Dublin Core
Grand Traverse Herald, January 30, 1896
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
AO. P. Carvcr,i^^i
Violcttes Russes,
iloquet Hommede Cour.
Henri Rocheui, .
1 (omi uiiofi usaiss mk,
tr n¥Umr„ >w r.4; •poll miTll*
libm] irMtsrsv__
I’erfumeur Paris.'
Ba> MrailKn^I B.<w- a'uraWa
awl alwl »tarl~-lM.
Real Estate
Rose & Soil,
■Mdikitk, ' Tnim Qd, UdL
TVuA Ba»*.r...-a.,.BMa«
t .W: laai «d M Oawi. !• IM.
aod , ur BBakrt
•UMto...ar B.. aiiMiiar.
BIBT*, dlB^rr*
AaJ hr, uiiW BB.-, IUWB.B.
la Bi, «TBB.. -twa. »B4.:i .-arB-B
IWB«M W^BBJ. BlbWl, Wll MT>B! IMraU M iWuB .B|
BnsmesB Cards.
tRavebsb oitt.
Qfflti U U L L MHtU, WMIU L t L BkL
k iKMt jH Ml jM A Wl MljBI J*l Ml M
w. Hastings
, ,
PHARMACY? — 'I«E?till6
Trry eoedlalli a»d re
8UBB ^WA^.
iHilBlB, QfMK SMM Ui ttl Kft
rtrmx ^ XtovwM ottr-
Carpet Cleaning,
Ipl aU
Farming lands
ibaUms- M hieh mouJtJ an.,. , fnvrr ll,e.r
Hu-k he..l a peuy in
BoaevideBtcompaBy: tliereft.m. wnlle
Ibet had no "rainy ila.t' fun.l. ihey
felt BBa>nrab1e mvur* Id the v^a** of
ai-cldcht or al.X wlD M SBt
uy klsi et p«&t or pnisM &r tb* MsU wwslMlcs.
. rmliy a icf
Tbe. lum*
lie affi
1 al an e«e(i IMBlMrBlum and a»aj f'riMa ral*. uI.m and ia.iiB«
• Ibeii pin'eiied. ebiSTle*a v
1*1 a’SJmrBd’fSiitiliu B?»e| “m
an, 1.1. tots- i** lanbei and- p"
ISHal.M-tatolxd 100 MB'S-'•
BJ Id- nisi U.IVIB B'eaebda
_____ ___ JlTwi'ibJ^iViMiofpara.l.«
bbr vhic'krn*. anil bet trihi little
ten. Maavic lelt that her life i-ini
^ pardeB.
,_-iert tbe lull luraniuE of the MiiM
happlneu.. 'm the *i.eilii|f term.*. ju*t
al. irf tbe c-tlafrc. kn»»l the i.nill.t
maoeUin of sebuvirr Saudvr*. oiilluiB.
aire aod tunuer' , MaKFib sew tiP'
prealnian ilrirendoMn b,On every .lit
:<.1 hi* lit pried tsavlimaB. and uoM'an.l
l'4irv. rvfuicd
n l Chhr tutd Purr Kohl pron
/ 'iiirgiir for salr Oy ham ! or /'»■//.
"jT oVa«0*IC3-,A.N.
Front Sti House,
6. B90TSeaL fl'eprilter.
• --------------rue br*r
Ceitiallf UKiled aid Popular.
Pioneer Livery, -
Owd Qm asd ODBttosu TrMttttst
Sale &B(iMiii£ stable.
Traver<ei City,
a OKAHN. ftvtntm.
B. r. Ksoarop.
unsioii in am aoiEEis.
Design Work
emeachanirotl prvetinF»or .-hatud orei
the loM he.lffe
^AhnOllhiB time MaKidr . little par_ .. h.ik cerv potraml omoj
l.n I
ber. and her mio.l Ma» lf..uble.i
.i.th»of fliaieninK mirMis. rel
______ yto. and. *i1hen pB-tirrea
dac. late in aumtnrt Mr. eiandpr. i»m.
lutd tbe little i.tMBrrTBtort. wher.
obr flo’Mer'toanulber. eavlaliniar ot'ei
msmtiv faab
Oaa a BMW.
, «a* l«th'y..uBK anTpretty.
• lor day B |iei blnl .wtaped from tbe
KPeal bonnt and ttewetraikhi into tbe
. liuleeon*erTaUtrv«c1rt.-biii.''k bade.*
.atrucled for MaifKl..'. lloMer*. .Uaejr"'
' vauvhl it and. pultioir 00 her b-.iinel.
$1.00 and $1.50.Hotelp|p»^^
K Hooka. Hapa. eta., addmm
MUM %a* Wlik
<1 iu U.M Ml IMr riu.
UtmfW IWMU. .ta.. M.W sM all mmdm
tip.' t(d*».'W"M(•
maiailvr Vcbe|iaul M.tii.o tMo jear*
money nearer bonw.
^Aiidt Itch, dry and eently mlllnr:
Timbii^ mainly iri,tb Sn^ Maple.
Rock Elm. IMmaomt. Aah, Hewb.
Hemlock, etc., and am well eratared by
takea. rieeia and brouka.
HVMir BOila. 8ne cropa, faeallby climaldi. achooU and cbnmhiM. Intelli^at
atlon, mainly from Ibtatcrti Bute*
T aKBOjia u<<ii>s
cr .--•Hi in tl-r
I..MJBV ol N;huyWr l«ai.oen. A
w lo.
xo. ^U.
wfjiBl 1“ *•"•■•
ieoniiranl'e al*tra,-l ..fli.e-at a
,’kitp. »«eek. pajral.le at llie r
lienee of brremployee*.
Uliek bad been vB*hieVlu»leail of . Ir
tliey M-oBld bava
r. feflaitif
feflaitilv tber^
:*miled inor* beniKtilv.
., p..l«
la'i tUeii
'bad been no "Bisb,
m.aCrc iiveB, «o wbiebb 'tUej.iMilil.ecef
I.bA lAok; then tbe fuiiirr,*,
aonable promis- ..f,belter UunKs I.eo.*they Mere niari 1.*!. in keM than a year
after Ibvir lirvl Bjei tinif.
had *a«ed mouirli fn.cn b!* nnl;iry jbi mate a tM.eibirc)* puynieni 00 a
- ■----- -
i-ach'fcoiirfi f..r mi* puf|*>.*. Imiine a
not (oWmi or Sooth aoUl yco,;
. 'aU-VK. ■ B. Unsl
A nrr
.^- - -
lU.r and I'olou Sta.
.New llrick fold
GnidiipIdiilidUiiR. B. Umtuj
_____ i.
a fUoea „ 1
Cheap Homes
••MrtrMKslansIHM ». It... K l»-
Jj '“'"-j
Cold Storage.
TMU> uSIlXKIl • l4a.M>S.|-b)Wlsl» SKi
Fire Insurance
WR. AUM/ al
Mr» Buxim* Plok ^un liown
. T'Sy.Sd.vrsS'iavW:.^ Ain Drop lid P^tjliilitiiie
n I
Vm Mill Bod II Stbi Ad>r ea>r >il Mlrlulien ,
Oraad Ot>.r>. al.*n >..ii *111 Oi.d
lUltUu'k.Trsir- - "--
«. Ml Ml MIAMI Ml Mi:
waes ji>F wxAT
__________ idneelataeTSiBMrUe•aka a Bpeeialty af (mdlBf larsera
Mm ar* alMay* rmdy 10 ta<* ekar(e
alrearaoMaae (im them ike baa af •
a littte.adfaiT
next Tbursdar en
Ibretce. ■ ilaprie falb-red '
-No. lii. k
! ;U.-fortunv^d! tbe lilUe
yard* :> tbe *uia1.r*t pit I
’ I»d 1 there'en.iuKbr
. ;d i.ik braiCFari.
r*vll.' an-Meredtbe t.erki .-Vew. and 1 *uppo*e 1 ouKbl tA kec,.
a-«>mpa<iloB.'Mb.>. be It imid
leme.ubtT. uiadam. Ilietw i BomeibinK. ju.t to ntake toe reinemi* . j ui In__ ____a*haaied
- of the
It 1-. u.cB.-' weleTo VII ! Iio* nauKUly l.ha.r iHs-a. BirLif yon
I .*.ui|tau> be mb* in. *U.*I la tbe hotel
trsth. Maaflfie bn.i nnl IhuoKbl »f plea*e. llt.-k. dear.' *br *Bld..K>iiiid 1 r.duieta .-ne Saturday ciflM. Tbrlitthe'tn
M pltb at Bil 1- Ui
ocer and and ki**iBK liuu. - I'd tatan , t.r trl.oM mb* utkiBfc- ataict .Irelapd.
riren iipthedmfdreetif I|...l/l-.i.-*..t.i
•hoM Uie *vm 1..1
I mit the v.ainlrj and tbe p«.i|.le.
J A Irifl ruan *to.id by IibVbiuk to the
r*nan' little, frIi.iM'. .apinur.. lie uvraly
beard from, k
there I .0111,^. uulii the little Irilow aeiit, IB B ,
yapl*. l*ic*»e^ ^
r sbimmerlnc .ti.fr,are many divrs wli.i. Mbether
wan .-at -a. tbei
uiKeu Mu. arKum.-rit ■f ihBi • ln7j'ri“m!lT’,MU B .«m“
anrf ttirea.1* to t - Iiuurtal. an-l. sonie I b.-ntlriuaJ or out. think we *
upiuruentheblK fellow .lipped.np. and
minutm. lavr. w en jlaifyie einerife.1 i ib, ,.,r d the *n|uriiaior«) -i.iiif,i,.oehitiK tbe little fellow on Ibeebml-from tbr kwrr, ii mb* wilii a dimlau
ler. *aiil. in a beacy. tawB cuhw,
rmilj IwK-B.
iv'oal . IbBlyou B*i.r
. I..OIIII Biuue aiii.infl meu ul l.ii
- |*eid BbOM lar an IriahmBB, and
BBU'i otvn * .inpr ibsl a
II .burr r.M*<»*ard."*Bid (be lltUe
. Uial frr.1.1 ecenU *re
elluw.Ml*i.rVn*<.avre MaakiBC anlatVr after nil. And
11. reallv d
l.-r him
.o U- ph'kvd
ptnk mtui
.-■ aoti.'iiiav eve l» in U.e phjsi.ai.................... •m bn Iriabmaa." aald lbe
up at Mi.h |.rK-.s«.i-r.v day.
rl.l Mbich may 1* rauitkl Miib«er. | nij felloi..
Sbr f.wbO toe aVtra-'l ufli-.e
iri-u* Umb. ..................T.M nn-to MMiman? Well." and
1 luaiy- of tbeii iiBjuile.iflur flitted ocer ttoliulefel*tood on tip toe ti. rend it
IK*’e«li.jU* are IBol-r
wa* out of the vily aod w ould not r.- I e.’x* Ibau protableo rBVrtliBK Uerc. I tbru^b’wbJh bevoald vrnwl. -IVn a
.until next M.-ek. ’ Her Aral ip |i .wervr. i« a . Wuie ut ..J BiVKMd fai'l I .uward.-—.VO.J..I
pulw wa* w ru*fa uevr
rr u>
U> lbe
tbe bai
bank aod
jd » p.ediule.n Mill
r. ,wrb*p..i
------------------------------el It. Ilui -wbal 1
vll Ihek all
Id only trouble b
'•"v““!''‘''wh....,i.lk. I
l,Bj*lr.mumer. wra.wWme^tBf‘iU-1 ITiur b. the dUeocefy ol U.i.*onM_
siw would pel-lhe miui
.-i*.*.t*li Ihalm I1.-1 tbeplaaet* Mer | ucnfhy t-.IbiuW there wa> n-i cereal
Uieurtir wruht trll bln:
Venu*. Mbtb. dunivr aod Saturn
Aniers-a. either norlb or *uoU.
when Bhe
waa alu*Al Va tin
.ed home; .he did nn-d m»h lo rw i w.ii all he in 'vonjun.-tiuai in tbe »bt., | -‘■>dh *ppa*m<l^ la
..pene.! 1
e op|vj*
' • .uiy uf tb« pink «Hin .rimed vlroJi*. e.re"pbeo..menoB.
and Mr 1 may be .iHli'Bll to r-ali.e tbe fart that
rare pbi
fu Wc.fIb" of lia.v I |.«e *UU-. In eonoreii.* with it tba'.
l '^t'rtainlyTiBikrddifferrot:
• .-iXy .-cliu.lrr. du( np in Hal.
MB* i-mnie anmltm.ynnd the cl
,yo«. u,..on MMchtbr . bablemi lure of uoewifa.urwble U> lU pradacUuB. bat
ailb« waapMiafuliy.i-on.pi-'aou. kl
the BfC M
itu-o in .•oDrif.wio rl.Br ' .m-h MB* the vaae. It w*a In llbJ tbal
rie iBKl the owe dre*. away, hat
hat a Bioolar ..mditeio . p«r *mee belijBariar to CWtoa •f.marl
ea>.ye<l at I
time .rf the Noavluan a few flfatn. -f wheal la a porcel uf
wrre di.lunwd by el.km. of i
Roird. -Beru
.Bihal.leaoa.lroo.-in.-.Wbo ordered Ibrm to be planted. Tba
iSu M.mday momlnr. a* i»«> a a* Kirk and hi*tOriBn.
re>ull .bowed that wbrwl wusM tfarlea
wa. fairly out of tbr May. .he drcM out
well OB MvxicBS Bull, and tirda> one ut
fair vide and beran work lo
tbe finiwl M beat valleyB in tha world Ii
■fcaroBet- liut Ibloar.llid o-.I
near the Meiicaa capiVl.
(rmrdi Iraj ed o
f rom Mexiru tba .-enml fimnd tia
o.-h; aod there wa. rer
mi-l by M
'al'i'eeiway b>l‘frti
Marie IllSao.bbr.
lainly out cn..a4rh U> make tbr drew, a* I'iiiBe lo be Ibeeinber
l ail
-led a few
•be bad planoed. . She w*. be|rlnoinK
Tbe . Iialdean* are reputad to bavr of Itoo fliepuart.-tPaovn..
peodnet f.W
Ol feel vrOB* aod worried when *ume lireo a very wi*e people, and tO bare
-me rapoed lifhUy. TbrowiOK wpne- Iwen **pe.-ially cev»ed u myatical U-te.
Ibioi; uerr her wiirk.i *be op-oed tto
n»elr p^nlnma. bowrenr. are n-.t endi»jr lo And Mr*. Saodere. Bmiliofl
litlwl to any more credit
It Uma
(baa tbe
tbr pee
. Hat iti. Nuite
Lkmuf ihr-pIsB
piboa mao kept l^oi^o^
IbruMiDV brr>eH
i-preaerved at V*iU> M]bmt
oaa cocAmiud V
afvr all- f'BOry
wrap of 1
. a* .be picked up a wi
Un- iwh-UBK It lo her ba«d>
iropmaa.1 they iBlrabrbt line.
| by the Lof Iwh^
the**l -fh^
tbe earth ia a mo! Vii
Vd J' f-uo-KepaUlv.
iouw' bnnK’*^-Ogm!d!.'’oui lo tm*ij
inVrior of tlv
.' T;
1 ....vtmy
dnwalioBB. but
Bailey'* are i
dvrin* if you would n.it
*ell a
LITTLEANDBIG.'.:.......-------- 1...
a eerr few M these *«evt tbi
.................. AXDCOARSE,
added. coaxiuBly.
CHE.^I’ AND COSTLY.. ...............•... \
-.Vo." MiFifie ,
prondic. -1 will ndl aril y.io oue.
'etill fire cun all that yon Are foi
. -llearXrv Bloom. Ufa 1-. lo.
yon W lay *o' And 1 wan\ ’j-u bi ,• .me
J»t beer her arm *iroek a p.t
SOFT AND SMOOTH.......................
t«Hainiora.«ne vboire vottinK*. ..rer
How to Breath*.
........................ALL SH.APES.ANI> SIZES.
tamioK it and breaking 11 ap.c tb> ‘'^/irl*^^'actmUyKOtvnd“tn^filhl« nod uf oanb and iwk thrown;
riv valirar .-reaturvw im*j-; which the coofioed fire* fre-iuently i rolilvav the babll of
It muBt be vonfmevd. b.twerer.
throi-w-ve. tioe iadi« It wwio* ; break, and a* the waVm uf tbe ba are i tbrooKk the h.ae and laki&jr dfifoi
ibaCattbi* momrDI the Blip* were uf
•rlr imp»*ible for them tu under-' corriud to and fro in a mvrbty wave by |
thi* habit w«a nniee*^
>mal1 account in Manrir • rym
-jd'uownideuBBlbe.a l■a.eiol■t*t•on. ; the mooh. why Bhiwld out the Hold |
^ little doaU that po'
fooliab flatter a*.
are in tbe err. uf well bred people * 'ma-. within tbe ranh reapood W the :
u, ,Vrr«*Bed «
heraelf a
Mr*. ‘ SandetB iweioed Dat u. have | iofluence uf tbevw Buflbiy planyV i
KnFftab physician call. aOe
Sebnylrr Sa
nulieed MaFFie'* rrim*on face.
; ranFvd in line in lbe aame unarter uf | ,nj,
,nd fonwd
Wbea at la*t order •
- .boulu like yon U> MW
, tbe heaven.’ Were the earth .Ulu* .
will keep lbe ehUre budy
anon..Bbe .ai.l. B».br arcB* tulary. lbe. altmctiun uf Ihev Wir*
tbe ooldBBt weather, no n>.
ereo 1
M.y. What i* to hiader : w.«ld produce l.ule or no perceptible .
:I have
half froi«n to d«I
j-unr .-online <itvf at aU-ut nine-? j . vlTeet nniia*. perhap. it .Irrw the «artn
_ , -And sw the Magnificient Line
■ 'little
• .-loaer*’i^Se
-an in.lni.l>
ana. BVirtenirBVirten int ■
l|.«B'i*kin* de
-dmll be drcin^.
it yout..u
tne footman Wat—.,.
- - ean'th* .year Bad incTeavos the vtnpbra-y,, air in bU
itaC Wiiolens now on my counters, such I ex^iaiw ta*te. wrcuu K-iap
lUok at tbe room* andI tiavr Bmp.e FtinF:id- lure, but rvrrTi
rerryi twenty
twenty-fuurfauur. tbr Tbe reault •
. ._ a few min!^C. a line as will gladen the heart of j*“jSrt?^'Ml^Mk^aa.eoi mthe puo U> *ei »«*F before the roe.ta arrive.' earth whirt. anwod flf.-0 iV axi*. ahd [h.n-iMUfhly c
MaFflte had a dim rec-ullecliun of the Bappovitum U that a tidal »a»e ■
ju* d.
the mm. «lto
Suit and
» thankioF Mr.. s*nderBanil of Bts-winF: will he ewBvd wfaivb will rend lbe vul
menhas a laudable desire to get one. ||rralitnde~ >I.i«ecer. «cre there not her *t. Then .be wient back inu- the - rr rind *»d ca.uwt t*v.w and dianaVr
*niine.rouia and. labor-aCr gathered among iv inhabitanu
In addition to this-largc assortment 1 SLo°k''^a^Liru“lAo Tilud b“a^^*r'imB ane.erj Bcrapof the havful pink .at- Among all pooplc* there are ttndim. inruBl it into the ciowrl and turned ti'** ulw great flood, The Kiblirt
to »lect from, i will give yon the:
______ jleflniuand .peeitlc.
tbe key
l-niting oa ber bat and . connl ia the
if Wondmfal Taloo. and Fm*
poaaeta. but tbr IradiUM i> w> ani
fiheft workmanship, a perfect fit ^k'of'beinFsad-ibv...n*.ri,
• s*wl. rtir wvht unt Into tb
—'-S-- iM'ing lbe weredefaararTired U--------------------------------------------Mtiea. ■mleaadaiiakea
.larled down lbe rood.
and a price tliat will make you i
ipturea notrd lbe-|Or«- haggard eym.
eyeo. alaepl^.
alaepleM, aighv
' '
, vrof the
.in.eBB fa*aion
B* WibeliUlr room fur neak nereca. are niuiing our Urea and
the blood thi
throbiwd1 ll-m. thee*
. . .
.narpanJ cold, bat tbr
buy.'TRY ME.
■luubt- that
that Bometime m tbe far dialaBl klllingoBT peupie. No. nunil ,r Ibena
poet a great cntncIc.B •.terabrlm'd poor anffeien blem Ih-. (jtneoe (or hta
*"A‘‘Jbiele waa coming rapidly
he. exclaimed. Food-bm
the earth, ur at lr*»t that portioa uf it grmt offer, fie V tbe.jpont eaccMfoI
tbe road. A* It enme nearer. *t
don't Imaeine
ia whwb mna then dwelt W briber It; apeeialial ia esriag ne'rvua* and chraa'
og^iaed it a* tb* Sander.' coupe.
waa <mn*ed by lbe c>«jaa.-lioo uf the [ le dlBeavs. aafl the dieeueerer of tbal
It wn* neatly ofqmV ber. tne
planeUlaaBUlberqBeaiujB. 1( *U the woadeHol medkiae. Ur.-iraeae . Naremao drew up tne rein*, beckon
aboeldn't;" Maggie replied
favV be aa atavd bj lb CUi»*. the co- am blood and aeiWe romady. H* baa
fended air. -'Yoo ace enxiaeetod with ber. sbr wondered eaguely w
iomdeace* are .Igalflcaat aod there- relabliabed a cyatem of letter werm
raennt. bol oef.>re!.he had rtmeb
tbe bank and—••
carreace pf the - plaaetnry coaditiem*. p-ndence at hi* ofhee. iS Weal L«tb
-Canceled with the bank; ttaggie. amagr .be dewwied Ibck lying,
then exirteot foil of leleroBt—Vi'oa.t. Slew Vvrk City, by -ilch
which All
al! «a w
tbnl'aMop good.
ConnrcM-wiin the and limp, in tbe araw of Mr. bebayier
bnnkl aoial-alMcDoEy.-'
tbe aymptoma they *a^^
-l•un't be alarmed. Mr*. Bloom." tw•1‘alrick M.-Ifaflvr
•llmg him bow tbep-T^.
• Yea. tbe mao that VndB tbe far- gan Mr Sander*. _j^«nringiy;
him.' .
generally beiieerd that bBinaB t........................ceieena aaawerUaib
oace and .weepe tbe 6o(>f*.-:
xge. gieiag
a cpmaleV >de-You aoed to tbibk 1 wna aa g-good d?nt'« *ibcXe*t car and^*"BlM being*I cBBOot floari*b—in fftet. eaa free of dmrge,
exknencr withoot aa vriptioe of ibeh-eaaeaafl telllaff joat
farwha-vnalobaeebad V.lh hardly Mippwt
*a a-anybody." Maggie faiveed. and
. air and aonligbt wbataB* theta. He grim (amt earrfol
re. t-lcnae get ia. Ur Barr ample tnppiy at
--------one atvstioa to eeory lettm. vita jam
Vet it appear taat there mat team
A. viUkc, *^c* It *>. ti aui.'VXiu.J. sr*aiuae*j*-«w.>
that. t^*me* *yM
| M
Maggie laataatlr 'iaaoleed ku keep virilixrtl w-mmonitf wbVb getaakmg what to do w be cared pmfecUyand
very well, allboog^ depriecd of tbi* m<hnaae«Uy. oad make* all nader.
grant adraatage. In tbr anil miaca at Wvi- ,^aad esactly what tbeir eompUiat fa.
icaka. in Galicia, a popalatiua of I.ira/Aad aU tbb cot* aeobiag. Re )em>
Two day* later, aa Maggie and
Tce alone tugrtber la the twilight drea—I
Chamois skin
k. aad I.
Irota Mr. (.mat yeatmlo). lAyioF that, chteki
re rcAlly flettinr ipnile iat|ua
. lirhted by elmtrirlty.
be waa at Iwt ready to pay me the tin taiire.
MM. ant an iaditidBAl in a
that waBdueoB my Baiaej wheat left; "I nay. MacFta." Iht-k
*.------- ,,, •
r btcakiBK a feli-.w* leWB do
i^p. duwB U) lirant'B yoo can . bi» appetite Laet year we I
Btep luUi tbe Inrurantw oftloe
fmre and uyBler* and talace pie-.-'
th»r Ibek Bald. I» tnraUB bijl bnid* ' -Ibil l*k k -herkplale: T.i-morr..* wi.i be the UbI ! -n. ym. I
dayeifrnce." be added. "aOd 1 wou.d ' Rdt I'm buki .
-' f««ld a tanita- • *— e.in lotyei it f.ir the world.*'
ule. 1 tidd Ihe dtubir
tkM aaatorial.
........... -Id you f.irfcit jour poiivy""
thw •Item...a
By tbe wmy
".Su.d oiurdTcderm thalal any UAr duf a Bbar.. ibinfjn bmakinc two
within three uonlh*. bnl. in vaae .>f iBBtead of .me i Bbal ret oat jm
,,*.uni blddM waWrpavidral. I Bbi.uid ro-ciee n.. lieneflt*-" I boub, and
.tod'dac work tU diare (oUeuonlt *IV and bh b.tinny wraylDlolheBubtermBeaBellyt
______ ,
weeV.T all.teBB.e. Iiulaeil 1* Hi ft
".Vu. and 1* u. hope mere nerer
ne . will I
\kMloew.' MiKJfie. wb»,t f, .the
A Cba|ilaiB'* Fraiyer AgataxiTtaM.
be. .VrrvrtabifB*. iitlli- womei..'dvD 11 matkei
turcet'tu hand Yertfu* ll.t- indurj ",
; IW MaFSi; how .xni.d Bbc ecar Vi
The ytiBlblul Mr llajtbv, tbechastVhra Mapflu-weul down b.wn bIiv . Ilial .ireaillu. »U.T}," Whea.ebe b*;
..bill tbe ia>t lloOB*. Ma*«xee«41nrly
.i*)ked r.ry ytave, Ini
- -nijeil Ko.nft miutediatrlt Ui llw I Buahrd.
iBBUraeiw ..111
I.iti V llowerer.
llowrrrr, a*
aa Italfot
llalfuur'a! ba oaii a I -'ll WBB B aiwtakr. .d
".m^tTf'iu l,«r wav. Bbr could not: warw. but Toi
'01 Bill
sol boiq
w let it mauT,
maUf ,uiaJi.-« birt t-ODUat lor Ihi; placr •
ibc iwnpIBtiiMi to «4 in ami In-k lae forrcl that m>' imir bifc baa Ixro ' t
BaliaIa,'UuB of rxr
Kb tf.r Jilirt-m ••^UUUTB
Alti». m.v K'-»l *Oir»l
"’“S b» *c bB«r Ikbiv aJWi
K.ocr count* w.Tva couple of Udiiw emn oilier, if aehaiU but a iwuat. «e«. , bat of a «a» aod can uBj'it a »ob* aa
alum MafK.r.m-nKbUed a> Wl.iairiur uaa arep rtatikiKiObC ju>l the Baib -. ] u,a.-b at aa> i»\ luaa lie*. Mr. lta(bf.
bilhe -Ncbil.vlef Aapder* ' w-l A> B»e lijl tberr i» ir-tfu». Maeitie
MaKKieUub bai a buvi* nu*rpU.«.alira*a vat
paiuMla <D-BirBt m (be croiril. aiir I anwr to U-t tmu lu aad Liwu rvlireu to' |,„ iar.ieatiuBBab.vt at thB<>p*B>a( of
«VblaUBUBraof Iheir cocver»ali..a. !a«cml Bear ll.e wiudoM. ^ _
' the Ilona* eavh BweaiBf. a»4 the
-, Vvai -b.iu Id bare BoliSed UB Uel.Tr. , 0..1.. l.iTii.w one l.w* praree haa .^ual
Id fel'..*.' Ur li'iKua Maa MfiUi; : .iwkcd nut.
.ipBa>.iB a.eai* prompt.; iiar uioriMitc Jartar Ibe laataCMioB
daFirle'B bean aauk.' llo« poor aix* •llul I ni uol i nlitled. I>ica liefati !),« vlerk> at the apeaker a dcak Mem
:*P Ber bla.k aiik had .oUarnlc he- lr..i-l.r. • 1 b.-iaeltoBia .meat
: m.al.ie ui Bad the'll-uw r-ariMil. M Itbnc' Sh.. M-a* >ure. tvq-. Bure. ibaiT' ' «aa pai.l-n th* J..lh imni Ur Fe< 1 „o| |I,V raadiBK of wbioh Uie boaiama
anuiunt of frr*b nbUm* v..uid make/puB. n.B.uilinK hi>,‘—k
n.rant.ame lollb* lloUBe .void b.>t be bBr«B
f#;i dm b " r«be wanJe.eil aim e.- . >b. ia>tnj BoaietfouK Bl-odloami >'oo 1 ...|„pj,ln bad l»«uo bo. pnayerasd iraa
---------biadarkeonl ai<-..Te.
wlovb be Mould leamrilb-UB. lldnftiBK aloB( wbrn me t^iac'clerk
eJ I.^^M I Mae 'cer^ bua.v at the tiiue and dKl D..t ' Paudjeil bim os tbe ann asd la an Cflietil. “ill*. >ale>
.l.oaint B )ji*> Biu,-naltenieeti. but I MiHBJBed »-oui.,u.d wbiaper. bbi.I: •
,..i id s'wtv^inir
. >>jpple of I nail .inl.md 11 pai.i V. u». bo 1 . mditel;
-Krr,. oa Miib me prayer antll w*
rnmi ine.r ,v.n«.'ruitU.B | 111.-atnoual on y..ar p.lK-y.
| Bod the journal
We have but It."
tliattbvy Mere in warvl. of I
Mafvle fell tiut. ifkhe reiiiaior.1 ai
ra, vUaplalii iMaimand. mad a few
».ui«ll.unrfof BUiateur tneair.,-*-. .
|imniiie li.Uk-..- m.ri- -tou« rertaiBi, i
lawr tbe readlnc clerk a»iO
-.so nnicoi.iBsly ,.-b,.ap. I—.' Uw | U- a ••wen--;' «... ai Ihrt joueturr. sbejnBdKrd liiiu. rr.|ueMUi«.lbat t»* AMn
a> aavluK a* be (e'.d at >iippe>l .luivllyoul of tBe rm-ui.'
I t.nur lui.sir. aMi.er wrm alill nitabia
AimI it Iratnpired. after a^l, tbpl Ibe'j t., 1,1
* lesyth a piece .•! e..ri
Lbe nii**.u^ roluBe
m. 'only
only to vmton
cenu n {an!
jar.! I'
. ...'I Btop uatii I |cll you." b* BBid.
Yuoly i"v.'iit.»' Ua«i.
wanre M^h torke. and the appniprrav a.
Keep thw Ibiui,* up*., that ^e don't
I*diw>' that she ba.l hrani angbV et.iupBnicueLU- ' 'ut of tne lollnise ..f: f, iup,, B.ea|>e
iV e will flnd It in a
y. her plaiarst.afb-rno.u dn
jner iiean. Mtm.e *eat incivtit«. I- aiimiV. •
: that Biuvb.. Aad'i-oral pink
If.tur frit-Bd. of their UUcMiiic li.*i. - •
The fif.-a.lieT iBtuliaafd
. her fai.Tlle I'li.ir. ,: I6e
v.h mldii'
A uieerc (wrty it mb* Mill, .j.udihe »urpr.«--.f tbe m.
yirl. had
rur.laway. Naifdle* h.-art, KBliien*l ar.iibd the utile ubie Ibat
wonder bb tliey li.tcfled
.und ctul. ti.ei. a.iiannKI ..B* wjieeied upbl f>k-k-lounce
.sniUaBed larcatioaol B
rcw.lutiuu MB. linm.
Afvr'toe irae.U bad g-nir. Marrirliiy.
|i(th«B»4»vir.etireTeiiinedr.*wee" lipwnl lo tbecfwri and draBinit.«! brr j h'ioally tbe uiIbMuc Bibk wa* foBfld
iu.,.iire.l imatlly. a.Bhe.Vppe.1 upj Murk u»BBet. rrotluvly uor.tllr.1 Ih-jand llie clerk oadfled tbe ebapUla;
jl'dik **IIB
"I »liall make* fi.a.l-re.t ; Mini brouflhl bi. louKlhi prayer to a
"A'e*. t_____ _
anwere.1-the . l.-rk i Mr Aunt .Marla'* liri-tuia., ' *ae be J ..oiewbal abmpl . Imw. -It ■■•Alnth-m
pr.im:d..».. Uuin* lii >
*■*’.*1‘KBii. "and iia-Uel-tmir* fur Inu .an-l ; j...,, „.i
■f our I Am., and-ye*. „ b*ndkrr.-bief..»—^
*Vlu* at a rlan.-e
Tra. EbooA. .
*uiarie»l I’ari* iiu^iurtaliMi
yard*. 1 ' .IrenT^y.iu K‘"UK lo kis-p any fur ' .»* o
tut* ideulival fruiid. Hum
19B nOVT
PlBBMr. ya.»lUalMar.«eia.
•■'p. Buricn, Proprietor.
...LOOK IN!-
you know
Adsley was setlin(; cRoice jfro'eertes:' H« 'is. and for the
lowest liviRjj prices. Choice
Prunes. Honey, I'iys, Dates,
and Nuts in great proportions
at ^15 SoutlrUnion Street.
S. aASDSa-^ErS",
.Wntaww ti. r. UiinUtt.
Lumbering Tools.. ^
B. ixbiN'G qHAixs. ETC.................
//if h'Hf al leafsi prirri.
, J- *A*. M03SrT.A.a-TT».
is? rraatSttMt.
' TiswM Oitjr. ■
*"».f ^ “ar*. -U ahe rtnlly
yoa.'oBd nm rooUy want «b go. j
-~» (oold aboai ib
, oU Dick wtaT
>w. Hliimini*"
Ualleriae extending
ibab «o kilo-1 tifdU "
' r glib and i:
wm* him at
X taek W toM wriUM •aUtM.
-KMiMlit far l>^> »x* (U'dofaC
IlMww.t B»M ttai b o>>7
ItalM br>Mfc of bmdv. «* bn
wt*a mot threw BBjr r~‘ •«“«>»»
Htht «e ov Mpie. Aaolber oec W
%MB wrtU«i bj- the MOW mUkw I
Iklsk, oa "How to nk* tho tana paj.
It>aot harebarealcoBipJol* tallare
••What it j
■Too ton."
I Itr* Be b liba all the teak Bewastaladr'
hlgWVioBlariirhatbenalirUd low- nrerd
"b not Jnatiet «loBe aa»rlom for what he baga. "Weil w* mm^."
"Ball oa. tboB darit a
watora. reUI
fl< gen aU right If gon will eote
Tea tboaMod flaela awe
Joetiee aloae b too esarttiebat. Vote with the demoerata aoadiUoafor low tariff aad for either aUrn- or iag. too nerieldlng and inAenlMe. too
Inawriuo no wrinUa on thine «
gold Btandard or.beU and fair greenHaebaa ereat
a dawn beheld than
goa will be anee td get what bowmr. mee: b* the baaal lagirdlrelleat ne<
■on want-'iTBe erlU ^ethapa ahawer. OBA Comaonadad with mtrcg in right
And tbta he dK^oS toaleep. aad.
proportlooa ilUe panacea for all ao•It* alwaga rated with the
eennee. keepa right on dreaaiingpohl^ tariff and Ihw tariff | rial ilU and wrong* .Jo<ic*. pure, onlg
117. Ttacaame wa; I make Dine.aa1; ________
_3tBrfShat I metaer na It brluteaud aggraratce. ItbthrSbgnem-ran remember an; of it when 1 maken ang differenea. Take wool ter iori> after bb pound of flmh.
B awake. DitaeU; be wakea np. looka
Iheg hare Unkcred at the ege for an rre and tooth for a
i_. tl
.Ill I. I------ A-----------1 Bcnrldoctrioe. But miagled and cum]
tariff on Umt.
U n pen. n bottle
f lojed in right prepnrtinne wUh the hrerof Ink aita tff hb aide, a lamp b burn
market; nbont na free aa potUoea: gon ralg nnodgor
•r rew or read It 1 draw aj eoacl
ing and a aheel of footr Urn befetk
bare am for the goin' after >m. j heal." "W,hat orr theer preportiooet- -1
him oa the table, with a lew linea Thin 1 wmit oBo« onee la a while."
do not know. The alIwUr and bkillfel
com aa< laallj telU bow w make the
wnttenooit. I had onlg fallen aalerpi
■Yo* bnt Johnog. goo mw the tew-] pbgaic^B. who'drrbed the remedg.-hae
taim foj. thoa it b oridrat that noorrr mg Kannerm' lutltate paper, and' grTaandpoIlUrianeandeuicamenhnrr eompoanded and prepared it in great
bod; OTor rtad U. no fanner at Uaat.
the dr«ad pf writing It had gfrtn me
II be did be haafor»oUen
tbr higltlmnre. and no I drcamed that f
*»abl*c. •«
wna a hoiea.
.win, n b worth man; u»nltewri(bt
llg ioipl Icatica of oar topic tbr farm'■l-*haw; tberek aothia- rieraUa' onto them.-,
In gold. It woald aooB flil the tann- lag elaaa ireiBa ohargrd {riih toHg.
about ihaL A feller hu'got to wurj «*»1- »e*l«>ff »br mmeouinm cahn.a.
•fr poekeb to follow ba loktrartlon
We eprad onr Umc and rnrrgiee at« hb waritia' riotbee at that and work .'be laaeguraied aloareforthr kcttlag
•ad arttla at on« the aU abaorbing
eatti^ that dom not pag. Year after
caa. rrrarj b> rigbuof all thr grierancr* of all
and paraBK>onl<|antka now -on-ap;grar wr go oter tbr aasie routine with mg bandag clothe* a doin'iH te • You ..partle*. our ■ttrotion reterU to the
lac - tbe mind* of the peo|
no great rariatUm, wlt^ rrealta alwage
migbtiplme bare jmUeCof tbJ pe^ - fatmer, u. ..or»elT*« What are
wlMre-tbe anancjal and b
about tbr eamr. to wit. nolfaieg.
' • iinglo do fee ourrelrg*?
That u the
What the Ameriean world U
grnr it will be drought with light
"WrU. all right, rre'l! do that. Bat grrat qorrtiju bhi.-h ermfroaU ue—to
■BxioiBlg waiting and looking for at
crnfK: the-nrzt. crepe prrhapt A lltUr •ag. dogoa Uiakguacoaldmakrout a 'derbe »oiDe\j|i-.ili.. rii-.u.li that ahall
tbb time-b tbeman who can leneh
_____ ___________
belter, but price* poor; Ihrn droaght
right if goo were called « ‘ "T iheprrecal rmrfgrm-te*
Ah.mbowfa,aetU.thb,oretloo. Andj~‘
gi;:;:hopper nnd^aU
or a warrant? Do goo >< and hV'p u. to kn p aSoat till we reach
gat nrerlgrrcTmangoomret ^nn
paorcrep. and
know the difference betwrea a ciril tbr broad and pl.cid iwa of the -giwd
and a criminal rratranl or « liiarvoa)uig.~
1 to bug (then
beoct warrant? IkigoukaowAllaboof I aboold likr.did the limit* permit,
that U
> that break r
thr pie* and tbe deelaraUoa. *od gar-.^'*^^ws pk-tare. *uvh aat barrn-onod plentg would
lid at
at'oner relorn,
o ktag. it
reuird. Still, r
.nad repleriiA and treapar*. aad .eeired of tbr areragr A merirao farmer,
(ha trooble la. aenrorig two are agreed
•m*. Vbat ri*r are we goltw to do
irorer. aad tort, and attachment, aad w- .m<>re arcuraleir perhap*.’of the
- Ih ttrir riew* and «o no iheorg
about It? But whg don't we quit?
aad the common court*, and ^fichigao /armrr. or to gel »lil! nearet,
aahemi eon be adopted.
W'bg will wecIloglpaenlliBg that for
a the ca*e-.- Do goa know
the'Irend-Trareree farmer,
- Sow, na to nag trnebingoe
gran and gear* baa pre^ a fal.lnre? what irupam on the care b?iiMii.4 I *ag the .,rrr...j, termer.
Uafca the Itena Iteg" that ahall be fullg j
or a freoa. PWb»P» wrlMoa
adl. llkcrecalofthcbooka. A* I
ndaqaate and
aaflteteBt fur all emrrgrncicn..
Jool can tell ua.bow to do It when
Um.clreBmktaaoeaare farurable. when
the nenaona faror. when crop* are aH
good and prioea of erergtbing hte^.
Tba real worth of oar ic*lrucU<^ !•
tmted when the. pineli enmea.^ Tb.
real worth of the compam and chart to
tha marinerJa la rioudg. fflggg'Y'*^'
er wbaa ha b near the loek* aad ahqnl*
and hrankeira.
Tbarek a bllof Ireog or
the topic aa It b worded. "Are wp tann
ic for indt. or for foar It Inelan-
apoB na. Tbr cue te loo>albrtlc for
Sew almml nobodg follow* farmlag
. fiwthe"fui-'of Itorthcpleaaureof B.
no inmr ofaagtoUtnme aempatian.
Yet there are a few who do. too Irw
.donhUM. OecBaiooallg one who hu
neqnirnd w^lih chooaea to cBrert *lmanlf bg giring bb nUenUon a^ mru*
' the Mt nataral and plauing to
‘ gnat majoritg of aankind. He a
bo onlg
b faultlem gamceu aad immacutele linen to
a>a^ aad glr* direrUoaa. which it
ftiUowal woald rmalt la dbuler or
tar« eat Ukc Uaraocllrarlrg e turnliw
that aoat Um Sftg eeau apleqp.
Thb etemofamat^ or gcotlram:
Sanaora, eat no Sgure aumericaUg. u
harataid. Tbeg do uot (Well tbecowo
-tU. aor do their predoctkxb add aagtUag parerptible to the aggregate of
thewarld'aeoBunodllie*. Bulwe munt
. aet buUlg eoariade them to
. tBB. Tbrg arc oa the roBlrarg a de*irabte aequbltloe toaag oommunitg or
oembat exA their aoctel lulea aad affiltetieaa, get their prearncr will prore a
sUmalou. to thrlr neighbor! and aUr
ap tha apiril of rmnlatlna. If not pea.
X will be llkeig ti
plog It, to teg «nt and braoUfg Abeji
froaada. rm^Ibb thrir dwelling*, aad
Rattle Ax
I • 3 few Fur Robos and Coats whicli I will
! # at greatlt reduced prices,
A food line uf Blan]*«^s at very low prices*
A l»t odd sizes Gloves and S
IS ailulf price.
; Str Pint aai Cut 8tn«A
TrsYSiw* City. Mlchl*»n.
When looking
for bargains mourlmcc.iiut
- _
The Enterprise Grocerj■
2;» FropI Slrcc-l. ^
krH.-]» ih.- best line of }Va* and Coffee? in the riiy. at
;h.-,1.uw the lowest.' \otr a few of the prices on staples •
■Well. Idon t known. I doexacUg." !•''*«><>
bk ao aliogeiher plcaalog
and sn't Irern aoglblag? Are
•No. I gore, gon doo-t. pi» anrlaalT i
it be an uapleariog
IlttieboU tbatnen-r know* when li
I hard.blp* and
.trea tbe tei...__ ______________,
b whipped? Or. I» If Iwcaoee w don-lknow. Iteaa-tbedeSned,"
I aad.prieatiuo. with
hpreo't renaUIltgrBoagh to tqcpOni
fe aej
X^fh: I could get aloog with that all '■■■P*'
auli.-ipatioo. eoutage
^hU Squire Brown orer here .know»'«beeffulne**. rexolutioo and pluck drcauee haring alwag* fullowed.the fa^
be would help jne
•■’’•■'T ““riiae. Hr ha* a-bearl
webarrno KiU»-te our ablUig to do threogb "
|^l'>alf that dor* ant<|aail at ditticalaoglblag rite? or are wr tanniog (or
republmaob theiiacatloner andlWr* mu*c-le» of *t«rl,lbal oerer • lao?
•lowman happen* to be * repab- anda wiU of iron that will not bead or
At the preuat time our eatliog i» not
cht-ap bill
chh s
glrld- to U'lr -geaUe penutfioo* of
licaa be goe* oter'iaetlg
a much aorrlrr plight than nearlg
Ueb a republlcaa be- frieod*bip. lor^ and reswin.
an thr real of them. I mraoirlgail
Iwl uk i-ra** Irnakiag aud com|i1aiD- .
anre bb gTaodtetber w^kixtg gran
Ilf them. Tbe Mlaried mao-b greallg
liv bare more of thebull-d<«|
wfore there wereaaj republican*
bettered bg tbb graeral ealremc fiaae' Bret;
He b proud of hb record, that be hu
rial and borioeea rrarfa: onlg that pernerer rot«l ang other ticket than the
“ “V "rW
republican. lU bpipod of tb. Urand£i^‘"»
»““• ThethinglUt
Old l-artg, lor the Old Ui*ndl.U.e/^»'>'T" »• »b*‘ribll be dpne.
wbbb b rulbg ao atroag againtl ererg |■a^tJ.; Wtieh nit?
*':aoi there. 1* no new l^g u»der the
apectellg farorrd clam, which hu
'Tbea there U ter. Iwgal'Cbp, the'*’’"
' •
gained aMrndencg through iwia.boeu*. lawger, and nilbag. the doetor. and ^ The world ha* beeu-ri*lted la alt
intrigue, opprruioo and extortion,
,n. the polit
eboald next be aiaied'el faimrelf aad
hare their oompla
ewamp him al*o la tbe graeral dbutef.
and alao their propoBed.remedlr*
Stippcee we glance orer the different
Ugal Cap think* thr'*cbuob ahonld’’'
cteme* and orcu|mtidD* . Wr ahall Sad
s »lopped froi grindlog out the tew- •*—"
—-i-~*-------------— — , Agncoilurc. hrM here Jan 3. tb.- folgen *« fa*l- Theg are getUng tool^be b..w b.kUll .m the , ,^„.j
L-II. Taft. ..f “■'V'V""
r. A earefal reriew df tbe kita*- Ihlcte Then be waoUlo-gel to thef''''"**- Thepromi^ « *eed tlmemod ,
Uoa w-m.khow u* T think tb*t thr legWature to reform the law*
; h*rTe« remala*. lejog. Umg cealurire ; .ti.iu.eiinpof0.eSulelkard..fAgor.Kent.of tb* trooble i*'not in waoU the SUrhack. aad UagkeeU. and ;
were plague* uf IcksuU and ricullure l*.l*,ieiog.
thr m*ia thatug oae elm** or dirbfoa Motahack* rtwted oat and lawger*
lice, of mildewand bllght.Biid drxwglil. • b« prrreul a piau lor 11% oru»'tJt
lu land d-aul; and durinf oar own lifetime : l‘"» «• ‘b*- •who,.!ground, la M.cl.(|
like* ha* gainel mdrantage orer in tbeir pteee*. "Ererg
the other* and i> upprereiog them, but trade, aad the kboemaker to bb luf
”-!man■-______ _______ -*
the iroable kcwin*
inflow and tbe -odtftow of finunclal .cbool*
Tbe lawger* khuold make the tew*
. Crom
tide*; and iloabUe** these fhiclnalion*
Tbr *u«.i*b of ■ ainiilar nnderlaking
wraakle ihroagh j
aaga the ktatutec are a botch; ball
bgtbe Male llortlcullur*: Society ia
rowo of tbe beml to the eolc
■ and the ,gber 1’'^*1 PPf’ail to the rod. Iwaratulabor
1-1 would indi.-*le that mu.li *..«J "Z.'^
fcMt there 1* noaonadae** The bead
audio waiu
Hut do not *Uad idig
be door aluug tbb line. Nut only
b rick aad the whole heart, taint.
' waiting. Slriee law-fullg to gala
talrirr.. The farmer*'call- grouadi
A*k the oommoa tebmW what be that be Iblnk. be ahunld be aeni to etmihlaka will rellcre him. lie will prob- grm* to reform the oonatitalioa aad.
:XT^^tt^:?t1rati..n^o« a
ablg anawer that b* wanu higher ■are the cuuntrj.
young man .land-In our n»d»l tu.dar.
,od billieod Ui
who. Ih.iugh BOW obw-ure and perUap* i the children a Knowledge of
wage* with .pleotg of empliigment.
Ur. Big Indian huaterriUe. ctarudie
■ rent* aad t-beaper price* for bungeringloruBlceabo. Iteadiaeare in ktraigblrard i-ireum.teocr*. w ill ia^udiof planung aad caring
' *hrubs mod plaot*.
wbat be hu to bug. A*K faim if he with him. Ihb longing to be wbere -be twenty gear* or lem bare acUrTed <ipllu-ce i« still room
wante free rilreror alorlr grid stand
lade l» inlrn-M patnin* imd irm-her*
right all the wrvnge of earth. I|c ulrai-eanil hoaur.
Are llii-re riw maug farmr tbe *fhii»l* In tbe
er by o
ard. high tariff or low tariff. He Will
■Id climb the laddar of fame to iu at the lop
r *hurt article* Bad cigciil*i
'l*r> *e
Thrrr mag be.
geaerallg tell gon. if be b boucal. that giddimt topBKwt round, and >ti*ndiag er»7 I do not know.
may be iwf
,ombte«obb name in character* 1*”“ '“
Ire him plenlg of work and good •of llrlngligbtoo the broad aad ample)™*"?
maliy lawyer*, toil
agre and hr doeqoT care a bogg what fuldtof tbeOld Kplnribaa La
laboring men a^
kiad of a dollar he^u *o it will bog a
aad Ml on. ' In fart >< *ee'm>
me. as If there we^ too man;
dollar'* worth of what he want*, eor president, and after an'extended
K*> !-»• i.ii'-.-r.l *.,.1 r—r.ku
what kind of a terfff it b. an gbod* are
rice ^ hb country ia the uablul.
cheap, ilul bb democratic friend lelb
la-thbciublbe iaeludedao ufferbi....
would accept of a flrat clam emlmasgtoj^ the*bril.
Iwl at hope that the iwod a
collet-tiiiu of doqer
*red* (u
l.K.ssiJ.ks-s .*
--If gou !«e with n* for low tar Eurtqm. Tbal so fllU
and rvanib
.elfi.bor** tlial h*. fed the fire
iff, good* will be cheap, mooeg pleotg
out aad pulUbo* off a maa. "Ye*, but
f.ir IhlK lioie become exhausted.; agree to plant anjV-are fur llicmaud,,
and wage, high.' Bat the wurjclag
the eleio. Dt* will auuo settle away j repurt the rreolu-wt the end of the «.-ai. I ....‘.rf
Big Indteivgiw *eetbmeplacca of
1 rt|uilibriBm..
I mib.
tVe iiiighl al*o pr-<ojuw lu wiul
aatei him. -'.Are gun demoeraU for uaefalBem are cumparatireig few aad
Surely we hare out ln*l faith in our j *hroh* and rine* in l*v: s.i tin- m-I.i.iI* ' '
freeatlger orfuraiaglegold kUodard?"
whoare •orkiag'Qiem
I* any man calie<l l••i^g a-that-bare bg the imptrns'-menu in tlwi
;''i rsjMiVi'
Dcmiu-i^ *n*weraj ••We're for both-"
same noble aad lofty and palriutic mu-1 farmer'.'
I,ele»erj- man abide
Iieleyerjabide ■ to tbe: »chool jrr,>und»and Iberere |cir<m to All *»ru ii»il» ^
lib repnblican friend next tell* him. Urm are many. There i* only oi% calling wberewUh he b called.
■n * Mtisfacb.ig-. inter-, hTiT-.’
"If goo role with a. for high tariff,
Honor pad fame
I in tnlud we bawsared
tke\i,iT,.a..a.eaai reealre.
work will be plenlg. wage* high and
i^ct well your part, there al
price* rraaonable." I>ur man thro aaki
111* purpuMMr* I'ahl. agrwdnateuf the llliaui* Tratningdicbool'fur Nareaa.aad B to
hb republican friend. "Are guu for free
er lew.l
iewt LurMnurw- ia IbeC.nk r-ountx H.aplul.
li.aplul. < 1.
of ear
r doable kUadard. or -for liable
.1 w
■■ at
.i; lie
I., IU
... attuadaaee
at the u(h.-e in ICitv Ujm Itell Hlock on
I a conMil.-ralile i
gold aUoiterdr The anawer b. "Vre're
i-dav*. thme bi-lng tbe dag* more eapectellg deeoted to wo
atirbb* that hare been giMtcn
ilUtiuofree. Addre—all cuBBuniratu>a*'l.
.Iu or call on
tor both." .So oar friend couclade*. u
lOr atjidenl*. and. hare a-large ouBb
but Big IndteBUhotcalcnteud
I Ba.uiiiQe i* p.*.r
tbeg are both fauaeal. Ihtrlligeol.
cnlUng* made lor ateriing nest gear.
lor a aoldier. Vm ao wage adapted to
loaddiliun to the seed*'we hare .
thrg are both rigbLaad be will
JL YoB sec I.am rerg peculterlr -»p-; i*<lur.,nUwr I«nu. ot <Hww«. *uch akepl. hand, it will be necra«ary to puTt-liaw
■ Ti-I.-|>b'.ue M. night ui
Cligi.ipera Hall Block
Trarrereatg. :
forboth-if he cab gel in hteUcketa.
nutated. In thr fiiat place ^te hurt*! Iep.y,b.-.n<llwme,*|railr.g.ln.*tilty.it«. fitly
liar* worth, the am-.uot ‘leand bg wiUoiag be rrill aurelg be on
« so. Braidrw I am rarg eCtremdg !
the right ride aad the eDanUgwUlbe
rrroo* I 'perer could ataad aioiae. if ;
placed upon the Dumber
khuold get teto • battle, when thewe
to ll.rs rolhrd siats...
r'liiirs.Iaxon soap..
■ li^i^ l.fiiox soap..
Iji M dour. i>cr sack
ifm W«heal. j«r silk....... sSc
IWk-af Ura.i*r1li. ....' Sc
1 lb iiakini; I'oivder......... loc.
I'arlor matches, per pk^.. 15c
.\ f'ltli line of Canned kruiis and Vciretaliles jtisi received to
To- siiid at l«-d_ rock prices. \\V arc slili headtpiancfs* for
(•rcniMil i'ci'il. iiran. Shorts. Shcllfd
Shelled Com. Offls and ’Hay.
' T ir pri<T' .ir<
U I .irc cqiui to any on the •
ni'-.rk«-t. Oit« ns a trial anlj l>p convincci
PIERCE & CO., Prop.
. 239 Front St
i^ Do you
^ ,
have that
, tired feeling
«li.-n joii ari.e ill tlif uiiirnirm? If
y.Jiir inalires* or siiriiv,;s are noi what they shoiiliUic. N«
iis«f of that when you can hiiy the best mattrrsS
^ . made utxcept a hair) for S -50 at the new furni‘lure store! ig-'i to i.^j I'ront street.TravcReCiiy.
-- -
Traverse City Sanitarium!
fgteg to ererg heart that long* tdr
raal home. It (borr* the pomibilit*
of eoaatrg life, aad b mo object Iramja
tor Mbma to Imilaia- lb add* to
ralu of all nelgbboriag pruprrtg.
fitm picamre to thr pamer bg-propic
whoa, trmrcll^ will take the road
-irUeh affoida thr Socat riewa. olhei
^ OeaecAllg fjir amalrar* are rxprriaealaraatea Thkgeaaafford lospesd
mcmeg in Ihb wag. on a acaie rrk
the cadteatg fanner oaarot do. bat
aooa gat the baarSt of it. Tn# llB
iil*taUon>'lbroaghAkk the moehanle what be wonid gaa* begun to go off, the nouie wuold
aat tha eoaatrg d:
like to bare dofie fur bbreliet and be u completely opsel mg nerroai •gatem.
w oftbmetadirldoai e
will' tell goa abint Uie name thing that mg baadtwirald tremble aud mg
get th* greater tbe anmber and j with a little adned, aamelg.
koecB knock toffethrr ao 1 oonldu't
eartetg of expertmealK'tbe greater the' belong* to a labor union of aome kind bold a gun.
1 rronldn't hr of . ang
Aetata to which they are carried; and aod be want* legal auihorUg toraatrict e^Ig aae. I could neHherflgfat aur
the more widely aadgeaerallg tbrg are
enpplgof Ubur. to bngcottwhom' xtanduill. Boiae toorrreoAimIbe.•
Atetribated. (be more aoenrate and con-; be piesae*. aod break the head of ererg
"tVcII. Mr. Uig ladten. bow could
eltoiec maet be the remtlu. tio all man not beluagiag -to a labor un
goa make gooroelf a*oful in Uate of
Imll to the amateor tenner.
Mag be who want* and trie* to cam x
bar* macbeatUlaetteaor "tuB" of hi* bread for bi* huogrg’litUe oocw. r
"Oh. If 1 ahould be ia the araate or.
be want free kilter? Ye*, aearlj
onagrem I coolddothrfatriek Hecrg
w thane who aarigeed me thb top- wag* lioe* be waot bigb tariff? So
pan—makegreatapeechea that would
■to fare me gnat libert.r and I mag time* Ve*. aod aumetiae* ou.
thrill W whole eoaatrg with patriotic
taka them at tbeir wmd; just a* an old . Tbe maanfactarer will probably enlboriaam: at least I am sore t oiald
' home woald do turned ant apoa thr make*Ull larger demand* Uc want* penuade all mg wife's rdatiou' to raaommooa. It h expected of the bor>* hi* right protected to hfre later at lUu"
Itel him attachmeat fur home woald aacb price a* be can m*}ie b>- mulnal
Now. soppoae soare saperhomaa in-
Successor to rainc's Cash I-urniiure Store,
e'^rurtob'^u^^rbSt Mo^^y
j HcadacbeDestroysHealtli vveh.Teai*u.t*«.M.b.r.bienu»i-.rof
. aeaahte Umita. Vil it dum not mlmg.
week that rrag. aed it atag eot ia thU
moo. Tha bone m«g think the hlgt>wag too narrow, too •trmigbt aad find
tt’too eloaeig grmrcled. and It mag be
tm> moch rutted to »ult him. Bo hr
lamben aloag. wiriilag to get out of
tho rata, the narrow llmiu and poor
parinre. minelag a Buie a* be goew.
tut he eoM to ma open or low ptec* Id
the teaoe. and Ihea aklpa orer into tha
•eiffhhor'a com or deter field. When
hte hangar ia
agrtemeol with hi* etnplogea, wboerer
they mag be. union or ooa-Bnlnn.
which i* right and ju*t; bat when he
achemr* and iatrigatw with bi* own
clam to force down tbe price of labor,
be I* all wrong. Then be waau a terIlf tbal will giri him free raw mate
rial but a popblbitioo tariff oa hi* maolaetni^ prodoet
prodoet. ao that be pan bold
r con^tioa t
Dr. Mil«'Nervine Cure.
. "
recent meetingof the i'anaera'
tote here.
At thpt time tbe quratir»
nf flower* fur il)e dislricl acbool* was
brnugbt np. County School ComB‘*■ioaer «. « MctVeUi.r, E. ■ i Imdd aod
other* speaking, in tarur of it. and'.
W. J. JlOBliS,
: M'') I-ront Street.
would be a. If all tlie b^a.d wolrea. j f tore rer.'liru;;;'." rad
well .oman. u*d I h.re Ul
frWadsB tioaattheatgN
I <ri ia rwomBewdiax Ul e
me Kerrlne. Voo nay pabltah Ibb w.wr , •
If you irt*h. and I bupt It may to the means
dUause ___
Bare we nag BostraB then tor there
o. sale S, all drurrio*. honk o. Heart
eriia that hare befallen u* that will aad Nerree sesi rSCE. Dr MUm Hadlcal
______ _____ _,oi to' *b--EItSar*lnd.
fctwte toUR MIL
’ I tnu^ close out my line of Heaters order to make
roum ?ur spring goods. IJo ooi fail-to Idok them over
.if.in want of 9 Heater.
riea. pteawwad dmlrea la tbe expeote-i
Uoa of quietiagthe innaBerBble,prr-. tarks.-br and *rr><>e.MM* fraUBsllr creweailliig cumplalou. rerilg the test state lu wone uuiil niy life «u dcpalred •(.
would be worse «*■■• the first
”7 ***’ ** *<wld. t found no rdtet
alitbewUd beast* of earth. Uielloo*.'
the Ugerv aad dogs aad ante aad hg;
the mtllemiam woald not relga.
I ^
flueo^ could bring to Pam the
plishaent of all there eoofiicU*^
Ig‘a groan, as t
e rerg teUom
e- j hU boote.
lie aetUca bimadt • 1 wHh the dew add wwwrm throagb the
t ebara^r.; t.|aarto himadf aad I<*%* areoad'. i
r -we l>reatbe? Aag rreaedg to pro' poae tfaat wonid restore peace and «,«■
, he falU teto a rooiaotlc or I (are. *i If ateal to gire .run a rehe
uatsrat to ail
paetic frameof Biad—(orwbg shoald | (rum the brvinniag. U* feels hii
1 have a rem*((g
the butt aad stuck of all tbe wt
to propoBA- that woald be effectual tf 11
eoBid be DDiTeraailg >ee^tod mad ap
.ha Itea dltira wad Uateaa for a while U
a and awiadlea aad lies and
’ - Do TOO thiak goar rem
what the "H'Ud Waraa are Maglag "
weer aooeocted.bg the arch edy would be ac -epud and welcomed
The grattetepptog of the waraa np.m
I eahmg of aanUod aad iaId to themr' •
(ha ahora, the berenm sighing Uuvugh »
lo tbe laaginaUoaof wicked
IthoabM orgaaUgpre-'
tha pteai and the far away ritw aenwa a
Ihs septan stir* aipall
pall thr aretaeff bit
M braalB fanh te hte k
t rise up ont of he dan aad drop down . If.
f' •
At cost ^
rrator. whii-bgoes inb> the hand*
ir ball of tbevichen.u.
tbe Irachen. of the
Reapcctfullv sobmitted.
C>I:R.\1A1,\E 'BROS;
It Never Pays ta Owners
Traverse City. Mich.
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
in making purchases ot harnes'*. evt-h in >he maU-.-r of n-i>air-!
ing—in all the features which go to make u;i a dirsiratrlc place ' ;aslariraag>aMforcaaC. a W i
to trade. AbMilute reliability, judicious *< l(.*ctions of
ness-and saddler}-.. Prices reasonable and f;iic; i\N'e solim]
Bestidiveo io Korthern Michigan.
>'Our favors. '
Ypad ami Ifil* ItPbte te Ooeaaettep.
. C«5h p.id («r UiOffi .od Fain.
: Snach IuUm fit teNfi ^ S
Tqleplionq fq
A yonng feDow naaad Bawen wan
iaatanUy kUled Mar Lae Bnnday whDa
hnaUng rabbtu. He waa ataadtag »
News of the Week,
lawdlnc !•«»• wM wikdraull; k:
lajviM (tOB which be <j«-
• Hwteu*
rc -^ r-uS:
The ebaif* thcae
tt thdrowb expenafc
atmek Dowert nadcr the, chin, and
lodged la hit bmln. Ac wi
randy appmTed by
of age aad llmd la ADegaa.
toi bcMhlb the ■■rtace. The wkl.
wM pilin'^
the Mil Will be aUI-
nl UcDem. Uhlo. eacaped from
oaidmT Bela P. Moahar. M- U. of
•BtyiennU baggage Bmoklyn, N. Y.. hae^beea elected pr^
aggagemaater and
feaMT of hrrteae aait wo»« e dewa la Mosday. The
barely had
ba. time to aae literary dcparuaeal. Hba U aUa
the door
hare ehacfc of U>» w<MD»e e gTsaaleiT. Pa.'. 1
elam. when It U elected. Uer .duUn
I Lmaidee. P. V. lUIdwin
Umlly of »lx. MS loaeca of bnad
anaaimai handler —
wWe'whdini oeer to pbt cm hi
Uiu of bleculh IS Uiaera of br
dIBcully IB drirtng him
hU cage.
He i
• haurdar aBereUig.
'^ookina. lot doiea gingernot age
ubl^to get their bagl<
.1 moancTai
bt vearlag a aecklaea of baman
K. J. Kowe.aa Axalta farmer
Ue wll be polled eeery oea
• mgaa well laelh.
ken heart, ttedirect ratult of tae
Well Known Physicians.Tnthusia8tic in Their Statoinonts of flic
Wonderful Curative Powers of|
Ur„ Greene’s Xen ura.
7/'^ •
with lerrtic force.
the fTTonad and bomed.
Tbnday night.
Off Sale!!
Physicians Urgentiy Advise Use ofji
Or.Breene’s Nervura.
i.Unrelt during ibc clrll Wat Beoently
j he waa thrown out of work and hied a
Including All ladiea’and genGemeob SeAver and Frit Bboea. with fclt aaUa, in laoa,
buttos ASd cengrwa. mt OKB-HALF OFF BXOUZJIH FKICS
Tncludw all ladiaa’ aad gvnUrmsa's ahoss in Beaver and Fvlt. vrito Isathv aoJaa. In lane,
button and enngraas. at OHE-THIHI) OFF BEOVEAH RSMB
ledudlng all ladra*’ aan gentlrmeab aboea. Beaver aad FcitTAto^ towtag. naif aad
ht^topa. aboUdabuea. warm lined, at OHX-FOOBTB OFF BKOULAB FUOS.
an eOgy of their leacbar. aiir»00»tod
ifTBalcmnow oB and‘iriltcodUnue until enUra stock iaaold. at the newaboaet
Monday by a balf aitted lad Banndriuxi. The old man at onoe ttrclched
eland* ^•>tler. at Jenkioi' ll^ry bam. himtelf on a roach, and pnaaing
The Wood Utothem. of IWon Qty, {Tritk wat dlckcriag for the gun which''i band to hit tiile,
tiilr, remai
remarked: "It* t
laal Taetoay -hlRKd to the Boflalo'
!»U«g». l^thoughi the cooBlry •
live »u«-k otarkeU two aleer* that
lUlly diacharged'. the 3-<^lber bob __________ ..
urlbe t-,weighed l.Slu pooada.
eaouoi K,,Bd it when they got old.aoB
A toboul direotor la one of the Itey
nailT ir -‘Ir " Thra turniag oft
to the wall, he expired. Heart
____ _ falliira
awigned by ibedovum
board, la equally JllltacnU.
t^ loe'at the foot of Sixth .. .
................. Worth. Tex., oewt wax
A HaaUtlqoe mao fare hit yick wife the rernlar roariwiy. when one of
cejred Kridxy morning of the drowning
alabl«apoonf<Jlofrarbolira<>>Ma a>» hmke through and went to the bo
of aa entire family ia Ilairir lldg fork
•) 118 FRONT St.. WURZBUBO B1.K.
all eoonty.
take f.w «aaw.r oU. aad only hard wf>fk l^r other bnrar pnt iu aone under the of the Red rirer in lUadall
bUdnn ai•cater oaoe aad Ibea died witbnat a
hg a doctor aared her life.
The Uam waa ealurd at
At CWopoHa. Clarreve Omwthorp ttenggla
Tar watera of the atream.
tned to drree aerou Ibr track before a
:-o by rvernt riioa, ewcpl the
Urnad Trenk tmin and waa MrueV. He
-Ix-year^ild Ray untbury. of Hill*
wagon nod team down- Thelattcrnl. wna probably fatally injured. ,
dale etreyed out<^ the city Satnrda;
h'SipU<lo twimatbore with one child
t-eed Mitchell, an expert diaia<»d while ' huoUag biadorg.". at
aad waa taken ia charge by a gow on bit bai'k. but bciiank.to the bottom
id both he aad the clfild were draw
JohaoDrabarg. Tmoaraal, where ' be natured Urmcr. who kept bliu until
1. The ^Ihcr aad otbee vhild rt^
iinnday, when he located bit home.
bm bore cegiged aa foreman.
aioed latbc wagog oolil it wgao- The cbild'a pareota hunted for him all
Uirned and both were alau dniwi
H. A. Main, a Tekonaha denggi*!. bat day Saturday am! the following.
oSertd a pound of baking p.>wder to
.toother family in a accood tragoa
Johi turned hack in time lotara Uema
m on _. ..
acboolmt'am lo the oonnlj who
_______ .... milea eontb
burned to tbr ground Saudi
■ l^trlck Balev. a woiKliaan aad forFOREION,
h«! baabelt of lieaoa.
biihdretl li.hermao ware catTnmday. hariogfroidntodenth.
•fied ofl on an ice floe in Uie tep of Aaof
y«nn old. too ot'K thonght that the fire wat iairndiary.
Wnlle Halley.
ccently, but were all reaCned.
llTing oor-half-Ailc
F. Balley.afaii
Thomat Andftnon, an Gearx farmer,
A bcm-Tolent Engliabman haa Jutt
t atreckand-lclUed
from 1‘itUfc
near St Johnt. hua phcDomenon on rieea *l.w«i toward ibeffiaiaWnaace of
iatnr^V eeeniog by the fattAr^.
hU farm which baMea explaoaUon. he London (hu' Home.
The Mieblgha Jereey t al^l•^lr<
a a drilled well a alrong
alrcng Currei
current of
iVetldroi Kruger at the Trantraai
gntbre forth withool eeai
alloD will meet at lAn.lng
epubllc it a ramarkablr man pbytiealr think It lDdl«lc.l eolcank
mary stb on .. .
______ m that i bi«'youth
tag of the hute Uairymen't Aatoc
tnrbancca oadet the tntlace. oin
keep Ih* u*e of »r. ifeeenc’t Nervura blood ■
beemid run for half a da; and
Dr. Robrn W. Imme. S,
that It it simply tie foreennnerol n
tmee with a Ivin-. Now at the age
'and oervr remedy to hi« palienV who ’ Vt.. auyf.. Tbere I* a plorky aehooima-am
little tign of haring K
leahowi litlb
baer 1-en auflerltig from nerr.iu.
-'I have koowii about
Edeot, an s-ri^r-old Mini*
] Milton townthip. Cant eoonty. «
’ of bit phytio
Trouble,'and be hat learned Uial in a . Nervura blij.Nl
drfee* aerpn mlfra to her ecaml a
.... ’
a. a tigni.'. ^
rated for rablea be
ai- p...if doauf while'raa^^ dowi
. todi dally, and aleobhpporta
,rd ti..kB..—..pnd.tLe cure .if
lodju^l. Pewrabutg ki.1
•■rataet the ttrect cai trackt.
dgfat prmoiia.
____ ___ friimlrt 'Jlieyl.ave r.-.-el.-l (
Willard It. Mon.
enderaenr nqd waa dragged
Beeeo-year-old Willie Vean of Stedratbt
occurred dnrisig
J-. the
two of H . tereral
pfcanaon. while drawing water from a
- the tnivilatiop
trralincDl before
well, fell Wnriloog into into it and wa.
hail itt full rffeel. the other
drowned' Saaday. He wn* not ml»wd tmathed to epUnlcrm.
iml brought in thirteen dayt
a pMirnl
day, af‘™V remedy^for nerrimt diww- rayv.-.
■ for eereml bonij.
Joe, Ihirkee, a tardier Iteing neai
’'it il TcTred that «me mithap ha- 1.^- ■ nerre’ ra’^ir’” *
any ul I
____ ^—..11__
MeAytlr nvtel iwlvvA eeecii TtvriesAA
illen the llrilltb thip I'adtow Foreal. i^n» of a. of
bnmUtig Ilf an iron wheel. A ,. .
be arrired of! the I'oloml
Columbia river. Jan. the .ormatioB
•vhleh genei
metal pa*i^ tbroagb bU.body lilenlly
wane the
making .ri ne« nerv«
dliemil^ellag him.
days hare eiapted and »he bat
child threw the lamphi the younger.
____________ heard of- . —
rt o'oar ilyrtm. lo felling
imp broke, eorefed
pheal.-Un of th.way to I'ortlaad to l.«d wheat.
'mllir hx of aecleal
pliVMuinn, -tampi thi- ivmarliabl.id ignited It The i
fiodcra ,d Aemwlatlun llrapUal
-n ImMded
ia'thr cenfrill be drafted fur tervi
medieal .U~-oyer; a- tl
lay from Ihr bum
a using Hr. iiraeene'»>
tar. It M about eight Inebet hmg. flee raiight fire, but waa exlinguitbed.
IntbcKreaeh army next year for the
taebea irlde and it ttill quite thorp
rcaaou that at he(j*^*'
*■“' •’"V' piL^ f
Uerl Kittredge, the ytioBg aoa
urum.1^ rrgiafrria aa a male child.
A farmer named Joba beonon. lirls
- '‘-re. <ol Lapeet. *
Conductor Klttrldge.
•rllh hit brutber aem Vale, fell from
Lmd of etmw W'edoeeday aftontoon.
The dog the blund.
o pre«nt heracif for mi
tatunt waa aleeplug on the hearth.
h. and the
ansa bach- bpj pul bit face to the dog a
Ury duty.
•poke aharply- The animal an
A daughter _
bit face, lacerating It letribly.------------- cjarinaof liuaala reeeptly.
ef age for lU
it to mr natienta: The fact that'
bring almoel aceered from bit -laca. daughter attains tin- pnipef
iMrilla. 1
first pair of shor,- aomirdiDg to ci
Irleadtat Hearertoo laat Hit^ndlUon traa criticalvhUe eiafi
the ernrina will give the poor i hiiaceu
etins and .aiioui
wna prompllyabot
aeveral huMrad pair* of idiurB.
New, was reoeiredal ihd>..rne Honae.
■ sui.^l.l.-rinp in ni*ri.h.v. o.*r ITo.'ko..
Tbr largest t
Isl'p of Wight. Wi itiieMlsy of the death
Hi*m llritwold. n/ Indian HI
J w*
era, cut nrai Ilvroir la« w
•smir heart that with the aid
Bine feet acr
dararsoiaUraD- band of Prlaeeasllestrlcr.they.niiipert |stnnn
. n^an nx.be killed a earage female
siek. hewasttiid rtaugliler ol ym-n Vk-Uiria. Hrince'l |>,xter appear, to have IhrebampV 1 ' «sl (srni |ir.>p.viy Telned at 8-'
r lad was
rand ODeofbercuiB aad brought
Henry wa,a mi miwriif the British ex-unes. BOltwo. C. >.
ao ..Wr.ing ^lii-luk-aii lusn ha. loi-i
rould die
the other cnb trfumphaaliy to town
pclitionary t.irce to AshaBtee ami con,^nUy killi-d one which weighn_, f.nu,.,, ,,f tl.,s .tat- usuall| ,
use of tobacou.
ired. cracted a fever there w.bicfa hx> rcault-' ^
pounds. . William Sendin bad pruvIili-Va gu.>d-.*1 no their tiiiiini.T |
While RermaB Itortel.
: one which
Ibe scale* At MO:-art,' and gears-g.nrtwUt' a ra.IvlT
O. T. Smith'* mill
aiaot laarSuoday.
txiacbin.v i-viil-lmt sil in un |
tawovef to light _____
Iweti giving a gieri ccul of Uxmbletoip,o dreased pork b wiling at »3 iS to ««forlable and coin i.ailu.u. .in tt.eir
Ihr lUIbns. i. the son of an Ambara'^
mo pounds. Ibc loerest price, .jiutor ,!«!. when r. lhrniug from
chiefuiu wbowas deihroneil in Is-kl. I
p-erailed in that ragion for. ging or wood-bauling tr.p.
One-third oH!
One-quarter off I
■ We are overstocked and must unload. Commencing Jan. 1, 18B6,
' we will sell every man's, boys' and chUd's Overcoat in our stock at
' one-third off.. Every man's, boys' and child's Suit at onesiuarter off.
gre.ig..q.i tr.nn itt ute. 1 itoyt bet. ^
cyme. n.mna
.... ^..
r^gerye, evsTy garmsiit must go.
jjjteiid to«iake tUls tUs grsgtest cleataiicesals w6 ovsT had.-
not quote you any prices for want of space, but if you call at
store will cheerfully ehow our stock and give you prices.
Salc OD ovcrcoats wiU continue until all are closed out. Sals on
I suite will continue until Feb. 1st. i896. Call early and get the best
id mUh factory at llnw- ton. Pa. Eagiaoer Loazer eraa crashed
off ma‘‘pritwu^of^^r. Kigbl
^"imer, of Caro. has. ton.
' tai.oou hi fanners durIstotba e«.wpvd. and after killing^.
,^at turned out 50.V
pound* of honey laat aeaaon.
piwen o
sad larp
«,.i-.l tbedaught--------—,
Mloaasou and Kortb Hakes
rt he ™itl5
the daughter of Ibej ^ ----------------rato^"to”thrlt
^ BecessltaWd
Abrsainb. and in l««M. up-1 it profitable. ti
Four Flushlnr little girt* were akat- th'Bn*eof'awly*thrre*anda ball mil
Ih of,his talbrr-iu-bw, a*-|stoch. It w c
tw bmeUy to liia iw. wbcra^lramM IloB bushels of pulatoe*.
cgndwl the throne.
In Michigan the praelh-e of diming
'leya. Sie aodartakar who
getber. But for tb--------• 100B^'aid»:
fowl* to rid thrin of vermin it Ifccom-.
had chargaof AWraham Uaeolu'* fon. by with long iea pole*, they
.Mill, iwi-r toUV'n'rwWsi i.i i ing more geoeral eeety day, li
rral. died Wedi^ay at bis boa
have been drowned.
Saw York fity- He waa- in hi*
f t*rfomi*d rightly and, wftb
■WbU* going upstain in Hrteolt Wad- year, and' siai* ISTd had con.lncted an
■aaday. John «olan. agrd iweniy-four Bpdrrtaklng boslnes* oa Broadway.
ig«Ki d.
jmn. alipped and fell backward cm
latt garHeath was due to old age.
aUcwalk. Whua dlacorered ha .
> lor Uie past.
George W. IVice. ae old sailor, who
upronaritnii and had a broken
' year and tbcM that be haiL marketed •
bilvlng at Prorldrnee. R. 1-, has piade
bat it b thooght that hi
\Z ' oeer
worth of berries b> sea-.n
an Invaatlon whereby Ibc pltriiingabd l!lli.d.ll.m el I's-Ul—aw. auU kl.
from a patch -ol one aud on« fourth
At FUsU George U Imwre
lag of a ablp by means of a saring-
cargo may be nUllscd to *W« op
energy is the shape of compreased air.
whirls lobeBseid topnq^lUieahlp;
wife wonld enj.iy.thr penaion it hr
Ansealan-----------Gie bOTse foreign
imoth Istock
We have added, this_weefc. to ojir alr^dy mammoJ.h
old jmimta»«r..«arri^. hb wif
Popular Clothier. Hatter and Furnisher. >
124 Front Street.
-h randei-oiW mhi'carr ohstiuaie.
s .'aud Gist IS ihr
I .birr f
irs in --- ________ ,_____
>. whicl
l8 and are ready to unload
leir burdens
idisposeof- We have ligrhtened th'.-—
. ,-------1--------,----ary low
prices. To say that
bargain seekersextraordin
at extraoi
I putting it very mild.
I this is an opportunity of a life time, would be
nTnrt womfn We^quote
We Quoto you prices
pric68 from every department.
_ .
Iiuliiiity ■
Clothing Dept.
Carpet Dept.
firm, yuril wiii.' lni;raiii I'ariwt.
I- toy
•liuic. [IHtt.-ri.. . .
ITI.- l ure
mtur toau. and I Vuiiw that it is all Unit i-•' — - ...I extra hiAvt oii.-lihlf w.-il iDgrnin..........
of pubtoi* '.-d f.ic It
I Ind b.*n trouhlol
‘■'•'■J’P'a riald of Vhr MTeral ra-\ pUn
pi|ra m.ire or 1.*. f-.r ab.o'
ab.ot vigi
"'***1^^'.!“'"* r J sTiEhrv at'...T..i-*..o. [last
and I biul'irie.!...lhrr
n> l>nu.-kisi..iv-._______
•-*« » Irietlra raoglng'fromaitbe rata of fiftybushels,per
■ ■
Bqt thepUes'grew i
iths ago I I
Irarge track* of mnek bod
""inl^iT-. A iiit of
UUnltftn. nollt
It gare
-owagbe an; to be plante.1 to ]
mint the coming season.
the I'nitod >bUaJ|recardlo^ the Vat
till of xix fi»l Wimluw Slrmiea. aoiiitilrtp
.xuebD .loratloa.i The Ihronlcle. o
.-^f^iwi—ibr .o-eoeist .if
VVbili-OiitiuR Flaiiuol....................................................
' deUy in Kngiand. ’ Tbc effrtb of toe
“ . .
t oreaay, '.Ayemrag..Isol.i,( .<.l'..l- Colonej OiiTiiig hUnB-l.................
increito of mutual kindlinew. are bring
. , tor. 11'.'H,milt..n St. VysibnH. Moh- Turkey
nrkt y K«i iMniask,
iMniBsk. fi
faiii rofor .
unui at::.
Dry Goods Dept
tog''dMWd from religious aad other
KoctMeld. was
M Abb Arbor W adaradav evening, hi,
bona beiag scai ' sl^ straet car. Hr
IV broken, a
wived ioten
laborer, tried to
iBjurCra alao
a Bra at
r saUGon, near Newport. Thnn^y. Seren hag* ot powder near by.
4 Hr.) .GWting................... ,.. .
■ taj'^**taa‘^"liirwilh anothw boy Thr dvoamH^ploded. the itowderlguiol i-Iid'k Hliirling..
toe ‘Eunipean-h..rir«n great anxiety jTestigatl.iv relRjee to theoumbi-r and
•amtd litovr Cliaton Saturday last,
•! b.ve been iroublgd f.ir-twen-. Mn-llt «
died l-riday moniliMr. The father has
and poariUle peril confront n*. the 1 value of farm animals ihrougb,ml the t,. ^ran. with itohlug pile*, llsv.-tn«si 1 Exlto ll.-l
y OriiB. Flannel. 4U iu.
pot yet decided whether
golden momenu for the perfiboeW ' I'nitod-lute*, ITie Vibl yahie ,of all
evemtiing that prorniwrl refief.
.. r,
retaila at 7.1.'. non
flltod. peacw-w ith America are slipping by. If classes is esAimatod at 81.-«l,tV«.is)0 ow
^ A floaUng chapel'h
- ot ’liiie iiiii,>rt.T].lr.waK.*ida,f abort
Mr- and Mra tl ' D Broekeray.
up at KulUwa. ky.. I
au.i Hi-nrioRa. '
Lake UedcB. have celebrated the — Ixlng Tuyages along
mi"-'her wonld forget minor matter* and jibe decline began in I-hl. 'Tlie heaey |.j,, i;„re. The one b.x used aecorrting;
w.irlli <3i.
Urtb BMivrrrarv of their BurrUge. Uhib. and Mira'
tii.f. lUBautr., inUBiatarabail. who was boldly
^idlj conclndvan arbitration treaty . deellae in the past year ha* been chief- ui direcU.ms wa,. in my <*,,•. a perfe-tj ^ j„,
•liaoat flity yeaU of whleh haw been IstoT. Re>- tVa
apeel in the fmke Huperioc dbtnct.
cbl traveler, will. ,ritoAmrrlc.toesp-cb.'leMr.Chambwith A'
itig of ihe-lwsl inatiTmU
.lown H.
There the; were among the oldeal ot
the while settlers..
. >
Edward Hand, a Imkr Shone aeetiOB
band, was'fonad dead Tneaday
lug acnias Ibe track, one mile
Allan. Tbr train that Siilied
probaW; _
aerr'^ toe.n'Tr'wto ■**I'l«'“Pbirl .Wnl'fng toa<»a.-and . Men’* till.' .'naoiel.'d falf .*sim .•‘hii
iiyloe’s shoe store the other dsj. she j land. • ^
find, that •
arvantren pacra west .
coinpbined of sometolug bard iu itMu'a excitrment haa bran aroused m.we wl|eo ntforfradtoan an -ra ;eure,,^^.W
. tnwk of the body by o
leu’s best .iDslity. hand aeirral. «'aU Khoea,
raHa. apd the lege iasi.ie.
d ring fell to toe flt<or.
Mr. Tay-, ,(ee allianor ha, beun formed betwres
C. N". Fargo's mak", worth W.'IO. Dow.... 1.98
At Adrtaa. Edward Itocher.
ememberrd tibl Mrs. Walter Me- Turkey and Knrab. It U thought that
ber.'ivas converted In'reeenl ree?vS
.'dlvliraletl Piugree it
..............lira Ridge. bad been male- Eojbnd will protoavstooagly agi
_vfing* and now b holding toe dally
rdbmoud tout she
jt tab store raoeally
whec boy
b aakl that the baaUnaUc
Ingd^lr ofabo.
Jrepopubllon of Cn
qoreh. which airirmlal Havana
weatorn part of I'
id. is BOW definitely known to
<a IcMtatt •• « grewl familit
, now
.., - .
toCabella. Veneznrla. whither
A. lot of lailira' Eid She
u to enfon* .Germse rail
_______ jaire ejiimney sb
.V-tato! larliex’ Fell.Sh.
a girl and fonr
It b hinted toat toe ma
” softl'
of fivechildren,
- girl
' aurtodtoe
aurlrd toe kitchen
b.-vs. _ drowned
Kandsy aftornooB.
"... ..wdandoevopy territory If n
-A I* ot Ittliea Felt-tUil, .
.rve'rhildrra of Johu :
to »•>“ asry. which •till add Cermaay to
A lot of laciira’ Leather Slippers, felt sole*..
.ildtrn of Grvtrife formas, of V*C*- complirattnv
o children
now exbliag bet'
ensM fwylbwMi.
hra It the Vnited Ntate* and Great BrAbla.
mstytadM fteol •>«* mar*tt«m/
Cuba eonlioue to be lav
K party of fire young
extua ot
toward toe insnrgenb. Tbe
sling dawk too Sboiey
bh foroes are defAated by ' r ■*
rht the boU becaW
to •Pftud.
X-W-I—bid . /*d
Bcb grief
in nearly every enoounler.
1 all trera tormrnh
At Washington. I’.wlmaaler General b expired
t>w —
raporl that “i*
Prarl Mnwe and *
tatbWr. MiraPrarl
Wlbon ha* Irauedageneral order Prt>- bravv leader
trader of tbe Cuban*, benaral
all eitle*
eitles and
and towB. hav-^ami, U dylngofteipsam^B.
a Tomitod blooa riding that, in all
. tob
Mira Campbell Ing free delirery p..sbl e
.Farm Noua
bsTU badiT hrnirad.
Arthur pralal system be rxleadMl
&u.e-to-booae eollacUoa.
_________ 4 bad toe flrah
cownlraae of toe department, bo
e^JTtoehilrodBctiaBafbo*- in t
toaaat aalU tartbsr orton «m ba at
Miu'Jiim- Tiiri-aiJ ..
.60c on th* dollar
Boot and Shoe Dept,
.11 the
me wpritf
woriu over
Sgilig^ II
r^pidUw V eoKirs
.toaubm Mato aMy ^ FOim CXTIUCT CO. K FMi *>•
'uda io t
. d Vfwli.. roiihixlin*
Gin* of lh«- finatt import-.
■ei Wiirutesi. wortli^^,
vpwll them at $8.60.
iii^; Iiiit
■ irtriM)
A lol of nil'll'a iiiiFortril
Otford gft'J' Ureha
SuiU. tiorait iu our ato'k.........................................ISAO '
Men’s 22 oz. iBti»)rt«l Clay Woratod HoiU,
Ixvtl made, worth fl6. pow...........------------------- 8JIS
Men'* hJJ wool li<-(vy Twill Saitn, wortb.$l2
............. ................................... : S.S0
lay 11
UusintTSB HuiU........................................... 8.6S
Evary .lay
II niiot Korw-v Ovenxtatr. fiueal made
worth Slit, (hia
A lol of yiiulh'i* tJe-reoBta, 6n<
. 6.60
made, worth f 12. now.__ ....
. 1.76
lot of m''ii'n tfr..y (Kef.vmta..
.•hildjvji’aOwr.. 76c
•• • b.jyi,''lA:^vy L'latori......................
. 8 98
. 76o
uiMiaWm)! working Paata .
lieavy wool Panto. . . . . \SH
H«iti-h Tw.v<l... !.«■
Caps and^Oloves.
W hare a lartp-onidguiDebtof tnen’B.woc
’ nnl> H>d lo tel? i!i-tii al any pru* -t*> ]|«re
■goew -your .-hoire......................................... ............
50 d-jT- ou'ii'* Sctnli Olovra, worth 71a at.
50 tloa. ui-o’* h.tTy. all wool. dooIJo mittaiL
L'aek. rnnh.iOf.—.■onmiagiuirilHee. ....
•ilk plDsh Capa, I
A lot .>f
|)ric- now.................. •--------------A larg>- lot of bjy'a Siyrlcb fJapa, re|piUt
Jiri.-e 4<Jc. now..................................................................
.MfiB’s .Vk- Scotch Cap^ in thia'dtol.. „ ....
■ilk liflU
1 •
baary Lntnbarj
100 .1..Z
The above quotations are only a drop in the bucket compared wltik !
' lU) our bargains. Come and examine stock.
. ■■m thraofb Uw eolana. of joiu- paper
. aerriem. tbe Jodpe wimld
I paid Uto tbe eeaav tnnauiy!
•U7.7S eeeta eolleetad. aad could not!
bare premicd aqy blU to tbe board oti
' euperTtoorul» tbe na^eeata fiw try-
■ S^aSS.SJ'jS'S.'SiiS'S
aolaae»aU.7»«* par^tor Ujeiaa^
tMbUaaa bad eootrol of boU booM
TW wpoblhma paiV waa la powa
Mae of tbe Daily Gtrie tbe eriUapmiTlUete Oily Charter. iBeoordera Court.) by Jodre EamadeU add
utbeiv That* part VBder sritidam
teada a# followa: Sac. S. t, t. 6. «. ft.
Intbaeratplaoalamktaapayer la
>e city and In aereral of tbe country
>WCB and equally ialertated U ^
ItT aad towoahipa. I bate ao pollUI bareaerrad yon
<al aaplrmtloi
AltboupB Mr. Bricner teaetaBatlre of Ula eeptoB be baa been M
fled wtU it alaoa bla aarlleat cbIhU
comiap toTrarena-aiy from Pn
WlU bla pareau la IIST. wbra be
but aU T0.ru olf Tbe eouatry
almoat a erilderweaa. tba
farm, baidp ao Ur apdrt that the looll-
lap tbe lisoaeoa.
la order to pet at tbe principle bere
eabibited and atrike a balance we will
er Kr. deeldad to locate do wha'
ameme tba aaUry- aad oBoa mrpcaaea. U now toowB aa tbe -old Bleele tArra.'
to beBaedalPaUl. ooe-balf of drhlcb
>f Ue moat fertile aad well, cultitba mntylatopay. Tbereforeebarpad rated place, la Ueeounly.butat tbat
wlU P400 aad tbe anm eeUaeted aad
BotieTMB-boU ia tba wooda'
pnld ibto Ua county trenaury U IIR.Tt and lo rtweb U be waa obllped to chop
for try lap »l caam. Now Ue oodaty
eray' Uraapb tbe f.ireat for aereral
la Juatiee Brown e eaae bad to pay for
ea. HereMr. HclUerpFTwnp.and
haad Ibe Tova b7 vUeh tbU UU
,---------- bal It la ianaUTial. It
Mdea^ir by a rapeUicaa «od|
nd a rapaUlcM praaldeBl.
uylap us mar. tbe mm of PeuS.
U^l of aAaeqaral rrraU tba IICKAIJ' bow poorly la before you in
wblnb aum la the reaorder'e court
Mioa« it to baar bai^ sMakro H> (Of nearly ri year, eoatlnued rerideao. cit^'obai^lerplunteaarad.to Ue tazAt tbr tiiaa, boweTcr. It did onl is Uie«mptytaodUob}eel to criUriam imyeim. Added to lb.' umouot qaat
' ' ayi^p as. iB^a fltal plat« It «aa
aa you la your many mlnda may dMTer. paid to Uecoboty makaa a total
arall aadnatood.
Hone isosttaa aro U'e are all free moral areau. and it la
(VI SO. Ro after tba cooaty payi Ur
(be Itnaui made it ctaar that tlirrr well that we do not all tbiifk. aee or do , lurt .alary of S400 fbere reaialna
waa BO raaliaation of tbe traa tDeaoloc
a. tbe old
>a tardll of UccOBliapeal fond Ue
aad iBleot bl the Ua. Thb wmid la'dlao’iald. -Tbe white arna mi^t' tmof (IV3 tu.
-aaaa atimace on«. a»d aocb a tblw
-aat my aqnaw.'
Aad tbi. ia not alt. it poca MdUpolmid Dol Ball be. bat it aboald be reUunbiieua I amVmpooaible mocc^tban ^4b*tu like aarinp will be efpcrjeacambeeed ibat at that tiaic
ny other penuo for tlUe £4, Uboird1 ia eoala madefy oUer court offleeiu
thtac aa tbe allrer d^lar was aeioarf -r'a court, harlar been omployid la
"A proof of Ue poddinp la lo cbew
icmra la buaioaaa aSalia. For clcren wrillnr and .cpmpUiBr tbe Traeerie inpUeatrinp." Take Ua boardlop ot
^Mia prior to.la-rs tberr had beea abeo- 'City Charter.
priaoarra at Ue county jail and comleUl7 ad oola la eIrmUlloa. oor
of keeplop Uem tor Oct..
before aubmlttins ilUe £4 for tba
. (bva aer aotil aU fean after, la
latklentloo of tbe charter committee Nor. and Dec.. I«us—three moatba '
‘wbeo aperia pa^oieaU were iraoBrtl
I 15 re^aeautire membera. I gare
Ur charter waa In opermtioa—•
•furanceteea year, of paper aioary, tbe aobjecl and coaicnu moch tbotaghi Ue eorreapondlnp
lUa (K-l-. ,Kor.
aolaly. rarUier than thl>..tbe allrer
iblaUd by any aelOab moUre or and Dee.pl*V4.ooeycurprerii
dollar waa eeeer kaown aa a clri-oUlto And fault with
ud Ue followlop ahowlnp; that
Ur BodlaiBOBlU after the lent
Trurerue City oribeoouBty of which four hnndrod and .alzty-eipbt day*
data. H«. From J«3 to WW fdrre Ue city n-preoenu 4i per cent of lU
baea Iraa thaa nuMi.oiO allrer dol.luBlioo. I waa Uen and am now InUn etdaad, aad tbear^acattrred over
mat to Chicapo Helpfala
wbuie they rueeire Ue flaal poliablnp.
etc. Ho flap machlaaa hare a edac
ity of ^'t.opo a day. aad Ue oUer m
chine* are equally up to date.
At pruacat allpht fore* of .oaly
ea U amployed. but a Uule Itfer tb*
amber will gna up to Uarapulor 17s.
Mr. BalUer irin pot la t.OM.OM feel
of hardwood and 1.000.000 feet of beatlock lop* UU winter, tbe lutwr bclap
oae^^alaly la Ue local
About ayeur apo Hr. ^iiner moerd
to Tra*erae City, oeenpylap a flee luuidrauf 00 Ue corner of State and
atreeu. WhUe Mi^ Beltner and
younpeal daopbler derote
Ue borne. Ue two >
Mlaaer'Minnie and
faUer’a -'ripht hand men" at Ue fac
tory, koeplap Ue boukt and altendlnp
toUe peaeral bnainraa. lo <saa of' '
abaenbe or tllncea tbey could curiy
w* aa wyll aa any mill atan
Uc legion. atUoupb they hae* oelUer
of Uem rewefaed Ur aPe of twentyntoe.
If Uere are any girl* i%U* aUle Urir
equal* In mill- knowledge Uey are yet
to be.beard from. WiU capable aaaUlaata. Ue beat ba>dobod mill in the
klate and a eauatanUy Froninp boal-
3. B. dark w Blm ElabnU. uM of
TbeW. H. H. S. wUlmuet'wlUMn.|b**a from Elk Baplda attmdad
>U I* aad20.ktockD.. LamW OoU
Ouorge Downer a waek from Tburaday.. body. Hr. (lee Icareaa wU* and tour add. w Fife (oke-fiM. Feb. a. AU ate iariled W attend.
| child
! J. a Ofwm WH. ECUdd.iomiU a
7>ere«lUb*a meuUngofall intar-|.rUl .
in Uulr'^**>*^ block IS. KorU FUe Ukncotad In Sunday aebool work W foemu aonow.
unkm for UU eouaty. Tucaday, Jan.W. :
fteal Eauta Tranaiu^
TboJanWr Eadaaeor to^ tor nazl!
SaedayU, "How doaaOod help ua
kow akould we. help Oodr- Loa
BdiU Miller.
Tbey were m ebllled before j
they could be pot eat Uat Uey hod to ,
Oeorge Wculcfa went to A
Hr* Jo* Hawley UTUiUpg relatlTm
irue.ua9£r«twlcckiar -U^edpe
•TO a> miM. Tiimd eU u!mm
, uiiiA>iTriaiiian>**Tt«rume4
> ia« WUrrauM lUrw all
Lucy J. Cunla toUaoegla A. Mein-1
Lowell Sour* and Oeo. Caryu drpee
ilr*Wll*onOf South MUloe I* rielt-’ Edward (Sllray to Jarnw
log bar daughter. Mr*. Jobu Wealch.
of mSee. *3, T
X. K
• had Ueia
.VMl Mot
W lau|««..
Feople of thi* oommunily wrre „f w . of aw v. of eeb.-Sw •' T’-V
.backed mriy Salosluy' momlnp to B i5 W. Syinp X -f t
hear of the .nddeO death of Thoaao. < louph -■ff' nw:«'
IWkSu .
fiwr daya WlU UequUtytmtwa. get- Andenon to If. II. laios
. bik l«. TUri
ting-belter and waa able lo be out fily $v-0.
a^lo. when he auddenly died eaile.
Saturday moriiieg (hi. firrty-firat birth-, part><f lot II,
da,,, auppoartlly from heart trouble. add-.A-'"
Tb* IntUint* Papan
publiahed mcial of Ue p-r--- --------Uat were read at Uc Farmer*' la.ti
totcin Utl^Bty. In Ula way It aided to an immeoM degree U.- brnrflt to i gjr
be drrired Uerrfram. not more by pie-1 .
iag them to hundred* who could not
attend, but by placing Uem In (uru> Ui >
uontlnue doing gnuo a* long aa mra
lallwrad Uem.
It waa an laiuie that
would Ire well to praoerre.—K<>.’
)r>l<lri Knlfr/irUit.
Tbe Hr.Kaui Aimplatca. tbit week.
Ue .loatltute paper* and haa been
proud to me Uem. Ulebigun ha. Ue
moat Intclligeol abd practical farmeS
in Ue units and Ue trraiid -Troeerae !
region leaM Michigan.
period of elrhtr yean, bad atrer bee
wn. usiTzn.
girca eireolatioB to an appreriablr dr- cily aad eapecially pood Bnaaclally •diwrrriaot*. ahow. tb* coat W. be
ima. It la Bot ao much_a woi
anm of $1*7.20. uad for Ills I
for Ue taz payer* la Ue oouat;^ at
ook bU flrat l«Mnt in Ue woodcraft
UNO, that proper thoarht aad
of $5».»0;aaurinplu three mooUif
bat waa later to determine hU oourae
armBOt flTOn ao Important kma^
OT^$ISB.40. or In Ula oor item alone
n life and make him a proaperon. mau:l
aa tbit im bUbproradafterward lo^'
than eaoupb to paj,Uc oad-balf
I Ue rceSWar'a oonrt. there ia ao'ma'
. ^
-tta wpobllcan party reallaed tta ’
lerLal dlffcreooa from Ual of Ue elec ofrecordpr'teoartaaiatTandoUcr '
In IM. be went to lirmnd Ra|dd>
, take. Uter. and piwUeal free.-duiaare tion of Jualice of Ue pmee. ElUream ddental ezpaimea..
ofallrorwaaplreB IhecoilBtry. A
madidly beliere Uat by tbe ayw where be ateyed for two year* perfect-'
elected by Ue Clectore of Ue dty la
lop himaelf In the mbloet trade. '
pabileae preaideat alraeaTBb, Wll la which theoDunlry town* hare no rolce.
pUd by UU title
hUbetum ia l-70be'bullt a little
laTrproridior for not leaa tbao ptAWi
juatiee will be meted
Judpe lor four yearn, one of tbe 3. F.
at what w*. attererard known a. I
•WaUeer purehaeea per month, and
of Uejuw In a far more
-for tour yenr*.
.lx mile. Cduth'o! Ur city.
' , mehlhma ptealdent alraed the bill in
Uio judpe of Ue rocor..er-. eoort nomicul maonbr than Uroupb Ue
»XK n.inwtwcoty-one of iwo year* ago. he began
perfurma hU duliea for a Szad aalary, Uce court* and that th* ta* payer*
maoufacture of chair alock.'
' moatb. Kelween
andhaabzelurire jurUdle- be tbormiphlyaaliafled with Uem^nrr
Tbu* Uee. of Elk Uke. died ol Inart
tlmr Dulblnp waa thought o
oolaafe of aUrer dolUm waa. iewi tbuB
lerimlBaIeaaea.aebSec. i-i. of flziop tbe aalary etc. after a year'*
dimaae last Friday nigb**
•»,I»I,000 la ealue; between l»T» and AU coata. flora, etc-. Impciaaa by aald trial, aad I am willlop'tc place myaeji Uiked of in the weat bot.pinr. but
.Neil HurrbuD bad four cow. ren
record to Ue rffeccl Uat one Uq^- -y>n>pbollu mind took In She changes
act rrUlaad by aaid- oonrt.
Uat Ue year* would b'riap; aed be
rer by Ue l ::.S ifpin laav Tborwlay.
Doperquialtca lomld oSlec) aad dollar* yearly will be aared lu Ue
Mr* C. S: MclmugbliB b eUlUag brr
waa not only tb* flrat V> begin work
of four year* orer 4be foi
.Id into Ue county treaaoiy.
IniUc ricielly ofTorrb Imke.
cflafal tender allrer baa.wbollyo.
year* prerlou* In jBailor eoort, la t
tJeo. Frink-an 1 wife, of ElUwofU.
barawood ludiutry of Uk acelion of
When apaele paymeau wrre aaepi
>e paaee perform Uelr ridental court ezpenaeu lot tbe bai
frlmida'tn onr town Ub weekUe country, but tar wa. aluo Ue ~
ta»«. the total amount of .llr*-ol uimllar duMea for tbe coate amtrned euminpa of Ue Uz payera
S.lHortoD and wife, of Shep
man to abip hardwood to Ue t'bl
■all deDomlaalioba In clreulatioo
H. D.'Cawi'Btiz.
when paid aa a perpard are TiaillbgBl Ji.l. MclsagblinV
oarkeL At that time Uere wa
batatew million dollan.
Ian. all
almoat ea-. qnirite. All coau not paid la aaid court
Repair* will beginSoou oa Ue CbemaUtioa near bia mill and ereryUlnp
■ Uiely miner eoinagiiU
toil, •
when tbe
la toil.
audited and allowed by Ue board.
al Worka to get Uem in shape to
o be lAuled to Uc depot at .Trar.
|c of aUrer doQara wia'igaln a
aperTbat* aad paid out of Ua eoname City, but later a .UUon, Aral .tart in the iprlng.
tyooatippeal fund.
ec. 11. A. Kelwy. pwuar.
\oown a* UelUer. and afterward
W'diter Stirling baa luiuraad from
- UoB. tba total aaeaat of allrer la. dr"A penny eared la worth two earn
SabtaU aebool. S:45 a. m.
changed to Keyatunc. wa* mude on Uc ifla<t.t0De.Wtarrr be baa been woriilag
: ealatfam waa. in romd aumbere.
ed." All eoeUU Ue-reeorder'e eoprt
Mc^np for worubip. 11 a. m.
^eara later Ur aU- on Ue turoace being bdill there.
li. RAM
MOAIW. only aboot WlOOO.OOO tem than
iuto Uc (city) county treaanry
Junior meettnp S:0» p. mr
^UbUUed on- Ur
Xgna of wood b eomiag to the' fnrUuO of llel
coeu lo a juallce oonrt are reBudearor meetiap. S:3U p. k ,
acenow. ConductorCampbell brought
Krat year Ue tdi>l
UlDcd by Ur jnatice or paid to him
ETenlap iroiublp. 7 p. m.
TolbaShibBo. '
1 a tralnoT 40 can-one algl]t. daring
atarled tAu mre wCre employed,
Uroopb Ue board of anperrlaort'from
but Ue luuine. iorreaaed ekpkily till lo ibc puat w(irk.
^becouDiy ttuaaary,
- I hare baea aercnly erlticlaed for
Jake Hducia, while trearieg Elk
iDoaJ lala^oftbe judpe (rf
Topic for Ue IWdraecd meetinpq
tbe atand I took at tbe aUeer eonfer1-ukc lu»l Sunday wiU one ot Ulirer
reoorder-a xmrt ia.flzed by Ue <
-La^oreratopeUerwltbOod." Leader.
•aca.bddat tmaalag oa Jaa. 1«. l««e.
rd lo the earnest aoUclUtion of hU Fewer*' Uwm*. broke Uroogh Ue Icr.
Slim herUsH. Wats*. ChrUtiao Enbat before elartlof out to eapluU 1
Xo life, were lost.
tire-men of Utcit^ceouatyi who rep- deUTor Day.
want It diaUaeUy oadentood tbul 1
Tc are baring beautifal'winter
plant to ita premnt loeasioa. which i«reaent nearly one-haUof Ue tazabir
u ate eordially inrited to dtlend
arapablkaBBad l^rebeen ereralacc
>Uer aad tbe tanners are making
.leatioo of Ue whole evuaty. and U«w aerricee. Cbarcb comer of Oak clude* tenaemof TBlaable land bof
I eraa old enough to eaat a ballot, and.
dering pn Boanlmau lake and croaied good nsr qt It by galling Ueir Wood
Uey are anppoaed lobare equal intelli- and Fifth atneta.
momorer. nerer roted for butane dem____
by tjie U. E A 1. and C.-A.W M. and log* marketed.
• wiU tbe eame number ot a
oetal or any other party. U my life. 1
There b hopes Uat Ue Elk Baplda
Hr built blL factory
the eouaty town* who m^
A Sunday School waa otpanl^ In road*
Borur eoagbt for aa ofBce or aerer ezVrugreaa will make greater pfugri'i* in oy
Ue board of aupenriwa*. and'piea tbUebuteboo WaahinptoaatreeiSun traniferred alf the Bachinery from
peet to.
Wbal I am lookiar for U tbe
the f^tnre than it ha* la Ue past.:
judpraeul upon Uejualicnof Ue peace, day by B. Andenoo. UatarUont wiU Baitaer and bad Ur plaat ia full oper
b^ IntereaU of the American people.
ation in OO da]-* from Ue lioe be made ■They are Uc proed ^nmeaaon Of a new *
aecount of ooata. etc., and it would iwenty-tw;o member*.
luncaid to tbe formutlon of a
Ue flrat more, f.s'.r; waa hi. unlucky power proea w;IU a eapaciiy ofl.w.i W
but fair to eonrede to the boaora' CBCBca Of CKUifT lacintTtzrl
party to be called tbe Amerioaa. t
print. Bpr hour. Ibr power b a Cli-.
eplalator* of Ue prml lUta 01
MeeUop* are held eeery Sunday *f- year, fur in April be waa thrown from
were two reaeoaa
Fint. I do not bemax water motor and U Ja.t mnkes,
bia carriage at bis bumr in Heitne
MIebijran aa eqial amonat oTcommon
cooBned to the buiiae for user three Uing. bum.,
in paaalnp tbe Trarertc City
charter without chanplDp a word, era- worth atreeta. In lien of 'paator. ua mouth* While atill unable to be ouv
>d to tbelradnolare politically.
OB Aug. H. LI'S. Ue facbiry caught
h^Wtora. two reader* are Heeled—
. ao that tb^ may pet control of the
(M Sec. «,%rhlcb pnAldea
tbe flrat reader rcadlop from tbr,IUbk.
Rer. C. W. Cbaae prcaebi-d at Walton { ^
bcooad. I would uek.
ilnery. tbr only thing meed last Saaday and\ will probably do ao |
half of Ue recorder'. aaUry ahall be
tbe teoond reader from Science
bow caa a llfe-lony republican, who bepaid by Ue ooualy of Uiand Trarerue. and HotlU (the CbrUUan •Science text being SSu.lwu f(«t of lumber. Tlie Irni
lleree eatiraiy ia Ur protretion of AmtdS.ouu. wiU only tlu.ow inwr.
uideratJon of aerriere to crimlaal book). Habject for next Sunday: “True
Rer* I-ei-,cb'»d Balgooyer are hold- ’ 0
! ericaa ladpatriee. eolo e democret tiekWith.Ue
and that aaid recorder .ball pay Forpireneaa."
Saa^y aebool foUow.
log apwbl eerrleea at Summit City i A
. Ot. even tbough Ury laiert a elircr
way* been oae of hi. chief cbaracteria- with coeauraging resulta.
pUak U Ueir BethMal platform, that
tic work waa rommenced aa soon aa
The mild wcaUerand Ue fiacaleigh-,^
would reach tnm Dan to Benbeba?
cold, and In jn.t aizty Ing arq glring tbe logger* a flue oppor
orcr to Ue eonuty treaaoeer. aee See.
And for that nma it u^ema naekna to
daya,Ue tacloo waa In ruBolugorder. tunity for Ueir work and Uey are ImJudpe Ratpadell aayu: -'The qnmticw
church waa
me for a coat
bigger and better Uan.b.fore.
oring It w
' oomplieb anythiu U altber of the old lanutaatopreaenteznenae. It U UU: panited SS yeay* ago Feb. L 'It U
If Ur IcyiaUture by charu
df Ur pioneer iBiUtutiona of Traretee Briloei haa nerer forgotten Ue klndereuing Ez Lir
riday ere
ymrtlra. Tbe remarki of Uen. Wi
. Wigki Ulddl^ of CodUlac. {^
amde on tbe z:nd day of January. !»«: piwer a city to elect a rerpeder. aad flz City.- Tbe aereletu' Sunday will be of
dclirur Uc
e Ulrd
Ulr^ lecture of
i at VaUiaptoB, were true to ailarge anamount o'f V.ot» in retmlldl^ Ue aebool mninr.' Tb* .fepuUtios of
I taut and cnoDol be denied,
prepared by Mr* M. E C. Bale* Tbe plaav
weaker eauw* oa to anucipat* a rich
i trbieb be aaid tbat boU bid pariJea of that aalary. It can empower a city to church held lu flrat meeUnp* utHr*
aay other oral! of lu oflieetu. aad
llruitai repiWDUUr* riaited tbe
i, bare tbe Uner temple llaed wlU pold.
Butea- girlhood home.
Hr* Bate* be.
Uc connty to pay < m-ball Ue beeu actleely couneeted wlU Ue factory Ul» week and fo'und it hnm! IwoQlddoaUll tartberlack to King compel Ue
church from lu inluncy.
Her addrem
, eolomnn'e time.
will be hiatorical and ramlDlacml. All Uemaelrea nre well worU a word. Tbr
pal U true, prorided Ue a
^Botooly lined with pold. but
ateewedUlly InTiled.
eeKea beaeflu Uereby. aeo
main factory I* fnzl75. two *torie*
: pUlan were made of tbe came pew
At 7. p. m. Uc aerrlor will be mainly
onort rrporu. IS M.. pope SSI. when UU one of penonal leatlmooy. a* lo wbat ^ae£ 17 fret bigh. -Tbe lawmill la two
omtaL Uowdldbeoblalneneba
Cbriat and Ue ebureb are lo each one. alorle*. 40z6u. The brick boiler
r year* oW. k
amoont of tbe e^pe
e^pae to eompleic tbe qpeatlan waa aettled
Coau prepared -to Ukr can.
b etzc.t. with p 10 foot
wallaT Waa It by purchaae? We my
Tbe Suaday School lemon U Luke a two story stock theJ »x7u. A
Ledge Xo. SSI I. O. U. T. held Ueir
•a. ta order to obtala power by i
S:I7:M. Read Ur Itaaon at home.
TSe jodpt further tay*: -ThU U uot
E. meeting at S p m and 4beae bnlldlog* bare troo roof* aad annual eUclIon Uat eeuBlog with, the
be aflfbt ooeroe hU eubjecta. be
coaauraeted of Ue bearieat and foUowing rewnll;
Ue Y. P. S. C. E aerrlee at S:tS p. m.
riti l*baiaob'edaufhlce. which pare all." abd refer* lo See-,
Ti^ie. -Laborer*to^Uer wlUUod."
material. A year ago a ebat lit
Cblcf Templar-Rer. Jamr* I-eltob.
" him power to lery any tribute oa bia ■It UUe principle and not the paltry
IVij-TT meeUnpt^ ermlagat 7 p.
tle twoToom oilicc, wa. Irnilton BallVice Tat iplar—MbaC. Maud lyooi
people be daw fli.
1 do not wUta to be mm already demanded tbat I am- m.
Sobiect. 'Slur work and ifod'.
Fin. Sec r—John Seboob
' BTcnne. Tbe power that operwork.- heml I Cor. 8:a-v
wadentood that we toelay are lerMcl demn."
Bee. Sec__________
Home Bible reading* and drToUonal
Ue plant b gcaerated ia four
Yon remember wbeor bull pond tbe
-epon la the mme way aa waa done in
Harahal—Xcd Tripp.
meetUn piU be beldat W. tY.SaiU'a. large'l-oUera which rim Ureaeagiae..
-oz. SoiaUU cue It makmadifferUnard—foaepb Farraut.
tbcac daya. bot UMfecU the
cor. EiphU and Wadawortb ftreeU. led
It-ia abated tact tbat a large anoa la Ue legal pntrwrioa wbeiber by 1‘rot C. U. Horn, and at F. A. Earl'. oaefortbeuaw milMne for operating
i-odge Dep^^leo. L. Froi
Uca be tried ander lillc 24 bbt
on Waablagtoo atreet.
Attund Ue tbe chair nod curiata pole drpan^canvotor
Troa*-Hba Alma Jnne
meeting AeareCt ypn. Bring your RJ- menu. and a small one fur Uc dyna
Ue aumber of maea that
let* bold Urir poaltioa Urpely from
Tbeir eocYeat wUI be decided Ub;.
Read Luke. Sth Kapler. AH mo. Ue clectririly Uat .llghu tb*
ramped dp under tbe old plaa.
Ibcdr raat waalU iaataad of fitnem
are mrneaUy inrited lo Ucoe home
wackand Uc demtion followed by g '
'*N>u^ be futile fvamuo of marked
judpuia alaadpolnt to dlreat Ue iueord- “iS^dUa'A
aWUty to azpccl to pet elUer pmli
eunrryorymrriea all Ue aawdibt to the
cr'a court of. juiiadlctlon orer all cris- day In
■nlam be bad a larpe amonat of mo
Brea qnder Ue boiler. .
apalnat Ur ataW law*, or gmm.
to back him la Ue BBdeKakiup. Wbal
. ■
1-4 to 1-2 off
£ fc"
TBE cauBcasB.
S-U-bl. D.T OObd., Cup-t ud OloUUt Boom,
I aaf, 229, 231 FRONT ST.,
Of Books and True Friends
again on oUcr Sunday*
Our star* b ao Urge you can surely And aduneUing to suit, and It wlU
eiUer bea new friend, oron old btasdin a nawdraa* Uyou learn ona thing
aacb day and rumsmber it, wisdom Isn't far away. . Laarn today to call on at
-to buy from <m. It will be wisdom on your part, and a maana toward furiberwiadem. 'Onasiuarter oFlDr a short whUs longer. Drop U and look o*or
our book*
Si Use the Best
I and don’t pay 60 cents extra for the privilege of
I using 60 pounds of water and call it "bread. We
“(-Is guarantee our Best flour every flay in the week
and 62 'weeks in Ihe year.
-that be proaecule much caiea and brtnp *“|Sr' Bridge Bonder* t»ct Tueaday
tYt------ would a pour 'man atand.
tbwvh be awed hand aad aboutder* hU bill od.couU before the board of an- ereuing at Mr* Brooer'*
to te! audited and allowed tay
aboru bUpppoueut
alter of
wbateeer Ue
Walm aad oommon i
The republican fmrtyaa It nowataadajauch
may.br able w petufop
haa a pruat ORiortaBUy before It. | Uyoupb. to be paid from tbe conUn_ crening..
n adranee
Snnday tcbooIain:S»* m.
•UoUermU Uey-would Insert a free : be tualloe by repreacnUl
obw pUnk in Ueir platform Ualitatro^lly Sec. v df UUe
aad aee If g.. * z w
eroaldaaUafy Ue free ailTtr element otjtazatiki^y repreaenutlon U not fairly I
Epiaoojml eharch *«retc«a Sspday.
Ume : aad juaUy embodted Uereln.
Feb. 2nd. Uraeechnrefa.moralagarrr- $^lr own party, aad at Ue
- -'bolycommuntoolOtSO. BeenWtSafyUe trae aileer element In Ue:i "1 know of no way of Judging of Ue >,
e:Ma. m.
Aamocratlc party.
1 know of many futare bal by Ue post.r baa recelred notice
ee of Ue
i who bare Imdi AadtolUna*---------------------------------. !..
oU Ume <
iUnatiate wiUont
goiug into
r blUop'a
Irak trade and buud Imalng gurdeDliig. larmtrrg or buUdlug cHjr ttlU
r«onljwnlUngfornaopf>ortqD>-|.ka)l*l •
»! l oioo chai •
a for Uc-dooe ia Juatio* Beowa'* oi w la prate-; day
.whool S,.
aadUatftreze^ cuUug offeadcraof Ue peual -Uwaot''iuA
U UeeeaerTior*
ir other aatloB can beato^w. Ur aUlr during Ue year
_Bqaarteriy meeUag of the
Spec any ladiridnal
1 would hare the Trureiw City charter b
be held lu f
$baae (•adidataa ezprma tbaiArlee* eroUey. to wIl, S^ 2S. It
erpod 'ebupel oommiwelag termeu
prurlmi to Ue cnSTesUoc. ua that wlU 2S. UBS.
eroatag aad cooUauSag o*ur Ue 8
r .|
^fusL pnbUca ehnnea in wlacUaci' ThntuwMdnriacUatparMotUM b^
Louie Xaabb quit* alefc.
rk. /
mill bUe flrat point of InWc atT.bsriag eury nloe
Intcreat lo ritit.
A Sfo. 1 qaaliiy of
Hr* Briltoo b stOl oa tbe
tM awk lb*
flooring da mode bere. oely Uc eery
beat part of Uc log. beiag naed. Tbe
Elsie Cbancc .bad aqsl
lul^la^ad- (
real b pul IpU chair; atoek. erei
A. FoSer atumdad
In SMee ' 4
alabt and edgiag* beiag nUllzfd.
Tbe entire gsonad flour aad balfot
Hr. Hebert aad Oim Enamt «
^ aeooad Boor b onraplad by
andUemarbieeryb Cedto Sunday.
Klteben was .a Tcmveim
tbe eery tel aad tatept tet Ue s
There, b a gearraJ ia- i
alon that ttoUing but stock -for | KuaaaU Fbhcr did biiMniac In Tr«*-;(
contrary Ur material b turned out for: Adam Ballinger wua a .iaitorat Bte[|
almoat eeery Itlad of chall Ual Ute b dldrtlllc Wedueaday.
loUemarkaU lacludiugroekeraraUab | ^ F. Vfaite b atWbdlag U« Frtmda'!'
-------- -I------•------- matMaatoi
Stock bahlpped mainly to Detroit. Chl-1 enpy UcBarruyplaeu.
and JoUct wber* Ue ebarri arc' Kamls Oorrln. of Cudar, rialtad a
lUcrand Bobbed up Tb* wood Mr. Hebert's over Suaday. .
Looim Hahn wlU aUnad aUaal a
fi*aaoala U* not ot tkc wiator.
E BUby b aow oo}ariac Ua ban
Hannah & L^y Go.
Something for Nothing
............To-ix seld-oxn.
' yet thAt is what we give you. A oicc Needle Caee snth assortment of
’ calendar combined, with every purchase free. We also give you all F
bird off.
j Friedrlcli Bro* old store.
TraTCm Olty, IIlcli. ]
Jan- r. to balp eelabraU — -----ta^to^blribday. Tha a»«Bii*.waa
TOfy plaaaa^ilT apant IsplaylBrBaaAa.
padra aad danclay. Tha miife waa
faraiabed by >'nok Harrlll. Utos dllrr and Haiyy surer.
The Mnalcaj-Utermry Oob mat w^tb
Mlaa WUhalB laat ‘aanlB( asd Kara a
ud D. r. Cftmptell Miradad thru- fiaa Chopin preciamUap-yrar panlra >ara baKno. and
m»l neeUnc of U>e Onad Lodf* V. A.
ill nra from thl. Uma on. Thara
M. «t 8»fia»w thU wotifc.
aa a >olIy ioaallbf party on
li i
im' s . s
,»h.: 4; ™
State Bank.
tared ARB for J. VT. BanDofc
the oatployao. On the mat «Uy Elcblaal MoitU of Ewi Bay
tlrnek by ■
UlliDC Itmb «bU« eboppiq«
voodk. and bli arm fractortd.
rvb Kindly add> ito mlu I
orriosMt rmtTj a
in MlcblgBa baa the’
earn of tte people aad the repoblkas party more than be. Mr. HaaBhb would honorably ropreaeht-the
pabllcaaaof bla aUta. aad tha party
would honor Iloelf by aaloetlBK t^n.CVnlnil toi^ TurtA.
A W*BK or twoncothe Hr4ULu noUe-
rtparta. Cbarl
ClrouWlo.i this week 2,300.
OtmubU ofTtMUya Banm-
. XlWatton Ml Oowraf Set*.
I "7“;t ■r'r'
oy 11.
eraolDf capu V. K Johoaoo'a boapiu- DO preat
P™*‘ *T
'*■ •
la home at MapUloa waa thrown opaa The pn^ram ia ai follcm:
HOBic..qaariatle. ladby Dr. dayder.
s a party of yoaoK folka from tbc city.
Mm. J. L.
Tur5i> Mrjf'acll'B.
Trk tat Br* alaiin iDooamber<M Tha martial of thr 'fcoBK Mao» Llbba.
'Mk»wMtei»odatS:Wo'clock HoBda^ Cinb aaam to be yrowia* ia
a of To-day."
iBf b; Uie beralBC of » chk^
a each m'oMh.
thair go\6*B aroddlDK.Kaoday aad tbrir
oUfriaodarin the city hara bora
EoBKOtalatiDK tham rrer alnoaN,
! i.
1l»f« .iriU be a ro^> temperabra
maeliBK bald nadar the aeapicaa of tba
\V. C. T. r.. at Elbfmiy ball, nait Sab.
day at tbrea o'clock p. m. An iatoreatlOK prarrma baa been' prapaird aad
roll baa boo aacured aa lataraat wltli
Mr. HaatiBKa la the baalaraa and wUI
of Trerat^ City. Mr. BuKbee will sire 1
ail attuUoa to the b '
K. fur the prebeat,
laaat, at Sparta. Mr. tIbKbae baa bera,
.for aere4] yeora a,p)aBbar of the ataU
board of pharmaiv aad la preaideat of
tha board. It baaalwaya been hiaway
UkaanaeUmlatemtln the bual.
aeM aad pnbKe affatra of bla town
.aalBcaa maa of Trareraa City will
Kira him welcome, while he aad bb
family will prore a ralnable ariditv>e
Trereree Chy aodal clrclea. They
DdA. Hr. pad Mm Dr.
opaardwllb a paper byCaahler C. A.. • ^
of the Plrat XatloDal Uaak.
Rt^markalby Hra. .Fmak liamlltoa
00 KaUonal Baoblac. i>« deecribed la aad Mra. R. A. Campbell- oar dtolrkt
' preaideat.
Hqalc by qaartatte. .
KenrdictloB. Her. li. S. N’ortbrap.
I*. C Ullbert followed wlthaneicel
at paper ua PlaadinKaod l-rartk-a.
tayloK iurcea on the haportaace of effertlea plaadaK. »blcb ia an aaeeallal
x'oood Soy and a Oood SCaa. ^
ia court practice.
(l-^The'rr were many Of our u^dar cH
. The laat paper waa br W. 11. I'mlor. nraa whoar, hearto were todchod with
uo Comnmrclal Imw- Itia ii
teadar memorlm when >he neha
wired a week ago that
u Freak
aec in the batiaeae wdrld. bainK
eery brlpfnl.
Thr praKTBBi waa a .pi^tlcal
frobibeKlBBlnKtoCBd, and waatlatenad to with deep intareat. Sour
monwot of bia dreth. The c
umaa wcn.added t^ the slab mao
prolaibly acute
waa bora in .Treeerae C'lty April;:
wuUAa't I i.ra.
but a boy wl
g Woman'eClnb bald a martlaK
8. C. Fuller, mnored w Florida,
Friday p m. Ob accoanl of tha an- but bad woB the name of '*tlie beat boy
pleMaatnaaa of the day the dtleadaet-r
la Trererae City." and be waa a manly
fvUow aawell. Ilia after life fulAfterap>aBoduetb);Mlaaaa neajw
brief reecae of the Stuart fam.ly, of |
Freak', father.
eatrence into lircat I
. lion. I>. C. Twach aenda from SpriafIXcld. Mliwuuri the foilowloK Iritale to
' hla memory.'
-Freak Fuller. 'Ulite Freakle.'
lower—prices won’t.
51,50 for W-Ihat* What
we are offerinh' on |mes of
colftred shirts which we-will
close out entire-- now and then
mUsins ,m.ll.in6
wronc about tliu,»-t«o collars. extra guffs, 'handsome
goods. ‘
I’ricMon our Ayopen's \Vrai.sand Winter Weight I nJerYdear haie b^n
o the lowest de^lw. .As this is the case it's |>oor jtolicj for you to ionger de
weaf. thinking you will get it
lay the purchase of that warm yluak or hca\'y-'i
cheaiwrjatcr o
Lines, colored fronts onlyi _
lot handsome laundried gu^s^ 1
sold for'from
verj' popular just now-- goinj
for 7(jc.
, AVonien’s
One jot laumlricd whiic-|f|
shirts at Si.i5-price stamped; M
on each shin by nianufactiircri ^
-all sues. Will dose for v<pc.TT
■ You. madam. who'hivc to count.
,^a)ur dollars and )ifiy centses can-fiiUy' ym^ price.'. Come now! what's y«jur
prii-rf $.;.75 W a I'fir Capei'S.tAM
AJiotber Lot
well-known slitrts lines rtlat .
we will uo longer carry sold
for$i.a?, cTioiie for ycfc.
, ■ i'
One Lot
Pant sale
One dollar.and fifty ccni ^ qq
Underwear ,
■tu dl
L Ftaigcto Lltoreiy Aocidy held'ud '
a pacaliarly lortumto cir- hktj I^Hlt lt» M M il 11«| tit Cat
r»Taear be took oat ma aecideat
----------. policy yretreday moraiag.
klghly aataamM mreibere to eary pleaw day al^t vrith a caretaUy {
good lor only U^ooe day. bat wbicb c
4m to tha ladka of the dab. who are
will pay Urn AI& a maak ap to a tUw
AD joMly proad of Dr. BoBaateal. Il
temaThr A wi*rea«" ah naMmrM. man UaUtodtaraA9«i<araaha.
i)aBis of the last 6 wWoeks’-sales, every
j •
CUtter lllVOlVed lH OUr
Clearing I
still on.
5«i i-ents. I his sort will w'car as
wcli. probably,,.^ is a little coarser
and contatiis a little more cotton than
the 7.'?v «»>rt.
Wetken of the atek aa ncellcmt halfteaa.ot'Ilr. Boaeatbal-Thominac.
M Trereree aiy Womaa'a dab. Tbto
7:; < »-ms. •Hecn selling what nine'temhs of the people call “all W'ool”- -.
ibut are rnaily al»oul «5 per'cent. cotjibn forSi.uo now they-an-7,cc.
fora viarm'. Uylish Cloak or tacket.
• is as low a it's safe to iHTl'in. I' l
there on we ll giv ypu real help.
model boy
^ri-rywhere. DuriBK
form the BriUah paVllameal. aad the
tVebater atreet.
that he attended urbool in I'ret- unlauiidfied shins of superior ^
h t.y HtM. h
erec City there waa neree a mark niolirv- !hu\-» btt>av'.i solil tor ^
Tai Patoakey^Eeoord fa&a
itaalfln Ita effort' to do full }o»Uceto
OKaioat him tor abaeace,
id told of thr^vlKia
the lalaau of oao of Petoakey a proctl- thr Whie and Tory partiea. lh.e deriva bad cooduet. It la aume thirteen yeora Si.oo. lAvelve to liftecn dozen
yoaac druKKlrta.
Mr. LAitca'a tion gt their aaraea. .the relation . exUL
of these w'e tyll offer for a
'that he never oubrrrw U
frieada la thb city will be latereated la
limited time only at <xiciUK StweeO them, the cbaaBe tewbl
. buvbood dayai la fart aueb a
the tollowloK: t'Tbere baa
about br the French Rerulullon and Icoeld become uolbifiK lem U
bibltloB la the dray etore of Rarrell A the ttnal auballtulioa of the
Lake, few a week paat. a remarkable
palatiBK aaUtled "The flulUof-Andaf<”7iFnllerr tf the world waa full of them
loalB" Admired by maey. the
The above are all of su
Mra. Curtia iu a ,«>er on l'>od.m .
ty of the artiot bvauppreeeed 1
aub Lift- referred briefly to the earlier ;
formatloB that tha work la that of H. -riadoa clulw-cf one of which !»ir tVa|.,
Ualelrh waa the orlKlaator. with !
quality aodworknuinship
Aaa. 0«mabaa»o«ielo Qdeaco.
^ool Notea
Arm. aad wbee thii fart b<
The three Teacbera‘ Normal 'claaaet
•Soa. ao. ODVaLLtolbUaalar tU*' kaowa tfaroBKh the llaoard. mi
Aarted tbia b-rm are proeiaK to
Mr. Laka'a trieads will go aad taka
more eeprelally of the dub. of auevepa. orer 1" UklnK adyjata,- .
aaolber look at It. Mr. Imka h ar. KtaaBunu CVuua la aWtlac
lat century, which number up them. Prof. Urewn laatrncu (he vlaie
tlatk to the tipa of hU flaKcra. a mnward. of Ml tu-doy. aai^inK and dc- ia -pedaKOKy.
alcUa. a dorial aapeclally daroled to acrnjiuKthediAerenldirUionaof
date. the arithiretir clam and Him NiirtCT
tha daralopmant of .tare and eiuaor.
reterrlBK atoo to the nrchitertural civil KorernmeaV -The two last aamW
plaat form* aad flow'ere.
painter of takat; It U amall wonder beauty of their bulldiuKa. Hut few are rlaaaoi are ratirel.v dietinef from the
that beiaeo popular with the fab-ack. A pJaao aolo by floak Voder of her rt^larpcboolclaeeealatbeae atudin.
beiBK arreaKed with apectol reference
of the latter U due
ITB compoailion. dedicated to the onl- to the ereda of uaefaara.
the pretty flria when eerelty of^Mkhlpan. waa appredatM by '^•rof. lirewB il arraaKinK material
I Maa H. D. Alut rctaned Taeaday
for the pnblicalionof a Bbw acbool eato la on. Hr. Luke, or In.
One dollar and iwemy-live fc*nm aa axtaadad riait la Na« York.
After an IntereatlnK report by Mrv olignc the laat of the
bU able aamaunt. Hr.
cent values for 79c.
HoTKan of her trip to AtlaaU, the ooqtoin. in addlUoa to
Kephart. vrtll be flad to abow the
!. A. Gordoe.
meetlUK adjourned to be called In two a^y. etc-, tbe'rulea.
imiaUaK to callere, and czplala iu
by-lewe, adopted by the Board of Eda- values for ninety-eight cents.
• iM. Kewu Staa^ the Fuat OBoe beauUea." v
the ailver iiaeatlon will be dta- cation. ^
^ rwiU tumalB opt after tbit tai • p. m, Two ■dollar and three dollar
Pleaaaac Ttmaa.
Tbcfe'to a lull la thr Ui«b School
mot Oread Ba- Hr. and Mra. F. Goflar e
I.ectvrr Courae. The neat eqtertain- .values for one dollar ami sly.
e«a callad cm hU friend. ^ the Uat vary pteaeantly Tbnraday oveninK i
meot. a lecture by Tboa.. UcClary vl t>'-eight cents.
honor of Ku«BU from Charlevria.
haabeeo workinr under
leapoUa. will not be Kirea
'.-Ask your neighbor aboui
moBlha HarcU I*.
naleatl' TnrtfalarmeetlDKof the Eoaten
of frkada with a mapper aad alelKb
Star win he held tbia erealBK la the
The aom'ber of---- -----------r -, - them- chances are he has
Hiaeak lodre roonga.
a pair.
A number of the youBK folka enjoyed
week, aad at the meeUac Taeaday heavy at laal year, owiag to the prevmm. C. D. Towaa of Elk Ba^ haa
dellKhUul bop la 'Uamiltoe Uall" nlKbt.Uiefollowinf ofHben. were elect
iMi hard Ueam. but the taitioa
I tWUbk her alecea. the
Vriday eraniziK. to the muaic of ml
o e3t'^
Hand Melik Ckmp.
dolln and guitMT, tarnUbed by C.
^thla knn ia ahreA
Ml. The atkadMcc
Uoward Brother*.'
IB decided to dk- :adee and
of . laat term
erm aad excaqd* I*** reating
ettiaae hb city feed etore aad vrUI A lOTKe party of ladka from TreTeree
reparity. There are now \u‘. aorolled
Bay Mire U O. T. M. drore out to the
Intfac'ceBirelaadoldcaBlrel ImndioKt
home of Mru. Joba Block aad tpeat
with fMu tor but na-. aad the t
Paan Barouread Him itoraid of Kca- reryygkaaaat^yFiWay.
to IKIM with a leatiDK
hare been opendlBC a few'daye SaUrday wmq tbc btnhday aaeirerparity of l.we. There ai
: irilh tboi'r abter. Mm Klar•aiy of Bobert Buraa. the yreat Scotch
Utre iaatalkd the ofArera. afbr which yd to br acatM fa the Oak Itork whool.
: Mm an Hna Wiu. Caaa aad ebil- poet, aad Mr. aad Hra. Wm.
, but that will not aolve the Hoeatioa -*
rrof friraiia very flnr ‘-Btnnrl -in dii-Vr-n*
: draa. of Beaioala. rltlted Hn. J. E.
---------------------- ^
Icariojr for the H«i >rho vrill be pro- has always been cheap. It is
OrellMc the Aral of the vreeh.
dcIlKb^lly la boaor of the occaaloo.
A Shr^ktoK Aoctoant..
tmolM Uiia tpriar from the ward now, cheaper by about thirty-,
'eb\poe ry and aoaKa,aodaddichjDt h'm. HelloBald waa the vlcUm yre-1
WB-jACaaoii haa mold AreofUaealthw and onc-fhird per cent ;
rtcniooa of...............................
oar of the aaddrat. Tha Uigh School Literery, aocidy to
torday aaftc
: nab patent eaw Kumaun tUa month.
ilnK'e procrem.
Seventy-live cent goods forj
aeddruU that haa happrord lathe city
Bd to wo^InK ap a la^ trede la.thto
The Sbakapere club met Hoaday in a long tlmr., Mr.- McikioBld had [
xhr than
fifty cents. : This includes
jaat iMIgiredhtogun. wbk-hhad brea ;
night waa the VeareueUa many kinds, colors and .most
Mm A^iHaa. FBAXiOanma hare Him Bertha Colaun waa rl'aa
- haea apendlnf a fcw daya here with moat oKreoabk aorprtoe party Saturday loaned fp a friend, aad went down on : ,oreUoB.
all sizes.
the ahorc ic l^t of tbc U. B. A I. dr-i
lim GmidaeFa paraata. Ma and I
ereoinc by thb Three ljuartera B. B. pot to get a
at the duck, before,
going home. Aa nrmriy qa can ba made
Sam Adam, bad a birthday Moad^. out. healippedoaalog aad the. ad^!
aad a aumber of bla KcnUemae fruada cockiag goo went oA. the abot ahatter-!
Med to make It a aiemormble one lag hto left ana joatahore the wriaL
by iBvadbr bla Hoarlcra at the real- Drn. Corhia aad Tbom|re>B were tale-:
deneeof B. B. Breekee and Kiviar him ^aed to at once, and the auAenng l
maa taken to Ore WBre of Cbrbia * . „ „ .
dtok. MM emt with
only A few W tbA many bAr-| r
placed under the
M CMt*!.
tkix ^ttoa mom
.................. ill I f mil I1TI1 1' i il- I THiUMMaiiitttbiilIliWIfti • |W;ODO gBlne we u« throwi^ oni;2
Ihrir lady eaatomere.
prticeMed to ampatotr bta
evcBinK la Ihe aiy Opore
^ riba- to pay
e^ery'4By elnoe onr mnnomli^
T>* Book club held 04
a abort d'atanre below the elbow.
r Into the nest eaatary to Leolto wcUuK with Mn. J. i
mttoeaboek nd b
InTentoxy. Ton eboold DotjJ
OfalB. of Treveeae Oty. Who M>’daa Toredayaftoniooa.
r way toreeore.,. Mr. MeOurSaviogs Department
iwiaa mn opportunity to call 11
■aeelpt la fall to Jaaaaiy lal. !•«>.
The Macariac dab aad with Mra.' D^
to well known la the city, beand Inepect emme.
Tn Hldlaad Moathly. pebUol
duetoc oa the U. B. A I.
liaB Molatn.la..ountalaathlam
ow«j> a waall (arm just v
Womaa'a elute. Kivlac aoKKV
IN.O'. All season we've l»ccn selling
the ve>> finest all wool garments we
could gel f<irSi.>o--now thc^-'te Si-oo
'•y.rtilJunk wcihaye fio clothes at
OKO. waa the beat buy I'ertr knew.
i 7"
J will be sold and gone by February 10th.
E' ter then you will be obliged to pay an amopllt ^
oncioifor nineteen c-nn ^'of mouev that wUl reprosout somethingiaedr
^ the value of the cutter you may buy. Until: ‘
then you have an opportunity to own a cutter C
wtici.. .how 'gi; at OUT “uever before heard of prices” on strict- ~
; ly ^t-olass warranted goods.
; $19.00
oiooiiiig Co.
Are the prices. . .
Come and see the gooda.
CdDCCr , 17
01 tlie
Idodnd aod tricod* who ban
ktod to her by ber kind,
aed toriny dbpoaltiea. ^She wa*
to the chriatian faith ia Ibe fall
of i«». Mnn that time llriay a de
aod eonebleet chriatiaa tile
bee bodily beallb tailed, her
faith to God yrew atrooyer and her
R. Craiuby. ol 15S Kerr St.,
h^eaofiBiBcrUlllleeerryrewbriybt. Mcapbii.. Torn., aay. that bi» wHe
er aod briybter aatU the ereol^ of paid, ao iltrtit^ to* email lump «b^
and Gardeners
-l™ .f...
iiH, at toachtoy pay thiay that
We can care yea tBeexpeaaeof
brjI ^nHiee . . . r”. ,
: udtlir (r..<tnirM^
they Miall aak. U. ah^l be done
b, dmi. loTiof mnaaymu kiadrrd and trleode |hC beet pha-<.irUae. it eonlinoci to. pjrtatioc .
rraak Baaty b nwlar wood with L. then.*' aadclalBlay the promlee
aree^wcilaya apiriutal blowtoc to aU
and eormpoadmee.
Mia. Ida aayre* baa «B* totakacare
Mr*. WdbyBayTblteailn. Afwaw whowlUbehleeaed.
of b« abtar and fa^y. They an
ber inrerilik.
UbttuaiTnn-hrilfl NrbYork
It^Donadlb taoltac to*« for «. aiek with diphtheria.
»{wcia!iu Ihro tre«-'
" ’
The lof* an ooialii* Ik rery fact
B. Tkonton.
few day* b BOW da the foto.
ilpol laland haa met wUb
from abroad.
di«Bt wort at
loe-1 toyTCO eorw
jaat Ahbbed a «•
>0 the
oalnr the asow.tear
Bru^yor nod in yi-ur uriUra ba^u
i! when jotoimcd
Will Sanbnra of SnOoii* Bay wa* in of two of lU mo>.t inllueorml eltlirnr.
The Mlwre Daley K---------------------,
may <i|ub tnytlber nr ned
RleharA-Brynoldiaed hi. acn Gilbert
ley and 'Ethal Gibb* aol US* KoAj »"•
___ Sunday.
BatkcitoBd. at J-Vanklort ta«t week,
pchool hoo'ee peat Saaday at S o'clock
N*. atebblne naited I.e^Uad jredaea- Reynoida: Tiiey weiv old ploai4r» of*
run y. rhe tarcer tbe order the pTral- ‘
-tba K. tt T. M. held o|>«* toatalUMr. Beta, of Benaoala. b buyiay ‘
the towu-blp. baviay been ovaUrnta
of laet week.
ttoa iMt fiaOu^r eecalac.
Umbered land ihlhUrielaity for the
- ^
Ther 'iime Irr.ra
Ila Steele aoept Sunday With ber ben erer einn
lalrealuaeau were aereed hy Ue
Maalatae Stale Lumber Co.
latordy.Sew Enylaad alork, both Winy
pareau attbUplanMm. Jamee Dana baa yoae to ber
wa* trip ;natiee* •>{ Rhode IMand. roelf l!icL-i*nd Ihoueh
Ludwiy SreHy'madeaboatora*
Bolher-a. Mra Itonob for a'ahort time,
renwatylottoy- '■
. ,
I *rd. a* he w*a famlliary cal W.-a* ia JW"*
to TraTene
tier mother U aick with the yrip
B. IHddlatoB Jtoraedlairt week' biribriybl eUuaker. but aftef lu« inarOafoltoe BlUDtt b aUII r«7 poorly.
from ber a.Uit inTttiui.
jriay* with
in di».ip|<r»r« t lunrjl',
JaMeaoa and brother Ralph
........... rh, rral vMi. 1m'-' 'I*'
Krrd Andmun and wife of Omena; (Md. be united wlih tbeBlaplhti-h'urrh,
by tbe ElUayBlaralnytoy eebooi tor
► O... I^ikr-rn
with her craodparesta.
•err in town Turweay-'
' .
,! Sot flndin* any .rf hb
JeaeieChrbtopheryateaeaady pull
the beocBi of the Soaday ecboul >t tbia
Elijah Co* aed wile. Sarah HoiriieB
tl.K Gill, drove b) Traverw City ber* he toyeihisr • ilb
laat Tueaday alyhh
pUce. A wrdiaUaritatleB b eatMded
^.1 1.—^ KlUoU went orer U> Cedar
•hlitCday. relmrniny Friday.
;tte NetbodU'<hunh
ucaadma LanUe ta to eery Moor
to all.
BaaehapeloaShBday. ’ ‘
HW Julia Miller «p.'ol Saturday and .yearv wa* ela»» iepd.-r
lepa.-r which
which .iftlcr hr . S.f.S. 1.
health ih>* winter.
alhi. dvalb. • Hr hil M.-cuaeJ . U a teal I!-.-I n
-■•I!:. •'.I';''
We are hariad o« o» toe hlcert wio
Oeorye Uelfrieh ntnnied to hia flaha™.,« « «». H
i J j'
„ T~,™ ciT ____ifoi^Ublr home aad hhf fruit'..wVV '
|0a that w« hare had forermal yeai
iay at Carp Lake Soadey. ,
noted all orcr tbe couptry. lie
T«e far»«»» *" fc^toff g<^ "•
; Peter ZonlekaeematomAeqalte a
G .^-Tt.OlING.
^ aeow while It laata.
quiet -maB, but pnmrWd of 6-m
win Iw
boaloea. yettiay oat cedar poaU thla. ■Mood aechleot that haa befallen bia, |0»Jj
UWe Otaee Clark haa retaraed from
for the lijfbl. nod no USD can ^e^t‘i ^
Tbe Woman'* Club bar* efaany^
She weel laat tWday aaa
Bttcr a word ayaiTo.t tbe inte.-rily
••SptciVc . t..>.
The many ,H«d.rf
to the Ptwoda- quarterly
bi. character.
Hi. tort utlerancr. AtIuuJr..
home on a rbit Inat week and abe and »..rti.k
Id !«• .1 Ud d~lk I
^ u,,
C. I- 1-, u. showed bi. fallb in God- Wb.''n l.rj'..
,„teB»»*to»^toat place.
ber mother apeal Sunday at Old Mia- Of their younyeat *00. Loni% They
B hall Sat- pMed from tbe n^>m wbv
-------reqV«ti.id to meet at the
aioa with Urv Hoffman* pannka
tbf Brat aetUenat thi* place, but
ht,T*>l UV.M I.
had Just brealb.-d hi. Ia.1 be vi. toim-r TkitT.vs
uTtlay afteeno-in.
Then Wa* a party yl»«o by fiibk
reaWeoU of CampbelUillr.
irllr-Wil.no rrtorord friifo ed. '•Tb«Ir>r.lpveandtbrl.ordhrth;^h--J*^=v^'^:'^;j;;i
Kronpa Priday nlyhl which wa*
p sway. Bleed be the iiaiur oT ... Hr a.-in. .-.Tte•
City Tu.-»il.y after * week'* ■ iak«p_
Mr. ieymt reWrwd from the city laryely attended.
Danclny waj
vi.il with frirnd* there.
' ' tbe iSirri." and In aimwrr to n «-mark '
of IheetMlay. Mu^^lurMra. ».'lw>n and yran.l.lanyhtrr A'lie made to bim .h.«ly after: he Mid.. oi.".c A.'i--'* <-t h fi-^lailek h»d wife ol Suttoo. Baj.
IHlIof Gill'. I-ieralb-ndeil meelinyal. •tiod will Uke care'of me. l ean Iru.t
B«a to tewD Saaday.
■v> Prof. C- T.'Orawn did borioeaalB our ,the OoayT church Sunday.
Uim." When tbe foraj uf b& helori',!
laS EPPS i CO , I
Ibe ^IpU ww
' lee. W.
rnr------Geo. Hobiotoe of Grand DavenJ,
borne to hi. beil.itlr for a 1m1
town Saturday.
Mr. WblUlker Sunday.
._ -.___ i_ .>
west to Cedar Thuraday
P. Bara
Chaa Hillman raada a buaineM trip Mich., epentafvw da.v* lB_ thwn lai-l^'end Iw* brearlaimed. "me»wrd
•mcMcri *r.-Ilip ■
EciV. Mr. Whilmnn ol Korlhfortoe
eekrelurnlnp UiTravrrae'l'ity;
k| dm.! that die lu the l.-ird." Sodldbb.'l
oo friend, here Krlday.
Menury k loww tbait baual thU
H. r. MePaU aad OrvUlr Boyee dror*
iV»..l>. K. H.i«le eoj-yed a week'. [ (,in »hiar out In hit hour .f trial.
«• •
w piicr*- f.s thi. wvrli .1
-Mr. Anderaon'e '
to Sntleoa Bay 00 bualniwd Heoday.
vi*lt with her bnitber. Tho*. Ikipeland U Ibert. U.: ~o. wa» only fyiar. ;<if, liTr'.CTu.^uiii.r
Sutuma Bay Snnday.
Mr. Gauthier ,faa* ftnlebed work tor
Jay Halated returned home tklunfay from llr*. kioriilye. Colo., whototoe ,^, fl, wa* of a very tfrnlle,ualurii,
Oulu a namber Itwm hare atteaied
Hm Odd rellowa’aupperal Nerth^ JobnKilwy.
Hn. Lewey Lodwiy k not on the workiay.
[Hterliny qimlitiv..* Al the lime of hit. ,
At'.. ..r .
Tbcaday nlyhtRev. Mr. WillUm* oecuple* Re». Mr.
Theeaetallaticnof oBcvr^of Gieor amib be wa« hi.ldiny' tie ..Biri- cf
Prankk Aoderaoa. aoB of
An- aick Hat any looyrr- '
Dauyhtr^ of Bebekah wa» j.pwo*bip elvrk. and hud chare# .if a ^i-.s..'l.nr i..,-'i
Moore'* pulpit laat Sanday aaU delle;
Dewey aad Ed. Whllaey
4mm». wa* kicked la the head by a
pra.t..9b.'r. H«wa. ao lioa- Vu-li'lT'
hrvoyb towh yoaterday.
ered a See aenium.
hone Wedneaday. Be la proynminy
•Hr. Baraea bakaeqaccd work ayaln ^Mra. Bveran* died at tbe bomt-£f cooelnaionnl the eaeit-Wi Oio-e prea
iber .li the < .runs.'^O Jalvo of
Roeiy at ptwaantwriUny.
.If :r-"n«*i.B'
in claUiralc hinnnron'■ the -iM.I Tetuplara. ' Hr ww ••nr ••
ekiddiny lev* near Maple City. '
pbaa HollUTnmday. laeuaify:).
otu MiMoa.
1 and wife o
Uen Omipo U drlriay Hr. liarne*' bly rematotwere takea 0 Imke Ana for
lalwr. of.Uir M<'tjii>>l>.'.
Arm an.l 'i^Umerprl.:'
team at Empire, baullny loytburial.
Jsuuoa* lUy Tue».U.v.,eTeninr teattend 1 ^bof^h.-J-'ine
- Roadaanaplaadid-ow.
__ ________
lih ri-lixion an ' "
Ther* will be a aeuy aerriee In to*
Frank Bouyhey abipped three ear^Uie __________
KeU-kah'a in*ta1lati“n of oftioera ,bi»
Mr. Dumbolum 1* apeadlnff
b pole* Monday. and reiuaiord.everal day. lb.-yue.1 of
a,y ,uutt.., .Kiudintai. (iiiniily
oelyhbarhood erery Thnraday blyhtloaded with t
day* in town.
miilher, Mra llurnautrr. andj^^j wx-lal 'rrlatina..^hr wa> w mndel.
JobB Kllwy and men are toraloy the thU belay tbe aaevod ahipmeel he bee
M. franklto haa a p^r of »ew
. ,
‘.•bri.Uao; .•..mlit llieA-were U>.ire libr'*
Uocon plan npalde dov-n Ihli winur.
made thk.winter. '
II. ,«/ \Il«r,l .w.vl ^..■klrs..p.•f uysri
boraa blanket*.
Kvriral m.-elioyv were heW every ;
in iii. lucid iii-'WiiU be «iit. nil
H. 1’. jlaher and wife droe* up to -• Jud. 'toSaeroa aftd Mia. Belle Kroup.
'li.i-ri l-.-AM-.. perdu,
. .
e Into the
Ley* ban brytin W
Maple City the mb to attend, eommn- of Traverae City vUlted friend, here nlyhl iaet ».-ek iu th.- Cmy'l .hur>'hj*^ poacef and bis la.-e would Jiyblen .
•aw BlU alnbdy.
except Saturdar ntybl. wttb t;o,sl at-!
g bewv.-nly radiquve. Tbe
Dlon aareloe* at the ConyreymUonal over Sunday.
Jed. relumed
a B: Ellla loal a ftp* bona the tiJhar
Monday.. ahcompaDird by -Jrr^ Snlil- tendaoer at each mrrtloy.' We kn..w |-u,«„.bip loaril «u t lUe day before I'm . '
church. •
_____ __
I-.-. »t W»t l-pr.ln.-A»loril. .
Oiyht ee the farm ben.
,^4 IwuiUlatc* the'foib’wiup
In. but MU. Kronpa will raraato for thatvreat yiHul hi. alVerty re.ult.-d
Odi Haywood maito a ftytoy trip
>inr time, ai aba ha. a leadioy part in Irumibem and ww tra.t that dorinciresolu'-—
OldHimioo tUoday.
in 111. an wi<w pn-vi .
ptoy to be yiven bereaoon.
the prewnl wb,k. n»'tbe me.-liny* *te
Wa* ali^btoy ertr\etter tMn
WUl Jaekaoe and taw. Coup* ^
Buainea. 1* lively her*. Tblny-aeven
ftownm. the auy. Monday.
rauu arebanUoy loyito’th* M.A S. mncti more mis be aKompIblied.
Alien Bra*, intend aUrtiny their
Tba Udin' Aid aociaty otet at M
R. K. U. and the E. R. Co. cannot furProyrain
A. W. Hni> Wodanftay toaU
I rdWT-.'
nUBenonyh ear. to supply thedeomnd. pf eoteruloment of the l.lterary
MtmAyytt Smith k apendlnya
Tba water In Old Mbateo harbor
lolbe Ilivloe will OD.rde.ire b. vxpr.iK. I —1
Twaoty-ftee teama are bitoyiny luy* to tuclely to be yiven at tbb*p Peb. »;
dayaatTrararceCliy. ir decpv.l.vio|.»lby with hi. .fum.iy •*_
_____ ____
BBiim oa the aaad; oa lea yet
Gii-ir irceat aliU'tiuo, Tlierefuw Iw • __________ • •
. V. 'HUl k Impractay thk ftne the Dawey SUve Co and ten or *welre
_____ ,
are baullny cedar bpUa aod loya to Ihf I A welcome addrera by I>. WfaiUofl..
ordered that a «s>p.v uf Hirto rewilu- •
ilher by pottiny op lea,
imt It xivea to the .ftlU-lrd fami.y
n iju
everal newcaaaaof diphtheria are ahinylemlll.
. An oewiy by Myrtle lloirteand they In' spread np,>Q the rticurdt ol ’
reported at Wllllamabary.
A recilation'bJP Addle C'U.p.
the lu«ll»bip.
a In town
Cyrtl T>ler of
A load of Acme yoony people attend,
lly order of tbe w.w i.-liip Iri.rd.
A Bony by Uyrur U.ix.iclaat waak.
ad C. E. meetlny at Yuba Snnday ew.
A Tveiution by Mary Lrller.
C. T. KlmbaU and wife rUtad the
A rradiuy piedv by l.ibbie Vinton.
«V IV I*, .au,.
aotwty aeat laat week..
Hayward, of the Traeeiae City
A dtoloffueby,ItolphE.le*. Clarence
"A^t HaUlr.:
W. P. Croiaer ofTraverae City waa In
I Colley*, wa* a Yob* eialtoron
Fox sod Myrllv Hqx.ie.
»ow» on buMoem cue day tort week.
a for a few day* from Good Uar- ; Muaiii
hoFp .pared aod nr b-ipr lAr ui.y be a ;
Dr. Wallar arpa called to eouaael with
. and Mru. M. Welch, of Traterv
A paper by Ralph F-te*.
eumf->rt to the llllle rcmo.ul left luaiiy^'
Or. PantamolKlayaley Saturday nlyht.
City, made their parrau. Hr. and Mr»
lira. WUI Wllaool^tpendiny a few
A reciuUun by M. R. ll,.'X*ie.'’
‘’yvais- Gilbert left .wife and ..nr wm [
Mia. Dent Blae apent the yreater por
E. V. Hill a abort vUit tort week.
A bic«rapby by lutura Uiub.ock.
dayaeUiUnythefamllykf Jaw** Wld.m..Jrn. but not «itb..ut hope. •
tion of laat weak at Traverae City
Wear* eorrylobmi al the mlaforA winy by* Addle Cu.p nod Noli
wbace bar bimbandwaaon Jury duly.
Convinced Ai;alD«i Uia'Will.
la* of Jim Baitnon. ol A'cma. who bad
4amc* Kllmuiy. Jr. went to the
Tba handle fartory and tbe ablnyl*
hi* ana bra^n.the ITth. at iteltner'a wood. Iml weak, with hk brother M,tlv rveiwunr X-ir
f-w miiv,
milr. ar.«n.i
n by E S.>loe
BUI arc rnnalay aad tbe eaw mill will
faeioiy.' ^
Iteadiny by Mr*i-E.trs
ward', team.
aooa atari up The ateve mill will not
The audden danth of TbomaaGee. of
Ralph Himtayaeand Jhmra WiddU
■ri..Bd.. I.
'o.trtbwe.1 of tbal«il..H.-. >11- Ivi.
aurt naUlMTloy- Tbe howl mill k
Uke. wa. ayrmt Whm* toall.
We are drawlay Iny. to Traeerw City, also i.iB of Cuba would Iw a>ifuutnKi«is to «ud Ui.-y wrrr'^i.imrr..u4'fe.rr.
ahut down for the prenmt.
.’oited Slates "d'apialn «o n.-|f»live' uuuld nut l.iny Iw .parv.l t* them
Jobe Warren, Jr.
.1- "
A larwi------------------CTseed lamUj.
There are a few-dfie* qf-mumiw here lide 1.. I-. Fox. Caplaip of aftlno.iive the d-.'tor prtmuun.’tHi Idm alii
ynthwwdatlharraideueeol HUa VianiU) heart di-'u.r aed ubl hr nnvl.t
yeu Aaoa B.lmood* ba. been very
H. FUlM.
drip dr.d any miiiuir. TbL wa* nut'
•te AndenoD DB Wadneaday evratoff
rick wUhbbem, bul.be 1> now tfeRii
'verv plrsMOt refl.wli.m for-hi. wi‘e
Dealn o"! Mrs, MyrG* M Schell.
tort ia honor of her birthday. Tbe
--• - watel.rd nmi alm—l, .•.ei.laolij. ^
ivnilrii ter Ibr tl.aive.
Mim Cora Wllllamn koo tbe tick Ikb better.'
plbnrinr wa* a oarprlae to the raclpl.be found bim where br fell uii-!
Tbs leader lor the C. B wteeliny next
Hied at Aon Arbor. Mirfa., ‘Jaa.
8. J._ Rraoku ^nt Sunday at latornrt and waa mach enjoyed by all.
.•iou. In tbr yaril. Hi. .piwaJan-.- ;
Buaday aramfcr~Ul'b* Chiude Pinch. |*Wl.’M*rto M. Schell, ay^H
•qtrd p«ral.v.K, Ihr iwbu. were;
MyrtoV, a*'
Mb* Bather Brook* brialttoy frtond* Topic. •■UToorw.biy.lherwiib God " mo. aud'
>1 bi^caw. Ciow^uratly .-■niiilii ll
Cor. a:6>'J3. ChrbUaa Endeneur Hay.
burn in May IIS, Iwuri^he
auch'fur blm • He wa. to thi* e..n ;
While oomlny bom# from Filward kbip of Ward. Alleybai
bany'cuhm Svw
Dsoo and vile spent .ftntaro when be brard of l>r. Wb.Tlrr.
CbrYoll'a oo* day laat week. Mra
York. In the year .0. .be raitowlth
•e ViUlurr and tth rlfr-Uial uw l.,v :
dny nnd Sunday al Monroe Centra.
a. Bochaa'aboraeraB away aad broke _ . pwenw to Grand
1 Traverue
Co^ty. ottarru, llrMPi b, Xc^m l-ikr'» dnir ,
H- Zelyler hat returaed from Ttstfor a tampie. and at hr rxpretord .
t . Him Orae* Clark k rirttiny frieada raeClty, but katlll nnder the wanth' the caller. Mra Bo^ban peraped
Micbiyan. where .be has-bin.e reside^,
■I bad liltlr r • h
• io,y.ient iprdi
iajared: the horae raa home, aeeaplny
uni. day of May
ntMaotenAbout twus^ of tba todlaa of Ua
united In marriaye (oCbarIe».M. Sebell tinra.mr that I'hi. wa.ay.md onr aifl .
A. W- Spafford. c” U FoaUr. B. Sew- Injaryatoo.
Aid Aoelaty met at Mra. Wm. Lyona. alrad. 8. Brooks aad -W. Bmoka
The rayutor dcleyate. from tbe Artlrand Tnvera* oonn\y. Mivblyan. could be relied ii|>.n. It. you knuw I
etler aod »lept wril sflrr takinc.
WhenMr. I.TOnafoomJ that the l^le. I Trarara* City ebltora last week.
hie 1. O. G. T. tothedtatriet
Three cblldren were .burn to tbVm,
c»r.V I want b. my to yon tb.i
•wan eomlny be made a vlrtt I
ioa held at Traverae City to
dyiny In infancy, th* other two
A number of ih* youny people from
fheeler'a Xrrvr Viulitrr i. tbt
- .
" .
Mtkhen oxv aod killed two ehlekcn* l-ewrl Ukc City nttsded'the '
•ere Mr. and Mra Will Wllac
bnaband remain U> monra tbe
woBflrrful mrdteior rvrr ma'1.‘.
Kallev. W. R. Uawkln*. Calvia Kelly of a loviny wife and mother.
which Mra IvoM . coanrud lalo a
•umplrtolv lhai 1 i
ilay al thb ptoee Sunday <
to my IHr." Mr. I'ikr. wl;
pie which they aU with a reb
■ eBtertalnmant will be held In the
ir a
mediciov My.: "1 wi.ul
Mtld bim ikr
Jih. The dtonar waa very alee and the
LeboKhat ihit place Feb.
Did bavr belie
todke fteaemd It. lor they did a yreal the benrfltof the pastor.
Out to
A cordial all report a yood time. The Good Tew
ul not luwB
the wroue (hinqv
Aral of work. They yet there a1<out torlutioo b ealewded to all to attmd- plara ar* yrowloy lalo a torye aod
>tm: it 1. c
Ib lhi> .mid
• enrr of myt»rnly-f
half pmt too. aewed a boahel baaket
It loi of vrorken and they conaU
tbvl • wom.e h>>
y.«h*r, Mf^ A. Sackeltaad Mr*.
experience In IbrdruR bcinr.
full of carpel ray*, aei a qelll toyelbet Oeo. Yonker. who hava been elalUoy
formidable enemy of Ui* aaloanw
equally *« raluablv f.ir other r rrvr di...
and tied It off and started for borne al friend* aad and retotlee* at thb pl^.
‘happmri« miy d*
soimt su-ToS.
half pnat three.
The next tscatlny retaraed to thalr home at Ira'
Bt*. #lreplr»»tHW». mi rttaJ .Ir
Ml Ibv l> not pel
prcwl.in- exhaosted sttallly.
wU! b* beJd at Mra Thoma* Shnynrt'a.
mined to ivll bim rnev aod yeneral debility. <
inca* Smith of Elk Rapide
me. u b, would be
; -Fab. *.
All ar* tovtud to 01
p yoert
Mra John Wintera thu
any TravrrMt'ity dniyri.t ‘
fUQ.t depend spue 1
be. .biliir m rr*. I
Tbe DltoOvvTT SavrO ^ Lil#
Mra Prank Deome aad daoybtar
Jobs Cooper to able to walk.
The Lwdlea' Aid Sodetymet on Wed- Ib«eh Lake were yueau of Mka Lann
F'toaayinatW. L-Prink’* over Sunday
Banry' tke'aeU b now taklny
neaday lart wUh Mra Qraen.'
toaoon* to Traverae aty.
Mra NleWoa. of Orawa, la vlalttay
- Bert Cento end wife, of Monro* Cew
I narb upon brt I pb.vHclan. fur mile, al.iit.
to be quite prevalent to thl. vicLa
« alrter. Mra F. H. Vinton.
*>e .jnsnil and wa.plvrn upa
tn. haea moved late tlrawn.
Him LnlaJaekaon spent pnrtof tost ^othar form ol fa yrijip* perbap*.
Vm. Helmaa. who has eaork.
Mr^ Dl* and ebUdren of- Tacoma.
nranrilri- on tbe aratloo. k now
Waah.. who have been makiny an exTba w.kome bom of t*inton'*
beyan t.. yet
lay la Uc mill.
taaded vkit nt ber mother's Mrs
mill k to bi heard tbeae days.
Ibrvr hntUe.
Loyeare oomlay Into Qra*n farter
FYne weather, fbod road, aad loU of Uano's atnrted f<R her bomq on Tucw
.than ever and boeiome to yenenl haa
■r or huuw with.-ut
loy* aed wood, make people feel quite
. brlyhter apptmrann.
Ben Madill of Eltoworth .pent SaUrat J. G. Juhnton'.
lit." I'-rt
Mra.-S C. Ferkla. aVwd here oa
Bmnm White baa been qnlte 111 day and Sunday with Mend, at thl.
her way from Traverae City to ber fuT^fw dayt peak bat k batler aljptooe.
He retnraad to»m* Monday
brother-*. Cbaa. SebeU. wbolleea near thl. wriUw.
woralay aeco»paal*J b> hi. wUe and
Urstb. m» bevauK of wWw othrv uu. ' ^bc Eleclrie Killer, ba. pn.v.
Dr. nnd Mra OnuntieW. rf Dk Bn^-1 dauyhtera wfio bat* been vm.t.ny her*
a to as
ple.v.r.1 .ymploa
an .....----invcuUfltr tn Ibe , Uir wrr best. It efTecl. a pel
Wm. Pike wa* qnit* badly hurt laat Ida. maddobr town a ftytoy riailone the pnat
er Bxtural fuuvti.
■ waak. while werklay to the woods, by evenloy tost keek,
1 tiniyv clear crmpiexllv.Ub ia .we
| W, L. Frink lost a valuable-d
c bradMhr. yield to it. toBom
Im. red time »ii-----.V. .rperble of vyw .ito
nfalHayllmb. , Wean ytod to know
nrffr all w b» are afflicted to pruciire
Mr. pad Ftoa- Ira Ware* have th* Ihorae Suq^j
•Ublelurw^it Ito price
uttlr. aod ylvr
yivr thl.
tht. 1remedy a fair
he k reooveriny, ,
.empathy ol the oommuaity to tbe lom | It waa tal\n akk Saturday p- m. Eve- tow’b
i* UuUt ea.T to trawl Litt>r diMrtderv. , trial. In vu.rt to babli al constipaMr. tkekett led the meotlny Bonday to thalr UtUe danyhiar Lotlia.
ry Iblny that could ba done was don# Pttlviftrf^ntie*, littl'draiu. Irtolelhc ■ ,1, p Elrctric lllltrr.
«• by yiviny
Mr. Albe*. freiybt ayent bate, re-[for ber relief, bat to no aVaU•rl>. and few
taraed with bU wife. They will reside ; hone farrier. C. Bolleabeck. prooooneto tbe tioime fomerly ueenpied by Mra ' ed It the acvertal me* he had
raw... rrii. ibeiv b*b-.l.'r'v uo owdto I Store*.
_________ '
Lewi* Horton'• tomlly am nU cp the I Revival eerviees at the M. E efavrch
yatowe underatand. to which waate iUll eoaUane with gt»d qtteedaaee
Mtonk Btor k vlaittoy frieod.
verr fflnd lo* they bav* bad a tory ;*od lucreaatoy tolereab Ko^aew eooL'Iccra Salt
Tettor. Ch.^
j veraioo. a* yet have beta veported. bat
Akmdof peoptoweattc thsahtoyle
rn’bv bia 'eoRtimliv much vulttbi* 1 Hand., ChL____ _
Our acbool k ayaia closed to prvrent tbe .piritaal Ilf* to tbe ahorak k' belay
MP and bad a eoetobi* donee.
i w* yresCy
will be seat wSito.bri
yrvaC/ renewed and we are prayiny,
A alvlyh load of Mayfteld people want tartber epryad to diphtheria, but
C«t. U
• Oen MocfWil* rtbo«M,«Oto
wui a*
•I 1. newua wW he
e rewnwawa. me n
____ _1
0. H. Ellis SEED CO.
BndvurimIvQt CMnsi j
Soods, Plants, L
, Trees, Sbnibs, Viou, 1
; Roses, Bulbs, Elc.
■L*S;.^=; A-RealBlobcTRemcdy.-
EPP’S COCOA. I Stem ft Harrison Co., I
ll>RlnKviUft,Ohift.^S» 1
f'iu, Micliitfan.
Traverse City
Rosiness College
Normal Institute.
Larger Kooms.
Increased Attendance.
Commercial, Shorthand and Typewriting,
Normal, English Trainitig.
Begin February 2—16: May 3—17; July 6.
Students can enter these classes any day. but it is a little better
to enter on these dates if possil^le. Do not wait for beginning of
a term if you are ready, but enter at once. For the other couwes
students can enter any day in the, year as we have no vacation.
“rtm-rS^TuT.*! >nd s‘’k.
ICxpcnses arenas Hj^ht here as any place in th
Board $1.60 to $2.60 per week.
Write for further mformation.
C. Rp DOCKERAY, PHocipai,
IbO Front Street
yisd to atateltot .the todies havtoy
o Walton to
mve nearly recovered, aaj no
Hka 8toaa»1^ k SMWay vrilb It have nenriy eeeovtoud. a
towrnrmtia. Hr-toul I
(HaalarMra. "Ultra of yon ahnU ayree
AMOCumu. Ml Mato RL. Bafcto H. Y.
rtoanded. Prtoe Mccawperbox. Pa
nlc^J.O.JohBagBnadS.1 WnlL
i*P^AKDTOAV^™^■•Oh.mpaoa‘ mpson” becrtad. "are
Wbp. pea taUer
I ms topetoor
"on am a hero, mp
^Ue faUrr eaclataaad.
______________________________ Why
mak: ...
Um iton^Tto tseb
eooe betweeo Ue poi.^
t otherJetaere oak
prom poor inue friend.
Abba Eiuctirna.
AfBiMl lk« IM X Ik* pu
befm Chektsue.
the cmawap becnaie tl
dancer, sad I knew U •mai
Uem than bred I
Dba> Mb*. IU™-! IboBffcU *o«l(l
riWkUtMTlo Uw Hb>au>. I bSR
vHUaOBM brfor*.»W* hkT«
tiro aeboten Is osr K^t . We here
Mfflsr- W.
oeb. Isltwltb
ksr* * «fc«i »»» • C'obe U oor eeh^
« to the H»mAU>
Oee'of my sletm
JANUABY so. 1896
A Winter BWa Meet
wising rarlrtp of lektilm asd II
Conid^ SpanAap.
Bet B we ^ppom we are Ue oalp danoprd hr mice, aad made qp mr
Ird's nrst buslen is Ue woods, we mind I had beUer
■•There wna a Ubin
eat to.mlU, about
lit which
i bad aotieweattomlU.
.ts. when I bad pa*^
I. after learinf mp
squirrel.-wbleb bare all had Urir Urn
Biorror lea*
but If we ranUsne
Uto BAtas-I thonpht 1 would
Mb** r<ia;msp*l* U* **<• Bl lm>
imt ofaU^sr which bsA pees found
before ns. and Which has been’packed
fsllof iasoceutmtaebtafasa -'jack'
fol (or CbrietBW- '.l f
pletsR book sod two hsodkerchlr
ksds lot of esndj s*d • toi^ It
r«d ekkUM oc the Uke sow sod
Ml'In the dnorwap,.
■CaU to Ue right pr
Cats to Uq left »f hr
Cat* in frual of her.'
’rum Uegnmnd.
ImitaiyToBcbrd It when
thm wilhiD lu interior, ai
luslant two bla.-k buadp epo* taere
tlarinr down at me orer the rdee of
Ue nrnU But oalp for a moment.
M|umk and a sprinc—li
Crar •nesk—O
teHous Icaant
Iroar •ebool aod w* bote • bic plctore
ilUle brother kt home. Ue ta
, bUoofv-WwhlartoB. ABderei7tlae two7«krsold. I bkre 00I7 ooe staler
fur Ue bone-hair Hal
iBloc I shoald h ardI ooM boM froa Behoid I hBre to do SBd ose brother. 1 km In the foorlb Ip baTereopuitrd It i
oof of
BOB* work.
We hsre /it scbolkis In our Interworen crasses aaf
Mbuol. Webkretbrptaloreof Oeorjr bsd lieen erw tod upon il
iotennmbed al the sicln • riat.
DSA* EIWTOO-I tbosfbt I woald WkehiOffton Ik oor-kchoul. .MtV'
Ilninc ofIcon
colum or wool aad foath
ta Msbel Kelson. I likr her s^rj'
wriU k Mter to foe. We hk** klKtfU Istsdjresdlnr. wrlUnr.krlth.
*wo kebolkrk la ov KbooL We bkte
■imr^fuiip'°'^f^-------- ---------I end
•foftj-wlcbt IlbouT bortik IB osr ecbool metle. Isorssre sad- reafrrspb7.
doobUesA had I Uoaght ..
kosa. H7 BUS* b Brstik Okrlksd. J taste sooiieisiB town. We hsiwta'msp tVmxmAlooallr during Ue subseqoenl
M istbe«n»dn«de. I will be ten of Mlpb-iise. "Wotirr^o** «sj l^r^ tooolb*. a half dntaa whiskered, furrp.
jests old Ibe Ikkt 047 of JkBuip.
lone CBoork for thta Urns, to r>W- Iieadwpcd InfaaU had crowded at that
lUe doorwap to girr fne
rs4*k UkSiJjio.
■ t’bnis tnilj.
ceplicm^Kx?lSi£|i intruded' npon the
winter rrtrest of the field-mr- destined soon to be a well-packed
srrhw.^w.ta i«
, pKia Hat. Battb-I wOTWfnf stew
Dasa EiSToa-l will writ* s le^ to
‘UMkasdlotTOBkBowthktlaiB well.
e Batumi s
. .. bird domic
'I CO to kebool-fwerj 4k7. Me ben-fot the UsasM'fv the first time- lSr« to
e are to be seen
tweal7«lt new lil^rj Ipola.' t hbre .. . ereader M7 teatarr'k
islntecntiac nest in the
LllUe U. Hortoo. Bhe ta s rerT^uod
fot throe stators ksd throe brothers.
i>n' sereml oecastan* I hare
r. 1 Uke to'eo td cehool rrrj
ed Ue ueeU of eireo* and
Om of ai7 ktatas joa to school. Hbe
I kffl In the fifth jrsde. I stud7 hnir-Wrd lined
d wljh
wUh a eartay of Utter
srithmebc. Isnritffr. spelllor sad jeo- for which Ue boltddn ould, baiijlp h.
- Tbvsarekixt7-iwodllldrea^B
pa^B school.
Ciaph7. We bkre siit7 two scbolsis held re»pon.iWe-cbaff ofohta, Indu^
PromToarlorlsc frtesd.
the ere* mt out. baekwbjgt
com wlU theepe*
aebool. W* here forl.tsli 11EtuBSAsdao. .
shells, and tbe like.
brarj books; thep are rerp (rood books.
There ta no telling what whims the
I like rerp mnch to read in them Wc eireo mtabli
' '
lake in neslbuildihg.
Ice of iKe necl
hare Jot a sew flobe is oar acboul. butwbc#we
seduf cdierrp piU-ai
.and I .don't spose \
nMknow bow to spare anp on '<
■Mp hag.wetit bume emplp.'
I hare'sboat
I stadp
OM aiUe to CO k
feortk r«der. arithmetic, apelllsr.
.J-'l-TIL' ,t,i“
------- ’
Prokop Kyselka,
ii' if::o.c gUr7:ji;r.;r"'V i
1 n-car.1 ISwh's Kbln.*r
.v||j Corner FrontMiu uass^Sts.,'Tramie City.
baiid it woold bare the mme elfeclas
hr same quai
the intern
xwted hit I
t Can be glrra why Stuart's llysprpsi*
Tablet* are Ue ta-sl and tnost effeolusl
are for r*»ry form of indlceslipn.
: S3SSS«:!:Sk
Selr.rh and Lend-a-Boud
l.llUr Mi-Neltl-hand lo-od a-IUnd
.Z.,. ,!■. ar...ici<
Birds'grectarl her fr.im
Hut Vlfishsbld. "X-.tfi
Thr'wcaUirr wa* lad. the folks wrrr |
id-a-llasd ■aid. hhen t^ i-^vroi-^
Thep are cooeenleot. oai
in Ue jss-ket and taken wl D needcr
•I never ba.l‘sDch * ®*>d'!time i.-f.:rr.
Thpp are pleasant u< tiie taste.
Aflei each niral disAoJve oar or ti
of them la the m.intb aad. minglii
wiU Ur food, tiwpi-unstitnte a perfr.1
oigrslirr. alwolulelp safe fur Ue must
sun is not shining." "Sr. "
(urmalioB ..f gas sadYircplng the blood
ligestad ...
Tablets diskr tb*
keeping the blood
’spZI^ for Is lUhlnom of Ue
the sun shiD,.d m.ither want* It,
... . ....SH:';;SfH'E’:;|
Good bp.
yonrs tmlp,
WALraan BES*uit.
.’.r.T.r..''•Jiutc'.' -J?'
cwtij »i- i.--'. is-*.-.
Cold Bunie.
lBlcn*ecold.asi*wril kno<
—if we map uee Ue term—1
fbo-sr* onght to
State SI., near Union.'
I atookoC
Bedrooin. Suits, Parlor Fiinitiire, Easels,
Battas. Oobbtar Beat and D
and SgUsslon Tablaa, nt^ -
J East Front yfiWr
General Blacksmithing.
RepaiaxtLa^ ftnfl Tto^ekiXB.
Id. a o. isbu.''
-n,...SI.......... i^^oK^'^AOK sIii
Agn iigeam.
Dbab Has. BAm-l thouchl I noald
-write a little letter ta the llUAU> Wi
take the HasAUi nod I <aw Ue Irtlers
to It sad I Uosgbtlwoeld irp to write
one. tv* bare's rerp large aebool. Tbc
bap ta not trosea orcr pel, bet I wtab It
weald frorw. I bare a dop sad
fer pru.-- The dog '* Hme ta Tiger sad
mpeafsB. eta Jim. Wells*
for thta time.
Asa Cl an
'Tbere waialsoa bop on Ue sldewnlk
walking la froal of me. i*mentlT,Ue
bakrr'a ta.p'camr out of a hou*e on Ue
oUsr side of Ue street aad eallad.
•fomeOB. Xellp:-'.
t little horse 11
Kellp. Ue neat
. was Uinking of 1
irt Ito
sbr pricked op
UliSr elsTbirt
up brr
fraud of the dqy.
>e drifts to
, waiting tor farr.
1 am sniT that boy so
good time* together «d if 1 Were ,
TVblto of UcM two p«iBg see arel/taker'a
>r Do poo Icoee
Icaee: bi.p I should w
poo Uka. Uimstti bopof
do pod
for tired noUw or boap
staterW^t ip after poo?
trked dHTrreoce tbere ta
!rw peara ago a. fire
o;rharsiIng little Sntaa <
nalrua Ue other day. "I ha.
' touaM were re-] r*TeVllkJ.V\
.rpbewe wbo alteraotely •run oof, few bonraUr
boor. Ue qual
from Ue cUt to ere mr. geocrnlly Urelp
Ip deatroyeddfoiroTedstaying all night. It aloxat glen toe
Tbr poow««saata ran nraund wring- *»?•*{■
Ue shFeers lo allot lhat aparr room to log Uelr btod* and weeping orer Ibrir ,.u. •*• ..warUs
onr of them, beta to crxv-eediu{*ly care- lost bomee and Ue boose of Ue bonrt
» wctani
l«M. ft l.iokt Ur mat oiumlng ns if relUe.
fledtam bsd been loose. Rrerythiag i*
line poor mao wa* in grimier
gnoter Itnobta
itnobta iw
i— ikrn •- - -_
Uu borne ^ane.jw.b^
hut of place; Ur lowel-m-k ta otcr-! than hta n
' - pillow- •
Um wash-bowl ta left fnll of water, thu hta aoo. a brigtal bop of tin or eeren ^
wlodowi arc thrown open to Ue io- year*. He wrp* and refutad lo bear
f»-v» v»«*j»
Ire film, aad ererpthlog geamllp any word* ofvAmCort. Ur|speat Us rinMtnTn*^
Two YooBg Folks
bar, I See you gc^ Carter’s,
Itaaa Mm. BaTm-I Uoogbt
srriu a louar to U* tlaasui to-day. as
I bar* Mit writta oa* toe quits a wbUe.
I tope ppn are well.
I go to.actool
■ and like to go.
Taadier told aa ihnt
-we might write to pon pMlMdap. boi
Aid aot naec ttoe U ^ lorlll write toAnp. iUtaeaowIncMdap.
Tbe road*
are eerp mnch driflad. Todap ta the
laat dap aftbr old pear,
to bare a waicb mreUag at the eborto
e'olcto aad last till IS. I do aot UInk
■ tbmwUI bemaap there lu-Blghtbew to eerp deep Al school
t^wlU mp oubUb. Kellie nar&ad. I
•M, roading,' ariUawUe. apelllag.
i ti)e rulB*. wbile fata a.s{lialoUaces
jbpriMogp and geograpbp. We tore a
Jtcure of U«rge Waablagtoa. aad a
Ulak U«. toiaUmt la.ly^^bad^vpt ^
aew. globeaadaohart. We bare mM
Ubrarp book*, aad now we'baee 4* la MTMdTwMte'tia’ajap^Iora^*^ \ bmei
___ ___________ •U. ChrtatMae See ttoUood Tamp Ian (m It u tto uap dtah, p«M the towni | tog np. beyr bto toTorits a
New Shop OB UaioB St
------No. SI, Front Stf^eets
^Ti^ISm.... ...
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Etc
OboSMt Md Sm. a.*.,. .L Hm*.
.’\sk for Carter’s.
na K:T=..i
Wheels, W'agons. and Buggies.
All Work Warranted,
Dr-an Has Uatk*-I Uongbt I woald
Writfatatterutbe lUkAtAitoMtap. I
goto aebool aad .todp readiag. ariUmetta. spelllsg. wrlliag. I bsTc a lltUe kitty and hta asms UTuffie. I like
topUy with him. too. Mp kilty
mnedy f,r DuiineA. Nauiea.
open Ue door when hr wmau to.
,d . new. Bad Taste In tbc Uosth.Ccalcd Totgoe
atater bae a klttp too. and Its oat le ta 1 Sbe tbought Hint be was her tair.
m rafai in the Sale. TORITD UVTB.
DtaUe. He ba* a black nose at A . I she started acnos the street Ul
Ufoogb uca.*p*now.
Ue d,«p snow. Bat Itar own ' Ita^ieUe Beweta. Puirip ycgctshle.
moitaed tall. Mp father was fia
wiU Hr. Basmaw aad had Urde poui
Ue hayand 'toould haes seen tbe pretty way abe|
'^eta. lie bad iw.
OMdowB bpUr. Umbb-a
gare Anna'aBd EtUlls had
, ...
Eat dwAXi
[ Not the
i Largest and Best
....... ...v.asi.a.s—^
lMama.1 "Why, my child, everybody ought to know
that there is such a storC'-^t is on the comer of Front
and Cass Streets. Tell Johnny when he has a penny to
spare for candy orsom^lelicacies to go there for some:
thing goiHl. That is Wbere I^j^^^afeHcious icoffee
ihai you all like so well- then you Know that Cracked
Wheat in j tKitind packages makes such a nice‘ break*
fast dish. t). j’cs. there is such ^ store-^O. yes. )‘cs.
^....... ........
rii.l 4eai
til l hen
Mama, johnity'fi .aa infidel.
"An infidel'”
iTpmmy.i "Ye*. tietaa>-s he'don’t believe that there
is any such a thing as P. K"* stwe.” .
Marck Sad. tABC. At» o'clock A. M
kl,!,«•}..*ad 1 e.uniii^.r.1 it.,,mH.n. w,i. ii2
him, llul I trrtned to l.r cM'ine s.irw, I ; •rm »i..k i.-s<wc
TableU is Ur
oadrr i
iboee Ur groood .....
----- -_.d eapeutany fot
.lusll twig, as I bhie foui •it—wc
of.stumach tnrublesssd aoU‘
unst look eisdwherr for oui lird. e* tae^-ure ‘ ‘
.: lacnace tassoas aod resersphp.
have beeo eniplird
Ihroiingli smal
from poor krrlac friend.
rvuad holes in their sides, and
>nd the tin
:ab Enrroa-I Uonghl I >
Enaai-BL Saanoau.
of sharp terU marking Ue
write s%ttm to pno.
I bare, W^ttra
Icine prepared rspeeUMj
r Ue sbelta-l/...(cr-'. T.
Airkk.Jas.S. ime
before. We hare « achotaJS in
Dbab Has. BATas—I am coIbc to ____ 3I.
We hare f* llbrmrp fauok*
Fotofi la Ue Know,
trritelo'thaHaBALb for the first Ume. onr echoed. 1 hare loU of achnot-mAV
if gmsl material,
. Bells were pingliag. nowhai:.............
1 km colaf to sAod er^ dap sad cet- We bare a new plpbe. We bare a chart flpiag. nod ererpbodp -----------housaad men an<| woe
tasturday. th- Uv day ol'grtirtory,
if Miihigau a'--- ■ttac alon* rerr well.
I am in
for there was perfect sleighing This
for Ue eblldrm to rmd oo- 1
of IndlgestiuB aad dpspepippMl In blankeusnd inrked bmn enred of
l•abt, . ...,
foarth CTSd^ Tt*'* are ten In
Anwa to tbc 8w*dUi church Cbrb
usc of Stuart's
Stuart's Dyspepsia
sis bp U
data I bsee thrm brothers and
and had a good time. We han tbe«lcI'ablrto.
draggtauat.-oi e
atatm. Twooftbw JO to school with
that poo .sent u: Uep were rerp ______ dong through tl
Sold bv
imnred I
. me. Johadle sad Usds. Good bp
bright- fAiws about hi
I will be glad rrbeo J <*n rrric
that Ul* was a Umnlifi
Mp mamma wsssir
im an old soldier of Abe Uebclli
llcl surarlhing stri..... ____
preup sear for n pear. .1 am la the and Imbp sank luin a'vc-rv soft, eom- „ „_r ago I was In bed sll wlotcr «•
ebroBic rheumatism. Three doot
forUble bed—*o comfuruble that be ................ giie.me relief. Two b~*'
> Arrklr.JAa.
weot to sleep, lie did out knpw b<
’lufd“ k Bliod Itillef* put me
DkiB Bntron—I will writs a letter to
long he had been Aherr
Ahere when a n
its weight In
el. Il ta worU
- gold.'
joa. 1 am coinc to aebool. I nad Is
hand touched his fai-e and waked
■Id, lliltadale tb
ALi.i-n i-iuirm.u.
the foarth frsde. We hare fan pier
Uraa Emtub—I angolac totrpaod
lag ball. It ta enowinc no
ema of Ue scal
writeiUttlelctter. bat I cannot write
wriW pon thta letter. We bsee a I
In iU muni
. ... hep of the toby. The men
rerp well. We tore a nice school roo
Ideure of Ueorce Waablactos is «
frightened, imt not the baby: tbi failingl;
and 1 Ilk* to go to school.
1 rrml
nehoot. The aebool bse side room
____ had ■Hgl
It Wc hareieUbrarp tmeksand them the foorU reader now asd J am
did Ur bsbp belong to? How
u Urti* aad Does Kuch._
ars usebolaniBonraebotd. (kmd bp apelllag, ariUtMlIc. geagraphp and
gel in ihrsnowbank. all wmpped
langnace. and 1 hare not mta««d a word up to keep it warm? . The baby knew
fee thta time. Yours titalp.
ISHreUIsc Uta ter^.
I go to school aoUing about It. and was not al all
n^oua As the man AiVve os he met
rrerp dap.
We hare got a pirtorr
I tr P
iteocgs WaaEkigtos and :e oewtibrarp with fmr, and a horse all coerred with Ih) w"i's} eurr"* ^Miri
Daaa Emtub—I am etdsf to write s
hooka, which we like to read Ic. Last foam.
few Uam to the HasAta. se 1 hare
"Ilaee yon *emn baby
Prldap we r>t a new clobeaad a ckarC
aerar writtes before. I go to sehool
>w 1 wUl close mp letter
Tbc Bian threw back Ue big robe,
•eeep^^osh. I llkr to fo to sehool
and Ue tobp. alLAwy and warm,
bemair we bare a food taaeben her
smiled Into lu mother's face. ,
aams ta Ulllr M. UorVn. I etudp
Then the man heard how Ue baby iofinencH of Tbomaa' tolcrtrta t)i:
apelliac. f. 8. htatorp. Isarwce. fe<v
rsA Imt. The baby, iU father bod
DBAS Has BATaa-I wUl trp to wriu
lapfap and ariUimeUc: We bate dt
U Ue HaaALD. I go to ecbool and I
.. stalgl
acbfllireja our eebolsre la onr school,
. and Ufew
ilm<»l overtoroi
j We bate te Ilfararp books; thep are atodp
the snow.
ssby right ,opl
md apelllnc- Wr he
j Teep F«Hp. I see mp letter ta ccitiac
borsr was fright
actolsrs In oar school. We bare a plcl- miles before he
I 4alteloaf.tolwll1slowforihtaUme:
of Ucorpe WsAhlagton. and
Voare tmlp.
libraip booh* and and a r>obe.
tore Ue same teacher wr bad ai:
A Brooklpm Bonn
oUer terms I like onr teacher
I was walking up Ibestreet early on*
Hpemt-Biale ta a flrl n
cold momlag last wlatcr, when Ue
10 toe tusAiAi BA > Bare nerer His. sbont UeesmeagrsA I ai
■now was so deep that the horsm of
■a bMere. . I go to nebool. I am bare three brothers, but I hare no tie- Ue milkmen and grocers and tokers
Ye the sUt^crade. IwDI tell pon tow
Two of mp broUers fo to *cbooI had hard work to pull the earU thUugb
Urp were not prepared for, ,
: nmap setolsrt Uere
Uere art la osr netool. Mp tooUer ArUnr wrote to Ue Hand were still on wheels. There
11 poo
Tbere are tiatp-iwo.
sad be cot a Bice (deture book. ' was a Brat little baker's esrt slaadiag
srtot I stadp: htateep, siitbmetic. lastatter for thta Umela the middle of the street, dmwn bp a
cases. geecTW>bp asd spelllsg.
•i little horse wiU a pretlp head.
abiak m letter tagstUag long eaoocb,
Isnri. Kkasov..
rward aad back rrerp s
aa 1 will tiasc bp telllag mp asm
t to lirsU
(Tommy, id a wh^^yr.)
o-nicl After Ikr flr.« urr-k I cnmm«o.d
I.. iwr a ch.ngc, sud ..................
- '
llu> WAS m.-..iirsgKis,
iMruw. llo.ikflrrb
Inppy nsoll UuU I wm
H.mr nrvieHrsnl ..f savnintlriis sI.kI
liAii r.i.li ■ pMu..umrsljBi.| m.liiwUlf.-n
dtacorrrihg what I
ladloUOf fooBoUrtv- Tlxlkke
like fUM.
«7 broUier ond I mode
•bilksd we ore
tie Ikke V
M(ke..;*«ai«cfMkrtk*ep>n ti**
ow ^ we-sre c«IOK t
lln«. I rsesi
r» I will cl*e for Ibl.
Urns se I euBot tblsk of ss; Ihlag
Osr LiUle l^tsr V
^ Dbbb BmniB—f bore ooe brother
M liter. We
here U eeholsrt I
t>K4B Hat. BATX*r-^t thoBjbt I Would
We hsre B lltaTBrj book* writ* k letter to 700. I go to ecbool.
Mr A. E Wing leUtat u <lt N Jsefc
ma SUM. Jecksoo. Mkh. llctaskerpn
iBibr MtahlgsaSlalerrismi. smsanf MetUag Ictrgrtty. sad wbow s.ird talsAotpl
diiqiub- Hr Irik Uw f.dlowlnc stott of *
wmxtariulrwAi*.. sad the lori.lwr.« r-u.
arrtnl with the dsBcmHu lotiirsi In
whi,-U lie *■« Jdsryd. lie W.JA s-.mmonths Ago my sltraium |ses sllraclisl In
sswrUiuEof mp gmlai. sbidi tirgso l'.
ln.-K«e In sirs to'euch an enml UM I
wstarmcl li tferad dosomr k'CA I'.
atsl I
M-wted fnun nr wji-i
I..SW. w> haillr ilisi I «-i.iil.| isk poll nj..
psni., orcr m« h-e*. and I lia.1 u. 01. 01111
Ue.-'futlpiso iota..* lef.irr I OTul-l cm
ita-ni.ei Errn my f.,v ta-ramr i.u(I-il
iip.sialmT wli.ih'syslrm <■-. mrt sum ii
I <.«U iunllrdrsc no* If urwuira
a •xA.oo.::
•adtog wHh
“■ y.‘-.-e*.-
At Ue reqoMi of I>r. naacbe. i h
w hAd few Ual porpoM. A book WlU fi
scab la a late letter Ur. ('
imaah UgeiUaaof poa. .
Ui^iny toytis Ue sac
WlU Saab toatn_________________
Wk's. LAmor.
As One Woman
Have Respect
aATCa. I4fur.
rad U' loU IB
■^UkTtte teWc MO* Uw JM* la
oi., u« ->■- -r." “n; _;■.“
kbMit pulil/oM. W«»r*V«r7
|0 not give,it food that will irriUlVit,
or retard it in the performance of its
natural fiinctionst o/ it will retaliate
in a way.dccidcdly unpleasant
Have you« headaclf^ adistrws in-t our stom
ach. a ipain in the sidf^wr an irniation of the
skin? These are the ^-mptoms of disordered
dig’wlion resulting from unwholesome food.
sihlc for a
Inking powders ar#
wrta Ihry—.
Minrwwa if uyoMt*
SHturro* ooufnMdm UU ;mibj*ct.
and u> t»nc3 ihti iher* k « utural
■—-■- kaoec‘^ worthy latitnn | cupflirt httw^n yoodPf«» »1 btwrt ood Frtead.- mU o«.. poUwly. -It i* ala- tbrf»l.*.oo.old»|»ruur«t;U..iU.»r»dw
who «lt <7 ow
.j .u.Ui. aeorwv}
hare a ft<bt.,a.|a« la»f •"
ii of^locrrity.
win br «o*« itoa f\*i.
icerity. •------aad wnl>;th
“*iol JTont »incerity.
- ia»iBhelp to «oy jc^rlly. u
•wa to rl*«
Bul how aball we atart Hr Wbal aboat
, who dt^ir* tv W« woold llk« M «•!
IV Tbr fact
rt U.
U. lift
II would be a far
laiton MlhcUtUc loJh* write to tLr.r
, aareable Uilay furaiaoyul aa,
i«|TlmVr‘ aad eonld flad wrloumr
-------- |»llleD«w were n»or* aaaidO' ’■Oh^chat'aca*y.aareIyr Hub
We hBuw bow bni-
imlige.stihle. •
The dangcr.lo the public rf\not trifling; for
alum baking jHi-ders are nurntsrous.
„„.ii o„o. ™.i.
qqar«l,” cried lh<
tot ilk aiirbabelp when *«e la ner-,
,„„r au,B..io time nf lllaeaa
aooaaBdtbaea arraOBiaBy llUle wor-, .tre you ,-antul toaDawer.irdiDarylcl
rta IBal
that W«B
whes a»wu.wi
aswU.iJ out
ool' at.^
»il'J^ „riteofb-o
l"» wUbin aV reaaoaabte
urn*. ootpo
the dear eelatiee
aa that la. «akea Ufa ao Bioch 'waUr.,
la the dl.uai clly. »e
Md wo hara ofleo fonad aoBioeh h«lp(„ne wb« la aiooaf avno»eea.aod "b$mr
froa Uia EooBOBy dab aod Uoer^ heart yraru. ualpeaVably f^9»w»
..I all
. Baking powders sblirdth^ whole
sale or retail, at a lower price than
"Royal," are aijnost invariably i^de
from alum, and therefore of inf^
rior quality and dangerous'to health.
If Dot. joal let them try tt'amth you bare enjoyed bia aenDoO.
i. .1.,. tit.-.™ u -■«
joe wiU &Dd a apm.1 that 1-; at e«eep would alao re
tido. Uwkeoiabould belled in the end 1^1 lo bleaaincep'O yt«ara. lf lb. Jo.
VOur Annual—^
iraiid ('.Ivaring^alc
Mow are tliey to be avoided?
’^l. ''-likelhia:'’
^ ■
Aed be rare, bia oosiradejiiat tbr fea.l-
RmAl. liAKisi; I'.iwi'.FK is made of cream of
tartar, a pui^ wiioVesomy I'fuii acid derived from
grapes. ItaTlds poMtively.ami tlysiK-piic qiiab
;V, A', .ii'tnir ,«• fl l/Ji -j'li r/im iihxiifi
hies to Uie food, ll makes finer, lighter, swceier
food, and is more ecbnoniipl in use. because of
'.-Don't yoD kbow. yoat liMW. d^
Said hla friend. ‘W.iearrel.ne'er
its greater str'engtlu
thee tbry laosbrd nil gaily at their
. fllly achriDB,
And no Borr dtd althdrofa .<ji
^Chicago -d ' ■
ty.1^ If .rr wonld ertr bear ^ Bind Iki-
U^I.K. p,M«wal»n. and reUm It al <Hi.-r i
ir.' ■' !:rsrr‘;Er;'':r;';.’u4".iSi
tba article oa “Small Coni-
wi^Ut. MarI w-*.ly that ebartnlag
It U a Wlc well
-hiw flry »r KiDirlhii
kUlr l•^r».l and pour t)ir> If onyiriing .-alrh
/ la^lnwtiipR iuek.-*ti ditogr,
loioabi. ...rr tbrm
alf au an hnur, th.-W .ui-.lv..tbr,.« Mill upon
J f.ir half
tba Patber'a Hand.
'lumlhi- ►lii-iw- iv-at -ID.- trg. aoil .Itl- „ bnubl .-u-ar Or.- u. .|ui.
I'm only aa old wife now. «ir. and
tirulto tbr rtv tb.-u IU bnrwl ,.„y r..«.l,l> br ..bi*li..-d
ait ub tbr Btraud
time to ai
Aber lliatpultlirm iiiU. ibc
up.n'U..- .—I*; Hkr*
walehtog tl buaUdomr to. Sir.
fryiiic la-krl nnd .-■..•I. in l.riliup fat *o.-l, b;»/r *houWrw.n.t fr. nn-lr.
Idrrn al play ..
- -chlldr
two iiiioutn..
nraio wrll anil >»-r»r
f.i (n.iu tin.lliiiK «lmk,
rntyjr^.^slr-alltny <Uy»-l barr
• ___ ■
K«it will kululur iv - o.r-f
1 ll ha* brea aral anil Biniey
Joy and aorrow lo nie.,^
k'atber and hnkband and boya
^ya (S/
>D of them all
ibrrr war pot a Bat
d- bare
.till in
a the
when the Wtod. and the water*
Uii.oB* tor nipbiboTia-WhyUuu't thry uw tinbio..Vlui-.. aakr, «Ifv don't
i.t-uui'* i.t-.ri;i;s
Few BOlbriafralI and Wp(r-r. giytr rtrtug, 1
1w bow jrmt an adrantace ll^'l* to tbr
.doyuu keep
-ll pi-r.uimlly (ora l■■Dr. will T
i|i thrrr
ebUdm to go out iBIO the world pnr my *u.'k>."
It thi- hair from fallin*
MWedMgoodmaaarrv A*amat«rla1 - Wtat pair
.poonfu'. of nail dbr-ilrrd
M.,:|i Wrr.- th^ ri.-limmiiiMi.
lulred Mr>.>. <'hugwal>-r.
Mr lather aod ho.band .Irep to
balplo'ad»aBO*BrntlB life thear rrrb
.•ne-liMI Klaiwful >-f natrr i.
■■■Ad}- pair. If ibey-w only maU
go beyond a good edueation. A Irarn. rrr'..a* .uld gray “'I*
ioclu.liD« *, Treto--•-«>
• n-Jir»r hrarl-burn drtok a hMf
and Ihr wWlr
W--. «
-kune, and Xiwnbrrr ID throorl
•d boor will Btterly (all tomak* friend*
nerer rwine back any more:
111 old palpot la*t auiaairr'* lov
or«adanoo<ot.'wbrrea wUliog. wellready ------------------tokliik. Slr'but
•e been rev-j
'^.l!?.u’Il'a tobl«pMfu1 of uall tl..-na
''*7 VuiV.iT*' .*•
bred boy win InertUbly win bU way.
.•'*lhlngi i-au'l In' kept Id
me attoal;
me afloat;
ll U while our oar children arr
iDr D* ulbi-r lueo'*."
I Irwened
jed iv Sir. a> a liUlr
liulr law •at play
yonng—iB the plaatlr yeva when lllr
-K y..>i bad .lul.v Ddd me"------n mv father'. b>»t.
• Tbl.l voo'. Hare lg<«l to ror to ,T.m
rouliiKiw. Sir. It'kufleo .track i
taao tBally moaldad to whaleeer loriu.
W* win. that three tblBga <-an be Bad.- Mr*, fbwpwr. hd'.rB'.'inc»i'r
lnDdugeanfl Iwaten iolito the world eround i
a part of them that ti.
.-.-I, apply ..lamp.-tU-'l kali.
I [!u*'i.' '^’ihr
Uifclreciur mtod.to ir
U —'vlirr.-. ]
.11. U-Idb UirD bound ab-i
will serre ati7 lo tbiok what to do, but
bade l a lad. Mr. w be paid
rrr llie
•Iwayado Ibr right thing in the right to pUerthlDg. Id here M> 1 can ^ad 'em Ur father
tbr m.iee hewl to
salt aa B to.uh-n<h.ilaii<K>wlter than oimk b.- luaOr aa ofu-u aa Ibilomur Jot* of butber.",
And. M our good old father uw-d It Wiinld
lirwould Uke; me wlUphlm ii
ulm-.at any other'drnlip-.«.-. K'ke.-pa ooiu.-a tlry. lo llie i-aMw nov.vd lh>'JruUb. If v..'u will Irl me"-:—
to ay, tbe (osndatiob of all good a
(ar <011 im tbr opeo dob;
tbr to-rlli very whlto.'tin- gHina liurd r.-aull waabIokwIm*gi.-al; -Iradly p*iti
thriT'* DO uw of yi.itr ji-Hlog
Umr lo aleepy
MraklB IbeOoldrn Bale. "To d.
and pull with my might and main:
-^*mn'(frt-*pair'of halfway
If itlir tiiroat i> rrry, *ore, wring a fortMbora a* w
I .’.U" '
•rU Td bten left to oiywlf. Sir, I'd .-loti. ..ol .d void aalt ami waier. and
iei\r u'lghl bare a
"e »i»h thr
ae'er haer aeen borne agato.
fully le>l ita umop,- and If pu il'<t 1“"'
bln.i it oa llir thtaial tighli,.-. wlwu go wiae vooupb to
bare Ihe AlndDew to put
-Full. lilUr tnahl:•' br w.iuld il.rw nu- togto bed; <-on-r ll wiih e dry Um;,rl fuini-w.--Jaoir.
- Bake ba Mt taken troa tbe New plain Knglkh UJ go out-aod boy
but rtlU krpl bi* hand on the oar. Thia i.rx.-vllonv
York Weekly tbat(flu laberc altera
For n.-urulgie. nmken amall -----I'd Uy lo turn u* to
*‘-HyoDhado1l«iinblod three tblog* Tboiigh- w-eirlimi-.
a.Viplutal jualifi.-ali.irf l.ir
. - ivvrryhoi.
liaKhBbeg. till It Wilb aalV brat
pretty n.«k«o ibeaborr;
if.*.; a.-.-.-rtling to In- lollv.
■■»'* TO Bvau*.
.1 Ihr aching place, 'll-*
Igbt w ent the boat b> thr bar- end’lay il agminat
SlHl atralgbt
,>uld blam.-a girl.
f. aacaltrelalna ■
- gn^ .Uongrr .wwh will pnwe a gn-el
n tke BobIr. greeruu* wosan.
drawer tor. .*
for giving such a n-toi-l aa-tlii.
llir|hrat B,l-mg III
Ibiokioa' lourjwav unarv
found that thr only wi*don
or irooblr-eur w.aala. and (-w graaa
rowing my laibur'a.way.
ad 1 think. Sir. ttaat leal inir FnUiet
............. ...
4 MiUl th'Jcrs'will c«-.v-i\e tin- l»-.l of attcniioii aiid
of M-ifvtlim. .
I The J. L. Hudson Cq.,{
l,rt,jl/«r«o,nrt’lrtr lip Jfn.r'lrr
HU Oarrdlon* WUe.
iyvii.i:? .
The Power c( Pertama
lildufood Id the
iM.ind1 ll flni
la onghi not to deal in eenaatr
llnvb rag nd oBgbt Dot to dtetrby. but ntbrr i
Aall^nraput atroev
Bother bear* tbr reniaBalbmty
neUo.: bnt do you
to IV dear mothhb.
or. that -danghtorhb« Uw proper;
Iiatotog to thi* Bial
-S i'.3d - '--ra! •.JO-,-."'
groond eloai-a. oor i-f
__________ a lltUr DUUneg T-bro -
-------—— a. the buairwl of I
lull, wbii-h bn.kr. and thr
jnmp. bathe InaUBllv rune. Md re-,j„;.,,,^,.,-|ii„,torBoor!Uto5d*UDdtognnllll'badtaken»y V„,*rrywWto
ide Uiink ;
labiKrf thia '
i roerteidca.
s:a"3j,rii .tLritiSis;;' -““-v_.
1?^ ladiraM tbr dtoner to^tbry
bctw kiB her wi
T goodetrnlug tohrr.|»tol^
i cr.-ta- E-SEssr■ru.is;
half C-,---------------------- —---------upend done apace bet'___ half leaapixmfni aaleralu* Ml* w,
and tall to taate. Steam (nr l
tbna briiiglng n new apot ■
hot. with wblpiwd <3
:r." it
-i.. -™
a .n: .01V,.,)-...j ■:"£
at bratod argumrev Neitbrr aiolh- "
whal applioa toVbe earprt i r-n, S-dp-thir tableap.
mt Bar alator govaoal altor dark with- I- dXnr.
v .. and
trr. one toblrepioofol Ot
Sip'S rsSpi';;
Sirt “p.sL'-ksffi -iis-s:;, ssr. rr-is
well together, add tbe jul
guud deal inn. a toaapoonlel ol aall aad a aal|nfnl of
bl pepper; .me qnan o
of tadlIng milk. Add V- Ibiaa can u( aw»*l
,, nd^a. and boll the wbide naUI o( a
_____,____ g men bar* ai-julred. whi.b yoa happv ...... ------lh*T wmt with aa BDeon*.-k>ea grace. i m. till eTeatog. or oeal m.Bih. or
boally ebarmtog are the a^nm vrar? Tlien wby dealroy
ly tta^kar.
l-aprak of. p nraa by a dUlani nil-ry. wbicb may ol aalV a |UOcb of pepper, and b
, «(
tk* glrla to tbe...........................................................................
waatia. aofl-«>nkeo. Appmciativr. oon-; nevw cunr at all? Every aubaunllal, tea.apooBrBl of aegar. Aftor n>
iidwaw. rerereaUal. Td old people grl.) ba* twenty abadoWR Md aaoal ol : ten mlB0l*a,*llrtotoit a toblwpo
S^an SB-1.T. to ehUd^n kS. to , them almdoara ad our ow* 'making.-Jo( floar aod on* of *«Uar^
: 1 baaa prevtoamly blaadad. 0»k
• iV.'TFiLr
■ .iirfif...-. urrw.
■ iysTWlH
ISoUedI .
W. TUI KTip..
.-o.^TJf .s/f»A' rt.YSTBW
H\--Ii;i> “wV-nats
iltsTKIlS . liVSTEUs
^ The Monroe Doctrine
I'e—ple a- well aa ealhwi* alertlld 1
llrry ■> yar. p-di.-t '"Ani thing
U.nghl .J ua jir.wHig una*liaf*i-l.fr) In a^y »*
may l»- rviiime.1 anil yrur auney will be r
(undivl. Ia tbla not (air deiailug?
S. E.W.
New York Tea Co.
Thu priec-rt realwrt.-n- low 5' *^013 account ol;lheilcaih'of my wife .ami dau«bicr; which
I he enudv.
S leaves me emirely alone. 1 have decided lo close oul my bus-.
ll will-sell my emire su^k to an>-one wishing lo go in i
llcudiiiurtera lor
fom jKT cfni.,leirt ih.-in.,cosi. ’Commencing Mon- j
• dity tnofTiiitg l-hrc. jo.ydu cap buy anything
_ store
• I ir.1 and irt-low cost. .\o'.v i> iht: time to get the greatest bar.>ffer<-d il Trautrse^Ciiy- My stock is vonplete
■' Ooii
want a Dinner Set .of
of |00
Goine.and-oe Rie. lamp,*ebamlamp,* eh
• ,j»ieces for Sd. come and re me. If yoii.w^ani a Ian
it atybuD
irttr «rt. glassware or crockcryware, )x»n can gfct it
for I must close out within ninety d^'s.
Front SlnocV
, iS'iE.SoSr'B.'r.x'r."
" hen .your carpet ^10. to
line ineatto add ■
^y‘»e alair carpel buy a ^
'a to attend. Meat wlnotog and: ■
Igwrtlh ................
■ V'U.
Provisions |
o., ™«in. i«i .«-k'i -"VT-d
keep the ,
stuck of ■
lb li to -d»v* btog by, bat It la not | [p, white of tbr rgg for will fr>»li
rn Ur mult 1* *o tragi.ally tTHnan- lUmred witbJrmon
oryaollia. Some
aa to thr (..llowiiir
(ollowitig ll
ImHatirr: A -imee •I -pul in tbroren
----until thr fnwta, aenaitlrw.genUe^^ ag la drllnately btoward^ and Urn
riK'~\f torTn'iitoal^aWr
plae* dropa
w of J.dly to any (aa.-ltul dr.ppe»r,.d to be again uklng u
aign over IV
"Vstmis • kivsTiiit:
—# ()ur Doc'frine
All Sort* of Oooa Tnmg*.
ll to AD otrn. llwn
'oU-bnraW two rtn^^io a .Iry
and mi* with apiriu of
ll MUr
(.-BH-Up, lUI W-lth
•-<|.inl paru I'.il It on a
cup kugar. cap and a ball
wrap around thr fplon.
tbird_ U«*puOa
u«*lMto aoda. a'
a nii».-b
qnlrkly aod bake in laven
.>nr-ba1frup lirb milk, yolk
1 o,'one egg. three leaaiux.u.
teaapooue of *U(
keen, hold of tbr world juat
:,A'«a.., .o
why did yoa not aak
t» aV| -ii.vra. .«-.-a»looaily- Are you look-h''*‘V*
BaV ____.
>enrJlgfavfootod daughter to ruD up
ihroiurb .. .
wng for e market'.'' ,
»c.or_ "by
Why l-,t wbaf
____-and .get that boa forr*oor.
wbat' vou'rr
.vou'rr after
then d^l .....*er and ilwwaod hnmWrr-lill
......................... step right up na tbr ten I
The'beauvy an-l pea.-r of lUa keeping, hand, rrery ra.-rning. Salt and watnr.; ^n,HinU-r "-.'rir.o.l
V 1 Tou know where
. - - ■ *------------- r
Bi wK-k. are. iln
b-lhr .oar tbr.iugb all life in Uik nwHlBaagarvl.' jual Iwfcrr going b.,'^
atornglhrna the elir.int and hrliw. n-|,eii tbe hour of tr.>uklr .-.lOtoa
Iraow better. You |
■omnd^iUe a abi’iigh
ana old enoegb
. prrrrnl brou.-^l ir.niblra; I;‘aalaoj
(|,c minif
or (hr budy, pr when lU..
do know •
l•llttlr aud doing ii<
For tbr Falhrr know* wbat wr rrall)
-. wall
a row
'I talk to-to
t- ___
_ aad r.wbul it to'
rr f.>and u.rm for yoa to
want U lab-r atul-rrat with Him.
If Ink i-apilird .in thr cane-t; Ihrriw ' high and-low. t^n it ia not ..liel nr
araataeI oat
at iragranoe
trngraaoe aeo
aad me.
rile. ^ "by
..uy 1; ,
, „ioulr
„ioulr and.. Mfed
aored yiw.
Ihl.'Wiubli- So Hr braia u*. rtralglil through joy
.lM»nlll. of Mill on it- which wir •
nek John b>
giron mr a ebao^
and liwa. orrr dianintontand w bim. lum.-kly
or oHw-r-,
that we tl.ie
lak* IbU up, hare d--nr tor
1,,-kly abaopb
abaorb thr Ink;
.lratghtone.1 Though oft ll'a nol>Hl we ail, llbe Br. and put uD.tnore aalt. Kern. rr|w*UOK moa\ iH.akanlly.nlly.--.'ir ll'.-licr .Vi-ui
the- drawer
a-waUbtog llfr'* ainktog aeb,
tbia. rubbing ll well Into the Ink-ap.V
*oo atoed IV -John liivrerou; bnt tbal, irougbt lorlrw fniia oorul
of thr bottom
feel that our brat I. .tor latoal
toMtamaB'aaaluma U|tokof.tiiBll|.„„^.
of rlran
prayer, and tbal 1*. "Thy wllf U. . irnt to w.u e*.-h
torrW lB tohalt of Ma lotrf^nto. a-: ..tvnen
-"‘Dm you
you waet
-ioge would br more bl u .
tirnwllrr. Juaiali. if y.rti'11 ju*t Irl :
m..n roekwalt.
ma* tbaaktol. bowerrr. wbm be
know"-----.1 foraalllug dawnpoik.
Tresh Oysters;
^saSspS jSri.s?nsi
E tiuil Rapids S Maiit-S. fe
wbat heewe da 8r f
•Tb* iToul.lr with you/ Samantha,
kieklag blaaarlf Uiat be did
eelve tbr atowaally of U> aclk
1. ibapkfal. laaiwrt. It b* b* at all .'j
unr .-orDM V. put
that y.p Ulk loomu.-b."
Unamay tblak tbai *»ogbt«-abonhl |u....
West Michigan 4
• with Ihe-twre due.afrlenW Uy ibkal^ Uoghtav and upon
VlBUd aoBT time agD lo
■ad we think It well worlh r*-prfnUn». l iv ba* br.-B rr,1f Art
I - Un not yoo? 1 fdar I
: l•t^•Ttoo^Ollf.lowillell
Yooie truly.
rou are rljbf.' Hart-a
■ -ID. • iwrongr-‘ -......
Mb*. F.-C
, lor. tbew anuiU. ^Buu
Tb* poas I* glren InaBolbef ColuiIBB. «nr
of lifu.i-«.iru..r,-l IJ.
aod get a ceke to tiy •
Bcn wetotogaey.
petfm r
Urge part of thisiunwholcsonie food, for it
fact, rccognifed .by all ph)'sicians, that alum
renders food, with which it is mixed: partially
.ukuaa of hotor as w)a>e- Cboauafor coDtoBttoo: are ods. « I
biiw •eai.UJTr patora blewl
OkaB Hob* Citt*a-Wo wool u. iel
aufler, bruau-- "f the wboJU lor*■ .yoahow^lad w»«rr thatynidid no attd
enaatil* aodor of critic»ni wh wli taka
kxp Um "llttlB .tory" abool the lorin iu ilw« llrraw. Id tbe ala prtacy of
£aefa woold rraat the other what »br
.bmoMhe KcoBoay CJob ooU! r« ttar doqioll.;
oVur alalmed.
___________ __ , _ o-Uh look and toi
jar. lortbl. yara«B» widoH (for Tboairb
we loveoort»wo the beat.'
pV-j of u ba^r >m frlaod* aod the •11.,« art- they to ka.tw that w. I.
trtal after trial the* by. luroa tbry
h^^'.aBd rbeowe rad Arm Iwat if w* Beeer take naloi
Hula* both kept yirldlBr ralbly tbry
Bd Aiuit lb«y.J»»»IS
it w«»«» altD»ta II -• bad
- bad a rtali wllb aoow dear frlad. aod UM-ri•«ml for me at all," aard a yoaoe •r'ral thraalituifioallywid
atoora tofi^r.
Mtebarod aid; brt*hteaed te *o»r
iliy. otlaware-of li -•*
be. “I bold
ber apereh, —
"Tbrtdare Bine. Oldiellow.^oo d
tbwr tditor. yoo aald w* would all be d;^%^:td“btpi^xt;ip'tbee,
id Umbi..........
WBleoaw. aolmold like to aak If our
r'll (all to achiliv. Witboai
I atatura. wbee they are wwloj and Ibr
tor eraated
r ado.fall to
la -like DiaDo
thnwlwin ta«flrai.**oarl ao. etrr
aaiwered. -your*
Uie dther
__ oourtrey
weouirlilt" t»r lothee
avlfb that It it )aal budaaartbey bare •bow ICOWlu IrieB.lm aod a--40i
theyr .nx.
.iiy. aBd
an- fair.
— .
w yoB rather aeery oDctbat'a
>r 1 aaw
i Had tba boot to the w rosr ru**' 1^' aocu*. I>» you b-n your paa
! Ihread?
■ntoiog doat by Bin* o'rteck 1U»
■ oerCT barmrd lb* Boot drtie***
T to my Brnmet dfcawi*. to b bbb
bee 6WB ^ acid*. Idovabyna
Sjs 1-V-V1 STkri.T.
' T]IEJKGMVmi£S._^
Lirosch’s Alcat Market
BTBtuniif.MiuairButH. 'ChoicBst Mfists, Poultry ond G
S'o'vorS- •*
Fresh, Salt and Smoted Meats, Sausages Etc.
Ttaanon (Maur 4.)
AO. P. Carvcr,i^^i
Violcttes Russes,
iloquet Hommede Cour.
Henri Rocheui, .
1 (omi uiiofi usaiss mk,
tr n¥Umr„ >w r.4; •poll miTll*
libm] irMtsrsv__
I’erfumeur Paris.'
Ba> MrailKn^I B.<w- a'uraWa
awl alwl »tarl~-lM.
Real Estate
Rose & Soil,
■Mdikitk, ' Tnim Qd, UdL
TVuA Ba»*.r...-a.,.BMa«
t .W: laai «d M Oawi. !• IM.
aod , ur BBakrt
•UMto...ar B.. aiiMiiar.
BIBT*, dlB^rr*
AaJ hr, uiiW BB.-, IUWB.B.
la Bi, «TBB.. -twa. »B4.:i .-arB-B
IWB«M W^BBJ. BlbWl, Wll MT>B! IMraU M iWuB .B|
BnsmesB Cards.
tRavebsb oitt.
Qfflti U U L L MHtU, WMIU L t L BkL
k iKMt jH Ml jM A Wl MljBI J*l Ml M
w. Hastings
, ,
PHARMACY? — 'I«E?till6
Trry eoedlalli a»d re
8UBB ^WA^.
iHilBlB, QfMK SMM Ui ttl Kft
rtrmx ^ XtovwM ottr-
Carpet Cleaning,
Ipl aU
Farming lands
ibaUms- M hieh mouJtJ an.,. , fnvrr ll,e.r
Hu-k he..l a peuy in
BoaevideBtcompaBy: tliereft.m. wnlle
Ibet had no "rainy ila.t' fun.l. ihey
felt BBa>nrab1e mvur* Id the v^a** of
ai-cldcht or al.X wlD M SBt
uy klsi et p«&t or pnisM &r tb* MsU wwslMlcs.
. rmliy a icf
Tbe. lum*
lie affi
1 al an e«e(i IMBlMrBlum and a»aj f'riMa ral*. uI.m and ia.iiB«
• Ibeii pin'eiied. ebiSTle*a v
1*1 a’SJmrBd’fSiitiliu B?»e| “m
an, 1.1. tots- i** lanbei and- p"
ISHal.M-tatolxd 100 MB'S-'•
BJ Id- nisi U.IVIB B'eaebda
_____ ___ JlTwi'ibJ^iViMiofpara.l.«
bbr vhic'krn*. anil bet trihi little
ten. Maavic lelt that her life i-ini
^ pardeB.
,_-iert tbe lull luraniuE of the MiiM
happlneu.. 'm the *i.eilii|f term.*. ju*t
al. irf tbe c-tlafrc. kn»»l the i.nill.t
maoeUin of sebuvirr Saudvr*. oiilluiB.
aire aod tunuer' , MaKFib sew tiP'
prealnian ilrirendoMn b,On every .lit
:<.1 hi* lit pried tsavlimaB. and uoM'an.l
l'4irv. rvfuicd
n l Chhr tutd Purr Kohl pron
/ 'iiirgiir for salr Oy ham ! or /'»■//.
"jT oVa«0*IC3-,A.N.
Front Sti House,
6. B90TSeaL fl'eprilter.
• --------------rue br*r
Ceitiallf UKiled aid Popular.
Pioneer Livery, -
Owd Qm asd ODBttosu TrMttttst
Sale &B(iMiii£ stable.
Traver<ei City,
a OKAHN. ftvtntm.
B. r. Ksoarop.
unsioii in am aoiEEis.
Design Work
emeachanirotl prvetinF»or .-hatud orei
the loM he.lffe
^AhnOllhiB time MaKidr . little par_ .. h.ik cerv potraml omoj
l.n I
ber. and her mio.l Ma» lf..uble.i
.i.th»of fliaieninK mirMis. rel
______ yto. and. *i1hen pB-tirrea
dac. late in aumtnrt Mr. eiandpr. i»m.
lutd tbe little i.tMBrrTBtort. wher.
obr flo’Mer'toanulber. eavlaliniar ot'ei
msmtiv faab
Oaa a BMW.
, «a* l«th'y..uBK anTpretty.
• lor day B |iei blnl .wtaped from tbe
KPeal bonnt and ttewetraikhi into tbe
. liuleeon*erTaUtrv«c1rt.-biii.''k bade.*
.atrucled for MaifKl..'. lloMer*. .Uaejr"'
' vauvhl it and. pultioir 00 her b-.iinel.
$1.00 and $1.50.Hotelp|p»^^
K Hooka. Hapa. eta., addmm
MUM %a* Wlik
<1 iu U.M Ml IMr riu.
UtmfW IWMU. .ta.. M.W sM all mmdm
tip.' t(d*».'W"M(•
maiailvr Vcbe|iaul M.tii.o tMo jear*
money nearer bonw.
^Aiidt Itch, dry and eently mlllnr:
Timbii^ mainly iri,tb Sn^ Maple.
Rock Elm. IMmaomt. Aah, Hewb.
Hemlock, etc., and am well eratared by
takea. rieeia and brouka.
HVMir BOila. 8ne cropa, faeallby climaldi. achooU and cbnmhiM. Intelli^at
atlon, mainly from Ibtatcrti Bute*
T aKBOjia u<<ii>s
cr .--•Hi in tl-r
I..MJBV ol N;huyWr l«ai.oen. A
w lo.
xo. ^U.
wfjiBl 1“ *•"•■•
ieoniiranl'e al*tra,-l ..fli.e-at a
,’kitp. »«eek. pajral.le at llie r
lienee of brremployee*.
Uliek bad been vB*hieVlu»leail of . Ir
tliey M-oBld bava
r. feflaitif
feflaitilv tber^
:*miled inor* beniKtilv.
., p..l«
la'i tUeii
'bad been no "Bisb,
m.aCrc iiveB, «o wbiebb 'tUej.iMilil.ecef
I.bA lAok; then tbe fuiiirr,*,
aonable promis- ..f,belter UunKs I.eo.*they Mere niari 1.*!. in keM than a year
after Ibvir lirvl Bjei tinif.
had *a«ed mouirli fn.cn b!* nnl;iry jbi mate a tM.eibirc)* puynieni 00 a
- ■----- -
i-ach'fcoiirfi f..r mi* puf|*>.*. Imiine a
not (oWmi or Sooth aoUl yco,;
. 'aU-VK. ■ B. Unsl
A nrr
.^- - -
lU.r and I'olou Sta.
.New llrick fold
GnidiipIdiilidUiiR. B. Umtuj
_____ i.
a fUoea „ 1
Cheap Homes
••MrtrMKslansIHM ». It... K l»-
Jj '“'"-j
Cold Storage.
TMU> uSIlXKIl • l4a.M>S.|-b)Wlsl» SKi
Fire Insurance
WR. AUM/ al
Mr» Buxim* Plok ^un liown
. T'Sy.Sd.vrsS'iavW:.^ Ain Drop lid P^tjliilitiiie
n I
Vm Mill Bod II Stbi Ad>r ea>r >il Mlrlulien ,
Oraad Ot>.r>. al.*n >..ii *111 Oi.d
lUltUu'k.Trsir- - "--
«. Ml Ml MIAMI Ml Mi:
waes ji>F wxAT
__________ idneelataeTSiBMrUe•aka a Bpeeialty af (mdlBf larsera
Mm ar* alMay* rmdy 10 ta<* ekar(e
alrearaoMaae (im them ike baa af •
a littte.adfaiT
next Tbursdar en
Ibretce. ■ ilaprie falb-red '
-No. lii. k
! ;U.-fortunv^d! tbe lilUe
yard* :> tbe *uia1.r*t pit I
’ I»d 1 there'en.iuKbr
. ;d i.ik braiCFari.
r*vll.' an-Meredtbe t.erki .-Vew. and 1 *uppo*e 1 ouKbl tA kec,.
a-«>mpa<iloB.'Mb.>. be It imid
leme.ubtT. uiadam. Ilietw i BomeibinK. ju.t to ntake toe reinemi* . j ui In__ ____a*haaied
- of the
It 1-. u.cB.-' weleTo VII ! Iio* nauKUly l.ha.r iHs-a. BirLif yon
I .*.ui|tau> be mb* in. *U.*I la tbe hotel
trsth. Maaflfie bn.i nnl IhuoKbl »f plea*e. llt.-k. dear.' *br *Bld..K>iiiid 1 r.duieta .-ne Saturday ciflM. Tbrlitthe'tn
M pltb at Bil 1- Ui
ocer and and ki**iBK liuu. - I'd tatan , t.r trl.oM mb* utkiBfc- ataict .Irelapd.
riren iipthedmfdreetif I|...l/l-.i.-*..t.i
•hoM Uie *vm 1..1
I mit the v.ainlrj and tbe p«.i|.le.
J A Irifl ruan *to.id by IibVbiuk to the
r*nan' little, frIi.iM'. .apinur.. lie uvraly
beard from, k
there I .0111,^. uulii the little Irilow aeiit, IB B ,
yapl*. l*ic*»e^ ^
r sbimmerlnc .ti.fr,are many divrs wli.i. Mbether
wan .-at -a. tbei
uiKeu Mu. arKum.-rit ■f ihBi • ln7j'ri“m!lT’,MU B .«m“
anrf ttirea.1* to t - Iiuurtal. an-l. sonie I b.-ntlriuaJ or out. think we *
upiuruentheblK fellow .lipped.np. and
minutm. lavr. w en jlaifyie einerife.1 i ib, ,.,r d the *n|uriiaior«) -i.iiif,i,.oehitiK tbe little fellow on Ibeebml-from tbr kwrr, ii mb* wilii a dimlau
ler. *aiil. in a beacy. tawB cuhw,
rmilj IwK-B.
iv'oal . IbBlyou B*i.r
. I..OIIII Biuue aiii.infl meu ul l.ii
- |*eid BbOM lar an IriahmBB, and
BBU'i otvn * .inpr ibsl a
II .burr r.M*<»*ard."*Bid (be lltUe
. Uial frr.1.1 ecenU *re
elluw.Ml*i.rVn*<.avre MaakiBC anlatVr after nil. And
11. reallv d
l.-r him
.o U- ph'kvd
ptnk mtui
.-■ aoti.'iiiav eve l» in U.e phjsi.ai.................... •m bn Iriabmaa." aald lbe
up at Mi.h |.rK-.s«.i-r.v day.
rl.l Mbich may 1* rauitkl Miib«er. | nij felloi..
Sbr f.wbO toe aVtra-'l ufli-.e
iri-u* Umb. ..................T.M nn-to MMiman? Well." and
1 luaiy- of tbeii iiBjuile.iflur flitted ocer ttoliulefel*tood on tip toe ti. rend it
IK*’e«li.jU* are IBol-r
wa* out of the vily aod w ould not r.- I e.’x* Ibau protableo rBVrtliBK Uerc. I tbru^b’wbJh bevoald vrnwl. -IVn a
.until next M.-ek. ’ Her Aral ip |i .wervr. i« a . Wuie ut ..J BiVKMd fai'l I .uward.-—.VO.J..I
pulw wa* w ru*fa uevr
rr u>
U> lbe
tbe bai
bank aod
jd » p.ediule.n Mill
r. ,wrb*p..i
------------------------------el It. Ilui -wbal 1
vll Ihek all
Id only trouble b
'•"v““!''‘''wh....,i.lk. I
l,Bj*lr.mumer. wra.wWme^tBf‘iU-1 ITiur b. the dUeocefy ol U.i.*onM_
siw would pel-lhe miui
.-i*.*.t*li Ihalm I1.-1 tbeplaaet* Mer | ucnfhy t-.IbiuW there wa> n-i cereal
Uieurtir wruht trll bln:
Venu*. Mbtb. dunivr aod Saturn
Aniers-a. either norlb or *uoU.
when Bhe
waa alu*Al Va tin
.ed home; .he did nn-d m»h lo rw i w.ii all he in 'vonjun.-tiuai in tbe »bt., | -‘■>dh *ppa*m<l^ la
..pene.! 1
e op|vj*
' • .uiy uf tb« pink «Hin .rimed vlroJi*. e.re"pbeo..menoB.
and Mr 1 may be .iHli'Bll to r-ali.e tbe fart that
rare pbi
fu Wc.fIb" of lia.v I |.«e *UU-. In eonoreii.* with it tba'.
l '^t'rtainlyTiBikrddifferrot:
• .-iXy .-cliu.lrr. du( np in Hal.
MB* i-mnie anmltm.ynnd the cl
,yo«. u,..on MMchtbr . bablemi lure of uoewifa.urwble U> lU pradacUuB. bat
ailb« waapMiafuliy.i-on.pi-'aou. kl
the BfC M
itu-o in .•oDrif.wio rl.Br ' .m-h MB* the vaae. It w*a In llbJ tbal
rie iBKl the owe dre*. away, hat
hat a Bioolar ..mditeio . p«r *mee belijBariar to CWtoa •f.marl
ea>.ye<l at I
time .rf the Noavluan a few flfatn. -f wheal la a porcel uf
wrre di.lunwd by el.km. of i
Roird. -Beru
.Bihal.leaoa.lroo.-in.-.Wbo ordered Ibrm to be planted. Tba
iSu M.mday momlnr. a* i»«> a a* Kirk and hi*tOriBn.
re>ull .bowed that wbrwl wusM tfarlea
wa. fairly out of tbr May. .he drcM out
well OB MvxicBS Bull, and tirda> one ut
fair vide and beran work lo
tbe finiwl M beat valleyB in tha world Ii
■fcaroBet- liut Ibloar.llid o-.I
near the Meiicaa capiVl.
(rmrdi Iraj ed o
f rom Mexiru tba .-enml fimnd tia
o.-h; aod there wa. rer
mi-l by M
'al'i'eeiway b>l‘frti
Marie IllSao.bbr.
lainly out cn..a4rh U> make tbr drew, a* I'iiiBe lo be Ibeeinber
l ail
-led a few
•be bad planoed. . She w*. be|rlnoinK
Tbe . Iialdean* are reputad to bavr of Itoo fliepuart.-tPaovn..
peodnet f.W
Ol feel vrOB* aod worried when *ume lireo a very wi*e people, and tO bare
-me rapoed lifhUy. TbrowiOK wpne- Iwen **pe.-ially cev»ed u myatical U-te.
Ibioi; uerr her wiirk.i *be op-oed tto
n»elr p^nlnma. bowrenr. are n-.t endi»jr lo And Mr*. Saodere. Bmiliofl
litlwl to any more credit
It Uma
(baa tbe
tbr pee
. Hat iti. Nuite
Lkmuf ihr-pIsB
piboa mao kept l^oi^o^
IbruMiDV brr>eH
i-preaerved at V*iU> M]bmt
oaa cocAmiud V
afvr all- f'BOry
wrap of 1
. a* .be picked up a wi
Un- iwh-UBK It lo her ba«d>
iropmaa.1 they iBlrabrbt line.
| by the Lof Iwh^
the**l -fh^
tbe earth ia a mo! Vii
Vd J' f-uo-KepaUlv.
iouw' bnnK’*^-Ogm!d!.'’oui lo tm*ij
inVrior of tlv
.' T;
1 ....vtmy
dnwalioBB. but
Bailey'* are i
dvrin* if you would n.it
*ell a
LITTLEANDBIG.'.:.......-------- 1...
a eerr few M these *«evt tbi
.................. AXDCOARSE,
added. coaxiuBly.
CHE.^I’ AND COSTLY.. ...............•... \
-.Vo." MiFifie ,
prondic. -1 will ndl aril y.io oue.
'etill fire cun all that yon Are foi
. -llearXrv Bloom. Ufa 1-. lo.
yon W lay *o' And 1 wan\ ’j-u bi ,• .me
J»t beer her arm *iroek a p.t
SOFT AND SMOOTH.......................
t«Hainiora.«ne vboire vottinK*. ..rer
How to Breath*.
........................ALL SH.APES.ANI> SIZES.
tamioK it and breaking 11 ap.c tb> ‘'^/irl*^^'actmUyKOtvnd“tn^filhl« nod uf oanb and iwk thrown;
riv valirar .-reaturvw im*j-; which the coofioed fire* fre-iuently i rolilvav the babll of
It muBt be vonfmevd. b.twerer.
throi-w-ve. tioe iadi« It wwio* ; break, and a* the waVm uf tbe ba are i tbrooKk the h.ae and laki&jr dfifoi
ibaCattbi* momrDI the Blip* were uf
•rlr imp»*ible for them tu under-' corriud to and fro in a mvrbty wave by |
thi* habit w«a nniee*^
>mal1 account in Manrir • rym
-jd'uownideuBBlbe.a l■a.eiol■t*t•on. ; the mooh. why Bhiwld out the Hold |
^ little doaU that po'
fooliab flatter a*.
are in tbe err. uf well bred people * 'ma-. within tbe ranh reapood W the :
u, ,Vrr«*Bed «
heraelf a
Mr*. ‘ SandetB iweioed Dat u. have | iofluence uf tbevw Buflbiy planyV i
KnFftab physician call. aOe
Sebnylrr Sa
nulieed MaFFie'* rrim*on face.
; ranFvd in line in lbe aame unarter uf | ,nj,
,nd fonwd
Wbea at la*t order •
- .boulu like yon U> MW
, tbe heaven.’ Were the earth .Ulu* .
will keep lbe ehUre budy
anon..Bbe .ai.l. B».br arcB* tulary. lbe. altmctiun uf Ihev Wir*
tbe ooldBBt weather, no n>.
ereo 1
M.y. What i* to hiader : w.«ld produce l.ule or no perceptible .
:I have
half froi«n to d«I
j-unr .-online <itvf at aU-ut nine-? j . vlTeet nniia*. perhap. it .Irrw the «artn
_ , -And sw the Magnificient Line
■ 'little
• .-loaer*’i^Se
-an in.lni.l>
ana. BVirtenirBVirten int ■
l|.«B'i*kin* de
-dmll be drcin^.
it yout..u
tne footman Wat—.,.
- - ean'th* .year Bad incTeavos the vtnpbra-y,, air in bU
itaC Wiiolens now on my counters, such I ex^iaiw ta*te. wrcuu K-iap
lUok at tbe room* andI tiavr Bmp.e FtinF:id- lure, but rvrrTi
rerryi twenty
twenty-fuurfauur. tbr Tbe reault •
. ._ a few min!^C. a line as will gladen the heart of j*“jSrt?^'Ml^Mk^aa.eoi mthe puo U> *ei »«*F before the roe.ta arrive.' earth whirt. anwod flf.-0 iV axi*. ahd [h.n-iMUfhly c
MaFflte had a dim rec-ullecliun of the Bappovitum U that a tidal »a»e ■
ju* d.
the mm. «lto
Suit and
» thankioF Mr.. s*nderBanil of Bts-winF: will he ewBvd wfaivb will rend lbe vul
menhas a laudable desire to get one. ||rralitnde~ >I.i«ecer. «cre there not her *t. Then .be wient back inu- the - rr rind *»d ca.uwt t*v.w and dianaVr
*niine.rouia and. labor-aCr gathered among iv inhabitanu
In addition to this-largc assortment 1 SLo°k''^a^Liru“lAo Tilud b“a^^*r'imB ane.erj Bcrapof the havful pink .at- Among all pooplc* there are ttndim. inruBl it into the ciowrl and turned ti'** ulw great flood, The Kiblirt
to »lect from, i will give yon the:
______ jleflniuand .peeitlc.
tbe key
l-niting oa ber bat and . connl ia the
if Wondmfal Taloo. and Fm*
poaaeta. but tbr IradiUM i> w> ani
fiheft workmanship, a perfect fit ^k'of'beinFsad-ibv...n*.ri,
• s*wl. rtir wvht unt Into tb
—'-S-- iM'ing lbe weredefaararTired U--------------------------------------------Mtiea. ■mleaadaiiakea
.larled down lbe rood.
and a price tliat will make you i
ipturea notrd lbe-|Or«- haggard eym.
eyeo. alaepl^.
alaepleM, aighv
' '
, vrof the
.in.eBB fa*aion
B* WibeliUlr room fur neak nereca. are niuiing our Urea and
the blood thi
throbiwd1 ll-m. thee*
. . .
.narpanJ cold, bat tbr
buy.'TRY ME.
■luubt- that
that Bometime m tbe far dialaBl klllingoBT peupie. No. nunil ,r Ibena
poet a great cntncIc.B •.terabrlm'd poor anffeien blem Ih-. (jtneoe (or hta
*"A‘‘Jbiele waa coming rapidly
he. exclaimed. Food-bm
the earth, ur at lr*»t that portioa uf it grmt offer, fie V tbe.jpont eaccMfoI
tbe road. A* It enme nearer. *t
don't Imaeine
ia whwb mna then dwelt W briber It; apeeialial ia esriag ne'rvua* and chraa'
og^iaed it a* tb* Sander.' coupe.
waa <mn*ed by lbe c>«jaa.-lioo uf the [ le dlBeavs. aafl the dieeueerer of tbal
It wn* neatly ofqmV ber. tne
planeUlaaBUlberqBeaiujB. 1( *U the woadeHol medkiae. Ur.-iraeae . Naremao drew up tne rein*, beckon
aboeldn't;" Maggie replied
favV be aa atavd bj lb CUi»*. the co- am blood and aeiWe romady. H* baa
fended air. -'Yoo ace enxiaeetod with ber. sbr wondered eaguely w
iomdeace* are .Igalflcaat aod there- relabliabed a cyatem of letter werm
raennt. bol oef.>re!.he had rtmeb
tbe bank and—••
carreace pf the - plaaetnry coaditiem*. p-ndence at hi* ofhee. iS Weal L«tb
-Canceled with the bank; ttaggie. amagr .be dewwied Ibck lying,
then exirteot foil of leleroBt—Vi'oa.t. Slew Vvrk City, by -ilch
which All
al! «a w
tbnl'aMop good.
ConnrcM-wiin the and limp, in tbe araw of Mr. bebayier
bnnkl aoial-alMcDoEy.-'
tbe aymptoma they *a^^
-l•un't be alarmed. Mr*. Bloom." tw•1‘alrick M.-Ifaflvr
•llmg him bow tbep-T^.
• Yea. tbe mao that VndB tbe far- gan Mr Sander*. _j^«nringiy;
him.' .
generally beiieerd that bBinaB t........................ceieena aaawerUaib
oace and .weepe tbe 6o(>f*.-:
xge. gieiag
a cpmaleV >de-You aoed to tbibk 1 wna aa g-good d?nt'« *ibcXe*t car and^*"BlM being*I cBBOot floari*b—in fftet. eaa free of dmrge,
exknencr withoot aa vriptioe of ibeh-eaaeaafl telllaff joat
farwha-vnalobaeebad V.lh hardly Mippwt
*a a-anybody." Maggie faiveed. and
. air and aonligbt wbataB* theta. He grim (amt earrfol
re. t-lcnae get ia. Ur Barr ample tnppiy at
--------one atvstioa to eeory lettm. vita jam
Vet it appear taat there mat team
A. viUkc, *^c* It *>. ti aui.'VXiu.J. sr*aiuae*j*-«w.>
that. t^*me* *yM
| M
Maggie laataatlr 'iaaoleed ku keep virilixrtl w-mmonitf wbVb getaakmg what to do w be cared pmfecUyand
very well, allboog^ depriecd of tbi* m<hnaae«Uy. oad make* all nader.
grant adraatage. In tbr anil miaca at Wvi- ,^aad esactly what tbeir eompUiat fa.
icaka. in Galicia, a popalatiua of I.ira/Aad aU tbb cot* aeobiag. Re )em>
Two day* later, aa Maggie and
Tce alone tugrtber la the twilight drea—I
Chamois skin
k. aad I.
Irota Mr. (.mat yeatmlo). lAyioF that, chteki
re rcAlly flettinr ipnile iat|ua
. lirhted by elmtrirlty.
be waa at Iwt ready to pay me the tin taiire.
MM. ant an iaditidBAl in a
that waBdueoB my Baiaej wheat left; "I nay. MacFta." Iht-k
*.------- ,,, •
r btcakiBK a feli-.w* leWB do
i^p. duwB U) lirant'B yoo can . bi» appetite Laet year we I
Btep luUi tbe Inrurantw oftloe
fmre and uyBler* and talace pie-.-'
th»r Ibek Bald. I» tnraUB bijl bnid* ' -Ibil l*k k -herkplale: T.i-morr..* wi.i be the UbI ! -n. ym. I
dayeifrnce." be added. "aOd 1 wou.d ' Rdt I'm buki .
-' f««ld a tanita- • *— e.in lotyei it f.ir the world.*'
ule. 1 tidd Ihe dtubir
tkM aaatorial.
........... -Id you f.irfcit jour poiivy""
thw •Item...a
By tbe wmy
".Su.d oiurdTcderm thalal any UAr duf a Bbar.. ibinfjn bmakinc two
within three uonlh*. bnl. in vaae .>f iBBtead of .me i Bbal ret oat jm
,,*.uni blddM waWrpavidral. I Bbi.uid ro-ciee n.. lieneflt*-" I boub, and
.tod'dac work tU diare (oUeuonlt *IV and bh b.tinny wraylDlolheBubtermBeaBellyt
______ ,
weeV.T all.teBB.e. Iiulaeil 1* Hi ft
".Vu. and 1* u. hope mere nerer
ne . will I
\kMloew.' MiKJfie. wb»,t f, .the
A Cba|ilaiB'* Fraiyer AgataxiTtaM.
be. .VrrvrtabifB*. iitlli- womei..'dvD 11 matkei
turcet'tu hand Yertfu* ll.t- indurj ",
; IW MaFSi; how .xni.d Bbc ecar Vi
The ytiBlblul Mr llajtbv, tbechastVhra Mapflu-weul down b.wn bIiv . Ilial .ireaillu. »U.T}," Whea.ebe b*;
..bill tbe ia>t lloOB*. Ma*«xee«41nrly
.i*)ked r.ry ytave, Ini
- -nijeil Ko.nft miutediatrlt Ui llw I Buahrd.
iBBUraeiw ..111
I.iti V llowerer.
llowrrrr, a*
aa Italfot
llalfuur'a! ba oaii a I -'ll WBB B aiwtakr. .d
".m^tTf'iu l,«r wav. Bbr could not: warw. but Toi
'01 Bill
sol boiq
w let it mauT,
maUf ,uiaJi.-« birt t-ODUat lor Ihi; placr •
ibc iwnpIBtiiMi to «4 in ami In-k lae forrcl that m>' imir bifc baa Ixro ' t
BaliaIa,'UuB of rxr
Kb tf.r Jilirt-m ••^UUUTB
Alti». m.v K'-»l *Oir»l
"’“S b» *c bB«r Ikbiv aJWi
K.ocr count* w.Tva couple of Udiiw emn oilier, if aehaiU but a iwuat. «e«. , bat of a «a» aod can uBj'it a »ob* aa
alum MafK.r.m-nKbUed a> Wl.iairiur uaa arep rtatikiKiObC ju>l the Baib -. ] u,a.-b at aa> i»\ luaa lie*. Mr. lta(bf.
bilhe -Ncbil.vlef Aapder* ' w-l A> B»e lijl tberr i» ir-tfu». Maeitie
MaKKieUub bai a buvi* nu*rpU.«.alira*a vat
paiuMla <D-BirBt m (be croiril. aiir I anwr to U-t tmu lu aad Liwu rvlireu to' |,„ iar.ieatiuBBab.vt at thB<>p*B>a( of
«VblaUBUBraof Iheir cocver»ali..a. !a«cml Bear ll.e wiudoM. ^ _
' the Ilona* eavh BweaiBf. a»4 the
-, Vvai -b.iu Id bare BoliSed UB Uel.Tr. , 0..1.. l.iTii.w one l.w* praree haa .^ual
Id fel'..*.' Ur li'iKua Maa MfiUi; : .iwkcd nut.
.ipBa>.iB a.eai* prompt.; iiar uioriMitc Jartar Ibe laataCMioB
daFirle'B bean aauk.' llo« poor aix* •llul I ni uol i nlitled. I>ica liefati !),« vlerk> at the apeaker a dcak Mem
:*P Ber bla.k aiik had .oUarnlc he- lr..i-l.r. • 1 b.-iaeltoBia .meat
: m.al.ie ui Bad the'll-uw r-ariMil. M Itbnc' Sh.. M-a* >ure. tvq-. Bure. ibaiT' ' «aa pai.l-n th* J..lh imni Ur Fe< 1 „o| |I,V raadiBK of wbioh Uie boaiama
anuiunt of frr*b nbUm* v..uid make/puB. n.B.uilinK hi>,‘—k
n.rant.ame lollb* lloUBe .void b.>t be bBr«B
f#;i dm b " r«be wanJe.eil aim e.- . >b. ia>tnj BoaietfouK Bl-odloami >'oo 1 ...|„pj,ln bad l»«uo bo. pnayerasd iraa
---------biadarkeonl ai<-..Te.
wlovb be Mould leamrilb-UB. lldnftiBK aloB( wbrn me t^iac'clerk
eJ I.^^M I Mae 'cer^ bua.v at the tiiue and dKl D..t ' Paudjeil bim os tbe ann asd la an Cflietil. “ill*. >ale>
.l.oaint B )ji*> Biu,-naltenieeti. but I MiHBJBed »-oui.,u.d wbiaper. bbi.I: •
,..i id s'wtv^inir
. >>jpple of I nail .inl.md 11 pai.i V. u». bo 1 . mditel;
-Krr,. oa Miib me prayer antll w*
rnmi ine.r ,v.n«.'ruitU.B | 111.-atnoual on y..ar p.lK-y.
| Bod the journal
We have but It."
tliattbvy Mere in warvl. of I
Mafvle fell tiut. ifkhe reiiiaior.1 ai
ra, vUaplalii iMaimand. mad a few
».ui«ll.unrfof BUiateur tneair.,-*-. .
|imniiie li.Uk-..- m.ri- -tou« rertaiBi, i
lawr tbe readlnc clerk a»iO
-.so nnicoi.iBsly ,.-b,.ap. I—.' Uw | U- a ••wen--;' «... ai Ihrt joueturr. sbejnBdKrd liiiu. rr.|ueMUi«.lbat t»* AMn
a> aavluK a* be (e'.d at >iippe>l .luivllyoul of tBe rm-ui.'
I t.nur lui.sir. aMi.er wrm alill nitabia
AimI it Iratnpired. after a^l, tbpl Ibe'j t., 1,1
* lesyth a piece .•! e..ri
Lbe nii**.u^ roluBe
m. 'only
only to vmton
cenu n {an!
jar.! I'
. ...'I Btop uatii I |cll you." b* BBid.
Yuoly i"v.'iit.»' Ua«i.
wanre M^h torke. and the appniprrav a.
Keep thw Ibiui,* up*., that ^e don't
I*diw>' that she ba.l hrani angbV et.iupBnicueLU- ' 'ut of tne lollnise ..f: f, iup,, B.ea|>e
iV e will flnd It in a
y. her plaiarst.afb-rno.u dn
jner iiean. Mtm.e *eat incivtit«. I- aiimiV. •
: that Biuvb.. Aad'i-oral pink
If.tur frit-Bd. of their UUcMiiic li.*i. - •
The fif.-a.lieT iBtuliaafd
. her fai.Tlle I'li.ir. ,: I6e
v.h mldii'
A uieerc (wrty it mb* Mill, .j.udihe »urpr.«--.f tbe m.
yirl. had
rur.laway. Naifdle* h.-art, KBliien*l ar.iibd the utile ubie Ibat
wonder bb tliey li.tcfled
.und ctul. ti.ei. a.iiannKI ..B* wjieeied upbl f>k-k-lounce
.sniUaBed larcatioaol B
rcw.lutiuu MB. linm.
Afvr'toe irae.U bad g-nir. Marrirliiy.
|i(th«B»4»vir.etireTeiiinedr.*wee" lipwnl lo tbecfwri and draBinit.«! brr j h'ioally tbe uiIbMuc Bibk wa* foBfld
iu.,.iire.l imatlly. a.Bhe.Vppe.1 upj Murk u»BBet. rrotluvly uor.tllr.1 Ih-jand llie clerk oadfled tbe ebapUla;
jl'dik **IIB
"I »liall make* fi.a.l-re.t ; Mini brouflhl bi. louKlhi prayer to a
"A'e*. t_____ _
anwere.1-the . l.-rk i Mr Aunt .Marla'* liri-tuia., ' *ae be J ..oiewbal abmpl . Imw. -It ■■•Alnth-m
pr.im:d..».. Uuin* lii >
*■*’.*1‘KBii. "and iia-Uel-tmir* fur Inu .an-l ; j...,, „.i
■f our I Am., and-ye*. „ b*ndkrr.-bief..»—^
*Vlu* at a rlan.-e
Tra. EbooA. .
*uiarie»l I’ari* iiu^iurtaliMi
yard*. 1 ' .IrenT^y.iu K‘"UK lo kis-p any fur ' .»* o
tut* ideulival fruiid. Hum
19B nOVT
PlBBMr. ya.»lUalMar.«eia.
•■'p. Buricn, Proprietor.
...LOOK IN!-
you know
Adsley was setlin(; cRoice jfro'eertes:' H« 'is. and for the
lowest liviRjj prices. Choice
Prunes. Honey, I'iys, Dates,
and Nuts in great proportions
at ^15 SoutlrUnion Street.
S. aASDSa-^ErS",
.Wntaww ti. r. UiinUtt.
Lumbering Tools.. ^
B. ixbiN'G qHAixs. ETC.................
//if h'Hf al leafsi prirri.
, J- *A*. M03SrT.A.a-TT».
is? rraatSttMt.
' TiswM Oitjr. ■
*"».f ^ “ar*. -U ahe rtnlly
yoa.'oBd nm rooUy want «b go. j
-~» (oold aboai ib
, oU Dick wtaT
>w. Hliimini*"
Ualleriae extending
ibab «o kilo-1 tifdU "
' r glib and i:
wm* him at
X taek W toM wriUM •aUtM.
-KMiMlit far l>^> »x* (U'dofaC
IlMww.t B»M ttai b o>>7
ItalM br>Mfc of bmdv. «* bn
wt*a mot threw BBjr r~‘ •«“«>»»
Htht «e ov Mpie. Aaolber oec W
%MB wrtU«i bj- the MOW mUkw I
Iklsk, oa "How to nk* tho tana paj.
It>aot harebarealcoBipJol* tallare
••What it j
■Too ton."
I Itr* Be b liba all the teak Bewastaladr'
hlgWVioBlariirhatbenalirUd low- nrerd
"b not Jnatiet «loBe aa»rlom for what he baga. "Weil w* mm^."
"Ball oa. tboB darit a
watora. reUI
fl< gen aU right If gon will eote
Tea tboaMod flaela awe
Joetiee aloae b too esarttiebat. Vote with the demoerata aoadiUoafor low tariff aad for either aUrn- or iag. too nerieldlng and inAenlMe. too
Inawriuo no wrinUa on thine «
gold Btandard or.beU and fair greenHaebaa ereat
a dawn beheld than
goa will be anee td get what bowmr. mee: b* the baaal lagirdlrelleat ne<
■on want-'iTBe erlU ^ethapa ahawer. OBA Comaonadad with mtrcg in right
And tbta he dK^oS toaleep. aad.
proportlooa ilUe panacea for all ao•It* alwaga rated with the
eennee. keepa right on dreaaiingpohl^ tariff and Ihw tariff | rial ilU and wrong* .Jo<ic*. pure, onlg
117. Ttacaame wa; I make Dine.aa1; ________
_3tBrfShat I metaer na It brluteaud aggraratce. ItbthrSbgnem-ran remember an; of it when 1 maken ang differenea. Take wool ter iori> after bb pound of flmh.
B awake. DitaeU; be wakea np. looka
Iheg hare Unkcred at the ege for an rre and tooth for a
i_. tl
.Ill I. I------ A-----------1 Bcnrldoctrioe. But miagled and cum]
tariff on Umt.
U n pen. n bottle
f lojed in right prepnrtinne wUh the hrerof Ink aita tff hb aide, a lamp b burn
market; nbont na free aa potUoea: gon ralg nnodgor
•r rew or read It 1 draw aj eoacl
ing and a aheel of footr Urn befetk
bare am for the goin' after >m. j heal." "W,hat orr theer preportiooet- -1
him oa the table, with a lew linea Thin 1 wmit oBo« onee la a while."
do not know. The alIwUr and bkillfel
com aa< laallj telU bow w make the
wnttenooit. I had onlg fallen aalerpi
■Yo* bnt Johnog. goo mw the tew-] pbgaic^B. who'drrbed the remedg.-hae
taim foj. thoa it b oridrat that noorrr mg Kannerm' lutltate paper, and' grTaandpoIlUrianeandeuicamenhnrr eompoanded and prepared it in great
bod; OTor rtad U. no fanner at Uaat.
the dr«ad pf writing It had gfrtn me
II be did be haafor»oUen
tbr higltlmnre. and no I drcamed that f
*»abl*c. •«
wna a hoiea.
.win, n b worth man; u»nltewri(bt
llg ioipl Icatica of oar topic tbr farm'■l-*haw; tberek aothia- rieraUa' onto them.-,
In gold. It woald aooB flil the tann- lag elaaa ireiBa ohargrd {riih toHg.
about ihaL A feller hu'got to wurj «*»1- »e*l«>ff »br mmeouinm cahn.a.
•fr poekeb to follow ba loktrartlon
We eprad onr Umc and rnrrgiee at« hb waritia' riotbee at that and work .'be laaeguraied aloareforthr kcttlag
•ad arttla at on« the aU abaorbing
eatti^ that dom not pag. Year after
caa. rrrarj b> rigbuof all thr grierancr* of all
and paraBK>onl<|antka now -on-ap;grar wr go oter tbr aasie routine with mg bandag clothe* a doin'iH te • You ..partle*. our ■ttrotion reterU to the
lac - tbe mind* of the peo|
no great rariatUm, wlt^ rrealta alwage
migbtiplme bare jmUeCof tbJ pe^ - fatmer, u. ..or»elT*« What are
wlMre-tbe anancjal and b
about tbr eamr. to wit. nolfaieg.
' • iinglo do fee ourrelrg*?
That u the
What the Ameriean world U
grnr it will be drought with light
"WrU. all right, rre'l! do that. Bat grrat qorrtiju bhi.-h ermfroaU ue—to
■BxioiBlg waiting and looking for at
crnfK: the-nrzt. crepe prrhapt A lltUr •ag. dogoa Uiakguacoaldmakrout a 'derbe »oiDe\j|i-.ili.. rii-.u.li that ahall
tbb time-b tbeman who can leneh
_____ ___________
belter, but price* poor; Ihrn droaght
right if goo were called « ‘ "T iheprrecal rmrfgrm-te*
Ah.mbowfa,aetU.thb,oretloo. Andj~‘
gi;:;:hopper nnd^aU
or a warrant? Do goo >< and hV'p u. to kn p aSoat till we reach
gat nrerlgrrcTmangoomret ^nn
paorcrep. and
know the difference betwrea a ciril tbr broad and pl.cid iwa of the -giwd
and a criminal rratranl or « liiarvoa)uig.~
1 to bug (then
beoct warrant? IkigoukaowAllaboof I aboold likr.did the limit* permit,
that U
> that break r
thr pie* and tbe deelaraUoa. *od gar-.^'*^^ws pk-tare. *uvh aat barrn-onod plentg would
lid at
at'oner relorn,
o ktag. it
reuird. Still, r
.nad repleriiA and treapar*. aad .eeired of tbr areragr A merirao farmer,
(ha trooble la. aenrorig two are agreed
•m*. Vbat ri*r are we goltw to do
irorer. aad tort, and attachment, aad w- .m<>re arcuraleir perhap*.’of the
- Ih ttrir riew* and «o no iheorg
about It? But whg don't we quit?
aad the common court*, and ^fichigao /armrr. or to gel »lil! nearet,
aahemi eon be adopted.
W'bg will wecIloglpaenlliBg that for
a the ca*e-.- Do goa know
the'Irend-Trareree farmer,
- Sow, na to nag trnebingoe
gran and gear* baa pre^ a fal.lnre? what irupam on the care b?iiMii.4 I *ag the .,rrr...j, termer.
Uafca the Itena Iteg" that ahall be fullg j
or a freoa. PWb»P» wrlMoa
adl. llkcrecalofthcbooka. A* I
ndaqaate and
aaflteteBt fur all emrrgrncicn..
Jool can tell ua.bow to do It when
Um.clreBmktaaoeaare farurable. when
the nenaona faror. when crop* are aH
good and prioea of erergtbing hte^.
Tba real worth of oar ic*lrucU<^ !•
tmted when the. pineli enmea.^ Tb.
real worth of the compam and chart to
tha marinerJa la rioudg. fflggg'Y'*^'
er wbaa ha b near the loek* aad ahqnl*
and hrankeira.
Tbarek a bllof Ireog or
the topic aa It b worded. "Are wp tann
ic for indt. or for foar It Inelan-
apoB na. Tbr cue te loo>albrtlc for
Sew almml nobodg follow* farmlag
. fiwthe"fui-'of Itorthcpleaaureof B.
no inmr ofaagtoUtnme aempatian.
Yet there are a few who do. too Irw
.donhUM. OecBaiooallg one who hu
neqnirnd w^lih chooaea to cBrert *lmanlf bg giring bb nUenUon a^ mru*
' the Mt nataral and plauing to
‘ gnat majoritg of aankind. He a
bo onlg
b faultlem gamceu aad immacutele linen to
a>a^ aad glr* direrUoaa. which it
ftiUowal woald rmalt la dbuler or
tar« eat Ukc Uaraocllrarlrg e turnliw
that aoat Um Sftg eeau apleqp.
Thb etemofamat^ or gcotlram:
Sanaora, eat no Sgure aumericaUg. u
harataid. Tbeg do uot (Well tbecowo
-tU. aor do their predoctkxb add aagtUag parerptible to the aggregate of
thewarld'aeoBunodllie*. Bulwe munt
. aet buUlg eoariade them to
. tBB. Tbrg arc oa the roBlrarg a de*irabte aequbltloe toaag oommunitg or
oembat exA their aoctel lulea aad affiltetieaa, get their prearncr will prore a
sUmalou. to thrlr neighbor! and aUr
ap tha apiril of rmnlatlna. If not pea.
X will be llkeig ti
plog It, to teg «nt and braoUfg Abeji
froaada. rm^Ibb thrir dwelling*, aad
Rattle Ax
I • 3 few Fur Robos and Coats whicli I will
! # at greatlt reduced prices,
A food line uf Blan]*«^s at very low prices*
A l»t odd sizes Gloves and S
IS ailulf price.
; Str Pint aai Cut 8tn«A
TrsYSiw* City. Mlchl*»n.
When looking
for bargains mourlmcc.iiut
- _
The Enterprise Grocerj■
2;» FropI Slrcc-l. ^
krH.-]» ih.- best line of }Va* and Coffee? in the riiy. at
;h.-,1.uw the lowest.' \otr a few of the prices on staples •
■Well. Idon t known. I doexacUg." !•''*«><>
bk ao aliogeiher plcaalog
and sn't Irern aoglblag? Are
•No. I gore, gon doo-t. pi» anrlaalT i
it be an uapleariog
IlttieboU tbatnen-r know* when li
I hard.blp* and
.trea tbe tei...__ ______________,
b whipped? Or. I» If Iwcaoee w don-lknow. Iteaa-tbedeSned,"
I aad.prieatiuo. with
hpreo't renaUIltgrBoagh to tqcpOni
fe aej
X^fh: I could get aloog with that all '■■■P*'
auli.-ipatioo. eoutage
^hU Squire Brown orer here .know»'«beeffulne**. rexolutioo and pluck drcauee haring alwag* fullowed.the fa^
be would help jne
•■’’•■'T ““riiae. Hr ha* a-bearl
webarrno KiU»-te our ablUig to do threogb "
|^l'>alf that dor* ant<|aail at ditticalaoglblag rite? or are wr tanniog (or
republmaob theiiacatloner andlWr* mu*c-le» of *t«rl,lbal oerer • lao?
•lowman happen* to be * repab- anda wiU of iron that will not bead or
At the preuat time our eatliog i» not
cht-ap bill
chh s
glrld- to U'lr -geaUe penutfioo* of
licaa be goe* oter'iaetlg
a much aorrlrr plight than nearlg
Ueb a republlcaa be- frieod*bip. lor^ and reswin.
an thr real of them. I mraoirlgail
Iwl uk i-ra** Irnakiag aud com|i1aiD- .
anre bb gTaodtetber w^kixtg gran
Ilf them. Tbe Mlaried mao-b greallg
liv bare more of thebull-d<«|
wfore there wereaaj republican*
bettered bg tbb graeral ealremc fiaae' Bret;
He b proud of hb record, that be hu
rial and borioeea rrarfa: onlg that pernerer rot«l ang other ticket than the
“ “V "rW
republican. lU bpipod of tb. Urand£i^‘"»
»““• ThethinglUt
Old l-artg, lor the Old Ui*ndl.U.e/^»'>'T" »• »b*‘ribll be dpne.
wbbb b rulbg ao atroag againtl ererg |■a^tJ.; Wtieh nit?
*':aoi there. 1* no new l^g u»der the
apectellg farorrd clam, which hu
'Tbea there U ter. Iwgal'Cbp, the'*’’"
' •
gained aMrndencg through iwia.boeu*. lawger, and nilbag. the doetor. and ^ The world ha* beeu-ri*lted la alt
intrigue, opprruioo and extortion,
,n. the polit
eboald next be aiaied'el faimrelf aad
hare their oompla
ewamp him al*o la tbe graeral dbutef.
and alao their propoBed.remedlr*
Stippcee we glance orer the different
Ugal Cap think* thr'*cbuob ahonld’’'
cteme* and orcu|mtidD* . Wr ahall Sad
s »lopped froi grindlog out the tew- •*—"
—-i-~*-------------— — , Agncoilurc. hrM here Jan 3. tb.- folgen *« fa*l- Theg are getUng tool^be b..w b.kUll .m the , ,^„.j
L-II. Taft. ..f “■'V'V""
r. A earefal reriew df tbe kita*- Ihlcte Then be waoUlo-gel to thef''''"**- Thepromi^ « *eed tlmemod ,
Uoa w-m.khow u* T think tb*t thr legWature to reform the law*
; h*rTe« remala*. lejog. Umg cealurire ; .ti.iu.eiinpof0.eSulelkard..fAgor.Kent.of tb* trooble i*'not in waoU the SUrhack. aad UagkeeU. and ;
were plague* uf IcksuU and ricullure l*.l*,ieiog.
thr m*ia thatug oae elm** or dirbfoa Motahack* rtwted oat and lawger*
lice, of mildewand bllght.Biid drxwglil. • b« prrreul a piau lor 11% oru»'tJt
lu land d-aul; and durinf oar own lifetime : l‘"» «• ‘b*- •who,.!ground, la M.cl.(|
like* ha* gainel mdrantage orer in tbeir pteee*. "Ererg
the other* and i> upprereiog them, but trade, aad the kboemaker to bb luf
”-!man■-______ _______ -*
the iroable kcwin*
inflow and tbe -odtftow of finunclal .cbool*
Tbe lawger* khuold make the tew*
. Crom
tide*; and iloabUe** these fhiclnalion*
Tbr *u«.i*b of ■ ainiilar nnderlaking
wraakle ihroagh j
aaga the ktatutec are a botch; ball
bgtbe Male llortlcullur*: Society ia
rowo of tbe beml to the eolc
■ and the ,gber 1’'^*1 PPf’ail to the rod. Iwaratulabor
1-1 would indi.-*le that mu.li *..«J "Z.'^
fcMt there 1* noaonadae** The bead
audio waiu
Hut do not *Uad idig
be door aluug tbb line. Nut only
b rick aad the whole heart, taint.
' waiting. Slriee law-fullg to gala
talrirr.. The farmer*'call- grouadi
A*k the oommoa tebmW what be that be Iblnk. be ahunld be aeni to etmihlaka will rellcre him. lie will prob- grm* to reform the oonatitalioa aad.
:XT^^tt^:?t1rati..n^o« a
ablg anawer that b* wanu higher ■are the cuuntrj.
young man .land-In our n»d»l tu.dar.
,od billieod Ui
who. Ih.iugh BOW obw-ure and perUap* i the children a Knowledge of
wage* with .pleotg of empliigment.
Ur. Big Indian huaterriUe. ctarudie
■ rent* aad t-beaper price* for bungeringloruBlceabo. Iteadiaeare in ktraigblrard i-ireum.teocr*. w ill ia^udiof planung aad caring
' *hrubs mod plaot*.
wbat be hu to bug. A*K faim if he with him. Ihb longing to be wbere -be twenty gear* or lem bare acUrTed <ipllu-ce i« still room
wante free rilreror alorlr grid stand
lade l» inlrn-M patnin* imd irm-her*
right all the wrvnge of earth. I|c ulrai-eanil hoaur.
Are llii-re riw maug farmr tbe *fhii»l* In tbe
er by o
ard. high tariff or low tariff. He Will
■Id climb the laddar of fame to iu at the lop
r *hurt article* Bad cigciil*i
'l*r> *e
Thrrr mag be.
geaerallg tell gon. if be b boucal. that giddimt topBKwt round, and >ti*ndiag er»7 I do not know.
may be iwf
,ombte«obb name in character* 1*”“ '“
Ire him plenlg of work and good •of llrlngligbtoo the broad aad ample)™*"?
maliy lawyer*, toil
agre and hr doeqoT care a bogg what fuldtof tbeOld Kplnribaa La
laboring men a^
kiad of a dollar he^u *o it will bog a
aad Ml on. ' In fart >< *ee'm>
me. as If there we^ too man;
dollar'* worth of what he want*, eor president, and after an'extended
K*> !-»• i.ii'-.-r.l *.,.1 r—r.ku
what kind of a terfff it b. an gbod* are
rice ^ hb country ia the uablul.
cheap, ilul bb democratic friend lelb
la-thbciublbe iaeludedao ufferbi....
would accept of a flrat clam emlmasgtoj^ the*bril.
Iwl at hope that the iwod a
collet-tiiiu of doqer
*red* (u
l.K.ssiJ.ks-s .*
--If gou !«e with n* for low tar Eurtqm. Tbal so fllU
and rvanib
.elfi.bor** tlial h*. fed the fire
iff, good* will be cheap, mooeg pleotg
out aad pulUbo* off a maa. "Ye*, but
f.ir IhlK lioie become exhausted.; agree to plant anjV-are fur llicmaud,,
and wage, high.' Bat the wurjclag
the eleio. Dt* will auuo settle away j repurt the rreolu-wt the end of the «.-ai. I ....‘.rf
Big Indteivgiw *eetbmeplacca of
1 rt|uilibriBm..
I mib.
tVe iiiighl al*o pr-<ojuw lu wiul
aatei him. -'.Are gun demoeraU for uaefalBem are cumparatireig few aad
Surely we hare out ln*l faith in our j *hroh* and rine* in l*v: s.i tin- m-I.i.iI* ' '
freeatlger orfuraiaglegold kUodard?"
whoare •orkiag'Qiem
I* any man calie<l l••i^g a-that-bare bg the imptrns'-menu in tlwi
;''i rsjMiVi'
Dcmiu-i^ *n*weraj ••We're for both-"
same noble aad lofty and palriutic mu-1 farmer'.'
I,ele»erj- man abide
Iieleyerjabide ■ to tbe: »chool jrr,>und»and Iberere |cir<m to All *»ru ii»il» ^
lib repnblican friend next tell* him. Urm are many. There i* only oi% calling wberewUh he b called.
■n * Mtisfacb.ig-. inter-, hTiT-.’
"If goo role with a. for high tariff,
Honor pad fame
I in tnlud we bawsared
tke\i,iT,.a..a.eaai reealre.
work will be plenlg. wage* high and
i^ct well your part, there al
price* rraaonable." I>ur man thro aaki
111* purpuMMr* I'ahl. agrwdnateuf the llliaui* Tratningdicbool'fur Nareaa.aad B to
hb republican friend. "Are guu for free
er lew.l
iewt LurMnurw- ia IbeC.nk r-ountx H.aplul.
li.aplul. < 1.
of ear
r doable kUadard. or -for liable
.1 w
■■ at
.i; lie
I., IU
... attuadaaee
at the u(h.-e in ICitv Ujm Itell Hlock on
I a conMil.-ralile i
gold aUoiterdr The anawer b. "Vre're
i-dav*. thme bi-lng tbe dag* more eapectellg deeoted to wo
atirbb* that hare been giMtcn
ilUtiuofree. Addre—all cuBBuniratu>a*'l.
.Iu or call on
tor both." .So oar friend couclade*. u
lOr atjidenl*. and. hare a-large ouBb
but Big IndteBUhotcalcnteud
I Ba.uiiiQe i* p.*.r
tbeg are both fauaeal. Ihtrlligeol.
cnlUng* made lor ateriing nest gear.
lor a aoldier. Vm ao wage adapted to
loaddiliun to the seed*'we hare .
thrg are both rigbLaad be will
JL YoB sec I.am rerg peculterlr -»p-; i*<lur.,nUwr I«nu. ot <Hww«. *uch akepl. hand, it will be necra«ary to puTt-liaw
■ Ti-I.-|>b'.ue M. night ui
Cligi.ipera Hall Block
Trarrereatg. :
forboth-if he cab gel in hteUcketa.
nutated. In thr fiiat place ^te hurt*! Iep.y,b.-.n<llwme,*|railr.g.ln.*tilty.it«. fitly
liar* worth, the am-.uot ‘leand bg wiUoiag be rrill aurelg be on
« so. Braidrw I am rarg eCtremdg !
the right ride aad the eDanUgwUlbe
rrroo* I 'perer could ataad aioiae. if ;
placed upon the Dumber
khuold get teto • battle, when thewe
to ll.rs rolhrd siats...
r'liiirs.Iaxon soap..
■ li^i^ l.fiiox soap..
Iji M dour. i>cr sack
ifm W«heal. j«r silk....... sSc
IWk-af Ura.i*r1li. ....' Sc
1 lb iiakini; I'oivder......... loc.
I'arlor matches, per pk^.. 15c
.\ f'ltli line of Canned kruiis and Vciretaliles jtisi received to
To- siiid at l«-d_ rock prices. \\V arc slili headtpiancfs* for
(•rcniMil i'ci'il. iiran. Shorts. Shcllfd
Shelled Com. Offls and ’Hay.
' T ir pri<T' .ir<
U I .irc cqiui to any on the •
ni'-.rk«-t. Oit« ns a trial anlj l>p convincci
PIERCE & CO., Prop.
. 239 Front St
i^ Do you
^ ,
have that
, tired feeling
«li.-n joii ari.e ill tlif uiiirnirm? If
y.Jiir inalires* or siiriiv,;s are noi what they shoiiliUic. N«
iis«f of that when you can hiiy the best mattrrsS
^ . made utxcept a hair) for S -50 at the new furni‘lure store! ig-'i to i.^j I'ront street.TravcReCiiy.
-- -
Traverse City Sanitarium!
fgteg to ererg heart that long* tdr
raal home. It (borr* the pomibilit*
of eoaatrg life, aad b mo object Iramja
tor Mbma to Imilaia- lb add* to
ralu of all nelgbboriag pruprrtg.
fitm picamre to thr pamer bg-propic
whoa, trmrcll^ will take the road
-irUeh affoida thr Socat riewa. olhei
^ OeaecAllg fjir amalrar* are rxprriaealaraatea Thkgeaaafford lospesd
mcmeg in Ihb wag. on a acaie rrk
the cadteatg fanner oaarot do. bat
aooa gat the baarSt of it. Tn# llB
iil*taUon>'lbroaghAkk the moehanle what be wonid gaa* begun to go off, the nouie wuold
aat tha eoaatrg d:
like to bare dofie fur bbreliet and be u completely opsel mg nerroai •gatem.
w oftbmetadirldoai e
will' tell goa abint Uie name thing that mg baadtwirald tremble aud mg
get th* greater tbe anmber and j with a little adned, aamelg.
koecB knock toffethrr ao 1 oonldu't
eartetg of expertmealK'tbe greater the' belong* to a labor union of aome kind bold a gun.
1 rronldn't hr of . ang
Aetata to which they are carried; and aod be want* legal auihorUg toraatrict e^Ig aae. I could neHherflgfat aur
the more widely aadgeaerallg tbrg are
enpplgof Ubur. to bngcottwhom' xtanduill. Boiae toorrreoAimIbe.•
Atetribated. (be more aoenrate and con-; be piesae*. aod break the head of ererg
"tVcII. Mr. Uig ladten. bow could
eltoiec maet be the remtlu. tio all man not beluagiag -to a labor un
goa make gooroelf a*oful in Uate of
Imll to the amateor tenner.
Mag be who want* and trie* to cam x
bar* macbeatUlaetteaor "tuB" of hi* bread for bi* huogrg’litUe oocw. r
"Oh. If 1 ahould be ia the araate or.
be want free kilter? Ye*, aearlj
onagrem I coolddothrfatriek Hecrg
w thane who aarigeed me thb top- wag* lioe* be waot bigb tariff? So
pan—makegreatapeechea that would
■to fare me gnat libert.r and I mag time* Ve*. aod aumetiae* ou.
thrill W whole eoaatrg with patriotic
taka them at tbeir wmd; just a* an old . Tbe maanfactarer will probably enlboriaam: at least I am sore t oiald
' home woald do turned ant apoa thr make*Ull larger demand* Uc want* penuade all mg wife's rdatiou' to raaommooa. It h expected of the bor>* hi* right protected to hfre later at lUu"
Itel him attachmeat fur home woald aacb price a* be can m*}ie b>- mulnal
Now. soppoae soare saperhomaa in-
Successor to rainc's Cash I-urniiure Store,
e'^rurtob'^u^^rbSt Mo^^y
j HcadacbeDestroysHealtli vveh.Teai*u.t*«.M.b.r.bienu»i-.rof
. aeaahte Umita. Vil it dum not mlmg.
week that rrag. aed it atag eot ia thU
moo. Tha bone m«g think the hlgt>wag too narrow, too •trmigbt aad find
tt’too eloaeig grmrcled. and It mag be
tm> moch rutted to »ult him. Bo hr
lamben aloag. wiriilag to get out of
tho rata, the narrow llmiu and poor
parinre. minelag a Buie a* be goew.
tut he eoM to ma open or low ptec* Id
the teaoe. and Ihea aklpa orer into tha
•eiffhhor'a com or deter field. When
hte hangar ia
agrtemeol with hi* etnplogea, wboerer
they mag be. union or ooa-Bnlnn.
which i* right and ju*t; bat when he
achemr* and iatrigatw with bi* own
clam to force down tbe price of labor,
be I* all wrong. Then be waau a terIlf tbal will giri him free raw mate
rial but a popblbitioo tariff oa hi* maolaetni^ prodoet
prodoet. ao that be pan bold
r con^tioa t
Dr. Mil«'Nervine Cure.
. "
recent meetingof the i'anaera'
tote here.
At thpt time tbe quratir»
nf flower* fur il)e dislricl acbool* was
brnugbt np. County School ComB‘*■ioaer «. « MctVeUi.r, E. ■ i Imdd aod
other* speaking, in tarur of it. and'.
W. J. JlOBliS,
: M'') I-ront Street.
would be a. If all tlie b^a.d wolrea. j f tore rer.'liru;;;'." rad
well .oman. u*d I h.re Ul
frWadsB tioaattheatgN
I <ri ia rwomBewdiax Ul e
me Kerrlne. Voo nay pabltah Ibb w.wr , •
If you irt*h. and I bupt It may to the means
dUause ___
Bare we nag BostraB then tor there
o. sale S, all drurrio*. honk o. Heart
eriia that hare befallen u* that will aad Nerree sesi rSCE. Dr MUm Hadlcal
______ _____ _,oi to' *b--EItSar*lnd.
fctwte toUR MIL
’ I tnu^ close out my line of Heaters order to make
roum ?ur spring goods. IJo ooi fail-to Idok them over
.if.in want of 9 Heater.
riea. pteawwad dmlrea la tbe expeote-i
Uoa of quietiagthe innaBerBble,prr-. tarks.-br and *rr><>e.MM* fraUBsllr creweailliig cumplalou. rerilg the test state lu wone uuiil niy life «u dcpalred •(.
would be worse «*■■• the first
”7 ***’ ** *<wld. t found no rdtet
alitbewUd beast* of earth. Uielloo*.'
the Ugerv aad dogs aad ante aad hg;
the mtllemiam woald not relga.
I ^
flueo^ could bring to Pam the
plishaent of all there eoofiicU*^
Ig‘a groan, as t
e rerg teUom
e- j hU boote.
lie aetUca bimadt • 1 wHh the dew add wwwrm throagb the
t ebara^r.; t.|aarto himadf aad I<*%* areoad'. i
r -we l>reatbe? Aag rreaedg to pro' poae tfaat wonid restore peace and «,«■
, he falU teto a rooiaotlc or I (are. *i If ateal to gire .run a rehe
uatsrat to ail
paetic frameof Biad—(orwbg shoald | (rum the brvinniag. U* feels hii
1 have a rem*((g
the butt aad stuck of all tbe wt
to propoBA- that woald be effectual tf 11
eoBid be DDiTeraailg >ee^tod mad ap
.ha Itea dltira wad Uateaa for a while U
a and awiadlea aad lies and
’ - Do TOO thiak goar rem
what the "H'Ud Waraa are Maglag "
weer aooeocted.bg the arch edy would be ac -epud and welcomed
The grattetepptog of the waraa np.m
I eahmg of aanUod aad iaId to themr' •
(ha ahora, the berenm sighing Uuvugh »
lo tbe laaginaUoaof wicked
IthoabM orgaaUgpre-'
tha pteai and the far away ritw aenwa a
Ihs septan stir* aipall
pall thr aretaeff bit
M braalB fanh te hte k
t rise up ont of he dan aad drop down . If.
f' •
At cost ^
rrator. whii-bgoes inb> the hand*
ir ball of tbevichen.u.
tbe Irachen. of the
Reapcctfullv sobmitted.
C>I:R.\1A1,\E 'BROS;
It Never Pays ta Owners
Traverse City. Mich.
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
in making purchases ot harnes'*. evt-h in >he maU-.-r of n-i>air-!
ing—in all the features which go to make u;i a dirsiratrlc place ' ;aslariraag>aMforcaaC. a W i
to trade. AbMilute reliability, judicious *< l(.*ctions of
ness-and saddler}-.. Prices reasonable and f;iic; i\N'e solim]
Bestidiveo io Korthern Michigan.
>'Our favors. '
Ypad ami Ifil* ItPbte te Ooeaaettep.
. C«5h p.id («r UiOffi .od Fain.
: Snach IuUm fit teNfi ^ S
Tqleplionq fq
A yonng feDow naaad Bawen wan
iaatanUy kUled Mar Lae Bnnday whDa
hnaUng rabbtu. He waa ataadtag »
News of the Week,
lawdlnc !•«»• wM wikdraull; k:
lajviM (tOB which be <j«-
• Hwteu*
rc -^ r-uS:
The ebaif* thcae
tt thdrowb expenafc
atmek Dowert nadcr the, chin, and
lodged la hit bmln. Ac wi
randy appmTed by
of age aad llmd la ADegaa.
toi bcMhlb the ■■rtace. The wkl.
wM pilin'^
the Mil Will be aUI-
nl UcDem. Uhlo. eacaped from
oaidmT Bela P. Moahar. M- U. of
•BtyiennU baggage Bmoklyn, N. Y.. hae^beea elected pr^
aggagemaater and
feaMT of hrrteae aait wo»« e dewa la Mosday. The
barely had
ba. time to aae literary dcparuaeal. Hba U aUa
the door
hare ehacfc of U>» w<MD»e e gTsaaleiT. Pa.'. 1
elam. when It U elected. Uer .duUn
I Lmaidee. P. V. lUIdwin
Umlly of »lx. MS loaeca of bnad
anaaimai handler —
wWe'whdini oeer to pbt cm hi
Uiu of bleculh IS Uiaera of br
dIBcully IB drirtng him
hU cage.
He i
• haurdar aBereUig.
'^ookina. lot doiea gingernot age
ubl^to get their bagl<
.1 moancTai
bt vearlag a aecklaea of baman
K. J. Kowe.aa Axalta farmer
Ue wll be polled eeery oea
• mgaa well laelh.
ken heart, ttedirect ratult of tae
Well Known Physicians.Tnthusia8tic in Their Statoinonts of flic
Wonderful Curative Powers of|
Ur„ Greene’s Xen ura.
7/'^ •
with lerrtic force.
the fTTonad and bomed.
Tbnday night.
Off Sale!!
Physicians Urgentiy Advise Use ofji
Or.Breene’s Nervura.
i.Unrelt during ibc clrll Wat Beoently
j he waa thrown out of work and hied a
Including All ladiea’and genGemeob SeAver and Frit Bboea. with fclt aaUa, in laoa,
buttos ASd cengrwa. mt OKB-HALF OFF BXOUZJIH FKICS
Tncludw all ladiaa’ aad gvnUrmsa's ahoss in Beaver and Fvlt. vrito Isathv aoJaa. In lane,
button and enngraas. at OHE-THIHI) OFF BEOVEAH RSMB
ledudlng all ladra*’ aan gentlrmeab aboea. Beaver aad FcitTAto^ towtag. naif aad
ht^topa. aboUdabuea. warm lined, at OHX-FOOBTB OFF BKOULAB FUOS.
an eOgy of their leacbar. aiir»00»tod
ifTBalcmnow oB and‘iriltcodUnue until enUra stock iaaold. at the newaboaet
Monday by a balf aitted lad Banndriuxi. The old man at onoe ttrclched
eland* ^•>tler. at Jenkioi' ll^ry bam. himtelf on a roach, and pnaaing
The Wood Utothem. of IWon Qty, {Tritk wat dlckcriag for the gun which''i band to hit tiile,
tiilr, remai
remarked: "It* t
laal Taetoay -hlRKd to the Boflalo'
!»U«g». l^thoughi the cooBlry •
live »u«-k otarkeU two aleer* that
lUlly diacharged'. the 3-<^lber bob __________ ..
urlbe t-,weighed l.Slu pooada.
eaouoi K,,Bd it when they got old.aoB
A toboul direotor la one of the Itey
nailT ir -‘Ir " Thra turniag oft
to the wall, he expired. Heart
____ _ falliira
awigned by ibedovum
board, la equally JllltacnU.
t^ loe'at the foot of Sixth .. .
................. Worth. Tex., oewt wax
A HaaUtlqoe mao fare hit yick wife the rernlar roariwiy. when one of
cejred Kridxy morning of the drowning
alabl«apoonf<Jlofrarbolira<>>Ma a>» hmke through and went to the bo
of aa entire family ia Ilairir lldg fork
•) 118 FRONT St.. WURZBUBO B1.K.
all eoonty.
take f.w «aaw.r oU. aad only hard wf>fk l^r other bnrar pnt iu aone under the of the Red rirer in lUadall
bUdnn ai•cater oaoe aad Ibea died witbnat a
hg a doctor aared her life.
The Uam waa ealurd at
At CWopoHa. Clarreve Omwthorp ttenggla
Tar watera of the atream.
tned to drree aerou Ibr track before a
:-o by rvernt riioa, ewcpl the
Urnad Trenk tmin and waa MrueV. He
-Ix-year^ild Ray untbury. of Hill*
wagon nod team down- Thelattcrnl. wna probably fatally injured. ,
dale etreyed out<^ the city Satnrda;
h'SipU<lo twimatbore with one child
t-eed Mitchell, an expert diaia<»d while ' huoUag biadorg.". at
aad waa taken ia charge by a gow on bit bai'k. but bciiank.to the bottom
id both he aad the clfild were draw
JohaoDrabarg. Tmoaraal, where ' be natured Urmcr. who kept bliu until
1. The ^Ihcr aad otbee vhild rt^
iinnday, when he located bit home.
bm bore cegiged aa foreman.
aioed latbc wagog oolil it wgao- The cbild'a pareota hunted for him all
Uirned and both were alau dniwi
H. A. Main, a Tekonaha denggi*!. bat day Saturday am! the following.
oSertd a pound of baking p.>wder to
.toother family in a accood tragoa
Johi turned hack in time lotara Uema
m on _. ..
acboolmt'am lo the oonnlj who
_______ .... milea eontb
burned to tbr ground Saudi
■ l^trlck Balev. a woiKliaan aad forFOREION,
h«! baabelt of lieaoa.
biihdretl li.hermao ware catTnmday. hariogfroidntodenth.
•fied ofl on an ice floe in Uie tep of Aaof
y«nn old. too ot'K thonght that the fire wat iairndiary.
Wnlle Halley.
ccently, but were all reaCned.
llTing oor-half-Ailc
F. Balley.afaii
Thomat Andftnon, an Gearx farmer,
A bcm-Tolent Engliabman haa Jutt
t atreckand-lclUed
from 1‘itUfc
near St Johnt. hua phcDomenon on rieea *l.w«i toward ibeffiaiaWnaace of
iatnr^V eeeniog by the fattAr^.
hU farm which baMea explaoaUon. he London (hu' Home.
The Mieblgha Jereey t al^l•^lr<
a a drilled well a alrong
alrcng Currei
current of
iVetldroi Kruger at the Trantraai
gntbre forth withool eeai
alloD will meet at lAn.lng
epubllc it a ramarkablr man pbytiealr think It lDdl«lc.l eolcank
mary stb on .. .
______ m that i bi«'youth
tag of the hute Uairymen't Aatoc
tnrbancca oadet the tntlace. oin
keep Ih* u*e of »r. ifeeenc’t Nervura blood ■
beemid run for half a da; and
Dr. Robrn W. Imme. S,
that It it simply tie foreennnerol n
tmee with a Ivin-. Now at the age
'and oervr remedy to hi« palienV who ’ Vt.. auyf.. Tbere I* a plorky aehooima-am
little tign of haring K
leahowi litlb
baer 1-en auflerltig from nerr.iu.
-'I have koowii about
Edeot, an s-ri^r-old Mini*
] Milton townthip. Cant eoonty. «
’ of bit phytio
Trouble,'and be hat learned Uial in a . Nervura blij.Nl
drfee* aerpn mlfra to her ecaml a
.... ’
a. a tigni.'. ^
rated for rablea be
ai- p...if doauf while'raa^^ dowi
. todi dally, and aleobhpporta
,rd ti..kB..—..pnd.tLe cure .if
lodju^l. Pewrabutg ki.1
•■rataet the ttrect cai trackt.
dgfat prmoiia.
____ ___ friimlrt 'Jlieyl.ave r.-.-el.-l (
Willard It. Mon.
enderaenr nqd waa dragged
Beeeo-year-old Willie Vean of Stedratbt
occurred dnrisig
J-. the
two of H . tereral
pfcanaon. while drawing water from a
- the tnivilatiop
trralincDl before
well, fell Wnriloog into into it and wa.
hail itt full rffeel. the other
drowned' Saaday. He wn* not ml»wd tmathed to epUnlcrm.
iml brought in thirteen dayt
a pMirnl
day, af‘™V remedy^for nerrimt diww- rayv.-.
■ for eereml bonij.
Joe, Ihirkee, a tardier Iteing neai
’'it il TcTred that «me mithap ha- 1.^- ■ nerre’ ra’^ir’” *
any ul I
____ ^—..11__
MeAytlr nvtel iwlvvA eeecii TtvriesAA
illen the llrilltb thip I'adtow Foreal. i^n» of a. of
bnmUtig Ilf an iron wheel. A ,. .
be arrired of! the I'oloml
Columbia river. Jan. the .ormatioB
•vhleh genei
metal pa*i^ tbroagb bU.body lilenlly
wane the
making .ri ne« nerv«
dliemil^ellag him.
days hare eiapted and »he bat
child threw the lamphi the younger.
____________ heard of- . —
rt o'oar ilyrtm. lo felling
imp broke, eorefed
pheal.-Un of th.way to I'ortlaad to l.«d wheat.
'mllir hx of aecleal
pliVMuinn, -tampi thi- ivmarliabl.id ignited It The i
fiodcra ,d Aemwlatlun llrapUal
-n ImMded
ia'thr cenfrill be drafted fur tervi
medieal .U~-oyer; a- tl
lay from Ihr bum
a using Hr. iiraeene'»>
tar. It M about eight Inebet hmg. flee raiight fire, but waa exlinguitbed.
IntbcKreaeh army next year for the
taebea irlde and it ttill quite thorp
rcaaou that at he(j*^*'
*■“' •’"V' piL^ f
Uerl Kittredge, the ytioBg aoa
urum.1^ rrgiafrria aa a male child.
A farmer named Joba beonon. lirls
- '‘-re. <ol Lapeet. *
Conductor Klttrldge.
•rllh hit brutber aem Vale, fell from
Lmd of etmw W'edoeeday aftontoon.
The dog the blund.
o pre«nt heracif for mi
tatunt waa aleeplug on the hearth.
h. and the
ansa bach- bpj pul bit face to the dog a
Ury duty.
•poke aharply- The animal an
A daughter _
bit face, lacerating It letribly.------------- cjarinaof liuaala reeeptly.
ef age for lU
it to mr natienta: The fact that'
bring almoel aceered from bit -laca. daughter attains tin- pnipef
iMrilla. 1
first pair of shor,- aomirdiDg to ci
Irleadtat Hearertoo laat Hit^ndlUon traa criticalvhUe eiafi
the ernrina will give the poor i hiiaceu
etins and .aiioui
wna prompllyabot
aeveral huMrad pair* of idiurB.
New, was reoeiredal ihd>..rne Honae.
■ sui.^l.l.-rinp in ni*ri.h.v. o.*r ITo.'ko..
Tbr largest t
Isl'p of Wight. Wi itiieMlsy of the death
Hi*m llritwold. n/ Indian HI
J w*
era, cut nrai Ilvroir la« w
•smir heart that with the aid
Bine feet acr
dararsoiaUraD- band of Prlaeeasllestrlcr.they.niiipert |stnnn
. n^an nx.be killed a earage female
siek. hewasttiid rtaugliler ol ym-n Vk-Uiria. Hrince'l |>,xter appear, to have IhrebampV 1 ' «sl (srni |ir.>p.viy Telned at 8-'
r lad was
rand ODeofbercuiB aad brought
Henry wa,a mi miwriif the British ex-unes. BOltwo. C. >.
ao ..Wr.ing ^lii-luk-aii lusn ha. loi-i
rould die
the other cnb trfumphaaliy to town
pclitionary t.irce to AshaBtee ami con,^nUy killi-d one which weighn_, f.nu,.,, ,,f tl.,s .tat- usuall| ,
use of tobacou.
ired. cracted a fever there w.bicfa hx> rcault-' ^
pounds. . William Sendin bad pruvIili-Va gu.>d-.*1 no their tiiiiini.T |
While RermaB Itortel.
: one which
Ibe scale* At MO:-art,' and gears-g.nrtwUt' a ra.IvlT
O. T. Smith'* mill
aiaot laarSuoday.
txiacbin.v i-viil-lmt sil in un |
tawovef to light _____
Iweti giving a gieri ccul of Uxmbletoip,o dreased pork b wiling at »3 iS to ««forlable and coin i.ailu.u. .in tt.eir
Ihr lUIbns. i. the son of an Ambara'^
mo pounds. Ibc loerest price, .jiutor ,!«!. when r. lhrniug from
chiefuiu wbowas deihroneil in Is-kl. I
p-erailed in that ragion for. ging or wood-bauling tr.p.
One-third oH!
One-quarter off I
■ We are overstocked and must unload. Commencing Jan. 1, 18B6,
' we will sell every man's, boys' and chUd's Overcoat in our stock at
' one-third off.. Every man's, boys' and child's Suit at onesiuarter off.
gre.ig..q.i tr.nn itt ute. 1 itoyt bet. ^
cyme. n.mna
.... ^..
r^gerye, evsTy garmsiit must go.
jjjteiid to«iake tUls tUs grsgtest cleataiicesals w6 ovsT had.-
not quote you any prices for want of space, but if you call at
store will cheerfully ehow our stock and give you prices.
Salc OD ovcrcoats wiU continue until all are closed out. Sals on
I suite will continue until Feb. 1st. i896. Call early and get the best
id mUh factory at llnw- ton. Pa. Eagiaoer Loazer eraa crashed
off ma‘‘pritwu^of^^r. Kigbl
^"imer, of Caro. has. ton.
' tai.oou hi fanners durIstotba e«.wpvd. and after killing^.
,^at turned out 50.V
pound* of honey laat aeaaon.
piwen o
sad larp
«,.i-.l tbedaught--------—,
Mloaasou and Kortb Hakes
rt he ™itl5
the daughter of Ibej ^ ----------------rato^"to”thrlt
^ BecessltaWd
Abrsainb. and in l««M. up-1 it profitable. ti
Four Flushlnr little girt* were akat- th'Bn*eof'awly*thrre*anda ball mil
Ih of,his talbrr-iu-bw, a*-|stoch. It w c
tw bmeUy to liia iw. wbcra^lramM IloB bushels of pulatoe*.
cgndwl the throne.
In Michigan the praelh-e of diming
'leya. Sie aodartakar who
getber. But for tb--------• 100B^'aid»:
fowl* to rid thrin of vermin it Ifccom-.
had chargaof AWraham Uaeolu'* fon. by with long iea pole*, they
.Mill, iwi-r toUV'n'rwWsi i.i i ing more geoeral eeety day, li
rral. died Wedi^ay at bis boa
have been drowned.
Saw York fity- He waa- in hi*
f t*rfomi*d rightly and, wftb
■WbU* going upstain in Hrteolt Wad- year, and' siai* ISTd had con.lncted an
■aaday. John «olan. agrd iweniy-four Bpdrrtaklng boslnes* oa Broadway.
ig«Ki d.
jmn. alipped and fell backward cm
latt garHeath was due to old age.
aUcwalk. Whua dlacorered ha .
> lor Uie past.
George W. IVice. ae old sailor, who
upronaritnii and had a broken
' year and tbcM that be haiL marketed •
bilvlng at Prorldrnee. R. 1-, has piade
bat it b thooght that hi
\Z ' oeer
worth of berries b> sea-.n
an Invaatlon whereby Ibc pltriiingabd l!lli.d.ll.m el I's-Ul—aw. auU kl.
from a patch -ol one aud on« fourth
At FUsU George U Imwre
lag of a ablp by means of a saring-
cargo may be nUllscd to *W« op
energy is the shape of compreased air.
whirls lobeBseid topnq^lUieahlp;
wife wonld enj.iy.thr penaion it hr
Ansealan-----------Gie bOTse foreign
imoth Istock
We have added, this_weefc. to ojir alr^dy mammoJ.h
old jmimta»«r..«arri^. hb wif
Popular Clothier. Hatter and Furnisher. >
124 Front Street.
-h randei-oiW mhi'carr ohstiuaie.
s .'aud Gist IS ihr
I .birr f
irs in --- ________ ,_____
>. whicl
l8 and are ready to unload
leir burdens
idisposeof- We have ligrhtened th'.-—
. ,-------1--------,----ary low
prices. To say that
bargain seekersextraordin
at extraoi
I putting it very mild.
I this is an opportunity of a life time, would be
nTnrt womfn We^quote
We Quoto you prices
pric68 from every department.
_ .
Iiuliiiity ■
Clothing Dept.
Carpet Dept.
firm, yuril wiii.' lni;raiii I'ariwt.
I- toy
•liuic. [IHtt.-ri.. . .
ITI.- l ure
mtur toau. and I Vuiiw that it is all Unit i-•' — - ...I extra hiAvt oii.-lihlf w.-il iDgrnin..........
of pubtoi* '.-d f.ic It
I Ind b.*n trouhlol
‘■'•'■J’P'a riald of Vhr MTeral ra-\ pUn
pi|ra m.ire or 1.*. f-.r ab.o'
ab.ot vigi
"'***1^^'.!“'"* r J sTiEhrv at'...T..i-*..o. [last
and I biul'irie.!...lhrr
n> l>nu.-kisi..iv-._______
•-*« » Irietlra raoglng'fromaitbe rata of fiftybushels,per
■ ■
Bqt thepUes'grew i
iths ago I I
Irarge track* of mnek bod
""inl^iT-. A iiit of
UUnltftn. nollt
It gare
-owagbe an; to be plante.1 to ]
mint the coming season.
the I'nitod >bUaJ|recardlo^ the Vat
till of xix fi»l Wimluw Slrmiea. aoiiitilrtp
.xuebD .loratloa.i The Ihronlcle. o
.-^f^iwi—ibr .o-eoeist .if
VVbili-OiitiuR Flaiiuol....................................................
' deUy in Kngiand. ’ Tbc effrtb of toe
“ . .
t oreaay, '.Ayemrag..Isol.i,( .<.l'..l- Colonej OiiTiiig hUnB-l.................
increito of mutual kindlinew. are bring
. , tor. 11'.'H,milt..n St. VysibnH. Moh- Turkey
nrkt y K«i iMniask,
iMniBsk. fi
faiii rofor .
unui at::.
Dry Goods Dept
tog''dMWd from religious aad other
KoctMeld. was
M Abb Arbor W adaradav evening, hi,
bona beiag scai ' sl^ straet car. Hr
IV broken, a
wived ioten
laborer, tried to
iBjurCra alao
a Bra at
r saUGon, near Newport. Thnn^y. Seren hag* ot powder near by.
4 Hr.) .GWting................... ,.. .
■ taj'^**taa‘^"liirwilh anothw boy Thr dvoamH^ploded. the itowderlguiol i-Iid'k Hliirling..
toe ‘Eunipean-h..rir«n great anxiety jTestigatl.iv relRjee to theoumbi-r and
•amtd litovr Cliaton Saturday last,
•! b.ve been iroublgd f.ir-twen-. Mn-llt «
died l-riday moniliMr. The father has
and poariUle peril confront n*. the 1 value of farm animals ihrougb,ml the t,. ^ran. with itohlug pile*, llsv.-tn«si 1 Exlto ll.-l
y OriiB. Flannel. 4U iu.
pot yet decided whether
golden momenu for the perfiboeW ' I'nitod-lute*, ITie Vibl yahie ,of all
evemtiing that prorniwrl refief.
.. r,
retaila at 7.1.'. non
flltod. peacw-w ith America are slipping by. If classes is esAimatod at 81.-«l,tV«.is)0 ow
^ A floaUng chapel'h
- ot ’liiie iiiii,>rt.T].lr.waK.*ida,f abort
Mr- and Mra tl ' D Broekeray.
up at KulUwa. ky.. I
au.i Hi-nrioRa. '
Lake UedcB. have celebrated the — Ixlng Tuyages along
mi"-'her wonld forget minor matter* and jibe decline began in I-hl. 'Tlie heaey |.j,, i;„re. The one b.x used aecorrting;
w.irlli <3i.
Urtb BMivrrrarv of their BurrUge. Uhib. and Mira'
tii.f. lUBautr., inUBiatarabail. who was boldly
^idlj conclndvan arbitration treaty . deellae in the past year ha* been chief- ui direcU.ms wa,. in my <*,,•. a perfe-tj ^ j„,
•liaoat flity yeaU of whleh haw been IstoT. Re>- tVa
apeel in the fmke Huperioc dbtnct.
cbl traveler, will. ,ritoAmrrlc.toesp-cb.'leMr.Chambwith A'
itig of ihe-lwsl inatiTmU
.lown H.
There the; were among the oldeal ot
the while settlers..
. >
Edward Hand, a Imkr Shone aeetiOB
band, was'fonad dead Tneaday
lug acnias Ibe track, one mile
Allan. Tbr train that Siilied
probaW; _
aerr'^ toe.n'Tr'wto ■**I'l«'“Pbirl .Wnl'fng toa<»a.-and . Men’* till.' .'naoiel.'d falf .*sim .•‘hii
iiyloe’s shoe store the other dsj. she j land. • ^
find, that •
arvantren pacra west .
coinpbined of sometolug bard iu itMu'a excitrment haa bran aroused m.we wl|eo ntforfradtoan an -ra ;eure,,^^.W
. tnwk of the body by o
leu’s best .iDslity. hand aeirral. «'aU Khoea,
raHa. apd the lege iasi.ie.
d ring fell to toe flt<or.
Mr. Tay-, ,(ee allianor ha, beun formed betwres
C. N". Fargo's mak", worth W.'IO. Dow.... 1.98
At Adrtaa. Edward Itocher.
ememberrd tibl Mrs. Walter Me- Turkey and Knrab. It U thought that
ber.'ivas converted In'reeenl ree?vS
.'dlvliraletl Piugree it
..............lira Ridge. bad been male- Eojbnd will protoavstooagly agi
_vfing* and now b holding toe dally
rdbmoud tout she
jt tab store raoeally
whec boy
b aakl that the baaUnaUc
Ingd^lr ofabo.
Jrepopubllon of Cn
qoreh. which airirmlal Havana
weatorn part of I'
id. is BOW definitely known to
<a IcMtatt •• « grewl familit
, now
.., - .
toCabella. Veneznrla. whither
A. lot of lailira' Eid She
u to enfon* .Germse rail
_______ jaire ejiimney sb
.V-tato! larliex’ Fell.Sh.
a girl and fonr
It b hinted toat toe ma
” softl'
of fivechildren,
- girl
' aurtodtoe
aurlrd toe kitchen
b.-vs. _ drowned
Kandsy aftornooB.
"... ..wdandoevopy territory If n
-A I* ot Ittliea Felt-tUil, .
.rve'rhildrra of Johu :
to »•>“ asry. which •till add Cermaay to
A lot of laciira’ Leather Slippers, felt sole*..
.ildtrn of Grvtrife formas, of V*C*- complirattnv
o children
now exbliag bet'
ensM fwylbwMi.
hra It the Vnited Ntate* and Great BrAbla.
mstytadM fteol •>«* mar*tt«m/
Cuba eonlioue to be lav
K party of fire young
extua ot
toward toe insnrgenb. Tbe
sling dawk too Sboiey
bh foroes are defAated by ' r ■*
rht the boU becaW
to •Pftud.
X-W-I—bid . /*d
Bcb grief
in nearly every enoounler.
1 all trera tormrnh
At Washington. I’.wlmaaler General b expired
t>w —
raporl that “i*
Prarl Mnwe and *
tatbWr. MiraPrarl
Wlbon ha* Irauedageneral order Prt>- bravv leader
trader of tbe Cuban*, benaral
all eitle*
eitles and
and towB. hav-^ami, U dylngofteipsam^B.
a Tomitod blooa riding that, in all
. tob
Mira Campbell Ing free delirery p..sbl e
.Farm Noua
bsTU badiT hrnirad.
Arthur pralal system be rxleadMl
&u.e-to-booae eollacUoa.
_________ 4 bad toe flrah
cownlraae of toe department, bo
e^JTtoehilrodBctiaBafbo*- in t
toaaat aalU tartbsr orton «m ba at
Miu'Jiim- Tiiri-aiJ ..
.60c on th* dollar
Boot and Shoe Dept,
.11 the
me wpritf
woriu over
Sgilig^ II
r^pidUw V eoKirs
.toaubm Mato aMy ^ FOim CXTIUCT CO. K FMi *>•
'uda io t
. d Vfwli.. roiihixlin*
Gin* of lh«- finatt import-.
■ei Wiirutesi. wortli^^,
vpwll them at $8.60.
iii^; Iiiit
■ irtriM)
A lol of nil'll'a iiiiFortril
Otford gft'J' Ureha
SuiU. tiorait iu our ato'k.........................................ISAO '
Men’s 22 oz. iBti»)rt«l Clay Woratod HoiU,
Ixvtl made, worth fl6. pow...........------------------- 8JIS
Men'* hJJ wool li<-(vy Twill Saitn, wortb.$l2
............. ................................... : S.S0
lay 11
UusintTSB HuiU........................................... 8.6S
Evary .lay
II niiot Korw-v Ovenxtatr. fiueal made
worth Slit, (hia
A lol of yiiulh'i* tJe-reoBta, 6n<
. 6.60
made, worth f 12. now.__ ....
. 1.76
lot of m''ii'n tfr..y (Kef.vmta..
.•hildjvji’aOwr.. 76c
•• • b.jyi,''lA:^vy L'latori......................
. 8 98
. 76o
uiMiaWm)! working Paata .
lieavy wool Panto. . . . . \SH
H«iti-h Tw.v<l... !.«■
Caps and^Oloves.
W hare a lartp-onidguiDebtof tnen’B.woc
’ nnl> H>d lo tel? i!i-tii al any pru* -t*> ]|«re
■goew -your .-hoire......................................... ............
50 d-jT- ou'ii'* Sctnli Olovra, worth 71a at.
50 tloa. ui-o’* h.tTy. all wool. dooIJo mittaiL
L'aek. rnnh.iOf.—.■onmiagiuirilHee. ....
•ilk plDsh Capa, I
A lot .>f
|)ric- now.................. •--------------A larg>- lot of bjy'a Siyrlcb fJapa, re|piUt
Jiri.-e 4<Jc. now..................................................................
.MfiB’s .Vk- Scotch Cap^ in thia'dtol.. „ ....
■ilk liflU
1 •
baary Lntnbarj
100 .1..Z
The above quotations are only a drop in the bucket compared wltik !
' lU) our bargains. Come and examine stock.
. ■■m thraofb Uw eolana. of joiu- paper
. aerriem. tbe Jodpe wimld
I paid Uto tbe eeaav tnnauiy!
•U7.7S eeeta eolleetad. aad could not!
bare premicd aqy blU to tbe board oti
' euperTtoorul» tbe na^eeata fiw try-
■ S^aSS.SJ'jS'S.'SiiS'S
aolaae»aU.7»«* par^tor Ujeiaa^
tMbUaaa bad eootrol of boU booM
TW wpoblhma paiV waa la powa
Mae of tbe Daily Gtrie tbe eriUapmiTlUete Oily Charter. iBeoordera Court.) by Jodre EamadeU add
utbeiv That* part VBder sritidam
teada a# followa: Sac. S. t, t. 6. «. ft.
Intbaeratplaoalamktaapayer la
>e city and In aereral of tbe country
>WCB and equally ialertated U ^
ItT aad towoahipa. I bate ao pollUI bareaerrad yon
<al aaplrmtloi
AltboupB Mr. Bricner teaetaBatlre of Ula eeptoB be baa been M
fled wtU it alaoa bla aarlleat cbIhU
comiap toTrarena-aiy from Pn
WlU bla pareau la IIST. wbra be
but aU T0.ru olf Tbe eouatry
almoat a erilderweaa. tba
farm, baidp ao Ur apdrt that the looll-
lap tbe lisoaeoa.
la order to pet at tbe principle bere
eabibited and atrike a balance we will
er Kr. deeldad to locate do wha'
ameme tba aaUry- aad oBoa mrpcaaea. U now toowB aa tbe -old Bleele tArra.'
to beBaedalPaUl. ooe-balf of drhlcb
>f Ue moat fertile aad well, cultitba mntylatopay. Tbereforeebarpad rated place, la Ueeounly.butat tbat
wlU P400 aad tbe anm eeUaeted aad
BotieTMB-boU ia tba wooda'
pnld ibto Ua county trenaury U IIR.Tt and lo rtweb U be waa obllped to chop
for try lap »l caam. Now Ue oodaty
eray' Uraapb tbe f.ireat for aereral
la Juatiee Brown e eaae bad to pay for
ea. HereMr. HclUerpFTwnp.and
haad Ibe Tova b7 vUeh tbU UU
,---------- bal It la ianaUTial. It
Mdea^ir by a rapeUicaa «od|
nd a rapaUlcM praaldeBl.
uylap us mar. tbe mm of PeuS.
U^l of aAaeqaral rrraU tba IICKAIJ' bow poorly la before you in
wblnb aum la the reaorder'e court
Mioa« it to baar bai^ sMakro H> (Of nearly ri year, eoatlnued rerideao. cit^'obai^lerplunteaarad.to Ue tazAt tbr tiiaa, boweTcr. It did onl is Uie«mptytaodUob}eel to criUriam imyeim. Added to lb.' umouot qaat
' ' ayi^p as. iB^a fltal plat« It «aa
aa you la your many mlnda may dMTer. paid to Uecoboty makaa a total
arall aadnatood.
Hone isosttaa aro U'e are all free moral areau. and it la
(VI SO. Ro after tba cooaty payi Ur
(be Itnaui made it ctaar that tlirrr well that we do not all tbiifk. aee or do , lurt .alary of S400 fbere reaialna
waa BO raaliaation of tbe traa tDeaoloc
a. tbe old
>a tardll of UccOBliapeal fond Ue
aad iBleot bl the Ua. Thb wmid la'dlao’iald. -Tbe white arna mi^t' tmof (IV3 tu.
-aaaa atimace on«. a»d aocb a tblw
-aat my aqnaw.'
Aad tbi. ia not alt. it poca MdUpolmid Dol Ball be. bat it aboald be reUunbiieua I amVmpooaible mocc^tban ^4b*tu like aarinp will be efpcrjeacambeeed ibat at that tiaic
ny other penuo for tlUe £4, Uboird1 ia eoala madefy oUer court offleeiu
thtac aa tbe allrer d^lar was aeioarf -r'a court, harlar been omployid la
"A proof of Ue poddinp la lo cbew
icmra la buaioaaa aSalia. For clcren wrillnr and .cpmpUiBr tbe Traeerie inpUeatrinp." Take Ua boardlop ot
^Mia prior to.la-rs tberr had beea abeo- 'City Charter.
priaoarra at Ue county jail and comleUl7 ad oola la eIrmUlloa. oor
of keeplop Uem tor Oct..
before aubmlttins ilUe £4 for tba
. (bva aer aotil aU fean after, la
latklentloo of tbe charter committee Nor. and Dec.. I«us—three moatba '
‘wbeo aperia pa^oieaU were iraoBrtl
I 15 re^aeautire membera. I gare
Ur charter waa In opermtioa—•
•furanceteea year, of paper aioary, tbe aobjecl and coaicnu moch tbotaghi Ue eorreapondlnp
lUa (K-l-. ,Kor.
aolaly. rarUier than thl>..tbe allrer
iblaUd by any aelOab moUre or and Dee.pl*V4.ooeycurprerii
dollar waa eeeer kaown aa a clri-oUlto And fault with
ud Ue followlop ahowlnp; that
Ur BodlaiBOBlU after the lent
Trurerue City oribeoouBty of which four hnndrod and .alzty-eipbt day*
data. H«. From J«3 to WW fdrre Ue city n-preoenu 4i per cent of lU
baea Iraa thaa nuMi.oiO allrer dol.luBlioo. I waa Uen and am now InUn etdaad, aad tbear^acattrred over
mat to Chicapo Helpfala
wbuie they rueeire Ue flaal poliablnp.
etc. Ho flap machlaaa hare a edac
ity of ^'t.opo a day. aad Ue oUer m
chine* are equally up to date.
At pruacat allpht fore* of .oaly
ea U amployed. but a Uule Itfer tb*
amber will gna up to Uarapulor 17s.
Mr. BalUer irin pot la t.OM.OM feel
of hardwood and 1.000.000 feet of beatlock lop* UU winter, tbe lutwr bclap
oae^^alaly la Ue local
About ayeur apo Hr. ^iiner moerd
to Tra*erae City, oeenpylap a flee luuidrauf 00 Ue corner of State and
atreeu. WhUe Mi^ Beltner and
younpeal daopbler derote
Ue borne. Ue two >
Mlaaer'Minnie and
faUer’a -'ripht hand men" at Ue fac
tory, koeplap Ue boukt and altendlnp
toUe peaeral bnainraa. lo <saa of' '
abaenbe or tllncea tbey could curiy
w* aa wyll aa any mill atan
Uc legion. atUoupb they hae* oelUer
of Uem rewefaed Ur aPe of twentyntoe.
If Uere are any girl* i%U* aUle Urir
equal* In mill- knowledge Uey are yet
to be.beard from. WiU capable aaaUlaata. Ue beat ba>dobod mill in the
klate and a eauatanUy Froninp boal-
3. B. dark w Blm ElabnU. uM of
TbeW. H. H. S. wUlmuet'wlUMn.|b**a from Elk Baplda attmdad
>U I* aad20.ktockD.. LamW OoU
Ouorge Downer a waek from Tburaday.. body. Hr. (lee Icareaa wU* and tour add. w Fife (oke-fiM. Feb. a. AU ate iariled W attend.
| child
! J. a Ofwm WH. ECUdd.iomiU a
7>ere«lUb*a meuUngofall intar-|.rUl .
in Uulr'^**>*^ block IS. KorU FUe Ukncotad In Sunday aebool work W foemu aonow.
unkm for UU eouaty. Tucaday, Jan.W. :
fteal Eauta Tranaiu^
TboJanWr Eadaaeor to^ tor nazl!
SaedayU, "How doaaOod help ua
kow akould we. help Oodr- Loa
BdiU Miller.
Tbey were m ebllled before j
they could be pot eat Uat Uey hod to ,
Oeorge Wculcfa went to A
Hr* Jo* Hawley UTUiUpg relatlTm
irue.ua9£r«twlcckiar -U^edpe
•TO a> miM. Tiimd eU u!mm
, uiiiA>iTriaiiian>**Tt«rume4
> ia« WUrrauM lUrw all
Lucy J. Cunla toUaoegla A. Mein-1
Lowell Sour* and Oeo. Caryu drpee
ilr*Wll*onOf South MUloe I* rielt-’ Edward (Sllray to Jarnw
log bar daughter. Mr*. Jobu Wealch.
of mSee. *3, T
X. K
• had Ueia
.VMl Mot
W lau|««..
Feople of thi* oommunily wrre „f w . of aw v. of eeb.-Sw •' T’-V
.backed mriy Salosluy' momlnp to B i5 W. Syinp X -f t
hear of the .nddeO death of Thoaao. < louph -■ff' nw:«'
IWkSu .
fiwr daya WlU UequUtytmtwa. get- Andenon to If. II. laios
. bik l«. TUri
ting-belter and waa able lo be out fily $v-0.
a^lo. when he auddenly died eaile.
Saturday moriiieg (hi. firrty-firat birth-, part><f lot II,
da,,, auppoartlly from heart trouble. add-.A-'"
Tb* IntUint* Papan
publiahed mcial of Ue p-r--- --------Uat were read at Uc Farmer*' la.ti
totcin Utl^Bty. In Ula way It aided to an immeoM degree U.- brnrflt to i gjr
be drrired Uerrfram. not more by pie-1 .
iag them to hundred* who could not
attend, but by placing Uem In (uru> Ui >
uontlnue doing gnuo a* long aa mra
lallwrad Uem.
It waa an laiuie that
would Ire well to praoerre.—K<>.’
)r>l<lri Knlfr/irUit.
Tbe Hr.Kaui Aimplatca. tbit week.
Ue .loatltute paper* and haa been
proud to me Uem. Ulebigun ha. Ue
moat Intclligeol abd practical farmeS
in Ue units and Ue trraiid -Troeerae !
region leaM Michigan.
period of elrhtr yean, bad atrer bee
wn. usiTzn.
girca eireolatioB to an appreriablr dr- cily aad eapecially pood Bnaaclally •diwrrriaot*. ahow. tb* coat W. be
ima. It la Bot ao much_a woi
anm of $1*7.20. uad for Ills I
for Ue taz payer* la Ue oouat;^ at
ook bU flrat l«Mnt in Ue woodcraft
UNO, that proper thoarht aad
of $5».»0;aaurinplu three mooUif
bat waa later to determine hU oourae
armBOt flTOn ao Important kma^
OT^$ISB.40. or In Ula oor item alone
n life and make him a proaperon. mau:l
aa tbit im bUbproradafterward lo^'
than eaoupb to paj,Uc oad-balf
I Ue rceSWar'a oonrt. there ia ao'ma'
. ^
-tta wpobllcan party reallaed tta ’
lerLal dlffcreooa from Ual of Ue elec ofrecordpr'teoartaaiatTandoUcr '
In IM. be went to lirmnd Ra|dd>
, take. Uter. and piwUeal free.-duiaare tion of Jualice of Ue pmee. ElUream ddental ezpaimea..
ofallrorwaaplreB IhecoilBtry. A
madidly beliere Uat by tbe ayw where be ateyed for two year* perfect-'
elected by Ue Clectore of Ue dty la
lop himaelf In the mbloet trade. '
pabileae preaideat alraeaTBb, Wll la which theoDunlry town* hare no rolce.
pUd by UU title
hUbetum ia l-70be'bullt a little
laTrproridior for not leaa tbao ptAWi
juatiee will be meted
Judpe lor four yearn, one of tbe 3. F.
at what w*. attererard known a. I
•WaUeer purehaeea per month, and
of Uejuw In a far more
-for tour yenr*.
.lx mile. Cduth'o! Ur city.
' , mehlhma ptealdent alraed the bill in
Uio judpe of Ue rocor..er-. eoort nomicul maonbr than Uroupb Ue
»XK n.inwtwcoty-one of iwo year* ago. he began
perfurma hU duliea for a Szad aalary, Uce court* and that th* ta* payer*
maoufacture of chair alock.'
' moatb. Kelween
andhaabzelurire jurUdle- be tbormiphlyaaliafled with Uem^nrr
Tbu* Uee. of Elk Uke. died ol Inart
tlmr Dulblnp waa thought o
oolaafe of aUrer dolUm waa. iewi tbuB
lerimlBaIeaaea.aebSec. i-i. of flziop tbe aalary etc. after a year'*
dimaae last Friday nigb**
•»,I»I,000 la ealue; between l»T» and AU coata. flora, etc-. Impciaaa by aald trial, aad I am willlop'tc place myaeji Uiked of in the weat bot.pinr. but
.Neil HurrbuD bad four cow. ren
record to Ue rffeccl Uat one Uq^- -y>n>pbollu mind took In She changes
act rrUlaad by aaid- oonrt.
Uat Ue year* would b'riap; aed be
rer by Ue l ::.S ifpin laav Tborwlay.
Doperquialtca lomld oSlec) aad dollar* yearly will be aared lu Ue
Mr* C. S: MclmugbliB b eUlUag brr
waa not only tb* flrat V> begin work
of four year* orer 4be foi
.Id into Ue county treaaoiy.
IniUc ricielly ofTorrb Imke.
cflafal tender allrer baa.wbollyo.
year* prerlou* In jBailor eoort, la t
tJeo. Frink-an 1 wife, of ElUwofU.
barawood ludiutry of Uk acelion of
When apaele paymeau wrre aaepi
>e paaee perform Uelr ridental court ezpenaeu lot tbe bai
frlmida'tn onr town Ub weekUe country, but tar wa. aluo Ue ~
ta»«. the total amount of .llr*-ol uimllar duMea for tbe coate amtrned euminpa of Ue Uz payera
S.lHortoD and wife, of Shep
man to abip hardwood to Ue t'bl
■all deDomlaalioba In clreulatioo
H. D.'Cawi'Btiz.
when paid aa a perpard are TiaillbgBl Ji.l. MclsagblinV
oarkeL At that time Uere wa
batatew million dollan.
Ian. all
almoat ea-. qnirite. All coau not paid la aaid court
Repair* will beginSoou oa Ue CbemaUtioa near bia mill and ereryUlnp
■ Uiely miner eoinagiiU
toil, •
when tbe
la toil.
audited and allowed by Ue board.
al Worka to get Uem in shape to
o be lAuled to Uc depot at .Trar.
|c of aUrer doQara wia'igaln a
aperTbat* aad paid out of Ua eoname City, but later a .UUon, Aral .tart in the iprlng.
tyooatippeal fund.
ec. 11. A. Kelwy. pwuar.
\oown a* UelUer. and afterward
W'diter Stirling baa luiuraad from
- UoB. tba total aaeaat of allrer la. dr"A penny eared la worth two earn
SabtaU aebool. S:45 a. m.
changed to Keyatunc. wa* mude on Uc ifla<t.t0De.Wtarrr be baa been woriilag
: ealatfam waa. in romd aumbere.
ed." All eoeUU Ue-reeorder'e eoprt
Mc^np for worubip. 11 a. m.
^eara later Ur aU- on Ue turoace being bdill there.
li. RAM
MOAIW. only aboot WlOOO.OOO tem than
iuto Uc (city) county treaanry
Junior meettnp S:0» p. mr
^UbUUed on- Ur
Xgna of wood b eomiag to the' fnrUuO of llel
coeu lo a juallce oonrt are reBudearor meetiap. S:3U p. k ,
acenow. ConductorCampbell brought
Krat year Ue tdi>l
UlDcd by Ur jnatice or paid to him
ETenlap iroiublp. 7 p. m.
TolbaShibBo. '
1 a tralnoT 40 can-one algl]t. daring
atarled tAu mre wCre employed,
Uroopb Ue board of anperrlaort'from
but Ue luuine. iorreaaed ekpkily till lo ibc puat w(irk.
^becouDiy ttuaaary,
- I hare baea aercnly erlticlaed for
Jake Hducia, while trearieg Elk
iDoaJ lala^oftbe judpe (rf
Topic for Ue IWdraecd meetinpq
tbe atand I took at tbe aUeer eonfer1-ukc lu»l Sunday wiU one ot Ulirer
reoorder-a xmrt ia.flzed by Ue <
-La^oreratopeUerwltbOod." Leader.
•aca.bddat tmaalag oa Jaa. 1«. l««e.
rd lo the earnest aoUclUtion of hU Fewer*' Uwm*. broke Uroogh Ue Icr.
Slim herUsH. Wats*. ChrUtiao Enbat before elartlof out to eapluU 1
Xo life, were lost.
tire-men of Utcit^ceouatyi who rep- deUTor Day.
want It diaUaeUy oadentood tbul 1
Tc are baring beautifal'winter
plant to ita premnt loeasioa. which i«reaent nearly one-haUof Ue tazabir
u ate eordially inrited to dtlend
arapablkaBBad l^rebeen ereralacc
>Uer aad tbe tanners are making
.leatioo of Ue whole evuaty. and U«w aerricee. Cbarcb comer of Oak clude* tenaemof TBlaable land bof
I eraa old enough to eaat a ballot, and.
dering pn Boanlmau lake and croaied good nsr qt It by galling Ueir Wood
Uey are anppoaed lobare equal intelli- and Fifth atneta.
momorer. nerer roted for butane dem____
by tjie U. E A 1. and C.-A.W M. and log* marketed.
• wiU tbe eame number ot a
oetal or any other party. U my life. 1
There b hopes Uat Ue Elk Baplda
Hr built blL factory
the eouaty town* who m^
A Sunday School waa otpanl^ In road*
Borur eoagbt for aa ofBce or aerer ezVrugreaa will make greater pfugri'i* in oy
Ue board of aupenriwa*. and'piea tbUebuteboo WaahinptoaatreeiSun traniferred alf the Bachinery from
peet to.
Wbal I am lookiar for U tbe
the f^tnre than it ha* la Ue past.:
judpraeul upon Uejualicnof Ue peace, day by B. Andenoo. UatarUont wiU Baitaer and bad Ur plaat ia full oper
b^ IntereaU of the American people.
ation in OO da]-* from Ue lioe be made ■They are Uc proed ^nmeaaon Of a new *
aecount of ooata. etc., and it would iwenty-tw;o member*.
luncaid to tbe formutlon of a
Ue flrat more, f.s'.r; waa hi. unlucky power proea w;IU a eapaciiy ofl.w.i W
but fair to eonrede to the boaora' CBCBca Of CKUifT lacintTtzrl
party to be called tbe Amerioaa. t
print. Bpr hour. Ibr power b a Cli-.
eplalator* of Ue prml lUta 01
MeeUop* are held eeery Sunday *f- year, fur in April be waa thrown from
were two reaeoaa
Fint. I do not bemax water motor and U Ja.t mnkes,
bia carriage at bis bumr in Heitne
MIebijran aa eqial amonat oTcommon
cooBned to the buiiae for user three Uing. bum.,
in paaalnp tbe Trarertc City
charter without chanplDp a word, era- worth atreeta. In lien of 'paator. ua mouth* While atill unable to be ouv
>d to tbelradnolare politically.
OB Aug. H. LI'S. Ue facbiry caught
h^Wtora. two reader* are Heeled—
. ao that tb^ may pet control of the
(M Sec. «,%rhlcb pnAldea
tbe flrat reader rcadlop from tbr,IUbk.
Rer. C. W. Cbaae prcaebi-d at Walton { ^
bcooad. I would uek.
ilnery. tbr only thing meed last Saaday and\ will probably do ao |
half of Ue recorder'. aaUry ahall be
tbe teoond reader from Science
bow caa a llfe-lony republican, who bepaid by Ue ooualy of Uiand Trarerue. and HotlU (the CbrUUan •Science text being SSu.lwu f(«t of lumber. Tlie Irni
lleree eatiraiy ia Ur protretion of AmtdS.ouu. wiU only tlu.ow inwr.
uideratJon of aerriere to crimlaal book). Habject for next Sunday: “True
Rer* I-ei-,cb'»d Balgooyer are hold- ’ 0
! ericaa ladpatriee. eolo e democret tiekWith.Ue
and that aaid recorder .ball pay Forpireneaa."
Saa^y aebool foUow.
log apwbl eerrleea at Summit City i A
. Ot. even tbough Ury laiert a elircr
way* been oae of hi. chief cbaracteria- with coeauraging resulta.
pUak U Ueir BethMal platform, that
tic work waa rommenced aa soon aa
The mild wcaUerand Ue fiacaleigh-,^
would reach tnm Dan to Benbeba?
cold, and In jn.t aizty Ing arq glring tbe logger* a flue oppor
orcr to Ue eonuty treaaoeer. aee See.
And for that nma it u^ema naekna to
daya,Ue tacloo waa In ruBolugorder. tunity for Ueir work and Uey are ImJudpe Ratpadell aayu: -'The qnmticw
church waa
me for a coat
bigger and better Uan.b.fore.
oring It w
' oomplieb anythiu U altber of the old lanutaatopreaenteznenae. It U UU: panited SS yeay* ago Feb. L 'It U
If Ur IcyiaUture by charu
df Ur pioneer iBiUtutiona of Traretee Briloei haa nerer forgotten Ue klndereuing Ez Lir
riday ere
ymrtlra. Tbe remarki of Uen. Wi
. Wigki Ulddl^ of CodUlac. {^
amde on tbe z:nd day of January. !»«: piwer a city to elect a rerpeder. aad flz City.- Tbe aereletu' Sunday will be of
dclirur Uc
e Ulrd
Ulr^ lecture of
i at VaUiaptoB, were true to ailarge anamount o'f V.ot» in retmlldl^ Ue aebool mninr.' Tb* .fepuUtios of
I taut and cnoDol be denied,
prepared by Mr* M. E C. Bale* Tbe plaav
weaker eauw* oa to anucipat* a rich
i trbieb be aaid tbat boU bid pariJea of that aalary. It can empower a city to church held lu flrat meeUnp* utHr*
aay other oral! of lu oflieetu. aad
llruitai repiWDUUr* riaited tbe
i, bare tbe Uner temple llaed wlU pold.
Butea- girlhood home.
Hr* Bate* be.
Uc connty to pay < m-ball Ue beeu actleely couneeted wlU Ue factory Ul» week and fo'und it hnm! IwoQlddoaUll tartberlack to King compel Ue
church from lu inluncy.
Her addrem
, eolomnn'e time.
will be hiatorical and ramlDlacml. All Uemaelrea nre well worU a word. Tbr
pal U true, prorided Ue a
^Botooly lined with pold. but
ateewedUlly InTiled.
eeKea beaeflu Uereby. aeo
main factory I* fnzl75. two *torie*
: pUlan were made of tbe came pew
At 7. p. m. Uc aerrlor will be mainly
onort rrporu. IS M.. pope SSI. when UU one of penonal leatlmooy. a* lo wbat ^ae£ 17 fret bigh. -Tbe lawmill la two
omtaL Uowdldbeoblalneneba
Cbriat and Ue ebureb are lo each one. alorle*. 40z6u. The brick boiler
r year* oW. k
amoont of tbe e^pe
e^pae to eompleic tbe qpeatlan waa aettled
Coau prepared -to Ukr can.
b etzc.t. with p 10 foot
wallaT Waa It by purchaae? We my
Tbe Suaday School lemon U Luke a two story stock theJ »x7u. A
Ledge Xo. SSI I. O. U. T. held Ueir
•a. ta order to obtala power by i
S:I7:M. Read Ur Itaaon at home.
TSe jodpt further tay*: -ThU U uot
E. meeting at S p m and 4beae bnlldlog* bare troo roof* aad annual eUclIon Uat eeuBlog with, the
be aflfbt ooeroe hU eubjecta. be
coaauraeted of Ue bearieat and foUowing rewnll;
Ue Y. P. S. C. E aerrlee at S:tS p. m.
riti l*baiaob'edaufhlce. which pare all." abd refer* lo See-,
Ti^ie. -Laborer*to^Uer wlUUod."
material. A year ago a ebat lit
Cblcf Templar-Rer. Jamr* I-eltob.
" him power to lery any tribute oa bia ■It UUe principle and not the paltry
IVij-TT meeUnpt^ ermlagat 7 p.
tle twoToom oilicc, wa. Irnilton BallVice Tat iplar—MbaC. Maud lyooi
people be daw fli.
1 do not wUta to be mm already demanded tbat I am- m.
Sobiect. 'Slur work and ifod'.
Fin. Sec r—John Seboob
' BTcnne. Tbe power that operwork.- heml I Cor. 8:a-v
wadentood that we toelay are lerMcl demn."
Bee. Sec__________
Home Bible reading* and drToUonal
Ue plant b gcaerated ia four
Yon remember wbeor bull pond tbe
-epon la the mme way aa waa done in
Harahal—Xcd Tripp.
meetUn piU be beldat W. tY.SaiU'a. large'l-oUera which rim Ureaeagiae..
-oz. SoiaUU cue It makmadifferUnard—foaepb Farraut.
tbcac daya. bot UMfecU the
cor. EiphU and Wadawortb ftreeU. led
It-ia abated tact tbat a large anoa la Ue legal pntrwrioa wbeiber by 1‘rot C. U. Horn, and at F. A. Earl'. oaefortbeuaw milMne for operating
i-odge Dep^^leo. L. Froi
Uca be tried ander lillc 24 bbt
on Waablagtoo atreet.
Attund Ue tbe chair nod curiata pole drpan^canvotor
Troa*-Hba Alma Jnne
meeting AeareCt ypn. Bring your RJ- menu. and a small one fur Uc dyna
Ue aumber of maea that
let* bold Urir poaltioa Urpely from
Tbeir eocYeat wUI be decided Ub;.
Read Luke. Sth Kapler. AH mo. Ue clectririly Uat .llghu tb*
ramped dp under tbe old plaa.
Ibcdr raat waalU iaataad of fitnem
are mrneaUy inrited lo Ucoe home
wackand Uc demtion followed by g '
'*N>u^ be futile fvamuo of marked
judpuia alaadpolnt to dlreat Ue iueord- “iS^dUa'A
aWUty to azpccl to pet elUer pmli
eunrryorymrriea all Ue aawdibt to the
cr'a court of. juiiadlctlon orer all cris- day In
■nlam be bad a larpe amonat of mo
Brea qnder Ue boiler. .
apalnat Ur ataW law*, or gmm.
to back him la Ue BBdeKakiup. Wbal
. ■
1-4 to 1-2 off
£ fc"
TBE cauBcasB.
S-U-bl. D.T OObd., Cup-t ud OloUUt Boom,
I aaf, 229, 231 FRONT ST.,
Of Books and True Friends
again on oUcr Sunday*
Our star* b ao Urge you can surely And aduneUing to suit, and It wlU
eiUer bea new friend, oron old btasdin a nawdraa* Uyou learn ona thing
aacb day and rumsmber it, wisdom Isn't far away. . Laarn today to call on at
-to buy from <m. It will be wisdom on your part, and a maana toward furiberwiadem. 'Onasiuarter oFlDr a short whUs longer. Drop U and look o*or
our book*
Si Use the Best
I and don’t pay 60 cents extra for the privilege of
I using 60 pounds of water and call it "bread. We
“(-Is guarantee our Best flour every flay in the week
and 62 'weeks in Ihe year.
-that be proaecule much caiea and brtnp *“|Sr' Bridge Bonder* t»ct Tueaday
tYt------ would a pour 'man atand.
tbwvh be awed hand aad aboutder* hU bill od.couU before the board of an- ereuing at Mr* Brooer'*
to te! audited and allowed tay
aboru bUpppoueut
alter of
wbateeer Ue
Walm aad oommon i
The republican fmrtyaa It nowataadajauch
may.br able w petufop
haa a pruat ORiortaBUy before It. | Uyoupb. to be paid from tbe conUn_ crening..
n adranee
Snnday tcbooIain:S»* m.
•UoUermU Uey-would Insert a free : be tualloe by repreacnUl
obw pUnk in Ueir platform Ualitatro^lly Sec. v df UUe
aad aee If g.. * z w
eroaldaaUafy Ue free ailTtr element otjtazatiki^y repreaenutlon U not fairly I
Epiaoojml eharch *«retc«a Sspday.
Ume : aad juaUy embodted Uereln.
Feb. 2nd. Uraeechnrefa.moralagarrr- $^lr own party, aad at Ue
- -'bolycommuntoolOtSO. BeenWtSafyUe trae aileer element In Ue:i "1 know of no way of Judging of Ue >,
e:Ma. m.
Aamocratlc party.
1 know of many futare bal by Ue post.r baa recelred notice
ee of Ue
i who bare Imdi AadtolUna*---------------------------------. !..
oU Ume <
iUnatiate wiUont
goiug into
r blUop'a
Irak trade and buud Imalng gurdeDliig. larmtrrg or buUdlug cHjr ttlU
r«onljwnlUngfornaopf>ortqD>-|.ka)l*l •
»! l oioo chai •
a for Uc-dooe ia Juatio* Beowa'* oi w la prate-; day
.whool S,.
aadUatftreze^ cuUug offeadcraof Ue peual -Uwaot''iuA
U UeeeaerTior*
ir other aatloB can beato^w. Ur aUlr during Ue year
_Bqaarteriy meeUag of the
Spec any ladiridnal
1 would hare the Trureiw City charter b
be held lu f
$baae (•adidataa ezprma tbaiArlee* eroUey. to wIl, S^ 2S. It
erpod 'ebupel oommiwelag termeu
prurlmi to Ue cnSTesUoc. ua that wlU 2S. UBS.
eroatag aad cooUauSag o*ur Ue 8
r .|
^fusL pnbUca ehnnea in wlacUaci' ThntuwMdnriacUatparMotUM b^
Louie Xaabb quit* alefc.
rk. /
mill bUe flrat point of InWc atT.bsriag eury nloe
Intcreat lo ritit.
A Sfo. 1 qaaliiy of
Hr* Briltoo b stOl oa tbe
tM awk lb*
flooring da mode bere. oely Uc eery
beat part of Uc log. beiag naed. Tbe
Elsie Cbancc .bad aqsl
lul^la^ad- (
real b pul IpU chair; atoek. erei
A. FoSer atumdad
In SMee ' 4
alabt and edgiag* beiag nUllzfd.
Tbe entire gsonad flour aad balfot
Hr. Hebert aad Oim Enamt «
^ aeooad Boor b onraplad by
andUemarbieeryb Cedto Sunday.
Klteben was .a Tcmveim
tbe eery tel aad tatept tet Ue s
There, b a gearraJ ia- i
alon that ttoUing but stock -for | KuaaaU Fbhcr did biiMniac In Tr«*-;(
contrary Ur material b turned out for: Adam Ballinger wua a .iaitorat Bte[|
almoat eeery Itlad of chall Ual Ute b dldrtlllc Wedueaday.
loUemarkaU lacludiugroekeraraUab | ^ F. Vfaite b atWbdlag U« Frtmda'!'
-------- -I------•------- matMaatoi
Stock bahlpped mainly to Detroit. Chl-1 enpy UcBarruyplaeu.
and JoUct wber* Ue ebarri arc' Kamls Oorrln. of Cudar, rialtad a
lUcrand Bobbed up Tb* wood Mr. Hebert's over Suaday. .
Looim Hahn wlU aUnad aUaal a
fi*aaoala U* not ot tkc wiator.
E BUby b aow oo}ariac Ua ban
Hannah & L^y Go.
Something for Nothing
............To-ix seld-oxn.
' yet thAt is what we give you. A oicc Needle Caee snth assortment of
’ calendar combined, with every purchase free. We also give you all F
bird off.
j Friedrlcli Bro* old store.
TraTCm Olty, IIlcli. ]
Jan- r. to balp eelabraU — -----ta^to^blribday. Tha a»«Bii*.waa
TOfy plaaaa^ilT apant IsplaylBrBaaAa.
padra aad danclay. Tha miife waa
faraiabed by >'nok Harrlll. Utos dllrr and Haiyy surer.
The Mnalcaj-Utermry Oob mat w^tb
Mlaa WUhalB laat ‘aanlB( asd Kara a
ud D. r. Cftmptell Miradad thru- fiaa Chopin preciamUap-yrar panlra >ara baKno. and
m»l neeUnc of U>e Onad Lodf* V. A.
ill nra from thl. Uma on. Thara
M. «t 8»fia»w thU wotifc.
aa a >olIy ioaallbf party on
li i
im' s . s
,»h.: 4; ™
State Bank.
tared ARB for J. VT. BanDofc
the oatployao. On the mat «Uy Elcblaal MoitU of Ewi Bay
tlrnek by ■
UlliDC Itmb «bU« eboppiq«
voodk. and bli arm fractortd.
rvb Kindly add> ito mlu I
orriosMt rmtTj a
in MlcblgBa baa the’
earn of tte people aad the repoblkas party more than be. Mr. HaaBhb would honorably ropreaeht-the
pabllcaaaof bla aUta. aad tha party
would honor Iloelf by aaloetlBK t^n.CVnlnil toi^ TurtA.
A W*BK or twoncothe Hr4ULu noUe-
rtparta. Cbarl
ClrouWlo.i this week 2,300.
OtmubU ofTtMUya Banm-
. XlWatton Ml Oowraf Set*.
I "7“;t ■r'r'
oy 11.
eraolDf capu V. K Johoaoo'a boapiu- DO preat
P™*‘ *T
'*■ •
la home at MapUloa waa thrown opaa The pn^ram ia ai follcm:
HOBic..qaariatle. ladby Dr. dayder.
s a party of yoaoK folka from tbc city.
Mm. J. L.
Tur5i> Mrjf'acll'B.
Trk tat Br* alaiin iDooamber<M Tha martial of thr 'fcoBK Mao» Llbba.
'Mk»wMtei»odatS:Wo'clock HoBda^ Cinb aaam to be yrowia* ia
a of To-day."
iBf b; Uie beralBC of » chk^
a each m'oMh.
thair go\6*B aroddlDK.Kaoday aad tbrir
oUfriaodarin the city hara bora
EoBKOtalatiDK tham rrer alnoaN,
! i.
1l»f« .iriU be a ro^> temperabra
maeliBK bald nadar the aeapicaa of tba
\V. C. T. r.. at Elbfmiy ball, nait Sab.
day at tbrea o'clock p. m. An iatoreatlOK prarrma baa been' prapaird aad
roll baa boo aacured aa lataraat wltli
Mr. HaatiBKa la the baalaraa and wUI
of Trerat^ City. Mr. BuKbee will sire 1
ail attuUoa to the b '
K. fur the prebeat,
laaat, at Sparta. Mr. tIbKbae baa bera,
.for aere4] yeora a,p)aBbar of the ataU
board of pharmaiv aad la preaideat of
tha board. It baaalwaya been hiaway
UkaanaeUmlatemtln the bual.
aeM aad pnbKe affatra of bla town
.aalBcaa maa of Trareraa City will
Kira him welcome, while he aad bb
family will prore a ralnable ariditv>e
Trereree Chy aodal clrclea. They
DdA. Hr. pad Mm Dr.
opaardwllb a paper byCaahler C. A.. • ^
of the Plrat XatloDal Uaak.
Rt^markalby Hra. .Fmak liamlltoa
00 KaUonal Baoblac. i>« deecribed la aad Mra. R. A. Campbell- oar dtolrkt
' preaideat.
Hqalc by qaartatte. .
KenrdictloB. Her. li. S. N’ortbrap.
I*. C Ullbert followed wlthaneicel
at paper ua PlaadinKaod l-rartk-a.
tayloK iurcea on the haportaace of effertlea plaadaK. »blcb ia an aaeeallal
x'oood Soy and a Oood SCaa. ^
ia court practice.
(l-^The'rr were many Of our u^dar cH
. The laat paper waa br W. 11. I'mlor. nraa whoar, hearto were todchod with
uo Comnmrclal Imw- Itia ii
teadar memorlm when >he neha
wired a week ago that
u Freak
aec in the batiaeae wdrld. bainK
eery brlpfnl.
Thr praKTBBi waa a .pi^tlcal
frobibeKlBBlnKtoCBd, and waatlatenad to with deep intareat. Sour
monwot of bia dreth. The c
umaa wcn.added t^ the slab mao
prolaibly acute
waa bora in .Treeerae C'lty April;:
wuUAa't I i.ra.
but a boy wl
g Woman'eClnb bald a martlaK
8. C. Fuller, mnored w Florida,
Friday p m. Ob accoanl of tha an- but bad woB the name of '*tlie beat boy
pleMaatnaaa of the day the dtleadaet-r
la Trererae City." and be waa a manly
fvUow aawell. Ilia after life fulAfterap>aBoduetb);Mlaaaa neajw
brief reecae of the Stuart fam.ly, of |
Freak', father.
eatrence into lircat I
. lion. I>. C. Twach aenda from SpriafIXcld. Mliwuuri the foilowloK Iritale to
' hla memory.'
-Freak Fuller. 'Ulite Freakle.'
lower—prices won’t.
51,50 for W-Ihat* What
we are offerinh' on |mes of
colftred shirts which we-will
close out entire-- now and then
mUsins ,m.ll.in6
wronc about tliu,»-t«o collars. extra guffs, 'handsome
goods. ‘
I’ricMon our Ayopen's \Vrai.sand Winter Weight I nJerYdear haie b^n
o the lowest de^lw. .As this is the case it's |>oor jtolicj for you to ionger de
weaf. thinking you will get it
lay the purchase of that warm yluak or hca\'y-'i
cheaiwrjatcr o
Lines, colored fronts onlyi _
lot handsome laundried gu^s^ 1
sold for'from
verj' popular just now-- goinj
for 7(jc.
, AVonien’s
One jot laumlricd whiic-|f|
shirts at Si.i5-price stamped; M
on each shin by nianufactiircri ^
-all sues. Will dose for v<pc.TT
■ You. madam. who'hivc to count.
,^a)ur dollars and )ifiy centses can-fiiUy' ym^ price.'. Come now! what's y«jur
prii-rf $.;.75 W a I'fir Capei'S.tAM
AJiotber Lot
well-known slitrts lines rtlat .
we will uo longer carry sold
for$i.a?, cTioiie for ycfc.
, ■ i'
One Lot
Pant sale
One dollar.and fifty ccni ^ qq
Underwear ,
■tu dl
L Ftaigcto Lltoreiy Aocidy held'ud '
a pacaliarly lortumto cir- hktj I^Hlt lt» M M il 11«| tit Cat
r»Taear be took oat ma aecideat
----------. policy yretreday moraiag.
klghly aataamM mreibere to eary pleaw day al^t vrith a caretaUy {
good lor only U^ooe day. bat wbicb c
4m to tha ladka of the dab. who are
will pay Urn AI& a maak ap to a tUw
AD joMly proad of Dr. BoBaateal. Il
temaThr A wi*rea«" ah naMmrM. man UaUtodtaraA9«i<araaha.
i)aBis of the last 6 wWoeks’-sales, every
j •
CUtter lllVOlVed lH OUr
Clearing I
still on.
5«i i-ents. I his sort will w'car as
wcli. probably,,.^ is a little coarser
and contatiis a little more cotton than
the 7.'?v «»>rt.
Wetken of the atek aa ncellcmt halfteaa.ot'Ilr. Boaeatbal-Thominac.
M Trereree aiy Womaa'a dab. Tbto
7:; < »-ms. •Hecn selling what nine'temhs of the people call “all W'ool”- -.
ibut are rnaily al»oul «5 per'cent. cotjibn forSi.uo now they-an-7,cc.
fora viarm'. Uylish Cloak or tacket.
• is as low a it's safe to iHTl'in. I' l
there on we ll giv ypu real help.
model boy
^ri-rywhere. DuriBK
form the BriUah paVllameal. aad the
tVebater atreet.
that he attended urbool in I'ret- unlauiidfied shins of superior ^
h t.y HtM. h
erec City there waa neree a mark niolirv- !hu\-» btt>av'.i solil tor ^
Tai Patoakey^Eeoord fa&a
itaalfln Ita effort' to do full }o»Uceto
OKaioat him tor abaeace,
id told of thr^vlKia
the lalaau of oao of Petoakey a proctl- thr Whie and Tory partiea. lh.e deriva bad cooduet. It la aume thirteen yeora Si.oo. lAvelve to liftecn dozen
yoaac druKKlrta.
Mr. LAitca'a tion gt their aaraea. .the relation . exUL
of these w'e tyll offer for a
'that he never oubrrrw U
frieada la thb city will be latereated la
limited time only at <xiciUK StweeO them, the cbaaBe tewbl
. buvbood dayai la fart aueb a
the tollowloK: t'Tbere baa
about br the French Rerulullon and Icoeld become uolbifiK lem U
bibltloB la the dray etore of Rarrell A the ttnal auballtulioa of the
Lake, few a week paat. a remarkable
palatiBK aaUtled "The flulUof-Andaf<”7iFnllerr tf the world waa full of them
loalB" Admired by maey. the
The above are all of su
Mra. Curtia iu a ,«>er on l'>od.m .
ty of the artiot bvauppreeeed 1
aub Lift- referred briefly to the earlier ;
formatloB that tha work la that of H. -riadoa clulw-cf one of which !»ir tVa|.,
Ualelrh waa the orlKlaator. with !
quality aodworknuinship
Aaa. 0«mabaa»o«ielo Qdeaco.
^ool Notea
Arm. aad wbee thii fart b<
The three Teacbera‘ Normal 'claaaet
•Soa. ao. ODVaLLtolbUaalar tU*' kaowa tfaroBKh the llaoard. mi
Aarted tbia b-rm are proeiaK to
Mr. Laka'a trieads will go aad taka
more eeprelally of the dub. of auevepa. orer 1" UklnK adyjata,- .
aaolber look at It. Mr. Imka h ar. KtaaBunu CVuua la aWtlac
lat century, which number up them. Prof. Urewn laatrncu (he vlaie
tlatk to the tipa of hU flaKcra. a mnward. of Ml tu-doy. aai^inK and dc- ia -pedaKOKy.
alcUa. a dorial aapeclally daroled to acrnjiuKthediAerenldirUionaof
date. the arithiretir clam and Him NiirtCT
tha daralopmant of .tare and eiuaor.
reterrlBK atoo to the nrchitertural civil KorernmeaV -The two last aamW
plaat form* aad flow'ere.
painter of takat; It U amall wonder beauty of their bulldiuKa. Hut few are rlaaaoi are ratirel.v dietinef from the
that beiaeo popular with the fab-ack. A pJaao aolo by floak Voder of her rt^larpcboolclaeeealatbeae atudin.
beiBK arreaKed with apectol reference
of the latter U due
ITB compoailion. dedicated to the onl- to the ereda of uaefaara.
the pretty flria when eerelty of^Mkhlpan. waa appredatM by '^•rof. lirewB il arraaKinK material
I Maa H. D. Alut rctaned Taeaday
for the pnblicalionof a Bbw acbool eato la on. Hr. Luke, or In.
One dollar and iwemy-live fc*nm aa axtaadad riait la Na« York.
After an IntereatlnK report by Mrv olignc the laat of the
bU able aamaunt. Hr.
cent values for 79c.
HoTKan of her trip to AtlaaU, the ooqtoin. in addlUoa to
Kephart. vrtll be flad to abow the
!. A. Gordoe.
meetlUK adjourned to be called In two a^y. etc-, tbe'rulea.
imiaUaK to callere, and czplala iu
by-lewe, adopted by the Board of Eda- values for ninety-eight cents.
• iM. Kewu Staa^ the Fuat OBoe beauUea." v
the ailver iiaeatlon will be dta- cation. ^
^ rwiU tumalB opt after tbit tai • p. m, Two ■dollar and three dollar
Pleaaaac Ttmaa.
Tbcfe'to a lull la thr Ui«b School
mot Oread Ba- Hr. and Mra. F. Goflar e
I.ectvrr Courae. The neat eqtertain- .values for one dollar ami sly.
e«a callad cm hU friend. ^ the Uat vary pteaeantly Tbnraday oveninK i
meot. a lecture by Tboa.. UcClary vl t>'-eight cents.
honor of Ku«BU from Charlevria.
haabeeo workinr under
leapoUa. will not be Kirea
'.-Ask your neighbor aboui
moBlha HarcU I*.
naleatl' TnrtfalarmeetlDKof the Eoaten
of frkada with a mapper aad alelKb
Star win he held tbia erealBK la the
The aom'ber of---- -----------r -, - them- chances are he has
Hiaeak lodre roonga.
a pair.
A number of the youBK folka enjoyed
week, aad at the meeUac Taeaday heavy at laal year, owiag to the prevmm. C. D. Towaa of Elk Ba^ haa
dellKhUul bop la 'Uamiltoe Uall" nlKbt.Uiefollowinf ofHben. were elect
iMi hard Ueam. but the taitioa
I tWUbk her alecea. the
Vriday eraniziK. to the muaic of ml
o e3t'^
Hand Melik Ckmp.
dolln and guitMT, tarnUbed by C.
^thla knn ia ahreA
Ml. The atkadMcc
Uoward Brother*.'
IB decided to dk- :adee and
of . laat term
erm aad excaqd* I*** reating
ettiaae hb city feed etore aad vrUI A lOTKe party of ladka from TreTeree
reparity. There are now \u‘. aorolled
Bay Mire U O. T. M. drore out to the
Intfac'ceBirelaadoldcaBlrel ImndioKt
home of Mru. Joba Block aad tpeat
with fMu tor but na-. aad the t
Paan Barouread Him itoraid of Kca- reryygkaaaat^yFiWay.
to IKIM with a leatiDK
hare been opendlBC a few'daye SaUrday wmq tbc btnhday aaeirerparity of l.we. There ai
: irilh tboi'r abter. Mm Klar•aiy of Bobert Buraa. the yreat Scotch
Utre iaatalkd the ofArera. afbr which yd to br acatM fa the Oak Itork whool.
: Mm an Hna Wiu. Caaa aad ebil- poet, aad Mr. aad Hra. Wm.
, but that will not aolve the Hoeatioa -*
rrof friraiia very flnr ‘-Btnnrl -in dii-Vr-n*
: draa. of Beaioala. rltlted Hn. J. E.
---------------------- ^
Icariojr for the H«i >rho vrill be pro- has always been cheap. It is
OrellMc the Aral of the vreeh.
dcIlKb^lly la boaor of the occaaloo.
A Shr^ktoK Aoctoant..
tmolM Uiia tpriar from the ward now, cheaper by about thirty-,
'eb\poe ry and aoaKa,aodaddichjDt h'm. HelloBald waa the vlcUm yre-1
WB-jACaaoii haa mold AreofUaealthw and onc-fhird per cent ;
rtcniooa of...............................
oar of the aaddrat. Tha Uigh School Literery, aocidy to
torday aaftc
: nab patent eaw Kumaun tUa month.
ilnK'e procrem.
Seventy-live cent goods forj
aeddruU that haa happrord lathe city
Bd to wo^InK ap a la^ trede la.thto
The Sbakapere club met Hoaday in a long tlmr., Mr.- McikioBld had [
xhr than
fifty cents. : This includes
jaat iMIgiredhtogun. wbk-hhad brea ;
night waa the VeareueUa many kinds, colors and .most
Mm A^iHaa. FBAXiOanma hare Him Bertha Colaun waa rl'aa
- haea apendlnf a fcw daya here with moat oKreoabk aorprtoe party Saturday loaned fp a friend, aad went down on : ,oreUoB.
all sizes.
the ahorc ic l^t of tbc U. B. A I. dr-i
lim GmidaeFa paraata. Ma and I
ereoinc by thb Three ljuartera B. B. pot to get a
at the duck, before,
going home. Aa nrmriy qa can ba made
Sam Adam, bad a birthday Moad^. out. healippedoaalog aad the. ad^!
aad a aumber of bla KcnUemae fruada cockiag goo went oA. the abot ahatter-!
Med to make It a aiemormble one lag hto left ana joatahore the wriaL
by iBvadbr bla Hoarlcra at the real- Drn. Corhia aad Tbom|re>B were tale-:
deneeof B. B. Breekee and Kiviar him ^aed to at once, and the auAenng l
maa taken to Ore WBre of Cbrbia * . „ „ .
dtok. MM emt with
only A few W tbA many bAr-| r
placed under the
M CMt*!.
tkix ^ttoa mom
.................. ill I f mil I1TI1 1' i il- I THiUMMaiiitttbiilIliWIfti • |W;ODO gBlne we u« throwi^ oni;2
Ihrir lady eaatomere.
prticeMed to ampatotr bta
evcBinK la Ihe aiy Opore
^ riba- to pay
e^ery'4By elnoe onr mnnomli^
T>* Book club held 04
a abort d'atanre below the elbow.
r Into the nest eaatary to Leolto wcUuK with Mn. J. i
mttoeaboek nd b
InTentoxy. Ton eboold DotjJ
OfalB. of Treveeae Oty. Who M>’daa Toredayaftoniooa.
r way toreeore.,. Mr. MeOurSaviogs Department
iwiaa mn opportunity to call 11
■aeelpt la fall to Jaaaaiy lal. !•«>.
The Macariac dab aad with Mra.' D^
to well known la the city, beand Inepect emme.
Tn Hldlaad Moathly. pebUol
duetoc oa the U. B. A I.
liaB Molatn.la..ountalaathlam
ow«j> a waall (arm just v
Womaa'a elute. Kivlac aoKKV
IN.O'. All season we've l»ccn selling
the ve>> finest all wool garments we
could gel f<irSi.>o--now thc^-'te Si-oo
'•y.rtilJunk wcihaye fio clothes at
OKO. waa the beat buy I'ertr knew.
i 7"
J will be sold and gone by February 10th.
E' ter then you will be obliged to pay an amopllt ^
oncioifor nineteen c-nn ^'of mouev that wUl reprosout somethingiaedr
^ the value of the cutter you may buy. Until: ‘
then you have an opportunity to own a cutter C
wtici.. .how 'gi; at OUT “uever before heard of prices” on strict- ~
; ly ^t-olass warranted goods.
; $19.00
oiooiiiig Co.
Are the prices. . .
Come and see the gooda.
CdDCCr , 17
01 tlie
Idodnd aod tricod* who ban
ktod to her by ber kind,
aed toriny dbpoaltiea. ^She wa*
to the chriatian faith ia Ibe fall
of i«». Mnn that time llriay a de
aod eonebleet chriatiaa tile
bee bodily beallb tailed, her
faith to God yrew atrooyer and her
R. Craiuby. ol 15S Kerr St.,
h^eaofiBiBcrUlllleeerryrewbriybt. Mcapbii.. Torn., aay. that bi» wHe
er aod briybter aatU the ereol^ of paid, ao iltrtit^ to* email lump «b^
and Gardeners
-l™ .f...
iiH, at toachtoy pay thiay that
We can care yea tBeexpeaaeof
brjI ^nHiee . . . r”. ,
: udtlir (r..<tnirM^
they Miall aak. U. ah^l be done
b, dmi. loTiof mnaaymu kiadrrd and trleode |hC beet pha-<.irUae. it eonlinoci to. pjrtatioc .
rraak Baaty b nwlar wood with L. then.*' aadclalBlay the promlee
aree^wcilaya apiriutal blowtoc to aU
and eormpoadmee.
Mia. Ida aayre* baa «B* totakacare
Mr*. WdbyBayTblteailn. Afwaw whowlUbehleeaed.
of b« abtar and fa^y. They an
ber inrerilik.
UbttuaiTnn-hrilfl NrbYork
It^Donadlb taoltac to*« for «. aiek with diphtheria.
»{wcia!iu Ihro tre«-'
" ’
The lof* an ooialii* Ik rery fact
B. Tkonton.
few day* b BOW da the foto.
ilpol laland haa met wUb
from abroad.
di«Bt wort at
loe-1 toyTCO eorw
jaat Ahbbed a «•
>0 the
oalnr the asow.tear
Bru^yor nod in yi-ur uriUra ba^u
i! when jotoimcd
Will Sanbnra of SnOoii* Bay wa* in of two of lU mo>.t inllueorml eltlirnr.
The Mlwre Daley K---------------------,
may <i|ub tnytlber nr ned
RleharA-Brynoldiaed hi. acn Gilbert
ley and 'Ethal Gibb* aol US* KoAj »"•
___ Sunday.
BatkcitoBd. at J-Vanklort ta«t week,
pchool hoo'ee peat Saaday at S o'clock
N*. atebblne naited I.e^Uad jredaea- Reynoida: Tiiey weiv old ploai4r» of*
run y. rhe tarcer tbe order the pTral- ‘
-tba K. tt T. M. held o|>«* toatalUMr. Beta, of Benaoala. b buyiay ‘
the towu-blp. baviay been ovaUrnta
of laet week.
ttoa iMt fiaOu^r eecalac.
Umbered land ihlhUrielaity for the
- ^
Ther 'iime Irr.ra
Ila Steele aoept Sunday With ber ben erer einn
lalrealuaeau were aereed hy Ue
Maalatae Stale Lumber Co.
latordy.Sew Enylaad alork, both Winy
pareau attbUplanMm. Jamee Dana baa yoae to ber
wa* trip ;natiee* •>{ Rhode IMand. roelf l!icL-i*nd Ihoueh
Ludwiy SreHy'madeaboatora*
Bolher-a. Mra Itonob for a'ahort time,
renwatylottoy- '■
. ,
I *rd. a* he w*a famlliary cal W.-a* ia JW"*
to TraTene
tier mother U aick with the yrip
B. IHddlatoB Jtoraedlairt week' biribriybl eUuaker. but aftef lu« inarOafoltoe BlUDtt b aUII r«7 poorly.
from ber a.Uit inTttiui.
jriay* with
in di».ip|<r»r« t lunrjl',
JaMeaoa and brother Ralph
........... rh, rral vMi. 1m'-' 'I*'
Krrd Andmun and wife of Omena; (Md. be united wlih tbeBlaplhti-h'urrh,
by tbe ElUayBlaralnytoy eebooi tor
► O... I^ikr-rn
with her craodparesta.
•err in town Turweay-'
' .
,! Sot flndin* any .rf hb
JeaeieChrbtopheryateaeaady pull
the beocBi of the Soaday ecboul >t tbia
Elijah Co* aed wile. Sarah HoiriieB
tl.K Gill, drove b) Traverw City ber* he toyeihisr • ilb
laat Tueaday alyhh
pUce. A wrdiaUaritatleB b eatMded
^.1 1.—^ KlUoU went orer U> Cedar
•hlitCday. relmrniny Friday.
;tte NetbodU'<hunh
ucaadma LanUe ta to eery Moor
to all.
BaaehapeloaShBday. ’ ‘
HW Julia Miller «p.'ol Saturday and .yearv wa* ela»» iepd.-r
lepa.-r which
which .iftlcr hr . S.f.S. 1.
health ih>* winter.
alhi. dvalb. • Hr hil M.-cuaeJ . U a teal I!-.-I n
-■•I!:. •'.I';''
We are hariad o« o» toe hlcert wio
Oeorye Uelfrieh ntnnied to hia flaha™.,« « «». H
i J j'
„ T~,™ ciT ____ifoi^Ublr home aad hhf fruit'..wVV '
|0a that w« hare had forermal yeai
iay at Carp Lake Soadey. ,
noted all orcr tbe couptry. lie
T«e far»«»» *" fc^toff g<^ "•
; Peter ZonlekaeematomAeqalte a
G .^-Tt.OlING.
^ aeow while It laata.
quiet -maB, but pnmrWd of 6-m
win Iw
boaloea. yettiay oat cedar poaU thla. ■Mood aechleot that haa befallen bia, |0»Jj
UWe Otaee Clark haa retaraed from
for the lijfbl. nod no USD can ^e^t‘i ^
Tbe Woman'* Club bar* efaany^
She weel laat tWday aaa
Bttcr a word ayaiTo.t tbe inte.-rily
••SptciVc . t..>.
The many ,H«d.rf
to the Ptwoda- quarterly
bi. character.
Hi. tort utlerancr. AtIuuJr..
home on a rbit Inat week and abe and »..rti.k
Id !«• .1 Ud d~lk I
^ u,,
C. I- 1-, u. showed bi. fallb in God- Wb.''n l.rj'..
,„teB»»*to»^toat place.
ber mother apeal Sunday at Old Mia- Of their younyeat *00. Loni% They
B hall Sat- pMed from tbe n^>m wbv
-------reqV«ti.id to meet at the
aioa with Urv Hoffman* pannka
tbf Brat aetUenat thi* place, but
ht,T*>l UV.M I.
had Just brealb.-d hi. Ia.1 be vi. toim-r TkitT.vs
uTtlay afteeno-in.
Then Wa* a party yl»«o by fiibk
reaWeoU of CampbelUillr.
irllr-Wil.no rrtorord friifo ed. '•Tb«Ir>r.lpveandtbrl.ordhrth;^h--J*^=v^'^:'^;j;;i
Kronpa Priday nlyhl which wa*
p sway. Bleed be the iiaiur oT ... Hr a.-in. .-.Tte•
City Tu.-»il.y after * week'* ■ iak«p_
Mr. ieymt reWrwd from the city laryely attended.
Danclny waj
vi.il with frirnd* there.
' ' tbe iSirri." and In aimwrr to n «-mark '
of IheetMlay. Mu^^lurMra. ».'lw>n and yran.l.lanyhtrr A'lie made to bim .h.«ly after: he Mid.. oi.".c A.'i--'* <-t h fi-^lailek h»d wife ol Suttoo. Baj.
IHlIof Gill'. I-ieralb-ndeil meelinyal. •tiod will Uke care'of me. l ean Iru.t
B«a to tewD Saaday.
■v> Prof. C- T.'Orawn did borioeaalB our ,the OoayT church Sunday.
Uim." When tbe foraj uf b& helori',!
laS EPPS i CO , I
Ibe ^IpU ww
' lee. W.
rnr------Geo. Hobiotoe of Grand DavenJ,
borne to hi. beil.itlr for a 1m1
town Saturday.
Mr. WblUlker Sunday.
._ -.___ i_ .>
west to Cedar Thuraday
P. Bara
Chaa Hillman raada a buaineM trip Mich., epentafvw da.v* lB_ thwn lai-l^'end Iw* brearlaimed. "me»wrd
•mcMcri *r.-Ilip ■
EciV. Mr. Whilmnn ol Korlhfortoe
eekrelurnlnp UiTravrrae'l'ity;
k| dm.! that die lu the l.-ird." Sodldbb.'l
oo friend, here Krlday.
Menury k loww tbait baual thU
H. r. MePaU aad OrvUlr Boyee dror*
iV»..l>. K. H.i«le eoj-yed a week'. [ (,in »hiar out In hit hour .f trial.
«• •
w piicr*- f.s thi. wvrli .1
-Mr. Anderaon'e '
to Sntleoa Bay 00 bualniwd Heoday.
vi*lt with her bnitber. Tho*. Ikipeland U Ibert. U.: ~o. wa» only fyiar. ;<if, liTr'.CTu.^uiii.r
Sutuma Bay Snnday.
Mr. Gauthier ,faa* ftnlebed work tor
Jay Halated returned home tklunfay from llr*. kioriilye. Colo., whototoe ,^, fl, wa* of a very tfrnlle,ualurii,
Oulu a namber Itwm hare atteaied
Hm Odd rellowa’aupperal Nerth^ JobnKilwy.
Hn. Lewey Lodwiy k not on the workiay.
[Hterliny qimlitiv..* Al the lime of hit. ,
At'.. ..r .
Tbcaday nlyhtRev. Mr. WillUm* oecuple* Re». Mr.
Theeaetallaticnof oBcvr^of Gieor amib be wa« hi.ldiny' tie ..Biri- cf
Prankk Aoderaoa. aoB of
An- aick Hat any looyrr- '
Dauyhtr^ of Bebekah wa» j.pwo*bip elvrk. and hud chare# .if a ^i-.s..'l.nr i..,-'i
Moore'* pulpit laat Sanday aaU delle;
Dewey aad Ed. Whllaey
4mm». wa* kicked la the head by a
pra.t..9b.'r. H«wa. ao lioa- Vu-li'lT'
hrvoyb towh yoaterday.
ered a See aenium.
hone Wedneaday. Be la proynminy
•Hr. Baraea bakaeqaccd work ayaln ^Mra. Bveran* died at tbe bomt-£f cooelnaionnl the eaeit-Wi Oio-e prea
iber .li the < .runs.'^O Jalvo of
Roeiy at ptwaantwriUny.
.If :r-"n«*i.B'
in claUiralc hinnnron'■ the -iM.I Tetuplara. ' Hr ww ••nr ••
ekiddiny lev* near Maple City. '
pbaa HollUTnmday. laeuaify:).
otu MiMoa.
1 and wife o
Uen Omipo U drlriay Hr. liarne*' bly rematotwere takea 0 Imke Ana for
lalwr. of.Uir M<'tjii>>l>.'.
Arm an.l 'i^Umerprl.:'
team at Empire, baullny loytburial.
Jsuuoa* lUy Tue».U.v.,eTeninr teattend 1 ^bof^h.-J-'ine
- Roadaanaplaadid-ow.
__ ________
lih ri-lixion an ' "
Ther* will be a aeuy aerriee In to*
Frank Bouyhey abipped three ear^Uie __________
KeU-kah'a in*ta1lati“n of oftioera ,bi»
Mr. Dumbolum 1* apeadlnff
b pole* Monday. and reiuaiord.everal day. lb.-yue.1 of
a,y ,uutt.., .Kiudintai. (iiiniily
oelyhbarhood erery Thnraday blyhtloaded with t
day* in town.
miilher, Mra llurnautrr. andj^^j wx-lal 'rrlatina..^hr wa> w mndel.
JobB Kllwy and men are toraloy the thU belay tbe aaevod ahipmeel he bee
M. franklto haa a p^r of »ew
. ,
‘.•bri.Uao; .•..mlit llieA-were U>.ire libr'*
Uocon plan npalde dov-n Ihli winur.
made thk.winter. '
II. ,«/ \Il«r,l .w.vl ^..■klrs..p.•f uysri
boraa blanket*.
Kvriral m.-elioyv were heW every ;
in iii. lucid iii-'WiiU be «iit. nil
H. 1’. jlaher and wife droe* up to -• Jud. 'toSaeroa aftd Mia. Belle Kroup.
'li.i-ri l-.-AM-.. perdu,
. .
e Into the
Ley* ban brytin W
Maple City the mb to attend, eommn- of Traverae City vUlted friend, here nlyhl iaet ».-ek iu th.- Cmy'l .hur>'hj*^ poacef and bis la.-e would Jiyblen .
•aw BlU alnbdy.
except Saturdar ntybl. wttb t;o,sl at-!
g bewv.-nly radiquve. Tbe
Dlon aareloe* at the ConyreymUonal over Sunday.
Jed. relumed
a B: Ellla loal a ftp* bona the tiJhar
Monday.. ahcompaDird by -Jrr^ Snlil- tendaoer at each mrrtloy.' We kn..w |-u,«„.bip loaril «u t lUe day before I'm . '
church. •
_____ __
I-.-. »t W»t l-pr.ln.-A»loril. .
Oiyht ee the farm ben.
,^4 IwuiUlatc* the'foib’wiup
In. but MU. Kronpa will raraato for thatvreat yiHul hi. alVerty re.ult.-d
Odi Haywood maito a ftytoy trip
>inr time, ai aba ha. a leadioy part in Irumibem and ww tra.t that dorinciresolu'-—
OldHimioo tUoday.
in 111. an wi<w pn-vi .
ptoy to be yiven bereaoon.
the prewnl wb,k. n»'tbe me.-liny* *te
Wa* ali^btoy ertr\etter tMn
WUl Jaekaoe and taw. Coup* ^
Buainea. 1* lively her*. Tblny-aeven
ftownm. the auy. Monday.
rauu arebanUoy loyito’th* M.A S. mncti more mis be aKompIblied.
Alien Bra*, intend aUrtiny their
Tba Udin' Aid aociaty otet at M
R. K. U. and the E. R. Co. cannot furProyrain
A. W. Hni> Wodanftay toaU
I rdWT-.'
nUBenonyh ear. to supply thedeomnd. pf eoteruloment of the l.lterary
MtmAyytt Smith k apendlnya
Tba water In Old Mbateo harbor
lolbe Ilivloe will OD.rde.ire b. vxpr.iK. I —1
Twaoty-ftee teama are bitoyiny luy* to tuclely to be yiven at tbb*p Peb. »;
dayaatTrararceCliy. ir decpv.l.vio|.»lby with hi. .fum.iy •*_
_____ ____
BBiim oa the aaad; oa lea yet
Gii-ir irceat aliU'tiuo, Tlierefuw Iw • __________ • •
. V. 'HUl k Impractay thk ftne the Dawey SUve Co and ten or *welre
_____ ,
are baullny cedar bpUa aod loya to Ihf I A welcome addrera by I>. WfaiUofl..
ordered that a «s>p.v uf Hirto rewilu- •
ilher by pottiny op lea,
imt It xivea to the .ftlU-lrd fami.y
n iju
everal newcaaaaof diphtheria are ahinylemlll.
. An oewiy by Myrtle lloirteand they In' spread np,>Q the rticurdt ol ’
reported at Wllllamabary.
A recilation'bJP Addle C'U.p.
the lu«ll»bip.
a In town
Cyrtl T>ler of
A load of Acme yoony people attend,
lly order of tbe w.w i.-liip Iri.rd.
A Bony by Uyrur U.ix.iclaat waak.
ad C. E. meetlny at Yuba Snnday ew.
A Tveiution by Mary Lrller.
C. T. KlmbaU and wife rUtad the
A rradiuy piedv by l.ibbie Vinton.
«V IV I*, .au,.
aotwty aeat laat week..
Hayward, of the Traeeiae City
A dtoloffueby,ItolphE.le*. Clarence
"A^t HaUlr.:
W. P. Croiaer ofTraverae City waa In
I Colley*, wa* a Yob* eialtoron
Fox sod Myrllv Hqx.ie.
»ow» on buMoem cue day tort week.
a for a few day* from Good Uar- ; Muaiii
hoFp .pared aod nr b-ipr lAr ui.y be a ;
Dr. Wallar arpa called to eouaael with
. and Mru. M. Welch, of Traterv
A paper by Ralph F-te*.
eumf->rt to the llllle rcmo.ul left luaiiy^'
Or. PantamolKlayaley Saturday nlyht.
City, made their parrau. Hr. and Mr»
lira. WUI Wllaool^tpendiny a few
A reciuUun by M. R. ll,.'X*ie.'’
‘’yvais- Gilbert left .wife and ..nr wm [
Mia. Dent Blae apent the yreater por
E. V. Hill a abort vUit tort week.
A bic«rapby by lutura Uiub.ock.
dayaeUiUnythefamllykf Jaw** Wld.m..Jrn. but not «itb..ut hope. •
tion of laat weak at Traverae City
Wear* eorrylobmi al the mlaforA winy by* Addle Cu.p nod Noli
wbace bar bimbandwaaon Jury duly.
Convinced Ai;alD«i Uia'Will.
la* of Jim Baitnon. ol A'cma. who bad
4amc* Kllmuiy. Jr. went to the
Tba handle fartory and tbe ablnyl*
hi* ana bra^n.the ITth. at iteltner'a wood. Iml weak, with hk brother M,tlv rveiwunr X-ir
f-w miiv,
milr. ar.«n.i
n by E S.>loe
BUI arc rnnalay aad tbe eaw mill will
faeioiy.' ^
Iteadiny by Mr*i-E.trs
ward', team.
aooa atari up The ateve mill will not
The audden danth of TbomaaGee. of
Ralph Himtayaeand Jhmra WiddU
■ri..Bd.. I.
'o.trtbwe.1 of tbal«il..H.-. >11- Ivi.
aurt naUlMTloy- Tbe howl mill k
Uke. wa. ayrmt Whm* toall.
We are drawlay Iny. to Traeerw City, also i.iB of Cuba would Iw a>ifuutnKi«is to «ud Ui.-y wrrr'^i.imrr..u4'fe.rr.
ahut down for the prenmt.
.’oited Slates "d'apialn «o n.-|f»live' uuuld nut l.iny Iw .parv.l t* them
Jobe Warren, Jr.
.1- "
A larwi------------------CTseed lamUj.
There are a few-dfie* qf-mumiw here lide 1.. I-. Fox. Caplaip of aftlno.iive the d-.'tor prtmuun.’tHi Idm alii
ynthwwdatlharraideueeol HUa VianiU) heart di-'u.r aed ubl hr nnvl.t
yeu Aaoa B.lmood* ba. been very
H. FUlM.
drip dr.d any miiiuir. TbL wa* nut'
•te AndenoD DB Wadneaday evratoff
rick wUhbbem, bul.be 1> now tfeRii
'verv plrsMOt refl.wli.m for-hi. wi‘e
Dealn o"! Mrs, MyrG* M Schell.
tort ia honor of her birthday. Tbe
--• - watel.rd nmi alm—l, .•.ei.laolij. ^
ivnilrii ter Ibr tl.aive.
Mim Cora Wllllamn koo tbe tick Ikb better.'
plbnrinr wa* a oarprlae to the raclpl.be found bim where br fell uii-!
Tbs leader lor the C. B wteeliny next
Hied at Aon Arbor. Mirfa., ‘Jaa.
8. J._ Rraoku ^nt Sunday at latornrt and waa mach enjoyed by all.
.•iou. In tbr yaril. Hi. .piwaJan-.- ;
Buaday aramfcr~Ul'b* Chiude Pinch. |*Wl.’M*rto M. Schell, ay^H
•qtrd p«ral.v.K, Ihr iwbu. were;
MyrtoV, a*'
Mb* Bather Brook* brialttoy frtond* Topic. •■UToorw.biy.lherwiib God " mo. aud'
>1 bi^caw. Ciow^uratly .-■niiilii ll
Cor. a:6>'J3. ChrbUaa Endeneur Hay.
burn in May IIS, Iwuri^he
auch'fur blm • He wa. to thi* e..n ;
While oomlny bom# from Filward kbip of Ward. Alleybai
bany'cuhm Svw
Dsoo and vile spent .ftntaro when be brard of l>r. Wb.Tlrr.
CbrYoll'a oo* day laat week. Mra
York. In the year .0. .be raitowlth
•e ViUlurr and tth rlfr-Uial uw l.,v :
dny nnd Sunday al Monroe Centra.
a. Bochaa'aboraeraB away aad broke _ . pwenw to Grand
1 Traverue
Co^ty. ottarru, llrMPi b, Xc^m l-ikr'» dnir ,
H- Zelyler hat returaed from Ttstfor a tampie. and at hr rxpretord .
t . Him Orae* Clark k rirttiny frieada raeClty, but katlll nnder the wanth' the caller. Mra Bo^ban peraped
Micbiyan. where .be has-bin.e reside^,
■I bad liltlr r • h
• io,y.ient iprdi
iajared: the horae raa home, aeeaplny
uni. day of May
ntMaotenAbout twus^ of tba todlaa of Ua
united In marriaye (oCbarIe».M. Sebell tinra.mr that I'hi. wa.ay.md onr aifl .
A. W- Spafford. c” U FoaUr. B. Sew- Injaryatoo.
Aid Aoelaty met at Mra. Wm. Lyona. alrad. 8. Brooks aad -W. Bmoka
The rayutor dcleyate. from tbe Artlrand Tnvera* oonn\y. Mivblyan. could be relied ii|>.n. It. you knuw I
etler aod »lept wril sflrr takinc.
WhenMr. I.TOnafoomJ that the l^le. I Trarara* City ebltora last week.
hie 1. O. G. T. tothedtatriet
Three cblldren were .burn to tbVm,
c»r.V I want b. my to yon tb.i
•wan eomlny be made a vlrtt I
ioa held at Traverae City to
dyiny In infancy, th* other two
A number of ih* youny people from
fheeler'a Xrrvr Viulitrr i. tbt
- .
" .
Mtkhen oxv aod killed two ehlekcn* l-ewrl Ukc City nttsded'the '
•ere Mr. and Mra Will Wllac
bnaband remain U> monra tbe
woBflrrful mrdteior rvrr ma'1.‘.
Kallev. W. R. Uawkln*. Calvia Kelly of a loviny wife and mother.
which Mra IvoM . coanrud lalo a
•umplrtolv lhai 1 i
ilay al thb ptoee Sunday <
to my IHr." Mr. I'ikr. wl;
pie which they aU with a reb
■ eBtertalnmant will be held In the
ir a
mediciov My.: "1 wi.ul
Mtld bim ikr
Jih. The dtonar waa very alee and the
LeboKhat ihit place Feb.
Did bavr belie
todke fteaemd It. lor they did a yreal the benrfltof the pastor.
Out to
A cordial all report a yood time. The Good Tew
ul not luwB
the wroue (hinqv
Aral of work. They yet there a1<out torlutioo b ealewded to all to attmd- plara ar* yrowloy lalo a torye aod
>tm: it 1. c
Ib lhi> .mid
• enrr of myt»rnly-f
half pmt too. aewed a boahel baaket
It loi of vrorken and they conaU
tbvl • wom.e h>>
y.«h*r, Mf^ A. Sackeltaad Mr*.
experience In IbrdruR bcinr.
full of carpel ray*, aei a qelll toyelbet Oeo. Yonker. who hava been elalUoy
formidable enemy of Ui* aaloanw
equally *« raluablv f.ir other r rrvr di...
and tied It off and started for borne al friend* aad and retotlee* at thb pl^.
‘happmri« miy d*
soimt su-ToS.
half pnat three.
The next tscatlny retaraed to thalr home at Ira'
Bt*. #lreplr»»tHW». mi rttaJ .Ir
Ml Ibv l> not pel
prcwl.in- exhaosted sttallly.
wU! b* beJd at Mra Thoma* Shnynrt'a.
mined to ivll bim rnev aod yeneral debility. <
inca* Smith of Elk Rapide
me. u b, would be
; -Fab. *.
All ar* tovtud to 01
p yoert
Mra John Wintera thu
any TravrrMt'ity dniyri.t ‘
fUQ.t depend spue 1
be. .biliir m rr*. I
Tbe DltoOvvTT SavrO ^ Lil#
Mra Prank Deome aad daoybtar
Jobs Cooper to able to walk.
The Lwdlea' Aid Sodetymet on Wed- Ib«eh Lake were yueau of Mka Lann
F'toaayinatW. L-Prink’* over Sunday
Banry' tke'aeU b now taklny
neaday lart wUh Mra Qraen.'
toaoon* to Traverae aty.
Mra NleWoa. of Orawa, la vlalttay
- Bert Cento end wife, of Monro* Cew
I narb upon brt I pb.vHclan. fur mile, al.iit.
to be quite prevalent to thl. vicLa
« alrter. Mra F. H. Vinton.
*>e .jnsnil and wa.plvrn upa
tn. haea moved late tlrawn.
Him LnlaJaekaon spent pnrtof tost ^othar form ol fa yrijip* perbap*.
Vm. Helmaa. who has eaork.
Mr^ Dl* and ebUdren of- Tacoma.
nranrilri- on tbe aratloo. k now
Waah.. who have been makiny an exTba w.kome bom of t*inton'*
beyan t.. yet
lay la Uc mill.
taaded vkit nt ber mother's Mrs
mill k to bi heard tbeae days.
Ibrvr hntUe.
Loyeare oomlay Into Qra*n farter
FYne weather, fbod road, aad loU of Uano's atnrted f<R her bomq on Tucw
.than ever and boeiome to yenenl haa
■r or huuw with.-ut
loy* aed wood, make people feel quite
. brlyhter apptmrann.
Ben Madill of Eltoworth .pent SaUrat J. G. Juhnton'.
lit." I'-rt
Mra.-S C. Ferkla. aVwd here oa
Bmnm White baa been qnlte 111 day and Sunday with Mend, at thl.
her way from Traverae City to ber fuT^fw dayt peak bat k batler aljptooe.
He retnraad to»m* Monday
brother-*. Cbaa. SebeU. wbolleea near thl. wriUw.
woralay aeco»paal*J b> hi. wUe and
Urstb. m» bevauK of wWw othrv uu. ' ^bc Eleclrie Killer, ba. pn.v.
Dr. nnd Mra OnuntieW. rf Dk Bn^-1 dauyhtera wfio bat* been vm.t.ny her*
a to as
ple.v.r.1 .ymploa
an .....----invcuUfltr tn Ibe , Uir wrr best. It efTecl. a pel
Wm. Pike wa* qnit* badly hurt laat Ida. maddobr town a ftytoy riailone the pnat
er Bxtural fuuvti.
■ waak. while werklay to the woods, by evenloy tost keek,
1 tiniyv clear crmpiexllv.Ub ia .we
| W, L. Frink lost a valuable-d
c bradMhr. yield to it. toBom
Im. red time »ii-----.V. .rperble of vyw .ito
nfalHayllmb. , Wean ytod to know
nrffr all w b» are afflicted to pruciire
Mr. pad Ftoa- Ira Ware* have th* Ihorae Suq^j
•Ublelurw^it Ito price
uttlr. aod ylvr
yivr thl.
tht. 1remedy a fair
he k reooveriny, ,
.empathy ol the oommuaity to tbe lom | It waa tal\n akk Saturday p- m. Eve- tow’b
i* UuUt ea.T to trawl Litt>r diMrtderv. , trial. In vu.rt to babli al constipaMr. tkekett led the meotlny Bonday to thalr UtUe danyhiar Lotlia.
ry Iblny that could ba done was don# Pttlviftrf^ntie*, littl'draiu. Irtolelhc ■ ,1, p Elrctric lllltrr.
«• by yiviny
Mr. Albe*. freiybt ayent bate, re-[for ber relief, bat to no aVaU•rl>. and few
taraed with bU wife. They will reside ; hone farrier. C. Bolleabeck. prooooneto tbe tioime fomerly ueenpied by Mra ' ed It the acvertal me* he had
raw... rrii. ibeiv b*b-.l.'r'v uo owdto I Store*.
_________ '
Lewi* Horton'• tomlly am nU cp the I Revival eerviees at the M. E efavrch
yatowe underatand. to which waate iUll eoaUane with gt»d qtteedaaee
Mtonk Btor k vlaittoy frieod.
verr fflnd lo* they bav* bad a tory ;*od lucreaatoy tolereab Ko^aew eooL'Iccra Salt
Tettor. Ch.^
j veraioo. a* yet have beta veported. bat
Akmdof peoptoweattc thsahtoyle
rn’bv bia 'eoRtimliv much vulttbi* 1 Hand., ChL____ _
Our acbool k ayaia closed to prvrent tbe .piritaal Ilf* to tbe ahorak k' belay
MP and bad a eoetobi* donee.
i w* yresCy
will be seat wSito.bri
yrvaC/ renewed and we are prayiny,
A alvlyh load of Mayfteld people want tartber epryad to diphtheria, but
C«t. U
• Oen MocfWil* rtbo«M,«Oto
wui a*
•I 1. newua wW he
e rewnwawa. me n
____ _1
0. H. Ellis SEED CO.
BndvurimIvQt CMnsi j
Soods, Plants, L
, Trees, Sbnibs, Viou, 1
; Roses, Bulbs, Elc.
■L*S;.^=; A-RealBlobcTRemcdy.-
EPP’S COCOA. I Stem ft Harrison Co., I
ll>RlnKviUft,Ohift.^S» 1
f'iu, Micliitfan.
Traverse City
Rosiness College
Normal Institute.
Larger Kooms.
Increased Attendance.
Commercial, Shorthand and Typewriting,
Normal, English Trainitig.
Begin February 2—16: May 3—17; July 6.
Students can enter these classes any day. but it is a little better
to enter on these dates if possil^le. Do not wait for beginning of
a term if you are ready, but enter at once. For the other couwes
students can enter any day in the, year as we have no vacation.
“rtm-rS^TuT.*! >nd s‘’k.
ICxpcnses arenas Hj^ht here as any place in th
Board $1.60 to $2.60 per week.
Write for further mformation.
C. Rp DOCKERAY, PHocipai,
IbO Front Street
yisd to atateltot .the todies havtoy
o Walton to
mve nearly recovered, aaj no
Hka 8toaa»1^ k SMWay vrilb It have nenriy eeeovtoud. a
towrnrmtia. Hr-toul I
(HaalarMra. "Ultra of yon ahnU ayree
AMOCumu. Ml Mato RL. Bafcto H. Y.
rtoanded. Prtoe Mccawperbox. Pa
nlc^J.O.JohBagBnadS.1 WnlL
i*P^AKDTOAV^™^■•Oh.mpaoa‘ mpson” becrtad. "are
Wbp. pea taUer
I ms topetoor
"on am a hero, mp
^Ue faUrr eaclataaad.
______________________________ Why
mak: ...
Um iton^Tto tseb
eooe betweeo Ue poi.^
t otherJetaere oak
prom poor inue friend.
Abba Eiuctirna.
AfBiMl lk« IM X Ik* pu
befm Chektsue.
the cmawap becnaie tl
dancer, sad I knew U •mai
Uem than bred I
Dba> Mb*. IU™-! IboBffcU *o«l(l
riWkUtMTlo Uw Hb>au>. I bSR
vHUaOBM brfor*.»W* hkT«
tiro aeboten Is osr K^t . We here
Mfflsr- W.
oeb. Isltwltb
ksr* * «fc«i »»» • C'obe U oor eeh^
« to the H»mAU>
Oee'of my sletm
JANUABY so. 1896
A Winter BWa Meet
wising rarlrtp of lektilm asd II
Conid^ SpanAap.
Bet B we ^ppom we are Ue oalp danoprd hr mice, aad made qp mr
Ird's nrst buslen is Ue woods, we mind I had beUer
■•There wna a Ubin
eat to.mlU, about
lit which
i bad aotieweattomlU.
.ts. when I bad pa*^
I. after learinf mp
squirrel.-wbleb bare all had Urir Urn
Biorror lea*
but If we ranUsne
Uto BAtas-I thonpht 1 would
Mb** r<ia;msp*l* U* **<• Bl lm>
imt ofaU^sr which bsA pees found
before ns. and Which has been’packed
fsllof iasoceutmtaebtafasa -'jack'
fol (or CbrietBW- '.l f
pletsR book sod two hsodkerchlr
ksds lot of esndj s*d • toi^ It
r«d ekkUM oc the Uke sow sod
Ml'In the dnorwap,.
■CaU to Ue right pr
Cats to Uq left »f hr
Cat* in frual of her.'
’rum Uegnmnd.
ImitaiyToBcbrd It when
thm wilhiD lu interior, ai
luslant two bla.-k buadp epo* taere
tlarinr down at me orer the rdee of
Ue nrnU But oalp for a moment.
M|umk and a sprinc—li
Crar •nesk—O
teHous Icaant
Iroar •ebool aod w* bote • bic plctore
ilUle brother kt home. Ue ta
, bUoofv-WwhlartoB. ABderei7tlae two7«krsold. I bkre 00I7 ooe staler
fur Ue bone-hair Hal
iBloc I shoald h ardI ooM boM froa Behoid I hBre to do SBd ose brother. 1 km In the foorlb Ip baTereopuitrd It i
oof of
BOB* work.
We hsre /it scbolkis In our Interworen crasses aaf
Mbuol. Webkretbrptaloreof Oeorjr bsd lieen erw tod upon il
iotennmbed al the sicln • riat.
DSA* EIWTOO-I tbosfbt I woald WkehiOffton Ik oor-kchoul. .MtV'
Ilninc ofIcon
colum or wool aad foath
ta Msbel Kelson. I likr her s^rj'
wriU k Mter to foe. We hk** klKtfU Istsdjresdlnr. wrlUnr.krlth.
*wo kebolkrk la ov KbooL We bkte
■imr^fuiip'°'^f^-------- ---------I end
•foftj-wlcbt IlbouT bortik IB osr ecbool metle. Isorssre sad- reafrrspb7.
doobUesA had I Uoaght ..
kosa. H7 BUS* b Brstik Okrlksd. J taste sooiieisiB town. We hsiwta'msp tVmxmAlooallr during Ue subseqoenl
M istbe«n»dn«de. I will be ten of Mlpb-iise. "Wotirr^o** «sj l^r^ tooolb*. a half dntaa whiskered, furrp.
jests old Ibe Ikkt 047 of JkBuip.
lone CBoork for thta Urns, to r>W- Iieadwpcd InfaaU had crowded at that
lUe doorwap to girr fne
rs4*k UkSiJjio.
■ t’bnis tnilj.
ceplicm^Kx?lSi£|i intruded' npon the
winter rrtrest of the field-mr- destined soon to be a well-packed
srrhw.^w.ta i«
, pKia Hat. Battb-I wOTWfnf stew
Dasa EiSToa-l will writ* s le^ to
‘UMkasdlotTOBkBowthktlaiB well.
e Batumi s
. .. bird domic
'I CO to kebool-fwerj 4k7. Me ben-fot the UsasM'fv the first time- lSr« to
e are to be seen
tweal7«lt new lil^rj Ipola.' t hbre .. . ereader M7 teatarr'k
islntecntiac nest in the
LllUe U. Hortoo. Bhe ta s rerT^uod
fot throe stators ksd throe brothers.
i>n' sereml oecastan* I hare
r. 1 Uke to'eo td cehool rrrj
ed Ue ueeU of eireo* and
Om of ai7 ktatas joa to school. Hbe
I kffl In the fifth jrsde. I stud7 hnir-Wrd lined
d wljh
wUh a eartay of Utter
srithmebc. Isnritffr. spelllor sad jeo- for which Ue boltddn ould, baiijlp h.
- Tbvsarekixt7-iwodllldrea^B
pa^B school.
Ciaph7. We bkre siit7 two scbolsis held re»pon.iWe-cbaff ofohta, Indu^
PromToarlorlsc frtesd.
the ere* mt out. baekwbjgt
com wlU theepe*
aebool. W* here forl.tsli 11EtuBSAsdao. .
shells, and tbe like.
brarj books; thep are rerp (rood books.
There ta no telling what whims the
I like rerp mnch to read in them Wc eireo mtabli
' '
lake in neslbuildihg.
Ice of iKe necl
hare Jot a sew flobe is oar acboul. butwbc#we
seduf cdierrp piU-ai
.and I .don't spose \
nMknow bow to spare anp on '<
■Mp hag.wetit bume emplp.'
I hare'sboat
I stadp
OM aiUe to CO k
feortk r«der. arithmetic, apelllsr.
.J-'l-TIL' ,t,i“
------- ’
Prokop Kyselka,
ii' if::o.c gUr7:ji;r.;r"'V i
1 n-car.1 ISwh's Kbln.*r
.v||j Corner FrontMiu uass^Sts.,'Tramie City.
baiid it woold bare the mme elfeclas
hr same quai
the intern
xwted hit I
t Can be glrra why Stuart's llysprpsi*
Tablet* are Ue ta-sl and tnost effeolusl
are for r*»ry form of indlceslipn.
: S3SSS«:!:Sk
Selr.rh and Lend-a-Boud
l.llUr Mi-Neltl-hand lo-od a-IUnd
.Z.,. ,!■. ar...ici<
Birds'grectarl her fr.im
Hut Vlfishsbld. "X-.tfi
Thr'wcaUirr wa* lad. the folks wrrr |
id-a-llasd ■aid. hhen t^ i-^vroi-^
Thep are cooeenleot. oai
in Ue jss-ket and taken wl D needcr
•I never ba.l‘sDch * ®*>d'!time i.-f.:rr.
Thpp are pleasant u< tiie taste.
Aflei each niral disAoJve oar or ti
of them la the m.intb aad. minglii
wiU Ur food, tiwpi-unstitnte a perfr.1
oigrslirr. alwolulelp safe fur Ue must
sun is not shining." "Sr. "
(urmalioB ..f gas sadYircplng the blood
ligestad ...
Tablets diskr tb*
keeping the blood
’spZI^ for Is lUhlnom of Ue
the sun shiD,.d m.ither want* It,
... . ....SH:';;SfH'E’:;|
Good bp.
yonrs tmlp,
WALraan BES*uit.
.’.r.T.r..''•Jiutc'.' -J?'
cwtij »i- i.--'. is-*.-.
Cold Bunie.
lBlcn*ecold.asi*wril kno<
—if we map uee Ue term—1
fbo-sr* onght to
State SI., near Union.'
I atookoC
Bedrooin. Suits, Parlor Fiinitiire, Easels,
Battas. Oobbtar Beat and D
and SgUsslon Tablaa, nt^ -
J East Front yfiWr
General Blacksmithing.
RepaiaxtLa^ ftnfl Tto^ekiXB.
Id. a o. isbu.''
-n,...SI.......... i^^oK^'^AOK sIii
Agn iigeam.
Dbab Has. BAm-l thouchl I noald
-write a little letter ta the llUAU> Wi
take the HasAUi nod I <aw Ue Irtlers
to It sad I Uosgbtlwoeld irp to write
one. tv* bare's rerp large aebool. Tbc
bap ta not trosea orcr pel, bet I wtab It
weald frorw. I bare a dop sad
fer pru.-- The dog '* Hme ta Tiger sad
mpeafsB. eta Jim. Wells*
for thta time.
Asa Cl an
'Tbere waialsoa bop on Ue sldewnlk
walking la froal of me. i*mentlT,Ue
bakrr'a ta.p'camr out of a hou*e on Ue
oUsr side of Ue street aad eallad.
•fomeOB. Xellp:-'.
t little horse 11
Kellp. Ue neat
. was Uinking of 1
irt Ito
sbr pricked op
UliSr elsTbirt
up brr
fraud of the dqy.
>e drifts to
, waiting tor farr.
1 am sniT that boy so
good time* together «d if 1 Were ,
TVblto of UcM two p«iBg see arel/taker'a
>r Do poo Icoee
Icaee: bi.p I should w
poo Uka. Uimstti bopof
do pod
for tired noUw or boap
staterW^t ip after poo?
trked dHTrreoce tbere ta
!rw peara ago a. fire
o;rharsiIng little Sntaa <
nalrua Ue other day. "I ha.
' touaM were re-] r*TeVllkJ.V\
.rpbewe wbo alteraotely •run oof, few bonraUr
boor. Ue qual
from Ue cUt to ere mr. geocrnlly Urelp
Ip deatroyeddfoiroTedstaying all night. It aloxat glen toe
Tbr poow««saata ran nraund wring- *»?•*{■
Ue shFeers lo allot lhat aparr room to log Uelr btod* and weeping orer Ibrir ,.u. •*• ..warUs
onr of them, beta to crxv-eediu{*ly care- lost bomee and Ue boose of Ue bonrt
» wctani
l«M. ft l.iokt Ur mat oiumlng ns if relUe.
fledtam bsd been loose. Rrerythiag i*
line poor mao wa* in grimier
gnoter Itnobta
itnobta iw
i— ikrn •- - -_
Uu borne ^ane.jw.b^
hut of place; Ur lowel-m-k ta otcr-! than hta n
' - pillow- •
Um wash-bowl ta left fnll of water, thu hta aoo. a brigtal bop of tin or eeren ^
wlodowi arc thrown open to Ue io- year*. He wrp* and refutad lo bear
f»-v» v»«*j»
Ire film, aad ererpthlog geamllp any word* ofvAmCort. Ur|speat Us rinMtnTn*^
Two YooBg Folks
bar, I See you gc^ Carter’s,
Itaaa Mm. BaTm-I Uoogbt
srriu a louar to U* tlaasui to-day. as
I bar* Mit writta oa* toe quits a wbUe.
I tope ppn are well.
I go to.actool
■ and like to go.
Taadier told aa ihnt
-we might write to pon pMlMdap. boi
Aid aot naec ttoe U ^ lorlll write toAnp. iUtaeaowIncMdap.
Tbe road*
are eerp mnch driflad. Todap ta the
laat dap aftbr old pear,
to bare a waicb mreUag at the eborto
e'olcto aad last till IS. I do aot UInk
■ tbmwUI bemaap there lu-Blghtbew to eerp deep Al school
t^wlU mp oubUb. Kellie nar&ad. I
•M, roading,' ariUawUe. apelllag.
i ti)e rulB*. wbile fata a.s{lialoUaces
jbpriMogp and geograpbp. We tore a
Jtcure of U«rge Waablagtoa. aad a
Ulak U«. toiaUmt la.ly^^bad^vpt ^
aew. globeaadaohart. We bare mM
Ubrarp book*, aad now we'baee 4* la MTMdTwMte'tia’ajap^Iora^*^ \ bmei
___ ___________ •U. ChrtatMae See ttoUood Tamp Ian (m It u tto uap dtah, p«M the towni | tog np. beyr bto toTorits a
New Shop OB UaioB St
------No. SI, Front Stf^eets
^Ti^ISm.... ...
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Etc
OboSMt Md Sm. a.*.,. .L Hm*.
.’\sk for Carter’s.
na K:T=..i
Wheels, W'agons. and Buggies.
All Work Warranted,
Dr-an Has Uatk*-I Uongbt I woald
Writfatatterutbe lUkAtAitoMtap. I
goto aebool aad .todp readiag. ariUmetta. spelllsg. wrlliag. I bsTc a lltUe kitty and hta asms UTuffie. I like
topUy with him. too. Mp kilty
mnedy f,r DuiineA. Nauiea.
open Ue door when hr wmau to.
,d . new. Bad Taste In tbc Uosth.Ccalcd Totgoe
atater bae a klttp too. and Its oat le ta 1 Sbe tbought Hint be was her tair.
m rafai in the Sale. TORITD UVTB.
DtaUe. He ba* a black nose at A . I she started acnos the street Ul
Ufoogb uca.*p*now.
Ue d,«p snow. Bat Itar own ' Ita^ieUe Beweta. Puirip ycgctshle.
moitaed tall. Mp father was fia
wiU Hr. Basmaw aad had Urde poui
Ue hayand 'toould haes seen tbe pretty way abe|
'^eta. lie bad iw.
OMdowB bpUr. Umbb-a
gare Anna'aBd EtUlls had
, ...
Eat dwAXi
[ Not the
i Largest and Best
....... ...v.asi.a.s—^
lMama.1 "Why, my child, everybody ought to know
that there is such a storC'-^t is on the comer of Front
and Cass Streets. Tell Johnny when he has a penny to
spare for candy orsom^lelicacies to go there for some:
thing goiHl. That is Wbere I^j^^^afeHcious icoffee
ihai you all like so well- then you Know that Cracked
Wheat in j tKitind packages makes such a nice‘ break*
fast dish. t). j’cs. there is such ^ store-^O. yes. )‘cs.
^....... ........
rii.l 4eai
til l hen
Mama, johnity'fi .aa infidel.
"An infidel'”
iTpmmy.i "Ye*. tietaa>-s he'don’t believe that there
is any such a thing as P. K"* stwe.” .
Marck Sad. tABC. At» o'clock A. M
kl,!,«•}..*ad 1 e.uniii^.r.1 it.,,mH.n. w,i. ii2
him, llul I trrtned to l.r cM'ine s.irw, I ; •rm »i..k i.-s<wc
TableU is Ur
oadrr i
iboee Ur groood .....
----- -_.d eapeutany fot
.lusll twig, as I bhie foui •it—wc
of.stumach tnrublesssd aoU‘
unst look eisdwherr for oui lird. e* tae^-ure ‘ ‘
.: lacnace tassoas aod resersphp.
have beeo eniplird
Ihroiingli smal
from poor krrlac friend.
rvuad holes in their sides, and
>nd the tin
:ab Enrroa-I Uonghl I >
Enaai-BL Saanoau.
of sharp terU marking Ue
write s%ttm to pno.
I bare, W^ttra
Icine prepared rspeeUMj
r Ue sbelta-l/...(cr-'. T.
Airkk.Jas.S. ime
before. We hare « achotaJS in
Dbab Has. BATas—I am coIbc to ____ 3I.
We hare f* llbrmrp fauok*
Fotofi la Ue Know,
trritelo'thaHaBALb for the first Ume. onr echoed. 1 hare loU of achnot-mAV
if gmsl material,
. Bells were pingliag. nowhai:.............
1 km colaf to sAod er^ dap sad cet- We bare a new plpbe. We bare a chart flpiag. nod ererpbodp -----------housaad men an<| woe
tasturday. th- Uv day ol'grtirtory,
if Miihigau a'--- ■ttac alon* rerr well.
I am in
for there was perfect sleighing This
for Ue eblldrm to rmd oo- 1
of IndlgestiuB aad dpspepippMl In blankeusnd inrked bmn enred of
l•abt, . ...,
foarth CTSd^ Tt*'* are ten In
Anwa to tbc 8w*dUi church Cbrb
usc of Stuart's
Stuart's Dyspepsia
sis bp U
data I bsee thrm brothers and
and had a good time. We han tbe«lcI'ablrto.
draggtauat.-oi e
atatm. Twooftbw JO to school with
that poo .sent u: Uep were rerp ______ dong through tl
Sold bv
imnred I
. me. Johadle sad Usds. Good bp
bright- fAiws about hi
I will be glad rrbeo J <*n rrric
that Ul* was a Umnlifi
Mp mamma wsssir
im an old soldier of Abe Uebclli
llcl surarlhing stri..... ____
preup sear for n pear. .1 am la the and Imbp sank luin a'vc-rv soft, eom- „ „_r ago I was In bed sll wlotcr «•
ebroBic rheumatism. Three doot
forUble bed—*o comfuruble that be ................ giie.me relief. Two b~*'
> Arrklr.JAa.
weot to sleep, lie did out knpw b<
’lufd“ k Bliod Itillef* put me
DkiB Bntron—I will writs a letter to
long he had been Aherr
Ahere when a n
its weight In
el. Il ta worU
- gold.'
joa. 1 am coinc to aebool. I nad Is
hand touched his fai-e and waked
■Id, lliltadale tb
ALi.i-n i-iuirm.u.
the foarth frsde. We hare fan pier
Uraa Emtub—I angolac totrpaod
lag ball. It ta enowinc no
ema of Ue scal
writeiUttlelctter. bat I cannot write
wriW pon thta letter. We bsee a I
In iU muni
. ... hep of the toby. The men
rerp well. We tore a nice school roo
Ideure of Ueorce Waablactos is «
frightened, imt not the baby: tbi failingl;
and 1 Ilk* to go to school.
1 rrml
nehoot. The aebool bse side room
____ had ■Hgl
It Wc hareieUbrarp tmeksand them the foorU reader now asd J am
did Ur bsbp belong to? How
u Urti* aad Does Kuch._
ars usebolaniBonraebotd. (kmd bp apelllag, ariUtMlIc. geagraphp and
gel in ihrsnowbank. all wmpped
langnace. and 1 hare not mta««d a word up to keep it warm? . The baby knew
fee thta time. Yours titalp.
ISHreUIsc Uta ter^.
I go to school aoUing about It. and was not al all
n^oua As the man AiVve os he met
rrerp dap.
We hare got a pirtorr
I tr P
iteocgs WaaEkigtos and :e oewtibrarp with fmr, and a horse all coerred with Ih) w"i's} eurr"* ^Miri
Daaa Emtub—I am etdsf to write s
hooka, which we like to read Ic. Last foam.
few Uam to the HasAta. se 1 hare
"Ilaee yon *emn baby
Prldap we r>t a new clobeaad a ckarC
aerar writtes before. I go to sehool
>w 1 wUl close mp letter
Tbc Bian threw back Ue big robe,
•eeep^^osh. I llkr to fo to sehool
and Ue tobp. alLAwy and warm,
bemair we bare a food taaeben her
smiled Into lu mother's face. ,
aams ta Ulllr M. UorVn. I etudp
Then the man heard how Ue baby iofinencH of Tbomaa' tolcrtrta t)i:
apelliac. f. 8. htatorp. Isarwce. fe<v
rsA Imt. The baby, iU father bod
DBAS Has BATaa-I wUl trp to wriu
lapfap and ariUimeUc: We bate dt
U Ue HaaALD. I go to ecbool and I
.. stalgl
acbfllireja our eebolsre la onr school,
. and Ufew
ilm<»l overtoroi
j We bate te Ilfararp books; thep are atodp
the snow.
ssby right ,opl
md apelllnc- Wr he
j Teep F«Hp. I see mp letter ta ccitiac
borsr was fright
actolsrs In oar school. We bare a plcl- miles before he
I 4alteloaf.tolwll1slowforihtaUme:
of Ucorpe WsAhlagton. and
Voare tmlp.
libraip booh* and and a r>obe.
tore Ue same teacher wr bad ai:
A Brooklpm Bonn
oUer terms I like onr teacher
I was walking up Ibestreet early on*
Hpemt-Biale ta a flrl n
cold momlag last wlatcr, when Ue
10 toe tusAiAi BA > Bare nerer His. sbont UeesmeagrsA I ai
■now was so deep that the horsm of
■a bMere. . I go to nebool. I am bare three brothers, but I hare no tie- Ue milkmen and grocers and tokers
Ye the sUt^crade. IwDI tell pon tow
Two of mp broUers fo to *cbooI had hard work to pull the earU thUugb
Urp were not prepared for, ,
: nmap setolsrt Uere
Uere art la osr netool. Mp tooUer ArUnr wrote to Ue Hand were still on wheels. There
11 poo
Tbere are tiatp-iwo.
sad be cot a Bice (deture book. ' was a Brat little baker's esrt slaadiag
srtot I stadp: htateep, siitbmetic. lastatter for thta Umela the middle of the street, dmwn bp a
cases. geecTW>bp asd spelllsg.
•i little horse wiU a pretlp head.
abiak m letter tagstUag long eaoocb,
Isnri. Kkasov..
rward aad back rrerp s
aa 1 will tiasc bp telllag mp asm
t to lirsU
(Tommy, id a wh^^yr.)
o-nicl After Ikr flr.« urr-k I cnmm«o.d
I.. iwr a ch.ngc, sud ..................
- '
llu> WAS m.-..iirsgKis,
iMruw. llo.ikflrrb
Inppy nsoll UuU I wm
H.mr nrvieHrsnl ..f savnintlriis sI.kI
liAii r.i.li ■ pMu..umrsljBi.| m.liiwUlf.-n
dtacorrrihg what I
ladloUOf fooBoUrtv- Tlxlkke
like fUM.
«7 broUier ond I mode
•bilksd we ore
tie Ikke V
M(ke..;*«ai«cfMkrtk*ep>n ti**
ow ^ we-sre c«IOK t
lln«. I rsesi
r» I will cl*e for Ibl.
Urns se I euBot tblsk of ss; Ihlag
Osr LiUle l^tsr V
^ Dbbb BmniB—f bore ooe brother
M liter. We
here U eeholsrt I
t>K4B Hat. BATX*r-^t thoBjbt I Would
We hsre B lltaTBrj book* writ* k letter to 700. I go to ecbool.
Mr A. E Wing leUtat u <lt N Jsefc
ma SUM. Jecksoo. Mkh. llctaskerpn
iBibr MtahlgsaSlalerrismi. smsanf MetUag Ictrgrtty. sad wbow s.ird talsAotpl
diiqiub- Hr Irik Uw f.dlowlnc stott of *
wmxtariulrwAi*.. sad the lori.lwr.« r-u.
arrtnl with the dsBcmHu lotiirsi In
whi,-U lie *■« Jdsryd. lie W.JA s-.mmonths Ago my sltraium |ses sllraclisl In
sswrUiuEof mp gmlai. sbidi tirgso l'.
ln.-K«e In sirs to'euch an enml UM I
wstarmcl li tferad dosomr k'CA I'.
atsl I
M-wted fnun nr wji-i
I..SW. w> haillr ilisi I «-i.iil.| isk poll nj..
psni., orcr m« h-e*. and I lia.1 u. 01. 01111
Ue.-'futlpiso iota..* lef.irr I OTul-l cm
ita-ni.ei Errn my f.,v ta-ramr i.u(I-il
iip.sialmT wli.ih'syslrm <■-. mrt sum ii
I <.«U iunllrdrsc no* If urwuira
a •xA.oo.::
•adtog wHh
“■ y.‘-.-e*.-
At Ue reqoMi of I>r. naacbe. i h
w hAd few Ual porpoM. A book WlU fi
scab la a late letter Ur. ('
imaah UgeiUaaof poa. .
Ui^iny toytis Ue sac
WlU Saab toatn_________________
Wk's. LAmor.
As One Woman
Have Respect
aATCa. I4fur.
rad U' loU IB
■^UkTtte teWc MO* Uw JM* la
oi., u« ->■- -r." “n; _;■.“
kbMit pulil/oM. W«»r*V«r7
|0 not give,it food that will irriUlVit,
or retard it in the performance of its
natural fiinctionst o/ it will retaliate
in a way.dccidcdly unpleasant
Have you« headaclf^ adistrws in-t our stom
ach. a ipain in the sidf^wr an irniation of the
skin? These are the ^-mptoms of disordered
dig’wlion resulting from unwholesome food.
sihlc for a
Inking powders ar#
wrta Ihry—.
Minrwwa if uyoMt*
SHturro* ooufnMdm UU ;mibj*ct.
and u> t»nc3 ihti iher* k « utural
■—-■- kaoec‘^ worthy latitnn | cupflirt httw^n yoodPf«» »1 btwrt ood Frtead.- mU o«.. poUwly. -It i* ala- tbrf»l.*.oo.old»|»ruur«t;U..iU.»r»dw
who «lt <7 ow
.j .u.Ui. aeorwv}
hare a ft<bt.,a.|a« la»f •"
ii of^locrrity.
win br «o*« itoa f\*i.
icerity. •------aad wnl>;th
“*iol JTont »incerity.
- ia»iBhelp to «oy jc^rlly. u
•wa to rl*«
Bul how aball we atart Hr Wbal aboat
, who dt^ir* tv W« woold llk« M «•!
IV Tbr fact
rt U.
U. lift
II would be a far
laiton MlhcUtUc loJh* write to tLr.r
, aareable Uilay furaiaoyul aa,
i«|TlmVr‘ aad eonld flad wrloumr
-------- |»llleD«w were n»or* aaaidO' ’■Oh^chat'aca*y.aareIyr Hub
We hBuw bow bni-
imlige.stihle. •
The dangcr.lo the public rf\not trifling; for
alum baking jHi-ders are nurntsrous.
„„.ii o„o. ™.i.
qqar«l,” cried lh<
tot ilk aiirbabelp when *«e la ner-,
,„„r au,B..io time nf lllaeaa
aooaaBdtbaea arraOBiaBy llUle wor-, .tre you ,-antul toaDawer.irdiDarylcl
rta IBal
that W«B
whes a»wu.wi
aswU.iJ out
ool' at.^
»il'J^ „riteofb-o
l"» wUbin aV reaaoaabte
urn*. ootpo
the dear eelatiee
aa that la. «akea Ufa ao Bioch 'waUr.,
la the dl.uai clly. »e
Md wo hara ofleo fonad aoBioeh h«lp(„ne wb« la aiooaf avno»eea.aod "b$mr
froa Uia EooBOBy dab aod Uoer^ heart yraru. ualpeaVably f^9»w»
..I all
. Baking powders sblirdth^ whole
sale or retail, at a lower price than
"Royal," are aijnost invariably i^de
from alum, and therefore of inf^
rior quality and dangerous'to health.
If Dot. joal let them try tt'amth you bare enjoyed bia aenDoO.
i. .1.,. tit.-.™ u -■«
joe wiU &Dd a apm.1 that 1-; at e«eep would alao re
tido. Uwkeoiabould belled in the end 1^1 lo bleaaincep'O yt«ara. lf lb. Jo.
VOur Annual—^
iraiid ('.Ivaring^alc
Mow are tliey to be avoided?
’^l. ''-likelhia:'’
^ ■
Aed be rare, bia oosiradejiiat tbr fea.l-
RmAl. liAKisi; I'.iwi'.FK is made of cream of
tartar, a pui^ wiioVesomy I'fuii acid derived from
grapes. ItaTlds poMtively.ami tlysiK-piic qiiab
;V, A', .ii'tnir ,«• fl l/Ji -j'li r/im iihxiifi
hies to Uie food, ll makes finer, lighter, swceier
food, and is more ecbnoniipl in use. because of
'.-Don't yoD kbow. yoat liMW. d^
Said hla friend. ‘W.iearrel.ne'er
its greater str'engtlu
thee tbry laosbrd nil gaily at their
. fllly achriDB,
And no Borr dtd althdrofa .<ji
^Chicago -d ' ■
ty.1^ If .rr wonld ertr bear ^ Bind Iki-
U^I.K. p,M«wal»n. and reUm It al <Hi.-r i
ir.' ■' !:rsrr‘;Er;'':r;';.’u4".iSi
tba article oa “Small Coni-
wi^Ut. MarI w-*.ly that ebartnlag
It U a Wlc well
-hiw flry »r KiDirlhii
kUlr l•^r».l and pour t)ir> If onyiriing .-alrh
/ la^lnwtiipR iuek.-*ti ditogr,
loioabi. ...rr tbrm
alf au an hnur, th.-W .ui-.lv..tbr,.« Mill upon
J f.ir half
tba Patber'a Hand.
'lumlhi- ►lii-iw- iv-at -ID.- trg. aoil .Itl- „ bnubl .-u-ar Or.- u. .|ui.
I'm only aa old wife now. «ir. and
tirulto tbr rtv tb.-u IU bnrwl ,.„y r..«.l,l> br ..bi*li..-d
ait ub tbr Btraud
time to ai
Aber lliatpultlirm iiiU. ibc
up.n'U..- .—I*; Hkr*
walehtog tl buaUdomr to. Sir.
fryiiic la-krl nnd .-■..•I. in l.riliup fat *o.-l, b;»/r *houWrw.n.t fr. nn-lr.
Idrrn al play ..
- -chlldr
two iiiioutn..
nraio wrll anil >»-r»r
f.i (n.iu tin.lliiiK «lmk,
rntyjr^.^slr-alltny <Uy»-l barr
• ___ ■
K«it will kululur iv - o.r-f
1 ll ha* brea aral anil Biniey
Joy and aorrow lo nie.,^
k'atber and hnkband and boya
^ya (S/
>D of them all
ibrrr war pot a Bat
d- bare
.till in
a the
when the Wtod. and the water*
Uii.oB* tor nipbiboTia-WhyUuu't thry uw tinbio..Vlui-.. aakr, «Ifv don't
i.t-uui'* i.t-.ri;i;s
Few BOlbriafralI and Wp(r-r. giytr rtrtug, 1
1w bow jrmt an adrantace ll^'l* to tbr
.doyuu keep
-ll pi-r.uimlly (ora l■■Dr. will T
i|i thrrr
ebUdm to go out iBIO the world pnr my *u.'k>."
It thi- hair from fallin*
MWedMgoodmaaarrv A*amat«rla1 - Wtat pair
.poonfu'. of nail dbr-ilrrd
M.,:|i Wrr.- th^ ri.-limmiiiMi.
lulred Mr>.>. <'hugwal>-r.
Mr lather aod ho.band .Irep to
balplo'ad»aBO*BrntlB life thear rrrb
.•ne-liMI Klaiwful >-f natrr i.
■■■Ad}- pair. If ibey-w only maU
go beyond a good edueation. A Irarn. rrr'..a* .uld gray “'I*
ioclu.liD« *, Treto--•-«>
• n-Jir»r hrarl-burn drtok a hMf
and Ihr wWlr
W--. «
-kune, and Xiwnbrrr ID throorl
•d boor will Btterly (all tomak* friend*
nerer rwine back any more:
111 old palpot la*t auiaairr'* lov
or«adanoo<ot.'wbrrea wUliog. wellready ------------------tokliik. Slr'but
•e been rev-j
'^.l!?.u’Il'a tobl«pMfu1 of uall tl..-na
''*7 VuiV.iT*' .*•
bred boy win InertUbly win bU way.
.•'*lhlngi i-au'l In' kept Id
me attoal;
me afloat;
ll U while our oar children arr
iDr D* ulbi-r lueo'*."
I Irwened
jed iv Sir. a> a liUlr
liulr law •at play
yonng—iB the plaatlr yeva when lllr
-K y..>i bad .lul.v Ddd me"------n mv father'. b>»t.
• Tbl.l voo'. Hare lg<«l to ror to ,T.m
rouliiKiw. Sir. It'kufleo .track i
taao tBally moaldad to whaleeer loriu.
W* win. that three tblBga <-an be Bad.- Mr*, fbwpwr. hd'.rB'.'inc»i'r
lnDdugeanfl Iwaten iolito the world eround i
a part of them that ti.
.-.-I, apply ..lamp.-tU-'l kali.
I [!u*'i.' '^’ihr
Uifclreciur mtod.to ir
U —'vlirr.-. ]
.11. U-Idb UirD bound ab-i
will serre ati7 lo tbiok what to do, but
bade l a lad. Mr. w be paid
rrr llie
•Iwayado Ibr right thing in the right to pUerthlDg. Id here M> 1 can ^ad 'em Ur father
tbr m.iee hewl to
salt aa B to.uh-n<h.ilaii<K>wlter than oimk b.- luaOr aa ofu-u aa Ibilomur Jot* of butber.",
And. M our good old father uw-d It Wiinld
lirwould Uke; me wlUphlm ii
ulm-.at any other'drnlip-.«.-. K'ke.-pa ooiu.-a tlry. lo llie i-aMw nov.vd lh>'JruUb. If v..'u will Irl me"-:—
to ay, tbe (osndatiob of all good a
(ar <011 im tbr opeo dob;
tbr to-rlli very whlto.'tin- gHina liurd r.-aull waabIokwIm*gi.-al; -Iradly p*iti
thriT'* DO uw of yi.itr ji-Hlog
Umr lo aleepy
MraklB IbeOoldrn Bale. "To d.
and pull with my might and main:
-^*mn'(frt-*pair'of halfway
If itlir tiiroat i> rrry, *ore, wring a fortMbora a* w
I .’.U" '
•rU Td bten left to oiywlf. Sir, I'd .-loti. ..ol .d void aalt ami waier. and
iei\r u'lghl bare a
"e »i»h thr
ae'er haer aeen borne agato.
fully le>l ita umop,- and If pu il'<t 1“"'
bln.i it oa llir thtaial tighli,.-. wlwu go wiae vooupb to
bare Ihe AlndDew to put
-Full. lilUr tnahl:•' br w.iuld il.rw nu- togto bed; <-on-r ll wiih e dry Um;,rl fuini-w.--Jaoir.
- Bake ba Mt taken troa tbe New plain Knglkh UJ go out-aod boy
but rtlU krpl bi* hand on the oar. Thia i.rx.-vllonv
York Weekly tbat(flu laberc altera
For n.-urulgie. nmken amall -----I'd Uy lo turn u* to
*‘-HyoDhado1l«iinblod three tblog* Tboiigh- w-eirlimi-.
a.Viplutal jualifi.-ali.irf l.ir
. - ivvrryhoi.
liaKhBbeg. till It Wilb aalV brat
pretty n.«k«o ibeaborr;
if.*.; a.-.-.-rtling to In- lollv.
■■»'* TO Bvau*.
.1 Ihr aching place, 'll-*
Igbt w ent the boat b> thr bar- end’lay il agminat
SlHl atralgbt
,>uld blam.-a girl.
f. aacaltrelalna ■
- gn^ .Uongrr .wwh will pnwe a gn-el
n tke BobIr. greeruu* wosan.
drawer tor. .*
for giving such a n-toi-l aa-tlii.
llir|hrat B,l-mg III
Ibiokioa' lourjwav unarv
found that thr only wi*don
or irooblr-eur w.aala. and (-w graaa
rowing my laibur'a.way.
ad 1 think. Sir. ttaat leal inir FnUiet
............. ...
4 MiUl th'Jcrs'will c«-.v-i\e tin- l»-.l of attcniioii aiid
of M-ifvtlim. .
I The J. L. Hudson Cq.,{
l,rt,jl/«r«o,nrt’lrtr lip Jfn.r'lrr
HU Oarrdlon* WUe.
iyvii.i:? .
The Power c( Pertama
lildufood Id the
iM.ind1 ll flni
la onghi not to deal in eenaatr
llnvb rag nd oBgbt Dot to dtetrby. but ntbrr i
Aall^nraput atroev
Bother bear* tbr reniaBalbmty
neUo.: bnt do you
to IV dear mothhb.
or. that -danghtorhb« Uw proper;
Iiatotog to thi* Bial
-S i'.3d - '--ra! •.JO-,-."'
groond eloai-a. oor i-f
__________ a lltUr DUUneg T-bro -
-------—— a. the buairwl of I
lull, wbii-h bn.kr. and thr
jnmp. bathe InaUBllv rune. Md re-,j„;.,,,^,.,-|ii„,torBoor!Uto5d*UDdtognnllll'badtaken»y V„,*rrywWto
ide Uiink ;
labiKrf thia '
i roerteidca.
s:a"3j,rii .tLritiSis;;' -““-v_.
1?^ ladiraM tbr dtoner to^tbry
bctw kiB her wi
T goodetrnlug tohrr.|»tol^
i cr.-ta- E-SEssr■ru.is;
half C-,---------------------- —---------upend done apace bet'___ half leaapixmfni aaleralu* Ml* w,
and tall to taate. Steam (nr l
tbna briiiglng n new apot ■
hot. with wblpiwd <3
:r." it
-i.. -™
a .n: .01V,.,)-...j ■:"£
at bratod argumrev Neitbrr aiolh- "
whal applioa toVbe earprt i r-n, S-dp-thir tableap.
mt Bar alator govaoal altor dark with- I- dXnr.
v .. and
trr. one toblrepioofol Ot
Sip'S rsSpi';;
Sirt “p.sL'-ksffi -iis-s:;, ssr. rr-is
well together, add tbe jul
guud deal inn. a toaapoonlel ol aall aad a aal|nfnl of
bl pepper; .me qnan o
of tadlIng milk. Add V- Ibiaa can u( aw»*l
,, nd^a. and boll the wbide naUI o( a
_____,____ g men bar* ai-julred. whi.b yoa happv ...... ------lh*T wmt with aa BDeon*.-k>ea grace. i m. till eTeatog. or oeal m.Bih. or
boally ebarmtog are the a^nm vrar? Tlien wby dealroy
ly tta^kar.
l-aprak of. p nraa by a dUlani nil-ry. wbicb may ol aalV a |UOcb of pepper, and b
, «(
tk* glrla to tbe...........................................................................
waatia. aofl-«>nkeo. Appmciativr. oon-; nevw cunr at all? Every aubaunllal, tea.apooBrBl of aegar. Aftor n>
iidwaw. rerereaUal. Td old people grl.) ba* twenty abadoWR Md aaoal ol : ten mlB0l*a,*llrtotoit a toblwpo
S^an SB-1.T. to ehUd^n kS. to , them almdoara ad our ow* 'making.-Jo( floar aod on* of *«Uar^
: 1 baaa prevtoamly blaadad. 0»k
• iV.'TFiLr
■ .iirfif...-. urrw.
■ iysTWlH
ISoUedI .
W. TUI KTip..
.-o.^TJf .s/f»A' rt.YSTBW
H\--Ii;i> “wV-nats
iltsTKIlS . liVSTEUs
^ The Monroe Doctrine
I'e—ple a- well aa ealhwi* alertlld 1
llrry ■> yar. p-di.-t '"Ani thing
U.nghl .J ua jir.wHig una*liaf*i-l.fr) In a^y »*
may l»- rviiime.1 anil yrur auney will be r
(undivl. Ia tbla not (air deiailug?
S. E.W.
New York Tea Co.
Thu priec-rt realwrt.-n- low 5' *^013 account ol;lheilcaih'of my wife .ami dau«bicr; which
I he enudv.
S leaves me emirely alone. 1 have decided lo close oul my bus-.
ll will-sell my emire su^k to an>-one wishing lo go in i
llcudiiiurtera lor
fom jKT cfni.,leirt ih.-in.,cosi. ’Commencing Mon- j
• dity tnofTiiitg l-hrc. jo.ydu cap buy anything
_ store
• I ir.1 and irt-low cost. .\o'.v i> iht: time to get the greatest bar.>ffer<-d il Trautrse^Ciiy- My stock is vonplete
■' Ooii
want a Dinner Set .of
of |00
Goine.and-oe Rie. lamp,*ebamlamp,* eh
• ,j»ieces for Sd. come and re me. If yoii.w^ani a Ian
it atybuD
irttr «rt. glassware or crockcryware, )x»n can gfct it
for I must close out within ninety d^'s.
Front SlnocV
, iS'iE.SoSr'B.'r.x'r."
" hen .your carpet ^10. to
line ineatto add ■
^y‘»e alair carpel buy a ^
'a to attend. Meat wlnotog and: ■
Igwrtlh ................
■ V'U.
Provisions |
o., ™«in. i«i .«-k'i -"VT-d
keep the ,
stuck of ■
lb li to -d»v* btog by, bat It la not | [p, white of tbr rgg for will fr>»li
rn Ur mult 1* *o tragi.ally tTHnan- lUmred witbJrmon
oryaollia. Some
aa to thr (..llowiiir
(ollowitig ll
ImHatirr: A -imee •I -pul in tbroren
----until thr fnwta, aenaitlrw.genUe^^ ag la drllnately btoward^ and Urn
riK'~\f torTn'iitoal^aWr
plae* dropa
w of J.dly to any (aa.-ltul dr.ppe»r,.d to be again uklng u
aign over IV
"Vstmis • kivsTiiit:
—# ()ur Doc'frine
All Sort* of Oooa Tnmg*.
ll to AD otrn. llwn
'oU-bnraW two rtn^^io a .Iry
and mi* with apiriu of
ll MUr
(.-BH-Up, lUI W-lth
•-<|.inl paru I'.il It on a
cup kugar. cap and a ball
wrap around thr fplon.
tbird_ U«*puOa
u«*lMto aoda. a'
a nii».-b
qnlrkly aod bake in laven
.>nr-ba1frup lirb milk, yolk
1 o,'one egg. three leaaiux.u.
teaapooue of *U(
keen, hold of tbr world juat
:,A'«a.., .o
why did yoa not aak
t» aV| -ii.vra. .«-.-a»looaily- Are you look-h''*‘V*
BaV ____.
>enrJlgfavfootod daughter to ruD up
ihroiurb .. .
wng for e market'.'' ,
»c.or_ "by
Why l-,t wbaf
____-and .get that boa forr*oor.
wbat' vou'rr
.vou'rr after
then d^l .....*er and ilwwaod hnmWrr-lill
......................... step right up na tbr ten I
The'beauvy an-l pea.-r of lUa keeping, hand, rrery ra.-rning. Salt and watnr.; ^n,HinU-r "-.'rir.o.l
V 1 Tou know where
. - - ■ *------------- r
Bi wK-k. are. iln
b-lhr .oar tbr.iugb all life in Uik nwHlBaagarvl.' jual Iwfcrr going b.,'^
atornglhrna the elir.int and hrliw. n-|,eii tbe hour of tr.>uklr .-.lOtoa
Iraow better. You |
■omnd^iUe a abi’iigh
ana old enoegb
. prrrrnl brou.-^l ir.niblra; I;‘aalaoj
(|,c minif
or (hr budy, pr when lU..
do know •
l•llttlr aud doing ii<
For tbr Falhrr know* wbat wr rrall)
-. wall
a row
'I talk to-to
t- ___
_ aad r.wbul it to'
rr f.>and u.rm for yoa to
want U lab-r atul-rrat with Him.
If Ink i-apilird .in thr cane-t; Ihrriw ' high and-low. t^n it ia not ..liel nr
araataeI oat
at iragranoe
trngraaoe aeo
aad me.
rile. ^ "by
..uy 1; ,
, „ioulr
„ioulr and.. Mfed
aored yiw.
Ihl.'Wiubli- So Hr braia u*. rtralglil through joy
.lM»nlll. of Mill on it- which wir •
nek John b>
giron mr a ebao^
and liwa. orrr dianintontand w bim. lum.-kly
or oHw-r-,
that we tl.ie
lak* IbU up, hare d--nr tor
1,,-kly abaopb
abaorb thr Ink;
.lratghtone.1 Though oft ll'a nol>Hl we ail, llbe Br. and put uD.tnore aalt. Kern. rr|w*UOK moa\ iH.akanlly.nlly.--.'ir ll'.-licr .Vi-ui
the- drawer
a-waUbtog llfr'* ainktog aeb,
tbia. rubbing ll well Into the Ink-ap.V
*oo atoed IV -John liivrerou; bnt tbal, irougbt lorlrw fniia oorul
of thr bottom
feel that our brat I. .tor latoal
toMtamaB'aaaluma U|tokof.tiiBll|.„„^.
of rlran
prayer, and tbal 1*. "Thy wllf U. . irnt to w.u e*.-h
torrW lB tohalt of Ma lotrf^nto. a-: ..tvnen
-"‘Dm you
you waet
-ioge would br more bl u .
tirnwllrr. Juaiali. if y.rti'11 ju*t Irl :
m..n roekwalt.
ma* tbaaktol. bowerrr. wbm be
know"-----.1 foraalllug dawnpoik.
Tresh Oysters;
^saSspS jSri.s?nsi
E tiuil Rapids S Maiit-S. fe
wbat heewe da 8r f
•Tb* iToul.lr with you/ Samantha,
kieklag blaaarlf Uiat be did
eelve tbr atowaally of U> aclk
1. ibapkfal. laaiwrt. It b* b* at all .'j
unr .-orDM V. put
that y.p Ulk loomu.-b."
Unamay tblak tbai *»ogbt«-abonhl |u....
West Michigan 4
• with Ihe-twre due.afrlenW Uy ibkal^ Uoghtav and upon
VlBUd aoBT time agD lo
■ad we think It well worlh r*-prfnUn». l iv ba* br.-B rr,1f Art
I - Un not yoo? 1 fdar I
: l•t^•Ttoo^Ollf.lowillell
Yooie truly.
rou are rljbf.' Hart-a
■ -ID. • iwrongr-‘ -......
Mb*. F.-C
, lor. tbew anuiU. ^Buu
Tb* poas I* glren InaBolbef ColuiIBB. «nr
of lifu.i-«.iru..r,-l IJ.
aod get a ceke to tiy •
Bcn wetotogaey.
petfm r
Urge part of thisiunwholcsonie food, for it
fact, rccognifed .by all ph)'sicians, that alum
renders food, with which it is mixed: partially
.ukuaa of hotor as w)a>e- Cboauafor coDtoBttoo: are ods. « I
biiw •eai.UJTr patora blewl
OkaB Hob* Citt*a-Wo wool u. iel
aufler, bruau-- "f the wboJU lor*■ .yoahow^lad w»«rr thatynidid no attd
enaatil* aodor of critic»ni wh wli taka
kxp Um "llttlB .tory" abool the lorin iu ilw« llrraw. Id tbe ala prtacy of
£aefa woold rraat the other what »br
.bmoMhe KcoBoay CJob ooU! r« ttar doqioll.;
oVur alalmed.
___________ __ , _ o-Uh look and toi
jar. lortbl. yara«B» widoH (for Tboairb
we loveoort»wo the beat.'
pV-j of u ba^r >m frlaod* aod the •11.,« art- they to ka.tw that w. I.
trtal after trial the* by. luroa tbry
h^^'.aBd rbeowe rad Arm Iwat if w* Beeer take naloi
Hula* both kept yirldlBr ralbly tbry
Bd Aiuit lb«y.J»»»IS
it w«»«» altD»ta II -• bad
- bad a rtali wllb aoow dear frlad. aod UM-ri•«ml for me at all," aard a yoaoe •r'ral thraalituifioallywid
atoora tofi^r.
Mtebarod aid; brt*hteaed te *o»r
iliy. otlaware-of li -•*
be. “I bold
ber apereh, —
"Tbrtdare Bine. Oldiellow.^oo d
tbwr tditor. yoo aald w* would all be d;^%^:td“btpi^xt;ip'tbee,
id Umbi..........
WBleoaw. aolmold like to aak If our
r'll (all to achiliv. Witboai
I atatura. wbee they are wwloj and Ibr
tor eraated
r ado.fall to
la -like DiaDo
thnwlwin ta«flrai.**oarl ao. etrr
aaiwered. -your*
Uie dther
__ oourtrey
weouirlilt" t»r lothee
avlfb that It it )aal budaaartbey bare •bow ICOWlu IrieB.lm aod a--40i
theyr .nx.
.iiy. aBd
an- fair.
— .
w yoB rather aeery oDctbat'a
>r 1 aaw
i Had tba boot to the w rosr ru**' 1^' aocu*. I>» you b-n your paa
! Ihread?
■ntoiog doat by Bin* o'rteck 1U»
■ oerCT barmrd lb* Boot drtie***
T to my Brnmet dfcawi*. to b bbb
bee 6WB ^ acid*. Idovabyna
Sjs 1-V-V1 STkri.T.
' T]IEJKGMVmi£S._^
Lirosch’s Alcat Market
BTBtuniif.MiuairButH. 'ChoicBst Mfists, Poultry ond G
S'o'vorS- •*
Fresh, Salt and Smoted Meats, Sausages Etc.
Ttaanon (Maur 4.)
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