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Grand Traverse Herald, May 29, 1908
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tfu^nu orTv, aitANo
tkavemc county, micnmum. prioav, imv
tl.*« A TEAK.
a*. i«oa.
------ meBt There.
In K. «f C. Mall.
fHOMO Wtfit •TtlSM'N THICKOaa M tka moat i
ever glTCD by tbe ladlaa
Ckoreb cC tbo I
waa the bangiiei and <
Wadneaday nlgbi in K. of
wkieb waa a aucceaa. both ft
and Boelally.
Attof Ike aappar aa agooll
grun wna giran. tbe followtng namIN TMI UBT.
bon being readend In n vary nkto
tom. w. O. Hu^te 9f thiUk, Mte
Itoetod Roearaiag flaceatofy al
tha Marwlag laariua df
Ptom WMaaadfl]|?Be8orft
Tbe mala brndnem at th# ■athO'
dtot BUto Ocaforewea at W. B. M. B.
this moralkg was tha MacMim of toJtWN «f OrMt OMl Mining DImMMSong and ndtatian—Mlw ABm!
toon and tka aoewpO^ to Kala# KMngi AIM OMMiht ky th*
maaoCa toritattoa to msut tBwa aaxt
•tMMW •hlMAft—Thw>Piano rolo—Ray Magnan.
PlBM dnflt—Tba Mlmm Bertha
Tbo eontoruaeo luwardofl Mn. H. J.
Taalaa and Btoai Bona.
PMkm-Y faittftil warrlce and AUiiy
VMwlE. B. 6, May M^TIw atM
OUlogM—Danala WtoowlaW. Wnl- Ooartmy Oraad Rapids Herald.
by nnatomcualjt alacMag bor »mM.
•r SMiwne. M «ka JaguMM Una. tar Bitkard, Lao Wlaowtokl, Kayd«mL Mra. W. D, Haghes, to DaftoB. ~
kHn^ tM mm af anatkar dlaaatar mond Blebard and Bnaaell QMek. tka
waa elected rwcordlag aeerataiy. Tba
-«u«W||l a Kypkna at Hankow Mlaw dtalofM bMng onUUad, ■'Tka Maalo
tonoing aacTMary aad
a fiaalial wMak Hioalood ttw laaa ar -aae«B.'
.. — elected at tka brflaeft mirttij
■iwa than a tkaaMiW Hvm witk tha
Dlatogno-Hniy WiaowoakJ, Ckarlaa
aad Mrs. c B. Garpeoter aad Mrs.
wrnaklag a< a tkawMnd jwika and Thiel.
Ketoa were tka umaaimooa riHte to
Badtatte—AnOMmy Mekard
«H Mrandlng.af "*»y Maaman '
e coeveBCte. to aa<m cam ft VM
aladlAf atvaral fWalMt craft.
Ool SoBtoUitog in My PoekaLwaU dmaraod reward to tha flklo
A aeto.wna alao Mm by Aatkony
Tim lygka'an oama anddanly aa^ In
-rvlea dou In the pant tar» Tlw
Rkkard, -Rlcbt Tban In the Oora low kaars ridaaid hundrodi
board of trastaea will caaalto to tha
Baata In tka Kan Hwar to agllntoi*.
preuidesL eorrammadiM Morattiy,
Albert PairehiM Paid flto and Coats
Vaeal i
» Vrftna.
liaMari kraka aiMy fram thair
Canute An Addrmt to Wolcomo In iraasnrer. eioOtoo. wUh MlllllMm
Shipping lllagnl Wkito
-Hrnry Kort>
■aaHnp and an)/ ttwat wkioh aavW
O. G. Soule, to PlaiawcII: O. & MhRAQINO RED RIVER
Pivo Lgitguagao great CouFlah to Cadillac.
nard Thlal.
•at aa awam gaiatdy aooaaad.
*rsoa. to ICatomaaoo; & J. Bowato.
Tka Maroi warn think with earpaat^ BaclUUoa—Warren Walk.
I City, was
Of Petaekar, aad Wta. IMalfiBL to
Bararal bootka prored drawing
ad ftoar gaagto. Handroda wort raTbe IlaBBah ft Lay More....... •ktefiE.
Miarad kafara Mia atoaniar loft earda during the arenlac, tba apron
unlawfully ablpping brook and .rain
company have Just toaued a very eomThe reperto to tha I
bMlk betng In charge of May Brack•kamkaL
bow trout. Deputy Game and Fish
tdete caiaiogue of tko atocka to Ike
had Mlaa Bblacker. and tka flab
Wardent Smith and Pctiit made the ASA BRANTHEYCR
various departmwu to Tko Big total amoaat tatoed la i
Nam wM ate
arrest. ‘ •
Store. The book baa Jaat kosa toaued tng March. iMifi.. aw ElUtUfi.
anal mMng
mining ^taator
In Kwangol
cream In charge of Mm. Oagsoa. Tba
Tbe shipment. wMch wm seited
from the oSte to tka BoraM
Alhloa district ralaad tha asat vBft
If a IkaiiMnd Meat oMra
•epper. wMeb waa finely prepared,
bore, consisted of 22 pounds of toss,
Reoord compaay aad to the Urgaat •2^«A40 and Ofaad Ttwracm
* «kc ml4 tek lira.
waa la charge of MatoamM Elpgalem
brook and mtnbow trout and grasi ChariM OmvM Accidentally fllml to the klBd ever puUUked la Nottb- •istk with 59U.tt. Tha amtoMto to
Torwada BtrtNib AI«A Okie, TodM ^ke.- The law to la regard to the
HhRtoir and Dtod Four Houm
ae ovm taut yaar to aay fttattM
and wiped Out Pater ttodyto
shlpmeut of brook aad rainbow
tbe theme of the mmiagi mmt oat
Later—apdlto uf Murd^
5120,. Thare ara aoy W.JMBM
.Ptelly of Pour and Did
fti the Mate, aaylag that Miey can't be
Vletlme at PL Muram—------- *tka ixafli to the Grand Traveroe iaatloBa la tha atsta 'MBh UK Mm- .
'Btfsh Onruoa.
ahlpiM-d with other flsb, but the num
MfllOB being •toeorythliv flir
kara. Of tfcaae^ aB hal IK am ahflCalumet. May 27.—Peter OtigllelBM body at Tbe Big Store."
ber and the kind must to on the pack
Erea'a orBaBiaattoaB. aad otksti hriag
Marrlaga af Two Klngaioy Vaung Paennd Peter CIcoue, iramineia In the. The oaUlaguc cooialna aa addreaa ragular aoMUarte.
i»to Took fttaca
tVpiiites Smiili an3 'Peiitt also Ctilumi'i ft Heels mine, were atrnckjof weieome to Are ___
BogTba ecafereace authactofi Ka pnaold and new channeJs of Red
iioil.or which fell 2.000 feet and lUh. Polish. German. Swodtob imd
seized flve shipments of white I
Uent- to buy a typewMtai to tha tea
V M. « Nr «. CAN kCeUftE
Instantly killed today.
from Harmon A Co., of Pruktort.
drowned tale yriirnlBy when
•nmmmh men.
Draw Seven V<
Albert FalrcbSd no May 2£. v
flod watam covered the place where
Bailie Creek. May 27.—Asa Braat- of tbo foar rallroada ewierlog TrarUken before Justice Unklctier
ling for Klngalcy wbera the will they baft taken refoge.
Pranktort nnd fined 125 and -‘53.7S meycr. who sbu^ Bxra Daniels two erao City, whleb to tbonelrei are
be a facet at a wadding whlob takea
Tornado Killed Pour.
weeks ago. was today aeni<
costs for an unlawful abtpment
saluable ratorooM. Tbo
The contmeUng
WMteka. Raa.. May 27.—A tornado
partte are Ira MatekMt. loo of Mr. half a mile wide stnrek Alra. Okla.. .white flab to the Cadillac Produce Co. seven years at Jackson.
to profneriy lltoatratod wltfl tko pro^ Aeeidenuily flhoL
dncto'qf tko earlona dopartmeaU
Mra. TkeBM Matchett. and Mint today wlptoc out Tet«r Rudy’s family
tkc patron to tko atom may i
iNCfttCTION MAM OK THE MO- Kate Sawltaga. dowkter of Mr. and of foor pamons and tnJoHng many
aged 20. a promloeni merchaM to der by mall aad ^ exactly wbaL I
Mm. Thomu BawEngn. Ilia wadding oihem.
MOCO mAanoh.
bad Axe. aeeidenuily shot hlmt
or aha desires. Ac deacrlpUee mi
will taka plaoo at s o'cIoiA atgtbe
near here yesterday while taanting
ler U complete and compreheaslvc TWO INCHEB or the BSAimrUA.
boma M tba bride. Tba groom la a
bis father's farm and died to four aad many custoutMs who have
torouB roang tormar akd
tirgTi WMtamfMi Want la OatraH
to come to the store to trade can
eonple hare the beat wlakM of a
tar a «»«% VlaH far tka Am
have Ikeir wants promptly aad pnm-,
larga circle of frlaoda.
Owenaonnd. Ont.. May 27.—James orly filled by mail.
The Hanaah ft Lay MettouitUe
am Oa to Variawa Placaa.
hU wife and two daughim and thoa companys* Mg store U (te ooly toBoMday, MMu Vky If.—Tka Mushot himself, la In a criBea] ooodtUoa, stltution to its ktoft-W Nonken
Sareral Tmremr City acbool taachpeBebtrianb hit chady km
Mtoa ft WwtftMMUm oBktala. toMrs. Crrighloo
Michigan wblrit edatd prodi
era, who hare been doing rzceilent
or BTRBtr.
•ktkar wttk lha MMiMgaB TiwM pao
Judge Harrlt. of Port Huron, aad tko complete a eataiogae as tUa.
work, have been called to other flelds
»la kava Jaal kam orer tka Boeftlay
bodies have been sent Ibero
filled with all kinds to latOrmaUoa
at Inereaaed saJarlm.
Mias Grace
knack Bad Ikorwifkty eouldarad
relsUve to the various
Eidred tos raeeired an offer from
laataad af Uaiag saaw BhovaM Mw
Ika AIMM Mtaaatoa.
In The Big Store and shows that
Hoaa Waa Brau^rt Oto ta Mato
UtT>OAMAOE DONE AT BEO Seattle M 1840 per year, with an laTkay aaMaaea Out tka road kill
•’Bverytlilnt for Bverybody to bot aa
emase of |C0 per year unU) the a
ft Cariaa Bfiarm Oto to
fta bMh aa Car u tka Mtelgaa Oraempty -.xpresatoe In Ikls case. The
Imam. 9»«. it reached. She has
Narth 1^'Vaar,
trM tkli aaa
book was compiled by B. M, Arrick.
cepted the offer.
trmcr Chief of the Buroeu. of NgwIS Half fltaryed Ceo
ka kirad to do ika mrk.
miing resnsger and demom Prom Wedneaday a Raeerd.
Mint Abbs Jobnioa has been called
flaticn, DIod in Philadelphia
« Was Disguised
strates the ap ie-dxte methods to Iks
to the Duluth. Minn., achouls.
ago today two lachai to
Thie Morning.
Vltk MkarlE PagMUr. turted SatarHannah ft !uy Meresaitle coagany.
fC7.to par month, and kaa also
tow feU In Tavern# Oty, 4be tarnThem Trampe.
iay tor OotMt vkara ha «U1 work
peraturo dropped dowa ta t2 dagrem,
PblUrielpbls. May 27.—Read Adtor tka Mato tw M dan. at the ra- PI.EO INTO the IHELM IN NIQHT
MtoMaHton Johneon will go to Oak
aad a gale rose out to tha aerth.
Chicago. Hay 27 —The mo« re nlrnt CrosnlDkUcld died In the
aalt of a iiktew la JaaUea Barra
flweaptog the dty and doing damsga
Park. IlL, at a aalair of $dS0. TMi markable honeymoon Journey that KpiscopaJ bcvtpija: today from artorial
aoErt. WdotN^ ptaad guUly to iko
makes the fourth Traverse City ever led to Chicago was revealed to
Icront. acreniuaied by an operatioa BssH Bratitey. Beesuae e| iReewa. Had
the We^netoog club boaaa aad
dftarga attorOBW.
school teacher to be ealled to thr Oak day In tbe arrest of a young man and wtiUb bad jnst tv-.-n tjerformed for
tore out the short pUiag Juat put to
to Lssve the Bsnieahig Fuet
Prof. A. P. fMtoktaadt toft yaatar- OroM Amdety ie PaH far the Neigh- Park oeboola
by Jobe Monroe al tbe mouth to to
woman In male disguise, lound half poinms. Admiral Crownloshleld un
itoy tor Ur Pdrilg iaaUtato vkara ka
•ring ttommuniti
nver, causing Mr. Moaroe a tea to
is n-tfrcru-'nl, was chief of the
starred in a box car near Ciaod
wttt raa-ma kla atadte aflar anaof about lltia.
bureau of nartgallon.
Mra. John llrhdlcy. to Northport.
idaUiig a yoar M aaealtet work aa
Hat Coma Pmm Them.
The storm oa that day brefta all
Tbe prisoners are Mr and Mrs.
srilvvd ikU ai-rnlcg and li-li later
pttoeipal of tka Baakloy aekooL Prof.
of is years, but at aa Oaa
I for Grand Rapids whe/e she will maet
Borne. Bay Aftl^A oMant earth- Two Ann Arbor College fltudenU Are Max J. Bender, of Mew York. They
did the tamperaiore dn^i balow tommarried
|htr soe, Basil, who autled with tbs
n Barieus Trouble and Have
tka cMBtog yaat tar tko Btoh aekool qaake Halted Ragglo Calabria early
Ikg polni, thus the fraH crap tea Mt
trred tbe car there Monday, having
Belt aroucd tbe world but uwtog to materially
aa kaa HIM Makla Nolker for tka today and It Is Iboa^t that grwat
aw Qte
been riding In it ever clnce.
Illness was oblig,vl to leave tknn at
tomaa^ and Mtoa Bertha Bafftl tar damage has ben doae, altboagb daday tea mercury gredaally citmbad
Three WeehY lllneso—Father
They are headed tor Sonth Dakota.
Sen Francisco. Btoce reaching Grand Bpwflrd. tonetaing 4« dagresa U SI
lalled news from tba aeane te Ucktka yrtteiy.
Ann Arbor. May 27.—'
o( J. A. and W. L. Lorangsr.
Poverty made them tramps.
Tka Wrxtord dManant will again Wo’eteek.
Waaiy. of Grand Rapids, and John
bis bioiher. Rngh, an cogtoeer on Iks
The akock was accoapaatad-wltb a
• ka la ekargo of AlUa WlChtmaa.
by the boys
A comparison betwmw • year gga
obn A I.orsng«>r and Wahor A. mala line to tbe G. R. ft i.
( hai boas dear load rumbling which added to the MOded by tbe facnlV of tbe Ulemry
today and. today U riinikik)i At
Lm-sngf-r bare rciumc.rfrom Vassar
to all <
tamr of the Inhshlunu. - The peo
■ the pact yaar.
'tor one jrrar. The action
Ike iberemoraeter ftefiMmwi M
where they were cslli-d by the lUneas
ple fled terroratrlckn from thrlr tollowa their being flned tor having Ben MonUgue Han I
. lost 60 4
and death of th-v father, Peter J.
• into the open fleld many of atolea a lantem.
that recorded by tte «ma lastnifiiml
anger. Mr. Locanger passed away
them am atopping to chaaga thdr
IBa boys were retumlnir from
ago. Pedeauiflte Uto to
the evening to Usy 2i and the
Bight garmenta for airewi clothlag.
Captoli. and filra. Batters Are Again shady side to the atraaL aad to awri
aeaaton at the P1|>p and Bow) ctnb
funeral service was held Soaday. He
Mn. Martha 0. BaMcar. af Bingham.
OrMt ansleiy It felt for nrighhor- when Patrolman O'Mara aaya they
cfaanu. Instoad to -^irrMlif cC gaov
Ben Montague recHved bU JackIn the CiDt ftseauae to the I It7f> years oU nnd in addition m
AdN Thla MtMlng tor ftoaton,
lag eommunlUee although no InfonM look the lahtem. Tbe faculty asked
tram their walks tarn «e tha haaa ta
runabout yesterday, tbe car being' his widow, who Is 71 years of age. he
•M to ttu LMUr.
OdBbaa and other Painto.
tlon of dUsater came from them tble PruMdant Angel] to notify the meoi- to the very lateet type with a
eoto to a toeaaure to hot ftTteiMf
,,,, daughters and three
All over the city peopto who wen aot
bam of the Pipe and Bowl club that hood and a rumMe seat. Tkc car to‘---------------Mr. •Loranger
... was
a well knows
.. and
Captalfi knd Mrs. Bouiero. to Cadflcompelled
to get oto tote the mre
MH. Martha O. Becker, of Btogham.
their aaelMy must be disbanded or flidahcd In red. runs very qdlwi*. and j
reridret of Yaaair and
*«»rty to charge to tbe Salvatoft tfeto aanlkc tor an uimdad trip
aa much of to sttarBow aa
Mae they will be SMpeodad.
.u Uk. ri,U .loi«
U «
Ie..., , Ui. drel. e( fd.,1.
Uoo army to this dty. arrived Mon
throagh tka oaat ate win go Aral to
Vu Brant said tbai he was betng an hour. The r
moura for him.
day aftereooa aad have uken tkc Me- puaafhle uadar to ahada to traag aa
Boatoa. than uka an ooaaa utp ap' ll#i Print Touched en Chteago InttlMad Into a
aad waa'aiynth to the city and Is the first oil
Wetby cottage CO Madteoa streto to teererar a akady mat could ha
fka eaaaU Eka will MNt at <Bm
told to take the laatern as a part of jibe genUemanV roadster type to
Baard of TmM July Com
tka nminer. Mrs. Boaters has had foaad. aad the aoda tatetalaa hara
attar wkkft will go to OU Town,
iregtoy- He was fined $M and.mske Its appeansce here. There to
Mr. aad Mrs. John Thacker aa- poor keakb Mace laeattog to radtu. hte busy placaa.
Teuehad dfl In the Pluny.
■Mao, hw tomw boar, and i|
aad Wanly was fined liO aad;ampie
the BoiTisgr
marrlsge m
to koc
tkrir dangh■ ■ -I,—V power
% 1 for tbe roads to this ae«-;to)aaee
Mra. r N. Boot ratmwad to Ua- ’
tka nmaladar of tka mmmar. Mm.
|tfc>a aad the long wheel base aad M- ter. Mtaa Pewrl, to Arthur Bdwaidli_____ __________
May sa.—Wild aeewes
mam Uds morning, havtag baew •
■wfter kaa baaa la poor baaltk atom wre uaacted oe the board of trade
;toek wheels make li very omooth rid- Dma. to Detralt the wrddlng to toka>pemlMe to' the
delegate to the cocvswtfaa.
the dauk of bar haakaaA and kapaa Iday. May wheat WMt to ILOC aad
Mr. aad Mre. wmiam Bttm wrat tag.
jpUce at the boate of the bride. MaiBomm will awly'ramato la to totr
Mre. X A. Jarvis lett totoy tor B
to leenporata vhlla TlMttog Md My aom taacBad Cft vtotoat flaeU- to Mwyftald tea ffloraliig
Mr. MewtaguetobgriUtor toJaek Ban 2«ath atraac Wedaaaday. Jaaa toteawoMtoaatttoteM
moath’a sMU with DMaK AB Ohto
aim car for tkta tarritory. \
r^ .TT**.
ttOM wee* oowMaatly tM oedto.
totaklg.lfl to aBUftsi,
First Ml **A]1 N| G T Sh^ts Unoebed Yettertsy
" NiM.
k mioAY. MAV n, nm.
Tmtrsc Hcnlii
launce bat la too praid to com bock
and adBit that ihtaga are not rtoai:
they Beem when a peraoo la t.OM
Twice A WUX.
■Uea away.
-Setore ' betiertag toe sdrortMln*
natter to toe magsxtow and other
nedtnna to regard to tbe life of iaae
aad iBxnry to toe weal or tooto, UJk
with theoe who hare boon toere.
Uaten to what they aay a
what they write. Tfaea look arotind
at tba beantUkil Grand Trarerae
rgitoa with Its aeraa of potolora. lia
Btog, bearing fralt trees, tta
in FtOBt fltTMt
ebwpnrao of land and yooTI agree
with « to^t ate U worth artog. here,
worth Urteg for tbe yoong wlto the
tetere abend ot toen, wmib Urtog to
u. Adr«^ tniddle age when baUU are det and
Btoady aad the beat place ot aO to
Bdend toe •vneet of ate. toe Ume
toe twilight deepena and toe
***^ JmT ttSCrlta A« wboB
roBcato floab dtw away.
bhnd playol toaptitog
B. Bi^WblUi^walked from tba hwl» to
V. X. wmiaM* aow»obaa.daaawo(
huMa were exlendW anc coojxsMattooi were freely offered to tbe new
grand naeter.
fWar anioMMIes wet* to wnlttog.
fed by the band toe party diore to
toe lodge'raotoa. where abort In-
tar itaofyhaffy.
lornian X Oonlur. a pn«t______ jhltact. ta too Delbert toiDdtog
■u rrantoeco. aya; 1 tally oafierae
an ttat baa baan aald of ■tcirtc
Bmm as a tnMe wedletoa. ft la good
for everybody. A cecrecta atoaneh.
ttaer and khto^ dtootdera to a
proapt and atfietaat aanner ud
bnlMs ap tba ayeteas.- glectrte Bit
ten U toe bast spring niedtetoe ever
sold over a draggtot'a counter; aa a
bloed purifier tt ta aeuatad. Me at
1. X watt ft Bona, nannab ft Lay.
^ A. Bngba Drag Cn. drag atowa.
Dairy bWMr. par tb, ....
par doc..................................... ue
.............. ...
,U urhen your Are able to earn
And , the PLACE to DEPOSIT
your SAVINGS is in
's33. M »......
bank that
is Time Tried,darelul andStrong.
and pay* a fair rate of inieresL
i'his bank mevts tSrse requiromeots and pays Three per cent In
terest on Savings Accounts or
Certificates of Depo-h.
RtaBry. par 3b................. ............ 7«K
Gralm K a U a OS.V MM.
^rai. per ba .................. .........fita TfiiBow ............ ..
Oata. ner ta ...................... ..................dta
Cora, per ba..................... ................ 79c
Coro, ta oar. fit Iba .... ................ fiUC
Bockwbeat. per ba..........
........ 66e my oU army weand. a
aftta Boito, and
Caivsa ................................. ........ iWfiWa urtottaworM.1
BM. .
dtoen ata batten, ngb*.
Hoga. Uva watibL par IN Aa. tS^fijfi Mk * L... C. A. B«M. Sns
Oaar Oncaff. one of Korthpon's
'wiman MotberMU. natter ot Trar.
irirfbaais. wa to the city oa boaleraie City lodge Mo. S83. auted that
tbeyrwoold tarry bnt a tew mlaatea
espertenee be wen
*B*wta.»ta M...............
knew.^t Mr, Hootagne bad been
ppeadtai^ ardoout days to grand
lodge. He elated that Mr. Montague
needed no totrodocUoo, aad (bat It
'was k stgnal honor wblcb bad been FrcBi TtarBday*a Beeert.
eonferred opon one ot tocir nember.
I. un.
He then eaUed npoa Mr. Montogne.
Chicago. May
Afnreciated Hoeor.
Mr. Mooiagae decUred wlpi noeb May. 11.09: com. ttlAe; oata. «Wc: Bolter, creemery, per lb
n# Mm tar tke On
feeUni tbai be bad been eery deeply wbral. July, fOHe; oorn. «c; oats. Pert raeauffo ....................
Mr feB«e kw Axed IW the mk ud
tooebed wlto toe erideneM ot good
•Mt €t liAliMbT m4 the IK -ud
will abown by tbe brelberi and otbtad flf Oetabar, «fld Mwt bK Utl« Inonn.1.
eip npfp bis arrlrai to bit home town
portMt pr*UMBV7 bM bMB attend*■.-............. .
and that Masonry wlto bUn had been 99c: worn. TTc: oata. 68c.
M 4o> It It V to tte pwple ot tbe
a smetn total Mece be flrtt took op
bfMi Tnewne meloe to bdp «*ke
tbe work more than 20 yean ago.
tblr titt luCMt ncrteaiunl ud toVanl gtank ..
Tf an honor bad been conferred npon
' dHMbl dlwtnr «v«r MM to Nortb
ne.*-toc Bald. -It U coarerred aMo np.WilMUsu. It it. auar TMto Knee
og Tnreiee City lodge, for ta that
> .
Oto tod •- totr, Md now
lodge I hare bad my preparadoe and
* 'wtib «to nm dMtouMMt or Tnr
bare come Into toe grand lodge slow, 601dc lower.
toran^ toe loenl lodge.- He closed
Wlto toe hope that to tbe future as
, * HMM a« ••
at. be
well aa toe pest there.wonid be a eonGblrago.
May fit.—Prioet t
Hnnailoa of MendaMp aad good eill [eoUUy abont fie lower. At thta Ume
td toe oooperatloo of toe brotoera. of the year (be niaricet for old poto-'
toes ta rather laaedve aad holders
■ ■■
Honor fer City.
Made'Deputy Grand Maanr^rtbur
O. C. Moffatt was tbe next speaker, are^graerally nnsloot to Clean up.
Hume, er Dtuceee. H O^y
VlMdk i^^MtjkAr-lrelt* and
and be said ttat he tplt tost It was Salto yeeterdsy were at 67c to 62c.
Tbie Year—o. R. hwlfto,
XOtoeto.UuB tbtt nnd
vrltb tta bulk ot tbe ^uMneM at 60c.
■i. e. Din<
tton'm to Iwtown bvvhm taiare
been conferred npon one of toelr Recelpta were moderate and (ta boldAininiitlrt «r tbcirtr.
toim are' now very well n>d«eed.
Jackson. Mtcb.. Hay If.—Herbert brother Maacoa. bnt an
Cranw dtr bu toM relnble to
Salto roported wera; 1 rar at 57c,
Hontagoe, of Trarerae City, ww to Trarotne Cliy lodge aa welt aad atoo
C cars at 60c. 1 car at 6c:.
elected grand naKer of toe to Traverse City, because It was
Bulk, per' bu, to car leu—WtaconMto «t I^W OTM to torKta oonn- Michigan lodge ot Masooa. the blgblocal lodge was to be coogn
s!n, Mlcblgaa or Mtooeaoln. Rnrals.
trt^ With ttto eofflbtotUoB w#cM ert once to the lodge.
A year ago, Me. Hontagoe was- at having among them tbe worahipfnl choice to fancy. 68Q6fo: Dusty
fffydt n MrtM oT ezMblta tbw wU
maKer of toe grand lodge of toe state RuraU a abode higher. Ordinary to
be worthy ot Iirornble oon cbalman ot ibe finance conmitee.
was acting na master of the lodge good. Mf»57: Common, ae to condi
Jtagt Im tbrand bat n treat credit as be had been for 18 or 19 yeara.
When be became a Mason.
tion. 60c: Burhonks. .choice to fancy.
NO Uto to Die.
^ »eo|de. Tbe etleetlon ot and bad no ex^utlon of being made
Was No fttarprlao..
“I have found ont that there ta no
)L p. pabdeo. at praaldeat ot tbe an officer. To hit sorprlae, be vna
eoodUlon, 60e;
nae to die of lung trouble as long as
Mr to netood tbe late S. U Swacoe caned from the fioor aad made . X W. HasUogs was toen called upg«< Dr. Ring’s Mew Dtscovslock,
(c 4i a' coed ebotoe. Mr. BaDden. alaee depnty grand maeter. a Mgnal honor
■ Mrs. J. P. Wbita. of Rush—Wa foaldeBM to Trarene Ctty. baa because of bit faltotnl and effictent that those who vrere famiUar with the ID ^tood. S1©57e: If poor dovrn , to
A -1 V
wortc done by Mr. Honugne to tbe 60e; Jilxed stock, as to„ grade and
Itoda Mat energetic and prdreBatre.
y for lb
loosens up a coti^ gidcker than
local lodge were not surprised at his condiUon. ISeSfic.
vaUer. and be ta
Be'la by utne a bvaUer.
_/tototr’etaeAhd cures lung dtseaaei
recelHng this honor because with him
I bM dlacoToid
even after tbe case 1s pronoimced
Masonry alwsyt b*d toe first place.
. we^attol paaabUltlOT for tto Grand
Ms acrlousness always Appealed to
for coughs and eolds,
_ .. .
ma. branchMis nnd hoaracneas. >*
Mm, be said, and to those wbo bad
mtl toe owrir ^ bnKle ot Mr.
soM under gnanntee at X X Wall |
iieen Mr. MontagneW work In the
faipMlUliC Ida kgr^ to tbe retfos
Ibdge room, bad noted vrltb what
aaillAal vUb tba «orta ot tbe otbor
dignity be presided, and knowing his Choeaa. abwIcu erenm. per lb . .fiOe.j tilai boUlra
Wunu fitness for .toe position, bavLbg (be ptcaenee. votee and personfrM.dto'
wlply.f^w that toe grand lodge bad
tlbiomnim right Umber.
iL ila 'atonMar to
» tto azpoaition .tbla
.Mr. Motoeralll aUted that at tbe
R « naeMa. aad tbwe u otoit na..Htta>'4londay nlgbt Mr. Montague
non db’beBoN ttot thla wiu
!|lve tbel ecture. (bus giving all
^asoto an opportunity to hear Urn.
Tta 'party then ndjoureed to tbe
bot^. toe band again taking the leaJ
In toniw yaan UtUe wtonaUam
ftahtbe same eaeort aeeompanylDK
ir-dto Vtortb at July ooMnUoa
Mr..AlanUgoe to the antomobUe. Af
' wtod ontu arrangear he bad been vrelcomed by his
------- i tore beea weU nader way.
unlly, toe brother Maaou retired.
I *nca year, bowerar^ proaeata an ax-.
Mr. Montague bas been a Nason
Is your beM frlcpd. We know ihai snd «c vrai
J «W^»»arula. Tbare la a good
Matter of Mlchlgah Grand
*7 yean
Book. The dottar that Pockci Rook holds pul
' «Hl OK nntboalaaa appanat amou
Lodpe of Maaorn.
three liinto what that same dollar will Jo clKcwhere and will do (our
tto ctolrtoan <C tbe a
1881. In December of tbni
tlmcs toe good of that three djilara. making twelve dollars (or v>«mI j^. he was made Juulor warPretty good. Isn't It?
Today be bacame grandafft for fire yeara wma master of
auatter, reaching toe office to }ifit a
.1 a lew wto to not boUero
year toiiead of toe yean that i> tto’local lodge.
b e( Joly otobrattona. speakwould ordinarily have token him.
be Btimided toe grand
tag pMMUy. tbo^aanttoant U faTO^
Arthur Home, of Owoeao. was -edecttoe first time. Arthur K.
altoctod tto exprMaad optobau
ed deputy grand^ter, G.- R. BAft.
tbe grand nwsi
Science bar Urooght us many things that years ago wer
Oat, tbiB y«^ -aalabrattoi wUl
of Adrian, wu chosen (or unlor
be wns made a member of
. ed impossible. Along wlto other things |i has doue It has pr
Wginr and rnnder than any we bare
toe wammltloe on lodgee and In 1888.
•m. bad. Tto nnmitttiM an al- den and for funlor warden. James X
member of the finance com
DUloa. of Bast Tawu; treanrer.
t awl Mg tbllgi afe
VUIlam Wente. Mastalee; secretary. mittee. For 16 years, he was chair
a anbampdoM art anfLon X WlBsor. Rgcd aty; lecturer. man of that, commiuee, his t^ttet beOp to thla daw' tto
iBore difficult because a treas
I to tbla iw.Which wm rcvolutioBlie the old order of Ibings Pe«idc1iBve be.-n
W. O.'Oallagber. Saginaw.- senior
bad embetded tbe greater pornsed to going Into the dnig store and purchasing a liquid bottle of
deaooa. Jamea H. Tbomnson. Bran; Uon of tbe funds.
Wwito?»touTiaw aahaertpUM
medicine for one dollar. Thai Louie If taken areording to dln-cUona
Junior deacon. ,F. D. Clark.- Flint:
Montague, however, applied
^ MW ilrt a bMtor pragnm than
will last abOUl >—
Odcnilmes 1W» medicine b-mcllted them
tyler. J. F. Megregor, Detroit.
I methods And tnisineas Judg' for the lime being but in tlm-' the syKem becaine accustoiZH-d to It
The next meeting will probably be tiiebL.to bta task and (he reeolt was'
)t IP fnpeoad to glre tto people ot
Its euratlve quainu-s disappeared. Wise p,-oplc now purchase
at Detroit William T. Mlcbelt
thaj' S6ir the flnanoes of toe grand'
Ttorerae region a apta
Port Huron, toe eldest grand master lodge are to an excellent condition.
Koxe Kwick Kra-^a because it ts not a liquid medicine ccataintollMtolnMht on tbe aftorwoen el tto
to toe state, la here celebrate Us
Ing akohol. or high wine as a presenailve If nothing e'.M-. but is a
Net tolly did be do excellent work
Ublei medicine that is all medicine. It consists of (our small box
on the finance committee, bnt It was
. away, that •m btrtoday.
each contalnlcg a week’s treatment and « different kind of medi
y tf toe beat towa
Masonic borne was establtabed
cine. One mooth's medlctoe lor a dollar Instead of ten days as of
t toe people ot toe
Grand Raplda, toere being 80 people
t tbKr onergit
oli It docs positively contain different kinds therefore the systetn
there now, ooe of them being Peter
a togMaatrate that tbla la traa be' does not get uted to It and retusc to rtopond to Its call (or good
V. ODver. of tbls city, wbo bas been
to Wgawaat. Mow that wa 'an gebtollb. Four tlmew three are twelve times toe bceefli in mulu.
aa Inmau (er several years.
|Ap bare a calabration let U be a
&eh tablet Is weparatcly wrapped to ollcJ iMsuc paper assuring full
Montague strongly opposed the rel^.aad a good OM.
strength. cleatiNncts and po geitn life. We do no: publish tetUmoe^
docUoa of toe
tall broauBc they tt* easily procured and oftentimes false We have
members. S eewta of the aatossment
bandrads of them, however, but prefer to have you as the ttstlmonIn bnetber colttna of today’s paper
going to a tnnd for a boapluL This
lal for yonr faipny'and If we don’t benefit you we give you your
fund ta toereeatog now'at toe rate of
win M tand a very totereeUng oocomooeytaek. ThaCL toe best lesUfootoal. So posldve are we that
—dcaaon. totereeSag not only to
13.000 a year.
KRA-POLA wUI care Indigestion, d.vspeprla.
barkarbe. chronic
At Bay City Uat May. Mr. MonUthapo‘'«bn an contempUUng moving
npecfci before the eyes, beicblng of -gas. palpl„ne was made depnty grand maater
wmt, itot to tbcao who have been
larttw of toe heart, tost tired freltog and renovKe tbe entire sywtem
and this year became tbe grand
tWp and to those «bo like MkhlMnthat
If afWt- yon bav*
ter of tta lodge, a signal honor both
The Utte of toe cemmunleatloa Is
taken tta entire monto'a treatment yen can't honestly say that you've
TtoRtoia Is Bert* and at It fits to LOCAL MAN HEA'D OF MICHIGAN tor Mr. McntagM and Trarerae City,
got more for yonr money than yon ever did before fill out lit? drift,
(ta Office being Ibe blgkest vritota
«tth M« bUlef. we have put a Urge
b«d Abie oa it to that It won't be
tta gift of Michigan Masaaary.
mail tt and get yonr money back. Don’t delay. Get h now. today.
It-a fint band toferm^Ask your druggist and if he has not got it msil the dollsr to address
Fhn« for Bata.
below. Don’t take a substitute. There ta none lust as good.
Taken to Lodge Rcema YVbere b
Ono at toe bMt tarau to Grata
mr tnnroad taMar u real auata
tede a Short Addrsra end
ravens eeuBiy;
mOa souto;
Tboa Beeortad do Htat- t
ItUle west of dty: »6 nerto; fiP aena
iW BeraM has pnbUabed a n
utaer culOvatln: good frame beoae:
hto W tkaae oomm^tiona wl
two good frame barns; good orebsrff.
a nhnt ttea and tbe wrltcn
Atoo 7S acre farm at Lake Ann; good
Herbert Mootagne. newly Macled ifraao bouse and ban; 40 acres tm*
Mtvatkm; adjetotog city limits.
wry toorc 4MgM tbna If toe writen •rand mnater of tta graiid
Moto tlT Boutk Dtoon atr
HleUcan Masons, received a royal
were mknown- AnycM gUng
property 412 and 414 So
wMoome from bta brotbar, Ms
tagM.«B] Jtofi food tor toongbt
Ontoft. Thne fifty toot tola ooM part
fiM agpnnaHfta ppbBabed are not when tta 1;16 PeieMarqnette ttaU or^Mly. Ctoatog oat srtnrtlUag. toffolre
at Grata Rapifts Paralturs
$o4hijmm, ifaay a man Hnvci
--------- ‘ stare. Ool^ to leave tbe
pr a BDOl posuicn to bo About M Mumos were lined up to
|M|9^^«tocMaaox- (rant of tta 4mnl wbita ChmI
■taWk wtth wuMwn .
Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank
io Norihem Michigan.
.... .!iS
Your Pocket
How We Do It
Koxe Kwlck Kra-Pola
Koxe Remedy Co.
89 WUlevSL
.... ~ .ta,-' .
Wilks Bure, Pa.
Stop I
'I'herrt will never be a tine ag^ when youcao
build cheaper thp« oow.
. ''
Let us figure your biHs—our prices, wit! cooviocr you of ibis fact.
Lumber Co.
O. CrotMr. Bee.
Dnliis la Linbcr, Laili, SUicicp, Hnisk, Dtori.
WtadiVfi. iMMUn u« ShtB Wilt.
Traverse (ity, MicK-
Wool. Wool, Warvfcod
arkci ta not as bod snt praaroi but
Tbe slinaUan of tbe wool market
(bo outlook l> that iff they shonU take the tariff off tibK ibcy will
rcrialoly make a Ji-d-u-tlon
l-Kllon ol .from 4c to 6c leas tor every
At the prescni
pn-scnl rondiiiun
rondiilun I can iiec
all tta wool from Grand Travsc.
M*. R'exford.
R'esford. Anirlm.
Anirlm, ManUice.
MsnUicr and Leelanan counffrs. wttb a bet- advgniagc than any outside large dealer ran do. AM I wonM like
have the public do before they ship or fetch them la Is to find
out the pri«-» from someone else, os 1 am cf-natoly poelUvc that my
prices win rvarta from a cent tp two cents above others gtral^l of
fers. it wouldn': be ao ohject-to me to pubMab my prieea tor some
work and busUe (or It as I did be-oiher dealers, as I s
(ore I made my sale, and I am sattafied to give tbe banaftt to tta
ar to the dealers. Whoever
to know tbe prtara tatof*
they ship or fetch (hem
them to can call
coll me on rtibcr pbooe as w« ara
1w-ay* ready to answer and we have them In the office.
I’lJ-aie do not sell to anyone else before y-»o get my prices.
I am thanking yon all tor the paK year's tavorw. and appreelau
>r toe klndnesb and I hope to make you more nUsfied UtU year.
73G73fi E- Front gtroet.
Travarae fifty. Mtah.
ntx. phone 4*1, roll photi-.- 130.
therefore the kitchen u a matter of important con
sideration. Step into our store and look over our
large line of
and Oil
Cooking io gummerjs a pleasure when gasoBne or
- oil stoves are used - Prices to fit your pocket book
aad sizes to suit your requirements.
AskabowiMrEMy PaywcMt Ptaa «i Utme
m-U7 S. OalHl SL
s'taie bank
8ecf«tU7*« rcporL Tire •dsoot*
_ - _ . _
of the Onsd TrarerM CMBtr atudM I ten coll of a^ooU: BovaVd-^:
■ctaool MMiclKaoD VM b«Id »t Klits«- SArrlok* C; GiwUm. 0; Loo« Ttm.
lej', Mv IS ud I&'fYoiB the opeoinx'S: Ncole. t; Oder Bob. It; No. 4.1
boer vatu the eloelas Boneal the; 14^. PreMat. 76: eolteetlaa. 61."
ivahe mad full
teetu&o bj <Mtve RhoU of
n were circa Md Pent Caratlea. Both Hartmaal
------------ ----------- vbo are dotucjand Gladra BUer c< ume.
thlaca. aad are dMtaeqoeatlr able toj^BedUtloB bf Sadie CralB of Cedar]
pmrpects om haU. rara
Mrs. BargsM' a*4 her two Buie OTATB OP MtCHBMflT. THE HU^'
ever, may be la a aeaa
gtrla have gooe to CMd MBBm to vW O bat* Gnwrt tor ite «0Mtr uB
It the saBBcr and taU ahoold bu it ber daughter.
i4 Traveiwe.
Mr and Mrs. Berry of Gabon were
.. a seaaton o( said ecBrt. bM «t
Let tbe reader rememher that Ai- here today the soesu of Mr. aad Mrs.
IW probate oOee. to the etty of
ansr* Is not the —that has
been hard sttuck.
Mrs. TiaB^ wbo has beea an the Tvnvme City, to aBd cownty. on tte
t*tb day of M«y. A. D. 16M.
M. L. beach.
Mek list for aeveral days U better.
Meat; Bern. Pn4 8. Wmat,
EMward Plshef froB North Ma. ,
OinCBW-A. Tr*cr L«r. fnaiConcert at Northpert.
ton 1. 8. &. waa here Thnisday tor a Judge of Protmto.
«Mli B. «!■»« atoch,Tle»PT«ld«t;
The concert to be given si tbe town very short vlsU with his parrots
In- the matter of the sMato oC
me qwei ooui, ouudocted' Sonc
Cedar! Tbeo it's time to sell No time
•HMil OMtaaC Guu«r: A, J. MVBala Altataa
hall. Jane 1st. by tbe Rev. J. A. Hall sod friends. Bis fsiber, C. A. Fisher, Oeow W. ware. AMaMoA.
to study» to rt*d. lo expet> man and his sen Paal Hultman. from and Fraek Sheridan went back with ClBDd w. Warn, by I
A. S. Bnilttd. AiriMut 0Mb- by the Ber. Hocb Reaaedr of Ait.|
Pleaaaat. *h blshljr appreciated.
Nest coBTeattoo la Ancust, to be
Worcester. Mama., under the auspices hiB; would go next -day to Beaih
meot I Yoq «-«u io uve yonr of
vbUe tale addreaa oo Prldar emtnx! tour.
having filed la said court Ua *
the SwedUb oilsalon efanreb Maaltou.
h **Tbe CoaMcration adequate to the 1 Cloaed br riadag No. SU aad pra?- heir, tod ttve it quicUy, too! should be of special interest to you. John Westeolt returned tast evenVletoiT.“ la which he portrayed er.
The Rev. Mr. Holtman has a thor
'rtBne who wet* at tho Usa
Cntphleally the real work of the
Beben Barney. Prea.
ough knowledge of music and voice
et hto death the Mai bab*-^ asM
Aoiireh and tbe (
Por^ PhanlBg. Secy.
very minute thti if your hair culture, having bad a number of
and eaatW to lahartt itte
lu acoompIUhnieat, left hU bear
years praoUee and study. Mr. Bullgasoline yacht that___ _
ers witb an enlarged Ttslon of tbe
I M. L. Leaeh.'
man has a splendid baritone voice Fisher built (be latter part of winter
Ayer’s Hsir Vigor. It makes and Is snre to please all who bear and this spring was Uanched a week
iltnde of their work, and a dUferthelr oblUration to sake
Hit son Paul, baa had a <
ago. and Is a stweess In every way
ihe scalp bealihy. Tbe bair him.
■ B. .AMHM aB OePecUoau asd the twqnlred conaecratloa.
Dear Pileod Bales—
ful training sod the very beat te
In the course of he; but and fatal
stays in. It cannot do soy- ets the beat of colleges can lThe absence
>seiK- of the Bc». D. Coebbe and U t
d tor AsmUn. wbo wa« catiled away
iway by
. tbe
(Ickaeu. ^dear coi
tbiog else. It’s nature’s way. which acompanled with hia great mning said peUiton;
of bU father. i
Ducb deplared by edJy and earnestly ret
alenl talent, baa made him a Srut Eagene'i father. F. B.. Is pleased as
bMt kind oi s tssUxaenlal —
it Is farther ordered, that pnbUc
those who had looked forward' tto the 1 had promised a lettc
clast plaidsi. Paul Hnliman has met be .boat was built after a model of
11 as
srith large aacceaa wherever be has bis make. Eugene went to North Man nouce thereof bs glvoa by pnbUoatenot
Ber. G. B. Lockhart hiodly dlled t
! It rea
copy of thli atder, te thrwu mc—
appeared and we guarantee a very pohour with Bocta an escellent talk i
Joyahle evening for yon If
■Ive weeks firwrioM to nald day of
•The Boy,r .........................
that all fell If moeb bad j And i
«-hai shall I
aad listen to these ulented muslbeartug. In (W. GnpA'-dYtorma Her
been lost., certainly Bueb bad been of my c
elans. Rem
ald. a newspaper prtntte Bte.tete
'oe all iabout Arkanssz." Others have
^Mkxs Nelly Westeolt attended the Uted la ntd county.
The officera elected for the yeir aVed "bow do you like It there ?" To
school entertainment at Port Onrlds
ti-y all abut Arkansas would eecvs.illast eveniDg; mays tt was fine.
.........la Oraad
Judge ot Probate
Uic the wrltlBg oi a big book. To
Mra. Ony of Bk Raplda aput a
now 1 d<
tell bow 1 Uke It and bow
Cownwcttcement News from clan
Bay 22-2»-)ane 6-11
tow days.hcre Uat week.like It and why wouldI Uke
the church—tested 1 the shade. (
.. Vb. Wllaoo oame from High tt- _ -cretary—CId be spai ..
U. Dye. Travel
If you h:
Glen Arbor gndoaies a elans of IS
the rocks, above the iptlag. singing
lud. laai Prltey erralag. to apaad a Oily.
purpose. BUefiy. then. apparently from the tame books. The itudeou thta year, eight eighth egularly. i
Herald f
The umky Gwrte
Mv daya wtth hia faeolly.
1 do not like It better leader stood oo a tUi
Aralst. Sec.—M. Barney. Traverse I like It. 1
1 four tenth grades, as Mr imi*;
It tbe one yon pay tor a box •(
!B. O. B OtBM of TmTOfM City City.
old Mlchig
mild. ■ . ..
m Of
Dr. King's New Life POla. Thai bring
etelad Maoda la Nortbport ea WadThe only part of Arkansas with
bowels without grltdug.
isk yi
that's BOto prsdoM
■eoday last. He was' woompaaled by
hlch I can truthfully claim to be ac
druggist for them. 26c.
than JeweU. Try tte^ tu^hMfiatee.
lOaa Bdftb Pranaaez.
Supt. Bleaenlary DepL. Mrs. J.W. quainted Is covered by the Oxark I
Obama 4UU left tWedaeaday awn- MnUkea. Ttaveise a
Boantatas. In the northeast part of:
t you the price wU
dM .(or Me hoow la Oolath.
WANTED—A man and Ms wife lo
the state. Tbe Osarks
SupL Rone Dept
radod at & H WsU
ear^ut. Plfe Lake.
work on farm. No bums need ap
irdsey. Percy O. Cobb. Manrtce Redr.CA.B«*bM
re prosy subflapL Teachers Tralalng —Mrs. /.
r. Lawrence Bhalda. Charles Raymo.
ply. J. T/. Slater.
May 2»tf
; a Itvlng io
Mia. T. O. daideter aad dao^tar L. OIbba. MaySeld.
tow Ubiel
Tbe baccalaureate address was glvteeapo aiTiTod tUa moraliic
hundred .'!t.
feet to slate^
,cn Sunday morning. May 24, by the
at their cottage
feet above
>ve tbe sea level,
level. ’the
The general I
' Rev. Wm.
"Vm. Haskios.'
HasklDB. and waa fall of
rrvi|riui w^/ius muu eauuonuE inougnis
• Depc—The Her. muiiMKv ui luis wuie luuu i» wuipsj a-r
IM Hattie Weolaey. who has beea
Uvely level, except that scattered ‘ J™’’,
j Mi> Haskins sang a beauUful solo,
blag at MUte Ooad. ratnraad
Sapt. Adalt Bible CUa
about Upon i, are rounded knobs. farmers feel “down In tlie
Mr^Md M™j)u«brtne.^th^
a laat Tawday to spend ber sbb- J. Helm. Trarem City.
italni: often
presenL Tbe cold apring—cold aad
Member of Bsecallve ’ Com. -extremely
aely wet-«-llb
wet-sllb the beat
Tba ter. -Mr. BoUaeoa retomed throe yeers—J. W. Green. Batea. „
ad arty to fi ur hundred feet. Where have reduced b«b fruit
tioB a few daya
J. W. Hllllkea was elected editor it baa not been cut away, a forest of
The Dual commencement exercises
a. llraad Baptds Of an Adriaory Column In
oak ctoibes the bllle. and plaint, and
will be Fridsy evening. June 6lh. st
Behoet. ■
Bay's ball. Attorney F. C. Odberi of
And you begin to think of repairiag or build*
Sorter ‘
Traverse City will giv*
Voted to raise >1M tor sute work tbe Mkt of the nortbem states,
scenery Is pleasing, tbe atmosphere
and flM for work In the county.
ing new.
Good business property, well local-j orenesira win luruisn me music,
Bvery af
' "
Invigorating, and the water good.
seated b
Mind. 1 do not say best 1 have drank ed, rent pays 12H per cent on Invest-1 County Commissioner E F. Carr will
meat. Price 82.000. 1 have some bar- le present.
Mng pi
The homes of Kings- better water out of a spring In
A reerplloi
irown wide open to. Ita
_ via- edge Of a Michlgen awnmp than any
Bring your bills to lu aod get your figurei
enla. school i
1 have lasted in this atate- As (or
Itors and the delegate!
reteatenar Ml last Toaaday
climate, we have here more of sume
which will mean-moBqr saved
'« (or aa astaal'ed.rtrU wUb
and less of winter. I sbppoie
ladia aad New
that la an ordinary season apting
Mrs. Eiiiabeth Bay h?^wrtiten i
Martha Barney.
_ ateretand
cornea six weeks earlier than It does
special class song, •■School Days,______
Artbar vho> win aeeooip
Wc make a spedality to Store Fronts, Store
at Traverse City. and. corresponding
ly, we have tlx weeks more fell
. I
retmud to ber
Report of the Slat convention
Fixtures, Grillt, SturWork, in fact 6m clan
weather before winter seta in. Then,
-------1 la Harbor Sprlasa iMt Priday the Ising Uke and QarBeld Sunday when-winter does come, there Is not
iSriftbiC ater banag apent the wie- acbooi aaaocUUott hHd at No. 4 Bucb about It that northern man
shop work of every descriptioo.
hen- laet week rtsiUng Ur. and Mra.
I te >t& bar aaat. Mra D. B. Scott. ecboel bonae, Hay ». UM.
would recognise as rea) winter weatbL
B. JobaatoD apeal laai
Called to order by preBdrat Robert V. Of course the long oootiaued
Harapion Daniels it entertaining
ll^aHaaday la Travane aty.
beat of summer Is oblectlonable till
his SOD John and wife.
. I : Mr. Mamek aad (antUy bare moved
Bong aendee led by Mra.
one has become aecllm
. Tile minols-qnd Mlsaourt both call.jte Ite cottace ratatad by W. E. Carmlen. alnglng 160. 412. 266.
Bring Ibem In. tbo entire store w||]|,ed at Fisher's dock Sunday with
How about the peopi
■JteMbin. wkdeh be roeeatly pnrebae.
Uke tbe people. They at
be arranged to pleMe the child's eye.! fr^Ueht.
plUble. kind, tnulllgeot and possess
i' 0. M. nuaa was eated hone from
Bot at nU in All the many 4n.era.tlng things that j
• ‘y MBlty. by the aertoaa 01notions we
make Childs' Hfe I happy one Monday,
Ifarned from r
To my surprise. I foand a eMTipany
‘ ^^^teOB.aBamdaad Satwill Ue
K at dtaaar. Obven were
of the Arkai
-raveller ! have
Sonuthlng doing every day n<*xt
ttae Sunday achool.- was dieeuaeed by been In the state
now nearly a year,
"S^DaiTOw aad cAUdraa re- C. H. BMei. C. B. BtrBt, C. B. Dye.
eek lo ln(er<-s( the Ilnle ones.
recollect hearing a word
' Ir beae ta Traverse city
Ira. Altaan.
Of profane language in that Ume. Watch for the big ad. It will tell you
5 by ‘
r bavtag epent
(Henda who
Borne lliilo Uiebigan
have beea attending a pobUc school wore shout It.
nery of Cedar Ran.
down on the aide of the
Adloarved tor basket dinner and report that th<
•octal boar.
language used
Afternoon uBion called to order arbool.
^•pnSa Mt Thnndty monilv hr PrealdMi by Maglng Nofc 41 and
You are incl
T An Artor. where be will underwith the question,
DevoUmal service led by
' aorleiB opentton. He waa aogood schools r- Yee. but some of the
schools are -queer." At the mounuin
Mra. Bert
angtac. Nm. 446 aad 66..
side ae.rf>ol where my Utile friends
Bong hr Bom Shlsler of Cedar attend, there is not a desk or table
‘ “ I WM hM at the CoagreRan.
In the room, except a small one for
Recitation by Anna May Myers of the teacher. The pupils «lt on tong
Kite lAtea' AM aoeiety wfll aeM Cedar Bun.
beaches, and wrlle on Ublets laid on
m Tliaiadaj atetwotB at the Cimgra- Bong by Dorothy Duiraa of No. 4. the
Up. When they spell, they ktand
IntroducUon of oonnty otBeers by on the floor, to a long class, which
•ecrettry. preiMeot, vJi ~
suinetlmes reaches quite across tbe
room, and go up towards tbe head
hose from tbe county «on« ntion. according to merlL Do they learn
rtenpaskT^ 'ProbaL mi
V.. M. Bstee. C B. BtraK. Hr Pan- spell* You beU And that Is the w
nlag and Robt. Barney.
we learned to april when I was
Bodtatton. Bertha Ransom «
•ehool boy. seveniy-flve years ago.
f apMt eatarda^ aw) Tree.
What I have said about refloemeut
may be illnairaied by two incidents,
in which t took great interest at the
Ume of thdr occurrence. After we
1 lOfi-pj.-cc
grtto ataaad the daaooratlc con- ft, bik. J6. P. H.'a Ird.
John Toman and wUe lo Bdgar came here, we lived for a short Ume
. only
lou 6 and 11. bIk. 14. Good- near the HewHt Spring, a famous
^iMflL'Wat VNUUBana aatertalned Ormsby.
spring, in a grove of oaks, in a rocky
.g^Uter BaaaAt aoeiety oa Pilday rtch-a
MIeb. Trust Co., trustee, to J<din ravine some distance out of Springdale. Noi ta; awBv is a church A
j ,-W. B. OaBtean aad family have spko and oJa. Skvarld, aw Hof beH lady, a near neighbor. Informed us
•c. 18. T 25. R It,
tesvad la the H. B paraoaage.
that on a certain Sunday a companj
Wlilii- and Gold 8«-t,
You arc given your choice of over one hundred atyles of uklrta. no
rTte Bbm ban dab wia give im ex- •A. C. Elder et al to HertMn A. of elng^ would hold a son of con
two niokc and the bent fine of aklrta manufactured today.
. WMMbi to Traverse aiy next Tbuta- KIrebner. e^ of lot 14. bit 16. O. P. cert <l the church, and suggcaled
T. C.
t night And It Inioresiing At
H. L. LaBsr et al to Leon A. Dick
Ime appotuied I went to the
erson. leu 11 and 12. bik. 6. N. FHe
h. The bouse appeared to ba
Lake, except parcels.
n>erc was a crowd close around
r offered, la (sot
UHi.pl.V,. jXnm-r S« l wiUi fine
There are aorac or the most beauilfiil vollot. i
Cbarlee Oole and
to Emn the door, and there waa a large num
Clyne. tot 7. eH lot 6, bik. 4, P. H. ber of people, scattered about la the
• very feklrt ID the lot U a E«md OD".
wreaths uf small Sowers, hano
Bern VartMy of Ancles.
shade of the trees In tbe yard 1
traced and hcamlful gold d<*tJohn P. Matsen and wife to Esther had stood near the door but a few
B 1 BBt «UM M the Grand
lot 18. bik. 2. H. L. A Co.s'I minutes when the lady taw me. and.
oraUons. at, only 610.75 per Mt.
coming down from tbe back pan of
Welt to Adolph and John j the room. Invited me In and conductWe place these skIrU r
Remember. s<- keep open
thiBailvee ta dMth In a tew
That U what 1 wantBh thlnke Zak. awH ot sec and nH of e% of ed me to a seat.
Friday cwniliR until 10 p. m
te I was obliged to go tbtity Bliea »eW rec 7, T 26. R 12.
To say that I wh Interested. U pot-'
Jenc4c A. and John. A. Jackson to! ting It mildly. It was evident at once'
' Mr. OoMen'a orchard at Old Hisand close all day Saturday.
- to fat a taste of apple la the Howard WWltlng. se>4 of aeH sec. 18 that I wsa in a company of trained
Dceorailoo Day.
a Oraad Trsvera* vegkm. Mr• R 10,
I slogera. Tne performance was perwere aet during the
Ells Fooch to J. H. Hulett and wife feet In time and tune—at all events I
ng after. You will not have
This means a saving to you that is worth lookin,
wars sBoatly Baldwins,
10 ft. of lot 40 and w SO n:
lot'------- -...............................................
F fault in n. Afsay other varleUes. He 3>. Oak Height.,
...............- --mpany broke
such an opportunity as this again in a loniig time to buv ttrictly high
___ J In not hering aiany
Joseph Klepak and wife to Chas. op into groapa and enjoyed a picnic
grade skirts for so little money. We know they will appeal to
---------- Bn had is one year on hU TJitefca. parcel, bik. 3. H, A L. Co.'s
ci'cry woman as being the fiiinest lot of skirts they ever
A few weeks later, I a
mnenn^ mcr
Wi^e/i the
Hair Falls
S per COB iflpwci M Tlae DdHBltB
(MitiN tub WMt :2650
^ -I
Biifldlng Season is Here
Next Week will be Child
ren’s Week at the
Big Store
1«I a Mr. A. mam..
Traverse C3ty*s Best Store
Bargains In
Dinner Ware
Sale of Sample Skirts
Beginning Friday Morning
To those who hare ottegdeil these soles of Simple Skirts, ve seed ay
Dotblor those who hire not will miss the best thlnr
offered this seoson If you do not attend.
Frank Mockworn and wife' to Ferd
' I tented a^t (oar aerea In Wag—I aad By ftrat fnU eroo was about inand Ansarge n% of neH. •«. 2, T
• bwteta. Now yoB will call ae a 72.B12.
A. Homrich and wife to Clark
nd; feStod it Md“lteS?
11L I devoted IhU cm to nav- Coates, nxi of aeM sec 21. T
Mike D4eU.ll Md '^IfVlo Kis**M.
I Buy yaara ago. yet tbe trees Stiti toU 48 and 4» bik. 3. Oak Park.
*"* ZMv, If 1 had!. Niehalaa Huellmantel to HaU Flack
wife, tot 18. bik. E H. U A Co.'s
teTM of Wagners plantud twenty
.... _. . . . ^
• '•f'
r m te'lpiawr
Robert Caldwell et al to Walter
-^MTSSee foT^unTST
*■ 0**^ Heights.
• ta M> PBfert atee AUbave
'oung and
__ L Tte R^arn BpV are toC
»H of n«M uec. 14. T 27. R 10.
■ tetete .40 baartng and ara «2iS
*« Hoary
--------1 In ilae as a uble,H*l**'‘*
»r ta owkirM eounty
“> Joseph
,-------------- --- oa « Wagaeea. *fio« I>rorak. awH of awH sec. 7, T 25.
way culUvaied wcIlIb 12.
, 55
tepids Iron Co. to JoMj.h Car
M n l^e apple in U. aeM of neH uoe. 17. T 28. R 9,
“> John H.
Right Now
u .the befit fame of jreertodo piiotins oeFore ibc fliea bother,
tbe doat flies, end tbe lesvva c^/me out. If you are tbioking of
painting wby not ose
a ^nd we ^ve baodled in tbie plaoe for over twenty ywa
vithont banng any eomplainta m to ita covering or wearing
We are alao agenta for Garter White Lead. Japalac, Alabaatioa and Oalman’a Vamiabea.
Traverse Qly’a Leading Drag Stare.
Tbe best of them will go with a
-h. so
be cn hand early. Sizes range from
W waist and 39 length to *25
waisf and 41 length.
$5.00 Skirts, 3.75
$12.00 Skirts,R.75
$8.00 Skirts, 5.75
$15.00 Skirts, 10.75
$10.00 Skirts, 7.75
$18JI0 Skirts, 1L75
Store closed All Day ’Decoration ’Day, Saturday, &day 30.
Qosed Friday cNjgkt as Usual
Grand Traverse Region
Noncir To COMtM>Ot*OCN^
LMC Lato eranca No. lOM «1U
botd memoHal aervieea Satarday.
May JO. s( tto town hall al Meala.
n •fMCll wMfc All atridtora. old and yomi*. »« «tor
latotlM and Mend*, are eordlaUy taamt K atnm^M
rlttd 10 be preamit Moat
hJl at
ttmtn ta,tlMtriMr M •
- t)w H*r*w »nm Mt
latee eiatted arltb rtiatlTeB to toe*, a
Jtor daja dila woML
MM* Kate BIrdaey of Oten Arbor
vaa to ton mday.
Mia. Merloo A. Tota to VMttoc
B»ire tbta veek.
Tie aehooner Weateott cleared
dth a carpD
^ The fraduavEo >sc iw •uieo narcu
School oereed toe ercui ooe after.
Boeo laat week. The preeeed* were
MlM. trtatoh MU be used tor- defray-
eoalwnSra'^'^.«4 waa' wall
............... _bter.
aUended and appreciated Ibe pro*r of (beir oM and alao ne* pretl- Mtaa Ida, vlined with ralaUvea SnnCHCTLANO.
. C. H- tola*.
■l ^i*r Md Oeorce Kuiu
Jtou D. aBach apeot Sanday
lorte O. CorMl baa hi* Oto‘
CktM^ »•
»t lb* Ti»t^
UiM aumori tor » mpto of w»k«. ^_(di 00 the lake tm* aprlnc to ad- home to Port Oweida.'
Mtaa Bra Beddy of Olen Arbor
.VMak AtktSM and Harre PfcMti raao* at all otbara. ^ It raaa eery
rent r....................................
vbUad ywicrdar ■( Ibe tome of Mr.
The fralt tree* are beoBtlfal to
atd Mia. AJhm Praw.
their btoaMmt. todleatto* plenty of
nvak AWtoM and Bd 0*1
tonhT ALMlitA.
dfM to MW>< 'atr tu* aftencxm.
R A. Han baa U* ae« addition
otr Junior baae ball
The fruit tree* all ibrough the
' «aF"» d>«**' Mt tore yeaterday lo scarly ready to occupy.
mntry are to full bloom. We alt arc
P. c. Ollben U plaltlns a oev i
to hope* of Meaty of fruit ibl* year.
aort oo the pentoaola to U«c Lake,
^ abadow aoctol held at Pearl
■ay U.
toWaweek ago to boeor of the ball
'tore, wu well attended. They rbtoed
to Port Ooelda Friday anerKNOON.
poot aad mad* •ereral cafl* and took
Mr. Wjebel of TreVeree City
The bet poatber of Ibe paat few
svMw wUk lir. and Mra. Sehnoor.
day* to belplac the paaBboppera nit to attend the party and alao to go
tomi of (to yoaoa felka In tbi* alooc. A good rain would be appre- labluf Saturday evening. He went
•^bortoed oOalaMd tto cl^nc
borne retolnelng to tbink that be bad
aroaea and 4otortMnme~
gocid lock. He ^caught aboot
'Ctai, McLean aod eon Hector arflhe papUa of Ooear Bai
riTCd home from Waablnpon and OreMra. Laora B. Bate* was the gneti
goo-Saturday Dlgbt. after looking for
Bd Broirica laat Friday.
a place to locate (or several ..........
Mra. Archie teiltk and dangbur
l| that MIehlyan la a good plaoe to
Pearl drove through Bom Acme
Joe Stelfatr.^ to UUnd yaaierAmong tboae who attended the u.d Weet Almira laat Tuea&y toffee
i0 to brtttg%la aoB fyaek borne, grade grednattog eaercian at Ben- parent* and brother and wife, reti
nkr. and Mn. Ma Kmbaer eanad aento were Mra. Burke and cblldren. tog Friday
at the Traverae Lake Baaort yeaiar- Mra. Widrig and boo. Bmer. Wtl) Car-: Mr. aad Mra. James Sweet b
penter and wife and Mtaa Potrude moved lo Lake Ann for the cumt
and Mr. Sage. Mary
lary and. Irene
PrwBce* Clark la working for
QuUb from DlfL No. 1. Intood: Lola
■ i.
-Irene JaqnUb
ah and
Neal Jart
iliie Clark were thr
There waa a- large attendance at
wbo rwelved dl- icueau^ Mr. and Mre. Edward* Sonthe foaenl fit Jama* Cartiaie. Mr. ptomaa from Bendon.
OwiW* bad nvad bare tor
• Mr. and Mra. Albert CTei
waa well a rade4
turned from Saginaw Saturday Dtgtai.
etrtng. They wlaM
and win leave today tor tbelr bom* quite a turn of money.
Bk BapUa preached tfaa aermoo.
In Traverae City.
Mr. and Mra. Bd Oray aod famlly
Tire weadwr to verr Bne; tome are many frtenda go i........ _
drove to North Branch Sunday to tee
pfanitoc eera now.
Myrtle Dexter reureed iv u«<
r. and Mra. Albert Hooker.
TtelAdlef Aid met laM Tburaday school laat Wedneaday.
BIcabeth Fewin* of loUnd
retU Mra- B. B. LtwU. There waa a
Harry aark aad family of •Oraam .reodlag a few days with bor alsier
and ClareuM Claik and wife vtotted aad brother, Mr. and Mra. Uoyd
Mra. Blanebe Lawrence raturaed tbelr parenia. WiUtom Clark and wUe Bataa.
tfoin Tnveree Qty toat weak.
.ileorge Daea baa to Improved that
1U| mUe a caU to Bk Rapid* laat
Mr. and Mra. Cari/Uniy drove <u
BawidAy. ,
Traverse City 6*toi^y with some
Mtaa Blanch Dean bat gone to
The Mlaaea Beade Parrani and chlokenB.
Tnveree City tor a few daya.
Mr. and Mra. Willie . Nelaon
Than ware ne aervloat at (be Eva Dar were to Olaii Arbor. Wednea
Traverse City are visiting with Ihelr
ebnr^ea oMne to the funeral of Mr.
OuHale alao of Mr. Beer* of Bk Bap ‘*^ra. Bnofar and son of Port Oneida parents and all
few dayn.
Mt. who waa acddenutly kUled at ere to toton Friday.
Mr. and Mre. Rufua Dalei wore
Mr. and Mra. R J. MUlor of Manthe emnenl taetorr.
church to Uaten lo a vci
Mr. and Mra. Charley K. Bab
JK and Mr*. Carl J. tete*. and M
Caiiln Rooks weretbe gnestoM 1
City came am oa the <
—. to.visit
to.viBit with Mr. and
Mra. Hot*
fine and Mr. and Mra. Barber* of this
Mra. Fred WAaon and Bakah drovu
to Honor Thursday.
The surprise part}
wto l*ake and Mck Nelson wus held
at Mr. and Mra. WlUle Lake's reslAence Saiurdsy evening, it tatog
tbelr birthday. The* received quite
s number of presento. Mr. Nelson's
dsugbur of TbompsonvUle. Mre. Le
ons Busblow. presented her tatber
with s-olee soil of clolhea. lee cream
and cake were served, also bread and
batter and plckle'a There were 34
□amcl Pratt drove to Traverae City
and tbelr wives.
Mr. Davto baa trert
oxen, which to quite
young people
‘ '
of tbami never aeetog
before. .
Madison hauled1 a load of
Inmbcr to Traverae City Saiarday
Orandma Hall U quite wick and had
to taave the attendance of a ^yalnas
Cronkrtte has insUlled a phone
realdroce and sent four ta<
pUliH lo be herded
of cattle oo the plalif*
Jones of the Rivee Forks, who
a herd of some twenty head to
Mesara. Avery. Warner. Hamllioa
Freeman sAd wives were pin*i»
Mr. and Mra. John Broomtaead
Mr and Mra. John Smith and
‘Can I
I Borrow
a Fire’
Doeof the cIaso that it
alwaya "broke** aod always
borrowing? . Make a resolve
TODAY that you wiU 'have
one of your own ’'fivei" here
after and not always be bor
With A deposit ol 11.00 «« will
iasocyoo a Bavin(ft Book-and if
you will lay Mide a portion of
yoor-cnraiBga yon will hbvo no cccaaioo to borrow. Try it
Mr. and Mre. Frank Rogers drove Sunday.
Mr. Polver ha* hi* ceilar wall n
Cedar Run Sunday after Orandma
ly completed iand will soon be rt
lUrve) to spend a wiek with tbem.
MU» StelU Sinclair and Mlw KaUe lor the carpet
May :s.
Oerker of Lake Ann were-the gveau
of Mra. uewi. HiMlImaotel Sunday.
Pearl Busblow has been staySLOCKAOCO.
Ing «l;b !Mre. Flora Lake tor a few
Should Know How to Resist It.
lad a cow
•I mired
The back ache* because the kid
ne day last n pk. Help
era are blockaded.
1 the ec
Help the kldnejw With ihelr work
inderetand that Dave Ora
win occupy ihe Spafford house soon.
The back will ache
Grandma Barber It able to alt up
at thl* WTittog.
I nil* lo
beat proof, for tt
Itching pile* prevQfce profanity, but I rtrliliig rcUtlvea to ihU
Mr. aod Mra. Roy Palmer of Em-'
profsnliy won't core them. Doan's
Mrs SaunderaI has
Hire were visiting with Mr. and Mra.
Trav crae City.
gooe to PwtMt*. C E Clapp. *S7 E Front b.ntdu-nt curei Itching, bleeding - water to apen a few days wtth htr
Bd Brooks aSturday eveuliig and SonMrcet. Traverae CUy. Mich., uay*: ! p,oiniJlnc pll.-» after year* of ai’t- burliaad. wbo
druc alore.
The rUsB 111 the nto
Abe Mnwera baa purchaaed a new
have Iheir graduating
talking niBcblne. nere will be mnalc
HU lelt side ached more aeverelv
________ _
Mre. Mareball Lewti and children than the right and many t1i
his about-1
Ins v>u1
q^uld streak up Into0 hi
flnhiog Sbtordty
Shtarday «o PMrl Lnke. pains
E J Brinkman ha* gone to
Thry cangbt qnlle a string of flab.
bend-T Traverse Uly to spend a week wtth
Mr. and Mra. 'Lafonso Hucllmantcl werk
Wcbly col-; iricndi.
of Traverae City are'rtoliing with Ing.
bothered him both night j Two of the launehet from here
tbelr eons and wives tor a couple of or*d day Nothing
aeemed to help went over to Bk Rapid* Saturday
Mm unUl be procured Doan'* KldneyUnd broaght over about 40 yonng
May tS.
UJ '■ CotoTTW twra.
PllU. in a abort time they removed, people Jor a picnic.
r.j cttgtrarAoatwMv.0
(he nebra and pain*, and corroctcl j The' mcmbciu of the CalbeUc
two mloule*: the kidney trouble. Ho had often' chiireh gave a social
Stops earache
n’ yYi.tof cvl-^ring. The
Bothache. or |
recommended Doan'a Kidney PilU
ri five mlnoi
and I* glad lo endorse t • prevlou* , vvonlng was pleasantly apcnl to play-1hatoetall^l^ u!umt7^
Ivc pedro.
pedre. MUa
MUs Fknnj
Fanny ;u«.
by h
anmen., ...auc
ling progn-aalvf
___ : mu»cleache, two
made m
In 1902.
For aalo by all dealera. Price 60 Sweeny and John Sweeny taking
WaUM^ gntnaa •■*»*».
ihroai. twelve houra—
Ecleclrlc Oil. monarch
'^ln”“”‘ r. nis- FUster-MUbnrn Oo.. Bnlftlo, ’ firm priiea aod MlnnU- Porter and D.
New Yoik, *ole agenu for the Unlied, Cregor laaJng booby prt*e*. ToeylJjtUttoi
i made aU>u( U7. which wDI be
There was quite a gathering of old! Rcn.catber tbc name-Doan*a-aad , In helping n*> tor a carprt f
soldiers and their irtvcn at the M K. jiake no other.
1 cbtrch at Mapietoa.
Bov's Tusr
. ............
This Great: Jurniturc Center Offers You
The blaeest values, the lowest prices and the most liberal credit system of any concern in this section of the country. Now is «be brot
Urn* to let a big^riety of choice, as our entire Store and Furniture Warehouse are overflowing with rich and substantial Houro Furnishing.
Vto charge you noting extra tor buying on the easy payment plan. No matter whether you want one arhcle or your whole house fur
nished. We have the goods and will supply you as we advertise to do. Our loQg list of satisfiea customers will tell you many other
reasons why you should trade with Northern Michigan’s Reliable House Furnisher.
Carpets, Rugs
and Linoleums
Easy Rockers
Our handsome line of of Rockers include
all the .Wbite Reed. Mahogany. Golden
Oak and many other difTei|e»^ kinds of
wood and finish. These higii gndc Rock
ers ate all made n( the best material. The
joints are all thoroughly locked and secure
ly fastened together, while the finish is the
very best. For comfort, appearance and
durability, there are none better made.
Rich and exclusive patterns with
great wearing qualities. We can fit
your room with every grade of floor
covering and we make Wilton, Axminister and Brussels Rugs aod Carpets
to fit the most irregular shaped room.
remnants and odd lots of Floor
$30.00 Axmlnster Rug, 9x12........................tSXM
$26.00 Heavy Velvet Rug. 9x12....................$1$M
$20.00 Brussels Rug, 9x12...................................... flU$ ,
handsome IHners
lociueiog At iitMt Md bMt «yi«^
Our inonraeet beitra Urg^ and we «»e
Well prepared to si« you the iiyle of
Chair dedred at iurpritldgly low pricee.
Leather, Cano. Fibre end Wood Seat, in
Solid OSk, hnithed A riA golden and
highly polHhed. Well put together, ioror, ing strength and durability^
Vidmt Frames, end Wbriefta
Shades made to order all sizes. ['
Large Framed Pictares Gwen vdtb.
Outfits Free,
All remnants In Ingrain Carpet aellt regularly for 250,60e
and 76c now 16c S6e mmt Sic. .
oak p<
U U:eet. Victor e.Mcnsion
the kind that carry ihcir leave*,
at tables, round and square, with
drop leaves. The ordinary exteosioo tables
and a large nurnbKr of kitchen tables There
is no possible change of being disappointed
b stylE quality or price.
SIDEBOARDS—A beautiful line of large, spacious
Boards with a brilUam hnish. heavy plate mirrors
aod massive claw feet. Musi be seen
^4 A f9S
to be appreciated. Selling up from
ing fr
Baby Cabs and
Our Cab Department is surpassed by
none. Wc have the largest line and beet
assortment of this class of vehicles on the
High grade, nicely fiaisbed,
easy running, strong aod
durable. Selling up from........ #XefeP
Traverse City Store Located at
t20 E Front 5f.
Elk ’Hapids Store Located on
‘liiver Street.
for Sommer?
addi to kMm
de»md«ft4Mar. BikH.
O; teo the
mHKltaMffNi Cook-Stove
«ryo#i<||to4>toif<WftimnyeooBflg. becne. anlike ^ coal
n^llilMitoto dncaed to oae poiat «M^r-ctotat oader tfaa
- koMa. Hadeiatbnete. Mir vmined.
I «kh yom dMlar. write ear aconte ateecy.
0» IW ara»-« tarikct Madcnt
' If ate wUh Toorl^, write ««
Man ware aoltad la marrine WadOaten afteneoa at ike koiae et tke
teMO. tetea'HDMm waa
ctenl taaeOte ate a oradi
_____ of Ue
NDriJuort kick aeteal. with
wttl tke tean
an tke other erenlac.
C. W. Leofller kn a new piano to
kla koBe.
Mr. nnd'Mra. iokn Amtabnecbler
and Hr. and Mrc. Bdwaid Oautbler
want to Oadar Satnrdar eretens
te UO*. Mr. IteteertakkM
^tate *k« aliaodte Uew «m« him
OMrtea. atetar of ik* krida. and
er a two r«ara
.Mra. J. W. I
r alowlr
-ftejorUdMok. broUwr te Ika
last Mra. A,
*T£ KaUie ranlaa doted _ . care for bar, returalnc borne Saioroteate 'Moor aAaraooB and left tor tdar amine.
kackoma.at Iteaad.
Mra. DU Oood and dancbler and
Mtaa Wpnkoop trera eallera at Mra.
C. W. Leotfler’a on Toeadar.
Bora, to Mr and Hn. JNward La
O. R. Clarpool la worUni
road at praaent.
Mra. O. R. Cterpoal apd dauckter
Altea TMtad at her uaeie’a. Hr. and
tear n.
Mrs. Prank BlIU. teat, Tuwtter. Her
crandpa te quite poorir tkte i^nc.
Mar n.
at tka vadteM te Mlta Carrta Brown
te jida Idae^and Paal Kliwa? ct
JhmwS^i %. aad Mra. Ckaa.
BoMoa. Mr. ate Via. P. Soanaoa.
Ate Oaraat ate taaftr. Mra. Ella
saun. Mrs. TlOte Kllwar. The Rer.
P. U. Brawn, Ctekar of the bride, pertnmte tba oaramny at it o’clock.
Mar M. disaar Mac aerrad irnmadl-
MATCH rrr.
Art. Aaioe Bos to la Traraise atr
wbara ake mderarabt an opemlon
&tardar. Wa ai
' '
was dome kleelr
Mra. B. A. Wall entertained ber un
cle or Grand Rapida and alao her
mother tron Hodec one nickt teat
and Mra. C. Knapp were called to Borne CItr teat
latt Mondar
M« '
‘by U'
llinaaai ot tkeir dauckter. Mrs. Knai
wndinc the week there
and' "
aapp retumlnc
The Boeial at Byron Hnlelt'a Tueaday nlckl was well attended; The tedtea cleared elerea doll Tke Mailtea of My
ate E
I tkeir I
Buckley, wboae UtUe intant
on was very alck.
MUs BOe Bogart speat Ike Utter
•It of teat week to Itoncsley. aasiai-
■JUltettea ovaa Mra. |iU! Prtday. $he Banal , of Bto Bapids apau
hns twan ailing tor qtdte a white.
wttk ttw tottarto atetm. Mra.
Mrs. Obaa Taylec vtoltad In. toek- Ifaiara.
7m. ate Mrs.
Baioa <
--------- __08d at tka MaMW^Baaab^ atondad tenrdTkm
•ckool bonaa ate ateo at Bteci^a *—
Lowen Bonn wna b Trsvsrae GHy
Tbara will ba no eknrak hats Bnn- ■Motev.
day. 8«^ aekoal ate nang £rJ. L. Wmick to tetetog tba store at
vlca. Mr. Hnlbart will attend' decora AngMl, during the abeenoe ot Mr.
tion to Banaonte oe Satnrday. not
BUI. We OEpoct when be returnt
tvintog in time to preacb.
he wtU briar a partner wiib Ub.
Mr. raiOker. tke coonty agent, csllSome ot our paople attended tke
tnoers] of Ur. Boon at Elk Baplda
Riel Davy, who came hoae from
Denver, CoL, s low week* sgo. expect
lac to BO.
Btoy here, has retorned
this writing.
Denver on aeoonnt ot W bealtk. Mrs.
M. CunnlnidteB to sM
Davy wUl visit a while kmger before
uday with
very i
kla (ether. *
Mrs. T. J. Cams of Traverse City
visited her buband a couple ot days
test week. T. J drove home with ber
Baturday. retnrninc ibe ftrst ot the
week. *
Mrs. George Oee. who was nincb
better ton week, was taken worse
In ikla nelgkkorkood vtalUng for
Moaday and la now quite sick.
MIrs Hand Woodard apem a re<
Mr. PIlUr I* very sick with a comtdicatloD ot' diacssea.
Warrea Way and Clyde Dean spent
8«nday at the ttomer’k bonri to Rap
Uly White
**Ttoa PlB« tta laat OMka Uae"
Ska has Aoste that she rn 11 MiM fanks.ka amici.
a combkatiaa wtack caMot be beteea as a
mope (or aakkg good cooks.
AI over the Mate *lke beat cooks* are making hot
htecak for buDgiy people OM of Ur Wlke.
Upiwtet dm loaAmt. I^M. wkltet. trmderett.
moMAfagm toKiats jwu ercr ale or chmmrd of. get
^^Whie. "ike Boib die bcM ooeb ua^" and yon'l have
VALLsr OTY imxaic coMMinr
A eartnte Cnrator Afhtog teat.
Tbicn Abowl SsMlera WH| Ba Anasrae
to the Ball KaiL
Qutte n nnBbcr tram keve attend
Tke ran esu a* Ike vetoing of'
ed tke eoBBeoccBent exe
*» be held j
K^^TBnrsday night
j toiarday iftwiooo'wuf bi>’'aw*^
fall bo(\<e. 1
curing akin
aplea. rsabiiv.
etr_ sre
l_ .
ful term of icbool Friday.
will teach here again.
Laura Bnrfiesd. arcompanlej by Clear-aklnued.
LaVantnre and h<-r brother.
PbUip LaVanture. vlslled ber parmta
Saturday and Sunda.v.
Mr*. Barth vislied her son and old
(rt.j»<te teat w«-k and aiiendcd the
given by the scfaont
There WS* a load of Mr. BarthY
friends down from Kassou Saturday
P. J Burfiend hauled a load ol hay
*" Glen Hsvpd Saiurcte) I-'r Mr.
»*' Han'l
M ----------------• SkS «■■■■<
OvUe Mtogm baa sold bit farm to
Mr. Reynold* tram iRdtana. Ur. Uln— ----------------------Antioch.
-----------------------------------.'ker rtolled
Mn. BdgeU at Bueldpy Tnesday.
Tke Ladler Aid Bet with Mn.
Mn. Ckartoa Sktonsr died Baurday
Borntog and wu buried Sunday on
<he RaBsey ecoieicty.
leaves s ktekand aad seven children,
ikc ymmgett net s week old. besidea
several brother* ate atstm to moera
tkeir toea.
Joktt netotoar. one ot Wexford
icwuklp’t oldest ploneeta.. died atedenly. May Pth. at tbe home ot bis
slater, at Ckicago Helgfau. ot paralysU.
May IS.
Mr. ate Mrs. Archie Monroe were
Traveree.aty vtolion one day last
Mr. TkDBpm aad
- ST Bn.l
It to Do»> tMtutoto
May *S.
Mn Hattie Pletcber-TIbbetU came
from Grand Raplda Uil week and had
a moanmem set at her motbe^^'
grave to the Wexford cemolery. She
u> im»ns>
Are You Going to Purchase a Silo
This Season?
jroar order, I baadta !!•-{«&NDR thilo. with tboooatiaBoas
dov. DO stntkwnrf apooeB'
Untie innH kitidaof woods,
aad ail anea. Let toeaead 3to«
my catoloff and {iricaa, Tea
oaa pay foryoor ailo thUyv«r
and bare your cattk in tnach
better abaiRs aa with b aik>
yon only beod aboat om third
ofthaEtoBod pUatedfagM.
I ako V,i>Ua lb. oli.
mu eoailaim cakter. All Mwa.
Write me for eatak|» tad
M. J. LaLofle
Boom 4, OHy Opm Boom
Mn. Barr
have ^ved from tkeir home to Pennlylrafite tor an extended vlaU at uie
boBe of her parenia, Mr. and Mn.
Nathan Story.
The band I* advertised to give a
coDctn ngxi lYSUay night, with a
flih pond and ice cream supper In
connection..— Bverybody enjoya '
band’* music and■ the: concert will
Ajax Dynamite
day aate In oo
r oee seem
a JMly crowd wf her I
Baurday afternoon. i
'52ssr.^"\vx4S*^s!DmiiiE fODi srans
id City.
Hot Biscuits
h^iS, it’s a mrewqr to pleate a km^ penoa of
Hot fatec^ «l
aometkiag rood to eat; they
vanmd «tkattbere's a good cook near ^ who b« inta*
cst cBoog^ k H lo me ktf farak aad ber skill in getting
Moselkteg aim for m to eat’
Aadofe e she makes d«n out oT
at wm Bhtea.
“ Ooidte Bom-
Hay to.
Anstett, Mr. and Mrt. Oao. Anatctt.
family, Mr. and Mrs. C. Old* sad
M.ww.r. e.
W9m»r, WUl Be Interwstsd.
.Mrs. Witeey. Mrs.
Hnlett sod
lrr«sb*~*sis. is w. Iwtk. I nnary
.. Mr. ate Mis. Bdd Msncfaesier
s’ Aid sortrty will meet
s<dirMi . r.ri«.*
and Hr. sad Mra. U. FUxgcnild.
May 2T.
All Intereated are Invited to meet
s cemetery, Batntday.j'
_ ed eras* and ckl
Traverse aty vlslled at W. C.
leys test week.
. -BdlngI ttwo weeks with
parents at Tnsiia,
Joe Kemesksi and Mary Ya
enl to Traverse CHy Satnrday.
Mra. J. U Olbto U bavtog her ai
OR. W. J. .HIGCiNg OeetistOnral Belltoga went u> Leland teat painted and otkerwtoe Improved
New Munson BIk
Tisv.-rae Qiv
aide and out.
, aUxtoa telephone: offlre, 79g; re*
A nnaiber from here attended (be
ThoBU Smith returned from bis idencr "tt.
BBSlca! oaiertalnBcnt si East Kas- trip to the npper pentoaute Friday
be dlr\>ctrd to M* office opevening
poelle Sherman A HiiiiliT.
Carra Barnett and Anna Baiter et
Do not be ftHsdlrecird.
Mrs. Riley ot Hodge bu been visBardlckvllte passed ibrougb
lUug ber daughter. Mrs. Tboe. Bmlih.
Gold work of (ho very beat
the past week. She brought with
her Mn. Smith's Uttle daughter Bthel Ckue.
Strong, natural *i.|M>artng a
A dance wu held at tke home
best artiOclat teeth.
Mr. MUHken and wife ot T.-nverse Ad. McKeage. Friday nlghL u %.
Uske appolmmcnu aktotd wben
aty were In town text Friday.
farewell to Roy McKeage and L«-on pomfble.
Ruth French la working at Cedar Wolf, who left the next day to workl Ortce boor* 7:JO to 11:S0. i to S.
on (be upper penlntute.
[Other boon by requesL
May SI
Mn. Howard Manley of Keystone',
visited ber parents. Mr. and Mra.|~
Cha». »lMj, this week.
j I
&rl Vander
- ■
lerrort has gone to OsdU
fisrl Bence reiurnte hu
Iron Grate Raplda. where be has City to work In the shingle tell there.
been attendb
medical college ibe
Aid society at the Holliday House.
Wedneiday evening. Ice cream and
UM -vicinity teal week, one at Frank
Hariley's on Thursday test and at
BI Mobfe’a on Friday. Plenty of helpera were present at botb ptecca and
bountltnl dtoaera and nppers
served on each oecsalon.
Mrs. Frsnk SteSord and ckIMrra
arrived test Thursday froB Beaver
latend tor an extended visit with rel
atival and trienda.
Bdgar Bias to night watching at
. _
which occurred tke following day.
Mr*. Blaadell whcao home la In
southern Michigan, la very atrk at the
home of her brother Robert Bartlett.
McBOrial asrvice was prwaclied teat
Sabbath by our pastor, the Rev. Ur.
Young, nearly all the old uoldlerx
in the community attending In' a
deliver an addrcia to the gradnaUng
Bigbteen ot the lady trienda ot
Benw of Mra. Jamaa
Miaa Ines Rex were present laat
, Opa Biian to apaadlac aotaa Maia
niortday evening at the home of Mra
atotar, Mra. Pred TarrmnL
R. D. White to participate to a ahow: -Oatria Bmaatt and Annie Baxter
tor the lady, wbooe wedding oc
totea Trarerae Ctir rUlrora tkh
curs tomorrow. A pile of atdUble
cloth wax In waiting .and each lady
Mtoa 1*9 AtWiiwMi 4a vtolUnc'at
requested to make a bolder for
Mra. Cmra of Maple atr.
nae ot the bride. After that was
Mn. Waak TmiwaU kaa keen 01
done there wax a mock wedding, a
sort ot rehearsal ter tke bride’s benea dainty luncb wu sfrved.
Jnttioa Laiee left yeeterday ti SL Tben
the gneata took tkeir departore
Pilot, called there by the alckncu * and
for tkeir homes at a very late—or.
Mra. 1..........................
A nice lot of
Mlat Van wrofc«9 a
d Pntoa held a congranite ware wu left u mementoes
of the tBalr. •
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bcolleld spent
Bonday silk Mr. and Mrs. RobL
Swewy on tke pealiiaala.
Tke potato aeasco here. U abotK at
a dose, only a few aesttering lots
coming In. and then the warebouxes
win all be closed tor the aummer.
Tke prioe is 40 cenix bow.
Quite a number from here exi>ect to
Hate Ike M Btoki^ ktok. tbe pleteteitat odor and tke
be to attendance at tke mtealon^
•i defcowu flaw of aajrdibg you can place before a
Travene City
A lettuce tandv^ to all light for a pek tea,
you want to feed a kingty maa gne iwn tke hot IwKuito
BoUlday. ate
Bo* 167
Sets of
' ii-.
Dishes and Rockers FREE Again
At the request of many of our friends we've
decided to give away Dishes and Rockers again.
A ticket with every fifty-cent purchase, good
until October 1st, 1908. Tickets are good for
many premiums, such as
42>piece Dinner Sets,
Elegant Rocking Ebairs,
Oak Center Cables,
Oil Paintings, Petticoats,
Suit Cases. Phonographs, etc.
Save the tickets! You might just as well
share in these extras as your neighbor!
Special Bargains Next Week
fte’re gteng lo mako June the banner month of Ihi* store-s t,u,lDCBs.
Wc'n- going (U do ti with xptelal priee*. speetal viti:-* amt »ie-r1al .iirax
UsldcB. Elvory department In the si.,r.. w:!l,l,olo forth michty lemptlnr
valnes for yon nex> week, li will pay. y„„
.tart In earl,'-Monday Is
June 1*1 . Mooey uving onurtOBlii.6 j- . wry turn
Oar Vatees!
Traverse CHy* Mich.
Known by
Oar Valoes!
.irL-jn; '^1 .
aadiBWL ar a nae wlta aadlWrnf
Cran Wpan. or any other ptoap^^
gtaB wbm M ' bard to
to mab. chop np a raw potato (padad) and pot u teto the botqr wtn
WdWt wntB or ande to Joat
the potato; iMra It tor aw
hooin. gtftag an
wbtab that «att tancht bar. At Int aapty aad rtaaa waU; If naeaaiaiy.
Bwoltt will be ptanotag. «
aha oat atin. lAr waccMm Iba atotai.
bat aaalUr bar tBpadanea aada bar.
Thy Ever Uat-------------.
ttoa aad paaa back aad forth. Oaoak
WIIA * Map OMMtant.
Ttak-a Magiilna Mm tba toUnwlng
If aba wont to tha poeaiT with bar
kcBil«( «OMr,
bints on tba Baay aaoa to which old
1*|w ftcku tk* dMtr »t»M »**► baltar. oad am to aaebaaia than papata caa be paL
tor aagar aad aoSaa and bar rlalu
o«t fMr:
For poKsbtag lanp cblmney*. wlaalwayi briat, bat thla tine aba
•Mi hS Mu* tail.
toapi ■»Wdow* aoi atovat, notklng excels tbaa
bad Una to look at ererr artlela on
To clean gtaB water botUea or any
Mrt^ ***»
Itet Oo« 1* Oo«: Itat aoMho*.
kind of botUe or craaL tear ap a
falling ta tonwiU.
epapar Into ahreiU. Pot tale In
"Praparad Noodlaa.- aha read Iron
■U .lu. >ock on lot
ho|Ua Poar on it aose warn
a box. naklog a paaaa ta bar walk,
Mt a Mar
ooap oatavWtta a pUieh of ooda added.
tertaaa. vUeli tha
Sake often.
mrU Mat daar.
Put papen bouraea year fiowen
BiUa B«M Mb raap; MtMr wtik lookad orcr the loclpao. and dlacor- Menu and tbe wlodows on cold
ered oewal aaw way* of ear
leaa a mat.
She bad alwara made noodtaa algbis.
Am lIvtBtr M MakCBor; aartM aot.
Pot new*papers between coBforttor ooap. bat this box opoke of nood
Mar Ma« tattk la Maa: bat
era oh bade an cold algbu. They are
taa with ebaaoe, preparod by ptoagtac
Uw Doodlaa Into bonbig water lor SO ■gbl and bold the beat.
Po< newvapera under the carpatt.
Blonteo. dralnlag then and pUclog
When yon clean bouse take np your
■at wlM a o>aa aaA vordt of hope In a bottered baking pan ta the oven carpels, roll up papers aad dirt with
with an incb depth of grated cbeeae
them. It tavea woak.
on lop—an axoellaat way to ae<
«a ararr MOar; ba akoa ta fraat
Ooe newapaperf to corer tbe top
'Mto io a Ufa barvie eoaqaata toU. ary eheeae. Bbe aloo pat down ta tbe of tbe Uleben table when cooking a
-Oarab K. BeHoa. boMt of bar renembrnaee <ba( nood'^ neoL After your work Is done gather
lea' Bight ha bcdtad ta aaltad water,
aad draaaed with bread cresba tried BP the paper and throw K away and
Tharp ia •««- a I
aodenteata ta a'pertaeUy clean
la baa frytaga—a dUb wbtob bar
mm Mawaaea
whole lEBlIy now anfoya.
Wet newapapero. tear tbam Intn
‘Itoalnr*' wna Ibo next artkde
abrade and throw tbaa on the carpet
wblcb ber eycn raotad apon.
alra sweeping, the dust coUecta
wnyt Ilka bentay.- aba aaU to ber
Thatah Ika aaaf «C tha ladt i
tnstaad of flying ta tbe air. beaolf. T b^lera III sake oome.tbp akiM aia alaar,
sldea making tbe carpet look DN^tAa« tha aoat M tha thrart. vbaa sada a antal oota of that artida.
tha aUaa art crap:
(&t nawapapen Into iBall pieces
8ba had loot ttegotten
Tha aaaaMaa ahewara aeraaa
aboot It uUI tbe Ubel on tbe boa aad otoS banunock plllewi with
AaTtL WaabM trUla M tha or csiigbt ber aye. Then obe totnad to
Woolea dotatag tboroogbly deanaoBa east Allad wltb oeB<a,,uaerchard Craa;
ed and seenrcly wrapped ta aawapa*AM ta aad aat. ahaa tha taacM drip kraat. and oatd to homall. *-lf>hor pets ta perfeeUy safe agalnsttbe
people can anuarkrmot I ean. too.*
Of tbe tartdloas moth, aad ladu
obe nrae port of tkU aaetol prodoot
fha ansawi an t
r of the various
Data tate In tha apitag Bach bactar
then with eWery. onlw and parWey.
and alao at tiBM MWh canol and tar*
nip to oiiUtaB to tha im three. Batton broth ta vary valaWla tor
Never Without Pe-ni-na in My House
So HWlss Mr, C. O. Cmracrx, Bm Sprite
Tkere Are a Multitiide of People In
the United Stales
Who Have Been Restored to Health
By the Use of Pe-m-na.
a bench of niparsgas in
and boQ ta a quart of waisr
tendsr. Boat a fdat of aOk aad thtaksa wkk a UWaopopafal oacb of battor and •par, mbbsd tofotaor. Take
oat a few tips of tae asparagus and
mb tbe rest tarougb a edander.
Tbm ors a maltltaM of pwaple tn tbe DMliM
StaMawbohaTofaMa rsatoeud to bMltb bytas nw
um to tae water ta which It <
boiled, drop In tbe Upe. add tbe milk ofperana. Thar* is no am trying today tali taec
Asaruls.docloisdlsIiketoadmtlU. TbmISDOw
m wltb aalt and red pepper.
tacD a CMUngeoau dootor who does ad ra'l 111. bow
Bdl tsro ndnaus and omre. A beaten and
•ver. In sneh eases Pemna is praecribed by tbe
egg may be added Just befon
doctor blmseU. Bren tboogb tbe doetor suneva
log; do not boll It after it is pat \a. pecuniary loos by sneh a Iraasaetion bis paUent la
but stir coattaoaUy.
benefited, whieb ought to be the doctor's cAlM
Scalloped Com—Alternate layers of eooeem.
We do not Malm that doctors geaerally prescribs
com and cracker eminfas. se
Psruna. But we do\laim whenever Feruas ie ineach layer of com to taste with but telllguotiy prceeribed it rarely dlsappalats «ii
ter. salt and pepper. Tbe top layer
Bbonld be crackers. Put UU of but
ter over top snd pour milk
motaten «tbe lad tbiok. Bake about
thirty minutes.
Ham Toast—Reserve the fat from
pleoes of cold boiled bam, chop floe.
Put two UMespoonfUIa of butter Into
saacepen oa tae siove. a
taopped bam and one half teacup of
sweet cream or milk. Seaaoo wnb
pepper aad aalu and when hot re
move from tae store snd stir ta quick
ly three well beaten eggs. Pour the
mtature over tblo tlleea of toast sod
irve nt ooce.
Creamed Bseon—Bake ta tbe oven
sHces of bacon till they are brawn and
crisp; pul tbem db a hot platter: add
myadt no bettor.
to tae tat In the pan a tablei
-On tae ad vtoeotatrisMI whs teflHM Parana
or more of flour; vUr tOI smooth.add
with good raeulu 1 parikssM • kstoto. Tbe
gradnally a teacnpful and a ball of
reeoite were eo good that I obMMmA nsMg It.
milk and c<xA two minutes.
Have, perheps, ta tba last Ursa yean weed a
Ksabed Raw Potatoes-^Waab and
doaen botUee. which have bapS rasMsM tba try
pare oufflclem raw potatoes to give s
ing trooUes ot oatarrh. 1 am ^«Si Orttbrat a
full pint -when prepared. Chop fine,
bottle of Pernaa ia my hawsa. ^m-oee always geto raflsf imm ddMdHff
working qnlckly taat'they may net
become discolored. Cover with coM
Naaal Cotofr* aad MUcatlaa.
ICr. James P. Bracken. 610 Tenth Ave„ New York City, K. T.,
ler. tUr Iborongbly aad drain, thus
bas occupied tae offles of Water Inepeetor of New York City
discarding tbe tree starch. Cover wltb
Mr. MIobaM Booney, U Flfth^«
for tae past flfMen year*. Re carrlM on aa extensive plnmUng
frush COM water and let aland for ten
than It weald keep ta «ba bag CanbBslBsesatdlOlOtaAve. He U Poet Depnty M Orttd KMgbto Y^ write*:
Fastanod aeroat taa abouMers and mlnnlea. Then draia as dry as possi
-Itl had known ofperana y«MiaaZ,
nod ta Ita prtaa, ta rebmajy
ofBelgaaOeUaOcibndlKBlgbUofOolBBil»s,K.Y. Hewrltoe
Thara la aaar a^ aai
heen saved ranch suffering. Onder^MokBsnMand
as follows:
Stareb, it* boepa MIetoaa nnUI bnt chest befMw patUng on one's coat. ble. turn Into ■ pan coouialng
.■7 iaar^
<Bakes an exeeUent Ubi.espooafuls of smoking hot bseon
"For nearly a (foaM yean naisrrb has bothered me ta om form expaenre ta my younger yeora my MISM «M Uto a
«a tha cMaa abora or dark or talr;
1 against cold when eUlged fat or butter, dost wltb salt aad pep
or another. I was trooUed with Msa/esttrr* that bed aOecied vary bad ooudltton before I we* aeMOCtt.
Tbaa abp apiad aosa eraj
-My doctor thought taat I biB oMnrv* M iBa
Thara ta atcr a acag that oar haarta
my slomeeb, whteh troubled soie mod 1a tbe morning. My
to bo OBt for any length of Ubb
per and a Ublespoontu: of vinegar;
fmlta. with ilraettoaa tor
•^lorand duly prararlbed tor ma, busnMblag did
dppsdto was poor, aad 1 did aot eeem to relish my food. W
M ta a flne polisher tor wtadows cover elocely and cook at the side of
ay good.
than helling, end
gwstfSd bothered me at ttmss. also, I was advUed to take Penina.
• tang aoBiwham.
Beta woa )ottad down ta her Baaeryand 1 took ft as Keeeribed for a month when my core was
* yfrlaads advlaed bm to try Pirana.fnv whteh I
m Mar
the stove with. It Is a good Idea to torwud and let brown sriibout attrmlmact BoraBlaU. ‘IVxleT.there le nnt e traee at eelerrh in me n"* vry taankfttl. e* <t hasnuredawlatvo tooBtao,
ThoM la oaor • KBg aoBOWharal The next tlaa -oba cooked drtad np- rm>va the grease troB cooking otan- rlngring; run a knife round' tbem
plaa they ware pm to nook all Bight
oitoe or twice and bft tae crust carela nleaty of wnt*-, and the naxt*dnyl«“».
Mr. Freak Blcbter.ot m Bast MBt., Wlnora,
MBBorad gaiuy all day
patting tbOB Ulo fslly to be sure tb«T they are
kfr. Bamoel A. Paxton, UlB Troost Av*., Kansas City, Moe Mian., writes: -1 take pliastg* In rr~~nnindlai
of tbe more.
At night they r***
meraberXO. O. F. snd National Annuity AaMCiaUoa. writes:
M Bb tafMMht Mok or tha aiA
owootanad aad oirrod-aad eatA froab Untag dally of
-lama wsffBMradar, thanks to yonr splendid mediMne, Peroaa.
Mr Man;
•1 was irouhlrd with catarrh aad kidney dlseoM of long etaadlng taUdlarem. My catarrh wa* prtoMpeUy lomtod U
ored on tbe under side told
The foMa pirn Mhan the an la here. on. They wer^ aa imlike tbe nnal
when I first began usingPeruOB. X soon found I was getUng better, my head aad stomach. 1 tried ma,«y reraedles wllbsigbtly and aadtarr.
like an omelet and mm out on i
dried truUa tarred la that borne
aadeoellaued takine It for four months, it cleaned out ihesvstem
toavlBg me woU Md Strang and fealing bMUt than 1 have in ysars.* ^*”*««rad*
doyngtat U onllke darimwo. aad tbe
Tha Ma my Men
«M ML tataUy abewad tbatr appradatSoa 6y
on ta a batter pUn than banng
etable ta generally spoiled by <
eating than all and
Bay gpww.'
oven tor five mlnulee tan rarefeUyodd one
actual ose.
I of Orion jaiee.
By tala tlaa she w gnaCy ta- vipa that pan of the floor with a cooking. Tbe flat white summer
Ant the ataam lHTCi drop <
nip. *Urben siloed. wlU cook ta thirty
Tbe cupboard U a soarvel. flUed tamed out on a heetA dUb. With It FlU np the nmld with the preporafl
taraaiad. and aat oat to pita ap aora Bop oavaral Omaa a day.
aad owe:
flpread a newsptoer OBder your m^utes. it the cooking Is prolonged with Utile drop boxee, taat bold tru. serve grated maple sugar.
■ JmeaL
tmes packing UgbUy. Cover with rice
Bnt whaM the acB or Me rata or htets. flba fltaeovarad that prapand
becoffee, salt eugar. pepper, .apices,
Rlc* Bannocks—One cap ot riceASt and staam forty-flve mlnate*. Take
•nor ta aa<aale at a great many grotbamrw.
on Up of yoor table to catch vagau- glna to deteriorate, growing dark ta flour, lard, ^drippings" (these ere rer fire ta a RtUc water naUI aweU-|ont of tbe mold. garaUb With pain
TMa la orar a wng nanawhara; escies. bat that any wobbb can vaka
color and strong In flavor. The win lta«4 with porcelain and UU ooil; ed thorongbly; add one cap milk ana ley. and serve with tomato sauos.
bar own. If abe carae u, by aimlT bla parings. It Is mock easier
m Mar.
catch up the paper.and dltpote e> ter tnmips requite from foriy-flve to and below are places for vegetables— piece of butter size of walant; Let
.Waaea SMtanab Rflay.
flour and plactng ta a cod. dry plnea. Its eonleats than to clean tba table sixty minutes. Have tbe tamtjis peel large bins, a long, narrow poroelata aibnd nntll moratag. add an«4ralf pint
w. • • • f
• e a e e a
It ta then ready far qulta btacults or UMe again or wash another racep- ed snd sliced. Drop the slices Into a closet for meats, a water teak—ell Indian meal, two well-beaten eggs.
uele And ao on. ad Inanltuei. Al
pan with polling water enough these things the luveotlonr of women two tablcspoonfuls of floor, a libera* N
nay other porpoae -whera laavi
• ^cnl tat taa aoag •»
Canned ploa podding, ready ways keep a pile of aewspapers at to cover generously. Cook nnill ten adapted by men and made la right pint of milk, a half teaspoouful of|mid Mrs. .Martla to ber friend. Mrs.
y«w Bio:
der. then drain well They arc now shapes, with proper hinges—for the salt. Bake one hour ta shaUow pans.jHose. as Ah» Bet at
• .Tlpi^ tt dhaaga amaUBaa
tor aarvtag by simply beaUng and • BdT
ob can oave ooap and toamols
to mash or chop. If they are to ssving of steps.
Rice Omelet—One enp ol bMIed | throw away
ay a
^ oaruani
Baking the annoo. gave bar the Idea
*ta»MlMrMrata ,itwlB Wand that har own plom padding caoU be sktns and keep yonr brass. ddUe and be served mashed, put tbem back In But only very new booses snd Very rice, a lltUe salt, throe eggs beaten fast beeanse they bom opsa In cookfanceu. teakettlea. tea and the stew pan; mash with a wooden careful Invesiore can have such lux separately, and then together, and tog. aad she thought tboy i
kept Indafldtalyaawallawtmlt cake.
• Viih. the Major tana, yea tobeaaadtaaiBargandas. aomaswaat coffee pou and nlekle bn stoves vegetable masher, as metal is apt to uries; ao tbe next beat thing to do to four tablespoons of mUk. Cook as led."
t langhtag beeaoae you loot
a on sals at fancy prtoaa ra- brtgfit as poltabed gdd and silver dl Impart an nnplMsant taste. Season to iDveni methods that accomplish any omelet. This to very nice for
ikfasi.- replied Mrs. Boas^
Btadad bar that abe ooild make bar taa tiina by polishing them wltb^d wltb salt, butter and a little pepper. tbe same step oevlng without the onb spring breakfast or luncheon.
Clean them taorooghly Serve at once.
Cream Rice Pudding—Two tablo "bat the worfl 'Baaaac* Beads oar
lay of money.
ter tba next tanreh sapper or for
Dried Apple Cake.—Soak one enp
Ton ean have your, kitchen divided spoons cold boUed rice, three table family neariy Into eonraUloBO. Whoa
Bondsy nljtat 1m by taking two cook and iBBadlatety polsb tbem wllb
Into secitant the aaue waj. Where spoons sngar. yolk one egg. thro* t»- the Maythams vlritod us a short time
ies of a osrtaln rodpe. and boldtag taa dd newspapers, then each do> dried.or evaporated spplee over
enpi milk, ago. I ordored some oansaga tor
tboB togetber with n toread of rasp- afterward (preferibly after dishwash ta three cups warm water (after first you wash the dishes rasemble aU the
boay tato or any deslrod pranerva. ing U tbe Bomlng) mb eaeb np a Ut- washing taorooghly and removing all tools that are needed for that work one-half teaspoon vanilla. Itat tbe breakfasL i wanted It pantaBla^y
of pMlnnnihy, pachm ta the
Ua srlth tbe papore; only a few sec pieces of core). Four off tbe water In another comer have yonr bread milk with the cold rice ta a double nice, an | conitaned NeUe, orho «M
eepaetalof a Ptenr. aowahapi ta tha chanea
onds r^Ired. when It 1* done every and drain in sieve. Chop tbe apples; board screwed to a waU or table vrita
iuit over from IrMand. and bod oaly
roMBilt ol a trtand whoaa Ibm ahowi ly nice tor plealcs. and are so easily OMrrdng. Notice how they will sblne itramer for one hour ta one cup ol supiiorUog legs ttaai are also oo btagbeen with me two weeks, ta he mm
the tat1i« light that ooaaa-onty wltb bandied.
molassei. l,et cool and add onefialt
td never gat tamlsbed.
ibat they'll fold up when tbe tew tablespoons of cold mllk| Just and prick each aanaage so they wooM
The obHgtag clerk gave ber
age and emriaaca. It war Joat a UlAfter pdiablng these, use i
iful sods dissolved In one-half bread board Is not ta use. Tou
befort- it It ready to take from tbe not bunt open. Bbe looked a lltOa
Ua itatanoi ta tha Mldat cf a nawa- samples of potato cblps.snd sba datar- per to mb over tbe top of cooking cup hot water. Mix together
have your flour and your tools all Bre. add the egg and flavoring Bat dazed, and I eralntaed. ‘Jost stick n
Blnad to trytaaBwbaa abe reaebad
pmr pararwh that doe day
Tou wont have to black brown sugar and one-fourUi cop drlp- close by In a cupboard.
cold vriih whipped cream.
fork ta each one.' A beam of UlHIlIBM age tnmad a Mtlor dloappolnt- borne. Sbabad often aeen dlreetlooa w}ta stove polish except once
ySng ot any kind (even bacon
Chartreuse—Botl one teacup rice
Where you do mo«t of your cooking
gmiee eroaaed ber face and I fell ear*
mmt tale a Woad.wlib a allrar Ita- for making taea ta tbe papeiu. bnt while. especUlly it yon nae the cof sage fat may be used la molasses have one uf those wonderful tables one quart of milk until soft, fare and
she comprehended and our simpl*
tboaght she woold nni
tm A MBlikaa Stam had
fee left over after breakfast to wet cake, and the cake be all the better w}ih ever so many bins and boxes core eight apples. Itai them in
breakfaal wooM be all right.
neaghL aiW ta Ita «Bad opMed a doll
"ImaglM oar feelings when Nellie,
I notvbaiabeaxpaeted to And. an an old rag and wipe over tae top of for It): add one-half teaspoooful each that work nicely on lUile pivot*. tered pudding dish, and place
rMa of hove fall «t
1 cloves: eilr These isblc* are not expensive am red currant )i-Ily and coonely chop next morning, deposited In front «C
sba makaa a sopply of tbem traof ovory day llrtag.
eenmake It poMtble lu save hundreds
Oeorge. a pUIler on which tbe aas>f
gaataly. They wOI keep In a codAry
TBe otary «ao that of i
unbeaten egg. added last of all; of steps a day.
jter of each apple. Fill the spaces be- sage* BSrebed In bsiile amir, soA
only to
haartad tttttataUo* who alwaya aaw
-nlM throw tbe paper Into the chip bake slowly.
up stairs, atop ■ {tween the apples wllb the cooked rice bearing aloft a kliefaen teit! I oaM
But when you
bowerer, she saya that toe bas never
•Pod la Me pnaant MOBeat
r the up. •each.’ but I sni mtotakea-one poor
minute and think wbeiher there it end put .-i Ic.vcr <
plaea to keep taaa bmket to help kindle fire in the range
aiemUM. WbM ha waa toread to
seoarBruta with tbe wbliqied white of an iltUe uusage brought op tbe rear
M*t m
fin Mr anotbar. Ua In- bom taa famlty. oo aba car
tag the draining board next the sink,
Tou can tarm tbe habit a* easily wiih you sa you go. There's tore to egg. and sprirflUe with ptrodered su wltb a rurkecrew. Nellie, realising
aaiMMa uniiiiloi waa. nt*a
*' aaytatag bat try oltan.
by putting fretb clean papers every as yoo caa term tbe habit of eating
Irom m> fsec that oomethlng was
. tray of sometblng. tumblers, a gar Bake In a moderate
board of bahod beans wllb
rtaht, only dMaraaL- Tbo n
BOnUng 00 ft and eeuing the disbes three times a day; and if you’ve aay plate, the water pitcher; and when ihree-quarten of an boor. DMIcton* wrong, explained opologetically. 'tato amt of bar roahtaad kopeo. aad saaoe for tae flrM Uaa taat day. and on taaL as yon take taem froni tae
ctraslderatlon for your old age. c
you are about to go upsialra. think with plain or whipped cream and *u- dadc, mum. ifae foriu give oat. aad
iildBlp her tanarma ware opened taa next Use abe baked beana ake dining room and again after waebtag
I i-r* to myself, sex I, wan prick wtB
the people who love you-you'll gel
to Iha taet that pliioant aa they poored over tbem taa lolce .drained aad wldng. before taking to pantry.
Wee Fritter*—Boil one-half a cup do for the IltUe wan' "
sbonl IL
the clothra you Ironed In tbe i
s quart of (onsatota. Tbe readt
wan^ pcMpaet, they bad their dUOn tbe shelves of your tin clceet
of riri- In « cup of nOlk nnUI tbe rice
A IlleraUy tree Ulr. Ihto.—Oooi
The lemptailon to arrange
lug also go up.
alijigii. «Mla taa horn...............
pot papers and save tim scouring of kitchen hr puittag Ihlogs away In tbe
is tender and hao absorbed all
lu read «( work, to ha aara. hat It beans wltb tomato sance appear c(- those. They are always clean; these
RiM SwB.
. ;mllk. usiog an Inner boiler. Add the!
place they happen to fit because of
tsn en bar table.
had alee Wa phiWB. Ita
A P<e Pl^nt Hint.
This take* about two houm, Well i beaun yolks of two eggs, a table-1
tbelr else is a* sbortslgbied as It Is
By tba Use she waa able to go ore sOBe of the many oses of
oat Iona -WW aid nha, ftb difSeduce ibe amount,of aagar Bead
old-fashloaed,. BuUders and architects wash four heaping tablespooofuls of i spoon of sngar. a aprtakle of ctansbam abe waa qMte raeaneOad to tae newspapers that save mock work.
daraat. hat Kh aU right!*have does u Boch toward maklag rice and boll it In two qnsru of meat [ atoa and nuimeg and two teaspuuti> ed to sweeten rhubarb one bait Pf .
Wa are apt to ahot oaroahroa op
Oeod Every Day Aeclps*.
the klicben coavealeot u fornltsre
aa ctoaaty with oar trooMw. oar lit grocery wlthoot tooktag aboot
l COM before adding ibe tag Uie water oK for
Mnuan Broth—Dts alx pounda qt htrtlders have. Tbey bnlld ta neat Ul- stock with half tbe rice back Into the 11
tatagi or tor forgotten dd ones,
tle hoMora, Mat wa eanaot aa«
sweetening Ibe uuoe. Tha sance to
siewpan, rob tbe rest through a fiDe|besien white* of the eggs.
ptokad np ao many natool hints ta* neck of nnUou. Cat np the meat, tle bias for Boor, end arrange
or amnad thOM. ta tbe pk
diaoardtag the tat; crack the bones. dresser so that the bread board puUs sieve, stir It talo the soap and lei' xpoonfuls Into plenty of boning Isrd more palaUMc. and tbe extra Jato*,
that one afiamoon that tha ta
tbtaga that await na oa the
there ore aany own waiting tor her Pat down ta a soap keltic. srtUi sis out ta*( to the lift and over the Soar It boil np. Use a rounding teaspoon-; 6 tai and let them fry a ligbi brown, sealed boUlng boC to a flM Mbstlatdt. What wa need la to raao
tute for *our Bilk to asking brews
PM tbaB tar oneogb away no that wa and any other lady who aam
breed, etc., or ooed laur tn aaklag
all tbe baking tools-bread pin, eboj>- ibe yolks of three eggs with one cup-^vored strongly with lemon,
COB aaa tta whale hortaoa. Than wa
It arises, snd then nUow to simmer at plV knives, sharp knlve*. fork*, rift- ful of cream. Take the soup from the | dUce XYromMs—Toett s sufUMeai grape Jelly or Barmalads wdll preveBt
caa aay, and repeat It wHb gonolna
tbs merest visible babbling tor six en, cuttm, pans, pie plats*, s marMe fire for two minute*, then slowly add|a«mber of rounds of breed, snd bnt- the M7«a>s ot tnm Mgar larmtiiD
eantataBtat. Tt1 all rIgkL only dUboors, taat all aatriseM may be per- slab <14 laches square—for peff tbe eggs and cream, stirring sootlnn-|ter them. On each arrange a small
A aBnB point brob wHh
Strang, sapd* Mtatlea ta lbs bast tseUy extrnctiM. Strain into an earta- paste), yellow bowls, cups—of each ally; return soup to stave and keep;pyrandd ot hot bMIed rice. Shell and
"I've learned bow to Bake a MV
oaly one or two e( a kind, just taoogb
stirring seedily for two mlnstee halve Ibe required number of bard
Mbta HtaM.
talng wfta wbkh to bmp cot Ctanr cn bowl; cover aad place away
boiled eggs; place a half on each side ktafi of candy, »at 1th fine." sold •
cool. In tbe swrnlng, remove tbe to flU tbe Deed, and not one piece more, tbea remove and serve at o
Tha aM oaiMetl at area aad a6 tree of dost It ta tha wly
oa the pyramids, and over all pour a Cbariotte girt a tew days ago. ."BefS
ayaa la vaU niaatratad ta Uw tollew. at mncbiag taa dost wbita lodgm ta grensy snrfaee and pat down to bMl that la nnaeceeanry—that tae band Tbe eggs will curdle If aHowed
is tae fedpe: Three enp# browa ato
llUle drawn batter sauce.
carvtags. To wish eat vary slowly with vtgetobiM for one woold have to cUmb over to reach
tag mtla atery of how oaa «
Rice and .Meat Mold-^ine a butter gar boUed wrill it talra.' Poor tato
Bade gaed laa of a latay afiamoon. glasa oaa borax ta tba water, and tbo boor. Mutton troth mty be v
ed mold sides and bottom with cold over tae hentea wtatra of two og04
Rice VartsUOM.
At tbe sink tbm''ar« tbe
to eraeDsnt parpooe tbroogb
A Ia4y who llvw ta the eoeatty
win ba a
Rlc* Wtih Uaple Sugar—Serve bod bMIed rice. Pat ooeHmlf poood «M4 boot as to fresUng. odd chopped MB
coBblnstkB e( eevoral kinds of v*g- wlUdn tor tbe dtobpaM (two)..sand
waa awe toread W a ooMta otorB to oepUMs taat wfl] gUMSB
rowilp to agrooory ataN three heare ty aa R fild wbsn sng,^ agraet bot- eUMas. Om day It soar b**pnaeat- soap. Bop. tea towels, dtobcloth. soap ed Tlee, well drained. pael(ed in a bnt- cooked vcol through a food Mmpper; oicau. Drop by spoeototo on -hsttot^
aeaaoB .to <ast« with salt and pepper; ed lOatter XK> oat cook too hard.'’
I an^.^t^ i
-oil oat of atght. except wbei ta!
od srltb rtos; agala. irita barley.
IsAlBr’s CtW#
Tfu^nu orTv, aitANo
tkavemc county, micnmum. prioav, imv
tl.*« A TEAK.
a*. i«oa.
------ meBt There.
In K. «f C. Mall.
fHOMO Wtfit •TtlSM'N THICKOaa M tka moat i
ever glTCD by tbe ladlaa
Ckoreb cC tbo I
waa the bangiiei and <
Wadneaday nlgbi in K. of
wkieb waa a aucceaa. both ft
and Boelally.
Attof Ike aappar aa agooll
grun wna giran. tbe followtng namIN TMI UBT.
bon being readend In n vary nkto
tom. w. O. Hu^te 9f thiUk, Mte
Itoetod Roearaiag flaceatofy al
tha Marwlag laariua df
Ptom WMaaadfl]|?Be8orft
Tbe mala brndnem at th# ■athO'
dtot BUto Ocaforewea at W. B. M. B.
this moralkg was tha MacMim of toJtWN «f OrMt OMl Mining DImMMSong and ndtatian—Mlw ABm!
toon and tka aoewpO^ to Kala# KMngi AIM OMMiht ky th*
maaoCa toritattoa to msut tBwa aaxt
•tMMW •hlMAft—Thw>Piano rolo—Ray Magnan.
PlBM dnflt—Tba Mlmm Bertha
Tbo eontoruaeo luwardofl Mn. H. J.
Taalaa and Btoai Bona.
PMkm-Y faittftil warrlce and AUiiy
VMwlE. B. 6, May M^TIw atM
OUlogM—Danala WtoowlaW. Wnl- Ooartmy Oraad Rapids Herald.
by nnatomcualjt alacMag bor »mM.
•r SMiwne. M «ka JaguMM Una. tar Bitkard, Lao Wlaowtokl, Kayd«mL Mra. W. D, Haghes, to DaftoB. ~
kHn^ tM mm af anatkar dlaaatar mond Blebard and Bnaaell QMek. tka
waa elected rwcordlag aeerataiy. Tba
-«u«W||l a Kypkna at Hankow Mlaw dtalofM bMng onUUad, ■'Tka Maalo
tonoing aacTMary aad
a fiaalial wMak Hioalood ttw laaa ar -aae«B.'
.. — elected at tka brflaeft mirttij
■iwa than a tkaaMiW Hvm witk tha
Dlatogno-Hniy WiaowoakJ, Ckarlaa
aad Mrs. c B. Garpeoter aad Mrs.
wrnaklag a< a tkawMnd jwika and Thiel.
Ketoa were tka umaaimooa riHte to
Badtatte—AnOMmy Mekard
«H Mrandlng.af "*»y Maaman '
e coeveBCte. to aa<m cam ft VM
aladlAf atvaral fWalMt craft.
Ool SoBtoUitog in My PoekaLwaU dmaraod reward to tha flklo
A aeto.wna alao Mm by Aatkony
Tim lygka'an oama anddanly aa^ In
-rvlea dou In the pant tar» Tlw
Rkkard, -Rlcbt Tban In the Oora low kaars ridaaid hundrodi
board of trastaea will caaalto to tha
Baata In tka Kan Hwar to agllntoi*.
preuidesL eorrammadiM Morattiy,
Albert PairehiM Paid flto and Coats
Vaeal i
» Vrftna.
liaMari kraka aiMy fram thair
Canute An Addrmt to Wolcomo In iraasnrer. eioOtoo. wUh MlllllMm
Shipping lllagnl Wkito
-Hrnry Kort>
■aaHnp and an)/ ttwat wkioh aavW
O. G. Soule, to PlaiawcII: O. & MhRAQINO RED RIVER
Pivo Lgitguagao great CouFlah to Cadillac.
nard Thlal.
•at aa awam gaiatdy aooaaad.
*rsoa. to ICatomaaoo; & J. Bowato.
Tka Maroi warn think with earpaat^ BaclUUoa—Warren Walk.
I City, was
Of Petaekar, aad Wta. IMalfiBL to
Bararal bootka prored drawing
ad ftoar gaagto. Handroda wort raTbe IlaBBah ft Lay More....... •ktefiE.
Miarad kafara Mia atoaniar loft earda during the arenlac, tba apron
unlawfully ablpping brook and .rain
company have Just toaued a very eomThe reperto to tha I
bMlk betng In charge of May Brack•kamkaL
bow trout. Deputy Game and Fish
tdete caiaiogue of tko atocka to Ike
had Mlaa Bblacker. and tka flab
Wardent Smith and Pctiit made the ASA BRANTHEYCR
various departmwu to Tko Big total amoaat tatoed la i
Nam wM ate
arrest. ‘ •
Store. The book baa Jaat kosa toaued tng March. iMifi.. aw ElUtUfi.
anal mMng
mining ^taator
In Kwangol
cream In charge of Mm. Oagsoa. Tba
Tbe shipment. wMch wm seited
from the oSte to tka BoraM
Alhloa district ralaad tha asat vBft
If a IkaiiMnd Meat oMra
•epper. wMeb waa finely prepared,
bore, consisted of 22 pounds of toss,
Reoord compaay aad to the Urgaat •2^«A40 and Ofaad Ttwracm
* «kc ml4 tek lira.
waa la charge of MatoamM Elpgalem
brook and mtnbow trout and grasi ChariM OmvM Accidentally fllml to the klBd ever puUUked la Nottb- •istk with 59U.tt. Tha amtoMto to
Torwada BtrtNib AI«A Okie, TodM ^ke.- The law to la regard to the
HhRtoir and Dtod Four Houm
ae ovm taut yaar to aay fttattM
and wiped Out Pater ttodyto
shlpmeut of brook aad rainbow
tbe theme of the mmiagi mmt oat
Later—apdlto uf Murd^
5120,. Thare ara aoy W.JMBM
.Ptelly of Pour and Did
fti the Mate, aaylag that Miey can't be
Vletlme at PL Muram—------- *tka ixafli to the Grand Traveroe iaatloBa la tha atsta 'MBh UK Mm- .
'Btfsh Onruoa.
ahlpiM-d with other flsb, but the num
MfllOB being •toeorythliv flir
kara. Of tfcaae^ aB hal IK am ahflCalumet. May 27.—Peter OtigllelBM body at Tbe Big Store."
ber and the kind must to on the pack
Erea'a orBaBiaattoaB. aad otksti hriag
Marrlaga af Two Klngaioy Vaung Paennd Peter CIcoue, iramineia In the. The oaUlaguc cooialna aa addreaa ragular aoMUarte.
i»to Took fttaca
tVpiiites Smiili an3 'Peiitt also Ctilumi'i ft Heels mine, were atrnckjof weieome to Are ___
BogTba ecafereace authactofi Ka pnaold and new channeJs of Red
iioil.or which fell 2.000 feet and lUh. Polish. German. Swodtob imd
seized flve shipments of white I
Uent- to buy a typewMtai to tha tea
V M. « Nr «. CAN kCeUftE
Instantly killed today.
from Harmon A Co., of Pruktort.
drowned tale yriirnlBy when
•nmmmh men.
Draw Seven V<
Albert FalrcbSd no May 2£. v
flod watam covered the place where
Bailie Creek. May 27.—Asa Braat- of tbo foar rallroada ewierlog TrarUken before Justice Unklctier
ling for Klngalcy wbera the will they baft taken refoge.
Pranktort nnd fined 125 and -‘53.7S meycr. who sbu^ Bxra Daniels two erao City, whleb to tbonelrei are
be a facet at a wadding whlob takea
Tornado Killed Pour.
weeks ago. was today aeni<
costs for an unlawful abtpment
saluable ratorooM. Tbo
The contmeUng
WMteka. Raa.. May 27.—A tornado
partte are Ira MatekMt. loo of Mr. half a mile wide stnrek Alra. Okla.. .white flab to the Cadillac Produce Co. seven years at Jackson.
to profneriy lltoatratod wltfl tko pro^ Aeeidenuily flhoL
dncto'qf tko earlona dopartmeaU
Mra. TkeBM Matchett. and Mint today wlptoc out Tet«r Rudy’s family
tkc patron to tko atom may i
iNCfttCTION MAM OK THE MO- Kate Sawltaga. dowkter of Mr. and of foor pamons and tnJoHng many
aged 20. a promloeni merchaM to der by mall aad ^ exactly wbaL I
Mm. Thomu BawEngn. Ilia wadding oihem.
MOCO mAanoh.
bad Axe. aeeidenuily shot hlmt
or aha desires. Ac deacrlpUee mi
will taka plaoo at s o'cIoiA atgtbe
near here yesterday while taanting
ler U complete and compreheaslvc TWO INCHEB or the BSAimrUA.
boma M tba bride. Tba groom la a
bis father's farm and died to four aad many custoutMs who have
torouB roang tormar akd
tirgTi WMtamfMi Want la OatraH
to come to the store to trade can
eonple hare the beat wlakM of a
tar a «»«% VlaH far tka Am
have Ikeir wants promptly aad pnm-,
larga circle of frlaoda.
Owenaonnd. Ont.. May 27.—James orly filled by mail.
The Hanaah ft Lay MettouitUe
am Oa to Variawa Placaa.
hU wife and two daughim and thoa companys* Mg store U (te ooly toBoMday, MMu Vky If.—Tka Mushot himself, la In a criBea] ooodtUoa, stltution to its ktoft-W Nonken
Sareral Tmremr City acbool taachpeBebtrianb hit chady km
Mtoa ft WwtftMMUm oBktala. toMrs. Crrighloo
Michigan wblrit edatd prodi
era, who hare been doing rzceilent
or BTRBtr.
•ktkar wttk lha MMiMgaB TiwM pao
Judge Harrlt. of Port Huron, aad tko complete a eataiogae as tUa.
work, have been called to other flelds
»la kava Jaal kam orer tka Boeftlay
bodies have been sent Ibero
filled with all kinds to latOrmaUoa
at Inereaaed saJarlm.
Mias Grace
knack Bad Ikorwifkty eouldarad
relsUve to the various
Eidred tos raeeired an offer from
laataad af Uaiag saaw BhovaM Mw
Ika AIMM Mtaaatoa.
In The Big Store and shows that
Hoaa Waa Brau^rt Oto ta Mato
UtT>OAMAOE DONE AT BEO Seattle M 1840 per year, with an laTkay aaMaaea Out tka road kill
•’Bverytlilnt for Bverybody to bot aa
emase of |C0 per year unU) the a
ft Cariaa Bfiarm Oto to
fta bMh aa Car u tka Mtelgaa Oraempty -.xpresatoe In Ikls case. The
Imam. 9»«. it reached. She has
Narth 1^'Vaar,
trM tkli aaa
book was compiled by B. M, Arrick.
cepted the offer.
trmcr Chief of the Buroeu. of NgwIS Half fltaryed Ceo
ka kirad to do ika mrk.
miing resnsger and demom Prom Wedneaday a Raeerd.
Mint Abbs Jobnioa has been called
flaticn, DIod in Philadelphia
« Was Disguised
strates the ap ie-dxte methods to Iks
to the Duluth. Minn., achouls.
ago today two lachai to
Thie Morning.
Vltk MkarlE PagMUr. turted SatarHannah ft !uy Meresaitle coagany.
fC7.to par month, and kaa also
tow feU In Tavern# Oty, 4be tarnThem Trampe.
iay tor OotMt vkara ha «U1 work
peraturo dropped dowa ta t2 dagrem,
PblUrielpbls. May 27.—Read Adtor tka Mato tw M dan. at the ra- PI.EO INTO the IHELM IN NIQHT
MtoMaHton Johneon will go to Oak
aad a gale rose out to tha aerth.
Chicago. Hay 27 —The mo« re nlrnt CrosnlDkUcld died In the
aalt of a iiktew la JaaUea Barra
flweaptog the dty and doing damsga
Park. IlL, at a aalair of $dS0. TMi markable honeymoon Journey that KpiscopaJ bcvtpija: today from artorial
aoErt. WdotN^ ptaad guUly to iko
makes the fourth Traverse City ever led to Chicago was revealed to
Icront. acreniuaied by an operatioa BssH Bratitey. Beesuae e| iReewa. Had
the We^netoog club boaaa aad
dftarga attorOBW.
school teacher to be ealled to thr Oak day In tbe arrest of a young man and wtiUb bad jnst tv-.-n tjerformed for
tore out the short pUiag Juat put to
to Lssve the Bsnieahig Fuet
Prof. A. P. fMtoktaadt toft yaatar- OroM Amdety ie PaH far the Neigh- Park oeboola
by Jobe Monroe al tbe mouth to to
woman In male disguise, lound half poinms. Admiral Crownloshleld un
itoy tor Ur Pdrilg iaaUtato vkara ka
•ring ttommuniti
nver, causing Mr. Moaroe a tea to
is n-tfrcru-'nl, was chief of the
starred in a box car near Ciaod
wttt raa-ma kla atadte aflar anaof about lltia.
bureau of nartgallon.
Mra. John llrhdlcy. to Northport.
idaUiig a yoar M aaealtet work aa
Hat Coma Pmm Them.
The storm oa that day brefta all
Tbe prisoners are Mr and Mrs.
srilvvd ikU ai-rnlcg and li-li later
pttoeipal of tka Baakloy aekooL Prof.
of is years, but at aa Oaa
I for Grand Rapids whe/e she will maet
Borne. Bay Aftl^A oMant earth- Two Ann Arbor College fltudenU Are Max J. Bender, of Mew York. They
did the tamperaiore dn^i balow tommarried
|htr soe, Basil, who autled with tbs
n Barieus Trouble and Have
tka cMBtog yaat tar tko Btoh aekool qaake Halted Ragglo Calabria early
Ikg polni, thus the fraH crap tea Mt
trred tbe car there Monday, having
Belt aroucd tbe world but uwtog to materially
aa kaa HIM Makla Nolker for tka today and It Is Iboa^t that grwat
aw Qte
been riding In it ever clnce.
Illness was oblig,vl to leave tknn at
tomaa^ and Mtoa Bertha Bafftl tar damage has ben doae, altboagb daday tea mercury gredaally citmbad
Three WeehY lllneso—Father
They are headed tor Sonth Dakota.
Sen Francisco. Btoce reaching Grand Bpwflrd. tonetaing 4« dagresa U SI
lalled news from tba aeane te Ucktka yrtteiy.
Ann Arbor. May 27.—'
o( J. A. and W. L. Lorangsr.
Poverty made them tramps.
Tka Wrxtord dManant will again Wo’eteek.
Waaiy. of Grand Rapids, and John
bis bioiher. Rngh, an cogtoeer on Iks
The akock was accoapaatad-wltb a
• ka la ekargo of AlUa WlChtmaa.
by the boys
A comparison betwmw • year gga
obn A I.orsng«>r and Wahor A. mala line to tbe G. R. ft i.
( hai boas dear load rumbling which added to the MOded by tbe facnlV of tbe Ulemry
today and. today U riinikik)i At
Lm-sngf-r bare rciumc.rfrom Vassar
to all <
tamr of the Inhshlunu. - The peo
■ the pact yaar.
'tor one jrrar. The action
Ike iberemoraeter ftefiMmwi M
where they were cslli-d by the lUneas
ple fled terroratrlckn from thrlr tollowa their being flned tor having Ben MonUgue Han I
. lost 60 4
and death of th-v father, Peter J.
• into the open fleld many of atolea a lantem.
that recorded by tte «ma lastnifiiml
anger. Mr. Locanger passed away
them am atopping to chaaga thdr
IBa boys were retumlnir from
ago. Pedeauiflte Uto to
the evening to Usy 2i and the
Bight garmenta for airewi clothlag.
Captoli. and filra. Batters Are Again shady side to the atraaL aad to awri
aeaaton at the P1|>p and Bow) ctnb
funeral service was held Soaday. He
Mn. Martha 0. BaMcar. af Bingham.
OrMt ansleiy It felt for nrighhor- when Patrolman O'Mara aaya they
cfaanu. Instoad to -^irrMlif cC gaov
Ben Montague recHved bU JackIn the CiDt ftseauae to the I It7f> years oU nnd in addition m
AdN Thla MtMlng tor ftoaton,
lag eommunlUee although no InfonM look the lahtem. Tbe faculty asked
tram their walks tarn «e tha haaa ta
runabout yesterday, tbe car being' his widow, who Is 71 years of age. he
•M to ttu LMUr.
OdBbaa and other Painto.
tlon of dUsater came from them tble PruMdant Angel] to notify the meoi- to the very lateet type with a
eoto to a toeaaure to hot ftTteiMf
,,,, daughters and three
All over the city peopto who wen aot
bam of the Pipe and Bowl club that hood and a rumMe seat. Tkc car to‘---------------Mr. •Loranger
... was
a well knows
.. and
Captalfi knd Mrs. Bouiero. to Cadflcompelled
to get oto tote the mre
MH. Martha O. Becker, of Btogham.
their aaelMy must be disbanded or flidahcd In red. runs very qdlwi*. and j
reridret of Yaaair and
*«»rty to charge to tbe Salvatoft tfeto aanlkc tor an uimdad trip
aa much of to sttarBow aa
Mae they will be SMpeodad.
.u Uk. ri,U .loi«
U «
Ie..., , Ui. drel. e( fd.,1.
Uoo army to this dty. arrived Mon
throagh tka oaat ate win go Aral to
Vu Brant said tbai he was betng an hour. The r
moura for him.
day aftereooa aad have uken tkc Me- puaafhle uadar to ahada to traag aa
Boatoa. than uka an ooaaa utp ap' ll#i Print Touched en Chteago InttlMad Into a
aad waa'aiynth to the city and Is the first oil
Wetby cottage CO Madteoa streto to teererar a akady mat could ha
fka eaaaU Eka will MNt at <Bm
told to take the laatern as a part of jibe genUemanV roadster type to
Baard of TmM July Com
tka nminer. Mrs. Boaters has had foaad. aad the aoda tatetalaa hara
attar wkkft will go to OU Town,
iregtoy- He was fined $M and.mske Its appeansce here. There to
Mr. aad Mrs. John Thacker aa- poor keakb Mace laeattog to radtu. hte busy placaa.
Teuehad dfl In the Pluny.
■Mao, hw tomw boar, and i|
aad Wanly was fined liO aad;ampie
the BoiTisgr
marrlsge m
to koc
tkrir dangh■ ■ -I,—V power
% 1 for tbe roads to this ae«-;to)aaee
Mra. r N. Boot ratmwad to Ua- ’
tka nmaladar of tka mmmar. Mm.
|tfc>a aad the long wheel base aad M- ter. Mtaa Pewrl, to Arthur Bdwaidli_____ __________
May sa.—Wild aeewes
mam Uds morning, havtag baew •
■wfter kaa baaa la poor baaltk atom wre uaacted oe the board of trade
;toek wheels make li very omooth rid- Dma. to Detralt the wrddlng to toka>pemlMe to' the
delegate to the cocvswtfaa.
the dauk of bar haakaaA and kapaa Iday. May wheat WMt to ILOC aad
Mr. aad Mre. wmiam Bttm wrat tag.
jpUce at the boate of the bride. MaiBomm will awly'ramato la to totr
Mre. X A. Jarvis lett totoy tor B
to leenporata vhlla TlMttog Md My aom taacBad Cft vtotoat flaeU- to Mwyftald tea ffloraliig
Mr. MewtaguetobgriUtor toJaek Ban 2«ath atraac Wedaaaday. Jaaa toteawoMtoaatttoteM
moath’a sMU with DMaK AB Ohto
aim car for tkta tarritory. \
r^ .TT**.
ttOM wee* oowMaatly tM oedto.
totaklg.lfl to aBUftsi,
First Ml **A]1 N| G T Sh^ts Unoebed Yettertsy
" NiM.
k mioAY. MAV n, nm.
Tmtrsc Hcnlii
launce bat la too praid to com bock
and adBit that ihtaga are not rtoai:
they Beem when a peraoo la t.OM
Twice A WUX.
■Uea away.
-Setore ' betiertag toe sdrortMln*
natter to toe magsxtow and other
nedtnna to regard to tbe life of iaae
aad iBxnry to toe weal or tooto, UJk
with theoe who hare boon toere.
Uaten to what they aay a
what they write. Tfaea look arotind
at tba beantUkil Grand Trarerae
rgitoa with Its aeraa of potolora. lia
Btog, bearing fralt trees, tta
in FtOBt fltTMt
ebwpnrao of land and yooTI agree
with « to^t ate U worth artog. here,
worth Urteg for tbe yoong wlto the
tetere abend ot toen, wmib Urtog to
u. Adr«^ tniddle age when baUU are det and
Btoady aad the beat place ot aO to
Bdend toe •vneet of ate. toe Ume
toe twilight deepena and toe
***^ JmT ttSCrlta A« wboB
roBcato floab dtw away.
bhnd playol toaptitog
B. Bi^WblUi^walked from tba hwl» to
V. X. wmiaM* aow»obaa.daaawo(
huMa were exlendW anc coojxsMattooi were freely offered to tbe new
grand naeter.
fWar anioMMIes wet* to wnlttog.
fed by the band toe party diore to
toe lodge'raotoa. where abort In-
tar itaofyhaffy.
lornian X Oonlur. a pn«t______ jhltact. ta too Delbert toiDdtog
■u rrantoeco. aya; 1 tally oafierae
an ttat baa baan aald of ■tcirtc
Bmm as a tnMe wedletoa. ft la good
for everybody. A cecrecta atoaneh.
ttaer and khto^ dtootdera to a
proapt and atfietaat aanner ud
bnlMs ap tba ayeteas.- glectrte Bit
ten U toe bast spring niedtetoe ever
sold over a draggtot'a counter; aa a
bloed purifier tt ta aeuatad. Me at
1. X watt ft Bona, nannab ft Lay.
^ A. Bngba Drag Cn. drag atowa.
Dairy bWMr. par tb, ....
par doc..................................... ue
.............. ...
,U urhen your Are able to earn
And , the PLACE to DEPOSIT
your SAVINGS is in
's33. M »......
bank that
is Time Tried,darelul andStrong.
and pay* a fair rate of inieresL
i'his bank mevts tSrse requiromeots and pays Three per cent In
terest on Savings Accounts or
Certificates of Depo-h.
RtaBry. par 3b................. ............ 7«K
Gralm K a U a OS.V MM.
^rai. per ba .................. .........fita TfiiBow ............ ..
Oata. ner ta ...................... ..................dta
Cora, per ba..................... ................ 79c
Coro, ta oar. fit Iba .... ................ fiUC
Bockwbeat. per ba..........
........ 66e my oU army weand. a
aftta Boito, and
Caivsa ................................. ........ iWfiWa urtottaworM.1
BM. .
dtoen ata batten, ngb*.
Hoga. Uva watibL par IN Aa. tS^fijfi Mk * L... C. A. B«M. Sns
Oaar Oncaff. one of Korthpon's
'wiman MotberMU. natter ot Trar.
irirfbaais. wa to the city oa boaleraie City lodge Mo. S83. auted that
tbeyrwoold tarry bnt a tew mlaatea
espertenee be wen
*B*wta.»ta M...............
knew.^t Mr, Hootagne bad been
ppeadtai^ ardoout days to grand
lodge. He elated that Mr. Montague
needed no totrodocUoo, aad (bat It
'was k stgnal honor wblcb bad been FrcBi TtarBday*a Beeert.
eonferred opon one ot tocir nember.
I. un.
He then eaUed npoa Mr. Montogne.
Chicago. May
Afnreciated Hoeor.
Mr. Mooiagae decUred wlpi noeb May. 11.09: com. ttlAe; oata. «Wc: Bolter, creemery, per lb
n# Mm tar tke On
feeUni tbai be bad been eery deeply wbral. July, fOHe; oorn. «c; oats. Pert raeauffo ....................
Mr feB«e kw Axed IW the mk ud
tooebed wlto toe erideneM ot good
•Mt €t liAliMbT m4 the IK -ud
will abown by tbe brelberi and otbtad flf Oetabar, «fld Mwt bK Utl« Inonn.1.
eip npfp bis arrlrai to bit home town
portMt pr*UMBV7 bM bMB attend*■.-............. .
and that Masonry wlto bUn had been 99c: worn. TTc: oata. 68c.
M 4o> It It V to tte pwple ot tbe
a smetn total Mece be flrtt took op
bfMi Tnewne meloe to bdp «*ke
tbe work more than 20 yean ago.
tblr titt luCMt ncrteaiunl ud toVanl gtank ..
Tf an honor bad been conferred npon
' dHMbl dlwtnr «v«r MM to Nortb
ne.*-toc Bald. -It U coarerred aMo np.WilMUsu. It it. auar TMto Knee
og Tnreiee City lodge, for ta that
> .
Oto tod •- totr, Md now
lodge I hare bad my preparadoe and
* 'wtib «to nm dMtouMMt or Tnr
bare come Into toe grand lodge slow, 601dc lower.
toran^ toe loenl lodge.- He closed
Wlto toe hope that to tbe future as
, * HMM a« ••
at. be
well aa toe pest there.wonid be a eonGblrago.
May fit.—Prioet t
Hnnailoa of MendaMp aad good eill [eoUUy abont fie lower. At thta Ume
td toe oooperatloo of toe brotoera. of the year (be niaricet for old poto-'
toes ta rather laaedve aad holders
■ ■■
Honor fer City.
Made'Deputy Grand Maanr^rtbur
O. C. Moffatt was tbe next speaker, are^graerally nnsloot to Clean up.
Hume, er Dtuceee. H O^y
VlMdk i^^MtjkAr-lrelt* and
and be said ttat he tplt tost It was Salto yeeterdsy were at 67c to 62c.
Tbie Year—o. R. hwlfto,
XOtoeto.UuB tbtt nnd
vrltb tta bulk ot tbe ^uMneM at 60c.
■i. e. Din<
tton'm to Iwtown bvvhm taiare
been conferred npon one of toelr Recelpta were moderate and (ta boldAininiitlrt «r tbcirtr.
toim are' now very well n>d«eed.
Jackson. Mtcb.. Hay If.—Herbert brother Maacoa. bnt an
Cranw dtr bu toM relnble to
Salto roported wera; 1 rar at 57c,
Hontagoe, of Trarerae City, ww to Trarotne Cliy lodge aa welt aad atoo
C cars at 60c. 1 car at 6c:.
elected grand naKer of toe to Traverse City, because It was
Bulk, per' bu, to car leu—WtaconMto «t I^W OTM to torKta oonn- Michigan lodge ot Masooa. the blgblocal lodge was to be coogn
s!n, Mlcblgaa or Mtooeaoln. Rnrals.
trt^ With ttto eofflbtotUoB w#cM ert once to the lodge.
A year ago, Me. Hontagoe was- at having among them tbe worahipfnl choice to fancy. 68Q6fo: Dusty
fffydt n MrtM oT ezMblta tbw wU
maKer of toe grand lodge of toe state RuraU a abode higher. Ordinary to
be worthy ot Iirornble oon cbalman ot ibe finance conmitee.
was acting na master of the lodge good. Mf»57: Common, ae to condi
Jtagt Im tbrand bat n treat credit as be had been for 18 or 19 yeara.
When be became a Mason.
tion. 60c: Burhonks. .choice to fancy.
NO Uto to Die.
^ »eo|de. Tbe etleetlon ot and bad no ex^utlon of being made
Was No fttarprlao..
“I have found ont that there ta no
)L p. pabdeo. at praaldeat ot tbe an officer. To hit sorprlae, be vna
eoodUlon, 60e;
nae to die of lung trouble as long as
Mr to netood tbe late S. U Swacoe caned from the fioor aad made . X W. HasUogs was toen called upg«< Dr. Ring’s Mew Dtscovslock,
(c 4i a' coed ebotoe. Mr. BaDden. alaee depnty grand maeter. a Mgnal honor
■ Mrs. J. P. Wbita. of Rush—Wa foaldeBM to Trarene Ctty. baa because of bit faltotnl and effictent that those who vrere famiUar with the ID ^tood. S1©57e: If poor dovrn , to
A -1 V
wortc done by Mr. Honugne to tbe 60e; Jilxed stock, as to„ grade and
Itoda Mat energetic and prdreBatre.
y for lb
loosens up a coti^ gidcker than
local lodge were not surprised at his condiUon. ISeSfic.
vaUer. and be ta
Be'la by utne a bvaUer.
_/tototr’etaeAhd cures lung dtseaaei
recelHng this honor because with him
I bM dlacoToid
even after tbe case 1s pronoimced
Masonry alwsyt b*d toe first place.
. we^attol paaabUltlOT for tto Grand
Ms acrlousness always Appealed to
for coughs and eolds,
_ .. .
ma. branchMis nnd hoaracneas. >*
Mm, be said, and to those wbo bad
mtl toe owrir ^ bnKle ot Mr.
soM under gnanntee at X X Wall |
iieen Mr. MontagneW work In the
faipMlUliC Ida kgr^ to tbe retfos
Ibdge room, bad noted vrltb what
aaillAal vUb tba «orta ot tbe otbor
dignity be presided, and knowing his Choeaa. abwIcu erenm. per lb . .fiOe.j tilai boUlra
Wunu fitness for .toe position, bavLbg (be ptcaenee. votee and personfrM.dto'
wlply.f^w that toe grand lodge bad
tlbiomnim right Umber.
iL ila 'atonMar to
» tto azpoaition .tbla
.Mr. Motoeralll aUted that at tbe
R « naeMa. aad tbwe u otoit na..Htta>'4londay nlgbt Mr. Montague
non db’beBoN ttot thla wiu
!|lve tbel ecture. (bus giving all
^asoto an opportunity to hear Urn.
Tta 'party then ndjoureed to tbe
bot^. toe band again taking the leaJ
In toniw yaan UtUe wtonaUam
ftahtbe same eaeort aeeompanylDK
ir-dto Vtortb at July ooMnUoa
Mr..AlanUgoe to the antomobUe. Af
' wtod ontu arrangear he bad been vrelcomed by his
------- i tore beea weU nader way.
unlly, toe brother Maaou retired.
I *nca year, bowerar^ proaeata an ax-.
Mr. Montague bas been a Nason
Is your beM frlcpd. We know ihai snd «c vrai
J «W^»»arula. Tbare la a good
Matter of Mlchlgah Grand
*7 yean
Book. The dottar that Pockci Rook holds pul
' «Hl OK nntboalaaa appanat amou
Lodpe of Maaorn.
three liinto what that same dollar will Jo clKcwhere and will do (our
tto ctolrtoan <C tbe a
1881. In December of tbni
tlmcs toe good of that three djilara. making twelve dollars (or v>«mI j^. he was made Juulor warPretty good. Isn't It?
Today be bacame grandafft for fire yeara wma master of
auatter, reaching toe office to }ifit a
.1 a lew wto to not boUero
year toiiead of toe yean that i> tto’local lodge.
b e( Joly otobrattona. speakwould ordinarily have token him.
be Btimided toe grand
tag pMMUy. tbo^aanttoant U faTO^
Arthur Home, of Owoeao. was -edecttoe first time. Arthur K.
altoctod tto exprMaad optobau
ed deputy grand^ter, G.- R. BAft.
tbe grand nwsi
Science bar Urooght us many things that years ago wer
Oat, tbiB y«^ -aalabrattoi wUl
of Adrian, wu chosen (or unlor
be wns made a member of
. ed impossible. Along wlto other things |i has doue It has pr
Wginr and rnnder than any we bare
toe wammltloe on lodgee and In 1888.
•m. bad. Tto nnmitttiM an al- den and for funlor warden. James X
member of the finance com
DUloa. of Bast Tawu; treanrer.
t awl Mg tbllgi afe
VUIlam Wente. Mastalee; secretary. mittee. For 16 years, he was chair
a anbampdoM art anfLon X WlBsor. Rgcd aty; lecturer. man of that, commiuee, his t^ttet beOp to thla daw' tto
iBore difficult because a treas
I to tbla iw.Which wm rcvolutioBlie the old order of Ibings Pe«idc1iBve be.-n
W. O.'Oallagber. Saginaw.- senior
bad embetded tbe greater pornsed to going Into the dnig store and purchasing a liquid bottle of
deaooa. Jamea H. Tbomnson. Bran; Uon of tbe funds.
Wwito?»touTiaw aahaertpUM
medicine for one dollar. Thai Louie If taken areording to dln-cUona
Junior deacon. ,F. D. Clark.- Flint:
Montague, however, applied
^ MW ilrt a bMtor pragnm than
will last abOUl >—
Odcnilmes 1W» medicine b-mcllted them
tyler. J. F. Megregor, Detroit.
I methods And tnisineas Judg' for the lime being but in tlm-' the syKem becaine accustoiZH-d to It
The next meeting will probably be tiiebL.to bta task and (he reeolt was'
)t IP fnpeoad to glre tto people ot
Its euratlve quainu-s disappeared. Wise p,-oplc now purchase
at Detroit William T. Mlcbelt
thaj' S6ir the flnanoes of toe grand'
Ttorerae region a apta
Port Huron, toe eldest grand master lodge are to an excellent condition.
Koxe Kwick Kra-^a because it ts not a liquid medicine ccataintollMtolnMht on tbe aftorwoen el tto
to toe state, la here celebrate Us
Ing akohol. or high wine as a presenailve If nothing e'.M-. but is a
Net tolly did be do excellent work
Ublei medicine that is all medicine. It consists of (our small box
on the finance committee, bnt It was
. away, that •m btrtoday.
each contalnlcg a week’s treatment and « different kind of medi
y tf toe beat towa
Masonic borne was establtabed
cine. One mooth's medlctoe lor a dollar Instead of ten days as of
t toe people ot toe
Grand Raplda, toere being 80 people
t tbKr onergit
oli It docs positively contain different kinds therefore the systetn
there now, ooe of them being Peter
a togMaatrate that tbla la traa be' does not get uted to It and retusc to rtopond to Its call (or good
V. ODver. of tbls city, wbo bas been
to Wgawaat. Mow that wa 'an gebtollb. Four tlmew three are twelve times toe bceefli in mulu.
aa Inmau (er several years.
|Ap bare a calabration let U be a
&eh tablet Is weparatcly wrapped to ollcJ iMsuc paper assuring full
Montague strongly opposed the rel^.aad a good OM.
strength. cleatiNncts and po geitn life. We do no: publish tetUmoe^
docUoa of toe
tall broauBc they tt* easily procured and oftentimes false We have
members. S eewta of the aatossment
bandrads of them, however, but prefer to have you as the ttstlmonIn bnetber colttna of today’s paper
going to a tnnd for a boapluL This
lal for yonr faipny'and If we don’t benefit you we give you your
fund ta toereeatog now'at toe rate of
win M tand a very totereeUng oocomooeytaek. ThaCL toe best lesUfootoal. So posldve are we that
—dcaaon. totereeSag not only to
13.000 a year.
KRA-POLA wUI care Indigestion, d.vspeprla.
barkarbe. chronic
At Bay City Uat May. Mr. MonUthapo‘'«bn an contempUUng moving
npecfci before the eyes, beicblng of -gas. palpl„ne was made depnty grand maater
wmt, itot to tbcao who have been
larttw of toe heart, tost tired freltog and renovKe tbe entire sywtem
and this year became tbe grand
tWp and to those «bo like MkhlMnthat
If afWt- yon bav*
ter of tta lodge, a signal honor both
The Utte of toe cemmunleatloa Is
taken tta entire monto'a treatment yen can't honestly say that you've
TtoRtoia Is Bert* and at It fits to LOCAL MAN HEA'D OF MICHIGAN tor Mr. McntagM and Trarerae City,
got more for yonr money than yon ever did before fill out lit? drift,
(ta Office being Ibe blgkest vritota
«tth M« bUlef. we have put a Urge
b«d Abie oa it to that It won't be
tta gift of Michigan Masaaary.
mail tt and get yonr money back. Don’t delay. Get h now. today.
It-a fint band toferm^Ask your druggist and if he has not got it msil the dollsr to address
Fhn« for Bata.
below. Don’t take a substitute. There ta none lust as good.
Taken to Lodge Rcema YVbere b
Ono at toe bMt tarau to Grata
mr tnnroad taMar u real auata
tede a Short Addrsra end
ravens eeuBiy;
mOa souto;
Tboa Beeortad do Htat- t
ItUle west of dty: »6 nerto; fiP aena
iW BeraM has pnbUabed a n
utaer culOvatln: good frame beoae:
hto W tkaae oomm^tiona wl
two good frame barns; good orebsrff.
a nhnt ttea and tbe wrltcn
Atoo 7S acre farm at Lake Ann; good
Herbert Mootagne. newly Macled ifraao bouse and ban; 40 acres tm*
Mtvatkm; adjetotog city limits.
wry toorc 4MgM tbna If toe writen •rand mnater of tta graiid
Moto tlT Boutk Dtoon atr
HleUcan Masons, received a royal
were mknown- AnycM gUng
property 412 and 414 So
wMoome from bta brotbar, Ms
tagM.«B] Jtofi food tor toongbt
Ontoft. Thne fifty toot tola ooM part
fiM agpnnaHfta ppbBabed are not when tta 1;16 PeieMarqnette ttaU or^Mly. Ctoatog oat srtnrtlUag. toffolre
at Grata Rapifts Paralturs
$o4hijmm, ifaay a man Hnvci
--------- ‘ stare. Ool^ to leave tbe
pr a BDOl posuicn to bo About M Mumos were lined up to
|M|9^^«tocMaaox- (rant of tta 4mnl wbita ChmI
■taWk wtth wuMwn .
Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank
io Norihem Michigan.
.... .!iS
Your Pocket
How We Do It
Koxe Kwlck Kra-Pola
Koxe Remedy Co.
89 WUlevSL
.... ~ .ta,-' .
Wilks Bure, Pa.
Stop I
'I'herrt will never be a tine ag^ when youcao
build cheaper thp« oow.
. ''
Let us figure your biHs—our prices, wit! cooviocr you of ibis fact.
Lumber Co.
O. CrotMr. Bee.
Dnliis la Linbcr, Laili, SUicicp, Hnisk, Dtori.
WtadiVfi. iMMUn u« ShtB Wilt.
Traverse (ity, MicK-
Wool. Wool, Warvfcod
arkci ta not as bod snt praaroi but
Tbe slinaUan of tbe wool market
(bo outlook l> that iff they shonU take the tariff off tibK ibcy will
rcrialoly make a Ji-d-u-tlon
l-Kllon ol .from 4c to 6c leas tor every
At the prescni
pn-scnl rondiiiun
rondiilun I can iiec
all tta wool from Grand Travsc.
M*. R'exford.
R'esford. Anirlm.
Anirlm, ManUice.
MsnUicr and Leelanan counffrs. wttb a bet- advgniagc than any outside large dealer ran do. AM I wonM like
have the public do before they ship or fetch them la Is to find
out the pri«-» from someone else, os 1 am cf-natoly poelUvc that my
prices win rvarta from a cent tp two cents above others gtral^l of
fers. it wouldn': be ao ohject-to me to pubMab my prieea tor some
work and busUe (or It as I did be-oiher dealers, as I s
(ore I made my sale, and I am sattafied to give tbe banaftt to tta
ar to the dealers. Whoever
to know tbe prtara tatof*
they ship or fetch (hem
them to can call
coll me on rtibcr pbooe as w« ara
1w-ay* ready to answer and we have them In the office.
I’lJ-aie do not sell to anyone else before y-»o get my prices.
I am thanking yon all tor the paK year's tavorw. and appreelau
>r toe klndnesb and I hope to make you more nUsfied UtU year.
73G73fi E- Front gtroet.
Travarae fifty. Mtah.
ntx. phone 4*1, roll photi-.- 130.
therefore the kitchen u a matter of important con
sideration. Step into our store and look over our
large line of
and Oil
Cooking io gummerjs a pleasure when gasoBne or
- oil stoves are used - Prices to fit your pocket book
aad sizes to suit your requirements.
AskabowiMrEMy PaywcMt Ptaa «i Utme
m-U7 S. OalHl SL
s'taie bank
8ecf«tU7*« rcporL Tire •dsoot*
_ - _ . _
of the Onsd TrarerM CMBtr atudM I ten coll of a^ooU: BovaVd-^:
■ctaool MMiclKaoD VM b«Id »t Klits«- SArrlok* C; GiwUm. 0; Loo« Ttm.
lej', Mv IS ud I&'fYoiB the opeoinx'S: Ncole. t; Oder Bob. It; No. 4.1
boer vatu the eloelas Boneal the; 14^. PreMat. 76: eolteetlaa. 61."
ivahe mad full
teetu&o bj <Mtve RhoU of
n were circa Md Pent Caratlea. Both Hartmaal
------------ ----------- vbo are dotucjand Gladra BUer c< ume.
thlaca. aad are dMtaeqoeatlr able toj^BedUtloB bf Sadie CralB of Cedar]
pmrpects om haU. rara
Mrs. BargsM' a*4 her two Buie OTATB OP MtCHBMflT. THE HU^'
ever, may be la a aeaa
gtrla have gooe to CMd MBBm to vW O bat* Gnwrt tor ite «0Mtr uB
It the saBBcr and taU ahoold bu it ber daughter.
i4 Traveiwe.
Mr and Mrs. Berry of Gabon were
.. a seaaton o( said ecBrt. bM «t
Let tbe reader rememher that Ai- here today the soesu of Mr. aad Mrs.
IW probate oOee. to the etty of
ansr* Is not the —that has
been hard sttuck.
Mrs. TiaB^ wbo has beea an the Tvnvme City, to aBd cownty. on tte
t*tb day of M«y. A. D. 16M.
M. L. beach.
Mek list for aeveral days U better.
Meat; Bern. Pn4 8. Wmat,
EMward Plshef froB North Ma. ,
OinCBW-A. Tr*cr L«r. fnaiConcert at Northpert.
ton 1. 8. &. waa here Thnisday tor a Judge of Protmto.
«Mli B. «!■»« atoch,Tle»PT«ld«t;
The concert to be given si tbe town very short vlsU with his parrots
In- the matter of the sMato oC
me qwei ooui, ouudocted' Sonc
Cedar! Tbeo it's time to sell No time
•HMil OMtaaC Guu«r: A, J. MVBala Altataa
hall. Jane 1st. by tbe Rev. J. A. Hall sod friends. Bis fsiber, C. A. Fisher, Oeow W. ware. AMaMoA.
to study» to rt*d. lo expet> man and his sen Paal Hultman. from and Fraek Sheridan went back with ClBDd w. Warn, by I
A. S. Bnilttd. AiriMut 0Mb- by the Ber. Hocb Reaaedr of Ait.|
Pleaaaat. *h blshljr appreciated.
Nest coBTeattoo la Ancust, to be
Worcester. Mama., under the auspices hiB; would go next -day to Beaih
meot I Yoq «-«u io uve yonr of
vbUe tale addreaa oo Prldar emtnx! tour.
having filed la said court Ua *
the SwedUb oilsalon efanreb Maaltou.
h **Tbe CoaMcration adequate to the 1 Cloaed br riadag No. SU aad pra?- heir, tod ttve it quicUy, too! should be of special interest to you. John Westeolt returned tast evenVletoiT.“ la which he portrayed er.
The Rev. Mr. Holtman has a thor
'rtBne who wet* at tho Usa
Cntphleally the real work of the
Beben Barney. Prea.
ough knowledge of music and voice
et hto death the Mai bab*-^ asM
Aoiireh and tbe (
Por^ PhanlBg. Secy.
very minute thti if your hair culture, having bad a number of
and eaatW to lahartt itte
lu acoompIUhnieat, left hU bear
years praoUee and study. Mr. Bullgasoline yacht that___ _
ers witb an enlarged Ttslon of tbe
I M. L. Leaeh.'
man has a splendid baritone voice Fisher built (be latter part of winter
Ayer’s Hsir Vigor. It makes and Is snre to please all who bear and this spring was Uanched a week
iltnde of their work, and a dUferthelr oblUration to sake
Hit son Paul, baa had a <
ago. and Is a stweess In every way
ihe scalp bealihy. Tbe bair him.
■ B. .AMHM aB OePecUoau asd the twqnlred conaecratloa.
Dear Pileod Bales—
ful training sod the very beat te
In the course of he; but and fatal
stays in. It cannot do soy- ets the beat of colleges can lThe absence
>seiK- of the Bc». D. Coebbe and U t
d tor AsmUn. wbo wa« catiled away
iway by
. tbe
(Ickaeu. ^dear coi
tbiog else. It’s nature’s way. which acompanled with hia great mning said peUiton;
of bU father. i
Ducb deplared by edJy and earnestly ret
alenl talent, baa made him a Srut Eagene'i father. F. B.. Is pleased as
bMt kind oi s tssUxaenlal —
it Is farther ordered, that pnbUc
those who had looked forward' tto the 1 had promised a lettc
clast plaidsi. Paul Hnliman has met be .boat was built after a model of
11 as
srith large aacceaa wherever be has bis make. Eugene went to North Man nouce thereof bs glvoa by pnbUoatenot
Ber. G. B. Lockhart hiodly dlled t
! It rea
copy of thli atder, te thrwu mc—
appeared and we guarantee a very pohour with Bocta an escellent talk i
Joyahle evening for yon If
■Ive weeks firwrioM to nald day of
•The Boy,r .........................
that all fell If moeb bad j And i
«-hai shall I
aad listen to these ulented muslbeartug. In (W. GnpA'-dYtorma Her
been lost., certainly Bueb bad been of my c
elans. Rem
ald. a newspaper prtntte Bte.tete
'oe all iabout Arkanssz." Others have
^Mkxs Nelly Westeolt attended the Uted la ntd county.
The officera elected for the yeir aVed "bow do you like It there ?" To
school entertainment at Port Onrlds
ti-y all abut Arkansas would eecvs.illast eveniDg; mays tt was fine.
.........la Oraad
Judge ot Probate
Uic the wrltlBg oi a big book. To
Mra. Ony of Bk Raplda aput a
now 1 d<
tell bow 1 Uke It and bow
Cownwcttcement News from clan
Bay 22-2»-)ane 6-11
tow days.hcre Uat week.like It and why wouldI Uke
the church—tested 1 the shade. (
.. Vb. Wllaoo oame from High tt- _ -cretary—CId be spai ..
U. Dye. Travel
If you h:
Glen Arbor gndoaies a elans of IS
the rocks, above the iptlag. singing
lud. laai Prltey erralag. to apaad a Oily.
purpose. BUefiy. then. apparently from the tame books. The itudeou thta year, eight eighth egularly. i
Herald f
The umky Gwrte
Mv daya wtth hia faeolly.
1 do not like It better leader stood oo a tUi
Aralst. Sec.—M. Barney. Traverse I like It. 1
1 four tenth grades, as Mr imi*;
It tbe one yon pay tor a box •(
!B. O. B OtBM of TmTOfM City City.
old Mlchig
mild. ■ . ..
m Of
Dr. King's New Life POla. Thai bring
etelad Maoda la Nortbport ea WadThe only part of Arkansas with
bowels without grltdug.
isk yi
that's BOto prsdoM
■eoday last. He was' woompaaled by
hlch I can truthfully claim to be ac
druggist for them. 26c.
than JeweU. Try tte^ tu^hMfiatee.
lOaa Bdftb Pranaaez.
Supt. Bleaenlary DepL. Mrs. J.W. quainted Is covered by the Oxark I
Obama 4UU left tWedaeaday awn- MnUkea. Ttaveise a
Boantatas. In the northeast part of:
t you the price wU
dM .(or Me hoow la Oolath.
WANTED—A man and Ms wife lo
the state. Tbe Osarks
SupL Rone Dept
radod at & H WsU
ear^ut. Plfe Lake.
work on farm. No bums need ap
irdsey. Percy O. Cobb. Manrtce Redr.CA.B«*bM
re prosy subflapL Teachers Tralalng —Mrs. /.
r. Lawrence Bhalda. Charles Raymo.
ply. J. T/. Slater.
May 2»tf
; a Itvlng io
Mia. T. O. daideter aad dao^tar L. OIbba. MaySeld.
tow Ubiel
Tbe baccalaureate address was glvteeapo aiTiTod tUa moraliic
hundred .'!t.
feet to slate^
,cn Sunday morning. May 24, by the
at their cottage
feet above
>ve tbe sea level,
level. ’the
The general I
' Rev. Wm.
"Vm. Haskios.'
HasklDB. and waa fall of
rrvi|riui w^/ius muu eauuonuE inougnis
• Depc—The Her. muiiMKv ui luis wuie luuu i» wuipsj a-r
IM Hattie Weolaey. who has beea
Uvely level, except that scattered ‘ J™’’,
j Mi> Haskins sang a beauUful solo,
blag at MUte Ooad. ratnraad
Sapt. Adalt Bible CUa
about Upon i, are rounded knobs. farmers feel “down In tlie
Mr^Md M™j)u«brtne.^th^
a laat Tawday to spend ber sbb- J. Helm. Trarem City.
italni: often
presenL Tbe cold apring—cold aad
Member of Bsecallve ’ Com. -extremely
aely wet-«-llb
wet-sllb the beat
Tba ter. -Mr. BoUaeoa retomed throe yeers—J. W. Green. Batea. „
ad arty to fi ur hundred feet. Where have reduced b«b fruit
tioB a few daya
J. W. Hllllkea was elected editor it baa not been cut away, a forest of
The Dual commencement exercises
a. llraad Baptds Of an Adriaory Column In
oak ctoibes the bllle. and plaint, and
will be Fridsy evening. June 6lh. st
Behoet. ■
Bay's ball. Attorney F. C. Odberi of
And you begin to think of repairiag or build*
Sorter ‘
Traverse City will giv*
Voted to raise >1M tor sute work tbe Mkt of the nortbem states,
scenery Is pleasing, tbe atmosphere
and flM for work In the county.
ing new.
Good business property, well local-j orenesira win luruisn me music,
Bvery af
' "
Invigorating, and the water good.
seated b
Mind. 1 do not say best 1 have drank ed, rent pays 12H per cent on Invest-1 County Commissioner E F. Carr will
meat. Price 82.000. 1 have some bar- le present.
Mng pi
The homes of Kings- better water out of a spring In
A reerplloi
irown wide open to. Ita
_ via- edge Of a Michlgen awnmp than any
Bring your bills to lu aod get your figurei
enla. school i
1 have lasted in this atate- As (or
Itors and the delegate!
reteatenar Ml last Toaaday
climate, we have here more of sume
which will mean-moBqr saved
'« (or aa astaal'ed.rtrU wUb
and less of winter. I sbppoie
ladia aad New
that la an ordinary season apting
Mrs. Eiiiabeth Bay h?^wrtiten i
Martha Barney.
_ ateretand
cornea six weeks earlier than It does
special class song, •■School Days,______
Artbar vho> win aeeooip
Wc make a spedality to Store Fronts, Store
at Traverse City. and. corresponding
ly, we have tlx weeks more fell
. I
retmud to ber
Report of the Slat convention
Fixtures, Grillt, SturWork, in fact 6m clan
weather before winter seta in. Then,
-------1 la Harbor Sprlasa iMt Priday the Ising Uke and QarBeld Sunday when-winter does come, there Is not
iSriftbiC ater banag apent the wie- acbooi aaaocUUott hHd at No. 4 Bucb about It that northern man
shop work of every descriptioo.
hen- laet week rtsiUng Ur. and Mra.
I te >t& bar aaat. Mra D. B. Scott. ecboel bonae, Hay ». UM.
would recognise as rea) winter weatbL
B. JobaatoD apeal laai
Called to order by preBdrat Robert V. Of course the long oootiaued
Harapion Daniels it entertaining
ll^aHaaday la Travane aty.
beat of summer Is oblectlonable till
his SOD John and wife.
. I : Mr. Mamek aad (antUy bare moved
Bong aendee led by Mra.
one has become aecllm
. Tile minols-qnd Mlsaourt both call.jte Ite cottace ratatad by W. E. Carmlen. alnglng 160. 412. 266.
Bring Ibem In. tbo entire store w||]|,ed at Fisher's dock Sunday with
How about the peopi
■JteMbin. wkdeh be roeeatly pnrebae.
Uke tbe people. They at
be arranged to pleMe the child's eye.! fr^Ueht.
plUble. kind, tnulllgeot and possess
i' 0. M. nuaa was eated hone from
Bot at nU in All the many 4n.era.tlng things that j
• ‘y MBlty. by the aertoaa 01notions we
make Childs' Hfe I happy one Monday,
Ifarned from r
To my surprise. I foand a eMTipany
‘ ^^^teOB.aBamdaad Satwill Ue
K at dtaaar. Obven were
of the Arkai
-raveller ! have
Sonuthlng doing every day n<*xt
ttae Sunday achool.- was dieeuaeed by been In the state
now nearly a year,
"S^DaiTOw aad cAUdraa re- C. H. BMei. C. B. BtrBt, C. B. Dye.
eek lo ln(er<-s( the Ilnle ones.
recollect hearing a word
' Ir beae ta Traverse city
Ira. Altaan.
Of profane language in that Ume. Watch for the big ad. It will tell you
5 by ‘
r bavtag epent
(Henda who
Borne lliilo Uiebigan
have beea attending a pobUc school wore shout It.
nery of Cedar Ran.
down on the aide of the
Adloarved tor basket dinner and report that th<
•octal boar.
language used
Afternoon uBion called to order arbool.
^•pnSa Mt Thnndty monilv hr PrealdMi by Maglng Nofc 41 and
You are incl
T An Artor. where be will underwith the question,
DevoUmal service led by
' aorleiB opentton. He waa aogood schools r- Yee. but some of the
schools are -queer." At the mounuin
Mra. Bert
angtac. Nm. 446 aad 66..
side ae.rf>ol where my Utile friends
Bong hr Bom Shlsler of Cedar attend, there is not a desk or table
‘ “ I WM hM at the CoagreRan.
In the room, except a small one for
Recitation by Anna May Myers of the teacher. The pupils «lt on tong
Kite lAtea' AM aoeiety wfll aeM Cedar Bun.
beaches, and wrlle on Ublets laid on
m Tliaiadaj atetwotB at the Cimgra- Bong by Dorothy Duiraa of No. 4. the
Up. When they spell, they ktand
IntroducUon of oonnty otBeers by on the floor, to a long class, which
•ecrettry. preiMeot, vJi ~
suinetlmes reaches quite across tbe
room, and go up towards tbe head
hose from tbe county «on« ntion. according to merlL Do they learn
rtenpaskT^ 'ProbaL mi
V.. M. Bstee. C B. BtraK. Hr Pan- spell* You beU And that Is the w
nlag and Robt. Barney.
we learned to april when I was
Bodtatton. Bertha Ransom «
•ehool boy. seveniy-flve years ago.
f apMt eatarda^ aw) Tree.
What I have said about refloemeut
may be illnairaied by two incidents,
in which t took great interest at the
Ume of thdr occurrence. After we
1 lOfi-pj.-cc
grtto ataaad the daaooratlc con- ft, bik. J6. P. H.'a Ird.
John Toman and wUe lo Bdgar came here, we lived for a short Ume
. only
lou 6 and 11. bIk. 14. Good- near the HewHt Spring, a famous
^iMflL'Wat VNUUBana aatertalned Ormsby.
spring, in a grove of oaks, in a rocky
.g^Uter BaaaAt aoeiety oa Pilday rtch-a
MIeb. Trust Co., trustee, to J<din ravine some distance out of Springdale. Noi ta; awBv is a church A
j ,-W. B. OaBtean aad family have spko and oJa. Skvarld, aw Hof beH lady, a near neighbor. Informed us
•c. 18. T 25. R It,
tesvad la the H. B paraoaage.
that on a certain Sunday a companj
Wlilii- and Gold 8«-t,
You arc given your choice of over one hundred atyles of uklrta. no
rTte Bbm ban dab wia give im ex- •A. C. Elder et al to HertMn A. of elng^ would hold a son of con
two niokc and the bent fine of aklrta manufactured today.
. WMMbi to Traverse aiy next Tbuta- KIrebner. e^ of lot 14. bit 16. O. P. cert <l the church, and suggcaled
T. C.
t night And It Inioresiing At
H. L. LaBsr et al to Leon A. Dick
Ime appotuied I went to the
erson. leu 11 and 12. bik. 6. N. FHe
h. The bouse appeared to ba
Lake, except parcels.
n>erc was a crowd close around
r offered, la (sot
UHi.pl.V,. jXnm-r S« l wiUi fine
There are aorac or the most beauilfiil vollot. i
Cbarlee Oole and
to Emn the door, and there waa a large num
Clyne. tot 7. eH lot 6, bik. 4, P. H. ber of people, scattered about la the
• very feklrt ID the lot U a E«md OD".
wreaths uf small Sowers, hano
Bern VartMy of Ancles.
shade of the trees In tbe yard 1
traced and hcamlful gold d<*tJohn P. Matsen and wife to Esther had stood near the door but a few
B 1 BBt «UM M the Grand
lot 18. bik. 2. H. L. A Co.s'I minutes when the lady taw me. and.
oraUons. at, only 610.75 per Mt.
coming down from tbe back pan of
Welt to Adolph and John j the room. Invited me In and conductWe place these skIrU r
Remember. s<- keep open
thiBailvee ta dMth In a tew
That U what 1 wantBh thlnke Zak. awH ot sec and nH of e% of ed me to a seat.
Friday cwniliR until 10 p. m
te I was obliged to go tbtity Bliea »eW rec 7, T 26. R 12.
To say that I wh Interested. U pot-'
Jenc4c A. and John. A. Jackson to! ting It mildly. It was evident at once'
' Mr. OoMen'a orchard at Old Hisand close all day Saturday.
- to fat a taste of apple la the Howard WWltlng. se>4 of aeH sec. 18 that I wsa in a company of trained
Dceorailoo Day.
a Oraad Trsvera* vegkm. Mr• R 10,
I slogera. Tne performance was perwere aet during the
Ells Fooch to J. H. Hulett and wife feet In time and tune—at all events I
ng after. You will not have
This means a saving to you that is worth lookin,
wars sBoatly Baldwins,
10 ft. of lot 40 and w SO n:
lot'------- -...............................................
F fault in n. Afsay other varleUes. He 3>. Oak Height.,
...............- --mpany broke
such an opportunity as this again in a loniig time to buv ttrictly high
___ J In not hering aiany
Joseph Klepak and wife to Chas. op into groapa and enjoyed a picnic
grade skirts for so little money. We know they will appeal to
---------- Bn had is one year on hU TJitefca. parcel, bik. 3. H, A L. Co.'s
ci'cry woman as being the fiiinest lot of skirts they ever
A few weeks later, I a
mnenn^ mcr
Wi^e/i the
Hair Falls
S per COB iflpwci M Tlae DdHBltB
(MitiN tub WMt :2650
^ -I
Biifldlng Season is Here
Next Week will be Child
ren’s Week at the
Big Store
1«I a Mr. A. mam..
Traverse C3ty*s Best Store
Bargains In
Dinner Ware
Sale of Sample Skirts
Beginning Friday Morning
To those who hare ottegdeil these soles of Simple Skirts, ve seed ay
Dotblor those who hire not will miss the best thlnr
offered this seoson If you do not attend.
Frank Mockworn and wife' to Ferd
' I tented a^t (oar aerea In Wag—I aad By ftrat fnU eroo was about inand Ansarge n% of neH. •«. 2, T
• bwteta. Now yoB will call ae a 72.B12.
A. Homrich and wife to Clark
nd; feStod it Md“lteS?
11L I devoted IhU cm to nav- Coates, nxi of aeM sec 21. T
Mike D4eU.ll Md '^IfVlo Kis**M.
I Buy yaara ago. yet tbe trees Stiti toU 48 and 4» bik. 3. Oak Park.
*"* ZMv, If 1 had!. Niehalaa Huellmantel to HaU Flack
wife, tot 18. bik. E H. U A Co.'s
teTM of Wagners plantud twenty
.... _. . . . ^
• '•f'
r m te'lpiawr
Robert Caldwell et al to Walter
-^MTSSee foT^unTST
*■ 0**^ Heights.
• ta M> PBfert atee AUbave
'oung and
__ L Tte R^arn BpV are toC
»H of n«M uec. 14. T 27. R 10.
■ tetete .40 baartng and ara «2iS
*« Hoary
--------1 In ilae as a uble,H*l**'‘*
»r ta owkirM eounty
“> Joseph
,-------------- --- oa « Wagaeea. *fio« I>rorak. awH of awH sec. 7, T 25.
way culUvaied wcIlIb 12.
, 55
tepids Iron Co. to JoMj.h Car
M n l^e apple in U. aeM of neH uoe. 17. T 28. R 9,
“> John H.
Right Now
u .the befit fame of jreertodo piiotins oeFore ibc fliea bother,
tbe doat flies, end tbe lesvva c^/me out. If you are tbioking of
painting wby not ose
a ^nd we ^ve baodled in tbie plaoe for over twenty ywa
vithont banng any eomplainta m to ita covering or wearing
We are alao agenta for Garter White Lead. Japalac, Alabaatioa and Oalman’a Vamiabea.
Traverse Qly’a Leading Drag Stare.
Tbe best of them will go with a
-h. so
be cn hand early. Sizes range from
W waist and 39 length to *25
waisf and 41 length.
$5.00 Skirts, 3.75
$12.00 Skirts,R.75
$8.00 Skirts, 5.75
$15.00 Skirts, 10.75
$10.00 Skirts, 7.75
$18JI0 Skirts, 1L75
Store closed All Day ’Decoration ’Day, Saturday, &day 30.
Qosed Friday cNjgkt as Usual
Grand Traverse Region
Noncir To COMtM>Ot*OCN^
LMC Lato eranca No. lOM «1U
botd memoHal aervieea Satarday.
May JO. s( tto town hall al Meala.
n •fMCll wMfc All atridtora. old and yomi*. »« «tor
latotlM and Mend*, are eordlaUy taamt K atnm^M
rlttd 10 be preamit Moat
hJl at
ttmtn ta,tlMtriMr M •
- t)w H*r*w »nm Mt
latee eiatted arltb rtiatlTeB to toe*, a
Jtor daja dila woML
MM* Kate BIrdaey of Oten Arbor
vaa to ton mday.
Mia. Merloo A. Tota to VMttoc
B»ire tbta veek.
Tie aehooner Weateott cleared
dth a carpD
^ The fraduavEo >sc iw •uieo narcu
School oereed toe ercui ooe after.
Boeo laat week. The preeeed* were
MlM. trtatoh MU be used tor- defray-
eoalwnSra'^'^.«4 waa' wall
............... _bter.
aUended and appreciated Ibe pro*r of (beir oM and alao ne* pretl- Mtaa Ida, vlined with ralaUvea SnnCHCTLANO.
. C. H- tola*.
■l ^i*r Md Oeorce Kuiu
Jtou D. aBach apeot Sanday
lorte O. CorMl baa hi* Oto‘
CktM^ »•
»t lb* Ti»t^
UiM aumori tor » mpto of w»k«. ^_(di 00 the lake tm* aprlnc to ad- home to Port Oweida.'
Mtaa Bra Beddy of Olen Arbor
.VMak AtktSM and Harre PfcMti raao* at all otbara. ^ It raaa eery
rent r....................................
vbUad ywicrdar ■( Ibe tome of Mr.
The fralt tree* are beoBtlfal to
atd Mia. AJhm Praw.
their btoaMmt. todleatto* plenty of
nvak AWtoM and Bd 0*1
tonhT ALMlitA.
dfM to MW>< 'atr tu* aftencxm.
R A. Han baa U* ae« addition
otr Junior baae ball
The fruit tree* all ibrough the
' «aF"» d>«**' Mt tore yeaterday lo scarly ready to occupy.
mntry are to full bloom. We alt arc
P. c. Ollben U plaltlns a oev i
to hope* of Meaty of fruit ibl* year.
aort oo the pentoaola to U«c Lake,
^ abadow aoctol held at Pearl
■ay U.
toWaweek ago to boeor of the ball
'tore, wu well attended. They rbtoed
to Port Ooelda Friday anerKNOON.
poot aad mad* •ereral cafl* and took
Mr. Wjebel of TreVeree City
The bet poatber of Ibe paat few
svMw wUk lir. and Mra. Sehnoor.
day* to belplac the paaBboppera nit to attend the party and alao to go
tomi of (to yoaoa felka In tbi* alooc. A good rain would be appre- labluf Saturday evening. He went
•^bortoed oOalaMd tto cl^nc
borne retolnelng to tbink that be bad
aroaea and 4otortMnme~
gocid lock. He ^caught aboot
'Ctai, McLean aod eon Hector arflhe papUa of Ooear Bai
riTCd home from Waablnpon and OreMra. Laora B. Bate* was the gneti
goo-Saturday Dlgbt. after looking for
Bd Broirica laat Friday.
a place to locate (or several ..........
Mra. Archie teiltk and dangbur
l| that MIehlyan la a good plaoe to
Pearl drove through Bom Acme
Joe Stelfatr.^ to UUnd yaaierAmong tboae who attended the u.d Weet Almira laat Tuea&y toffee
i0 to brtttg%la aoB fyaek borne, grade grednattog eaercian at Ben- parent* and brother and wife, reti
nkr. and Mn. Ma Kmbaer eanad aento were Mra. Burke and cblldren. tog Friday
at the Traverae Lake Baaort yeaiar- Mra. Widrig and boo. Bmer. Wtl) Car-: Mr. aad Mra. James Sweet b
penter and wife and Mtaa Potrude moved lo Lake Ann for the cumt
and Mr. Sage. Mary
lary and. Irene
PrwBce* Clark la working for
QuUb from DlfL No. 1. Intood: Lola
■ i.
-Irene JaqnUb
ah and
Neal Jart
iliie Clark were thr
There waa a- large attendance at
wbo rwelved dl- icueau^ Mr. and Mre. Edward* Sonthe foaenl fit Jama* Cartiaie. Mr. ptomaa from Bendon.
OwiW* bad nvad bare tor
• Mr. and Mra. Albert CTei
waa well a rade4
turned from Saginaw Saturday Dtgtai.
etrtng. They wlaM
and win leave today tor tbelr bom* quite a turn of money.
Bk BapUa preached tfaa aermoo.
In Traverae City.
Mr. and Mra. Bd Oray aod famlly
Tire weadwr to verr Bne; tome are many frtenda go i........ _
drove to North Branch Sunday to tee
pfanitoc eera now.
Myrtle Dexter reureed iv u«<
r. and Mra. Albert Hooker.
TtelAdlef Aid met laM Tburaday school laat Wedneaday.
BIcabeth Fewin* of loUnd
retU Mra- B. B. LtwU. There waa a
Harry aark aad family of •Oraam .reodlag a few days with bor alsier
and ClareuM Claik and wife vtotted aad brother, Mr. and Mra. Uoyd
Mra. Blanebe Lawrence raturaed tbelr parenia. WiUtom Clark and wUe Bataa.
tfoin Tnveree Qty toat weak.
.ileorge Daea baa to Improved that
1U| mUe a caU to Bk Rapid* laat
Mr. and Mra. Cari/Uniy drove <u
BawidAy. ,
Traverse City 6*toi^y with some
Mtaa Blanch Dean bat gone to
The Mlaaea Beade Parrani and chlokenB.
Tnveree City tor a few daya.
Mr. and Mra. Willie . Nelaon
Than ware ne aervloat at (be Eva Dar were to Olaii Arbor. Wednea
Traverse City are visiting with Ihelr
ebnr^ea oMne to the funeral of Mr.
OuHale alao of Mr. Beer* of Bk Bap ‘*^ra. Bnofar and son of Port Oneida parents and all
few dayn.
Mt. who waa acddenutly kUled at ere to toton Friday.
Mr. and Mre. Rufua Dalei wore
Mr. and Mra. R J. MUlor of Manthe emnenl taetorr.
church to Uaten lo a vci
Mr. and Mra. Charley K. Bab
JK and Mr*. Carl J. tete*. and M
Caiiln Rooks weretbe gnestoM 1
City came am oa the <
—. to.visit
to.viBit with Mr. and
Mra. Hot*
fine and Mr. and Mra. Barber* of this
Mra. Fred WAaon and Bakah drovu
to Honor Thursday.
The surprise part}
wto l*ake and Mck Nelson wus held
at Mr. and Mra. WlUle Lake's reslAence Saiurdsy evening, it tatog
tbelr birthday. The* received quite
s number of presento. Mr. Nelson's
dsugbur of TbompsonvUle. Mre. Le
ons Busblow. presented her tatber
with s-olee soil of clolhea. lee cream
and cake were served, also bread and
batter and plckle'a There were 34
□amcl Pratt drove to Traverae City
and tbelr wives.
Mr. Davto baa trert
oxen, which to quite
young people
‘ '
of tbami never aeetog
before. .
Madison hauled1 a load of
Inmbcr to Traverae City Saiarday
Orandma Hall U quite wick and had
to taave the attendance of a ^yalnas
Cronkrtte has insUlled a phone
realdroce and sent four ta<
pUliH lo be herded
of cattle oo the plalif*
Jones of the Rivee Forks, who
a herd of some twenty head to
Mesara. Avery. Warner. Hamllioa
Freeman sAd wives were pin*i»
Mr. and Mra. John Broomtaead
Mr and Mra. John Smith and
‘Can I
I Borrow
a Fire’
Doeof the cIaso that it
alwaya "broke** aod always
borrowing? . Make a resolve
TODAY that you wiU 'have
one of your own ’'fivei" here
after and not always be bor
With A deposit ol 11.00 «« will
iasocyoo a Bavin(ft Book-and if
you will lay Mide a portion of
yoor-cnraiBga yon will hbvo no cccaaioo to borrow. Try it
Mr. and Mre. Frank Rogers drove Sunday.
Mr. Polver ha* hi* ceilar wall n
Cedar Run Sunday after Orandma
ly completed iand will soon be rt
lUrve) to spend a wiek with tbem.
MU» StelU Sinclair and Mlw KaUe lor the carpet
May :s.
Oerker of Lake Ann were-the gveau
of Mra. uewi. HiMlImaotel Sunday.
Pearl Busblow has been staySLOCKAOCO.
Ing «l;b !Mre. Flora Lake tor a few
Should Know How to Resist It.
lad a cow
•I mired
The back ache* because the kid
ne day last n pk. Help
era are blockaded.
1 the ec
Help the kldnejw With ihelr work
inderetand that Dave Ora
win occupy ihe Spafford house soon.
The back will ache
Grandma Barber It able to alt up
at thl* WTittog.
I nil* lo
beat proof, for tt
Itching pile* prevQfce profanity, but I rtrliliig rcUtlvea to ihU
Mr. aod Mra. Roy Palmer of Em-'
profsnliy won't core them. Doan's
Mrs SaunderaI has
Hire were visiting with Mr. and Mra.
Trav crae City.
gooe to PwtMt*. C E Clapp. *S7 E Front b.ntdu-nt curei Itching, bleeding - water to apen a few days wtth htr
Bd Brooks aSturday eveuliig and SonMrcet. Traverae CUy. Mich., uay*: ! p,oiniJlnc pll.-» after year* of ai’t- burliaad. wbo
druc alore.
The rUsB 111 the nto
Abe Mnwera baa purchaaed a new
have Iheir graduating
talking niBcblne. nere will be mnalc
HU lelt side ached more aeverelv
________ _
Mre. Mareball Lewti and children than the right and many t1i
his about-1
Ins v>u1
q^uld streak up Into0 hi
flnhiog Sbtordty
Shtarday «o PMrl Lnke. pains
E J Brinkman ha* gone to
Thry cangbt qnlle a string of flab.
bend-T Traverse Uly to spend a week wtth
Mr. and Mra. 'Lafonso Hucllmantcl werk
Wcbly col-; iricndi.
of Traverae City are'rtoliing with Ing.
bothered him both night j Two of the launehet from here
tbelr eons and wives tor a couple of or*d day Nothing
aeemed to help went over to Bk Rapid* Saturday
Mm unUl be procured Doan'* KldneyUnd broaght over about 40 yonng
May tS.
UJ '■ CotoTTW twra.
PllU. in a abort time they removed, people Jor a picnic.
r.j cttgtrarAoatwMv.0
(he nebra and pain*, and corroctcl j The' mcmbciu of the CalbeUc
two mloule*: the kidney trouble. Ho had often' chiireh gave a social
Stops earache
n’ yYi.tof cvl-^ring. The
Bothache. or |
recommended Doan'a Kidney PilU
ri five mlnoi
and I* glad lo endorse t • prevlou* , vvonlng was pleasantly apcnl to play-1hatoetall^l^ u!umt7^
Ivc pedro.
pedre. MUa
MUs Fknnj
Fanny ;u«.
by h
anmen., ...auc
ling progn-aalvf
___ : mu»cleache, two
made m
In 1902.
For aalo by all dealera. Price 60 Sweeny and John Sweeny taking
WaUM^ gntnaa •■*»*».
ihroai. twelve houra—
Ecleclrlc Oil. monarch
'^ln”“”‘ r. nis- FUster-MUbnrn Oo.. Bnlftlo, ’ firm priiea aod MlnnU- Porter and D.
New Yoik, *ole agenu for the Unlied, Cregor laaJng booby prt*e*. ToeylJjtUttoi
i made aU>u( U7. which wDI be
There was quite a gathering of old! Rcn.catber tbc name-Doan*a-aad , In helping n*> tor a carprt f
soldiers and their irtvcn at the M K. jiake no other.
1 cbtrch at Mapietoa.
Bov's Tusr
. ............
This Great: Jurniturc Center Offers You
The blaeest values, the lowest prices and the most liberal credit system of any concern in this section of the country. Now is «be brot
Urn* to let a big^riety of choice, as our entire Store and Furniture Warehouse are overflowing with rich and substantial Houro Furnishing.
Vto charge you noting extra tor buying on the easy payment plan. No matter whether you want one arhcle or your whole house fur
nished. We have the goods and will supply you as we advertise to do. Our loQg list of satisfiea customers will tell you many other
reasons why you should trade with Northern Michigan’s Reliable House Furnisher.
Carpets, Rugs
and Linoleums
Easy Rockers
Our handsome line of of Rockers include
all the .Wbite Reed. Mahogany. Golden
Oak and many other difTei|e»^ kinds of
wood and finish. These higii gndc Rock
ers ate all made n( the best material. The
joints are all thoroughly locked and secure
ly fastened together, while the finish is the
very best. For comfort, appearance and
durability, there are none better made.
Rich and exclusive patterns with
great wearing qualities. We can fit
your room with every grade of floor
covering and we make Wilton, Axminister and Brussels Rugs aod Carpets
to fit the most irregular shaped room.
remnants and odd lots of Floor
$30.00 Axmlnster Rug, 9x12........................tSXM
$26.00 Heavy Velvet Rug. 9x12....................$1$M
$20.00 Brussels Rug, 9x12...................................... flU$ ,
handsome IHners
lociueiog At iitMt Md bMt «yi«^
Our inonraeet beitra Urg^ and we «»e
Well prepared to si« you the iiyle of
Chair dedred at iurpritldgly low pricee.
Leather, Cano. Fibre end Wood Seat, in
Solid OSk, hnithed A riA golden and
highly polHhed. Well put together, ioror, ing strength and durability^
Vidmt Frames, end Wbriefta
Shades made to order all sizes. ['
Large Framed Pictares Gwen vdtb.
Outfits Free,
All remnants In Ingrain Carpet aellt regularly for 250,60e
and 76c now 16c S6e mmt Sic. .
oak p<
U U:eet. Victor e.Mcnsion
the kind that carry ihcir leave*,
at tables, round and square, with
drop leaves. The ordinary exteosioo tables
and a large nurnbKr of kitchen tables There
is no possible change of being disappointed
b stylE quality or price.
SIDEBOARDS—A beautiful line of large, spacious
Boards with a brilUam hnish. heavy plate mirrors
aod massive claw feet. Musi be seen
^4 A f9S
to be appreciated. Selling up from
ing fr
Baby Cabs and
Our Cab Department is surpassed by
none. Wc have the largest line and beet
assortment of this class of vehicles on the
High grade, nicely fiaisbed,
easy running, strong aod
durable. Selling up from........ #XefeP
Traverse City Store Located at
t20 E Front 5f.
Elk ’Hapids Store Located on
‘liiver Street.
for Sommer?
addi to kMm
de»md«ft4Mar. BikH.
O; teo the
mHKltaMffNi Cook-Stove
«ryo#i<||to4>toif<WftimnyeooBflg. becne. anlike ^ coal
n^llilMitoto dncaed to oae poiat «M^r-ctotat oader tfaa
- koMa. Hadeiatbnete. Mir vmined.
I «kh yom dMlar. write ear aconte ateecy.
0» IW ara»-« tarikct Madcnt
' If ate wUh Toorl^, write ««
Man ware aoltad la marrine WadOaten afteneoa at ike koiae et tke
teMO. tetea'HDMm waa
ctenl taaeOte ate a oradi
_____ of Ue
NDriJuort kick aeteal. with
wttl tke tean
an tke other erenlac.
C. W. Leofller kn a new piano to
kla koBe.
Mr. nnd'Mra. iokn Amtabnecbler
and Hr. and Mrc. Bdwaid Oautbler
want to Oadar Satnrdar eretens
te UO*. Mr. IteteertakkM
^tate *k« aliaodte Uew «m« him
OMrtea. atetar of ik* krida. and
er a two r«ara
.Mra. J. W. I
r alowlr
-ftejorUdMok. broUwr te Ika
last Mra. A,
*T£ KaUie ranlaa doted _ . care for bar, returalnc borne Saioroteate 'Moor aAaraooB and left tor tdar amine.
kackoma.at Iteaad.
Mra. DU Oood and dancbler and
Mtaa Wpnkoop trera eallera at Mra.
C. W. Leotfler’a on Toeadar.
Bora, to Mr and Hn. JNward La
O. R. Clarpool la worUni
road at praaent.
Mra. O. R. Cterpoal apd dauckter
Altea TMtad at her uaeie’a. Hr. and
tear n.
Mrs. Prank BlIU. teat, Tuwtter. Her
crandpa te quite poorir tkte i^nc.
Mar n.
at tka vadteM te Mlta Carrta Brown
te jida Idae^and Paal Kliwa? ct
JhmwS^i %. aad Mra. Ckaa.
BoMoa. Mr. ate Via. P. Soanaoa.
Ate Oaraat ate taaftr. Mra. Ella
saun. Mrs. TlOte Kllwar. The Rer.
P. U. Brawn, Ctekar of the bride, pertnmte tba oaramny at it o’clock.
Mar M. disaar Mac aerrad irnmadl-
MATCH rrr.
Art. Aaioe Bos to la Traraise atr
wbara ake mderarabt an opemlon
&tardar. Wa ai
' '
was dome kleelr
Mra. B. A. Wall entertained ber un
cle or Grand Rapida and alao her
mother tron Hodec one nickt teat
and Mra. C. Knapp were called to Borne CItr teat
latt Mondar
M« '
‘by U'
llinaaai ot tkeir dauckter. Mrs. Knai
wndinc the week there
and' "
aapp retumlnc
The Boeial at Byron Hnlelt'a Tueaday nlckl was well attended; The tedtea cleared elerea doll Tke Mailtea of My
ate E
I tkeir I
Buckley, wboae UtUe intant
on was very alck.
MUs BOe Bogart speat Ike Utter
•It of teat week to Itoncsley. aasiai-
■JUltettea ovaa Mra. |iU! Prtday. $he Banal , of Bto Bapids apau
hns twan ailing tor qtdte a white.
wttk ttw tottarto atetm. Mra.
Mrs. Obaa Taylec vtoltad In. toek- Ifaiara.
7m. ate Mrs.
Baioa <
--------- __08d at tka MaMW^Baaab^ atondad tenrdTkm
•ckool bonaa ate ateo at Bteci^a *—
Lowen Bonn wna b Trsvsrae GHy
Tbara will ba no eknrak hats Bnn- ■Motev.
day. 8«^ aekoal ate nang £rJ. L. Wmick to tetetog tba store at
vlca. Mr. Hnlbart will attend' decora AngMl, during the abeenoe ot Mr.
tion to Banaonte oe Satnrday. not
BUI. We OEpoct when be returnt
tvintog in time to preacb.
he wtU briar a partner wiib Ub.
Mr. raiOker. tke coonty agent, csllSome ot our paople attended tke
tnoers] of Ur. Boon at Elk Baplda
Riel Davy, who came hoae from
Denver, CoL, s low week* sgo. expect
lac to BO.
Btoy here, has retorned
this writing.
Denver on aeoonnt ot W bealtk. Mrs.
M. CunnlnidteB to sM
Davy wUl visit a while kmger before
uday with
very i
kla (ether. *
Mrs. T. J. Cams of Traverse City
visited her buband a couple ot days
test week. T. J drove home with ber
Baturday. retnrninc ibe ftrst ot the
week. *
Mrs. George Oee. who was nincb
better ton week, was taken worse
In ikla nelgkkorkood vtalUng for
Moaday and la now quite sick.
MIrs Hand Woodard apem a re<
Mr. PIlUr I* very sick with a comtdicatloD ot' diacssea.
Warrea Way and Clyde Dean spent
8«nday at the ttomer’k bonri to Rap
Uly White
**Ttoa PlB« tta laat OMka Uae"
Ska has Aoste that she rn 11 MiM fanks.ka amici.
a combkatiaa wtack caMot be beteea as a
mope (or aakkg good cooks.
AI over the Mate *lke beat cooks* are making hot
htecak for buDgiy people OM of Ur Wlke.
Upiwtet dm loaAmt. I^M. wkltet. trmderett.
moMAfagm toKiats jwu ercr ale or chmmrd of. get
^^Whie. "ike Boib die bcM ooeb ua^" and yon'l have
VALLsr OTY imxaic coMMinr
A eartnte Cnrator Afhtog teat.
Tbicn Abowl SsMlera WH| Ba Anasrae
to the Ball KaiL
Qutte n nnBbcr tram keve attend
Tke ran esu a* Ike vetoing of'
ed tke eoBBeoccBent exe
*» be held j
K^^TBnrsday night
j toiarday iftwiooo'wuf bi>’'aw*^
fall bo(\<e. 1
curing akin
aplea. rsabiiv.
etr_ sre
l_ .
ful term of icbool Friday.
will teach here again.
Laura Bnrfiesd. arcompanlej by Clear-aklnued.
LaVantnre and h<-r brother.
PbUip LaVanture. vlslled ber parmta
Saturday and Sunda.v.
Mr*. Barth vislied her son and old
(rt.j»<te teat w«-k and aiiendcd the
given by the scfaont
There WS* a load of Mr. BarthY
friends down from Kassou Saturday
P. J Burfiend hauled a load ol hay
*" Glen Hsvpd Saiurcte) I-'r Mr.
»*' Han'l
M ----------------• SkS «■■■■<
OvUe Mtogm baa sold bit farm to
Mr. Reynold* tram iRdtana. Ur. Uln— ----------------------Antioch.
-----------------------------------.'ker rtolled
Mn. BdgeU at Bueldpy Tnesday.
Tke Ladler Aid Bet with Mn.
Mn. Ckartoa Sktonsr died Baurday
Borntog and wu buried Sunday on
<he RaBsey ecoieicty.
leaves s ktekand aad seven children,
ikc ymmgett net s week old. besidea
several brother* ate atstm to moera
tkeir toea.
Joktt netotoar. one ot Wexford
icwuklp’t oldest ploneeta.. died atedenly. May Pth. at tbe home ot bis
slater, at Ckicago Helgfau. ot paralysU.
May IS.
Mr. ate Mrs. Archie Monroe were
Traveree.aty vtolion one day last
Mr. TkDBpm aad
- ST Bn.l
It to Do»> tMtutoto
May *S.
Mn Hattie Pletcber-TIbbetU came
from Grand Raplda Uil week and had
a moanmem set at her motbe^^'
grave to the Wexford cemolery. She
u> im»ns>
Are You Going to Purchase a Silo
This Season?
jroar order, I baadta !!•-{«&NDR thilo. with tboooatiaBoas
dov. DO stntkwnrf apooeB'
Untie innH kitidaof woods,
aad ail anea. Let toeaead 3to«
my catoloff and {iricaa, Tea
oaa pay foryoor ailo thUyv«r
and bare your cattk in tnach
better abaiRs aa with b aik>
yon only beod aboat om third
ofthaEtoBod pUatedfagM.
I ako V,i>Ua lb. oli.
mu eoailaim cakter. All Mwa.
Write me for eatak|» tad
M. J. LaLofle
Boom 4, OHy Opm Boom
Mn. Barr
have ^ved from tkeir home to Pennlylrafite tor an extended vlaU at uie
boBe of her parenia, Mr. and Mn.
Nathan Story.
The band I* advertised to give a
coDctn ngxi lYSUay night, with a
flih pond and ice cream supper In
connection..— Bverybody enjoya '
band’* music and■ the: concert will
Ajax Dynamite
day aate In oo
r oee seem
a JMly crowd wf her I
Baurday afternoon. i
'52ssr.^"\vx4S*^s!DmiiiE fODi srans
id City.
Hot Biscuits
h^iS, it’s a mrewqr to pleate a km^ penoa of
Hot fatec^ «l
aometkiag rood to eat; they
vanmd «tkattbere's a good cook near ^ who b« inta*
cst cBoog^ k H lo me ktf farak aad ber skill in getting
Moselkteg aim for m to eat’
Aadofe e she makes d«n out oT
at wm Bhtea.
“ Ooidte Bom-
Hay to.
Anstett, Mr. and Mrt. Oao. Anatctt.
family, Mr. and Mrs. C. Old* sad
M.ww.r. e.
W9m»r, WUl Be Interwstsd.
.Mrs. Witeey. Mrs.
Hnlett sod
lrr«sb*~*sis. is w. Iwtk. I nnary
.. Mr. ate Mis. Bdd Msncfaesier
s’ Aid sortrty will meet
s<dirMi . r.ri«.*
and Hr. sad Mra. U. FUxgcnild.
May 2T.
All Intereated are Invited to meet
s cemetery, Batntday.j'
_ ed eras* and ckl
Traverse aty vlslled at W. C.
leys test week.
. -BdlngI ttwo weeks with
parents at Tnsiia,
Joe Kemesksi and Mary Ya
enl to Traverse CHy Satnrday.
Mra. J. U Olbto U bavtog her ai
OR. W. J. .HIGCiNg OeetistOnral Belltoga went u> Leland teat painted and otkerwtoe Improved
New Munson BIk
Tisv.-rae Qiv
aide and out.
, aUxtoa telephone: offlre, 79g; re*
A nnaiber from here attended (be
ThoBU Smith returned from bis idencr "tt.
BBSlca! oaiertalnBcnt si East Kas- trip to the npper pentoaute Friday
be dlr\>ctrd to M* office opevening
poelle Sherman A HiiiiliT.
Carra Barnett and Anna Baiter et
Do not be ftHsdlrecird.
Mrs. Riley ot Hodge bu been visBardlckvllte passed ibrougb
lUug ber daughter. Mrs. Tboe. Bmlih.
Gold work of (ho very beat
the past week. She brought with
her Mn. Smith's Uttle daughter Bthel Ckue.
Strong, natural *i.|M>artng a
A dance wu held at tke home
best artiOclat teeth.
Mr. MUHken and wife ot T.-nverse Ad. McKeage. Friday nlghL u %.
Uske appolmmcnu aktotd wben
aty were In town text Friday.
farewell to Roy McKeage and L«-on pomfble.
Ruth French la working at Cedar Wolf, who left the next day to workl Ortce boor* 7:JO to 11:S0. i to S.
on (be upper penlntute.
[Other boon by requesL
May SI
Mn. Howard Manley of Keystone',
visited ber parents. Mr. and Mra.|~
Cha». »lMj, this week.
j I
&rl Vander
- ■
lerrort has gone to OsdU
fisrl Bence reiurnte hu
Iron Grate Raplda. where be has City to work In the shingle tell there.
been attendb
medical college ibe
Aid society at the Holliday House.
Wedneiday evening. Ice cream and
UM -vicinity teal week, one at Frank
Hariley's on Thursday test and at
BI Mobfe’a on Friday. Plenty of helpera were present at botb ptecca and
bountltnl dtoaera and nppers
served on each oecsalon.
Mrs. Frsnk SteSord and ckIMrra
arrived test Thursday froB Beaver
latend tor an extended visit with rel
atival and trienda.
Bdgar Bias to night watching at
. _
which occurred tke following day.
Mr*. Blaadell whcao home la In
southern Michigan, la very atrk at the
home of her brother Robert Bartlett.
McBOrial asrvice was prwaclied teat
Sabbath by our pastor, the Rev. Ur.
Young, nearly all the old uoldlerx
in the community attending In' a
deliver an addrcia to the gradnaUng
Bigbteen ot the lady trienda ot
Benw of Mra. Jamaa
Miaa Ines Rex were present laat
, Opa Biian to apaadlac aotaa Maia
niortday evening at the home of Mra
atotar, Mra. Pred TarrmnL
R. D. White to participate to a ahow: -Oatria Bmaatt and Annie Baxter
tor the lady, wbooe wedding oc
totea Trarerae Ctir rUlrora tkh
curs tomorrow. A pile of atdUble
cloth wax In waiting .and each lady
Mtoa 1*9 AtWiiwMi 4a vtolUnc'at
requested to make a bolder for
Mra. Cmra of Maple atr.
nae ot the bride. After that was
Mn. Waak TmiwaU kaa keen 01
done there wax a mock wedding, a
sort ot rehearsal ter tke bride’s benea dainty luncb wu sfrved.
Jnttioa Laiee left yeeterday ti SL Tben
the gneata took tkeir departore
Pilot, called there by the alckncu * and
for tkeir homes at a very late—or.
Mra. 1..........................
A nice lot of
Mlat Van wrofc«9 a
d Pntoa held a congranite ware wu left u mementoes
of the tBalr. •
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bcolleld spent
Bonday silk Mr. and Mrs. RobL
Swewy on tke pealiiaala.
Tke potato aeasco here. U abotK at
a dose, only a few aesttering lots
coming In. and then the warebouxes
win all be closed tor the aummer.
Tke prioe is 40 cenix bow.
Quite a number from here exi>ect to
Hate Ike M Btoki^ ktok. tbe pleteteitat odor and tke
be to attendance at tke mtealon^
•i defcowu flaw of aajrdibg you can place before a
Travene City
A lettuce tandv^ to all light for a pek tea,
you want to feed a kingty maa gne iwn tke hot IwKuito
BoUlday. ate
Bo* 167
Sets of
' ii-.
Dishes and Rockers FREE Again
At the request of many of our friends we've
decided to give away Dishes and Rockers again.
A ticket with every fifty-cent purchase, good
until October 1st, 1908. Tickets are good for
many premiums, such as
42>piece Dinner Sets,
Elegant Rocking Ebairs,
Oak Center Cables,
Oil Paintings, Petticoats,
Suit Cases. Phonographs, etc.
Save the tickets! You might just as well
share in these extras as your neighbor!
Special Bargains Next Week
fte’re gteng lo mako June the banner month of Ihi* store-s t,u,lDCBs.
Wc'n- going (U do ti with xptelal priee*. speetal viti:-* amt »ie-r1al .iirax
UsldcB. Elvory department In the si.,r.. w:!l,l,olo forth michty lemptlnr
valnes for yon nex> week, li will pay. y„„
.tart In earl,'-Monday Is
June 1*1 . Mooey uving onurtOBlii.6 j- . wry turn
Oar Vatees!
Traverse CHy* Mich.
Known by
Oar Valoes!
.irL-jn; '^1 .
aadiBWL ar a nae wlta aadlWrnf
Cran Wpan. or any other ptoap^^
gtaB wbm M ' bard to
to mab. chop np a raw potato (padad) and pot u teto the botqr wtn
WdWt wntB or ande to Joat
the potato; iMra It tor aw
hooin. gtftag an
wbtab that «att tancht bar. At Int aapty aad rtaaa waU; If naeaaiaiy.
Bwoltt will be ptanotag. «
aha oat atin. lAr waccMm Iba atotai.
bat aaalUr bar tBpadanea aada bar.
Thy Ever Uat-------------.
ttoa aad paaa back aad forth. Oaoak
WIIA * Map OMMtant.
Ttak-a Magiilna Mm tba toUnwlng
If aba wont to tha poeaiT with bar
kcBil«( «OMr,
bints on tba Baay aaoa to which old
1*|w ftcku tk* dMtr »t»M »**► baltar. oad am to aaebaaia than papata caa be paL
tor aagar aad aoSaa and bar rlalu
o«t fMr:
For poKsbtag lanp cblmney*. wlaalwayi briat, bat thla tine aba
•Mi hS Mu* tail.
toapi ■»Wdow* aoi atovat, notklng excels tbaa
bad Una to look at ererr artlela on
To clean gtaB water botUea or any
Mrt^ ***»
Itet Oo« 1* Oo«: Itat aoMho*.
kind of botUe or craaL tear ap a
falling ta tonwiU.
epapar Into ahreiU. Pot tale In
"Praparad Noodlaa.- aha read Iron
■U .lu. >ock on lot
ho|Ua Poar on it aose warn
a box. naklog a paaaa ta bar walk,
Mt a Mar
ooap oatavWtta a pUieh of ooda added.
tertaaa. vUeli tha
Sake often.
mrU Mat daar.
Put papen bouraea year fiowen
BiUa B«M Mb raap; MtMr wtik lookad orcr the loclpao. and dlacor- Menu and tbe wlodows on cold
ered oewal aaw way* of ear
leaa a mat.
She bad alwara made noodtaa algbis.
Am lIvtBtr M MakCBor; aartM aot.
Pot new*papers between coBforttor ooap. bat this box opoke of nood
Mar Ma« tattk la Maa: bat
era oh bade an cold algbu. They are
taa with ebaaoe, preparod by ptoagtac
Uw Doodlaa Into bonbig water lor SO ■gbl and bold the beat.
Po< newvapera under the carpatt.
Blonteo. dralnlag then and pUclog
When yon clean bouse take np your
■at wlM a o>aa aaA vordt of hope In a bottered baking pan ta the oven carpels, roll up papers aad dirt with
with an incb depth of grated cbeeae
them. It tavea woak.
on lop—an axoellaat way to ae<
«a ararr MOar; ba akoa ta fraat
Ooe newapaperf to corer tbe top
'Mto io a Ufa barvie eoaqaata toU. ary eheeae. Bbe aloo pat down ta tbe of tbe Uleben table when cooking a
-Oarab K. BeHoa. boMt of bar renembrnaee <ba( nood'^ neoL After your work Is done gather
lea' Bight ha bcdtad ta aaltad water,
aad draaaed with bread cresba tried BP the paper and throw K away and
Tharp ia •««- a I
aodenteata ta a'pertaeUy clean
la baa frytaga—a dUb wbtob bar
mm Mawaaea
whole lEBlIy now anfoya.
Wet newapapero. tear tbam Intn
‘Itoalnr*' wna Ibo next artkde
abrade and throw tbaa on the carpet
wblcb ber eycn raotad apon.
alra sweeping, the dust coUecta
wnyt Ilka bentay.- aba aaU to ber
Thatah Ika aaaf «C tha ladt i
tnstaad of flying ta tbe air. beaolf. T b^lera III sake oome.tbp akiM aia alaar,
sldea making tbe carpet look DN^tAa« tha aoat M tha thrart. vbaa sada a antal oota of that artida.
tha aUaa art crap:
(&t nawapapen Into iBall pieces
8ba had loot ttegotten
Tha aaaaMaa ahewara aeraaa
aboot It uUI tbe Ubel on tbe boa aad otoS banunock plllewi with
AaTtL WaabM trUla M tha or csiigbt ber aye. Then obe totnad to
Woolea dotatag tboroogbly deanaoBa east Allad wltb oeB<a,,uaerchard Craa;
ed and seenrcly wrapped ta aawapa*AM ta aad aat. ahaa tha taacM drip kraat. and oatd to homall. *-lf>hor pets ta perfeeUy safe agalnsttbe
people can anuarkrmot I ean. too.*
Of tbe tartdloas moth, aad ladu
obe nrae port of tkU aaetol prodoot
fha ansawi an t
r of the various
Data tate In tha apitag Bach bactar
then with eWery. onlw and parWey.
and alao at tiBM MWh canol and tar*
nip to oiiUtaB to tha im three. Batton broth ta vary valaWla tor
Never Without Pe-ni-na in My House
So HWlss Mr, C. O. Cmracrx, Bm Sprite
Tkere Are a Multitiide of People In
the United Stales
Who Have Been Restored to Health
By the Use of Pe-m-na.
a bench of niparsgas in
and boQ ta a quart of waisr
tendsr. Boat a fdat of aOk aad thtaksa wkk a UWaopopafal oacb of battor and •par, mbbsd tofotaor. Take
oat a few tips of tae asparagus and
mb tbe rest tarougb a edander.
Tbm ors a maltltaM of pwaple tn tbe DMliM
StaMawbohaTofaMa rsatoeud to bMltb bytas nw
um to tae water ta which It <
boiled, drop In tbe Upe. add tbe milk ofperana. Thar* is no am trying today tali taec
Asaruls.docloisdlsIiketoadmtlU. TbmISDOw
m wltb aalt and red pepper.
tacD a CMUngeoau dootor who does ad ra'l 111. bow
Bdl tsro ndnaus and omre. A beaten and
•ver. In sneh eases Pemna is praecribed by tbe
egg may be added Just befon
doctor blmseU. Bren tboogb tbe doetor suneva
log; do not boll It after it is pat \a. pecuniary loos by sneh a Iraasaetion bis paUent la
but stir coattaoaUy.
benefited, whieb ought to be the doctor's cAlM
Scalloped Com—Alternate layers of eooeem.
We do not Malm that doctors geaerally prescribs
com and cracker eminfas. se
Psruna. But we do\laim whenever Feruas ie ineach layer of com to taste with but telllguotiy prceeribed it rarely dlsappalats «ii
ter. salt and pepper. Tbe top layer
Bbonld be crackers. Put UU of but
ter over top snd pour milk
motaten «tbe lad tbiok. Bake about
thirty minutes.
Ham Toast—Reserve the fat from
pleoes of cold boiled bam, chop floe.
Put two UMespoonfUIa of butter Into
saacepen oa tae siove. a
taopped bam and one half teacup of
sweet cream or milk. Seaaoo wnb
pepper aad aalu and when hot re
move from tae store snd stir ta quick
ly three well beaten eggs. Pour the
mtature over tblo tlleea of toast sod
irve nt ooce.
Creamed Bseon—Bake ta tbe oven
sHces of bacon till they are brawn and
crisp; pul tbem db a hot platter: add
myadt no bettor.
to tae tat In the pan a tablei
-On tae ad vtoeotatrisMI whs teflHM Parana
or more of flour; vUr tOI smooth.add
with good raeulu 1 parikssM • kstoto. Tbe
gradnally a teacnpful and a ball of
reeoite were eo good that I obMMmA nsMg It.
milk and c<xA two minutes.
Have, perheps, ta tba last Ursa yean weed a
Ksabed Raw Potatoes-^Waab and
doaen botUee. which have bapS rasMsM tba try
pare oufflclem raw potatoes to give s
ing trooUes ot oatarrh. 1 am ^«Si Orttbrat a
full pint -when prepared. Chop fine,
bottle of Pernaa ia my hawsa. ^m-oee always geto raflsf imm ddMdHff
working qnlckly taat'they may net
become discolored. Cover with coM
Naaal Cotofr* aad MUcatlaa.
ICr. James P. Bracken. 610 Tenth Ave„ New York City, K. T.,
ler. tUr Iborongbly aad drain, thus
bas occupied tae offles of Water Inepeetor of New York City
discarding tbe tree starch. Cover wltb
Mr. MIobaM Booney, U Flfth^«
for tae past flfMen year*. Re carrlM on aa extensive plnmUng
frush COM water and let aland for ten
than It weald keep ta «ba bag CanbBslBsesatdlOlOtaAve. He U Poet Depnty M Orttd KMgbto Y^ write*:
Fastanod aeroat taa abouMers and mlnnlea. Then draia as dry as possi
-Itl had known ofperana y«MiaaZ,
nod ta Ita prtaa, ta rebmajy
ofBelgaaOeUaOcibndlKBlgbUofOolBBil»s,K.Y. Hewrltoe
Thara la aaar a^ aai
heen saved ranch suffering. Onder^MokBsnMand
as follows:
Stareb, it* boepa MIetoaa nnUI bnt chest befMw patUng on one's coat. ble. turn Into ■ pan coouialng
.■7 iaar^
<Bakes an exeeUent Ubi.espooafuls of smoking hot bseon
"For nearly a (foaM yean naisrrb has bothered me ta om form expaenre ta my younger yeora my MISM «M Uto a
«a tha cMaa abora or dark or talr;
1 against cold when eUlged fat or butter, dost wltb salt aad pep
or another. I was trooUed with Msa/esttrr* that bed aOecied vary bad ooudltton before I we* aeMOCtt.
Tbaa abp apiad aosa eraj
-My doctor thought taat I biB oMnrv* M iBa
Thara ta atcr a acag that oar haarta
my slomeeb, whteh troubled soie mod 1a tbe morning. My
to bo OBt for any length of Ubb
per and a Ublespoontu: of vinegar;
fmlta. with ilraettoaa tor
•^lorand duly prararlbed tor ma, busnMblag did
dppsdto was poor, aad 1 did aot eeem to relish my food. W
M ta a flne polisher tor wtadows cover elocely and cook at the side of
ay good.
than helling, end
gwstfSd bothered me at ttmss. also, I was advUed to take Penina.
• tang aoBiwham.
Beta woa )ottad down ta her Baaeryand 1 took ft as Keeeribed for a month when my core was
* yfrlaads advlaed bm to try Pirana.fnv whteh I
m Mar
the stove with. It Is a good Idea to torwud and let brown sriibout attrmlmact BoraBlaU. ‘IVxleT.there le nnt e traee at eelerrh in me n"* vry taankfttl. e* <t hasnuredawlatvo tooBtao,
ThoM la oaor • KBg aoBOWharal The next tlaa -oba cooked drtad np- rm>va the grease troB cooking otan- rlngring; run a knife round' tbem
plaa they ware pm to nook all Bight
oitoe or twice and bft tae crust carela nleaty of wnt*-, and the naxt*dnyl«“».
Mr. Freak Blcbter.ot m Bast MBt., Wlnora,
MBBorad gaiuy all day
patting tbOB Ulo fslly to be sure tb«T they are
kfr. Bamoel A. Paxton, UlB Troost Av*., Kansas City, Moe Mian., writes: -1 take pliastg* In rr~~nnindlai
of tbe more.
At night they r***
meraberXO. O. F. snd National Annuity AaMCiaUoa. writes:
M Bb tafMMht Mok or tha aiA
owootanad aad oirrod-aad eatA froab Untag dally of
-lama wsffBMradar, thanks to yonr splendid mediMne, Peroaa.
Mr Man;
•1 was irouhlrd with catarrh aad kidney dlseoM of long etaadlng taUdlarem. My catarrh wa* prtoMpeUy lomtod U
ored on tbe under side told
The foMa pirn Mhan the an la here. on. They wer^ aa imlike tbe nnal
when I first began usingPeruOB. X soon found I was getUng better, my head aad stomach. 1 tried ma,«y reraedles wllbsigbtly and aadtarr.
like an omelet and mm out on i
dried truUa tarred la that borne
aadeoellaued takine It for four months, it cleaned out ihesvstem
toavlBg me woU Md Strang and fealing bMUt than 1 have in ysars.* ^*”*««rad*
doyngtat U onllke darimwo. aad tbe
Tha Ma my Men
«M ML tataUy abewad tbatr appradatSoa 6y
on ta a batter pUn than banng
etable ta generally spoiled by <
eating than all and
Bay gpww.'
oven tor five mlnulee tan rarefeUyodd one
actual ose.
I of Orion jaiee.
By tala tlaa she w gnaCy ta- vipa that pan of the floor with a cooking. Tbe flat white summer
Ant the ataam lHTCi drop <
nip. *Urben siloed. wlU cook ta thirty
Tbe cupboard U a soarvel. flUed tamed out on a heetA dUb. With It FlU np the nmld with the preporafl
taraaiad. and aat oat to pita ap aora Bop oavaral Omaa a day.
aad owe:
flpread a newsptoer OBder your m^utes. it the cooking Is prolonged with Utile drop boxee, taat bold tru. serve grated maple sugar.
■ JmeaL
tmes packing UgbUy. Cover with rice
Bnt whaM the acB or Me rata or htets. flba fltaeovarad that prapand
becoffee, salt eugar. pepper, .apices,
Rlc* Bannocks—One cap ot riceASt and staam forty-flve mlnate*. Take
•nor ta aa<aale at a great many grotbamrw.
on Up of yoor table to catch vagau- glna to deteriorate, growing dark ta flour, lard, ^drippings" (these ere rer fire ta a RtUc water naUI aweU-|ont of tbe mold. garaUb With pain
TMa la orar a wng nanawhara; escies. bat that any wobbb can vaka
color and strong In flavor. The win lta«4 with porcelain and UU ooil; ed thorongbly; add one cap milk ana ley. and serve with tomato sauos.
bar own. If abe carae u, by aimlT bla parings. It Is mock easier
m Mar.
catch up the paper.and dltpote e> ter tnmips requite from foriy-flve to and below are places for vegetables— piece of butter size of walant; Let
.Waaea SMtanab Rflay.
flour and plactng ta a cod. dry plnea. Its eonleats than to clean tba table sixty minutes. Have tbe tamtjis peel large bins, a long, narrow poroelata aibnd nntll moratag. add an«4ralf pint
w. • • • f
• e a e e a
It ta then ready far qulta btacults or UMe again or wash another racep- ed snd sliced. Drop the slices Into a closet for meats, a water teak—ell Indian meal, two well-beaten eggs.
uele And ao on. ad Inanltuei. Al
pan with polling water enough these things the luveotlonr of women two tablcspoonfuls of floor, a libera* N
nay other porpoae -whera laavi
• ^cnl tat taa aoag •»
Canned ploa podding, ready ways keep a pile of aewspapers at to cover generously. Cook nnill ten adapted by men and made la right pint of milk, a half teaspoouful of|mid Mrs. .Martla to ber friend. Mrs.
y«w Bio:
der. then drain well They arc now shapes, with proper hinges—for the salt. Bake one hour ta shaUow pans.jHose. as Ah» Bet at
• .Tlpi^ tt dhaaga amaUBaa
tor aarvtag by simply beaUng and • BdT
ob can oave ooap and toamols
to mash or chop. If they are to ssving of steps.
Rice Omelet—One enp ol bMIed | throw away
ay a
^ oaruani
Baking the annoo. gave bar the Idea
*ta»MlMrMrata ,itwlB Wand that har own plom padding caoU be sktns and keep yonr brass. ddUe and be served mashed, put tbem back In But only very new booses snd Very rice, a lltUe salt, throe eggs beaten fast beeanse they bom opsa In cookfanceu. teakettlea. tea and the stew pan; mash with a wooden careful Invesiore can have such lux separately, and then together, and tog. aad she thought tboy i
kept Indafldtalyaawallawtmlt cake.
• Viih. the Major tana, yea tobeaaadtaaiBargandas. aomaswaat coffee pou and nlekle bn stoves vegetable masher, as metal is apt to uries; ao tbe next beat thing to do to four tablespoons of mUk. Cook as led."
t langhtag beeaoae you loot
a on sals at fancy prtoaa ra- brtgfit as poltabed gdd and silver dl Impart an nnplMsant taste. Season to iDveni methods that accomplish any omelet. This to very nice for
ikfasi.- replied Mrs. Boas^
Btadad bar that abe ooild make bar taa tiina by polishing them wltb^d wltb salt, butter and a little pepper. tbe same step oevlng without the onb spring breakfast or luncheon.
Clean them taorooghly Serve at once.
Cream Rice Pudding—Two tablo "bat the worfl 'Baaaac* Beads oar
lay of money.
ter tba next tanreh sapper or for
Dried Apple Cake.—Soak one enp
Ton ean have your, kitchen divided spoons cold boUed rice, three table family neariy Into eonraUloBO. Whoa
Bondsy nljtat 1m by taking two cook and iBBadlatety polsb tbem wllb
Into secitant the aaue waj. Where spoons sngar. yolk one egg. thro* t»- the Maythams vlritod us a short time
ies of a osrtaln rodpe. and boldtag taa dd newspapers, then each do> dried.or evaporated spplee over
enpi milk, ago. I ordored some oansaga tor
tboB togetber with n toread of rasp- afterward (preferibly after dishwash ta three cups warm water (after first you wash the dishes rasemble aU the
boay tato or any deslrod pranerva. ing U tbe Bomlng) mb eaeb np a Ut- washing taorooghly and removing all tools that are needed for that work one-half teaspoon vanilla. Itat tbe breakfasL i wanted It pantaBla^y
of pMlnnnihy, pachm ta the
Ua srlth tbe papore; only a few sec pieces of core). Four off tbe water In another comer have yonr bread milk with the cold rice ta a double nice, an | conitaned NeUe, orho «M
eepaetalof a Ptenr. aowahapi ta tha chanea
onds r^Ired. when It 1* done every and drain in sieve. Chop tbe apples; board screwed to a waU or table vrita
iuit over from IrMand. and bod oaly
roMBilt ol a trtand whoaa Ibm ahowi ly nice tor plealcs. and are so easily OMrrdng. Notice how they will sblne itramer for one hour ta one cup ol supiiorUog legs ttaai are also oo btagbeen with me two weeks, ta he mm
the tat1i« light that ooaaa-onty wltb bandied.
molassei. l,et cool and add onefialt
td never gat tamlsbed.
ibat they'll fold up when tbe tew tablespoons of cold mllk| Just and prick each aanaage so they wooM
The obHgtag clerk gave ber
age and emriaaca. It war Joat a UlAfter pdiablng these, use i
iful sods dissolved In one-half bread board Is not ta use. Tou
befort- it It ready to take from tbe not bunt open. Bbe looked a lltOa
Ua itatanoi ta tha Mldat cf a nawa- samples of potato cblps.snd sba datar- per to mb over tbe top of cooking cup hot water. Mix together
have your flour and your tools all Bre. add the egg and flavoring Bat dazed, and I eralntaed. ‘Jost stick n
Blnad to trytaaBwbaa abe reaebad
pmr pararwh that doe day
Tou wont have to black brown sugar and one-fourUi cop drlp- close by In a cupboard.
cold vriih whipped cream.
fork ta each one.' A beam of UlHIlIBM age tnmad a Mtlor dloappolnt- borne. Sbabad often aeen dlreetlooa w}ta stove polish except once
ySng ot any kind (even bacon
Chartreuse—Botl one teacup rice
Where you do mo«t of your cooking
gmiee eroaaed ber face and I fell ear*
mmt tale a Woad.wlib a allrar Ita- for making taea ta tbe papeiu. bnt while. especUlly it yon nae the cof sage fat may be used la molasses have one uf those wonderful tables one quart of milk until soft, fare and
she comprehended and our simpl*
tboaght she woold nni
tm A MBlikaa Stam had
fee left over after breakfast to wet cake, and the cake be all the better w}ih ever so many bins and boxes core eight apples. Itai them in
breakfaal wooM be all right.
neaghL aiW ta Ita «Bad opMed a doll
"ImaglM oar feelings when Nellie,
I notvbaiabeaxpaeted to And. an an old rag and wipe over tae top of for It): add one-half teaspoooful each that work nicely on lUile pivot*. tered pudding dish, and place
rMa of hove fall «t
1 cloves: eilr These isblc* are not expensive am red currant )i-Ily and coonely chop next morning, deposited In front «C
sba makaa a sopply of tbem traof ovory day llrtag.
eenmake It poMtble lu save hundreds
Oeorge. a pUIler on which tbe aas>f
gaataly. They wOI keep In a codAry
TBe otary «ao that of i
unbeaten egg. added last of all; of steps a day.
jter of each apple. Fill the spaces be- sage* BSrebed In bsiile amir, soA
only to
haartad tttttataUo* who alwaya aaw
-nlM throw tbe paper Into the chip bake slowly.
up stairs, atop ■ {tween the apples wllb the cooked rice bearing aloft a kliefaen teit! I oaM
But when you
bowerer, she saya that toe bas never
•Pod la Me pnaant MOBeat
r the up. •each.’ but I sni mtotakea-one poor
minute and think wbeiher there it end put .-i Ic.vcr <
plaea to keep taaa bmket to help kindle fire in the range
aiemUM. WbM ha waa toread to
seoarBruta with tbe wbliqied white of an iltUe uusage brought op tbe rear
M*t m
fin Mr anotbar. Ua In- bom taa famlty. oo aba car
tag the draining board next the sink,
Tou can tarm tbe habit a* easily wiih you sa you go. There's tore to egg. and sprirflUe with ptrodered su wltb a rurkecrew. Nellie, realising
aaiMMa uniiiiloi waa. nt*a
*' aaytatag bat try oltan.
by putting fretb clean papers every as yoo caa term tbe habit of eating
Irom m> fsec that oomethlng was
. tray of sometblng. tumblers, a gar Bake In a moderate
board of bahod beans wllb
rtaht, only dMaraaL- Tbo n
BOnUng 00 ft and eeuing the disbes three times a day; and if you’ve aay plate, the water pitcher; and when ihree-quarten of an boor. DMIcton* wrong, explained opologetically. 'tato amt of bar roahtaad kopeo. aad saaoe for tae flrM Uaa taat day. and on taaL as yon take taem froni tae
ctraslderatlon for your old age. c
you are about to go upsialra. think with plain or whipped cream and *u- dadc, mum. ifae foriu give oat. aad
iildBlp her tanarma ware opened taa next Use abe baked beana ake dining room and again after waebtag
I i-r* to myself, sex I, wan prick wtB
the people who love you-you'll gel
to Iha taet that pliioant aa they poored over tbem taa lolce .drained aad wldng. before taking to pantry.
Wee Fritter*—Boil one-half a cup do for the IltUe wan' "
sbonl IL
the clothra you Ironed In tbe i
s quart of (onsatota. Tbe readt
wan^ pcMpaet, they bad their dUOn tbe shelves of your tin clceet
of riri- In « cup of nOlk nnUI tbe rice
A IlleraUy tree Ulr. Ihto.—Oooi
The lemptailon to arrange
lug also go up.
alijigii. «Mla taa horn...............
pot papers and save tim scouring of kitchen hr puittag Ihlogs away In tbe
is tender and hao absorbed all
lu read «( work, to ha aara. hat It beans wltb tomato sance appear c(- those. They are always clean; these
RiM SwB.
. ;mllk. usiog an Inner boiler. Add the!
place they happen to fit because of
tsn en bar table.
had alee Wa phiWB. Ita
A P<e Pl^nt Hint.
This take* about two houm, Well i beaun yolks of two eggs, a table-1
tbelr else is a* sbortslgbied as It Is
By tba Use she waa able to go ore sOBe of the many oses of
oat Iona -WW aid nha, ftb difSeduce ibe amount,of aagar Bead
old-fashloaed,. BuUders and architects wash four heaping tablespooofuls of i spoon of sngar. a aprtakle of ctansbam abe waa qMte raeaneOad to tae newspapers that save mock work.
daraat. hat Kh aU right!*have does u Boch toward maklag rice and boll it In two qnsru of meat [ atoa and nuimeg and two teaspuuti> ed to sweeten rhubarb one bait Pf .
Wa are apt to ahot oaroahroa op
Oeod Every Day Aeclps*.
the klicben coavealeot u fornltsre
aa ctoaaty with oar trooMw. oar lit grocery wlthoot tooktag aboot
l COM before adding ibe tag Uie water oK for
Mnuan Broth—Dts alx pounda qt htrtlders have. Tbey bnlld ta neat Ul- stock with half tbe rice back Into the 11
tatagi or tor forgotten dd ones,
tle hoMora, Mat wa eanaot aa«
sweetening Ibe uuoe. Tha sance to
siewpan, rob tbe rest through a fiDe|besien white* of the eggs.
ptokad np ao many natool hints ta* neck of nnUou. Cat np the meat, tle bias for Boor, end arrange
or amnad thOM. ta tbe pk
diaoardtag the tat; crack the bones. dresser so that the bread board puUs sieve, stir It talo the soap and lei' xpoonfuls Into plenty of boning Isrd more palaUMc. and tbe extra Jato*,
that one afiamoon that tha ta
tbtaga that await na oa the
there ore aany own waiting tor her Pat down ta a soap keltic. srtUi sis out ta*( to the lift and over the Soar It boil np. Use a rounding teaspoon-; 6 tai and let them fry a ligbi brown, sealed boUlng boC to a flM Mbstlatdt. What wa need la to raao
tute for *our Bilk to asking brews
PM tbaB tar oneogb away no that wa and any other lady who aam
breed, etc., or ooed laur tn aaklag
all tbe baking tools-bread pin, eboj>- ibe yolks of three eggs with one cup-^vored strongly with lemon,
COB aaa tta whale hortaoa. Than wa
It arises, snd then nUow to simmer at plV knives, sharp knlve*. fork*, rift- ful of cream. Take the soup from the | dUce XYromMs—Toett s sufUMeai grape Jelly or Barmalads wdll preveBt
caa aay, and repeat It wHb gonolna
tbs merest visible babbling tor six en, cuttm, pans, pie plats*, s marMe fire for two minute*, then slowly add|a«mber of rounds of breed, snd bnt- the M7«a>s ot tnm Mgar larmtiiD
eantataBtat. Tt1 all rIgkL only dUboors, taat all aatriseM may be per- slab <14 laches square—for peff tbe eggs and cream, stirring sootlnn-|ter them. On each arrange a small
A aBnB point brob wHh
Strang, sapd* Mtatlea ta lbs bast tseUy extrnctiM. Strain into an earta- paste), yellow bowls, cups—of each ally; return soup to stave and keep;pyrandd ot hot bMIed rice. Shell and
"I've learned bow to Bake a MV
oaly one or two e( a kind, just taoogb
stirring seedily for two mlnstee halve Ibe required number of bard
Mbta HtaM.
talng wfta wbkh to bmp cot Ctanr cn bowl; cover aad place away
boiled eggs; place a half on each side ktafi of candy, »at 1th fine." sold •
cool. In tbe swrnlng, remove tbe to flU tbe Deed, and not one piece more, tbea remove and serve at o
Tha aM oaiMetl at area aad a6 tree of dost It ta tha wly
oa the pyramids, and over all pour a Cbariotte girt a tew days ago. ."BefS
ayaa la vaU niaatratad ta Uw tollew. at mncbiag taa dost wbita lodgm ta grensy snrfaee and pat down to bMl that la nnaeceeanry—that tae band Tbe eggs will curdle If aHowed
is tae fedpe: Three enp# browa ato
llUle drawn batter sauce.
carvtags. To wish eat vary slowly with vtgetobiM for one woold have to cUmb over to reach
tag mtla atery of how oaa «
Rice and .Meat Mold-^ine a butter gar boUed wrill it talra.' Poor tato
Bade gaed laa of a latay afiamoon. glasa oaa borax ta tba water, and tbo boor. Mutton troth mty be v
ed mold sides and bottom with cold over tae hentea wtatra of two og04
Rice VartsUOM.
At tbe sink tbm''ar« tbe
to eraeDsnt parpooe tbroogb
A Ia4y who llvw ta the eoeatty
win ba a
Rlc* Wtih Uaple Sugar—Serve bod bMIed rice. Pat ooeHmlf poood «M4 boot as to fresUng. odd chopped MB
coBblnstkB e( eevoral kinds of v*g- wlUdn tor tbe dtobpaM (two)..sand
waa awe toread W a ooMta otorB to oepUMs taat wfl] gUMSB
rowilp to agrooory ataN three heare ty aa R fild wbsn sng,^ agraet bot- eUMas. Om day It soar b**pnaeat- soap. Bop. tea towels, dtobcloth. soap ed Tlee, well drained. pael(ed in a bnt- cooked vcol through a food Mmpper; oicau. Drop by spoeototo on -hsttot^
aeaaoB .to <ast« with salt and pepper; ed lOatter XK> oat cook too hard.'’
I an^.^t^ i
-oil oat of atght. except wbei ta!
od srltb rtos; agala. irita barley.
IsAlBr’s CtW#
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