dijircslioa and keep tbe liver,,
bowels, and stomach in good working order.
Anyaet 1-lt ta aenonac
■ta raealred at tto|War dapartwaat to
Tto aaaeyto <rf tto torae at •Iboaap day frow Ha)er Ooaaral Brook*, aa
Itonata aa board tto traaaporto
aaamam aktoiy dantad to aapplylay aoaariayitodapaitmof hta aapadittoa trow Kewport Kew* lor Pwto
■ amriy ysan Ay**"* Stnspinn* km beta on* ef 1h* mnnsirt reiaeid In :b* tlom* fer little M'nuiletm. and ae here loasdb vslutLle
fitlieg hufiaa* from
m iheUo-lebNfc**
lb* l-l-»l ebb fc *e*m Io b*>* beto bihariitd. mimniHj*1 ffdiil* inil iithff iliii tTi fie I *
(km). H. A, Cotrl'Kk,
byii(.M. L.Jloaw lot little Wandeten. Ikatun, M«m
as Uay auda their way to
Mayer Oolom after tto eanferemaa.
JiM n.-A totoraw ■aid to waa yUd tto Amariaam had
to «iU haapflai aad ahtoplav tto
the worst forms of
leneptUa-term* aftor cS Lal as-
(Siyoad) “HwatawB.aaeocc at* BHataua. .
UEOKL.fc TUWNSl;ND. F.etKhC«bp.Mto.«
Wisely and
Use the Best
flMUltR prove DANA'S Is
th* best. It Is alse kutanteed as a' trua rsmady
for the Narvas, Stomach,
Liver and Kidneys. Money
beck If you get no benefit.
The only medicine that
dares stand this teat Is
ptteb toy* Ue
Tkecaowd ebearad
erlldly. aad Ue two Amerieaa yean o
■bey oaptared no llybtora. to nUiay battlly wiu^rdtr. Ttoy r«m«*d aa
Cnatfaeataad rapidly-frowtoy atak
Urocnl tVil*<»
rinston tto dtapateb my* tto yen-
ihiSark aniy ta baaowlay wore anttto
First d>
Tbi. will
UUec to Ue pear* pr-qimaU.
wat aaaarad Uat Boaieipal affelia
oaaonryday. bat,to aplta
Uearnl tVllaoc
TtaUw and probably tto entire Second
8paiB<er*ply'to the I'altad t
woo'd kaop Uaeilj oadar a torn ot
Tbara wat ao i
lJ^oltU^ttoi^yUc**Jul<>UB<,^n>Hri,''ni*t“ '
Hf*. J. A. CiLmTLL. For Fakatid.Ma.
ol which ta at Uasnlea. can be broayht i
to mi^t Uta afternooe aad dnw np f
aral Witaoa a* military yontaor. who
aad tto troop* wan wclcowa
Ucneral Uiara took a ircoaniteriny'
tto Temp*. Uat tbe Spaatah eaMnct ta
••UeaeralMOesaad Oaa«ral Witaoa Uat Uey woald be reapoatlblfto Oaa-
new* and declare' Urm.
worthy ot credit
Amerieaa ytoerata. aad Ureayb tto
paay C. Thirty-third. Urad at Bay Qly; Maeaaehaeelta. CloelaaaU aad traaa-
Too men. bad abandonod
tbepiaee after iweaty lonr boor* of
balldlay. wtore Uey wen pnaaatad to
Mrato WUUaw B. Oollard of Q
TtodawwaPaBlbiway adrieta
He alto report d
UatUeSpanlthyarriaoB at Adjunia*.
ifewd f-om •'w.fuU. The K-.I {.hn'idj
ineuttblc. S.-r- t,
qrprarct. r*iias i.i'.-1
-•J. XIk-
tootjwlla. Ht h*d to lake It Ibmucb a luie.a* ha tht-ui au t.~> *-ar
rauow. •Kto.*ft*ryMr*.ill<-m!.le»intmn«,li«
ta full]- tolun
h.a>>db«b sMr los.-'k
I-TT dir. t;:b.H>£b
ibiMifh bi*
hi* *i-«cU u (1
k. 1. FUbTllK, tViliutapon. t*d.
aod killed aad ttoir bodies rremated la
tbe.bnrniny boato*.
•For <ir*y*»c*
U om c.iyje^ncrd_.h*
A mcaenyrr told
that maey women b^ beea mattrrded
ftoapaiy B. Thirty-foartfa Miehlraa. ulaad wlUoot am: foarU. tto cap- woeld not ba dtatarbrd tor Ue lima
ula of tto port aot to ba wade a prta- batay. aad that Ua taott Ifual oBctota
Mvato J. d. Martto of Cowpaay H.
I tarn.
Bat It wat exptotoad
polBL .Tbta it a small bat Importaat
towa io tbr iDterior.
obamtoy crowd Uey walked lato tto
by tto anayAre: Pirat tto yarrtaoa ba Ukoow II Ue tame mnaklpal okeara
Ue eirU aad eyaiam at had baaa to voyac woald
MrbtoObartoaCtawwcaeal Oowpaay perto«te:»a n. Jalyn. Ttoy
B, ThMy-foaith t^iaaat Utad
•d to load tto army la eapwrad
Uaneral Vitaea. Ue miltlury yorer
nor. qdmtioBrd tbe refeyera eleaaly.
Mkhlcao. raltoV farar; WUUaa Oal- allowed to retire: aaooato.
Tklrty-lfaird. Urad at Cheheyraa. aad
Tbe terrer atriekea refs-
yam are appcallay U Ue I'eltad Slate*
hta aftarnnoa U a Madrid dtapateb
tto bolldiay (proad Ue way fw tto
~'d. Hartla. Oowpaay a. Thirty-third
oa. yellow fenr: Ckarlaa Clawto
The acu ot bn-
toliiy reported ara eboekiby beroed
Uat tto aUtaaaa of Poeea wara aaaloa*
> polka aad Bra brlyaddt to be m^-
Tto Spaaianta are report^ wrraklay
letended to attack Poocetoe* bean eir.
A yaard to frost of
tbtad Htofataw typhald forar; dasaa
tonrawaal to rawala U tone: third.
totoala. Brtay hoaaa* aed maltrealloy
calated aod two Ham of pickeu
tto ladadea tto followlay to tto dnth botatad at e a.B. tto MU. Tl>* Bpaatab Ooaeal Toro aad Mayor Coloa.
Uit: liaauaaal d. J. BabooA. TUny- yarrtaoa araeaatod. Prortaloaal artlOeaaael Taroaald to OcMral Hitaa
laad, Oowpaay O Tbirtythltd Ml
reayeaaee epoe isaffeaaire BOe >
tto daelsna
Spaatah tnldien la tto rifloya* of Saa
•■la the!
aleiaat will plaaae state Uelr rzperi-;
race ia daaliay with yellow ferer.
"iUtts h ii»<:a>K.
lay lato Poaoe aad they repaft aepar
aileled ontnyea perpetrated by
aiyned todaly with tto Miebiyan nyi-1
"The Kind that CurM.*'
Porto Kleaa refoyom are
ember who ara aiek. aad' Ue llmltad !
anmber of ph'ytkian* at Ue feoel. I ’
kaTaaBearanee from-Ua |*crBtory of ^
war tLat aay phyatriaa aaal la ihU '
way will be pn^erly raceired aad aa- ‘
ML MILAS M£UU:a L IX>. nkhari. to
■toyea tto fire briyada played
an toiaaailay at aa alaralar lata. ada Pooea aad eaptaia llybtora for Ute
Toatarday tbanwara an.
NewYoric. Aayu.ll.-Tba Herald-*
I'ooer adrlea* eay; Tke Spaatah troop*
formarly auti^ed la Uta part of Porto
MU tadb thnti ORC CCRT • Ctu.
Tntaa-Rlnrii on buy FarkaRi
On**nm Hayrea has taened
Umatlaa which ta of epaeial lalrrest to
bar* of Ito mtoical fralarally and'
will epee ap a aamtor olpoaiUona;
waa who dealra to aerea Ur coaa-:
try a* «aiy»ea« ta tto mlliiaty camps'
ol wbiefa M'chlrsa irt»(a form e part.
Tto call rrwd a* f. lU.o:
‘■TtosuU Udeetroe* of aJedlcy a;
amberef pbyticlaas ten»tat la Uh-'
lay care of U* *lek U the nyimenta at
tto front. Tb* Stole aril I proride lor
Uotzpaemendpay Ue *ae>* islarT |
faaalred by tto rcyimeAal aaryeoa* j
and eest**mo»tl«el»»Tt. lamnsM.Irtc WUlUcphysVlawor tto atsu wbn [
atfcp. .sSned ain.-h tn*i toada,-W. !-*:■ Ic ■ra wiUiey to dolnataar for ihl* *>r-!
my b-n tade. palpUam sail a oi.-UM elae. seed m* tfieir aamc*' and ad-j
tlellBCO>*t-*tB*w*ndpmUSII.«. I tersr.
aalst tn. Hlin’ IPerin*. llesn t'cA- ai-r
■■1 Uink It ^ my daty. kBotriac the '■
Krm and Meet rt.U and tbr Aail-r*lt.
^■lytwaatyoeaU to I^Ub waaey
Unaoat ttoautoCbmmUM
htacaUtobeetoaatod.bM,whae oer
Tto oaly waturrataiayaay dlOoalty
a'amsT'a ft-tiatTuit.
laetm Ckartaa Wriybt and Cmq>orMiea
for rode-
Sa bad baaa tod
Baap* lay* tM ta ta qatto M^trant
Ur M Ferry. Aadltor L-ih Bart. 0*1-
It waa bta pto>.
tto BBUwlltm la PoMa
tu*oar BBtoT pea nuca.
Park. Jaly M —A Madrid daatto
Waabiartoo, (aly
tbe Halted Stoua aa faat aa they
LMdM.J*1r'»*--'n>e H^rU e»riMfesOMtofU* Mir AUlk mj».
r wea by a eataad it to'S
<wd briyiAaor tto Pu*t aray enpm toriay eat Ito tclayn^ wka baiweea
that ararybod^'to Madrid to reaiyead '
BaOaoMS Peway Soaie Aiud«ty.—Svanta KorlagBanaon.
looaly In Porto Bioo.—Oroat BeJoioiDff KanlfOotod
On the Part of tho VntiTM.
Fm Eihui Hnwant
from b^ ahet by
• loOmrjftu Ua plaee ftr j
I limPMt8d«t.
j T. J, HOST, I rja.
NawTark. Jaly M.—Tbo Jeenaib
It yakaeBay Bkd It wa gtbkd.
bofradbriUbUUaalr. S
am owjoylag roty goad boalU. a].
aa oMBtei- battorr ataaai
tboy wore proaptly loeatod aad ao tbongb part of Uo Ubc wo wont ^tly boagry. If Uwanaay bzyo op
Uen Uatwaattegeaowar. joat tal
Item from ma. tego aad apoad oa.
day la a Uaagblorhoaao. aad iBaglai
Uoy akopooidalaataadef eatUo. Um
aleop Uat nlgbt la a aamaxatj
irai bara all Uoy waav
yoa of aiw Stat algblS expp
Tboy atartad aa at T e'etoek at Bight
WlU IM r
days- ralloM aad oar blaakots aad
Bolo bare <
•boot Urea mllea out of that
dirty bole, we begaa lo jaool Uo
’ la froB Ua tattleBold. Bome WlU baada aad foot obot
off. oUora aroonded ia ajoro rlial
la refard Xa Uo eiiaaU of Cnba. It placaa. Wetaarched all might, atopb.mr for breaWfarl. aad
on perfectly dellfklfnl Xa bo. Tbo
on. loarlag onr blsnkeu.
daya are aaeoadlafly bot. bw b Ue
aad Uoa So annbed all Uatday and at nlgbt
balled joalat tbe figbiing line tVe
Ue alfbu are eool. yaa. oooa ebUly.
Latt alfbt I wtUemed a terribla aad slept WlU Spaakb bnlleU wblulog
awtal Uaadrr atora.
I wont oa, oeor oor beads. They acmad ' tatter
Uaa tboy tool. The dead won iylag
foard aod aboet aba e'eleek^
twfaa- Tbalicbleincwwsobloaaoly all aroaad na That Bight Ue Dooa
by Ua nary depart- afeBpUyMIewiBd, aed aow aom
r tbo aoBailary eral•an at.
SL Look Y«)« mai Bsf
Tmrd to Ikair otra«f^-th* Awrku
IlM. TtoT flsiidwd tbotr •ark lot tk*
aat nUn to thair «U
•ad piaatfal Kfa aotaaaJ wltk floor.
Aeeatftaf to Ua tgrrtmmX too
aaaraawtitUlo tvtaro Ua aaaaala la
thaaoadlUM liwhtehUraaalrad tka«. wboB Uo fttfac wOl befb.
Oarlbrnaxtead ItBUeaaroead Uo
’nwcaaawUI ba Ukaa o*. ammaaiUee bokU raaorad. «od tW ahipa ^a. oity. froa ceaot %a oaaat. ao Uoro b ea
atoiwl to tbair pa«ea(e1 apfaafaaaa. pooalbllity of nay ^oeapo by a flaak
Important Points of Demand of the ^ited
States Made Public by the President
Yesterday Afternoon.
Tlia warllka
U • ormila baoo
afly popoV,
may teaka tkm «
«. {Botaafor abipa wbae thry rotOTto.
rrrka. Tbara kill be pitaaara
IntbalboBfhtefaoillBf. for iaalaaea.
Principal Conditions of Terms of Peace
Presented By the American
ea tba*Ml. Paa1. tba aiaaal obloh droaa
H«w York, Aoru> «■>*> tba Tarror laio Saa Jaaa barber la a
•o aaj k Dfaa to toko tke hlaad' aritb- ainklBf coadItloB. Tba Uaraard aad
[SpMial]~A SpaeUl to tha <ml
Yala won toraorly tba New Y'lrh aad
tba abaaaat of • Btlaritr of the to. i
It k aot kaowa whetbar old
BraniBf /oonal CroB Kad. babltutk Hnoa troabla k axpacM Nrk.
aaaa wUl ba realorad.
ild. pabUshed in ft UU axtra at arat and tor thairaam Borr tbaa
>*r ncaT>«aauc vau-a.
•dltloa of that paptr aapa: aa7UilBf alaa tka praaldaat will aak Kao Fraaekeo. Ckt.. A«r«at t.—Praa"Spats ftOMpta tba prisoipal Iqr larUatloa to aaabla him to bold eU ». Nrwlaoda. eoafTManaa lot No
aada. wbo b boro, tald today
of poaoa as set tba rofalan at tbair war otiaaflh.
boerflk to be derlVrd froa tba
«v I
auiu ova TC BiJtita.
.fbrdi bp ths Amsrlosa govof the Pbllltflaat
Uat lor blly Wf a abaw I
blladod artereaUdaU.Jaalaaeao b
Wbdad b.r lookbf at the obb. Tbo
Unador wa» Uo loodeot 1 roar board
•ad Ue atooalala* near •• won otraob
•tllBable. OfmoalM lu f
wMeb bora two-tblrdi < '
dstsdis are needed tooatiseall>^i tobobraaebtbp wiui • abort tloo of tbo world, and tl
r people aad
to eease at osaa." i
««bOBaa akaaser in ;»hlcb
iBoree bet'
•nSMOtt asd OSlp the peaee |
Now York. Aafoil S.-«oB<
daylifbt. dnrlnf Uo ooUre Ubo
etood b ay Iroeka wlU robber bbakol
OB. aot beuato I bwl to. bet r
•lakaad wenadad aoldlaio aeat aortb tboM WBO foroici
had to keep ae dry aa poelblo.
l.~Tba follow- froB Maatlafo oa
rbr adraotafoo wbicb
Drot worry obooUae. a* I acoor foil
tea from pOBcoaloa at better la bj life aad our
Ibf ktbool
baro baaa traatad. If tbo blpao taalla tboJ*bUlppli
bftbakatlNrtty oMba proaldaat aa BB-oa Uf aadleal dopartiDOBt. aa,
alK>«rwt. bat 1 dffaot Ulbh Uat all
telhoUrBtef pMaa oSorad br »>• •aoaaa likely, aeooro ateaoam Bay bo:
PoTor BoapiUl. IS Bilea
Ucaopowlblo boaofli woald balaece
Wbooa. Jaly IS. >««s.
Uakad BlatB:
Uo crib that Uo boUlnf of Uo l-aillapplied.
UCAB IVtAK AT Uo|n—1 write agab
•■la ordB to raaora aay Bkbppropploca woald raUII npoa aa. Tba poaU lot yoB know Uat all U yet well
tiaaoKB TO cataciuro.
larofardto tbo
wlUlbcar aad oayaolf. I au oowa
fnopofklaa^i, whoro oor abipa Bay
Waabiartea. Aafiui i
teMoobatwaoa Ua Ueitad StaUw
’■etowwid." praaoled Uree daya ago,
coal. bUo tafealaolnUoB of Uo mil•a epiia. lt 10 daaBadiwopar to oa/
aad am bow Ukbf can of patbala
opioo preblotn. la rofanl to Uo llar,> uf them, with ao ono olae to help
UatUoUiBioSarod b/ tbo Uolied
i^ilaa talaada. tbo oalonl oppoaltloo
and all of Uaa act like rogo’ar babir*:
Slatao la tbo aou baadad to Ua Yroaeb
to larritorlal affiaodbeBont aad to a
jwut OToryibiag seatbaab’e aad
lac kaaaaal aaxloty for Ua oafoty of rlolatloa of tbo paltry wbicb Ub forgr aa. SaUrda/ laet. a
of Ue nnmesUeoablo Uiofo nait baa ao leaf praellaod doeo not
Uo bkbe^ aad elerfy at Ckrlte. lafollowa;
dor Ue aoB. tool aa yal Bnl claaa.
apply. Tbo ae^uUlUoB of Uo Uawailomatioe
Noooa baa died yet wlU Ue yellow
•■ Tbo pnaldoat da* sat i
ba laland* B«aaa dofoaio U wbat we
foTor .boro. 1b aot bo alaraod by
Ua effect Uat Afalnaldo aad bla
forward aaj elals for ]
Tbo aoiuklUon of Uo Fbillpforaeo baoa ^aaa^ a maaaaefoof <JaU- pinro moaai eoaqooat aad torrllorbl what yod Bay hare road In Uo papan
SaBaltf. boi roqalrM Uo i
foTor b at ptraaat a rory light
A fororaBiBl that roaU■nt of all eUlM el aMoroffalty oror.
I. tfot$Supornv»Uno
UpoB reealptef Uo iafooBatlon. eaordtU(otbalalaadat Oaba, ba well
told that TOO oolerod Irnmnaea
••UolasadUlaoTaeaaUeB of Porlo blarrami woooooDt to Uoaual Uarrltl
lag here to rolleeo aa. 6o*oa
foralfa lomtory will briar
taking eato of ltd alck. Only four doeSka aareUe^ klaada aador Uo Spaa- aad Admiral Dowey dlrooUv Uoa to croaaed eoatralizitioa of power,
ton boro at proaeot. AlBoat wbb Uat
' M Ooraraltat/ lo Uo Voat Udlaa takeooary Boaoa powlblo to proooal of tbe.asiakB-aaal it would bo well
1 laicbt gel It now (ferer.
(oaeral diaeamlM
aadallkeoBfloaofaa klaad la Uo Uo iBOBrfOBto hanatar Uo Cotbollet.
while U la of a Blld fora, and be aaro
badmook Tbo Uallod SUtM will oe- Tbo raeelpt of the Bowa eauaod Bad.
ofooBbgonlalire. Onr aaU la held
wf’oro taal ladrtaeat b paia•OB aad bold Ua «lt/. bay aad hprber aaeaalBoaa boro. If aa attempt of Ub
Kibo^ aeren daya for qnnraaiba.
_.jd It UktoarTon tooro daya forliw
of Ikaaila.. poadlaf Ua Bnclaaioa of a kind ta ma^ by Afaloalde It will
get b yoa. ao Ub will be pretty old
loioroottng Loiwn from Baattago
traaiyofpoww. wbWhabaU douralae aaroly load to a oonfliot botweoe tbo
by^o Ubc that It rcaeboa yon. bat
SaaUagode Cuba. Jsly IS.
Uibvixn Emoxb-O-i Friday. Joly porkapa It will tnrniah tome relief te
«Mil of Uo milp^aoo. If UoM t
U. Ue Stu MIeh. was Uhea from know that Oscar and I an well aad
•to aoeoptad by Spala la Uoir oatlroty
Ue Mas Joao bill aad debited for oot hearty, opto tbe^ate of UU letter at
orrrcsian n bavaka.
pool daty abiot two alica qorUeaal of
nwUlba aasad by Ua
ItUroaored aronad hen Uat we
We eaaped opoa a amall
Oaitad StatB to a
'TOO otewarda
hill and aeat dobib two atlea farther
«atlB>ano(Sfainfortbo|nrtKao of
MUtea ta'koapltal la Virglalal to taka
Uoente.- Ibrafor gaard.
aa^adiaf a tnaty of PB
of the slrk who an aeat from
roaabed ibero antll JdIt U>U. Ue day
tokaaboro BaaUoaod.’ "
1 -Thoorh UaoaeabaUH ijolrl.li«lra- Bp6a wbicb Kbtfter'a trace rloaad. and bon. Iben, lo Uat ran. I will be
B roo aod nUem at in
UploUaUaoUo wMaet act to-jordlaary. oalboaoly qaloi. aa a calm Uro wo were Ukee-tu auppert two able to bear fi
Aveeword bad aoma
from Spala
la to U« domaad
Madrid, ABfaott.—Aa oBebI UarAM dbpaleb aaya Uat MU Spaabnb In
FtoartblSbbadafaarfol flfbt with
Tea Kpaa- and baeaaaa. Tbo dwU t«U b oatraordiaartfy blrb boro and aUlt orora
otbor park of Uo bbad.
•ottlcBonb ball Uo roabaradbdalaoe war
f.-Pnabr Ka-
dVOahaao. raatlacUoa.
Ua aald Ual Uo oakdlUoDa la-
UJaTuerad'Uatlfaatdoat MeKbley
danabdi aa iaoUat roply.
lac Ua ABBrinaa aaaarar. afnod to aak
MKp'aaaUoaofearwIapolBU b H.
i**™ >■ •» oorr-la- baltoriroof lichtarullrry. i'nrw t«ttories are titua'rd opia a bill ai>oat
oar mile oaat aad orerlonkior U<- rity.
■afa doorit la hidlaf tbo I
ut the third bot'a-loa
aapport battery F. whirl, li npon Ue
tbo latraUaB of Icaolar tbo praple i
leat part of Ur bill, and
Uo Boreypf Uoir oanaloo.
ipporu battery ILabont half way
tbebl.l tV.rriaehedonrpoallloB
baada no balk <
woflid a’rokdy bare aurro. but for abom twn nVIoek. and at loor Ur l.taK
bardBentofSanilagabefae. Tfaraireal
Ua oopplloo of maBcora. pinrappi:
«MB of Ua Daitad SbMm
Thara b
to open Bring waa tbe 11 lag of a ai^
gne Opon tba left wlorof t'leajiay
Tbb woa followed by r.'l'ey* fMrtii Ue
rlOe pit* aao aooa the batterloo opened
Krum our pceilioa on tbe left of
Ue battery we could ooo Ue reonll of
all Ue abou froa battery K. sinral
cABiJon TBsaaTas vmMxn.
took tffeet np^ a block bonoo
aadweoeald pUiniyooo Uc elooda of
Sow York. Aofeot t
nd doM wbicb rooe aa Uaabelb atrock
UoUlo roofing and exploded. Kerorat
were opeaed apoa theao ballerieo
Uat tbo Oarlbta an iponlrcd to aurt a
bat they were aooo loeatod
tboeoart aad by alleaeadao Uat our poaltioa waaaafe
aad we bad aaploadid opUa foroirn mbblenfrom.Vieaaa aad
tbaVatieaaabbwUatOoa Ckrloa bo- portnnl^
fMaaa to bailooo Uat Uo torma is- ; lloota Uat ho oaaaot afford to loao tbo
iaat t^portanlly of fchtinr tor tbe
Urono of Bpala.
■Tbo Ubaoal AaAatw Uat Ua PbUIKoU bU wife. Iknaa Bona, and bb
pptowaia af aaoaadary laportaa
>a Don Jatao. iealat opna prompt aetma eoaparod wttb Porto loa. bopaoM tbo partbaaa anaro tbo«
aaUdaefwhbhUe paper Uat 90.000 aroMd oolaateen. are ro^y
r b Uo eonatry abac Ur PyroUyotboea
aad from Uo oea bto ceetnl
Kpab. Tboy btoo aonry abd anar
•Tkodkpaaal of Porto Rbo b tbo aad aply Uek nSeon. tkrlo*- nppor•oatlaportaal petal of,Ua eofoUto ffot tbo anar dloeontoatod
Oaly b tba aaoot Am^MkU by Uo peaeo aottloaoat aad lorn of terwd.BMbaibBWOMawbM Proaidoat rltory
DooCartooboolyboldbaek by Uo
fearof laearrlBf Uo aoron dbpleaeUopooe. Anatria aad Fraaoe
A ezpoetrd to pot Baay obotaclca
kM* whoUor b ybtd or eoetiaao Uo b the way of Uo Oarlbta fotUar armo
aenffCbaed oapplloa b Uoir territory.
MeCbloy Bahaa Ua arnica of l>erto
lUeoa Batter oe wbfeb peaeo or
•: -
'again in tbo Borplag. bat Ua reply
of Ue Kpaalardt waa aot aa apirltrd a*
Ue aUbl beton aad Ue eaaaoai
waa not hoary.
Sooe after boob, while Ue battle
progrcaa. w
Brat Ball wa bar# rooeifod la Cuba.
At UrooWcl«-ka trnee waa deela
which lasted naill Ue sarroader
KaoUage. lo Ue morniag of July 14lb
I U^aorrendorof MaoUago
paaaad arooad Ua tlaea aod i
koowladge wa< gaiaed by i
ckaoriBgof Uatroopa apoaUe Bring
Brorybody ia happy bow.
taa prenlog all Ue baada along Uo
llao wore playlog aatioDal ain and Uc
aoldicn wore coeoriog aad oiaglag.
lorod ttkalour roglBCOt will
to (Nwlo Qieo. bni BO oao u onro of It
maa war aa aaraes.
FritatM Corey aad Ataraoder are
Waabbfftea. Aaffwt.l—TIm abe to
Aearntloaef Uo Bawnlba btaada otUl oa t^ alek Ikt hot tbo rest of tbe
Uadb-OoboatlarUaebBoolUo war bao added Bflytbne owaob U
boya are lo good heoltb.
b bBaf fn^aaliy'fonDBlabi.
feea BerchaatVariao. Tb
Tbe Brat Moaxiao lUcuarai wore reI it b cMonlly
kaUoood b WaUbftoB will
IbqobbikboMonUo bland. bot lotMOabkooeU.
priaeipally b tbe bter-Uland trade;
focr Ulpa. Ua barka aad aetoj
aebooaan of oarloei claoaw
llbplbfadUat It
^1 pboo Aaarbaa Uldbn aU
.*0. bbad b anOrioat aaBbota b prw
urea attm aad ■’••tUo Ua pooplo." aa
Wwbbfton. ABfrai t.-Tho cablaet
aartlec loeay waa brbf.
The prb-
eea BMBbar of Ua caWaat ooprtoord elpal aobjort dkeoiad oetaido
M Tftb form of owopatbe will ba poaaa treaty, waa Oeawal Morrilt'a ro■dbGCaeoarktoaUowaU Uo qoMI toraqaauot So.0(M teoopa. Tbo
tebaw to ffWa •ntebm approcbtloe eatAaet well aadcTOiaadt Uat Ooaoral
of Uo boaoBkof botera part of tbo ■orritt oaaaot ooabet loreoa that «
Vwtud Sbtaa.
At Uo
Toalbatloa Uat Uo PtdJIp^m Bay
paopb of Ub ooealry w#^ba*e aa ba roUreod to Mpala will rabo ap. bnl
p. S-Mdmax.
a-iWtoyo*r tows, mfeof* U will
tb rrpert of ita dock llBo ordeesff Xa
tar aaa iaj only to gloB the
bo ootoWbtaed from Uo mooU Bf tao
B> opportBaity ta <»n^t Mm
riser to the dam of tbo fimw mUI. Tbo ^ to^.aoo blm at hb ftanltarUB.
Auo pnn Bc*aicai.«PnaTianiq
BBdea ebasgo. aueiapting to break
Uroagbonr lian. UrorToueaBio
bat only TW.ewtnrAd alieo '
“Ynnkoa Figt" didn't -do' a I'iag to
I. Company M. by beeping tanlM
s escaped.'wiUoulaaeeAleb as t^'
know, nnleai st was lo falllag <
logs keeping nway fr»m the eaemy.
.Well. Ulags bnrr gone kn^hazard
alaceonr yellow few snro. raeali
tbe bortilbg of all Ue baiUlagi and
general tHvIng np. The yellow ferer
buapilal Is located a mile aad a hsif
ben aad all doabtfal casn are
UkoB at oace to that pta-e. two or
'ea." They bare nmalnod quiet alaco
aad I tbiek then will be ao Bor
fantry ebargea.
wnUing for oar gnaa to -be
plaecd, and Uen we will nnre slaty
gnaa wbicb can fire i;ooii kbouan
into Ue city.
I walked taa milsa to gel this paiw'
to write oe and Uea waa able to get
only lea akeou of paper and ao emtf
oo tbe apare from 1‘ork ateort to tbo tberoraltaobtalacd
- roralta obtalacd tabU
by bU ti
bay. The propoaed dork llao p™.»ro
a wUU aad
sdandUe dock bollu
aboBt *0 fret
......... HegradB
alnot bridg*. that allosrlug
fnai OooclaaB.
tor Ua alley la Uo rev of tl
orrwU pruperiy oa Uakmlaireoi.
tloo; 'al
after that
Aeiion OB Ue report iraa dotecrod of Anai
•BUlAhe Best meeiiag.
CUyTTManror Wantarg was grBOtodbB exioaaioaof amsou
for tbo aaaa- Tbbe»perieaea.eombiata
sHU babt
at of Mower dblrtet
tirtet Nu. *
years' atndy ia the beet beopUala Ift
Tbe olalm of the Racl
Oo. terBlITt for Ue new 'cbomical
'prepared tala iee*rowhcntta'gBm
tlngnbher. wU roforrod ta
Uaro yo« bsca akh
— -------------------L UaroyoBta^
for ywaraT Are yoa1 dlscMragadr
lee oa claims aad aOczmal
CaU aad ace as. wo srin tell TO* wbMtar
Idarmao liarrlsoa
wo can care yen or not If see caaM
srbrB tbe roll
e will teU yo* wbat ralbf
many aeawerod aad roeolsad pas. wbo wc cj°^re yon.
not proooHi at Uc Brea,
e month mfll b.
lion Use matter sraa referred lo the
laitiue oo dro aad water tor m- >a-
■■' T-ot-SfS
by all ttaacboola. with Use aid
A tTpresectatisoof Lal'earl's eircas
of eiect^ts. that most'sreodcsdnl
,1 of
as prmpal aad asked Uat tbe lawose aUagOBUin'Paral;
' Loaa
of Power,
from Company U briag nmong fee fur hissbow br rednood to trt. It KbenmatUm.
all diaeaaea of tbo .
Go early, aa my
(uuoii Uat on sn.-b aeUuO aiu.d br
office ia '.I*;;:
always crosrded.
make a bnadlo of
tm.now helping In n typhoid wbrd.
•n under U- ■■..liusnee. Lul Uat
letter ynlerday and wi
rzpeqi lo b* mored to Naollaso the clerk i-uahl tssue a Inwaae for tan.
Ue bark from a eoooas
soon to Jiln mr regiment.
wbk'b be was orueei-d U* du.
ss4 en,ai^e«h»aws at sll fnrws srsmai sacKt Uc oallook aow. all who Are able
Aldenuas tl ol' lcb suggmtad that a ^.■te«’cs?>ersM si nsMiMurlM^wkica
tea ceuTpleoe of tuban-o ao>1 flrr d»l wit: he seat ta.-k to Ur bUtrs. and by pjbUcreluae baroer tw eoUbllabed a.c f la rksfrr el ISshsal si ShsAIrsl sallLssOse
Isa Sm,.,.,-. aifwnlss. Tarwa l.u »SSH ssd
larvfor a quarter of a pound uf bsr.iu
liddlr of Srpteoil.er I msy he wlui Uecily and Ue nr.ipnitica was rrr hot it is you all.
ifrlord w^h lacur.
A'drnaao M-mUe truU.
I offered II.DO ymtetday
.......... tnenre ereriecase of P
for inaterUl to wmr Uree letters bnt
City Connell
which sruald briag abunt ccstroUo RUPTURE. Also, we t toe a lyiog-ia
was not able to get iv
Ue regnlar m lol'y gaUering puhlic iteprurrmeats. and bolb luaueto Wpinl.dtalDart»eol
, »‘-ftaiert«ea li ow ftasltarh
Itralna twtor aday and Onor ereiy .tbeToeeting of tbe coancil inU nigb<
referred t» me cnmB,lttoo zm iuB. bcodfakSpfirat'.
Bight bm bat 1 hare aot washed my
alber tear, ompired with prr- ways aad cni-sos.
hands for a *oek exnploa loarra wet Tioas meetings Iplely. Toere was csewill, dew Id tbe Burnibg.
aldrrnb'.r buslaesa di-pised oriat noth
maptuo Shot at Us World
bare lo carry our water Brr bIIm lag uf a aatnre to draand any t<ti
to do oor cooking with, s't we can bare gtarr dellbeniioo or aalmaled arguno balba. Uro wbat wo dnak and cook
we would not oonsMor St tu wnsb
u: Kohorebergrr was granted parmb
boms bat we ore glad Vo
aion ioUy aoetBeat walk at hU pro
Bat for nil Ub. tbo conotry b
s oa Ksst Krunl atrret aad A V
higb land. DoaU Inning iaUelow Frlednch was eqzBl j fasorod.
Po-Te-lss. far rsrw tieoiA
latter walk Istueatrad a apace of A6
Toll Mrs. Newton that she' nerd
worry nboot Kd. n* U .a duiag
good tbnn n Uoosaod dollnro at
borne. He ia brown aad hearty look
lag. lk> not worry for we will br boar
all right.
Heal rospn-U to all my
Yoor Ineiag SOB.
feel In truol ut Ur Friedrirh biuck Bad'
i-w bii'idiDg arij »ning
Bled n.la'n.<.f N,Rru-n.if Kaal llsy.
;sk«d ir.e ,-ii) v> pay i im ten dol
lars lur ils^iages to a a.g. sastaiaed in
Brnaasray. Tbe ninssay is alleged
Is bare been cnoard beraasr Ue lenni
frightened at Ur n.-s svne crush.er r*w-:llv po.rjhase^l ' br the cllf.
Tbe followtag letter waa roeeleed
U.lsb alio sasSjir.rd inj iries,. !«•
few days ago br L. K U.bbt frua'
doctor's bin bad nut yet beoa r«.
e.c. Vande'rrorn. whom be
ceierd bocla m sea* paesenled at Ub
eared for and gleezi a atari In
Cheapest, richpBt and
best for cattle, hog:8.
sheep and horses.
To clean up our ware
. auqiptag a
house and make room
Imz Ub lost.
for fall crops, wo will
To null vdwrra os.ur siwi
eUr.lailirf htc. nerssssdii
:sLs‘'k:'?^ Isell CULL PEAS in lots
All «To«..».mtor(i. ‘ca^.'^ I of fifty bushels or more
SSiita'1S:.r‘S.SSS.rKew*^iat 26c per bushel, and
CULL BE^B at 80c
A petltlen slgaed by afaoat liBi wberli&B asking Hat oo f.irihel eestrl- i--------------------------------Uoa h* p'aeed npm ridero regarding 1
Btsamor ■
.FKJSsn*;the walks was referred In tbeenmmit- will ran as fnllnwa;
i>ot heard from yon fulka a'
rlag^and feel as wvl
l,eareOld Mlssh^
' Alderreaa Mo
doer leatittg Uo aberea of U
An-lze Elk Rap<
tagoo askoil that it be referred U. U
>ow alntoat Uroe weeks ago. ftnt aa battery K. light artillery.
lA»re Klx Ui.plds.......................... T.
lee as oertala other ^Utlo
Arrlretild MIssluo.....................
yet I am not eery liomBlck.
Then b not mueb flgfailag golj
L««r*oid Ml-slno....................... f:
were being coasldered, aod Ue cOI
feel bad. tor I boliare Uat yoo-ee
at present and It looks to meaaUuogh
Arrlre RtsI Head
tea aad 1 haee aot raorired j.wir lot- Ue tjpanmrds B.v Ue Bag ‘ of Mysalt all roaeerasd.
Bel abou Id
A pelitiun of FitU street refidenU
be dorldrdly cbeorleg to read letter*
_ ; Arrtre Klk Kipli
Inr Ue grading and rrmeeliog tbe
frim b.'tn*
We hare pretty good auS
liODen] Miles arrlred here yesterday
ben'aad should 1 got alek ay frieada aad after looklag Ue slioallon ewer, worU street, was referred ta
iiltceno Streets and walk*
wbobeloBg to Ue same eorpa would seemed diagnsled with \»eaeral h
HIcik. Hi.leJ trbi
Tkmneller Urzs were get
look after m*. I belleeo. Bocb bettor rr's meUods. aa Uc busp.ial paticau
at T.3A p m.
with himt at lliUiA. ..
Uaa tbe prirateo are aubaded to.
be at Hast Head oa Taewioys. Thun
They get Ue worst aad of
It looks as Uongt the mn.ie Hist
days and dotanlays.
1‘nssengen aad
r to oad—pooroM gnil.. will and Kaatl^or.os will brgii
frnit will
will be.laken oo at any pulm I
nnh miles at Santiagii:
tore or aa 1 do aow. 1 do not know
just bow oftoe yon write, bot I baea
per bushel.
These prices will con- tlnue until Sept 1, *98.^
Cull peas grouud and
mixed with brai^make ..
the finest kind of feed
tor Dairy Cows.
Call at Bed Ware-
U. Mercint.le r« 's|bouse. wost of G. B. A
alok. aad least BOiUeal attentloa.
Ttaia'rolaalMr ayatem. ao far as I can
maluJ Bilk f.'or limn a day an kept
aad bare abeoU
An rbib-d by a yellow foror
o^eelaltwl eea day.
t’p 10 date oely II deetta (Ub b Ue
enact aambor lor Ub wboio easp lor
laskrlUIn a otowoS eaay Urow of
Uo borbi plaee) hare roRlted ftos
Uo Mb or UT ewaa eoaiag lo' Ub
While at Camp Algor 1 bad tbe pla«aOTO of apobdtag
derfal city where oarprooldoal
oarproaldoal roatdeo.
aad while Uero bad Uo kaaer at a
Tbo Mlowlag an oxl^eta---------fromaleuntetod Jnly ITib, writtee
by U. II. M.iiffan lo hb BoUer. Hra J
C. Hortao:
Soaday morning, wo won taken le
After a abort gllspao la Uo way*
aapport battoty K^of Ue artUlory
aad cnatemaaf tbe Cabas aatieos. '
whoro wo an now albtloaad.
eoald tal say:
at 4 p. B.. Ua B« of iraeo i
down and Ue aeige of MaaUago begaa. bovital wiUla
of a detail of twolro so daya. wbicb b Ue whole ItngU of
pier They ooom batlittlc ab-wr Uo
mard a
Urongb wbicb Uc Spaa- j Uu that Uoro baa boea
Tboy atand la rows w<U wUc
iBh mast paaa to capUio Uo batwry I bore
and wo are oa daty ^hl aad day
| 1 am gotUzgflnt clam grab asB do gnpiag moetba. wntehlag orory a
mypmVieanoooUcaaeUasel aot wiak tor mere; baoo yet
Itaiaa Uc army tardollan la moacyi did yoa gel
^ taooory way roalU wbat Cnba •• i^UoB of toodlar Boea Uaa tbe lacta, boapiiala aad block boaaoa.
Uo KpaaUb edw I aeat bome to yoa
ea' dmirbao niiimlia wonld be Ilka.
Tbo baildlogt of MaaUago are mado
baro sot board from yoa alaco
of rod brick, asd Uo rtow from Ita laarlDg Nowpart Now* or orra Cftmp
Tbb ’aeedlUee Bay ortat tor aorornl
hri ia porfoct
Algrr. ami 1 am almoat roadr to rtaoe
paatn. aed Saally orbae Ua biaad
At 4 o-deek Moaday aflooweon. a alg- wriUaf. Kapoet to ^oe a ablp i
U. ftaboBBload geaa aa aai«
aaltetieaal abotbe or a
aponlagcdUebclUoaadaU tatterim may got a fartoagb.
AUtr lAUlac ia
Traoalag Uat yea tolka ai
opesod fire.
b Uat way a
Jaat aa Uo tattlt tagaa a dark elond write to oso or Ua otbor of aa
g tta|«taa}aailorlaek. IwiUdeao.
city, asd .fioatod aeiom tbo ralley.J
d If Coba
formUgagraad atalpkiaroaqooeigbL i BaRletdd of ft
,Jaly. U. IIW.
ftp a Wfa BaferiV too
Momm-Wa ata abost «.*oo
At tUUery K opaaad Are apoa Uo| Daan ------------MaBbaoB af Ub cooinm^ Se aot
-------— eoal^ MO Ua aboUt'yarda tvm Ua «*lr
alribaUataatoasd mvloda, UioMtog tool biffbw.
Imstaftad Ua bsmbsi*
ad eoraait. bat It
bopelM Gsae for Ua Spaaiab aa
tbe town b completely aurrbuoded.
Tbenoldlersarem d'llMiig to surrra
see Ue thing. I* rotten to tbe bean.
Stealing ia n preraiUng fad amoag the der. which mraaa euro death «u tbeii
whole-■pnab.’- Tbe prirateo. la other
lodpaio. At least. Uat is wbat
words, got the nfoae of wbat b loft
•a made lo belirre. Uaay of tb<
after all otbm bare had Uelr dip Into gloa Uraaaoleoa np. while qp piekrt
>c onoe fat bin.
■ty. They tie somettaiag whi
At pmeat tbe baapital fa pnuy^wall
M oad of Uelr gass and mars-b Into
regulated aad Ulaga morlng la
ir Ueea.
Uing of a
While marching to Ue froal.
ftrer pallraU an fed esclnalrolyoa srngua luadi uf wuaoded aod a large
nailed milk, beef taa aad waUr.
ibar wbo were shot Ibroagh
They all goa-ay fat t?l1 wore sealking to Ue coast aa
Well. gaeaa I re growled OBoagb aad
r eonld.
'bile Ob tbe march aaany dropped
bdd enongb for oneo. I keep a diary
uoritiiu before ball war there. Wnen
of all ehangea I make, wkat I do aad
within halt a mile from tbo front we
wbat Co. M dooa. aa well aawme of Ue
rolls naide
sens the last we erer saw uf
laged u> scrape
July leu.
». |k»*.
It tents eouugfa
ar'l hare
B a* ret ■> K. and of Oaear
s bare BOt romaiaed la oa* place
1 ButUag. bat he baa n >rUe ye
orer twonlgbu Bl a time
low fereroUo he wonld be bore, aad
1 am now in a iquad of As'clre
am at Ua Min oaeb day to ooo after ontpwt duty, aed Is a peailOB
any af Uo boya wbo may be alck from 00^
btrlkc n<
n< ido
ido.. ft-»B
fom«> or light
my ooBpanT aad.ot Ue tub.
Kboald artUlory. They generally a . wbat U
iBteaded for them. We saw UBo. deOiear bo taken aa Baay af Uo rrot an
sboy a Stmabh
wabh bluckboDse
block.... fail of
IcaaaBaroyoa be aball rocolro Uc Spaabb io Jbst ibroe abota
bmtotcanaa loag aa 1 as abla
Maatlago has Jaat oi
and aoo u bb eeaforta
mpb wild.
the pationU do aot go ia aeod •>
sadly aa they did at fi-otp Kaeb ward
Tbp following ratraeb arr UkoB
baa. aayUlrtr pstlraisaad a atewant from a Icliarr-cerred Hoaday by
UsB are fed on beef tea aed frioad from C H. KlpUagor;
r to trade traAy wlU Oaba Uo war dopanmeat will aotadBUaay
^ UM OtUu^ovartf Aean an
“ ’ New Demrturei
rooriacodpBld.nmIUo b
talabce was gtsoe ms Bl.*?* W.
A •Beornbb roperl waa gieoB br lbs
Uo VTBToltag at
ntteoeUtarcot. from Ctaw B I'elOB.
Saturday, August 6th, 1898,
Consisting of Choice Farm Mares,
Heavy and Light Draft adAtriviiig Horses,
4 to 8 years old, weighing from 000 to 1600 pounds, at Geo. lloir*s
Bam, opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse Oity, Mich.
af oar aoidiara. aad uoaid^id« rt, ^
haidlaUoe moat tall t> Uo gtoood
they ImmwiUteJy elaub U ' No deabt
they are a otarrod pooplo.
Sale Commences at 1:30 p. m.
TEBMS OF SALE—Five month's time will be given on approved
Dotes, rcal eststc Of Chattel mortgsges at 8 per cent interest or
6 Per Cent. Off For Cash.
Wo arrlred dar^^ boarlaat Briag
Every horse will be sold as represents end tried when sold
on dky of sale and all responsibility ceases on day of sale. Bememo
L'^“w’Slota‘‘ci;iber. no side bidding will be aUowed, but ttey wiU be sold to the
Al^ I ) deed Ue lampltol eorpa
est bidder. 1 will s«ll horses every dsy, privately, oi; same terms.
delta bad ta loaoc Co. M. Tbo
Bnt nlgbt bora aawewezo aboat ta
ordand wiU a
low otboca at Uo eorpa. ta i i 11 har
asd aoBtol la earlta tor Ua wasaArd.
hopli« to ter frte te kr r*tan Mbs Berda Alto, arbe «DI rasuia
eaapie at weeks at twtotoep.
- 1. HMt weal lb Gcaad B
RateoBj. Wt^Boer
pK. Mth B^smt.^fehi
• klB bte WM tatustl;
tW »mfcirt«=.
. BelewbalfelaflhetelapsadsaU. OferoB. FMm. J
Kfea Issrs rsTtte left TsMdap
H. D. AUer arriead yaatardar A«*b w OsfBi tat a rUU with frieada
BbearUlalM-dUt frfeade at MertbCkekonaa.
Jibe iMato Od) ofNorUkart la elallDr. BapdaraadfasilraieeaUrtal
tac frieada la tows.
Bar Walt bat case ae PaiMkkr fer
lar Mra. loha OroUer of Kferslep c
,Mra laaae Bapdar aad aea Paal
few dart TteUoa.
Mra. A. U. (Matt telesa fe Ala
k A. B. Barrfeoa. wbe te bare
(ora two wMba'elalL
Itetef Hr«.-S.C DeepTM.
Hra. Dr. W. R Meea araah to Bar
Tatodap Boralar for ber home fe
Olt; Tsaadar for a eMt.
T. 0. Beosaaa baa ratarsad fr
Wmias aiteeoek. ed tbe ««m. ef
tteaaH triptaChleaco.
AadlUrOeaerBlatLamlBr tebeea fe
Bealee Kallj la tpeadlaff a wet
the dtp rleitlar frieada aad ea prirste
Bellalrc. rWOar nUtiTaa.
Mitt Oaborae of (}rmad Bapida, k the
The Mfe
Martoa (tepto
reaat of Hlaa Bertha Heddaa.;' ^
LUllaa 8. Caabataa of Chleafo. 1
tbe tea# of Mfea Pisaefe C Chaplo,
ratal at ikrli Plaea jeaUtdaT'
Bsasaal Wllbelai and laallr are aa- theiralAil. C 3. Tellp aad aea of Mampfala.
rise a tea daj't oaU«c at Veh».
MiaaHarioa l^tt treat to BrrtM Bay 'aaa..' are io tba clip. Hr. Tallp la
tiera^ ie the WeHe-BIrnaB b
Vrdar for a elalt arlto bar paroala.
3. V. Boater of (;baberraa la is te
tn thi* BAlA of coods te PUOS.
At ttate Btor* yoM t*t Bp-tD-date
Aoditor Oeanl to Hattie Bart, par*
eda to t» a. r U w-S» ii.
Jared P. Fra
sreeb to t sa ■
M tk* osterof Blarulk m»d Uten
eoefetloe. eS let t.'bik U.
btmse BhTM or Tsav*
7ih add-pK
M- *s.
Kteti. »blrt k«
to Btaodard SsTian L<aB Aewhk kta teUy tUi t(lL He l«n Uw
aS iotS.
UkU. B L A Co's
•i(r sboet fear a'ctock. atUr doiar
koateB al aareral plaaea and a»et
Beabea II. Biskop te BedM ^p^
MM tea la rialUaf Irienda Wte
bH of Bwh aea Si
be eaaebed Graera a (r^bt trata waa
L. 3. A. OiSp to (hldwell A LoadaB.
than aad the pafliac of the aaclae
Bcfii^ Of aw<. oas t, t:: a. r » w—piuo.
Mfhteed U* avlritad team jMt a*
thar erarc ereMlnf the traeh.
^ds sad lesn oar closing pzices.
saUsloore W t^BBOWH. «■ W. Klab B
boas at Bap
p. after a three weeks'
teaa daabed avaj at frirhUal raU ef ■ra. B. Oalrie
befOM yoa nlske sny poKbsses. for ■ws’U ssts y la Bxoney.
Mr. Metee. who waa riding Tbit a tooath at tbair old boMa at Was- riait witb W B. Fletter aad faaUp of
't.erc :i. t se o. r» w—
State street.
as the baoBde of the waroa.
Hr. aad Hia C. R Claa asd
thivwa rUeBlly to the
HMVeraBatiabof Maalea
gteltoortciaal^t. Ttot,
RE1.1AHI.K Dry Goons, Cari-kt
ted waa (arribl; eniahtd aad death iajc Mib. CoBBLarbaa at Wa
to Ihdr betoe
at TborarUle. (Hilo, after epeadlar a aam Wortbnrp to Marie Friedrich,
V (JA.'U«J
re r. ,
Oi^3^, •»uv-i
na laatalBt t ?r« earad for by
’eek Iwtbecilp.'
nrral tooripinaJ plat. TmTeiMtktpaUraa aoUfled b;
Miea Alice Watt of BoardaiaB AraaM
ij TlaitlBf
ber eosala. Hba Bertha
.JaatoH. MaaretoftbUcilr taotfTtd
HkaGeiiarlaTa Briar of Haalaieab OeodwUol JaekioB. who will apead ■ daw<,.aac39. ISA c 10 W-P1S.7S.
apadlDf tba weak with Hba (Aarlotu taeonaer bera.
Ber. Sasoel C Miife. wbe bM faeeo
■'wrph SebskTt- Basdl* aad wife bare retomed to rseat of Ber. U.>wm>d Moore for (
fn» tbelr rblt iq Iba aoatbera part of »a U-a.teretarte to kfe ho»a '
at Biebcaoed. led.
Mrs. Hrilrlde Iwre arrirad I
Kalse baa letorsed frMB hla raCard of TaankaHieb..
eatloa tfIp aad rlalU at Cbi
a HcK<«e'a
B.C Bart IrriarOaok. Jobs Hawrer retoabaj.
asd WUUaa UtmatI near, aod esreci-Uy the Odd Fellows,
Mka Jaaaie Smith of r«btk street b Ran Iftsth street.
leer aad eeo f^ormiae. of wbtefa order Mr. Muonie-wa* a meaiter tba Isqaeat ika aatortalalar Mlee U>We Doorrarlj of
Mrs. Fred Calrer
badrwaaaeattolba /aotllr
of Bariitaw. are rUIllar Mrs. ('Hirer's
Qk BapUa
U Haeioa Oaatre. aod W. 8. Aadoaoe
lie. Hr. aad |Irs. 8. R. Wait
Mrs. A. Wlrrlas of New York Is a
___» aad serrires rendered dorinp
«li Ml for to prepare for the berial (Bast at tbe WblUar. Ska arrirad
terriblr sIllM-tlon thstao soddenlp oeerru sewt ef tbb b^btfel aoddoat M rranlartv. H. Aedrews and familp bare ar- took es to tbrdcatb of boslaod aad
MM aa a (teat abeek to aeorea of Mbs Fanap Getlp of KaJkasVa I. tbe rtred Jrem Oisad Sspidsaodwill speed
tloe bers- Tbrr als stoppiap at
ail- (seat of Hies RlllbBMUe>a of BaaIIakhv Hoshiik
tbc.llolel VkiUer.
dolpb atreal.
RldilE Huxot«.
a Cestrr. Anpasl 1st.
Aadrew Hpaoldfer of Petersborr. 3. C Horraa bas rstamed froa CklS wife aad three ehadna to
Hleb.. la rtsltlar bla daochIM. ilta- A. eapo aeeoapaaied bj’ Hiss Fraac Giktratto death. Dtoeaaed bad beea ear V. Friedrich.
rboerlUspeadtfew weeks With
Wa base all kiiult of aewlap reaehlne
eeediM. J. \V. blater'a Boose Fombbad lha leadlBf eUIacaa of the coaatr
Mrs. IMf DcMoeaJd aad daspbur her sister. Mrs. Herraa.
W rto» aad bad Head at
west to PetoakaT peetordap for a rlsit Mbs Rife Stoiaberr west to Petoe- iap Store.
(SbaaiBMbarbaed. Babad
kep 8sadap te rieit (or a while aad to
wife refeUraa.
latod aaeMtertaUaforlBBa bp ladMMrs. C O Sberrreed aad eUldrea
^ eerarsi weeks at Bap View la
«T asd earafsl kaatsaM neUeda asd rewraad Thsredap froM a rleltal Brio. the stndp of eloeoUoa.
«ka fetoUr waa laokiar forward to a l•eaBaplraoia.
Matt Horrll ef CUifomfe b tpeadlht
rsddMri la towa.atBadwalIiac be
Mbs Bnilp Camp arrirs dfrodi Laa- afawdspsbere wiib M. B. Haskell.
OB Date alraM. H bafara alar feat ercBlar. 8be arlU r> b> <><MDktbU Boralnr.
The feaaral wm beU Soadar afterMra U. Mlsore of Elrhlb etoMU
Ms attbe faallr raaldeseeat Hoa aalertafelBr Mr. asd Mrs. Bdward aeeoapaaied bp her danptater (Imce.
ns OMSa. Orer I.OOO people
Jedd of (feraaaa.
arrired Taadap (oraeblt witb ber
ed aasoad the eeeket to take a feet C. B. Slebbloa td Laatlar atopped
J. W. Haaaea.
nriew ed the remafee, aad IT4 tassu orer Blpht to tka dtp. Be rrill
Mba HoIIte Ualatal.
wees presMl. Tbc Odd Pellowa of l•el<»ker tbb Bor^arBualo io tbe pablte acboola of KalawalfisrMOMtra.of wblebdeeasead wat
Mra JaiDM Berdea of Waehlartoa
arrired Tbomdep to alap a aoatb
a toaMbsT. had ebarre of Ue aSair. atreet. It aatortalalar her brother aad
I [av<-tli<-Summer t
rriU Mm. J. W. Baaaen.
hut wi-'re civiui: you f All the lalmit UAKsaiixw aihI )
TUrW MeaberetroaOra^
sietar from EeeMekr.
Goods. Buy a itc w tUm.
Hfet Ida Jobaeon. froa the Boo bet
Ba. Ma,,aodabt»»
a irood l>it! •iidai'cmcat to a lVr><*UrsU.
Jamas Spceeer aod daupbi
mock ami l•njoy )oun«-U.^^ coutinne jt,
rlemed torbleareafler a rlsit with (erBerlpofthbeltpbrbiUDC frirade
f Bi|^abvK <pf Paiar Cmren-d
irieods to lha dtp
Chieaco fora rUU with frieada.
16toS6 Per Cs^tUte- ^ ll<».k»ai 6 and 10 Cents.
Once aad Btmle Dalsall
^ 4;iv(> yoa lote of pU-aMin’. ^
eotortaieias Mrs. Oeorrs B. Marsh of
Miiii.K8ib^iairri.'-'*‘ji«-t • countooaU BaU Goods. .
Xew lV«4a nreirnlarm
- Lettor trem 8aaOa«e.
Kocalaa. Artooea.
.Ask about lll•■Rl.
<ift what you want NOW.
sa puhlielini. '
by ber
Hfea btule Olda bM rstorsed boBe
a kp eseod theBamaltatr hope Irota Petoekap where she
rUtlar refetiras.
lap Rlnraed Fridap
tnua a twe weeks' rlaltst-hb idd bosto
iaOlorersrlUe. M. Y.
west to
Hra. H. A. Poned of Owoaao. Awaer
ler. bat we 1
lerotoBetardepto rlsit with the faW- of obeof Uio float aad Boatanercaifn'.
dtp pet. is
Siatekrl fete theI dtr
>lp of Captain Bslae.
>b priBtlBF rffirfiBa lhat pan of thi.
sod «a>«rlaA ayaelf
Bsaitot Caip bora i
lhae. are fralla of all kfeda bare- weattoHapfield Ifetardapfsra ebort city.
\-bit with Mrs. Olllette.
Hra. Jobe UBae. who baa been rb-;
■are had
Frank Soctoebl te arrirad fi^ Ittog Id Trarcne (Sty. left Too^
Biir erap Usd sac mb laar
Otmad Baidda lor a rldl witb
momtor for ber home la Baplm, ecAMAGNinCENT DISPLAY OF ENTIRELY NEW FEATURES , a
rfesrbter. Mrs. Fred Ftoch.
by her gimBd-dangbUr BerOk.hpthawar! la
Prof Joba Laataar. who b one of the
I maw Ooiriaw *^eN«CBme
Mm. AlU DeoBfe. who bai tea eba aaisert to a battap. Tbep ordered Irntrsetorsat the Uairanltp of Mleb..dWTEKNATHINitU..
iUnr bar pamato. Hr. and Mm K.
...musicnt. coNveNTioN
Si totMdowsbehlad the hill rrhea ifaa.b hoare (or a risit.
Fr.'d Ftoeb ef UelOB strset to naeh baa ratamed to OUmcd aeeosc
thap btfaa Briar, bet aecM ef at
wesldaH re- Wa staid oet to tee the eelertatotor bar aotber, Hra., Frank paaied by hrr danrhler. Mia GeaeStfael ed aa artillerp Bra. Osr battorp Lodnibt ef Grand Baplds.
Dr. aad Mrs. A. J. Sbrllt
a Clara Vlotoa of Detroit, who
tatttol'oet two Bfsafeh baUsrlM. da■eeatbesuMiofHm ,1.
afeeped twe block beesa aad dnre bare rstamed to Graad Rspidi after a
BOB (or Bome daya. left
6,000 Iba
thsM Ml of qalU a lot of of tbelr ride re weeks' stop la tbb dtp.
Tbit at OmrleTofeand
•fee wllkeal ew feelac a aaa. Bat
Mjrl ate tbep drore tbem eat ef the
Wodt besSM aad ireoehee. poa oa(ht
Peto hsee beard the eld fstllair faa opaa
ire CB tboB. Tbep bad the ratliaf toakey and Cbsrirreix where be has
Bwrboo wUI manie bem a abon Uoe . Ca^.TrMMS^rUtbU. Bfeeia U»M. iMpaY*. TIstrt. laiate Bram, KpeaM ! X
plaeed ae tbep eeald aweep tbelr MB apeediar the pad week.
Cetfe, Oeriofe. Blf^ Haakenil»»kM gfe 6atoi».
Mrs. A. W. Feck left Taesdap (or a
trsaate aad tbere rra store tbaa
rhit at Bap View. bbc rrMi
Mr. aad Mm F. C. Secor of Grand I
■paslard tamed bla toM sp.
by ber aepkew. Waller Peck.
barabeeo Tbltloc
aaipt rAmaaoi
PserA(rlle.thertelto«rbt. tboorb
Ifis ('AS.S STIMsKT.
COMPLETE r^iB<»iie>
CIRCUS <-w-.aaoAaiice
WlUfeB HadUoaad rrite
aeeeria pamata. Hr. a
Smbradib Oet Keedrrd Mile ief I rmnlc K«er«Ti.ep. Acr-i.u, Alhlnn. Crweam aad Oner
tbep ^tod to esrraedar aoBe dept
to the clip. They arriaed Parker, area
ms all U>uninrvjitcMMit.t Ainltalarr -Vew aod rouarrmlhal t
pmterdap and will maato ■
•fht ae leaf aa tberc wm a saa left
Mbs Loaae Darldeeo ef
Mr. Wa. F. rtalmw. Mr. ABtn Jahaaae. tlr. HarTr niaba. ttaur Narr ta Pte. Mb
If tbepsereeadaredtb
Loggias Beats (fold Hnattoi
afccsurTrararec Cltp toeeber. b rbUadadW.MlahbemaHglard. Miaa Urrb Oeka. Hlaa baOW Jste.
that fe. Um eflaera, Tb
la a Inter tecrired by Rer. E. U
reqaJtaaletef ofprirai
aa attaadaat at tba asplna aad will go
Uteasd rare the
to Kortb Dskoto tor tbe saaaerThdp mp: *-AMerleam ao Bfhl lair
Cbtrlea A. Waraerot BeUiisr. Micb.
Th^ tra. rife TdL aad rsa rlrht
'hrrieed to the dtp Taesdap for a few
little later, bat at |
>'rbii with Anker E Hibbard
Tka (fekaaa Mp: ••CobaBa-mB ap.
DanM Dske aod aad John Lorklm of bb frtoda. U drenUep
irs. md rsa badt arala: bat Afeerkaa are eoJ.W.0
..^ thebmefibof Ht Clca- to eauiV aod mftiag lopa
he ymx kaapa finer, aad rasa tike ball. aaa. and are ft
City. There ta aboet aa oaeh maary I
(seeu at tbe CnloalalS
Slikt at tbe dpaaferda. Bt ae afraid
Willfea Keck, tbaretorma nadertakair to tbal ai to dlgriaC (or fold, aa logs
of Oraad RspUs. who te bean rMitop briDgaoBlBoatfabalomaaB. and (or
tbe preoeal t%
will coofiae tbelr;
We are llriar fetaow; we here beana. W. S. Aadaraon. baa leiaraad bone.
altetloa' to that. They bad a mfi
WdatoBA oaleaa. eaaaed beef, bard
.tratlltfUfa laiaa't.
of lo.oai feel ready to atan Ue day the
leak, eefiee.
Bat tbe ftrat few dapa wa bas retoreed to bb borne to tbb dtp.
Wtoe bare. well, are aaaared
R WUhela aed feally hare retaraaad lhat le abeal all. aad I Ibfek aboal ed (roB Bap View aad Peloskar where
haU ofihatWM eaeiUBeeV Ball of
qaaatity of aeed wbesL
aaritnar.l staas. Ifoaawkataafaa.
Mba Map Sbim of Maal
. .. Hailed
aoe'e Geldea Chaff, eaperlor qnalliy.
aUbate todeleteelepaptoabaab. tap a tow weeks elsitlap Hr. sad Mrs. deliecred to TmeerM City. Prwa oae
SM S0 eoe, trim it a llufe. aad he has Jaa« ISbim of Bast Elphth alrect
AdaadppalBlanffsn. Tbem ere
Hra. H. B Mclatpre b eatertaiab
smasle here, lots eftbeo. Tbem
herabtees Mrs. 8. hpea > CiBctoaaU
SOM ef the BMl bsMUtal birds bam I aad Mm P. Cnrie of PJaiewell. Hleb.
OteMW. Tbepamfiptof all aranad
' aHeada-wbobtoeiboaeloUlBr
te while I aa wriUap.
to tbc place BOW eccapied by T.
, I hare beea taktof a few oetm ef J. HeeL arrirad to tba city Teaaday.
pioeM aod ereots as we pe atoop. Tbep
Earl BobmU te ratamed froa the
eeoM baodp aesM dap. I mw rathera part of the slate wham be
Oeoosl MUm pMordap. Be nochsd
taiUag (rwaoa aad refeUraa
Be Mps he T. A. Cbaloa arrite la tbe rily Fridap
wfU bare m bepi oet of here toalde of eeea^ frog Aaa Arbor toapeadeerai
bwewaeka He b dlffmal froa Oeadgira
Hla Alice McDo£ido(
of Toledo. Obio.
Hoatbepeabedferto e
arriTad to tbc eliy Thereday for a
eter, bet (feeaml MUi
riait t^th tbe (aaily of WUI Hoaltoa.
boor to decide to. TVp
DonHvrnitviitilU^bcmwzaAfcfancen. Make no mtetoke.
Mm C. R Stilea of Elawead areaae.
wade up tbelr aladi tbep te '
b eotortetotog Mia Baoa Bardge and
tea bla at bb ward.
Mm Or. J. V. Bpooe, of BatUe Greek.
Ob. bp tbe wap, we bare te
ZeO'mr Px^lbs aixoe
•wpoBaMMlMaedldBA 1 laU pae Jal.aeStalbbe.gfe(tyMtordap for
trip to Petoekeyasd 8V tgaoee. Be
■BBOasaslid by We teghtw.
: M^n's Suits.
Boy’s Suits,
: Children's Suits,
Ladies’ Skirts,
Ladies' Suits,
Ladies' Wrappers,
Shirt Waists, ;
Silk Waists,
Parasols, Etc.
a If you
are looking
1 for a mill that can supply you anything from Jii
j Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we wUl S
try and interest you with samples and prices. W
Hannah & Lay Co.
Traverse City, Tharsday, Ang. 18.
J. H. LaFearl’s
t* When Summer
is Here
No! Base Ball
} Sjason is Not Over
Summer Reading Sy
for Summer Days
Fish Bros.’ Wagons.
"r.;$25,0001HIPPOPOTAMUS E.'.'Sr
1ding-dong ■tSS?
:::r.i.z;!Z.,™Z Ri^la’t Jamwe Yregiii l ■A,fflg«g:.ail.-.i:Sa'W.
clowns gg^arL«a=sg~
Uncle Sam
iXrayerse City, Thursday, Aug. 18. £ First in War,
First in PeaCA
B You will liava no
y peace tiU you see
£= those Nice SHOES
Drive tlje Spanish out of Cuba
l8 very absorbing:, but there ie some- ^
thing that touches the average lady ^
more closely. That’s why our $1.96 3
Fine Shoes are baring such a sale. ^
They are handsome fitters. Hew 3
Toea They have Fine SILK VEST- 3
nro TOPS. We esn giv6 them to 3
you in either BLACK or TAH.
Regular $2.75 Shoes $1.98 3
Tfiwrse Herald
i^TATE Bank.
■? I
Toteday’iirihT^niw’aeyof the
tceeatOraed lUpida. . Uloyele Ulrl.
H. J. Mocren'a (aat mare, wee caUirad
le tbe (;IK peer, aod driren hr K W.
HeC». BImi took loerth plaee io the.
Itet Mt bad eighth lo the aekt two.
Holh Ralaad waaeatered (or the raoat
yeaterday ia tbe rw claea. bat didn't
po lb Ob aocoaat o> a tore lor.
rteuaMw -wMM
a.'m'rwnra-a mtimbowct.
V. * h. e^njl-lxwo WMMv.
Chculltion this wmk 2.325
c a Vote bet beta fiMUd e pee■toeeiae par ataau b; tbe Peealoe
Aow rtna OtemdraaTbe law Arm of Ded«c A Ooton hat
tea diMirad by meual eabitet.
Haaly C Oodfa wUI eoaHaae the ane- Opera Boaaa. awdm tea aaaplam of the
wife aad daarhur. Mica* Mabel.
■a'tBaltefOarM- »«&> cnmM
Voadlar a »•* —ka at Haekaroa (oroby tbe firm bad Mr. CoertlarUl dw of taallaUe war pieteraa and mam <d
hie oaontea to thedalleeof I'alted tea pmat eowBieV ladadte the Wthey wUI rhdt retatiToe la the ecmlbara.
Sialm DIatrlet AUoraey for Heatan Ue of Maalla, tee Oeauwetloo
part of Um atate.
Miehlcaa. mabiar Orawd Haplda hit
Dr. J. C. Kaeelaad hae rery appro-.
- he wiU rotate aad teer
(rail farm W <d tbaaSceete tbe Oty Opera
tb* hOla wMt el the eitj. Bill Prett Perm" eftar tb« term of ifa*
and hmrht boeor aad riccy lo Aiaar-,
ewoed br en eemtar l>
Ifmatooraallatk Oatea aeaam. TVIt
TheMaaiaatecOoIUaroBO moem ae
deoUend eeres foamtloM iwow, wbe
wOlbe ewefteeflaeMatuactiM of
ball team, hariar diabaadad after
’••• me* o( Bote mod rUeted to b
ombw of UlB»Uto»> >»ep1«.
hare aot bewa payter very well la
Tbt lBrmdwolUBce'1'boineUnMe. MaaUteethaafartbla aaaaoo aad the
I O. G T. Blaotlaa.
■re BBd B bell allm from File l.ekc.
aot are tbblr way
Ata rafwlar meoUay of tee Ooed
ened to the rnmod Hoeder efter dear to play oat Ibe aaOMe witbeal a
TOmpIara lodre Betarday aeaBlay the
oao with BUiMoeaieals •rUlr the
ofileere Aook plaea
BOW oMeert are ae (ollowa:
abort ttma There
HaaietM. which boa foe peroral
L. D.-J. D Bobba.
oe Use bolldlsr. Tbe »re
obtmatedof beteraUa lo aoppart
> bare atarud from tbe fVrr*.^
the beet amatear team ia the atate.
V. T-—Wanea Moon.
Tbe 0 A. cVwerobookedforaramb
P. C T.-J. D. Boblm
A Uahted oirer or elsmfctte throws
te Masiatee oa tbr uath. bat ot the
CbaplaU—May Ubeaa.
tnleaalp botweee tbr atdewelk aad
baa diahoaded. tee date ia oS.
Bceralaiy—Fi^ Theobald.
aide of the I'eeirberB Hotel la aappoaed
Maaor-r Keboc baa aoeered teat date
Aiaiataal Beeretary—Mamye Ortatt.
tebaTtaetftra to the boiUtof. Aep
aDdtetUadoftwofamet with tea D.
FiaaBcial Swretary-Bdwia Thica.
the fire wta there ttaedap ^orebare tbere will be terro, tee lOte,
,Traaaaiwr-OrioB Smilh. and the depertmeat waa celled oat
mb aad i:ib. Theoe will befirateUm
Marahal-Cbaa. M. LaaceMar.
to eztieraieta the Waae Tbe ckcnlcal
a at tee Detroit BCdtafaUaB M
Depaty Harahal—Loate TbeobalA
CDfUadld .be wmk »ory aetiafactoril;
Oaard—Otto Fartech.
bafare meeb dateare war dutte.
ertUbataebanreotJoha DeablaiJ. O Jaetea bae beaa la Cbicapo thia
traak boeariar boraoa lor bla aaetioa
aela aw Batarday ot tbit waek,
•Mhap OUlaMahaaaoUAedBar. C.
T Baoat that ha wUl rbitOraar ebarth
aaSaaday. AbcmI Itib, to admialawr
P. B. Strehle hai moead hie barber
obop from Proat Straet la the botldlacoppaalUtbeHeraaaUlaCD'e block
«a UbIob etraat
A. J. Dayla bah rataraed frwm
wbo aeoompaalpi hint, baa yooe
W liodlaytea for a elait with relatlepa.
WeateB A Dattoa. tbe aew proprle•Braoriheaew AmerlsB Buam tsaaaAry, are aow opea lor bealpaaa aad are
already balldlay ap a rood trad»
Mr. ,P. H. Baraem mad laotily of
T^UBBil arrlr^ Ther^ay aad at
^wantarabataf asUrtalaedbyP. A.
wbcas fvtaar U baalaem Mr
hb^hl to the ally Tharaday by J
ttaae. Tom Shaae Uw aerae i
A aa« balldlac «a balac balH at t
dmaarof Boaaaad WaahlarlaaalrM
•Oak Para rwldaata.
Artbwr DuBBlar -aetartalaad a (aW
•fbbtrlaadaPrUay maier wit^
ptoaaaat party r«*ea at hla boma
OahPara. After the caaM lee oraabi
loete tbe
f. W, B. I
Ohomlaal Ftro Eaylaa
ralay by bat. Tbe now ae• waa bant to order bom apaei-
Ihat tea oHy haa a parbet fire axUateat elata
U ia aai
and beam
aaaa la atat' yailt Utteim.
caw aty So
It M a laampait
hlaa eolcolated for woaraa well oa
itlre aareka
It U dealyaed for
alterr oaa or twe boraea Ihonyb two
baaea will be tued oa IL lu weiyhi
la f.»M ponada and tee wbcelt are pr»
elded with ball baariBya which amke
earyosayraBBlay apparatae It
ate of two taaka of U yalloae
capacity each, bealdee two hand
ra of 5 yaUoaa eaci
ThIa addUkm to tee fire
idkat It c
aay la tec
chemical ic a fiat oaa aad made
:cpl»adid malactaiyht. belay drieec
by brieer OoBcaa McLany'alia. TU»
tity«aad hla^ yooil
SeaUael-Charlea Parker.
jadyment fa aeleeUay the riybt kind of
The dalayatea elected lo tee Uraad aalmala la •esdeaeod le a aalialaetor}
elebbeld ibelraaaaal meettef Moa- Lodye ware. Jennie Cartit aad W. W.
aad dbcaated plaaa lor mak- Oobla
inp a morr rcaeral QM ^
a ianalliiion of ofiie^ irill oeear haep tee chcmtcal io tee ,Caaa ureei
eayiae bouee ucetherwitfa the com
boear aad tee rare adraataroi of the
bolldlBf aad rroBBda Itwaadoeided
biaatloa boae aad ladder trsrk aari
Isaurermte plaaa from time to Ume
ateadier. L K. (ilbbe ia the local ayeoi
axcift added . latercal amoax tec
lor tee Bacioo Ftrc 'ehyiooXta. aaa
memberaaad It waa alao decided to ad
tee ma<-biae wae parchorJ ihfunyli
Death Roll
r Barry o( the telrphonr
mit aeaoclau membera for tbe rrmalahim, and at a »ery low price.
Mr.aadHta U ff. Canniaybaii
roabed with ordere (or
dcr of tee year at II each.
TbelollowioroBcrra were elected; ccieed'lhaTaday themd lidlayaol Ibe
t. The ordere ahead Inclada
deateofteelrdanyLterMra Dr. f
laatremeatata^ tbe editorial jn>um» ol
Preddeot—O. I*. Cbreer.
a pcoaiblc for.ju
Coraell of Copemieb Hra Coraell hae
Tbe Horaia( Beoord. oMee ol J. K.
Vl(m 1‘rmideat-A F.’ (bpaem,
k ptraauir wr peb.iU.
Uliay treaimeatat the aaaltar
, eoatractor of tbe aew ooort
Secretary—J. A. Moatayae.’.
tiil} itiiA
lam la UetUe Creek ala weelm. aad 1 waaaterriule
aod the naldracwe o( Mayor t*.
Trraaarer—B B Weil.
1 5:30 p. m yei
Jaaadice (or oea
W. Smith. C. A. Hammoad. caehier of
Direclora (or two yeara—11. MootabadaeSered aloay alts .
or. K. I.. Bprafoe. C. B Murray. U. B.
.er eiiy aad a
terinm. lieceaecd wae well
Ulreetora forCear year, baldlay oeer
i!ilte^;'^aa alter telsiu* l«.
Charlea Leacaatcr, who bat worked
TraearM City aad a larye rin-le of Ilaa I waeeaurely cared. 1 ov»
t the eaabirr't drak lo the smrery de(rlaadi WiU moara her lorn and aym. yreat pleaaarr la recooiiuoadiay
parlatcBtot the MenasUleC..’a aiore.
pbathiae with her (amUy. Herasother u> aay perawo aaSrnay from tet>
ole luaiMiy. 1 aiu srraicfa|i3 >
raairaed to aoeept a poeltiob ar
.waa at her ■ be^de aeVeral daya M. A- lloyarty. 1
Boelecy Eroata.
elarh le tbe paatelUte. tic wUI Uka
L Wait aai
Moaday eeealay Mr and Mra. Orth, ^he waa *5 yaara of aya
Dm place o( Oacar t'rl^rich. who bea
Mra. Sarah J Liayle died at eae :«iaw.
-hn were married ia tbU city a abort
held the poelUoa twoyeara, bat who
time ^o.were dellyhlfal'lr tarTwiaed by o'cloeh HoDda.v morainral tbe heme
is BuMlera Comiac
hat roalpaad to lake a poaiUoa oe
a larfe ociapaBy of (rirada at tlw boate ofberdaachu.-. Hra Chaa JohaBoo.
Tbr atora Arbieb ia to be racaler
of Mra Broadfnot. tee pueata beiar
Wett'Serroth aueek of old aya T. J. Uoai will be oeennied By a u
mlaiy membera ot the llaptiat ebarcb.
' "»• 6“ yrora old:
She laaee* eotorprialBy firm S Itenda A Co
Scott Crlpp of Batteroett, Nit^..
aow eloaiay out tbe>r retire atock
faaee a eery blrh repajd (or Hra. teraech'ldreo twodaeybten aad
■a aiater a abort titer ayo aail lately
flat clothiay, farnirkino, hal* ti
> It aboot to leae
Kewlaadi. etc., at .«-i. lyuace. nb<
aa a rapelar atteadaet at a ca<
Tbe party waa arraered aa
Ibry bare (or tbe paal three yeara sl.
Apetlax held at that plaew. lie yot
pBterriay for the eateemed coaplc. who (aneral waa held at »;j4i Tueaday e
oeenfully cnadneled wba'. was kaowu
Woirylnr orar hla tronblea oad reliyieo
Iraee tbia momiax lor Wayae. Nrbraa- Inylr-mteehoote. Tbe ramalae were
oeaae alDieted mreitally. Ue war
ka. wVefTteey will make their (ataro Ukea to Alba aad laid by the aide of
Their boyar baa led fur tbe raat tv
broeybl here lo tbe atrlam
Before departiap the rneeta her batbaad
parchaeena enUre aew atock «f met
pmeatrd Hra. Orte with with a baadebaodiae auebaa la uaeallyynrru-d by
Daau or Beary G- Baddow.
flratelaaa op-to-dif: mrn'a and buys'
allTR- batter diahaa a hteea of
After llayerlay at death'a door alacr ouifittcra. There ia oo do ‘
Praak Friedrieb retaraed Friday their alaeere frieadahip.
profit by
laat Saturday afteraoOB. Ueary (i
moralarIroBi tbe Maaltoaa la c«m1‘rof. aad Mra. C B- Doekeray eater- Haddow la dead. He
ila eaterpriae Tbe B<
paaaed awav
maad of tba mail V-ati wbleb aUaa br laiard a lew yoaop people Moadae eeeayeatordar ailcreooo at l;35.
ibe ulaalt aod Ltlmad.
Be lapat their botue on cMat Birkth
at aay Uma after
.t CO i. '
piloted the b»t here lo be refitted
beaorol I. J. Pleaa who will leaee bla injury that be would
•d by few."
wlibaDywaDfiar. which waa aeeom- tela aftcraiKm (or bit home 1a Meakepliabed
Captain Carlaon yoo. (lamse aad carda were tbe order at three o'clock yeoterday momlay tee
Ulaedt of the ereniuy. and refri-ehnii-au were ptayairiaaaalteeaaylamaaw teat the
U. Cook, tee well kBOWB
ead-waaOBlya few bourn away,
led aa (ar aa Kortbp^l by
by Hn. bakeray.
laa. ia an bla roanda uLiay
hla bedalfie wm hte mother, who waa
soa the boat.
Fieas baa beea here orarly two aummooed from her home Monday.
onlcraforall ktada of fc^it aad om
yeara aao held tbr po»lioo of ii.etriKtmealal
1-ieaar wait tew falm.
Saiarday Market.
aad lypr.m-rit.ny at
Tbt foUowlBC Iadl<> are aaked U the boeinraaColleye natil that luetita- to tee briyht career ol a yooay maa pi
many yoed qualltioa.
eoDtribote te tbe Betnrday Market K lloDcloaed for tbr aammer eaealloB.
be held Brat tiatarday artrroaoo ai Be waa alao stcoorrapbrr (or D >dre A
tee aaelnm bam ball team and la
llaakell'abiokatore. from: 'nto'cloek Oeeell
llorlay hU atay In tbe city be
ia thedaie and tee C A
n. I>. Alley, ti. J. Keith. J haa made many (rieada. wbo will be alay after a foul fly ia tee yame with
t>id Ulaakm Hatarday, be collided with'
. By. the way. Special train will
tilacb. A 11 BrnaeU.-W.Beilaer. Mary
jrry to Irara of bU drpanuee.
Trarcrae liiT al t a m aei
of tee patleato of tee laatlteUoo.
Barry. H. B. Bern*. Baaea Bate*. J.
liraod Kapid-al noon
Ne-ah-ta-waata • offered
waa alao
Harden. T. T. Betea. Fanny Craw.
I. Hoaud trip rate (3
attracUunt forapieaaaat pattr
a-jllmldew waa Injured in tee apini yolay u> be a Iiiy liermau Fieoic berr
aa. H. Oartia. O. P. Carrrr. H.
aiiilBy ot MlaaAyaea tticn.
Rich, woo ia aad
• ie^ea
' day and there arv maei-other a}paralyala aa
Craif. J. C Clament, A. B Cook, Marlioaa In and around the .nthome tor her eacalioo: Him .Wood of naaUoltee abock. At firat only bb
lea Craae. LacyCortla. I> K. Carter.
(>Eo. Illillavi.>. ■:
ManUtea who U rialUay Mfa» FloreM leya were paralyzed.' bat la a abort
H. Cook. Oota Campbell. Bleehman.
daemon; Him Jaekam. Hra itoir Ume bla whole body below tee ahoaldMMe J. Aadeiaon. Mabel Uatea.
Aieh. Mra. William Jaekaoa.' Hrp. 1. era'wmaaimilarlyalfoeted. Tbe reaalt
F. Perketk aad tee Hlaam EmBh aad haa hroaybt Borrow to a larye crcle of
« Worth O
Bortea aena.
frieoda wbo knew aad yraaily eateemBolToa or UEoaU).—Tbe Uylay
A jotiey crowd eajayod » riday pleale-1 oo lae yonoy mat
•t teecorweralooe of tho
layatAcma They waal oat le tec | ployrH ac aa attei
tea aaj'Iu
abnold be made
morBi£y and return^ la the eera- three j-rara and waa ezlrameiy well
able eeent la the hialory of Uraad tralay. after haelay be^ a yeaeral yood......................
likedte tee maaayemeav jir waa ae
leeoaBty. Fb that cod, allow me
Thoat preaeat were Hiatea ardeA dceolee of base ball asd AU
taifeat the pr^triety -of makiay
Edith aad Uraoe Hhallaya. Uraee aad
y arraafemaata (or a public
Mary Eidred. Franc Fuller, h'aoay
• wbo (eel tee loaa of tealr______
tnaiattle eelabratloB. Why not proUeliy of Kalkaaka. aad Eldo Slimaua
kreaty. becaoceof the aaocdatloa
saaaltebtentoBe. and baee It laid
of Aqa Arbor. Heeara ' Roy aad Jack they enjoyed with him on the diamoad.
aader tee aaa^era of tome of the
ry, I. J. Fleaa Clark Alloa. LawThe temaiaa will be tabra to thr
UraalorderaofteeoiMiaty? Why
reaco Hack. Tberoo Mocyma aad Barry home of trie pareau. falo. loelacoaBly.
Mdepeait a
l*arker. Tbe party waa chaparoeed
traia' teU alteraocm.
A •eeeOe. depoMl- el IIOJ a«J ui.earO. oi.
hy.Hn. B. A. perry.
abort fooetBl aereiee will be held al aUonlaW'vei taereM All deperae repoji
a J. W. l‘e(Ahio eaWruleed e tec aeylam at f:3u. ia ebarye of Oeert
rcarel eooaty ofii.-iaU aad board nnmber of yuaoy ladlea moat dcliybt- Tmeerae. Indepeadeet Order of >%rew
ot eaperelaora. aad tech other matten (elly Thurolay aflrroaoe wjte a ten, of which tee dscaaeed yae aa
Rer. WeUe K.
aa may be of latereti? Why not make "teimbir party." tbe yaeet ol hoaor
belay MImtMrrieLlBdIey of Chirayo. WriyhlwiU.olH-late. TbeBtembenof
bocaakm (or rej.lciaff oeei
order will tani oat la a body to at
the beaellfel ainiriey of Miaa Uadley.
Q. M. lilme
AeMeof thebride-eeieter Hra. Oeorre
MayacB. 410 Wadesrortb atreet.
.daiytr. Rer. Demae
I ofielaUat.
IKCaraat tamlllea la theaan .abdlac
aaaatry promkod food bomea to
mambor of boym aad flria from the
Mate Sebaol at Ooldwaur. Saearal
tballlUa fafka hare arrlead aad a
halar^wd? by tbe ladlm <i( O
which haer cbaraeleriaed tec .material
frowth of ihr connty. and plaoed it' la
tee (raet rank amoar ter coantlea
tee BortbT Why not?
Maci.T C. Dotmie.
MbaW^lbqlm. Hiae Omwford and Hlaa
Boberta iw one of tee enjoyable
(aatarae of tb
lay the atadrin; oat of a aceal lore
aiory. Miaa A'ma Deaprea belay tee
Kn<ire*rul wiaaer.
Tbe MlahHrpn llaaket Faetorr waa
«eer basler teaa U la tela too
I ter Weye
tbe a
yrt bnea fiaed. Vet wbea the tliae ar
CH a wo eoebi the local litMtewirs'
- vUI eai..y * *»»*^_^___
Hr. aadMn.' C W.' Oeedeolar of
AprUffleld III., loft (or l-etoalifT BaUiMy afleraahart rioU wnh Mr. aa<
Mia4l W. MeWoihy. Hr aeadmlafti
pitipilteor of tbe State BapUter
kte ertla te aa old eoUaro
falleat apaeity lo fill the oederaeaaaed
by tee bly fraitcropa ia Mlehlxan aad
BoMbborlav atetea
From thl«
oatU late la tee fall there will be no
let ap la tee work, aad tee year *
tx one of tee larxeat la the bUtory
tee factory. STi huda are employrd
youpyledit-auf teeO B C. aod a
berofyaollrneafrieads byteeHiaaee
«>.-rtredr HiyycDa aad (layir liriawold
Thuraday ereniey
The party
at the borne of M<e< Hiyytoa and
oeedefi h. Eiyebood. where .tbev bed
bnay from‘been iaeiied by MiwU-wia. Tbr dock
moniay to alybL
Oae dart ealput| aad ehadral yrouada wrre yay with
Ctiziaz paacbMnd yrape baakeu ia,;j.p.i
J •peBear laniama aod,(oar driftreood
•rra-mi ibe beach raet a ruddy ylow co j
M.doQ. and there baa been aa aaaaaal Brea
demoi;d fjr berry eratra. ut which ?(M0! te^ ylaaar water, mlaxllay'wite
Imter tea
daily. Tne l&ml demaad haa tlata of the aaeaet.
ot MrA
beea baarinr teaBrrerbe(.we. abowiay made a hrlybi path acruee the hay.
teal tee fruit yroweraot tbe r^ioa are the whole maklay a pinare ioay
Prnfmaer C. K. BorU weat lo Bari- raiatay mwe b.-rrlmaad amall Iralla to be remembeced. Tbe ereaiey peteed
•aw yeeterday lor a two orarka' atay. teas la prerl
jail teoawiftlyU teaetiey marahmal. -Whoa be maraa ho will derote la-haa. 'lowa over tbe ylowtay eoala. rialliac
teteiid aserfy lo ibo laatraetloo of heaa' ao crowded with oedm that) and alayiity. and it wae a late boar betbaCraaceothaadaadlBtradaea i
a aamber
mochlaea i (ore the
>oaked dowB epoa tec
•aw wad popalar piaeee.
Bew li
beea added, and two , ear. | party
ly aathM rodf memly hem*
teoata are a (atera praapaet (or the leadaol Modezra eacfaaro larscd OBtj Tbr M
hrM /re
e bieyole c ab eBjcyed a
la tbe Cllatax baahrt departTaae^y
Hw Udlte'Aid meitty eflmaf Uka
erUl mtol trltb Hm. Bllphalrt Pillmore
Wadacod^. Aaf- IMh It la hop.
ary memhw >0(11 ba preowal.
aad aalchbora ora oerdlaUy Inrlied al
ba. libbahsaaaararalyaaraalaeaMn.
PUoHireliaa boaa aWi to dooay
tar far borfamlly. to Ut •• .Aew oar
kfbaoi aympatby by lawilmr a balpIMM.
beadiar tbt adme.
tteryeOMbMUar'a bordebai
S|I«I DMHtt Bmi u mt til t*i In MSI £
J; csr; li. £
xcabkeam block.
Carbolineum Avenarius
OnrSarines IKipartmcDt
Duty Baakel Factory.
a the plUoma will be
. UtM
You t:<>i (ht> benefit uf it.
A Great Reduction This Season.
will buy a 6 or 6-ft, Jones Lever Binder.
will buy a 4^ or b-ft, Jones Chain Kower.
Fnm 16 to 25 per oast, off
.m all IW.- Ball Giaala b atuck.
Uri;..' a.-’-
^>rtni>-iit, al
It'inot only the moat efficient pnoervativitee work la yean paat baa M»a raia coameaeml After teeir ride Miaa
point tor all wood work eipowid to rot alu) decay, bat also a rwlical
dene eallroly 1^ haml. bat tee com- Harioa BaaWr aerred
paay ha*
1 bar boma oa State rctnedy a^inst oir rerBin. 'Am a daotroysr tif cbickan lice it ha* no
UM* «<te mteiaea wbkk ha
rqoaL and one aiMdimtion to 4* fawdr of a chicken roc^ i* aofficieni
laat beea prrfa^, a*d twenty a
to destroy all Uceasd kstpIbamawaypcnuAiienlly. It viUrffecUially
oimraUoB thU Mmmm. addiay laryeiy ,h, ,<may ladka oomprialay tee party
kotearaimekyottebdepartmaav la all relarolay hotae yraterday
They prsTODt rot and deeay of vood'abore or below grboncl or water, aod
addition to teeae aaorly eeeeaty haada bnea apeal n mM dolirhtlnl wank on therefore ia Ati rs^lent applkwtioii fw fenw pasta; aidewalLa, al
'od. abaat thirty belay yiria Uie bay abora. tb* oaly bar te terir era, shts^ea, etc.
Crayb B*W al tek wark.are mak- plraaart b*lay te* rala that pat aaaa-
We wo«)d inrite yoa to call and examine the nweauraa.
•ellingfrom oar atare, inateod of caocBmiiiK thrikogfa-the
eoantry, we makes «nng to oar patruna of from
to fSU.
To be hml ooly at
^uuuuiuuutuiu mmmtumuLtmumthtutmH iuuuuu^
Grand traverse region.
Ood to Cftll^'kb
t bnuar. 0. W.
Wo »ro
lOOBlhoT tbio
Wabadsararal Blea rafraablw talas
<wu* P-» ~~ *p f">■ftfkHf k» «■-— l» Ui.
4m. MoOeralsk oM Ktakofd o'»mko aoBM irlia tko
B*B0d BDd ns ky
ThrtarMa an Baariy tbnarb bi
froai C
UflT*AUclBii*’»lBO» 'wiok mad
ma* on o>|wU<l.
Tbon was a daBoa r(*OB Bt 3. Maka'
J 3. Kilarayaad H.aiaa an pwUaf
tark soar Uwa Lain aod baardlofat
U \Tahoehll-a
0 U WsMrtnny of Knobfors ws»
la koors yo»Wrt*y
{. MoBUfBOsrooB'
I Iras Ohio.
Hia. Bblr waat to Korsat HIU Tb^;
b« alalar.Hia B. Uawbrim.
air Lode* Ho. US,
WkOTWo. — )oa( UMBkonUr la fiada at raadlaf tor taouaea. wlU be
bsUt« Wbon tor—
Ika atgdlad aad Ua maw
(kU loifB--------------------------------—
«*lbr* ofUo ordot k»»» r^llr ••'Mrai klm V> tko ■■■>■« of Ifoft*
■ Wtla»l BIO Bkost to OOm-OBOO c
frail bars aararal yaan afo, w
last work looklar ap Ua fruit |
aod bt Ulrka applaa
will bria|
bBM sad B nry ploaUBt tlao oro* prln la Ua
aoara aarva.
MllBdBDelBf. VoBfolBdobtediO
Hra. arl
_ Walkar
______ bas'
baa rrlumsd from
MTiIbo* ofXTBtoiBo Cllyfor htao* rbllto Uelwaokaa aad also a rUlt
Hra. i; II Priohof Trararad City ts
^Ual aaolc aa tto orfoB.
TlsiUBf frlrsds at Ibis place
dark Masuraak kodlk b aai food:
rlsll«d friasds at Bay
wokepo loass hUB botw
■a Isft bar nry BKb Im- View laat» ■
Vto VolUo
HolUo H'BwklBo »m work
Kte Lavb at ttdfovoad au
C- l>. Itallraback loslaaotbar horaa
ic day Int waak.
Uar W II. Huoaa
tr wera fusau of
le a trip to Praakfori
Or. rowan was ealM taal oroob to
atts^ Hro. WMOor. wktf waa taffar^frMaermkaart traabla.
' ■akiaa OapUaaBd UauoBd an rapanad qa<u At iba rapsMIaaa (saeat Jely totb
oSn. B Haaro. aad Heloary
.. ..
_________j> Ur
la ka baU at Hraxaala
laaai bar IjBSb
ml noatbs ai
Bsraa of Ue fariaara an aumplaialar
that tbs lair dry apell baa lejared Ua
daiiaara^atiatorto a larfa aad sppraclab Wadoasday
il tba ebarcb
tillh^llis subja^l . .. "Vnueg maa
battlraaod bow '
Mr. aad Hra Itsa Wintara and famly of Trarrraa I lly bra sislUag Ueir
•lUr, Hra. Jos. HooU.
a Ulklnr
about itaraahlaf.
Hr. Boltoo kas beea eradllar frala
■•urday alfhi.
w Hr. Jobal
Mia. B. Damak, wte haa boos oMv
Hr Borabard baa baaa oattlnf frala
.Mllum ...
tar ta l>anrat_a5^ lor a Haw,
or Hr. Brow*.
s Is (ha aelgbbo
_______Taa^a; laat aad wlU imaU
dwa taw woahs wtU bar daarklor. ............ .................. Icada atOlU-a Plar oa
Ua tut of Jaly; plao callad oa aamerMki Bra'lmah
na'Daraaa aaaloly will ftra yaa a oaa berry boabaa la Ula rielallyHia. K. I
Ktadlj walaaM at Uair ■■Arbor'- Boat
MA^orsBlaf aad aail yoa dallaloBa
Tba harraat la fatbarad aed a»ma of
Ua tarmen an Uraablaf.
lyef Ua frain Is focal, bat la aome
Wa had a food rala aad atarytbtaf flalda Us ylald is aol ap w eaparUla^tbobataarfarn.
tloa. Tba By aad tba wiad ta}urad It
[^^ara ban Ualr fall frala
llama Held* of eora an rarerarlaf
P. 3. BarTaBd. «oo. Uwr aad OIr partly from Ua efaetsof Ue aarara
la a trip to uwa last waak. hnt. bat oUar dslda will ylald ooly
foddar asd aabblaa.
A faw of Ur
yaobool la
farsata bara plowad Ualr esraSalds
^ly wUh aa attaadaaea o)
(or oUar erapa.
Uaaaa af alohaaaa an not nry aa
]Ha an araaetlaf to bara i
rally aa tka ikb at Ulaa Arbor.
Oaa. Ealdarbaaaa. Tow Kaldarh------■■idU.>lbart dmldU aod Bay
1. all Bf Uia plaaa. waat to play
- I Barborasbart Itiaaai
Oa tba way bona, t
fgntbn qaiteamr*. Oao. K
haiM atartad for tba abora. wblla Ur
“ liaibad oa Ua boat Br
■lirBlI « BPea It btlif mldatf hi they
boak B-laatarn aad want uat alter
UHnfbsaaad Hra O BapoMia.4. B._„_____________
at aad ahlldraa of ChlaBfp an apeadat Us Barbae risit-
Tba ralay wnthm
•w it dalaylBf baraad It k boptd II
■fhs BUaatbwf B. W. .bambar Cx
tasdad Ua ataaaMr L. Alpm aad
tbawlkniiairBaan wlUlaaibef. bark.
Maa. adftafa. aU.. far Hllwmakaa mar
HHs Era Soaa of KorUport. who has
baaa aaapl^ tar aoma tlasa (9 tba t)
B. W. LamW Oo.. baa raslfoad
Waltar Bartaea, wba baa basa Uk-
■ ■■
I will more, joto n>r,Bc-<r fooratorj bnek atoro aboat S-p^nber I, aitd 1 don't want !
IS to aslar asd Taasday i
u.i- _ _
Is Ue
M. A.aad 4.4. Snwyara t
fy atarbaallaf Us aiaas t
aatftt aad az|^ to aooa be o(
•rttd'«p'barr7"t^ 'm' sot pf lofs
bataeea (eraad oat Us aifht baitoaaadldaatpayaad baraooawleUa
WralnbaarBday ploa tfata.
^j^Baiaitan k la ttaaad Bspidt Uk
Baplki leftTburadsy
I. gara ai
ssclal Thnradar nigl
night at tl
________Terarlllafar aad
L. Ornfary asd wlte mads a bapry
starud for
Batshtaa k apeadlaf
sai of Haataa k la Uwa
Bpaar Airsbaa aad aktsr «f '
Labs. Hleb., an rkltlsf Ualr broU
ata, 4aba. Charim asd damn Btrahaa
of Tboa GIbaae
of Ua riUafc
WlU al
. »*•-
I MBiparary sbaeBae of tba
Briah VaUa 4eha Bryaas aad 4oha
than la Umt
ratt of Travera
s Oobb el^Bal^a
NaiTow Escspa From Oaatb.
Mr. BtaAmam at Sammll waa greet-
lli\ Htnri-s-frmti #2-VI up.
aty was at
s Tbnradsy
and family
b«** a
wriMen ciumul) U.iwi *i*h aroty Peiiioaalar* Z
8l<ivo. (ihi-Itari ulovf'tnaili-l Iml till-uioMvi niUid L’"> as tb<-) an>h» bc«vy tn more.
Now if :
yem will iKml a alou' i.r ant tiling in Kiiriiiluiv, <'ar|«>ln, I>isl» is Titiwan-. Hevini/ Marbinrw. Z
Hags. (Sirisitir .>r1ti fnt-t Hnvtliing lo (aitiieh y»ur lumm- iiiri.l.' «■{ a year, il will |my you to '
Inty it Now. Cwh or PAymenU.
^ 128-182 Front street
Traverse City, Mich. 3
keeping with tbr other appointment.
A facl tfxcniplifiotl fvorj day id the Week and every
af Ue bmri. Th. «.i buildipg w.:i ^vtvk' in thc vcar. Wo maintain thv otylc we uLirlcil out
^^ie*^u u^'LV*Mri~”'
with, and il io a winner. Wc aic at the front a^ain with
Hot Baiuns in Up-to-date Dress Goods.
Bejtilar lOc and 15c Dress
Goods9 at,
a per yard,
few the A Rood 34 inch Fancy Dress
•^rs*; Ooods at. per yard........
All Wool Stack and Navy Blue
Serges at, per y aM....................
'' 38 inches wide Shepard's Plaid.
localom U good sad w.ih his long •
Regular 50c goods,
oods. for
I catering to Ue pubTie Mr. '
Kleteh.r w.Il m.hc hi. new b-taler) '
pf All WOOl FaU
auMes. 40 inch.
very popular
I good vBlue at 60c,
w closo at
doMforUe best iataresu of all
of tbs season wss gisaa on Tomdsy b>
eened. Ibom noble youtg men will
Urs.Jas.li.BobrrWatl>.d Ultalon
be brought Kortta. la (act. Ue liehonor of her tsro grsodMSS. Walui
has already aelectod a aeaasd Charles L Trumbull, aad
•bore resort (or them 'at MoaUalt
nephew. Jamea R, Kipklin. al Irasge
fiilat al the eaolerB ood of I.vag
gveel dli..v.i:i-r>-has h,....
uiand. Very truly yours,
ds^rStad with flags, a^ garlandi
.e faslrii.vl il
flowtra, wblla large rases filled s
nopaa her aa<
(eras araamested Up slagp when
VklU.tOKi IU sc
that I o,
.sergreasa. Tbe mosip, which wai
eelleat. sraa (nrakbed by Mr. asd
Commlsge. At b o'clock daaciag
asd ODtil twdo'clork tbe •
brilllaet beyond deserlptloa.
graoefal forma of the dsaerti
gilded Id asd fro is Us maces of Ue
nalu. u;d MUslos has rareb
s gaUerUg where Uare
so much grace asd brsuty, there beleg
antaiber af risil
Home OB a Furlough
ArUnr Beott, oar of tbr Hannah
ill.-i.Co. H. ttUUlcl
New York Moedsy
sftaraooB aad left oo Ue 9:» train (or
Maple City tovUitbii pareou. Arthur
was the viaum uf ah scodral while the
Iroup wrrr laadiag from tbe llarrara
. at BaDilsgo dr Cubs, bsviug '
kaTf'-aoagbi lta atUacUee aborcs Uk
'ConspicBOatamoBglhegapatsor Ue
ppcwlog ware: Tbe Misses Ufflugwall
sad Mias l.lada Wabrr of Bprlagfirld,
Ills.; Mim Bpead of Mempbk.
mpbk. IMiss
Bpriag.of Chicago. Mrs. Habel
Mabel Cook;
York. UkA,>rdotChi^. Mrs.'im>,
of Cblesgo, Mra. XV. J, Black ol
Bprlagfirld. Ills; Measrs. Vaughaa.
Spriagor. Ford. Flcklla. Tremball. UU-
lie was placed oa the tajored Ikt.
belag uaablv toattaod todnty. lotar
ed to the boapllal ship
Oirvelta, aad arat to New York, being
eatored la Ue Marias botpItaT an Btateu rslaad. tie fint maa he met on the
Ollvctta vras F. O. Haoeen. who wss
-eoaeeted witb (he Rsioso last year,
and who ia now a atamber of Ue bo*»iul corps #a the Ollvrlle. Tbe beya
speat Dsay pleasMt hoars eoml
Donh. former assoeiatioas of both
Travera# Oty affordtag a Ue which
made their voyage pleesi
datloBi being Umltad on Uesbip Uey
reanta off,Ur name plate.
Arthur obtalaad a (arloegfa wbea be
reached New Ydrk. after a few days la
the hospital and came home ss soon
brcould. He stopped at Detroii'i
and Mlled upoa Ooversor Hegrae. wbo eatartalaed him eery eordlally. iaviUBg bim to dine wlU bim and
oUerwke making it pleaaaat for the
raturard Midler boy from MIehlgaa.
[loustorctara Utbafrsat
betbk haad^k atill eripplsd Uoogh
doing niorly.
ighed iDUrmsLtly. asd
«hr aeu;l.» d;»t»»rr.d
' y purcnaslng of u'« New ll.scorerv
Hr. K
lirved oa UhiBg the lirsl il.wr that i.«»
>lcpi sU eight: aud with leslxulra
has teen atw I 'Italy cared
llor usair
Is Hra. Lutbrr Lott ~ Thu« writes \V.
I' Hsmnick .V to. of Shrlliy, N V.
Trial tnailrk fi.v at the drug sv>m nf
S. K. Well and J »; 4..bn-«i
IK- aod 81. Every leillU guar-
We carry tbe famous Gold Medal Dress
A Cut of 15 Per Cent....
On All Wool Remnants
Baeklaa-s Araiea Bale.
r ttsi-va ID Ue world f
., Ulce
Hruisee. Bores.
.Sbeunt. Fever Sorns. -Tetter. Chepped'
Hands. Obilblaius. Gurus, aud ail :;kin
KrapUoos, and poslilvelv cares Kirs,
nrri'i psfrv<]alred
It U gusrantaed
•rtoct satisfaction o
The Boston Store^
BslebTJ.*) Jobi
fen. >T.-S. .1 il.-1.«.- c irti' K-p:*-'
ue f>pul,t Wes Swenraa <'.IU>S4er
tmencaa Mar^ Ou . DetRdt.
I. .uSrilriw. •
^Thi CfilfibntAd BpfidtUiU,
Hotel Whiting
WEDKESOII, tic.». 1891.
Oae Day Oaly laek MowU.
OoMoltMUon and Bxammatlon Fraa asd StMetly
k”iE^k\H i SSL
The oflta oo Ue firat floor. wiU Ue
eatiaBeeBtUvearaeeofUe belldlag,
^11 be oeellv fitted vriU modera fix■rea It will be provided wtU two
Maay men aad womea buylag ,
large pleta glam wiedowa wbkh
llgat aad atiraeUva.
will mtke I
will be dxtendsd
iSvcr Ue eatlanee
------------------------■OeT'al Mr----------------------irueporiiooof aroi do'ga. Tbe east,^
Jg with
behdlag. haeknf tneiAca wUI he de-j.^
AOdrem fur
(Goods in every grade, ft'om 60c to $2 per yard.
)”sra'"shi Every yard guarauteod by the manufacturers.
Handsome New Hotel
r. mmsr. sss
TrsveraeOUy k to baee a aew hotel.
>. Ksld VIrUV
psim-si vi sU
Bott eoDveBieat aod modera la
McUaa. W. H. Fieubrr of Uc
ColumBlaa Umtoaraal has leased Ur
doutle balldiBg bvlogpomplvtad y W.
L. Brown, ua Ur corner of i-ark aad
Front rireeU aad expects to Mkc posre aboo; the first of <K-tober.
The clam la Boglkb liuniare
the bal diag'movrd from Front street
Fiwfeesor Gurney wlU take ai
adj .laiagtbe Friedrich black k added
slady ol Hacbatb. While sU vraehi k
> Stnictoro. aad k.U will be made Oest ever liou.uw to puMish. Cueuito {
. . e _.-iiagso(
irlv 900 (oll-pare
' . '
Doae wo long a time to do justice Urec stories la Bright and baadsomeIt a
rioor, by tbe Great Hastars
to Ue play, every eSurt will be ly finkbed la aiodera alyle.
Bot a life of CbrisV but aa exMlMt of
pot forth to aceamplkh ■ia~~vreeks build.Bg will eoBlalB. bceidra Ue all Ue Great Usstan' Ideals uf Ur
work ia t
»'time by Ue aor- office, dinlag
Chris'. Nil oUer book I.ke It ever pebIkhad.
;. Ulrty large
leuly orders dailr. Tbe boek '
Him Gray wUl devote aboat Uroe
I airy rooms, only two of Uem
lUfulUal when pei^-.eeeeU
(aside ernes. Etch will be Ugbtad want It
elsetricily aa.i heated b; s'eemaad
oOBtalB a peeamaticeall bell voaareted
wiUUc'fiim- AtUeraar of the
UM story, v
larope 1 hr Urrmltage..
. . ,
Usrd will be e msgaificeat view of Ue
-itti. Uwvrv. VaUcae. Nsiloaal of {
bey and sarvoandlog eoaatry.
loo.NsUossl onterlia. Krlvidfirol
aeepdsfrom wbiubaatUI finer riew Imm. have all placed tbetr rarest
gieetret trvaseree at rmrdapmsl
can be had.
was Ue loaraat bidder os
■ai beam to ba bwUt Uk
AcQoAwaUmadn.w«UftBtob«dB«lBtMd»t«l.BO Pomar prlM$ B.00
A rood Bxoalgfor Matuwa at........................ 160 Fomar ftrlo* AOO
A good Iron Bkd for ....................................... B.76 Fomar pHoa 8 60
A fli»i.claat PenlnanjiT Oook Stova...........................................
A fliwt claaa Fenlagular Blaal Hang*........................................ ..... 8A00
A .dnt.claag Pgoinaatar Boned Oak Baatar....................................' 1060
A flrat-clafc Air Tight Haatar............................... ........................
retarned Monday.
r. Alleabaugh arrived Bstarday
a BoaU Bead, lad . where he bas
-Imm Maria aad Edna (traea of
mrceu l.iule Uootge douU HpBd.^Ind.. are ekklag
Mra Baumbarger.
aad family.
Hra Frasi
lirr aod twdebildre
J A ritatOBaad witeot I^attakar. -________ from
skiHag at Cbaa. dolly'a
rived at Ur Waakaioo Tbaraday.
Mrs. Towellof 0-aad Rapids k Ue
C M Oriatlaad vr.feot Clevelaad.
gamt af her alsur. Mrs. Triplett.
O., wera at Ue Waakaaao Usi week,
• penpla ol Uw Tillage haea a
ri. M 11. WUllams of Uraad Rspm BOW toal
Urs. A. J. Wrsiea of Alma, asd
____ Haora of (iraad Raplfis sra akltiag at Us Beach Hoaae. lta hklBiday(too Hiller of Cbrrirvoia and A A.
Bigbt. and
l^eed of a littla
Miller of Traverse Ci^srrired at
to give a lavra aaieial
Ml gruoads Bstarday
aad eah.
ar >0 ‘hraday-moru,
d eoffre will beaerrad.
They drrra and will gat a good pa
TbeHksm Lomaa af Uraad Raptda
aad Cedar Bspida, lewa. are staymg at
owm rmu.
fUllard. Wash.
Uc Waekamoo.
Pewrawm T
. Him
City Tacaday. rati
. Wa have
Sava aow ear eallre ooewv of last
Lee, Aar Peek made a boviataa U
- n.
Hrof C. U. AadetaM
> Traverse Qty TasMaj.
d hk eagageiaaat-at Old
Mr. Buuleaed Hr. UtaerofSano
aaeeptad hkol^ypiltloa
Bey ware ta town eue day tost weak
Tba Pally Eaaortar of Patoakay toys:
-Bar. B L Kallegf aad wits of -Trarana City had a narrow eaenpa from
daaU la Uslr Bay View tost Wadasaday Pigkv Aboat rlaraa o-elook. when
Ua storm was al iu balgbt. a bank
tree ua laebn la diamator eras
asappad d>y Ua wind and crasbed
Ureagb tba tswt bitwaae Ur. Kellogg
and wlfa- Oaa of Ua bnacbea sirack
Uia. Kellogg la tba foraband loBIrilag
Mra. P. Blaodkh aad Elliott Jadd
At twelve o'clock a dststy supper
aod wife of Omeaa ware at UeWaaat served la the rooms below,
karoo last Bstarday.
Jacob Wagbo bas lately lest a ealaa- tables were bMOlifully deeorstad.
bl. bam^.,
A whlit party was glee* at Arthnr vsillag flowtra.
loole-t Bstarday atgbt. A tty gaod
Hra. B-Jberu was assktad la eataras)oy.
italaiag her garets by her daughter.
Hite Bra Bam. wba bas beta
Mra. tVslur Trambull. who did tbe
0^ Harbw (or a sraak ar so, rctara
bounra with agran peculiarly her own.
i last week.
11 r^l^barlrioB^
ATI Uoee who eaiofad Hrs. Roberta'
a toad-for a faw waoksaad wil
lUtlty will long ramember tbr
B gotospaod Us srlBUr wlUbar
-lliriSr to
Ood," Lake sT:
ar la Oolamaa.
. Mra.'Ed. Itylow.
leg as one of exceptloaal pieaaare
rrof. Kirkland aad wife of Albion
sra bera eklllag Err. P. K. Wbllmaa
and wife.
Almost so eaUrv ehaage .of pro
CbM Harphy of Katkasks came Bstbaaday.
nnUyfora short risit with Hr. Wm. will be followed darJag Ue last tvro
Elmar Haaaaof TraTeraeaty wai
ton. rata ruing Haaday with hk wKr. weeks al tbr aormal laslltate.
eallar Id town laat week
who has been here ior ac
place ol ortbogvapby. Him ilray takm
ijsanarly aaetlag sarelcms iron bald
brre toUrday
aed ..
Baaday. <
up readlag. aad Uc "eourae of study"
by Bar. C L. Ktllofg.
Isi^ part of last WMk aad Ue fiiat of tbat the bad charge of. will be dkHkaaaHynlaaBdlllaa Hrodarlek
placed byaelam la "Y'ba CommlUce
Oraed Bapids an rialtlag triaede aad
Fraak Rommaa of Traearae aiy k of Twelre.' aader I-refeaaor Oaraey as
ralailres ban.
kara ekiUag (riaads aad ralalleas.
I hare bom oaUido and boo(;ht a fait :
^ will Poll the stork t now harroo hand Bevnrdl^ of OoBt !
: 1 will quote, a few |>rim,s|Mro wuat permit me lo qootr atan)-. bat ovor/ihini; will bo in :
BBbeol. Tba woA will be praeUeal.
week oa Ua akaiotoe. baiag tllastratad
by aaa baton Ua clam asd wot
Ua rital orfaas praaastod by tba ritoU
eta lamb. U» eye by aealfseya
Hra. Mary 8Ua
iBha MBtBmUraad fitmi UKay Fri
day araalaf.
rillsfe-oad 1
'WHBa J. data of PalaaU. Hleb.. k Ual^b
of Ue Tlllagr
llagr ai
an glad to aaa
week f<
4ohaI SaS
" ■ ai
a^bapaa to dartre baaefl froai Ua aban risit wlUbk
. Ur. I
fsnalratUk rai
: now ehtek for niy now rtore.
d by rrofmitr '
_ a Ida Ustlosaa af. Chkaga k rk
lUaf bar pansu ken.
•III will ban Ion a»
HksMaad MeUoaald atartad Taea
ruBl^ tOl aaow aiM
day for a rUli la HaUafoa.
Tba Oarmas LatMraa poopla of
Will IrwiB apaal Aaaday la 1_____
Head Barbw ban plaead aa an-ar wlU
Bk wife aocompaniad Ua back to Gad
3.3. DIwt Us Implamaat maa foi
Aanh bA of IMS poaada eoaplau.
. l-iwuraBd wife azpeet
aoBTialttec a
'a worth of
i>( tho Koods
irtods 1 now liaoo.
: to mot.- a dollar'a
Bambar raa^ta l<
ebarcb last weak.
3. 3. KOwy bu takaa Ua afasey :
Iks White arwlaf aaUlaa aad k offwfawaan* hatfaln ia that llaa af
a tiigbt woBBd.
Tbalr Uat waa pltebsd la Ua edge
of Ue woode aloag Foraat aetana
......... New Yark. Dec.
and reasorod witb bis parei
Aroaaad from UeL eou by Ua wild
Bapids. Hleb..
of wind aad Ua areaklag of Ua
d Trar
lesv. tbe famUrc. . .
Ur. Rallofg was staodlof Dear
rraa. tbes So almust asbroke I wilderoaa side of tbe uat while bk wife
Bass, locating al wbat k nor
at Hosnw Castra. wbicb has
waa aaar Ue oppdalu elde. ,Tbe tm
rnr slara.
eraahfd Uroagh Ua middle of Ua toat
Nor. 3inh.
:i. he
marriage to Miss l->ut<
l->Ute tVleebcomb brisraaa them and fall winanly aieram
bright1 years
ynra they
the] speat to- Ua Elder's pillow, when kk bead bad
gelber. mskli
and bnsUfylof
bnaUfyl— U* naud ealy a lew motaaau brfon.
1 they bad1 ohnssB . for ihairboma,
Tba pillow was so lightly plaloead.>y
■log ____
llule family of
tba un traak which praaaed It down tered eiUir from ter walk <>r ulUrr.
irry A and Bdd A.
raen the dread dratmysr took
that It coald not be
The kllchro will be eretod <>n
r™ earing ll' 'lomr palled oat aatll Ue log was nmortd.
irUendof tbr slracturr. BalBg
deaoUtr iedsa
3r tbe pro
depaodcDldrom Ue main pari,
tnoUrr. wbo
Latter rrom Saorattvy of War.
kept tbe bnmr lofrtboc aad cared for
(ret In Jise.s
Judge Lorin ilobaru raccally wrote
Ua motbrrirta boys.
Is N..eember. U'Jl. Mercy WJneb> SaeratMTT of War Alger, ragardiug
Ue ofilcr will he a la-ge r
eomb. the rouagm- slater, l-camr tbe
tba eosdltloB at oor troops at BaatUgo llv parlor frouliug -0 I'srk i
•rensd wife aed Ingrllipr they barr
spesl ssreii hsppv yrara. <tae daugb- and Inqnlrisg of Ur prospevtt for Im- •IreeU
Its'(urnlshlags will br ...
ter came threo yrara ago to brighten provameal. Tbe following from Ueoaad biras Uik aalaa—Tillle Ikwa. too aral Alger will rxplala itaslf:
rousg tonallee the grpti Inae whipb
WasbikgioB. July 30. Ir;*-.
Itrair Bin 1 have yoar letter of July
:her. who was ios'astly eaVled lo Ur
p bsyoDd 00 the
tbe Mtta
?.itta of Jaly.
>U. Id the first plasa. Ua troopa at
u., tbe meood fl»s Uerr will br tw»:
Moormogand sympatblriag (liends BaelUguare all provided wlU light
loilai rooms and s bath room and imr
tbar araund but uSi.v lie who borr
k uniforms and thin uederwear. In tollrt raum ODthe Uird fiJor. wbilr
. i^rvspsind sharps
neat place. alUougb Ua number Urougb Ue enlirr b
comfort lbs stricb. n hsari.
Ur. Uoaroa Insp. bis wifs. two a
oruirl OB Ue sick Ikl k vary large.
exte»da wide hstl- Tl
one daagbur Urea yaara aid.
f deaths k eaoeed- build.Bg will also be pruriaed with
bnlbpn. osc ball skier and maay
modrro flra escape at the rv.r.
ar rplatlras.
Be was buried hj
elate wbat a d.Bl-:nlt and kaiardoim
brother odd (alloira. nf whom Ti 1
Tk. Imsrmeut wUI be 'der.Aod t»
lls bclosgcd toTrafrraeClty
It would be ta briugsuldlara
i ’largv laundry roum aud lavstory.
■ d belonged to Ifapprdcrorar (actail with yellow fever lute I
raara. There were al least
e tbousaad penpir preaeot al t'altad Mtstm, aod also the groat daa-: beaeSi of commorcisl
eral Nnaday. Jaly :iac. Iter ger by Icm ol life oo the traasporta to will he eoBBCt-Wd with Uu oflice by I
A A ItarUng of Monroe Centra pnaeb' tbw sick Uat, would rranll from sneta .
hie slslrwsy.
a rough voyage—Urn (bat coald oUerA'uvrlber Uk vlU twaotsl. >
bemved. You oaa ml assured piste and atttarlive h»tal. appr-iprialeFleaaant Social Event
ai.d eomforlahiy (i.iol.hr,l,
tbsljaet as sooa as the goverameot
Hra. R B-flOSpftll left Toeaday
mornlog (or AIgsaac. where sba will
kit bersktar. Hra. Warner.
Tbe Ladlea Aid aoelrty will glra a
picnic at Ilaary aeoti's Wadaewlar
Angost t. Teams will laars Hra. K
F. Uama's at lu 0 clock. TrlM It ek.
Hra N. E. Ds uollee of LoraUad.
Oolorado. arrWad Hiaday morslag (or
Ue dcmlor's^altealloa.
Ho tary
t ekil WlU frleadt aad nlallras lo
band sow.
ibk plan.
>11 of ilraad Bapidi Is
The a B topk for awt Banda)
Hra. Ada I’odraU
ir. "
Hra-Triplett, aad eeealBg U. -LesaODS from Ua Life el
rislUBf baralstBr
wHIramalB withII bar
_. aararal daya ba- Elijab.") Klagm, U:fa te.
(ore ntendaf boBM.
L. U. Campbell deore orar from
rlalt at a
Joba Uaff. Jr .tamaklBt
dalmiU]y eight asd raUrapd
e: babas.
law daya wiU bit paraaU bare:
baaa foac abant two yean.
Mr. asd Mrs Unrlbul altasded Ur
Sararal arafOB aad bafty loada of marriage of OsearW. RoSmaa at Tr
Odd Pallawi and Usir (amUlea atlaad- konshaasd Emma L. Daupk Tuesday.
Uurlbul ulHslaled. ftsd Us (uBaral af Hark Hoarua at Haaroa nsaire last Saaday. Tkey rapart a
rary lafr attabdaeca aad artryUlac
eoadnciMla food ahaar nndardlrrc.
tloa of Trarrrse City loOfo.
• nrer fifty atusded.
Oar eltlsens wen eery sfranbty 1
Himes Anna aad Cm.ale lllaacb'
prisad last
srd. who here bera at tbe Waakaz.r
leVer. .ice B
(or a few weeks, left far Fefaskey At
.-ask . aad Mr. and Hra. Kara J
ar Uelrolt. all for
Miss llstile Oame came from Trar
•upped from Ue
Clij tVidaj
tViday far a riail al bar home
aad took at br earprisr. bat Ury sran (a tbk place.
fella. HI ss Bybel
. . aod Leolae
weleomaeklura Mr. aad Hra. ArmWells aad Hits Lon Knlk las of Chicago
of 4. 0. C.
tbe Waakasoo Thoraday.
Vai. Triplett.
Bbewlll nmala aatll
Aapumbar. wbaa t
Tbs MaUodist ladles camp mea
will ba bald ia William McMsck
Uey wUl go U New Vwk.
.-riled to atleod. A fire
llaclion will be Ukaa Baattay.
Ihicwgt arrir
larsoat Ui
Hra. Joarpb Hairy o
alladoafriaadsban Haturday.
ihip maatlafabald by Ua r
while wa deeply
as sra bow la I
whom we a___ ______________
'# alia
Bsaolrad. Uat la Ue daaU af
Hra. Bays waat to MaeiBt O
ar Dark Uk lodge baa leata tmaty
mambar. hk wife aad abUdraa a kisd
^Say HolUday ad llllaoli la
baabaad aad faUar. aad Ua a
alu at larrr aa boooeabla elilzaa..
Oibba wnt Id Tranraa
EaMlsa^ That ora. Ua otieaia aad
mraban of Haple atr Ledge. Ho. Ui.
Hr Baras aad fbiBlly ban uand
I O. 0 r.. aauad U Ur baraarad tarnrararaaCIly.
aad iatlmau fnaadsear baartfaltaymL K-OlbbaolTilaaansaiy waahara
lyaad aatan Uem Uat wa moan
riu\ban la Ua boaral Ualrdktraaa.
asd farUer
Hra. Hodcaa waa ^
be draped
Baaotrrd. Thatt ear ebartdr
wbaal last waak.
la Boanlag for
r thirty
days. Uat a
Tba Iwdlaa- Aid will aust wlU Hra copy of Uaaa rawilaaoBS
lolBaoat be erst lo
10 tbr
4. U Ilibba TbaradsT.
dreaaaad brotbsr-s family, asd Uat
Ury bo apmd eooa Us mlauUs of
Uktodnaset pubikhad is Ua Uaaau
Mum ■
ssmmmwmmttMnwmv .nmmmfnmmww
AIFffPBT.,*. WW.
To Young, Middle Aged, and 0|d Men
seUre. wrttsfsU esrortoer
DRS. B. S.&CO.
Look Box 160.
•Mod oat darkly'agaloai tMb Uetdaby,
and large dtope of tain fell, ne abla
ra loaek with tba bdiuae lo cceaUm
Mba luada Wawv onpeeaeirad lata
On tba Be«MtayaciWr»««»““’"”"*^***"‘**^*^*'
Tto nn. Ibo Abba V«rtiM, ra next banilcl oiBK'toaAbln intakaiba : per 1* •'■'el
tbe right <P1g- Draae aucllon to a drim nan.
| Cat oS all tbe TBP" aboro tbe dmbla
bMTtj 4MKl> «U1 la tplM d fall IB
'M. If Care boa not yet got btok." j trtanglu tbo* funned, upca oat Ifae latyosn Bofaad |1m> txadf ■ oblld. «iiaI tor. «nd (tacc will nanota a ogaaia
fcu.1 bot
a»I tnnd vltb wUle atid tbe falibfnl Marie.
"Mari, toakea a
H«e 1 !
a di igmel erreua rttantag
balr. jiH Ub* ibc akoiw of ral «pui
off tff UwKod bnoaowlraaf Argsolio.
itoT 5 tt b‘nS:“
right intlom m tb* top Uf. e
•Bd br ra lortd br hb flock (or fai>
d diagmal
klndlj Baton, ud biFO boiftad diarilr- >Mni.7 be mot me of hii aia(t-tai^ai
The aflirlb anoirelmij ol the abbe'e
Meed M make him a Boodlr jrarail Is
order U stark tba rmt. The ihroa
ebsrch wardtna load* a eoUvotka •)-arell7 fnSD boon cuboeae. aod. barloc
Inthacareasd begged
tbes. aad bar a sew bell wiUi tboo >>
thr BcIgbbBlsg tovs. ■•MrcblUno.'
aaU Um- Abbe VonrUrt. -sir dwrsbil
drcB—it b rridoBdr tb* goad God—
wb»^ta me BiantHr—ao to tay”—
dimiBb I
I iBtua.
Oa tba BKarow Abba Vrrrlirt mS cel
' to boy Um bell. He bad to walk two- lo«a^ ai far a* Ibe ootmtry tuwa «f
rintiia.vberaben)ald edn the dill
geoaa wbirb ra to carry b^ to Uh
tagital a lb* dieCrict. ZVlIicr. It «ai ■
glolooa day. Tbi- old cuTr. bi> load kl
ready Oiled wilb tbc toaBtlfOl clilittn
tba falan. amlkrd fcsword jornaely
sad. Ilka tit. Frascbofold. gave ibask.
to God (cr the laaaiy <tf crealiun.
Ai be B]>rmjBrfavd F'lnio* be eawria
"Veil.. M. is Caro, bare poa bada
Tbm tea tbe amoid Umo-tba
W a lie. "EtoUiont, my good Mmd.
Dm would my it U made of y
“Aod «rt.<e ahall«a era ilV’ aftod
tbedaligbltd ibuser.
‘Siaai—n«7 *<ics. Hot vr BiOat onTi. uu ibe metal tbc itame of iu god'
immuasrl a
Teram of Holy Ijatp-
aiomtel to be Ui« laituii riucoL' yno
ynor yanrliiTeilitr. Ti ll tuo wbal U wi
Aod >bc q
■Fllraiid bill.
far true Ibr
aoBM aneuu fa
botTB. blBg tbal ill Ibu tvd bn told hi-r all liin mctoL
reblde Uier*
CB lb id^ iu lew>adO. Iu bfla» alisnei breaking tbMugb
fb wore okiB, wbtia Iu etarlng eyn
Aowe^tbal lb> fotm
AsoUi in aiel as old w
Elder. Oaaaral Maaagar. m
Is Ae Bane of Many a Woman’s Life-How
the Disease may be Cured.
A Case
Trararto Qly to M
May ». aad aracy otber Baaday-------afito. Trntae Jeara TYarema
h:M a. B.
Eetorn lac ualaa
Mutatae at &:to p. B. Oeoal low
Round toip tare not boto Uraa
aa*l for
ooly oa
may dltir“
The M iehiraa C«aUml'. "Tbe Kbgara
Fall Bnatr." from Chicago aad IwiisU
yo HuBalo. New York aad Bratoa. lake'
plfoearr ta aBOnaBcieg that abple araareBMBb bare bera amde for the extonaiee ayaum - of KoaBcr ToorlMa
UUe c
A kaae!»>tBeIy 111.loetrmtFd and dalatiii» pimcfwtbUtbaorlgira *Btilled "Spaeisea
Inal tarentue yeontbea
I*cacctb(« a'
bot tba ly pAalad broeanf*
Somobr Tour*" te
wiUbeaeat toaay addreaaoo rrSdplof
thrre eaab pottage ToariaU will fiad
itrecy dralrablr to emtolt lurpagea
Utora bkiag Uwlr ansBer Ooiieg.
City ‘Heket Offi« 119 Adant strart.
“o^Einoi :» Oen. VaB-r aod TVt
Agt. Chtcago.
aaid U>e abbo ou bi< rotars
bome. "if we aold the amirhair, tba
clock and lb* aid.-hard wbicb .1
Uioaldwoget lOOauWBifor
H. iaUarn b aram'ly utirth Htli
“Mariu.'l «IU eat oo murv iwat
Deal dort sot nil loe."
Bat ibatdd aerraut look* is with;
*‘Tli«t will lint bo rigbl. ThiTU U
tegtolaaisw '
If ypB wnnt on npecimml it
I •‘Bbglc" ta tt» good old day. of witeb-'
tba aa mad aflDab* and tbe like—yoa ceto
tk* MM* Taua* of AnjDdta M ta
•M Oku* asd a«ac«d ear*. The Ml at diligeertr at Focataa. ' I iBBat go agota bare il ta *'lte toigic wbiriigig." It b.
otbeeday. Duot toll ooy dcn Oial: . dartoe <d deoepdra itaipUclcy. Any
Ite doek «u ao <ncM tlul iiImb U
eee con moke ma ta a fewrotaatoa.
vw Mnd II •oaoM >M llk« tb*
p tbe nxv> IIfM take half a UmM cd ordtaary Beta
of w old vaau. lira at
liliaMnl oosBd ft» tbo bt>cnn
and dated
rbemrtir?ni»hU todViiul.
SiUIIl jtt; Tn “4:
uaadi of peraosa have bean
sf I’ilea by aatac IVVItlh Vltcb
Il krai* praapUy and
meBa and all akin diraatea.
. tioar rnx wtiiBUoic linxpg.
nWI-<4 a "Keif fitttag" rnndle b Miec.
teaebpr prrferred.
being fnm ib.*haiv hr* likely tn urer*
take rhariri'
oar ex
lulancr-. Thi* yuo {Wtieiib limodm
inr fr.'B
' adreril-inp.
.daiL , .
end. >Ui-k iuimilu- t'.[wa fe-wlpg medle
will) tb.'Fhnr;i eiel upia-nuiat, holania
tbe poi*TVane spun il. and tbe appatatn* boenidi-te.
If a.'W .r -a ploea yndr open ri^t
bond by Um- *iik. .4 Um apfairalmi with
Tbe editor of tb* Eraa« Ci y.
iIm' palm IU. 1 or in tta' pav^t a* eau be iHoW. wriu»:
• ime Minute C.>ngl.
sehiug it and with
ie rigbt.r naBrd.
Il cured ay
rcB aflr. all other rrmedira lallII cure* (vmrhF. enW* and all
vaneallix <m.pn liuiiiuirT wrigtbruataod long Uouhirii. J. 4>. J
^Eli-avill U-rria In. v.ille Flnwly ■
right lo left (Fig
. If Um- h'ft
be i-mploTKl ta th<> *anM’'
,1. *ueh thing OF "'OBt
<ei liieiistrary.ni'iTe funn
plaiai" wh. ra Ur K.iwbr'*! tuae^cf
'•'tag a
Wild Btroyrirrrr
itrojrlrrrr ia k
kept b
wri*t Iu the fuigi'T iipa,
irB.dy for rt
TIm. vane will caiti
iC l»*'eia.
Tkwadai. Bn*. Ota. |g»A
Mit-ThnWll. (b*Mk anfutiMviUr, M.>*
• •••Be*
la u. to a u. Ik 1*.
wa* Wly rartwC Cra a tM wlilcii oarty
■neknl bn lilv.
h. I, 9. IA S, I. a. S. the aalb-a-.
cofulwriaiei "llkr atigeJ*' rbJu. (iw and
It .ra. dw ha. fo Btay yran tora
anrrvly .BicMd wilk a MB,J>raUFo V duWadiliurion 7. IS. Id t. 10. A guvr a* maa tad brauraily wsaU.Urafrarial at.
•tor nilgbiyikJkw."
.mU JLm uBira—
IS. 7.11. II. IBto. 'Ot two
Ikon It. IT. 7. A Ik. dralarea Thai
^ amal iwO^irr. AiM w >ei*i rrli^
-■bciral I* Ibr «taS<4 life. '
Lau^' U, Ik I. IS. 10. 4. U tbp aulb.w ^
Utui*** Ibr olnd^to tb* bew*TFr, oud >ka..b.b
Mattbi'W K*. IS. 7. 11, IS. Iiwnrortly
w nK Tlrv. !C.«p.o.*M aw^rip^n*
ntanrd that "the end uiu*( jiuiKy the
••h..w w*l| a^ ra U~Vi-.r—and
eanld watiHy
wamfy rrailwtb'.i
rrailf* ibii Ohr h.l irad
'Ak-xaDdrT if. il. IS. t. Ifld* u* •'dmnt ihmarb .aeb a Irriue ••oJ**l u Ii.-l <
fully a* It Oir> "
ikwn II, 17. 7, t. IS, pTuponam "a lit
tle k'oralBg' to I*' "adaagnuuxthlug '
"1 awd in liiT. iFThh)* .irk bmdwbM.
Waium A 11. 17. ir. i. IS. ikvkina which 1 h.d *. kr lark u I ran re... ...bra.
thu "varlr<ytnthi-witn< .............
Dr. VnHtm* Plak mb to
ll»*. 1 tmatJy irrauiFe
<* In <
lailH* ■ frw U.w. I OH.U wv aa ia.|.iFiF.
wrai and »y brad.
-vrav. I kv«< uti
mol fear loxra. and
M~. Fi.dlU I. . .I..K orr—FX.
*. I
Tkutaday, Octob-r AIMA
rari,... aad tb. Ud •». I had I .0 ancsiowioq* f/.ra a-rra in llir riralnc iiaill kune ,K. 'hnnin,., tld r.-.i.c.*lw *tr.i .th
aflFf mWi.irbt. I wn .0
iSai ihr d wCTcrr ,f.„ "of ’'ib.*
Ha m.—»ar«.im naiBa.
Think of a word w hicb rtaymra to wa;
1. It to krik ramratlyl
No. It I. n-it to-----I> It a w.i> u( la.ikliig*
No. U If if* c.------I. il
I.. IK1 in Ihan OBtf
-'.t frw emn a c<*. I loik
b^K*Bra.Cily. hoi
li It on oti.>d i.riimcd Ly caOM
Nu. HI.
------la il a rn,.' i-. Ih.- Ixwth of riiTn|v’
K... il I. i:.U Ik--------
And Ibteaefie-aani
etoriiw, wliii-li nfaf n ja-nlnl tn avi-rr
Tbc l>'II bad ■•ns rrarlcMl eloruf il. Buil it liatl Inal to
ing the lai^iuguf
La toran. ' Th.-ii w
eM. If Can'In lha.1 ifa.-i.|.-.
tU. ynge
aad ail I!
and finally Ml.>p. »xni-tun.wil
1..I that was of c,
Tnoom* IKth- f.wt*vibh-b an- if-H'ht
can be quickly cur * byu.ing ibo
ilK'«blvhl brr talk. Imt bu will i«lr make a f.tv revnialima
iri'ka uiiT imakw II, tbiili.li
aa Ib-iViti
fam BF little
pill> kOfMrn
I lewn a
*.«!*. lb.Mu.-ll
bocam* n lorc aud iwn- nuUappy. for nOleii wm <4 Way. boi in Umw a
• LlUirEaely Ki«-r 'Theyare pin
iwi'A a a*iu-r ta >1 Nr-hoL'i-W iii.,u
fFlltta*l be ms4 bar Th« hnr- cbnuge.4 linnil will geucally f
> l:.tv>.d. .'kiU'.'M
dtei uf Ibn li.H iiild by Uarb’. Tbi*. In
wluy.dsri..H- trii/llr. |V „s.- .,,1.1
addilim in tlin mintw id .tin' mmey.
of a .-..ill Oliii ii.i riiji!* i.:.|cw 1
Cr .up
wcigbfd tin'hill, mien and m.cu, outil •wTtranai iiM.diMinarywill benriv
T oat*' Kclactric till. BeriFeUy a*l.
|>Ki<MaT» ORarXK -TATk or KICBluax
bbi r>vy durke grew qsiiu fl.in and be nMOMT I* ln:.r.
' «.,oUii U-n Tbrcdn irh'.lil...i
rfaii*. Al aey drug kUMV.
Till* ia nil ih* rcncitnist. an
Iwtlbe iuuoueit li>.k uf a li.«ny old
ralg.' Ill: tb.' HpiM Cue.'* «d tie- k;i Iixnd i.n
flirt rigliC-ll aeoi* 'Very rimide indeid:
tl.i'.mlliUBT i-oiit'". l"CaMinpF;.in 71*'
bot Fiiu|di« thii.iu on-n'd ulw
Iwaya Ute
right f"nilua-.Tl* u-'M LnU iktiof i.V 1.4i
Titratkaloee bnxol lieWlW.
aiKl |wiwd r.'j.\.l.i|ly Inim kiitoU' 10
nwied tn iT.plain.
iT.plam. and llie ua.»..a.
qnntian .......................
car.' oori ft* Uw teiptiom
U,.—"I.< |•nriu.x•
.kmi nui.v
ilM-lf V. lt«-ta,lairing I
«l. iiwU
BlradybawpaitL Tiic p..jd.-.d Arqoe- whieh Mcggwta
my ti. tl*' mil"..k.TN—aiol U.ially, awe,*
liu wm- wioidiTii.g al tb.' tbiuy. Bn- mtad u. — . quickly .47 lb.' .-iMl
ila-Stwr. i.n.-r'i'i
m. •« nin too* Bto.-,*.
nuKvtwmotii gn sUnn. 'i'b>. blB.'kimiiih raid be
J. Ibo m,raolnb*u
in.adibktta' ly wllhiMit t-ii' hi.ic
HmbiKibal lie Im-.'tli - •
hnii'irr, I..UI.II* ii. rriki I" lb.-, >:iiil.ll.' id
teaorra. J. U. Joboran'
................_ __________
tald.-aiid tb.w
i.a.t.'mirlJy. to
. hire*. Itobiae»a
atrt>- bad ■pciit Um- ninoey wilb ihrae Ixi'Ofhwfll luak.' the raM.irv.>lra it
ret i..«bolly rr*. exp.'
expiTiiuist i* ui the *F.u
bgganc The wtatby iamb icicet Ml uml.'Ul.U'd. nud.w'hen tbi.
lijao'k matcthi
lulnttoIn<VrwiUlwUil.- <d tbcpcoidA (rU'C-ehd i.i Mi:i,;..;iir rikihl |•cr.la• tlierrd. pr
Biancnt tbcw-wngld t*< ralwlh.'ir tub areiieiinir. try I., asi-il he
Onavr, ll«- l.iuil.l.
Iry'bh.wiug fpu; till- icln r
lo him lei tuiviiog him iu the rtr.'ct.
alM.u‘n uml i- nll'Ci**! im
TIm' gn.nl tauira mrOTb.liwd with
Via yoor battlra a|
Xfa*n.in t>r-.vn l.>,!b.-F'
tbaakte A* ibe ras afaecried, “Ob. ntutine.
Mp.aa, gn>a cam II y<* pi^-ir
AvJ 1.1. r.nan *ra»*TU irai mM awiriMw
OBV.7F imit a
nunvn-.i'iil wbi.'h
, Tbede ra Ibe ring of the gyp^'. voh»
Tiiki-a i-an ida I'oh lr>'a> bicnd And
'audwime. (iaeday, aflerrrmata- ietarily ihFliiiguikbabU' tauu tin'ev.-u a^ ia later aUt^ U furaUkra pfoBpi
U bar UtUa |«ay*r. N» ra clad ooly
kaiwnrH.riarM.Mki'Nl ,
laaBoUbodlaeaiidBied efcirt. wbile iiig a Img lime ta Jliwi prayer, be ro-. and ia<n*«i«.'*i« r-«n.l wirieh it m-tki'e
’..n- Mra*. a.racM.r
■a. Take I'. H>rUi."'(rMii n looi'l l.w
t la iB4 Oraaq. ibito ato
■bm riUa tanked lik* freably Mma-d ■nir.d inatmefnr fall miMal - by rook- nii.'.-r Hi.'iantKae,'t4 the land abuni.
1IJU.W. *V I'WM' ..n Allll.Ulk
Bardork Wood Hitter* giree a mas a
' 7a%a^ nuK^X
a |.ulJle n.ufnbou lo bu Auofc uf Hmivv.'r. U xi.r .bm- u Mkiitai-al <s Ibe
ItiUbo. She bad Urge ayaa. black and
I. TakFal<n-r.WFlmtuiiirtr.iuaynaug
clear bead, an Bctira bra.n. a alrueg.
>1 be bad dun*' with the inoney, and t>u.il Ire ha* icily tn taro bU brad Ibe
aalraty, asd lip* tbal pnotrd like n't!
Ignrou* bodr—oakra kirn tit for ifae
citbiy way wins nuking tbe vx]>-ri- •UlFonil.;,
aharrln; brr yellow am* war® bttnotel bi' (bnigtal
i T.iki tinriw Ilia, fouii iqawly aad
U"i:ti.*i.v axLt MtrxtxT -liaVIBO
tbe bidv f,-a« of menl i-f , riei to lie a InUelkenbief •ir.-r
le Ume
Us tbBD 0
kwM-aii li.-*.!.
trlthUae floa-ere. and a InUw baud
t. rBki'A Miuitl leirTtch-frimijaadl.= tinmlfa and ■i.M', yajimak fudiiiiiL lu
kopt np bw bloc* boir. wbiob woe CbriFtmaa. wbieh *-a» apiiruaehing.
On tbe 10
... be WI
vitlMTeaw' he wi]l wesemriuee binuc'lf
apnadoot like a fan caeadi aidnof bet
,^*l%klak IteiViu-e Witch Uaxal Solec tana- and b-aM-1.. d.-,. ml u}>«.
j aw. .M N... lMt_toiraiar IW4 **I mt
baring t\od tbo Owl w*iaU.-v.T luirv.'* Uk- i*ipiT it in not, uit tbe fineal preparatina on
tbe a
Ibis face ftiW aa me it.ia it OB tba op iutulbe |.Bl|iil. after
. ,1 jF> J* f.r Uf. I wa.r u wrra. Tfaiarra to I*.
go«l>d ft* Ibe day.
.. and
wilb a palu, tot dn- Imwib.—K. Uyo.-'i- ta ihlt Mall for pile*." do wrltra Jobe C. [laaB,
..*1, u.i u Iwwra. a P It-., la uato la to
'Wbeeliag. W. Vo. Fry it aad yoa
yc will
vncB.,.. ra atotoH: to* aa. ra ahato awi
tac« and a grtwier madre tbiln rrer
' Aa tba abba aheket
, (to. .at
touraato^to IF- totoc tton K ara
kod token a peaay oat.
nicred tbe martyn. of the aruu be bea Hu chier.—A northern namly <4
aad all kkie dieeoaoa. J. ll.Jobaeoa.
ka set tba area of tbe girl be mma to a' gan."My drar brutbic*. my dmr frienda
bait aud bepui to ejaeaUan, bet. “My my dear tdtildren. 1 bare to make a cm8 Ito^i rnr*. K.—A otpa <B tb- wralWhen Miould you iqqily a aw.r.'ton ramtniber b to |riam.“ah* axphined, firaton to ym all" At that inunwol a adyl.iyuurluMli’ When II* a king.
ran owri id Africa.
The Chief Bergeae of Mileabenr, Pa.
“for KBe cue «nn*od bin of baring clirar, (ilTfry cbime aoaoded in tbodid' ' Why l« wwuer Illy like awhaler Bc- ■aya DeWitt'a Uul* Bioara Karly are
Wdcnafowl. He wa* oar mly lappewt.
ran-. U..7 both oiiiue iu ^ •urtaee to Ibe beat plHe be erar aaed ta hi* fami Iwjuth AiiM-ricm.
I kto- n-f.i.
l.ranlnncwnf tin
ly doriaiforty year* of
and sow we baTcliid imtblBg loi-at fur
Inuk. and
Hnw can you ptrnvnt a mfUiiiraQ' frusi Tbryimraonartwo dare.'' Tba abU'pot Ibe two aoBi wbiEpetlng no from piw to »*•». "TIm
ttral bard.—A naintry in HrltUb,
ontlngiMtr U« tbe j.l.g thicken. .
.back iulo tba pore* and look a t franc new bell, tlKto wbeU."
WhatMtuf allpd.*-. iruuoe like b.
fdfoo irat of iL -fiat,’’the girl went
Wae il amiraelei Had angel* hnnigbt
7. .‘4U-W rbeqa—A town ta England.
get* Tb.' Up of a flagrr.
Ok. “1 knew bow to }agglf. and tny tbe new bell and tba* *bvk1 tbe bonur
oed.'Citig U|.«i Wal.*.
Why ole enrkiTT wolr drake* nnllke
Boltea ialb ftrtBtMo. Now w«i nrt not of the good old pciert. or bad Mailu
a Wid
A riirr rlxing ta Sumy
It .*h.r nhyikirii-nd Utromw Haun t
Going Eaat or Boatb.
lly poured ml Ibe *tnry >4 tbe faiita- iw*r ib. ni t'.<-n> k ap tbclr gund*.
nd ffloarlag through Kmt.
Bitowad to pufona in ibe tnwna and
.. yoaare guiog to Dctrolk Toledo
tlllBgaa. bemam we are too i.xvtycUd.
abbe'«ruil«rimwimeui ta tbe kimlly
Why «h.m1d a bnrw nuvi* be hungry ca
• • bm b dead. What will beI of Ibe KugliKb.milotd and hi* lady a yoonxyr Ita* he n.x a bit ta bl> momkt or b^oad. aak yoor local Uebet a
or a tickrl eii P. t I' M. R R.
0 bad lived fur tfaruc yuan at tbe. old
KxtollcBt train Berrtea I* a fratara of btod«morb‘.
TW Braira Why.
itaaa. a aitU' oat of Aniaclta. aod
Ui* line.
U. F. Mi.xu.xa.
"A'.'II.I kitTiBiyfl.*b-. ImbFdraw.'
ThF rkVkni lura't xa> an wag
M Wick to tba amBtryf"
whnra mly daaghbT bad torn aojjcaatt
A. S. P. A.
LU* Urd> 4*1 cwiil fxc*.
li niril.'.k and toy un|a'Hl hdlF in tb
“Tbafotka are frlgfatauad of masd Ufolly cUMOled by Ibe luring utaiiUBB* diFW. *i fner *u Km-tBCB Mob'.
throw ebeea at a*. ' ntdird tbe' girl. tlm* <4 tbe enre when ah* wa* dying <4
Brazing a pect<y.
BobMoera. of UPayelt*. tbd .toya
“Wabava BCiar Imuoad in work, and iWeltMl The bli.rMwi* mice likely.
for coaeUpalioc b* baa fonad Ekeniialrtamr.'^' Iw* in tb* lioirbCT. "ka'l
waaaamlydotricie. If wo bad a bone Wbaiercr il wa*. the eimple. go.«I folk
riipajusl «n«l m.fci r. Iinli1** plori' to rfI roor lii.-jrlF r.‘^lI.iD4l and
ttarlyf Riaera. to be
al.-nraloll "
md B htUa mmey tor duttHO. we eboold, (4 ArqneliD'tN-rec fcurwwbat itaoU can
Mdoafurbetatoltad Wilth UlUe
in iN*iid raiiiiini; oulrt.
U*vu hmi M-r.-rml jiuir* FXjirririi'w and
tom be able to make a lirlug. bsl now had to oaCtea. tn than.-—Pnaerm
iM la wbale. vlihr. -.what t. tu"
ino* huw i( *)ii.ul<I U-il.mF
Soti>farUou i.'UATBnt.'.'d
I am M-tling
' IberebnotfaiBgletlfaranlodcL"
g«m laarbW. AMFlb.
Tba abba repland Um piroe of I franca
bii-ycli- ...........
at blxml <t«i. -Ni-w abd eM-uiul Laud abrarl* (..r nal®
< recy tmdurat doll mamma waa
A blind man went tamataop. to.k ap and to r.-iiL
l‘J*-itM' ^vr m a irtal.
u-U i-n-ral tnufol fi
Imn Ingeliiw. Bbv tnwwd a e]*®
“ Do ym lora tba gmd Oodr' be aafeed.
abBmmwal.dF** Th. dumb uian l••lk•
“1 Aetld Iota faim if ba eoiaa la oar
cd At tb*' l.uL—ciaI
Kldk' tbedmf
balp.” anewered the girl
Amelia. A rbanuing time did Amelia
iMiught a lull—and u>JB>.
The abba fdt at bit girdle tba pra- bare wiUi Uie luring liitb- Joan. Arsemra of tba bag ooetaiatsg ib* 100 ba-wtwi crtcjwbice bir m<*ber diil
mewat. Tbc dark ryee of tb*gy|>T girl Um wa* talnidacrrl 1.. all tb.- agrtraUe
bundwri and lytt
peopio who camu l« Ibe Ingvlmr b.«*a
looked bin fall in tba fact.
, TBonaa arkUTAB.
Nu I'*')—II1U.C raktl IV.mal Armotlibn drerae*
Mo aekad, "Arc yoa a ge«d glrlr •
1. Unnilu.ilA
“Oocdr told.tbagirl. wiUiaarprito.
n i
“Say, *00011. 1 lore yen“ emtts•cd tbvgood aMm
y<« Giwto II* Al^-wlfiTba ebUd ra Mkat. oad bar eye*
Nv. im ->Hr iw«i!.: 1 Data. dm*. S
c a w. n * B pxx. .hr<w* il ■**•..« Il
eoold take in tbe feu wilb lUe.............
Girt.-trig a. : .lravr.T. miMltl
* V**-- '
JIM witb ttoca
potaah ramedieo. bat be *FTr e—iraku-f.ir auivinr i.atm-IF laarl *
EtoCl. S. IJvul.i»..i
. ikoll « U’liic
ia.i.CT.• r'llk*
0 yusng fidkr. An UI adtiw-d loth m. «riU nerer ba rid of tbe difeoac: tn
Tbe abbe OBfaiteead tba bottme of
7. Uar, rail * >lo>y* i-«U.
i.uU. W... Me
brt day wa* *o bopelcraly di-etroetive otbec
' ii*
Ma eemnk and wiUaticw tbe beg foil
trari. 10 Itraal. lagiw.
Anwlia-a iMtahdUootrand rawdorX Madily aror»*6_________________ . ____
No. is:.—CIIFW and TW o.
V, iUj tba qnlekBeae of a marker tbe rrai*tiDi1im (hai Ibe Ifei'l.m' famUy bic.Uu* torribl* aflUcticB. became it M
Wbui-ltag. lF.*v.ik IWloa. Kili,
•TT-y Miatcbed Um. bag away, mylug. prtaiuauuud bur qniU'iUaid. ll.Tfiui.-ral tbe ooly remedy whi^ goea direct
N*>. 16*.—.'.imi'Niw Tuna-• ■
wgl he
- » and feenF« It *• n* wore. I>nr* » mi*
‘■idi. U. VAUm. 1 tore yoaV oimI taa rawcUamnd.'d.iu.df.a'm.u.thsJraB Ute caiBto of the
•r.1 tr .*U raacr IWK. * ' •ra Beral* A liBieua a Can-.m 4.
*1***®*oe to UK lw<. old peevie AiU WevplBg •rcwmid fc» Anri-iia and tvfa«ud it»c u.j
FattODc. A Oiipratoito
. ocec tba dead bone.
Iha obbe wcot Qc hi* w«T toward
f Ifae great uiiwtt
IMaloto D*>
C0MPA^Y■ "
ISililBlwIttmj/ mi\ncapolis.miniv''
Ibydoi, Ibe isper
Headquarters for_
Ply Nets
' II r,..u'A'.r.tr'itruiijr^toluMi'irm
My $6, $7 «nd $8 Single HarnoBB are the beet for the
money in the State.
A good Donble Driving HarnemB complete for $16 00.
Tnmks, L&dies' and Oenfa f^stebels at All Prices.
A Lmrge Line of Teleicopee nt AU Prices.
joii\ T. ui-wvmj:.
S ISSrmtBi
Traverse City. Michlgsn.
Ellis, 311 fnint St., list.
Cycle Works.
ELLISy :)11 Front St, East.
Doctors Can’t
Cure It!
' TW
* vSSH :^«^’SSSS-3
Srm with n flue t
•irrau Tnrma Citr
.. -------------------BlllgbUS tbi* nv. tbc
F. . n.-nn».=
aieij mrailad blaad ,
Utx)eBitaetoiaB.wbo did ant know wbik «mh o.«uu< oturtawd. kcddy 'ma*',
veogBO raand bad ni.tv.ea t-xulup', tag* iirdnai.' i*lond> bM trstintBU.
gnrsUb markiacwoolKne ta-oa lay*
araB^d*'BraB* .a ckaa d.ia.
Boddeoly be rmiembravd th;.l it wm! aud wal« oiurwa. The Rattneiii. m
ay entbaat it. l'arrareU.C*iMl> thtbari
rliaii luarl.kxrd and km. it rieoa. by
new of no Bie fra him lo gn to Ti llito, j Mar* ate auiu-what tagoely mlliDid'
•ng oil lirr Ian liver and
all iafra ba bad bo money to bay tba talk do . and arc *u«uuigly aai.^ict a. va«i innsba tanrrd bnrk. A* ba tuada bie way , datioua. raiued I7 tb. srelltag at the
r'i^. Baeto^harr
bmK l.p conid farraly cnireiertanw ha‘ polar mi<w* al •pringiuiM'. Fictanatily
■ *
« to glvv *wb a large *um
fra a*. Ibe otvau* m ranh k.»-|. withta
**AUa." m. McbeA •Tra
N.. iraor tair;"
d in ibem. hot <xi Man
FI k.<*4 tay brart.’' I •*
I b'tuogto
i* like xalr^eatnetioe to omtiasa r——t-i-i a i. ,
kda. lie batiied fair pore ta tedra to tre revm* to man h alxBt ai itr
-C A
tad tb> giri. if poarihl*. but b* fooud fluralUiR fnxn tim* to lime n^iau M
totally deatroytag tb dlge-rilm. tbey
aaly tie- doad brara aod tbe aioodrared wide M Ftairca.—JhMy PnMtr ta Ualeact. Tie sedilatFd apiB wbat ta- Imd *tcBc.
"aidMr. BawldaatoUa
*■ ailbnat detU '
. --------------- “--------------ewot.aly mwl.
r had ataml tbe,
bsura gi«kir«i Maata
*X<4 Uefloik
A il
ta making a wrung aa*
A jnrhey a-bro la training tal
• <4 tba btot
era ta tbc world r'
C4 tbe inrawy banded to bim-br waa Ouik mrab a day
HU lurwktaK
totoaay.aritabra. llarawwti: trarcr af a thin *lkv <4 brrad aiFUmucr —
■lDd.«dI'- irpliKl ttodeUgbM Mr*.
-----oflra IradlBiMc befaar alittU
B,. with a flaab <4 prtda at itoccrniimmt. "Doroan
roaUy tbtak aoT'
"I n*TlalBlydo."<
We have a Car Load pf_
If you are goinp lo build any eidevaikyi. or if yon have
any work or conlractt^ where yon will use it. come and
■ns—we may be able to save yon some money. The only
way you can make aaytbio}r now is wbat yun save tn buy
_____ i'^giJtog1i’igg5?L£
ing tbe material.
H SSS^Blood
rat S.6
We sell Buffalo Cement. Lime. Calcine Plaster and Hair.
If yon are a .stone mason, brick layer or a plasterer, come
aod get our prices.
Ta^re patismc»
B wUl ritliore bN or traec
tbe bed.
lay berboanelBod wrapt
nndrets b!* f.n*bn» spros an
befor^T^r^led np
berbsadsyrewn. before
boreteeeee sad pluhed
* uSSTboyTTl th* window 1e dinner
Belinda stood by IntbeklLetea rtady
A nwBM^^ iWtr Ikrown
to land s band, bet IooHb* B«bly onloaf coslortsUe, eltoer beeasB tbe kltA'ho^k th« boon of toU
taU sirctcb
> nobntsBd close to btr. or else
IW fslhw^ibsnrt keeps tinier^
>e Mary Aae loobed floatrsted
Wm be Binds n pwtnrn brifflit nnd
erbBtfroa flylac around, eo as
nottelisen Is.a. hsr wnlun* — ’-----TWI beipe tbe toil s}<9««.
ODt on tbe cool porrh. when
^ IwbM Lb his benrv. n eolee <
bnllowin' tbe SsbBstb dey.
Anel Belinda ncrpr aald a word ont
rrcaS’lipe of bis bnbp bop:
leou bet 1 ’low sbr nmsl bare (door*
And he laowe tbe words, tboy so o
powerful eiffbt of tbiakin*. Knt wkateeer ebe Uoerbt. it didn't lake no ef
' .‘XtelBskesboBH-eoalMrslop.
fect oa ber owe aied. aor any one
rwthnUule one ottsn slops in
eles's till toward* tbe leal of Ibe week.
Aalerday morainewbcD tbebnWber-e
_______ ITnde St the window snlllnr.
warm drore paet leencber InsWip'e jest
Wbrtbsr be brifbl end fnlr the dep.
as tber wers sefUap down to tbe
- wheUicr
■ -wtte.
tbe min
- •t« fsliisc:
• ■
biwakfMl table, sbe fol up and watwd
'Odb* bOBT. By taps. ooBt boae.
aproo Ibranck tbe door tor tbe
______ ._________,.,.eaw»ke.
Iteh. tuA. luA. WlUaorMlef.
JaettbeeaBowiU iiniiei
toil. i. a* mi>r
TbnyewB beet Bed sad tbs dsye nre
la wUeb'tbe father wrooirbt:
And^lbeiAiMhBri^ la Ue
to a faioted.
rbttbat aebbeAunt Helltda
And at
Anaida 1 tits at tbs wladou do. beiac-eebebad Ue moaey to pay
M lliUe boy asad O Sl^lj
for it.
d Us waleUnf •;
lAscbertfoatbern thoapht tbe
Uisp, loo. I«.r he aerer eaid a
beck wbtw Aapt Belinda
» a lie 'poe
poi aad uld his to
battle out Urre aad cel fire ptaad* of
r U tbs ysars
A teOBtoe by
b^At wal
I'leatr of proof UU Dona's Oielmrit will cate pllea. ream
asy iU-bloSB of tto akin,
fiend tbs ttoUBooy of n 1
toes, wftb bi
lbs rirli
Cold wslcr Bsy ■e draek freely
U Irrere. except « ■en^^ freer is eo
_ccUd WiU lump i
; case it Blpbt ebiU the patieal.
Aaotber.peod rcBcdy for bar or wasp
B jest po aad -pet year- eijo^ is common esrU aixto to s and
bssb far dinner, aica sad wara and
\Ulnp. wiU bread abd batter.
a c?p ul tea. Thai's all Uem's poinp
to be. tVs'rc poinp to hsUow the bsbatb dey. mnlc nod feBsl*:' and i'
-tot I Bade that bowl ef besb fo
She said Uis eo posIUTc aed
laodisf. UmbaiT*. Inektp coeldn'
-■est nor refuse, nsd M>Uia ae<
pirls aad Aunt Beliede were read]
wailiap wiU tbelr mitts oa. and
psrsaoll rsieed. wbes Ue bo.rs c
op wiUUt •
s from charcb.
WbtD Uty
it msn'l Bare Use ten Blantan' work
topet Us dinaer ready.
Mra lasklp bfed soar qualms of con-'
soirace f<br hadn't been sitbpclbrr
pescefnl and ^y in her Bisd^dcrinp
^1*For rbenaettsm. uke half a plaBl
of lendb ja'ce for ten nipnu. Alweys
take it wbea pettinp leu bed at nipbt
Wear flsnael next v> Ue ekib. end in
cold weetber eleep in wnrB blael
teasporefnl eecb ef powdered borax
and slum, onr-half teaspoonfui of soda
and a cnplnl ol tape M. Mix well and
rinee the Bontb frcqaently.
aad other ebora abeotUeban______
ha OOold rat bb weary boaa tboroark
Be liked to kart kJe elcaa Saaoay
aloiha aU laid eat to baad. and tbe
too bard m too easy, w as they wool
pat hart Uadacar-BaUa. wbteb heal
- -f oat am beadaysTbea fee Ilka
a abort Ue salt
Aa aeoa w Utekfatt was ore
atarlad the eldat boys oat to lalab ap
what odd }eU wero left erouad tbe
ban. aad to poi the baraae aa Ue
henta. wbUa bo read a l>fealB aad ^ald
not to bars aay bnrry
aadmeh Ue hair aad beard.kadret
W ^today boots, which fiUad a Ut-
-------- —------ iaturu •atUahoaee
rU apaad Ue
laa eUldroa
cauoioa raady.
~ i
aaalStda a«--------aotUapakoat
clearlac ap
or ffOtUa* tbe diebw oat of
Ua way, aort
ekridraa'a hair coab
ad. while pnyen was e«elac aa. And
ebe bed to harry Uke a nee bone
Bat laacber. be hallowed Ue SabbaUday jalervy way be coaM. ss
dar aa his aide of the baalaow wu eeoy be rrarrited
Mn tneklp aboat brlat a
IbWtaady.aadUwaaa-t k
^^tfebetoaanlly aaaafed U be not
aao than fire alaalee late, for it riled
Into U« abed
sat Ue tiac U
sad Uea t
Uele' -aad
lac. Utbae wasoastbiac i
aaathauatbesetslsrs so. onstiaaaat aad aat aad sot.
■ebof Ue
h^n^esa^t bs apsi^
bs^^^^joy hlsasUsc a
_________________ ssdr. aad It w _
atiybaUowia'leb to beru bs euwie
■—alf oa a feot Bsaday afun
• hcailiac kUebea Are. whilst iBscfeer
■ PBS m hie fast, aad bta aaosry UItv
dbar waa la a aoweefcl
of abd. Bpeclally
when bis aoat ipetu murtnpaabs
tbe ubie
sad baowed Uat Mra laikip aad Ue
Birife wee Ayiap areaad Ualr leral bat
Meet apa cood-eBelllBC aad taetlep
Atnaar. Aad. land eakBl ta«b dlaaere
an Mra laekip did pet ap of a Baadayl
Aaat Beli^ Bopklas was owy bit
•t eloae a Bible rtadv aad at pood ~ '
latktp dared
Uawathlapand UtBoadiapand Ue
ABHbrdlBBB. I'low ebadSat base
iaai Belinda waa s c
wl«b MBS BOMy laid b and not B«
Nad aaoor
IberBaUoae. Sbe eras Blpkty bandy
la Ue boaee. aad kind of ekaery -llke
la bar ways. alUonpb dredtel lade' at: eeahassaapeaerally wt
By aad by It csBa ber Urn to etsll
Aowa to iBaeherb. For Ue first week
or feto Aaya ebe dldat appear u cars U
oesr the ceold. and loebod oa aad aek-
Bhedld Iptoisal
roekoa It'll do more towards
lowin' Ue babtoU day Uan all ...
reartlap ol Seriplane and pmylnp
Unt's been don* In tbit heaae for years
aad years.'
Mrs. Inskip opeetd ber eyes wide.
batohe didn't-'---------lldn't ssr ear' ^ —
.... loralnp.ln pi
end epps er salt pork week dey
Isai. there ms a plau uf little
cakes eboot tbesixsof buIUbs. which
prored u be priae appstlx.np to Is
fiber sod Ue boys It was Mae
Anot Ballads's bash rolled In tke yolk
«n acc and fried crisp ood brown.
">'ow."wlJ Aunt HelindK ss neon
ss Issnebar tUered hack froa tbs Ubic.
-it's fiftcee BlnuUS cnrller than Ue
recalar lims this aorriinp, mud Ue
bvrs css jret as wall sur aed Uks
purl la ue (aBlIy wenbip: It won't
burl IheB.
And. lafefecber. anppBei
TOO rand bow tfea Lord told the Isracliue U bnllosr tbe babtoU dsy.laeaeber lookad ip dumufonoded:
nlat lb
the cloek. sad Uen at Aunt
dn’t mind t
M bands for
mly of llBs '
fiber prenled allUleinUelowe
part el
.f bis t-ireat. but fee coaldo'l uy
sSTiniap apalast Ue boys staylnp: sad
aa Anal bcUnda bad opaaod Ue Bible
tbe place she wantod. sad kani
1-.. ... -iu-n—
». Api
read about
refni Ue l«rd directed HiS people to
In bellowia' Ue tobbeU day. eoaelndlap with Us words: "Usls end
fsBale. <
Ueapbu faariof been tamed In Uet
dltecUoe. It.was
. . nalnral tbal bit prey
cctboold eortol foUow.
-Now." myt AuDt Hellnde. at t
rate IroB prayer, "we re poinp to
andnaewer Uat prsy-.w ounslree ..
day. oa both eidee of UU boaae, male
aad feBilr.
klary Ana will hare an oeen_____
about peutap betealf
pirle reedy, 'cause
'caua Ue tosBaia'
od. and Uafe'e
■e'e anUiap
U do
id oa tie dlaaer.
It said -Bale aad fesnle.' didn't it.
In tbe twripfare tcedlnp UU momlmp':'
Well. Ue faBsle aide of ULthoni '
polap to bate a eWanee to hallow
day. ea well at '
Hre iBskIp
•I korp tbe laaB
"This It bsUowia' tbe Hsta
-oule asd feitole.
No more Bills
____ inquiry
. bad been sddrcseai u , wnphlfelttei
Mars Ann.
.euniluT- pul down in «b
ibis biH
‘It is ao time for friroloosand ppo-l »ot sbrinl and need l.ctmtlctrusben
fane use of tbs word of Hod." reprored i lup. c.impsecd with iiiusc tbal
..., erepbi
— cfrrrej ; up with sett or cosersd wit'
:th a^lrooper
be remetnbered ___
sird’he pcinted bis flnper in e j
way towerde Ue'offendinp I tbry will not keep Uruuph Ue^i^bd
lie bu
bis cyB
Aired eainir
eeinly tot
to the
dieb. while
ripbt and to Ue- left, ss Uuuph bo|
ful tbmt they ml
eacory platter of frir-.
. Anni Lib's Brou-n Bread.
tod in same mystcriens wny been conWe bare tried Bsny of tbe moipes
for evo bread br the pisid cooks wbi>
eoelribcte lo tb> se wIuioiih
Here is
pood elnndiop abost twenty yr
aopihrrcom bresd. feBiliariy known
lon^r than yon here.
bare. 1Issaebrr luski
amuiip its cubsuuiere to "Aunt Lib's
rrpTled Aonh Bflibda.
dl^oTTy "*n^ r-;:^wTn‘uJSy =
eeeo Elder Ropbee hlaaelf. woald deny
Uat I here a podly reectenoe for tbe
^j'l' ia BC.” anid Jilkinn with e anpeniw air "I kite fnr uU hi* old mms
That's uhat he's spviMly pisid nU"
"V<« DiDst be a Xi-ry undo! pmwxi
to ycior«-ni|iIiiyw7'' oias-rTtd the risj
"So you Ihiuk chat Mr Dlsi.k a
................. UoelK-'» pot nothing
I ratter bis fnumn. wash bit
firni4i>«. M his inlrRau, mix bis ttdno
and Ml tb<«v f-irr h
10 hi- hi-lp Is >114! psslt' He's pnt anfhipuidii Initshim. the putut oal"—
btnuKl Mas-ariuis
MunUtUoii ot Teicteti.
trssrse* St slcelirs. ptyslcs. Secss). *r a*brr
SI slstcrT.ssansnSsr* tesast sseesutslli
(or srrssassISs
fesr arsi crscr IS* sCdliloosI reqBliuafBi
Inp: then wfarn carninp fruit'
maloes. here them bstuly and
Ue surplus
orpius julec. cork endi
ir SI IS* Bsrck*ssd a
heeewei or Knplmb resin, and io wietor erj >y many a nice plass of jelly oi
soup wnicb otherwise wi '' •
■n^^ScTCrr iSIr^rrsdr^rul
To pr.-Teni brenltlop pul
bollira in a renwrl of rraw
pnt Ue frail In.boil, and let them slay
in ih - U.
tij^^oi.ls ssjbr^S ^
imit reeolu Tbtee _
• arc's cl . nM finer the fnmesef tulnbor
Ue UbU In abjut bi
ibird Urime ,,rt,he
«m-*,* them
It nsnnllv took
Ibis year —.V'ri-tnf.
- .
'hen IsKsehereaBe lo froB Bilkinp
l tTenlnc. he bad eridenlly been
rro^ Boouwife.
loainp wiUklaseelf. and endearorInp te adjbvt bimsrll' to Ue new order
1 cun onrnrd bee' for summer use io
of thiape. at 'east for the preecet. Ihrspr-tip l> fore Ur brine pets slronp.
There wet a eort of saeaklof
Erety Ume 1 rook it for tbe table I
on bis face ea fas celled ont. after set- cook more than enonph. and
Uap down the nilk-pail sod wasbiop dona fill pint or qoart .-ana wbile tbe
if yon'ra pot •"-’irn
... hands:
. ".Now.
el is hot .'emcriop tbe booesi.
'mtaiit Jit'l l Fannrr.
AA Old Friend la Mew Drata
ereod, and It —ay platM yea
SUca ealfe lirw iate Uiaalicru half
-a inch Ulck.
Four boiliap salted
rater oeer It till it
it'has ebaaped
ruin aad tripe
wipe dry
hatter and fry la
.. er mad halt drippiara.
iiara. fill it un
Un deileau
-rrea hot wiU a BlUd water
cb prtoed ctiewbu bacaepriek
------aal Utbeoraa till Ua ebeaM I
partly BalMA-Setofito.
fisfi: a fi
ifiase «
fifits 6 8fifiSS88SS
.U^BS - «**p-,s-d4te.„
Makea Carriage Tops
Bright as New
We have made a nics line of Haroesa in many
E etyles. A special, handsome and darable Single
irneas we offer for
TrsiBs sm«* fnw asrkwowd. Pott Warns.
Iwin— srd ilrssd Rsi-d-TtSp ■ Psrtw
slJ tsAmsi frool ISrlnul noUls Itaas.
c. n. amaAt. a*w
c. L. LOCPWOODO. r. A r. A.oraa* nteiii
iChicago ~.
! "West Michigan.
: We also carry the best line of Horse Collan. Sweat
Pads. Horse 1 othing and Bridge Collar Pada.
! Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.
I »»' T »0 ?B^._..
Kew and Cnrrect 8^1es of
11u- o-v-Di arrivnl nf*^ a cn
TTBlsskrlorrti Tror*t*r niy sad Bk Bsfdfei
'1-is.a. IHro T' re.'
Ar Pit Bsuie*.
iolAtn IBrs >Bm
Lr Bit aurid*
Ar Trsrrrw Cni. • Ai t a^_______ ,. dItea
uiisru UD wnnuiui Ll
. Lte e a>' »as d ir TS
P.OP. M.
csliTi* '
'.... I “
1 Iihvi- nlHoafitii-nwort.
till- n-lclirnliul
Coononk ....
Bt-woCUy. .
T-lo ItossisU
timl uiv »o well ami favnrulily kDown.
Partirulsr stU-nli'iir is cnllrs] to tin- Enfplro King nnd Empire
liiiagtL-ifYl iiii till' fsi-rn ie t-i la- hud a
1 am iirfjwnii to ufT-r Bargains all nl-itu' tin- lim-.
I)i. uni fail t
uolao aOlT*.
exsiaim- iii>- i^-iods U-f-tre puri'liaeiug ■ Im-wIh r,-.
The Great Sp«ci6c for Com.
plexiuD and Skin.
!31 State .Street,
a.., Cr«.t.
^ > A. PET£/?7-y,^
Carriages, Gatters,Sleighs, Etc.
ll Iss siwrtfer «*r Ik* rtnorsJ of (rwkirs.
MsrSkroAs. rloa -orws. sod k B*er* UUis.’
medi lor salt rkrsn rrspsksu sod Imis
Auarlinr Is M I ' I’l of rerr siroor sui.
s>r'‘.'Cvs'"*'s-ooa wkrs asrl Is Ur usih
will desiror dlsrssr wras. II hrlBS s or])
rsuuliakrC isrlirsi
tsruSsi wesr*e*o*lsoilr
wear*e*o*lsoilr ssr
rododrd by i>r*rd*uroriafi.di*es*r ke
lua prsis
^l^'s ll MS
eis soly
srilE sff-wCs TOU
You SSs f-nr
TSls fwrporoita Is ponli-ulsrly mmwte>o
Horseshoeing and General Repairing Dona
UrollJluru -III Slid ISIS firrsorstl-i- rrry Urorfl'ls If usedsflrr 'Ssns*,
'Ssnse, llslwsy.Si
llslwsy. Serf'
Is* IS* tO'*
tO'r ssnolO
ssnoie sod ft** tnm »iin|>
sat'*f Slits*
ll ts for
sins* kwdtor
IrodlBr dniii*t*i».
dtYiCTlsls. pol
oplslo'^r—sled ■■OKI** lor*oly y.t<
lf]*.irdruirrUl d«.s OM S*pp II *•■*! .
d,.i:*r u.iisufi FOOT p-rt-uai. * o.idrr-.sad
».li lor—arc ll in foc by *irr*s* pr*osld
Be-Pamting and Upholstering.
uiiuiriFrcO., Gnid tapids. UcL
C CIY'y''
State St., near Union.
Bicfcle Suidries of til Kimls
Mt. PlMMBt, OWOMO. Saffl*
oaw. Bay Oity, Detroit, Bov.
ell. Ana Arbor, Toledo Md
polBM Boot aad oath. Close
oonnoetfama at 0«vdalikwith
K.AV.B.By. ; , '
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
M ftoitoc. a w. M. •.K.ai..a aa.a.oafiB
Best Livery in Northern Michigan.
is-tMM astraasmiSir
-;o*i Hi.
.T r-iHiiirr
«d«d «in
unnnu «
Oity, Kick.
iii!*nl of Markel and Delivery WfieouB, «uil .-i.ntium- t.> iiaudl.
Her examClotcU
Ic kill moths
wiiL eniphur in UU way
■er wae done belpinp the rest,
r ererylbinp.
I*ut a Ubleepoon
BoaU bed Wepna %o water for the
.ulTibnr io old rup.k-t tbe enn >71
beak. too. ramemberinp bow pood It
I of weur end place on tbr floor
• at breekfssl. And keAelp- o' the claaet.
Tbke'e hot co^'fmrr
I the lire and drop into thi
« ennnnn
l•vereliowIl iimli-r on- r.«if in Trav..rtu.-f’ity.
'%;::iS5strr'i:;.«mtsr .0*.
Clean all Unee boli'ra- l>y poatiop
IqsiI hsHuici'u oirbj fiir.liiw nuc-t •'Yiiiiplt‘i«i ninl iiin>i aiwnrliut-iil tif
plaU'to be helped to bath.
*=ss = ■fi_a
•sssssssusassaa n
nre tioir nil <liii(>|Ry at i:<] Ntnli-Stni't
A Pm Onpe Orsaa et tartar PevAtr
Jllkiitt. t'l declare it is yay maA lik.
weram'af*liras*Tte.w^«^'i7,‘<sr ml
«es<ili.x7tar.wUl s* Srlfi Is se* Orsaa* Bal.
SI TruruN* Cllr, u eiwnese* si i s'clacs
Oui'daya ladytiHlcd laiUH-artia
U< alwois- .d fix- laucacd wae
raTvd by JUkina
•r>iari«-."jhe cnl.ri. planHop first
auxusll»ss.l so ................
iteiotwr <1 ssfi S ....... .
Hstrs tl si.J^spril I -.
ONLY $10.00.
wbo has timde wnac luiisr 1
and is qnib' a* impintBUt a |s rit
II ^est bake slowform too thick a cmsl.
*.nns you e
•• ■ fis iiisit
& 8 a■ sfififita
o« « w*.—
- H. II. ALLEV. Pruprlrtor.
jOne Can oIRED SEil
i Carriage Dressiag
feints sweet-Ilk
acrordtnp to Ue beriptnre leseon Uet
was read tkie memiap.
"It you dos t Uke kindly to yocr
Aunt fielindn'e mye of unrryinp out
' -iuterr. itssrber Ipskip, you
oeedn' U> be worrited br ber nor them.
0 the ballowin
the babbatb dey by tbe —alei
whiltl Ue femsiee ie unballow
a feael of 1^ Uinps for tbe apn of the
nt I mad.
dev ebonld
ise byy male e
U'siidons, and ci
be helpwl. anii yoa mipbl at wril Uke ,
it pleeeabUf, and not ehew any elninl |
f*ltuble coU
a" be told. Ue next Saurday
lap. at Ue Wteher's bom seas
. "hada’t yen bettor tend ont and
atop Uat man and pet eooe
lowta' baab lor '
Aad Uet set the cuetoa wiU tbr Intkipe. When it wauH bath, it wa*
a pork eed beant. or warBcd-op
■pie. or Boteettaitip wbleh eonid be
prepared In enScianl •luanli'.y oa Set'
erdey. and rendered pslatabla by patUnp U apoB tbe atoec for a few mlnred ae a turker pofehirr'e oomb. fma otae: and the Bebbath day was
flslBp areaad aed U-yiep la (ei ready lowed, male and female, aftor .
la tolf Ue Has lasacber allowed hia- Uellada took bar drpaiUrc.—J
u-iiN.'fu i'etcrsoii's.
When eVe want into tbe pantry to
pel Ue cbkkeae reto^ to cook tor diaPtekls ana an Emerponey.
sad eselarde^d
le talk turned the dUer day in an
Ulapi tbal ware to po wiU U
are Maine town oa pood luck earn
Uere eat Aunt Belinda's bowl of b
end aolblnp elae
"Holiy"’ sbe
-leimed. "where la Ue ssorld are
WSJ dry
‘ r and there was BO water; rroua
rro*» In ose-p.i:rvl eslr^smiiil sM quanetwlUllie half a
rai|V at a lirely eoM
tiscSsC'—-•"wis tea
erlr le tbi-w
I»wa tiscSi
"Tbore.laa\ any, Mery Abb. 1 jnet
•It rn-j s-sm th. T.-n Ur«-. I 1 ssk Tcur r
Ue dry roof
eonnterBaodsd joar order whas you ecarce a* water. She bepaa wrlnpiap torNaflAS S-c.|u-s posl esrcancwi
tolt Ue plrlt to kill tad drsas 'ob.
her bende and eayiap oier and orrr to
UN 'iM^yeacH A CO.'.cKicaao.
"Tkne Un't polap to be fried cblck- beraeU: "Here'e a pret^ P^Mrl A
ea lo-dtT, Ber hot rolle, aor eaeUrd. liritty felckle"Fickle, pickle," Ue word nnooaeclonsly repealed lieelf.and Uen she
U^btofawhole berNlfnllef pork
pickle in Ur eellar. Bred for boillnp
orvr.. Ske dartod dawn Ue eellarwey
aiAhdat Uonora-World's Pair.
aad aoon bapan delopinp Ike roof with
Gul^Mcdl. lUdwialer Pair.
the bribe Emry one who hat tried it
we wbet a complete fl'C axtiapnleh
aJt water ie. Tbe rffect waa map. aad before Ue supply of "plcile'
exhanated ebe had the fire oat and
home wnfe aarad. She says sba
neeer eb-nild hare tbonpbt
lonpbt ofll If
■ le'- -
,h-Btoa-.:ssr'..:i£..?'i.r 40 YEARS tbe STANDARD
. ‘ IhaCb Mra toaUp-hardlp took tto to
so a bit <-f Ibc Blea.
per in U- —. .
niBfi ea sore with eraema Uat
U diflk-alty I could bead my
Tbeakiyermcked open. Urpe ^ 401 West ^nt fitot
aeatae formed and ia addIttoB 1
eaau beiep tender Uey lubed ii
I tried ararytblap 1 couli
. or pel bold of to atop Ue trouble
was unable to do eo nnlilLproUma-e OmtseaL lAad faenrd it
spakea abont by aeeeral pMula hat aa I
tlioupkt it would a>-t like efl tbe other
prepernUoae wbifib
ibifib 1 tried 1 waited
pelled frsB_ '
if By toads Ul dowunetblap
do I
Dona's OietBeat cored ae
Fp I"
date, aad tbu Is nomr c
mnaoUx after I
stopped tbe troatBraU I 'bare bad 00
ladicaUoB of any reMra."
hash, a piste of bread, aai.lhi
SSfSfiS S8as »tt
I Travefse City Granite & Marble Works,
Ikian'i Kidaey Filla foraals by
Price koeenta.
iksd In slronp eiBepBr.
Fueier-Hllbnre Co . 8a«alo.-N. S Epic
apeota for Us I'. S.
v ,
IteBeaber Ue name Doan^ nndUk.
A little powdered borax tbrewn into
Ur balb Bskee Ihe water eery eoftand
3U«ult|e nilac’»<IabU.
Webaadlcali rredenot Ornaltc. MarUeand Siooe Work, nnd ea- A
deneornlbaye U keep nqr pHee . low. ounaiderlap Ue qoUty of <rarfc i
wenrp furniabinp- Our rxtensltv haadlinp of Brnsnacwtol work cn- a
nbloenstose.-nreatork oath* most adsanlnpctN* terms, aad Ur bcMfit Uei obteUto rererta to our enstoBera If you are Ulalto of boyiopaarthiuir laonr liar, it woald br srell for eon lo call ^ drop na a
card betorepMiap your order.
tool Doaa'hOioV
oa tbe chest e
Monun cuts,
11 1:1111 11:: 111
e leanmac-tbey «a» be
a^neto^B^^ildm. iad'uito^^
Uobody rraea-t put ont whoa berrl*
to that bo- '
alee hot beef broU rrere beaded Uoopbu wei
kopa so tflewinp
and i_.-------------------------tbr tierakled as lAc aatlc;
of bash, aed
roB bis bsart-e full ^.iQDd at dlaaer. aad teeaeber erea ipsted Issaehrr's rs.-sptiun of IV
Ibciec wbo are troubled with nerru
rraeled oat a sort of Uaak-you. which
issseber blBs.-lf satoQt
be Biipbt here bbbI fei auet Brliede
s Ur cool side of the onto, readinp
to pick up sad pocket, or whlcb nUphl
, ilerdido't
be Chotrh lUomimsl-..........................
bare beoa for aerbody eUe rrbo bad
CutrdBbers In Brtne
upecl aoylhinp HU they pslbercd
irece eoencb to appreciaU it
Sererul yeara ape we filled se order
--- the
... UbI ' ' Boutb wnterinp
ere'd been a
rels of CBCuncnci
thepi'od Iblnps that asrepoinpu if sereral bendred barrels
kI with Ue c
le Isfitory,
bs spread oei; when lo! all Uat was
r a pickle
reersled to hU woedrrisp pass, as be
lul appetlu
tSletae Bust tores fesrfi
-s. II the
for boiled meal and__
she expecbd to make «eyr with all UeB be
fore they ipeilid. or else she Balt be
whole feml
thM wask se larftly with s story.
ly wbUe Ulapr lealed.
Altar Utbet
beialddle of Ue al
after Ue poU<
aad tbe beet likewise,
i femslt" bad s
liato tke ptalrywIU b«
. Mod lafiaanec sads a blc^nf to all _________
rulled dpeeeyiBy tobernell:
^tUa lbs taus, iu sad oar pe
are i^..
ipady and ni po at that job
ot ballowla' bathiBSk'
bbe pot net tke Beat board aad eat
Ue toUed meal into bits, aad tbe peuAaat BsUada's Bauowin'.
tote likewise into eUeea.
Then efeC
______ j UsUp was sltUar
dnaped tbea into Ue ebnppinp-bowl
sbwdy Mdsef tbe boats, drtaeed It s aad took Ue knife and wenlU work
Utas. and. alarehed and .Iroasd Son
' ' IP ablrt. Ibat Us wife I It Badenri
" d oesr
oetr tbs aflerwooe bsfore. Ue two w
lopped fineeaeaphaed
PaaslMr dlda't Uke to bars rrriakles la mixed t >«etJ - aad aalud .and pap
ilaablrt.or rati spola. but aolbiaf to pered.-nad - al Belinda stopped as
diaarb hb aqaamlaliy oB the babbatta tbonph ber a
darIt M tbe dey tbe Ironl bad Bade
«ar«m and hallowed it: aad Isaeba
ebe said U herself, atu
tod ae _ hallow It. aeeordlaf te tbe
elock tl
- coal;
e cellar
IfoUly^yto d*Ua m£.*****
Uke iul
Itebiap pUto almtot dritB you
t laaaUte. sspacBUy
safferinp fi
B in bat water
yss. feaUe
aorerml iIbb a day
Fbr asll«bl cat Mod oa % place of.
bmiirUitMiaii I
itPaopto MBBtSMw
alaya UtUa poaadnd
Mbs. H. B C. BAno. Ultor.
Liebig Compan/S
Extract of Beef
cook BOOK—
uoiar bow to Wfeear* to
tote aai flaUaoto dMlMS
»Mito.Uitia ca.r o. Sto-safe. i
travebse cmr. aRAMS tbatcssb county, iochioan. auo-ubt a.
Grand Traverse Herald
Jfow Is the'titee to boy s ohssp Cum. oa ossy psymeats
8os pArtba Ust below.
SUBPLUS s&,teo
r^—-—-—I—•-■Tr»<rm oiw.
lAtMt Id*M ABd AppUuiOM.
Boameas Oardg.
* PftBhM
Merchant Tailor
sad see tbsYlctsat sew liae of'
eprlBsStylM of Woolet» so*
<aiBSle.wbleb»IU beasdeap
la Um Lsteat Stales, ead at
NO BLUm 2SJf*s.
at SIS Front Street.
Me dsebeef” |»od. la
^eooe »M hurt, uk Ue boym MSf
Atlar a aellfhUal trip Ihroacb
aad ri«Trs wa
rMcbrd the (Taitr loTM raplda.asd
•re bare •boi the eaayos
twice la oar tsaJI tk»t to
like. They
ar* aol aeariy it bad at
they are reported ta be The taayoa
—lu M
l^atrer iWaed'tl
israed that piaal
a^enei rlell loL'sciadawi'k moaey-«
No tail-
ijndW thi^?
O. P.Carver^.
Real Estate
--- - —, „„ J
'O tirdt ' P ea.«r
takitp. rraud.-tirit
teBMOkly wlib the elaalaf of
- Mdfor
_____ ethller.
illrratlae, W> bar. ihrrr 1
k at I d'elwrk Ihi-Arat ahlftof
Irrmta. Wa war. lala.1 P •)'«rt >o Ihr rn.ad aud wr
ityaardeuBu. aadely.
tad (bra at 1 tb'*tiB.t.oial os a.afi.tibk'
1 daly.
---------------------------- ata baupry I'■ a fiff rtmr. oaly a huudivd Umat
the ctpteiB at tha
».b<K>i b.j fulur bosr v> dlanar. .o it»>-Taa».d
Ii b
apart, aad 1
•levea tlalwart ama. AaJM
At u
• bra wr ttd corarrdot.r btlf tb. dltl‘b. wra hark aad try It ar-ta.
- “ rltr ID a teal haul J ■»» ■ « "■ath ou- i« the (ol
t reealeae of
-------. —- -------- JU« ahuir In a tn-w : fieldt
1 u.Hild ual uke (Iwif..
ttad IdsdW
bank fiM-ih. Bi aad I’aot tod I mti rb t
•‘bit laaraiafkad Iba talitftrti.*
---------------------B ui: mteairbt a
imp, K'llloir there abjaiblotk
Ihtl .
errryihiiie u ttl. i.
/oh.itVbere'>UiliUi tdcMui'
tbd sierra paardtptlr,
(aardt ptlrul wiihaal n
1 a cooU drti
e.erj Bj«r of tbe tetide of the
If h.a tkru tli.n'. Miwr dclldki It
. from tbe oorridocaot Ibe ptaomy
Ttlalrlk b. .ee a. ihr etw.
le w bare, away down ia tbe asrtb,
111 With tw.i utb.r bait utdr a ct
, ‘ baal -LitUr Ab,'. '
ij W. ar. all «j iv-B|r oar i.tp ira
wwrd ehiblTaidJ aUltua dWIan
»il.a mile aad a half f>
l<er aad iJiuatt at aach r>ld. u
l.aKa LiBfKriaaBI aad nuamn
ilmeatrlf aud art.
frit Ml well la .lui
«>rs IM^MluaterklM kllT^
the top dtir. waere there It aolblex
whip^w Ibr laiDbrr f.r- oar
a,.rcTa)uhbie'lbMaitcblaery. Ptaecd
”■***.T"!'•" •■'-F*"']
ABUakrmjii Xuu-Verb Dandy.
at (request iB.erT,i. tbr,rapbout tha
ivrriiloro arc ele.'incal derieM tar »
Insrl/i ret no
biiop Iter ronlaiB of tbe paard lo keep
art. We. I itdid two too. 1.1 a liad,.oi wUicMwati
iht ua bit men
lUcb of throe Utile
wiihtbr.ti and tuck from
aTsirr. otbn
t wlih the rtr
_ 1 aad on'e ' u"'*"’
k-l. Ii..lu...
uda iqipia
rip fcoBir ,io*u .vttb r.i«.i uouBfl. in ^ lTau“lTl^“lM
EverrUilDf le lb« rrrj bait coadiUoD: i
aai-a k> the aiuL Here It te that U
liar bsTc otber piset sad will Mil si s crest ai rifies flMM essta will bar
ipiala b tialioatd all tbruapb U
Ihe way Tkea we W, k mir lark whip
leap heart of hit tbifl.
Grery I
ttaUcattBCCBow. loqnireaf
tawiciv tad roied il bard wsrk until
btra IMCB talk.OK wii
alauletaod a half
AdMa' of our'duly by tbr f,w.
wayoi.kMl teit
Ilia*Titcihrlom. soBitof I
le round__________
b« ..ut utbr l.kr WM. If pot iblr.i,a^,
' Bul..rkk.iMttb.bl..h«w
Icarsl ran. a. un \
r oadbMUurasnl a toBc partlcahtjyUr ll.ta the ta-ipp The firm ' ABd tkrt ruldUi. I uurdly.,, I.
of lb. ixikUae10a
iaOtedaiidii p. IfUdotaut
-------------------------<4 tfce dialanvr. tkreeqatrtsra
Ara .f a lueuioopoarOUiekb.p, a
tbea tbe capteia kaowt Itaat aoBsthlap
. Ibrie waturer e*dlaetef “""'Of
Ike wttci ibey bad lo____ _
if.vtm «a'«.tt ..f llir trail .*•—-'*”‘**
! . ■?_ -?“*** I ’■vir «t m»l to 'lurul U.liOB ar i. -k
ymi went to yiiur
but It bat bere a leap time tiaoa Iha
.,>1. itwy.. ouibid.
tailed loeand fertb I'a
” J‘“‘ Ceowo •nirh ““
bad bc-a brrur-t .a
Proper tlae. F, r
rdprd' Bp and
tbr butt aiul 1 S icebtt Ih‘
- dllapup-ard
eat «t w
• frli oat
licp. ea
aleauUtt iMny i
pire. i. iM
ihr, uukbio.1
ifaeybao to <ft
ar.-Bph and
Hr,,m|iptly at aldaipbt tha aaaoad
ha ' 1.1 the .
HureM thetol. tk.l k.
•if lUe aipht paard pauteaaa»loee ta reltere the early tbifl.
-1 ouepoard of a capteia tad alerinl.-i.
plkL...thrrr ‘•kl-i^,„
ir,'rrk»t »r*.ler.l.1
rootru Wurtura ridrra r, ri
aad they »pllt op. atU
lelblnr tb.y had
iqttJ. lato iBtldeaod oauide detail,.
Ar»l and thro *ildr
•’ . .r.'.iirt-if. trd I
kv, . ^
follow 1a tbi
>e foatetepa
tb-r aallthaia Irall id Ibjt ci«Hct».v taeVoiwi.
•Tery faoally oleil
air block ^oil atpbtli iwi.'ei
'•>'« • ’Vf we-ld.ir.
Uieaick an latradar.
wat w. .Iiir. iaa.ralkl
hip reridTera are not
■rtopon wbioh the poa
tioeaob eldeuf the awrtdir
p from (be ChMtoul iircht uulitiked. aaiiaaw « ri.
uaadt a walaat cate. Throupb
ipen waled any ..f ter roift tiiraa,
U1 the rail ul
I Burm.ikif .i,wbr.
id.Uir carr-a and rofied fa'OOJfll t« lUi- r.ibrf tbip Biiil 1 fillip eaperly to tbr p.iliihe<l pita froatof ooo frowa.
■ y Vi.arbetter rlflet.
abip-rardkl fteasett
ward hiB The ntn au, ■treat 'd, i.kr
I.l aol
BOV imaifii
imaifiD- fr.ini ibltlhai wrarr
tbr ulUrrt. iD>;u'lh.a wuivh arreUyiof 1.1 kill . . ... • Ikitkad.il
drolb wimid he tut the work of aa te
hard U> tarol nf at tl ArvL
am f le the puardt. ana tbea woa be
Latter drota Alatka
r<rr ai-aia Tar nta't fare wtaro'
uto aay ato or Ben apoa whoa It
not laiad il at til. I
cd aitna week'. Ward.
ili' wt
The tollowiar ealractt from leitert ia lay life, tad wheo I oi,d
iphibe fuBOU Btraiytry totarathaa.
pretty U'Upli tprv men
Tbr pm
reoaired by Kar. K. L'KslJ
f irlBe rcT.iUcrt there U kept MoIclimk a mi.uBlaifl <irda any I
Old ueVre.. ■pi.ir.-bitu ' VVeli. I di
hit son
haed in tbe miat too pouatt
i 1 feel at Ibi'Uirb I had
.............. the ride
riffet 'aad
and 1 am frc*a New Vor
kteeb ot^^ '
pl,c«.—b^ix, bMla. It il
BeatKa.aod wri •r»pbleailyofbbj^,^„
aanlt It aa rxpci
e face of a y.iuiip New
], pitwl aad the paa.
tteamm. aad errrr Kind itaaeiaitirr
awed wiib a pteaUfal
Lake lleBBrtt. B
Ibry hare
a rule tbit all
11 l.w.
Verk.p e. Vnyakerr Ik Ike tlrtbd Trt.n
1 tal, atoeini-r. who bad
Oae perallar tbiac te
U> a ae*
ae.e -■vmrr
ia | muy l« r.-eiaered.
with a p'»H deal of coiti.
p,._ Berkm ltriadrdr..S>i«r.Kll.lka>.
yreeitilnr aJiarotVaylhtef
Will b
thw euuktry ■• the fact Uakt tb.ru
.i.wn... au.n the parwu
Bifbt allhit liar of the yaar
■O rTpitl
. il-red here tlut aeaaoa aod
Vork. bul pirea bia
l<BpTriateDart)l B.(yar sad AoiitMst
re il Lake
sqw lu:IS p. m. aad I am wrilioj
et IMatou. 'o't
atindiaa Kaaaey bulb talbad ta tha
' il It te rrttli
r wat certainly thecked, le.,uw rpertcr about the aethadt ta
totcra ia pretty tooo.
aod a certain huaptv look la tbe milprvterl tk. __________ _
darkctl tlm* <if tbr ulchi it from tem. T feel nideon the bottecuaudv . Ituaaire priraW, fi r JiO him in tt
■eoia Hotb tallid tipalAraatly wbat
Uto»a. at., bul tbia It U oaly twl- on ion with a allrbt beud on tbe tidet wbalbecouid do f. bim
iiity af oae
— peiitep away
ikt tSit ftainr. of It bat! at the end.
I.alie I.loriermau ard drink nf cuid watt
Lioe of tbt Tl
wlnivr, abro tbr ilart will Lake ii .aaelt are larce, bat aey pre Mid llir Midirr.
bdta thort aad iht nirbu at louf. Wr
mipht dud you a en
lolly for aay ose lo (17
hark baea hariajr btaoliful wratber.
'"hiCb purter. "Ibat wi
tbe New York aaa
that Aerott I
dm to paw aay .iq
The di
-------- r»«a-maai1 pltaii)n l.irat iFilir Mi
'dp'CTiiiaU tbr repuUt-om
a Uu.r cooler, bul tVbitaUorte Kapdtaataad Ueuiirbtt t
.fyouiou d
but 1 rural tI.rT'illel yean." tbe latter aald, ■■aad'teo aaaa
ardayereBlnraad lai
yoa;plie me a drink nf wttrr ^
ba aiteapt ba* crer been atde.
It te
reaiac wiib a Are in
tad are buiidiiic a iml' bo
and pet a p;teb«
' le for aay oae he
We kaee twoaiorrt
which we bad all U
If water, aad pat ■
fniB the oa
<1. tmalltbeel iraDaare U
fire boeTd«,-whieb '
e nw oat lee in it. aad the tu'd er to.iV a plaa
lark wood aad with aa orea
tlhkrt lew wiir one of 1'
lit ia three of it eaperly, apd faTc the reel that
We kare pleoly of
•d fond.
Il ade aid iwv haadlet— wat la the pitcher
ilchei ■<> bit omradeu
KID loTbiuwt aad hope U)i
' yon ikoold aee ut etl
>u mirki
eaa ea,‘iy he c
rad. but
like our bakiBC powdrrbreai
We rbali U I
bould bare eosp
the buildlap
ildlap carefully
cel ae hatfry Ibat aTeVylbiac
lirleotocaa. . £••
I cloerd for tbe day. and
iitoea wio'ae' let mr tloar luap reptmeal btii an belter wttei than the
aaured if
’ aoew'
1 for tbe Ittl two day, to yoo ean
iou(bu to lake aay <eouifurt ia writ old Crotoo tee mea ba4 bean driakiap.
bow we lire tialardty—breakfatl.
if tbe t.
Vm Mirt hin^iir ikAin lek.ii ik.R
A Summer Cottage
At Old Mission Resort
s. iir'JW Jtertsrssi:
a. wlllwll far «2.too.
AUecDcr* al
(I'M I* t*nmi*
sties-- .-■.. ESses
I'-iJ’ *****
wse am e^a snsb-bed
Re w.ald
heeM thel KV bne>, bad 4 *‘?*^*>. “* •“ pereoa ost a( s
aerer pfr*
Ibr pbrni ataa-4l> e»
not the rapMt aad ?.'■ were
Tas-eUMlWr'd (wrbw xkrouct ia.ua
He ss. of sO^HuAipbKSl 'trm wrMbed. bat did bare that the repvt
Md sriw ajiUi.d » UlM,
persMBl aad . sprue.«1 aetthM j ly
al^ttall reaUMewt^ie^M
, ucir -»u« wn.- -kwn,.-' ua
Tbeia le sMBUiw f—"
“^•‘*•1 bb dellcbital ccael.
« r bilrb.ll MM. More rope oa bin std
□•de 8aa, bat
bathi*-----------h^ k deters.____
f» pMplr aad get their palroaaca.
elsrled kin up ksecoad liar, boi ••
•r Mooro* ^ Waraci irortb K.OOO. wUImII
Ke ksps place b. leet bb feet ~
two ropnoa b;a sat
Tbakefara ha hM tehaa all
04, U-. kn.'^ kw k•lUlar b^k a kreoLd■
prapMly prw
labftiv iOperoctaet.
llmrwe dor tlai eut i
lirbt, the teUlteM
tekeaetep lorwkrd he_________
d apte
fuel. After
foi Uar away ball au hoar i ‘‘be a bird, aad oar (oodt are at dry at
fler ft..LBfmwaT
■red a rape lad tackle Irvtaltbooe Of rourae ae deekid bero.er
irtiat wbu wrte ropiac their wiihrao.tt ebeete aad leau Uj keep
p th« tuiuial'.. tad welked him 'be [roodt protected from the tpru.
Ml .kvl.i III tV. .wl
dipped i>u
. ,
W. <!.•■> cc.au.k e. u
fottard la th» b..w, abkrr
i\MIUrd araaod the ffnndt. Ii <
No. 114—40 oera. a w V ot a w U Sect. SO t K • w. All iapra
41ar4JSDMlMiU;eb«i*pat(inD0. N CMk boUaccoo tteeat T<pw. e
or^Ks a lULMniAi
«M y«*r.
.... I.;.";; 2"
£. W. HASTiyas
B«Al E>Ut« ExchAiiye. -
XnTeru City, ICich.
'in; ivi
\Vhen cithcra ChaitfoisXung Protector .or Vest
trill be a neccssitj-. We can supply you with either.bat
you can economize and yet have somet!iin>j just as giKKl
by bnyinp a chamois and making one Good value.s at 30.
SO and 75 cents
v1UfM]sklwkk>7«keell Ut.
e kei.kkd .11 an-
V L. unoa. D. o. •■ I
Bt. •mAlt awioi*.
iidCHlMHEIBDUiDllie. 02.-
Imni Glj Scbool or Issic! All mail orders
receive prompt
OtreMTFMt kkd Oww (M.
SUte M OreatoM. MM aUteT. Seh
■MMebeir irbii..iUMdatrtk
K. SUkrbk.
F. M. PAINE, Florist
niose M.
tIO W. UeraoU
__Money to Loan
6cythfis, Snaths, Rakes,
Screen Doors and Windows,
Oa Mpmd Itn bM «u ympwlji.
OAMTeekr MeatkdMakertaue Ml
OsUXdXarly lath* Sty.
Carpet Cleaning Works
COaMww tt HsMO Bwttnwu
Stureyor and Civil Engineer
fountain Point House,
TbW h*Ml U ettshlsd oa Carp Labe
II Blire CniM rsaoh.. It ie fat
iklac powder bread, coffee aod
; dlBOsr. pea aoop. baked
'-'ll park, reatl bread, fried
rralsd .poiatee,! eoff.e aud
tpada leraporai
apricot pit. topppr. bacoB. (raty. ycatt
bread, boiled itce, aprirot taacr aid
baoday—breakfatl. rolled oau,
bkoos, ffrary. bread, offee: dleoer,
a few
Botquit, I
tbroefb it.
haadt and doa'i forprl
their reatic ge’t Boaotocuat
■t uf
of Alatka
f• ■
BOtqailo pert
it aot eatpreraudattll They are it wel! trtio«d at Hirbiraa m iqaiiort. aad wbea
tta.rali tUpatoDc- iBeyBahe Bore
n.iite ibau lh> TruT'-rae City taaod.
We mold aot llte aii>,oal oar boodt.
for at umrt tbe air 1. )i ack with them,
>d ary other o:d tbinc that aad they trill peobab'r (et worae at it
! Bteia
handy,. boiled bam. fried tpada
baked tDacusroal
^•«t like wnaiisriae wbat earthly, or
Tsd. peach pie i
trtbly, por|>.«». ibey caa poatibly
Ipjed beef with fijorfrary. bek ae
« it wbea wr ara aaliaK. far we
: :.‘.T
Granulated Sugar Gan, 1
QgA.S. xxusa
to Fooeb, U
bpabMBbaat (a hhotel dodt. HMtse
Wl^ fttbtac Is Northers HkhifSB
of raitiBk
That k
« sat bad. Ml■ Itk pMl 11 p.
1 Ja.t ttepped tibe door of lay uat aud catt ay eyaa
orertke lake aad brheld IbebMTeai..
be baat:
all aflow with beaatiral
u of pli
yellow aad bias
ttraaps u, ihs after laBaat affeeu la the
it Tea aeeealy
lock at borne.
1 yoa of my trip back le
isp after a tab aad with beard
le other Ihiaft that we decided
---------- ...
p,oi aac
, camp
p oae moniiar
ar aad a tec* oa h;.
, et the waab tab aad
elberhacor* Uircxtea with pack traiaa bee
.... dy Uaitadaad It waaaa aawteldy
lead lo Ue oa. aad iba trail wat aoiaeitarawtal, but waSaaliy (ot to tbe
. mica There wat qaile a lot «f ituff
thaec that we had ukea sp the dty be
on aad I hired teeeral parkett wtabe
llo the aammik aad wi-it up wiw
them teabow them where to pet it aad
pay tham. at Paal aad Tarley tAoaffbi
they eoa'A lead tat ra all rbrht ap the
** I trail.
Wbea I had paW tbe
parkera I ttarted tmek
tea iraU loobinir f«*
boyv aad mat Panl
They were ia trouble vp to tbeir eyet
Tha IVteraoa trsU It act atauep at
: the oae the padcan (• ep bat It it to
•keep that It It almett impamible u
eralh dewa wltheat teoaiaff year feel,
aad thaee tea place where aome ataad
ap aad tilde, aetav a atleb to keep
alaady; aad aaother whoa Uer aii
down, held up their (aet. draw a'roud
A ar two aad dad tt-------- —
J. A. 8AKOIN. MaBh«er.
^ ininers^ir
Brosch’s Meat Market
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
•Ki2rS— J. W. Q-a-ujQ.-bX©-tt.
Fiwh. Spll iiul Smokid Mats, Siungn ttc.
me BUT pF'CVCwrTHna
oxailhi. and it 11 bard tneafwitboae
baad aad defead ouraeleat with the
We hare aol laeeeedrd ta pettiaff
aay pamc eteeptafrw red aqairrelt.
- li tck. pray or (oxtqeirtal and I wael bobliaff
Muedty and foaadoleaiT
carlbaa trackt. bi»t dia aiyt aee aay
rtiae. 1 witbwebad bniacbtaffood
Oat Boraiap iweeally. wbea w*
ware campine ea Lake Tapaitb. we
came aerw. a tarre blaek bear. Fail
baa a tbot ran tad 1 had ay rllt ar,|
Iwatabeat two rodt frua him He
ealted se to cemr quirt with ar pea.
but wbea be called tbr bear omde
btave to depart sad by the Uae I ar,
need be rrat oat of aipbl up a dap eaayi>a We followed bia. but flaally lost
ate traa If we bad only had the
ipbt part we trould bar* baoa lleinp
Best sow. aad piTiap our ba
T^'^pdoha the
‘ipbtfiL Tbe w*a<
ie metqaiu
woald b;
_____ the ttc
of ugr abip I; ^
iee. and tbe twaard
ird bpf to refute
I'ben tbe nfficer
d tbe tteward nf a
peed r the ice.
aad of ceurte fat pot u lamp o* the
tfr BOlbiap for the inraiid. —L’ Mi
le additiao to Ua two tbifta af nlphl
lefJt Hup-riateadeot li ya aad Ate
rattKitas 11
■oppinp ia at tbe atel al odd Mra
■e Mnte te are Uat erarythlv te
C-dop no , 1 rlpbt.
Hnap at Hautupa.
.eoaaartad wlUUuaaaeexacutirecooiaiitceui ibe Ra
tral telepboae ateUcia.aad aboeU thcro
, tuciely 10 New York reonred
be treabie the ropiaa of Ute paaid
r frumocu-of the aartei tt haul
could euaaoeirou wiU aeltec teaapoa few dayi tpo
It telli of, U
quartan In a brief epaea oY Uaa. Wte
trip madi on Ue Texae. aad eayt Ibi
tee traabiu with bpata ranched a crate.
- oeaarrad to Nr. Boyv that
raaerwbary ab rat r
>y wiU tbe oaalrsl polk
o.nbiap bvlbnf,
city ball.
He a
rot. ba
iflcc with wb«Bi
to Diruclor of tbe Hiat PreMas, aad
to feed U
told te
----------- , day*
•yt hefare a *h
tbiapt to belp*tb'aa'
eaa be
W eeal (roa
eapp tea amred.
poliro drp
withoet Ut d
bat theru wat c > taeb brolteUoa
aaoBp tbe Cebant
the letter royt
•''•-'-it.te by oar own paople. we
lied oa (ieneraJ (Hrcil of the
> our cola.- ruaaftrodBaCabaa aray, ted wert auat eoroiaily lapblMlt tea
iTod. b« aedirol aea.^^ooly
rlad toarorptail we bM OT^nffer.
dd wlUUea
Ha ae wealoeer
huapiadetea te ha^
tsj. which wat at
uidteea a ploro
a eaa be laropiaed, aad
plane at
bepaa to work.
The houte aad pa
4 aad traaaforasd with web a bapnea
■ea of aosp <aad
ler at aerer wat a-ard of befora
iwuifbied rapi.B. a
teat litLc boapital w
tp-n IB towai aad toaffm becaar b
belkeen and army ot&rora b
reatteaca who doted their ba
' Aad It te preUy peed adetea to fedlow. toe.—rbk/idripbta /aqwfrer- .
A L-aited Bcairo aonhol la Tmii
use. ataad Bafeur. white (tetoff a
cr.alaal had ate pockrt pteteto^
Uera that eteaaJlnea'ii tb« tm •
tee country
"Thai little Wl at praetlrol wak
Uawottbe apread Uroaph raak and tie lltee wild
A N^ Torb al
cb twaatifol - e. add beforu aiphtfall oar poor boyt
.. bloc, who bad beca lyiap ea the
. . _lHa^‘<r
toora. aaey of them wlthoat erea a
laraohUpid to at
blSBket. weeu aaktep catei other aad
their tloreely ante aartsa haw It
Ba*. Daaa W. ■artiott te*t
pare taea the po-by, aad.pal the
aroaa bad with toft pUtewa ^ ruTiTBl
U BoAteteOai!:
blaakclA aad clroa aWete.
aayaara. B. told kte tereea ^
"Of aoarie. t«eh eiporoda ktefclap bri: wad wa. te -htoady utchth"
aad the terrible coatrast ber
Msr.^to ftpht sfide.
CabsB aad aur aray hoapii. . _____
hae. bat oaa raaaU. and the sray aarpaoM were at aaaa trlUtep aad lapar
-------- ------------------ -------------------------------- tap- ta haeu tet aa aay uraa we 1 —paarudMetaetaptha Boaatsla. Itee
effect wat broatifel at they tparUad
them we afa pripseid tofiau.’’*
Is the hriffht dteSlIrM.
t^ripbl effeeur aad
ssKciSs; i
tol d* iatoataria w
V^ottations Oommenoed Tfaroogh the French
Ambassador, K. Camhon.
» eapadlUaa laalaM aB Ua •**■ Ito Bp
anlaaacdbf mm
Bawn (karyad wiU
MaAw IWeaadBaaJaaa.
ral Btook* aad *taflr an cm tto
on Loata.
tromaatolayto Baa Jaaa
Tbe traaaperi Haatlayo ta
ehlpt cetared tto harbor tto 8|ei
WaUlayue. Jaly to.-By direettoe
■w leadlay wlU wca oa tto way
“■(■la will (fwbaMr |wolcM BfalBU larorary. aad It will probably nil to
ItoaUukapoaParWBba afMr
WartlartM «W»el tod oOeiaUr n-
•aw port to tto Halted Btolae t^y.
craanoiTBjr a CHasi-a.-
Tto reply of
Of tto aaaotory of war. order*
toned that Miami atoll to
tto Haitod Bum to tto iiKiatry of
Spain reyardlay whaUer Uta yoearn
meat woeld eoaaaaA to tto opaalay of
waa plaead U tto
hasdi of
doeed as oee of tto permaaaat camp*
of tto Uaited Btato* faon. aad dbaetlay that tto tnxqw aow ttoreehaU ba
imwliately ta Jaekaoo-
■wbaeaador. towporarily rapraaeaUny
There are aow at Miami aboat
Tolaateen, the dirtataa eomprtoKew York. Jely H.-A epa^l (able Bpaia, at iwa o'cl^ thtaaftoraooa.
lay tto First aad BecoadTazat. First
Tto reply aaaoaana ttovito Ualled
nya that totiabsebeaa applied ta tto BtoUa ta wUllay to opaa paaea aeyoti- aad Haoood Alatoma. asd rlrat ■
tow ttoasMt dalM of Ito Sptobb'
Steoad Loatalaot.
ITbUa Ucra
lajarad faaltto* of the Cabaae wba ra- atloat aftw Bpala ahaU ton ayraad
■■■Atollfil, maklBC It citor Itot tto aaat tto feet that they ware aot par>'.
macb eiekatatamoarlraopa at Miami,
to tto tollowlay pnliwlaaria*:
Oaltol 8Wtw dotamd iU OMWar U
wardepartmaatdaaot iadiwlttod to eater Ue elty of Baatieyo.
■qatahwaat by Bpala af ao*■ritolodMIbltafUr the AaoriM
0. a —towD aiyhtaaa odlw relyaty la
1 Caba. Tto Hailed Btotoa
teMatodfBlMdafaoUhf la
Crow here oa ttoraUway Ito*. bar heea
ooatrol Uata nalil a ■uUa
BktooatVK srrvtTioB at ■tstiA.f’
aderad to the dwertaaa tenaa.
iwaat^ to aaiabltabad. Abao■Mortofaauaaid todaf, “Wa rw aad Ue Cabaae aadarOaaaral OhUUo
Waehlaftoa. Anyaet
aaaloa to Ua Halted Blatw ot
«i«od poaa* Bwar dari ar> oo^
MerriU baa ayala )»bl*d U* war detore bate perwlttod ta oeoepy it
li PwUBicoaad all tto talaad* la tto
ktonovrwolaUiwi to the Uoltod
relsUre to Ua altaatlaa at
wat held by a yarrtaoa of tto Bpaatak Watt ladlea-ea*^ Cato. TtoaeqatalItotoa fomweBL I raroni u ><>“
Manila, whicb he
aoldlet*. ^ptaiii Oarratol. tto oowUay atatlaae la Ue Ladroae
■■« *oU aw. ae daatiuw of Kood faith
and danyerOa*. owiaytetto attiwde
waader.^ra Bp tto towa wbea oScl- talaBda.aadi>arhapaUeOan>UaBt. No
•ewrtUiWthi^Amerieato have
la Ue oplbton of
ally adrtaed of tto capitutoUea of OaaiwptloB of SpalB'* Cebae or Porto
'•ItoaatolaainadrioprotoBi (falaat
Ueneral MerriU the attitad* ot Ue laaral Toral'e amy.
Blean debU by tb* llnitMl SUMt.
taryentt taeimlltr to Uat
lUomaUr-" __________
Dr. Joaqoto Ctotlllo. Ur brother ol
BBlty frou dptln aa to Ue
(iarelt'e Caban* npoo tto qaeatlna of
l!a«rid. Jalj ((.-With the ■ador- Ue yaaenl. will leara for Waebli
w. Tto reply «ay* la
riyhu Ao
(tiadlhf that to tode—ity wlllbed#- la a few day* with a prtltloo frow tto
ttataferUer iudewalty tbr
e elty. alUoayh the i
■■■dod aod that SpahUh aoeort
Oehaa raeldeaU. la which preatdeat HaludSuUi will bold ^e ally of
moek^Borafomldable elemeot.
to the PhUlaplBot will to rwyaetad. UeEialey ta aakad to permit Ue Cotoa
Maalta. Ita bay aad'^arb-«. Va^>»B
beiey more aumaroai.bat bettor armed
, «to aowapapM hora maldar the lerw foreea to ntor HaaUayo.
the deWraiaatloD ot tbe feUreyorerDaad filled wiU the
•ftooeo atiHtotto tb Prceldwt Hotmar *t wuaa.
weat ot the wlude talaad yroap.
rk-torli- orer ttoir
Etotoy aa aawptabla. Ito papa>^
New York, f aiy ts.-A Ooay Koay talaad of Ue Ladroae fronp I* to be
Ueoarsl MerriU indi
howtow. (TOUat afatael a aMUaaaaat cable ray* Uar* are three Hpaataa yaa- ceded to tto Uaite^ Sutea. thta yorera- Spaatah foOA
cate* tbst hr will do hta utmoat to pro•I toatUlttec t>7 the UaiWd 8latee
boata at dab Hlyua. Lasoa lalaad. aad waat to wake It* aelaetioa later.
cltliea* from the mtayery ot Ue
Ipaia tod nod for peon.
foar at Palarta Itlaad aad thatDewry
“la deiaaadlay Ue aartaadar ot BpaaThe totehtor of war. Oonral 0
baedattlladUe Balalyb aad Coeoord tah aoeerelyaty to all oor aeanby laaajyetiU. Uoayb tbe Utk ts delleate
aod, difllcoli. bemta*e he mast.
toamafiarfar ^ rocepUoa of the to roaad ttow op.
waten. tto reply diplomatically atolda
Byktlay Spaatardt. be ready at aay
wahloy aay pledyto at to what U to ba
moment to repel thr InsarireBtA
iaaitace. aad la fwoparlac oaDitaiy
dooebTUtaywrameat aa to i
Tbe yewral yere notice Uat be
■toUonla ardor to pranat the
yar ba* yirea order* for Ue rawaral of TtoAaiericaa reply dtotlacUy yiraa
aboai to eumbloe wlU A<la>li>t Dewey
all of Uaaeral Bhafter-* anay to Loay waralay that Ue propoelttoe aa to tto
iaaj-iat demand for Ueasrreader of
TBT wAirr *0 aoaa.
Ulaad ae aooa a* It eaa be i
aarreoder of all aoeerelyaty le
How Tark. Jair M.-Tto Barald'a
Ur city to Ue I'oited (Jutr* form.
tht>* foraatalllu Ue hHaryeaU.
^mnox rao« i-mui-nxea
thaopa wUdi rooaatlr oase
UU more may cauiea raptara.
WaahlayioB, Joly ».-Thc. eeatl aay dtacaealoB wtotanr.
M freufav nador tto waaolo
It ta pcaaible. la riew ot tto fart
awBtlaruheretaronbleto Ue realfttinaa tT ataiiA.
fcanieoa daiar. Ooloaal Howard of Ue
ttotueaeral HerriU’e eableyram was
deal* who bare. Unayb agaoU ta Ba>
.toa Fraactaeo. Jaly *o.-A eprclal q*at tram (krito last Tliuraday. Uat
'm^th Ohio iKtwnt toa oabtod
petlUoaad l*mldaat HeKloley
Itoaidaat HeKialay aablaf that Ua
this axiremeDt ba* be^ made already
■ot toabaadoa Uem to dpaiBb aaUorKoay. eaya: •Hleaeral Merritt aad bta by Ue militoty and
aarpa 'tftber to dtapatehod to Porto
oaral forvea.
ity. Tbe petitioa eey*: “Oar loyally
Uaaaporta loaded wUh troop* arrieed althuayh Uere. ta aome doubt abooi
Btoite aotira aaroka or aeal back
aadtrallaUchoaorof Aweriea eayeatwday. All ware well. Oee.
Utaon^acooant of tto alatamcat fnw
tlltae at to yoor eoaaldacaUoa aad aapt will e
■rlfwUar Oaawal Wood. atUltorr
Ueaeral Merritt Uat be may need all
p wt To head orer oar eoealry ayala
tiea. HerrUt'* capedlUoa laeladae Ue bl* eoldier* Utore attacklag. Ittapoe.
to dpala ta eaaUary to tbe bai
foar tiaatporta whieh left here
aibU that Ue demand will be made
laa prooaadlaca of year aoble aaiioo
Jaae M earrytoy >.«» olBreta end wee wllboat belay immedlstely followwt
tto wtabea of all elaww ot elrlliiioa hM aa wall aa Ito awall
BBder Uea. McArlhar and two oUer by ae altnck; which taiyht be deferred
wtioB. Trade aod ordar will be leal
1 paebacaa lor the tcaaaioai
traDaporto wlU MM nm ander Ut tw' anlilail tto t>oepB bare reached Oarite.
IfSpaaiah aathorily ta ra-catobltabed
mediate eOBwaad of Oea. Merritt. To tbe data of Ue report. Ueaeral
la aay fona."
Tto loaal beard for harhor toproroThere an t.ooo oMeeta aad wee to tto Merritt bad wlU bim abont IS.utti tolBaaaur Darla aayi
tooala haa aoUtod tto fwraraor tt toa
Ulrd party. Tto Brat w
diers. So far cena ezpadltkaa toe.laftforSpala to eealrel the PhlUptaotond ao toaaa. H baa boaa aeoktof
rlad t.Mu niea. aad the aaaood t.too left Sta »>anetado. earrj-lny eoldlets to
plar Itlaada.
tototattooolloeUoaef fasoa aathor-^
wen, ao tiaa. Merritt aOW haa 11,000 Ue Pbmpp>aea..aad it ta Ue latrotlon
uer or vinnutN
bad fay tto preclawattot of Uoaeral
waa. eiKrayh to Uke Maalla when to to lerntab Ueaeral MerriU e.ouo
New Yai*. Jaly SV-The foUowiBy;
plaaae*. wiu'the amtauaea of Admiral than tbe prraeot fore*.
If be delay*
CMata tort ban twaod aaUlar apoa la Ue Itat ot.alek aad woaadad HiabDeway.
Ue attack natil all ton roaebad him
iyaa aeldlara oa board tto Lae
a dmUr wM eo this •■%-
dtapatob to Tto Herald Crow «a8ttoyo
>«l to Ml to tb* (oim*. It wUI
Maalla 4ill not be tokaa ttol wsy bt-
hKMkriBo w roRTO aico.
Ay to tto wayar or to tto alUiary cor- Carl Maallar. Ray City, yellow fe<
anor nay death oowriar to fata hoaae. aydaay Lake, ttaylaaw. yolloi^ terer;
ffm September,
Pooaa. horto Blaa. ria St. Iki
Inyamayemewtaler .ito t
for the' last of Ui
Ja1y ML—Tto elty of Poeea bae for- iroep* bare not yet surfed from San
Ttopwwllyfor aoaeoapllaaor Prad Powler. Reatoa Harbor, yallaw
Pranctaoa. It may be. Uat anarraacak thirty dayi'hard labor to the eiraata. farari Ptaak Jedeiy. Otaeyaj Joaapk mariy haea ylna oear to tto AmeriFerdlaaad Toro, Ue Briita^ Bent a* U tto Pbllipplata. which it ta
HiUar. ttaod Btaek. aU af Ue llilny.
eornol. aeUayJa behalf of tto Spanl- czpectad will to Ineladed la Ua peace
■U mam of wali«aaat dtaamoa to ttoir Third Miehlyaa.
Thera waa aa ncyaoa n tto Leeea arda. piaoad the elty to pa*eeealoa ol treaty, will obriato Ue aeemlty
dtakteta aad all aaanlury eoadlUoaa
vfatah they My ohaorr*.
bd tto wea ware attoodad by Ue Oen. MUea. wiu whom waa Oaa. Wll- larUvaetkMoa U«partof Ua VRt-
r. Moriaa arlll to pormittod to ebarpe ablp-> boaptul aad Uelr owa oBtoen
Dr. Doty decided
^mrat axuaton sA -
yaladaythaa oac la*olriay Ua aar-
toapoaad leatof broad. Oa aeeoaat
tto ferer patlaata to ewlareader ot tto city. A majwlty of tto
oftto laryo taaaUly of Boar whkb bataa lalaad aad tbe coara
taMdaak rom^aed to the city to
haa baaa ahlpprd lato the olty Ito foe- woobded eoldlera to Hoffi
oraorha* ralod tfaat.ttrmlfo prtaao'
iratUeeadof twaatj-foiu-hoatalt b
The earcDoey woe aaiqaa. Oaoeral
. to fanad are aawanaatod.
toaatah allrertaata dtacoaal of M fooad Uat at
Mllm aad Uaaeral Witaoa. by a pro*
yellow farar Uatot^aad Laoaa paaptooeataad aweakoopan ral
arraayad plan, had beea driroa from
eaayara wUt ba taleand.
ricaa headqoprtom at Port
romw n t*k».
Tau4jw ri I aa aituawic.
Paaea to Oaea del Ray to Ue city prop
Waablayua. Jaly M.—Tba aary deHaw York. Jalyto-TboltoabHaeber. where. Coaeal Toro aad lUptoao
artaabt bat poatad Ue tollowlay baltoftoa aarrwpeadiat wya Uat aoeordCalea. Ue maj-or of Ue elty. awaited
toe to rotortaraealrad loot alffat trow leUa:
Uam. Tto bombaro. or city fir* boyiltomaa. Jaly n—Poaec. Porto
■aattaeo It ta laaraad that aaarly
ad*. waa drawa ap la La Llaaa de DelEtoo.
Baarth of ttoaratytaatak. Poardayi
ala, eppoalta CUa dal Bey. aad at Oaa' aye tto total caaaa wan t.ooo; aow
-----------,.............. -Jp aad aioa*
Milra aad itoaaral Witaoa
The aaw aaaee ebeatorlaDUaaaelaJalyt? to bloek-
tfaara ara aaariy t.ooo.
Pill* u rebere saddm (wnixyan:* cd t>*la
aadhradarto- I *ono felt msch Uiprirrd
and toe pais* aed ache* aad erarte
’ *mt. I Itoa to,* Hr. HOm- Be*
Toak-ard •>* an.
r4 health.Ik. Hike- It
am *hU to a
(tau BBder a
Tto aaat-
bar naonrad aad lalaraad to daty ta Poaeeaad Ptayaeamodarad
Then wan Bn daatto frooi yel
low toar yaatarday.
ttafiark tolla-
to i
lar ttartaapn demand at ;____
- _ July:*.
Tto Awarleaa Bay wat
Him aro rapidly ratraatiay to tto lalerlor. learlay behead ttom a naU of
baralay plhnUUoa* aod dew<latod
Dial. Cotmo Slid AdjoaUs.
womea and cbildraa.
military aaUoritta* for protectloa.
beteaBDot atod aid to Ue snlTrrinc
Porto Rkae* L pmanL
llaerhiapratmbleUatUeailustloB at
AiIioDtoaU worn Uaa .at any otbrr
of nobrldled Ilejue.
Itta iapomlhle U nrify th«e rr-
profeeito kno* U.- ■neatrayers wboj
party orer Ue line of Ue railniad and j
dltcoretai that, while Ue Spaniard*
bad mined Ue traek. U* artillrry. all I
bare hy nil. and tbta wlU be done.
porta bare arrirtA.
tkto tto haaltfa problaw
dirtalon of Ue First corps.
briny tto total American fqrce in Purlto
Oeemal Mllea aad omaral
Uaa awppad oat ae tto balcony to
riew tto aqaara.
■aaata aad 1*0 lawt af am.
Itat. tto eaparbawaa aCorta
U.ooo mea would
aaonyh to take Us lalaad.
AUrmlny raporu that Uc Spastard*
itr din-
Tbe old «b*t*cta* that a*»d to prreem
wfllbesnspeadedlaUe Aatlllr*.
plbhod fact befora Aayaat
BeaUayod* Cnba. Aaynst f-Coloaal
btoltky ebOdtea.
taaTaetntayby Itofaaaport lrr>qBui* |
for New York.
He ta daayoRMtiy
rlU malarial fr*«r.
Coleaal Pay* ta tto laa* Ckiltmal of ]
tto rayalor army left la Cab*.
ttooUmawto came oriyUaUy
riUer billed la battle or dtad of atak- ]
Jniy M—Tto SapabUaaa
TbeoMrsrwsgettothBssdthBmorsEeodi we B*U,s8dtbBmerewss*UtliB ^
ehMper th«7 get. Oor slm ia to hsvs SB Ultl* gooda to ahip aa poasibU In ordsr to i
sccompUali that oad wb pot prtess bslow anything Bossonabto It wlU bo s msttar A
of only a fow wsoks wbon yon wlU nood an Ovsrooat or an mBtar-wby not boy A
now and aavo from $4.00 to tiaoof
X>0 HOT K188 THIS LAST CALL! Itf an opportnnlty of your llfr to buy J
[ Olodbing, Oont’S FumiBhing Goods, Hats and Oapa.
Btato Opera*lion will to hrid Io Da- ,
dmtai wiP am act*a yUaatM apaa pn.
a^ya ^
ad from AnrMtM'.b to Sa*temto
te Aeeld* tto Hbhi. bat ttora *
Tk* talaad. to mU. weald BOW
d -ase haUel*. la which tto dat
bmkk. Pc. ««»*»-» PI Him TePimcai*
lata «to Ow;
We PositiTely Close Oor Doom to tiie Pablic.
Jobs *. I'ayc. Tblid iBfaatry(rcyulan) |
Saturday, Aogust 13, 1898|
brilel ta tbst peua will to
best eWiaaawaAtod tto AmetleaM to
Tto aapadltkw «aa-
Only 9 Days More!
•eaitarlrrnUem and that hmUlltle*
aajoy praaparity aad paaea and ito
Dr. Ayer's Pill* are specially adapted for use with Aj-ePs
S.nrsaparilb. They promote dijircslioa and keep tbe liver,,
bowels, and stomach in good working order.
Anyaet 1-lt ta aenonac
■ta raealred at tto|War dapartwaat to
Tto aaaeyto <rf tto torae at •Iboaap day frow Ha)er Ooaaral Brook*, aa
Itonata aa board tto traaaporto
aaamam aktoiy dantad to aapplylay aoaariayitodapaitmof hta aapadittoa trow Kewport Kew* lor Pwto
■ amriy ysan Ay**"* Stnspinn* km beta on* ef 1h* mnnsirt reiaeid In :b* tlom* fer little M'nuiletm. and ae here loasdb vslutLle
fitlieg hufiaa* from
m iheUo-lebNfc**
lb* l-l-»l ebb fc *e*m Io b*>* beto bihariitd. mimniHj*1 ffdiil* inil iithff iliii tTi fie I *
(km). H. A, Cotrl'Kk,
byii(.M. L.Jloaw lot little Wandeten. Ikatun, M«m
as Uay auda their way to
Mayer Oolom after tto eanferemaa.
JiM n.-A totoraw ■aid to waa yUd tto Amariaam had
to «iU haapflai aad ahtoplav tto
the worst forms of
leneptUa-term* aftor cS Lal as-
(Siyoad) “HwatawB.aaeocc at* BHataua. .
UEOKL.fc TUWNSl;ND. F.etKhC«bp.Mto.«
Wisely and
Use the Best
flMUltR prove DANA'S Is
th* best. It Is alse kutanteed as a' trua rsmady
for the Narvas, Stomach,
Liver and Kidneys. Money
beck If you get no benefit.
The only medicine that
dares stand this teat Is
ptteb toy* Ue
Tkecaowd ebearad
erlldly. aad Ue two Amerieaa yean o
■bey oaptared no llybtora. to nUiay battlly wiu^rdtr. Ttoy r«m«*d aa
Cnatfaeataad rapidly-frowtoy atak
Urocnl tVil*<»
rinston tto dtapateb my* tto yen-
ihiSark aniy ta baaowlay wore anttto
First d>
Tbi. will
UUec to Ue pear* pr-qimaU.
wat aaaarad Uat Boaieipal affelia
oaaonryday. bat,to aplta
Uearnl tVllaoc
TtaUw and probably tto entire Second
8paiB<er*ply'to the I'altad t
woo'd kaop Uaeilj oadar a torn ot
Tbara wat ao i
lJ^oltU^ttoi^yUc**Jul<>UB<,^n>Hri,''ni*t“ '
Hf*. J. A. CiLmTLL. For Fakatid.Ma.
ol which ta at Uasnlea. can be broayht i
to mi^t Uta afternooe aad dnw np f
aral Witaoa a* military yontaor. who
aad tto troop* wan wclcowa
Ucneral Uiara took a ircoaniteriny'
tto Temp*. Uat tbe Spaatah eaMnct ta
••UeaeralMOesaad Oaa«ral Witaoa Uat Uey woald be reapoatlblfto Oaa-
new* and declare' Urm.
worthy ot credit
Amerieaa ytoerata. aad Ureayb tto
paay C. Thirty-third. Urad at Bay Qly; Maeaaehaeelta. CloelaaaU aad traaa-
Too men. bad abandonod
tbepiaee after iweaty lonr boor* of
balldlay. wtore Uey wen pnaaatad to
Mrato WUUaw B. Oollard of Q
TtodawwaPaBlbiway adrieta
He alto report d
UatUeSpanlthyarriaoB at Adjunia*.
ifewd f-om •'w.fuU. The K-.I {.hn'idj
ineuttblc. S.-r- t,
qrprarct. r*iias i.i'.-1
-•J. XIk-
tootjwlla. Ht h*d to lake It Ibmucb a luie.a* ha tht-ui au t.~> *-ar
rauow. •Kto.*ft*ryMr*.ill<-m!.le»intmn«,li«
ta full]- tolun
h.a>>db«b sMr los.-'k
I-TT dir. t;:b.H>£b
ibiMifh bi*
hi* *i-«cU u (1
k. 1. FUbTllK, tViliutapon. t*d.
aod killed aad ttoir bodies rremated la
tbe.bnrniny boato*.
•For <ir*y*»c*
U om c.iyje^ncrd_.h*
A mcaenyrr told
that maey women b^ beea mattrrded
ftoapaiy B. Thirty-foartfa Miehlraa. ulaad wlUoot am: foarU. tto cap- woeld not ba dtatarbrd tor Ue lima
ula of tto port aot to ba wade a prta- batay. aad that Ua taott Ifual oBctota
Mvato J. d. Martto of Cowpaay H.
I tarn.
Bat It wat exptotoad
polBL .Tbta it a small bat Importaat
towa io tbr iDterior.
obamtoy crowd Uey walked lato tto
by tto anayAre: Pirat tto yarrtaoa ba Ukoow II Ue tame mnaklpal okeara
Ue eirU aad eyaiam at had baaa to voyac woald
MrbtoObartoaCtawwcaeal Oowpaay perto«te:»a n. Jalyn. Ttoy
B, ThMy-foaith t^iaaat Utad
•d to load tto army la eapwrad
Uaneral Vitaea. Ue miltlury yorer
nor. qdmtioBrd tbe refeyera eleaaly.
Mkhlcao. raltoV farar; WUUaa Oal- allowed to retire: aaooato.
Tklrty-lfaird. Urad at Cheheyraa. aad
Tbe terrer atriekea refs-
yam are appcallay U Ue I'eltad Slate*
hta aftarnnoa U a Madrid dtapateb
tto bolldiay (proad Ue way fw tto
~'d. Hartla. Oowpaay a. Thirty-third
oa. yellow fenr: Ckarlaa Clawto
The acu ot bn-
toliiy reported ara eboekiby beroed
Uat tto aUtaaaa of Poeea wara aaaloa*
> polka aad Bra brlyaddt to be m^-
Tto Spaaianta are report^ wrraklay
letended to attack Poocetoe* bean eir.
A yaard to frost of
tbtad Htofataw typhald forar; dasaa
tonrawaal to rawala U tone: third.
totoala. Brtay hoaaa* aed maltrealloy
calated aod two Ham of pickeu
tto ladadea tto followlay to tto dnth botatad at e a.B. tto MU. Tl>* Bpaatab Ooaeal Toro aad Mayor Coloa.
Uit: liaauaaal d. J. BabooA. TUny- yarrtaoa araeaatod. Prortaloaal artlOeaaael Taroaald to OcMral Hitaa
laad, Oowpaay O Tbirtythltd Ml
reayeaaee epoe isaffeaaire BOe >
tto daelsna
Spaatah tnldien la tto rifloya* of Saa
•■la the!
aleiaat will plaaae state Uelr rzperi-;
race ia daaliay with yellow ferer.
"iUtts h ii»<:a>K.
lay lato Poaoe aad they repaft aepar
aileled ontnyea perpetrated by
aiyned todaly with tto Miebiyan nyi-1
"The Kind that CurM.*'
Porto Kleaa refoyom are
ember who ara aiek. aad' Ue llmltad !
anmber of ph'ytkian* at Ue feoel. I ’
kaTaaBearanee from-Ua |*crBtory of ^
war tLat aay phyatriaa aaal la ihU '
way will be pn^erly raceired aad aa- ‘
ML MILAS M£UU:a L IX>. nkhari. to
■toyea tto fire briyada played
an toiaaailay at aa alaralar lata. ada Pooea aad eaptaia llybtora for Ute
Toatarday tbanwara an.
NewYoric. Aayu.ll.-Tba Herald-*
I'ooer adrlea* eay; Tke Spaatah troop*
formarly auti^ed la Uta part of Porto
MU tadb thnti ORC CCRT • Ctu.
Tntaa-Rlnrii on buy FarkaRi
On**nm Hayrea has taened
Umatlaa which ta of epaeial lalrrest to
bar* of Ito mtoical fralarally and'
will epee ap a aamtor olpoaiUona;
waa who dealra to aerea Ur coaa-:
try a* «aiy»ea« ta tto mlliiaty camps'
ol wbiefa M'chlrsa irt»(a form e part.
Tto call rrwd a* f. lU.o:
‘■TtosuU Udeetroe* of aJedlcy a;
amberef pbyticlaas ten»tat la Uh-'
lay care of U* *lek U the nyimenta at
tto front. Tb* Stole aril I proride lor
Uotzpaemendpay Ue *ae>* islarT |
faaalred by tto rcyimeAal aaryeoa* j
and eest**mo»tl«el»»Tt. lamnsM.Irtc WUlUcphysVlawor tto atsu wbn [
atfcp. .sSned ain.-h tn*i toada,-W. !-*:■ Ic ■ra wiUiey to dolnataar for ihl* *>r-!
my b-n tade. palpUam sail a oi.-UM elae. seed m* tfieir aamc*' and ad-j
tlellBCO>*t-*tB*w*ndpmUSII.«. I tersr.
aalst tn. Hlin’ IPerin*. llesn t'cA- ai-r
■■1 Uink It ^ my daty. kBotriac the '■
Krm and Meet rt.U and tbr Aail-r*lt.
^■lytwaatyoeaU to I^Ub waaey
Unaoat ttoautoCbmmUM
htacaUtobeetoaatod.bM,whae oer
Tto oaly waturrataiayaay dlOoalty
a'amsT'a ft-tiatTuit.
laetm Ckartaa Wriybt and Cmq>orMiea
for rode-
Sa bad baaa tod
Baap* lay* tM ta ta qatto M^trant
Ur M Ferry. Aadltor L-ih Bart. 0*1-
It waa bta pto>.
tto BBUwlltm la PoMa
tu*oar BBtoT pea nuca.
Park. Jaly M —A Madrid daatto
Waabiartoo, (aly
tbe Halted Stoua aa faat aa they
LMdM.J*1r'»*--'n>e H^rU e»riMfesOMtofU* Mir AUlk mj».
r wea by a eataad it to'S
<wd briyiAaor tto Pu*t aray enpm toriay eat Ito tclayn^ wka baiweea
that ararybod^'to Madrid to reaiyead '
BaOaoMS Peway Soaie Aiud«ty.—Svanta KorlagBanaon.
looaly In Porto Bioo.—Oroat BeJoioiDff KanlfOotod
On the Part of tho VntiTM.
Fm Eihui Hnwant
from b^ ahet by
• loOmrjftu Ua plaee ftr j
I limPMt8d«t.
j T. J, HOST, I rja.
NawTark. Jaly M.—Tbo Jeenaib
It yakaeBay Bkd It wa gtbkd.
bofradbriUbUUaalr. S
am owjoylag roty goad boalU. a].
aa oMBtei- battorr ataaai
tboy wore proaptly loeatod aad ao tbongb part of Uo Ubc wo wont ^tly boagry. If Uwanaay bzyo op
Uen Uatwaattegeaowar. joat tal
Item from ma. tego aad apoad oa.
day la a Uaagblorhoaao. aad iBaglai
Uoy akopooidalaataadef eatUo. Um
aleop Uat nlgbt la a aamaxatj
irai bara all Uoy waav
yoa of aiw Stat algblS expp
Tboy atartad aa at T e'etoek at Bight
WlU IM r
days- ralloM aad oar blaakots aad
Bolo bare <
•boot Urea mllea out of that
dirty bole, we begaa lo jaool Uo
’ la froB Ua tattleBold. Bome WlU baada aad foot obot
off. oUora aroonded ia ajoro rlial
la refard Xa Uo eiiaaU of Cnba. It placaa. Wetaarched all might, atopb.mr for breaWfarl. aad
on perfectly dellfklfnl Xa bo. Tbo
on. loarlag onr blsnkeu.
daya are aaeoadlafly bot. bw b Ue
aad Uoa So annbed all Uatday and at nlgbt
balled joalat tbe figbiing line tVe
Ue alfbu are eool. yaa. oooa ebUly.
Latt alfbt I wtUemed a terribla aad slept WlU Spaakb bnlleU wblulog
awtal Uaadrr atora.
I wont oa, oeor oor beads. They acmad ' tatter
Uaa tboy tool. The dead won iylag
foard aod aboet aba e'eleek^
twfaa- Tbalicbleincwwsobloaaoly all aroaad na That Bight Ue Dooa
by Ua nary depart- afeBpUyMIewiBd, aed aow aom
r tbo aoBailary eral•an at.
SL Look Y«)« mai Bsf
Tmrd to Ikair otra«f^-th* Awrku
IlM. TtoT flsiidwd tbotr •ark lot tk*
aat nUn to thair «U
•ad piaatfal Kfa aotaaaJ wltk floor.
Aeeatftaf to Ua tgrrtmmX too
aaaraawtitUlo tvtaro Ua aaaaala la
thaaoadlUM liwhtehUraaalrad tka«. wboB Uo fttfac wOl befb.
Oarlbrnaxtead ItBUeaaroead Uo
’nwcaaawUI ba Ukaa o*. ammaaiUee bokU raaorad. «od tW ahipa ^a. oity. froa ceaot %a oaaat. ao Uoro b ea
atoiwl to tbair pa«ea(e1 apfaafaaaa. pooalbllity of nay ^oeapo by a flaak
Important Points of Demand of the ^ited
States Made Public by the President
Yesterday Afternoon.
Tlia warllka
U • ormila baoo
afly popoV,
may teaka tkm «
«. {Botaafor abipa wbae thry rotOTto.
rrrka. Tbara kill be pitaaara
IntbalboBfhtefaoillBf. for iaalaaea.
Principal Conditions of Terms of Peace
Presented By the American
ea tba*Ml. Paa1. tba aiaaal obloh droaa
H«w York, Aoru> «■>*> tba Tarror laio Saa Jaaa barber la a
•o aaj k Dfaa to toko tke hlaad' aritb- ainklBf coadItloB. Tba Uaraard aad
[SpMial]~A SpaeUl to tha <ml
Yala won toraorly tba New Y'lrh aad
tba abaaaat of • Btlaritr of the to. i
It k aot kaowa whetbar old
BraniBf /oonal CroB Kad. babltutk Hnoa troabla k axpacM Nrk.
aaaa wUl ba realorad.
ild. pabUshed in ft UU axtra at arat and tor thairaam Borr tbaa
>*r ncaT>«aauc vau-a.
•dltloa of that paptr aapa: aa7UilBf alaa tka praaldaat will aak Kao Fraaekeo. Ckt.. A«r«at t.—Praa"Spats ftOMpta tba prisoipal Iqr larUatloa to aaabla him to bold eU ». Nrwlaoda. eoafTManaa lot No
aada. wbo b boro, tald today
of poaoa as set tba rofalan at tbair war otiaaflh.
boerflk to be derlVrd froa tba
«v I
auiu ova TC BiJtita.
.fbrdi bp ths Amsrlosa govof the Pbllltflaat
Uat lor blly Wf a abaw I
blladod artereaUdaU.Jaalaaeao b
Wbdad b.r lookbf at the obb. Tbo
Unador wa» Uo loodeot 1 roar board
•ad Ue atooalala* near •• won otraob
•tllBable. OfmoalM lu f
wMeb bora two-tblrdi < '
dstsdis are needed tooatiseall>^i tobobraaebtbp wiui • abort tloo of tbo world, and tl
r people aad
to eease at osaa." i
««bOBaa akaaser in ;»hlcb
iBoree bet'
•nSMOtt asd OSlp the peaee |
Now York. Aafoil S.-«oB<
daylifbt. dnrlnf Uo ooUre Ubo
etood b ay Iroeka wlU robber bbakol
OB. aot beuato I bwl to. bet r
•lakaad wenadad aoldlaio aeat aortb tboM WBO foroici
had to keep ae dry aa poelblo.
l.~Tba follow- froB Maatlafo oa
rbr adraotafoo wbicb
Drot worry obooUae. a* I acoor foil
tea from pOBcoaloa at better la bj life aad our
Ibf ktbool
baro baaa traatad. If tbo blpao taalla tboJ*bUlppli
bftbakatlNrtty oMba proaldaat aa BB-oa Uf aadleal dopartiDOBt. aa,
alK>«rwt. bat 1 dffaot Ulbh Uat all
telhoUrBtef pMaa oSorad br »>• •aoaaa likely, aeooro ateaoam Bay bo:
PoTor BoapiUl. IS Bilea
Ucaopowlblo boaofli woald balaece
Wbooa. Jaly IS. >««s.
Uakad BlatB:
Uo crib that Uo boUlnf of Uo l-aillapplied.
UCAB IVtAK AT Uo|n—1 write agab
•■la ordB to raaora aay Bkbppropploca woald raUII npoa aa. Tba poaU lot yoB know Uat all U yet well
tiaaoKB TO cataciuro.
larofardto tbo
wlUlbcar aad oayaolf. I au oowa
fnopofklaa^i, whoro oor abipa Bay
Waabiartea. Aafiui i
teMoobatwaoa Ua Ueitad StaUw
’■etowwid." praaoled Uree daya ago,
coal. bUo tafealaolnUoB of Uo mil•a epiia. lt 10 daaBadiwopar to oa/
aad am bow Ukbf can of patbala
opioo preblotn. la rofanl to Uo llar,> uf them, with ao ono olae to help
UatUoUiBioSarod b/ tbo Uolied
i^ilaa talaada. tbo oalonl oppoaltloo
and all of Uaa act like rogo’ar babir*:
Slatao la tbo aou baadad to Ua Yroaeb
to larritorlal affiaodbeBont aad to a
jwut OToryibiag seatbaab’e aad
lac kaaaaal aaxloty for Ua oafoty of rlolatloa of tbo paltry wbicb Ub forgr aa. SaUrda/ laet. a
of Ue nnmesUeoablo Uiofo nait baa ao leaf praellaod doeo not
Uo bkbe^ aad elerfy at Ckrlte. lafollowa;
dor Ue aoB. tool aa yal Bnl claaa.
apply. Tbo ae^uUlUoB of Uo Uawailomatioe
Noooa baa died yet wlU Ue yellow
•■ Tbo pnaldoat da* sat i
ba laland* B«aaa dofoaio U wbat we
foTor .boro. 1b aot bo alaraod by
Ua effect Uat Afalnaldo aad bla
forward aaj elals for ]
Tbo aoiuklUon of Uo Fbillpforaeo baoa ^aaa^ a maaaaefoof <JaU- pinro moaai eoaqooat aad torrllorbl what yod Bay hare road In Uo papan
SaBaltf. boi roqalrM Uo i
foTor b at ptraaat a rory light
A fororaBiBl that roaU■nt of all eUlM el aMoroffalty oror.
I. tfot$Supornv»Uno
UpoB reealptef Uo iafooBatlon. eaordtU(otbalalaadat Oaba, ba well
told that TOO oolerod Irnmnaea
••UolasadUlaoTaeaaUeB of Porlo blarrami woooooDt to Uoaual Uarrltl
lag here to rolleeo aa. 6o*oa
foralfa lomtory will briar
taking eato of ltd alck. Only four doeSka aareUe^ klaada aador Uo Spaa- aad Admiral Dowey dlrooUv Uoa to croaaed eoatralizitioa of power,
ton boro at proaeot. AlBoat wbb Uat
' M Ooraraltat/ lo Uo Voat Udlaa takeooary Boaoa powlblo to proooal of tbe.asiakB-aaal it would bo well
1 laicbt gel It now (ferer.
(oaeral diaeamlM
aadallkeoBfloaofaa klaad la Uo Uo iBOBrfOBto hanatar Uo Cotbollet.
while U la of a Blld fora, and be aaro
badmook Tbo Uallod SUtM will oe- Tbo raeelpt of the Bowa eauaod Bad.
ofooBbgonlalire. Onr aaU la held
wf’oro taal ladrtaeat b paia•OB aad bold Ua «lt/. bay aad hprber aaeaalBoaa boro. If aa attempt of Ub
Kibo^ aeren daya for qnnraaiba.
_.jd It UktoarTon tooro daya forliw
of Ikaaila.. poadlaf Ua Bnclaaioa of a kind ta ma^ by Afaloalde It will
get b yoa. ao Ub will be pretty old
loioroottng Loiwn from Baattago
traaiyofpoww. wbWhabaU douralae aaroly load to a oonfliot botweoe tbo
by^o Ubc that It rcaeboa yon. bat
SaaUagode Cuba. Jsly IS.
Uibvixn Emoxb-O-i Friday. Joly porkapa It will tnrniah tome relief te
«Mil of Uo milp^aoo. If UoM t
U. Ue Stu MIeh. was Uhea from know that Oscar and I an well aad
•to aoeoptad by Spala la Uoir oatlroty
Ue Mas Joao bill aad debited for oot hearty, opto tbe^ate of UU letter at
orrrcsian n bavaka.
pool daty abiot two alica qorUeaal of
nwUlba aasad by Ua
ItUroaored aronad hen Uat we
We eaaped opoa a amall
Oaitad StatB to a
'TOO otewarda
hill and aeat dobib two atlea farther
«atlB>ano(Sfainfortbo|nrtKao of
MUtea ta'koapltal la Virglalal to taka
Uoente.- Ibrafor gaard.
aa^adiaf a tnaty of PB
of the slrk who an aeat from
roaabed ibero antll JdIt U>U. Ue day
tokaaboro BaaUoaod.’ "
1 -Thoorh UaoaeabaUH ijolrl.li«lra- Bp6a wbicb Kbtfter'a trace rloaad. and bon. Iben, lo Uat ran. I will be
B roo aod nUem at in
UploUaUaoUo wMaet act to-jordlaary. oalboaoly qaloi. aa a calm Uro wo were Ukee-tu auppert two able to bear fi
Aveeword bad aoma
from Spala
la to U« domaad
Madrid, ABfaott.—Aa oBebI UarAM dbpaleb aaya Uat MU Spaabnb In
FtoartblSbbadafaarfol flfbt with
Tea Kpaa- and baeaaaa. Tbo dwU t«U b oatraordiaartfy blrb boro and aUlt orora
otbor park of Uo bbad.
•ottlcBonb ball Uo roabaradbdalaoe war
f.-Pnabr Ka-
dVOahaao. raatlacUoa.
Ua aald Ual Uo oakdlUoDa la-
UJaTuerad'Uatlfaatdoat MeKbley
danabdi aa iaoUat roply.
lac Ua ABBrinaa aaaarar. afnod to aak
MKp'aaaUoaofearwIapolBU b H.
i**™ >■ •» oorr-la- baltoriroof lichtarullrry. i'nrw t«ttories are titua'rd opia a bill ai>oat
oar mile oaat aad orerlonkior U<- rity.
■afa doorit la hidlaf tbo I
ut the third bot'a-loa
aapport battery F. whirl, li npon Ue
tbo latraUaB of Icaolar tbo praple i
leat part of Ur bill, and
Uo Boreypf Uoir oanaloo.
ipporu battery ILabont half way
tbebl.l tV.rriaehedonrpoallloB
baada no balk <
woflid a’rokdy bare aurro. but for abom twn nVIoek. and at loor Ur l.taK
bardBentofSanilagabefae. Tfaraireal
Ua oopplloo of maBcora. pinrappi:
«MB of Ua Daitad SbMm
Thara b
to open Bring waa tbe 11 lag of a ai^
gne Opon tba left wlorof t'leajiay
Tbb woa followed by r.'l'ey* fMrtii Ue
rlOe pit* aao aooa the batterloo opened
Krum our pceilioa on tbe left of
Ue battery we could ooo Ue reonll of
all Ue abou froa battery K. sinral
cABiJon TBsaaTas vmMxn.
took tffeet np^ a block bonoo
aadweoeald pUiniyooo Uc elooda of
Sow York. Aofeot t
nd doM wbicb rooe aa Uaabelb atrock
UoUlo roofing and exploded. Kerorat
were opeaed apoa theao ballerieo
Uat tbo Oarlbta an iponlrcd to aurt a
bat they were aooo loeatod
tboeoart aad by alleaeadao Uat our poaltioa waaaafe
aad we bad aaploadid opUa foroirn mbblenfrom.Vieaaa aad
tbaVatieaaabbwUatOoa Ckrloa bo- portnnl^
fMaaa to bailooo Uat Uo torma is- ; lloota Uat ho oaaaot afford to loao tbo
iaat t^portanlly of fchtinr tor tbe
Urono of Bpala.
■Tbo Ubaoal AaAatw Uat Ua PbUIKoU bU wife. Iknaa Bona, and bb
pptowaia af aaoaadary laportaa
>a Don Jatao. iealat opna prompt aetma eoaparod wttb Porto loa. bopaoM tbo partbaaa anaro tbo«
aaUdaefwhbhUe paper Uat 90.000 aroMd oolaateen. are ro^y
r b Uo eonatry abac Ur PyroUyotboea
aad from Uo oea bto ceetnl
Kpab. Tboy btoo aonry abd anar
•Tkodkpaaal of Porto Rbo b tbo aad aply Uek nSeon. tkrlo*- nppor•oatlaportaal petal of,Ua eofoUto ffot tbo anar dloeontoatod
Oaly b tba aaoot Am^MkU by Uo peaeo aottloaoat aad lorn of terwd.BMbaibBWOMawbM Proaidoat rltory
DooCartooboolyboldbaek by Uo
fearof laearrlBf Uo aoron dbpleaeUopooe. Anatria aad Fraaoe
A ezpoetrd to pot Baay obotaclca
kM* whoUor b ybtd or eoetiaao Uo b the way of Uo Oarlbta fotUar armo
aenffCbaed oapplloa b Uoir territory.
MeCbloy Bahaa Ua arnica of l>erto
lUeoa Batter oe wbfeb peaeo or
•: -
'again in tbo Borplag. bat Ua reply
of Ue Kpaalardt waa aot aa apirltrd a*
Ue aUbl beton aad Ue eaaaoai
waa not hoary.
Sooe after boob, while Ue battle
progrcaa. w
Brat Ball wa bar# rooeifod la Cuba.
At UrooWcl«-ka trnee waa deela
which lasted naill Ue sarroader
KaoUage. lo Ue morniag of July 14lb
I U^aorrendorof MaoUago
paaaad arooad Ua tlaea aod i
koowladge wa< gaiaed by i
ckaoriBgof Uatroopa apoaUe Bring
Brorybody ia happy bow.
taa prenlog all Ue baada along Uo
llao wore playlog aatioDal ain and Uc
aoldicn wore coeoriog aad oiaglag.
lorod ttkalour roglBCOt will
to (Nwlo Qieo. bni BO oao u onro of It
maa war aa aaraes.
FritatM Corey aad Ataraoder are
Waabbfftea. Aaffwt.l—TIm abe to
Aearntloaef Uo Bawnlba btaada otUl oa t^ alek Ikt hot tbo rest of tbe
Uadb-OoboatlarUaebBoolUo war bao added Bflytbne owaob U
boya are lo good heoltb.
b bBaf fn^aaliy'fonDBlabi.
feea BerchaatVariao. Tb
Tbe Brat Moaxiao lUcuarai wore reI it b cMonlly
kaUoood b WaUbftoB will
IbqobbikboMonUo bland. bot lotMOabkooeU.
priaeipally b tbe bter-Uland trade;
focr Ulpa. Ua barka aad aetoj
aebooaan of oarloei claoaw
llbplbfadUat It
^1 pboo Aaarbaa Uldbn aU
.*0. bbad b anOrioat aaBbota b prw
urea attm aad ■’••tUo Ua pooplo." aa
Wwbbfton. ABfrai t.-Tho cablaet
aartlec loeay waa brbf.
The prb-
eea BMBbar of Ua caWaat ooprtoord elpal aobjort dkeoiad oetaido
M Tftb form of owopatbe will ba poaaa treaty, waa Oeawal Morrilt'a ro■dbGCaeoarktoaUowaU Uo qoMI toraqaauot So.0(M teoopa. Tbo
tebaw to ffWa •ntebm approcbtloe eatAaet well aadcTOiaadt Uat Ooaoral
of Uo boaoBkof botera part of tbo ■orritt oaaaot ooabet loreoa that «
Vwtud Sbtaa.
At Uo
Toalbatloa Uat Uo PtdJIp^m Bay
paopb of Ub ooealry w#^ba*e aa ba roUreod to Mpala will rabo ap. bnl
p. S-Mdmax.
a-iWtoyo*r tows, mfeof* U will
tb rrpert of ita dock llBo ordeesff Xa
tar aaa iaj only to gloB the
bo ootoWbtaed from Uo mooU Bf tao
B> opportBaity ta <»n^t Mm
riser to the dam of tbo fimw mUI. Tbo ^ to^.aoo blm at hb ftanltarUB.
Auo pnn Bc*aicai.«PnaTianiq
BBdea ebasgo. aueiapting to break
Uroagbonr lian. UrorToueaBio
bat only TW.ewtnrAd alieo '
“Ynnkoa Figt" didn't -do' a I'iag to
I. Company M. by beeping tanlM
s escaped.'wiUoulaaeeAleb as t^'
know, nnleai st was lo falllag <
logs keeping nway fr»m the eaemy.
.Well. Ulags bnrr gone kn^hazard
alaceonr yellow few snro. raeali
tbe bortilbg of all Ue baiUlagi and
general tHvIng np. The yellow ferer
buapilal Is located a mile aad a hsif
ben aad all doabtfal casn are
UkoB at oace to that pta-e. two or
'ea." They bare nmalnod quiet alaco
aad I tbiek then will be ao Bor
fantry ebargea.
wnUing for oar gnaa to -be
plaecd, and Uen we will nnre slaty
gnaa wbicb can fire i;ooii kbouan
into Ue city.
I walked taa milsa to gel this paiw'
to write oe and Uea waa able to get
only lea akeou of paper and ao emtf
oo tbe apare from 1‘ork ateort to tbo tberoraltaobtalacd
- roralta obtalacd tabU
by bU ti
bay. The propoaed dork llao p™.»ro
a wUU aad
sdandUe dock bollu
aboBt *0 fret
......... HegradB
alnot bridg*. that allosrlug
fnai OooclaaB.
tor Ua alley la Uo rev of tl
orrwU pruperiy oa Uakmlaireoi.
tloo; 'al
after that
Aeiion OB Ue report iraa dotecrod of Anai
•BUlAhe Best meeiiag.
CUyTTManror Wantarg was grBOtodbB exioaaioaof amsou
for tbo aaaa- Tbbe»perieaea.eombiata
sHU babt
at of Mower dblrtet
tirtet Nu. *
years' atndy ia the beet beopUala Ift
Tbe olalm of the Racl
Oo. terBlITt for Ue new 'cbomical
'prepared tala iee*rowhcntta'gBm
tlngnbher. wU roforrod ta
Uaro yo« bsca akh
— -------------------L UaroyoBta^
for ywaraT Are yoa1 dlscMragadr
lee oa claims aad aOczmal
CaU aad ace as. wo srin tell TO* wbMtar
Idarmao liarrlsoa
wo can care yen or not If see caaM
srbrB tbe roll
e will teU yo* wbat ralbf
many aeawerod aad roeolsad pas. wbo wc cj°^re yon.
not proooHi at Uc Brea,
e month mfll b.
lion Use matter sraa referred lo the
laitiue oo dro aad water tor m- >a-
■■' T-ot-SfS
by all ttaacboola. with Use aid
A tTpresectatisoof Lal'earl's eircas
of eiect^ts. that most'sreodcsdnl
,1 of
as prmpal aad asked Uat tbe lawose aUagOBUin'Paral;
' Loaa
of Power,
from Company U briag nmong fee fur hissbow br rednood to trt. It KbenmatUm.
all diaeaaea of tbo .
Go early, aa my
(uuoii Uat on sn.-b aeUuO aiu.d br
office ia '.I*;;:
always crosrded.
make a bnadlo of
tm.now helping In n typhoid wbrd.
•n under U- ■■..liusnee. Lul Uat
letter ynlerday and wi
rzpeqi lo b* mored to Naollaso the clerk i-uahl tssue a Inwaae for tan.
Ue bark from a eoooas
soon to Jiln mr regiment.
wbk'b be was orueei-d U* du.
ss4 en,ai^e«h»aws at sll fnrws srsmai sacKt Uc oallook aow. all who Are able
Aldenuas tl ol' lcb suggmtad that a ^.■te«’cs?>ersM si nsMiMurlM^wkica
tea ceuTpleoe of tuban-o ao>1 flrr d»l wit: he seat ta.-k to Ur bUtrs. and by pjbUcreluae baroer tw eoUbllabed a.c f la rksfrr el ISshsal si ShsAIrsl sallLssOse
Isa Sm,.,.,-. aifwnlss. Tarwa l.u »SSH ssd
larvfor a quarter of a pound uf bsr.iu
liddlr of Srpteoil.er I msy he wlui Uecily and Ue nr.ipnitica was rrr hot it is you all.
ifrlord w^h lacur.
A'drnaao M-mUe truU.
I offered II.DO ymtetday
.......... tnenre ereriecase of P
for inaterUl to wmr Uree letters bnt
City Connell
which sruald briag abunt ccstroUo RUPTURE. Also, we t toe a lyiog-ia
was not able to get iv
Ue regnlar m lol'y gaUering puhlic iteprurrmeats. and bolb luaueto Wpinl.dtalDart»eol
, »‘-ftaiert«ea li ow ftasltarh
Itralna twtor aday and Onor ereiy .tbeToeeting of tbe coancil inU nigb<
referred t» me cnmB,lttoo zm iuB. bcodfakSpfirat'.
Bight bm bat 1 hare aot washed my
alber tear, ompired with prr- ways aad cni-sos.
hands for a *oek exnploa loarra wet Tioas meetings Iplely. Toere was csewill, dew Id tbe Burnibg.
aldrrnb'.r buslaesa di-pised oriat noth
maptuo Shot at Us World
bare lo carry our water Brr bIIm lag uf a aatnre to draand any t<ti
to do oor cooking with, s't we can bare gtarr dellbeniioo or aalmaled arguno balba. Uro wbat wo dnak and cook
we would not oonsMor St tu wnsb
u: Kohorebergrr was granted parmb
boms bat we ore glad Vo
aion ioUy aoetBeat walk at hU pro
Bat for nil Ub. tbo conotry b
s oa Ksst Krunl atrret aad A V
higb land. DoaU Inning iaUelow Frlednch was eqzBl j fasorod.
Po-Te-lss. far rsrw tieoiA
latter walk Istueatrad a apace of A6
Toll Mrs. Newton that she' nerd
worry nboot Kd. n* U .a duiag
good tbnn n Uoosaod dollnro at
borne. He ia brown aad hearty look
lag. lk> not worry for we will br boar
all right.
Heal rospn-U to all my
Yoor Ineiag SOB.
feel In truol ut Ur Friedrirh biuck Bad'
i-w bii'idiDg arij »ning
Bled n.la'n.<.f N,Rru-n.if Kaal llsy.
;sk«d ir.e ,-ii) v> pay i im ten dol
lars lur ils^iages to a a.g. sastaiaed in
Brnaasray. Tbe ninssay is alleged
Is bare been cnoard beraasr Ue lenni
frightened at Ur n.-s svne crush.er r*w-:llv po.rjhase^l ' br the cllf.
Tbe followtag letter waa roeeleed
U.lsb alio sasSjir.rd inj iries,. !«•
few days ago br L. K U.bbt frua'
doctor's bin bad nut yet beoa r«.
e.c. Vande'rrorn. whom be
ceierd bocla m sea* paesenled at Ub
eared for and gleezi a atari In
Cheapest, richpBt and
best for cattle, hog:8.
sheep and horses.
To clean up our ware
. auqiptag a
house and make room
Imz Ub lost.
for fall crops, wo will
To null vdwrra os.ur siwi
eUr.lailirf htc. nerssssdii
:sLs‘'k:'?^ Isell CULL PEAS in lots
All «To«..».mtor(i. ‘ca^.'^ I of fifty bushels or more
SSiita'1S:.r‘S.SSS.rKew*^iat 26c per bushel, and
CULL BE^B at 80c
A petltlen slgaed by afaoat liBi wberli&B asking Hat oo f.irihel eestrl- i--------------------------------Uoa h* p'aeed npm ridero regarding 1
Btsamor ■
.FKJSsn*;the walks was referred In tbeenmmit- will ran as fnllnwa;
i>ot heard from yon fulka a'
rlag^and feel as wvl
l,eareOld Mlssh^
' Alderreaa Mo
doer leatittg Uo aberea of U
An-lze Elk Rap<
tagoo askoil that it be referred U. U
>ow alntoat Uroe weeks ago. ftnt aa battery K. light artillery.
lA»re Klx Ui.plds.......................... T.
lee as oertala other ^Utlo
Arrlretild MIssluo.....................
yet I am not eery liomBlck.
Then b not mueb flgfailag golj
L««r*oid Ml-slno....................... f:
were being coasldered, aod Ue cOI
feel bad. tor I boliare Uat yoo-ee
at present and It looks to meaaUuogh
Arrlre RtsI Head
tea aad 1 haee aot raorired j.wir lot- Ue tjpanmrds B.v Ue Bag ‘ of Mysalt all roaeerasd.
Bel abou Id
A pelitiun of FitU street refidenU
be dorldrdly cbeorleg to read letter*
_ ; Arrtre Klk Kipli
Inr Ue grading and rrmeeliog tbe
frim b.'tn*
We hare pretty good auS
liODen] Miles arrlred here yesterday
ben'aad should 1 got alek ay frieada aad after looklag Ue slioallon ewer, worU street, was referred ta
iiltceno Streets and walk*
wbobeloBg to Ue same eorpa would seemed diagnsled with \»eaeral h
HIcik. Hi.leJ trbi
Tkmneller Urzs were get
look after m*. I belleeo. Bocb bettor rr's meUods. aa Uc busp.ial paticau
at T.3A p m.
with himt at lliUiA. ..
Uaa tbe prirateo are aubaded to.
be at Hast Head oa Taewioys. Thun
They get Ue worst aad of
It looks as Uongt the mn.ie Hist
days and dotanlays.
1‘nssengen aad
r to oad—pooroM gnil.. will and Kaatl^or.os will brgii
frnit will
will be.laken oo at any pulm I
nnh miles at Santiagii:
tore or aa 1 do aow. 1 do not know
just bow oftoe yon write, bot I baea
per bushel.
These prices will con- tlnue until Sept 1, *98.^
Cull peas grouud and
mixed with brai^make ..
the finest kind of feed
tor Dairy Cows.
Call at Bed Ware-
U. Mercint.le r« 's|bouse. wost of G. B. A
alok. aad least BOiUeal attentloa.
Ttaia'rolaalMr ayatem. ao far as I can
maluJ Bilk f.'or limn a day an kept
aad bare abeoU
An rbib-d by a yellow foror
o^eelaltwl eea day.
t’p 10 date oely II deetta (Ub b Ue
enact aambor lor Ub wboio easp lor
laskrlUIn a otowoS eaay Urow of
Uo borbi plaee) hare roRlted ftos
Uo Mb or UT ewaa eoaiag lo' Ub
While at Camp Algor 1 bad tbe pla«aOTO of apobdtag
derfal city where oarprooldoal
oarproaldoal roatdeo.
aad while Uero bad Uo kaaer at a
Tbo Mlowlag an oxl^eta---------fromaleuntetod Jnly ITib, writtee
by U. II. M.iiffan lo hb BoUer. Hra J
C. Hortao:
Soaday morning, wo won taken le
After a abort gllspao la Uo way*
aapport battoty K^of Ue artUlory
aad cnatemaaf tbe Cabas aatieos. '
whoro wo an now albtloaad.
eoald tal say:
at 4 p. B.. Ua B« of iraeo i
down and Ue aeige of MaaUago begaa. bovital wiUla
of a detail of twolro so daya. wbicb b Ue whole ItngU of
pier They ooom batlittlc ab-wr Uo
mard a
Urongb wbicb Uc Spaa- j Uu that Uoro baa boea
Tboy atand la rows w<U wUc
iBh mast paaa to capUio Uo batwry I bore
and wo are oa daty ^hl aad day
| 1 am gotUzgflnt clam grab asB do gnpiag moetba. wntehlag orory a
mypmVieanoooUcaaeUasel aot wiak tor mere; baoo yet
Itaiaa Uc army tardollan la moacyi did yoa gel
^ taooory way roalU wbat Cnba •• i^UoB of toodlar Boea Uaa tbe lacta, boapiiala aad block boaaoa.
Uo KpaaUb edw I aeat bome to yoa
ea' dmirbao niiimlia wonld be Ilka.
Tbo baildlogt of MaaUago are mado
baro sot board from yoa alaco
of rod brick, asd Uo rtow from Ita laarlDg Nowpart Now* or orra Cftmp
Tbb ’aeedlUee Bay ortat tor aorornl
hri ia porfoct
Algrr. ami 1 am almoat roadr to rtaoe
paatn. aed Saally orbae Ua biaad
At 4 o-deek Moaday aflooweon. a alg- wriUaf. Kapoet to ^oe a ablp i
U. ftaboBBload geaa aa aai«
aaltetieaal abotbe or a
aponlagcdUebclUoaadaU tatterim may got a fartoagb.
AUtr lAUlac ia
Traoalag Uat yea tolka ai
opesod fire.
b Uat way a
Jaat aa Uo tattlt tagaa a dark elond write to oso or Ua otbor of aa
g tta|«taa}aailorlaek. IwiUdeao.
city, asd .fioatod aeiom tbo ralley.J
d If Coba
formUgagraad atalpkiaroaqooeigbL i BaRletdd of ft
,Jaly. U. IIW.
ftp a Wfa BaferiV too
Momm-Wa ata abost «.*oo
At tUUery K opaaad Are apoa Uo| Daan ------------MaBbaoB af Ub cooinm^ Se aot
-------— eoal^ MO Ua aboUt'yarda tvm Ua «*lr
alribaUataatoasd mvloda, UioMtog tool biffbw.
Imstaftad Ua bsmbsi*
ad eoraait. bat It
bopelM Gsae for Ua Spaaiab aa
tbe town b completely aurrbuoded.
Tbenoldlersarem d'llMiig to surrra
see Ue thing. I* rotten to tbe bean.
Stealing ia n preraiUng fad amoag the der. which mraaa euro death «u tbeii
whole-■pnab.’- Tbe prirateo. la other
lodpaio. At least. Uat is wbat
words, got the nfoae of wbat b loft
•a made lo belirre. Uaay of tb<
after all otbm bare had Uelr dip Into gloa Uraaaoleoa np. while qp piekrt
>c onoe fat bin.
■ty. They tie somettaiag whi
At pmeat tbe baapital fa pnuy^wall
M oad of Uelr gass and mars-b Into
regulated aad Ulaga morlng la
ir Ueea.
Uing of a
While marching to Ue froal.
ftrer pallraU an fed esclnalrolyoa srngua luadi uf wuaoded aod a large
nailed milk, beef taa aad waUr.
ibar wbo were shot Ibroagh
They all goa-ay fat t?l1 wore sealking to Ue coast aa
Well. gaeaa I re growled OBoagb aad
r eonld.
'bile Ob tbe march aaany dropped
bdd enongb for oneo. I keep a diary
uoritiiu before ball war there. Wnen
of all ehangea I make, wkat I do aad
within halt a mile from tbo front we
wbat Co. M dooa. aa well aawme of Ue
rolls naide
sens the last we erer saw uf
laged u> scrape
July leu.
». |k»*.
It tents eouugfa
ar'l hare
B a* ret ■> K. and of Oaear
s bare BOt romaiaed la oa* place
1 ButUag. bat he baa n >rUe ye
orer twonlgbu Bl a time
low fereroUo he wonld be bore, aad
1 am now in a iquad of As'clre
am at Ua Min oaeb day to ooo after ontpwt duty, aed Is a peailOB
any af Uo boya wbo may be alck from 00^
btrlkc n<
n< ido
ido.. ft-»B
fom«> or light
my ooBpanT aad.ot Ue tub.
Kboald artUlory. They generally a . wbat U
iBteaded for them. We saw UBo. deOiear bo taken aa Baay af Uo rrot an
sboy a Stmabh
wabh bluckboDse
block.... fail of
IcaaaBaroyoa be aball rocolro Uc Spaabb io Jbst ibroe abota
bmtotcanaa loag aa 1 as abla
Maatlago has Jaat oi
and aoo u bb eeaforta
mpb wild.
the pationU do aot go ia aeod •>
sadly aa they did at fi-otp Kaeb ward
Tbp following ratraeb arr UkoB
baa. aayUlrtr pstlraisaad a atewant from a Icliarr-cerred Hoaday by
UsB are fed on beef tea aed frioad from C H. KlpUagor;
r to trade traAy wlU Oaba Uo war dopanmeat will aotadBUaay
^ UM OtUu^ovartf Aean an
“ ’ New Demrturei
rooriacodpBld.nmIUo b
talabce was gtsoe ms Bl.*?* W.
A •Beornbb roperl waa gieoB br lbs
Uo VTBToltag at
ntteoeUtarcot. from Ctaw B I'elOB.
Saturday, August 6th, 1898,
Consisting of Choice Farm Mares,
Heavy and Light Draft adAtriviiig Horses,
4 to 8 years old, weighing from 000 to 1600 pounds, at Geo. lloir*s
Bam, opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse Oity, Mich.
af oar aoidiara. aad uoaid^id« rt, ^
haidlaUoe moat tall t> Uo gtoood
they ImmwiUteJy elaub U ' No deabt
they are a otarrod pooplo.
Sale Commences at 1:30 p. m.
TEBMS OF SALE—Five month's time will be given on approved
Dotes, rcal eststc Of Chattel mortgsges at 8 per cent interest or
6 Per Cent. Off For Cash.
Wo arrlred dar^^ boarlaat Briag
Every horse will be sold as represents end tried when sold
on dky of sale and all responsibility ceases on day of sale. Bememo
L'^“w’Slota‘‘ci;iber. no side bidding will be aUowed, but ttey wiU be sold to the
Al^ I ) deed Ue lampltol eorpa
est bidder. 1 will s«ll horses every dsy, privately, oi; same terms.
delta bad ta loaoc Co. M. Tbo
Bnt nlgbt bora aawewezo aboat ta
ordand wiU a
low otboca at Uo eorpa. ta i i 11 har
asd aoBtol la earlta tor Ua wasaArd.
hopli« to ter frte te kr r*tan Mbs Berda Alto, arbe «DI rasuia
eaapie at weeks at twtotoep.
- 1. HMt weal lb Gcaad B
RateoBj. Wt^Boer
pK. Mth B^smt.^fehi
• klB bte WM tatustl;
tW »mfcirt«=.
. BelewbalfelaflhetelapsadsaU. OferoB. FMm. J
Kfea Issrs rsTtte left TsMdap
H. D. AUer arriead yaatardar A«*b w OsfBi tat a rUU with frieada
BbearUlalM-dUt frfeade at MertbCkekonaa.
Jibe iMato Od) ofNorUkart la elallDr. BapdaraadfasilraieeaUrtal
tac frieada la tows.
Bar Walt bat case ae PaiMkkr fer
lar Mra. loha OroUer of Kferslep c
,Mra laaae Bapdar aad aea Paal
few dart TteUoa.
Mra. A. U. (Matt telesa fe Ala
k A. B. Barrfeoa. wbe te bare
(ora two wMba'elalL
Itetef Hr«.-S.C DeepTM.
Hra. Dr. W. R Meea araah to Bar
Tatodap Boralar for ber home fe
Olt; Tsaadar for a eMt.
T. 0. Beosaaa baa ratarsad fr
Wmias aiteeoek. ed tbe ««m. ef
tteaaH triptaChleaco.
AadlUrOeaerBlatLamlBr tebeea fe
Bealee Kallj la tpeadlaff a wet
the dtp rleitlar frieada aad ea prirste
Bellalrc. rWOar nUtiTaa.
Mitt Oaborae of (}rmad Bapida, k the
The Mfe
Martoa (tepto
reaat of Hlaa Bertha Heddaa.;' ^
LUllaa 8. Caabataa of Chleafo. 1
tbe tea# of Mfea Pisaefe C Chaplo,
ratal at ikrli Plaea jeaUtdaT'
Bsasaal Wllbelai and laallr are aa- theiralAil. C 3. Tellp aad aea of Mampfala.
rise a tea daj't oaU«c at Veh».
MiaaHarioa l^tt treat to BrrtM Bay 'aaa..' are io tba clip. Hr. Tallp la
tiera^ ie the WeHe-BIrnaB b
Vrdar for a elalt arlto bar paroala.
3. V. Boater of (;baberraa la is te
tn thi* BAlA of coods te PUOS.
At ttate Btor* yoM t*t Bp-tD-date
Aoditor Oeanl to Hattie Bart, par*
eda to t» a. r U w-S» ii.
Jared P. Fra
sreeb to t sa ■
M tk* osterof Blarulk m»d Uten
eoefetloe. eS let t.'bik U.
btmse BhTM or Tsav*
7ih add-pK
M- *s.
Kteti. »blrt k«
to Btaodard SsTian L<aB Aewhk kta teUy tUi t(lL He l«n Uw
aS iotS.
UkU. B L A Co's
•i(r sboet fear a'ctock. atUr doiar
koateB al aareral plaaea and a»et
Beabea II. Biskop te BedM ^p^
MM tea la rialUaf Irienda Wte
bH of Bwh aea Si
be eaaebed Graera a (r^bt trata waa
L. 3. A. OiSp to (hldwell A LoadaB.
than aad the pafliac of the aaclae
Bcfii^ Of aw<. oas t, t:: a. r » w—piuo.
Mfhteed U* avlritad team jMt a*
thar erarc ereMlnf the traeh.
^ds sad lesn oar closing pzices.
saUsloore W t^BBOWH. «■ W. Klab B
boas at Bap
p. after a three weeks'
teaa daabed avaj at frirhUal raU ef ■ra. B. Oalrie
befOM yoa nlske sny poKbsses. for ■ws’U ssts y la Bxoney.
Mr. Metee. who waa riding Tbit a tooath at tbair old boMa at Was- riait witb W B. Fletter aad faaUp of
't.erc :i. t se o. r» w—
State street.
as the baoBde of the waroa.
Hr. aad Hia C. R Claa asd
thivwa rUeBlly to the
HMVeraBatiabof Maalea
gteltoortciaal^t. Ttot,
RE1.1AHI.K Dry Goons, Cari-kt
ted waa (arribl; eniahtd aad death iajc Mib. CoBBLarbaa at Wa
to Ihdr betoe
at TborarUle. (Hilo, after epeadlar a aam Wortbnrp to Marie Friedrich,
V (JA.'U«J
re r. ,
Oi^3^, •»uv-i
na laatalBt t ?r« earad for by
’eek Iwtbecilp.'
nrral tooripinaJ plat. TmTeiMtktpaUraa aoUfled b;
Miea Alice Watt of BoardaiaB AraaM
ij TlaitlBf
ber eosala. Hba Bertha
.JaatoH. MaaretoftbUcilr taotfTtd
HkaGeiiarlaTa Briar of Haalaieab OeodwUol JaekioB. who will apead ■ daw<,.aac39. ISA c 10 W-P1S.7S.
apadlDf tba weak with Hba (Aarlotu taeonaer bera.
Ber. Sasoel C Miife. wbe bM faeeo
■'wrph SebskTt- Basdl* aad wife bare retomed to rseat of Ber. U.>wm>d Moore for (
fn» tbelr rblt iq Iba aoatbera part of »a U-a.teretarte to kfe ho»a '
at Biebcaoed. led.
Mrs. Hrilrlde Iwre arrirad I
Kalse baa letorsed frMB hla raCard of TaankaHieb..
eatloa tfIp aad rlalU at Cbi
a HcK<«e'a
B.C Bart IrriarOaok. Jobs Hawrer retoabaj.
asd WUUaa UtmatI near, aod esreci-Uy the Odd Fellows,
Mka Jaaaie Smith of r«btk street b Ran Iftsth street.
leer aad eeo f^ormiae. of wbtefa order Mr. Muonie-wa* a meaiter tba Isqaeat ika aatortalalar Mlee U>We Doorrarlj of
Mrs. Fred Calrer
badrwaaaeattolba /aotllr
of Bariitaw. are rUIllar Mrs. ('Hirer's
Qk BapUa
U Haeioa Oaatre. aod W. 8. Aadoaoe
lie. Hr. aad |Irs. 8. R. Wait
Mrs. A. Wlrrlas of New York Is a
___» aad serrires rendered dorinp
«li Ml for to prepare for the berial (Bast at tbe WblUar. Ska arrirad
terriblr sIllM-tlon thstao soddenlp oeerru sewt ef tbb b^btfel aoddoat M rranlartv. H. Aedrews and familp bare ar- took es to tbrdcatb of boslaod aad
MM aa a (teat abeek to aeorea of Mbs Fanap Getlp of KaJkasVa I. tbe rtred Jrem Oisad Sspidsaodwill speed
tloe bers- Tbrr als stoppiap at
ail- (seat of Hies RlllbBMUe>a of BaaIIakhv Hoshiik
tbc.llolel VkiUer.
dolpb atreal.
RldilE Huxot«.
a Cestrr. Anpasl 1st.
Aadrew Hpaoldfer of Petersborr. 3. C Horraa bas rstamed froa CklS wife aad three ehadna to
Hleb.. la rtsltlar bla daochIM. ilta- A. eapo aeeoapaaied bj’ Hiss Fraac Giktratto death. Dtoeaaed bad beea ear V. Friedrich.
rboerlUspeadtfew weeks With
Wa base all kiiult of aewlap reaehlne
eeediM. J. \V. blater'a Boose Fombbad lha leadlBf eUIacaa of the coaatr
Mrs. IMf DcMoeaJd aad daspbur her sister. Mrs. Herraa.
W rto» aad bad Head at
west to PetoakaT peetordap for a rlsit Mbs Rife Stoiaberr west to Petoe- iap Store.
(SbaaiBMbarbaed. Babad
kep 8sadap te rieit (or a while aad to
wife refeUraa.
latod aaeMtertaUaforlBBa bp ladMMrs. C O Sberrreed aad eUldrea
^ eerarsi weeks at Bap View la
«T asd earafsl kaatsaM neUeda asd rewraad Thsredap froM a rleltal Brio. the stndp of eloeoUoa.
«ka fetoUr waa laokiar forward to a l•eaBaplraoia.
Matt Horrll ef CUifomfe b tpeadlht
rsddMri la towa.atBadwalIiac be
Mbs Bnilp Camp arrirs dfrodi Laa- afawdspsbere wiib M. B. Haskell.
OB Date alraM. H bafara alar feat ercBlar. 8be arlU r> b> <><MDktbU Boralnr.
The feaaral wm beU Soadar afterMra U. Mlsore of Elrhlb etoMU
Ms attbe faallr raaldeseeat Hoa aalertafelBr Mr. asd Mrs. Bdward aeeoapaaied bp her danptater (Imce.
ns OMSa. Orer I.OOO people
Jedd of (feraaaa.
arrired Taadap (oraeblt witb ber
ed aasoad the eeeket to take a feet C. B. Slebbloa td Laatlar atopped
J. W. Haaaea.
nriew ed the remafee, aad IT4 tassu orer Blpht to tka dtp. Be rrill
Mba HoIIte Ualatal.
wees presMl. Tbc Odd Pellowa of l•el<»ker tbb Bor^arBualo io tbe pablte acboola of KalawalfisrMOMtra.of wblebdeeasead wat
Mra JaiDM Berdea of Waehlartoa
arrired Tbomdep to alap a aoatb
a toaMbsT. had ebarre of Ue aSair. atreet. It aatortalalar her brother aad
I [av<-tli<-Summer t
rriU Mm. J. W. Baaaen.
hut wi-'re civiui: you f All the lalmit UAKsaiixw aihI )
TUrW MeaberetroaOra^
sietar from EeeMekr.
Goods. Buy a itc w tUm.
Hfet Ida Jobaeon. froa the Boo bet
Ba. Ma,,aodabt»»
a irood l>it! •iidai'cmcat to a lVr><*UrsU.
Jamas Spceeer aod daupbi
mock ami l•njoy )oun«-U.^^ coutinne jt,
rlemed torbleareafler a rlsit with (erBerlpofthbeltpbrbiUDC frirade
f Bi|^abvK <pf Paiar Cmren-d
irieods to lha dtp
Chieaco fora rUU with frieada.
16toS6 Per Cs^tUte- ^ ll<».k»ai 6 and 10 Cents.
Once aad Btmle Dalsall
^ 4;iv(> yoa lote of pU-aMin’. ^
eotortaieias Mrs. Oeorrs B. Marsh of
Miiii.K8ib^iairri.'-'*‘ji«-t • countooaU BaU Goods. .
Xew lV«4a nreirnlarm
- Lettor trem 8aaOa«e.
Kocalaa. Artooea.
.Ask about lll•■Rl.
<ift what you want NOW.
sa puhlielini. '
by ber
Hfea btule Olda bM rstorsed boBe
a kp eseod theBamaltatr hope Irota Petoekap where she
rUtlar refetiras.
lap Rlnraed Fridap
tnua a twe weeks' rlaltst-hb idd bosto
iaOlorersrlUe. M. Y.
west to
Hra. H. A. Poned of Owoaao. Awaer
ler. bat we 1
lerotoBetardepto rlsit with the faW- of obeof Uio float aad Boatanercaifn'.
dtp pet. is
Siatekrl fete theI dtr
>lp of Captain Bslae.
>b priBtlBF rffirfiBa lhat pan of thi.
sod «a>«rlaA ayaelf
Bsaitot Caip bora i
lhae. are fralla of all kfeda bare- weattoHapfield Ifetardapfsra ebort city.
\-bit with Mrs. Olllette.
Hra. Jobe UBae. who baa been rb-;
■are had
Frank Soctoebl te arrirad fi^ Ittog Id Trarcne (Sty. left Too^
Biir erap Usd sac mb laar
Otmad Baidda lor a rldl witb
momtor for ber home la Baplm, ecAMAGNinCENT DISPLAY OF ENTIRELY NEW FEATURES , a
rfesrbter. Mrs. Fred Ftoch.
by her gimBd-dangbUr BerOk.hpthawar! la
Prof Joba Laataar. who b one of the
I maw Ooiriaw *^eN«CBme
Mm. AlU DeoBfe. who bai tea eba aaisert to a battap. Tbep ordered Irntrsetorsat the Uairanltp of Mleb..dWTEKNATHINitU..
iUnr bar pamato. Hr. and Mm K.
...musicnt. coNveNTioN
Si totMdowsbehlad the hill rrhea ifaa.b hoare (or a risit.
Fr.'d Ftoeb ef UelOB strset to naeh baa ratamed to OUmcd aeeosc
thap btfaa Briar, bet aecM ef at
wesldaH re- Wa staid oet to tee the eelertatotor bar aotber, Hra., Frank paaied by hrr danrhler. Mia GeaeStfael ed aa artillerp Bra. Osr battorp Lodnibt ef Grand Baplds.
Dr. aad Mrs. A. J. Sbrllt
a Clara Vlotoa of Detroit, who
tatttol'oet two Bfsafeh baUsrlM. da■eeatbesuMiofHm ,1.
afeeped twe block beesa aad dnre bare rstamed to Graad Rspidi after a
BOB (or Bome daya. left
6,000 Iba
thsM Ml of qalU a lot of of tbelr ride re weeks' stop la tbb dtp.
Tbit at OmrleTofeand
•fee wllkeal ew feelac a aaa. Bat
Mjrl ate tbep drore tbem eat ef the
Wodt besSM aad ireoehee. poa oa(ht
Peto hsee beard the eld fstllair faa opaa
ire CB tboB. Tbep bad the ratliaf toakey and Cbsrirreix where be has
Bwrboo wUI manie bem a abon Uoe . Ca^.TrMMS^rUtbU. Bfeeia U»M. iMpaY*. TIstrt. laiate Bram, KpeaM ! X
plaeed ae tbep eeald aweep tbelr MB apeediar the pad week.
Cetfe, Oeriofe. Blf^ Haakenil»»kM gfe 6atoi».
Mrs. A. W. Feck left Taesdap (or a
trsaate aad tbere rra store tbaa
rhit at Bap View. bbc rrMi
Mr. aad Mm F. C. Secor of Grand I
■paslard tamed bla toM sp.
by ber aepkew. Waller Peck.
barabeeo Tbltloc
aaipt rAmaaoi
PserA(rlle.thertelto«rbt. tboorb
Ifis ('AS.S STIMsKT.
COMPLETE r^iB<»iie>
CIRCUS <-w-.aaoAaiice
WlUfeB HadUoaad rrite
aeeeria pamata. Hr. a
Smbradib Oet Keedrrd Mile ief I rmnlc K«er«Ti.ep. Acr-i.u, Alhlnn. Crweam aad Oner
tbep ^tod to esrraedar aoBe dept
to the clip. They arriaed Parker, area
ms all U>uninrvjitcMMit.t Ainltalarr -Vew aod rouarrmlhal t
pmterdap and will maato ■
•fht ae leaf aa tberc wm a saa left
Mbs Loaae Darldeeo ef
Mr. Wa. F. rtalmw. Mr. ABtn Jahaaae. tlr. HarTr niaba. ttaur Narr ta Pte. Mb
If tbepsereeadaredtb
Loggias Beats (fold Hnattoi
afccsurTrararec Cltp toeeber. b rbUadadW.MlahbemaHglard. Miaa Urrb Oeka. Hlaa baOW Jste.
that fe. Um eflaera, Tb
la a Inter tecrired by Rer. E. U
reqaJtaaletef ofprirai
aa attaadaat at tba asplna aad will go
Uteasd rare the
to Kortb Dskoto tor tbe saaaerThdp mp: *-AMerleam ao Bfhl lair
Cbtrlea A. Waraerot BeUiisr. Micb.
Th^ tra. rife TdL aad rsa rlrht
'hrrieed to the dtp Taesdap for a few
little later, bat at |
>'rbii with Anker E Hibbard
Tka (fekaaa Mp: ••CobaBa-mB ap.
DanM Dske aod aad John Lorklm of bb frtoda. U drenUep
irs. md rsa badt arala: bat Afeerkaa are eoJ.W.0
..^ thebmefibof Ht Clca- to eauiV aod mftiag lopa
he ymx kaapa finer, aad rasa tike ball. aaa. and are ft
City. There ta aboet aa oaeh maary I
(seeu at tbe CnloalalS
Slikt at tbe dpaaferda. Bt ae afraid
Willfea Keck, tbaretorma nadertakair to tbal ai to dlgriaC (or fold, aa logs
of Oraad RspUs. who te bean rMitop briDgaoBlBoatfabalomaaB. and (or
tbe preoeal t%
will coofiae tbelr;
We are llriar fetaow; we here beana. W. S. Aadaraon. baa leiaraad bone.
altetloa' to that. They bad a mfi
WdatoBA oaleaa. eaaaed beef, bard
.tratlltfUfa laiaa't.
of lo.oai feel ready to atan Ue day the
leak, eefiee.
Bat tbe ftrat few dapa wa bas retoreed to bb borne to tbb dtp.
Wtoe bare. well, are aaaared
R WUhela aed feally hare retaraaad lhat le abeal all. aad I Ibfek aboal ed (roB Bap View aad Peloskar where
haU ofihatWM eaeiUBeeV Ball of
qaaatity of aeed wbesL
aaritnar.l staas. Ifoaawkataafaa.
Mba Map Sbim of Maal
. .. Hailed
aoe'e Geldea Chaff, eaperlor qnalliy.
aUbate todeleteelepaptoabaab. tap a tow weeks elsitlap Hr. sad Mrs. deliecred to TmeerM City. Prwa oae
SM S0 eoe, trim it a llufe. aad he has Jaa« ISbim of Bast Elphth alrect
AdaadppalBlanffsn. Tbem ere
Hra. H. B Mclatpre b eatertaiab
smasle here, lots eftbeo. Tbem
herabtees Mrs. 8. hpea > CiBctoaaU
SOM ef the BMl bsMUtal birds bam I aad Mm P. Cnrie of PJaiewell. Hleb.
OteMW. Tbepamfiptof all aranad
' aHeada-wbobtoeiboaeloUlBr
te while I aa wriUap.
to tbc place BOW eccapied by T.
, I hare beea taktof a few oetm ef J. HeeL arrirad to tba city Teaaday.
pioeM aod ereots as we pe atoop. Tbep
Earl BobmU te ratamed froa the
eeoM baodp aesM dap. I mw rathera part of the slate wham be
Oeoosl MUm pMordap. Be nochsd
taiUag (rwaoa aad refeUraa
Be Mps he T. A. Cbaloa arrite la tbe rily Fridap
wfU bare m bepi oet of here toalde of eeea^ frog Aaa Arbor toapeadeerai
bwewaeka He b dlffmal froa Oeadgira
Hla Alice McDo£ido(
of Toledo. Obio.
Hoatbepeabedferto e
arriTad to tbc eliy Thereday for a
eter, bet (feeaml MUi
riait t^th tbe (aaily of WUI Hoaltoa.
boor to decide to. TVp
DonHvrnitviitilU^bcmwzaAfcfancen. Make no mtetoke.
Mm C. R Stilea of Elawead areaae.
wade up tbelr aladi tbep te '
b eotortetotog Mia Baoa Bardge and
tea bla at bb ward.
Mm Or. J. V. Bpooe, of BatUe Greek.
Ob. bp tbe wap, we bare te
ZeO'mr Px^lbs aixoe
•wpoBaMMlMaedldBA 1 laU pae Jal.aeStalbbe.gfe(tyMtordap for
trip to Petoekeyasd 8V tgaoee. Be
■BBOasaslid by We teghtw.
: M^n's Suits.
Boy’s Suits,
: Children's Suits,
Ladies’ Skirts,
Ladies' Suits,
Ladies' Wrappers,
Shirt Waists, ;
Silk Waists,
Parasols, Etc.
a If you
are looking
1 for a mill that can supply you anything from Jii
j Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we wUl S
try and interest you with samples and prices. W
Hannah & Lay Co.
Traverse City, Tharsday, Ang. 18.
J. H. LaFearl’s
t* When Summer
is Here
No! Base Ball
} Sjason is Not Over
Summer Reading Sy
for Summer Days
Fish Bros.’ Wagons.
"r.;$25,0001HIPPOPOTAMUS E.'.'Sr
1ding-dong ■tSS?
:::r.i.z;!Z.,™Z Ri^la’t Jamwe Yregiii l ■A,fflg«g:.ail.-.i:Sa'W.
clowns gg^arL«a=sg~
Uncle Sam
iXrayerse City, Thursday, Aug. 18. £ First in War,
First in PeaCA
B You will liava no
y peace tiU you see
£= those Nice SHOES
Drive tlje Spanish out of Cuba
l8 very absorbing:, but there ie some- ^
thing that touches the average lady ^
more closely. That’s why our $1.96 3
Fine Shoes are baring such a sale. ^
They are handsome fitters. Hew 3
Toea They have Fine SILK VEST- 3
nro TOPS. We esn giv6 them to 3
you in either BLACK or TAH.
Regular $2.75 Shoes $1.98 3
Tfiwrse Herald
i^TATE Bank.
■? I
Toteday’iirihT^niw’aeyof the
tceeatOraed lUpida. . Uloyele Ulrl.
H. J. Mocren'a (aat mare, wee caUirad
le tbe (;IK peer, aod driren hr K W.
HeC». BImi took loerth plaee io the.
Itet Mt bad eighth lo the aekt two.
Holh Ralaad waaeatered (or the raoat
yeaterday ia tbe rw claea. bat didn't
po lb Ob aocoaat o> a tore lor.
rteuaMw -wMM
a.'m'rwnra-a mtimbowct.
V. * h. e^njl-lxwo WMMv.
Chculltion this wmk 2.325
c a Vote bet beta fiMUd e pee■toeeiae par ataau b; tbe Peealoe
Aow rtna OtemdraaTbe law Arm of Ded«c A Ooton hat
tea diMirad by meual eabitet.
Haaly C Oodfa wUI eoaHaae the ane- Opera Boaaa. awdm tea aaaplam of the
wife aad daarhur. Mica* Mabel.
■a'tBaltefOarM- »«&> cnmM
Voadlar a »•* —ka at Haekaroa (oroby tbe firm bad Mr. CoertlarUl dw of taallaUe war pieteraa and mam <d
hie oaontea to thedalleeof I'alted tea pmat eowBieV ladadte the Wthey wUI rhdt retatiToe la the ecmlbara.
Sialm DIatrlet AUoraey for Heatan Ue of Maalla, tee Oeauwetloo
part of Um atate.
Miehlcaa. mabiar Orawd Haplda hit
Dr. J. C. Kaeelaad hae rery appro-.
- he wiU rotate aad teer
(rail farm W <d tbaaSceete tbe Oty Opera
tb* hOla wMt el the eitj. Bill Prett Perm" eftar tb« term of ifa*
and hmrht boeor aad riccy lo Aiaar-,
ewoed br en eemtar l>
Ifmatooraallatk Oatea aeaam. TVIt
TheMaaiaatecOoIUaroBO moem ae
deoUend eeres foamtloM iwow, wbe
wOlbe ewefteeflaeMatuactiM of
ball team, hariar diabaadad after
’••• me* o( Bote mod rUeted to b
ombw of UlB»Uto»> >»ep1«.
hare aot bewa payter very well la
Tbt lBrmdwolUBce'1'boineUnMe. MaaUteethaafartbla aaaaoo aad the
I O. G T. Blaotlaa.
■re BBd B bell allm from File l.ekc.
aot are tbblr way
Ata rafwlar meoUay of tee Ooed
ened to the rnmod Hoeder efter dear to play oat Ibe aaOMe witbeal a
TOmpIara lodre Betarday aeaBlay the
oao with BUiMoeaieals •rUlr the
ofileere Aook plaea
BOW oMeert are ae (ollowa:
abort ttma There
HaaietM. which boa foe peroral
L. D.-J. D Bobba.
oe Use bolldlsr. Tbe »re
obtmatedof beteraUa lo aoppart
> bare atarud from tbe fVrr*.^
the beet amatear team ia the atate.
V. T-—Wanea Moon.
Tbe 0 A. cVwerobookedforaramb
P. C T.-J. D. Boblm
A Uahted oirer or elsmfctte throws
te Masiatee oa tbr uath. bat ot the
CbaplaU—May Ubeaa.
tnleaalp botweee tbr atdewelk aad
baa diahoaded. tee date ia oS.
Bceralaiy—Fi^ Theobald.
aide of the I'eeirberB Hotel la aappoaed
Maaor-r Keboc baa aoeered teat date
Aiaiataal Beeretary—Mamye Ortatt.
tebaTtaetftra to the boiUtof. Aep
aDdtetUadoftwofamet with tea D.
FiaaBcial Swretary-Bdwia Thica.
the fire wta there ttaedap ^orebare tbere will be terro, tee lOte,
,Traaaaiwr-OrioB Smilh. and the depertmeat waa celled oat
mb aad i:ib. Theoe will befirateUm
Marahal-Cbaa. M. LaaceMar.
to eztieraieta the Waae Tbe ckcnlcal
a at tee Detroit BCdtafaUaB M
Depaty Harahal—Loate TbeobalA
CDfUadld .be wmk »ory aetiafactoril;
Oaard—Otto Fartech.
bafare meeb dateare war dutte.
ertUbataebanreotJoha DeablaiJ. O Jaetea bae beaa la Cbicapo thia
traak boeariar boraoa lor bla aaetioa
aela aw Batarday ot tbit waek,
•Mhap OUlaMahaaaoUAedBar. C.
T Baoat that ha wUl rbitOraar ebarth
aaSaaday. AbcmI Itib, to admialawr
P. B. Strehle hai moead hie barber
obop from Proat Straet la the botldlacoppaalUtbeHeraaaUlaCD'e block
«a UbIob etraat
A. J. Dayla bah rataraed frwm
wbo aeoompaalpi hint, baa yooe
W liodlaytea for a elait with relatlepa.
WeateB A Dattoa. tbe aew proprle•Braoriheaew AmerlsB Buam tsaaaAry, are aow opea lor bealpaaa aad are
already balldlay ap a rood trad»
Mr. ,P. H. Baraem mad laotily of
T^UBBil arrlr^ Ther^ay aad at
^wantarabataf asUrtalaedbyP. A.
wbcas fvtaar U baalaem Mr
hb^hl to the ally Tharaday by J
ttaae. Tom Shaae Uw aerae i
A aa« balldlac «a balac balH at t
dmaarof Boaaaad WaahlarlaaalrM
•Oak Para rwldaata.
Artbwr DuBBlar -aetartalaad a (aW
•fbbtrlaadaPrUay maier wit^
ptoaaaat party r«*ea at hla boma
OahPara. After the caaM lee oraabi
loete tbe
f. W, B. I
Ohomlaal Ftro Eaylaa
ralay by bat. Tbe now ae• waa bant to order bom apaei-
Ihat tea oHy haa a parbet fire axUateat elata
U ia aai
and beam
aaaa la atat' yailt Utteim.
caw aty So
It M a laampait
hlaa eolcolated for woaraa well oa
itlre aareka
It U dealyaed for
alterr oaa or twe boraea Ihonyb two
baaea will be tued oa IL lu weiyhi
la f.»M ponada and tee wbcelt are pr»
elded with ball baariBya which amke
earyosayraBBlay apparatae It
ate of two taaka of U yalloae
capacity each, bealdee two hand
ra of 5 yaUoaa eaci
ThIa addUkm to tee fire
idkat It c
aay la tec
chemical ic a fiat oaa aad made
:cpl»adid malactaiyht. belay drieec
by brieer OoBcaa McLany'alia. TU»
tity«aad hla^ yooil
SeaUael-Charlea Parker.
jadyment fa aeleeUay the riybt kind of
The dalayatea elected lo tee Uraad aalmala la •esdeaeod le a aalialaetor}
elebbeld ibelraaaaal meettef Moa- Lodye ware. Jennie Cartit aad W. W.
aad dbcaated plaaa lor mak- Oobla
inp a morr rcaeral QM ^
a ianalliiion of ofiie^ irill oeear haep tee chcmtcal io tee ,Caaa ureei
eayiae bouee ucetherwitfa the com
boear aad tee rare adraataroi of the
bolldlBf aad rroBBda Itwaadoeided
biaatloa boae aad ladder trsrk aari
Isaurermte plaaa from time to Ume
ateadier. L K. (ilbbe ia the local ayeoi
axcift added . latercal amoax tec
lor tee Bacioo Ftrc 'ehyiooXta. aaa
memberaaad It waa alao decided to ad
tee ma<-biae wae parchorJ ihfunyli
Death Roll
r Barry o( the telrphonr
mit aeaoclau membera for tbe rrmalahim, and at a »ery low price.
Mr.aadHta U ff. Canniaybaii
roabed with ordere (or
dcr of tee year at II each.
TbelollowioroBcrra were elected; ccieed'lhaTaday themd lidlayaol Ibe
t. The ordere ahead Inclada
deateofteelrdanyLterMra Dr. f
laatremeatata^ tbe editorial jn>um» ol
Preddeot—O. I*. Cbreer.
a pcoaiblc for.ju
Coraell of Copemieb Hra Coraell hae
Tbe Horaia( Beoord. oMee ol J. K.
Vl(m 1‘rmideat-A F.’ (bpaem,
k ptraauir wr peb.iU.
Uliay treaimeatat the aaaltar
, eoatractor of tbe aew ooort
Secretary—J. A. Moatayae.’.
tiil} itiiA
lam la UetUe Creek ala weelm. aad 1 waaaterriule
aod the naldracwe o( Mayor t*.
Trraaarer—B B Weil.
1 5:30 p. m yei
Jaaadice (or oea
W. Smith. C. A. Hammoad. caehier of
Direclora (or two yeara—11. MootabadaeSered aloay alts .
or. K. I.. Bprafoe. C. B Murray. U. B.
.er eiiy aad a
terinm. lieceaecd wae well
Ulreetora forCear year, baldlay oeer
i!ilte^;'^aa alter telsiu* l«.
Charlea Leacaatcr, who bat worked
TraearM City aad a larye rin-le of Ilaa I waeeaurely cared. 1 ov»
t the eaabirr't drak lo the smrery de(rlaadi WiU moara her lorn and aym. yreat pleaaarr la recooiiuoadiay
parlatcBtot the MenasUleC..’a aiore.
pbathiae with her (amUy. Herasother u> aay perawo aaSrnay from tet>
ole luaiMiy. 1 aiu srraicfa|i3 >
raairaed to aoeept a poeltiob ar
.waa at her ■ be^de aeVeral daya M. A- lloyarty. 1
Boelecy Eroata.
elarh le tbe paatelUte. tic wUI Uka
L Wait aai
Moaday eeealay Mr and Mra. Orth, ^he waa *5 yaara of aya
Dm place o( Oacar t'rl^rich. who bea
Mra. Sarah J Liayle died at eae :«iaw.
-hn were married ia tbU city a abort
held the poelUoa twoyeara, bat who
time ^o.were dellyhlfal'lr tarTwiaed by o'cloeh HoDda.v morainral tbe heme
is BuMlera Comiac
hat roalpaad to lake a poaiUoa oe
a larfe ociapaBy of (rirada at tlw boate ofberdaachu.-. Hra Chaa JohaBoo.
Tbr atora Arbieb ia to be racaler
of Mra Broadfnot. tee pueata beiar
Wett'Serroth aueek of old aya T. J. Uoai will be oeennied By a u
mlaiy membera ot the llaptiat ebarcb.
' "»• 6“ yrora old:
She laaee* eotorprialBy firm S Itenda A Co
Scott Crlpp of Batteroett, Nit^..
aow eloaiay out tbe>r retire atock
faaee a eery blrh repajd (or Hra. teraech'ldreo twodaeybten aad
■a aiater a abort titer ayo aail lately
flat clothiay, farnirkino, hal* ti
> It aboot to leae
Kewlaadi. etc., at .«-i. lyuace. nb<
aa a rapelar atteadaet at a ca<
Tbe party waa arraered aa
Ibry bare (or tbe paal three yeara sl.
Apetlax held at that plaew. lie yot
pBterriay for the eateemed coaplc. who (aneral waa held at »;j4i Tueaday e
oeenfully cnadneled wba'. was kaowu
Woirylnr orar hla tronblea oad reliyieo
Iraee tbia momiax lor Wayae. Nrbraa- Inylr-mteehoote. Tbe ramalae were
oeaae alDieted mreitally. Ue war
ka. wVefTteey will make their (ataro Ukea to Alba aad laid by the aide of
Their boyar baa led fur tbe raat tv
broeybl here lo tbe atrlam
Before departiap the rneeta her batbaad
parchaeena enUre aew atock «f met
pmeatrd Hra. Orte with with a baadebaodiae auebaa la uaeallyynrru-d by
Daau or Beary G- Baddow.
flratelaaa op-to-dif: mrn'a and buys'
allTR- batter diahaa a hteea of
After llayerlay at death'a door alacr ouifittcra. There ia oo do ‘
Praak Friedrieb retaraed Friday their alaeere frieadahip.
profit by
laat Saturday afteraoOB. Ueary (i
moralarIroBi tbe Maaltoaa la c«m1‘rof. aad Mra. C B- Doekeray eater- Haddow la dead. He
ila eaterpriae Tbe B<
paaaed awav
maad of tba mail V-ati wbleb aUaa br laiard a lew yoaop people Moadae eeeayeatordar ailcreooo at l;35.
ibe ulaalt aod Ltlmad.
Be lapat their botue on cMat Birkth
at aay Uma after
.t CO i. '
piloted the b»t here lo be refitted
beaorol I. J. Pleaa who will leaee bla injury that be would
•d by few."
wlibaDywaDfiar. which waa aeeom- tela aftcraiKm (or bit home 1a Meakepliabed
Captain Carlaon yoo. (lamse aad carda were tbe order at three o'clock yeoterday momlay tee
Ulaedt of the ereniuy. and refri-ehnii-au were ptayairiaaaalteeaaylamaaw teat the
U. Cook, tee well kBOWB
ead-waaOBlya few bourn away,
led aa (ar aa Kortbp^l by
by Hn. bakeray.
laa. ia an bla roanda uLiay
hla bedalfie wm hte mother, who waa
soa the boat.
Fieas baa beea here orarly two aummooed from her home Monday.
onlcraforall ktada of fc^it aad om
yeara aao held tbr po»lioo of ii.etriKtmealal
1-ieaar wait tew falm.
Saiarday Market.
aad lypr.m-rit.ny at
Tbt foUowlBC Iadl<> are aaked U the boeinraaColleye natil that luetita- to tee briyht career ol a yooay maa pi
many yoed qualltioa.
eoDtribote te tbe Betnrday Market K lloDcloaed for tbr aammer eaealloB.
be held Brat tiatarday artrroaoo ai Be waa alao stcoorrapbrr (or D >dre A
tee aaelnm bam ball team and la
llaakell'abiokatore. from: 'nto'cloek Oeeell
llorlay hU atay In tbe city be
ia thedaie and tee C A
n. I>. Alley, ti. J. Keith. J haa made many (rieada. wbo will be alay after a foul fly ia tee yame with
t>id Ulaakm Hatarday, be collided with'
. By. the way. Special train will
tilacb. A 11 BrnaeU.-W.Beilaer. Mary
jrry to Irara of bU drpanuee.
Trarcrae liiT al t a m aei
of tee patleato of tee laatlteUoo.
Barry. H. B. Bern*. Baaea Bate*. J.
liraod Kapid-al noon
Ne-ah-ta-waata • offered
waa alao
Harden. T. T. Betea. Fanny Craw.
I. Hoaud trip rate (3
attracUunt forapieaaaat pattr
a-jllmldew waa Injured in tee apini yolay u> be a Iiiy liermau Fieoic berr
aa. H. Oartia. O. P. Carrrr. H.
aiiilBy ot MlaaAyaea tticn.
Rich, woo ia aad
• ie^ea
' day and there arv maei-other a}paralyala aa
Craif. J. C Clament, A. B Cook, Marlioaa In and around the .nthome tor her eacalioo: Him .Wood of naaUoltee abock. At firat only bb
lea Craae. LacyCortla. I> K. Carter.
(>Eo. Illillavi.>. ■:
ManUtea who U rialUay Mfa» FloreM leya were paralyzed.' bat la a abort
H. Cook. Oota Campbell. Bleehman.
daemon; Him Jaekam. Hra itoir Ume bla whole body below tee ahoaldMMe J. Aadeiaon. Mabel Uatea.
Aieh. Mra. William Jaekaoa.' Hrp. 1. era'wmaaimilarlyalfoeted. Tbe reaalt
F. Perketk aad tee Hlaam EmBh aad haa hroaybt Borrow to a larye crcle of
« Worth O
Bortea aena.
frieoda wbo knew aad yraaily eateemBolToa or UEoaU).—Tbe Uylay
A jotiey crowd eajayod » riday pleale-1 oo lae yonoy mat
•t teecorweralooe of tho
layatAcma They waal oat le tec | ployrH ac aa attei
tea aaj'Iu
abnold be made
morBi£y and return^ la the eera- three j-rara and waa ezlrameiy well
able eeent la the hialory of Uraad tralay. after haelay be^ a yeaeral yood......................
likedte tee maaayemeav jir waa ae
leeoaBty. Fb that cod, allow me
Thoat preaeat were Hiatea ardeA dceolee of base ball asd AU
taifeat the pr^triety -of makiay
Edith aad Uraoe Hhallaya. Uraee aad
y arraafemaata (or a public
Mary Eidred. Franc Fuller, h'aoay
• wbo (eel tee loaa of tealr______
tnaiattle eelabratloB. Why not proUeliy of Kalkaaka. aad Eldo Slimaua
kreaty. becaoceof the aaocdatloa
saaaltebtentoBe. and baee It laid
of Aqa Arbor. Heeara ' Roy aad Jack they enjoyed with him on the diamoad.
aader tee aaa^era of tome of the
ry, I. J. Fleaa Clark Alloa. LawThe temaiaa will be tabra to thr
UraalorderaofteeoiMiaty? Why
reaco Hack. Tberoo Mocyma aad Barry home of trie pareau. falo. loelacoaBly.
Mdepeait a
l*arker. Tbe party waa chaparoeed
traia' teU alteraocm.
A •eeeOe. depoMl- el IIOJ a«J ui.earO. oi.
hy.Hn. B. A. perry.
abort fooetBl aereiee will be held al aUonlaW'vei taereM All deperae repoji
a J. W. l‘e(Ahio eaWruleed e tec aeylam at f:3u. ia ebarye of Oeert
rcarel eooaty ofii.-iaU aad board nnmber of yuaoy ladlea moat dcliybt- Tmeerae. Indepeadeet Order of >%rew
ot eaperelaora. aad tech other matten (elly Thurolay aflrroaoe wjte a ten, of which tee dscaaeed yae aa
Rer. WeUe K.
aa may be of latereti? Why not make "teimbir party." tbe yaeet ol hoaor
belay MImtMrrieLlBdIey of Chirayo. WriyhlwiU.olH-late. TbeBtembenof
bocaakm (or rej.lciaff oeei
order will tani oat la a body to at
the beaellfel ainiriey of Miaa Uadley.
Q. M. lilme
AeMeof thebride-eeieter Hra. Oeorre
MayacB. 410 Wadesrortb atreet.
.daiytr. Rer. Demae
I ofielaUat.
IKCaraat tamlllea la theaan .abdlac
aaaatry promkod food bomea to
mambor of boym aad flria from the
Mate Sebaol at Ooldwaur. Saearal
tballlUa fafka hare arrlead aad a
halar^wd? by tbe ladlm <i( O
which haer cbaraeleriaed tec .material
frowth of ihr connty. and plaoed it' la
tee (raet rank amoar ter coantlea
tee BortbT Why not?
Maci.T C. Dotmie.
MbaW^lbqlm. Hiae Omwford and Hlaa
Boberta iw one of tee enjoyable
(aatarae of tb
lay the atadrin; oat of a aceal lore
aiory. Miaa A'ma Deaprea belay tee
Kn<ire*rul wiaaer.
Tbe MlahHrpn llaaket Faetorr waa
«eer basler teaa U la tela too
I ter Weye
tbe a
yrt bnea fiaed. Vet wbea the tliae ar
CH a wo eoebi the local litMtewirs'
- vUI eai..y * *»»*^_^___
Hr. aadMn.' C W.' Oeedeolar of
AprUffleld III., loft (or l-etoalifT BaUiMy afleraahart rioU wnh Mr. aa<
Mia4l W. MeWoihy. Hr aeadmlafti
pitipilteor of tbe State BapUter
kte ertla te aa old eoUaro
falleat apaeity lo fill the oederaeaaaed
by tee bly fraitcropa ia Mlehlxan aad
BoMbborlav atetea
From thl«
oatU late la tee fall there will be no
let ap la tee work, aad tee year *
tx one of tee larxeat la the bUtory
tee factory. STi huda are employrd
youpyledit-auf teeO B C. aod a
berofyaollrneafrieads byteeHiaaee
«>.-rtredr HiyycDa aad (layir liriawold
Thuraday ereniey
The party
at the borne of M<e< Hiyytoa and
oeedefi h. Eiyebood. where .tbev bed
bnay from‘been iaeiied by MiwU-wia. Tbr dock
moniay to alybL
Oae dart ealput| aad ehadral yrouada wrre yay with
Ctiziaz paacbMnd yrape baakeu ia,;j.p.i
J •peBear laniama aod,(oar driftreood
•rra-mi ibe beach raet a ruddy ylow co j
M.doQ. and there baa been aa aaaaaal Brea
demoi;d fjr berry eratra. ut which ?(M0! te^ ylaaar water, mlaxllay'wite
Imter tea
daily. Tne l&ml demaad haa tlata of the aaeaet.
ot MrA
beea baarinr teaBrrerbe(.we. abowiay made a hrlybi path acruee the hay.
teal tee fruit yroweraot tbe r^ioa are the whole maklay a pinare ioay
Prnfmaer C. K. BorU weat lo Bari- raiatay mwe b.-rrlmaad amall Iralla to be remembeced. Tbe ereaiey peteed
•aw yeeterday lor a two orarka' atay. teas la prerl
jail teoawiftlyU teaetiey marahmal. -Whoa be maraa ho will derote la-haa. 'lowa over tbe ylowtay eoala. rialliac
teteiid aserfy lo ibo laatraetloo of heaa' ao crowded with oedm that) and alayiity. and it wae a late boar betbaCraaceothaadaadlBtradaea i
a aamber
mochlaea i (ore the
>oaked dowB epoa tec
•aw wad popalar piaeee.
Bew li
beea added, and two , ear. | party
ly aathM rodf memly hem*
teoata are a (atera praapaet (or the leadaol Modezra eacfaaro larscd OBtj Tbr M
hrM /re
e bieyole c ab eBjcyed a
la tbe Cllatax baahrt departTaae^y
Hw Udlte'Aid meitty eflmaf Uka
erUl mtol trltb Hm. Bllphalrt Pillmore
Wadacod^. Aaf- IMh It la hop.
ary memhw >0(11 ba preowal.
aad aalchbora ora oerdlaUy Inrlied al
ba. libbahsaaaararalyaaraalaeaMn.
PUoHireliaa boaa aWi to dooay
tar far borfamlly. to Ut •• .Aew oar
kfbaoi aympatby by lawilmr a balpIMM.
beadiar tbt adme.
tteryeOMbMUar'a bordebai
S|I«I DMHtt Bmi u mt til t*i In MSI £
J; csr; li. £
xcabkeam block.
Carbolineum Avenarius
OnrSarines IKipartmcDt
Duty Baakel Factory.
a the plUoma will be
. UtM
You t:<>i (ht> benefit uf it.
A Great Reduction This Season.
will buy a 6 or 6-ft, Jones Lever Binder.
will buy a 4^ or b-ft, Jones Chain Kower.
Fnm 16 to 25 per oast, off
.m all IW.- Ball Giaala b atuck.
Uri;..' a.-’-
^>rtni>-iit, al
It'inot only the moat efficient pnoervativitee work la yean paat baa M»a raia coameaeml After teeir ride Miaa
point tor all wood work eipowid to rot alu) decay, bat also a rwlical
dene eallroly 1^ haml. bat tee com- Harioa BaaWr aerred
paay ha*
1 bar boma oa State rctnedy a^inst oir rerBin. 'Am a daotroysr tif cbickan lice it ha* no
UM* «<te mteiaea wbkk ha
rqoaL and one aiMdimtion to 4* fawdr of a chicken roc^ i* aofficieni
laat beea prrfa^, a*d twenty a
to destroy all Uceasd kstpIbamawaypcnuAiienlly. It viUrffecUially
oimraUoB thU Mmmm. addiay laryeiy ,h, ,<may ladka oomprialay tee party
kotearaimekyottebdepartmaav la all relarolay hotae yraterday
They prsTODt rot and deeay of vood'abore or below grboncl or water, aod
addition to teeae aaorly eeeeaty haada bnea apeal n mM dolirhtlnl wank on therefore ia Ati rs^lent applkwtioii fw fenw pasta; aidewalLa, al
'od. abaat thirty belay yiria Uie bay abora. tb* oaly bar te terir era, shts^ea, etc.
Crayb B*W al tek wark.are mak- plraaart b*lay te* rala that pat aaaa-
We wo«)d inrite yoa to call and examine the nweauraa.
•ellingfrom oar atare, inateod of caocBmiiiK thrikogfa-the
eoantry, we makes «nng to oar patruna of from
to fSU.
To be hml ooly at
^uuuuiuuutuiu mmmtumuLtmumthtutmH iuuuuu^
Grand traverse region.
Ood to Cftll^'kb
t bnuar. 0. W.
Wo »ro
lOOBlhoT tbio
Wabadsararal Blea rafraablw talas
<wu* P-» ~~ *p f">■ftfkHf k» «■-— l» Ui.
4m. MoOeralsk oM Ktakofd o'»mko aoBM irlia tko
B*B0d BDd ns ky
ThrtarMa an Baariy tbnarb bi
froai C
UflT*AUclBii*’»lBO» 'wiok mad
ma* on o>|wU<l.
Tbon was a daBoa r(*OB Bt 3. Maka'
J 3. Kilarayaad H.aiaa an pwUaf
tark soar Uwa Lain aod baardlofat
U \Tahoehll-a
0 U WsMrtnny of Knobfors ws»
la koors yo»Wrt*y
{. MoBUfBOsrooB'
I Iras Ohio.
Hia. Bblr waat to Korsat HIU Tb^;
b« alalar.Hia B. Uawbrim.
air Lode* Ho. US,
WkOTWo. — )oa( UMBkonUr la fiada at raadlaf tor taouaea. wlU be
bsUt« Wbon tor—
Ika atgdlad aad Ua maw
(kU loifB--------------------------------—
«*lbr* ofUo ordot k»»» r^llr ••'Mrai klm V> tko ■■■>■« of Ifoft*
■ Wtla»l BIO Bkost to OOm-OBOO c
frail bars aararal yaan afo, w
last work looklar ap Ua fruit |
aod bt Ulrka applaa
will bria|
bBM sad B nry ploaUBt tlao oro* prln la Ua
aoara aarva.
MllBdBDelBf. VoBfolBdobtediO
Hra. arl
_ Walkar
______ bas'
baa rrlumsd from
MTiIbo* ofXTBtoiBo Cllyfor htao* rbllto Uelwaokaa aad also a rUlt
Hra. i; II Priohof Trararad City ts
^Ual aaolc aa tto orfoB.
TlsiUBf frlrsds at Ibis place
dark Masuraak kodlk b aai food:
rlsll«d friasds at Bay
wokepo loass hUB botw
■a Isft bar nry BKb Im- View laat» ■
Vto VolUo
HolUo H'BwklBo »m work
Kte Lavb at ttdfovoad au
C- l>. Itallraback loslaaotbar horaa
ic day Int waak.
Uar W II. Huoaa
tr wera fusau of
le a trip to Praakfori
Or. rowan was ealM taal oroob to
atts^ Hro. WMOor. wktf waa taffar^frMaermkaart traabla.
' ■akiaa OapUaaBd UauoBd an rapanad qa<u At iba rapsMIaaa (saeat Jely totb
oSn. B Haaro. aad Heloary
.. ..
_________j> Ur
la ka baU at Hraxaala
laaai bar IjBSb
ml noatbs ai
Bsraa of Ue fariaara an aumplaialar
that tbs lair dry apell baa lejared Ua
daiiaara^atiatorto a larfa aad sppraclab Wadoasday
il tba ebarcb
tillh^llis subja^l . .. "Vnueg maa
battlraaod bow '
Mr. aad Hra Itsa Wintara and famly of Trarrraa I lly bra sislUag Ueir
•lUr, Hra. Jos. HooU.
a Ulklnr
about itaraahlaf.
Hr. Boltoo kas beea eradllar frala
■•urday alfhi.
w Hr. Jobal
Mia. B. Damak, wte haa boos oMv
Hr Borabard baa baaa oattlnf frala
.Mllum ...
tar ta l>anrat_a5^ lor a Haw,
or Hr. Brow*.
s Is (ha aelgbbo
_______Taa^a; laat aad wlU imaU
dwa taw woahs wtU bar daarklor. ............ .................. Icada atOlU-a Plar oa
Ua tut of Jaly; plao callad oa aamerMki Bra'lmah
na'Daraaa aaaloly will ftra yaa a oaa berry boabaa la Ula rielallyHia. K. I
Ktadlj walaaM at Uair ■■Arbor'- Boat
MA^orsBlaf aad aail yoa dallaloBa
Tba harraat la fatbarad aed a»ma of
Ua tarmen an Uraablaf.
lyef Ua frain Is focal, bat la aome
Wa had a food rala aad atarytbtaf flalda Us ylald is aol ap w eaparUla^tbobataarfarn.
tloa. Tba By aad tba wiad ta}urad It
[^^ara ban Ualr fall frala
llama Held* of eora an rarerarlaf
P. 3. BarTaBd. «oo. Uwr aad OIr partly from Ua efaetsof Ue aarara
la a trip to uwa last waak. hnt. bat oUar dslda will ylald ooly
foddar asd aabblaa.
A faw of Ur
yaobool la
farsata bara plowad Ualr esraSalds
^ly wUh aa attaadaaea o)
(or oUar erapa.
Uaaaa af alohaaaa an not nry aa
]Ha an araaetlaf to bara i
rally aa tka ikb at Ulaa Arbor.
Oaa. Ealdarbaaaa. Tow Kaldarh------■■idU.>lbart dmldU aod Bay
1. all Bf Uia plaaa. waat to play
- I Barborasbart Itiaaai
Oa tba way bona, t
fgntbn qaiteamr*. Oao. K
haiM atartad for tba abora. wblla Ur
“ liaibad oa Ua boat Br
■lirBlI « BPea It btlif mldatf hi they
boak B-laatarn aad want uat alter
UHnfbsaaad Hra O BapoMia.4. B._„_____________
at aad ahlldraa of ChlaBfp an apeadat Us Barbae risit-
Tba ralay wnthm
•w it dalaylBf baraad It k boptd II
■fhs BUaatbwf B. W. .bambar Cx
tasdad Ua ataaaMr L. Alpm aad
tbawlkniiairBaan wlUlaaibef. bark.
Maa. adftafa. aU.. far Hllwmakaa mar
HHs Era Soaa of KorUport. who has
baaa aaapl^ tar aoma tlasa (9 tba t)
B. W. LamW Oo.. baa raslfoad
Waltar Bartaea, wba baa basa Uk-
■ ■■
I will more, joto n>r,Bc-<r fooratorj bnek atoro aboat S-p^nber I, aitd 1 don't want !
IS to aslar asd Taasday i
u.i- _ _
Is Ue
M. A.aad 4.4. Snwyara t
fy atarbaallaf Us aiaas t
aatftt aad az|^ to aooa be o(
•rttd'«p'barr7"t^ 'm' sot pf lofs
bataeea (eraad oat Us aifht baitoaaadldaatpayaad baraooawleUa
WralnbaarBday ploa tfata.
^j^Baiaitan k la ttaaad Bspidt Uk
Baplki leftTburadsy
I. gara ai
ssclal Thnradar nigl
night at tl
________Terarlllafar aad
L. Ornfary asd wlte mads a bapry
starud for
Batshtaa k apeadlaf
sai of Haataa k la Uwa
Bpaar Airsbaa aad aktsr «f '
Labs. Hleb., an rkltlsf Ualr broU
ata, 4aba. Charim asd damn Btrahaa
of Tboa GIbaae
of Ua riUafc
WlU al
. »*•-
I MBiparary sbaeBae of tba
Briah VaUa 4eha Bryaas aad 4oha
than la Umt
ratt of Travera
s Oobb el^Bal^a
NaiTow Escspa From Oaatb.
Mr. BtaAmam at Sammll waa greet-
lli\ Htnri-s-frmti #2-VI up.
aty was at
s Tbnradsy
and family
b«** a
wriMen ciumul) U.iwi *i*h aroty Peiiioaalar* Z
8l<ivo. (ihi-Itari ulovf'tnaili-l Iml till-uioMvi niUid L’"> as tb<-) an>h» bc«vy tn more.
Now if :
yem will iKml a alou' i.r ant tiling in Kiiriiiluiv, <'ar|«>ln, I>isl» is Titiwan-. Hevini/ Marbinrw. Z
Hags. (Sirisitir .>r1ti fnt-t Hnvtliing lo (aitiieh y»ur lumm- iiiri.l.' «■{ a year, il will |my you to '
Inty it Now. Cwh or PAymenU.
^ 128-182 Front street
Traverse City, Mich. 3
keeping with tbr other appointment.
A facl tfxcniplifiotl fvorj day id the Week and every
af Ue bmri. Th. «.i buildipg w.:i ^vtvk' in thc vcar. Wo maintain thv otylc we uLirlcil out
^^ie*^u u^'LV*Mri~”'
with, and il io a winner. Wc aic at the front a^ain with
Hot Baiuns in Up-to-date Dress Goods.
Bejtilar lOc and 15c Dress
Goods9 at,
a per yard,
few the A Rood 34 inch Fancy Dress
•^rs*; Ooods at. per yard........
All Wool Stack and Navy Blue
Serges at, per y aM....................
'' 38 inches wide Shepard's Plaid.
localom U good sad w.ih his long •
Regular 50c goods,
oods. for
I catering to Ue pubTie Mr. '
Kleteh.r w.Il m.hc hi. new b-taler) '
pf All WOOl FaU
auMes. 40 inch.
very popular
I good vBlue at 60c,
w closo at
doMforUe best iataresu of all
of tbs season wss gisaa on Tomdsy b>
eened. Ibom noble youtg men will
Urs.Jas.li.BobrrWatl>.d Ultalon
be brought Kortta. la (act. Ue liehonor of her tsro grsodMSS. Walui
has already aelectod a aeaasd Charles L Trumbull, aad
•bore resort (or them 'at MoaUalt
nephew. Jamea R, Kipklin. al Irasge
fiilat al the eaolerB ood of I.vag
gveel dli..v.i:i-r>-has h,....
uiand. Very truly yours,
ds^rStad with flags, a^ garlandi
.e faslrii.vl il
flowtra, wblla large rases filled s
nopaa her aa<
(eras araamested Up slagp when
VklU.tOKi IU sc
that I o,
.sergreasa. Tbe mosip, which wai
eelleat. sraa (nrakbed by Mr. asd
Commlsge. At b o'clock daaciag
asd ODtil twdo'clork tbe •
brilllaet beyond deserlptloa.
graoefal forma of the dsaerti
gilded Id asd fro is Us maces of Ue
nalu. u;d MUslos has rareb
s gaUerUg where Uare
so much grace asd brsuty, there beleg
antaiber af risil
Home OB a Furlough
ArUnr Beott, oar of tbr Hannah
ill.-i.Co. H. ttUUlcl
New York Moedsy
sftaraooB aad left oo Ue 9:» train (or
Maple City tovUitbii pareou. Arthur
was the viaum uf ah scodral while the
Iroup wrrr laadiag from tbe llarrara
. at BaDilsgo dr Cubs, bsviug '
kaTf'-aoagbi lta atUacUee aborcs Uk
'ConspicBOatamoBglhegapatsor Ue
ppcwlog ware: Tbe Misses Ufflugwall
sad Mias l.lada Wabrr of Bprlagfirld,
Ills.; Mim Bpead of Mempbk.
mpbk. IMiss
Bpriag.of Chicago. Mrs. Habel
Mabel Cook;
York. UkA,>rdotChi^. Mrs.'im>,
of Cblesgo, Mra. XV. J, Black ol
Bprlagfirld. Ills; Measrs. Vaughaa.
Spriagor. Ford. Flcklla. Tremball. UU-
lie was placed oa the tajored Ikt.
belag uaablv toattaod todnty. lotar
ed to the boapllal ship
Oirvelta, aad arat to New York, being
eatored la Ue Marias botpItaT an Btateu rslaad. tie fint maa he met on the
Ollvctta vras F. O. Haoeen. who wss
-eoaeeted witb (he Rsioso last year,
and who ia now a atamber of Ue bo*»iul corps #a the Ollvrlle. Tbe beya
speat Dsay pleasMt hoars eoml
Donh. former assoeiatioas of both
Travera# Oty affordtag a Ue which
made their voyage pleesi
datloBi being Umltad on Uesbip Uey
reanta off,Ur name plate.
Arthur obtalaad a (arloegfa wbea be
reached New Ydrk. after a few days la
the hospital and came home ss soon
brcould. He stopped at Detroii'i
and Mlled upoa Ooversor Hegrae. wbo eatartalaed him eery eordlally. iaviUBg bim to dine wlU bim and
oUerwke making it pleaaaat for the
raturard Midler boy from MIehlgaa.
[loustorctara Utbafrsat
betbk haad^k atill eripplsd Uoogh
doing niorly.
ighed iDUrmsLtly. asd
«hr aeu;l.» d;»t»»rr.d
' y purcnaslng of u'« New ll.scorerv
Hr. K
lirved oa UhiBg the lirsl il.wr that i.«»
>lcpi sU eight: aud with leslxulra
has teen atw I 'Italy cared
llor usair
Is Hra. Lutbrr Lott ~ Thu« writes \V.
I' Hsmnick .V to. of Shrlliy, N V.
Trial tnailrk fi.v at the drug sv>m nf
S. K. Well and J »; 4..bn-«i
IK- aod 81. Every leillU guar-
We carry tbe famous Gold Medal Dress
A Cut of 15 Per Cent....
On All Wool Remnants
Baeklaa-s Araiea Bale.
r ttsi-va ID Ue world f
., Ulce
Hruisee. Bores.
.Sbeunt. Fever Sorns. -Tetter. Chepped'
Hands. Obilblaius. Gurus, aud ail :;kin
KrapUoos, and poslilvelv cares Kirs,
nrri'i psfrv<]alred
It U gusrantaed
•rtoct satisfaction o
The Boston Store^
BslebTJ.*) Jobi
fen. >T.-S. .1 il.-1.«.- c irti' K-p:*-'
ue f>pul,t Wes Swenraa <'.IU>S4er
tmencaa Mar^ Ou . DetRdt.
I. .uSrilriw. •
^Thi CfilfibntAd BpfidtUiU,
Hotel Whiting
WEDKESOII, tic.». 1891.
Oae Day Oaly laek MowU.
OoMoltMUon and Bxammatlon Fraa asd StMetly
k”iE^k\H i SSL
The oflta oo Ue firat floor. wiU Ue
eatiaBeeBtUvearaeeofUe belldlag,
^11 be oeellv fitted vriU modera fix■rea It will be provided wtU two
Maay men aad womea buylag ,
large pleta glam wiedowa wbkh
llgat aad atiraeUva.
will mtke I
will be dxtendsd
iSvcr Ue eatlanee
------------------------■OeT'al Mr----------------------irueporiiooof aroi do'ga. Tbe east,^
Jg with
behdlag. haeknf tneiAca wUI he de-j.^
AOdrem fur
(Goods in every grade, ft'om 60c to $2 per yard.
)”sra'"shi Every yard guarauteod by the manufacturers.
Handsome New Hotel
r. mmsr. sss
TrsveraeOUy k to baee a aew hotel.
>. Ksld VIrUV
psim-si vi sU
Bott eoDveBieat aod modera la
McUaa. W. H. Fieubrr of Uc
ColumBlaa Umtoaraal has leased Ur
doutle balldiBg bvlogpomplvtad y W.
L. Brown, ua Ur corner of i-ark aad
Front rireeU aad expects to Mkc posre aboo; the first of <K-tober.
The clam la Boglkb liuniare
the bal diag'movrd from Front street
Fiwfeesor Gurney wlU take ai
adj .laiagtbe Friedrich black k added
slady ol Hacbatb. While sU vraehi k
> Stnictoro. aad k.U will be made Oest ever liou.uw to puMish. Cueuito {
. . e _.-iiagso(
irlv 900 (oll-pare
' . '
Doae wo long a time to do justice Urec stories la Bright and baadsomeIt a
rioor, by tbe Great Hastars
to Ue play, every eSurt will be ly finkbed la aiodera alyle.
Bot a life of CbrisV but aa exMlMt of
pot forth to aceamplkh ■ia~~vreeks build.Bg will eoBlalB. bceidra Ue all Ue Great Usstan' Ideals uf Ur
work ia t
»'time by Ue aor- office, dinlag
Chris'. Nil oUer book I.ke It ever pebIkhad.
;. Ulrty large
leuly orders dailr. Tbe boek '
Him Gray wUl devote aboat Uroe
I airy rooms, only two of Uem
lUfulUal when pei^-.eeeeU
(aside ernes. Etch will be Ugbtad want It
elsetricily aa.i heated b; s'eemaad
oOBtalB a peeamaticeall bell voaareted
wiUUc'fiim- AtUeraar of the
UM story, v
larope 1 hr Urrmltage..
. . ,
Usrd will be e msgaificeat view of Ue
-itti. Uwvrv. VaUcae. Nsiloaal of {
bey and sarvoandlog eoaatry.
loo.NsUossl onterlia. Krlvidfirol
aeepdsfrom wbiubaatUI finer riew Imm. have all placed tbetr rarest
gieetret trvaseree at rmrdapmsl
can be had.
was Ue loaraat bidder os
■ai beam to ba bwUt Uk
AcQoAwaUmadn.w«UftBtob«dB«lBtMd»t«l.BO Pomar prlM$ B.00
A rood Bxoalgfor Matuwa at........................ 160 Fomar ftrlo* AOO
A good Iron Bkd for ....................................... B.76 Fomar pHoa 8 60
A fli»i.claat PenlnanjiT Oook Stova...........................................
A fliwt claaa Fenlagular Blaal Hang*........................................ ..... 8A00
A .dnt.claag Pgoinaatar Boned Oak Baatar....................................' 1060
A flrat-clafc Air Tight Haatar............................... ........................
retarned Monday.
r. Alleabaugh arrived Bstarday
a BoaU Bead, lad . where he bas
-Imm Maria aad Edna (traea of
mrceu l.iule Uootge douU HpBd.^Ind.. are ekklag
Mra Baumbarger.
aad family.
Hra Frasi
lirr aod twdebildre
J A ritatOBaad witeot I^attakar. -________ from
skiHag at Cbaa. dolly'a
rived at Ur Waakaioo Tbaraday.
Mrs. Towellof 0-aad Rapids k Ue
C M Oriatlaad vr.feot Clevelaad.
gamt af her alsur. Mrs. Triplett.
O., wera at Ue Waakaaao Usi week,
• penpla ol Uw Tillage haea a
ri. M 11. WUllams of Uraad Rspm BOW toal
Urs. A. J. Wrsiea of Alma, asd
____ Haora of (iraad Raplfis sra akltiag at Us Beach Hoaae. lta hklBiday(too Hiller of Cbrrirvoia and A A.
Bigbt. and
l^eed of a littla
Miller of Traverse Ci^srrired at
to give a lavra aaieial
Ml gruoads Bstarday
aad eah.
ar >0 ‘hraday-moru,
d eoffre will beaerrad.
They drrra and will gat a good pa
TbeHksm Lomaa af Uraad Raptda
aad Cedar Bspida, lewa. are staymg at
owm rmu.
fUllard. Wash.
Uc Waekamoo.
Pewrawm T
. Him
City Tacaday. rati
. Wa have
Sava aow ear eallre ooewv of last
Lee, Aar Peek made a boviataa U
- n.
Hrof C. U. AadetaM
> Traverse Qty TasMaj.
d hk eagageiaaat-at Old
Mr. Buuleaed Hr. UtaerofSano
aaeeptad hkol^ypiltloa
Bey ware ta town eue day tost weak
Tba Pally Eaaortar of Patoakay toys:
-Bar. B L Kallegf aad wits of -Trarana City had a narrow eaenpa from
daaU la Uslr Bay View tost Wadasaday Pigkv Aboat rlaraa o-elook. when
Ua storm was al iu balgbt. a bank
tree ua laebn la diamator eras
asappad d>y Ua wind and crasbed
Ureagb tba tswt bitwaae Ur. Kellogg
and wlfa- Oaa of Ua bnacbea sirack
Uia. Kellogg la tba foraband loBIrilag
Mra. P. Blaodkh aad Elliott Jadd
At twelve o'clock a dststy supper
aod wife of Omeaa ware at UeWaaat served la the rooms below,
karoo last Bstarday.
Jacob Wagbo bas lately lest a ealaa- tables were bMOlifully deeorstad.
bl. bam^.,
A whlit party was glee* at Arthnr vsillag flowtra.
loole-t Bstarday atgbt. A tty gaod
Hra. B-Jberu was assktad la eataras)oy.
italaiag her garets by her daughter.
Hite Bra Bam. wba bas beta
Mra. tVslur Trambull. who did tbe
0^ Harbw (or a sraak ar so, rctara
bounra with agran peculiarly her own.
i last week.
11 r^l^barlrioB^
ATI Uoee who eaiofad Hrs. Roberta'
a toad-for a faw waoksaad wil
lUtlty will long ramember tbr
B gotospaod Us srlBUr wlUbar
-lliriSr to
Ood," Lake sT:
ar la Oolamaa.
. Mra.'Ed. Itylow.
leg as one of exceptloaal pieaaare
rrof. Kirkland aad wife of Albion
sra bera eklllag Err. P. K. Wbllmaa
and wife.
Almost so eaUrv ehaage .of pro
CbM Harphy of Katkasks came Bstbaaday.
nnUyfora short risit with Hr. Wm. will be followed darJag Ue last tvro
Elmar Haaaaof TraTeraeaty wai
ton. rata ruing Haaday with hk wKr. weeks al tbr aormal laslltate.
eallar Id town laat week
who has been here ior ac
place ol ortbogvapby. Him ilray takm
ijsanarly aaetlag sarelcms iron bald
brre toUrday
aed ..
Baaday. <
up readlag. aad Uc "eourae of study"
by Bar. C L. Ktllofg.
Isi^ part of last WMk aad Ue fiiat of tbat the bad charge of. will be dkHkaaaHynlaaBdlllaa Hrodarlek
placed byaelam la "Y'ba CommlUce
Oraed Bapids an rialtlag triaede aad
Fraak Rommaa of Traearae aiy k of Twelre.' aader I-refeaaor Oaraey as
ralailres ban.
kara ekiUag (riaads aad ralalleas.
I hare bom oaUido and boo(;ht a fait :
^ will Poll the stork t now harroo hand Bevnrdl^ of OoBt !
: 1 will quote, a few |>rim,s|Mro wuat permit me lo qootr atan)-. bat ovor/ihini; will bo in :
BBbeol. Tba woA will be praeUeal.
week oa Ua akaiotoe. baiag tllastratad
by aaa baton Ua clam asd wot
Ua rital orfaas praaastod by tba ritoU
eta lamb. U» eye by aealfseya
Hra. Mary 8Ua
iBha MBtBmUraad fitmi UKay Fri
day araalaf.
rillsfe-oad 1
'WHBa J. data of PalaaU. Hleb.. k Ual^b
of Ue Tlllagr
llagr ai
an glad to aaa
week f<
4ohaI SaS
" ■ ai
a^bapaa to dartre baaefl froai Ua aban risit wlUbk
. Ur. I
fsnalratUk rai
: now ehtek for niy now rtore.
d by rrofmitr '
_ a Ida Ustlosaa af. Chkaga k rk
lUaf bar pansu ken.
•III will ban Ion a»
HksMaad MeUoaald atartad Taea
ruBl^ tOl aaow aiM
day for a rUli la HaUafoa.
Tba Oarmas LatMraa poopla of
Will IrwiB apaal Aaaday la 1_____
Head Barbw ban plaead aa an-ar wlU
Bk wife aocompaniad Ua back to Gad
3.3. DIwt Us Implamaat maa foi
Aanh bA of IMS poaada eoaplau.
. l-iwuraBd wife azpeet
aoBTialttec a
'a worth of
i>( tho Koods
irtods 1 now liaoo.
: to mot.- a dollar'a
Bambar raa^ta l<
ebarcb last weak.
3. 3. KOwy bu takaa Ua afasey :
Iks White arwlaf aaUlaa aad k offwfawaan* hatfaln ia that llaa af
a tiigbt woBBd.
Tbalr Uat waa pltebsd la Ua edge
of Ue woode aloag Foraat aetana
......... New Yark. Dec.
and reasorod witb bis parei
Aroaaad from UeL eou by Ua wild
Bapids. Hleb..
of wind aad Ua areaklag of Ua
d Trar
lesv. tbe famUrc. . .
Ur. Rallofg was staodlof Dear
rraa. tbes So almust asbroke I wilderoaa side of tbe uat while bk wife
Bass, locating al wbat k nor
at Hosnw Castra. wbicb has
waa aaar Ue oppdalu elde. ,Tbe tm
rnr slara.
eraahfd Uroagh Ua middle of Ua toat
Nor. 3inh.
:i. he
marriage to Miss l->ut<
l->Ute tVleebcomb brisraaa them and fall winanly aieram
bright1 years
ynra they
the] speat to- Ua Elder's pillow, when kk bead bad
gelber. mskli
and bnsUfylof
bnaUfyl— U* naud ealy a lew motaaau brfon.
1 they bad1 ohnssB . for ihairboma,
Tba pillow was so lightly plaloead.>y
■log ____
llule family of
tba un traak which praaaed It down tered eiUir from ter walk <>r ulUrr.
irry A and Bdd A.
raen the dread dratmysr took
that It coald not be
The kllchro will be eretod <>n
r™ earing ll' 'lomr palled oat aatll Ue log was nmortd.
irUendof tbr slracturr. BalBg
deaoUtr iedsa
3r tbe pro
depaodcDldrom Ue main pari,
tnoUrr. wbo
Latter rrom Saorattvy of War.
kept tbe bnmr lofrtboc aad cared for
(ret In Jise.s
Judge Lorin ilobaru raccally wrote
Ua motbrrirta boys.
Is N..eember. U'Jl. Mercy WJneb> SaeratMTT of War Alger, ragardiug
Ue ofilcr will he a la-ge r
eomb. the rouagm- slater, l-camr tbe
tba eosdltloB at oor troops at BaatUgo llv parlor frouliug -0 I'srk i
•rensd wife aed Ingrllipr they barr
spesl ssreii hsppv yrara. <tae daugb- and Inqnlrisg of Ur prospevtt for Im- •IreeU
Its'(urnlshlags will br ...
ter came threo yrara ago to brighten provameal. Tbe following from Ueoaad biras Uik aalaa—Tillle Ikwa. too aral Alger will rxplala itaslf:
rousg tonallee the grpti Inae whipb
WasbikgioB. July 30. Ir;*-.
Itrair Bin 1 have yoar letter of July
:her. who was ios'astly eaVled lo Ur
p bsyoDd 00 the
tbe Mtta
?.itta of Jaly.
>U. Id the first plasa. Ua troopa at
u., tbe meood fl»s Uerr will br tw»:
Moormogand sympatblriag (liends BaelUguare all provided wlU light
loilai rooms and s bath room and imr
tbar araund but uSi.v lie who borr
k uniforms and thin uederwear. In tollrt raum ODthe Uird fiJor. wbilr
. i^rvspsind sharps
neat place. alUougb Ua number Urougb Ue enlirr b
comfort lbs stricb. n hsari.
Ur. Uoaroa Insp. bis wifs. two a
oruirl OB Ue sick Ikl k vary large.
exte»da wide hstl- Tl
one daagbur Urea yaara aid.
f deaths k eaoeed- build.Bg will also be pruriaed with
bnlbpn. osc ball skier and maay
modrro flra escape at the rv.r.
ar rplatlras.
Be was buried hj
elate wbat a d.Bl-:nlt and kaiardoim
brother odd (alloira. nf whom Ti 1
Tk. Imsrmeut wUI be 'der.Aod t»
lls bclosgcd toTrafrraeClty
It would be ta briugsuldlara
i ’largv laundry roum aud lavstory.
■ d belonged to Ifapprdcrorar (actail with yellow fever lute I
raara. There were al least
e tbousaad penpir preaeot al t'altad Mtstm, aod also the groat daa-: beaeSi of commorcisl
eral Nnaday. Jaly :iac. Iter ger by Icm ol life oo the traasporta to will he eoBBCt-Wd with Uu oflice by I
A A ItarUng of Monroe Centra pnaeb' tbw sick Uat, would rranll from sneta .
hie slslrwsy.
a rough voyage—Urn (bat coald oUerA'uvrlber Uk vlU twaotsl. >
bemved. You oaa ml assured piste and atttarlive h»tal. appr-iprialeFleaaant Social Event
ai.d eomforlahiy (i.iol.hr,l,
tbsljaet as sooa as the goverameot
Hra. R B-flOSpftll left Toeaday
mornlog (or AIgsaac. where sba will
kit bersktar. Hra. Warner.
Tbe Ladlea Aid aoelrty will glra a
picnic at Ilaary aeoti's Wadaewlar
Angost t. Teams will laars Hra. K
F. Uama's at lu 0 clock. TrlM It ek.
Hra N. E. Ds uollee of LoraUad.
Oolorado. arrWad Hiaday morslag (or
Ue dcmlor's^altealloa.
Ho tary
t ekil WlU frleadt aad nlallras lo
band sow.
ibk plan.
>11 of ilraad Bapidi Is
The a B topk for awt Banda)
Hra. Ada I’odraU
ir. "
Hra-Triplett, aad eeealBg U. -LesaODS from Ua Life el
rislUBf baralstBr
wHIramalB withII bar
_. aararal daya ba- Elijab.") Klagm, U:fa te.
(ore ntendaf boBM.
L. U. Campbell deore orar from
rlalt at a
Joba Uaff. Jr .tamaklBt
dalmiU]y eight asd raUrapd
e: babas.
law daya wiU bit paraaU bare:
baaa foac abant two yean.
Mr. asd Mrs Unrlbul altasded Ur
Sararal arafOB aad bafty loada of marriage of OsearW. RoSmaa at Tr
Odd Pallawi and Usir (amUlea atlaad- konshaasd Emma L. Daupk Tuesday.
Uurlbul ulHslaled. ftsd Us (uBaral af Hark Hoarua at Haaroa nsaire last Saaday. Tkey rapart a
rary lafr attabdaeca aad artryUlac
eoadnciMla food ahaar nndardlrrc.
tloa of Trarrrse City loOfo.
• nrer fifty atusded.
Oar eltlsens wen eery sfranbty 1
Himes Anna aad Cm.ale lllaacb'
prisad last
srd. who here bera at tbe Waakaz.r
leVer. .ice B
(or a few weeks, left far Fefaskey At
.-ask . aad Mr. and Hra. Kara J
ar Uelrolt. all for
Miss llstile Oame came from Trar
•upped from Ue
Clij tVidaj
tViday far a riail al bar home
aad took at br earprisr. bat Ury sran (a tbk place.
fella. HI ss Bybel
. . aod Leolae
weleomaeklura Mr. aad Hra. ArmWells aad Hits Lon Knlk las of Chicago
of 4. 0. C.
tbe Waakasoo Thoraday.
Vai. Triplett.
Bbewlll nmala aatll
Aapumbar. wbaa t
Tbs MaUodist ladles camp mea
will ba bald ia William McMsck
Uey wUl go U New Vwk.
.-riled to atleod. A fire
llaclion will be Ukaa Baattay.
Ihicwgt arrir
larsoat Ui
Hra. Joarpb Hairy o
alladoafriaadsban Haturday.
ihip maatlafabald by Ua r
while wa deeply
as sra bow la I
whom we a___ ______________
'# alia
Bsaolrad. Uat la Ue daaU af
Hra. Bays waat to MaeiBt O
ar Dark Uk lodge baa leata tmaty
mambar. hk wife aad abUdraa a kisd
^Say HolUday ad llllaoli la
baabaad aad faUar. aad Ua a
alu at larrr aa boooeabla elilzaa..
Oibba wnt Id Tranraa
EaMlsa^ That ora. Ua otieaia aad
mraban of Haple atr Ledge. Ho. Ui.
Hr Baras aad fbiBlly ban uand
I O. 0 r.. aauad U Ur baraarad tarnrararaaCIly.
aad iatlmau fnaadsear baartfaltaymL K-OlbbaolTilaaansaiy waahara
lyaad aatan Uem Uat wa moan
riu\ban la Ua boaral Ualrdktraaa.
asd farUer
Hra. Hodcaa waa ^
be draped
Baaotrrd. Thatt ear ebartdr
wbaal last waak.
la Boanlag for
r thirty
days. Uat a
Tba Iwdlaa- Aid will aust wlU Hra copy of Uaaa rawilaaoBS
lolBaoat be erst lo
10 tbr
4. U Ilibba TbaradsT.
dreaaaad brotbsr-s family, asd Uat
Ury bo apmd eooa Us mlauUs of
Uktodnaset pubikhad is Ua Uaaau
Mum ■
ssmmmwmmttMnwmv .nmmmfnmmww
AIFffPBT.,*. WW.
To Young, Middle Aged, and 0|d Men
seUre. wrttsfsU esrortoer
DRS. B. S.&CO.
Look Box 160.
•Mod oat darkly'agaloai tMb Uetdaby,
and large dtope of tain fell, ne abla
ra loaek with tba bdiuae lo cceaUm
Mba luada Wawv onpeeaeirad lata
On tba Be«MtayaciWr»««»““’"”"*^***"‘**^*^*'
Tto nn. Ibo Abba V«rtiM, ra next banilcl oiBK'toaAbln intakaiba : per 1* •'■'el
tbe right <P1g- Draae aucllon to a drim nan.
| Cat oS all tbe TBP" aboro tbe dmbla
bMTtj 4MKl> «U1 la tplM d fall IB
'M. If Care boa not yet got btok." j trtanglu tbo* funned, upca oat Ifae latyosn Bofaad |1m> txadf ■ oblld. «iiaI tor. «nd (tacc will nanota a ogaaia
fcu.1 bot
a»I tnnd vltb wUle atid tbe falibfnl Marie.
"Mari, toakea a
H«e 1 !
a di igmel erreua rttantag
balr. jiH Ub* ibc akoiw of ral «pui
off tff UwKod bnoaowlraaf Argsolio.
itoT 5 tt b‘nS:“
right intlom m tb* top Uf. e
•Bd br ra lortd br hb flock (or fai>
d diagmal
klndlj Baton, ud biFO boiftad diarilr- >Mni.7 be mot me of hii aia(t-tai^ai
The aflirlb anoirelmij ol the abbe'e
Meed M make him a Boodlr jrarail Is
order U stark tba rmt. The ihroa
ebsrch wardtna load* a eoUvotka •)-arell7 fnSD boon cuboeae. aod. barloc
Inthacareasd begged
tbes. aad bar a sew bell wiUi tboo >>
thr BcIgbbBlsg tovs. ■•MrcblUno.'
aaU Um- Abbe VonrUrt. -sir dwrsbil
drcB—it b rridoBdr tb* goad God—
wb»^ta me BiantHr—ao to tay”—
dimiBb I
I iBtua.
Oa tba BKarow Abba Vrrrlirt mS cel
' to boy Um bell. He bad to walk two- lo«a^ ai far a* Ibe ootmtry tuwa «f
rintiia.vberaben)ald edn the dill
geoaa wbirb ra to carry b^ to Uh
tagital a lb* dieCrict. ZVlIicr. It «ai ■
glolooa day. Tbi- old cuTr. bi> load kl
ready Oiled wilb tbc toaBtlfOl clilittn
tba falan. amlkrd fcsword jornaely
sad. Ilka tit. Frascbofold. gave ibask.
to God (cr the laaaiy <tf crealiun.
Ai be B]>rmjBrfavd F'lnio* be eawria
"Veil.. M. is Caro, bare poa bada
Tbm tea tbe amoid Umo-tba
W a lie. "EtoUiont, my good Mmd.
Dm would my it U made of y
“Aod «rt.<e ahall«a era ilV’ aftod
tbedaligbltd ibuser.
‘Siaai—n«7 *<ics. Hot vr BiOat onTi. uu ibe metal tbc itame of iu god'
immuasrl a
Teram of Holy Ijatp-
aiomtel to be Ui« laituii riucoL' yno
ynor yanrliiTeilitr. Ti ll tuo wbal U wi
Aod >bc q
■Fllraiid bill.
far true Ibr
aoBM aneuu fa
botTB. blBg tbal ill Ibu tvd bn told hi-r all liin mctoL
reblde Uier*
CB lb id^ iu lew>adO. Iu bfla» alisnei breaking tbMugb
fb wore okiB, wbtia Iu etarlng eyn
Aowe^tbal lb> fotm
AsoUi in aiel as old w
Elder. Oaaaral Maaagar. m
Is Ae Bane of Many a Woman’s Life-How
the Disease may be Cured.
A Case
Trararto Qly to M
May ». aad aracy otber Baaday-------afito. Trntae Jeara TYarema
h:M a. B.
Eetorn lac ualaa
Mutatae at &:to p. B. Oeoal low
Round toip tare not boto Uraa
aa*l for
ooly oa
may dltir“
The M iehiraa C«aUml'. "Tbe Kbgara
Fall Bnatr." from Chicago aad IwiisU
yo HuBalo. New York aad Bratoa. lake'
plfoearr ta aBOnaBcieg that abple araareBMBb bare bera amde for the extonaiee ayaum - of KoaBcr ToorlMa
UUe c
A kaae!»>tBeIy 111.loetrmtFd and dalatiii» pimcfwtbUtbaorlgira *Btilled "Spaeisea
Inal tarentue yeontbea
I*cacctb(« a'
bot tba ly pAalad broeanf*
Somobr Tour*" te
wiUbeaeat toaay addreaaoo rrSdplof
thrre eaab pottage ToariaU will fiad
itrecy dralrablr to emtolt lurpagea
Utora bkiag Uwlr ansBer Ooiieg.
City ‘Heket Offi« 119 Adant strart.
“o^Einoi :» Oen. VaB-r aod TVt
Agt. Chtcago.
aaid U>e abbo ou bi< rotars
bome. "if we aold the amirhair, tba
clock and lb* aid.-hard wbicb .1
Uioaldwoget lOOauWBifor
H. iaUarn b aram'ly utirth Htli
“Mariu.'l «IU eat oo murv iwat
Deal dort sot nil loe."
Bat ibatdd aerraut look* is with;
*‘Tli«t will lint bo rigbl. ThiTU U
tegtolaaisw '
If ypB wnnt on npecimml it
I •‘Bbglc" ta tt» good old day. of witeb-'
tba aa mad aflDab* and tbe like—yoa ceto
tk* MM* Taua* of AnjDdta M ta
•M Oku* asd a«ac«d ear*. The Ml at diligeertr at Focataa. ' I iBBat go agota bare il ta *'lte toigic wbiriigig." It b.
otbeeday. Duot toll ooy dcn Oial: . dartoe <d deoepdra itaipUclcy. Any
Ite doek «u ao <ncM tlul iiImb U
eee con moke ma ta a fewrotaatoa.
vw Mnd II •oaoM >M llk« tb*
p tbe nxv> IIfM take half a UmM cd ordtaary Beta
of w old vaau. lira at
liliaMnl oosBd ft» tbo bt>cnn
and dated
rbemrtir?ni»hU todViiul.
SiUIIl jtt; Tn “4:
uaadi of peraosa have bean
sf I’ilea by aatac IVVItlh Vltcb
Il krai* praapUy and
meBa and all akin diraatea.
. tioar rnx wtiiBUoic linxpg.
nWI-<4 a "Keif fitttag" rnndle b Miec.
teaebpr prrferred.
being fnm ib.*haiv hr* likely tn urer*
take rhariri'
oar ex
lulancr-. Thi* yuo {Wtieiib limodm
inr fr.'B
' adreril-inp.
.daiL , .
end. >Ui-k iuimilu- t'.[wa fe-wlpg medle
will) tb.'Fhnr;i eiel upia-nuiat, holania
tbe poi*TVane spun il. and tbe appatatn* boenidi-te.
If a.'W .r -a ploea yndr open ri^t
bond by Um- *iik. .4 Um apfairalmi with
Tbe editor of tb* Eraa« Ci y.
iIm' palm IU. 1 or in tta' pav^t a* eau be iHoW. wriu»:
• ime Minute C.>ngl.
sehiug it and with
ie rigbt.r naBrd.
Il cured ay
rcB aflr. all other rrmedira lallII cure* (vmrhF. enW* and all
vaneallix <m.pn liuiiiuirT wrigtbruataod long Uouhirii. J. 4>. J
^Eli-avill U-rria In. v.ille Flnwly ■
right lo left (Fig
. If Um- h'ft
be i-mploTKl ta th<> *anM’'
,1. *ueh thing OF "'OBt
<ei liieiistrary.ni'iTe funn
plaiai" wh. ra Ur K.iwbr'*! tuae^cf
'•'tag a
Wild Btroyrirrrr
itrojrlrrrr ia k
kept b
wri*t Iu the fuigi'T iipa,
irB.dy for rt
TIm. vane will caiti
iC l»*'eia.
Tkwadai. Bn*. Ota. |g»A
Mit-ThnWll. (b*Mk anfutiMviUr, M.>*
• •••Be*
la u. to a u. Ik 1*.
wa* Wly rartwC Cra a tM wlilcii oarty
■neknl bn lilv.
h. I, 9. IA S, I. a. S. the aalb-a-.
cofulwriaiei "llkr atigeJ*' rbJu. (iw and
It .ra. dw ha. fo Btay yran tora
anrrvly .BicMd wilk a MB,J>raUFo V duWadiliurion 7. IS. Id t. 10. A guvr a* maa tad brauraily wsaU.Urafrarial at.
•tor nilgbiyikJkw."
.mU JLm uBira—
IS. 7.11. II. IBto. 'Ot two
Ikon It. IT. 7. A Ik. dralarea Thai
^ amal iwO^irr. AiM w >ei*i rrli^
-■bciral I* Ibr «taS<4 life. '
Lau^' U, Ik I. IS. 10. 4. U tbp aulb.w ^
Utui*** Ibr olnd^to tb* bew*TFr, oud >ka..b.b
Mattbi'W K*. IS. 7. 11, IS. Iiwnrortly
w nK Tlrv. !C.«p.o.*M aw^rip^n*
ntanrd that "the end uiu*( jiuiKy the
••h..w w*l| a^ ra U~Vi-.r—and
eanld watiHy
wamfy rrailwtb'.i
rrailf* ibii Ohr h.l irad
'Ak-xaDdrT if. il. IS. t. Ifld* u* •'dmnt ihmarb .aeb a Irriue ••oJ**l u Ii.-l <
fully a* It Oir> "
ikwn II, 17. 7, t. IS, pTuponam "a lit
tle k'oralBg' to I*' "adaagnuuxthlug '
"1 awd in liiT. iFThh)* .irk bmdwbM.
Waium A 11. 17. ir. i. IS. ikvkina which 1 h.d *. kr lark u I ran re... ...bra.
thu "varlr<ytnthi-witn< .............
Dr. VnHtm* Plak mb to
ll»*. 1 tmatJy irrauiFe
<* In <
lailH* ■ frw U.w. I OH.U wv aa ia.|.iFiF.
wrai and »y brad.
-vrav. I kv«< uti
mol fear loxra. and
M~. Fi.dlU I. . .I..K orr—FX.
*. I
Tkutaday, Octob-r AIMA
rari,... aad tb. Ud •». I had I .0 ancsiowioq* f/.ra a-rra in llir riralnc iiaill kune ,K. 'hnnin,., tld r.-.i.c.*lw *tr.i .th
aflFf mWi.irbt. I wn .0
iSai ihr d wCTcrr ,f.„ "of ’'ib.*
Ha m.—»ar«.im naiBa.
Think of a word w hicb rtaymra to wa;
1. It to krik ramratlyl
No. It I. n-it to-----I> It a w.i> u( la.ikliig*
No. U If if* c.------I. il
I.. IK1 in Ihan OBtf
-'.t frw emn a c<*. I loik
b^K*Bra.Cily. hoi
li It on oti.>d i.riimcd Ly caOM
Nu. HI.
------la il a rn,.' i-. Ih.- Ixwth of riiTn|v’
K... il I. i:.U Ik--------
And Ibteaefie-aani
etoriiw, wliii-li nfaf n ja-nlnl tn avi-rr
Tbc l>'II bad ■•ns rrarlcMl eloruf il. Buil it liatl Inal to
ing the lai^iuguf
La toran. ' Th.-ii w
eM. If Can'In lha.1 ifa.-i.|.-.
tU. ynge
aad ail I!
and finally Ml.>p. »xni-tun.wil
1..I that was of c,
Tnoom* IKth- f.wt*vibh-b an- if-H'ht
can be quickly cur * byu.ing ibo
ilK'«blvhl brr talk. Imt bu will i«lr make a f.tv revnialima
iri'ka uiiT imakw II, tbiili.li
aa Ib-iViti
fam BF little
pill> kOfMrn
I lewn a
*.«!*. lb.Mu.-ll
bocam* n lorc aud iwn- nuUappy. for nOleii wm <4 Way. boi in Umw a
• LlUirEaely Ki«-r 'Theyare pin
iwi'A a a*iu-r ta >1 Nr-hoL'i-W iii.,u
fFlltta*l be ms4 bar Th« hnr- cbnuge.4 linnil will geucally f
> l:.tv>.d. .'kiU'.'M
dtei uf Ibn li.H iiild by Uarb’. Tbi*. In
wluy.dsri..H- trii/llr. |V „s.- .,,1.1
addilim in tlin mintw id .tin' mmey.
of a .-..ill Oliii ii.i riiji!* i.:.|cw 1
Cr .up
wcigbfd tin'hill, mien and m.cu, outil •wTtranai iiM.diMinarywill benriv
T oat*' Kclactric till. BeriFeUy a*l.
|>Ki<MaT» ORarXK -TATk or KICBluax
bbi r>vy durke grew qsiiu fl.in and be nMOMT I* ln:.r.
' «.,oUii U-n Tbrcdn irh'.lil...i
rfaii*. Al aey drug kUMV.
Till* ia nil ih* rcncitnist. an
Iwtlbe iuuoueit li>.k uf a li.«ny old
ralg.' Ill: tb.' HpiM Cue.'* «d tie- k;i Iixnd i.n
flirt rigliC-ll aeoi* 'Very rimide indeid:
tl.i'.mlliUBT i-oiit'". l"CaMinpF;.in 71*'
bot Fiiu|di« thii.iu on-n'd ulw
Iwaya Ute
right f"nilua-.Tl* u-'M LnU iktiof i.V 1.4i
Titratkaloee bnxol lieWlW.
aiKl |wiwd r.'j.\.l.i|ly Inim kiitoU' 10
nwied tn iT.plain.
iT.plam. and llie ua.»..a.
qnntian .......................
car.' oori ft* Uw teiptiom
U,.—"I.< |•nriu.x•
.kmi nui.v
ilM-lf V. lt«-ta,lairing I
«l. iiwU
BlradybawpaitL Tiic p..jd.-.d Arqoe- whieh Mcggwta
my ti. tl*' mil"..k.TN—aiol U.ially, awe,*
liu wm- wioidiTii.g al tb.' tbiuy. Bn- mtad u. — . quickly .47 lb.' .-iMl
ila-Stwr. i.n.-r'i'i
m. •« nin too* Bto.-,*.
nuKvtwmotii gn sUnn. 'i'b>. blB.'kimiiih raid be
J. Ibo m,raolnb*u
in.adibktta' ly wllhiMit t-ii' hi.ic
HmbiKibal lie Im-.'tli - •
hnii'irr, I..UI.II* ii. rriki I" lb.-, >:iiil.ll.' id
teaorra. J. U. Joboran'
................_ __________
tald.-aiid tb.w
i.a.t.'mirlJy. to
. hire*. Itobiae»a
atrt>- bad ■pciit Um- ninoey wilb ihrae Ixi'Ofhwfll luak.' the raM.irv.>lra it
ret i..«bolly rr*. exp.'
expiTiiuist i* ui the *F.u
bgganc The wtatby iamb icicet Ml uml.'Ul.U'd. nud.w'hen tbi.
lijao'k matcthi
lulnttoIn<VrwiUlwUil.- <d tbcpcoidA (rU'C-ehd i.i Mi:i,;..;iir rikihl |•cr.la• tlierrd. pr
Biancnt tbcw-wngld t*< ralwlh.'ir tub areiieiinir. try I., asi-il he
Onavr, ll«- l.iuil.l.
Iry'bh.wiug fpu; till- icln r
lo him lei tuiviiog him iu the rtr.'ct.
alM.u‘n uml i- nll'Ci**! im
TIm' gn.nl tauira mrOTb.liwd with
Via yoor battlra a|
Xfa*n.in t>r-.vn l.>,!b.-F'
tbaakte A* ibe ras afaecried, “Ob. ntutine.
Mp.aa, gn>a cam II y<* pi^-ir
AvJ 1.1. r.nan *ra»*TU irai mM awiriMw
OBV.7F imit a
nunvn-.i'iil wbi.'h
, Tbede ra Ibe ring of the gyp^'. voh»
Tiiki-a i-an ida I'oh lr>'a> bicnd And
'audwime. (iaeday, aflerrrmata- ietarily ihFliiiguikbabU' tauu tin'ev.-u a^ ia later aUt^ U furaUkra pfoBpi
U bar UtUa |«ay*r. N» ra clad ooly
kaiwnrH.riarM.Mki'Nl ,
laaBoUbodlaeaiidBied efcirt. wbile iiig a Img lime ta Jliwi prayer, be ro-. and ia<n*«i«.'*i« r-«n.l wirieh it m-tki'e
’..n- Mra*. a.racM.r
■a. Take I'. H>rUi."'(rMii n looi'l l.w
t la iB4 Oraaq. ibito ato
■bm riUa tanked lik* freably Mma-d ■nir.d inatmefnr fall miMal - by rook- nii.'.-r Hi.'iantKae,'t4 the land abuni.
1IJU.W. *V I'WM' ..n Allll.Ulk
Bardork Wood Hitter* giree a mas a
' 7a%a^ nuK^X
a |.ulJle n.ufnbou lo bu Auofc uf Hmivv.'r. U xi.r .bm- u Mkiitai-al <s Ibe
ItiUbo. She bad Urge ayaa. black and
I. TakFal<n-r.WFlmtuiiirtr.iuaynaug
clear bead, an Bctira bra.n. a alrueg.
>1 be bad dun*' with the inoney, and t>u.il Ire ha* icily tn taro bU brad Ibe
aalraty, asd lip* tbal pnotrd like n't!
Ignrou* bodr—oakra kirn tit for ifae
citbiy way wins nuking tbe vx]>-ri- •UlFonil.;,
aharrln; brr yellow am* war® bttnotel bi' (bnigtal
i T.iki tinriw Ilia, fouii iqawly aad
U"i:ti.*i.v axLt MtrxtxT -liaVIBO
tbe bidv f,-a« of menl i-f , riei to lie a InUelkenbief •ir.-r
le Ume
Us tbBD 0
kwM-aii li.-*.!.
trlthUae floa-ere. and a InUw baud
t. rBki'A Miuitl leirTtch-frimijaadl.= tinmlfa and ■i.M', yajimak fudiiiiiL lu
kopt np bw bloc* boir. wbiob woe CbriFtmaa. wbieh *-a» apiiruaehing.
On tbe 10
... be WI
vitlMTeaw' he wi]l wesemriuee binuc'lf
apnadoot like a fan caeadi aidnof bet
,^*l%klak IteiViu-e Witch Uaxal Solec tana- and b-aM-1.. d.-,. ml u}>«.
j aw. .M N... lMt_toiraiar IW4 **I mt
baring t\od tbo Owl w*iaU.-v.T luirv.'* Uk- i*ipiT it in not, uit tbe fineal preparatina on
tbe a
Ibis face ftiW aa me it.ia it OB tba op iutulbe |.Bl|iil. after
. ,1 jF> J* f.r Uf. I wa.r u wrra. Tfaiarra to I*.
go«l>d ft* Ibe day.
.. and
wilb a palu, tot dn- Imwib.—K. Uyo.-'i- ta ihlt Mall for pile*." do wrltra Jobe C. [laaB,
..*1, u.i u Iwwra. a P It-., la uato la to
'Wbeeliag. W. Vo. Fry it aad yoa
yc will
vncB.,.. ra atotoH: to* aa. ra ahato awi
tac« and a grtwier madre tbiln rrer
' Aa tba abba aheket
, (to. .at
touraato^to IF- totoc tton K ara
kod token a peaay oat.
nicred tbe martyn. of the aruu be bea Hu chier.—A northern namly <4
aad all kkie dieeoaoa. J. ll.Jobaeoa.
ka set tba area of tbe girl be mma to a' gan."My drar brutbic*. my dmr frienda
bait aud bepui to ejaeaUan, bet. “My my dear tdtildren. 1 bare to make a cm8 Ito^i rnr*. K.—A otpa <B tb- wralWhen Miould you iqqily a aw.r.'ton ramtniber b to |riam.“ah* axphined, firaton to ym all" At that inunwol a adyl.iyuurluMli’ When II* a king.
ran owri id Africa.
The Chief Bergeae of Mileabenr, Pa.
“for KBe cue «nn*od bin of baring clirar, (ilTfry cbime aoaoded in tbodid' ' Why l« wwuer Illy like awhaler Bc- ■aya DeWitt'a Uul* Bioara Karly are
Wdcnafowl. He wa* oar mly lappewt.
ran-. U..7 both oiiiue iu ^ •urtaee to Ibe beat plHe be erar aaed ta hi* fami Iwjuth AiiM-ricm.
I kto- n-f.i.
l.ranlnncwnf tin
ly doriaiforty year* of
and sow we baTcliid imtblBg loi-at fur
Inuk. and
Hnw can you ptrnvnt a mfUiiiraQ' frusi Tbryimraonartwo dare.'' Tba abU'pot Ibe two aoBi wbiEpetlng no from piw to »*•». "TIm
ttral bard.—A naintry in HrltUb,
ontlngiMtr U« tbe j.l.g thicken. .
.back iulo tba pore* and look a t franc new bell, tlKto wbeU."
WhatMtuf allpd.*-. iruuoe like b.
fdfoo irat of iL -fiat,’’the girl went
Wae il amiraelei Had angel* hnnigbt
7. .‘4U-W rbeqa—A town ta England.
get* Tb.' Up of a flagrr.
Ok. “1 knew bow to }agglf. and tny tbe new bell and tba* *bvk1 tbe bonur
oed.'Citig U|.«i Wal.*.
Why ole enrkiTT wolr drake* nnllke
Boltea ialb ftrtBtMo. Now w«i nrt not of the good old pciert. or bad Mailu
a Wid
A riirr rlxing ta Sumy
It .*h.r nhyikirii-nd Utromw Haun t
Going Eaat or Boatb.
lly poured ml Ibe *tnry >4 tbe faiita- iw*r ib. ni t'.<-n> k ap tbclr gund*.
nd ffloarlag through Kmt.
Bitowad to pufona in ibe tnwna and
.. yoaare guiog to Dctrolk Toledo
tlllBgaa. bemam we are too i.xvtycUd.
abbe'«ruil«rimwimeui ta tbe kimlly
Why «h.m1d a bnrw nuvi* be hungry ca
• • bm b dead. What will beI of Ibe KugliKb.milotd and hi* lady a yoonxyr Ita* he n.x a bit ta bl> momkt or b^oad. aak yoor local Uebet a
or a tickrl eii P. t I' M. R R.
0 bad lived fur tfaruc yuan at tbe. old
KxtollcBt train Berrtea I* a fratara of btod«morb‘.
TW Braira Why.
itaaa. a aitU' oat of Aniaclta. aod
Ui* line.
U. F. Mi.xu.xa.
"A'.'II.I kitTiBiyfl.*b-. ImbFdraw.'
ThF rkVkni lura't xa> an wag
M Wick to tba amBtryf"
whnra mly daaghbT bad torn aojjcaatt
A. S. P. A.
LU* Urd> 4*1 cwiil fxc*.
li niril.'.k and toy un|a'Hl hdlF in tb
“Tbafotka are frlgfatauad of masd Ufolly cUMOled by Ibe luring utaiiUBB* diFW. *i fner *u Km-tBCB Mob'.
throw ebeea at a*. ' ntdird tbe' girl. tlm* <4 tbe enre when ah* wa* dying <4
Brazing a pect<y.
BobMoera. of UPayelt*. tbd .toya
“Wabava BCiar Imuoad in work, and iWeltMl The bli.rMwi* mice likely.
for coaeUpalioc b* baa fonad Ekeniialrtamr.'^' Iw* in tb* lioirbCT. "ka'l
waaaamlydotricie. If wo bad a bone Wbaiercr il wa*. the eimple. go.«I folk
riipajusl «n«l m.fci r. Iinli1** plori' to rfI roor lii.-jrlF r.‘^lI.iD4l and
ttarlyf Riaera. to be
al.-nraloll "
md B htUa mmey tor duttHO. we eboold, (4 ArqneliD'tN-rec fcurwwbat itaoU can
Mdoafurbetatoltad Wilth UlUe
in iN*iid raiiiiini; oulrt.
U*vu hmi M-r.-rml jiuir* FXjirririi'w and
tom be able to make a lirlug. bsl now had to oaCtea. tn than.-—Pnaerm
iM la wbale. vlihr. -.what t. tu"
ino* huw i( *)ii.ul<I U-il.mF
Soti>farUou i.'UATBnt.'.'d
I am M-tling
' IberebnotfaiBgletlfaranlodcL"
g«m laarbW. AMFlb.
Tba abba repland Um piroe of I franca
bii-ycli- ...........
at blxml <t«i. -Ni-w abd eM-uiul Laud abrarl* (..r nal®
< recy tmdurat doll mamma waa
A blind man went tamataop. to.k ap and to r.-iiL
l‘J*-itM' ^vr m a irtal.
u-U i-n-ral tnufol fi
Imn Ingeliiw. Bbv tnwwd a e]*®
“ Do ym lora tba gmd Oodr' be aafeed.
abBmmwal.dF** Th. dumb uian l••lk•
“1 Aetld Iota faim if ba eoiaa la oar
cd At tb*' l.uL—ciaI
Kldk' tbedmf
balp.” anewered the girl
Amelia. A rbanuing time did Amelia
iMiught a lull—and u>JB>.
The abba fdt at bit girdle tba pra- bare wiUi Uie luring liitb- Joan. Arsemra of tba bag ooetaiatsg ib* 100 ba-wtwi crtcjwbice bir m<*ber diil
mewat. Tbc dark ryee of tb*gy|>T girl Um wa* talnidacrrl 1.. all tb.- agrtraUe
bundwri and lytt
peopio who camu l« Ibe Ingvlmr b.«*a
looked bin fall in tba fact.
, TBonaa arkUTAB.
Nu I'*')—II1U.C raktl IV.mal Armotlibn drerae*
Mo aekad, "Arc yoa a ge«d glrlr •
1. Unnilu.ilA
“Oocdr told.tbagirl. wiUiaarprito.
n i
“Say, *00011. 1 lore yen“ emtts•cd tbvgood aMm
y<« Giwto II* Al^-wlfiTba ebUd ra Mkat. oad bar eye*
Nv. im ->Hr iw«i!.: 1 Data. dm*. S
c a w. n * B pxx. .hr<w* il ■**•..« Il
eoold take in tbe feu wilb lUe.............
Girt.-trig a. : .lravr.T. miMltl
* V**-- '
JIM witb ttoca
potaah ramedieo. bat be *FTr e—iraku-f.ir auivinr i.atm-IF laarl *
EtoCl. S. IJvul.i»..i
. ikoll « U’liic
ia.i.CT.• r'llk*
0 yusng fidkr. An UI adtiw-d loth m. «riU nerer ba rid of tbe difeoac: tn
Tbe abbe OBfaiteead tba bottme of
7. Uar, rail * >lo>y* i-«U.
i.uU. W... Me
brt day wa* *o bopelcraly di-etroetive otbec
' ii*
Ma eemnk and wiUaticw tbe beg foil
trari. 10 Itraal. lagiw.
Anwlia-a iMtahdUootrand rawdorX Madily aror»*6_________________ . ____
No. is:.—CIIFW and TW o.
V, iUj tba qnlekBeae of a marker tbe rrai*tiDi1im (hai Ibe Ifei'l.m' famUy bic.Uu* torribl* aflUcticB. became it M
Wbui-ltag. lF.*v.ik IWloa. Kili,
•TT-y Miatcbed Um. bag away, mylug. prtaiuauuud bur qniU'iUaid. ll.Tfiui.-ral tbe ooly remedy whi^ goea direct
N*>. 16*.—.'.imi'Niw Tuna-• ■
wgl he
- » and feenF« It *• n* wore. I>nr* » mi*
‘■idi. U. VAUm. 1 tore yoaV oimI taa rawcUamnd.'d.iu.df.a'm.u.thsJraB Ute caiBto of the
•r.1 tr .*U raacr IWK. * ' •ra Beral* A liBieua a Can-.m 4.
*1***®*oe to UK lw<. old peevie AiU WevplBg •rcwmid fc» Anri-iia and tvfa«ud it»c u.j
FattODc. A Oiipratoito
. ocec tba dead bone.
Iha obbe wcot Qc hi* w«T toward
f Ifae great uiiwtt
IMaloto D*>
C0MPA^Y■ "
ISililBlwIttmj/ mi\ncapolis.miniv''
Ibydoi, Ibe isper
Headquarters for_
Ply Nets
' II r,..u'A'.r.tr'itruiijr^toluMi'irm
My $6, $7 «nd $8 Single HarnoBB are the beet for the
money in the State.
A good Donble Driving HarnemB complete for $16 00.
Tnmks, L&dies' and Oenfa f^stebels at All Prices.
A Lmrge Line of Teleicopee nt AU Prices.
joii\ T. ui-wvmj:.
S ISSrmtBi
Traverse City. Michlgsn.
Ellis, 311 fnint St., list.
Cycle Works.
ELLISy :)11 Front St, East.
Doctors Can’t
Cure It!
' TW
* vSSH :^«^’SSSS-3
Srm with n flue t
•irrau Tnrma Citr
.. -------------------BlllgbUS tbi* nv. tbc
F. . n.-nn».=
aieij mrailad blaad ,
Utx)eBitaetoiaB.wbo did ant know wbik «mh o.«uu< oturtawd. kcddy 'ma*',
veogBO raand bad ni.tv.ea t-xulup', tag* iirdnai.' i*lond> bM trstintBU.
gnrsUb markiacwoolKne ta-oa lay*
araB^d*'BraB* .a ckaa d.ia.
Boddeoly be rmiembravd th;.l it wm! aud wal« oiurwa. The Rattneiii. m
ay entbaat it. l'arrareU.C*iMl> thtbari
rliaii luarl.kxrd and km. it rieoa. by
new of no Bie fra him lo gn to Ti llito, j Mar* ate auiu-what tagoely mlliDid'
•ng oil lirr Ian liver and
all iafra ba bad bo money to bay tba talk do . and arc *u«uuigly aai.^ict a. va«i innsba tanrrd bnrk. A* ba tuada bie way , datioua. raiued I7 tb. srelltag at the
r'i^. Baeto^harr
bmK l.p conid farraly cnireiertanw ha‘ polar mi<w* al •pringiuiM'. Fictanatily
■ *
« to glvv *wb a large *um
fra a*. Ibe otvau* m ranh k.»-|. withta
**AUa." m. McbeA •Tra
N.. iraor tair;"
d in ibem. hot <xi Man
FI k.<*4 tay brart.’' I •*
I b'tuogto
i* like xalr^eatnetioe to omtiasa r——t-i-i a i. ,
kda. lie batiied fair pore ta tedra to tre revm* to man h alxBt ai itr
-C A
tad tb> giri. if poarihl*. but b* fooud fluralUiR fnxn tim* to lime n^iau M
totally deatroytag tb dlge-rilm. tbey
aaly tie- doad brara aod tbe aioodrared wide M Ftairca.—JhMy PnMtr ta Ualeact. Tie sedilatFd apiB wbat ta- Imd *tcBc.
"aidMr. BawldaatoUa
*■ ailbnat detU '
. --------------- “--------------ewot.aly mwl.
r had ataml tbe,
bsura gi«kir«i Maata
*X<4 Uefloik
A il
ta making a wrung aa*
A jnrhey a-bro la training tal
• <4 tba btot
era ta tbc world r'
C4 tbe inrawy banded to bim-br waa Ouik mrab a day
HU lurwktaK
totoaay.aritabra. llarawwti: trarcr af a thin *lkv <4 brrad aiFUmucr —
■lDd.«dI'- irpliKl ttodeUgbM Mr*.
-----oflra IradlBiMc befaar alittU
B,. with a flaab <4 prtda at itoccrniimmt. "Doroan
roaUy tbtak aoT'
"I n*TlalBlydo."<
We have a Car Load pf_
If you are goinp lo build any eidevaikyi. or if yon have
any work or conlractt^ where yon will use it. come and
■ns—we may be able to save yon some money. The only
way you can make aaytbio}r now is wbat yun save tn buy
_____ i'^giJtog1i’igg5?L£
ing tbe material.
H SSS^Blood
rat S.6
We sell Buffalo Cement. Lime. Calcine Plaster and Hair.
If yon are a .stone mason, brick layer or a plasterer, come
aod get our prices.
Ta^re patismc»
B wUl ritliore bN or traec
tbe bed.
lay berboanelBod wrapt
nndrets b!* f.n*bn» spros an
befor^T^r^led np
berbsadsyrewn. before
boreteeeee sad pluhed
* uSSTboyTTl th* window 1e dinner
Belinda stood by IntbeklLetea rtady
A nwBM^^ iWtr Ikrown
to land s band, bet IooHb* B«bly onloaf coslortsUe, eltoer beeasB tbe kltA'ho^k th« boon of toU
taU sirctcb
> nobntsBd close to btr. or else
IW fslhw^ibsnrt keeps tinier^
>e Mary Aae loobed floatrsted
Wm be Binds n pwtnrn brifflit nnd
erbBtfroa flylac around, eo as
nottelisen Is.a. hsr wnlun* — ’-----TWI beipe tbe toil s}<9««.
ODt on tbe cool porrh. when
^ IwbM Lb his benrv. n eolee <
bnllowin' tbe SsbBstb dey.
Anel Belinda ncrpr aald a word ont
rrcaS’lipe of bis bnbp bop:
leou bet 1 ’low sbr nmsl bare (door*
And he laowe tbe words, tboy so o
powerful eiffbt of tbiakin*. Knt wkateeer ebe Uoerbt. it didn't lake no ef
' .‘XtelBskesboBH-eoalMrslop.
fect oa ber owe aied. aor any one
rwthnUule one ottsn slops in
eles's till toward* tbe leal of Ibe week.
Aalerday morainewbcD tbebnWber-e
_______ ITnde St the window snlllnr.
warm drore paet leencber InsWip'e jest
Wbrtbsr be brifbl end fnlr the dep.
as tber wers sefUap down to tbe
- wheUicr
■ -wtte.
tbe min
- •t« fsliisc:
• ■
biwakfMl table, sbe fol up and watwd
'Odb* bOBT. By taps. ooBt boae.
aproo Ibranck tbe door tor tbe
______ ._________,.,.eaw»ke.
Iteh. tuA. luA. WlUaorMlef.
JaettbeeaBowiU iiniiei
toil. i. a* mi>r
TbnyewB beet Bed sad tbs dsye nre
la wUeb'tbe father wrooirbt:
And^lbeiAiMhBri^ la Ue
to a faioted.
rbttbat aebbeAunt Helltda
And at
Anaida 1 tits at tbs wladou do. beiac-eebebad Ue moaey to pay
M lliUe boy asad O Sl^lj
for it.
d Us waleUnf •;
lAscbertfoatbern thoapht tbe
Uisp, loo. I«.r he aerer eaid a
beck wbtw Aapt Belinda
» a lie 'poe
poi aad uld his to
battle out Urre aad cel fire ptaad* of
r U tbs ysars
A teOBtoe by
b^At wal
I'leatr of proof UU Dona's Oielmrit will cate pllea. ream
asy iU-bloSB of tto akin,
fiend tbs ttoUBooy of n 1
toes, wftb bi
lbs rirli
Cold wslcr Bsy ■e draek freely
U Irrere. except « ■en^^ freer is eo
_ccUd WiU lump i
; case it Blpbt ebiU the patieal.
Aaotber.peod rcBcdy for bar or wasp
B jest po aad -pet year- eijo^ is common esrU aixto to s and
bssb far dinner, aica sad wara and
\Ulnp. wiU bread abd batter.
a c?p ul tea. Thai's all Uem's poinp
to be. tVs'rc poinp to hsUow the bsbatb dey. mnlc nod feBsl*:' and i'
-tot I Bade that bowl ef besb fo
She said Uis eo posIUTc aed
laodisf. UmbaiT*. Inektp coeldn'
-■est nor refuse, nsd M>Uia ae<
pirls aad Aunt Beliede were read]
wailiap wiU tbelr mitts oa. and
psrsaoll rsieed. wbes Ue bo.rs c
op wiUUt •
s from charcb.
WbtD Uty
it msn'l Bare Use ten Blantan' work
topet Us dinaer ready.
Mra lasklp bfed soar qualms of con-'
soirace f<br hadn't been sitbpclbrr
pescefnl and ^y in her Bisd^dcrinp
^1*For rbenaettsm. uke half a plaBl
of lendb ja'ce for ten nipnu. Alweys
take it wbea pettinp leu bed at nipbt
Wear flsnael next v> Ue ekib. end in
cold weetber eleep in wnrB blael
teasporefnl eecb ef powdered borax
and slum, onr-half teaspoonfui of soda
and a cnplnl ol tape M. Mix well and
rinee the Bontb frcqaently.
aad other ebora abeotUeban______
ha OOold rat bb weary boaa tboroark
Be liked to kart kJe elcaa Saaoay
aloiha aU laid eat to baad. and tbe
too bard m too easy, w as they wool
pat hart Uadacar-BaUa. wbteb heal
- -f oat am beadaysTbea fee Ilka
a abort Ue salt
Aa aeoa w Utekfatt was ore
atarlad the eldat boys oat to lalab ap
what odd }eU wero left erouad tbe
ban. aad to poi the baraae aa Ue
henta. wbUa bo read a l>fealB aad ^ald
not to bars aay bnrry
aadmeh Ue hair aad beard.kadret
W ^today boots, which fiUad a Ut-
-------- —------ iaturu •atUahoaee
rU apaad Ue
laa eUldroa
cauoioa raady.
~ i
aaalStda a«--------aotUapakoat
clearlac ap
or ffOtUa* tbe diebw oat of
Ua way, aort
ekridraa'a hair coab
ad. while pnyen was e«elac aa. And
ebe bed to harry Uke a nee bone
Bat laacber. be hallowed Ue SabbaUday jalervy way be coaM. ss
dar aa his aide of the baalaow wu eeoy be rrarrited
Mn tneklp aboat brlat a
IbWtaady.aadUwaaa-t k
^^tfebetoaanlly aaaafed U be not
aao than fire alaalee late, for it riled
Into U« abed
sat Ue tiac U
sad Uea t
Uele' -aad
lac. Utbae wasoastbiac i
aaathauatbesetslsrs so. onstiaaaat aad aat aad sot.
■ebof Ue
h^n^esa^t bs apsi^
bs^^^^joy hlsasUsc a
_________________ ssdr. aad It w _
atiybaUowia'leb to beru bs euwie
■—alf oa a feot Bsaday afun
• hcailiac kUebea Are. whilst iBscfeer
■ PBS m hie fast, aad bta aaosry UItv
dbar waa la a aoweefcl
of abd. Bpeclally
when bis aoat ipetu murtnpaabs
tbe ubie
sad baowed Uat Mra laikip aad Ue
Birife wee Ayiap areaad Ualr leral bat
Meet apa cood-eBelllBC aad taetlep
Atnaar. Aad. land eakBl ta«b dlaaere
an Mra laekip did pet ap of a Baadayl
Aaat Beli^ Bopklas was owy bit
•t eloae a Bible rtadv aad at pood ~ '
latktp dared
Uawathlapand UtBoadiapand Ue
ABHbrdlBBB. I'low ebadSat base
iaai Belinda waa s c
wl«b MBS BOMy laid b and not B«
Nad aaoor
IberBaUoae. Sbe eras Blpkty bandy
la Ue boaee. aad kind of ekaery -llke
la bar ways. alUonpb dredtel lade' at: eeahassaapeaerally wt
By aad by It csBa ber Urn to etsll
Aowa to iBaeherb. For Ue first week
or feto Aaya ebe dldat appear u cars U
oesr the ceold. and loebod oa aad aek-
Bhedld Iptoisal
roekoa It'll do more towards
lowin' Ue babtoU day Uan all ...
reartlap ol Seriplane and pmylnp
Unt's been don* In tbit heaae for years
aad years.'
Mrs. Inskip opeetd ber eyes wide.
batohe didn't-'---------lldn't ssr ear' ^ —
.... loralnp.ln pi
end epps er salt pork week dey
Isai. there ms a plau uf little
cakes eboot tbesixsof buIUbs. which
prored u be priae appstlx.np to Is
fiber sod Ue boys It was Mae
Anot Ballads's bash rolled In tke yolk
«n acc and fried crisp ood brown.
">'ow."wlJ Aunt HelindK ss neon
ss Issnebar tUered hack froa tbs Ubic.
-it's fiftcee BlnuUS cnrller than Ue
recalar lims this aorriinp, mud Ue
bvrs css jret as wall sur aed Uks
purl la ue (aBlIy wenbip: It won't
burl IheB.
And. lafefecber. anppBei
TOO rand bow tfea Lord told the Isracliue U bnllosr tbe babtoU dsy.laeaeber lookad ip dumufonoded:
nlat lb
the cloek. sad Uen at Aunt
dn’t mind t
M bands for
mly of llBs '
fiber prenled allUleinUelowe
part el
.f bis t-ireat. but fee coaldo'l uy
sSTiniap apalast Ue boys staylnp: sad
aa Anal bcUnda bad opaaod Ue Bible
tbe place she wantod. sad kani
1-.. ... -iu-n—
». Api
read about
refni Ue l«rd directed HiS people to
In bellowia' Ue tobbeU day. eoaelndlap with Us words: "Usls end
fsBale. <
Ueapbu faariof been tamed In Uet
dltecUoe. It.was
. . nalnral tbal bit prey
cctboold eortol foUow.
-Now." myt AuDt Hellnde. at t
rate IroB prayer, "we re poinp to
andnaewer Uat prsy-.w ounslree ..
day. oa both eidee of UU boaae, male
aad feBilr.
klary Ana will hare an oeen_____
about peutap betealf
pirle reedy, 'cause
'caua Ue tosBaia'
od. and Uafe'e
■e'e anUiap
U do
id oa tie dlaaer.
It said -Bale aad fesnle.' didn't it.
In tbe twripfare tcedlnp UU momlmp':'
Well. Ue faBsle aide of ULthoni '
polap to bate a eWanee to hallow
day. ea well at '
Hre iBskIp
•I korp tbe laaB
"This It bsUowia' tbe Hsta
-oule asd feitole.
No more Bills
____ inquiry
. bad been sddrcseai u , wnphlfelttei
Mars Ann.
.euniluT- pul down in «b
ibis biH
‘It is ao time for friroloosand ppo-l »ot sbrinl and need l.ctmtlctrusben
fane use of tbs word of Hod." reprored i lup. c.impsecd with iiiusc tbal
..., erepbi
— cfrrrej ; up with sett or cosersd wit'
:th a^lrooper
be remetnbered ___
sird’he pcinted bis flnper in e j
way towerde Ue'offendinp I tbry will not keep Uruuph Ue^i^bd
lie bu
bis cyB
Aired eainir
eeinly tot
to the
dieb. while
ripbt and to Ue- left, ss Uuuph bo|
ful tbmt they ml
eacory platter of frir-.
. Anni Lib's Brou-n Bread.
tod in same mystcriens wny been conWe bare tried Bsny of tbe moipes
for evo bread br the pisid cooks wbi>
eoelribcte lo tb> se wIuioiih
Here is
pood elnndiop abost twenty yr
aopihrrcom bresd. feBiliariy known
lon^r than yon here.
bare. 1Issaebrr luski
amuiip its cubsuuiere to "Aunt Lib's
rrpTled Aonh Bflibda.
dl^oTTy "*n^ r-;:^wTn‘uJSy =
eeeo Elder Ropbee hlaaelf. woald deny
Uat I here a podly reectenoe for tbe
^j'l' ia BC.” anid Jilkinn with e anpeniw air "I kite fnr uU hi* old mms
That's uhat he's spviMly pisid nU"
"V<« DiDst be a Xi-ry undo! pmwxi
to ycior«-ni|iIiiyw7'' oias-rTtd the risj
"So you Ihiuk chat Mr Dlsi.k a
................. UoelK-'» pot nothing
I ratter bis fnumn. wash bit
firni4i>«. M his inlrRau, mix bis ttdno
and Ml tb<«v f-irr h
10 hi- hi-lp Is >114! psslt' He's pnt anfhipuidii Initshim. the putut oal"—
btnuKl Mas-ariuis
MunUtUoii ot Teicteti.
trssrse* St slcelirs. ptyslcs. Secss). *r a*brr
SI slstcrT.ssansnSsr* tesast sseesutslli
(or srrssassISs
fesr arsi crscr IS* sCdliloosI reqBliuafBi
Inp: then wfarn carninp fruit'
maloes. here them bstuly and
Ue surplus
orpius julec. cork endi
ir SI IS* Bsrck*ssd a
heeewei or Knplmb resin, and io wietor erj >y many a nice plass of jelly oi
soup wnicb otherwise wi '' •
■n^^ScTCrr iSIr^rrsdr^rul
To pr.-Teni brenltlop pul
bollira in a renwrl of rraw
pnt Ue frail In.boil, and let them slay
in ih - U.
tij^^oi.ls ssjbr^S ^
imit reeolu Tbtee _
• arc's cl . nM finer the fnmesef tulnbor
Ue UbU In abjut bi
ibird Urime ,,rt,he
«m-*,* them
It nsnnllv took
Ibis year —.V'ri-tnf.
- .
'hen IsKsehereaBe lo froB Bilkinp
l tTenlnc. he bad eridenlly been
rro^ Boouwife.
loainp wiUklaseelf. and endearorInp te adjbvt bimsrll' to Ue new order
1 cun onrnrd bee' for summer use io
of thiape. at 'east for the preecet. Ihrspr-tip l> fore Ur brine pets slronp.
There wet a eort of saeaklof
Erety Ume 1 rook it for tbe table I
on bis face ea fas celled ont. after set- cook more than enonph. and
Uap down the nilk-pail sod wasbiop dona fill pint or qoart .-ana wbile tbe
if yon'ra pot •"-’irn
... hands:
. ".Now.
el is hot .'emcriop tbe booesi.
'mtaiit Jit'l l Fannrr.
AA Old Friend la Mew Drata
ereod, and It —ay platM yea
SUca ealfe lirw iate Uiaalicru half
-a inch Ulck.
Four boiliap salted
rater oeer It till it
it'has ebaaped
ruin aad tripe
wipe dry
hatter and fry la
.. er mad halt drippiara.
iiara. fill it un
Un deileau
-rrea hot wiU a BlUd water
cb prtoed ctiewbu bacaepriek
------aal Utbeoraa till Ua ebeaM I
partly BalMA-Setofito.
fisfi: a fi
ifiase «
fifits 6 8fifiSS88SS
.U^BS - «**p-,s-d4te.„
Makea Carriage Tops
Bright as New
We have made a nics line of Haroesa in many
E etyles. A special, handsome and darable Single
irneas we offer for
TrsiBs sm«* fnw asrkwowd. Pott Warns.
Iwin— srd ilrssd Rsi-d-TtSp ■ Psrtw
slJ tsAmsi frool ISrlnul noUls Itaas.
c. n. amaAt. a*w
c. L. LOCPWOODO. r. A r. A.oraa* nteiii
iChicago ~.
! "West Michigan.
: We also carry the best line of Horse Collan. Sweat
Pads. Horse 1 othing and Bridge Collar Pada.
! Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.
I »»' T »0 ?B^._..
Kew and Cnrrect 8^1es of
11u- o-v-Di arrivnl nf*^ a cn
TTBlsskrlorrti Tror*t*r niy sad Bk Bsfdfei
'1-is.a. IHro T' re.'
Ar Pit Bsuie*.
iolAtn IBrs >Bm
Lr Bit aurid*
Ar Trsrrrw Cni. • Ai t a^_______ ,. dItea
uiisru UD wnnuiui Ll
. Lte e a>' »as d ir TS
P.OP. M.
csliTi* '
'.... I “
1 Iihvi- nlHoafitii-nwort.
till- n-lclirnliul
Coononk ....
Bt-woCUy. .
T-lo ItossisU
timl uiv »o well ami favnrulily kDown.
Partirulsr stU-nli'iir is cnllrs] to tin- Enfplro King nnd Empire
liiiagtL-ifYl iiii till' fsi-rn ie t-i la- hud a
1 am iirfjwnii to ufT-r Bargains all nl-itu' tin- lim-.
I)i. uni fail t
uolao aOlT*.
exsiaim- iii>- i^-iods U-f-tre puri'liaeiug ■ Im-wIh r,-.
The Great Sp«ci6c for Com.
plexiuD and Skin.
!31 State .Street,
a.., Cr«.t.
^ > A. PET£/?7-y,^
Carriages, Gatters,Sleighs, Etc.
ll Iss siwrtfer «*r Ik* rtnorsJ of (rwkirs.
MsrSkroAs. rloa -orws. sod k B*er* UUis.’
medi lor salt rkrsn rrspsksu sod Imis
Auarlinr Is M I ' I’l of rerr siroor sui.
s>r'‘.'Cvs'"*'s-ooa wkrs asrl Is Ur usih
will desiror dlsrssr wras. II hrlBS s or])
rsuuliakrC isrlirsi
tsruSsi wesr*e*o*lsoilr
wear*e*o*lsoilr ssr
rododrd by i>r*rd*uroriafi.di*es*r ke
lua prsis
^l^'s ll MS
eis soly
srilE sff-wCs TOU
You SSs f-nr
TSls fwrporoita Is ponli-ulsrly mmwte>o
Horseshoeing and General Repairing Dona
UrollJluru -III Slid ISIS firrsorstl-i- rrry Urorfl'ls If usedsflrr 'Ssns*,
'Ssnse, llslwsy.Si
llslwsy. Serf'
Is* IS* tO'*
tO'r ssnolO
ssnoie sod ft** tnm »iin|>
sat'*f Slits*
ll ts for
sins* kwdtor
IrodlBr dniii*t*i».
dtYiCTlsls. pol
oplslo'^r—sled ■■OKI** lor*oly y.t<
lf]*.irdruirrUl d«.s OM S*pp II *•■*! .
d,.i:*r u.iisufi FOOT p-rt-uai. * o.idrr-.sad
».li lor—arc ll in foc by *irr*s* pr*osld
Be-Pamting and Upholstering.
uiiuiriFrcO., Gnid tapids. UcL
C CIY'y''
State St., near Union.
Bicfcle Suidries of til Kimls
Mt. PlMMBt, OWOMO. Saffl*
oaw. Bay Oity, Detroit, Bov.
ell. Ana Arbor, Toledo Md
polBM Boot aad oath. Close
oonnoetfama at 0«vdalikwith
K.AV.B.By. ; , '
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
M ftoitoc. a w. M. •.K.ai..a aa.a.oafiB
Best Livery in Northern Michigan.
is-tMM astraasmiSir
-;o*i Hi.
.T r-iHiiirr
«d«d «in
unnnu «
Oity, Kick.
iii!*nl of Markel and Delivery WfieouB, «uil .-i.ntium- t.> iiaudl.
Her examClotcU
Ic kill moths
wiiL eniphur in UU way
■er wae done belpinp the rest,
r ererylbinp.
I*ut a Ubleepoon
BoaU bed Wepna %o water for the
.ulTibnr io old rup.k-t tbe enn >71
beak. too. ramemberinp bow pood It
I of weur end place on tbr floor
• at breekfssl. And keAelp- o' the claaet.
Tbke'e hot co^'fmrr
I the lire and drop into thi
« ennnnn
l•vereliowIl iimli-r on- r.«if in Trav..rtu.-f’ity.
'%;::iS5strr'i:;.«mtsr .0*.
Clean all Unee boli'ra- l>y poatiop
IqsiI hsHuici'u oirbj fiir.liiw nuc-t •'Yiiiiplt‘i«i ninl iiin>i aiwnrliut-iil tif
plaU'to be helped to bath.
*=ss = ■fi_a
•sssssssusassaa n
nre tioir nil <liii(>|Ry at i:<] Ntnli-Stni't
A Pm Onpe Orsaa et tartar PevAtr
Jllkiitt. t'l declare it is yay maA lik.
weram'af*liras*Tte.w^«^'i7,‘<sr ml
«es<ili.x7tar.wUl s* Srlfi Is se* Orsaa* Bal.
SI TruruN* Cllr, u eiwnese* si i s'clacs
Oui'daya ladytiHlcd laiUH-artia
U< alwois- .d fix- laucacd wae
raTvd by JUkina
•r>iari«-."jhe cnl.ri. planHop first
auxusll»ss.l so ................
iteiotwr <1 ssfi S ....... .
Hstrs tl si.J^spril I -.
ONLY $10.00.
wbo has timde wnac luiisr 1
and is qnib' a* impintBUt a |s rit
II ^est bake slowform too thick a cmsl.
*.nns you e
•• ■ fis iiisit
& 8 a■ sfififita
o« « w*.—
- H. II. ALLEV. Pruprlrtor.
jOne Can oIRED SEil
i Carriage Dressiag
feints sweet-Ilk
acrordtnp to Ue beriptnre leseon Uet
was read tkie memiap.
"It you dos t Uke kindly to yocr
Aunt fielindn'e mye of unrryinp out
' -iuterr. itssrber Ipskip, you
oeedn' U> be worrited br ber nor them.
0 the ballowin
the babbatb dey by tbe —alei
whiltl Ue femsiee ie unballow
a feael of 1^ Uinps for tbe apn of the
nt I mad.
dev ebonld
ise byy male e
U'siidons, and ci
be helpwl. anii yoa mipbl at wril Uke ,
it pleeeabUf, and not ehew any elninl |
f*ltuble coU
a" be told. Ue next Saurday
lap. at Ue Wteher's bom seas
. "hada’t yen bettor tend ont and
atop Uat man and pet eooe
lowta' baab lor '
Aad Uet set the cuetoa wiU tbr Intkipe. When it wauH bath, it wa*
a pork eed beant. or warBcd-op
■pie. or Boteettaitip wbleh eonid be
prepared In enScianl •luanli'.y oa Set'
erdey. and rendered pslatabla by patUnp U apoB tbe atoec for a few mlnred ae a turker pofehirr'e oomb. fma otae: and the Bebbath day was
flslBp areaad aed U-yiep la (ei ready lowed, male and female, aftor .
la tolf Ue Has lasacber allowed hia- Uellada took bar drpaiUrc.—J
u-iiN.'fu i'etcrsoii's.
When eVe want into tbe pantry to
pel Ue cbkkeae reto^ to cook tor diaPtekls ana an Emerponey.
sad eselarde^d
le talk turned the dUer day in an
Ulapi tbal ware to po wiU U
are Maine town oa pood luck earn
Uere eat Aunt Belinda's bowl of b
end aolblnp elae
"Holiy"’ sbe
-leimed. "where la Ue ssorld are
WSJ dry
‘ r and there was BO water; rroua
rro*» In ose-p.i:rvl eslr^smiiil sM quanetwlUllie half a
rai|V at a lirely eoM
tiscSsC'—-•"wis tea
erlr le tbi-w
I»wa tiscSi
"Tbore.laa\ any, Mery Abb. 1 jnet
•It rn-j s-sm th. T.-n Ur«-. I 1 ssk Tcur r
Ue dry roof
eonnterBaodsd joar order whas you ecarce a* water. She bepaa wrlnpiap torNaflAS S-c.|u-s posl esrcancwi
tolt Ue plrlt to kill tad drsas 'ob.
her bende and eayiap oier and orrr to
UN 'iM^yeacH A CO.'.cKicaao.
"Tkne Un't polap to be fried cblck- beraeU: "Here'e a pret^ P^Mrl A
ea lo-dtT, Ber hot rolle, aor eaeUrd. liritty felckle"Fickle, pickle," Ue word nnooaeclonsly repealed lieelf.and Uen she
U^btofawhole berNlfnllef pork
pickle in Ur eellar. Bred for boillnp
orvr.. Ske dartod dawn Ue eellarwey
aiAhdat Uonora-World's Pair.
aad aoon bapan delopinp Ike roof with
Gul^Mcdl. lUdwialer Pair.
the bribe Emry one who hat tried it
we wbet a complete fl'C axtiapnleh
aJt water ie. Tbe rffect waa map. aad before Ue supply of "plcile'
exhanated ebe had the fire oat and
home wnfe aarad. She says sba
neeer eb-nild hare tbonpbt
lonpbt ofll If
■ le'- -
,h-Btoa-.:ssr'..:i£..?'i.r 40 YEARS tbe STANDARD
. ‘ IhaCb Mra toaUp-hardlp took tto to
so a bit <-f Ibc Blea.
per in U- —. .
niBfi ea sore with eraema Uat
U diflk-alty I could bead my
Tbeakiyermcked open. Urpe ^ 401 West ^nt fitot
aeatae formed and ia addIttoB 1
eaau beiep tender Uey lubed ii
I tried ararytblap 1 couli
. or pel bold of to atop Ue trouble
was unable to do eo nnlilLproUma-e OmtseaL lAad faenrd it
spakea abont by aeeeral pMula hat aa I
tlioupkt it would a>-t like efl tbe other
prepernUoae wbifib
ibifib 1 tried 1 waited
pelled frsB_ '
if By toads Ul dowunetblap
do I
Dona's OietBeat cored ae
Fp I"
date, aad tbu Is nomr c
mnaoUx after I
stopped tbe troatBraU I 'bare bad 00
ladicaUoB of any reMra."
hash, a piste of bread, aai.lhi
SSfSfiS S8as »tt
I Travefse City Granite & Marble Works,
Ikian'i Kidaey Filla foraals by
Price koeenta.
iksd In slronp eiBepBr.
Fueier-Hllbnre Co . 8a«alo.-N. S Epic
apeota for Us I'. S.
v ,
IteBeaber Ue name Doan^ nndUk.
A little powdered borax tbrewn into
Ur balb Bskee Ihe water eery eoftand
3U«ult|e nilac’»<IabU.
Webaadlcali rredenot Ornaltc. MarUeand Siooe Work, nnd ea- A
deneornlbaye U keep nqr pHee . low. ounaiderlap Ue qoUty of <rarfc i
wenrp furniabinp- Our rxtensltv haadlinp of Brnsnacwtol work cn- a
nbloenstose.-nreatork oath* most adsanlnpctN* terms, aad Ur bcMfit Uei obteUto rererta to our enstoBera If you are Ulalto of boyiopaarthiuir laonr liar, it woald br srell for eon lo call ^ drop na a
card betorepMiap your order.
tool Doaa'hOioV
oa tbe chest e
Monun cuts,
11 1:1111 11:: 111
e leanmac-tbey «a» be
a^neto^B^^ildm. iad'uito^^
Uobody rraea-t put ont whoa berrl*
to that bo- '
alee hot beef broU rrere beaded Uoopbu wei
kopa so tflewinp
and i_.-------------------------tbr tierakled as lAc aatlc;
of bash, aed
roB bis bsart-e full ^.iQDd at dlaaer. aad teeaeber erea ipsted Issaehrr's rs.-sptiun of IV
Ibciec wbo are troubled with nerru
rraeled oat a sort of Uaak-you. which
issseber blBs.-lf satoQt
be Biipbt here bbbI fei auet Brliede
s Ur cool side of the onto, readinp
to pick up sad pocket, or whlcb nUphl
, ilerdido't
be Chotrh lUomimsl-..........................
bare beoa for aerbody eUe rrbo bad
CutrdBbers In Brtne
upecl aoylhinp HU they pslbercd
irece eoencb to appreciaU it
Sererul yeara ape we filled se order
--- the
... UbI ' ' Boutb wnterinp
ere'd been a
rels of CBCuncnci
thepi'od Iblnps that asrepoinpu if sereral bendred barrels
kI with Ue c
le Isfitory,
bs spread oei; when lo! all Uat was
r a pickle
reersled to hU woedrrisp pass, as be
lul appetlu
tSletae Bust tores fesrfi
-s. II the
for boiled meal and__
she expecbd to make «eyr with all UeB be
fore they ipeilid. or else she Balt be
whole feml
thM wask se larftly with s story.
ly wbUe Ulapr lealed.
Altar Utbet
beialddle of Ue al
after Ue poU<
aad tbe beet likewise,
i femslt" bad s
liato tke ptalrywIU b«
. Mod lafiaanec sads a blc^nf to all _________
rulled dpeeeyiBy tobernell:
^tUa lbs taus, iu sad oar pe
are i^..
ipady and ni po at that job
ot ballowla' bathiBSk'
bbe pot net tke Beat board aad eat
Ue toUed meal into bits, aad tbe peuAaat BsUada's Bauowin'.
tote likewise into eUeea.
Then efeC
______ j UsUp was sltUar
dnaped tbea into Ue ebnppinp-bowl
sbwdy Mdsef tbe boats, drtaeed It s aad took Ue knife and wenlU work
Utas. and. alarehed and .Iroasd Son
' ' IP ablrt. Ibat Us wife I It Badenri
" d oesr
oetr tbs aflerwooe bsfore. Ue two w
lopped fineeaeaphaed
PaaslMr dlda't Uke to bars rrriakles la mixed t >«etJ - aad aalud .and pap
ilaablrt.or rati spola. but aolbiaf to pered.-nad - al Belinda stopped as
diaarb hb aqaamlaliy oB the babbatta tbonph ber a
darIt M tbe dey tbe Ironl bad Bade
«ar«m and hallowed it: aad Isaeba
ebe said U herself, atu
tod ae _ hallow It. aeeordlaf te tbe
elock tl
- coal;
e cellar
IfoUly^yto d*Ua m£.*****
Uke iul
Itebiap pUto almtot dritB you
t laaaUte. sspacBUy
safferinp fi
B in bat water
yss. feaUe
aorerml iIbb a day
Fbr asll«bl cat Mod oa % place of.
bmiirUitMiaii I
itPaopto MBBtSMw
alaya UtUa poaadnd
Mbs. H. B C. BAno. Ultor.
Liebig Compan/S
Extract of Beef
cook BOOK—
uoiar bow to Wfeear* to
tote aai flaUaoto dMlMS
»Mito.Uitia ca.r o. Sto-safe. i
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