Dublin Core
Grand Traverse Herald, May 21, 1896
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
6fand Traverse Herald
• '
Beadle BulUtiiib Front Si.
Bnsinees Cards.
w*rd the cnsUtT. UUowioE lt> op
U»* ‘toff r>t tbrorth »a1U«oUrtinffv mburt rabo »sd vgrlttUrv U < r*;^
Ibc rff.ct Uygrt kchUM (ora mm I Tbcra w*. a ratUl»cd«w» tb*moaa' I. be BW ai tbc wlBda'anl »—■—r
“dr. rad iL.>kuty ap le lean Uw
pis* tnra acTOB Ur raUry a rad •B»‘r- be law Jou-ph Ikibbo altdlar oo
-..r. which BBMd hiB luabaadoB Uelbl* back daws a olc^oc Uco of ruck
I rabuil at oc-e.
M" wakraff hi» aay to tbe.cuayor * but'" .'a a mat iMirDla for c^im I ton b> larraliirale mallera Ue boy bad
■aid J.W to hiBM-lf is hiffb fflee I •*i‘xd bb f.^maff. la ’hb. radtesrat.
tuxdowB by U>
lak that iriSia w)oirl ud I ^
fakicr IM br likrd. Ur lac
Iral aptrra
t-Iifl. ton
aa to
b clolb
auaaeUto a bnp bi(ffer'a w drera
aod kcratcbed a. V> .klo. but waa
flrra of all la
lajariakio hi. woo_.
Tbrce war roaeUiar-a brap biffer Cardlrra
^prtd.| at h»
hik uarxpn-lrd
.... ____________
awaitto " -Crack, crack, crack, tsiar
"• waa<lr'to.htcdt.-ke« Crmwtbe Uai}! rrportof wreral rlSrauff os
btabixfat; Oiera kak aalnrlnp ut bal ford, for br wak boralinf to hraff of Itia
let, aboat bim. MchsctbaluerpaMd
t I fit op that trap far W
tbruixrb faU bal. tad tbera aruM- a bidira.- hraaid. niU tbr air of oor
e<Wk yelliac ootrry. wblcb audr bk
bu had CBrrtrd out a csraRilly plaodrab errrp and f.c'a BMMBeat wrakeaed faimaoniacb that br marly >taai
<«k Ur pieka and
1 •.bonU
bled froto frifrbt
Tbr kyrapbvnk of rateraiaf eonrnipr lay whrra tbryr«-aprd injaty. IwUe
and pmeacr of mind ataalfraird theia- work of dcTclopIng tbr Greatt Oiacb
kelrek fir^i to Jnrbi Inrv and wiib ao Btor wral forward wiU ao more extra
luBut liairbt'raa awacakfaktaa W- truabl. Uao tbr rabaildiag of tbe
oxld. makinr d.iwtr tbr calley toward aback and tbr rcBoriag of tbr earth
To b* aara.
Ur fuA bill.
A ab.d .w two BteW biowB into Ihrtaoael
whUtled'bv b'.raraaa koar IbIbb.. a Ury bad o.. dynaialtr for UaiUiir. bat
half doiea' nr >o in nmabrr. Iram aa Crawfuril f<-ii that bia rxploairra taaf
brra put to a iro.l aae. '
and .tafled after'hin aa drrt ak drer
N. bicb wa.Joe -raiaed la Ifae'old
t. Jue bad krpt-oa ktraiirbl down Ur
ralley tbr Isdiaaa wdald auon bare prorpra-i.irV ratlinalioo that baforc
otrrUkhp biased killed bia. KurU- Ury xl to nork u.kt day far f.insally
satc^y. br had a pood atari of then mod adopted taiai aa bn. '-[ard. ' aad tbaer
kicr .lill ID tbc haowlrd(e<if a after Ua. y-.ulb dawdied orrr the pirk
______ path -.luaUlra'opa.doriOd.B aod .borek with a arOM-ul iBpirtaBi-r
pre»|iak buElioe capcdition—which brfiltior tbr half pn.prlet.n- of Ue true
bdlukcrd tbrhnunm ofaBrance Ind. lead. dipa. apora.aoglra aed prwpe>~
inir ap.lbr fa.-e ofa cliff on tbr ridr of tlvc -prnfit »f Urtinrat Ciacb aiior.—
Ur .H.Ibc Uat nrparVod^ii. caoBBUia •hr-'.h.Y fVil.-n in V.w V-cl .Sun.
Real Estate
■SM%*i>rUwk.lUK>- -WbrSitm
V< re
MU X* UWdx "
Ito i>l>c Or V-»x, . tSM.b»»• br?
O'. P. Carver
2«c Per PooBd.
. X ltd
Opb a tab., ^Ik Ike la.t fr<ral4
m tar wtMkrr'.Mxrr il> fiyr.'
jJ^eM E^filfe Eieji4n^e
«M<t w w t*.-w tn-in IK m-w w IR w
)fc Ml
■arrrrrt'<f..Y<rk ;|(
' »nin» •rom-KMi iMaw:. s«rv
I will rent space in my new Cold Storage Baildiag for
any uianufacturiit^ tiusiiiess. with or without power, light, beit
and tdephon^e stM-\ ice.
1 ha-ve also ^If'tces rent suitable for-wholesale Hay. I'eed
or Seed liusihess. or for wholesale Meat,' Beer. I'ruit. I’roducc.
or any legitimate business requiring the best shipping facili
ties on three railroads, alt hat-ing switches to'the buildii
‘will store and sell any kind of goods or produce for the
iniished for furniture, housetibld $goods,
ilmpudPatiellglidn fnift,Storage
vegetabicrs, hay, grain, and anything that sshould
att an even tentperature
temperature arid
and away .._.n
from ratsi
rats,- mice
and moths,
if insurance is desiretl
ire<l the rate is only -i>i per cent. (Kr
AO at*»m tv ull *111 n
•M aur (MrMa »IU
MnllalljMd ■Mpmmil},
j. O). «d:oxta-.Aj£r.
TW OHrlMl Ora* Hu
_»Hji^ ahM iMM uHK-i
Andj Lunch Room !
Tkreal, plmrrlBthr toatr u «
SOo^eal'foz- ZSa
Thil to tba epportaalty of a life
Une to nakebif tooaeyas xauU
by oor n«B of
m-R troBLO saancR - Ua
P.r»ra.- tae DOarr
Frovtotua, OOcMt* and New
York Slckdks.
8«ad for Mr POXK WkW
pUlatoff Btoffla
t* aob. BtoWlBC her arabaad Dr. I. K.
asr daily MThatleMw.
CHEAP AND COSTLY.......................
UniUtwIkATk. OUMce-'lU- !
Announcement. Chamois skin
aimn a (wuraeii
. SarTRjor.RDd Ch'il EogiDeer
Owtaff to Ue hard Usea to c«b«o1
aad Ue low prtee of oowtom la psrtlrBtor aad. wIU all. pieety of water to
roa oor Bill. webawdaeidBi to bear
oor abare of Ue baVdeo pMoliar to tbe
afaore (acta.
We will. aatU farUar
BoUee. ffirr oor coatotoerm U Iba. of
door. liTba. braa aod 3 Iba. mlddJlBn
tooxebaareforeschboabe] of obaav
1R6>B0«T S
Carpet Cleaning,
s srsiSSi't.'lJKS s
. waat year
sod If aqaara dMlIaf ud food
wniretlt,wewglharrlL We
-Rffi^fH-ng Fla&te'
Korrtoellle. Hick.
«. MRIOX. Fnpttotv.
” ife
$1,00 and $l.!i0 Hptel
till Ikii Hi nnnitoiini TiOliwm .
1 Traver-sb Citv. - .Michicak,
Hack, Bus and Baggap Transfer Line
r. M. At.AI.M.A*.A.oi
TroraraaCHy. Waacatb
crSiS-:S^= To Chk»co.'t4.
Raw to CbkB^ M Uo xtwtoafa
HHnabiy aod Ctoarioeoto. W. For
tayoWia (Bll at Ua atowboal
itorto' it wiU ssra
Tar boiler wbeo (ba botoe
Fur Yard!. t-aotoiUaa ter apore; • doo-t alar -Hweet Marla.”
‘ - rliiabUroaffb Wafosr tiU I
bark toy
- -obtoa.
oh _
lot wbaa tbe listber-a to tba,silt
dm' lialea afaarp far.Br
Ao ay boUer wbaa tba ^Us
■f which br
iweua tbr aldr uf
friwd fare bad Npani.b buyoort plast.
Bra cleared ayaiokt Ue' rock, ao.l ally K-m-uud
' - bim, ■■
Ur Mboraari buy
rheo Ue prvpricbff—i
wa'lelird tbr prrformkacr of Ur reo
■Idandyru. hr carehilly cloked us ' _
. .
SM-a wfaOk lerre uaktoy Urnurlr..
;ir ».,uU or .l..a- tradiay in Ue tra.^ ".-' * "*
toy waa U toyii
kiay a remmi f,«- uWh-illy ntbhinr They bad killed hiIb Ur prbHU of ,thr aiinr'k Arcrliip- burrb. aad tlic ctioicr paru of iu car
the ytpanm
Hr was torrriy a abiftlr.. Int ca<s. kiuik oo etirk.. werr nBaltoy
about a fin- esadr of polra torn from uiarkrd Urwp.l wiUtwu old-fnUla.- fft
iru aiung ly‘Crawf!^''fw Ur tar kidra uf U>r ahark. Tb,;y bad np
aake of ^1. work and rumpanr at Thr ael and urarliaulrd tbc TalUr aad pratHr Urn Mrork out alooe ia al
price of bik- 'yrub'' and a abadm^v tr toacb eccrctbloy elH- le i-amp ie rrly dirrvliua. aod ia a few day._____
prutoW ul
■I wayra If tbc
the mloe tai
taroed camp
ia ator-ib of ammaailiuo.
' r L^oda M_a.lra. aod mMay^
Tbe decrepit barru bad I
-watok.'' tobacco and ina raiuablr arwbrra W j
A Vaaa^l Manoad by MoiUm
taroed out toRie bv hU Mexirao
lord for
liclra of plaoilrr. Tbr dyoamilr Ury
«r. and Joe had dHrea him to .
prrhapi.*dmu.-d "bad mnlicinr.” for it
"as a Biartor fur a herd.” be Midi
lay in Ur box on tbe Hal ruck where
Tbeabadowkof Ue.beeUiDt
Ue.beeUiDy cliff
Joe had left It whea Uc aquirrel bad
Ue •__________ whk-i dariny Ue fi
lorcci bioi from Ue camp.
half of
Ue day_
_ ______
Ue _. lyua'k
IVhat kpnrtollv yiieeto Joe's heart
aotvoei. aiowiy
alowly aoiitea
Uiftod MKwara
eoMward onui
onUI wax Ueirklllloy of bik burro. Ue oaly buodot Keoaedy.
,ar. ea .-oaoty. „ um, » friar, aod all tba toOko are
a btoxc of briybtaankbinria tbe taonlb piMeaalno br bad to Ur world cxcopl
aod. aft« export aaamea. aa walJ aa aoeha. or
<ff the Mfcaol totonord Joe ItobU. Ual Ur tattrrad rloUra be wora.
Sow! loookioy oeer tbr yruund,
rl.^meooed beotberv
Tbo pflol, FbUk InWlj
"oooo o'clork.-'aabc termed iu warn Uat after all Ue foa> br fooad bimarlf
bimarif [ ei
exearationk. aad after i-in
iraruyaooa- lUermcllaai. baa tolled all orco Ua
apprttocblby The boy woe not food of aUll alire tbe bor'a coucaye
laidrrablr amoonl of driftaaod
cator back tai
. bartoy dreoa
labor, aod it did hot reqnira many mto- kuffi-teotiy forblmtoyct rrry aayry I wkal wa» aodonbtcdly Ue mouU of a ,j r
Tbc aoUfT 9
mk boU
.»«.» ■
of Ue bot kea-a
orrr hi. lox
A‘ a rrlW to aie faei- j carr in Ur aidr of a bill. ,Tbr f —y— o, itoaaod Graak. am
lea aoUa
coari^biB Uat
tot it wan
Wl tiiar to'.b
inya b* cockrd bik rifle aad .iyhlrd »lwar, altboayta fliird romplrtoly with
’.Tbrre wa> at difcraM mrmbera of tbe yrpotk
‘‘>“7 7Uc^raiTiaUa
ftodiM(im~^*a? Ua
llUledoubtUaibcbad anieedaitbia Uiuktay. ae hr dallied with Ue triy-; waa well defiatd aod oould ba cikily
deeiaioe fully aa hour in
r adrauce
ycr. what a pleaaara it woald yirc btm followed. Tbe work of rxpluralioB U ^ip la tbatof tLa toeoka to Unto ioitoUe of tbe Ume It woald
• 1 bad ..........................
sr ;yi;‘ ;r“
LB Simon plain oomlny
«Bl that Ucy were aaarly awared
praaently when be Ual Uey bad reached Ue eeiybbirPlaooa ribtobad la-iMtbor.
touha^: the ham- bond'of Ur-tremura raalt dawrHWd.by
A daridefi ootoll
‘’ecBlioae klice* from
beary^rmy piece. Ue Spaatonl. Tba apriaye uf Iraah ptoou caaiayto beJi
aeae for hto
hiyrUcr > pjleUny into
eidatof Uc ledtoa ’ water aed a I Ue pmnayri aod njoaik
ee ember*
> of Ue ramp fire. . .
'yroap. w— •
-iU.a luoder baay ao far explored are exactiy am
Tber, Wa»
M BO woudVeut nd
oe eoipbkUe'’raboood—eo it weredraaribed ia U
t to yet komj Joe Nkl
Jue—Uaa aeer before.
i yeotlemen who an ai
altraatiee. to wall ad Ua ^to
Hik arc frfTfia Uc tor
mae kk-kiny of.Ue ^ v < trrprtoe hare Uc mco
yaiatl hi* eboolder.'^Ue aotoe ood to iu fiaal Moma. They bare qal'
' ' . exploaiuo aad tbe Irtdiay | earn of muory. betidea UMr own toi
a «eh Mae
la Ue harry of depart------ at iu unexpe-ted par- laod if iberara aeenly follewiaca >ely eoibaaaad. yictoy Ue li
• Btoer had left Ua key la-tbe
»ed Joe'a UoaybU
for : o'-tbr-wiap they are to........................Th»e
loaybU far:o'-tbr-wtoptbeyaretobe^Uad.
of exqatoiu carrlay. Kolimly
aa toetaat. He^ora
lime to be keep Ueir own amoral, mad onUide iS)_
friyhteacd at what be bad
laddooe ke iw, UelrowB little circle ao one (or car-1p ^
attracUra aW d^UU^^Bjr
iaiida. jarred aod
iiaiok'tala kaiiwk wbat are tbeir ptooal They
____ __ ____ _
Joe torord Ue key ao<
______ ,.w_.
were rockloy i
by altareexrarateda luaoei abo««in|eetl[Si’tA,<i^i^^w^,Artap^'
.------------ ^
• haeoldknburaan—n J--------------------Mcred Toline.
deafestoy roar that i
oob(rd. an
rocka weet rollioy
-. down t
rb.faiay io Ua earU. and by U
I la a taolantlc drWm. tbe < ard l>
Joe noUed Ur cord that
parcel and unrolled tbe,
b aore of artorye aodieoea. aad oa am
a wooden box that oo.e t d belTM^ iS^rTiTlf’u oA'«
'to‘d»..**^ito^*fJrtM?*tbe‘? leaUre ooa. All Ua kobtoa ara laft
Pryioy off tbe
trfpuf tbe-Utoy
tbe'Utoy toUecaoyoo
ia Uecaoyi
• irfpof
eaemed to be la .proyrem tbc .taore remarkable areUa;^
•.oatoldeibortodia Uesaow. Aa anew
box wlU bl* koife. be aaw Ual it cuo | Ue ato. 'fiytoy a
aa tbe (amity arrina at UaliUla «r
laioed abooi
kioy. Uwk eaodlra.
is badlaUa '
b WotBuraUoaytaUBlaad
___ leltera he wi
• I bare kpellrd
oottheworda -diac____
yroeod. while a beap
wrfUeo io blae ebalk oo
CO Ua place of tbc (<r
it woa. Uat iaacri'ptk
Tbc kbot fired by mietaka W mtotod
haaded WiU all Ue
loyof itok erarr fedtoa aod pfamped atraiybt totlMitoaoeaycd. Ue hod beard eayue- to Uc box of dyaamiU.
to—SuXun Urrald.
Two RojiMfi mb OotC.
ly of dyoamltc. bet knew aoUtoy of
' Uc ttoM wbes Ji
A Cork tows semaeiler to sodHad
bow it appeared or mbooM behaadtod find. Fey
Praatdeot CaifiaM'a Cbudrao.
Pey hef CCawfacd. ridlM a borro
Tbe eyliodrienl objacto bafarabim .be and drinoy bto pock aalmoto bcinra
Of the (torfieid (amtly. Ue Mok bU be oe
ball Uoayhl miybt be
hlBoo hia way back to tbc comp, badif,!, to be dretiMtobad todlcrdaolly. lidsCBl
- ItbeBoaUafUrraa^ As- Dairy A CsrM. aad hto brolbm ilcodi
.. ‘iicntta’
Best LiTer> Ip Northeni Michigan.
ia hliBuBUaad
It bad a a<
eat Ua lasU loto ._
T^te^lion^ jq
......................................mpacoto- oerUlp to Cleratood.
boar Uia^ bod yooc oo to Mny
Ucy t
.. “L^.K::K‘!r;siSinsi5r4g^^
yamaatof caattomi-
ok of. ttetb daod aara. ao It'e a
•ratiook o' marey if be kalaT bea
ap tar Btoebisf. If be kboald yK tar
forito1 wlU______
wlU ttet dyMita-,_______
At Uto ptoat to bto reficelhm Crawbaeo fordtoaodW'
ia taorro’a looUay
UcMiU. Tbara _________ ..
Ua atr aa l^aaeaM i^emek
UM^wlod aoUtoy
-------------- j
■arrtod. Jlarryl wife waa Mka Bella ^ym. aad thra torn op ttoto- BsOaod
Ham. of dCTctoad- Tbay bara toor osaae atUariMWatoforltom As Us
ehlldrao. Jamea I------- ' '
- braadare know Uto, Usy alwna atod
krowB « to Boatoo aad wh&a oaaa
ak U Ut Uoadira^a^wboia
Mdm betow Uehoarh: abMdaytoa paoL
Par Ml l>-
in't BO Iitoli to tbe aaood
. S
ITtI ib1 fall tiilili III flMaiiHliia
ararulBtoeot l-opeto
porllcsl work., which aba ktod por
Tbr Oraai CiDob.
tion. Mto. Rarrtot Btoabfieacjng EiAiua Troaauraa
>«. a box'caoyuB to loiithero
nor*, of m naioirhaB. Ato.. toaasUy
Anxoaa, wak lonely rpoopb. Tbr rocky a iBts in tbr wiadiac Talirr word toi
Am.Kuribeold Mexican, nf llldalffo
will. eatotoMIb.lsi*
illikbat bat tbe murntaff kua ratk. bHc Hik inorrinrBlr from bi.pnrBaab coaniy
Iiy three
thrrr La.
Li alwoyk brra a lepcad
d Ur only t ^lakiffbt were kumind a. Ibcv daahrd raauid Ur n*hy i that Ibrrr waaad tbe UIckrat of
.isaatory and kept oa don a Ue ral- ■ Ue l.oiiia lIlaD
.Jorwa. rrmnllB*aidrwiar uptbritrd is tbr ou-«l,
,_rn»w t-lrft; nbicb u.>k'hlfo. after ic.nii>ly mi a polBt ICDOWMl
I ly eoocaslrd there esnoot br doob
r Apache loaian difficult u|uxxioff aadcliiabiQjf. to a ' rodu. or B d v.iff.
rtH-ky Book Bear Ur -asuiuiil of Ur I It
aaid that d
ridge, to coB.-ralc.i by CTrrfrreBk a» to I lad
aifiiiof batoaa
rily io Ur I br wbuily out of rlrw of anr oor a frn , ieVi <
■bapeot a radr ai
ck." opua [ fret an-ay. Whraal la.t Ur lodianr | uf Mexico aod
to frool. with Ihrrr kilica formed of*
ratraerd Ucir kU-p. br warn aafriy bid-| Ur epojiUT'ri^ht polea cbtoked wiu aud.aad a dra. -allboach Urr camr ko near bini ! He accordia
. .
im^ of uTcrlapinaff apifnb.. ft aUad that br coold bear tkrir
a prototocBt towyar. who tor-prse a larre fn-kbly duff bole la tbr
tyuo aide.
dug bia rclrrol to Uelr aearob for'kUrtad o rU. la Ur hope \
iJ3mtc*to*'uaT'el«^“ Aft4
'aketed by a rope Urd to b'n toreleff
Uat Ua
ao affed bnrro a aa ftr>ilafOi) the dry
Jiiedramto Jio h«nT toqait hH ptore I
berlare of tbr cauya'a la>ttom. Id . r reloee. Iml after a Utuc. wbeo all f
■U al.to ■ith.rat^wetiny aoyaiwiml l^
Uraxcaratiua la tbr aoaouiu aidr a [ to»t(UieU be crept out fros h|.
lot^kiap VoB(b wa>w,.kii«Y)-rY'
lu iuu
IuOUmui mou
mod are
arc II
if 'Ur ,
rate]}, luiiu; alteraately a pick*.
rlrar- .Ml lodianv wri-r
rr in Mk'bt. ,
Uebaodaof ao.it^ bnaabotUw
khotrl. A Uock of um bai»r»n:___ hr
, tout- •.■»»
klli.ay M.
laiit of Ur wl
e family.—d^touiuvc.
wild bratslb ^ik bat l.riiiv and a aUmf . ri.l«re and urrr
orrr the other ridr
fr until br ai
____ ..kc
like a taakcl.
app-arrd tbruagh
----------- -- a
ni a poial wtueb. coioiuaiulrd a . fal
bola to the cruwo.
Tbi» yoBO* fellow
•f Vbc-coof.in mad tbr f.raol
■uanlied with
Tbr UuitoTiUrCoOrleeJooraal lnpiM
J.W llubba.
llobba. tote of M,-rxari.
M.oxar oad
Ttarn;. fa
la full ymmew i.ai uf blk {coarayr. i
lakia/Id Uu* •‘™'eJ*a««aD jnat boo*e ffoto a
Ue object of bia tobora wx» Ui ttorel. p
I. W^rekcrro painted Apmehra. tbr larta. mad muimunilioe. amf
Bwi lauDcao
»^tero trip baa broaytat
broaybt wlU
with him
... ...
iwfonl'a newlf H>»led
Dry Crawfonl'a
uara auJuabtediy that - bad raolayr
Uiay arw to noyortir ao<ra tka
totoe. Grrat Cioch. la ilueao twayuo to
ablrtob'uld tbr.aai
waa eattoy dinoer ia a reouaraat
Ue Chirirmhum ranffe.
■II bad ho^
tired oat
oat weal.” be eaid. "aod aa
Tbla Bilor BWat prearot in thrkA^
It «toiujr> had fuar away
of a bole in tbr yroaad «itb prum|
ererra! spriapkof
op to^ me and aalud ia a faat
uu> pakrayre and kerera! uiy\
ERCUMba and Qlndatone.
Learo tar bol' toy bnsU—
Kia bawllikat woa aofferia' for
na rcllfmy trieoda allow.
Ter'aura ye half tar <tosth.
Mu^^bollarVbeo Ua botoa
Cenully bciM u'S riipalF.
which WM^
Held a coUrva dkyw-OJitrup.. ftoeurd.
I^^BFrort SI,House,I, a
The South Sid« Qro
Good Fits,
tnMHtlH il hiciMi Good'Goods,
|®sK'VSli£5iT.S Fair Prices,
r.U.w.kl.rk.et l.k.
NiBis nTucnmi v tan
Omar fVeat aod Oaa BtrMta.
Fire Insurance [
too aebool of (acbsology.
H« wiU
irarel to I
• for two yasn ottor
aad win proem tola
AU o( Ibo
M.abd panto
Me ^ tbo toast oxqmtolto OWo mno
to the city basra tHUato le tba MW
IrriB (WrAald to tw«BW-Aaa yi
oU sod to abasi to bapoMaA <
Uc a_____________
Haramid tow aebool. It to o^
edyatwfasUer ba wiU p
Rootas ar BO tote parUarablp wlU bli >
broUaca [a OaTotoBd.
Ba to weU
koowato UaaUleUr wartdtoatato
TUYEKSB cm STATS SUI WMd's Coitfiliti PBwiir.
^ U a»dew *Mt'ted^AppMd.
_SsU«ir!rfcW •
•■A Ml ttoWnaa MOr as4 ,u
kMtffaalmru. Rha to tlto M
of Ueaa Am cABAtml wba bio b
- -
"I MCB }«r. sod Mr mj aAt: hera
fm Ur britad «iaV'l fardlaarr.* sad
curtad sp the BnaUia w acew* tR« Hr «*pModb>«adMw iBrt W tbr
body of otJor.ia dl«„« Bor« «
TbtKBtk irbwE b* B 1 Ukr to ICM rrautr tium tbr pUer iibrr
ravrb tbe plxe where br
d MraUa coaphAdrbjod
» hM U tMrbrd tbr uar ot M
»b^' aT^ b^ iM^iKr om ^ fdowoe
racks. bv<MebCw(b« pla«r wberrbr'bB^AUB.
' S MS lbrMlcirral.tbAt rrsAiM rv :
'Jar * r M «<tb tbr raM.
Hoi climb-■ ^ *»'d- » »A *.«ooel> uf ra*
0« Qlacyt Omm. -
Meoey to t.o«a o B losprovod rorqBB.
on Horses.
Sjp£.“iJT=.rtss^ a,™srS'j.£r'_;’5
■w. F. SA -Rs:^:^
Hai7 fitorfisid mirtod her taUtoto
arirota aaeratoiy. Jaaapfe Staaley
mex^toytoa rralirnd was biowB. Ba wet a yradoate of Yale
yroaad toyeUer to a bmp. wbaco. to
(snMAabla to' 4
------- toKi-Sdr^
rnkHtoMUot ftoddy toto ba
tod?- Mhad «to a- -aaaymaed Ua aa
’tnyrksM rittUflaK MAY *1.1M6
!±.’S?3--5 STSy-jK,
TfweraeHeraM::::' taMteMvan^tMal ■lAl'
_ikP( jiiinii
take cat <rf toe pU bat ta ptowiaf ttm \
aaCtoaad fiaatlac toeora.
bmd Bad 1ml latu* Mdi mU tad Uto ^tobaU wUto aiaiMac I
totb*powiar«( fitoBtthto treatod la aiika mam.
KMIta«M<raltmtof«>it «M*1 '
MMtftbU to lBh« •««»«•«• «( 1
Wrtktoii>«UMKa M obm.
•ntortka to koto* ladoMto m Md
A LoRlMl Oatodto*.
Wa. M«KlBl«r «riO a>doaM«llr
—■lull tortb. prtoMtocy by U«
toH-tol Ttr-V’— —M St
bto daetloe to ehlaf aaeoaUTe
bdaBatodedbyamiori^oftoe peo
ple. nwataUBaalof UiB laMBTdlaU
laclea BHf be tokaa toaa ladea '
. »
Balm (aU Onml Lake will
totodniraod bmmtoaywmttolb' _
•ad beadlac faetory
ttaa. hwOlbe
MW am. Fnlt gitorm ac
ed bp Ubea. Browa A Co., wbb are
mr>tiir«-iai »*>• b»»m
diuaiiraef toektod
.tom bto mtmtf la Ik bat
npmtlac tolUe at eeeaial
: to«y m eeaptlW tooa aeooa
! 4m faara* aad ellaaticohaH
Bunem xrwe.
lac avmtot trip toroQfb toe aerto 1
r---------* feet of dodi boatoCP<
at Hobila. Ato.. bto beea Heard by Hr.
batm wlto toe eoaaUr 1*
I. Vr.Craaa.aftoaCcaacLaaberCotorleiaUyof TtoemeCIty. a»ra la
paay. Fraakfert. Mkb. Tbe laaae
Uealar Uetaaaw eoaaty. Ibeaehaafd
lor tweaty ytaia. aad Mr. Oaae <
people la toe eoato^^of aortoera
peetotopattoatowsiUplaatoa toe
HUilcaa toiaad plalw mad tioal bade.
eacaMaii nan;
A eery aerm ball atota .
toe matry ketwaea here aad Wetford
toot Taeaday aflereooa doriac tor
toaadw akowar.
Oae maa leported
forty window licbta brokea oat
beaee aad aaotorroaeeaw a pUe of
hall etooca toiae or foor faet deep
wbm they tod roUad trooi toe ratter
of bit boaee. Treee were acariy etrip-
. of oar
aad are la toiy
lera giueeia. wa aaaaet help
tolakiaf toat toe fatora for toe* 1>
It eaeme to be toe foot toat
toe bait belt of Mleblcaa lecadaally
workiar aorto. aad I beliere to
al^ .delecaUe mt toeir
Uto. la epUe of Ue ertaat preteet. Uk wlU center la toe ••Traverw recto
ped of
atraartb al toat Ubm «w eqaal la will toy to euoetoilne toat fros a bait
Balae’a balac lU Totea. to toe laUer-. crower'e eUadpotot tbe ilraad TrarH &«toB le aa aadeeetoped Edea.
IM !•«. HcKlaleyapn
bok-raaajr Caotr Oaowaa.
‘’nb b toe way U-e Maatoa Tritoar
toye toe Fewrto wUl be eelebrmted to
Aaarleaa polltoa. It U aBtqae la
Taaohor'e Aeeyieltna.
toateaterprtatoc dly. "A OMrttoc
■a^ of lie pham UoKleley toe
Tbe meUac of toe leaeben aad pa- toedttoeaiafHaataawaatoldto I
toBB-adabaWeefpefBoaamy. par
-OM attoatiraacehalltoet ttotorday
eoanell roome Tharaday erealaf. aad
eharanrf eaeekai of Blad-le
ww marted by aa aDBeeally torfc
arraacemaoto made to ac^a dedicate
tratt bet toe Bii.Mury iaeideat la toe
tofemory of the btotortcteeaaloii by
. , aafeldlac of a parpoae freat eaoacb
al promptly; etmypi
eelebtsUac the Foertfa of July
aeatala toe bardaa otaarwker rapea,
really modera aad enthndaeUc
aaaletfVp. Bat U tola laetaaoe toe la-
toramat It wertoy of toe work.
oototo before toe people bM aaki
rated, batall “ended well.’- Tbe paaa caealleat dtoaer,
by torn furuaalr
. eaoiwh to partake, aad all earely felt
■■Itwaefoed to
■BlaftoaepekeaMy and ea-'
iertoialBfly of tbe ealtore of heart,
body aad brala aiiaitoiy for the eee- meber,
Hr. Boee followed
rrlto eome pe^d adrice to pareate oa
to to the way 'of eh&2 atody.
Mr. Uod fare eome amliaat bleu
pivalar.tooramaot by dartdtoc tto ktoa
eehool boarda whkh .more of tto
hMb of h H ••HeKlaUylam.’- tbea may
ahoold tore towd. and Mr. Uray apohe
we neatod thaai of the bbtorto feel
be notoe of latoreeto^of'parule
toot taram of derbkm bare become, te
toaebm tB-away'thet omtalnly
■m toaa om oeeaetoa, Imdcee of boomet tbe approval of all.
to Uaaola dM oatcide ble iBto
HeElaley U toe eboeea eyabol
Of a pelbr irttrt to Ito dial 1
oaee to toe welfare of toe people n
« toedlnlVofaprlaelpU. If
deat ptoeod ilm where tob ^bc
Thb iaektv of
paper* by Mr.Bayler. Mr. Imdd. Jadpe
dell. Hr. Oray. Hra flray and
a Mr. Gray partopblarly woldloc
aeata wbieb. If oatortatoed by All
BB Idea to hoeorable ornpprobrtooe.
btoMoetocbodaratU. Tbare to
aUac U tto epithet U the oaaae
mutoa MeEtolcy wai aalbd lato
Tbe eollepe at BeoiKMila b a'
Wddtoc lairto reach tto c»>
foaeden. Tbb inetitattoe wm
ad to tbe 'MalyXtom. tL BaUey. who
toadad .at Olea Arbor and atade hb
way toroacb Ibeoabrokea foreet. John
UBoe B^ttoc kim to Beaioob .......
Tbe dbeamtel which wae aappmed
, to elom w^ toe baciaalac of Prof.
Hora'a paper broke oat afreah when ito
iaf oaded. and wntoaly broocht
y. BMto maeh tomach lu
ctee by the Intone* of toe boor.
anvete aatbroicbtoe b
a toe WUson menaore. eompeUlaf toe prmldeat to mil a halt
AfUr alaclac.aada few rmnark* by
Mop by ttoptoepoUey « protooltei
thaaklac thorn .
ha* bsmyrntlMdlato* bitwr lemon
of Ha defeat Moriac calmly in the (or the good attendanea aad' latonat
I. tot aaoebtim adjoaraed with
mah* of toe people b* woald aid by
to* wMom of bb eoaaael MeKlaley
who did
ha* bam foroed by the people to toe
meeUnc pleamat-Mr. Abbott, with
fmat Tbe oratloB ci*«a blm. m e
prtiato AitteB. on Ocdnmbnn D*y at bb bmaUfnl aiaclaR. toe patroae with
CbteCB la tot fall of ISM. bat aeboed their esaelbat dlaner. and the Oraac*
the nae of their ball.
raadly toroocboel tot atatoa.
MeKlnlay tarUT ■
bm Bottooebt the pratldawcy wlto eelMbMl. -nwhmwrbaabeaaaenerdPrlmaiyBeltooIMoMy.
od to blm by too paople. a* to toe moat
The Orand Trevmne coonty apportypfcalpanoaaceamooRtoamaa who toosmeat by tows* to a* folloira;
alaad for aa Ammimi
which Twpa. ateMtlea.
r^Bo^aimaay p^
Id. aeiBC tto mrtr pmatoae abm •
twteaalarreaaabrn-ercr Aoottor '
plat of toe raaw »>ir eboaUl br plaolcd
wlto polatoge of, to. ram #•* c
T. K. Tbie aoelety atoll to C«*- leaftowte AtoMpUMrfe<|aa]ai
1 by. aad ebalt at eO Uam to rrboo<d br plaaled wlto wbair potaW .
Tbr rarirty
to. toelawtef tbe Stole aad Itorelcofa bra'r tpy
toe rate of tor titote Board of AcrMrbreratoc tarmai' tortltaiS.
I tola oonareUea tor atau Ar^tool- ratefa) taraearrd or mtobrd and a re
port made to Frof L B Ta/i. Acricolaial CoUere teaca tbe followiac let- laralOollact. etat'se tto oene of itw
rariety.thfebaiMlerof toe roil aad
toellbtaaeeof plaatJnr aaloiiUrrr.
ponaboald aho be pceeroird at tor
7b Htailm C-'oetp faWOMr Snrtoln; next wlater'a intuiatr. asd ate an
rehlbit made of tbr yield of obr tqnare
wbrre aa lartitou oocon oely oeer a
trar. iboar wbe atteod are rrey apt to
lotr iDtereae darto* tor baeyr--------With Ibr porpoee flirrl. ol toir
more fansrrBto toreoaotr le
-wort, at well ea towpioc op tor
ret of tooM already BriatMrr .
eoBDty aockty. and aeeosd. of trylac to
lodaer praetual.faraim to try tartmi
eepenowDU la' ao acnraie war an
arnbrrseot ba* brea made by ahl
ateben of cooBtr lorlilole aocinlte
the Btatc mayprrfora
Btoy perfors erriaia
etperiotfBU dariflc 'bia pieeral rrooInc ere eon, In eooprratiiwi wilfa tbr
Farm aeo Hortlcaflneal IlrpartmrnU
the czp^Bwnu •.nnrnted wOl not
meetrecribdy'r oredr. bat we tbouebt
It better to bare foor or-dre ezprriBeau carried cm all over tlw rtale than
loecatleronrepefciee oe a Urge a
If carefolb performed.
imeau oocbi to bp
‘ - very
ralubir in
'Winy rr^nlu
fruto all ercUoae of
our errat Kiata
Tbote who may think that thnr . perimrnu are not uftlciratly broad
will rtmrmbrr that tbb wtwilr achrmr
bbotaarzperimrnv If wr eeoorrd ii<
miercaunce ........................................
orer the expcrimraU girra .............. ..
trreat to people iB almcal rrcry oonnty
Ktaie. and an^.ubjecu a^i
at loiUioUa and fetelte* to tbe «Rrieultoml Uollece.
m oomind a* a fatan •eve'
•te with blaalmUoa to toa .
<7 tbe ante* may oowSdoatly ei^eet a
OnM Tiweaia* Maglea vs SoatBvn, Uatee..
t ten barn aaked tb* qa**ttoa by .
aom* fwtte la Bertoara MtaUgw.
vte wm* talarmtod la frnit eolura.
-Ithte do yon Iblak al toe tyarara*
isgtan SB a (raU eeaBtiy a* «omipaj
vUb rnmibrn* Mleklgaar' I bam
U*. la tba way I tbaU a* I am n n*
of a saotoeea soaaly. only to ai
tb* domtete toM bam fiaoB aaka
OMqamMaa tb^aak m*la. -Dayoa
lUak (ralt bte* am gotag to asoad o(w
fiUmator. 1 wooU my ym. They am
takatermadlltoa tol* •prlag toaa to
RtUgna aeoaty. Tb*y *a*m to b*a|.
tatotooststog torgoty. totoktog that
the bmtateta gotogtobn <rmr '
ImtsmeaU yaarawmtea tolteam-
- .
...________ IT otwrrratlune
It will br conrreirnt il rou barr a
Doiebouk reprctallr for-tbb exprridirnt and aoie down otorrratloo
eoltiralloB on one te<
aune-bim eoliiraior art u
depth nut exra-rdluR two in
— lelbU ihranelitbe *ri
depth and taaloR anrelal uarr to c
rate imiDMlUlely after a rain a* i
a* the Mril b dry fnogRb to Work.
tlTSto a aeennd *001100 fonr tnetu
depth. eosilD.uinR tbryach tbe aeaaoa,
and wlthooi ■being particniar ai local,
tiratlnf alter m>na aimply keepinR
the wdl mellow aad killiog weed*
leaal one ai
land noteaeet
l^to<| the dlBerenoela Rroarto
^ ~- -’oold anggeatatealrbl of
aMti«i*MeBrir"u'^t^ anV^pTl
well barroweduolliplaoilDg.and ptow
a aeepnd aection and plant Immedlale-
Orowlng rape fur fardlng kheep ha*
been tried to wme extent and It faa*
n.aally been lonnd mloable
Rape beInoRi to the cdbbBRC f*mlly. the atem*
the part eaten by
to tbr bright of two
totwonnd ooe-hnlf feel, and the atem*
bare* large aspply of terra It reqntrraaacdl almllar to that adapted lo
mbbagrtor lornip* Itean b* aown
Idaat for eacb towaablp In toe ec
and adoptlBR tbe (oaatilntloe aatoor- in drilb aboot Ureaty lacbet apart,
anwinp onr end oor-haif ponadaot aerd
tedbytoealau. Tbe following ba
mmplete Ibt of toe oSoen:
alx pourd^of *1^ per acre, whicl' raaj
ent^ EL^yler.
Vl»P,^ldx._......... .............. ..............
Blair, H. L. Monroe: Beat Day. W. B
. ..-anfl forexperimmtal trork it 1*
C. Hlicbell: File Uka. J. fi. Ho^;
Uarflcld. Robert Barory: Qrant John probably brttioaow m toU a-ay
ti. Horton: Ureca Uka. Mn- Koto dnra tinl need thinning bat ahnnld be
ealtiratrd or b.ird nntil 11 grUagood
xiart. when >l will ootgrow the weed*
L. WUooa: Panlatala. A. I*. Uray: It abonld br *o»n aboot the laat of
Jiinr on bed ibatha* brdn plowed a
Uakn. C. U. Ilaccr: Wbilewalrr. Ite Jiinron
on* and well cul
i™. mnnth perr
well 8ym: Traecne City. i. II. Mon>1 tiBirt prmaat tq Ihe time of
II I* fed by loVnfog Ibr *herp
In tbr field whrrr. II b gkow.ng, nnd
will be ready fee nir an-mi the mi-'dlr
of t-pirmbre. aad ibe tlwu^mn be fed
onix batd J-rntag
Aanitk ___________
be knoiTB a* the Urai
ty Fsnaars'
Fsnaen' IneUtale Society.
al ilry'fra*! ju»l prrr>ha*'t*i tornlngln
middle ol ati4*rnu.a. a* if wilt eamr
bioatothmwue fibawp <ie bi*'« uiU
________ laallUtoM tola
fatten na thj* plant with no olh.r fond
year, devoud to the
Tbe varirtT to oow b Ibe llwarf R»
*z. and
0.1m ertrv abriiMlir
aball aid to uartla
tel Tbr teed can be oblaiobd ol U
tormtog. atork-rak^
M. Ferry A Co oMtrtroli.aed prebabit
and ail toe branebm ________________
aaoted wlto the Indeatry of agTienltnra. aad tom maklag toe calUmtioe
of theiDlI mom prAabte aad rnral
Aar. t. Any naMai of tbe ooaatT of Iwral age may bnoome a naembat
Ak an rxprnmrni tn a (rrillierr ter
oftolaaoetoly by aigntog toe oomUta. lIgbtaoU*. we would aoggml that yen
try mit. which ran tw obtained by to*
eri, cheaply at thf eartett ^DU
IblafmabaK tolheaanaal ^TahMl
e kBlt b maonfactarad
L'ae it
qniU iihcrs'Iy. lay 4DO oh MIO ponada
per nerr. aow.ag br.a Imat aad now
UmaeMety. Only membenaf toeao- toe dllferenor. if any t* -obaermd, of
w^ahall vote at tot election of ofiT- growth and yield r«puu town in with
mltand thog adjaerat net mwn. I
' Aar. 4 The edtoera of tola wieietr
d«argr.tth*iafi'ld m wmo I..
atell conoiM of a pmaidmt a vior lamBatr*reti<m»|fa<iaur*mwh. ter
Maal from oaab towntblp to the ooaa- ■BgaUrrnalepUutellboelmli. ao *•r: aadmonarMaiy wbe may ate be to make the WMBparlean may.
RepoAi lo tor allege oo *11 thra
pen* of the laoUtBl* aa th* Beard may
, ynan ago Wm. Hmmns'
diraet. Tte datoU* of'to* batlaeaTai
waiiMrwk >7 IlgktBtog aad banmd to tbetaeirtyshallbntotoahaBda of aa
to* ^rtnad.
Mtoaad laM Hoaday omatogtklsoewea* wa* ntrart prmldafii* teSwaft ylba^SatT"
by llgblatog bat ao mriam da
Afii. S. TwSteU^aatliSry&to
oStennbi£t^iteat tto tlM.^
ll Clmtaa U 'timilb. Agricaltgr
CMbgs. NIeta
. . amri'tywnt- TteOollage wUl
tapelt oae p .aad ol edeb of toa new
mtette loMtto eoaatr orgaalsaUema
at will agma to ham them grewa -aroordlar to dirrctkmt wbieb will be
aaat with to* amd. aad to make a npen at to* aad'd t-w eeawm
as a Bam Door.'
For 5 cents you get almost as
much "Battle Ax” as you'do of
other high grade goods for 10 cents.
Before the days of “Battle Ax”
consumers paid 10 cents for same
quality. Now, “Batde Ax”—
Highest Grade, 5 cents.- That's
true econoniy.
_____nnillbr tha(of ontfurmily. errr)'
le workisRpodrr
o tbe eameconditlunt
Dly of toe State.
lorRet to write op tbe t
e <a<note paper for the I
*Ulsle *otbat it can be read in ca*e
Ibcexperlmrnler i> nut nrreent Wr
harea>l>ed toeweTriprt oi your county
Inelltnte wwirly to leod nt yuur naisiand *ddrra*. towrlher with tbe experi
ment Dpoo wbieb yon are workloR
If we receire thi* loformetiun. we will
try to erod you bulletin* frun thi* and
ocher xuica. heartiiR on tbe expirrlmeot you are wce-klnRon.
S We konreat tbat In *oo.. _________
ofthnr experimreu be 'Rlrrn 'o a
joooRer memUrof the famHy ■cho
will do carefe) work, and »1io will make eom-ct obw-rralinn* Tt.i* will
encmirace toe »>..>•• on the farm
Troatinc that Ihme ettperimenl
"tbe ocrleuliare
Quiets Pain. Checks Bleeding, Reduces
Ind.iidmation, Is the Bicycler’s Necessity,
Piles, Sores,
ITT? T7 C Rheumatism,
Burns, Colds, V-' LJ J\£Lo Sore Throat,
H<jarsenf-s», Catarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes,
Wounds, Bruisrt, Sprains, Headache, Toothache.
[/u POXfyS EXTRACTefter Shavit,r~No Jrritaticn
Use POXDS EX TRACTofUr Exerasin^Ko Lamentu
POND'S E.KTR.\CT OINTMENT is simply a marvel. How
iaslnntlv it riiips Pilto. Whnt relief from excruri.-'tiBR p..„
F.itnrt e.-rfT*min,ihT,i. Fu- imiUtimi /irrtm.
eONO-* txraacT CO.. T« riTTe •vtnui. .rw veti
The blR ^ind atorm Kanda; nltrin
did imu-hdamaR<-l» troll in lliv Buutb- .
eru partuf the aUte.
[> trade pxi buehrlt nf pulalqm
pair uf bout* slid fuui^ nu Inker,
-The ileaeian -fly bgeUingln lladead
ly work in Ihi- Ti.-initr uf .tichdolcrafu
and the farmer* crporl wboir field* hi.
role, eacb
. .. .iMiril. ou<l
pc rCuTM II UniHuMp
3 He belicrc tbat a orefol fullaw-
Aaoppomdto thi* method. rnliiTatce
pbl or aeelion with ibr ordmirr celtiraior In uar. (icyiniiing after the eora
PSSSrSr-ffiS If
ssr -~Tn,7~TfmaagL." '
^ri A tret of hni aad drilT p'aeilecr
for polaturt Wr would ■•nnnt that
oae plat of \a.
.aerr •br planiro
aad another t>f
i>f tbr taibr ate in drilla:
iree fret apart aad tto arrd
otM la iaebra aparv the aaiar
anoont of ared to be aacd per berr aa
A hale It aroald brdealfnbW to bare .
tola IMt made with two rarirtlra. ta
■iegt larce top aad tbr oibrr
tlloor Otorrre (he eamr dinetloaa aa to barrvatloc. rrportinr *
rxbibIMiic a. IB tor raiw ol rzpr/^iOM
Y^etable Plants
U,.-U.u.u» tMaa warM.
ilgbl on tor Rtramer I'lly <
;er from St Joai-pb. I'ouri-raUo*
nlaokbippnl frum Krw BaFaln.
A certain farmer near Piymuuto
> tbHfty that br woiked bb tean
D dawn tudiiak on or
— -_______
week. Tber
waa that al
at night
nlRkt UitU bn
dropped <Uad. The
at Muu.
Tht aeerre atorm of Tnraday after•un. did grrat damage la pnrUiern
an'finren cuunty. Uire halli* —
rll. Ual^ro crap* warT.llletal^
lietrie* rnini^.
A deatrncUre halbtorm TiKited tor
aoctorrn town»IiIp« of Unawreeoanty
Tnraday night Uneb folbge i* atrip
pid frum tbe tree* In Fairfield. -FniU
and grain In field* anffrrad.
<>n onr
larm a tweleaterc field of rye wa* lee-
i havt- jiisi rcccivfd a shijimrnt of the
I ,
. ZephaiMli Breed Ho. 4 feeders <
Price while they' last
Get your orders in
early if you want one. Descriptive circular on application;,
liU sum Rlreel.' : .lt>t.
Travera* aiy. Mlehlcaa.
fBpnemttitomnaa. For toeee reaaow <
wa eea la htm toe togteal mndldato bofata tbe fit Umla mmeaaUen.
W lto <
lb) A teat of toe aiaaaat/ef md
>ae^toaerel.«au><rar4 •• «“»
eertiea waree orcebem to wWeb br
The rote we maae are rriw oin ole
Flrcv Tbe uperimrot abould be
i baa a ate farmed by a paidmo member of the
anooty IneUtale eooely or by i
modem edtool InclodiDC aa able faeolHoeond. Tbe nperioKAter b
ty. Proto Qatoe, of CBdlllac. and .Vel- to makm a rerr brief rrnnrt
Acrlcolwral ibltm.
Ate to
eoo.of‘Ftmakfort.hare bee
optbereeolt* of.fcb exprrimeol lo a
to teoeh the *ama»er eehool.
-paper that will not take orer fire min
tijL a*piM raonami
otcauread------------------------id read It or bare it read
Ilbm HltoheU. oae of toe early at toe InclllDl. held In tbr coonty tn
^'oiir* rerpectfoU V.
«i. Ifouunty •ucletlr* toke bold
eetUera of Hlltoa towaihlp. paeeed
of toi
li* matter in Rood *h»pe. we Hn
awayat hb borne May Tto. ilMM.
InterreUD--------hare a moat InterratlDR
mwIob Riwn
Rm dMcaeed wa*' bom Id Monroe
Farm Nota't.
in^. New York. October »th, 1K3.
■Tberrlwaa a liRht-ftetim the l»w
' Third fwt
1 <mme to Mlebican while bat a lad.
land* io.Cmlbona county lB*t Ihn^ay
bb latoer eetUlac In tbe towaablp of
olRtatKay. In Maeomb coonty. He came
Urand Trareme In letT. remalnlnc
It l« toRReated that rxp<
oU br
Old Hteton about a year, wl
tried Id tbr mItieatioD of. ...
in toe . Fuuriero ifollara per ton i* n«a ’I
back to Heeomb coontyy w^ following llnr*. o^^ allraaloee_.
nillDR prirr (or milk In Urmroe c-nin
I* married to Anna HcKInlrj
ai>d. Rwinir to the low prter. tar f
Harrow tor Rroond. after plaetii*. -torira are >by' uor-thlrd their u*i
with a flnr-tooth harrow. beRinoing Kiipply.
before the earn U op and eonileniciR at
At ibllle tiroek. l,«onard llnk-liie*. a
iDterral.of at leaatorery tire day*.
l«o am of lead aboot cl^t ttoUI tbe comt* {ooblRbtouie tbe fariiirr. any* that all the wunu* In
mite north and eaet of Blk Bepte. harrow wiUioot Initry to the coral Mlrtlgan have Ralhrtel in bU on-bard
moialy to ritcnd a amt oordbl
larlUtom to the paUtpM to attend tbe
a of bleat
ebairmatohtp of toe Botoa eemslHea neat aeeUac of toe aeedetoUoa.
afleraooo emeloa wa* 0|
M WayBaadHeaae. Hadld not
umt dellcbtlnlly wltoa eolb by Ur.
•U toe oktofaeaeore helm toat.
■tuaa HewaibatoaaefaeTarBlaUa
mm wbe actod for what they baUerwl
and a mdtaUoa dorloR toe alum
to to toebwttoMnsUof toe paople.
■'Do toe eehac4e-meel the need ol the
;ne tarUr MU beeam poptoariy ki
taee la prepartac for the pnetical Here amldat the prIraUiiBt and hardaa •HtoHaKtolay btU." It eto
lip* iseldeal to phtoaer life bednared
4e of lifer waadbeomed from to*
toadtoemaaaadtoeoppertoalty met.
> hb farm. Imbed bla famUy end caU>Tim ttot BOcaaBt WUltom HeKtoley'i olUaeD-* alaadpolBl by S. H. tbyte, eradaroand him the oomlurwol lUr
-dmlayamaedpablteeharaeMr. The aad from tot toarter’a atandpotol by Febroacy 3.18M. hb wife died, leerinc
todtowm waacroat eaoacb to perlom
three eeme who were crown to
toewort. He did not tall to toe leeel
Jonetto. levs he married Hrn.
toe Icraer that theyd
ol eeitob -•bimtom.’- aer did ha leeh
E -Jonea. one child, a boy. belac
Jodee Ramadan npined the Renefal bora to them.
tebywla Itmicbibambata any
For many mootbe be bad be«s
dbeomiaaoflheeameeab}eet. He ballarad preaeat method* of teortlec Cnat eoSarer from
^bt U caaooald ban endnmd the
r spent
wen all riRkt aad toat tree eehooU
fiara of pabUolty wUk cnaUr modaaty
Blk Rapid*
• oely
er'toote baeamlac cma*- Tbe only
toeas braaehm which woald be oatl
aatled to hare medical treatment.
aiBC ad mrcatm aad mcTy. the ooly
i otaalinatc and refai
cd‘ eaaamotHaUeekoriadatkim waatoe
iment aad paralysb foIlowlnR'
aeatloB to bt pild fm^ by tos rsdpleav
waak baelaf of faebl
Tb* opposItloB to tob tdsa. lad by
toe ahbf Beam taiBodi
The deoeneJ learce three cm If
Hsian. OmwB. Haylar aad Bom. was
aMa todteoemrmaoafor ce
deetdwl. snd. ladclac by to. ap- hb Beat marrfare. Thomaa J.. Oeorfa
ten to hb btomeiwi daigeealb
plBM Cleaw tosae c»U«n«>'* r» P.and Cteln*W..aU of whom lltc In
hb hoanat peblb oarear. bb O]
marta. lbs cnasml steUmonl was with Blk Rapid*: bb widow aad a yoaac
•d Uma* Btfolaam Bariac
aea arc at toe old home.
4oM tob. they hare abaelBtolyaabaan '
lad IMr maalUemi of wv. aad to
Maw Ofiosn and Mew Laws.
•SMB tony woBld fkia bar* aasd *
Attoelaat Parbera'laatitato. after
hb aadolsf may amrt as hamormst *
’ toe aleetba of oficen. a role
aMa k
t la toe work in which they hr*
. Iftoaw
ite toe InaUtoto aoelety aadar the
-■Raoh,- aaid
, toe apmker. “b indebtod » toe oto- slato law.
rote, toe o
of ratal prod- wlto a reetod ef tto
. r
k**ik«^*ktl« tatUac
SS* iyzSSoii" «!2Ji'
■Mk la thaadktcaika llllaola
wpo. twawBryaaceoataieeatr.
Kalbatka eoaot)- fanaart kaaa baaa
araarair trtad to boom loaaJKba for a
vaar or two ba tba 'raaaoaa of rf
Ua Sfu'aAralB aad tba eOMa) rn>l^
.astoBaroWm Fniat
baa of tl^Udtaa propoai to laaoha -___________ BOt to affaet tban. tba
tba aid of tba lair.
aatlOB robai wMd ara oBaatira
witb- potato ban aod tka Ilka tbaj
wlU BOt tOMb. aad tba baralar eaar of
wM» (<lkaaaipalaUoeof bar arak tadbrtbaw
wMak ana aMMad wlia waaar.
Bwadowt wbbh tbar ^ta daai
tba daatn<rar wat affflrdaoaU taaipermrrWk
jaai^ Aaklaali «bU* cUaWar • Ira* tUlaroa.
Tbr Mmak of tkaayeloi
a B fact
BU faruto
fS^to llT« la OoaM
---------to. whlU
of lawrrai
• fjja-
loanw (lauuk d«whlor^ B.
srii..» ».
aad wDBodad. Tha
aad aaarlr aaarjr boaar
baaa taraad Isto taaporan
^ Orar TOO paopla air lalt
A« riptoaloa at Blda is Ibr Nori
«Bl/7- oBlkeNlau....................
OB Ike NiMf rirar. Alrlea.baa
rated to tba fmod lb« palacr of At
Bair UaUkl aod boa killed 2oo paopir.
..a.a._MMaadariaiinilBr laMrtodoac
A cara-lB oconrrad attba opal bIbcb
«f IMT tMTcn b Um ololh* wrtacw near Qoaiataro. Mea.. asd im> tnea
wara>onad with
POorof tbaBlaera
H: Mdwbat
lead wbat elhtrt my
Mr. Oarfd C_Oakib|«.prfc«rof
C. 0
Mwaie ^ palat ifa^ai
. .jaoba loiboAaka abort fralt ' ' '
Ideal tnaa kklo
... ^ awdltian aa.^1
tkk I aoDOM-^ «■>
Mrartlno of lafrrud
tlAlba peat app**" to ka calaiac
rrowara aay aara aiatbod of; totally
SBC It. A aaapaetod tree b at
beroed. bat tba
jarT7io» of
BB orobard .. _
________kaows to laoeal______
I knuhea acalnal os tba waj-.
Twalra didian a too
1 fte
te bay
pau la E
be a tblBT *1
aoaate. fora Uwat l«aL
aL for the sew
mp b wan Bdraaoed aa^. will be Is
r market aerer
wbat It bat ^a fur a aaBbar dyran
part To anal people it woold appear
that there wUI be ao abaodapce of
iram aod the rield per acre wUI naqoeatloeabljr be larfi. bat it b aaU
that the aereairv of meadow b rarr
aiuall. whkb will trod to abortoe tba
crop. Tbb blbereaiiUof tba^re
drootbe w>lrb have preralled' aorKfalartf-foTt few jr»ia. It betaf aa azorp-
daaoral daatba frea ebolera bare o
cairadat Maraelllei. Pa Rada* lai
tbera ware thraa oaaea, of kbbh ta
Mm« abrntihr* laeb«a raaaltad falallrOa MoBd» lai
tbora were tre traak tpecaaod tbn
Oafk Boek.oV
ly ojctotfc
Mmow b rapIdlT fllllait ap with ria-:
Itoca from all parb of tba world, who
on m<rni t? wrlrbU ol bara
. eoaa'^lowttaaai
tbe eareBtoalet
...jedlaa tha
aadeMHaa. Tba^
— to tbeeoa_____ .......................
lead orar a period of
Bor aa it b rrfnrtad from tba ae.
rlBBiw. aoeordlBf to procram. whb tarr of •Ute'e
ia tbe bolirtin
tbe arrlral of their waimtim at the aued br that departmeat- Aeeard
PetiWTiki Palaea. oat tide tbe eilr. oo to tbe ^purt
—• --••e—^erho
k*— *■'
of tbiwa er
tbe trouble to loraatlfaU the ooodlWri^^tko^kow'fMv'aad
BCWS iMt. aad t»e
two «i
8o- partare fer 0L Pelaraborf oa la
tiOB of tbe rrowlbr owp H b foaod
rokldadoff. Tbfbojrwlllr
He etcarte ara Blled with people •
that alBoet tnty field b aSretad to a
oatloataad with oalecatim froe
creator or Irea derree by nict. which
ajiptan fenm the cruoad to abon half
•aaMtetMAealCftarekaf tke aekool
way eplbretalk. Tbb b eapeed 'by
for Iko WM at Uaotor kw
Aaa Arkor wlik fl*« pepU» Wko_wU1
A dbpaieb from bk Ibtartban eajv the extretoe hot weather followlaf tbe
diUoB to
beary rml
The rCedoaoeU my that 8p^ eap
ooBBtoB btflaad and Piaaoe in Abe pnrfaiw dewt which___ ■ Callea c
olcht foraerrral weakv
^U^^dtktPtaeoiocI Uaa oaa
war with
Tba BoDtbly crop report baaed by
aot Bora tbas
{Io1m%(M jBkm-~4hrtr-MoBlal
tbrw per earn of tba whrat
u>b«aa. Ike VUdoBoaU alao tan
laaUa koak* kaa thUba fOodt^BM tor Bpala to firbt lowed will be plowed npt^Mtewlatha Halted tetea
bha Bort
Blllloat Bocmqaar.tha iaeariraBB aad porta tbow on daBace by ioaacU. Ae___________ ^lac «ko b
itwooid be better to «^t tka faltad eraceeooditioBof wheat in theaooth'
bat Ibo boa artjU <■
SrS^forH.*era and reatral
aad the atata
leaad latacv
A dbpateh inm donas-eaya: Ad- b the bi^eat reported la fire yearm.
At Aaa Arbor ‘naaa* Mahoa._thr rhaatooB Madrid aay that a bill will Theflremare: ttoothere BoaBtMa.'l»;
oaatrat aod eortherp. M. aad atate. Bt.
n^^Waot Oat^l* iwt wk.
... .jbtlBf traatiaa with tba^f
ouJS IB thr amiUierp cooBUn. P> per
aadle tha aiateaB arofareot :
Tbetlaaa |mUbhata '
tar rt, ai
latter (rom a corTBamadit lo Haraaa.
Ir loot. Tlmiawbleb banrai '-Itb fiaila bmIm
WBUaa Waursaa of Oowifiar b to hide the raaTaitoaUai.
Tbe whole
•tA.bathaor.aaM to --------- - Uaad b Ij
the bpaabb Tba arerarr eoadltloo o
W tor tbe Mate. The pttapeei
for, a beary crop of applCB aad
Tisea A««tB(* perorataca for t^ a
Mlascboly plctoie
ejo l^M t^ oeat
TTr-l- WOhiaM.of Adrtao.
doebttBl wfaa&BaeydeaaMtrabto bM iko karat bsnl of aaj .
diipinta amtara of the eate
Catarrh CaaBol be Cured
finite UalM MaMoaad pvhaia la tkr tlM
ihbad ItawaMiad caw «v
tataaah aad itb tokaalT M»rHrd laaa arrurawatao (bI l'^>^''tbe1r
ml pride at that which------------
The recent failure of the weU-known clothing man
ufacturers, Rothschild, Baum & SteilMif^.Rochester,
N. Y., forced me to place mortgages on my entire
N. V..^^iafwtter • '
stock to protect my creditors and to prevent my
stock from being sold under the hammer. Prefering
to give the people of Traverse City and vicinity an
opportunity to buy new, seasonable goods at their
own prices, over S5,000 worth of new goods had
already been shipped in goods in every department
—clothing, hats and furnishing goods. This is not a
sale to unload old “chestnuts” but new goods just
from the market. Everything must go regardless of
cost to raise the necessary cash to satisfy the mort
KW '11- gagees.
You cannot afford fo miss this opportunity
of getting new, se^onable goods at your own price.
We are making a special effort to dispose of our
overcoat stock—oflPer us within 26 per cent of cost
. 1:5 and you can have them. You cannot afford to mifiS
. 1'”
this sale. First come, first served. Early buyers
get the best bargains.
i nLariM mi>4 :
.r __ _____ ««
R f r.Vo:
Ma rosiyjnal lli
-Bunoi ci.s
AllreaklrS l>>
- (SaeetMor to Beet A Hertea.)
M.vn rtor/tioxe.
124 rront street.
*■ ti v'ir ..".
: 5^..
: yi::"- -; ii
Gantival or Nations.
IW. MaTteagh dertna to laforB all
.Aoac taking parto 1b the abure that
rpbeanale will take plaue a* fullowa at
Academy, ateo is tbe Oty
eaaaad ao aad o
MMBeoostyaenrbad baUerpnwpaete <v a Uc BO^mf paaehea tbaa at
laraUtUB IhacMObast rataat- prwMrt. Thonaateof yoaacIraealB
iba ThdaiV of Mlactm will hmr
tbalrfiiotatoii tbb year.
aarata abetrteal aad hall atom
—TO MlohlCBB Hcmdac^Uaad>
ridaliyof Mow■afewat'dawato
JamUcOrebtetn.tlatai&Bypat io
J.flag d
SdlaraafabaiR^bSc't&aa to
tka aaaavavlaa. Tba dbtaaa
of tbe laeual flald that iba Ima to bh
|B^laa£Wtmlaat wiat«.
_______ _________iBaa a day.
ga aboot forty-dra quarla of Bilk par
____ _____ aa of Bai
kbMhar Baaibz. , At naefcaay Albert Sneoa kltebad
PM MOM aeoMal rtsrum.
bv Walta-Piaiaawr
awaaaarrbd^ 'bb
l« boraa Bebar ^at 10 fov
•aa of tba aaifb- piowa ihb weak, aad h Mx boatt
________ _____ , -a krotkor -riaak. plowad alx aorea. TAa oarlM AU tbe
aaaa to aalahraf tka araat by a ebart- work with caaaaad plow«l raty aiea-
gy*^?".r.. ^^cemta baaUa aaratarallraaAiate., tka (araata
t u r - •
—iwaM itHwiI traaa. ralaad fralt
aad laaatat «W r««>>C «"«••
ly. Mr. Baaaoa tUaIn It wUl ba a
ptartlal way to plow.
too daya a(o tka wbnt fiabh lookad
■era aroAiac. bat Maet tbaa hick.
bolwbMi ban baaa blowia( anriy
anry day aad aUll eoatUBaa.
Vralt aad tall aad wrlac oopa ao*«
loehod batter la
ematy thpa
at fMiiat. ladtgaUonara that Iv
. WbA aaabat with a Mek aoaka, wurteTbict^ ?*-*^Li*
taMih aMiretid bla la Ita <aUa aad
baa aloalT araaklaf bl» to daatk. Iba
ritediawakalb aad aaa- ad aad U to 1* to*iaahi'”
aaadad la aattl^____________
' $ tka aoaka aad oa..
For aaarty two waake aei’tbuiu MbhowlarCrMHaaaibrBaa Tka rapUla
laa baa baaa rtenid with a rarr toribewsn ban failed to nlWn. bat b
Oamaca tron
FbtfM aad Blohard Baackana. aa- haalBaC ncatattea.
fine MPdlattnB tba carotea. berp-
wheat. I
The Boston Store,
haaee we ware eampatlad to plaee a good iwrUea of their atoeh ia Be'll'i
-nr deal aaaaaddia oar owa barma-
Boady eaah did. the
Tbe natota ara a toe Use of firat-edato footwear wo hare
plaead boteo tha Vtblk al akoat Ml oeaw 00 Iho dollar.
100 Lots in Oak Heights,
lAC. SOW l.M
2gisi Vasili
■ t.
■ V- i'
regoiag ootof baetDeaa.we
r/RC ncPAJrrjrcAT rt'Mx.
All these are good
properties and centrally located.
Baagbue AOa.. w
kwanacftwfalkFwibecta to ba ra-
aad featlral erery Batarday.
A taw BMT* AUdraeeaB be ttkaa. The
• MB Ikt will be eloead after tiatonlaj. oaxt.
vUMt«r<««^t».w.MBrk)Dt of
da aad Ckoalbal lelaadem.
and AmaxoB Drill. Taesday
adbaa. EaqalBaex aad
ary Tboraday at I.
• • .
sl^UOB dHUa. Fri-
nUac. tknaaaiift of treia^Tlac beea
-laated tbb qwiaf. Oaa aaatera eenOraat tora^ ftiaa aia laflaf ta Wwl aay hM aold IIABO lo loca; roaa.
bvlab. aad aaar llultkaalaw aad
Two awea wan killed by Urbulap
U llaaby towaablp. loeb eooaty. reoaatly. aad tbalr ti^ laaka hare baaa
edbyaJaratyoow. wboeanefor
Baker HcXell, of lalay City, owai a
__________ -at. Kaaa.. I____ ,
gaaj/g>ri« taadwad arar'fo
For Sale.
Orehatra arviy Toeaday at • pMaadOUa ^ Ualter aab, ftatord^
SAiuiRfes ruiro.
the pneb traaa to aaeb aa axleat that
owPMof Uf«i oreharda aay they do
ootaxpaetpeaebnaaoacb tbbMoaoa
a aad fBrtb^ewafaatmn.
Popular Olotbiar. Hatter and Fomieher
Ears 2.Srsj'a“i?K
aurtaUroabrprxtn-aan- Ur p
£ts;:ro»^=.tsjT Si‘uSSd’bviaS"^*
...-------------of Oaba
ara toba daInd of their eera.
By a
a Mia. Haai7 h
ih trafroa al
Motaap aqJaaba. katarda; atahk (onraaiaat aeaUta erllbla tweaty
daya Deriaf that period the roremBeat will tabeitat the aarket priee
After that tin It wlU be aelied aa cop-'
aad the ewaar* paabh-
to satisfy John Kaiser, Mortgagee.
- - »•
Must Raise $IZ,000 liiun
• MiiB tesTAoxof Dna-tl
wEbb i'lad beanl.' t Un
>wo bezB of
theeiUt hav.
d aO tbe pab aad mnUeT^Tbw.
Ip^<.:uauwra>hia4. liyMoi
•nu a taarited Impcorttoeol riybt fnei
rlw OiaL aod ft baa mttioued riyin
- ae't SUBcy
PUb an the liKin
Pate Xtlae (Iraiwa •aUn
as o>
the ripU plM.'
P«id w. B. ae-rwesMUarr .
... by alldealnB —prior.
^UBirsa W XiearTm-W
3^’•> MalM hy Fcater Hilbura Go..
..■•me •
Itelsacr*^ laMM faM!*
bf lhapa«7iU-A
AtBadrfditt •
- that
_________ ____ L Mari*. Him. AHkar
eel. is a elraalar Bute to
Ffahatt aaaaofMdtoibatb Batmrda;
rtfardlac IbaatUtode of•
A tk« far the i'alUd btttaa towaidaCoha. baa
a Mall oU takes Ue |
d all UaaUtB
■Aaalia(aUlaaaaaala aaatiM,
latrlaced all
of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing, Hats
and Furnishing Goods.
nucE rcsi>.
lloa for ymn
aSacUd. uHn.
tar XU
AffWMiaMOMai _
the baadsonest saborbofTraverM (
A CD jicx
per t-cuu uwwu wene
80acre* IB Mayfield towBibip, near
WM.—. ----------------- .... —
clearing. A bargain ii aoM qnick. $400 of porchaae price Muy rcaaia oa
time. .
WakareaAdadaftMllaoafaamardiy coo^wklak era
tohiep apninfvtharBallaa.
iKByrMarktaB B1
129 Front St. ftUrkhwn BIk.
Tixvirae CNy. Mkhixui.
For any of the abm apply to
«b»MM totk* totopkataoMA
toad m fbalwak dtoOt aad an
pato d*i^ wkb m fa*t toatoaib*
. aad tk* nn* oa tk* hap *bo*a.
TWrd fnd*. Atna Ooak, Baaa^
JfeabkCOty.CtoA let r«i*. Wtk Bard. CMpB latrada. OlT.A.i«aa4*b.MBrd.
We’re not
going to wait
°B tat enda n«. a.
iWanabaUcanphtod. Baatpohlp- a*yn«ak of Mnk Bk* an bMac nad* to
Ohtoto Cbtor> Bkcbla. folkt. tk-
tod Tth radn. Ada M.
■ mail*. TpiBaag
re*rthaa4TUlhetBd«a.tiB<r Oai
ft>T*i« Muxan CO.
Tb* npakr **a*oa'* work ho* ha
Third rad*. IdaOnart. TpMlaaU.
tor wv to* IkM two naatk*. p
•teoto^ rad*. Mapn* falrbaata
.ha*b»oafoa*diiciaify atoadp
Aabk tbaerifia*! tonofwetton
■fs. Chrw oa th* |Mt Mi* Mi
Tb* aonpaap-* palaal* aonr aw
•vnptblac ttotcaa b* lboi«bt ofto
Ite* an IMriw MMton «f Ik* tb* wap of anoUao* to pbatiaf aad
' Miitillw>fi*it»Mriiinlin
wlac to potato**, a* w*Ua* otbn
Brlaeipal WhaadTIkfraato **toa
idMkA larp. aanbn of hato tala, (lapind.
nab *prtekl*n aad A«*** pkawn
roarth aad Plfth cndM l*rua**
ha** aln*dp b**a aUppad. tbowb tb*
*tM la pwUelfaM h
•kipnaawol ptoaknwUl saUaBaat
Mrial (MNlMk. •( whM aeU** I* «!*- l•a•taB*neoUlaacn. Tb* tew* ha*
.Kibe, fbnnpnlk
M ta
Uuip b*M boip o* Ik* Olab* apriokUtfndaltowAwlfv OfW*a*lll*.
In. tb* riebt to wbleb tha eonpaap ■*B U1 rad*. Melik Nekea. Ithaea.
M. K. Bona, te’y.
eand laOt wlatn. Tb*pan*)*o’tort*oaal-aaa.
tooa tb* tWi*** KB»p*acb aprapn.
Ptladrl nb aad atfc r>dn. M*tU*
Thk k apaokUp d*alfa*d for *wU
baoM; k *c>& to Tr»«t
B. niblM. Braabtort.
It k • bolb
oa tk*
ntU aad tUith rad**. Otrtrad*
*prap Aft**a
^f**at)/ al^kiWIiaiwQI b* tk*kir
' rat trewd Mr* IMI <w tk*t VM
Third aad FOarth crbdM
Mr of tb* BOW arketo taiaad odt
•>w.**n Bot«k of •taTt^kk. Ik*
■aoonpaap. It k daolfood to on
Beenad rbi*. <>»«■ 0**daad; QeUiMdlaadolknfeiata
0W Aw-iaif* Urto
(knw, M. J. Palfkaa. aha wUl artaag* to tk* iMt ut*aMt* aaf *lake*at*parad*of Ik* kladte ttoakok
Okplaa Itapt. a T. Of
MKX. U. Bora aai B. H.
»U) pal a tkoBwad or sar* *l____
«kDi|*alaUa*lB tk* r*a*fal ^fad*.
awafoaaniar <an3iar a ftarK. Back. Jao. KjmIkk A. V. riMrtek. Who wUI attaad V>
Ik* ropar i*eiitaUaf. piir.u aad
paktk. af tk* »bol* lova.
»iak-W. J. Bokk*. WUlonl Oaaq>kMl. A. Vi. Jahraa*. who wU .
. to aad attoad lo Ik* aiaakal'part^
Ik* dark pofraiB. aad tkk wUl b*
filklaf to-aad«wv ak«ad of aajtkl^waharorwhad.
• pb*n* ftow<k-C, M. Bant. Ckaa.
Bat*. C (t. V*d«r,- wto wUl nak*
aad PM.0D0 eat of »oft wood, wbto
WlU b* Aakbad abeot U* Ant of Ji
Tb* napkAoorlof d*p*rtwnlk
lac wnkdd to ha oUaoat caparitp. the
Aoorlac b*lac*klpped Bwapastaata*
tloa UbelDC paldt
aprlBC to tkeeld •taad-bp* of Uk eonpaop.taabaaddoon. Tb*a*ba*obew
Ibelr laadlac baalaon to ntop paara.
altboacb olkn tonm b*** b**a add
ed fraa tin. to tin*. C U UnUlek.
tb* MMacrr of tk* oon|iMp. k nakloCplaB*alpr**eBt toaalarciar apd
to tb* boilBona litti* tCto.
Tbk weM laab aad doon war* dhlppad
to Lelaad to ike pew bone of J. W
'• -b* tolorpkako turaloi
ettlh*Ai> • aad window* toW.-C
total pr***atk tk* B*dt*t totop.
tow** wtu *tTBBf* to TOWk«
Ateaad tk* Pam^
MUTTpea aaacracToaix* co
aad hpJas* i the ■
pn«^ wdl U pko.
7«U1 b*
narb will prebablp aet bicia balon
tlwIHb. Tb*.nalaballdlnr. *noM.k
wlaiil aad tk* boUn
fa*l,i« tothlfb.ka*art
Tb* btodlac k raaUtolp
a tk* baaawai k *e ana^ a* to be
aiawMr«oa**anr>toBoer. Tb*
tkaMarwUl bepnbnwaad the natoaarp rwa ton below.
Tk* Ant
aaWraJ Ual •»* awlMnar *!•* Mr. u Ur
uU .*alr. •< tkf I lalla |
8KIBTS......to $12.00
WercSS.M loSiaou.
i ro.equ ChUnc* Ptaal*. Me b
>. B. B
W*r* »8etoSM.ga.
Kettle M.
X> U. BLUtdenCu.
Ma*k^ KUnbetb BUiftMtn. torwall.
-AUaad Uw cm* Uoldra bbT• Ootkiac Co'* to* at the Beakm atore. coni
BineiBC at r A m. Thandap, Map tut.
Soadapwbdca 11:41 an.
JaakrC B. 1p.m.
V. Kwl.CB.8U8p.at
Piwaeblac7:»0p n.
Prapn wtoBf ***rpTh*
t* tin* ***etal 'iriiw
a ditb ancklat* bar* b**a la an
a- bar* rire* r»> •alkfactioB. a*
while Mr. Boll waaawap laat WMk I
armced loc*t Atlem more antoac
Tbk wUl larnip Inrinii tb* faeUttto
ef tb* Itetop. which alrndp bn prwetkallp lA* wbok Innean trade of the
UaiMdBtaMtloboUndkbca. Aa *ddiUoB wUI be baUl la tb*
W* larltatbe attaatWi of the pabllc
to tk* fast that tb* Tnwa* Cltp Flo.rsl Co. anaakiac *p*cial effort* to
bare a bottar aad larrn *u>ck of Bow-n* aad plaoU tbaa crer before for
I* tb* ciltad artist
of (rraad Rapid*.
Mleb.. who paiBU
poor pofwll and
AlUltfall of.
Btrrlon aiw bald la tb* K. O. T. M.
ball a* follow*: Hoadap
tie* at IV;M. Haadap *ebo>d follow*
The next rtvakr .BMeUac of (Itaad
Tratrra* Uktrirl Uraar. Ko. 17. will
b* told at lalaad Oraar ball, lalaad,
Ui^.. oa Wedaeadap aad Tbundap,
Jane 10 aad It. law*. 4 g<»i alMadaao* k dnired.
UaMd Map M, IRW.
Iharerou ...
Uriebtoe rape rian
ud»a».pjelIrareat prleca that will
a«r. w. r. AmIumw. p»«m*.
Pr«*ldlac Bldn Bet- K H. UeClIatfe
wIU be totoat aad praach Batardnp
alcbt. aka at lb:*o Soadap nnalaf
Hoadap (kbool at 8U0 a n.
daakr C B. at 4 p n.
tkato Badtator pram naatliW •*
*:M p n. I*d bp Ml*. Flora Tbaebold.
tnaaloB wUI b* aarml attar tk*
n Haadap eroalac.
tra* la likram
-bad exprecsiun.
' pUto drop X card
la ito piulufti,-*
will rail aad •*•
pofa with sataplr*
i b* «k*
Chaiekoa Blnwood araaae.
ler.M.AFiliir, anwrAabbath aebool, >:48 a. m.
HenlBC to wonhip. 11 a. n.
JaafarniwtlBCtAWp. m.
'0Flatfrwd Frau.
TopiotoJoalerBeeUac. "What do
w Bto wbtn wa prap. ’Thp klacdon
»*r- laadn. Haaaah Faaalactoa.
ThaVowa'* Faralca Ukaloearp toekip wUl nnt at the cborch tktardop
n. The
wUl M^a)
Traverse City. Michigan.
Reliable Trading Center.
At Pioaeer Livery Stable.
i have a large lot 6f horses for
sale. Some of all kinds. Several
good blooky young ms£res, weight
1300 to 1400 pounds., Some good
drivers, and six good,^cheap, work
horees are all for sale at very
reasonable priced.
Will take any kind of stock in
ichange'for horses. Pl^e give
me a caU.'
B. or. h^OBO-.A-lS'
Our Dollar Line
A gocKl MeitVt Congress Sh«.
A good Woi^en’s Kiil.Batton Shoe.
A good Women's Tan or Black Oaford Sh(«,
A good Boy*’ Congress Shoe,
A good Men s Creole Plow Shoe,'
i Qjflr ^ Line is a Ijlfinner and are WearersJ
Wunburg Blo^ '
TmmM Oi^. Mieh.
Approaching Spring j
Cause the housekeepers to think of cleaning time—clean house—that means paper ^
and curtains. It's gelling somewhat late, but there are lou wbo haven't completed j
all their cleaning. To these we say we have more new Wall Paper io all the novel. ’
shades. Parlor (upers in Ingrains. Blended Borders and Figured Patterns. Bed 1
Rmm Papers in Embossed Moonsh Designs. Library and i^ing Room Papers in j
deep red and d<x^P green sha'des.
all eimee of
Window Curtains.
to trade With us
1 and pMple are finding it oat, Som* hav* kaewn It oU Bloag.. Oth«n ogolB hST*
I to look orouDd to satisfy thumMlvw, bat,
<^iog M. thsy aro gmnUy odto
[ vloood that we are eeUlog the beet etaoee at the lowest posMbls prioea.
Our men's shoes at $1.00 is a Winner.
Our ladies'shoes at 99c are vexy cheap.
Our .children's shoes at 19.26,85 and 60c are the beet ever sold.
Friedrich Bros, old store.
' Wbipen's fine \nci Kid Button Shoes;
Men's fine Lace and Congress Dress Shoes,
Women,'s fine Hand Turn Bl’k or Tan Oxrds,
Men’s all solid Working Shoes.
■ICbth rad*. OI*. B, toalla Donato. tnaMla*
» >:
Front Street
Our S1.50 Line.
BMtao**. B. B. Bpdn. CI9.
Gntmi KapMs. Mkh.
AnandarohebtAlManlornmtor*wladow dkplar bat Mank aad tnabo*
latk* nanitowul akobtnadn
to* tha enkto lalarMd ra^ *
aalpbattolladbpthadtoaad. Map
^ail orders filled carefully. Give ehipiMng directkMia. Money refunded If
goods don't suit It’ll pay to come to
Horses for Sale.
curraoL aciunB*.
throughout the entire store is still in progress.*^ Don't miss it, cver>’ thing in new
and Reliable Dry Goods. Carpets. Clothing. Furnishing Goods, Etc., at less prices
than you can buy them elmwhere. No space here to mention prices, but come
and see the goods—)-ou'll appreciate the great buying power of your money. .
aad aapoo* wl«hIBC ooc of HK>i
tIAKKUl'K'S lAirx-
Hudap c^ool at 11:48 a. m.
Tb* & Y. f. V. at 8:18 will ba led b,
Mb* Sdltb Qiweaewck- Aabiect. "Iba(ahnaat to ■U."
Tb* poblk an oor^p iatlted.
PriaMpal of Bleb Hekoel. C B. Rna.
will b, la
Traversa Citr.illy 10 to IS
Hum Trees.
dapl. ef aeboala. C T. Orawa. Olp,
1. W. HARROl'N
Hrlac lo. delap la *hlp(dac. np Blip ;
(•did Dot r<wch an aaUr.np dellr-;
___ io rood lip*
Imp at Trarrm
■nalac •rrrle*. tVidip otoalac
•8. ^ I**C Iran
parlaoe* awtlac. t o cloek.
____ _______ id toll I per eeal [
rww. Tho** wbo catch tbk ehaaee '
• MotoiaM loHobab, hk kttor-,
a*«. O. a Partkn*. r*uw.
do ta*n
Tbnw will b* pran:blBC at tk* a*aal ataJ.Morcaa'.b^W
boar awt 8udap noralac.
BDlBf fall fore*, ladadlac
U lk*aawnm.aad aaarip
KaMtal Urban aad Ad*aa«d Hath•to wfll b* Ik*
^ ___ Maatin. 8. B. W.inii. Aaa Arbor.
hn* wlH b* pitod tk* lattoa plaa*n.
LaUaaadUeriaM.Banlat BaaUea.
•ana. abapw.aad atarip all tb* etkn
■Btoadtp, Tb***ooad AonwUl b*
Otannar aad' V. H. Hktop. Data
and to AMtoaC. paebiac aad atorac* B. Ktflan. totoB Bapida
Uloratorw. Bktop aad 0*11 Oo*ata
phT»d at Aiwt. a* tb* work ball
it. Balta A. Kortoa. Dacalar.
aad ikUl n*at b. aos.liwd.___
KK. !!••«*. toe'p.
Our great
boomer sale
Life. Health aotl Beanty
Fnaoa* OraaB*
■ will b* pn
lap. Tb* bndp of tb* ebar^ «>J
r*i*md for ntnbn* of tk* U, A
W. B. C and HaBBah RIAn. All otknn atlaadioc ar* a*k*d lo b* la tkeir
**au prompUp at lo:W o'doek.
Tb* Chateh Aid *001*1, will ci*«
10 o*Bt**p|Mr Wednatdap la thtefaoreb
parlon to*a t lo * o-cleek. aad ier
enaai aad oak* will b* tnwed npatnli
Ip to aU who dtair* it. at lo oeaU
Come at once. S^ock and assortment is large.
Can please you all and ^ave you much money.
Wnk kprocnakac npkdlp oa tho
■We've the largest line ot these goods in northe^m Michigan, strictly uprto tlate
styles, and^now. when tradcis the most active for them, we're going to give purch
asers the benelit of selling them at cost and even less, so as to
them cwt
quick and completely.
ala HIM * «« laM CaMl. >W* k. W Inlln la Ua
rriiao ktw, •* t*a IW| ac Tii.rtw iitr. aa*
D erd*near*fall
Tlnt and Snoad fiwdn. Bih>> K.'
Pin ikportiBau l>k)dap-CW*f
•aa avcao* aebool. wbkh Ur.
ttopna aad bk aaaklaal* will an
W*U* hoc** will doBwap with that
toa«a* ikow of tk* aattr* Aik dw
tfoobla^, .
Ranaml of tb* ol^ la tk* ««a*ral
TBAraini cirr i.t'HaEB
Afin bakf abat dowa to abowt
debt aoetha tb* Bill aln^ op*caia
tkk wnk. ttoead of brlaflac
fiMlapnady to tU Mt >labnak
dowa tb«Tl*nfh« eonpaap hat
tod (oaOp dkalap of Ifnrurit* «m
pw p««b>..d aloac tb. bap i
a*M b Hkk^ la aap Iowa of I0.M0
aad Ik* h«*anbnn^t la bp n
of town Abeat o.ooo.eoo f**t ba*« b**a
**eBiwd. 'BMkiaC'tk*e«laboat half at
kif*t*teatpw. ,
CMklofftoau C B. MaiTM. W. A. 8*adovALwoknmB
dir. who wUl anaac* to tol aad boat
tooaialaa tat** ton aU potat*' aad
Tb*Wccaa.orib*anmnpwUI b*
ta aba«* of th* Baaaab rid**, wko an
aot atota of a IliU* aok* of that Uad.
aadtktpwUl k**blpa*ootoad bp tk*
WdaBdarkdO. A.B*.
Any Wrap, Skirt, or Child’s Reefer
at cost or less than cost
ksta: kava
n> ar Jaw wak al u* >'Mact w tw >»tp all color*, al
5*. Chit aad n
all tfraapaanaU to aad Mlaad to tk*
laacotofcaad balk oa boU Pridap
u<maw*■**ni* 104 art***
nxarvM vrs. co. *
a aou.000,000 ool of hardwood
Ik* ftml parad*. Ikato aboaM h* tp at tkk tin* oi Ik* p«ar.
a**nal kaadiad wbatlt la Ua*. Tkk
aHnwa* aai>MKTr«CTOBT.
*«alU** wtU ake kar* obaifiiV Ik*
(toeftb* boatot plaoa* Idthaoltp
Oditih—to*a«-0. W. RaC.
Daaa. J**. Mankk. '
aadaUtk* I^^Wapard *pao* k b*•tU anaac* laa «aoivh aarlp U tk*
IBC n*d tedrpiac ba*k*t nalnlal.
Mtalat to la*t aatU aut wlato.
r«*aBt than ar* l.ouo.ww r«P«
Ban BdU-Tm Boaltot baa* hall
MtatbadrplacTvd b*dd**otbwwnl.llw, Twotpkadid iBtotwIU
A Wf twob* prorldad to. wiU oa* ol Ik* h**t
■totp. MOM foot. addltloB k balar pat
ltoBtlatk**tat*.to MplaTMeaik*
apeatb*«a*tof tb««
totaaw fiaaak of Ik* Bb*U«
tn ■tone*. Tho war
Uaka aadTwoirih *ti»ta'
lato tk* mala war*
Oam-J. A. Unaftr. Pnd Pntt.
aanbnothaaikan I
P. C (iUbart. Tk**. g»mm will b*
«BlUd al. probablj. Uro* dlCnoat
bna rwa till after Jna* 1*1 noUI
pia**B.*aroa IHat*. Pnataad Ualoa
war. Tbar* ar* t:» baad* naplopMn*k.at tk*M* koar.ik tkk will
praamt. Thk jw a aanbn of
ha tk* oa)7 wap tk* fnat ttowd «aa
Ctrk ha** b*ea hot bC who
ha aiwiniitkl*il, UkUI aad tu eontb* U>M door, naklar A** pooad baaMaad.
bate to tb* tnd* la N'*w York *laU.
.drnkr itp«t.-C B. Hnnr. f. A.
If tb* labor n*lac maehla** addItaatacaa. C A. Hannoad. HU*oen- ad wlthlB a t*w Doatb* an eo*«r Md
llac nachloc* aad oa* toT eotUar
taMtaad otk«r aqaatk qxwtt at lb*
Woii*wlaBCvraaada.*ad tkk will be
a o**7 atliaeU** fcatan of Ik* dapb
wUl b* nad*. aad •btpnaaU
an brii« and* alnoat daUp b
oenpaapb atowboaB** U aoa
U ban ekarft of thk. whto wlU laMkkIcaB.
Bk««B woof bMlwl baaotad* tb* 0. A. B. aad W. R. C..
topped la oa* dap iwoniUp.
«0I tom* a kadlac hatan of tk*
tkalartoBi aanbn r*n chipped toot
Ifnal parada. aad of Frida/ *»*Bl*y
b*r*atOMttoa lb*btnbal b*Mi*t
a prk* andal •onpatiWtt driU wUl
------- -—J, t„Bloc 0*1 MO dO(*B
ktoplaetla aipOpnakaU. krtoal
dap. Tbn* wa* a r»*d
I haadclaat
deal of akkaanai
«nn akoad. todadtar Haakae* aad
n. aad a
Tb* Bop* baad wlU rwbably ar-
nw me* la l*r nu WTHtMaa c«u •* •*• *■•«
Oao. DaBaraa. 0. P. A.
aap Wad of powdn or toniUddr.
Aanoctk*andilanw*od bplk*<
J. W. MU- paap k oa* aew to Tn*on* Cltp.
BaaUan- *ko aU> kMcdl fnaao* wbleb bata* taoloil.
wbkkeaa b*la*tMtlp lakad lo
of tk* wboU
alatott aap tanpefalan.
untiLtbe summer is here and nearly gone before giving you extra values in Capet.
Wraps, flirts. etcIpHit banning riRht »way, in the middle of the iiuying
will sell
Aj. aoauax.
I When.--to^
make a run, they score. Whenwe sco«we make j
a run. We are sooringfor our “BEST" flour eraf7 j
day, oonseqaentlF we are always ronnlng. The |
people want our flour, and we are willing to j
supply their wanta.
Hannah & Lay Go. I
.Ttt*»ni.Ta4TKli«B IteiUi MAY «1. MOB.
«10«hB fliV- narawtn
«*«r hM ftiM
ak-f«h^ aadv. >Ur
MasAtte teaW adttar of tte Ute
dam Wore, will te a karate la Ua ftalac a taU aaaaaat M hH aapWt paatardar- Wa trfD waa hte aa/ tkoaikti
af ttef paalaa. tafatkir with
otter teka Aaa aporia. aad a Uulo
latela. te-tete teflotaa to Ml.
■ jjSSgresKVg^Jw-a
State Bank.
(■mum mmwmm.
Clmlalo.1 thli WMk 2,250
jraaBtam JfbMvM
adMn bt 1
mmmttUm Hrdia
a U. Mearaavi aad Hte k
TM^CMMnaOHp ateaaia »01 tmIter aaaaaalprtytaateara aaat pear,
■ar. a Ooeata la atMadlte tba
Hill TTiteiH'H "I‘ ~i|-'-r^ ~‘-IHa aa* tear kaU ftek la aeaplaiod
^IharaiaaoteHaradUiHaala tba
' «*a lartii I 'iiHar oat at tba
pH iwoaatrtlete ^aaaaaaf tba
«a tenibandap airhv t oteaefc.
Wba^ It vaa akeat uala ttee. aad
Brbte Brada asarelMB at Bbtk aebool ttec to rrwfm. eor (aaU Mr. Edllcr
MMblp toook Prldap. ta. ».
taar aatia/:'' at aa/ lata te iao«ad
Aloaul asaresaaaBd baaqwUHaa- te teaa foUae Berth aad aootb a IKUa
Taa laaabaaa la tba paWla babooK tMteetab, Pidday. tp. m.
Blaad. aad ba vaa laft bablad. dahlat
_ad Mban of tba Hlfk aaboot aad
aadMMplBr. At airkt itea ha tecaa
ate«brtela.wMh tbair friaada. «01
^Blaraa -Hcala tatam.’* aadallkr
fata bafall hla ttet teppaaad to tea/
as tba Uaiaatea aad a bateat pkak
^raod paopU brfora hto da/. Be'^
Batafdar(all adlaap-ao be ia/»-ib a awaaip.
Ha case to hto boBO ud Ue BUp
learfal frieoda Be n/o te will
agato to^toro not
proWdlog goardlu
aaada of tte aatartalaaaat. Oamiail of
KaUaaa. aboaa Iba aapaaaaa. tovlalte
to vlalte bto bamd/feroBa bpAagaet UtA Babe it bto dotp w ear that te gota W
traluto ilaw,aad relDruladu
totbaebUdraatakUr Tte old weadfB telldlag oa ■
aoeh jaabliBg >uIb.
if tte proareda warrmat It. of tte Coatralgroaade wm be
reip B0<b feared that oar woaki/ Hau
te^U laelada all tchool ekUdm who Of aad loBoaed.
lOrooM te Aela/od
OeapoB/ A kae Aeeaptad.
toairalght agaia.
arm baapl^at tte diorck
Lika tte otter eporta towboUeoBAreUa. ilatotda/ araatef. Ha/10.
atale ireope warareeoatl/ toaltad
aitillad. "Taa alfku to a har-i
IT It /n.. Trararw Ol/ Ip tte Haaaah Bidet of
ddaiteloa. ita; ahUdraa oadar
wof tte ttet dt/ to take part to the oelcbra(toed Taaptora Barr/ oaa b iaalted. Uoo of tte l^rtb of Jal/. Of tte Ai all BUteoaada/W aalde tte
idiu which aro tte urtb|/ gararau
teal aoadlall/.
- throe. Coapas/ B b tte oat/
wbleb bataeorpud. Tte Baabm of of the oool. It utarall/ foUowt that
txT Hoaoaa. of Aeaa. •ahlle fall- ■■old B.~ bare darided
to toot tteir owa the tuU^ plan of tte aortal ud rtotof atraapaatarda/aaM atroeh to tte
Ibla part ofwtoaapot w wkleh all
teribb raah eat lag Ike groat ABertaaa aagU-------- tkoagbu «rfwa lara. It
foot bp a Itebaada
■a. Tbr alrbt-trtll
BSdar kb rirklo/a.
to that dt/. Tha Hakbtro oospaa/ that a taadar. ragrotfal iawral eboold
aot te dnuapad.'tet toWabtoal/
aad Dtbrra of the Fifl^ r^BNOt tear aot Hager tkaiW aad
bora Iaalted aad teaa araaplad.
light la BNktog
M algbt of Jol/ Ird the Haaoah rldfa of boaatp which aball roh tte g
col^ Bodal
tedal prbr drill ted which ara toe gaWt of Ue gru( hatbr pool ill hold a gold
iSaTsau of teattar
W. T. UMtorrlahaaeoeaaetod to poadof eoBMOC tbair ataro aad ooIcm:
IlM 0. A B-. nllotm. m<io«^ ud act«a)8dm.-0ruadi{.ipU. Htnid.
BO orae whaa’ oar Traroru atp
•MBtanprikaW.B Can r«iaM.d
:tcip wu a deulitc wlldat^ra, to
U MM Baadv »o™i«C at UtiraiT
Tte Bqaitobto Aid ITaloa will bc^ Car'awa/ that tha'loag alow paea of
haJI at k:IO o'olaek. t« atUad Ui«
al tb* OoacT^Uooal akare:
tte faaaial eortage aaeaed towralaaaoalar la Hoelaror kail., At ttet able, aad wbu at toet tha ^ot
ttertkr/irUI baaddraoMd bp *lk«
Horfan. af (tolombaa. lb.. BoprrBr
■aad/ araata far frm
FteUeot af the raltrd Hiatal: W. J. loud of banaalt/. aoorpkad bp bet
a aaUaralaaar aaaaaa
teto^B. of illlbdalr. Urakd Praaldrot
udplloddaap with u> aad tte Bcja Baad laill of Hleklraa; aad K B. Priaalr. of
araaiu of Uoakaroa. (irood ttoerotarp of HIcbV
/tenteaachugacTan 'tkb. Utt»o: A flar Boaieal fBoriaa
br Ur bp llltlr tbr Iowa baa eropt to UuDaa. Uaara * Lcaaua hara addad riaaa aad rrfraahteato arlU br arrrrd. wood'i rdga. Row tbr wbk ^ bII'U
to IkMr oSoM orrr Ibe rtiat KaUesal dleea lu octaobattoo to tbb dt/ abuot aad tte itir of tte aat Car dblut
Baak Un taro maaa feraMrlr oeeeptad
dt/'i Ufa brukt the aarl/ Boratog
O. w.o
W.OarttoaBdrK.Walkar. Uaa
Btillaru. and tte laugh of cMIdna at
pb/ ia their booee Boau eaar
Mbar. trltk Ualrtom. dtp. Tte meettar to-Borra* alpht groaea ai^ tkrp lb la tte uoart light,
arm ba Mtd far priaat# aOom prombaa la br a rrip totecatlar oor
dud rrat ao loogrr lar awap
r at tteidt^'addc.^d tte gnat,
P. Pav> tea jwt flllad aa order at to tbb BM^brrr aad ttelr (riroda. .
losdiate b a tbiag of tba paat.
bk tear
«m t<* M.0W fret of
A Maw Loaatwo.
Tte dl/ earcB fur U. loo, w be
>r icr tha DOW additka to f
Tte BUr/ awrora 01 baa baaa
M). aad plaa* for better tklage to da/>
kaakat (aetorp. Hr. Faria oanu 1
pelird b/ iBcrraaior boalaaai to r«
loose. Fertepetber^an few wbo
of tea haalock. raaaiardopa
tonarsaartorraad baa porai
keow jut tte lagml tutu of Oakaaood
tka late abora, aad doa not tear
tbr tract of toaa oo tte aootb aldr of
lar la a atoek of tofa aaary tall.
osJ tbr. C. A^ W. M. Tbb with tba
rirbt of wa/ Iraard from tbr railroad
pirn ttea lit frrt oo Frost atrert.
aad tfo fret oo.................
Tte ehuorl of tte u/lna brook,
Itea aatU
eaa aoU wbleb raplbr low tbr riaer bora, bar
laauar U ttej daairo. Thte bees ehaagtd. aad tbr power will, te tte atepr of Boae/ rBbad go dirootl/
apea tba laatb
to roB the ooeapaB/'i polbbera.
trill f)** ** <
tow Ikaell/tiowerp. Tbero b‘BOW
(Ireoad tee tera brtere for a oee OB tead la the oeaetrr/ fud propu
elotp bolldlag looaw feet, whbb will arraral haadred doUara.
be seed for blHoe aad teow raoBt. aod Tte gloat Bead of the eametrrp h
Twsbmi atraot b batof fraraled
a 'eeUlagrooB. TteeWar shed* ■alar. A largo aaB of taoaop anooBttreaa Uaba atraat lb tte aaUaaor of
tapa ball park, aad a aldawalk be tellt bark of tbb aad tte r«
iag Wraup beadrade' of doltora tea
Ike epaeraudwaatooepard. A Wg
wUl teteUtfnMBi;i
a fpfBtWproeora a good
^irieg derrick will be pot to whbh
hara raaalwd la failora.
aot oalp to taoBB^te fo ta aaa tell III r^re eWar diroeUp tnm
irmtotbr boildlDfa.
Thera to -rarp aaeb (till W be doee
plapad. tet totteraaldaeu os Ho'-With tte iBprorrd fadlltba t
the greoBOa____________
ala alraet. who tear had so wa/
:atOBe will be boagbt ia tte roagb and
aad bow bat w' do lUi to
gat est to Ualoa atrert esorpt to wade
Id op here. Ibaa oaer btforo. aad : oee et tte drlc probleBa.
Of a eprclalt/ wi)E-te Bad
It to a aebjaet aoeh talked of
■oTHS b paWbked I
tollp bp the aup totoruwA Jut
Tba grwile aaad to tte bodaaai Aow tka
.auM troa t/olocp. Mtaa. and Barrp,
IM.todeddette4aeeUosof Ike adofr Vt.. aad tte ararbU from BattoaA Vx. dlaeoBalBC tte aabject aaoag IteaaHraa. la aaa/ ptoofa there aio Oa*
ties ofttetewaaUp losd ipttes for,
sodMBW irbUr eWae la (»a tka
tteltewsehlp. Thb b tte este qareUos. earaied b/ back a torgs tejorit/.
a. ud tkto b aot oolp anltal
• ueouNaia. bat to rapoei^lp kul
buatff/iiigotuaeter/rnKiBde., It to
anr for bolldii^inirpeMa.
r eepedall/adapted W the eapWork.wfll bepoabod ae ropidl/ u
of woaeo. aad each u AueelpoulbU 00 tte MW bolldtofe aad Iba .attoB would doobtlMbe
Aa analtost protnn »
ehanra of Hr* Jao. Pewla a
gimt aid b/ tba Board taf Fobtle
at tte Wotesbaab FMda/.
Worka It tow be hoped that tte aatNOB tte
Wr will br ppeted W u aarl/aad deBI of ffalerioo aad tbs atolocp of
Bitauacloaioa, batof eoarar all' work
Moawnal Barrwu.
HaUtoftoe oatf Mapolaes. b/ Hra. F.
lid bare W be aador the dlioc-.
Baaoilloa; a talk os Qaaas Mctorb bp All old aHdIrio. eatkn, ud aoBter^
Mn. A U Baallasd; OB Ptoassca of tte W. «. C are ro^oeatad W
RIrbttoraIr bp Hra. F. J. Csrtb. aad at Ubtarp haU at 9:to a. a.
Tn carl/ uriag Bowtre are all gou
os Ud/ Baarp Botenov bp Hra. A
Fora prouiatoa M to proaptlp wUk aad ealUrslad Bowen aut ba lanrel/
Tte eoli___- ___ _____ ___ ____
atroot W Hark uA oa Fbrk W tte Coabra OUafACDaapraa.WB.EhMr of
wkrt* MaorCU
wfll te held. Tbr a
Oo. Moi. 1. A A Walorteip of
X Be3< Tos/ Neastap of Hgoo
br «. B. 0i
After aerrko tte otrisaa will retora
f So. Mr. Daepasa wm talk u Weahb gloa, Cteesad Frtat atroeU
Oetaaa aaa b. Doaiaa >aad Bote,
to Ubmp hall, where It wiU be die•teaa tear rateiaad treat Haalal^.
Thap lap tbap laa Onad TiaoMa batMcitoau. nar.
All wbu totred W take a part lA tte
leriilaa et tte warterp will atert at
-fr-r----------.-..wPutroe|Bat>:Ma.a. proBptlp. Colat UaAardaa«toIUi>db.aBHap Ittk
Bl» odoek akarp. with
af Oataga J. Haawadkg. foatert/ of, ilaaaah iaflre'oa tba right ud will
A. J. Kaav. tba Ba« ■
a ^aa af tell Is tte aaar
>. MbpMth. UtrtDdias a
J. t. BaatsaHitteidlirtte Piao-
aaUo, fara^ Hte Ulp
Bk tap(da>^ a daarktor aaaralaas
Wc are altvays
endeavoring to
.save sometbing
t for our (mBtomefs—
«lwajB Bcarcfaing
- ouratock-to dean
' npand.djiipoBC of
’ any odd puit or
-Bujts of wliit'h we
hive nm a,full .
•• line of sizes.'
childrens' suits
all Btylrt all siiesp
kjfld however—we
ond fourth \ 6
Ihc prfee—c very
• one interest id
in boy* isiiirtercsted'
inboye'-^. ,
wearing a^^rel—
this offer oiight
night—it will . ;
if yon but give ,
UB a chance.
ww akfoaterstMra.AHaHaaaa. of
steHb. H. T..Mosaaf «
Hte. termawnsdlad at Iba I
a( ter daarhSte. Hia. A 1^
Tsaadar ««slar. at tte af* af «.
fte tN«lteahplaaaat talasd ppa-
/>$. m. 1
On of tte ptsttbatthlanclaas hrra Beboel^Udi^
toatoag tlsaarm bribrCkralaal of Martial baaA
JUttoM at tte at/opara kail tetarda/ Oldaotdtonaadulln
algkL Fret Hartavk ka* baaa bov CHrrtoguwitfcdtoabW
AfOUaglte okOdnaeadtAAertarUd- !irte ^ et aarcB iplll ba oa Btota W
<a Fork W Fteataad os Fhtetto
for weato aad tte toaalt b an
- Opara
- ira Ball wterc tte faUowi^
BlAteMiTad. Aaoaw tte laaiT atp
will te earriod art. '
are tte Hank of tte H/MBtoae pruioa
rirrrtou bp Put u told dowa to
of tte Ha/ Qaaaa, theiarrlerbooA
paate ladUa' aaUWttoa ArtU.;Ha/ poto Hulekpeteir.
Kb* Jaaaa, Marohof tte reraatea,
BM'eJokttoa.asd aapaab tetoriirtMil Bag Arm, daatog Itk graad
Good Harbor, Xich..Ai«48.1896.
West Pullman, Chicago. HL
^ I hare bought one of your Binders', the Plano Steel Bind
er, at last Have tried all others first before I bought None
of the others satisfied me. I hare waited till the iast day.
My grain was ripe. So your agent Mr. auin(» A. Thacker, of
Traverse City, came just in time, and I purctmeed the Pluio,
Mr. Thacker set up the binder and we tried it in heav7< long^ ^
rye. But I must say. I have been farming for the last 80 yra =
and seen a good many binders work, but I never seen a bind
er work as easy as the Plano. £ have got only a small team,
8400 heavy, but they take that bipder anywhere. I ^ust say
that the fiy wheel helps much on that machl|»e: it saves one
horse. I advise everyone to .go and look firat at the Plano
Steel Binder. By doing so the people will find ont that the
Plano is the best made and has more steel in it than any oth
er binder, and is light running. The same day the bd]|0er
was tried, it was witnessed by my neighbors wbo have the
Champion, and they said they were perfectly satiafled with
the work the Plabo done; it would beat any other
1 must say I am very glad I have bought the Plano Steel
Binder. It ie strong made, still it run easy and light If there
U ally one that woiddlike to find out before he buye a Unter ^
ue Plano. I shaU be glad to give ^ all the pointa ;therejsr '
about those binders
BMpMtfOUg jroon,
OuSBTiav DepartaBeat
Tn liU W miB U diBt BteUMi U Ik itm iT
MKtmirr cmmxcmum
■rfbi Dap puaMaad aerriut
fteaue aubatetlat P. E/acIhah
Tka W.ACwBI aaroa a toa «a*
by.-next Saturfay.
danearip ter
s at P. H. 1
reeaa at lt:*0. tarm Maa
tka followtag otter:
/ to close out every
da/. All paraou bartog Bowan
Itep will dualr BIO reqauwd W lure
.. p
.tore ..ito u
IWr ' •
eoaatip wbocu brtog toBuran^
- - a f ror
a <bp doing toM It to goiag
W br dlBcoU W gat oao^ flowao
tkto peer.
BaauBut baihrta A flu aaBt jaat receirod at F. M. F^-a
oaar. Cmm te Bllad M traa to
OaaatiortW Btoia. oa BlaU
. os' A&nlau Aro.
to WaaklagtoB. oa Wiebtogwa taitorBeM Are., u Uartold W«ghtA aad
Eighth W tkreoarlorp. wbera
aaaal Meaerial Da/ osateto* wUl ba
I now'offcr at 'jnsl
haiil M «t T«|M« Oi^
I HBItAfJh MAY ai.
pbea-whoihlaiuad wltfc thaw.
T. B. BoUp aad wUt. who ban ban
HeHtchaal. who haa
litartiCitorto DatioH.
enala Mb
na poHlbal tpmck to Iba ataHotora
r. J. p: Mltub. of Ua l*iaibTMftu
MfB. Watar. of BIbtoa. wbe baa haaa
rWttor whh hardaaphur. Mia J. 0. ___________ aabb to All hb idaoa to
Ha^ fto aoM uSTlatoatotoia-
A dlfht froat Ihb toonlac.
Wtllbai Itoat waa hlekad qalb badlp
bp hbdririap hataa latt itiaii
Beaad ol FahUe
j iwm Mip x.tmw
^^Bit froB tba amrtooa ~
B were bold lathe
_____________________ ehThandapat t p.
ai.. eoedadted her Bre. P. HHtmaa
aaabud Bee. 8. Itaclc.
all la white aad the Aotal
almeat aatirelp
ef white with a mlxtorc of meATto Aenl otfariafe tniB the dltonst
Mba aad l^letdaab won maap
aad ebowed fhak toae
aad ta
. _______
'MBraram batter
■Mk Werka.
f. Brccaais
Aldaeataa teith atot tba
Bwadatloo to reoelrad aad Aled’.jupor aad Cbrfcto aathorbed to tore
aad that aalaip of aaitoo to relerrto to
aad eaWaat tout.
the Coamluee ea Wape aad Meaaa. HoUua nrrted.
CoBBlttoe <« ra«»-w aad Aeooaata.
Morad bp AUeitoaa 8mlU ttot t
repota to aeeepted aad ordand paid.
The aetioa waenrrMbp toe f
lowlac pea aad nop rote.
Ooodrieb. Smith. Cook. Kpwlka. JthnugadUarrlaon.
the bolldinr of the aldewalk
teatb eide of Klphth
i.O.O.F.aad K.^. T. H..wbo'were
alao there la bqdka. ooold oot Bad
roam InlMa.
lA^btrlp after the
^ Ber^^WUtoj^ b rialUac at hb aerrkB a lone lb*
HlB Ada OoOald aod A Hall odlad
oa IVtar UoAWd aad taallp bat SaaTha W. U. M. 8. win tooat arlth Mra. earioe to the place of latmeaV
dap aftaraooa.
ba>- for aearip tea paan
web Ctoh Thartoap. Map rath.
•era Botoalp afeilbfal wlta.bat as
MfM trot lU* MVlaff.
Bt fellow
rand'rdoc to Cedar with ftaaal.
the Arc alarm wItb to nbed abuae all
Mn. TtaM* Wfctw% <i«lU tloh.
toad la -ajl bi« bbon
bopa that aba wDl aooa ba haitar.
Mar. Mr. Bowdl attaadad the Coabn.
rer bar health woatd permit, aad otberwirint Id Itoeltpaad that
Allto tollk hM k Uejtl* M« liM Kona
Sob that to Moat Aablap haaa ton mmUooatCopaDbhTaaadap. ~
hto bebaa kaka loato* wife who er polea be art when acceaaarp.
Not broaaw thap r doeH
tod' lack.
Hored bp Aldcrmaa Smith t^
aateh aap A|h. tot tocaaaa Itotr bof
which toMWorai hb pUoa aaip
ttaa art kldhd to piaeaaaad thap art
trip lo Holaa UM w««k.
•Uer'to rclnrcd to commlttaa
Mr. tiWl7«k. of H«pU aip. oUMd- ohUtad to aralk homo.
Htc end Water with power to act.
MBpaaied Or. Fn^ abvtb »l Owr BioMt tead*rMra. n. O. PBfa »ad Mlaa lick ea
aal ebitto Empire kaowlBf that ha did .eaatpthlat la bte Holloa nrried.
J«M Good had Um ablortM
The Fire Chief raeomaeoded that
kMh i*o lot oallt off Uai irttk.
>d how wril to eoeehnp IroB nhed be tallt la tha rear of
Itih. Hr. aad Mn. Ibra
with whom they.
east of a new aka taa
tbe cafiae booae for Ue pnrpoee of
aad Mto Kallla aad
ebnreU. tbe IbdlB' Aid aocletp etoriat tooU aad
« V. V. 8 C. E . H which the bu
aotin nee.
bcea prBldeat for <bc bat pear aad
Pr Aldermaa Jloadrito that
halt. bare. Idber death. euatalBed aa
-BafTTlr Meora and wife waat- to irrepanbla |oaL Aad not oolp there, the matter to referred to the '
FOrt-OBakto Seadap. Mr. Haora baaae bat from the world bei irnoeoae who tee oo Fire nod Water.
wae dolat bar work well, car of the
aaboawtheiaibaad appotalBaot. at that place.
treat bcarta. lopal. lorlac ai '
Ikmndme Staalep waa toloiat I
ArthwHbMagf Blaftea.MUcd ea
Uoicd bp Alderman Oerrbaa' that
all bomaaitp. « ho it eeea* a
GMirfe ••
tbrk bit —
week. Mn
Him. D
MMdthwt ttaodv
illp apared. where there la.
tiuu to appropriated from tbe Fire De
aad d«ldraB.bare baap qolla dek. t
Ella Wtal Md BoMUa Shaw
Deed of help '
are Borne bettor et thk wrli|af.
p expenae of dele*
partneotfond to pop
Iba lacaet ralaa bare htodtead c
dIrot* «o OravB Satardap.
aha who ia f<
ratee to the Stole Fb
Mr. aad Hr*. KarpU diota to Mr. plaattof CD hoarp laoA
_____________________________ re to towtf Ini. For ... ...............
Uon tobt held at llban. Bkh.
jtrtBUd alniki U ore
ft b oolp I
a«ri droMlrOBTa atar ClacMtp —*
Wadoeadip aad Tbartomp. Mr. C
oa who remala that the way er Uaj. I>n>ii- The moUae waa carried bp
b lookiac op a aiU for a eaw mia
It b we
Mta. tnil Dpkt aad Hn. Aama Qpka HiB. Bank Cram hai rei
the lollowlat pea aad nap
Toe Jaalor C. B. aodoly will tore a
Jbworth wbsre abe waat
«»—Aldermen Bohbe. I^rker.
ratakaaip Baettof aext Soadap. Top- tha aonad of aVoka that U aiUL''
kOtbUr, Hn. Ooim P< ' '
Goodrich. Smith. Cook. Kpaelka. torMi^-WhalaehlalldovaaMdap Mat
^ Uatdoaec
die. Jakntie and Uuriaoo.
waab aad wai hart qalia aarloatlp. bat
torlaaatalp ao hoaa. wan hiohaa.
nr toe. Ttodapwaa
A Urfa acrfaraot ooniwllltopbatBtotiU^Beetintof dtp ooBnell held
of Poblk WorkaMMt Kama atia»OBd aad UUlc proBtoblpepBal.
■f our
ad thie WB^. tone of
o< farmen are Jd eooadV.it>oB Map II. (rtM.
t troB km I
Fire poaBf bdba«
Molhtr Lari of “
toAfteea acm a»
Mertiec waa called to order .bp the
tbep Bad that eon wlU etaad tha. dip
Tried awe
lapor. U.C.lbrU.
weather totter thaa aopthlac eUe tbep
--------------- .
, JasatBaaiotaWl
The laai rvpert tre« HIb Hap Ala-! dap-
r,:~rj;r rrL't'r “f"eltelp poetposed.
MoUuD |eaU
-ewiac pea aad aap rote;
Mr. Aatoap fata a aan dallfkifa]
taU lahkaowbarslMfri^ otao'
U. thlDki tbt hair of
the doc «») eerntba bile.
TbaeoriBof BNeUafeat the Oeotra
elUl aaotiaoe aadce the eoperTUiae of
MtaeTowaleyofOnodRaplde. Than
tore heee a aonher of ooBrsnko
Chat. BaliMd. of Oadar. araa a oMl- naep non anaBshlDir tha lifbt.
lUboBCb the waatbcr haa been fararhanlaaUiaDdtp.
onbta for the froB’th of fmaa tbr bap
3. M. BaaMaia wai oat to hb ft
t be abore the ararafe.
lawdapa bat waak froBi thadlp.
Wa. Whaloek, of Aaeilj. owda a
ataHtohbabtarb, Hra. BaaouBa. hat
Lawpar Oalor. of Trarana dtp. wat
M to a. a Wpahaop-a Int ibtardap
Wm. Ormad. of T
tanbat^dap and
A. iawHii obOdfaB an oat aohta
btm IbaaSaabotthaBMaalaaaad ao
........................................ B that tar.
Tbho* atd. U. Omr'a lab (taa.
.aaa UtW^ hri aao
a^ Bart
non urap.
Urap. ■
-ftelra. aad Jaaph »ap of
of lha
lha dtp.
tYneal, Aldermen Bubto. I'hrkei;.
The mack talked of bwealt. the peo- Uoodrieb. Smith, Cook. Kpaelki.
pb *1 W. H. Corit. charted with atBoU
Zm Bodoipbaa Newman. 4r. attheCooHieoteeof loetretular BeetlniraDd
- ■ ireh aome.wewke ar
wae la protreB Wedeeedop and p>ur*- ol epeebl meetlat told Map 4. 'WO.
dap. *ne jerp bnmtht la a rennet of read aod apprbeed-
Ihr-MonimW» UW'IK
Morthport Dapertaeat-
haaiac tho klrhBI otoad^ to the
atobthffiada, Bartto Bobto aad Btbal
plUala ttoatethriada.
ttoatethfrada. Tto
ratotd wnMA'whk* ^Ifo^tow^
• toChdUbe Ihb
Pnaahlw attbaaebool I
BaadAp oaeatof at T o'eloek.
Hr. BeoUaadMr.OerBlekotCbdUba epnt toadap oa the HIU.
Hr. BorriB aad laBUp aad Mn
Prtea were
dtp rialtoo Handap.
Hn Bdd Bbto. of Haato dtp. hai
the ceBi of Hn Btaakp lor aer-
On ^otMn of Aldermaa Smith, dnly
ratrried. bM petition waa fraated.
IVUKTciu »
Boofhep aad ehlldrea ebltod Mn. J.
Ih (hr UvnvniMc Ihc M«'inir and
HrC'will FrankllB wae the
i.'uvnrif r.f (Ar CUv<d ‘T>wnr»r
Hr. aad Hr*. Harry HUler hare sor Hn Saobora from> Friday
FriUp of bat week
GcniiJcam—I woold likeA
a pen
permit to
ed loto Ihelr new boew aad thlak Ce oatil Monday moralot^
kild a ohe-ctory addlGoa ■> ft- bp IS
dar a earp r»d pboa after aU
Oertb Voice aad her brother aroev ft. OB north aide of mr teeMeaoe. aad J.-A'Trarae.snuV
Mr. and Hn Blaar feak nat bare
AtetU-re.B - •
ooeatorp addlUoo S fu
; IS ft. OB
pBloTBp afiB the little obBd of Hn
eoutheldeof Bj realdem
QaaOald who dkd here Motobp. ■
N'. De iioller left Inal Satordap for m Park Breet. in eaid dtp.
aad Hn Fnak siMar ww eall- Colorado owlar to toillat hnllh. , UU
Jxi. T. llXAULK. Chalrmao
I Tnrcne dtp bat weak bp tba wife did not mern with him.
A‘. W. Rii akan. Clerk.
« dealli of Hn Shatarb fatBer.
BtoeA bp Aldermen Cook ttot ^;e
1 byAldam
^r. Knepa.
Siuriep^aim|^ In tto^ac'^charck
patAHoo be referred to tbe committee report be adeepted and tod^red ^d.
Tha daaee at l^aatb ball far tha beaUotloD wa* Carrie^ bp the tollowtng
os nir and Water, with power to act.
adt of tha Carnet toad wae a aoeerea
Thaatoamer Charlen U-ealW to thb
The bead TtolbadaboatAta rbehaad, ^t bat Thoradap on her trip aorib Hothm carried.
p«a aad nay rata, riz:
1^ wU to ea^wB their ttoaka to
• Yea*—Aldermmi
her ratora trip.t&
|■toUlen to extead water malna aad
Goodrich. Smith. Cook. Kpralka. torforapriokl
‘uiB Viola John to
die, Jahraa* and Oarrimm.
7b (Ae MaU"
lat of the Coatn«»ti<
ritolto et CopeoUek.
Bill of Dr. W. K. Moon of ASS
-We. L aindn rigaed:
aeednp nlcbU
oo IMng family
Hn Wm. Oopelaad errirad oa the
able body to extend .the-water weat oa WB prraeotMl aadXm moUoa' of AI
Craaoeat WedaMdap aad waa the farat
Ei^th stiaet from the owner of Oak
mao Garriaoodoiytorried wa* rafe..—
rBt.rodofaaldatraet- '
> reipmtfolly prUtioD that fbe to Director of tbe Foot lor ienoOgaMIB JoBBk OUl ar^ Pi
tiqo aad racoameadatloon Ihabarta, AlkeOIU. fro.
. Aaih Uoaefa Kelly bat Tbomdp.
Brpon to Board to
Btlac. Fla., and arUI ramaia b
Fiaaeb U.
... ana* MeadaotBi.............
CkariB OUnoo aad toaDp bare tltotoinhlBoaoe. to briac
Boaed haoh totiba Arto. alao Jto tram HarqaatU oa a rblL
tiaafitoh aad wUa.
hope to aee her anil aerp aaoo.
A eertee of Saradbh awwUae* nr. ht.Hn Wb. Friee of Chlnco b atop lar bold at thb place.
ic a law dare wlU Hr. aad Hn Bea. Hr. Chrieoa. b a«
The iBder tv the C. B. next SaadAP
.aeolotwUI be Cklrta Kelly
Chrbfe Wldoalat Klnfdocn. In 11.
_ Bank UiOSl, of TneoTB dip. waa
UBb MoOm aad Btbal
atoltod at tinwB Boad«p. -
Hbe Harp Boyd aad bar beelher,
Bha^^B^.rieltodjat Ttoa. Jehaaoa-a
■efrea Traaeeae
toareh; toady^tohool ai
in Arerp. ef Ulrer Careen
Hr. aad' Mn Bd. barary. of Hap- ThaakUodterBbw
Thera arillbeapUp to the char
Brid. eWlad wlU bar Bother. Hn^eifS^.Mea
Hn Baririae aad twlak. of BaMae.
a. Hr. aad Hn
peanioe. UleeaoadBtto___
Hr. aad Hn Bi
nalaaUcB 'Ha (
Hr. HeOanpaad daachiBB Hacrb
aad Sattb oaat Aatardap eentof aad
Baatop at Mr. Dyar’a of tW toka.
Wa an haatof ake ahowwa aew
~1wC. V. AM. leadi
Sp toda ear at Ub
ahtoaeoe aad ta
^j^Otto btoUdhwa kan
Mn Joha BaeMwaaat Oeod Bar' AtoBaaPoalorndtoiHIpB
rial BotoahoH fba po
BepFiawebriUeadap for Ibti^
Flo Aairto droet y, TiaaBoa Otp
■ UntnSbaraaadtoUdrBiai
lat frbada to AWa.
Hn CroBk bet wato.
Otto Mcaaehp. of ItoaBae Otp. atoItad Mn Bweeaey bet waeh.
aumyUv thraBaioo to Urn
'. U*XT]x<m.
A. B. 0*0*. ,
T- OnjroBx. *
U the H. K ehaich Sanday •
log, tbe eoUeeUoo to to mt tothe Ar- w£li“*GtifB*u,
W. U. HoiitotBO.
D. 8ql toxo.
_________ the faoeral to Hr*. Barttat.
aneompaaled bp bar daughter. Hlaa
laa. and two aoto. Harry aad Karl.
Ur*. rutlatoBoaor. Hkh.. awaor
I* Mr*. Baribut. orrlrad F-ridap eraaBaleo. in totolf of the ilow
tog OBduthetaBtof EOT. ^aribut.
did not
immiee the aewa to her ok- Uen- Boto Hail ABoelaUoe. raqaeated
- ^ time fpreato hen for the that IStb atrart from UqiOB riraet to a
point aboat to ft 'ertat to Bohemia
•tract be graraled aad that
toet Tutodap foraaooo thb place re- walk adoB Ubbemia . etraet ei
eairad a ohoeh from stoteb it will not
roeorm la the lelagram from W. aoath aideof ISth atraet be hailL
Hored bp Aldereaaa Uoodri^ that
iaribat «-u—i-ri-t the death of
rife that mtni^at Mary Themp- the reqoBt to graaled aad worii oraim ht^tol. CUbco.'1U.. to <rhkb derad doae. The moUaa sea* ewrted
place to had tokaa bar }a*t tear waeka
peaaioaa to the hepB ttot the might bp the toHowiag pea and aap role:
Veae-^Mermto Uobb*. Parker. GoodAt the Use to their depmuire 1
rkh. Smith. Cook. Kytolka. Imrdie.
Ihk plaea. Toeadap
evealag. April
Jabraa*aBdUarri*oo. Napa-Koad:
pto daring the waaha to___ ,________
Eeport of CommitMa oa (iawaca:
tweea Ihtooad HsMlap. Uv nth. at
wbkh Use hoe cam waa to to dtSdtd,
Hap It. urn*.
_rW which ib«p fait for 71. llAr^ffMwWnMe the Hopor mmd CH
(Ac VUf ...» TVwrere* C«p.On
rar. the peiqile geeeeaUp
;-We. pm^Commlitoe oa
o^larahedlBrBad (Be with tba
to Rkh A Ballfarrg
-MBfatoeBaadfatthade with which that the petlUoa
dtbere to lower *eercr la alley he
abe toraharooBariag. m that grewt
rn Ftoot aad State atraeM be graat•n. aod all. boa tto r
*Ve weald a*k for
to £>______
d not raaliaa________
re ■a hw CM to____
ttoa iapewfeet
her deaA. therafera. eoime like a tboadaholt thrown la oar mUtt wlthoat a
«. C bolt west to I
■d^ Mto farm
atp Kariaawr ba a>
i*i<.wfuDd ..
................ « <uu ' Irr
rater the Norato aoB to the .B<bl_ -----------—---------_J
aBBt'otlere. Aim na eaUe to AAp
Oo iBotWia dalp carried ibefollorrito.......................................
dra«bto- b-md. wqre approeed;
Edwanl & Ulller. eureUee F-raoh
FViedrich aad Edward MrN.man.
IVter IV. Kane, rnuwUea Jacob
Baeuea-i Aratee
Fartwh nod Samoel lie.
. — Kawr Ku.rx
worU for
Dleere. Salt
Hored bp Aldermaa Jabnoa that the ! _____ Brnb-_ Sorea.
Khenni. F'ewer Sam.
am Teller; Cb aimed
Btimaua of feada aaeded for City ea- \ ___________jiblalaa.
• Chllblal
peoae> wbe lacImM in thraaaualap- BrapUooa,
aad pnltlralr ewB PUeo.
prvprbtam bill . be prepared by the or no pa/reqalrrd. It la rxernateed
don Store
Our latent <k-al was to buy out ihu entire stock of custom
ready made clothing of
the Golden Eaifle CloihinK Co.' of Detroit. th<})- having decide^] to go into merchant tailoring
exclusively—their object was to close out stock in series of sales, but a spot cash offer from
us brought them to terms, The allowann we got.from the Insurance Co. was a liberal one,
enabling usto-give you bargains nevbr before thought of, but the allowance we got-from this
si*ot cash dial overshadows any fire sale ever in existence in the history of sal«. We will
quote )'ou prices that will, hs heretdfore. be duplicated through our entire stock.
One lot bine and white overalls,
regular price 50c, <his sale - • , One lot blue and white over^Ljac.k*
ets. price 50c. this safe
One' lot Uomet sjiirts, men's sizes,
worth 55c. this sale
One lot men's cottonadc pants.
■ lined and unlined, worth $1. now
One lot men's coals and' vesu of
finest im|x>rted
ted fabrics,
$i£to$i5.this sale
^'oflc lot men's single coots
r"'; 86c
96c J
One lot men s all wool, fine wortt-Q QK
ral Dants. worth S?. for
One lot children’s suits, worth
tram ’’^tS/Traeerae Oty. Midi., bp 1
Hbe Flt^eraU aad
■sAatoyatoim their wbaab^toh
■ <^'i- f?sre'r“\iiiTwnrirj!*.
I HaaifaU aad Maad Cblrar
to Hapflald totaidap Mfbt oa
Beapeellallp aul
lad Thara^.
aad Hn 11; 3. Speacar aidtod
W'api aad Hewai.
HotiOB carried.
Ble by J. G, Johnaim aad A 1 WaW.
Hored by Aldermaa Smith that the
all imee well until one tingle Ice etrike*
XUrtrie Bttiaro
aelarin of City ofllcen for
BoirihinK and BirLi. -nicn tberc'i a matter
Friectric Uittm k a mtoklne aalled
••jam-'—end truuUe. It u }u« m ia the Aacai pear be referred to tbe-wnathe progreia of food throogh the digra.
Wapau'd Heaoa. McUua
languid eabauatrd feeling pneeaila.
when the lieer la torpid aod alagglkh
digeetion Blips. Ttofa indigeBiott. Do. j Moeed by Alderman Garrbon that aad the need of a tank aad alleraUre
lew the impnliment b rrnioird. pobon-1 tbe Oty Atlorrrp be aethciriied to U felt. A (townpl axe of ibU madldae
baa often arerted limg aad nertopa
fatal bl-ioaa (eren NoBMdktae will
SlA headache, ^iliot^em, «'>•
“wer from realdener W lateral
aarrij la ouaBleracUag aad
■leeplewnem. vertigo, bcanbarn, lom ef jarwen bp property ownrra, aad pro- freeing the ayatem i
> the malarial
Omallpatiim. IHzxlnem yield to Klectrk
UKtm. Only AftTcenuper bottle to
troutde. Nature ia a hanl worker, but carried, Conncil adiourerd until M.m- s. F:. tVail'a aad J. it. Johna.m-a Drag
---------.------------------------------------- a be put; day. U*y ssthSbirra.
. ■
1. W. BirVnui, Oty Clerk.
Pieree-i n«*tto
. .................reUeta offer the
best and tiipjitai
method for fumiahiiie
F-roni a letter <wriae0 bv Eer. J. Ua
Try a eaa of Uopkiaa' Mramed liom- derdka. of Dlmondek. Mich., wr a
tbu aaaifUnre. They are promp and
rtry eflective in their
■•ermiued to make IhU extract:
qv. (Or.
• re Wd Brong nor aevon
hare no liCalto
no eiolenl wrench of the
l*r. Kinir'..\e»
. , New IKeerrery. a*\tbe r
A Real Eaute Bargain.
*alU werealiannl marrekw* |a tbr ea
I the real. By
^ utmywifr. While I wO» poetor to-D
by. with a litUe care in
i dictiiw. Na
r I Hapikt l-harrh at Ulrera Jaaetkm abe
■will do il all. TtoTe
" I *be waa bruagiil dowa with Patoami-i^ae MI-U rnto Ua; aao <w *•;
age ef tbe -' Plfaiant Prilru ____
mane itroagly caOutrlic pill*—you
U^Ta* waoJ.
ian>xy*m* of ORighlng would 1_____
not oecome k alavv to their tiae. T
Ilnur* with litUr inu-mplkm aad it
Kui Md.- aieiukriae
tbev *re
«m-uie.la*ir*)ir t*<ulil nmaarrlre thriu.
care. Even the w<
A {rl.-i.d recommended Dr. King'* New
j IHMWi-rr; It rraAqulek
(-*rna«.-*miwdr.W»i»f dr.IW.denB I
I hlgl^ ■ati*(a>-bwv
In reeulta.'i
jlnttlra lue. at J. <i. Johi
-jaum'a and S. E
MoeU by Alderman SsiU tlial the
Slurry Rcgalar »Ib toe.
rpiirt be aeeepted and orderoJ nakl a*
8ieeb epeat Weddeadap Is
OcKTiAHrji—l.lhe aadenitaed.hrreTtaerrae atp.
“by aak peRnbaiuD to cDnafct'eewer
loba (katorp amred bto hb
from miarnre Of Kmanoet Wiltolia..
ioe Moadap.
altaatedcB lnu.».n. loaad M.hWk
.........................*an*h-« BrM addlUoo.
Hn L. J..............
Tneu alra«t.'U> let
. . “‘.If"*
v( "ih
rae atp laet week.
ia alkp totwtop llh pad
Said mnllnh wa* carried by the fol
Ntlaoa raurned Tburtoup from
lowing yea and nay rule.
BaDioa Barnard b MUI qolto riak. Yeoa-Aldermen.
Hnbba.: torkrr.
Fred HeKaU b eWtiac at Blatbas
mbe Thoradap of laet week.
Cook, lyyaelka. tortoriap.
I iin'mptloDof A
Dnnb lloxale le enjo/iat a at
dk. Jabraua aad'UarrkoD.
Hr. aad Mre. Oeo. H
.amwi, •wid.peGUon waarraated.
■om hb Bother. Hn, A. C. Uoule.
to Lake Aaa.
le wan a TnT«»e atp eb- Baleo.
Kepnrlof Hoard hf Pnblk Wo^
Ur. aad Hn B. E. UIH weet to MUIter bat week.
b the Huaie^tWr. lhr-M<i
MaylO, ikWii.
waakce laatrweeh on the fteam barfe
OoaneU u/ Uk C'Uv W
Hr. aad Hn. Ton. Bhotor a
fb Die ..........
. (Ar W>i|e>r itH.I CKv
Manlatae Baadap.
(',.N«r(l..flArlir(<.rfTrvuvr»< Cllii.
^^be l^iedrth Le^^farw ‘
k~tVr bare appeoves| the
hereby aak permbaioa tocuoDevl ~ '
------- out leTaaadap eeealat.
B mp realdeoue qn Iota ii mad rt.
' MraTj. BorbooBDdHn. Wai'Oarpla
regolar atatemeat and
ckTu. II. 1. A (-0-11'.lh addithm. to eluded in o
waat to Tnaorae dtp Moadap.
rad tlielr paymrat from
rral aewer lu allgp betweea tth aad
thr rariooa fandt aa (ullowa:
Mba BOl b tWUac Ida Bapar*.
OWh Badfaa Mda'a «pii« trip ts
tor at TnreiM dtp
ftartoto dtr.
O. Bepea win coteTcBpbthb week
Mr. Wlddaeoab «aaw Ip troto Uiaad
to kelp beUd a mill tor the Dewey
id Mta. tbpafi tollad oa Mra IBareCa
Hn. Jenr Bollina aad Hnl Ftoak
toilotiMrpnckiaa. Uwbeti
ao caught ate onlr haa i
. '
;tk« carried.
v>a mutloo dalp carried Otp Clark
brUfe oo Sooth taUm atreeu the'^j,
WBOoat of repair* to be Hmited to fer from the amUafeni taodfna io|
tbecrnlit of tbe earkaa tnadi aafal-,
The motion war nrried bp tbe fcf-
. .
petoaadtar Map
booad. aad that aimll eaH
tar piBB to otdartol hast.
Mond bp AfaUrmaa noodrieh that
the Bataarof pafaltof tha
peat ba ideerad to the OaBBlUB oa
Frlatlat with power to ael. Motlea
tob,AldBwm.lmrdb that the
^ ^•^SS?io2d
_______ » Ota
I. E- abarefa ol
‘{h^arwaai crowd that wae eear ta
MchBr<£ betas UfpthBatllo'doch
r aaaaiac at tha and bp S o'clock, tbt Uma apeoiatad
MathadUcharah .
for the foaenl. then wm hara& reoB
ataap, ato woald iBsartfallp r
BBBdthatheto j^AMOpar ai
thaparqoleilBor^ ---------I toMAhacitpfaada.
raeoBBaaaaa Bat
tha aaaaal report B BBde Iv tto Mar
Ito toUowh^ Habya airi toria^
hSSS^aSaSto'* *^***' ------
3^ U. Balo», wha baa baaa lyndliM
thatotolar baaa lataraad to hb boM
Mapar mm____
.-^-The Hoard to Edecatlnn
d^tp hereby preaeatato yoa it*
to Bid
aanoal■ report, embodying thaeeUmatc
to the*__
^)y poa for
ed. (or Ue eoUre »apport to the pablk
iblk ariiaoUto
. Swwl year.
em. viz;
tor the carr«mtfi*eal
F-or balldinge aad imnrtreeawai ..
buildlan aad rroaada. AAeea baadred
lltodi dollara: parehaec to ^paialo*
aad bootn aad for parebaee bm repair
to aebool faraitare. Afleew baadred
eadflfqr^lltM) dollar*; fael^^^t^^dol^; tSto^ wage*, eight
een thomtaad nine baadred (IrinOi dot:
laim bookk (er 'Ubraiy. one baadred
tiou) dollars intereat and
tad debt* tailing
1 (IMOl ^lara.
.red bp A
rt be rea
plaeadoa Ala.
Baemmratfatka to Board to F)iblie
A.W. Ja*
Mtwo krithmo. Mom. M. H. and tlcnttm to toreportad u^ at aext
■.HoraB.^Ttoywera -etto^tto
One l6t fine casimere. all wool suits ^ »VK
worth $10. thissile •
One lot men's blue and black serge O QK
suits. .*»:orlh S7. this sale One lot men's light colori^ casi-^ gQ
mere suits, worth $10, this sale
“"reS If^hrie*"
One lot of boys suits, worth 5J» g gQ
Ope lot of boys suits, worth 4-0o^ 75
One lot men s G. A. R. suits, war-^ft Krt
nted ail
all wool. S
to. this tsale
Ojie lot children's knee pants,
worth 25c. for • • -
One lot men's «wl G. A. R- suits. Q *76
We would call particular attention
tuon to tne
fine line of chitdrqnV suits-sui------as ioj»—your choice of the A
•best for - 1 -
The prices we quote sounds unreasonably but we hate tbe merchandise to bade our
assertions. Aglance into our bndquarters will convince you at once that dre are crwiviam
full of bargains heretofore unheard of. ,
The Golden Eagle Clothing Co. handled nothing but ffrst>dass merchandise to go hand
('uaarU qf the t'ilp q» TVortree (.Arp:
it tailoring departmertt—itot a shoddy piecd' of goods in this
in band with t
I that a i
t dtp to repairrbrohea
brahoa placB
ia alde- mammoth 5tock..
Ck* aad pItoB that aead oaly a
■ttorapainag.aald.M(er a tors to aeeractoaU^
pro eata at Ito aad to raeh —
---- man empkgad wiU/if pBrijle
Sale Regins Thursday at 8 a. m.
end by AlderaoB Saltk thai tbe
« to re:
io.S,S“ot.h S^triessThan HALF
. -.................Akwni.l* maopci_____
prrecat damoga eaoB agalan tto dip.
a* the-aidewalha WlU Uaa reeeira eoa-
Jao. T. Bbaouc. ChokBaa.
A.-W. RKaxBD.Q*ri(.
Moead bp Aldexmaa AabtBaa tti
ta manor toitomcA totoaOtoual
E mjoji
_____________ arabankatoM to tt
to^baaacbto«dtbabaW.aM aal 1
m Uttia twipa that man at
1 thitk^ MM te
(b* HB4u>tkta«Mkv^alM. Md I
Uh« Ify W<K>d-i M*T »*iT
TWk JM. AuiAUM.fOT^ writbw
- «|Mo>kda«li>4>7thM«k.
a»ar« •• pMau aad kl>4.
,5uSaiSm^»\r7leljanr^i.' U
■to^ooB^an tenu4 &^eeWnw
0«»hoo» b>>.t «crw
abaat bp i
rail veto a
n to
1 eadwF, Wia oalp
•mH aaiateb tbaa aU oat.
■straetar of tba
Tba trait traaa la Ibeenbard saka oaDdraV-bltotolf Bpcrdoaaoaa ala’aka aowarfBTdaatoo.tbay ara ao plrtb^^f oa aa alarator.
raUf.. Wa baaa «ot a pair e( pal
oaaa. bat th« aia ■; bretiar^.
TMraaaMaraJlBaadPaaale. Tbap
lo a maaaor ao
ara aeip praMf
epa aad aared bk bl
too. bat I bata DM fot
iB tbe air for oae or".!!, ai..,..
id pet Va bare pot aow liUla j
a n eaaratu.
,a a«ps. *<aad
lew bo«Um alord.
M M *M
S?,'SL.>2«’=.? SWi-S"
,d ttgOud. I
la" itt
■ar ». IKM.
bat tbap are a botbar. 1 paaaa 1 trill aoaa.
brifteeUaad to beI araaa at oi
to claaaDO«..boptsrto aaa tbka
flptop apIdrT. The
Herr that tbia_______—
ia priat 80 pood bp.
•pMer loaa aitb pr and cob
A) a EDMrxoa. rtw foot. vbcB aaddealp.....................d
Micb a VBp aa to
oatlead Utat tba ftg* looked lOBolp for alWLhad rmllT bees 0>row lap a tbiD
tbrtad ap to the rim of Dp bat. and
tbva wafT ealp two or tbraa lettan
•mb, oatB. 41a ■> «a; tbtoe IIUM tbr ar
troBtbaebildreD- Wbereara all
Aa« Oai *M U» >04 M tbt WaataMI Di
Swift Specific
tolka. aapwapt
Wbp doe't Mtoer I broke the ouaBectlar cord, abd
all arrila aad otaka tba papa loMi dropped bim to ibc prousd wbtra be
•upedcruubedduwn. aarafeelp atrikWitbOar Tomap relfca.
iep a atick I polatad at bUa. aor voald
i kBow oar daar adilor ttoald ba plad be Bore a.atop aBlil I ton
Aaaloaateit todap wHhaasaap
I bear from a* rtal ottaa. Hat of a^t^bednau^ In tba oppjai
! IWalaarbat
enana aow to tba tlaa of tba pear roctioB at tbe top of hla apood;
■khspoar adiUraearphaipp
ar^aobaip that tea bardA Lootua bp aa ladlas.
la tbe dcDv torcat aloap the banka
Asm Alloa, araat poa pUd poa Ip fla^ tim to Mrito.
of Black Viecr. In oortbm Uiehipma.
aad wolicaarr aBtofroaa, aap*
Voa dlda'ietap •rood dktriet Ko. 4. I do Ilka to po to
kaape. andoocaaloimllp -a bear
aobool BO vail. Illraaboata bait a
bainoaraaeaph. thoaph.
Oar'teachA>d wbwa • daat Alloa of tba MIobnbaar
mnnoiirlrrl is ahnotlnp a dapr.
IpaD abata?
Aad Aaat Alloa of—
aadaaha waa a loap'vap op tbe Hear,
be doWded to call at tbo atonal ladias
Wa 'Hare
tiaao poa easa aad breaphtpoarkaiv thiah a praat daal of bar.
lip tbraa voatba of aebqol tbia term.
- He fosad an ladlae
fcr a poad lew
nIaaM Ibatrattvo vbaka. 1 wao worktop to tbe e
Bov va voaU ilka to tA witb all
to i^tlaU
apaadlep aeoaplcof eraaki vitk mj ‘bark. and. Ifa'tokinr
Mr “--I*------poaap feUij aboal tbair
arlf. be drov (eoDi bia po^rt a fla
paoHp Arbor flap vork. Aodwliball aMar. Mia. Laataar. la Traeaeae Cltp.
aaboewabaMe wItb ma
tba laat. Bat Itb •tior boap dap." aad
a vaah vltb aa. 8be baa
. «iri
"Don’t drink whiriepr naked the
Catch ’.in alive and see
Uae. a happp vaak. daar eUMiaa. two liuIt«bUdrea.Dbop
* * *; apartoBan.inaak>u>al>iiieBl:-'IXboBpbt
" - bopHiBame la Marrla
bBl V* vaat ap^. all la tbabaaatUal
'ta •*» STrrf
__ brolbria
all likrd wUakp.lthey arc our enemies.
re oalp
Yaa. toa
toe like it." aali tbe Indian, i
ppitap^7«-«U8bBm varaaapret- tba-mUo pirl-a Mabal. I baet
-Ukc IW and don't drink it?" exbdotbaraadoDoaiatar. Up brotb_lo>ed tbe utoriamnn. "It p« Ilka
va Aid aaarip farpat Thaaka ar isatlUat boMaad I bepe ba will
, wbp not drfakr’
•ar tba prattp pasalaaaaDt bp Addia atapfofaJoop*l“«.y*l"Me like ft. aad drink UtUe; faratber
I vaaaeaarpriaedVbee
aeaarpriaedvbee I btard of drink little be want tooro: Umeltp,
llr*T-"T- «d ArAla. aad tba itradt
Saao drook loioB. I'phi oa ao drink
Wnw Aovaia IrovCbnda OUiapor- tba daatb of oar daar Aaatlo I
anr," arid Ue lodian.
Ar«MUHlaaior Too kaov. oweot
The aportaman looked at the '
of bar
bwrti. bovvaalvape pat poor bbm
flps^ui Aaat-AUwjtaat'
Ike lUBk apaii
raiaUBStbae. btaakiBi
aWw«d. Bat va kaov tba diar llUlf
I ofiaaaaibt M for ve ara alvapa
•va van. Waa paa. daar.
prouad. Hr atood parlor •> tbe bnik> plad lobaarinM bar.
eo llaak, while reptollnp " 'tVhrrrfure.
Ctt. Ola! Voaaraao oomloall Tbil If toeot maketb mr kmlber to offrod. I
aa all aboot poaraaU, I baea ma Idea will ral no Hob wbile Ike world ataodetk. laat I toakr op bratber to offead.'
ba a praat pal at
I baea braai a bratr, but tba red saa'a
rllaat aobool ^ poo iraia afraid of lltUr lAlldrc
lauUra aball >w retoembered.’'
mail aot ba. for all voald a
Ha then told hla ermod. aad tba 1bt»Wp. Ttaa vara atpbttraoaaot oat
dlan rolled op bit hark, went to tbe
Yoaaa Arbor Dap- Aad la tba aftarDooa
ra. Batto arill tUok I am aeaar po firar with tbe MMrtaoaD. helped to |n-t
Ibara vara aemo ptaam apohaa. Wa
Ike derriatoabuat. andAook tbrn to
lo ekartoptoUar.ao I vUl qalt
MB potap to baea tbraa amtba of
At parunp- tbr anorumaa Krmape
aatmU tbIa aammw. 1 vUl doae for
arrade>sB->haad.aBdaaU:i --niaa
Mov dearfrianda
Toarfriaad. ‘
IVe wanfto sell
lal) iS. ia»A
one hundred boxes stiehy flij Paper;
then. hTck-thalis wicked, biil
We want to'PeU
one hundred boxes,of Soap
that washes clean. We want to sell oirt chen|i. and we
will.' Notice the si^ on -the house—same as- sii;natiire
arrfto to paa aad toU poa vbat are did
aa Aibto Dap- Wawaka piaeaa •>>
Flama B. tVaAxn.
A Lottsr from Aoat A
af oabool aad 1 Ilka to ptpp vUb tba
7 toaab. 1 aa la tba foarlb
tk. laadlap.
to fw tbia
aoapaaad plaatod eipbt tretooW bad
• giaat Atoloffpa.
I atadp laadlap.
srilbaatio. faopTBpbp aad laapaapa.
Tbrawb ayUoa 1 Iwraad Paal Beaanfb KUaaad atadlad la aip a
IMSdAova bUl iritk ap tootbaaaad
aMaaaadwebad a praat daal of faa.
I took care of tba babp aad tobk brr
eatMdpBfa bwa itdo la tba altd.
'towt to aaa top aobool toolra a^ bad a
praat Awl of tui.
tbe ebapol wbare tba wboU
d to tba aoratop for dreotlooWwMofa
Ucplrla.aad law 1 oaod toaa)op
Ibalr btoolp Jtotabl dotba ~
Tbaio wrto two otbar Marias
baUdlw with two Aepariweala ia raob
btoep aad ware dlridad tp tOMInp
doon wblrh v^ often opaaad
ran rbetortaal rrercUea. Wbon
to Iwwto tbe aaeead AaitoriOar oM profoator bored bolto to
tboaa doom, aad Umb ba paekrd
tbroaph aad wonld otlaa one in wUb
whipaad perito the cbDArad.. WhatdopoBlhtokofttot?
Tbara ware two hapa white pUlaro to
Ibareoam. oaeoa tba ^mpo’ aldr
ate moment te
______ wa. applied: aU wao te
Bor^totop to him. bmem be had___
te prapa>vtloB and no
or atodlar pobPhp^iaBs look via pTMt farOrnpon tbr Ppramid lllr Can. beeaaM llto
mpldlp taktop toe plaor of aopkal op-
Pricasraaffr from SI.soap;
That the best iilace to buy ahynhing in tbe line of Hard*
ware. Nails, Barbed Wire, Barn Ooor Hangers. Paint,
Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers. Gasoline Stoves,
I'ishing“Tackle, and in fact everything in the hardware
line, is of \V. J. Hobbs. Come And see me and I will
prove this statement
ia*h»4T0l.»iilT.A D.lBPd.
Traverse City. Mich.
146 Front Street.
FnmishiDgMs, Leather.
MipRifI i« Harness, Horse
. --------- • I
"We hare now been lomtcA to Traeen
d a wcaiap Stock eompanp. but ^urinl
ora moary In balldlop a neat and a
.a half yean
hUyme we
le 1b twenty yeaia. We do aot ei■xpit to
uadd n
te atraet cornrra. aor do waixpoct to make te boau
hi. ii toto ahakr hands wito pon ifbd laqolrr kfter toa fotka. <ai*
do expert to keep the li
‘r.lbotaroocedtog to a
^ STXWAxra buu otru Luraaara,
rent to pay. are able to sell at tbe lo»aat eoaalsteol pri.-e Oor plare
It Itoion
ItoioD Btraet.
Blreal. near a# Sbilsoa 'Hpaae. Tiarerse CitJ. Mich
of bosiaeaa to U4
TelepboaeM. OpaaallalpbU
tmoBlp lardto
BTSWAsn ooue oubm,
antWAMT* MOOT eamoDR.
jaij ... k*vo.
raalapr l« Ibe fas.-t.aa^Bpoae can par
ae remedy,
ede. witboet 'Hetcntiiin
'HetCBtiiin tram
___ <» ietrrfrrrnce with dally ockUoB. Sold by draeptou at to or
Seed foe Prer bookoa
of plica.
pom aUVe aaPn te^^
Uat te
bat nrilj^r OnaU
a wkatukK
to .aa4 dto. a* few b4T tWaarto.
via aate^ woraa Mdst Oat
tot II
' to
Ho acdl to tear te appraach of to
iapoMbto te-aaa oar friaad1 U ba
If pda hare Dr. Tbomat-Briactrie <k
Lbinwaatoba bmiiMIi
' MalWalBarwebBIAe. AAdiawatOatte kr 111. MaaarwH a ewe tel
................................ aad rtottlap
»flliBW. ■owaf Marlaa-a Maa. It did ntAva OatUbaMlte baabm aloap vo^n oars. If mmd at te oatoM.
■at MW Imp to kata Iboto.
I viU te nad. waflafltbma also Oat te
AlMP bp MBM wr BMa am)
Not the
Largest^tad Best
= NOHTH or oMira n-rw.
Bedroom Suits, Puior Finiitiiro, Easels,
V. k»T. • )« *f UldlW-WridlBM.'to
■Uw*U.w4io..i..*«aMl. ri
V. ka'W a Iril U*. V Uw t>yd Ikpai
TVa. BivaMbH Tea fVa Paadlata Tra
«y haw (Ori rmek... a*4 il ciud 4..I ;
.KiHkw l> h.fwt-1 r<*M tkai at a awwUar W
:ikrtw*t,.lls kn.c4*r lH>4 Lakr. k.U o* Ikw
laanhCaj <4 lUj.lVAlk. CoUoalac TMOI..
w tvora-rii
vuk*arOnri] waa
aa6 Front Street
Traverse City, tlichigan
-Thai tbr ywatloa of aCofriac ik.
lowaaklt,raa4 .jMrw br .akHlIwc u>a tor
(.1 tk. rirruww of Ur w*o.klaa( ln*( takr.
t* W Um at Ikr tan hatl <
J.M.nckHw*liwa4rr4a*4 alartj.wii.
4s4 a toctal rirrtloe u krrrkj ralM I* kr
-1. ibw teowwam *r Lmc t*ar. is alin
Brosch’s Meat Market
iS^?iril4?'.-rk is.
Choicest Meats, Pqultri aad 6ama.
rX ±Jo. t
Fresh, Salt and SimAed Mesti,«tusi«ei Etc.
to totdin bnlld to
to ptoeaa; wa all worbad earp bard.
mrU I...................... —----- . — ------ . ...
Potted Chicken
S alwal
.rate talk
urw. Tn-Ww nwm. uubto. -<h.i Wkw u.
MWW -4 kwMIV <>>' Hrc.ll own B-r hM -«UI|
. I*. l-WHUr. A-WTIWC I. MtowHiciar.-H waiwt
mt. Vo<tor^d«
.dn. H4W. JO* l«mC ww—
'k. 4.T.W ebner ao4 ^
b.1 UtUe e.Ufwe* *> rai
ate- Ve^ VeUjUi. lieiij
: £j?
Veae.liita.HHie. hj*«
lew Ik. •*)■ Hij *ra**r<
Been___ _
■a ma not aU iatalllpaai, wrltas alike fled iBriaet
LawtoB to tbe AdTotota. 'Ikap ear* to tljaa'* Otoi
rarp to ekaiaetar, to appeamca, to to- kaapall. ________
totUpeaoa aadcaaatop Ilka aa aqanl
If Toa
BBtoW of poraoaa tritaq at madam
Dm Mao. airae—1 tbeophti voald
arrHtaaotbor lataarto poa,aa nviil wkllatbatotrilltaaaaofolben atriki
I atadp raadlap. ar‘iSkaTtJto
HbtoVfn, paoprapkp aad laapaapr. Sw bov tbs
Itaaatotl atbaiaraattodmaltoAap.
flrtolp to toareer Ibr____
ana torrada )otoad to MtU
Maharo allbrarp ot» booha. a flw
. tbma -to taro
a^rtaadadlettoaarp. Ii
LBd (aoteaad flrmi
laaU tbeflfU
b^OMtaUp tba lltUa arebitoet
bao iMtaaad his amto ssMtorta. VI that
toaUtoaf: It
tba wab aap wHbataad baarp
»a Ma altoUtoo Arbor Dap.
'ba Mnpplm of tiaa aad ot
vaM to tba vaeda aad pot aipbt tcoaa
lost of tel
•ad ato tba» aal. aad ibaa V. V
; -te bouse papa for tern to mdrartisa their flat Una of to>r
iCarr not oalp
a of I’lloa. hot
tribor relief oa teflrriaptdltloRnomatUr bow irrerr teprin
r dlaeomfurl may be.
People wbo bare laPerrd-from [Oaa
fa- pean ara often aatonUbrd at toe toriant rellal esperi«Bord from te fint
Bee. Wm 8WaV Wiartoe. OnC. waa
tba otbar oa tba pirUMor that wai
1 of aer-ifala after
trap wa vara aaated. Yoar Aoat AUea
catora ftbprielaaa had- toiled
tallo to plre
alwop* triad to pet Ibr t«t Mtod the blmrallet Bardoeb Blood Bitten ^did
, pUlarT Do poa know wbp?
Al-XT A:
appli^ aod uuBUto* ao mlnv '
- wiaea^lUI^CbrTtorelaeUforaaborttiBa. lAgatcbarga •
Tba Rlaht Ktoa of a
Tba ktad of a aaa for pop i
Hr face, tba world aodtoehlaplpi
He Bfrikra rlKh^oot for tbr BIpbt-aad
Wbp do poa aJwapa Ulak of tb
bid aad aU Itoaretobtobar iatbat
ter H Boooer tbaa aap -baw tlatUr?
artorarp dtopp aad ptooav- Boilbr Utofinttomlad.
laaehar waa T0I7 ktod BBd tba bat dw
aba rax* aa a card that poo voold
laapkat, bat I tboevbt It rarp prettp.
Tar SnflOTOT From PUoa
It bad roam aad a blra of base, aad
Dr. Bodtoond. a rpoeialtot to U
raraea aboBt “Bov doth tbe little dp
p aad Imntieeet of
Hlea and..............
dlooaiaa. reoretlp ruled chat te l^mbwp bar Itoprora saeb abtotop
■Id Pile Cora, toe new dtoeorai7 for
Dm Mm. BoTaa-I aa polw «o
te can of plica, was toe amt rrmarkabls tamedp be bad erer aoaa or tried
antto to pM apd tall poa
. aaeatextrafor tor carrlaf* sate pboUa deal east maa asAt .
Oorner Front and Cass Sts., Traverse Citi/.
iMCMft. WaltoaatvaBW-twotebalMaiaaaraAeoL I paaaa w latter
.. Me daoa^ Dov to I vUl aloaa.
Froto poar trlaod.
Bno.T« PatT.
la a llU|lr wbUa 1 betoarr tooold and
towm aadbaaldtoWdaraat deal of
(aa. Mr toaabrr-r a^aa la Mlaa Wolfa. prowB-ap for that labool. aad tbae 1
towhatwaatbsa oallodtbe Ualoa
I |lha bar rarr toaab
d. to JaehMB. MIeb. Thiaaehool
a bar toolbar bad foar dapartaaaeu. aad abort tba
VM abb. I bare aot aiatad oat dap aobool roOBawBOB torpo rooto eallsd
! win gier you o«e docea flT«t.clBm Pbotoaaf poar babp |
wa. Wa baaa a flap «
to a liule;
la tbr Mad of a Baa for pootoad mo
. Waalaotaeaalltoarp.
pirl 1 jMt want to wbool In ai UUla rad
damn UAuntmt
mama la Hba WoUa. 1 atadp
1 was oalp toor roars
Atbw tiDp- Ob that dw •• Map
a^B. apoko ptaae. aad plaatod alpbi
We UHtot io fell-
arrila aad taU aa wbare pot
kaaplappoaTOaUaad wbatpooara doInpaUUMtltoa. I ariU Irp aad do tbe
DM Haa Baraa-I Iboapbt I woald
one hundred Roach Traps,\
Bbatt Lainunr.
Sutc St. near Uaioa.
Catch 'em alive ami have some fun'with them...*.........
'ly.* * “
aW.BIrhWm.W Vowri
■aa tor peu too. baaldaa tha doraa.
------------------■--------- '
■ sst‘ssr.-3‘
Oa.. IM a caww ler 3-------
rapfAw baUdt
«w ta>
loff. -Bb* k a TMTfood taaabOT.
loeba alaaaatdMapw; tbafw
alaa aad grmm aad tba towmn ar* ia ___ _
1i'naan» i bad a ale* Oaiaar bad. bat
AtabMnaaaBraubadItallap. I
la aaM
for buslBeM and pleunre combined. Oiees
nnlverua oattotocUaB. baU and mo it Bold by
THC aoT or crcftmMfar
Orders for 40b Prmtu^twft At th«
qatHPTBAVlBitejHmAia. MAY «!. MOB
What is
«M. H. K. C uin NiMr.
a hto faaliap ia a dtbraat
Wa ara aal ben with
Tba flowan ton rabrd tbab dataip
Va all haw. ar aafM to kaa^i
-Be weald aot eeraaB. bat woald
aap. •WbandUlbatotageena froaar
to Atowatoa>WBrotfOD«toa»- aad he
... weaM
.aM bagia------------bagia aad aSbb aaaUto pletoraa ftoe bn todad.
mmf .*k. laa.al»a.4 ■aaycrfaaaia
townbaaoMb. ladBin
0( all toe tolagi that Oed baa B
eb. at • •• •
ml Atol way b ttT Whaa* toalt to «af7 aaab..
to wbldb aew Ule b nriaglsg. ,
«♦ i«^yMfairBtoarja»aBto«t,
UUlawb.^-^^te.M^a~a«i>M l^haUtaa4
4afly >»arttoa
Cmmpt ..
Mtmnfwkat miPB
,p peedlritp torwawllag
^ Uka dtoritf. abeald
The birds eiag hope abon pea;
to baatototo ab
M. daoa H. Stow, who looto^ W ^ Bat onr aU tob baga.-p beart■|^ pea. dear'^Tl^
ea ttoaU IUa«a
toa •oalda-inaaUbatoraa ehar*a
MMKakaSadoaodHIseUaaa Abe.:a
re reaag Jm«— -«—■
J«»: I
uklM toe toar peara' eoni
C. A. tbrtb be*
to nb.----- --------
•billlp. to caseM
boot aopnra old. •
atlaeitoe water caa atworb m nter-eawiuh
aad partielee are hemal the but
SB- To qic water
khlrii ibe—.
Ttobe wosbed poor from tokbi-.Ue
is ibadreed nep soft.
tt>.elniwiegaod healttafal
heal kcratdm aad ihap*. bee
lag the hands lo good coodltloa.
dagera tal. XooU. To..u ooec bon
tto aaiaruf liladetoDO. 'bat Gaglaad > .
graad old sas beppeoed to lake a If Too Waat a Opod Appetite'
Mirn-wmanl-s ap-1
iar to bto'
a eitolaif a
neb meal dlmoln <me rr
iproral. »o ehe n
apa toatabadoaiSpmg Heratoeo.
ns lirspetaia Tableu to
iTooU bee toblu
Dtux- moatl and. mlDgllBg with the i
I. Mto: Obl toe ■aaebiae told toa blaeUrd,
Wa an all «aaatofaa at lailtaUea. M dtotoaa froB bar aklrU.
Miss theyr BsUtutr a perfect digeeliee.
a: dad toe bleato d told toe brook,
------------------MiUa^lU baaaceed aotol aflar abairtoU^aa'
the Dost *ros(^rr
tto daadell'aa were perpiag
•Uto to tottora. U ariU
all tba aaalol Ibr nun o( hie erlBa The miomerfa.
FroB tto woodUad'e ehellered Book;
______ will pnraat Uw
ae of BoglUb riulrumakee hta
Tbep'dlgeet the food before
imtotmak blato ba «eU bnd aa4
the break wae blllbe shd toppp*.
M laeadlio a» entftery llnald» did a rlwc Iv/rr../-..!, Um» prereoliof tl
babbled all toe
■mtl aaaaiinil U ardcr to <o tbto.
boBaa beiog. aad oeraatioee. too. are matloB of gee aad knpiag tor
r- Ae it na to toll toe rinr
toaaaito. tka eoatanaUoaaa< aa
«u bad ae elrodg driuk In ble case.
pore aod free Irma ibe aolkoaooi
[ OftormaliigtotbaMap.
tbAabona aia« ba pan aarf of aa
Wbfre Kea e
UfamtoaadeUaraaabanel tba
Kdward_W. ^k writo. ogoa
toattp traat mA eUwr bto41p
wHkalrimp.U wfllaooa aaaUa
pecBlIarlp xhooghUee* a> to Ibe folopr "I etoiwh iroabln ead O(.0-—-
g.'s.'s;- “*
At toe ooetlag to toe qwing-
M^Pfin peeneif ■■aln.’’ Utoa
M^tolacnalllp. bewerto. (htonaap
ilr. aad It
paeto* wto- we anet, well ttnmd.
aatoato.an.il we bat haew the nal
Mb. aaealtond aad lU-toaaeered.
; Weaheald he qalto. raatle aad aaaa
aanl^ to oar toaaaen. aad ratbto np
rt“itod itot“toi
IB theaprfBg wlam toe greea glte back
Mtoal made toe
toe <
aprtog baaaata.
Heat Btohe faa to toa toaglag.
Dost witlite toe tonebar.
'daiag toe fant be cwii mp a<A ^ >•
well ae pee eoaid do. bat poa ebaald
toe aawol^lf may .call f^.
What;-wee, to Muart U> ■ Ma
tbinned with
well: do the <
bed. aod U wi
un to the
f puint. brumliing il il.
wk just lyf/irt- going t*.
be dry eii.ms-b l<> walk
ahoald be stained dark, rather than
A pnuBd .ifisipperas diwlfcd
OB of strung lyealsu
; .1...
See you get Carter's
Ask (brCarter's,
Insist and dcniaml
at eraaa,
Wfcea 11____________,, _.
datag aaeh dap asto etban aa , we
The ea-gmpm Bynb. who k^
BsJI aaesel s hair brash asd ^
anald ban then do BSto aa. we will ItUle bright red palet aark the
•etoalpmkeotbanbipppbatto tor ed srbu the boi k to eoataia. Tb“ ' SSTiM k eat wHhlui^Ida* tbk
bagilir aartolne aad toe werU wDI
ba all toe bettor lor oar betog to
___ee la Paris la lew. aad s
; taee k toa rago.
It k booal It aad ' ed to the ax-Bmprsn ae a n
dead bp toe ingae. aad ^ pUen. SaeatbBabeoek.Betreag'glrl
of tf.
part in toe gowalag of Mb. : ma. k aa laportaat factor la the nafl
ataBnnwell ndsbcaatc I earrin at Palaaaela. Fla. Ttrieeenrp
4. daibnp b .abaU »■ • emav «o*'*ia. aaa u le owplofiia '------kdap.wlBdaraalB.iMa<ir
' i ■■■ nj. wiao w earn, nta or eaiae.
liMMp aakedbartoatobar alikefor bate, boaaoto. paraeotogeM !■>>• msaannctodallnrtbe
mtoe nlto todallnr the ■
' to
Sid nil Se
waaM Ubsla atrika-tbat
UHlaaalaal oated tba faaaa M toe
b to te
flie Ban aamiad
dtadla b
MkabU ptanadlaMr-i
mlsssSee. .
sns« MSUSU.
■ P. A MirCHKU,
a. w. primoHAa. Ace*t.
_______________ TranweCnr, Mlea.
West Michigan
Railway /
“ Wir':;.'
needs it.........
Your house should have a new coat of paiM this
S|irin^. !'erha|>s you wish to
mixed paint, or may
be that you want letid and oil. Hither way wc\ean
guarantee favorable terms and favorable resists. We
claim that no mixed paint is Iretter than Boydell's. :
As for lead and oiUte buy nothing but the first grade, j
Give u a call for color cards and prices.
•ufiuTtuserBiy SBC C
IE ir*DMi|^
r lirsnd IlniUS*
) glUI«K. Arcul.Tr.
.•1I« IIAVKtC,
Giaiil Ripids i Iniiiiiu .1. R.
Carter's Uttle IJvcr Pills.
Fine Merchant Tailoring,
tossl Trai
Cia KUUOII. in race Ai.1 II Aims
V a'TsI m r S’
Ii"!# t-v Trs.crwfn, At
Imported udHoDiesUclNlw.
-asboc Ji.a'fwrA
tit i:tsi
‘ II •>
n? i!:i:ss’j^r. •
... ' s It ....i.ruiKi
1__ ...
At Rndl-Bottom Hrieua.
? as all
ron-t . Sta-’oort.
Bunn nnwABn.
ICt PleasABt, OWOASO. 8agi>
QAW, Bay City, Detroit, How.
elL Add Arbor. Toledo and
polnu But aod SonUi. (^pad
coooectioni at Oopemisb'
H. dCN .EBy.
Cheap Homes
a few' Fur Robes and Coats which I will cloaeoat
at greatly rolnced prices.
A good line of Blankets .at very 1^ prices.
A lot odd sizes Gloves and ]|^ittc^at half price.
; Si str rnat aai Ont Stmta.
TreTSTM Of^, ICfflhlaaa.
Oenl Pbm. AgUToleda.
—og er-tJtgwir—
Farming Lands
Sale & Boarding stable.
kmeaL.BsifgkckVsaiel Pi
-WHFIf for WdAT
Blffhaat lluiar»-Workfe«<Alr.
harbor tosccta.-.Vtofe.
Es™'Sk?sMr..3Su';'ss":; k.rk2BSSSSsa;’;.si
"*I™^ wm^ try aad
w tblB^ aad an twaat eaal-
‘i-w kitobrn'floor ask bi.ll^ ull-
Map Be of Um.
Will t,. Stoddard irfee* the following
fecipe to »a»r fruit trees from tbe
rffecle of late fr.»U. Take ordtosn
rod brick, soak iheB to kerosene oil;
Aa aaotfae rhabarb U a II
place to shallow dishes to wbleh oil, is
ia price
.m^of all kiade.azoepttoetooroagb. also placed. These dishes ahunW be
areep boeeewile Wboto toad of eltoer pr d eitoaa aad die: ^ fnllo^ ' pla^ to tbe ortiisrd. about Bfty feet
_____ joald make a few pot
MlahoaUlBakeafewpoUolUBdebe Barketod If toe lone were equal
lldoB* jam thatoDBblnee
toe BalUtedc
*------Wipe toerbobarbaatilcleaaaDd dip. b(g‘e board la wha
BtoralBg. Tbe brk-ks will beni flee)
am eat it late flae alaan wltooBt peal. enrp meal: bkelot
boors, foRDlog aeapor warming the'
Ii«. IW ball a dotea onagea. — lo marketlBg what
air |D saeb ao eiteot as to prerenl
awar air the while aadn the e
daoMfB. Thit raeilMd isuld w bare
take oattoenade.aDddindc toe
aba wobM ridbernUoTtor'BiMro been tetod with saeoess to large ormages lata qearleca. Ooea eaeh carpel Mas thatabe BOM ban'her toMe groan ebarda.—gfsirl
IhM balds toe palp aad take that ooV oader thegraatoatpoailbb rartetp ot
lonnall the joke. Pat dalinein aad luartsa. ball of
rr in tfaeac days
It Is a Trip easy a
of reeera.< repta. «*»'
Belea Uapfaell_______
pokes and si--------- '
r. aUr BBtil'the_.
wmieis of ABOlber. to freaben and
eook elowIp^oM j
ed laapkltebeBewbrreabea
n It b^ln to toiekea sue! a Uule wbmea roUIag. rolllw. rqUl
naeer. Pefaway la MaUere aad iag aad fanliag ttel ^^^trp might
Baterlally to toe leDueaUuB. and they
1 or oHed paper. A
likewise nse Sir *ey Bumber of small
.Bhark^Vateo UlmrwtriBC Baehlonp
errp gim (am of the rhi
length faWfes most eSecUerly Tbreemade
e witoooi the araageo.
L’n oa« pond toe doorwap^aad •
>d of eagartocaeh poaad of tor portaan for oateide work k reocgelt- inartefs of a yard uf erleel will makr
aad flaror each poaad with Lhe od oiBllar aide woald qlaee og doctor's ipfwttypoke. but if the seleel it Boi
ed yellow riad pf half a Imr^ lea- bau aad Bion toaa pap lhair wap. if theeerp flaeat quMIty. far bettor
ailk. Vok^f
Yuk^f b
bright seUn
Htir aad ikla freqaeaUj while tSeerp faace
dra^ with blark chiffon with chlffcBi
Boi-&ari^~ trn^^tbe «mrictS°^V
aertktaade boa adapted to to# noil, ton proriaga eab- frills at the yoke edge, arc easily-made,
lubarb bp eoaklBg..................
. h with eagar
__ .aad Btitate ferantor adentri srfto half aod prare eery eSecliee asd dreaqy.
Slashed wmku asd sicerea with insartBing it with grlatiae. Weigh
Hm bber beatowpd oa traer dbhea. edpuBs or pointo .. ..........................
ouBUaseBg maeftoerhnbarb. waebitaad ei
terial. is aButhrr pretty method
' d ol
of util(T’tolo nry sBall pi<^
'• ends
• .of hi • - islag odds and
Wblle eookUg with eiphl
totp aaa be sold ebeap.
plalf. belt aaB
eager. Whea the rbaterb Is teadn^ rtoai^*^d^ sritolB toe reach ot lies A wide boi-pl
iato it
of s boa of jela-l.k- -i.j ‘iTkliJ. sat oar dt the most coUm of one sort uf fabric k a a
deelce tor freabeulug a budke. Uke
tin toat has heea SB
BBtriUbn foods.-Harp
ot a eepfal of aoU pt
Biaton weU with at
tara "to toI^ld.*WhM*m?’s-. -__________ aboskl be aniaibic. V»r«>
with a yellow casurd saace or sritooat
leal, cbaritablr. domeMio.
UlUaratantoellstoftheaBWed a n pea prefer.—ftrfrrtcrt.
loag. lllscnadnKaraPerrp.-Oalda.- gumri.iuA
Do aot throw
>y tia caaa IhM han iaan tigrlow. Bon Cktp, Bdith Tbom- leeiBg. row
aa. Haiah Ores Jewau. Harp Wilkies. aakqen-e'reOccUag. sober, leader, ur*
boas. rirtuKus. wise.' ricipplarp sad
palBtad aad osed fur rioa. i
Uesais UtohlsU. Bdaa
Aad a mao ought to aaub
ay^ and all d^^roeertes. aod Babe
Ss 'kt:,5r':i''s,a-J.’. _....
.ibe flw.Vof tlic da^.
•^ ’^:i?»‘Sr^:iU...nb on the .
floor, or resB matting, but Been-put a
"stol is
U much t
the beat
ciiwhl walla ^hhuld oerer b
r palet or k»lsemto
whan wa woald aatarallp aapaet i
r.'oiwMs' ssn'-^
A.ax. at.B'r.
.. . are
••I firBirbrl^t^“ui,‘‘toed\“^; to^tatoof Miehlgao«l“e hkre
of indigestniB artd dykOefaU
the BSC ol Stuart-1. Ilysppp.is TsblrU
nteaae u at preerat the can. there h, Said by
. all droggisuaiao.ynU |
K5f "■
Bcrar alight aapoaB
Treat toa aged with napwL
Doet. wbaa at ebareb. easat
DoalaaddlawitoetoarpaapU-a i
'*"i^‘at olghl. wora oel bp toe atrala
m irAlfrr.nf. Rllrv.
of toe herd dap. the went to the llUie
mm which ebe bad kept for benelf ia
Relbr for toe Farmer's Wibtoe wing of toe booee Aeakeeatored.
-'leiahM.aheeaer a little Boaar
rrlng >eron toe door:
ocb-Ulked of dn»M7 that
who had atood all
with Seato. falatedl
at toe eight of a
It it k true. at B<wt
maap. that
Dta-t beb^ toatoalbaad ain to
toop BO
do aot rear
fear ue
the bobm
Ueeff, bat toe Ullen of the e<dl la thU weetoni
oalp harlag irraa ap IbbUc of toeir
___________to male, aod
Dealt aall.
aUrta. Ihd biotBOf fled new womao ____Bsap spots of groead ate aaeal lileBBMefora troBor. aad ntod. Lao not fanitate tony toat eeerp bnaer’e wife oaa aecore f^ ber
■ tooap-plaaaa.'
own help a elty waif aad at the aad of
k Time wUl iell.-Selort.
Deal mar to poet paraab aa tor
Tiaearaca*- ar “old bdp.‘laeb gardes einft gon to
Oraaga aad Rhabarb Jam.
Dnt aba toa doer, apltaatoa
pak aana
a toto t
toa koaaa with dirtp
Mar go to toa tobUwUbheiWti
hatp. aiglet n baa^ to tolad lb
raba ipplp aetaalp to botoa a
:ssr4s.”!.?t.-r' “I”
.toat fnwB aad br tovallto.
Daa*! sake faa to aapoaa.
Be wflUw to gin aad aeaapt aa
baatbaBlwapatopi^W mj a
totogb .sad amr toagh at pear
”• ..!X.ssr;.r.:rSi:
a eraafl amount fur an insur
er, often lurnd toit to be a
none to the wunian or chiimirTieehim.
-------toal Ibe taking nut of an i*ur
asce pulley. OB the part of ll)r bos
band, fur an amount according to h^,
^ gmo
part of 'CT^ marriage ceremony.
kMW whereuf'l «p«*‘‘
> “? “lal
Walb^M U toe Iraat to my Idee*
Wbea toe greea. poo know, glte bock there are liundrcU of women to Wie .
abeald wot be frigtatooed. bat were
homes ut this land w ho are .l*l'y riirry-,iatoetraaa
tbem the fear that tbi-ir has-1
Ibaa toa gnea glw back Is toe
baeds or feUiet* are iiegleettog or fur-1
aad brea
grtUng to make Kuitable orotK-iob for
■atralla be eatoa |
Ua baulB'ardaad agaia...
B toat klad ot a latp “gow
their hamck about U>e____ _
gaK tbep hoB roaa' ki:
can affocil to' i>e(rl*'-i a isimple duly,
. toe groaad-i all bald where the which mmy meun all th.- differeoce be
twMD h^ptoe»and misery to his fs^
I’oaipvcly curr^by tlMM
bap-ridr atood.
_.i toe eriBkh ria aad toe brieie
iMndl «u»d u.eck ud
Coaan the bloam la toe eld dogwood. cannot"sllow bim-elf t-. uut ofl. f.o,
IXtomfram Pyspqtos.'
Aaa toe gma glu baekie to# tma- surely it is,true tout, to toe mi.Ut s.1, ^Tbcpslmiriice
'Uotoer o.
and Tm llrurty lodng. Aperlk.7B-nk.rtk. »»« ^ -l.otk.r
1 like, aa I kap- la eieb •weaea rae lifeiearutoileath"
toe Botdlan,"aBa»*wblr
wbito elaag to
icet. renwdy f.c DUriiieM, Ksutrs. Diowii.
bar loag altar Ue war wae
■»e Uaw when the greea giU back
Praeiloal SuggesUonsMB,
Mouth. Called Topgue
Ob toe d^ toat Ibe Coaf<
I. ak. a_^
an ‘osk
oak sslain lake raw slrana. iVsin in Ibe Side, TUhllD LIITR. .They
• •
Ibsr to it. mis with lip
add a little um<
Slled to prer«owli«
wito toe-------------toe ainbM Wbe« toe whole taU feather* o' win
lag with
and som
seed- oil. a........
All dap loag tola ladp atood ahoolder
Japan driers-lablespnml.il tuaquan
to aboalder with the ao-------ball palled oat aad goes'
■ ■fsiain
Ms^eslaln thin _f'urw^
biB la toe operatlona
Aad toe np it toawt aad begin
toaeMl to tooaa areaad aa. DaaX harr
•kk aad waondad eoldlen
two etoetotoaaawm.farU w* do
Aad toe sweat it eiarta ohtem
^ ato ba llriair righUp. aad poi^lr
odknordnAh. proBklBg U‘ A fellerb foRed. a-giula' dowa
wUl toaa dad aai toat we an practkAt toe oM spring OB hl> keSne epee of toe eUn
I Uod o- like, Jn- a-loaferia- rona'
Blaflp^ pUpwi 1
Wbea toe green gets back in toe
part^^am^oetorT IriradTaad Both
timt woald here todo
Jea'a-pottnia' rono'nl—do—pleaee
bn iafonandepeebeVinwIlbaat a
WbcB^grteo, poakaaw. giuback
Mr. 8ok' forciblp eontoadi toot toe; toe enoujiefuJ
!• Hie aedi
bnlaad ebould bar. hi. again ia eoch . pt^r^ Apn ally for one diwan.
eoaditloa Ihel la Ui. rreatto death ' A «bole pe^kai.-e tokro at ooe^ time
to him bU wife and ohihlrTB. wcmld rot hort'yoo, bat wmild nmply
r depeedeoC opoe hiiB. woold be a «».le of good material.
iIUm efclll
telieto aa
_ .____________ beaaUaad U to raallpa datp we
, that looked like Ueew^.
(al wtof*,
atone to aeqaln food am
■ata na to tboD to ordar thai we leap
..;na bole Bear
be latoMm whtoenr we *»•
11 anaeqalredbr ealUraM aad praeUea. weataanaaa how
reap mwiUalHtotokaep to food aatoMJ- Ito IbaaoerUau wDI DM oarip
baweHapaal.bBtwewlU be toaprortot aaitoladeaa well aa oar ^--------Maba ptoltoaen aad food
taWk aaa tbeto evarp dap. Howe to
m weald gin agraat deal lor good
■aaaera wbaa aaad lor uutopaAP.oalj,
aad toe adaate eoarpaep b gem n- MTC toe aato aad baeeae aahlad aad
Preparation .
All of a kaow>tor ptoeaeal aad
'a^Bbla Ilia toaaataad kaewpeoptowboanndaadaadwtol-hret. Oar
tto^ we an toap poaaaaa if wa wtto.
MiBalp-teod taaaaen. lar Ibcp are
teaatWBfdcxprtoBiaaatoaar toward
U« Joirtial" dirrctlBg etiiaiioB to ^^Thrp laerw flnh bpdigntltig fWebW-bn I aetarto Ur j A. U tow^i^toa fawen •
toaOp- Ko ebU<
Mataadlontoraramtwboladtoafiaatto. eoant Bad ralfar to blai
toe little Ibaa too aeeb.
• sss «•;'
ratoUtatoa h
K 'to* to tba peaarar atoalwn el tba
;•• :
..' -i
use W sac Uece
UwfT. Veswll
General Blacksmithing.
Wheels, Wagons# and Buggies,
NoUroiM Cid^Mdnrnatffc CotM
DoBot goWMtar Baath aaUl yt
wy I «A. s
Toa ess ao better with leas
truss rov
Bemlodt. etc., and are well wateead bp
Blroag ^yU. floe erops. kwithp aU-
All Work Warranted.
New Shop oa Uaioa 8t
E.R. KMLillD'S lEiT IjUtlET. ^
No. SI, Front Street.
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Etc
• '
Beadle BulUtiiib Front Si.
Bnsinees Cards.
w*rd the cnsUtT. UUowioE lt> op
U»* ‘toff r>t tbrorth »a1U«oUrtinffv mburt rabo »sd vgrlttUrv U < r*;^
Ibc rff.ct Uygrt kchUM (ora mm I Tbcra w*. a ratUl»cd«w» tb*moaa' I. be BW ai tbc wlBda'anl »—■—r
“dr. rad iL.>kuty ap le lean Uw
pis* tnra acTOB Ur raUry a rad •B»‘r- be law Jou-ph Ikibbo altdlar oo
-..r. which BBMd hiB luabaadoB Uelbl* back daws a olc^oc Uco of ruck
I rabuil at oc-e.
M" wakraff hi» aay to tbe.cuayor * but'" .'a a mat iMirDla for c^im I ton b> larraliirale mallera Ue boy bad
■aid J.W to hiBM-lf is hiffb fflee I •*i‘xd bb f.^maff. la ’hb. radtesrat.
tuxdowB by U>
lak that iriSia w)oirl ud I ^
fakicr IM br likrd. Ur lac
Iral aptrra
t-Iifl. ton
aa to
b clolb
auaaeUto a bnp bi(ffer'a w drera
aod kcratcbed a. V> .klo. but waa
flrra of all la
lajariakio hi. woo_.
Tbrce war roaeUiar-a brap biffer Cardlrra
^prtd.| at h»
hik uarxpn-lrd
.... ____________
awaitto " -Crack, crack, crack, tsiar
"• waa<lr'to.htcdt.-ke« Crmwtbe Uai}! rrportof wreral rlSrauff os
btabixfat; Oiera kak aalnrlnp ut bal ford, for br wak boralinf to hraff of Itia
let, aboat bim. MchsctbaluerpaMd
t I fit op that trap far W
tbruixrb faU bal. tad tbera aruM- a bidira.- hraaid. niU tbr air of oor
e<Wk yelliac ootrry. wblcb audr bk
bu had CBrrtrd out a csraRilly plaodrab errrp and f.c'a BMMBeat wrakeaed faimaoniacb that br marly >taai
<«k Ur pieka and
1 •.bonU
bled froto frifrbt
Tbr kyrapbvnk of rateraiaf eonrnipr lay whrra tbryr«-aprd injaty. IwUe
and pmeacr of mind ataalfraird theia- work of dcTclopIng tbr Greatt Oiacb
kelrek fir^i to Jnrbi Inrv and wiib ao Btor wral forward wiU ao more extra
luBut liairbt'raa awacakfaktaa W- truabl. Uao tbr rabaildiag of tbe
oxld. makinr d.iwtr tbr calley toward aback and tbr rcBoriag of tbr earth
To b* aara.
Ur fuA bill.
A ab.d .w two BteW biowB into Ihrtaoael
whUtled'bv b'.raraaa koar IbIbb.. a Ury bad o.. dynaialtr for UaiUiir. bat
half doiea' nr >o in nmabrr. Iram aa Crawfuril f<-ii that bia rxploairra taaf
brra put to a iro.l aae. '
and .tafled after'hin aa drrt ak drer
N. bicb wa.Joe -raiaed la Ifae'old
t. Jue bad krpt-oa ktraiirbl down Ur
ralley tbr Isdiaaa wdald auon bare prorpra-i.irV ratlinalioo that baforc
otrrUkhp biased killed bia. KurU- Ury xl to nork u.kt day far f.insally
satc^y. br had a pood atari of then mod adopted taiai aa bn. '-[ard. ' aad tbaer
kicr .lill ID tbc haowlrd(e<if a after Ua. y-.ulb dawdied orrr the pirk
______ path -.luaUlra'opa.doriOd.B aod .borek with a arOM-ul iBpirtaBi-r
pre»|iak buElioe capcdition—which brfiltior tbr half pn.prlet.n- of Ue true
bdlukcrd tbrhnunm ofaBrance Ind. lead. dipa. apora.aoglra aed prwpe>~
inir ap.lbr fa.-e ofa cliff on tbr ridr of tlvc -prnfit »f Urtinrat Ciacb aiior.—
Ur .H.Ibc Uat nrparVod^ii. caoBBUia •hr-'.h.Y fVil.-n in V.w V-cl .Sun.
Real Estate
■SM%*i>rUwk.lUK>- -WbrSitm
V< re
MU X* UWdx "
Ito i>l>c Or V-»x, . tSM.b»»• br?
O'. P. Carver
2«c Per PooBd.
. X ltd
Opb a tab., ^Ik Ike la.t fr<ral4
m tar wtMkrr'.Mxrr il> fiyr.'
jJ^eM E^filfe Eieji4n^e
«M<t w w t*.-w tn-in IK m-w w IR w
)fc Ml
■arrrrrt'<f..Y<rk ;|(
' »nin» •rom-KMi iMaw:. s«rv
I will rent space in my new Cold Storage Baildiag for
any uianufacturiit^ tiusiiiess. with or without power, light, beit
and tdephon^e stM-\ ice.
1 ha-ve also ^If'tces rent suitable for-wholesale Hay. I'eed
or Seed liusihess. or for wholesale Meat,' Beer. I'ruit. I’roducc.
or any legitimate business requiring the best shipping facili
ties on three railroads, alt hat-ing switches to'the buildii
‘will store and sell any kind of goods or produce for the
iniished for furniture, housetibld $goods,
ilmpudPatiellglidn fnift,Storage
vegetabicrs, hay, grain, and anything that sshould
att an even tentperature
temperature arid
and away .._.n
from ratsi
rats,- mice
and moths,
if insurance is desiretl
ire<l the rate is only -i>i per cent. (Kr
AO at*»m tv ull *111 n
•M aur (MrMa »IU
MnllalljMd ■Mpmmil},
j. O). «d:oxta-.Aj£r.
TW OHrlMl Ora* Hu
_»Hji^ ahM iMM uHK-i
Andj Lunch Room !
Tkreal, plmrrlBthr toatr u «
SOo^eal'foz- ZSa
Thil to tba epportaalty of a life
Une to nakebif tooaeyas xauU
by oor n«B of
m-R troBLO saancR - Ua
P.r»ra.- tae DOarr
Frovtotua, OOcMt* and New
York Slckdks.
8«ad for Mr POXK WkW
pUlatoff Btoffla
t* aob. BtoWlBC her arabaad Dr. I. K.
asr daily MThatleMw.
CHEAP AND COSTLY.......................
UniUtwIkATk. OUMce-'lU- !
Announcement. Chamois skin
aimn a (wuraeii
. SarTRjor.RDd Ch'il EogiDeer
Owtaff to Ue hard Usea to c«b«o1
aad Ue low prtee of oowtom la psrtlrBtor aad. wIU all. pieety of water to
roa oor Bill. webawdaeidBi to bear
oor abare of Ue baVdeo pMoliar to tbe
afaore (acta.
We will. aatU farUar
BoUee. ffirr oor coatotoerm U Iba. of
door. liTba. braa aod 3 Iba. mlddJlBn
tooxebaareforeschboabe] of obaav
1R6>B0«T S
Carpet Cleaning,
s srsiSSi't.'lJKS s
. waat year
sod If aqaara dMlIaf ud food
wniretlt,wewglharrlL We
-Rffi^fH-ng Fla&te'
Korrtoellle. Hick.
«. MRIOX. Fnpttotv.
” ife
$1,00 and $l.!i0 Hptel
till Ikii Hi nnnitoiini TiOliwm .
1 Traver-sb Citv. - .Michicak,
Hack, Bus and Baggap Transfer Line
r. M. At.AI.M.A*.A.oi
TroraraaCHy. Waacatb
crSiS-:S^= To Chk»co.'t4.
Raw to CbkB^ M Uo xtwtoafa
HHnabiy aod Ctoarioeoto. W. For
tayoWia (Bll at Ua atowboal
itorto' it wiU ssra
Tar boiler wbeo (ba botoe
Fur Yard!. t-aotoiUaa ter apore; • doo-t alar -Hweet Marla.”
‘ - rliiabUroaffb Wafosr tiU I
bark toy
- -obtoa.
oh _
lot wbaa tbe listber-a to tba,silt
dm' lialea afaarp far.Br
Ao ay boUer wbaa tba ^Us
■f which br
iweua tbr aldr uf
friwd fare bad Npani.b buyoort plast.
Bra cleared ayaiokt Ue' rock, ao.l ally K-m-uud
' - bim, ■■
Ur Mboraari buy
rheo Ue prvpricbff—i
wa'lelird tbr prrformkacr of Ur reo
■Idandyru. hr carehilly cloked us ' _
. .
SM-a wfaOk lerre uaktoy Urnurlr..
;ir ».,uU or .l..a- tradiay in Ue tra.^ ".-' * "*
toy waa U toyii
kiay a remmi f,«- uWh-illy ntbhinr They bad killed hiIb Ur prbHU of ,thr aiinr'k Arcrliip- burrb. aad tlic ctioicr paru of iu car
the ytpanm
Hr was torrriy a abiftlr.. Int ca<s. kiuik oo etirk.. werr nBaltoy
about a fin- esadr of polra torn from uiarkrd Urwp.l wiUtwu old-fnUla.- fft
iru aiung ly‘Crawf!^''fw Ur tar kidra uf U>r ahark. Tb,;y bad np
aake of ^1. work and rumpanr at Thr ael and urarliaulrd tbc TalUr aad pratHr Urn Mrork out alooe ia al
price of bik- 'yrub'' and a abadm^v tr toacb eccrctbloy elH- le i-amp ie rrly dirrvliua. aod ia a few day._____
prutoW ul
■I wayra If tbc
the mloe tai
taroed camp
ia ator-ib of ammaailiuo.
' r L^oda M_a.lra. aod mMay^
Tbe decrepit barru bad I
-watok.'' tobacco and ina raiuablr arwbrra W j
A Vaaa^l Manoad by MoiUm
taroed out toRie bv hU Mexirao
lord for
liclra of plaoilrr. Tbr dyoamilr Ury
«r. and Joe had dHrea him to .
prrhapi.*dmu.-d "bad mnlicinr.” for it
"as a Biartor fur a herd.” be Midi
lay in Ur box on tbe Hal ruck where
Tbeabadowkof Ue.beeUiDt
Ue.beeUiDy cliff
Joe had left It whea Uc aquirrel bad
Ue •__________ whk-i dariny Ue fi
lorcci bioi from Ue camp.
half of
Ue day_
_ ______
Ue _. lyua'k
IVhat kpnrtollv yiieeto Joe's heart
aotvoei. aiowiy
alowly aoiitea
Uiftod MKwara
eoMward onui
onUI wax Ueirklllloy of bik burro. Ue oaly buodot Keoaedy.
,ar. ea .-oaoty. „ um, » friar, aod all tba toOko are
a btoxc of briybtaankbinria tbe taonlb piMeaalno br bad to Ur world cxcopl
aod. aft« export aaamea. aa walJ aa aoeha. or
<ff the Mfcaol totonord Joe ItobU. Ual Ur tattrrad rloUra be wora.
Sow! loookioy oeer tbr yruund,
rl.^meooed beotberv
Tbo pflol, FbUk InWlj
"oooo o'clork.-'aabc termed iu warn Uat after all Ue foa> br fooad bimarlf
bimarif [ ei
exearationk. aad after i-in
iraruyaooa- lUermcllaai. baa tolled all orco Ua
apprttocblby The boy woe not food of aUll alire tbe bor'a coucaye
laidrrablr amoonl of driftaaod
cator back tai
. bartoy dreoa
labor, aod it did hot reqnira many mto- kuffi-teotiy forblmtoyct rrry aayry I wkal wa» aodonbtcdly Ue mouU of a ,j r
Tbc aoUfT 9
mk boU
.»«.» ■
of Ue bot kea-a
orrr hi. lox
A‘ a rrlW to aie faei- j carr in Ur aidr of a bill. ,Tbr f —y— o, itoaaod Graak. am
lea aoUa
coari^biB Uat
tot it wan
Wl tiiar to'.b
inya b* cockrd bik rifle aad .iyhlrd »lwar, altboayta fliird romplrtoly with
’.Tbrre wa> at difcraM mrmbera of tbe yrpotk
‘‘>“7 7Uc^raiTiaUa
ftodiM(im~^*a? Ua
llUledoubtUaibcbad anieedaitbia Uiuktay. ae hr dallied with Ue triy-; waa well defiatd aod oould ba cikily
deeiaioe fully aa hour in
r adrauce
ycr. what a pleaaara it woald yirc btm followed. Tbe work of rxpluralioB U ^ip la tbatof tLa toeoka to Unto ioitoUe of tbe Ume It woald
• 1 bad ..........................
sr ;yi;‘ ;r“
LB Simon plain oomlny
«Bl that Ucy were aaarly awared
praaently when be Ual Uey bad reached Ue eeiybbirPlaooa ribtobad la-iMtbor.
touha^: the ham- bond'of Ur-tremura raalt dawrHWd.by
A daridefi ootoll
‘’ecBlioae klice* from
beary^rmy piece. Ue Spaatonl. Tba apriaye uf Iraah ptoou caaiayto beJi
aeae for hto
hiyrUcr > pjleUny into
eidatof Uc ledtoa ’ water aed a I Ue pmnayri aod njoaik
ee ember*
> of Ue ramp fire. . .
'yroap. w— •
-iU.a luoder baay ao far explored are exactiy am
Tber, Wa»
M BO woudVeut nd
oe eoipbkUe'’raboood—eo it weredraaribed ia U
t to yet komj Joe Nkl
Jue—Uaa aeer before.
i yeotlemen who an ai
altraatiee. to wall ad Ua ^to
Hik arc frfTfia Uc tor
mae kk-kiny of.Ue ^ v < trrprtoe hare Uc mco
yaiatl hi* eboolder.'^Ue aotoe ood to iu fiaal Moma. They bare qal'
' ' . exploaiuo aad tbe Irtdiay | earn of muory. betidea UMr own toi
a «eh Mae
la Ue harry of depart------ at iu unexpe-ted par- laod if iberara aeenly follewiaca >ely eoibaaaad. yictoy Ue li
• Btoer had left Ua key la-tbe
»ed Joe'a UoaybU
for : o'-tbr-wiap they are to........................Th»e
loaybU far:o'-tbr-wtoptbeyaretobe^Uad.
of exqatoiu carrlay. Kolimly
aa toetaat. He^ora
lime to be keep Ueir own amoral, mad onUide iS)_
friyhteacd at what be bad
laddooe ke iw, UelrowB little circle ao one (or car-1p ^
attracUra aW d^UU^^Bjr
iaiida. jarred aod
iiaiok'tala kaiiwk wbat are tbeir ptooal They
____ __ ____ _
Joe torord Ue key ao<
______ ,.w_.
were rockloy i
by altareexrarateda luaoei abo««in|eetl[Si’tA,<i^i^^w^,Artap^'
.------------ ^
• haeoldknburaan—n J--------------------Mcred Toline.
deafestoy roar that i
oob(rd. an
rocka weet rollioy
-. down t
rb.faiay io Ua earU. and by U
I la a taolantlc drWm. tbe < ard l>
Joe noUed Ur cord that
parcel and unrolled tbe,
b aore of artorye aodieoea. aad oa am
a wooden box that oo.e t d belTM^ iS^rTiTlf’u oA'«
'to‘d»..**^ito^*fJrtM?*tbe‘? leaUre ooa. All Ua kobtoa ara laft
Pryioy off tbe
trfpuf tbe-Utoy
tbe'Utoy toUecaoyoo
ia Uecaoyi
• irfpof
eaemed to be la .proyrem tbc .taore remarkable areUa;^
•.oatoldeibortodia Uesaow. Aa anew
box wlU bl* koife. be aaw Ual it cuo | Ue ato. 'fiytoy a
aa tbe (amity arrina at UaliUla «r
laioed abooi
kioy. Uwk eaodlra.
is badlaUa '
b WotBuraUoaytaUBlaad
___ leltera he wi
• I bare kpellrd
oottheworda -diac____
yroeod. while a beap
wrfUeo io blae ebalk oo
CO Ua place of tbc (<r
it woa. Uat iaacri'ptk
Tbc kbot fired by mietaka W mtotod
haaded WiU all Ue
loyof itok erarr fedtoa aod pfamped atraiybt totlMitoaoeaycd. Ue hod beard eayue- to Uc box of dyaamiU.
to—SuXun Urrald.
Two RojiMfi mb OotC.
ly of dyoamltc. bet knew aoUtoy of
' Uc ttoM wbes Ji
A Cork tows semaeiler to sodHad
bow it appeared or mbooM behaadtod find. Fey
Praatdeot CaifiaM'a Cbudrao.
Pey hef CCawfacd. ridlM a borro
Tbe eyliodrienl objacto bafarabim .be and drinoy bto pock aalmoto bcinra
Of the (torfieid (amtly. Ue Mok bU be oe
ball Uoayhl miybt be
hlBoo hia way back to tbc comp, badif,!, to be dretiMtobad todlcrdaolly. lidsCBl
- ItbeBoaUafUrraa^ As- Dairy A CsrM. aad hto brolbm ilcodi
.. ‘iicntta’
Best LiTer> Ip Northeni Michigan.
ia hliBuBUaad
It bad a a<
eat Ua lasU loto ._
T^te^lion^ jq
......................................mpacoto- oerUlp to Cleratood.
boar Uia^ bod yooc oo to Mny
Ucy t
.. “L^.K::K‘!r;siSinsi5r4g^^
yamaatof caattomi-
ok of. ttetb daod aara. ao It'e a
•ratiook o' marey if be kalaT bea
ap tar Btoebisf. If be kboald yK tar
forito1 wlU______
wlU ttet dyMita-,_______
At Uto ptoat to bto reficelhm Crawbaeo fordtoaodW'
ia taorro’a looUay
UcMiU. Tbara _________ ..
Ua atr aa l^aaeaM i^emek
UM^wlod aoUtoy
-------------- j
■arrtod. Jlarryl wife waa Mka Bella ^ym. aad thra torn op ttoto- BsOaod
Ham. of dCTctoad- Tbay bara toor osaae atUariMWatoforltom As Us
ehlldrao. Jamea I------- ' '
- braadare know Uto, Usy alwna atod
krowB « to Boatoo aad wh&a oaaa
ak U Ut Uoadira^a^wboia
Mdm betow Uehoarh: abMdaytoa paoL
Par Ml l>-
in't BO Iitoli to tbe aaood
. S
ITtI ib1 fall tiilili III flMaiiHliia
ararulBtoeot l-opeto
porllcsl work., which aba ktod por
Tbr Oraai CiDob.
tion. Mto. Rarrtot Btoabfieacjng EiAiua Troaauraa
>«. a box'caoyuB to loiithero
nor*, of m naioirhaB. Ato.. toaasUy
Anxoaa, wak lonely rpoopb. Tbr rocky a iBts in tbr wiadiac Talirr word toi
Am.Kuribeold Mexican, nf llldalffo
will. eatotoMIb.lsi*
illikbat bat tbe murntaff kua ratk. bHc Hik inorrinrBlr from bi.pnrBaab coaniy
Iiy three
thrrr La.
Li alwoyk brra a lepcad
d Ur only t ^lakiffbt were kumind a. Ibcv daahrd raauid Ur n*hy i that Ibrrr waaad tbe UIckrat of
.isaatory and kept oa don a Ue ral- ■ Ue l.oiiia lIlaD
.Jorwa. rrmnllB*aidrwiar uptbritrd is tbr ou-«l,
,_rn»w t-lrft; nbicb u.>k'hlfo. after ic.nii>ly mi a polBt ICDOWMl
I ly eoocaslrd there esnoot br doob
r Apache loaian difficult u|uxxioff aadcliiabiQjf. to a ' rodu. or B d v.iff.
rtH-ky Book Bear Ur -asuiuiil of Ur I It
aaid that d
ridge, to coB.-ralc.i by CTrrfrreBk a» to I lad
aifiiiof batoaa
rily io Ur I br wbuily out of rlrw of anr oor a frn , ieVi <
■bapeot a radr ai
ck." opua [ fret an-ay. Whraal la.t Ur lodianr | uf Mexico aod
to frool. with Ihrrr kilica formed of*
ratraerd Ucir kU-p. br warn aafriy bid-| Ur epojiUT'ri^ht polea cbtoked wiu aud.aad a dra. -allboach Urr camr ko near bini ! He accordia
. .
im^ of uTcrlapinaff apifnb.. ft aUad that br coold bear tkrir
a prototocBt towyar. who tor-prse a larre fn-kbly duff bole la tbr
tyuo aide.
dug bia rclrrol to Uelr aearob for'kUrtad o rU. la Ur hope \
iJ3mtc*to*'uaT'el«^“ Aft4
'aketed by a rope Urd to b'n toreleff
Uat Ua
ao affed bnrro a aa ftr>ilafOi) the dry
Jiiedramto Jio h«nT toqait hH ptore I
berlare of tbr cauya'a la>ttom. Id . r reloee. Iml after a Utuc. wbeo all f
■U al.to ■ith.rat^wetiny aoyaiwiml l^
Uraxcaratiua la tbr aoaouiu aidr a [ to»t(UieU be crept out fros h|.
lot^kiap VoB(b wa>w,.kii«Y)-rY'
lu iuu
IuOUmui mou
mod are
arc II
if 'Ur ,
rate]}, luiiu; alteraately a pick*.
rlrar- .Ml lodianv wri-r
rr in Mk'bt. ,
Uebaodaof ao.it^ bnaabotUw
khotrl. A Uock of um bai»r»n:___ hr
, tout- •.■»»
klli.ay M.
laiit of Ur wl
e family.—d^touiuvc.
wild bratslb ^ik bat l.riiiv and a aUmf . ri.l«re and urrr
orrr the other ridr
fr until br ai
____ ..kc
like a taakcl.
app-arrd tbruagh
----------- -- a
ni a poial wtueb. coioiuaiulrd a . fal
bola to the cruwo.
Tbi» yoBO* fellow
•f Vbc-coof.in mad tbr f.raol
■uanlied with
Tbr UuitoTiUrCoOrleeJooraal lnpiM
J.W llubba.
llobba. tote of M,-rxari.
M.oxar oad
Ttarn;. fa
la full ymmew i.ai uf blk {coarayr. i
lakia/Id Uu* •‘™'eJ*a««aD jnat boo*e ffoto a
Ue object of bia tobora wx» Ui ttorel. p
I. W^rekcrro painted Apmehra. tbr larta. mad muimunilioe. amf
Bwi lauDcao
»^tero trip baa broaytat
broaybt wlU
with him
... ...
iwfonl'a newlf H>»led
Dry Crawfonl'a
uara auJuabtediy that - bad raolayr
Uiay arw to noyortir ao<ra tka
totoe. Grrat Cioch. la ilueao twayuo to
ablrtob'uld tbr.aai
waa eattoy dinoer ia a reouaraat
Ue Chirirmhum ranffe.
■II bad ho^
tired oat
oat weal.” be eaid. "aod aa
Tbla Bilor BWat prearot in thrkA^
It «toiujr> had fuar away
of a bole in tbr yroaad «itb prum|
ererra! spriapkof
op to^ me and aalud ia a faat
uu> pakrayre and kerera! uiy\
ERCUMba and Qlndatone.
Learo tar bol' toy bnsU—
Kia bawllikat woa aofferia' for
na rcllfmy trieoda allow.
Ter'aura ye half tar <tosth.
Mu^^bollarVbeo Ua botoa
Cenully bciM u'S riipalF.
which WM^
Held a coUrva dkyw-OJitrup.. ftoeurd.
I^^BFrort SI,House,I, a
The South Sid« Qro
Good Fits,
tnMHtlH il hiciMi Good'Goods,
|®sK'VSli£5iT.S Fair Prices,
r.U.w.kl.rk.et l.k.
NiBis nTucnmi v tan
Omar fVeat aod Oaa BtrMta.
Fire Insurance [
too aebool of (acbsology.
H« wiU
irarel to I
• for two yasn ottor
aad win proem tola
AU o( Ibo
M.abd panto
Me ^ tbo toast oxqmtolto OWo mno
to the city basra tHUato le tba MW
IrriB (WrAald to tw«BW-Aaa yi
oU sod to abasi to bapoMaA <
Uc a_____________
Haramid tow aebool. It to o^
edyatwfasUer ba wiU p
Rootas ar BO tote parUarablp wlU bli >
broUaca [a OaTotoBd.
Ba to weU
koowato UaaUleUr wartdtoatato
TUYEKSB cm STATS SUI WMd's Coitfiliti PBwiir.
^ U a»dew *Mt'ted^AppMd.
_SsU«ir!rfcW •
•■A Ml ttoWnaa MOr as4 ,u
kMtffaalmru. Rha to tlto M
of Ueaa Am cABAtml wba bio b
- -
"I MCB }«r. sod Mr mj aAt: hera
fm Ur britad «iaV'l fardlaarr.* sad
curtad sp the BnaUia w acew* tR« Hr «*pModb>«adMw iBrt W tbr
body of otJor.ia dl«„« Bor« «
TbtKBtk irbwE b* B 1 Ukr to ICM rrautr tium tbr pUer iibrr
ravrb tbe plxe where br
d MraUa coaphAdrbjod
» hM U tMrbrd tbr uar ot M
»b^' aT^ b^ iM^iKr om ^ fdowoe
racks. bv<MebCw(b« pla«r wberrbr'bB^AUB.
' S MS lbrMlcirral.tbAt rrsAiM rv :
'Jar * r M «<tb tbr raM.
Hoi climb-■ ^ *»'d- » »A *.«ooel> uf ra*
0« Qlacyt Omm. -
Meoey to t.o«a o B losprovod rorqBB.
on Horses.
Sjp£.“iJT=.rtss^ a,™srS'j.£r'_;’5
■w. F. SA -Rs:^:^
Hai7 fitorfisid mirtod her taUtoto
arirota aaeratoiy. Jaaapfe Staaley
mex^toytoa rralirnd was biowB. Ba wet a yradoate of Yale
yroaad toyeUer to a bmp. wbaco. to
(snMAabla to' 4
------- toKi-Sdr^
rnkHtoMUot ftoddy toto ba
tod?- Mhad «to a- -aaaymaed Ua aa
’tnyrksM rittUflaK MAY *1.1M6
!±.’S?3--5 STSy-jK,
TfweraeHeraM::::' taMteMvan^tMal ■lAl'
_ikP( jiiinii
take cat <rf toe pU bat ta ptowiaf ttm \
aaCtoaad fiaatlac toeora.
bmd Bad 1ml latu* Mdi mU tad Uto ^tobaU wUto aiaiMac I
totb*powiar«( fitoBtthto treatod la aiika mam.
KMIta«M<raltmtof«>it «M*1 '
MMtftbU to lBh« •««»«•«• «( 1
Wrtktoii>«UMKa M obm.
•ntortka to koto* ladoMto m Md
A LoRlMl Oatodto*.
Wa. M«KlBl«r «riO a>doaM«llr
—■lull tortb. prtoMtocy by U«
toH-tol Ttr-V’— —M St
bto daetloe to ehlaf aaeoaUTe
bdaBatodedbyamiori^oftoe peo
ple. nwataUBaalof UiB laMBTdlaU
laclea BHf be tokaa toaa ladea '
. »
Balm (aU Onml Lake will
totodniraod bmmtoaywmttolb' _
•ad beadlac faetory
ttaa. hwOlbe
MW am. Fnlt gitorm ac
ed bp Ubea. Browa A Co., wbb are
mr>tiir«-iai »*>• b»»m
diuaiiraef toektod
.tom bto mtmtf la Ik bat
npmtlac tolUe at eeeaial
: to«y m eeaptlW tooa aeooa
! 4m faara* aad ellaaticohaH
Bunem xrwe.
lac avmtot trip toroQfb toe aerto 1
r---------* feet of dodi boatoCP<
at Hobila. Ato.. bto beea Heard by Hr.
batm wlto toe eoaaUr 1*
I. Vr.Craaa.aftoaCcaacLaaberCotorleiaUyof TtoemeCIty. a»ra la
paay. Fraakfert. Mkb. Tbe laaae
Uealar Uetaaaw eoaaty. Ibeaehaafd
lor tweaty ytaia. aad Mr. Oaae <
people la toe eoato^^of aortoera
peetotopattoatowsiUplaatoa toe
HUilcaa toiaad plalw mad tioal bade.
eacaMaii nan;
A eery aerm ball atota .
toe matry ketwaea here aad Wetford
toot Taeaday aflereooa doriac tor
toaadw akowar.
Oae maa leported
forty window licbta brokea oat
beaee aad aaotorroaeeaw a pUe of
hall etooca toiae or foor faet deep
wbm they tod roUad trooi toe ratter
of bit boaee. Treee were acariy etrip-
. of oar
aad are la toiy
lera giueeia. wa aaaaet help
tolakiaf toat toe fatora for toe* 1>
It eaeme to be toe foot toat
toe bait belt of Mleblcaa lecadaally
workiar aorto. aad I beliere to
al^ .delecaUe mt toeir
Uto. la epUe of Ue ertaat preteet. Uk wlU center la toe ••Traverw recto
ped of
atraartb al toat Ubm «w eqaal la will toy to euoetoilne toat fros a bait
Balae’a balac lU Totea. to toe laUer-. crower'e eUadpotot tbe ilraad TrarH &«toB le aa aadeeetoped Edea.
IM !•«. HcKlaleyapn
bok-raaajr Caotr Oaowaa.
‘’nb b toe way U-e Maatoa Tritoar
toye toe Fewrto wUl be eelebrmted to
Aaarleaa polltoa. It U aBtqae la
Taaohor'e Aeeyieltna.
toateaterprtatoc dly. "A OMrttoc
■a^ of lie pham UoKleley toe
Tbe meUac of toe leaeben aad pa- toedttoeaiafHaataawaatoldto I
toBB-adabaWeefpefBoaamy. par
-OM attoatiraacehalltoet ttotorday
eoanell roome Tharaday erealaf. aad
eharanrf eaeekai of Blad-le
ww marted by aa aDBeeally torfc
arraacemaoto made to ac^a dedicate
tratt bet toe Bii.Mury iaeideat la toe
tofemory of the btotortcteeaaloii by
. , aafeldlac of a parpoae freat eaoacb
al promptly; etmypi
eelebtsUac the Foertfa of July
aeatala toe bardaa otaarwker rapea,
really modera aad enthndaeUc
aaaletfVp. Bat U tola laetaaoe toe la-
toramat It wertoy of toe work.
oototo before toe people bM aaki
rated, batall “ended well.’- Tbe paaa caealleat dtoaer,
by torn furuaalr
. eaoiwh to partake, aad all earely felt
■■Itwaefoed to
■BlaftoaepekeaMy and ea-'
iertoialBfly of tbe ealtore of heart,
body aad brala aiiaitoiy for the eee- meber,
Hr. Boee followed
rrlto eome pe^d adrice to pareate oa
to to the way 'of eh&2 atody.
Mr. Uod fare eome amliaat bleu
pivalar.tooramaot by dartdtoc tto ktoa
eehool boarda whkh .more of tto
hMb of h H ••HeKlaUylam.’- tbea may
ahoold tore towd. and Mr. Uray apohe
we neatod thaai of the bbtorto feel
be notoe of latoreeto^of'parule
toot taram of derbkm bare become, te
toaebm tB-away'thet omtalnly
■m toaa om oeeaetoa, Imdcee of boomet tbe approval of all.
to Uaaola dM oatcide ble iBto
HeElaley U toe eboeea eyabol
Of a pelbr irttrt to Ito dial 1
oaee to toe welfare of toe people n
« toedlnlVofaprlaelpU. If
deat ptoeod ilm where tob ^bc
Thb iaektv of
paper* by Mr.Bayler. Mr. Imdd. Jadpe
dell. Hr. Oray. Hra flray and
a Mr. Gray partopblarly woldloc
aeata wbieb. If oatortatoed by All
BB Idea to hoeorable ornpprobrtooe.
btoMoetocbodaratU. Tbare to
aUac U tto epithet U the oaaae
mutoa MeEtolcy wai aalbd lato
Tbe eollepe at BeoiKMila b a'
Wddtoc lairto reach tto c»>
foaeden. Tbb inetitattoe wm
ad to tbe 'MalyXtom. tL BaUey. who
toadad .at Olea Arbor and atade hb
way toroacb Ibeoabrokea foreet. John
UBoe B^ttoc kim to Beaioob .......
Tbe dbeamtel which wae aappmed
, to elom w^ toe baciaalac of Prof.
Hora'a paper broke oat afreah when ito
iaf oaded. and wntoaly broocht
y. BMto maeh tomach lu
ctee by the Intone* of toe boor.
anvete aatbroicbtoe b
a toe WUson menaore. eompeUlaf toe prmldeat to mil a halt
AfUr alaclac.aada few rmnark* by
Mop by ttoptoepoUey « protooltei
thaaklac thorn .
ha* bsmyrntlMdlato* bitwr lemon
of Ha defeat Moriac calmly in the (or the good attendanea aad' latonat
I. tot aaoebtim adjoaraed with
mah* of toe people b* woald aid by
to* wMom of bb eoaaael MeKlaley
who did
ha* bam foroed by the people to toe
meeUnc pleamat-Mr. Abbott, with
fmat Tbe oratloB ci*«a blm. m e
prtiato AitteB. on Ocdnmbnn D*y at bb bmaUfnl aiaclaR. toe patroae with
CbteCB la tot fall of ISM. bat aeboed their esaelbat dlaner. and the Oraac*
the nae of their ball.
raadly toroocboel tot atatoa.
MeKlnlay tarUT ■
bm Bottooebt the pratldawcy wlto eelMbMl. -nwhmwrbaabeaaaenerdPrlmaiyBeltooIMoMy.
od to blm by too paople. a* to toe moat
The Orand Trevmne coonty apportypfcalpanoaaceamooRtoamaa who toosmeat by tows* to a* folloira;
alaad for aa Ammimi
which Twpa. ateMtlea.
r^Bo^aimaay p^
Id. aeiBC tto mrtr pmatoae abm •
twteaalarreaaabrn-ercr Aoottor '
plat of toe raaw »>ir eboaUl br plaolcd
wlto polatoge of, to. ram #•* c
T. K. Tbie aoelety atoll to C«*- leaftowte AtoMpUMrfe<|aa]ai
1 by. aad ebalt at eO Uam to rrboo<d br plaaled wlto wbair potaW .
Tbr rarirty
to. toelawtef tbe Stole aad Itorelcofa bra'r tpy
toe rate of tor titote Board of AcrMrbreratoc tarmai' tortltaiS.
I tola oonareUea tor atau Ar^tool- ratefa) taraearrd or mtobrd and a re
port made to Frof L B Ta/i. Acricolaial CoUere teaca tbe followiac let- laralOollact. etat'se tto oene of itw
rariety.thfebaiMlerof toe roil aad
toellbtaaeeof plaatJnr aaloiiUrrr.
ponaboald aho be pceeroird at tor
7b Htailm C-'oetp faWOMr Snrtoln; next wlater'a intuiatr. asd ate an
rehlbit made of tbr yield of obr tqnare
wbrre aa lartitou oocon oely oeer a
trar. iboar wbe atteod are rrey apt to
lotr iDtereae darto* tor baeyr--------With Ibr porpoee flirrl. ol toir
more fansrrBto toreoaotr le
-wort, at well ea towpioc op tor
ret of tooM already BriatMrr .
eoBDty aockty. and aeeosd. of trylac to
lodaer praetual.faraim to try tartmi
eepenowDU la' ao acnraie war an
arnbrrseot ba* brea made by ahl
ateben of cooBtr lorlilole aocinlte
the Btatc mayprrfora
Btoy perfors erriaia
etperiotfBU dariflc 'bia pieeral rrooInc ere eon, In eooprratiiwi wilfa tbr
Farm aeo Hortlcaflneal IlrpartmrnU
the czp^Bwnu •.nnrnted wOl not
meetrecribdy'r oredr. bat we tbouebt
It better to bare foor or-dre ezprriBeau carried cm all over tlw rtale than
loecatleronrepefciee oe a Urge a
If carefolb performed.
imeau oocbi to bp
‘ - very
ralubir in
'Winy rr^nlu
fruto all ercUoae of
our errat Kiata
Tbote who may think that thnr . perimrnu are not uftlciratly broad
will rtmrmbrr that tbb wtwilr achrmr
bbotaarzperimrnv If wr eeoorrd ii<
miercaunce ........................................
orer the expcrimraU girra .............. ..
trreat to people iB almcal rrcry oonnty
Ktaie. and an^.ubjecu a^i
at loiUioUa and fetelte* to tbe «Rrieultoml Uollece.
m oomind a* a fatan •eve'
•te with blaalmUoa to toa .
<7 tbe ante* may oowSdoatly ei^eet a
OnM Tiweaia* Maglea vs SoatBvn, Uatee..
t ten barn aaked tb* qa**ttoa by .
aom* fwtte la Bertoara MtaUgw.
vte wm* talarmtod la frnit eolura.
-Ithte do yon Iblak al toe tyarara*
isgtan SB a (raU eeaBtiy a* «omipaj
vUb rnmibrn* Mleklgaar' I bam
U*. la tba way I tbaU a* I am n n*
of a saotoeea soaaly. only to ai
tb* domtete toM bam fiaoB aaka
OMqamMaa tb^aak m*la. -Dayoa
lUak (ralt bte* am gotag to asoad o(w
fiUmator. 1 wooU my ym. They am
takatermadlltoa tol* •prlag toaa to
RtUgna aeoaty. Tb*y *a*m to b*a|.
tatotooststog torgoty. totoktog that
the bmtateta gotogtobn <rmr '
ImtsmeaU yaarawmtea tolteam-
- .
...________ IT otwrrratlune
It will br conrreirnt il rou barr a
Doiebouk reprctallr for-tbb exprridirnt and aoie down otorrratloo
eoltiralloB on one te<
aune-bim eoliiraior art u
depth nut exra-rdluR two in
— lelbU ihranelitbe *ri
depth and taaloR anrelal uarr to c
rate imiDMlUlely after a rain a* i
a* the Mril b dry fnogRb to Work.
tlTSto a aeennd *001100 fonr tnetu
depth. eosilD.uinR tbryach tbe aeaaoa,
and wlthooi ■being particniar ai local,
tiratlnf alter m>na aimply keepinR
the wdl mellow aad killiog weed*
leaal one ai
land noteaeet
l^to<| the dlBerenoela Rroarto
^ ~- -’oold anggeatatealrbl of
aMti«i*MeBrir"u'^t^ anV^pTl
well barroweduolliplaoilDg.and ptow
a aeepnd aection and plant Immedlale-
Orowlng rape fur fardlng kheep ha*
been tried to wme extent and It faa*
n.aally been lonnd mloable
Rape beInoRi to the cdbbBRC f*mlly. the atem*
the part eaten by
to tbr bright of two
totwonnd ooe-hnlf feel, and the atem*
bare* large aspply of terra It reqntrraaacdl almllar to that adapted lo
mbbagrtor lornip* Itean b* aown
Idaat for eacb towaablp In toe ec
and adoptlBR tbe (oaatilntloe aatoor- in drilb aboot Ureaty lacbet apart,
anwinp onr end oor-haif ponadaot aerd
tedbytoealau. Tbe following ba
mmplete Ibt of toe oSoen:
alx pourd^of *1^ per acre, whicl' raaj
ent^ EL^yler.
Vl»P,^ldx._......... .............. ..............
Blair, H. L. Monroe: Beat Day. W. B
. ..-anfl forexperimmtal trork it 1*
C. Hlicbell: File Uka. J. fi. Ho^;
Uarflcld. Robert Barory: Qrant John probably brttioaow m toU a-ay
ti. Horton: Ureca Uka. Mn- Koto dnra tinl need thinning bat ahnnld be
ealtiratrd or b.ird nntil 11 grUagood
xiart. when >l will ootgrow the weed*
L. WUooa: Panlatala. A. I*. Uray: It abonld br *o»n aboot the laat of
Jiinr on bed ibatha* brdn plowed a
Uakn. C. U. Ilaccr: Wbilewalrr. Ite Jiinron
on* and well cul
i™. mnnth perr
well 8ym: Traecne City. i. II. Mon>1 tiBirt prmaat tq Ihe time of
II I* fed by loVnfog Ibr *herp
In tbr field whrrr. II b gkow.ng, nnd
will be ready fee nir an-mi the mi-'dlr
of t-pirmbre. aad ibe tlwu^mn be fed
onix batd J-rntag
Aanitk ___________
be knoiTB a* the Urai
ty Fsnaars'
Fsnaen' IneUtale Society.
al ilry'fra*! ju»l prrr>ha*'t*i tornlngln
middle ol ati4*rnu.a. a* if wilt eamr
bioatothmwue fibawp <ie bi*'« uiU
________ laallUtoM tola
fatten na thj* plant with no olh.r fond
year, devoud to the
Tbe varirtT to oow b Ibe llwarf R»
*z. and
0.1m ertrv abriiMlir
aball aid to uartla
tel Tbr teed can be oblaiobd ol U
tormtog. atork-rak^
M. Ferry A Co oMtrtroli.aed prebabit
and ail toe branebm ________________
aaoted wlto the Indeatry of agTienltnra. aad tom maklag toe calUmtioe
of theiDlI mom prAabte aad rnral
Aar. t. Any naMai of tbe ooaatT of Iwral age may bnoome a naembat
Ak an rxprnmrni tn a (rrillierr ter
oftolaaoetoly by aigntog toe oomUta. lIgbtaoU*. we would aoggml that yen
try mit. which ran tw obtained by to*
eri, cheaply at thf eartett ^DU
IblafmabaK tolheaanaal ^TahMl
e kBlt b maonfactarad
L'ae it
qniU iihcrs'Iy. lay 4DO oh MIO ponada
per nerr. aow.ag br.a Imat aad now
UmaeMety. Only membenaf toeao- toe dllferenor. if any t* -obaermd, of
w^ahall vote at tot election of ofiT- growth and yield r«puu town in with
mltand thog adjaerat net mwn. I
' Aar. 4 The edtoera of tola wieietr
d«argr.tth*iafi'ld m wmo I..
atell conoiM of a pmaidmt a vior lamBatr*reti<m»|fa<iaur*mwh. ter
Maal from oaab towntblp to the ooaa- ■BgaUrrnalepUutellboelmli. ao *•r: aadmonarMaiy wbe may ate be to make the WMBparlean may.
RepoAi lo tor allege oo *11 thra
pen* of the laoUtBl* aa th* Beard may
, ynan ago Wm. Hmmns'
diraet. Tte datoU* of'to* batlaeaTai
waiiMrwk >7 IlgktBtog aad banmd to tbetaeirtyshallbntotoahaBda of aa
to* ^rtnad.
Mtoaad laM Hoaday omatogtklsoewea* wa* ntrart prmldafii* teSwaft ylba^SatT"
by llgblatog bat ao mriam da
Afii. S. TwSteU^aatliSry&to
oStennbi£t^iteat tto tlM.^
ll Clmtaa U 'timilb. Agricaltgr
CMbgs. NIeta
. . amri'tywnt- TteOollage wUl
tapelt oae p .aad ol edeb of toa new
mtette loMtto eoaatr orgaalsaUema
at will agma to ham them grewa -aroordlar to dirrctkmt wbieb will be
aaat with to* amd. aad to make a npen at to* aad'd t-w eeawm
as a Bam Door.'
For 5 cents you get almost as
much "Battle Ax” as you'do of
other high grade goods for 10 cents.
Before the days of “Battle Ax”
consumers paid 10 cents for same
quality. Now, “Batde Ax”—
Highest Grade, 5 cents.- That's
true econoniy.
_____nnillbr tha(of ontfurmily. errr)'
le workisRpodrr
o tbe eameconditlunt
Dly of toe State.
lorRet to write op tbe t
e <a<note paper for the I
*Ulsle *otbat it can be read in ca*e
Ibcexperlmrnler i> nut nrreent Wr
harea>l>ed toeweTriprt oi your county
Inelltnte wwirly to leod nt yuur naisiand *ddrra*. towrlher with tbe experi
ment Dpoo wbieb yon are workloR
If we receire thi* loformetiun. we will
try to erod you bulletin* frun thi* and
ocher xuica. heartiiR on tbe expirrlmeot you are wce-klnRon.
S We konreat tbat In *oo.. _________
ofthnr experimreu be 'Rlrrn 'o a
joooRer memUrof the famHy ■cho
will do carefe) work, and »1io will make eom-ct obw-rralinn* Tt.i* will
encmirace toe »>..>•• on the farm
Troatinc that Ihme ettperimenl
"tbe ocrleuliare
Quiets Pain. Checks Bleeding, Reduces
Ind.iidmation, Is the Bicycler’s Necessity,
Piles, Sores,
ITT? T7 C Rheumatism,
Burns, Colds, V-' LJ J\£Lo Sore Throat,
H<jarsenf-s», Catarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes,
Wounds, Bruisrt, Sprains, Headache, Toothache.
[/u POXfyS EXTRACTefter Shavit,r~No Jrritaticn
Use POXDS EX TRACTofUr Exerasin^Ko Lamentu
POND'S E.KTR.\CT OINTMENT is simply a marvel. How
iaslnntlv it riiips Pilto. Whnt relief from excruri.-'tiBR p..„
F.itnrt e.-rfT*min,ihT,i. Fu- imiUtimi /irrtm.
eONO-* txraacT CO.. T« riTTe •vtnui. .rw veti
The blR ^ind atorm Kanda; nltrin
did imu-hdamaR<-l» troll in lliv Buutb- .
eru partuf the aUte.
[> trade pxi buehrlt nf pulalqm
pair uf bout* slid fuui^ nu Inker,
-The ileaeian -fly bgeUingln lladead
ly work in Ihi- Ti.-initr uf .tichdolcrafu
and the farmer* crporl wboir field* hi.
role, eacb
. .. .iMiril. ou<l
pc rCuTM II UniHuMp
3 He belicrc tbat a orefol fullaw-
Aaoppomdto thi* method. rnliiTatce
pbl or aeelion with ibr ordmirr celtiraior In uar. (icyiniiing after the eora
PSSSrSr-ffiS If
ssr -~Tn,7~TfmaagL." '
^ri A tret of hni aad drilT p'aeilecr
for polaturt Wr would ■•nnnt that
oae plat of \a.
.aerr •br planiro
aad another t>f
i>f tbr taibr ate in drilla:
iree fret apart aad tto arrd
otM la iaebra aparv the aaiar
anoont of ared to be aacd per berr aa
A hale It aroald brdealfnbW to bare .
tola IMt made with two rarirtlra. ta
■iegt larce top aad tbr oibrr
tlloor Otorrre (he eamr dinetloaa aa to barrvatloc. rrportinr *
rxbibIMiic a. IB tor raiw ol rzpr/^iOM
Y^etable Plants
U,.-U.u.u» tMaa warM.
ilgbl on tor Rtramer I'lly <
;er from St Joai-pb. I'ouri-raUo*
nlaokbippnl frum Krw BaFaln.
A certain farmer near Piymuuto
> tbHfty that br woiked bb tean
D dawn tudiiak on or
— -_______
week. Tber
waa that al
at night
nlRkt UitU bn
dropped <Uad. The
at Muu.
Tht aeerre atorm of Tnraday after•un. did grrat damage la pnrUiern
an'finren cuunty. Uire halli* —
rll. Ual^ro crap* warT.llletal^
lietrie* rnini^.
A deatrncUre halbtorm TiKited tor
aoctorrn town»IiIp« of Unawreeoanty
Tnraday night Uneb folbge i* atrip
pid frum tbe tree* In Fairfield. -FniU
and grain In field* anffrrad.
<>n onr
larm a tweleaterc field of rye wa* lee-
i havt- jiisi rcccivfd a shijimrnt of the
I ,
. ZephaiMli Breed Ho. 4 feeders <
Price while they' last
Get your orders in
early if you want one. Descriptive circular on application;,
liU sum Rlreel.' : .lt>t.
Travera* aiy. Mlehlcaa.
fBpnemttitomnaa. For toeee reaaow <
wa eea la htm toe togteal mndldato bofata tbe fit Umla mmeaaUen.
W lto <
lb) A teat of toe aiaaaat/ef md
>ae^toaerel.«au><rar4 •• «“»
eertiea waree orcebem to wWeb br
The rote we maae are rriw oin ole
Flrcv Tbe uperimrot abould be
i baa a ate farmed by a paidmo member of the
anooty IneUtale eooely or by i
modem edtool InclodiDC aa able faeolHoeond. Tbe nperioKAter b
ty. Proto Qatoe, of CBdlllac. and .Vel- to makm a rerr brief rrnnrt
Acrlcolwral ibltm.
Ate to
eoo.of‘Ftmakfort.hare bee
optbereeolt* of.fcb exprrimeol lo a
to teoeh the *ama»er eehool.
-paper that will not take orer fire min
tijL a*piM raonami
otcauread------------------------id read It or bare it read
Ilbm HltoheU. oae of toe early at toe InclllDl. held In tbr coonty tn
^'oiir* rerpectfoU V.
«i. Ifouunty •ucletlr* toke bold
eetUera of Hlltoa towaihlp. paeeed
of toi
li* matter in Rood *h»pe. we Hn
awayat hb borne May Tto. ilMM.
InterreUD--------hare a moat InterratlDR
mwIob Riwn
Rm dMcaeed wa*' bom Id Monroe
Farm Nota't.
in^. New York. October »th, 1K3.
■Tberrlwaa a liRht-ftetim the l»w
' Third fwt
1 <mme to Mlebican while bat a lad.
land* io.Cmlbona county lB*t Ihn^ay
bb latoer eetUlac In tbe towaablp of
olRtatKay. In Maeomb coonty. He came
Urand Trareme In letT. remalnlnc
It l« toRReated that rxp<
oU br
Old Hteton about a year, wl
tried Id tbr mItieatioD of. ...
in toe . Fuuriero ifollara per ton i* n«a ’I
back to Heeomb coontyy w^ following llnr*. o^^ allraaloee_.
nillDR prirr (or milk In Urmroe c-nin
I* married to Anna HcKInlrj
ai>d. Rwinir to the low prter. tar f
Harrow tor Rroond. after plaetii*. -torira are >by' uor-thlrd their u*i
with a flnr-tooth harrow. beRinoing Kiipply.
before the earn U op and eonileniciR at
At ibllle tiroek. l,«onard llnk-liie*. a
iDterral.of at leaatorery tire day*.
l«o am of lead aboot cl^t ttoUI tbe comt* {ooblRbtouie tbe fariiirr. any* that all the wunu* In
mite north and eaet of Blk Bepte. harrow wiUioot Initry to the coral Mlrtlgan have Ralhrtel in bU on-bard
moialy to ritcnd a amt oordbl
larlUtom to the paUtpM to attend tbe
a of bleat
ebairmatohtp of toe Botoa eemslHea neat aeeUac of toe aeedetoUoa.
afleraooo emeloa wa* 0|
M WayBaadHeaae. Hadld not
umt dellcbtlnlly wltoa eolb by Ur.
•U toe oktofaeaeore helm toat.
■tuaa HewaibatoaaefaeTarBlaUa
mm wbe actod for what they baUerwl
and a mdtaUoa dorloR toe alum
to to toebwttoMnsUof toe paople.
■'Do toe eehac4e-meel the need ol the
;ne tarUr MU beeam poptoariy ki
taee la prepartac for the pnetical Here amldat the prIraUiiBt and hardaa •HtoHaKtolay btU." It eto
lip* iseldeal to phtoaer life bednared
4e of lifer waadbeomed from to*
toadtoemaaaadtoeoppertoalty met.
> hb farm. Imbed bla famUy end caU>Tim ttot BOcaaBt WUltom HeKtoley'i olUaeD-* alaadpolBl by S. H. tbyte, eradaroand him the oomlurwol lUr
-dmlayamaedpablteeharaeMr. The aad from tot toarter’a atandpotol by Febroacy 3.18M. hb wife died, leerinc
todtowm waacroat eaoacb to perlom
three eeme who were crown to
toewort. He did not tall to toe leeel
Jonetto. levs he married Hrn.
toe Icraer that theyd
ol eeitob -•bimtom.’- aer did ha leeh
E -Jonea. one child, a boy. belac
Jodee Ramadan npined the Renefal bora to them.
tebywla Itmicbibambata any
For many mootbe be bad be«s
dbeomiaaoflheeameeab}eet. He ballarad preaeat method* of teortlec Cnat eoSarer from
^bt U caaooald ban endnmd the
r spent
wen all riRkt aad toat tree eehooU
fiara of pabUolty wUk cnaUr modaaty
Blk Rapid*
• oely
er'toote baeamlac cma*- Tbe only
toeas braaehm which woald be oatl
aatled to hare medical treatment.
aiBC ad mrcatm aad mcTy. the ooly
i otaalinatc and refai
cd‘ eaaamotHaUeekoriadatkim waatoe
iment aad paralysb foIlowlnR'
aeatloB to bt pild fm^ by tos rsdpleav
waak baelaf of faebl
Tb* opposItloB to tob tdsa. lad by
toe ahbf Beam taiBodi
The deoeneJ learce three cm If
Hsian. OmwB. Haylar aad Bom. was
aMa todteoemrmaoafor ce
deetdwl. snd. ladclac by to. ap- hb Beat marrfare. Thomaa J.. Oeorfa
ten to hb btomeiwi daigeealb
plBM Cleaw tosae c»U«n«>'* r» P.and Cteln*W..aU of whom lltc In
hb hoanat peblb oarear. bb O]
marta. lbs cnasml steUmonl was with Blk Rapid*: bb widow aad a yoaac
•d Uma* Btfolaam Bariac
aea arc at toe old home.
4oM tob. they hare abaelBtolyaabaan '
lad IMr maalUemi of wv. aad to
Maw Ofiosn and Mew Laws.
•SMB tony woBld fkia bar* aasd *
Attoelaat Parbera'laatitato. after
hb aadolsf may amrt as hamormst *
’ toe aleetba of oficen. a role
aMa k
t la toe work in which they hr*
. Iftoaw
ite toe InaUtoto aoelety aadar the
-■Raoh,- aaid
, toe apmker. “b indebtod » toe oto- slato law.
rote, toe o
of ratal prod- wlto a reetod ef tto
. r
k**ik«^*ktl« tatUac
SS* iyzSSoii" «!2Ji'
■Mk la thaadktcaika llllaola
wpo. twawBryaaceoataieeatr.
Kalbatka eoaot)- fanaart kaaa baaa
araarair trtad to boom loaaJKba for a
vaar or two ba tba 'raaaoaa of rf
Ua Sfu'aAralB aad tba eOMa) rn>l^
.astoBaroWm Fniat
baa of tl^Udtaa propoai to laaoha -___________ BOt to affaet tban. tba
tba aid of tba lair.
aatlOB robai wMd ara oBaatira
witb- potato ban aod tka Ilka tbaj
wlU BOt tOMb. aad tba baralar eaar of
wM» (<lkaaaipalaUoeof bar arak tadbrtbaw
wMak ana aMMad wlia waaar.
Bwadowt wbbh tbar ^ta daai
tba daatn<rar wat affflrdaoaU taaipermrrWk
jaai^ Aaklaali «bU* cUaWar • Ira* tUlaroa.
Tbr Mmak of tkaayeloi
a B fact
BU faruto
fS^to llT« la OoaM
---------to. whlU
of lawrrai
• fjja-
loanw (lauuk d«whlor^ B.
srii..» ».
aad wDBodad. Tha
aad aaarlr aaarjr boaar
baaa taraad Isto taaporan
^ Orar TOO paopla air lalt
A« riptoaloa at Blda is Ibr Nori
«Bl/7- oBlkeNlau....................
OB Ike NiMf rirar. Alrlea.baa
rated to tba fmod lb« palacr of At
Bair UaUkl aod boa killed 2oo paopir.
..a.a._MMaadariaiinilBr laMrtodoac
A cara-lB oconrrad attba opal bIbcb
«f IMT tMTcn b Um ololh* wrtacw near Qoaiataro. Mea.. asd im> tnea
wara>onad with
POorof tbaBlaera
H: Mdwbat
lead wbat elhtrt my
Mr. Oarfd C_Oakib|«.prfc«rof
C. 0
Mwaie ^ palat ifa^ai
. .jaoba loiboAaka abort fralt ' ' '
Ideal tnaa kklo
... ^ awdltian aa.^1
tkk I aoDOM-^ «■>
Mrartlno of lafrrud
tlAlba peat app**" to ka calaiac
rrowara aay aara aiatbod of; totally
SBC It. A aaapaetod tree b at
beroed. bat tba
jarT7io» of
BB orobard .. _
________kaows to laoeal______
I knuhea acalnal os tba waj-.
Twalra didian a too
1 fte
te bay
pau la E
be a tblBT *1
aoaate. fora Uwat l«aL
aL for the sew
mp b wan Bdraaoed aa^. will be Is
r market aerer
wbat It bat ^a fur a aaBbar dyran
part To anal people it woold appear
that there wUI be ao abaodapce of
iram aod the rield per acre wUI naqoeatloeabljr be larfi. bat it b aaU
that the aereairv of meadow b rarr
aiuall. whkb will trod to abortoe tba
crop. Tbb blbereaiiUof tba^re
drootbe w>lrb have preralled' aorKfalartf-foTt few jr»ia. It betaf aa azorp-
daaoral daatba frea ebolera bare o
cairadat Maraelllei. Pa Rada* lai
tbera ware thraa oaaea, of kbbh ta
Mm« abrntihr* laeb«a raaaltad falallrOa MoBd» lai
tbora were tre traak tpecaaod tbn
Oafk Boek.oV
ly ojctotfc
Mmow b rapIdlT fllllait ap with ria-:
Itoca from all parb of tba world, who
on m<rni t? wrlrbU ol bara
. eoaa'^lowttaaai
tbe eareBtoalet
...jedlaa tha
aadeMHaa. Tba^
— to tbeeoa_____ .......................
lead orar a period of
Bor aa it b rrfnrtad from tba ae.
rlBBiw. aoeordlBf to procram. whb tarr of •Ute'e
ia tbe bolirtin
tbe arrlral of their waimtim at the aued br that departmeat- Aeeard
PetiWTiki Palaea. oat tide tbe eilr. oo to tbe ^purt
—• --••e—^erho
k*— *■'
of tbiwa er
tbe trouble to loraatlfaU the ooodlWri^^tko^kow'fMv'aad
BCWS iMt. aad t»e
two «i
8o- partare fer 0L Pelaraborf oa la
tiOB of tbe rrowlbr owp H b foaod
rokldadoff. Tbfbojrwlllr
He etcarte ara Blled with people •
that alBoet tnty field b aSretad to a
oatloataad with oalecatim froe
creator or Irea derree by nict. which
ajiptan fenm the cruoad to abon half
•aaMtetMAealCftarekaf tke aekool
way eplbretalk. Tbb b eapeed 'by
for Iko WM at Uaotor kw
Aaa Arkor wlik fl*« pepU» Wko_wU1
A dbpaieb from bk Ibtartban eajv the extretoe hot weather followlaf tbe
diUoB to
beary rml
The rCedoaoeU my that 8p^ eap
ooBBtoB btflaad and Piaaoe in Abe pnrfaiw dewt which___ ■ Callea c
olcht foraerrral weakv
^U^^dtktPtaeoiocI Uaa oaa
war with
Tba BoDtbly crop report baaed by
aot Bora tbas
{Io1m%(M jBkm-~4hrtr-MoBlal
tbrw per earn of tba whrat
u>b«aa. Ike VUdoBoaU alao tan
laaUa koak* kaa thUba fOodt^BM tor Bpala to firbt lowed will be plowed npt^Mtewlatha Halted tetea
bha Bort
Blllloat Bocmqaar.tha iaeariraBB aad porta tbow on daBace by ioaacU. Ae___________ ^lac «ko b
itwooid be better to «^t tka faltad eraceeooditioBof wheat in theaooth'
bat Ibo boa artjU <■
SrS^forH.*era and reatral
aad the atata
leaad latacv
A dbpateh inm donas-eaya: Ad- b the bi^eat reported la fire yearm.
At Aaa Arbor ‘naaa* Mahoa._thr rhaatooB Madrid aay that a bill will Theflremare: ttoothere BoaBtMa.'l»;
oaatrat aod eortherp. M. aad atate. Bt.
n^^Waot Oat^l* iwt wk.
... .jbtlBf traatiaa with tba^f
ouJS IB thr amiUierp cooBUn. P> per
aadle tha aiateaB arofareot :
Tbetlaaa |mUbhata '
tar rt, ai
latter (rom a corTBamadit lo Haraaa.
Ir loot. Tlmiawbleb banrai '-Itb fiaila bmIm
WBUaa Waursaa of Oowifiar b to hide the raaTaitoaUai.
Tbe whole
•tA.bathaor.aaM to --------- - Uaad b Ij
the bpaabb Tba arerarr eoadltloo o
W tor tbe Mate. The pttapeei
for, a beary crop of applCB aad
Tisea A««tB(* perorataca for t^ a
Mlascboly plctoie
ejo l^M t^ oeat
TTr-l- WOhiaM.of Adrtao.
doebttBl wfaa&BaeydeaaMtrabto bM iko karat bsnl of aaj .
diipinta amtara of the eate
Catarrh CaaBol be Cured
finite UalM MaMoaad pvhaia la tkr tlM
ihbad ItawaMiad caw «v
tataaah aad itb tokaalT M»rHrd laaa arrurawatao (bI l'^>^''tbe1r
ml pride at that which------------
The recent failure of the weU-known clothing man
ufacturers, Rothschild, Baum & SteilMif^.Rochester,
N. Y., forced me to place mortgages on my entire
N. V..^^iafwtter • '
stock to protect my creditors and to prevent my
stock from being sold under the hammer. Prefering
to give the people of Traverse City and vicinity an
opportunity to buy new, seasonable goods at their
own prices, over S5,000 worth of new goods had
already been shipped in goods in every department
—clothing, hats and furnishing goods. This is not a
sale to unload old “chestnuts” but new goods just
from the market. Everything must go regardless of
cost to raise the necessary cash to satisfy the mort
KW '11- gagees.
You cannot afford fo miss this opportunity
of getting new, se^onable goods at your own price.
We are making a special effort to dispose of our
overcoat stock—oflPer us within 26 per cent of cost
. 1:5 and you can have them. You cannot afford to mifiS
. 1'”
this sale. First come, first served. Early buyers
get the best bargains.
i nLariM mi>4 :
.r __ _____ ««
R f r.Vo:
Ma rosiyjnal lli
-Bunoi ci.s
AllreaklrS l>>
- (SaeetMor to Beet A Hertea.)
M.vn rtor/tioxe.
124 rront street.
*■ ti v'ir ..".
: 5^..
: yi::"- -; ii
Gantival or Nations.
IW. MaTteagh dertna to laforB all
.Aoac taking parto 1b the abure that
rpbeanale will take plaue a* fullowa at
Academy, ateo is tbe Oty
eaaaad ao aad o
MMBeoostyaenrbad baUerpnwpaete <v a Uc BO^mf paaehea tbaa at
laraUtUB IhacMObast rataat- prwMrt. Thonaateof yoaacIraealB
iba ThdaiV of Mlactm will hmr
tbalrfiiotatoii tbb year.
aarata abetrteal aad hall atom
—TO MlohlCBB Hcmdac^Uaad>
ridaliyof Mow■afewat'dawato
JamUcOrebtetn.tlatai&Bypat io
J.flag d
SdlaraafabaiR^bSc't&aa to
tka aaaavavlaa. Tba dbtaaa
of tbe laeual flald that iba Ima to bh
|B^laa£Wtmlaat wiat«.
_______ _________iBaa a day.
ga aboot forty-dra quarla of Bilk par
____ _____ aa of Bai
kbMhar Baaibz. , At naefcaay Albert Sneoa kltebad
PM MOM aeoMal rtsrum.
bv Walta-Piaiaawr
awaaaarrbd^ 'bb
l« boraa Bebar ^at 10 fov
•aa of tba aaifb- piowa ihb weak, aad h Mx boatt
________ _____ , -a krotkor -riaak. plowad alx aorea. TAa oarlM AU tbe
aaaa to aalahraf tka araat by a ebart- work with caaaaad plow«l raty aiea-
gy*^?".r.. ^^cemta baaUa aaratarallraaAiate., tka (araata
t u r - •
—iwaM itHwiI traaa. ralaad fralt
aad laaatat «W r««>>C «"«••
ly. Mr. Baaaoa tUaIn It wUl ba a
ptartlal way to plow.
too daya a(o tka wbnt fiabh lookad
■era aroAiac. bat Maet tbaa hick.
bolwbMi ban baaa blowia( anriy
anry day aad aUll eoatUBaa.
Vralt aad tall aad wrlac oopa ao*«
loehod batter la
ematy thpa
at fMiiat. ladtgaUonara that Iv
. WbA aaabat with a Mek aoaka, wurteTbict^ ?*-*^Li*
taMih aMiretid bla la Ita <aUa aad
baa aloalT araaklaf bl» to daatk. Iba
ritediawakalb aad aaa- ad aad U to 1* to*iaahi'”
aaadad la aattl^____________
' $ tka aoaka aad oa..
For aaarty two waake aei’tbuiu MbhowlarCrMHaaaibrBaa Tka rapUla
laa baa baaa rtenid with a rarr toribewsn ban failed to nlWn. bat b
Oamaca tron
FbtfM aad Blohard Baackana. aa- haalBaC ncatattea.
fine MPdlattnB tba carotea. berp-
wheat. I
The Boston Store,
haaee we ware eampatlad to plaee a good iwrUea of their atoeh ia Be'll'i
-nr deal aaaaaddia oar owa barma-
Boady eaah did. the
Tbe natota ara a toe Use of firat-edato footwear wo hare
plaead boteo tha Vtblk al akoat Ml oeaw 00 Iho dollar.
100 Lots in Oak Heights,
lAC. SOW l.M
2gisi Vasili
■ t.
■ V- i'
regoiag ootof baetDeaa.we
r/RC ncPAJrrjrcAT rt'Mx.
All these are good
properties and centrally located.
Baagbue AOa.. w
kwanacftwfalkFwibecta to ba ra-
aad featlral erery Batarday.
A taw BMT* AUdraeeaB be ttkaa. The
• MB Ikt will be eloead after tiatonlaj. oaxt.
vUMt«r<««^t».w.MBrk)Dt of
da aad Ckoalbal lelaadem.
and AmaxoB Drill. Taesday
adbaa. EaqalBaex aad
ary Tboraday at I.
• • .
sl^UOB dHUa. Fri-
nUac. tknaaaiift of treia^Tlac beea
-laated tbb qwiaf. Oaa aaatera eenOraat tora^ ftiaa aia laflaf ta Wwl aay hM aold IIABO lo loca; roaa.
bvlab. aad aaar llultkaalaw aad
Two awea wan killed by Urbulap
U llaaby towaablp. loeb eooaty. reoaatly. aad tbalr ti^ laaka hare baaa
edbyaJaratyoow. wboeanefor
Baker HcXell, of lalay City, owai a
__________ -at. Kaaa.. I____ ,
gaaj/g>ri« taadwad arar'fo
For Sale.
Orehatra arviy Toeaday at • pMaadOUa ^ Ualter aab, ftatord^
SAiuiRfes ruiro.
the pneb traaa to aaeb aa axleat that
owPMof Uf«i oreharda aay they do
ootaxpaetpeaebnaaoacb tbbMoaoa
a aad fBrtb^ewafaatmn.
Popular Olotbiar. Hatter and Fomieher
Ears 2.Srsj'a“i?K
aurtaUroabrprxtn-aan- Ur p
£ts;:ro»^=.tsjT Si‘uSSd’bviaS"^*
...-------------of Oaba
ara toba daInd of their eera.
By a
a Mia. Haai7 h
ih trafroa al
Motaap aqJaaba. katarda; atahk (onraaiaat aeaUta erllbla tweaty
daya Deriaf that period the roremBeat will tabeitat the aarket priee
After that tin It wlU be aelied aa cop-'
aad the ewaar* paabh-
to satisfy John Kaiser, Mortgagee.
- - »•
Must Raise $IZ,000 liiun
• MiiB tesTAoxof Dna-tl
wEbb i'lad beanl.' t Un
>wo bezB of
theeiUt hav.
d aO tbe pab aad mnUeT^Tbw.
Ip^<.:uauwra>hia4. liyMoi
•nu a taarited Impcorttoeol riybt fnei
rlw OiaL aod ft baa mttioued riyin
- ae't SUBcy
PUb an the liKin
Pate Xtlae (Iraiwa •aUn
as o>
the ripU plM.'
P«id w. B. ae-rwesMUarr .
... by alldealnB —prior.
^UBirsa W XiearTm-W
3^’•> MalM hy Fcater Hilbura Go..
..■•me •
Itelsacr*^ laMM faM!*
bf lhapa«7iU-A
AtBadrfditt •
- that
_________ ____ L Mari*. Him. AHkar
eel. is a elraalar Bute to
Ffahatt aaaaofMdtoibatb Batmrda;
rtfardlac IbaatUtode of•
A tk« far the i'alUd btttaa towaidaCoha. baa
a Mall oU takes Ue |
d all UaaUtB
■Aaalia(aUlaaaaaala aaatiM,
latrlaced all
of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing, Hats
and Furnishing Goods.
nucE rcsi>.
lloa for ymn
aSacUd. uHn.
tar XU
AffWMiaMOMai _
the baadsonest saborbofTraverM (
A CD jicx
per t-cuu uwwu wene
80acre* IB Mayfield towBibip, near
WM.—. ----------------- .... —
clearing. A bargain ii aoM qnick. $400 of porchaae price Muy rcaaia oa
time. .
WakareaAdadaftMllaoafaamardiy coo^wklak era
tohiep apninfvtharBallaa.
iKByrMarktaB B1
129 Front St. ftUrkhwn BIk.
Tixvirae CNy. Mkhixui.
For any of the abm apply to
«b»MM totk* totopkataoMA
toad m fbalwak dtoOt aad an
pato d*i^ wkb m fa*t toatoaib*
. aad tk* nn* oa tk* hap *bo*a.
TWrd fnd*. Atna Ooak, Baaa^
JfeabkCOty.CtoA let r«i*. Wtk Bard. CMpB latrada. OlT.A.i«aa4*b.MBrd.
We’re not
going to wait
°B tat enda n«. a.
iWanabaUcanphtod. Baatpohlp- a*yn«ak of Mnk Bk* an bMac nad* to
Ohtoto Cbtor> Bkcbla. folkt. tk-
tod Tth radn. Ada M.
■ mail*. TpiBaag
re*rthaa4TUlhetBd«a.tiB<r Oai
ft>T*i« Muxan CO.
Tb* npakr **a*oa'* work ho* ha
Third rad*. IdaOnart. TpMlaaU.
tor wv to* IkM two naatk*. p
•teoto^ rad*. Mapn* falrbaata
.ha*b»oafoa*diiciaify atoadp
Aabk tbaerifia*! tonofwetton
■fs. Chrw oa th* |Mt Mi* Mi
Tb* aonpaap-* palaal* aonr aw
•vnptblac ttotcaa b* lboi«bt ofto
Ite* an IMriw MMton «f Ik* tb* wap of anoUao* to pbatiaf aad
' Miitillw>fi*it»Mriiinlin
wlac to potato**, a* w*Ua* otbn
Brlaeipal WhaadTIkfraato **toa
idMkA larp. aanbn of hato tala, (lapind.
nab *prtekl*n aad A«*** pkawn
roarth aad Plfth cndM l*rua**
ha** aln*dp b**a aUppad. tbowb tb*
*tM la pwUelfaM h
•kipnaawol ptoaknwUl saUaBaat
Mrial (MNlMk. •( whM aeU** I* «!*- l•a•taB*neoUlaacn. Tb* tew* ha*
.Kibe, fbnnpnlk
M ta
Uuip b*M boip o* Ik* Olab* apriokUtfndaltowAwlfv OfW*a*lll*.
In. tb* riebt to wbleb tha eonpaap ■*B U1 rad*. Melik Nekea. Ithaea.
M. K. Bona, te’y.
eand laOt wlatn. Tb*pan*)*o’tort*oaal-aaa.
tooa tb* tWi*** KB»p*acb aprapn.
Ptladrl nb aad atfc r>dn. M*tU*
Thk k apaokUp d*alfa*d for *wU
baoM; k *c>& to Tr»«t
B. niblM. Braabtort.
It k • bolb
oa tk*
ntU aad tUith rad**. Otrtrad*
*prap Aft**a
^f**at)/ al^kiWIiaiwQI b* tk*kir
' rat trewd Mr* IMI <w tk*t VM
Third aad FOarth crbdM
Mr of tb* BOW arketo taiaad odt
•>w.**n Bot«k of •taTt^kk. Ik*
■aoonpaap. It k daolfood to on
Beenad rbi*. <>»«■ 0**daad; QeUiMdlaadolknfeiata
0W Aw-iaif* Urto
(knw, M. J. Palfkaa. aha wUl artaag* to tk* iMt ut*aMt* aaf *lake*at*parad*of Ik* kladte ttoakok
Okplaa Itapt. a T. Of
MKX. U. Bora aai B. H.
»U) pal a tkoBwad or sar* *l____
«kDi|*alaUa*lB tk* r*a*fal ^fad*.
awafoaaniar <an3iar a ftarK. Back. Jao. KjmIkk A. V. riMrtek. Who wUI attaad V>
Ik* ropar i*eiitaUaf. piir.u aad
paktk. af tk* »bol* lova.
»iak-W. J. Bokk*. WUlonl Oaaq>kMl. A. Vi. Jahraa*. who wU .
. to aad attoad lo Ik* aiaakal'part^
Ik* dark pofraiB. aad tkk wUl b*
filklaf to-aad«wv ak«ad of aajtkl^waharorwhad.
• pb*n* ftow<k-C, M. Bant. Ckaa.
Bat*. C (t. V*d«r,- wto wUl nak*
aad PM.0D0 eat of »oft wood, wbto
WlU b* Aakbad abeot U* Ant of Ji
Tb* napkAoorlof d*p*rtwnlk
lac wnkdd to ha oUaoat caparitp. the
Aoorlac b*lac*klpped Bwapastaata*
tloa UbelDC paldt
aprlBC to tkeeld •taad-bp* of Uk eonpaop.taabaaddoon. Tb*a*ba*obew
Ibelr laadlac baalaon to ntop paara.
altboacb olkn tonm b*** b**a add
ed fraa tin. to tin*. C U UnUlek.
tb* MMacrr of tk* oon|iMp. k nakloCplaB*alpr**eBt toaalarciar apd
to tb* boilBona litti* tCto.
Tbk weM laab aad doon war* dhlppad
to Lelaad to ike pew bone of J. W
'• -b* tolorpkako turaloi
ettlh*Ai> • aad window* toW.-C
total pr***atk tk* B*dt*t totop.
tow** wtu *tTBBf* to TOWk«
Ateaad tk* Pam^
MUTTpea aaacracToaix* co
aad hpJas* i the ■
pn«^ wdl U pko.
7«U1 b*
narb will prebablp aet bicia balon
tlwIHb. Tb*.nalaballdlnr. *noM.k
wlaiil aad tk* boUn
fa*l,i« tothlfb.ka*art
Tb* btodlac k raaUtolp
a tk* baaawai k *e ana^ a* to be
aiawMr«oa**anr>toBoer. Tb*
tkaMarwUl bepnbnwaad the natoaarp rwa ton below.
Tk* Ant
aaWraJ Ual •»* awlMnar *!•* Mr. u Ur
uU .*alr. •< tkf I lalla |
8KIBTS......to $12.00
WercSS.M loSiaou.
i ro.equ ChUnc* Ptaal*. Me b
>. B. B
W*r* »8etoSM.ga.
Kettle M.
X> U. BLUtdenCu.
Ma*k^ KUnbetb BUiftMtn. torwall.
-AUaad Uw cm* Uoldra bbT• Ootkiac Co'* to* at the Beakm atore. coni
BineiBC at r A m. Thandap, Map tut.
Soadapwbdca 11:41 an.
JaakrC B. 1p.m.
V. Kwl.CB.8U8p.at
Piwaeblac7:»0p n.
Prapn wtoBf ***rpTh*
t* tin* ***etal 'iriiw
a ditb ancklat* bar* b**a la an
a- bar* rire* r»> •alkfactioB. a*
while Mr. Boll waaawap laat WMk I
armced loc*t Atlem more antoac
Tbk wUl larnip Inrinii tb* faeUttto
ef tb* Itetop. which alrndp bn prwetkallp lA* wbok Innean trade of the
UaiMdBtaMtloboUndkbca. Aa *ddiUoB wUI be baUl la tb*
W* larltatbe attaatWi of the pabllc
to tk* fast that tb* Tnwa* Cltp Flo.rsl Co. anaakiac *p*cial effort* to
bare a bottar aad larrn *u>ck of Bow-n* aad plaoU tbaa crer before for
I* tb* ciltad artist
of (rraad Rapid*.
Mleb.. who paiBU
poor pofwll and
AlUltfall of.
Btrrlon aiw bald la tb* K. O. T. M.
ball a* follow*: Hoadap
tie* at IV;M. Haadap *ebo>d follow*
The next rtvakr .BMeUac of (Itaad
Tratrra* Uktrirl Uraar. Ko. 17. will
b* told at lalaad Oraar ball, lalaad,
Ui^.. oa Wedaeadap aad Tbundap,
Jane 10 aad It. law*. 4 g<»i alMadaao* k dnired.
UaMd Map M, IRW.
Iharerou ...
Uriebtoe rape rian
ud»a».pjelIrareat prleca that will
a«r. w. r. AmIumw. p»«m*.
Pr«*ldlac Bldn Bet- K H. UeClIatfe
wIU be totoat aad praach Batardnp
alcbt. aka at lb:*o Soadap nnalaf
Hoadap (kbool at 8U0 a n.
daakr C B. at 4 p n.
tkato Badtator pram naatliW •*
*:M p n. I*d bp Ml*. Flora Tbaebold.
tnaaloB wUI b* aarml attar tk*
n Haadap eroalac.
tra* la likram
-bad exprecsiun.
' pUto drop X card
la ito piulufti,-*
will rail aad •*•
pofa with sataplr*
i b* «k*
Chaiekoa Blnwood araaae.
ler.M.AFiliir, anwrAabbath aebool, >:48 a. m.
HenlBC to wonhip. 11 a. n.
JaafarniwtlBCtAWp. m.
'0Flatfrwd Frau.
TopiotoJoalerBeeUac. "What do
w Bto wbtn wa prap. ’Thp klacdon
»*r- laadn. Haaaah Faaalactoa.
ThaVowa'* Faralca Ukaloearp toekip wUl nnt at the cborch tktardop
n. The
wUl M^a)
Traverse City. Michigan.
Reliable Trading Center.
At Pioaeer Livery Stable.
i have a large lot 6f horses for
sale. Some of all kinds. Several
good blooky young ms£res, weight
1300 to 1400 pounds., Some good
drivers, and six good,^cheap, work
horees are all for sale at very
reasonable priced.
Will take any kind of stock in
ichange'for horses. Pl^e give
me a caU.'
B. or. h^OBO-.A-lS'
Our Dollar Line
A gocKl MeitVt Congress Sh«.
A good Woi^en’s Kiil.Batton Shoe.
A good Women's Tan or Black Oaford Sh(«,
A good Boy*’ Congress Shoe,
A good Men s Creole Plow Shoe,'
i Qjflr ^ Line is a Ijlfinner and are WearersJ
Wunburg Blo^ '
TmmM Oi^. Mieh.
Approaching Spring j
Cause the housekeepers to think of cleaning time—clean house—that means paper ^
and curtains. It's gelling somewhat late, but there are lou wbo haven't completed j
all their cleaning. To these we say we have more new Wall Paper io all the novel. ’
shades. Parlor (upers in Ingrains. Blended Borders and Figured Patterns. Bed 1
Rmm Papers in Embossed Moonsh Designs. Library and i^ing Room Papers in j
deep red and d<x^P green sha'des.
all eimee of
Window Curtains.
to trade With us
1 and pMple are finding it oat, Som* hav* kaewn It oU Bloag.. Oth«n ogolB hST*
I to look orouDd to satisfy thumMlvw, bat,
<^iog M. thsy aro gmnUy odto
[ vloood that we are eeUlog the beet etaoee at the lowest posMbls prioea.
Our men's shoes at $1.00 is a Winner.
Our ladies'shoes at 99c are vexy cheap.
Our .children's shoes at 19.26,85 and 60c are the beet ever sold.
Friedrich Bros, old store.
' Wbipen's fine \nci Kid Button Shoes;
Men's fine Lace and Congress Dress Shoes,
Women,'s fine Hand Turn Bl’k or Tan Oxrds,
Men’s all solid Working Shoes.
■ICbth rad*. OI*. B, toalla Donato. tnaMla*
» >:
Front Street
Our S1.50 Line.
BMtao**. B. B. Bpdn. CI9.
Gntmi KapMs. Mkh.
AnandarohebtAlManlornmtor*wladow dkplar bat Mank aad tnabo*
latk* nanitowul akobtnadn
to* tha enkto lalarMd ra^ *
aalpbattolladbpthadtoaad. Map
^ail orders filled carefully. Give ehipiMng directkMia. Money refunded If
goods don't suit It’ll pay to come to
Horses for Sale.
curraoL aciunB*.
throughout the entire store is still in progress.*^ Don't miss it, cver>’ thing in new
and Reliable Dry Goods. Carpets. Clothing. Furnishing Goods, Etc., at less prices
than you can buy them elmwhere. No space here to mention prices, but come
and see the goods—)-ou'll appreciate the great buying power of your money. .
aad aapoo* wl«hIBC ooc of HK>i
tIAKKUl'K'S lAirx-
Hudap c^ool at 11:48 a. m.
Tb* & Y. f. V. at 8:18 will ba led b,
Mb* Sdltb Qiweaewck- Aabiect. "Iba(ahnaat to ■U."
Tb* poblk an oor^p iatlted.
PriaMpal of Bleb Hekoel. C B. Rna.
will b, la
Traversa Citr.illy 10 to IS
Hum Trees.
dapl. ef aeboala. C T. Orawa. Olp,
1. W. HARROl'N
Hrlac lo. delap la *hlp(dac. np Blip ;
(•did Dot r<wch an aaUr.np dellr-;
___ io rood lip*
Imp at Trarrm
■nalac •rrrle*. tVidip otoalac
•8. ^ I**C Iran
parlaoe* awtlac. t o cloek.
____ _______ id toll I per eeal [
rww. Tho** wbo catch tbk ehaaee '
• MotoiaM loHobab, hk kttor-,
a*«. O. a Partkn*. r*uw.
do ta*n
Tbnw will b* pran:blBC at tk* a*aal ataJ.Morcaa'.b^W
boar awt 8udap noralac.
BDlBf fall fore*, ladadlac
U lk*aawnm.aad aaarip
KaMtal Urban aad Ad*aa«d Hath•to wfll b* Ik*
^ ___ Maatin. 8. B. W.inii. Aaa Arbor.
hn* wlH b* pitod tk* lattoa plaa*n.
LaUaaadUeriaM.Banlat BaaUea.
•ana. abapw.aad atarip all tb* etkn
■Btoadtp, Tb***ooad AonwUl b*
Otannar aad' V. H. Hktop. Data
and to AMtoaC. paebiac aad atorac* B. Ktflan. totoB Bapida
Uloratorw. Bktop aad 0*11 Oo*ata
phT»d at Aiwt. a* tb* work ball
it. Balta A. Kortoa. Dacalar.
aad ikUl n*at b. aos.liwd.___
KK. !!••«*. toe'p.
Our great
boomer sale
Life. Health aotl Beanty
Fnaoa* OraaB*
■ will b* pn
lap. Tb* bndp of tb* ebar^ «>J
r*i*md for ntnbn* of tk* U, A
W. B. C and HaBBah RIAn. All otknn atlaadioc ar* a*k*d lo b* la tkeir
**au prompUp at lo:W o'doek.
Tb* Chateh Aid *001*1, will ci*«
10 o*Bt**p|Mr Wednatdap la thtefaoreb
parlon to*a t lo * o-cleek. aad ier
enaai aad oak* will b* tnwed npatnli
Ip to aU who dtair* it. at lo oeaU
Come at once. S^ock and assortment is large.
Can please you all and ^ave you much money.
Wnk kprocnakac npkdlp oa tho
■We've the largest line ot these goods in northe^m Michigan, strictly uprto tlate
styles, and^now. when tradcis the most active for them, we're going to give purch
asers the benelit of selling them at cost and even less, so as to
them cwt
quick and completely.
ala HIM * «« laM CaMl. >W* k. W Inlln la Ua
rriiao ktw, •* t*a IW| ac Tii.rtw iitr. aa*
D erd*near*fall
Tlnt and Snoad fiwdn. Bih>> K.'
Pin ikportiBau l>k)dap-CW*f
•aa avcao* aebool. wbkh Ur.
ttopna aad bk aaaklaal* will an
W*U* hoc** will doBwap with that
toa«a* ikow of tk* aattr* Aik dw
tfoobla^, .
Ranaml of tb* ol^ la tk* ««a*ral
TBAraini cirr i.t'HaEB
Afin bakf abat dowa to abowt
debt aoetha tb* Bill aln^ op*caia
tkk wnk. ttoead of brlaflac
fiMlapnady to tU Mt >labnak
dowa tb«Tl*nfh« eonpaap hat
tod (oaOp dkalap of Ifnrurit* «m
pw p««b>..d aloac tb. bap i
a*M b Hkk^ la aap Iowa of I0.M0
aad Ik* h«*anbnn^t la bp n
of town Abeat o.ooo.eoo f**t ba*« b**a
**eBiwd. 'BMkiaC'tk*e«laboat half at
kif*t*teatpw. ,
CMklofftoau C B. MaiTM. W. A. 8*adovALwoknmB
dir. who wUl anaac* to tol aad boat
tooaialaa tat** ton aU potat*' aad
Tb*Wccaa.orib*anmnpwUI b*
ta aba«* of th* Baaaab rid**, wko an
aot atota of a IliU* aok* of that Uad.
aadtktpwUl k**blpa*ootoad bp tk*
WdaBdarkdO. A.B*.
Any Wrap, Skirt, or Child’s Reefer
at cost or less than cost
ksta: kava
n> ar Jaw wak al u* >'Mact w tw >»tp all color*, al
5*. Chit aad n
all tfraapaanaU to aad Mlaad to tk*
laacotofcaad balk oa boU Pridap
u<maw*■**ni* 104 art***
nxarvM vrs. co. *
a aou.000,000 ool of hardwood
Ik* ftml parad*. Ikato aboaM h* tp at tkk tin* oi Ik* p«ar.
a**nal kaadiad wbatlt la Ua*. Tkk
aHnwa* aai>MKTr«CTOBT.
*«alU** wtU ake kar* obaifiiV Ik*
(toeftb* boatot plaoa* Idthaoltp
Oditih—to*a«-0. W. RaC.
Daaa. J**. Mankk. '
aadaUtk* I^^Wapard *pao* k b*•tU anaac* laa «aoivh aarlp U tk*
IBC n*d tedrpiac ba*k*t nalnlal.
Mtalat to la*t aatU aut wlato.
r«*aBt than ar* l.ouo.ww r«P«
Ban BdU-Tm Boaltot baa* hall
MtatbadrplacTvd b*dd**otbwwnl.llw, Twotpkadid iBtotwIU
A Wf twob* prorldad to. wiU oa* ol Ik* h**t
■totp. MOM foot. addltloB k balar pat
ltoBtlatk**tat*.to MplaTMeaik*
apeatb*«a*tof tb««
totaaw fiaaak of Ik* Bb*U«
tn ■tone*. Tho war
Uaka aadTwoirih *ti»ta'
lato tk* mala war*
Oam-J. A. Unaftr. Pnd Pntt.
aanbnothaaikan I
P. C (iUbart. Tk**. g»mm will b*
«BlUd al. probablj. Uro* dlCnoat
bna rwa till after Jna* 1*1 noUI
pia**B.*aroa IHat*. Pnataad Ualoa
war. Tbar* ar* t:» baad* naplopMn*k.at tk*M* koar.ik tkk will
praamt. Thk jw a aanbn of
ha tk* oa)7 wap tk* fnat ttowd «aa
Ctrk ha** b*ea hot bC who
ha aiwiniitkl*il, UkUI aad tu eontb* U>M door, naklar A** pooad baaMaad.
bate to tb* tnd* la N'*w York *laU.
.drnkr itp«t.-C B. Hnnr. f. A.
If tb* labor n*lac maehla** addItaatacaa. C A. Hannoad. HU*oen- ad wlthlB a t*w Doatb* an eo*«r Md
llac nachloc* aad oa* toT eotUar
taMtaad otk«r aqaatk qxwtt at lb*
Woii*wlaBCvraaada.*ad tkk will be
a o**7 atliaeU** fcatan of Ik* dapb
wUl b* nad*. aad •btpnaaU
an brii« and* alnoat daUp b
oenpaapb atowboaB** U aoa
U ban ekarft of thk. whto wlU laMkkIcaB.
Bk««B woof bMlwl baaotad* tb* 0. A. B. aad W. R. C..
topped la oa* dap iwoniUp.
«0I tom* a kadlac hatan of tk*
tkalartoBi aanbn r*n chipped toot
Ifnal parada. aad of Frida/ *»*Bl*y
b*r*atOMttoa lb*btnbal b*Mi*t
a prk* andal •onpatiWtt driU wUl
------- -—J, t„Bloc 0*1 MO dO(*B
ktoplaetla aipOpnakaU. krtoal
dap. Tbn* wa* a r»*d
I haadclaat
deal of akkaanai
«nn akoad. todadtar Haakae* aad
n. aad a
Tb* Bop* baad wlU rwbably ar-
nw me* la l*r nu WTHtMaa c«u •* •*• *■•«
Oao. DaBaraa. 0. P. A.
aap Wad of powdn or toniUddr.
Aanoctk*andilanw*od bplk*<
J. W. MU- paap k oa* aew to Tn*on* Cltp.
BaaUan- *ko aU> kMcdl fnaao* wbleb bata* taoloil.
wbkkeaa b*la*tMtlp lakad lo
of tk* wboU
alatott aap tanpefalan.
untiLtbe summer is here and nearly gone before giving you extra values in Capet.
Wraps, flirts. etcIpHit banning riRht »way, in the middle of the iiuying
will sell
Aj. aoauax.
I When.--to^
make a run, they score. Whenwe sco«we make j
a run. We are sooringfor our “BEST" flour eraf7 j
day, oonseqaentlF we are always ronnlng. The |
people want our flour, and we are willing to j
supply their wanta.
Hannah & Lay Go. I
.Ttt*»ni.Ta4TKli«B IteiUi MAY «1. MOB.
«10«hB fliV- narawtn
«*«r hM ftiM
ak-f«h^ aadv. >Ur
MasAtte teaW adttar of tte Ute
dam Wore, will te a karate la Ua ftalac a taU aaaaaat M hH aapWt paatardar- Wa trfD waa hte aa/ tkoaikti
af ttef paalaa. tafatkir with
otter teka Aaa aporia. aad a Uulo
latela. te-tete teflotaa to Ml.
■ jjSSgresKVg^Jw-a
State Bank.
(■mum mmwmm.
Clmlalo.1 thli WMk 2,250
jraaBtam JfbMvM
adMn bt 1
mmmttUm Hrdia
a U. Mearaavi aad Hte k
TM^CMMnaOHp ateaaia »01 tmIter aaaaaalprtytaateara aaat pear,
■ar. a Ooeata la atMadlte tba
Hill TTiteiH'H "I‘ ~i|-'-r^ ~‘-IHa aa* tear kaU ftek la aeaplaiod
^IharaiaaoteHaradUiHaala tba
' «*a lartii I 'iiHar oat at tba
pH iwoaatrtlete ^aaaaaaf tba
«a tenibandap airhv t oteaefc.
Wba^ It vaa akeat uala ttee. aad
Brbte Brada asarelMB at Bbtk aebool ttec to rrwfm. eor (aaU Mr. Edllcr
MMblp toook Prldap. ta. ».
taar aatia/:'' at aa/ lata te iao«ad
Aloaul asaresaaaBd baaqwUHaa- te teaa foUae Berth aad aootb a IKUa
Taa laaabaaa la tba paWla babooK tMteetab, Pidday. tp. m.
Blaad. aad ba vaa laft bablad. dahlat
_ad Mban of tba Hlfk aaboot aad
aadMMplBr. At airkt itea ha tecaa
ate«brtela.wMh tbair friaada. «01
^Blaraa -Hcala tatam.’* aadallkr
fata bafall hla ttet teppaaad to tea/
as tba Uaiaatea aad a bateat pkak
^raod paopU brfora hto da/. Be'^
Batafdar(all adlaap-ao be ia/»-ib a awaaip.
Ha case to hto boBO ud Ue BUp
learfal frieoda Be n/o te will
agato to^toro not
proWdlog goardlu
aaada of tte aatartalaaaat. Oamiail of
KaUaaa. aboaa Iba aapaaaaa. tovlalte
to vlalte bto bamd/feroBa bpAagaet UtA Babe it bto dotp w ear that te gota W
traluto ilaw,aad relDruladu
totbaebUdraatakUr Tte old weadfB telldlag oa ■
aoeh jaabliBg >uIb.
if tte proareda warrmat It. of tte Coatralgroaade wm be
reip B0<b feared that oar woaki/ Hau
te^U laelada all tchool ekUdm who Of aad loBoaed.
lOrooM te Aela/od
OeapoB/ A kae Aeeaptad.
toairalght agaia.
arm baapl^at tte diorck
Lika tte otter eporta towboUeoBAreUa. ilatotda/ araatef. Ha/10.
atale ireope warareeoatl/ toaltad
aitillad. "Taa alfku to a har-i
IT It /n.. Trararw Ol/ Ip tte Haaaah Bidet of
ddaiteloa. ita; ahUdraa oadar
wof tte ttet dt/ to take part to the oelcbra(toed Taaptora Barr/ oaa b iaalted. Uoo of tte l^rtb of Jal/. Of tte Ai all BUteoaada/W aalde tte
idiu which aro tte urtb|/ gararau
teal aoadlall/.
- throe. Coapas/ B b tte oat/
wbleb bataeorpud. Tte Baabm of of the oool. It utarall/ foUowt that
txT Hoaoaa. of Aeaa. •ahlle fall- ■■old B.~ bare darided
to toot tteir owa the tuU^ plan of tte aortal ud rtotof atraapaatarda/aaM atroeh to tte
Ibla part ofwtoaapot w wkleh all
teribb raah eat lag Ike groat ABertaaa aagU-------- tkoagbu «rfwa lara. It
foot bp a Itebaada
■a. Tbr alrbt-trtll
BSdar kb rirklo/a.
to that dt/. Tha Hakbtro oospaa/ that a taadar. ragrotfal iawral eboold
aot te dnuapad.'tet toWabtoal/
aad Dtbrra of the Fifl^ r^BNOt tear aot Hager tkaiW aad
bora Iaalted aad teaa araaplad.
light la BNktog
M algbt of Jol/ Ird the Haaoah rldfa of boaatp which aball roh tte g
col^ Bodal
tedal prbr drill ted which ara toe gaWt of Ue gru( hatbr pool ill hold a gold
iSaTsau of teattar
W. T. UMtorrlahaaeoeaaetod to poadof eoBMOC tbair ataro aad ooIcm:
IlM 0. A B-. nllotm. m<io«^ ud act«a)8dm.-0ruadi{.ipU. Htnid.
BO orae whaa’ oar Traroru atp
•MBtanprikaW.B Can r«iaM.d
:tcip wu a deulitc wlldat^ra, to
U MM Baadv »o™i«C at UtiraiT
Tte Bqaitobto Aid ITaloa will bc^ Car'awa/ that tha'loag alow paea of
haJI at k:IO o'olaek. t« atUad Ui«
al tb* OoacT^Uooal akare:
tte faaaial eortage aaeaed towralaaaoalar la Hoelaror kail., At ttet able, aad wbu at toet tha ^ot
ttertkr/irUI baaddraoMd bp *lk«
Horfan. af (tolombaa. lb.. BoprrBr
■aad/ araata far frm
FteUeot af the raltrd Hiatal: W. J. loud of banaalt/. aoorpkad bp bet
a aaUaralaaar aaaaaa
teto^B. of illlbdalr. Urakd Praaldrot
udplloddaap with u> aad tte Bcja Baad laill of Hleklraa; aad K B. Priaalr. of
araaiu of Uoakaroa. (irood ttoerotarp of HIcbV
/tenteaachugacTan 'tkb. Utt»o: A flar Boaieal fBoriaa
br Ur bp llltlr tbr Iowa baa eropt to UuDaa. Uaara * Lcaaua hara addad riaaa aad rrfraahteato arlU br arrrrd. wood'i rdga. Row tbr wbk ^ bII'U
to IkMr oSoM orrr Ibe rtiat KaUesal dleea lu octaobattoo to tbb dt/ abuot aad tte itir of tte aat Car dblut
Baak Un taro maaa feraMrlr oeeeptad
dt/'i Ufa brukt the aarl/ Boratog
O. w.o
W.OarttoaBdrK.Walkar. Uaa
Btillaru. and tte laugh of cMIdna at
pb/ ia their booee Boau eaar
Mbar. trltk Ualrtom. dtp. Tte meettar to-Borra* alpht groaea ai^ tkrp lb la tte uoart light,
arm ba Mtd far priaat# aOom prombaa la br a rrip totecatlar oor
dud rrat ao loogrr lar awap
r at tteidt^'addc.^d tte gnat,
P. Pav> tea jwt flllad aa order at to tbb BM^brrr aad ttelr (riroda. .
losdiate b a tbiag of tba paat.
bk tear
«m t<* M.0W fret of
A Maw Loaatwo.
Tte dl/ earcB fur U. loo, w be
>r icr tha DOW additka to f
Tte BUr/ awrora 01 baa baaa
M). aad plaa* for better tklage to da/>
kaakat (aetorp. Hr. Faria oanu 1
pelird b/ iBcrraaior boalaaai to r«
loose. Fertepetber^an few wbo
of tea haalock. raaaiardopa
tonarsaartorraad baa porai
keow jut tte lagml tutu of Oakaaood
tka late abora, aad doa not tear
tbr tract of toaa oo tte aootb aldr of
lar la a atoek of tofa aaary tall.
osJ tbr. C. A^ W. M. Tbb with tba
rirbt of wa/ Iraard from tbr railroad
pirn ttea lit frrt oo Frost atrert.
aad tfo fret oo.................
Tte ehuorl of tte u/lna brook,
Itea aatU
eaa aoU wbleb raplbr low tbr riaer bora, bar
laauar U ttej daairo. Thte bees ehaagtd. aad tbr power will, te tte atepr of Boae/ rBbad go dirootl/
apea tba laatb
to roB the ooeapaB/'i polbbera.
trill f)** ** <
tow Ikaell/tiowerp. Tbero b‘BOW
(Ireoad tee tera brtere for a oee OB tead la the oeaetrr/ fud propu
elotp bolldlag looaw feet, whbb will arraral haadred doUara.
be seed for blHoe aad teow raoBt. aod Tte gloat Bead of the eametrrp h
Twsbmi atraot b batof fraraled
a 'eeUlagrooB. TteeWar shed* ■alar. A largo aaB of taoaop anooBttreaa Uaba atraat lb tte aaUaaor of
tapa ball park, aad a aldawalk be tellt bark of tbb aad tte r«
iag Wraup beadrade' of doltora tea
Ike epaeraudwaatooepard. A Wg
wUl teteUtfnMBi;i
a fpfBtWproeora a good
^irieg derrick will be pot to whbh
hara raaalwd la failora.
aot oalp to taoBB^te fo ta aaa tell III r^re eWar diroeUp tnm
irmtotbr boildlDfa.
Thera to -rarp aaeb (till W be doee
plapad. tet totteraaldaeu os Ho'-With tte iBprorrd fadlltba t
the greoBOa____________
ala alraet. who tear had so wa/
:atOBe will be boagbt ia tte roagb and
aad bow bat w' do lUi to
gat est to Ualoa atrert esorpt to wade
Id op here. Ibaa oaer btforo. aad : oee et tte drlc probleBa.
Of a eprclalt/ wi)E-te Bad
It to a aebjaet aoeh talked of
■oTHS b paWbked I
tollp bp the aup totoruwA Jut
Tba grwile aaad to tte bodaaai Aow tka
.auM troa t/olocp. Mtaa. and Barrp,
IM.todeddette4aeeUosof Ike adofr Vt.. aad tte ararbU from BattoaA Vx. dlaeoBalBC tte aabject aaoag IteaaHraa. la aaa/ ptoofa there aio Oa*
ties ofttetewaaUp losd ipttes for,
sodMBW irbUr eWae la (»a tka
tteltewsehlp. Thb b tte este qareUos. earaied b/ back a torgs tejorit/.
a. ud tkto b aot oolp anltal
• ueouNaia. bat to rapoei^lp kul
buatff/iiigotuaeter/rnKiBde., It to
anr for bolldii^inirpeMa.
r eepedall/adapted W the eapWork.wfll bepoabod ae ropidl/ u
of woaeo. aad each u AueelpoulbU 00 tte MW bolldtofe aad Iba .attoB would doobtlMbe
Aa analtost protnn »
ehanra of Hr* Jao. Pewla a
gimt aid b/ tba Board taf Fobtle
at tte Wotesbaab FMda/.
Worka It tow be hoped that tte aatNOB tte
Wr will br ppeted W u aarl/aad deBI of ffalerioo aad tbs atolocp of
Bitauacloaioa, batof eoarar all' work
Moawnal Barrwu.
HaUtoftoe oatf Mapolaes. b/ Hra. F.
lid bare W be aador the dlioc-.
Baaoilloa; a talk os Qaaas Mctorb bp All old aHdIrio. eatkn, ud aoBter^
Mn. A U Baallasd; OB Ptoassca of tte W. «. C are ro^oeatad W
RIrbttoraIr bp Hra. F. J. Csrtb. aad at Ubtarp haU at 9:to a. a.
Tn carl/ uriag Bowtre are all gou
os Ud/ Baarp Botenov bp Hra. A
Fora prouiatoa M to proaptlp wUk aad ealUrslad Bowen aut ba lanrel/
Tte eoli___- ___ _____ ___ ____
atroot W Hark uA oa Fbrk W tte Coabra OUafACDaapraa.WB.EhMr of
wkrt* MaorCU
wfll te held. Tbr a
Oo. Moi. 1. A A Walorteip of
X Be3< Tos/ Neastap of Hgoo
br «. B. 0i
After aerrko tte otrisaa will retora
f So. Mr. Daepasa wm talk u Weahb gloa, Cteesad Frtat atroeU
Oetaaa aaa b. Doaiaa >aad Bote,
to Ubmp hall, where It wiU be die•teaa tear rateiaad treat Haalal^.
Thap lap tbap laa Onad TiaoMa batMcitoau. nar.
All wbu totred W take a part lA tte
leriilaa et tte warterp will atert at
-fr-r----------.-..wPutroe|Bat>:Ma.a. proBptlp. Colat UaAardaa«toIUi>db.aBHap Ittk
Bl» odoek akarp. with
af Oataga J. Haawadkg. foatert/ of, ilaaaah iaflre'oa tba right ud will
A. J. Kaav. tba Ba« ■
a ^aa af tell Is tte aaar
>. MbpMth. UtrtDdias a
J. t. BaatsaHitteidlirtte Piao-
aaUo, fara^ Hte Ulp
Bk tap(da>^ a daarktor aaaralaas
Wc are altvays
endeavoring to
.save sometbing
t for our (mBtomefs—
«lwajB Bcarcfaing
- ouratock-to dean
' npand.djiipoBC of
’ any odd puit or
-Bujts of wliit'h we
hive nm a,full .
•• line of sizes.'
childrens' suits
all Btylrt all siiesp
kjfld however—we
ond fourth \ 6
Ihc prfee—c very
• one interest id
in boy* isiiirtercsted'
inboye'-^. ,
wearing a^^rel—
this offer oiight
night—it will . ;
if yon but give ,
UB a chance.
ww akfoaterstMra.AHaHaaaa. of
steHb. H. T..Mosaaf «
Hte. termawnsdlad at Iba I
a( ter daarhSte. Hia. A 1^
Tsaadar ««slar. at tte af* af «.
fte tN«lteahplaaaat talasd ppa-
/>$. m. 1
On of tte ptsttbatthlanclaas hrra Beboel^Udi^
toatoag tlsaarm bribrCkralaal of Martial baaA
JUttoM at tte at/opara kail tetarda/ Oldaotdtonaadulln
algkL Fret Hartavk ka* baaa bov CHrrtoguwitfcdtoabW
AfOUaglte okOdnaeadtAAertarUd- !irte ^ et aarcB iplll ba oa Btota W
<a Fork W Fteataad os Fhtetto
for weato aad tte toaalt b an
- Opara
- ira Ball wterc tte faUowi^
BlAteMiTad. Aaoaw tte laaiT atp
will te earriod art. '
are tte Hank of tte H/MBtoae pruioa
rirrrtou bp Put u told dowa to
of tte Ha/ Qaaaa, theiarrlerbooA
paate ladUa' aaUWttoa ArtU.;Ha/ poto Hulekpeteir.
Kb* Jaaaa, Marohof tte reraatea,
BM'eJokttoa.asd aapaab tetoriirtMil Bag Arm, daatog Itk graad
Good Harbor, Xich..Ai«48.1896.
West Pullman, Chicago. HL
^ I hare bought one of your Binders', the Plano Steel Bind
er, at last Have tried all others first before I bought None
of the others satisfied me. I hare waited till the iast day.
My grain was ripe. So your agent Mr. auin(» A. Thacker, of
Traverse City, came just in time, and I purctmeed the Pluio,
Mr. Thacker set up the binder and we tried it in heav7< long^ ^
rye. But I must say. I have been farming for the last 80 yra =
and seen a good many binders work, but I never seen a bind
er work as easy as the Plano. £ have got only a small team,
8400 heavy, but they take that bipder anywhere. I ^ust say
that the fiy wheel helps much on that machl|»e: it saves one
horse. I advise everyone to .go and look firat at the Plano
Steel Binder. By doing so the people will find ont that the
Plano is the best made and has more steel in it than any oth
er binder, and is light running. The same day the bd]|0er
was tried, it was witnessed by my neighbors wbo have the
Champion, and they said they were perfectly satiafled with
the work the Plabo done; it would beat any other
1 must say I am very glad I have bought the Plano Steel
Binder. It ie strong made, still it run easy and light If there
U ally one that woiddlike to find out before he buye a Unter ^
ue Plano. I shaU be glad to give ^ all the pointa ;therejsr '
about those binders
BMpMtfOUg jroon,
OuSBTiav DepartaBeat
Tn liU W miB U diBt BteUMi U Ik itm iT
MKtmirr cmmxcmum
■rfbi Dap puaMaad aerriut
fteaue aubatetlat P. E/acIhah
Tka W.ACwBI aaroa a toa «a*
by.-next Saturfay.
danearip ter
s at P. H. 1
reeaa at lt:*0. tarm Maa
tka followtag otter:
/ to close out every
da/. All paraou bartog Bowan
Itep will dualr BIO reqauwd W lure
.. p
.tore ..ito u
IWr ' •
eoaatip wbocu brtog toBuran^
- - a f ror
a <bp doing toM It to goiag
W br dlBcoU W gat oao^ flowao
tkto peer.
BaauBut baihrta A flu aaBt jaat receirod at F. M. F^-a
oaar. Cmm te Bllad M traa to
OaaatiortW Btoia. oa BlaU
. os' A&nlau Aro.
to WaaklagtoB. oa Wiebtogwa taitorBeM Are., u Uartold W«ghtA aad
Eighth W tkreoarlorp. wbera
aaaal Meaerial Da/ osateto* wUl ba
I now'offcr at 'jnsl
haiil M «t T«|M« Oi^
I HBItAfJh MAY ai.
pbea-whoihlaiuad wltfc thaw.
T. B. BoUp aad wUt. who ban ban
HeHtchaal. who haa
litartiCitorto DatioH.
enala Mb
na poHlbal tpmck to Iba ataHotora
r. J. p: Mltub. of Ua l*iaibTMftu
MfB. Watar. of BIbtoa. wbe baa haaa
rWttor whh hardaaphur. Mia J. 0. ___________ aabb to All hb idaoa to
Ha^ fto aoM uSTlatoatotoia-
A dlfht froat Ihb toonlac.
Wtllbai Itoat waa hlekad qalb badlp
bp hbdririap hataa latt itiaii
Beaad ol FahUe
j iwm Mip x.tmw
^^Bit froB tba amrtooa ~
B were bold lathe
_____________________ ehThandapat t p.
ai.. eoedadted her Bre. P. HHtmaa
aaabud Bee. 8. Itaclc.
all la white aad the Aotal
almeat aatirelp
ef white with a mlxtorc of meATto Aenl otfariafe tniB the dltonst
Mba aad l^letdaab won maap
aad ebowed fhak toae
aad ta
. _______
'MBraram batter
■Mk Werka.
f. Brccaais
Aldaeataa teith atot tba
Bwadatloo to reoelrad aad Aled’.jupor aad Cbrfcto aathorbed to tore
aad that aalaip of aaitoo to relerrto to
aad eaWaat tout.
the Coamluee ea Wape aad Meaaa. HoUua nrrted.
CoBBlttoe <« ra«»-w aad Aeooaata.
Morad bp AUeitoaa 8mlU ttot t
repota to aeeepted aad ordand paid.
The aetioa waenrrMbp toe f
lowlac pea aad nop rote.
Ooodrieb. Smith. Cook. Kpwlka. JthnugadUarrlaon.
the bolldinr of the aldewalk
teatb eide of Klphth
i.O.O.F.aad K.^. T. H..wbo'were
alao there la bqdka. ooold oot Bad
roam InlMa.
lA^btrlp after the
^ Ber^^WUtoj^ b rialUac at hb aerrkB a lone lb*
HlB Ada OoOald aod A Hall odlad
oa IVtar UoAWd aad taallp bat SaaTha W. U. M. 8. win tooat arlth Mra. earioe to the place of latmeaV
dap aftaraooa.
ba>- for aearip tea paan
web Ctoh Thartoap. Map rath.
•era Botoalp afeilbfal wlta.bat as
MfM trot lU* MVlaff.
Bt fellow
rand'rdoc to Cedar with ftaaal.
the Arc alarm wItb to nbed abuae all
Mn. TtaM* Wfctw% <i«lU tloh.
toad la -ajl bi« bbon
bopa that aba wDl aooa ba haitar.
Mar. Mr. Bowdl attaadad the Coabn.
rer bar health woatd permit, aad otberwirint Id Itoeltpaad that
Allto tollk hM k Uejtl* M« liM Kona
Sob that to Moat Aablap haaa ton mmUooatCopaDbhTaaadap. ~
hto bebaa kaka loato* wife who er polea be art when acceaaarp.
Not broaaw thap r doeH
tod' lack.
Hored bp Aldcrmaa Smith t^
aateh aap A|h. tot tocaaaa Itotr bof
which toMWorai hb pUoa aaip
ttaa art kldhd to piaeaaaad thap art
trip lo Holaa UM w««k.
•Uer'to rclnrcd to commlttaa
Mr. tiWl7«k. of H«pU aip. oUMd- ohUtad to aralk homo.
Htc end Water with power to act.
MBpaaied Or. Fn^ abvtb »l Owr BioMt tead*rMra. n. O. PBfa »ad Mlaa lick ea
aal ebitto Empire kaowlBf that ha did .eaatpthlat la bte Holloa nrried.
J«M Good had Um ablortM
The Fire Chief raeomaeoded that
kMh i*o lot oallt off Uai irttk.
>d how wril to eoeehnp IroB nhed be tallt la tha rear of
Itih. Hr. aad Mn. Ibra
with whom they.
east of a new aka taa
tbe cafiae booae for Ue pnrpoee of
aad Mto Kallla aad
ebnreU. tbe IbdlB' Aid aocletp etoriat tooU aad
« V. V. 8 C. E . H which the bu
aotin nee.
bcea prBldeat for <bc bat pear aad
Pr Aldermaa Jloadrito that
halt. bare. Idber death. euatalBed aa
-BafTTlr Meora and wife waat- to irrepanbla |oaL Aad not oolp there, the matter to referred to the '
FOrt-OBakto Seadap. Mr. Haora baaae bat from the world bei irnoeoae who tee oo Fire nod Water.
wae dolat bar work well, car of the
aaboawtheiaibaad appotalBaot. at that place.
treat bcarta. lopal. lorlac ai '
Ikmndme Staalep waa toloiat I
ArthwHbMagf Blaftea.MUcd ea
Uoicd bp Alderman Oerrbaa' that
all bomaaitp. « ho it eeea* a
GMirfe ••
tbrk bit —
week. Mn
Him. D
MMdthwt ttaodv
illp apared. where there la.
tiuu to appropriated from tbe Fire De
aad d«ldraB.bare baap qolla dek. t
Ella Wtal Md BoMUa Shaw
Deed of help '
are Borne bettor et thk wrli|af.
p expenae of dele*
partneotfond to pop
Iba lacaet ralaa bare htodtead c
dIrot* «o OravB Satardap.
aha who ia f<
ratee to the Stole Fb
Mr. aad Hr*. KarpU diota to Mr. plaattof CD hoarp laoA
_____________________________ re to towtf Ini. For ... ...............
Uon tobt held at llban. Bkh.
jtrtBUd alniki U ore
ft b oolp I
a«ri droMlrOBTa atar ClacMtp —*
Wadoeadip aad Tbartomp. Mr. C
oa who remala that the way er Uaj. I>n>ii- The moUae waa carried bp
b lookiac op a aiU for a eaw mia
It b we
Mta. tnil Dpkt aad Hn. Aama Qpka HiB. Bank Cram hai rei
the lollowlat pea aad nap
Toe Jaalor C. B. aodoly will tore a
Jbworth wbsre abe waat
«»—Aldermen Bohbe. I^rker.
ratakaaip Baettof aext Soadap. Top- tha aonad of aVoka that U aiUL''
kOtbUr, Hn. Ooim P< ' '
Goodrich. Smith. Cook. Kpaelka. torMi^-WhalaehlalldovaaMdap Mat
^ Uatdoaec
die. Jakntie and Uuriaoo.
waab aad wai hart qalia aarloatlp. bat
torlaaatalp ao hoaa. wan hiohaa.
nr toe. Ttodapwaa
A Urfa acrfaraot ooniwllltopbatBtotiU^Beetintof dtp ooBnell held
of Poblk WorkaMMt Kama atia»OBd aad UUlc proBtoblpepBal.
■f our
ad thie WB^. tone of
o< farmen are Jd eooadV.it>oB Map II. (rtM.
t troB km I
Fire poaBf bdba«
Molhtr Lari of “
toAfteea acm a»
Mertiec waa called to order .bp the
tbep Bad that eon wlU etaad tha. dip
Tried awe
lapor. U.C.lbrU.
weather totter thaa aopthlac eUe tbep
--------------- .
, JasatBaaiotaWl
The laai rvpert tre« HIb Hap Ala-! dap-
r,:~rj;r rrL't'r “f"eltelp poetposed.
MoUuD |eaU
-ewiac pea aad aap rote;
Mr. Aatoap fata a aan dallfkifa]
taU lahkaowbarslMfri^ otao'
U. thlDki tbt hair of
the doc «») eerntba bile.
TbaeoriBof BNeUafeat the Oeotra
elUl aaotiaoe aadce the eoperTUiae of
MtaeTowaleyofOnodRaplde. Than
tore heee a aonher of ooBrsnko
Chat. BaliMd. of Oadar. araa a oMl- naep non anaBshlDir tha lifbt.
lUboBCb the waatbcr haa been fararhanlaaUiaDdtp.
onbta for the froB’th of fmaa tbr bap
3. M. BaaMaia wai oat to hb ft
t be abore the ararafe.
lawdapa bat waak froBi thadlp.
Wa. Whaloek, of Aaeilj. owda a
ataHtohbabtarb, Hra. BaaouBa. hat
Lawpar Oalor. of Trarana dtp. wat
M to a. a Wpahaop-a Int ibtardap
Wm. Ormad. of T
tanbat^dap and
A. iawHii obOdfaB an oat aohta
btm IbaaSaabotthaBMaalaaaad ao
........................................ B that tar.
Tbho* atd. U. Omr'a lab (taa.
.aaa UtW^ hri aao
a^ Bart
non urap.
Urap. ■
-ftelra. aad Jaaph »ap of
of lha
lha dtp.
tYneal, Aldermen Bubto. I'hrkei;.
The mack talked of bwealt. the peo- Uoodrieb. Smith, Cook. Kpaelki.
pb *1 W. H. Corit. charted with atBoU
Zm Bodoipbaa Newman. 4r. attheCooHieoteeof loetretular BeetlniraDd
- ■ ireh aome.wewke ar
wae la protreB Wedeeedop and p>ur*- ol epeebl meetlat told Map 4. 'WO.
dap. *ne jerp bnmtht la a rennet of read aod apprbeed-
Ihr-MonimW» UW'IK
Morthport Dapertaeat-
haaiac tho klrhBI otoad^ to the
atobthffiada, Bartto Bobto aad Btbal
plUala ttoatethriada.
ttoatethfrada. Tto
ratotd wnMA'whk* ^Ifo^tow^
• toChdUbe Ihb
Pnaahlw attbaaebool I
BaadAp oaeatof at T o'eloek.
Hr. BeoUaadMr.OerBlekotCbdUba epnt toadap oa the HIU.
Hr. BorriB aad laBUp aad Mn
Prtea were
dtp rialtoo Handap.
Hn Bdd Bbto. of Haato dtp. hai
the ceBi of Hn Btaakp lor aer-
On ^otMn of Aldermaa Smith, dnly
ratrried. bM petition waa fraated.
IVUKTciu »
Boofhep aad ehlldrea ebltod Mn. J.
Ih (hr UvnvniMc Ihc M«'inir and
HrC'will FrankllB wae the
i.'uvnrif r.f (Ar CUv<d ‘T>wnr»r
Hr. aad Hr*. Harry HUler hare sor Hn Saobora from> Friday
FriUp of bat week
GcniiJcam—I woold likeA
a pen
permit to
ed loto Ihelr new boew aad thlak Ce oatil Monday moralot^
kild a ohe-ctory addlGoa ■> ft- bp IS
dar a earp r»d pboa after aU
Oertb Voice aad her brother aroev ft. OB north aide of mr teeMeaoe. aad J.-A'Trarae.snuV
Mr. and Hn Blaar feak nat bare
AtetU-re.B - •
ooeatorp addlUoo S fu
; IS ft. OB
pBloTBp afiB the little obBd of Hn
eoutheldeof Bj realdem
QaaOald who dkd here Motobp. ■
N'. De iioller left Inal Satordap for m Park Breet. in eaid dtp.
aad Hn Fnak siMar ww eall- Colorado owlar to toillat hnllh. , UU
Jxi. T. llXAULK. Chalrmao
I Tnrcne dtp bat weak bp tba wife did not mern with him.
A‘. W. Rii akan. Clerk.
« dealli of Hn Shatarb fatBer.
BtoeA bp Aldermen Cook ttot ^;e
1 byAldam
^r. Knepa.
Siuriep^aim|^ In tto^ac'^charck
patAHoo be referred to tbe committee report be adeepted and tod^red ^d.
Tha daaee at l^aatb ball far tha beaUotloD wa* Carrie^ bp the tollowtng
os nir and Water, with power to act.
adt of tha Carnet toad wae a aoeerea
Thaatoamer Charlen U-ealW to thb
The bead TtolbadaboatAta rbehaad, ^t bat Thoradap on her trip aorib Hothm carried.
p«a aad nay rata, riz:
1^ wU to ea^wB their ttoaka to
• Yea*—Aldermmi
her ratora trip.t&
|■toUlen to extead water malna aad
Goodrich. Smith. Cook. Kpralka. torforapriokl
‘uiB Viola John to
die, Jahraa* and Oarrimm.
7b (Ae MaU"
lat of the Coatn«»ti<
ritolto et CopeoUek.
Bill of Dr. W. K. Moon of ASS
-We. L aindn rigaed:
aeednp nlcbU
oo IMng family
Hn Wm. Oopelaad errirad oa the
able body to extend .the-water weat oa WB prraeotMl aadXm moUoa' of AI
Craaoeat WedaMdap aad waa the farat
Ei^th stiaet from the owner of Oak
mao Garriaoodoiytorried wa* rafe..—
rBt.rodofaaldatraet- '
> reipmtfolly prUtioD that fbe to Director of tbe Foot lor ienoOgaMIB JoBBk OUl ar^ Pi
tiqo aad racoameadatloon Ihabarta, AlkeOIU. fro.
. Aaih Uoaefa Kelly bat Tbomdp.
Brpon to Board to
Btlac. Fla., and arUI ramaia b
Fiaaeb U.
... ana* MeadaotBi.............
CkariB OUnoo aad toaDp bare tltotoinhlBoaoe. to briac
Boaed haoh totiba Arto. alao Jto tram HarqaatU oa a rblL
tiaafitoh aad wUa.
hope to aee her anil aerp aaoo.
A eertee of Saradbh awwUae* nr. ht.Hn Wb. Friee of Chlnco b atop lar bold at thb place.
ic a law dare wlU Hr. aad Hn Bea. Hr. Chrieoa. b a«
The iBder tv the C. B. next SaadAP
.aeolotwUI be Cklrta Kelly
Chrbfe Wldoalat Klnfdocn. In 11.
_ Bank UiOSl, of TneoTB dip. waa
UBb MoOm aad Btbal
atoltod at tinwB Boad«p. -
Hbe Harp Boyd aad bar beelher,
Bha^^B^.rieltodjat Ttoa. Jehaaoa-a
■efrea Traaeeae
toareh; toady^tohool ai
in Arerp. ef Ulrer Careen
Hr. aad' Mn Bd. barary. of Hap- ThaakUodterBbw
Thera arillbeapUp to the char
Brid. eWlad wlU bar Bother. Hn^eifS^.Mea
Hn Baririae aad twlak. of BaMae.
a. Hr. aad Hn
peanioe. UleeaoadBtto___
Hr. aad Hn Bi
nalaaUcB 'Ha (
Hr. HeOanpaad daachiBB Hacrb
aad Sattb oaat Aatardap eentof aad
Baatop at Mr. Dyar’a of tW toka.
Wa an haatof ake ahowwa aew
~1wC. V. AM. leadi
Sp toda ear at Ub
ahtoaeoe aad ta
^j^Otto btoUdhwa kan
Mn Joha BaeMwaaat Oeod Bar' AtoBaaPoalorndtoiHIpB
rial BotoahoH fba po
BepFiawebriUeadap for Ibti^
Flo Aairto droet y, TiaaBoa Otp
■ UntnSbaraaadtoUdrBiai
lat frbada to AWa.
Hn CroBk bet wato.
Otto Mcaaehp. of ItoaBae Otp. atoItad Mn Bweeaey bet waeh.
aumyUv thraBaioo to Urn
'. U*XT]x<m.
A. B. 0*0*. ,
T- OnjroBx. *
U the H. K ehaich Sanday •
log, tbe eoUeeUoo to to mt tothe Ar- w£li“*GtifB*u,
W. U. HoiitotBO.
D. 8ql toxo.
_________ the faoeral to Hr*. Barttat.
aneompaaled bp bar daughter. Hlaa
laa. and two aoto. Harry aad Karl.
Ur*. rutlatoBoaor. Hkh.. awaor
I* Mr*. Baribut. orrlrad F-ridap eraaBaleo. in totolf of the ilow
tog OBduthetaBtof EOT. ^aribut.
did not
immiee the aewa to her ok- Uen- Boto Hail ABoelaUoe. raqaeated
- ^ time fpreato hen for the that IStb atrart from UqiOB riraet to a
point aboat to ft 'ertat to Bohemia
•tract be graraled aad that
toet Tutodap foraaooo thb place re- walk adoB Ubbemia . etraet ei
eairad a ohoeh from stoteb it will not
roeorm la the lelagram from W. aoath aideof ISth atraet be hailL
Hored bp Aldereaaa Uoodri^ that
iaribat «-u—i-ri-t the death of
rife that mtni^at Mary Themp- the reqoBt to graaled aad worii oraim ht^tol. CUbco.'1U.. to <rhkb derad doae. The moUaa sea* ewrted
place to had tokaa bar }a*t tear waeka
peaaioaa to the hepB ttot the might bp the toHowiag pea and aap role:
Veae-^Mermto Uobb*. Parker. GoodAt the Use to their depmuire 1
rkh. Smith. Cook. Kytolka. Imrdie.
Ihk plaea. Toeadap
evealag. April
Jabraa*aBdUarri*oo. Napa-Koad:
pto daring the waaha to___ ,________
Eeport of CommitMa oa (iawaca:
tweea Ihtooad HsMlap. Uv nth. at
wbkh Use hoe cam waa to to dtSdtd,
Hap It. urn*.
_rW which ib«p fait for 71. llAr^ffMwWnMe the Hopor mmd CH
(Ac VUf ...» TVwrere* C«p.On
rar. the peiqile geeeeaUp
;-We. pm^Commlitoe oa
o^larahedlBrBad (Be with tba
to Rkh A Ballfarrg
-MBfatoeBaadfatthade with which that the petlUoa
dtbere to lower *eercr la alley he
abe toraharooBariag. m that grewt
rn Ftoot aad State atraeM be graat•n. aod all. boa tto r
*Ve weald a*k for
to £>______
d not raaliaa________
re ■a hw CM to____
ttoa iapewfeet
her deaA. therafera. eoime like a tboadaholt thrown la oar mUtt wlthoat a
«. C bolt west to I
■d^ Mto farm
atp Kariaawr ba a>
i*i<.wfuDd ..
................ « <uu ' Irr
rater the Norato aoB to the .B<bl_ -----------—---------_J
aBBt'otlere. Aim na eaUe to AAp
Oo iBotWia dalp carried ibefollorrito.......................................
dra«bto- b-md. wqre approeed;
Edwanl & Ulller. eureUee F-raoh
FViedrich aad Edward MrN.man.
IVter IV. Kane, rnuwUea Jacob
Baeuea-i Aratee
Fartwh nod Samoel lie.
. — Kawr Ku.rx
worU for
Dleere. Salt
Hored bp Aldermaa Jabnoa that the ! _____ Brnb-_ Sorea.
Khenni. F'ewer Sam.
am Teller; Cb aimed
Btimaua of feada aaeded for City ea- \ ___________jiblalaa.
• Chllblal
peoae> wbe lacImM in thraaaualap- BrapUooa,
aad pnltlralr ewB PUeo.
prvprbtam bill . be prepared by the or no pa/reqalrrd. It la rxernateed
don Store
Our latent <k-al was to buy out ihu entire stock of custom
ready made clothing of
the Golden Eaifle CloihinK Co.' of Detroit. th<})- having decide^] to go into merchant tailoring
exclusively—their object was to close out stock in series of sales, but a spot cash offer from
us brought them to terms, The allowann we got.from the Insurance Co. was a liberal one,
enabling usto-give you bargains nevbr before thought of, but the allowance we got-from this
si*ot cash dial overshadows any fire sale ever in existence in the history of sal«. We will
quote )'ou prices that will, hs heretdfore. be duplicated through our entire stock.
One lot bine and white overalls,
regular price 50c, <his sale - • , One lot blue and white over^Ljac.k*
ets. price 50c. this safe
One' lot Uomet sjiirts, men's sizes,
worth 55c. this sale
One lot men's cottonadc pants.
■ lined and unlined, worth $1. now
One lot men's coals and' vesu of
finest im|x>rted
ted fabrics,
$i£to$i5.this sale
^'oflc lot men's single coots
r"'; 86c
96c J
One lot men s all wool, fine wortt-Q QK
ral Dants. worth S?. for
One lot children’s suits, worth
tram ’’^tS/Traeerae Oty. Midi., bp 1
Hbe Flt^eraU aad
■sAatoyatoim their wbaab^toh
■ <^'i- f?sre'r“\iiiTwnrirj!*.
I HaaifaU aad Maad Cblrar
to Hapflald totaidap Mfbt oa
Beapeellallp aul
lad Thara^.
aad Hn 11; 3. Speacar aidtod
W'api aad Hewai.
HotiOB carried.
Ble by J. G, Johnaim aad A 1 WaW.
Hored by Aldermaa Smith that the
all imee well until one tingle Ice etrike*
XUrtrie Bttiaro
aelarin of City ofllcen for
BoirihinK and BirLi. -nicn tberc'i a matter
Friectric Uittm k a mtoklne aalled
••jam-'—end truuUe. It u }u« m ia the Aacai pear be referred to tbe-wnathe progreia of food throogh the digra.
Wapau'd Heaoa. McUua
languid eabauatrd feeling pneeaila.
when the lieer la torpid aod alagglkh
digeetion Blips. Ttofa indigeBiott. Do. j Moeed by Alderman Garrbon that aad the need of a tank aad alleraUre
lew the impnliment b rrnioird. pobon-1 tbe Oty Atlorrrp be aethciriied to U felt. A (townpl axe of ibU madldae
baa often arerted limg aad nertopa
fatal bl-ioaa (eren NoBMdktae will
SlA headache, ^iliot^em, «'>•
“wer from realdener W lateral
aarrij la ouaBleracUag aad
■leeplewnem. vertigo, bcanbarn, lom ef jarwen bp property ownrra, aad pro- freeing the ayatem i
> the malarial
Omallpatiim. IHzxlnem yield to Klectrk
UKtm. Only AftTcenuper bottle to
troutde. Nature ia a hanl worker, but carried, Conncil adiourerd until M.m- s. F:. tVail'a aad J. it. Johna.m-a Drag
---------.------------------------------------- a be put; day. U*y ssthSbirra.
. ■
1. W. BirVnui, Oty Clerk.
Pieree-i n«*tto
. .................reUeta offer the
best and tiipjitai
method for fumiahiiie
F-roni a letter <wriae0 bv Eer. J. Ua
Try a eaa of Uopkiaa' Mramed liom- derdka. of Dlmondek. Mich., wr a
tbu aaaifUnre. They are promp and
rtry eflective in their
■•ermiued to make IhU extract:
qv. (Or.
• re Wd Brong nor aevon
hare no liCalto
no eiolenl wrench of the
l*r. Kinir'..\e»
. , New IKeerrery. a*\tbe r
A Real Eaute Bargain.
*alU werealiannl marrekw* |a tbr ea
I the real. By
^ utmywifr. While I wO» poetor to-D
by. with a litUe care in
i dictiiw. Na
r I Hapikt l-harrh at Ulrera Jaaetkm abe
■will do il all. TtoTe
" I *be waa bruagiil dowa with Patoami-i^ae MI-U rnto Ua; aao <w *•;
age ef tbe -' Plfaiant Prilru ____
mane itroagly caOutrlic pill*—you
U^Ta* waoJ.
ian>xy*m* of ORighlng would 1_____
not oecome k alavv to their tiae. T
Ilnur* with litUr inu-mplkm aad it
Kui Md.- aieiukriae
tbev *re
«m-uie.la*ir*)ir t*<ulil nmaarrlre thriu.
care. Even the w<
A {rl.-i.d recommended Dr. King'* New
j IHMWi-rr; It rraAqulek
(-*rna«.-*miwdr.W»i»f dr.IW.denB I
I hlgl^ ■ati*(a>-bwv
In reeulta.'i
jlnttlra lue. at J. <i. Johi
-jaum'a and S. E
MoeU by Alderman SsiU tlial the
Slurry Rcgalar »Ib toe.
rpiirt be aeeepted and orderoJ nakl a*
8ieeb epeat Weddeadap Is
OcKTiAHrji—l.lhe aadenitaed.hrreTtaerrae atp.
“by aak peRnbaiuD to cDnafct'eewer
loba (katorp amred bto hb
from miarnre Of Kmanoet Wiltolia..
ioe Moadap.
altaatedcB lnu.».n. loaad M.hWk
.........................*an*h-« BrM addlUoo.
Hn L. J..............
Tneu alra«t.'U> let
. . “‘.If"*
v( "ih
rae atp laet week.
ia alkp totwtop llh pad
Said mnllnh wa* carried by the fol
Ntlaoa raurned Tburtoup from
lowing yea and nay rule.
BaDioa Barnard b MUI qolto riak. Yeoa-Aldermen.
Hnbba.: torkrr.
Fred HeKaU b eWtiac at Blatbas
mbe Thoradap of laet week.
Cook, lyyaelka. tortoriap.
I iin'mptloDof A
Dnnb lloxale le enjo/iat a at
dk. Jabraua aad'UarrkoD.
Hr. aad Mre. Oeo. H
.amwi, •wid.peGUon waarraated.
■om hb Bother. Hn, A. C. Uoule.
to Lake Aaa.
le wan a TnT«»e atp eb- Baleo.
Kepnrlof Hoard hf Pnblk Wo^
Ur. aad Hn B. E. UIH weet to MUIter bat week.
b the Huaie^tWr. lhr-M<i
MaylO, ikWii.
waakce laatrweeh on the fteam barfe
OoaneU u/ Uk C'Uv W
Hr. aad Hn. Ton. Bhotor a
fb Die ..........
. (Ar W>i|e>r itH.I CKv
Manlatae Baadap.
(',.N«r(l..flArlir(<.rfTrvuvr»< Cllii.
^^be l^iedrth Le^^farw ‘
k~tVr bare appeoves| the
hereby aak permbaioa tocuoDevl ~ '
------- out leTaaadap eeealat.
B mp realdeoue qn Iota ii mad rt.
' MraTj. BorbooBDdHn. Wai'Oarpla
regolar atatemeat and
ckTu. II. 1. A (-0-11'.lh addithm. to eluded in o
waat to Tnaorae dtp Moadap.
rad tlielr paymrat from
rral aewer lu allgp betweea tth aad
thr rariooa fandt aa (ullowa:
Mba BOl b tWUac Ida Bapar*.
OWh Badfaa Mda'a «pii« trip ts
tor at TnreiM dtp
ftartoto dtr.
O. Bepea win coteTcBpbthb week
Mr. Wlddaeoab «aaw Ip troto Uiaad
to kelp beUd a mill tor the Dewey
id Mta. tbpafi tollad oa Mra IBareCa
Hn. Jenr Bollina aad Hnl Ftoak
toilotiMrpnckiaa. Uwbeti
ao caught ate onlr haa i
. '
;tk« carried.
v>a mutloo dalp carried Otp Clark
brUfe oo Sooth taUm atreeu the'^j,
WBOoat of repair* to be Hmited to fer from the amUafeni taodfna io|
tbecrnlit of tbe earkaa tnadi aafal-,
The motion war nrried bp tbe fcf-
. .
petoaadtar Map
booad. aad that aimll eaH
tar piBB to otdartol hast.
Mond bp AfaUrmaa noodrieh that
the Bataarof pafaltof tha
peat ba ideerad to the OaBBlUB oa
Frlatlat with power to ael. Motlea
tob,AldBwm.lmrdb that the
^ ^•^SS?io2d
_______ » Ota
I. E- abarefa ol
‘{h^arwaai crowd that wae eear ta
MchBr<£ betas UfpthBatllo'doch
r aaaaiac at tha and bp S o'clock, tbt Uma apeoiatad
MathadUcharah .
for the foaenl. then wm hara& reoB
ataap, ato woald iBsartfallp r
BBBdthatheto j^AMOpar ai
thaparqoleilBor^ ---------I toMAhacitpfaada.
raeoBBaaaaa Bat
tha aaaaal report B BBde Iv tto Mar
Ito toUowh^ Habya airi toria^
hSSS^aSaSto'* *^***' ------
3^ U. Balo», wha baa baaa lyndliM
thatotolar baaa lataraad to hb boM
Mapar mm____
.-^-The Hoard to Edecatlnn
d^tp hereby preaeatato yoa it*
to Bid
aanoal■ report, embodying thaeeUmatc
to the*__
^)y poa for
ed. (or Ue eoUre »apport to the pablk
iblk ariiaoUto
. Swwl year.
em. viz;
tor the carr«mtfi*eal
F-or balldinge aad imnrtreeawai ..
buildlan aad rroaada. AAeea baadred
lltodi dollara: parehaec to ^paialo*
aad bootn aad for parebaee bm repair
to aebool faraitare. Afleew baadred
eadflfqr^lltM) dollar*; fael^^^t^^dol^; tSto^ wage*, eight
een thomtaad nine baadred (IrinOi dot:
laim bookk (er 'Ubraiy. one baadred
tiou) dollars intereat and
tad debt* tailing
1 (IMOl ^lara.
.red bp A
rt be rea
plaeadoa Ala.
Baemmratfatka to Board to F)iblie
A.W. Ja*
Mtwo krithmo. Mom. M. H. and tlcnttm to toreportad u^ at aext
■.HoraB.^Ttoywera -etto^tto
One l6t fine casimere. all wool suits ^ »VK
worth $10. thissile •
One lot men's blue and black serge O QK
suits. .*»:orlh S7. this sale One lot men's light colori^ casi-^ gQ
mere suits, worth $10, this sale
“"reS If^hrie*"
One lot of boys suits, worth 5J» g gQ
Ope lot of boys suits, worth 4-0o^ 75
One lot men s G. A. R. suits, war-^ft Krt
nted ail
all wool. S
to. this tsale
Ojie lot children's knee pants,
worth 25c. for • • -
One lot men's «wl G. A. R- suits. Q *76
We would call particular attention
tuon to tne
fine line of chitdrqnV suits-sui------as ioj»—your choice of the A
•best for - 1 -
The prices we quote sounds unreasonably but we hate tbe merchandise to bade our
assertions. Aglance into our bndquarters will convince you at once that dre are crwiviam
full of bargains heretofore unheard of. ,
The Golden Eagle Clothing Co. handled nothing but ffrst>dass merchandise to go hand
('uaarU qf the t'ilp q» TVortree (.Arp:
it tailoring departmertt—itot a shoddy piecd' of goods in this
in band with t
I that a i
t dtp to repairrbrohea
brahoa placB
ia alde- mammoth 5tock..
Ck* aad pItoB that aead oaly a
■ttorapainag.aald.M(er a tors to aeeractoaU^
pro eata at Ito aad to raeh —
---- man empkgad wiU/if pBrijle
Sale Regins Thursday at 8 a. m.
end by AlderaoB Saltk thai tbe
« to re:
io.S,S“ot.h S^triessThan HALF
. -.................Akwni.l* maopci_____
prrecat damoga eaoB agalan tto dip.
a* the-aidewalha WlU Uaa reeeira eoa-
Jao. T. Bbaouc. ChokBaa.
A.-W. RKaxBD.Q*ri(.
Moead bp Aldexmaa AabtBaa tti
ta manor toitomcA totoaOtoual
E mjoji
_____________ arabankatoM to tt
to^baaacbto«dtbabaW.aM aal 1
m Uttia twipa that man at
1 thitk^ MM te
(b* HB4u>tkta«Mkv^alM. Md I
Uh« Ify W<K>d-i M*T »*iT
TWk JM. AuiAUM.fOT^ writbw
- «|Mo>kda«li>4>7thM«k.
a»ar« •• pMau aad kl>4.
,5uSaiSm^»\r7leljanr^i.' U
■to^ooB^an tenu4 &^eeWnw
0«»hoo» b>>.t «crw
abaat bp i
rail veto a
n to
1 eadwF, Wia oalp
•mH aaiateb tbaa aU oat.
■straetar of tba
Tba trait traaa la Ibeenbard saka oaDdraV-bltotolf Bpcrdoaaoaa ala’aka aowarfBTdaatoo.tbay ara ao plrtb^^f oa aa alarator.
raUf.. Wa baaa «ot a pair e( pal
oaaa. bat th« aia ■; bretiar^.
TMraaaMaraJlBaadPaaale. Tbap
lo a maaaor ao
ara aeip praMf
epa aad aared bk bl
too. bat I bata DM fot
iB tbe air for oae or".!!, ai..,..
id pet Va bare pot aow liUla j
a n eaaratu.
,a a«ps. *<aad
lew bo«Um alord.
M M *M
S?,'SL.>2«’=.? SWi-S"
,d ttgOud. I
la" itt
■ar ». IKM.
bat tbap are a botbar. 1 paaaa 1 trill aoaa.
brifteeUaad to beI araaa at oi
to claaaDO«..boptsrto aaa tbka
flptop apIdrT. The
Herr that tbia_______—
ia priat 80 pood bp.
•pMer loaa aitb pr and cob
A) a EDMrxoa. rtw foot. vbcB aaddealp.....................d
Micb a VBp aa to
oatlead Utat tba ftg* looked lOBolp for alWLhad rmllT bees 0>row lap a tbiD
tbrtad ap to the rim of Dp bat. and
tbva wafT ealp two or tbraa lettan
•mb, oatB. 41a ■> «a; tbtoe IIUM tbr ar
troBtbaebildreD- Wbereara all
Aa« Oai *M U» >04 M tbt WaataMI Di
Swift Specific
tolka. aapwapt
Wbp doe't Mtoer I broke the ouaBectlar cord, abd
all arrila aad otaka tba papa loMi dropped bim to ibc prousd wbtra be
•upedcruubedduwn. aarafeelp atrikWitbOar Tomap relfca.
iep a atick I polatad at bUa. aor voald
i kBow oar daar adilor ttoald ba plad be Bore a.atop aBlil I ton
Aaaloaateit todap wHhaasaap
I bear from a* rtal ottaa. Hat of a^t^bednau^ In tba oppjai
! IWalaarbat
enana aow to tba tlaa of tba pear roctioB at tbe top of hla apood;
■khspoar adiUraearphaipp
ar^aobaip that tea bardA Lootua bp aa ladlas.
la tbe dcDv torcat aloap the banka
Asm Alloa, araat poa pUd poa Ip fla^ tim to Mrito.
of Black Viecr. In oortbm Uiehipma.
aad wolicaarr aBtofroaa, aap*
Voa dlda'ietap •rood dktriet Ko. 4. I do Ilka to po to
kaape. andoocaaloimllp -a bear
aobool BO vail. Illraaboata bait a
bainoaraaeaph. thoaph.
Oar'teachA>d wbwa • daat Alloa of tba MIobnbaar
mnnoiirlrrl is ahnotlnp a dapr.
IpaD abata?
Aad Aaat Alloa of—
aadaaha waa a loap'vap op tbe Hear,
be doWded to call at tbo atonal ladias
Wa 'Hare
tiaao poa easa aad breaphtpoarkaiv thiah a praat daal of bar.
lip tbraa voatba of aebqol tbia term.
- He fosad an ladlae
fcr a poad lew
nIaaM Ibatrattvo vbaka. 1 wao worktop to tbe e
Bov va voaU ilka to tA witb all
to i^tlaU
apaadlep aeoaplcof eraaki vitk mj ‘bark. and. Ifa'tokinr
Mr “--I*------poaap feUij aboal tbair
arlf. be drov (eoDi bia po^rt a fla
paoHp Arbor flap vork. Aodwliball aMar. Mia. Laataar. la Traeaeae Cltp.
aaboewabaMe wItb ma
tba laat. Bat Itb •tior boap dap." aad
a vaah vltb aa. 8be baa
. «iri
"Don’t drink whiriepr naked the
Catch ’.in alive and see
Uae. a happp vaak. daar eUMiaa. two liuIt«bUdrea.Dbop
* * *; apartoBan.inaak>u>al>iiieBl:-'IXboBpbt
" - bopHiBame la Marrla
bBl V* vaat ap^. all la tbabaaatUal
'ta •*» STrrf
__ brolbria
all likrd wUakp.lthey arc our enemies.
re oalp
Yaa. toa
toe like it." aali tbe Indian, i
ppitap^7«-«U8bBm varaaapret- tba-mUo pirl-a Mabal. I baet
-Ukc IW and don't drink it?" exbdotbaraadoDoaiatar. Up brotb_lo>ed tbe utoriamnn. "It p« Ilka
va Aid aaarip farpat Thaaka ar isatlUat boMaad I bepe ba will
, wbp not drfakr’
•ar tba prattp pasalaaaaDt bp Addia atapfofaJoop*l“«.y*l"Me like ft. aad drink UtUe; faratber
I vaaaeaarpriaedVbee
aeaarpriaedvbee I btard of drink little be want tooro: Umeltp,
llr*T-"T- «d ArAla. aad tba itradt
Saao drook loioB. I'phi oa ao drink
Wnw Aovaia IrovCbnda OUiapor- tba daatb of oar daar Aaatlo I
anr," arid Ue lodian.
Ar«MUHlaaior Too kaov. oweot
The aportaman looked at the '
of bar
bwrti. bovvaalvape pat poor bbm
flps^ui Aaat-AUwjtaat'
Ike lUBk apaii
raiaUBStbae. btaakiBi
aWw«d. Bat va kaov tba diar llUlf
I ofiaaaaibt M for ve ara alvapa
•va van. Waa paa. daar.
prouad. Hr atood parlor •> tbe bnik> plad lobaarinM bar.
eo llaak, while reptollnp " 'tVhrrrfure.
Ctt. Ola! Voaaraao oomloall Tbil If toeot maketb mr kmlber to offrod. I
aa all aboot poaraaU, I baea ma Idea will ral no Hob wbile Ike world ataodetk. laat I toakr op bratber to offead.'
ba a praat pal at
I baea braai a bratr, but tba red saa'a
rllaat aobool ^ poo iraia afraid of lltUr lAlldrc
lauUra aball >w retoembered.’'
mail aot ba. for all voald a
Ha then told hla ermod. aad tba 1bt»Wp. Ttaa vara atpbttraoaaot oat
dlan rolled op bit hark, went to tbe
Yoaaa Arbor Dap- Aad la tba aftarDooa
ra. Batto arill tUok I am aeaar po firar with tbe MMrtaoaD. helped to |n-t
Ibara vara aemo ptaam apohaa. Wa
Ike derriatoabuat. andAook tbrn to
lo ekartoptoUar.ao I vUl qalt
MB potap to baea tbraa amtba of
At parunp- tbr anorumaa Krmape
aatmU tbIa aammw. 1 vUl doae for
arrade>sB->haad.aBdaaU:i --niaa
Mov dearfrianda
Toarfriaad. ‘
IVe wanfto sell
lal) iS. ia»A
one hundred boxes stiehy flij Paper;
then. hTck-thalis wicked, biil
We want to'PeU
one hundred boxes,of Soap
that washes clean. We want to sell oirt chen|i. and we
will.' Notice the si^ on -the house—same as- sii;natiire
arrfto to paa aad toU poa vbat are did
aa Aibto Dap- Wawaka piaeaa •>>
Flama B. tVaAxn.
A Lottsr from Aoat A
af oabool aad 1 Ilka to ptpp vUb tba
7 toaab. 1 aa la tba foarlb
tk. laadlap.
to fw tbia
aoapaaad plaatod eipbt tretooW bad
• giaat Atoloffpa.
I atadp laadlap.
srilbaatio. faopTBpbp aad laapaapa.
Tbrawb ayUoa 1 Iwraad Paal Beaanfb KUaaad atadlad la aip a
IMSdAova bUl iritk ap tootbaaaad
aMaaaadwebad a praat daal of faa.
I took care of tba babp aad tobk brr
eatMdpBfa bwa itdo la tba altd.
'towt to aaa top aobool toolra a^ bad a
praat Awl of tui.
tbe ebapol wbare tba wboU
d to tba aoratop for dreotlooWwMofa
Ucplrla.aad law 1 oaod toaa)op
Ibalr btoolp Jtotabl dotba ~
Tbaio wrto two otbar Marias
baUdlw with two Aepariweala ia raob
btoep aad ware dlridad tp tOMInp
doon wblrh v^ often opaaad
ran rbetortaal rrercUea. Wbon
to Iwwto tbe aaeead AaitoriOar oM profoator bored bolto to
tboaa doom, aad Umb ba paekrd
tbroaph aad wonld otlaa one in wUb
whipaad perito the cbDArad.. WhatdopoBlhtokofttot?
Tbara ware two hapa white pUlaro to
Ibareoam. oaeoa tba ^mpo’ aldr
ate moment te
______ wa. applied: aU wao te
Bor^totop to him. bmem be had___
te prapa>vtloB and no
or atodlar pobPhp^iaBs look via pTMt farOrnpon tbr Ppramid lllr Can. beeaaM llto
mpldlp taktop toe plaor of aopkal op-
Pricasraaffr from SI.soap;
That the best iilace to buy ahynhing in tbe line of Hard*
ware. Nails, Barbed Wire, Barn Ooor Hangers. Paint,
Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers. Gasoline Stoves,
I'ishing“Tackle, and in fact everything in the hardware
line, is of \V. J. Hobbs. Come And see me and I will
prove this statement
ia*h»4T0l.»iilT.A D.lBPd.
Traverse City. Mich.
146 Front Street.
FnmishiDgMs, Leather.
MipRifI i« Harness, Horse
. --------- • I
"We hare now been lomtcA to Traeen
d a wcaiap Stock eompanp. but ^urinl
ora moary In balldlop a neat and a
.a half yean
hUyme we
le 1b twenty yeaia. We do aot ei■xpit to
uadd n
te atraet cornrra. aor do waixpoct to make te boau
hi. ii toto ahakr hands wito pon ifbd laqolrr kfter toa fotka. <ai*
do expert to keep the li
‘r.lbotaroocedtog to a
^ STXWAxra buu otru Luraaara,
rent to pay. are able to sell at tbe lo»aat eoaalsteol pri.-e Oor plare
It Itoion
ItoioD Btraet.
Blreal. near a# Sbilsoa 'Hpaae. Tiarerse CitJ. Mich
of bosiaeaa to U4
TelepboaeM. OpaaallalpbU
tmoBlp lardto
BTSWAsn ooue oubm,
antWAMT* MOOT eamoDR.
jaij ... k*vo.
raalapr l« Ibe fas.-t.aa^Bpoae can par
ae remedy,
ede. witboet 'Hetcntiiin
'HetCBtiiin tram
___ <» ietrrfrrrnce with dally ockUoB. Sold by draeptou at to or
Seed foe Prer bookoa
of plica.
pom aUVe aaPn te^^
Uat te
bat nrilj^r OnaU
a wkatukK
to .aa4 dto. a* few b4T tWaarto.
via aate^ woraa Mdst Oat
tot II
' to
Ho acdl to tear te appraach of to
iapoMbto te-aaa oar friaad1 U ba
If pda hare Dr. Tbomat-Briactrie <k
Lbinwaatoba bmiiMIi
' MalWalBarwebBIAe. AAdiawatOatte kr 111. MaaarwH a ewe tel
................................ aad rtottlap
»flliBW. ■owaf Marlaa-a Maa. It did ntAva OatUbaMlte baabm aloap vo^n oars. If mmd at te oatoM.
■at MW Imp to kata Iboto.
I viU te nad. waflafltbma also Oat te
AlMP bp MBM wr BMa am)
Not the
Largest^tad Best
= NOHTH or oMira n-rw.
Bedroom Suits, Puior Finiitiiro, Easels,
V. k»T. • )« *f UldlW-WridlBM.'to
■Uw*U.w4io..i..*«aMl. ri
V. ka'W a Iril U*. V Uw t>yd Ikpai
TVa. BivaMbH Tea fVa Paadlata Tra
«y haw (Ori rmek... a*4 il ciud 4..I ;
.KiHkw l> h.fwt-1 r<*M tkai at a awwUar W
:ikrtw*t,.lls kn.c4*r lH>4 Lakr. k.U o* Ikw
laanhCaj <4 lUj.lVAlk. CoUoalac TMOI..
w tvora-rii
vuk*arOnri] waa
aa6 Front Street
Traverse City, tlichigan
-Thai tbr ywatloa of aCofriac ik.
lowaaklt,raa4 .jMrw br .akHlIwc u>a tor
(.1 tk. rirruww of Ur w*o.klaa( ln*( takr.
t* W Um at Ikr tan hatl <
J.M.nckHw*liwa4rr4a*4 alartj.wii.
4s4 a toctal rirrtloe u krrrkj ralM I* kr
-1. ibw teowwam *r Lmc t*ar. is alin
Brosch’s Meat Market
iS^?iril4?'.-rk is.
Choicest Meats, Pqultri aad 6ama.
rX ±Jo. t
Fresh, Salt and SimAed Mesti,«tusi«ei Etc.
to totdin bnlld to
to ptoeaa; wa all worbad earp bard.
mrU I...................... —----- . — ------ . ...
Potted Chicken
S alwal
.rate talk
urw. Tn-Ww nwm. uubto. -<h.i Wkw u.
MWW -4 kwMIV <>>' Hrc.ll own B-r hM -«UI|
. I*. l-WHUr. A-WTIWC I. MtowHiciar.-H waiwt
mt. Vo<tor^d«
.dn. H4W. JO* l«mC ww—
'k. 4.T.W ebner ao4 ^
b.1 UtUe e.Ufwe* *> rai
ate- Ve^ VeUjUi. lieiij
: £j?
Veae.liita.HHie. hj*«
lew Ik. •*)■ Hij *ra**r<
Been___ _
■a ma not aU iatalllpaai, wrltas alike fled iBriaet
LawtoB to tbe AdTotota. 'Ikap ear* to tljaa'* Otoi
rarp to ekaiaetar, to appeamca, to to- kaapall. ________
totUpeaoa aadcaaatop Ilka aa aqanl
If Toa
BBtoW of poraoaa tritaq at madam
Dm Mao. airae—1 tbeophti voald
arrHtaaotbor lataarto poa,aa nviil wkllatbatotrilltaaaaofolben atriki
I atadp raadlap. ar‘iSkaTtJto
HbtoVfn, paoprapkp aad laapaapr. Sw bov tbs
Itaaatotl atbaiaraattodmaltoAap.
flrtolp to toareer Ibr____
ana torrada )otoad to MtU
Maharo allbrarp ot» booha. a flw
. tbma -to taro
a^rtaadadlettoaarp. Ii
LBd (aoteaad flrmi
laaU tbeflfU
b^OMtaUp tba lltUa arebitoet
bao iMtaaad his amto ssMtorta. VI that
toaUtoaf: It
tba wab aap wHbataad baarp
»a Ma altoUtoo Arbor Dap.
'ba Mnpplm of tiaa aad ot
vaM to tba vaeda aad pot aipbt tcoaa
lost of tel
•ad ato tba» aal. aad ibaa V. V
; -te bouse papa for tern to mdrartisa their flat Una of to>r
iCarr not oalp
a of I’lloa. hot
tribor relief oa teflrriaptdltloRnomatUr bow irrerr teprin
r dlaeomfurl may be.
People wbo bare laPerrd-from [Oaa
fa- pean ara often aatonUbrd at toe toriant rellal esperi«Bord from te fint
Bee. Wm 8WaV Wiartoe. OnC. waa
tba otbar oa tba pirUMor that wai
1 of aer-ifala after
trap wa vara aaated. Yoar Aoat AUea
catora ftbprielaaa had- toiled
tallo to plre
alwop* triad to pet Ibr t«t Mtod the blmrallet Bardoeb Blood Bitten ^did
, pUlarT Do poa know wbp?
Al-XT A:
appli^ aod uuBUto* ao mlnv '
- wiaea^lUI^CbrTtorelaeUforaaborttiBa. lAgatcbarga •
Tba Rlaht Ktoa of a
Tba ktad of a aaa for pop i
Hr face, tba world aodtoehlaplpi
He Bfrikra rlKh^oot for tbr BIpbt-aad
Wbp do poa aJwapa Ulak of tb
bid aad aU Itoaretobtobar iatbat
ter H Boooer tbaa aap -baw tlatUr?
artorarp dtopp aad ptooav- Boilbr Utofinttomlad.
laaehar waa T0I7 ktod BBd tba bat dw
aba rax* aa a card that poo voold
laapkat, bat I tboevbt It rarp prettp.
Tar SnflOTOT From PUoa
It bad roam aad a blra of base, aad
Dr. Bodtoond. a rpoeialtot to U
raraea aboBt “Bov doth tbe little dp
p aad Imntieeet of
Hlea and..............
dlooaiaa. reoretlp ruled chat te l^mbwp bar Itoprora saeb abtotop
■Id Pile Cora, toe new dtoeorai7 for
Dm Mm. BoTaa-I aa polw «o
te can of plica, was toe amt rrmarkabls tamedp be bad erer aoaa or tried
antto to pM apd tall poa
. aaeatextrafor tor carrlaf* sate pboUa deal east maa asAt .
Oorner Front and Cass Sts., Traverse Citi/.
iMCMft. WaltoaatvaBW-twotebalMaiaaaraAeoL I paaaa w latter
.. Me daoa^ Dov to I vUl aloaa.
Froto poar trlaod.
Bno.T« PatT.
la a llU|lr wbUa 1 betoarr tooold and
towm aadbaaldtoWdaraat deal of
(aa. Mr toaabrr-r a^aa la Mlaa Wolfa. prowB-ap for that labool. aad tbae 1
towhatwaatbsa oallodtbe Ualoa
I |lha bar rarr toaab
d. to JaehMB. MIeb. Thiaaehool
a bar toolbar bad foar dapartaaaeu. aad abort tba
VM abb. I bare aot aiatad oat dap aobool roOBawBOB torpo rooto eallsd
! win gier you o«e docea flT«t.clBm Pbotoaaf poar babp |
wa. Wa baaa a flap «
to a liule;
la tbr Mad of a Baa for pootoad mo
. Waalaotaeaalltoarp.
pirl 1 jMt want to wbool In ai UUla rad
damn UAuntmt
mama la Hba WoUa. 1 atadp
1 was oalp toor roars
Atbw tiDp- Ob that dw •• Map
a^B. apoko ptaae. aad plaatod alpbi
We UHtot io fell-
arrila aad taU aa wbare pot
kaaplappoaTOaUaad wbatpooara doInpaUUMtltoa. I ariU Irp aad do tbe
DM Haa Baraa-I Iboapbt I woald
one hundred Roach Traps,\
Bbatt Lainunr.
Sutc St. near Uaioa.
Catch 'em alive ami have some fun'with them...*.........
'ly.* * “
aW.BIrhWm.W Vowri
■aa tor peu too. baaldaa tha doraa.
------------------■--------- '
■ sst‘ssr.-3‘
Oa.. IM a caww ler 3-------
rapfAw baUdt
«w ta>
loff. -Bb* k a TMTfood taaabOT.
loeba alaaaatdMapw; tbafw
alaa aad grmm aad tba towmn ar* ia ___ _
1i'naan» i bad a ale* Oaiaar bad. bat
AtabMnaaaBraubadItallap. I
la aaM
for buslBeM and pleunre combined. Oiees
nnlverua oattotocUaB. baU and mo it Bold by
THC aoT or crcftmMfar
Orders for 40b Prmtu^twft At th«
qatHPTBAVlBitejHmAia. MAY «!. MOB
What is
«M. H. K. C uin NiMr.
a hto faaliap ia a dtbraat
Wa ara aal ben with
Tba flowan ton rabrd tbab dataip
Va all haw. ar aafM to kaa^i
-Be weald aot eeraaB. bat woald
aap. •WbandUlbatotageena froaar
to Atowatoa>WBrotfOD«toa»- aad he
... weaM
.aM bagia------------bagia aad aSbb aaaUto pletoraa ftoe bn todad.
mmf .*k. laa.al»a.4 ■aaycrfaaaia
townbaaoMb. ladBin
0( all toe tolagi that Oed baa B
eb. at • •• •
ml Atol way b ttT Whaa* toalt to «af7 aaab..
to wbldb aew Ule b nriaglsg. ,
«♦ i«^yMfairBtoarja»aBto«t,
UUlawb.^-^^te.M^a~a«i>M l^haUtaa4
4afly >»arttoa
Cmmpt ..
Mtmnfwkat miPB
,p peedlritp torwawllag
^ Uka dtoritf. abeald
The birds eiag hope abon pea;
to baatototo ab
M. daoa H. Stow, who looto^ W ^ Bat onr aU tob baga.-p beart■|^ pea. dear'^Tl^
ea ttoaU IUa«a
toa •oalda-inaaUbatoraa ehar*a
MMKakaSadoaodHIseUaaa Abe.:a
re reaag Jm«— -«—■
J«»: I
uklM toe toar peara' eoni
C. A. tbrtb be*
to nb.----- --------
•billlp. to caseM
boot aopnra old. •
atlaeitoe water caa atworb m nter-eawiuh
aad partielee are hemal the but
SB- To qic water
khlrii ibe—.
Ttobe wosbed poor from tokbi-.Ue
is ibadreed nep soft.
tt>.elniwiegaod healttafal
heal kcratdm aad ihap*. bee
lag the hands lo good coodltloa.
dagera tal. XooU. To..u ooec bon
tto aaiaruf liladetoDO. 'bat Gaglaad > .
graad old sas beppeoed to lake a If Too Waat a Opod Appetite'
Mirn-wmanl-s ap-1
iar to bto'
a eitolaif a
neb meal dlmoln <me rr
iproral. »o ehe n
apa toatabadoaiSpmg Heratoeo.
ns lirspetaia Tableu to
iTooU bee toblu
Dtux- moatl and. mlDgllBg with the i
I. Mto: Obl toe ■aaebiae told toa blaeUrd,
Wa an all «aaatofaa at lailtaUea. M dtotoaa froB bar aklrU.
Miss theyr BsUtutr a perfect digeeliee.
a: dad toe bleato d told toe brook,
------------------MiUa^lU baaaceed aotol aflar abairtoU^aa'
the Dost *ros(^rr
tto daadell'aa were perpiag
•Uto to tottora. U ariU
all tba aaalol Ibr nun o( hie erlBa The miomerfa.
FroB tto woodUad'e ehellered Book;
______ will pnraat Uw
ae of BoglUb riulrumakee hta
Tbep'dlgeet the food before
imtotmak blato ba «eU bnd aa4
the break wae blllbe shd toppp*.
M laeadlio a» entftery llnald» did a rlwc Iv/rr../-..!, Um» prereoliof tl
babbled all toe
■mtl aaaaiinil U ardcr to <o tbto.
boBaa beiog. aad oeraatioee. too. are matloB of gee aad knpiag tor
r- Ae it na to toll toe rinr
toaaaito. tka eoatanaUoaaa< aa
«u bad ae elrodg driuk In ble case.
pore aod free Irma ibe aolkoaooi
[ OftormaliigtotbaMap.
tbAabona aia« ba pan aarf of aa
Wbfre Kea e
UfamtoaadeUaraaabanel tba
Kdward_W. ^k writo. ogoa
toattp traat mA eUwr bto41p
wHkalrimp.U wfllaooa aaaUa
pecBlIarlp xhooghUee* a> to Ibe folopr "I etoiwh iroabln ead O(.0-—-
g.'s.'s;- “*
At toe ooetlag to toe qwing-
M^Pfin peeneif ■■aln.’’ Utoa
M^tolacnalllp. bewerto. (htonaap
ilr. aad It
paeto* wto- we anet, well ttnmd.
aatoato.an.il we bat haew the nal
Mb. aaealtond aad lU-toaaeered.
; Weaheald he qalto. raatle aad aaaa
aanl^ to oar toaaaen. aad ratbto np
rt“itod itot“toi
IB theaprfBg wlam toe greea glte back
Mtoal made toe
toe <
aprtog baaaata.
Heat Btohe faa to toa toaglag.
Dost witlite toe tonebar.
'daiag toe fant be cwii mp a<A ^ >•
well ae pee eoaid do. bat poa ebaald
toe aawol^lf may .call f^.
What;-wee, to Muart U> ■ Ma
tbinned with
well: do the <
bed. aod U wi
un to the
f puint. brumliing il il.
wk just lyf/irt- going t*.
be dry eii.ms-b l<> walk
ahoald be stained dark, rather than
A pnuBd .ifisipperas diwlfcd
OB of strung lyealsu
; .1...
See you get Carter's
Ask (brCarter's,
Insist and dcniaml
at eraaa,
Wfcea 11____________,, _.
datag aaeh dap asto etban aa , we
The ea-gmpm Bynb. who k^
BsJI aaesel s hair brash asd ^
anald ban then do BSto aa. we will ItUle bright red palet aark the
•etoalpmkeotbanbipppbatto tor ed srbu the boi k to eoataia. Tb“ ' SSTiM k eat wHhlui^Ida* tbk
bagilir aartolne aad toe werU wDI
ba all toe bettor lor oar betog to
___ee la Paris la lew. aad s
; taee k toa rago.
It k booal It aad ' ed to the ax-Bmprsn ae a n
dead bp toe ingae. aad ^ pUen. SaeatbBabeoek.Betreag'glrl
of tf.
part in toe gowalag of Mb. : ma. k aa laportaat factor la the nafl
ataBnnwell ndsbcaatc I earrin at Palaaaela. Fla. Ttrieeenrp
4. daibnp b .abaU »■ • emav «o*'*ia. aaa u le owplofiia '------kdap.wlBdaraalB.iMa<ir
' i ■■■ nj. wiao w earn, nta or eaiae.
liMMp aakedbartoatobar alikefor bate, boaaoto. paraeotogeM !■>>• msaannctodallnrtbe
mtoe nlto todallnr the ■
' to
Sid nil Se
waaM Ubsla atrika-tbat
UHlaaalaal oated tba faaaa M toe
b to te
flie Ban aamiad
dtadla b
MkabU ptanadlaMr-i
mlsssSee. .
sns« MSUSU.
■ P. A MirCHKU,
a. w. primoHAa. Ace*t.
_______________ TranweCnr, Mlea.
West Michigan
Railway /
“ Wir':;.'
needs it.........
Your house should have a new coat of paiM this
S|irin^. !'erha|>s you wish to
mixed paint, or may
be that you want letid and oil. Hither way wc\ean
guarantee favorable terms and favorable resists. We
claim that no mixed paint is Iretter than Boydell's. :
As for lead and oiUte buy nothing but the first grade, j
Give u a call for color cards and prices.
•ufiuTtuserBiy SBC C
IE ir*DMi|^
r lirsnd IlniUS*
) glUI«K. Arcul.Tr.
.•1I« IIAVKtC,
Giaiil Ripids i Iniiiiiu .1. R.
Carter's Uttle IJvcr Pills.
Fine Merchant Tailoring,
tossl Trai
Cia KUUOII. in race Ai.1 II Aims
V a'TsI m r S’
Ii"!# t-v Trs.crwfn, At
Imported udHoDiesUclNlw.
-asboc Ji.a'fwrA
tit i:tsi
‘ II •>
n? i!:i:ss’j^r. •
... ' s It ....i.ruiKi
1__ ...
At Rndl-Bottom Hrieua.
? as all
ron-t . Sta-’oort.
Bunn nnwABn.
ICt PleasABt, OWOASO. 8agi>
QAW, Bay City, Detroit, How.
elL Add Arbor. Toledo and
polnu But aod SonUi. (^pad
coooectioni at Oopemisb'
H. dCN .EBy.
Cheap Homes
a few' Fur Robes and Coats which I will cloaeoat
at greatly rolnced prices.
A good line of Blankets .at very 1^ prices.
A lot odd sizes Gloves and ]|^ittc^at half price.
; Si str rnat aai Ont Stmta.
TreTSTM Of^, ICfflhlaaa.
Oenl Pbm. AgUToleda.
—og er-tJtgwir—
Farming Lands
Sale & Boarding stable.
kmeaL.BsifgkckVsaiel Pi
-WHFIf for WdAT
Blffhaat lluiar»-Workfe«<Alr.
harbor tosccta.-.Vtofe.
Es™'Sk?sMr..3Su';'ss":; k.rk2BSSSSsa;’;.si
"*I™^ wm^ try aad
w tblB^ aad an twaat eaal-
‘i-w kitobrn'floor ask bi.ll^ ull-
Map Be of Um.
Will t,. Stoddard irfee* the following
fecipe to »a»r fruit trees from tbe
rffecle of late fr.»U. Take ordtosn
rod brick, soak iheB to kerosene oil;
Aa aaotfae rhabarb U a II
place to shallow dishes to wbleh oil, is
ia price
.m^of all kiade.azoepttoetooroagb. also placed. These dishes ahunW be
areep boeeewile Wboto toad of eltoer pr d eitoaa aad die: ^ fnllo^ ' pla^ to tbe ortiisrd. about Bfty feet
_____ joald make a few pot
MlahoaUlBakeafewpoUolUBdebe Barketod If toe lone were equal
lldoB* jam thatoDBblnee
toe BalUtedc
*------Wipe toerbobarbaatilcleaaaDd dip. b(g‘e board la wha
BtoralBg. Tbe brk-ks will beni flee)
am eat it late flae alaan wltooBt peal. enrp meal: bkelot
boors, foRDlog aeapor warming the'
Ii«. IW ball a dotea onagea. — lo marketlBg what
air |D saeb ao eiteot as to prerenl
awar air the while aadn the e
daoMfB. Thit raeilMd isuld w bare
take oattoenade.aDddindc toe
aba wobM ridbernUoTtor'BiMro been tetod with saeoess to large ormages lata qearleca. Ooea eaeh carpel Mas thatabe BOM ban'her toMe groan ebarda.—gfsirl
IhM balds toe palp aad take that ooV oader thegraatoatpoailbb rartetp ot
lonnall the joke. Pat dalinein aad luartsa. ball of
rr in tfaeac days
It Is a Trip easy a
of reeera.< repta. «*»'
Belea Uapfaell_______
pokes and si--------- '
r. aUr BBtil'the_.
wmieis of ABOlber. to freaben and
eook elowIp^oM j
ed laapkltebeBewbrreabea
n It b^ln to toiekea sue! a Uule wbmea roUIag. rolllw. rqUl
naeer. Pefaway la MaUere aad iag aad fanliag ttel ^^^trp might
Baterlally to toe leDueaUuB. and they
1 or oHed paper. A
likewise nse Sir *ey Bumber of small
.Bhark^Vateo UlmrwtriBC Baehlonp
errp gim (am of the rhi
length faWfes most eSecUerly Tbreemade
e witoooi the araageo.
L’n oa« pond toe doorwap^aad •
>d of eagartocaeh poaad of tor portaan for oateide work k reocgelt- inartefs of a yard uf erleel will makr
aad flaror each poaad with Lhe od oiBllar aide woald qlaee og doctor's ipfwttypoke. but if the seleel it Boi
ed yellow riad pf half a Imr^ lea- bau aad Bion toaa pap lhair wap. if theeerp flaeat quMIty. far bettor
ailk. Vok^f
Yuk^f b
bright seUn
Htir aad ikla freqaeaUj while tSeerp faace
dra^ with blark chiffon with chlffcBi
Boi-&ari^~ trn^^tbe «mrictS°^V
aertktaade boa adapted to to# noil, ton proriaga eab- frills at the yoke edge, arc easily-made,
lubarb bp eoaklBg..................
. h with eagar
__ .aad Btitate ferantor adentri srfto half aod prare eery eSecliee asd dreaqy.
Slashed wmku asd sicerea with insartBing it with grlatiae. Weigh
Hm bber beatowpd oa traer dbhea. edpuBs or pointo .. ..........................
ouBUaseBg maeftoerhnbarb. waebitaad ei
terial. is aButhrr pretty method
' d ol
of util(T’tolo nry sBall pi<^
'• ends
• .of hi • - islag odds and
Wblle eookUg with eiphl
totp aaa be sold ebeap.
plalf. belt aaB
eager. Whea the rbaterb Is teadn^ rtoai^*^d^ sritolB toe reach ot lies A wide boi-pl
iato it
of s boa of jela-l.k- -i.j ‘iTkliJ. sat oar dt the most coUm of one sort uf fabric k a a
deelce tor freabeulug a budke. Uke
tin toat has heea SB
BBtriUbn foods.-Harp
ot a eepfal of aoU pt
Biaton weU with at
tara "to toI^ld.*WhM*m?’s-. -__________ aboskl be aniaibic. V»r«>
with a yellow casurd saace or sritooat
leal, cbaritablr. domeMio.
UlUaratantoellstoftheaBWed a n pea prefer.—ftrfrrtcrt.
loag. lllscnadnKaraPerrp.-Oalda.- gumri.iuA
Do aot throw
>y tia caaa IhM han iaan tigrlow. Bon Cktp, Bdith Tbom- leeiBg. row
aa. Haiah Ores Jewau. Harp Wilkies. aakqen-e'reOccUag. sober, leader, ur*
boas. rirtuKus. wise.' ricipplarp sad
palBtad aad osed fur rioa. i
Uesais UtohlsU. Bdaa
Aad a mao ought to aaub
ay^ and all d^^roeertes. aod Babe
Ss 'kt:,5r':i''s,a-J.’. _....
.ibe flw.Vof tlic da^.
•^ ’^:i?»‘Sr^:iU...nb on the .
floor, or resB matting, but Been-put a
"stol is
U much t
the beat
ciiwhl walla ^hhuld oerer b
r palet or k»lsemto
whan wa woald aatarallp aapaet i
r.'oiwMs' ssn'-^
A.ax. at.B'r.
.. . are
••I firBirbrl^t^“ui,‘‘toed\“^; to^tatoof Miehlgao«l“e hkre
of indigestniB artd dykOefaU
the BSC ol Stuart-1. Ilysppp.is TsblrU
nteaae u at preerat the can. there h, Said by
. all droggisuaiao.ynU |
K5f "■
Bcrar alight aapoaB
Treat toa aged with napwL
Doet. wbaa at ebareb. easat
DoalaaddlawitoetoarpaapU-a i
'*"i^‘at olghl. wora oel bp toe atrala
m irAlfrr.nf. Rllrv.
of toe herd dap. the went to the llUie
mm which ebe bad kept for benelf ia
Relbr for toe Farmer's Wibtoe wing of toe booee Aeakeeatored.
-'leiahM.aheeaer a little Boaar
rrlng >eron toe door:
ocb-Ulked of dn»M7 that
who had atood all
with Seato. falatedl
at toe eight of a
It it k true. at B<wt
maap. that
Dta-t beb^ toatoalbaad ain to
toop BO
do aot rear
fear ue
the bobm
Ueeff, bat toe Ullen of the e<dl la thU weetoni
oalp harlag irraa ap IbbUc of toeir
___________to male, aod
Dealt aall.
aUrta. Ihd biotBOf fled new womao ____Bsap spots of groead ate aaeal lileBBMefora troBor. aad ntod. Lao not fanitate tony toat eeerp bnaer’e wife oaa aecore f^ ber
■ tooap-plaaaa.'
own help a elty waif aad at the aad of
k Time wUl iell.-Selort.
Deal mar to poet paraab aa tor
Tiaearaca*- ar “old bdp.‘laeb gardes einft gon to
Oraaga aad Rhabarb Jam.
Dnt aba toa doer, apltaatoa
pak aana
a toto t
toa koaaa with dirtp
Mar go to toa tobUwUbheiWti
hatp. aiglet n baa^ to tolad lb
raba ipplp aetaalp to botoa a
:ssr4s.”!.?t.-r' “I”
.toat fnwB aad br tovallto.
Daa*! sake faa to aapoaa.
Be wflUw to gin aad aeaapt aa
baatbaBlwapatopi^W mj a
totogb .sad amr toagh at pear
”• ..!X.ssr;.r.:rSi:
a eraafl amount fur an insur
er, often lurnd toit to be a
none to the wunian or chiimirTieehim.
-------toal Ibe taking nut of an i*ur
asce pulley. OB the part of ll)r bos
band, fur an amount according to h^,
^ gmo
part of 'CT^ marriage ceremony.
kMW whereuf'l «p«*‘‘
> “? “lal
Walb^M U toe Iraat to my Idee*
Wbea toe greea. poo know, glte bock there are liundrcU of women to Wie .
abeald wot be frigtatooed. bat were
homes ut this land w ho are .l*l'y riirry-,iatoetraaa
tbem the fear that tbi-ir has-1
Ibaa toa gnea glw back Is toe
baeds or feUiet* are iiegleettog or fur-1
aad brea
grtUng to make Kuitable orotK-iob for
■atralla be eatoa |
Ua baulB'ardaad agaia...
B toat klad ot a latp “gow
their hamck about U>e____ _
gaK tbep hoB roaa' ki:
can affocil to' i>e(rl*'-i a isimple duly,
. toe groaad-i all bald where the which mmy meun all th.- differeoce be
twMD h^ptoe»and misery to his fs^
I’oaipvcly curr^by tlMM
bap-ridr atood.
_.i toe eriBkh ria aad toe brieie
iMndl «u»d u.eck ud
Coaan the bloam la toe eld dogwood. cannot"sllow bim-elf t-. uut ofl. f.o,
IXtomfram Pyspqtos.'
Aaa toe gma glu baekie to# tma- surely it is,true tout, to toe mi.Ut s.1, ^Tbcpslmiriice
'Uotoer o.
and Tm llrurty lodng. Aperlk.7B-nk.rtk. »»« ^ -l.otk.r
1 like, aa I kap- la eieb •weaea rae lifeiearutoileath"
toe Botdlan,"aBa»*wblr
wbito elaag to
icet. renwdy f.c DUriiieM, Ksutrs. Diowii.
bar loag altar Ue war wae
■»e Uaw when the greea giU back
Praeiloal SuggesUonsMB,
Mouth. Called Topgue
Ob toe d^ toat Ibe Coaf<
I. ak. a_^
an ‘osk
oak sslain lake raw slrana. iVsin in Ibe Side, TUhllD LIITR. .They
• •
Ibsr to it. mis with lip
add a little um<
Slled to prer«owli«
wito toe-------------toe ainbM Wbe« toe whole taU feather* o' win
lag with
and som
seed- oil. a........
All dap loag tola ladp atood ahoolder
Japan driers-lablespnml.il tuaquan
to aboalder with the ao-------ball palled oat aad goes'
■ ■fsiain
Ms^eslaln thin _f'urw^
biB la toe operatlona
Aad toe np it toawt aad begin
toaeMl to tooaa areaad aa. DaaX harr
•kk aad waondad eoldlen
two etoetotoaaawm.farU w* do
Aad toe sweat it eiarta ohtem
^ ato ba llriair righUp. aad poi^lr
odknordnAh. proBklBg U‘ A fellerb foRed. a-giula' dowa
wUl toaa dad aai toat we an practkAt toe oM spring OB hl> keSne epee of toe eUn
I Uod o- like, Jn- a-loaferia- rona'
Blaflp^ pUpwi 1
Wbea toe green gets back in toe
part^^am^oetorT IriradTaad Both
timt woald here todo
Jea'a-pottnia' rono'nl—do—pleaee
bn iafonandepeebeVinwIlbaat a
WbcB^grteo, poakaaw. giuback
Mr. 8ok' forciblp eontoadi toot toe; toe enoujiefuJ
!• Hie aedi
bnlaad ebould bar. hi. again ia eoch . pt^r^ Apn ally for one diwan.
eoaditloa Ihel la Ui. rreatto death ' A «bole pe^kai.-e tokro at ooe^ time
to him bU wife and ohihlrTB. wcmld rot hort'yoo, bat wmild nmply
r depeedeoC opoe hiiB. woold be a «».le of good material.
iIUm efclll
telieto aa
_ .____________ beaaUaad U to raallpa datp we
, that looked like Ueew^.
(al wtof*,
atone to aeqaln food am
■ata na to tboD to ordar thai we leap
..;na bole Bear
be latoMm whtoenr we *»•
11 anaeqalredbr ealUraM aad praeUea. weataanaaa how
reap mwiUalHtotokaep to food aatoMJ- Ito IbaaoerUau wDI DM oarip
baweHapaal.bBtwewlU be toaprortot aaitoladeaa well aa oar ^--------Maba ptoltoaen aad food
taWk aaa tbeto evarp dap. Howe to
m weald gin agraat deal lor good
■aaaera wbaa aaad lor uutopaAP.oalj,
aad toe adaate eoarpaep b gem n- MTC toe aato aad baeeae aahlad aad
Preparation .
All of a kaow>tor ptoeaeal aad
'a^Bbla Ilia toaaataad kaewpeoptowboanndaadaadwtol-hret. Oar
tto^ we an toap poaaaaa if wa wtto.
MiBalp-teod taaaaen. lar Ibcp are
teaatWBfdcxprtoBiaaatoaar toward
U« Joirtial" dirrctlBg etiiaiioB to ^^Thrp laerw flnh bpdigntltig fWebW-bn I aetarto Ur j A. U tow^i^toa fawen •
toaOp- Ko ebU<
Mataadlontoraramtwboladtoafiaatto. eoant Bad ralfar to blai
toe little Ibaa too aeeb.
• sss «•;'
ratoUtatoa h
K 'to* to tba peaarar atoalwn el tba
;•• :
..' -i
use W sac Uece
UwfT. Veswll
General Blacksmithing.
Wheels, Wagons# and Buggies,
NoUroiM Cid^Mdnrnatffc CotM
DoBot goWMtar Baath aaUl yt
wy I «A. s
Toa ess ao better with leas
truss rov
Bemlodt. etc., and are well wateead bp
Blroag ^yU. floe erops. kwithp aU-
All Work Warranted.
New Shop oa Uaioa 8t
E.R. KMLillD'S lEiT IjUtlET. ^
No. SI, Front Street.
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Etc
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