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Grand Traverse Herald, July 23, 1896
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
CSruitt Mtvmvrn UjeiralJi,
Grand Traverse Herald
on Hor^.
-W. E. TT A Tts33TA.,
eoald. br t>akli«
ItarfcHbbrBd upon iv *
_t«oald yiHit - . .M *>cmr*lr«r Wtal
,.*« •“^IdWyoado
did yoa do wiU tta ilrvdT oh. I am
rarr If yua tad only dnABtd of oqrI half tte 6om>6r ksd diking oed wut
ttaW of It 66wto briar y»a orror
Pn<~ <kr t Wkk^ tikt. 1. HM^6
■maid tamlakra itoatoa ikal taaIday. oh. ukr dldyoo lie Ityraodlatbfrr. 66hy dbtyoa doltr"
L AUkthkt'borBlorcoald
I Mkrramtomdarrkyki
bkV»br nukl i
inSUi kkd «!,. w >kr m66«.tr6 6n
ikt day. ttal
VltlBgo PWpnrty' Tor ■«
WhTs ^iriitfei Mer:
«W6l»r> Voot.
j21H; Per Pound.
M4a7**mA* I*f**_**fS*!l,?**"**
Rose & Son,
M »^l6l»6F6_»^W
Easiness CaidSo
fW*JI» Bull41nR. Front fit.
jP^jirt • luru. *i
d City
V. a. i-eiM
U<mb: Abe • fall line of loud* for 1«tnartA BBd larolUB
ats Fmt SinM.
noLUMT AAAyygM.^
TnAVCnt Cmr, ■ MiohmaA
tom Bmcm. or ton
kT m oi* 60 VitAuan aia,
OecsOT Freet nadOMi SttMtA
*aL'B*£?J5loi. k«u6..6.M
\\V rise to .ALlditi that yoifc.'TniiKl \ifT(>nl
vrifh Hies'^-hen: stick); ur jNiison l‘ly l'.i|H;r i->
Sarrej’or aad Civil Euftloeer
Meaawhlle. alofiy the n«d flew
ret, tirfiny llir oatoaiahid llal
be williny rryular breakurl-k aptad .Sta awated
from aide to aide, and errry tDoaicai it
■ luu-al Ily off Balabr cluay
to UalD and bridle.
tbr table when In 1
r>l Maryaret, I itlfwa her btirdlabi
him a uiuderab- aalary .
rlolhw awry, her ehna-ka plowed, bat aa hr wax idle f.ir aotae amnlba top likr 1____
_ . while
. .. in
In the year, there wax clciae plni-lunp | her taad waa a l..lUea paper, which
to lukkr both enda me.-u ' It wax cec j ahe wareil wildly aloft.
clitar oow alnee hr _ •IrappliayWi
"I tare found if 1
pal Leparc Uiruoph uotlepr.'
atamni; "Ihrdeedl
d ttal ptaadfatber
Them wa* one point in tbr Bripliuorhood of particular inleranitothr roony
fire fatlinr potnp. pale
Hammertona. Thia wax the old white Uay; her laoUier pnafard bark ber ehair
... rtv-.i:';',,
TaAvzBsx.oiev. kick.;
(Momr M aoMo k «66tkn«k>
I far blwhow that Mary
. . after ail.'of the belter
klaryarel'a father tad a poallina with
Carpet Cleaning,
Finenl Snppllis.
tif|Kt suet iwni Pita.
•a* TTkkioo. tarMot.
MlMFUibiidCitFtofai HARROUN
The South Side Greenhouse
incUu Rksniit.
ia tta ylttcd ar^t
af Uraad Kaplda.
HWk. who palau.
ypar portrait and
’ OtoUfollaf.........
Hack, Bus and^aggage Transfer Line
Bttt Liv^r> in Norfhera Michigan. |
Lirc.aeaMliaod Beauts-
aad raprraai
pltakcdropa «
The Clipper Bicifcle
for boainofla aod pleasai^ oombinad. OItm
imlYorsAl satlafaotloiL Call aod see it Bold by
Cr—dKapidi. MBta
■’ I W>* UBtfl I i; -.‘a- r
ealla. I "fchy,
from [ - Jo*! what 1 harrtald. Audi Krriyn.
I haae found the luat dead ''
aoriny il wa* indeed a loerlr pla^-,
Tben'abr bdd'tbeia all abnal IL
tare the, honeyau.-klr* and yellow ye.-!
-I waa alway* aaapie'iMa of ' that
■anlaea were In bitaiai. w bile all the ; caahlon.''
dia-larr.1 .tnal Krelya "lint
carUi bynratJi wa* eon-rw>l with a airv.
Martha 1 Martha oraaat Urmadmolbv
fimeB»e»~ tiamaerloaiaaid.’N'uBacbar.
pet ofihe
........ ..-------S.>uiellmea>
tta yoanp ^pir of tta aelyklkM-bood............. ...... ......................................................
-bihidwthedced. he ■
bad palbrrinya in the ydiae nut far 1 only mbaplaced
tram the ubnn.-h.
ubnn.-_. lUaiyaret
___ ,____ waa;
al-1 "But bow do you aeeounl for
waya Inrilrd.
they would
wout. bare deeiV* brinp there? ’ a*krd ttarymi
'ilrd. for tbey
tboopht aaaooc.ofallybUap a
J tunad hi* rok-r^l*l
1 hla hand, bla arm a '**d
' It waa.a ynldcn -day of May that a) HarparcL
party of ibryouny pn^ile wrreyatl.rr' I iblak
takcUy.- aoaiiettal
' mlAontUrrly
’------------------ ‘ T Sydi-rnailkr bTr-> ary, your* father bta'tbe taUL •
: BtaWd. ul
u! placiBp
placlop waatearr
wbateaer ae
fa bad
■N wonder whaienn be Ibe laaUer , bla haod. eapeciaily U ta wWe throuph
Willi Marparel.' .^Id Harriet Alaton. | with II aoder bla Uilpk? 1 bare aeea
her boanm frleltX'^, "Why. abe really bis do bU taadker^laf ttal way
i.nkadulrlul Uiia
Unite ua-1 maay tlmra. tail erca a book nr a faa
uanal tor May. I mnat nrlie Went Into cki_________
'hanb. tka data la bl»
"Oh. lyumdir-aUiluIrtDp.’' repllnl I band. What more tataral_______ ...,
Flora Mkldli'ina.
"Thafa a Irk-k aahl nadcr hla th%b whea ta aat diiwa?
Mayo, you know t**' dklo t, of cuuiaa, kaow w-tat be
"Hot May mn.la t tblBk. " enntinord • wa. dnlap- Il wa. the luroe of babiL
'-.she beloay* lo the artelo-'
"Hot bow did It yet lato the eaafacraqr. and It aerer Uimh*.’'
j ioa?"'
The real of them lanyhed.
I -tth, there naat hare bara a real la
■■Why.' Him Harriet, taree't yaa 'tta enahioa. aad br tacked the deed
beard?' apobe np ArUinr swiatoa at aaayly le*ide. thiakinp of. bia ^krL
■■Mix.HaryaretB.pimto II aenaa aumelrrmdmber a rr
br aa aartinreta They tell tar abe baa I tta «mM<m Ju*iabnat ttaa lime______
already written aorec potyT."1 by a dapyrr brneelel ■rvra by ooc of
At tki* they lanyhed aynla.
| tta yoau Udlan who waa here rtaUap.
"I don't brlicre a Word of II ' de- .UIdlHaabduabUcmrepaM
UldlHaab doabUem repaired the real
Hap aooa after, at ahe a I waya'had' iaaincpet* w«»k-miBded eaooph to erite : titaa ao to do. The deed wa* itat a
- y. ata will Barely.let me koc. r."
[week or moie. If^ ym retail, hydaey.
aad more de-' before
fore yonr father found II
"There wa* a place that
timra. in-: paired oa tta
eaiabhm, aad rcry
tbeliitle.enttape up tta laae. . where 1 foaad thr paper.- aai
fur oaly thr day
*,ee the anprrin-j
Marparel. at IhUprtaL "lam
lendeat of thr phurptaU oompaay badiof
IL for il wa* la tta aaerea awrfaue
tuJd Mr Hammenoa that thry woal lot tta real that my rtap tata^LBotiaallyared bbaerTleea aay
"Well, that acltlt* lir d«lartd tar
the Utaea were aedalt Ttatw
To Ulak my MarparVt hao
aieHiatkia and many hitter team,
'W tta famparot frit ttat ahe joat cnab
- -'-Jt'
"Tbeiv aia't an barmlapida- to ia-'
IBlre.-tkeaaU al.
Khe put tar art..
' »y. aaa l«h1 aadar tta
uiaweapa... it eaurt rei
aa tta talda
bnioybt ber la tbr abme baaar. Tta
cldchraa were reaelap aboat ta the
yard, aad aa old Jeraey cow area feedlap by the (race
"ll'aoordd Molly,-ebetald. aad a
hard lOiA ecUled la tar fMe. Mta beaitelrd a aaomrat
"A* we fotytye UMae who tretpaw
yoe d nerrr poor to Mb' Uayi...........................................................
r. Cerrull'a plea U that ermyowBar
Ha' them uoUoaa In your taa
Itarele abonid bare a priratamarb
Her tain' enBappy '
Him Laetada
a bk wbarl. bet aa wacbalad that
alerted, .she kad eerer ayaihea of Ue
loybyoae wta.dam
enbyccl of tar aWpi
fall to dtaoeer IL
aiBiw Ue day
__ of: her walk.
I npna tta eaddle er
"1 aia'I aaid Dotbibf
ootbil, aboat
.. .
Her ia
r a Uief woald aatame." aaid Him Ixunada iadlplonp itme.'
aaatly. "1
-1 don't ki
know M Ucrc't aay
particular aotloo* 1l
-------"Well, you needa t aaid aayUiBp
of tta
about Her bein'nabappy," aaid Mta enamel
'BeoalBettlr rrnmiy
Mia* l.aeinda roar.; “I'm pain'to the of tleel. dipped
pate, "the aaid; "it a plramat aa' I Ue iBiUal* or wireu iMrti threafb
a breaUof
ofair.air.Ue preamu iLe acid foDowe A*
. ................
. Went duwe the
wdih to marklap of tta eleel poIPL wbUe tta
aad aatood Iraaiap oa Ur rail •
pale aad
praam keep* H from *|R Milap,
erealnp qaieL By aad I
After allowipp Ue ael^ to eat late
d'ta^ltatcamcaUmp oa bureahac. Ur Uhlap Ue preae. mb be robhta
'Sioad eraaia'. Mta^iadr," be Bald, off aad tta Barb or lalllal eboar* at
atopplap bh borae. J
plalaly a* if ret Into the aiaeh frame
"Umd eeraiD’ Jim." rtaarard Him work. Oae eoat of eeamel will earnLociad*. amillnp picmmatly.
pirtely hide all trace of tta Mrb.
"Mb' I'erriap a dowa •Ock.'li* aa
Hboald any qnmUoa a* W tta oarw
Uip of Ue wtael arta Ue owarr
eoald by timply aa«tehl« •> tta eamatter. Jm?" ehe leiietad.
amal wbicb corerrd Me amrfe ta oaee
"IMpUerr." taaald.ahorUy. —IVaa Mwrebbclalm.
Mr. Ctarailta
d caae. Mta Cindy.
Won't aohedy Lw baowB Mam wbere wtaal* bare
■W^ aarais’ herT- la^alrad Him'
"There ain't nobody bat ol' 'Aaal
Sutdaa Wblieatas ot Ua Bair.
Marythrre. «a eaa'troaa aoiioaat of
Many la*
ile atarted topooabia war, wtaa ta kb Ut t
laldktrt^........ .............. ....
a aptly laid, "htaach al «■« tta
"No.- tta aaid. aad wnmd aad a
"Bettle.- ata aaaoaaeed. aatartep
the kUctaa. "tOM-adowa arlU dipta
liw <»c of MBS.
• HIRES RooAecr csptek»d«tnt h»t».Wrrki
•ad leets aettM tsekes ior
sooter flMhkv. Taksao
T^lepiions 79
aad aay«»r taata
“Sta'a poor 10 Olfloa for ItaB
ilbfi fner it felk hoL" rrMrtad
uiaa ttallia. aoUrlac tta ■eaalaa of a
laaa/ oa tta kitctaa laUe. IBoth alatrr» ate their liraaKfaat la
They eeesed wrappnl la IhmvkL
• I‘m yula'arer toL'olUaeb for
patteee. Sellle." remarked______
at laaL
takiap __
tar bat
tta abeU
of thr doaeL
After ata lefL Mta tMlUe tat tewUb
ut^^t-of’r^oTrKi. ti:
*1. taUdV
K>rlya jMeui,d to hare the
Uim Hettie aiartta -tte haly
dlda^' ^er Be eriid." tta eald. iM-
^e*^J2u M
to Im; niinoyetl
Uarmn-l iu^re. akr
within the meuns of
all the {K.‘U|il<‘: ;i|s<> I’.iris Lirec
Purple, White HellcUirc, lul jiisccl I'ouiltT.
j fort f.H-them'_ She w.nild
JAS. G» J0HNS01»I'S.‘.
uo IVrriny taraed wlU a aian.
tAllitta abav )iat behind tar la the are |maaaloQpttafn«t tralk. Il wa*
“ TletUe'iireaaiiD’.
Kreaaiio’. Mta
(Tadyr" ta aaked
" '
Mta taUle
tdoor. '
- —......
.. |
lotak hi^
oat'ral^doo't ilT"
' -old eelarad
. .
TyrriBy. the hard
look wdtiiur In her face. ' bhe drore
' atar
a*k*d Mta uiliA.
' lA. Utk6 Cta.iy.’' aokwrred dm. aofUy. ThMUmathep
iluayiay ha baaM into bla puaArta. eapIlaUaed ta h*r nilee.
"Uirri-'* apa aad Jowaa la the wu
keicW. Mta BeUia." aaid
fur ereejhoJy."
chile, it'll do her lotaof
'"Thrrr'a upa aad dowaa of oar a
kaow yee-eednae forpifa
kin', Jiai t'.dliaa. aa* we ain't yut
"We •
DO riyht to coiB|>lalu. and Ibrer'a a|w
and dowaa of other'pmplr'k an' I aia'I
yolo to feel rlyhl al«Mt Uca. 1 tell
ripbl letUa- her 01*. aa' aM try to
you. .1 Blu tyuia'toforyel aom how help Barer ber."
abc biFped ukouiotonf owe fatber'k
Noboilr bat Hod harw wtalariein- >
■7 HIta llattie bad won oaer b«ndf.
k„,.« Itnaebanl for brr loforyire. Ttay
followed Mary apatalra.
"Ilrilie. po back," aaid Him talUe.
"Why. Mia'
llayara aaid ttal Joat ttat today, dm but hmr titter onlr opened tta door,
I alu i macb ylrea bi thiakia' of her end they both weal la.
la Ibe ploam thry taw tta aleh.
' '^No, l kaow yoa afa'L" taid dta laated hpare lylap la thes bed. ber
— ....................... - ■ eboaucB ItapU"K alD't BO Boe lalkloy lo oa pirl* {bll^ Kta
.mk. batmahtach.
‘boat her." went oa Mta Barrlay. - tie I ber face t
dia l foi
■ *^11 00 Bwre. aad at tba ead ol He eofUy.
"If tied' torpirw yoa, I
tbey ported. Mta Luciada rwrkoB wr caa.lay her way to the mile hoaaa
The alrk womaa laatad (Tatotallj
ap lato her face.
-r alir 11 red with her alMon.
Mta llelUe laid tar bihd oa tar
"Tire.1.-" lBi|Ulrwl her kUler SalUr an
Mta l.ueiada
Ily laUiaekalc etepmother'a. "I mkoa w* waa aema
o llawe." abe
iW newioy
"llaiut tirtdi
beard Mta BetUa
--------------------------------)f la tta wroap botbr ol' iilaor."
■MtariaUieaetherlfpa. ‘'If It hadn't fore. A third Spare eaam froeataalda
been for Her." abe aaid. "we'd lierB tbr window aad iolaad theta. It wa*
r today. Ttare a me thiny err- Mta l.ueiada. Hbe kaell dowa by the
bwt. aad ber alatrra followed bereaample.
"Oar Father." abe pr^ed.
one. ain't pilin' locryjf It a auoBcr."
"None ol oa would." retnraed Mta
lleUie. -Tbcre idle la, Joa' aeltin' ap who trrapam apalaat aa~rnr Uilae k
there coay, on in eomlorL oa’ w* alar the hiapdom aad the power aad the
plory. fmrrr end erar." aad tta ata
in' day iifaad day oaL" aad Mta
I ten. aaid A men
and tta lipa of
Ur bit ber tbftad rlrloualy
I yoe erer Ulak ehe I the tick woeoea
a* ata tried to
" eakrd Him LaclB- pruouaner the
Her CMC wa*
mipht In
Jean* ChrW-* •aka."
Cindy. I dldn-L- retaraed
ia* Sellle ahorUy.
"She ela'l pot
Land bmMlapdoars.
elia' eooupb to ta aaheppy."
"Whoa been pnttiu that into yoor ffo.rvcfinal. In Nrv i'ortttam?'fr.
-.ad. I.Bciady."- atard Him Untie.
Btcyele Prliate Moraa.
rae. ,joa’ aai
A timple drrlee for eoaonllhpa prtabeam o'tao happy. ao-Jlm CoHiat
aaid^tta aaow
I do I
..-ked Mta
-uam who know.
'Laciada." laid Mta lirtUr oar earn- ml* lo tta rtdOT
,w. B. rwcm.e 00.
■'What W06 tta teK7“ aitod Hta-
M laa rerriap mmle ber way dowB thr
fniait walk Li the |uhe uuuidn- Her
face wore a rrry hard look aaabe drew
Bear the Lial of three lirsutilel larm*
that lay m ber way
Urr atepmuUer
liant ilicrr eUme wilh Mary, the uU
She pared wiatfnlly
ta ai raa of Laad. aad ap thr limp
airnue at the old pray boaar ataadli
amid the lilac, aaiaao.wballk.
PamacB LoaiMd
And Lnnch Boom!
n« Drarrbv
. .
. nnm3.uni srs I",
a. c*MT»»u^-r«6 66UVI u aoMui
Rot ita TbTM
aa epaod dowa world Wel^t re pot
V Iw yion'
ru briap tbeae aaaial*
home e Tereday. Mi*' llayi
Fire Insurance;
la LM Ppviol tat um WUW Cbarch.
The lliliaiD>TUai<. aen- rrey p»a aad
had brra rrrr kia.v the tlOH- (irmBdfather liamBMrtua bad ailapla-ed the
paper yWins Uieia the ripbl aad title
u< an All* luarBidopol tna-l »f bad ly
ipy alonjf the^ Wt taak
aay other dead aad
but the old raah- yoa there ain't ao Inrr l<ai batweea aa
b>9 bad m-wn Hoitr ababby.
rirU aa' her .Sbe liee« over oa the ol'
cwr would loar ago harp b
- - ee arar JonexUro Yon kaoie Lbal
»e buuar? TbaVa iL oar iiV booniia‘ lo aay to
pew and aai tai-,
y^.*“ W hi I that? Yoa
owB apoe ibr raabioo.
-ry^hinr lUnit
aUnit It •raa dear to hre.
o the sra. k6 la the rrillor. ‘ Marr»rel did iriidi kbr roold •rrileaMDe
trrmi.d. Wkutifol piMi aboat it.
■raa. k<li'r all, irar. aa Arlliar Jiad tleelarrd. that Maryarrl kapired to port
ry. thouRb. aa yeL ahr badb't W.d «-r>
her I.a.Mu frirjid. UkiriaU
A> Mprparet .at there pbaalay hi
rauar of Ui.- rii'k driaaita of phoaptale pta-oi. aad ereo i-iioiixaiaf little a-rmia
that had been dueurentl.
or it. abe bronchi her taadI A>B
A>aa • lU.
What had OTaadfalber llamiBi
. - .
._____ old raxhk
of the prw- «>o the third borrrot ta
t ue that weokirabb Haaday hVNikCrw
arinc’wiUi aael. a <
bi'laayer NiiaoDk.
But the elel of' peai
p>rrl». inrloaioy
a ruby.' It «
ryt-r waa uot oat Uiat day. a
ihkl for maty
‘ “
■Ddfalber had
loU the
r. the paper In liG ta^- 1
fron pareul b> eblld. la
«l»e her
. . — ..
rer here keenacaiD. .,
aet of her
r tai.^bt
•herred hini nthl’T
■thf: devU
Uicdbmof the cl
ahr pul
Errlya Hauiineebie,
...................oe. hi
‘ h.r .
o{ Ihiinw or four, lot-bra
■f iiidoraation.
--It i.
burrt of
|•lhiud ■ a learth apprared la ... .
t for h
.Now. Uii* •a> bai bait- Ilow rultea
.It liatioM OB the the eloUi ate lo tear ia thhwayl But
• ill all bate tuauf abe Aual reOM-mlwr it •»« eerj-, reey
frr for It'
The auo.ler rrha U
But B6 Utr daTKWrntoB aad the deed
TaaBoitouod Au
lyn be^
I pul her fli
brntper bail
aatbooyh to.
been "M-rrrd rlykL' eaperbliy a-abe,
• - atranyr
too. bad a ahare in Ihi>■ lalaiaily.
lUoa bad bn-aatuffed’
Now, lirandinotlirr Ibuitaeruio had ueilhrr wtul nor honwiair.
a ifaeary nf I
. n ‘ lirandlalber .inootb. IVhy, ilw
lumnyal all.
dreadtally abaeu-.«a»a pie.-rof pkpiT' I lew funny to
'X •'•■liun uurau ’ llrrr ,.a mlaibid.
udmolh.-r fell aon- ..................
to It here:
No wonder
irr that abe had
found tbr euxliioa lump) at, lioiea
i‘«lretl waa Dot dekla<Tarrl wockrd auay at tbr paper
kl i|. taken wiap. uolit kbr had drawn II out. of t.niiae.
it wokld yet turn BiahiDy Uir aprrlurr larger aa ahe did
60 It waa k kbm of iefkl Ckp. folded
’llr ha> pul il away. f»r«vttla|r where In three, rolled aad worn.
ihe pat it." ilrebreil yrkodiBiitlipr. "It hurHal •rith it to the window, her
U jual likk biui lo do s Uiiny of tliat
ireabUnir. Ooe rlabce
kind . The deed nai be fonait. mud
• bra We leaat ezpeet it. ( fiwl kOT* *r
-I'ta r<r>R bad ■aiahed apreadinj; the
laebeoA anil were Joel yoioy la aeareh
Hut dmpite irraadiairther'kkkkiiraDoe,
: Uaryanrt. when ibry were aatoaiali].<6|eryr .1of the dtapprarkner of
I b> are her ruaaihy'rapidly toward
Uie d<-.'ll friul
-lukinrd k mvalerr
li>ria.ypktleulklinr wildly a-itli a piiae
day of ber d.
.me pki.a..d iiK.ahd
' foldril paper. Brr thry mold yet
11 111 IlkiihuerLin.
■ Itaal InkUnyaalowtal ' ' '
. «6ka j:tM»intr ink. y,iunir hi-oaiid-wi
'•ad dour a
■ Hdimt ol ail wa.. laybrr.
lie wa*
NknntP.-t raiae next anil wa* »t. kx
honu-. which tapiwaed
tine and a. bigb-.pirib-d k I'lrl as rould be Arthur', It wai ithoula
befoOBd iDk dkyVyoaraeyirf I'atvii
not kei-ia h
thia Ntryarpt
oiiad. ,,l-ea|.pinyuiaiD iu
Thry weVyeerj-j*
wildly ■
■ tiedown I
typaUnl Mkitraiei iwrba]a.
reelion o her lume.
it hat any of tliraitl----llieaitbtrv ' T
faryar: lay the la
et wa. « rry proud;
n Ubd
r’"Kr la rnadr- cried llarrlrU
Aunt Keplyc.
her to the heart
"Let a loiiow
rird tta TMth
•tiirik. ^li o»yolr bkta^^'-^-"
aa -maa] rlybu' marraUaa. boir.
rmry oarof yoa.~ eoaliaard tta atocblptoak Artfaor. ~rlm Urrr ‘rata oad
Ucw for Uargatrt
tara bUia lor^ biBkior apoaber aboa- hair aak taraiar rrmr.
bead ak bTrrorirrd her i«o ta oiB-| Ml.'Uayaea,-khe .foi oa.‘^t'k ka old
..................... ■’‘'■■iiT';,
tberi. TloraiJ ^
• -tajfcjfcjfcj*tjii.Jiijiiy*ij*Lilij»itatajfctatasdtta.tatata.taifcta
J I^eil Epfite Giiclitn^e
S'— ’
. kra. are btt-aa aae kap
AdlOXTSrZ' 070
Krii BOfslay Mta Loriada did aot
Real Estate
Mta L^Mla2 M
’^^tamltBoaaattatalltbwantar- tatatr eta aad Mta
MODO^ to Umb uto ImprevM rorm*.
kAM. A rroAi «'6l rmo
Ue lABjIy tarW
WBA tar nADdt»ttar*k
“?3i- _..
rote*. "Uerr-t tome )aaUm 'ta Ue
Mary. Kacrybody'a 'fraid'
"It ala-t acme of oar bmlama.'
Uiaed M
Bruie. atarply.
"If ata'd bee* diSanaL we'd bM
dlSerraL- remaitad Mka HalUa. enm"Oh. papa." aaid MarpareL awallow- lap 10 tta door. ee<rltalabaad."Sta-a
pleaaare while
"3ba CuDita adiad me If I thaofbt
uTaa* a preater trial erea ttaw
hate baraaooaerr'
^ret had aeppf^.^^^Uw ahe kaped
Wtatmor* tta woaU tare (aid waa
eat ahort by tta appeacaaec of the
lim tkUirlootadathmakMr aa^
Soayh'ttar were tta eyea^f'frtaSJ ' award from the pkalcjrraaada.
erita OarrleL—
Atlaalata tad ttacippurtaslty. Itaraa:
------ -------------------------------------while theattar pin* w«me pmpariapla^ 10 tar aad eaWhlBy her by tta
ItalaaeaecoL Bhe eaeaeed taiaelt oa , ahoaldoB. "wtat baa bappeacdl
J^^F^JjMpMapjopei Boamaowan yoBteNleUawtUelaataainii
J^rlrt,-AD Ihra* tatma taotad eon ffcMb ta
Bta wtat alnlptai toward tta
Ihta teak ttatr.piaem at tta aap|W
Dr. Uertmntalkaf a aremaa, a wltaw la tta ealebrmtta trial of LaraU.
'World of Weudiia- cHa*
•eemal promiaaal eaam ofUta kind,
oae halap Kt^ Ladwip. ef SiaewM.
wbaea^^ baMmealmaat aaddtaly
white- apoB Itaral^ ttat a pwaue
wVam ta^ptaudaatb wmZSZ
eeatef tta crime ebarpad.
■^-taard aad takof Uaprwrt Jpba
arhad beta monqliy wnanlii ia bta-
wnaia B *owM
aa^ aw
-iisaisJiz.'*"''""'- kraMtataarnttaBblpIvta
Tta mem airfaet mta lit tta
M^taBUkM IMwtaK BBryC^^i
that earriea with It tta tortaae of av
' ~y hta of whMt 1 am m f-
•41 maM ba mtabta aaaMlwtabla la
yitagt^taM Mta tmMiii
MtaUigM u-in‘j
■tod loo iil(%»^Moa
k u»»fatif oalr traa Itn le|p<nded
Ifntk.d.« doltarl-.|Kto
toor. lor taMb raUle ood ^1* p-tr-1
7-^ „ -»
;^M«»o»l wto
tood «oI tbeVtotop^.^~r * .
law of laTB noao:
Aa act to aalAoriM tho eoiaar* «< I tbo
tko auadafd aD»« d.^. aad ••‘rlall*
H|M ibo
no rote ot d«V «* l-pon*d%v
.odortbo Molttal.T Uw w« todolUra o too. Uodor tko piwat Uw It I*
two dollano to«. • todortloo
TborMBltof thb
9 la u vtieU U UoAi
of Uw McKlalcj law tho total Iwportaof i»J loto tblo eoaotir—Bcarl]'
all frofa Choa4a-wao
Uorlnirthe 6«t II toUii « the proa
ort tVilaoa-flor-aa law the total l»portatloB of hay wa. Kt.tfio loataa la
II taat 10aw*«*"«»«»» • ,^««wLZ^ll!
o« acddlen daria(
MeEtaloy at Bona
reballino. It will recall , to aaay
aawbo atatoargnd
aa old aoldier eaporiioaea Ibrohcb
of 7U.Ul0.IM>ot!
which ha hliyalt batpaaaad.
pM^e for taar yeara lire* la a fraaia
cxi rwai. ra.:
of Ilk* wrlrht uid
for which bo yaya •«> a Booth
tlaaa FaTiiita a»i> Moraut:
aaaVcaloo. f>h
llehBp^twoarrraata tiaeof
caad ariiatr.
letter of the
tohaor from
eacopC whciy dthorwiaa eapnaaly aUp- UwBCOOkaaad.wafchMBad doraotl
- -k'
uw otherawaepa thebe*
hoBa aad to hear that yoa w
ilalod (a the eootraet.
well at hoBT 'at ih^ Uow yoe wn>
la hlo report ai accretary of the
ha door.bell aod walla
roar laat latter. 1 hare writlaa yon ,
jeaoary. Dws. », irM. Mr. ShCTwap
three leum alace I «xBe oat hcee and '
Tbr najor blaeka hi*
a<A c<A Iw^
C at I thare. Voc wrote that yo* were fo- |
hare* hlauwlt emj
Mlehlfaa faraen Bead Bot batold waa tte ioiy oolo Vhkh.>yui,
aad la layto wad ow aoow thiaev If yoo ,
elorh ' ilU wUr lore*
that thb U a Bauer which dIraeUy
of ccaUaca cHp
■ne thea aad thdr totcreata.
Dooioalioa the Bai.w loaad
eoa had brUrc par the rzpto MU ■
5d'oSyT**KlrS‘lrar cola^.INI local
the diSeimee la the two tariff law* wodrr mid thea be lawfally oard.
UBr. Voacae aead the tMUee ia
7 (Doraioc topat oaatlarad
Wa Maeoal Oia Taa pot.
rhr oaly alleer cola waa fractlooal
aaold uraw hatred t»<<*llaU>e
mo ptoce of aUrw Blfbt be a
•ola. wfakh waa a fecal trodpr lor ti
IBaatiiy o
fcni-iirA ut auch a boralac dmee
yard aad atW»l to the dowers. Kara
ihi-y for tha owaar of tUrar.
rs^ well which lew bcaaffU tbr
certalaty. Wa lire pretty wall hrre;
Why. aay ana who owaad a M!»*r Uo
AiBcrtaBa Urwrr aad whieh the foeAcranlinr to- Ua Boardmaa Blrer
■ hare bread, 1
diCBity the McKialey fardra by the
pet worth Ueoataoo the dollar eoold
el|a tamer. ‘It h> a BatUr of Blllioea
rurfenlH K Uaein haa a duf iUat to
hlirhaonadinc aaBT of »i
taka ft to the Blot aad hara ft poiard,
la ihemiaeofafew yean la
ordiaary cor.
baa a fraotacr of
wtthoat iliarff. fata ^ear didlara: bat
hare Bot area oaa aa yet. but wr lay a
lies of hay aloor. aad tkoar Billto mtraeu «
depth of <M feeU . The boaar. with lie •hBt dtolance from a tiaUla' lart wrerel yoar. Utoraaiae ha. ^d it.
* ■ the law It
tot of B baea BO ailrer tea pou.
(Doalot IhlaooaBtry f
llernre. and in a reey anlqac way.
.Mrrha*. » abooteu fret wide, apd that BcmU. We moryd to Ue riybl of Ur
torelcB not to
of foielci. prodaoera kotonty
Thl. wundriful doc from year
^•u'l Irare mach roooi 00 either »tdr debt Ue day brluty to iruard a f,wl.-H
wr hadn't: we would bare bren in It.
didcoacTBapn^Mar btadopt thr ala
itforolce lataeioUf
prodBcwia. bat!
Tie WUaoo taiWact rlvta the I
A .laariCT of a ceoUiy aco. wbeo Hr. There too'l any fno In a ficht. a. Hal yrar find, rauorb cuin aUiat Ua
rle .taadard of Uleer. bot ooly.l.
ara da. wdhl aad« the BBC Ub
aad Mrv McKinley were mamrd. they Ulnk. Urn- to. Tbarr are men lyloc rireeu to pay' the aanual duff taa
ale "a blmelallic ataadard of t
poaB a »aa^»40.^.«00 a feat o
■ad chid of equal ralae aad rqaal pi
lire, in U>1* Aonre. Sererel hare wlU Ueir arm. aad Irca off There be briaffu and pUiwa at hi. toThere wh. a man died here Ue 01
ebaciac power.Irr’atert;
aito whIA •nrj Baa, woBaa
day wiUbU Icy uk.a off abore
ioAhr podtataof
iVroiiaa lule Adaanre. any* a
ahlldla tha emtryapaaaaiB lae
orobio'x-apUal! but they alwayac
Icocr. Hr wa. a. rtaxy a. a b
ProtaotloD aad ForalCB Marketa
forelCB torBm at the e>pmaa At Aiamllk-wbtUr»akawlUw»rlal hlotcbaa.
. two-itor}' banw bm>w
MBst-wTcrydtf. Aad ycdlhad
•l hnar thiMipht Uere wa. any
a. the-ararleladdar. 'a yery
• tara
BatawDI^^B th^iala thalatoml teicaa farBcn. ard ypl tree trader*
•nr. TrII Mrl that br had betigfactarere. Iru drar^l to Hre. . MrKjolry.
fan iu war.
■ay the AaMTiraa faratm aead a<
aai hUIrd
ierebeto .IlikeiloulM—----------------tceUoa.
iKNi-t they.' thaachf
eeprclally th# farvKn. of the I'oitod twochUilrea were boro, and whan they tar..lay where
Kiffrra.City la.1 week. Only oik
eery well. Tell Mol to «i»e three
*^ *'*”^' tlate* to rota for-nariff relbno.'
died the moUerwm. left .battered In rbeer*for Uocoln. ha l^Ue man for oUer uf the kind wa. orrr reen iu Ur
dooa Imre tha Am'erleai] ^naere bare M^toad that lower duUA would'Id hralU- Sooie pebple hara
oa 1 now k rebel Ue oihef dar Uat
It to raid Ur bite of the
oader the prtol law are inre larcer raportatioo* of Atorrican
McKinley to Ukrn prtoooer. aod he Mid Uni
they were all «.-k of fljfhlinctot Jeff
ijaaaiaad coerlarlBC than a" prodocta They nld that timlca
ray hi.
The teudrebrarted
mnn rendered
' to. anil hr caM that br hmd -breo &re the rlctiin ha. time to
• J-- Hr. Uryaa. Dow tbr the free trade rabUah earr prlatad •
teacBowof awapfdoc ««r
' w by htoown mri
• bildlm. Ur lori^ hnalBwl who ba>
M^nPphBldaat OB tha drBOerat JMrn/il Joaninl.
indrod camrorar
cloth or wheat for jack kaleaa. aod Mwn'hl. toay jrlrl-wifa fade awiy
The Uartiar8prinB»«to*pliieByaBd
Ury aBoted Ur fartoec. that If far ,aa Ipealid womaa teU Ueir own ctory
Tbrrry of Uat utty ha.
They think oat hera
laUalted Plata* aad 8Ui
would hoy more muallnaod baedwan
UcKinteyrloe. sot iwem nowaday. l> that Ua war will clore up by .princ.
Bdlw of the Rreali« IVn
It to aharJahrllad
aod I ho^ Urt It will. Tell molhar
ukaap np cuod coaraca. I am not
tnm Um' tariff or aob”
Ciale and wheat trom bin. Tbry nac- pulilical ezcllcawpi
aallrr Uaa a rot worm, .pad
Ml object of <
It My ha “liBMIonal-* to Hr. Bryao.' vwr aa a l<«al teudei la tl
leelrd'lo add that II the Amcricao calm aad drllbeinte. lie MBna c
iBBUn. luclf ooto Ua body ol '
ibe law of l»I
thankucirliur. I would lika to be home pBt and .tx-lnUa Ilia Qotol it. I
foriU d
It I. aet -HBBalartal- to,tha tarm-- and waa thi« Uw aole
fanner ’btMyht loore c««d» »*“« »»• lo br in>a.le. Hr dor* noUloy
and rat MimafToud vicluall toaat. wa
H. M.J.
or.aaHr.BrymaBay loara lataf oa lo
rape and Ido. frM ABerlcaa maker.
log ooUiog bat Ur UWokan BtAa.
........................ ' - apeak. aofUy
Ua Amenrao worhtaea would hade and iia. Ue rtrrual* Inok of a man who
pot ton cot worma and «ir i/lbr
.Boary lo.pead forJoi^. Tbr pro-' laa noUinc b> do. ' It 1. .imply Uai ,™r i-wK:.: Wn r,!l« «.! , h.l, ... ar. into a ran and It had killed
Ricboumd aod they *ay hr ran Uke It
tccUoalNa told.'Ue farmer, that Ku, le hn. drrrloprd to an nfanormal d<rAuda tra'wiUlnaTrry few mllintca
fCrhoeatoatef thalatewar ahrfald
^ ^
bbtrer^l Ur
A not bur a doUar-. worth more of irreethr capm lty of crUlnc Uronyb
.boa bu*iiW*a. and rridenUy ralen all but lb
aotfcH loaota aod reBaaihor arola___________ _ n* law of IWT3 awreli
'(rum *13 to Roarair. Kffr* uf all of them. FWnoer. ou^
t or meat from Amnio , than it
• amount ol wyrk wkUoul
clewed the nilattnlreaaiieaceiof Ml -bad to.- and that It wa. more likely maUnc any fum. nboet lu' He i* meat. boloBir* to oor OMnpaqy. I tool Ur new comer*.
while It left Ur (Innr atill op
UaiABeriraa a.pnrta would fall off UudiealnliamiltocUepuiolof afjrn
Acoordli« to Uc II
■ that rou know him.. When wa
cold. UBaleeffacti
han loereaw aadee a low tariff.
aiwid 'uff is Anrn.la wa ffol oiia
ration, aad to todelibri
n.lred nnd Uiirty-threa dollar, aod
We aow‘ hare experiene.- by which inakr Ue torbulantml if Mark Han.pent'errry rent ol U 1ml Urn dol^£Uoo of Ur t'alM KJalM ara.
r. l,udluw-> farm,
r. and ha .pool it all (uoU.bly. \t bat
eery far froB beloc Ue ooly Ulac to trader, asd Ue proUcllonlBa Dur•d of Ur city limit*, million* of
Tha Iiiaj.ir tonp aaery morninc at ••
mid you Ibluk If J should de>u'.'* Hr
rtofd npyacBl rwureUedeprecinUonof ullrre. A po
inc fonr year. 'of.praleeUre poller Ur o'rfnck aod the Bml a.-t of Ua il.y if
.rentitall In atonit iwuwrvk. Tbr
e working barbe'
■tfor thatpar
Irat aanre Wat n very creal toeaar
ralur of Amrrjeao enporUolood a
i t thirty or (urty
rhdt Mr.. M. KipIry'.
peaa.araay oUb Baliekaaparaoa
ing I found two biff Her logfrlolT off
the pmdwUoB and Ua drratopBaat
^a.rayntUwulrht. Verr often Ur)
BBtat oBoBy.
Haay boaaai aad w
] I wa* to my cemnMy. rod* Milcbcn *tnwl road b. fairly ' '
new mlae. which prumlord to rrenll
..UiC.TlI braaktnM topeUrr in her rimm. whan
at hr think, yf Uat I wiu them. The larmerekin the
MU itr
Bill crrwur aad BOre rapid laetoa
*Ub aide of Ur road are maklac deepertoo eahan.inl to uhdarro ll:a
aadB Ula para
mr .bin: Uay wa. liarjng a gaul time. alcefforU to cheek Ueir proffraB. hot
A aUll Bure' potent caiiM baa beeo Ur
*&I.T37.»»T Irinl ol dToaiorsnd U-inr>lH«lod to
WU Bat wlU *
Tull the girl, that we UlW of^ .luffing
. elcalaf of UemintatoaUrar I
faarad that great daamirr will ba
diiiinc. ruom. The, major'e mnil ■ me for dinner. I doni know a. I •■do
^ aad the roualaod I
In »m< the Wllooa tariff Uok affact.
ha* cr».n to
aoyU>l4^ more to writo^d.y. doar. Tbi* I* tbr Onl tlmr that Uto_
Uink ol aoyt
ad Ua ciapnrt. fm- that year
tbeeirlllaad wotid. Eaflbod. Prance
•lautrorUra enemy of lb* farmer ha.'
-few waoka. Mnch of il' •« goud-bye.
eote waa lakaey. and oaly air
worth »«r7.SI5.1lf*
In l*M they
Ueramny. Eamda. Aoatrla.
• mfoc
mada lU appearance in Ul* rtoin-;
to Ua hooM- kKd more of r; to
worU PM0T.M3.1
t TheMBOcaUre
oaesal of Ue kmaller ccwatriaa bare
dalirerad at Uc r^re. At Ur early
Aad yet Ulcia
A Loelauaw Conoty Romanoaall ebiaod their minUU .ilrer exce^
B&rnlnr meal Urv: McKInIry opamworid-~wbleh hahlcb'
the party that now aaha the aoldiei* to
a* aa as/Ularp metal. Tha. prbiwbly
■lanaw muni
iacwaiof.pBhiacof forelca trade- ■oma of the letter* and read*
to for Mr. Kryaa. Whom
h tha prinrlp^ nwauo for Ue deprea
gha.l-*torii« and
• bwenlng*.
wall aimiuil-* theotbor day la Chlwa. *B«.^.twT a yaar darinc l*r khe to rantly inlereBcd lo Ul'work
to light there
aUoa la ralue. The action of Urea
aod a ktory ba. jm
ml U now pnlnr <« and ha. a '
yeas of peoUctloB.. The blcbBl ealne
tieluin alw> affacta HHUah
ike a roataM-e.
amknowlrilreof oollilnu
■ •
duriac two yean of lower tariff ha.
AmerUa, EcTPl and India. baUdre her
ago. when the conotry
M.-KJnlry dim. aU of hi. home
been »soTA«.u«. That la to rwy. wr
r dept^raeira. an that atlear '
and Uc
Mora Now Thaa Thau.
bare Icwt at the rnteof •llT.Twuot. a Inc in Ur library, aq apartmri
d aa aateadard oew the laffer
.trelcbed away for
PiUB IWto imtlBB arara
' w*. ..raloula. Ue
part of Ue ylobc.
de*ignali»o. Tl>
Md warfc pleoty. mllla aad fac
That the aeUoo of Ua Halted dutea
were faMIng. to huat
uelyUlnKOf.uolc.io Uto room to 1
aad faraaoB rrer* raaalac. aad there
aioae ha. had lilUa If aay affect npuo
up Ue cow. aa>l briy Urm. home for
tanrr pafnlinc ol Ui. HcKInliy. whiel
to Boapoalal damaud for -fm aad
Ueealoeof UametallaUowBliy Ur
aallBlIml*- eoim«eof allede. Today
iaat UafUaoe l>C3
UA oacninffand Ur little frllow
Mama la damiBiiaad Boaay
M InfreqnaaUy happen. Uat renot return.
The .raUered nelghbui.
t tfiw Uc awaet
pnbllcsa aewupapen. Uroach Ue Br
tire eabtaoee prior lo that Ume aad
Tidad la tiw act of Jaaaofj it. in
wbtcbilUl'Iw^ darto^ toj
large as a JO cent piece of any other
equ^ giood tobacco.
The Cyclist's Necessity.
:• cit‘‘irth:?bi::tirfi:s;o;
« 2“'
ussn IXTSUKALr.r
hzBK. to.xiij} w
7ll KlFTH
l. K Hwon.B to making large Ulp-
* far darinc Ua a
toawoaldoappaa. byUawaym
It If. tkto eoaatry aeald ooly
hB«B-ffeaMlTer- Ucae rraat. hraaUtal. faricht. dollar, aoald he caacht
nll^ ap tha atrect. aad aU aae would
toatoAo wwuldheUPtoopaad plak
Mm up. Tha (act la ooa would hara
tecMUwa 'dMlar. Uaa Imd aa Uwy
Anaow.hywarklBcforUoBL Nooae
will bay Bore whrat U
BO to mill aaploy Bore labor Uaa
hcaaapat tapraaiableuB. Tbare to
• mntry. hut
• toablaUof
a protaoUre policy that will .top
of fara
peodacl. aad toBfaetarod cood. that
ooald aad ahoald ha rahad or ■
hBa.aadttwlUBloarBDIa aad
hortoc to woah aad empleytf labor
ro tha rrady ewb to bay
food aad hoBa Bade paadacta. The
---------'y for oar trooblm to aimpla oad
oaaUy peoearad aad aaaUy apailad. It
top pratacUre tariff.cartAally adjaalad
hat oeBpeaboaBlra, aad madaautoaly
fee roeraae bat lor protaetiaa.
tkBal ideU haa hara reduced aa fql-
of»1lU.W>0.<Uil dl
ebat^: duriac Ucdamomatic admli
latratkm of Clrrelaad not no much a.
peany paid. Hal Ucae two tablea. UcBlfirant aa to the ooBtcaiu. do not tall
Ua whole ctory. Uow mocb did tjie
rrow?- Hew
readioc eonieUioc
laUar. I baren't found
gnoB I'll onme himir.- and .ignad by
hto looff mtoeing .ua. who to hap^ly
Aarided an.1 retUnI in Ua waat tio
he wandarud awapmud whbt ba hi
boon dofng all thaw yean to .till
myatery. Ha wfll
boae to fiad
dozes or more brathon and aletora
wbum ba baa naaar aean or
Wc don't want to paint you but ]
\vc want to tell you that when i
you have any painting.to do gcti
your paints, oils anr^ brushes of |
l.l »l*re»e e04a* I
'■ “-“r.i'.Sici "
Headache bestnys Health
Corner Front and Cass Sts., Iravend'Citi/.
br. Miles’ NeiMne Cures.
mi bankrupt wl
lall It.
... Tbarr
w a balance of Borm
Una «».oou.aiA orer and abore ’ Ur
redd law ir'a. and II the tariff had been
let atone, orlf the prcaldeat bad mad*
Il known to Ur euantry Uat Uara
weald he no ebanc* la Uc rraenoa
Uwv there wouldimre baoa p^aty ol
ia Ua
woaM bare heoa a
crelna of
Uoia Boliinc Domocrau.
Ua bad d
plrtelyB. uonffh Ue earth bad oprnrd
him up.
Vrar. f
by and hi. name became on1y*T*cua
Tbi. anmmer Ua father ra-
[mat week Uc H>:b.u> ffara a Itot of
I democrat paper, that bad bulled Uo
Cbiraffu platfiirm aad tlckot.
were trom all parU of Uo eountiy
Ware the Irwdinff damoerat joarnal. la
Ueir cwvpat-tectira locallli*.- ' Uelow
wa ffire an addlUuaal Itot of 33 from »• beard of.' Ilrlac In one of Ur fioeet
■Uto*lfilhel:nli«. It will ba noticed faming roginra of tbr ctata. whara
by Uto Itot and Ua one firea laat weak wboB hr left wdz rirgin lonat. but Ue
atanMBoHyofUc that naarlj aracy Itadlop Uermaa pa
loWa boad to
will V .inerro and hearty.
Bear folure.
per In Ue eonatry refamo
oilaa many bebere it. UwChknffo ticket.^
a.if loaedorecUtowfaim
A'Unala. lia.. Joui
rcpobllean aewq^ in aa
Iriwo It rmleacr. It elm
Alenndrin. Va..
■ too in the fane of the fact, Un
w .wl UuUeto.l e
Ua reerade.
e. Yl. Bef-Vdier.
of Ue coreramaat azeoedod Ua ezpraba.rt dbarer.rara>r>y.lBMBK».alc.
Colsmbra. <1* . KreBiBciti.|iatcb.
dltorco cToiy year of Uatetood'. admlnikdur*. N. >'.. rti-imtoh.
MCBlIan; Ip face of the tact that dorllaytim. O.. Tiincw.
inc Uto period aboot tetn.mio.Duu of ' Doylaaton, Penn., IteoMrrat.
CdrtanBaBtdobtwa.palda|nd'in face
Dentoae. Temw.. (lazaUo.
of Ua fact Bmvtai^ Foater Urnrd
DenlaoB. Teaa*.. HenUt
(WBto Mecratary CBritolo a aorpln. ol
F»Uklle.N-Y .Sewa: I
0*3,000,00(1 oaer aad aboae UA *lOu.ilBdnoa. Mlch..liBzeUr.i'
uuu.lioucotd rOBaree. In a taceal later;
lloraadtoTUlc. -N. V.. EMlac Tri
Id aa follow.;
of allrer
Total ...................
ThtoStui.<n)MaC BOW iaiemt
that eamaiaU win taaeleo aad ooia latoBoMy.B ^h^^freoof oharce. all lac dchu to lAe price the Ab.
pcopl. are called apoa to pay for
. aay bo pnaealod. aal
dUepollaycff podaeltoa
The tcTB. U to I.
• trih
a .burl dtotanea fraB hi. bomr. and,
of roorre. the chon* folk tnkr n pbeul
lar inlaint in hi* affnlra
Fly Nets
and Lap Dusters
r two anhlhita.
it loynat & per ooBi
l»W iNortBban.............. ...
The dtoartor of Ua Btlat hw rot
Uterratas yrnatsperarat
oeaaay laqalricBaato the acaet teU
Intamtiuyrnat < pcirieeat
Bleal BBalac of tho UTB It U 1
hohBBB^ pafaUe tho loUowlac **•
pare aUae
{.ibarally Btimatod.'Oantop ha.
populatioa of hi.iui aud naturally
Mr. HiKiolry know, a ffreat
ol hi. fallow ritiicaa. aud. of <
Ury all know him.
Ha to v
H tit hn intitt aril rrretiit t>f 60 rt*.
im cd carelaraly worddd diapa«ehra
* purebaaed aad .tored where I
^ aad they are Bohinr Ue Boat of it!
do UwirowBpanyaa injury by bob
not cat Into eirenlalJoo and affact Ur
UttqallocaaeraJlyoBiipaaaa that Uw
________ 1 of Ul. klad occurred receaUj
I aplla of UbUe price lo Ua'opet
Ilf Ue ChIcacoTribooe, In'a Waafa
Mod tniB tha yram of pnapmiV
mrkol ha. coaa kiradHy dowo.
■actoo dbpalcb, a part oaly of which
imnri tbfi*U Ki4.iI»U fTar.
. It I. Btaled: ,
' urn tha fee MUot c
I'aUlartoa. I). C . Jaly M.-«Kpac
•R.W; u IHO In to ^ »ti la
UU 1--------|U|-' ------iai.)1 It toaoltlhrly Uto
a »
U to *11.41:
l»K la to
lion will aBrnllomaoUerboad
Tbday K M
The fart la Ur
anlam Ur pold Te-uwr Uould ret be
pB ca^la of circalatiae la aol
low Ur dancer perint. which to enaeed
adtobeUm.i.lymiUioeUmit. I'roeetobll^ en.ltii UadiOcaltyolUa
Irat will ha followed, If poMible. by
lahoter aad tha prodaom ia fettlac
l-rraldral Clerelaad.'wbiMe. .opportcra
WdefBOBaaf lhat*U.0t. TheyaaBre whra -he rama U the While
aet CM h<dd <d It aaUl Uora b a reelr.
r la imi a boad <aU bad
alallaloac tha llacof haalaaB. aad
UbaaBaol oomc aatil wehaeaapto
. _. - —..
Uai ^ Urif^torre
to ha reriied
' Ua ha'
and Ua oaly poBlMe
Ua raeolpUlauBcnBic—
baffaa to lall off. What rtoe mold yoo
4aad In hi. intoally adrtoed
.t ia Ua Halt-
the BBC BOUoa. aad they did BOt prepoB to laeoot Ueir Bcaoy U lahor aad
tUUcyhaHrWhattallBMr* '
UnbcM. K. J.. OfaUrrer:'
laolaBapolia. Ind.. New*.
JaebnoB:Hlaa.Newa. ; ' '
Jeruey Ctty.N. J.. New*:
____ f%!,« m. u,..
MerMra. Coan.. J.uiraal.
Milford. Ham., “nmi
Hncbla*. HA.. Bofftotor.
McKamport. Praa.. Now*.
Momphia. ^na.. dclBOIrr.
MilwsahM. Wia.. Hrabate,
.WlB. I'jlot.
New Hritaia.CbaB.. Herald. '
New Orlraaa. La.. Kray***
New York. N. \%. hUffoa-JenMl.
New York: N. Y.. Harper'* Weekly.
Now York. N. V.. Haadele ZetlaacNewark. N. J., New*.
NaUrille. ‘flm.. Aseriraa.
PortlfBl. He.. Ai
, 3 B-. nxaiBO,
I beretokao la. he
■wHaretaw Yra amy pahM M
U yre wU. ara I bop* »mreo*
' ' wBC cure mckmcUB* Ufa M-
Plate Glass
.................... { have a large ami wdt assorted iioe pf
these goods at lowest pric^x Trsnks, TraTcUiis Bagsi
Telescopes and Toaristo G^a. These goods Sre the
best aod at pnees moderate. A few Udies’ aiul ]pei»'s
riding Saddles to dose out at ooK.
E ewiB rnat at Qw SUM.
TraTSiMS City. Mlslrigsa.
Pil^^GOODieDLTS jour unat*lath*:
oBAWi) ■iBAVBaim HinuT.n. jolt tfa. imo.
M Mlirad GHrOaaad
•atdlrasJalrM. IM
rdac«ia aallad to aad* hr tha
Mvor. H. C. Darta.
PXMI. AldBBM fWtaa. OoadtM
aaaaaed AteaCa Uaaete lor raaai- SBtth. Ooek. Ejaalk. aad OaiTlaaa ai
daat aad dadraa inkaiha ft> vlea- B. C. Darla. Hafor.
milliii. tdfaltarwMb thaaaar^
lall M taek af taa wa>
>■ •>kaon aaa, 4n<Md Ilka a
. toaad 4aa4 at Port Uarae .
w la
a tht
d httraa
P. O. Maai'
M. a tedlac la> iaalar. •hUalaklac
.m tram hit tlotaaa heataa. raa a aall
lalahhdDoL BIcoJ rohoalaif ftaaf
04 aad ha 4M Halamar laaralat..
At Oak Orora. Praah iebaaaa waa
ta4)i that ia lha ateaUar lAUt haat-
Maa.aad baa laujrrha wkkhla btoaato
T*e^ UiaHca. a anatlkT
IMwaarfiralBCkaak *a*aMa«ha4
Waajjajad W ja Ui owa tea
. ellpMM
**'^***^Tor* raBtolfallr
ththa MoapraUt. At Jravar
h ia*toara!l£a
A. w. SMUhD. ctoftT
towM. MMkannkd.
____ bataiBrakhit thawoodt lot Mar-
I b»« A. h-mM dofte ,>m
priaara a Htaaaa kototg dJir>Bla«ai
______ ^aadSIdawaitolewboawai
farrod tto patitloe to tore aldar
boUt OB bbA alda of KIitbA bU
natwooB Uaiea aad Plaa. weald re-
A. J. Bbaiibuv.
Wm. Buoweu.
raaawaj Uka a alld
tba7aidladto har. ~
to patoa Aa.ya
Merad I7 AUanacB Oeedri
lha paUtha to rafarrad to itoV
Oartac tha atoraiorTa^ar afcfct VTto-followl
arraral raopla wart kUlaa v lajoiad
akaata mtn tarribi; toraad. Oaorca
■autstewA kllltdailValt|iarl. whara
SraolUairanhtdlraba^ Hra
JUaooadUioa U a^-
thu two W.A. u . Itaf
CVy. SBauf MalkUae to<ulrd ot l^acadoa of lha aehool
cllr e< TratBoe atp.
ad-toaod proBiaat ‘2 pap to btarer.i
tto^rt Plr* UoBdioS^lW^^
Morad bp AldarBBB Ceeh 'ttot tto
•port to aereptod aod oltowilho
] baflt witble :o dapa.
pkyidrta»;-bo«»Trt. I ro« hww aad ato;
ooatBreaiJ Uatr uw li wm a annwtw
ta ua iMk u> are ibHr ankw: Ito allack
waa wanM off. aod abHtr^icilsunl taktnr
2=2S{sai2S?^»5S:;;:;::.;;::;:;;:;: ,J88§
baafarrabiprateTthr^le Ibrtorkiua)
Uula Mvrarrt Vaa tndotaa. lha
At Hatkaroa. la tha atom
thwa»«ath.ol4 4aachtara( Mr. ao(I
Ufa MaBBO VaaBtaotaa of tha ilamit oraoiar lha ralafall waa I.a la
a«B bloek. 4ha4 raaaatir fraai Ibt of htoHntofthca«am. Tto I
iwalar utin. awfkior
frifht ladaaad hf tht faahat ol
ifi..U. nellMaad St
______ _ klJIlBf Uaon MaBBlor. of
TaaateT atlaraeoB aboat 4 o'etoek 0. Fraltport. who waa loolclBr eat A«
Btviraer ProBoat. lad.. a>aa KM»d doer et hU paraafa hoBO at tto aura.
atriklBf a wobos who Una oa lake
atraot iB tto fBB, ahedriar
Btoarlar bat aot
ahlf. ThBla)ai]rUhthoQchtwiJJ ba
Ki..i.“brsscJ:'5i‘s: Estate
s?^:a-3 For Sale.
B of AagiAof ittBirai Cto: IB Carry aa m IIbiM ■AplBi F '
lino ito (real (.wd Ikwn’r Eidarr I’Ub
karriwrtor. >^
sfss'S’ii’.s^sr Sir “.S!
.i.w.tw-«1J rrpw.tfaw.MUwr.ku
SVKHraS All these are good
woald Bi* bare bean abb h> be out Ak
r*>^UueeladaeraB said atreot la otBlor of
«^,bloeh. that tto aaid paUUoe to aot attr—prke. OUerola
SU a
_______ar'Io aidklaaB Iscllaire. ...
. Buffalo, K Y_________
toariap tkr taaw dab aad aacb baiar,
toWr- ai Ma tot plaara totwaao
(toaiaber Ac aoBr. Ztoa'a
for tto MB of dMo. baaad bp Bid |
UtaMUactlaa irllb a larfa taraatau»ukaMBkto
Heard of COaeatioo
BdaBtloo of the ae'
la aad a ast of rooao oan be foaad
A Haraant* tderalB waa rldlao *“*“
«a a baaeh of baaaaaa. Fjra tri
Tha followiap elaiiaa ware prraretad
Lo^I Xerrd bp AldarBBB Kpaelka that
naa tHa-aknfxxTrrai>.
' Ar reabrt to aceariad aad adopted.
Two voaar mm oBda tha raa aeniB
E- C. Uo(aa. earprater work, (
of tto Htate
s-tisr — ™
aad ---•— - •
^ paafiatbim'
altp hM had It or M harlac It. aad
la part, t
5srs_. _
b. law., at wblcb,_
(to Mt^MmHr.Moirirokd''.
IwiKbIrda of tto
' aa laroaloap of tto
irer-of the tout I
d hb Urr w> fall of bolra''lbat a'
1 uKaruaraa—loar
laarruam—Voor uob
Cob. u
rboB. He
- rrforred
—• Aa
Aad It b bwebp apadallp declared 1 waa
pfUUoc of rrooi
aad errtiaad. that all acA ardlaaaoea. 1 of Wom Side for Ar apralaf
nantuUoea. paoeeadlaca aad alapa ra- atreat froB Haedolph BorA *<
qalradtoba• paaaad.had or tokrn pra-japartfallp racoafBaadU
llaiaarp to Aa iBBa
Ibbc hareof.
han . hare
. . . baae 1 ffraatad wlAla «a dapa :
dalp maard.
bad aad takao br tl
Cuwaell aad Aa BBrd of KdaBtteo
_______b qWtod i* aaidcftpof Teerana Qlp, A^npa
C. L. OaiEii___
ow^ bp P.
r H Mrova. of Ai
>W. J. l-ABaaii. .
^^0 UmUetoif wbareof, Ae aold Beard
Ae aAool dblrlctL.
Mured bx AldartoaB.Uarrboa that
oa aador tha Fort Wapat brldfa 1
__ dtp of Trarnae
dtp. Hiehlfw tto report beaoorpted aad street be
bat cooard tbb b>od to to alfnad bp
MoBUnoa aad all tkr oerapastrkaaol
Aa l■>MkteDl aad Clark of wM iteard opaeA wlAla flU Apa.
Motfaa carried.
atTrarrnaCitp. Hirblraa. oa Aa flrat
dapotJolp. A. It. l-wi.
>a ralln
Tu Mir U-m. Ikt Manor and CUp IWacii
aaal call for
wheat •
ojlkf (•«» of Trarmt iVa
W. B__
a, WB ohackod w1 A alacuteitp aad.
■aiipl tea tha Iwllfhloc of ita maaelaa.
hoa ahowB ao a|^ of ilfo tfaoi
phpAalaaa ora paaalad oaar tto'
NoBa Um after lha WfatorB. '
ttM toaad thnt atllB troa t . . .
whata tto poeacttartraa darlac tto
_____- toraadp for harr.
Mealuraa. a twa-ptar«id aoa of _______
iBOatwallfaUalrwatefafniB a rBtlar.
Jalae (lareb. aa acad Maxieaa rcsld■ aad aaoilar battoa. whiab to
la bk Boath. ledifad la bb wlad- JM 1b Bow York Cl^. b ealUBt B Daw
ihaloaaapbpalalaBaoald haoBB- ■rtoftaeA. ..Be elalBa to to VI paara
A tto UtUa fMiow dM of atnac- nld.OBdaapa that satare prrwkM hb
MA. Ira Walaataaa.ef Dorrr.whUa
toatow a haraa. waa kaoekad dowa
aad Mapladoa bothtaalBal. Bar
A poav BOB of WBtarford. Oaklaad
BoakM 1b
At EilBBawii. Mba KdIA BlfAow.a
M^Hb, wm raa bito bp aa alaetrte
_____________ datobhart lawhbb Bhp Boaa torioMlp
The Ikard of Kdocaltee of thej
dbtrirt of Trarrrar dtp. HtehliraB. I'D
Aa ffrifat dap ol Jeaaarp, A. II. IhhT.
wm pap tto brarer taidra dollar* aad
hftp crate at Ar Mrrraatllr Natteaal
Beak la Ar dtp of .Vrw York fwela
Boatba- iBtrrral oa ite •whool balldinr
hoed K». oae for Kuo. baarior Air ol
Mettea waa earned bp pea aad aap
aote aa lollowmc
Yrae-Ald^nara 1-arker.r Urailirk.
8bIA. Cbok. Kj*a!ka. UrdiW-dAraB
mad lianiioa.
Mored bp AldrroiaD Uarrboa Aat
Aa chief of Aa Hre ItepU to n-qaratAAo
of chcnkcal fin n „
price mad lerou. rrlaliar A Ar paraad rapdit al aa irarlp
‘SS?A’fSSt'nftTst.' te
Tto itenar-old ae* of Hra. Lteda
»Mdtr. of Tdado. Bat wUb a faarlal
PVoat 8b. (Hr. HaaaaharrrB to ad
MoUabt white rWllaC rwtellm at IteTto BrIUA Alp Cvfaw, tnaa ItealeealOB aerow hit pTopeAp.
Btote. Ba«alidoara.taptodla(a hoa dao. haa ban teat la tto Bed tea. wlA ............ Mib
T. ll-ShrrBaa
•( lap aapa whbh to arrltd Is hb all oa bBdd. ..
J. W. naalait.
C. K- Bock.
------ ---ItoTwS^ raeilaad (rem Crete eopa I*. C OUbrrt.
IbBvUhaw toBop roBcrar.
aalip ostetolTv tto Billtorp
eorappted aew poaltteM daip. Urn
J. W.
P. A. Daaa,
raetsBa ace bdsf eoatalttad bjt
WIlbelB. Praak Votrato.
Tacka. ApanT^ehrbUaatwborea- CbariM
li. A.
A. BolUd
tond to eater tto eocalted mllliarp 8. O Nawper.
C J-Vaol
L. M. Keaaatt.
Be were Bordorad hP Ae Tarka.
H. Mill. .
C R McHasoa.
AdbpatA froB OaMtaallaople
_____ Trada.
1. II- Shrirlap;
•a that a BatBcra bM ooeamd at Praak
la. la Ito Hiarbeklr dblrletof Ar- UlapNwtBaCo..
WbDatohpPetraada-. _______
4w Maas tto P- A P. M- traoka. toU a
retcratl There are toe
toteoeMb a< Meal. miB Ito a raa taio Let M retrratl
tormr Aa to Bttared tto teat word,
a rillr toll atrack hiB ia Ito hack of
hb AHmA Dr. PcTMlo Bctorairte. aad
wUAwM aUll raaalBC ----------'BaBbaraotbbBaS.
•too Havud ptoo.
tto to. Joa. riaar rear a,. _
Wb. Hoc* tod
Traverse 0lt7, Mlchiro
: it possible at our present low out prices, to rte
; duce our stock as we anticipated. Our object ~
: is to make room for needed repairs in our H
[ store. If you are in need of shoe we will be 3
; pleased to make you prices on. good goods H
I whether you purchase or not. We handle no Any qnantity from one to a
d. Inquire at floor £r cheap. Shoddy shoes, hut will make bottom ~
°° ^ prices on good ones untU after July 4th.
FOE S-fitlfaE,
.at the Boston Store.
— _____ M______Ik Aaoordted t
latBt. after OdL Oarteraab had
m.ar. hilled la AejhffacaMaat te tto
laaalld Ulb. Maeao. *IA bb tteff aDdet_„
pat hlBaall tt Ae bead el tto fBura
aedlA teadaSA bpwbtek to b
-(top. Mra. Dadtep. of tiraad Baflda. A ««T* U- Bpaaterdb Hr
totluBwdadlrtto htallM pa»araaer howa»B. Bade a aorteoa mboal
Aa aMleted om awl Mia. Pi^la
w «MB har bad appMMlIp wi^
THOa.T. bates,
A BaoUw tarBM owm a tow that b
OBAlalp a rsaerd totaktr. Bto b laa Blar llBA adlA trea Ursrpool oa Prb.
II. last, for Mew York, aad froB that
Btalto aha haa plraa WrA to aara. Use A Ab baa aerarbateihoanl froBi.
Mlata. WbaaatowMtpaaaacld. tto
ffira aa eaUrelp dlfaowidaadbwlM; taa aaaitto lalar tto
t tto draA of Joaa
paraeu ar* atfll rare ai
of Ufe>Bllp b Allra.
„ ..-uSSu..
fminU Ab ^Bf. had la )Mtl
itoka' had fMoDoa.
Seear^. of lUrma. Ntocla conalp. '
Hiaa...haa^lut brourkt new* of Ua
fatal poLaoBlDf at Aniiairdota wbb'c
familp of Biaa ebUdnm. Baned Ip
drlaklop leaumadr Jalp 4A
Moeed hp AMeroBa JArsaa that
repnrt to aeoaptad aad elalBa or
dered f^d aa rreoBBaaded.
Naid moUoe waa carried bp pea aad
asp rota m follow*;
Wb. Bald, at Drtcau. tlrh.. wbooe
• U la
ia wl
wktek 4« pertoaa were kUtol
WoL Lwea/***^'
Ycalp-TAIdmaao PaAar. Ur^lltek.'
r Ito pituOc; moUoo of Aldenaaa Cooh dalp 8BlA.Cook. Kptelk.. Lardte. Jrtraaa , barahPbi^Ulw
BBprara te oar
rr^ertof tto aa
carried aald paUttee waa rWairad to aad Uarrboa.
lac to Ar Cht.
Coat, oa Ntrarte aad SUawelka.
__________ ^ „,..tt«l'
Hr alau rf|
AM la Aa BItlla dietrict alBiw
. rp vfltacr bM bare ro
teadawl Asia
ll a aAaaere b iBBteast
(erradaBA aa oedB braedrad fro*
W. B.Kiac.el(teBaBda^ K. V.. AaNllaa'apalaoa.
At Aa WbHe ^r lloa oOw la UmdoB word haa 1mm raoaietd that at
wtoa to tod aetasaa for Alrtp-ate Hoplake. sear HikoaAaad. a l
pMta. Hr.KlBClBtlrMhofbbab- *H piAA ap laeaatip which
tar wbUa A ttoorap. tot sapi
tatead tto f6lio«li«. Wrlttea m a dip
to hod haaa UlUd la a battUa.
Baailaff waa a Beat lataraaUaf om.
Mr. Klw bsA( Tt paara old.
the handsomest snburU of Traverse City, ranging in price from $fiO to $300
On aoUoo of Aldanaaa Cook, dalp
carried. Coaacil AJoarerd.
A. tv. h.(-axiut. Clip Clerk. |
------------- tto barteateif bd^ <te-
•WMT vHh aMibtr pair of twiM
160 Lots in Oak Heights,
Oawralaidrof niriikina •trrMad^aA, H- C.Wk,
eeatto tett.blackl.il. L.AOa'aXrd
COBBlttae oa Lteeaao
ttrd to
Oa weal aide of Oak etrerl adjaarnl
Mnred bp AldaTBaa MmlA Aat tto
tteld,a»Uoewai^earTied bp pea bad
report to aooepted sad Ordlaaaee ba to Aa »H of lot K. Uuck 3. B.
BP rw ea fbllowa:
^'a 4A addition.
draws aa tbeoBiaradad.
Yeea-Aldaraea Vaifcw. OoadriA.
Motloa rarrird.
UoUoo carriad.
all there. eUaibed book to bb
Hal A. Cook. Epwlka aad Oarrboa.
Aa anliaaaer antiUed- Aa lirdii
1 bp AldarBoa NailA thal Aa
perok aad raaaacd work.
lUUra to Itceanni for
Cob. oaiKlf*
Kira aad Water to
White boAlBC at Laka Ubat
•ibibiuon* bwl Braaperiaa- wm read
aBBBMr faaort aaar Miaar ___
‘ I oa petlttee A axtead
A Ite pataapa eiorA'.
. loreaea Hllla. ofed IT. Blrrtte MlUa. carrbd. CoaaeU
W'. aA atraat. at aral iryalar
It. daarktora of P. B. Mlllts aad
Aid ordiaaare -M poBcd' bp jrm
t aad. pop nU of Btord «f aad eaj rota aa follow*
Vea-Aldemea Ihrkrr. UoodAA.
JUralar oMetl^ of tto dtp OoaodJ. PaUlaWorka.
acted at t o'eloek WedoBdap aftor___ A. Tfaa aesMoat wm doe to tMir bald in ooaadl rooaaa Jalp 90. IKWi.
Ureiibk. SailA.-Cook.-Kywlka. Lordb.
BiclrtniiawalklBd iBtaaekaaaal dratord
'abraoaaA Uarrboa.
HeaUap wm eallrd A order bp
mpor. U. C Uarte
“J \Z
atalte hdd peteeat.
Bb trtfa aod
iMj^tor^mabo la a dai^traBCT-
Ito claiBu to Atewrd aad
eiM.\ If sold yuick, each..................
PratBaa BBadBlL et Blrwalda. Ma..
II fraa At lop of B rraUUtar «w
wtordM.mad.aCbr BtriklBrhbbBd
OB thr AlBflad net baaBoad BUaat to
• ■■ TS ■
Adas Bora, a aroBlMBt dtlara of
MatoayM. ato lha faadip. ala aosa
afBhata aad whita artoa rlaafar.
ur.kKiiAi. araarT n-xn.
Wai, ^Uterr. Rrpalriaf staad pipaa.
Hirtioa rarriad.
matter of,-ncaaelad
(rapbare la tto rilp. <
Moradi lip Aldermai Uarrboa tbAe
______ Aat__________________ feat aldawalk to ordtead bnllt A}aent
w- .. lloroaiiiff each traantettt phototo aad Aattlap upon tto follonliKdo
rrapberBaadlbattto taraKofMld llerlptloB oi real relate wlAla M Apa,
cMuatofiiAatllperdap. U; -
BrswaL AlftenaeB Parhar, Goodrlah,
OrrUbk. 8bIA. GoA. Kpadka. LarB ter at laaat two nrr- db. Jabraoa aod Uarrboa aod Hapor
^•nw r>rr4 on (Mv. Vaflfar not
___ BtotoaoBfa. WAm____________ aou la ladlaaa. wbo had Aa adeitloaboaa ttaiiad it rifoBd to laara tha of- al BbfnrAae of ha*A(
■m mA hM tiaet ^a lb heaM thara. abertlp brtora Ac* area
Omrim. aa
to«hM«a.AefthaBarber kprlaft tenhtod hb
AbtakaB UaeolB
UlpM OiMt WniteB HaKlDlap. Joha
Atoaar CMUm aad FtraBaa Bopoa ware Vaafha. a toBnrat. aot to be oaAoae.
Mh talaiad bto ao oaa waa kUlad. alplad hb latBt adltka TboBoa JeffaaTto a^toa aad taadat ward daaol^
---------------------- rA troB PlfA 8U. reapocttallp aah tto dtp Cooadl to tehe
E properties and centrally located.
.■creroveded with sumner gooda and have to mahe io<m for fall goods
already contracted for, wfc will sell at a great sacrifice.all summer g.mds. snch IfwI-awns,
Dimnities. Organdies and evciytlting in seasonable mrWhandise..
' '
Friday and Saturday Special Inducements wrill be offered
such as l’Xc Lawn, for Sc; ntandaid Prints at 2>ic; ChalAes nt'2}<c: Apron'Ginghama
nt 3c; all wool Serge 7 y^ for tl.ao; bet Brp. Colton 4c; Tni-hey Red Table Clolb
at 15C; bleached Table Daomnk 25c peryatd; silk atripe Persian Waist Cloth at 15c per
yard; fine Dresden 10c; handnome Dimnilj 6 and 7c yard; eitraanc dnnblc fold lavras
redneed to 7c; Shirt Waists rednoed to 3Sc; Men's Negligee Shirts 20c; Men's Fancy
Bosom Lanodried Shirtn- worth $1,00 for 39c; Laie' Capes redneed to less than cost;
Ladies’ Jackets—fiaest fabrics at your own pripe.
Odr Tan Shoe -Sale is still on at same prices as quoted to last week’s sd.
BOS0?O±T stocr:^
We are <
lined not to carry over nay sommer gnodn. 160
XeQ’s Liffht Weigrbt Suits left-HsmsU lots, <mly n £»w siste in esdi lot,
wtaSch will be closed at your own price, from 86 to 60 per cent lean
ttum regular price. Orent bai^nins in Ohildren’n .nnd Boy's Suits.
Every Summer Suit in Ken’s, Boys’ end Obildren's mnst be sold re
gardless of cost Orent bnrgnins in Hntn, Onpn, Fnnts nnd Turuinbinr
Goods. You ennnot afford to min this oi^Kntanity to snvs money.
T- iT. SOSd?,
(Smbbmt ha M * Mm)
184 FrimtStraot.
tawABn t'Ka'VKBBK hhratJt joi.y as. isad.l
Fwolar Otottisr, BnttMT 8
39c, 59c, 99c, $i:i9
Rer.cn BayheawUlpraaehforlhelOfili-------------------------Ifaltariaa. ia MeXaBar. ball aet Ito.- ■
look a Ihrpr crowd.
Tbegaoeo City Bicycle nab earied d.,i^l.,«10:»to.«l.r4tiBa , ihAeretoUB
latoreoUof itorl llrott—■- to' | ora. of
------II praaoh
(Ble^. owe of oar most estew
beir rrpalarras tost slpbt bya da- , Her. Tbro. K. Byraa. will
llf^tfaltorolc-oatveratKaet Bay folTattle Ie |Wrparcu u. farelUi t^ boil
lowod be s marab mallow rcaetoa the toeu “Naural Rol%ioo.of Chleapa taaak igfereaor. e. to tbe i
rorg and a Booolipkt -wbeeT boase.
cat BOW
epOBeiUlity aad rellabiUiy of tbiefln
Mrs. J. A. HcMaBBS. Mra A. W. liarSe,blcn
Md Is the K. o. T. M.
*Phe doclon
havlBC |o take a doer of-their owe takaBdlaoillyaadMraChaa.Wi!brlB-a^,_.K„ ,,J K„»tetr»euae Wkrw.:
r'4 ksowtod^uf frail piroee
.aadfaBlIyprc .peadtap a lew day. at
anrioe at I0:iu. Hub-! euaeolt H.
Bodieirre.hoiare-------------^bini toilowa Bnrnl« eerrlee.
. or A. K. Huotapne
set of the BilleraweelCatxapeoe Raat Hay.
I of tbe I’oaiauiU.
•t bh padeyde elobeator»« •; PHdayo»eaiapesp<rl.aoeBeetiap.t;»o
&- ii
There lea.
A Orya G«aa.
All^ eortblly iorlled
Wbee-th. I'aps Fence lOlaatoeoma!
uriaa (i^idg;) e*eala( tii tbc
•1 OTwdt of tbg ciV- Tbwe oil
vDI Ml«ot dalt«gUs U> gUMtl
the lollowinr order;
aad wubeloi. kaoTer lb. A. H. Holli
day «h. MertioSb. U A. Oolllday b.
Hayderrf. (laroercf. boeeoall.
HaboUtaUa. litnlae. Kiop. Jacrle.
I'ahl. Hooa. CaioeitB. K L AeBtoe.
' Harpoooe la chief. H. U. Aehlae. i
C. J. Katglaad.
Dartap the paBc,
owlap to lejorira
allUled for WllbelB. I’ahl for <taroer.
Mood for Hoyder, lilppitn fco- t
aod Hawyrrforthdassa.
Ub* sraecaplalBortbeteaoi. At th
of Ike BpBeeaa i
apggad U ( g-elaak'ahaip. ia the followlac Ptoew: trM wwil. Ubrgf; kail:
priawr -bool balldlor,
oa Bbx^ araaaai third ward, pri■niraehiBl bglUla(oe UalaeatrgcU
foanb wi^, ti. W. UrdW-a wargboaxi.
^ 0. 4 W. W. mek. oa Chat atrerl;
prbaa<7 aekool baUdlar og
ItoaWtaida; Markat
Farthglwtoaiof Uw T>a>ww CHf
ptoylsp redaoed to a wlr««. The,.
aiT to perfect pfBcUce aad aa error U !
■omethtop alakosl oDlcnowe to thr«
Correct coloring:^
patterns, perfect fitting,
and up-to-date in every way.
reoraOy rotarawl
Ifrom CWiforala. will tsaar--*—
rr. ererypa. !»«. .oat to aeq U11 fB,,. B.W a-wr. ro-w
» to HU
LMtottk»«^ TWfTM«U>«r
«m tmiam BfTW
itowmll. bg
«b. n»IM. ur. fM gp gad tepi
-W4-agM» Thk Boratof It (oglu a
U thCT woald •omlMla • tiokH gt
Ladies Shirt Waists
We’ye^done .
the shirt waist business
a.bi.u.«h.wl. .:.S a. m.
MeAlap fek worUilp, ll a. m.
j«bU loeetiop coop.
, i aul eAUrrh.1 dleroiE:
lie W proi rarod a spnlal tostronw
■oowat tor ^eir
iMoffellonaadratupa cleaa
at;:W. '
I Oaa..lrert.oppcsiitr ram street Bapiae
loerrrysray. Vtalerday they pot la ■ The hoare of tbe ChriatiaB
Chriattoa Badraror
Bodraror lloase. Traverse City. Mich.
Wllroe terpilriier UUearre. woald >
ilapsereiee a-lll
m-lli be
be derated
deroled j
derlerr the elect and the. Heavier, are ^ heariap the report of the Washiar Bivrecn-Bi'PsLL a>.br. w Krq..>er..t
to be eoapratototed thaUbeyWot aoy ub eooreoiloo by LrrIT IVauloptoo
hlu off btm
Tbe HsMl^re pot to tbeir fopr ecora <
btfoitows: te the «lh I’ars. Uacd oBt
You are cordially torlle.1 ui aUenU
ISr brMv's rrsuliareuu. Br .lel M~.yi.nikW’.Oe"’. ('.IBUmH ■■r.nnlunS^.yi.lJ
eiSM b; 1.T Kn WlW> K Vnr.l
of northern Michigan this spring" and summer,
and while our assortments are still large, the
sizes, ranges of colors, etc., are broken w>nsiderably, so we make these SPECIAL VALUE
Farmers' InsUtate Sooleiy
K. L. Ilall^eld. Slate SopU ofi;r.n
-opre«SWWnJ-b bBek. rto.. Bby the pllcbrr. atfd
IbrTaers' loUituIe.. Bet tbeofticrei ofl^^
ball by llsroa
the I'oaety rpsUtute sodely at liraapr'
Is the Mb. McKeasie jastsared him
u^ay. inly Irlli. The object
self byaseraad. prttiop to first *on a i of Iheau^iap wss to confer with the
e lawycea woat to rleton
Buffed ball by Hlapa. A^ou seat aiuMcers to rrpnrd to tbe orst .aoaaal
the toUowlnp order: Batlory. ^Icl-~ r,'I7~|i-‘. *—-f“-r “'ll^nU
' losliuite. that the .Sepu may ks..w tbe
pkeraBlF.ITaU.Oor.ll«U Rok««r
of tlie
tholarr lb. Gm-ll tb, cb^sp Utor
beiap ^oloot at of
for dto-sssloo.
wlia y.
K IVau,
lYau, (Jam
(lain ib,
lb, Loraoper
Lomoper B.______
seroad and McKeorle aileaaeed a bawr. > holdlsp tbe ih.tilale.
Bpborta, rd. Ullbrne
'Mr. Itolterfield pat
___ liap home by a acrslcbi while
Ip^ of the Heorb. I bIot. l<Btchlo.
baU akfiraetcd tbg plwb^h atksi
talk explaintop'the.y.l
tiudpe. Tarner. Brown. BauMelell.
j as now iq force in Uiu> .tote and
ti aad Curtto. Jadpe Uoberu was
In tbe elphtb. wllb two Beo;-ooU i |»rlnp the HIckipan sy.teni ailh tb*f j
Hall sent a pretty ball f>at Into the of olber .taUa
present system a two days'* .
Adam. Hard out a Ueaaty. brinp
hcldincTety rousty that; JJEPtlRT
iD.tlwtr' Is h
Ball home, aod pdt anwed to ihinl
the stole law. !o,c_s
........................ of the Traverse City
rrors by tbe iltaato, oeminp borne
Speakers funiiiehed by the s
Hate Bank.
Ibrclewie hiO^ceapy
passed ball. '
-- aboat iBF-lislf tbe tliar'. the';
The fuilowlap laeU a<
IhuroB pot a terrible fail In tbe eve n-aralader hrlap pieco to local ^wk-'
I^adies Collars. Cuffe, Waist Fronts (pleats,)
etc.—the only proper line of those goods in the
.city is HERE. Prices right.
Money-saving values in all lines of Dry .Goods, Carpets and„!
ins:::::: 1 1 ::
Closing, at
wan takaafor the eoailai
wae held ia the eaeaat Mora (anaeri;
agaapfad bj W. J. Bell, the Hi irf
wUeh had beee kladl; doaalwl hj Mr.
m dealrbv tha keaefll
towUldadlt b
af ceod tblaftol
Uw war of food «■» be
ftadir raoalhad aad
tool axaalleat
The WcBaaoh Cneatary
■hM dlTidad
4hialoaa k) tarateh raldUee far the
BaUfdajr Market aaawlr. dirtokatt A.
B. C. D. r The aaaua rleoB
an tboae kdoarlac to dietoioa A. who
grill be ezpaetoi to rtr* for Ito
Jal> Ulh. aarUlav they aaa .
toaUy prapara.-hraad. aake. c
Baackaato. tolUaa.aalada.ooU
ate. Tbeog U ready ^ W alt the
ladlea wito proBleed to III the ordora
<B tolad aad aoaae peoparod-h
B. Ally. A. A<UU f. AdalU MIb Jaaale
Aadaraoa, Mra Nettle Ayata. T. T.
Itotat Hmaa Bats. Balth, Oou. lUoe.
ioka Bladi. A. h; UeaaeU. B. Boraa,
Braor. Barker. J. J. tmdea. A.
'•taiek. Baku Boyd. C Ball, rnaeea
Oraw. W. CUklaa. fi. Cortk. a t>.
Ctore*. Uwt«B Qtaaa. Blraa Cook:
r. U. OaBpkall. Joha CIbbob. W. Obalaa. faa. Oralf.
Baarty B4&000 Bared.
> of tbe Tigrcepe City only wbar who wplMl the benob dar^ tbe
pood pame-laa plucky
top wbat Mr coafd hare dode'io dl
framed hetwecathe doctor. ent clrvuiBsUBcrs. Thepaue was tied.
____ , before ■
r op to tbe Ttb. wbea Ur Uiast.
tory. Jadpe.
Uortwlt were oo the calmly raa it op in 0. on three imfr .iacrept low pies, a tMo tipper l>y'jobaKB and
ofhy three errors.
ua Id eadearorlsp
the doctor.. Ur.
Tbefratares of the (llaau'pUytop ^ Tbr (.•n.titat'tOB adopted by tbe so-1
■•dd booie aepor
toeoBBlta Urr
Wlla-B's plIcbiBpaad thrlrbappyir'ictr I>ru<idr. furasaoDBal member j
' u.so,nis.
tath"alBr.l be__
loraey Ooierr and
laealty of always belnp rlpht asdeelshlp fee.of twesly-firc eesto. wbh-b
o-cU hsu is
to appear apoo hleowa reotfaU thrliallwbeoitroBedowa.
whas paid by a aarrird man aira toUr. A’llbelo sra. loiaroil In tbe
w llBsOem flail dMftapsIshed eludes hi. wife .. . mcmberc This fee
1 toDlop trr trylap u. ntpAecatr
____ of htpk fliphU aad Ur. Boeder hlamelf by catobiap Uree or fc«r prel- b. thottfiit to be >.ufllrlrnt to ooree all • oowce-oo.fc-en- -r•affrrei Intrraal latoriea from which tylltos.aad Adaom. Haller and iyks.lacideatolrsp.-iww.
it ie tboapkt a daioape gait of larpe
r some flee ranglap catchra. wMp
The folios iop plan hs> boca = lopted
••■'lf~‘. .
dlaMMttoo. will rcalu
rrery pretty work war. doad by i for rdarpIrUop the SDvmbrrship list;
Tbe trial wa. hotly
M.I.. vl Mlrkirxa.r«u..l. oUin,
flb^le of Mariap laapoape were la- tbetofleld.
Is blank r>dlU.ok will bewml to each
dalpgd la by the IwUer. oa both aide.
Hers made fire blto and five I vioe prfsldrot is the seem) towasbipB,
m.wolla>a»rlBp balla HoBe'e.orp
theUiaats aeeoa' bits.^j who is tyqarwtcd k> rnllcct tbe W and I s>^ •>tioB. were takea to Ike ralinp. of tbe
' I earoll as awmberstbe rrsUenls of bl>
• H*’*'
for. bat Id all prokafalhly will a
The aeore by toalapa was ^ follow.: I towDshl|x
prahtad witboat eoata of former
w of tonae who earoll a.
be pUd la full, th which eaer oothlap
ilaatlrrs. u 0 u 1 u I u ; 0-4
a uf the >u.-irty will be placed '
.hall be Irpal tender bitt p<i1d. the
Two BK» psmro will be played with
malltop lUt of the KtprrimeBtl^
thetiUets. Batler pUchlap U>^,
of tbr Apricaltaral rallepe aad ‘
_____ It with Boika that the lira.
aetpltyaDeaMe of the Uwyera. and
the fnper aotk* of uiat The >eae
hae boMi tried aad tbe la«7er*
praaadio palrerise poBiorobBe the
a Mho.
loUewert of Aacalapiaa
ah la their
• .Bxletr
nxletr atle'uii
loo. and the lawyrr. ia their quIeU
BBaBtap BiaBBer. mareae n If oulhlap
had happeaed. We hope la the fatare
tbe doclarp will reBsrajber that lepal
aoUrc Bails; -Ipobrancia aeOilarai
3 Do'waThey Go! I
Sell them we will
If prices will do it
It’s a Waste of Ink
luroae poor injier.
gi p
j-oiir letter.. It miglu.havr tawii a pli<a'unn< lo Iwtb iiul tlir )n- fil||
per tovn
Don't ety orer apill ink'
htt-e any kmd.yon want;
500 pairs
600 pairs
Men’s Shoes
Ladies’ Shoes
Yna don't iiare tbe plrasare jg jj
III writini; auJ yonr friruils •Uni't have Uir ploaiuiiviu
buy Hume oorr.
Wr %C j
AX.I. sTTr.ms
Have you BeeB tbitoe new tobleto? # j
Heat w«‘ hai'i’ <-vrr Lad.
fil ,
KoiHi LJ
' Every pair absolutely solid leather—the greatest <
bargain ever offered.
It pay. to trade here and people are flndinp it out
j ^ Friedrich Bros old etoro.
on a line of new, stylish, nobby
and' solid shoes; tiey are now on sale for com
parison and :rour inspection. We give you more |
I.U., uw«—f-r-ius
°>w $1.60 shoes than any shoe house in j
northran Michigan and give you the largest as-1
' ” ■“ '‘’i.".:;
sortment to select from. We are never undersold;
„,'2 if quality cuts any flgnre;wegive value received'
tatheaoaatiy. The baarde of ImtaeearerBBpoaadof bailada area whc
Aeeou BaA tfaae aad fin earefal
thoackt aad aUaelloa to the Batlar.
The Y- r. H. C. K. of the Frtoada'
aeerlaf the etoU witboat aay napae' Fraabytertoa chorohes oajoyod oTefy
•atioa whatoear. while ^ Btdlaal aa- happy picBk at Ke-ah la-waato
pariBVaedaataBBd lhatr BBtatsau art day. poinp orw oe the ttolambia-to the
aaparlaaeod aad apaetolly Iralaad aad
glapaad iwtorgiapal SiWo'cloA
. ad the iMaaehaBattor t
aad aaoaa aaortofrtha Ihoafht aad
attaaltoa ad aot oaly the apaalallat aad
HM BhUaathroptat. hat the people at
TroTcrsc City. Mlchi|ca<i.
KtfliabU TradinK Center.
All Bona of Ocasd TIaaa
At tba BaoUat ad the >>iat beard of
aeyloB traeloB Wd hen kaal weak
A very cbaralap reerpUoa srae p1.es
ttatalaol Balatoaaaee was laedtor Prtdsy eecslap is ths Maaodk parlors
tbeaaaalar yaar. aa the Uw raqi
by MIm Morpao. Him ilrnce Horpaa.
aad a rodaelkB wae Bade that will
•e alata darlay Beat yaar aeariy
Ctarn lUtea. Tbe younp ladle, ro
fhelr trieads is tbe haadeome Mi
aztaatof toBelU.uoD. It will lb
parloraaadaftea theparau had all pr-aaaa that alaoe Ike laat DegUap of tba rlrsd the Use >odp« rubs wae throws
toftoutore aa ogagal ndaetloe Is
opod aad the rest of tbe cealap'
kitheelato haa aaaa Bade ad a1
spaat la daaolap. iha maalc lor the
BU.au. Btepa were aleo takea at this twvalep aad waltees wbk-h Bade ap
■aatlac Uoklaf toa partial atalate- tbe praprmB beUrp fs'aUbed by I
naia of paileateky their frioade
Boys- Haad dkkfatta. Uariap tbe eri
the law aow elaade if the taally
Isplo*. wereiertodle the pallery by
frlead) emsaot pay the fall.coil of foar piptty little mietea. Kthol l^.pr.
Chme Arery. lUaa Motfatt and Aaaa
r. The party wae one of tbe
.(Bseetbcfrlradeare able to pay part
dellphtfol aootal eeeaB oT the
^ eeala. to ce^u. (i or awe* a week,
bat eaaaol pay all. kat waald be wllllagaad plad
»Ttwto the
aaderoalBpa Wtorty pleak partpea.
>r»d Baay thoaaaSl dol- toywl IbemaeJvm tbere.
laiBa year. U woaU he a )nt aad Hia. Hard. Mbwaa Jeaale aad Kdilh
wr arrmiyiBeaU A oaBaUlea wae
- Hbae. Uelea aad Llxsto
ap^ated te look thia laaltor op aad O'Keefe of Cblopo. Mr. and Mm. HaaJoharoa. of lirmad. Rapida.
Mrs. B’a Haald sad cbildrea. Mrs.
Htoale Uwrvaea. Itomie aad Jbbmb
tora Ackermaa. N. B. Oiapto.
•l.Mpwwaak par eatleev iaeladlac Mbat'hapla. HlmJosie Orator. & K.
all oara. Badkml aappUea. aUeadula. HeakB.OmmrCbaaaaadM.H Uoiley.!
-hoard, aad all the Blaeoltoaeoae'es- A water bicycle faralshed part of tW'
pond tisMS of thr party.
jrapain to balUlace aad the alaoU
Aaolber plealc party chartered the
-eariar far the Ibmc h adBlttad to ke
- ,11
near CHy. Midi.
Traveree City, mchlgan. *
t Every than and woman has an idea that had they i
I been in Adam and Eve’s place this earth would |
{now be a garden of Eden,'and Hannah & Lay Op’s i
“BEST” flour the mainstay of the universe. For ]
! sale, everywhere.
Hannah & Laj^ Go.
O. <r. B^u.eM«( ito SMitai
Itokcwd <rf adMUiM, kMbHa
•4 b7 ttet bdw4 to ttk> (ta.
n> tmi FMar Wmbw*.
piOt> OabwtMWSlKr. Wluie'a
2 ]l i
w » • e*^.
State Bank.
tlBMOfVMM rmn m.
A.CM TM>M-1k (nllftox
Aa aboa aa-baOdlac anaa«nao
caa ba ecnpldad tba eU balUl^.
neaeiad by Mw. BaMb aaa
■ral lapknat atora-wUI b
aod a baiii —I btfak htoe
Itwfil ba Oaiao taoC tw
Mo^aad wlU badtlad ap with al
tba lataA aad baat InpraaaaBaa* aa
Boaraalaawa for a dapartnaot Moras
Tba bafldlarwUl beoyn tren tb
yiuaal Sear to tbc rood, tba aaean
Utatai-baa rataroad freca Aaa
tnvalllBf MS.
)EndiasniM»i>iD«w&J. Harfw-> Arbor aadlaapaodlaftba aoAaar la
fua wkD« ratnvtar frea Htpk Cltj tba dty.
P. e. Trarto of Oraad Kapida b rWt^
1« Ua parotta.Mr.,aad Ufa d. W.
Tn r. P.B. C.
MtaOraeadobniM of Oraad KmUo
la Handlatlbaaannar wlti Hia. J.
pw rioto lUUn bite la dUaMar.
opealay. Tbe baildlv Is sddltioa to
•iTBUrlac U« familiar C K. aoU«.
aad Rar wladow.^ b* Uybted
Mr. aad Hta: Tbiri^ aad Mr. aad
•^wortrUorOtW.aiia. Tracaa ^MOt Baaday idlh trtnda by aa bamemn ■ky-llyht. makhy It
tb* beat Uybied akotm la tbe dty.
*n» filaadtaf Hla Oaadla Ball of laMaalatee.
Mr. Bimratliil bopn to b*>*
Klaraar. njorad a aaiT plaaaat parMin Janie (Map naa la tba dty
balldiarwril BBder way by tall; 1
trat bar boOM Jely !«: Sbe ialaada Moaday oa bar way Iron Old “
b tb* Seat Inak la tbe row of eld
to Bay t^aw.
Tbe'Minra O-Krafa ef Cbkwo are eroodea balidiay* that baea kmy amde
It part of ttoatnot aadyatly.
k aery ea)opablr ai
nadiar aoae tloae Imraal tba
a to be bcqiad that tbe eatlr* Mode
prla party Jelj I*.
cd Hrm. Hard.
II aooB be bellt ap la brkk.
Hta. W.J.Paritar.hoafoae to Uraad
Da. J. J. Cuoa. a foraar raaU«*t of
r daa^ter.
Mdda for a rialt with bar
Tbe Cootlsy pimaa Maattay.
IbtaalV. aow llriarlBllfBad BafUa.
Uia. Prad Baeor.
b* nertlay of tbe Hieblyan Wonaad Mikk Kau Dlaoa. o( Waafcnt. wna
aad Hre. U. C lb*b apd Hb*
B to tok* plaee
maiM OB Toaaday.
TWIr boom ol
Jonphiar barm baea apeadlsy a dew
redsaaday. Tbanday
te Clraad Baptda, ao4 Uwre ara
day* at Omraa.
Ud* fair to be of ai
rood away Oraad Tnvaraa frlaed* of
Hbk Uail Bdoad i^paadlay •
_____ .it tbe budaab ■mloaeoa Wedboth partlaa to glra tbaa. good oiabaa
B^eday mermlay aad afterseoal aad
at tb» Job
Tharvdayaad Friday maralay the aeJokUaa VariyV «rli
Hte JeaBtoiiraatbaa ynw t.
aocbUoawlll totbcyaedeof tbe LatbMk year alan Uuit yoe lira la thr Bapkb to take tbe bodaen eoar
din’JJbrary Aeaocblwaat tbe room
(aaerrd laad of Uraad Trararw wbar* tbe Frrrik aebool.
Oa Wadaaaday **aa
aaboppara do aot rro« u> thr *1
' HIn .S'laa Payee bn retoraed fron Idc Ibrr* will be a pablle naeUay d
haa»lacblr^ Tba ^imaa
Bapator. Wb.. aad b tpaadli* the stdabery* opera book*, with cm ad-.
from Uaerpla asd la a MBpla of arbat
Ual iaritotii
tba -aoldlara' eoioey- ibara baa W oooaxteadad loan oardUren.
tatid with. It waa aaat to Hr. Vrrly
kt ttVlDcaday eTaalny pra
by Harry Urtfiaa.
» at f o'clock wHb as iarooatti
paebiwi^lau of tba maty
II. S. Nortbrap. followed by aa
rlll meat at Oraa^ ball oe Kriday at Haadqy irlib bik daafbler Hrm. B. C.
:<** of welcome by tbe prtddeat.
> p B>. todiaaoaa tba piiiuiii altaattnn Tylee-for’BMBapId*.
\ Bniae B. Bower.of'Aaa Arbor,
aaderKaalaafo^tbctMipalCB. la tba
er aad poblbberor lb* Aon Arbor
ler with bar klatar. Hra. Joa. UenxMTBl Uin Bower iiiireat Rrroni
arealDf Bar. Wb. A. ‘Ibylor, aaerataty
bmaa. at Petoakey.' j
, ,
of t4r at.ta aasual eomailM, wilt adKreperoftbr etqle L.O. T. M.. aa
_.A Cbak. Bneathal aad daarbter tbr local L. 6. T. H.nemben will b
it'the •
Floraaee aad Hra Pcidatein left Tara- ylad tomcat her al the coadadoa' o
day forarlklllB DrlrDil.
Bobt. aadbaaw BaanddlotdliaBlawill be ylren Jby Hr*.
tot_maaa tbe yacau of Jadye aad I
M. B. C. Hain of tb» city. Hr*. Belle
J. ti. EtAmMlell Tacaday.
promlara'l worker amooy
TaxBK bare baacraararal r^aByea la
k Hr. Araer aad cblldrca.ef.
bailaiaeSmethiewe'b, Lawreaer A
>. i)..aratbe yocala of Hra
imatroa-Tbr .Middle Oroaad ia BeaBbapatd, tba mlUiaata. bare dbaolred
aec'a elkirr. Hra C. J Kaeelas<t.
■aUoaal Joaraalba.* asd Mrx. H. K.
partaerablp Mta Lawreaoe baylaf
' k II. H; Braekea U aobTlalday Back, of Trareree City, ooe of Ibe
Hrm. Bbepard-e Uteraat and eoaUanlay
Hra C. U Uarreyaiul eoa aad Hlea briyfat poet* of tbe ana
tbe baeisraa la tbe niae plaee. Cole A
Plorrarr Rraeot litaod Baplda
yire as oriyieal t
Vlaek bar* alaodlndred partaer
. I) CaubllabaeyeortolieDaooiB.
Aabort addred ••The foiau Where
where be wjll dellrtr tereral lactnira
Bbllc Wbik.^' will be
reammrraebool DOW belay brld ylren by HMT'Lacy A. LeyyrU. of tbe
the Ana of Cromer A Choalt aad tohatbar*.
I '
Tribaae. oee : of Mldilyaa'*
Jip H. A»»e.
Hra Abraar Adalt left Hosday for promiorbt wrileraaBd aptabera. -Tbr
laaiciar llqU Anlnaboh. wbar* ebe
x.«.|ap« i. Pn.
will iqidod aamc Uma riklUay her aoa PwUw rioctol.^1 End.," *m
la eompleted. Tbe hokerm
twtod ii aa iBtamtiay
saBaer by
^aeki tbe bay asd tbe towa. asd >
b> epradlBf a frw Hr*. Fio'imaea Chne. a membrrot lie
near eaoacb tbe dty to be eoa<
^ the tiraod lUpId* iWmnrrat.
to tmU asd water soowaalntloa. lq)e- from tbe' cSecte of tba hall ymma oa
pboar_asd telnrapb oODSceflcma.
of tbc briybUataad wlltlnl yuooy
AmoBf dhAraTtoarHi* arm Hta. Ad
■nriaber* of tbe anociaUon. wlU.m
dle DraaOl aad Hlea Mellle Beberrr. of ley tbe ummer
tbe pn^rabi with -Tbr NrrvkBhtrparllle. lad: ' Otbna an esprUad Hra A. P. Cbtaer
paprr Vacabalary." Mb* Back i
a rialt la Uakota.
orally yradoated from tbr sUtr-aai
Iter, aad Hta .V. IVaaklin of Pr^a'e T««mllr Md ba* bare ylvea tb* I
Au. membm tk the rarlaea C. X.
eoeieUn la the city who ride bleydn laJr eoaaly aad Ret. and Hra MilU of
ire a* 'yet aatoay wooteo. of a place
rlndlaaa aueadrd the Frlrade'. qaarterwith Him
I lattroetor la the aaierraily."
fy mreUay tbe IkAt of the weaki
trriptt at • p a
A bieal *olo by Hiia Mary Stewart,
Hra J. A. Uoeuyaeaad Hra Tomp- of IlktllW Cryek. «io11o aioln by* H
f<w tbe orpmalaal
of a Y. P. a. C*^
lat left tbU week for old Hlaeioa Crawford asd vnnl koln by Mis* V
U^cclqb. leaddlUoatetbepleae-
M-tb* *uia.
Circulation thU weak 2.300
a fact
Witchkloth dr Selyj-t
......... ;... for pol
At 25 per ct-nt discount from marked
dbti-n prievs.
Sutnmer Coats!
Waist Silks
Look at our al^
Tvooi dress Serge
46 inches nrjdc---- •............... a1
at.................... '...IS.^. IQ and 3QC«hts
Ourbeautlfgl •
I Brilliantines
Ask for our Wool Dress Goodk
Ready-made ,
Muslin Skirts
25 coni number for 15 cents—others in
.Ooccbts,for,;qccnls—ver>’slii;htly soik-d
Muslin Nightgowns i
$1 ao lor 05 cents
!,, sliyliUy soile.i
Bread Boats. .....scems ;
............................... jiQ cent*
Knit Underwear
(raamXAtlui afital
coni 0
50 cent 0
75 cent c
.. .for ?5 cents
Ready-made Dresses
al.................. —75c,$ixioand $1.25
New Testimonials for the Plano Machines. J
in blac^ blue and lisbt j
colors. Tbe worsteds
and set^s make de- j
sirabl^ office and house
coats for ^y^akon of i
We are also sellingr ^
Straw Hats,
OorSa^SS DepartMKMt
Clnr, Mks.. Joi
•Td, TRB HAicxaiufL- L.ir Mebi avtilbOs,
'Gefitleiai-n;—HBTingfort)>ppMiy>«r.cnnUfnplated4bepnfebAMafatDOviay vsehine.J her.-eumiurdesrefully the different moriiiiiB is nae.
My AttaalHn
Jam-* (’liaiol^vr iBBi-l.ine, and I emuenUui togive it Atribl OB my tBnn.
ine waaaet op. Uroof uadrrwit aereralyuda; cDitinR a clru awaOi.
enbed to Uw .
For iightneaB of dn^
e vith which the knife eau br raiae.1 to pan over ofartroctioiia. I bebere it ahead of
i-biite ia orn.
1 have purt-Bawd a machine, and Teoammaod it to all in Bead of a
GEO. W. MeWEyffT,
Golf Caps,
C. A Bamanad b acjoyiac a
All our
Shirt IVaists
Is the most Complete
will yi»e* assoitment w’6 have
ever ehown -it ie oomprtaedof | ,
- C-,. V—. ....
Mawday tor a nnl narhat waa armily
trading days in Jvily
We'll do our part to make them proljtahle dap to you.
that q,ur line of
eat aodal feataraa aoaaeeted with each
belBi. with violla obilyato. will add to
dab. It k> tbe lataatloa le aead par- for tb* rrataiader of
Kto pl«a*arm of tbr ereainy. ,
Mciieeot tbe Beail* Ilaai
tlea oat W aelcbboriar plaeaa to crrfaaOoTharedkyatteraoniftlie B
the dty tUa ermt^i with tbe oTUirL' I. A . tfar Wenaba’s Clubaad.
lar C. K aoeietlee and' rUt thoee alprtmlam lUt for ibr Beaeie Co. fair, Mokkml-Ulrrary L’Jub are lorite.1 toolmdyfomed.
which will be brld KrpLyf. » dbd ti. Md Aiaretloy of thr amlc-UHoo U
Hra. Coeaoe^f lletTolt baa beea la 0ld la thr Jfamok- parlor*, after
tbe dty an tbeae a
tbe dty tbUwnkla tbe latereel of wbleb file ibrre *.>rleUn will yirra-rrare departmeat.
eeptioa toAberaeiBber* of tbr I’rcmsA*wbnr tbay wart ball
per,oflbeCooy ,
Hichlyak. .
TborMlay eeeelny tbr ancieiatioo
,Mrm. Marie Friedririi aad HIn Laar will meet With Mr«. Hale* (orao iBfur
le tbelr
>iedrieb of Urand Ro|ndakp*at a rim al axial tilde,
go' Friday aflrreharya. trariay dorrs Proal atnrt to
Umf with rmlatlrr* ber* tbie week oi iKxm sacb Of tbr BwBbri* a>
tb* aayia* hoadirat teeakaack-epeed
tbelr way to Xerthport. wb«ee they will br yivra as ofmortaaity to aer thr
la^ta of Hr. DaaB'e eSorUto hold
will sprad the nmmer.
A aawjljean-^
JC»-1. them faaek. They baew that wbep the
HIM Carrie Lia^ley retBraed to.
moekiac bird teaDdad ibalr plaea. era*
lyo Hooday. ' DaHay ber abort' stay
ia ftaalof tbe bowaart. aad tbay 'ptoTbr tollowioy letter esplaiaa flarlf
to the city .hr drliybied ber frifanda
poaad to ba tbar* aa
«d h puUirbrd at Hr. TaiW’* e
ber bnetifut alqylay. wbU>
qgrmlloB bait brra rallied
PaUF BA*TBaaiuiiT of Xoribpert alrrmdy wiealayfnbiT'biyfaprabe la
« to partnaaibtion before omalay to
mto tba fUBAJ.s aona Boylleb Oa- CUcayo nu*i<ml ciiplr*.
krt ebarriea tl^
Ur. &d Hr*. Eiw. Uackley. Mr. aa* rrmTetecOtr- Itbperlleeat eoa Is
Ir* Baht. ItaboKk. Mr. aad Hr*.- C *iew of Hr. Taraer’s ccodidacy butorr
apobltau coarrmtioB ibU vrmr
r. taa leebea loaf, baa Iko actra tv. Lre. Mr. aad Hra. Balllar. Hb* SaldBeeof proarealipy attorary. 1
« cherrtn oa 11. aad aaolber. with- Hay.. Him Baylemaa. Hb* FrieaA
W. E. Caaraut. latyof tbr^k Bap■^aoeot twolecha*.at the
Hb* Yminy aad Mb* Blackabreu- of litter ii. a* fullowd:
Office of Moskntas oit. Bepoblieaa
braseh. baaM. Tb* »ae y
HaoKlee sprat aom*
twelrr bo^l* of ymt Jakey cberrlet tbr IBM of the week.
Hoskryna. Jiilv n. Ibi«.'
tbU year, asd they sold r^ily atCt
Cbprlfsti Tamer. Km|
A Heavy Loaa
' Tb* Praia*
Travmir Ritv. M'K-h
ltr*a Ma-Am shown
U. Cbmpbell met with a hrwt
Ion hf err at bU Bilvn Iwke far
AtA. MiulMi of tba L.' L. A. ara
Pfeecb aesdt
laobea loay ooanlalsy alrty axtra Tn-dayalybt. A arw bare, rrplaciay ..jllc la Murkryn* asae arli*e mem
qaanad to ba prraaat at a apaalal b
M Metkw at 1 p a. tetarday.
Iny* aad dclhdow eberriaa.
oae barard a year oreoayo. w*
ber of tbr <•. O. P.. 1 l«kr plr**nrr >p
streyrd with a tbmMad ba*b*b of certifylay to your »t»!«-*rt repabllcBBa aad popelMa will:
ism. lloplay tbst HcKlalry aad H<r
i. *e*rral loasnf bay.'* qeaatlty of bort Bsay -yet Ibei*- with a »erj Urye
qaaneriy maatlHC wa* bdd at tbr
a^emberof rtloaUefatm ImplrI am very trui^ yoora..
Prteadi' ehortA Friday asd Bakartoy.
■an war* %ade Friday moratay
ChsirwiBa CosBiy Committee.
mad aftrreoAa by Eer «. 8. Kortbrmp.
Oao. Bbwabd. of BalUlR. m
Bar. Bam'L Mina,of Blcbmoad. lad.,
desire to •*?
tbr rejiehlleBa*
aad Her. Ueward Moor*, of Mapie aiy.
Orasd Tta>*r*e cooBty
Atumal K**UVA
iBty that I eball W
m arealay a aanber of eatsable
cmodidstrtnr UwnSeeof •herilf at
aaaaal Brrtiay^ tb* atorkpapan' war* n*aa pa tb* *abr}*el
P. Pabb bad tbr tret Sum of hi*
aad lorvlya ailaekMia. aad m Bat- holder* of the lUsaab'd Lay do. wa*
dfbi haad ae badly dinatatl by a nw Btday Baaday aebool aattan aad
bqld tm Tanday. Heou*. Ja* Moryaa 'beM later la tbe ■
at bb nil1. a trw daya ayo- tballba ~
abd A. T. Imy. of Oileayo. brlay prm
fbodtobeanpataladtkm of aU. A hrye camber from aat ia additloa to tbr local auxkbdldra Odtom wer*Reeled as follows:
Onana Baan af 1‘aalnala left Ibr aalybbardsy phon alMid*d tb* anPreaidrat- IW Baaaah.
Alqat mod tba reyalar qaarterly r Vie* Pt*a —*. ■T. Lay.
SaerrUty—.'baT OarUsd,
Tremaarer—J. J. Haaaab.
■rbe BpABal laeaUay of the Haaaab
A lAP^amsUIr Oo. wa* held oa tbe
J. T. HanAB-i hat paoar brok^. 1»
tma day. Aad tbe oSen* rireted are:
wbOa h Itaatall Saad^ alfbv
BCT. aOoahUantaimaddRn W
Pi;r.ide*t->>reiv Uaasab.
A riaclBlbabaltareaarbt oa a
Vbe Pre* —A. f- Imy.
tadlf aad U pallad baebwaid wRb
U. BoHaaalar bai ratoraad I
ttac’y.awdltoa’I. Myr.,
Joaa Mr-aaer bad a oaitow a
baea rialUny Hra. Boabary.
Man death la tbr nOl at Blirbta
Hka Kna* Laay of Ok. BapU* I*
■Ulay fricade la tba dty.
hr waatbrowaaerentbanm. b
P; D VlDBirtnC J
Min BUsBoyanol Cblaaml it tb* asdtAMk 1. Williaa*
Beat of HIn Coem Trarta.
Min JnieTItnH
A A. Uadbaetmtaraad fim
tot T. blkt.Tr**ar*eCity—«3toOasteadad *Wt Is Datroll.
JahaA-WadetoCbebeyyaa Boot A
Hra. P. Bowin ef BL Jabae h tb* Shoe Co..*.Sof«S ota*cK.T»a..r
(wvoarrr n>AxcauM
yaaet of Hra. 8. Pamalea.
. • w-Atao.
HinMabdPayotBlcKapUkb *hTonarAt aflaraooa a eaaaat balldief
lUay bar akin. Mn. Boabary.
Band aad femerly oeea^ by
• •
. lew daya
of Adr^BanrUll^Mra P. /■ Oortia.
ace e( tba Drdtar laupart) aa Praai
Mn. An lUlaia
everything in siunmer \
—, To THE Hakkah A'IsAj Msbcabtile OOo
-- '
.Geatlemea;— Thinkiini yon would b? pkaand Wht«r bow the Plaso Machiaea a
etarting in on oar territory we will give you tbe reanlls of yerterday% trial; MrQnieey
ThaHuw. reprvaenliaetbe Pianut’iLvCAmooverandadjiiatedtbeBioder andMower, and wa i
started them op in tbe prramca of a crowd of apecMora. and they did their work to the fall
aatisfarlioo of every body.
greet) rye, on agft. aandy gmood) aod lay off tbe bondlea in a way to plaaae the oldeat
Thacker aeemed to know what the maohine wonM do, and his smile of Mtiafacbon beoaden.
ad aa be aoid three maehioes on the spot, with probaU)’three more,to follow.
openad bare wSw for tbe PU»o Haebinea.
It waa fan'to aee the Lever Binder go into the grain (haavy
T%a way te
Tonra Tmly.
Korth rwty. Kay », IB96.
KHAT.nA Hfog
Yoa will fiod Samples of tbeae gooda at the store of
«M Ml—111 0M«
_____ 'tf
n miwttm.
HiB. H. B. DeOeWer. who baa ton
Hr. WThp. at BamMaek. tUH eda
ptafBi BBa.aasaCk.
O. W.CamalaaB kMtaOtB bsbbs
£tiRAin> TRAVERSE REGION. ;:£3ir»'i:S.rtfrsys
toaia. Ba Bpa thep nan It -Uttlal
MBMiB pl«^
the HaabatoO.
Hto BatUe Daateed tbli
bMS TtoOaefneato
a la CBtoradn
(Btb«. «Uek to ifik M Ub* to «BkB bn
tor tke paal pear, reteraed
toBbB. 'fBtorBktoto Hie. W. B Fiaaklla aad daapbtar.
who tore beem the petoe of Hre. Jobs
aMto. <toUA ke f^itaed Bi Fred Uac to irdl hBd<^ Ike kBrrr to Uff* BBi - ■
BlBB^ BkkkwiimBitolifordBBBre
StBTVuBBknrrireBBd •tokar Ull- Hr. aad Hra. BaUaaper. of Hapie
^ lB«i«Bl ytold^kyrt ^ BBB Otp. lOtoroBl to their boBe Be^p
^tlBarWiafaereraldapeenth Ctoa
k«re MtotoW *Hm .Bot ml •■Bawketotod to bM Mb
Weetaa mad wIfA o< tbb plaea
> riw «»r»t Sie*^ BBddroTeoBBlBimp«rBto.BjiB#fcB
r. Brmdlrp. D. F.. of tbe Plret
tB the «•»: «4lar to rcrngh
MtodlUr^^to'tf ttTtod
tok kmteto of toe her^
F-rt Ot «M BIBW.
■-■Jiriiii fi---------
K. C Him* wM B TrBTBTBi av *>►
MtolHuBlM<ltBrb.oliBk ItafidB.
.irMib«ff««««fMI«L«Ulc iBi^lBM
BeltaerTtoUrfed^Btoae totordsf.
Alkemk TkBrp to waridBf fur OeaOB
n BBd Jobe todereeB q»Bt bbbI TrBTerer CUj.
T. K HwtiB bee beta irerhtof to
Hr. Roaek durtoir kerreeV
Bikel Bokblto le etoUec ■■ HejleU.
Ike rwat of Htoe Alke kuek.
Hr. Bed Hie- Booo were col to their
torn HoBdB7 pirkiBC kerrtoe.
Hr. Jbbbob kBd the mtofc^ne ol
potooetor bta hBBd. qelto Itolly.
Hrm. Hrpee Bod dB»|rhtor (torrie etolV
I with frtead. Bl ihtaplBoelBBl
ibta ptoee Itet week.
The weaArr toe^^wi; bet
t'sckWee earned otfthe eoqo^
prtor la the hope reoe at the cllj Oo
i^rth of Jelp.
er»B ttotartop aad toedap.
Haeep Hrothemi kaee etartod with
’•h«i\«rtklB Tnnna CHyBB* i
BiVUB<ldUM.thB4 IkepratiA
bMoI BVUlBC pi«TlBB>.
Hra. BalkleofKBBOB tolled at J. W.
DkkerBBB'e Pridap.
A flee ewloi rraa e«)eped Bt Oarp
lake Haterdap alterBODB.
__________________ d Baaa etirrtap bcbob to^
____ ..-..-.alkB la the CetofrwpeHeetiappmlled toorto^ pel^ aboat fitma baebrie to Ue aen.
Ueoal cherek laat Baedap.
at :4U p. B. * laatmeatal aaele.
erell repay tbe eH^t^mwaT C. A
Hr. aad Hra& J.DaBeand lamllj
W H.-n. U A K. eicai^ tnlawiU
crdar of Ike ___
of Sraaawo. Ill; arrired «i the dVtoe;iean Tn*w Otp at «:to
liTkBBd. II tke fmrBrre kBd'exeraiaea. coodacted^ llaph I'roatp.
iradlnp S»U Itolm. (Haprr aad leati. Rkwam. Fern Bona. Tetter, rbinieil iiilit attirai
MtoMBry Htrakto taa-. . .
dv tort TBfBtor lerB BBBkBEer. P. AWMlBaa. of the*M. B
______ I trip lataflS.OO. HkTtdea canlrd
apti-ma, aad paaltirrlr can* Plla
aaddottowewk cberch
Bodbtod eitbeetrieCBad
of tbb plare »ceo^ Ur ^1ao par reqalred. It I* paaiaaln
free. Heae ball at t > B. at Raafle
JAbLbb. Wb. Oor*. W. U. bettor tbBBooeU be dnee
Lake betwaaa Unad E
b^kda aad MUS*aodto rrea^Tto ataenee of Ue
. . b. W. Hebert Bad Fred Beet for aoae laeatleasp- trpalar paetorT^. W. II, Harlbak
Oao. ObBavks^ 6. P. E
tale bp J. U. JoktarmaadEB Wait.
ow ibelaiptr'eaaall bop
ekip BBCM keU BA _ .---------------------Hr. aad Hra. F. Ilrawa ato laiellp of
Wader fTcat aad t
Next xra* a paper br Mn. A. BI'
Biketnr Bitlet* ‘
unto* he dtJeratoe to ropeearet. Btor
foer. two aooe aad two daspbleia. araad
I'rooeonon.^'towBBhlp at theaeastp oodeeaFlerlrir -KilWn
rr* i> a mediclar kalted |
nred laat Tberadap cm the I'etoakrp
fnxa BTBimtoa.lll..aiMi Bre pae>U at aaW. "Kotof myownetreapU bat of
an.T *ea*oo.bot prrlm|i* 1
, tie • klto-eaa follow after aad p
race of Mod wiUie me bare I
the Waakaaoo.
epaad etore the pralp la the W
«UI* paper." And eoekaaaalMr. aad Mre^^. B.'Cbaaa arnrad
the faromr cas dt la the be*
-------- rraa It wa*l Uet ne each
beta laat Wedaradap to attead Ue
wuedcr wkatwIU bepirlerro
kin to take
labor Brim Baebloerr la tbe aeat M fBuerel of tbelraeolr. Col. Chaa Itarara.
. .elt. A pr>»
maok iBWreB wae Baaifeetod. .to peOTK Voer ua napoodeat eaa re
Thep Htt for their home la Trarerac
K. Otuapee. oib- ha*
r-. . IWI
often arc
to wbes tbe ftreti wire Madera
... aip Hoodap amcolap.
erafollowiap. iBkUomntM
---------------------- ---Barir I7. fatal briookfi
f. PM»poTfeetod. Mil to the wire la tbe Praia
Hr. and Hra U. Field, of Jaekeoo. Mtoa Eiwman nod F'nlpfai
-e ecrelp in eocaleracUap aad I
eaaeed troeble In the prbt mUla IheM Hleb . wbo epent eereral weeka at Ue Ma*ler torp.
tbe apetem from Ur atalarkal
tVaokaxoo laat eamawr. airlead there
Paper bp Hra Naaa Cox. "How
Ilradacbe. ladlpeation. t'oa-'
artp of iheHoed Oltp dtoutot, wee
laat Frtdap erealap and expecL-to re Wia the OiUdrea.- aad an appbal
eeaetod iDlEe woede kekBCter to Jno
main till Ue firel <d Septomper.'
taiUfolnee* oa Ue part of Icachw
KUlm. »Mly fifty enU per Udllc
••rto BBd the ee^M of tiataidap
Dowr etop to Uiak bow praatai
Albert Boeebraadfamilp of I
S. E. Walt-e aad J. M. J.ABMm-* IIl^ .u—totarmrnwdxrMrta. nemkarewe
^ joAM'iTAiAf Airr rKantioxa.
r«le. Kp., wbe hi -e apent Ueir mim- eponaiMIiip ream on a* a* teaebere?
pro preeeot: Bor.
It wrare not.faiUlcl. what will
Ml Cltj; Rct. 8.
Mkrrrlaoa mmSXrn.
pcaoar reward? Mb. Irt na br earncav
I rMBOOa; Bor. ft. C. Kav
a* be falUfcI in Ui* ri. B. work, w
Ueneeu of Hr. and Hra. C. HTrarereeOltp: Bee. '
Biap the pmloB* cbildrea Into '
bepi are rarp trooblaaome la
Tbe Imilln Uroeflt aiwielp of be
Matter * fold- llauuBioa ol eame.
permitted to make Ihi* extrarl; "1;
.......... ’
K rbareb pare a ehkchrn pie eii]
haTc m. b.-*ilali.«i io r.xx«.meadlap 231^^0
' S
delirrrod bp thtoe. Brclbrea wereaeUr. HUbbelu baebeea bariapiiaftc Ue Wilaon coUape laat Tbundr
Hr. Klnir->N<-« Hiketieery. a> tbe rrteW pn a............................
•erece eiek eprll.
ap which -wa. a decided aoecei.
Of i^'»d
proiid e freBthUeela* to liod'e pooTbecabbapr wormeare maklapaad proceed* amonotod to eipbkeea dollaim.
II In pood worblnp order, ■fkrr* were of mp wile. While I wp* lakUtriil the
A. H. LeaUe and family of Kraimtoa.
.roc asump the pardea week aboet
Hapllkl fbnrrbal Elcer* JaneUua hbe
eeotp-twoenpt-kand tm
III., arrired oa Ue ■Mamer l-etoeker
*be wa* kminpbl den u with I'aeanMe
Next wa* (he Ulk ab
marharnaad Soloe beli« well reprela*t Xkprwlap and Bored into their rally to beheld at -Trareree t'itp Aaff. nIa anowedinp la ■•rippr. Terrible
aenlcd. -KuBdap aftertuos wae eepoeoUape on Jrd etmt Ue eame dap leth. The delrpatearhowo toBltond n*TT>xr*Bx of eoapfalni.' w.wld la*l hr
' Jlp derated to the poanp people. Bod
when Uep expert to remaio aboot elx Ue eoaatp
eoeatp ri S aiwioialiao were Hr*. boon, with mile inlerraplioa and it
ftOBdap ercslne Bor. A. lUIafaeber
Mvaed a* ifkltrwmld
Id not «oi-rlTe
Morrlee the
Chaodler and Mr* .shbler. Mar n>
a leeton oe Japao to oao of the
. drd Hr. Kinp-k K
k* 'b> b>- held at l*tae Ti
rentioa l»
well. Tbrre are a fevipotato hope, Stokn. and al*« bp Fee
IHxeorrrp; ll
cqaii-k ip U*
ol which
rhick dae notice will br pirca.
bat Bot aa plmllf oj ae ip wml- eoaaopi.
faroUer. wbo wa* wiU
JobnJobBMiB baa poke to iUnpbam Uair kUr la Ula plan lai
FrMi and Faiar S<
wiU Ur iateotioD of brinpinp hi*
.'* Hrap Storm, ilepolar altc t
Tbe ladwe bf Ue BcoU aelpbboebood
Tbe frail prowrn of llaaifor and
TorplBetra^^ Ueapoke^ Ihe^ Bother down heia for a p>«xl loop rtalt.
'ill plreb lawn party and aocial F-'
npton hare oepanlxed a |
BBW. rrfeUUoB, maoBor
Tbe Hahn Uroe.'bare two lopaabd dap afteranoo aad erralap. July 31.
aoeUtpcdllretinp Ue rekldeoee of JabB*Hcolt- Bbb|
Urir crew, offr Uielaadlap
Ueir lope and Biabibf Uem into rafu aact ler ____
'i-d. Tbe
for towiop.
e to be applied on Ue paaVi-'- dapolpht
BCtoof toHptare troB a Japaatoe
....... .............Clark
.... .. from U
adtarp.. An effort will be mode to p
Ur n>
ble. HaptbraeiedaownatUieaeair- itopped
here for
a few dap* laat week Tide itaneporuiion for N'orUpirt p.
arwrip the eaUrr -pneh criip
lapt aprtiir tovh aad brinf Botb frail ________
He ulk* of
liHapiapa rip wlU Um pie wbo are raprelallp inrlted. Th<
.. bHopiopi
from Ur ima. Apple* wen aot in
and map we all bare Ibe prirllope to aad
tod eeulnp
wtahinp to po are rwinnilrd to meet
eeltlnp np
up a fleber)’here.^
fleber}’ h>
elUer al Ur Wiltoa cottape or -Ue Jared.
Dan Uper* pare a IWV W the pool
of eelrrp from
folk* Ue dlber erraiBp on Ue ootaai<
alaoiaxrro I. elffhly /
Barrel* oa bead aad BOO banal*
Followlapare U* oBleet* w6o wi
* hb twrotp-fir»l blrUdap, at I
«r^ U^^^^rp aad hot.
Heeriactoe Ito* M «'kltoB tbr
N-W- H
Hra A Ki
ealled at M. <
Hra mBCrer and cklldtoe of Albl^.
Hleh^. a« rliW^ her- pareo^»...^Mr.
C Fertto aad Ife of KaoTTflle.
Teas., war* rtoli C at Jobs Wbito-e
' Hr.BBdHtB.ToBBbetoamBonac
/. .
OMi BepeA wko kae kato«i etogetoMi^to the Dewep^re Oo..
irtraartof th«toaa»pl9rfaBf after
nickeraiaa took aotoe appir*
rar Clip Fridap aad the top of
________rU perboabeL
J -iZ
SiL f^'inv-
tlBB(b ertooe
Hia. H. E Denamon aad Him.
hint riaitod Jtr. Antoo-e tamllp aad
otto Irtende of Empire a tew dapa of
laat week.
Ber. Joba Fiddler presobed la the
Frteeda' eharch laat Wedacadap eren1ep. Hr.FIddlerharBatofMr.Uoldon of Ucrdlckrllle.
Will. ArUnr aad Meorpe Beott and
ArUnr Uoaaer waot boekleberyln-
few weeka
Babart toraep aad faBlI* aad Hr.
FaUarh taadlpnaitad at Aialra r»-
.oMallrd laat SaUrdap nipbt at 1
UAwbak lodjw:
XbUetiraod—Mrx C. R. Kebl.
•VlcelSrand-Mr*. M. M. I.. Seetlp.
-Trm.—MrK. A. liartleUKei'-p—Mr* II R dll.
dnia«r ffmt damapr.
AfUr Ue iaeUllaliim Ur i II O. F.
fin.t load of new wkrai la ihe
Tbe flikt
had a plvaaul •orpriee in «tore for JaelnooI market wa* broacht la by
> inUc’kbape of ice emm r-’ Nichola*
o Ham aad wld to Ur Udred
Mill t-'U. al
I. l-ba* Harare died last Wedi
Atthoarfa U>* wbrat erbp wa* reportnap nipbt al bl* borne after a loap 1
1 rnineil bp a hard wlater. apriaff
pxtBtnl lllnrn- Col. liarnre wa* b
nmU and the lleeeian
flp. Ue cnq>
.. .
alKnrtnn.il. In MHi. Hecametoi
proBiM* to br loitrer
place in I*--?, where he bae nince
Wheat la
IMriap bl* mldenee le I
U<e qaeaUty to r
place br baa woa Ue leepnct^aed n- twenty'
evmpaUite wiU Ur berearrd one* In bokbel*. aad Uet Uaa
Uixiark bmtrnf trUl
Ftinenl aerw-toemed ••onrepoodent *ay* tbe
Him.l>rr 'ol .TrnrerM CUp riaitod re>- ^V. and Hia. A.C.Wpakoop rintrcl rler* wen cooducted al Ue hooee.,
mean* to dratrny tbe nliliapr
which l*.«ltaaled aboat Um milB
a toloBkra brlnr that to mi
a^ a^fri^ la tUple CUp a few at Wm. Hatteadi
at Laka Ai
ip aad Uat it I* Bleu a pood fr
E IWBfaril and witeof Hiller Bill
Wm. ArmatronpA Bbpeta cammeo^
army worm ba* made it*
1 U. ir aeaaon'a Umhinii a-^ T. ,So
,l KllB&eld, deetroyinp Ur corn,
aacc at
part'* to-dap.
State Teacher*' IneOlBte. '
wheat and
aad oatero^ The road* aad
Hr. and Hra. Fred Cook wen Maple
I«arld Twiddle and dkophtorof Km
The Stale Teacher*' liwUtoto
Clip rlalUiB Sandap.
Hr. Cook baa pirepamed Urunpb town'TyarelUp oa llraadTraremcoontp will be held
errd wlU Ue f>c*U.
Bored from Foaeh to BbeUaad.
P tdbelr wap to ■Harem City.
TraremCUp.oommraclar at Mo'clockThe beet pi
Ur. and Hra. A- F. Baatlap aad UfMia. J. Brojamio of "jrareTae City a. m-. Monday. Adpoxl 3«. aad cloaiiiff
Ur ricloilp <1
tle mm Harold riailed wlU Mr.
l■n*been'Tl■[tiIlp M>b MarjWUlobre al t n. m , Friday. Aonet
Hra. Fraak Naab laat Batardap
for a few ilapa. Trtnraiap Friday.
GoMmltoloorr li. tV. HeWetbep. i* toartoea binbrl* per a<
el to Ibe bearH'of
probaMp be a
Fiator BalFictpMi wiu
Fred Hnnteb and Frank Hnwiep rode
ont tram Traeeme Clip laat Bnadap
w ;Stp. H rUlt‘ moralep. elkpinporer Nnadap wiU Hr.
ep; .be la ttar Haater * parent*.
Hr. aad Hra. Dell JobMt were UB
inp ont n<mr Aral laat TaanUp a
Wednndap. Hell forput to Uke I
HfA darrall. of lataad. aad Hia A iJ^p d^pled bp^Hr. Holl
H. Brm aad daavblar Bertha, of
A Croteer are abippiap boaolderTram Cltp.rUiS '
ember from ibrfr paid.
Prapa aaetlac at tke aebool Waee
mmj Wedaeedap odealap at a o’clock
■ nrpluidp le eofdkllp larllod to at
toad, haadapsekoelatto-do^oron
BtodAp. The CB. wlU aaetat »p
B aaal Baadap. AH are iarltod to at- ' ieodaUera
o Mil tiarrle^ifarm!^ei?Ur. La^
rip Uhelplap Heonp Whllam doabme
W. B. Mrap aad toaOp ratatocd laat
Hto Hal(fooptB.oir.taaa, Ham. aad
Ta^ap troB a riaitatnto Lake.
Ire. tolponpn. of Bap City, ebter aad
Hto HaUloHOIar. of TrarerB GUp. kler-la-lew V Bar. A. V
eWted Hto AIbb ttofa tot weak.
Hto Ocofria Morpaa. of Traeerea
Olp. nailed Hto Hap Baaca tot week.
Hr. aad Mia. Wb. Baehad. Br.. wool
to HnBBf d Bataidap to rWt kh win remalQ forawiaple olweehi
er while Ure FretoO b eblUap
Bother, who le
Hr. toper aad tcBllp are oajiqrlBrV
WlU Hia. Mtorer
aad HarrhuaB, of Tiarenw dtp. e^rd at M. W. OaBBlnp*.- the laU. .
A aaBberof delepato troB tke I
aT. bereeapaeltoaUead the dto
^ledpe acBto at PUe Lake thle wee
- KebBtUartaad had tke Btoertaae
It wee <Be
a Bophla WaUim
Hra. Chaa. IMaleM I* rlalUnp tri
I Harbor bpriapa.
Hra. J. r. HlUa U rWUap to
daapbtar in Wleonanla.
Eer. Obaa. IMaMerrdatiiad to Me
ome In CnroB8a.’HaUtdap.
Hra H. K. Mill
rare a Iceteib here Dept. Hbertff Ikde.of Bellalre wae
la Iowa Ue Aral of tbe wrok.
_ *lji
delap eaBBldrraMe
a tot are dplapeC
A J. Aibripht atoead iraa File Ula
atoteAaeel Uearp farm aboat tke
Wheat b aearlpalien aadhafair
of Ike rpe b kadipaaw
EC Allen of Ladinpton idoiiiMd at Tfa»rr»eClty.J
jud- Iwlltute u of I
UeTraiuleal llouteAVedondnp. Ue
to Ue teacher and to
^peeaen^Ue -l*ien»" llroom A Woad-
seed to be plowed ap, Ue prai* ’belm
aaarip dntooped bp Ue boppeta.
K. powd baa uartwl hi* Ureahlap
Hoowr Itmard p.we wlU
Mb to draw the eepaiator a ' ~
Ualadooka aftor aad rnae Ue
Ai^le aad Leapae eoarealkm will
ba held at Bbbmt Ue »U la eoaaae-
na aad ehlldree l.rola
aad (iertir iwlairroed to Fox Iklaad la*t
Walter N> bua made a trip to Tneerne Citp Buadap. rwUrslap Moooap
attoadlap'map 1
- il. yenu
lintlna* la
111 lufiaiUTca and a^amoa men to *preel. (fil
analyei* of eraleom
emleom eeltctod
■rFnrtuae of Ue Eepablic."
<Iovn>(*N—<1> Hkel
■ ■
rewiB* ■« Veaexaala.
r Ue TraaiTaal
m><irfV-|IJ lr-|VlV.l. i!t.
Ir ImnurtantcarruteTeato.
Jllir.hd-Vb—rto-Thc dipiat
' KK. ,'i.
Jao. Naabora droer a party of fire to
Lalaad Thatadap. erhu acrieed cm U •
re circalai
Tire atoamerCukamhia Bade aa esotaaliba. xtote. eoanlp. dtp. ril
ankm from Trarefar atp to Ula ^an
. (V> eoiapan CoopreB aad HlUl
Hr. and Mn. Will Saabora of Mmeaa
‘AiSJiii-riiTheeiphU aad aiaili
were Ue panto of Jao. Baabura aad
laaten of Pataam' " '
wife Ffldap.
A. M. LeMieM baildii
to bUcotlppe Whpee^
Impmeinp it.
UoMcirp—tUmpl* pcoMcBa aad AamMn Jacob Fartoeh and daapbtop cl caetnlloaa
laerne CHy arc Ue pmau of U. C.
S-bcnM ••
aneuB aad wifa
■Fmav <2 U*'b^U^
A. H£enn' and wife feeelwil a r
from Ueir beelMr. MerriU (>rtia,
Findley. 0., laid wm-k.
Mn AlleeCola of Traneae'CItp.
riaiilap berpannu. Hr. am
wUl be a latpe taraeoi.
Two dopa wen lonad wnrplap akenp
la Ue Awk of Jobe Bkmrd.
Oae waa
The Ladle* AUeorie^ot the Coabadly maapled aad anrip dead. Tbe
Mn E
Ibndme.wUldowellto' '
Hra. Wb. Dnriap b rhltlnp to oeraecanf
)* Mat Tharadap.
tier. Hra. Jo*. Hawkey, at dam Imka. aftor Uea> aad tore eunto.
* Kchl Teuraed taat^FM^
It h taand that amap Belde of ^____
Bmie Wrlphl teepeadlap a te^ dapa
WlU Miriam I4adnielf>t Barto wiu be acarip raised bp pnBkn|i|im
U Ueir Ul^off tbeaUkan (netne
C A. Kekeoa-e old ImiliBiat 1
ont. They
are rerr aameroae
Tbe E E 1. On. are bandlap aa ele- pet; alUonpb dpinp off fast an la- ImabeeanMilltaBd wlllbenadM
lorUfaraMachamlUehop. '
klcw la eoaanetloa wlU Ueh; priat I'Tiaelapaiachfnator.
Hike Utoey. cl Tnnne CUp, a
UiB. Eawrp and undrea. of Old Hia- dhtrleV Ka t. <d Mraat. Lpmaa Wn- rtndha Ue CciamUa Saadap aad Va
aioa. eame orer oa Ue Oaekeaa BaUo coM wnnMnetod aii imor la place of A.. llaaer xriU E W. Wllana aad taMRy.
VaaTbrnel. Hr. Vaatbrnel bae hcea
A boat lead of Old Mleekm pai^ aaeaUealMBeeraad ban U'
'fBBeorrrehtardaperiBiap to aHead latcnal la Ue aebool.
A pame op ball betwnm the Hoarae
Caatn atBeasd lb# Wasliwd E O T.
H..^b pUnd aathe proasdaflha I
....__ .".riS
Apple Bartels for Sale.
nimcltp per dap. FdMafF aad
wanboime oa Oats Btnat. as0 U 1
O. A v! M. tfsek.
It aloe bukhela
and F. P. Tilton rotumi
... .^1 la*l Tboradap. They
and bold
been rleilinp with Ueir pareaU
of the teacher'* work. A
blcbrr Ideal*
Mrlatl for tlw peat ton dapa
ioetitato le a
arlop Simmooh retaroed . to Bberi.
lad . to-dap. Uowa*
ion bare been eeleeted
X week* apo on aoa
- ha»e
and death
biiaUIrr Map.
lean la Ue aebool room had Know bo
to piTe oUen a portion of wimt tbi
liaxe Ua* learaed. It t> coofideall
Trarerar Utp < >meapoa Ibeei .
expected that Ute will be the beet li
0 nalt U, (I. Sborlrr-a etiUto mr held In Ue oonaty.
The work will eomldae pmfeeelom
C. E aad J. NorrU aad Joka and Al aad academic Inatroctice. Tbe laat
liubawkUn uemorrow mornlnp for tutewUlbedlrided Into ereOooe; aad
a work * Hebiopdawa-Ue FUtWrlrer. tbe ioktrocton will eoadnet riamre for
They are after tn>ol but will floicb ap tbe.parpnae of reeiewiar wiaw etodiea
aad'alao to lUmtrate certain meUndi
•-'prr B*h if Ibep don't I
of iaatnetion. Tbr workm hcTe been
the laat of Ue week.
arpedtoanhopr (or nib tbe like,
dace, alapinp. marrblDp. 1
off cheer.
ao aa to make Ue work m<
rlUool fatlpae.
I for *1-._____
enarUp limited aad. la
will be
rail Ur moat profitable
kw. Ue
ir followiup
folloe •
topla are
t Utiw keho parpoae
Mr. aad Hra. U. ScoU. Hr. aad Hra.
F BIxbp aad cblldren. Nia- H. E
DenaaorraadbereonaiDHra I'ertia*.
Hr. K. W. mxbp. Wb. r«h aa« E.
HeaelB bare rblled s>Ito ' . . ,
naberaad wit* of Hafde Clip net'at
faBlIto la Kiopalep. Hto U llo)- Ue mMeocrof K. P. Fiaberot Bbeln b the onlr rleUm oow aaPertaf ee- land laat Taetop rreninp. it belnp
r oaalp with tkediwaaa.
Hr.-Fhto'* blrthdnp. A praad pood
Hto Ctaadb Bell baa ctoed to lime wae bad bp Uto Mho
aebool aad poo* M W« Baptda where
ebcwlU epeodafrw weebaatthe Isaalupral
H.C Oate e laet work.
Hr.' aad Mia Baieadiwf pksiehed at
Lose Lake laatTharedap wiU a psrtp
Sf fiteade froa Trmreaeo Olp.
well eiilertalord. a
Hra. F. Webp waa'i Hood Harbor
edwlablaphe mipbt be
rhltor Fridap.
llerrle i
llelleaprr'a new bouen
, _r. Killinptoo pnaebed in lie Conpl^
rbnrMi laai Rendap rreninp.
in aad A. E. Helllnper
_____________ llarrlaptoo o6 Holua at
C E K«wTi»
tended efanreb'a\ Maple dtp laat W Batordap.''
Hra.W. Vallcan baa been i|niUa»-k
Mr. aad Mr;. Al. .Trombmp nlled bat U belter now.
cm Mr. aad Hia.- E Kpk.w laat Fndap
Mr. J..ho>oii of Indiaaa.rhlted Chaa.
ISiwelJ la*t VVedarwUp.
UalteaaamWi ' old anldiem were
Hnaliaw retoncd fiTiB Eoal Joraat Haurdap. It be- dan tu-dap.
o-day. where be faa* been work
ebUtoB WBBt to TrarBaT&lp with
Hwb. ,
_______ '
.>:jji.T:tot Vb°;r:dai.
kae face« rlHUap
aa rraedL. rtJtod at Hr. ItaUlrBB-e 8he
Joba White.
Hto Btoi. Boaffhep a>d> Aaarbter
C. A. Heuoatod. ol Codar. rMUd at
• WearvcMtaaea iBa-llaBieberdia
. a^jj^Bfala; abeuboaM troB her
- irKt^
QkiBereB aad Hra. Harr
•BkB. BBd IW CTMB tral« Mmd.
•etoj JMp to
r at low rata* fnia abon Bamad
Coaatrp pemea. epoeta. wte.. wUI be
pieem. aad a miiialpeod time la aaeared. For thoa* whoAo aot <an to
bBTetboflaeof It.
» BfBTUiTbB»ter
B.. W. ftetb
a irif* ratBraad %o tMr Tibtw
- VBpMdlac Bfrw dBF*
cn; kOM BfMTBp
ehlbhae iBitim BiUeor qaartoriprTbcre' wen maap pood Ulapa to be
hmnMd from It. Dtonmlf- *-----bpnCmtoeee. tUapinp.
lennc- KaBc.- after whicb
Tke wkeBt to Beattr
^ nUtof «BU to lb*
.t KBikBBkB.
TfcBf* Bin ta BO -r»^
Hal. ftBiBar. of tke Dbwbp Blare Oe.
• H la towB todap.
Mb. Hproa Calrtr WB* a TTBrofto
aif rWtor tot week.
S^i.'septSLsr’X s
‘ Mr.
Hn.DkiM«f LomM*
^IMaaMMdiMtUiplM Hu«V-
,..^.«.!SXTi5TX *’
AltM ^ nt»it< <raa
Oraad EapUa «BMp flHh' B_
__ .‘xn.jiX's:
Imto aad OnctoU aiBito
tkB. bald at Lnm Laka Jsip II. IMA aad In a abort Um
Uma the
Ue team toowto
ihowto Biato
ttw wHIholdlhafliatHiiliiiiiH
raep at ll a b. 'Aea wn Itoaaail
_ BBC be iBtrameatal maWe bp
Birdie Bowmaa. Bcnaie PalphaBaad
Jack IMiTp. which wae mato eatoed
trait baap an baarilp UU^<aad earioaa aUarpeiala. eriU partWkpalt. AddrcB of welnnmr bp Bcr.
cto anmab to the wtifbk- Thaa. fate la to feaUri^ wbleh will U
r map texvkooka
■tadyiap alcap Ue Itsn
tod. aad ena a
r ba made nep
.xam work aad lactam
Tbe laMtalc law allowi tearben.
r are la eenaica at the
red la lllinni* and Uemtioff hatoc.
.. rUI eat ralfbaffc aa well, and pretty
aesrlp e»erpUlap ffrern. de
the planu down to Ue irronnd.
Ue more pleaeant aad lurratin rm
plormeal of paUeriap Ur InuaeaBr
Iru'il crop la Uat reploa.
The old Potter farm which eootalBi
BTeral bandrod acm of Ue bnl laad
la Haadre. a larpe pcwlkna of which
IM wiUiaUe corporaUoe. I* the pnaof vaet numben «f Ue army
hieh he* attacked con aad
oat flelda. and U* farmer* are petUnp
prarnl It aleo
------------------------- ridenl llml - .
--wheat aad rye eroyanffer »ery UlUe
A $1,000 House and Lot on
-Washington-Street, in
Oak Park, for
»tnw 1» eery abundaal. Ue berry to
kbronkraaBd of poor quality la erery
. The nrly nrape* of the lad Ue later root ban Wen Ue
BiBu« the wn>mi Uii^a
H UcB at tbe wronp tn_ _
mcnech aad Uc eiW dlpntin
Uaapi iWWcMt the fm aad npalar ae«oa of Uc boweU. farinp bA beadeebee.
hihoanp*. kUary tnmfalca. ttmlcM
xicep. lantade. aLfxmuiiim. aad plaal
tbr eeedx of ilunm ia *11 nru cl the
-body. llcahhcBBc* }o( meaty md»
caw. EpiowenfimBtbcarlinleB«a(>
coated endt tt beelU - Dr. Ptette-*
ncamal PMMa They an for aocUnp
la Uc world Md to kem tke lawilt wpolar, Uc mmaeb fm Rom pa* aad ferrr—--i. —f T-- "--I---------
$300 i^^rentain on fame and
$300 in monthly payments ^
agreed; or $300 on time apd
$276 spot cash.
T-Tl«^m-i-r-«=i a-fc
ATm tofcc the fleet cd Nbbib
Body help Wt. No eat c*^
a cUn to their am When (be
madi —take oac.
waiodf aadbcsl- ~ A*«'- W •
Herald Office,
glvid «.«h. ammmAwa
lafaairh wayiPBiiii ggRtu). JPLY aa. 1
jfaiald a* a Dray Srtaar.
te sUrwri
ruJs,“Tjy^to =1^™
All Her Lile.
■* l^t ealto eat el *^
Bto^ ^Stw»*llS^to *? 5!C.^'
^beradeyea waat
ahj caa titol^ I‘»
^tolypee kabootlaaoo.
ssrtS'JSssiiifs.’S I^SiiSlsarw.'SirS;; EV
aK?:rJS^ v^-irz;
tolnto M anal, to
• Weald Taa Paltara ur
* toftoaratoi ••—f atol.
VUk tmmm* ato nn <*«••
On itoaj «w tto> «~n^aan»
. toaiaatorkP~t»'nk tiadto—ton aa4 Mtaan. to
OnW kto a> •*>■ U» rain
* "Uaw^'ui Mr^Wi^tolr read tto
harp all o( tbe
ktor. Ike flaatikaadbr
iMktotoIr hU toto tofc
tod*- '
fcn- OoaU atollyBate are Ttto deaf* lor awli
to •wlBtolarJtol
ewItoalD '
It r> la
»•*<»• “•
tUf a
Knot Mar I
Rasidence Prqiertj
tbaa tdo.ouo'rtai*
ptoar to bar* lb* bi» Urkt^
'lUrold nw they
sUT to turn w to :
toa tato. ton* *M
»U1 to ftbl« ta tttotto to^ ni nf
u iaprorea^
hire a ^y.-
£iStoth~ O" Washington Street,
arable leealB, iBl
Oak HftghlS.
For Sale at $600,
•Tbe roddih.- aald tbe prof^. «»i*S
“?____ _
So IU~ld took bU llUl* **£«;»“ .lawfeoartdp»b»eonr«tbaaojalUloo
----------------- ------------------------a and tola toon «I wood. Thea
(a8cacau;Sctotola,.CaBeti. Rbeehe told mamiaa It looke
laltob aed i
warviBfe of
icdy and alwayr
Itoit dtre to aaaUer water.
arm after all
............................. rt who enn- ^
U *sp>*t Biar eeatorr to do Uito.
Dtot. %bo»e all
- • I ft yoo U7 to to4A
trotoer tbit
yoarnrprtoe. tbatyoa ar*
to'liS!* Kdle%«li weal to
Take a Mm/ mwod^ lor a blood dUraae;
to 4
A Real Hood Remedy. $spo cash and $300 on
time if sold quick.
told torJgOtfa^U
year noatb and paep If
) r«l wator la year tbmat and b*rla
A Dali tlut Berrad U* Oovnamaat.
dean Apache tadUnr bad left tb
dwwrre. aad «M of oar tleaecala ba
dray-dHrrr. —Arltrt-d
^srdi?£s:-s “'“is'"
Cheap Homes
•yi.' mndam." be replied. "1 bare
a botton. and yoo woold ofcMpe ue
preatly by iwwtopa cont to It. '
and plan- Il to tbemr.
The pom -
sir.w.fii'S'-srList: iHHg^lFarming Lands
ad to bar* tbeoi clotor. that be Bipbt Stm-berry.
z''Ll^ s5';:«1.;:r,i5rkeS,:Tu
5' 1:*,;
Adlrn decided
XMec laBil be tahr.e
the little papooec
to her taatlly.aithc
the larprel of Uir il
for her. W’llb bor ..
maklnp ihr
_, abe itarted wilb bw protoeton
work caa.lnp tbr bln
1 pall yoarfreely. In ratotbh Iml oprr»l
yoor P
......................... . The eoldlen left Of b.rlnp the dertred effect
and the needle are cnt^olljlni
a latoreldlrectioB to the rt.-liai'. dwh
to the fort Tbe next d» .tb. 1
The poop, tbe tnm.t dell.-ate toilraiDcat of the eallre m-U U uMd In tramreonlrad rrttb tbe prentoat ooartony 1^
“ *r- “«*• “ ‘•ijsS.;;
- -- tocsrrlr.1 Uroupblbe pipe., the
____ a. water an>l pa* are earned Into
taildiops. Md Uerr OMd. The ■
Bow tbe Baaa Oalatmad.
,{«n(upul io Ue larpnsl boiler, prutaably that wui c.r.
tauk UIrty-sIs hormto
HbespeotUe day to tb* oouatrywIU the pier .m which it a
. to be ala.-ed.
bnildlud to which It.
Ilwriplis Ih'.'to' p.mnd. and atondk^M
iHtcn to what a bee will do. Kot
ign lome wtroUaB cnaphl a nam.... -f bee* just aiUey rrlamcd to
Urir hire todro wlU hooey, and, after
iBcIualnp Urm to a lltUr boa. <»r*fwliT weighed them
W hen Ue bee* bad
ie« non mn.
Choicest Meats, Pcultry and 6ane.
B\»wX Ux OoMCvh ■
ly. A.'an-PPax. ApeoL
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages tic.
Ww-SVtLSSlff'r •+■“
TBLSPBon (Mabut A)
h aawbra r
aeledwl that
cae Atry tki
of bon«^-at- -M - wlU. It t*o.-«x«*oapt.
TO ,
Taa»*<w«ofB*mg*i*~w ,
HukS... M---..— - -----------
Ihe atorpn to Uc
The *«a*t of belap al, *a*e
jVicat Market
•rv- . -
Uatc to ilto-ap..
I’rln.keyaod Chi irlrriiis. W, Kur
partk-nlar. call I t Ur .b-araUiat
sS'Si.'iaf.s.rLrsisrr ________ __
Cdaa^aptoaaa dainty white b«
wMtMiwdt________________ ___
•SJS I'roat SlrooL two- oara vat of Sutoberp'* Utaad Opera Hooaa.
O. PIERCE & CO.. ProprtetoTA
To Chicago. S4i
Japao T(«..........................
UuaimrltoUedUoBpraphp. iUr
Uorao Boiled Onto
t bar* Amor, ramlly Soap., *3c
(TearkaU Itork per lb.........
Ha«m Jar*, all alua OB baad.
noua Babben tad Upa.
SE£,Wi- St -•’Wb's::
l-.'ltoL C Soper...
lard per ! ....................... the
> tur. JickKieSuap................. 330
» bar. Kirk-. Soap .................. *3ot
Arpu iHou Starch...........
lu lU. Kullod UaU.................... 23c
Heat batter Cnckera par lU ahe
aKBOkuaCradrera pel lb.. .
via Siram.-r-Wearatt Kor fall la^aod tkkeU'. call at
TTiai the Entcrjirist' Grocerj’ •!* the
cheapest store in lh« city. We offer for this week only;
A amall boT la doing e*ry well In-,
dawl If he oaa Itfl andewry luo P«>wd.
oralitUe UwUan hto welpht. And
hr would ^ee to drop tl pretty qaiek.
Escanaba and Cladatone.
irtTXe-. ■
M,.'...... _
-.U,h d.) uf-s«p,«u
,lH«rse Biy Lite OlSlptii
»• U IM Prewt 8L, Traecw Qty.
ap him till
ndalapt U
the bad oa
*”*''llfi." a^ we
>. and bad left a
dnyrtnaa. I— raaataed borne a* aooo aa poulble. b«t
eotbefar* Dobbto coeld pet Uen.
and eatlap* ehawe aetay day alaae U
te'IiGood l-'its.
Krw rarBllare Store.
m K.ir..p.- creo rarher
be aiuirut paiulcL pla.iirch at db.ke I'-tois. Kup-
happaaad aext to bar owa w-------to be tiWB 001 to pet tbr boiler In.
dSdealy Uc bay. eaw a bole la a IB Juorney fn.ia tbr pier W. Ita boa
wnealleaded by a lirpe erowd of
tree near W- —here .erera
toNOled Hwetotora.—Krrh>lH0r.
aaid Rob, aad Harry, wbo waa a p^
Ptorkamaa. Urew allptatod firertmdm
Into Ue kola. InaUnUy a lo*d roBwt
wn. bawd. The bee. brpan comlnp
llato awana yellow *rt ud oat by Ue taandrwda The boya bad
not barpotoed foe U la. ao they took to
tbelr bwla. We followed, bnt were
ant ewifl eBonph to meape o«r enemlm Hay «on|ly pot »»»er a claw
ofboUw- I trM to doUewBe. b«t
woldBH. Ik niBOlnp to ftito
ptoee Ua bare auap me fcwtally- The
famyero. Vorfl-an .... brttof "i*** *?»■
money nean-rbuniV.
touli ri.-h, dr^- and jr.-ni1y roUlhp.
tmbrrcd inaliil}' will, ^upar Mapir,
Mdc Kim. fWwuud. Alb,, Herrh.
Hemlock, etc . and are wefi watered by
lUcB riT.-Kaul brook...
Stronp Mils, flue crops. ^Itliy cUaatc.'w-li.hdi and shurcbc.; IhU-UlPi-nt'
opulil—b, rawnlyfrom Kaatem bUtcr
w.s. mzwAHu.
-SiTasaSaWs s.'sr ss srJE5.S
sas-'!2tJK:‘’«isn? ‘'.IS.TSi
- buuili notH yoo
S?S,£^S■S&S'3iPair Ifriccs.'
"M-russ r
ho«iw pay. foe Uem to adrerdw U.lr Saa Uae of ear
l^rioe. raape from pi.to ap
Itoiiot pnlVr.1
A Large DoUarA Imller. as yna doobtlrm kimw. to
be rnwcl io whM-h tbr water to bulled k aulUudr of wltaiUrw
•to ^nermto itcwB to ron
acbinrry to bo
'ndtona, and led to nepoUatlam
w Yurk City tl rr to n' company
I ttonUed to Ue Indtoni poinp
hUUnp and tor
_ __
That to Uey
kindnnn to tbe lltUe plrl, and their
STjU.Em UJ«. Un -»1-M
I will pirc yon ooe dosan flr«Ktai* HkUaoof yoar taky
. aoent exuatur the wriapeaa'Uc pbotoidoB*tecat maa d^t
Kaileutol Oruidrt , T1in)K(tli renter
>DU»os of Ue pnwent era
rttUc re-dtocLwery of pB• prtoci-,
lomn (.ir mpii.' (to Ur Auyri
>od morn b.o nor old Rurupeoo
to area the paddle wbrri fur
>S •to ‘liarr been
Tl.r ».lcycl
to Clito.’
■«rsrsSs£fo—1—, £r..“s^eis?TmT::tS.‘'55i^'
.tariRC LMM.au
• wiUcw^HibyCwTfapriMlIfaraeboettiue. t don't cha^
ton uiui 1 inuu 1.1. cwpw
I the to.nl pertcal
Hreerrr. Bat Uwfatbw totl Bother lotuopa
of the IllUe ladtoa plrl did o<A abp>«r.
It waa a rrry aertow thin* for a lot of
toldleioto bare
they wyre , doablr-bnrbrd head.
WMtaatoe. *oft-*olecd womaa wb>
•ora a tor whUr aproe tod had r*aU.
IM ;free i
___ ._M W.M
otbrcBiopaarrajIlmhttitorUie drat
iwmbB plBplrto Ue wont
arr.n. the unill buy*, path. The
_.,,t ol It llllrd him with w,«der and
lat abe^ooold lake It to b^ earinniv. but i«> tor wae abh- to ml>w
of Ue body'..
Than war* tworooito to the booM.
fy liliu pi to Ja.l what It wa».
ITta- iMtaolly iwiic^y^l perua
^^^'iidlrUaaltwpwfthUr braoU- enIJT bb.
hta. bip
blp biutbrrepnpbl
bnitUrrcpnpbl oaa,
ikuD'. tlintawou the
(al doll olowly bdd to brr arm.,
pal'll io tbe.iaan boc'r II.
■anrolar taow. ihe waa rtotooUy
Bioim..- be rrled. a. he -rirwrd
pj the anoieet ihe opeaed be>
tiny, twinhiinp ionk-tiiclo.
■rltha aalrbbor■'1 know wttoi they are now
A rich drpu.ll of pnld>191 .lire/ to
reported to tore been dtooiwrcd re-^yoi , a Ipra to ttoUwn.'K- B.
lath* otWt
.Aid. Vat BOW there cane a new
The Moasatio r BUI '
dimcally. Tbe aoldUn. hoped. II they
dellkept tbe little piri. ihat-tor ^rento
a. thet orpan. to. 1. rttoply a 10..I
woeld’eoan. or eead alter her. aad
S^Ta bma )Mt^ Ue bed.
IH HlOEtaAlf.
atari, and reparded Uco> ai' nlioceiber
Iboat tb. toll thine that
• b.8 PfotUled lor
toriaian^aaddelMrbl- Alllaitwtotor be u»d to -to-p oir frop, poiv,to
bed that be Bipbt .It to hU aanw . lap
Herald Office.
lady of ch4«5»ble dtoppJt^, nik^
State St.. Bear Union.
>Tbey any r»f» iboald alwayi o
The bnall Itojb Itop «Uir. ’
her. UKl'^ ^totfcr fork All ^
•be wa* rcty salat, bat whea alpST -. The rtaall boy bad .aerer *<« ao
IreUei. lie had. bowerer. eera U
L -
Ei^lafito rtthSJ'ofSITdreDO^
..a^i'LS. Sm-J.VK.'lJ'-.S
m ornyold*: oftb* hawka^ *r aad Urr home. Tbeeoldlere did oot
•to ta^> tod Pglto" ^ JaSi what to do with her; Ucy ooold
•el spiel her. At to
to'aM bear ebual tbe wl 1 OHaat
daarbtor of o» of Ue ofliuara
' t-boiue aad tilted
weat totbll
tbedc .wlbcUtUe ledtoQ
firl to tbe tort,
let brrtoltaad*
Tbe lltUr ftri toaeod It to the o
•ad It wa. oarrtod to the tort t- _.
r'"i““K»Ll'It.f?.TSi"JT.r EtEr-S
IT. «.T.Vi.. ww S
to S
eoelde’l think of any other aaiae. e
be tort tailed her - lli*. »la««a ’ :
.Avoold IhU pay yoo for yoor UaieV
•Lrarttwl. lahiap tbe laneor-ple fro.
tl., -.too-,
ycM old; etray^^a^y^f^^hy
reneoo tor aot lelUur tbam do w
they waat to."
dol eweytof ibc
i'erbato it ii not
yuar Bare aadAold It for a
II three few htoBareoba
ailng k Nadlly leoraed
a nal plMar*.—Krimn
__ _
■'What doyoB mraar-
ttonmap » SwiB.
■vlBalat B nhniBt na caay na walk ly forpal omlee* tbew pom away.
teUytto knew bow. JBd II laaannay pIri who wrltm to me oomplalai I
iirrd'-JUzK's'iTsSi s: iL"pr4".t:^'“i-S.'~
2r.r..-=wss£ar- rtoSt't'to « H2r“ot^r*
SirtJrt bSi?i^to.*‘^Sli?f.Sey“uS
sjnrsatr.’TMs; id**^5tarjk^rft^** **"'**
. they waat Into tb* wnlw. and of ec
bori'to dT^SrTalirbl bTlurr toit ~
cxcBeedfc*raeU.aBdHld abe atoH po
home cBrty baatwe Ur went to bed
wUb S ehtah*a.r-rrwa Uorper'.
Fruits of the Season.
Jotl for the 'mke of arpiioto^
w«T» polap to Map
all ktod..
TklL or ihorw fat nod doapy.
w. J. HOBBSa
lal» *». 11--.
146 Front Street.
Traverse City, Mich.
, 1
Wa boar of bapoy lamllto. of aol-i
uato ABOTonr-............
of Uto
— lktad
*-i ..
to I
^il^aMaa^MoayUl^ wUeb
U Uo dial ptoca. mj n«or. yoar
UphL If yo* carry raanalT w»U aad
pini. yiTbod,. a. a wbto*. to H^t. bold yow bcul ap U • praot odr -
That the best pla« to' buy anything in the line of HnnJ*
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire. Bam Door Hangen. Pabt.
Refrigerators. Ice Cream Frejsere, Gasoline Stovet.i^
Fishing- Tackle, and in fact eveiytliifig in the bardwnrd '
line, is of W. J. Hobbs. Come and see to and 1 ^
prove this sUlemenL
•TtbIL' We onaply *tok topewre
that ow eetiit' *1^ to ripbt ^a
No pU alale. oried op.
liA oewataff .U be "palmed oir
ea a lo^ wPeriap pobUe.
Not the
Largest and Best
Bet belap to maaoa doamt
proee that Urir not *<•■ Ua
Bo^to OkoUerhaddreoied brr hwl
.hareh «me brkrbt ttoaday awnlw ;
Aflac hor hair woo brwobad aod her hat
Uio oad pal., let Uc yoaap plA Barer
Utah of hto when Ue mreU her , •Storaref*laottoBo*ayoor dr**."
Moadn laouad. tot her try her rwy called ber mother.
beat to Bake U* net happy. 1' •—
to a ^ to Uejroim wbeja^oi
A«at Sacab.
a M alee Uto m.w*tog."
tartlmo. towrto bar oataadMUit^
■he Bold. ■'.
"Uo, ao. .
Uupcat "edible*" to town. Try
baytop all poor proerclr* of
Uto arMOB aad emaparr ear UUt
Bfdnoin Silt*, hite Jteltim, -
wttb Uaar pea roorijad toat year.
nmkrt Oroom.
i>l>»au.7k^ HBBmx jpLzas. lart
dBiaIr dte
Ete'2d % littii'teirSca**' t
TiB<cmr. Thaw onaaiv tea k> «
> mrvWb U> Wite. Baeh ftU<w
.bow thFM dUUort eolan—• ■■
w tber mr*
* tuM^ieglT
Bal *i»e ■»
tb* mwkn BV*'V‘
«ute. white. M tM> Kff»ts:
ptetrof nio* rteh i^k.
l«l*dk*of iwrytemwj ilbo w
UtMSUwllBC OTMfttekI
Fnr «nl driaka. tod
ie win plaww bola old wad goaoc
feerlrr tb* proj
AapoM «a toll m rn- I o«to .to ,tbr right •ort ul i-lotba are hard, i'lio
thlokaoaatll»frtoidoo«pat ~bj> ,Biniiiwrj to good rbaaiBg.'abr rrrite
--------- bwhich coalaliwd ball adoara -ia
aeU. abterbrei aaterial. Uiat I
Wnald ralbrr barr aig ataUa draUog
artk-Ira of lar aaire ealar tbaa Ur
arnib t-lotha. beeaear IbraapnlT la ao
laoatkMwd lor pif
pifktol 7Itollrd. rapw'iall; l{rr>«>^ •« U>'hi‘
'aublr toil aa OHWtkMwd
wHaarbalwarabaar It
| Cil gitiag away our paniy aotp u
drreUlUing. Uid ilaoBrl of all kia
aboold V bi-pt forerropbiegaad clca
■Bg paint—a»d all inerieu aadriv^
raUar dark abadaa of blae. altar lirowa
wen wiU yellow.
’ it ia Ue ab^ of
_______tbat k
Iirbuaw- jlkef.
Itecliee alauwiU blark
ark aod
aod r4U
' tala loaea of green.
ItOIMO aiK*T«.
‘ Vary dark greet b
_ ejreeu(a
brlgbloned 'to llalagaof
mlagofpaleblar. A medlam abade
ell wIU old pie
asd WorUtTira.
blBrUrrira. I aoahr.labali
aoahtulaball box ettagra
a ryiug wkb earb
rarb olbi
olbre oa Ua UroWo lab grreiia !• . well wlU broo
, aadplan tbre^ohiorao
of grlatiaa ia «dJ water until ------- c>k>r of their toarda. there ia
aterd hf Baara
gray flanarl made, uqll
Del,’ expreiwly for Ue
day la
- oirafaodbMd lohonaalbgatora
b. lUaoel Uuld.-uarw
If oar ^ta aa hoar earlier tbaa oaaal. wbieb mual l>T
^ hto that bath b added mora.
AlU'hen lowelu. craah.
Ob bear! tree rtcbaa are
well bi keep Um- uupply nodrr yoarl
work aba <——i
k. .
owa core, audloure that after carh I
^etoff before .Ue-ruttar.1.
bUirfatar nwteaa Biar.
(ulog the vloU M ritMo.1 aod drird, aad;
heal of Ue day.
out Ihniwp away aattl it liar been uaed :
ttafor kwd tea. puddlagi
Bo! wllto.—wlUtr, bel
aa ioug aa pnrelble. • Uaay girlu a Ui to
ai^lea say be |rrr|awi<d at
i. J,. laUnilked. Ileal Ue wkitr. «f alx i-gga
era. ItoiauM’tbry bare a moory ealne,'
toa allff froth, aweeiea aad drop
^ alow bat -eaea
tpouafah laio bumog milk; cook for but cleauiug elolhu, bring only raga.
they will ...uiakleriuny be Urownauide
"u‘ “i
it any tlBieaad friwItoBeu Ulfen
^ Xowtbeal
I* Idea Ual cawtlrtg aalde ooe'a ei>addilkai to the BofI, wet riolh. a ilry
a pialler. Heal Uw yir.n’uS* Ihr
dirwear will make ooe cooler ia eiro- WlU a little tall aod >
rnliber ile>t made of i>1d lUanao t-raah i
that baa t*oo|^rTuw aaa illeb hiwrll'
I. Tbr uoie ouiDbM of garaeata
b.*.i^ 1 ^..e.Kliipg bruuh of I
aMba wbte U-E<ar ^
Kor Ue ailk or woolen • I aafaatiute; ■
;orpt to elran
Oaly toil wlaa haureb gift;
I thick a. c
owrafeottoa. aad for Ur aUer gar
<BeDta,arlartaUnB fBbiv. For dreaai
. pHe ob lop ut Ur'
• CBtUnl.
Pou and Fam.
haea plealy o/ alilrt walau, wlU dr-1
■■ ii.ii
tte tb* (all «m la
I tbaw.
nisk, bMia«a.atiwerU-Mdi while aadbaawit rrady lor aaa. whlW
lb* Bwblat ail
laehaUe roller bnd ealfa: ewr bardly
anttoeaboryakirt- Hot alwaya keep
• bead a pretty whUr'ai lawa di
kioka eool at,’any rate. Ttoy
lal Ue aoeret qf beleg eool ta briag
rcaaed aeeordiag to your prellioa Id
ilfraod torfdag falfo. Tbr aertwaa,
axeltrd wonaa iaalwap wanarr Uau
K|. ubbuld Vtaali thriB iwiBrinab’ly. tV
aod ooe (bat
“nitalaaebeap d
It leaat pni a hull water In ibrm
Heal the Abil
1, that titnr aad UUir
• r«gu aOT. add a llUle auger aad
eanlng Unu.. When
Whei wi
drop law a quart of boUleg lahk
•ilof uking tfaia .implr
tVMk aawborr. Itot Ur yolka l
e WlU MT.- oarerirre i
er WlU two UblrepudofoU
. By paUiM iahar ^Uw^e’aaT.'*'!
atarck, four U''
* ’
and a IltUr ulc
Aiid a lilUr iwld
■Bilk aod atir lulo Ua tolling unk,
rilirallUr taae, until It b. tblik aa In rleanipg up niter an,
and add Ua ao mach diniealtr In arr
gowe aoltrd U> oarerlt. Ur plapr aad
dried fond, and cleaniag the ai
aratoB do noch to iuakr a wmaaa aallhardi’ord parUcie., that they
-Ewaet.awete- Theaaatlaallilgray.
their dbh walcr in Ihew erree
Mrd WiU barerlf."
Tat tbara wabaU to greet Ua day
One plalofailted door, on)| muaded allow Uem to 'anak.' and ninaequ
A UMla Mrd. wlU oaa low aou
Mua. U. HoxTAbi'K.
hour to clean ttieni toforr begiuuing
uUaapuoafal of lard, halt a b
WatibwoaiefbiaUar tbroaL
aaulhrf uieal. which la Ooinr Uinga
fol ol aalt. Ue white u
llrM.lru, reMcIa ao
eupfol it- wblk
• auger: wet wlU bai-kuard.
.Paulng Op UaCardialt. . hae» Dot had Ihe ueemaal
to make a atTlf dunVh: beat
. Dariag tbr rerly aamiorr atoitba.
them ■
In all ai/ra. widtha and atylwii Sue knd
while brrrlra ate pIraUful. a good uup, Biedimii ffradca.
ply of etinllaU Bbtruid be prepared, for ■niBUtraorloeger-eyeryalrokeiiiakm toinr fi>r cw
Bet* la Ua aepae. tbaia la tbe dell.
aoboaaewife wbohau ontfr teuted Ueir Ur wafera lighler-forui iulo balla iogofl>eu
TirlUeflac amwm rto aad awall.
taedical qoaUiiea will to motrat to half ai biff aa a ben a egg. and rollO.e pulling li.ei
Udiairf low Ue trial BOtea era;
a year wiibnol then. Our graod. aireofuaiDall ira aano-r. Hake upon
tha wUdtoneraoaiaa Iboagb frooi paaa
BKtUm were hetter rIaMd In UU arl a fl.iured tin and watch larelully umil
a iiffhl bruwa.
of preparing
irdieiiUan t
PmwUall .. . Wboasaraatohaapi
TbOar. whal UUart taart be Ularf
' If taara aatTgrlafa Bit wlaet
needs it..........
For Men. Women.
Boys and C,iris.
ra ofUe
d to adm
r Ideaa dr n<i
tealpira b
' atrrogtbeningaa
■ereol day. a
caii-krx a'khAii.
Uatonr ’ inr
ir ran gel relery uae it ii.. offer aay luii
____________ Iwge. Tnkr Ue leenal. ol
plare of Ue
Iwooldehlckcna, toll tendiT nud ehop
ariahliir rordiala up flue
Hrw.nn- the meat nn.1 add aa
tret Ugw reI Arat raya
elpaa which hare been bnnd^a^lbwn
•iiCaalagut areVboar la there awwieg. Urcai^ Buuiy ffcDciatiotii of prarttrel
Aad » btra aa gay aa a feaUernd bUff.
nod mratJTc
riiaalag biwarif ia a niyal ouak
pruperllrnof frniUarr
- ThawhllatoaiBgnUaffOldraeo<
yalla tor Ue doctor a i^bt* tetooldnl
OaUy doU be blaaall extol:
-I'a O.T|.ola
nod brat auger
he oard: Uw apkea ahonld to aUoag
BtodUac blaekblrdaw
d purr. No iHture of any kind lilioald
Oaly Uh areaare "K rriBg. Itori
Ulaektorry. raaplairya
Tbwtmvbird trim kto raprrtolta.
dewberry aordiaU are old .aqd ndul
. OoTirly alafflag It o'er aad oW,
leroedira fur towel eumpla^to Sue.
,Tillat1aaffU-aalo ' --------. berry, cnrranl and gnpr ceirdiala are
Ba laarly aowela
eiorllmlaUMParh' tooioa; and mrdr '
..........................................-rira ia
iw ia
aald UI bird alata ao ■ochiBC
|wiral aflec
Taatarrraa. St act of aaa.
To <wie quart Ol blaekbmy Juke add
oabpoaod ol white cugar. one UblrBaari^teaimrTtwraay -tljdB, apia. apuoolnl racb of ciurrw. elnaanioa, an- a aad netmeg.
Kril boUl a rich
Aad ktordoU marry rubiB kaow. ,
m la formed. Ueo polin buttlre
Hagtac -Spool lb opoul-lletael-ib'' aur
aeal while hottUre in Uwapooe
duura to rbildrea of lire yrara oi
Bo trial, ao mre Ue browa bird’s
r aereial tiiaea a day. Ima to yonog'
er cbndreo. and UblHpoonlr' '•------ •’
aa adniL
llewbcrty rnrdial.
cordial pwpanal
Sb the BMadow, where arela Ur larll, Uie -a— war
Uawure awhUa tba gloom aad dark;
la alau rerr rfltcarlou.
“ «'■"
W yab faU emm. day towma aahub
. One thoaaaauurlaUalrtoaarfa pleat
Tbaa Ua ter bird oar childhood
The Tiiigrre '•Kevrralip” WiwUr
Shore f.w men, rare wearlag rnhtotv
■li> not hret Ur feet. pr...ml .laupneMt
■Iriking thoHigl. —Ire, and .make wal.king In alippery plarea, eoinfortahle and
Aiao ntcl^atonairely .ill llieyrle
well: One leae|
I uugar. '
>«e ul wuaUnb one .wellof vine^r abd halt
ot a rap
a cop of w
ladierand a—________ ,-------ler. Stir until a> tbh-k aa ci
then I
plare in i pasiaf water to cc
Oat-Of.Door tole.
They arr mad - by sc-o ely Insertiag
•ouu-u hare had 1
piece of'rei«-.-in1ly pr.-pari-«l niblipi
id upto uaaaaa
in. Iiol not lliruogb-the nulc-solc by
ample of
01 what Ue opi-u air will do
UDtn we arr tired of bearing
ie I>i<tfr« firen T>yqejte the M.’Kny l-nb nv I’lOcres,
______ - It WBA a pmdlirr luxury to
II, arty I jling. A^prr.
me. at Irenl. lo read aa adtenu- critiI •to iisss Nsus'jC ThMii.
ciam on the mnrhdau.tol Jersey l.ily
alter her
.r firel
bret appeal
appearaace iu .New Vork
tbininlhrfblc.’Fokl’IUUVr.K.' They
me ynam ago. T
■a too rubuat; ttialsbn
-RcgnlAtetbrlluwcU. I’urdy.VrtctriJe.
e nfuarofh.r
Uoroogfabml brorre. sayf a
It hi. bowrrer, not b>he deuied tl
nr women, eupecially thowi ul I
F.>■^alr l.y
liddle elase, in rillagew. OD farniA a
the fniui nf flm JaT.
> tbr smaller Inland, cities, lire 1
. much of the Umr in-orer-breted rucK
It Is not oeeqasaiy. prrbsps. u> fol
Trarersei ily. Hirh
low Ur example ul Ua Kagllab sen-'ioj^lng-h.ng
Ofcoorre .
te might Uiah Uuir torekfant bmmapMu srlUoBl mret wf sorec Uad.
toCia oar bore dariag Ue bretod
^’Wm bat little Is aaad qoiapared wiU
ItowlatorreaaUs. Poramaaueai
puck ia Ue srarm sammar Is abnal aa
•beard re lo aat tod from a apoua '
Tram aariy apriag aatll (aU tto tralu
Socae Dauty Sarnnu
^*”wte dSr"' bull for
ima^cold rrateeato^'uSte^
preteeUy ouki before remofiag the
ahelia. Take Ur riargar Iu which red
Jmela bare beee pMtIed. poar
yaareffgibutoM Uem alaad ta—
■aarhuara Toa will ttoa tod theUa
^ltelyid|a«otplte teahtea
IllCiil: ii::
ilKSTog WiikKMANhlill’.
ANfi A i-BsyBcrr PIT.
AI Rwh’lhitlom Prigea.
21S X'zoxxti
New Era Cash Grocery.
Insist .Thd dcm-TOil
a;-,; .SsS
Putted Chicken
It^b oomi^ to to .tecngolied
the sumomr oampiug nob alleodr.
apworlaie linrd ur grablte kettle
it qfico Is by lailgoe and iuoua
nlmmer ooi^balf bourwIU Ueb«.. . lenm ut all hinds. ad<lsnialeriaU:
BU-k raapbeny rurdlal i. the yrer's ab>ck ul riulilr in ti
made la Ue Ome way. oaly daubliag wku todnlgr in lb It is no '
UeqqaaUty of sugar. Ukr tbr
In nay Improrriucnl
aprorriuenl In tbr food or Uc
(mriiaia Umr nboutd to toUJed
of ouoklac lb in the meaas of
aralod wbilr b.>b aod they w>
orrrebuitJtIxowUglu Ue
tooad moct exebltcot fur towel
KiJwjnUlBRt rouniAi..
I'at yrrer eggs bi bolU
Cmtcr's Little IJvcT Tills.
^comUoatioB afdlsbreaadciNrqps wm>oa. when Uc tagalar kib-beednrftaaehmret. Tbr palnla srsarire mad j Uas arr sn iaerrased rriu berry reararolm srlU eoaslaal repeUUm. PralU:
te ^»l. may
wad TIWMlIllt. Sboaldflrem S Isrew: **
“•'rd la
"“'a «rm a “rifu, qrert yars. Ttoa. wtoaUeec is latwr
part of tto Ull «f fare reU day.
taisare. aod a qimatityof tottics oe
adUof largelaariorelkaad.Ur >ar mar to opcaed. Ue cow
ai rrhrmted.
^ : dial
n-towlrd. a
aad puorrd into Ur bot'': ure am
1 while toto-H
>'• Vimra.
8. E. WATT.
Ask for Gartta: s,
speed Ur Uaie. ur a part of lb ie light
rxereian lo Ur upee air aod sumbiae
— -----loduure Ue
■aid be speedily mai
Invur reorwnlelBsUelty. toUer
tile, totter complcxiuos, aad atom all
a teoBfa^Watcr, I mark year Blgbt
Tba Krepch arr perhaps to-ller -i
TUI U tomreo a hlacyoa are kst to
oar qaartnf (ipr currmot
-I. mureaoerptau1r--Bajtl>-ls for us I____
add two puuode ul white atgtar.ai
Uw Eogllsh women Tbev are But girAim! lurUcipirit Itot ralaly tries
sponoful cwrh of cloBanum aad
rn (bUelnagaod latigaiug walks ul
te: meg. aod biril twenty mloatcm I
the . Ilriiisb maV>>a> and laaidib but
aadaral while bob Thbeordial
Ury lire modi/in Ur open air. In
celltml tocUar Ur syclcm ul Impuri
f•UaJ^!y^ ffaUly. "Swaab nwaa ' Ure. 1*01 uae Ubienpnmfnl In ball a I’aria repeeially Ur saiall jiarka which
abound in all qoarh're <i( Ur rily'arr
airarL’’ . tth toaxTA teu.
tambler of water and driok.
Uoiaged WlU wnmcB aad cliildreo.
ebnlrs nrr renlr.1 fur n trifle for Ur eu-lerwooa nod there are uummooer
free. •
r are whita-ca^ed nornre with
ab-aaxa norr axd cboratxa.
iBfaat rbargre. whole days at a
time: Ue wires aod daaghlrni of Ue
Proridiv toU* taMa. whlW I
middle elam wiUs.imeere<llewurk or
eoateUtiag the wbok da^ '
hniUiog; la.lire<dl.^re wiU h
hrtchlag materials, aad Ur gi
To oae qu^ uf Ur into of red maf;
m WiU altuodaol u follow i
m ao aaimBurtaat factor ia tor:
berrto add oae'pmad of while aagar
Bash Tcry ripe eldertocrica, strain,
mod to lacb quart nf Juke add ooe-bblf
poaad of white aogar aod a tempuow.
lal aaeb of clueca. riaaamoa a^d mare
IMI ua mioatea and wal while bob
An exonllcBt remedy for dru|By.
When mnklag Urueowdinl* It b> bret
teqaaxtkm. Jama. Uc I
in |Mt Uem np In nmall botUre.au Unt
oaly a small qnaalUy need to opcaed
tor brmkfaat aad arrireJ
tbougb Ury bare hwea kept
eearietiooUatnbr will Dcrer brbBBT perteeU,• wlUool
fermeatbret matorinl. fag In Ur least In
agd wwred Is liW Uc bottrel wretbrr. wiU oaly
E tonwnivio Btm.
uws b^U^ boluswlof our
wto baa te many limes Is ber lifr
bate awad by the qaaattoi. "Wbal
. tell 1 hare lorAlaacrT’ Byatellga
ty pffate of which the’aufato act
See )'ou jjet Carliir's
• •^ra-toy. re toa. redorer
ahd laellaff.
Vtnir hause should have a n<*\v coat of paint this
sprint;. I’^rhaps you wish to use iiiixtHJ p.'iitiu or may
Ik; that you want h’.nd anil «l. Either way we can
;{uarain«.-e favorabli’ terms ami favorahle nisiilts. We
claim that uo mixed paint is U-ttor than IktydrU's.
'.’\s for h-atl anil oil wf Imy nothini; but the lust }rr:uif.
Give iLs a cull fur color canls ami prices.
tmBlI pHoa.
BImhtor toU (rom bia toU of At
EUffa. re>uleiBg. la acotmte ater,
itlv U Itsolf Ua rarj aalornly
dlen lo aburebao larffr a praporUoa.
West Michigan
. Front Street.
Traverse Qty, Michigan
Kt PlOAAhnt. Owowo, Shgi.
BAW, Bhy Ci^. Detroit, How•U. Abb Arbor. Toledo aad
poiBM Beet ud Spatta. (lobe
tiOBe At Copemtehwlth
1C. dt n. S. By.
^ rsns ■j
Ue piaua sad <al Uie lawi
ockx^slroag conrenlcetly,
tnalty let the work
out aa^eoy-iyto
- Awarded
Hiffbaat HoBorw-WorWra FtOr.
'a«W.,Trr. ».re^ He. \ M
Pioneer uyeRY,
SuBiutltD «t Teicten.
Omi’l Pare. Afft, Toledo.
Tbr srrM ol psUlr rtiwlssilmi tl lar
Wsebrrs of OresA Trsrrrsr ressu, tsr .br
rresUhrear, e.11 W brlA Is tto Unscr Ball
- Tisrerw aiy. w r—w.^is a> * r'-' ’
It’s Here
Ac Is .ise bieiwx llto laaslrewr lb-
rifffA- 'I’WC WAKT
askr s Stoeiahr •( Wrets.
vre sre siware tredf to lutorbsrre
WtlEh tve WAKT
Tb hnr a kerw. r«re M bretosanere. i
ftoto... VeswaialwarscnaiwsareM
---- -rssg.’SJS.--'—-r - -1
In Trarersc City that yon can
bu^’ the abovtiiiaDdsomi; diMible
Orders for Job Printing left at the
CSruitt Mtvmvrn UjeiralJi,
Grand Traverse Herald
on Hor^.
-W. E. TT A Tts33TA.,
eoald. br t>akli«
ItarfcHbbrBd upon iv *
_t«oald yiHit - . .M *>cmr*lr«r Wtal
,.*« •“^IdWyoado
did yoa do wiU tta ilrvdT oh. I am
rarr If yua tad only dnABtd of oqrI half tte 6om>6r ksd diking oed wut
ttaW of It 66wto briar y»a orror
Pn<~ <kr t Wkk^ tikt. 1. HM^6
■maid tamlakra itoatoa ikal taaIday. oh. ukr dldyoo lie Ityraodlatbfrr. 66hy dbtyoa doltr"
L AUkthkt'borBlorcoald
I Mkrramtomdarrkyki
bkV»br nukl i
inSUi kkd «!,. w >kr m66«.tr6 6n
ikt day. ttal
VltlBgo PWpnrty' Tor ■«
WhTs ^iriitfei Mer:
«W6l»r> Voot.
j21H; Per Pound.
M4a7**mA* I*f**_**fS*!l,?**"**
Rose & Son,
M »^l6l»6F6_»^W
Easiness CaidSo
fW*JI» Bull41nR. Front fit.
jP^jirt • luru. *i
d City
V. a. i-eiM
U<mb: Abe • fall line of loud* for 1«tnartA BBd larolUB
ats Fmt SinM.
noLUMT AAAyygM.^
TnAVCnt Cmr, ■ MiohmaA
tom Bmcm. or ton
kT m oi* 60 VitAuan aia,
OecsOT Freet nadOMi SttMtA
*aL'B*£?J5loi. k«u6..6.M
\\V rise to .ALlditi that yoifc.'TniiKl \ifT(>nl
vrifh Hies'^-hen: stick); ur jNiison l‘ly l'.i|H;r i->
Sarrej’or aad Civil Euftloeer
Meaawhlle. alofiy the n«d flew
ret, tirfiny llir oatoaiahid llal
be williny rryular breakurl-k aptad .Sta awated
from aide to aide, and errry tDoaicai it
■ luu-al Ily off Balabr cluay
to UalD and bridle.
tbr table when In 1
r>l Maryaret, I itlfwa her btirdlabi
him a uiuderab- aalary .
rlolhw awry, her ehna-ka plowed, bat aa hr wax idle f.ir aotae amnlba top likr 1____
_ . while
. .. in
In the year, there wax clciae plni-lunp | her taad waa a l..lUea paper, which
to lukkr both enda me.-u ' It wax cec j ahe wareil wildly aloft.
clitar oow alnee hr _ •IrappliayWi
"I tare found if 1
pal Leparc Uiruoph uotlepr.'
atamni; "Ihrdeedl
d ttal ptaadfatber
Them wa* one point in tbr Bripliuorhood of particular inleranitothr roony
fire fatlinr potnp. pale
Hammertona. Thia wax the old white Uay; her laoUier pnafard bark ber ehair
... rtv-.i:';',,
TaAvzBsx.oiev. kick.;
(Momr M aoMo k «66tkn«k>
I far blwhow that Mary
. . after ail.'of the belter
klaryarel'a father tad a poallina with
Carpet Cleaning,
Finenl Snppllis.
tif|Kt suet iwni Pita.
•a* TTkkioo. tarMot.
MlMFUibiidCitFtofai HARROUN
The South Side Greenhouse
incUu Rksniit.
ia tta ylttcd ar^t
af Uraad Kaplda.
HWk. who palau.
ypar portrait and
’ OtoUfollaf.........
Hack, Bus and^aggage Transfer Line
Bttt Liv^r> in Norfhera Michigan. |
Lirc.aeaMliaod Beauts-
aad raprraai
pltakcdropa «
The Clipper Bicifcle
for boainofla aod pleasai^ oombinad. OItm
imlYorsAl satlafaotloiL Call aod see it Bold by
Cr—dKapidi. MBta
■’ I W>* UBtfl I i; -.‘a- r
ealla. I "fchy,
from [ - Jo*! what 1 harrtald. Audi Krriyn.
I haae found the luat dead ''
aoriny il wa* indeed a loerlr pla^-,
Tben'abr bdd'tbeia all abnal IL
tare the, honeyau.-klr* and yellow ye.-!
-I waa alway* aaapie'iMa of ' that
■anlaea were In bitaiai. w bile all the ; caahlon.''
dia-larr.1 .tnal Krelya "lint
carUi bynratJi wa* eon-rw>l with a airv.
Martha 1 Martha oraaat Urmadmolbv
fimeB»e»~ tiamaerloaiaaid.’N'uBacbar.
pet ofihe
........ ..-------S.>uiellmea>
tta yoanp ^pir of tta aelyklkM-bood............. ...... ......................................................
-bihidwthedced. he ■
bad palbrrinya in the ydiae nut far 1 only mbaplaced
tram the ubnn.-h.
ubnn.-_. lUaiyaret
___ ,____ waa;
al-1 "But bow do you aeeounl for
waya Inrilrd.
they would
wout. bare deeiV* brinp there? ’ a*krd ttarymi
'ilrd. for tbey
tboopht aaaooc.ofallybUap a
J tunad hi* rok-r^l*l
1 hla hand, bla arm a '**d
' It waa.a ynldcn -day of May that a) HarparcL
party of ibryouny pn^ile wrreyatl.rr' I iblak
takcUy.- aoaiiettal
' mlAontUrrly
’------------------ ‘ T Sydi-rnailkr bTr-> ary, your* father bta'tbe taUL •
: BtaWd. ul
u! placiBp
placlop waatearr
wbateaer ae
fa bad
■N wonder whaienn be Ibe laaUer , bla haod. eapeciaily U ta wWe throuph
Willi Marparel.' .^Id Harriet Alaton. | with II aoder bla Uilpk? 1 bare aeea
her boanm frleltX'^, "Why. abe really bis do bU taadker^laf ttal way
i.nkadulrlul Uiia
Unite ua-1 maay tlmra. tail erca a book nr a faa
uanal tor May. I mnat nrlie Went Into cki_________
'hanb. tka data la bl»
"Oh. lyumdir-aUiluIrtDp.’' repllnl I band. What more tataral_______ ...,
Flora Mkldli'ina.
"Thafa a Irk-k aahl nadcr hla th%b whea ta aat diiwa?
Mayo, you know t**' dklo t, of cuuiaa, kaow w-tat be
"Hot May mn.la t tblBk. " enntinord • wa. dnlap- Il wa. the luroe of babiL
'-.she beloay* lo the artelo-'
"Hot bow did It yet lato the eaafacraqr. and It aerer Uimh*.’'
j ioa?"'
The real of them lanyhed.
I -tth, there naat hare bara a real la
■■Why.' Him Harriet, taree't yaa 'tta enahioa. aad br tacked the deed
beard?' apobe np ArUinr swiatoa at aaayly le*ide. thiakinp of. bia ^krL
■■Mix.HaryaretB.pimto II aenaa aumelrrmdmber a rr
br aa aartinreta They tell tar abe baa I tta «mM<m Ju*iabnat ttaa lime______
already written aorec potyT."1 by a dapyrr brneelel ■rvra by ooc of
At tki* they lanyhed aynla.
| tta yoau Udlan who waa here rtaUap.
"I don't brlicre a Word of II ' de- .UIdlHaabduabUcmrepaM
UldlHaab doabUem repaired the real
Hap aooa after, at ahe a I waya'had' iaaincpet* w«»k-miBded eaooph to erite : titaa ao to do. The deed wa* itat a
- y. ata will Barely.let me koc. r."
[week or moie. If^ ym retail, hydaey.
aad more de-' before
fore yonr father found II
"There wa* a place that
timra. in-: paired oa tta
eaiabhm, aad rcry
tbeliitle.enttape up tta laae. . where 1 foaad thr paper.- aai
fur oaly thr day
*,ee the anprrin-j
Marparel. at IhUprtaL "lam
lendeat of thr phurptaU oompaay badiof
IL for il wa* la tta aaerea awrfaue
tuJd Mr Hammenoa that thry woal lot tta real that my rtap tata^LBotiaallyared bbaerTleea aay
"Well, that acltlt* lir d«lartd tar
the Utaea were aedalt Ttatw
To Ulak my MarparVt hao
aieHiatkia and many hitter team,
'W tta famparot frit ttat ahe joat cnab
- -'-Jt'
"Tbeiv aia't an barmlapida- to ia-'
IBlre.-tkeaaU al.
Khe put tar art..
' »y. aaa l«h1 aadar tta
uiaweapa... it eaurt rei
aa tta talda
bnioybt ber la tbr abme baaar. Tta
cldchraa were reaelap aboat ta the
yard, aad aa old Jeraey cow area feedlap by the (race
"ll'aoordd Molly,-ebetald. aad a
hard lOiA ecUled la tar fMe. Mta beaitelrd a aaomrat
"A* we fotytye UMae who tretpaw
yoe d nerrr poor to Mb' Uayi...........................................................
r. Cerrull'a plea U that ermyowBar
Ha' them uoUoaa In your taa
Itarele abonid bare a priratamarb
Her tain' enBappy '
Him Laetada
a bk wbarl. bet aa wacbalad that
alerted, .she kad eerer ayaihea of Ue
loybyoae wta.dam
enbyccl of tar aWpi
fall to dtaoeer IL
aiBiw Ue day
__ of: her walk.
I npna tta eaddle er
"1 aia'I aaid Dotbibf
ootbil, aboat
.. .
Her ia
r a Uief woald aatame." aaid Him Ixunada iadlplonp itme.'
aaatly. "1
-1 don't ki
know M Ucrc't aay
particular aotloo* 1l
-------"Well, you needa t aaid aayUiBp
of tta
about Her bein'nabappy," aaid Mta enamel
'BeoalBettlr rrnmiy
Mia* l.aeinda roar.; “I'm pain'to the of tleel. dipped
pate, "the aaid; "it a plramat aa' I Ue iBiUal* or wireu iMrti threafb
a breaUof
ofair.air.Ue preamu iLe acid foDowe A*
. ................
. Went duwe the
wdih to marklap of tta eleel poIPL wbUe tta
aad aatood Iraaiap oa Ur rail •
pale aad
praam keep* H from *|R Milap,
erealnp qaieL By aad I
After allowipp Ue ael^ to eat late
d'ta^ltatcamcaUmp oa bureahac. Ur Uhlap Ue preae. mb be robhta
'Sioad eraaia'. Mta^iadr," be Bald, off aad tta Barb or lalllal eboar* at
atopplap bh borae. J
plalaly a* if ret Into the aiaeh frame
"Umd eeraiD’ Jim." rtaarard Him work. Oae eoat of eeamel will earnLociad*. amillnp picmmatly.
pirtely hide all trace of tta Mrb.
"Mb' I'erriap a dowa •Ock.'li* aa
Hboald any qnmUoa a* W tta oarw
Uip of Ue wtael arta Ue owarr
eoald by timply aa«tehl« •> tta eamatter. Jm?" ehe leiietad.
amal wbicb corerrd Me amrfe ta oaee
"IMpUerr." taaald.ahorUy. —IVaa Mwrebbclalm.
Mr. Ctarailta
d caae. Mta Cindy.
Won't aohedy Lw baowB Mam wbere wtaal* bare
■W^ aarais’ herT- la^alrad Him'
"There ain't nobody bat ol' 'Aaal
Sutdaa Wblieatas ot Ua Bair.
Marythrre. «a eaa'troaa aoiioaat of
Many la*
ile atarted topooabia war, wtaa ta kb Ut t
laldktrt^........ .............. ....
a aptly laid, "htaach al «■« tta
"No.- tta aaid. aad wnmd aad a
"Bettle.- ata aaaoaaeed. aatartep
the kUctaa. "tOM-adowa arlU dipta
liw <»c of MBS.
• HIRES RooAecr csptek»d«tnt h»t».Wrrki
•ad leets aettM tsekes ior
sooter flMhkv. Taksao
T^lepiions 79
aad aay«»r taata
“Sta'a poor 10 Olfloa for ItaB
ilbfi fner it felk hoL" rrMrtad
uiaa ttallia. aoUrlac tta ■eaalaa of a
laaa/ oa tta kitctaa laUe. IBoth alatrr» ate their liraaKfaat la
They eeesed wrappnl la IhmvkL
• I‘m yula'arer toL'olUaeb for
patteee. Sellle." remarked______
at laaL
takiap __
tar bat
tta abeU
of thr doaeL
After ata lefL Mta tMlUe tat tewUb
ut^^t-of’r^oTrKi. ti:
*1. taUdV
K>rlya jMeui,d to hare the
Uim Hettie aiartta -tte haly
dlda^' ^er Be eriid." tta eald. iM-
^e*^J2u M
to Im; niinoyetl
Uarmn-l iu^re. akr
within the meuns of
all the {K.‘U|il<‘: ;i|s<> I’.iris Lirec
Purple, White HellcUirc, lul jiisccl I'ouiltT.
j fort f.H-them'_ She w.nild
JAS. G» J0HNS01»I'S.‘.
uo IVrriny taraed wlU a aian.
tAllitta abav )iat behind tar la the are |maaaloQpttafn«t tralk. Il wa*
“ TletUe'iireaaiiD’.
Kreaaiio’. Mta
(Tadyr" ta aaked
" '
Mta taUle
tdoor. '
- —......
.. |
lotak hi^
oat'ral^doo't ilT"
' -old eelarad
. .
TyrriBy. the hard
look wdtiiur In her face. ' bhe drore
' atar
a*k*d Mta uiliA.
' lA. Utk6 Cta.iy.’' aokwrred dm. aofUy. ThMUmathep
iluayiay ha baaM into bla puaArta. eapIlaUaed ta h*r nilee.
"Uirri-'* apa aad Jowaa la the wu
keicW. Mta BeUia." aaid
fur ereejhoJy."
chile, it'll do her lotaof
'"Thrrr'a upa aad dowaa of oar a
kaow yee-eednae forpifa
kin', Jiai t'.dliaa. aa* we ain't yut
"We •
DO riyht to coiB|>lalu. and Ibrer'a a|w
and dowaa of other'pmplr'k an' I aia'I
yolo to feel rlyhl al«Mt Uca. 1 tell
ripbl letUa- her 01*. aa' aM try to
you. .1 Blu tyuia'toforyel aom how help Barer ber."
abc biFped ukouiotonf owe fatber'k
Noboilr bat Hod harw wtalariein- >
■7 HIta llattie bad won oaer b«ndf.
k„,.« Itnaebanl for brr loforyire. Ttay
followed Mary apatalra.
"Ilrilie. po back," aaid Him talUe.
"Why. Mia'
llayara aaid ttal Joat ttat today, dm but hmr titter onlr opened tta door,
I alu i macb ylrea bi thiakia' of her end they both weal la.
la Ibe ploam thry taw tta aleh.
' '^No, l kaow yoa afa'L" taid dta laated hpare lylap la thes bed. ber
— ....................... - ■ eboaucB ItapU"K alD't BO Boe lalkloy lo oa pirl* {bll^ Kta
.mk. batmahtach.
‘boat her." went oa Mta Barrlay. - tie I ber face t
dia l foi
■ *^11 00 Bwre. aad at tba ead ol He eofUy.
"If tied' torpirw yoa, I
tbey ported. Mta Luciada rwrkoB wr caa.lay her way to the mile hoaaa
The alrk womaa laatad (Tatotallj
ap lato her face.
-r alir 11 red with her alMon.
Mta llelUe laid tar bihd oa tar
"Tire.1.-" lBi|Ulrwl her kUler SalUr an
Mta l.ueiada
Ily laUiaekalc etepmother'a. "I mkoa w* waa aema
o llawe." abe
iW newioy
"llaiut tirtdi
beard Mta BetUa
--------------------------------)f la tta wroap botbr ol' iilaor."
■MtariaUieaetherlfpa. ‘'If It hadn't fore. A third Spare eaam froeataalda
been for Her." abe aaid. "we'd lierB tbr window aad iolaad theta. It wa*
r today. Ttare a me thiny err- Mta l.ueiada. Hbe kaell dowa by the
bwt. aad ber alatrra followed bereaample.
"Oar Father." abe pr^ed.
one. ain't pilin' locryjf It a auoBcr."
"None ol oa would." retnraed Mta
lleUie. -Tbcre idle la, Joa' aeltin' ap who trrapam apalaat aa~rnr Uilae k
there coay, on in eomlorL oa’ w* alar the hiapdom aad the power aad the
plory. fmrrr end erar." aad tta ata
in' day iifaad day oaL" aad Mta
I ten. aaid A men
and tta lipa of
Ur bit ber tbftad rlrloualy
I yoe erer Ulak ehe I the tick woeoea
a* ata tried to
" eakrd Him LaclB- pruouaner the
Her CMC wa*
mipht In
Jean* ChrW-* •aka."
Cindy. I dldn-L- retaraed
ia* Sellle ahorUy.
"She ela'l pot
Land bmMlapdoars.
elia' eooupb to ta aaheppy."
"Whoa been pnttiu that into yoor ffo.rvcfinal. In Nrv i'ortttam?'fr.
-.ad. I.Bciady."- atard Him Untie.
Btcyele Prliate Moraa.
rae. ,joa’ aai
A timple drrlee for eoaonllhpa prtabeam o'tao happy. ao-Jlm CoHiat
aaid^tta aaow
I do I
..-ked Mta
-uam who know.
'Laciada." laid Mta lirtUr oar earn- ml* lo tta rtdOT
,w. B. rwcm.e 00.
■'What W06 tta teK7“ aitod Hta-
M laa rerriap mmle ber way dowB thr
fniait walk Li the |uhe uuuidn- Her
face wore a rrry hard look aaabe drew
Bear the Lial of three lirsutilel larm*
that lay m ber way
Urr atepmuUer
liant ilicrr eUme wilh Mary, the uU
She pared wiatfnlly
ta ai raa of Laad. aad ap thr limp
airnue at the old pray boaar ataadli
amid the lilac, aaiaao.wballk.
PamacB LoaiMd
And Lnnch Boom!
n« Drarrbv
. .
. nnm3.uni srs I",
a. c*MT»»u^-r«6 66UVI u aoMui
Rot ita TbTM
aa epaod dowa world Wel^t re pot
V Iw yion'
ru briap tbeae aaaial*
home e Tereday. Mi*' llayi
Fire Insurance;
la LM Ppviol tat um WUW Cbarch.
The lliliaiD>TUai<. aen- rrey p»a aad
had brra rrrr kia.v the tlOH- (irmBdfather liamBMrtua bad ailapla-ed the
paper yWins Uieia the ripbl aad title
u< an All* luarBidopol tna-l »f bad ly
ipy alonjf the^ Wt taak
aay other dead aad
but the old raah- yoa there ain't ao Inrr l<ai batweea aa
b>9 bad m-wn Hoitr ababby.
rirU aa' her .Sbe liee« over oa the ol'
cwr would loar ago harp b
- - ee arar JonexUro Yon kaoie Lbal
»e buuar? TbaVa iL oar iiV booniia‘ lo aay to
pew and aai tai-,
y^.*“ W hi I that? Yoa
owB apoe ibr raabioo.
-ry^hinr lUnit
aUnit It •raa dear to hre.
o the sra. k6 la the rrillor. ‘ Marr»rel did iriidi kbr roold •rrileaMDe
trrmi.d. Wkutifol piMi aboat it.
■raa. k<li'r all, irar. aa Arlliar Jiad tleelarrd. that Maryarrl kapired to port
ry. thouRb. aa yeL ahr badb't W.d «-r>
her I.a.Mu frirjid. UkiriaU
A> Mprparet .at there pbaalay hi
rauar of Ui.- rii'k driaaita of phoaptale pta-oi. aad ereo i-iioiixaiaf little a-rmia
that had been dueurentl.
or it. abe bronchi her taadI A>B
A>aa • lU.
What had OTaadfalber llamiBi
. - .
._____ old raxhk
of the prw- «>o the third borrrot ta
t ue that weokirabb Haaday hVNikCrw
arinc’wiUi aael. a <
bi'laayer NiiaoDk.
But the elel of' peai
p>rrl». inrloaioy
a ruby.' It «
ryt-r waa uot oat Uiat day. a
ihkl for maty
‘ “
■Ddfalber had
loU the
r. the paper In liG ta^- 1
fron pareul b> eblld. la
«l»e her
. . — ..
rer here keenacaiD. .,
aet of her
r tai.^bt
•herred hini nthl’T
■thf: devU
Uicdbmof the cl
ahr pul
Errlya Hauiineebie,
...................oe. hi
‘ h.r .
o{ Ihiinw or four, lot-bra
■f iiidoraation.
--It i.
burrt of
|•lhiud ■ a learth apprared la ... .
t for h
.Now. Uii* •a> bai bait- Ilow rultea
.It liatioM OB the the eloUi ate lo tear ia thhwayl But
• ill all bate tuauf abe Aual reOM-mlwr it •»« eerj-, reey
frr for It'
The auo.ler rrha U
But B6 Utr daTKWrntoB aad the deed
TaaBoitouod Au
lyn be^
I pul her fli
brntper bail
aatbooyh to.
been "M-rrrd rlykL' eaperbliy a-abe,
• - atranyr
too. bad a ahare in Ihi>■ lalaiaily.
lUoa bad bn-aatuffed’
Now, lirandinotlirr Ibuitaeruio had ueilhrr wtul nor honwiair.
a ifaeary nf I
. n ‘ lirandlalber .inootb. IVhy, ilw
lumnyal all.
dreadtally abaeu-.«a»a pie.-rof pkpiT' I lew funny to
'X •'•■liun uurau ’ llrrr ,.a mlaibid.
udmolh.-r fell aon- ..................
to It here:
No wonder
irr that abe had
found tbr euxliioa lump) at, lioiea
i‘«lretl waa Dot dekla<Tarrl wockrd auay at tbr paper
kl i|. taken wiap. uolit kbr had drawn II out. of t.niiae.
it wokld yet turn BiahiDy Uir aprrlurr larger aa ahe did
60 It waa k kbm of iefkl Ckp. folded
’llr ha> pul il away. f»r«vttla|r where In three, rolled aad worn.
ihe pat it." ilrebreil yrkodiBiitlipr. "It hurHal •rith it to the window, her
U jual likk biui lo do s Uiiny of tliat
ireabUnir. Ooe rlabce
kind . The deed nai be fonait. mud
• bra We leaat ezpeet it. ( fiwl kOT* *r
-I'ta r<r>R bad ■aiahed apreadinj; the
laebeoA anil were Joel yoioy la aeareh
Hut dmpite irraadiairther'kkkkiiraDoe,
: Uaryanrt. when ibry were aatoaiali].<6|eryr .1of the dtapprarkner of
I b> are her ruaaihy'rapidly toward
Uie d<-.'ll friul
-lukinrd k mvalerr
li>ria.ypktleulklinr wildly a-itli a piiae
day of ber d.
.me pki.a..d iiK.ahd
' foldril paper. Brr thry mold yet
11 111 IlkiihuerLin.
■ Itaal InkUnyaalowtal ' ' '
. «6ka j:tM»intr ink. y,iunir hi-oaiid-wi
'•ad dour a
■ Hdimt ol ail wa.. laybrr.
lie wa*
NknntP.-t raiae next anil wa* »t. kx
honu-. which tapiwaed
tine and a. bigb-.pirib-d k I'lrl as rould be Arthur', It wai ithoula
befoOBd iDk dkyVyoaraeyirf I'atvii
not kei-ia h
thia Ntryarpt
oiiad. ,,l-ea|.pinyuiaiD iu
Thry weVyeerj-j*
wildly ■
■ tiedown I
typaUnl Mkitraiei iwrba]a.
reelion o her lume.
it hat any of tliraitl----llieaitbtrv ' T
faryar: lay the la
et wa. « rry proud;
n Ubd
r’"Kr la rnadr- cried llarrlrU
Aunt Keplyc.
her to the heart
"Let a loiiow
rird tta TMth
•tiirik. ^li o»yolr bkta^^'-^-"
aa -maa] rlybu' marraUaa. boir.
rmry oarof yoa.~ eoaliaard tta atocblptoak Artfaor. ~rlm Urrr ‘rata oad
Ucw for Uargatrt
tara bUia lor^ biBkior apoaber aboa- hair aak taraiar rrmr.
bead ak bTrrorirrd her i«o ta oiB-| Ml.'Uayaea,-khe .foi oa.‘^t'k ka old
..................... ■’‘'■■iiT';,
tberi. TloraiJ ^
• -tajfcjfcjfcj*tjii.Jiijiiy*ij*Lilij»itatajfctatasdtta.tatata.taifcta
J I^eil Epfite Giiclitn^e
S'— ’
. kra. are btt-aa aae kap
AdlOXTSrZ' 070
Krii BOfslay Mta Loriada did aot
Real Estate
Mta L^Mla2 M
’^^tamltBoaaattatalltbwantar- tatatr eta aad Mta
MODO^ to Umb uto ImprevM rorm*.
kAM. A rroAi «'6l rmo
Ue lABjIy tarW
WBA tar nADdt»ttar*k
“?3i- _..
rote*. "Uerr-t tome )aaUm 'ta Ue
Mary. Kacrybody'a 'fraid'
"It ala-t acme of oar bmlama.'
Uiaed M
Bruie. atarply.
"If ata'd bee* diSanaL we'd bM
dlSerraL- remaitad Mka HalUa. enm"Oh. papa." aaid MarpareL awallow- lap 10 tta door. ee<rltalabaad."Sta-a
pleaaare while
"3ba CuDita adiad me If I thaofbt
uTaa* a preater trial erea ttaw
hate baraaooaerr'
^ret had aeppf^.^^^Uw ahe kaped
Wtatmor* tta woaU tare (aid waa
eat ahort by tta appeacaaec of the
lim tkUirlootadathmakMr aa^
Soayh'ttar were tta eyea^f'frtaSJ ' award from the pkalcjrraaada.
erita OarrleL—
Atlaalata tad ttacippurtaslty. Itaraa:
------ -------------------------------------while theattar pin* w«me pmpariapla^ 10 tar aad eaWhlBy her by tta
ItalaaeaecoL Bhe eaeaeed taiaelt oa , ahoaldoB. "wtat baa bappeacdl
J^^F^JjMpMapjopei Boamaowan yoBteNleUawtUelaataainii
J^rlrt,-AD Ihra* tatma taotad eon ffcMb ta
Bta wtat alnlptai toward tta
Ihta teak ttatr.piaem at tta aap|W
Dr. Uertmntalkaf a aremaa, a wltaw la tta ealebrmtta trial of LaraU.
'World of Weudiia- cHa*
•eemal promiaaal eaam ofUta kind,
oae halap Kt^ Ladwip. ef SiaewM.
wbaea^^ baMmealmaat aaddtaly
white- apoB Itaral^ ttat a pwaue
wVam ta^ptaudaatb wmZSZ
eeatef tta crime ebarpad.
■^-taard aad takof Uaprwrt Jpba
arhad beta monqliy wnanlii ia bta-
wnaia B *owM
aa^ aw
-iisaisJiz.'*"''""'- kraMtataarnttaBblpIvta
Tta mem airfaet mta lit tta
M^taBUkM IMwtaK BBryC^^i
that earriea with It tta tortaae of av
' ~y hta of whMt 1 am m f-
•41 maM ba mtabta aaaMlwtabla la
yitagt^taM Mta tmMiii
MtaUigM u-in‘j
■tod loo iil(%»^Moa
k u»»fatif oalr traa Itn le|p<nded
Ifntk.d.« doltarl-.|Kto
toor. lor taMb raUle ood ^1* p-tr-1
7-^ „ -»
;^M«»o»l wto
tood «oI tbeVtotop^.^~r * .
law of laTB noao:
Aa act to aalAoriM tho eoiaar* «< I tbo
tko auadafd aD»« d.^. aad ••‘rlall*
H|M ibo
no rote ot d«V «* l-pon*d%v
.odortbo Molttal.T Uw w« todolUra o too. Uodor tko piwat Uw It I*
two dollano to«. • todortloo
TborMBltof thb
9 la u vtieU U UoAi
of Uw McKlalcj law tho total Iwportaof i»J loto tblo eoaotir—Bcarl]'
all frofa Choa4a-wao
Uorlnirthe 6«t II toUii « the proa
ort tVilaoa-flor-aa law the total l»portatloB of hay wa. Kt.tfio loataa la
II taat 10aw*«*"«»«»» • ,^««wLZ^ll!
o« acddlen daria(
MeEtaloy at Bona
reballino. It will recall , to aaay
aawbo atatoargnd
aa old aoldier eaporiioaea Ibrohcb
of 7U.Ul0.IM>ot!
which ha hliyalt batpaaaad.
pM^e for taar yeara lire* la a fraaia
cxi rwai. ra.:
of Ilk* wrlrht uid
for which bo yaya •«> a Booth
tlaaa FaTiiita a»i> Moraut:
aaaVcaloo. f>h
llehBp^twoarrraata tiaeof
caad ariiatr.
letter of the
tohaor from
eacopC whciy dthorwiaa eapnaaly aUp- UwBCOOkaaad.wafchMBad doraotl
- -k'
uw otherawaepa thebe*
hoBa aad to hear that yoa w
ilalod (a the eootraet.
well at hoBT 'at ih^ Uow yoe wn>
la hlo report ai accretary of the
ha door.bell aod walla
roar laat latter. 1 hare writlaa yon ,
jeaoary. Dws. », irM. Mr. ShCTwap
three leum alace I «xBe oat hcee and '
Tbr najor blaeka hi*
a<A c<A Iw^
C at I thare. Voc wrote that yo* were fo- |
hare* hlauwlt emj
Mlehlfaa faraen Bead Bot batold waa tte ioiy oolo Vhkh.>yui,
aad la layto wad ow aoow thiaev If yoo ,
elorh ' ilU wUr lore*
that thb U a Bauer which dIraeUy
of ccaUaca cHp
■ne thea aad thdr totcreata.
Dooioalioa the Bai.w loaad
eoa had brUrc par the rzpto MU ■
5d'oSyT**KlrS‘lrar cola^.INI local
the diSeimee la the two tariff law* wodrr mid thea be lawfally oard.
UBr. Voacae aead the tMUee ia
7 (Doraioc topat oaatlarad
Wa Maeoal Oia Taa pot.
rhr oaly alleer cola waa fractlooal
aaold uraw hatred t»<<*llaU>e
mo ptoce of aUrw Blfbt be a
•ola. wfakh waa a fecal trodpr lor ti
IBaatiiy o
fcni-iirA ut auch a boralac dmee
yard aad atW»l to the dowers. Kara
ihi-y for tha owaar of tUrar.
rs^ well which lew bcaaffU tbr
certalaty. Wa lire pretty wall hrre;
Why. aay ana who owaad a M!»*r Uo
AiBcrtaBa Urwrr aad whieh the foeAcranlinr to- Ua Boardmaa Blrer
■ hare bread, 1
diCBity the McKialey fardra by the
pet worth Ueoataoo the dollar eoold
el|a tamer. ‘It h> a BatUr of Blllioea
rurfenlH K Uaein haa a duf iUat to
hlirhaonadinc aaBT of »i
taka ft to the Blot aad hara ft poiard,
la ihemiaeofafew yean la
ordiaary cor.
baa a fraotacr of
wtthoat iliarff. fata ^ear didlara: bat
hare Bot area oaa aa yet. but wr lay a
lies of hay aloor. aad tkoar Billto mtraeu «
depth of <M feeU . The boaar. with lie •hBt dtolance from a tiaUla' lart wrerel yoar. Utoraaiae ha. ^d it.
* ■ the law It
tot of B baea BO ailrer tea pou.
(Doalot IhlaooaBtry f
llernre. and in a reey anlqac way.
.Mrrha*. » abooteu fret wide, apd that BcmU. We moryd to Ue riybl of Ur
torelcB not to
of foielci. prodaoera kotonty
Thl. wundriful doc from year
^•u'l Irare mach roooi 00 either »tdr debt Ue day brluty to iruard a f,wl.-H
wr hadn't: we would bare bren in It.
didcoacTBapn^Mar btadopt thr ala
itforolce lataeioUf
prodBcwia. bat!
Tie WUaoo taiWact rlvta the I
A .laariCT of a ceoUiy aco. wbeo Hr. There too'l any fno In a ficht. a. Hal yrar find, rauorb cuin aUiat Ua
rle .taadard of Uleer. bot ooly.l.
ara da. wdhl aad« the BBC Ub
aad Mrv McKinley were mamrd. they Ulnk. Urn- to. Tbarr are men lyloc rireeu to pay' the aanual duff taa
ale "a blmelallic ataadard of t
poaB a »aa^»40.^.«00 a feat o
■ad chid of equal ralae aad rqaal pi
lire, in U>1* Aonre. Sererel hare wlU Ueir arm. aad Irca off There be briaffu and pUiwa at hi. toThere wh. a man died here Ue 01
ebaciac power.Irr’atert;
aito whIA •nrj Baa, woBaa
day wiUbU Icy uk.a off abore
ioAhr podtataof
iVroiiaa lule Adaanre. any* a
ahlldla tha emtryapaaaaiB lae
orobio'x-apUal! but they alwayac
Icocr. Hr wa. a. rtaxy a. a b
ProtaotloD aad ForalCB Marketa
forelCB torBm at the e>pmaa At Aiamllk-wbtUr»akawlUw»rlal hlotcbaa.
. two-itor}' banw bm>w
MBst-wTcrydtf. Aad ycdlhad
•l hnar thiMipht Uere wa. any
a. the-ararleladdar. 'a yery
• tara
BatawDI^^B th^iala thalatoml teicaa farBcn. ard ypl tree trader*
•nr. TrII Mrl that br had betigfactarere. Iru drar^l to Hre. . MrKjolry.
fan iu war.
■ay the AaMTiraa faratm aead a<
aai hUIrd
ierebeto .IlikeiloulM—----------------tceUoa.
iKNi-t they.' thaachf
eeprclally th# farvKn. of the I'oitod twochUilrea were boro, and whan they tar..lay where
Kiffrra.City la.1 week. Only oik
eery well. Tell Mol to «i»e three
*^ *'*”^' tlate* to rota for-nariff relbno.'
died the moUerwm. left .battered In rbeer*for Uocoln. ha l^Ue man for oUer uf the kind wa. orrr reen iu Ur
dooa Imre tha Am'erleai] ^naere bare M^toad that lower duUA would'Id hralU- Sooie pebple hara
oa 1 now k rebel Ue oihef dar Uat
It to raid Ur bite of the
oader the prtol law are inre larcer raportatioo* of Atorrican
McKinley to Ukrn prtoooer. aod he Mid Uni
they were all «.-k of fljfhlinctot Jeff
ijaaaiaad coerlarlBC than a" prodocta They nld that timlca
ray hi.
The teudrebrarted
mnn rendered
' to. anil hr caM that br hmd -breo &re the rlctiin ha. time to
• J-- Hr. Uryaa. Dow tbr the free trade rabUah earr prlatad •
teacBowof awapfdoc ««r
' w by htoown mri
• bildlm. Ur lori^ hnalBwl who ba>
M^nPphBldaat OB tha drBOerat JMrn/il Joaninl.
indrod camrorar
cloth or wheat for jack kaleaa. aod Mwn'hl. toay jrlrl-wifa fade awiy
The Uartiar8prinB»«to*pliieByaBd
Ury aBoted Ur fartoec. that If far ,aa Ipealid womaa teU Ueir own ctory
Tbrrry of Uat utty ha.
They think oat hera
laUalted Plata* aad 8Ui
would hoy more muallnaod baedwan
UcKinteyrloe. sot iwem nowaday. l> that Ua war will clore up by .princ.
Bdlw of the Rreali« IVn
It to aharJahrllad
aod I ho^ Urt It will. Tell molhar
ukaap np cuod coaraca. I am not
tnm Um' tariff or aob”
Ciale and wheat trom bin. Tbry nac- pulilical ezcllcawpi
aallrr Uaa a rot worm, .pad
Ml object of <
It My ha “liBMIonal-* to Hr. Bryao.' vwr aa a l<«al teudei la tl
leelrd'lo add that II the Amcricao calm aad drllbeinte. lie MBna c
iBBUn. luclf ooto Ua body ol '
ibe law of l»I
thankucirliur. I would lika to be home pBt and .tx-lnUa Ilia Qotol it. I
foriU d
It I. aet -HBBalartal- to,tha tarm-- and waa thi« Uw aole
fanner ’btMyht loore c««d» »*“« »»• lo br in>a.le. Hr dor* noUloy
and rat MimafToud vicluall toaat. wa
H. M.J.
or.aaHr.BrymaBay loara lataf oa lo
rape and Ido. frM ABerlcaa maker.
log ooUiog bat Ur UWokan BtAa.
........................ ' - apeak. aofUy
Ua Amenrao worhtaea would hade and iia. Ue rtrrual* Inok of a man who
pot ton cot worma and «ir i/lbr
.Boary lo.pead forJoi^. Tbr pro-' laa noUinc b> do. ' It 1. .imply Uai ,™r i-wK:.: Wn r,!l« «.! , h.l, ... ar. into a ran and It had killed
Ricboumd aod they *ay hr ran Uke It
tccUoalNa told.'Ue farmer, that Ku, le hn. drrrloprd to an nfanormal d<rAuda tra'wiUlnaTrry few mllintca
fCrhoeatoatef thalatewar ahrfald
^ ^
bbtrer^l Ur
A not bur a doUar-. worth more of irreethr capm lty of crUlnc Uronyb
.boa bu*iiW*a. and rridenUy ralen all but lb
aotfcH loaota aod reBaaihor arola___________ _ n* law of IWT3 awreli
'(rum *13 to Roarair. Kffr* uf all of them. FWnoer. ou^
t or meat from Amnio , than it
• amount ol wyrk wkUoul
clewed the nilattnlreaaiieaceiof Ml -bad to.- and that It wa. more likely maUnc any fum. nboet lu' He i* meat. boloBir* to oor OMnpaqy. I tool Ur new comer*.
while It left Ur (Innr atill op
UaiABeriraa a.pnrta would fall off UudiealnliamiltocUepuiolof afjrn
Acoordli« to Uc II
■ that rou know him.. When wa
cold. UBaleeffacti
han loereaw aadee a low tariff.
aiwid 'uff is Anrn.la wa ffol oiia
ration, aad to todelibri
n.lred nnd Uiirty-threa dollar, aod
We aow‘ hare experiene.- by which inakr Ue torbulantml if Mark Han.pent'errry rent ol U 1ml Urn dol^£Uoo of Ur t'alM KJalM ara.
r. l,udluw-> farm,
r. and ha .pool it all (uoU.bly. \t bat
eery far froB beloc Ue ooly Ulac to trader, asd Ue proUcllonlBa Dur•d of Ur city limit*, million* of
Tha Iiiaj.ir tonp aaery morninc at ••
mid you Ibluk If J should de>u'.'* Hr
rtofd npyacBl rwureUedeprecinUonof ullrre. A po
inc fonr year. 'of.praleeUre poller Ur o'rfnck aod the Bml a.-t of Ua il.y if
.rentitall In atonit iwuwrvk. Tbr
e working barbe'
■tfor thatpar
Irat aanre Wat n very creal toeaar
ralur of Amrrjeao enporUolood a
i t thirty or (urty
rhdt Mr.. M. KipIry'.
peaa.araay oUb Baliekaaparaoa
ing I found two biff Her logfrlolT off
the pmdwUoB and Ua drratopBaat
^a.rayntUwulrht. Verr often Ur)
BBtat oBoBy.
Haay boaaai aad w
] I wa* to my cemnMy. rod* Milcbcn *tnwl road b. fairly ' '
new mlae. which prumlord to rrenll
..UiC.TlI braaktnM topeUrr in her rimm. whan
at hr think, yf Uat I wiu them. The larmerekin the
MU itr
Bill crrwur aad BOre rapid laetoa
*Ub aide of Ur road are maklac deepertoo eahan.inl to uhdarro ll:a
aadB Ula para
mr .bin: Uay wa. liarjng a gaul time. alcefforU to cheek Ueir proffraB. hot
A aUll Bure' potent caiiM baa beeo Ur
*&I.T37.»»T Irinl ol dToaiorsnd U-inr>lH«lod to
WU Bat wlU *
Tull the girl, that we UlW of^ .luffing
. elcalaf of UemintatoaUrar I
faarad that great daamirr will ba
diiiinc. ruom. The, major'e mnil ■ me for dinner. I doni know a. I •■do
^ aad the roualaod I
In »m< the Wllooa tariff Uok affact.
ha* cr».n to
aoyU>l4^ more to writo^d.y. doar. Tbi* I* tbr Onl tlmr that Uto_
Uink ol aoyt
ad Ua ciapnrt. fm- that year
tbeeirlllaad wotid. Eaflbod. Prance
•lautrorUra enemy of lb* farmer ha.'
-few waoka. Mnch of il' •« goud-bye.
eote waa lakaey. and oaly air
worth »«r7.SI5.1lf*
In l*M they
Ueramny. Eamda. Aoatrla.
• mfoc
mada lU appearance in Ul* rtoin-;
to Ua hooM- kKd more of r; to
worU PM0T.M3.1
t TheMBOcaUre
oaesal of Ue kmaller ccwatriaa bare
dalirerad at Uc r^re. At Ur early
Aad yet Ulcia
A Loelauaw Conoty Romanoaall ebiaod their minUU .ilrer exce^
B&rnlnr meal Urv: McKInIry opamworid-~wbleh hahlcb'
the party that now aaha the aoldiei* to
a* aa as/Ularp metal. Tha. prbiwbly
■lanaw muni
iacwaiof.pBhiacof forelca trade- ■oma of the letter* and read*
to for Mr. Kryaa. Whom
h tha prinrlp^ nwauo for Ue deprea
gha.l-*torii« and
• bwenlng*.
wall aimiuil-* theotbor day la Chlwa. *B«.^.twT a yaar darinc l*r khe to rantly inlereBcd lo Ul'work
to light there
aUoa la ralue. The action of Urea
aod a ktory ba. jm
ml U now pnlnr <« and ha. a '
yeas of peoUctloB.. The blcbBl ealne
tieluin alw> affacta HHUah
ike a roataM-e.
amknowlrilreof oollilnu
■ •
duriac two yean of lower tariff ha.
AmerUa, EcTPl and India. baUdre her
ago. when the conotry
M.-KJnlry dim. aU of hi. home
been »soTA«.u«. That la to rwy. wr
r dept^raeira. an that atlear '
and Uc
Mora Now Thaa Thau.
bare Icwt at the rnteof •llT.Twuot. a Inc in Ur library, aq apartmri
d aa aateadard oew the laffer
.trelcbed away for
PiUB IWto imtlBB arara
' w*. ..raloula. Ue
part of Ue ylobc.
de*ignali»o. Tl>
Md warfc pleoty. mllla aad fac
That the aeUoo of Ua Halted dutea
were faMIng. to huat
uelyUlnKOf.uolc.io Uto room to 1
aad faraaoB rrer* raaalac. aad there
aioae ha. had lilUa If aay affect npuo
up Ue cow. aa>l briy Urm. home for
tanrr pafnlinc ol Ui. HcKInliy. whiel
to Boapoalal damaud for -fm aad
Ueealoeof UametallaUowBliy Ur
aallBlIml*- eoim«eof allede. Today
iaat UafUaoe l>C3
UA oacninffand Ur little frllow
Mama la damiBiiaad Boaay
M InfreqnaaUy happen. Uat renot return.
The .raUered nelghbui.
t tfiw Uc awaet
pnbllcsa aewupapen. Uroach Ue Br
tire eabtaoee prior lo that Ume aad
Tidad la tiw act of Jaaaofj it. in
wbtcbilUl'Iw^ darto^ toj
large as a JO cent piece of any other
equ^ giood tobacco.
The Cyclist's Necessity.
:• cit‘‘irth:?bi::tirfi:s;o;
« 2“'
ussn IXTSUKALr.r
hzBK. to.xiij} w
7ll KlFTH
l. K Hwon.B to making large Ulp-
* far darinc Ua a
toawoaldoappaa. byUawaym
It If. tkto eoaatry aeald ooly
hB«B-ffeaMlTer- Ucae rraat. hraaUtal. faricht. dollar, aoald he caacht
nll^ ap tha atrect. aad aU aae would
toatoAo wwuldheUPtoopaad plak
Mm up. Tha (act la ooa would hara
tecMUwa 'dMlar. Uaa Imd aa Uwy
Anaow.hywarklBcforUoBL Nooae
will bay Bore whrat U
BO to mill aaploy Bore labor Uaa
hcaaapat tapraaiableuB. Tbare to
• mntry. hut
• toablaUof
a protaoUre policy that will .top
of fara
peodacl. aad toBfaetarod cood. that
ooald aad ahoald ha rahad or ■
hBa.aadttwlUBloarBDIa aad
hortoc to woah aad empleytf labor
ro tha rrady ewb to bay
food aad hoBa Bade paadacta. The
---------'y for oar trooblm to aimpla oad
oaaUy peoearad aad aaaUy apailad. It
top pratacUre tariff.cartAally adjaalad
hat oeBpeaboaBlra, aad madaautoaly
fee roeraae bat lor protaetiaa.
tkBal ideU haa hara reduced aa fql-
of»1lU.W>0.<Uil dl
ebat^: duriac Ucdamomatic admli
latratkm of Clrrelaad not no much a.
peany paid. Hal Ucae two tablea. UcBlfirant aa to the ooBtcaiu. do not tall
Ua whole ctory. Uow mocb did tjie
rrow?- Hew
readioc eonieUioc
laUar. I baren't found
gnoB I'll onme himir.- and .ignad by
hto looff mtoeing .ua. who to hap^ly
Aarided an.1 retUnI in Ua waat tio
he wandarud awapmud whbt ba hi
boon dofng all thaw yean to .till
myatery. Ha wfll
boae to fiad
dozes or more brathon and aletora
wbum ba baa naaar aean or
Wc don't want to paint you but ]
\vc want to tell you that when i
you have any painting.to do gcti
your paints, oils anr^ brushes of |
l.l »l*re»e e04a* I
'■ “-“r.i'.Sici "
Headache bestnys Health
Corner Front and Cass Sts., Iravend'Citi/.
br. Miles’ NeiMne Cures.
mi bankrupt wl
lall It.
... Tbarr
w a balance of Borm
Una «».oou.aiA orer and abore ’ Ur
redd law ir'a. and II the tariff had been
let atone, orlf the prcaldeat bad mad*
Il known to Ur euantry Uat Uara
weald he no ebanc* la Uc rraenoa
Uwv there wouldimre baoa p^aty ol
ia Ua
woaM bare heoa a
crelna of
Uoia Boliinc Domocrau.
Ua bad d
plrtelyB. uonffh Ue earth bad oprnrd
him up.
Vrar. f
by and hi. name became on1y*T*cua
Tbi. anmmer Ua father ra-
[mat week Uc H>:b.u> ffara a Itot of
I democrat paper, that bad bulled Uo
Cbiraffu platfiirm aad tlckot.
were trom all parU of Uo eountiy
Ware the Irwdinff damoerat joarnal. la
Ueir cwvpat-tectira locallli*.- ' Uelow
wa ffire an addlUuaal Itot of 33 from »• beard of.' Ilrlac In one of Ur fioeet
■Uto*lfilhel:nli«. It will ba noticed faming roginra of tbr ctata. whara
by Uto Itot and Ua one firea laat weak wboB hr left wdz rirgin lonat. but Ue
atanMBoHyofUc that naarlj aracy Itadlop Uermaa pa
loWa boad to
will V .inerro and hearty.
Bear folure.
per In Ue eonatry refamo
oilaa many bebere it. UwChknffo ticket.^
a.if loaedorecUtowfaim
A'Unala. lia.. Joui
rcpobllean aewq^ in aa
Iriwo It rmleacr. It elm
Alenndrin. Va..
■ too in the fane of the fact, Un
w .wl UuUeto.l e
Ua reerade.
e. Yl. Bef-Vdier.
of Ue coreramaat azeoedod Ua ezpraba.rt dbarer.rara>r>y.lBMBK».alc.
Colsmbra. <1* . KreBiBciti.|iatcb.
dltorco cToiy year of Uatetood'. admlnikdur*. N. >'.. rti-imtoh.
MCBlIan; Ip face of the tact that dorllaytim. O.. Tiincw.
inc Uto period aboot tetn.mio.Duu of ' Doylaaton, Penn., IteoMrrat.
CdrtanBaBtdobtwa.palda|nd'in face
Dentoae. Temw.. (lazaUo.
of Ua fact Bmvtai^ Foater Urnrd
DenlaoB. Teaa*.. HenUt
(WBto Mecratary CBritolo a aorpln. ol
F»Uklle.N-Y .Sewa: I
0*3,000,00(1 oaer aad aboae UA *lOu.ilBdnoa. Mlch..liBzeUr.i'
uuu.lioucotd rOBaree. In a taceal later;
lloraadtoTUlc. -N. V.. EMlac Tri
Id aa follow.;
of allrer
Total ...................
ThtoStui.<n)MaC BOW iaiemt
that eamaiaU win taaeleo aad ooia latoBoMy.B ^h^^freoof oharce. all lac dchu to lAe price the Ab.
pcopl. are called apoa to pay for
. aay bo pnaealod. aal
dUepollaycff podaeltoa
The tcTB. U to I.
• trih
a .burl dtotanea fraB hi. bomr. and,
of roorre. the chon* folk tnkr n pbeul
lar inlaint in hi* affnlra
Fly Nets
and Lap Dusters
r two anhlhita.
it loynat & per ooBi
l»W iNortBban.............. ...
The dtoartor of Ua Btlat hw rot
Uterratas yrnatsperarat
oeaaay laqalricBaato the acaet teU
Intamtiuyrnat < pcirieeat
Bleal BBalac of tho UTB It U 1
hohBBB^ pafaUe tho loUowlac **•
pare aUae
{.ibarally Btimatod.'Oantop ha.
populatioa of hi.iui aud naturally
Mr. HiKiolry know, a ffreat
ol hi. fallow ritiicaa. aud. of <
Ury all know him.
Ha to v
H tit hn intitt aril rrretiit t>f 60 rt*.
im cd carelaraly worddd diapa«ehra
* purebaaed aad .tored where I
^ aad they are Bohinr Ue Boat of it!
do UwirowBpanyaa injury by bob
not cat Into eirenlalJoo and affact Ur
UttqallocaaeraJlyoBiipaaaa that Uw
________ 1 of Ul. klad occurred receaUj
I aplla of UbUe price lo Ua'opet
Ilf Ue ChIcacoTribooe, In'a Waafa
Mod tniB tha yram of pnapmiV
mrkol ha. coaa kiradHy dowo.
■actoo dbpalcb, a part oaly of which
imnri tbfi*U Ki4.iI»U fTar.
. It I. Btaled: ,
' urn tha fee MUot c
I'aUlartoa. I). C . Jaly M.-«Kpac
•R.W; u IHO In to ^ »ti la
UU 1--------|U|-' ------iai.)1 It toaoltlhrly Uto
a »
U to *11.41:
l»K la to
lion will aBrnllomaoUerboad
Tbday K M
The fart la Ur
anlam Ur pold Te-uwr Uould ret be
pB ca^la of circalatiae la aol
low Ur dancer perint. which to enaeed
adtobeUm.i.lymiUioeUmit. I'roeetobll^ en.ltii UadiOcaltyolUa
Irat will ha followed, If poMible. by
lahoter aad tha prodaom ia fettlac
l-rraldral Clerelaad.'wbiMe. .opportcra
WdefBOBaaf lhat*U.0t. TheyaaBre whra -he rama U the While
aet CM h<dd <d It aaUl Uora b a reelr.
r la imi a boad <aU bad
alallaloac tha llacof haalaaB. aad
UbaaBaol oomc aatil wehaeaapto
. _. - —..
Uai ^ Urif^torre
to ha reriied
' Ua ha'
and Ua oaly poBlMe
Ua raeolpUlauBcnBic—
baffaa to lall off. What rtoe mold yoo
4aad In hi. intoally adrtoed
.t ia Ua Halt-
the BBC BOUoa. aad they did BOt prepoB to laeoot Ueir Bcaoy U lahor aad
tUUcyhaHrWhattallBMr* '
UnbcM. K. J.. OfaUrrer:'
laolaBapolia. Ind.. New*.
JaebnoB:Hlaa.Newa. ; ' '
Jeruey Ctty.N. J.. New*:
____ f%!,« m. u,..
MerMra. Coan.. J.uiraal.
Milford. Ham., “nmi
Hncbla*. HA.. Bofftotor.
McKamport. Praa.. Now*.
Momphia. ^na.. dclBOIrr.
MilwsahM. Wia.. Hrabate,
.WlB. I'jlot.
New Hritaia.CbaB.. Herald. '
New Orlraaa. La.. Kray***
New York. N. \%. hUffoa-JenMl.
New York: N. Y.. Harper'* Weekly.
Now York. N. V.. Haadele ZetlaacNewark. N. J., New*.
NaUrille. ‘flm.. Aseriraa.
PortlfBl. He.. Ai
, 3 B-. nxaiBO,
I beretokao la. he
■wHaretaw Yra amy pahM M
U yre wU. ara I bop* »mreo*
' ' wBC cure mckmcUB* Ufa M-
Plate Glass
.................... { have a large ami wdt assorted iioe pf
these goods at lowest pric^x Trsnks, TraTcUiis Bagsi
Telescopes and Toaristo G^a. These goods Sre the
best aod at pnees moderate. A few Udies’ aiul ]pei»'s
riding Saddles to dose out at ooK.
E ewiB rnat at Qw SUM.
TraTSiMS City. Mlslrigsa.
Pil^^GOODieDLTS jour unat*lath*:
oBAWi) ■iBAVBaim HinuT.n. jolt tfa. imo.
M Mlirad GHrOaaad
•atdlrasJalrM. IM
rdac«ia aallad to aad* hr tha
Mvor. H. C. Darta.
PXMI. AldBBM fWtaa. OoadtM
aaaaaed AteaCa Uaaete lor raaai- SBtth. Ooek. Ejaalk. aad OaiTlaaa ai
daat aad dadraa inkaiha ft> vlea- B. C. Darla. Hafor.
milliii. tdfaltarwMb thaaaar^
lall M taek af taa wa>
>■ •>kaon aaa, 4n<Md Ilka a
. toaad 4aa4 at Port Uarae .
w la
a tht
d httraa
P. O. Maai'
M. a tedlac la> iaalar. •hUalaklac
.m tram hit tlotaaa heataa. raa a aall
lalahhdDoL BIcoJ rohoalaif ftaaf
04 aad ha 4M Halamar laaralat..
At Oak Orora. Praah iebaaaa waa
ta4)i that ia lha ateaUar lAUt haat-
Maa.aad baa laujrrha wkkhla btoaato
T*e^ UiaHca. a anatlkT
IMwaarfiralBCkaak *a*aMa«ha4
Waajjajad W ja Ui owa tea
. ellpMM
**'^***^Tor* raBtolfallr
ththa MoapraUt. At Jravar
h ia*toara!l£a
A. w. SMUhD. ctoftT
towM. MMkannkd.
____ bataiBrakhit thawoodt lot Mar-
I b»« A. h-mM dofte ,>m
priaara a Htaaaa kototg dJir>Bla«ai
______ ^aadSIdawaitolewboawai
farrod tto patitloe to tore aldar
boUt OB bbA alda of KIitbA bU
natwooB Uaiea aad Plaa. weald re-
A. J. Bbaiibuv.
Wm. Buoweu.
raaawaj Uka a alld
tba7aidladto har. ~
to patoa Aa.ya
Merad I7 AUanacB Oeedri
lha paUtha to rafarrad to itoV
Oartac tha atoraiorTa^ar afcfct VTto-followl
arraral raopla wart kUlaa v lajoiad
akaata mtn tarribi; toraad. Oaorca
■autstewA kllltdailValt|iarl. whara
SraolUairanhtdlraba^ Hra
JUaooadUioa U a^-
thu two W.A. u . Itaf
CVy. SBauf MalkUae to<ulrd ot l^acadoa of lha aehool
cllr e< TratBoe atp.
ad-toaod proBiaat ‘2 pap to btarer.i
tto^rt Plr* UoBdioS^lW^^
Morad bp AldarBBB Ceeh 'ttot tto
•port to aereptod aod oltowilho
] baflt witble :o dapa.
pkyidrta»;-bo«»Trt. I ro« hww aad ato;
ooatBreaiJ Uatr uw li wm a annwtw
ta ua iMk u> are ibHr ankw: Ito allack
waa wanM off. aod abHtr^icilsunl taktnr
2=2S{sai2S?^»5S:;;:;::.;;::;:;;:;: ,J88§
baafarrabiprateTthr^le Ibrtorkiua)
Uula Mvrarrt Vaa tndotaa. lha
At Hatkaroa. la tha atom
thwa»«ath.ol4 4aachtara( Mr. ao(I
Ufa MaBBO VaaBtaotaa of tha ilamit oraoiar lha ralafall waa I.a la
a«B bloek. 4ha4 raaaatir fraai Ibt of htoHntofthca«am. Tto I
iwalar utin. awfkior
frifht ladaaad hf tht faahat ol
ifi..U. nellMaad St
______ _ klJIlBf Uaon MaBBlor. of
TaaateT atlaraeoB aboat 4 o'etoek 0. Fraltport. who waa loolclBr eat A«
Btviraer ProBoat. lad.. a>aa KM»d doer et hU paraafa hoBO at tto aura.
atriklBf a wobos who Una oa lake
atraot iB tto fBB, ahedriar
Btoarlar bat aot
ahlf. ThBla)ai]rUhthoQchtwiJJ ba
Ki..i.“brsscJ:'5i‘s: Estate
s?^:a-3 For Sale.
B of AagiAof ittBirai Cto: IB Carry aa m IIbiM ■AplBi F '
lino ito (real (.wd Ikwn’r Eidarr I’Ub
karriwrtor. >^
sfss'S’ii’.s^sr Sir “.S!
.i.w.tw-«1J rrpw.tfaw.MUwr.ku
SVKHraS All these are good
woald Bi* bare bean abb h> be out Ak
r*>^UueeladaeraB said atreot la otBlor of
«^,bloeh. that tto aaid paUUoe to aot attr—prke. OUerola
SU a
_______ar'Io aidklaaB Iscllaire. ...
. Buffalo, K Y_________
toariap tkr taaw dab aad aacb baiar,
toWr- ai Ma tot plaara totwaao
(toaiaber Ac aoBr. Ztoa'a
for tto MB of dMo. baaad bp Bid |
UtaMUactlaa irllb a larfa taraatau»ukaMBkto
Heard of COaeatioo
BdaBtloo of the ae'
la aad a ast of rooao oan be foaad
A Haraant* tderalB waa rldlao *“*“
«a a baaeh of baaaaaa. Fjra tri
Tha followiap elaiiaa ware prraretad
Lo^I Xerrd bp AldarBBB Kpaelka that
naa tHa-aknfxxTrrai>.
' Ar reabrt to aceariad aad adopted.
Two voaar mm oBda tha raa aeniB
E- C. Uo(aa. earprater work, (
of tto Htate
s-tisr — ™
aad ---•— - •
^ paafiatbim'
altp hM had It or M harlac It. aad
la part, t
5srs_. _
b. law., at wblcb,_
(to Mt^MmHr.Moirirokd''.
IwiKbIrda of tto
' aa laroaloap of tto
irer-of the tout I
d hb Urr w> fall of bolra''lbat a'
1 uKaruaraa—loar
laarruam—Voor uob
Cob. u
rboB. He
- rrforred
—• Aa
Aad It b bwebp apadallp declared 1 waa
pfUUoc of rrooi
aad errtiaad. that all acA ardlaaaoea. 1 of Wom Side for Ar apralaf
nantuUoea. paoeeadlaca aad alapa ra- atreat froB Haedolph BorA *<
qalradtoba• paaaad.had or tokrn pra-japartfallp racoafBaadU
llaiaarp to Aa iBBa
Ibbc hareof.
han . hare
. . . baae 1 ffraatad wlAla «a dapa :
dalp maard.
bad aad takao br tl
Cuwaell aad Aa BBrd of KdaBtteo
_______b qWtod i* aaidcftpof Teerana Qlp, A^npa
C. L. OaiEii___
ow^ bp P.
r H Mrova. of Ai
>W. J. l-ABaaii. .
^^0 UmUetoif wbareof, Ae aold Beard
Ae aAool dblrlctL.
Mured bx AldartoaB.Uarrboa that
oa aador tha Fort Wapat brldfa 1
__ dtp of Trarnae
dtp. Hiehlfw tto report beaoorpted aad street be
bat cooard tbb b>od to to alfnad bp
MoBUnoa aad all tkr oerapastrkaaol
Aa l■>MkteDl aad Clark of wM iteard opaeA wlAla flU Apa.
Motfaa carried.
atTrarrnaCitp. Hirblraa. oa Aa flrat
dapotJolp. A. It. l-wi.
>a ralln
Tu Mir U-m. Ikt Manor and CUp IWacii
aaal call for
wheat •
ojlkf (•«» of Trarmt iVa
W. B__
a, WB ohackod w1 A alacuteitp aad.
■aiipl tea tha Iwllfhloc of ita maaelaa.
hoa ahowB ao a|^ of ilfo tfaoi
phpAalaaa ora paaalad oaar tto'
NoBa Um after lha WfatorB. '
ttM toaad thnt atllB troa t . . .
whata tto poeacttartraa darlac tto
_____- toraadp for harr.
Mealuraa. a twa-ptar«id aoa of _______
iBOatwallfaUalrwatefafniB a rBtlar.
Jalae (lareb. aa acad Maxieaa rcsld■ aad aaoilar battoa. whiab to
la bk Boath. ledifad la bb wlad- JM 1b Bow York Cl^. b ealUBt B Daw
ihaloaaapbpalalaBaoald haoBB- ■rtoftaeA. ..Be elalBa to to VI paara
A tto UtUa fMiow dM of atnac- nld.OBdaapa that satare prrwkM hb
MA. Ira Walaataaa.ef Dorrr.whUa
toatow a haraa. waa kaoekad dowa
aad Mapladoa bothtaalBal. Bar
A poav BOB of WBtarford. Oaklaad
BoakM 1b
At EilBBawii. Mba KdIA BlfAow.a
M^Hb, wm raa bito bp aa alaetrte
_____________ datobhart lawhbb Bhp Boaa torioMlp
The Ikard of Kdocaltee of thej
dbtrirt of Trarrrar dtp. HtehliraB. I'D
Aa ffrifat dap ol Jeaaarp, A. II. IhhT.
wm pap tto brarer taidra dollar* aad
hftp crate at Ar Mrrraatllr Natteaal
Beak la Ar dtp of .Vrw York fwela
Boatba- iBtrrral oa ite •whool balldinr
hoed K». oae for Kuo. baarior Air ol
Mettea waa earned bp pea aad aap
aote aa lollowmc
Yrae-Ald^nara 1-arker.r Urailirk.
8bIA. Cbok. Kj*a!ka. UrdiW-dAraB
mad lianiioa.
Mored bp AldrroiaD Uarrboa Aat
Aa chief of Aa Hre ItepU to n-qaratAAo
of chcnkcal fin n „
price mad lerou. rrlaliar A Ar paraad rapdit al aa irarlp
‘SS?A’fSSt'nftTst.' te
Tto itenar-old ae* of Hra. Lteda
»Mdtr. of Tdado. Bat wUb a faarlal
PVoat 8b. (Hr. HaaaaharrrB to ad
MoUabt white rWllaC rwtellm at IteTto BrIUA Alp Cvfaw, tnaa ItealeealOB aerow hit pTopeAp.
Btote. Ba«alidoara.taptodla(a hoa dao. haa ban teat la tto Bed tea. wlA ............ Mib
T. ll-ShrrBaa
•( lap aapa whbh to arrltd Is hb all oa bBdd. ..
J. W. naalait.
C. K- Bock.
------ ---ItoTwS^ raeilaad (rem Crete eopa I*. C OUbrrt.
IbBvUhaw toBop roBcrar.
aalip ostetolTv tto Billtorp
eorappted aew poaltteM daip. Urn
J. W.
P. A. Daaa,
raetsBa ace bdsf eoatalttad bjt
WIlbelB. Praak Votrato.
Tacka. ApanT^ehrbUaatwborea- CbariM
li. A.
A. BolUd
tond to eater tto eocalted mllliarp 8. O Nawper.
C J-Vaol
L. M. Keaaatt.
Be were Bordorad hP Ae Tarka.
H. Mill. .
C R McHasoa.
AdbpatA froB OaMtaallaople
_____ Trada.
1. II- Shrirlap;
•a that a BatBcra bM ooeamd at Praak
la. la Ito Hiarbeklr dblrletof Ar- UlapNwtBaCo..
WbDatohpPetraada-. _______
4w Maas tto P- A P. M- traoka. toU a
retcratl There are toe
toteoeMb a< Meal. miB Ito a raa taio Let M retrratl
tormr Aa to Bttared tto teat word,
a rillr toll atrack hiB ia Ito hack of
hb AHmA Dr. PcTMlo Bctorairte. aad
wUAwM aUll raaalBC ----------'BaBbaraotbbBaS.
•too Havud ptoo.
tto to. Joa. riaar rear a,. _
Wb. Hoc* tod
Traverse 0lt7, Mlchiro
: it possible at our present low out prices, to rte
; duce our stock as we anticipated. Our object ~
: is to make room for needed repairs in our H
[ store. If you are in need of shoe we will be 3
; pleased to make you prices on. good goods H
I whether you purchase or not. We handle no Any qnantity from one to a
d. Inquire at floor £r cheap. Shoddy shoes, hut will make bottom ~
°° ^ prices on good ones untU after July 4th.
FOE S-fitlfaE,
.at the Boston Store.
— _____ M______Ik Aaoordted t
latBt. after OdL Oarteraab had
m.ar. hilled la AejhffacaMaat te tto
laaalld Ulb. Maeao. *IA bb tteff aDdet_„
pat hlBaall tt Ae bead el tto fBura
aedlA teadaSA bpwbtek to b
-(top. Mra. Dadtep. of tiraad Baflda. A ««T* U- Bpaaterdb Hr
totluBwdadlrtto htallM pa»araaer howa»B. Bade a aorteoa mboal
Aa aMleted om awl Mia. Pi^la
w «MB har bad appMMlIp wi^
THOa.T. bates,
A BaoUw tarBM owm a tow that b
OBAlalp a rsaerd totaktr. Bto b laa Blar llBA adlA trea Ursrpool oa Prb.
II. last, for Mew York, aad froB that
Btalto aha haa plraa WrA to aara. Use A Ab baa aerarbateihoanl froBi.
Mlata. WbaaatowMtpaaaacld. tto
ffira aa eaUrelp dlfaowidaadbwlM; taa aaaitto lalar tto
t tto draA of Joaa
paraeu ar* atfll rare ai
of Ufe>Bllp b Allra.
„ ..-uSSu..
fminU Ab ^Bf. had la )Mtl
itoka' had fMoDoa.
Seear^. of lUrma. Ntocla conalp. '
Hiaa...haa^lut brourkt new* of Ua
fatal poLaoBlDf at Aniiairdota wbb'c
familp of Biaa ebUdnm. Baned Ip
drlaklop leaumadr Jalp 4A
Moeed hp AMeroBa JArsaa that
repnrt to aeoaptad aad elalBa or
dered f^d aa rreoBBaaded.
Naid moUoe waa carried bp pea aad
asp rota m follow*;
Wb. Bald, at Drtcau. tlrh.. wbooe
• U la
ia wl
wktek 4« pertoaa were kUtol
WoL Lwea/***^'
Ycalp-TAIdmaao PaAar. Ur^lltek.'
r Ito pituOc; moUoo of Aldenaaa Cooh dalp 8BlA.Cook. Kptelk.. Lardte. Jrtraaa , barahPbi^Ulw
BBprara te oar
rr^ertof tto aa
carried aald paUttee waa rWairad to aad Uarrboa.
lac to Ar Cht.
Coat, oa Ntrarte aad SUawelka.
__________ ^ „,..tt«l'
Hr alau rf|
AM la Aa BItlla dietrict alBiw
. rp vfltacr bM bare ro
teadawl Asia
ll a aAaaere b iBBteast
(erradaBA aa oedB braedrad fro*
W. B.Kiac.el(teBaBda^ K. V.. AaNllaa'apalaoa.
At Aa WbHe ^r lloa oOw la UmdoB word haa 1mm raoaietd that at
wtoa to tod aetasaa for Alrtp-ate Hoplake. sear HikoaAaad. a l
pMta. Hr.KlBClBtlrMhofbbab- *H piAA ap laeaatip which
tar wbUa A ttoorap. tot sapi
tatead tto f6lio«li«. Wrlttea m a dip
to hod haaa UlUd la a battUa.
Baailaff waa a Beat lataraaUaf om.
Mr. Klw bsA( Tt paara old.
the handsomest snburU of Traverse City, ranging in price from $fiO to $300
On aoUoo of Aldanaaa Cook, dalp
carried. Coaacil AJoarerd.
A. tv. h.(-axiut. Clip Clerk. |
------------- tto barteateif bd^ <te-
•WMT vHh aMibtr pair of twiM
160 Lots in Oak Heights,
Oawralaidrof niriikina •trrMad^aA, H- C.Wk,
eeatto tett.blackl.il. L.AOa'aXrd
COBBlttae oa Lteeaao
ttrd to
Oa weal aide of Oak etrerl adjaarnl
Mnred bp AldaTBaa MmlA Aat tto
tteld,a»Uoewai^earTied bp pea bad
report to aooepted sad Ordlaaaee ba to Aa »H of lot K. Uuck 3. B.
BP rw ea fbllowa:
^'a 4A addition.
draws aa tbeoBiaradad.
Yeea-Aldaraea Vaifcw. OoadriA.
Motloa rarrird.
UoUoo carriad.
all there. eUaibed book to bb
Hal A. Cook. Epwlka aad Oarrboa.
Aa anliaaaer antiUed- Aa lirdii
1 bp AldarBoa NailA thal Aa
perok aad raaaacd work.
lUUra to Itceanni for
Cob. oaiKlf*
Kira aad Water to
White boAlBC at Laka Ubat
•ibibiuon* bwl Braaperiaa- wm read
aBBBMr faaort aaar Miaar ___
‘ I oa petlttee A axtead
A Ite pataapa eiorA'.
. loreaea Hllla. ofed IT. Blrrtte MlUa. carrbd. CoaaeU
W'. aA atraat. at aral iryalar
It. daarktora of P. B. Mlllts aad
Aid ordiaaare -M poBcd' bp jrm
t aad. pop nU of Btord «f aad eaj rota aa follow*
Vea-Aldemea Ihrkrr. UoodAA.
JUralar oMetl^ of tto dtp OoaodJ. PaUlaWorka.
acted at t o'eloek WedoBdap aftor___ A. Tfaa aesMoat wm doe to tMir bald in ooaadl rooaaa Jalp 90. IKWi.
Ureiibk. SailA.-Cook.-Kywlka. Lordb.
BiclrtniiawalklBd iBtaaekaaaal dratord
'abraoaaA Uarrboa.
HeaUap wm eallrd A order bp
mpor. U. C Uarte
“J \Z
atalte hdd peteeat.
Bb trtfa aod
iMj^tor^mabo la a dai^traBCT-
Ito claiBu to Atewrd aad
eiM.\ If sold yuick, each..................
PratBaa BBadBlL et Blrwalda. Ma..
II fraa At lop of B rraUUtar «w
wtordM.mad.aCbr BtriklBrhbbBd
OB thr AlBflad net baaBoad BUaat to
• ■■ TS ■
Adas Bora, a aroBlMBt dtlara of
MatoayM. ato lha faadip. ala aosa
afBhata aad whita artoa rlaafar.
ur.kKiiAi. araarT n-xn.
Wai, ^Uterr. Rrpalriaf staad pipaa.
Hirtioa rarriad.
matter of,-ncaaelad
(rapbare la tto rilp. <
Moradi lip Aldermai Uarrboa tbAe
______ Aat__________________ feat aldawalk to ordtead bnllt A}aent
w- .. lloroaiiiff each traantettt phototo aad Aattlap upon tto follonliKdo
rrapberBaadlbattto taraKofMld llerlptloB oi real relate wlAla M Apa,
cMuatofiiAatllperdap. U; -
BrswaL AlftenaeB Parhar, Goodrlah,
OrrUbk. 8bIA. GoA. Kpadka. LarB ter at laaat two nrr- db. Jabraoa aod Uarrboa aod Hapor
^•nw r>rr4 on (Mv. Vaflfar not
___ BtotoaoBfa. WAm____________ aou la ladlaaa. wbo had Aa adeitloaboaa ttaiiad it rifoBd to laara tha of- al BbfnrAae of ha*A(
■m mA hM tiaet ^a lb heaM thara. abertlp brtora Ac* area
Omrim. aa
to«hM«a.AefthaBarber kprlaft tenhtod hb
AbtakaB UaeolB
UlpM OiMt WniteB HaKlDlap. Joha
Atoaar CMUm aad FtraBaa Bopoa ware Vaafha. a toBnrat. aot to be oaAoae.
Mh talaiad bto ao oaa waa kUlad. alplad hb latBt adltka TboBoa JeffaaTto a^toa aad taadat ward daaol^
---------------------- rA troB PlfA 8U. reapocttallp aah tto dtp Cooadl to tehe
E properties and centrally located.
.■creroveded with sumner gooda and have to mahe io<m for fall goods
already contracted for, wfc will sell at a great sacrifice.all summer g.mds. snch IfwI-awns,
Dimnities. Organdies and evciytlting in seasonable mrWhandise..
' '
Friday and Saturday Special Inducements wrill be offered
such as l’Xc Lawn, for Sc; ntandaid Prints at 2>ic; ChalAes nt'2}<c: Apron'Ginghama
nt 3c; all wool Serge 7 y^ for tl.ao; bet Brp. Colton 4c; Tni-hey Red Table Clolb
at 15C; bleached Table Daomnk 25c peryatd; silk atripe Persian Waist Cloth at 15c per
yard; fine Dresden 10c; handnome Dimnilj 6 and 7c yard; eitraanc dnnblc fold lavras
redneed to 7c; Shirt Waists rednoed to 3Sc; Men's Negligee Shirts 20c; Men's Fancy
Bosom Lanodried Shirtn- worth $1,00 for 39c; Laie' Capes redneed to less than cost;
Ladies’ Jackets—fiaest fabrics at your own pripe.
Odr Tan Shoe -Sale is still on at same prices as quoted to last week’s sd.
BOS0?O±T stocr:^
We are <
lined not to carry over nay sommer gnodn. 160
XeQ’s Liffht Weigrbt Suits left-HsmsU lots, <mly n £»w siste in esdi lot,
wtaSch will be closed at your own price, from 86 to 60 per cent lean
ttum regular price. Orent bai^nins in Ohildren’n .nnd Boy's Suits.
Every Summer Suit in Ken’s, Boys’ end Obildren's mnst be sold re
gardless of cost Orent bnrgnins in Hntn, Onpn, Fnnts nnd Turuinbinr
Goods. You ennnot afford to min this oi^Kntanity to snvs money.
T- iT. SOSd?,
(Smbbmt ha M * Mm)
184 FrimtStraot.
tawABn t'Ka'VKBBK hhratJt joi.y as. isad.l
Fwolar Otottisr, BnttMT 8
39c, 59c, 99c, $i:i9
Rer.cn BayheawUlpraaehforlhelOfili-------------------------Ifaltariaa. ia MeXaBar. ball aet Ito.- ■
look a Ihrpr crowd.
Tbegaoeo City Bicycle nab earied d.,i^l.,«10:»to.«l.r4tiBa , ihAeretoUB
latoreoUof itorl llrott—■- to' | ora. of
------II praaoh
(Ble^. owe of oar most estew
beir rrpalarras tost slpbt bya da- , Her. Tbro. K. Byraa. will
llf^tfaltorolc-oatveratKaet Bay folTattle Ie |Wrparcu u. farelUi t^ boil
lowod be s marab mallow rcaetoa the toeu “Naural Rol%ioo.of Chleapa taaak igfereaor. e. to tbe i
rorg and a Booolipkt -wbeeT boase.
cat BOW
epOBeiUlity aad rellabiUiy of tbiefln
Mrs. J. A. HcMaBBS. Mra A. W. liarSe,blcn
Md Is the K. o. T. M.
*Phe doclon
havlBC |o take a doer of-their owe takaBdlaoillyaadMraChaa.Wi!brlB-a^,_.K„ ,,J K„»tetr»euae Wkrw.:
r'4 ksowtod^uf frail piroee
.aadfaBlIyprc .peadtap a lew day. at
anrioe at I0:iu. Hub-! euaeolt H.
Bodieirre.hoiare-------------^bini toilowa Bnrnl« eerrlee.
. or A. K. Huotapne
set of the BilleraweelCatxapeoe Raat Hay.
I of tbe I’oaiauiU.
•t bh padeyde elobeator»« •; PHdayo»eaiapesp<rl.aoeBeetiap.t;»o
&- ii
There lea.
A Orya G«aa.
All^ eortblly iorlled
Wbee-th. I'aps Fence lOlaatoeoma!
uriaa (i^idg;) e*eala( tii tbc
•1 OTwdt of tbg ciV- Tbwe oil
vDI Ml«ot dalt«gUs U> gUMtl
the lollowinr order;
aad wubeloi. kaoTer lb. A. H. Holli
day «h. MertioSb. U A. Oolllday b.
Hayderrf. (laroercf. boeeoall.
HaboUtaUa. litnlae. Kiop. Jacrle.
I'ahl. Hooa. CaioeitB. K L AeBtoe.
' Harpoooe la chief. H. U. Aehlae. i
C. J. Katglaad.
Dartap the paBc,
owlap to lejorira
allUled for WllbelB. I’ahl for <taroer.
Mood for Hoyder, lilppitn fco- t
aod Hawyrrforthdassa.
Ub* sraecaplalBortbeteaoi. At th
of Ike BpBeeaa i
apggad U ( g-elaak'ahaip. ia the followlac Ptoew: trM wwil. Ubrgf; kail:
priawr -bool balldlor,
oa Bbx^ araaaai third ward, pri■niraehiBl bglUla(oe UalaeatrgcU
foanb wi^, ti. W. UrdW-a wargboaxi.
^ 0. 4 W. W. mek. oa Chat atrerl;
prbaa<7 aekool baUdlar og
ItoaWtaida; Markat
Farthglwtoaiof Uw T>a>ww CHf
ptoylsp redaoed to a wlr««. The,.
aiT to perfect pfBcUce aad aa error U !
■omethtop alakosl oDlcnowe to thr«
Correct coloring:^
patterns, perfect fitting,
and up-to-date in every way.
reoraOy rotarawl
Ifrom CWiforala. will tsaar--*—
rr. ererypa. !»«. .oat to aeq U11 fB,,. B.W a-wr. ro-w
» to HU
LMtottk»«^ TWfTM«U>«r
«m tmiam BfTW
itowmll. bg
«b. n»IM. ur. fM gp gad tepi
-W4-agM» Thk Boratof It (oglu a
U thCT woald •omlMla • tiokH gt
Ladies Shirt Waists
We’ye^done .
the shirt waist business
a.bi.u.«h.wl. .:.S a. m.
MeAlap fek worUilp, ll a. m.
j«bU loeetiop coop.
, i aul eAUrrh.1 dleroiE:
lie W proi rarod a spnlal tostronw
■oowat tor ^eir
iMoffellonaadratupa cleaa
at;:W. '
I Oaa..lrert.oppcsiitr ram street Bapiae
loerrrysray. Vtalerday they pot la ■ The hoare of tbe ChriatiaB
Chriattoa Badraror
Bodraror lloase. Traverse City. Mich.
Wllroe terpilriier UUearre. woald >
ilapsereiee a-lll
m-lli be
be derated
deroled j
derlerr the elect and the. Heavier, are ^ heariap the report of the Washiar Bivrecn-Bi'PsLL a>.br. w Krq..>er..t
to be eoapratototed thaUbeyWot aoy ub eooreoiloo by LrrIT IVauloptoo
hlu off btm
Tbe HsMl^re pot to tbeir fopr ecora <
btfoitows: te the «lh I’ars. Uacd oBt
You are cordially torlle.1 ui aUenU
ISr brMv's rrsuliareuu. Br .lel M~.yi.nikW’.Oe"’. ('.IBUmH ■■r.nnlunS^.yi.lJ
eiSM b; 1.T Kn WlW> K Vnr.l
of northern Michigan this spring" and summer,
and while our assortments are still large, the
sizes, ranges of colors, etc., are broken w>nsiderably, so we make these SPECIAL VALUE
Farmers' InsUtate Sooleiy
K. L. Ilall^eld. Slate SopU ofi;r.n
-opre«SWWnJ-b bBek. rto.. Bby the pllcbrr. atfd
IbrTaers' loUituIe.. Bet tbeofticrei ofl^^
ball by llsroa
the I'oaety rpsUtute sodely at liraapr'
Is the Mb. McKeasie jastsared him
u^ay. inly Irlli. The object
self byaseraad. prttiop to first *on a i of Iheau^iap wss to confer with the
e lawycea woat to rleton
Buffed ball by Hlapa. A^ou seat aiuMcers to rrpnrd to tbe orst .aoaaal
the toUowlnp order: Batlory. ^Icl-~ r,'I7~|i-‘. *—-f“-r “'ll^nU
' losliuite. that the .Sepu may ks..w tbe
pkeraBlF.ITaU.Oor.ll«U Rok««r
of tlie
tholarr lb. Gm-ll tb, cb^sp Utor
beiap ^oloot at of
for dto-sssloo.
wlia y.
K IVau,
lYau, (Jam
(lain ib,
lb, Loraoper
Lomoper B.______
seroad and McKeorle aileaaeed a bawr. > holdlsp tbe ih.tilale.
Bpborta, rd. Ullbrne
'Mr. Itolterfield pat
___ liap home by a acrslcbi while
Ip^ of the Heorb. I bIot. l<Btchlo.
baU akfiraetcd tbg plwb^h atksi
talk explaintop'the.y.l
tiudpe. Tarner. Brown. BauMelell.
j as now iq force in Uiu> .tote and
ti aad Curtto. Jadpe Uoberu was
In tbe elphtb. wllb two Beo;-ooU i |»rlnp the HIckipan sy.teni ailh tb*f j
Hall sent a pretty ball f>at Into the of olber .taUa
present system a two days'* .
Adam. Hard out a Ueaaty. brinp
hcldincTety rousty that; JJEPtlRT
iD.tlwtr' Is h
Ball home, aod pdt anwed to ihinl
the stole law. !o,c_s
........................ of the Traverse City
rrors by tbe iltaato, oeminp borne
Speakers funiiiehed by the s
Hate Bank.
Ibrclewie hiO^ceapy
passed ball. '
-- aboat iBF-lislf tbe tliar'. the';
The fuilowlap laeU a<
IhuroB pot a terrible fail In tbe eve n-aralader hrlap pieco to local ^wk-'
I^adies Collars. Cuffe, Waist Fronts (pleats,)
etc.—the only proper line of those goods in the
.city is HERE. Prices right.
Money-saving values in all lines of Dry .Goods, Carpets and„!
ins:::::: 1 1 ::
Closing, at
wan takaafor the eoailai
wae held ia the eaeaat Mora (anaeri;
agaapfad bj W. J. Bell, the Hi irf
wUeh had beee kladl; doaalwl hj Mr.
m dealrbv tha keaefll
towUldadlt b
af ceod tblaftol
Uw war of food «■» be
ftadir raoalhad aad
tool axaalleat
The WcBaaoh Cneatary
■hM dlTidad
4hialoaa k) tarateh raldUee far the
BaUfdajr Market aaawlr. dirtokatt A.
B. C. D. r The aaaua rleoB
an tboae kdoarlac to dietoioa A. who
grill be ezpaetoi to rtr* for Ito
Jal> Ulh. aarUlav they aaa .
toaUy prapara.-hraad. aake. c
Baackaato. tolUaa.aalada.ooU
ate. Tbeog U ready ^ W alt the
ladlea wito proBleed to III the ordora
<B tolad aad aoaae peoparod-h
B. Ally. A. A<UU f. AdalU MIb Jaaale
Aadaraoa, Mra Nettle Ayata. T. T.
Itotat Hmaa Bats. Balth, Oou. lUoe.
ioka Bladi. A. h; UeaaeU. B. Boraa,
Braor. Barker. J. J. tmdea. A.
'•taiek. Baku Boyd. C Ball, rnaeea
Oraw. W. CUklaa. fi. Cortk. a t>.
Ctore*. Uwt«B Qtaaa. Blraa Cook:
r. U. OaBpkall. Joha CIbbob. W. Obalaa. faa. Oralf.
Baarty B4&000 Bared.
> of tbe Tigrcepe City only wbar who wplMl the benob dar^ tbe
pood pame-laa plucky
top wbat Mr coafd hare dode'io dl
framed hetwecathe doctor. ent clrvuiBsUBcrs. Thepaue was tied.
____ , before ■
r op to tbe Ttb. wbea Ur Uiast.
tory. Jadpe.
Uortwlt were oo the calmly raa it op in 0. on three imfr .iacrept low pies, a tMo tipper l>y'jobaKB and
ofhy three errors.
ua Id eadearorlsp
the doctor.. Ur.
Tbefratares of the (llaau'pUytop ^ Tbr (.•n.titat'tOB adopted by tbe so-1
■•dd booie aepor
toeoBBlta Urr
Wlla-B's plIcbiBpaad thrlrbappyir'ictr I>ru<idr. furasaoDBal member j
' u.so,nis.
tath"alBr.l be__
loraey Ooierr and
laealty of always belnp rlpht asdeelshlp fee.of twesly-firc eesto. wbh-b
o-cU hsu is
to appear apoo hleowa reotfaU thrliallwbeoitroBedowa.
whas paid by a aarrird man aira toUr. A’llbelo sra. loiaroil In tbe
w llBsOem flail dMftapsIshed eludes hi. wife .. . mcmberc This fee
1 toDlop trr trylap u. ntpAecatr
____ of htpk fliphU aad Ur. Boeder hlamelf by catobiap Uree or fc«r prel- b. thottfiit to be >.ufllrlrnt to ooree all • oowce-oo.fc-en- -r•affrrei Intrraal latoriea from which tylltos.aad Adaom. Haller and iyks.lacideatolrsp.-iww.
it ie tboapkt a daioape gait of larpe
r some flee ranglap catchra. wMp
The folios iop plan hs> boca = lopted
••■'lf~‘. .
dlaMMttoo. will rcalu
rrery pretty work war. doad by i for rdarpIrUop the SDvmbrrship list;
Tbe trial wa. hotly
M.I.. vl Mlrkirxa.r«u..l. oUin,
flb^le of Mariap laapoape were la- tbetofleld.
Is blank r>dlU.ok will bewml to each
dalpgd la by the IwUer. oa both aide.
Hers made fire blto and five I vioe prfsldrot is the seem) towasbipB,
m.wolla>a»rlBp balla HoBe'e.orp
theUiaats aeeoa' bits.^j who is tyqarwtcd k> rnllcct tbe W and I s>^ •>tioB. were takea to Ike ralinp. of tbe
' I earoll as awmberstbe rrsUenls of bl>
• H*’*'
for. bat Id all prokafalhly will a
The aeore by toalapa was ^ follow.: I towDshl|x
prahtad witboat eoata of former
w of tonae who earoll a.
be pUd la full, th which eaer oothlap
ilaatlrrs. u 0 u 1 u I u ; 0-4
a uf the >u.-irty will be placed '
.hall be Irpal tender bitt p<i1d. the
Two BK» psmro will be played with
malltop lUt of the KtprrimeBtl^
thetiUets. Batler pUchlap U>^,
of tbr Apricaltaral rallepe aad ‘
_____ It with Boika that the lira.
aetpltyaDeaMe of the Uwyera. and
the fnper aotk* of uiat The >eae
hae boMi tried aad tbe la«7er*
praaadio palrerise poBiorobBe the
a Mho.
loUewert of Aacalapiaa
ah la their
• .Bxletr
nxletr atle'uii
loo. and the lawyrr. ia their quIeU
BBaBtap BiaBBer. mareae n If oulhlap
had happeaed. We hope la the fatare
tbe doclarp will reBsrajber that lepal
aoUrc Bails; -Ipobrancia aeOilarai
3 Do'waThey Go! I
Sell them we will
If prices will do it
It’s a Waste of Ink
luroae poor injier.
gi p
j-oiir letter.. It miglu.havr tawii a pli<a'unn< lo Iwtb iiul tlir )n- fil||
per tovn
Don't ety orer apill ink'
htt-e any kmd.yon want;
500 pairs
600 pairs
Men’s Shoes
Ladies’ Shoes
Yna don't iiare tbe plrasare jg jj
III writini; auJ yonr friruils •Uni't have Uir ploaiuiiviu
buy Hume oorr.
Wr %C j
AX.I. sTTr.ms
Have you BeeB tbitoe new tobleto? # j
Heat w«‘ hai'i’ <-vrr Lad.
fil ,
KoiHi LJ
' Every pair absolutely solid leather—the greatest <
bargain ever offered.
It pay. to trade here and people are flndinp it out
j ^ Friedrich Bros old etoro.
on a line of new, stylish, nobby
and' solid shoes; tiey are now on sale for com
parison and :rour inspection. We give you more |
I.U., uw«—f-r-ius
°>w $1.60 shoes than any shoe house in j
northran Michigan and give you the largest as-1
' ” ■“ '‘’i.".:;
sortment to select from. We are never undersold;
„,'2 if quality cuts any flgnre;wegive value received'
tatheaoaatiy. The baarde of ImtaeearerBBpoaadof bailada area whc
Aeeou BaA tfaae aad fin earefal
thoackt aad aUaelloa to the Batlar.
The Y- r. H. C. K. of the Frtoada'
aeerlaf the etoU witboat aay napae' Fraabytertoa chorohes oajoyod oTefy
•atioa whatoear. while ^ Btdlaal aa- happy picBk at Ke-ah la-waato
pariBVaedaataBBd lhatr BBtatsau art day. poinp orw oe the ttolambia-to the
aaparlaaeod aad apaetolly Iralaad aad
glapaad iwtorgiapal SiWo'cloA
. ad the iMaaehaBattor t
aad aaoaa aaortofrtha Ihoafht aad
attaaltoa ad aot oaly the apaalallat aad
HM BhUaathroptat. hat the people at
TroTcrsc City. Mlchi|ca<i.
KtfliabU TradinK Center.
All Bona of Ocasd TIaaa
At tba BaoUat ad the >>iat beard of
aeyloB traeloB Wd hen kaal weak
A very cbaralap reerpUoa srae p1.es
ttatalaol Balatoaaaee was laedtor Prtdsy eecslap is ths Maaodk parlors
tbeaaaalar yaar. aa the Uw raqi
by MIm Morpao. Him ilrnce Horpaa.
aad a rodaelkB wae Bade that will
•e alata darlay Beat yaar aeariy
Ctarn lUtea. Tbe younp ladle, ro
fhelr trieads is tbe haadeome Mi
aztaatof toBelU.uoD. It will lb
parloraaadaftea theparau had all pr-aaaa that alaoe Ike laat DegUap of tba rlrsd the Use >odp« rubs wae throws
toftoutore aa ogagal ndaetloe Is
opod aad the rest of tbe cealap'
kitheelato haa aaaa Bade ad a1
spaat la daaolap. iha maalc lor the
BU.au. Btepa were aleo takea at this twvalep aad waltees wbk-h Bade ap
■aatlac Uoklaf toa partial atalate- tbe praprmB beUrp fs'aUbed by I
naia of paileateky their frioade
Boys- Haad dkkfatta. Uariap tbe eri
the law aow elaade if the taally
Isplo*. wereiertodle the pallery by
frlead) emsaot pay the fall.coil of foar piptty little mietea. Kthol l^.pr.
Chme Arery. lUaa Motfatt and Aaaa
r. The party wae one of tbe
.(Bseetbcfrlradeare able to pay part
dellphtfol aootal eeeaB oT the
^ eeala. to ce^u. (i or awe* a week,
bat eaaaol pay all. kat waald be wllllagaad plad
»Ttwto the
aaderoalBpa Wtorty pleak partpea.
>r»d Baay thoaaaSl dol- toywl IbemaeJvm tbere.
laiBa year. U woaU he a )nt aad Hia. Hard. Mbwaa Jeaale aad Kdilh
wr arrmiyiBeaU A oaBaUlea wae
- Hbae. Uelea aad Llxsto
ap^ated te look thia laaltor op aad O'Keefe of Cblopo. Mr. and Mm. HaaJoharoa. of lirmad. Rapida.
Mrs. B’a Haald sad cbildrea. Mrs.
Htoale Uwrvaea. Itomie aad Jbbmb
tora Ackermaa. N. B. Oiapto.
•l.Mpwwaak par eatleev iaeladlac Mbat'hapla. HlmJosie Orator. & K.
all oara. Badkml aappUea. aUeadula. HeakB.OmmrCbaaaaadM.H Uoiley.!
-hoard, aad all the Blaeoltoaeoae'es- A water bicycle faralshed part of tW'
pond tisMS of thr party.
jrapain to balUlace aad the alaoU
Aaolber plealc party chartered the
-eariar far the Ibmc h adBlttad to ke
- ,11
near CHy. Midi.
Traveree City, mchlgan. *
t Every than and woman has an idea that had they i
I been in Adam and Eve’s place this earth would |
{now be a garden of Eden,'and Hannah & Lay Op’s i
“BEST” flour the mainstay of the universe. For ]
! sale, everywhere.
Hannah & Laj^ Go.
O. <r. B^u.eM«( ito SMitai
Itokcwd <rf adMUiM, kMbHa
•4 b7 ttet bdw4 to ttk> (ta.
n> tmi FMar Wmbw*.
piOt> OabwtMWSlKr. Wluie'a
2 ]l i
w » • e*^.
State Bank.
tlBMOfVMM rmn m.
A.CM TM>M-1k (nllftox
Aa aboa aa-baOdlac anaa«nao
caa ba ecnpldad tba eU balUl^.
neaeiad by Mw. BaMb aaa
■ral lapknat atora-wUI b
aod a baiii —I btfak htoe
Itwfil ba Oaiao taoC tw
Mo^aad wlU badtlad ap with al
tba lataA aad baat InpraaaaBaa* aa
Boaraalaawa for a dapartnaot Moras
Tba bafldlarwUl beoyn tren tb
yiuaal Sear to tbc rood, tba aaean
Utatai-baa rataroad freca Aaa
tnvalllBf MS.
)EndiasniM»i>iD«w&J. Harfw-> Arbor aadlaapaodlaftba aoAaar la
fua wkD« ratnvtar frea Htpk Cltj tba dty.
P. e. Trarto of Oraad Kapida b rWt^
1« Ua parotta.Mr.,aad Ufa d. W.
Tn r. P.B. C.
MtaOraeadobniM of Oraad KmUo
la Handlatlbaaannar wlti Hia. J.
pw rioto lUUn bite la dUaMar.
opealay. Tbe baildlv Is sddltioa to
•iTBUrlac U« familiar C K. aoU«.
aad Rar wladow.^ b* Uybted
Mr. aad Hta: Tbiri^ aad Mr. aad
•^wortrUorOtW.aiia. Tracaa ^MOt Baaday idlh trtnda by aa bamemn ■ky-llyht. makhy It
tb* beat Uybied akotm la tbe dty.
*n» filaadtaf Hla Oaadla Ball of laMaalatee.
Mr. Bimratliil bopn to b*>*
Klaraar. njorad a aaiT plaaaat parMin Janie (Map naa la tba dty
balldiarwril BBder way by tall; 1
trat bar boOM Jely !«: Sbe ialaada Moaday oa bar way Iron Old “
b tb* Seat Inak la tbe row of eld
to Bay t^aw.
Tbe'Minra O-Krafa ef Cbkwo are eroodea balidiay* that baea kmy amde
It part of ttoatnot aadyatly.
k aery ea)opablr ai
nadiar aoae tloae Imraal tba
a to be bcqiad that tbe eatlr* Mode
prla party Jelj I*.
cd Hrm. Hard.
II aooB be bellt ap la brkk.
Hta. W.J.Paritar.hoafoae to Uraad
Da. J. J. Cuoa. a foraar raaU«*t of
r daa^ter.
Mdda for a rialt with bar
Tbe Cootlsy pimaa Maattay.
IbtaalV. aow llriarlBllfBad BafUa.
Uia. Prad Baeor.
b* nertlay of tbe Hieblyan Wonaad Mikk Kau Dlaoa. o( Waafcnt. wna
aad Hre. U. C lb*b apd Hb*
B to tok* plaee
maiM OB Toaaday.
TWIr boom ol
Jonphiar barm baea apeadlsy a dew
redsaaday. Tbanday
te Clraad Baptda, ao4 Uwre ara
day* at Omraa.
Ud* fair to be of ai
rood away Oraad Tnvaraa frlaed* of
Hbk Uail Bdoad i^paadlay •
_____ .it tbe budaab ■mloaeoa Wedboth partlaa to glra tbaa. good oiabaa
B^eday mermlay aad afterseoal aad
at tb» Job
Tharvdayaad Friday maralay the aeJokUaa VariyV «rli
Hte JeaBtoiiraatbaa ynw t.
aocbUoawlll totbcyaedeof tbe LatbMk year alan Uuit yoe lira la thr Bapkb to take tbe bodaen eoar
din’JJbrary Aeaocblwaat tbe room
(aaerrd laad of Uraad Trararw wbar* tbe Frrrik aebool.
Oa Wadaaaday **aa
aaboppara do aot rro« u> thr *1
' HIn .S'laa Payee bn retoraed fron Idc Ibrr* will be a pablle naeUay d
haa»lacblr^ Tba ^imaa
Bapator. Wb.. aad b tpaadli* the stdabery* opera book*, with cm ad-.
from Uaerpla asd la a MBpla of arbat
Ual iaritotii
tba -aoldlara' eoioey- ibara baa W oooaxteadad loan oardUren.
tatid with. It waa aaat to Hr. Vrrly
kt ttVlDcaday eTaalny pra
by Harry Urtfiaa.
» at f o'clock wHb as iarooatti
paebiwi^lau of tba maty
II. S. Nortbrap. followed by aa
rlll meat at Oraa^ ball oe Kriday at Haadqy irlib bik daafbler Hrm. B. C.
:<** of welcome by tbe prtddeat.
> p B>. todiaaoaa tba piiiuiii altaattnn Tylee-for’BMBapId*.
\ Bniae B. Bower.of'Aaa Arbor,
aaderKaalaafo^tbctMipalCB. la tba
er aad poblbberor lb* Aon Arbor
ler with bar klatar. Hra. Joa. UenxMTBl Uin Bower iiiireat Rrroni
arealDf Bar. Wb. A. ‘Ibylor, aaerataty
bmaa. at Petoakey.' j
, ,
of t4r at.ta aasual eomailM, wilt adKreperoftbr etqle L.O. T. M.. aa
_.A Cbak. Bneathal aad daarbter tbr local L. 6. T. H.nemben will b
it'the •
Floraaee aad Hra Pcidatein left Tara- ylad tomcat her al the coadadoa' o
day forarlklllB DrlrDil.
Bobt. aadbaaw BaanddlotdliaBlawill be ylren Jby Hr*.
tot_maaa tbe yacau of Jadye aad I
M. B. C. Hain of tb» city. Hr*. Belle
J. ti. EtAmMlell Tacaday.
promlara'l worker amooy
TaxBK bare baacraararal r^aByea la
k Hr. Araer aad cblldrca.ef.
bailaiaeSmethiewe'b, Lawreaer A
>. i)..aratbe yocala of Hra
imatroa-Tbr .Middle Oroaad ia BeaBbapatd, tba mlUiaata. bare dbaolred
aec'a elkirr. Hra C. J Kaeelas<t.
■aUoaal Joaraalba.* asd Mrx. H. K.
partaerablp Mta Lawreaoe baylaf
' k II. H; Braekea U aobTlalday Back, of Trareree City, ooe of Ibe
Hrm. Bbepard-e Uteraat and eoaUanlay
Hra C. U Uarreyaiul eoa aad Hlea briyfat poet* of tbe ana
tbe baeisraa la tbe niae plaee. Cole A
Plorrarr Rraeot litaod Baplda
yire as oriyieal t
Vlaek bar* alaodlndred partaer
. I) CaubllabaeyeortolieDaooiB.
Aabort addred ••The foiau Where
where be wjll dellrtr tereral lactnira
Bbllc Wbik.^' will be
reammrraebool DOW belay brld ylren by HMT'Lacy A. LeyyrU. of tbe
the Ana of Cromer A Choalt aad tohatbar*.
I '
Tribaae. oee : of Mldilyaa'*
Jip H. A»»e.
Hra Abraar Adalt left Hosday for promiorbt wrileraaBd aptabera. -Tbr
laaiciar llqU Anlnaboh. wbar* ebe
x.«.|ap« i. Pn.
will iqidod aamc Uma riklUay her aoa PwUw rioctol.^1 End.," *m
la eompleted. Tbe hokerm
twtod ii aa iBtamtiay
saBaer by
^aeki tbe bay asd tbe towa. asd >
b> epradlBf a frw Hr*. Fio'imaea Chne. a membrrot lie
near eaoacb tbe dty to be eoa<
^ the tiraod lUpId* iWmnrrat.
to tmU asd water soowaalntloa. lq)e- from tbe' cSecte of tba hall ymma oa
pboar_asd telnrapb oODSceflcma.
of tbc briybUataad wlltlnl yuooy
AmoBf dhAraTtoarHi* arm Hta. Ad
■nriaber* of tbe anociaUon. wlU.m
dle DraaOl aad Hlea Mellle Beberrr. of ley tbe ummer
tbe pn^rabi with -Tbr NrrvkBhtrparllle. lad: ' Otbna an esprUad Hra A. P. Cbtaer
paprr Vacabalary." Mb* Back i
a rialt la Uakota.
orally yradoated from tbr sUtr-aai
Iter, aad Hta .V. IVaaklin of Pr^a'e T««mllr Md ba* bare ylvea tb* I
Au. membm tk the rarlaea C. X.
eoeieUn la the city who ride bleydn laJr eoaaly aad Ret. and Hra MilU of
ire a* 'yet aatoay wooteo. of a place
rlndlaaa aueadrd the Frlrade'. qaarterwith Him
I lattroetor la the aaierraily."
fy mreUay tbe IkAt of the weaki
trriptt at • p a
A bieal *olo by Hiia Mary Stewart,
Hra J. A. Uoeuyaeaad Hra Tomp- of IlktllW Cryek. «io11o aioln by* H
f<w tbe orpmalaal
of a Y. P. a. C*^
lat left tbU week for old Hlaeioa Crawford asd vnnl koln by Mis* V
U^cclqb. leaddlUoatetbepleae-
M-tb* *uia.
Circulation thU weak 2.300
a fact
Witchkloth dr Selyj-t
......... ;... for pol
At 25 per ct-nt discount from marked
dbti-n prievs.
Sutnmer Coats!
Waist Silks
Look at our al^
Tvooi dress Serge
46 inches nrjdc---- •............... a1
at.................... '...IS.^. IQ and 3QC«hts
Ourbeautlfgl •
I Brilliantines
Ask for our Wool Dress Goodk
Ready-made ,
Muslin Skirts
25 coni number for 15 cents—others in
.Ooccbts,for,;qccnls—ver>’slii;htly soik-d
Muslin Nightgowns i
$1 ao lor 05 cents
!,, sliyliUy soile.i
Bread Boats. .....scems ;
............................... jiQ cent*
Knit Underwear
(raamXAtlui afital
coni 0
50 cent 0
75 cent c
.. .for ?5 cents
Ready-made Dresses
al.................. —75c,$ixioand $1.25
New Testimonials for the Plano Machines. J
in blac^ blue and lisbt j
colors. Tbe worsteds
and set^s make de- j
sirabl^ office and house
coats for ^y^akon of i
We are also sellingr ^
Straw Hats,
OorSa^SS DepartMKMt
Clnr, Mks.. Joi
•Td, TRB HAicxaiufL- L.ir Mebi avtilbOs,
'Gefitleiai-n;—HBTingfort)>ppMiy>«r.cnnUfnplated4bepnfebAMafatDOviay vsehine.J her.-eumiurdesrefully the different moriiiiiB is nae.
My AttaalHn
Jam-* (’liaiol^vr iBBi-l.ine, and I emuenUui togive it Atribl OB my tBnn.
ine waaaet op. Uroof uadrrwit aereralyuda; cDitinR a clru awaOi.
enbed to Uw .
For iightneaB of dn^
e vith which the knife eau br raiae.1 to pan over ofartroctioiia. I bebere it ahead of
i-biite ia orn.
1 have purt-Bawd a machine, and Teoammaod it to all in Bead of a
GEO. W. MeWEyffT,
Golf Caps,
C. A Bamanad b acjoyiac a
All our
Shirt IVaists
Is the most Complete
will yi»e* assoitment w’6 have
ever ehown -it ie oomprtaedof | ,
- C-,. V—. ....
Mawday tor a nnl narhat waa armily
trading days in Jvily
We'll do our part to make them proljtahle dap to you.
that q,ur line of
eat aodal feataraa aoaaeeted with each
belBi. with violla obilyato. will add to
dab. It k> tbe lataatloa le aead par- for tb* rrataiader of
Kto pl«a*arm of tbr ereainy. ,
Mciieeot tbe Beail* Ilaai
tlea oat W aelcbboriar plaeaa to crrfaaOoTharedkyatteraoniftlie B
the dty tUa ermt^i with tbe oTUirL' I. A . tfar Wenaba’s Clubaad.
lar C. K aoeietlee and' rUt thoee alprtmlam lUt for ibr Beaeie Co. fair, Mokkml-Ulrrary L’Jub are lorite.1 toolmdyfomed.
which will be brld KrpLyf. » dbd ti. Md Aiaretloy of thr amlc-UHoo U
Hra. Coeaoe^f lletTolt baa beea la 0ld la thr Jfamok- parlor*, after
tbe dty an tbeae a
tbe dty tbUwnkla tbe latereel of wbleb file ibrre *.>rleUn will yirra-rrare departmeat.
eeptioa toAberaeiBber* of tbr I’rcmsA*wbnr tbay wart ball
per,oflbeCooy ,
Hichlyak. .
TborMlay eeeelny tbr ancieiatioo
,Mrm. Marie Friedririi aad HIn Laar will meet With Mr«. Hale* (orao iBfur
le tbelr
>iedrieb of Urand Ro|ndakp*at a rim al axial tilde,
go' Friday aflrreharya. trariay dorrs Proal atnrt to
Umf with rmlatlrr* ber* tbie week oi iKxm sacb Of tbr BwBbri* a>
tb* aayia* hoadirat teeakaack-epeed
tbelr way to Xerthport. wb«ee they will br yivra as ofmortaaity to aer thr
la^ta of Hr. DaaB'e eSorUto hold
will sprad the nmmer.
A aawjljean-^
JC»-1. them faaek. They baew that wbep the
HIM Carrie Lia^ley retBraed to.
moekiac bird teaDdad ibalr plaea. era*
lyo Hooday. ' DaHay ber abort' stay
ia ftaalof tbe bowaart. aad tbay 'ptoTbr tollowioy letter esplaiaa flarlf
to the city .hr drliybied ber frifanda
poaad to ba tbar* aa
«d h puUirbrd at Hr. TaiW’* e
ber bnetifut alqylay. wbU>
qgrmlloB bait brra rallied
PaUF BA*TBaaiuiiT of Xoribpert alrrmdy wiealayfnbiT'biyfaprabe la
« to partnaaibtion before omalay to
mto tba fUBAJ.s aona Boylleb Oa- CUcayo nu*i<ml ciiplr*.
krt ebarriea tl^
Ur. &d Hr*. Eiw. Uackley. Mr. aa* rrmTetecOtr- Itbperlleeat eoa Is
Ir* Baht. ItaboKk. Mr. aad Hr*.- C *iew of Hr. Taraer’s ccodidacy butorr
apobltau coarrmtioB ibU vrmr
r. taa leebea loaf, baa Iko actra tv. Lre. Mr. aad Hra. Balllar. Hb* SaldBeeof proarealipy attorary. 1
« cherrtn oa 11. aad aaolber. with- Hay.. Him Baylemaa. Hb* FrieaA
W. E. Caaraut. latyof tbr^k Bap■^aoeot twolecha*.at the
Hb* Yminy aad Mb* Blackabreu- of litter ii. a* fullowd:
Office of Moskntas oit. Bepoblieaa
braseh. baaM. Tb* »ae y
HaoKlee sprat aom*
twelrr bo^l* of ymt Jakey cberrlet tbr IBM of the week.
Hoskryna. Jiilv n. Ibi«.'
tbU year, asd they sold r^ily atCt
Cbprlfsti Tamer. Km|
A Heavy Loaa
' Tb* Praia*
Travmir Ritv. M'K-h
ltr*a Ma-Am shown
U. Cbmpbell met with a hrwt
Ion hf err at bU Bilvn Iwke far
AtA. MiulMi of tba L.' L. A. ara
Pfeecb aesdt
laobea loay ooanlalsy alrty axtra Tn-dayalybt. A arw bare, rrplaciay ..jllc la Murkryn* asae arli*e mem
qaanad to ba prraaat at a apaalal b
M Metkw at 1 p a. tetarday.
Iny* aad dclhdow eberriaa.
oae barard a year oreoayo. w*
ber of tbr <•. O. P.. 1 l«kr plr**nrr >p
streyrd with a tbmMad ba*b*b of certifylay to your »t»!«-*rt repabllcBBa aad popelMa will:
ism. lloplay tbst HcKlalry aad H<r
i. *e*rral loasnf bay.'* qeaatlty of bort Bsay -yet Ibei*- with a »erj Urye
qaaneriy maatlHC wa* bdd at tbr
a^emberof rtloaUefatm ImplrI am very trui^ yoora..
Prteadi' ehortA Friday asd Bakartoy.
■an war* %ade Friday moratay
ChsirwiBa CosBiy Committee.
mad aftrreoAa by Eer «. 8. Kortbrmp.
Oao. Bbwabd. of BalUlR. m
Bar. Bam'L Mina,of Blcbmoad. lad.,
desire to •*?
tbr rejiehlleBa*
aad Her. Ueward Moor*, of Mapie aiy.
Orasd Tta>*r*e cooBty
Atumal K**UVA
iBty that I eball W
m arealay a aanber of eatsable
cmodidstrtnr UwnSeeof •herilf at
aaaaal Brrtiay^ tb* atorkpapan' war* n*aa pa tb* *abr}*el
P. Pabb bad tbr tret Sum of hi*
aad lorvlya ailaekMia. aad m Bat- holder* of the lUsaab'd Lay do. wa*
dfbi haad ae badly dinatatl by a nw Btday Baaday aebool aattan aad
bqld tm Tanday. Heou*. Ja* Moryaa 'beM later la tbe ■
at bb nil1. a trw daya ayo- tballba ~
abd A. T. Imy. of Oileayo. brlay prm
fbodtobeanpataladtkm of aU. A hrye camber from aat ia additloa to tbr local auxkbdldra Odtom wer*Reeled as follows:
Onana Baan af 1‘aalnala left Ibr aalybbardsy phon alMid*d tb* anPreaidrat- IW Baaaah.
Alqat mod tba reyalar qaarterly r Vie* Pt*a —*. ■T. Lay.
SaerrUty—.'baT OarUsd,
Tremaarer—J. J. Haaaab.
■rbe BpABal laeaUay of the Haaaab
A lAP^amsUIr Oo. wa* held oa tbe
J. T. HanAB-i hat paoar brok^. 1»
tma day. Aad tbe oSen* rireted are:
wbOa h Itaatall Saad^ alfbv
BCT. aOoahUantaimaddRn W
Pi;r.ide*t->>reiv Uaasab.
A riaclBlbabaltareaarbt oa a
Vbe Pre* —A. f- Imy.
tadlf aad U pallad baebwaid wRb
U. BoHaaalar bai ratoraad I
ttac’y.awdltoa’I. Myr.,
Joaa Mr-aaer bad a oaitow a
baea rialUny Hra. Boabary.
Man death la tbr nOl at Blirbta
Hka Kna* Laay of Ok. BapU* I*
■Ulay fricade la tba dty.
hr waatbrowaaerentbanm. b
P; D VlDBirtnC J
Min BUsBoyanol Cblaaml it tb* asdtAMk 1. Williaa*
Beat of HIn Coem Trarta.
Min JnieTItnH
A A. Uadbaetmtaraad fim
tot T. blkt.Tr**ar*eCity—«3toOasteadad *Wt Is Datroll.
JahaA-WadetoCbebeyyaa Boot A
Hra. P. Bowin ef BL Jabae h tb* Shoe Co..*.Sof«S ota*cK.T»a..r
(wvoarrr n>AxcauM
yaaet of Hra. 8. Pamalea.
. • w-Atao.
HinMabdPayotBlcKapUkb *hTonarAt aflaraooa a eaaaat balldief
lUay bar akin. Mn. Boabary.
Band aad femerly oeea^ by
• •
. lew daya
of Adr^BanrUll^Mra P. /■ Oortia.
ace e( tba Drdtar laupart) aa Praai
Mn. An lUlaia
everything in siunmer \
—, To THE Hakkah A'IsAj Msbcabtile OOo
-- '
.Geatlemea;— Thinkiini yon would b? pkaand Wht«r bow the Plaso Machiaea a
etarting in on oar territory we will give you tbe reanlls of yerterday% trial; MrQnieey
ThaHuw. reprvaenliaetbe Pianut’iLvCAmooverandadjiiatedtbeBioder andMower, and wa i
started them op in tbe prramca of a crowd of apecMora. and they did their work to the fall
aatisfarlioo of every body.
greet) rye, on agft. aandy gmood) aod lay off tbe bondlea in a way to plaaae the oldeat
Thacker aeemed to know what the maohine wonM do, and his smile of Mtiafacbon beoaden.
ad aa be aoid three maehioes on the spot, with probaU)’three more,to follow.
openad bare wSw for tbe PU»o Haebinea.
It waa fan'to aee the Lever Binder go into the grain (haavy
T%a way te
Tonra Tmly.
Korth rwty. Kay », IB96.
KHAT.nA Hfog
Yoa will fiod Samples of tbeae gooda at the store of
«M Ml—111 0M«
_____ 'tf
n miwttm.
HiB. H. B. DeOeWer. who baa ton
Hr. WThp. at BamMaek. tUH eda
ptafBi BBa.aasaCk.
O. W.CamalaaB kMtaOtB bsbbs
£tiRAin> TRAVERSE REGION. ;:£3ir»'i:S.rtfrsys
toaia. Ba Bpa thep nan It -Uttlal
MBMiB pl«^
the HaabatoO.
Hto BatUe Daateed tbli
bMS TtoOaefneato
a la CBtoradn
(Btb«. «Uek to ifik M Ub* to «BkB bn
tor tke paal pear, reteraed
toBbB. 'fBtorBktoto Hie. W. B Fiaaklla aad daapbtar.
who tore beem the petoe of Hre. Jobs
aMto. <toUA ke f^itaed Bi Fred Uac to irdl hBd<^ Ike kBrrr to Uff* BBi - ■
BlBB^ BkkkwiimBitolifordBBBre
StBTVuBBknrrireBBd •tokar Ull- Hr. aad Hra. BaUaaper. of Hapie
^ lB«i«Bl ytold^kyrt ^ BBB Otp. lOtoroBl to their boBe Be^p
^tlBarWiafaereraldapeenth Ctoa
k«re MtotoW *Hm .Bot ml •■Bawketotod to bM Mb
Weetaa mad wIfA o< tbb plaea
> riw «»r»t Sie*^ BBddroTeoBBlBimp«rBto.BjiB#fcB
r. Brmdlrp. D. F.. of tbe Plret
tB the «•»: «4lar to rcrngh
MtodlUr^^to'tf ttTtod
tok kmteto of toe her^
F-rt Ot «M BIBW.
■-■Jiriiii fi---------
K. C Him* wM B TrBTBTBi av *>►
MtolHuBlM<ltBrb.oliBk ItafidB.
.irMib«ff««««fMI«L«Ulc iBi^lBM
BeltaerTtoUrfed^Btoae totordsf.
Alkemk TkBrp to waridBf fur OeaOB
n BBd Jobe todereeB q»Bt bbbI TrBTerer CUj.
T. K HwtiB bee beta irerhtof to
Hr. Roaek durtoir kerreeV
Bikel Bokblto le etoUec ■■ HejleU.
Ike rwat of Htoe Alke kuek.
Hr. Bed Hie- Booo were col to their
torn HoBdB7 pirkiBC kerrtoe.
Hr. Jbbbob kBd the mtofc^ne ol
potooetor bta hBBd. qelto Itolly.
Hrm. Hrpee Bod dB»|rhtor (torrie etolV
I with frtead. Bl ihtaplBoelBBl
ibta ptoee Itet week.
The weaArr toe^^wi; bet
t'sckWee earned otfthe eoqo^
prtor la the hope reoe at the cllj Oo
i^rth of Jelp.
er»B ttotartop aad toedap.
Haeep Hrothemi kaee etartod with
’•h«i\«rtklB Tnnna CHyBB* i
BiVUB<ldUM.thB4 IkepratiA
bMoI BVUlBC pi«TlBB>.
Hra. BalkleofKBBOB tolled at J. W.
DkkerBBB'e Pridap.
A flee ewloi rraa e«)eped Bt Oarp
lake Haterdap alterBODB.
__________________ d Baaa etirrtap bcbob to^
____ ..-..-.alkB la the CetofrwpeHeetiappmlled toorto^ pel^ aboat fitma baebrie to Ue aen.
Ueoal cherek laat Baedap.
at :4U p. B. * laatmeatal aaele.
erell repay tbe eH^t^mwaT C. A
Hr. aad Hra& J.DaBeand lamllj
W H.-n. U A K. eicai^ tnlawiU
crdar of Ike ___
of Sraaawo. Ill; arrired «i the dVtoe;iean Tn*w Otp at «:to
liTkBBd. II tke fmrBrre kBd'exeraiaea. coodacted^ llaph I'roatp.
iradlnp S»U Itolm. (Haprr aad leati. Rkwam. Fern Bona. Tetter, rbinieil iiilit attirai
MtoMBry Htrakto taa-. . .
dv tort TBfBtor lerB BBBkBEer. P. AWMlBaa. of the*M. B
______ I trip lataflS.OO. HkTtdea canlrd
apti-ma, aad paaltirrlr can* Plla
aaddottowewk cberch
Bodbtod eitbeetrieCBad
of tbb plare »ceo^ Ur ^1ao par reqalred. It I* paaiaaln
free. Heae ball at t > B. at Raafle
JAbLbb. Wb. Oor*. W. U. bettor tbBBooeU be dnee
Lake betwaaa Unad E
b^kda aad MUS*aodto rrea^Tto ataenee of Ue
. . b. W. Hebert Bad Fred Beet for aoae laeatleasp- trpalar paetorT^. W. II, Harlbak
Oao. ObBavks^ 6. P. E
tale bp J. U. JoktarmaadEB Wait.
ow ibelaiptr'eaaall bop
ekip BBCM keU BA _ .---------------------Hr. aad Hra. F. Ilrawa ato laiellp of
Wader fTcat aad t
Next xra* a paper br Mn. A. BI'
Biketnr Bitlet* ‘
unto* he dtJeratoe to ropeearet. Btor
foer. two aooe aad two daspbleia. araad
I'rooeonon.^'towBBhlp at theaeastp oodeeaFlerlrir -KilWn
rr* i> a mediclar kalted |
nred laat Tberadap cm the I'etoakrp
fnxa BTBimtoa.lll..aiMi Bre pae>U at aaW. "Kotof myownetreapU bat of
an.T *ea*oo.bot prrlm|i* 1
, tie • klto-eaa follow after aad p
race of Mod wiUie me bare I
the Waakaaoo.
epaad etore the pralp la the W
«UI* paper." And eoekaaaalMr. aad Mre^^. B.'Cbaaa arnrad
the faromr cas dt la the be*
-------- rraa It wa*l Uet ne each
beta laat Wedaradap to attead Ue
wuedcr wkatwIU bepirlerro
kin to take
labor Brim Baebloerr la tbe aeat M fBuerel of tbelraeolr. Col. Chaa Itarara.
. .elt. A pr>»
maok iBWreB wae Baaifeetod. .to peOTK Voer ua napoodeat eaa re
Thep Htt for their home la Trarerac
K. Otuapee. oib- ha*
r-. . IWI
often arc
to wbes tbe ftreti wire Madera
... aip Hoodap amcolap.
erafollowiap. iBkUomntM
---------------------- ---Barir I7. fatal briookfi
f. PM»poTfeetod. Mil to the wire la tbe Praia
Hr. and Hra U. Field, of Jaekeoo. Mtoa Eiwman nod F'nlpfai
-e ecrelp in eocaleracUap aad I
eaaeed troeble In the prbt mUla IheM Hleb . wbo epent eereral weeka at Ue Ma*ler torp.
tbe apetem from Ur atalarkal
tVaokaxoo laat eamawr. airlead there
Paper bp Hra Naaa Cox. "How
Ilradacbe. ladlpeation. t'oa-'
artp of iheHoed Oltp dtoutot, wee
laat Frtdap erealap and expecL-to re Wia the OiUdrea.- aad an appbal
eeaetod iDlEe woede kekBCter to Jno
main till Ue firel <d Septomper.'
taiUfolnee* oa Ue part of Icachw
KUlm. »Mly fifty enU per Udllc
••rto BBd the ee^M of tiataidap
Dowr etop to Uiak bow praatai
Albert Boeebraadfamilp of I
S. E. Walt-e aad J. M. J.ABMm-* IIl^ .u—totarmrnwdxrMrta. nemkarewe
^ joAM'iTAiAf Airr rKantioxa.
r«le. Kp., wbe hi -e apent Ueir mim- eponaiMIiip ream on a* a* teaebere?
pro preeeot: Bor.
It wrare not.faiUlcl. what will
Ml Cltj; Rct. 8.
Mkrrrlaoa mmSXrn.
pcaoar reward? Mb. Irt na br earncav
I rMBOOa; Bor. ft. C. Kav
a* be falUfcI in Ui* ri. B. work, w
Ueneeu of Hr. and Hra. C. HTrarereeOltp: Bee. '
Biap the pmloB* cbildrea Into '
bepi are rarp trooblaaome la
Tbe Imilln Uroeflt aiwielp of be
Matter * fold- llauuBioa ol eame.
permitted to make Ihi* extrarl; "1;
.......... ’
K rbareb pare a ehkchrn pie eii]
haTc m. b.-*ilali.«i io r.xx«.meadlap 231^^0
' S
delirrrod bp thtoe. Brclbrea wereaeUr. HUbbelu baebeea bariapiiaftc Ue Wilaon coUape laat Tbundr
Hr. Klnir->N<-« Hiketieery. a> tbe rrteW pn a............................
•erece eiek eprll.
ap which -wa. a decided aoecei.
Of i^'»d
proiid e freBthUeela* to liod'e pooTbecabbapr wormeare maklapaad proceed* amonotod to eipbkeea dollaim.
II In pood worblnp order, ■fkrr* were of mp wile. While I wp* lakUtriil the
A. H. LeaUe and family of Kraimtoa.
.roc asump the pardea week aboet
Hapllkl fbnrrbal Elcer* JaneUua hbe
eeotp-twoenpt-kand tm
III., arrired oa Ue ■Mamer l-etoeker
*be wa* kminpbl den u with I'aeanMe
Next wa* (he Ulk ab
marharnaad Soloe beli« well reprela*t Xkprwlap and Bored into their rally to beheld at -Trareree t'itp Aaff. nIa anowedinp la ■•rippr. Terrible
aenlcd. -KuBdap aftertuos wae eepoeoUape on Jrd etmt Ue eame dap leth. The delrpatearhowo toBltond n*TT>xr*Bx of eoapfalni.' w.wld la*l hr
' Jlp derated to the poanp people. Bod
when Uep expert to remaio aboot elx Ue eoaatp
eoeatp ri S aiwioialiao were Hr*. boon, with mile inlerraplioa and it
ftOBdap ercslne Bor. A. lUIafaeber
Mvaed a* ifkltrwmld
Id not «oi-rlTe
Morrlee the
Chaodler and Mr* .shbler. Mar n>
a leeton oe Japao to oao of the
. drd Hr. Kinp-k K
k* 'b> b>- held at l*tae Ti
rentioa l»
well. Tbrre are a fevipotato hope, Stokn. and al*« bp Fee
IHxeorrrp; ll
cqaii-k ip U*
ol which
rhick dae notice will br pirca.
bat Bot aa plmllf oj ae ip wml- eoaaopi.
faroUer. wbo wa* wiU
JobnJobBMiB baa poke to iUnpbam Uair kUr la Ula plan lai
FrMi and Faiar S<
wiU Ur iateotioD of brinpinp hi*
.'* Hrap Storm, ilepolar altc t
Tbe ladwe bf Ue BcoU aelpbboebood
Tbe frail prowrn of llaaifor and
TorplBetra^^ Ueapoke^ Ihe^ Bother down heia for a p>«xl loop rtalt.
'ill plreb lawn party and aocial F-'
npton hare oepanlxed a |
BBW. rrfeUUoB, maoBor
Tbe Hahn Uroe.'bare two lopaabd dap afteranoo aad erralap. July 31.
aoeUtpcdllretinp Ue rekldeoee of JabB*Hcolt- Bbb|
Urir crew, offr Uielaadlap
Ueir lope and Biabibf Uem into rafu aact ler ____
'i-d. Tbe
for towiop.
e to be applied on Ue paaVi-'- dapolpht
BCtoof toHptare troB a Japaatoe
....... .............Clark
.... .. from U
adtarp.. An effort will be mode to p
Ur n>
ble. HaptbraeiedaownatUieaeair- itopped
here for
a few dap* laat week Tide itaneporuiion for N'orUpirt p.
arwrip the eaUrr -pneh criip
lapt aprtiir tovh aad brinf Botb frail ________
He ulk* of
liHapiapa rip wlU Um pie wbo are raprelallp inrlted. Th<
.. bHopiopi
from Ur ima. Apple* wen aot in
and map we all bare Ibe prirllope to aad
tod eeulnp
wtahinp to po are rwinnilrd to meet
eeltlnp np
up a fleber)’here.^
fleber}’ h>
elUer al Ur Wiltoa cottape or -Ue Jared.
Dan Uper* pare a IWV W the pool
of eelrrp from
folk* Ue dlber erraiBp on Ue ootaai<
alaoiaxrro I. elffhly /
Barrel* oa bead aad BOO banal*
Followlapare U* oBleet* w6o wi
* hb twrotp-fir»l blrUdap, at I
«r^ U^^^^rp aad hot.
Heeriactoe Ito* M «'kltoB tbr
N-W- H
Hra A Ki
ealled at M. <
Hra mBCrer and cklldtoe of Albl^.
Hleh^. a« rliW^ her- pareo^»...^Mr.
C Fertto aad Ife of KaoTTflle.
Teas., war* rtoli C at Jobs Wbito-e
' Hr.BBdHtB.ToBBbetoamBonac
/. .
OMi BepeA wko kae kato«i etogetoMi^to the Dewep^re Oo..
irtraartof th«toaa»pl9rfaBf after
nickeraiaa took aotoe appir*
rar Clip Fridap aad the top of
________rU perboabeL
J -iZ
SiL f^'inv-
tlBB(b ertooe
Hia. H. E Denamon aad Him.
hint riaitod Jtr. Antoo-e tamllp aad
otto Irtende of Empire a tew dapa of
laat week.
Ber. Joba Fiddler presobed la the
Frteeda' eharch laat Wedacadap eren1ep. Hr.FIddlerharBatofMr.Uoldon of Ucrdlckrllle.
Will. ArUnr aad Meorpe Beott and
ArUnr Uoaaer waot boekleberyln-
few weeka
Babart toraep aad faBlI* aad Hr.
FaUarh taadlpnaitad at Aialra r»-
.oMallrd laat SaUrdap nipbt at 1
UAwbak lodjw:
XbUetiraod—Mrx C. R. Kebl.
•VlcelSrand-Mr*. M. M. I.. Seetlp.
-Trm.—MrK. A. liartleUKei'-p—Mr* II R dll.
dnia«r ffmt damapr.
AfUr Ue iaeUllaliim Ur i II O. F.
fin.t load of new wkrai la ihe
Tbe flikt
had a plvaaul •orpriee in «tore for JaelnooI market wa* broacht la by
> inUc’kbape of ice emm r-’ Nichola*
o Ham aad wld to Ur Udred
Mill t-'U. al
I. l-ba* Harare died last Wedi
Atthoarfa U>* wbrat erbp wa* reportnap nipbt al bl* borne after a loap 1
1 rnineil bp a hard wlater. apriaff
pxtBtnl lllnrn- Col. liarnre wa* b
nmU and the lleeeian
flp. Ue cnq>
.. .
alKnrtnn.il. In MHi. Hecametoi
proBiM* to br loitrer
place in I*--?, where he bae nince
Wheat la
IMriap bl* mldenee le I
U<e qaeaUty to r
place br baa woa Ue leepnct^aed n- twenty'
evmpaUite wiU Ur berearrd one* In bokbel*. aad Uet Uaa
Uixiark bmtrnf trUl
Ftinenl aerw-toemed ••onrepoodent *ay* tbe
Him.l>rr 'ol .TrnrerM CUp riaitod re>- ^V. and Hia. A.C.Wpakoop rintrcl rler* wen cooducted al Ue hooee.,
mean* to dratrny tbe nliliapr
which l*.«ltaaled aboat Um milB
a toloBkra brlnr that to mi
a^ a^fri^ la tUple CUp a few at Wm. Hatteadi
at Laka Ai
ip aad Uat it I* Bleu a pood fr
E IWBfaril and witeof Hiller Bill
Wm. ArmatronpA Bbpeta cammeo^
army worm ba* made it*
1 U. ir aeaaon'a Umhinii a-^ T. ,So
,l KllB&eld, deetroyinp Ur corn,
aacc at
part'* to-dap.
State Teacher*' IneOlBte. '
wheat and
aad oatero^ The road* aad
Hr. and Hra. Fred Cook wen Maple
I«arld Twiddle and dkophtorof Km
The Stale Teacher*' liwUtoto
Clip rlalUiB Sandap.
Hr. Cook baa pirepamed Urunpb town'TyarelUp oa llraadTraremcoontp will be held
errd wlU Ue f>c*U.
Bored from Foaeh to BbeUaad.
P tdbelr wap to ■Harem City.
TraremCUp.oommraclar at Mo'clockThe beet pi
Ur. and Hra. A- F. Baatlap aad UfMia. J. Brojamio of "jrareTae City a. m-. Monday. Adpoxl 3«. aad cloaiiiff
Ur ricloilp <1
tle mm Harold riailed wlU Mr.
l■n*been'Tl■[tiIlp M>b MarjWUlobre al t n. m , Friday. Aonet
Hra. Fraak Naab laat Batardap
for a few ilapa. Trtnraiap Friday.
GoMmltoloorr li. tV. HeWetbep. i* toartoea binbrl* per a<
el to Ibe bearH'of
probaMp be a
Fiator BalFictpMi wiu
Fred Hnnteb and Frank Hnwiep rode
ont tram Traeeme Clip laat Bnadap
w ;Stp. H rUlt‘ moralep. elkpinporer Nnadap wiU Hr.
ep; .be la ttar Haater * parent*.
Hr. aad Hra. Dell JobMt were UB
inp ont n<mr Aral laat TaanUp a
Wednndap. Hell forput to Uke I
HfA darrall. of lataad. aad Hia A iJ^p d^pled bp^Hr. Holl
H. Brm aad daavblar Bertha, of
A Croteer are abippiap boaolderTram Cltp.rUiS '
ember from ibrfr paid.
Prapa aaetlac at tke aebool Waee
mmj Wedaeedap odealap at a o’clock
■ nrpluidp le eofdkllp larllod to at
toad, haadapsekoelatto-do^oron
BtodAp. The CB. wlU aaetat »p
B aaal Baadap. AH are iarltod to at- ' ieodaUera
o Mil tiarrle^ifarm!^ei?Ur. La^
rip Uhelplap Heonp Whllam doabme
W. B. Mrap aad toaOp ratatocd laat
Hto Hal(fooptB.oir.taaa, Ham. aad
Ta^ap troB a riaitatnto Lake.
Ire. tolponpn. of Bap City, ebter aad
Hto HaUloHOIar. of TrarerB GUp. kler-la-lew V Bar. A. V
eWted Hto AIbb ttofa tot weak.
Hto Ocofria Morpaa. of Traeerea
Olp. nailed Hto Hap Baaca tot week.
Hr. aad Mia. Wb. Baehad. Br.. wool
to HnBBf d Bataidap to rWt kh win remalQ forawiaple olweehi
er while Ure FretoO b eblUap
Bother, who le
Hr. toper aad tcBllp are oajiqrlBrV
WlU Hia. Mtorer
aad HarrhuaB, of Tiarenw dtp. e^rd at M. W. OaBBlnp*.- the laU. .
A aaBberof delepato troB tke I
aT. bereeapaeltoaUead the dto
^ledpe acBto at PUe Lake thle wee
- KebBtUartaad had tke Btoertaae
It wee <Be
a Bophla WaUim
Hra. Chaa. IMaleM I* rlalUnp tri
I Harbor bpriapa.
Hra. J. r. HlUa U rWUap to
daapbtar in Wleonanla.
Eer. Obaa. IMaMerrdatiiad to Me
ome In CnroB8a.’HaUtdap.
Hra H. K. Mill
rare a Iceteib here Dept. Hbertff Ikde.of Bellalre wae
la Iowa Ue Aral of tbe wrok.
_ *lji
delap eaBBldrraMe
a tot are dplapeC
A J. Aibripht atoead iraa File Ula
atoteAaeel Uearp farm aboat tke
Wheat b aearlpalien aadhafair
of Ike rpe b kadipaaw
EC Allen of Ladinpton idoiiiMd at Tfa»rr»eClty.J
jud- Iwlltute u of I
UeTraiuleal llouteAVedondnp. Ue
to Ue teacher and to
^peeaen^Ue -l*ien»" llroom A Woad-
seed to be plowed ap, Ue prai* ’belm
aaarip dntooped bp Ue boppeta.
K. powd baa uartwl hi* Ureahlap
Hoowr Itmard p.we wlU
Mb to draw the eepaiator a ' ~
Ualadooka aftor aad rnae Ue
Ai^le aad Leapae eoarealkm will
ba held at Bbbmt Ue »U la eoaaae-
na aad ehlldree l.rola
aad (iertir iwlairroed to Fox Iklaad la*t
Walter N> bua made a trip to Tneerne Citp Buadap. rwUrslap Moooap
attoadlap'map 1
- il. yenu
lintlna* la
111 lufiaiUTca and a^amoa men to *preel. (fil
analyei* of eraleom
emleom eeltctod
■rFnrtuae of Ue Eepablic."
<Iovn>(*N—<1> Hkel
■ ■
rewiB* ■« Veaexaala.
r Ue TraaiTaal
m><irfV-|IJ lr-|VlV.l. i!t.
Ir ImnurtantcarruteTeato.
Jllir.hd-Vb—rto-Thc dipiat
' KK. ,'i.
Jao. Naabora droer a party of fire to
Lalaad Thatadap. erhu acrieed cm U •
re circalai
Tire atoamerCukamhia Bade aa esotaaliba. xtote. eoanlp. dtp. ril
ankm from Trarefar atp to Ula ^an
. (V> eoiapan CoopreB aad HlUl
Hr. and Mn. Will Saabora of Mmeaa
‘AiSJiii-riiTheeiphU aad aiaili
were Ue panto of Jao. Baabura aad
laaten of Pataam' " '
wife Ffldap.
A. M. LeMieM baildii
to bUcotlppe Whpee^
Impmeinp it.
UoMcirp—tUmpl* pcoMcBa aad AamMn Jacob Fartoeh and daapbtop cl caetnlloaa
laerne CHy arc Ue pmau of U. C.
S-bcnM ••
aneuB aad wifa
■Fmav <2 U*'b^U^
A. H£enn' and wife feeelwil a r
from Ueir beelMr. MerriU (>rtia,
Findley. 0., laid wm-k.
Mn AlleeCola of Traneae'CItp.
riaiilap berpannu. Hr. am
wUl be a latpe taraeoi.
Two dopa wen lonad wnrplap akenp
la Ue Awk of Jobe Bkmrd.
Oae waa
The Ladle* AUeorie^ot the Coabadly maapled aad anrip dead. Tbe
Mn E
Ibndme.wUldowellto' '
Hra. Wb. Dnriap b rhltlnp to oeraecanf
)* Mat Tharadap.
tier. Hra. Jo*. Hawkey, at dam Imka. aftor Uea> aad tore eunto.
* Kchl Teuraed taat^FM^
It h taand that amap Belde of ^____
Bmie Wrlphl teepeadlap a te^ dapa
WlU Miriam I4adnielf>t Barto wiu be acarip raised bp pnBkn|i|im
U Ueir Ul^off tbeaUkan (netne
C A. Kekeoa-e old ImiliBiat 1
ont. They
are rerr aameroae
Tbe E E 1. On. are bandlap aa ele- pet; alUonpb dpinp off fast an la- ImabeeanMilltaBd wlllbenadM
lorUfaraMachamlUehop. '
klcw la eoaanetloa wlU Ueh; priat I'Tiaelapaiachfnator.
Hike Utoey. cl Tnnne CUp, a
UiB. Eawrp and undrea. of Old Hia- dhtrleV Ka t. <d Mraat. Lpmaa Wn- rtndha Ue CciamUa Saadap aad Va
aioa. eame orer oa Ue Oaekeaa BaUo coM wnnMnetod aii imor la place of A.. llaaer xriU E W. Wllana aad taMRy.
VaaTbrnel. Hr. Vaatbrnel bae hcea
A boat lead of Old Mleekm pai^ aaeaUealMBeeraad ban U'
'fBBeorrrehtardaperiBiap to aHead latcnal la Ue aebool.
A pame op ball betwnm the Hoarae
Caatn atBeasd lb# Wasliwd E O T.
H..^b pUnd aathe proasdaflha I
....__ .".riS
Apple Bartels for Sale.
nimcltp per dap. FdMafF aad
wanboime oa Oats Btnat. as0 U 1
O. A v! M. tfsek.
It aloe bukhela
and F. P. Tilton rotumi
... .^1 la*l Tboradap. They
and bold
been rleilinp with Ueir pareaU
of the teacher'* work. A
blcbrr Ideal*
Mrlatl for tlw peat ton dapa
ioetitato le a
arlop Simmooh retaroed . to Bberi.
lad . to-dap. Uowa*
ion bare been eeleeted
X week* apo on aoa
- ha»e
and death
biiaUIrr Map.
lean la Ue aebool room had Know bo
to piTe oUen a portion of wimt tbi
liaxe Ua* learaed. It t> coofideall
Trarerar Utp < >meapoa Ibeei .
expected that Ute will be the beet li
0 nalt U, (I. Sborlrr-a etiUto mr held In Ue oonaty.
The work will eomldae pmfeeelom
C. E aad J. NorrU aad Joka and Al aad academic Inatroctice. Tbe laat
liubawkUn uemorrow mornlnp for tutewUlbedlrided Into ereOooe; aad
a work * Hebiopdawa-Ue FUtWrlrer. tbe ioktrocton will eoadnet riamre for
They are after tn>ol but will floicb ap tbe.parpnae of reeiewiar wiaw etodiea
aad'alao to lUmtrate certain meUndi
•-'prr B*h if Ibep don't I
of iaatnetion. Tbr workm hcTe been
the laat of Ue week.
arpedtoanhopr (or nib tbe like,
dace, alapinp. marrblDp. 1
off cheer.
ao aa to make Ue work m<
rlUool fatlpae.
I for *1-._____
enarUp limited aad. la
will be
rail Ur moat profitable
kw. Ue
ir followiup
folloe •
topla are
t Utiw keho parpoae
Mr. aad Hra. U. ScoU. Hr. aad Hra.
F BIxbp aad cblldren. Nia- H. E
DenaaorraadbereonaiDHra I'ertia*.
Hr. K. W. mxbp. Wb. r«h aa« E.
HeaelB bare rblled s>Ito ' . . ,
naberaad wit* of Hafde Clip net'at
faBlIto la Kiopalep. Hto U llo)- Ue mMeocrof K. P. Fiaberot Bbeln b the onlr rleUm oow aaPertaf ee- land laat Taetop rreninp. it belnp
r oaalp with tkediwaaa.
Hr.-Fhto'* blrthdnp. A praad pood
Hto Ctaadb Bell baa ctoed to lime wae bad bp Uto Mho
aebool aad poo* M W« Baptda where
ebcwlU epeodafrw weebaatthe Isaalupral
H.C Oate e laet work.
Hr.' aad Mia Baieadiwf pksiehed at
Lose Lake laatTharedap wiU a psrtp
Sf fiteade froa Trmreaeo Olp.
well eiilertalord. a
Hra. F. Webp waa'i Hood Harbor
edwlablaphe mipbt be
rhltor Fridap.
llerrle i
llelleaprr'a new bouen
, _r. Killinptoo pnaebed in lie Conpl^
rbnrMi laai Rendap rreninp.
in aad A. E. Helllnper
_____________ llarrlaptoo o6 Holua at
C E K«wTi»
tended efanreb'a\ Maple dtp laat W Batordap.''
Hra.W. Vallcan baa been i|niUa»-k
Mr. aad Mr;. Al. .Trombmp nlled bat U belter now.
cm Mr. aad Hia.- E Kpk.w laat Fndap
Mr. J..ho>oii of Indiaaa.rhlted Chaa.
ISiwelJ la*t VVedarwUp.
UalteaaamWi ' old anldiem were
Hnaliaw retoncd fiTiB Eoal Joraat Haurdap. It be- dan tu-dap.
o-day. where be faa* been work
ebUtoB WBBt to TrarBaT&lp with
Hwb. ,
_______ '
.>:jji.T:tot Vb°;r:dai.
kae face« rlHUap
aa rraedL. rtJtod at Hr. ItaUlrBB-e 8he
Joba White.
Hto Btoi. Boaffhep a>d> Aaarbter
C. A. Heuoatod. ol Codar. rMUd at
• WearvcMtaaea iBa-llaBieberdia
. a^jj^Bfala; abeuboaM troB her
- irKt^
QkiBereB aad Hra. Harr
•BkB. BBd IW CTMB tral« Mmd.
•etoj JMp to
r at low rata* fnia abon Bamad
Coaatrp pemea. epoeta. wte.. wUI be
pieem. aad a miiialpeod time la aaeared. For thoa* whoAo aot <an to
bBTetboflaeof It.
» BfBTUiTbB»ter
B.. W. ftetb
a irif* ratBraad %o tMr Tibtw
- VBpMdlac Bfrw dBF*
cn; kOM BfMTBp
ehlbhae iBitim BiUeor qaartoriprTbcre' wen maap pood Ulapa to be
hmnMd from It. Dtonmlf- *-----bpnCmtoeee. tUapinp.
lennc- KaBc.- after whicb
Tke wkeBt to Beattr
^ nUtof «BU to lb*
.t KBikBBkB.
TfcBf* Bin ta BO -r»^
Hal. ftBiBar. of tke Dbwbp Blare Oe.
• H la towB todap.
Mb. Hproa Calrtr WB* a TTBrofto
aif rWtor tot week.
S^i.'septSLsr’X s
‘ Mr.
Hn.DkiM«f LomM*
^IMaaMMdiMtUiplM Hu«V-
,..^.«.!SXTi5TX *’
AltM ^ nt»it< <raa
Oraad EapUa «BMp flHh' B_
__ .‘xn.jiX's:
Imto aad OnctoU aiBito
tkB. bald at Lnm Laka Jsip II. IMA aad In a abort Um
Uma the
Ue team toowto
ihowto Biato
ttw wHIholdlhafliatHiiliiiiiH
raep at ll a b. 'Aea wn Itoaaail
_ BBC be iBtrameatal maWe bp
Birdie Bowmaa. Bcnaie PalphaBaad
Jack IMiTp. which wae mato eatoed
trait baap an baarilp UU^<aad earioaa aUarpeiala. eriU partWkpalt. AddrcB of welnnmr bp Bcr.
cto anmab to the wtifbk- Thaa. fate la to feaUri^ wbleh will U
r map texvkooka
■tadyiap alcap Ue Itsn
tod. aad ena a
r ba made nep
.xam work aad lactam
Tbe laMtalc law allowi tearben.
r are la eenaica at the
red la lllinni* and Uemtioff hatoc.
.. rUI eat ralfbaffc aa well, and pretty
aesrlp e»erpUlap ffrern. de
the planu down to Ue irronnd.
Ue more pleaeant aad lurratin rm
plormeal of paUeriap Ur InuaeaBr
Iru'il crop la Uat reploa.
The old Potter farm which eootalBi
BTeral bandrod acm of Ue bnl laad
la Haadre. a larpe pcwlkna of which
IM wiUiaUe corporaUoe. I* the pnaof vaet numben «f Ue army
hieh he* attacked con aad
oat flelda. and U* farmer* are petUnp
prarnl It aleo
------------------------- ridenl llml - .
--wheat aad rye eroyanffer »ery UlUe
A $1,000 House and Lot on
-Washington-Street, in
Oak Park, for
»tnw 1» eery abundaal. Ue berry to
kbronkraaBd of poor quality la erery
. The nrly nrape* of the lad Ue later root ban Wen Ue
BiBu« the wn>mi Uii^a
H UcB at tbe wronp tn_ _
mcnech aad Uc eiW dlpntin
Uaapi iWWcMt the fm aad npalar ae«oa of Uc boweU. farinp bA beadeebee.
hihoanp*. kUary tnmfalca. ttmlcM
xicep. lantade. aLfxmuiiim. aad plaal
tbr eeedx of ilunm ia *11 nru cl the
-body. llcahhcBBc* }o( meaty md»
caw. EpiowenfimBtbcarlinleB«a(>
coated endt tt beelU - Dr. Ptette-*
ncamal PMMa They an for aocUnp
la Uc world Md to kem tke lawilt wpolar, Uc mmaeb fm Rom pa* aad ferrr—--i. —f T-- "--I---------
$300 i^^rentain on fame and
$300 in monthly payments ^
agreed; or $300 on time apd
$276 spot cash.
T-Tl«^m-i-r-«=i a-fc
ATm tofcc the fleet cd Nbbib
Body help Wt. No eat c*^
a cUn to their am When (be
madi —take oac.
waiodf aadbcsl- ~ A*«'- W •
Herald Office,
glvid «.«h. ammmAwa
lafaairh wayiPBiiii ggRtu). JPLY aa. 1
jfaiald a* a Dray Srtaar.
te sUrwri
ruJs,“Tjy^to =1^™
All Her Lile.
■* l^t ealto eat el *^
Bto^ ^Stw»*llS^to *? 5!C.^'
^beradeyea waat
ahj caa titol^ I‘»
^tolypee kabootlaaoo.
ssrtS'JSssiiifs.’S I^SiiSlsarw.'SirS;; EV
aK?:rJS^ v^-irz;
tolnto M anal, to
• Weald Taa Paltara ur
* toftoaratoi ••—f atol.
VUk tmmm* ato nn <*«••
On itoaj «w tto> «~n^aan»
. toaiaatorkP~t»'nk tiadto—ton aa4 Mtaan. to
OnW kto a> •*>■ U» rain
* "Uaw^'ui Mr^Wi^tolr read tto
harp all o( tbe
ktor. Ike flaatikaadbr
iMktotoIr hU toto tofc
tod*- '
fcn- OoaU atollyBate are Ttto deaf* lor awli
to •wlBtolarJtol
ewItoalD '
It r> la
»•*<»• “•
tUf a
Knot Mar I
Rasidence Prqiertj
tbaa tdo.ouo'rtai*
ptoar to bar* lb* bi» Urkt^
'lUrold nw they
sUT to turn w to :
toa tato. ton* *M
»U1 to ftbl« ta tttotto to^ ni nf
u iaprorea^
hire a ^y.-
£iStoth~ O" Washington Street,
arable leealB, iBl
Oak HftghlS.
For Sale at $600,
•Tbe roddih.- aald tbe prof^. «»i*S
“?____ _
So IU~ld took bU llUl* **£«;»“ .lawfeoartdp»b»eonr«tbaaojalUloo
----------------- ------------------------a and tola toon «I wood. Thea
(a8cacau;Sctotola,.CaBeti. Rbeehe told mamiaa It looke
laltob aed i
warviBfe of
icdy and alwayr
Itoit dtre to aaaUer water.
arm after all
............................. rt who enn- ^
U *sp>*t Biar eeatorr to do Uito.
Dtot. %bo»e all
- • I ft yoo U7 to to4A
trotoer tbit
yoarnrprtoe. tbatyoa ar*
to'liS!* Kdle%«li weal to
Take a Mm/ mwod^ lor a blood dUraae;
to 4
A Real Hood Remedy. $spo cash and $300 on
time if sold quick.
told torJgOtfa^U
year noatb and paep If
) r«l wator la year tbmat and b*rla
A Dali tlut Berrad U* Oovnamaat.
dean Apache tadUnr bad left tb
dwwrre. aad «M of oar tleaecala ba
dray-dHrrr. —Arltrt-d
^srdi?£s:-s “'“is'"
Cheap Homes
•yi.' mndam." be replied. "1 bare
a botton. and yoo woold ofcMpe ue
preatly by iwwtopa cont to It. '
and plan- Il to tbemr.
The pom -
sir.w.fii'S'-srList: iHHg^lFarming Lands
ad to bar* tbeoi clotor. that be Bipbt Stm-berry.
z''Ll^ s5';:«1.;:r,i5rkeS,:Tu
5' 1:*,;
Adlrn decided
XMec laBil be tahr.e
the little papooec
to her taatlly.aithc
the larprel of Uir il
for her. W’llb bor ..
maklnp ihr
_, abe itarted wilb bw protoeton
work caa.lnp tbr bln
1 pall yoarfreely. In ratotbh Iml oprr»l
yoor P
......................... . The eoldlen left Of b.rlnp the dertred effect
and the needle are cnt^olljlni
a latoreldlrectioB to the rt.-liai'. dwh
to the fort Tbe next d» .tb. 1
The poop, tbe tnm.t dell.-ate toilraiDcat of the eallre m-U U uMd In tramreonlrad rrttb tbe prentoat ooartony 1^
“ *r- “«*• “ ‘•ijsS.;;
- -- tocsrrlr.1 Uroupblbe pipe., the
____ a. water an>l pa* are earned Into
taildiops. Md Uerr OMd. The ■
Bow tbe Baaa Oalatmad.
,{«n(upul io Ue larpnsl boiler, prutaably that wui c.r.
tauk UIrty-sIs hormto
HbespeotUe day to tb* oouatrywIU the pier .m which it a
. to be ala.-ed.
bnildlud to which It.
Ilwriplis Ih'.'to' p.mnd. and atondk^M
iHtcn to what a bee will do. Kot
ign lome wtroUaB cnaphl a nam.... -f bee* just aiUey rrlamcd to
Urir hire todro wlU hooey, and, after
iBcIualnp Urm to a lltUr boa. <»r*fwliT weighed them
W hen Ue bee* bad
ie« non mn.
Choicest Meats, Pcultry and 6ane.
B\»wX Ux OoMCvh ■
ly. A.'an-PPax. ApeoL
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages tic.
Ww-SVtLSSlff'r •+■“
TBLSPBon (Mabut A)
h aawbra r
aeledwl that
cae Atry tki
of bon«^-at- -M - wlU. It t*o.-«x«*oapt.
TO ,
Taa»*<w«ofB*mg*i*~w ,
HukS... M---..— - -----------
Ihe atorpn to Uc
The *«a*t of belap al, *a*e
jVicat Market
•rv- . -
Uatc to ilto-ap..
I’rln.keyaod Chi irlrriiis. W, Kur
partk-nlar. call I t Ur .b-araUiat
sS'Si.'iaf.s.rLrsisrr ________ __
Cdaa^aptoaaa dainty white b«
wMtMiwdt________________ ___
•SJS I'roat SlrooL two- oara vat of Sutoberp'* Utaad Opera Hooaa.
O. PIERCE & CO.. ProprtetoTA
To Chicago. S4i
Japao T(«..........................
UuaimrltoUedUoBpraphp. iUr
Uorao Boiled Onto
t bar* Amor, ramlly Soap., *3c
(TearkaU Itork per lb.........
Ha«m Jar*, all alua OB baad.
noua Babben tad Upa.
SE£,Wi- St -•’Wb's::
l-.'ltoL C Soper...
lard per ! ....................... the
> tur. JickKieSuap................. 330
» bar. Kirk-. Soap .................. *3ot
Arpu iHou Starch...........
lu lU. Kullod UaU.................... 23c
Heat batter Cnckera par lU ahe
aKBOkuaCradrera pel lb.. .
via Siram.-r-Wearatt Kor fall la^aod tkkeU'. call at
TTiai the Entcrjirist' Grocerj’ •!* the
cheapest store in lh« city. We offer for this week only;
A amall boT la doing e*ry well In-,
dawl If he oaa Itfl andewry luo P«>wd.
oralitUe UwUan hto welpht. And
hr would ^ee to drop tl pretty qaiek.
Escanaba and Cladatone.
irtTXe-. ■
M,.'...... _
-.U,h d.) uf-s«p,«u
,lH«rse Biy Lite OlSlptii
»• U IM Prewt 8L, Traecw Qty.
ap him till
ndalapt U
the bad oa
*”*''llfi." a^ we
>. and bad left a
dnyrtnaa. I— raaataed borne a* aooo aa poulble. b«t
eotbefar* Dobbto coeld pet Uen.
and eatlap* ehawe aetay day alaae U
te'IiGood l-'its.
Krw rarBllare Store.
m K.ir..p.- creo rarher
be aiuirut paiulcL pla.iirch at db.ke I'-tois. Kup-
happaaad aext to bar owa w-------to be tiWB 001 to pet tbr boiler In.
dSdealy Uc bay. eaw a bole la a IB Juorney fn.ia tbr pier W. Ita boa
wnealleaded by a lirpe erowd of
tree near W- —here .erera
toNOled Hwetotora.—Krrh>lH0r.
aaid Rob, aad Harry, wbo waa a p^
Ptorkamaa. Urew allptatod firertmdm
Into Ue kola. InaUnUy a lo*d roBwt
wn. bawd. The bee. brpan comlnp
llato awana yellow *rt ud oat by Ue taandrwda The boya bad
not barpotoed foe U la. ao they took to
tbelr bwla. We followed, bnt were
ant ewifl eBonph to meape o«r enemlm Hay «on|ly pot »»»er a claw
ofboUw- I trM to doUewBe. b«t
woldBH. Ik niBOlnp to ftito
ptoee Ua bare auap me fcwtally- The
famyero. Vorfl-an .... brttof "i*** *?»■
money nean-rbuniV.
touli ri.-h, dr^- and jr.-ni1y roUlhp.
tmbrrcd inaliil}' will, ^upar Mapir,
Mdc Kim. fWwuud. Alb,, Herrh.
Hemlock, etc . and are wefi watered by
lUcB riT.-Kaul brook...
Stronp Mils, flue crops. ^Itliy cUaatc.'w-li.hdi and shurcbc.; IhU-UlPi-nt'
opulil—b, rawnlyfrom Kaatem bUtcr
w.s. mzwAHu.
-SiTasaSaWs s.'sr ss srJE5.S
sas-'!2tJK:‘’«isn? ‘'.IS.TSi
- buuili notH yoo
S?S,£^S■S&S'3iPair Ifriccs.'
"M-russ r
ho«iw pay. foe Uem to adrerdw U.lr Saa Uae of ear
l^rioe. raape from pi.to ap
Itoiiot pnlVr.1
A Large DoUarA Imller. as yna doobtlrm kimw. to
be rnwcl io whM-h tbr water to bulled k aulUudr of wltaiUrw
•to ^nermto itcwB to ron
acbinrry to bo
'ndtona, and led to nepoUatlam
w Yurk City tl rr to n' company
I ttonUed to Ue Indtoni poinp
hUUnp and tor
_ __
That to Uey
kindnnn to tbe lltUe plrl, and their
STjU.Em UJ«. Un -»1-M
I will pirc yon ooe dosan flr«Ktai* HkUaoof yoar taky
. aoent exuatur the wriapeaa'Uc pbotoidoB*tecat maa d^t
Kaileutol Oruidrt , T1in)K(tli renter
>DU»os of Ue pnwent era
rttUc re-dtocLwery of pB• prtoci-,
lomn (.ir mpii.' (to Ur Auyri
>od morn b.o nor old Rurupeoo
to area the paddle wbrri fur
>S •to ‘liarr been
Tl.r ».lcycl
to Clito.’
■«rsrsSs£fo—1—, £r..“s^eis?TmT::tS.‘'55i^'
.tariRC LMM.au
• wiUcw^HibyCwTfapriMlIfaraeboettiue. t don't cha^
ton uiui 1 inuu 1.1. cwpw
I the to.nl pertcal
Hreerrr. Bat Uwfatbw totl Bother lotuopa
of the IllUe ladtoa plrl did o<A abp>«r.
It waa a rrry aertow thin* for a lot of
toldleioto bare
they wyre , doablr-bnrbrd head.
WMtaatoe. *oft-*olecd womaa wb>
•ora a tor whUr aproe tod had r*aU.
IM ;free i
___ ._M W.M
otbrcBiopaarrajIlmhttitorUie drat
iwmbB plBplrto Ue wont
arr.n. the unill buy*, path. The
_.,,t ol It llllrd him with w,«der and
lat abe^ooold lake It to b^ earinniv. but i«> tor wae abh- to ml>w
of Ue body'..
Than war* tworooito to the booM.
fy liliu pi to Ja.l what It wa».
ITta- iMtaolly iwiic^y^l perua
^^^'iidlrUaaltwpwfthUr braoU- enIJT bb.
hta. bip
blp biutbrrepnpbl
bnitUrrcpnpbl oaa,
ikuD'. tlintawou the
(al doll olowly bdd to brr arm.,
pal'll io tbe.iaan boc'r II.
■anrolar taow. ihe waa rtotooUy
Bioim..- be rrled. a. he -rirwrd
pj the anoieet ihe opeaed be>
tiny, twinhiinp ionk-tiiclo.
■rltha aalrbbor■'1 know wttoi they are now
A rich drpu.ll of pnld>191 .lire/ to
reported to tore been dtooiwrcd re-^yoi , a Ipra to ttoUwn.'K- B.
lath* otWt
.Aid. Vat BOW there cane a new
The Moasatio r BUI '
dimcally. Tbe aoldUn. hoped. II they
dellkept tbe little piri. ihat-tor ^rento
a. thet orpan. to. 1. rttoply a 10..I
woeld’eoan. or eead alter her. aad
S^Ta bma )Mt^ Ue bed.
IH HlOEtaAlf.
atari, and reparded Uco> ai' nlioceiber
Iboat tb. toll thine that
• b.8 PfotUled lor
toriaian^aaddelMrbl- Alllaitwtotor be u»d to -to-p oir frop, poiv,to
bed that be Bipbt .It to hU aanw . lap
Herald Office.
lady of ch4«5»ble dtoppJt^, nik^
State St.. Bear Union.
>Tbey any r»f» iboald alwayi o
The bnall Itojb Itop «Uir. ’
her. UKl'^ ^totfcr fork All ^
•be wa* rcty salat, bat whea alpST -. The rtaall boy bad .aerer *<« ao
IreUei. lie had. bowerer. eera U
L -
Ei^lafito rtthSJ'ofSITdreDO^
..a^i'LS. Sm-J.VK.'lJ'-.S
m ornyold*: oftb* hawka^ *r aad Urr home. Tbeeoldlere did oot
•to ta^> tod Pglto" ^ JaSi what to do with her; Ucy ooold
•el spiel her. At to
to'aM bear ebual tbe wl 1 OHaat
daarbtor of o» of Ue ofliuara
' t-boiue aad tilted
weat totbll
tbedc .wlbcUtUe ledtoQ
firl to tbe tort,
let brrtoltaad*
Tbe lltUr ftri toaeod It to the o
•ad It wa. oarrtod to the tort t- _.
r'"i““K»Ll'It.f?.TSi"JT.r EtEr-S
IT. «.T.Vi.. ww S
to S
eoelde’l think of any other aaiae. e
be tort tailed her - lli*. »la««a ’ :
.Avoold IhU pay yoo for yoor UaieV
•Lrarttwl. lahiap tbe laneor-ple fro.
tl., -.too-,
ycM old; etray^^a^y^f^^hy
reneoo tor aot lelUur tbam do w
they waat to."
dol eweytof ibc
i'erbato it ii not
yuar Bare aadAold It for a
II three few htoBareoba
ailng k Nadlly leoraed
a nal plMar*.—Krimn
__ _
■'What doyoB mraar-
ttonmap » SwiB.
■vlBalat B nhniBt na caay na walk ly forpal omlee* tbew pom away.
teUytto knew bow. JBd II laaannay pIri who wrltm to me oomplalai I
iirrd'-JUzK's'iTsSi s: iL"pr4".t:^'“i-S.'~
2r.r..-=wss£ar- rtoSt't'to « H2r“ot^r*
SirtJrt bSi?i^to.*‘^Sli?f.Sey“uS
sjnrsatr.’TMs; id**^5tarjk^rft^** **"'**
. they waat Into tb* wnlw. and of ec
bori'to dT^SrTalirbl bTlurr toit ~
cxcBeedfc*raeU.aBdHld abe atoH po
home cBrty baatwe Ur went to bed
wUb S ehtah*a.r-rrwa Uorper'.
Fruits of the Season.
Jotl for the 'mke of arpiioto^
w«T» polap to Map
all ktod..
TklL or ihorw fat nod doapy.
w. J. HOBBSa
lal» *». 11--.
146 Front Street.
Traverse City, Mich.
, 1
Wa boar of bapoy lamllto. of aol-i
uato ABOTonr-............
of Uto
— lktad
*-i ..
to I
^il^aMaa^MoayUl^ wUeb
U Uo dial ptoca. mj n«or. yoar
UphL If yo* carry raanalT w»U aad
pini. yiTbod,. a. a wbto*. to H^t. bold yow bcul ap U • praot odr -
That the best pla« to' buy anything in the line of HnnJ*
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire. Bam Door Hangen. Pabt.
Refrigerators. Ice Cream Frejsere, Gasoline Stovet.i^
Fishing- Tackle, and in fact eveiytliifig in the bardwnrd '
line, is of W. J. Hobbs. Come and see to and 1 ^
prove this sUlemenL
•TtbIL' We onaply *tok topewre
that ow eetiit' *1^ to ripbt ^a
No pU alale. oried op.
liA oewataff .U be "palmed oir
ea a lo^ wPeriap pobUe.
Not the
Largest and Best
Bet belap to maaoa doamt
proee that Urir not *<•■ Ua
Bo^to OkoUerhaddreoied brr hwl
.hareh «me brkrbt ttoaday awnlw ;
Aflac hor hair woo brwobad aod her hat
Uio oad pal., let Uc yoaap plA Barer
Utah of hto when Ue mreU her , •Storaref*laottoBo*ayoor dr**."
Moadn laouad. tot her try her rwy called ber mother.
beat to Bake U* net happy. 1' •—
to a ^ to Uejroim wbeja^oi
A«at Sacab.
a M alee Uto m.w*tog."
tartlmo. towrto bar oataadMUit^
■he Bold. ■'.
"Uo, ao. .
Uupcat "edible*" to town. Try
baytop all poor proerclr* of
Uto arMOB aad emaparr ear UUt
Bfdnoin Silt*, hite Jteltim, -
wttb Uaar pea roorijad toat year.
nmkrt Oroom.
i>l>»au.7k^ HBBmx jpLzas. lart
dBiaIr dte
Ete'2d % littii'teirSca**' t
TiB<cmr. Thaw onaaiv tea k> «
> mrvWb U> Wite. Baeh ftU<w
.bow thFM dUUort eolan—• ■■
w tber mr*
* tuM^ieglT
Bal *i»e ■»
tb* mwkn BV*'V‘
«ute. white. M tM> Kff»ts:
ptetrof nio* rteh i^k.
l«l*dk*of iwrytemwj ilbo w
UtMSUwllBC OTMfttekI
Fnr «nl driaka. tod
ie win plaww bola old wad goaoc
feerlrr tb* proj
AapoM «a toll m rn- I o«to .to ,tbr right •ort ul i-lotba are hard, i'lio
thlokaoaatll»frtoidoo«pat ~bj> ,Biniiiwrj to good rbaaiBg.'abr rrrite
--------- bwhich coalaliwd ball adoara -ia
aeU. abterbrei aaterial. Uiat I
Wnald ralbrr barr aig ataUa draUog
artk-Ira of lar aaire ealar tbaa Ur
arnib t-lotha. beeaear IbraapnlT la ao
laoatkMwd lor pif
pifktol 7Itollrd. rapw'iall; l{rr>«>^ •« U>'hi‘
'aublr toil aa OHWtkMwd
wHaarbalwarabaar It
| Cil gitiag away our paniy aotp u
drreUlUing. Uid ilaoBrl of all kia
aboold V bi-pt forerropbiegaad clca
■Bg paint—a»d all inerieu aadriv^
raUar dark abadaa of blae. altar lirowa
wen wiU yellow.
’ it ia Ue ab^ of
_______tbat k
Iirbuaw- jlkef.
Itecliee alauwiU blark
ark aod
aod r4U
' tala loaea of green.
ItOIMO aiK*T«.
‘ Vary dark greet b
_ ejreeu(a
brlgbloned 'to llalagaof
mlagofpaleblar. A medlam abade
ell wIU old pie
asd WorUtTira.
blBrUrrira. I aoahr.labali
aoahtulaball box ettagra
a ryiug wkb earb
rarb olbi
olbre oa Ua UroWo lab grreiia !• . well wlU broo
, aadplan tbre^ohiorao
of grlatiaa ia «dJ water until ------- c>k>r of their toarda. there ia
aterd hf Baara
gray flanarl made, uqll
Del,’ expreiwly for Ue
day la
- oirafaodbMd lohonaalbgatora
b. lUaoel Uuld.-uarw
If oar ^ta aa hoar earlier tbaa oaaal. wbieb mual l>T
^ hto that bath b added mora.
AlU'hen lowelu. craah.
Ob bear! tree rtcbaa are
well bi keep Um- uupply nodrr yoarl
work aba <——i
k. .
owa core, audloure that after carh I
^etoff before .Ue-ruttar.1.
bUirfatar nwteaa Biar.
(ulog the vloU M ritMo.1 aod drird, aad;
heal of Ue day.
out Ihniwp away aattl it liar been uaed :
ttafor kwd tea. puddlagi
Bo! wllto.—wlUtr, bel
aa ioug aa pnrelble. • Uaay girlu a Ui to
ai^lea say be |rrr|awi<d at
i. J,. laUnilked. Ileal Ue wkitr. «f alx i-gga
era. ItoiauM’tbry bare a moory ealne,'
toa allff froth, aweeiea aad drop
^ alow bat -eaea
tpouafah laio bumog milk; cook for but cleauiug elolhu, bring only raga.
they will ...uiakleriuny be Urownauide
"u‘ “i
it any tlBieaad friwItoBeu Ulfen
^ Xowtbeal
I* Idea Ual cawtlrtg aalde ooe'a ei>addilkai to the BofI, wet riolh. a ilry
a pialler. Heal Uw yir.n’uS* Ihr
dirwear will make ooe cooler ia eiro- WlU a little tall aod >
rnliber ile>t made of i>1d lUanao t-raah i
that baa t*oo|^rTuw aaa illeb hiwrll'
I. Tbr uoie ouiDbM of garaeata
b.*.i^ 1 ^..e.Kliipg bruuh of I
aMba wbte U-E<ar ^
Kor Ue ailk or woolen • I aafaatiute; ■
;orpt to elran
Oaly toil wlaa haureb gift;
I thick a. c
owrafeottoa. aad for Ur aUer gar
<BeDta,arlartaUnB fBbiv. For dreaai
. pHe ob lop ut Ur'
• CBtUnl.
Pou and Fam.
haea plealy o/ alilrt walau, wlU dr-1
■■ ii.ii
tte tb* (all «m la
I tbaw.
nisk, bMia«a.atiwerU-Mdi while aadbaawit rrady lor aaa. whlW
lb* Bwblat ail
laehaUe roller bnd ealfa: ewr bardly
anttoeaboryakirt- Hot alwaya keep
• bead a pretty whUr'ai lawa di
kioka eool at,’any rate. Ttoy
lal Ue aoeret qf beleg eool ta briag
rcaaed aeeordiag to your prellioa Id
ilfraod torfdag falfo. Tbr aertwaa,
axeltrd wonaa iaalwap wanarr Uau
K|. ubbuld Vtaali thriB iwiBrinab’ly. tV
aod ooe (bat
“nitalaaebeap d
It leaat pni a hull water In ibrm
Heal the Abil
1, that titnr aad UUir
• r«gu aOT. add a llUle auger aad
eanlng Unu.. When
Whei wi
drop law a quart of boUleg lahk
•ilof uking tfaia .implr
tVMk aawborr. Itot Ur yolka l
e WlU MT.- oarerirre i
er WlU two UblrepudofoU
. By paUiM iahar ^Uw^e’aaT.'*'!
atarck, four U''
* ’
and a IltUr ulc
Aiid a lilUr iwld
■Bilk aod atir lulo Ua tolling unk,
rilirallUr taae, until It b. tblik aa In rleanipg up niter an,
and add Ua ao mach diniealtr In arr
gowe aoltrd U> oarerlt. Ur plapr aad
dried fond, and cleaniag the ai
aratoB do noch to iuakr a wmaaa aallhardi’ord parUcie., that they
-Ewaet.awete- Theaaatlaallilgray.
their dbh walcr in Ihew erree
Mrd WiU barerlf."
Tat tbara wabaU to greet Ua day
One plalofailted door, on)| muaded allow Uem to 'anak.' and ninaequ
A UMla Mrd. wlU oaa low aou
Mua. U. HoxTAbi'K.
hour to clean ttieni toforr begiuuing
uUaapuoafal of lard, halt a b
WatibwoaiefbiaUar tbroaL
aaulhrf uieal. which la Ooinr Uinga
fol ol aalt. Ue white u
llrM.lru, reMcIa ao
eupfol it- wblk
• auger: wet wlU bai-kuard.
.Paulng Op UaCardialt. . hae» Dot had Ihe ueemaal
to make a atTlf dunVh: beat
. Dariag tbr rerly aamiorr atoitba.
them ■
In all ai/ra. widtha and atylwii Sue knd
while brrrlra ate pIraUful. a good uup, Biedimii ffradca.
ply of etinllaU Bbtruid be prepared, for ■niBUtraorloeger-eyeryalrokeiiiakm toinr fi>r cw
Bet* la Ua aepae. tbaia la tbe dell.
aoboaaewife wbohau ontfr teuted Ueir Ur wafera lighler-forui iulo balla iogofl>eu
TirlUeflac amwm rto aad awall.
taedical qoaUiiea will to motrat to half ai biff aa a ben a egg. and rollO.e pulling li.ei
Udiairf low Ue trial BOtea era;
a year wiibnol then. Our graod. aireofuaiDall ira aano-r. Hake upon
tha wUdtoneraoaiaa Iboagb frooi paaa
BKtUm were hetter rIaMd In UU arl a fl.iured tin and watch larelully umil
a iiffhl bruwa.
of preparing
irdieiiUan t
PmwUall .. . Wboasaraatohaapi
TbOar. whal UUart taart be Ularf
' If taara aatTgrlafa Bit wlaet
needs it..........
For Men. Women.
Boys and C,iris.
ra ofUe
d to adm
r Ideaa dr n<i
tealpira b
' atrrogtbeningaa
■ereol day. a
caii-krx a'khAii.
Uatonr ’ inr
ir ran gel relery uae it ii.. offer aay luii
____________ Iwge. Tnkr Ue leenal. ol
plare of Ue
Iwooldehlckcna, toll tendiT nud ehop
ariahliir rordiala up flue
Hrw.nn- the meat nn.1 add aa
tret Ugw reI Arat raya
elpaa which hare been bnnd^a^lbwn
•iiCaalagut areVboar la there awwieg. Urcai^ Buuiy ffcDciatiotii of prarttrel
Aad » btra aa gay aa a feaUernd bUff.
nod mratJTc
riiaalag biwarif ia a niyal ouak
pruperllrnof frniUarr
- ThawhllatoaiBgnUaffOldraeo<
yalla tor Ue doctor a i^bt* tetooldnl
OaUy doU be blaaall extol:
-I'a O.T|.ola
nod brat auger
he oard: Uw apkea ahonld to aUoag
BtodUac blaekblrdaw
d purr. No iHture of any kind lilioald
Oaly Uh areaare "K rriBg. Itori
Ulaektorry. raaplairya
Tbwtmvbird trim kto raprrtolta.
dewberry aordiaU are old .aqd ndul
. OoTirly alafflag It o'er aad oW,
leroedira fur towel eumpla^to Sue.
,Tillat1aaffU-aalo ' --------. berry, cnrranl and gnpr ceirdiala are
Ba laarly aowela
eiorllmlaUMParh' tooioa; and mrdr '
..........................................-rira ia
iw ia
aald UI bird alata ao ■ochiBC
|wiral aflec
Taatarrraa. St act of aaa.
To <wie quart Ol blaekbmy Juke add
oabpoaod ol white cugar. one UblrBaari^teaimrTtwraay -tljdB, apia. apuoolnl racb of ciurrw. elnaanioa, an- a aad netmeg.
Kril boUl a rich
Aad ktordoU marry rubiB kaow. ,
m la formed. Ueo polin buttlre
Hagtac -Spool lb opoul-lletael-ib'' aur
aeal while hottUre in Uwapooe
duura to rbildrea of lire yrara oi
Bo trial, ao mre Ue browa bird’s
r aereial tiiaea a day. Ima to yonog'
er cbndreo. and UblHpoonlr' '•------ •’
aa adniL
llewbcrty rnrdial.
cordial pwpanal
Sb the BMadow, where arela Ur larll, Uie -a— war
Uawure awhUa tba gloom aad dark;
la alau rerr rfltcarlou.
“ «'■"
W yab faU emm. day towma aahub
. One thoaaaauurlaUalrtoaarfa pleat
Tbaa Ua ter bird oar childhood
The Tiiigrre '•Kevrralip” WiwUr
Shore f.w men, rare wearlag rnhtotv
■li> not hret Ur feet. pr...ml .laupneMt
■Iriking thoHigl. —Ire, and .make wal.king In alippery plarea, eoinfortahle and
Aiao ntcl^atonairely .ill llieyrle
well: One leae|
I uugar. '
>«e ul wuaUnb one .wellof vine^r abd halt
ot a rap
a cop of w
ladierand a—________ ,-------ler. Stir until a> tbh-k aa ci
then I
plare in i pasiaf water to cc
Oat-Of.Door tole.
They arr mad - by sc-o ely Insertiag
•ouu-u hare had 1
piece of'rei«-.-in1ly pr.-pari-«l niblipi
id upto uaaaaa
in. Iiol not lliruogb-the nulc-solc by
ample of
01 what Ue opi-u air will do
UDtn we arr tired of bearing
ie I>i<tfr« firen T>yqejte the M.’Kny l-nb nv I’lOcres,
______ - It WBA a pmdlirr luxury to
II, arty I jling. A^prr.
me. at Irenl. lo read aa adtenu- critiI •to iisss Nsus'jC ThMii.
ciam on the mnrhdau.tol Jersey l.ily
alter her
.r firel
bret appeal
appearaace iu .New Vork
tbininlhrfblc.’Fokl’IUUVr.K.' They
me ynam ago. T
■a too rubuat; ttialsbn
-RcgnlAtetbrlluwcU. I’urdy.VrtctriJe.
e nfuarofh.r
Uoroogfabml brorre. sayf a
It hi. bowrrer, not b>he deuied tl
nr women, eupecially thowi ul I
F.>■^alr l.y
liddle elase, in rillagew. OD farniA a
the fniui nf flm JaT.
> tbr smaller Inland, cities, lire 1
. much of the Umr in-orer-breted rucK
It Is not oeeqasaiy. prrbsps. u> fol
Trarersei ily. Hirh
low Ur example ul Ua Kagllab sen-'ioj^lng-h.ng
Ofcoorre .
te might Uiah Uuir torekfant bmmapMu srlUoBl mret wf sorec Uad.
toCia oar bore dariag Ue bretod
^’Wm bat little Is aaad qoiapared wiU
ItowlatorreaaUs. Poramaaueai
puck ia Ue srarm sammar Is abnal aa
•beard re lo aat tod from a apoua '
Tram aariy apriag aatll (aU tto tralu
Socae Dauty Sarnnu
^*”wte dSr"' bull for
ima^cold rrateeato^'uSte^
preteeUy ouki before remofiag the
ahelia. Take Ur riargar Iu which red
Jmela bare beee pMtIed. poar
yaareffgibutoM Uem alaad ta—
■aarhuara Toa will ttoa tod theUa
^ltelyid|a«otplte teahtea
IllCiil: ii::
ilKSTog WiikKMANhlill’.
ANfi A i-BsyBcrr PIT.
AI Rwh’lhitlom Prigea.
21S X'zoxxti
New Era Cash Grocery.
Insist .Thd dcm-TOil
a;-,; .SsS
Putted Chicken
It^b oomi^ to to .tecngolied
the sumomr oampiug nob alleodr.
apworlaie linrd ur grablte kettle
it qfico Is by lailgoe and iuoua
nlmmer ooi^balf bourwIU Ueb«.. . lenm ut all hinds. ad<lsnialeriaU:
BU-k raapbeny rurdlal i. the yrer's ab>ck ul riulilr in ti
made la Ue Ome way. oaly daubliag wku todnlgr in lb It is no '
UeqqaaUty of sugar. Ukr tbr
In nay Improrriucnl
aprorriuenl In tbr food or Uc
(mriiaia Umr nboutd to toUJed
of ouoklac lb in the meaas of
aralod wbilr b.>b aod they w>
orrrebuitJtIxowUglu Ue
tooad moct exebltcot fur towel
KiJwjnUlBRt rouniAi..
I'at yrrer eggs bi bolU
Cmtcr's Little IJvcT Tills.
^comUoatioB afdlsbreaadciNrqps wm>oa. when Uc tagalar kib-beednrftaaehmret. Tbr palnla srsarire mad j Uas arr sn iaerrased rriu berry reararolm srlU eoaslaal repeUUm. PralU:
te ^»l. may
wad TIWMlIllt. Sboaldflrem S Isrew: **
“•'rd la
"“'a «rm a “rifu, qrert yars. Ttoa. wtoaUeec is latwr
part of tto Ull «f fare reU day.
taisare. aod a qimatityof tottics oe
adUof largelaariorelkaad.Ur >ar mar to opcaed. Ue cow
ai rrhrmted.
^ : dial
n-towlrd. a
aad puorrd into Ur bot'': ure am
1 while toto-H
>'• Vimra.
8. E. WATT.
Ask for Gartta: s,
speed Ur Uaie. ur a part of lb ie light
rxereian lo Ur upee air aod sumbiae
— -----loduure Ue
■aid be speedily mai
Invur reorwnlelBsUelty. toUer
tile, totter complcxiuos, aad atom all
a teoBfa^Watcr, I mark year Blgbt
Tba Krepch arr perhaps to-ller -i
TUI U tomreo a hlacyoa are kst to
oar qaartnf (ipr currmot
-I. mureaoerptau1r--Bajtl>-ls for us I____
add two puuode ul white atgtar.ai
Uw Eogllsh women Tbev are But girAim! lurUcipirit Itot ralaly tries
sponoful cwrh of cloBanum aad
rn (bUelnagaod latigaiug walks ul
te: meg. aod biril twenty mloatcm I
the . Ilriiisb maV>>a> and laaidib but
aadaral while bob Thbeordial
Ury lire modi/in Ur open air. In
celltml tocUar Ur syclcm ul Impuri
f•UaJ^!y^ ffaUly. "Swaab nwaa ' Ure. 1*01 uae Ubienpnmfnl In ball a I’aria repeeially Ur saiall jiarka which
abound in all qoarh're <i( Ur rily'arr
airarL’’ . tth toaxTA teu.
tambler of water and driok.
Uoiaged WlU wnmcB aad cliildreo.
ebnlrs nrr renlr.1 fur n trifle for Ur eu-lerwooa nod there are uummooer
free. •
r are whita-ca^ed nornre with
ab-aaxa norr axd cboratxa.
iBfaat rbargre. whole days at a
time: Ue wires aod daaghlrni of Ue
Proridiv toU* taMa. whlW I
middle elam wiUs.imeere<llewurk or
eoateUtiag the wbok da^ '
hniUiog; la.lire<dl.^re wiU h
hrtchlag materials, aad Ur gi
To oae qu^ uf Ur into of red maf;
m WiU altuodaol u follow i
m ao aaimBurtaat factor ia tor:
berrto add oae'pmad of while aagar
Bash Tcry ripe eldertocrica, strain,
mod to lacb quart nf Juke add ooe-bblf
poaad of white aogar aod a tempuow.
lal aaeb of clueca. riaaamoa a^d mare
IMI ua mioatea and wal while bob
An exonllcBt remedy for dru|By.
When mnklag Urueowdinl* It b> bret
teqaaxtkm. Jama. Uc I
in |Mt Uem np In nmall botUre.au Unt
oaly a small qnaalUy need to opcaed
tor brmkfaat aad arrireJ
tbougb Ury bare hwea kept
eearietiooUatnbr will Dcrer brbBBT perteeU,• wlUool
fermeatbret matorinl. fag In Ur least In
agd wwred Is liW Uc bottrel wretbrr. wiU oaly
E tonwnivio Btm.
uws b^U^ boluswlof our
wto baa te many limes Is ber lifr
bate awad by the qaaattoi. "Wbal
. tell 1 hare lorAlaacrT’ Byatellga
ty pffate of which the’aufato act
See )'ou jjet Carliir's
• •^ra-toy. re toa. redorer
ahd laellaff.
Vtnir hause should have a n<*\v coat of paint this
sprint;. I’^rhaps you wish to use iiiixtHJ p.'iitiu or may
Ik; that you want h’.nd anil «l. Either way we can
;{uarain«.-e favorabli’ terms ami favorahle nisiilts. We
claim that uo mixed paint is U-ttor than IktydrU's.
'.’\s for h-atl anil oil wf Imy nothini; but the lust }rr:uif.
Give iLs a cull fur color canls ami prices.
tmBlI pHoa.
BImhtor toU (rom bia toU of At
EUffa. re>uleiBg. la acotmte ater,
itlv U Itsolf Ua rarj aalornly
dlen lo aburebao larffr a praporUoa.
West Michigan
. Front Street.
Traverse Qty, Michigan
Kt PlOAAhnt. Owowo, Shgi.
BAW, Bhy Ci^. Detroit, How•U. Abb Arbor. Toledo aad
poiBM Beet ud Spatta. (lobe
tiOBe At Copemtehwlth
1C. dt n. S. By.
^ rsns ■j
Ue piaua sad <al Uie lawi
ockx^slroag conrenlcetly,
tnalty let the work
out aa^eoy-iyto
- Awarded
Hiffbaat HoBorw-WorWra FtOr.
'a«W.,Trr. ».re^ He. \ M
Pioneer uyeRY,
SuBiutltD «t Teicten.
Omi’l Pare. Afft, Toledo.
Tbr srrM ol psUlr rtiwlssilmi tl lar
Wsebrrs of OresA Trsrrrsr ressu, tsr .br
rresUhrear, e.11 W brlA Is tto Unscr Ball
- Tisrerw aiy. w r—w.^is a> * r'-' ’
It’s Here
Ac Is .ise bieiwx llto laaslrewr lb-
rifffA- 'I’WC WAKT
askr s Stoeiahr •( Wrets.
vre sre siware tredf to lutorbsrre
WtlEh tve WAKT
Tb hnr a kerw. r«re M bretosanere. i
ftoto... VeswaialwarscnaiwsareM
---- -rssg.’SJS.--'—-r - -1
In Trarersc City that yon can
bu^’ the abovtiiiaDdsomi; diMible
Orders for Job Printing left at the
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