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Grand Traverse Herald, January 27, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
m4 M mm ttM «•
«Uber rM< or bMr ct » tatmar «h*
^-forth.ik,ofaUu!Sl|^‘'o.;»-i„. .boot. doMo oiw .ho.,.! th.
11« th. MM TMapftilaTjt.t kb
P>0 bMBr tbloMT B«d
Y- aa
sns-i 'ss^.
!£^r..rP. Carver
A ra.tof.vlnd cm kb>
>ad ^rapped binahuot
aUiali dBki. Uat fora
bioi coBip'.rt.l; troai .ir
• lUnliOBl"' brr.lBrd___ ___
TkM. <«. Ik. I~.| M inak u. ^
rv <k.rua(krr lapopj UM «.u
Tar Moolrr Ik. koun m. Ik. iw
Ta.ruii...ipnr p.a ..kwok.
b fpud to bo iMb MiM ie
iroodrb. which boModtba
Urn jut akimaiiy iMk.
____ - Tbaia
___ an
k> OO the (arm.
o-diimo .a- ! few UrOMT.
aho doj^
do pot ..Cm JnHa
,s:sii:rT«5teLr?.:j: »?»«t8UMt
natAX.aUMr'«l>rwao.r. >• i>.>, U
lirtSaa, CMl HMMIUI tM l|L
“PtIiMIt and lonj Snflering.'
But m.ny U’stify tbiit jnni’b of iL^'
loni; 8uff«rriD|; of n rlironir form
ptruiRuenify ami mfcly I'uritl at
Uie Blma.Banatormm. corui r K>ili
Union Bti, Travpn.* <*ity,
Mkfa. Asd tiioTt*. ii. you hav.'
PilM nr any R<<<4al trugblf, KJdm>y, Ulacider, or K< oiale WoakorM.
yoQ will make no miatake
MHUO&.BLM8. Tel.-phom-IICI
Office in Banatorium. Toiuiulta.
tioD room, in McNamara’* atotv.
t*R?di!. biggins,
Mnnwy tO LOSIX
Carpet Cloi
Cleaning Works
■ .arcuam.i^a
Sorveyor and Civil Engineer
b —klae Mmnl m bw Mperb
Waur Oo)M-PertralM u ivplam
mmt of Um. ehaap eoloradebosi ptMara. <akad« of eb«ap
rafaMoolar. Uat mt fade oat
aad whhar ap tS* iMtarw Ull
Ih. ^}mI ieoka Ilk. aa old
Beypiu ma-agr.) pat ep bj
iAom mUnaUBf ehsp Joha't la
UMlr“daadrir*«way Mbaawa."
wiU aa «p. opmn-«• U* tad of
lb. aebMOo. la tba put w# bare
pat ap a lartc aoBbor od bar
b*alibyb»klBf portralta la th.
plaM of Mehty aad aroa dMd
iMklae ptctaM. to tb* praat
Aoilfbt ofthaoa.te.aaw itbe aay;
•TbMC. thallawartba baadrad
of tbMi akk ptaiarw." Ueed
OoodworkaDdaUaifkt baalawa
•aUted. wUl vis watpUM.
Crown's and Bridges.
Vitalised Air for PalnleBS
tanst Ideas ail leellaices.
Imporliit to Pi«|Krlj BoUmi
Potatoes and Apples. Wanted.
WAtavKO BUim
An mail ordem receive prompt
F. M. PAINE. Floritt
.-ss: :?'5...vii.'."-.'..'-""js
Cross Cut Saws .. ■
Axes. Az. Hand'es..
Sktdding Tongd ..
Loading Blocks. ..
Wedges, ...............
Air Tight Stoves. ■■
Box Stoves.............
Car Stoves.............
Building Paper etc.
146 Front Street.
St’Sld’T'mr'kVd'Tanrr du:“'’f
Inlaid hmtll ibrUmal^ackk-lb.M-.oclj ;
«r m..r..‘paBnI. U.ny, halri«.
Hr Chaaad Iba Cnab Ball.
Siisr koiurrmrol wak rrraUd I
M. mo Blogbamton. N..
d-,. wbraa fai.n, r .a'o ,
{ be oiakr i pmubaka Ur boiigiil m
ildnammir Siu-h and than 1 ... ,li
' V ‘T''
tU." kald Ut eaioael. aftar tUbklag awhUr. -I gmM yoo>a gal kla.
Ii or rr.r grit ouUof Uat. eahla M at
------- iprora--i;rt*o,,gt.
wbrn they bare Ur whole (arm Mtad
Icitiaad of a frtab. graaa lawa
In frrai of tbr booar Urn Ii asly
aod onl
Aod -bilr thr Ikwyrr na.o't
' .
, ' , ,
. '
Im kod krpt rjfhl on ualU \r arri.rd
pataere by aad cloudt e_______________
IroB Urstr
sum. rajiiirlally U aUsa cr
two Uplaalad tost Ic____
wady to Baht Ur (am a____________
pnnlBcllTa.-Jfk*l0ra gVMl
Traverse City. Midi
____ urrr,';,f.on..r./:o............., i,-...... GIIL,- '
brio Ibrm
' “hulrtorbang.
a arrrr aiwd thr KubbIi rrrrb' ■’".l'"! bad-'.™ su.rm had erruinly'
flhaJly pa-ifird and drparird
proMtrd thr brotbrr
’”P '’' ibr
Ibc bruad am.!., of tbrrirrk. apd
-|kBOw.Ballt.eaBtib.lllhriri.u. ‘•vrr.rr. ildrur tbr v-lioklag alkali
TAdro at br wa-,™
In heighlh and weight, tbe
short Ihf till, the thin the fat,
wc fit tbi:.n all. Every one cm
<lej>end on getting a perfect
fit. The largest line of new
Fall Styles iii the city. Pricesright and satisfaction guaran
teed. Give us a call.
.......... *ttl^'
Blown Acroat Us Baa.
b» tbe Itland rolMao Krakama,
‘‘'O^wreteadof baBalra.Maw
ir city rrry
oT ralolkBr bun
erary rrauff^fJ^^lMb^
dreiroyad Aa ohbsrerr aftar tkt
wa'rr grobbrd a(
ipthiefocad Uat what was Uttgt
n mkkr
k hi.Br- »*f®' aloi ikpli. ^r°“Toad<^‘^
poor erratarrt trying to
I tkland wat rad hot.
Eoar yaam
aod a kpot of grorn .by tbi
rr a oataraUki fsoad that Ut bpk««
Irarri. and onr riiiob at <
J cvolrd rnoorh to allow gl
it tbf asd of thr r»ry Seal
111. gr .g
i—gan U> il<acrod
growaod Stadlffnaatapaeleaaf
"Wltbeot tbr watrr,- Lro rrpll
MpprrfrcCj r
I yrl Hit phieb Bait
baan bloiiaMrM
.prrmlloo-of a..n»"tbr plao* Uo't Ut to M r« In Tbr b
I ooer
lb March. Ur tarrva^Ug waUr ■ jriwaaosalM
a pirca of ‘«V down his bnrdrn
per raid wr'd picked
MOg KeaWvky
iLifckJ bti
rroaod abcoi at daa.i
boautifn'Iy and
' tnmad him farr t.
we barr." rrj-,inrd tbr brotber. bl. bemd. and drl.^ralc-ly .niflrd .1 j «/kj
pcrrilrot. 1 think It wat
of itir Booth and Uc grata Urratteoaatof Eoflasd. Capa IMbM
llir.. lacfara high, wbrn lb* lo Iranor aad Capr >TaialcrTt ta'Bfala.
proodof.anda tiatlooforthruar-j^O *
“••• b««lk-aad hrlwatab..
la . .
art f
Tbr laru of latwtirara are atarp
swe; User
grata had brra and poletfd. and aa diapeaad Ual Uay
blowo out of tbr grejuod
At preriaut'
tK.ard, ibr norther b a draicatr lOgwiBd. aad il dnrd Ur looar •
In direct aeotart
Ur grata n»tt
n»«t ahUl
ahl il
^ n^nnrVr ^
eape-llkr pro)«u» of frrlilr land, radd I .boat tbr
b duerd W a puwdrr asd Ibot
- ......................... had wrt itelr Boaiht and (area «ilL;docrd
panfent bot wboiraoar watrr
Iraalat Ur wind wbieb ditprrtrd it
bad, I Thr rooik.. baMng.so
(nMh.r hod la
Hardical •hstelf. who
• —___
k waak bad pntard Vroa a aky Uat
and tbr wlsd
s wild wiu aetiiTylsr eloada. hl«^ a
rarrird o«
grata. Tbit >t bow
-.r Uat altsn
It U taid Uat if U* aarUta asmoaease Uarii« Urongb Ur broth Ilka a wlsd blew Ur grata oal of i
pbrra wan aaddooly --------------- |a
OD Ur draort. aad raiard a da»M and Banlac. to take tbrm boBr. Tbr faar- It U a.UIlforala yarn,
Uickataa to arrea basdred mOm hba
aarfnl dntt at UIrk at • fog ora bUod- fnl ordeal wat orrr at iatt Tba sect raongb wb^ caplaiaed —1
amri/a* choklor Moralag Ur tick boy, who wat atogafph«
I ,^,1,
uwogh tUll a IlUfr
Horse Boaisaa Isprorra
lb iBdIa Uarr an oaebaadrad Uaa' Ua fljwtlbr alkali I
rerefolly Butted aad
Hogr Batata
A lUehmirr bortsMB reyai "Kar».000 girta
v> »* bartsrrpt orrr plaia Bd Moantaia wrel
a are again bagiaalng lo reiar hertat MSd bm aad
age of foortorn wbe are b
ahnead Uat tmaned ta
• • Ua
-rbrmtao mrard too great (or
the eyck of mao. parebrd
yon U atk aod rrctire ' tald Ibrf
Ibt (aUcr yeart age Tbe real* ta Uat we are
oM attaM ite ago o< leiM
. aad drflrd Ur tigbL
At Ute bliuatd of dott wat al ita to Lr-o. t* hr left Ur cabin
flodiag aa Fagllab BarksL Tbr Eogbright, a BaaesM madly dHring ap It aayUlBg la Ua world—'
Itab are Back aiowrr Uaa U* dswri- byUalr
"I Uaak yon kind--•'
tilt road la a boggy, bahlad which a
adopt the sew irea«il tyalras
reddlr-horec wat brlag. led by Ur fled yonag fellow. "
Leo asd Freak com (reU ha b-y* stonfd retbrr .
ward for a plaia dnlr
be alocped brfora tbr door.
roUltfartlaagaiM^ralgfViMt U
a railway
•Tk* Borrawt bsyt;" gatprd Ur paataa to bhy 11 irbomca ia tie
gcatleMre.'- wildly
cried Ur ama. la rridsatdlttrM.
-I Baa at br drore away from Ur caWa aad UaeoaUac
W-y hare
iapten^r aid—I y of yre M brig where the alaidy boy* were tlaadlag
that Ury can get brtiar a^
Two dayn later Fraak rear In hattifr
rets OB Uta kbf* of tba wa^ dreart biUUi. c«t of hM alad caaUaat --Loo." hr cried tbr dHch
AlU* tame Um Ur Amarlraa * Ireaeta. dot ■tMeb
tdreatoor laaeb-owly ter a ' It fall of waur. Tbry are foiag U let
SadiagoatUareM Utag I Waod. re do Ua rai
______ bai Uatwataao^. Hr it at llre-'-ilratM-M.
ta Msey iosallttat
osalltiat aad ore retaiaglpira itaaMall bak
“ grtBaad Kraak. "to ibiok af ' ‘*"^“5^
w^ f"'ut‘‘j22?r'of'u5J Ito
Tlii'L.-adiii,; Meivliaul Tailor,
\t the cold storage. ‘If I'armcrs al ii£rE.r:
a distance wish to load at other
points and make up carloads I wil
buy’at any station. Write me what' 3!£.Jssr ............wvars
you have to offer. Will buy cidor
apples. Sweet cider and apples for
Brosch’s Meat Market
Ttr nt.2MkfaMhMMnia. ^.la«
Doctor’s Prayer,
m.jauMw^a^ MrM.M« hmmmi
WlifD cither a CUamois Long Protector or \'cst
wiU t)c a necessity. We can supply yon with cither, hut
t-ou can economiw and tel have something just as g.«Kl
by buying a chamois and making one Gootl values at
K^-isargM^e *
Johnson Block
»■ UAMTBBl.(/>
M.M.lkVUo.01. TM«|MM.I{r.
--TV__ ____
R«Al Batata ExebADge.
m» Om> tmmx .LpertdSM vliS a r..ni pi.
wrale(rm7tai.(tBlW Ora« lin*
l*M>.«.aat ro. iiali.fair.
Oar rmmpUM I>rpUtBr.I >. .ua-k' Smi ObkVVaU wp rak k..} . kno k1
IIM bl vrw.1.
asd tbr:r biodk ria*
ferteol. kileol claap
Lei> .lepped kwifi :,r to the luck'y
-.p and T.ulicd
Voud beWer
ardicot' Mid .be. -or ynn
A. ysw BARC3-A13srs.
l^noW I'bi^?
r>»»* rood u
. beau
' '
lb.- rna. i. lue ari.cr. -ho bo. dron- • Moy.a* ..»,u
the lea.1 bit ,.f Irc.ll.le Jlrae:o« Ibcm li
Tarj-Il Ml
I In. eap.-di«it «i..i*ple bol— ------------!»ed It lorscMk -bat u 1 iwi
icwk. •
-------------------------- 114..0-y
VMk Ik. Oil
rK.uwjpby of the.
Krflrriinc rvpaln whM ilttj ofa '
effiTt kbnald be u<
arrded la aaother Mk i« Um W
bliGiid idea of klaed'iatr.^
0 tbe ric m the
A Don BUtxara.
• Uppuol that luoiioa by .•
ffbra a facMr ^saoAa aaBoeh efhto
Ak vbilc ak loarblc and at flat aa tin
Uow at to, groerry aaokti* Ua Uf
lop of a Ubir. tbe yreai Koaod roi'k
ur.-var. oral uraalooa apeadiv hto
iwiMf Thro hr Wheeled
--------- - atecicbad away frooi the edge bl-borw.
--H.«d-by. ftaoh.-beeall i
111. aif)»iw
'a< Karrbru.fa of )Ur. ed. aod Kraoh'k reply arm not on th. I
Crayiih Bouulair...
fur hinar.f aod fatally, roaa Is tba doer.». wiod like a wail
cam ud Boris
uror tbr driorrlairarTT Uaw tala'son*
, I A mad and Seadlonr ride
-; acTM r-fllU. koatb oo.cail aidc.of s Ir.r lAhe. Hood
icr-hrtdluv!^ -O^lb
a.bror fai. aloniacta rabrla ocalMt Itaa
ibe road i.y the edpe
nokCy uod.r pood calli.aUuD aod a i be buukSl eery i__ _
in. traaimml ii rmirea. iuUad *( «al-aM Ibelnss. .-.pen
iMiacTw 4 tnllMkoath by Ouoton Srhi >1. KoumHood
. .. ._
D. amall orebarfl.
di. and It rua« is a dutl atatc ’ I Mr-.
lasr tkrrh 'lrai,rfarrn.lr n llmurhl- ■ n(ac«pand wataraad tobsom m•
hM.y land well watered. r»°d dairy farm, l ap be b>u«b rirht.
.. _ toot- Teo mllCk ie wi/lib aod
wlaram a vt,- and L.-r rmf
dronrand ri'inc hireaalf a ctaasca lt>
■HImr*. Boar Marfirld. pond Usd aadTcry cLrap at I.Mni.
ty is lenrtb. itaU wreU-U-d kpni “';:ai|..;i- -here bubbto.1 the
Thr fararr —hn
H well, br caay br tald istaaraamor.alpliurand HI
V. acna. S aniMMkt of Klatralcy. 31 ttml.r yoodeullSealioo. (ioad f.Bcea. food oahad of >tm tbe >iirble«t kiro of
.ra, I
hulia Ici bia bortroarb. U. Isdaod. •
pa.t»»crythiar, lua. aftri
• ku%r, win hrll cheap or trade'
otatiOB. A road that curred iu par
diktam paMur-rriry aaorniar -i
ir whulc l-iuoai baa not taaoB kaotdi■ j the
way tbroofb lb. Mh'cbru>b. ihi
raal uf th. bred
Sba a>k>u h
ui tbr
the ileaert oo tbe wex
Hy Ibe >id
m-uorilrd haibaarcmspruKat. ai
.^mar’. thanIbbkiood a<.-«lno. bk.'k of which •
aicual-nord «.» frrd .piirlly un'tl n ana
bicb feotwdcscltwutn. IroTeraeJ In
titol to rrloca u. b.r ra f
itiir day
or« lor linaioe mr wanJef
irrlpaliaE ditch ibai wuupd iU way out
--------- klllrd thr crU Mid.lrnly
Wbaorrnr a fararr fla* bb
of a dikum mououis rm.loe
. .
-ly -Tbrrr —aa «u uulrry.
will aol do wall sur f.Ura. Usagb^
«hrual kart hr ^0*lU-}‘.wri«rr i-banrr fur thr ,v-u u aar
At ttar frost of the cabio kbBri a
parrntly well f«l,
wbrg br ti daft
lb. ruBkwar bad *-*-»pcd.
M-kped. bu
walarisg liuurb. bat both Ibt* and the
shr wa» ai k d.rlaiirr tr.iB
ur bsM he kauwt aod bUt to maka
Mill a-rre tas.i. aud uo,-.ruin
IrrtpaUag ditch Were dry aad .lotty
abitli apparrtitly p
Ird Uirpu-I. bucklr and bovkir bale mart, bathstad F',n<lio« lb.- pa c atiil nrrcm» f,
hre kanwi
' .iorplar place for a cabin aod
hat bad brrn do at did Ur Urmrr dnlsbora OWSmao. br >|U ch’Y ..kplaiord ihal
lha nlf d«kO
rd. H.kbould oastutVbta raigb-*
bocar bi
bad hrit.r'br t«k-D h*. k at oc
coBdltloaa In Nerada. oor of <
rratiaic with
or hrrarai ul UrB. They May ba
-1 kbou
-try 10 ewtam
tbe cIm aakociatloo of deep r
to point out Ur bob la Ub
f..r trar of waadrrwaaf
loaias ai
with deaolata alkklloe wame>
; avrci kymph.iii of
Itni pednuag it oal M at) tab
.runs d«wo iba -boir
Ac tbe eTenme ..f a certain
• .-.hr »iay«d frnfn
esrp,-vi Utai to do. They wfll Soi
early wialer
in.- hole (or biB; br Bbtl do Ubt
1- al.y-dhi.-l-v
klowly down.
«ii<l thi- c-i.ju.•ring
bik ki
ar a laae
hrlwcrs ciioUirt_ana oH-iprinij^ yal
i -or occupltd ia aa cblag (or aad
.•-•(t for
'arrr h Bo doubt that tbr vow bad tlo,,. ng UiM loakt It Bt wall apast.
nro nr pluo|rrd
tbr dioimiaa. foolblllk -Ufa am
• oir-diBi kouirlrdrr. and that >br
IVhas ow. narait if a
Irifliuf, alidiBi’
•rsd mora than Ibaisirdid Voa^Th. darkoao.-. <aoi« dowa. th- b
m! br >
t .Mir .-ortvr.iaadanl kaowt of a mla
Kiral-Raia Rraaoii
ill. a reaper asd Buwtr la om for M
Accurdiiif'hi tbr^pap.r» badifri
id <k yaam. Ur hat brra oal bw UP
lawj^r-ao: taki.OK tbr UIdta tor
r for rrpaire
Tbr paial l~»b^ aa
oaAhrm bci|o.<'k-w:tt«d vltacv—:
•rrll Ok on wMM iiupIrasoBU left ewt la
M.han rr, an ^
i. Mrrb, wellhr boprd that Ibr-p.pmdo not Ur arid (or kit saonUt u a yrar.
lul a> a kapiinif
■I awma of law Ml koowk bow to Hop Ub Wba
r licbt. a« <i frl
froui Tni-ltiu
lao bad uprard
la hi* b,« inci«h by ukibg care of bM
forward mod turn 10 Ibr r,'ghl
ft wa» ai a i.oKWourl
« wltara. larai iaipirmrola.
>r ibr drfriK-r had JuM ■•urn dnaoi.
------------- >r Irakk. aad aaayof MWUI,
ird. —bra Ikr^ir.cwuting y-iltvrw-i
0 coiaplata o'»d taramaay
grant kUxM ap l-i mikb nm.
(hroi op.-n.
, I nadi Dial suiTar
Srcvragi—tv Ly did yon bidr SnlliTaa'
-brrr pir winil^ 1 yun^buukr
llial Suadtr aigbl
Tbay Had Uib.
aaafrr i-ooipaiu. ; Witarav
-I did DUlMwbulllrai
llraa al all
. b. -amlrird to !on tl
Ibaiogbl^nrraareiDBi Ulngk Ib-Um arortd
I knowingly I—Will joc
wear yoni w if. diduot I
le that nigbl'.
MU Urrr are oUata il italaraya«|i ta
hikvy wdh
AUaM. oolhr a lugr oi ib'i
Wbro Udoaal lagortoU wat is Ea-'Vlll
lldo'l go
rope Ia.1 br riailad WreVBlatUr Abbey
lyonrw.I,- awrar that aUrdldoi
Ur brei Urn* At ba wat coalaMsuHirao
ihatnigl.r•S^^lhM^ why I r
laiighirr. ]imlotie.-d and
IViinra* itnurr braiuticig'yi -ttrll- plaUagUr loBbof Naltob. Ut gnhlb
briny !<iat, for of r»uy». I r
v-cT of Ibr coj i I.
anylbloc wbrn uocr I gut 11
rbro lamr tbr
IhrrJ Src^rani'im^ttBowingly.•That. air. bU Ur toab ut Ua gimP
Hut tbm U alsrark a
, "P|folloai,l by the dikinal durt ihaT |iprhk[>. yuy can
A satal sb« Earcisa or Iba trbala
ibroogb tbr l>rad ilaar li.^^r t
laouodrd like tbe
arid hrrrr kaa—Lord KaltOBd.
youoan kwraryoarwil r dm out blur
m * tv... V.. V.J. I—,1
im, arbilr khr vanssl
lung of thr w^d for
ls|Mak op now.
nm. blit Middrnly
Mch other acai-' -till. !:iu. 1.
Sosmess Cards.
;coo».lo.t.t...y...«rt«,fo,r»,ra.»l ,..l^ oWra*r ^ dWwr
-^roi. TMwvvkaboi.iath.1
.rp'icd. Tbrylook-^. Mch.oib. facir ™’^ '”
( ibe olbcr. aad fro.. yLad b* dod .Mb ,,
‘ otber rirht and bi
AAOWB'Y- ■TO IkO-^JSTOffltt IIL. U1. taOdliteiptati L « L But
AttarMT* M Lb«.
uaiao a^m iv Tbb Mlebbw ba^ ■
■- ''••W’aa'd’il'tb/nSir
Real Estate
Dr. J. A. Snyder,
Boiteh.oB mt wlaah. atS»
of Mcb llbml (aodlx bate-
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game. L-nrrs
lA Seaaon..
Freth. Sail ind Smoked Meals, Siusages tic.
r. BBOSOH ft BOVS. ‘
WUadaad arei^ dsab-lt ta awfal-to
boreMtOMaatUadaMad. Hi
a apa^d ef Ua (aalaat Atb___ aay Uat Uta iiMaai ta tai
■ar ta saw (na*M Uaa Uat of Ut aaU yrer toohred vt WmIiIiI
MB nlM«A UbUaa fbUwva.
Tbay an atUdM daMorarem teiwt
Onaaffrarerse Herald aadTrarai)»e01trTnui8cglpt,Otinsolldated.Jaanary 87.189»
Or. Miles’ Neiviae
Lttur froa tIM K*o(«Ba7 Oold rrowd la tow.a Iba part ipub, ter they
M ^ ''tai!S‘"tta\__
ahnad aflar Bldalrbl Matarda? alfbl
vUl bare rwaoB to raBeaibar tba aa>
«W^ of tbe howllar biluard. Tbe
aowwwpUadladrlftofrwD tbme to
<!%««■••• BMhMthaprMBt
tac. and-^in«M M bww Uat"l
Mar <nlUw asd apotea akoot' «te saw. Moev Of them «r«ra Is Uelr bore
Rlaadlkt aad tto rtckn. that ptaaM feel aad Ibesa who won shoes were so
awkward la them that they woald
nare looked bruor aad frit so bad tbty
oeenwIUoat. poe^aboatlsye—
f|haaUli|rot «h»t
KloBdilMBO taawaa. (tWalloTial cidd)
B by lb* riconiai hresblac Uey
an amr bMrd ol.
Tbmtora. I taka
weal Dob Use to tsae, lor aiy
tka llbartr o( andlar tm a few pan
al beatfli w I asm aado ap a-y
tlealan that om; be >J inurrel to
re ulera reraidiar one that I am parUa to ate St are*, aiebt aad I
bbe bad Ueo
el irlj a-qaalalod. eU. Lardeaa Otaak. wbat was WTOOC
Tbu ereek b eliaaled la tba Merlb tta rrrooc foot, both talloaadoB
^0 Bide^p mr cMdj^
Ridlar of Weal K'nrtaaar. B C . .
the rUbaM BOalac dluritpa af the wen atald old deaeoea wlU lone di
wwldiodar Tbaareebflawalototbe
• coau bad oalr a^am la '
vail kaowB Trual
oe which
Tbs woBke .Boelly ap
Troat Uhe Cllj la batll. and the oa
peaird la while -Mjlhrr Hobhare
rowBS. s me rrry heonlltully a«d* uf
larof tbcBlalordUuSat. Tbe Uka
Aae staff and the rcry alreel. feMi'
tifal ulari bw eerr placed at tbe eee- cabroidcry or lace for UiioBlar.
the brawu here feat paddliaCaloOL
ecalaoee aad dlapowl
boB# forartieuaad H’^'taBro.
tbe rirbt. tkonaaMe of feet abore yon.
towen anlrbty f lacier wl
Uerri I could l••.ikoul■•B Ue Uy aad
boUcat acaeoe ^eea yon a Pool feallaf
alcht fael deep on tbe aorlb aide
rreat atract and owaera of atorta t
^bla la-olaaHar away tba drifu. It
w tbe rtiy anow plow.
wbeararinral >1- Maraldcent Vnber
of eariooa kind* drapw tbe muapu
tram baaa to auBBlI wlUi iu earled
colored fplUfe, whllal fern. In ae|ol
<iU to keaep a« the atvaa aUaded to.
Ilwaa aaeare aaaark and Iba worat
kMwalatkIa lowlIVyalBoa Ike "Wr
«aw.> Bari7 rlaan paaMnUr BWf«M ««■ aarpriasd at tka aaaaer la
wkteh tba aarw waa drilled la ike
aMeH aad akoni the kalldiata. aad
law to be
Idlet If kb bM
dar.' h ba't worth ssrieoa raaMduatiw;
nr— 7~ ^
> J"
UcaM^d^nitoR^ eT
be a hwcli« Acacb.
--------------- ......
. atrwaUal
II tahea onr M.OOC.OM
a^towndytlw asvwl diwMdfer
Ub trait la tta United ~
erbUaads trail BeoUao aKewTofc.
ly fruB VabcM^a.
deremrle frail bw
b werih frea •» ta «7 p«
Ine reason wby we Impikt si .
Spaoisb cwBBc«S' U owlac to tta brpe
yearly exports of oor own law-low |WDd.
wt Ip Louden, wbe.
nwd^ market aad b
laxiuy. Besides Uerr an tasay AtuerlMBI wbo hare cnltiTBMd a taste frv tta
■Uacta trait, and they,will apntenllr tan iKMblBC
rise. Be to please
Trunks as low aa $8.00.
. Sews. MsrtVsrs.0.1. *r:l.V:
.d l>r.Klks'Ib-tiint!i« h'rrruir sn-jK- ,
.red tnsrlil- a'.'rtrreu.li- Less lrviat'.<d '
-leryspril.IoJslee'Pta.iBw uf^totw».-e s^ Si
tl eosrtsbs I tbiUE of tbee.rrct of • tari-rt pardea.
laow drift sear *s«a and had to aUy
than ■£ nlrbv On Ibla aooonat tbe
t^lar kardlar tnla frea Blk Bapida
aid aoi r«t lb dariar the (onnooB.
Aeapriaa waat ibronrb all rirbt Hop^ MrslBr, bowavar. wltboal aeaidant. .lUa ww tba oaly delay raTba fary •< tba ators played baeoc
vUb tba wlrfar of Ua arc atreet Hrbta
o< iba Boardaaaa Blear Rlaetrie Uybl
Served Exclusively
Mlk^ li. -uti.:
drose her] cored we
H r rao>e pleoI
ff censtir.......................................
Oc Biy abed.
Ulnl; bear, Uleer tip.
•PicTce'. Me..
Meiesei Pelbb shooG'bcbketu
.......... ... . -............
w noUlo*
-fired Ihekewaa
noUluK ! •Eerct-.
black. cartbjQ io.berdi which i
.1 a e-ruad aroead
price tbe chief anloOl food of ibe
ildiocs- Ur- Istter all open at U<
pie all tbe aaaaoo.
l.yei, woleerlse sidrs. rex.fed over wlU Ualcbes of •
bime Uirroor lour bad lony I
aad Banin an alao plentirol.
ined uoiler
uoilr-*'----! labire spread
Urdwa iWar (or emki t
teo tuika. Kurili aad booth.
fork at tbe town of t'ersoaon, foor
allca ahoea Tn.ul taka
Tbe Korth
ruaslsr to III
similar ic Ue olbefs but
abore {'ercowii. bw allurUI r»<d la
Ue creek for the whole dbUBce.
rears. I rould oot aadrrslaad
BouU f ork Ukau iU riw tbieci
ihe >curfoo. aerr.bca<if nsorE.-M.-.i. «.4il
il.uf Guurw. but took la the
abore 1>oat I.ake. aad far Ue whole e^
iblcirs that i&irmu-d me
I wss laUbdbtaaoe ru>d b fouad. Then i
trudueed lu a.mr
..me yuoac IstlIrs.
Istlirs. bsU>
heir father,- who.by t
Uree coapaalce to-day bc.y Ouml
M 1-. or s-meUlBC es
■b of the creek with .ucctu1
>d set wlU tb> m daHot
■in' U^
follow}as b
Tlieyr spoke a little ^Ibh
from Ue Berebloke Ilcnld.dated Jao and Uat
It a litUe'mon plwsaal.
1 Ui‘ pruu. .•
femsln bad op sbo
SU: “Tbe boys at .work placerinr
my LH.-J mil:
rsUer aire
Bin loukioc- 'After
OB Ue. enek an birbly cacilei'
enlrbl^r*SO poonde '
EL’isWii’a;-"-""' 'T”
.« Power Co. IntaBatardaynlrbb Tba
lamp at |ba eenar of Oaa ainat aad Ue retorw. Uey are rauinc
their opnatiooi oa Lardeaa Creek
a Mown
Tcalerday I'eter CalheeD called lots
Ue Topic oOtoaaad elated they were
tbonrb tba braak ooolo not ba ha
CaBaaqawtly the atnaU wan dark lor retUar from It to «1 worth of r«ld t.
Iba lhaolMar of that nirbl. Saaday
■Ifht and Monday nlrht.
buy a dm rsie onui(
boxes of *'
aad tbi- call for
year at Icasi 4f>o
for tb*-fruit lu bi.otof tta bi« .
will aonliilem b rtey aotieeaariuc (ta
\VsUli«ton Star.
A Ulch
Tbe rreeat euap of Uie Priocees de
SsRsu iu 1‘sri- list erentul mn'-h Maillap coumn-iii. bb- i«i wvll known Ired.
rlilsud for 2S
T hitelaud
rJo' RDonwdiei in rarryawn R
■ bi..lab«blleta»as
sud bo i« »ow uiiiiiT lur rooftn-e.
|| it b Bimupiice'd II nerni iliatioti hs.
Ilor <
,NUi. trito al,yssiil,il ulU bb fsltar. b foriun)i.
d bi. iiirtier will not M him see hit j J
Universally »
' Mda of Ue rirar. by rirribf another
beoB oaUaaoaU aide, bat Ua
bM of Ua ttnaa aaaawd U hart
.load Ua eCorta
pwrant fnrthar daaatfa aaaaod
•taaet fralbaaUanrhtha foraa
wd ae rreat wit bad been. A ipwe
■t lawt forty faat la laartb aad twea1p laat deep waa wnthad o<U taUar
viU H a Ms whiabredw spaa tbe
hmU sad ratUnr rary near an
alaatria llrktpola A lanra apnea-nndar Ua aartaeo of Ua rronnd waa
arwhad ont. ao that loo eloaa pmlalty
«D Ua beak mlfkl rwalt la daawre to
aawtens ^Utoen. Hr. LadraU seat
far 0. Prnakk Moaday to eomo
ka darina aoas Beans to protert
-bank by pCIar.ddd alone or oUw
aanaa. and it b probable that Uan
wIU ba BotolUr daamr* u that
Wbaa Ua BorUpoM aad Blarhaai
«W0 laft hwn Moaday Bornlar Ue
wadi ware w badly Mfud It wa.
dnaad aoaaMry to tarn hack aad wall
iv Ua nada to ba brokea.
Oa BMUrday arianoon a party of two
Indiaa ^ two raaUaBan drora to
IVr ttartad
benta <
Borvlar- wt. nea of Ua tarrlSs stana
re Ucy
natlead Ua aerarity of tba bUaaard.
1U wbMlnr aaow aad rala Ulmdad
UaB nad H vw laipoaribla to aaa
vnaparBlUed la anho lUown rray.
Us naaapnata auppoMar Ua boeaas
wanldkaapoa to TnrecseCIty.
a ww artdantly ae tsMb bewilderndwtbsoeeapanuef Ue uletchwUe
iMkr fonad UtartoUalrdbwmfltore
It ao bappeaad U|nt Uan ww a fortyw MSI jwt Ub tide of r.nwn wlU i
rwd reaatnr all Ua way aroand it.
’ The tsaa aMaraly anonrb. kept
MhBplar UrotU Us dtap aaow for a
laar Ubs and It m>aarsd Ual Ue
tarty ww tnrirelad narnenl tlBsa naUI
aUrBhoanawwalrbtodnBdUa r*atlaM alirblod to lae when Uey wen
M. Xa^nlry nrealad Ua fact that Uey
had ntaraad io Unrra, wbaa they
■ppeaml that Uey rnn acwMwban
r Trarorsa Oty.
ti^rcBd the party ta aaak a
walked out to when duaU or imps
UeJii'hU,.uL. ______ __
aad Ur here hsi Isiu
suae wub a cupper plate la it Uat tonio Barerry.
u;>. 1. wo* ir..i.-.l.l.. to ei.i.iisini
m.-re s (e lobv If.iuKi bi.l. . tsaoH
CaptsiD Cook bad put there a babdnd
^,^•alIrwltb.TU^ Ibe pr.,-tK-e..f.lb.-"-.s-] w.-H.ly ta
years ayu to uommrmurstc Ue laadmc
,il uirm s
of bbebiii wbk-b was aodcr Ur Bar. a's|iheii
frteml'o. 'i!^^\R^'^Ii'uC^"tau"I!.^ I Htu!"^
lion. .1 lii
tbe paa. Ua Taeaday creoloR after tb<
■ h Cue.Tumeot. aad Ue place was
-Tlu-pr.iiivat ................ . bui-i.-u.*!
day’e work wworer Mr. Calheee tool ..lied ' roiiil Veouk" b;.»u»c Ihrs Ul.Meniel i
were thireiu mark Ue transit of _iVa paa and laalod Ua dirt Tb.1 to mc anv I btliercas well as to retshllAb
f:Tlb-Iri.iol to iriske •'t)ilsiialoui I..-j m tliii .v.iuili
wbat It wonid r<>- aad wm birhli 'Ue m^loa.
fote il., n-piud.'d: •‘(.'ertuinlt, 1 II | tbe |uo,!u,-I. f
I saw a larce pi.
rtdlHd by s sprinit. ii
•laud wbco the rraolle rare a return itoDcs near tbe Ucblboase aad o
ruuie wf-liEnui
—l<ir|-JO.Ik|ii," I'ryele .le.- Is
of tl.o pioU- il i
Ue Bot tbo i.„ ...y :v„.l wlU- tail, | lure of keupui 10 and L.iiiEjroi Li
of a Mule orcr M.
On tbe tullowiar Tulrioc a> If wbat they
told Uat
Ust |t b
• '
—CU-rclso.l I’biu Ik .1.7I
111,,. -It,,.,I il t.Tys!.J
day three man paw were tried
bees out there un
uD or
ordei »r, m Ue Ktrp '
leal icr;an lUNstarod.
rare II, II.M aad IS reapeclleely.
(/sptalo CooU’s^*°l'«'''"''''
Wdat tke^srs rseel^ll.
‘Wtailaworkior they ^cked, up from
rtromln “n^' sliobeaseds.[b't-« \|>««
LdiJ.ui AUev.-r- Mve: ‘■Zadkiel,
onr Ue reard lylnr erpaeod. e smtSBS of defease
jllM Ih'CC j CQ:1 ..
should proee aafriendiy.
but. with tbit instruDieiil. iki
place of coanc r»ld worth a little orci
isNDi-d, diS-N llvl (If .pbevy Mil ■tb .biuERliini.u.
- bat
Ue pile of ttonn
couH s.-e .wbi-Iber he wss it
far (be i-.uiiiiici.-g.r. Allil. I'-Jtl. Iipui,.
aa eacsllent .LowUb dsy. These "Msrlss"
lullet’s itiU'V or punetnliuE btmii
Im's to In.-a U.eilhdiy eXell iiiE tuuutb.
lac, aed wbea It b kaowo that Umm
Tbe CBit.Nl -'lures will th. o ...i.-t ai>v
roMlb hare boon oMained fros rnrel bucelap'Ue cloUesuf-ac
wba sluod in blpb positim
aos.lTi-uttir u- lon-iini policy, apiutmii.
at Ue .urface of Ue rlarock. ao ld>
ly dir.N i.nI BEEiini Csuuila. Al iIh- eud
Or. U. L 11
aan pc fornad of Ue rctarae tbat aa way
y b
back from Ibe I
of Ibe iu-.nU 'uu awLw.irit iiulUNu:!,','
lap I xe, ]I.D(su
be aapectad wban bedrock b reackad.
in« Wl
niU Ibr wblic-mao. ] b:
Of fbililr,u; •■^o lur n- p
ul brfon
-fore wi.u Uhs tta aalti
Thb booly Ua particalan of one Coo
of uaiur,-fdinul.l be ,-jrly
paay openllur oa Ue Creek.
IM npjN»i-u! UJP 1-. .Tn - llngluevr. tbe nxif* ..f lb..,
0U*ly iiicobwK-d
walkiur "lU souther won
conpaaica'c^entlBron Ue
dr. .•.inpr»-m»«'.-rr‘ciwrr.’liii kniue ni. •
M'alu-r Jooked ai
atau.NN. with Qal l.ri.-k arub,-N and as :
Colbaen Co.. Hwaeay -Co.
said, -xoii see uiy wife b barrfuul to all. mi.t. a chHa tl
it.i in lj:y,.l tlic.v'wnald have fallen in hr ib. ir nwu ■
day. if sbe was* at buiac or no the
.- lure ,.f
Lordl Co., nil of which I
l« and!
'*** ••■U'bii i» i,rp.ii.-ird. Aid yrt inure
tTc's' I1..W.-TS SJ.ll
Ua OatjyoD about oae
. Mnano.
,1 and' flphtinp.di ibuU.rmr-nf tmlis. Alnvul
plant*. slHriug ami
Trout Imke Oly. UrrcU eompuay site oufbt lo bare
Ibe nnly, ,,1.
.•t.-ol |.r Nl,, i..l by
will,, vlindri.al pu.^.N-lluu >■
brat, frv-l, uir.n^il
barlnr complalad Ualr Si
•ha b wllboaC Ue:
>t n.i- ■ 7-u,lki. 1 1. thui n.. ii-ful r.!..ruis will
and a -N-.u|e., li.ifn.;
alar Ue water Uen Uronrb thnucbl independenec.-' Sbe o*ck,
id UN I •* ■I'soEuni.'d m li.-- iRN-inrii.’-.
-1 .'rri->rsuiil ..ultaoib.r Tl
aij.1 uIJ lb.'I
they would taut Ue bedrock: Ub Ucy
T-ri -u< .c... t..,irt.«p fivi
I ii..t‘.mly . Iwtier rtan.-e of ,.-.-1 ^ "I'f ’■b.r* sr. unkind UI ,r .wm-d
did by pniUar n le.1 bole down two
do with Ibr ladya lilUc
iiiE a li.aiibr m-rrou* f.>t- n., bur of
J "" *“1
,-ta.'k Th.-y
feel uquaru froB which Uey rot bt U.
.......................... twetpep,
duriap fifu
passcoper besides myself,
itpanully .if
,ntl,r«w.. 1...,
belar toe macb u> al
nal lire princess whose broUer b Kii
*1,1 of bd- peroraill 1«-lu .bim.t,d yet ■
• „ilb an.
Uam W properly cleao It. Thb'
blaad.Ue only i
fat owsy
tdrat. tli. usia^ >4 wbicU b
eoorar«l them a«l Uey arc now diuh- SC c”*eroed bow Id Ue BoaUi S««b.
' dinlbl by ilicR'iiia"
:acb prolcctorata. This
deiar Ue aeciawry work for a tat it has a Freacb
nciiily pul
d Inary to look at. densPaW T.elk Tksl Qmw. /
ptwUcal atan waablar- 1 am looklnr
I..II- I,f ll,e ea.N I. nl li.li,.
UoUer Bubbaid. hair
A W.-«m- d.uli.t has s..lcnd tta
farapleadidntorwtroBLall Ue
U. ..pul......
wiUa black
probiri,, ..f rupplyiuK ibe bsubui immib
paaiea al work at aa early date. S'urs and red silk
with Lviw l.elb wL.iOj wlJI pniw Into
roU from *1 to bST bare been fouad la tandkmbirf'Usd argaad hr
Ibetromi. a‘ rirn.Iy u* untarsl .mes l>r.
oaird w
III, raapti
talf d.'f.'lciN-d Luu.bd U
iwinrUat Ue ro>d white sailor hat Irimaird
Zaiur»by hi» |Nrt->ruird saw.-ral tucaceata ribbon and tralber lips, and last of lilto Ani.-nt-jiD
b than awaltlar Ua eaterprbe
(ol oiwiali.CJt uu dure a< well as haall. bare fwt. Tbe aativc baU are
skill of ana la Uke It from where
losB U)ugr. Tb.- irelb ate mad.- nf pataatore placed It. Por^le.
Upereba. p.r.vlai., .w metal, s* Ueca*■tliT carryiap a gvmor.
arrowVoot. either bclnp
nue U-. Ai ibe r.>.i ..t tbe fain- 10..U
woridar OB
bss'ilsiu— se.1 .sOs.
}r eery fine and are rxpeaslee, s<
sell SOOO poaiid- |wr wioareibrb was sbo
bul.N •are tm
enU-bed aad all Bakiar pa.
lep as hipb asSli or |*u. I »-■" •
at Ita Miu-kb.oliii .esbibiliueby'Mr.
Tl*l v.ib il Ibea
known w maeb w fluo. lakea out in and briar one home wheel eon
well knr
Lavsl. the i,„
three weeks wiu« pan by oae oaa.
ritophl eresiu
.-.;h I,mb lUWsT
lb wbiob b abo]U-r,
bat Ub is oot oflca! Tbe ordiaary
bniler I
d.-scTib-d as
law nun Ue bain
meten oai IPaperteon aTsrypmi,
b lup tiiert-Iv a lunp ctmtNmtrir
plaeer miser has aot soBcient Bteaai road
k.-T.„vib pndaallT
td much >f It ruealnr sluor Ue
properly baadleao
b bollioe a palrt of tDlN-.vI.-ss than in inrb in' dianmlr
sch. Thi
Ur.,UEli wbi.b Ibr ttsbri. puui,..Nl. n
l« Ua was
larya a strwB. tat with small capital
rs'piii|! as Bi.-am at Ibr i-nd. w b. n it
dbuaer. «
ral. shapr
lares aniw of moley could be made oe
Uinr like a pyraa
,rt.pcJ a et
Ir. iii whieb
Ue creak. TbU crock aupporta from Instead of roiac quite U a poiot
wuiiT tapplyta aab,
.Irawo tNN>-r;lyuri“'
W'lo 100 cnee dariac Uc'wlaMr.
top b a larra rad am aad lo ti
by Ihe rt-maud fur rl
I,, ss'isab.. Ita
1 brolml forsigsD#
for airrupply i
Our ruld aad aiirer mioea an aaoobd _..ra Ue door able letter --PI'omara, name of Ur c.-sl fat illy, and
to Boas U Ui( rich district, oor rein
rein, ly bi«b pr.-dur-..
talow ibai
ct.i) lo be a t-ry s.,ft
cold depoalu base yooe as hlybas Just back
tack of tbe toa
tpe so w-n. pHH- S H*oi» H-u-b
■:.0U> per toa, aad Ue aiirer as bleb as >w pile of M^aes i
Ml bt ws.l miser psM. seerrs. Hr.sM ,
buj. let of thesi
dotbes of the decs.
•sou. tVIU SMb property
irl il abfi'SiiJ.ri.iu shuuJd take place it
t pliaryumwl ,
woadar tbe creek b rieh wiU Ue
..live only a small ]..'rii.m of'
nr and tear of acta.
m pnialed oat to me.
afraid to meddle alldaa. aad frabrU.
.(vewrw. Ua
MV uewriB
dabrb Me,
llEiii.iiing Vts
fit} of water.—Eiuui
botgUrlwoke 1
V the b-msc. and na. Urn
beealbrried on
delu and Ue
sick Ulan aaliiiik l.w hvlpIrl.Nfd.. il
cold nmalostor
I abosid like to
Ue bit,,. The abc-ss bni>t. .lelu.
write a caod deal more abonl tbe dbABinatanewof usiilr.d m«iamurialed Ibe burplv wub pas awJ ranMUE
wtodo BO w jt wooM be
with Imrt.Tis oevninoE on s Inrs.- e.-sle
bsB Un n iDTesiiEui.d by Vro-f.-eanr Xtantoo tar ea your apace.
al.B Jlitoshi. «bi, b.j'ds U.- cbairid
taiany is the LhiiyrrMiTof Tokyo. Tbe
T. B. DsVBT.
dmed. wtU to time dn awar wilb (be Bitrrbl exaaiiu.Nl b> him Was a fem.
. react systes rif illamisatias t>oblla
Allboagb llw wrptal niinnt mlly
rroa Booth Boa Islaada.
riaeea. ale., wilb tta electric are liebt.
cmMrtBmtirrIy.d pachear tb-" ►•.ninl It aan rtmtiilr fivl eery,
HlB CapItoU Vader has leeelrcd a Ita A'tans bneBy, are aa follows;
tftia. Tbe bsciirissnemturm-taUe the alight eihraii.us and iu aeu.aio are ofbturfnm ber abler Loobc. who b
Lpptotbrix oruraccauflsDiL bailnnber Km soffl.-i-ni to bad pe.,pie to believe
city «* CtafdA obscrvstiosii «ill be iMsm
epeodiac Ue wlatsr la l-apeete. Ulead M ct»
its li.'.riiiE !• v.'tra.'alH. In rtasid
Wbribm they
of Tahiti, oae of tbe ^U dea Islaada hasiatri i.d an itapruTement in incanto aodil.CT iiTBaur 11,» muLe ranks low
,• Imnim wbirti retai
new spnrifNi.« not. Pras exj'
biter b dabd Uecember 1). ud
eat of all tbe u.-niberwid tbe grrat els..
a» ucbi made with bydriwlil-rie acid Prufeewnr
will prore
not oaiy
oaly to ue
Ue based npcm Ue
™ve tatercstlac
.BwmuBC oot
iHtcorery Uat
t wbea tba Mi.rmbib taltoH‘«e'tal lbcot.de
.ir/nal >sr. hut riso la.-ks Ue tytns of iMba bat many oUers. pnmun of
«f irm il aot dcpoAicd vu Ue wslb <d .
ai. <r uat .drnm. wbivh io otuex
ipuo the
tbe CN-Us, bat b toon cr low tsumaicly
arid body emib a poldra yeUow liebt. incorporated with tbna. Ko otbov of ■Bimals flni nwvivea the sBBBd.—Popalar Scirtme Kews.
Tahiti has neeer beta a caaaltal bl- *ery sprrralda to tta eye. dlsplayiae tta Bear coouBta ics emitainiiig tan,'
andiathe aame aaase the Marqaeaasi«b}roiB to Ibrir naisni colors
trria. tata ai Crtmotbrix kabmana,
aad aoBC oUri of Ue boaU Seas, aeca I
The ssb Is rapplied lo tta banier at
WMfpaad ia Ibu panicalar mod.—
llBl hbtny. Only al their rv pxMnn <d abcml > S aWKMbm. tfe
s rather dtrong, but ttV
aU wilih
/ _ .
flsnli-fl tliinp, in tbe boaw’to elc
eonlr.ir, ibuiK' lu keep clean. Uta
.lieu lint clcanevt. 'An* rtis.le clean ai
Unt_rucai}' of oil and p
Tits. k. K. fr-sIHBlkS COSPSSV.
el. Luui.. he. tun. Hmiuu. l-mla
For Ihe llesi of the WloHf.
75e a Pair]
WVrp rloaifiKo^t all tba
WinterShodd Very CIie«i>.
Styles are Up-to-Date.
A.S. Fryman.
Hi Krcci Htraet.
Travarae Cuy. Sleb'
your wants in tbe 3
of Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters, Ker
seys, Pants, Underwear, Etc.
GuaraotBSil to Gore.
Ob •nadby Dr. d. a MarUa '
eaUad by talophaos toroUMapki
BastaruaiakbeatMrwiU a doaWe
taaB. bat wbaa tal a Uart dbuaoe
Dm Ua
Ue eaUsr broke dOwi
aad be wabfaMad tontara to Ue dty
Batteo proeared a wlr of Ilrht boi of oB^ptain Uart. U. b now la Ts- j iBtf^ly tbsl- a
md (taSnrss priaiaia diMaotaof iW
aWrha aad atariod arala. Wbaa aaa.
tor we do oar 'Maklar-’snib the Arm ' tu UU
Uu f.vl..
UeBneahfarwUeaaowwwee dee]
-laiiaMhal tta ont c<
UatltwwlapoBlWelo cat Uronrh
lipht of I.MO caadb
----------------- ■
I the approseb of a
MMky fire, says IndoMries sodT ... .
Ita belief ttatnf.iy fnmi lifcbuiap I
tbu amnnd. By aoBe iBia i< deemed
a Bnp<-r<liuaB. but BrhaRerriiowt that
ttamstom ia baaed oeteaecB. nsemarh
as tbe XBcdR acts as a guid eeodactrw I
far eanylog away Ue electriaty'ilowly
baniMM erfend alBilar doBi
<tf the crtliatry electric Kpbt of sodmftdy. Ue poials oat that ia l.OM
ponds WlU her
TW doctor ww farted te r<*«x it
ber ' Oatstdeof U
Ueae lllU. I M caudle puww u(ia OBBsay) I. taM <4 damage by li«ntaiut
aupee ' —
aad triad it vala Headay viU batter tti^Ue aoaoastbeery iam^,
. of eoana Bon a
■taiiM „ ,
qaaiabd wkU mm of Ue cbaraeleta. { aaberg a byrtraanc
1 wcat Dee.7 toa place
Ptdat“ toaUead the hat
Uuusrh tta improTwl AM m
M.." tnr.z’i:
.‘S. .. ,i„H.
mean it..
, *bT
It your blood is imnerscs weak, .y^ur
or kid^s
wrong, TOO can buy a bottle ol
Th» Kind that Cmim.'*
iHth this guaramce. NO BEN
If. after
using a bottle of h, you feel no
benefit faaa been reoei^. t’on
jVMjokjm^ h. ha. baaa
Corner Front .and Cass Streets, Traverse City.
I The Great Sale
' TitT?
-H as the
Leading Fine coffee of the Worlds
inlhereuiilsioa.J imiseiipcTc-m.
Very eocry to b.ste to sjy lu e.in
lysudboiKWtly Ibal It Is itolptusi
cmekuoWR tUiHlHC
llo SI Ibe pr-wut time lo prnpi-riy T.nnsyiup ai l»> wife's buan of h.s fnv tilai" s ]nss.'tiE-r c-ir >«i u tailwse. Xo
will or^HR-uu-. he 11 Iis-kud m. An syM,.„ I. St |.r. --.iaVm«u by whub
pri.-e, |l.r'i.is iiy will i.-ajslo tbe same
r.Tft- es are i,ui only \ised
BtiiuiJiipl.iNre i. h.l, Istaitr 11.0 -oudi.
used ia
ia An,-ri.-s. bat Uef„-ricn ouanlrb-s aa wall. K„r
Ibixan taceu'eNsIidlysc-'Ui.plIUt-d.'’
-islity. Klaioraod
HireacU they bse-bo r.|usl.
read KtreacU
Vow I.the time lo r»l a
tiuas omler wlii. h il IL- ptimv sKradMl
.W.1 C..Cer al tbe price at
of a ebraper
4>be. Try il and be con»in.-ed.
l.y !■» wile to piyalle in
KewseSU lA-uker UCestry.
1 IT
eaaofrnd. it kanU by naay that
nl vara atmek tbla abera. Wbaierar
■Ifbthora bow Ua anaae^ Ua rirer
vw nJaad faraboee Ua aaaal blrbwBlar Bark nadat Ua booa of Ue
Tram aty fJoBbarOo.Ua rwhlsr
. antar wns faraad nrnlaat Ua ba
Ua mar of Parker Bns.' aboa
aad a krro portion of Ua bank ear. rM away, aad wlU llasonotUy of
Ua eoBpaayb k«a.
Monday Bor.
o Uwird Ua norU
TntTarao Dity. IClohlgan.
uuie^ ti
war rert like say chureb. but Ursler-I xtsstlMUrrr. It drire* eot ad Impi
. _
profuiob, io
IDE Ol Ue brmenies b tta mast peco-1 aad diicaae |«nn fiOm the system.
la looc baton tba walka eneki with ooiay banka laTlUor ffaa
waary to real.
Tbe lake laama wiib troot of eariooa
Tba nUroada. bowaecr. whUa badly
Uaakedlaaoae loealltw wen aot ao kiade wkich an dead ramr to aba laet.
1 kMp th« bMt cntdBB.
I kMp a Ihrgm aaMitmnst
It wilt p«^ you to BOB my Btook.
Hol>eB in almost OTory «sri«ty and price and stock
largo to a^loot ftom.
we expert aad impun laicr qwulUin
MBaeb headwayae the walk.
/badly drUtad w to Dfcailoa any boftorial dalae la tnffle Monday.
Ik* H. £. ww oa!y forty Bloalea lawr
boa Iba aomk and Ua II. a. * I. andI
0. h W. H. aaffend
d e*ry
**ry IllUe delpy.
asaopi ea the Blk Bapide
Bapid. bnaob of tba
'C.*W. H. Tbe wrlae of tbe 1:1k
BapkM train wblnb leaew ban Bonday
•i^t to briar back tbe-revnlar train
Is tbs nwnlnr. aUriod ont ai oanal j
Bnaday alrkl bat waa alallod In a hare ■
You OBB find Bay kind of Olore mni XlttMi la stock st
BoBdlc’B. Bieht in prtoB. quBUty oad B^lB.
_ _
There b swooM- ! scpplite BusDod. wOdlBCttara SB
hMHhMldsr I ly KUar fo.cO vOOO. in b
reots.sAd befits,
BMecU ofi Tobacco.
at T. J. HOST’S, 124 Front Street.
NO TIME or space to quote Prices. Come and 2
I see for yourself We guarantee you satisfaction (•
Popular Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
grandrTrareiBe Heiald*bndLTi«eetae Olty'feaiiacript. Consolidated, Jaanair Sf. IMS
Mfs OHo.Narad
ik. UTlaf alOM, ww (oaBd 4«ad ■
Ikf flaw
At flUTfawlIla. whUa dirriar <•
kk Hrm iSm Banana w«efc.*kat ar
«»m te r
-• -■•—
BOV and Warch (or tAa Alaaka fold
C U XlB« A Oa.t kaikrt tacVorj at
BallaBd will atart vitA ItO baaA vltbl. a vaak.
It had baa alaaed (or a
■ kaalb.
It kaald (bat *oIna»ra awarmtef
la (ba voMk ta.Dortbara Dtaklnoo
eoaatr. Uaa; ahildm ba«a bad nar-
&a ddloviB* Ulf vara taka
tba amptook of u old time a*
^tbadBaelandFcmaDd ctram
the aolabla iacUatacf (ba |OI bimuiy
(ba wlatar a( IM: a atranrar apMay I. 1077. the St. Loris Brevna
Emperor HUlkm to d
nlM to aardner Oedd of Cbaborcaa,
•ad Syractua DousidayedB IS inalnff
Itbat oonlHM-the fr
for mrk. Mr. Dodd took art ot tba
0 to « s>Ba.
ana. who did not aptwar to U a n
Tbr paper eayi lartbcrowre. beiar
Elara dsyr lainrfba Samri enUaia
at to All
Jmeed territory - la a p^tkri aa^. It •Dd Hacbeatrr clnU {ilayadaSl '
afertunt___ rwoalaa aia before letalra (errlta^.
atUa A latter Tharebra. emaamrekl ^ car^- tna 4 to 0 gsma ai Boaia.
On Joly 4. lS7a. (be Mr% BriUoeds
taa tbal. i
iraatlM batweea ritbar Cblaa
Hurtfwiii plapd tbm otae'lanliK
ktitaa. be r ,-EoropiaawUtei or botwaa Oarmaay
.jt wllb IHr. Dodd, r .
aad oibar aaUoM bare a
"*‘— fumu b Ibrer diffsent citie^Krv
ihara and
kladaaaa a( jean ajro
Bedford. IsoDlon ami I
oad that tba old Ban a
^ aopoal I
Bav Bedffwds vie all 1
aad live witb Mr.nSdd'
tote* or ctala rimllar rlrbi
to-c. 3 (o I and ISto t.
Bk (ortana.........................................
I* <_______
_ -...................
Sot a nia ws. wswri .
tba (oKana k to ro ta Hi
wnllioD to rarolBk the
game briweolbvilnlyokeaDd.
rrrial rrl
eoUage l.vuit at Benum. Jana >«, IlfHO.
Hirbiraa Ij ifahe tbiekt et
Gecagi. Lm muda tbeoirrtilt of tba
lilaana wilt atart for tba Klood.ka
laar in I f sr .yu<k>
old flelda la tba apriac, and tba lalarAdBREytATrir TCtCOfUUS.
Kor. S.
Mt that b briar (akr« tbroorbool tbr
tom Ldmrh .hot <mt (be Baldaum
atate la ro1d
|r>1d alalar teotora*
taotorwi ninlodk
At Perdlnind led.. Oaet«« Itackmaa.
^ btt w i.ne pi I rlims te tbe Kaold Uwararrf tba e> -lirmi al of i
BiuRiltled salride by sbootlDcibr elt; of Detroit tluat It b o'n
Praatderu HaK. of tbe Cbloace Baa.
tbtn ara aot low ifaao I.onu paopir li
J.-LunyWartl |.ii'biDB f.w tbe i*ror|.
Ball club, tays there k aothlac aew u
. apacolaUor
_____ loraof* nae the anrotj «iaaer._
dmi''' I sm i«i! -rue d the ino.t TentSTk.
klad and aaotbrr. aitn^uf vboo will
pllihiu; !.«( 00 tw erd Jnne 17.
A tic pray Umber wntf waa kUlcf
ro la pamoa to tba rold deldt baforr
ear .'Union. Rock couBty. Wla.. nflei Urso Hr r .k i.uly abut out Doffslo
Ibt warm waatbar wu is. Oae n( lh<
lbooial.it hul did Bot allow s bal
three daya- chsaa.
flralHktaieaa acpadltkilw to eurt lor
(ar 10
ls rwat h rr»L
Cs-P«(^.aa«r Jebn Wooda. ef Dim
- KUiDdlkr vUI be a party of 1" •IIIBy ft
eutktns II main tbr uinih Is. ._!•( Barinaw. wboare atpe.--Wil to _lrk. O.. waa alrock by a taal train an.
.........Urn AUamictaritlbe Uataat New
arrlra ta Detrril ahortly to j 'in the died In lest than aa hour.
fluvrAur Bu'hnell, of Ohio, b aufftr- Tork die Abr. 0. IbM. .
HatirnTf ainrdllira One aeeiloo of tbb
ns from dttbetaa and bif phyrictaa.
axpaditloe wfll atart Belt Tbnraday,
On Mar Si. leva. FyonrllT of
ays hU re.o\rry b dodblfuL
aad Iba other on »b. lu.
AUaptlr City rloh msrte sis bila fm- IS
Mtt- Emai. rl N'cenah. Wla., dropped taiee wiiii ih« Kiynoifea
. IiKhted bti'P and fainted. Bbe waa
It WS' ‘UI Any. IT. |v6t. tbal 11 botna
Maran <
raa iaan
racued Joal In uae tu tave her Ufa
nn by Badh-mm vat ibc aly ran made
alrhtowlnr------------------, ------------- --- Emeai Llamck waa etruck b> a Ir
in ao |t lUninscame briwceo Pi
which prrrallsd for twentt-fuar hourt.
bib drtrlns across tbe track a.
deuoti.ai.d D.-:n.il. Tbitiaconuid
The water rese la IbaCorirr twantr fire ytotedalCj ma.. and loalantl} klllaf
feat IttwepI orer tbe Mtid of (be
The bledford. Wla. brewery haa made Ty nfaiiy tbr m.ut ceiusrknble ffaai
Hbt docks and sheds and carrlel off
aasl(nir.<w<t Co li Maurer,
The E-.-i fiisinaw team made to rani
la fli.' Mill! luKli'.: c.r a same witb tbe
Dayum rich. ,>| n: t‘i. IK'S.
a depita e
On S*p(. 8 of tor miu-jear tba Chiblaad and part ol tbe 'ilrer S.rtersI “•»
ico'lubBia.h-lv hlUBUd IH rana it
.JiUtIca ef th.
..'temh iniiiuc >if a cbampl.uibir
are waa daa to aUle p-opee-tc. |
gsmo.w llh D. iri.11.
Tba rrealrat dsmsife waa dona the
forra. where aeoUoni ol ll.n «..rr- '
"““i* '»
punt- V ith Iho AllvEbany team
road were under nlnod.
li.wtt sud *1^1 *t
at Cinciuimti, Si-pt. It, !^^;l. Iba Bed.
ducka n the lowrr rleer were t" epi: The noptherti Colorado coal
n^r .S4 bin- bTA'Kilal of A4 basca.
. .Toaawands creek oeerfl .wed lu | have d.-i IJ.-I rot to an-eJe^ I.
Mf.nuijcT and Coablas pllrb• and faroed the water d-.wo i^e j Bland of tb- at. Ikla* miners I
S. ouly aa hit waxuude lit a Ranit
ranni until It nerrflorrd..i-s. »inr j wance tp snses
twren .I tocionuil and Toledo. Oct
atnalderablc damapa
{ A faroier in a, northern blimirar
2ri:,tss::&st.’:TbSr2; Elb'i ........... ^
ft vaa a
war booia
Fra. a iabarar.aaat
m Chatda at Nllaa I
Fya'i UlU* aoB m
hr CtefllBt BL Barnard doc-
trbln ancxaaeku.
H« war
^ Oanaatt Co., elUnad a txaa
<Mto(tak a
At Ida f MCuaekad
_______ J Fredarlek
WaiiBias'a «*■ _rbawealto
aaC ba wen
a la turn attacked aad aeTerri/cond. Srirhbora droaa the aaIntalawar.
taraa are delleer'
lloatraud laciore
in Moak....
eeaiy areoaacatfled onr ibeaafety of
nlakk. They «y that the rrcaat freer
ra. T-
! k,"”
dbpatch receired front the
drr oftbenmeal station a'
S'iS; ilW™
called Bjna to prol
At donaaTilla all Iba baalacaa ptaoai WblU llqaadra at
vd at Birbt and will be eloaad raa Monday frua
• (or two wMka. aaoapt Batur- InrtoB ally bfull
bla,(ora fraat reeirmlia (be
arlaa aad Matbodbt eborebaa.
■^rea UlUa ohndra of Mr. mad Mrm
Kay 1
Vrikaua narroerly eoapod baler U* tolnr .
.fcainl ta deaU at JackaoaTbey blnlm atenc
vara loektri la and aal fire to the
Kalrbbora raaand tbeat Jnat
'""”'1 ■t""‘
i,‘ Kcja. of Flora.
:h Aailn waa cranted
II n illlara AaUn at Jan.
il.liiiiiied that be'pu
. from the Mirhlsan
been oro.rrd by Covernor
e relumed to complete a-
t n.) diM. A.mow
fr .m . Hartford.
.' k ralher to rrecr a rnnnamenl ov. r
J of 11.0 9f Heno- Clay Work, auihi
.e.L-1» it) ' Inc TI.rvunh .'.eersla.*
free latcrunune of oar aav
•p ...tiled I
Ouhaa water* tbe name
l^or ta tbcir W ithdrawn',
of boatillUat.
>n Irt.o.aad.flleel comCoDeal Oeraral
it Batkjtrm if eloaad tor
•ad bit ta-ycN-old aoa ware apUttiar
wood WifeUiar.
Tba Inj rot too arar
aad hb.az ease dowa oo bU (atbar
bead, attiar nn artery.
At Brata Harbor Edward Moon,
fltrmr. killed hb dor baaaaa Drirt
bwCbarlaa Oaaa claloMd It waa killtar abac#.
Hew baa (oud tba dor!
-waa tanooat aad now tact Daoa for
inn of wauanukaa, VU..
for lafmniatioa to tba proeident
iJer. ;
:s'S,r,i^¥-v.r.,,:.v * ”VSi.™
- **■
' that be slllnerei
. tn. ante Ihoee atrrtary BaM al
reoalerd with erary awrlc-.y The , Pfar '» '•h'««eo 4
loo partitan.
Ibr liemau
aad i IM'dic* the abow.
____enckty aayt I--------------------------------Oonisnadara
appk rrowert ar« prepared to rlr«r- Spaniab abtp of War la the baitor bad
An epIdemU r
ooaly epmy tbalr traaa. to r«t rid of railed apoa the CQWDtT
ro. Already'the dlfea<» In.lla w
tba aoddllnr motb, they atay aa
' r. who bad rriorocd____ _____ (oim haa sol s bold la (he oommin
fo oat of tba bealawa.
Tbe county Wrd al rtaippewa F
Ipanbb torta Bred anlubw and tbr
Vu. bat Appropriated tl.^uV to 1.
WbUe Hta. B. Haloola. lirlar Bra ccranirolee called for be bbtb’
: -* BDawaat of Oladwln. waa aUadiar Baaua bare toee ebaerred. la adi____ tto «cuinictl..n of a' work houte
la trai of aatwa Basday. bar elotblar Cooeal Ueaaml Leaeuted that ererytblar
decaarbt Bra, aad bafora the Baaiaa
taeol ofUrinb bare heard nolhinr
lally el nay trdnbic or nl«u'id..r.
lvMn..r OHBa*.
____idi^ betwaea Cuntnl ircaeral Lee attorney seaeral.
and fberetary Oeaaial Coapmio and at
.Prvaldent lIcKlntey •
Ae old lady lirlar Bear neher'e tach Dttla iiaaortanceto miaora to tbal
at the bsnqurl of llir National
Laka,bt. JoaaphCo..iaatwHha peoa
alio-tlalefr*iD-..f fli'ialde. elation of Jlanuf
: beca racrierd. It weBid .at Thursday evenitt
departtneatUial-aa the wai
Two leraont were klH.d >-eei<
ter now atnad* there It od mil for fur Volin.
•ar Oanoo. In a con
ther inatraetioae tn Capl KirtlMWi who
and rtoi.-rs s-ho «
b persitled to aec hb own dbereUna
o, (h. UolUnd bo-. la daallar with tbe eeaau of tbe day
. fortbaared.
baa been#lDCrodured In (he OWo aenwrdkiatbMi.------------------ate. It i^rldea for aollury confinepoaoftbat oisaabatim and
{neat fur life fur firti desree tnorder.
ealeM in raapoota a aback .o.
nlldwa for iba braafll at the
-cIlpre oMiie Bun report
Waal tba boata.
Tba Lak^oprrlnrdbtrleYhb^Tear
» Norway H.el he ).a> e
t Dsti.ett.
esred tba tcrelce
aenuli. Wi... have been arrsetn] and
dri.e tba rrlndae
a Klondike
ound over fur trial oo a charse of betba oetpat briar aoatatblae oeer U.- relief rspadlUo.o.
oaO.W»toaa. t^rra aa tbU oalpot b
a aecetaorie* to tba crime of malpmcthWB b raaaa to aspect aa iaomaac of
us^B^red by ao explot
llkm.oao toM la 1«M.
sa of the Blnm of the
cnmpaay. In the T^oror district, i
tbe north si irc o( tbe asa of Asor.
aa tba Wayaa aaylo» laaBdcy. S-M)
rs ol
of tbe harrew
Tba sbori ffs
tria-Hontrsrr is
While William 1 llibjin. owner-of ii
■t.cea fro
Ralhl.on aawinm
Leralle. Wla.. w.
bva bb beotberb ats- Tba opareUoo has toco at llripti
(uod qaBTtrrt Indies I,- Iki 11 will. I
talkihs In' front
a cirgilnr bo's I
necaepary Ui Import ti-'i.c
ws. ctusht and-'
This -........................... rUce and klllrd
Mawi raaebad Hpetar l^e Kridy of foAd ssptdiea
MOkr that Mm. Joke tVhilby. w fc '■portateffset oo esebaaers.
Adlrlkramoo* ihefbBtcrmrn whoconof •tamer, care birth to four ehlWtrol {he bulk of the bullhmd rrwde at
rm. three firia and aa toy. Tbe
Tba tUinntioB in China.
Desver Dam. ■R‘ls., cair-r to an end by
ekildra wri*b. Bee po,^
The dleidior of China amoDr the Ea. Uie thlppars asreeln^ to pay the Bah-'
armen tba price d'randed.
opaao Bowaia atl
Prrtldist McKlolc) hue consented te
touch ibe button and to pul the mnMiyae al
rttloerr of Ihr c-M.-n jubilee mlploelalr
as. Pakla. u> tbr Inllowinr e
of Cahfomla at Fno Francisco In nioed'tba kSdlf^HleS^. bow• la
la tbe II
baadaotA norieer. worked ab ■••pi
A setlleiucnl of tba dlffivoli
iloit- Tbe^aerenKmy will taka plane
UermaDj bus baaa cRcclad. Kin
te aa and daHer 1
to be leased,
Chau bay
> prodaoed BIO.OOD >wi
Prank Beck, of Aladlsctt. WIs.. fore
be bay. rztcDdisp 1<
cold aadalleer.t
man of the rT.ui'.lfc.>Usr. and Wealey
be tba toue.
ScbrlK-r. ftaraboc. mcinrer ot wrecked
aaa troo(>toulaide the
ensinr. w-cre killed (7^0 k<.<m<.|lva azpl.wlno'at Madison, and three ulherma
Cbariea TMUr. aaotbar of tbe Claratvtridy but not taialB burl. .
tba loT'ildd'ur'lSa^L'irillorsilt* w!
Irilh .
.’W [Sc--***
pnelsbwd with leath and the i
Loab W|
vS.'aodwb'^cldwtdanrbteT. Etta,
rmntad lor tbe bui:din« of chi
dbd laatwraaTh
-------------- tbe elUm of Ttl Nlos. Tsau-_____
andCba-Vch. and dwcllior huuw*
taally wUI pnrbaUy laoDeer.
tba alatlaarim in tbe se.
Tboua Sorb, of S'lln. who (be dlstncta
dittnetn of____
wUl pp to Ikwaa City..Al
parHiao 1
OBA<e la tba praciice of anucinn wm
asm ofs:».i««y taeUwl.l Vsi- ;
probably maha tba trip a bb bkyela
Tbis Bmogni u to ba taken •!■
ia will kara Kilae aa laa aa tbe
toBpeosaaoa fur tba kiilinff of
waMbec will peralb aad wDl^alaa ________ toaarta
Tbe ta«elloo of the
tbnme has beea oblrined to tbe ubo'a
af actUesBeel.
■p tba coaat Urae«b Rrltbb Cola.bk
._jUonr liyemen, the Cblnese for-.
Tba 3ayloed Horrid aayi that tba elCD ofliea, has bud another eoBfereBoa
M tbe snb^ ol tbe EafUth loan,
whheb U aUll iiBSctUcd.
liealdm Itac
ri(hi to azlaod tba Burmab
Ibrapgfa Yaa-Naq previoer. UrmtHritria asks the right lo baild rallroadg
wplaanablrebvoodaday to heap II Utroogb Ue ivuviaee of iiswdehaati;
mok^. It barid (obaa BJaboonplaBi aortb of Yus Nan. aud a third
ti demanded, (be Idrctlly
aad will (urabb alMdy aaploywaat ic
- ' rY.B.s.ioai4
a laive Baaber of baa^
JebB Babaoek. of Kllaa. waa lajarad
la • ranaway aoeldaat lau aa
Abattbrae matbw apo eyapl
beria yaUa bataa to appar. . ..
toefc ip bb M. wbara
^TfamiSk. to*illl^i bl‘JU^
OHsar C SMy cd Biwwat. Hk. «ns
anMtelnl- - - mid ta ba I
Snori. wbe ttomtiy eompleted Us
risty -foBth pnhUe (aM la Boms, baa
atotrined (kv food in Ut parfetuncoa
tar ttOO d^a Id Us iifa—
MajriA. CBi
I BrapcTani. a paomtotw
of Eeauvills, Ind.. and
IToltmcr Uansa, u afal of tba acrtcritBtri datndlniriK tnvrlius in TurkBatBB.baidiaD(iTeT«dmiivcMa<if musk-'
males whicb somaUmes weigfaa as mock i
LEWIS ••wcah 'hcsibtTrs-
Tba Prinoa cd Wake ia mid 10 Inland jFRAhK FRKORICH
Utiiit a nnnibar cd (ba mtaur catbe- ralt (d Kiflasd ibia year. It ta aly
within tbe Ian year or two that the
Be who ('rivees cslannili-s *t
riuce baa ulm mneb Intannt u sarb
theta twiceovrt.—l\at(oa
liemag into il.U is giiiii'g lutua
(jinrn La>e of Oamark ta tba eldt on.-apsa( of a thraa, with tba dtiCle escaptia of tbe Uiaod Dnka of
To Inc iatirutd liirfibcoaarlf a1oa
six Lai a. tr-Jp luir anmhts.—Ue
woeka Them are tba aly two octoga-, ,x-,
nifthiag trale bat what
nan Boraraigtia .
.onr actiaa make as w« '
!<lr Williani Harcnnn Is the «
rlergyniM and the giaodn of a l.i>hAccuru- T i> thv twin lirothrr of baop Bvwas itriardlor the bafiaud aller a ci'UMdvrsblr t:nir to |Uwrli.e aud 'HimOtoiiw
Ltoil Btaodcahas erv.e bn-n known
“ '
lull a man has bnf game of any
. KA it' is lu Waru "Uiers net to (alt
ilu- iiki-.—AddiHO
Mr U. a lireere. mere!
bowie. Va.. certifies tbal
Iriog 0«-Mlnut"I «ufh*Cura RED OAK^ LO^^S WAN VF.D
......... Wns
- (riven
,n up
“P to die. suai
... medical
li treAlmcal
lhal money cu
procure, tried all coogh remedies be
could hear of. bul got BO relief; sprat ni^locled erdor’j. p: Jobssou'
nr alghtsviitins nn iu a .-hair: was
Kva catarrh, lhal dread l-rvc
ii'c-ed U> try Dr. King's New lliseov.Dsampllon, spccnmbs lo the b
erv. and was cured by use of two tot.flurnees of Thoms-' K-lr.-lri.
F.ir past ihree years has ben.
altcading I
King's New
very is the graade
........ uS!:iijass:i;£;:3si‘K
^vi.sSHS,U"FI' HO L D -F A ST
itiQrb for him aad also tob others In hli
enoimuDity. Dr. King's New Diseorery
is guaranteed for Coughs. Coldv ana
CoBsumptloD. It don't fail. Trial botpU—...... ill—'liun ...1 ...■
tli-v litc. S. K. tVstt's and Jaa. U. Jobailarly effe,-tivc in the cure ^
Drug Si
I'oovtipalloo and.............................
Sick Hcadsvhr.
Hcadsvhr, T"r
troubles thrv hsvr
have : use.
Malaria and l.lrer troublrw
brvn pruvfd lorsluatilc.
TIu-y arr
Imporcani Contract Secured
We are glad .u» iaform our rraJers '
0..S prepsralioas mioofartnred by !
,.s. v
Tllrj- (
towrls^riv foTlgoral
Buckla's Arnia Srivv
Titz But Baj.vz in tbr world 'for
oU. Brolee*. Sorca. iri.wrs. Salt
Sam, Fever Soree, Teller, Chapped
lands. Chilblains. Corns, and all sVin
ErnpUoBS, aad poailivrlv vurra Piles,
or DO. ,parreqaired.
- r required...............
It is, gnaracurd
to give ttrfecl satisfactluo
factluo or mosey
tvfanded. Prirr
sale bt J. G. J
andt. K Wait-.
•Bger repreaenuuvm of U|t
Going £ut or Soutn
following remds, to-wit.
you are goiag to lirinjil. Tolrdr.
Aan Arbor R. Ror toytmd. uk ymtr local lirkri agrut
C. A W. M B R.
icket via’F t I* M. R K
D„ G. R. A W. R. B.
lUenl train srrvirr is a f-alurr of
D. 4 H. By.
II. F Mu> I t'< >1.
F- A P. M It. R.'.
G. B. A 1. By..
N. V: C. A St. L^ B. B ,
Hii-w.rld is OKr.—O.'Mard.inthL
>kiw-ard Bosb. tbe mauwbnwrr-ir ih«
1,11 us Is- of (r-od rhr*7, ri-uti'Ubrv
SU|R vetidaa Ot "Th* Pi iwiu.T ia Z-IIlug Ihui th- uiis:i itniK's bard-si to toa;
da" ud "l.ud>« tbe Kcd Kobe.' tprg.in
trulbur- wbii'h iiriur <umc.—lAmell.
111 •can-er by r>-uding law. Hr mui
Ibandaid it fur tb« iitagr, bewnes.
Bud is now drsuisuocrilii; of the laiu|boi worib viiidiialUi);—>. tV. liolien.
den Siuiday Tiuiiv
1 ‘if:;;
;lau Iht
••'* F*r"
> an advertising medium, aud
•mplimest u> tbr more marked, an
campauy it
producta under an ataaovbicu arils
luu gusrautee to core or moaey re“’retail
fuoded. Krrry one of onr
retail dragfists is anlborizrd to sell Nir-Toaoteed
Our ne-w'sprmg lines of work
and dress shoes. Bought be
fore the advance in prices. 'We
will be able to sell a better
grade of medium priced .shoes ,
than our competitors. 'We ask i
an inspection,' guaranteeing
prices and goods.
h"WU‘-vt. ri.vt.,.u,i.
tbe effect tbe (rredom ij AimTlmo wo1™'”'
whlef. Hr,
-ji-oy buv« ni«o
................................................. - ^li
plvasid -l.lll.---l!.mv W.
a thsl Mr*. Un
riA "UI V.; Ill u-so buiitu «
Wllb the lifi
by American wi.miDJ» is « rad ihiui
Bud thri't out Ih.. oth.T throe, u tatTbe uiaii
bowervf, it a gr aiad- low o
[SMvd-uiu'l u.-Unia r\u-.ird.'
uirtr'of onr wio.ru and met they are pisnl-lc
.Tm- ILliiRi-.ns u-H,aiily (ail-d u
‘tbe most Uauiilul lu (be world."
liW but >
snUir a liil ..ff nuillh of the NesrarL ■ S
• ' ■t.lersiu.
J., (•mo Uct «. IvSu. but went out It
ic, two. ifarv'- luder f‘.r iiiae inuicRS.
Jluivai—li. yirti u-Iieio in bCT.-duei
' ^
Ua May 8U. ibvC. \'uu fislutii. i.iich
Fliiosou—No. 1 cau's say I ri.v iie. ^ „
ins iu flakUud. Cul.. .tnick -ont tin grandfatner was hanged.-New
tbrvr lir.t ifits at tat cm nina pitched
it hu> le-. 'I • • i-'i.-i.m |.i
In July 31 cf tbesj 00 year
ir tbe Ball!
A thrill of terrorIvespctod.llipough “ Pm‘i>'-al..4..lw.,..i o.....>.-ur- m h-rv
n insdu one siDRle off Bausoyol
braviy cougb ..f croup
ili-'B|.pI|c.iii..ii I|.t.-ioI.wr
II)'- Iriui.till.e la 12 iuDiogi.
- - ■ - - - nybl. But It r lerrorv..o *>>* •‘‘■I'P
Ilor Mioulc *7 » f.ir.jgu i>u:.... had ■—I.
. lu Ibrcc sac»'.v-ieo Rnuies at Ft. Lomt changes I
Scpi4!U. Si U..-I 2:. the KhDUat City Cough Cure ULs been adminislrred. bel-ir- au .Vm,cicuji tu-iiut Ibt-.Hiii of
-Safe and harmless for children.
J II : the Ulu-r %vii-lj:.c:i-J r-> llir expir.iiion
clab failed to r.-.iiw a riBRlr rati.
(ff ibr-f-io-ikii i.sdni 'J be Drvr njlo- .1U-L lil. Hfv;. the Cleveland and
o.d s,ldlcr..f
Ihc lleU-lliou O'* mabu (hi- liuiitali..o. hot if lltr j*.Piiuliarij rlobi played a nine inniiis
Idler.if Ui
nod l-«w.-N ihe two jua-ui- is -leer
'in eikuJy 60 niuBtrs.
A yar ago I w
scv.-ii iiioiiili. no A..uTi.uu Id. Ill w ill
c rheumatism.
kOuks Ibcfi .jf (iieOmabaUam. .'broDlc
to KTIUK-.I.VA failuiv Ui prusienlran
mafia Dim eui-iv->ruve bits, funr of them •failed la give me relief,
ling bolus rnoa In a game with Ibe of Rurduek lllood Ultlerspui me •m my siiiili'-sii.ai f.g .ei
oariituie tn alwi
Aiid.'i.m-i;t "f (U
- i'sol usm at fit. i>aal Jons fi, Ib89.
W.^B. Knapp. Uiu-bfirld, Hillsdslr (v. ,
Ke-Te-toe (er nn> cv.ie.
0.1 ,w
as IS «"•
Mcoireubs lorilu s-Js
so vs; SU1.W 111 ivr o
M. B0RN & C0.'.'"' 'jJ
ChatVT buscastM With AS.
i?.A.MIIaXON- 01-0XHX3S-0-”b0.'
Before another advance In leather.
; l-'inc Bally Kobes.
I,ap Kobes. Blankets,
Gloves and Mittens.
: Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.
All thelAtest improvetnentfl that skill and
in Pianoforta conatrnctlon rendar tbe
llulMu. tniiibiii. Albnti,
That means th«i in any of tbme lour
grvsl Prwlticca o< the Domlnun ef
Csnsds you can secure ito aerm of
agTicuhu-Talbnd.ykidmg from ffiy to
•ao p« acre yearly. U you become an
•ccual acRkr.
Tbrir tcaouiea ate
re. Umber «Dd mtoeri.
of Aeuon. Qoallty ef Ta
Demeu. aad Fiakb, aad S
Every ps-i of ibeOettaa'B PlaDa la maautaetarad In our
Kren Insl/umenl FaUv WarraaMd.
Tbe tr.amnb lo tbe an of llaao bulMlag.
Jodgrs tbe Acme of FcrfrcL’-W» wish every
very reader of
o ibis paper who la aaisg er .
lag a Pmbo to iarestigalc Ike mrriu of ^Rin gomiiln*
and homelike ae a nicely faruiabed parlar.
We bare a flan i
' Hoc of Parlor bnlia. Odd Rook- . I
erv Over Staffed Boekera. '
-T I By aod Grand Trunk Railway byslem.
You barr do Ida bov ebap. ly yem oa (arulaa a alee Htue parlar wllb rim .eeesfert'
able farulture antU ya all
^ look over my stab.
J. ¥. Skier’s House FmmSIuiig Store,
U8-ia^ TffoMt BtnflL
mt-«iis k-rwlirusiw^i. imawarM 11 v^-ur i off. amt such tickets vill tb
>lod i^U.
Ckwa blood neub. s rlmi, -hm. No
beaut; without it. I ss.ar\-.-.(‘aT< 1 Csiksr.
tJc firsli ;t.4ir. hi.ssl -id L.s.|. it lir-i,. h;
st.miig U|> llir Isr; Inn si.J .ln> luc s.. .lu
ruOtjr* Irotu tbr bujv. l-a>b l-.ds' t'>
Uiitisl. i.imi.lr*, Uils. l,l,erii.w I.L. Ll.Tsds.
siiJ that su-k'v J.ili.v4...oi|.lr\i..ii (•> uLin*
eager Amoeiati-w ybe aamesof tbs
mraUoved liam
Haas Ihn
Ibnt are npos
Igaarie lieksla.
Vekcl Bareae
Tbe orgu of tbe Japanese geteru
- aad
"o. 1 Mileup ■hckel Bureau.
PraaesvUb fulloviuga aeltob priiry
. _.^.prior*^
la Um fa
far toriud
"Japan will ii w jymjtaviytoysmrw
ej; February Isi
wUl ba homwad
avoid rilB
(arte BoUea
act vlgBt
mrsaj «uw h mm te’byihaatoea ttomaamad
ttomaamad (bmaa.ug■HhbbaMtaamd ^
tetka«lbrihaMU It
Unverem Moris, now livinf is Da- triiiL It ■ preai-fftnndsa <if tbe |■lrtl..l,
Bulert Mona whorr fiBan. lal hackiug
‘■rlprd lu make (ba nouirioBa Irinuiua- :
a-of (he BavriaUa a paribUity.
(be babit of ccoimually <WB..olliDg a
watch, which was bis n-..rl •-brrir'bi‘4
{Ota am
Mr. Khohskn-psadiary—
an-iir Kso.i-at CslM,-Illa
Iciker-p 111.—wnllrllluaJ
Scpl, 19. 18S4. Wat tn<aleci]d»-r
ld»-r km-wn
same a noord. tbe
Tbe Cbiu-vr miuiiiicr, Mr. R'u Tingnonipletrd In }on 4‘ Fang. U said to Iw a triffi- imi-u-v bIk'M
MLh.Cei.t B. R..
sari J. Cts
have (urmed su wgaoizaUas called tbe
-Its of r.enerel V. fi. (Irsnt. Is dead Northern Milragr Ticket Bniranfor
at carlltle. Fa. fr-m anslnji peclorla
tbr purpose oliMoingand eatliagaad
kins Hambcrt haa sisned a dacrat --------riv acauatiug mraa laiercbaagaredurios ihd lu'.ian miivint tariff on
Ibuusaud miie Ockel dlffrriag
lefru.t rroa ft, to i lire, unui April M.
tae form of ticket Imoad by the
The Japaoeae cmlter Ctdtoaewas aac. Central Pamceger Aseorintlou. ,and
cetnfuily launched from the Unlun Iron
caring tbe foilawlng feaiarm,;
Woika yard, ban Franriaro. Saturday.
is gx»d for pasaagr upo« anv ragaThi ballot la the Maryland Isdlalature
pamenger tiala lezcepuag llmiiad
ter atnator was a tie daiurday on tmo
m of any aad all tbr liars partim
candidates. UcOtmts and Uurman-S( totbls agrarmeat. upon prtawtaUm
totbeuoodartocoftbe train, a «om
tirnson Ezgera, 17 yeen oM. ef K wtb pliancr vllb tbe rtammablr proviaiou
Brirm. lod. Is cr>dRcd vlih haviag of the ticket raqalrad' - U. ------------l-rpobeen married iVw tlaiee. and charged of ideauEcaUoe.
It will btarifi 10 t
wlih having two srlvee nu«.
Tbe Bczl tnevtiaz ot ito BUteUtad. priodpaJ UiAiet oMeea
tbe greal Wrlsh Musical oTgaUsaUa to Ibis agtaemeav ftbirty ttollara. with ntate
(ff tbe raltrd Btslea. aill to bsM at.............
Milwaukee. Jan. 1 and 1. It*. '
j lam after use
•Jskr'' Scharier. tbe hllUard wtard. oomplmace wlUi V
(ba CWcago
to plneed a aale
Inc tbe game Be raa
CM to Prbroaiy 1st. "ibct record. Tbe mac
,Tb'm ticket. — --- -.___ __ _______
ssu-h I a'v anon the liam'of roads pankm to
s-41.-. with
Tberv 1* vnrv Ws
deonaccdlng Port Arthur
...... poverls vUbag toytald
r. Nritbar
, LASTm£-
Ji I
____ a'bV'toa'tabea ao
ef aay kiad aad phyalmaarapatried. ftwaa tay that ba b
rradaaUy taraler to bone.
Ai^Ckiaera of L<«bb tevaablp
than ever
Bmnoa 0. Brit, tbs aew pamMtM
Nn Usms fMdflc Hallway eem|iiv,
was hlf ndlnmd oanrilnlMIasa
damu a fba Vaada^ Uma.
smdTvvw. avceiw.
Grand Traverse Herald and Traverae Pity Transcript. OansoBdated. Jannary E7. ISSS
9 Herald
TKOV.T. »ATKS.SdM<)*BareaOtBbPkpn-.
praaoA ba Mia. Kaoalaad *a»<
ba toaipa fa lya broad, aad a bra*
wblab MfB. Faun
■■plad aad preoo
•..aal daeaaioo oO Ua aab)aala of
rye aad ladlaa bread »w fraaly ^
ItetaferUthi (Bab aal Pfiday UdpaUd ta.
OoaofUa------------------'MrtvMtkenaUa»M0f A. «. IM.
f tba afi«Ba«a waa pofroreca •■■ada
Wmk znMkamat. wiib flfMaa aa
kM»«nMat. Tbe am aaaba «aa • ahna yon wall.' ..................................
WaraditadlvCkariaBaekaad Mia
Uaa yriaU, *«riou toaala. aadai*- pal of aa aaataa pbaMr afhti
Ubtt laWy baU a M«» York aiy.
Aa laMratUa# (aura of Iba a
b« aa tbal aaob aoaba (aralabwl
tbairbabypieuraa. Tbaa»rara
bond aad ^ac^ araaad mahtaa. aod
aa iataiaUac naalar oatat a
* a »e aboB tboy beloofoA
tafrabaati waraaarrad. aod iba
I aaa aeoHiM appohilri to aai a' .
t^iien of Mro. Bud. 41* Waal
Bfbib atraat. Fabrw; lia.
A ^aaila eotase wa propoaa
tba papa aad aay fOuM aaalaar
■ay drop a pcaUl to Iba aditora. Hr.
Boob aad Mia Baaan. abo wUl try
aaarar Uaa qoalioa In Iba ar
materiaU aad atlrrrd ap a Ue fall
were.rlrlar>rarraelpaaa Ua did
nxar ware depoalmd In a fam tin
la aboloran.aodlo Jnat elybt mlnatra Ua dalldooa mldaa browa daiaUoe ware briar paMd araaod and
joyed by*U preernt. It M ante to mj
Uat popomi aderaad tbe tqa UMa Id
■any i Trarrrar CUy bame Ian oipbt.
Fer Uabeoedtorthaae who wan a
proarot tbe trolpa li
Oea act. well baatea. a plaeh of aalt
Bddadi ooa eop of awoet milk, oea eop
of wblU door. - Wbaa tbe afr <• *a>l
baataa pntin half tba mhk. add tba
eop of floor aod bant amooU. U«m add
U» rwt of Ura milk aod beat acaln.
Poar tbe Uln mUUra to rrry hot. well
balUrod (ram Uai aod hake rlybt
otaa la a eery bot oree.
TmaiDnlayad by Burma.
At Ue meatlar a month from
' AaoUar
Mioard atrodc Oraad tba maklnc of aoopa nod different way.
tapida. • jait
balora oooo Tnea- of oookinff Cfin will be diaeoaaad. Tba
aa- redpm plraa at tbaaa maelinir. are bo
abtad fary all tba afureooa aad araa- gy piearried with a rlew to prietlnff a
iaf. Tbaatraataarnorrioe waa diadly
ook book at aomr fntore day.
i dforillaad. tba flaa aaow drifliac
Oircnlt Conn
AjaiyintbaCIfeallooert Tknraday
Ual dUad tba alTM
Iwaaral ■otar aara b
'/aarrloa waa
a kapt op 8a moeb
baa aot fallaa bare la tbe aaiae apaae
' OfUmaloryaain.
A larft ooBbaroI uaau aad wa
: bare baoa kapt at work liaao Snbtey
: baallw lira aaow .off tbe malB atraeu.
. All Maloa were (ram forty mlsataa
•aoboon lau.
Tba Oblar> Mala did aot laare Knw
I BoSalaaaUllOo'eloU. .TbaC A W.
: M. daa (ram tbaaorU at V.ii la raparlad ataab la Ua aaow oeara i
' aerU. Tba Sarlaaw train eamaai
8. * M.
Tba team daa here at II: top m. oa
tkdCAW. M. waa aboot flee borne
lala. Tbe iraia laarlay ban at 4:M
waa olalM la aaow drltla aaar CbaaorU wbaa Ua aerU boned bale. Ko.
t, eranmat. Tba eaylna af Ho. 1 eraa
BwttUadopoa UaaoaU trackaod apani
aornral boon la balplay to ralnaea Uat
Tbahaarleatof UaatM wan aooU
•ffWbiUCIOBd. Tbe 0. B. A I. By.
blw ooCared Mraraly cm Ue main
UBB,Uooyh Uaotaaloytrala aa tba
bnaUaaSaradaomal^ delay.
Tbnca «
Beat Esuia TTaasirra.
Good looba an nally Mto Uaa Uln
M4 lo A o. Lear. Bratwren D.
PaaaWBiowMI to Ua P. Boat
' aL. lota I aad t. blk a. B, L A Cob Sod UalKm be tametiea. yoo hare a hilloaa
’ add-«l
look: tf year atcMcb be dtJocdai^
a A. WoodworU ho L. J Ta«ma
• jaroMhUotalhaad I«.T*?.arlOw
•nUbad at »:*n. 'Ra ebarye of
conn edoanmad 11 mlnnlre aod ibe
rant to Ue jary at 1:50 It waa o.~
wban Ue jure raUreed and raoderad a
ratdlct aaraiatad, ayalnat all of Ua
UpOB Ur aoeclnahm <>f tbe Blackman
■M Tboraday afteioooo la the Ciieull
court Ue eaae of Andrp* Iraaeb r..
Albert Welch, a raplerla appral aetioo,
waa Ukee ap Oilbert A Uataa ap
Cloak News
Hot 111 sizes ii »)i see slfle, bn at cat fit pii fioni stiee of Ihax W
Ladies’ Jackets
Ladies’ Capes
Fioe Keraey, Taturf7.50...........
. Good Beaver, .relae I4.-V)....
Ettra Boude. value f IS
7 86
hit abaaaea- U it allayed Ua
it would n :b betww iM aad sw>
Inroitora waa Uk.a from a
iwoold be neeosaary
ty la which Uia Uaeh family
- . lor Ue board of adneslioo to coasider
llTiny wbUa Uej were enyayed la
propositioa of as axcluslie Hiyh
glaariny a place of land in
school bQlldiay. Eiea now tbere aip
Bay townUIp
Tba plaintiff
scsively scau cnouyb la Ue buildlet
layod Uat Wtleb. bla wife and
imrdscr the atteodaBos. There
.l.,.k,U i,
Roe qualify Pluab, daborately trim- ,
•®"50 -
.............. 6B6
'Perry Hauauh ct a'. U> Ueorya U>i
rie. loU T and 8, b:k.5, H L A Cob Si
Wall* Paper
Window Curtains
------ AND-
MarHian Blk.
Fmni Street.
HrriNo Bxnx or THiva.KM-i'iTv bxsi.-
a law
passed praiidioy Uat free
be faniUtaed U> aebools i
Ust'.tbe seleetlaes ol
text books be mode by Ue
board ol educsliou sad Uree CDUSty
Our Clearance Sale...
, 1«
Hn.ic by in
Get them of........
lls Front KtD-el, Wur^lmiv llltxk
I When in Need of Information..
at '
brooybt to,Ue aUcatlon o
by bnperlnleDdenlGrawo. who staled
that Ur board must decide St the apt
«er. W n, Wn*L.,
elK-Uon if Uey do not want 10 be’ 1
The aoDunl bo.ibmn maeiloy of Ue
eraed by UsUaw. It is optional wlU
I'rrabylerimo choreh wus
or i>ot, bat ilsyeirolny niter Uerayulnr Tbi
ra under Ur erenlny prayer meetloy.
. k
Ofii»-ra wore elycteJ a* follow*
---------------- ----------- - *e‘
Etdera—E B Carper. ^t»el Aeder
free system under Ue___
ment ol the local board, then Uc pao
IXmerios-J E Jabosoa'EU Porito.
pie malt decide at Ue cemley .prlo*
elecUou. Tbe matter a
Draeoaera-Mre II E Swward
Trn.tee.—F. M ParuA J.me. M
taken Bp by Ur cue W Ua superlataadaau of tba poor of Grand Traraiae
ity ea William L Bnasdlay of
Pnlasnln Township Tbt. Is n csm In
which Ua tuperlDlcBdanU of the poor
asked tba coart to compdl WUlUm I..
Baaadloy to srarlda aappurt for hU
The atreay aad patballe play, “Aatl- bUar. Eramt W. llausdUy.
Tbe rtie In Ue Ohio rlrer ai CloclnrM- by IfapbaelM ww ably torlatrad ■tary of sack sldr la tbe esM baa bsea
by Mra. Bart OaroaU.
prlnlad In tba UxnALB reorntly. Jadye astl bss nboul rrtrl^cd Its hlyhe.:
BeHpIdaa. Ua teat o( Ua (aama. Oorbatt astcradan
The Phlp Mn.trre' AaMK-lsIlon of the
trie waa briefly apakCB of by Mra. MilUhBB.whaBmaUoaadaiBOByoUan of
Jodxe James H. Brown li dead s
U» plays U* oa# dnaerlUay the adrao- tba support of Uc father.
Uteaa aad aabappy life of Jaaoe.
Tka aftaraooB aeaaloo was ubaa up Peru. InA HeUad beep msjrur and hx
Will olber O0W of honor.
aftar which Ua itoiy of Jaaoa aad In Ue baarlny of tbe dleoree eaae af
Waller leads the luke race at Plu.
Us Atfioaaeto waa aatartalalayly told Fauala U. Trombly ex Joaepb Trom- burn aim <n mlW. t lap* lO hi. crodli
' iyechliioeer I. liexl «1ih 48* relies.
Jodyment w«a takaa by dalauU in
Duplan A Co., silk manutacturcra o
M ^ of M. J.^-rledmau es. E. Gil- lo'ob*. Fraucr. propoiw u- eoiabll.h 1
IMltatloa by WIU Bobana. that was
liranrh plant at fi..uth Bethlehem. Pa.
nrt. for fiSM si. V
yraallj asjayad. It waa a atraay u
Thomas F. Hurrsy.
laUaCircaltcJ^rtTaosdty. le tha
- l••UeBaadwMyiraBwiUararatklll.
leoroa ease of. FsbuIs H, Trombly
Mr. Boboria praaaash BBcb talaat la
htollaa. aad bl^ItolCBara foryol for Ua IX
Frrald-at Dele p.sxd through Jane
Mb» bnlay oraryUlay axrapt tba pa- Ua taatlmony ol Uaeomplaiaaoi was
lOle. (>.. SI RiidDlxht es rout# to WashUaMeatOTMablytaM. Tba ■onieal
iDgtpo. four hours isie on aceoitni
MaaBpaalBMal fay Mtaa Bobarto added
ytrl. lea yean of ays. Judya Corbett
daeided Uat Ue testlmoay was laad- raging U)
macoouBlof Ue teoder ycara Md. II I. •lupHng I.
tra.aad p.
on Warm Footwear is on. The
price we have put. on them will sell
them. We can save you from.25~to 60
per cent on this line of Beaver and
Felt Foot
Buaday Mhnolsl ll;4i x in
Junior C E ] p. en.
Y. r. S. C B r.:4S p. ai.
Ereolny srrrlce T p. m'.
Haskell’s Bookstore.
a#i. a. Coc.ii.. pMwr.
-A lary imp.rUnt mailer wbicb
Sunday Seralera.
d.'inaad deeis:re actlnn wea U that .of
Freaebioy lu:.’<0s. m.
Ue free text book syaum. At tba last qoartet.
0»P“entfi sold at Th^ Prieoa.
-You Can
AlwAys Find
Soapel semce at
AJ A cr X A. X U C1 y tr.
... .S
I'uutoes. per ba..................-
Wheat, old. per bu
WOesi.Srw. perbo ..
Oats. No I. per bn. loeai.
Corn, per bu................
l\.Utora per bu..
Eye, per bu.
Iluck wheat .
Jiuuer per n. .
I Erire. p<-r dozen
trimiu.-d. vnluf»l2..'H(....................................
uujxu raii-K.
aaar Pork per bbl. aaw............... »I0 SO
Clear Peek per tl>.............................
Shortcut Pork........................
• S'.
Hannah to W, L Brows. ... bbori Cot Pork per ffi.,.: ..
of lot
bib t. II L A C«'a ut Plonr.H L.ACO.*«at
Rye Flour. B L. A Co, Beak ,
Meal. H. L A Co Brat.................
I f.
SnaaBna I’iltz to Mary A
lota e and r. blk
H-f. A Co'
Co', lat'ad'*' Feed, H I. A Co. Beat................
Eyya per doc....................................
Harid Taylor to T B. Rae
CodS.h per II. ..
of a WH aac l<l't 5-', n r II w—(I.
I^rdperlh .........
Halara Ann Pisber loHoward
Holler per D> Duirt.........................
iny.^^wl. la Me iv nod So t 5
Cheese per B,
O E. A 1. B. E Co. loJoeephI
Uati per bu loldi................... - -.
ws of a. h nee
t nr lo w
.Cora per bo., old............................
Atao e S of ae h
e; i j; nr
Sell per bbl........................................
H.r„y C.,.., F-...k
Hisses' Jicleis, Childret's larteis, all at prices less thaa wetiaitliKiliera.
JobsUim. toB T Merrill, owb t.
r a w; aiaoparcali
1.1 5« a. r 10 w.
Joarpb Learctl to tldward I.era1l i
• h of arc » t SS or In w—(in.
Kneeland A Cola to EdwaN I.e.all i
{Vraino Curls, elr.. vahi-e Hsto$-ill
Youay people's service S:4Sp m.
tiyaUer wlU Mra. Leach, wha-----fifty elasse. aad some of Uaae
Bible tcbool. eirry 5undst. st ohnrah
left bar boabaad. took Ika foroitura by
Isrye for food work by Ur
tll:4!a.tt.OakPsrkCbspeJ^ p, m.
Tbe araabua of Un WomaBb CInb foree aad placed It la Ua dwelllny of tescbsia. . He Uouyht It would be aecWiieranluy
sbd prayer sereiee.
Fierce, foemerlr iu Us •Enle
aajoyad a ran ireot Prlday attar- Welch, whne aba waa alayioy. Tkea esssry aext year to Incr^se Ue
Thuradav aieninys tt T:iAp-c1ock.
BOOH to Ue aUdy of Ua QreU Irayca joatica ooort. and appealed. The; The quratioB olequlpmaot for Ua
iitm. aader Ua abU laadetUip of
old customer.
Here sr« s
Mra. J. W. HllUkaa. U Ua abaaaca
of hiv
Is y.—pohMaaton ..
of —
the yooda: the superiolcDdeut aod ao melkin of
Ua praalduL Mra. 3. A. HoaUyna. ... not ..
In lb. ilran Sugar
-ffvsKbmji'Ai. CHriHii.
Moore It wa. decided to set a»lde
Ua ■aattny waa praaldnd oror by Ua when tbe raplatU proeradinyt
IK lbs <■ Suysr
•M rtetprealdaat, Mra. M. A. 8. Bob-....................
Ili-lba < X Coffee
Sunday serrlces
Tba earn of Andrew Leacb et. Albert
IU lb. Rolled OaU
ana. Tba ooly aaBeoaeomaat made
Presebiay, lOrJos m. '
Welch, waa flolUed Saturday mhra- used at Ue eommsad <ff Ue ^nperinMiUatof UaetoMlB p
psr rack.Sunday school. 15.
AtiU. lUkb will Beat wiU Mra John lay. tba Jary decldloy Uat Ue faouta. 'tendeat for Ua equlpmaol of Ua UbEigbl ben Iwp.
Youny l-oople's meetiny. « p 1
BUIM flatarday afteraooe, Jaaaary W, hold furalUra in dispute ubould ba oratory.
. a JsxoD Soap, ri
dirldcd betwaau Us plslollff sod Mra. . Hr. tiraWB reporUd Uat be had sold
iiqz po.dcr Tc lb
Fine Husllly of Sirup si ticp*r ysl'ou.
By Ue deelsloa Mra. Leacb Urea eld deaka that bad ouUlred
Tha aftaraaoa peoyras waa istro- baaeb.
A FiF.RCE riro.-er.
flaeofl by Mra. Hilllkaa. wbo apoka of will roeeUa oae-half of Ue croeUery. Uelr usalulnraa bare tu Ue Blayham
UeUod SPOB by Mra. MiUlkaa. who
raeiawad bla yraat pUy. Ondlpai Tpr•aatoi ylrlay aaltetleaa (rom Uma ta
Mm. irtU wacb txpraaatoA Tba dlatoffM batwaaa Ua kiny and qaeaa wan
MMIraly ylraa ^ Him. MUllkw aad
A aaay by llUle Ctoii Paimalaa wa.
ffi*aBaBeaUMtoaUaaBeDia.W which
Bottcle. vatne $5.50.........................
of tbe buyiny
prior, of yealcrdnr for yrocerire.
-Itloo. and farm pr^ncU in Trar-
10 w~^5. r,t.
MU. mitb Somera. wbn ba. haralofore
filled a endrt'. poelUon in the Oak Park
Uaildiny. bad bean placed
Waitb place. On aowout of the rednetlonoflhe nnmV-r of youoy psplU
rauerd by .icknra. It 1. toond
aary to employ >
e bmrd
and I
The praaldant of the
clerk were aotboria^ to make a
tract wlU Mkabumaraat the:
paid Hill Walt.'
SnpaHatcndaalOrawn fare conalderablr InfuroMtian rryardlny
dlLluB. uf tbs enrioa. Kbool. and tba
In Ue Hlyh achool he
•toted Ual the enrollmest taxed the
capacity of Ue department and Ue
dicailoB. point to a moch laryer eur
peared for Ua plaintiff aod Boo '
l*uiUr for Uadolendaot.
Tba action 1. brooyhl for Ue ra- pupiU ,ln Ua Hiyh aebool. M
coeery of eerUln bonietold fnrnitura
D . are oo0-rq»ldent pupil.. 1
which Ua plaiBllff clalmg waa '-«-■> aaperielendant
•acreptltlonaiy from fal. pramlna <
Borease Ua a’uroll-
UaUraacnatmBBtaaof Qraek tray- oae-hair of -Ura Htcbeo utensils and
afly. Ashyloa. BaripUa aad Bopb**lo tha''ram of William Matsea « J
Tba key^sU af Ua proyram (ollow- O- JeoMo. a taoUoo was msde to qassb,
iBf waa ffiraa la Uo (not Uat the bet Ue
Oroth draaratlat alaad Irat to laatnel. Wrwards and tettlsd Us
Uaatewurtaia, wbltejaat^ opp> taslly balwean Uem.
Illy to tree af Ua draaatiat of Uday.
It was seren o'clock Kslorday alybt
baa s rerdlel was randerad la Ue reHia. B. D. Alloy foUewed wlu a
brief akotob of ^mbylaa. Ua first fa- pleria appeal cane of Peter Anasru.
■eaaOratk trayady wrilar.aadabean- BnybarlScU. The aetioa was bronybt
r a ponioa of s crop of rye
MfaUy worded rarlaw ol bla maxterptasa. ‘-ProaMUeai Boaad,*- (rom Mra.
Abbs npon s fsm belonyiny
BrewaUr* tnaalaUoB.
to Oriffetb, and which was worked on
Tkacktof aharactcrtotlra of bph- sbaraa. Tke Jury yare Ue plsialjff il
Taderwood A
abarael*. bla cbarmlay wUor. bosbcls af tbe rya
: 1
FRiOSS 08 ewnoutta that or* rictot
l8 oTory'way-Stylo, Pit oaS Wefwiti
Goods turnod ow to yoo ot LX88 TRAV XAVUPACTTntS&*8 COST to
•eU oat quickly.
___ .'“.'Si
eraolnff raodiwad a rardict awardloff
jodrmratofblOOloLUelaMe'Hll, who
broofbtmeUooayalBnAatoo Korowy.
Aoffnat Brlurar. ealooo keapera. and
Uelr bondamen. Prank Votroba. J
. Dana and John A Jackaon
TeaUmooy ta the eaae wM all in Joat
before dlnnar and Ue arrumeau
_______M a food AlMtlra aad Toole.
•wb of aal«-aeek.TI7. ar»w—«t«o
eUma. ladodl
Hay Ua<
AcM dlroetly ooiUe itimigb liror aad
Xatbaaial Story to Wm. D. Ksoai- kUarya. PartflM Ua blA carna plmTUl7. a
pUa. Wotebaa aod boUa. aad yteaa
paid. Tbaraporiof aiy eou, pareala la noc h. T (T. ar Ow^m
food ccmnlexlaa. Eemy V—'-----A. W. Moatoe to Ferdlaaad Blaard.
Traaaorar Wtaam Uowrd i
aateadlSoU at Ua Droy
lotn. TillMyaof B'
ait aad J. 0. Jobaaoi
<1 eoam
haadof t«.«".4t.
Taa eommlltas on baildlaya aad
Uat tba State
A TratWnl Tala Tniely Told
tebodi property be ploeadooUa
PirrU' Ul aab of Uak Park add—yioo
morhat for hale and Uat Ua prlca
Trmtamoftba Parocbla] Poad of Ua
Wkat ran ba ■ora piUfal?
Uoald be yroo. Tbe dark waa aolbor- the Prolealaai Kpmcopal church of Ue fliet^
A wraek la baman akapa oa tbe rarya
Uad u adrartiK Ua propMy for
'^ioaaoeof ttratero N. Y. to Beajumin of tbe yraea, are. laateriean. ooontethat flroc* Tba.comm'.ttaa aUo
«>er.aS p. oeb.eee HI. T laaaea kayy^. deapoodeat aad dr' ' Uat Ua noelatlm aaw
"Wbr ebooldnt 1 bel- the
DeonU Krodrlek to A J. Albrlyht. rkUmaska.
ailay Ua baildloy be permiund
eli of»cb.aee;T,T5A orlOw—b4<IO UlBf and with Like rcaaltaUoDlilaoid. The report rent accepted
Yoa ba
Jacteu Clark toA J. WiybLpar- te no anil.''
and raeommaodatloot ad<^. This
I-Teoeelected ,
bamtad yoor oaaaa You'
oel la wc >1. T n. nr »!>—•<
a dnty yoo ou
la Ue bniidlay wbicb Ue SwediU Soon
LCM Solomon to l.eopold Loaner, aeb
of America oSerad to parcboac.
f .wb-aecc. T». or llw—*1“olM Dr. Ottmao. Ue eml-1
Prank Prledrich auyyntcd that la
J. J. llaon
f arnt.pealail..............
lUl of Ue firm
of Dr. U b. |
aacb of Ue pobllc tcbool biilUiBfa
ACk>..JIaakcyoo. Mich., or you
Be enree where ali ,
there b» plae^ a band fire
Clark B.UIaaMO. to Howard K. Uid- not be a. you are
Thera 1. no half way,
cr lor nae la tana of flra Tba »ay*ra leyand wife. arb. aac Ih aod awbof olhera fail.
coorae wiU him If be Ukm your caM |
aab. tec 5«. T 5s, nr 9w—pitM
tios wa. raeelTed wiU taeor aod
}o« are cared. Dr. Ottmao areer tabra ,
oommlttM on boHdioya and yroasdn
Oeorye R Ueaderaon to Geoiye A. a eahe be abuoI care.
A oocauIlalioB
. you notfainy
waa'Ienroetad toeblain price, aod re Halth at aU an naditided h lateraai
( <, of lot 3. blk 15. eillaye of Trar.
bra faeeiaiu bare you had bette
port at the nejEliuaalloy.
City. alM unreel Kii.: n>iol an aarr)
call upon tbe doatnr peraonaily.
Saparlntendeol Grawo
aaelo.T57,ur iiw—woo
He cooira to Traierae City. Mk-b
realdant loltroo feaa coilaetad tor Jan • O. B A I. E R CO to Estry
iday. Peb'y <U. f5‘J4. in Ue prieat>
-lore of the Wbitiay Hotel, from v i
uary. amouuiluy u>$i:: V9. alaocbem- bof Mb. eee «. t5t n. r v.w-bSuo.
-.to spot.
OnrdavMly. Cm.uI
Ical Ul> iralcry feea ayyrefBtlDy 843.
oy-Chlld. par- tatioD froe aad .irictie oufidenUal.
Tbe raelyuation of Min Mlnuie Walt,
wbo i> oompalled to erare taoebiny oa
Coiut; to US. If yon want to know of aoy particular article that
ill any .rf iho magazines tlurioi,' the past year, or any particular
sul.jicl. or if voii hail- In write a |«pc-r. or discuss some new invention, we can
ti-11 vou where you can gel iht- di;sin.il information. Wedo nut claim to l>e'‘’walking cncyclopaHlias" l.ul wc have the means at hand to. ashtst you. : We are here
tr. benefit uur cuslom. r-. There are many questions that are f»eing dis^ufiBed by
the Woman’s Club', the Shakespeare Ciubs. and other Literary Clubs«that poasihlv you arc nut familiar with. Wc may l*e alrteio-help you.
I'rayer aMcllsy (o-plybi and all mi.
lii-ca next bundny and hereafter will
be beld In Us pew ebnreh on Us enr
of Park and Waablnyton strMUcordisl welcome to all.
M. B. HOLLEY, Manager, i
Card of Tnnnks.
Horses for Sale.
We can give yoti Big Bargaine in many lines
of Shoe? and RuIiIkts. Goods we wish to dose out—Don't wisii to carry,
them over. Wc would rather take a low price and have the money io lue.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. HOBGAN, Prop.
Felt Boots 37c.
m fdilor of ibiBerltn Xlsd
la, aUoraoy for Uo defondaaL msde
las I'.-ra arnirarad to twe
they do the litarary aad Ibe pracUral ■etla.1 to dltmue Ue eaee on U
rifle of Ufa Wbeallwat flesMed tc ynread of Ua lack of eoSciMit ei
■aha tbeee Metlayi aa latoriaal eook- deaaa to easlala Ue bill. Tbe aolloa
eoaacll of Terneto bss
taff eebeei UU ariaier, la whiri
yraatod sad Ue eaae diemieeefl.
Urns, pal
AftorUtoeaseooaaiderable lime wee
.................... c Cpl.rU bf brraanar employed ^on
la yraatlay deerem aad tbe
(ollowtayaraaow (rae (rom bkaoaM
Mnricce suril'
fllibualrrlac atisrerr Tlllw. wh cb prubDella E. Hortbrap vi Wm. KorUnip: ably asak off lianircai. ••tr laedcd si
FimBaa J fitsabope fa Wm. H. Blaa- l.revticpci. R. I..b) a rassUay tz-hoosn
mtndsy. Pour race sen Icet.
bope: BldaroaOardaeriaUsy OsTdaer:
llaroa i-oe bJIow. Gn-mas mlniatff
- Hlakley ft Joseph Hiekley: for .luriiga affaire, dralcd befarr tb*
Nettle Boorom f. otto E. Beemm: Rbar,g budd ..
that th*c
« reUlures of ai
Bowsrd fa Haoalf Uewmrd;
food (or tboayht ae woU at lor t
Mary 3. Ura^er rs Wm. Lofeader DrayCox
Ida Beawick ravSb>a- A. Eeawick: AIAsMlalc Juai'ce. Hrary Bflltags
Mda CM<w aa Nf tooe Ooaor.
Brown, of Ibr coprenw coarl of tlw
r bar yesotae Bosloa;
la tbt cmeeoMheCBleBCeaUal Idle Unlird Btatra. Is hmib* erreout iroabW
iMcraace Uv «i C A Ooaloa. bUI lo wilt hit lyra. nlaatyhi >• fallldi rapid.
ly anJ h>* l-oy»cUaa have here sashU(ereelsef mnyaft. a flemof was
raaledaadtbeeoartardnodtbe tale
Bei. C-O- Bruim. w
I ebow a lot of Oriren and ae«a cheap Hark Bars', '.hat 1 eaa aall yen
riTaraer. wbo to a aotable eook. o( tbe propwty la qamtlOB.
aad ytre yoe yood haryalae ■ Uaa.
I( yoe an la aasd o( bem», 'Uadly ytra
flriar Ue dtopealUoa c4 a low ka Im■aacallaadlookayatoefcoeor. WQtexebaayafsr aay kM olaMek.
wbo afterward was paeiM of a
pertaal ■altera sevt afljeanefl aatll
I at flaa Pn
Max JobBPbderaaa waaaot a$U le
s. a. MCOBaiA-ear.
warm shoes very cheap.
1 bXTf s (cw extra yood bones, a.
w aot ao yeed that 1 weald like to
d.'.pete efOae eorrol yeldlay : yean old black. Woekyballt wriytat IS8«, a fiacdrafl
Oea browa yeldlay 8 years old s lltUe raayy. bet aot moeb. welybt iaoo,
mskre s yood mate to Ue eerrrl bone.
Oae bay yfldiay i yearaold weiybt I too. aa cstte yood work korae.
Oae blocky bailt bey Bara e yean eld weiybl mo. as flat s oae at yoo
would wtsh to eee‘
Oae bloeky built brown bone wcl^l 1400, 8 ytan did. tbaw two will
Brake s yood team loyetbor.
Oar raayy belli bay mare 4 yean old wclyblJ too. a yood rae.
Oao'Mocky belli bay araro. : yean old. weiybt flU. a yood rae taw all
Uadt of bnsiafM
One larye bey bona, -wciyhi I too. bloelry ballt. oa Ua play order, i yood
reM girt IsgaOi
Ooe bay ■an. raayy balll. cheap (or Bu o&
Oae yray anrd. 4 yean eld. wflyht lloo. well bfoka,dyoed tom bare.
Oaearttaflacarara. : yran al.A rieb ebaelnt eelor. weiybt Jiog.caa ww. xu IS, itwnrawT Mr w am mw Miagw
One fine t»y hone, extra yood flrifor. weiiblMa,Apeanold. worii mke
yood pole borwf.
Oae t«sa Bara. « yean old. welffU ^(00. feed life aad a cmifl worker.
The Popular Shoe Honse of TrarerBe Cily.
W«SfifcUi5i5iiWrai iais
ijBeiald end Travtiee City Traatcript, CortoUdated, JeWiytT, ISC8
j.Traverse Herald
P. W. bM.
SMtk J3Bka rtrtrt
Oew Kweis la
4rarc^ >■
to soloty* ^
a. & BeIlhesr»e*oa«velaad aad
■tM sod toslawodth* BUUob •tor*
«• tbt eow el Uftloe ud SttmU Toledo.
a Chrter letaraed aetardar trew
Is. H* wm Uke s—mlris FrbrsUteadBapMK
%rj (Ih with *■ taiirw»d etoek.^
U.1-^ la
E.. J. Peek of
M tUalM, »
inti SeUlvaaefOeaar. waala the
, hw e(ths«nd<
km, Mkiv tor ialoraetlee ^vmnlla« dtr ra«*«^Berhert Mostao*
^ his brotbw WilUui BeaVa. who lived
Baptds Moeder oa bw
Kev.adelshwr wBetBlledlePomawa
Tbeiede; awn lore swieu MoMewt te caadBet e faeenl serviee Pridar1 which Ksj rtult le th* dMlh
Un. toele B Jowek of TbewpseavUe
4 »tMai of «ac bocoM ewetd
as la tbecltroabeelaesererterdar.
hr.8. a OeM of Seioe. Whn« heollac
Welter ,K. Kellr retarasd' Mowd^
• top ■ tree {ell t
was a heslacM trip to Uraad 'Beplds
aad Detroit.
Hervr _fC«wt lettThnradej (er EUsworth to jile Ue •gareate srbe hew
The »ewljr ovfMlaed hUverr soelctj moved there. ••
Mr. asdMrvWB.
IrvWm. KetlallefMi
ffattallefHealewill Dol iBset et the resides or of A. W.
fMU of Mrs. Joeeph
Peek Krtdey ol*ht ee pfevloosl.v eritoftbo club pertr letosh rrstepdej.
Mrs l>jre Cran hes retanad from
which wes peelposed Irom lest Krldsjr
to Prtdv O* thtaweek The literery . trip leUreodBepidsaBd ether eoeU-
State Bank.
> e( ticaerd TravsatleswlQhe the
' the twb cmtiee
se held at Travtni atr hem
with the OVr JelrlStoAef
il' Peehedj
Boohstore Ip earv7 e stoehaf the dd-! eteed e( the weeh er two weeks' laetl..u. _v-,. »-s..
--------- r
held It has heeo theerbt
r the Adlakv hter^
>1 te eeetbtae these s
irtertheiwe eeadUm. U
___ ___ __ T______
lac het*r(smaedash
Ule time he Is devoUaC (bU mowth's stadr sot ealj la oorble time ta bi la»
! me] work het U asetheds as weU.
This iastitete will be
Tempcraeee Procrema
ifiw tosll frtisrs wt
At the Miaorc ■'■V meeUaf Tseedar | ao fem bviac iw)sired. The oalp ea
evrolac the foUewlac psocvem fm the . pease will he that tor hoard aad lodf.
aest three.moeths wasadeptcd;
(lef. aad Ills czpertK'
>-t<ehaoI daviBcs Raaks Him'wlll beaisdvtolew r
Kebr Osaa. leader.
< Mtse Kettle Crer. the comwIsAloaer
1‘ehllc teerptioa. ta eharfe Of aeheela for Uraed Traverse Ceealy.
of hsperlateadvst Anas Oriatt.
Is tie lorn] eommittee aed Is eln«dy
March I—While Shield Work. Uad- hoey makiBC arrehceaeata It t
fidssUy expected tito will he c
“•«*> «-Elo-ver
rra Miebicat potou.
' •‘ve<‘*r'
Clemrcl licet west to Uraad lUplds'
A Iie«r of e doscD Tsdlee eod feeToesdsvto meal Hn. Iloei. wbo bat^ April S-Ujal Tv
UeoieB drove out to the boBe of Joebcea TlslilBC et that pjere.
' .
Mlm umae
Ueiereo, two ■Ueosoatb of ibv eM.v j
last Dlfht. aed precipiuted a
sarprlse oe thst cvatlemae ae>
I, drlsae of East prest street.
cood wUa nr eompaar kpi-oi a
Be Braved the Storm
C. Vr Tsrler. repreasollBrthe Amerevealef. aad eo^nred several fore
Supervisor KrpwBBf I'ralBsels tewaIven Express CO . of Detroit, is io the
ship, wasrvsiairsdtohe la a^asdaaee
cl>r os bDSlasie fur Ibe compaa;
at Clvruii eoan.Hoadaj ooraiar •Be
»r aed Mrs PrsBk Cook sad child
W. K WrlchU pasuw
tmtif; Ic the RaeUIsfcw. Uo
o {left Salurds; for Teasesw. where Mr.
l*rmbyterla» chorrb. rcloravd
' - be stora be started Senday
_____ _ te recela his health
(res Baj CHj. where be west to
Ceoh especU
rder te be sare aad ret here
Hsteatea eeraea by the Rev. K. Il
Mr ll.yaes of Ja.-kwa. wh. wasea-'
jon tiar
The ruads were sa hsdiy
Mayer, lbs ramoBS Be»ir.h Oofcrece-j ployed seTcrsI years aro by .1. \V
,^,1 bs fouad
seelety will meet oee week leter.
„ p..-k„, |,
;..i.iu„u„>..n,o!b.,»., r. a...Mb. M,..
Uoeal clarcyauB who Is msklair s tour. Hkhaji-ie-ths city vlsiliac frleads.
. [
of two meeUa U.r«cb the priaclpel] Mr*. In <i»at Speer sad Mev a. L ;
clUm lit till ('ailed Stalea
] Meeds, case —
ip •-----fromsi..i..„
Maiistee —...
“ I- a™, b,
ihrooirh so be left bis
M.pletea aad Heedderad all the
Koimal <
ls«e. win beaewdaetor. aad U
.aau will ba Prof. iKiekerey
I'rawrse City BasrafOa Cwlisj
m'lhsiooer of hebooli Besjatnio of Leelaaao ocraaty. mod ' Commissloarr
Scbuuis Mise KrttivC. Urey of Ureed
Traverse eounly.
This t«Ay aeBoeecemeal U made
that teacher* ie both
aad Leelaaaii coaatlea msy iaakr tihir
plaas to atlead. aad It U believed that
very mxey wilt avail tieasri'
tKs rxeellcal opportuBliy to .u
laslllale and Normal worl^la this way
thii week 2.400
mwwMr ■( himn fatleee
• .knm wm aw (arshs^ damt"
MapMedssiBaPIWMiB HidM^
' Mrs Wlw ■'irhiel aa« EittM tim- •'•»« <sreerT»d laet Pridey evaaiac
matwe .eti t-SeeWar (ee stis^ss. ^ >kee a party ot euwar pacste twealy
imese.. sMvb. ■tirp
The 1
I for a mill that can supply you anything from 1
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will'
try and interest you with samples and prices. 1
Hannah & Lay Go.
T)o "^o\x
’\JDa,w\ \o Sa\)e
merely anminsl cost for board ooiy
dtseevered aadrr the ttuor
Waat Over tie Terntorr
la Delaaey A Hyatt s baedle fseviry at
Tbe sarwjiac party, eoes.siie* o
rould beailale at tryiac Mr Rrewa
■ Marrey. acrat of the ti. R A- *1
ruirard to kcr boar ta Peieekey ;. ,
youBC aad tie soows of
■BC it bad evidratly bees sm iiderlar.'
lb city. C r CIO(SIOD «f Muskri
a. JohBWMa. tie well-kauwa les : u
pseeraasy-io Ihe!
aad E. H. lUniva. surtryorwf ibvU
lu. hirmerlr of tils lomlily. ar- j ^ „
sawdasl before hreakiar out
As it -------------------------- K,bu, I...
relnrecd Thursday aiclil from
sms tie lom was s'lcht. bel s sevioes !
Nortiport. after c»tic over tie propeeed reutea of tie suegested railroad
Mim Viewei. HtalmtiaC rtettee. Bay.'
tireacb l-eelawau euebty
The |
r..u-a.Mf J-e.wl.y.fWv..l..t wiih,""''iMe WmtelMWiHlaBBimUl aed
Bey Marshall. ar>d elcht
k-e brother Mtki. at tie loremaas
PivakASi Hectal .Evswi.
a Ihormicb iiitpevtiud of
' A plideiat aad aoelahtievewt wf the.
«•«. A • K smlcM-
!If you '
[are looking
la )*>w.
so. ba’j VttT wtiV MKiAct'a M>n« Xbw.
C«s\h vm hWaVVh.\^ 0^ \as\
. J*
3ut Sdt^e, '^avd
\Tt Ttwt\'wiv.
Dcm’t supvW ior a mlrvate iVval Mvjime sAVt ^aekti*
oresvtstivtsvCTVWmdn. bV* not posiiSAt.
Mm 4 amM. .*a CMSSW K Whititaw
fcefct*' hOe NLahsTmear far tht. tites t* te *h.
taBt*' \Us«t 9iU ISed 'Otdks. x. vwi.' lit.
Chdirt* sKsit. 'WeA.'WeTsa. &ssA. b«c Mr tie.
& >D . l(UlikciL
wa ih» aoTMT
OstoB Mt
un*u. fl« wlU.Ulwp—ilni Fcbr»W7 *tfc irtthmlTTW—<1W«A.
I was pcalpeoed fnn laet rvrdty
iday of toU week’. The Ilwrary
toelaty wfll aieelose week liter.
4 party ofadorro ladlet aod CBBUemea droee out to toe ho«* of Joe
ailleatostb of toe *17
laet el*bt. aod pmipitttod a pl. aianl
DO tost reotletsaB aod hu
roodwilB- Ttoeonpaoyepeoia jolly
r. K. Wrirfal. paetnr nf the
rraabyto ■iaa cbereh. reloraed Muaday tron Bay Qty. where be west to
ItetcBloa arrowM by the Re* K. B
Meyrr. th* faaoo* Ecrlldi ConKrer*.
Uaetolclarryataa who I* makioro loor
oftwoosaatb* Uirwrh toe prioclpal
dtinof th* I'Blud sut«a.
ClTculalioii this week 2.400
Mra. WUllBBOeWIUliRBlto 111 aad
toa«.4.»«. toaldbt.
Mop* aralaprorraaa to Offaaiae
WObar Om ofUaUPior aod Ralph
<ba*.o(‘Kliiftl*y,haVebeeB draws oa
. Jaha t. prraiaa, to* fTooer la toe
Seoach Uoek.b> bow eoaacete# ap wito
BoetoMn to carry a ttoek of toe 44- I etoto «t toe weto <
Uke vtoelo. Be toi oboBdim4 toe noe , uteoeaaU/ oeM It
aa toeae partial
•eU*te tole
toto (year fee to* two eoaaUaa. too* flelor
thofjaU tea eh an aa opportaal^ <<* *
■oas to laat a Hla Um ha I* derotiac j fall aNsto'e etudy set amly la aer.
a Uaie to baatoaaa.
>ml work .bat la aactooda u **».
------------------------------• jThia toatiteu will
ea to all tearhen aFtoe two a
4l toeMiaore-Y- i^tlarTaeaday loofeeabelBC re<)elTad- The oaly u
erealar to* foUewtoc procThn for toe , peat* will be tost for bnrd aad lod«
aext tore* araetot wBt adopted:
jin*, aad It U ezpeeted arraareioeBU
S-tohoold*TlB(« Raakt.'Mto wiU be ande for low ra
Roby D**B. leader.
j Hto Nettle Urmr. lie
Keb. et—I'abllc reception, la chaip
fur Uraad Trseers* Ceualy
I Superiaieadest Aaaa OrlaU.
b to* local Boamiuee and b already
March «—White Shield Work. Lcad- Vuty maXlBg arraagemeots II
m wen toe r><M* «( Mra. Joaeph Her.
tbb will be
latoeh yeeterday.
toe meet Isrgely alieaded ntberlags
Mra Dora Cram baa retaraad froa,
k trip totirand Bspldaaadotbereoato-: March »-Flower MMOB Work of toe kied ever held la toe stote
priselpal of the
(rn Hiebiraa polata. •
Soperlateadeal Bertha Cbmp.
oiiaal deparlmrol uf Billtdsle rolCleioroi Boat weal to Grasd Rapide '
Toeadar to o>eM Mra. Boat, who faa \ *1"' »-Loyal Tehaperaoee Lerloa. lege, srill U ooadurtor. aad bis tssist
-; I-eadrr. Mia* Uillaa SbeffWr.
a^u will be Prof. IKx-keny nf the
4^11 J»—Sabject, to be choaea by I'razerae.^City BnsiBeae r:ollegF. Coni
'^of School* BenjtaiB of leee.rUltiac the laDllr of bar aoe r si... ' >**der. MU Myra Atwood.
sBty. a)
ibsioier . I
delm* of But f'rdat street.
lias .Net
SebouU Miss
Nettie C. Gray of lined
. Taylor. repreaaaUar the AaierCOUB7
lipceiA Co., of Detroit, is U tos
re<jBirad to be ic ai
eaily .■
«mesl b made
hoslom for the conpany
!at Circ-oit court Hoaday oki
arben <a
Grand Trarerse
aad Mrs. Yrsek Cook aad
mUfy la tks Raasdlarei
and Laelaa^o counties may make tbeir
left Saturday tor Teai
the •lorIS be slarted Sanday
eouaf of L
attesd. and it is belissed
Cook ezpects to rerala kb health.
Bifbt la order to be sore and pet
• cry many.will atsil toeaselrr
Hr Uayara af Jaektoa. wba was *■ ^
Tb* roads were so badly
'Heat opportunity to cimbias
ployed scrersl years *ro by .1..W. Mil-j . bf touod It
lostixute and Normal work ta tl
nkea,l> IB ths ci7 rlsitinr frlruda
: bU tea* Ibroupb. so bs 1<
Mrs. Dr. (irsul Spear sad Hrv S. L
t Mspletoa aad floBadered 1
■ly Bomiaal cost fur bjard only
Meads, catnr ap frooi Maalstee yrster-
Miss rsanie HiamrosoB. wno oas 1 .
, . _v,.s
wkirb nsay^ yenaper
1 DelaBcy A Hyatt. haudU fs. uey at | ^,,8 -vWtInrTWr» Cbarlea Itmaibal.
would besitate SI tryiap
Mr Brewa
Is as loapcr youap aad
it bad erideelty broa smoldertoif j
'wh!teBcd his locks,
boon or perbapseeen days in the,
bui tbis trsDp tbrooph dsep an
sawdast before breaktof ouL
As u'
dlstaou* of aearly twelee mllee.
Ibe loss wassllphl-bats serloas
oot prreeat hiB from sttaadiap
ras aarrowly aterted.
: Hiss Vicloris Ktsitaelef Saltons Bay,
re'.urocd Tuesday aftd' a elsit with
Ray Marwhall. aped elpbt yean,
Flsssanl Racial EesBl.
ber brwtbrr Hike, at '(Be I.eelsaau
liaapbtar of Hr. aad Mrs. John HsrBotolof Old Miaaioe. died yesterday
0 uccbneA-lBst Friday
Mrs. Sso) UsrlBnd' sBd EitUd OerilBp of bean failure. Ttie llUle ■alas left ycslcrdsy to'r Chicapo. i "beu a pany of yoenp psople, twsnly
plrl had rdoorered frooi a serere attack
where they will spead a soath »ie-''ia numbef. boarded sespacious slelpb
of diphtberlsaBdIlwas'thoaclil that
*D* left Wjr city f.'ir (he b<
toar* was bo farther danyri
Mrs. tv U Hnycr of SnMoBS Bay. :*ad Hn Joba illrialey
fnneral will take place today.
passed Ibruuph tb* city yestarday oa milas soulb of the city.
Oaio. is s«arub of raoewed was* surprite oa Hr and Mn Birmley
At toe eompelities rssmloslr>ii
and tbsl.- daupbters. Misses Uaisa
(Btlybeldat Beed City for es-l'Ubip' besUb
sod.Uoas. Threreniopwa
t Wnt l^lat. Joaepb Parks sad Uuy ;
Mo- Ksaals tViokleiuaa ol
well seleeled
UForp* of Elk Rapids, naked Ursiloao*. who baa bees eisitii
Charles li.nwatoal.
rfWrBed ho(B*|Mme* Oar of the atlncll** featuras
of toe ereoiop was a (oarsb-millow
ordered to proceed to Weal
i K. U Cook bss returned from Mss j t^l
seemsil to brlphlea lbs w
a friend Moo- take toe Ansi enmiulloa. preptnlort
to push bit nursery Vjus'.Bets °f the loaslers and added much to the
> aaterinp toe lolllUry sebooi. _
H of toe ereaiup.
At a late
lie has bvea spendlnp a moath
QUe* Uodpraof Fife Lake, u •■eriou*
patfaeriap dispersed, feeliac
borne in thalL-ity,
ly ill. with blood poiaouioe.
A abort
Blaalde FaUar. for a kmc tlaia
' IV. ' Hull went to Grand Rapid^ that a preat deal of pleasure melts
tine apo fa* tzmled a horse for an
[ to* drpf baelneae Is tola eity. U p
tbii week to stMBti toe Grasd Udfie.. fruB .surprising the'right kiad of
1 toltoJaw.aadhisbsBds belnp
partafioepcB* draf atore la latarF. A A U , as a delcpal*from Traeene pe«.pl.
abrtided, the polsou
City Itodpe, No. 'ii:.
bl* owaeysteD. Both arms are
A Rich Gold Conntn'
J II lljixsof KalaBaxoo.
Tbel^ln'AMaoeletyoftiw Flral riWy swatou and rery fmlnfol. but it
The Hbnsi ti has rrerieed a I
U. S. ehareh will tare* a Ua-eeat eap- is BOW toODpht tosi
' from Thos. Lsarell. fonnerly of tob
tbb city restordsy after
pn Sitarday eraalaf from 4 eatil f
iaad s* le«al buslaeta.
A Isrpe force uf m
J. E MstidrrsoB. to* Oreali court!
Taeadt.v endeatorlap to tura the ■
TaaUnUy doatice Brows united is
la the Boardinaa Hear where the betfk tleaupnpber. was jolbed at Park Pise* j
. BsrriaB* Mn. Alaiada J. Conaor
Ssiurdsy afleniooo b> Hn. neader-1
eared la, to the oppnalte ehdre u
aod Mr I-ea*ell has an Inlerta:
UeUeaaePBav.asd MyroaC Wai
farther dapafc way mult
IVu SUB nod their aoa aad danpbter. to!
n esunsit* property, which is
rrea* war alow aad tor baak t-..nilDd»d spend kunday ia Ihrcily.
lucsisd npOa.a riser where the force of
The »ur* of M. Obarlln and to* ofoar* la a liule at lalrrrale. tkouth
•« of to* Barter Cadar Co- at Biaf- It waa Uioarbl that toe furoe o
las was
was in^e
In toe jlly
ell* ^^
hUB tr* aoBbaoiad wlto to* Hottos*
a wiBAaraed.
Ui. arranireacnteutlbe'Une for n.Id '
-Tte i.*dl**' Aid of Iwiar Uke will
prrcluus melal easily aad suii'rssfelly.
fire *B nyetor aappr *1 the hun* Of K
Hoada; woralaf lekll* worklaf oa
J Btorer. mi Terwley fin.lur. I’ek.
to* Ue Mar Baitoer’e lalU, A. B IVII<
It tweaty-Hr* i«nu a tuupla.
Ids ThurMlsy to Beet Mn. kielBberp
wws.t.ws.s toisrlTi t,. n.
am waibal Into aa air tel* and mk
Ilia** rwBU ilndltaadall addltUBal'
• mutof 10 bM Mtk la to* la* aold
dUhaa tea eeau b aieh
r* to to* l.adl«‘ Aid.
Krerylndy -I*
i pmdesU of ib*t l■>ealily
I’lio aadeskaewlll rrU'Bsd Tbursdey altbl
•be Is* Mrr*d la Midmae fr**..
Biisia*** Oollep* Lyooein
Th. »**Unp of Tasaday aiphi'i
Aldarmaa •■* Mn
Ibfry llaeaih ha* t»en ap-1 .mscollepe 1.70**10 was well elusded
polBtod by Geeoriior Plapro* to teuolss |
tboeludeah ta* to* lollowlnr ffroThe iarsl»r*m*tlbr of tl
ciiiU ibutluM tw tbs saffsriiip la fub*. | p„,
>a» toiephaa* Itea aad to* eaU h ton*
.....I I... I.
Tb* rt/ar MMIaf of to* Froiby
Iwlai toanb tob •*»!■# will h» b*ld
to tod pnUF MW BUM ebapfh B*«
Btor aartbat wiu ba bald toer* Beat
I., j
• e-
Carp Lake u> l•rOTemMIl and o
through toe ceatr* of tor county t
Nortoport. This latter route It cue
sidered by tbs sorreyon to be the mos
feasible aad would lap • more exleeJ
ed I•rrib>l7 tbs* either of tbr pro|
C P. Watotoa. who pitched to the
-Sastton Uat aeaeoBj haa been etincw>
by to* AthleUe board of toe nalraralty
at Au Arbor aa chief ooaeber for to*
Joe Major haa retarned from Cestral
Ute. where b* ha* dbpUyed a atoek
at dotoiac tar T. J. Boat ter aboat
twa weaka. Mr. Major rapona enry
tolBC mhiac at Caetral Lake.
». buia '90MT Tit»\ '\£Kiv\eT» '\DraV 1C«». .
Cos\s vvi hteii\
o\ VaaV
Siaiies' &0c MitvienDtaT ^ov 49o, sviei 48 to SA, •
£,a4WV.cax)v ^VVISIooVlIOests,-((«
CVuViToa's'^tosc.'VDooV.'VDam, &00A, SOc
syof* ar* eagsga-i ua
wkli'b will ba tubmiiu-l ai
rOhitrt (>r lbs (A. II * 1 (
The route ]
W the sdeta'araous territory [
and that 1* I JU FronPSt.
Markham Block,
will prove it
UoM to aac o*1t to*
aad aedielBc* will be • p*Tiap IscMt
a*at- We wlU pnin It bow by toe laspe
Ibtof pBbUM who have profiwd by
•driec. and who trade BXelaalrulr erlth
"Dob't suypost ^or a miwiLVe that aa^oae aeWs flstVeVa m
or Caves ebeaver t\vaa \oe io. St'a act vosAhVe.
t AiD. mVVvW I
sii«i Mpitt iiMu^tu ?*j lit wt: ^
Bam tia* ar* to* Braaui p
wuuld be sure u
S'orihport tb* senliaiFBl
*<|ually dlriiled. siiNir want the
Olliers dls.xi'irage the p'an
Dr. Fnok HrlstolpaTe'a larpe audlito forty hand*. The SollinBshiagle ! *^'’'
MU aa iBteUeetusl treat Moadsy aipbt
HU b t^y. -Ub thirty hands rotHo what w.^ do_a,bUtlc spurt,
I toe Giy Opera House Those e-ho ting o. eoBtrael fur tbe Kelley Sbinple : ;*«; ^.a^' talk ?n to
lb* Bos-apaadruBBiopcadsyaBd a <l’>ancr
banded *.0 .1 H
pearance uf Dr.
A nane. ladmriy *f toe Eaterprlae
tVbnl benefit u dertee
fully repaid for toe waitiap. by
! (ram out-door work?" end ably dl
rroaory. kaaopaaad a seat aad attract
Lottie toe Storm
icellaBceaf toeleetar*. IhesuVOur SavioKS Departmeot
If* Uttla rnwery ctore la the balldlar ieet.waa-Braies.'
o yenng ladles lielng s tew ail
wntol toe eton of MeUllaa A Ask.
Prof. Dockany pan tb* eritie’e
toe word. Dr Bristol is eluqaeal. tenth of to* city will remeaber t
aa Frost awael. He beraa baslB***
dalirary la asooto Md hit style big Jsuasry storm far some time to' port aed a paaral rartew of
Satu^reeealap they went to debaU
Bspnetie1 a pirl friend Ihriop a Bile db-' The prmrna for next weak b as fatr. Charlea O Cere
l for to* aneual
kVkee they slanad to retnrn ,Jowb:. Reading. "Life of LmSalle."
aad Jato Yaabh a
»pcr*;rr rxrxrrugp
tBeetiDp of RaladiaTsDpIe. Nobles of borne they toBod that tbe blizzard was ^itatioe. Hr Dyer
Uaestloe foe
toe Mntie Rtariae. to he held la Oraad
-RA-soleed, That (
a toe blinding 1
Raidds February n. Like tjl preTioas
t tocD sny aad for *m ho»! a>ea of thirty yean ago bad bettar opthe party bat toaatoar oar la Bat yet efforts this b a work of typoprspbicsl
about, laally. wbeo partnultlc*
tle* for buaiDeaatoM toe young
snaadaskiueBriplBsUly. Kecry bo- nearly exbai
d. coming aaeoB aem | men of toWl" l^Mdee of aSonatleu.
Jaa T Pescie. AJ
b* prcMBt with familiar land‘marks. ad at last reach- Harry Dana: of nepaX**-Charllt Uir-i
O. W. lardto report* to* larreel load
■a a. C. LewrS. C. S
ad pottooaa yet breast lato to* CI7 bb fe*. Md full dress sniu If he has ■Bg toalr boar.
Md is total
abb wtoter. It wntealad to by B.
Waller fiatorday.-aad eaatotoad lou be b lorlt^ to Wi r suylhiep. If only
A Silrer Gray Fox.
; ----------'lamfle.
tetoab aO^ W posadt. tor wbleh be
R SeboBbergsr U ika happy pomes- ^
1.. '
I -to* Borthora paalaaola, erhieli Bepaa to Cannes to* rtly fur a
atolad AOM teat aad which waa reported a* to* larraat tra* arer sat to
TWker hat
ly j«*ra
that locality, caslat'of roUo* RasBie had aseb as teuadad eapvlM
b**B kaowB W any astaat
' opted yiateeday that b* eat a |4a* to
warit la tbb city that hb
Ity. It b *t*tod that toe sUm <M
- .tear Late toWaablp to l*at which eat
wUl laaan a thoroufk aaf
BttvtT 'iVvftftb \1\
project, tiUl fsTor Ike line beesi
tar !•«» Mooday. aad they perlormd a rood deal of aBecUre work.
tor of a fine tpsclacn of sllter gryy
caplarM star BeDscml* hy •
M. Fabrasy, to* HHwanka* publlehtarmar. Hr. Sebosberg po>e;b*ssd toe , 1
*t whebpetUapoal a aew directory
fox from L Oxrrl* Md M Fraser, wb* *
for tob city. W BruprmlBf la a cry
hoBgbltb**BlBs] from it* eaptm-. who
chogbi it I* * trap »ft*r It had played j
TjoubVe Ca^t, 3ut Si^t, "BTaii ‘Summei tf 4 rs rv
adelssbic to go on to Sorib irt. All
(be farmers stong (be proposed rootw
all direccioas are eager for th*
> be pus&nl through At Mittoat iiay and rraermoai tor busiueit
men generally *r* of the same spirit,
iboupb there are m
Ibtt a railroad scouAd scud <-»nt:d<
e to Trarerse
tor aaowtroBthasmata aad bmk.
racsifad to eeeuabaahsl. Mr. Wel
ter aleo faroarhl to anothar lead of 111
Ihaatelt. tor wbleh ha raedead tor
'\3Da.T\\ \o Sa>De
al*rut two miles, or perhaps a lilllr
from that eilisge. , but close
taough to afford essj* rrseb. The SSoir
rslsllec distance would be uivatoinec
from Omeo* reworl should it be deemed
•aStaisberr .be* cloeed a coalarpesVBuBber lor this year.
............. ^
. .
I croft. A paper. "Export* nod Wap**.tract rrito toe BobaOD Thaatar Co. lor
betsreaB fmty and fifty sore toai l^elap linfeto'wn b. baeiog al'“'"*' ^
•tbedaBlBr Febraary
than were erer enrolled at oae tim's be
e TprospaHty. that b pntifyiu* |
, ,
__1 ^
For tot Burpoa* of pncliee IB exteBnja la a first claat dtsnatk eonpaay
The Uiph tchool and redutloa
1 A CK.,
wUah praaaata a rapartolr* of popolar ruawt are crowded, aad It it bard 10
St to a fsw of toe BSBben each rseofind accoBBodatlons for ail.
IB for toe testeie next weei
be discusted witooot au* pr«|^
•♦rldr® at ProzemualThis ar
raugemeul would not bring the road
direct to Suttoas Hay. Bui at a pomi
Haskell's Bookstore,
Hannah’ & Lay Co.;
From Hiogbsffi
would ‘
tulluw toe lake u to* east rad of
Nurunia* HntUr Ncpsrtlor.
Iilapiil lb* kind seer istde
wbleh say he ssen at ilir II itci 1
Ing lor a week of two
<AH f"r F.
ThoBpsnn. suu apeat, at
marblnesnil pet drs riptls
Hulter from sweet cresm li
miuesled to trod their caatTlbntioas 1
,„hj,rt for'debate wi* warsty utaa. Verg turn U
and the ms
4 BO'I see n
to Mr. Haaaab at the Rtoto Baah.
|di*ci»*ea. gueatlon: -IliwoUwl, That cbla* does the re
wbrl la town.
, more pleasure b derleed from an ednAnother Church Dedlcsttoo
callon thnn from money."
rreeidiag Elder Kellepp reports tbe
Tb* aSrmnUrr side of tfae <|Be*tl*D
dedicatioB of anotoer aew M. ' k.
Rcniemher there I- »
P. O..Gr
lorcb la
dictriet which took place
Pbeat aod Mist Lanpwi
.r te'i-rrs-.K.srr-
f'* “ ■ -"I"-
i'rof C II. Bora opeaed a lacture
mrse at Pomu Best "uaceasfclly
Friday nlpbt. h'U sabjeei u lop' -SaascB aad toe N.>nb Pole.* The -e
ren aader ibe.anaplcc* of toe
eebool la that place* Samaer Uilbrri.
farBeretudealaadpradut* of
tor. andhssjast beea
IcnssicB all uf toe meaben
neanaClly Hlpb tcboal. and a hrotb- eoet of JIMo. Serelce* were held
of C17 Attorney (Jilbert, ia
(be church for the three presloni daes,
pnyratory to to. dmllUjOB. xib:
TT u^.* ^
It a T. GrawB reparu mn.to.tolrd.ew M. E church dml- ^
1 .sketch (
for a mill that can supply you anything from 1
Wheat, Corn or Oats, drop us a line and we will i
iRtry and interest you with samples and prices. |
array, bgea
L 1
eity, C. F. C
aad B. H. Ham
th* G K
returned Thursday eight f
Nortkport, after going u*rr the
poasd routes of tbe suggested railroad ^
through L*el*n*u county. The p
toorougb iuspectlon of
by lb* way of IFng
b*B, ibvBcc to Sutto*. Hay an* u
-The Ulijeal AiaorlraaCity
padre formed toepropnai
Tlif p’isn B-e.,rd1np to tl.s s.ipf|teU<'ns Bale re ,
by Mr* nnslr* tad Joe film e*nlly by Hn-rsury hhenaan. AH wbu ,'R tV. CIoriitbU
■eriBaa Md tbaeoosolsllon* hy Mrs. ilatir. to oaleatlald to IH* disl.lule
B«,KaU<iB. The I' .llth Itoy' -BlBor
ABorleana an* utoin *b tb* bland are < Rnwa.
Warti to preraai farther daau*
' to* rim baak wber* the oar*.|a a*aanad Saaday Bonlof. b aUU coatiaMd. - OsHldBrahlc proerm waa ssad*
I are looking
i7o>fUU>CU<Mo.«»lottodtjTm- i
4.7 mtmoUM to* kiUc W90U. 1
Mr. Kotodj omafto wlto (to C1(j Ji
IVMaMUr W»drieb kM taatM
Mtcr fr«B Lftwraae* Uuloti. » mi
tor of lh*«ndcpMtmat of MOi
to*. oektortelsformUoa reordln*
hi* brottor WUIMb BobIoo. wholired
E*Ft<^oBdB7 6a liwBiaen
iBtoleeansV IB l«M.
Bee. & Sal*be*7 watcalle* to Poiaeas
TbBito*7 BorBlv »t«rioM *ce!
. ooodact * faa«al *er*ko Friday.
oerarrto which may retail la toe 4**to
Hn. Loeie B Jooet of TheapaeoTlle
of oaeof BMaaof ta* bone* owaed waa la toe city o
l7 It B C4U of Solos. While hsaliBC
" Itor K' Kelllly retaraad Hooiay
■op * me teU betwees to* bone*, ______ boelD*** trip to Oraad Bapide
breekisrtoe oeckyok* so* Inflictioc aad Detroit.
4tB|reroas injarte* epoo oac of toe SBBarry Keat left Tharaday for EUaorth to jala hla>partoW who bare
Stored toer*.
Mr. aad Mra. Wn. Nattall of Maaie-
that loves money -will al
ways buy at a place where he
knows he can get the best for the
least amount of caihr so he not
only buys his
here but advises his wife and friends
to always do the same. We al
ways give the best bargains in
Shoes, and that the quality of our
goods is better than is offered else
where is now no longer a question.
A glance at our stock and the pric-.
es will at once dispel any lurkihg
doubt you may have. We call. es
pecial attention to our line of
Winter Goods.
The prices and goods are unap
proached in the city.
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Ce.
Grand TrayetseHeiaM and Travefse City Traiiaorg>t,OaiiaoM<»*«^ .Tanngjt gy. M88
e Sanday Sehaol Amfrtetfam kaU
imro* Caater aAori koam. Jaa.
Mia. Wm. iUfmt
Walter Baker & Co.’s
~TtemeMia^‘tX'called Ic'oe^by
mera^, belay driftri
L. Ladwtmte bend over bceUia Ik*
tk* lambartiB baalata* ayata tkte wta-
ly aiykt aad Sanday.
W«od totals OBtfMt
gate Baku
Tba UdteaM tbeW.CTC- «
t tbe hoM cf Mra. Daeol Friday I
Breakfast Cocoa.
Mra. KeCkrtetUa ha* fane to Oedar. Mra* B. OxtK wb* rcf
rkcre bar hrohaad It «rocUny ta tbe BMgl*: Singing. Ftil
On aeeoBBt af tba artw* atorm Baaday Ikar* war* no aerrlem U tk* Opa- poiait which cnmtd a very intefecting
te k is absuhad* yvie.
he test qialKy am 09
Mrt- VplfM bat ntaroed bom attar
J. J. ICnwy of Good Barter eallad oa
icB ti.maik bv* mobDid Mach f*mwm oite
apMdloy aoBM tlBf la Trararaa aty. bma from H. Pmln
Ua* Km amid Slngipg. -Ikrow oit
a: P. Flakar to timkaaet baainem tbd
be exqviae lutunl dj.or iiU c*lor of fte bmiST
%: P. Berate aad C. O. Batn^ drora otkorday.
Ike Life Ldne. After a tew mciaeBt*
tkta «
It louka rrry macb at tbonyh ■
$. Because k b the m d o.MoiimtT'. cosnng les Wan car cam
la Tramae City M^rdajr.
of band.abnk<ag and aoeUl conreraawaU harowto yai eoi wilb aac
Mr. Brow to yntUay eat Mr. l
Mr. aad Hn. A. F.
e ooiamenee eawiec tbte week.
all, want ote* to Grange ball
Cbaa. Wetatoe pareband a
- - - uBvAsnA*;.
kerffte Umber Bear MapI* City______
-rea boonUfaldlanar wa* iprtnd.
bma from Joe Paradiaa.
Stott-a faim. It to telBS draw* lo Good
Jo^Dt wAt M TisroM CUy
rhicb■ all partook.
IbwMay. rttaratoK HaUrday.
bare not bad tba wbooplny eooyb
........................ .......... ly inopraaAltp m mrtllnyi
Viatan Tbanday nigkt.
are barlay it,bat aot very bad.
a. L The enaiay wa* •pant teey |d«*- to order. '---’.Bg.
Siaglng. IM.
aaUr la rtelUagand pUtlaf gaaw* and
tre wIIL.baaaoyatertaaf>rrBlMr
Kartkpcirt. Tlaited at U
jr'tFeb. 1, for the bearflt of tba
er. Prayer aad
esed in ec'
Ibdlet Aid tioclety. Bmybody coa».
. te with aUgteg Ooate with
nth •iaglog.
bte beet bor*c.
n te* epraOwiey
Mark Ckaw and wile apaat tiatarday
^Mr*.Kate*f-t bcaltk te very poor. ad mnate dortay tk«- errolny.
te aad qaeetioa* read by r. I.. Udell
rerett of the teacoa. tben «
niybt and daaday wltb Ufv Craw%
Bo* did yea lika the UUardT
paraaia. Ur. aad Urt. Grorya Bardy.
rricci at the ebareb Soadaj.,
Wm- Cbaadlor of Rib Rapid* waa
. I* Siayiny by Ur!*t *A**"*brra. : ^
C. Lake rWltad U Poanm Hatorday.
Tba Ladln Aid bacialy and olban
brre araliny loy* taday
Wtera itm.r Waaderiag Hoy Toolgbt.'. A
Lola of atnuayan ia town Ueat daya. wbo are lalcracted will mart wltb Mrt
•aeqnet, Uowa ia ...
Ur Beld of Ttaruw'cityte bare wllk
.daat and Mra. Hardy Wadataday ta
BsadayU Prank'
C.J. Parry
aome more urgaai today.
oa. Wcibea Inleate
laleate t* a
. *cr; I ^
Mra S. B. Cate te OB lb* *i<-k IUl
allltwa qnlUtandltt two cut
Ur Ebir. wbo bat been qaita
dm with bU pamta.
N Crjat bae tradedboi
borm* wilk B.
Juba Jeeret te.at w*rk tot tV. I> ____ 1 ■" J-rraUeg paper by Mr*. Belle Horte* ' A
wiU la yrtppa. It able to be oaL
erewdadutbaaV tot Mn. Darld bloU wbo waa ta
, npd <ltieua*.on of lamr. ElU Hopkln* \
inodma Uoiaard
wat TV ytan old
a naadad.
Dig atorm Satarday alght *od Sun- tb.ngaren* a>rcelt*Uon. Singing, f
111 i*iuD(lr Oraiiulklitl Sugnr
Oa accouatof tbe elorm there wa*
Htiaglag in the Shrarm. Ucmarkt
8. S. Bamatt raaaaUy added a Ana
*ytnddauybtar. .Mra. Wtauotl, at HillHill-. frrigbl Ibfoagh here Mnoday.
:ai t«>umtr I.' Suptr
S. B Cate te Morlay C. D Fool* to ' F. E*te*. WF !r*rn that Grand ^
tafva rafrtfarator k Ua ttera fataraa.
It would uke a wteecommteaioaer
l'B<-k*t.ra ('uffH*.............
II where the bighwa.v wa* after II
ime llrctberton e t broaybt' borne
a Monday to Batarday
0*1 Ile^
eery oa*
wat oet breaking nortbeo
Imra A--»c Sa*|>........ ...................
... Ht »Uw' -■
-- ------------gor*l. tolk.
I* Uoadty f<
1 tenjADt* *bn*
rmm'iwioBer K
Wm. Bast atarlod la ae
•r te delay aomr
It) lwt> (laud S «|>............................
Obaa. Piah ratamad froa Haedoa
tea litt
----------------------------- »*«•«'■. good rod,t;„n.
- ,y tbb wee1 Mr. Sutea* uf
Mat weak and U^w worklnf tor Wau
1S.fmr> Khir S,«|,
Mr.Orebbta of Lelaad
rriee* at the chard
Joba Kearda lo» a un di
Fioiir, ir-r iMii'k.........................
Saturdty and baekMonday.
j Iterling. Tben a<l wcot borne
Ling A
a-laad Tbe loyt
lorday rreuloy that waa
Him Alma UlWtaell U at borne
BiK-k*bcat. jwr Mck____
the \
are ta be drawa to Ulan Labe.
Alii* Smith ram* borne Friday algbt I Ui>i it «a* a day well tprat
■ lowoehip irraKurer.
abe baa beenilaaebiaj
laaebiay cm
andrclnraed Monday aigbu
Iteiviceof ib* Lora.
Syruja ir-rkrall.iu...............................
fraok Pieher. wile and dauyl
Keaaady ofCNlMr.and Mn Ami
Mra. Jama* Whitf. naclr came Uat!
MAk.ru Qi-nN.=>.n. ekKTrUry.
uyt wltb Uaud, tv. U. freeman aad W. Sle.
tt bare
hare beeaapeBdinyafew
weei lo Trarerae T'iiy Salvday,
d bnngbta borar tor Jam*
u Wllltaaa la ararkinr tar ttr. their
'•“•‘i. 'Vh.tplr.;uratetbrrr,o Ufr with
nnkillk' I’nirdor. jwr
idioy bi return' Sneday. Salor
Harebau baa bnuyht aaother rndon“ii7i“'‘“‘
The Udlce- Aid will meet wilb Un alybl and bundai forenoon li
wnryof Old Mlmlon went t,
_______aod Mn l}trdy Wadeceday to aod -Tba wiail 'blew aa ''
Mr. Moa and Mrn. Laraaa drbra
qaltl for Mn Stott.
Itarane City laal work.
K< nwT-iic Oil. JRT iralloii____
tU latl." Tbe mad w
E J. Batlhatfold batwato taaaod
diBlral» tfai .
Jrtn Jobnaea baa barn baallac bay
lilUe pilU
balny be
MO batbala of potalon; be commeoece
omr Monday aiget- Tbry report Ibc laUad.haU.
<rftbr liybUioaia piar.
Urnu, i«-i llkl.
.. f..........................
vMeaoeof OjetClrr------- -------------|dr. WlealoTlaltad frianda at Blay- delirariny Wedoeaday.
Liild tugrring from - A
Robert lUndioB I
ana in bealtb
has and Saawidi Uat weak.
I 'li-an«l < >«u, ii-r Inirli.-I . ..
1 of Kn.inrraTillr. \
tideThan it in
>ra> for many yran
Mr. Kalaea U haaklac aaw lonea
* riogir box Ilf ^
cold, the mercury
to toft tod tbe wind
tta laha abeta at iba Baariny Creak
Onr aebool te qnlte tmall oa a
Ire skin di- - A
tlrony the n»dt trenail drifted fall,
raab. almpr-. \
• Hoaday ■orolay men with
and obttinaie *
era readily rur-,1 f
Mn. Urnea it aadtr tba doetor-a ______ laow plowt and tharelt comt Saturday t
by tbte ftmoui
irdy. .1. I, J.-hu* I A
Mia wHh tba Mit rbana in bar faor awae^ work on tbe roadt and yut
Uim Joalt Trarit I* at borne for a
tbrm Opened ao we tea a lew taamt
Mr. aod Mra. JubaCbmabcIl of NorlJi!'
A namter cf ibt aebool
biIdr.B .Milton riMtcd raUllrr* hare Satarday {
rantnflayool today.
apaat a very pleannt rrcalai at Ua and Sunday.
Pouible PHccA
j log.
oSTa llltto^iban
The ttorm baa tb^pped the 1^ dnw- tbe home of Ur*. Fuller Jau. 7.
waataortbaabtrOiafllr Stncklny and Lol* aad Jeo-1
nod Mra. Ripley bare motte lo nie Caro* went U Trarrrae city S*ur-,r«ui:o». cold., rr.-up.
with Ur. Monroe, making It laucb day to rLs.i Mr*. W. II Blotegoud.
thnwi *nfl Inng iroubl,
frleadt here one day latt-week:
plcaaanier for bim...............................
Little ilraa O'erland baa been ti
Ereryoiir wa* kept al hmnr Sued** ' *®'‘'
■ Uiaberg-*
Uim LoelM Hock of Batt OarAeld
*. RipU-y.
111 for a aambtr of day* pan.
We i
by tbe ttorm.
Mooday morning nil
Wbonping congli i. tbr
TlaiUsy frieed* ben for a week or to.
ter of the decaaacd.
ed. will u
ylad to elate that aha i* improtlay.
ea*t nnd weat rood* were lmps**anle.
Ing m*i*dy. but It* dura,
of the baby tey.'
Satur lay aiyhtaed Sunday we hi
• boil M-Jbr nar n( line I IlLUtc Cough; f
A aamber of Archie youof people at* the WOT It ttorm we bare bad Uti wii
I*>well Sourl atlrndte tbr urriit
I'uFr. wiiV'k te*l*u Ibr
tba ablnfU Bin aaaai
tended tba toelai ai Mr. Byrr't. Friday
tif the Agricultural wa-letr at Trarer
kouwu fur rroupand *11 '
artalny and
aad report a rtry
rcry pi.
pleaaaat and
City laal Wedomdty
Mr*. KmmaSImpton U tprodlny tba'
cbial.lmub'e. J li Jut
profluble time.
a D. Baavond baa pi
Edna faro*. Alice Sour*. Ur*trr Inr. Uote I* *1111 at bte bom* ic
-rek at Wilton with her molber. Mn.
Tbe Bnl real ttorm of tbe <
1*. Florence'Carn*. Franc**
and I.u
I. r. Kntyy*.
tbU place latt week,
lie* and Arthur Gee bare all Wen »,
■raiybody ti tnoarad in bat waara
Mia* Jeaale Lauywortby went home
iaraclariw^y tbe blyb temperebaraclarii
------- ■TrwatM/aaiaapoaalbla.
wet ■ /aat at poaalbla.
cl toon lu elart lor Cryttal,
kl..Mvnt- with tbr mratlra tbte latt perk.
> Trarenr CUc Saturday aad coald LtpecI
wbtcb preraded.
Tbabpaladd Broa. art yaUtny
make an
i iili* VVIgbii
otyei back bnareunatef the
Bow to Look Oeed
open maallny bold' bf tbe Good
kn*-*- on Jaa. ttarray'a ptaoa.
-xlr-ndte ritit>rr>blrarikUed Elk Imkaliraugr
> could bare noteboo'. Monday.
Good look* are really more Uiau
Satarday areatay.
Iba anow plow' atraek aesa dritu in Templan,
V Blgkt
Mr. Wlghtman made ui-rp. dr^ndlug rutlrely uo a hea
MlttMabrl l.iod-lcy and HnrrT MrTwo ynuny .ladle* tbeayot they
t^lradld tblay. ~
----?p»rt. aa driegaie ts Uic >Uln codllloo of all the rii.l organ*.
kUatalnUy of i
rgof wrre lutrrii-d la*l werk by ll.w
rouldroll cn Mi*t .l»lcTraeii Sttur•. M*dul Ir -------------------------' up
*l*u ln*talied tbe atw uiUccra Ibr ilrrr
1 Monday.
i-r hr loan
Inaclirc. you bate
ha. a bUion^
ay erVnIay and they were caayl.t out
Mr. and Mia, W. J. Towart at Knlif your alomai-l
i-li I.- ilteonlari-.l,
win be la Uir tlorm'aod loat ibtlr way lo try■nia !lbni7 of f>iti No.
kMkn alaitad with B. U Baaba and
tvraa .Inprpll. look: ifr.iurkid
lay bt (u.a mlla and wandered around
ribulof Nurlhporl e*kept by Mta Bella Kelly at
------------- iororar an hour, hut found tbelr way rbaagte pulpiu with
wiln • taw daya e( tbla waak.
Rct. .W H U*,
yoi .. .rapin,
qalit a larya oaDtiyameat of loe bookt
•■'"pn Sunday 1a*t.
h.iL. So.-ure gi-i
aroouotof tbr
Wbooplag rough and me
te uro<G>. and you
bi>mealla*l wilb
only a.ooldaaU
arrlrad a few dayt ayo. tbrouyb tbe ef- tail.
rm DoterTlor* w.
will turely barr g,v.d look*.
ir midal.
■ ■
•ttiileH on Suadey
foruof oar worthy aebool director.
Iinr.,.- tea good Altaraiirr
.. - _____
dT-ni .
MMoa Mowdayon aODOanlof ibaaa- “IwaidCamdl.
MiM Imnra Parm te rteltli
ibi- tioiuai-h. lirrt and
Tbc.Uureai »ucitty expect to girt the
a the bl.Hri. rorr* oiia
people a treat lo the near future l.y
tbaaiatar. wbotoaMlay
.Rct. I
Hoatlou i> atm roaUnaing plr*. bio
nd boll*, anil glrrt a
baring a del
elelgb ride and tocUl
tocUl in the
- raalml work la Ralku- aenMCcifttmatmt
I Imke AbT
1. Erery UiiUr giiarntry. Tbe
!lety h*> lu next m
- BookMBTaryplaaa^l
a-jUidae Drug M..rn* of S,
term aad »lroay yala of
leg with Mr*
Caplia next Wed
The Hill Street .chool...........
I U elaaed by
portlaud cutter
ter of
ol Slanlry 4 V.-ong.
E Wail
wled latt attnrdiy alybl aad Sunday
day aftcroooo.
ICbaaay want to Kalknika iMt
TbatrlroiUof M r* Tremtla * 11)
tbr wmt of tbt teaaaa; mulnil oonteal of buU pardat.
Tbe folliwlng »rr
W. H: Browaioa aod Bl llaru are
glad lo kuuw Ibet-ahe iiBiuwly :
la yreat drlfu aad
hr Turtle %kr I.tegr .So i
drawing their poutoce to Grawn.
F. tot t >e rnauing ye«r:
Tberr 1* quite a tcramble with Uoae
oiiu Mtba aod I lyrie Alranl arc flae ooattlny I I .week
There «
.S'oble Urand—J J*. ArmatroVg.
Uat harr
tMmt for Icy drawioy.
»u- ira>poonf.il of ifrain O v> t
tiur tlure and furna<-t wood for Hr*
Vlceliraed—R Krundage.
ofii.lil «*trr
Mix thr Grain
Cha*. U. Ilya returned from IMa
-See'y-Frank Hpolar.
biTan rgc anil add thr wau
many aa tWMty-flrt w
Per. Sre-'y—H. Ca*e
Ue »ad, laoklnyaad Jecllay well.
na 8(>yd la oa tka akik Uat.
Tree* —We, Arnnlrong.
Oaaeoountaf tbe tnow tic
ttfb MeMaa la OB tba akk Hat.
inipiwltrbrkeh l.'dgr
at lanaday there waa ao maeiley i
Soblelirand-Mr*. S. Uaoro.
Lonla mabolU la on tba alak Hat.
'rta bat tben will be la twe
Thr J C. l. -ildaullrd th-!r ..ffi t
VioeOraoi;-Mr- * b .--..a
SatottlBy ereniog at tbr: boixr of Mi
‘^Ladka'AidwUlfBaatBtd. FM-a It the road* yeu opeaad cp to tba
Flftyornttabntbal tor patatoaa te
See-y-U I. U,
aebool booae ayalaFlora neUlngrr
rinyldy Unutanda al baibtte of |»Srry—.1. ArmkUr
Thrre will be aa oytlar tapper ylren tatoaa to Orawe.
GeorgrW H-r_a'oi!i rounty come;
W. A. Ua baa ralaUraa rblllat blB
ta—Mra. M. I. Mo
under tbt maaaytmtot of tbe UdW
.nrr of' ;boul*. « a ted onr *cba
The terriblr tenw ttorm tbr :trd.
AU of Last Tree, at tbe home of F. J. liB* bli« kadrd tbr rcmdi aad wili make
TurteayArthar OrtaantM bai
Siorer, on tbe trralay of Taraday. badyolny fur tome day*.
I'h.. I. llir r»ncrI<-ocr of al]
FlaarAt rrturnrd fniiu lb*
keponet lor it* HiklU,
Fab. let Sapper aerrrs at IS caaUa
111 follow diroi'tlvH nii-atur
Ilr.l,--. .lui w.-n,
Tbe Sanday aebool oonreatlon at Uc
oooplr. IS oaeu tlaylt for Ant dlah. lo
Imprrwte wltb tbr •jtiuy
otaU for aX additional dltbra of oytlrrr
rtfurr will out locate tl..-rr *l
nil all felt well paid fur attendli
Cbkt and pire will alas be aenod |e
Srhroterr G«PP'jlBf the
W^lle Cuoprrayt - Cu.
away addition free.
Krrrybody larllad.
* next regular iiirrllog nf the W
1*1* with fine fmb
boaybt U.e elm aad l«a*wood
Hrloy yoar frUadt aloay.
I win W a Moinrr.- mr.-t,og,
eatl on* fourOi of »onU «
The K t t-iplrtor Sunday erenlng
wltb Mr* Err ll-xby Frl.l.y afirrfnurlb of aruiloB oi
Tbt Umber te te "A #tee
noon. February l All inolh«r« art coibriay cut.
Arthar llordeau of the li-wny
dUily InriW U> aiund.
tchnni *)n-ni Suaday In town.
Thr E* I'um uf thr ChrteUao KuaiKOU.MI'. FilrkanbA of Trarerae City wa>
at tbr
le tVauktrn., Friday *ad Stiurdtt. dtarsr tocIrUe* for tbt onunly will
I waak'i papar.
turtl In Mapl* nty Saturday aod Sun
— - ,i Tur».|»v, day uf Ibl* wrrk.
Fred Muff b eery alek.
T. Baah aad W. Baird aaaw.plowad kaaka patlcrday.
A abort iStelanarv
llarp. at btr proyraib will beylrra at ibri'uncrryaMrt' N
Krelatr wai
•at tba raad Taaaday. tba drat itaa U
lly laal Friday.
llooal eburoh Saturday rirnlog. FrauhMbtM plawad mUb Ub dltUkoi
waa la town aaurday.
.'1* l/Mlltof Noribporl, couuly pteay
ttra. Vim. Jlkabelta Md Mia. Pkllllpt cJahB Miller, wita aad daayhtar af
.. .. rbrre b* txptcled dent, will addrra* thr mtrtlnf
tMiBd Mra PblUlpa- parMta at Kal- Kaatoiaa are rltlUoy at Wm. brota'.
prrarh under morning.
Mra. LLkiterruttar tequlu alok
G I. I’anliar
.........................^ .
k*r of Tr*r.-r>e
klny aller
H- I'olllon of Deirolt, pplIrUo*.
J. II Mrlloeald of Start te a
ylayiiuraaiaof Fli
lierAttuetUat Ur Waukaaou aereral d*y>
lac hi* brorhar, Oaorye McIHni
Al. Tarry, wbo teadi
bar lor Jet Duluiber uf day* Unghl.
rlrad a fractere of
IMtaa milad Via. Moaralaat Plaaly. John Kebl. Mr. John Hrabary. •arallte. (Id; girla. lOJ. l>oy*. ItJ. ArFiank W1l*im l* laid np alia
booaa of Utley while a^miay yaaurlay.
.‘”''.1* rtfttim of nn .Tmrmorrer ImF
and fUurbtor IcTt ia*> rraye atUodaare. m.
Uttlipped apd fell
•aydar wmI te TranMa City
IVrdnredty fur Iwlai
Number rnrollrd lo grammar r»ini. >.«,.l, .1 u*a.-*
Iwlaed for a rmlt with
tidtwalk MaaMy eraainy.
at ibai glare.
S.-.; flflr-, *•*rr**fe attend
UUrlpp aaamt
bare yalaad
Mecllhr* will be beld erery erealny
foothold bert that
Nu'abar earalltelo AratInlermtelau
Saturwlt'^^lir tbr wli'ur. **'cb^
-jidraa are dar rxerptte.
where be baa
oooi. <11; gtrla. 7-*; bay*, tt; ottrage
You are conlU’ly Id
■Aaol elaaM btai Friday tor
.............. — bat many ef Ihr-oldThe heaytail luaw ttorat of yean
lo any or all of el tbtar meeting*. .tieodaber, IR.
bare bad aerione attack*.
Number rorollte laarooad laurmrI ban Monday a
Mil*,Celia Steel*, who ram* fs>« dteto •»». V.. ytrl*. 31: bay*. 31. ar*rheaty wl
attcBdane*. to
nluacd I.
oould not «tlur* Suaday. —-----------wing lo tbt
Ie*r tba road* of the h*..**
Number carolled la primary room.
Bar. KMdaU wlU praach a<
lertny amay of tbe road* Impaaaablt.
. .-........... _ obliged
emaio until
boy*, zi. artray* aiiead
I that the Suaday aikirm hroeybt
^ Bt Iba aebool hoaaa at l p.
(illta liodyta te •uffrrlaf from hloo
-Monday. ,
>rul*r> aay It la tbr
aoro, to.
M IbB^awM
f pupil* la order of mrrit a*
•rank Friterich. Diek Campbell.
If trip a day.
with a abcemiu thr law. and bariog .torm of tbr klad tbit wr kav*
. tbe
rryular maatbly rxDrapre* aad A. E Waierbnry . . aatenninrd1 by
Mta. Decrlaytoa. who bai baaa tick nbralded aerteee* on each heed tbe dJmJd iof^l'lVnW^^J^ban'Wa
Trarera* City weragoriteat the Porter
darn lane tlBa. la new laatlay batter. poteon wat ahaorbrd. Ilulh baadi aad
liratnmar Kuom. Elerealb Ura«r-Wedaaaday and Thurteay
Mb Mam and Fred Bbartdaa are nrmawalltd and became eery painful
Franeea Lrallr, Era Bo**. KaU Voire.
beld two ^Ul
Tht yland* under tht ararn were moeb
'Lob Ploayhaaa
I aad
•ting* Uat ^k.
One held nurw
oma* Copa rrtnroed l**t F'rlday “ • Affolter.
twollaaaad Ibrcalea to tnppurale Hat
:<radr—lattir Nrlaan. Ktlvl
r riniiay 4o ei lertain n Depni;
bte trip lo JaektoariljF. Mte* lie.
kt tbte Ume he teem* to be doing well,
Lb good• yuaapaete ef reeorery.
• Snlnrda: eayoyed bte trip yrrallr and aeem* l«
iMalenHUlan 1 1- aad rareyood
rrry much pleaeed w'ltb tbe rouatiy
of a few energetic membera
of tbe teat- I'inat. were made lo yire
ThaBarmamw atorai of Satnr^y
an oj *ur topper on tbe fint mertiaf
B^th Urtee—Ro*^l^;p(fm'*^'
lattkbareadalB IhB riolnlly impan____ John tiartbe, All_______
io February, to wbieb tbe L. O. T. m! erening for a >o1ly good rime.
aUaaU day dnada*.
No ebareb here to
BeSerratb Urade—FllreaU Tbomaa. Ti|.
• -ited.
•---■ -aenU war* terrad to tbem at the
Lawyer Om a^ Mr. Unywortby
Ur rrimaau. Belle Iwrkle. Albert Joba
*(TnT«mQty called at Ibli place oa
e HoaaeaUco clock, after which ' Firat lalermtelateRcwm.ritxlhUraAe
aad Jaetai Knapp ai workteg
they Tctnrate borne. They were MMr*. -K.rl W'mua. Mary
Ourdy-i mUi.
y Uarlbe, Boberl
ban. D. Oegaon. M. Uagaon. L Cemp- Budd. Llbbie'lottaff.
Mtaa Bdaa Helm apaat
Myron and Dan Taylor
- aawlny
bell aad Mime* Belle Wlltoa. VirginU
bamaa^^taeUyorar :
loyt for Cbaa. UamU.
Fifth Grad*.—Rora
U# or oommoa ylaa* with Uagaoa. Jeaaie John and Gertie V
MtemEUaaad IdaTayl
■ aaa
HatUer. taking vine aad let it eland tweniy-fonr
laaie lca>ont,ot Mr. CbaM.
ipachhoeroi aie.
li^ indicate
______ Garth*.
urib aradr.—Laera
teeya road* were
Mim. Cnaa.> Barralt eallad on Mn.
Vanaattir. Pearl
ttiiin ori^»t»i'm lUM it te Geo. Tbylor Uat Wadamday.
-TP alatoal
aloKa im|>**mblr
Mta Mayna Gerdan of Oadar City
did aot deter £er. UadUl
A heavy atorm of wiad and enow proSecond letcrmedlale TblrM Grade,—
Milad cn Monday on bar way bena
or pain in tbe tack,
be baring arranged
Gertrude Baarimau. lirorer Weidrr. bmt Batplra. wbare abe wai aaow taite at pratmit la tkte ridaity.
peoof that tba ktdm
loribst to occupy •
Henry Ealaueloaad a aaecerof ul
laa. Anna Kelaoe. Royal BIgalow.
! oct of oeder.
lb* Cong'l ebnreb, nJlb
Secood Uradr.-Guorge .Velaoe. Bern
^cmllaj^ Bitaacdtetrlet
_____________ a waa takM taoa
obliged to taoe the aton
atorm lor *eBadd.
Fhilomen Hoorteaao. M<
■tUan BDI from Maple City wba
mile* io order (o do aa
Tbere te comfort in tbe kncnrUdyc .
John HaUu b the pameeaor of a fine
waa bekny VmledI by Drk. Pi
often ezpreaaed. tbnl Dr. KilBer-*
Tbe principal qeeetio* under dhraaFTrat Grada—Xer* Pi may*. EAal
Mw klmballcttan. aa to alaa Qeorya -wamp Hoot, tbe grrot' "
aad.ba b rm nioeb i>
aiooatlbe prrarnt time io our rilUge
filaoo. Jaaper Voice, Moryaa■ Suei
_t at tbla alaoa Tayter.
• - ■
te whether ur not we are to
hat* a nilPriamry Room Ctem I"
Frank Hatchett ha* bean aad te, to tbe.back, kidaeyu. liter, bladder and
d Mr. DrambrUI to
■ a the near fotar
.l•*eBa. Rex Weaiea. NcIIla Lotemd
creiy part of tbe erinary p
>n baa been agiia
aiffote Gteraea
Uote ia heap
correcU Inabmiy to bold
pa*t aix or eight
OomUj^ud* l^iyuard, Ole Lortbiyyattm
alUl witboul the
badafw railroad. NrrMacde
wlac or cnbelci* we wUh tbe
aod hope tbe agitatar*
dtr of belcy compelled to yet i
Onah te paU ter tbtaa aa roon aa
fnlat hearted nor dteeoarage,
He. Box bat baac improHag tbe f
Buyea* S------------------- ---------- ,
timea duriBy tbe alyht lo nrh
la aMlad, wbteb te onoa w twice Antdaye peat by taking pataloe*
Tbe Ladle*- Aid aoclely
We now bar* a Tall aebool after the !
~>emUdaBd the eztrai '
tbe market. Tbe preealUny prlro b
- Tburaday
Itb Mra't
of Swamp Boot tel
^^an^electte t^ followiag oOeen
Wa ayraa »ltk Famna Freemaa't
ad* the bigbest for iu wondeefal
lame M tba ^nai-c In raymrd to Ulan
looblny foraeaed to tbe eiybtb
eiybtb yrate J
yttaa at Mra
of U>e meat dtelret^ mam. If
Imka maktny a Aaa haiVm.
to abuia a dl.
inday teealag at yon need a madletne yon a^ld bare
which about tarty ----------aeople
S*c'y—Mra Jamra (chi'
yle^timata effort
Trcaal—Mra Cbaa Braman.
■me to the
-etea* eo Fek^*i
keMThoro‘ Mn. Cbaa. Barecu mad
o* ofB. r.:
■M Btaaau. MmBareS bte farm and baal itdowa to HarraU. OaritM Kaapp and IdT ^e.
erald aad aead yoar addiw to
etemlmha Mr. FleaytoM baa cdta , tor wart eteltcee aitbe aewaa of Ht^
lame A Oa. IMbyhamtrai. B. T.
cr DxLosa,
aaMMaymMandtaama W wiwiftrjBaleH-i Ant UboM la Iba Maeblay
>Uaa. ItM FHAay.
At the Enterprise Groc^ly:
.. 1.00
We Also Baie lilt Crocis, Cbanis aod Dasbeis.
’HT' ;:S5“ 'Sl’f
H.y. Feed, Bral^fed Oat. .iXowe.t
238 Front Street.
Odds and Ends
in all of our Departments.
t-rniy mi.uir.
We havejust completed taking inventory
I up. land we found lo our regret a mammoth lot of
''•itelRemnants of all descriptiOBsiu our Dry Goods
i‘"wT 7u‘rVf«’; department; small quantities f f different lots
1- cream *nd
Qur NoUon department; odd sizes In our
Clothing department; odd kinds and sizes in
our 8>ioe department.
These are tbe results of our mammoth
business last fall, but we cannot consider such
merchandise worth 100 cents on the dollar.
They are odds and ends and bad property at
OWDUI OF FUHUCATION Of. .w tUeir 1)681. heucB we let them loose at a speedy
60 Cents on the Dollar
* *
closing out our Cloaks very raptbe reduced prices wo marked them
down at on January 1st.
Call for genulpe bargains on your money
The Boston Store,
TrsTsrse CHjr, Klch.
I Are
You Missing
‘ Sis.'"
Sr. '““.■s.M'sifts;'
The Great Bankrupt Sale al The Fair, where all goo^H are sold for
60c on the Dollar P This sale has attracted more attention than one
would ever imagine. From the moment the doors were open, giving people
thv advantage of bM)ing goods almost at their own price, the store has
literally jMcked with bargain hunters, and from the manner in which tbe,
goods are gfiing it is evident there are bargains to l>e found. We ntill have
a g.i'id assortment of all goods, and as they are going fast, invite yon^l to
come early and have your choice of a complete stock.
CA/fPS-TS. '
caty TiiaiiBctipt, OonscJidate^ Jaimarv S7.1S88
Mist tirbasas raoB. ThfOa
8tat«sMad<4lbebead <d *a tt
Bait*Bfai lWllawM«.}io«
CM at a UiK fan.il7. aadUet
mid M d*a .Unt aar flt the adraiitagai vhicL oar tana tnraaow raiojBuka ' ‘--I--*-- - T- Ininniillilag
eorUoadL aad benalted tbat UmI
fcit laara ell b* eoald. Sc ererj add
paB^bemld eara baepeailijr'
and «t Bp aiebtk' l« atady then._____
«Oe haikald. "He artce baeiicblat
QD matt," vbirb. i^rbapa, ii the
rcaMO (hal be kuneeded to w*U
ta tfae end. Qi> rrea were alwaT* opes.
»d be waa alwiTk ready to tara bia obrraUasa ta (ood acnoast.
taaUia laepind aoJ Mablieind tbs
Jssle, (be
ta-t aaa-
ud tdk’SiinBkkre oat aakiac «
IB BDd the kUB khiBM brlrlil- Te
ar Ik bearlBC the foorti reader ae«
1 hoM 70a oil! like Ihii letter
irood hye.
Frau jonr trieod
Be foaaded tbe PbOadelpUa litoaiy,
pweet of a UH-craod llbearta. which
Barked IV lesimoix uf as isteticclatl
ttoteadbwk p>ud totba «bc
Bed to cT«i a<
TnretM or, awi
Dcab EorToic—TbU f
Ubm 1 bare written to Ibe I
o aebool.
Cijaler. i am In tba third crade. |
All Of bar aobool dabbed toretber and :
cot ber-a booh tors CbrtklaiaM<meuL 1
We bad a Udder trimmed la rrrr.|
Creeaa for a Cbriitsak tree.
I hare .
brmkUtehinir baadkerrhUfk for
Cbrlklmak prearau. Hy ancle, laui.
■ iVl’e-i.im*?br.
and eoaalB are comlnc aphbre to kprad
tbe balfdatk with »
I bar* a bird !
Dsaa Embok—1 Utooebl
a baa a bell in hU .-ifre (
wnia scats •tsee I ba*\ twit writlea
iploUand rintr IL
tor a le^ Ubm.
ChrtaUtai we are col»* to taee two
flhrtaBaatTMa la oar asbool bonae.
I.klkt e—1 uin.
Use sad
• oAj.Jia. iikS
i toarlb
Mk>. Bam:—ThU
the first,
raadcr.' I west to Traeene City Ub
W'oeC teaatea.
lime I eeer wrote to ibe llr.Kxi.
Iml-M'ioo, -Al-ivr •• "jioldle™
fall Wfoew there waa onch saow; pa
pete 1 bareaoavaed a beo. My tiudlr> ' ar~>clh]„r>
at the kSiue Uhle to-'
sad 1 weal sal sad kUyad all oiebt
arereadlac. apellloy. arilbrort.c, l.U-, C«l-r'
tNlb fiaadaa sad rraiidiaa.
Mfwurr. Topld
My mamma 1. o>j-j
Afeia years.
____ |_\WL.>iVaa tory aad wriUocl.»to A Hirr in Kuroiv
teacher. I seeer went to atiy other
Trarereenir.ilirk.Dee.tT, Iftr.
teacher bat her.
H laee O.t. in pnol: A ...»-ieii
Daaa «»«. B*™—I baeewriltea to
will write apaln.
I hare a di.il. her j i*'*'
A <i>the HaaaLS Iwlee before.
Hy akatar ame la Belle aad I lore ber rcry moeb.
lu. ac:_a CwIimbI Baicm .
and brotoar are wrUlac too. Hy aiater Mr letter iJ. cettlnc long but 1 don't
' '.hiSi
- A |,
ata bratber sad I all r<>‘to acbaol noet
fapa died
enrery day I hsee a little brotber that three yearn ayo.
I har.-n't an
doaa sol CO to aeboal. I bare oaly two togel me a'ay (.’hrUlmai, picM-n'
'Txa nwKladnl Ituit they were a.
X i\ uhlrlr.! »!■ Iium uur .eii '
. audlak! they ar« aeeoad reader aad 1 can wskb and wipe dinhea aad
.Um^pyli I liHUuiniaUc
aUc prO|>^
tbe Boor and card wool.
I wi;
Bandbaa. There are forty .flee child- with my name sad loie.
redan pbllon
TOO la aebool today.
I will eloae by
al tS. SI. 7. S
tolllai ay aarfs asd ace which U
i-n. I b. ?7. ns—r>. .t], Cl.waaaSone I'lnjecBpl
aicbt yeaiB. v
Voar Utile Mead.
Drab Ruitob-I ihouchl 1 wu.iU PomO lu Ir-tl>f. 1...] of Ihertaiw.
rrrite tolbe Hanm.i,
Igot- --hwu) .."Jr.""'
erery day.
I slody third reader and 1/'^^''trilv-l*
baaa Mta-Bane-1 hare notwrii spelling. 1 recite nomberk. oral physi idiinliii: hnml ilmt i.iaita -ilf (IwtK.inw
tea to tbe fisBaU) yooac folks alac ology and Orel gcogrephy.
The sun i» . *"h an S'-rnrwy Do watch can orrr
test winter and so 1 iboncht 1 woal
ahlnlog reiy bright u>.diy. There...^
nil,..- nl,l..-t.-eh.i,«o. i.ui -•the
-.1;- m
M. A
trritohadwUbyoo-a Merry Oirikimaa
elgbterii Ccbolars Inscbnoi
J|,.i<s.ht.« 'amlntal^
aad Happy Mew Year.
1 a
it comieg.
We am golnc to hare
re a IhHt
IbHt p!h,y~*.,k.p:h.m-urai-ly
Braek'’a a*aau> that MIbbU Ouiacar Chriitmaitreealoiir school hooke for msj-«l-.lui.-ly d.n«-ml up.m ll.ni.,,
wsBUd to kbod what (Jaeen VtctorU k 0,.IV,
... .,..1;
aaraaiMM. WaU.lthlBklca
pUeeeaadalBCkoiiek. Santo f.sus will
a^TT;* H. It U Osclpb and she U a deaeead- brlAg tbktrve follof preaenu to the' In.'.>.'ci. t-j
Mt of tba Baaorer Uae
Well. 1 ran- caodglrikaad boys.
XVe bam a rrry '
Tito t. holoof Ofll.iicrrU a snIuhISqs
bM tblek of aoy more, so food bye.
hlbd icacber at oar aebool: her name Is.
u aca.-aMAra Mamet.
MlnaCordla/lmmBrman. Uvod bye.
..f .srlrm* comiten )
Your liltTr friend.
aokta Arm. Di
he ..-Ilk hi. kimn. I ardently
II imj hl> del,A
toritc to wSbsaUi aa I bare e
n/dLlMB luftlH. sard,-.. thU
DoMcr-dthr lrl> luulUu.s.11.,^
vritM I
Iwrotetotbe Hkkaij. 1 ibongla ;
old write todty It it reicioc and | <
now U about r»n«- 1 Ru to sch.ol ■ cann
aad am in the foartb grade My lef-h- ^^
er-a atm is MU. Johnsw,.
1 went to '
Rmplm to the 4'ourth of July and to
the Old SetOera- picnic the iMrd oj
Ancanlaad bad a alee ride ua tbe lug
Allea Day anrandtilrn lake.bat 1 ibiak.
tba beslda.r one that I Went Oshiog
dowa to (ilea Arbor.
1 muebt a eooa
e of my trepe this (all In our rurn
Tkw>wra*air, Mlcb.. IM*. tk.
field. My brother and 1 bares colt
Deas Bwtds-1 Iboaght I wosld
namar Med (or a pet.
It intends to
write agsla to tba UcsaLO.
bimk him this winter.
1 wUI be i:
■taool every day.
Hy tearber*a
yeara old In March.
I will clone (or
MMtaCot^ Hike ber Teiy anch for
this lima Vonra rcapeclfally;
tea it vary good to ss.- I aa la tbe
FRAVk DrKniuu'.R.
We bed a CbrUlaar boi
Briday sftoraota sod wa bad tou of
-tea., I hops the anew' will lUy aa
SB Hn. Katbs-I bare been Uilnkfibrfstaas ao that wr esB barn a klelgb tag of Writinc to tbe Urrai k. Hy tia.fida.
My BBcIe and aanl and r
ter Lotto b. wrJilDg Bp I will try lo".
are eomlog from (Irssd Bspld* b
tbOBCblean't wiiwrerywsll yc
11 Agmtlaman L.,ughi te bottla. of a (Ins
Iw bid s...as d-ul*. .d
.dvtag tbe bolidajA
1 aa nukisr go to a^ihool reery diy whea I can. ous.
.storiteaobadBomrl.meaI can't f"- ■« wins lu ihe rs-lloMa aaquore w. iT.ni
ten la lb
For peto I bare a cat. 81
htawk ooe BaglUh word, sod that
1. My.
dta am raadiag. spell
•. wrllii
sritbrnoUe aad history. I
1 like my
■sale bast of all. Hybaaday' sebool
. tesebec'sBbaeMHn. MdNally.. 1 will
taar with a riddle. A aaa
klUsB-lyatweatafoot. Agacyraia.
■Rva Tbo.
I'e live qaite.a long ways from the tbe totth. wanld
eoiini Mae ..ri wu-h „d,
•aid eoiinl
aa well aaa
MiakCaribe. Hike bee eery mu.sb: 11
Utc right ii tbe llgfatbouks.
Wc see a j
grtet-man: '
lA domeaesTery pret'l tbnl were ^fi an that tb
i.ie Walter, nloe tech way Th., nei
DBAS SpnoB—l sa going tow
dlstta to tba BtaALO.
I bars
:wriuea before.
We ate geiag
sta wbaa we get there I will write a
lease losg latter toyoa
ikssw bow It U.
1 tblak
. wssld like to reed it.
I will let yon
h>ow bow muy tbiagk grow there. I
bare two psta: osa It e baby brutbcjc:
bMasawia Hadley: tba other pel Ua
cbt sad bit ssme la BraUer.
Whoa I
gotofesahlmbe wrtUaltsp.
1 wUI elqae for tbU time.
Good brs.
__________ KuaCaxls.
I'lS: IT
y. Qrmbtm, i. » ry
r/ pretty
pmlty 1 think.
th.us. Kbe
on* :.
, o,
““ “
that Ih.-y kgaln
ran tabor.- im the UUnd in a eery bad • couni..l ntoe cs.-h w
l!.-.,.-en went so
.torm aboat three weeks ago. ^(arasto uke fonr
lw«iUs o
only a Utile
llule way fmm
from the Ughlhoase.third
Ughihoase.third night and sueo-wfully trstraug.-d
is to.tell. iso good bye.
Es*-. Bar.
IS. iw;.
Deas Sibtxb—I - thought I akoiild
write to yoa to let you kauw bow 1 am
tea basic*, a-rk. i>.^ ipr.
ItKAsMaa. Banac—i asw so many
letton la tbe "Voasg Falk-i Depart■sal'’ test 1 tbosght I rrosld write
Me to. 1 started to rrrite ese saae
.bstorsbatldldBOtaendUi MysBcle
tekte tba BtJui.p and 1 like to read It-
im well and hope to find you the
os 1 go to aebool ercey day. 1 llke_
togo to school eery well. My U-aebrr's’
U Mite Hlpnle CPUrtode.
1 like
-erv mueb.
I am la tne third
I study readieg. spelling.
arH|.mellc and tooguage. We are pr»Ucing pieces (elA'tarislatas aad eiptei
tobaTeuTcry Aicelltne.
We bare c7
teboiara 1b oar school.
I bVe to read
title letten in the (lAa>u>. so 1
thought I would write ooe w help ill
oarpage. We bare an oldest which
baa tbraa kitteoa. 1 gueaa abe tbongbt
was too maay u huei ailce for.
se carried two of them down to
|ny nacla'a, botabs krpf.be preiUssl
at borne, aad be had to bring them
ittordark. Aal can't think ufasy
teiag more I wUi elnse.
tbvteyon triead.
u year*.
ObaB Hu. Batu.:-I
I am ta Ibe eUlta grade.
My etodta
t raadiag. ariametle.. gaography.. telBkiag of wrivkid to tea HeIui.p.
STteMaprillng. la-teuyaar; ffoberegora. 11'i.r o. Scute Madlto.:
“*7 “ **“
naaa Rorroa:—Ta-doy la oar letter
Bay. aad ow teaobtr toM aa to write IP
tea BBaaiJs t havaa't wrlltoa Mace
'------- --- V.
uamten. Dangs cko«wmifs: t. Joaab 1
pbyalohcr0 tJ
the.nI kklbcweliecL
Thsl ibt b W'cD ta-dsy m 1
Un. tavea’i truuLkfcguamiteAaci^
•^^mr new
In dcacribiac llwm Mn. Bow-a siM i
“fst (Ighum vcAw I tuBertd with
mroAkncks prculur to my tea.
”1 WAS A broken dewn psu< o< Wlab.
ity: A khiJow ola wtruan.
“Ml beiin w-W tor««d eniO ! could rrmembw but kitk. 1 couM not kfeey 0. ml
aodm-is mdured in wtighT las rwmkcV.
Ion. VhAt 1,'iic I did cat ceaU not hr dif«^d in m* weakened suie. end
I Inwhi snt aoI '
wm » -
Lie when drAtt.
seoms to
IWAT tbi* out. fcB thus, who base Ion
tee art of walkuig take many wu-k* to
reacquire cosSd. ace. a
wM t.icyele
teud.tit* learn in t few days
A II must to
rtm.eabcred. bowerer, tea:
• •-*' --rsrsS >s
■ Dr.V.ttonrfPl-'; Filk far P-’' Proffc i*'!
<t t kpredm far All l.vnu o( w.iknea. , The hfaod
vltAlijei *.ndhecomekpreg.
luni WPS tv ckmrni. cd Ue. The
- '•rw-... us..'* *14. .'.i.*v..s steti
dtupprAsv Ss remAikoblc have tvrr. :lw ----- ■ •<>*'<* •’>>•0 is
rssr smOrS ins
eur-s prrfcwBrd by tbew L.lV ydb Itol ' . .. ‘
Ihm Im bos .ptCAd
dw Iai enA id '. - - —
... ••.. awSwvSm
drug .:ow la br D>. TuIiAnu' Pmk KIb ]
Um, I tih day ut April, a. t>. laao.
.ms *sj... ss asm
ui>l:raliby a roav-'l InisiTtus.
Whai can tie done with
siecays; V ‘.i
Msi.dar. r.'teuAty 14. I
' irrmrulB'.i.m and d.cae tijj:,.iLal D,. n..srr ,*:.w.u. are ervf"
r.. B,«tmsts.
Fmk t .IP wtC one hr*.-
Tfa-uias Ma.'k. w.te uf an .A
>eal..l diair.len..
In order u, a.ai
-1 wrening-j then, to myiewodu And I ! • • -
p:-. rrr.
“Ml kkm WAS moddy. my rve> wmt
heAVT. IwAi-*i.-y All im time And totiBv unfit far even ordoury bouwworL
“ Ifanori prewnbed (or me withosi A* il
Medminr w-a. sr.-ummended and tikeo in '
fisutny but 11 dd Ro gocri.*
“TtaetodtimeAgusl was aMte brink
ivrs.li .irltillgoi. Iirrh.ad
"Tcssifrjftci-Ts, r.rrrjS'-™®--
du'^S^ kj™t hryaod
s the Alxinsi’ti of pokwiet al '
■Ir. It l.elje. to turn tbe fowl ,
ati.- ini., hraWhIu. .. rur.sl. 1
ua.-h for.'
lif-i Tss.
>by aa
FsWusry a*. lOBB.
T ry .11
r things w
otber thre
£r,“=:-;:,£“S3'=‘ *
ihsWao.l I
ig troi.l.ir.
t IW
Psiordsy. to. fi-cmd^sl 0. April.. A
Aisi“"t,* Al
•Ten lu us in *1 screrr |.,r
ratlingly .u.-<l^^b) ^Isaaui
W bst Do lbs Cblldraa Dnnar
ly I'har-.-s .s.r.u;., . >.,BS a a
s ut Ilearbiirn M . fl^cago
Try ataln.«: Try Oealn-OI
1..' FTiday tli. *to dsy Uf Martiu A. D. 1
For Infanti mod Cbildreb.
Ui- Eiuniaatim of letclitrs.
: tbPuld I
I WAlkiug, (« a h-*,p. w
I tea blcrrle pniictplo ol
r SXTL, JS'TC “*»*«!i tne same diaeaoe. teey asid 1 must die.
aa heirditory Cancer was iacmbic.
••AT^iTJn.“T«a;^d^ totry
E.S.S..a»dina.borl while ttacSS
‘ gaa i®
to discharge aad coBtiaacd to do
for ten
three moaths. thru H bqfia to
Jo for
al. IroatiDBedtbemrdiciBeawfailc
Ioam»ti1 tbeCaarer disappramj ea”•
- It w-utSe tew gllinpse d the sun of hip. I
tng re ynst sfu-r a fit uf aag*r simply
iwulii lu tbs dsporiung of a
undigest.-d (v.Hl in the rtoma-b. ’ lu
preacun- Ibtver.aouou iLe uem-nisjstcau and repeats the enl
which U
mlginated. This is ib* eyplAnatloo of
tbo meager, ^f storr-d apisannoe of
must constitutionally
>g. tbe balance, tbe ctecring bj
aning. and tbe alicmaie moTcmnit ed
« feet bring
aUy inbcnl a .-crtaia atuomii of atuliry
to walk,
> type, aod after e....................
- while w.- nuiU'W TMtwTe de» baasting tbeir cSons veioped a bcrvditarr bicycling tnsUncL
witeoot doing me yee. la apt
any good, teey gave Ampler teal it woold ptubahly be tec
■ate. I wUI dtta by giving ■yBame.''»»P»rIflri not tbe rmr. .v„
aag a—
[aroond. I hare a sister; ber name a dacU
Mabel R. Watt
IJasalo.aba la arveci year* old.
Wei *>'« Mfi—Doabts Acnaale: l.Mste B
it Mite Uar^.
— h.
IBK terribly
, aad was so
My tees Aw )oa will asrer knew
My mow. sur ksi my ska-uaa
Tls l.kT year sit and Imaly. te
My waeca 7wiUay« to
w tat tbs Ttm of thU monte I
‘a ^ain Hlebigaa.
Hy papa s
.\d 1
wtUWtlcTaa. My itaeber'a naiae it Btektant- light kaaper. My mamma's > «•"
HtalMla Owes.
I liks ber yery Wolbar. sncle Tboa. Areoatrong, u L"!*'
Diacaoa] liiKsacd rifitat aaitlFi . _
to bare a ktaading <imirtp| wbes tbrv
pat uei.-ther on paiiiT. TbeimnRhtj;
pKialii an- alwnTr <a»Tisc duub
Itbe n.-tllsile <f III- ujiriplil
and apiare rrwnon.
If nor want. t.. arc ibik lattlr racing
Demlr, Ul him cdraw t'vn nUuQg tig-,
wee alr.ul%nvai
torVirii i
.ti,,. ......... ...is i..................... ..
' i--*'
Fink Fdh hr PaIc Peepk aad whS
Aecomttebed fa, etem . -nr j-'r; itl.rsJfSTUj
ofDawson. Ca.,
0! the Face.
lurlw sss lot su at te.
ri*s SIS Loltoof bajosse
Tbs nuniber-of ktten amtalbMl
-Icrs ibat tbe gams
umjnrily of moo- gnrea tluat (lie hnoie t* loocer
rw..oiid. under tba torn ab„ri-t ihau i. ibe caw,'
tbe boiM.' Iius a snuU dune aud nmnr
mice arli-ai^ed »-iud,ms. tb- IS..-U .a rrry large d»»
Ih s ctwoahul. tod prrbaia no w iii,|-,ws at all.
- und.mUcdly
lu a
..vu fauiilUr ulj,rt< look
Ik pli,}.-a vrtih larger than ib- e .«gl,i be*wose
tbi-f.-ct. -Uf coorwr tbcT.-lkOOgnal P'T
any Urt'c 10 sjwak of, tb" ol.j«V cJ iy CPU).-* fi i distouce u
ca^ auluisl l».uig to k.f p tbo ball to
fatnucU aaniurb a.poiljA
8UU, the cmp-iiiico to got tbe ball
Bakes It rosomble a ro.il g;.i„o of "foots." and Uiu d.'ii.iiiT eabiUied by
Jobs L Hrat«l
tbeae peculiar amsuiin i> curprlaing
and wonderful.
In an cwl moment mtur amb^lloci
Boyt and girU. Laei-yon
tnciukcy mayiUec to pUy the Rtighy ! hoye a W temper' affert* e,
‘ came by coau lung u], lb.-twU andmsk-1 lion? la ibe 1'irsi pU.s il,.:
lu: ipr. S.SCV nl
Lg off. Lit Ihe goim- iJi.-u d.-reloM
rel0[B *< blood in the .wt.illari.s f Uit-luniBcb
i» ibe 'ik abaulai.ly Or..
I End l€njp<t
ndk to .a dVf)*>sitiou cd
1* made of a r. feme;—.
- .............................................
— ------------------ -an. and ilii* mskus tbe
^ uuu aUait. like a wue aud stoiuact^nnaOlc to p--rfunii Us (nnctimis
protldent Biuokey, be 1* [nolethly np a ! properly, r
I ceou tn'lhe
i.-sl Tben.
again, auger bas a powerfut .dtet ta.
Or. Waiuwa. ngh
The bee lire
■ k«tlng up m n-ou* imtnn .ii. and uerv: iy a Mdy busy in.*.'l 1 *)S»c td rec
k irritotino again gr.^Hy biuders.
atlarik lua
. liararlfT- ^ A , jnd s-nuelliii.-s exeu stojw the seerrUaB
j,» ^oiaiueKT.
Ilsil, sJoUAh
Hark sl,stpvcrs.T col K.Is
J- f olJmtgogrr.
Victor nstih,) sun lerL
Dym w.wd UgbL
A aaUtei td |pUk trelcba
prc*n«e.l br
wot ttnl.bt.d
........................ .-.m h-amheedga
1. rurt.nllaeolorand
- An'ogeatandla
--------- s
-s. ................ ..
' '
1. Ta lodge In ' e gijnind andleara.
tarOBghoot tbe t
A awatew toAd Aar atffertd
years, B*td Aar
ApfjB dsrYrf after a life <’/ murrv aaJ litvt a^aim tm tie
ZMKsinte of' kafpintis, ifeakt to oiier uvavu m tvJrdt
»fnaametrtainmeama£. e-
■ a^-s..-
(Peo;Uc u( IO0...1
t. IsollV'" ■*•
t Jiy(^u..,<i.
He fonwk-d (be American rbilnwipbtal kocit-ty. tbe (ln,7 orennitaiita in
AIUCTICS -It lliv fri- ude uf ki ii ijcr.
attOBn-.! voruen, au,! larail.-l tldna
•d the tta uf rainrtal mo*
opr-t„lnir.idn,-.d thi* ImUci willow, draw ID (h,- right Laud figure a si
promoted lU .arl.' ciilinrv -d rilk aad ■Imiuf sharji .-lughw jrtulmg upward
pointed oat tim iidVibtat.-ea of WbllS and in the left bend bi^ut.- awns iliuilaranglmpoinUngdown. Ncwthrlig.
clotbiac 10 n>um.t.’
Ho mcs»nr>-,l. tpi- (.raperararr of tbe urmito loUK,-rloukuf tbe auv*-nhape.
Cdf kcreaiu uud dii>n,\.nil iluii umth- 1-bo one at the right m^-at Urg.r at tUea*t ftoruie mar U-kui In tboroulbw ■«(. lop. the ODo al Ihu left t-vnis larger at
' - ’
cm ihr advamoge of the bottom, which ahowi
baUdion klii|. in wui,r iiitbt enmpart- aud anglea. like dogt and
iVk ud:it.£ .U.bi!,t fr-m tbcCbineaa. known by tbe eomtany tb.-j
dm uriied IIIAporewnodi-rfiil Bcblerpmeet etill
i* to mako a stmiglit liu- app.«r cruukwavA
led largely u< riCTenUcB) frooi ed It .-40 U duno in a lari. ty
(g wbicLiiiieof the aimpli-sl U shown
:i lilowr
soluuiaad states.
is Fig. a The siruigbt line can Udrawn aaearcfB!!ya..o.,iaeAww. Tbts
and dnw dikyuml lis^ aauttb.-ruL
in making nuii diaghey UhrwWk'ptar tawan. bet »•! Ae- Tbo a
•oidlec to Rnfr.
anal juft a
longer at the top and
torn Ilian the latt imv.
Trevi l-r* UkSinth AiiirriiAbavo not •bewu-r at 0
ed (be furl ibai wbi-rr oionkrrK r<iut.-n>- Lnokiug at the c.ituplcV'd figora the
gatc ill brp- unm'-r- Ihry al.« iixinlgc top aud brtti'ui »r*m rtraight. the mid
In gaiiiii, of 1, r.rnin hiud. Two of dle line erookrd. Cot hold tbo paper
r-.-cm to reornihle crick, t CdgsrNiic aud ‘ s-tuini’' along Ibe hiws.
Abal 'Mow (be middle line I. st:
end fodli
the^ trppm and
i« of a iviiiiiilre cidar.
The ei
About u dr
luuukeys stain] In a cir- edge#
lu Irutb. W<- can ii. e.r Judge Utrt* qr
r Ik akiu in tbe .-imUn
fdca i.f n <people aiart IriPW tii, ir suT
The rlsiug full ukkki mv-e
frcto .Uflcr.ni <<>
|,,J. al<ml 16 yard, apart, facing, large a* It a ill iw.. Lours Ui
[iii^r. The iinaikcyat tlio kuulbeni
end uf the rir.].-Lata conodiBt in bU
. namll
slid.-lio i, the Uiwlcr.
Tbo nioiikiy at tlic other cod doer not, Urgtv than .u.- ailb a few Urge truta.
ai yuu RMLilii
i>r*,. wli'icl a full raiw espocinlly if intl.c first-insioun) tbe
UL Jii- hOkii). e- i, 1,1 doilgr tb.- eoeot- edge ii made t.it IrwgnUs* by planunut whlvli tlM- l.,x.Ur niiuk at hU h.ad. Don* of abrul-.
If Mj.. wbo M not ad to erniptry lift
rucNi at Ibe l.-iicUi of 1
. f^l |j‘lcb.*l aud frungbrvtibdire
ban. hu ts pn-liy apt U
Ilk if It "tnoi.iivk the kpot." Wb>a
jesbappen to li ueb the «i»«—tlial
ur |url (,f tbi- mnoki-y's body—that
muiikiy t* v>7T iuu< h „□'( and doutn'l
stop todi-pui
ic quck
;.-k bU
.... ■.... r'rs'j:-;;rr,*ti
Ml yean oU. I pete Isoiu bai.told all
DkaB Einroa:—1 tbongbt I wscld
enrfto to Ibe HUUI.II. I co to ecWml
St Ksrtb UsKy> *tody In the third
tesdtr. Sbd tpelUsgsBd teciu Id oral
psw^en. phyalolagy sad orsi geog
nphy. Tbe snow b aelUw today
We bare rety aorb fun st eehool, i
lore to go to et^ool. We sre goiagto
bsrd two Cbriatmee troee at oar eehool
beneei we are golsg to apeak 'pieces
bad els| wags.
It taskbeen so stormy
Oat 1 eoold aolgo to aebool fonr.daya.
tlwur dote foe this time.
Voar feUnd,
Jaat: l*.trKA
ini.-itic. lOTikp
:li-hed-Kwi Ei,-bard.
Ir wiwIotB <d (odi abape
iiiited* of ihunandi of readers
wvro uuuh- tiLiier and «ruaKa by it.
-He CTcalwl tbe prwloflire rriiteai ed
Adorriis Bod waa’lhe dm obaupioa «t
srefennkd kpcllinf:.
Hr lutantrd the Krauklin «cre. which
,l»A tnel.asd be «u£c..i«l tsIo.
.iiproTtsuoiu in vcniiUriao. and
the bnildii.it of oblmoryaHe robUd thoadcr of it
licbcmufi of eoiaa ct in power to de-
ta tad* I;* way to tbe Uaadca Diaifeee.
It waa baic OTppoaed ibai k*M coldad tbe «** dinct tnaa tba tawen.
t>CFW U i* kCBwa that U tbry are kept
a aud tad os aafar -w>^j tb<y
The Weakness
of a Woman,
--- OR—
Osi*s«-'~ ‘l sssessH ArsBrwMA*
s.t,-l-W....d,<*'te~~ ttessuUssse1t*tsto. te><~ns«'se>-to
PlrsirrsAresii si isc a
«mte r
A gnrt. prwb. omneal f-rkatbrvl.
e*"*'"** by m.Iriog togrtecT 100 para
P»to pereba. 100 foru arpbalt ur pitch
sod I u parta ml td taapeauua. Il U to
be n*rd bnt
KUsiir gutu pfr^ eeoeeL TopartaT
If fur Bung wdes to sL teu which fom
oo»«ark In Ming, cm arreua. t/ia
;A Real Blood Remedy. S;;4"n;“to!i7■^itiX'te,^ 1« i
Biiiterssfl«:K)floike £5H=S=5
wsess Is. U-Tsn A*,wrt Su.
iSu^Cfa^faa M
_-S vKSrcSaSK
maBCBaycnt'eCaacer.SeiofnU.Eci«nte, «wd before using tbi* cemenL in
RbroButitmoraByoeberdtaateoftta to Itenrugrtoter daralkllry By a
bjood. Send lor oar books ta bens eetont a baodamap at
oa CaaCBT aad
Bleod Jhstaicm Bloa ia iBBaemd to tb. tsaAtew
■rr-r.-'rsrjr*« “
IkM* k
mt Ihi
Mf B.by
obi K> •»!
Airi afcl Ik* Mk*M. rmj mr.
lyng bM«b fw«* n n>7 anv b
tombU or (Mfroir «H* aMH a
Tbb Wby
t hsU lh*toU*riK>b7 Wad*
OM I Ml l^tb: baad* aa awaat.
Om I BM kaas lb* taadar lacv
n>t lb* world'* rtPOfb palb th*r w
D*ar bab* of alaal
.«! tbat M dal^ iblap ahaaU b*
nM law lu faWr* I caa; *ol *•*,
Tboopb wbollr ali>*I
' U oal> a aotbrr-* lorr nlfbl laid
. Aa
bow bars Mil don frow cel
JbaadauiTwoaU e«v b* laid
. lfjb*b/.«l*.l_
Tto dear UUI* Up* arc *o inaaerat
Bal**d la wlaa;
'Ib* bobr bnnr t* *o por.1^ b*at.
Dear babp Blaa!
Idbaad baow I far^aoil; klw.
MalrtBf lb* wlB* of a aalSerb
Koaartbl/ bappiaaM like
lil io tbU
f JUmft t|f filln’t etklt.
. AtriaaAaaadelbc'feUowlBcioBfiMi
tii* oa* of ib* oostorUor
■saatn wUeb mbbdI fall lo reach
ausy waary heart* wbleb aaad }o*t
Ihl* word,—dM at Ibe biu of rant yoa
win Waal leeatoaiaad alipbetweea
tb* Ian* of year Wbla.aad read wkra
t* away tros tb* readlny with a fall
aad eoanr* tbat will of ibastel*.
Mk* all tb* eraobad nUan atraiybV
“Taa era tea* la tea* with
sarii a..
abd yray:
Toa harAly kaow wbleb
rhteb way to tars,
daiad. yon aa*.
wak* to woeder
.. awl I-Ut in lialdarr a tea cor rqinl <0
J| . fun Kk* Uaa; bit at lb* ra'i-.;
rat backarlK* nunr fres kklo.-.- di.e
Tablnlolb* oupbl aot to be dried
IW.b tbr kklorva atait tJuir
i .>*t-ol.doara is eu.d weatbrr: If tb.y
k'lrcwl iipfiliriu ln-i|mtkn.
fmae ibryare *pt to craekt.oa wlady
.liKKJ I«I <u sy rwrl bar t.i UarCul...
dsyt thry wbip to plenr
II.o. i.a.a« fr C-II Ba:iV I'mV
Urowmberibe Irrpiid or tb* io«b
iKiak M.
b.„ at k| Bned S.t., v
bir afaunooolaS.ed to uk* *a n*0T
.-«aaa nx-mtarof tb* Baulr l'r*>k •
paper* aa job d... aad w|
■T Lu.* f.e saoT vran. Aa * 1
irmi iBlcrrat la •■•&* c r ibcs.
I'f cTp-. I.ux* b>- arrrial
. -__I rllT ».II
Ur- n.uplr
n.u • areibrr be waapfuiMil.i.’^r.
afleryou ' bare nrad all the oew(
lakl tlx f.r4w!.lk« of kklo-v .IbCpj.,
vfi liaa Iri.ulilril l.lio rerj luup.b ll> n
A rood *-ajr to apee.f the wiater
o.y..uae t r*tilnrie*dr forap..„,
.Sd iikeaiar. ilt.iuanuid b..*r yoar
. ■ l.ifr , 1 .Txitr»rt*.l ftuomiv.^.f. .
>ln brarrir prrrace
prrrecc for tb* Hm» ]
n.y m-flid--, aUleb bsaliUT irl-.!, u.
iur*ly oe the way—wliro
............... of ti.Hild*, Tbr twill aa. ri '
all break i.p ana lue»uolta.. , lip.iiyli iu<i’ kl.ls ra auil amw. 11.
ef bappienrdea..rnJ
jj^dtllnc ilowu ahd 1
Uonoifa.l tool. Ibawrlay r rrary
if oiled nfleu tbrrr a ' eci- :. i.. B.^.il Iti.^il,*^^
r jin the oia-olbrrr. aad Ira. -1|.|1 !ir..i .RJI f.vliBca all tlx tic n...l
atranrib ia aapeoded
ipeoded Or the
the operaUir. Mr.. .i...(i1y pi-iiloi: mew.. ,M, ur ....
To clean tl r.iIVra rotp'ibra l-at with' ni. i.i'i. a.-... lM.*noe of 'lVwu'. K..I.-1
t oU and IMl. kt.-tal..*. Tta.Iracikinairl.i!..
follow with ...pan,I w.t
- II .~1 I'Unj.lrl*. tliry n-nr.ir.! Il.< .I
looarc the r.a.rra uelorr puiitny tiir
II..I a> niiic<lc a* aovlaplv. laon.
i.i.|i..y l‘tll.arr(TrlaiaIyMn-pmrnt..l '
'book t
K..r Ml,..lir iiukelrt*. Prl.t i' ci nl..
r “b" ■'d •
'tmk.l br f’twlrr.MUbure Co., lluJak.,
.V 1-•..!«.ci iii.f.e (lief. S R. turmlel
Ikeiiaiuc, y*o«. a, aadule ao uUier.
1*11 ana'Florai Culdr
cauloyur arm out kr
tb* Old r*j
! •retf e.iablnihwi'nl of
Jam** V.C
daial V and taaty <
pi* aad laatcfui.
abupld be nsored ism^iaieh- after
after briny uard. aad ao food kepi m
•• a lb* medicine batr
Iiajrply Inerideac*
. Who waaerar wars aad ktad.
hCB lb lU
^Vea ara tea* to tee* wiib iroabU;
, ->d a. all k_. . _____ ...
nerrr* are qpiet Nature * hcaUayproccaae* yo ea witbont imprdlmem.
Oreakiny abon. ruatUoy of yarmrou.
Ibe raitlloy of diahm bad kin
aola** are often the oeoaaion of pu*
“ «b*lf aUalybl aa- anffrriay to Ibe raralld.
Whea coal la nacd for tb* Br* It
9* brenybi to tb* room wrqppe
BalSfte dear Lord-* haaA
laVrn the gmnboiire.
To Wash
Uk* alai* la tb* qalal nos.
_teatnacaaddoyoor beat!
fitb***” hearvaadachildllk.
Bew It Waa Doa*.
»aay awthen ara
tMhaMle panaabl. eoeatliteUi.
•^1 - aUforCkrl."
M badly ta
ta 4ebv
• • aad
alara ban, bat I waa dab
tbat bo* aboeld bar.
MwtUaas. Itks
if ba Aldan slad as. bat It dean ao
Bccom inR
. Tt* Celebrates Speciallrts,
I FR££
j Tb. BBtOnCUl aOirV.Ttte fvT!,
Hotel Whiting
TkavAihi: City. Mick.
FRIOlir; FEBRUMf 4lh, 1898.
wffk thas, bat It la alwaya a Bah trap.
*■0%. haAos. dos her I .*-i.i—^
tegtaai‘nbaa*** bow bwalifeUy wr
rat hlB aos* I
a. sad atari bis I
“Bat w* bate aaaiU*«ly a
ftea Us al
«Ma sdaad paakagaaf aaaaal* far
•* Ml aaxa, aad t*a **at> wUl gal a,
........-....................... -
■ r«*nrm wliri
tlrd.luurew. rufaalred.
SmLw a*a . ..
DKS. H. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
are a 'flAael ray
the Utls appllee
• patefuI.-Froiriq
bgxtxl. S
br wgi.
Boma-bUd*. Soap
k withoat ho^
^ teto it aay cteBB
^ gvA. PET£f^7-y,^
International |
Dit^tionary I
Tre.~g.OHj tn**.
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
MW. Bay City. I>«trolt, How>
•11, Ann Arbor, Tolodo ud
UorsesiloeiDg and General Repairing Done.
polnu Sut and Sooth. CloM
'«onn»ctlOM At CopomlAhwlth
M.dtW B.Ey.
W. H. B*lfir*TT.
Oasn raaa. Agu Tolade.
Be-Pamting and Upholstering.
Cheap Homes
Sute St., near Ueioo.
Farming Lands
gi;km.\i.\i-: ukos.
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Faed aad Sale Stable la CcmaacUam.
Anath takU* at Ctaa aiA Vm
aad to*
Do Mt go Wat or AaMk BBtO
at Mkbiyaatfare
loan what
Ttreetao*' teatlar wtih Idw
»«>. dry amd gaMtr faUteg.'
• -aialy.whh Sayar Mapla.
Best Liverj in Northern Michigan.
Pays for theHeraldfor
ped face* tad hasdt
^ apt to oeear. FWAKKUN t
A fricod yirea me
e fursaUtora
lot.!* that it tootbiay ia effret aaJ ia- Jobs BrTBlaa.
rtaible wbcntpp'ied. One aad oao-balf
gam myicaalh. 1 piai* af 1 '
------- let ataad laealy-fuar bo
beat iboruuybly ablll dsslred; atn
ylyceriac. e
alaobol. aad I pi.t
s mar* wet T ar auBcieat M mahe it
of the canal iteary of cream: perfasa
with oil of I
gr r-Frt
.t*ly afur mixidy
For Lockjaw',
la cage of a Ball or other
being giack la Ui* foot ol_________ _
aalmal. aod lockjaw ia threatcaed.
take a barkt* of ualrecbed wood atbea.
put ia a tub, aad f.«ir na two baekala
of wai m water: .iir well, and plan* la*
wounded foot le ibe mixture. Relief
Let rrmaia
■ : i| jij
Tela brgaiaig.
A Fan Srap* Oma •( bitty Ptvte.
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
*.< tktNtl.l. ..................
f.nii Ui* ball-r into a yn»»
pau, «
X » iaeh**, aad 4 tech-u d*<
Blliae about half loll.
The luf w
Bll tb* paa wbee tmked. Bal
la T*r
T*ry hot otea 4S mlBoaca. placioy
Brtlfift**D slant**'
• ;
Highest Hboora—Wortd'a Fair.
Ooid Medal. Mldwiutcr Fair.
ru-r > nFiirb ....
aa-naat'g aiu. .
Lat- tta.
CtUai Kat .....
.. .........
ACb**M Coura*
»S gs gai 'i'w
s.-iL-.'ir; .
- Id ExAtninatlon Fre* and Strictly
-4m '
UK a« Bv .-...I..-' c.i'.i cTiM,. f.,s
^ takiinqiiA’oTrB^W
Ulism Ul METHUSW i. A
.« *«*etBBuaa,.Ju.x S.IS^.
On* Day Only Each VoaUi
' M(KS C«».i.ii..ine .•...i.m i- itrfi.-n-.ti.F. ,-t
W-l* at Valural <laa
lie Bloat till. <111 r ule ryuival. ul nf in- i
-----------«.f* CRRAM BALI
•tore, wv W..UI1I b- (Biuicr tliov u* ar* j
tldoar quart of silk laadoubl*
WTlg gl flnjFCUlr -• S* mg.
Heat toyriher three qnartc
ALT MKi-niLk.*. u ttgp
nfacop'ul pf iipar. two Ubisp-o
paaeiblrall about IV and tb-Dtosakr
■<r, tb* rolkaof fire eggs oaria!
Vbcrxpenmeat rcaoluicly if 1 became
gpooatul of sail and oao balf cupful i
rlaeed ibat It really •
Hoar vb* eealded milkvn
the mixtnre and
. the Brat o
— r------ ----------..... .. asowiBg (bat asooth. C
fa* waaaaal oat byoaeol tb* oldrti tabIrspooDi
I a pu>|. I
aad mst reliable firm* ia the coaatry ■poonfirl of
••CanalBly." he replied, in a toa* ao dior diabi
r UblBriaeiBC at to quite baoiib doabu. of th* epy*
Ballet me bateadlabof tepid wa- ipooafulg of piwrierad auyar >d beat
r. a pleer ef eoan aod three piece* of iBlIl *ery aliff aad y)»wy. Spread
■ Hoy. <
powdered auyar aod pul Into Ibc orcD
until a dalicale brown. Scree cold■ nl.lr 7iilk._________________
abow bow It wsdooe.
"Take the Brat piaoe of cloth aad
To Break ap a Baby 'y Cold.
wetiv-heaald, auiUay tb* acUay to
lie grord. • lb** rub It o*cr th* cake
It I* much more difE toll to brrek
aoap aad apply it
a babe-* cold thao au older .peraoB'a
gall partloa of tb* i
Oilioy th* throat and chest with kome
m.wet Ih* arcond p>ce*. aad with prarlret ny oil etcry Biybt tad Uriay
<*raboff the *o*p ag tborouybl* *a a warm flguarl o*.-r it thoB'J be door
posibl*. Wilbtheibird picredryibc aggoeuaaa cold ia eiiUi e- A few
parv nibbiay It till it ghtns briyhtlv, drop* u( pure olire oil ahoold br yie<
it-Cberr arc aay etfaB of p couyb
and do It all ag qolrklr aa penaib
looil tb*. bridye. of U>* au
that the aoap may not rcmila too lo
apoD tbe.poll*bed auifac*. ’
■r tbd eyrbrowg to lootea a co;
I wa* dellyiiisl with tb* reaull ai
Alerayt be uarefal 1
aa longer tell any faeaiioUiiu abo
kspatsbr auffici-atly warm. .K
tafe* to bar* a b»t waWr bay or Jay v.
eoBtiauiar the work that b* bad I
' fe«t. Iflbec.ld grow* mg^aeran
If OB* ia rrrj aar* to fat a ibla.
• yierafa^lMik ia a gearm room
efaeapqoality of caatoD Aaaael aad b
aarefol to follow dlrecliob* ag her*
Iborcnyh T tb* epiire body and
rleea. auec«*» te qeruia —Sclr>.ud.
,p ia flaaael* and blaakeia—Cr-
■ayera. Wbrayofar* makley joor
^ta tor ptee, Ulce the blu that may
be left aad roll aa ibln at wriviay
pa^ricpread with yratedebaate. fold
and roll agalai repeat tbli ibre* Hags,
ka totaaob biav and raad with Us the* cat le autpa aa gride aad long ag
moi>it r>.}iauM I
IS «5 ;':v
K~.'. I'.";,
fbOof ion lorbar ^ child.
1 West Michigan*
riod of her life
;hc rcmctly uhicli
ten of the Croat juun a
beaaUfal piaao bayaa to look dnll
^ silky. »d I realUed that Ibe rise
TbtaM tbat palo hath awaatana,
CdhiCcl^O and
yw aaytliay *1m m tSi fb* « r’nltt that It
ti ''jtrt u fwd-*»4 -am aanti my yup*.
scribable Orc:i<i
of file pain and
danver attcnifani
__________.t' .
Barlay bc«a told rvpeaiadly that Ibe
b**l way to clean a piano caar waa to
wash it with aoapaad water, 1 tom*,
bow Bcrar ooald quite make up-my
sladtolry iV after all. for il,d**m*d'
«It»a te
Evert- motlicr
feds an iotic
or Riot
a-cuMomar of ihi* firm *>nil nrTh*"r 1
It i* free Vitllon • pplic* f'•■'"tl O'liv
A.idr— Jatpw. Vi
. Song I dilions arc at Uidcil, tlif system re
Kochesicr. N V
fnadc ready for the coming event,
BCDlaad boys aru yrral .gy coiled. and tlic serious IK. idents >o comor»
AcBuon t»tb* y.ills and •.Ihrrlmot I to tlif critical ' hoi.r ate
Baking Powder Bread,
bird, dial B*»t in tb* far n-irib'npprar ■ oliv .lied bv ilic II-.C of Mother's
quart B.rar.
>rar. o*e
o*^ lea-pooBfui
sp*oatel aayar. two.
raofuls K..>ral Baklay
blnjftb* Voiipli iii.iuriUin-'ll-ab.i I
NEW -^-ORK. ■
“x:lfu^V'-*H.i:*xs.p‘? ^
tb'oruu^ly, aalv *Qyar
I I a tiny po»rcler;
po«»rt*r; rub id tba poUt.
.kufli i-Bl water lo mix emootbl
aadrapia:.* sieaellff batter, abov
e at eofiaafur pouad cake; aboulapiol
- of water to a quart cif Boar will here
, *]ujred—more nr Irae. ai-vunllny t/i 1) a
braadaod ifu.lllrof lb* Bior ua»d
To-aocMcntelly jartbrbad. v
be srdirlo* whee admiDlaicriof
rloaeadoor eiilaily. l
neaac* wb*r* '-a ao
yreat oBciiaa" la V
poadltlaBof thenen
Tm wwald aot baar ia tb* aaaahlBa;
Worms Convulsions .FesTfishocss aki Loss or Sl££P.
---TatSitBilt SfruHurr of
aid Mt^eaaly apon tt^fire!*p
01' far saay a waaiy day I
hour tyliith is dre
Iteai.ir a> .
SfVftcst lri.ll Ik
■lualiiie*. ..unib,*;
painless, blit all HiIf tJaii..^vr i»
and yr.Bt |tr.-iurti**be«
Wipowi Ilia her.. Ui not* Ihb re nr ealB I cnotfd bv lls u-<
Tlltn-f A>in> I
ki... .
„f lyi,
n frn.ia. .thi> remedy an
lonci-r •
lad reyetab *» If v.
Try bdylt
werk wi
tbr bou
ill real
Try to
r that It
111* wbat -’people iblpk.- |
you »r* trn* to yoorw-lf. to ri
duly. Sod keep your rnpeass
* '
gejdancer of the otJi-.il n
"; Its anticipation one oi mi
tborvoyblr tried a'ud or..*...! atauda
------v.ck'c noe.lvc ,r* Doled i
uuitoriB • a—llrniv.
rryetabl.k iLe iiia-lu> pea if
yjtarc* or«r all other • eat
ear)} '' r.ri,.Ue» Tb* J inn tV.t He)
D ojuaw ,
mosi critical pc-
plaau coeaM a large nod rariad aas-.i
bine birdf. and tb.. am.He leiteriliy
bUck.-blue. sre. a. .-rim...B and y 11
makeaemr of e«.,ii.ii* rl..iyn an.
appearance. Banc uf the lUnalraliu
.rb Boe
; tins
. — co-operate ebeertnlly la a
loy tb* familr rapeaar* aatVabai
are aelf-denla
Tav bran rMt baad I* feabla;
nrd tb* lasptar wbk
s bad ao heart la pn
Before beatlap silk la aa afate
ware pao. eae that It I* wall
prenat lb* Uquld fros aconbt^.
*'Vea ara teci ta tee* with traoble;
Tteata'a a aala yoa caPBOt payj
into any abapi
■M ui. beard,
br dunybnui. with a clolta. aoc
ir about an slbutaa.
Tb* Nora*'* Only m tb* Ouetor.
* lakre (r<.D the kettla Ibrr
Lioe of the firnt quallSfstino* for Ui« may b* apriokird with prwdcrcd cuyat
poaitlaa of Bum i* a wiilioyaeaa V
wbilealit. nano f-Stlo-t*.(
ylald abaolui* abedieacr to tbr phni
lap In charge, and. to nar palnatabiaf
Tnaa for Y tony PeopI*.
.ecoraey In srryiny out bi« dirrctioni
to lw aatirtled lo commrne* 00 •
Tba patient'* faitb In bw doctor abonid
a'ao be cncourayrd a* lonya* that phy'IVy aot to look at riebrr bonir* and
aiciaa baa rliarye of Ihr raae. ainc* it
eca’iy faralt'
laa a dl.lloql rain* In furtbenoy
y baler perfectly
-econry. A traoqull sind being »f
Brat, and ahup
iliaoat ImporteD.-e
•rjthin* saat .**,
.BOOtklyaad eaaily. no matter r
lb* arroyaoce
dtSicnItIn tb* num may bare to rteeuater. The inniid abould rot b**lhr loooiBiBoo
riunalhilliy wbal
iiwin effort to •'beein
abonl ba owi
Tb* alck-room abunl.1I belnptaceopB
U*Mh* ryrapf ‘b* home* of lb-aufferiny poor when
• lib plraaun up- br^rct dimaliiifaclieo la liable lo •prior
; "S;:
mih a yprls aad ybaaUj wiay.
Ia Ikne Use* wboi batka art hm*.
-inkle tbe.beard
______ ___ ______/ibiof ihaiwii; lead
to rrdBr and educate tbra The maana
ifdoirfUiemy.ud are iobail* and alt
at U neadful la wiad >B I
; A*b|boe* lo tb* tbroal. lb* white af a
l*(r. If awallowed at oaer. will gaaan.
ly rrsurr IV
Or *w.|low brr«d ers
wiibool chawlac-ib* ro.rfa bmd wt
rraen’.ll dialod(* tb*
{Rf7*cblai Utr bro<
UlB»t Ic
. . vitblbcB
........ .........................
Cbri ranaot. aad ooftat aoi. at M
'paanafafe. to be rap<.cla<l toraalL*
tb* iBBort of lb* word* Buri|(*Y* aad
dibL ntallen sr.be will wMd tbr
oalae bwl son taUbfuUp. >« be know*
that h* ea* work at ht* flawer brd
wbaa Ibal H dOB*.*frail. Irteodi aad soiben,
woald ban brro a real aaurt* at plaa*ar* la foa la bare *0*0 *■ I di^ Ibe
rnwlb of the jrood ued ^oied aJka
la tb* black call ot s; arirnbor'* doorRalted Doogbaau.
rard. aad ia ibe bmri uf mil* Carl.
L'*e <»* cupful of b’lled WiH
Uow tba bo7 did weed, aad water, aad ,
|Ma«d repji! BU selbarease toaee ears, uo* cupful of *urar. ball a cap.
(M 7Mlerd*r. brraaaaUf apxliraataee al vt batter. uor-fudMb of a^upfai of
iiicidfaaai. or eoe-fourlb of a
‘'•cl^l 1. eban^
r*al eosforv
•oB oarbl io.ee bU oee lerel irs'pxiBfol of aali. oae-tuarlh
krpl hi* boon* pleat* of* tawapweifol of audaI diaaoind
fulof wainr. oor ralad
'loler. wbllc Frrr7lhlo(
s WB* froUD >oltd
• ukee a ootloe to butaof. asf br b tbrae rilli of
lerto likrboulnalirr
I’ll kU
AMui lOree o'clock io Ibc aftcTBOOD
waj* belMre
Buke a ap .aye wlik tbr water, ycaai
boT of fals "
Krai eeryr
TbI* leeldr
ha* lattybi sr two lea and'dre ril.* of fl >ur.
toe* It la alwaytbeal u> luik orer Ihoroaybly. Con
tbr dally lltarofoor cblldrea a* crlt|. ael iB a w*rinB place Ui roe.
o'clock at elybt add all
rally aada« inertia Iraa if we did hall
----------._e *#B
IB belay
cot Ion thrs. 1>> oot cacBae your aoo ttaac
Knead the dogyb for
for fault*, bnauar br li your boy. or well .bnlea.
Keluro it
»bol yoor eye* to tbr fact tbat your abi.ui twenty sia.ilr*
t wiUa
daorbur i. frirolotia ao.i aelfiab
.Vu Ibc ojal. and after .-.ir,
(iiud ran rone of eomplaiuu ultrrtd cloth <T a liB br
' tfn'ly and ID a rpiril
from IooMbb
AiaaU.— bal Has* B*i«
Cbrtal. or EBbeUre.
MB*. H. S C. BktM. SdllW.'
^Advertise in the Herald—it pays to do so.
«Uber rM< or bMr ct » tatmar «h*
^-forth.ik,ofaUu!Sl|^‘'o.;»-i„. .boot. doMo oiw .ho.,.! th.
11« th. MM TMapftilaTjt.t kb
P>0 bMBr tbloMT B«d
Y- aa
sns-i 'ss^.
!£^r..rP. Carver
A ra.tof.vlnd cm kb>
>ad ^rapped binahuot
aUiali dBki. Uat fora
bioi coBip'.rt.l; troai .ir
• lUnliOBl"' brr.lBrd___ ___
TkM. <«. Ik. I~.| M inak u. ^
rv <k.rua(krr lapopj UM «.u
Tar Moolrr Ik. koun m. Ik. iw
Ta.ruii...ipnr p.a ..kwok.
b fpud to bo iMb MiM ie
iroodrb. which boModtba
Urn jut akimaiiy iMk.
____ - Tbaia
___ an
k> OO the (arm.
o-diimo .a- ! few UrOMT.
aho doj^
do pot ..Cm JnHa
,s:sii:rT«5teLr?.:j: »?»«t8UMt
natAX.aUMr'«l>rwao.r. >• i>.>, U
lirtSaa, CMl HMMIUI tM l|L
“PtIiMIt and lonj Snflering.'
But m.ny U’stify tbiit jnni’b of iL^'
loni; 8uff«rriD|; of n rlironir form
ptruiRuenify ami mfcly I'uritl at
Uie Blma.Banatormm. corui r K>ili
Union Bti, Travpn.* <*ity,
Mkfa. Asd tiioTt*. ii. you hav.'
PilM nr any R<<<4al trugblf, KJdm>y, Ulacider, or K< oiale WoakorM.
yoQ will make no miatake
MHUO&.BLM8. Tel.-phom-IICI
Office in Banatorium. Toiuiulta.
tioD room, in McNamara’* atotv.
t*R?di!. biggins,
Mnnwy tO LOSIX
Carpet Cloi
Cleaning Works
■ .arcuam.i^a
Sorveyor and Civil Engineer
b —klae Mmnl m bw Mperb
Waur Oo)M-PertralM u ivplam
mmt of Um. ehaap eoloradebosi ptMara. <akad« of eb«ap
rafaMoolar. Uat mt fade oat
aad whhar ap tS* iMtarw Ull
Ih. ^}mI ieoka Ilk. aa old
Beypiu ma-agr.) pat ep bj
iAom mUnaUBf ehsp Joha't la
UMlr“daadrir*«way Mbaawa."
wiU aa «p. opmn-«• U* tad of
lb. aebMOo. la tba put w# bare
pat ap a lartc aoBbor od bar
b*alibyb»klBf portralta la th.
plaM of Mehty aad aroa dMd
iMklae ptctaM. to tb* praat
Aoilfbt ofthaoa.te.aaw itbe aay;
•TbMC. thallawartba baadrad
of tbMi akk ptaiarw." Ueed
OoodworkaDdaUaifkt baalawa
•aUted. wUl vis watpUM.
Crown's and Bridges.
Vitalised Air for PalnleBS
tanst Ideas ail leellaices.
Imporliit to Pi«|Krlj BoUmi
Potatoes and Apples. Wanted.
WAtavKO BUim
An mail ordem receive prompt
F. M. PAINE. Floritt
.-ss: :?'5...vii.'."-.'..'-""js
Cross Cut Saws .. ■
Axes. Az. Hand'es..
Sktdding Tongd ..
Loading Blocks. ..
Wedges, ...............
Air Tight Stoves. ■■
Box Stoves.............
Car Stoves.............
Building Paper etc.
146 Front Street.
St’Sld’T'mr'kVd'Tanrr du:“'’f
Inlaid hmtll ibrUmal^ackk-lb.M-.oclj ;
«r m..r..‘paBnI. U.ny, halri«.
Hr Chaaad Iba Cnab Ball.
Siisr koiurrmrol wak rrraUd I
M. mo Blogbamton. N..
d-,. wbraa fai.n, r .a'o ,
{ be oiakr i pmubaka Ur boiigiil m
ildnammir Siu-h and than 1 ... ,li
' V ‘T''
tU." kald Ut eaioael. aftar tUbklag awhUr. -I gmM yoo>a gal kla.
Ii or rr.r grit ouUof Uat. eahla M at
------- iprora--i;rt*o,,gt.
wbrn they bare Ur whole (arm Mtad
Icitiaad of a frtab. graaa lawa
In frrai of tbr booar Urn Ii asly
aod onl
Aod -bilr thr Ikwyrr na.o't
' .
, ' , ,
. '
Im kod krpt rjfhl on ualU \r arri.rd
pataere by aad cloudt e_______________
IroB Urstr
sum. rajiiirlally U aUsa cr
two Uplaalad tost Ic____
wady to Baht Ur (am a____________
pnnlBcllTa.-Jfk*l0ra gVMl
Traverse City. Midi
____ urrr,';,f.on..r./:o............., i,-...... GIIL,- '
brio Ibrm
' “hulrtorbang.
a arrrr aiwd thr KubbIi rrrrb' ■’".l'"! bad-'.™ su.rm had erruinly'
flhaJly pa-ifird and drparird
proMtrd thr brotbrr
’”P '’' ibr
Ibc bruad am.!., of tbrrirrk. apd
-|kBOw.Ballt.eaBtib.lllhriri.u. ‘•vrr.rr. ildrur tbr v-lioklag alkali
TAdro at br wa-,™
In heighlh and weight, tbe
short Ihf till, the thin the fat,
wc fit tbi:.n all. Every one cm
<lej>end on getting a perfect
fit. The largest line of new
Fall Styles iii the city. Pricesright and satisfaction guaran
teed. Give us a call.
.......... *ttl^'
Blown Acroat Us Baa.
b» tbe Itland rolMao Krakama,
‘‘'O^wreteadof baBalra.Maw
ir city rrry
oT ralolkBr bun
erary rrauff^fJ^^lMb^
dreiroyad Aa ohbsrerr aftar tkt
wa'rr grobbrd a(
ipthiefocad Uat what was Uttgt
n mkkr
k hi.Br- »*f®' aloi ikpli. ^r°“Toad<^‘^
poor erratarrt trying to
I tkland wat rad hot.
Eoar yaam
aod a kpot of grorn .by tbi
rr a oataraUki fsoad that Ut bpk««
Irarri. and onr riiiob at <
J cvolrd rnoorh to allow gl
it tbf asd of thr r»ry Seal
111. gr .g
i—gan U> il<acrod
growaod Stadlffnaatapaeleaaf
"Wltbeot tbr watrr,- Lro rrpll
MpprrfrcCj r
I yrl Hit phieb Bait
baan bloiiaMrM
.prrmlloo-of a..n»"tbr plao* Uo't Ut to M r« In Tbr b
I ooer
lb March. Ur tarrva^Ug waUr ■ jriwaaosalM
a pirca of ‘«V down his bnrdrn
per raid wr'd picked
MOg KeaWvky
iLifckJ bti
rroaod abcoi at daa.i
boautifn'Iy and
' tnmad him farr t.
we barr." rrj-,inrd tbr brotber. bl. bemd. and drl.^ralc-ly .niflrd .1 j «/kj
pcrrilrot. 1 think It wat
of itir Booth and Uc grata Urratteoaatof Eoflasd. Capa IMbM
llir.. lacfara high, wbrn lb* lo Iranor aad Capr >TaialcrTt ta'Bfala.
proodof.anda tiatlooforthruar-j^O *
“••• b««lk-aad hrlwatab..
la . .
art f
Tbr laru of latwtirara are atarp
swe; User
grata had brra and poletfd. and aa diapeaad Ual Uay
blowo out of tbr grejuod
At preriaut'
tK.ard, ibr norther b a draicatr lOgwiBd. aad il dnrd Ur looar •
In direct aeotart
Ur grata n»tt
n»«t ahUl
ahl il
^ n^nnrVr ^
eape-llkr pro)«u» of frrlilr land, radd I .boat tbr
b duerd W a puwdrr asd Ibot
- ......................... had wrt itelr Boaiht and (area «ilL;docrd
panfent bot wboiraoar watrr
Iraalat Ur wind wbieb ditprrtrd it
bad, I Thr rooik.. baMng.so
(nMh.r hod la
Hardical •hstelf. who
• —___
k waak bad pntard Vroa a aky Uat
and tbr wlsd
s wild wiu aetiiTylsr eloada. hl«^ a
rarrird o«
grata. Tbit >t bow
-.r Uat altsn
It U taid Uat if U* aarUta asmoaease Uarii« Urongb Ur broth Ilka a wlsd blew Ur grata oal of i
pbrra wan aaddooly --------------- |a
OD Ur draort. aad raiard a da»M and Banlac. to take tbrm boBr. Tbr faar- It U a.UIlforala yarn,
Uickataa to arrea basdred mOm hba
aarfnl dntt at UIrk at • fog ora bUod- fnl ordeal wat orrr at iatt Tba sect raongb wb^ caplaiaed —1
amri/a* choklor Moralag Ur tick boy, who wat atogafph«
I ,^,1,
uwogh tUll a IlUfr
Horse Boaisaa Isprorra
lb iBdIa Uarr an oaebaadrad Uaa' Ua fljwtlbr alkali I
rerefolly Butted aad
Hogr Batata
A lUehmirr bortsMB reyai "Kar».000 girta
v> »* bartsrrpt orrr plaia Bd Moantaia wrel
a are again bagiaalng lo reiar hertat MSd bm aad
age of foortorn wbe are b
ahnead Uat tmaned ta
• • Ua
-rbrmtao mrard too great (or
the eyck of mao. parebrd
yon U atk aod rrctire ' tald Ibrf
Ibt (aUcr yeart age Tbe real* ta Uat we are
oM attaM ite ago o< leiM
. aad drflrd Ur tigbL
At Ute bliuatd of dott wat al ita to Lr-o. t* hr left Ur cabin
flodiag aa Fagllab BarksL Tbr Eogbright, a BaaesM madly dHring ap It aayUlBg la Ua world—'
Itab are Back aiowrr Uaa U* dswri- byUalr
"I Uaak yon kind--•'
tilt road la a boggy, bahlad which a
adopt the sew irea«il tyalras
reddlr-horec wat brlag. led by Ur fled yonag fellow. "
Leo asd Freak com (reU ha b-y* stonfd retbrr .
ward for a plaia dnlr
be alocped brfora tbr door.
roUltfartlaagaiM^ralgfViMt U
a railway
•Tk* Borrawt bsyt;" gatprd Ur paataa to bhy 11 irbomca ia tie
gcatleMre.'- wildly
cried Ur ama. la rridsatdlttrM.
-I Baa at br drore away from Ur caWa aad UaeoaUac
W-y hare
iapten^r aid—I y of yre M brig where the alaidy boy* were tlaadlag
that Ury can get brtiar a^
Two dayn later Fraak rear In hattifr
rets OB Uta kbf* of tba wa^ dreart biUUi. c«t of hM alad caaUaat --Loo." hr cried tbr dHch
AlU* tame Um Ur Amarlraa * Ireaeta. dot ■tMeb
tdreatoor laaeb-owly ter a ' It fall of waur. Tbry are foiag U let
SadiagoatUareM Utag I Waod. re do Ua rai
______ bai Uatwataao^. Hr it at llre-'-ilratM-M.
ta Msey iosallttat
osalltiat aad ore retaiaglpira itaaMall bak
“ grtBaad Kraak. "to ibiok af ' ‘*"^“5^
w^ f"'ut‘‘j22?r'of'u5J Ito
Tlii'L.-adiii,; Meivliaul Tailor,
\t the cold storage. ‘If I'armcrs al ii£rE.r:
a distance wish to load at other
points and make up carloads I wil
buy’at any station. Write me what' 3!£.Jssr ............wvars
you have to offer. Will buy cidor
apples. Sweet cider and apples for
Brosch’s Meat Market
Ttr nt.2MkfaMhMMnia. ^.la«
Doctor’s Prayer,
m.jauMw^a^ MrM.M« hmmmi
WlifD cither a CUamois Long Protector or \'cst
wiU t)c a necessity. We can supply yon with cither, hut
t-ou can economiw and tel have something just as g.«Kl
by buying a chamois and making one Gootl values at
K^-isargM^e *
Johnson Block
»■ UAMTBBl.(/>
M.M.lkVUo.01. TM«|MM.I{r.
--TV__ ____
R«Al Batata ExebADge.
m» Om> tmmx .LpertdSM vliS a r..ni pi.
wrale(rm7tai.(tBlW Ora« lin*
l*M>.«.aat ro. iiali.fair.
Oar rmmpUM I>rpUtBr.I >. .ua-k' Smi ObkVVaU wp rak k..} . kno k1
IIM bl vrw.1.
asd tbr:r biodk ria*
ferteol. kileol claap
Lei> .lepped kwifi :,r to the luck'y
-.p and T.ulicd
Voud beWer
ardicot' Mid .be. -or ynn
A. ysw BARC3-A13srs.
l^noW I'bi^?
r>»»* rood u
. beau
' '
lb.- rna. i. lue ari.cr. -ho bo. dron- • Moy.a* ..»,u
the lea.1 bit ,.f Irc.ll.le Jlrae:o« Ibcm li
Tarj-Il Ml
I In. eap.-di«it «i..i*ple bol— ------------!»ed It lorscMk -bat u 1 iwi
icwk. •
-------------------------- 114..0-y
VMk Ik. Oil
rK.uwjpby of the.
Krflrriinc rvpaln whM ilttj ofa '
effiTt kbnald be u<
arrded la aaother Mk i« Um W
bliGiid idea of klaed'iatr.^
0 tbe ric m the
A Don BUtxara.
• Uppuol that luoiioa by .•
ffbra a facMr ^saoAa aaBoeh efhto
Ak vbilc ak loarblc and at flat aa tin
Uow at to, groerry aaokti* Ua Uf
lop of a Ubir. tbe yreai Koaod roi'k
ur.-var. oral uraalooa apeadiv hto
iwiMf Thro hr Wheeled
--------- - atecicbad away frooi the edge bl-borw.
--H.«d-by. ftaoh.-beeall i
111. aif)»iw
'a< Karrbru.fa of )Ur. ed. aod Kraoh'k reply arm not on th. I
Crayiih Bouulair...
fur hinar.f aod fatally, roaa Is tba doer.». wiod like a wail
cam ud Boris
uror tbr driorrlairarTT Uaw tala'son*
, I A mad and Seadlonr ride
-; acTM r-fllU. koatb oo.cail aidc.of s Ir.r lAhe. Hood
icr-hrtdluv!^ -O^lb
a.bror fai. aloniacta rabrla ocalMt Itaa
ibe road i.y the edpe
nokCy uod.r pood calli.aUuD aod a i be buukSl eery i__ _
in. traaimml ii rmirea. iuUad *( «al-aM Ibelnss. .-.pen
iMiacTw 4 tnllMkoath by Ouoton Srhi >1. KoumHood
. .. ._
D. amall orebarfl.
di. and It rua« is a dutl atatc ’ I Mr-.
lasr tkrrh 'lrai,rfarrn.lr n llmurhl- ■ n(ac«pand wataraad tobsom m•
hM.y land well watered. r»°d dairy farm, l ap be b>u«b rirht.
.. _ toot- Teo mllCk ie wi/lib aod
wlaram a vt,- and L.-r rmf
dronrand ri'inc hireaalf a ctaasca lt>
■HImr*. Boar Marfirld. pond Usd aadTcry cLrap at I.Mni.
ty is lenrtb. itaU wreU-U-d kpni “';:ai|..;i- -here bubbto.1 the
Thr fararr —hn
H well, br caay br tald istaaraamor.alpliurand HI
V. acna. S aniMMkt of Klatralcy. 31 ttml.r yoodeullSealioo. (ioad f.Bcea. food oahad of >tm tbe >iirble«t kiro of
.ra, I
hulia Ici bia bortroarb. U. Isdaod. •
pa.t»»crythiar, lua. aftri
• ku%r, win hrll cheap or trade'
otatiOB. A road that curred iu par
diktam paMur-rriry aaorniar -i
ir whulc l-iuoai baa not taaoB kaotdi■ j the
way tbroofb lb. Mh'cbru>b. ihi
raal uf th. bred
Sba a>k>u h
ui tbr
the ileaert oo tbe wex
Hy Ibe >id
m-uorilrd haibaarcmspruKat. ai
.^mar’. thanIbbkiood a<.-«lno. bk.'k of which •
aicual-nord «.» frrd .piirlly un'tl n ana
bicb feotwdcscltwutn. IroTeraeJ In
titol to rrloca u. b.r ra f
itiir day
or« lor linaioe mr wanJef
irrlpaliaE ditch ibai wuupd iU way out
--------- klllrd thr crU Mid.lrnly
Wbaorrnr a fararr fla* bb
of a dikum mououis rm.loe
. .
-ly -Tbrrr —aa «u uulrry.
will aol do wall sur f.Ura. Usagb^
«hrual kart hr ^0*lU-}‘.wri«rr i-banrr fur thr ,v-u u aar
At ttar frost of the cabio kbBri a
parrntly well f«l,
wbrg br ti daft
lb. ruBkwar bad *-*-»pcd.
M-kped. bu
walarisg liuurb. bat both Ibt* and the
shr wa» ai k d.rlaiirr tr.iB
ur bsM he kauwt aod bUt to maka
Mill a-rre tas.i. aud uo,-.ruin
IrrtpaUag ditch Were dry aad .lotty
abitli apparrtitly p
Ird Uirpu-I. bucklr and bovkir bale mart, bathstad F',n<lio« lb.- pa c atiil nrrcm» f,
hre kanwi
' .iorplar place for a cabin aod
hat bad brrn do at did Ur Urmrr dnlsbora OWSmao. br >|U ch’Y ..kplaiord ihal
lha nlf d«kO
rd. H.kbould oastutVbta raigb-*
bocar bi
bad hrit.r'br t«k-D h*. k at oc
coBdltloaa In Nerada. oor of <
rratiaic with
or hrrarai ul UrB. They May ba
-1 kbou
-try 10 ewtam
tbe cIm aakociatloo of deep r
to point out Ur bob la Ub
f..r trar of waadrrwaaf
loaias ai
with deaolata alkklloe wame>
; avrci kymph.iii of
Itni pednuag it oal M at) tab
.runs d«wo iba -boir
Ac tbe eTenme ..f a certain
• .-.hr »iay«d frnfn
esrp,-vi Utai to do. They wfll Soi
early wialer
in.- hole (or biB; br Bbtl do Ubt
1- al.y-dhi.-l-v
klowly down.
«ii<l thi- c-i.ju.•ring
bik ki
ar a laae
hrlwcrs ciioUirt_ana oH-iprinij^ yal
i -or occupltd ia aa cblag (or aad
.•-•(t for
'arrr h Bo doubt that tbr vow bad tlo,,. ng UiM loakt It Bt wall apast.
nro nr pluo|rrd
tbr dioimiaa. foolblllk -Ufa am
• oir-diBi kouirlrdrr. and that >br
IVhas ow. narait if a
Irifliuf, alidiBi’
•rsd mora than Ibaisirdid Voa^Th. darkoao.-. <aoi« dowa. th- b
m! br >
t .Mir .-ortvr.iaadanl kaowt of a mla
Kiral-Raia Rraaoii
ill. a reaper asd Buwtr la om for M
Accurdiiif'hi tbr^pap.r» badifri
id <k yaam. Ur hat brra oal bw UP
lawj^r-ao: taki.OK tbr UIdta tor
r for rrpaire
Tbr paial l~»b^ aa
oaAhrm bci|o.<'k-w:tt«d vltacv—:
•rrll Ok on wMM iiupIrasoBU left ewt la
M.han rr, an ^
i. Mrrb, wellhr boprd that Ibr-p.pmdo not Ur arid (or kit saonUt u a yrar.
lul a> a kapiinif
■I awma of law Ml koowk bow to Hop Ub Wba
r licbt. a« <i frl
froui Tni-ltiu
lao bad uprard
la hi* b,« inci«h by ukibg care of bM
forward mod turn 10 Ibr r,'ghl
ft wa» ai a i.oKWourl
« wltara. larai iaipirmrola.
>r ibr drfriK-r had JuM ■•urn dnaoi.
------------- >r Irakk. aad aaayof MWUI,
ird. —bra Ikr^ir.cwuting y-iltvrw-i
0 coiaplata o'»d taramaay
grant kUxM ap l-i mikb nm.
(hroi op.-n.
, I nadi Dial suiTar
Srcvragi—tv Ly did yon bidr SnlliTaa'
-brrr pir winil^ 1 yun^buukr
llial Suadtr aigbl
Tbay Had Uib.
aaafrr i-ooipaiu. ; Witarav
-I did DUlMwbulllrai
llraa al all
. b. -amlrird to !on tl
Ibaiogbl^nrraareiDBi Ulngk Ib-Um arortd
I knowingly I—Will joc
wear yoni w if. diduot I
le that nigbl'.
MU Urrr are oUata il italaraya«|i ta
hikvy wdh
AUaM. oolhr a lugr oi ib'i
Wbro Udoaal lagortoU wat is Ea-'Vlll
lldo'l go
rope Ia.1 br riailad WreVBlatUr Abbey
lyonrw.I,- awrar that aUrdldoi
Ur brei Urn* At ba wat coalaMsuHirao
ihatnigl.r•S^^lhM^ why I r
laiighirr. ]imlotie.-d and
IViinra* itnurr braiuticig'yi -ttrll- plaUagUr loBbof Naltob. Ut gnhlb
briny !<iat, for of r»uy». I r
v-cT of Ibr coj i I.
anylbloc wbrn uocr I gut 11
rbro lamr tbr
IhrrJ Src^rani'im^ttBowingly.•That. air. bU Ur toab ut Ua gimP
Hut tbm U alsrark a
, "P|folloai,l by the dikinal durt ihaT |iprhk[>. yuy can
A satal sb« Earcisa or Iba trbala
ibroogb tbr l>rad ilaar li.^^r t
laouodrd like tbe
arid hrrrr kaa—Lord KaltOBd.
youoan kwraryoarwil r dm out blur
m * tv... V.. V.J. I—,1
im, arbilr khr vanssl
lung of thr w^d for
ls|Mak op now.
nm. blit Middrnly
Mch other acai-' -till. !:iu. 1.
Sosmess Cards.
;coo».lo.t.t...y...«rt«,fo,r»,ra.»l ,..l^ oWra*r ^ dWwr
-^roi. TMwvvkaboi.iath.1
.rp'icd. Tbrylook-^. Mch.oib. facir ™’^ '”
( ibe olbcr. aad fro.. yLad b* dod .Mb ,,
‘ otber rirht and bi
AAOWB'Y- ■TO IkO-^JSTOffltt IIL. U1. taOdliteiptati L « L But
AttarMT* M Lb«.
uaiao a^m iv Tbb Mlebbw ba^ ■
■- ''••W’aa'd’il'tb/nSir
Real Estate
Dr. J. A. Snyder,
Boiteh.oB mt wlaah. atS»
of Mcb llbml (aodlx bate-
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game. L-nrrs
lA Seaaon..
Freth. Sail ind Smoked Meals, Siusages tic.
r. BBOSOH ft BOVS. ‘
WUadaad arei^ dsab-lt ta awfal-to
boreMtOMaatUadaMad. Hi
a apa^d ef Ua (aalaat Atb___ aay Uat Uta iiMaai ta tai
■ar ta saw (na*M Uaa Uat of Ut aaU yrer toohred vt WmIiIiI
MB nlM«A UbUaa fbUwva.
Tbay an atUdM daMorarem teiwt
Onaaffrarerse Herald aadTrarai)»e01trTnui8cglpt,Otinsolldated.Jaanary 87.189»
Or. Miles’ Neiviae
Lttur froa tIM K*o(«Ba7 Oold rrowd la tow.a Iba part ipub, ter they
M ^ ''tai!S‘"tta\__
ahnad aflar Bldalrbl Matarda? alfbl
vUl bare rwaoB to raBeaibar tba aa>
«W^ of tbe howllar biluard. Tbe
aowwwpUadladrlftofrwD tbme to
<!%««■••• BMhMthaprMBt
tac. and-^in«M M bww Uat"l
Mar <nlUw asd apotea akoot' «te saw. Moev Of them «r«ra Is Uelr bore
Rlaadlkt aad tto rtckn. that ptaaM feel aad Ibesa who won shoes were so
awkward la them that they woald
nare looked bruor aad frit so bad tbty
oeenwIUoat. poe^aboatlsye—
f|haaUli|rot «h»t
KloBdilMBO taawaa. (tWalloTial cidd)
B by lb* riconiai hresblac Uey
an amr bMrd ol.
Tbmtora. I taka
weal Dob Use to tsae, lor aiy
tka llbartr o( andlar tm a few pan
al beatfli w I asm aado ap a-y
tlealan that om; be >J inurrel to
re ulera reraidiar one that I am parUa to ate St are*, aiebt aad I
bbe bad Ueo
el irlj a-qaalalod. eU. Lardeaa Otaak. wbat was WTOOC
Tbu ereek b eliaaled la tba Merlb tta rrrooc foot, both talloaadoB
^0 Bide^p mr cMdj^
Ridlar of Weal K'nrtaaar. B C . .
the rUbaM BOalac dluritpa af the wen atald old deaeoea wlU lone di
wwldiodar Tbaareebflawalototbe
• coau bad oalr a^am la '
vail kaowB Trual
oe which
Tbs woBke .Boelly ap
Troat Uhe Cllj la batll. and the oa
peaird la while -Mjlhrr Hobhare
rowBS. s me rrry heonlltully a«d* uf
larof tbcBlalordUuSat. Tbe Uka
Aae staff and the rcry alreel. feMi'
tifal ulari bw eerr placed at tbe eee- cabroidcry or lace for UiioBlar.
the brawu here feat paddliaCaloOL
ecalaoee aad dlapowl
boB# forartieuaad H’^'taBro.
tbe rirbt. tkonaaMe of feet abore yon.
towen anlrbty f lacier wl
Uerri I could l••.ikoul■•B Ue Uy aad
boUcat acaeoe ^eea yon a Pool feallaf
alcht fael deep on tbe aorlb aide
rreat atract and owaera of atorta t
^bla la-olaaHar away tba drifu. It
w tbe rtiy anow plow.
wbeararinral >1- Maraldcent Vnber
of eariooa kind* drapw tbe muapu
tram baaa to auBBlI wlUi iu earled
colored fplUfe, whllal fern. In ae|ol
<iU to keaep a« the atvaa aUaded to.
Ilwaa aaeare aaaark and Iba worat
kMwalatkIa lowlIVyalBoa Ike "Wr
«aw.> Bari7 rlaan paaMnUr BWf«M ««■ aarpriasd at tka aaaaer la
wkteh tba aarw waa drilled la ike
aMeH aad akoni the kalldiata. aad
law to be
Idlet If kb bM
dar.' h ba't worth ssrieoa raaMduatiw;
nr— 7~ ^
> J"
UcaM^d^nitoR^ eT
be a hwcli« Acacb.
--------------- ......
. atrwaUal
II tahea onr M.OOC.OM
a^towndytlw asvwl diwMdfer
Ub trait la tta United ~
erbUaads trail BeoUao aKewTofc.
ly fruB VabcM^a.
deremrle frail bw
b werih frea •» ta «7 p«
Ine reason wby we Impikt si .
Spaoisb cwBBc«S' U owlac to tta brpe
yearly exports of oor own law-low |WDd.
wt Ip Louden, wbe.
nwd^ market aad b
laxiuy. Besides Uerr an tasay AtuerlMBI wbo hare cnltiTBMd a taste frv tta
■Uacta trait, and they,will apntenllr tan iKMblBC
rise. Be to please
Trunks as low aa $8.00.
. Sews. MsrtVsrs.0.1. *r:l.V:
.d l>r.Klks'Ib-tiint!i« h'rrruir sn-jK- ,
.red tnsrlil- a'.'rtrreu.li- Less lrviat'.<d '
-leryspril.IoJslee'Pta.iBw uf^totw».-e s^ Si
tl eosrtsbs I tbiUE of tbee.rrct of • tari-rt pardea.
laow drift sear *s«a and had to aUy
than ■£ nlrbv On Ibla aooonat tbe
t^lar kardlar tnla frea Blk Bapida
aid aoi r«t lb dariar the (onnooB.
Aeapriaa waat ibronrb all rirbt Hop^ MrslBr, bowavar. wltboal aeaidant. .lUa ww tba oaly delay raTba fary •< tba ators played baeoc
vUb tba wlrfar of Ua arc atreet Hrbta
o< iba Boardaaaa Blear Rlaetrie Uybl
Served Exclusively
Mlk^ li. -uti.:
drose her] cored we
H r rao>e pleoI
ff censtir.......................................
Oc Biy abed.
Ulnl; bear, Uleer tip.
•PicTce'. Me..
Meiesei Pelbb shooG'bcbketu
.......... ... . -............
w noUlo*
-fired Ihekewaa
noUluK ! •Eerct-.
black. cartbjQ io.berdi which i
.1 a e-ruad aroead
price tbe chief anloOl food of ibe
ildiocs- Ur- Istter all open at U<
pie all tbe aaaaoo.
l.yei, woleerlse sidrs. rex.fed over wlU Ualcbes of •
bime Uirroor lour bad lony I
aad Banin an alao plentirol.
ined uoiler
uoilr-*'----! labire spread
Urdwa iWar (or emki t
teo tuika. Kurili aad booth.
fork at tbe town of t'ersoaon, foor
allca ahoea Tn.ul taka
Tbe Korth
ruaslsr to III
similar ic Ue olbefs but
abore {'ercowii. bw allurUI r»<d la
Ue creek for the whole dbUBce.
rears. I rould oot aadrrslaad
BouU f ork Ukau iU riw tbieci
ihe >curfoo. aerr.bca<if nsorE.-M.-.i. «.4il
il.uf Guurw. but took la the
abore 1>oat I.ake. aad far Ue whole e^
iblcirs that i&irmu-d me
I wss laUbdbtaaoe ru>d b fouad. Then i
trudueed lu a.mr
..me yuoac IstlIrs.
Istlirs. bsU>
heir father,- who.by t
Uree coapaalce to-day bc.y Ouml
M 1-. or s-meUlBC es
■b of the creek with .ucctu1
>d set wlU tb> m daHot
■in' U^
follow}as b
Tlieyr spoke a little ^Ibh
from Ue Berebloke Ilcnld.dated Jao and Uat
It a litUe'mon plwsaal.
1 Ui‘ pruu. .•
femsln bad op sbo
SU: “Tbe boys at .work placerinr
my LH.-J mil:
rsUer aire
Bin loukioc- 'After
OB Ue. enek an birbly cacilei'
enlrbl^r*SO poonde '
EL’isWii’a;-"-""' 'T”
.« Power Co. IntaBatardaynlrbb Tba
lamp at |ba eenar of Oaa ainat aad Ue retorw. Uey are rauinc
their opnatiooi oa Lardeaa Creek
a Mown
Tcalerday I'eter CalheeD called lots
Ue Topic oOtoaaad elated they were
tbonrb tba braak ooolo not ba ha
CaBaaqawtly the atnaU wan dark lor retUar from It to «1 worth of r«ld t.
Iba lhaolMar of that nirbl. Saaday
■Ifht and Monday nlrht.
buy a dm rsie onui(
boxes of *'
aad tbi- call for
year at Icasi 4f>o
for tb*-fruit lu bi.otof tta bi« .
will aonliilem b rtey aotieeaariuc (ta
\VsUli«ton Star.
A Ulch
Tbe rreeat euap of Uie Priocees de
SsRsu iu 1‘sri- list erentul mn'-h Maillap coumn-iii. bb- i«i wvll known Ired.
rlilsud for 2S
T hitelaud
rJo' RDonwdiei in rarryawn R
■ bi..lab«blleta»as
sud bo i« »ow uiiiiiT lur rooftn-e.
|| it b Bimupiice'd II nerni iliatioti hs.
Ilor <
,NUi. trito al,yssiil,il ulU bb fsltar. b foriun)i.
d bi. iiirtier will not M him see hit j J
Universally »
' Mda of Ue rirar. by rirribf another
beoB oaUaaoaU aide, bat Ua
bM of Ua ttnaa aaaawd U hart
.load Ua eCorta
pwrant fnrthar daaatfa aaaaod
•taaet fralbaaUanrhtha foraa
wd ae rreat wit bad been. A ipwe
■t lawt forty faat la laartb aad twea1p laat deep waa wnthad o<U taUar
viU H a Ms whiabredw spaa tbe
hmU sad ratUnr rary near an
alaatria llrktpola A lanra apnea-nndar Ua aartaeo of Ua rronnd waa
arwhad ont. ao that loo eloaa pmlalty
«D Ua beak mlfkl rwalt la daawre to
aawtens ^Utoen. Hr. LadraU seat
far 0. Prnakk Moaday to eomo
ka darina aoas Beans to protert
-bank by pCIar.ddd alone or oUw
aanaa. and it b probable that Uan
wIU ba BotolUr daamr* u that
Wbaa Ua BorUpoM aad Blarhaai
«W0 laft hwn Moaday Bornlar Ue
wadi ware w badly Mfud It wa.
dnaad aoaaMry to tarn hack aad wall
iv Ua nada to ba brokea.
Oa BMUrday arianoon a party of two
Indiaa ^ two raaUaBan drora to
IVr ttartad
benta <
Borvlar- wt. nea of Ua tarrlSs stana
re Ucy
natlead Ua aerarity of tba bUaaard.
1U wbMlnr aaow aad rala Ulmdad
UaB nad H vw laipoaribla to aaa
vnaparBlUed la anho lUown rray.
Us naaapnata auppoMar Ua boeaas
wanldkaapoa to TnrecseCIty.
a ww artdantly ae tsMb bewilderndwtbsoeeapanuef Ue uletchwUe
iMkr fonad UtartoUalrdbwmfltore
It ao bappeaad U|nt Uan ww a fortyw MSI jwt Ub tide of r.nwn wlU i
rwd reaatnr all Ua way aroand it.
’ The tsaa aMaraly anonrb. kept
MhBplar UrotU Us dtap aaow for a
laar Ubs and It m>aarsd Ual Ue
tarty ww tnrirelad narnenl tlBsa naUI
aUrBhoanawwalrbtodnBdUa r*atlaM alirblod to lae when Uey wen
M. Xa^nlry nrealad Ua fact that Uey
had ntaraad io Unrra, wbaa they
■ppeaml that Uey rnn acwMwban
r Trarorsa Oty.
ti^rcBd the party ta aaak a
walked out to when duaU or imps
UeJii'hU,.uL. ______ __
aad Ur here hsi Isiu
suae wub a cupper plate la it Uat tonio Barerry.
u;>. 1. wo* ir..i.-.l.l.. to ei.i.iisini
m.-re s (e lobv If.iuKi bi.l. . tsaoH
CaptsiD Cook bad put there a babdnd
^,^•alIrwltb.TU^ Ibe pr.,-tK-e..f.lb.-"-.s-] w.-H.ly ta
years ayu to uommrmurstc Ue laadmc
,il uirm s
of bbebiii wbk-b was aodcr Ur Bar. a's|iheii
frteml'o. 'i!^^\R^'^Ii'uC^"tau"I!.^ I Htu!"^
lion. .1 lii
tbe paa. Ua Taeaday creoloR after tb<
■ h Cue.Tumeot. aad Ue place was
-Tlu-pr.iiivat ................ . bui-i.-u.*!
day’e work wworer Mr. Calheee tool ..lied ' roiiil Veouk" b;.»u»c Ihrs Ul.Meniel i
were thireiu mark Ue transit of _iVa paa and laalod Ua dirt Tb.1 to mc anv I btliercas well as to retshllAb
f:Tlb-Iri.iol to iriske •'t)ilsiialoui I..-j m tliii .v.iuili
wbat It wonid r<>- aad wm birhli 'Ue m^loa.
fote il., n-piud.'d: •‘(.'ertuinlt, 1 II | tbe |uo,!u,-I. f
I saw a larce pi.
rtdlHd by s sprinit. ii
•laud wbco the rraolle rare a return itoDcs near tbe Ucblboase aad o
ruuie wf-liEnui
—l<ir|-JO.Ik|ii," I'ryele .le.- Is
of tl.o pioU- il i
Ue Bot tbo i.„ ...y :v„.l wlU- tail, | lure of keupui 10 and L.iiiEjroi Li
of a Mule orcr M.
On tbe tullowiar Tulrioc a> If wbat they
told Uat
Ust |t b
• '
—CU-rclso.l I’biu Ik .1.7I
111,,. -It,,.,I il t.Tys!.J
day three man paw were tried
bees out there un
uD or
ordei »r, m Ue Ktrp '
leal icr;an lUNstarod.
rare II, II.M aad IS reapeclleely.
(/sptalo CooU’s^*°l'«'''"''''
Wdat tke^srs rseel^ll.
‘Wtailaworkior they ^cked, up from
rtromln “n^' sliobeaseds.[b't-« \|>««
LdiJ.ui AUev.-r- Mve: ‘■Zadkiel,
onr Ue reard lylnr erpaeod. e smtSBS of defease
jllM Ih'CC j CQ:1 ..
should proee aafriendiy.
but. with tbit instruDieiil. iki
place of coanc r»ld worth a little orci
isNDi-d, diS-N llvl (If .pbevy Mil ■tb .biuERliini.u.
- bat
Ue pile of ttonn
couH s.-e .wbi-Iber he wss it
far (be i-.uiiiiici.-g.r. Allil. I'-Jtl. Iipui,.
aa eacsllent .LowUb dsy. These "Msrlss"
lullet’s itiU'V or punetnliuE btmii
Im's to In.-a U.eilhdiy eXell iiiE tuuutb.
lac, aed wbea It b kaowo that Umm
Tbe CBit.Nl -'lures will th. o ...i.-t ai>v
roMlb hare boon oMained fros rnrel bucelap'Ue cloUesuf-ac
wba sluod in blpb positim
aos.lTi-uttir u- lon-iini policy, apiutmii.
at Ue .urface of Ue rlarock. ao ld>
ly dir.N i.nI BEEiini Csuuila. Al iIh- eud
Or. U. L 11
aan pc fornad of Ue rctarae tbat aa way
y b
back from Ibe I
of Ibe iu-.nU 'uu awLw.irit iiulUNu:!,','
lap I xe, ]I.D(su
be aapectad wban bedrock b reackad.
in« Wl
niU Ibr wblic-mao. ] b:
Of fbililr,u; •■^o lur n- p
ul brfon
-fore wi.u Uhs tta aalti
Thb booly Ua particalan of one Coo
of uaiur,-fdinul.l be ,-jrly
paay openllur oa Ue Creek.
IM npjN»i-u! UJP 1-. .Tn - llngluevr. tbe nxif* ..f lb..,
0U*ly iiicobwK-d
walkiur "lU souther won
conpaaica'c^entlBron Ue
dr. .•.inpr»-m»«'.-rr‘ciwrr.’liii kniue ni. •
M'alu-r Jooked ai
atau.NN. with Qal l.ri.-k arub,-N and as :
Colbaen Co.. Hwaeay -Co.
said, -xoii see uiy wife b barrfuul to all. mi.t. a chHa tl
it.i in lj:y,.l tlic.v'wnald have fallen in hr ib. ir nwu ■
day. if sbe was* at buiac or no the
.- lure ,.f
Lordl Co., nil of which I
l« and!
'*** ••■U'bii i» i,rp.ii.-ird. Aid yrt inure
tTc's' I1..W.-TS SJ.ll
Ua OatjyoD about oae
. Mnano.
,1 and' flphtinp.di ibuU.rmr-nf tmlis. Alnvul
plant*. slHriug ami
Trout Imke Oly. UrrcU eompuay site oufbt lo bare
Ibe nnly, ,,1.
.•t.-ol |.r Nl,, i..l by
will,, vlindri.al pu.^.N-lluu >■
brat, frv-l, uir.n^il
barlnr complalad Ualr Si
•ha b wllboaC Ue:
>t n.i- ■ 7-u,lki. 1 1. thui n.. ii-ful r.!..ruis will
and a -N-.u|e., li.ifn.;
alar Ue water Uen Uronrb thnucbl independenec.-' Sbe o*ck,
id UN I •* ■I'soEuni.'d m li.-- iRN-inrii.’-.
-1 .'rri->rsuiil ..ultaoib.r Tl
aij.1 uIJ lb.'I
they would taut Ue bedrock: Ub Ucy
T-ri -u< .c... t..,irt.«p fivi
I ii..t‘.mly . Iwtier rtan.-e of ,.-.-1 ^ "I'f ’■b.r* sr. unkind UI ,r .wm-d
did by pniUar n le.1 bole down two
do with Ibr ladya lilUc
iiiE a li.aiibr m-rrou* f.>t- n., bur of
J "" *“1
,-ta.'k Th.-y
feel uquaru froB which Uey rot bt U.
.......................... twetpep,
duriap fifu
passcoper besides myself,
itpanully .if
,ntl,r«w.. 1...,
belar toe macb u> al
nal lire princess whose broUer b Kii
*1,1 of bd- peroraill 1«-lu .bim.t,d yet ■
• „ilb an.
Uam W properly cleao It. Thb'
blaad.Ue only i
fat owsy
tdrat. tli. usia^ >4 wbicU b
eoorar«l them a«l Uey arc now diuh- SC c”*eroed bow Id Ue BoaUi S««b.
' dinlbl by ilicR'iiia"
:acb prolcctorata. This
deiar Ue aeciawry work for a tat it has a Freacb
nciiily pul
d Inary to look at. densPaW T.elk Tksl Qmw. /
ptwUcal atan waablar- 1 am looklnr
I..II- I,f ll,e ea.N I. nl li.li,.
UoUer Bubbaid. hair
A W.-«m- d.uli.t has s..lcnd tta
farapleadidntorwtroBLall Ue
U. ..pul......
wiUa black
probiri,, ..f rupplyiuK ibe bsubui immib
paaiea al work at aa early date. S'urs and red silk
with Lviw l.elb wL.iOj wlJI pniw Into
roU from *1 to bST bare been fouad la tandkmbirf'Usd argaad hr
Ibetromi. a‘ rirn.Iy u* untarsl .mes l>r.
oaird w
III, raapti
talf d.'f.'lciN-d Luu.bd U
iwinrUat Ue ro>d white sailor hat Irimaird
Zaiur»by hi» |Nrt->ruird saw.-ral tucaceata ribbon and tralber lips, and last of lilto Ani.-nt-jiD
b than awaltlar Ua eaterprbe
(ol oiwiali.CJt uu dure a< well as haall. bare fwt. Tbe aativc baU are
skill of ana la Uke It from where
losB U)ugr. Tb.- irelb ate mad.- nf pataatore placed It. Por^le.
Upereba. p.r.vlai., .w metal, s* Ueca*■tliT carryiap a gvmor.
arrowVoot. either bclnp
nue U-. Ai ibe r.>.i ..t tbe fain- 10..U
woridar OB
bss'ilsiu— se.1 .sOs.
}r eery fine and are rxpeaslee, s<
sell SOOO poaiid- |wr wioareibrb was sbo
bul.N •are tm
enU-bed aad all Bakiar pa.
lep as hipb asSli or |*u. I »-■" •
at Ita Miu-kb.oliii .esbibiliueby'Mr.
Tl*l v.ib il Ibea
known w maeb w fluo. lakea out in and briar one home wheel eon
well knr
Lavsl. the i,„
three weeks wiu« pan by oae oaa.
ritophl eresiu
.-.;h I,mb lUWsT
lb wbiob b abo]U-r,
bat Ub is oot oflca! Tbe ordiaary
bniler I
d.-scTib-d as
law nun Ue bain
meten oai IPaperteon aTsrypmi,
b lup tiiert-Iv a lunp ctmtNmtrir
plaeer miser has aot soBcient Bteaai road
k.-T.„vib pndaallT
td much >f It ruealnr sluor Ue
properly baadleao
b bollioe a palrt of tDlN-.vI.-ss than in inrb in' dianmlr
sch. Thi
Ur.,UEli wbi.b Ibr ttsbri. puui,..Nl. n
l« Ua was
larya a strwB. tat with small capital
rs'piii|! as Bi.-am at Ibr i-nd. w b. n it
dbuaer. «
ral. shapr
lares aniw of moley could be made oe
Uinr like a pyraa
,rt.pcJ a et
Ir. iii whieb
Ue creak. TbU crock aupporta from Instead of roiac quite U a poiot
wuiiT tapplyta aab,
.Irawo tNN>-r;lyuri“'
W'lo 100 cnee dariac Uc'wlaMr.
top b a larra rad am aad lo ti
by Ihe rt-maud fur rl
I,, ss'isab.. Ita
1 brolml forsigsD#
for airrupply i
Our ruld aad aiirer mioea an aaoobd _..ra Ue door able letter --PI'omara, name of Ur c.-sl fat illy, and
to Boas U Ui( rich district, oor rein
rein, ly bi«b pr.-dur-..
talow ibai
ct.i) lo be a t-ry s.,ft
cold depoalu base yooe as hlybas Just back
tack of tbe toa
tpe so w-n. pHH- S H*oi» H-u-b
■:.0U> per toa, aad Ue aiirer as bleb as >w pile of M^aes i
Ml bt ws.l miser psM. seerrs. Hr.sM ,
buj. let of thesi
dotbes of the decs.
•sou. tVIU SMb property
irl il abfi'SiiJ.ri.iu shuuJd take place it
t pliaryumwl ,
woadar tbe creek b rieh wiU Ue
..live only a small ]..'rii.m of'
nr and tear of acta.
m pnialed oat to me.
afraid to meddle alldaa. aad frabrU.
.(vewrw. Ua
MV uewriB
dabrb Me,
llEiii.iiing Vts
fit} of water.—Eiuui
botgUrlwoke 1
V the b-msc. and na. Urn
beealbrried on
delu and Ue
sick Ulan aaliiiik l.w hvlpIrl.Nfd.. il
cold nmalostor
I abosid like to
Ue bit,,. The abc-ss bni>t. .lelu.
write a caod deal more abonl tbe dbABinatanewof usiilr.d m«iamurialed Ibe burplv wub pas awJ ranMUE
wtodo BO w jt wooM be
with Imrt.Tis oevninoE on s Inrs.- e.-sle
bsB Un n iDTesiiEui.d by Vro-f.-eanr Xtantoo tar ea your apace.
al.B Jlitoshi. «bi, b.j'ds U.- cbairid
taiany is the LhiiyrrMiTof Tokyo. Tbe
T. B. DsVBT.
dmed. wtU to time dn awar wilb (be Bitrrbl exaaiiu.Nl b> him Was a fem.
. react systes rif illamisatias t>oblla
Allboagb llw wrptal niinnt mlly
rroa Booth Boa Islaada.
riaeea. ale., wilb tta electric are liebt.
cmMrtBmtirrIy.d pachear tb-" ►•.ninl It aan rtmtiilr fivl eery,
HlB CapItoU Vader has leeelrcd a Ita A'tans bneBy, are aa follows;
tftia. Tbe bsciirissnemturm-taUe the alight eihraii.us and iu aeu.aio are ofbturfnm ber abler Loobc. who b
Lpptotbrix oruraccauflsDiL bailnnber Km soffl.-i-ni to bad pe.,pie to believe
city «* CtafdA obscrvstiosii «ill be iMsm
epeodiac Ue wlatsr la l-apeete. Ulead M ct»
its li.'.riiiE !• v.'tra.'alH. In rtasid
Wbribm they
of Tahiti, oae of tbe ^U dea Islaada hasiatri i.d an itapruTement in incanto aodil.CT iiTBaur 11,» muLe ranks low
,• Imnim wbirti retai
new spnrifNi.« not. Pras exj'
biter b dabd Uecember 1). ud
eat of all tbe u.-niberwid tbe grrat els..
a» ucbi made with bydriwlil-rie acid Prufeewnr
will prore
not oaiy
oaly to ue
Ue based npcm Ue
™ve tatercstlac
.BwmuBC oot
iHtcorery Uat
t wbea tba Mi.rmbib taltoH‘«e'tal lbcot.de
.ir/nal >sr. hut riso la.-ks Ue tytns of iMba bat many oUers. pnmun of
«f irm il aot dcpoAicd vu Ue wslb <d .
ai. <r uat .drnm. wbivh io otuex
ipuo the
tbe CN-Us, bat b toon cr low tsumaicly
arid body emib a poldra yeUow liebt. incorporated with tbna. Ko otbov of ■Bimals flni nwvivea the sBBBd.—Popalar Scirtme Kews.
Tahiti has neeer beta a caaaltal bl- *ery sprrralda to tta eye. dlsplayiae tta Bear coouBta ics emitainiiig tan,'
andiathe aame aaase the Marqaeaasi«b}roiB to Ibrir naisni colors
trria. tata ai Crtmotbrix kabmana,
aad aoBC oUri of Ue boaU Seas, aeca I
The ssb Is rapplied lo tta banier at
WMfpaad ia Ibu panicalar mod.—
llBl hbtny. Only al their rv pxMnn <d abcml > S aWKMbm. tfe
s rather dtrong, but ttV
aU wilih
/ _ .
flsnli-fl tliinp, in tbe boaw’to elc
eonlr.ir, ibuiK' lu keep clean. Uta
.lieu lint clcanevt. 'An* rtis.le clean ai
Unt_rucai}' of oil and p
Tits. k. K. fr-sIHBlkS COSPSSV.
el. Luui.. he. tun. Hmiuu. l-mla
For Ihe llesi of the WloHf.
75e a Pair]
WVrp rloaifiKo^t all tba
WinterShodd Very CIie«i>.
Styles are Up-to-Date.
A.S. Fryman.
Hi Krcci Htraet.
Travarae Cuy. Sleb'
your wants in tbe 3
of Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters, Ker
seys, Pants, Underwear, Etc.
GuaraotBSil to Gore.
Ob •nadby Dr. d. a MarUa '
eaUad by talophaos toroUMapki
BastaruaiakbeatMrwiU a doaWe
taaB. bat wbaa tal a Uart dbuaoe
Dm Ua
Ue eaUsr broke dOwi
aad be wabfaMad tontara to Ue dty
Batteo proeared a wlr of Ilrht boi of oB^ptain Uart. U. b now la Ts- j iBtf^ly tbsl- a
md (taSnrss priaiaia diMaotaof iW
aWrha aad atariod arala. Wbaa aaa.
tor we do oar 'Maklar-’snib the Arm ' tu UU
Uu f.vl..
UeBneahfarwUeaaowwwee dee]
-laiiaMhal tta ont c<
UatltwwlapoBlWelo cat Uronrh
lipht of I.MO caadb
----------------- ■
I the approseb of a
MMky fire, says IndoMries sodT ... .
Ita belief ttatnf.iy fnmi lifcbuiap I
tbu amnnd. By aoBe iBia i< deemed
a Bnp<-r<liuaB. but BrhaRerriiowt that
ttamstom ia baaed oeteaecB. nsemarh
as tbe XBcdR acts as a guid eeodactrw I
far eanylog away Ue electriaty'ilowly
baniMM erfend alBilar doBi
<tf the crtliatry electric Kpbt of sodmftdy. Ue poials oat that ia l.OM
ponds WlU her
TW doctor ww farted te r<*«x it
ber ' Oatstdeof U
Ueae lllU. I M caudle puww u(ia OBBsay) I. taM <4 damage by li«ntaiut
aupee ' —
aad triad it vala Headay viU batter tti^Ue aoaoastbeery iam^,
. of eoana Bon a
■taiiM „ ,
qaaiabd wkU mm of Ue cbaraeleta. { aaberg a byrtraanc
1 wcat Dee.7 toa place
Ptdat“ toaUead the hat
Uuusrh tta improTwl AM m
M.." tnr.z’i:
.‘S. .. ,i„H.
mean it..
, *bT
It your blood is imnerscs weak, .y^ur
or kid^s
wrong, TOO can buy a bottle ol
Th» Kind that Cmim.'*
iHth this guaramce. NO BEN
If. after
using a bottle of h, you feel no
benefit faaa been reoei^. t’on
jVMjokjm^ h. ha. baaa
Corner Front .and Cass Streets, Traverse City.
I The Great Sale
' TitT?
-H as the
Leading Fine coffee of the Worlds
inlhereuiilsioa.J imiseiipcTc-m.
Very eocry to b.ste to sjy lu e.in
lysudboiKWtly Ibal It Is itolptusi
cmekuoWR tUiHlHC
llo SI Ibe pr-wut time lo prnpi-riy T.nnsyiup ai l»> wife's buan of h.s fnv tilai" s ]nss.'tiE-r c-ir >«i u tailwse. Xo
will or^HR-uu-. he 11 Iis-kud m. An syM,.„ I. St |.r. --.iaVm«u by whub
pri.-e, |l.r'i.is iiy will i.-ajslo tbe same
r.Tft- es are i,ui only \ised
BtiiuiJiipl.iNre i. h.l, Istaitr 11.0 -oudi.
used ia
ia An,-ri.-s. bat Uef„-ricn ouanlrb-s aa wall. K„r
Ibixan taceu'eNsIidlysc-'Ui.plIUt-d.'’
-islity. Klaioraod
HireacU they bse-bo r.|usl.
read KtreacU
Vow I.the time lo r»l a
tiuas omler wlii. h il IL- ptimv sKradMl
.W.1 C..Cer al tbe price at
of a ebraper
4>be. Try il and be con»in.-ed.
l.y !■» wile to piyalle in
KewseSU lA-uker UCestry.
1 IT
eaaofrnd. it kanU by naay that
nl vara atmek tbla abera. Wbaierar
■Ifbthora bow Ua anaae^ Ua rirer
vw nJaad faraboee Ua aaaal blrbwBlar Bark nadat Ua booa of Ue
Tram aty fJoBbarOo.Ua rwhlsr
. antar wns faraad nrnlaat Ua ba
Ua mar of Parker Bns.' aboa
aad a krro portion of Ua bank ear. rM away, aad wlU llasonotUy of
Ua eoBpaayb k«a.
Monday Bor.
o Uwird Ua norU
TntTarao Dity. IClohlgan.
uuie^ ti
war rert like say chureb. but Ursler-I xtsstlMUrrr. It drire* eot ad Impi
. _
profuiob, io
IDE Ol Ue brmenies b tta mast peco-1 aad diicaae |«nn fiOm the system.
la looc baton tba walka eneki with ooiay banka laTlUor ffaa
waary to real.
Tbe lake laama wiib troot of eariooa
Tba nUroada. bowaecr. whUa badly
Uaakedlaaoae loealltw wen aot ao kiade wkich an dead ramr to aba laet.
1 kMp th« bMt cntdBB.
I kMp a Ihrgm aaMitmnst
It wilt p«^ you to BOB my Btook.
Hol>eB in almost OTory «sri«ty and price and stock
largo to a^loot ftom.
we expert aad impun laicr qwulUin
MBaeb headwayae the walk.
/badly drUtad w to Dfcailoa any boftorial dalae la tnffle Monday.
Ik* H. £. ww oa!y forty Bloalea lawr
boa Iba aomk and Ua II. a. * I. andI
0. h W. H. aaffend
d e*ry
**ry IllUe delpy.
asaopi ea the Blk Bapide
Bapid. bnaob of tba
'C.*W. H. Tbe wrlae of tbe 1:1k
BapkM train wblnb leaew ban Bonday
•i^t to briar back tbe-revnlar train
Is tbs nwnlnr. aUriod ont ai oanal j
Bnaday alrkl bat waa alallod In a hare ■
You OBB find Bay kind of Olore mni XlttMi la stock st
BoBdlc’B. Bieht in prtoB. quBUty oad B^lB.
_ _
There b swooM- ! scpplite BusDod. wOdlBCttara SB
hMHhMldsr I ly KUar fo.cO vOOO. in b
reots.sAd befits,
BMecU ofi Tobacco.
at T. J. HOST’S, 124 Front Street.
NO TIME or space to quote Prices. Come and 2
I see for yourself We guarantee you satisfaction (•
Popular Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
grandrTrareiBe Heiald*bndLTi«eetae Olty'feaiiacript. Consolidated, Jaanair Sf. IMS
Mfs OHo.Narad
ik. UTlaf alOM, ww (oaBd 4«ad ■
Ikf flaw
At flUTfawlIla. whUa dirriar <•
kk Hrm iSm Banana w«efc.*kat ar
«»m te r
-• -■•—
BOV and Warch (or tAa Alaaka fold
C U XlB« A Oa.t kaikrt tacVorj at
BallaBd will atart vitA ItO baaA vltbl. a vaak.
It had baa alaaed (or a
■ kaalb.
It kaald (bat *oIna»ra awarmtef
la (ba voMk ta.Dortbara Dtaklnoo
eoaatr. Uaa; ahildm ba«a bad nar-
&a ddloviB* Ulf vara taka
tba amptook of u old time a*
^tbadBaelandFcmaDd ctram
the aolabla iacUatacf (ba |OI bimuiy
(ba wlatar a( IM: a atranrar apMay I. 1077. the St. Loris Brevna
Emperor HUlkm to d
nlM to aardner Oedd of Cbaborcaa,
•ad Syractua DousidayedB IS inalnff
Itbat oonlHM-the fr
for mrk. Mr. Dodd took art ot tba
0 to « s>Ba.
ana. who did not aptwar to U a n
Tbr paper eayi lartbcrowre. beiar
Elara dsyr lainrfba Samri enUaia
at to All
Jmeed territory - la a p^tkri aa^. It •Dd Hacbeatrr clnU {ilayadaSl '
afertunt___ rwoalaa aia before letalra (errlta^.
atUa A latter Tharebra. emaamrekl ^ car^- tna 4 to 0 gsma ai Boaia.
On Joly 4. lS7a. (be Mr% BriUoeds
taa tbal. i
iraatlM batweea ritbar Cblaa
Hurtfwiii plapd tbm otae'lanliK
ktitaa. be r ,-EoropiaawUtei or botwaa Oarmaay
.jt wllb IHr. Dodd, r .
aad oibar aaUoM bare a
"*‘— fumu b Ibrer diffsent citie^Krv
ihara and
kladaaaa a( jean ajro
Bedford. IsoDlon ami I
oad that tba old Ban a
^ aopoal I
Bav Bedffwds vie all 1
aad live witb Mr.nSdd'
tote* or ctala rimllar rlrbi
to-c. 3 (o I and ISto t.
Bk (ortana.........................................
I* <_______
_ -...................
Sot a nia ws. wswri .
tba (oKana k to ro ta Hi
wnllioD to rarolBk the
game briweolbvilnlyokeaDd.
rrrial rrl
eoUage l.vuit at Benum. Jana >«, IlfHO.
Hirbiraa Ij ifahe tbiekt et
Gecagi. Lm muda tbeoirrtilt of tba
lilaana wilt atart for tba Klood.ka
laar in I f sr .yu<k>
old flelda la tba apriac, and tba lalarAdBREytATrir TCtCOfUUS.
Kor. S.
Mt that b briar (akr« tbroorbool tbr
tom Ldmrh .hot <mt (be Baldaum
atate la ro1d
|r>1d alalar teotora*
taotorwi ninlodk
At Perdlnind led.. Oaet«« Itackmaa.
^ btt w i.ne pi I rlims te tbe Kaold Uwararrf tba e> -lirmi al of i
BiuRiltled salride by sbootlDcibr elt; of Detroit tluat It b o'n
Praatderu HaK. of tbe Cbloace Baa.
tbtn ara aot low ifaao I.onu paopir li
J.-LunyWartl |.ii'biDB f.w tbe i*ror|.
Ball club, tays there k aothlac aew u
. apacolaUor
_____ loraof* nae the anrotj «iaaer._
dmi''' I sm i«i! -rue d the ino.t TentSTk.
klad and aaotbrr. aitn^uf vboo will
pllihiu; !.«( 00 tw erd Jnne 17.
A tic pray Umber wntf waa kUlcf
ro la pamoa to tba rold deldt baforr
ear .'Union. Rock couBty. Wla.. nflei Urso Hr r .k i.uly abut out Doffslo
Ibt warm waatbar wu is. Oae n( lh<
lbooial.it hul did Bot allow s bal
three daya- chsaa.
flralHktaieaa acpadltkilw to eurt lor
(ar 10
ls rwat h rr»L
Cs-P«(^.aa«r Jebn Wooda. ef Dim
- KUiDdlkr vUI be a party of 1" •IIIBy ft
eutktns II main tbr uinih Is. ._!•( Barinaw. wboare atpe.--Wil to _lrk. O.. waa alrock by a taal train an.
.........Urn AUamictaritlbe Uataat New
arrlra ta Detrril ahortly to j 'in the died In lest than aa hour.
fluvrAur Bu'hnell, of Ohio, b aufftr- Tork die Abr. 0. IbM. .
HatirnTf ainrdllira One aeeiloo of tbb
ns from dttbetaa and bif phyrictaa.
axpaditloe wfll atart Belt Tbnraday,
On Mar Si. leva. FyonrllT of
ays hU re.o\rry b dodblfuL
aad Iba other on »b. lu.
AUaptlr City rloh msrte sis bila fm- IS
Mtt- Emai. rl N'cenah. Wla., dropped taiee wiiii ih« Kiynoifea
. IiKhted bti'P and fainted. Bbe waa
It WS' ‘UI Any. IT. |v6t. tbal 11 botna
Maran <
raa iaan
racued Joal In uae tu tave her Ufa
nn by Badh-mm vat ibc aly ran made
alrhtowlnr------------------, ------------- --- Emeai Llamck waa etruck b> a Ir
in ao |t lUninscame briwceo Pi
which prrrallsd for twentt-fuar hourt.
bib drtrlns across tbe track a.
deuoti.ai.d D.-:n.il. Tbitiaconuid
The water rese la IbaCorirr twantr fire ytotedalCj ma.. and loalantl} klllaf
feat IttwepI orer tbe Mtid of (be
The bledford. Wla. brewery haa made Ty nfaiiy tbr m.ut ceiusrknble ffaai
Hbt docks and sheds and carrlel off
aasl(nir.<w<t Co li Maurer,
The E-.-i fiisinaw team made to rani
la fli.' Mill! luKli'.: c.r a same witb tbe
Dayum rich. ,>| n: t‘i. IK'S.
a depita e
On S*p(. 8 of tor miu-jear tba Chiblaad and part ol tbe 'ilrer S.rtersI “•»
ico'lubBia.h-lv hlUBUd IH rana it
.JiUtIca ef th.
..'temh iniiiuc >if a cbampl.uibir
are waa daa to aUle p-opee-tc. |
gsmo.w llh D. iri.11.
Tba rrealrat dsmsife waa dona the
forra. where aeoUoni ol ll.n «..rr- '
"““i* '»
punt- V ith Iho AllvEbany team
road were under nlnod.
li.wtt sud *1^1 *t
at Cinciuimti, Si-pt. It, !^^;l. Iba Bed.
ducka n the lowrr rleer were t" epi: The noptherti Colorado coal
n^r .S4 bin- bTA'Kilal of A4 basca.
. .Toaawands creek oeerfl .wed lu | have d.-i IJ.-I rot to an-eJe^ I.
Mf.nuijcT and Coablas pllrb• and faroed the water d-.wo i^e j Bland of tb- at. Ikla* miners I
S. ouly aa hit waxuude lit a Ranit
ranni until It nerrflorrd..i-s. »inr j wance tp snses
twren .I tocionuil and Toledo. Oct
atnalderablc damapa
{ A faroier in a, northern blimirar
2ri:,tss::&st.’:TbSr2; Elb'i ........... ^
ft vaa a
war booia
Fra. a iabarar.aaat
m Chatda at Nllaa I
Fya'i UlU* aoB m
hr CtefllBt BL Barnard doc-
trbln ancxaaeku.
H« war
^ Oanaatt Co., elUnad a txaa
<Mto(tak a
At Ida f MCuaekad
_______ J Fredarlek
WaiiBias'a «*■ _rbawealto
aaC ba wen
a la turn attacked aad aeTerri/cond. Srirhbora droaa the aaIntalawar.
taraa are delleer'
lloatraud laciore
in Moak....
eeaiy areoaacatfled onr ibeaafety of
nlakk. They «y that the rrcaat freer
ra. T-
! k,"”
dbpatch receired front the
drr oftbenmeal station a'
S'iS; ilW™
called Bjna to prol
At donaaTilla all Iba baalacaa ptaoai WblU llqaadra at
vd at Birbt and will be eloaad raa Monday frua
• (or two wMka. aaoapt Batur- InrtoB ally bfull
bla,(ora fraat reeirmlia (be
arlaa aad Matbodbt eborebaa.
■^rea UlUa ohndra of Mr. mad Mrm
Kay 1
Vrikaua narroerly eoapod baler U* tolnr .
.fcainl ta deaU at JackaoaTbey blnlm atenc
vara loektri la and aal fire to the
Kalrbbora raaand tbeat Jnat
'""”'1 ■t""‘
i,‘ Kcja. of Flora.
:h Aailn waa cranted
II n illlara AaUn at Jan.
il.liiiiiied that be'pu
. from the Mirhlsan
been oro.rrd by Covernor
e relumed to complete a-
t n.) diM. A.mow
fr .m . Hartford.
.' k ralher to rrecr a rnnnamenl ov. r
J of 11.0 9f Heno- Clay Work, auihi
.e.L-1» it) ' Inc TI.rvunh .'.eersla.*
free latcrunune of oar aav
•p ...tiled I
Ouhaa water* tbe name
l^or ta tbcir W ithdrawn',
of boatillUat.
>n Irt.o.aad.flleel comCoDeal Oeraral
it Batkjtrm if eloaad tor
•ad bit ta-ycN-old aoa ware apUttiar
wood WifeUiar.
Tba Inj rot too arar
aad hb.az ease dowa oo bU (atbar
bead, attiar nn artery.
At Brata Harbor Edward Moon,
fltrmr. killed hb dor baaaaa Drirt
bwCbarlaa Oaaa claloMd It waa killtar abac#.
Hew baa (oud tba dor!
-waa tanooat aad now tact Daoa for
inn of wauanukaa, VU..
for lafmniatioa to tba proeident
iJer. ;
:s'S,r,i^¥-v.r.,,:.v * ”VSi.™
- **■
' that be slllnerei
. tn. ante Ihoee atrrtary BaM al
reoalerd with erary awrlc-.y The , Pfar '» '•h'««eo 4
loo partitan.
Ibr liemau
aad i IM'dic* the abow.
____enckty aayt I--------------------------------Oonisnadara
appk rrowert ar« prepared to rlr«r- Spaniab abtp of War la the baitor bad
An epIdemU r
ooaly epmy tbalr traaa. to r«t rid of railed apoa the CQWDtT
ro. Already'the dlfea<» In.lla w
tba aoddllnr motb, they atay aa
' r. who bad rriorocd____ _____ (oim haa sol s bold la (he oommin
fo oat of tba bealawa.
Tbe county Wrd al rtaippewa F
Ipanbb torta Bred anlubw and tbr
Vu. bat Appropriated tl.^uV to 1.
WbUe Hta. B. Haloola. lirlar Bra ccranirolee called for be bbtb’
: -* BDawaat of Oladwln. waa aUadiar Baaua bare toee ebaerred. la adi____ tto «cuinictl..n of a' work houte
la trai of aatwa Basday. bar elotblar Cooeal Ueaaml Leaeuted that ererytblar
decaarbt Bra, aad bafora the Baaiaa
taeol ofUrinb bare heard nolhinr
lally el nay trdnbic or nl«u'id..r.
lvMn..r OHBa*.
____idi^ betwaea Cuntnl ircaeral Lee attorney seaeral.
and fberetary Oeaaial Coapmio and at
.Prvaldent lIcKlntey •
Ae old lady lirlar Bear neher'e tach Dttla iiaaortanceto miaora to tbal
at the bsnqurl of llir National
Laka,bt. JoaaphCo..iaatwHha peoa
alio-tlalefr*iD-..f fli'ialde. elation of Jlanuf
: beca racrierd. It weBid .at Thursday evenitt
departtneatUial-aa the wai
Two leraont were klH.d >-eei<
ter now atnad* there It od mil for fur Volin.
•ar Oanoo. In a con
ther inatraetioae tn Capl KirtlMWi who
and rtoi.-rs s-ho «
b persitled to aec hb own dbereUna
o, (h. UolUnd bo-. la daallar with tbe eeaau of tbe day
. fortbaared.
baa been#lDCrodured In (he OWo aenwrdkiatbMi.------------------ate. It i^rldea for aollury confinepoaoftbat oisaabatim and
{neat fur life fur firti desree tnorder.
ealeM in raapoota a aback .o.
nlldwa for iba braafll at the
-cIlpre oMiie Bun report
Waal tba boata.
Tba Lak^oprrlnrdbtrleYhb^Tear
» Norway H.el he ).a> e
t Dsti.ett.
esred tba tcrelce
aenuli. Wi... have been arrsetn] and
dri.e tba rrlndae
a Klondike
ound over fur trial oo a charse of betba oetpat briar aoatatblae oeer U.- relief rspadlUo.o.
oaO.W»toaa. t^rra aa tbU oalpot b
a aecetaorie* to tba crime of malpmcthWB b raaaa to aspect aa iaomaac of
us^B^red by ao explot
llkm.oao toM la 1«M.
sa of the Blnm of the
cnmpaay. In the T^oror district, i
tbe north si irc o( tbe asa of Asor.
aa tba Wayaa aaylo» laaBdcy. S-M)
rs ol
of tbe harrew
Tba sbori ffs
tria-Hontrsrr is
While William 1 llibjin. owner-of ii
■t.cea fro
Ralhl.on aawinm
Leralle. Wla.. w.
bva bb beotberb ats- Tba opareUoo has toco at llripti
(uod qaBTtrrt Indies I,- Iki 11 will. I
talkihs In' front
a cirgilnr bo's I
necaepary Ui Import ti-'i.c
ws. ctusht and-'
This -........................... rUce and klllrd
Mawi raaebad Hpetar l^e Kridy of foAd ssptdiea
MOkr that Mm. Joke tVhilby. w fc '■portateffset oo esebaaers.
Adlrlkramoo* ihefbBtcrmrn whoconof •tamer, care birth to four ehlWtrol {he bulk of the bullhmd rrwde at
rm. three firia and aa toy. Tbe
Tba tUinntioB in China.
Desver Dam. ■R‘ls., cair-r to an end by
ekildra wri*b. Bee po,^
The dleidior of China amoDr the Ea. Uie thlppars asreeln^ to pay the Bah-'
armen tba price d'randed.
opaao Bowaia atl
Prrtldist McKlolc) hue consented te
touch ibe button and to pul the mnMiyae al
rttloerr of Ihr c-M.-n jubilee mlploelalr
as. Pakla. u> tbr Inllowinr e
of Cahfomla at Fno Francisco In nioed'tba kSdlf^HleS^. bow• la
la tbe II
baadaotA norieer. worked ab ■••pi
A setlleiucnl of tba dlffivoli
iloit- Tbe^aerenKmy will taka plane
UermaDj bus baaa cRcclad. Kin
te aa and daHer 1
to be leased,
Chau bay
> prodaoed BIO.OOD >wi
Prank Beck, of Aladlsctt. WIs.. fore
be bay. rztcDdisp 1<
cold aadalleer.t
man of the rT.ui'.lfc.>Usr. and Wealey
be tba toue.
ScbrlK-r. ftaraboc. mcinrer ot wrecked
aaa troo(>toulaide the
ensinr. w-cre killed (7^0 k<.<m<.|lva azpl.wlno'at Madison, and three ulherma
Cbariea TMUr. aaotbar of tbe Claratvtridy but not taialB burl. .
tba loT'ildd'ur'lSa^L'irillorsilt* w!
Irilh .
.’W [Sc--***
pnelsbwd with leath and the i
Loab W|
vS.'aodwb'^cldwtdanrbteT. Etta,
rmntad lor tbe bui:din« of chi
dbd laatwraaTh
-------------- tbe elUm of Ttl Nlos. Tsau-_____
andCba-Vch. and dwcllior huuw*
taally wUI pnrbaUy laoDeer.
tba alatlaarim in tbe se.
Tboua Sorb, of S'lln. who (be dlstncta
dittnetn of____
wUl pp to Ikwaa City..Al
parHiao 1
OBA<e la tba praciice of anucinn wm
asm ofs:».i««y taeUwl.l Vsi- ;
probably maha tba trip a bb bkyela
Tbis Bmogni u to ba taken •!■
ia will kara Kilae aa laa aa tbe
toBpeosaaoa fur tba kiilinff of
waMbec will peralb aad wDl^alaa ________ toaarta
Tbe ta«elloo of the
tbnme has beea oblrined to tbe ubo'a
af actUesBeel.
■p tba coaat Urae«b Rrltbb Cola.bk
._jUonr liyemen, the Cblnese for-.
Tba 3ayloed Horrid aayi that tba elCD ofliea, has bud another eoBfereBoa
M tbe snb^ ol tbe EafUth loan,
whheb U aUll iiBSctUcd.
liealdm Itac
ri(hi to azlaod tba Burmab
Ibrapgfa Yaa-Naq previoer. UrmtHritria asks the right lo baild rallroadg
wplaanablrebvoodaday to heap II Utroogb Ue ivuviaee of iiswdehaati;
mok^. It barid (obaa BJaboonplaBi aortb of Yus Nan. aud a third
ti demanded, (be Idrctlly
aad will (urabb alMdy aaploywaat ic
- ' rY.B.s.ioai4
a laive Baaber of baa^
JebB Babaoek. of Kllaa. waa lajarad
la • ranaway aoeldaat lau aa
Abattbrae matbw apo eyapl
beria yaUa bataa to appar. . ..
toefc ip bb M. wbara
^TfamiSk. to*illl^i bl‘JU^
OHsar C SMy cd Biwwat. Hk. «ns
anMtelnl- - - mid ta ba I
Snori. wbe ttomtiy eompleted Us
risty -foBth pnhUe (aM la Boms, baa
atotrined (kv food in Ut parfetuncoa
tar ttOO d^a Id Us iifa—
MajriA. CBi
I BrapcTani. a paomtotw
of Eeauvills, Ind.. and
IToltmcr Uansa, u afal of tba acrtcritBtri datndlniriK tnvrlius in TurkBatBB.baidiaD(iTeT«dmiivcMa<if musk-'
males whicb somaUmes weigfaa as mock i
LEWIS ••wcah 'hcsibtTrs-
Tba Prinoa cd Wake ia mid 10 Inland jFRAhK FRKORICH
Utiiit a nnnibar cd (ba mtaur catbe- ralt (d Kiflasd ibia year. It ta aly
within tbe Ian year or two that the
Be who ('rivees cslannili-s *t
riuce baa ulm mneb Intannt u sarb
theta twiceovrt.—l\at(oa
liemag into il.U is giiiii'g lutua
(jinrn La>e of Oamark ta tba eldt on.-apsa( of a thraa, with tba dtiCle escaptia of tbe Uiaod Dnka of
To Inc iatirutd liirfibcoaarlf a1oa
six Lai a. tr-Jp luir anmhts.—Ue
woeka Them are tba aly two octoga-, ,x-,
nifthiag trale bat what
nan Boraraigtia .
.onr actiaa make as w« '
!<lr Williani Harcnnn Is the «
rlergyniM and the giaodn of a l.i>hAccuru- T i> thv twin lirothrr of baop Bvwas itriardlor the bafiaud aller a ci'UMdvrsblr t:nir to |Uwrli.e aud 'HimOtoiiw
Ltoil Btaodcahas erv.e bn-n known
“ '
lull a man has bnf game of any
. KA it' is lu Waru "Uiers net to (alt
ilu- iiki-.—AddiHO
Mr U. a lireere. mere!
bowie. Va.. certifies tbal
Iriog 0«-Mlnut"I «ufh*Cura RED OAK^ LO^^S WAN VF.D
......... Wns
- (riven
,n up
“P to die. suai
... medical
li treAlmcal
lhal money cu
procure, tried all coogh remedies be
could hear of. bul got BO relief; sprat ni^locled erdor’j. p: Jobssou'
nr alghtsviitins nn iu a .-hair: was
Kva catarrh, lhal dread l-rvc
ii'c-ed U> try Dr. King's New lliseov.Dsampllon, spccnmbs lo the b
erv. and was cured by use of two tot.flurnees of Thoms-' K-lr.-lri.
F.ir past ihree years has ben.
altcading I
King's New
very is the graade
........ uS!:iijass:i;£;:3si‘K
^vi.sSHS,U"FI' HO L D -F A ST
itiQrb for him aad also tob others In hli
enoimuDity. Dr. King's New Diseorery
is guaranteed for Coughs. Coldv ana
CoBsumptloD. It don't fail. Trial botpU—...... ill—'liun ...1 ...■
tli-v litc. S. K. tVstt's and Jaa. U. Jobailarly effe,-tivc in the cure ^
Drug Si
I'oovtipalloo and.............................
Sick Hcadsvhr.
Hcadsvhr, T"r
troubles thrv hsvr
have : use.
Malaria and l.lrer troublrw
brvn pruvfd lorsluatilc.
TIu-y arr
Imporcani Contract Secured
We are glad .u» iaform our rraJers '
0..S prepsralioas mioofartnred by !
,.s. v
Tllrj- (
towrls^riv foTlgoral
Buckla's Arnia Srivv
Titz But Baj.vz in tbr world 'for
oU. Brolee*. Sorca. iri.wrs. Salt
Sam, Fever Soree, Teller, Chapped
lands. Chilblains. Corns, and all sVin
ErnpUoBS, aad poailivrlv vurra Piles,
or DO. ,parreqaired.
- r required...............
It is, gnaracurd
to give ttrfecl satisfactluo
factluo or mosey
tvfanded. Prirr
sale bt J. G. J
andt. K Wait-.
•Bger repreaenuuvm of U|t
Going £ut or Soutn
following remds, to-wit.
you are goiag to lirinjil. Tolrdr.
Aan Arbor R. Ror toytmd. uk ymtr local lirkri agrut
C. A W. M B R.
icket via’F t I* M. R K
D„ G. R. A W. R. B.
lUenl train srrvirr is a f-alurr of
D. 4 H. By.
II. F Mu> I t'< >1.
F- A P. M It. R.'.
G. B. A 1. By..
N. V: C. A St. L^ B. B ,
Hii-w.rld is OKr.—O.'Mard.inthL
>kiw-ard Bosb. tbe mauwbnwrr-ir ih«
1,11 us Is- of (r-od rhr*7, ri-uti'Ubrv
SU|R vetidaa Ot "Th* Pi iwiu.T ia Z-IIlug Ihui th- uiis:i itniK's bard-si to toa;
da" ud "l.ud>« tbe Kcd Kobe.' tprg.in
trulbur- wbii'h iiriur <umc.—lAmell.
111 •can-er by r>-uding law. Hr mui
Ibandaid it fur tb« iitagr, bewnes.
Bud is now drsuisuocrilii; of the laiu|boi worib viiidiialUi);—>. tV. liolien.
den Siuiday Tiuiiv
1 ‘if:;;
;lau Iht
••'* F*r"
> an advertising medium, aud
•mplimest u> tbr more marked, an
campauy it
producta under an ataaovbicu arils
luu gusrautee to core or moaey re“’retail
fuoded. Krrry one of onr
retail dragfists is anlborizrd to sell Nir-Toaoteed
Our ne-w'sprmg lines of work
and dress shoes. Bought be
fore the advance in prices. 'We
will be able to sell a better
grade of medium priced .shoes ,
than our competitors. 'We ask i
an inspection,' guaranteeing
prices and goods.
h"WU‘-vt. ri.vt.,.u,i.
tbe effect tbe (rredom ij AimTlmo wo1™'”'
whlef. Hr,
-ji-oy buv« ni«o
................................................. - ^li
plvasid -l.lll.---l!.mv W.
a thsl Mr*. Un
riA "UI V.; Ill u-so buiitu «
Wllb the lifi
by American wi.miDJ» is « rad ihiui
Bud thri't out Ih.. oth.T throe, u tatTbe uiaii
bowervf, it a gr aiad- low o
[SMvd-uiu'l u.-Unia r\u-.ird.'
uirtr'of onr wio.ru and met they are pisnl-lc
.Tm- ILliiRi-.ns u-H,aiily (ail-d u
‘tbe most Uauiilul lu (be world."
liW but >
snUir a liil ..ff nuillh of the NesrarL ■ S
• ' ■t.lersiu.
J., (•mo Uct «. IvSu. but went out It
ic, two. ifarv'- luder f‘.r iiiae inuicRS.
Jluivai—li. yirti u-Iieio in bCT.-duei
' ^
Ua May 8U. ibvC. \'uu fislutii. i.iich
Fliiosou—No. 1 cau's say I ri.v iie. ^ „
ins iu flakUud. Cul.. .tnick -ont tin grandfatner was hanged.-New
tbrvr lir.t ifits at tat cm nina pitched
it hu> le-. 'I • • i-'i.-i.m |.i
In July 31 cf tbesj 00 year
ir tbe Ball!
A thrill of terrorIvespctod.llipough “ Pm‘i>'-al..4..lw.,..i o.....>.-ur- m h-rv
n insdu one siDRle off Bausoyol
braviy cougb ..f croup
ili-'B|.pI|c.iii..ii I|.t.-ioI.wr
II)'- Iriui.till.e la 12 iuDiogi.
- - ■ - - - nybl. But It r lerrorv..o *>>* •‘‘■I'P
Ilor Mioulc *7 » f.ir.jgu i>u:.... had ■—I.
. lu Ibrcc sac»'.v-ieo Rnuies at Ft. Lomt changes I
Scpi4!U. Si U..-I 2:. the KhDUat City Cough Cure ULs been adminislrred. bel-ir- au .Vm,cicuji tu-iiut Ibt-.Hiii of
-Safe and harmless for children.
J II : the Ulu-r %vii-lj:.c:i-J r-> llir expir.iiion
clab failed to r.-.iiw a riBRlr rati.
(ff ibr-f-io-ikii i.sdni 'J be Drvr njlo- .1U-L lil. Hfv;. the Cleveland and
o.d s,ldlcr..f
Ihc lleU-lliou O'* mabu (hi- liuiitali..o. hot if lltr j*.Piiuliarij rlobi played a nine inniiis
Idler.if Ui
nod l-«w.-N ihe two jua-ui- is -leer
'in eikuJy 60 niuBtrs.
A yar ago I w
scv.-ii iiioiiili. no A..uTi.uu Id. Ill w ill
c rheumatism.
kOuks Ibcfi .jf (iieOmabaUam. .'broDlc
to KTIUK-.I.VA failuiv Ui prusienlran
mafia Dim eui-iv->ruve bits, funr of them •failed la give me relief,
ling bolus rnoa In a game with Ibe of Rurduek lllood Ultlerspui me •m my siiiili'-sii.ai f.g .ei
oariituie tn alwi
Aiid.'i.m-i;t "f (U
- i'sol usm at fit. i>aal Jons fi, Ib89.
W.^B. Knapp. Uiu-bfirld, Hillsdslr (v. ,
Ke-Te-toe (er nn> cv.ie.
0.1 ,w
as IS «"•
Mcoireubs lorilu s-Js
so vs; SU1.W 111 ivr o
M. B0RN & C0.'.'"' 'jJ
ChatVT buscastM With AS.
i?.A.MIIaXON- 01-0XHX3S-0-”b0.'
Before another advance In leather.
; l-'inc Bally Kobes.
I,ap Kobes. Blankets,
Gloves and Mittens.
: Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.
All thelAtest improvetnentfl that skill and
in Pianoforta conatrnctlon rendar tbe
llulMu. tniiibiii. Albnti,
That means th«i in any of tbme lour
grvsl Prwlticca o< the Domlnun ef
Csnsds you can secure ito aerm of
agTicuhu-Talbnd.ykidmg from ffiy to
•ao p« acre yearly. U you become an
•ccual acRkr.
Tbrir tcaouiea ate
re. Umber «Dd mtoeri.
of Aeuon. Qoallty ef Ta
Demeu. aad Fiakb, aad S
Every ps-i of ibeOettaa'B PlaDa la maautaetarad In our
Kren Insl/umenl FaUv WarraaMd.
Tbe tr.amnb lo tbe an of llaao bulMlag.
Jodgrs tbe Acme of FcrfrcL’-W» wish every
very reader of
o ibis paper who la aaisg er .
lag a Pmbo to iarestigalc Ike mrriu of ^Rin gomiiln*
and homelike ae a nicely faruiabed parlar.
We bare a flan i
' Hoc of Parlor bnlia. Odd Rook- . I
erv Over Staffed Boekera. '
-T I By aod Grand Trunk Railway byslem.
You barr do Ida bov ebap. ly yem oa (arulaa a alee Htue parlar wllb rim .eeesfert'
able farulture antU ya all
^ look over my stab.
J. ¥. Skier’s House FmmSIuiig Store,
U8-ia^ TffoMt BtnflL
mt-«iis k-rwlirusiw^i. imawarM 11 v^-ur i off. amt such tickets vill tb
>lod i^U.
Ckwa blood neub. s rlmi, -hm. No
beaut; without it. I ss.ar\-.-.(‘aT< 1 Csiksr.
tJc firsli ;t.4ir. hi.ssl -id L.s.|. it lir-i,. h;
st.miig U|> llir Isr; Inn si.J .ln> luc s.. .lu
ruOtjr* Irotu tbr bujv. l-a>b l-.ds' t'>
Uiitisl. i.imi.lr*, Uils. l,l,erii.w I.L. Ll.Tsds.
siiJ that su-k'v J.ili.v4...oi|.lr\i..ii (•> uLin*
eager Amoeiati-w ybe aamesof tbs
mraUoved liam
Haas Ihn
Ibnt are npos
Igaarie lieksla.
Vekcl Bareae
Tbe orgu of tbe Japanese geteru
- aad
"o. 1 Mileup ■hckel Bureau.
PraaesvUb fulloviuga aeltob priiry
. _.^.prior*^
la Um fa
far toriud
"Japan will ii w jymjtaviytoysmrw
ej; February Isi
wUl ba homwad
avoid rilB
(arte BoUea
act vlgBt
mrsaj «uw h mm te’byihaatoea ttomaamad
ttomaamad (bmaa.ug■HhbbaMtaamd ^
tetka«lbrihaMU It
Unverem Moris, now livinf is Da- triiiL It ■ preai-fftnndsa <if tbe |■lrtl..l,
Bulert Mona whorr fiBan. lal hackiug
‘■rlprd lu make (ba nouirioBa Irinuiua- :
a-of (he BavriaUa a paribUity.
(be babit of ccoimually <WB..olliDg a
watch, which was bis n-..rl •-brrir'bi‘4
{Ota am
Mr. Khohskn-psadiary—
an-iir Kso.i-at CslM,-Illa
Iciker-p 111.—wnllrllluaJ
Scpl, 19. 18S4. Wat tn<aleci]d»-r
ld»-r km-wn
same a noord. tbe
Tbe Cbiu-vr miuiiiicr, Mr. R'u Tingnonipletrd In }on 4‘ Fang. U said to Iw a triffi- imi-u-v bIk'M
MLh.Cei.t B. R..
sari J. Cts
have (urmed su wgaoizaUas called tbe
-Its of r.enerel V. fi. (Irsnt. Is dead Northern Milragr Ticket Bniranfor
at carlltle. Fa. fr-m anslnji peclorla
tbr purpose oliMoingand eatliagaad
kins Hambcrt haa sisned a dacrat --------riv acauatiug mraa laiercbaagaredurios ihd lu'.ian miivint tariff on
Ibuusaud miie Ockel dlffrriag
lefru.t rroa ft, to i lire, unui April M.
tae form of ticket Imoad by the
The Japaoeae cmlter Ctdtoaewas aac. Central Pamceger Aseorintlou. ,and
cetnfuily launched from the Unlun Iron
caring tbe foilawlng feaiarm,;
Woika yard, ban Franriaro. Saturday.
is gx»d for pasaagr upo« anv ragaThi ballot la the Maryland Isdlalature
pamenger tiala lezcepuag llmiiad
ter atnator was a tie daiurday on tmo
m of any aad all tbr liars partim
candidates. UcOtmts and Uurman-S( totbls agrarmeat. upon prtawtaUm
totbeuoodartocoftbe train, a «om
tirnson Ezgera, 17 yeen oM. ef K wtb pliancr vllb tbe rtammablr proviaiou
Brirm. lod. Is cr>dRcd vlih haviag of the ticket raqalrad' - U. ------------l-rpobeen married iVw tlaiee. and charged of ideauEcaUoe.
It will btarifi 10 t
wlih having two srlvee nu«.
Tbe Bczl tnevtiaz ot ito BUteUtad. priodpaJ UiAiet oMeea
tbe greal Wrlsh Musical oTgaUsaUa to Ibis agtaemeav ftbirty ttollara. with ntate
(ff tbe raltrd Btslea. aill to bsM at.............
Milwaukee. Jan. 1 and 1. It*. '
j lam after use
•Jskr'' Scharier. tbe hllUard wtard. oomplmace wlUi V
(ba CWcago
to plneed a aale
Inc tbe game Be raa
CM to Prbroaiy 1st. "ibct record. Tbe mac
,Tb'm ticket. — --- -.___ __ _______
ssu-h I a'v anon the liam'of roads pankm to
s-41.-. with
Tberv 1* vnrv Ws
deonaccdlng Port Arthur
...... poverls vUbag toytald
r. Nritbar
, LASTm£-
Ji I
____ a'bV'toa'tabea ao
ef aay kiad aad phyalmaarapatried. ftwaa tay that ba b
rradaaUy taraler to bone.
Ai^Ckiaera of L<«bb tevaablp
than ever
Bmnoa 0. Brit, tbs aew pamMtM
Nn Usms fMdflc Hallway eem|iiv,
was hlf ndlnmd oanrilnlMIasa
damu a fba Vaada^ Uma.
smdTvvw. avceiw.
Grand Traverse Herald and Traverae Pity Transcript. OansoBdated. Jannary E7. ISSS
9 Herald
TKOV.T. »ATKS.SdM<)*BareaOtBbPkpn-.
praaoA ba Mia. Kaoalaad *a»<
ba toaipa fa lya broad, aad a bra*
wblab MfB. Faun
■■plad aad preoo
•..aal daeaaioo oO Ua aab)aala of
rye aad ladlaa bread »w fraaly ^
ItetaferUthi (Bab aal Pfiday UdpaUd ta.
OoaofUa------------------'MrtvMtkenaUa»M0f A. «. IM.
f tba afi«Ba«a waa pofroreca •■■ada
Wmk znMkamat. wiib flfMaa aa
kM»«nMat. Tbe am aaaba «aa • ahna yon wall.' ..................................
WaraditadlvCkariaBaekaad Mia
Uaa yriaU, *«riou toaala. aadai*- pal of aa aaataa pbaMr afhti
Ubtt laWy baU a M«» York aiy.
Aa laMratUa# (aura of Iba a
b« aa tbal aaob aoaba (aralabwl
tbairbabypieuraa. Tbaa»rara
bond aad ^ac^ araaad mahtaa. aod
aa iataiaUac naalar oatat a
* a »e aboB tboy beloofoA
tafrabaati waraaarrad. aod iba
I aaa aeoHiM appohilri to aai a' .
t^iien of Mro. Bud. 41* Waal
Bfbib atraat. Fabrw; lia.
A ^aaila eotase wa propoaa
tba papa aad aay fOuM aaalaar
■ay drop a pcaUl to Iba aditora. Hr.
Boob aad Mia Baaan. abo wUl try
aaarar Uaa qoalioa In Iba ar
materiaU aad atlrrrd ap a Ue fall
were.rlrlar>rarraelpaaa Ua did
nxar ware depoalmd In a fam tin
la aboloran.aodlo Jnat elybt mlnatra Ua dalldooa mldaa browa daiaUoe ware briar paMd araaod and
joyed by*U preernt. It M ante to mj
Uat popomi aderaad tbe tqa UMa Id
■any i Trarrrar CUy bame Ian oipbt.
Fer Uabeoedtorthaae who wan a
proarot tbe trolpa li
Oea act. well baatea. a plaeh of aalt
Bddadi ooa eop of awoet milk, oea eop
of wblU door. - Wbaa tbe afr <• *a>l
baataa pntin half tba mhk. add tba
eop of floor aod bant amooU. U«m add
U» rwt of Ura milk aod beat acaln.
Poar tbe Uln mUUra to rrry hot. well
balUrod (ram Uai aod hake rlybt
otaa la a eery bot oree.
TmaiDnlayad by Burma.
At Ue meatlar a month from
' AaoUar
Mioard atrodc Oraad tba maklnc of aoopa nod different way.
tapida. • jait
balora oooo Tnea- of oookinff Cfin will be diaeoaaad. Tba
aa- redpm plraa at tbaaa maelinir. are bo
abtad fary all tba afureooa aad araa- gy piearried with a rlew to prietlnff a
iaf. Tbaatraataarnorrioe waa diadly
ook book at aomr fntore day.
i dforillaad. tba flaa aaow drifliac
Oircnlt Conn
AjaiyintbaCIfeallooert Tknraday
Ual dUad tba alTM
Iwaaral ■otar aara b
'/aarrloa waa
a kapt op 8a moeb
baa aot fallaa bare la tbe aaiae apaae
' OfUmaloryaain.
A larft ooBbaroI uaau aad wa
: bare baoa kapt at work liaao Snbtey
: baallw lira aaow .off tbe malB atraeu.
. All Maloa were (ram forty mlsataa
•aoboon lau.
Tba Oblar> Mala did aot laare Knw
I BoSalaaaUllOo'eloU. .TbaC A W.
: M. daa (ram tbaaorU at V.ii la raparlad ataab la Ua aaow oeara i
' aerU. Tba Sarlaaw train eamaai
8. * M.
Tba team daa here at II: top m. oa
tkdCAW. M. waa aboot flee borne
lala. Tbe iraia laarlay ban at 4:M
waa olalM la aaow drltla aaar CbaaorU wbaa Ua aerU boned bale. Ko.
t, eranmat. Tba eaylna af Ho. 1 eraa
BwttUadopoa UaaoaU trackaod apani
aornral boon la balplay to ralnaea Uat
Tbahaarleatof UaatM wan aooU
•ffWbiUCIOBd. Tbe 0. B. A I. By.
blw ooCared Mraraly cm Ue main
UBB,Uooyh Uaotaaloytrala aa tba
bnaUaaSaradaomal^ delay.
Tbnca «
Beat Esuia TTaasirra.
Good looba an nally Mto Uaa Uln
M4 lo A o. Lear. Bratwren D.
PaaaWBiowMI to Ua P. Boat
' aL. lota I aad t. blk a. B, L A Cob Sod UalKm be tametiea. yoo hare a hilloaa
’ add-«l
look: tf year atcMcb be dtJocdai^
a A. WoodworU ho L. J Ta«ma
• jaroMhUotalhaad I«.T*?.arlOw
•nUbad at »:*n. 'Ra ebarye of
conn edoanmad 11 mlnnlre aod ibe
rant to Ue jary at 1:50 It waa o.~
wban Ue jure raUreed and raoderad a
ratdlct aaraiatad, ayalnat all of Ua
UpOB Ur aoeclnahm <>f tbe Blackman
■M Tboraday afteioooo la the Ciieull
court Ue eaae of Andrp* Iraaeb r..
Albert Welch, a raplerla appral aetioo,
waa Ukee ap Oilbert A Uataa ap
Cloak News
Hot 111 sizes ii »)i see slfle, bn at cat fit pii fioni stiee of Ihax W
Ladies’ Jackets
Ladies’ Capes
Fioe Keraey, Taturf7.50...........
. Good Beaver, .relae I4.-V)....
Ettra Boude. value f IS
7 86
hit abaaaea- U it allayed Ua
it would n :b betww iM aad sw>
Inroitora waa Uk.a from a
iwoold be neeosaary
ty la which Uia Uaeh family
- . lor Ue board of adneslioo to coasider
llTiny wbUa Uej were enyayed la
propositioa of as axcluslie Hiyh
glaariny a place of land in
school bQlldiay. Eiea now tbere aip
Bay townUIp
Tba plaintiff
scsively scau cnouyb la Ue buildlet
layod Uat Wtleb. bla wife and
imrdscr the atteodaBos. There
.l.,.k,U i,
Roe qualify Pluab, daborately trim- ,
•®"50 -
.............. 6B6
'Perry Hauauh ct a'. U> Ueorya U>i
rie. loU T and 8, b:k.5, H L A Cob Si
Wall* Paper
Window Curtains
------ AND-
MarHian Blk.
Fmni Street.
HrriNo Bxnx or THiva.KM-i'iTv bxsi.-
a law
passed praiidioy Uat free
be faniUtaed U> aebools i
Ust'.tbe seleetlaes ol
text books be mode by Ue
board ol educsliou sad Uree CDUSty
Our Clearance Sale...
, 1«
Hn.ic by in
Get them of........
lls Front KtD-el, Wur^lmiv llltxk
I When in Need of Information..
at '
brooybt to,Ue aUcatlon o
by bnperlnleDdenlGrawo. who staled
that Ur board must decide St the apt
«er. W n, Wn*L.,
elK-Uon if Uey do not want 10 be’ 1
The aoDunl bo.ibmn maeiloy of Ue
eraed by UsUaw. It is optional wlU
I'rrabylerimo choreh wus
or i>ot, bat ilsyeirolny niter Uerayulnr Tbi
ra under Ur erenlny prayer meetloy.
. k
Ofii»-ra wore elycteJ a* follow*
---------------- ----------- - *e‘
Etdera—E B Carper. ^t»el Aeder
free system under Ue___
ment ol the local board, then Uc pao
IXmerios-J E Jabosoa'EU Porito.
pie malt decide at Ue cemley .prlo*
elecUou. Tbe matter a
Draeoaera-Mre II E Swward
Trn.tee.—F. M ParuA J.me. M
taken Bp by Ur cue W Ua superlataadaau of tba poor of Grand Traraiae
ity ea William L Bnasdlay of
Pnlasnln Township Tbt. Is n csm In
which Ua tuperlDlcBdanU of the poor
asked tba coart to compdl WUlUm I..
Baaadloy to srarlda aappurt for hU
The atreay aad patballe play, “Aatl- bUar. Eramt W. llausdUy.
Tbe rtie In Ue Ohio rlrer ai CloclnrM- by IfapbaelM ww ably torlatrad ■tary of sack sldr la tbe esM baa bsea
by Mra. Bart OaroaU.
prlnlad In tba UxnALB reorntly. Jadye astl bss nboul rrtrl^cd Its hlyhe.:
BeHpIdaa. Ua teat o( Ua (aama. Oorbatt astcradan
The Phlp Mn.trre' AaMK-lsIlon of the
trie waa briefly apakCB of by Mra. MilUhBB.whaBmaUoaadaiBOByoUan of
Jodxe James H. Brown li dead s
U» plays U* oa# dnaerlUay the adrao- tba support of Uc father.
Uteaa aad aabappy life of Jaaoe.
Tka aftaraooB aeaaloo was ubaa up Peru. InA HeUad beep msjrur and hx
Will olber O0W of honor.
aftar which Ua itoiy of Jaaoa aad In Ue baarlny of tbe dleoree eaae af
Waller leads the luke race at Plu.
Us Atfioaaeto waa aatartalalayly told Fauala U. Trombly ex Joaepb Trom- burn aim <n mlW. t lap* lO hi. crodli
' iyechliioeer I. liexl «1ih 48* relies.
Jodyment w«a takaa by dalauU in
Duplan A Co., silk manutacturcra o
M ^ of M. J.^-rledmau es. E. Gil- lo'ob*. Fraucr. propoiw u- eoiabll.h 1
IMltatloa by WIU Bobana. that was
liranrh plant at fi..uth Bethlehem. Pa.
nrt. for fiSM si. V
yraallj asjayad. It waa a atraay u
Thomas F. Hurrsy.
laUaCircaltcJ^rtTaosdty. le tha
- l••UeBaadwMyiraBwiUararatklll.
leoroa ease of. FsbuIs H, Trombly
Mr. Boboria praaaash BBcb talaat la
htollaa. aad bl^ItolCBara foryol for Ua IX
Frrald-at Dele p.sxd through Jane
Mb» bnlay oraryUlay axrapt tba pa- Ua taatlmony ol Uaeomplaiaaoi was
lOle. (>.. SI RiidDlxht es rout# to WashUaMeatOTMablytaM. Tba ■onieal
iDgtpo. four hours isie on aceoitni
MaaBpaalBMal fay Mtaa Bobarto added
ytrl. lea yean of ays. Judya Corbett
daeided Uat Ue testlmoay was laad- raging U)
macoouBlof Ue teoder ycara Md. II I. •lupHng I.
tra.aad p.
on Warm Footwear is on. The
price we have put. on them will sell
them. We can save you from.25~to 60
per cent on this line of Beaver and
Felt Foot
Buaday Mhnolsl ll;4i x in
Junior C E ] p. en.
Y. r. S. C B r.:4S p. ai.
Ereolny srrrlce T p. m'.
Haskell’s Bookstore.
a#i. a. Coc.ii.. pMwr.
-A lary imp.rUnt mailer wbicb
Sunday Seralera.
d.'inaad deeis:re actlnn wea U that .of
Freaebioy lu:.’<0s. m.
Ue free text book syaum. At tba last qoartet.
0»P“entfi sold at Th^ Prieoa.
-You Can
AlwAys Find
Soapel semce at
AJ A cr X A. X U C1 y tr.
... .S
I'uutoes. per ba..................-
Wheat, old. per bu
WOesi.Srw. perbo ..
Oats. No I. per bn. loeai.
Corn, per bu................
l\.Utora per bu..
Eye, per bu.
Iluck wheat .
Jiuuer per n. .
I Erire. p<-r dozen
trimiu.-d. vnluf»l2..'H(....................................
uujxu raii-K.
aaar Pork per bbl. aaw............... »I0 SO
Clear Peek per tl>.............................
Shortcut Pork........................
• S'.
Hannah to W, L Brows. ... bbori Cot Pork per ffi.,.: ..
of lot
bib t. II L A C«'a ut Plonr.H L.ACO.*«at
Rye Flour. B L. A Co, Beak ,
Meal. H. L A Co Brat.................
I f.
SnaaBna I’iltz to Mary A
lota e and r. blk
H-f. A Co'
Co', lat'ad'*' Feed, H I. A Co. Beat................
Eyya per doc....................................
Harid Taylor to T B. Rae
CodS.h per II. ..
of a WH aac l<l't 5-', n r II w—(I.
I^rdperlh .........
Halara Ann Pisber loHoward
Holler per D> Duirt.........................
iny.^^wl. la Me iv nod So t 5
Cheese per B,
O E. A 1. B. E Co. loJoeephI
Uati per bu loldi................... - -.
ws of a. h nee
t nr lo w
.Cora per bo., old............................
Atao e S of ae h
e; i j; nr
Sell per bbl........................................
H.r„y C.,.., F-...k
Hisses' Jicleis, Childret's larteis, all at prices less thaa wetiaitliKiliera.
JobsUim. toB T Merrill, owb t.
r a w; aiaoparcali
1.1 5« a. r 10 w.
Joarpb Learctl to tldward I.era1l i
• h of arc » t SS or In w—(in.
Kneeland A Cola to EdwaN I.e.all i
{Vraino Curls, elr.. vahi-e Hsto$-ill
Youay people's service S:4Sp m.
tiyaUer wlU Mra. Leach, wha-----fifty elasse. aad some of Uaae
Bible tcbool. eirry 5undst. st ohnrah
left bar boabaad. took Ika foroitura by
Isrye for food work by Ur
tll:4!a.tt.OakPsrkCbspeJ^ p, m.
Tbe araabua of Un WomaBb CInb foree aad placed It la Ua dwelllny of tescbsia. . He Uouyht It would be aecWiieranluy
sbd prayer sereiee.
Fierce, foemerlr iu Us •Enle
aajoyad a ran ireot Prlday attar- Welch, whne aba waa alayioy. Tkea esssry aext year to Incr^se Ue
Thuradav aieninys tt T:iAp-c1ock.
BOOH to Ue aUdy of Ua QreU Irayca joatica ooort. and appealed. The; The quratioB olequlpmaot for Ua
iitm. aader Ua abU laadetUip of
old customer.
Here sr« s
Mra. J. W. HllUkaa. U Ua abaaaca
of hiv
Is y.—pohMaaton ..
of —
the yooda: the superiolcDdeut aod ao melkin of
Ua praalduL Mra. 3. A. HoaUyna. ... not ..
In lb. ilran Sugar
-ffvsKbmji'Ai. CHriHii.
Moore It wa. decided to set a»lde
Ua ■aattny waa praaldnd oror by Ua when tbe raplatU proeradinyt
IK lbs <■ Suysr
•M rtetprealdaat, Mra. M. A. 8. Bob-....................
Ili-lba < X Coffee
Sunday serrlces
Tba earn of Andrew Leacb et. Albert
IU lb. Rolled OaU
ana. Tba ooly aaBeoaeomaat made
Presebiay, lOrJos m. '
Welch, waa flolUed Saturday mhra- used at Ue eommsad <ff Ue ^nperinMiUatof UaetoMlB p
psr rack.Sunday school. 15.
AtiU. lUkb will Beat wiU Mra John lay. tba Jary decldloy Uat Ue faouta. 'tendeat for Ua equlpmaol of Ua UbEigbl ben Iwp.
Youny l-oople's meetiny. « p 1
BUIM flatarday afteraooe, Jaaaary W, hold furalUra in dispute ubould ba oratory.
. a JsxoD Soap, ri
dirldcd betwaau Us plslollff sod Mra. . Hr. tiraWB reporUd Uat be had sold
iiqz po.dcr Tc lb
Fine Husllly of Sirup si ticp*r ysl'ou.
By Ue deelsloa Mra. Leacb Urea eld deaka that bad ouUlred
Tha aftaraaoa peoyras waa istro- baaeb.
A FiF.RCE riro.-er.
flaeofl by Mra. Hilllkaa. wbo apoka of will roeeUa oae-half of Ue croeUery. Uelr usalulnraa bare tu Ue Blayham
UeUod SPOB by Mra. MiUlkaa. who
raeiawad bla yraat pUy. Ondlpai Tpr•aatoi ylrlay aaltetleaa (rom Uma ta
Mm. irtU wacb txpraaatoA Tba dlatoffM batwaaa Ua kiny and qaeaa wan
MMIraly ylraa ^ Him. MUllkw aad
A aaay by llUle Ctoii Paimalaa wa.
ffi*aBaBeaUMtoaUaaBeDia.W which
Bottcle. vatne $5.50.........................
of tbe buyiny
prior, of yealcrdnr for yrocerire.
-Itloo. and farm pr^ncU in Trar-
10 w~^5. r,t.
MU. mitb Somera. wbn ba. haralofore
filled a endrt'. poelUon in the Oak Park
Uaildiny. bad bean placed
Waitb place. On aowout of the rednetlonoflhe nnmV-r of youoy psplU
rauerd by .icknra. It 1. toond
aary to employ >
e bmrd
and I
The praaldant of the
clerk were aotboria^ to make a
tract wlU Mkabumaraat the:
paid Hill Walt.'
SnpaHatcndaalOrawn fare conalderablr InfuroMtian rryardlny
dlLluB. uf tbs enrioa. Kbool. and tba
In Ue Hlyh achool he
•toted Ual the enrollmest taxed the
capacity of Ue department and Ue
dicailoB. point to a moch laryer eur
peared for Ua plaintiff aod Boo '
l*uiUr for Uadolendaot.
Tba action 1. brooyhl for Ue ra- pupiU ,ln Ua Hiyh aebool. M
coeery of eerUln bonietold fnrnitura
D . are oo0-rq»ldent pupil.. 1
which Ua plaiBllff clalmg waa '-«-■> aaperielendant
•acreptltlonaiy from fal. pramlna <
Borease Ua a’uroll-
UaUraacnatmBBtaaof Qraek tray- oae-hair of -Ura Htcbeo utensils and
afly. Ashyloa. BaripUa aad Bopb**lo tha''ram of William Matsea « J
Tba key^sU af Ua proyram (ollow- O- JeoMo. a taoUoo was msde to qassb,
iBf waa ffiraa la Uo (not Uat the bet Ue
Oroth draaratlat alaad Irat to laatnel. Wrwards and tettlsd Us
Uaatewurtaia, wbltejaat^ opp> taslly balwean Uem.
Illy to tree af Ua draaatiat of Uday.
It was seren o'clock Kslorday alybt
baa s rerdlel was randerad la Ue reHia. B. D. Alloy foUewed wlu a
brief akotob of ^mbylaa. Ua first fa- pleria appeal cane of Peter Anasru.
■eaaOratk trayady wrilar.aadabean- BnybarlScU. The aetioa was bronybt
r a ponioa of s crop of rye
MfaUy worded rarlaw ol bla maxterptasa. ‘-ProaMUeai Boaad,*- (rom Mra.
Abbs npon s fsm belonyiny
BrewaUr* tnaalaUoB.
to Oriffetb, and which was worked on
Tkacktof aharactcrtotlra of bph- sbaraa. Tke Jury yare Ue plsialjff il
Taderwood A
abarael*. bla cbarmlay wUor. bosbcls af tbe rya
: 1
FRiOSS 08 ewnoutta that or* rictot
l8 oTory'way-Stylo, Pit oaS Wefwiti
Goods turnod ow to yoo ot LX88 TRAV XAVUPACTTntS&*8 COST to
•eU oat quickly.
___ .'“.'Si
eraolnff raodiwad a rardict awardloff
jodrmratofblOOloLUelaMe'Hll, who
broofbtmeUooayalBnAatoo Korowy.
Aoffnat Brlurar. ealooo keapera. and
Uelr bondamen. Prank Votroba. J
. Dana and John A Jackaon
TeaUmooy ta the eaae wM all in Joat
before dlnnar and Ue arrumeau
_______M a food AlMtlra aad Toole.
•wb of aal«-aeek.TI7. ar»w—«t«o
eUma. ladodl
Hay Ua<
AcM dlroetly ooiUe itimigb liror aad
Xatbaaial Story to Wm. D. Ksoai- kUarya. PartflM Ua blA carna plmTUl7. a
pUa. Wotebaa aod boUa. aad yteaa
paid. Tbaraporiof aiy eou, pareala la noc h. T (T. ar Ow^m
food ccmnlexlaa. Eemy V—'-----A. W. Moatoe to Ferdlaaad Blaard.
Traaaorar Wtaam Uowrd i
aateadlSoU at Ua Droy
lotn. TillMyaof B'
ait aad J. 0. Jobaaoi
<1 eoam
haadof t«.«".4t.
Taa eommlltas on baildlaya aad
Uat tba State
A TratWnl Tala Tniely Told
tebodi property be ploeadooUa
PirrU' Ul aab of Uak Park add—yioo
morhat for hale and Uat Ua prlca
Trmtamoftba Parocbla] Poad of Ua
Wkat ran ba ■ora piUfal?
Uoald be yroo. Tbe dark waa aolbor- the Prolealaai Kpmcopal church of Ue fliet^
A wraek la baman akapa oa tbe rarya
Uad u adrartiK Ua propMy for
'^ioaaoeof ttratero N. Y. to Beajumin of tbe yraea, are. laateriean. ooontethat flroc* Tba.comm'.ttaa aUo
«>er.aS p. oeb.eee HI. T laaaea kayy^. deapoodeat aad dr' ' Uat Ua noelatlm aaw
"Wbr ebooldnt 1 bel- the
DeonU Krodrlek to A J. Albrlyht. rkUmaska.
ailay Ua baildloy be permiund
eli of»cb.aee;T,T5A orlOw—b4<IO UlBf and with Like rcaaltaUoDlilaoid. The report rent accepted
Yoa ba
Jacteu Clark toA J. WiybLpar- te no anil.''
and raeommaodatloot ad<^. This
I-Teoeelected ,
bamtad yoor oaaaa You'
oel la wc >1. T n. nr »!>—•<
a dnty yoo ou
la Ue bniidlay wbicb Ue SwediU Soon
LCM Solomon to l.eopold Loaner, aeb
of America oSerad to parcboac.
f .wb-aecc. T». or llw—*1“olM Dr. Ottmao. Ue eml-1
Prank Prledrich auyyntcd that la
J. J. llaon
f arnt.pealail..............
lUl of Ue firm
of Dr. U b. |
aacb of Ue pobllc tcbool biilUiBfa
ACk>..JIaakcyoo. Mich., or you
Be enree where ali ,
there b» plae^ a band fire
Clark B.UIaaMO. to Howard K. Uid- not be a. you are
Thera 1. no half way,
cr lor nae la tana of flra Tba »ay*ra leyand wife. arb. aac Ih aod awbof olhera fail.
coorae wiU him If be Ukm your caM |
aab. tec 5«. T 5s, nr 9w—pitM
tios wa. raeelTed wiU taeor aod
}o« are cared. Dr. Ottmao areer tabra ,
oommlttM on boHdioya and yroasdn
Oeorye R Ueaderaon to Geoiye A. a eahe be abuoI care.
A oocauIlalioB
. you notfainy
waa'Ienroetad toeblain price, aod re Halth at aU an naditided h lateraai
( <, of lot 3. blk 15. eillaye of Trar.
bra faeeiaiu bare you had bette
port at the nejEliuaalloy.
City. alM unreel Kii.: n>iol an aarr)
call upon tbe doatnr peraonaily.
Saparlntendeol Grawo
aaelo.T57,ur iiw—woo
He cooira to Traierae City. Mk-b
realdant loltroo feaa coilaetad tor Jan • O. B A I. E R CO to Estry
iday. Peb'y <U. f5‘J4. in Ue prieat>
-lore of the Wbitiay Hotel, from v i
uary. amouuiluy u>$i:: V9. alaocbem- bof Mb. eee «. t5t n. r v.w-bSuo.
-.to spot.
OnrdavMly. Cm.uI
Ical Ul> iralcry feea ayyrefBtlDy 843.
oy-Chlld. par- tatioD froe aad .irictie oufidenUal.
Tbe raelyuation of Min Mlnuie Walt,
wbo i> oompalled to erare taoebiny oa
Coiut; to US. If yon want to know of aoy particular article that
ill any .rf iho magazines tlurioi,' the past year, or any particular
sul.jicl. or if voii hail- In write a |«pc-r. or discuss some new invention, we can
ti-11 vou where you can gel iht- di;sin.il information. Wedo nut claim to l>e'‘’walking cncyclopaHlias" l.ul wc have the means at hand to. ashtst you. : We are here
tr. benefit uur cuslom. r-. There are many questions that are f»eing dis^ufiBed by
the Woman’s Club', the Shakespeare Ciubs. and other Literary Clubs«that poasihlv you arc nut familiar with. Wc may l*e alrteio-help you.
I'rayer aMcllsy (o-plybi and all mi.
lii-ca next bundny and hereafter will
be beld In Us pew ebnreh on Us enr
of Park and Waablnyton strMUcordisl welcome to all.
M. B. HOLLEY, Manager, i
Card of Tnnnks.
Horses for Sale.
We can give yoti Big Bargaine in many lines
of Shoe? and RuIiIkts. Goods we wish to dose out—Don't wisii to carry,
them over. Wc would rather take a low price and have the money io lue.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. HOBGAN, Prop.
Felt Boots 37c.
m fdilor of ibiBerltn Xlsd
la, aUoraoy for Uo defondaaL msde
las I'.-ra arnirarad to twe
they do the litarary aad Ibe pracUral ■etla.1 to dltmue Ue eaee on U
rifle of Ufa Wbeallwat flesMed tc ynread of Ua lack of eoSciMit ei
■aha tbeee Metlayi aa latoriaal eook- deaaa to easlala Ue bill. Tbe aolloa
eoaacll of Terneto bss
taff eebeei UU ariaier, la whiri
yraatod sad Ue eaae diemieeefl.
Urns, pal
AftorUtoeaseooaaiderable lime wee
.................... c Cpl.rU bf brraanar employed ^on
la yraatlay deerem aad tbe
(ollowtayaraaow (rae (rom bkaoaM
Mnricce suril'
fllibualrrlac atisrerr Tlllw. wh cb prubDella E. Hortbrap vi Wm. KorUnip: ably asak off lianircai. ••tr laedcd si
FimBaa J fitsabope fa Wm. H. Blaa- l.revticpci. R. I..b) a rassUay tz-hoosn
mtndsy. Pour race sen Icet.
bope: BldaroaOardaeriaUsy OsTdaer:
llaroa i-oe bJIow. Gn-mas mlniatff
- Hlakley ft Joseph Hiekley: for .luriiga affaire, dralcd befarr tb*
Nettle Boorom f. otto E. Beemm: Rbar,g budd ..
that th*c
« reUlures of ai
Bowsrd fa Haoalf Uewmrd;
food (or tboayht ae woU at lor t
Mary 3. Ura^er rs Wm. Lofeader DrayCox
Ida Beawick ravSb>a- A. Eeawick: AIAsMlalc Juai'ce. Hrary Bflltags
Mda CM<w aa Nf tooe Ooaor.
Brown, of Ibr coprenw coarl of tlw
r bar yesotae Bosloa;
la tbt cmeeoMheCBleBCeaUal Idle Unlird Btatra. Is hmib* erreout iroabW
iMcraace Uv «i C A Ooaloa. bUI lo wilt hit lyra. nlaatyhi >• fallldi rapid.
ly anJ h>* l-oy»cUaa have here sashU(ereelsef mnyaft. a flemof was
raaledaadtbeeoartardnodtbe tale
Bei. C-O- Bruim. w
I ebow a lot of Oriren and ae«a cheap Hark Bars', '.hat 1 eaa aall yen
riTaraer. wbo to a aotable eook. o( tbe propwty la qamtlOB.
aad ytre yoe yood haryalae ■ Uaa.
I( yoe an la aasd o( bem», 'Uadly ytra
flriar Ue dtopealUoa c4 a low ka Im■aacallaadlookayatoefcoeor. WQtexebaayafsr aay kM olaMek.
wbo afterward was paeiM of a
pertaal ■altera sevt afljeanefl aatll
I at flaa Pn
Max JobBPbderaaa waaaot a$U le
s. a. MCOBaiA-ear.
warm shoes very cheap.
1 bXTf s (cw extra yood bones, a.
w aot ao yeed that 1 weald like to
d.'.pete efOae eorrol yeldlay : yean old black. Woekyballt wriytat IS8«, a fiacdrafl
Oea browa yeldlay 8 years old s lltUe raayy. bet aot moeb. welybt iaoo,
mskre s yood mate to Ue eerrrl bone.
Oae bay yfldiay i yearaold weiybt I too. aa cstte yood work korae.
Oae blocky bailt bey Bara e yean eld weiybl mo. as flat s oae at yoo
would wtsh to eee‘
Oae bloeky built brown bone wcl^l 1400, 8 ytan did. tbaw two will
Brake s yood team loyetbor.
Oar raayy belli bay mare 4 yean old wclyblJ too. a yood rae.
Oao'Mocky belli bay araro. : yean old. weiybt flU. a yood rae taw all
Uadt of bnsiafM
One larye bey bona, -wciyhi I too. bloelry ballt. oa Ua play order, i yood
reM girt IsgaOi
Ooe bay ■an. raayy balll. cheap (or Bu o&
Oae yray anrd. 4 yean eld. wflyht lloo. well bfoka,dyoed tom bare.
Oaearttaflacarara. : yran al.A rieb ebaelnt eelor. weiybt Jiog.caa ww. xu IS, itwnrawT Mr w am mw Miagw
One fine t»y hone, extra yood flrifor. weiiblMa,Apeanold. worii mke
yood pole borwf.
Oae t«sa Bara. « yean old. welffU ^(00. feed life aad a cmifl worker.
The Popular Shoe Honse of TrarerBe Cily.
W«SfifcUi5i5iiWrai iais
ijBeiald end Travtiee City Traatcript, CortoUdated, JeWiytT, ISC8
j.Traverse Herald
P. W. bM.
SMtk J3Bka rtrtrt
Oew Kweis la
4rarc^ >■
to soloty* ^
a. & BeIlhesr»e*oa«velaad aad
■tM sod toslawodth* BUUob •tor*
«• tbt eow el Uftloe ud SttmU Toledo.
a Chrter letaraed aetardar trew
Is. H* wm Uke s—mlris FrbrsUteadBapMK
%rj (Ih with *■ taiirw»d etoek.^
U.1-^ la
E.. J. Peek of
M tUalM, »
inti SeUlvaaefOeaar. waala the
, hw e(ths«nd<
km, Mkiv tor ialoraetlee ^vmnlla« dtr ra«*«^Berhert Mostao*
^ his brotbw WilUui BeaVa. who lived
Baptds Moeder oa bw
Kev.adelshwr wBetBlledlePomawa
Tbeiede; awn lore swieu MoMewt te caadBet e faeenl serviee Pridar1 which Ksj rtult le th* dMlh
Un. toele B Jowek of TbewpseavUe
4 »tMai of «ac bocoM ewetd
as la tbecltroabeelaesererterdar.
hr.8. a OeM of Seioe. Whn« heollac
Welter ,K. Kellr retarasd' Mowd^
• top ■ tree {ell t
was a heslacM trip to Uraad 'Beplds
aad Detroit.
Hervr _fC«wt lettThnradej (er EUsworth to jile Ue •gareate srbe hew
The »ewljr ovfMlaed hUverr soelctj moved there. ••
Mr. asdMrvWB.
IrvWm. KetlallefMi
ffattallefHealewill Dol iBset et the resides or of A. W.
fMU of Mrs. Joeeph
Peek Krtdey ol*ht ee pfevloosl.v eritoftbo club pertr letosh rrstepdej.
Mrs l>jre Cran hes retanad from
which wes peelposed Irom lest Krldsjr
to Prtdv O* thtaweek The literery . trip leUreodBepidsaBd ether eoeU-
State Bank.
> e( ticaerd TravsatleswlQhe the
' the twb cmtiee
se held at Travtni atr hem
with the OVr JelrlStoAef
il' Peehedj
Boohstore Ip earv7 e stoehaf the dd-! eteed e( the weeh er two weeks' laetl..u. _v-,. »-s..
--------- r
held It has heeo theerbt
r the Adlakv hter^
>1 te eeetbtae these s
irtertheiwe eeadUm. U
___ ___ __ T______
lac het*r(smaedash
Ule time he Is devoUaC (bU mowth's stadr sot ealj la oorble time ta bi la»
! me] work het U asetheds as weU.
This iastitete will be
Tempcraeee Procrema
ifiw tosll frtisrs wt
At the Miaorc ■'■V meeUaf Tseedar | ao fem bviac iw)sired. The oalp ea
evrolac the foUewlac psocvem fm the . pease will he that tor hoard aad lodf.
aest three.moeths wasadeptcd;
(lef. aad Ills czpertK'
>-t<ehaoI daviBcs Raaks Him'wlll beaisdvtolew r
Kebr Osaa. leader.
< Mtse Kettle Crer. the comwIsAloaer
1‘ehllc teerptioa. ta eharfe Of aeheela for Uraed Traverse Ceealy.
of hsperlateadvst Anas Oriatt.
Is tie lorn] eommittee aed Is eln«dy
March I—While Shield Work. Uad- hoey makiBC arrehceaeata It t
fidssUy expected tito will he c
“•«*> «-Elo-ver
rra Miebicat potou.
' •‘ve<‘*r'
Clemrcl licet west to Uraad lUplds'
A Iie«r of e doscD Tsdlee eod feeToesdsvto meal Hn. Iloei. wbo bat^ April S-Ujal Tv
UeoieB drove out to the boBe of Joebcea TlslilBC et that pjere.
' .
Mlm umae
Ueiereo, two ■Ueosoatb of ibv eM.v j
last Dlfht. aed precipiuted a
sarprlse oe thst cvatlemae ae>
I, drlsae of East prest street.
cood wUa nr eompaar kpi-oi a
Be Braved the Storm
C. Vr Tsrler. repreasollBrthe Amerevealef. aad eo^nred several fore
Supervisor KrpwBBf I'ralBsels tewaIven Express CO . of Detroit, is io the
ship, wasrvsiairsdtohe la a^asdaaee
cl>r os bDSlasie fur Ibe compaa;
at Clvruii eoan.Hoadaj ooraiar •Be
»r aed Mrs PrsBk Cook sad child
W. K WrlchU pasuw
tmtif; Ic the RaeUIsfcw. Uo
o {left Salurds; for Teasesw. where Mr.
l*rmbyterla» chorrb. rcloravd
' - be stora be started Senday
_____ _ te recela his health
(res Baj CHj. where be west to
Ceoh especU
rder te be sare aad ret here
Hsteatea eeraea by the Rev. K. Il
Mr ll.yaes of Ja.-kwa. wh. wasea-'
jon tiar
The ruads were sa hsdiy
Mayer, lbs ramoBS Be»ir.h Oofcrece-j ployed seTcrsI years aro by .1. \V
,^,1 bs fouad
seelety will meet oee week leter.
„ p..-k„, |,
;..i.iu„u„>..n,o!b.,»., r. a...Mb. M,..
Uoeal clarcyauB who Is msklair s tour. Hkhaji-ie-ths city vlsiliac frleads.
. [
of two meeUa U.r«cb the priaclpel] Mr*. In <i»at Speer sad Mev a. L ;
clUm lit till ('ailed Stalea
] Meeds, case —
ip •-----fromsi..i..„
Maiistee —...
“ I- a™, b,
ihrooirh so be left bis
M.pletea aad Heedderad all the
Koimal <
ls«e. win beaewdaetor. aad U
.aau will ba Prof. iKiekerey
I'rawrse City BasrafOa Cwlisj
m'lhsiooer of hebooli Besjatnio of Leelaaao ocraaty. mod ' Commissloarr
Scbuuis Mise KrttivC. Urey of Ureed
Traverse eounly.
This t«Ay aeBoeecemeal U made
that teacher* ie both
aad Leelaaaii coaatlea msy iaakr tihir
plaas to atlead. aad It U believed that
very mxey wilt avail tieasri'
tKs rxeellcal opportuBliy to .u
laslllale and Normal worl^la this way
thii week 2.400
mwwMr ■( himn fatleee
• .knm wm aw (arshs^ damt"
MapMedssiBaPIWMiB HidM^
' Mrs Wlw ■'irhiel aa« EittM tim- •'•»« <sreerT»d laet Pridey evaaiac
matwe .eti t-SeeWar (ee stis^ss. ^ >kee a party ot euwar pacste twealy
imese.. sMvb. ■tirp
The 1
I for a mill that can supply you anything from 1
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will'
try and interest you with samples and prices. 1
Hannah & Lay Go.
T)o "^o\x
’\JDa,w\ \o Sa\)e
merely anminsl cost for board ooiy
dtseevered aadrr the ttuor
Waat Over tie Terntorr
la Delaaey A Hyatt s baedle fseviry at
Tbe sarwjiac party, eoes.siie* o
rould beailale at tryiac Mr Rrewa
■ Marrey. acrat of the ti. R A- *1
ruirard to kcr boar ta Peieekey ;. ,
youBC aad tie soows of
■BC it bad evidratly bees sm iiderlar.'
lb city. C r CIO(SIOD «f Muskri
a. JohBWMa. tie well-kauwa les : u
pseeraasy-io Ihe!
aad E. H. lUniva. surtryorwf ibvU
lu. hirmerlr of tils lomlily. ar- j ^ „
sawdasl before hreakiar out
As it -------------------------- K,bu, I...
relnrecd Thursday aiclil from
sms tie lom was s'lcht. bel s sevioes !
Nortiport. after c»tic over tie propeeed reutea of tie suegested railroad
Mim Viewei. HtalmtiaC rtettee. Bay.'
tireacb l-eelawau euebty
The |
r..u-a.Mf J-e.wl.y.fWv..l..t wiih,""''iMe WmtelMWiHlaBBimUl aed
Bey Marshall. ar>d elcht
k-e brother Mtki. at tie loremaas
PivakASi Hectal .Evswi.
a Ihormicb iiitpevtiud of
' A plideiat aad aoelahtievewt wf the.
«•«. A • K smlcM-
!If you '
[are looking
la )*>w.
so. ba’j VttT wtiV MKiAct'a M>n« Xbw.
C«s\h vm hWaVVh.\^ 0^ \as\
. J*
3ut Sdt^e, '^avd
\Tt Ttwt\'wiv.
Dcm’t supvW ior a mlrvate iVval Mvjime sAVt ^aekti*
oresvtstivtsvCTVWmdn. bV* not posiiSAt.
Mm 4 amM. .*a CMSSW K Whititaw
fcefct*' hOe NLahsTmear far tht. tites t* te *h.
taBt*' \Us«t 9iU ISed 'Otdks. x. vwi.' lit.
Chdirt* sKsit. 'WeA.'WeTsa. &ssA. b«c Mr tie.
& >D . l(UlikciL
wa ih» aoTMT
OstoB Mt
un*u. fl« wlU.Ulwp—ilni Fcbr»W7 *tfc irtthmlTTW—<1W«A.
I was pcalpeoed fnn laet rvrdty
iday of toU week’. The Ilwrary
toelaty wfll aieelose week liter.
4 party ofadorro ladlet aod CBBUemea droee out to toe ho«* of Joe
ailleatostb of toe *17
laet el*bt. aod pmipitttod a pl. aianl
DO tost reotletsaB aod hu
roodwilB- Ttoeonpaoyepeoia jolly
r. K. Wrirfal. paetnr nf the
rraabyto ■iaa cbereh. reloraed Muaday tron Bay Qty. where be west to
ItetcBloa arrowM by the Re* K. B
Meyrr. th* faaoo* Ecrlldi ConKrer*.
Uaetolclarryataa who I* makioro loor
oftwoosaatb* Uirwrh toe prioclpal
dtinof th* I'Blud sut«a.
ClTculalioii this week 2.400
Mra. WUllBBOeWIUliRBlto 111 aad
toa«.4.»«. toaldbt.
Mop* aralaprorraaa to Offaaiae
WObar Om ofUaUPior aod Ralph
<ba*.o(‘Kliiftl*y,haVebeeB draws oa
. Jaha t. prraiaa, to* fTooer la toe
Seoach Uoek.b> bow eoaacete# ap wito
BoetoMn to carry a ttoek of toe 44- I etoto «t toe weto <
Uke vtoelo. Be toi oboBdim4 toe noe , uteoeaaU/ oeM It
aa toeae partial
•eU*te tole
toto (year fee to* two eoaaUaa. too* flelor
thofjaU tea eh an aa opportaal^ <<* *
■oas to laat a Hla Um ha I* derotiac j fall aNsto'e etudy set amly la aer.
a Uaie to baatoaaa.
>ml work .bat la aactooda u **».
------------------------------• jThia toatiteu will
ea to all tearhen aFtoe two a
4l toeMiaore-Y- i^tlarTaeaday loofeeabelBC re<)elTad- The oaly u
erealar to* foUewtoc procThn for toe , peat* will be tost for bnrd aad lod«
aext tore* araetot wBt adopted:
jin*, aad It U ezpeeted arraareioeBU
S-tohoold*TlB(« Raakt.'Mto wiU be ande for low ra
Roby D**B. leader.
j Hto Nettle Urmr. lie
Keb. et—I'abllc reception, la chaip
fur Uraad Trseers* Ceualy
I Superiaieadest Aaaa OrlaU.
b to* local Boamiuee and b already
March «—White Shield Work. Lcad- Vuty maXlBg arraagemeots II
m wen toe r><M* «( Mra. Joaeph Her.
tbb will be
latoeh yeeterday.
toe meet Isrgely alieaded ntberlags
Mra Dora Cram baa retaraad froa,
k trip totirand Bspldaaadotbereoato-: March »-Flower MMOB Work of toe kied ever held la toe stote
priselpal of the
(rn Hiebiraa polata. •
Soperlateadeal Bertha Cbmp.
oiiaal deparlmrol uf Billtdsle rolCleioroi Boat weal to Grasd Rapide '
Toeadar to o>eM Mra. Boat, who faa \ *1"' »-Loyal Tehaperaoee Lerloa. lege, srill U ooadurtor. aad bis tssist
-; I-eadrr. Mia* Uillaa SbeffWr.
a^u will be Prof. IKx-keny nf the
4^11 J»—Sabject, to be choaea by I'razerae.^City BnsiBeae r:ollegF. Coni
'^of School* BenjtaiB of leee.rUltiac the laDllr of bar aoe r si... ' >**der. MU Myra Atwood.
sBty. a)
ibsioier . I
delm* of But f'rdat street.
lias .Net
SebouU Miss
Nettie C. Gray of lined
. Taylor. repreaaaUar the AaierCOUB7
lipceiA Co., of Detroit, is U tos
re<jBirad to be ic ai
eaily .■
«mesl b made
hoslom for the conpany
!at Circ-oit court Hoaday oki
arben <a
Grand Trarerse
aad Mrs. Yrsek Cook aad
mUfy la tks Raasdlarei
and Laelaa^o counties may make tbeir
left Saturday tor Teai
the •lorIS be slarted Sanday
eouaf of L
attesd. and it is belissed
Cook ezpects to rerala kb health.
Bifbt la order to be sore and pet
• cry many.will atsil toeaselrr
Hr Uayara af Jaektoa. wba was *■ ^
Tb* roads were so badly
'Heat opportunity to cimbias
ployed scrersl years *ro by .1..W. Mil-j . bf touod It
lostixute and Normal work ta tl
nkea,l> IB ths ci7 rlsitinr frlruda
: bU tea* Ibroupb. so bs 1<
Mrs. Dr. (irsul Spear sad Hrv S. L
t Mspletoa aad floBadered 1
■ly Bomiaal cost fur bjard only
Meads, catnr ap frooi Maalstee yrster-
Miss rsanie HiamrosoB. wno oas 1 .
, . _v,.s
wkirb nsay^ yenaper
1 DelaBcy A Hyatt. haudU fs. uey at | ^,,8 -vWtInrTWr» Cbarlea Itmaibal.
would besitate SI tryiap
Mr Brewa
Is as loapcr youap aad
it bad erideelty broa smoldertoif j
'wh!teBcd his locks,
boon or perbapseeen days in the,
bui tbis trsDp tbrooph dsep an
sawdast before breaktof ouL
As u'
dlstaou* of aearly twelee mllee.
Ibe loss wassllphl-bats serloas
oot prreeat hiB from sttaadiap
ras aarrowly aterted.
: Hiss Vicloris Ktsitaelef Saltons Bay,
re'.urocd Tuesday aftd' a elsit with
Ray Marwhall. aped elpbt yean,
Flsssanl Racial EesBl.
ber brwtbrr Hike, at '(Be I.eelsaau
liaapbtar of Hr. aad Mrs. John HsrBotolof Old Miaaioe. died yesterday
0 uccbneA-lBst Friday
Mrs. Sso) UsrlBnd' sBd EitUd OerilBp of bean failure. Ttie llUle ■alas left ycslcrdsy to'r Chicapo. i "beu a pany of yoenp psople, twsnly
plrl had rdoorered frooi a serere attack
where they will spead a soath »ie-''ia numbef. boarded sespacious slelpb
of diphtberlsaBdIlwas'thoaclil that
*D* left Wjr city f.'ir (he b<
toar* was bo farther danyri
Mrs. tv U Hnycr of SnMoBS Bay. :*ad Hn Joba illrialey
fnneral will take place today.
passed Ibruuph tb* city yestarday oa milas soulb of the city.
Oaio. is s«arub of raoewed was* surprite oa Hr and Mn Birmley
At toe eompelities rssmloslr>ii
and tbsl.- daupbters. Misses Uaisa
(Btlybeldat Beed City for es-l'Ubip' besUb
sod.Uoas. Threreniopwa
t Wnt l^lat. Joaepb Parks sad Uuy ;
Mo- Ksaals tViokleiuaa ol
well seleeled
UForp* of Elk Rapids, naked Ursiloao*. who baa bees eisitii
Charles li.nwatoal.
rfWrBed ho(B*|Mme* Oar of the atlncll** featuras
of toe ereoiop was a (oarsb-millow
ordered to proceed to Weal
i K. U Cook bss returned from Mss j t^l
seemsil to brlphlea lbs w
a friend Moo- take toe Ansi enmiulloa. preptnlort
to push bit nursery Vjus'.Bets °f the loaslers and added much to the
> aaterinp toe lolllUry sebooi. _
H of toe ereaiup.
At a late
lie has bvea spendlnp a moath
QUe* Uodpraof Fife Lake, u •■eriou*
patfaeriap dispersed, feeliac
borne in thalL-ity,
ly ill. with blood poiaouioe.
A abort
Blaalde FaUar. for a kmc tlaia
' IV. ' Hull went to Grand Rapid^ that a preat deal of pleasure melts
tine apo fa* tzmled a horse for an
[ to* drpf baelneae Is tola eity. U p
tbii week to stMBti toe Grasd Udfie.. fruB .surprising the'right kiad of
1 toltoJaw.aadhisbsBds belnp
partafioepcB* draf atore la latarF. A A U , as a delcpal*from Traeene pe«.pl.
abrtided, the polsou
City Itodpe, No. 'ii:.
bl* owaeysteD. Both arms are
A Rich Gold Conntn'
J II lljixsof KalaBaxoo.
Tbel^ln'AMaoeletyoftiw Flral riWy swatou and rery fmlnfol. but it
The Hbnsi ti has rrerieed a I
U. S. ehareh will tare* a Ua-eeat eap- is BOW toODpht tosi
' from Thos. Lsarell. fonnerly of tob
tbb city restordsy after
pn Sitarday eraalaf from 4 eatil f
iaad s* le«al buslaeta.
A Isrpe force uf m
J. E MstidrrsoB. to* Oreali court!
Taeadt.v endeatorlap to tura the ■
TaaUnUy doatice Brows united is
la the Boardinaa Hear where the betfk tleaupnpber. was jolbed at Park Pise* j
. BsrriaB* Mn. Alaiada J. Conaor
Ssiurdsy afleniooo b> Hn. neader-1
eared la, to the oppnalte ehdre u
aod Mr I-ea*ell has an Inlerta:
UeUeaaePBav.asd MyroaC Wai
farther dapafc way mult
IVu SUB nod their aoa aad danpbter. to!
n esunsit* property, which is
rrea* war alow aad tor baak t-..nilDd»d spend kunday ia Ihrcily.
lucsisd npOa.a riser where the force of
The »ur* of M. Obarlln and to* ofoar* la a liule at lalrrrale. tkouth
•« of to* Barter Cadar Co- at Biaf- It waa Uioarbl that toe furoe o
las was
was in^e
In toe jlly
ell* ^^
hUB tr* aoBbaoiad wlto to* Hottos*
a wiBAaraed.
Ui. arranireacnteutlbe'Une for n.Id '
-Tte i.*dl**' Aid of Iwiar Uke will
prrcluus melal easily aad suii'rssfelly.
fire *B nyetor aappr *1 the hun* Of K
Hoada; woralaf lekll* worklaf oa
J Btorer. mi Terwley fin.lur. I’ek.
to* Ue Mar Baitoer’e lalU, A. B IVII<
It tweaty-Hr* i«nu a tuupla.
Ids ThurMlsy to Beet Mn. kielBberp
wws.t.ws.s toisrlTi t,. n.
am waibal Into aa air tel* and mk
Ilia** rwBU ilndltaadall addltUBal'
• mutof 10 bM Mtk la to* la* aold
dUhaa tea eeau b aieh
r* to to* l.adl«‘ Aid.
Krerylndy -I*
i pmdesU of ib*t l■>ealily
I’lio aadeskaewlll rrU'Bsd Tbursdey altbl
•be Is* Mrr*d la Midmae fr**..
Biisia*** Oollep* Lyooein
Th. »**Unp of Tasaday aiphi'i
Aldarmaa •■* Mn
Ibfry llaeaih ha* t»en ap-1 .mscollepe 1.70**10 was well elusded
polBtod by Geeoriior Plapro* to teuolss |
tboeludeah ta* to* lollowlnr ffroThe iarsl»r*m*tlbr of tl
ciiiU ibutluM tw tbs saffsriiip la fub*. | p„,
>a» toiephaa* Itea aad to* eaU h ton*
.....I I... I.
Tb* rt/ar MMIaf of to* Froiby
Iwlai toanb tob •*»!■# will h» b*ld
to tod pnUF MW BUM ebapfh B*«
Btor aartbat wiu ba bald toer* Beat
I., j
• e-
Carp Lake u> l•rOTemMIl and o
through toe ceatr* of tor county t
Nortoport. This latter route It cue
sidered by tbs sorreyon to be the mos
feasible aad would lap • more exleeJ
ed I•rrib>l7 tbs* either of tbr pro|
C P. Watotoa. who pitched to the
-Sastton Uat aeaeoBj haa been etincw>
by to* AthleUe board of toe nalraralty
at Au Arbor aa chief ooaeber for to*
Joe Major haa retarned from Cestral
Ute. where b* ha* dbpUyed a atoek
at dotoiac tar T. J. Boat ter aboat
twa weaka. Mr. Major rapona enry
tolBC mhiac at Caetral Lake.
». buia '90MT Tit»\ '\£Kiv\eT» '\DraV 1C«». .
Cos\s vvi hteii\
o\ VaaV
Siaiies' &0c MitvienDtaT ^ov 49o, sviei 48 to SA, •
£,a4WV.cax)v ^VVISIooVlIOests,-((«
CVuViToa's'^tosc.'VDooV.'VDam, &00A, SOc
syof* ar* eagsga-i ua
wkli'b will ba tubmiiu-l ai
rOhitrt (>r lbs (A. II * 1 (
The route ]
W the sdeta'araous territory [
and that 1* I JU FronPSt.
Markham Block,
will prove it
UoM to aac o*1t to*
aad aedielBc* will be • p*Tiap IscMt
a*at- We wlU pnin It bow by toe laspe
Ibtof pBbUM who have profiwd by
•driec. and who trade BXelaalrulr erlth
"Dob't suypost ^or a miwiLVe that aa^oae aeWs flstVeVa m
or Caves ebeaver t\vaa \oe io. St'a act vosAhVe.
t AiD. mVVvW I
sii«i Mpitt iiMu^tu ?*j lit wt: ^
Bam tia* ar* to* Braaui p
wuuld be sure u
S'orihport tb* senliaiFBl
*<|ually dlriiled. siiNir want the
Olliers dls.xi'irage the p'an
Dr. Fnok HrlstolpaTe'a larpe audlito forty hand*. The SollinBshiagle ! *^'’'
MU aa iBteUeetusl treat Moadsy aipbt
HU b t^y. -Ub thirty hands rotHo what w.^ do_a,bUtlc spurt,
I toe Giy Opera House Those e-ho ting o. eoBtrael fur tbe Kelley Sbinple : ;*«; ^.a^' talk ?n to
lb* Bos-apaadruBBiopcadsyaBd a <l’>ancr
banded *.0 .1 H
pearance uf Dr.
A nane. ladmriy *f toe Eaterprlae
tVbnl benefit u dertee
fully repaid for toe waitiap. by
! (ram out-door work?" end ably dl
rroaory. kaaopaaad a seat aad attract
Lottie toe Storm
icellaBceaf toeleetar*. IhesuVOur SavioKS Departmeot
If* Uttla rnwery ctore la the balldlar ieet.waa-Braies.'
o yenng ladles lielng s tew ail
wntol toe eton of MeUllaa A Ask.
Prof. Dockany pan tb* eritie’e
toe word. Dr Bristol is eluqaeal. tenth of to* city will remeaber t
aa Frost awael. He beraa baslB***
dalirary la asooto Md hit style big Jsuasry storm far some time to' port aed a paaral rartew of
Satu^reeealap they went to debaU
Bspnetie1 a pirl friend Ihriop a Bile db-' The prmrna for next weak b as fatr. Charlea O Cere
l for to* aneual
kVkee they slanad to retnrn ,Jowb:. Reading. "Life of LmSalle."
aad Jato Yaabh a
»pcr*;rr rxrxrrugp
tBeetiDp of RaladiaTsDpIe. Nobles of borne they toBod that tbe blizzard was ^itatioe. Hr Dyer
Uaestloe foe
toe Mntie Rtariae. to he held la Oraad
-RA-soleed, That (
a toe blinding 1
Raidds February n. Like tjl preTioas
t tocD sny aad for *m ho»! a>ea of thirty yean ago bad bettar opthe party bat toaatoar oar la Bat yet efforts this b a work of typoprspbicsl
about, laally. wbeo partnultlc*
tle* for buaiDeaatoM toe young
snaadaskiueBriplBsUly. Kecry bo- nearly exbai
d. coming aaeoB aem | men of toWl" l^Mdee of aSonatleu.
Jaa T Pescie. AJ
b* prcMBt with familiar land‘marks. ad at last reach- Harry Dana: of nepaX**-Charllt Uir-i
O. W. lardto report* to* larreel load
■a a. C. LewrS. C. S
ad pottooaa yet breast lato to* CI7 bb fe*. Md full dress sniu If he has ■Bg toalr boar.
Md is total
abb wtoter. It wntealad to by B.
Waller fiatorday.-aad eaatotoad lou be b lorlt^ to Wi r suylhiep. If only
A Silrer Gray Fox.
; ----------'lamfle.
tetoab aO^ W posadt. tor wbleh be
R SeboBbergsr U ika happy pomes- ^
1.. '
I -to* Borthora paalaaola, erhieli Bepaa to Cannes to* rtly fur a
atolad AOM teat aad which waa reported a* to* larraat tra* arer sat to
TWker hat
ly j«*ra
that locality, caslat'of roUo* RasBie had aseb as teuadad eapvlM
b**B kaowB W any astaat
' opted yiateeday that b* eat a |4a* to
warit la tbb city that hb
Ity. It b *t*tod that toe sUm <M
- .tear Late toWaablp to l*at which eat
wUl laaan a thoroufk aaf
BttvtT 'iVvftftb \1\
project, tiUl fsTor Ike line beesi
tar !•«» Mooday. aad they perlormd a rood deal of aBecUre work.
tor of a fine tpsclacn of sllter gryy
caplarM star BeDscml* hy •
M. Fabrasy, to* HHwanka* publlehtarmar. Hr. Sebosberg po>e;b*ssd toe , 1
*t whebpetUapoal a aew directory
fox from L Oxrrl* Md M Fraser, wb* *
for tob city. W BruprmlBf la a cry
hoBgbltb**BlBs] from it* eaptm-. who
chogbi it I* * trap »ft*r It had played j
TjoubVe Ca^t, 3ut Si^t, "BTaii ‘Summei tf 4 rs rv
adelssbic to go on to Sorib irt. All
(be farmers stong (be proposed rootw
all direccioas are eager for th*
> be pus&nl through At Mittoat iiay and rraermoai tor busiueit
men generally *r* of the same spirit,
iboupb there are m
Ibtt a railroad scouAd scud <-»nt:d<
e to Trarerse
tor aaowtroBthasmata aad bmk.
racsifad to eeeuabaahsl. Mr. Wel
ter aleo faroarhl to anothar lead of 111
Ihaatelt. tor wbleh ha raedead tor
'\3Da.T\\ \o Sa>De
al*rut two miles, or perhaps a lilllr
from that eilisge. , but close
taough to afford essj* rrseb. The SSoir
rslsllec distance would be uivatoinec
from Omeo* reworl should it be deemed
•aStaisberr .be* cloeed a coalarpesVBuBber lor this year.
............. ^
. .
I croft. A paper. "Export* nod Wap**.tract rrito toe BobaOD Thaatar Co. lor
betsreaB fmty and fifty sore toai l^elap linfeto'wn b. baeiog al'“'"*' ^
•tbedaBlBr Febraary
than were erer enrolled at oae tim's be
e TprospaHty. that b pntifyiu* |
, ,
__1 ^
For tot Burpoa* of pncliee IB exteBnja la a first claat dtsnatk eonpaay
The Uiph tchool and redutloa
1 A CK.,
wUah praaaata a rapartolr* of popolar ruawt are crowded, aad It it bard 10
St to a fsw of toe BSBben each rseofind accoBBodatlons for ail.
IB for toe testeie next weei
be discusted witooot au* pr«|^
•♦rldr® at ProzemualThis ar
raugemeul would not bring the road
direct to Suttoas Hay. Bui at a pomi
Haskell's Bookstore,
Hannah’ & Lay Co.;
From Hiogbsffi
would ‘
tulluw toe lake u to* east rad of
Nurunia* HntUr Ncpsrtlor.
Iilapiil lb* kind seer istde
wbleh say he ssen at ilir II itci 1
Ing lor a week of two
<AH f"r F.
ThoBpsnn. suu apeat, at
marblnesnil pet drs riptls
Hulter from sweet cresm li
miuesled to trod their caatTlbntioas 1
,„hj,rt for'debate wi* warsty utaa. Verg turn U
and the ms
4 BO'I see n
to Mr. Haaaab at the Rtoto Baah.
|di*ci»*ea. gueatlon: -IliwoUwl, That cbla* does the re
wbrl la town.
, more pleasure b derleed from an ednAnother Church Dedlcsttoo
callon thnn from money."
rreeidiag Elder Kellepp reports tbe
Tb* aSrmnUrr side of tfae <|Be*tl*D
dedicatioB of anotoer aew M. ' k.
Rcniemher there I- »
P. O..Gr
lorcb la
dictriet which took place
Pbeat aod Mist Lanpwi
.r te'i-rrs-.K.srr-
f'* “ ■ -"I"-
i'rof C II. Bora opeaed a lacture
mrse at Pomu Best "uaceasfclly
Friday nlpbt. h'U sabjeei u lop' -SaascB aad toe N.>nb Pole.* The -e
ren aader ibe.anaplcc* of toe
eebool la that place* Samaer Uilbrri.
farBeretudealaadpradut* of
tor. andhssjast beea
IcnssicB all uf toe meaben
neanaClly Hlpb tcboal. and a hrotb- eoet of JIMo. Serelce* were held
of C17 Attorney (Jilbert, ia
(be church for the three presloni daes,
pnyratory to to. dmllUjOB. xib:
TT u^.* ^
It a T. GrawB reparu mn.to.tolrd.ew M. E church dml- ^
1 .sketch (
for a mill that can supply you anything from 1
Wheat, Corn or Oats, drop us a line and we will i
iRtry and interest you with samples and prices. |
array, bgea
L 1
eity, C. F. C
aad B. H. Ham
th* G K
returned Thursday eight f
Nortkport, after going u*rr the
poasd routes of tbe suggested railroad ^
through L*el*n*u county. The p
toorougb iuspectlon of
by lb* way of IFng
b*B, ibvBcc to Sutto*. Hay an* u
-The Ulijeal AiaorlraaCity
padre formed toepropnai
Tlif p’isn B-e.,rd1np to tl.s s.ipf|teU<'ns Bale re ,
by Mr* nnslr* tad Joe film e*nlly by Hn-rsury hhenaan. AH wbu ,'R tV. CIoriitbU
■eriBaa Md tbaeoosolsllon* hy Mrs. ilatir. to oaleatlald to IH* disl.lule
B«,KaU<iB. The I' .llth Itoy' -BlBor
ABorleana an* utoin *b tb* bland are < Rnwa.
Warti to preraai farther daau*
' to* rim baak wber* the oar*.|a a*aanad Saaday Bonlof. b aUU coatiaMd. - OsHldBrahlc proerm waa ssad*
I are looking
i7o>fUU>CU<Mo.«»lottodtjTm- i
4.7 mtmoUM to* kiUc W90U. 1
Mr. Kotodj omafto wlto (to C1(j Ji
IVMaMUr W»drieb kM taatM
Mtcr fr«B Lftwraae* Uuloti. » mi
tor of lh*«ndcpMtmat of MOi
to*. oektortelsformUoa reordln*
hi* brottor WUIMb BobIoo. wholired
E*Ft<^oBdB7 6a liwBiaen
iBtoleeansV IB l«M.
Bee. & Sal*be*7 watcalle* to Poiaeas
TbBito*7 BorBlv »t«rioM *ce!
. ooodact * faa«al *er*ko Friday.
oerarrto which may retail la toe 4**to
Hn. Loeie B Jooet of TheapaeoTlle
of oaeof BMaaof ta* bone* owaed waa la toe city o
l7 It B C4U of Solos. While hsaliBC
" Itor K' Kelllly retaraad Hooiay
■op * me teU betwees to* bone*, ______ boelD*** trip to Oraad Bapide
breekisrtoe oeckyok* so* Inflictioc aad Detroit.
4tB|reroas injarte* epoo oac of toe SBBarry Keat left Tharaday for EUaorth to jala hla>partoW who bare
Stored toer*.
Mr. aad Mra. Wn. Nattall of Maaie-
that loves money -will al
ways buy at a place where he
knows he can get the best for the
least amount of caihr so he not
only buys his
here but advises his wife and friends
to always do the same. We al
ways give the best bargains in
Shoes, and that the quality of our
goods is better than is offered else
where is now no longer a question.
A glance at our stock and the pric-.
es will at once dispel any lurkihg
doubt you may have. We call. es
pecial attention to our line of
Winter Goods.
The prices and goods are unap
proached in the city.
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Ce.
Grand TrayetseHeiaM and Travefse City Traiiaorg>t,OaiiaoM<»*«^ .Tanngjt gy. M88
e Sanday Sehaol Amfrtetfam kaU
imro* Caater aAori koam. Jaa.
Mia. Wm. iUfmt
Walter Baker & Co.’s
~TtemeMia^‘tX'called Ic'oe^by
mera^, belay driftri
L. Ladwtmte bend over bceUia Ik*
tk* lambartiB baalata* ayata tkte wta-
ly aiykt aad Sanday.
W«od totals OBtfMt
gate Baku
Tba UdteaM tbeW.CTC- «
t tbe hoM cf Mra. Daeol Friday I
Breakfast Cocoa.
Mra. KeCkrtetUa ha* fane to Oedar. Mra* B. OxtK wb* rcf
rkcre bar hrohaad It «rocUny ta tbe BMgl*: Singing. Ftil
On aeeoBBt af tba artw* atorm Baaday Ikar* war* no aerrlem U tk* Opa- poiait which cnmtd a very intefecting
te k is absuhad* yvie.
he test qialKy am 09
Mrt- VplfM bat ntaroed bom attar
J. J. ICnwy of Good Barter eallad oa
icB ti.maik bv* mobDid Mach f*mwm oite
apMdloy aoBM tlBf la Trararaa aty. bma from H. Pmln
Ua* Km amid Slngipg. -Ikrow oit
a: P. Flakar to timkaaet baainem tbd
be exqviae lutunl dj.or iiU c*lor of fte bmiST
%: P. Berate aad C. O. Batn^ drora otkorday.
Ike Life Ldne. After a tew mciaeBt*
tkta «
It louka rrry macb at tbonyh ■
$. Because k b the m d o.MoiimtT'. cosnng les Wan car cam
la Tramae City M^rdajr.
of band.abnk<ag and aoeUl conreraawaU harowto yai eoi wilb aac
Mr. Brow to yntUay eat Mr. l
Mr. aad Hn. A. F.
e ooiamenee eawiec tbte week.
all, want ote* to Grange ball
Cbaa. Wetatoe pareband a
- - - uBvAsnA*;.
kerffte Umber Bear MapI* City______
-rea boonUfaldlanar wa* iprtnd.
bma from Joe Paradiaa.
Stott-a faim. It to telBS draw* lo Good
Jo^Dt wAt M TisroM CUy
rhicb■ all partook.
IbwMay. rttaratoK HaUrday.
bare not bad tba wbooplny eooyb
........................ .......... ly inopraaAltp m mrtllnyi
Viatan Tbanday nigkt.
are barlay it,bat aot very bad.
a. L The enaiay wa* •pant teey |d«*- to order. '---’.Bg.
Siaglng. IM.
aaUr la rtelUagand pUtlaf gaaw* and
tre wIIL.baaaoyatertaaf>rrBlMr
Kartkpcirt. Tlaited at U
jr'tFeb. 1, for the bearflt of tba
er. Prayer aad
esed in ec'
Ibdlet Aid tioclety. Bmybody coa».
. te with aUgteg Ooate with
nth •iaglog.
bte beet bor*c.
n te* epraOwiey
Mark Ckaw and wile apaat tiatarday
^Mr*.Kate*f-t bcaltk te very poor. ad mnate dortay tk«- errolny.
te aad qaeetioa* read by r. I.. Udell
rerett of the teacoa. tben «
niybt and daaday wltb Ufv Craw%
Bo* did yea lika the UUardT
paraaia. Ur. aad Urt. Grorya Bardy.
rricci at the ebareb Soadaj.,
Wm- Cbaadlor of Rib Rapid* waa
. I* Siayiny by Ur!*t *A**"*brra. : ^
C. Lake rWltad U Poanm Hatorday.
Tba Ladln Aid bacialy and olban
brre araliny loy* taday
Wtera itm.r Waaderiag Hoy Toolgbt.'. A
Lola of atnuayan ia town Ueat daya. wbo are lalcracted will mart wltb Mrt
•aeqnet, Uowa ia ...
Ur Beld of Ttaruw'cityte bare wllk
.daat and Mra. Hardy Wadataday ta
BsadayU Prank'
C.J. Parry
aome more urgaai today.
oa. Wcibea Inleate
laleate t* a
. *cr; I ^
Mra S. B. Cate te OB lb* *i<-k IUl
allltwa qnlUtandltt two cut
Ur Ebir. wbo bat been qaita
dm with bU pamta.
N Crjat bae tradedboi
borm* wilk B.
Juba Jeeret te.at w*rk tot tV. I> ____ 1 ■" J-rraUeg paper by Mr*. Belle Horte* ' A
wiU la yrtppa. It able to be oaL
erewdadutbaaV tot Mn. Darld bloU wbo waa ta
, npd <ltieua*.on of lamr. ElU Hopkln* \
inodma Uoiaard
wat TV ytan old
a naadad.
Dig atorm Satarday alght *od Sun- tb.ngaren* a>rcelt*Uon. Singing, f
111 i*iuD(lr Oraiiulklitl Sugnr
Oa accouatof tbe elorm there wa*
Htiaglag in the Shrarm. Ucmarkt
8. S. Bamatt raaaaUy added a Ana
*ytnddauybtar. .Mra. Wtauotl, at HillHill-. frrigbl Ibfoagh here Mnoday.
:ai t«>umtr I.' Suptr
S. B Cate te Morlay C. D Fool* to ' F. E*te*. WF !r*rn that Grand ^
tafva rafrtfarator k Ua ttera fataraa.
It would uke a wteecommteaioaer
l'B<-k*t.ra ('uffH*.............
II where the bighwa.v wa* after II
ime llrctberton e t broaybt' borne
a Monday to Batarday
0*1 Ile^
eery oa*
wat oet breaking nortbeo
Imra A--»c Sa*|>........ ...................
... Ht »Uw' -■
-- ------------gor*l. tolk.
I* Uoadty f<
1 tenjADt* *bn*
rmm'iwioBer K
Wm. Bast atarlod la ae
•r te delay aomr
It) lwt> (laud S «|>............................
Obaa. Piah ratamad froa Haedoa
tea litt
----------------------------- »*«•«'■. good rod,t;„n.
- ,y tbb wee1 Mr. Sutea* uf
Mat weak and U^w worklnf tor Wau
1S.fmr> Khir S,«|,
Mr.Orebbta of Lelaad
rriee* at the chard
Joba Kearda lo» a un di
Fioiir, ir-r iMii'k.........................
Saturdty and baekMonday.
j Iterling. Tben a<l wcot borne
Ling A
a-laad Tbe loyt
lorday rreuloy that waa
Him Alma UlWtaell U at borne
BiK-k*bcat. jwr Mck____
the \
are ta be drawa to Ulan Labe.
Alii* Smith ram* borne Friday algbt I Ui>i it «a* a day well tprat
■ lowoehip irraKurer.
abe baa beenilaaebiaj
laaebiay cm
andrclnraed Monday aigbu
Iteiviceof ib* Lora.
Syruja ir-rkrall.iu...............................
fraok Pieher. wile and dauyl
Keaaady ofCNlMr.and Mn Ami
Mra. Jama* Whitf. naclr came Uat!
MAk.ru Qi-nN.=>.n. ekKTrUry.
uyt wltb Uaud, tv. U. freeman aad W. Sle.
tt bare
hare beeaapeBdinyafew
weei lo Trarerae T'iiy Salvday,
d bnngbta borar tor Jam*
u Wllltaaa la ararkinr tar ttr. their
'•“•‘i. 'Vh.tplr.;uratetbrrr,o Ufr with
nnkillk' I’nirdor. jwr
idioy bi return' Sneday. Salor
Harebau baa bnuyht aaother rndon“ii7i“'‘“‘
The Udlce- Aid will meet wilb Un alybl and bundai forenoon li
wnryof Old Mlmlon went t,
_______aod Mn l}trdy Wadeceday to aod -Tba wiail 'blew aa ''
Mr. Moa and Mrn. Laraaa drbra
qaltl for Mn Stott.
Itarane City laal work.
K< nwT-iic Oil. JRT iralloii____
tU latl." Tbe mad w
E J. Batlhatfold batwato taaaod
diBlral» tfai .
Jrtn Jobnaea baa barn baallac bay
lilUe pilU
balny be
MO batbala of potalon; be commeoece
omr Monday aiget- Tbry report Ibc laUad.haU.
<rftbr liybUioaia piar.
Urnu, i«-i llkl.
.. f..........................
vMeaoeof OjetClrr------- -------------|dr. WlealoTlaltad frianda at Blay- delirariny Wedoeaday.
Liild tugrring from - A
Robert lUndioB I
ana in bealtb
has and Saawidi Uat weak.
I 'li-an«l < >«u, ii-r Inirli.-I . ..
1 of Kn.inrraTillr. \
tideThan it in
>ra> for many yran
Mr. Kalaea U haaklac aaw lonea
* riogir box Ilf ^
cold, the mercury
to toft tod tbe wind
tta laha abeta at iba Baariny Creak
Onr aebool te qnlte tmall oa a
Ire skin di- - A
tlrony the n»dt trenail drifted fall,
raab. almpr-. \
• Hoaday ■orolay men with
and obttinaie *
era readily rur-,1 f
Mn. Urnea it aadtr tba doetor-a ______ laow plowt and tharelt comt Saturday t
by tbte ftmoui
irdy. .1. I, J.-hu* I A
Mia wHh tba Mit rbana in bar faor awae^ work on tbe roadt and yut
Uim Joalt Trarit I* at borne for a
tbrm Opened ao we tea a lew taamt
Mr. aod Mra. JubaCbmabcIl of NorlJi!'
A namter cf ibt aebool
biIdr.B .Milton riMtcd raUllrr* hare Satarday {
rantnflayool today.
apaat a very pleannt rrcalai at Ua and Sunday.
Pouible PHccA
j log.
oSTa llltto^iban
The ttorm baa tb^pped the 1^ dnw- tbe home of Ur*. Fuller Jau. 7.
waataortbaabtrOiafllr Stncklny and Lol* aad Jeo-1
nod Mra. Ripley bare motte lo nie Caro* went U Trarrrae city S*ur-,r«ui:o». cold., rr.-up.
with Ur. Monroe, making It laucb day to rLs.i Mr*. W. II Blotegoud.
thnwi *nfl Inng iroubl,
frleadt here one day latt-week:
plcaaanier for bim...............................
Little ilraa O'erland baa been ti
Ereryoiir wa* kept al hmnr Sued** ' *®'‘'
■ Uiaberg-*
Uim LoelM Hock of Batt OarAeld
*. RipU-y.
111 for a aambtr of day* pan.
We i
by tbe ttorm.
Mooday morning nil
Wbonping congli i. tbr
TlaiUsy frieed* ben for a week or to.
ter of the decaaacd.
ed. will u
ylad to elate that aha i* improtlay.
ea*t nnd weat rood* were lmps**anle.
Ing m*i*dy. but It* dura,
of the baby tey.'
Satur lay aiyhtaed Sunday we hi
• boil M-Jbr nar n( line I IlLUtc Cough; f
A aamber of Archie youof people at* the WOT It ttorm we bare bad Uti wii
I*>well Sourl atlrndte tbr urriit
I'uFr. wiiV'k te*l*u Ibr
tba ablnfU Bin aaaai
tended tba toelai ai Mr. Byrr't. Friday
tif the Agricultural wa-letr at Trarer
kouwu fur rroupand *11 '
artalny and
aad report a rtry
rcry pi.
pleaaaat and
City laal Wedomdty
Mr*. KmmaSImpton U tprodlny tba'
cbial.lmub'e. J li Jut
profluble time.
a D. Baavond baa pi
Edna faro*. Alice Sour*. Ur*trr Inr. Uote I* *1111 at bte bom* ic
-rek at Wilton with her molber. Mn.
Tbe Bnl real ttorm of tbe <
1*. Florence'Carn*. Franc**
and I.u
I. r. Kntyy*.
tbU place latt week,
lie* and Arthur Gee bare all Wen »,
■raiybody ti tnoarad in bat waara
Mia* Jeaale Lauywortby went home
iaraclariw^y tbe blyb temperebaraclarii
------- ■TrwatM/aaiaapoaalbla.
wet ■ /aat at poaalbla.
cl toon lu elart lor Cryttal,
kl..Mvnt- with tbr mratlra tbte latt perk.
> Trarenr CUc Saturday aad coald LtpecI
wbtcb preraded.
Tbabpaladd Broa. art yaUtny
make an
i iili* VVIgbii
otyei back bnareunatef the
Bow to Look Oeed
open maallny bold' bf tbe Good
kn*-*- on Jaa. ttarray'a ptaoa.
-xlr-ndte ritit>rr>blrarikUed Elk Imkaliraugr
> could bare noteboo'. Monday.
Good look* are really more Uiau
Satarday areatay.
Iba anow plow' atraek aesa dritu in Templan,
V Blgkt
Mr. Wlghtman made ui-rp. dr^ndlug rutlrely uo a hea
MlttMabrl l.iod-lcy and HnrrT MrTwo ynuny .ladle* tbeayot they
t^lradld tblay. ~
----?p»rt. aa driegaie ts Uic >Uln codllloo of all the rii.l organ*.
kUatalnUy of i
rgof wrre lutrrii-d la*l werk by ll.w
rouldroll cn Mi*t .l»lcTraeii Sttur•. M*dul Ir -------------------------' up
*l*u ln*talied tbe atw uiUccra Ibr ilrrr
1 Monday.
i-r hr loan
Inaclirc. you bate
ha. a bUion^
ay erVnIay and they were caayl.t out
Mr. and Mia, W. J. Towart at Knlif your alomai-l
i-li I.- ilteonlari-.l,
win be la Uir tlorm'aod loat ibtlr way lo try■nia !lbni7 of f>iti No.
kMkn alaitad with B. U Baaba and
tvraa .Inprpll. look: ifr.iurkid
lay bt (u.a mlla and wandered around
ribulof Nurlhporl e*kept by Mta Bella Kelly at
------------- iororar an hour, hut found tbelr way rbaagte pulpiu with
wiln • taw daya e( tbla waak.
Rct. .W H U*,
yoi .. .rapin,
qalit a larya oaDtiyameat of loe bookt
•■'"pn Sunday 1a*t.
h.iL. So.-ure gi-i
aroouotof tbr
Wbooplag rough and me
te uro<G>. and you
bi>mealla*l wilb
only a.ooldaaU
arrlrad a few dayt ayo. tbrouyb tbe ef- tail.
rm DoterTlor* w.
will turely barr g,v.d look*.
ir midal.
■ ■
•ttiileH on Suadey
foruof oar worthy aebool director.
Iinr.,.- tea good Altaraiirr
.. - _____
dT-ni .
MMoa Mowdayon aODOanlof ibaaa- “IwaidCamdl.
MiM Imnra Parm te rteltli
ibi- tioiuai-h. lirrt and
Tbc.Uureai »ucitty expect to girt the
a the bl.Hri. rorr* oiia
people a treat lo the near future l.y
tbaaiatar. wbotoaMlay
.Rct. I
Hoatlou i> atm roaUnaing plr*. bio
nd boll*, anil glrrt a
baring a del
elelgb ride and tocUl
tocUl in the
- raalml work la Ralku- aenMCcifttmatmt
I Imke AbT
1. Erery UiiUr giiarntry. Tbe
!lety h*> lu next m
- BookMBTaryplaaa^l
a-jUidae Drug M..rn* of S,
term aad »lroay yala of
leg with Mr*
Caplia next Wed
The Hill Street .chool...........
I U elaaed by
portlaud cutter
ter of
ol Slanlry 4 V.-ong.
E Wail
wled latt attnrdiy alybl aad Sunday
day aftcroooo.
ICbaaay want to Kalknika iMt
TbatrlroiUof M r* Tremtla * 11)
tbr wmt of tbt teaaaa; mulnil oonteal of buU pardat.
Tbe folliwlng »rr
W. H: Browaioa aod Bl llaru are
glad lo kuuw Ibet-ahe iiBiuwly :
la yreat drlfu aad
hr Turtle %kr I.tegr .So i
drawing their poutoce to Grawn.
F. tot t >e rnauing ye«r:
Tberr 1* quite a tcramble with Uoae
oiiu Mtba aod I lyrie Alranl arc flae ooattlny I I .week
There «
.S'oble Urand—J J*. ArmatroVg.
Uat harr
tMmt for Icy drawioy.
»u- ira>poonf.il of ifrain O v> t
tiur tlure and furna<-t wood for Hr*
Vlceliraed—R Krundage.
ofii.lil «*trr
Mix thr Grain
Cha*. U. Ilya returned from IMa
-See'y-Frank Hpolar.
biTan rgc anil add thr wau
many aa tWMty-flrt w
Per. Sre-'y—H. Ca*e
Ue »ad, laoklnyaad Jecllay well.
na 8(>yd la oa tka akik Uat.
Tree* —We, Arnnlrong.
Oaaeoountaf tbe tnow tic
ttfb MeMaa la OB tba akk Hat.
inipiwltrbrkeh l.'dgr
at lanaday there waa ao maeiley i
Soblelirand-Mr*. S. Uaoro.
Lonla mabolU la on tba alak Hat.
'rta bat tben will be la twe
Thr J C. l. -ildaullrd th-!r ..ffi t
VioeOraoi;-Mr- * b .--..a
SatottlBy ereniog at tbr: boixr of Mi
‘^Ladka'AidwUlfBaatBtd. FM-a It the road* yeu opeaad cp to tba
Flftyornttabntbal tor patatoaa te
See-y-U I. U,
aebool booae ayalaFlora neUlngrr
rinyldy Unutanda al baibtte of |»Srry—.1. ArmkUr
Thrre will be aa oytlar tapper ylren tatoaa to Orawe.
GeorgrW H-r_a'oi!i rounty come;
W. A. Ua baa ralaUraa rblllat blB
ta—Mra. M. I. Mo
under tbt maaaytmtot of tbe UdW
.nrr of' ;boul*. « a ted onr *cba
The terriblr tenw ttorm tbr :trd.
AU of Last Tree, at tbe home of F. J. liB* bli« kadrd tbr rcmdi aad wili make
TurteayArthar OrtaantM bai
Siorer, on tbe trralay of Taraday. badyolny fur tome day*.
I'h.. I. llir r»ncrI<-ocr of al]
FlaarAt rrturnrd fniiu lb*
keponet lor it* HiklU,
Fab. let Sapper aerrrs at IS caaUa
111 follow diroi'tlvH nii-atur
Ilr.l,--. .lui w.-n,
Tbe Sanday aebool oonreatlon at Uc
oooplr. IS oaeu tlaylt for Ant dlah. lo
Imprrwte wltb tbr •jtiuy
otaU for aX additional dltbra of oytlrrr
rtfurr will out locate tl..-rr *l
nil all felt well paid fur attendli
Cbkt and pire will alas be aenod |e
Srhroterr G«PP'jlBf the
W^lle Cuoprrayt - Cu.
away addition free.
Krrrybody larllad.
* next regular iiirrllog nf the W
1*1* with fine fmb
boaybt U.e elm aad l«a*wood
Hrloy yoar frUadt aloay.
I win W a Moinrr.- mr.-t,og,
eatl on* fourOi of »onU «
The K t t-iplrtor Sunday erenlng
wltb Mr* Err ll-xby Frl.l.y afirrfnurlb of aruiloB oi
Tbt Umber te te "A #tee
noon. February l All inolh«r« art coibriay cut.
Arthar llordeau of the li-wny
dUily InriW U> aiund.
tchnni *)n-ni Suaday In town.
Thr E* I'um uf thr ChrteUao KuaiKOU.MI'. FilrkanbA of Trarerae City wa>
at tbr
le tVauktrn., Friday *ad Stiurdtt. dtarsr tocIrUe* for tbt onunly will
I waak'i papar.
turtl In Mapl* nty Saturday aod Sun
— - ,i Tur».|»v, day uf Ibl* wrrk.
Fred Muff b eery alek.
T. Baah aad W. Baird aaaw.plowad kaaka patlcrday.
A abort iStelanarv
llarp. at btr proyraib will beylrra at ibri'uncrryaMrt' N
Krelatr wai
•at tba raad Taaaday. tba drat itaa U
lly laal Friday.
llooal eburoh Saturday rirnlog. FrauhMbtM plawad mUb Ub dltUkoi
waa la town aaurday.
.'1* l/Mlltof Noribporl, couuly pteay
ttra. Vim. Jlkabelta Md Mia. Pkllllpt cJahB Miller, wita aad daayhtar af
.. .. rbrre b* txptcled dent, will addrra* thr mtrtlnf
tMiBd Mra PblUlpa- parMta at Kal- Kaatoiaa are rltlUoy at Wm. brota'.
prrarh under morning.
Mra. LLkiterruttar tequlu alok
G I. I’anliar
.........................^ .
k*r of Tr*r.-r>e
klny aller
H- I'olllon of Deirolt, pplIrUo*.
J. II Mrlloeald of Start te a
ylayiiuraaiaof Fli
lierAttuetUat Ur Waukaaou aereral d*y>
lac hi* brorhar, Oaorye McIHni
Al. Tarry, wbo teadi
bar lor Jet Duluiber uf day* Unghl.
rlrad a fractere of
IMtaa milad Via. Moaralaat Plaaly. John Kebl. Mr. John Hrabary. •arallte. (Id; girla. lOJ. l>oy*. ItJ. ArFiank W1l*im l* laid np alia
booaa of Utley while a^miay yaaurlay.
.‘”''.1* rtfttim of nn .Tmrmorrer ImF
and fUurbtor IcTt ia*> rraye atUodaare. m.
Uttlipped apd fell
•aydar wmI te TranMa City
IVrdnredty fur Iwlai
Number rnrollrd lo grammar r»ini. >.«,.l, .1 u*a.-*
Iwlaed for a rmlt with
tidtwalk MaaMy eraainy.
at ibai glare.
S.-.; flflr-, *•*rr**fe attend
UUrlpp aaamt
bare yalaad
Mecllhr* will be beld erery erealny
foothold bert that
Nu'abar earalltelo AratInlermtelau
Saturwlt'^^lir tbr wli'ur. **'cb^
-jidraa are dar rxerptte.
where be baa
oooi. <11; gtrla. 7-*; bay*, tt; ottrage
You are conlU’ly Id
■Aaol elaaM btai Friday tor
.............. — bat many ef Ihr-oldThe heaytail luaw ttorat of yean
lo any or all of el tbtar meeting*. .tieodaber, IR.
bare bad aerione attack*.
Number rorollte laarooad laurmrI ban Monday a
Mil*,Celia Steel*, who ram* fs>« dteto •»». V.. ytrl*. 31: bay*. 31. ar*rheaty wl
attcBdane*. to
nluacd I.
oould not «tlur* Suaday. —-----------wing lo tbt
Ie*r tba road* of the h*..**
Number carolled la primary room.
Bar. KMdaU wlU praach a<
lertny amay of tbe road* Impaaaablt.
. .-........... _ obliged
emaio until
boy*, zi. artray* aiiead
I that the Suaday aikirm hroeybt
^ Bt Iba aebool hoaaa at l p.
(illta liodyta te •uffrrlaf from hloo
-Monday. ,
>rul*r> aay It la tbr
aoro, to.
M IbB^awM
f pupil* la order of mrrit a*
•rank Friterich. Diek Campbell.
If trip a day.
with a abcemiu thr law. and bariog .torm of tbr klad tbit wr kav*
. tbe
rryular maatbly rxDrapre* aad A. E Waierbnry . . aatenninrd1 by
Mta. Decrlaytoa. who bai baaa tick nbralded aerteee* on each heed tbe dJmJd iof^l'lVnW^^J^ban'Wa
Trarera* City weragoriteat the Porter
darn lane tlBa. la new laatlay batter. poteon wat ahaorbrd. Ilulh baadi aad
liratnmar Kuom. Elerealb Ura«r-Wedaaaday and Thurteay
Mb Mam and Fred Bbartdaa are nrmawalltd and became eery painful
Franeea Lrallr, Era Bo**. KaU Voire.
beld two ^Ul
Tht yland* under tht ararn were moeb
'Lob Ploayhaaa
I aad
•ting* Uat ^k.
One held nurw
oma* Copa rrtnroed l**t F'rlday “ • Affolter.
twollaaaad Ibrcalea to tnppurale Hat
:<radr—lattir Nrlaan. Ktlvl
r riniiay 4o ei lertain n Depni;
bte trip lo JaektoariljF. Mte* lie.
kt tbte Ume he teem* to be doing well,
Lb good• yuaapaete ef reeorery.
• Snlnrda: eayoyed bte trip yrrallr and aeem* l«
iMalenHUlan 1 1- aad rareyood
rrry much pleaeed w'ltb tbe rouatiy
of a few energetic membera
of tbe teat- I'inat. were made lo yire
ThaBarmamw atorai of Satnr^y
an oj *ur topper on tbe fint mertiaf
B^th Urtee—Ro*^l^;p(fm'*^'
lattkbareadalB IhB riolnlly impan____ John tiartbe, All_______
io February, to wbieb tbe L. O. T. m! erening for a >o1ly good rime.
aUaaU day dnada*.
No ebareb here to
BeSerratb Urade—FllreaU Tbomaa. Ti|.
• -ited.
•---■ -aenU war* terrad to tbem at the
Lawyer Om a^ Mr. Unywortby
Ur rrimaau. Belle Iwrkle. Albert Joba
*(TnT«mQty called at Ibli place oa
e HoaaeaUco clock, after which ' Firat lalermtelateRcwm.ritxlhUraAe
aad Jaetai Knapp ai workteg
they Tctnrate borne. They were MMr*. -K.rl W'mua. Mary
Ourdy-i mUi.
y Uarlbe, Boberl
ban. D. Oegaon. M. Uagaon. L Cemp- Budd. Llbbie'lottaff.
Mtaa Bdaa Helm apaat
Myron and Dan Taylor
- aawlny
bell aad Mime* Belle Wlltoa. VirginU
bamaa^^taeUyorar :
loyt for Cbaa. UamU.
Fifth Grad*.—Rora
U# or oommoa ylaa* with Uagaoa. Jeaaie John and Gertie V
MtemEUaaad IdaTayl
■ aaa
HatUer. taking vine aad let it eland tweniy-fonr
laaie lca>ont,ot Mr. CbaM.
ipachhoeroi aie.
li^ indicate
______ Garth*.
urib aradr.—Laera
teeya road* were
Mim. Cnaa.> Barralt eallad on Mn.
Vanaattir. Pearl
ttiiin ori^»t»i'm lUM it te Geo. Tbylor Uat Wadamday.
-TP alatoal
aloKa im|>**mblr
Mta Mayna Gerdan of Oadar City
did aot deter £er. UadUl
A heavy atorm of wiad and enow proSecond letcrmedlale TblrM Grade,—
Milad cn Monday on bar way bena
or pain in tbe tack,
be baring arranged
Gertrude Baarimau. lirorer Weidrr. bmt Batplra. wbare abe wai aaow taite at pratmit la tkte ridaity.
peoof that tba ktdm
loribst to occupy •
Henry Ealaueloaad a aaecerof ul
laa. Anna Kelaoe. Royal BIgalow.
! oct of oeder.
lb* Cong'l ebnreb, nJlb
Secood Uradr.-Guorge .Velaoe. Bern
^cmllaj^ Bitaacdtetrlet
_____________ a waa takM taoa
obliged to taoe the aton
atorm lor *eBadd.
Fhilomen Hoorteaao. M<
■tUan BDI from Maple City wba
mile* io order (o do aa
Tbere te comfort in tbe kncnrUdyc .
John HaUu b the pameeaor of a fine
waa bekny VmledI by Drk. Pi
often ezpreaaed. tbnl Dr. KilBer-*
Tbe principal qeeetio* under dhraaFTrat Grada—Xer* Pi may*. EAal
Mw klmballcttan. aa to alaa Qeorya -wamp Hoot, tbe grrot' "
aad.ba b rm nioeb i>
aiooatlbe prrarnt time io our rilUge
filaoo. Jaaper Voice, Moryaa■ Suei
_t at tbla alaoa Tayter.
• - ■
te whether ur not we are to
hat* a nilPriamry Room Ctem I"
Frank Hatchett ha* bean aad te, to tbe.back, kidaeyu. liter, bladder and
d Mr. DrambrUI to
■ a the near fotar
.l•*eBa. Rex Weaiea. NcIIla Lotemd
creiy part of tbe erinary p
>n baa been agiia
aiffote Gteraea
Uote ia heap
correcU Inabmiy to bold
pa*t aix or eight
OomUj^ud* l^iyuard, Ole Lortbiyyattm
alUl witboul the
badafw railroad. NrrMacde
wlac or cnbelci* we wUh tbe
aod hope tbe agitatar*
dtr of belcy compelled to yet i
Onah te paU ter tbtaa aa roon aa
fnlat hearted nor dteeoarage,
He. Box bat baac improHag tbe f
Buyea* S------------------- ---------- ,
timea duriBy tbe alyht lo nrh
la aMlad, wbteb te onoa w twice Antdaye peat by taking pataloe*
Tbe Ladle*- Aid aoclely
We now bar* a Tall aebool after the !
~>emUdaBd the eztrai '
tbe market. Tbe preealUny prlro b
- Tburaday
Itb Mra't
of Swamp Boot tel
^^an^electte t^ followiag oOeen
Wa ayraa »ltk Famna Freemaa't
ad* the bigbest for iu wondeefal
lame M tba ^nai-c In raymrd to Ulan
looblny foraeaed to tbe eiybtb
eiybtb yrate J
yttaa at Mra
of U>e meat dtelret^ mam. If
Imka maktny a Aaa haiVm.
to abuia a dl.
inday teealag at yon need a madletne yon a^ld bare
which about tarty ----------aeople
S*c'y—Mra Jamra (chi'
yle^timata effort
Trcaal—Mra Cbaa Braman.
■me to the
-etea* eo Fek^*i
keMThoro‘ Mn. Cbaa. Barecu mad
o* ofB. r.:
■M Btaaau. MmBareS bte farm and baal itdowa to HarraU. OaritM Kaapp and IdT ^e.
erald aad aead yoar addiw to
etemlmha Mr. FleaytoM baa cdta , tor wart eteltcee aitbe aewaa of Ht^
lame A Oa. IMbyhamtrai. B. T.
cr DxLosa,
aaMMaymMandtaama W wiwiftrjBaleH-i Ant UboM la Iba Maeblay
>Uaa. ItM FHAay.
At the Enterprise Groc^ly:
.. 1.00
We Also Baie lilt Crocis, Cbanis aod Dasbeis.
’HT' ;:S5“ 'Sl’f
H.y. Feed, Bral^fed Oat. .iXowe.t
238 Front Street.
Odds and Ends
in all of our Departments.
t-rniy mi.uir.
We havejust completed taking inventory
I up. land we found lo our regret a mammoth lot of
''•itelRemnants of all descriptiOBsiu our Dry Goods
i‘"wT 7u‘rVf«’; department; small quantities f f different lots
1- cream *nd
Qur NoUon department; odd sizes In our
Clothing department; odd kinds and sizes in
our 8>ioe department.
These are tbe results of our mammoth
business last fall, but we cannot consider such
merchandise worth 100 cents on the dollar.
They are odds and ends and bad property at
OWDUI OF FUHUCATION Of. .w tUeir 1)681. heucB we let them loose at a speedy
60 Cents on the Dollar
* *
closing out our Cloaks very raptbe reduced prices wo marked them
down at on January 1st.
Call for genulpe bargains on your money
The Boston Store,
TrsTsrse CHjr, Klch.
I Are
You Missing
‘ Sis.'"
Sr. '““.■s.M'sifts;'
The Great Bankrupt Sale al The Fair, where all goo^H are sold for
60c on the Dollar P This sale has attracted more attention than one
would ever imagine. From the moment the doors were open, giving people
thv advantage of bM)ing goods almost at their own price, the store has
literally jMcked with bargain hunters, and from the manner in which tbe,
goods are gfiing it is evident there are bargains to l>e found. We ntill have
a g.i'id assortment of all goods, and as they are going fast, invite yon^l to
come early and have your choice of a complete stock.
CA/fPS-TS. '
caty TiiaiiBctipt, OonscJidate^ Jaimarv S7.1S88
Mist tirbasas raoB. ThfOa
8tat«sMad<4lbebead <d *a tt
Bait*Bfai lWllawM«.}io«
CM at a UiK fan.il7. aadUet
mid M d*a .Unt aar flt the adraiitagai vhicL oar tana tnraaow raiojBuka ' ‘--I--*-- - T- Ininniillilag
eorUoadL aad benalted tbat UmI
fcit laara ell b* eoald. Sc ererj add
paB^bemld eara baepeailijr'
and «t Bp aiebtk' l« atady then._____
«Oe haikald. "He artce baeiicblat
QD matt," vbirb. i^rbapa, ii the
rcaMO (hal be kuneeded to w*U
ta tfae end. Qi> rrea were alwaT* opes.
»d be waa alwiTk ready to tara bia obrraUasa ta (ood acnoast.
taaUia laepind aoJ Mablieind tbs
Jssle, (be
ta-t aaa-
ud tdk’SiinBkkre oat aakiac «
IB BDd the kUB khiBM brlrlil- Te
ar Ik bearlBC the foorti reader ae«
1 hoM 70a oil! like Ihii letter
irood hye.
Frau jonr trieod
Be foaaded tbe PbOadelpUa litoaiy,
pweet of a UH-craod llbearta. which
Barked IV lesimoix uf as isteticclatl
ttoteadbwk p>ud totba «bc
Bed to cT«i a<
TnretM or, awi
Dcab EorToic—TbU f
Ubm 1 bare written to Ibe I
o aebool.
Cijaler. i am In tba third crade. |
All Of bar aobool dabbed toretber and :
cot ber-a booh tors CbrtklaiaM<meuL 1
We bad a Udder trimmed la rrrr.|
Creeaa for a Cbriitsak tree.
I hare .
brmkUtehinir baadkerrhUfk for
Cbrlklmak prearau. Hy ancle, laui.
■ iVl’e-i.im*?br.
and eoaalB are comlnc aphbre to kprad
tbe balfdatk with »
I bar* a bird !
Dsaa Embok—1 Utooebl
a baa a bell in hU .-ifre (
wnia scats •tsee I ba*\ twit writlea
iploUand rintr IL
tor a le^ Ubm.
ChrtaUtai we are col»* to taee two
flhrtaBaatTMa la oar asbool bonae.
I.klkt e—1 uin.
Use sad
• oAj.Jia. iikS
i toarlb
Mk>. Bam:—ThU
the first,
raadcr.' I west to Traeene City Ub
W'oeC teaatea.
lime I eeer wrote to ibe llr.Kxi.
Iml-M'ioo, -Al-ivr •• "jioldle™
fall Wfoew there waa onch saow; pa
pete 1 bareaoavaed a beo. My tiudlr> ' ar~>clh]„r>
at the kSiue Uhle to-'
sad 1 weal sal sad kUyad all oiebt
arereadlac. apellloy. arilbrort.c, l.U-, C«l-r'
tNlb fiaadaa sad rraiidiaa.
Mfwurr. Topld
My mamma 1. o>j-j
Afeia years.
____ |_\WL.>iVaa tory aad wriUocl.»to A Hirr in Kuroiv
teacher. I seeer went to atiy other
Trarereenir.ilirk.Dee.tT, Iftr.
teacher bat her.
H laee O.t. in pnol: A ...»-ieii
Daaa «»«. B*™—I baeewriltea to
will write apaln.
I hare a di.il. her j i*'*'
A <i>the HaaaLS Iwlee before.
Hy akatar ame la Belle aad I lore ber rcry moeb.
lu. ac:_a CwIimbI Baicm .
and brotoar are wrUlac too. Hy aiater Mr letter iJ. cettlnc long but 1 don't
' '.hiSi
- A |,
ata bratber sad I all r<>‘to acbaol noet
fapa died
enrery day I hsee a little brotber that three yearn ayo.
I har.-n't an
doaa sol CO to aeboal. I bare oaly two togel me a'ay (.’hrUlmai, picM-n'
'Txa nwKladnl Ituit they were a.
X i\ uhlrlr.! »!■ Iium uur .eii '
. audlak! they ar« aeeoad reader aad 1 can wskb and wipe dinhea aad
.Um^pyli I liHUuiniaUc
aUc prO|>^
tbe Boor and card wool.
I wi;
Bandbaa. There are forty .flee child- with my name sad loie.
redan pbllon
TOO la aebool today.
I will eloae by
al tS. SI. 7. S
tolllai ay aarfs asd ace which U
i-n. I b. ?7. ns—r>. .t], Cl.waaaSone I'lnjecBpl
aicbt yeaiB. v
Voar Utile Mead.
Drab Ruitob-I ihouchl 1 wu.iU PomO lu Ir-tl>f. 1...] of Ihertaiw.
rrrite tolbe Hanm.i,
Igot- --hwu) .."Jr.""'
erery day.
I slody third reader and 1/'^^''trilv-l*
baaa Mta-Bane-1 hare notwrii spelling. 1 recite nomberk. oral physi idiinliii: hnml ilmt i.iaita -ilf (IwtK.inw
tea to tbe fisBaU) yooac folks alac ology and Orel gcogrephy.
The sun i» . *"h an S'-rnrwy Do watch can orrr
test winter and so 1 iboncht 1 woal
ahlnlog reiy bright u>.diy. There...^
nil,..- nl,l..-t.-eh.i,«o. i.ui -•the
-.1;- m
M. A
trritohadwUbyoo-a Merry Oirikimaa
elgbterii Ccbolars Inscbnoi
J|,.i<s.ht.« 'amlntal^
aad Happy Mew Year.
1 a
it comieg.
We am golnc to hare
re a IhHt
IbHt p!h,y~*.,k.p:h.m-urai-ly
Braek'’a a*aau> that MIbbU Ouiacar Chriitmaitreealoiir school hooke for msj-«l-.lui.-ly d.n«-ml up.m ll.ni.,,
wsBUd to kbod what (Jaeen VtctorU k 0,.IV,
... .,..1;
aaraaiMM. WaU.lthlBklca
pUeeeaadalBCkoiiek. Santo f.sus will
a^TT;* H. It U Osclpb and she U a deaeead- brlAg tbktrve follof preaenu to the' In.'.>.'ci. t-j
Mt of tba Baaorer Uae
Well. 1 ran- caodglrikaad boys.
XVe bam a rrry '
Tito t. holoof Ofll.iicrrU a snIuhISqs
bM tblek of aoy more, so food bye.
hlbd icacber at oar aebool: her name Is.
u aca.-aMAra Mamet.
MlnaCordla/lmmBrman. Uvod bye.
..f .srlrm* comiten )
Your liltTr friend.
aokta Arm. Di
he ..-Ilk hi. kimn. I ardently
II imj hl> del,A
toritc to wSbsaUi aa I bare e
n/dLlMB luftlH. sard,-.. thU
DoMcr-dthr lrl> luulUu.s.11.,^
vritM I
Iwrotetotbe Hkkaij. 1 ibongla ;
old write todty It it reicioc and | <
now U about r»n«- 1 Ru to sch.ol ■ cann
aad am in the foartb grade My lef-h- ^^
er-a atm is MU. Johnsw,.
1 went to '
Rmplm to the 4'ourth of July and to
the Old SetOera- picnic the iMrd oj
Ancanlaad bad a alee ride ua tbe lug
Allea Day anrandtilrn lake.bat 1 ibiak.
tba beslda.r one that I Went Oshiog
dowa to (ilea Arbor.
1 muebt a eooa
e of my trepe this (all In our rurn
Tkw>wra*air, Mlcb.. IM*. tk.
field. My brother and 1 bares colt
Deas Bwtds-1 Iboaght I wosld
namar Med (or a pet.
It intends to
write agsla to tba UcsaLO.
bimk him this winter.
1 wUI be i:
■taool every day.
Hy tearber*a
yeara old In March.
I will clone (or
MMtaCot^ Hike ber Teiy anch for
this lima Vonra rcapeclfally;
tea it vary good to ss.- I aa la tbe
FRAVk DrKniuu'.R.
We bed a CbrUlaar boi
Briday sftoraota sod wa bad tou of
-tea., I hops the anew' will lUy aa
SB Hn. Katbs-I bare been Uilnkfibrfstaas ao that wr esB barn a klelgb tag of Writinc to tbe Urrai k. Hy tia.fida.
My BBcIe and aanl and r
ter Lotto b. wrJilDg Bp I will try lo".
are eomlog from (Irssd Bspld* b
tbOBCblean't wiiwrerywsll yc
11 Agmtlaman L.,ughi te bottla. of a (Ins
Iw bid s...as d-ul*. .d
.dvtag tbe bolidajA
1 aa nukisr go to a^ihool reery diy whea I can. ous.
.storiteaobadBomrl.meaI can't f"- ■« wins lu ihe rs-lloMa aaquore w. iT.ni
ten la lb
For peto I bare a cat. 81
htawk ooe BaglUh word, sod that
1. My.
dta am raadiag. spell
•. wrllii
sritbrnoUe aad history. I
1 like my
■sale bast of all. Hybaaday' sebool
. tesebec'sBbaeMHn. MdNally.. 1 will
taar with a riddle. A aaa
klUsB-lyatweatafoot. Agacyraia.
■Rva Tbo.
I'e live qaite.a long ways from the tbe totth. wanld
eoiini Mae ..ri wu-h „d,
•aid eoiinl
aa well aaa
MiakCaribe. Hike bee eery mu.sb: 11
Utc right ii tbe llgfatbouks.
Wc see a j
grtet-man: '
lA domeaesTery pret'l tbnl were ^fi an that tb
i.ie Walter, nloe tech way Th., nei
DBAS SpnoB—l sa going tow
dlstta to tba BtaALO.
I bars
:wriuea before.
We ate geiag
sta wbaa we get there I will write a
lease losg latter toyoa
ikssw bow It U.
1 tblak
. wssld like to reed it.
I will let yon
h>ow bow muy tbiagk grow there. I
bare two psta: osa It e baby brutbcjc:
bMasawia Hadley: tba other pel Ua
cbt sad bit ssme la BraUer.
Whoa I
gotofesahlmbe wrtUaltsp.
1 wUI elqae for tbU time.
Good brs.
__________ KuaCaxls.
I'lS: IT
y. Qrmbtm, i. » ry
r/ pretty
pmlty 1 think.
th.us. Kbe
on* :.
, o,
““ “
that Ih.-y kgaln
ran tabor.- im the UUnd in a eery bad • couni..l ntoe cs.-h w
l!.-.,.-en went so
.torm aboat three weeks ago. ^(arasto uke fonr
lw«iUs o
only a Utile
llule way fmm
from the Ughlhoase.third
Ughihoase.third night and sueo-wfully trstraug.-d
is to.tell. iso good bye.
Es*-. Bar.
IS. iw;.
Deas Sibtxb—I - thought I akoiild
write to yoa to let you kauw bow 1 am
tea basic*, a-rk. i>.^ ipr.
ItKAsMaa. Banac—i asw so many
letton la tbe "Voasg Falk-i Depart■sal'’ test 1 tbosght I rrosld write
Me to. 1 started to rrrite ese saae
.bstorsbatldldBOtaendUi MysBcle
tekte tba BtJui.p and 1 like to read It-
im well and hope to find you the
os 1 go to aebool ercey day. 1 llke_
togo to school eery well. My U-aebrr's’
U Mite Hlpnle CPUrtode.
1 like
-erv mueb.
I am la tne third
I study readieg. spelling.
arH|.mellc and tooguage. We are pr»Ucing pieces (elA'tarislatas aad eiptei
tobaTeuTcry Aicelltne.
We bare c7
teboiara 1b oar school.
I bVe to read
title letten in the (lAa>u>. so 1
thought I would write ooe w help ill
oarpage. We bare an oldest which
baa tbraa kitteoa. 1 gueaa abe tbongbt
was too maay u huei ailce for.
se carried two of them down to
|ny nacla'a, botabs krpf.be preiUssl
at borne, aad be had to bring them
ittordark. Aal can't think ufasy
teiag more I wUi elnse.
tbvteyon triead.
u year*.
ObaB Hu. Batu.:-I
I am ta Ibe eUlta grade.
My etodta
t raadiag. ariametle.. gaography.. telBkiag of wrivkid to tea HeIui.p.
STteMaprillng. la-teuyaar; ffoberegora. 11'i.r o. Scute Madlto.:
“*7 “ **“
naaa Rorroa:—Ta-doy la oar letter
Bay. aad ow teaobtr toM aa to write IP
tea BBaaiJs t havaa't wrlltoa Mace
'------- --- V.
uamten. Dangs cko«wmifs: t. Joaab 1
pbyalohcr0 tJ
the.nI kklbcweliecL
Thsl ibt b W'cD ta-dsy m 1
Un. tavea’i truuLkfcguamiteAaci^
•^^mr new
In dcacribiac llwm Mn. Bow-a siM i
“fst (Ighum vcAw I tuBertd with
mroAkncks prculur to my tea.
”1 WAS A broken dewn psu< o< Wlab.
ity: A khiJow ola wtruan.
“Ml beiin w-W tor««d eniO ! could rrmembw but kitk. 1 couM not kfeey 0. ml
aodm-is mdured in wtighT las rwmkcV.
Ion. VhAt 1,'iic I did cat ceaU not hr dif«^d in m* weakened suie. end
I Inwhi snt aoI '
wm » -
Lie when drAtt.
seoms to
IWAT tbi* out. fcB thus, who base Ion
tee art of walkuig take many wu-k* to
reacquire cosSd. ace. a
wM t.icyele
teud.tit* learn in t few days
A II must to
rtm.eabcred. bowerer, tea:
• •-*' --rsrsS >s
■ Dr.V.ttonrfPl-'; Filk far P-’' Proffc i*'!
<t t kpredm far All l.vnu o( w.iknea. , The hfaod
vltAlijei *.ndhecomekpreg.
luni WPS tv ckmrni. cd Ue. The
- '•rw-... us..'* *14. .'.i.*v..s steti
dtupprAsv Ss remAikoblc have tvrr. :lw ----- ■ •<>*'<* •’>>•0 is
rssr smOrS ins
eur-s prrfcwBrd by tbew L.lV ydb Itol ' . .. ‘
Ihm Im bos .ptCAd
dw Iai enA id '. - - —
... ••.. awSwvSm
drug .:ow la br D>. TuIiAnu' Pmk KIb ]
Um, I tih day ut April, a. t>. laao.
.ms *sj... ss asm
ui>l:raliby a roav-'l InisiTtus.
Whai can tie done with
siecays; V ‘.i
Msi.dar. r.'teuAty 14. I
' irrmrulB'.i.m and d.cae tijj:,.iLal D,. n..srr ,*:.w.u. are ervf"
r.. B,«tmsts.
Fmk t .IP wtC one hr*.-
Tfa-uias Ma.'k. w.te uf an .A
>eal..l diair.len..
In order u, a.ai
-1 wrening-j then, to myiewodu And I ! • • -
p:-. rrr.
“Ml kkm WAS moddy. my rve> wmt
heAVT. IwAi-*i.-y All im time And totiBv unfit far even ordoury bouwworL
“ Ifanori prewnbed (or me withosi A* il
Medminr w-a. sr.-ummended and tikeo in '
fisutny but 11 dd Ro gocri.*
“TtaetodtimeAgusl was aMte brink
ivrs.li .irltillgoi. Iirrh.ad
"Tcssifrjftci-Ts, r.rrrjS'-™®--
du'^S^ kj™t hryaod
s the Alxinsi’ti of pokwiet al '
■Ir. It l.elje. to turn tbe fowl ,
ati.- ini., hraWhIu. .. rur.sl. 1
ua.-h for.'
lif-i Tss.
>by aa
FsWusry a*. lOBB.
T ry .11
r things w
otber thre
£r,“=:-;:,£“S3'=‘ *
ihsWao.l I
ig troi.l.ir.
t IW
Psiordsy. to. fi-cmd^sl 0. April.. A
Aisi“"t,* Al
•Ten lu us in *1 screrr |.,r
ratlingly .u.-<l^^b) ^Isaaui
W bst Do lbs Cblldraa Dnnar
ly I'har-.-s .s.r.u;., . >.,BS a a
s ut Ilearbiirn M . fl^cago
Try ataln.«: Try Oealn-OI
1..' FTiday tli. *to dsy Uf Martiu A. D. 1
For Infanti mod Cbildreb.
Ui- Eiuniaatim of letclitrs.
: tbPuld I
I WAlkiug, (« a h-*,p. w
I tea blcrrle pniictplo ol
r SXTL, JS'TC “*»*«!i tne same diaeaoe. teey asid 1 must die.
aa heirditory Cancer was iacmbic.
••AT^iTJn.“T«a;^d^ totry
E.S.S..a»dina.borl while ttacSS
‘ gaa i®
to discharge aad coBtiaacd to do
for ten
three moaths. thru H bqfia to
Jo for
al. IroatiDBedtbemrdiciBeawfailc
Ioam»ti1 tbeCaarer disappramj ea”•
- It w-utSe tew gllinpse d the sun of hip. I
tng re ynst sfu-r a fit uf aag*r simply
iwulii lu tbs dsporiung of a
undigest.-d (v.Hl in the rtoma-b. ’ lu
preacun- Ibtver.aouou iLe uem-nisjstcau and repeats the enl
which U
mlginated. This is ib* eyplAnatloo of
tbo meager, ^f storr-d apisannoe of
must constitutionally
>g. tbe balance, tbe ctecring bj
aning. and tbe alicmaie moTcmnit ed
« feet bring
aUy inbcnl a .-crtaia atuomii of atuliry
to walk,
> type, aod after e....................
- while w.- nuiU'W TMtwTe de» baasting tbeir cSons veioped a bcrvditarr bicycling tnsUncL
witeoot doing me yee. la apt
any good, teey gave Ampler teal it woold ptubahly be tec
■ate. I wUI dtta by giving ■yBame.''»»P»rIflri not tbe rmr. .v„
aag a—
[aroond. I hare a sister; ber name a dacU
Mabel R. Watt
IJasalo.aba la arveci year* old.
Wei *>'« Mfi—Doabts Acnaale: l.Mste B
it Mite Uar^.
— h.
IBK terribly
, aad was so
My tees Aw )oa will asrer knew
My mow. sur ksi my ska-uaa
Tls l.kT year sit and Imaly. te
My waeca 7wiUay« to
w tat tbs Ttm of thU monte I
‘a ^ain Hlebigaa.
Hy papa s
.\d 1
wtUWtlcTaa. My itaeber'a naiae it Btektant- light kaaper. My mamma's > «•"
HtalMla Owes.
I liks ber yery Wolbar. sncle Tboa. Areoatrong, u L"!*'
Diacaoa] liiKsacd rifitat aaitlFi . _
to bare a ktaading <imirtp| wbes tbrv
pat uei.-ther on paiiiT. TbeimnRhtj;
pKialii an- alwnTr <a»Tisc duub
Itbe n.-tllsile <f III- ujiriplil
and apiare rrwnon.
If nor want. t.. arc ibik lattlr racing
Demlr, Ul him cdraw t'vn nUuQg tig-,
wee alr.ul%nvai
torVirii i
.ti,,. ......... ...is i..................... ..
' i--*'
Fink Fdh hr PaIc Peepk aad whS
Aecomttebed fa, etem . -nr j-'r; itl.rsJfSTUj
ofDawson. Ca.,
0! the Face.
lurlw sss lot su at te.
ri*s SIS Loltoof bajosse
Tbs nuniber-of ktten amtalbMl
-Icrs ibat tbe gams
umjnrily of moo- gnrea tluat (lie hnoie t* loocer
rw..oiid. under tba torn ab„ri-t ihau i. ibe caw,'
tbe boiM.' Iius a snuU dune aud nmnr
mice arli-ai^ed »-iud,ms. tb- IS..-U .a rrry large d»»
Ih s ctwoahul. tod prrbaia no w iii,|-,ws at all.
- und.mUcdly
lu a
..vu fauiilUr ulj,rt< look
Ik pli,}.-a vrtih larger than ib- e .«gl,i be*wose
tbi-f.-ct. -Uf coorwr tbcT.-lkOOgnal P'T
any Urt'c 10 sjwak of, tb" ol.j«V cJ iy CPU).-* fi i distouce u
ca^ auluisl l».uig to k.f p tbo ball to
fatnucU aaniurb a.poiljA
8UU, the cmp-iiiico to got tbe ball
Bakes It rosomble a ro.il g;.i„o of "foots." and Uiu d.'ii.iiiT eabiUied by
Jobs L Hrat«l
tbeae peculiar amsuiin i> curprlaing
and wonderful.
In an cwl moment mtur amb^lloci
Boyt and girU. Laei-yon
tnciukcy mayiUec to pUy the Rtighy ! hoye a W temper' affert* e,
‘ came by coau lung u], lb.-twU andmsk-1 lion? la ibe 1'irsi pU.s il,.:
lu: ipr. S.SCV nl
Lg off. Lit Ihe goim- iJi.-u d.-reloM
rel0[B *< blood in the .wt.illari.s f Uit-luniBcb
i» ibe 'ik abaulai.ly Or..
I End l€njp<t
ndk to .a dVf)*>sitiou cd
1* made of a r. feme;—.
- .............................................
— ------------------ -an. and ilii* mskus tbe
^ uuu aUait. like a wue aud stoiuact^nnaOlc to p--rfunii Us (nnctimis
protldent Biuokey, be 1* [nolethly np a ! properly, r
I ceou tn'lhe
i.-sl Tben.
again, auger bas a powerfut .dtet ta.
Or. Waiuwa. ngh
The bee lire
■ k«tlng up m n-ou* imtnn .ii. and uerv: iy a Mdy busy in.*.'l 1 *)S»c td rec
k irritotino again gr.^Hy biuders.
atlarik lua
. liararlfT- ^ A , jnd s-nuelliii.-s exeu stojw the seerrUaB
j,» ^oiaiueKT.
Ilsil, sJoUAh
Hark sl,stpvcrs.T col K.Is
J- f olJmtgogrr.
Victor nstih,) sun lerL
Dym w.wd UgbL
A aaUtei td |pUk trelcba
prc*n«e.l br
wot ttnl.bt.d
........................ .-.m h-amheedga
1. rurt.nllaeolorand
- An'ogeatandla
--------- s
-s. ................ ..
' '
1. Ta lodge In ' e gijnind andleara.
tarOBghoot tbe t
A awatew toAd Aar atffertd
years, B*td Aar
ApfjB dsrYrf after a life <’/ murrv aaJ litvt a^aim tm tie
ZMKsinte of' kafpintis, ifeakt to oiier uvavu m tvJrdt
»fnaametrtainmeama£. e-
■ a^-s..-
(Peo;Uc u( IO0...1
t. IsollV'" ■*•
t Jiy(^u..,<i.
He fonwk-d (be American rbilnwipbtal kocit-ty. tbe (ln,7 orennitaiita in
AIUCTICS -It lliv fri- ude uf ki ii ijcr.
attOBn-.! voruen, au,! larail.-l tldna
•d the tta uf rainrtal mo*
opr-t„lnir.idn,-.d thi* ImUci willow, draw ID (h,- right Laud figure a si
promoted lU .arl.' ciilinrv -d rilk aad ■Imiuf sharji .-lughw jrtulmg upward
pointed oat tim iidVibtat.-ea of WbllS and in the left bend bi^ut.- awns iliuilaranglmpoinUngdown. Ncwthrlig.
clotbiac 10 n>um.t.’
Ho mcs»nr>-,l. tpi- (.raperararr of tbe urmito loUK,-rloukuf tbe auv*-nhape.
Cdf kcreaiu uud dii>n,\.nil iluii umth- 1-bo one at the right m^-at Urg.r at tUea*t ftoruie mar U-kui In tboroulbw ■«(. lop. the ODo al Ihu left t-vnis larger at
' - ’
cm ihr advamoge of the bottom, which ahowi
baUdion klii|. in wui,r iiitbt enmpart- aud anglea. like dogt and
iVk ud:it.£ .U.bi!,t fr-m tbcCbineaa. known by tbe eomtany tb.-j
dm uriied IIIAporewnodi-rfiil Bcblerpmeet etill
i* to mako a stmiglit liu- app.«r cruukwavA
led largely u< riCTenUcB) frooi ed It .-40 U duno in a lari. ty
(g wbicLiiiieof the aimpli-sl U shown
:i lilowr
soluuiaad states.
is Fig. a The siruigbt line can Udrawn aaearcfB!!ya..o.,iaeAww. Tbts
and dnw dikyuml lis^ aauttb.-ruL
in making nuii diaghey UhrwWk'ptar tawan. bet »•! Ae- Tbo a
•oidlec to Rnfr.
anal juft a
longer at the top and
torn Ilian the latt imv.
Trevi l-r* UkSinth AiiirriiAbavo not •bewu-r at 0
ed (be furl ibai wbi-rr oionkrrK r<iut.-n>- Lnokiug at the c.ituplcV'd figora the
gatc ill brp- unm'-r- Ihry al.« iixinlgc top aud brtti'ui »r*m rtraight. the mid
In gaiiiii, of 1, r.rnin hiud. Two of dle line erookrd. Cot hold tbo paper
r-.-cm to reornihle crick, t CdgsrNiic aud ‘ s-tuini’' along Ibe hiws.
Abal 'Mow (be middle line I. st:
end fodli
the^ trppm and
i« of a iviiiiiilre cidar.
The ei
About u dr
luuukeys stain] In a cir- edge#
lu Irutb. W<- can ii. e.r Judge Utrt* qr
r Ik akiu in tbe .-imUn
fdca i.f n <people aiart IriPW tii, ir suT
The rlsiug full ukkki mv-e
frcto .Uflcr.ni <<>
|,,J. al<ml 16 yard, apart, facing, large a* It a ill iw.. Lours Ui
[iii^r. The iinaikcyat tlio kuulbeni
end uf the rir.].-Lata conodiBt in bU
. namll
slid.-lio i, the Uiwlcr.
Tbo nioiikiy at tlic other cod doer not, Urgtv than .u.- ailb a few Urge truta.
ai yuu RMLilii
i>r*,. wli'icl a full raiw espocinlly if intl.c first-insioun) tbe
UL Jii- hOkii). e- i, 1,1 doilgr tb.- eoeot- edge ii made t.it IrwgnUs* by planunut whlvli tlM- l.,x.Ur niiuk at hU h.ad. Don* of abrul-.
If Mj.. wbo M not ad to erniptry lift
rucNi at Ibe l.-iicUi of 1
. f^l |j‘lcb.*l aud frungbrvtibdire
ban. hu ts pn-liy apt U
Ilk if It "tnoi.iivk the kpot." Wb>a
jesbappen to li ueb the «i»«—tlial
ur |url (,f tbi- mnoki-y's body—that
muiikiy t* v>7T iuu< h „□'( and doutn'l
stop todi-pui
ic quck
;.-k bU
.... ■.... r'rs'j:-;;rr,*ti
Ml yean oU. I pete Isoiu bai.told all
DkaB Einroa:—1 tbongbt I wscld
enrfto to Ibe HUUI.II. I co to ecWml
St Ksrtb UsKy> *tody In the third
tesdtr. Sbd tpelUsgsBd teciu Id oral
psw^en. phyalolagy sad orsi geog
nphy. Tbe snow b aelUw today
We bare rety aorb fun st eehool, i
lore to go to et^ool. We sre goiagto
bsrd two Cbriatmee troee at oar eehool
beneei we are golsg to apeak 'pieces
bad els| wags.
It taskbeen so stormy
Oat 1 eoold aolgo to aebool fonr.daya.
tlwur dote foe this time.
Voar feUnd,
Jaat: l*.trKA
ini.-itic. lOTikp
:li-hed-Kwi Ei,-bard.
Ir wiwIotB <d (odi abape
iiiited* of ihunandi of readers
wvro uuuh- tiLiier and «ruaKa by it.
-He CTcalwl tbe prwloflire rriiteai ed
Adorriis Bod waa’lhe dm obaupioa «t
srefennkd kpcllinf:.
Hr lutantrd the Krauklin «cre. which
,l»A tnel.asd be «u£c..i«l tsIo.
.iiproTtsuoiu in vcniiUriao. and
the bnildii.it of oblmoryaHe robUd thoadcr of it
licbcmufi of eoiaa ct in power to de-
ta tad* I;* way to tbe Uaadca Diaifeee.
It waa baic OTppoaed ibai k*M coldad tbe «** dinct tnaa tba tawen.
t>CFW U i* kCBwa that U tbry are kept
a aud tad os aafar -w>^j tb<y
The Weakness
of a Woman,
--- OR—
Osi*s«-'~ ‘l sssessH ArsBrwMA*
s.t,-l-W....d,<*'te~~ ttessuUssse1t*tsto. te><~ns«'se>-to
PlrsirrsAresii si isc a
«mte r
A gnrt. prwb. omneal f-rkatbrvl.
e*"*'"** by m.Iriog togrtecT 100 para
P»to pereba. 100 foru arpbalt ur pitch
sod I u parta ml td taapeauua. Il U to
be n*rd bnt
KUsiir gutu pfr^ eeoeeL TopartaT
If fur Bung wdes to sL teu which fom
oo»«ark In Ming, cm arreua. t/ia
;A Real Blood Remedy. S;;4"n;“to!i7■^itiX'te,^ 1« i
Biiiterssfl«:K)floike £5H=S=5
wsess Is. U-Tsn A*,wrt Su.
iSu^Cfa^faa M
_-S vKSrcSaSK
maBCBaycnt'eCaacer.SeiofnU.Eci«nte, «wd before using tbi* cemenL in
RbroButitmoraByoeberdtaateoftta to Itenrugrtoter daralkllry By a
bjood. Send lor oar books ta bens eetont a baodamap at
oa CaaCBT aad
Bleod Jhstaicm Bloa ia iBBaemd to tb. tsaAtew
■rr-r.-'rsrjr*« “
IkM* k
mt Ihi
Mf B.by
obi K> •»!
Airi afcl Ik* Mk*M. rmj mr.
lyng bM«b fw«* n n>7 anv b
tombU or (Mfroir «H* aMH a
Tbb Wby
t hsU lh*toU*riK>b7 Wad*
OM I Ml l^tb: baad* aa awaat.
Om I BM kaas lb* taadar lacv
n>t lb* world'* rtPOfb palb th*r w
D*ar bab* of alaal
.«! tbat M dal^ iblap ahaaU b*
nM law lu faWr* I caa; *ol *•*,
Tboopb wbollr ali>*I
' U oal> a aotbrr-* lorr nlfbl laid
. Aa
bow bars Mil don frow cel
JbaadauiTwoaU e«v b* laid
. lfjb*b/.«l*.l_
Tto dear UUI* Up* arc *o inaaerat
Bal**d la wlaa;
'Ib* bobr bnnr t* *o por.1^ b*at.
Dear babp Blaa!
Idbaad baow I far^aoil; klw.
MalrtBf lb* wlB* of a aalSerb
Koaartbl/ bappiaaM like
lil io tbU
f JUmft t|f filln’t etklt.
. AtriaaAaaadelbc'feUowlBcioBfiMi
tii* oa* of ib* oostorUor
■saatn wUeb mbbdI fall lo reach
ausy waary heart* wbleb aaad }o*t
Ihl* word,—dM at Ibe biu of rant yoa
win Waal leeatoaiaad alipbetweea
tb* Ian* of year Wbla.aad read wkra
t* away tros tb* readlny with a fall
aad eoanr* tbat will of ibastel*.
Mk* all tb* eraobad nUan atraiybV
“Taa era tea* la tea* with
sarii a..
abd yray:
Toa harAly kaow wbleb
rhteb way to tars,
daiad. yon aa*.
wak* to woeder
.. awl I-Ut in lialdarr a tea cor rqinl <0
J| . fun Kk* Uaa; bit at lb* ra'i-.;
rat backarlK* nunr fres kklo.-.- di.e
Tablnlolb* oupbl aot to be dried
IW.b tbr kklorva atait tJuir
i .>*t-ol.doara is eu.d weatbrr: If tb.y
k'lrcwl iipfiliriu ln-i|mtkn.
fmae ibryare *pt to craekt.oa wlady
.liKKJ I«I <u sy rwrl bar t.i UarCul...
dsyt thry wbip to plenr
II.o. i.a.a« fr C-II Ba:iV I'mV
Urowmberibe Irrpiid or tb* io«b
iKiak M.
b.„ at k| Bned S.t., v
bir afaunooolaS.ed to uk* *a n*0T
.-«aaa nx-mtarof tb* Baulr l'r*>k •
paper* aa job d... aad w|
■T Lu.* f.e saoT vran. Aa * 1
irmi iBlcrrat la •■•&* c r ibcs.
I'f cTp-. I.ux* b>- arrrial
. -__I rllT ».II
Ur- n.uplr
n.u • areibrr be waapfuiMil.i.’^r.
afleryou ' bare nrad all the oew(
lakl tlx f.r4w!.lk« of kklo-v .IbCpj.,
vfi liaa Iri.ulilril l.lio rerj luup.b ll> n
A rood *-ajr to apee.f the wiater
o.y..uae t r*tilnrie*dr forap..„,
.Sd iikeaiar. ilt.iuanuid b..*r yoar
. ■ l.ifr , 1 .Txitr»rt*.l ftuomiv.^.f. .
>ln brarrir prrrace
prrrecc for tb* Hm» ]
n.y m-flid--, aUleb bsaliUT irl-.!, u.
iur*ly oe the way—wliro
............... of ti.Hild*, Tbr twill aa. ri '
all break i.p ana lue»uolta.. , lip.iiyli iu<i’ kl.ls ra auil amw. 11.
ef bappienrdea..rnJ
jj^dtllnc ilowu ahd 1
Uonoifa.l tool. Ibawrlay r rrary
if oiled nfleu tbrrr a ' eci- :. i.. B.^.il Iti.^il,*^^
r jin the oia-olbrrr. aad Ira. -1|.|1 !ir..i .RJI f.vliBca all tlx tic n...l
atranrib ia aapeoded
ipeoded Or the
the operaUir. Mr.. .i...(i1y pi-iiloi: mew.. ,M, ur ....
To clean tl r.iIVra rotp'ibra l-at with' ni. i.i'i. a.-... lM.*noe of 'lVwu'. K..I.-1
t oU and IMl. kt.-tal..*. Tta.Iracikinairl.i!..
follow with ...pan,I w.t
- II .~1 I'Unj.lrl*. tliry n-nr.ir.! Il.< .I
looarc the r.a.rra uelorr puiitny tiir
II..I a> niiic<lc a* aovlaplv. laon.
i.i.|i..y l‘tll.arr(TrlaiaIyMn-pmrnt..l '
'book t
K..r Ml,..lir iiukelrt*. Prl.t i' ci nl..
r “b" ■'d •
'tmk.l br f’twlrr.MUbure Co., lluJak.,
.V 1-•..!«.ci iii.f.e (lief. S R. turmlel
Ikeiiaiuc, y*o«. a, aadule ao uUier.
1*11 ana'Florai Culdr
cauloyur arm out kr
tb* Old r*j
! •retf e.iablnihwi'nl of
Jam** V.C
daial V and taaty <
pi* aad laatcfui.
abupld be nsored ism^iaieh- after
after briny uard. aad ao food kepi m
•• a lb* medicine batr
Iiajrply Inerideac*
. Who waaerar wars aad ktad.
hCB lb lU
^Vea ara tea* to tee* wiib iroabU;
, ->d a. all k_. . _____ ...
nerrr* are qpiet Nature * hcaUayproccaae* yo ea witbont imprdlmem.
Oreakiny abon. ruatUoy of yarmrou.
Ibe raitlloy of diahm bad kin
aola** are often the oeoaaion of pu*
“ «b*lf aUalybl aa- anffrriay to Ibe raralld.
Whea coal la nacd for tb* Br* It
9* brenybi to tb* room wrqppe
BalSfte dear Lord-* haaA
laVrn the gmnboiire.
To Wash
Uk* alai* la tb* qalal nos.
_teatnacaaddoyoor beat!
fitb***” hearvaadachildllk.
Bew It Waa Doa*.
»aay awthen ara
tMhaMle panaabl. eoeatliteUi.
•^1 - aUforCkrl."
M badly ta
ta 4ebv
• • aad
alara ban, bat I waa dab
tbat bo* aboeld bar.
MwtUaas. Itks
if ba Aldan slad as. bat It dean ao
Bccom inR
. Tt* Celebrates Speciallrts,
I FR££
j Tb. BBtOnCUl aOirV.Ttte fvT!,
Hotel Whiting
TkavAihi: City. Mick.
FRIOlir; FEBRUMf 4lh, 1898.
wffk thas, bat It la alwaya a Bah trap.
*■0%. haAos. dos her I .*-i.i—^
tegtaai‘nbaa*** bow bwalifeUy wr
rat hlB aos* I
a. sad atari bis I
“Bat w* bate aaaiU*«ly a
ftea Us al
«Ma sdaad paakagaaf aaaaal* far
•* Ml aaxa, aad t*a **at> wUl gal a,
........-....................... -
■ r«*nrm wliri
tlrd.luurew. rufaalred.
SmLw a*a . ..
DKS. H. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
are a 'flAael ray
the Utls appllee
• patefuI.-Froiriq
bgxtxl. S
br wgi.
Boma-bUd*. Soap
k withoat ho^
^ teto it aay cteBB
^ gvA. PET£f^7-y,^
International |
Dit^tionary I
Tre.~g.OHj tn**.
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
MW. Bay City. I>«trolt, How>
•11, Ann Arbor, Tolodo ud
UorsesiloeiDg and General Repairing Done.
polnu Sut and Sooth. CloM
'«onn»ctlOM At CopomlAhwlth
M.dtW B.Ey.
W. H. B*lfir*TT.
Oasn raaa. Agu Tolade.
Be-Pamting and Upholstering.
Cheap Homes
Sute St., near Ueioo.
Farming Lands
gi;km.\i.\i-: ukos.
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Faed aad Sale Stable la CcmaacUam.
Anath takU* at Ctaa aiA Vm
aad to*
Do Mt go Wat or AaMk BBtO
at Mkbiyaatfare
loan what
Ttreetao*' teatlar wtih Idw
»«>. dry amd gaMtr faUteg.'
• -aialy.whh Sayar Mapla.
Best Liverj in Northern Michigan.
Pays for theHeraldfor
ped face* tad hasdt
^ apt to oeear. FWAKKUN t
A fricod yirea me
e fursaUtora
lot.!* that it tootbiay ia effret aaJ ia- Jobs BrTBlaa.
rtaible wbcntpp'ied. One aad oao-balf
gam myicaalh. 1 piai* af 1 '
------- let ataad laealy-fuar bo
beat iboruuybly ablll dsslred; atn
ylyceriac. e
alaobol. aad I pi.t
s mar* wet T ar auBcieat M mahe it
of the canal iteary of cream: perfasa
with oil of I
gr r-Frt
.t*ly afur mixidy
For Lockjaw',
la cage of a Ball or other
being giack la Ui* foot ol_________ _
aalmal. aod lockjaw ia threatcaed.
take a barkt* of ualrecbed wood atbea.
put ia a tub, aad f.«ir na two baekala
of wai m water: .iir well, and plan* la*
wounded foot le ibe mixture. Relief
Let rrmaia
■ : i| jij
Tela brgaiaig.
A Fan Srap* Oma •( bitty Ptvte.
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
*.< tktNtl.l. ..................
f.nii Ui* ball-r into a yn»»
pau, «
X » iaeh**, aad 4 tech-u d*<
Blliae about half loll.
The luf w
Bll tb* paa wbee tmked. Bal
la T*r
T*ry hot otea 4S mlBoaca. placioy
Brtlfift**D slant**'
• ;
Highest Hboora—Wortd'a Fair.
Ooid Medal. Mldwiutcr Fair.
ru-r > nFiirb ....
aa-naat'g aiu. .
Lat- tta.
CtUai Kat .....
.. .........
ACb**M Coura*
»S gs gai 'i'w
s.-iL-.'ir; .
- Id ExAtninatlon Fre* and Strictly
-4m '
UK a« Bv .-...I..-' c.i'.i cTiM,. f.,s
^ takiinqiiA’oTrB^W
Ulism Ul METHUSW i. A
.« *«*etBBuaa,.Ju.x S.IS^.
On* Day Only Each VoaUi
' M(KS C«».i.ii..ine .•...i.m i- itrfi.-n-.ti.F. ,-t
W-l* at Valural <laa
lie Bloat till. <111 r ule ryuival. ul nf in- i
-----------«.f* CRRAM BALI
•tore, wv W..UI1I b- (Biuicr tliov u* ar* j
tldoar quart of silk laadoubl*
WTlg gl flnjFCUlr -• S* mg.
Heat toyriher three qnartc
ALT MKi-niLk.*. u ttgp
nfacop'ul pf iipar. two Ubisp-o
paaeiblrall about IV and tb-Dtosakr
■<r, tb* rolkaof fire eggs oaria!
Vbcrxpenmeat rcaoluicly if 1 became
gpooatul of sail and oao balf cupful i
rlaeed ibat It really •
Hoar vb* eealded milkvn
the mixtnre and
. the Brat o
— r------ ----------..... .. asowiBg (bat asooth. C
fa* waaaaal oat byoaeol tb* oldrti tabIrspooDi
I a pu>|. I
aad mst reliable firm* ia the coaatry ■poonfirl of
••CanalBly." he replied, in a toa* ao dior diabi
r UblBriaeiBC at to quite baoiib doabu. of th* epy*
Ballet me bateadlabof tepid wa- ipooafulg of piwrierad auyar >d beat
r. a pleer ef eoan aod three piece* of iBlIl *ery aliff aad y)»wy. Spread
■ Hoy. <
powdered auyar aod pul Into Ibc orcD
until a dalicale brown. Scree cold■ nl.lr 7iilk._________________
abow bow It wsdooe.
"Take the Brat piaoe of cloth aad
To Break ap a Baby 'y Cold.
wetiv-heaald, auiUay tb* acUay to
lie grord. • lb** rub It o*cr th* cake
It I* much more difE toll to brrek
aoap aad apply it
a babe-* cold thao au older .peraoB'a
gall partloa of tb* i
Oilioy th* throat and chest with kome
m.wet Ih* arcond p>ce*. aad with prarlret ny oil etcry Biybt tad Uriay
<*raboff the *o*p ag tborouybl* *a a warm flguarl o*.-r it thoB'J be door
posibl*. Wilbtheibird picredryibc aggoeuaaa cold ia eiiUi e- A few
parv nibbiay It till it ghtns briyhtlv, drop* u( pure olire oil ahoold br yie<
it-Cberr arc aay etfaB of p couyb
and do It all ag qolrklr aa penaib
looil tb*. bridye. of U>* au
that the aoap may not rcmila too lo
apoD tbe.poll*bed auifac*. ’
■r tbd eyrbrowg to lootea a co;
I wa* dellyiiisl with tb* reaull ai
Alerayt be uarefal 1
aa longer tell any faeaiioUiiu abo
kspatsbr auffici-atly warm. .K
tafe* to bar* a b»t waWr bay or Jay v.
eoBtiauiar the work that b* bad I
' fe«t. Iflbec.ld grow* mg^aeran
If OB* ia rrrj aar* to fat a ibla.
• yierafa^lMik ia a gearm room
efaeapqoality of caatoD Aaaael aad b
aarefol to follow dlrecliob* ag her*
Iborcnyh T tb* epiire body and
rleea. auec«*» te qeruia —Sclr>.ud.
,p ia flaaael* and blaakeia—Cr-
■ayera. Wbrayofar* makley joor
^ta tor ptee, Ulce the blu that may
be left aad roll aa ibln at wriviay
pa^ricpread with yratedebaate. fold
and roll agalai repeat tbli ibre* Hags,
ka totaaob biav and raad with Us the* cat le autpa aa gride aad long ag
moi>it r>.}iauM I
IS «5 ;':v
K~.'. I'.";,
fbOof ion lorbar ^ child.
1 West Michigan*
riod of her life
;hc rcmctly uhicli
ten of the Croat juun a
beaaUfal piaao bayaa to look dnll
^ silky. »d I realUed that Ibe rise
TbtaM tbat palo hath awaatana,
CdhiCcl^O and
yw aaytliay *1m m tSi fb* « r’nltt that It
ti ''jtrt u fwd-*»4 -am aanti my yup*.
scribable Orc:i<i
of file pain and
danver attcnifani
__________.t' .
Barlay bc«a told rvpeaiadly that Ibe
b**l way to clean a piano caar waa to
wash it with aoapaad water, 1 tom*,
bow Bcrar ooald quite make up-my
sladtolry iV after all. for il,d**m*d'
«It»a te
Evert- motlicr
feds an iotic
or Riot
a-cuMomar of ihi* firm *>nil nrTh*"r 1
It i* free Vitllon • pplic* f'•■'"tl O'liv
A.idr— Jatpw. Vi
. Song I dilions arc at Uidcil, tlif system re
Kochesicr. N V
fnadc ready for the coming event,
BCDlaad boys aru yrral .gy coiled. and tlic serious IK. idents >o comor»
AcBuon t»tb* y.ills and •.Ihrrlmot I to tlif critical ' hoi.r ate
Baking Powder Bread,
bird, dial B*»t in tb* far n-irib'npprar ■ oliv .lied bv ilic II-.C of Mother's
quart B.rar.
>rar. o*e
o*^ lea-pooBfui
sp*oatel aayar. two.
raofuls K..>ral Baklay
blnjftb* Voiipli iii.iuriUin-'ll-ab.i I
NEW -^-ORK. ■
“x:lfu^V'-*H.i:*xs.p‘? ^
tb'oruu^ly, aalv *Qyar
I I a tiny po»rcler;
po«»rt*r; rub id tba poUt.
.kufli i-Bl water lo mix emootbl
aadrapia:.* sieaellff batter, abov
e at eofiaafur pouad cake; aboulapiol
- of water to a quart cif Boar will here
, *]ujred—more nr Irae. ai-vunllny t/i 1) a
braadaod ifu.lllrof lb* Bior ua»d
To-aocMcntelly jartbrbad. v
be srdirlo* whee admiDlaicriof
rloaeadoor eiilaily. l
neaac* wb*r* '-a ao
yreat oBciiaa" la V
poadltlaBof thenen
Tm wwald aot baar ia tb* aaaahlBa;
Worms Convulsions .FesTfishocss aki Loss or Sl££P.
---TatSitBilt SfruHurr of
aid Mt^eaaly apon tt^fire!*p
01' far saay a waaiy day I
hour tyliith is dre
Iteai.ir a> .
SfVftcst lri.ll Ik
■lualiiie*. ..unib,*;
painless, blit all HiIf tJaii..^vr i»
and yr.Bt |tr.-iurti**be«
Wipowi Ilia her.. Ui not* Ihb re nr ealB I cnotfd bv lls u-<
Tlltn-f A>in> I
ki... .
„f lyi,
n frn.ia. .thi> remedy an
lonci-r •
lad reyetab *» If v.
Try bdylt
werk wi
tbr bou
ill real
Try to
r that It
111* wbat -’people iblpk.- |
you »r* trn* to yoorw-lf. to ri
duly. Sod keep your rnpeass
* '
gejdancer of the otJi-.il n
"; Its anticipation one oi mi
tborvoyblr tried a'ud or..*...! atauda
------v.ck'c noe.lvc ,r* Doled i
uuitoriB • a—llrniv.
rryetabl.k iLe iiia-lu> pea if
yjtarc* or«r all other • eat
ear)} '' r.ri,.Ue» Tb* J inn tV.t He)
D ojuaw ,
mosi critical pc-
plaau coeaM a large nod rariad aas-.i
bine birdf. and tb.. am.He leiteriliy
bUck.-blue. sre. a. .-rim...B and y 11
makeaemr of e«.,ii.ii* rl..iyn an.
appearance. Banc uf the lUnalraliu
.rb Boe
; tins
. — co-operate ebeertnlly la a
loy tb* familr rapeaar* aatVabai
are aelf-denla
Tav bran rMt baad I* feabla;
nrd tb* lasptar wbk
s bad ao heart la pn
Before beatlap silk la aa afate
ware pao. eae that It I* wall
prenat lb* Uquld fros aconbt^.
*'Vea ara teci ta tee* with traoble;
Tteata'a a aala yoa caPBOt payj
into any abapi
■M ui. beard,
br dunybnui. with a clolta. aoc
ir about an slbutaa.
Tb* Nora*'* Only m tb* Ouetor.
* lakre (r<.D the kettla Ibrr
Lioe of the firnt quallSfstino* for Ui« may b* apriokird with prwdcrcd cuyat
poaitlaa of Bum i* a wiilioyaeaa V
wbilealit. nano f-Stlo-t*.(
ylald abaolui* abedieacr to tbr phni
lap In charge, and. to nar palnatabiaf
Tnaa for Y tony PeopI*.
.ecoraey In srryiny out bi« dirrctioni
to lw aatirtled lo commrne* 00 •
Tba patient'* faitb In bw doctor abonid
a'ao be cncourayrd a* lonya* that phy'IVy aot to look at riebrr bonir* and
aiciaa baa rliarye of Ihr raae. ainc* it
eca’iy faralt'
laa a dl.lloql rain* In furtbenoy
y baler perfectly
-econry. A traoqull sind being »f
Brat, and ahup
iliaoat ImporteD.-e
•rjthin* saat .**,
.BOOtklyaad eaaily. no matter r
lb* arroyaoce
dtSicnItIn tb* num may bare to rteeuater. The inniid abould rot b**lhr loooiBiBoo
riunalhilliy wbal
iiwin effort to •'beein
abonl ba owi
Tb* alck-room abunl.1I belnptaceopB
U*Mh* ryrapf ‘b* home* of lb-aufferiny poor when
• lib plraaun up- br^rct dimaliiifaclieo la liable lo •prior
; "S;:
mih a yprls aad ybaaUj wiay.
Ia Ikne Use* wboi batka art hm*.
-inkle tbe.beard
______ ___ ______/ibiof ihaiwii; lead
to rrdBr and educate tbra The maana
ifdoirfUiemy.ud are iobail* and alt
at U neadful la wiad >B I
; A*b|boe* lo tb* tbroal. lb* white af a
l*(r. If awallowed at oaer. will gaaan.
ly rrsurr IV
Or *w.|low brr«d ers
wiibool chawlac-ib* ro.rfa bmd wt
rraen’.ll dialod(* tb*
{Rf7*cblai Utr bro<
UlB»t Ic
. . vitblbcB
........ .........................
Cbri ranaot. aad ooftat aoi. at M
'paanafafe. to be rap<.cla<l toraalL*
tb* iBBort of lb* word* Buri|(*Y* aad
dibL ntallen sr.be will wMd tbr
oalae bwl son taUbfuUp. >« be know*
that h* ea* work at ht* flawer brd
wbaa Ibal H dOB*.*frail. Irteodi aad soiben,
woald ban brro a real aaurt* at plaa*ar* la foa la bare *0*0 *■ I di^ Ibe
rnwlb of the jrood ued ^oied aJka
la tb* black call ot s; arirnbor'* doorRalted Doogbaau.
rard. aad ia ibe bmri uf mil* Carl.
L'*e <»* cupful of b’lled WiH
Uow tba bo7 did weed, aad water, aad ,
|Ma«d repji! BU selbarease toaee ears, uo* cupful of *urar. ball a cap.
(M 7Mlerd*r. brraaaaUf apxliraataee al vt batter. uor-fudMb of a^upfai of
iiicidfaaai. or eoe-fourlb of a
‘'•cl^l 1. eban^
r*al eosforv
•oB oarbl io.ee bU oee lerel irs'pxiBfol of aali. oae-tuarlh
krpl hi* boon* pleat* of* tawapweifol of audaI diaaoind
fulof wainr. oor ralad
'loler. wbllc Frrr7lhlo(
s WB* froUD >oltd
• ukee a ootloe to butaof. asf br b tbrae rilli of
lerto likrboulnalirr
I’ll kU
AMui lOree o'clock io Ibc aftcTBOOD
waj* belMre
Buke a ap .aye wlik tbr water, ycaai
boT of fals "
Krai eeryr
TbI* leeldr
ha* lattybi sr two lea and'dre ril.* of fl >ur.
toe* It la alwaytbeal u> luik orer Ihoroaybly. Con
tbr dally lltarofoor cblldrea a* crlt|. ael iB a w*rinB place Ui roe.
o'clock at elybt add all
rally aada« inertia Iraa if we did hall
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AiaaU.— bal Has* B*i«
Cbrtal. or EBbeUre.
MB*. H. S C. BktM. SdllW.'
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