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Grand Traverse Herald, March 05, 1896
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TOL. xzxvin.
TT, IOCH»Alf. KABCa & tm.
-W. B'.
Grand Traverse Herald
make Witra aa mat b* had maeta They alaxMcegeaed the io*aablp«B a
'Mom^ to 1.M& oa la
VUIa#a Propfty • for
u »,
a.T. SjuniA>.OM»iir.
11*1. rtM! i-'ii !»■■■ lo pal domv lb. p..
rmrw 4r«*».
arkW r<
AalwaBUUaaermMban - •
laeaaaaleterjMr. *
City Drug Store,
Hastings & Bugbee.
»pt at.. Tras-ena Oly. MOk.
Bufiiaees Card^
Aad eaaie La ciM 4elk.aaafr
nta a eM al etas,
fcs-HL', o. P, Carver
rat maar fcaw k.
Real Estate
2£oxrs'S’' TO iLjOJixr
: B.\'srs":Js:
^on will toe ^melhing
that will amuse you and
tell you how to get nd of
,.r^ Fire Insurance!
thaf cough.
At Rl'I^CLAMp^■V
Jnhn»nn fllock
7>rrrrinnr 7.V.
Rose & Soil,
And Lunob Boom!
Rose As fills Prescriptions.
Tk. €W|> plei.e b. <be m.«e i. ee> .
iHtWM, Orate UMUMUltttliL ,
(iTseA Oper^ wbere )KM will Rlwl
paa ■oLUBAva^yTO.ua
Pure Drugs aid Parent Mediciae
aaltrox. D. D. a
■eaw BitUeia.
. r. «- ArekUei
^ itrlrlndllinv Hei
II fpriher DoUoe «c vlll eell all
« HOUU-Ulee a
V?vt »!.. Tta-rerae OUv- '
Tiirv. rtfnifil -V/rcr/ e/Ver vifd Pure {oldfiroee^'S Cirldr
riaeffar for xale by barrel or teg.
- X «m fUN tsl «U ny klBA e( |mA tt imiw (tt tbe «
“ i
mg op.>
.sj w.innn bad eeer Uken tb'e wlaWr
Wrm S,.w Ue dirm ior bad gone »ad
nired a woman aad a atrange woanaa
al tbav Who wna abe? W'heM^had
.ue mmr fitmir IVbM bnaiaaia bad
swi.hury to hire that atraage woman
when he might bare
leask-tii himkrllaail f.H^aaa
an.) U^vdld^ptvpcw^loh^ pe^nx.-.1. They aererely diaappnseed of the
.Yrgru arreanla. IVhat dnorot people
woald keep nigger* ia IbrBurth?
ug ••.luck up" a
r* W..UI.I-Dot
. hslerata
aay <a
,u il.eir miilal that waa -'atuck ap."
I br y.mag memisenof Ue
1> i|ui<-kl^arrBlrd Ue dl
the air anil ac-rordlagly
Uu|wrl 1 layuso row that all thi
n.-ant irouhlr, I.ul kmiwlag BoUlag
j| Juua. imaV he cuul.l do little Us
■iciH Uir lide.d pnlilic dlafavor.
A... '“ir,".::.':
The wall, w-ere oaurely e..i. f„
,___________ ________
ny criumou hanginga Die a ..r
^^en m.mmrtiee.1 the aguniong
.waaeorered wIlB auarpet wh.~-deptU
their inWlbHloa
ofpllr received lie fool like w.I.l «e«kl
Thi. wa. a.v-.inpll.h.
“V ■
• •.,oe^li..B.U.*l
.,ue.-.,..o» U.«. A'i-rc in il.r BUiiB ri.ll.-u
placed. A i.n.lv
l.ra.1; aimrir i.ul the .nperiBlenden'
.•copied an oecaaionaliy rare - .sut nsw that' h
A richly Lwrreo ta,b.«Ud Mrike Jem.r U- tl..
usdeller wa. atrewn hrori. ..t hit vk-l.in.. Hr
pera. Itefore the tire ^ ri any.ine Vi uD.ev.-rdbeUr far-fri.-h
I recilni
I. with thi
lin. pale
plleal them by mnrti painstaking trouhir
.thm. warn tbe ever roat-. and IniA-ndrd tbroi bi magnifr l.la .-an
iero gray eyea ao.l rhildiab iu.mtta
i*' •“ , iiapirlkncv.« lie dtrecliy |Wisdn,*>d ..ne
cbln She looked up frwn brr ali‘•W "> I of hit chmeewt mental
la.iiil-abell. an.)
lal la.iiilaabe
the Bte aa her daughter entered. ^
ana. He Ibua pro
literal’.} bred it at Jena.
••Rnpart Clayton here, and
I.-...... .
«< -To
’ What brought him out In i
n war. matter oeith.-r Un
Isriaeur■ ennfadon. and to the rni-iny'.
"Ha brought good newa. mother, I'ai gumae the*h..t mivked.
to tcMb audearo moneyaad the acbonl ( Th.^happrned agiAn arid again
1. near ao ni only br away from y.iU a|jo„,, fp,-.h from o.llege. nrrer
abort time each day while y.m and ;
the-tuealiun. were id
Annt ITtsr aiudy op aTsswee dinner (or i,.^ toeWUM. her defrat
yuor half (amiaaeo daughter
the au|H-riniendea>»e>n iranrted Ui
girl'a eoim and
Thta wyThi.'-ktroagt -lexpreaalblyaaahe tenderly am.a.lb
iipba aod omega i>( ditUM'l a.rr suaUter a (aca and twined an ■
imped lock of her alill rich dark hair.
■m.be aai.l- eyeing the claa.
'. What kind of a «.-nool. Juaa?" f.
grimdel'ghv • rim may w'.wk out
aiated the inraltd.
‘t''* pr.'l'letn '
1)''*^°*'^ At lliu. pdot the dour uproad koftly
future Ubor.
. S.'Z
lilding befoieTbe
rider waa of Iheerimltlee order, bnilt
aalinly of taga. hewn upon (onr aide*
aad chinked wiib a mUture of play.
U waa. erea In iU rtsdearM., much
more prelantloea than the log dwell
ing. of the ragioh, being - built with a
wing that inoni.M iato tbe a.|uaF
aprigbt aad gave a) place for the ruatl
p.r am..,.
:Fs;'’'lS cr ■
Cold Storage.
Smoked Meats
T. ieew la Ik
caiod dona, •erealy. •
. iren «rf daricnaro to gwln the
poor prlTO^ofbidlBglB bBrWmav
The ('rod of tbe 'orphaa baa foraakOB
rbUe. yoamriekad to lah
on' Ink -dav Yn will >«r de basd of
l-rovideaneioabeadbforemaardBy*.’' '
•aid Ua black womaa aloraly.
Aaal ITae'aaobUmefaUbitBa what
OTer-bwrieBad, one aaxloaa
■iviulrwd. Oear anxiety foe Ua
future bladfod a maligaaateatL
happier acUun oi heart. aad
ato miad
aad in the rebonad from deapalr Jana waa able to aieet bar Bolier aa uaaal
■aaal ai
aiKl reeti amuM her with a
dew-ripuon .dUe proplea)
The all abrorblng hmire
turn among ibepwmiaof^ telkbaiy
diatriel BOW ber-auie the hew leeirher
that ba.1 boeo engaged
ed f.
for the wlBlar
aebo-sl. Tbr mrti dlMoeM
good aataradiy ta the lambor-c
abop asd oearewt abiee.
wae a aioau. ,ana man tn Miatei lURied bom.wed artwlca which o
wine woald areer bare aaea tbair s
I ^JJS-t Clayton w’a* ao InaUnrtiee
lieaderof ebararter. like all ten.itire i pcadnr iwinfaUr ibeitv and tall «(
IMlnrem aoo
and _^knrn
wetuii.e by Uie_ .twady '
i Ugbl of tbe fall taeiswn eyra
I naeleaa to nrge the girl to a
He alao fell certain ah, bad
for worktag ai
apecial----------•ual 1
• if huge^uld/>r Vrtaras aban^
mde artUen in ab~slule srUrrment ,
in honor of lire'•'cateiciii
ek anitabi,
rather t>
,.___ ......... ... ._ wa» •nil another.
Chatt^I—Jt Home A«<»<. thk inNM elaewker
nattn.ee rT»a>'o- were,
.,f ,hr tilthr hal.il.
All) 1t»
That they were pure hr
An air..I, r..f..nnd wlMtom ..rer.prra.
lhi» ...uuleoaii.y. ra.lialed fnmi ll.,
Th* aD|.A»i^Da> of • "Inlw «lcai
wa dap«o«l bf s bUsidlog fall of
Saffy IDOO tbat flaled doiro. sloirlj,
afBly. coTorin*' th« gtaal braorlyavf A tract of land with the remnaol ..f a .hr.«dcl..ih ..wi
fonune. hi^ng for a rise In ealue aad
hecainertitairreeably awar>
latloa trt*a aod loadlec P*na »nd
besslwki Un iwir boii|4» drooped to bad brought hither her luraiid lu.dber ^^al •be dirided wUh the- .upenulend
lofhiloalrewglh among the pine.
,nt the pol.iw atlenir.m. lie aDbeiii.
The ttral month alter their amral.n,. .iifafly U. .tep V. her .We and a.U
• Through the wh I* »tonB proraded
a bone aod rider wlih brad. t>rat be had been .pent at 'ieorge Bnlabury a. , ^rr if-dir «id,..lbT>sm Ihe clam
ton the
Ibe aott
utt Halm
Oakn Uial^i
Uiat melted ue ibr the diiycWr of the ecbool, who aiw.j,i_. h.ke.1 hrr name ami-the w-h<«s.
kepi a aori of bowl, and lloprrt t my- ,he e,p..,-ie.ni. leach. When i.i the
road they, uarenrd wa> of the ill-far ton. »*o inatle h). home witn bl» on- ia.l .h.-It.f.imie.1 bIW ..f her oJT. r tl..
ored kind fou»>t lual*ifewly openeil
r log ..............
“PBr amiabll. inc.-oluia. biwanl her b»kal
^‘f’’ I ' laad. abounding In aeaga
he ha.1 been a frr.|Ural rmller
.uddaoebiU. Thr hal.bnry - hool wasj
ia pjtiiiou to,
B* : 'a lal mnndl be meant V> nwre foij
______.Ing branch.
They paid g..>l wag
. ed foretL
fore .
her few act|Bb’elai
jlit4<.>uld bethroan li
,t la.V ^awieared a
lk« rider,
iajlou Ua
.g wiuT hi.
.am of ___________
.ol.rrming I
Ihroiigfa inV lUk.. of m wlog
-.i.lere.1 the girl
:.oe biiun milt •...
.really ..-.,uimg from Ihe loBcber that he would
the wlldernr..
ll grew log to lake her l/> au e
I attend,
brighter till tbe dim ..uUiae. ufa hisli.l
.he bad a'agad au.-li a perw.i. (or Abal very un
in^ furmid alorrij^aa in a
re.-rDlly nomnd.
It wn» aagi
great a epelraat
led tbe rein from oud aide of Ibr bridle
..rrieran.l arrange.,
and faaicned ll nilfa aalip knot toa tVor'k kitchen aa and ••
•'inter nit
ily b
anmil halaam that had evidently
llie Fisd ..f the runin like anotvToo. i.irT-.i- ui.iu*.
for .o•
r Uu.f..rr.i:
■Hab BO roratorde
if (u db day la da e
■ iiv.:,
Hatter aod Egga at Ibe foUovIng
t.WttITINO. Paowt.
}joa? aSo
< Basaakeaellk.
AM Me fwaka kea, IM katk la.
w kma aia'pea^^
OHM «-i>m.l> BKATSU' U..»aow
■ Did »' Perwier.' I6e t>latH.r
(nm II a. « imlll tp
m «»-*K\-TBre« HOT. ,
Wr arr llraAiiaaruea tar lb- Bsrat
aXLTIMOHS: OVMTKBH rou la ta. rhs.
am. ahould be fon-e
Bet MaaU al all
room tor tbp w
Firathad oo
e Indlae; driren
reaeriatiuo, well
•daa beiog rra
]g tidi
of. pale
t mmaniiy ibalwm
crowd Hie red m
ia.'ktill be meet.
_ . of nlneb
leteeaUieeDlury kelUeri
the ware
la.en the
tbe I'neifir. and beta.
nr la, will
_____ of meating breaker* peo
Snd.,bia laal reaeere brneath
\ured bit ,--------------^at
Neir llriek Cold Storage balldisg r. BayasdraioBSU.
After the Indian
dlan go the
• • . aturdv |di
eneml »• ptetoe
■aamlnalioa of
"Aad that le—' mid bit eaapaajoe.' era rripBiml by ibr a>a r
lotoalea Use deliewy of bta 1_ _ _ ... ,
. .' .atriageet a'boo
*'Tbal be waela yea to take ebarge al laat drew
of Ibe ecboiM r*at at tbia UmeL~ be Bn-! aiSed by Ibe ap
labed. aa U tbe «enl moat be told, 'eatericc. t-oat
a^ rrlUi clear, kiadly’vritb a abj
cM b.
,| (rlaada.
; VoaBcrtrla. wacaiaraywd by tbe Idea
e that tbe laai tearherroakl bare lakea
ia a tgttCT
________tbesB CM foTttaer. wei* pmeu. ___ ______
tbeleaaL bat 1 bopa yoo will re- beev dmaed la III'Siiiag irararata.
,1a oRer
Tbe work fa
la a pioaeer
pwmeer |«lafally ill a
al eaar aad frarfally aua
laillaaited >oa drlfsala. rrflbed loua lewl they
Ibrvoaisif ordeal
Irlaooaipoaed priarlpaify of
Hia old ilmen. ee
tbbeoaraealtypeol yoangback-wueda .eeliiB,^ >B
They <aa ao mere appreeiale coolly abarjwaiigp pArili and talkiag
yisar aaperiw ulegl than aaeagea "
"abop "
Bsaay aarka of
A eiaall oeaber ..f youag
Mtana to awaad mine. aU« appUeaala. eipsaeuea — ____
replied Iheigifl.- b, , barge of w-boula tkai srere npsrted
so Aod while I thaak' more in need of moaelr than brala'
yoa lam obllgnd. for raawma I need
Tbe chief .vnlerof.
oterof. altra.-llyn
not meatiue. to laeeaoy tonlabipralb- monkr.-fa of tbia raalto.
er than liwe tbSi ebaned of earaipg a fate of each in hi. babda.
IHinf terr myaeii
myaelt aaa
aad mother."
. enatendent
sleaapdke prtsodly. at ft V> be '
lie apt ia
.mail uMe
' I the Mile aapport
of hrr family wrre an the i-enler f llie^i
I .-banpiny
J. gr. A£OS%C3-.A^.
BOW to the doorol
log ’juna wa. u. ^In ^r laburTa^
mimny her to the Jug arbmil boaae.
girl (ellgratofol for UU atwaShe bad laaUsrtlve rellaacr ap' a eoonwpret fur bkanmBly Integrity,
ad nrrer met a man ao alWriy
iFOtuinal yrl ao (oodamMlally a
uaium iuirtsdun-d the new. Wiacbar
.'Uic eaprctanl gnuip about the door
ud berried on to hia urgent doliaa
•Atilbin Juna loBoA U
bat ahe bad auppuaed merely a a
romp, proeed in0 aerwal
aerornl _
In..Uno-a US hr n ronloslloo wilb naUro'a
wenponaforravoriwarou. Uaatg'alek.
a auii.-n. dark-browed lad of that age.
aciihar boy or maa. had barn pataararingly "aettlng Urm cm."
ileal yalek waaWof Uree reowuired ieadera NotwiUaiaadUig a B)a•bapen fool thalm
r next In poa-rr wa* a direct eoai uxfuiek. Kub ilariu waa radly-balr*d. >ialck of uora1 aa a cmV
•wluod asid
Ulrd waa a
laak yoaU wlU
I pale. waWrygyraaniIf an'-iagalualmal
Barr beM Jammed
ck an
_____ ___________ ___ ________— .--erior.
He waa aligbuy bent by age that a1ao
Waall imaginr. rea us entering the |
abowad lb the whIW wool that rDCircled bia bald crown.
HUfaiebeamid Kternal.K^Sfdo
with conlenled good natare na hehrld oot mdiridoal ci
ool think of IV Jn_Ba;i|^.j
wide the door, __________
“b^T’el here alnH
go among auch peispfe' .Neverr I i
wearing >-si*-lnaiiy'npon
bloaterdaudrappingdown ' •'‘’““J
______ , 1 bandiminr fne-ao n.iUmiatli- aiuile
cottra oicking
(ll«i«?Mnan. Wh 1
Intbi'J gare wny Us n boral o(|o,^p„^ j,j, eouoWoaDcr aa If
^^a/d hi2r Itober dr fire to.lw*™ '“•■‘i « <»' w«keBed by long '
|, ,b.1 La.l
be'Jld w'^b£*wl(e wh«romefor-'»"««-i“«"'"*ked. In a momeal iuni I
H.. evidently i
rd u, OMI the roller
, wa* hoeeling witn arma aronnd her.
| ed if br was-U-. law u> enter thr
JJ Ibafaeel for.............................
_. I’Si'.i-.ir'*/ ir'“"
Carp^ Cleaning,
good aleak..
■- OSAVUI, riupeWt—.
. d^i7 batter .
CM---------s awah a w^ue
(load ••
-, -.
li Ibefroib p.irk..II ■■ ealt ports...'.
tTo W ■•■mlUlWd.)
cifsir llaaipbry liavy by r. M.r.dfcaBa.- w bo waa aoqualoWd in '
yaau vriU
Ue famonamaaotaeia
Hr waa. if
w-ciB*. laUe haMicd
arlag. la Ua
-vluaioa of bt* borne
toimois un am oainBis.
(Mke Ut BmI Btfbtk auMM.
Owtag tothabardtimaa in gesetal
ad Ue low price of poutoaa In partleInr nad. wlU all. plenty of water to
un oar mill, we bare decided lo bear
wraharoof Ur hanirB anenllaY to the
nelU (nrUrr
era V- Iba. of
and T Iba. mIddUaga
Cheap Homes;ME
or luOHiOAjr.
tbe beat mxeaf^aiw iB thia
Ua alaw. aad If not aa rrpreaonwd ll
e irtaread ton* IVe want your
aadifaquaredeaUeg aod gisoJ
_____ __will
jH get........................
get IV we will bare
- . iv We
are boaad to nleaar yim In doing yonr
Alfred HauUngtoe. oor
muier. baa bad
In roller '
C. A J. Ntinma
NorriariUe. Hiefa.
Farming Lands
SniitMlinMXHi.iiaann|Geod Fits. _
of toBda
Good Goods,
LITTLE AND BIG..'............
........................... FINE ANDC
Chamois skin
....................ALL SHAPi'ES AND SIZES.
; in tBon etbsst.
rr wall wBtrrad by
iBkaa. nren asd brookst
Htroog aoila. fioe <Apa. brolUy eU-
Fair Prices.
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
TieveraaCtTy. Wa are Hw paofB B batola yea rttba
... Uter be ripertasoad aaaoxar
r bw eaoiM
warmth—eaaaBlve wstbU—U
fori ....
.winu^alr af^ ire^M^ hka^^
Ha pat Ua_>
ber Urobbiog 1
- X.
^trtbood. Thai
----. ,
wortd afla'*11.1 Hevn
k a vnw;
Icmg abacBV
Jaaa: atUI I woe
woodsr that yon xeeB •» dagaaV aa Usbrtekqd-^ygTrotMtmueplaaaadusaeeaooldfrieod.aabSe dlaoovary. JUadlag ofir Uo
„U tor BoUer. <sod gfvr a
Bapen ClaytoapaUedToagbly pnat-’tome oa Ue UbUT Ue looaal.of bk
■riiBgtb to do Ui* (or moUer'a roke
the atnager aod placed Ue irembilcig aighuapbad awnag Into Ue flaatoE
giri U her aeai
A. be did ao Ue-Ue eaadio aad takas In. aad Ua
•Tim n-t Kgvr FBXXU *xn *
yoang Baa Rgnrded each other wiU deadag dreiecB Ue esUlag xraa aolU.
OvD EnRat.
I; lookx of proaouBced broUlily alUotigb er Bora Bor taa Uaa Ue fatoeChB at
waa born la a' a word bad aever paarod beta.
bttbatUlBBia-f -las* eowa
ue of dksoadjBMbtdatai
,___ _______
11/ -mdd a*ftoo
oa appear- tara taadered *yBpaU7 tat - TT
Troe BhkproBkaaaj^
WsrvM ta W
bay* thatlUegr^waaloodreptorlta iaterf^
y USB of b
ad VriU
> blgtoBofn
newly fxHea
Wnab.. <
am 1 ao bitterly ponkBed
wroBgadrflIrlag aoai»
“ i ..iT.iTr.G5 SGGss.rsT
variBbly termed
loBBBd lbelropeB.haa
____BBhaarod tbe BetibiUI|i
maaly Irouroa.
door aad Ur
BBdaUgped tarmii to me
___________4bto fiBta.
ShewioBwBMtof laediam beigbv
tat tar alaadar baild aad manner cd
tBudlBg. wiU bead erect aad Urowa
mr ao al^tly back mad piled wiU
rtU. baavy ortlx of dark bnswa hair.
' •» Bata heraaptar of grrov
Her taxtaro* were eTtrman
ly ladaad. Ue taruJ broad taUar
. Ua Boae daUeatay ttralgfav
k aeaxlUva. tbe tall patatod
I aaoWaiac Ua al
itod tod tola XrtiBiiOiBi mill
T^ieplion^ jcf
dkBUag a I^— *•
BoaU waa 1---------------^
xwaev faU Ufa ttot <
hard-ErBlIata. She ex
TK, 'sjaT££;=frsss:cii
3B'ZuGL"~.“iGx;.Si Ul’GGT. Gl.ia’..j;;;:u-a sr.
__dlBplataltaBal h
Livery in Northern Michigan.
rw Bootm. Kapa ate., addroaa
Do Bot go Waal or MbU nntil ytm
B (setter With Ian
na gated at | faabkiBMl prokad Blghwap.
large with mg. arrayed la tUx almpla ec
•tody^ auma prirfoan
natural aclervre la t-_________ _____
l.rary besssk roatlag npoo a Hula UMa
hrr haik v>( BButWeabli
iver wbieb be bant eagerly to pfrtewar
ig u> bia (eel thinking abe. -u. Intricate frublema by Ue llgtil of a
ingtr oBsalr.
,,, .llUraln
- alrragU of brr alroog
naddrnly bl. atUBlloa waa aa^t
were almllarly
a enriuoa phFBOfflcaan. iiatbsesll1 JllBB f.lUght
aa aod eBcceeilvd. but drop, of
ice utiigbl whlcb
dW But look Aka Ua
llow tbr examination proceeded abelnksimun
___nmuD I'
circle of raflecUoB (ruB B
- learabcfl.' Kach auerraafo11 lamp.
He gaud al it wlU .^aaraMag
candidaw rrrrived In doe timr _ . ..
ItwaaBUtaady. yeipBBiatin whi. b Uie g.aid taperlolaad- envaedbe'Waaei
be 'fVaacDiIrrly anabU to ear
id Inleraperxod pererolage* like ..mat (or lu'praaanca
ic ■ iMxIding wlili.mt regard to lleexllaruUbad tbe IlgbV bat itbtUl
order, hut aa Juna
reamlned. aod be waa .(aal Yinttailnr
sentered berOwo|j,| ,hr lltUr eared Uat ahe
murr aod more paxxlad, and waa raaod Ue door oponjrf bat fifty-m a aobjeel la
nlag over maaully ell Ua aMa^Bfi
eecry c(iieallf* paaeiblllilm of aleetnalty. paUrtaad
, B. Oawiii-BOIT iron wiui un-i.................— cbeerfBlor*., abe | bad aoawered rea<lil». eeer
.nalher that bad
not en- light and other aetaallfle ahoaororoa Imol BDon X ImmbMlale roi" t*"" baraalf upon a .mall loung- bnd^d‘eighty IB atsoUrr
C^nroisooi npuD lu immaculate prher face wiU WU ban.ia al-1
i*, li.t .p,* which
rbicb *b
abe had Urea wbea be bacase aerare of a Btw Ueb
The my*lerksu IlgfarWaa aaaoBpBBtad
by aa odor It waa a pacaUaredar; aot
' a type i
K hr, 'tna i doit- aormoBsre. -roa
wn allofukaump. It lx not
sUar like UalyrmEire ap all Ue bappiDeax that ahoaid . ^ rale bat Ue eAeeptksa that llager*
tml^ bat aot' i iio-ftome; (xir ■ aorompaBy
my yoou- Cao I daeotc my |n u,, a,e„oeT
baa been op
Design Work
by (reoklea and had a grvsWaqaaly awk
ward mumnraV Sign I'oaV aaie waa
called oBirrraally. aJthongb la Jnatlee.
Iinowa that bt.giren same w
Wi^ mrrely ;i tool (dr (Jnlck a
Dhiae pwirroad raro qnalitUa
„■ diatnrb you' trrod mtid
at wool
lid. aadar (arorabia eireBBii„. .up. rioWnrtent. lie
alaoera, blioaom
oalaaSaa a trio of
i pr, wilB la/T. melt- rllibn.aa-tbr autapriaoaaooald ahow.
blark hair aod mua’
- - of Ua «lai*)ef
la 1 ome wiU wboa we di
d.ltoUyasle. '
at bk aide BO aorely dktf—
Aant I'rae aet Ura a
wber* Jaa* parted (roa h
; ST'-br Ua baa ten tava tahaa Ua
xeatpa ofni wolvaaaadaaay i jila
-Wbeoemr aay leataa of wolvaaor aay»
lolaa on bsaadfitapata k Ukaa oal
troabta b bar darUkbWHbleOBgB.’'
| toaod aa aaroayor rtaaa ta bad f]^
^*^o*tab taae daabaiowobda
arttor oto «U la law.
Bnrhsriafseary wot sloppy opo^ of
A* tor taotoMO
wostber sad oeorybody that boa say
posood thstsbeobolof---------------Mwmj 0«anl Maywrd tm ^ be lofsl (Mar (or oso dollar. wooM It boaUv to do_^sokUko rooblht
iNiittthU ih* mU-Mm Mw
After a lout. «eU. aler^ wak<t
teO. iMt Mtonm MPita WTttMTserlag. Ur. aad Ura. Wias
e' ****'■
tarti .fUokMB .rttbta On Ur« mil*
UbII. bat bopaod UBt IIbH meb imHp
nt look oat for tko etb«r.
It la t
fmt atop toorordt olttaM neoiraltk«sfOBb»M»trMeeaslfr.»aa bow
U tl» rarolBtlealtta as boM oot a few
Fioe MerehABt Tailortag.
bn-noa 1. Tor
g.f Ihr tart
MMHif in (MX. That ItohoU beaolaw-j
hU lor atVFeiwoa
keep uy'pacb.
Ibbtiataadltbaotassfreostile oc- alBoad, aprieot. plam.-proM. dMory.
)b..CbaaFbalalo«Wys><*- .
Cte. Box it woriilBf for A. Bok;
- prar lr«r mfmded with.
partoBoo or OBO boh
Barry Ktoketseo b woridsf for Asa to topest la s borry.
lows, black kauL peach ruarttr or .
Mkkoroos of Blsir.
bllfbt or to offer for ale or ahlpnrat
Bob Aafoll sad baDy bseo ao<
or to alUorioeblpanir o» ibr frolv
thereof, rxe^ttbeimllof the plaia.
iato tin SortoB bosoo
ONWf. BIse of Hoatos rioltod
aod'^UeolBiecled aboil
Ur. Atooeb ioit Tooodsy.
aad fsnlMn. aBd*M*reperi _
' atpobll.
oapebllc b
------------------- .
Urm. Mis Boariek e< -Bortlstt la
tar eaa hoadrcd tblrtyoaa. pobiaafter proriM.
No damapa I
lie ecu of elffalMs beadrad rixty
. be awordrdjB aay c-oart la tbcg
otsylsf with bar slotar-lB-law.
Blaa. ratltiad "Aa aet to protect
Usbti Bcboll b set folof I
riacyardolB tbeouuof Hiehifan.’
» Blafoloy soy a« st^aoOBi
perU of Ueee. orfriiit If door la te-1
Mla Loss CrotUtor of UoaroeCoB*
daace wlu tte prorl.iotft of ttuj
noutad aUtoUa
It tbtll ta the doty of reety per- ^
at toon at be becocact awtre of the |______ Btbel sad Blob Baball ssd
ileacc of tccb dltette Is ear tree.!
LlbbUSsaodaroof Wortord riUtod it VicMpon recta. .That any peieos wao
aballamor ariaeyard. orrtard or farUr. SeboU’e loot Friday.
dea. darlBf tbe aontbeof My. Aof
AbootSftoas Isdloaoad twofestlo- net. dMUDber pr October, wltbonl tbr
. to-eathlp o
ass of Elafiloy rioltod Ooso A Crot- " ^
• rich,
• - .Ukr.
tekr or
r i^we soy of tbit ttate la whicb toeb euau
oerb esapo «»r alia
or la.wbW
______ lo talicee tbey ritot or flaajrer,.
or iBSay wloe lojorcor datroy soy
may br joMly topiebradcd of their, la-,
bstb, UM. rise or plsat. tbsll be foUty
irodnclinn, li ■.titll.ta tt^duly, of,the
aL^enwsoor, sad os cooTlctioB
thereof ohril ta paotobed by laprUon- uiwatbip b.erd. 01^ city onunoil cue to<n
Bart Sob^ has a'aMhenu.
•Mt rifhMofOvia. ThtawlUftUim
thm rml«\k>aMi of £•)» wd
to M^ovporM tmi p»oon*
Mp^iMOf»UktBd».BUltlCIWof ww
pruriiUeff aigenra (or tt
tics of tbeoamaad V.. repal act
somber uba baadted twelre at tbe
pWtoacrtecrfrirhteeo boadred all
bat boss wtad-boaad
thMw cMdldM* •
Might amoei pearb. pica ekm^
will tw. wall with
SpoiB li ABC17.
apsis KoofTT.
OWtod aistaaforrae<«BUIsc tbs MUpaa^ofCalB.
PoUowlBt Ibe SBMNsnammil of On setioa la tbe sessta.oa Friday.sfrost BobV »•«»■
BBifr OF VfORKU A Kdiur.
FIKK AKT18TIC snxra^ AMDAPBBraerm.
T. F. HonoB boa boos oa (b< tiab aaatlB Uecoutyjall not aore than
llaat b asklaf bh ponau
orbybotboneb flo
oad frioadis few dayi^
scBlBot On Usltsd Htsloa ssd ths AaOllb Uoifsa boa boss rialUsf bar
ru o'
Uirty-oDa of tbe pobllc aeu
frlesdSIUWoot for stow days. .
a^ls boa toefoUas bow quick it wot
ooB boadred olxty-olne. entitl
Uis Hsiblaa boo boea qslU olok (or
aet M protoct Tioryarde in tb>
ieraee«Blie bsUifvsat rifbu of tin
tbe past week, bat b sow batter.
ofUiebW- ' talof arction Bis.
aosthera oeafodatsey
St ^he ^beosk
Ula WIlBierTrsTbesiseboBM
aad one boadred and alnety flrr
WllhiB OBO BOBth
oftha rabelUea.
(roa TrsToroe Oty whore ebo bat
■tlsr tbo ottnilBf«f aoBMr
sttssdLsr tobool.
Fnaes, sad Spsia bad sU raeoa&iaad
Urv Heaey FSe tokos to Abb Arbor
April 11
(ha rifbu of tbs soBtb Is the frost i«loot WodBMday wbore tbo wlU bore as
Bor. Ur. Baba sad (saUy bare
nored tsok to Britaer wberetbey will LB set to praraat the ^tasdinf of
tbe oaotohaatroaiUaro brief sraodBoko tboir boas bbUI at
bnab. riae sad troll tree paU, OBcb
oaaaker worai oad other taaecu.
tbo spoUlBf ocbeob a Wodsa^
adsBspolofyforwoTdi attorod Is tbo
and foBfa and eooUfloa dtoem^
oroBlBfi sro woU sttaadod by teth eU
Oalled AUtoo ooBSW da ---------- OBd to ptoTide lor....................................
oad yoaof. Tbo selfbboriBf eeboote
Srxnox 1. Tta JV.j.lr
Ihr .Spur
iBritod to ooao sad epril
Utaxpon riKin. That It eball be tbr
Ofsloat BoitBor tcbool. bat at tbey
dsty of
ereiy owae
sot sreept the laritatloB we tblffc-tbey iplerofaaor-orabard. aureeryor rlneysnl.
or of load
where fruit ireaar tIow- are
ir-"oad tbo ocbolsa yoeaf. frown wlibla the oUte. to spray willi
Bpsis orill Isae the tarifblaet Jcwal la
tbo oldwt ataoBt n. bat Iboy fot to tbr lead] of auffleleat alreofftb tudmtrei
froBt when It eoaa to spolllaf.
eadi Injoriota laaeU or eootafficxir
Hoyor Ftsfroob
dtoeoaea. all fruit treee or eloee (nawn
onoacb loadi which may ta laf - '
htatdsy wso Usyor Bsoea :
: fmbday.
D.Vsoderboo/^b eery sick; we hope iaf
lalarioui to fmit or fralt
ledopot by Uoyor
rlsa: fVirrWrd, TbatBooucl'
•prayiBE ahsll tadnar while aaid fmli
________1 who oaeortod bla to Pork
•------> or rian art la bloanoB. except in
FiBOO hotel, tbe Boyo' band ftriaf bla fTouad yaterdsy at 10:M. FJrooaofhl
of canker worm.
a wslooae
Bere be was vet by s la Utt roof. Tbey «»ad a few thlsfi.
la say lowaabipof Uila oUtr
dxc. S. lossy
where each iBjarioat laorcu or oosU
Urt. UcElsloy sad Ur. Wales, of yloue dtorsM arc ksown to extol or ij^
bf Fbrk
sad riUtcaa. Oae'bf
_________________________ 10 krrFlBftwa. Beatoe Harbor, who bswAaea .rialt- which there to ffuod rraeon 10 talirTr
Ur. a W. Uoera. of Delredt. aodsdoo- laf tbelr tlotor, Hrs UorrsU. asa rw
ossae of tba local eoaaluea. Att40 tbra^hoae.
' I Mwai^
be the—.
doty of
Ur. Fraa <00 wsa klllad isetoatlyby board, npoe ttt petitioa of at It
Oir Opors ball wao aowdod to tbo
dstra. IXWeraorabalaf la tba taaOd- a-fslUof llab Feb. So: while eattisf
lc«ofar8. B.Otbon. BelaraswUr _______ __ eaSd MWBiJilp a
lyaoald Botfslaadi
UOB. A Istfo aaabar <aat is tiaa aadoseb^. Ur. FrsaeeB wsa a Daar cioaera. wbo tbsll bold oSo
platan of the board, and
tbo auToaadLsf coantry. Ur. Plsfroe
of mppolotiBataod of reencotloi
' OBpi it was tbo IsTfoot sad teat
I e'etoek toAay. Uto
sees rsoepUoa be e««r bad. For
At Rock BoMcm PriaaoL.
aie X'xoxh.^ staboet.
*l\ber'buei^r*taaDeU. ur'asy c
thereof, to appulst liwibwitl
cptaprleal ftw.holdec» «f -aid towtrtbip
« duriap ibepisaton-of »
______ , • city council, tod tocb or
of appolulmeBl and of rerocatlue
■DIored at Itive uy»nor elly rreordt: I’r— v'-l.
.•W.M tball contlBBC ia^'old 1 Wc“unu"
and •firiItaeli tacec»»ar»tretpp.'i
tSed: f'n.Wrtrif. Tbtl ia —..................
tkniete baec already taee aopJioled
rat the tpreadisff of l-o.li, »i
fruit im petu. tucb commitw,
.. S. It than ta lUr duty of ttid
-'la Icpi daye tfler
•rid. to die tbelr’
St ta aforetrid
of tte tame «
of tald towstliip. orcUv.aaa arid clerk
tutll ta.cr
elrrk uf aid bucod of
rrt tad be that! krrp-a
d of tta pnxerdlnp
of .«a«l . =
board ia.a book (u lie proTided fur tbe!
I j a few Fur Robes and Coa^ which i -will ckxie ont
I j at greatly reduced prices.
The Laige Piece and High ..
^de of ■"Battle Ax" ^ iijured
the sale of other' braniK of higher
pnees and smaller pieces. Don't
-allow the dealef to impose on you
by saying they are “just as good”
as "Battle Ax,” for he is anxious 7
to work off his unsalable stock.
A good line of Blahketu at rery low priceti. -.
A lot odd sizes Glores and Mittens at half ^ce.
Oi-str Frost sal Oui tUooU
Traverse City Sanitarium.
l/t.irtiMTle yixnc'a rkinlforiirm.I
t^bfc ri mid coiainiwiooeio. or either 1
.>■’ toern.
it bran are l>N.k that e
them, wnica
which tntii
than oe
ta t
0 part Ul the
. . _1
record, of aid towaiJiip nr city.
' tbtll ta the d
rrlliwith, rmplnylnj all
er.-ry i
any -uor ofttrri,up';'^T«‘
OB. or without enmplamt. wliearrer
■rhearrer ...
a htTiJw.inr Tolomr docly lllaa..
dolTOOlu Ibrlr notice that ellber^uf tba j
an<l iipclr^i^lnyrli
pari- if troea to I- »
dltratrt known a'yeli.twt. b:ack
Ihr i.j
-barge tgcii
peach roatteor petr'bMgbl exUt.
i-lianc- f.ir inert) and
and for IBc
uppowd lu exitt within ibc Udiia.
bon-y cflly right .
tteir.*own»hip. rillage
.pii.- I?*”*!
or city. C. .p
to tb.-iB at lia.v lor particutarv.
ihrjr agcal
oeed wilhuot delay lu cxriolni- the Irm-s '“‘"r'
urfrelleappiwod lota ufouted, and U
r tad all lire
tte diacaw- it fouBd to rs»l, a -dhCn—
^^rk tbtll ue placed upon tlu.. ireet. and the owner, aotidml
lally. or-by
r-by a wrilteci ii.ilbs
ii.ilb^ Irtl
■ss.S'.'r.’T, S'S‘;
(oBilty bkn tba tyapsUy
o( aU
•.I mwxamwUaa u-ai.w •> *>.b euu>eaa aceMHaUaea
The Trarerae City Kaallariom will give free ro«»ultatioD aad r
' ’
ridaya. A amall riiarge made f.
. .______of tte II
er bod Burar la tbeCopk County Hartal. I'bk-xgo. U*U|>rrlDtendeBt erf auror
aad will be la atusdaBce at the otb>-e In Markhain llloch e.cry aftorBouB.
. —lualation* loor eril on
n-»id.su by lea.lag
le pertuu la cbxrBr u(
•r pm>>u • b'l tta'
.u.'h di-rtOMritreil
a muklriuetitc
ex'", with an ctnlrr W cffA-ttaHy nut rx.-rorUo,
uiiru.'t uu 1 .ln.tmj, by fire, or aa.tbe
cuimuiMioucr •ball onlrr. tbe trrea •«
ourkad ta dnlgaatnl, or tucb pan,
thereof, within live daT.. Koada\-» excrpteil, from the ilali' of tbr arrxtca
_ luc
OtM- of
feeiad. tucb notice Aball require
•hippnh dt.pi.
peTKin la wboae ao-.*r<-.Uin or
ahall t
'. tbaaablaet baiaf nsialyla.
toot tssstloB. la tba.way of asoiala
IttbtU bribe doty of
itfnsd brasBd firifbla. atratosr
«erm wittiB tea dtyt stiw it to found to ImmcdiaU-ly dralioy
Tbe aUl ahatdows Uot wak ter rebr donr, • ur
oforcald. loaieweir
to eit tbelr a-ar. or aoa ic toI b<
ipolBtaeot Moforcaio.
Ufbtiaf prtoa sad otiMraiailsr
eeploacc of tte came with the clerk coiaialfaiQnrr,_niay dealruy th
Ussy axssUast polnU wa
Arid ootue'aBduirdrrtu ta aigaed by
aid Mwatbii
Uro. Closfb. who ba boas a Ite
Ba sbowsd that dlraet tsa
one c»
ek liat for tbe paat tew weria. b be tx afir*. clerk of aid board of
Ne. . r.. In •••e any pemon
liai. BO MUST bow hlfb. was bat
mtorioacao. aad he tbaU keep a ec
able to ba oat ofola.
re^ of tte proeecdiofft of aid board ' Lsuee>ted Inxny tree or tn-a 1
tmaU BSttar wboa ooBSsred M U
tartoa. at thle la a book M ta jwoeldtd for tbat per- rd to ta dralnic'ed •hall feel aggrierml,
assy aaariraty hlfb ladlraot taa
preterre all pa by aoeb order and ahall tallm '
plea tbalattor part of tba week, bat pas, and tbaU tie aad p----------------tetwaa UriadapoB tbepablk. E
pert ytalningM ltadntlett^agtkjiit «ifch trea err not ao dirraaed. hr
sffsd sttasdsana 1st priasria sad ! by Boaday It wa Ibawiaf.
Bor. Hr. WstUae ptoaebed bare Soa- ttem. whiS’Si^'^ia^ oflf? r
-la tbe t.
. grata osrc ie aalaetlaf poblle oflanch treeaare ritoaled. wh
doy ftocB tbb text. Wbat hleden rell- ordt of aid Mwntblp
Usla sad IiBialstonI who bad tlaa
•hall tprc-lfy tbr pan of aorh
8ac. 4 It ehall be tte duly of «
fkmS Two wakatroaeasdayba will
astuais tbelr powtr a
der to wbi-h objection ia made and. I
adaror to fin a
rt^t particular -trre or Irrc* Incloded
(Boa arila a reaoedy.
I eoma M tbelr notice, that say orebanf. ,och order which it urlrimrdarr
Hr.Ptafrafasd tolaeea tha'ddo
•o dlaeaad and ahall irqurat an exam
troll trow or riaa ore'lnfated with M
p.ia. C A W. H. tisla a bla Uae
oakor worm or otter tajariow iateeu laatlun of aucU tree or tree* by, all of
Ualtad. bet ba aw eaoofb of Trarera Doeaof
aiiou. wittio tteir okl ooaimtoaloaem. wfaicfaauUcr ahal
ed paperiy. Uro- Daae wUl be ia tbe.
bo oerred petaoBally opon each of aid
Mwathlp. M proeead withoal delay
. Olty to laprta bla raty (arorsbty.sad
sad will fta It Um bat of enmlae each crehaidt or rl^ardt. commiaioarT, wittaia tbe flee daya
ba ba pto^ad aecae ap and fo
the deulrneUon
................. - of
• aid —
sd to ta Infated. aad If each is- cireo
dridaf la Usy. Fimak Frtodrieh. who
aad It ahril lbarru|k>a br the duty
_ pr
- coataffioua
. __
had tla BsUa la ehsrfs. w to be eoeell of aid cummiminnen. wbo hare 1
are fonod to exitt. tte o
loperMOallr examlur
fisalsted opoe tbeascnaef blsefBotited penosally. or by a <
tin left at fato oaaal place of
_______jf Or ti ea a aoon u practica• dartotofia ibo
tte fToaad Jhoat four o'clock that or it tbe owser ta a noa-reridrat,
aad wflbii aitfiee day. and if a
of all ttecuDmiuh>oera •.hall
mcwBlBf. Fire eaofht Icoa a defect lariBff tbe aoUce with tte pereon _ ma>ority
ebarpottbe treaorrioa. OTtt-or agree tbat
hat xaci...............................
xuch Ire* or treeaaie ao di,
la tte atlmaey. Be expaU M rebuild
eopaatocrflbe laada apoa w_________
. tbry
tbey ahall older
Uia as
trea or riara ahall ta fousd growing. lr.troyed forthwith by tbe 0
Jat BOW tbe inar qscaUoa to dm
Tbe notice aball coataie a aimple aute- •cmtodlaa tterpof. bot If a majority
meat of tbe facta u found to exitt. •hall dacida that •.
wltb aa Older M eCectoally dalrpy
Vbryiaf ofiabM a sa held
Injuriooa InseeU or wqymt or eontaMrs. WlU Oww to well affsia.
atsks.bat I
gioBadiaeaaa bjaproyiag each trees
taymoer Owes to qoltc akk yet.
^ to be osrctBl fa we bar >hsd ta
or rioa -wltt a -potooaou eohiUoe. or
B. r. UoPaU WMis Troeetwaty I
iaowol eoatagloaadlaeaw tocffectootba*n
asA faa work already,
nrily diainTeei^ld dioaecd trea or
it sssas to ae tbat Mo at Aot tbe
1 tatlBOt bert riao. witiila aoeb tis» tmui tta date
B. F. B<
of tbe aorrim of tbo 1
tosero aball dralmte. aid eo- refuae o
DaU 9obbaW to aofferiat (mao a tfask- ttoe aadcadarto
ordtato ta oiga^ by tte fall
Ose tblBf. Ibea ate asay wbo a
Bar. A Wbaueear
Mn. Bany UUler to riritlsf with
Wthlak tbat If wefstplaty of 0
Ira. C D. Pools
little diaersaa bo
sfect t^ orchaida ' Csrad by Dr. MUea' Nervise.
B. E. Fotoy. o«r dttafftot. wsa
Trl^hoae V4; Bight or day.
•. ^
di^lare f.w each f
Inr fur ra.-b half
• aad c”
Kow tbe bollha ia asUar dollar to
snctb bat little aore tbad M ees
Sikd tba bolasea. to qsota tbe orordt of
-repreaato tbe
■ pawar ol*^ people.’ tbe power
tbat tOaaU worth of rilrar abi
Aad if tba peepio foatob tbs power.
AaU Uey Bot fot tba boscbt of tbe
added niM?
My 1^ weald be tide: M pBM
atqalrlaf (be 6ce'y of tbe Troaaory M
paehaae all allrer bnlUaet ila our.
bet ealaa wWeb iball act be fiater
Asa lu oolB TBloa. aad pay for
«sr praaat kladofi
soaBbetoeoada tbe
balllaa tba po rebated aad tbe foeerw
seat eDBldpayMtt8peBaiaBe,.aUrtapaadp -
abali hare tbe ri^f^ power M ei
t^aay i^all pramtoa wUbla tl
If aay owner, townahro otf'
ttto law a aet fortt la tbe pree.—
and wlttlB tbe tiON tbera_______, -« Botexoaed—,
oe inwtooBed la tba cemnty jail sot
tae alriffbiBU by baaUlar la tbrir kfa
Be^ HeniBffbm boa ttt baser of
drswlair tta laryat Mad. it briar Ua of the coart; aad aay joatiee of
tbr peace of tbe towobl'p where each
what ttoraall a **pa
trea or riaa auy be growing a’-"
woeth «> ballioa M tbe mlat. haeo it
Joba JobasMi’a feUn baea a ewry etek
aeiadtraofcbaife.tba<BaxlBf tbe
peoptab powri worth (Oe. to bla. bat' baby.
Ur. Onib
aaa set aa Ibo potak U ay oplakii
a aoalled«aarsrbaf”toa aseh ( epltoa BOW that tba aw lap are all
ta oeoMod aa‘fold bof.’ aad tbo
aesopoltoU of oorcaDtrydoaet de(riot atiU «s
•orasay aere atarbaado *^-p
U (carifB eoaatrla U tba
Saa Uyeet aad Lea Wlata ooilied
U Omasa laat Sesday. They rapart
the nade U a Mrribty alopiiy cnsdlttm
aad trseellacalmaataa Impoeetl
Nor matt show ter (eaU Lata
>ad tbe —t-f ap 1
Ubethto.tba(lf oa.
s laor prvridlsB ftp fta aetoafo
aaa aid tna
treea or riaa to ta effocu-ua aolatioi
a ahoold re
ogatl BfM
ary aid (or that parpuw. and tba
paoaa for tb« oae aball be a charge
agolMt tbe Mwaablp. aad fur aid
haffiaaiaff (a took a UHla aosMta. oa
I taaUocrodIfcraerriceaBder tbto
„ Iwodolla) tor eorii tall dak. aiKl
ooc dollar far oh half day. a^ tbrir
removi-aid Hl'^-ari^l
lock in ,-on)pliaoc<-
1 must close out my line of Heaturt in orderjto (nakc
room for spring goods. I>o not fail to look them over
if in want of a Heater.
.nf •llkliw. »I |.|f I., llw Ur.ea T.».
e order of
aid <-.imuiiM.ioneror
Srx «. Allot act number npe hoedeed and* twelre of tt>I
pobli.-acuof ogeicta ano aoows
eighty hundredykad
huadrm' ad ninrtr-Uirer
aad tta ame !• heiwbr repenh-d.
This act i. orJeruld to take Immi
W. J. H^BBS,
______ or iBfealod orrburda or elag- ao,i
yardaler] frorntbeoWBeroftbeprem- teal acria. 1 cu
toa oe wfakb laid Uea or riaa may tuugataTtnrmytaartdsurranbw- aaacUoaerf aaampali.'MriTdri.aadltaTayeaaettaakttat
aball Bot ap-: amallretoday -
Traverse City, Mich.
146 Front Street.
ApproTi-d Mar 4. I-.;-'.,
•jiitKi-xu ii:i'iTi-«-aaMJ>-
Lumbering Tools.
An act to proridr for marking on park- a
ogee derigaed for tbe •hipment of _
cgrtala »pecified kiade of frail, the
aamWVof p-OBcto wbii'heo b uf aid
packagra ttall contain
Sr,-Tiot I. ,Tlu
MliKiv ni. o,m. That all raaa
of peach-l-afckew and
- ignal f-rr 1
BLs’DINGCHAI.NS, ETC . ............ .
/A" /fW «/ lowest priees.
. '^ovnjL.Qxrsi.
197 rFoatStFMt.
ttca lodJrw-t moll, ti abra tte heart ti ^ tWlBiri in •aclf hq.krt
Ao.r macTufaCtuter nf...
afaewd. Thti «u tta euw or ita f
peach 'ba.krU.'or other
r. Surface. Fa«a Blrcr, tteb.. who
i pa-'kagw, dealgaed
tte ahindirat ,
nada to ta aadltad aa well aa
V cAa^ wd dtobwraii^eaU 'a^; ttT^^
ttto act by the towaUp .board. aU of taart 1
crbltt coata. ebarga axpeea aad dto- • I Md
aball ta reeoeered^^ '
irgn. and''di<.biiramriiw undiT
notoeJyagwrt. ibr bfUe and w
Tiarerae (Ky. Mkb.
sjrs’u.“is; Nervous Prostratioh
Tiseene aiy toat weria
Ura. Oarlet Forbaaaa't fatter aad
rtar. of Ktatea aty. are ririUaff bare.
Coaaty O
W. Brajamla rieitad oor aebool ttday.
Uio. Walter ttootfe ^Ur. Ura. Kk^
eteoa. of Tiaeane CHy. to bow cm a
Hr. aad Ura. Ptaak Sbaurwaat M
Traeoca Oty Uoaday M aUead the
waddiarot Ura. Bbalorb atoWr. Hba
Wiabiartoa'e birthday tast ealemicd here by oae of tbe Bleat daaea
eeer ffirea la tbit place. Kem A Boyew
tBofOS. Itay wUI tare
of tbe
Markham Hlnvk.
At cost
du-uon there-
. f
taat jurWu lion- ttaU ta haeo aoi loa .
than twenly-6rc dollar, nbr more than a., or
. due and cata are paid.
General Blacksmith ing.
to-a«4 » ta wrw-»ia '
1. a (> irtw
ra..w la cr I,.' .i.in«nA be ita p»nni
brrehr rrpraled.
Approrad May SI. 14»:
• T- '»• /J.-'-.r.erT-rfi-r
ei... u.a< ri • ia>eiiaa .d
! arT or offrrTo all' ac-h' ba»kdu or
Wheels, W^ons, and' Buggies.
ti~-iA a CAOn>>
AU Work Warranted..
New Shop on CaioD St
No. 51, Front Slrf'^et.
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultk
...iBtha rafflw thwa
f' f
raed.. Tbeh
Tl»aeMtQumj'uIIWlli»titube«B ,
U»o» brief eat t
^»y^pl»r»alatbr*e«U»CTap«rt ol t
fiwwl^tnf t^t Jene'lflh._________
renary M the diacorery of the North
Aaerlran coaatl9 Jida aad
Cabot ia H»T. •
■ •
rmcfa baubel Itclnrj •
lVba«»et. • •
run. Sophia JJOOK of Hhrlbrrtllr,
Treat A S>« ot Ci>1Hiral«r recraUf lad- ho* rotrlTed a IrUrr laailta fron
borer btdoi to oor fins. lodiaaapr-lM laturalSr brr itelKt.Jtoj-inf bone btdn i» 1 new ln<l«»u«t <iou <rs» bor)«d ia I ws> la a lot hi SkrIFS-rTt. Th* tree 1
bfrlUe. b; tVilllaoi arrrii Wllaoa. a
U> tbr tit;.
reUtivr Bcm la a Soalh ABrriran prU
Tabrmilaak biiaUle br fwaraleot
a Mc.ffamunnur ibr'roae »| th« bone lur Hbr OB- The letter wm flren to a
taped vrsTleV Seareb will be
frrbtr idIs<M »l loprrr. ud tbr osUrr
c auddea
for the bom;.
herd villbrfcIllMl.
death of hUaiater. aeWtf
olftHatiaC ae nebers at
lew rraebrd him. reeled aad
w^ipf a yooap vocato
K cbBioh «(t tAw at; aac are a War M
In thearmaof the prieat.
■ from e
the time of .’bla dea
I WthanhKtooorhird *
liel tlaycrof Norwir Coea.. w
the t'alt.
}. ■ 6o»eda;««co f reddir Vaa Si«*la.a , „p,T„ur baada- Ilpwme tbra ahot the oil
- , . Ctrroaaab?. waa droirtird la the tirer ; eta-rly through th. luaffaaad he wlU
( glthatplarr, mad dtapllr all effuru tOi^i,.. VhrriT and hi« frlrnda '
Id point of are
Bad bU po.lt It if alia nuamf.
i» frtfbtra l>e<tte>
aad .had beU oSce
TforaiiUle more than 4f■ i[
At' Utadiof. ttbilr rattJi.t wood' iutid Hraort. a firlcl-ird t
ir yean
'^txidna.lay. li.vio lUrt. a farm.*-, re , ,,ft the Soon an earl; boar
(I orireda aetrrt injnr; ofi.............................
Ol the bead froB
linf. witna load iff fenr
f a failiar limb llcaib
b ma;
Im rcaalk
chandUr for bUatore. Ilixal
.lelfh^ap la bix laboratruy la Wrat
ThomnaA. Ediaoa aneeeeded
act Uallet frop there
led ardcr Ihr rix.la. Help waa neal al
la Ibe •ofltbrrn paJ-1 <
ra fi^
the Koeptfearaya
baod. bathe wax dead when rztrlfat'i . the atetr.. dial
ll>al ithrat alna- fa aellfn
bea. tb- ny-a barinf penetrated a
ed. Iliaxaldbe'armaamn.-wbaU^zifoeaa noth aafoud ha; did a;oa> af
hea«y rardboaid aad ealranlxed fiber
TwtM when the accident cocuyeed.
' At iiaaaiar. tironrr hirJll; afr.^2
TbT'rrtfa------. ->Tl"fai
lentlr bv.k plated bolder.
jwarm. B Pfunlnrot haarball and
baa not bree a lawyrr in the
Wll plattr. iliori TbuiadaV norik^f r
Kuxford, Me., a plaoe of e
aerr-hant. oowercr.
- aoaed froia rzoraalre cMrcIt aerr-nant,
eery p<ori|aaUty. ATew
rral yean, and laat week the
tbr Woman aoht her cow. 1
Two flartoB jnto
the awB'a fnrod.'
:Mne far ma infTSjtej
UtabratbrtlmberlroBtheluf.. .
It Saanrial coadilioP ei
,y r-lnrneil il.
<au Ihrm, aharpeaa them. poliaKSt aad
buaUlnf eomaonily. .
aaylpf oh« eopld But eat aa.h pxirMoff
parka then ' '
aa that.
Hallinftun Hootb la makinf plana for
aliin«a of Uicbipan
an independent America I alralioo
' "
Thi Kerenth nay .tdrealixU^f I
naatr mapinir an effort
army of which be and
. bla
-ia wife will be
wbow aaniarium
arium Ta
*ia Hint
orfanluUon (or 'uutaal tie Creek,
Danced the dedaHe anDoanci
haa beccar world wid.
-idr.-aod who the Iradrra.
' pralecUoc and broeBt.and arlUfoud
d branchea in ion to xtart xurh nI more_____
------------ - • -.ar.-M.dar. but it will be aeeeral weeka
fore lie rati tell Joal on what baaix lb#
llrrraiarre and other tiuoeaa of
BoarellII an afllalinf the (|oeaUna of the ialahdof tbpri.'Inxifblof Ml. Ve- wo'k will be nmieruken.
aaln^ a Ivcr nanb-r uf Cofllab xariua and elfhtaen rntlra from Kaplex.
aeu' rffa for the pprpdar ol ralatarlaa The property curl
Jatuub. aye: ] eaaat. aad the eropx la a fnat many
Uat dMtorb-, loeaHUaa hare been ralmw)
Hrrda of
luciBi naiad- latoch ^ aarriBf aad dyicf for waal
aad Japaa wU kuea th* total
o* Aaf Vuotlroly
ouaUrolF ai
. ‘ll^ofbMalHyim**-Irea. aa'th*
_ ,_i»fbBoraI
lb*ialaodof JtMOBly.
BUUaf Clara Bar- ii^kt.
11-. x^—11-. n^
, ;e;
dMtrUmtrrelwf tothe aaScrara. Mia-, qi^
later TerraUiroomn^ed Mia Barton
a Sclamlik.
aad rwrty
- '
play of coorafe and obedwncr. aband-' lifhtrat wor
X waa my cmidittoa
pnbliahaa a dia- <med tha reran and with home richly ; when I befi
■kc N >.
and a
Th* Lopdoo---------,----------£r that th* kinf Sr* pararnfrra. laadrd xafrly aV tbr I few bottlrx______
axe than wax
• •
___________ i-x-y-Z ll«bthouaa The reaacl .went'down.
| briof bewefitteff:
. rontiaord the
Praacia J. Ilaot. an old arttlerOlod
Sunk*, la dead. Tvcnt;'
foar /eon afo be iauffeied
panl;rtla and had
apeak bat tbn«
The -i.iw woman'' town of' (be
bnmb la at thr rrr; end. I'nri' Aua
_0 aod.niblrdlr baa |bat dKlincU.io.
■a err*7 boalaeaa houar (a either ran
WaUhr McF.winf of ronperrille «
ino yeara old Monday. He U a Sc
aad went toxea when Imt 11 yrarx
afr. Hr aaiUd for M yran and. lia>
wide and raried arrii-x nf Uira b> t..
ofaeallle. He wax declareil a citurn
of tbr I'uited Satex in |xl>. aad In
latii hr coal hia firal rote (or W. II.
lUrrUoB. lie bax uwd Hobacfo
l.aja and hli
hia federal bra!-'
btaltti Ujjrod.
!d"t^*tl'iraa'l^*i!^^ !r fUm*’’ <
aoati/'p^^ ^nH^'^i^rir"A
ty la poated the toflowiaf notke:
••WaBted.10 trade, abota fora male,
or- male for a hoaai dealt moke Buch
dlBereaer which. The Idra la thfa: I
bare fot a h.tne asd a male, aad J
waal two Ola kind."
prraldrDt wax xoacepUlilr pt Ibe wllfx
nf enemy nan. what nmid be ezpeefed
of th* p-xrw gtrla who are )nat coamoe
ryiaaid PU* 6u* Otiraa rUai Per.
by Curlag th* Oaoaa.
ball of light abual Ibe aloe of a
_j-x bead.which rlaex to tbe height of
U feet aad Uiraaioka into Ih* groo^
haa eanacd ^ end of eacitemdot at
-ttn^. ■nme,
lake rand wax nrrerxraa before. The!
Mow ia the Th ir-liy uf Kalamazoo
afaeicd xrllh s Uyrr.if It.. which
qala a carirally In that part A( tbe j
.T'S I-,-™M.
• a* in
xaT.i^l'^ Sa*^
__ kDx^'r^jT'oSi
_ ] _..^Umra____, ...____
ixuiA,,.,. xnAmuxT. hi-a ~T-: Major Dean ^Cottrmbna. Ohio. taya>
wxbi. !»•“ 2^-1 wkhtuadMVUienaaberel eettlS-r^mrarrrrai .aj
beneffla derieed troa
krffrid. a.
»"ria. Wberair 1^1 from pile* f.xr forty yoara aad tram
«al aWetrie hirwl girl awakrarr.
n*r!^IU ia?S.i'SriSitt'’i*J?5Swt33!f^^
laraitfan aotualyaronara tbe girl bat
at the aame laiUot Igaltex tbr kin^-
spparalBt It aoraaetad wlU a
bim et’’^ F^Mld Pile*C^*baa^?
BECMISf'thte stock twsbouglit-
, Oeaeral tVeyler'bax baaed a prOclama-
.Tis I
Siaua a^ after a mammolh anWic I haadlU.
Rwpiwta rraeb the Cbited
. _
battle toaybt lean
b attacked
I BWtea
Cuba. wbi£ mailed
All the world over
__________ WHY? because this sale is linriited and
Jfaolfng. anU gMtarpMe.
Pt-T—raraaaararax gOOdS mUSt be SOld quIck.
This sale is the only genuine
MONEY SAVER in the city.
It will be to your interest to
call and see us.
■a air alwsm-rradr w'taar'tarzr J
mbraOeU. trwlaeK. oxxxf in/lmmrd
•aryaeaa ke»t^ wUh
rm]fU*tui/ eoxtya F-XTHACT
of the best grade of all kinds of
Dry Goods
, W H y ? because we do not make special
laaraaarafaa pfices 00 Staples Only, but make
" .
our entire stock a specialty for
bargain seekers.
OanulM madt 0*1; by «>OM(rS EXTRACT £0.. » FHth Aranur. Naw yx'k
120 Front Street,
Markham Bloek.
If not
aod Robes.
Mut dip ol winiei tn to cm:
why not
GnTMirsell a fooil Far Robe. buy one of those handsome Overcoats when you can
•t ysartea at ndutd prlcaa buy them at one-third off, which brings the price
way down to less than cost? No other investment
Wilhelm, Bartak & Co. will pay you such enormous interest. 'We have yet
some good bargains left in light, medium and heavy
Come oDe, Come all,
■weight. 'We reserve none, all must go. 'We are also
The Enterprise Grocery showing a large assortment of Mackintoshes in -all
23» Front Street
prices, from $2.76 to $18.00. Call while in town
and examine our stock. ,
70 pounds (iranulated Sugar.......... ...................
5 Of three dolbrs fc
Bhnket viO save douMe tt
We P^ora wbat xrc edeortlt*. A trial order will eoeriiicr.
Bparialt lee tUt week:
.rd per pound
Cotiolenc per pound..,.
5 bars Dingman Soap..
Tea Dust per pound —
6 pounds of Raisir
Dried Peaches per
pe pound__
Dried Pears per poi>und..
California Prunes per . •UBfi
lapan Tea per pound—
. ..
\VhoIe Codhsh per pound. -.
Parlor Matches per
Pail Syrup, honey
Barrel Syrup per
or to Bom *H
Popiilar Olothier.tEatter aiid FamSfbar.
124 Front Street.
Agents’ Sample Sale ol GlotblnA.
o Cbeyped Ka^. Braa ood Aberta
239 Front St.
T. tJ. KOST,
We have just received $2,000 worth of odds and ends of Agdnii
« samples of Suits and Overcoats which we bought for 460. on the
patiw Dollar, and as we need the room for our immense spring ^stooks wo
” shove them off at prices so low as to put potatoes to shams.
O. PIERCE & CO. , Prop,
I We are in Shape now
to give you big bargwns on .
Funiiture. \Ve arc runplpg Vhree stom-^ices '
lots of boods—buying lots of goods means a i
quantity discount—we pay spot cuh, that means !
an extra discount—we buy in ear load lots, that !
meansa saving of over fifty per'ceuu on freight. 1.
think Wean sd! you gbod^ riglu?'"
fa- -Come in and see. Traverse Cit>- store. laS to ;
X- 137 Front Street.
Men's OvercosU.
----------- -
Sale A Boardiiig Stable.'^11Y 9 because this stock is compost
at a ruinous price to the owner.
WHY? because this stock isptferedat
prices less than half value.
l^nakfurt. where they BploalyMrea
i*n>hablr half tbe people wbo ae* il
teo.paBD4 ladr biiTclbt. bat' two
anldle auffrr from plica. It lx one
IwBoo. MraJultna Ward and Nra. tVilthe dpmmoacxt dlacaim and oi ol
llaa Ualea. Own the «wUre electric
like a colt that feeix iia <ma Il'are
lifht plael of the villafa,.
A imm^'acieotlxu malntaineii Aal H xrra but n ]
While tba famUy uf A. Hyatt, of By.
tbey nrglrvl iL Cafrieaayea. waa away from b-iiae. aotne oar
no end of xafferink- Chrethr p.-xh^^l'hiog bxx
opened a wlodow. poured krnaeoe oil “ • afl*r ‘ih^
imple e Ibing a*
MIhd ffoaraadaet flretolL
W(. Ily.
inccrrr hoa
nxx been
nnrn the
me faroM
larro-en iwtr • - *
— .............. - d.death. HeBOtghnal thenry
au retarwd Jaatio ttma to dlacrtTw
--“InfBlah the fUBea beforeaneb
wax done. There ia no doe to wbrerx marden
occur dariegahigtcal treat—“Tg death.
Al lipdrt*.
Anna Baldrta thrbcgtanlagaad
Battle Crrrl^UfMUBK f
win. a leader
Ugloaa oecti^j'i'
be cared
ahtpplaf point for waler ct
-h fluori.brd;i„ tie wi^atx-iiraTi^Hboi’tliii i^
two rBnjrtlabmaa
■■ •
planted the In northern
. Inraof bl.wj.solxkly. anrely and cumaaed la thr mn.-k alung bcrra-Uile Michigan,
\ii..i,ira>i baa
dectarod that tbe wor
ptculr. There la only oo* remedy that
D end beforr tbe
will do
0 il—Prraaid
it—Prraaid IT.e Cara.
fwa8be cUima to bare
troll apd titbernluea.
.. _ -_1 to hat. ...
told the,
inaed treataeat rt
Uzzie Behrorder, ayu-_. ___.
earth woald coIUdc with > -me other i awrlllng aadputaa ___________
ployad at tbr Kalamacgo paper
World. Dratb-la to br im
good, aooad beallby conditloa.
m<wnlBg. iloerety Iirlng creatare >«Irr f
u tburongh aad p
............. In an old; era are making preparation lor
aafe a any that the ! 4i-at Seath. aelling their pit^wrtr. a I.IkU^ tratimooiah
• pair of ironaera. old | apending -thedr Ume l~'—praying a
Dtire aeet lx
X crazed w
Indianapulfa Ind . aag*:
n a aufferrr from tl > pain aad *
jec of Pi
rara AJA
lhe.»pl«aioBoftl»_a*iapowd*raaf1*„^_ wax famed byileeui
A drerarxtv famih ia I'onland..Me.
had an cx;wnxiTc im-al a-few dayx afu.
The family ha.1 .lyxicrx for xbpp- r. and
in line ol the blyaire*. wert lound nine
pra-lx st-veral
pv-veral of them ■were of ffiwd
xiac l.ui llieyyPerx had
' ' '
l>orcwr ilic dixnwery wax iBade.
je'wi-lt-r.i > a hmu iliey were afa-iwn aBlrd that it I her had Ixwp dixcorpred, hcIho hxd Ixwa raieed they Woald
hcc'n •rrotheii.i.
Is attracting the gr^test crowds
of eager buyers ever brought toS S S!*®**'®*' “'Traverse City.
t^'faUdeSpeaiah luxera. druib to pral'.; '
X W. II. Harriioo wax
"TaryV friend 1
elected praxulent.
‘-1 wimplianre nil
111 aeod tor batI Pi Mrx ' li'.m^u on
n aarKnyi-t-.e'-<L l‘rr-.ldri>t Harriaon.
A BOD of John lirir.-r. of Jefferapo
loanabip. HiJIadaIr eoonty. wbilr IrapAt Adrian. Horace k>>aiet«ek. afed pinf laal fall, on one nf the Dnfoer.>n»
iakea which hare abnnl *T.)Wn orer.
dla.-OTcrcd a.anbmm.d canoe, and
dead ’«
D. all droppe.1
wheo the toe formed he. with help,
boura i
la twenty-four
trearrected It. and It la pmoouneod. by
the old artUen-lobean ludihn «a«iae
t'.nllv pi.-ked’ap tbr
|iel cavix
I'. O. Nelaun. a SleiAMpeon faroipr: without any doubt It l> ol while wood
f Mr Bail Mn .L I.
>d Itsile well preaerred.
l‘o^aib1y it Mnralxii’onfilixiDcarlUe. Fla., atid'carwent to eat aonie Umber.
rs or IM> veara oM.
a Hoar.-hitti:
---------- „ party atarted
lim xerrnty feet Into tbr Mrbroat mod fnoad him Itinf uiaetulbleat'
ryrx. Thf young
iflailBy. aftd eifhtren y
the root o(a trrr. witti,bia nAnll eraafaragicxwhieh wor in thr ragle'a erat
I towDxhip. looia enunly. w
1 In by a faUInf li^<
near lb' bouw. her*" b> acream aad
ridinf __________
_____ ....
andxlowly dr
drdenir reared andlhrew her Irom the hf mother bird tiirord and xtnwly
Beerbrr Kimball, aa alectritlaa
Her fool remalmd i-aufht In' .-ended. When forty feel from the
aUrrap and abe wax draffed a dir xrroubd xhr dr.-pp«-d the bdr lo a e*dar
xrri.'oaly Injareder of abont ten roda before a alrap huah and hr wax not xrri.'oaly
o he pricked a
tofrr with a piece of . opper jtire ud
11 You Havr a' tiick Chilo. Tfaa U
two plai-exand abe wax
Wood poiaoniBf enaaerW
‘ Barely a Mraaacr ^1 Rupa
*lhi«TwiHe badly injai
At Orand Hapida Hra. K I.. WedfeThwixthe luatnf nrwx for pareoU
tom Biy ahe will ■* '•
wood. wbowaa daurmxialy birnrtl at
liy childrra II Ua
________ _ - . , , Ikm of the
tbe Uoaaemao block Cre a few daya
that dur peopid
.pid harr hrrrtoforr
of Ihlx .-onnUT »ho haer rone
afo, dW Thuraday foraaopo. She in aladenu
thr aame impcrtuaity for barabrui
ibruad went toHrraany.
The leadhaMBamea. bat U waa ibaofht f
ir chiliirra who xiiffer tram
edacatora. bowetrr.
(Bf Frameb
errcral daya a^ would^eoorer.
i-hriiniciir lingri
. Aadrleaa VtudeaU oufht U
Hamael Bdiara. father of Tbomai. A.
and cured by i.
France ax that conntry Ic:
Cdiauo. the inremor. died at Korwalk.. aalbreaUeaandchrmlairy. I'lexldept cbilrtreu'x dhxeaai
Ohio. tCadneadoy. afur an lllaeaa
irrr auefa ••klUed
AnyoU baa baa appointed a Beffibn' uf ftegrtwlcltle
tavera) weekV afrd jtloriy-oue yaw
of the Xarriifc branch cnmalttee to
He waa barfed at Port Karon. Ulel
bern drUarred Iretn ae
eo-nprratc with tbear edacatnra In tha
Ibe hcybood home of ' '
lotereata of alodrnU-nf
rat pfayxiriana. owing to thr coal of
Tha Af^ulteral Oollcfr opraed fmnf to France fur alndy.
irrl tn tbr iar^ city and tbe high
Hoaday with aa attendance of itniol
Three ynontr chlldreu of Kelaon Par.
r* ,-hargrd br aaeb phyalelaax.
the old sen aad abnul 3nffr«*hmen
wrrrlmrn.-d to drab
at ManaSeld.
-X-. theretnre, ix-^'chanr* f.w tbr
or the new men. il l« Mikl vital Ml per
Mdo Tbnrxdar. 'They were left Ina „„ I.r
of Ihr
the ehildren
childran of oarcommaaiir
eaot will take the meubaoical onei
locked room wbUe Ibeir mother went „hic'. abould o<A br hwl.
while the real will pnraae afrlealU
Tbe ^ 1-. Weal Mlh SI . Sew
H John Turrenuir . aad Waller JoKlyn.
"> a'wboj. kry-ind •■mhtlhe b
St Mnakefon-cUim. to bare iBe larfeat ararby gr-irr. raw am--kr ■•xuing from |g|
in curing
aaraof chitlea lamt on Iskr Mi.-hljEaB. llir maHi
offera-tn fflrc frccei>D«aIlalloo by
irlr feet
ti belfbt ami rarla abonl fiwl;
• childirn'a
ir.lt lit .-a iraa. The Uwt and rracur wax Impnaxiblr. 'aeiHdrxt
of the chiirlrea waa 4 yraiff old. tbe .■tcnoauIUor l>ri<i
ur br Ic^rr. de•turuMy.
id.: yearv and the otber 4 BuoUia acriblng their cblldrea'________________
I'x/dixeaaea. and
. tVaablagton theke-rrury uf tfa4 hr wHI, oficrearefolly runaideriag
j;. baaheir^
Iptoma write a letter fully ezpl^iDlrriorhaatTwomnended to Ih* attor
. i'' food alelcbluf &c farmera can haul ney general that aoit br brnugbt
’ the t'uaWe.
' IHtafybuahclatoalaad. ThUiafood againxt tbr aut<-Ilf Michigan In rreort tbrir-eomplaiotao plai
pay far banlinf. bat the tanneraBcr no
rtly wha't a'lli
Inraialof the
alan gir* bla
ly patebled t» Il to aid in thr conatriux
tion or a barlxir and ahtp canal In eon- a«lri*ei founded upa hia raat exporiMeRali
naetthr wateraof Lakr Knprrlaraaa doce aad w.mdrrfnl aacoraa la treadiag
l-urlage Uke. A grant of Siai.iid aerra XUI-II ,-uxea. ax to joxl what to do to elfMacutf edndiUoa. He bad been aeot waa made to tbe xUte fur thlx ppipxoa.
a care. Ali* thit will coat yon
two milea to irbool In a doriof atom bat It waL prurided that xoeh laaib
lag aad yoa can thua bare eonjrlth bat a Ufht uot ami no mlitena. afamld not br aioeral.
rItS the bravknown phyeiIt
eiao aud a<'i.Dowlrdgrd moxt_______
'lal thr «x,04; aerra are ailo
(ui >.(welalixt Is the world wllbonl
Paw i'Bw'a UBi.)ur xucii
leering humr and at an ezpraae
la McBala lilUe
OB. aglrl'a ta-hrior dob.
. Bekonil
are core^ with them,
No lera a peraon than I
that rrral**t of medicinea. Dr. lirerap'a
the Ann Arbor tneka ___prored a traitor lu the
wblle between
■ I aad the________ portion of the town when Mlm Hope Tyner became a ma*x Nrrrara blood «Bd nerr* remedy aad
thay ara piled Ihli
Iny feet hifh. Soaw ried xromanFridaj
QFridaj erenlngtbr remalhremain- bax dixcnrrre,! aanr other moat ralaablr remediea. WriU a him aowrabnat
of the prlBclpal at
ra began to feel that loxlrad
bkMkad with
g on a w
xotl't nxek their foot- y-or child, for Ihlx la a ebaned of .ear*
•whi'b you may axrer hare again.
Ua a eartaln hlfhwar (n >ooia conaaa awfnll;
.. . ...
the only cure
t real blood dia-
Inf the prriod between Sept 1, I8»S, '
e cr'.zi.'-jsn-i
Of the BELL stock of D17 Goods,
Milline^ and Cloaks,
• of in^
iect b*. been eunmun^lrd to !
litlona. prorialoDa. ru.. ap the CoB-1 the Madrid furrroipeni aad thr -mreh '
fo rlrer haeebeeaebarterod.
forthHr wbrreabimU b folixf oa dar ' 'T'*
Mrat Utatoria,
MW's Xitsb.PrioM ITldtor.
$8 76
8 76
18 00
18 00
IS 00
... ..........Urisssio ti 98
4 76
3 75
64S.......... - do.
Mx.__ SUITS^—■
Mm’s Salts,
rotsU price $400
............ thlSBSlO
... .......
6 00
7 00 ^... ........
2 75
7 19
Tbe material which these orercoata are made of are flue
Successor to Pune's
Furniture Store. ■
and yon can aare at laaat a So bill on an avaraga Bootaura St
TOIV 8*3*ORBS. ____
Tills -A.2SriTTJA.l4^_
Epworthtcarmoalf^UP-b dU Ihe
am Uoamaa*. to «boB «*• roferrmd the .
be^va.aaM Hoadmcba ,
opm> Moel. mra tmTilad «a m«aod' mad paUtlea f. ra BUkSMS. bOTa to rapen »od Oaoeiml'Dfbllity; ibmt h* bm> ooo.
tea part Im tbs *«
that w* Ha** oosald^
•attod mlU phytteUa* a^iyl*fd^bo ■
Koplr MUc of Dr. \Vba*ler’t i
lalltar. mod bo **T* that tbo
—-------- ,--------- -mod Nerroo* taallaf wmo.
Mid pstiUos be laid ds fable estll |An«HaUly stopped by lu o*r. Attar- !
Bseb UBeaatbeecBoclIaball lee St
b ewd twobeltBcaot tbe satoo :
mad be «y* be it cstirely .
ml lb* botBM tm omrte* fiuU <Jt tbs
treo'froia that TraaibUor
dir TsMd^alfblmdTrtCbt^ “ »*•
C h OSEtUtp•eiuaUoa: hk bean gim bin so trooXI.B.K.P.
tomdmtoofa»ratbmspOO. lh*.«
W. A. Kaitto*.
;bU mad ho aloep* woll. Ho fnrtbrr
Atlh*BUa^«UMliaof UdiorBcd laft wais smoaUmal.
PaoBor Ktobj
'My».tbat bit reooralboaUb k moch:
BMk b|vb»afPr«UM. tk> tc^
Hored by Aldermaa Hnith tbat
. betler. mad tbal bo U ealllDr tbo atteo. ■
■par BSoltaia^UlholMld la tba
can save you dollars and lots of them, too. The prices made on nil
sorts of reliable merchandise are lower than have ever ^before bSMx
made on desirable goods. QOST AND L£BB means exac^tly as it reads,
HE&E. A few samples all there's space for:
tbapetlUMof KUk '
ba n>ct'
bKt.BM.-OM.8te. .
■ot. «. a. wrtrat. mmusr.
b Kt. ttea.-J. T. BannB.
SarTtoiaOrmafahmU. CM stnat,
bKt-OMnl-W. B.AnM. .
Horslat wonblp at 10:M o’elaek.
b Kl. BMI.-A. B. Helkows
lb* te««lUUc» vlU Uk* ^M* TbmBibla acbaol ml boos.
CbriiUma EadMTor ptapar atolaf
lUte lOUi. i> tern «1 tewUmtSiUpH.
Basstmr «*rrtM at T o-elapk.
A aofdtat iavtlaaos k sstaadad to
A tef^ Mt—a^ ud mUb
aMttevxkaUlA UMlBf TaMd>7
MwkkkOawteHteblfM LMfM
Hartk. 11*M.
■BtolarsBitiarTrfV-T at* Coaocdl
Ooei B<te« WH fontUr ocvultei
m ol^Mt btef u> »nkM iatMMt mad b^k tbe OoaMiLBbOB-Bareb l.ltM
MmUbp wa* eallsd to order by B. J.
to*MUfte tbrnbatoMbodm of
Merfaa. PiMldent prs ten. Mayor
*^Bilf*^‘te5!MS*'Bl»*T 1- L. A P.
Co otSlOOwaatsad.
Moved br AldarsBi
”or the Dlfht*
polar bUloftetoSewi
of PaV Itaod II whaddai
Be^ rto*^~by tbe eosacll of Trm*-
bile Art* oftbeLar*^
eoftbe I tie of Mieblraa for t&
- ------- -.city fond
ir A D.. I > baretnr crMtcd to b* knows s* i
and tbat tbe *aaa
IbeaeoU^Mmra Bobbs, Ooedrteb.
•n mo «b>VM tor Bosbotel]
_____^Uito for tbaporpooea sod
. .maroMi»tmran«dla-(ho<d))«doo( Uo OtolUck. dmltk.
K^os. Oarriaos •-------------------HtaalM of
iBtslar maeda
Tbe leaeletios waa adopted by tbt
foUowiap yea aad say rote.
inlttoa os stioela;
Yoaa. Aldanaoa Bobba. Ooodrlah.
hold ml
oad tfotoop UroUkk. SBltta. Kewlon. Kyaelka.
Tb (hr I
Thm oboroelmoted: PnmidMl. WIU- COuteii
0/ IVoaarte 0»<ip EsayoB, (Mirkos mad Jabisaa.
taB L. Wohte. at Smctewi «too pnoiDi:-Tb*
eoBBittre to
bI^o^uM Sprinkler*.
rrferrod ib* nr
Uomt. WnUma Apfdclea. at
'aarcm Cirr. Hlcb . Peb It. IM«.
B. M. BopktM hart sir. at, Sad tbat
btkr aonamble Jfripor .lad-dldcrmm
toi'st u>* <
mlttao, Joha
•tf Trawrae VUy. Mb* .•
UarTtAau;-W* herawitb laelota
-KoVkor. at Dotniu OoL a T. Dm
I sttoaO^irill be aitoaiy
ifollowCp bid* OD Wlathip pat
iBBd. c<Ja<dnoai as. WeadwortA. <rf to psTofiMS property tbe aotire width
eel ■prtellac wapoc eoiaplets at.
PamlUO; B. C. Woahm. at AUaCMi ■>. oftobloea betwM buicatreetaad.
WsaUartos strsatst aaostof sbeat
«. Bmllar.
Kat eoaDlr; WUlima SMOOOaad wawoald reapaetfolly re
Oort, at Fltal; U. ». Bawo. at Port fer tba mattar back te tba eoaaell
Hmiaa: C B. Pabm. of Bm^v; WOlIma fkipemlM. of Maokccom: miUmB
Ctehr. of Bmrhor Spriaiim;
W.J. ti
flao P. Oaasisos.
Ooodrteh. ofTimoarMatr. mad WUiMaradbr AMannas Oeedrieb that
to Chmmdlot. at faheoletmfl.
tepeUliesbareiaotedaBd Batter of
Ito«hteatiodom.B.toTv. »■
PlmlodommlmUMM -CtortM mad Oa-
:. BrimcamiyoMMaado.
•madar teaol toes k Uks I0:t(-t7.
*Tras la to* aelftbor.’' Bead Lska
Ml-«l mad lOcMA
Jsakr CKmilp.».lstb* laAats.
TepkJa'‘'0«>'Udffa.*' beb •
■haald a«Mbt U te ■■■nty. I
T. P. B. C K. tk* p. SL
Thple. "Ba-
Dsatati, of Baste, esf ssUesal
Bsaday MhadSaldaMrstsiyte bsas
larlud totesdswask Is Mkbkss.
■awtUbahMMaWadMdap i
sastl p B.
AT:M p'B.
- r. Wb.
•wise. <d Uaslar. ■
doatam. Ihka
a< iaiBMlIo ai
ly cs >Tted BaaMkandsT'•
rrsd oaa weak as
>a St. Patriekb a
st U:4S a B.
F. E. B*
Mxk.. Peka.
Ntu riTIMOl.
Mlt. IOl*>
At Pioneer Livery Stable.
. B.A.JC
All St.ou Jaebeu and Capw.
• AW
taoo JackeU and Capea
. . AM
l.v»^ I........ eiul !•.<» JackeU mad
The beet Is U>e heoM worth tram
fjo.noto Sft.oo............................. ...
All cbildraaVOiaaka aai Jaekala
tor ju*t ball tbe ortyloal prioa
A t«iw ladin' <Ad faebloaed KewBariiela.
Hade of food Bulerkl. rood U> ba«p tb* eald
oet. w* will sell ibem at almoat may prieeTV. tl..*'.*!-.--* etc.
' riB*h Kavqan »t half price.
i Par MBS*. ABlmal tkiarf*. cblldraa’a Par
Seu^ Far TriBBlnx.'allot bslf price.
LABixr aaA.wi* wcKh sj iX.tM*i.o«ii
worth st.in and Si.oi lor R.Tt: worth *:.<»
forti.Ml. ShCBlder Sh»wU at l»c. iv. .-v. ,
The aadtl.uf
i Tb* bc«l ail-WooI. o«Dk>r pattenu. worth
«tc to *te. for Mr a yard. R^lar .toe car^uforSAc. T&cCatpeUfor 2DC. Sic Carfor l«c. Tb* beat Velvet (krpet*.
worth from I uu te l.M, for Tic a yard.
Good Bnrwwl* I'arpH at soc a yard- ‘
Boev t ortaio IN.lw. tViadow Shadm. etc.,
arr all rst doWD.
on earth.
ToSw He|onto.aw .....
Oasaeil ofOuCtiyuf Trmtrtr Cttp;
OnmAaks:—Wa. yoareoaalUM as
Oato asd Acaosaia. bar* csratBlly
axaBlBsd tefdiowiBr bilk sad
iscfosadiaBatabejBtl. wasid
eMBasdtbelrpayaaetfRBi tbe
■ bdd retry Saadsysf- .
Ma’elaeklB tbe Beaafd- ‘
r Klatb sad t
wartb alraeta. Is Iks of pastor, m
^^ BesWbjtbaChrktte SteaMtast <
Yovlbi' Mil* from tS-M 0^-,
CblldraB-tMiltaat Me. U.ou. tl.Sl. tl.BL
«s 00. SS.M, AAon. »l in. etc.
Pillm-HtH Prict
Oa all fallow* aad feaUiet*. Aaaorttaeat
embcmcraall klBd* ThI*cut ■aakfotke pHoca tbe lowMt kaowB.
Julius Steinberg,
* Friedrich Bros, old store.
the best $3 Shoe
Yoacas haer may Or asllfor
•« M
VOo cam have may Olu roll for.
Yoo cab have may At aalt far-------AM
Not *0 moch diaeomat m iH*
Uoy*' mad CbUdrea'. dotbea. bmt
^e are selling all ladies' Fine Bhoes, sises 2'A or 8, alfeo your ^
c(hoice of about 300 pairs. aU at HALF FEIOE. This saves you j
^ on a $4 shoe, $1.60 bn a $3 shoe, $1 on a $S shoe. You will \
hot be able to get shoes at half price always, so oome at once. <
STJK'SS.S'-uU. i.,1
B J. Measas.
W. W. Sam.
A. V. Jasaac*.
aadaoBeof them were,t:9-l
whWb ome yoo aelrci. yol^e
ebolc* of aoy sail la tbe I
altalilaek aaita. forSIS U
Established 1668.
tb* eery beat. 'Hi.
mad ycaeral oiake-Bp—joal aa Bier a* aapoae
eoald wkh for. mad they'll bald tbeir abape .
aeaiy tiae. Nor ’ of Um-b *
mrqii ordera accompanied by cash will receive prompt attention. If goods are to be
sent by mail, add sufElcfent amount for postage. -Honey refunded if goods do not s\iit
___________OB Oidiaa
»«P°rtof B
TbUr BoMrdUr. TU Mayor and CUy
CbiiariC-Daancau:—Yusr eoaaivtaaos ordloasoc* to wfac
la^ tbe erdtBaaea tslaU<
to bt fTsatsd tbe Baa.-------------M Bleetrfe«irbt A Power Coapmay
bar ksT* ttfsabait lb* foUawiac;
_____________d. u lay a '•*««'
_____of rntral. Tbe aprtakkr will
Ofsatlor pfivlte* to tbe Boards
of oor own Babe ao that it will
Blear Bkeuie Llpbl A Power Oo .
. jric entboBt'efaaekanBff. Tbe wayoe
erect asd tsalBlal* tbe uiaiiiiry poles will be palatad ^ ealabad la food
mad etbar derto for tbal--------et UfM ud*_
O^napaotfolly ashBlt tbl* for year
b^^^ty^TrsMM aty7*>fkhtcaB. CMaldaratioB.
Yean Ac.
Be It erds'Dcd by tbe eosadl of VrsrCalowbu-A lurnoi.
tVSte Cm. Hleb . Feb U. KM.
Mr Hmckhhb Soonf of rubUr IT<ir«a.
____ _____________and astborito 1*
laanxun:—We hereby aabalt for
btraby ffsaiad to tba Baaedaaa Btr- yoar aeoaldcratleo. propoailioB for a
*r Eii^ Ltybl A Pawn Oo. mad tu
aMlrsa, to arte Btalatala mad opar. *'we MO Bab* ycoB qtHiUtte tbe bBlH. with bMvy Ttooe, mil aonad.
at* all saadfsl sqd prapar pole*, wires. aaa*attbaattobakarfortes, cob- Pric te. walyht I.IW.
Oaa blaok Ban aevpa yeia^old,:
walybl l.tOO. yood far» mar*. '?n«.
^ „bWt*oa brr. to- g
OrwaMc fmUhyeo
Oo* pair of yood drielay p«l«. otoa-. a lla* M Oapaa. Salt* mad:g
erdyht iTm"- all aroad. one yray am* arparate »ite Bklita frxn oae of t
aboke.Bakb*diBftoabapafar $m.
oaa bay. Prkwte.
Vlarynt BaoofartaHny hoot** la t—j
— ..to* t.
Or w* oaa farmlA yoa oo* wltb laaTbe frstek* ssd rtrhu hereby bar wayee nsr for llio
Oaeyoodbrowa pooy.Ban. wrlyfat;,,,gBUf.
Auyoar wmaUnr a apriar'M)
rtsatad thsll sapir* st tba sad of
W* bold m prooMltloB rte to Mim
twaalyairhlytsTa from mad aflar lb* KaUy lact taU to maka of a wayos we
i day of May. A 0 lt*«.aod bae* la atoek and it ertll stake a yood
old. welybi
laobtia and rtrbu aca at all
obaae)oyad aobjeet to all coa
Cai-Dwaix A Lorook.
Jovad ^ Aldarsaa Jahrmat that tb*
brobr. wrlfhtMO. Price >M.
Hoard of rablio Work* be amtbnriard
Oo* Iroa yray Ban ooll two yMf*
fnree in tba mU dty of Trmrarae Ot*
t with V A A. PeterMthatBaybehefssftar ordaleedasd
Id. yood alia. Vriee>39.
Afe rl for t atrertateahlanefTMyi
adsblBhed witbts Mid dlT;
tpaelly atS>l« n Mcb. M par
J Motloooarricd
IteSMtol ’tSk* iBBC
Meewl by AUarmaa BBltb «bat Qty
oasras ay utter ersa urnirulina an say vote:
fee*. Aldermes HiA
fs^aaatad'te Beat Is Ik* pastarh stsdy
Mtoay,, llsrsk Strd, st T;M p. m. Oranidt. Baitb. Kewt
SliMDrMOood* for.........
gpS^iHorsBS for Sale
jjer** VliaiUer;" Slatiod,
tv. Wl»IltL<T.MJ-«T-,
bwors to asd anbaeribed bdare mo, a
, KoBry Poblio tor .MiukefoB'
... .jf farmll-_ir City Eorlsfsr'a ofiioe. An't to.
was road mad os motloo.
was ordered paid fra
tre. 08 '
March III
The best Bleached Cotton for 5 i-ac a yard—cheap.-r grades at 4 and 5c. The best Unbleached Cotton at
5 and 5 i-jc ayard—cheaper^des at 5 i-sand^
^ Outing Clothsfor 7 i-ac a>-ard—cheapergrades
1 4c. The b«t
for 4 and 5c. ' FiAe
'me French Ginghams at-t> i-3c g'yard—other Ginghams at 3. 4 and £c.
5c. The b^' Tame
Tab^e Oil
: 1 yard. The
. doth WL
..... best Canton Flannel at S i-2c—cheaper grades at 3 1-2.'4. 5. 6 and 7c. The best'
I Skirt Liping Cambrics at 3 i-jcayard.
;&jOote.0ttp*l aad^Clrttef
Traverse Oity, Xlob. J
__ r__________________ o______ 11 i-»_____ i_
|| Large
Books for Small People,
.wtTWI ■iHA.'VBttB HgaALD. MABOH &, 1890.
I>wenw Herald
Tb aiillatattto Peadbh d
WM a«ala ad}parwad BtC M<
afto TiM wba tto laaaltotl
maaeaM. J. W.Tlarieganai
by Oowpm. Tto preccafa eeaM----wttbarery Iteaetlat folk by Fred
Oartb OB tto 'TVehal ato Henl
d by tto aboaa n'lahi i. aad; Mak^ef a BeidW.'.ato ktoraadlar
of aa mirlaal poem by Seat* r
wardeatltlmlltoBlceL tririibi
earead after tto piaram wee Sa-
AaaKrimwm to ftraa by Hr. W.
food far a «ao todgela that part of tto
*at BkBaaMaTaa-
The talk
that talks.
a te mmatry. of aB d
ralarifodtothb iiafiriaii
Uiorary BootayTto Utaary aorbly M Bata wBI.
fire tto fa»owb« peopofa Ta '
Taama (bn bat-Ha (71 K. O. T.
UlkelteXeMn Moek.eadh
tb* oUrc MMd eoor. ttktnc
tto vIMteef tUiaaatb. Tb» roMM
*iU to
■Md Mt__r___
Md*hM«*«rtoiaf bCMplMd tto
■.will ton OM of tto fisMt
fcato lor lodf p«rp°»>»
The Icind of talk oae wants when thej (Mol with their monej it aot BKre
[ ^ newspaper talk. It is this; Here are the goods and here is the price. If 70a
can buy like qualities for less money, if for any reasoa the goods-aren't satis
factory, return them and get your money.
^ W^^^Fbhraiiy (Mu moat m
U«. fix^i iaa«a>ymh: treat «
Thai’s the talk that talks.
C«L C*MM«T. wtooc eneitot work
-"I— far Ito SfaCto SowlBC
ehlM Ca fa tkb netloa too mon•d Us bi^ u Um drs. bM
fine Ito aonroMt fit ^
Umd "-|*»« dlurlel m iroU. Mr.
Cnw7 toft yafartoy far Ito Utur cUy
wbM to vlU Mkr Ue ' ‘
Si* doarbtar, Mrm. bri Bllebeoek, wiU
t at tbe meetter of tto
Ml M bb book-haprr. Tto bsUo'
froee t^ibcawy mb; meat m
WoaaB-s Oab Tbaraday Vbneoa.
ben wU to io eb^ of Wa. Bole.
Tbeaertiar wBlaehaite of Mto J.
1(71. baaa’jaaavylTlh: VaM m
Martla. who ofcaed tto profiam April tsth.
PerliBBtary Detotiac cleb OMt
■ .
. ■ _
raldaa of W. A. toedda. m wittaaa
1871. fraee Jaaeary Ulh; vaat «
Beyetraet. Tto aeetlaf wa. rery la- Ito eabjeet,' faUowlac wbkib Mre. May 4th.
■tlaf. A BOW eel ol oftoat wae Areiy aad Mba Oreprea fare a nary
frew Jaaaaiy 11th; waat m
-r,-- . ...
od; Pra.. B. B. Warer. ria prattypUaodaal.
Iba. A. B. BoUidar tbaa *aa( Naa^.
.. W. W. Chatdeld: Hee’y. E. A.
aaei Tieaa, Mia. B- B. Wearrr. Hy Ood to Ttoe. Hia. Hartlo fallorriar
BHta oB preea.' Mia Bdaa WU- tto wetdi with a taaatltal aad rapnore paatoalao
K.I.. ffia refaabaWBU ware a
bf^Hn. Beedda. after wbleh tto Maa-, Tto Bad Faa
4 T3*«<o*i-ton»*
Ibea. raedaed eome rary.fieA^aeat of aerie oe the rioUa aad <*> llUbri^'t^ la radtattre' with ap(aa All ea)oyed ttoaailria aad felt froprtatr r«ctam by Mia. Martla.
■k.T>eara. (at.M
that tto eraalBiwa well tooab.
Arary. The red'laa Bade a eha^ralor
_«cura Itoaawatarprba to elan Ut of color acaUat Mia. Martla'* Unto
y mu tet oat
toa ta tto,9ria(.b a JbeUey fa ewtama of while, aad thb aaabar wa*
tto aaaebetan of arii. doora. ole. Dthariaatlodly rrcrlred.
aaaea. aa Ohio (aetleaaa..ease
A.rary fine paprroe 'irrok ariUta- UU, fate Fabraary trd: weal
a copy of tto Bniiu> loae Uaa UOD wa* rlrea from mrmoiy by Mi*.
April istb.
■Ca. aad beeaae ceerioeed that TrarLoedoe.
I8H. fate daaaaty Itth: wW
lee City wu allra, hatllnr lowo. aad
aeyiniM braeUfal pnro. Thr l«- April tolb.
foodoaetoloeateln. Be caae hoe
IMt. fate Jaaeary^Tth: waat oat
eoapleofweetoaco. qobUy loobod
April y»tb.
to rooed orar. and dadUf bb rood
1*M. fate Faknaiy/al: want oat
oploloBa eoaBrato la omy partbrelar.
carried vet tbr Idrs o
beek.eloaedaphbbaalaea aad
April ttod.
poemdo a arrioof beanUfal puMK(T. fate Jaaaaiy aiet: waat oat
A atory carryiar oat tbr idea of .the ^pril Mad.
wUl arrira
aflrrnnao'a eabjeri waaretetrdby Mra
afawdaya Tbb b oely oea of tto Ba;baot io a my pleaalny maaaori^ '^lU. fate Jaaaaiy ttefa- weal
dfculatioii thi» week 2,250. riaaot. rmeUBC at alaoat drily, *|tor wbicb
May 4*b.
abowtac tto ter laaoUar taflaraeaof a
>. fate Fabraary {(Ai: waat oat
Wbrrr an yoa (oiaf. aiy pretty
Odtoeow of TQ.d«y«-H»r«]dpaper. paMbbed la a lire towa.
maid?' rra. (Ireai la ooetas* by Mba
I. fate March Tthrwaat aat April
■BIB wa* a rood deal of talk at the □erilaad eod MIm Des>na. with maog
eooadl maellar Hoeday eraalaf that by Mrv Holliday, mad prored to be
IMI.fateMarek let: « it 0.1 April/
of lb* bit* of tto afteroooB.
State Bank.
toi^ Horraa praridodwith dlealty'te
tto abMe* of Mr. Baaaah. Tb* prUUoe for milk Ueeaaea wa* ooX. yiaated
ItwoaJdtolBOoaBlotwitbtto city
_artar. Tto moat tmponaat'
dboaaaed waa tto bridirt(B**t
SoaU Ualoa ctraot. btiaaU
lor iroa atraetaraa mtlar
»oo.aaa(7,»l. A. W. Writ
ZMi«f.ra*7tomto»>OaS^ltoS'ftotoyn toe.
«. »nad ttotoraifagto»<
O INCE the close of our February Quarter Off Sate weVe been re-inangstock< sorting out the short ends, odd lots, broken assortments, etc.
Such sUxk. and all Winter Garments, at Special Prices—lower prices than
ever before.
Mt(. Oo. abowad plaai for
1n to o<sl (I.U0. Tb*. lawtb
ilLbaaboatnofart.ltodrira way
M feat wide aad taro rida wrika of I
foatwch. ItoiaWB* a (Ood dral of
toaStatka la orderiar aa lirm brid(C.
aad oaeoriwoof ttoeoaaeU thoarkt
Ito old brid(* eoald br rqmlrad to teat
yaar or two aaUl we ware batter able
I Btaad tto eoat of a rood Irea
tare. Tto matter wae ftaelly teU orar
ealU ItoBiattoeeUarte May. Moat
ol Ito aldaraae thoaebt the rrkmat
tblag to do wa* to balld a wo
bridfa thi* aaaeOB. A eoetraet
awartod V. A A. Patertyl far tbra*
apriafctenatdeeaeh. bat Ito
OB toabaoBiabadttoa tto yea
aad aaj roU wa* aet ealted a* lb*
aad thw matter rriU
bare ta be tak% ap araia.
MB.u»Mto.O.B.StoSL>Md Mia
Baae BaU Next Moaday Sreal
Woolo liA lo-dvbrtMraar boar TWe wUl be a a>eetla( at tto
Iroomewari Moaday ereal^ to par
lor tto
?W>r. OtoWi la>lw«d el nb Leto
fridey oottoo.t4nt.'-BdotoUa de- of tto tom ball'elab for Ue oew
■mMM bytaradrueeddrUlal- “ Aeporia of eomtottoae rriU to s
- Bearealaeled.aBdtboBtto a
hohak lodf* wDI floe
ary maa la Ito rity wba waala a rood
to tto L 0. 0. r. h^I SMarday orofaf
■am ban tbb aaaaoa. aad. aaw
, stmeo'elaik.__________
it rirbt la
\ Twt m»toraailto<**to
aboold ba at tto maetlnr MooWt Ualoo »UItotoUB«l TModay day OTaalar_____________
atlaona at » o'Moto la Ibr Ofaajre
Of Viator Patenyl'a 8^
«alL dlldtotarftod.
A md dmth ceeenad la the temlly at
View Patertyl. teet alfki. la tbe lorn
MM Ito oeylaa
oftbeirUnlecoaTbomee. Ireyaanof
•OM to laaMac wbac to bn WaLo are.o!memtoeaeoaeeroa^ Ttoebfld
ftoa witb»toff«ooU#eaoee<tocy.^
riy aU rirbt ,
a waearoaadlheboQieiB
B. bat rraw rapidly
toward araalac aad died doriac tto
- bite bearily i
. Tn ladla' Aid oaiatf of the «fst ad opea to moara tto Uaa of tbelr
brlcbtaettreyoaBr eoa.aad tto hearty
JAMeboab will oam a tea «Mt
fa ia tto parioraotltoobanb Friday. ypelby of tto whole eeauBaally will
be with th^^____________
Haato stb. Bappaearad troa 4
a«’Moak. AUanaetdlUlyiatiUd.
Death of Jaek Tbompeoe.
Tto friaade of Dr. aad Mra ^
Taa aactM
labar fa tto Oiaad b tto .toapaoa Ihroafboot tto wllre ragtmx run play. Jeahaa BUpUa. wllb Cioa wlU aympathter with them la tb#
IT old aoa.
ifiifal iaaaiT. a fall bead aad c
wilbdlpbMb. It wfll to bae Friday, Manb M.
waa tboorbt teat
Tn bay baa faaaa dlUaf with
to ootof daarer. A chaaca lor tiir
ia troa tto aatb abora, a bai
aal la Satardaj. aad after makaBa away, fa aoaw daya. aad tto lara branatraevUfor Ufa be paiaed
oaM waattoroflhbwaab ba taally away Maaday araalar- ' '
Mwd it la. aad tto HcaaLD'a ralaabU maaly little boy. lorrd by all who
ia raord fa 4< yaara paat b yira
tew Um. BawtU tornaUymIaaed
hy bb taarbma aad IHU* frit
Tb baa baU mMtt aora fairly
of tto
vaU. bet oaly (1.000 of tto (I.SDo bu
baa abaafbad. II tto baa bair loraa waal a aabk laaa bae thb yaar
■ad arafTtpeadarifbtlBltobeart
ito bMm,UMyarafteoaatotto far
faU with that ottor»l.«00. a tto toaalar *1 tto CoairtraUeari ebafeb.
WtobaataawUl hare to drop.
Dr. W. A. "
rotary of tto O
nifiaati by wblob Bba will to i atoool aoetely. b la MtefBa for
(to Oraad April I aad *, gftiag tm wariL aad Tnamaa Otty b aainaf tto
pUat. aal SaU Owyaaa ttoa b
fowpteoaa forlamriaraoofb toaaeare
. Baaiw brtth Tiaraa aip paopb bdmfaraday. Tto ptorramb lefol-
art; —t o.
Tbe toaraera of BmoUoa wee firaa
I. fate March l«tb;
by Mr*. Marilo. bar pantomime
April let.
lay the raare of bumaa emoUoai
1(»S. fiteJaamry t«m: weat oat
pteao aooompaoimrat wa. by Mra April 7th.
IMH. fate Frbraaiy I4th:
taicb 4tk1898. faoae Febraa^tod:
waa a deHfbtfal on* le n
April latb.'
I8U8. fate Mardb 4tb- . '
Vmrtooa Pleaeara*.
Tbn* ia a pmiod of M yean Ito bay
• W. C. T. U. fan* rery t
u ficaea ffum tlmm ia Jar-^—
able raoeptioc Friday riteraaoo to Mia. fveneee Um« la Frbnmly. /oar
. E.-CarblBaad Miv O. E. dlaele.
la Varto. imor. time BOt ri**hThe Kpworth tracae. of whieb or- ttee not at all.
caabaUoo tto Mtet Maade and Baa- Deriar tto a*Bm period It bm left
Oirbte tore loar beam aetire mem- tbe bay MWe Uma* ia Harok, npewpra, teadaree Itoce a terawell raoep- Mo tlmm la.AMil.aad/ear tlmm U
Uoa Friday crealne. After a ooapir of May.
boaia plcaaBBtlyepaet lafamee. mnalc,
te 1880 ^to bay nmaiaed fatoea
etc., tbe prcaltev la bttoU of the day*; IMI. tfdaya; 188J.»lday*; I8U.
learae. preeeatad tbrm with aoBi
BOt fiteo; 1M4, OB day* before H left
tto bay; IMkWday*: I8M, 8* day*:
happy year* apeel la Tiarerac City.
1887, 78 day*; 18(8. 87 day*;
Him Cotet eetertaiood a aambar of day*; l870,78dayK 1871.88 day*; I87t.
frlMto Dori delicttfolly totardey M d*y*; 1878. 107 day*: 1874. 114 day*;
liar at the hoco* of Hi*. FWitoakt.
m daya: 1878, 87 days:
A *eri<a of aorel aad
I87t. BOt trottB; I8», 88 day*;
teadlay • floral lor*
aet fiteo: 1881.108 day*; 1881.
i; trial of artbtlc skill aad other, Botbozea; 1888. 71 day*: 18*4. lOSdayi;
cstmlly pleamol tblnp* made tbe eraa 1888. B»d*y»: 1888.-41 days; 1887. 8S
inr pan all tooawlftly. Ulm Carert day*: 1888. 104 day*; I8». 4uday*; I8B8..
b 6aa of tboae lortBaate tedlaa wba 81 day*: 1891.40 daya l*M, 18 day*;
wUl always b*y<^. a* bm birthday 18U. CB days; liri4, I8 day*; l«4. TJ
ooly oBoa la t^mr year*. aa< thb day* ■
party wa* la boaorof oue of thaae rare Tbme date* all relate to' tte areri
arm of tb* toy aad to that portloe of
Kvbert Umdea _
It ririble'from Ttarena a^. Farther
birthday parlj totaiday. It la tto down tto freralay la eseallj later.
Aral ehaaee bw ha* erar' bad to oala- ' Tb« foUawiac dataa. prior to
a like oaearioe. aa be b
laio from tto reeord* of H. E Writ,
boy. aad was flee yaan old Feb- takea from his owe aetea
' .
a Uila Arie b e leap ymr r^ri
1888. faos* March lOlh.
and ritbooebato bee oely had ooa real
1888. fate Much let: wemt oat ApM
birthday eto eriebraaed bar eereaUi
ante Satoifley malac.
01888. fate Jaaaaty I08b-. went bat
b Meeday erealar. April (8th.
1117. fate JaBeary lOlh: w*at oat
laaa of Ito arcalar'* stady.
Him Stella Lee eetortalaad tifoad* IIU. fate Hareh 4lh: w*at oat
rery pleaaaBtJy teet eraola*.
A terawell raoeptlea wm rlw
Mr. aad Hr*. 0. E. Steele Hoodey
lar by a teri* aambar of tbelr fafoade,
la tto O
Dorins tto eraalar abort talk*
rltaa by Ber. D. CoebUa. Hia. B.
B. E. Steward aad Hi
Oriett. BaaUtoa. Olbba. OUUa. HlUikaa aad Orawa. aad la behalf of tto
Mr. OoeUlB prmeaUd them
with asUrtr aad (old spoea aad kalte.
Mr. aad Hr*. Steele rmpoadud la i
fltOar maaaer to tto terewoU raaurka
ofihrirfawate. Attbcoaaelmi
tto ta^ mfatemeate wen a
aad the ri^BC- ttoarh fall of Ito end
Iboerbm of parttef. will lean a «w
plaamat mamocy la the mind* of all.
Tbe meetlar Toeaday enalv wae :
toarre of C. B. Doekeray. aad a ra
Tbartall lan a poam ly J. F. Kitete,
«aUlM''TtoPaapat^Bcna«a.'- Mr.
*"•—I- «—««• arxl. wltk a flae
tka from OoUbmia-* Daeaitei
tec^oaeof ttocTcal EarOeh p
Mr. DoriMeaxamaaed erery oae i
brirh* poam>te tto pea of tto tela
b(te Firid. deasibiac how be
toBoUaad topoieham (araltanaaed
are by rejalty. aad
a(w harM M haek *» rhlc^. ito
«CBmtor*ew,Qmmd liiddA
!= Desirable Hosiery
50 cents for 29 cents
at Job Lot Prices.
•Great Drive in
Cotton FiaiineiB
at4X. 6« aodtwtt;
tn Ladies’mid Misees
Ladies’ and
Jfickete and Capes Chiidren's Underwear
off lowest closing prices.
H off Sale Prices.
All the
All the
«Make Believe” Schemes
of others,
Suits, Pants,
only emphaaiEes more fully our olaixn of supremacy
in the
Our regular OUT PBI0E8 are away BELOW the vaiiouBly c
labeled efforts of all competitors for like qualitiea
- is a much abmad word now-adaya. W* oocridar---- -
' Ik- .. ■; ‘ I
and stand alon* u the only ginra of Taluea that m atrieOIr 2
in kee^dn* with onr claim of
Furnishing Goods.
;Shintiiig Flannels
25 «»Mor H
“Most for Your Money.” I
We make no partienlar mention of any on* lino' of aho** but
offer Our ohtlre stock at prioas that are abeolntely the loweft.
^ [Tbomv I'wl r»M. Idk P»KT«>B.
[S;^|Cart.S-a-os Pi.>t ,rodr. ,;rom i with a. .slxtan otroBc nooch u
la the (WtdcrsaB. Charlie HItow.
m wHboat kiUlar
tooues. | draax Hixton isd Parto Unen. and aa
Assa Netoos. A 5-hart. • Eoyal; iax SwBBry—1
r T.'i;.’'. ~~
~~ i—Boye.,
tars the otrcas oa i laW U Uae soto wot >4 opelHoo la.
i Rirttow. Wary Ulnsde, Jasa.1V.saa.
tV tost of ih. nte-plUar Uhtto oprs;- 'os^tWan aod fo^|d« as aoriy srf
•"««.*. ’Ukr
hojiPT «irikif«’’“Wl Er-nxo. (Wtolm llarrj Af- topaadthuodeirtrny IL
Utorob^h app:tflaet>S h
- tt
ia’tthe ebl ef . folw. Or^tjfir Kitow.
Jarktos' d*a- J- Uirdlo-A wors
a that dec
dote otoo
alao hill. Itoo op itkoaulkand. lists. '
Table, rralrat aosr daaspa to Sy orrhard ba.arrd| L. A. Bftokass—1 eOBiddar h a
had OB aeioTaWe Use. PreoME. «M.
Etto HQIor.ofMIUerlUU. BtU
dimrA ban BbbAbj o«oto>ii«.
rb«isnred^1ocnT7,r^ f*"*
H-J-k. h^ ahap«l ilk. a bop a I doa\ kaos | wsse of the satorial to ew Vdtot
TbeJBatorEBdeBTorenwUtloo bs
I rni-hto the leadl of emy
"ator Kir-low.
: the Base of ii. U e.>owa later USB tba Uiebadaa|
aatomiaseot U tbo BW fotsio.
fomit to be«->w.‘ 1; to tonAtoinc Out . The attrsdasee ha. beea pood.
, laatsterpillar.
-a Parkn«-Aa Pat^ (»nea faHa
ooriol 01 tbi« pUea.
i «oao
B.H.Booritt TBobBtlFoeUB je
kfta BBe HarriBCtoe cloaed a
& Bn«wi»<il U. HiUmn
' '
- -tviniam lto.»rll. Floreo-e 1- Ura^/, U- nasa-Probably the r
BOB to Mr. SsIUi of Oooowoll.
B. bturer ol Uooroc Ceotre
hwr* MMmd to tlMlr boD* M Adrtoa.
of oebool loot PrtoBr______ def^
Se!.i'*KrikM.. tetohera
; seas to eallej lb, «nsy worn
The cl.n-1-a beahh
•the Leapee aerrice at Ihto orh..:iy
JoJloo Sweasr, fonoeri; of tbtoFlaee. . Will Kllcbes Bsd Frosk litabp an
Hn.Cta.BBdrndBmUh»f* revoo
oo the iOotber^;^
sotber^pwt only VV vs
... «t>».. - a Bt-aaei-T.'
J. M Fr,okUo-Tv firat year 1 waa atoa
plaee.Sosday ereslap. tiarsb » Ail
«0M4fraBB«Mk'»TWtlB TrB»»« oru ncuU/ sarrtod to Mtoo KIMio COttlBr eat
for Mr. VosSlpt^
nil W afiowarda A
X.... narh.J me toda.V of the d.sth
I"*’ ' ^ke o™? *«A. V IVeier-l kept pTmslHwnoff
am 8aUaB(orBBd Jls Booeot took
AUoB of Boolb Am.
lb- leakt
»• ’»»>■->/
»taocr:ooa “■-lean,
of the loreat Im. here ea- my eabbsre. ia.1 asusrr
Lowell rrtok aod Arthor BoMb to tbe toetan at Tiaoona atjr HatarMIm tUiT Btmbm ud Him As—
'iu.Ve\pr.a*d. Uarbo !<br >s.aed.a.ay Fri-Uy cisiil. Feb. toa.irriy.
"i'irorc sited
sired irith la»AQi«.tee.
la»A*t..tee ‘'
«Bt to
toko Beirbbiwbaod to otol
Habton. of Tfm*m Cllr. «MMI ot
c-Uh, after m-erer • I'na .Ull-Thc swe thlsr m.»eB or: K. J. IlflakmaB--hK-rFa»e soAlm
Irleote Tbejf mj okmUar to Aboo
D at tbe <
Mr BcOl^oTAarea
lU,ptao*8o»dM•All .altoc-li of lapTippere- ripbt trer. a|ro. Maple learm o{ Usde d.-aws by bonea outweSableb took
eaie6ded^w“-.e oeakuno aill denlop ^ »i>**
UMSMonUrmslac. Fob. tMb. » IbaUko.
pc..-amc'Uia-' -Sbr will
*'* nlen off. is tte wrat Ihr lilteMlfrmke reepc-ra that ratbeeaad
oorprioe pertj cospoaod of tto
MBb« of friMd* bolped to ooJobrato
clrairuy. rniB
, eroak tbe rrasboppera by dririn, orr»
womao diould be jcrtiojlariy CrroK.if mimed io
jOBBt people of Ikto Botrbborbood wo
The Y. P- S- C a crill rlre a mb
- eatrisl of ter hraUb dsrim; tlw pc
>e.sn:uiiltr. wbrn
riatrd-_ 1. A. Ilruiksiec-^fte ur.linarysrrsy.'lbe prooi
•losary prorras seat Beoday dreator.
•' •
bnairr 0 '»io,
pcv'.l tl c.r k~ijlirj-.ixb.at lerfW-'c'Jliopsjtowlllfroeeiiie'lyp^
Leader, Mra Elea Biaby.
tme tnui all other iosecl prated
’?*Jj^-%atoajf Papr.
pi^S'^ ote *
A onmber of people ere til Willi Vt *^Airjjfr ell thw time, slir tl-».14 tc-p •4*'- diki/iil.jl
' U. H. B. wiu Bset at.t^d bm.
-- A. B IVirter—We abcmld apny for ' frunt^BMpeav^Hp l--d .by l*iea. (ilil,
Mn. H. P. HolMT dreoo om-ID
bee^icJTv*-.r"is Circi juirecst^lietlioold »hc «s* Insnm-r
« ■
ksp." borall eeoBMd tol
e for a oprolal seeUse
lounandoj oo batlMM.
idv cif.xv. rvy.irau .pl-nt rot end C|q>'.r MS.b brier* tte "r<-rtilisrra tor Arebarctf/: led by Bee.
l4>ote Lodirlc n» Ukiaf tlio Bnt voryplaaimat Ubm.
II . Ila-iop oc.r !»«, 'rerra iO',jr out. a w-.-ood tlw an m rriai-y Uaplry.
toeun WBc pino at tte Ko
MoF* lewd Umlac loM mMk.
» — •h.'«r,-'ar'i' afwr bl.b~)sinxic.r luxrband o third
ftti lonlt.m. to,*c!iib adp>B9rd tor
Chto, and Ibrid Rrllyarr borne from . ter laeo
in 1lt011v.11.;. cf
•> ..V«iwa-i..m
aebool boeee Friday olpht by E. a .
, with tl.r ni »!
fi..; r, - lia r. ir ■
yat 1.. rr. y
Wo Tocoira doUf soil fros Tr
IVbn. l:,i,«>»i rll--»‘l">i I’
Ward, d^ty state Iretonr of tte
Ciir BOW. wU«b to B doeldad Is;
»»«sm ,
Sereml n'orri TempUrs fn.» , thirV
Kseb tor Y.
rnare,’ for the fsipoar of inlor
o' Crr
Moon*, of Trs^noe Oiy, ptaer. Ticiiod Tn.
eCityf l
tte larssn to tbU eletolty to rnape
a* ben Friday aad telor- laet Friday mn top.
I belbs. A pleanst featore <d
f.rt maiiy xnrx. •till, .*.Tr:r paloa to
Frank French ii
tte leetsn wai a talk <s the eoe
■Ml. •C.t.juihv, ro .rjt ... II... te
A- I'rtoltsap-lr Ibrrr ted a-wr. Idals.A ai-1 J.I,. ItelM. tla.MrrWaa
' Br. aad Mrs. Bripps. fros tbr Pesaffr-tel. . ii.' iru.ii.iafv t.x .su.hI aidUt^aaent of batter eestotoed to dlf..... I;v.lg.ncian.l .-I i.'rrs.-at. 1 al.
<•-« apniii.p b,. lalraa to Iwn ixr.x .-i.naViul xelih.-i-t oipx c-"l Jr~ali.
iaasU. case to Urowo last week oe priyrr Br,ttnir>ate>o.
- i.-al Ad^Vk-f••a.llU•
t aaaipleo of silk, illoatiatad by
ti--.l,a y.sr ap.. I.<-xl«ran ihi-tiarof
Pk..,-m.-k.=.?;,x ivtoi:...r'.nd
fruit wh«. picket.
: in Steu-J.v
Momb l).>bm and Fniok ll-.ntaaa aill lAM.ti
their wey toatoM cossty.
tossto osde with Ike Baboock
ated l-i -''’-' luiirra
hSi.J rx-l~d- al
.•lT.i.,lU.!t. l:,M..n.*.-rv-*h..aUll
>■ IW.-r-l -h.x-r heard
Mr. asd Mra tAke and.family, abo Of Opdrnab’inf ri.iird the M-b-k,: jn Ibtor pto.-.xvuti.f
Aclif-.'k. \t;Avi i.-s;lirfi-KNS.aBV S1EI>
Ii-k.x.tiy 1« irli. •
ilial a pnaon xxonl.i narx-to c
Mra Drue's Bother, Mra Scbrll. rbll. nblrlct No. t/l'ridaf af'V'-h-'-'S,
ICAt .AV J«:uT«-.s So. «!6j Main Slieet
\,.; .,.uk-, .l<..-xxr kumt ,1. iL...ilc.«.»- I!
of .-hrrtte , U. pK
a Oadar laat Tbsnday. whom he
ocbBiT onr.
ijalto aciosd cAim- -'.at .l,. .pr'l'np
ui at the CAspbell tars Frklsy.
PK ir..ul.,ovas»H.a--ii rix—’ninkak instonj
rx.;i..f. -ilnr irlel w.-l p.pw.. onr alalrbees basilar tors. The
Mia. DUoe.of Weafoed. eallod^ere arhoollart Tnr.diy cTmtoif. lli.ir nBrui. I'rier.slyyi.- .AtJ li
.ther waa too BQ«b for Um aa.
Hoyt bto aoU hb
ynterday cm her way to Tto»<^Cbj Shtflhrr apclltnp aeUnol TuerAay' <•«'0-: eoimai
a-.oaanrlV.l; IVa.'> 4-f.ij. i.Ua-,s.; «
by .SI,he Ihr |•.rl.prrrl..^, llir In.or
BbUn Tlbblta.
■ . .A
.r lix ar1..k.|.
e will epepd a few days riut- lop b-n.
a<7t bosfbt a berw of AeSMS
lYir <l3od TrspVr* at Ihb plac-r-wal-T i„
1,1 klr.-sc .xf ilir h.nl*
t; F-rsi, KA.'4mmix . hijaip., .
aad' KlBf a few days are.
uomed Danlrl MeMnltrn auil Tr,-!
iAilo,»ii.c ii. ihrlr rrsbd
I r..p«nl ln-.-Kii.ir-. .X..W tiv
Ada^ Beermlllrr baatsored from the
Itopald into llic-lr ranlca.Sa-.or.lay
H^en to...,! |■a>Oc'r• f,.... ..^ha. ■C to ffln aa o
find to Ibufall. That apple taliaU,
Ifaipple booto toto tte Star boaoo.
t. aia toobes'
Ihwoakef toto
lhJprnui.il ali.-nxcry au.uil.bm iluV
Hif Ws. BoberU bae rooe to tte from Up to tl^
\Then: will te * arh.«)l«brhlii..n k'lH
worm pi..!..,...dii,.torr»>r.>,.l llui Uor»
stb* pan
pan of the elate .uTottlt her
.rt p.-.b,,.
the aebool
Tbe yooBp ladba of Oraws betwees the aebool hnaw. to ltet.N-:, IVM.v;
le apee of six aod tweln yron ban erralnp. tlerch .'.Ih. Alto nnd at II..-1
baU lax 8sad^ arsttor aad w
seh-ewt boom-to lllatri-t X%w 4.- FriJar'-^'" --f
taiurM..:.; X-%
x^-'......................... Dana-ll »..old teap.-.i p-.an,!.. X1.!,„: -1 l.a.J l^-rn t Nlaiaur of toe
sltodlbestolra tottaef.O. of B.
.,»■ to our .-ip.-^iairBI kUli.m f.«- Mal.-ril.l .I’p4..-.jwl tomK-h' Mr W,
tlsr loco to the river throe s
They isrlie toe pcsrral tolcmt of the! rnniup. March mh. Ap.^aft^m, ir
•of J." pile rpr.i'l-f! i;
!>,. ,v m
v,mr..--q.l.suf Ibeir lattet l.ulU-I.B. al
mntlripistod at
'*f ibr i-ahibltit*
l-». J
Clark Barker Bslled wilh tbe first M.
aepply.of fsratobto(m. Thta ’lod#o 'Sooeti^portttrweM'W'^^Tese City
............... .a >f«
».!_ J- J- l.srdle.J'kri. prenn la l-Jten UiaMmy.-• TfTtWa|rt.*..„.-hreiaTrytW.|<tx-*
toot we& from tbto plaeo to bear the B. cbBreh of Trornse Cilyawerkkpo
-■xixs thaq.hrl:cl..rr f-xr.-jrraoi wnrip
rd> I
. Trial Klm.d J,.- ,j s. K.
Pisrroe at»eeh at Uiat friaoo. asd oay last Baoday. May tbrpraycrs of chrbitiop KuBdey',*A-ninc.
- .1- M J-niiliiiu A tecpix-wfi^l of
woo oouad. ootid ulk.
tbefrleodsald bim to
bU rtneerriila Ilawkioa Irajl tin- mi-rlinp;
B bla
»‘l .fll-Xte.
fr.s, l-crla pcl-eu tocpelitBlof water kill
BoaMoseotoleadneaheepokto froa lioae with tbe DiTine.
for oral Snorter eri-ninif xrill?lpc
saact Boaday
'• k,,
. Bs.rxie?i*iaiBa'aal»a
OloD wney-a alelrb wtaAo be wao
til,I lb.-rnmii.l worm every lime
- ! ,,
Bpabour. Tte C. >: i. iloinp:
ataator. March ttb. at 7:Wo'etoek.'
TuxnCaar htixT:
ati x-K in'Ui,
In U.r worn t.w
pood bx-r<- eu.l xxj, L-.p, mpry ;''
tore* swwd ia axpactad. Tea an to- seettof a week oro Boaday at the Boic
eeboolbosee. Uesyabe kse^ weU
•.•rm.-.Ub l,.-ll.iU»rean.lk.iee'.
. llVnia.
il^teni-filed throupb ih - ^
Alben Gneraery hat a nty
id frnil lr..»by in
• 1.. A. Itni.-,man-Helleteer .11,1 nut
H f-'kin
■Hit Uan.1i,.
Uan.la. iTiin.I.iin,
iTiin.I.iin. x-,^
x-.iriui «^i|
a^il b
eaoork otbo pot iu
ir rx-.p.x--i;vc
'^mpteb ttxat pxirpuw*
I Kru-li.H-a. and laaxilin-li^nirea ^llea.
Pantos dUpooed to be
Jobs Cosstoe bae sored lata
..i-l.rable applied lk.rde.tix mixiure. fi «bleb •• “IM® •'Uj- puaraateM .
broke toto Khersaa Doyt-o bosoe a few
B. PbOUpa to ea the etak lift
'Mspple Y.Miiip
teujiwtracatod by Dr. Burke.
f .Urllointo i.
dayt ICO aod carried off bli
B. T. HIU tea epaaed bto aorar bath.
Ur. Burke aad Binltb Bfppar ’~~fr • lowo Friday.
n«a. Tl.ie .1 e
. Iia. il„ii txa. ,aiiiUi.,..ul. a» Ifar liuie totor —le by .1. C. .i..|;i.v,i-.«iirt .a. fl V.'.u.
. pitoh fork, broke eose of tbe
Mr. Biatotrd to Ispnoiar M
Ur. llottOD of KarkerAlrrek
trip to Isolaoaw codsty Bcadaz/r^
II.eM.inl. iMOlia lira* mlxturi Ii,akraalt the ioprrdlrou in ll '
wisdowo aad earriod off all bto pnturplap Monday.
. i-lp.-r . Ii.a, ati-Uo B.liirre f .r a l.mpitmrIJREAKFABT B'JPPER
aBAUaewBoaTnoana a^WJ, J. McLsuphlli altendml pr-'isW
Tbe Betordey nlpht daoce at the <1.
: lil.-r. Kirhll. ---,,l... ■'dn-.-u
•I..I.1* Ih. Iaalie...f' ' Uf. l-.-Ttl-r au.l Nr. .1. .1. Urdle l..ih
~ :
A. B. kail called quite a crowd
.MPrt at lk-llaiiv;.M.fo.b..v. .
......i»... I.j -Ik. . Iltfina .11,.- l...
a D. AOeahaOBbooteesplala
pa«eed off reqr plestontly.
L.uuto M«>rri» of Travrrre City c-a'll.-d itcnctixc
.,Y i;.k.:-n -■•S-e-nlk. Til. I—'.a- -.
yeare-iolcl te ae.-o at Ibrpreaenlti
' Job of rrtUar oot oadar fram tbo
Calklna bed tor misfortenc tc
.IV,.p.<-.-li.iUe‘l'.-lir JT- ii ai.., aha.i.:,.. f.irsa- a
eo tbe le.rca td Ibi- trna.
Wr.CulssaofTrannwai,- r.s
■llpaad fall while Is toe mill yard,
-u... al, .4x- IksVi.Aiidi aj.>a -li.-a.
. .1. Jl'lurdi.—i.-eirt I’aria x'r.vu a
Wo boor tte wbtotU of tte siU <
C M. Baboock prcacbea at the Pne- etriklep bto ude apslaai a lop. and
>WD on buaioo-. Saturday.
1-4l«ih -rj i- fklx.t,:
i„ cut te'.l lla alraopili for ynra. I ki>
Aar BOW. Ihe yard to fotttor woU bytorias ebsreh BabbaUi ansiar.
breaklDP two riba
¥ra Turn Mitete!l.rv..-r>,t-!,^,1,-1.
-,1.1-1. Bill) burn i’lia fr.xiu eiperleii,-e.'
fsat Batorda; while Lymaa Coraell lapfriendcalt'etilral Iskr.
Dr. Faktos, of Klsraiey, dron onr
- ...r.. u.viil inMi. r..n.T-1'aria pre.-n ia often art
BdlLlN''. V
R MilK'
HaatorOaaaldLonofTiBnroe dlf Friday esaalst toattesd Prof. 010x0-0
Miw Buale'SValkeroIJiUI Mteks I.
ae ODhitebiup bla leas, one of toe
.to rtoittorbtorraadpanata. Mf. and lecMn.
bancabreame nfractory and bit bis tte puiot-if .Mra.1l II. Noble. \
. Hrm. J. MoDoaalA
Ilex-leal ml-fUnpa are teiixp ki-l.l si ’
toe-cteck. saklapapaab ooer two
The ebtople sOI b roastoc aipble.
Mr. aod Mm. M. M. Wefah fare
e ‘li ll. '! •Veliur.-U ItiK tteek|
iDcbce iB .IODpto. Tbr wound war
Tbe power b seed day '
tetoal party toa few of tteir frieada lap bowb.
Larpe .qisnllliea of luv^xlrifi.jl tot...
drrsacd by Dr- Burkr. but will prolslaet Taeedar eroalar.
theboydartoc Monday a at..rin * ■
QBltoadeleraliDsworaMUw depot bly Inn a bad near.
Tapi .lohdano .if toe h|r. U-|A.-.i-.
While Eton Cornell wai drawtnp fee
Hetorday to preet Mejo Fisproeoshb
n Friday l.a.ruip-oii lb.-;
way to Trmnno CUy.
fros Bbensan toil week bis 1<^ of
C immiBcxa'a.
Mlqt Bsrdpo. Mte AodeiboB-aad ice clipped toto tbe pond, drepplnp
Tfco Bsn Uso wo M rob.» Wiu bo
u im.
<*F orostap.
........... --'t rrj'r 'Tt- '• ' 1-"^:
:h3 JP F
Tbto. Kimball attesded tbe toaebers' bis abd bU horsce to aleo. Mr. Oormenu and now ox-.-upy tl„- rxeima .ir.-i ,
at Kalkaeka Bateiday.
rasreecoed botbadaniri
The anaspessato ten bees made
. e. and oae of toe boroee died to lluller'a atore.
Mra. Fred Wripbl ia vintliup -at tte
wbonby tte Preebytorias Sabbath dbont so boor after teiop takes from
borne nflte*.-I. Ueiiraffsi ftohl -Mr
eebooi will eooB ban a aew Ubrary. .
dan. formally paftur at Uila plua..'
Elder Kellopp. of Traeene Oly, eooleMi SbAIrr. wbo bCa been Ti41t,i'.i;'>al
doetod qaarterly meetisp eerrlee at
Martin KrsoierVf(,ra..-i.etiA>..V..t„.n
tbe M. B. ohorcb Batorday aad Boa.
Mra U.F.MeFallie quite m.
ed hus'e VI Sai/ll M. Murle laat ee-Ic'
Haalpold. of tbe Klspsley
the h.ime of Iriif. 1. .it I rl.lux'/rtviuiip '
eebooU. aad a aomber of bb popUe rie- K. McFaTI a riUt laet week.' Mrs. Ws. W. Oarrto and little Nellie tlsreh ... All are x-cry x-x.riiia^y 'liiut,
Itod tte blpb m^l bon Friday after.
rUltodatN. W. UerrlDptee'e laat Wed- ed te alleml.
<d tbe 100tore ii
Vnlle a parly 6f
op |M-..pie fr..*
Hiorc wae In tewe Batuntoy to Bellsire altecled lha-bipli te'.i.a.: . i,
Prof. Ofsws of Trareree City, lew
Mra. Haaear bee roaa to Asa Arbor
tte toteml of Va1l, Crala A Co.,
lertainmeDt Friday cTriiinp tanil. Va-k
to tenbararaadoetorOdi ttehae aot torod at tte M. B ebsnh Friday •*<
^ir. Mlcb., who deal larpely to 1
ntapr of tirtop In v.hqio !w:L-b'
ted the aaaof itetocalt wae brofcee topoaeoedaeaUes. Tteaedbaeow
pnpb polea
old friend ^nd J'n>fraa..r Jl. If. |
•ear Uiredaoetteafo. We etoeanly eottolarp^tteeobjectaadtbe r
■nie Cbrieliaa Eoddarorers aod tbe
tepa they orUJ be aUa to help bn to opalied aWity of tte epeaker ospht
Rtop-t Daapbtera set at Mra C. A.
I'e Pyiday enaiap. A pleae
aat Use wae enjoyed,
Mra. AbboU aurt aoD vialtnl, s.itlimx '
.♦00.000 feet oMOmlwoed lope hare
' Mr. tsConbaeaetoktene.
Bay lot Monday.
Tbe hotot trade at Orawa peered 1
been shipped awer fros hor* tbia win
Pnak Bsllbbaeeenaaaaad tti-w
IV. U. I'iirtor
1-ortor vlalled
ter asd aboot *<1,400 bae bera left berr
laat week returnlnp to-dav.
Mra Doaa epeat Boaday with ntoat fortoeeaoM, but tola ia
Mr. Marsh aaima to tefo riroe tte ■tree at WOllatoiterp.
E i:m aaa a Traverw- Ciiy rlwVir
not aa It aboold be: wbat Wc seaat ic a
: Pbb. thaws ted wtd.
tost week, returnlnp huuie Sunday
.A. Widrif rotomad to Istoad Ihe
to cut toe Umber ben at C
The bfgo ansad bne a
A.. CampbeH drove tn Traver-te I
mh taUsp al^of straw, a loeor Wbo will be tbe Ineky aiaa to impron
tte time toarator how to
Uai Friday. returalnj^-Batanlay.
Mte Omoa West boa beaa rtolOac
II. Ulauchard. wbo baaVen vlait-|
ThedebaueatthlipUeean becoster riotn Mra OUec of tklo place.
Anhb Ihe «th. bat wUl ntora after a
lop Rev. Mr. lUrlbut an.l wW tor a j
top quite popolar. peopU eostop tom
A aomber bos ben Croat to t^ week-e racatioo.
or tear milaa to attend ttaeat
toetflotsTdartohsarBecLMr. Ptorroo
attheCestnoB qneoUoB laetTbnioday. "Reeolrrd that ry laat Wedneaday.
< k.’ ifmk.
tte tTlh wae a pleaeaat affair. The rs
Tbe Isdie.' nvuefit aox lely
both eesee ahoold ban tbe ease- ripbt
I <
Mte Habol Powtor. wbo hai btea
Ir. and Mrs Uenry SpInDlkec Jaa\
kne ea toooUob. ntsrted to her
Friday and a very rnj lyal.le
Mte Jeeab Laapworthy closed her
NeleoD ateisted-^ohs Whii^ndl
ackeol laat Friday at Maple atp.
•riMol oi Us Coatn Ihe teih.
She roported by tb.iM- who alteorte
toe aflrmaUn side to an inatrocUr^
Mte Uccto Uodfa who baotea etotsret the flrel of AprU to eommeace
le W. A.'. T- L'.^nj.iyod a very pi.-a-aad plaaslnp manner.
Mr. Bapaeki
tUar to Maplatoa ntaraed to bar hose toe eprtop tens.
tea meeUup cl tbe borne of II
ktottoeasdlanceUiiffhinp. bat eosid
la Traesoe Qty laat Thaiteay
Keeriyall who attoaded tbe epeeeb
Woolaey laat lVedqr*.lay afiernonii
not talk faetenoupb aa toe deciaion
paatod by Ida Bsith.
i Tramoe Qly wen weU pleaeed:
nice-company xva, pr<w..cil auJ
soosly to farce of toe
Mia. Jaanieo.wbobtobooBatO(dar With a few Bothlap abort of a Rladevery erneaiwmrU toeuy.y Ihrmaelxe*.
Bn nnac for her daarhtor that b' looe wosld da
Mte Irenr Morten. V. bo baa rro.-i.Uy
abb wiUi typhoid fooar. bat
Oarelo Bripbam. belierlap If U-paye
ueed.a fire mootha'term of acb.»I al
Id roporte bereoaewhat better. at all It payi to keep tbe bat etoek, b
Keswick, arrived last Tharaday oipht
Mte Hlckord olcood her term of
MteBdn^ Bicbardteetobomapnla.
hartop eoos of ,lte brU eatUe aad
Itead thr cnnieat and will remain
oebool at Ifapieua tor a Bn week.' oaT. O. Boyxkae nUrned from Fissk- anotoer week, the pueat of Mr. and
cwlaa chipped to bis from eome of the
toUte bet Friday. Fob. at, which bae aoet Botod berda
Mm K. A CsmpWU. .
boto T017 caecoeafal
J. BarU budbpoiedof. Dearly pMO
AUic teafford ririted Tnrmor
A aplendid c-xoleal umk place in tbr
‘ -tereaeaUaoatbnto
worth of els aed haewsed with bat
town tell laat Satniday exestop Aimler
ilUle oaUey for help. Tte aast -of *M^^. E FottoapUl le able W be toe anapleea of toe W. I T F, Mixt
t^ lepepo tothe eosthera pan of xiea aQoio.
1 ^ mne MorV.u
ji.irv.o uc-inp
bx.-inp xoeau.
D. Onham Bndaysdai
tte elate, where toey d^ aot ban
Edd Palmer called at Hr. Ullbert'e tmteot. E>e<y oneof the
Ike Poari Lake tosp.
laet Snaday.
HtaThoby Borrii aad Hn. BatUo
Ibbeto^ oteof doors by flnat
C ZUplerrWted'tacncoe Qty om
Barrie an both qaite clek.
aay time b bard lock, bat topeclalto
way to wtOrh toey-dellverdtoelr aeThe mill whbUe b btoid tr
atthb tuaeofytar. Tbe boralapof.
r. k. W. Wootela ariferiap with teroiaoxl
vbbh wo an all plad to bear..
Mr. PlUsrb bosre wa. a pren Icaa. atoto throat,
Bpwoptb Leapxie .
H. Baydar of Tranne aty vae to
7. -Brcdfca rWted M^de aty «se
rationa tor a
prand Itime.at thej
tobebobhped topowithaalcbapiand
tows )a«t week toopoeUap lasber.
aat woek.
Old Folks' B
te bepiron at toe
Mr. Bolt of Tranne Qty called ten
Bhaak of Bmpbs caDod at tkb
hall next Batorday.
Very neat
laat Friday es rosto tor Bmplra
ptooe tort week.
ttonv are out and tte foUowinp
or of Traeeree aty
TaxeolleetarScmqorant ease on
8-riUt UM Friday at A. C Wyakoop'a
Bd. Balek of mnoae Qty wn to
V. JV. U BorlbuL
Hr. Freeman of Lake Aaa droee
tows today <Uiqntope;i. tor of hay.
threpcb town tort week.
Aoka Jccoap aad broths of Maple
to eapeeted back tods weak.
Oraadma Bpaflord epeat Bnaday with
Bn. Mr. Onrar aod wUe ban
OUp won to tows iMl wook oa barior eon Bam at Alslra.
M. S PrBUatMBdodeotTkoei& BarUso. Oay b tetoo fros Ork
Mte Ckddie Atoler ratoned
1. -1 am eiphty' tentoy.-shtoboto sretUap fa tte
kra. A. B. Kterie.
lap at Uto
Hemortol-B. A Sptacer.
Than ban book aorsal os
to P. Bolta of Beaconla to TtoiUw
•atooodtouto kmr tte lope
Mr. VaaflyokeWtedatM. W. Bar- fritodi and rtlatine at toto ptoea
Addivaii. -Irortklnp toward Htmaet.’'
be way.
jrlnpten'e ton Friday,
A. L Btesen and darn Bello TQun i -Wm. Buusll.
ton Fri-I Be*. Boerard Mi
Maale. -God te wltoyou till we scot
nry ridt from Tram aty.’Be toft kto wife better,
atata.'~ followtop wfalek wiU ba a sq.
prben ha boa beaa atteadtop nkooL I B**- Br. WUltoma win boU a Mriaa
ae- riabto and restotocMte meeUap.
iftteMfoWnpeem bettor.
lofseeUapi ntOoed Bariwr.
M a* tUnytoao toat Thnnday. AUj 'TteJanit(C.S.etetalpwUl«lenM'
to Mr. Boyt wbo toteado to wo
lars tte oaslac easawr.
TtenwaaaaodalbopatC A.
dnoab to which a law of tte yoBBt
folte ^rtlripaud aad bad a JoUy'
Tte eodal at Ur. BIrmloy-e o____
ffnat eaecoat. abool BO people betor
pf lat aad rr.M betof tte preceada
A torresasbcrtnUBUito aebrbbarteed attoaded tte eproeb of Mbypr
Ptorroo. aad all won hlrbty ploaiod.
Bad wo (Sly a few sen soch at be tte
poor weald ten son to be Usaktal
' An enormous stock of new Sl’RING GOODS received. Fortunate cash bujring
from best manufacturers enables us to now offer new and bigh-class niereban-.
dise af prices away under value.
• '
^ Special
X< w SatiTH-F. Persian pritterns. shoulti R
l>e 10 Cents, our )>rire.......................................
^ Linen and
White Goods Sale
....................... :N>'\v in |ir<,k'rx-».
3 cents
10 i 12 cents
-TO cents
Apron (xinjrhauiA. ahould Ik•<ur jirice...........................
(iini'h.nm ApFon*. fuU>
Evtry ne\v ides r- jirx •xfiiled in tllih line
at i»rix-ekde>.-iii‘.dly Ji> lim er’s adranlacu.
. iIair-woo] ,Cha11ie.s. shuold l>e
to 25 cCnlB. our price.*.........
-Uijnch pore -vool Serge, all color,,
All Other Lines Complete
1 at 51 ami up.
and unless you first SKamins our stock you ars liable to
pay Aiore for poorer goods.
«c a«uM h»i« M ««el> *»» “
bMak^ar- UwcAoBMvkto-
•MlHWI|>^*<i«r<>« kr‘------
nImxBttothr UM
eofamdalftr. t »a is Mhod B0ir tad
I>wmyooi mu.|rt««a.
Oms Mom
......... ‘■'■7
kmvm. r>b m. m»
OSAS Kditob-1 tiiosflit I wcnU
TtM to Um
m I bs<« MW
writMB Wort. Iwnrt toorkooi oU
wUUr b«l wo SK bsrisc rwtkn
ksow wbrr« tbay an. iiaaat tall at,
wa-« wbaa yoo do baar froca Ibea
Ba ilraa ool far fixMO —
tha —
farb booaa. asd ba aMl aha srr tha baat
a( friaoda.
-------------___ m ihay may ofiM b
---------------------------------a. harlBf
^fMl WadohopelHa wilt write
^•U. «a will tall yoa aamaaiar,
jMs. U yoa wUl wrila aa lattara wa
will baVa yoor plotox pot la tba paper
iteM day. aod wUl yoo BX ba a *t*od
OtstbaaT Ito't that a banrs^f Uara
If thalattar
Mr DaAS Hsa BaTM-I sotlaa bow
f'----- ■ the UUla ebUdrao are to wriu
thdr llUla lattoraloytmaod bow maefa
Wa 10 deUp ao. aad
yM w<mld W
^ —
to ——
«• o*~
HV—A>-r little triaadalthoBfb ba la
-oaly aeM- Tbrotbx day 1 bard
---------- aay that they wUbed they
wan a moaaa to Way eowld kMw what
Maa<maaiaawa>dolsraadariDC. I
Iklab I baxaroraomaeb baltar op-
"Ko. air: CotV-alpfaV’'
’■Woold thin Bol ba aoma abai
‘■Vaa.alr; twoeaou.•Whal wooW yoo do wlib It?■iloymady.' waa tba laatoat
. would eot Uka aay borne."
MrtTD^Tomllo. Mertaoloal Eopl-
. c at yoor
loUzpla firm ibrea (ora qaa
Is tba aaeaed rraiU. 1 oaad to
____ ____
Oble, wbna tbrra ware so MilaA iroi
loalUa Uaorrr W. Faaaey.
■laiirfe for Cbriatnaa. Illkatoi
tIowB bill. Wabxabl< bill toallilr
tOL ..
dowB BOW. Wy taaabar'a aame it Nr.
1 Ilka
-*------ -----
DOwiBrwbatlapdBC oo lo tta
aa that i rlalt-aad if thla latter
a 1 may aomatlmd toll yoa
Ibat Ibaraoxrbaad. Bat
wbst I atortod tbtoMtorfor mox tbaa
•nythlBC elm waa to toll yoo that i
. Wan Jam baae harlar my maaaara If
ItolskisKlhatoMOirbtbof M laah
0«Mra of my far eoaU ba raadUy
«BMMd.UmtamoaDtwM «ilp|>»d oB.
bat tosad to oootolB ao away haira
' lata atfbl parta aaob of whl
tM halm, amkiaf 1 Mb la tha
^tfhth of aa iaeb aqaars. Ho om
a«nnwaaUwmtslB7a.M»baIrs Kow
.sathanaiaaboat foor baadrad aqoare
■—»— ia my «oM-f am istbar iat«a of
ay afs—I am fobM to ba tba
Of »0.7*Ci.ooo faalra. Kow t .
thArwooldanraraoMlaebla laapth
aad wata r*».»d aed to sad thay weald
Mka a llMaboaltMBillMlaar whkb.
Mltey are wMlabar*ad with olactrto
‘«y. wo•Umak•ato^arra^*UMIMA|.
from Tiaranaav to Vraskfort.
Bprpai-_________________ work.asd I aaufalSfblBlnc aanbaad
auynrmOon. la March. -l«sl.
lot laU , «u hare lolly eared mr. I find them plaaaFrrrldrotliarbrld waaahol
aat to toke. ooarralrel to rarry.
road atoUon at Waah
Bar. 41. D Brewa. HoadorV Wto.:
waa atolned to ruo from
Tbaaffevl of Htnarfa DyapTfola Tabthe train that box Mru.
Uarbeli^froiu '
Tallooa; a quite brerBlberoa. \ J.. to Waal
Ird beef atoak cauaaa
liaoer of brolh
irem alnee 1 bapaa tbair
harlay a
. ala tboutoad people la 'the etote
norb to^lba' OxrajaiBoutoi
■ool lie eurrled the
DBAS EtHToa—) am gniog
.CTifed of
WwTn mIo'Mieh alone la
atomach Irooblto 1byHtuari-a Dyepepato
aumt artry day aad ay traahrra an
I amy tril yoa anamUmt ofaaaoMWwhlobtmpprMdtomalawbkb I
wto aaarly lest my aoot aad porbapa
mj Ufa. Tw lhapraaawi I am year
■ha ttmuicb. texay ■ xry anamyHy bretbar to pot at home to-day. I
; kMf two aowa; thalr aamaa are Baaala
.nnl Madpa.aadlhaxa aalf aad Ito
Beroodby for thto
a thto
f.>r ta>t railroad time in
thto couDUy. :
It to told that dutinc the
.e awful alrela
iraed hto besdi'
tif that run hr ac-eer tor
d wltb hie fire-1'
1 bare a half mile
(D to aebool. Oar aefaool to rary
e. I rma kslV aaw, bake, cook aad
Mp. Thto morelBif I bad a nde
From your little (Arod.
■d peekafto mi
neat MIC., orae
by mail oa
l£o.. Mar-
Stop It Qatokly. tut tba teat a« DM
Dr. eharin B. Botmaa. sf Ut '
OsASMaa BAraa-Jam alltUe fW
1 bate brown hair
aadblaary«a. Bchool to oot aow. My
lasdmrb same waa MIm MyrUa Kaab.
Ibax apathalfar lu oamr totialty.
I haxyxat (aa alidiap down hill with
«y atotar ttodia. I bax two brothara
Tea Byeb Street. JarkssB.
aatvnaal bad !<•
lid-.o- dl Ud luulldt .d l>dT«> Idd biabd Ti><
-r*d oAbCi, MKbVtob. Arni b l-dt. U Lliidt Iddd
UidWWdd.b Md WV bblx. •hblbtWAddd.wa*
ib.dd-4 ibctWf u, I—*, daij ■iiiaaie a* ddid.
M.w; >' abipncid Ibd Lbbdiba irwdbd Camad
w Wisns KAsaa.
rOatXK A cun
..Jc—nf K..
The letter to which batchelor* seem mo« inclined:
nm ntimtorr^ot Id^Uid^irasnt^.
. and I thoupht I waa
'ood'a Kofway I’lac »yri
AlioTadfif rB.iriaa.
ry a caa of Hopklna' Htesmed Uotnillolled Coru.l It to drlleloua
rarerenAtoto caaMK W eapnlM fTam Mmffa.
ne4-r-. Cn.-he- aad aaeke-. ato'a l-iaae
kalac. abl. a U an birkij nms.fiaX. 1. b lew
Corner FroftrOnd Cass Sts, Tranne Cify.
Iiiddd din bdA iddixMi. ’ddddi. b. Ibd bUbtae
tbd*''di^rSi?J2 bLT'd
dddlKb ddidb id li.dtdlilli laadTiaddx a
raiaa id.I.d dM.lb Ibddibtd oC Mkblbab.
UdIX Ibddbibdr M. IW>
Euniutton«[ Teaclien.
bbUctorwry uauBiaailto la arecrapbx
P. O. Boa l«^_______
Caewi-rllto.iab tl.Ma. |
wrradroalr a> Ibr to
wrtto yoo a CawUaaa.aa my brother Dub EomiB—I tbonpht I would
dU. HypapataktBtbeBnatJiasd I Tlla to tM Hasbir aad let ytm kaow I
daUkatDxadthaUUUWttaia la tba hoot oor achooL Ipotoaehooli
M —I win toll yoa what Boola day. batlam ptnap toatay.out thto
ooartad help my atotar araak. Hy
bdr ml. lb ur braack.
idialbam. My
; Ml aada
deUa to
Bat I wUl eloaa for
to aebool ma<rii. Hy traebar'a
afen per real. wlU be ■
] tbMIimaaormdtQto. From.
to Floreoce McFall. I baxas
auBt llrla* la Traxrua Oty. I auy
.1 Adotyhaim.
aaarly aiwuyaatay wltb bar. 8ba took
texx- mtr. xk. at ima me wllh bar wbaa I waa oaly^lMleaa.
-DbabHm. Batm—1 amallulr ftrl
asdlharaslayad witbbarj
It aw. I. >. bwAw fbb toH w aMMxanoid. I Ilka to read tba Irt- aaarly arer Mace, but aowthay
- - to
BDd Gardeners
[ Was la the BaSAiJixrT maob a
tbayairpolapto Xew a,
4willlryUwTitooM.too. lamlotha aprtov
WHO MAY WANT SEEDSto 1 am atayjap with aiy
^jBMth rrada. aad I etady resdlaf. father. My folka axat|toTraxraaCity
apalUoK. wHUae ami laarasfa. Hy yealardayaad barea'■•t CO
Wrt caa MX yoo the axpasaa of tf
toSibw'i aamr to Mtoa Coxrt asd 1
wa expect tbam to-day.
Mho bar rary araeb Vc bad azmeiaaa they atortod OM of our horura
mruikm. lumlltoiier by draft or a
' taoM rm Friday tor Waabiactaa'a
roa't rat aaythlnp at alpbt or ta
«Mhd« aadibadtoapaak. ‘IWt to tba monOap. Wa tUsk that to-arhat
a jam ra rellnbla
Wa pwaru^
•d thorn from oominp kuk. Hy
ma to xry baay: tbc kali elaxo nandaut you esa proeex byordertap
Mltana Gnaa.
palra el atocklapa aad
from Bbroart.
. Drar aeUor. I hope I will aaa
Bbas Msf. Batm-I wfll toll yoa thto ia tha Baals. Kowlwitlelea*
SASSSA. „ A.b A.AW A _
tbW ] am letac to ae%i axry day. by aaadlag my aama aad apa.
•Jly rnadloa are raadUy. CriUar,’apMlMBpIy.
TbaUrpertbaorMrthaprrat---------------Mbuxoa La rt
a La.
b«. ari^uwUe. toaceaca aad faorrsar the diaeoB^l frem rrpalar I
c» bar xry wall. Than Tbto lltUe ralaetkm. that tbsl Mok
. Harhll.
_. .
» la oor family that aldld at allad "Bbaiorle
Made Bra,UBe*" bra prw
heaa. Grmadpa asd frmadma are Ur- patratad. mnkra om wiab tUi be nrex
•pula laartooLsadsoiaorBatyoto hto
bar WflraaBrllU.R.H.aDdll
'irdbll own fdd dbU dAABir . ibd BWBlddiddddTlSbd
IS Ibid wrwscd. AS .. aid. I. <bdds-4 ds b<dl kt
. 5H1SS Sisr^SiSHr:
laxCK' -Si a-ait. labdr .i..rb .11' aass na 1 i.yi..«d u.dlt l~sd la. sad Ulrux <d
T tt
Wa II IBGIA fj, K '^7»d,
. tofethareoftoa. I hsW a little atolaf ^ yon will wa that ^^t^t to m
mi aaatosna
who baraa to «o to aebaal teat weak,
■w totmly (ow yawn oUt aM to (otac
it Umt wra ryotoM «
to ba Bx ynraoU tba Ttb of Pabreary.
M the fawth Mtomaa om
Upo t^MBMtoMM to imma. bM Btum-
TWraape u u .rdsdM. Udi pnbdi. Ik# iiu .ikdirie. eassa ibi tm ddi sd buddaidbr. ira. daif
bsArne todddW, kt tawna a ddat ri Sbb ddddd W auk ibd ddbUb
Sute St. near Union.
D the^pocery
business. E^ybody
needs groceries and we
are friends of ev^body.
Love our enemies too.
They can't hurt us. (o why
bear ill will. Particalaffy
we are friends of tbone
pho need, and knead
flour. Here are a few of
dt s ddM bbaani. ibA ' bwwdi Mdrar. w
Bbraiur. tba »to day of Itor. IBM,
ddw an.waau nail. X
i esr'isars
a?^*rrwr!I imta
&ad sa;ijf<srrS;S^3
nad korWioaakdBewMmWrw aaiaa
Rtoar. tba tsib Oaymr 'Baxh.
oeit rmtuu, omow/’ornr,
Auca M.pcictnm.
e totM w
Sr5 CO C O-A.
A Friend in Knead » a friend
la fbdb mdt rabd dad >dasHm.
bd xTFuaiewiraUfmdTTddbdddBiddM. d a^ 1 ibddr tniib.sasdadRbradadOdidt ddbbdsla ibd
SSJi in'wt A-dTiSSr’ -
rwTTT A caonEu
that that toof___
‘y’n'MlU a UPAXr
Ire Toe I Seccissful Fanner
a I, Euis san co.
April II. ISM.
...dl dbd A u Ibdi ddi. di ibd »vai tdddof
Hdl: Id Trd'drd.
Trd'dtdd Cur.
Udadd Tdd’rx
— naa
Mages,Buggies, Gatters,Slei^
beS'S* Oraf^wvm^MMrT tor
iCamrSSidr ikr edaiud
sr.rii^’^.b X..
dt dUd d'riVb Id tkd dlidraidia. ai ibd rrow 4tm at
al tl-torr. aed Buat bA«« tai
Brown saj-s he's been so often deceived by the Chick
en at his boardinn-house, that he now calls it the mock
ing bird. You can't ntarrj- a Miss if you marry s widow
—you can't miss it if vou adopt P. K's as your trading
place. W'g don't give.anjthing for nothing, but you^t
your money’s worth every tipip—nor-do we expect
something for nothtng.
We p.-i>' the highest murket price to farmers for their
produce in canh. W'c have no baits—we are afraid that
some sucker m'ght pull it off the hook and then see the
danger he was exposed to being hooked. Ours ia all
straight business—a little profit on eveiything.
arrb !• xtf uu
IraiK, Pt..]—
cranwrix t^r *-■—
' three ynn ar> laat aprto« alaea tbay
' waat ad <ma of my atotora wfwt wttt
Bafora tbay wnt a-ay thap
daaa. Wa aatd
Let ’er be.
of getting
coofroola aome oae ia every
boBie each xai- Whoevet the
work dexlix upon abouM jL
Ibm cfatoiaa aa4 Ibty • eitr M
uria- WbxxftwraaAama.
ryfccaaetoa I ahaB at-ma
Children Cry tor Pltoh«r*s On«tor}a.
The Labpr
1095 Meals
- pat ataeial
Pdwairtbrlbe bd H baa to
■ If lakea Into the btod Wytbeoa
■ I liavc auirmd (nr a kenp time- fnan a ! prnnasrat cure. Gel It from yoni
_________________ __
TraiaraaOlU. Pek to. ima.
trlla two or thm Umaa a WMk. Tbon
to' Etoleetrlc Oil will, poailltal}' xUrc
the Doet cdfeuire raae of cetarrfa.
“ • Crane. Dunkirk. K. V
.taat xllef aad perfect
■xmllaa from UhaMkfalraa aad two
pt rirtldnaau.li.Wk. . op broojrbt litoUnl
rr-_M. Cuper. fahj
K Inlkwtrvf- uf Vic
Olea Imke. I waa la the fourth
prade wheel want to aeb.»I leal. My
Hklaaod blood dtoesaea. cauaicp
farotbara asd Maton aaoMS are I'bomaa.
r to xial.ai
boru of dlredtoa.-fratobumaii bappiTimothy. Jeeaia.Haato aad Hedle. If I llul .-Iin lint lir
I niuinl I)
aod'qukkly cored by
.. .......... ridel'
an thto la priat 1 will write apala.
Bunlm-k "Bhlii^ll^ltor
lu ai ■moa
Inyim Uito wxpia! Let (to prox
pimple to tha *
nri.irii)' Uian uUieral Urre
Kpj-ik Bn4JrA».
Hr. niarke □. tloSiuan to a fireman no-l
BapliT. it Irb.. Peb. St
It U.
leaUra at IV.' Tea I ......
........ ................. _____
_____I'a Hint
Dub Bditob—Aa I bare serer writ- tbc
Errk Stmt.
Stint. Jacktnn.
Jaekaim. Hk-fa.
Mk-h. II. mya:
.........1 meat will briapyou laatant reUef aad
iaa to the Bauu> 1 thonpht 1 would
to'f wS'irJ
el lublhddbboa
wv caack"
aidmMaam D
a...i..u4iarad-aaisdai ikddddi R..d*ddii ibr|
I.. dl.l-ra .dUdb M iridimiil is Llcdd )i *d U.di ,
i-^' “cSS'.’iSfS'
MW. but 1 dost anppoee My letter will kktoryudiaa.ldec(ltoi>nkr
» which
whtefa baa al
be aa lathnatlap aa aoma other boy-a limra lesderrd me Impabk n( work;
a^ pirfa. I wrtt
day Uto term. Wa had rtpbtaaa the- flirt canplalat__
haa tarartobly entn'
ttme •F'>
pfto 1] braid
braid .pi
aoboUra. I III^ my teacher tbla term, Uik apaht
oa to Him Helatyre. I wUl ba lkma> KUoeynito.an.il hepaa Uklay
yean oM the firioaaUi of May. rlanr with mna yraUfylny^^^^lU
I.balpmamam^tbaworit. I did the
la my bock haa cailicl)'
wort Vrday while emmma made a
coDrtltkm la much Im
forbaraelf. It toaoowiap today,
aaow toqaltadeep. I helped my' ^'..c
Ueh'a Klrtacy HUa.l t^k WhrraabouM
brothm pat the cowe la to-alphL I
what a raloaIilr5x>rdr It to'
bax pot two atolM: their aamaa are | ' Fnr
For aak ^ all dcakti.
d------- ......
prVe SO
CoMbamU who la fix yeara old la:
Harab. asd Aaala. two yram old la '
JsM oa tba 9th. My lattar ■----loop. Good by.
, ttorv i»od aipoeux.. Ilruochltto followed.
OMtecito la Dr. Hawmel ntAw*!
••4 CNOAm. It MutBiw toeith
It.to A I
ft* Parecorie. Drspa, BoathliMr tTfWpa amd Owbae 00.
It «i Plrmrawfa lu ptoBnmtea to titlfty yeeta* Me Ny
MUIU.. A FlWdm OdbAA dAAw. Wax -bd
Bltoya FrrerUhnrfuu Caatoria preremto vsrattl^ Soar
Curl curee INarrkratoBmd Wind OoBe. Ctootorta wMoteo
TocOtiNp trouMra. rurea Cot
Caatorto saalmlbUM the Poo
Bad Bowrla, pirtne bemithy amd aBtWBl aleaw. CM
to ttoe CtoUdroo-i PaoaooA-Ux Mother^ Prtomd.
beabd.c4Tir.di-. intr.tvraad TTaxrwwt.>.
By buylnr from ua. If yoa waht fiae ll.Mlrl.laab. U.01r lk-.IruBMIbdmBdpU.«.
Ird. iwa. and rr- .biM la ikr
Fruit.Treea. Boaea. HbruW ale., write bdidddauuan
baWbtlbrOwTi.idrolOdrd.Idd oxi-STrav
!<br our UW* fhtalopua. ' Do it bow aad
' I we will aesd It to rou free.
It to full
,oi thecboioeatklBda
AfaUyaara.______ ^
Deab Haa. BATu-Hy ma^ wuau
ma to wrila aad aak tha llttla UUer
wrilan If aay of them hax aaea or
baaid from two UtUa'atnyboya. Two
boyu tea away from Ibolr bomea tha
Tth of raVaaiy asd aothtap haa baea
beaid of them alat*. Thay wax It
14 yasnofape.tmalUIpbl complertmad. Om of them araa a boy my
aa took from the State PaWic
HrtooL Hto aama to Laoaard Sweet.
Ha to a poodlooklB
pood looklap boy asd a pood
If aay oM
latlan bax asaa or baaid of them-wlll
thay plMie let rae kaow. dtbar
dbrrlM lb -AM a>ddWb<d bd Ibd lAbilA.
.idddbbA pcuwcVl dllbbld-llb ibd 1i.-a
.4 TdbXf-d. ('Abbli of riraad Tracdtad.
-IkldvlBu-bl bl..ddMrllA-l bbUdlbbAb.
BdinA-.n, .. . X-... ibifwH.A xa.
- --
asd a clock.
K Belciam: Htaartb Dy^apala
•afa. ’plmiutlo laka. coeea-
wo^M not thrx
la noraooe MeEall, My atodlaa ax
xadlop. aprJUor. artthmellc. jramiaar.
wriUopaad^orrapfay. Thaxaxalx
aud a
wladowa la om wbool
Ma> laib. iOM
ai Mad'dMb lb kbd lbddB>a.d. bl ikbi dar. a<
bwci ddbd ^ e.rarad
ofaaew BaU
ia ibd
ib- Clu
Tradbtbb 1 iti.ciiaud Tvadvr-b Cmibri. HirbJ*
aa»..ibA' hdiaribdOUcd nf bbU>b< iw dir
'—MbudblllddblrddHd. lAdlaaiM bb AIW
Idd o> enddU dollbr- m% pdavUrd fgr Is
lUrtyaob^naorollad. Wall. I tbiok
Tm CBSSOt tall bow plaaaad #oor I bax writtos abooi aaooeb lor tbb
•Altar waa to rat oar of tba lataaro tbla BW. to I trill fix «y uoie aad afe.
waA. abatoalwsyaplaaaad. wlth o»
Prm yoor triaod.
tba Uttia lattaca. bat tbla OM was from
igm 4.
Faiar Oieta (laraa.
-Wa! Kow yoa doo't kaow irbe .Wo
bat yos will aftar yoo box read bla
inb aw w ribrwdT. w ibr >aw due i»iiaini dark redd BaAd a
ssjTsai rvs2-i. t:ss^/^s, i
m>dMawm.U-bk.arrr w .bd wtd w kid d.alb
lodpa Fiedk Ixa. of Dtatriet Coart
CTCokatee. Hina . mya. For aoma
Ume I hex aard Btaan'a Dyepepato
TaMala wltb taamlof freal brMBc
with few eaeeptioea. I baxaot biea
ao tTM from iadiraatioe la twaaty-flx
aisXBiuTns—1 r
Mr LitUa l^uarWntar*.
■a.a Oarotbar * UUar asoM too lata
.far teal vaab-ipapv. Wa bopa tba littia beyrhaxeoBabaob boSM bafera
tbto.batHaol.*abopaaem<»a will
MUl«h«amo<dpriL MyUMh:
}(ksd bar «ai7 aseb. I box om brotb
•r sad saMar. Uj Uul. brotbrr.
ia Artbar sad my alatar’a
QUia. Bba ftM to aobnol wltb cm
wbaalco- iBBrteloaafarthlaUa
flaabaa Orotar.
I aahka. praand la the farm of
________ “sjss
p«U14>r ta^o»ru«*«r"*»»»
Kiir Of Uu Norik. BeL> aides flour we keep—well
*e\-crything in the way of
■<f/; groceries, and we 'don’t
ff-, get as much for them as
we ou^t to either.
Scra.«ka. aidl«
'• Com, wUcb «teU b>ta«
taf Wt all tfc*
•mto balld Ike woM^rtal forM<
M ud 1^ ud aai*«r, Th. CMlovT
tetkofwicMTMd tkedMtb UatMkxn Ufa. ptmm ■atarally mad bmpfdlf
late Ikat ot U» owreetk* at tba
tphat amt. aad ow otrm lUMirtal Ufa
la «ke BBkaofra Bajoad.
lUak. ihla laerttabla eoBitaf af U-!
oenalB ebanetartaUea of ber^ laUla(
bl« aba Blfbt aot ■aka bis a d
bia «rifa aad-«aiu^ar him lo bna
[aocacasaat. «ba. Uarlar bi» ffoa to
woe mad aria Mba LacMla Baadolph.
tbepttaaal Mim. Omrtald.
(terftald-a ttklaf oS bb eoml mad
“Oh, *hM do
tfclalf «fc* »i«r^ tbnxrtap 1» oa tba aUr« aa aboaa
■mud waa attritnita^ to bb barlar
eblldm n Im kaam.
(onaod aaeb a habit wfaaa at work
Iien'i a dev UUl*
eealBf ben*
patUar maeotofortabte with Hob. Tba
•aau act ba afterwarda
wbea oorlBT lo taule wilb Ibe Icraa
oodar bb aotoBBod. aafior •tllae «d
Hadd Iba «*Udima ap
iodaad of tke barlaaiac. wblak an .-Pa^ oa Ue aartli. do jaa baar
------- % tba di- 1-Ul»bt way. of!
U«_d-rUUl.r« «aa (oa
Kota T«ry Cook, ia Wl-a« “Tha
Two vuiapaa.- pietana weU tba ^
whaa all Duat not at Uat.
xQnr tba rirar oodar Ue biU.
Uatb a Tillare wbita aad atUl.
^ sbbdows fall,
eloeds awaep.
O ar tba earth w
Bat we'll foaad
Oh. why do tbay wsap for
Sassttlra ChOdroa.
A Loadoa-tlpaetaior-talb tb^ tollowiap story:
A frw dsyssfO t wsstold of s teoeb^ prolly rrurk Bsdr
B loo fair, she bsd
AU aroBBd it tba lor»t ue»
«U«v aad «U^ ia tba teaaw
ORHT ta tba adddU of tba ttreav
bid the efaUdres
is b
•^1 SbciseoBlBr: UxAlbara: U>ok
Hanr a clock to toll tbc boert;
tbo MrMa door* are alwayt that.
TeaeaaaotaetarlaliaUorbat; .
AU tba alUam lie aalaap:
BarwaraSitoaoworioapi .
Karar la drea—to a»as or ^b,
Hlaataad Idb aad lo* tb^ lb.
••Ia that »UI»r«
Wbaa tba airbt b itarry aad still.
DoassU this BO
JactUb oar Hook CauE>? riadaed it b
aot. bol rather snob thooebts jbosid
be the cbearirst tboofau el all. I
aot Inly
^SiSniS^SSi. .uii i»u 7.
"SUmafC, how we thlsb of Death.
The aaicrl bolond of God,
Wilb bb face like aq aw>bedcl do*
Aad bb foot with Mpeotbe ebod.
Yarn, aonawbarsbtbaboaoBOd ear
FrwUwIciapAlaMalfntUia psb" »*
yothpr Bsitb all auiat loat al laaV
Bat tba day aad the bear whae (bat
••ItaayWtaitba learatiic
SiTlba daw b <d! the rraas.
Whoa the Utlla Wrda an aiafliw
B^ebs sooBd of baay
- -isirss::
€. ■ .r’
— atbawladbsofilyslKblar
-It Bay be In tba rrwiInK.
Whoa the bnsy day b o'er.
Wbaa tbs sattbir son b thfow^
Wkst b dasth after all bet
-PaMlsf oat of the shadow
Into a porer IbhV ^
Done wlU the world's re
Besnaiek. and rsmdy to sleep.
Beady to bid oar Meads farewell.
WoBderlop why they weep.
FbBlopootof the shadow.
Into eletsal day.
' W^ do we call it dylap.
rriiU sweet polop sway?"
spatlaaaraaat me the Aaal «kae of tbe rojacr
Teteas of (oe»ae aad loo ...
TW sweat sad tba bitter have po
Ufa. like a taapeM of ooeaa.
BaU oolbloos its sIiiBsU bUi
Tteo's bet s falDl sobMap asawe
WhDatbacalB of tbc tide dsapes
iiraiitl (Hearing Sale
Mt^ m«ary
Children. »
s maaalospjli ce to prt
apely ob
served Col. Hamnel Lewsos, wbo vtaa
dUe^sp ChUdren with s cot
OR faaehalora In the corridors .. ..
Soolhem. --Vos all any that yqs bate
ehUdfCB. Vos dosbUem think yon do.
bat yoa dost loardtotblnk as yoo
do I cooldn't bear to be ia a room
vrith tbem. A kid'aboard a rnllrasd
trala woald apoll a joamry for me. I
asrd to ride in Ibeofaoker lo keep from
brarlBpababyaqnall. luyodelatrark
on my nerree like a bauBW enea—'
erinp an iron spike lo a *ct lop
boarded a trala ia PeousylvaoU -
Don't foryet that dress wo.
woman, md nomaa fur arcs'.
D.n'l put powder on voai
without louk.up in the pfaas
Doe't pot all roor aliowao.-e oojsic
A rapped petUeoal Kills the smari.
a youraelf.
Rcpilsle the
uchi8a«:|THE J. L Hudson. Cor,
, r
Ihree atis..f «\wn
Thm-i an. of Tomatoes...........
• K.iur rs..ksprsl'om Sutvli .
:r ra.-kape« Arm and llami
~Tw .1 p.uind packarr ItuUcvl UaU . ....
Il.-iiir tfisrd rtwrel I'ivktea. perqnart
N.ur >|.i.s.l'l'U-kles, per d..«........................
■el I'b.s-.Ule
mM ' '
rsnm-r bondred.................... ...............................................................................
■ .Idnnjr* per bondrvd ................aC*''
.................................. ....**ie
Uat.prr l.n.hrl................................... \..................... ■. . .........................
„ u.
Cause of.decaying iccth. fhc> an; nol Kci>t
■dean, or dsc* a’ p<>f»r lootii' jKm<rer
, ,
injures the enatnd.
Effect of using, Red Seal -r<)oth l*o«dcr,
- dean, soimd, Ircauiiful letih.
Moral—Try it.
S,I"“'‘ snd-dciian J
ABcricabW noble and worthy chaiae-1 iallatioe
. ,_____are who
^ i
' Ufa-lfkaatempeatafeesaa.
tertelcaaa Mple aad atlmalaala teU nyaad.frTt over tbiaps which do:
Bath ontbeeatbad its alUnte blaat.
-po asd do likewise" that hh aacrifles | >
WhOalhsalBOfthalMrdaspBB leeThUlady aloo plvaa.i
db B1
aflaetlap Uarflald'
tbo vrteeUal^lpjte.^ freuy^will aot
f beari-palaM Ibrobbad thraapb
When atuadlap the Htraa aehooi be
wnaeapaped to neertUn ysasp lady
ThfwUpbtelB the barter at last.
Good teaMb BhoaU ba iiiid by
Tte haavealy barter at laak?
who alee attended th* «ae echooL
• ^ta^W*i*W4UW4U*W4U^^444^^t44^t**^*'*U^UiW4UW4iiK
|i New York Tea Co*
Awriter in Good Hoi
■A bot footbath and b
-■eat will do more to bvlpetired woman
than half a day's down sunup."
Icrer to Ure, "ew to prnw-^x.ld- to
tpirii'U ^^7
for.Canvr s,
r.E'S'S£'VS'',.;:3.T: Oirtcrs Ut.lc ki>cr rnK
u„..u.„r phieou cough MLSiM
scatteryd •'------- " closed roo . .
mold in damp weathi*.
: Lad ies
Tbmf.vrv, light'ibouM be
large quaniitirs iotu
oepi in rxlrarwdinsrr___
bowerer. teonid be aoftcate
deed, not pUrtnp.
. wewiu
the *‘Gre«oo
-wss.-.jL’^j i:
Oii account of the death of my wife and daughter which
leaves me entirely alone, I have decided lOTloW out.my bu»S int-bs and will sell'my entire qiock to anyone wishing lo go in
• 'business fo^ 25 |>er cent. Ies.s ihan cost. Commencing Mon• day morning Dec. jo. you can buy anyihing in, my "store at '
J cost and below co^t. Now is the time to ^et tjicgreatest bar• gains ever offered in Traverse‘City. My slock is oomplete
• and the best in the city. If you Want a Dinner ^ of lOtf
S pieces for $4. come and see me. If you want alamp.ac1u^^•
^ l>cr set. glassware or crockeryware. yoo can gel it at yourown
5 price, for 1 must close out within ninety days. .
s. s.
228 Front Street.
Brosch's Meat Market
' '104 fkon Run.
Tr.-ivfr>.e City, Michigan.
i Cause and Effect.
flower lo yoorhal’d^not'dieerl'’al •(»••■ PHI.
«?'”*** DOSO.
leoti.vn from tbe rapped cinditioo of
SmBIl PflOe.
yonr skirt lioiopo
Don't forpel that altbooph veils
beciminp to most face*, feet veiled in
(lie fr-uu.1 of ttio day.
lace stockings do not l(K)k well in tbe
, ,
I'crr L.af l.ard.
Fiudy Vet-etiUe;
flawer and thr
Ghoicest Meals, Poultry anfi'^ame.
Ua. fitoaa
gdnfifif Stuftn
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Siusages tlc.
ifarflaUvnapthe eehete beU aadp*- fteamvioa bsparhie
Mail OnJers will reccivt; ilur Ix-st of aitcDlion and
choice of selfciion.
. i-'ront Str<rr.-l-
' ifl' ' -i'
■loB't wear‘h^Ub.V*u"io«^
u can aff-.rt• to have Uieo. always cess BsJTs ir mlt.v M.sjlb, Cwd T<^*s
'rfey i—
-s '
ris and nu half ones oa Bie-sldr .rsinlnlhe5.,le. •K.M-mUVl.R.
VTiIoreli-.c D m,-..f>ntn nyepepcs. ■''i;;;,*;-,
iie-ikms:id 1 -. Il^-ty iJilns. Apr-
^ ...............................
both yoonp nuB I horrible tor the mother to elead there
r child cremated. 1 worked
end ladles,
worked before or aibev.
vrara delap a smart th
id tohavetbcalreapthof a I
roadinp or q>ealdBp wbea the tlraa ^SS: In half aa hoer I looed
came. OarfleM waa
was actoated
actoeted iSpbt
ripbt to'ypaapater.
- Id? Kotbyajop
Idas Wore said aeeocd; Be was pfled op oa a eoahion odayinp
the oppcalle. aad
PostUvelv cured l>y tbcM
Little rm%
l“uiin'?r^il>^nr limited pot
yoor ahabbv sp|waraocr.
BOW by lo____________ . ____ _
rvo. flood np in the seat and crowed
at me. Then he threw kiaae. al me
and playvd peek-a-boo.
Uia mother
waa evidmlly prond of the way ba was
abowinp off,' bnt 1 felt aavaps enooph
lo cat fata raw. All at once there
a crash and tbe very dickens to
We bad eolUded with a frelpht I____ .
aad oar coach weal rollinp down tbe
emtunkment, wtaUe two other
plied oo top cdiL 1 dropped the
ii'li.rMirr.ok. -hlcb at or
tohrlopont sad Ib|w.b apoe riaiap|
•ultiny Iff jiriirn milrrrin -i nU ihurlmmU with
.H'intiT MTur.
1)KY (lOODS,
“^I'tdenralsteTvdoo'limapinethat ScUVOU get (.;irtt.T\
s blouse nr sbiru coat end aail.v bat
beforatheladles. I^ddwasalwaya ^^40?'knit”htd a
: thsB and be SOTmed to cabracc flrat cry Uist womao pave enabled me
aad develop hlaaelf. WhUe very maey
Ibae Iwhb la the harbor at last.
to eBbraoeemr-------------------v,---------- ...
Tkb bcavaaly harbor at bat.
ally to develop hlmaelf. Aa act ol hia |
s yeoopater looked ap and lanpbed
for tba oriedsaadtbaorsatber aar- wbea ooce apeaUop very aecb 1b-i i^yoonpater
pressed tbaclesa As he vrar^ np to. at B* 1 beltew I joBped three feet iotbr
Abl few orm tba days of tbr nwer
' BIS UBOjec*. II eisuiiiii ..
to ..
ao usu
unu am i
v air. I wtmldan have takva the
hk of feapiaad................................
That SBllad la the boaaty of.pnea
sooL hart and parpose that b&'appar- {
It ,man doeab'l
in Uvr wbo hates
dUtaat aad din was tk OBMa
^^ist blatad redrsB or rrimM'.
ProB tba nvsfc of Ufa. asd iw riot.
flnap It OB the otape. aad aa be
WbaLaamI 1 yean for tba oabi
happy and viporonaoM lady, when
meet on be eapraeeed every thoo^k
WUcb Udss la tba harbea at bstaabad
of her eipbly-three
.{feellbp aad emeftioa of hte hearera
Pm tba llpbu with tbair oreleoBlarj
of health aad eayeymeau said: -I
Thu lady saya that UarSeUt ^irit
■allow ayaelfdo fretoverdhlaps
■. Tfcat'____________
river, ot traakoeea. candor asd perauUnt aphelp. 1 take a aafk aad
WThieh pirdlv tbe barter at last.
- pliaatioB. a
o of theta cvyey day. 11
Thb beavealy harbor at lari.
to be the veryei
Ua martyr death tea has teem led to | basy life by aa iBplieii teliel
: Sa«e«U:tbealMatbadaa(faarBaeav' thiak aad f«.l that it may
I Gwre u a braia aad a bean u
bare bsea
«*.. ,---------------------------------Tar the atraan of the veyape has paew
OUr Annual.—^
GraDd Rapids & Indiui R. R.;
^“dri^Pn'rTuTX'id bS
.. __
- ideas, bat tiu ties aever beoomi
a^ltaxl-^ bladlopc^nd “
,Uiinp b nor
as sU aoep is ixk SsuU Clsus.
Th«l Iwlh-brkl lint e-hm seen lo
I'lothm. slvsw prove* Ih.l (hey
art stranyerrtnfainls CUu. Scop.
Tn-n. !V>kleveTvwbere. Madabp
i. ,
Alum baking powder4.',cause indigwtioo.
-Why aboold we fear blB oo*
Wbal doth the wMta oae bear?
Uaarta-easa of paradba.
LUkaof psnralr:
OoBoe ha ao soft, so bled.
Doom ln>m the sisiflaf sk#Soft ae« Bother coaus.
SUrrad by so lofaafscey.- ,
S«i4r |.r..W,
U n..„. Lair. .
psxxled what tossy, stumared:- "They
UrIona to the people who bore pose lo
bemvrs.- "*.lha sapeur'
-Abr eoBBantad the UtUa
b orbara they left their doll
V the rls.tl<-;ty, .l' the •—
In little thlaker: It Is lo be hoped
r, turn Orrr thr .-hs>r s-rf; r.s r.
that this Ihoopbt will Bcvar be disloiW
jv Vasl.
ad. A mbsIUts little plrl iu Kew llnpil,.iniu:r>ilv
' Ikad to paae s prareyard is poisp
ftodieebuol. One day the elsM
b use the word -foar" Is a eesand oae of tbevlsB wrote. "I
an wbes she pass.m the pn
V**’! •mcrifler nestarss G»'artistic
Wsnbtic efef-' flrr Giu-lo lisvr tl.r bTielilr.t Umiv .'Icili'"
_____ she always rsBs."
III, th.' I> •.;o.l i.iijip-r owdy. to ». »r ,*ip. snwr
premtiy CistrvBed at the rerelaUus.
SBsrt bat mod bar.11 lae'pave.i'dix-iLl.'^sii.l l.iml np
the aflarnooB the teacher bc«ae teachio».
‘ jfnntile»t>.u>rl-si«iotw'Mii«D|.-r>-. I.
lop tbe^elaae LoapfdloWi
wli.ri ihrre'will
«hrre''«)H 0^ I
Uemn iremr striped mmbrtsl if yoo ,eold. rsinr nl^hi. wl.,:i
Aero.~ It took s week for the clsas to
lemralL At llwoBd of that Ub« they *^>on't spoil the ponis lor the'ymrd
wrote It from dlruiiom. Bessie seea- staff.
^ Idoubly i-nj .y:i>c'clw»:
ed cotnsred by the puem. which she
IwrseO qyiekly.
doe day at reeeas
she asked to rsBsla is. Nieslisp np
. the temper when they
- -------easb whispered:
"1 do sot rsB past sow; I walk. I'm
oot sfnid: IU God's place mad bU peo
ple." Wkst the child bad esduird was
w tHospbthsdcoaw
kmows mflc* the
u more
rashionaidy tbnn ‘
Dos t dim
lo her. Her scr
, A cake ..f 1IU11.W1abe psissd flesh.
sch of her h
ir a white pellieobt peleo brush are a Irupxl
.and. Tfarpn.
la while.
. ' '
frl.-nJc. A/W bru.li.up»d.ij-tv f.in:'
Don't fyepet that loap credit «rfteo . »od tb.-n w-ii* llic mapn.-«u rulih i..-^
■It b soCh a relief U> have .
brisps diacredit.
.>f aiiT ~.:le.|
» bees like
prow slroopvr. she sever has
Don't wear bip sleeves and b'lp hBU;i„ houi- sWny f-r a day ..r td.. ael':t
c scU
ecu as yf
the other chlldrea. Now she
, then l>ra»hed aisia. rile •('.t-«i> • - _ .
■e had some - out sfrstslItoo'V UiB pood material with om-' found i.i.*iatv .l.-aiu.-ared. <are1ak.;n,
tber owsahL—
mn trimmlsps"jirjili. daiotv Ct(io- i« :hr
4 smsKUe
Tbe ssksown ssfferiop of
Don't iraapior that beauty fnll abme ,in.^<ini; urii -u's 1oi<ii.-<l alhu'^nn-. I
chUdren Is one of the croel
for uotidyaena.
' .
In liuriilnr n-h-'Hier ruul. n imii-.h '
They srv aot ssdenU
Dos'llooltairsBpbecauiw yrtican't
l,. UM-d. trv t- maU'h ih.-.-..'-r i
they lemrsmtterstlmeDot to espres.
their feelisps.
. ..
-- —tie plrl whose sfoIt preat shres.
np.s..-^rs <u ..\i.
il«. n.a iii.l. nil ^ i>..e.ii
to-B biphlj orpsDDon't dress W rtsrlle peoples \'.vv».:
u.- ,i |..r-.i..e
ii.'- «o.i-l Hsiii.1*
iua« to takes walk
Bother could eolbr toaod. and
withost her oossest the diild mtarted
1 berntomsbepot inbis bip c
ilh her 1_____________
mother, msd. miOi every
pet your handsaod feet.
e of doubllsp her plei
a* hievc Ihcprotrsiioe while altold wbat she bad dooe. sod
nplinpthdoriKinal. t
. Irsniaand shut tiiv \vibcI..a . .ir.Tr.>t<>
had seeo. aod what abe propt
Don't inmi) inb> roar elothrr anp exi«ii .^1h< 'w.kjJ
A sb-s.ly .
that had bees aspptlted by 1----- ---------TSTiiiisiiio* or- -" ill tf.‘ .*n from tin-1 * .
Her mother hstened with a ^mysthel- pu,-t to li.vk Vdresti^.
T0br1i.-ad at ihu rsprii~s,
le dsile. sad at last said: "1 sto pled
I yuur Uui..i> and trek
yoa bad a pood tise. bat I wish y«s
6onX wear feaibera’ip your bat
bad asked me. or told su yoa werv popatebea on yonr bool*.
IV.n't tnakeyoor own dresses n
eosld oot Sad yoa. mssiBa. sadkaew yoB wsoted tse to be happy. '^"d.^ wear foV or feather bem « i
Tbe lookof abaoloUoaofideoceU tfa
child's face, tbe tone of her voiee. uiui
IV>o't wear a ssHnr hat and a
I have carriwl to that Briber's boarl^e
after yonr f.irtirtb birthday.
, IVm'l buy clivup Imiutions if;
afford the ponuior ani.-I...
,.j oflea tberelsl
eaU aad ebildreo ai
B^ad tba Baade* ban.
Aad the dark bias beam b atadded
With Ub taadar llfht of Stan.
reriba Aiaauc
Ytat I will ait aad Iblaa
«BlBlBoa»Ma of PTMldent Giiflakl
Whh a Ion ao straacaly aoesat.
Wbea UarOald waa a yosap maa be
attaaded a school at Hiram. Ohio, then
called "DlraB BclecOelDatltaUe." .
5"wUJ walt^' watch
k lady sow Urlap Is Traiferae City.'
Trastia* that the HeaTsaly Pnaoaoi aUeadlspsttbasame Umesad place,
WlU tara darkmo teio day;
has fires me is^dcoU ia which Oarlid waa tbe proBiaeat flpsre, and ia
J trUI kaew witb slfbt aaeloada
hick bia idetaat demesU of asceeak
Of the aoBliif ofiHb faeU"
ora ao prodlaenUy portnyed that 1
B faoved to lay them before the roadaadi day.wbbbBSybettaa last day.
a of tbe BkaaLD.
as aatbiBldar. ao faU of plaaaiac aad
Tbe Arat Ulsp this lady told me waa
bopa fur the life that aaetaa to aa '
that abe was Is tbe aame cIsm la alpeOBifalTsa. to Mretcb aadbalj oa.
faa with Uarfldd. bod that she waa is
nys waU:
le vrith oae l>bmbe Boystos. a
-Wan thb tba laat of aatlb
B of GsTdald, witb whom she was
auytsp. aad waa lavlted to po
her over to Oarfleld'a asd Mka
brolhar'a room. WbUe there.
■ Weald aot I caard By baart
- With aaraaat prayer?
QarAeld asked tbit lady H abe oonld do
;WoBld aot I asm Byfrieade
a oertals alpebra example. She eoold.
With lerlac can?
eo idd him end explaiaed it to Ua.
wbereepoo Uerfleld aeld.
boas bat day;
can explain sad Bake anylblsr ao
Bseb plaloer thaa a maa." Tbia be^oka OarAeld'a fiaakacaa. oneof bia
, be s<^ to
O Upa. be eweetr
th, uttb!»braS^»oaderiiylr^ "What
"Ood waated bar bare where bb UtUa
Mbb that earl os iberlrEraboca;
I OOK to Uie kitchen for the rem^y. Eat
^ freely three limei a,day Lread. hot biscah,
l cakes, made light and sweet with
Royal Baking Powder, sipp ycafi bread, use
meat ^aringly. take pk-ntj^tif .lirand exercise, >
and ydn may snap your fingers at Indigestion.
' There is a qualit)- V» Royal B ' king Powder,
coming from ‘the purity and' wliolesOmeness
of its ingredk:nts.,>»bidi proinblcs digosiion.
Food raised :by it will not disircss. This |»eculiarity of Kovai. has becojiotcd by bygteft.ists and phy.sicians, and iht-y are aixordingly.
earnest in its praise, e^j^ially ro-onjtm iiiling
it in the preparation of foo<I for tht^c of delicate
"I..,. ItB ««?{
. .1.
> tW « W
7. .eSOeOS.
TOL. xzxvin.
TT, IOCH»Alf. KABCa & tm.
-W. B'.
Grand Traverse Herald
make Witra aa mat b* had maeta They alaxMcegeaed the io*aablp«B a
'Mom^ to 1.M& oa la
VUIa#a Propfty • for
u »,
a.T. SjuniA>.OM»iir.
11*1. rtM! i-'ii !»■■■ lo pal domv lb. p..
rmrw 4r«*».
arkW r<
AalwaBUUaaermMban - •
laeaaaaleterjMr. *
City Drug Store,
Hastings & Bugbee.
»pt at.. Tras-ena Oly. MOk.
Bufiiaees Card^
Aad eaaie La ciM 4elk.aaafr
nta a eM al etas,
fcs-HL', o. P, Carver
rat maar fcaw k.
Real Estate
2£oxrs'S’' TO iLjOJixr
: B.\'srs":Js:
^on will toe ^melhing
that will amuse you and
tell you how to get nd of
,.r^ Fire Insurance!
thaf cough.
At Rl'I^CLAMp^■V
Jnhn»nn fllock
7>rrrrinnr 7.V.
Rose & Soil,
And Lunob Boom!
Rose As fills Prescriptions.
Tk. €W|> plei.e b. <be m.«e i. ee> .
iHtWM, Orate UMUMUltttliL ,
(iTseA Oper^ wbere )KM will Rlwl
paa ■oLUBAva^yTO.ua
Pure Drugs aid Parent Mediciae
aaltrox. D. D. a
■eaw BitUeia.
. r. «- ArekUei
^ itrlrlndllinv Hei
II fpriher DoUoe «c vlll eell all
« HOUU-Ulee a
V?vt »!.. Tta-rerae OUv- '
Tiirv. rtfnifil -V/rcr/ e/Ver vifd Pure {oldfiroee^'S Cirldr
riaeffar for xale by barrel or teg.
- X «m fUN tsl «U ny klBA e( |mA tt imiw (tt tbe «
“ i
mg op.>
.sj w.innn bad eeer Uken tb'e wlaWr
Wrm S,.w Ue dirm ior bad gone »ad
nired a woman aad a atrange woanaa
al tbav Who wna abe? W'heM^had
.ue mmr fitmir IVbM bnaiaaia bad
swi.hury to hire that atraage woman
when he might bare
leask-tii himkrllaail f.H^aaa
an.) U^vdld^ptvpcw^loh^ pe^nx.-.1. They aererely diaappnseed of the
.Yrgru arreanla. IVhat dnorot people
woald keep nigger* ia IbrBurth?
ug ••.luck up" a
r* W..UI.I-Dot
. hslerata
aay <a
,u il.eir miilal that waa -'atuck ap."
I br y.mag memisenof Ue
1> i|ui<-kl^arrBlrd Ue dl
the air anil ac-rordlagly
Uu|wrl 1 layuso row that all thi
n.-ant irouhlr, I.ul kmiwlag BoUlag
j| Juua. imaV he cuul.l do little Us
■iciH Uir lide.d pnlilic dlafavor.
A... '“ir,".::.':
The wall, w-ere oaurely e..i. f„
,___________ ________
ny criumou hanginga Die a ..r
^^en m.mmrtiee.1 the aguniong
.waaeorered wIlB auarpet wh.~-deptU
their inWlbHloa
ofpllr received lie fool like w.I.l «e«kl
Thi. wa. a.v-.inpll.h.
“V ■
• •.,oe^li..B.U.*l
.,ue.-.,..o» U.«. A'i-rc in il.r BUiiB ri.ll.-u
placed. A i.n.lv
l.ra.1; aimrir i.ul the .nperiBlenden'
.•copied an oecaaionaliy rare - .sut nsw that' h
A richly Lwrreo ta,b.«Ud Mrike Jem.r U- tl..
usdeller wa. atrewn hrori. ..t hit vk-l.in.. Hr
pera. Itefore the tire ^ ri any.ine Vi uD.ev.-rdbeUr far-fri.-h
I recilni
I. with thi
lin. pale
plleal them by mnrti painstaking trouhir
.thm. warn tbe ever roat-. and IniA-ndrd tbroi bi magnifr l.la .-an
iero gray eyea ao.l rhildiab iu.mtta
i*' •“ , iiapirlkncv.« lie dtrecliy |Wisdn,*>d ..ne
cbln She looked up frwn brr ali‘•W "> I of hit chmeewt mental
la.iiil-abell. an.)
lal la.iiilaabe
the Bte aa her daughter entered. ^
ana. He Ibua pro
literal’.} bred it at Jena.
••Rnpart Clayton here, and
I.-...... .
«< -To
’ What brought him out In i
n war. matter oeith.-r Un
Isriaeur■ ennfadon. and to the rni-iny'.
"Ha brought good newa. mother, I'ai gumae the*h..t mivked.
to tcMb audearo moneyaad the acbonl ( Th.^happrned agiAn arid again
1. near ao ni only br away from y.iU a|jo„,, fp,-.h from o.llege. nrrer
abort time each day while y.m and ;
the-tuealiun. were id
Annt ITtsr aiudy op aTsswee dinner (or i,.^ toeWUM. her defrat
yuor half (amiaaeo daughter
the au|H-riniendea>»e>n iranrted Ui
girl'a eoim and
Thta wyThi.'-ktroagt -lexpreaalblyaaahe tenderly am.a.lb
iipba aod omega i>( ditUM'l a.rr suaUter a (aca and twined an ■
imped lock of her alill rich dark hair.
■m.be aai.l- eyeing the claa.
'. What kind of a «.-nool. Juaa?" f.
grimdel'ghv • rim may w'.wk out
aiated the inraltd.
‘t''* pr.'l'letn '
1)''*^°*'^ At lliu. pdot the dour uproad koftly
future Ubor.
. S.'Z
lilding befoieTbe
rider waa of Iheerimltlee order, bnilt
aalinly of taga. hewn upon (onr aide*
aad chinked wiib a mUture of play.
U waa. erea In iU rtsdearM., much
more prelantloea than the log dwell
ing. of the ragioh, being - built with a
wing that inoni.M iato tbe a.|uaF
aprigbt aad gave a) place for the ruatl
p.r am..,.
:Fs;'’'lS cr ■
Cold Storage.
Smoked Meats
T. ieew la Ik
caiod dona, •erealy. •
. iren «rf daricnaro to gwln the
poor prlTO^ofbidlBglB bBrWmav
The ('rod of tbe 'orphaa baa foraakOB
rbUe. yoamriekad to lah
on' Ink -dav Yn will >«r de basd of
l-rovideaneioabeadbforemaardBy*.’' '
•aid Ua black womaa aloraly.
Aaal ITae'aaobUmefaUbitBa what
OTer-bwrieBad, one aaxloaa
■iviulrwd. Oear anxiety foe Ua
future bladfod a maligaaateatL
happier acUun oi heart. aad
ato miad
aad in the rebonad from deapalr Jana waa able to aieet bar Bolier aa uaaal
■aaal ai
aiKl reeti amuM her with a
dew-ripuon .dUe proplea)
The all abrorblng hmire
turn among ibepwmiaof^ telkbaiy
diatriel BOW ber-auie the hew leeirher
that ba.1 boeo engaged
ed f.
for the wlBlar
aebo-sl. Tbr mrti dlMoeM
good aataradiy ta the lambor-c
abop asd oearewt abiee.
wae a aioau. ,ana man tn Miatei lURied bom.wed artwlca which o
wine woald areer bare aaea tbair s
I ^JJS-t Clayton w’a* ao InaUnrtiee
lieaderof ebararter. like all ten.itire i pcadnr iwinfaUr ibeitv and tall «(
IMlnrem aoo
and _^knrn
wetuii.e by Uie_ .twady '
i Ugbl of tbe fall taeiswn eyra
I naeleaa to nrge the girl to a
He alao fell certain ah, bad
for worktag ai
apecial----------•ual 1
• if huge^uld/>r Vrtaras aban^
mde artUen in ab~slule srUrrment ,
in honor of lire'•'cateiciii
ek anitabi,
rather t>
,.___ ......... ... ._ wa» •nil another.
Chatt^I—Jt Home A«<»<. thk inNM elaewker
nattn.ee rT»a>'o- were,
.,f ,hr tilthr hal.il.
All) 1t»
That they were pure hr
An air..I, r..f..nnd wlMtom ..rer.prra.
lhi» ...uuleoaii.y. ra.lialed fnmi ll.,
Th* aD|.A»i^Da> of • "Inlw «lcai
wa dap«o«l bf s bUsidlog fall of
Saffy IDOO tbat flaled doiro. sloirlj,
afBly. coTorin*' th« gtaal braorlyavf A tract of land with the remnaol ..f a .hr.«dcl..ih ..wi
fonune. hi^ng for a rise In ealue aad
hecainertitairreeably awar>
latloa trt*a aod loadlec P*na »nd
besslwki Un iwir boii|4» drooped to bad brought hither her luraiid lu.dber ^^al •be dirided wUh the- .upenulend
lofhiloalrewglh among the pine.
,nt the pol.iw atlenir.m. lie aDbeiii.
The ttral month alter their amral.n,. .iifafly U. .tep V. her .We and a.U
• Through the wh I* »tonB proraded
a bone aod rider wlih brad. t>rat be had been .pent at 'ieorge Bnlabury a. , ^rr if-dir «id,..lbT>sm Ihe clam
ton the
Ibe aott
utt Halm
Oakn Uial^i
Uiat melted ue ibr the diiycWr of the ecbool, who aiw.j,i_. h.ke.1 hrr name ami-the w-h<«s.
kepi a aori of bowl, and lloprrt t my- ,he e,p..,-ie.ni. leach. When i.i the
road they, uarenrd wa> of the ill-far ton. »*o inatle h). home witn bl» on- ia.l .h.-It.f.imie.1 bIW ..f her oJT. r tl..
ored kind fou»>t lual*ifewly openeil
r log ..............
“PBr amiabll. inc.-oluia. biwanl her b»kal
^‘f’’ I ' laad. abounding In aeaga
he ha.1 been a frr.|Ural rmller
.uddaoebiU. Thr hal.bnry - hool wasj
ia pjtiiiou to,
B* : 'a lal mnndl be meant V> nwre foij
______.Ing branch.
They paid g..>l wag
. ed foretL
fore .
her few act|Bb’elai
jlit4<.>uld bethroan li
,t la.V ^awieared a
lk« rider,
iajlou Ua
.g wiuT hi.
.am of ___________
.ol.rrming I
Ihroiigfa inV lUk.. of m wlog
-.i.lere.1 the girl
:.oe biiun milt •...
.really ..-.,uimg from Ihe loBcber that he would
the wlldernr..
ll grew log to lake her l/> au e
I attend,
brighter till tbe dim ..uUiae. ufa hisli.l
.he bad a'agad au.-li a perw.i. (or Abal very un
in^ furmid alorrij^aa in a
re.-rDlly nomnd.
It wn» aagi
great a epelraat
led tbe rein from oud aide of Ibr bridle
..rrieran.l arrange.,
and faaicned ll nilfa aalip knot toa tVor'k kitchen aa and ••
•'inter nit
ily b
anmil halaam that had evidently
llie Fisd ..f the runin like anotvToo. i.irT-.i- ui.iu*.
for .o•
r Uu.f..rr.i:
■Hab BO roratorde
if (u db day la da e
■ iiv.:,
Hatter aod Egga at Ibe foUovIng
t.WttITINO. Paowt.
}joa? aSo
< Basaakeaellk.
AM Me fwaka kea, IM katk la.
w kma aia'pea^^
OHM «-i>m.l> BKATSU' U..»aow
■ Did »' Perwier.' I6e t>latH.r
(nm II a. « imlll tp
m «»-*K\-TBre« HOT. ,
Wr arr llraAiiaaruea tar lb- Bsrat
aXLTIMOHS: OVMTKBH rou la ta. rhs.
am. ahould be fon-e
Bet MaaU al all
room tor tbp w
Firathad oo
e Indlae; driren
reaeriatiuo, well
•daa beiog rra
]g tidi
of. pale
t mmaniiy ibalwm
crowd Hie red m
ia.'ktill be meet.
_ . of nlneb
leteeaUieeDlury kelUeri
the ware
la.en the
tbe I'neifir. and beta.
nr la, will
_____ of meating breaker* peo
Snd.,bia laal reaeere brneath
\ured bit ,--------------^at
Neir llriek Cold Storage balldisg r. BayasdraioBSU.
After the Indian
dlan go the
• • . aturdv |di
eneml »• ptetoe
■aamlnalioa of
"Aad that le—' mid bit eaapaajoe.' era rripBiml by ibr a>a r
lotoalea Use deliewy of bta 1_ _ _ ... ,
. .' .atriageet a'boo
*'Tbal be waela yea to take ebarge al laat drew
of Ibe ecboiM r*at at tbia UmeL~ be Bn-! aiSed by Ibe ap
labed. aa U tbe «enl moat be told, 'eatericc. t-oat
a^ rrlUi clear, kiadly’vritb a abj
cM b.
,| (rlaada.
; VoaBcrtrla. wacaiaraywd by tbe Idea
e that tbe laai tearherroakl bare lakea
ia a tgttCT
________tbesB CM foTttaer. wei* pmeu. ___ ______
tbeleaaL bat 1 bopa yoo will re- beev dmaed la III'Siiiag irararata.
,1a oRer
Tbe work fa
la a pioaeer
pwmeer |«lafally ill a
al eaar aad frarfally aua
laillaaited >oa drlfsala. rrflbed loua lewl they
Ibrvoaisif ordeal
Irlaooaipoaed priarlpaify of
Hia old ilmen. ee
tbbeoaraealtypeol yoangback-wueda .eeliiB,^ >B
They <aa ao mere appreeiale coolly abarjwaiigp pArili and talkiag
yisar aaperiw ulegl than aaeagea "
"abop "
Bsaay aarka of
A eiaall oeaber ..f youag
Mtana to awaad mine. aU« appUeaala. eipsaeuea — ____
replied Iheigifl.- b, , barge of w-boula tkai srere npsrted
so Aod while I thaak' more in need of moaelr than brala'
yoa lam obllgnd. for raawma I need
Tbe chief .vnlerof.
oterof. altra.-llyn
not meatiue. to laeeaoy tonlabipralb- monkr.-fa of tbia raalto.
er than liwe tbSi ebaned of earaipg a fate of each in hi. babda.
IHinf terr myaeii
myaelt aaa
aad mother."
. enatendent
sleaapdke prtsodly. at ft V> be '
lie apt ia
.mail uMe
' I the Mile aapport
of hrr family wrre an the i-enler f llie^i
I .-banpiny
J. gr. A£OS%C3-.A^.
BOW to the doorol
log ’juna wa. u. ^In ^r laburTa^
mimny her to the Jug arbmil boaae.
girl (ellgratofol for UU atwaShe bad laaUsrtlve rellaacr ap' a eoonwpret fur bkanmBly Integrity,
ad nrrer met a man ao alWriy
iFOtuinal yrl ao (oodamMlally a
uaium iuirtsdun-d the new. Wiacbar
.'Uic eaprctanl gnuip about the door
ud berried on to hia urgent doliaa
•Atilbin Juna loBoA U
bat ahe bad auppuaed merely a a
romp, proeed in0 aerwal
aerornl _
In..Uno-a US hr n ronloslloo wilb naUro'a
wenponaforravoriwarou. Uaatg'alek.
a auii.-n. dark-browed lad of that age.
aciihar boy or maa. had barn pataararingly "aettlng Urm cm."
ileal yalek waaWof Uree reowuired ieadera NotwiUaiaadUig a B)a•bapen fool thalm
r next In poa-rr wa* a direct eoai uxfuiek. Kub ilariu waa radly-balr*d. >ialck of uora1 aa a cmV
•wluod asid
Ulrd waa a
laak yoaU wlU
I pale. waWrygyraaniIf an'-iagalualmal
Barr beM Jammed
ck an
_____ ___________ ___ ________— .--erior.
He waa aligbuy bent by age that a1ao
Waall imaginr. rea us entering the |
abowad lb the whIW wool that rDCircled bia bald crown.
HUfaiebeamid Kternal.K^Sfdo
with conlenled good natare na hehrld oot mdiridoal ci
ool think of IV Jn_Ba;i|^.j
wide the door, __________
“b^T’el here alnH
go among auch peispfe' .Neverr I i
wearing >-si*-lnaiiy'npon
bloaterdaudrappingdown ' •'‘’““J
______ , 1 bandiminr fne-ao n.iUmiatli- aiuile
cottra oicking
(ll«i«?Mnan. Wh 1
Intbi'J gare wny Us n boral o(|o,^p„^ j,j, eouoWoaDcr aa If
^^a/d hi2r Itober dr fire to.lw*™ '“•■‘i « <»' w«keBed by long '
|, ,b.1 La.l
be'Jld w'^b£*wl(e wh«romefor-'»"««-i“«"'"*ked. In a momeal iuni I
H.. evidently i
rd u, OMI the roller
, wa* hoeeling witn arma aronnd her.
| ed if br was-U-. law u> enter thr
JJ Ibafaeel for.............................
_. I’Si'.i-.ir'*/ ir'“"
Carp^ Cleaning,
good aleak..
■- OSAVUI, riupeWt—.
. d^i7 batter .
CM---------s awah a w^ue
(load ••
-, -.
li Ibefroib p.irk..II ■■ ealt ports...'.
tTo W ■•■mlUlWd.)
cifsir llaaipbry liavy by r. M.r.dfcaBa.- w bo waa aoqualoWd in '
yaau vriU
Ue famonamaaotaeia
Hr waa. if
w-ciB*. laUe haMicd
arlag. la Ua
-vluaioa of bt* borne
toimois un am oainBis.
(Mke Ut BmI Btfbtk auMM.
Owtag tothabardtimaa in gesetal
ad Ue low price of poutoaa In partleInr nad. wlU all. plenty of water to
un oar mill, we bare decided lo bear
wraharoof Ur hanirB anenllaY to the
nelU (nrUrr
era V- Iba. of
and T Iba. mIddUaga
Cheap Homes;ME
or luOHiOAjr.
tbe beat mxeaf^aiw iB thia
Ua alaw. aad If not aa rrpreaonwd ll
e irtaread ton* IVe want your
aadifaquaredeaUeg aod gisoJ
_____ __will
jH get........................
get IV we will bare
- . iv We
are boaad to nleaar yim In doing yonr
Alfred HauUngtoe. oor
muier. baa bad
In roller '
C. A J. Ntinma
NorriariUe. Hiefa.
Farming Lands
SniitMlinMXHi.iiaann|Geod Fits. _
of toBda
Good Goods,
LITTLE AND BIG..'............
........................... FINE ANDC
Chamois skin
....................ALL SHAPi'ES AND SIZES.
; in tBon etbsst.
rr wall wBtrrad by
iBkaa. nren asd brookst
Htroog aoila. fioe <Apa. brolUy eU-
Fair Prices.
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
TieveraaCtTy. Wa are Hw paofB B batola yea rttba
... Uter be ripertasoad aaaoxar
r bw eaoiM
warmth—eaaaBlve wstbU—U
fori ....
.winu^alr af^ ire^M^ hka^^
Ha pat Ua_>
ber Urobbiog 1
- X.
^trtbood. Thai
----. ,
wortd afla'*11.1 Hevn
k a vnw;
Icmg abacBV
Jaaa: atUI I woe
woodsr that yon xeeB •» dagaaV aa Usbrtekqd-^ygTrotMtmueplaaaadusaeeaooldfrieod.aabSe dlaoovary. JUadlag ofir Uo
„U tor BoUer. <sod gfvr a
Bapen ClaytoapaUedToagbly pnat-’tome oa Ue UbUT Ue looaal.of bk
■riiBgtb to do Ui* (or moUer'a roke
the atnager aod placed Ue irembilcig aighuapbad awnag Into Ue flaatoE
giri U her aeai
A. be did ao Ue-Ue eaadio aad takas In. aad Ua
•Tim n-t Kgvr FBXXU *xn *
yoang Baa Rgnrded each other wiU deadag dreiecB Ue esUlag xraa aolU.
OvD EnRat.
I; lookx of proaouBced broUlily alUotigb er Bora Bor taa Uaa Ue fatoeChB at
waa born la a' a word bad aever paarod beta.
bttbatUlBBia-f -las* eowa
ue of dksoadjBMbtdatai
,___ _______
11/ -mdd a*ftoo
oa appear- tara taadered *yBpaU7 tat - TT
Troe BhkproBkaaaj^
WsrvM ta W
bay* thatlUegr^waaloodreptorlta iaterf^
y USB of b
ad VriU
> blgtoBofn
newly fxHea
Wnab.. <
am 1 ao bitterly ponkBed
wroBgadrflIrlag aoai»
“ i ..iT.iTr.G5 SGGss.rsT
variBbly termed
loBBBd lbelropeB.haa
____BBhaarod tbe BetibiUI|i
maaly Irouroa.
door aad Ur
BBdaUgped tarmii to me
___________4bto fiBta.
ShewioBwBMtof laediam beigbv
tat tar alaadar baild aad manner cd
tBudlBg. wiU bead erect aad Urowa
mr ao al^tly back mad piled wiU
rtU. baavy ortlx of dark bnswa hair.
' •» Bata heraaptar of grrov
Her taxtaro* were eTtrman
ly ladaad. Ue taruJ broad taUar
. Ua Boae daUeatay ttralgfav
k aeaxlUva. tbe tall patatod
I aaoWaiac Ua al
itod tod tola XrtiBiiOiBi mill
T^ieplion^ jcf
dkBUag a I^— *•
BoaU waa 1---------------^
xwaev faU Ufa ttot <
hard-ErBlIata. She ex
TK, 'sjaT££;=frsss:cii
3B'ZuGL"~.“iGx;.Si Ul’GGT. Gl.ia’..j;;;:u-a sr.
__dlBplataltaBal h
Livery in Northern Michigan.
rw Bootm. Kapa ate., addroaa
Do Bot go Waal or MbU nntil ytm
B (setter With Ian
na gated at | faabkiBMl prokad Blghwap.
large with mg. arrayed la tUx almpla ec
•tody^ auma prirfoan
natural aclervre la t-_________ _____
l.rary besssk roatlag npoo a Hula UMa
hrr haik v>( BButWeabli
iver wbieb be bant eagerly to pfrtewar
ig u> bia (eel thinking abe. -u. Intricate frublema by Ue llgtil of a
ingtr oBsalr.
,,, .llUraln
- alrragU of brr alroog
naddrnly bl. atUBlloa waa aa^t
were almllarly
a enriuoa phFBOfflcaan. iiatbsesll1 JllBB f.lUght
aa aod eBcceeilvd. but drop, of
ice utiigbl whlcb
dW But look Aka Ua
llow tbr examination proceeded abelnksimun
___nmuD I'
circle of raflecUoB (ruB B
- learabcfl.' Kach auerraafo11 lamp.
He gaud al it wlU .^aaraMag
candidaw rrrrived In doe timr _ . ..
ItwaaBUtaady. yeipBBiatin whi. b Uie g.aid taperlolaad- envaedbe'Waaei
be 'fVaacDiIrrly anabU to ear
id Inleraperxod pererolage* like ..mat (or lu'praaanca
ic ■ iMxIding wlili.mt regard to lleexllaruUbad tbe IlgbV bat itbtUl
order, hut aa Juna
reamlned. aod be waa .(aal Yinttailnr
sentered berOwo|j,| ,hr lltUr eared Uat ahe
murr aod more paxxlad, and waa raaod Ue door oponjrf bat fifty-m a aobjeel la
nlag over maaully ell Ua aMa^Bfi
eecry c(iieallf* paaeiblllilm of aleetnalty. paUrtaad
, B. Oawiii-BOIT iron wiui un-i.................— cbeerfBlor*., abe | bad aoawered rea<lil». eeer
.nalher that bad
not en- light and other aetaallfle ahoaororoa Imol BDon X ImmbMlale roi" t*"" baraalf upon a .mall loung- bnd^d‘eighty IB atsoUrr
C^nroisooi npuD lu immaculate prher face wiU WU ban.ia al-1
i*, li.t .p,* which
rbicb *b
abe had Urea wbea be bacase aerare of a Btw Ueb
The my*lerksu IlgfarWaa aaaoBpBBtad
by aa odor It waa a pacaUaredar; aot
' a type i
K hr, 'tna i doit- aormoBsre. -roa
wn allofukaump. It lx not
sUar like UalyrmEire ap all Ue bappiDeax that ahoaid . ^ rale bat Ue eAeeptksa that llager*
tml^ bat aot' i iio-ftome; (xir ■ aorompaBy
my yoou- Cao I daeotc my |n u,, a,e„oeT
baa been op
Design Work
by (reoklea and had a grvsWaqaaly awk
ward mumnraV Sign I'oaV aaie waa
called oBirrraally. aJthongb la Jnatlee.
Iinowa that bt.giren same w
Wi^ mrrely ;i tool (dr (Jnlck a
Dhiae pwirroad raro qnalitUa
„■ diatnrb you' trrod mtid
at wool
lid. aadar (arorabia eireBBii„. .up. rioWnrtent. lie
alaoera, blioaom
oalaaSaa a trio of
i pr, wilB la/T. melt- rllibn.aa-tbr autapriaoaaooald ahow.
blark hair aod mua’
- - of Ua «lai*)ef
la 1 ome wiU wboa we di
d.ltoUyasle. '
at bk aide BO aorely dktf—
Aant I'rae aet Ura a
wber* Jaa* parted (roa h
; ST'-br Ua baa ten tava tahaa Ua
xeatpa ofni wolvaaaadaaay i jila
-Wbeoemr aay leataa of wolvaaor aay»
lolaa on bsaadfitapata k Ukaa oal
troabta b bar darUkbWHbleOBgB.’'
| toaod aa aaroayor rtaaa ta bad f]^
^*^o*tab taae daabaiowobda
arttor oto «U la law.
Bnrhsriafseary wot sloppy opo^ of
A* tor taotoMO
wostber sad oeorybody that boa say
posood thstsbeobolof---------------Mwmj 0«anl Maywrd tm ^ be lofsl (Mar (or oso dollar. wooM It boaUv to do_^sokUko rooblht
iNiittthU ih* mU-Mm Mw
After a lout. «eU. aler^ wak<t
teO. iMt Mtonm MPita WTttMTserlag. Ur. aad Ura. Wias
e' ****'■
tarti .fUokMB .rttbta On Ur« mil*
UbII. bat bopaod UBt IIbH meb imHp
nt look oat for tko etb«r.
It la t
fmt atop toorordt olttaM neoiraltk«sfOBb»M»trMeeaslfr.»aa bow
U tl» rarolBtlealtta as boM oot a few
Fioe MerehABt Tailortag.
bn-noa 1. Tor
g.f Ihr tart
MMHif in (MX. That ItohoU beaolaw-j
hU lor atVFeiwoa
keep uy'pacb.
Ibbtiataadltbaotassfreostile oc- alBoad, aprieot. plam.-proM. dMory.
)b..CbaaFbalalo«Wys><*- .
Cte. Box it woriilBf for A. Bok;
- prar lr«r mfmded with.
partoBoo or OBO boh
Barry Ktoketseo b woridsf for Asa to topest la s borry.
lows, black kauL peach ruarttr or .
Mkkoroos of Blsir.
bllfbt or to offer for ale or ahlpnrat
Bob Aafoll sad baDy bseo ao<
or to alUorioeblpanir o» ibr frolv
thereof, rxe^ttbeimllof the plaia.
iato tin SortoB bosoo
ONWf. BIse of Hoatos rioltod
aod'^UeolBiecled aboil
Ur. Atooeb ioit Tooodsy.
aad fsnlMn. aBd*M*reperi _
' atpobll.
oapebllc b
------------------- .
Urm. Mis Boariek e< -Bortlstt la
tar eaa hoadrcd tblrtyoaa. pobiaafter proriM.
No damapa I
lie ecu of elffalMs beadrad rixty
. be awordrdjB aay c-oart la tbcg
otsylsf with bar slotar-lB-law.
Blaa. ratltiad "Aa aet to protect
Usbti Bcboll b set folof I
riacyardolB tbeouuof Hiehifan.’
» Blafoloy soy a« st^aoOBi
perU of Ueee. orfriiit If door la te-1
Mla Loss CrotUtor of UoaroeCoB*
daace wlu tte prorl.iotft of ttuj
noutad aUtoUa
It tbtll ta the doty of reety per- ^
at toon at be becocact awtre of the |______ Btbel sad Blob Baball ssd
ileacc of tccb dltette Is ear tree.!
LlbbUSsaodaroof Wortord riUtod it VicMpon recta. .That any peieos wao
aballamor ariaeyard. orrtard or farUr. SeboU’e loot Friday.
dea. darlBf tbe aontbeof My. Aof
AbootSftoas Isdloaoad twofestlo- net. dMUDber pr October, wltbonl tbr
. to-eathlp o
ass of Elafiloy rioltod Ooso A Crot- " ^
• rich,
• - .Ukr.
tekr or
r i^we soy of tbit ttate la whicb toeb euau
oerb esapo «»r alia
or la.wbW
______ lo talicee tbey ritot or flaajrer,.
or iBSay wloe lojorcor datroy soy
may br joMly topiebradcd of their, la-,
bstb, UM. rise or plsat. tbsll be foUty
irodnclinn, li ■.titll.ta tt^duly, of,the
aL^enwsoor, sad os cooTlctioB
thereof ohril ta paotobed by laprUon- uiwatbip b.erd. 01^ city onunoil cue to<n
Bart Sob^ has a'aMhenu.
•Mt rifhMofOvia. ThtawlUftUim
thm rml«\k>aMi of £•)» wd
to M^ovporM tmi p»oon*
Mp^iMOf»UktBd».BUltlCIWof ww
pruriiUeff aigenra (or tt
tics of tbeoamaad V.. repal act
somber uba baadted twelre at tbe
pWtoacrtecrfrirhteeo boadred all
bat boss wtad-boaad
thMw cMdldM* •
Might amoei pearb. pica ekm^
will tw. wall with
SpoiB li ABC17.
apsis KoofTT.
OWtod aistaaforrae<«BUIsc tbs MUpaa^ofCalB.
PoUowlBt Ibe SBMNsnammil of On setioa la tbe sessta.oa Friday.sfrost BobV »•«»■
BBifr OF VfORKU A Kdiur.
FIKK AKT18TIC snxra^ AMDAPBBraerm.
T. F. HonoB boa boos oa (b< tiab aaatlB Uecoutyjall not aore than
llaat b asklaf bh ponau
orbybotboneb flo
oad frioadis few dayi^
scBlBot On Usltsd Htsloa ssd ths AaOllb Uoifsa boa boss rialUsf bar
ru o'
Uirty-oDa of tbe pobllc aeu
frlesdSIUWoot for stow days. .
a^ls boa toefoUas bow quick it wot
ooB boadred olxty-olne. entitl
Uis Hsiblaa boo boea qslU olok (or
aet M protoct Tioryarde in tb>
ieraee«Blie bsUifvsat rifbu of tin
tbe past week, bat b sow batter.
ofUiebW- ' talof arction Bis.
aosthera oeafodatsey
St ^he ^beosk
Ula WIlBierTrsTbesiseboBM
aad one boadred and alnety flrr
WllhiB OBO BOBth
oftha rabelUea.
(roa TrsToroe Oty whore ebo bat
■tlsr tbo ottnilBf«f aoBMr
sttssdLsr tobool.
Fnaes, sad Spsia bad sU raeoa&iaad
Urv Heaey FSe tokos to Abb Arbor
April 11
(ha rifbu of tbs soBtb Is the frost i«loot WodBMday wbore tbo wlU bore as
Bor. Ur. Baba sad (saUy bare
nored tsok to Britaer wberetbey will LB set to praraat the ^tasdinf of
tbe oaotohaatroaiUaro brief sraodBoko tboir boas bbUI at
bnab. riae sad troll tree paU, OBcb
oaaaker worai oad other taaecu.
tbo spoUlBf ocbeob a Wodsa^
adsBspolofyforwoTdi attorod Is tbo
and foBfa and eooUfloa dtoem^
oroBlBfi sro woU sttaadod by teth eU
Oalled AUtoo ooBSW da ---------- OBd to ptoTide lor....................................
oad yoaof. Tbo selfbboriBf eeboote
Srxnox 1. Tta JV.j.lr
Ihr .Spur
iBritod to ooao sad epril
Utaxpon riKin. That It eball be tbr
Ofsloat BoitBor tcbool. bat at tbey
dsty of
ereiy owae
sot sreept the laritatloB we tblffc-tbey iplerofaaor-orabard. aureeryor rlneysnl.
or of load
where fruit ireaar tIow- are
ir-"oad tbo ocbolsa yoeaf. frown wlibla the oUte. to spray willi
Bpsis orill Isae the tarifblaet Jcwal la
tbo oldwt ataoBt n. bat Iboy fot to tbr lead] of auffleleat alreofftb tudmtrei
froBt when It eoaa to spolllaf.
eadi Injoriota laaeU or eootafficxir
Hoyor Ftsfroob
dtoeoaea. all fruit treee or eloee (nawn
onoacb loadi which may ta laf - '
htatdsy wso Usyor Bsoea :
: fmbday.
D.Vsoderboo/^b eery sick; we hope iaf
lalarioui to fmit or fralt
ledopot by Uoyor
rlsa: fVirrWrd, TbatBooucl'
•prayiBE ahsll tadnar while aaid fmli
________1 who oaeortod bla to Pork
•------> or rian art la bloanoB. except in
FiBOO hotel, tbe Boyo' band ftriaf bla fTouad yaterdsy at 10:M. FJrooaofhl
of canker worm.
a wslooae
Bere be was vet by s la Utt roof. Tbey «»ad a few thlsfi.
la say lowaabipof Uila oUtr
dxc. S. lossy
where each iBjarioat laorcu or oosU
Urt. UcElsloy sad Ur. Wales, of yloue dtorsM arc ksown to extol or ij^
bf Fbrk
sad riUtcaa. Oae'bf
_________________________ 10 krrFlBftwa. Beatoe Harbor, who bswAaea .rialt- which there to ffuod rraeon 10 talirTr
Ur. a W. Uoera. of Delredt. aodsdoo- laf tbelr tlotor, Hrs UorrsU. asa rw
ossae of tba local eoaaluea. Att40 tbra^hoae.
' I Mwai^
be the—.
doty of
Ur. Fraa <00 wsa klllad isetoatlyby board, npoe ttt petitioa of at It
Oir Opors ball wao aowdod to tbo
dstra. IXWeraorabalaf la tba taaOd- a-fslUof llab Feb. So: while eattisf
lc«ofar8. B.Otbon. BelaraswUr _______ __ eaSd MWBiJilp a
lyaoald Botfslaadi
UOB. A Istfo aaabar <aat is tiaa aadoseb^. Ur. FrsaeeB wsa a Daar cioaera. wbo tbsll bold oSo
platan of the board, and
tbo auToaadLsf coantry. Ur. Plsfroe
of mppolotiBataod of reencotloi
' OBpi it was tbo IsTfoot sad teat
I e'etoek toAay. Uto
sees rsoepUoa be e««r bad. For
At Rock BoMcm PriaaoL.
aie X'xoxh.^ staboet.
*l\ber'buei^r*taaDeU. ur'asy c
thereof, to appulst liwibwitl
cptaprleal ftw.holdec» «f -aid towtrtbip
« duriap ibepisaton-of »
______ , • city council, tod tocb or
of appolulmeBl and of rerocatlue
■DIored at Itive uy»nor elly rreordt: I’r— v'-l.
.•W.M tball contlBBC ia^'old 1 Wc“unu"
and •firiItaeli tacec»»ar»tretpp.'i
tSed: f'n.Wrtrif. Tbtl ia —..................
tkniete baec already taee aopJioled
rat the tpreadisff of l-o.li, »i
fruit im petu. tucb commitw,
.. S. It than ta lUr duty of ttid
-'la Icpi daye tfler
•rid. to die tbelr’
St ta aforetrid
of tte tame «
of tald towstliip. orcUv.aaa arid clerk
tutll ta.cr
elrrk uf aid bucod of
rrt tad be that! krrp-a
d of tta pnxerdlnp
of .«a«l . =
board ia.a book (u lie proTided fur tbe!
I j a few Fur Robes and Coa^ which i -will ckxie ont
I j at greatly reduced prices.
The Laige Piece and High ..
^de of ■"Battle Ax" ^ iijured
the sale of other' braniK of higher
pnees and smaller pieces. Don't
-allow the dealef to impose on you
by saying they are “just as good”
as "Battle Ax,” for he is anxious 7
to work off his unsalable stock.
A good line of Blahketu at rery low priceti. -.
A lot odd sizes Glores and Mittens at half ^ce.
Oi-str Frost sal Oui tUooU
Traverse City Sanitarium.
l/t.irtiMTle yixnc'a rkinlforiirm.I
t^bfc ri mid coiainiwiooeio. or either 1
.>■’ toern.
it bran are l>N.k that e
them, wnica
which tntii
than oe
ta t
0 part Ul the
. . _1
record, of aid towaiJiip nr city.
' tbtll ta the d
rrlliwith, rmplnylnj all
er.-ry i
any -uor ofttrri,up';'^T«‘
OB. or without enmplamt. wliearrer
■rhearrer ...
a htTiJw.inr Tolomr docly lllaa..
dolTOOlu Ibrlr notice that ellber^uf tba j
an<l iipclr^i^lnyrli
pari- if troea to I- »
dltratrt known a'yeli.twt. b:ack
Ihr i.j
-barge tgcii
peach roatteor petr'bMgbl exUt.
i-lianc- f.ir inert) and
and for IBc
uppowd lu exitt within ibc Udiia.
bon-y cflly right .
tteir.*own»hip. rillage
.pii.- I?*”*!
or city. C. .p
to tb.-iB at lia.v lor particutarv.
ihrjr agcal
oeed wilhuot delay lu cxriolni- the Irm-s '“‘"r'
urfrelleappiwod lota ufouted, and U
r tad all lire
tte diacaw- it fouBd to rs»l, a -dhCn—
^^rk tbtll ue placed upon tlu.. ireet. and the owner, aotidml
lally. or-by
r-by a wrilteci ii.ilbs
ii.ilb^ Irtl
■ss.S'.'r.’T, S'S‘;
(oBilty bkn tba tyapsUy
o( aU
•.I mwxamwUaa u-ai.w •> *>.b euu>eaa aceMHaUaea
The Trarerae City Kaallariom will give free ro«»ultatioD aad r
' ’
ridaya. A amall riiarge made f.
. .______of tte II
er bod Burar la tbeCopk County Hartal. I'bk-xgo. U*U|>rrlDtendeBt erf auror
aad will be la atusdaBce at the otb>-e In Markhain llloch e.cry aftorBouB.
. —lualation* loor eril on
n-»id.su by lea.lag
le pertuu la cbxrBr u(
•r pm>>u • b'l tta'
.u.'h di-rtOMritreil
a muklriuetitc
ex'", with an ctnlrr W cffA-ttaHy nut rx.-rorUo,
uiiru.'t uu 1 .ln.tmj, by fire, or aa.tbe
cuimuiMioucr •ball onlrr. tbe trrea •«
ourkad ta dnlgaatnl, or tucb pan,
thereof, within live daT.. Koada\-» excrpteil, from the ilali' of tbr arrxtca
_ luc
OtM- of
feeiad. tucb notice Aball require
•hippnh dt.pi.
peTKin la wboae ao-.*r<-.Uin or
ahall t
'. tbaaablaet baiaf nsialyla.
toot tssstloB. la tba.way of asoiala
IttbtU bribe doty of
itfnsd brasBd firifbla. atratosr
«erm wittiB tea dtyt stiw it to found to ImmcdiaU-ly dralioy
Tbe aUl ahatdows Uot wak ter rebr donr, • ur
oforcald. loaieweir
to eit tbelr a-ar. or aoa ic toI b<
ipolBtaeot Moforcaio.
Ufbtiaf prtoa sad otiMraiailsr
eeploacc of tte came with the clerk coiaialfaiQnrr,_niay dealruy th
Ussy axssUast polnU wa
Arid ootue'aBduirdrrtu ta aigaed by
aid Mwatbii
Uro. Closfb. who ba boas a Ite
Ba sbowsd that dlraet tsa
one c»
ek liat for tbe paat tew weria. b be tx afir*. clerk of aid board of
Ne. . r.. In •••e any pemon
liai. BO MUST bow hlfb. was bat
mtorioacao. aad he tbaU keep a ec
able to ba oat ofola.
re^ of tte proeecdiofft of aid board ' Lsuee>ted Inxny tree or tn-a 1
tmaU BSttar wboa ooBSsred M U
tartoa. at thle la a book M ta jwoeldtd for tbat per- rd to ta dralnic'ed •hall feel aggrierml,
assy aaariraty hlfb ladlraot taa
preterre all pa by aoeb order and ahall tallm '
plea tbalattor part of tba week, bat pas, and tbaU tie aad p----------------tetwaa UriadapoB tbepablk. E
pert ytalningM ltadntlett^agtkjiit «ifch trea err not ao dirraaed. hr
sffsd sttasdsana 1st priasria sad ! by Boaday It wa Ibawiaf.
Bor. Hr. WstUae ptoaebed bare Soa- ttem. whiS’Si^'^ia^ oflf? r
-la tbe t.
. grata osrc ie aalaetlaf poblle oflanch treeaare ritoaled. wh
doy ftocB tbb text. Wbat hleden rell- ordt of aid Mwntblp
Usla sad IiBialstonI who bad tlaa
•hall tprc-lfy tbr pan of aorh
8ac. 4 It ehall be tte duly of «
fkmS Two wakatroaeasdayba will
astuais tbelr powtr a
der to wbi-h objection ia made and. I
adaror to fin a
rt^t particular -trre or Irrc* Incloded
(Boa arila a reaoedy.
I eoma M tbelr notice, that say orebanf. ,och order which it urlrimrdarr
Hr.Ptafrafasd tolaeea tha'ddo
•o dlaeaad and ahall irqurat an exam
troll trow or riaa ore'lnfated with M
p.ia. C A W. H. tisla a bla Uae
oakor worm or otter tajariow iateeu laatlun of aucU tree or tree* by, all of
Ualtad. bet ba aw eaoofb of Trarera Doeaof
aiiou. wittio tteir okl ooaimtoaloaem. wfaicfaauUcr ahal
ed paperiy. Uro- Daae wUl be ia tbe.
bo oerred petaoBally opon each of aid
Mwathlp. M proeead withoal delay
. Olty to laprta bla raty (arorsbty.sad
sad will fta It Um bat of enmlae each crehaidt or rl^ardt. commiaioarT, wittaia tbe flee daya
ba ba pto^ad aecae ap and fo
the deulrneUon
................. - of
• aid —
sd to ta Infated. aad If each is- cireo
dridaf la Usy. Fimak Frtodrieh. who
aad It ahril lbarru|k>a br the duty
_ pr
- coataffioua
. __
had tla BsUa la ehsrfs. w to be eoeell of aid cummiminnen. wbo hare 1
are fonod to exitt. tte o
loperMOallr examlur
fisalsted opoe tbeascnaef blsefBotited penosally. or by a <
tin left at fato oaaal place of
_______jf Or ti ea a aoon u practica• dartotofia ibo
tte fToaad Jhoat four o'clock that or it tbe owser ta a noa-reridrat,
aad wflbii aitfiee day. and if a
of all ttecuDmiuh>oera •.hall
mcwBlBf. Fire eaofht Icoa a defect lariBff tbe aoUce with tte pereon _ ma>ority
ebarpottbe treaorrioa. OTtt-or agree tbat
hat xaci...............................
xuch Ire* or treeaaie ao di,
la tte atlmaey. Be expaU M rebuild
eopaatocrflbe laada apoa w_________
. tbry
tbey ahall older
Uia as
trea or riara ahall ta fousd growing. lr.troyed forthwith by tbe 0
Jat BOW tbe inar qscaUoa to dm
Tbe notice aball coataie a aimple aute- •cmtodlaa tterpof. bot If a majority
meat of tbe facta u found to exitt. •hall dacida that •.
wltb aa Older M eCectoally dalrpy
Vbryiaf ofiabM a sa held
Injuriooa InseeU or wqymt or eontaMrs. WlU Oww to well affsia.
atsks.bat I
gioBadiaeaaa bjaproyiag each trees
taymoer Owes to qoltc akk yet.
^ to be osrctBl fa we bar >hsd ta
or rioa -wltt a -potooaou eohiUoe. or
B. r. UoPaU WMis Troeetwaty I
iaowol eoatagloaadlaeaw tocffectootba*n
asA faa work already,
nrily diainTeei^ld dioaecd trea or
it sssas to ae tbat Mo at Aot tbe
1 tatlBOt bert riao. witiila aoeb tis» tmui tta date
B. F. B<
of tbe aorrim of tbo 1
tosero aball dralmte. aid eo- refuae o
DaU 9obbaW to aofferiat (mao a tfask- ttoe aadcadarto
ordtato ta oiga^ by tte fall
Ose tblBf. Ibea ate asay wbo a
Bar. A Wbaueear
Mn. Bany UUler to riritlsf with
Wthlak tbat If wefstplaty of 0
Ira. C D. Pools
little diaersaa bo
sfect t^ orchaida ' Csrad by Dr. MUea' Nervise.
B. E. Fotoy. o«r dttafftot. wsa
Trl^hoae V4; Bight or day.
•. ^
di^lare f.w each f
Inr fur ra.-b half
• aad c”
Kow tbe bollha ia asUar dollar to
snctb bat little aore tbad M ees
Sikd tba bolasea. to qsota tbe orordt of
-repreaato tbe
■ pawar ol*^ people.’ tbe power
tbat tOaaU worth of rilrar abi
Aad if tba peepio foatob tbs power.
AaU Uey Bot fot tba boscbt of tbe
added niM?
My 1^ weald be tide: M pBM
atqalrlaf (be 6ce'y of tbe Troaaory M
paehaae all allrer bnlUaet ila our.
bet ealaa wWeb iball act be fiater
Asa lu oolB TBloa. aad pay for
«sr praaat kladofi
soaBbetoeoada tbe
balllaa tba po rebated aad tbe foeerw
seat eDBldpayMtt8peBaiaBe,.aUrtapaadp -
abali hare tbe ri^f^ power M ei
t^aay i^all pramtoa wUbla tl
If aay owner, townahro otf'
ttto law a aet fortt la tbe pree.—
and wlttlB tbe tiON tbera_______, -« Botexoaed—,
oe inwtooBed la tba cemnty jail sot
tae alriffbiBU by baaUlar la tbrir kfa
Be^ HeniBffbm boa ttt baser of
drswlair tta laryat Mad. it briar Ua of the coart; aad aay joatiee of
tbr peace of tbe towobl'p where each
what ttoraall a **pa
trea or riaa auy be growing a’-"
woeth «> ballioa M tbe mlat. haeo it
Joba JobasMi’a feUn baea a ewry etek
aeiadtraofcbaife.tba<BaxlBf tbe
peoptab powri worth (Oe. to bla. bat' baby.
Ur. Onib
aaa set aa Ibo potak U ay oplakii
a aoalled«aarsrbaf”toa aseh ( epltoa BOW that tba aw lap are all
ta oeoMod aa‘fold bof.’ aad tbo
aesopoltoU of oorcaDtrydoaet de(riot atiU «s
•orasay aere atarbaado *^-p
U (carifB eoaatrla U tba
Saa Uyeet aad Lea Wlata ooilied
U Omasa laat Sesday. They rapart
the nade U a Mrribty alopiiy cnsdlttm
aad trseellacalmaataa Impoeetl
Nor matt show ter (eaU Lata
>ad tbe —t-f ap 1
Ubethto.tba(lf oa.
s laor prvridlsB ftp fta aetoafo
aaa aid tna
treea or riaa to ta effocu-ua aolatioi
a ahoold re
ogatl BfM
ary aid (or that parpuw. and tba
paoaa for tb« oae aball be a charge
agolMt tbe Mwaablp. aad fur aid
haffiaaiaff (a took a UHla aosMta. oa
I taaUocrodIfcraerriceaBder tbto
„ Iwodolla) tor eorii tall dak. aiKl
ooc dollar far oh half day. a^ tbrir
removi-aid Hl'^-ari^l
lock in ,-on)pliaoc<-
1 must close out my line of Heaturt in orderjto (nakc
room for spring goods. I>o not fail to look them over
if in want of a Heater.
.nf •llkliw. »I |.|f I., llw Ur.ea T.».
e order of
aid <-.imuiiM.ioneror
Srx «. Allot act number npe hoedeed and* twelre of tt>I
pobli.-acuof ogeicta ano aoows
eighty hundredykad
huadrm' ad ninrtr-Uirer
aad tta ame !• heiwbr repenh-d.
This act i. orJeruld to take Immi
W. J. H^BBS,
______ or iBfealod orrburda or elag- ao,i
yardaler] frorntbeoWBeroftbeprem- teal acria. 1 cu
toa oe wfakb laid Uea or riaa may tuugataTtnrmytaartdsurranbw- aaacUoaerf aaampali.'MriTdri.aadltaTayeaaettaakttat
aball Bot ap-: amallretoday -
Traverse City, Mich.
146 Front Street.
ApproTi-d Mar 4. I-.;-'.,
•jiitKi-xu ii:i'iTi-«-aaMJ>-
Lumbering Tools.
An act to proridr for marking on park- a
ogee derigaed for tbe •hipment of _
cgrtala »pecified kiade of frail, the
aamWVof p-OBcto wbii'heo b uf aid
packagra ttall contain
Sr,-Tiot I. ,Tlu
MliKiv ni. o,m. That all raaa
of peach-l-afckew and
- ignal f-rr 1
BLs’DINGCHAI.NS, ETC . ............ .
/A" /fW «/ lowest priees.
. '^ovnjL.Qxrsi.
197 rFoatStFMt.
ttca lodJrw-t moll, ti abra tte heart ti ^ tWlBiri in •aclf hq.krt
Ao.r macTufaCtuter nf...
afaewd. Thti «u tta euw or ita f
peach 'ba.krU.'or other
r. Surface. Fa«a Blrcr, tteb.. who
i pa-'kagw, dealgaed
tte ahindirat ,
nada to ta aadltad aa well aa
V cAa^ wd dtobwraii^eaU 'a^; ttT^^
ttto act by the towaUp .board. aU of taart 1
crbltt coata. ebarga axpeea aad dto- • I Md
aball ta reeoeered^^ '
irgn. and''di<.biiramriiw undiT
notoeJyagwrt. ibr bfUe and w
Tiarerae (Ky. Mkb.
sjrs’u.“is; Nervous Prostratioh
Tiseene aiy toat weria
Ura. Oarlet Forbaaaa't fatter aad
rtar. of Ktatea aty. are ririUaff bare.
Coaaty O
W. Brajamla rieitad oor aebool ttday.
Uio. Walter ttootfe ^Ur. Ura. Kk^
eteoa. of Tiaeane CHy. to bow cm a
Hr. aad Ura. Ptaak Sbaurwaat M
Traeoca Oty Uoaday M aUead the
waddiarot Ura. Bbalorb atoWr. Hba
Wiabiartoa'e birthday tast ealemicd here by oae of tbe Bleat daaea
eeer ffirea la tbit place. Kem A Boyew
tBofOS. Itay wUI tare
of tbe
Markham Hlnvk.
At cost
du-uon there-
. f
taat jurWu lion- ttaU ta haeo aoi loa .
than twenly-6rc dollar, nbr more than a., or
. due and cata are paid.
General Blacksmith ing.
to-a«4 » ta wrw-»ia '
1. a (> irtw
ra..w la cr I,.' .i.in«nA be ita p»nni
brrehr rrpraled.
Approrad May SI. 14»:
• T- '»• /J.-'-.r.erT-rfi-r
ei... u.a< ri • ia>eiiaa .d
! arT or offrrTo all' ac-h' ba»kdu or
Wheels, W^ons, and' Buggies.
ti~-iA a CAOn>>
AU Work Warranted..
New Shop on CaioD St
No. 51, Front Slrf'^et.
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultk
...iBtha rafflw thwa
f' f
raed.. Tbeh
Tl»aeMtQumj'uIIWlli»titube«B ,
U»o» brief eat t
^»y^pl»r»alatbr*e«U»CTap«rt ol t
fiwwl^tnf t^t Jene'lflh._________
renary M the diacorery of the North
Aaerlran coaatl9 Jida aad
Cabot ia H»T. •
■ •
rmcfa baubel Itclnrj •
lVba«»et. • •
run. Sophia JJOOK of Hhrlbrrtllr,
Treat A S>« ot Ci>1Hiral«r recraUf lad- ho* rotrlTed a IrUrr laailta fron
borer btdoi to oor fins. lodiaaapr-lM laturalSr brr itelKt.Jtoj-inf bone btdn i» 1 new ln<l«»u«t <iou <rs» bor)«d ia I ws> la a lot hi SkrIFS-rTt. Th* tree 1
bfrlUe. b; tVilllaoi arrrii Wllaoa. a
U> tbr tit;.
reUtivr Bcm la a Soalh ABrriran prU
Tabrmilaak biiaUle br fwaraleot
a Mc.ffamunnur ibr'roae »| th« bone lur Hbr OB- The letter wm flren to a
taped vrsTleV Seareb will be
frrbtr idIs<M »l loprrr. ud tbr osUrr
c auddea
for the bom;.
herd villbrfcIllMl.
death of hUaiater. aeWtf
olftHatiaC ae nebers at
lew rraebrd him. reeled aad
w^ipf a yooap vocato
K cbBioh «(t tAw at; aac are a War M
In thearmaof the prieat.
■ from e
the time of .’bla dea
I WthanhKtooorhird *
liel tlaycrof Norwir Coea.. w
the t'alt.
}. ■ 6o»eda;««co f reddir Vaa Si«*la.a , „p,T„ur baada- Ilpwme tbra ahot the oil
- , . Ctrroaaab?. waa droirtird la the tirer ; eta-rly through th. luaffaaad he wlU
( glthatplarr, mad dtapllr all effuru tOi^i,.. VhrriT and hi« frlrnda '
Id point of are
Bad bU po.lt It if alia nuamf.
i» frtfbtra l>e<tte>
aad .had beU oSce
TforaiiUle more than 4f■ i[
At' Utadiof. ttbilr rattJi.t wood' iutid Hraort. a firlcl-ird t
ir yean
'^txidna.lay. li.vio lUrt. a farm.*-, re , ,,ft the Soon an earl; boar
(I orireda aetrrt injnr; ofi.............................
Ol the bead froB
linf. witna load iff fenr
f a failiar limb llcaib
b ma;
Im rcaalk
chandUr for bUatore. Ilixal
.lelfh^ap la bix laboratruy la Wrat
ThomnaA. Ediaoa aneeeeded
act Uallet frop there
led ardcr Ihr rix.la. Help waa neal al
la Ibe •ofltbrrn paJ-1 <
ra fi^
the Koeptfearaya
baod. bathe wax dead when rztrlfat'i . the atetr.. dial
ll>al ithrat alna- fa aellfn
bea. tb- ny-a barinf penetrated a
ed. Iliaxaldbe'armaamn.-wbaU^zifoeaa noth aafoud ha; did a;oa> af
hea«y rardboaid aad ealranlxed fiber
TwtM when the accident cocuyeed.
' At iiaaaiar. tironrr hirJll; afr.^2
TbT'rrtfa------. ->Tl"fai
lentlr bv.k plated bolder.
jwarm. B Pfunlnrot haarball and
baa not bree a lawyrr in the
Wll plattr. iliori TbuiadaV norik^f r
Kuxford, Me., a plaoe of e
aerr-hant. oowercr.
- aoaed froia rzoraalre cMrcIt aerr-nant,
eery p<ori|aaUty. ATew
rral yean, and laat week the
tbr Woman aoht her cow. 1
Two flartoB jnto
the awB'a fnrod.'
:Mne far ma infTSjtej
UtabratbrtlmberlroBtheluf.. .
It Saanrial coadilioP ei
,y r-lnrneil il.
<au Ihrm, aharpeaa them. poliaKSt aad
buaUlnf eomaonily. .
aaylpf oh« eopld But eat aa.h pxirMoff
parka then ' '
aa that.
Hallinftun Hootb la makinf plana for
aliin«a of Uicbipan
an independent America I alralioo
' "
Thi Kerenth nay .tdrealixU^f I
naatr mapinir an effort
army of which be and
. bla
-ia wife will be
wbow aaniarium
arium Ta
*ia Hint
orfanluUon (or 'uutaal tie Creek,
Danced the dedaHe anDoanci
haa beccar world wid.
-idr.-aod who the Iradrra.
' pralecUoc and broeBt.and arlUfoud
d branchea in ion to xtart xurh nI more_____
------------ - • -.ar.-M.dar. but it will be aeeeral weeka
fore lie rati tell Joal on what baaix lb#
llrrraiarre and other tiuoeaa of
BoarellII an afllalinf the (|oeaUna of the ialahdof tbpri.'Inxifblof Ml. Ve- wo'k will be nmieruken.
aaln^ a Ivcr nanb-r uf Cofllab xariua and elfhtaen rntlra from Kaplex.
aeu' rffa for the pprpdar ol ralatarlaa The property curl
Jatuub. aye: ] eaaat. aad the eropx la a fnat many
Uat dMtorb-, loeaHUaa hare been ralmw)
Hrrda of
luciBi naiad- latoch ^ aarriBf aad dyicf for waal
aad Japaa wU kuea th* total
o* Aaf Vuotlroly
ouaUrolF ai
. ‘ll^ofbMalHyim**-Irea. aa'th*
_ ,_i»fbBoraI
lb*ialaodof JtMOBly.
BUUaf Clara Bar- ii^kt.
11-. x^—11-. n^
, ;e;
dMtrUmtrrelwf tothe aaScrara. Mia-, qi^
later TerraUiroomn^ed Mia Barton
a Sclamlik.
aad rwrty
- '
play of coorafe and obedwncr. aband-' lifhtrat wor
X waa my cmidittoa
pnbliahaa a dia- <med tha reran and with home richly ; when I befi
■kc N >.
and a
Th* Lopdoo---------,----------£r that th* kinf Sr* pararnfrra. laadrd xafrly aV tbr I few bottlrx______
axe than wax
• •
___________ i-x-y-Z ll«bthouaa The reaacl .went'down.
| briof bewefitteff:
. rontiaord the
Praacia J. Ilaot. an old arttlerOlod
Sunk*, la dead. Tvcnt;'
foar /eon afo be iauffeied
panl;rtla and had
apeak bat tbn«
The -i.iw woman'' town of' (be
bnmb la at thr rrr; end. I'nri' Aua
_0 aod.niblrdlr baa |bat dKlincU.io.
■a err*7 boalaeaa houar (a either ran
WaUhr McF.winf of ronperrille «
ino yeara old Monday. He U a Sc
aad went toxea when Imt 11 yrarx
afr. Hr aaiUd for M yran and. lia>
wide and raried arrii-x nf Uira b> t..
ofaeallle. He wax declareil a citurn
of tbr I'uited Satex in |xl>. aad In
latii hr coal hia firal rote (or W. II.
lUrrUoB. lie bax uwd Hobacfo
l.aja and hli
hia federal bra!-'
btaltti Ujjrod.
!d"t^*tl'iraa'l^*i!^^ !r fUm*’’ <
aoati/'p^^ ^nH^'^i^rir"A
ty la poated the toflowiaf notke:
••WaBted.10 trade, abota fora male,
or- male for a hoaai dealt moke Buch
dlBereaer which. The Idra la thfa: I
bare fot a h.tne asd a male, aad J
waal two Ola kind."
prraldrDt wax xoacepUlilr pt Ibe wllfx
nf enemy nan. what nmid be ezpeefed
of th* p-xrw gtrla who are )nat coamoe
ryiaaid PU* 6u* Otiraa rUai Per.
by Curlag th* Oaoaa.
ball of light abual Ibe aloe of a
_j-x bead.which rlaex to tbe height of
U feet aad Uiraaioka into Ih* groo^
haa eanacd ^ end of eacitemdot at
-ttn^. ■nme,
lake rand wax nrrerxraa before. The!
Mow ia the Th ir-liy uf Kalamazoo
afaeicd xrllh s Uyrr.if It.. which
qala a carirally In that part A( tbe j
.T'S I-,-™M.
• a* in
xaT.i^l'^ Sa*^
__ kDx^'r^jT'oSi
_ ] _..^Umra____, ...____
ixuiA,,.,. xnAmuxT. hi-a ~T-: Major Dean ^Cottrmbna. Ohio. taya>
wxbi. !»•“ 2^-1 wkhtuadMVUienaaberel eettlS-r^mrarrrrai .aj
beneffla derieed troa
krffrid. a.
»"ria. Wberair 1^1 from pile* f.xr forty yoara aad tram
«al aWetrie hirwl girl awakrarr.
n*r!^IU ia?S.i'SriSitt'’i*J?5Swt33!f^^
laraitfan aotualyaronara tbe girl bat
at the aame laiUot Igaltex tbr kin^-
spparalBt It aoraaetad wlU a
bim et’’^ F^Mld Pile*C^*baa^?
BECMISf'thte stock twsbouglit-
, Oeaeral tVeyler'bax baaed a prOclama-
.Tis I
Siaua a^ after a mammolh anWic I haadlU.
Rwpiwta rraeb the Cbited
. _
battle toaybt lean
b attacked
I BWtea
Cuba. wbi£ mailed
All the world over
__________ WHY? because this sale is linriited and
Jfaolfng. anU gMtarpMe.
Pt-T—raraaaararax gOOdS mUSt be SOld quIck.
This sale is the only genuine
MONEY SAVER in the city.
It will be to your interest to
call and see us.
■a air alwsm-rradr w'taar'tarzr J
mbraOeU. trwlaeK. oxxxf in/lmmrd
•aryaeaa ke»t^ wUh
rm]fU*tui/ eoxtya F-XTHACT
of the best grade of all kinds of
Dry Goods
, W H y ? because we do not make special
laaraaarafaa pfices 00 Staples Only, but make
" .
our entire stock a specialty for
bargain seekers.
OanulM madt 0*1; by «>OM(rS EXTRACT £0.. » FHth Aranur. Naw yx'k
120 Front Street,
Markham Bloek.
If not
aod Robes.
Mut dip ol winiei tn to cm:
why not
GnTMirsell a fooil Far Robe. buy one of those handsome Overcoats when you can
•t ysartea at ndutd prlcaa buy them at one-third off, which brings the price
way down to less than cost? No other investment
Wilhelm, Bartak & Co. will pay you such enormous interest. 'We have yet
some good bargains left in light, medium and heavy
Come oDe, Come all,
■weight. 'We reserve none, all must go. 'We are also
The Enterprise Grocery showing a large assortment of Mackintoshes in -all
23» Front Street
prices, from $2.76 to $18.00. Call while in town
and examine our stock. ,
70 pounds (iranulated Sugar.......... ...................
5 Of three dolbrs fc
Bhnket viO save douMe tt
We P^ora wbat xrc edeortlt*. A trial order will eoeriiicr.
Bparialt lee tUt week:
.rd per pound
Cotiolenc per pound..,.
5 bars Dingman Soap..
Tea Dust per pound —
6 pounds of Raisir
Dried Peaches per
pe pound__
Dried Pears per poi>und..
California Prunes per . •UBfi
lapan Tea per pound—
. ..
\VhoIe Codhsh per pound. -.
Parlor Matches per
Pail Syrup, honey
Barrel Syrup per
or to Bom *H
Popiilar Olothier.tEatter aiid FamSfbar.
124 Front Street.
Agents’ Sample Sale ol GlotblnA.
o Cbeyped Ka^. Braa ood Aberta
239 Front St.
T. tJ. KOST,
We have just received $2,000 worth of odds and ends of Agdnii
« samples of Suits and Overcoats which we bought for 460. on the
patiw Dollar, and as we need the room for our immense spring ^stooks wo
” shove them off at prices so low as to put potatoes to shams.
O. PIERCE & CO. , Prop,
I We are in Shape now
to give you big bargwns on .
Funiiture. \Ve arc runplpg Vhree stom-^ices '
lots of boods—buying lots of goods means a i
quantity discount—we pay spot cuh, that means !
an extra discount—we buy in ear load lots, that !
meansa saving of over fifty per'ceuu on freight. 1.
think Wean sd! you gbod^ riglu?'"
fa- -Come in and see. Traverse Cit>- store. laS to ;
X- 137 Front Street.
Men's OvercosU.
----------- -
Sale A Boardiiig Stable.'^11Y 9 because this stock is compost
at a ruinous price to the owner.
WHY? because this stock isptferedat
prices less than half value.
l^nakfurt. where they BploalyMrea
i*n>hablr half tbe people wbo ae* il
teo.paBD4 ladr biiTclbt. bat' two
anldle auffrr from plica. It lx one
IwBoo. MraJultna Ward and Nra. tVilthe dpmmoacxt dlacaim and oi ol
llaa Ualea. Own the «wUre electric
like a colt that feeix iia <ma Il'are
lifht plael of the villafa,.
A imm^'acieotlxu malntaineii Aal H xrra but n ]
While tba famUy uf A. Hyatt, of By.
tbey nrglrvl iL Cafrieaayea. waa away from b-iiae. aotne oar
no end of xafferink- Chrethr p.-xh^^l'hiog bxx
opened a wlodow. poured krnaeoe oil “ • afl*r ‘ih^
imple e Ibing a*
MIhd ffoaraadaet flretolL
W(. Ily.
inccrrr hoa
nxx been
nnrn the
me faroM
larro-en iwtr • - *
— .............. - d.death. HeBOtghnal thenry
au retarwd Jaatio ttma to dlacrtTw
--“InfBlah the fUBea beforeaneb
wax done. There ia no doe to wbrerx marden
occur dariegahigtcal treat—“Tg death.
Al lipdrt*.
Anna Baldrta thrbcgtanlagaad
Battle Crrrl^UfMUBK f
win. a leader
Ugloaa oecti^j'i'
be cared
ahtpplaf point for waler ct
-h fluori.brd;i„ tie wi^atx-iiraTi^Hboi’tliii i^
two rBnjrtlabmaa
■■ •
planted the In northern
. Inraof bl.wj.solxkly. anrely and cumaaed la thr mn.-k alung bcrra-Uile Michigan,
\ii..i,ira>i baa
dectarod that tbe wor
ptculr. There la only oo* remedy that
D end beforr tbe
will do
0 il—Prraaid
it—Prraaid IT.e Cara.
fwa8be cUima to bare
troll apd titbernluea.
.. _ -_1 to hat. ...
told the,
inaed treataeat rt
Uzzie Behrorder, ayu-_. ___.
earth woald coIUdc with > -me other i awrlllng aadputaa ___________
ployad at tbr Kalamacgo paper
World. Dratb-la to br im
good, aooad beallby conditloa.
m<wnlBg. iloerety Iirlng creatare >«Irr f
u tburongh aad p
............. In an old; era are making preparation lor
aafe a any that the ! 4i-at Seath. aelling their pit^wrtr. a I.IkU^ tratimooiah
• pair of ironaera. old | apending -thedr Ume l~'—praying a
Dtire aeet lx
X crazed w
Indianapulfa Ind . aag*:
n a aufferrr from tl > pain aad *
jec of Pi
rara AJA
lhe.»pl«aioBoftl»_a*iapowd*raaf1*„^_ wax famed byileeui
A drerarxtv famih ia I'onland..Me.
had an cx;wnxiTc im-al a-few dayx afu.
The family ha.1 .lyxicrx for xbpp- r. and
in line ol the blyaire*. wert lound nine
pra-lx st-veral
pv-veral of them ■were of ffiwd
xiac l.ui llieyyPerx had
' ' '
l>orcwr ilic dixnwery wax iBade.
je'wi-lt-r.i > a hmu iliey were afa-iwn aBlrd that it I her had Ixwp dixcorpred, hcIho hxd Ixwa raieed they Woald
hcc'n •rrotheii.i.
Is attracting the gr^test crowds
of eager buyers ever brought toS S S!*®**'®*' “'Traverse City.
t^'faUdeSpeaiah luxera. druib to pral'.; '
X W. II. Harriioo wax
"TaryV friend 1
elected praxulent.
‘-1 wimplianre nil
111 aeod tor batI Pi Mrx ' li'.m^u on
n aarKnyi-t-.e'-<L l‘rr-.ldri>t Harriaon.
A BOD of John lirir.-r. of Jefferapo
loanabip. HiJIadaIr eoonty. wbilr IrapAt Adrian. Horace k>>aiet«ek. afed pinf laal fall, on one nf the Dnfoer.>n»
iakea which hare abnnl *T.)Wn orer.
dla.-OTcrcd a.anbmm.d canoe, and
dead ’«
D. all droppe.1
wheo the toe formed he. with help,
boura i
la twenty-four
trearrected It. and It la pmoouneod. by
the old artUen-lobean ludihn «a«iae
t'.nllv pi.-ked’ap tbr
|iel cavix
I'. O. Nelaun. a SleiAMpeon faroipr: without any doubt It l> ol while wood
f Mr Bail Mn .L I.
>d Itsile well preaerred.
l‘o^aib1y it Mnralxii’onfilixiDcarlUe. Fla., atid'carwent to eat aonie Umber.
rs or IM> veara oM.
a Hoar.-hitti:
---------- „ party atarted
lim xerrnty feet Into tbr Mrbroat mod fnoad him Itinf uiaetulbleat'
ryrx. Thf young
iflailBy. aftd eifhtren y
the root o(a trrr. witti,bia nAnll eraafaragicxwhieh wor in thr ragle'a erat
I towDxhip. looia enunly. w
1 In by a faUInf li^<
near lb' bouw. her*" b> acream aad
ridinf __________
_____ ....
andxlowly dr
drdenir reared andlhrew her Irom the hf mother bird tiirord and xtnwly
Beerbrr Kimball, aa alectritlaa
Her fool remalmd i-aufht In' .-ended. When forty feel from the
aUrrap and abe wax draffed a dir xrroubd xhr dr.-pp«-d the bdr lo a e*dar
xrri.'oaly Injareder of abont ten roda before a alrap huah and hr wax not xrri.'oaly
o he pricked a
tofrr with a piece of . opper jtire ud
11 You Havr a' tiick Chilo. Tfaa U
two plai-exand abe wax
Wood poiaoniBf enaaerW
‘ Barely a Mraaacr ^1 Rupa
*lhi«TwiHe badly injai
At Orand Hapida Hra. K I.. WedfeThwixthe luatnf nrwx for pareoU
tom Biy ahe will ■* '•
wood. wbowaa daurmxialy birnrtl at
liy childrra II Ua
________ _ - . , , Ikm of the
tbe Uoaaemao block Cre a few daya
that dur peopid
.pid harr hrrrtoforr
of Ihlx .-onnUT »ho haer rone
afo, dW Thuraday foraaopo. She in aladenu
thr aame impcrtuaity for barabrui
ibruad went toHrraany.
The leadhaMBamea. bat U waa ibaofht f
ir chiliirra who xiiffer tram
edacatora. bowetrr.
(Bf Frameb
errcral daya a^ would^eoorer.
i-hriiniciir lingri
. Aadrleaa VtudeaU oufht U
Hamael Bdiara. father of Tbomai. A.
and cured by i.
France ax that conntry Ic:
Cdiauo. the inremor. died at Korwalk.. aalbreaUeaandchrmlairy. I'lexldept cbilrtreu'x dhxeaai
Ohio. tCadneadoy. afur an lllaeaa
irrr auefa ••klUed
AnyoU baa baa appointed a Beffibn' uf ftegrtwlcltle
tavera) weekV afrd jtloriy-oue yaw
of the Xarriifc branch cnmalttee to
He waa barfed at Port Karon. Ulel
bern drUarred Iretn ae
eo-nprratc with tbear edacatnra In tha
Ibe hcybood home of ' '
lotereata of alodrnU-nf
rat pfayxiriana. owing to thr coal of
Tha Af^ulteral Oollcfr opraed fmnf to France fur alndy.
irrl tn tbr iar^ city and tbe high
Hoaday with aa attendance of itniol
Three ynontr chlldreu of Kelaon Par.
r* ,-hargrd br aaeb phyalelaax.
the old sen aad abnul 3nffr«*hmen
wrrrlmrn.-d to drab
at ManaSeld.
-X-. theretnre, ix-^'chanr* f.w tbr
or the new men. il l« Mikl vital Ml per
Mdo Tbnrxdar. 'They were left Ina „„ I.r
of Ihr
the ehildren
childran of oarcommaaiir
eaot will take the meubaoical onei
locked room wbUe Ibeir mother went „hic'. abould o<A br hwl.
while the real will pnraae afrlealU
Tbe ^ 1-. Weal Mlh SI . Sew
H John Turrenuir . aad Waller JoKlyn.
"> a'wboj. kry-ind •■mhtlhe b
St Mnakefon-cUim. to bare iBe larfeat ararby gr-irr. raw am--kr ■•xuing from |g|
in curing
aaraof chitlea lamt on Iskr Mi.-hljEaB. llir maHi
offera-tn fflrc frccei>D«aIlalloo by
irlr feet
ti belfbt ami rarla abonl fiwl;
• childirn'a
ir.lt lit .-a iraa. The Uwt and rracur wax Impnaxiblr. 'aeiHdrxt
of the chiirlrea waa 4 yraiff old. tbe .■tcnoauIUor l>ri<i
ur br Ic^rr. de•turuMy.
id.: yearv and the otber 4 BuoUia acriblng their cblldrea'________________
I'x/dixeaaea. and
. tVaablagton theke-rrury uf tfa4 hr wHI, oficrearefolly runaideriag
j;. baaheir^
Iptoma write a letter fully ezpl^iDlrriorhaatTwomnended to Ih* attor
. i'' food alelcbluf &c farmera can haul ney general that aoit br brnugbt
’ the t'uaWe.
' IHtafybuahclatoalaad. ThUiafood againxt tbr aut<-Ilf Michigan In rreort tbrir-eomplaiotao plai
pay far banlinf. bat the tanneraBcr no
rtly wha't a'lli
Inraialof the
alan gir* bla
ly patebled t» Il to aid in thr conatriux
tion or a barlxir and ahtp canal In eon- a«lri*ei founded upa hia raat exporiMeRali
naetthr wateraof Lakr Knprrlaraaa doce aad w.mdrrfnl aacoraa la treadiag
l-urlage Uke. A grant of Siai.iid aerra XUI-II ,-uxea. ax to joxl what to do to elfMacutf edndiUoa. He bad been aeot waa made to tbe xUte fur thlx ppipxoa.
a care. Ali* thit will coat yon
two milea to irbool In a doriof atom bat It waL prurided that xoeh laaib
lag aad yoa can thua bare eonjrlth bat a Ufht uot ami no mlitena. afamld not br aioeral.
rItS the bravknown phyeiIt
eiao aud a<'i.Dowlrdgrd moxt_______
'lal thr «x,04; aerra are ailo
(ui >.(welalixt Is the world wllbonl
Paw i'Bw'a UBi.)ur xucii
leering humr and at an ezpraae
la McBala lilUe
OB. aglrl'a ta-hrior dob.
. Bekonil
are core^ with them,
No lera a peraon than I
that rrral**t of medicinea. Dr. lirerap'a
the Ann Arbor tneka ___prored a traitor lu the
wblle between
■ I aad the________ portion of the town when Mlm Hope Tyner became a ma*x Nrrrara blood «Bd nerr* remedy aad
thay ara piled Ihli
Iny feet hifh. Soaw ried xromanFridaj
QFridaj erenlngtbr remalhremain- bax dixcnrrre,! aanr other moat ralaablr remediea. WriU a him aowrabnat
of the prlBclpal at
ra began to feel that loxlrad
bkMkad with
g on a w
xotl't nxek their foot- y-or child, for Ihlx la a ebaned of .ear*
•whi'b you may axrer hare again.
Ua a eartaln hlfhwar (n >ooia conaaa awfnll;
.. . ...
the only cure
t real blood dia-
Inf the prriod between Sept 1, I8»S, '
e cr'.zi.'-jsn-i
Of the BELL stock of D17 Goods,
Milline^ and Cloaks,
• of in^
iect b*. been eunmun^lrd to !
litlona. prorialoDa. ru.. ap the CoB-1 the Madrid furrroipeni aad thr -mreh '
fo rlrer haeebeeaebarterod.
forthHr wbrreabimU b folixf oa dar ' 'T'*
Mrat Utatoria,
MW's Xitsb.PrioM ITldtor.
$8 76
8 76
18 00
18 00
IS 00
... ..........Urisssio ti 98
4 76
3 75
64S.......... - do.
Mx.__ SUITS^—■
Mm’s Salts,
rotsU price $400
............ thlSBSlO
... .......
6 00
7 00 ^... ........
2 75
7 19
Tbe material which these orercoata are made of are flue
Successor to Pune's
Furniture Store. ■
and yon can aare at laaat a So bill on an avaraga Bootaura St
TOIV 8*3*ORBS. ____
Tills -A.2SriTTJA.l4^_
Epworthtcarmoalf^UP-b dU Ihe
am Uoamaa*. to «boB «*• roferrmd the .
be^va.aaM Hoadmcba ,
opm> Moel. mra tmTilad «a m«aod' mad paUtlea f. ra BUkSMS. bOTa to rapen »od Oaoeiml'Dfbllity; ibmt h* bm> ooo.
tea part Im tbs *«
that w* Ha** oosald^
•attod mlU phytteUa* a^iyl*fd^bo ■
Koplr MUc of Dr. \Vba*ler’t i
lalltar. mod bo **T* that tbo
—-------- ,--------- -mod Nerroo* taallaf wmo.
Mid pstiUos be laid ds fable estll |An«HaUly stopped by lu o*r. Attar- !
Bseb UBeaatbeecBoclIaball lee St
b ewd twobeltBcaot tbe satoo :
mad be «y* be it cstirely .
ml lb* botBM tm omrte* fiuU <Jt tbs
treo'froia that TraaibUor
dir TsMd^alfblmdTrtCbt^ “ »*•
C h OSEtUtp•eiuaUoa: hk bean gim bin so trooXI.B.K.P.
tomdmtoofa»ratbmspOO. lh*.«
W. A. Kaitto*.
;bU mad ho aloep* woll. Ho fnrtbrr
Atlh*BUa^«UMliaof UdiorBcd laft wais smoaUmal.
PaoBor Ktobj
'My».tbat bit reooralboaUb k moch:
BMk b|vb»afPr«UM. tk> tc^
Hored by Aldermaa Hnith tbat
. betler. mad tbal bo U ealllDr tbo atteo. ■
■par BSoltaia^UlholMld la tba
can save you dollars and lots of them, too. The prices made on nil
sorts of reliable merchandise are lower than have ever ^before bSMx
made on desirable goods. QOST AND L£BB means exac^tly as it reads,
HE&E. A few samples all there's space for:
tbapetlUMof KUk '
ba n>ct'
bKt.BM.-OM.8te. .
■ot. «. a. wrtrat. mmusr.
b Kt. ttea.-J. T. BannB.
SarTtoiaOrmafahmU. CM stnat,
bKt-OMnl-W. B.AnM. .
Horslat wonblp at 10:M o’elaek.
b Kl. BMI.-A. B. Helkows
lb* te««lUUc» vlU Uk* ^M* TbmBibla acbaol ml boos.
CbriiUma EadMTor ptapar atolaf
lUte lOUi. i> tern «1 tewUmtSiUpH.
Basstmr «*rrtM at T o-elapk.
A aofdtat iavtlaaos k sstaadad to
A tef^ Mt—a^ ud mUb
aMttevxkaUlA UMlBf TaMd>7
MwkkkOawteHteblfM LMfM
Hartk. 11*M.
■BtolarsBitiarTrfV-T at* Coaocdl
Ooei B<te« WH fontUr ocvultei
m ol^Mt btef u> »nkM iatMMt mad b^k tbe OoaMiLBbOB-Bareb l.ltM
MmUbp wa* eallsd to order by B. J.
to*MUfte tbrnbatoMbodm of
Merfaa. PiMldent prs ten. Mayor
*^Bilf*^‘te5!MS*'Bl»*T 1- L. A P.
Co otSlOOwaatsad.
Moved br AldarsBi
”or the Dlfht*
polar bUloftetoSewi
of PaV Itaod II whaddai
Be^ rto*^~by tbe eosacll of Trm*-
bile Art* oftbeLar*^
eoftbe I tie of Mieblraa for t&
- ------- -.city fond
ir A D.. I > baretnr crMtcd to b* knows s* i
and tbat tbe *aaa
IbeaeoU^Mmra Bobbs, Ooedrteb.
•n mo «b>VM tor Bosbotel]
_____^Uito for tbaporpooea sod
. .maroMi»tmran«dla-(ho<d))«doo( Uo OtolUck. dmltk.
K^os. Oarriaos •-------------------HtaalM of
iBtslar maeda
Tbe leaeletios waa adopted by tbt
foUowiap yea aad say rote.
inlttoa os stioela;
Yoaa. Aldanaoa Bobba. Ooodrlah.
hold ml
oad tfotoop UroUkk. SBltta. Kewlon. Kyaelka.
Tb (hr I
Thm oboroelmoted: PnmidMl. WIU- COuteii
0/ IVoaarte 0»<ip EsayoB, (Mirkos mad Jabisaa.
taB L. Wohte. at Smctewi «too pnoiDi:-Tb*
eoBBittre to
bI^o^uM Sprinkler*.
rrferrod ib* nr
Uomt. WnUma Apfdclea. at
'aarcm Cirr. Hlcb . Peb It. IM«.
B. M. BopktM hart sir. at, Sad tbat
btkr aonamble Jfripor .lad-dldcrmm
toi'st u>* <
mlttao, Joha
•tf Trawrae VUy. Mb* .•
UarTtAau;-W* herawitb laelota
-KoVkor. at Dotniu OoL a T. Dm
I sttoaO^irill be aitoaiy
ifollowCp bid* OD Wlathip pat
iBBd. c<Ja<dnoai as. WeadwortA. <rf to psTofiMS property tbe aotire width
eel ■prtellac wapoc eoiaplets at.
PamlUO; B. C. Woahm. at AUaCMi ■>. oftobloea betwM buicatreetaad.
WsaUartos strsatst aaostof sbeat
«. Bmllar.
Kat eoaDlr; WUlima SMOOOaad wawoald reapaetfolly re
Oort, at Fltal; U. ». Bawo. at Port fer tba mattar back te tba eoaaell
Hmiaa: C B. Pabm. of Bm^v; WOlIma fkipemlM. of Maokccom: miUmB
Ctehr. of Bmrhor Spriaiim;
W.J. ti
flao P. Oaasisos.
Ooodrteh. ofTimoarMatr. mad WUiMaradbr AMannas Oeedrieb that
to Chmmdlot. at faheoletmfl.
tepeUliesbareiaotedaBd Batter of
Ito«hteatiodom.B.toTv. »■
PlmlodommlmUMM -CtortM mad Oa-
:. BrimcamiyoMMaado.
•madar teaol toes k Uks I0:t(-t7.
*Tras la to* aelftbor.’' Bead Lska
Ml-«l mad lOcMA
Jsakr CKmilp.».lstb* laAats.
TepkJa'‘'0«>'Udffa.*' beb •
■haald a«Mbt U te ■■■nty. I
T. P. B. C K. tk* p. SL
Thple. "Ba-
Dsatati, of Baste, esf ssUesal
Bsaday MhadSaldaMrstsiyte bsas
larlud totesdswask Is Mkbkss.
■awtUbahMMaWadMdap i
sastl p B.
AT:M p'B.
- r. Wb.
•wise. <d Uaslar. ■
doatam. Ihka
a< iaiBMlIo ai
ly cs >Tted BaaMkandsT'•
rrsd oaa weak as
>a St. Patriekb a
st U:4S a B.
F. E. B*
Mxk.. Peka.
Ntu riTIMOl.
Mlt. IOl*>
At Pioneer Livery Stable.
. B.A.JC
All St.ou Jaebeu and Capw.
• AW
taoo JackeU and Capea
. . AM
l.v»^ I........ eiul !•.<» JackeU mad
The beet Is U>e heoM worth tram
fjo.noto Sft.oo............................. ...
All cbildraaVOiaaka aai Jaekala
tor ju*t ball tbe ortyloal prioa
A t«iw ladin' <Ad faebloaed KewBariiela.
Hade of food Bulerkl. rood U> ba«p tb* eald
oet. w* will sell ibem at almoat may prieeTV. tl..*'.*!-.--* etc.
' riB*h Kavqan »t half price.
i Par MBS*. ABlmal tkiarf*. cblldraa’a Par
Seu^ Far TriBBlnx.'allot bslf price.
LABixr aaA.wi* wcKh sj iX.tM*i.o«ii
worth st.in and Si.oi lor R.Tt: worth *:.<»
forti.Ml. ShCBlder Sh»wU at l»c. iv. .-v. ,
The aadtl.uf
i Tb* bc«l ail-WooI. o«Dk>r pattenu. worth
«tc to *te. for Mr a yard. R^lar .toe car^uforSAc. T&cCatpeUfor 2DC. Sic Carfor l«c. Tb* beat Velvet (krpet*.
worth from I uu te l.M, for Tic a yard.
Good Bnrwwl* I'arpH at soc a yard- ‘
Boev t ortaio IN.lw. tViadow Shadm. etc.,
arr all rst doWD.
on earth.
ToSw He|onto.aw .....
Oasaeil ofOuCtiyuf Trmtrtr Cttp;
OnmAaks:—Wa. yoareoaalUM as
Oato asd Acaosaia. bar* csratBlly
axaBlBsd tefdiowiBr bilk sad
iscfosadiaBatabejBtl. wasid
eMBasdtbelrpayaaetfRBi tbe
■ bdd retry Saadsysf- .
Ma’elaeklB tbe Beaafd- ‘
r Klatb sad t
wartb alraeta. Is Iks of pastor, m
^^ BesWbjtbaChrktte SteaMtast <
Yovlbi' Mil* from tS-M 0^-,
CblldraB-tMiltaat Me. U.ou. tl.Sl. tl.BL
«s 00. SS.M, AAon. »l in. etc.
Pillm-HtH Prict
Oa all fallow* aad feaUiet*. Aaaorttaeat
embcmcraall klBd* ThI*cut ■aakfotke pHoca tbe lowMt kaowB.
Julius Steinberg,
* Friedrich Bros, old store.
the best $3 Shoe
Yoacas haer may Or asllfor
•« M
VOo cam have may Olu roll for.
Yoo cab have may At aalt far-------AM
Not *0 moch diaeomat m iH*
Uoy*' mad CbUdrea'. dotbea. bmt
^e are selling all ladies' Fine Bhoes, sises 2'A or 8, alfeo your ^
c(hoice of about 300 pairs. aU at HALF FEIOE. This saves you j
^ on a $4 shoe, $1.60 bn a $3 shoe, $1 on a $S shoe. You will \
hot be able to get shoes at half price always, so oome at once. <
STJK'SS.S'-uU. i.,1
B J. Measas.
W. W. Sam.
A. V. Jasaac*.
aadaoBeof them were,t:9-l
whWb ome yoo aelrci. yol^e
ebolc* of aoy sail la tbe I
altalilaek aaita. forSIS U
Established 1668.
tb* eery beat. 'Hi.
mad ycaeral oiake-Bp—joal aa Bier a* aapoae
eoald wkh for. mad they'll bald tbeir abape .
aeaiy tiae. Nor ’ of Um-b *
mrqii ordera accompanied by cash will receive prompt attention. If goods are to be
sent by mail, add sufElcfent amount for postage. -Honey refunded if goods do not s\iit
___________OB Oidiaa
»«P°rtof B
TbUr BoMrdUr. TU Mayor and CUy
CbiiariC-Daancau:—Yusr eoaaivtaaos ordloasoc* to wfac
la^ tbe erdtBaaea tslaU<
to bt fTsatsd tbe Baa.-------------M Bleetrfe«irbt A Power Coapmay
bar ksT* ttfsabait lb* foUawiac;
_____________d. u lay a '•*««'
_____of rntral. Tbe aprtakkr will
Ofsatlor pfivlte* to tbe Boards
of oor own Babe ao that it will
Blear Bkeuie Llpbl A Power Oo .
. jric entboBt'efaaekanBff. Tbe wayoe
erect asd tsalBlal* tbe uiaiiiiry poles will be palatad ^ ealabad la food
mad etbar derto for tbal--------et UfM ud*_
O^napaotfolly ashBlt tbl* for year
b^^^ty^TrsMM aty7*>fkhtcaB. CMaldaratioB.
Yean Ac.
Be It erds'Dcd by tbe eosadl of VrsrCalowbu-A lurnoi.
tVSte Cm. Hleb . Feb U. KM.
Mr Hmckhhb Soonf of rubUr IT<ir«a.
____ _____________and astborito 1*
laanxun:—We hereby aabalt for
btraby ffsaiad to tba Baaedaaa Btr- yoar aeoaldcratleo. propoailioB for a
*r Eii^ Ltybl A Pawn Oo. mad tu
aMlrsa, to arte Btalatala mad opar. *'we MO Bab* ycoB qtHiUtte tbe bBlH. with bMvy Ttooe, mil aonad.
at* all saadfsl sqd prapar pole*, wires. aaa*attbaattobakarfortes, cob- Pric te. walyht I.IW.
Oaa blaok Ban aevpa yeia^old,:
walybl l.tOO. yood far» mar*. '?n«.
^ „bWt*oa brr. to- g
OrwaMc fmUhyeo
Oo* pair of yood drielay p«l«. otoa-. a lla* M Oapaa. Salt* mad:g
erdyht iTm"- all aroad. one yray am* arparate »ite Bklita frxn oae of t
aboke.Bakb*diBftoabapafar $m.
oaa bay. Prkwte.
Vlarynt BaoofartaHny hoot** la t—j
— ..to* t.
Or w* oaa farmlA yoa oo* wltb laaTbe frstek* ssd rtrhu hereby bar wayee nsr for llio
Oaeyoodbrowa pooy.Ban. wrlyfat;,,,gBUf.
Auyoar wmaUnr a apriar'M)
rtsatad thsll sapir* st tba sad of
W* bold m prooMltloB rte to Mim
twaalyairhlytsTa from mad aflar lb* KaUy lact taU to maka of a wayos we
i day of May. A 0 lt*«.aod bae* la atoek and it ertll stake a yood
old. welybi
laobtia and rtrbu aca at all
obaae)oyad aobjeet to all coa
Cai-Dwaix A Lorook.
Jovad ^ Aldarsaa Jahrmat that tb*
brobr. wrlfhtMO. Price >M.
Hoard of rablio Work* be amtbnriard
Oo* Iroa yray Ban ooll two yMf*
fnree in tba mU dty of Trmrarae Ot*
t with V A A. PeterMthatBaybehefssftar ordaleedasd
Id. yood alia. Vriee>39.
Afe rl for t atrertateahlanefTMyi
adsblBhed witbts Mid dlT;
tpaelly atS>l« n Mcb. M par
J Motloooarricd
IteSMtol ’tSk* iBBC
Meewl by AUarmaa BBltb «bat Qty
oasras ay utter ersa urnirulina an say vote:
fee*. Aldermes HiA
fs^aaatad'te Beat Is Ik* pastarh stsdy
Mtoay,, llsrsk Strd, st T;M p. m. Oranidt. Baitb. Kewt
SliMDrMOood* for.........
gpS^iHorsBS for Sale
jjer** VliaiUer;" Slatiod,
tv. Wl»IltL<T.MJ-«T-,
bwors to asd anbaeribed bdare mo, a
, KoBry Poblio tor .MiukefoB'
... .jf farmll-_ir City Eorlsfsr'a ofiioe. An't to.
was road mad os motloo.
was ordered paid fra
tre. 08 '
March III
The best Bleached Cotton for 5 i-ac a yard—cheap.-r grades at 4 and 5c. The best Unbleached Cotton at
5 and 5 i-jc ayard—cheaper^des at 5 i-sand^
^ Outing Clothsfor 7 i-ac a>-ard—cheapergrades
1 4c. The b«t
for 4 and 5c. ' FiAe
'me French Ginghams at-t> i-3c g'yard—other Ginghams at 3. 4 and £c.
5c. The b^' Tame
Tab^e Oil
: 1 yard. The
. doth WL
..... best Canton Flannel at S i-2c—cheaper grades at 3 1-2.'4. 5. 6 and 7c. The best'
I Skirt Liping Cambrics at 3 i-jcayard.
;&jOote.0ttp*l aad^Clrttef
Traverse Oity, Xlob. J
__ r__________________ o______ 11 i-»_____ i_
|| Large
Books for Small People,
.wtTWI ■iHA.'VBttB HgaALD. MABOH &, 1890.
I>wenw Herald
Tb aiillatattto Peadbh d
WM a«ala ad}parwad BtC M<
afto TiM wba tto laaaltotl
maaeaM. J. W.Tlarieganai
by Oowpm. Tto preccafa eeaM----wttbarery Iteaetlat folk by Fred
Oartb OB tto 'TVehal ato Henl
d by tto aboaa n'lahi i. aad; Mak^ef a BeidW.'.ato ktoraadlar
of aa mirlaal poem by Seat* r
wardeatltlmlltoBlceL tririibi
earead after tto piaram wee Sa-
AaaKrimwm to ftraa by Hr. W.
food far a «ao todgela that part of tto
*at BkBaaMaTaa-
The talk
that talks.
a te mmatry. of aB d
ralarifodtothb iiafiriaii
Uiorary BootayTto Utaary aorbly M Bata wBI.
fire tto fa»owb« peopofa Ta '
Taama (bn bat-Ha (71 K. O. T.
UlkelteXeMn Moek.eadh
tb* oUrc MMd eoor. ttktnc
tto vIMteef tUiaaatb. Tb» roMM
*iU to
■Md Mt__r___
Md*hM«*«rtoiaf bCMplMd tto
■.will ton OM of tto fisMt
fcato lor lodf p«rp°»>»
The Icind of talk oae wants when thej (Mol with their monej it aot BKre
[ ^ newspaper talk. It is this; Here are the goods and here is the price. If 70a
can buy like qualities for less money, if for any reasoa the goods-aren't satis
factory, return them and get your money.
^ W^^^Fbhraiiy (Mu moat m
U«. fix^i iaa«a>ymh: treat «
Thai’s the talk that talks.
C«L C*MM«T. wtooc eneitot work
-"I— far Ito SfaCto SowlBC
ehlM Ca fa tkb netloa too mon•d Us bi^ u Um drs. bM
fine Ito aonroMt fit ^
Umd "-|*»« dlurlel m iroU. Mr.
Cnw7 toft yafartoy far Ito Utur cUy
wbM to vlU Mkr Ue ' ‘
Si* doarbtar, Mrm. bri Bllebeoek, wiU
t at tbe meetter of tto
Ml M bb book-haprr. Tto bsUo'
froee t^ibcawy mb; meat m
WoaaB-s Oab Tbaraday Vbneoa.
ben wU to io eb^ of Wa. Bole.
Tbeaertiar wBlaehaite of Mto J.
1(71. baaa’jaaavylTlh: VaM m
Martla. who ofcaed tto profiam April tsth.
PerliBBtary Detotiac cleb OMt
■ .
. ■ _
raldaa of W. A. toedda. m wittaaa
1871. fraee Jaaeary Ulh; vaat «
Beyetraet. Tto aeetlaf wa. rery la- Ito eabjeet,' faUowlac wbkib Mre. May 4th.
■tlaf. A BOW eel ol oftoat wae Areiy aad Mba Oreprea fare a nary
frew Jaaaaiy 11th; waat m
-r,-- . ...
od; Pra.. B. B. Warer. ria prattypUaodaal.
Iba. A. B. BoUidar tbaa *aa( Naa^.
.. W. W. Chatdeld: Hee’y. E. A.
aaei Tieaa, Mia. B- B. Wearrr. Hy Ood to Ttoe. Hia. Hartlo fallorriar
BHta oB preea.' Mia Bdaa WU- tto wetdi with a taaatltal aad rapnore paatoalao
K.I.. ffia refaabaWBU ware a
bf^Hn. Beedda. after wbleh tto Maa-, Tto Bad Faa
4 T3*«<o*i-ton»*
Ibea. raedaed eome rary.fieA^aeat of aerie oe the rioUa aad <*> llUbri^'t^ la radtattre' with ap(aa All ea)oyed ttoaailria aad felt froprtatr r«ctam by Mia. Martla.
■k.T>eara. (at.M
that tto eraalBiwa well tooab.
Arary. The red'laa Bade a eha^ralor
_«cura Itoaawatarprba to elan Ut of color acaUat Mia. Martla'* Unto
y mu tet oat
toa ta tto,9ria(.b a JbeUey fa ewtama of while, aad thb aaabar wa*
tto aaaebetan of arii. doora. ole. Dthariaatlodly rrcrlred.
aaaea. aa Ohio (aetleaaa..ease
A.rary fine paprroe 'irrok ariUta- UU, fate Fabraary trd: weal
a copy of tto Bniiu> loae Uaa UOD wa* rlrea from mrmoiy by Mi*.
April istb.
■Ca. aad beeaae ceerioeed that TrarLoedoe.
I8H. fate daaaaty Itth: wW
lee City wu allra, hatllnr lowo. aad
aeyiniM braeUfal pnro. Thr l«- April tolb.
foodoaetoloeateln. Be caae hoe
IMt. fate Jaaeary^Tth: waat oat
eoapleofweetoaco. qobUy loobod
April y»tb.
to rooed orar. and dadUf bb rood
1*M. fate Faknaiy/al: want oat
oploloBa eoaBrato la omy partbrelar.
carried vet tbr Idrs o
beek.eloaedaphbbaalaea aad
April ttod.
poemdo a arrioof beanUfal puMK(T. fate Jaaaaiy aiet: waat oat
A atory carryiar oat tbr idea of .the ^pril Mad.
wUl arrira
aflrrnnao'a eabjeri waaretetrdby Mra
afawdaya Tbb b oely oea of tto Ba;baot io a my pleaalny maaaori^ '^lU. fate Jaaaaiy ttefa- weal
dfculatioii thi» week 2,250. riaaot. rmeUBC at alaoat drily, *|tor wbicb
May 4*b.
abowtac tto ter laaoUar taflaraeaof a
>. fate Fabraary {(Ai: waat oat
Wbrrr an yoa (oiaf. aiy pretty
Odtoeow of TQ.d«y«-H»r«]dpaper. paMbbed la a lire towa.
maid?' rra. (Ireai la ooetas* by Mba
I. fate March Tthrwaat aat April
■BIB wa* a rood deal of talk at the □erilaad eod MIm Des>na. with maog
eooadl maellar Hoeday eraalaf that by Mrv Holliday, mad prored to be
IMI.fateMarek let: « it 0.1 April/
of lb* bit* of tto afteroooB.
State Bank.
toi^ Horraa praridodwith dlealty'te
tto abMe* of Mr. Baaaah. Tb* prUUoe for milk Ueeaaea wa* ooX. yiaated
ItwoaJdtolBOoaBlotwitbtto city
_artar. Tto moat tmponaat'
dboaaaed waa tto bridirt(B**t
SoaU Ualoa ctraot. btiaaU
lor iroa atraetaraa mtlar
»oo.aaa(7,»l. A. W. Writ
ZMi«f.ra*7tomto»>OaS^ltoS'ftotoyn toe.
«. »nad ttotoraifagto»<
O INCE the close of our February Quarter Off Sate weVe been re-inangstock< sorting out the short ends, odd lots, broken assortments, etc.
Such sUxk. and all Winter Garments, at Special Prices—lower prices than
ever before.
Mt(. Oo. abowad plaai for
1n to o<sl (I.U0. Tb*. lawtb
ilLbaaboatnofart.ltodrira way
M feat wide aad taro rida wrika of I
foatwch. ItoiaWB* a (Ood dral of
toaStatka la orderiar aa lirm brid(C.
aad oaeoriwoof ttoeoaaeU thoarkt
Ito old brid(* eoald br rqmlrad to teat
yaar or two aaUl we ware batter able
I Btaad tto eoat of a rood Irea
tare. Tto matter wae ftaelly teU orar
ealU ItoBiattoeeUarte May. Moat
ol Ito aldaraae thoaebt the rrkmat
tblag to do wa* to balld a wo
bridfa thi* aaaeOB. A eoetraet
awartod V. A A. Patertyl far tbra*
apriafctenatdeeaeh. bat Ito
OB toabaoBiabadttoa tto yea
aad aaj roU wa* aet ealted a* lb*
aad thw matter rriU
bare ta be tak% ap araia.
MB.u»Mto.O.B.StoSL>Md Mia
Baae BaU Next Moaday Sreal
Woolo liA lo-dvbrtMraar boar TWe wUl be a a>eetla( at tto
Iroomewari Moaday ereal^ to par
lor tto
?W>r. OtoWi la>lw«d el nb Leto
fridey oottoo.t4nt.'-BdotoUa de- of tto tom ball'elab for Ue oew
■mMM bytaradrueeddrUlal- “ Aeporia of eomtottoae rriU to s
- Bearealaeled.aBdtboBtto a
hohak lodf* wDI floe
ary maa la Ito rity wba waala a rood
to tto L 0. 0. r. h^I SMarday orofaf
■am ban tbb aaaaoa. aad. aaw
, stmeo'elaik.__________
it rirbt la
\ Twt m»toraailto<**to
aboold ba at tto maetlnr MooWt Ualoo »UItotoUB«l TModay day OTaalar_____________
atlaona at » o'Moto la Ibr Ofaajre
Of Viator Patenyl'a 8^
«alL dlldtotarftod.
A md dmth ceeenad la the temlly at
View Patertyl. teet alfki. la tbe lorn
MM Ito oeylaa
oftbeirUnlecoaTbomee. Ireyaanof
•OM to laaMac wbac to bn WaLo are.o!memtoeaeoaeeroa^ Ttoebfld
ftoa witb»toff«ooU#eaoee<tocy.^
riy aU rirbt ,
a waearoaadlheboQieiB
B. bat rraw rapidly
toward araalac aad died doriac tto
- bite bearily i
. Tn ladla' Aid oaiatf of the «fst ad opea to moara tto Uaa of tbelr
brlcbtaettreyoaBr eoa.aad tto hearty
JAMeboab will oam a tea «Mt
fa ia tto parioraotltoobanb Friday. ypelby of tto whole eeauBaally will
be with th^^____________
Haato stb. Bappaearad troa 4
a«’Moak. AUanaetdlUlyiatiUd.
Death of Jaek Tbompeoe.
Tto friaade of Dr. aad Mra ^
Taa aactM
labar fa tto Oiaad b tto .toapaoa Ihroafboot tto wllre ragtmx run play. Jeahaa BUpUa. wllb Cioa wlU aympathter with them la tb#
IT old aoa.
ifiifal iaaaiT. a fall bead aad c
wilbdlpbMb. It wfll to bae Friday, Manb M.
waa tboorbt teat
Tn bay baa faaaa dlUaf with
to ootof daarer. A chaaca lor tiir
ia troa tto aatb abora, a bai
aal la Satardaj. aad after makaBa away, fa aoaw daya. aad tto lara branatraevUfor Ufa be paiaed
oaM waattoroflhbwaab ba taally away Maaday araalar- ' '
Mwd it la. aad tto HcaaLD'a ralaabU maaly little boy. lorrd by all who
ia raord fa 4< yaara paat b yira
tew Um. BawtU tornaUymIaaed
hy bb taarbma aad IHU* frit
Tb baa baU mMtt aora fairly
of tto
vaU. bet oaly (1.000 of tto (I.SDo bu
baa abaafbad. II tto baa bair loraa waal a aabk laaa bae thb yaar
■ad arafTtpeadarifbtlBltobeart
ito bMm,UMyarafteoaatotto far
faU with that ottor»l.«00. a tto toaalar *1 tto CoairtraUeari ebafeb.
WtobaataawUl hare to drop.
Dr. W. A. "
rotary of tto O
nifiaati by wblob Bba will to i atoool aoetely. b la MtefBa for
(to Oraad April I aad *, gftiag tm wariL aad Tnamaa Otty b aainaf tto
pUat. aal SaU Owyaaa ttoa b
fowpteoaa forlamriaraoofb toaaeare
. Baaiw brtth Tiaraa aip paopb bdmfaraday. Tto ptorramb lefol-
art; —t o.
Tbe toaraera of BmoUoa wee firaa
I. fate March l«tb;
by Mr*. Marilo. bar pantomime
April let.
lay the raare of bumaa emoUoai
1(»S. fiteJaamry t«m: weat oat
pteao aooompaoimrat wa. by Mra April 7th.
IMH. fate Frbraaiy I4th:
taicb 4tk1898. faoae Febraa^tod:
waa a deHfbtfal on* le n
April latb.'
I8U8. fate Mardb 4tb- . '
Vmrtooa Pleaeara*.
Tbn* ia a pmiod of M yean Ito bay
• W. C. T. U. fan* rery t
u ficaea ffum tlmm ia Jar-^—
able raoeptioc Friday riteraaoo to Mia. fveneee Um« la Frbnmly. /oar
. E.-CarblBaad Miv O. E. dlaele.
la Varto. imor. time BOt ri**hThe Kpworth tracae. of whieb or- ttee not at all.
caabaUoo tto Mtet Maade and Baa- Deriar tto a*Bm period It bm left
Oirbte tore loar beam aetire mem- tbe bay MWe Uma* ia Harok, npewpra, teadaree Itoce a terawell raoep- Mo tlmm la.AMil.aad/ear tlmm U
Uoa Friday crealne. After a ooapir of May.
boaia plcaaBBtlyepaet lafamee. mnalc,
te 1880 ^to bay nmaiaed fatoea
etc., tbe prcaltev la bttoU of the day*; IMI. tfdaya; 188J.»lday*; I8U.
learae. preeeatad tbrm with aoBi
BOt fiteo; 1M4, OB day* before H left
tto bay; IMkWday*: I8M, 8* day*:
happy year* apeel la Tiarerac City.
1887, 78 day*; 18(8. 87 day*;
Him Cotet eetertaiood a aambar of day*; l870,78dayK 1871.88 day*; I87t.
frlMto Dori delicttfolly totardey M d*y*; 1878. 107 day*: 1874. 114 day*;
liar at the hoco* of Hi*. FWitoakt.
m daya: 1878, 87 days:
A *eri<a of aorel aad
I87t. BOt trottB; I8», 88 day*;
teadlay • floral lor*
aet fiteo: 1881.108 day*; 1881.
i; trial of artbtlc skill aad other, Botbozea; 1888. 71 day*: 18*4. lOSdayi;
cstmlly pleamol tblnp* made tbe eraa 1888. B»d*y»: 1888.-41 days; 1887. 8S
inr pan all tooawlftly. Ulm Carert day*: 1888. 104 day*; I8». 4uday*; I8B8..
b 6aa of tboae lortBaate tedlaa wba 81 day*: 1891.40 daya l*M, 18 day*;
wUl always b*y<^. a* bm birthday 18U. CB days; liri4, I8 day*; l«4. TJ
ooly oBoa la t^mr year*. aa< thb day* ■
party wa* la boaorof oue of thaae rare Tbme date* all relate to' tte areri
arm of tb* toy aad to that portloe of
Kvbert Umdea _
It ririble'from Ttarena a^. Farther
birthday parlj totaiday. It la tto down tto freralay la eseallj later.
Aral ehaaee bw ha* erar' bad to oala- ' Tb« foUawiac dataa. prior to
a like oaearioe. aa be b
laio from tto reeord* of H. E Writ,
boy. aad was flee yaan old Feb- takea from his owe aetea
' .
a Uila Arie b e leap ymr r^ri
1888. faos* March lOlh.
and ritbooebato bee oely had ooa real
1888. fate Much let: wemt oat ApM
birthday eto eriebraaed bar eereaUi
ante Satoifley malac.
01888. fate Jaaaaty I08b-. went bat
b Meeday erealar. April (8th.
1117. fate JaBeary lOlh: w*at oat
laaa of Ito arcalar'* stady.
Him Stella Lee eetortalaad tifoad* IIU. fate Hareh 4lh: w*at oat
rery pleaaaBtJy teet eraola*.
A terawell raoeptlea wm rlw
Mr. aad Hr*. 0. E. Steele Hoodey
lar by a teri* aambar of tbelr fafoade,
la tto O
Dorins tto eraalar abort talk*
rltaa by Ber. D. CoebUa. Hia. B.
B. E. Steward aad Hi
Oriett. BaaUtoa. Olbba. OUUa. HlUikaa aad Orawa. aad la behalf of tto
Mr. OoeUlB prmeaUd them
with asUrtr aad (old spoea aad kalte.
Mr. aad Hr*. Steele rmpoadud la i
fltOar maaaer to tto terewoU raaurka
ofihrirfawate. Attbcoaaelmi
tto ta^ mfatemeate wen a
aad the ri^BC- ttoarh fall of Ito end
Iboerbm of parttef. will lean a «w
plaamat mamocy la the mind* of all.
Tbe meetlar Toeaday enalv wae :
toarre of C. B. Doekeray. aad a ra
Tbartall lan a poam ly J. F. Kitete,
«aUlM''TtoPaapat^Bcna«a.'- Mr.
*"•—I- «—««• arxl. wltk a flae
tka from OoUbmia-* Daeaitei
tec^oaeof ttocTcal EarOeh p
Mr. DoriMeaxamaaed erery oae i
brirh* poam>te tto pea of tto tela
b(te Firid. deasibiac how be
toBoUaad topoieham (araltanaaed
are by rejalty. aad
a(w harM M haek *» rhlc^. ito
«CBmtor*ew,Qmmd liiddA
!= Desirable Hosiery
50 cents for 29 cents
at Job Lot Prices.
•Great Drive in
Cotton FiaiineiB
at4X. 6« aodtwtt;
tn Ladies’mid Misees
Ladies’ and
Jfickete and Capes Chiidren's Underwear
off lowest closing prices.
H off Sale Prices.
All the
All the
«Make Believe” Schemes
of others,
Suits, Pants,
only emphaaiEes more fully our olaixn of supremacy
in the
Our regular OUT PBI0E8 are away BELOW the vaiiouBly c
labeled efforts of all competitors for like qualitiea
- is a much abmad word now-adaya. W* oocridar---- -
' Ik- .. ■; ‘ I
and stand alon* u the only ginra of Taluea that m atrieOIr 2
in kee^dn* with onr claim of
Furnishing Goods.
;Shintiiig Flannels
25 «»Mor H
“Most for Your Money.” I
We make no partienlar mention of any on* lino' of aho** but
offer Our ohtlre stock at prioas that are abeolntely the loweft.
^ [Tbomv I'wl r»M. Idk P»KT«>B.
[S;^|Cart.S-a-os Pi.>t ,rodr. ,;rom i with a. .slxtan otroBc nooch u
la the (WtdcrsaB. Charlie HItow.
m wHboat kiUlar
tooues. | draax Hixton isd Parto Unen. and aa
Assa Netoos. A 5-hart. • Eoyal; iax SwBBry—1
r T.'i;.’'. ~~
~~ i—Boye.,
tars the otrcas oa i laW U Uae soto wot >4 opelHoo la.
i Rirttow. Wary Ulnsde, Jasa.1V.saa.
tV tost of ih. nte-plUar Uhtto oprs;- 'os^tWan aod fo^|d« as aoriy srf
•"««.*. ’Ukr
hojiPT «irikif«’’“Wl Er-nxo. (Wtolm llarrj Af- topaadthuodeirtrny IL
Utorob^h app:tflaet>S h
- tt
ia’tthe ebl ef . folw. Or^tjfir Kitow.
Jarktos' d*a- J- Uirdlo-A wors
a that dec
dote otoo
alao hill. Itoo op itkoaulkand. lists. '
Table, rralrat aosr daaspa to Sy orrhard ba.arrd| L. A. Bftokass—1 eOBiddar h a
had OB aeioTaWe Use. PreoME. «M.
Etto HQIor.ofMIUerlUU. BtU
dimrA ban BbbAbj o«oto>ii«.
rb«isnred^1ocnT7,r^ f*"*
H-J-k. h^ ahap«l ilk. a bop a I doa\ kaos | wsse of the satorial to ew Vdtot
TbeJBatorEBdeBTorenwUtloo bs
I rni-hto the leadl of emy
"ator Kir-low.
: the Base of ii. U e.>owa later USB tba Uiebadaa|
aatomiaseot U tbo BW fotsio.
fomit to be«->w.‘ 1; to tonAtoinc Out . The attrsdasee ha. beea pood.
, laatsterpillar.
-a Parkn«-Aa Pat^ (»nea faHa
ooriol 01 tbi« pUea.
i «oao
B.H.Booritt TBobBtlFoeUB je
kfta BBe HarriBCtoe cloaed a
& Bn«wi»<il U. HiUmn
' '
- -tviniam lto.»rll. Floreo-e 1- Ura^/, U- nasa-Probably the r
BOB to Mr. SsIUi of Oooowoll.
B. bturer ol Uooroc Ceotre
hwr* MMmd to tlMlr boD* M Adrtoa.
of oebool loot PrtoBr______ def^
Se!.i'*KrikM.. tetohera
; seas to eallej lb, «nsy worn
The cl.n-1-a beahh
•the Leapee aerrice at Ihto orh..:iy
JoJloo Sweasr, fonoeri; of tbtoFlaee. . Will Kllcbes Bsd Frosk litabp an
Hn.Cta.BBdrndBmUh»f* revoo
oo the iOotber^;^
sotber^pwt only VV vs
... «t>».. - a Bt-aaei-T.'
J. M Fr,okUo-Tv firat year 1 waa atoa
plaee.Sosday ereslap. tiarsb » Ail
«0M4fraBB«Mk'»TWtlB TrB»»« oru ncuU/ sarrtod to Mtoo KIMio COttlBr eat
for Mr. VosSlpt^
nil W afiowarda A
X.... narh.J me toda.V of the d.sth
I"*’ ' ^ke o™? *«A. V IVeier-l kept pTmslHwnoff
am 8aUaB(orBBd Jls Booeot took
AUoB of Boolb Am.
lb- leakt
»• ’»»>■->/
»taocr:ooa “■-lean,
of the loreat Im. here ea- my eabbsre. ia.1 asusrr
Lowell rrtok aod Arthor BoMb to tbe toetan at Tiaoona atjr HatarMIm tUiT Btmbm ud Him As—
'iu.Ve\pr.a*d. Uarbo !<br >s.aed.a.ay Fri-Uy cisiil. Feb. toa.irriy.
"i'irorc sited
sired irith la»AQi«.tee.
la»A*t..tee ‘'
«Bt to
toko Beirbbiwbaod to otol
Habton. of Tfm*m Cllr. «MMI ot
c-Uh, after m-erer • I'na .Ull-Thc swe thlsr m.»eB or: K. J. IlflakmaB--hK-rFa»e soAlm
Irleote Tbejf mj okmUar to Aboo
D at tbe <
Mr BcOl^oTAarea
lU,ptao*8o»dM•All .altoc-li of lapTippere- ripbt trer. a|ro. Maple learm o{ Usde d.-aws by bonea outweSableb took
eaie6ded^w“-.e oeakuno aill denlop ^ »i>**
UMSMonUrmslac. Fob. tMb. » IbaUko.
pc..-amc'Uia-' -Sbr will
*'* nlen off. is tte wrat Ihr lilteMlfrmke reepc-ra that ratbeeaad
oorprioe pertj cospoaod of tto
MBb« of friMd* bolped to ooJobrato
clrairuy. rniB
, eroak tbe rrasboppera by dririn, orr»
womao diould be jcrtiojlariy CrroK.if mimed io
jOBBt people of Ikto Botrbborbood wo
The Y. P- S- C a crill rlre a mb
- eatrisl of ter hraUb dsrim; tlw pc
>e.sn:uiiltr. wbrn
riatrd-_ 1. A. Ilruiksiec-^fte ur.linarysrrsy.'lbe prooi
•losary prorras seat Beoday dreator.
•' •
bnairr 0 '»io,
pcv'.l tl c.r k~ijlirj-.ixb.at lerfW-'c'Jliopsjtowlllfroeeiiie'lyp^
Leader, Mra Elea Biaby.
tme tnui all other iosecl prated
’?*Jj^-%atoajf Papr.
pi^S'^ ote *
A onmber of people ere til Willi Vt *^Airjjfr ell thw time, slir tl-».14 tc-p •4*'- diki/iil.jl
' U. H. B. wiu Bset at.t^d bm.
-- A. B IVirter—We abcmld apny for ' frunt^BMpeav^Hp l--d .by l*iea. (ilil,
Mn. H. P. HolMT dreoo om-ID
bee^icJTv*-.r"is Circi juirecst^lietlioold »hc «s* Insnm-r
« ■
ksp." borall eeoBMd tol
e for a oprolal seeUse
lounandoj oo batlMM.
idv cif.xv. rvy.irau .pl-nt rot end C|q>'.r MS.b brier* tte "r<-rtilisrra tor Arebarctf/: led by Bee.
l4>ote Lodirlc n» Ukiaf tlio Bnt voryplaaimat Ubm.
II . Ila-iop oc.r !»«, 'rerra iO',jr out. a w-.-ood tlw an m rriai-y Uaplry.
toeun WBc pino at tte Ko
MoF* lewd Umlac loM mMk.
» — •h.'«r,-'ar'i' afwr bl.b~)sinxic.r luxrband o third
ftti lonlt.m. to,*c!iib adp>B9rd tor
Chto, and Ibrid Rrllyarr borne from . ter laeo
in 1lt011v.11.;. cf
•> ..V«iwa-i..m
aebool boeee Friday olpht by E. a .
, with tl.r ni »!
fi..; r, - lia r. ir ■
yat 1.. rr. y
Wo Tocoira doUf soil fros Tr
IVbn. l:,i,«>»i rll--»‘l">i I’
Ward, d^ty state Iretonr of tte
Ciir BOW. wU«b to B doeldad Is;
»»«sm ,
Sereml n'orri TempUrs fn.» , thirV
Kseb tor Y.
rnare,’ for the fsipoar of inlor
o' Crr
Moon*, of Trs^noe Oiy, ptaer. Ticiiod Tn.
eCityf l
tte larssn to tbU eletolty to rnape
a* ben Friday aad telor- laet Friday mn top.
I belbs. A pleanst featore <d
f.rt maiiy xnrx. •till, .*.Tr:r paloa to
Frank French ii
tte leetsn wai a talk <s the eoe
■Ml. •C.t.juihv, ro .rjt ... II... te
A- I'rtoltsap-lr Ibrrr ted a-wr. Idals.A ai-1 J.I,. ItelM. tla.MrrWaa
' Br. aad Mrs. Bripps. fros tbr Pesaffr-tel. . ii.' iru.ii.iafv t.x .su.hI aidUt^aaent of batter eestotoed to dlf..... I;v.lg.ncian.l .-I i.'rrs.-at. 1 al.
<•-« apniii.p b,. lalraa to Iwn ixr.x .-i.naViul xelih.-i-t oipx c-"l Jr~ali.
iaasU. case to Urowo last week oe priyrr Br,ttnir>ate>o.
- i.-al Ad^Vk-f••a.llU•
t aaaipleo of silk, illoatiatad by
ti--.l,a y.sr ap.. I.<-xl«ran ihi-tiarof
Pk..,-m.-k.=.?;,x ivtoi:...r'.nd
fruit wh«. picket.
: in Steu-J.v
Momb l).>bm and Fniok ll-.ntaaa aill lAM.ti
their wey toatoM cossty.
tossto osde with Ike Baboock
ated l-i -''’-' luiirra
hSi.J rx-l~d- al
.•lT.i.,lU.!t. l:,M..n.*.-rv-*h..aUll
>■ IW.-r-l -h.x-r heard
Mr. asd Mra tAke and.family, abo Of Opdrnab’inf ri.iird the M-b-k,: jn Ibtor pto.-.xvuti.f
Aclif-.'k. \t;Avi i.-s;lirfi-KNS.aBV S1EI>
Ii-k.x.tiy 1« irli. •
ilial a pnaon xxonl.i narx-to c
Mra Drue's Bother, Mra Scbrll. rbll. nblrlct No. t/l'ridaf af'V'-h-'-'S,
ICAt .AV J«:uT«-.s So. «!6j Main Slieet
\,.; .,.uk-, .l<..-xxr kumt ,1. iL...ilc.«.»- I!
of .-hrrtte , U. pK
a Oadar laat Tbsnday. whom he
ocbBiT onr.
ijalto aciosd cAim- -'.at .l,. .pr'l'np
ui at the CAspbell tars Frklsy.
PK ir..ul.,ovas»H.a--ii rix—’ninkak instonj
rx.;i..f. -ilnr irlel w.-l p.pw.. onr alalrbees basilar tors. The
Mia. DUoe.of Weafoed. eallod^ere arhoollart Tnr.diy cTmtoif. lli.ir nBrui. I'rier.slyyi.- .AtJ li
.ther waa too BQ«b for Um aa.
Hoyt bto aoU hb
ynterday cm her way to Tto»<^Cbj Shtflhrr apclltnp aeUnol TuerAay' <•«'0-: eoimai
a-.oaanrlV.l; IVa.'> 4-f.ij. i.Ua-,s.; «
by .SI,he Ihr |•.rl.prrrl..^, llir In.or
BbUn Tlbblta.
■ . .A
.r lix ar1..k.|.
e will epepd a few days riut- lop b-n.
a<7t bosfbt a berw of AeSMS
lYir <l3od TrspVr* at Ihb plac-r-wal-T i„
1,1 klr.-sc .xf ilir h.nl*
t; F-rsi, KA.'4mmix . hijaip., .
aad' KlBf a few days are.
uomed Danlrl MeMnltrn auil Tr,-!
iAilo,»ii.c ii. ihrlr rrsbd
I r..p«nl ln-.-Kii.ir-. .X..W tiv
Ada^ Beermlllrr baatsored from the
Itopald into llic-lr ranlca.Sa-.or.lay
H^en to...,! |■a>Oc'r• f,.... ..^ha. ■C to ffln aa o
find to Ibufall. That apple taliaU,
Ifaipple booto toto tte Star boaoo.
t. aia toobes'
Ihwoakef toto
lhJprnui.il ali.-nxcry au.uil.bm iluV
Hif Ws. BoberU bae rooe to tte from Up to tl^
\Then: will te * arh.«)l«brhlii..n k'lH
worm pi..!..,...dii,.torr»>r.>,.l llui Uor»
stb* pan
pan of the elate .uTottlt her
.rt p.-.b,,.
the aebool
Tbe yooBp ladba of Oraws betwees the aebool hnaw. to ltet.N-:, IVM.v;
le apee of six aod tweln yron ban erralnp. tlerch .'.Ih. Alto nnd at II..-1
baU lax 8sad^ arsttor aad w
seh-ewt boom-to lllatri-t X%w 4.- FriJar'-^'" --f
taiurM..:.; X-%
x^-'......................... Dana-ll »..old teap.-.i p-.an,!.. X1.!,„: -1 l.a.J l^-rn t Nlaiaur of toe
sltodlbestolra tottaef.O. of B.
.,»■ to our .-ip.-^iairBI kUli.m f.«- Mal.-ril.l .I’p4..-.jwl tomK-h' Mr W,
tlsr loco to the river throe s
They isrlie toe pcsrral tolcmt of the! rnniup. March mh. Ap.^aft^m, ir
•of J." pile rpr.i'l-f! i;
!>,. ,v m
v,mr..--q.l.suf Ibeir lattet l.ulU-I.B. al
mntlripistod at
'*f ibr i-ahibltit*
l-». J
Clark Barker Bslled wilh tbe first M.
aepply.of fsratobto(m. Thta ’lod#o 'Sooeti^portttrweM'W'^^Tese City
............... .a >f«
».!_ J- J- l.srdle.J'kri. prenn la l-Jten UiaMmy.-• TfTtWa|rt.*..„.-hreiaTrytW.|<tx-*
toot we& from tbto plaeo to bear the B. cbBreh of Trornse Cilyawerkkpo
-■xixs thaq.hrl:cl..rr f-xr.-jrraoi wnrip
rd> I
. Trial Klm.d J,.- ,j s. K.
Pisrroe at»eeh at Uiat friaoo. asd oay last Baoday. May tbrpraycrs of chrbitiop KuBdey',*A-ninc.
- .1- M J-niiliiiu A tecpix-wfi^l of
woo oouad. ootid ulk.
tbefrleodsald bim to
bU rtneerriila Ilawkioa Irajl tin- mi-rlinp;
B bla
»‘l .fll-Xte.
fr.s, l-crla pcl-eu tocpelitBlof water kill
BoaMoseotoleadneaheepokto froa lioae with tbe DiTine.
for oral Snorter eri-ninif xrill?lpc
saact Boaday
'• k,,
. Bs.rxie?i*iaiBa'aal»a
OloD wney-a alelrb wtaAo be wao
til,I lb.-rnmii.l worm every lime
- ! ,,
Bpabour. Tte C. >: i. iloinp:
ataator. March ttb. at 7:Wo'etoek.'
TuxnCaar htixT:
ati x-K in'Ui,
In U.r worn t.w
pood bx-r<- eu.l xxj, L-.p, mpry ;''
tore* swwd ia axpactad. Tea an to- seettof a week oro Boaday at the Boic
eeboolbosee. Uesyabe kse^ weU
•.•rm.-.Ub l,.-ll.iU»rean.lk.iee'.
. llVnia.
il^teni-filed throupb ih - ^
Alben Gneraery hat a nty
id frnil lr..»by in
• 1.. A. Itni.-,man-Helleteer .11,1 nut
H f-'kin
■Hit Uan.1i,.
Uan.la. iTiin.I.iin,
iTiin.I.iin. x-,^
x-.iriui «^i|
a^il b
eaoork otbo pot iu
ir rx-.p.x--i;vc
'^mpteb ttxat pxirpuw*
I Kru-li.H-a. and laaxilin-li^nirea ^llea.
Pantos dUpooed to be
Jobs Cosstoe bae sored lata
..i-l.rable applied lk.rde.tix mixiure. fi «bleb •• “IM® •'Uj- puaraateM .
broke toto Khersaa Doyt-o bosoe a few
B. PbOUpa to ea the etak lift
'Mspple Y.Miiip
teujiwtracatod by Dr. Burke.
f .Urllointo i.
dayt ICO aod carried off bli
B. T. HIU tea epaaed bto aorar bath.
Ur. Burke aad Binltb Bfppar ’~~fr • lowo Friday.
n«a. Tl.ie .1 e
. Iia. il„ii txa. ,aiiiUi.,..ul. a» Ifar liuie totor —le by .1. C. .i..|;i.v,i-.«iirt .a. fl V.'.u.
. pitoh fork, broke eose of tbe
Mr. Biatotrd to Ispnoiar M
Ur. llottOD of KarkerAlrrek
trip to Isolaoaw codsty Bcadaz/r^
II.eM.inl. iMOlia lira* mlxturi Ii,akraalt the ioprrdlrou in ll '
wisdowo aad earriod off all bto pnturplap Monday.
. i-lp.-r . Ii.a, ati-Uo B.liirre f .r a l.mpitmrIJREAKFABT B'JPPER
aBAUaewBoaTnoana a^WJ, J. McLsuphlli altendml pr-'isW
Tbe Betordey nlpht daoce at the <1.
: lil.-r. Kirhll. ---,,l... ■'dn-.-u
•I..I.1* Ih. Iaalie...f' ' Uf. l-.-Ttl-r au.l Nr. .1. .1. Urdle l..ih
~ :
A. B. kail called quite a crowd
.MPrt at lk-llaiiv;.M.fo.b..v. .
......i»... I.j -Ik. . Iltfina .11,.- l...
a D. AOeahaOBbooteesplala
pa«eed off reqr plestontly.
L.uuto M«>rri» of Travrrre City c-a'll.-d itcnctixc
.,Y i;.k.:-n -■•S-e-nlk. Til. I—'.a- -.
yeare-iolcl te ae.-o at Ibrpreaenlti
' Job of rrtUar oot oadar fram tbo
Calklna bed tor misfortenc tc
.IV,.p.<-.-li.iUe‘l'.-lir JT- ii ai.., aha.i.:,.. f.irsa- a
eo tbe le.rca td Ibi- trna.
Wr.CulssaofTrannwai,- r.s
■llpaad fall while Is toe mill yard,
-u... al, .4x- IksVi.Aiidi aj.>a -li.-a.
. .1. Jl'lurdi.—i.-eirt I’aria x'r.vu a
Wo boor tte wbtotU of tte siU <
C M. Baboock prcacbea at the Pne- etriklep bto ude apslaai a lop. and
>WD on buaioo-. Saturday.
1-4l«ih -rj i- fklx.t,:
i„ cut te'.l lla alraopili for ynra. I ki>
Aar BOW. Ihe yard to fotttor woU bytorias ebsreh BabbaUi ansiar.
breaklDP two riba
¥ra Turn Mitete!l.rv..-r>,t-!,^,1,-1.
-,1.1-1. Bill) burn i’lia fr.xiu eiperleii,-e.'
fsat Batorda; while Lymaa Coraell lapfriendcalt'etilral Iskr.
Dr. Faktos, of Klsraiey, dron onr
- ...r.. u.viil inMi. r..n.T-1'aria pre.-n ia often art
BdlLlN''. V
R MilK'
HaatorOaaaldLonofTiBnroe dlf Friday esaalst toattesd Prof. 010x0-0
Miw Buale'SValkeroIJiUI Mteks I.
ae ODhitebiup bla leas, one of toe
.to rtoittorbtorraadpanata. Mf. and lecMn.
bancabreame nfractory and bit bis tte puiot-if .Mra.1l II. Noble. \
. Hrm. J. MoDoaalA
Ilex-leal ml-fUnpa are teiixp ki-l.l si ’
toe-cteck. saklapapaab ooer two
The ebtople sOI b roastoc aipble.
Mr. aod Mm. M. M. Wefah fare
e ‘li ll. '! •Veliur.-U ItiK tteek|
iDcbce iB .IODpto. Tbr wound war
Tbe power b seed day '
tetoal party toa few of tteir frieada lap bowb.
Larpe .qisnllliea of luv^xlrifi.jl tot...
drrsacd by Dr- Burkr. but will prolslaet Taeedar eroalar.
theboydartoc Monday a at..rin * ■
QBltoadeleraliDsworaMUw depot bly Inn a bad near.
Tapi .lohdano .if toe h|r. U-|A.-.i-.
While Eton Cornell wai drawtnp fee
Hetorday to preet Mejo Fisproeoshb
n Friday l.a.ruip-oii lb.-;
way to Trmnno CUy.
fros Bbensan toil week bis 1<^ of
C immiBcxa'a.
Mlqt Bsrdpo. Mte AodeiboB-aad ice clipped toto tbe pond, drepplnp
Tfco Bsn Uso wo M rob.» Wiu bo
u im.
<*F orostap.
........... --'t rrj'r 'Tt- '• ' 1-"^:
:h3 JP F
Tbto. Kimball attesded tbe toaebers' bis abd bU horsce to aleo. Mr. Oormenu and now ox-.-upy tl„- rxeima .ir.-i ,
at Kalkaeka Bateiday.
rasreecoed botbadaniri
The anaspessato ten bees made
. e. and oae of toe boroee died to lluller'a atore.
Mra. Fred Wripbl ia vintliup -at tte
wbonby tte Preebytorias Sabbath dbont so boor after teiop takes from
borne nflte*.-I. Ueiiraffsi ftohl -Mr
eebooi will eooB ban a aew Ubrary. .
dan. formally paftur at Uila plua..'
Elder Kellopp. of Traeene Oly, eooleMi SbAIrr. wbo bCa been Ti41t,i'.i;'>al
doetod qaarterly meetisp eerrlee at
Martin KrsoierVf(,ra..-i.etiA>..V..t„.n
tbe M. B. ohorcb Batorday aad Boa.
Mra U.F.MeFallie quite m.
ed hus'e VI Sai/ll M. Murle laat ee-Ic'
Haalpold. of tbe Klspsley
the h.ime of Iriif. 1. .it I rl.lux'/rtviuiip '
eebooU. aad a aomber of bb popUe rie- K. McFaTI a riUt laet week.' Mrs. Ws. W. Oarrto and little Nellie tlsreh ... All are x-cry x-x.riiia^y 'liiut,
Itod tte blpb m^l bon Friday after.
rUltodatN. W. UerrlDptee'e laat Wed- ed te alleml.
<d tbe 100tore ii
Vnlle a parly 6f
op |M-..pie fr..*
Hiorc wae In tewe Batuntoy to Bellsire altecled lha-bipli te'.i.a.: . i,
Prof. Ofsws of Trareree City, lew
Mra. Haaear bee roaa to Asa Arbor
tte toteml of Va1l, Crala A Co.,
lertainmeDt Friday cTriiinp tanil. Va-k
to tenbararaadoetorOdi ttehae aot torod at tte M. B ebsnh Friday •*<
^ir. Mlcb., who deal larpely to 1
ntapr of tirtop In v.hqio !w:L-b'
ted the aaaof itetocalt wae brofcee topoaeoedaeaUes. Tteaedbaeow
pnpb polea
old friend ^nd J'n>fraa..r Jl. If. |
•ear Uiredaoetteafo. We etoeanly eottolarp^tteeobjectaadtbe r
■nie Cbrieliaa Eoddarorers aod tbe
tepa they orUJ be aUa to help bn to opalied aWity of tte epeaker ospht
Rtop-t Daapbtera set at Mra C. A.
I'e Pyiday enaiap. A pleae
aat Use wae enjoyed,
Mra. AbboU aurt aoD vialtnl, s.itlimx '
.♦00.000 feet oMOmlwoed lope hare
' Mr. tsConbaeaetoktene.
Bay lot Monday.
Tbe hotot trade at Orawa peered 1
been shipped awer fros hor* tbia win
Pnak Bsllbbaeeenaaaaad tti-w
IV. U. I'iirtor
1-ortor vlalled
ter asd aboot *<1,400 bae bera left berr
laat week returnlnp to-dav.
Mra Doaa epeat Boaday with ntoat fortoeeaoM, but tola ia
Mr. Marsh aaima to tefo riroe tte ■tree at WOllatoiterp.
E i:m aaa a Traverw- Ciiy rlwVir
not aa It aboold be: wbat Wc seaat ic a
: Pbb. thaws ted wtd.
tost week, returnlnp huuie Sunday
.A. Widrif rotomad to Istoad Ihe
to cut toe Umber ben at C
The bfgo ansad bne a
A.. CampbeH drove tn Traver-te I
mh taUsp al^of straw, a loeor Wbo will be tbe Ineky aiaa to impron
tte time toarator how to
Uai Friday. returalnj^-Batanlay.
Mte Omoa West boa beaa rtolOac
II. Ulauchard. wbo baaVen vlait-|
ThedebaueatthlipUeean becoster riotn Mra OUec of tklo place.
Anhb Ihe «th. bat wUl ntora after a
lop Rev. Mr. lUrlbut an.l wW tor a j
top quite popolar. peopU eostop tom
A aomber bos ben Croat to t^ week-e racatioo.
or tear milaa to attend ttaeat
toetflotsTdartohsarBecLMr. Ptorroo
attheCestnoB qneoUoB laetTbnioday. "Reeolrrd that ry laat Wedneaday.
< k.’ ifmk.
tte tTlh wae a pleaeaat affair. The rs
Tbe Isdie.' nvuefit aox lely
both eesee ahoold ban tbe ease- ripbt
I <
Mte Habol Powtor. wbo hai btea
Ir. and Mrs Uenry SpInDlkec Jaa\
kne ea toooUob. ntsrted to her
Friday and a very rnj lyal.le
Mte Jeeab Laapworthy closed her
NeleoD ateisted-^ohs Whii^ndl
ackeol laat Friday at Maple atp.
•riMol oi Us Coatn Ihe teih.
She roported by tb.iM- who alteorte
toe aflrmaUn side to an inatrocUr^
Mte Uccto Uodfa who baotea etotsret the flrel of AprU to eommeace
le W. A.'. T- L'.^nj.iyod a very pi.-a-aad plaaslnp manner.
Mr. Bapaeki
tUar to Maplatoa ntaraed to bar hose toe eprtop tens.
tea meeUup cl tbe borne of II
ktottoeasdlanceUiiffhinp. bat eosid
la Traesoe Qty laat Thaiteay
Keeriyall who attoaded tbe epeeeb
Woolaey laat lVedqr*.lay afiernonii
not talk faetenoupb aa toe deciaion
paatod by Ida Bsith.
i Tramoe Qly wen weU pleaeed:
nice-company xva, pr<w..cil auJ
soosly to farce of toe
Mia. Jaanieo.wbobtobooBatO(dar With a few Bothlap abort of a Rladevery erneaiwmrU toeuy.y Ihrmaelxe*.
Bn nnac for her daarhtor that b' looe wosld da
Mte Irenr Morten. V. bo baa rro.-i.Uy
abb wiUi typhoid fooar. bat
Oarelo Bripbam. belierlap If U-paye
ueed.a fire mootha'term of acb.»I al
Id roporte bereoaewhat better. at all It payi to keep tbe bat etoek, b
Keswick, arrived last Tharaday oipht
Mte Hlckord olcood her term of
MteBdn^ Bicbardteetobomapnla.
hartop eoos of ,lte brU eatUe aad
Itead thr cnnieat and will remain
oebool at Ifapieua tor a Bn week.' oaT. O. Boyxkae nUrned from Fissk- anotoer week, the pueat of Mr. and
cwlaa chipped to bis from eome of the
toUte bet Friday. Fob. at, which bae aoet Botod berda
Mm K. A CsmpWU. .
boto T017 caecoeafal
J. BarU budbpoiedof. Dearly pMO
AUic teafford ririted Tnrmor
A aplendid c-xoleal umk place in tbr
‘ -tereaeaUaoatbnto
worth of els aed haewsed with bat
town tell laat Satniday exestop Aimler
ilUle oaUey for help. Tte aast -of *M^^. E FottoapUl le able W be toe anapleea of toe W. I T F, Mixt
t^ lepepo tothe eosthera pan of xiea aQoio.
1 ^ mne MorV.u
ji.irv.o uc-inp
bx.-inp xoeau.
D. Onham Bndaysdai
tte elate, where toey d^ aot ban
Edd Palmer called at Hr. Ullbert'e tmteot. E>e<y oneof the
Ike Poari Lake tosp.
laet Snaday.
HtaThoby Borrii aad Hn. BatUo
Ibbeto^ oteof doors by flnat
C ZUplerrWted'tacncoe Qty om
Barrie an both qaite clek.
aay time b bard lock, bat topeclalto
way to wtOrh toey-dellverdtoelr aeThe mill whbUe b btoid tr
atthb tuaeofytar. Tbe boralapof.
r. k. W. Wootela ariferiap with teroiaoxl
vbbh wo an all plad to bear..
Mr. PlUsrb bosre wa. a pren Icaa. atoto throat,
Bpwoptb Leapxie .
H. Baydar of Tranne aty vae to
7. -Brcdfca rWted M^de aty «se
rationa tor a
prand Itime.at thej
tobebobhped topowithaalcbapiand
tows )a«t week toopoeUap lasber.
aat woek.
Old Folks' B
te bepiron at toe
Mr. Bolt of Tranne Qty called ten
Bhaak of Bmpbs caDod at tkb
hall next Batorday.
Very neat
laat Friday es rosto tor Bmplra
ptooe tort week.
ttonv are out and tte foUowinp
or of Traeeree aty
TaxeolleetarScmqorant ease on
8-riUt UM Friday at A. C Wyakoop'a
Bd. Balek of mnoae Qty wn to
V. JV. U BorlbuL
Hr. Freeman of Lake Aaa droee
tows today <Uiqntope;i. tor of hay.
threpcb town tort week.
Aoka Jccoap aad broths of Maple
to eapeeted back tods weak.
Oraadma Bpaflord epeat Bnaday with
Bn. Mr. Onrar aod wUe ban
OUp won to tows iMl wook oa barior eon Bam at Alslra.
M. S PrBUatMBdodeotTkoei& BarUso. Oay b tetoo fros Ork
Mte Ckddie Atoler ratoned
1. -1 am eiphty' tentoy.-shtoboto sretUap fa tte
kra. A. B. Kterie.
lap at Uto
Hemortol-B. A Sptacer.
Than ban book aorsal os
to P. Bolta of Beaconla to TtoiUw
•atooodtouto kmr tte lope
Mr. VaaflyokeWtedatM. W. Bar- fritodi and rtlatine at toto ptoea
Addivaii. -Irortklnp toward Htmaet.’'
be way.
jrlnpten'e ton Friday,
A. L Btesen and darn Bello TQun i -Wm. Buusll.
ton Fri-I Be*. Boerard Mi
Maale. -God te wltoyou till we scot
nry ridt from Tram aty.’Be toft kto wife better,
atata.'~ followtop wfalek wiU ba a sq.
prben ha boa beaa atteadtop nkooL I B**- Br. WUltoma win boU a Mriaa
ae- riabto and restotocMte meeUap.
iftteMfoWnpeem bettor.
lofseeUapi ntOoed Bariwr.
M a* tUnytoao toat Thnnday. AUj 'TteJanit(C.S.etetalpwUl«lenM'
to Mr. Boyt wbo toteado to wo
lars tte oaslac easawr.
TtenwaaaaodalbopatC A.
dnoab to which a law of tte yoBBt
folte ^rtlripaud aad bad a JoUy'
Tte eodal at Ur. BIrmloy-e o____
ffnat eaecoat. abool BO people betor
pf lat aad rr.M betof tte preceada
A torresasbcrtnUBUito aebrbbarteed attoaded tte eproeb of Mbypr
Ptorroo. aad all won hlrbty ploaiod.
Bad wo (Sly a few sen soch at be tte
poor weald ten son to be Usaktal
' An enormous stock of new Sl’RING GOODS received. Fortunate cash bujring
from best manufacturers enables us to now offer new and bigh-class niereban-.
dise af prices away under value.
• '
^ Special
X< w SatiTH-F. Persian pritterns. shoulti R
l>e 10 Cents, our )>rire.......................................
^ Linen and
White Goods Sale
....................... :N>'\v in |ir<,k'rx-».
3 cents
10 i 12 cents
-TO cents
Apron (xinjrhauiA. ahould Ik•<ur jirice...........................
(iini'h.nm ApFon*. fuU>
Evtry ne\v ides r- jirx •xfiiled in tllih line
at i»rix-ekde>.-iii‘.dly Ji> lim er’s adranlacu.
. iIair-woo] ,Cha11ie.s. shuold l>e
to 25 cCnlB. our price.*.........
-Uijnch pore -vool Serge, all color,,
All Other Lines Complete
1 at 51 ami up.
and unless you first SKamins our stock you ars liable to
pay Aiore for poorer goods.
«c a«uM h»i« M ««el> *»» “
bMak^ar- UwcAoBMvkto-
•MlHWI|>^*<i«r<>« kr‘------
nImxBttothr UM
eofamdalftr. t »a is Mhod B0ir tad
I>wmyooi mu.|rt««a.
Oms Mom
......... ‘■'■7
kmvm. r>b m. m»
OSAS Kditob-1 tiiosflit I wcnU
TtM to Um
m I bs<« MW
writMB Wort. Iwnrt toorkooi oU
wUUr b«l wo SK bsrisc rwtkn
ksow wbrr« tbay an. iiaaat tall at,
wa-« wbaa yoo do baar froca Ibea
Ba ilraa ool far fixMO —
tha —
farb booaa. asd ba aMl aha srr tha baat
a( friaoda.
-------------___ m ihay may ofiM b
---------------------------------a. harlBf
^fMl WadohopelHa wilt write
^•U. «a will tall yoa aamaaiar,
jMs. U yoa wUl wrila aa lattara wa
will baVa yoor plotox pot la tba paper
iteM day. aod wUl yoo BX ba a *t*od
OtstbaaT Ito't that a banrs^f Uara
If thalattar
Mr DaAS Hsa BaTM-I sotlaa bow
f'----- ■ the UUla ebUdrao are to wriu
thdr llUla lattoraloytmaod bow maefa
Wa 10 deUp ao. aad
yM w<mld W
^ —
to ——
«• o*~
HV—A>-r little triaadalthoBfb ba la
-oaly aeM- Tbrotbx day 1 bard
---------- aay that they wUbed they
wan a moaaa to Way eowld kMw what
Maa<maaiaawa>dolsraadariDC. I
Iklab I baxaroraomaeb baltar op-
"Ko. air: CotV-alpfaV’'
’■Woold thin Bol ba aoma abai
‘■Vaa.alr; twoeaou.•Whal wooW yoo do wlib It?■iloymady.' waa tba laatoat
. would eot Uka aay borne."
MrtTD^Tomllo. Mertaoloal Eopl-
. c at yoor
loUzpla firm ibrea (ora qaa
Is tba aaeaed rraiU. 1 oaad to
____ ____
Oble, wbna tbrra ware so MilaA iroi
loalUa Uaorrr W. Faaaey.
■laiirfe for Cbriatnaa. Illkatoi
tIowB bill. Wabxabl< bill toallilr
tOL ..
dowB BOW. Wy taaabar'a aame it Nr.
1 Ilka
-*------ -----
DOwiBrwbatlapdBC oo lo tta
aa that i rlalt-aad if thla latter
a 1 may aomatlmd toll yoa
Ibat Ibaraoxrbaad. Bat
wbst I atortod tbtoMtorfor mox tbaa
•nythlBC elm waa to toll yoo that i
. Wan Jam baae harlar my maaaara If
ItolskisKlhatoMOirbtbof M laah
0«Mra of my far eoaU ba raadUy
«BMMd.UmtamoaDtwM «ilp|>»d oB.
bat tosad to oootolB ao away haira
' lata atfbl parta aaob of whl
tM halm, amkiaf 1 Mb la tha
^tfhth of aa iaeb aqaars. Ho om
a«nnwaaUwmtslB7a.M»baIrs Kow
.sathanaiaaboat foor baadrad aqoare
■—»— ia my «oM-f am istbar iat«a of
ay afs—I am fobM to ba tba
Of »0.7*Ci.ooo faalra. Kow t .
thArwooldanraraoMlaebla laapth
aad wata r*».»d aed to sad thay weald
Mka a llMaboaltMBillMlaar whkb.
Mltey are wMlabar*ad with olactrto
‘«y. wo•Umak•ato^arra^*UMIMA|.
from Tiaranaav to Vraskfort.
Bprpai-_________________ work.asd I aaufalSfblBlnc aanbaad
auynrmOon. la March. -l«sl.
lot laU , «u hare lolly eared mr. I find them plaaaFrrrldrotliarbrld waaahol
aat to toke. ooarralrel to rarry.
road atoUon at Waah
Bar. 41. D Brewa. HoadorV Wto.:
waa atolned to ruo from
Tbaaffevl of Htnarfa DyapTfola Tabthe train that box Mru.
Uarbeli^froiu '
Tallooa; a quite brerBlberoa. \ J.. to Waal
Ird beef atoak cauaaa
liaoer of brolh
irem alnee 1 bapaa tbair
harlay a
. ala tboutoad people la 'the etote
norb to^lba' OxrajaiBoutoi
■ool lie eurrled the
DBAS EtHToa—) am gniog
.CTifed of
WwTn mIo'Mieh alone la
atomach Irooblto 1byHtuari-a Dyepepato
aumt artry day aad ay traahrra an
I amy tril yoa anamUmt ofaaaoMWwhlobtmpprMdtomalawbkb I
wto aaarly lest my aoot aad porbapa
mj Ufa. Tw lhapraaawi I am year
■ha ttmuicb. texay ■ xry anamyHy bretbar to pot at home to-day. I
; kMf two aowa; thalr aamaa are Baaala
.nnl Madpa.aadlhaxa aalf aad Ito
Beroodby for thto
a thto
f.>r ta>t railroad time in
thto couDUy. :
It to told that dutinc the
.e awful alrela
iraed hto besdi'
tif that run hr ac-eer tor
d wltb hie fire-1'
1 bare a half mile
(D to aebool. Oar aefaool to rary
e. I rma kslV aaw, bake, cook aad
Mp. Thto morelBif I bad a nde
From your little (Arod.
■d peekafto mi
neat MIC., orae
by mail oa
l£o.. Mar-
Stop It Qatokly. tut tba teat a« DM
Dr. eharin B. Botmaa. sf Ut '
OsASMaa BAraa-Jam alltUe fW
1 bate brown hair
aadblaary«a. Bchool to oot aow. My
lasdmrb same waa MIm MyrUa Kaab.
Ibax apathalfar lu oamr totialty.
I haxyxat (aa alidiap down hill with
«y atotar ttodia. I bax two brothara
Tea Byeb Street. JarkssB.
aatvnaal bad !<•
lid-.o- dl Ud luulldt .d l>dT«> Idd biabd Ti><
-r*d oAbCi, MKbVtob. Arni b l-dt. U Lliidt Iddd
UidWWdd.b Md WV bblx. •hblbtWAddd.wa*
ib.dd-4 ibctWf u, I—*, daij ■iiiaaie a* ddid.
M.w; >' abipncid Ibd Lbbdiba irwdbd Camad
w Wisns KAsaa.
rOatXK A cun
..Jc—nf K..
The letter to which batchelor* seem mo« inclined:
nm ntimtorr^ot Id^Uid^irasnt^.
. and I thoupht I waa
'ood'a Kofway I’lac »yri
AlioTadfif rB.iriaa.
ry a caa of Hopklna' Htesmed Uotnillolled Coru.l It to drlleloua
rarerenAtoto caaMK W eapnlM fTam Mmffa.
ne4-r-. Cn.-he- aad aaeke-. ato'a l-iaae
kalac. abl. a U an birkij nms.fiaX. 1. b lew
Corner FroftrOnd Cass Sts, Tranne Cify.
Iiiddd din bdA iddixMi. ’ddddi. b. Ibd bUbtae
tbd*''di^rSi?J2 bLT'd
dddlKb ddidb id li.dtdlilli laadTiaddx a
raiaa id.I.d dM.lb Ibddibtd oC Mkblbab.
UdIX Ibddbibdr M. IW>
Euniutton«[ Teaclien.
bbUctorwry uauBiaailto la arecrapbx
P. O. Boa l«^_______
Caewi-rllto.iab tl.Ma. |
wrradroalr a> Ibr to
wrtto yoo a CawUaaa.aa my brother Dub EomiB—I tbonpht I would
dU. HypapataktBtbeBnatJiasd I Tlla to tM Hasbir aad let ytm kaow I
daUkatDxadthaUUUWttaia la tba hoot oor achooL Ipotoaehooli
M —I win toll yoa what Boola day. batlam ptnap toatay.out thto
ooartad help my atotar araak. Hy
bdr ml. lb ur braack.
idialbam. My
; Ml aada
deUa to
Bat I wUl eloaa for
to aebool ma<rii. Hy traebar'a
afen per real. wlU be ■
] tbMIimaaormdtQto. From.
to Floreoce McFall. I baxas
auBt llrla* la Traxrua Oty. I auy
.1 Adotyhaim.
aaarly aiwuyaatay wltb bar. 8ba took
texx- mtr. xk. at ima me wllh bar wbaa I waa oaly^lMleaa.
-DbabHm. Batm—1 amallulr ftrl
asdlharaslayad witbbarj
It aw. I. >. bwAw fbb toH w aMMxanoid. I Ilka to read tba Irt- aaarly arer Mace, but aowthay
- - to
BDd Gardeners
[ Was la the BaSAiJixrT maob a
tbayairpolapto Xew a,
4willlryUwTitooM.too. lamlotha aprtov
WHO MAY WANT SEEDSto 1 am atayjap with aiy
^jBMth rrada. aad I etady resdlaf. father. My folka axat|toTraxraaCity
apalUoK. wHUae ami laarasfa. Hy yealardayaad barea'■•t CO
Wrt caa MX yoo the axpasaa of tf
toSibw'i aamr to Mtoa Coxrt asd 1
wa expect tbam to-day.
Mho bar rary araeb Vc bad azmeiaaa they atortod OM of our horura
mruikm. lumlltoiier by draft or a
' taoM rm Friday tor Waabiactaa'a
roa't rat aaythlnp at alpbt or ta
«Mhd« aadibadtoapaak. ‘IWt to tba monOap. Wa tUsk that to-arhat
a jam ra rellnbla
Wa pwaru^
•d thorn from oominp kuk. Hy
ma to xry baay: tbc kali elaxo nandaut you esa proeex byordertap
Mltana Gnaa.
palra el atocklapa aad
from Bbroart.
. Drar aeUor. I hope I will aaa
Bbas Msf. Batm-I wfll toll yoa thto ia tha Baals. Kowlwitlelea*
SASSSA. „ A.b A.AW A _
tbW ] am letac to ae%i axry day. by aaadlag my aama aad apa.
•Jly rnadloa are raadUy. CriUar,’apMlMBpIy.
TbaUrpertbaorMrthaprrat---------------Mbuxoa La rt
a La.
b«. ari^uwUe. toaceaca aad faorrsar the diaeoB^l frem rrpalar I
c» bar xry wall. Than Tbto lltUe ralaetkm. that tbsl Mok
. Harhll.
_. .
» la oor family that aldld at allad "Bbaiorle
Made Bra,UBe*" bra prw
heaa. Grmadpa asd frmadma are Ur- patratad. mnkra om wiab tUi be nrex
•pula laartooLsadsoiaorBatyoto hto
bar WflraaBrllU.R.H.aDdll
'irdbll own fdd dbU dAABir . ibd BWBlddiddddTlSbd
IS Ibid wrwscd. AS .. aid. I. <bdds-4 ds b<dl kt
. 5H1SS Sisr^SiSHr:
laxCK' -Si a-ait. labdr .i..rb .11' aass na 1 i.yi..«d u.dlt l~sd la. sad Ulrux <d
T tt
Wa II IBGIA fj, K '^7»d,
. tofethareoftoa. I hsW a little atolaf ^ yon will wa that ^^t^t to m
mi aaatosna
who baraa to «o to aebaal teat weak,
■w totmly (ow yawn oUt aM to (otac
it Umt wra ryotoM «
to ba Bx ynraoU tba Ttb of Pabreary.
M the fawth Mtomaa om
Upo t^MBMtoMM to imma. bM Btum-
TWraape u u .rdsdM. Udi pnbdi. Ik# iiu .ikdirie. eassa ibi tm ddi sd buddaidbr. ira. daif
bsArne todddW, kt tawna a ddat ri Sbb ddddd W auk ibd ddbUb
Sute St. near Union.
D the^pocery
business. E^ybody
needs groceries and we
are friends of ev^body.
Love our enemies too.
They can't hurt us. (o why
bear ill will. Particalaffy
we are friends of tbone
pho need, and knead
flour. Here are a few of
dt s ddM bbaani. ibA ' bwwdi Mdrar. w
Bbraiur. tba »to day of Itor. IBM,
ddw an.waau nail. X
i esr'isars
a?^*rrwr!I imta
&ad sa;ijf<srrS;S^3
nad korWioaakdBewMmWrw aaiaa
Rtoar. tba tsib Oaymr 'Baxh.
oeit rmtuu, omow/’ornr,
Auca M.pcictnm.
e totM w
Sr5 CO C O-A.
A Friend in Knead » a friend
la fbdb mdt rabd dad >dasHm.
bd xTFuaiewiraUfmdTTddbdddBiddM. d a^ 1 ibddr tniib.sasdadRbradadOdidt ddbbdsla ibd
SSJi in'wt A-dTiSSr’ -
rwTTT A caonEu
that that toof___
‘y’n'MlU a UPAXr
Ire Toe I Seccissful Fanner
a I, Euis san co.
April II. ISM.
...dl dbd A u Ibdi ddi. di ibd »vai tdddof
Hdl: Id Trd'drd.
Trd'dtdd Cur.
Udadd Tdd’rx
— naa
Mages,Buggies, Gatters,Slei^
beS'S* Oraf^wvm^MMrT tor
iCamrSSidr ikr edaiud
sr.rii^’^.b X..
dt dUd d'riVb Id tkd dlidraidia. ai ibd rrow 4tm at
al tl-torr. aed Buat bA«« tai
Brown saj-s he's been so often deceived by the Chick
en at his boardinn-house, that he now calls it the mock
ing bird. You can't ntarrj- a Miss if you marry s widow
—you can't miss it if vou adopt P. K's as your trading
place. W'g don't give.anjthing for nothing, but you^t
your money’s worth every tipip—nor-do we expect
something for nothtng.
We p.-i>' the highest murket price to farmers for their
produce in canh. W'c have no baits—we are afraid that
some sucker m'ght pull it off the hook and then see the
danger he was exposed to being hooked. Ours ia all
straight business—a little profit on eveiything.
arrb !• xtf uu
IraiK, Pt..]—
cranwrix t^r *-■—
' three ynn ar> laat aprto« alaea tbay
' waat ad <ma of my atotora wfwt wttt
Bafora tbay wnt a-ay thap
daaa. Wa aatd
Let ’er be.
of getting
coofroola aome oae ia every
boBie each xai- Whoevet the
work dexlix upon abouM jL
Ibm cfatoiaa aa4 Ibty • eitr M
uria- WbxxftwraaAama.
ryfccaaetoa I ahaB at-ma
Children Cry tor Pltoh«r*s On«tor}a.
The Labpr
1095 Meals
- pat ataeial
Pdwairtbrlbe bd H baa to
■ If lakea Into the btod Wytbeoa
■ I liavc auirmd (nr a kenp time- fnan a ! prnnasrat cure. Gel It from yoni
_________________ __
TraiaraaOlU. Pek to. ima.
trlla two or thm Umaa a WMk. Tbon
to' Etoleetrlc Oil will, poailltal}' xUrc
the Doet cdfeuire raae of cetarrfa.
“ • Crane. Dunkirk. K. V
.taat xllef aad perfect
■xmllaa from UhaMkfalraa aad two
pt rirtldnaau.li.Wk. . op broojrbt litoUnl
rr-_M. Cuper. fahj
K Inlkwtrvf- uf Vic
Olea Imke. I waa la the fourth
prade wheel want to aeb.»I leal. My
Hklaaod blood dtoesaea. cauaicp
farotbara asd Maton aaoMS are I'bomaa.
r to xial.ai
boru of dlredtoa.-fratobumaii bappiTimothy. Jeeaia.Haato aad Hedle. If I llul .-Iin lint lir
I niuinl I)
aod'qukkly cored by
.. .......... ridel'
an thto la priat 1 will write apala.
Bunlm-k "Bhlii^ll^ltor
lu ai ■moa
Inyim Uito wxpia! Let (to prox
pimple to tha *
nri.irii)' Uian uUieral Urre
Kpj-ik Bn4JrA».
Hr. niarke □. tloSiuan to a fireman no-l
BapliT. it Irb.. Peb. St
It U.
leaUra at IV.' Tea I ......
........ ................. _____
_____I'a Hint
Dub Bditob—Aa I bare serer writ- tbc
Errk Stmt.
Stint. Jacktnn.
Jaekaim. Hk-fa.
Mk-h. II. mya:
.........1 meat will briapyou laatant reUef aad
iaa to the Bauu> 1 thonpht 1 would
to'f wS'irJ
el lublhddbboa
wv caack"
aidmMaam D
a...i..u4iarad-aaisdai ikddddi R..d*ddii ibr|
I.. dl.l-ra .dUdb M iridimiil is Llcdd )i *d U.di ,
i-^' “cSS'.’iSfS'
MW. but 1 dost anppoee My letter will kktoryudiaa.ldec(ltoi>nkr
» which
whtefa baa al
be aa lathnatlap aa aoma other boy-a limra lesderrd me Impabk n( work;
a^ pirfa. I wrtt
day Uto term. Wa had rtpbtaaa the- flirt canplalat__
haa tarartobly entn'
ttme •F'>
pfto 1] braid
braid .pi
aoboUra. I III^ my teacher tbla term, Uik apaht
oa to Him Helatyre. I wUl ba lkma> KUoeynito.an.il hepaa Uklay
yean oM the firioaaUi of May. rlanr with mna yraUfylny^^^^lU
I.balpmamam^tbaworit. I did the
la my bock haa cailicl)'
wort Vrday while emmma made a
coDrtltkm la much Im
forbaraelf. It toaoowiap today,
aaow toqaltadeep. I helped my' ^'..c
Ueh'a Klrtacy HUa.l t^k WhrraabouM
brothm pat the cowe la to-alphL I
what a raloaIilr5x>rdr It to'
bax pot two atolM: their aamaa are | ' Fnr
For aak ^ all dcakti.
d------- ......
prVe SO
CoMbamU who la fix yeara old la:
Harab. asd Aaala. two yram old la '
JsM oa tba 9th. My lattar ■----loop. Good by.
, ttorv i»od aipoeux.. Ilruochltto followed.
OMtecito la Dr. Hawmel ntAw*!
••4 CNOAm. It MutBiw toeith
It.to A I
ft* Parecorie. Drspa, BoathliMr tTfWpa amd Owbae 00.
It «i Plrmrawfa lu ptoBnmtea to titlfty yeeta* Me Ny
MUIU.. A FlWdm OdbAA dAAw. Wax -bd
Bltoya FrrerUhnrfuu Caatoria preremto vsrattl^ Soar
Curl curee INarrkratoBmd Wind OoBe. Ctootorta wMoteo
TocOtiNp trouMra. rurea Cot
Caatorto saalmlbUM the Poo
Bad Bowrla, pirtne bemithy amd aBtWBl aleaw. CM
to ttoe CtoUdroo-i PaoaooA-Ux Mother^ Prtomd.
beabd.c4Tir.di-. intr.tvraad TTaxrwwt.>.
By buylnr from ua. If yoa waht fiae ll.Mlrl.laab. U.01r lk-.IruBMIbdmBdpU.«.
Ird. iwa. and rr- .biM la ikr
Fruit.Treea. Boaea. HbruW ale., write bdidddauuan
baWbtlbrOwTi.idrolOdrd.Idd oxi-STrav
!<br our UW* fhtalopua. ' Do it bow aad
' I we will aesd It to rou free.
It to full
,oi thecboioeatklBda
AfaUyaara.______ ^
Deab Haa. BATu-Hy ma^ wuau
ma to wrila aad aak tha llttla UUer
wrilan If aay of them hax aaea or
baaid from two UtUa'atnyboya. Two
boyu tea away from Ibolr bomea tha
Tth of raVaaiy asd aothtap haa baea
beaid of them alat*. Thay wax It
14 yasnofape.tmalUIpbl complertmad. Om of them araa a boy my
aa took from the State PaWic
HrtooL Hto aama to Laoaard Sweet.
Ha to a poodlooklB
pood looklap boy asd a pood
If aay oM
latlan bax asaa or baaid of them-wlll
thay plMie let rae kaow. dtbar
dbrrlM lb -AM a>ddWb<d bd Ibd lAbilA.
.idddbbA pcuwcVl dllbbld-llb ibd 1i.-a
.4 TdbXf-d. ('Abbli of riraad Tracdtad.
-IkldvlBu-bl bl..ddMrllA-l bbUdlbbAb.
BdinA-.n, .. . X-... ibifwH.A xa.
- --
asd a clock.
K Belciam: Htaartb Dy^apala
•afa. ’plmiutlo laka. coeea-
wo^M not thrx
la noraooe MeEall, My atodlaa ax
xadlop. aprJUor. artthmellc. jramiaar.
wriUopaad^orrapfay. Thaxaxalx
aud a
wladowa la om wbool
Ma> laib. iOM
ai Mad'dMb lb kbd lbddB>a.d. bl ikbi dar. a<
bwci ddbd ^ e.rarad
ofaaew BaU
ia ibd
ib- Clu
Tradbtbb 1 iti.ciiaud Tvadvr-b Cmibri. HirbJ*
aa»..ibA' hdiaribdOUcd nf bbU>b< iw dir
'—MbudblllddblrddHd. lAdlaaiM bb AIW
Idd o> enddU dollbr- m% pdavUrd fgr Is
lUrtyaob^naorollad. Wall. I tbiok
Tm CBSSOt tall bow plaaaad #oor I bax writtos abooi aaooeb lor tbb
•Altar waa to rat oar of tba lataaro tbla BW. to I trill fix «y uoie aad afe.
waA. abatoalwsyaplaaaad. wlth o»
Prm yoor triaod.
tba Uttia lattaca. bat tbla OM was from
igm 4.
Faiar Oieta (laraa.
-Wa! Kow yoa doo't kaow irbe .Wo
bat yos will aftar yoo box read bla
inb aw w ribrwdT. w ibr >aw due i»iiaini dark redd BaAd a
ssjTsai rvs2-i. t:ss^/^s, i
m>dMawm.U-bk.arrr w .bd wtd w kid d.alb
lodpa Fiedk Ixa. of Dtatriet Coart
CTCokatee. Hina . mya. For aoma
Ume I hex aard Btaan'a Dyepepato
TaMala wltb taamlof freal brMBc
with few eaeeptioea. I baxaot biea
ao tTM from iadiraatioe la twaaty-flx
aisXBiuTns—1 r
Mr LitUa l^uarWntar*.
■a.a Oarotbar * UUar asoM too lata
.far teal vaab-ipapv. Wa bopa tba littia beyrhaxeoBabaob boSM bafera
tbto.batHaol.*abopaaem<»a will
MUl«h«amo<dpriL MyUMh:
}(ksd bar «ai7 aseb. I box om brotb
•r sad saMar. Uj Uul. brotbrr.
ia Artbar sad my alatar’a
QUia. Bba ftM to aobnol wltb cm
wbaalco- iBBrteloaafarthlaUa
flaabaa Orotar.
I aahka. praand la the farm of
________ “sjss
p«U14>r ta^o»ru«*«r"*»»»
Kiir Of Uu Norik. BeL> aides flour we keep—well
*e\-crything in the way of
■<f/; groceries, and we 'don’t
ff-, get as much for them as
we ou^t to either.
Scra.«ka. aidl«
'• Com, wUcb «teU b>ta«
taf Wt all tfc*
•mto balld Ike woM^rtal forM<
M ud 1^ ud aai*«r, Th. CMlovT
tetkofwicMTMd tkedMtb UatMkxn Ufa. ptmm ■atarally mad bmpfdlf
late Ikat ot U» owreetk* at tba
tphat amt. aad ow otrm lUMirtal Ufa
la «ke BBkaofra Bajoad.
lUak. ihla laerttabla eoBitaf af U-!
oenalB ebanetartaUea of ber^ laUla(
bl« aba Blfbt aot ■aka bis a d
bia «rifa aad-«aiu^ar him lo bna
[aocacasaat. «ba. Uarlar bi» ffoa to
woe mad aria Mba LacMla Baadolph.
tbepttaaal Mim. Omrtald.
(terftald-a ttklaf oS bb eoml mad
“Oh, *hM do
tfclalf «fc* »i«r^ tbnxrtap 1» oa tba aUr« aa aboaa
■mud waa attritnita^ to bb barlar
eblldm n Im kaam.
(onaod aaeb a habit wfaaa at work
Iien'i a dev UUl*
eealBf ben*
patUar maeotofortabte with Hob. Tba
•aau act ba afterwarda
wbea oorlBT lo taule wilb Ibe Icraa
oodar bb aotoBBod. aafior •tllae «d
Hadd Iba «*Udima ap
iodaad of tke barlaaiac. wblak an .-Pa^ oa Ue aartli. do jaa baar
------- % tba di- 1-Ul»bt way. of!
U«_d-rUUl.r« «aa (oa
Kota T«ry Cook, ia Wl-a« “Tha
Two vuiapaa.- pietana weU tba ^
whaa all Duat not at Uat.
xQnr tba rirar oodar Ue biU.
Uatb a Tillare wbita aad atUl.
^ sbbdows fall,
eloeds awaep.
O ar tba earth w
Bat we'll foaad
Oh. why do tbay wsap for
Sassttlra ChOdroa.
A Loadoa-tlpaetaior-talb tb^ tollowiap story:
A frw dsyssfO t wsstold of s teoeb^ prolly rrurk Bsdr
B loo fair, she bsd
AU aroBBd it tba lor»t ue»
«U«v aad «U^ ia tba teaaw
ORHT ta tba adddU of tba ttreav
bid the efaUdres
is b
•^1 SbciseoBlBr: UxAlbara: U>ok
Hanr a clock to toll tbc boert;
tbo MrMa door* are alwayt that.
TeaeaaaotaetarlaliaUorbat; .
AU tba alUam lie aalaap:
BarwaraSitoaoworioapi .
Karar la drea—to a»as or ^b,
Hlaataad Idb aad lo* tb^ lb.
••Ia that »UI»r«
Wbaa tba airbt b itarry aad still.
DoassU this BO
JactUb oar Hook CauE>? riadaed it b
aot. bol rather snob thooebts jbosid
be the cbearirst tboofau el all. I
aot Inly
^SiSniS^SSi. .uii i»u 7.
"SUmafC, how we thlsb of Death.
The aaicrl bolond of God,
Wilb bb face like aq aw>bedcl do*
Aad bb foot with Mpeotbe ebod.
Yarn, aonawbarsbtbaboaoBOd ear
FrwUwIciapAlaMalfntUia psb" »*
yothpr Bsitb all auiat loat al laaV
Bat tba day aad the bear whae (bat
••ItaayWtaitba learatiic
SiTlba daw b <d! the rraas.
Whoa the Utlla Wrda an aiafliw
B^ebs sooBd of baay
- -isirss::
€. ■ .r’
— atbawladbsofilyslKblar
-It Bay be In tba rrwiInK.
Whoa the bnsy day b o'er.
Wbaa tbs sattbir son b thfow^
Wkst b dasth after all bet
-PaMlsf oat of the shadow
Into a porer IbhV ^
Done wlU the world's re
Besnaiek. and rsmdy to sleep.
Beady to bid oar Meads farewell.
WoBderlop why they weep.
FbBlopootof the shadow.
Into eletsal day.
' W^ do we call it dylap.
rriiU sweet polop sway?"
spatlaaaraaat me the Aaal «kae of tbe rojacr
Teteas of (oe»ae aad loo ...
TW sweat sad tba bitter have po
Ufa. like a taapeM of ooeaa.
BaU oolbloos its sIiiBsU bUi
Tteo's bet s falDl sobMap asawe
WhDatbacalB of tbc tide dsapes
iiraiitl (Hearing Sale
Mt^ m«ary
Children. »
s maaalospjli ce to prt
apely ob
served Col. Hamnel Lewsos, wbo vtaa
dUe^sp ChUdren with s cot
OR faaehalora In the corridors .. ..
Soolhem. --Vos all any that yqs bate
ehUdfCB. Vos dosbUem think yon do.
bat yoa dost loardtotblnk as yoo
do I cooldn't bear to be ia a room
vrith tbem. A kid'aboard a rnllrasd
trala woald apoll a joamry for me. I
asrd to ride in Ibeofaoker lo keep from
brarlBpababyaqnall. luyodelatrark
on my nerree like a bauBW enea—'
erinp an iron spike lo a *ct lop
boarded a trala ia PeousylvaoU -
Don't foryet that dress wo.
woman, md nomaa fur arcs'.
D.n'l put powder on voai
without louk.up in the pfaas
Doe't pot all roor aliowao.-e oojsic
A rapped petUeoal Kills the smari.
a youraelf.
Rcpilsle the
uchi8a«:|THE J. L Hudson. Cor,
, r
Ihree atis..f «\wn
Thm-i an. of Tomatoes...........
• K.iur rs..ksprsl'om Sutvli .
:r ra.-kape« Arm and llami
~Tw .1 p.uind packarr ItuUcvl UaU . ....
Il.-iiir tfisrd rtwrel I'ivktea. perqnart
N.ur >|.i.s.l'l'U-kles, per d..«........................
■el I'b.s-.Ule
mM ' '
rsnm-r bondred.................... ...............................................................................
■ .Idnnjr* per bondrvd ................aC*''
.................................. ....**ie
Uat.prr l.n.hrl................................... \..................... ■. . .........................
„ u.
Cause of.decaying iccth. fhc> an; nol Kci>t
■dean, or dsc* a’ p<>f»r lootii' jKm<rer
, ,
injures the enatnd.
Effect of using, Red Seal -r<)oth l*o«dcr,
- dean, soimd, Ircauiiful letih.
Moral—Try it.
S,I"“'‘ snd-dciian J
ABcricabW noble and worthy chaiae-1 iallatioe
. ,_____are who
^ i
' Ufa-lfkaatempeatafeesaa.
tertelcaaa Mple aad atlmalaala teU nyaad.frTt over tbiaps which do:
Bath ontbeeatbad its alUnte blaat.
-po asd do likewise" that hh aacrifles | >
WhOalhsalBOfthalMrdaspBB leeThUlady aloo plvaa.i
db B1
aflaetlap Uarflald'
tbo vrteeUal^lpjte.^ freuy^will aot
f beari-palaM Ibrobbad thraapb
When atuadlap the Htraa aehooi be
wnaeapaped to neertUn ysasp lady
ThfwUpbtelB the barter at last.
Good teaMb BhoaU ba iiiid by
Tte haavealy barter at laak?
who alee attended th* «ae echooL
• ^ta^W*i*W4UW4U*W4U^^444^^t44^t**^*'*U^UiW4UW4iiK
|i New York Tea Co*
Awriter in Good Hoi
■A bot footbath and b
-■eat will do more to bvlpetired woman
than half a day's down sunup."
Icrer to Ure, "ew to prnw-^x.ld- to
tpirii'U ^^7
for.Canvr s,
r.E'S'S£'VS'',.;:3.T: Oirtcrs Ut.lc ki>cr rnK
u„..u.„r phieou cough MLSiM
scatteryd •'------- " closed roo . .
mold in damp weathi*.
: Lad ies
Tbmf.vrv, light'ibouM be
large quaniitirs iotu
oepi in rxlrarwdinsrr___
bowerer. teonid be aoftcate
deed, not pUrtnp.
. wewiu
the *‘Gre«oo
-wss.-.jL’^j i:
Oii account of the death of my wife and daughter which
leaves me entirely alone, I have decided lOTloW out.my bu»S int-bs and will sell'my entire qiock to anyone wishing lo go in
• 'business fo^ 25 |>er cent. Ies.s ihan cost. Commencing Mon• day morning Dec. jo. you can buy anyihing in, my "store at '
J cost and below co^t. Now is the time to ^et tjicgreatest bar• gains ever offered in Traverse‘City. My slock is oomplete
• and the best in the city. If you Want a Dinner ^ of lOtf
S pieces for $4. come and see me. If you want alamp.ac1u^^•
^ l>cr set. glassware or crockeryware. yoo can gel it at yourown
5 price, for 1 must close out within ninety days. .
s. s.
228 Front Street.
Brosch's Meat Market
' '104 fkon Run.
Tr.-ivfr>.e City, Michigan.
i Cause and Effect.
flower lo yoorhal’d^not'dieerl'’al •(»••■ PHI.
«?'”*** DOSO.
leoti.vn from tbe rapped cinditioo of
SmBIl PflOe.
yonr skirt lioiopo
Don't forpel that altbooph veils
beciminp to most face*, feet veiled in
(lie fr-uu.1 of ttio day.
lace stockings do not l(K)k well in tbe
, ,
I'crr L.af l.ard.
Fiudy Vet-etiUe;
flawer and thr
Ghoicest Meals, Poultry anfi'^ame.
Ua. fitoaa
gdnfifif Stuftn
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Siusages tlc.
ifarflaUvnapthe eehete beU aadp*- fteamvioa bsparhie
Mail OnJers will reccivt; ilur Ix-st of aitcDlion and
choice of selfciion.
. i-'ront Str<rr.-l-
' ifl' ' -i'
■loB't wear‘h^Ub.V*u"io«^
u can aff-.rt• to have Uieo. always cess BsJTs ir mlt.v M.sjlb, Cwd T<^*s
'rfey i—
-s '
ris and nu half ones oa Bie-sldr .rsinlnlhe5.,le. •K.M-mUVl.R.
VTiIoreli-.c D m,-..f>ntn nyepepcs. ■''i;;;,*;-,
iie-ikms:id 1 -. Il^-ty iJilns. Apr-
^ ...............................
both yoonp nuB I horrible tor the mother to elead there
r child cremated. 1 worked
end ladles,
worked before or aibev.
vrara delap a smart th
id tohavetbcalreapthof a I
roadinp or q>ealdBp wbea the tlraa ^SS: In half aa hoer I looed
came. OarfleM waa
was actoated
actoeted iSpbt
ripbt to'ypaapater.
- Id? Kotbyajop
Idas Wore said aeeocd; Be was pfled op oa a eoahion odayinp
the oppcalle. aad
PostUvelv cured l>y tbcM
Little rm%
l“uiin'?r^il>^nr limited pot
yoor ahabbv sp|waraocr.
BOW by lo____________ . ____ _
rvo. flood np in the seat and crowed
at me. Then he threw kiaae. al me
and playvd peek-a-boo.
Uia mother
waa evidmlly prond of the way ba was
abowinp off,' bnt 1 felt aavaps enooph
lo cat fata raw. All at once there
a crash and tbe very dickens to
We bad eolUded with a frelpht I____ .
aad oar coach weal rollinp down tbe
emtunkment, wtaUe two other
plied oo top cdiL 1 dropped the
ii'li.rMirr.ok. -hlcb at or
tohrlopont sad Ib|w.b apoe riaiap|
•ultiny Iff jiriirn milrrrin -i nU ihurlmmU with
.H'intiT MTur.
1)KY (lOODS,
“^I'tdenralsteTvdoo'limapinethat ScUVOU get (.;irtt.T\
s blouse nr sbiru coat end aail.v bat
beforatheladles. I^ddwasalwaya ^^40?'knit”htd a
: thsB and be SOTmed to cabracc flrat cry Uist womao pave enabled me
aad develop hlaaelf. WhUe very maey
Ibae Iwhb la the harbor at last.
to eBbraoeemr-------------------v,---------- ...
Tkb bcavaaly harbor at bat.
ally to develop hlmaelf. Aa act ol hia |
s yeoopater looked ap and lanpbed
for tba oriedsaadtbaorsatber aar- wbea ooce apeaUop very aecb 1b-i i^yoonpater
pressed tbaclesa As he vrar^ np to. at B* 1 beltew I joBped three feet iotbr
Abl few orm tba days of tbr nwer
' BIS UBOjec*. II eisuiiiii ..
to ..
ao usu
unu am i
v air. I wtmldan have takva the
hk of feapiaad................................
That SBllad la the boaaty of.pnea
sooL hart and parpose that b&'appar- {
It ,man doeab'l
in Uvr wbo hates
dUtaat aad din was tk OBMa
^^ist blatad redrsB or rrimM'.
ProB tba nvsfc of Ufa. asd iw riot.
flnap It OB the otape. aad aa be
WbaLaamI 1 yean for tba oabi
happy and viporonaoM lady, when
meet on be eapraeeed every thoo^k
WUcb Udss la tba harbea at bstaabad
of her eipbly-three
.{feellbp aad emeftioa of hte hearera
Pm tba llpbu with tbair oreleoBlarj
of health aad eayeymeau said: -I
Thu lady saya that UarSeUt ^irit
■allow ayaelfdo fretoverdhlaps
■. Tfcat'____________
river, ot traakoeea. candor asd perauUnt aphelp. 1 take a aafk aad
WThieh pirdlv tbe barter at last.
- pliaatioB. a
o of theta cvyey day. 11
Thb beavealy harbor at lari.
to be the veryei
Ua martyr death tea has teem led to | basy life by aa iBplieii teliel
: Sa«e«U:tbealMatbadaa(faarBaeav' thiak aad f«.l that it may
I Gwre u a braia aad a bean u
bare bsea
«*.. ,---------------------------------Tar the atraan of the veyape has paew
OUr Annual.—^
GraDd Rapids & Indiui R. R.;
^“dri^Pn'rTuTX'id bS
.. __
- ideas, bat tiu ties aever beoomi
a^ltaxl-^ bladlopc^nd “
,Uiinp b nor
as sU aoep is ixk SsuU Clsus.
Th«l Iwlh-brkl lint e-hm seen lo
I'lothm. slvsw prove* Ih.l (hey
art stranyerrtnfainls CUu. Scop.
Tn-n. !V>kleveTvwbere. Madabp
i. ,
Alum baking powder4.',cause indigwtioo.
-Why aboold we fear blB oo*
Wbal doth the wMta oae bear?
Uaarta-easa of paradba.
LUkaof psnralr:
OoBoe ha ao soft, so bled.
Doom ln>m the sisiflaf sk#Soft ae« Bother coaus.
SUrrad by so lofaafscey.- ,
S«i4r |.r..W,
U n..„. Lair. .
psxxled what tossy, stumared:- "They
UrIona to the people who bore pose lo
bemvrs.- "*.lha sapeur'
-Abr eoBBantad the UtUa
b orbara they left their doll
V the rls.tl<-;ty, .l' the •—
In little thlaker: It Is lo be hoped
r, turn Orrr thr .-hs>r s-rf; r.s r.
that this Ihoopbt will Bcvar be disloiW
jv Vasl.
ad. A mbsIUts little plrl iu Kew llnpil,.iniu:r>ilv
' Ikad to paae s prareyard is poisp
ftodieebuol. One day the elsM
b use the word -foar" Is a eesand oae of tbevlsB wrote. "I
an wbes she pass.m the pn
V**’! •mcrifler nestarss G»'artistic
Wsnbtic efef-' flrr Giu-lo lisvr tl.r bTielilr.t Umiv .'Icili'"
_____ she always rsBs."
III, th.' I> •.;o.l i.iijip-r owdy. to ». »r ,*ip. snwr
premtiy CistrvBed at the rerelaUus.
SBsrt bat mod bar.11 lae'pave.i'dix-iLl.'^sii.l l.iml np
the aflarnooB the teacher bc«ae teachio».
‘ jfnntile»t>.u>rl-si«iotw'Mii«D|.-r>-. I.
lop tbe^elaae LoapfdloWi
wli.ri ihrre'will
«hrre''«)H 0^ I
Uemn iremr striped mmbrtsl if yoo ,eold. rsinr nl^hi. wl.,:i
Aero.~ It took s week for the clsas to
lemralL At llwoBd of that Ub« they *^>on't spoil the ponis lor the'ymrd
wrote It from dlruiiom. Bessie seea- staff.
^ Idoubly i-nj .y:i>c'clw»:
ed cotnsred by the puem. which she
IwrseO qyiekly.
doe day at reeeas
she asked to rsBsla is. Nieslisp np
. the temper when they
- -------easb whispered:
"1 do sot rsB past sow; I walk. I'm
oot sfnid: IU God's place mad bU peo
ple." Wkst the child bad esduird was
w tHospbthsdcoaw
kmows mflc* the
u more
rashionaidy tbnn ‘
Dos t dim
lo her. Her scr
, A cake ..f 1IU11.W1abe psissd flesh.
sch of her h
ir a white pellieobt peleo brush are a Irupxl
.and. Tfarpn.
la while.
. ' '
frl.-nJc. A/W bru.li.up»d.ij-tv f.in:'
Don't fyepet that loap credit «rfteo . »od tb.-n w-ii* llic mapn.-«u rulih i..-^
■It b soCh a relief U> have .
brisps diacredit.
.>f aiiT ~.:le.|
» bees like
prow slroopvr. she sever has
Don't wear bip sleeves and b'lp hBU;i„ houi- sWny f-r a day ..r td.. ael':t
c scU
ecu as yf
the other chlldrea. Now she
, then l>ra»hed aisia. rile •('.t-«i> • - _ .
■e had some - out sfrstslItoo'V UiB pood material with om-' found i.i.*iatv .l.-aiu.-ared. <are1ak.;n,
tber owsahL—
mn trimmlsps"jirjili. daiotv Ct(io- i« :hr
4 smsKUe
Tbe ssksown ssfferiop of
Don't iraapior that beauty fnll abme ,in.^<ini; urii -u's 1oi<ii.-<l alhu'^nn-. I
chUdren Is one of the croel
for uotidyaena.
' .
In liuriilnr n-h-'Hier ruul. n imii-.h '
They srv aot ssdenU
Dos'llooltairsBpbecauiw yrtican't
l,. UM-d. trv t- maU'h ih.-.-..'-r i
they lemrsmtterstlmeDot to espres.
their feelisps.
. ..
-- —tie plrl whose sfoIt preat shres.
np.s..-^rs <u ..\i.
il«. n.a iii.l. nil ^ i>..e.ii
to-B biphlj orpsDDon't dress W rtsrlle peoples \'.vv».:
u.- ,i |..r-.i..e
ii.'- «o.i-l Hsiii.1*
iua« to takes walk
Bother could eolbr toaod. and
withost her oossest the diild mtarted
1 berntomsbepot inbis bip c
ilh her 1_____________
mother, msd. miOi every
pet your handsaod feet.
e of doubllsp her plei
a* hievc Ihcprotrsiioe while altold wbat she bad dooe. sod
nplinpthdoriKinal. t
. Irsniaand shut tiiv \vibcI..a . .ir.Tr.>t<>
had seeo. aod what abe propt
Don't inmi) inb> roar elothrr anp exi«ii .^1h< 'w.kjJ
A sb-s.ly .
that had bees aspptlted by 1----- ---------TSTiiiisiiio* or- -" ill tf.‘ .*n from tin-1 * .
Her mother hstened with a ^mysthel- pu,-t to li.vk Vdresti^.
T0br1i.-ad at ihu rsprii~s,
le dsile. sad at last said: "1 sto pled
I yuur Uui..i> and trek
yoa bad a pood tise. bat I wish y«s
6onX wear feaibera’ip your bat
bad asked me. or told su yoa werv popatebea on yonr bool*.
IV.n't tnakeyoor own dresses n
eosld oot Sad yoa. mssiBa. sadkaew yoB wsoted tse to be happy. '^"d.^ wear foV or feather bem « i
Tbe lookof abaoloUoaofideoceU tfa
child's face, tbe tone of her voiee. uiui
IV>o't wear a ssHnr hat and a
I have carriwl to that Briber's boarl^e
after yonr f.irtirtb birthday.
, IVm'l buy clivup Imiutions if;
afford the ponuior ani.-I...
,.j oflea tberelsl
eaU aad ebildreo ai
B^ad tba Baade* ban.
Aad the dark bias beam b atadded
With Ub taadar llfht of Stan.
reriba Aiaauc
Ytat I will ait aad Iblaa
«BlBlBoa»Ma of PTMldent Giiflakl
Whh a Ion ao straacaly aoesat.
Wbea UarOald waa a yosap maa be
attaaded a school at Hiram. Ohio, then
called "DlraB BclecOelDatltaUe." .
5"wUJ walt^' watch
k lady sow Urlap Is Traiferae City.'
Trastia* that the HeaTsaly Pnaoaoi aUeadlspsttbasame Umesad place,
WlU tara darkmo teio day;
has fires me is^dcoU ia which Oarlid waa tbe proBiaeat flpsre, and ia
J trUI kaew witb slfbt aaeloada
hick bia idetaat demesU of asceeak
Of the aoBliif ofiHb faeU"
ora ao prodlaenUy portnyed that 1
B faoved to lay them before the roadaadi day.wbbbBSybettaa last day.
a of tbe BkaaLD.
as aatbiBldar. ao faU of plaaaiac aad
Tbe Arat Ulsp this lady told me waa
bopa fur the life that aaetaa to aa '
that abe was Is tbe aame cIsm la alpeOBifalTsa. to Mretcb aadbalj oa.
faa with Uarfldd. bod that she waa is
nys waU:
le vrith oae l>bmbe Boystos. a
-Wan thb tba laat of aatlb
B of GsTdald, witb whom she was
auytsp. aad waa lavlted to po
her over to Oarfleld'a asd Mka
brolhar'a room. WbUe there.
■ Weald aot I caard By baart
- With aaraaat prayer?
QarAeld asked tbit lady H abe oonld do
;WoBld aot I asm Byfrieade
a oertals alpebra example. She eoold.
With lerlac can?
eo idd him end explaiaed it to Ua.
wbereepoo Uerfleld aeld.
boas bat day;
can explain sad Bake anylblsr ao
Bseb plaloer thaa a maa." Tbia be^oka OarAeld'a fiaakacaa. oneof bia
, be s<^ to
O Upa. be eweetr
th, uttb!»braS^»oaderiiylr^ "What
"Ood waated bar bare where bb UtUa
Mbb that earl os iberlrEraboca;
I OOK to Uie kitchen for the rem^y. Eat
^ freely three limei a,day Lread. hot biscah,
l cakes, made light and sweet with
Royal Baking Powder, sipp ycafi bread, use
meat ^aringly. take pk-ntj^tif .lirand exercise, >
and ydn may snap your fingers at Indigestion.
' There is a qualit)- V» Royal B ' king Powder,
coming from ‘the purity and' wliolesOmeness
of its ingredk:nts.,>»bidi proinblcs digosiion.
Food raised :by it will not disircss. This |»eculiarity of Kovai. has becojiotcd by bygteft.ists and phy.sicians, and iht-y are aixordingly.
earnest in its praise, e^j^ially ro-onjtm iiiling
it in the preparation of foo<I for tht^c of delicate
"I..,. ItB ««?{
. .1.
> tW « W
7. .eSOeOS.
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