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Grand Traverse Herald, September 24, 1896
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
®s ■
lATTRftF crrr. a&AKZ> tfu.yxBSK oouhh, iochioak, s
Grand Traverse Heral()
If you
le drlre tbe *lr tAieegb th*
■ataUce Uef
Nn botWe.
VUlwg* Property for »*l*.
for good Candy don’t forget that we aelll-owney’#
fine, candies' in'^ sealed
packages, ^me candy
looks nice but d«n’t taste
ri^t—that isn’t the way
mnsss Gin STATE BUI
fiasineas Oaids.
Rose & Son,
O. P.'Carver
Real Estate
^oxnanr xo
J 1l^eal~Es?itfe B;!eUn^e
» eat nr fomntt •« »
City Drug Store. \
4S Fraal BtraeL
The Dracrtet.
And Lunch Boom!
- bri
- ,
«.tTI frrl Bbnw m Irrrl,
d* opralar rtiela. Tbrf* tP •
br»uSr*rd lurb III rffrru ibai brraald nM»t«Bt reariB* saaad. Hhr th* iriaS
„ et bOI rarrx ibrrtpmiarai funbrr. TWb nirtiBM taakra. It dora aai Bera.
HUM. brl*btlo«blrb P»«l. Morea tba.aim*. I..d |, aadoabtrdly caaarS
mrboB <*>rd aa aM*nl U alOMBa a aillr Ufa bt air rlrralatla( la tbr laiwmaa heU
•MToH. *111 hr.arrT «sia'
ttet of Mrxini' G.rrrat. aa Ibat It
tbr uoaaul*. tVla aia ao taf.
rrKntl-r *111 l».|'lS« b
nalllrrrrbr nak ladimikiaa aad tM <*•* Il a pM>
otm bi. 1 »)f. arrlBBllnpfabBl.lr Ibat
ktlkatpaak «k tagrotiwMa.and tbr BiA«rlee »bk n» art hi. Iwji aa
p«e^ '
a^Md Cl
■» esM tar »
! baaeU.Ada— iba IMaMi
la II
I >WMlrn*Uvabkd*IU<:a
rirntaue aod n>l.u>t br *i
op:ONie of Janra Rtwarn aselalaied Ibr l'bka«u dniBU
bU-'r.i.r. .ti kaertb l<
(liarirr Uadlry Uanirr. yij to tbr saviM* ol aa arqi
him Uik'.lbr I.Ulr rrar
*f*rr tbr
laaw*» f
T. ret«ad
xhr' .tiUnlie. Out ibr aallaUrery
Imm Ibr'Urtratt
VkL. «.Tr kr|il opraed In a hark yard
Tar nirm yr.r
■BllaUrrry k
Ibr Urtraft »>*
Frra riea*.
>t a fill la rlmnal ia l'n.-k Taa> aad Ikrd riaod aar af*aaa. wbra 1 aar abaai I* yaan
ao •UTT* indfd l-J hi)rb •all* •»■at do I ii.oi-r **nr-n aa
1 II fr-.m aar yrar’a Ibr •ri.rurfarr
> implird Is (M «ay of a full a|ipi*rlaii«i. ak *U. but that *a*—urb. Uoal aWa
aunihieo r
ID uplvr roam. *rll i
............ af Ibr tr- for aa> aiai* of ti la talar, tbaak yaa.*
r|il>fd.aDd \rulkal Mnrarlnr. ran Umarkaldr Erniur of Urr. S mr. Writ-; -U> yaa BMaa to amrrt that yaa bad
Ibrallhrarr t.*iB iliy ii
•bore folk .riu
br wtd: -fr 1. a.. hiU ibr laaooBla at tbr rariy M* M UT*
.. had uaitorm
rrtloa In
and ju ,nd tbr trndriK-. of B>> • irlk. I drmaadrd tbr olhrr
■irlden fall In aea- i ruuol brip lookiac rt Ibia*. pairly
■ IKdu't siMrt aaytbiBf of tbr klbd.
urr l> likely nrv ilw fmm an lerttuir |a>ini of .k*, and ‘
Mirareurrct.lbeewlf *Ut I ralued in I nek Tom aar Ibr bm Ibdt I
d It. Ibe party *
iofailallbrirotnal levolta,
-------- Blnctbr»:r.i'nirdo*B ^„i„a aad i»t the laoml- TbU had |, *„ ia oM ti _
..................................lBII*Sn,.lt1 liHtian areon. in ibeiith brrn bia im|H*-ion -bn. hr rrad tbr ^orkiay at Uml lime, aad br bad tb*
- —
tilmnllr nh. ..■t,«idcRTra.,«ni,h.«.idr- Umk la ISiriv loa« afimbr »biH of aurafial aad alaa tbr amat yifHitiak
It «ai Dot prpaitrd. and pmr. *W.i. and rla.o.bru; and tbia.
,a,cut produ-d by il. poHkaibia
Bmli«BaBl <aar of II I r.rr baafd
.„l,»iaul. and far rrm i.rd In <U»
Coulda'I «h*p moraine* aflTTfoar
lartfawl'b Ibrrr war a marked lmprotr._»hMhrp i.e h..re. hr near or huadiTd. ,
tarnllalhrbealthoftbrlamatra. Tbr afn.ilr.r« >y f'apLS T S Irt-Ly.ll
m«i lo.*I iadarncea.
1 1 tl---------- --- |— —~
*«n throautiwlprofradon ,,y,B1l.. In • ir« c«. In-*rdir; -|Va ByAMbir *ad
breiB aplitUae
pb.vrirli 11 a, oner Iraced t Sr cc
i. In S htoil tor hi* “tVr.rO.le* 1.1 rrac- f,|, then, aad *r l>rlir.r ao*. Ihai tbr ,*4•d»li«lB(l{kra*
»i •
•dritd lhatibrwia
e mreatiit* bare al- ,
a .rhir.ed- tbr Rrnlaa.U^i'
I ii.ely Jfoe. to Ibr orcank rleoa aealB lO br rooMa'I yet to
..n,uniaorai«re.* briber Dodrr rterp. aad t*•bill ttmr be would taka t
_, ,bi„ -Lin or , ijm-k. aad wblrh di*
aad r» o*t to tbr ha»b Mi
.. tri.UI Ibr n---------•'---------.
■tmai aad
ficiiiHm. notiot . whieh mike ^Ijra* ■Id.Ubl.aadotrmirm.l-aiainarWd
, ,*,1 hoik of
a • a
fi,o*r. Ilk
*|,o* Ooitole.'
my hack pa.T •»« RC**.
relied In I
Iraeth napo.vtrrn. 1
per* on Imard eblp Ihdl.
_ t^
tenniei—...r o» Ihe aatrr at thrwt
ibr*! tatotiml- Ihe appmarlkto Ice iaunfailine.
onr of Ihiaairroa atrerta. ly indi.atrd, I rfortonately .uel. la by
Unra of I-arU. Hr ai one* ■Ml nirnn. Ihefart.Btidii .time IbrIde*
*rr aiTT aad cUrrrfal apart. wra evidmled. MoiT th»n onllnartly
BteflU. -1 1 “all 'her ra.mpUlBla .ran- ...ill wnliT narely bHo*.thal thr.bt|i il,
Ir 1 I*n of the orran *herr le* miy
U*ird)*i*.ll^y he euenuntrred, and not tbit
Tbr tuns* of a dO(r ircome i.
d ripaadrd That
Uit riprrtraer oa 1 Wna
li •• amuil.v |iT**.ni."
rolBtrd icoiiiuiapii'el la a fe* •
ihemr with tb*
„ ^nT/da,. m» M
....................nf a local and
frerly eonfraa. aith Tapi. Krarvi. iiamiirrlilii
If kept .noftned 111 a dirl cellar.
Talnul. Ilial Ibrj ha.r “tirrrr ,
and •rr*i-i;llny It no .uohehi fall* upon
-• tmiprratorr fill lower-hrapyst
IRON. t* «*> o«
II. Tbr ifTraleat meiUral namm in nrar n*
- than wbraiw.rral
*brn irirral miles
milea may'
Baa St Uma m biMmaWIU Praaaa. CM wbrr* I *.
tbr prrmlara and hrlpall up Blf^U wifh
« my rmployrr*! laaotaaN. 1* rbaa h*
laa- bappaard to bar* It. Ttefi why I Khn 1
N> la Ibr
tbr my
ciij of tiUic<er. •'bra a tra.rlia«-my baai raa barr laK—IV
walariupply *ai Introdurrd tram or flia. or laythlBe br tihra. aad
TairSelil Oilibra. of the
rMuld conclude that «*1l -ra ind rooi
Kilrlue. oir
oar of
of Ibr
Ibr p.irou
piirr*t wairra bno* a tbla« ihool II uatll Teomilp
^Mu-u^i‘«f’x.irar.rHuU;r7. Lorb1 Kilrla*;
UB Ibr iiorthm; .idr of hulWinR*.
* my tnoatb*! mUrj.".
ataUabIr for
iLe rrmirkn- . 1»
il«riiiieuli. into which the .undiiranot [ in ihr i euiuiy
fomirr i^pply 1
ir I «»‘T «■
iniiiiolialelr >hinr. •hnuld
abeli.rdln adiin
Taaveme errv'. - Miomsaa
The rainy season
is now on.
Y6ur bugg)- will need washing—you have the water, we li
wool sponges. Sizes range from half to thrtfe ounces.
(ui-nish chamois skins from sc to $1. according to size. '
Irr |iri^u. ior< ni'
. mioulei It -1 I
1 me tbe taudrra ; «"^br
lOd.. or 16 iijcbr*
would lint real hjlie knee ol
;^be^ !^i^^^^'l'a7!r^lU^^^
dioua lieb.m .nd bri-h.«t .part-
pharmacy ?
Pm Dii{sui Faint MIcin
1 «hi# *•
iv^tra in ,
• Dilkioutb of Ibetii
: ^ of kUabauao liland. and the bill.
that marl tbr bank of ihrlludwMi Itwee
ta 1 rooipar»li»rly leiej
}1.«0 aDd U.S0 Bote
Carpet Cleaning,
Taavease City. • Miciiioak.,
N, B.oSAna.1
laiiaat Staet Uwst Prins.
WO* TroAoo
SyStaii'enraSyS. “■rL.cAJitHt
reliable AMD
J.i I f
Dr. J. A. Snyder,
Hr. I. «. Hxaaom wU1 be la
TVBTaraa aty *t*la la Bipicm.
Hack. Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Sea bad Hr. lUrroba wBI anil
Plate Glass
Uif coma 00. aao anrpiru in is.iuuim
»imjf bad la al
, ^^'00 uor ol tbr ciriToreau liurr* ibrr kwp ibrir r*peadiuir w .ih.n tba | paamd ,1a front of brr *br lifted tba bonHM aadf tba b
lu^ obiaiD. about It per real, of Ibaa- limit, u' ind..lr«»« allowed l.y ,bo i hook .ad broarbtlldowa pertly aman-.road^ tjma^y*^^^^
Best Livery in Northern Michigan.
»**d bad BMa BMAMto OobbOrtiM. .
a not frt O'
lory, su it iaai peer- | tmg bim to may all M
■ir 111 lap aad keep i
It. le-j
.xurarreaie-ctraL t
aprrUrrle. in order to p«wi
arallnc the rkeirie corfral dlirei
tbrir irtrane by parok A |
ooaL or aokr. axul from ibr labma.
malntaia a credit halaoa 1
il claimed by lU IbtrLlor. »7 perm
el tbr tbrOTrtkal r«rkipry of tbr coal,
obiaiard. ........................
Fanber, U k....................... ... .........- - ,
tnro aa* orro ooiameo.
claimed that tbr coat • lU br from om- abo« b*
wUlafp — of
Ura. Barr—T lorely porualU.
ylMBB drop a «wd M Urn paatof.
r. *1 Itoam
*. Ibr abrapt ImHbr wmdA
imi aprc.men* o. Indiio VihorW u.lb*rod hj faJbrr. mother, tbr rlllacerv Tbr rood.brartrd boaL 1^-,,
■ pwiirr,. In tlrranfe bl.lory tbe Mon i.roiber, .leier luil by oiber* who had- areiaR ihe miBlatrr'.ilolhilitdraaebad. •'■it""
of Ilrery Rndaou'* ,o,irr In The Halt n„ .ntrnwi a, heart. Hi. inaah-iod,Ma , brouRbt out a mil of b* 0*0 aod aaat
e. —
KiplhW w
Noon up the Hudaoa in 1«» ia told.
i.. .aibiimo aiul bi. hope of bia ruewt upataira to pot It 00.
hU rrtue* down
fro, rouSaemrui bar. I Tbr food man had madr tbr Ibasn
“T omttrr M dram
-i^hk«ayb*rfitothrilUla»'a «br i^lrr of l*k ebM^ad bM
10. ind 11. many r*i
, trllh tbr a
of tbe I
I. tu the maii'l *101
iSiB .Vuw
tbsl tbr ipiirsl 1. lo'br aadr.
thry ramr.
xbe- piu|iowd r»pen;
1 wbirb ibr doctor waa to be iariied ta bmawr af a Naa WM «aa —< —
Itr I* BO* Iditni'wwurwhiie.
i4it**i*wurwhiie. larpwJieaJrofdirlar*
larked by tbe old mo,^.
tSTT pri.ilemHi.
pri.Ilec**. .rcreaaiur
increaaiur from inade
Rradr raad a chapter brtort tba Mmiiy im
iTTba aaifOMe
riide. froa. lu-rat w bicbart. la , Hrr*.
i. *
iT*?? T -*?r..^dSr
' til RTU!
.Dd pro,*r llmlm of j
*« tlk-mrti«.lk~ ooU. .»«y
• bat «
1 turn While, a wrlLkLowam
. Carrfol b
ti- by »*'
A PTwaim waki
k city. »bo bM .uFerrd
• D
1 Irtrrrm tbrr ' apt ta br pal oat of *orl. br tbr adreat thli
mataooi *1 V
.ba.; of UBrxpmrd eompiBy. Srriar Dr. frm far aimort a qaary o^a mt^.
-KbtD *» remrmUi." mid 1 *eU- .
Sr MrK.mpirt fPb.) T—a. Mr.
hBowD eltiara wa Ua.biuroa^'tvR. ,pe pen-.eae
------------ ------------------------------------- --------------- ;
d. aad
aad oa
a. ba
be t»
neea^ a^
antrrd bama fp— ^
Barter -that the ABe»iinplr*zpau*k>e tbrir uh aeuw, piyidril ai«... • that rnktook bim lor brr boHmad,
hilr rteea^
12 Diplomas
bk BM— '
MenI Sapplies.
« lioilrra • lilirbl e
a lrluni(ihaat prt. •
. brad*, a
BmS On* siS OfSPtiMt SraMiMrt.
tbraalmaloftb. ;i-l‘t::h.TrT.%:;-inrrprok;. waya bad . f-i p^a I. bk k
otldiird aurfaor *bkb prvaramd err mr
iPri.H.r or sBrnM
bar rarmakn.
\ h« b«na W br—
Duyel! rre*k la imacberoui and alfur.1rd a ppari-ilnn iralnii Ihe ippmarbeof an, but ,huw *111 UiHe.1 in band
*r food rtprnmeiit la^brlbC , A
boat, t mound aa. fuutMl h-re irkd 11 . . tlmic* rrlurmaiurj. i» *•—
rrar* art* «*•> '•teaded cerr '
•ivi Ibr M. I.0U1. ti
tilobr-' Aa racbiny pfiaW a alary aboal Dt.
- ■ litm-ly cf
tbrre anry. 1 • It
million, rtf O'
drbrn of a <IHvr.
Cntrillf litiM nf Popilar.
MmN fsrmWwd tea'pvUM. dutem.
W. A. BUUttl.
TV*«r»e W-
'Ba bad * b^MM
bw*! of Ui» pw*
»«• •»“ •
««">« by eortwiont^ad rrr* dip,-a, bl
! city U
Indian lilliFr. Tbr
WrtluU fruui Ibr 1
trommrmiea. and
la tbrebnt of *•
naTnsi e^. noH. ! ipot
tanrsyorandCivll Engineer
a WT—Is MtOBta'a Mm*
o. Who bad aaeui.e. ~tlw ai
.rrry ^Me iraer J lomm- thro*
Sc'cr£.a s» i;ci.
rndcr a. (lei
the borwr. Hr ctuild twadlly
,« Ih^^kr rtalliv and II I.
WITHIiTthe city LlbNTS.
Ibr lake lOnar Bsd iwai 1 DOHef* “eru moco roaie* *na .1
I llilrllilp'tll.
111 In bi< ilwwllinr-
t, CMM Hmmi ui ni 111
.: ! bad U
dotm«r.S>eBi sad'eSt SlMW.
ir t—"ro t>f >bm
■ ,, *111
alll W
W i«mdlBtbrtr«
, 1 oa* ...._
.L .
a UrVraavtdaau. la a A
' ntbrr.nf BlIrndInE Ibri
60o •M'TTn^ ±ox> aeo
» UcWr OM ran. It ia arMret WnTn^m *_e^ B«oC*WMmU*
k. !■ upMOae—
---------Uarri.Y ta*o awimrtij*r«l»1r. I
• rt*l«o.are«**t,liKl-dl«prktM«.p«H».‘p»kk »'„4 np oao t**Ur k»mi»
YlkMSe- Mnls end
ok p«UI* »• Ptr'*!***
IMUO l-«-Uk.,
^ «i»ek«* ke*T*.
leu BBktTha aeo taraito »HI Todae*
arrw«» ioroawalrBc*. Bauaralac
|Ml*a* bava eerrral lafeade «aaa»
Ap™dt«wtef,<«,rt»l«.thk* I* TaHa hr oodr hte aekt k«»al.« la
aad llO rr»arkahl.*Mt ao
__________ ___
«100.oao.ik»i. Tbra. a^ln. thrtr am »(»«*• -H*><.«1 aarradla« a, ell. la ^ ^
aotarad II. U «m nv
I a^ apea a «Wk«;p,k:PP»
Wr fl.lin.nno.noo la»*«trd la rt»Mi r*. cahrr »oid». hr peodarrd aa loUkllaa
^ ,br ladlaam le b* haaokM. aa*
iJr^JJ^ri^2.rJ«.!i..U..uk33r *loi. .1«»r la tbr ral.«LS,.lr.t Uu
«b» rarr .,uK>«|Orre at . ^ loPly «».« are
rtf— tata. toU
aaa Ua*. ai U.L 1 ua«*t> ftm ro*t of Ibr ar« iweirrm o-oald hr BOUBUiu lop hr |<*nU.1y rthktfMiaf .Bout IL Tbr *b1t opralac yrl 41t>
e»r.toareb of IbHr prreral erlar. aai 'ht *'r'«>'»•'•>»»
rowrrd iB *B la* «» Uir iBOOBlala. )■
*a tkr« B» asldu Pan M nr nrajl^ tbrn-BpIrr tbrr ma hr raa for oar sllb la a b>rb hr had ahul him'lt. Whralhe hat bera BaaBArd with a liar at cobM^
- • • prrerai raprarr.
So. il N air lo Ibr rhBiBbrrr«Tr.po*d*i Ib dra- rtaWt Imirtb aitbaat badlar bhnnaw
tOOHS ovo MO lit. WUB*WJ*a MAJt*.
• ..............................................
with l^wney’s, it llooks
nice and tastes nicer.
j pever le tW t'etiad Sutn lemlitotae , *
C1M potoo-inm. f«»»v
I Ml b« iMek eaM ko M
I eagpllaeua wwdad.
■a —,---------.H4 or
get hungry
•W. S’. iELAJRS331.A.V
for bodnan and pleimire oombined. «rel
unireraal latiakptioxi-. 0*11 a^d see it Bold ^
had tea* laparially ferparrd far kta
"■;J'Tb. rmma rmti^.b. lam af «me and -bk* W fm ••
Inatiart ralbCT tbaa JodfmraL Tb#
1 yrraeb aur** H bv tbn obkb raritaa ,
! tb, aFretma. .aad Imaciaatko. Dar,
tm Cbkara w^fc«ry
ioot^b.lor'Vr tthTadaiBnty of e^.
a1-l ■................
roasd atkbi of raiboa. that the*
1 arom!drai.llLr rkW Irrrcacbm.
Ibr Ukk* of rarboo lor aa cketrt*
U(bt. IbouRb eery buM-h rolar|r«d.
• «kk cvboa k aaipredrd la • cylladrkai Iroa poL raatalali« aa rkeuti.
-i:i>r bk laktr
laUtr am*i0MHy «ilb mi—
Ida. a Jok, ,
daiaUea. br *111 br morr likaly h
aa r*tr. effort m rrtmw. Ia
word*, r be bai aa la.Kiay ■
:bew frum for triakfmt. diaaer ai
■apikr. br wflj fK ^ aad baaOr ai
,aT crrwall prriab^
l****^^ ^
PfoL l-folMo Meato. of Taria. baa
197. Front SL
trarori* City, llicb
MmtfW pnaaorr. IS* or men of t_
mw peta may
1 Utttadaa.
AU MlmbRa of Uttf
m wWeb»M*»*tbrtmad»s»-."^
psoM. Wbm ba waaUM W bamio k ^ymi mmdd ksom wbat^iipBem
phaL sr. H amy bt wBM • bsttm7.
M «• bi^ b*h*«thg
I whm\
I AkM» MnM) fmm. 9mm ll b
k«M to- FIMW ft— tku to
ttei lh*prt««(vbtotb MtwM *9
■ tlM •mn>t «* t°to»* «l»tor. Tto ttoi
to ibm b Beinilh la attbar fropp- Kof^ lMtod Stotoa are r--------- totoea.
1W priaa a< ahaat bbapaatat apaa ^STtoato^rtStelM: ajim
Itorlv TbtotoJ^w *ra» alwvaatoud tefnod*i»*«m»
tor bra paaiaei ar aaaataawiad pnidaM- Ujoatotoeatooaaaad bMbab • < paaabaa to Tra«a>aa ClV
torn* SaadBf aa4lbanbaaatoh da
te uateatead baabab paat
JobbP. HoIb. teatorln___ .______
te aaplalai^bow tto allrrr dollar,
m will ■« ap la pricaj It tbaia to
whte apatoiaa aqaaaUvof bull'
_____ xl te bataw baated
«ba pftewUldrbpJaaiaaqatohlx- If
parity wito
•ora wb«i b litoa^ la Ua UalM
tenire trade and
lUaWa ibaaeaafcaai-lbara «ba «ir
r aiouala-r lb
flm bbM ba axporUd cr ratoala to
aa alraadp
Maooo-wz,«<*»rtM^ I. Iba bomr Barkat. Cedar te __ rrtbaeptu
aapfatod wltb
•d aa latui tro-tor oa paolk: arrxaat
r«« P
1 iaian.orer ll.oou.i«U posada (ram bamoo porelBMSi oy tto r-rrraowat.-'ra'r* te aacrriary. -to-<uBC W
ol. ralaad at iwar piS.OOg.too
tbM wbat U euaU to satoa it
te rurrreaaat whro . o ard. and atr
sadrr tedrBoeaat tori^ lav. <
wbaat will to aaad aaa oai
paid out to tbr««rrraB>eal at a |*n«)
i.a^aaMaoHP.at«aiteto. aatoaa tbr priea at oai* aoM
wlibiruld fur pruprriy aad arrrionuf
all blade aod rrorirol fr.»u tbr proplr
worth Bora of wool were iBpori.
a parity with k^d b te patBrB'.uf
Irr tba drBtoramt U
pablto daraaaditoBaad.law
tto tariS 'Tbr r'm^'n'to baa aiadr oodto
. wonlan
ronlai (Ooda la law. aownntwl to
- ,000. and la IWl.to PST tW.
ailatof tetwo mrtala. pot* bariaar
PrtiB tto
tb raaortoof te tea»oj7
torapaldoo itoroio oWifat^a^bea
Sarkai; aad tbat to rrcaUtod bj
ra*<;.r^oaori^ la tke l aii- fold waa drmaadrd. aad alltrrr bariar
a i a at a ‘a law. ralaad at *isi.liii».oo<. bare paid wbra ailrrr waa dmaadrO
I'adar tbia polirv te cnBafr baa
oa -hr Arat ol Jaeoarr. law '
toaaae Umiwo by law aad te policr
w. a M.TM.UUO alieep to the
a drUM. i i of tbr trraaary drpartarol. tbat te
Slate, ralato
ralaad at Pftt.uiu.toW.
.1 u,om.oun la tba Bawtor.-l abrep. aad aBoubt aoiiM-.l Baa aot br^wr ao rraat
tenWiawiaralar. Two mlllioa, tw..: aa to dri.r the note raloablr eo'
•a dU oftto. ‘ - ------- ----------"* haadrod temad dollara worth a»ora|»uld-oot of oar. aad tbradratroy
of teddy waa iaiportad ueder te laai. ol oarBooatary araur*; an
la are of ona>|aal
tariir law tbaa aodar tba rr
wif«of lodia—--------------^
la woolra pi*>da.
to lu oaeu at uur laaBep per da;, aad
by Uw. thIaliBitoUae apua
Wbrat O^^a^t Utaaupai baatol
fibo oucM
•0l«t-- - baoralbaa
eolaa^ la. l^y <^bIub. abwdal
la bror of tto tutolra
toB WM teaabta«t«(aa able p
llaatrattoa at tba by Hra. Clalra Canto, ftrlac aa Id.
Bnatety , wAat Ufa ia today ia Ttorbry.
bnacB to I
of Clara Itonoa la Araacato
I ^ yrar. tarter w>U a abrub ot
dnac te|^ Ulr pad brae
1 Rto O to r-wlrly waa told ia aa to
^ Hn Jito. ilrlat
Ua |I ^r«
^ra to.
M. > . C
C Hate bad te aab>nl.
iwrimai te'oter pTbUa. Bat tUa
ae ' -llaa larabtdld ttoKtorra ialrrfrfr.'
uabihiu tto arlual cuorar of priraa ao
rlrariy tel It la aeU aiwtb wblto to iaad parr brr r'irwa la tto t
irprat lu Tto prlMa arr raid
aad arr what te tannrr. of lr~“------mWted lor thrir pnaiucto. aot
dIUoa of adaira io' Armrala today
I'anala'at Ray Vtra
Mra. K'Bf <d lB.liara.ratdiort I
uu llopUaJ a p
ley with Tnrkry. .
finite . .11 va^dj to. that d-UKteto .. ApBaoaDbjaraadrllrh'irallyrroJrTtIoD baaaot (urrrOdori pricra. All o
Ml by MIB Xllcr Kotwrta
larluduis wir-al. wrtt
tto i-rodt
' Tbr rotirr pn«raai waa
biebrr U.
a bru te allrrnl teraatlnc laf.wMtbui aud wan,l.*trard
iBtonicMl. Ttoatbelwwlthekar-aUetilluB.
Imtoraar dr.-loiHUrUta
riiorr. I•>ll'. ID thia coueas aod utbrr
■rdiaauer rolallrr to ei
iwrla.tf Uww,y«.ywhl»to*tdow*
aad oitor prodoria will, iu Ko3lo«.a|r - toDa ku
Ibi abroad u|aw U
that, te
la tbIa eouDlry allrya aaa pulm.- (Tl
• anacao-..mp' .M.iaiaad i y tbr t'.iuDcil ut
rua^rd aJ
bM . I It aball DOl to lawful (or aot
bo> or I
U-ote.t,r«»rforl-.T..:. Th-ly^iu- oOroto) ojr.o
ated oitb rr,*• pubto-croood>.
............... ..
at einr o'clto 0
Thto wbrataf ladia <*a ba put oa aediical^Ui'<>'
tba wbarf at Llrarpool te bi arau par
Cap tba wheat nf tta* Caltod
IM- 10 cuiuiaoy to- ox
Mattoeatopate wiU tba wtoat uflaTO te vtiorrr ul ao or prr< o •>( (
Aarrirau woolro far- Ur^otrito baa abowa w.»>d oil
dtoT At car Uan. w* aapplled two. Boral i-Oar»etrr ao I ob-rr lOr oc
worth o lUllr Irta.-llot
Borr tbaa tar.uuu.ouo. iaU wiar teOlt frwiD teaUraipi to oar
tbirda of tba world'a wbral laariiat; to
rr, niy frltow cilltea. tbat local trodrreolaaof Ibraatordroi
ao.v law ful toiMiii-to, >'iop;. yiD. at
r wa an aot Mpplylar ooa-tblrrl abrap haatoadry la an lonyrr profit oatloa. but >if tio-tioal rolur
ttoMIubaMd? Bo wlthotbararrieolUral pro
-If te UnitaUoo wore rrto >
wtay tba
IhiriBC te laat •
fidraer io the ablUlT of tbr
Ktro tto
Tto aappljr of
tarIF law.
monlba of the
tbr repobileao
lo de with It.
c iaiporied la tbia o.aalry
tbrra a
B- ..
oa of bay; aod doribr te dratniyad. aod ihr parity w.
wheat la the
Urarponl toarbaL
Yoa Blpbl or
inayrof rilrrrt*
Ttb wo. te eaw up'u'to i-tow of ojon u( te t.iiv. to y . l.-.iur on-i .
'^Vniooe^*"'*''^tto%oa 1 f*'
, aaatrdallarolooreolBed allreroat
IJa prodaoero a mariiet (or »t '«>i|^mlo(
a aad tbr Urbrpeol wbaat toa* Borr tbaa tey had rn)t>yrd >o | p.,ruU,Ao.
ctoBoXln! Hot Ibm nuorthhi* toptouMl. To
oaa ^rit law.
Tbia loom racard.
rr.Hwted toLlurwbowwbWlBppruMi.^afrrr.rd
.Wbautolbr r«a.-<l|? Pratrel jour n.UUu.iMi
Tto total wbral. ryr. harthe roliimeofi ,h,
roui|wrr te |«-irr.
s Toou a M-r-n I or oolwrijoeoi
bate aartiat. aad add tlr
oato aad tore efujn for IW'.
rrr-t-oliu.1 ailrrr f-Korri lob. te cir.-u...... (rirro In
In tbr
loot Miluittn of te ebu»* tu’.ioUoo oMbo-irrdfii.iirr »o<-n ofirod
toaaaltaWa laHff .bill lhat wll ____ iQlad to s.sifi.uoo.ooo boebrU. Th.«byalr................................................. laUr wilb Ihiwr yitru by tl
., proMTOlrd
opM oar lacteiaa. and onr Blila. aad
in of Uir City
|ri auululi.-ol ntotrar-l. fo
tbeB4 ^,uc^a*^^niiuB up»o II tet it
-rrof. rhallto
-w-t Irit. and upun'-.•orielloo .Uiereuf.
oorfaraaeaa.aadoBTBlera. UlrarB paroeat-of tbr tolalprodaeleeeDally. .^uid to Impauiblr Ui prororr and
»» «.• lUbIr to a Cor Bul rxceedloir two d<
plogrtorni to tba aalllioMof idle smw Md*Kire tbaa or. prr erab wa» e >0 j
|n te uraoury oeofTn-irnt aiaoqnt
prorMr (or tbr rrdnoptioo of olirrr
la tba ooaatry wboaow eaaaot buy euBtod at boBT. Tto rnwt bo'h waa.
Sana SUaar Faeta.
Ua wbaat yoa ratoa
A aorloua. litlla ooBoaBrd by oar rwa (rllow. eitteoo. | o„ prewataU.*
,*• may moke a fdrUirr order ihot t*'»
.'Ifroari toconlioedtuteJailuUiroU'l
kaowa bol lamraublr fact to tbat darlu
wr riportedPl.lM.- der oseb enadlflnm. te yoreroiorot
vhui Lit ItoB Trarrrre
Trarrnw county
c. ... for a period out
adatate'wai»t&,coo,UMi la ifH U to lar tba year law tba
worth ulBCnroltural prodocu. ^|d be eoBiIrlled Irtxo tbr brylii• Bii.r (Mile} of Birddliuc rre.lid|r
crr.tid|r ten day*
do>» .>r
.. udkIkucL fiu<•OMndOA. Tbat to tba way tba ra- wbrat la tba I'ullad Mate waa Icaa by
eiuf to rauhoofr fold (urrllrrr oo.iaru
a>|.u.wu-d by tbr BB>e mkik to paid.
r law, we report'd aad teir paprr rrtrrueratatlrro. wbrapaWtoiia party baa bainllad iba q
orar a boabal to raeb aaaa. woua aad
1. It l>
f------------------------*- h -rebr made the doly-ut
■rrr drOBOded. juol ar it aow oa'Uea a< blrar. Aad arary dollar
almadoiit prouim of temmr«nal.u-oeot*-fl'-er.an-lanvp.,ebUd la tbaroaawy. Uaa. tbr yrar ba.tuu wortl
baor-* Ittdd (or iu own bnlre wbre
eriu ifltoy wooldtuie Ikeaua of the fiiy of Trarrr>c itoj
kapt”a.foodaafold.- Tbat to tea. aad ihlayaarUr par caplu
lt>c tbr two yrar. uod
Iroiao ltd; aod a« tbr c.'oocr ol *11- onallutnl |<l
iwm ii.towaer Tto i»to '•‘‘•'‘brae- (oflkwith lo artv^i aav l.e
aaetbarlUar tba rapaUtoaa party baa
lariSlow tea ia Ur two yrsrv
rrr dollon would to nollmitrd. aod Ilim eud tii«
Tto (act to
ie ace
tdltom,-era toludi-d -^^'Jj'te
a*, of
of 'ri.teea
tbrrrfurr.eoorUotlr >iKTra«iuy.opoipl
: daaa. bare alltar dolbfa bare
labertwr Baa. tto (aatory aaployra.
f any of l
would oiV>n to rrarbrd wbrrr it would
. aataad at tba Ualud State bIbU
tba Blaera natof work hare aot tto tariff lecUloUoo. It waa eo aftrr
to inp-ralblr to conUoar te priera of
tba drat aaraa Boatba of tba praatariff of IMA. and ll bae bare eu on.
Bdeay to buy wbaat te
" Ttoabiliiy of Ito 'ch'i^f of ladii^^ot'tel’tTlrol^ra.cri. rt7iar(IM.|tbaawaaaaoU.dlatba
te tariff of liK*. lApplaoBi
.--The proplr torr rerrlrr.) tbrrr Indualrial and nien-anillr
bara toprt alopijr wltbout
irn-anillr iiujiulalioD Icily 111 Iia>c Ikelioei uf niae oViucL p
-e^e aod hare rrlied ruofidroliy op.>o
•fatalgblyyteaadtbabtatotTOf tba tba wbaala. tba ipladlaa. tba-farnsoc
arm ptud- m. dnicoatetl rack day by tto rInrIuF
a.. UKi.r rioia naui ixuaroa.
.-on-tiinr farm
Ibefruod faith o( tbrir yoreroioeBLaed
liiiiiin-r- —*-----,-r .vof on vlirai. of tbe'tKJjXe^Ue feuia, tjell’
Oiaa aad tbaaa bpb will bare gmi
Caa tbr fararr to brl^ by (
telMofiJ. B.--e tboe inter
sn.- cl tBia otdinaura
wafM to bay not only wbeavbutbul- ooiaaffe of ollerr? iCna of - No. ai
Bodt poiral (actor le Ibe
•ffect twenty daya after i
Ularaat Woald Uaaof te parity Tba pnbllc kaa beau aal' ^blekr•a.aBd trulu No; Tarter Borr. my (rllow clliii
uc aa.rob fur HcKloley 'j
lafird. lhal ou l•>op a. our pirucol moo
IVede hereby etrllfythat te foAe
toalato p^. BM eaoaPttobelpaJ
. .
elar3 »>'--io It piwi-rod. the ynrrra- blear ^aaban are wylar to m,M i yoB.^wt 0re ttoa jor*.
riarthnxicb Bratwlliihi whalrrrr ita moral ubli
aal priue of craia i
, t.ro.Ui.-ia dr<i|'|x-d I'ooocll of the lily of '^mrerlr Sly i
• price ralioe. aad rzprraa drcUralluea rr
■ palat m ab«par rate o( lata^at it caa-tdo'tetaa loaraeoar porta arr aa lefialioe of Ihr
ll. three teure of droiocratjc ralr Ibe Ttb dar uf toplember. I'Wi
rrryttalof rlw-woold nu aleo.
rr,,0irr it In do, and, rrrv larirely aA»
•oMj totoada abtopar. Bowhaait
to tba lavortalloo of tbr rbrap
raof -wiaud money-aod
ll. f- lUvi., Hayiu(anorr would
raUtIrely M tot- ouo.-qorii-ri'f Ibi. cwnfidroce in tto
■ruold to ra
Kii. City Cie/k.
la 1«
prodaeU of the. obeap rouetria. of Ibe tar off ten to w..
to^ Is tba MatT Haay aUteO er
wo. tot.
(Crtrauf coni faith of ibrrzrrutirekotboriiirs.
Tbr qiieption tar tto Umtn lodeelde nauii r .iiuiriiT.
old world
Von arat rloee tto poru “TbaVm rlfbl. at) w-'l Hr ooold Dot te ailrer oolaa bare out depnaUledto
i«» an-'
Jnttottoritoy kinroatioueterecime Jr auli.iM.i |> U..1I.-.-IJ ai—...I «ilralfc«.
ertaay m.rrr reoiraloe forbieffraU ralnr.
albaratu waUrateabw Iba rat
BBtry tote ll
l--]^.luo i.rn'-iUe •lal <—ll-eiiiu*.
-It I.
lataftot wa ptod wbaa memmf
wtoet. aad (rain ol all kladw o
ttottof tet will re.ioCB te coJidllawfolly
abaplBtbalata-toaaad-niB. Haaay aad arc. aad rattlr aod (raiu.
wuald (olbj^lbr (rrr colaace ul eilrer.
.be ricbaaffroble roluc uf tbr
U tbaaa daya waa wertb lo. U. It par BBit open te ptala. by treiprot-liy. t .lo eaa ool help tto fanorra by Burr
U-. will w ilunr abraierr it
iry, aod
anil ollb'<anb Vlrer
etet. er alMt any V» eaai
wlU Cuba aad te tteUi Anwriraa uuteaffr of »lrar: toeaeo -' ____
i.y mure euaaamrrn fur
udote dul anood >■l•er
•er rrrUficam
bare ool.
p te u
tbte to Mb. nia lalb abaat
You CODDOI help him by (rar trade.
de.fct optuthr p-oMfOl
wol time.
timr U-co .received
- tetot rate wUb ebaap raawy to all WlU payaaaed tea lodo me
A-tei04 I hare .bowa, be «ae be borv
~ir-w -cold. yet if te lioie
brab. rtraallTar teStobat not«l*a aboraellaeebre Baibotrtcei
tioo of
ooely bon. by te (rra lalrodactioo
IT wtaru t
tbat tolb to raea wba bomr
boaa for bewM prodoeta. Why iuot ooBpetlBir prodocu Into tbU ruonlry.
Uetur a Ibouaad tiowa eaUrfe the
» wm to I
twan^ or twaaty-ln yran
aaa wbat tbr raptel of te McKlalry
mariceU (orAaentBe prodocu. tboo
iMab (raa aUaar aiffaMit
Uw aeeeaplletod la the one prodoct of to aeUrwe tto bIdu lor the olirrr pro^
A Pnllueel Halieprtora wlU riaa.
Weald bm Ibto ba
dart of tto world. lAppUuor aad criB
Tto (olluwiac (TOB a Hrtrolt paper
ara r«ht.'-i You Bl(bt jiut A
trM.tban.nf mtead lalaraatMarall
Ul lOterrofmany of the older repubMdryfonda and freatrteT
of te Haoai.n. aad
'd ralae luaaytbUcby desc
fto year, aa leeriaat of aboel tia> prr
firea a pleoBOl lural wurh from tbr
• Boaaore of rajae wlU wbl
BaahUa tbie oworBon. terraaee
If;yoo laCbarlea |i ■biIbc. oae of tbr
Tbet Wbaat QneeUtB
_____ ralae by
to raw wool, te laportalloB of Baapoaedldaua Baard ia te rrpsbUran
rl.raoi ftiik Is- ■l..*le«. rlir. rtalera aoe uvr.
of ralur, aad yoa
TtotreeaUrardeBoceeUara Ulllny fMUred wool laereaaad (rote livoiio.lapraePautlrr tlekrh eraa tto laterof
Ibeo yoo awke
«B tel te low prior of wtoat U owUc ODO to raloe aedar te UeKtolry Uw te tori
C. U. DuBilDr. aow a reaidral
tote............................................................. totM,<ne.aMtaralBraadrr te Wlleoa
yalduaeo Im tbai
Hay tuwaaOip. ia tblaeoaoty. aad we
4 fiftev Bopay u abMlaUen. Ttoy tall Uw. I’adar te HeKiaWy Uw te imIrieoda of te faBlIy
IK aaaoicTVoa rai
Mtettefraeeadaallaltad eeUace partotloa of race wa.
only abou
ml bBerr will raUa te priee
’T” of.. wl
»» poeede. whiU tbeWiloto t
Tto editor of tba Uaeaiei U ffrol yrar briBffbt la lt.eou.im
•arket. llU
U less. The clIppioK raferred to
t t
lUe erffnaapl need te ater
proteatad la ir-eoju/ino
-y a wier
te boraUaad baaplUUof iiaro
Jaotice F. W A Korth. of Sprioc. LatMteabe^teleareMadaoleace te worked leto eUteo fur our people, tariff ItctalaUoB aad hU
-ulle. bae been ptcMutcd by hi. iattor ONCE fJ5E0 ALWAYS IN FAVOR.
teold out be pmaittod i................... ......
-lib uoe ml te bailou emol io
a< rilrv hto affaalad te priea of aad dUplaelar r>ed. elrae ABarteaa ad by leoaeolec te doBoad for ABrrlThe ballot le e copy uf Uinr orad
wheat. TW Iffarra ftera U tbk arlit of all dib waaadr- cai Uburaodd.BlolahlBCtto pay ol
tUtooraedUat Tbaaenaataf allrer ereoea la ralar of te fiocki from fiiM.- ABoriMi worbsaa aad teraby diala- yrar la te tblrd ward, aad it ie_____
ublaf Ue draaed for acrlnllaral cifht iBcbB lone aad two iaebae broad
to afieeUllap. year by
Oa te too of te tk-krl U a rlraellr of toblit rt'rraetb “S
_____ Ti.r/w
000.000 aader te HrK(al«y Uw to
Joba C. t^moal. lorTooBded with te low rnto bealtk
Uw and
.a "The’coeelltulloB aad tbr -ua- Bat all ftil wbea ito
toiy of te ireMary. wbl
»iul powert are
alltbUto teone IUb of aboap and Bfftd la te I altrd Bwtra. Dlrarally
aad below -rn-mutit aad Uayte peodacu Ofacriemlara aad tbue
ml ^beatantrOB te d
wool. Tto lUtee
Tboor were te dayoof -Know- debility .ad' to' oCH
Thlak what te Beat fur your load. Tbeoely way to
MeKlalry Uw a eat to tbr fareur.
brip te toraar w to laereoM te de- lor pnaideet tolafi lloctooaa i aad Umtrli b; Itoyo^
Hrrekiuiidce. aod te -kiiowDaOiiDC"
a tbat allthU talk saad fur hk prodarta. Thta ea<
caadldataa. Hall aad Krerall. The
daae by preoarrUcaboao aaritt
aboat te aelBace of allrer affertler hiB. aad by rxtrodloc oar arai
aofoerorlwomra llriac today aefitiiate-.
• tetlekri. Itrradaaa (olluat
priee of wbrat U Bereat ba
wbkto we did la lev; i aader te
«^o c.,
riioloaa of te tariff la'
wa hare abowa. It Uat tto Irae aad
oa- lauiuw ar imuble
•t ebaeriDf.i
Tto ....
aailBltad aetofice of allrer we wa
for te Aoearicaa larBer.
rauaUr* tariff.
an tear at boaie. Ttoy
Ttoy aoaenaa l« H. iVItbcy.TboBaaJ Drake.
J aad Bind. re«aR(niBaaehprniinoui mac- Aoy qUAntlty I
Itoraroor, Klaalay '
llBoa aa aaab ol te/pr^ocu ol te
fiMirkaa farm aa teToraiffw ooMaaar.
ffnio ailrrr will But cure orar
ryotaute. John
oba McKlaMcKla-j
A rM-m«lia!l*book of mco pafira pro. ;
pradartkB aor aader aoaaaapUoa.
! toarly iUoMrated. knora in fiUla bnnact, ' ,
......... tii.«
, opotel«. OLVM-
tio’^d^to I
Lay your foundation wi&
“Batde Ail.” It is' the comer
stone of economy. It is Uk one
tobacco Uut is both BIG and
GOOD. There is no better. There
is no oUier S-cent]^ rt
Try it and see
nm toT^orT-XMor'.;'' .o‘; .t;^:;
orirttrm eei • n.
T/ie Cyclist's Necessity.,
L n-*r ciTA P0B»fi
armoA It
aLL ran
AM> ;|*'r 1.4*11 a ATIUKB.
m-TTUK <-iL%. ni'rr
t«i, Ntttai-illb.
SoKirru Arpst a.
8r-if( by *HoU OH
of 60 ^
The UttleOiAfit Cathartic
fe' «
5sr; "AT.rj
voiwo srwr&
5T *5^
>- *
The above is pnilialily a picture
{of an eighteenth century milk
f maid. She did nut know what a ^
(])leasure it was to make butter r
< with a barrel elfum. but you can S
5 have that pU-asurc. \Y'e sell har-1
J rol churns and straight stone j
t churns.
. Corner.Front and Cass SU.ilj-arerte City, j
. Mt.ew.fi0u
Bcy-oaeral. Jacob
Joae le-ffor praaUaat. WiIIUb MeFrae aUrer will nut rrLore te a»tobH.Ho...
peUUua of RaeaUrdadU Bad tto Ay
Klaley of Ohio;
Far aaprrlatrw
-odeat uf pablic iaalracUarrrt Aacnatoe Hobart of Kew Jaenry- Ceatloe repablle. Thla aaBpetltlM tioa. Ira K. Hayl.
woald rraala If yoe koo'd ealaante
Fur atatc iaad
ellerr of te world.
ailrrr tom
«rB Tredwril
ChUacoJaly lo.aad n—ffor pre
Uerraoe tbr deaaad ft» yoar
iber ul atato bjaH of edi
tl^ Bake a oiacie
Uoo. Itewye Willard.
ForaovraB. WIIiUb r. K.rward.
Far aiBM taeator. tfaarua Lae. J r
You r-t itom tbnmrb te (acFur raprra.BUt.eem. JaBrm "
Ortmof "Thalaricbl--i Yoa
laada. Juba....................
Jobe McAeUy Halaarof
eke prrrtdaat. (Ubob Bolirar. Backaor
i of Krnloeby.
HaopU'e Parip. eealMtad
ImaU Jely »asd n-Kur pi
mi wtoawtki
rtwrlfth ae Wtlll
JanalBO Bryaa of Mi
tor riee prealtoat. Tbiiatai B. Wattoo
eaif May fT-Fer pral^iav Jimoa
Larariaff ol HaryUad; (.» eU. twm
doPt. HaU JitoawB ml llllaalo
w dlaUlob rater tbaa
WathMl Party (ItffeboM Irom ProTto tabu we bare ciraa UUtfaaMal. noBlMird at niubarc
eelaUtrly tbat tba pi
May w-rffra praaldral. CharUa B.
SlaM Voe wlUcaly ffrt tea to UeraWac te maaatacWTlBC faUblkb
ifiMBTb te Uailrd Mataa. | rromcaaoaa atowriiic aod crira of -HarraJifor
Hcliiair) *1 -I-ant tbr la -tor> b. te
(ana.* aid daefcioa. aud taat la aa
to^ •d*Nt^^Xa'raM U
t tblBff aow la f<w
a (aebay tor bU
. 1 be brUar u> bara
. , aloac aide trf y.m tea to
bara aaoter far* aVaff alda of yoa
(Laoc^toroBt enraof '-Yb-| I aacc
ao firara of te lararra—te amt'
BMoaiWr. te Boat aooaldrrai
the anal aiordy of «ar ip'aadi
UuiM. Ttoy ara iHt MBlly aiaUd.
They bare ao ala la p>Utb> bol aa
b-mort aaoL la lm«. wbmirer trade
tba'aimr BoUaceol
. UHO per wav
tolUw lUa toraay. bavUwna-aol oo.
It waa te ritira wbtab loHowwI te
r bae Torkdalyt—ria-p
fror Uadr braray. (Orta of -That'a
Upff HatafeoU afJCaa Verb; toreww »omw,.
dopu ttatlhaw tUffoIra of Mow iamv. I
For Quick Returns
wPiatweaay I
that roakes the people (Itxk'to our store to gfN ^
but the style. cb<f qualit}'. and the best goods'for ra
the ItfAst money .At ..............................
Fanrfliire Storir: -ra
tegaraEMBEiR 84.1886
BlB| tneh MnSlTw^a>|ri^
mBfataUaotharthaaa. Masaawsa
*» e-B*el.d *10.
' *T^d!^2tacMklM af Jah* BaM
brMn St eisrtas.
5S5JrTC~Ci«-rr«rt^ isjsr.
I aholaia
Tka ehUd
waa a
*t t»«roll. Jahs To8lB. a
Ms the WoMlsifiil Gorathn Powsrs
of Dr. Gniein’s Nenrura.
■stflsud. Ha ain>>'«> •»>•
Good torotorn
uolll Ociobet Sill
I Wetake either and give you in return the greatest
value, ever offered in clothing. We ttre offeoing
especially good values in Children’s and Bosrs’ Cloth
ing. Note prices on new up-to-date suits just from.
the nlarket. .
Children’s Suits ages 4 to 14 at 88c, $1.28, 1.78.
2.00, 2.B0i 3.00,4.00, 4.60, 6.00 and 6.00.
Boys’. Suits ages 14 to 18 at 82.47,3.78,4.87, 5,83,
6.47 7.60, 8.00, 8.3O, 10.00, 12.00 and 16.00.
The above prices all from 26 to 33 1-3 per cent,
less than regular price.
Call and convince yourself; we gladly show the
Dttreit ui iKrosse.
Honl' Elijah A. Morse, Member of Congress
from Mass., Used Dr. Creene’s Nervura
iR His Family with Astonishing Benefit..
haa last wtali.
tfewaal hbU
Tha Imainy af Hrary Haakisa. ol
nisV BaabaHarM-rra p»»oaa. wara
I Which will it he,
Gold or Silver?
>-tba laUefa acaa
laatlart. daaXrafaa.Uia waW
At llaasar Spriafv Kaaiia. Haalay
IVtUti. a»ed four, mad Charlay Watara.
kraa. whUa pUylBC la Iha baM-UlU'i draf a
rraa<.llDa. iB-
choioe to
tisil (oor Woods.
aad mjm Tbaaa'II ba ko 1
waadaara astamUwted-
'(ka aMailT at tba Oh^ L««'
^7“«f iT'Veatlly‘'lW,5" «Pf
.... _ . . en.l rariaty. aad It toted
fur ibr rraat fom- of lu hlad lafa.
Mra. Uanry Eaban.liada. of lliriati
r ana. I'a , baa died al bar Ti.uiia 1M«
,|.«kja». due v>a Tary paruliar aaai'daat WMIa atlaadiar tlia lata lla»• .a waa ...........
. aad____
WWIa tki a«- WTM Ua day of tka yala calain
•W Klata, Bay Ikiamia. ^
.- s^raa oa«. <l
ip- ^ ^'- "11
GE0.0eHH£«,G.P. ». gooas.
Plants for Decorating
Hnally .-aualay bar dan
At Maoua. <»a . a baby b iy with two
a, TburwUy Blyhl bum biMra.
lae eawo. i
Ntryao. ^Hotbtb*
arc >olBed
to pbM tk
tu .aa tmKm
wwllr dira.-'—
aothar aad
aod to tba
II aad tba
child and'_ ...
fWa waa a abowra nt apa
pbyalrlao. ea/ tei
r al»bv
Rf thaahild ilt.or
&kw <fssU<wllyat tba alacUHThe llrltUhahipa Ililtnn aad Cedar
IKhta. Md OB* by ose fall
bank lallrd oat of Kaa Kraei-iaon Mon
dead or paralyaad. HmiaccBla day for a raca ia diatnacc laora than
I darvor half way rooed tba world,
■ SaTtm aaary booaabold
tkch i.
riabod id ladaw wllb wheat, tba tllUon. C^b M.
tkdB. TboBaasdaof birda
Jiontly. halac boood for UewD.^wn
CadarbaBb for Jloll.
Thenrbiu ia Chaboyfan
. It b- aabl, bare pot op .1“"' »
a. of Kt
llBf snail
'krir abl.Ur,. Warren, who lire* near Mbarfi..
owa. Hrl .iaad Ihr |■rr.ll^a.nl of the
__________, anoB to hr rreeV ^ h., .hr para all brr pood. b. baa oalpb_tr HpriBCa. la buoor ul tba i bora, donnad a wSIla roba. and walled
Mra Uta WmiBBa. who died | for Ur and
IVbaa .ha fuoad that It
re of lllu The oH lady had rtl.ln't ooenr aka a.kert for the retnra of
ah* sol Ukea cbloaof.xw for an a»el to ma them
4aat that dWonalrd bar ahonidar.
p,, ^
t%lar tVaraar. a farmer II,lap acor ond Pamb/teriaD
..................... ..
Cdwardaborp. reoaolly hi.t ooaald«r-[ i,., Udead a. tita reaull of .wsll^lnp
sWt awaay V ■ bank Inllare. He n-.% .et of falae treU while nl btwakfa.l.
•OsUr aoU aOBK pn^wrly and rrcrired ' After the aBcidenl ba aaSared iDtrnv>tll.oui la latBl
Imak bill, for ft. Prarltif to ly. ao.1 at lo e'cloak wa. aUlel
hi. death la
trast lltoa b-----------,
I iineiiu. Ur>. Mr Kuwell aai
lorsisea. KuadaybUwi
tbon BSd the esU wa. o rerted ieluito tt.a I oltrd XUfee iil
s...Aland. Ha waa
rrt.e.-------------aad on married
of Kikhart eooBty.
I hareealiar
t tba aa>-----aaeond .crop of
Iml^lralloB. dM at Alma
rateedUiaeaawm Ha report.
lay moenlMf. aflar a abort
Th.. S«»na crop wiS-pIcMd «adna»laid wa. phroomaDal.
... ..._______ ,_iatioUarcrop la abjot
thirty dajTK Klmllaa r.millUoo» arr refurUd te ezUt la a i
era Isdlaiu coiiallaa.
At Kama* Hty. Mo . Ue Wl pheklag koaae of Armoar A Co. baa rceelred
> arrt Icee
r. of the world. aa order direct from Uie Japasem-gor.
la Ula |mrt
Kbmo erameBt fur I a cariuada of corned bref.
dtaicbiof Uranpe
1 him and It la
asM that he U Ue oaly bnlpbt of that
Uipmecit within about tea daya. Tbto
.rank la Awrtes.
ttaeoae ahlpwealof berf la balirred
A esfatraaoTTi
Bfsran w .are. wuwtwH—
be for uae la the Japanese oary, a'____ IralBBd tMwiaaad two babum..
though a pwlllre ataumral to that ef
fect to not oblalaable.
tHeziWK Mo. oaeof tbemaalpn-11who are lortana ullrra. eBierUia Ur
taailUi. Ue heara dif .potatoM aad I». eaam rrer broaght to Ur BOthe of
oicdkal Bma waa operated oa Krlday.
The paHeal to Ue lltMe daoghtec of
TBrtm arryiac the -prodooe. to ihrlr Mr. aad Mra. J. K.^U. of Boose
laty. who for Ue laat tew yeara baa
a trooblH wlU bb absonsBl awellA harbd forUar to ntU to arnat on lagof ihehiwerguma ThU protu'oerttB tana ooeapled by Kair Morey, o-ar BBoe waa cut away, aad te It Were
«kB Bioadoa towa llae.
It wa* foBBd ihlrte two malnred teeU.
. tonadriy oecaplad by a rery nch old
lilMe patient la dolag well
AU aearoh lor Ur trcaaore
haa lallod, bat racoBtly a chart toreed
At New A'ork a am lely for Ue prereetloa ol heredlury dlmaae baa beea
It to eompoaed ol W yoopg
meB BBd wosma who believe It to baa
e arainat -oelely forcertatn t»<talaMafUeBMU.
V> mtrre. and have pledgwd i'
-..maot to eater laloaay mal
nisi alltosre wlU aay pemoo •
toSTn^ riT'orer aatT'killijChlSl
HaaUaa. aa old maa llrinr eouU.
faUpteat IDS Ttrgi aetwablt
pasra for the Grand Traverse Herald for 1 year
If you are not a subscriber to this paper al
ready, now is a good time to begin.
write* |o ■ r
woadrrful ....
of health ami
'"-V........ K her,
Karviy ao ooe who readi. (fato pool-
I. » Mate-mia ' well, Ik- pmi-o-ful eodoT»eio-nt '
• In I'onprem and ! graodeal of medl'iata by one of
, hold. him ia<liighe-l.urbo.eif. foremo.1 .Ulmraen
In.taut la arekieg the
. ...___lias
v.ini.p Iwring ele«'te.l hi* ile|We«enla , h—ilale another
bpallli by
fi^lnlbe lewi.Uiure. Member .if the .npv road
... tbe'ij.eraor'-.
liraene'* liraene'* .S’
the wgrld of
Coun.-il. A biialnh— man of high or ■ It i*
der. hr to knowa throughout the worlil oenla
aa the nManfaeturer of the lll-ing hau ' aeae. nerro
Htore l*ijlWi. whleh ta told lu e.er.v .liaky, uii»U
aatlou cdUe irnTth
«l rigor and re
.'ougrewuan Morae >
rlrk. red blood
ri > T.OC ice...--, a,...- M.— —rllalil.r: las
................... — the dae of Hr. tirreoe-a earea dyapepals. im ligmUoB. con*'
Nrrrora. bhe hs* lireB a long lime lion, kidm-y and Ir er complalnu.
ill and other medU-iaea falle.1, rike I- haalahea heada.-l.e,
la ta<
grastly Inipe.red by the u«e of Nerr- rmlgia amKrhenmi iilata
l ae M and
ora Sl|.-kad iaaomalm and Meeou*. mskea the-ii-k well. ..................
neaa aniK-mo now .leap well. *.-.1. for yonraelf lU wosderfol power W
oaH'1'ati..ii-thal l>r. i.reene'. Xerrui-. cure.
la a valoable reioe.lr and U iJa downIK. Hreene't Nerrurm bl..id ami'
right benelll 1. nerrou* afle.-lloL*."
nerve remedr la not like Uir prepare ;
Mr. Morae * ai*w, [Mr*. Alb.-rt I', liootlpul up by irre*t).'n.lldi-and un-:
Morae. of UsnUm, MaJ.. *s.va;
profry..oaal p-<iple. but i- the nrem-np I
■'I bad beea is fepblr hi-allh lor
' ti.m and diafotery of u widely knne neamaad had employed all the uaiial phvaii-lan. Hr i.i-ernr. of :ir. AV Mth I
Beaas for .-ore without much brarlit
. Saw Verb City, thd mmt *iicee» :
hare had maay hrmorrhagea of Mie ful apeeialial In curing orreon* and j
BDg* Kith aerera neuralgia aad ia- chronW diM-aaea. It la pla-ii'.v .-rld-nt
therefore why it alway*curea—becauae I
-Me Iriead* bad -naed aad kaew of it » perfecUy adapled for Just ih.-Mri
Ue good reaalla from Ur. timeaea c-.mplalaU. Another thing which can
:ra—............. —
deed help from the eery 6ral. I -fireane'a Nereura. I>r. lireene. it* dta-1
........................ corerer. can becon*ulled free, iwraoa-|
□OW WUOUJ1- mJ aju.-a
ally or hr teller.
I can aay Mial I am ii
Tbe letter to written on a aeroll of leni-' Aa eminen. . .
oa colored parchment paper, about flee;^i Ur world
fret la length to a f.ml and s hall rf boon. Hr adds. that Ur rsnh to errItrlgium
dU. a portion bring In anelrat (Iblh-. lalaly couliag ia
m I'caaceand
,aad psrlinaodera Cbieraecbarw- aad that it to likely
llkel; ia tbr rery Brar
are great ebangra.
miu. wiU Ua mral red aeal and thr falurr that wr- (.hall
emperor aaniograph ia tbr center. Thi-iI la the
Ur north of
o Kmacy where aa.-h a ,
I Uiiog baa before beea onknowa. Ibrrr i
—-rlopr to oniqur. embroidrred
j; hare sJraany been rarUquakea and ttbe I
I and rilerr,,aad
and *iU
*iU eaqaliitr
rltb arrlatgr rhlnra-Usma Uiag baa kappezicd la Belgio
sally sr-^ba uakoown acieatitt further aU
or three Krrncb i
hr .waCludr* i
I thr Swia* it
c>-fTrmler Uoiebery.
Ur public ulution
grrrolloa in Tnrkey. «
o without coaaret of
powrei atould mean a Knroprsn wai
A diatsteb from UmaU:
rniU and Farm Motet
Itaage mrlona *rll at tea to twrirr
.vote a duaen at Kaagor.
Bala la uau*lag heavy damage to $he
aa. .maTJ^w’dljria'^M‘’attempt to
resefa UeaultaB ia Ur Ylldic palace.
KIrr of Uem arr keuwa toharc latrad- _______ , la hoik,like poUViea, prodneria
reeelrlag bol ten ceaU a baakri for
ed murder.
A acIsnMBc party from tbr war ablp.' ..bolnr arirc:tedav-k
, Alhatnsa
«tn»a wa* Btlm-ked Aag lnbynaTbu'aaandi of buabrli of
• of<i
tUag on the farm* Bear 1
Thr farmers aay they i
my more free trade.
Many aatirra. <
wing to Ue eolla
e”r'mtB'7‘.'^y^ i ^J^'dMme. uVarTp'Jud.
ling at BuaMogea
pm ...... ................ „.-owB iato Ue|Byplaeea.atoBtoUeacT
ne. . Three were drorraed and fire'- They grow big eacnmberaaiMcHalB
iBlIrd <Ml of Ur rriirr in a driti-1 The idlUr ol thr Cbroatcle tifere hsr
_____ idlllon.
It toftwred Ust othrra, two UsI wrlfh more Usn aerrn
remImInK a
{poowtoaBdoaeof Uem iaa-iool sod a
At Sb Jobav N- F . the fallnte ol Ue lUlf long. •
■ mbrndf^fiabery la now said to be com-1
William Olirer, .rf Cbarleatou. Kala-
{faeeeasor w> Hoot A Urrtea.)
Popular Clothier. Hatter and Furnhiber
'Klfiali A. Mnw. ol I'sBtoe. I health Ual I bare eojoerd fh
Ham.. HeBiber of Cua^nwe from Uam-{ yean. I sleep well aad men
aehuaetu. forwanl, hi-enaorMtseal of > my f»>d does BoldulreM me at
Ml-remarkable i;er»ll,epiwer. of IR.
-1 csi, hrwrtil, reiommet
Serrara blmidaod arrverem-'iieeeae. Nereura bi aoy---------u oD
a letter from lito noiiBl of iu yo»l effeeu.
o myaelt ■
with Ur iforda. "W.
.e irel
fret long,
Klnley" w
drawing ha
_ J on a coBiiaoaa In that
. which
wrba bare Ur lalllato -W.
,lrlUra McKInIry plainly
,. Tbe letlera ara taaJr
-gold apldrra - Hielr
by Ur .largr ”rold
ly aad aa .*rw.y-«—v
tweoiyiwo ■■n.M.*
Iscbr. Itsll- bscka are golden and Usy arr oanaoal_____________ re hare Itot mack poultry Jy Urgr. Tbr lettera are interpreted
to mean Uat HrKlaley will be elected.
lalaly. aad It 1, Uosght Ur aalmsi
... Tnrnrr
........ ..leo
died Bl
at, hU
uia fioure
home la
prsyad oa Uem.
■..................... —
■ --------- of
jh ,^oB,f,renee and be let tbe
the effaeU — ter that can befall Ue colony. vb«
At Ostoaagoa. Ue people
elaglUr l^aat^poB^hlc^
Hattie Creek J.mruai
a moat peenUar scrldraL Rr waa fishery Iwiug
hemnaaa by Ue roomt Hre aad
watcblag a parade Taraday rreBicg
llTlag la toato ate aaffsrlag i
when a akyrorket Igalted by ose of Ur
Tbe aUer alght a terrifiy wIik!
lad . J
jvek him In tbr amuUi.
rsiB atone t£^w tereral teaU
way down hto throat kad
and ta the moralag a light fall of
aj^TMUation^by^e ant..added to UeUmtoery About
peo- rgploded
ato an atilt qaarteied la tbr trata. and to^rm~kaorkrdnul. btojaw boors
^ntradVbJlIirfi up M?ribJ.^ : ^d a^T^
Maac^f Ue
.ri’rloeeof WaW atslka hare Iwon
letBred sndUatoagoe aad lateror
iatnitable Umr ■
hh.iBoaU bsdlT baraed. Taearr ^ at^rar sjrd
A asaplsof weeks ago*leorgeTattle
.iaa towaahtp. laghsm coooly.
la la mrTlble agony ilnlU draU
dtoeoreeed a prealiar mound Bear f.raaa
himan encelleal peppenalel term,
wtu Abyaainlm T^Xrgna Meaeli^ ; ^S?Te) toopmxd^a family^a»rd
Mb. for Ue old rraUemaawaa babit
At Port AaaUB. while haBUof. W
Dapre aad Joseph Malarao killed I
>ai»«et wild oat rrer aaea U^.
T. J. HO^T,
■mi-.v V»»l^
Cut Flowers, ""
Plornl Pieces,
BcJdi..8 Plants, 12« Front Street
UrraS'mfrti I
sSTJX'SJrSTJSi’iSs^-Fsjiv'r-i ...
ba^e In'Ur OBsaisg up of com-'
AaBaisB's AmMS Aslr*
•cial rrlattoa*. .Ramis sepportsd, Tn Baer tUbra ia the world for
M soaditioD*.
iCnto. Breito*. dorm. CI«rra. .Salt
Ubdee Ue btodlag td-A New I>tn-,raeeol mind not to startle elUerUr
_t Madrid, a dtopateb from Hoag | Bhram. Frrrr Korea. TeUsr. Chapped
ter to Pabito Uealtb" Ue stole boanl. child or the aaake. Mpeaklog low and Koag to Mkrlmparclrl day* that Um , Baad*. CbllblalBB. Conm. aad all Skis
rrbrU^ thr Pbllllpiae Ulsada rap- bapMooa. aad poslUvely epias PUm.
Ur^tAe msaa.trrj tberr aad mama- or ao pa» rrquirsd- It to gosiutord
. Umt. la many of whIU. It to claimed. i snake made so effort to bile tSe child m7ib(H>oekK psttlag them to death to glr«^ rrfret wtUfacMoB or mooey
the Leefltor or dlpblberla baelllaa to land waa allowed to mcape.
witb balras: H^tob warship* after- rrfaadpd. Frier tfesaupsrbos. Pori
oommaader ol the ward atartod a bmabardmeat of Ur mIe by J. a Johaaoa aad & B Walb
. baa baea ordale- tabri pmIUoa. bol Ibrabotolrll .hort
btohUt Imefflef’bscnisslaaot loand, ‘ ^
aereformad Eplaeo- aad as berm was dear t
■tid *ob»>m.jtophpl^ .»^ i ;S; c.a.vo. The**’:!
ofHelaUag mlatotrr
letonolagtota. The *«»' *^**'^'I
'‘T’ I was Blaboa
Btobop Fallowao
Fallowa of Hb Paal'vwhere
organ apoe Ue a
I Ue ooremoay waa p-Hormed. All Ue
aaneialty for <arsio(iy gaans
*“ staff oSema wrrs also ordslard tasm-' Mam of aoea Uroab
Ibsrs of a protsstaat ebnreb. Tbeordl.mlf
jwkaa a
HUale Kelly, of Holly, tai
atr to $nkmgo oa Us atmaimi
wr Drake Ust Ue to ■
rkoskar aadtMartrralz. »4. For
______ - jrruaed s
sr dsy sad tried to ride i
Atom BlaUorwt Hbe Inst cowwwi m
■ MBblss sad ran It beadloag Iato s
Tbs psrwaal letter from Ue _
dgbt toalB wbtoh wsa morlog.
m Ursws betwasa tbe asoriag trals ofChlaalp PnsMrataeralsad wblU
d Ua piatfsr*. a space of aboal a formed Ue BrsAsatiol
Mirtda Omdarlor Drabs, wbn was
Boston Store
The opening of thin season’s business is much to our gratifloationand pleasure. We are confident of our success^as
we have luckily obtained the means to secure the same.
Surprising what ready cash performs nowadays. Our times
weeks visit to eastern markets has satisfied our ambition.
We have brought home with us bargains unequalled in the
history of trade. Our store is now filled with brand new
merchandise, secured from small manufacturers, at ridiculous prices, who were forced to Bell on aocovmt of the tightning money market east.
To convey the idea of what we are doing at the present
time space will not aUow. Our bargains need to be seen to
be appreciated, but wd wUl endeavor to give you a fewillusations to prove our Assertions
by quoting a few prices:
Men'e Oxford Gray Cheviot SuiU.ittUy
worth $7. for
An aU wool men
len'fi* hSATy
heayy Scotch Tw
Suit, foUy worth $10.
for ,
An All wool inen’i 18 on imported Cloy
SttiurnUy worth $10. for
An All wool men’s block Cheviot TwUl
Suit, luJly worth $8.for ,
lten’»2»^f wool Bueineeo Suit, fully
R Qf\
A Qf)
Men’e helf wool BuelileeA Suit. fuUy 1
worth $3.60, for
A good hAlf wool Toothe’ Suit
A^dwormtedYouthB’8ult.fullyworth 0.50
A^^ ChUd-e Suit
Q QC: .
A good. Child’e Wool Suit
for ..................... ...................................
Achoicolotof CWldrenVmgb Orode
CUyA, Sergeo. Trteot. fuUy
And $6.
Men's ImAvy wool Korsoy PsnU. worth 1,15
............... — «3.26
..................... 3KC.
pouW. Md, h.ir -o.;! Hc.uy StUttw*
.... 29c
An aU wool FlAnnel Salting, doable fold ^
LAdles' OongolA. All solid eboe
. 000
La^oa-Ooodyesr Welt DengoU 8he^
LAdloA-fine DoiigoU Shoe, pointed ^
up-to-dste. At
Men'e WorUfig Shoe, in Isoe end oongroM. »t..................................
Men'e Dreee Shse. in Isee sad congreee.
98c ^
Men'e tU eoUd fine DreM Shoe
Men's bend eewedCAli sunfihoee
SS^ti-iuTurTiuSr.' bat
----- -
For farther information. oaU at
E -Whiting Block.
Mb t.
I «mmreritcvoiimeMt*aNo*B.
tbo ropBbikBBj
’. Otud TrormCoaVooM froa
— —-w™
food oU k^ttab teallr which far w
. ha b— U-M- ^ j ^ ^
) Mb>et of IhiB ckeM
b»» l> aov •• ,pn|>tr m (he ate
- CorUaed contr. »• V.. drtj H. ^«a.
“Why are thaaa-im.e a,
a {•Mih.fa.Uraor.lMOta.
H.e-1 >«Ut« o|«a fablk:
... Ualuaw bo..>y. (baa a fld«-]
Mh. Mr. Twaddle tbwa paaaad hla]
boybood raaea belpiac alaar a daa ;
Bl. a«fr laMlBAMo. lor tt.;
ad bl* to pa« hla awalaca Md i cpiui
t Tbatai*tiae ie r«adia«a.da(adr of ai>ch [ uilcaJ.
tyetoaaleclaaaablla wa b^d4t tb* CWy Opai.
aa woald aid hi* la (hia dirae-! latloo. ua.r
wu Fridaf eralah—
Ii tb(
tle. Wbam-nyaamoldbawa.
tar aahee) aad for two oUar 7M
... uoaar Tbe laflueaee of (be pnoa.
lewad (hla la Beetle aad '
tbeir ob>eel7 Betroae oaly.
trieada m a hlfh (aa Mboday oeoetar
e be wwaa .book
of Ml* Moatarae„.._,ww i—w .
^BKKIIV. Tbe ao^r a the abote.
tUally deaerated
--------befit re* tbe verr brwtW®edy that eaaba
a reealoc wa.ape.lla11ata.lar ia
aytriird I* for* (be •rarkiDrmen to ir^Ual muic by Alberta, (he barpPOie tbe ballot, let tbe election fo by
defeolt. l.eitiietnannf*etorrr«ai>dtbe
toanipoleion of riertloo return* do aQ
tto tolinj.-. A*] (br eld tnaxi*
Priaade’ ekan:. fare a eary |
Wllk tk> Biiijort V of U* rWun
acrwdaoflhdwiA. J. Bmdebaw b«
Tb« «aU»oootfewUtl*Ut*7«or if
«^a*of™U.»d«fc fr.lt! K.i.~ anMledl«Iva< Ph-
•»“< ^Sr*iartof»h..J«»«rto.af •»- J" **
hm bM terta ^ ^
w. !■•
Zmipo. tbe r«to.. »d lb. fMiat U
Tbeatdaud ba^abade are wall
.TW(.tba 'artria* balafla>«ar
thaa for aaem.yaa^ pact. Bewy
I *OTj Urf* ua oob
I iM. M»Mr Md bll bolt
abowalblaya*-. 1»a dapart*aa( c
tocnr. »otb.ft»ltr.».«.of tb«
Tolad toawlae la alaolarfar thaa aw
There are aotaOB*Byabaep bat tb
MdMn. U, K.OoI<U.»i»»
ottMof Sm frslt.
• Mtitatbroibrio
a» bat ooe bel .
Miplaa. aod Hn. B. O. I*dd *
prrUy dl^day of TJ platae aad aereeal
aaai of fralt.
Pnak 8*ltb of Ao»e erblblt. io dlf‘feeoal earleO* of b-allf.l frail fn*
bM oeotard. betbaa aalerad the* aa
irra are. are eery flae.
The poollry dlqday tor»a
wiod*aaaBberof ftaeTarialiea. 1
^a^pUo. for the oWar C. B
alaadard tea baaa DoUeaaWy relaad la Wlday arealar. Aajeav^srfi
few yeare.
Vioia *.. rlr«>
‘"t*! “<*
The dtoplay of aaAlaary made by aerred.
(b. l>olalo ltepl*e#at U>. la larre aad
A few of tbe yooar people —joyed
iaiareauar aod baa aUr*sfad *aah ai- rbM at Park Mace T.«day rreelarVatioa at fain tbnx
Tba ^b^b^ltrT Cleb *et with- Hra.
ltl*!htd* bead J.V. I-atchl. Moodaye—alM»»d beaad ooatiml a
aide with ^ta aad aolteof roUaa h
^ Call in and l<sik at offtvings in these giwsis. at nil prices-t—also, see
have lt» sell >ou in Fall iJuils. Umlerwear and Furnishings, etc.
von nmni-v.
tVe bate pnuted la rapliale the
tenrr to wbiel^we drain to rail tbe i-<|ierial alM-ntioo of tbe poWte. "Tbere b
ao peeertulnnwdy.'' Tbi* ii tbe bellH
ofa lartre oumlier of tbow-- bo are pti
loir the qiiewtiflti of free r^oaceo*
err to tbe frew. (lot. .\ltr«ld. io b'*
aper*-b ciiieoinF'Ibe <nnpai|rt> Inlll'POb
^ Reltahle l)r>' ti'cxHis. Carpel and Cluthina llouse.
at Ciirard. Aur>*I ». «>kI that .tbe
period of tbr rivil war of'IUl.t waia
pertod of pro*peHly. Hr eaiil that laaUlenre upon ibr sol-* rtaadetd m -»<•
tbe oterlbrow of lepublicaB inMimy iBfrte.
tioo*. Theneert ary
It —oold lie Jumil lUroo Ibr fort -illbr
Ibai Oir iB*i»o- ^
miuority. who Urlirte
. . .>• of tbr rrpnblir wrmn ilanrvr to
(ui.t thrir <t«rrthrow by foiTT of rrma,
and ■hrr»inrr>>l"U we*tbro-nool 'bet
riril »«r i* ik-i. afiT etl. a errnl ml*®i,
,hr i-u- of
-per bion
tbr nil
price* fot lebo- end tor fern, i.^orla
Tblal* Ibr ab«ort*n>l<-raiii..aM.ierof
the pepalklir puillon on (toancr.
a A tUa bare a
taklae «P
aeaihaodoftbebirhea Tba aaMod llaeottreiltre*.
Ar*a A Cole bare ea eablWUoa
trait aaa UM year be eaaalad by baawlad adll that —a do alaMal aaythlaA
U (^Mralcs ao a pa*p at a
a aaaparbdiqd
,dMay. -With It are bet talk.
leadrlDklar Woacb.
bottled aad ca-of delhdoat iooklDr
aballt eora. eaU teed aod
rallabaa aad plaklaaralara. Jar* of booay aad rlaaa* of Jelly. Ualoeproa- work! all kladt of far* rriadera
ret tbeir due* will be waliw^ 1
merit will rraerrr Itron ofaarAriiy.
Ity. and
I*aet brllowa earlooa
pouto pUalora, Paarle* bar
p—rie* plaat eetteia. aad dpriar Hark. lb.ho».ofllra V.
KialU* .aaolaeured by tb# Atbloa.
Tba Mlee* Aeery. wboaio ao«
Joa. Bbermaa baa oa aablbiUoa
leeea lor Mlaa—»ta. were r»«
Mple of n«t eattera of hit owe l.eea- pl*eaat emrprtaeTaeoUyerealar
iM that eo*tdeeal*plielty aad prae- the yona*,people of Ibe frleade’ C.
Miiely. of wblrb Ibey are *-U»e ■
tidal wurk.
A. UIbbaabowa a Plano ptaatar tbal
blarle P«b*~- A*aartb*»le. plai.
of Motollo chafTfaa.
BwMe Ula tbero are aeeani bhadrri plaut of iadleUaal eolriea. MtraeU
__ We arc alive t« the fact that ntAnev mo*t ^ a prea' way BandgtttagrMt
^ deaL Therefore, we’ve crowded all the value posaililo inU» onr UlBte™ and
^ Overcoats and are offerinjr them at prices that will interest yon. Onr nswirt* -<
is large, affonitnjr every opiKirtunity for tbe-Rclection of thoronj^ly relU];^ ^
^ and desiraMc iranncnls.
‘ti*e be owned and edited the Cope■iKb Conrier- Hetbenen*eto Trorlaru City, read law with W-II. Heater.
pair "i*^T -ii^"^^^!r*eb'rtaUaa i ^
edmlUed to U.e lir la 1
to Ann Arbor
SrtLuilLual to tb. *alat-*»c>«l'o-laC thb be weal to A.o Arbor
„“r2!ebr:i‘^..iotolatbyere. :-Aw- pr^loatod 1. tba^.wj^
ibeehriatlaarallrloa.- lathe
lar the eabjeel will be -Tbe parable
t tbe tar* aad tbe wheat
keowQ u Koatrr. Twrddle
Tbe «. V. H. I al«J5 p. *. I. tha
u*t 1. nw br ueoriated
ebarrb parlor* will be tbe *oBttly
Ue»*. II. Cna*. and Ibe
atall UawBof the day to the baoriy *IM>aaryao*|0*tB»BUor Leader.
Sr* U now known u Tweddir i Cro*
•C. A. Barbee. Bobjeot—Ja(»o.
Sla 1"-; brwutnarrlrdto-Ml* Ikll.
.Tbere h Botblar *oee laapIrlaT
Tba pabllc are onrdially lariUd.
rood band »iude._aad i pleataat fta;Cooprr.nMb.rta...bio
I Mr. T-pddl. bu barn n ancee-fol
tan of tha fair tbie weak U tkr ooo-
what we ^
Wc can save ^
Traverse City. Mkh. ^
Red Ticket
Sale Ecices
..Htr Idslirt.* ^Ith Shoe..
frre end oaliniiird *n*errolaa|r-br Ibr
Vniwd Mate* alonr will r*i— ilir bul
Hon valor of ail.rt to i>. roinayr relur. ;
and tho. m.kr all.rr l.ulliim nor", tl.r*
roV.d’^'T.n'", bToO.rJ^b^n^^^^^
...................... (
:UMI',..Kmr*KimU.*itotrrUw.ls«.BC.l... ±.W (
ilOO IWnw *
Our lAulir.
i III PintfrtH- A Su.iU. siuall sixr
m.uarr tw J.lieU, «o U.. 2A> |
yo .t 8.00 |
Ottr Udies $i«0 l-in,nvo A Smi^hul,.... OriortUx.. .I.-..'.........................................
OiirlmdiPs 2..1U MnrerV Han.l Torn Shoos. K- at.....................................................
100 ^
oearlna of the
k * hand alodrov an iedutnd„,u,i„ ...d of ,hr Crrm.n ..1-,
aarla rl*oa aidlSereat place* oa the
L OU. arlireclliim. of racrllrnl ebatir (-oiuiniJaion uf
*■«• i-f fr— and
.til NWsW.M ITntfw*. A Sinilh IWnt Ir-lWHlssk. go........................................................................... 5.M I
UraadTreeerM potato* J-tly ooeapy rraoada and oa >>oot etreei by the
Ic hUd at tbe:^__
h, «in makr
Cr il.i*
Boya' Band, whieb raaka atDoar tha
All Mnn-s -.•.1*1 1‘irwr.v A Su.illi I'atoi.l IsbUht Sh.wA ptal............................................................................ 4.00 (
* of Nrv C- J. Kboer Mat Tbaeday Ui«bd Trnreree county
la tbeatata.
than la qaaatity and Hoallty aia eeary
:i r-1 Pinunw A Sntill. fslf Sh.-s. s" M.................:................................................................ MS 8
t alwaya pcT-’'
paiaatakler uMcinl
inriaabte thlar that tber»wo»^ «“
___ __ _______ forthe JaatorC.B*l beeaaauUerrrpnbllaia nod bU party
, r»lia ilioB.Olilvbv
proda*. la addttloo to the Maple wUI be Ue lae* ie the aflerwioa
Andoiiitny <rtliyr trr«il.-s .■{ !.>«■•(’ prior,
S p *. SotoUy will br la chare* of tbe that be bu urrrd *o well U yla.1 to do
“■ “
blate of MUblMbeiac rare aad earl- aahlblto will Bol be ukca away Ull HilitaBecatoBltWe.
In Irmat
lolrmuiioool Uitnr.jIliiiTO !i
UU In the afteoDoae. aad tb*e wko.
\y,- h.'ll tWliSrf {-«» '“•1'^ ' *» ■''> IJblb-e «.r<5rtil-s Sl„a. in flu- rity. .
r rv|wriii.-nl«' ie
br aiuinnl.
Tbe rnla. eeed atid aoro dIapUyt are han aotrUlIdd tbe lair yet UK week
Sainrday Market.
ppr'el wbi-li Ibe
tbrnrlorr lb
lee Jut
jMt ia* rood aa opportaaliy
larre and «sa. aad abow that tba all- wUl haee
Tbr rummittee wi*b to call tbr a
a mnUof at u:*o in ebarrb ^
addrr*a tn
aata bar* la well adapted to their pro- *a^ ll»eto. • tbe fine dieplaya
. A-ntton of tbrto ladlre tbal ibey a.
wn'' ^
' dMtioB. Tbe "lo^ aad abort-of eora
iai. uoirmT.
Preub'lac by tbe pMtor monlar i aapecled^ farnkb ratablra for U
raMacitaeUyUlMtntedby aoaawr
iDlertot aeatered la the on
Slaui^ay market:
aad erealnf.
’ a*lka of oora fra* lo to M leot btrb
a L. -Soulr. H C. Smilb. pertrn.-eT
aoBUet tVedaewUy BorBlBr
Kpwortb Leayu at fsU.
' aide by Mde with hardy UUla alalka
na Itolay Koch of Haydeld. Will
*,.*, |M* from McKbitrc dnrlnir'•)
Tba Orifriaal aod BeliabI* Vp-U-Date 81
ifnyce *eaUn( Tbuwlv *
' Waly two tart loaclaoa Of the SparUar dl.^ aad All are Melted.______________
I'rvan will r*Milloor to W , i« _
<lo*lat fiat, tba* eablWta of or
K. Sto^ratd. E M. SteMoo.M A. Slllra. rrair n-i* a mao of word*; MeKIn- ^ I I 8 T rOnt Street.
tl Peaelartoe of Tnerfae Ct»y. toe
chard aad Md. owe la aszt aUnrUd
H.ieabrook.KateSimpaon.l <* Titu, leyo-rof^
to the tabiUt *ade by the eeaauy
U.-j Th.rlby. I>r. Tboapeon. Callie
^no Arbor
. *bceli. wkl^ M a llbeeal edacatioe to
**t eptotatora U the Bodn prevr*Meetoathodiaf leaMBac. Itieatoarlii.,;:.:
sr..f n, «•.-«. iw tvoM,
*1 toaouthere
---------------- ikaa Toeaday Ibe .ilb
by the cblldroB fro® the *rat to the
flirbth rrade^ to U» eoaatry. Tbe dieDelayed Conwi
play Ie mdraatinlybythepaidle la
■Tbu ClUaaMbtp" Wu the 1
the rradadeeaaUTeebeeurbbe pal
Mae. by Mr. WUcea. aod It«
. aahoola oftharttyatoklar M> eakl
okiay I Hum Ctulblac Co. .
oqaeBt addn* brealhlar tba.piril
’.thieyear. Th*a an « *boeU la the
' —aatry. aad of then ft* an repn
but! The Traret** l ily Bi
j ai^y Bain and anow nodjrual.
The eablUU laelad* eMored
buaecored Mr. Mr.
Mra totaurcsarl-r
oi ,
only partlnlly killed
- *ap woih that lew rood* tbe prlat* aad delleery aad
1 W^itmmAm^r momme hewI'.ratBP
Wurzburg Block.
Traverse City. Mich.
An Act of Kindness.
the Jsdrea. C B. Doekeny. Hra. B. 8
erery part of tbe work eorcrad la the
Pran aad Mi* Deseu. Baally deelde4
efrbt rrbdee, aad It la of aaifone eaapo. Mr. HeBBlBCtoa u tbr wlaaer.
eell—*. UlthaidiadoJutI* to The eellereflree.toholarablp la aay
oaeof thatoUowl^ooarMa. clauical.
Tbe Jadree loaad
ri*t dlMralty la deaMlar BP— (be
hwtuUblla. wl..........---------nWreBar..
MyoaMleat, bn.fMrb.ir. d.y'ot
hud aad eardal work they Analiy
•worded flnt place to the Old MkaU*.
i. A alrosf (ale Wu
nhlWV wb*e work la pewil drpwlv
a coQlhwrala^ the
wu eepeeiaUy flaei KUe Ihbe neeieed
tba eeoowd pri* aad tha dpullar
f® two k
Mhaet. third. Tharealof ihaaahibiu
Of Ml. Iloaeware alnoal Ofaally rood, and Utand
a*V tor tbe da*oer.ta. bad tbe
Tbaeer* *ay wall be pr«
-ianlDfa'' and ka laproerd kk oppernaaty eahpol tyaM*.
taalty to *kke a atroar alteer ai
Tbe taacy worh di^day
that wu well reeeited. Jadfe Baieh
twiM M laite * eeer bel
of OtuMl BapMa followed to aa oonmt
av put e< the elate Itco
tbtor that brirbt Blade <ma ihlab at
aad alaWe a.re?oue7«ot> wd U aa
aMrwttrc fntare of the ttor. Tbe dae
■ewtar (how. o. rarMata and qall*
la a pretty pan of the dk^.u well
M the ipKl**. of baiUler aad
sachet, aad the nr* udhnrier aril-
poWkaa aMa of tbr qauUoa. aad both
(roUemen erete Iktoaed to witb
iprrtlal lalareet by all.
saaxat r>*T.
to-day k liraace day at the fair, aad
are baodrmU fruaa all oear th<
amotry In .tto.da.re. At the coeclnalo. of the bif picale dlanrr. Hr.
Waodmaa. of the Katloaal tlraace. u>d
drraa. aad l^iaidcat Roevr*. of BaaioGollrce, win talk on "Tbe Social
Ulcof UrHattMito- JodflBfbyU
moa to-day. Urn
crowd to lUten
Aaotber attraetloa tkk aneraaoa
will br the 1*11 yaae betwrea the wel
Bay ladka alee aad
the Old HMo. tea®, whkb hu
nelaclbie tba aaeo. U wll
w wortb tealaK.
chUdrea will kympathke w
Mk of Bert Jataatoa. wbe
nx *>*a aAcicn.
ad Ihk ewsar. u tbey look at tb*
a<u ware eery food yalerday
thl^ he plaaned, wItt aomneb pride,
id attneted a latfe orawd.
to brlaf to (he fair, aad wbicb i
taoafbk u he wimid bare wkbad.
Aa .ublbUoftroUwanbyof apeekl
•otc k Bade by om bay. It k
uo. too plaua. laclBdlar baaid* <
u tbiaca al eutoka of appiaa.
Amemg the pa* beliariaf to
boy.aad ftrlaaf tba
* wia CBBBla. UP
tto kluka.a*U that
da*, aad. toat bet by ao
aaa* iaaal. a *ce of pn fcof.!
' Apyrtwia lathe caatarot the ball
k tiled vltb a tae dkptay of plaata tertc Boy..........................................
aad eat towem. aaialy too* tha TiaeuwatyrtorBlCo.
The tada d*ptay k oaatpkM* I
jaubyltaakaau, Baariyallthe
Tlae U. 4TM. M.
iVoial .
tbu aroid compel
,'red' into i*blllp Ewnr..
Uoyd But bu ooi
berio Uel- rih.
Si**on-a bouar and I*
I bwokinf Ibr
(or iolormailon.
Cadu lion acbool.
EllioU bu bi* cellar Wl
neicbbor'e root:
ptetod. and It k a oke Job by M
d boy ooe yoatarlf: we carry toe
.Billon ClolbinrCo-
'^Tc lu ElrlmU ABBual
*IOB TickrU food to rei tom oa ane leynlar train until Hot.
I Tib iBcluirr will be MSd to T<
|all point* oe tbrtvbrriiny a laur
' Brie Rv . l olombo*. ilvkiny Valley A
t Toledo By.. Ohio Cratral Liara aad
tnefiooatti. Hamilton A Uayton Uy.
|. i Tbe fare fro* Copemkh to Toledo
Irrtum will b* only k^<w. Cl"
er i: year, of ace ball toU ar rate, will aleo be amdr
' [point* on mad*
!bc bad on applb
*l*it>nr boT ArroL Tn
__ RiebardnoB and Kou ikaady beiac
: TmaL .turn *•«»
ihlH *M*
8W.tot 8UnA!
Tba Daaoerntte Wool Marboi.
' Mr. aad Mrv Je*
—---------, tbeir daoifhtrr at K
Traverse City, Mich.
‘Gents—We have been using your “BEST" flour for some time, j
and we are happy to report that it is giving excellent s%tistisotion, and we feel that we are doing our sister consumers a Und- |
ness in recommending your flour to them.
Yours truly.
Alfred V. FFiedrieh.i
SoccasMT to Fri*driek Bros.
A*k yoor aelrbbor where ke got bi*
—I Mr*. U. »>ink went to Brllalrr 1
new 1 l*ier
He'll probably *r Ham
aumma.j,- ^ care f® her d.nrfalar-<n.
lltoo ClotoincCo't.__________
“ ■
, Mra. 15. II J>ink. wbo » eery ill.
Cinl Sorrlco
Frink. C. I) liolIrntMwb and;
ualer nlteadrd tbr repoMIrsa ,, "Tke alril eereloe of
« taa trouwc(Icaocuat
| dl
' Hrttwl coaiuscerl Monday wItb Mim by'lbX'‘'t^ ^unL**
'ksam.iei Ckrrk t'ooHrr u teacher. Ml* r.wl- .(0^ Thru poaitlou are for 1.........^ ,
>.rB.S4.au trr k a tCMber of ooubteraMr rtprr-4
it well doer.
If yos -iab to
I ieMe aad a rid of ttrrliar worto. and uqo,, mocr aboet this mauler apply to . ^
we ale clad to weleoucber.
p,, Tratcrtr City buine*. Cotlccr. > 4.V
------ ---------------------^
I-here you caa be prepared I
Doot think ^n *inntr wr ca
ull yoo nn (kefrut ® 1 liter, we .-an
if yoe vireubalf aehnaec. Bamiltoa <(
Clotoiec <0
nlatrr will pay yoo. Imi(e u
>1 at BkBlIton Ootblof Co-a
is business
• I
A And a biuinaH —to de bnsine* must hare office BuppUm. A W
S mu Una of Blank Book* as wsU as Fens, Inks. PenoUs. Ersssrs. 2
5 and-if you don't su what you want we wUl get it.
jsrow I3ST I»EiOGlH,B3SS.
We are giving the Biggest Dollar’s worth of {
leather this month you evey got.
' $i buys & Kan*s work Shoe—a good one. .
$1 buys a Ken’s Fine «hoe—like oihm at $l.sa
I $1 buys a La4lie8 Fine Shoe—reduced from $1.40.
I $1 buys nLediee Everyday Shoe—the shoe Ibr fslL
' $1 buys s Boy’s Shoe—all leather.
^ $1 Kisses School Shoes—no shoddy.^
It pays td trade here and peofde are'finding it out
r If. liaadar U
B-nat^Uadoataito pat la foad
; order laat nek. Ita worh
waa all toataoaU be
aad It baa
toaa paid tor l*»U
BOW. 11 aarac batora.
Bradbacaa woll oo Waablaptoa
atraat atraak a (oad «ow al watar
tharaara aboal
rb a da;. C B. Qardiaar * boa.
wall drlrara. ba*( tnmaiaawid a wall
oa toa U. B. A 1. prepay aww toa de
pot, aalaca^
«• iwa.i. waa to
State Bank.
wnem i»wt
CIrnilatloii thit week 2,300
Mm. iL U BMHAn »fsit
Wabar block at CadUI
wbicb haa Jaat baaa ootopleMd. la a
tor (bdUlac p^ara to be oaa of tba
or etwo. two atorltd aad
Hr. Vfabor occoplaa the
prooad door, aad tba aaoMd door la
derotad to oBoaa F. B. Moore, ol thb
lljr. waa thcarebttoot
Tac older raatdoau of toa dtp bare
Torp pleaaaat tooawrloa of Bor. B.
Hate* of Obartla. 0.. aad bb tatollp.
aad will be latoraaUd la tba waddltof
of hbtoa. Laoaard W. Batcb.
M. Hlcriabothato. of Vietor. N.
bptob time toawlad waa blew
pala tram toa aoathwmt. aad I
ao<m arideat that aothlap aoald be
atmeto mrotoemleadoftoeballdlar '
mirsesloaa power
tor damea were cberfcrd rlpbtiatbr
adddla dl tba faetoep aad kept *
Hnadiap to tbd-aa- mlU dapbrt
aad tor praat warrbmm to toe aorto
Daearraa Fraua. toa laportof toe Metoodbt eco
meo plrea io tbe ^tp dallba tb.
owiap pbmnt word, were plrea
‘•Ormt iBUrmtwi
Bowddo coU«e at I
ALTBot^ti toa dra laat Wadaoaday
airbt made a total wreck of tba kltebu «ad of W H. FlBl^'!.rto«8~t.
batorddp. tbroapta bard work. , be
ntu email-fraMdiaci wt
■ fc—a —.:___
B. KontanSuilarferCkpa Ton
m aad trim aa a aaa
del la ererp raapaev aad dea pood patreoace «bleh It
J. H. M»Oo.ma-rWUi* U the
■arthaw partot the autfc
' Kuani rnuaaet BaHlelcvnia
- na at tta.aMtew at tfca taif. .
UMi Woeo haa lanaaJ to Haatoa
Oaa of toa beat aad most foroatol
pelltltol weaken la toa atata la Jodpe
H. C Bank ad Uraad Rapidv aad
while ha bpoba at toe Fair pr
paatordap apalart' hearp odda.
hipb pair of rriod. be madcaalroap
arpomoat aad bald a Uir* crowd Ba
der irplap drenmotaaraa. Thr Isdpe
waa oompallad to laara oa the tra
e'doeb trala tor
av to dll aa
Ha. 'iBD Hto. W. L.
aea ca Ltdta#too ha*a hato wialUal
A rata aaklWUea of |
Mr.Pat^ toadaaOaa apaaeb la toa
,a ward. la toa drat ward a
bloc dlrUoa waa orfbaltad wIUi
Cbpt-J- V. HeUtaab. ottoe Haaaab
aia.. Aptaia. wito aetboritjr to af
poiat bto llaatosaato. A. L. Flack, a
->ar ot toa Oral Wood Diah Oo. waa
ataad.bv raqaadl. addraaaodto*
a». Be tinka tor otor half aa
aad liwaaaplaia. aual*bt-forpraaaaUtioa otto.
____ a fm a boalaaaa Maa-a au
polai. ooartaelac aad ellaahlar. U
m rrtoUr w»elaud bp tod ftaa
- larp. addltkia
aa made to toe club m
Mew Tima Carda
toOO tb^<
baadap tbe r«
B. Al. railroads
estirc achedolc-----apes bot too raaalap time ol tba
iralaa tm toa aertbera diridoo b earn
Plata. Tralaa win leare nraad BapMa
for Trarerar atp, Fetoakep aad Mack
toaw atp at T:4t a. m. aadat::!! p. m
be alpbt trala Im tlie aarth will ba
tkoaoS. Tba Maeklaaw Citj. Pcloakrp aad TrarmarOtp iraia. wlU ar• - •• atSiWa. ii- apd
p. m. Tba tralaa
laara aad arrira at Traeama atp
Jewt abonla.atprtoeBU C. * W. M
time Ubie will alao be ebasprd Soadsp
«OB trala from toa aooth will arKrrabooltbe
bot to. aooo trala w~a *m be tafcaa
- 'LnnaBaW.«hokaabaaaa»aitol
Oa ■m«- with toe taaUlj al B.
toUm. U
8. H. CmauaBAB kaa teorht Um waa dlacbarped. toa shot aatoriap Me
aad ahatlariap tor bepa is
UtWltoa raJiiaat frorartr <■ n<tk
r part. At Brat It wa« feared
aWaataattocndblaianUy toara.
>aat ba aapatatad. bol '
Tmtm wm baaapaela) BMeUacel DOwtooapbttliatltmBbaaaTad
tta **--*— Mar Tharaaar eraeiac
bar. J. t*. Miun la dolap
Oto. I. tor toa iaatallatina o!
tolap that otoace woald do wall to
Tnt diaeama will hoU a toaaOar
- p_u.
- - ,^uiu
tolaUa „m diaa<
*y Ja4fa Meutato ot oantt. ^ “ '* ■“
rtapa to aatonalaate
Mr.Oaaa haaapoaltkm la J, W. 8lataa ot bam aarlalM hawi
ad aW loft at toa HKaau> o(w AarMr ami bare toam bp
raamBTMtaxarrlradftom WaahM|«Batoalaatattoawaak«ar a riait
caa bataaadhaabaoadapapaad toe
pcoaadaowB wito sit to kUl toa ssed.
A earefal watch will he kspt
spriap for sew pUata.aad torp will be
dactrepad'atoaoc. Home of tbe tolaUm ware aclaipoac waab tabs
oae BBCh. left to aosd Itcolf. woald
raBoataaeatliafarm- Tbialceaaof
r Bar.
iadrad. of Trarene Cltp. wlto wbicb
tor BMiralap iraelmi cloa
bera latorMnbodbtmlobtrploMlrh
ipaa for i:. y«^ rrrr
poara ole
prascb hU pareoU
tbr limit of clrlllialloo. torn- be
toUilep bot wUderaow aorto
borne aare aa lodlaa tradinp poa
at Uraad Bapida.
Hr epokr briedp of hta rxparleBCCi
of trarrilap <m feet toroopb tor wllaod-toee
laoaebrd lato a rtporoai aad elaqaeal
oermoB to poaap mee. hi. text balap.
‘■I'eto me who am law toaa tbe laa£(
ol all tblap* It thU peace plrea.
rtooold praack amoar tor OeaUIro tba
rleba. of Cbnat-'
wltotoriratortaofdbbra. Maap pllm
aber aad beapa of arood were la
dsaparoda. proilmltp. bot tome •«!
wpt from IpalUap.
oee Ume toe wlad ahiftad aad it;
looked salt toe BeHaerfbetorp waa la
iaaper. bat It bad
time, aad toe
wlad ehaaplac apaia
It ool of
arm', rrap.
Chief Oaqwaa aad kia amlttaatt aad
■aap roleateorp did aoble work aad It
, toroopb toolr latellipoat eForta that
> larpe a .part of Ur pr^wrtp na
Tba dto atartod dlraeUp oror tor
bcdlara. aad famed bp tor wlad wito
laeoamlrabla rapidltp. aprrml toroopb
tba lap room oecoplad bp IblHp or
Mr. oral wood diab. wire oad dkh
aad raaaar marblara. from tbaro polap
lo^ toe drplap aad aorilap room wberr
abeat 4.0ou.ooodisb«a. Tbe raU
alao daatrepad.bat tbe bif aaw mill
aad tbe clotoaa-^a aad waabbeard depertaicBta are oabarmad. toprlbar
with .boot a.io.ouu warto al atock la
warebonaea aad Inmbar. Tke loaa
oa toV bolldlap aod tba eoatlp maebiaarp ii totwoea fbi.Ouo aad MO.uii. Tbs
Btire iOaBt wBi laaored lor «».UU0.
Tba tredepartamaiwaa kept boap
II tba aftaTBOdo aad eraalap boadap.
eadoBHoadap toabaa^ ot dlibaa aad
block, ware aUllmooklnp. BarlpMoadap morelap a force ot meo waa pat
work claaalap swap toa debrfa aad
tmniap to oaa aide tke maaaas of taaflad plpm aad machlaarp. aad- U>.
work'of rrbaildiap wUI......................
aph atock oa
W.B.U. Cob
TbaWemaa’rBaliatOorpaot tor Krto
.dlalflel will bold Ha third aasaal ooarastioa'bere aeict Tbatdap aad Wadaradap. bapiBBiBp Toaadap afleraooe
at t o-etork
AUofthe a
meatiapa for Corps mamban oalp. aad
WIU to bald la tbr I. 0. O. F. Iiall.
ua Ifodaeadap araalapapoblie <
ftre.wUI to bald la U L. .A bl
whkb eeerpoaa la weleoaaa. man
of tba (1. A. R. aad Baaaab BlBa
lapeapociaUpiantod. Tba propra
the emlap will la part ooBtlm ol moak bp Aba mala qaartel. a roeimtloa by
Mrs. B. 1. Martia. remarks bp ~
. is what the men are aU talking about r
wiU npt maUii&Uy
eh&ntce the nee^ oi
people in this rifc^ue
is what we want to interest the ladies in.
Last year we believe we offered the best under
wear at 26c ever, put on the market. This year we
will sell garments just as heavy, beautihilly fleeced,
better tritmed and more sightly in every way, at
and Overcoats
almost as essen
tial in this regrion as
our daily bread—can’t
do without them.
19 Cents
We know why we, can make the price, but how
the manufacturer can do it we cannot understand.
Nevertheless, here’are the goods—we call them
IR,E3D siorrs.
the oompoop bopaa to hare'erarp
a rradlaam for work apala. Ai
fortoaau faalarrot tor fin b toa tat
betwoes nu aad
aoddsalp tbron oot fxt work,
omop of toear will Sad tmplopmaoi
tto saw bolUiap.
4 At too timt of tto fife Hr. Roll aad
matekar eren la Calormdo.
wired tolmmodbtolp. Hr. Flack,
aaoihor member of toe aoBumap.
ep from Tiaa. (>.. Hoaday. T
third fin la toe kblorp of toe
paap. who wore bertwd oe
> at Maaeelooa. oaoe aaUralp. aad
aaotoor time abool aa badly aa at
The<^ Wood DlahCompaay I
.olycoocorBlB the Coiled Statce
utatoidap toe tommoa oral batter
dbhea which an aacd la ererp frooery
la the load oad are amoap the prcotcsi
FireRelation of
Price to Quality
for toe Uraad Tneetee dbtrlet lot tbe
year Fieoldiap eider. E. U
KeUopp: Alaaaoa. capply. J. I.. HaiBhoo; Aldea; H. E. Beaaeh; Bear I
capply. J. Bardpe: Bellabe, B. T. I
eUop: Heeioaia. .apply. W. H
Ripps: Ceatral Lake, npply. Mr.
rbco; CbarlcreU. J. W. Rolbal
Charienla circolt. mpply, A. H. MeOomb: ClartoB. R. E. Yost:
Asotbar 6raat Kaetup.
. .apply. L. B Carpaa
mbh. aapoly. U. W. Harass: East Jordaa. J. A. IleUraff: Elk Bapids. J. W.
Hiller: Klfr I.oka. «. Z. (Mt: Ktmakforv aapplJ. F.
fipriaev a- fi. Boblaaoa: Booo. iivplj.
Bart; fslaad. O. li Watkim: Ealaad to bad a hard ptoor to lU
■ka. J. i . Saaeki 'Kowadla. aofply.
fdlowlap Coapnmaaar W«. Aldn
Jaeoba: Klapalay. B. E. Wylie;
fimitb. wbosoaatooaad oor people
atp. D. Eapb;
oa apo. Taaaa who kaow Mr. Fab
T. bowerer. kaow there waa aotolap
bar. aad the rnolt abowad torp
K ripbt. fiaa
adid fooadatloa
wUeh ha tosad kb coadaaioaa. aad
...____ tor rerp fiasat of tbe ........
ot maatinpe ikea ta bdd is tba dtp
aad n hat doaa aroipbedp pood. Hr
MtUIkaa opoaad toa maetlap. at ehalrmaa ta a preetbal. toreibla toa
otto ulk. mdaMeKiBbpfl.a
p of Hamad Wslua. Dr. Sapdm. E H. AUps aad Jaa. I
edcBd aa oraltoa aad wen calUd b|
aapilMe aotolap A>apala aad vato_________
baratocostoBdrrtto.aadltBboold br
elaaalp wattoadTW bllUanaadtoadtpan bapia•aiaatpat «|
Blap totakamt^brUUaataatoma
M tat pole la'beat of hit raalda
ODaaaallp aarlp la toa aaaaoo.
tam whltotamabaodaom. MeClsHasp tom oB toa low lamb bare
toe eflacta of tba laU (roata. altboapk
OaCBB man aad toa HItatB L
baa totJoA poae. Jadpiap
ta Wd Uma Friadrtah. who barm b
from all laiUieUnB. tba wlatar will ba
tbe aammar bare aad
aarlp oaa. tot ^a baraa aad callsre
jimtopert. ratstaad to Otaad BapU. are filled wito abandast enpa.
^le ol a scareitr of readp moa
Aavwaa ef tim baskatm trwa of brmme of too Uraad Tnrerae rapioa
tot)tie an maUiw qaita alabnta an at oomfartablp dtaatod aad forteaynianttaafcraablbltaal tba LoMa-. ato a clam of paopb aa an to to loaad
mm aoasip (alt. to ba bald aeat weak to toa Vdtod Mataatobpaar.
I MHaplaCIty.___________
coAU< nUed attoaUoa laat
Ttn npelar matUap of toeW.CT. woak to toa fact that toa
r eall taraaoeatp
D-wOl bo hsU la toaparlore .
•aptlmobmto Fridap anmamma
a toa Svle. tolau to toa eall.
aladadtba p
bot that toe sail was sot alpaad bp toe
ef tot pnAlUtiaa partp.
Wau C. a. fHrto-BOW altar at
nc ehdrmaa toforma
kata Bailt aatoatiMod bk preaiat that ba was aakad to a^ tbb call aad
wa. h. will tenrrMaaltar atock la•ad to do aa. aad to tatoar
M toa baOdiapfarmdrtp aacapiad bp ttattoaprehlMtlaa partp to thb
. .
laaat P. DUaa aad
Tm esaadl at toe Beat meetiap «HI1
toa mad aad wUl aal f
aad Salta. Bamlltoa Oothlap Co.
Him Kota Bapia. both woU kaowa
imllirtoamattored prehlbiUap to. pamata with toa damoanb. (r
oaaufrad at the
W^elmeB toa Mdawalha of mao, popdblioraapotoan.
motoeralFataBrtata atisata la toa eltp- aataadiap
too pfaBtUmlm- Tblal.ra.T rtphk
is the one for clothing
buyers to consider.
Our stock hM always
bpme the light rela
tion in thia respect
Our preeent assort
ment is no exception.
toawin taksactoaaieal a
mM aipb tore. Mp tatorp fires hare
................I aafiaadap- Tto Haatlap
Otar tatmp was boraed to toa pToaad
WtpiBBdapmorBtop.toa Wtoarfin
todi plaae fioadar oreatop sad toa
•aal Wood INah tatorp fiaadap Booa.
are some of the coats
we carry-as good as
the best — price and
Quality consideredmay be said of our en
tire stock. Invest early
and get tbe full value
for your money during
NATIONAL the disagreeable fall
weather. A suitable
. mm garment for every pur
■ mm chaser may be found in
our largd* assortm^t
Protect yourselves against the ravages of fire by owning and =
having at hand in your home or place of busiuMS, a
l^ei Chemical Fire Eitinguisher j
The Bex Extinguisher is rightly construe^ The sol- =
pburic acid is in an absolutely air-tight reeaptai le-benoe
by Bar. 8. B. Echbr la toa
Itaaa. battobaaform
abost toirtp-fire tr1aada. m
tenaar raaldcab ef Tnma aty. mahimt toaoecaalee both a aaloa ef hoarta
to madr lor toatthtoTT toeaa maka. aadan-aaieaefbioadakmpto torato dldaotdo Teaadap araplap
aad paatordap.- at tba Fair (tweada.
eaaaet todoaa. Tba Baaj
•pact toa ooartotom. of a
- alor Hopktoa who haa
twaatp paan eoasba
■ aad fiowonwltoByaarlewe. adatokaa rtawa. toe Baaau. toUwta. bot acadatoatlp aad
Ip adreeatod. Ba lasrn toa lepd
aa ta«F-aM
■ao tob.lbr..haaaabam4o hb
_____'Tto pnatob wa .
imtoa damoaai
aaUtlad tw-tba imFse
As cheap
insist as the cheapest
•. fi.pt•f Mm. Mmiii
HUlIkaa. AU
•ifcod to read Aatl. of
a a prtoantlM ««
:<aworb. MlmDawalap. Inder.
____ a Bralpa aad Uraae Metfaa
wffintaotoatreieftoa weak to HaItaal Itoknmtoary.at Wad
m Malta BobartowtU
re that tbe tl
Bobaru aad olbera. aad a rep<^ bp
Mie: WoodlB.
Tto Mato dietrlet ombraem Mxtoaa
woaatlm aad tblrtp-aarea oorpa. aad
batweaa alitp aarf aoroatp rlaltlap dalccabm wU! be eatortalaad bote darlap
ireatloe.' Mie. Aaaa Boole.
tUacl9. la dlatrlet ptesideot. aad Mn.
cannot lose strength nor damage tbe machine by corrosion
It is so simple that it cannot get out of order and anybody =
can use it amidst the greatest excitement as readily
pailful oi water
It throws a stream of mingled carboy acid gas and =
water upwards of fifty feet. The carbolic add gas smothers, >
the fire, whereas a stream of water puts out only
tion of a fire that comes in contact with it
There are thousands now in use, and they ar^ reliable.
We recommend and guarantee them. We oarry them in tbe
Hardware Department of the etore of the
as, 1896.
Mpoarl^CbMaraay owa Oeadrieb. MIMt. tbaltb.
ha.La*«AJahna*ba4 0
- '^crt^ps _
tea U
m mm
■ srarASrsSTS.T;
wm ftn a BWdcal aad Hiaraiy on*
I T|**WM CHj b ^!Stldt£^iwlaa^a^?>^
larCT H. Col. dr. aad Joba t
m dabfaua fro** *
falloooatyUekat a
1 PV U1 B«art •
AldatBoa Ob* that tba
M ba parmiw
tad le-atraleh a haaan
nit. HothBoaniad.
Baport of eoBailuaa aa
Tb tbc Cawiwm Coancil.
Gkstuuiui —Wc. the___ ________
aoBialltae. la wboB wn ratemd tar
PabUa Warts
UTbi Man. ■an'b tba Way
- nmif af tb. VooriaaB
*wi .mimw
------ ..--------------- far tbelr pnpany la {
allay batsrm Float abd Hiate atroats , oerwrst n.
weald rapdrt that wr bar* *«**blertd «m^— -~
t^B.tW Bn>woaldnpB*th.t tlwj
be> nqaired
raoBirod fo
la ^y
n* for *
mrer aetaatiT
Bnxan or Pt-aut- W
By J«o T Buoi
. W. BK-XKan. Clerk
Aij'Bka W. J
W. J. Pxasa
- — |^L«JUifoo-.M
t *m
TbrKnwiek tdebaUacdt l^,^l*oprana la tb*
«wfialnd aad. tb. ^lojr
Via. L_________ _____
tb* HaroU: TMa*.. Edward tieoianr:
Jock Frort-baaawdabbapanraaa
CHlb. C E MalMao: Jaallor. J Itelfiblar
arOl aoa»rMa tb* lai
lay. .^be dratnaatlac will b* bald oa
. ............
... .
to^ «tth Mb* Lb- V^y nnlac.
aobodl-' of.....................................iphbarwbarb.
tbb wnh to pal ap hb arw barb,
_________I Healoo Molar will oaeapy th. Oar-
ao* about the cure
Moved by AlderBaa Saltk'tbst b
f.e it, read wbst ulberi rw* mort be aoeeplad aad ibai tbe Mly < ,
Mr IMcMC OMofa |m.prict<*ol Uc :
kor.iaker la. iaas
pay Mr. Bril.* tbe baUoo* of ..id bUl'rty*.
Gaalna. of Tr***-** Oty.
JBr barloy cdll*elad tbe reqairvd I Yn
r«yi*ler«d at tb* W*akaxx>
BOOM treai Bleb iadHallbary.
Pr*ak Priedrieh.
Motiaa carried.
Tratcraraiy. wa*ia
U*i Friday.
W Laiflia. jabraar and Uarruoa.
Baport el Cam. oa CIbIb* aad J
Mb* Cyath* Kcye* of r«**r*e City
Tired-■■•t alyblsad b>
b lb* yar.1 ol
s >» . wulTinflerd lomy Ud duriny »*.i ^
Sapori of jloard ol Pabllc tVorks:
TrarencCIly, Hleh., Nept SI. Icwi.
•lW»er»e City. Mk-h.. >ept |!<. !•
^•BdaMri/kll bi
I lw>r hm In that toadilkm fie \i*r» i.
r Be M'm. Uw Miiv
-I CtWCoCMCil 71,,A.
u.r Uny.
Ml*. C IbISrIeh b rblUsr <riUi Hr.
friend. Mta lew* Wryaal.
• ■f On Cite/-/ Tn,rr
a»d Mr*. Uroni^ st CM Hbaba.
Tra»«r»» Oty I'Wda.r,
r*. yoUr co^itlec oa
jixMiA:*** —Wc herewith iWoi
I was In a hwl Shan.. *l.<
HrB Mrrtb Bodr*. «( Tr»MrBC.air. arinc frail
Mr*. J. SkilliiBa.M Chlayu. qwat
Mow aad a.
of Hnan'.KhtoryfMkalcmi .
r. aavtoa M-wbw .
ba« bM TblUor MM BU* Oberlaf.
Tb* bay fmr folk* fr
*m«a] d*n at thr tVaakaxoo U*
.. M. Born* anil rrtara to
cr«l the pe
>D*^f the Trarerw City
Al.t.'b I bwl Irurd. I h.«- uwxl oov
H.my fuouiK
. **
—wnw .
TMr* •n*Md*M*MMnlb-* b*ll poet lo Wan for how o
ark. laariay Naaday.
Lady* aboal lb* fliat of ibia
‘-re. nt _ i«.. l*ilr» of thno, aad tbc nilb botwa WrdMMhir alcbt ea Meaaat »(
■daabon tlm*.
Mr. HalehiawB.of Aabtabi
aad W
last Ta**d»y erraiay *1
• rxMilaed the
~| Mia* Kyltb CnOeld b
Mr. ud Mn. Mlatmi wniotM h»n
ba* Iwra ef Hr* i> J. Balchiaaui
oatloa aad if lali*. nlur of the proper
I froia Pornl
ilir flr««, sret It has rrantnucl rich
•" ir-o-• r«"7:i-mo—a., u-o m taM«rMd froBCadM- Bu «rh«« lh»j
ly of the TroTrree City I.omber C.. aad II F. Northrnp. ^rsdn aad*.*tb* oiiwBW.
No arrrice* wrr* brld la
It tbr
. . .M.
sl-mr. Iio»n;.^KI.In.-T PHI, arc the neb.
‘ Z “JSS
laaot«*ttiii|t hi
of property adj rinlac there*
-l.inc (a tin- riflit pMc*
si.i ••Mr** ssj ...... ...
1-..—»i, a..—
Lloyd &*t aad femllj hat* Borrd to Ebort-b Haaday otoroii
!(ieunre E. lackey, hulldlay aid.- Tber wiirb* crnUy ml** abaesEC of tbr pseior.
*H!^fro*l. »owpl«n***mblncu!2^,^^“i,,
Tb* Cmeeal Irft to-day for HsrUi
i. P. lirodhairro. M d*y» -.11
.Hpriay*. where *lie will undrryo r*
.C mm* —S r -q.AS,. ^I.A mA Stet
Wry rreprelfoll*.
*Mra. Ub* hee gone to tbU b.r i«„ i
Tbe ColaBbia b*. >*ki-a '
aruu. sboald I
kk. r C T\ er I M UkKI
-•'.>• 1—1 iff^
Hoaaoor l'< i>u> \V..i:y.
Dr. rMbB M* JM( r»MrB«l frr
Wr wuold th
*““■' “*«*’*>^
Jao. T tU.Ai-i.K. ci.s
Boaalt aqr ud rrport* *a aSrr
MW* PlormM* Homo, of Haalt Sir tbf BTlIoB of the Superwaor, li
Mb* ruw
A. W. Bii-M mi. Clerk
SIVCW.C. rC'rrs cri. It.* ■*>.-*. rriJAC up
*ortrA-f *e-tf.'*'*V*
^0^ oof ■( Jobs Bowmen'*, bad L
d B«ar Cl
wrr* •urrird at Hsrir. arrired last IVedarwday alyb
ba caaUinrd aad ulS^
os u— do. <s.. pcjio' C-. >0 r-T—. aa* lat , .
c. -.10-s r* ik. maow-cw e mKi.o.ne
Mornd by Alder... Kc~for * tUK with trirad. and rrWlIn* in the pelllbioa hr ant ynoled.
BXSSAr. WAU OM br CrU r..,*-B.llJr loC rertA . II..I .M r-irSAlOCU —ue—P—. MS All w«rr
Boa oMoel boo** la WHp HtsBoa*' j'^i^^V'niMt'aynt^y'at bmb
Jno Ca«a aM fajaily bat* |
oem a toac aad happy
Ui. place.
■K>r*d la wb«*. Uoyd Ba.t li.*d.
U'b. Voice yarr * "bn.kiay
paid pA rc-oamoiHlcd
last rreaioy and aiaoy of bU fi
Jli*. ■
Motiuo STS, csrrifd by .cca
atteadrd. Tbcy enjoyed a *rr* plra*
tv J. PAIUtrts
St rrraisCL^
CoBaiUer >a CI.Ib* aad AecouoU.
Hrsl. II L w <> brel
Mr. OroaM wa* at t^ni** City
YrOA—Aldrrfire llobU.
A llul* troal wa* a*ab Boaday laoraMr.awl Mra
Hoced by Alderaian lloodrich that
«. aad Jadf***'
tVeillvk. Kmilh. t'.m
ip to Charier
the prktk>* l>r laid *a the table till
M Citr. Tbc era
(Hb> I'owat* wa* at Charleroi* laal
Pm-moa Arary bn boacbt far bb
rek. relai-ala
ka. l0^ie.~Jsbraa,and O
kext rryular ueetiiiy.
pWaaar* a bWyd*.
Tnrme City.
Motion carried.
~oraee I’bliln atteadad tfaaaaeampHi** Kate Ornbatn .rf C***ojbII*, J
lepuHof lluar.1 o' IhiWUBeportof CaBBltleron Sireeu aad
Cem .—r Uu_ aes
iiat CharlatoU.
Pa’sis >|wraa.sie
Trarenr City. Mich., Sept.
fanUr ba* Bored lalo tbaoM raoi•si’ i-r hl4
(>nednt lo-d*y.
II., V..,,..,
TratencCI .
w of Eddy KewwHob..
t.itp- of
L.,t.eaer*4m' rrero
Artbu^ltordna Ult
Tb* Pox of Nortkport wa*
MTlaa Dna rbllad Mr. aad Mre.
Wkrsl. ,.IU per t, ~
L Braiaarrl frow Priday aaUI Hoalitlea -toluaU-alloK
^^Arcfabold ofChbairo la *MUqr ■■IKmoybriuk'' •ebool Monday.
1 reptrt in rryard t
wi>b him »an-e*a.
of Jaur* Marrlo would rr-i •Ifully,
TMlait^^rBi tbivrda; *r<
MW. Ix-o* Wyyaal. ^
aulyiilt Giat as the •prlukliiip *ei
Heary. an doloy baalon* at Tiaterar
I N'uiDbs-r Three 1
Hr*. Uoldtarb bw moraad boo* af
dcarlviocf aad la cnlerioC itil
aiyUrdoyter a tlali at Ttaterae City.
Mm. W«b*ur. «bo h** bMB q«lb
irai-t with bI'I .lame, Marrlo
Id I Wr have
lined from
Mr. ilallb aad fooiily bar* sored
Mr. aad Mr*. Al. Ooaa bat*
■Ut. b aMMo b* oat a(Bibk«e..|-tdete, .
bled the cUy b. furuisb
rsork for
-ui,b tsurk
uid'^ioppr * plan and
dlasnsB M. tbc
troai tb* Arary bona* Jo Joka fald- Travcree Utt to lire. Mr. Ill
«r. aad Hn. N*w^. wbe bar* ba
' ' approrpoMHl
which wen
were duly
Kd Hldret.' of Chsrlrrolx, who b*.
1 niap,
work lorJ. W. Klater la lb* faraltarr
rblUov M t^b piaea a (ow wraba. •
•miiii'iid Ihroaiii
beea ill/wUh the typhoid ferer for lUiUr-C tv.Mill
rd bt 11V alwi tbr eslimat*-.*, to crwl
E H. I’rott. of Trai
City, rate
pact W rotarb M> iad baa Tbaradap.
uk-atiun lb be laid oa thol laim' Tbr noli— of th- conslroi-.
lb* people of Vaba a .
Detaal* HlBter. beotber of J.
W tl.huini.
' A free Mlrar dab wa* otfaala
r^takeo ill nry *oon after huartion of tbc protksurl main an-t lsls-r*>
1**t tviday rteelac- There wrr*
M-wrrs. was |iiihli,bcd iu Ihr Trerciscpat tbeir BOM 10 tb* el u k 11*1.
faoi™r”lMS^M^ 'wlH
Hay lAclr. is •lailr ncwipAOrr pnl.M,!..
'--jiakr ebarce of lb* alor*.
Mr. aad Mr* illracy H-idc*- of TrafC»aajliu-r oa -Htm-ts and sirtctralk,. ed InthcCiivoftracrrarCity, Mn-hi
to Maaialhinr 1i At Thursday nitrbl.
aro* City, pawrrt thnioch Vala ra
Tbe*leaiarr<Ud Pellaw'ckn
clyht dava prevn
Vtaa Pm.-Mr. Kc«fb.
baTior wet with
'Toat* for Charleroi*, wber* Hr. Uodr*
nralna to Bellaln Toradar.
TMa-Mr. Wabat?
of the load of I
nrrietl. aald report *•« avrrplcd
ioioad IbeO. A K. eacaoipiaeal.
BiiBbrrof people weat Ibm to
.m, rriatire
i-ll pnip~rl
A rooalac McKlaWy oweUacal Voba tbe rtpoUicaa aoateaUoa.
li. h •oct-Ilnc
eoMatarday malar with Ueiua. P.
I main and lateral ^1
The V. P. b. C. E elaewd the follow
........................ . mill
Uaalltaaaod loba Loraacer a* aprah- iar officer* at ibelroausl •rioiaBBual
...ri ' ir«, ‘dnly lield Se|ll
IMM a hoH bob bat alfbL
rio. Tb* awoUaf wa* eery eatba*ia> ■eetioci
^treWiSn week. 1^'timpbel'l
^Mm. BawMB b Mt* vaaot o( Mia.
l>r*a.—Rlrdle Hllla
Committee oa Fire and Wai
Roy Htee> also acGDnj|«nled biB.
Vleaprr*.—II l'.l.oU.
Abbot forty from this place atleaded:IhiKbum the n.-kttrr ol tbe t-liemiisl
.4- berewilb aiibiiiittrd l.i
.Sac'y—Lnola Mill*.
Lob BoUlter aad (aaDj ablled
tbeti. A. II eacanipinrntalCJ
d respeetfnllv r.
Tr**i —Cirece l.aforce.
bbadial Klaoby.
OuTaes.l,y. Hepb TUth. UeC R.
last work and bad a eery <
- onion of tsitl lubin a
■ -Rirdi. r
I. Hallldar bad wife ■aad*
Ciae DotwIlbatandlBC Ike ni
A I U'y w-ill—lliicketsfrom•all '
,-d f.w
f.r- .mr
rer. be |. -.tpon-d
• Clip laal
wcavhrr. Tbe next
mil tbl-time when tlic ex
«ra urns Is-lw-en Mackinaw City .
.1 *1 l*eto.key
tby. St
pense Irrir-I for tbr eooatruetioa ul
am Illy Uipid, i.. )>-in>ll.'Cbi-s
• •nr haroeui.
a*ao« bora: clad to aaapoa. barr.
McKinley Clubmciclcerery Mon. Krepioy of the h
,skl sewers, caa l> luet more ea«y by
Wb«at aad rye at
yopr Itirhimeid. lud.at aUire
Mba Addb Kabba bcaii« Uladithe
1 tkU tlB* of rear.
Expesse for one
named rah-,.
will lieir>ssi
aaa tbarau lorblt frbad* aad rabNiiaiber Tbrse |4 ■
Mi«.-rlla»nms ex
Home 8ae ddd* of eon na ba aetat
S..reral ladies wrrr pereen'
yidny uu ,Tw.ial Irsin- leatiny
Tbb. mike, C
H. Moaroe dalaa a aUr Seld.
The dull has arraared for two i^rcaV
Trarers.- I'liy at ••...-s' m.. and
one year J1 .•-••.
lUyior Aldrteb eaa>oM«nd ber
rrs. Hr.TwrdillraBillInn li li. Corel
Jxi. T. llSAr.|,. ,;
pease fur rm-h ,s soiui-nl rear Jtisyoud n-turiiioy ua recutar traU,
•ebool la U» >lwalB*lMi diaukvoa tb*
A..W. Riisrnii.
__a HalUbary uat work for Mra.
bae kviked cmrefully
notll.-rl.'.U, Throuyb risarbre
day aernlay in the hall. Krery one i
iBd hods
Hods tlir
the I'liciuleal
Hr. CUbbabaaadderBlIlat Urawa
will he ran l>i Helroil. ctik-oyo
Moced byAld.-'fs.anrfo.ltb Utot the
Jay Bixby la warMay a few day* for
Jtoth UMfr*a*a«ar aad a
enylac aronwary for
f"' tbr
tbe protevll-m
aM will ipake elder for aay ooe tkat
and lii. heivnd For farther iare^mri br a-c-pusl aail a<b>pl<-il.
(Ki2h is ihcSsaSTiis;
riwioalliin apply U> «i. It A I.
Irt- MrrslSs srrspil -t fWstoS ss« 0111 sIlliSIS
^o'cloi-bKalurdayaflemooB. Kwry- ’■> the akolc city_
d'* eye Male kaatar* toaad a
ayeni, or
.... treni COM tree <a E Aldrick'i
A. tv Jahhs
f AkM II^Moato^E.
1 . 1. 1-s'S«<»l>. <i. I*. A..
plan broBChl him Sit.
leniprruee meeUny brld st tbe
the mslterol eti|i>riiBy Curfew ordiW. J Uoim-.
load*y oa badaeB
M E. churt-h ondrr tb* aospice, of the
Ber. Hr, 8*rt aao wife apeat Kooday
aaocr be referred to the Cummiltaa oa
Hrotl relaraed bociw Balnr- Vr. C. T. V. was oar of much laleresl.
at lb* Cealer. alio at tbe Leaco* at
•No lirkeU will tie sidi! fn.m
Mrwrd by Aid
I’ulior with power to met.
bH trip loCbarIrtol*.
A fine paprr written by Mrs, HAH
UiU atreai la tb* emlar.
Holloa oarrird. i
.aerewiw r-nr earns I, the Bersis
BM*n Pi«b*T ha* boairbtk My bar** Carrier on -TempcrBace InUiehehix
Kearfo all famen coaplaia of *aiall
N. •X.-ctlb.
i-ctlbam. Mayor and nerk I
a md br Mrs
Mored by Alderman liomlrlrli that
Cbaa.Hoaiaca*aadWDIinboa are yltld ofpotaton a* there are bat few la ef Mr. llytuae. »t Tr**et** Uty.
luy, by Wm. Rusaell. ami Mrv I.
the Connell Insist upon Ur
Mr*. Btell* D**)* W barley qollpa
' taUaibalitoKaibaakalaatU.
bbott. and
nd a rrciui
rrciuiioo by Hi,4
bad tlB* with aroraltU la ber
11 y Co. buildjor sldesialk on the north
Tbore *a* a* prraeUac at tba a)
' «r»c« Abbott, and remark, by -Mothrr
ban tbadap. Moar^abto bai
Hartb* U*ba I* hoaw fitaa IVMbey. I Stocle" were a'l eery InVrret'i
W. Hortna belay arrwed fma
and aoulb aide, of Mate streri sdyscenl
olaaib*** fooad aakaak bad.iaraded when abe b** baea worklay tbl* aaa.
irtrd and Hint Itrr mailer of pur- to their pn>perty herelolore ordcre.1
a was iaten^ereed
ter ,
with -1
*1W HboM C*lb aad hoab Tbeobatd hW pieBlm. Ua left It for d>
aolos b}' I'rqf. Xeidhatu.
NVidlialu. Mr,. Chasicr n ckrink-al Are eayine he laid and that the May.w, City Oerk
aad Laa bwaai, od Trarcree Oltr, rbitad
Naedbaia and Frank Xmlbam and on tbr table ontil Nurcaibrr.
Motion City Attorner lie autboriied b> rm
tb* tadc* ban IbUrdap rmU«.
iwmllelaaat Wexqnsrlette swleclluo, by them with Mi-.,
pood With Bid It-y Co aad aiye I
■ laUted oa barlac
Wlani* RuicbiiMUB to aasHt.
The as ameoded wa* <Brriad.
Mb* CualbiBqoaat » base froa
Brpurl of^ CoiBBitlee of Fire aad the walk br built aa •{ulckly aa pmbvra* Eloe Cor
roat loehitreb lA leame choir were at tbelr pmt rsmdy
Tnrona Qlp tar a *<n ilaa. CM
oaly »few
wd a* Sae a liberty
day to tha bell belay nay to asalai to aloyiny tba district iMMiy Water.
iataad* to c« .*0 U raad Bapite la a
iB fivB wbicb Boat* a
aad uiber aelection In wfak-h the audiTrBerrsenty. Mlcb..Hrpt. :i. l-c-r..
Mr. aad Mrs KUebraaod Mrs Cor* eac* bbartil* joined. Wr shall yrrally Til (hr ll•...,y■.l.l■ Mop—iiNi'crNflroi.n
on motion dulr rsnied tbe CoBBilt
Bebart elaiiad al Ororr* DaTla* laal mlaa tbe help of tba Needham, in tsuh
chnrroca wbes lacy laara os.
teu,oa AilreeU and Kklewnlks wrr*
. •Matdap a«tala|. Tbb wa* oa* of
. tta aaap food tlan for wbIM Iba
•nUorlrad lo see that the atreii
•.prinklers Iw pr.iperly bussed for win
Last Thaiaday.
issr til br mad
ter and Insured.
□ Herbert Cork sreat toTraeaie* Chiy
ir Fir* Marsha
Beynlar airetiBC of City Cuoaril hehl
On mollun. dnly ckreird, council adafiar a >o^of r»da for fllaaley A Ea- iaCoaacIl room Kepi. ?i, law.
Oadfa. ^■^‘^^HlLiUafp'iMbMad
1. Uartin ha* yoae t
A. W. Rh K. ••I.. ■tr Clerk
Mertlny STBS eallfd touedor by H. C.
tbaMdbao* oa tb* crbat qanUoB* of
la lb* akiayl* Bill.
Mrs Jay Bixby. of UUad. elaiiaA
bar aialor-la-Uw. Hr*. F. HKby. i*.t Darla. Mayor.
wnl Wilaoa. AUx. Carnll aad Bobt.
FrkUy aad HaUrday.
Pmnst. Aldemaa-ilqbba. I'ariier.repen'be amptad sad that the
Soiaathiay to ttopand On.
Oartaad woat to Harbor Oprtac*. HI.
Tnnrw atyelalwsea laatThanday ■ Mhsdrich. CrelHek. Smith. Cook Kj- Mayor bkI <J*rh be anthor.xad to purBat.
Ifbaea aad otbar potau aa tbr laka
Mr. James Jtuien. of the druy An
, l^ie. Jahr*.. aad ilarrlr-- ■
trnmem at Cedar lo«t Haaday maiay. wan Bd Tronaia. Will aad liaery*
Book. Juba Beckar aad Ella HaUabacr.
Joaea A Co.. i.ossden. III., la sps-skioy
Hr*. Aayoet Clowlttarha* yoM la
ood Mayor Haris
(Inward Moor* aad wife dmeearar
Ilf Itr. Kiel's New lliworrry, says Uat
Ma*h*«aB la tWt bar pareat* aad
Mlnowaot laairoynlar meelloy w
to Cedar Tanday. reUrnlny Wedaealast wfolcr his wife was aliadkesl wilfa
day. Hr. Moor* srtll more fo Oadar oa md sad appraeed.
Ia<irippr and ber ease yrewsd seri
Mr*. PrsBb Bno^y aad eblldrea •ooe aahU bouaa la ready.
ous Uat physleiaa* at I'uwden and
aad I^GwlB elilUd ktTrarera*
l-aas ennld do ooUinp for her. Il
A catUa drorer callad at Fraal
. derelup I
iw-s Moaday Inokioy 1m (at <
Hr. aad Hra L.<taMr w«at to Ti
Hr* LlbWe D*B*B*r* ol Tr*
llsr.ny I
ana City oa bartawa mt Tbaiaday.
•Iiaep aad boy* for tbr BaEsto bi
'City TbUe-l ber Boale*abeUr»*l<
selliny 1u
tie baa bouyht all he <»ald Bad a
Mr. Hart, odllor of th* Uk* Aaa Ini Bata rday.
Wj5_wa* te inra Haaday mamiat
beyan to yet belter
Wr. aad Mr* Cba*. FarboBa m »toEt^U street alaad in daayer ul ...
Itlay friend* aad reUU*B at Kbbob
I dose, sort a half duren dollar
aad limb. we. Ue oadaratyaed. re«aty tbl* week.
rured beraooBd and wril.
pacttnlly prtltkm the Comiaoo t'uuaell
Ne* Dlw.'oreiT for Coat
Mr. aad Mr*. Myna Calear hare
of Tnrerne Cttr to pcohlbit bterclr
?ooyhs and Culds » ynarsoler<l
tamed Into tb. boom- with Mr.
ridtey upon Ue'sralks Unid EiybU
this y,id wiH-k. Tr* It Trial
Hre. Batlra. Hr*. CalreP* yanata.
•trert belwcea t>iri>ioa aad I'aioa
sat S F. Walt's and Jas
UtU* Mildred Karllt fell aad bra...
l>rw Store*
♦ladlnte Uat aome member of Ue
la*t Prtday.
Itortor Prallek
eat It aad laM It weald b* tbrae wrake
Ctfl B^aya to bdlldlayAa addltJ
C. T. Urawa. Mr* V
bafor* obe eoeld walk ^*ia.
I. JUaual Sactusiea l
*Mr. aad Hr*. 1
Mr.oadMra II. i
■atroEaad La Orcaoa.
Wbitacy. *Hrs ^eat Mr
tba U. A. B. mcm
ColaBbna Boiaawn to qatoa aleh
Chas btaaOeld. Mrs W ..as
ipteafberrii Ue
U Bibna. Hr. Thoe Uiimm
liysn railway will r
A bold fraat datarday alcbt. bat
[toll Fairtmaba weal to Kalbnka »>aakllo. *Chas Wollel. Jes
lo* raw exeomioe i
& B. Hark* aad wll* ef Maple
Bsa. Mrs T. L Hayr*. Mr
with a lead of apple* the flat.
Tr»ia. will Imrr
wrr* la Iowa la*t Batarday,
Mrs Walter WalB< to qadte eelrkBily
BelBim. Mrs T. L tilbbs I
Jack UtaeybaeronloCbleayo oa Ul. batDr.CiariihaebopBef bmslu
lb* Charirroi* oa borlaea*.
‘“Us: riSS.f-‘ri:;o'ra,‘‘5.‘’“^"
ssSC' ""',
C. H. Je I.
^ immma
: For Quick Ret^irnE
Tic WMc WorM
Dr.Mes’ Heart Cnre Does |
■ ££^l=T:::!s.-tK
trllb i
• of Xortbpot
>kl oa ifoaday
Mr. Bordtaa ta* eoBBncfd bU
datWa aa teaebar <d lb* IkBaybraok
U. W. BeaioBlawucajMHa Tnw
^8. Vaadrrbaol aad bmlly bar* Boa* ^_ay^ea aeaoaat of tba UlaiB of
M Bdrawatar to rnll bb *btar.
8ebom will reopaa b*e* aaal MoaHome rood work bo* baao
d.jr tritb^^Daaeaa aad Mba Uara
tba road* aaar bon wbbb
tbaw nry woeh. alwaon* I
dear la Utarloehao.
Tb* •ebool boa** ba* baea aadeiye
lay repair*: a oaw *tnae wall w**
A nartil wboel naotiv '
plaoad oadar part of tbe lehooi.
Hyiaa Jardaa of MeUaa. IIL. rotarafddad that iMy woaSd?"*'
**•“*•■ ^ day. ^nuTiCbInb^.‘K%‘jo^
. aad
otan faetorr. Ha ............I loU
-Oaak Rcadbuaad wICa.of T
W- T. Cook. Bdysr Pny. Bdd*«teadnlay nod A. &. Fray waat to Elk
Bapdda Ik* iTtk to auatrd lady* Mrs A. McLala. of Wnet Bay Cln. I.
etolUoy her BOtbe*. Mrs Martha Saw
ley-aad Other nlasleea of ihto placm
The p«Bl« of HabrtAofwwl eat .boat
•fir aimy the afiae^oa* at tka laik
ale 1
.•MfsCA. l.wlaBd. *1
Mr*. P. A_____
Mnara*. M
UleaaoB. rMrs •"
W W.
Hi.... k
■ HmlihWBAETDUIlAS£.bB Ks *1
MeHtohaeil. Hra TL A. Mi
- s A. tisnw. Mai
la^e IWaprm.! * * bsm <tl«swe to IneximUs wBn Ue
. twrriy- F. M. 1 ermptoau hwwms well diAwpd. tlw psUeaa
__________________ o Hsaalorsbr. Mrv I tursmmilirmrd aad a asrwimaie ubm
tfeo. W. Thomas Th-mak iVtertyl.! nlser. Bat rhsw s aam. remedy to Inoad
Mr*. A. Reyoolda. Mrs T- Falertyl.' sad a car* ednesad. sriar *e*n of sa«erl^
Mrv Ara e bouta. Hr* BarUk. Joaefa thse. I. rrsvi rejmetaf ami Aadre to 1m
*WUh<lB. Mrv E F. WUhte. Jaliaa Ue nboie uorM knoeZ- Mrv loan Wnm
Ckmohell. Htv C. li. TnroMl'Mrv A. i taier.of Mkire. Ksasas erttm: 1 dtmn
Fbborvl. 'M K. Iluek. *tda H. Uarner.; lotrt Ur *hoM worU knon vbst Br HUS’
Mrv E WUbelm. rMrs Ueo, U. Corell. the MUm’
Bs^Carebasdoaa toe
Horad by AWerBOB Hobka that tbe ! „
a-^ For tea yrere I bad
paUUoa be referred to Ue i <
BtraaB aad SIdrwalkv
Br. Hilts’_____
lr*te’'»:.’Nwo.e rst»'’w;il apply rto
Jise a»d,aiea.e-r
»e-r Train-Ul
iltotioit irto 1> L a N
sear— fiw iBdlaaahrdaU r
litaad -Rapid* oa afokt trsia
Konad trip rate to ImCeoww A',
limit oa sit Uck-U will be llclober (tb.
Stopt'wiH bemadeat pnoclpal potato
oa II. U A K. R E. mad al Beataa
Barber at bt Joseph oa CAW. M- E
R to let off pameaym Iloa’t Btoa
UBabaare tn rtsltyoar trieada. Maab
Ckkmn sad Delrotl lor
win be nrea upea appU.
W. M. By. arrets _
smM tkb Ckaoriay of atordy larBan
«oHa ptiwpd wttb lb* *lb bare aad It*
a* aerelB aa liaaday rmi^
naMr b fooad la
Be*. W. B.-Harlbatanil ac
- (•BaarbywUbb a
Oollaetba wU* '
' is~iL:i.A.A~~~<t..^.»hu2~p.rTts S.-A.2rzLsf:-—~rsr~:'sTir::
From BOW aatfl Orb loU. the rate
WB Trercrre CHy to Cbteayo oa the
. ortkora
MtobWaa TraaaporSatkB
Bond trto
•loeo. Ttokato ymsd ta retar* iretfi
A $1,000 House and Lot on
Washingdion Street, in
Oak Park, for
$300 may remain on time and
$300 in monthly .pajrments as
agreed; or $300 on time and
$276 spot cash.
Ti-iq_-niT-e a-t
Herald Office,
12B Btoievt S-t£i?ee-t<.
^ gt A. PETEf?7-yr^
aaeta.oa well m rorl}
toeoda an peotoibl} ttea* ml bbW
itewr Ant tot of <cp«-aa daetreyed b}
a tox or BOOH-Mbrr predator} aAteoL
Bat tb* oaH} brood* oio} be «aM} *#.
rribrd to a jvuop pair of bird*. }««r>
uaira- wbo.iblBk ibr Bret pleaeaatdap
of tprtoftitor to br a terblBc*r at MB}
enebda} *! ,
Hawk* aete pradator} birda aro tte
pearra of 1)114 aoci*t}. Tbr} Ur* by
tbrliraawflttewoabrrbiid*. Tbryan
Vte 8*}««rt hwapalr ^taaoo
dowtotle aalaiala. aad bmne eb
1} altected to ib* forwrr. Thrt
to a timaa Tlllaf*. la obiteeyttailw
raa tbaael* Aplo}a«t.aed Uio
saaal ejatanu od >nlnt berdtaf te
I and ewto* aod drtilta »brm ta
«mlM. waa wf} »« b to ibnr Uatc.
tW} «O0O kor* ■» lb* inhabtlaata to
tbr |dar*. aod, enlil tta friaair rraa* tow bat mlebiy,
mlpbiy, brine priorr* of tb*
dM. uote loiall rrjful»rl>-ii ihrbotiara
a <Moae. aad bnateias kla|a
Wb*B ttefrt^edM lb*
*0* brCorr tb*Jr pawau di*.—
loo^•*wta1rfH*oda ». V. Buii>-
M ■»* M«f u> >»•■>« PMrfV-
•TkMf* >— M Ivk BWUV
•‘I'O •I"
*>*U a«l krrp tbr flto.
I. Bod
wbra br raarrd.
nod danrr
dancr Werr ulto
aad lolleo blB> pul «lib Ihr hnd- to
I tbr rrm» bbo and trtoarksd thadotiaa
of tbr «e«rlwnl.Baii
onr rTTOine hr broorbt homr Ibr whol*
of tb* rlllaer brid of hrirm aaatdrd,
and drer* tbroi Into tbr atohlr.
Prote Ibet UtO* tb* eraor andrrtete
o* nan} delto* teal It waa bo*} frow
ta*U »F »«■ •• kr4.
Oto HMn A»KJ» SoMtn^ L«wr.
IlKAi Hm IUtn~Up Bi oar bear*
lh*r OUI »d tbr ■uMler'a hiUr**. BO<]
t Ibo^t Ul^ oe* WM preUp fun).
.MaoM U M I bnrd tbaa mf •ooKAM AMUblMO CATTU! PKITRIt
tUw «beal
b-.l l*l»f eey aw,
alebt. It* actnl aa.potlenDBi
or pM/ OMT*. bol it ib*/do xrt at tb*
atoot« tbr poaalr}. ai
TMdiar aola P#« loay br
I »f- " and dbonlrr. Ho wo
llaoa aaJ laparb^ laaalivp*
•aabrairfttoacan. aodtirerralit
( lu near and
If you torn r*ad an} of Rodjird
:iplic«‘* atorlra about Mowyll. -Ibk
lid boy of lodIt.Tou will aor lb* point
o< tbto tre* nanmtivr, ahirh la na'l}
a*a>a,ai>dU doubly lui*rt«iii«b*eoato
h ftUa oi.r lotiti cooBtr?.
Mr. Kipllpeb nolf-bo) bm aai
|>ntart>t uplbytteniWaiiiBalaof tb*
lunrtc. auJ k rrry happy boy Is bit tm,
flrrc* nay b* woB.tqD. tUIltoCollii-,
aboet nboiu Ibia atery trIU. Waa
broeebt up by a wk-knl motbrr. nlio.
to many rwipm*. 1* nor** than ony
wild ealtnal, for the laiirr Dearly al>
my* look oul lor tbr nrlfarr of lU
youne. "od ruard* llirin imdrrly.
-IVillir r4l<D*. a> Ihr rwull of bla
nwtbrr'a nyirlly and nrplteu to Beta
like a wild bov than euy tod c-r-r
breoehi up in a larpr cily.
homr to In Itaklaeil. < aL and obai a
bomrltl.: ltortb*bo.rllha*b*rai a
prtaon aa<l a rapr. .
Tbr ilorlora «bo ba>r aludird irmir'i
Caa* Bay ii il llir qiirrmi onr Ibry bar*
*rrr hi^il Or mrl ataiul. for ten loae
oaaa baatea aad etoe falloa Uatbar.!
They odlea aaKorod far water, drinktae oat of Ite oaUlataMr* to tbs
■arahaa Ttey woe* out tboir Books
thoa noad tboir boMa wllboat aeck*
ootU itedr bat awaUad oe that ttey
*aaUaott*itb*aioe.wb*altey tar
np thair otmla aad tied thorn about
tbato bK oadoBTlad itelr boot* to
IMrbamk. What la bft of Oempaay
1 to baraaowaadwaHlarfor brtbor
Traly Yoora.
A Uwidtob boy faU ont of * wtadew
•od waa wrurely hart, but wllb
otoaeted lira b* kept back tte «T7 el
pala. Klae OaatoetM Adolphos «bo
taw tte toll, prepbeotod that teat bey
aad *D tedid. te te beeoat ttebmoo*
A wtmn Ml e« tte dote to Italy.
«te Wte b* and MibloiMd. No od*
ml Ite erand of ion darrd to jump to
■fta her: but a boy oUuck tte mier
On almaat aar Ao* aflrraonn IVtrr
la Uarpio pork; Price oa bin Irkircl*
TiTT* bla two-
him nrerJv, rirry day. aad kept him
naked snl'lh hraiy nliainrall ilw lim*.
lall aaoinJfr Uwl i.i-day Willie eat*
drinVa BIN Wki. likr a dup. or that bo
Bbould far |>ronoiiDrt<l by ibr lunacy
State St., .car Union.
yrrons ratlnr manlarl II rou
i.nr taim afad tbl. po.>r. Iw.lranlr<l Ud
Q atmlbrr.lyou wo.iM rfafly iB'lirr*
hot tlw atraap* noi»r v.hirb W.ll
laaLtn wilU bla thrtwl «ar the lark .
dap or llto cry oTa X iki 1«.bI.
Tliiiik of l>3endIopllirt(li-Bl Ipo yri
>f your life In a bb»II. dark ruo
hainrd to Ithr door, with a bundle of
llll.y rapB fora hrdi U.ll Btranprllial
.bh. iinfortunalr Inv >lionld Iwrume
A bo« wd to («nah tte Aowm* te ''‘™'
Ite wUto
They’re Strained
•od hlpb- prloft b*M fhllM to
Urnrofim any-
wbm-nraaoctenprr and no
to oaratoib iacarwfallyaaliK-trd aa to lu pority. atrtaptb
prtort. Apartol harCBln tntan
barrtemmateUla yraak
XXXXCDSaanttle and Jtolt
Oaelx GPxooex*.
Sontto. Bide.
... -is
IJrosch’s Meat Market
Choicest Meats, Poaihif and Game.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ltc..
TB* torlr. ar waBUr rfsaOtausat af tbr
tMCBrr. af oraa* TTavrw Mtalr. ta ite
•.te.taarra'.rUI teteW ll> Ite lirtewrA^
rxe eerr of cvehyth no'
Tsl^bovi ( Maaer 4.)
For Istobto bad ChiUrem. i
naturr't remedy lot compiaiau of t
Itrer oy bowels
won rca MAarE
laptroaali.iaa Ibai cvoablor
ap tba torlarta ol aay ik
aaamod ta te dtSteont tram tte ttot'af. of tbr tkla are to.tool’y rrlirred a
bla Ufbs aad Mr. Uon decided to keep ; pormaarally cored by Djaa't nil
Um aa a prL Ur. Imb. you may be meat. Take bio-aabilltuir
•uia. M tro plad that br diwwtrred tb*
Bob at Ihia early aup* di
he mar.
It four w-erks Ihr door oof tte
rcidrnlly 1^ opm and te
Inticad of trylup tolrart ..d ..weaia.rTri
nripbborbood a|
Otbarboallbi tooatrr.
■ ' c Imly't
walk up aod down
.arkri. Errrry frw
.d crowed loullly. a*'
r* that te
karw whal br wuialanil.
Wbra IIol.prrw weary of
top *r weal bark to hn. .-o
That the best place to buy anything in the line of Hard
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire, Bam Door Hangers, Paint.
Kefrigeralors. lex Cream Freezers, Gasoline Stoixt,
l''ishing Tackle, and in fact everjihing in the hardware
line, is of W. j. Hobbs. Come and see me aod I wiD
prove this statement
146 Front Street.
Traverse Gty, Mich.
Cheap Homes
fe^t furioiuly. Btriklnp him irprotodly with Its beak
k and itylop to peek
tet hlaryrs
hi* ryrs la addlUea
addlUt U mate oaeb
sn oDlcrr ttet tbr trot of tbr dock m- set esre: tbeir otareanBl end potatfa
tw frlfhtrnrd banter,
erireleat lorB.rt*altivia a
d to flpht tor bit litr.
i UBlII far ted killed or
diaablrd .. .. tkem with bit rlul>brd jiatlteolyd Fenaylenoi* ATS.Waahli«toB.D.C..----tbr rat left hiin. Tten te
r rzkauetrd. hi* riolte
■ IS dud bit foe* bI«*A-
I Not the
Largest and Best
> Bedroom Siiits, Parlor .Finitne, EtaA, I
Do nnt (O Vmt or poatta onto yoo
aoreihit k
inrmers Tooesa
ST-ST •■Sln-
__ :
Bm. Baameood. Aab. B«e*b- ^0.
ta^-eU-te-tab, -e-'
itey ' lakta. Htci* aad te*
9lr«W w»l*.an*
X te- (tepr fMo»y. tefth Afric*. Walwr B. «otete i %m* nn^e to lota tar eelid
tiemrd wHtta to tte 1—A« Fted ta fapt
**t Owlr tata. tate
Ilabyloii h. nor of tbe clr,,|ianta in a
lonp apo
m r nf tin
tic pirl. teb clai
cua riders mi ,
phBols tfbro CrowlerwlerJ herin hra
e|,u.s Ha),TlnB.wbowiIiieBHedlhr'a|>Bal.Tkia. wbow itiir*nrd ihr. ajv
toir.ptomftlc broopbl hit trunk down
»tth cruahlnp forre-on (irowirt'a br*.l.
I Tbr bear wa* tlunonl hv I
^ tefrawd the child, w bn had
; clridiaiit then pirke.! her n|i kihI plactl
' her w lien- ilw Irar •-•nl.l ^ut reach h**r.
.tUrndnnie ihrn came ruepinp lo Ibo
foul amr!
taiT aa Ibr back of your band. HM»a
who remember him wbra be waa a baby
aay that be w e* TCry bripht and pood
" relr it would bar* been
or blm it. like MoBcpU.
Itol. Vll h.ir a uarti. p.a-w la b..
ma.lrP. bran a. tone .. Ihr clrwr
•tin Ibr world wbo drTbe only n
lulnrir of toiinpal
. .
be amanrei bird elirc.
Tbey call Ihia fraiterrd fellow Bob,
la «>* >
ad be belospa to a poultry dealer mniiih. S-l>.. iaan Wand w l.irh it <.i
wboeeeboj. iaoaPinr aUcrStolteeity
'”»l- ■'urKHi- mto-. Ihey nair a
W Ite Ooldeo Oatr.
Bob ia a pr*at' pnldm hewn .-nui, while the lower
apbtcraawellaaapieal hii.lk-r.Notb- l«r« “» ihcir bml.r* 1* pur* wb.lr.
lap all.* or dead can fripbira Ibia fowl. |-Tbr.a Irp. are p.ak aad tbrlr ryea are
Be wiu larkHw uai. or a horte un lb* >« 1‘ie. k. No aueh mta at* , f< -tad
atipbleol protorailon.
, ‘"' wber.. eta.— ---------------Hot Bob'* alroap imiol ia bla abilily
So need to fear ibr approarb of
tObrtoptobuaiim*.tobiam*«rr. He . croup If yoc hare Hr. Tb.m*.’ l-k-ta,llket te* work immenwl.v, and hr it a iHc 1>M in tte
lirlBp uample of iodualry for laay
folki tofollow. Br bat many wayaot,
doiop bteloraa. It u aow a ouu.terof
y**r* aince Itob ourted
for Uad*. II iln a ooe^
EbliutioD of Teadieii
wbriotri br pIraBed and birstblopt:
freah air ol tbr woods Ereo r
walks about oa alMoon and
wbea you torn blm a boon.
Kriitebeea of M'S'foiltoa oho
ptatord te te* liolitr of (toklaad test
ab* waa abttainp her aoo. for they ftnqaeaUr bemd bit erie* to tb* Biftt.
But to all Iboor vean ao ear ha* don*
aaytblBp to briap Ihto nDuataial
metbrr to joatlr*. .ta Inrratipstiaoef
Wniir'a eSM hat brra made. Mr*. Col*
Hni will probably po to >d. but Willi*
w ill pmtasl^ hare to tprnd the real of
Bla life'la Ibr loanr asylum, where b*
bat yiiBI hrefi pikrrd. ‘Tbr doctor* say
that llphi and pood food and t.iDahla*
bare come to tVillir Cidlint u
Bit braid, tacr bBpfal caoupb.
a blank.
Buch i* tte inir atory of the
om, Mowiril, »
prlrllrpia of X
^ wbo nrrerkai
Xlpliap-a yoaiop brro.'
• HM. B'toTIl^^
tbr boUuoi.
llw.ln*Drndr.ior to i«.ri,tr
ttarmarirn nlih »HI-opt-o-d biratrr*.
Tbrv are no murr rnibuBiaallc In Ih'ir
flrrotira to.araUr* Uiau aoolbrr Thll'l|toia n
Iranrd Jual wl
ItB TnamerV boUM'.
r klatirw stand,
pood ptnee# of th* ov.trra
ntai..It la mahltd oner a
dulp* lu fancy for ».'l<aK*a. It will
rat a half iten-o r*w oyatreu with an
Ol worthy of the eery It
■a to the mariert.
In tte Adbtmdaclm. to Uatoe. op la
Coands whnrere the Aotalm* port-nplat U found. lUanotaoupblby bunt•r. ta a wanar brmal. ahbeoil^ hostn*
inliriwTlhp Ilf tki Miiinni
lb hto trd«bln«d at
.Wlnem la doll at >}r. Lroh**
^ „ fc,„idr**lli aad
ynn wia And teenr wrrr Inal bla irtou
Tb* iwruuptor tanntrra didn't knew crowd to Ibr piarr. and moat of Ite proAinrHrna coons hot tbr ^ bonier pto
^ follow Hob .^rn
when br
br lead*
lead* Ibr way ■'fw- .,.nr,.
would *fi)or
*o}oy a f
fcmih .Mriwo
po^.u- iBtn
,g,„ ^
„.rkri taMl
Owd upjai
uiMal Mr.
Mi Leen'i
10 p«'“tte inarkri
pin* boat by mo*
a park of
.,<,p ioobV q.iraiion.
tmcWlDly monenl
the porrap.itr
n„i,, ,od n.o*t of Ibrar f..lkt make
bauirta would appn^iatr
a purrl
Ihinp tbal 'llnbiloaain
tte liicriral nf hi* ma«lrr'« trade !• to
ItoBbar CbM tai Oywara
fake otir nf Mr. lyrn't rardt in Mtbdl
pkltodrlpbla cau an prcullar. .Ua
and walk U|i and down Hi. tidrwalk
tat tbry teo* erral tenaUliiy and a
where jici.lr in tele him. Intliikwar
rood deal
Stan are i
Jt 15
pomap«iro*B fc.
brpnateabima dmia
_~i ■ ciiM-r—
mgTAQgB.-TTATWte Clty.y cU.
baderaterdtod. TbrbuutrdBncnUira
nrra mile, from bomr. and M oat 1:»
a. to., and tta braorbr* urn itaick altb
drrt that trtrklrd down Wr.r er«k* and
teakrd them from ahe* Iraibrr to brad
rorrrise. Bet after an WIr they pm
a miaa t>f aarory
-ia«« and puab
tte look nalk to Uaooto park. Then
ate Vtokl irll Peirr to puab tl
lac*. Hr uaaao abort that hi-------M took orer ihr-vtp, *o br waa obllycd
. mrtp abend by tooklap aitMind tte
>mrr of tb* baby earriapr.
(toe d*j hr found
a pnlr of wbrete and
Id baby eairlape. H*
kr axle of ao old
.dw**pUylnp~t»Utook tbrm borne, aod
waa pUyl
be tbou^tof
I bl* trleycto.
and corrylap te* wbe*U aad azt* bar*
ilod te tte corprater. whnbad Utahop
dowB to Ib* alley. Be par* tbr oarpeix
ITbilr aa todiana man wa. oat baatter hU Mrs aad 1a aa boor IliUr Peter top br ted a deoprrate Spbt with a'
imr>b*Btly rode
rot tot* tte fnat yn
flock of cioDrs
He bad ebot and
b bla ulcyrto
aad allrmptrd to
irr bad Bzediteaxleaad
wteeli Whirh Prtrr foaod to a boari
and bad fatirnrd tbe board to tte rear
Pelrr'a Wtefidr. tto Ite board
be bad nalk a box Itrpr raonph for
Horsslioeing and Genenl
irhlWtbewalof atpoehodrapMly on.
Wbea trltbla uro mltea
toatd oft*»«www#«r*a apea bp
tteol ptebeul. Tbep
Peter was aute a bitol a tod ibai be
eoldacarorly reacb tte eroeabar of tbe
aodlr of Ibr baby earrtoe*- On ordf
idry oreaaiont IVlrr cared JltUr
wbribar far wt* taO or abort, but br
ainny* wi«brd br waa' lira fret Ulirr
abrorrrr hii moibrr pat Tom to tbr
tebyrafrlaer aad Ii4d Peter to *tolad
him.- ‘Tbr braad walk which estrsd*
irteto mfOBj Uraed aad M
dlneUaaa Wa a«tawd cWwa piU- ilonf Ihr wr«I aid* Of Uarolu p* '
Unill Ihr polkwman to pray oalfem
tot a atop 10 the faa the Uoyi oa tba
jonh Bid.' of Cbicacn loond a prwt
eotap aqaipafo. Oar faard bow
4*al of *|K>rl to raidiar dowB ibctotip
^ with U*
W* eollrctoa tb« walk <m-lteir blcyetarTo baeata. they
baTno dodfe'bcorw of baby wrrlN
oapMite oSeoU la and abeal tb* .
■wd'Dlnaw. bat Uilaaaly par* aeet to i
tea**, a two atory baUdior aboat
fwtaqoaw- 1 arltb elorcaottett
^'Sdey owned a
tl waa owt
.detailed aapkketiraarda. thrw oe raeb
boo* cheap marklae* witbool nibtaer
e( tb* feoryiaelpal rwd. Iwd'lac n* or epHon aadwa* tiaaedai:
Mwm. ■taalor aad two othera w<
flaeod aaraardeeartbeUwrp aUbU
to white w* had placed oar beraea.
Ckpt. Itetor aad tb* lerea rewalalar
M talk qaanen la lb* eoart I
ptettof ttearieeaen loth* appar eta
ly. Abeatdaybr*akw*w*t**ar]
by aeeUepofriAaa Waal*} we* In
ataall} kUad wUU I aad eeaw of lb*
•Iher pkteta .ewped. bat. were cap
band tb* aext dap aad **at to Llltli
•ate aadaftorwardparolladaad eeol
bon for awbaaff*. I ha*e laanwd
•la** that fear otban w«r* kUlod br- toylreairoodapp
•Mae Waal*}. Tb* notearieadwad oa atoidy lllllr toe 'coold make tbe tiiey
cl* apto down tte loBc walk, and althoi^ br arrrr won b* alwayt mood
wllb Ihr boy* who tato blcyrtoa.
to“caala* >w Pw ^wa'
j J ^ weabar.
• rMlouirbl tbrtnrkry
IKab BaHTaKB—Ttaere bar* bare
out and Ibraabid tte rork. 3>lraat:ma
foMtBMfitearfaBaa aw«; tblai
It alwey* “hrrdrd” tbr rittlr, not ek
rran nilfc roanplrtr •iiix-raa. On uoa
tew bappMM* aiaer I •roM- pea I
on tbr rraar w*ul Iwrk. drurr up
Joa*. Ceapaar I baakad rooffb wai
tontine brifrra ihnucb Uia
aM iatedljeatapaow. Oa tb* laat
atrrrt. and tbrn fiiebirard
•('Jaa* I. wUb tarav-err'otbrta.
MOW JrtalM bp (bpiala Porlrr to eelBllw
Uet lb* elek rrlio bad bwa left oa ear
ibuld not brine 'brm bark, but
•oaArra reatr briarw ’ U'ltlebeopb diwrr tbrm Inle a find, r heir It pnardaad BletaaSald aad take ibeoi to tbr
beiplUI at tb« latirr plaer
wllkis aboal cirhl sUn of Jnet
boayhodira. wot a ooiirnm] larorlb
otebwrbeardrwairrafaeoapaap of
and Ibr piMr of Ibr rillac*.—CanbU
Carriages, Cntters,Sleigl^ Etc.
I ^4NI
*“ 'teuatry 1* notappnrtotrd
.•lAa ol hi* falter’* cottap* to
ni* not ptejodhta
with nil aerU of pirtat**. wblrb tte *7^“ »po"«w
wretmi Deoooo
For Boob*. Mate ote.. *m»«W. 8. HOWARD,
»-r»t«te»i-Mbite.b.ui«cta teAkted»a..h*»eidf.-«<*—
".namx Tte.robtoa.tayte-W'imr.te
„tD H tad, ta, ta^. A- 5^-^^ V V V
|*> ■ GEOnW.LASOtS.
:‘.'s=.^rsi-sr.i5- ■
. A boM wWbM.M»y J*r.
UM«.Md UtottolMMWBtu* '
0tw ttax aMV* M MW Wan*
WBI fc.
___ ___
_______ ______ J b wbat b
A hOM wlttat. *0^ Jar.
«• V7 «fc*« *t»k »o’fw
b • boMwlttat a amoks )»•
g»SlS'£^fSrr '
A hoM
a Uc eaekr ^0'
1 atwar* taf* M M. _
Uutar vweea.
1. Ttata W talriac Mr pn>n talfir
HlsiatkaroorUjft aMll
Mmu oI«](.
Oto a »«•»• W-a
tar M* «■ food. «Ml taw >r ••<>
taia^taM. P.tte.IM»ta»U
U two ulitaptMilih at «ota7 m4.
taolMlic OMd*.. cod oroBMfnt
srsj^'i^lful-nircsss: ar=l:ir;5'u5Ki».-k
la-ssrsiiiisirr Afd pobtatk*a%ktf^ whlto *a<
OOTT «ltk «oU
vtM«V. Ml. »W wt »«W tar •!<
taler* oalw. r%iaia » MM
MWm rMI*fc- -*ta amkma- M ta
lad 0.1 IftaUtad.
rw lam* qtta. ol mum» m «m
tarn, rtf* »
-- - ---------- mamara. WMkwdqL.
yM tta- IMO tta »MMTlW taltt*
»*I7 IM»* ■»'<•» »**
a oM.:- aM. alao, M
.____ ,*ta^ (Vprolljo. Htaa
«Mflk tat rrjMt tta mA*. wkb*
poipM- (Mt paagamej wltbbt tta
Artkta. tawoMtaBtak. Otartowlr for aa tar. talair Motal
barathM Eabtta nMtbn>a(b tta
Ik* ta* aad lotanitto tta tatU*.
AM <M aaa a l>aU«Bp*ol *tMC tar
Rich froH «mta -Mtak
IS^ltawa~ol thbUltat
-atatarUta.-.^* AbnM
>M bio
If llhaf
tair ffoatta.
* IWtadWau. Lai a
w tar M Thb to **■
. oaaracATui’r
tta billow
Roaad babr'. pillow
-------- prettr ooe. Oar. to a-
. aad papibr (tta .
•M papma* tbdla a pbo* o
oMh) aad tao Mlrtb of ti
Cmak alamii bat MtadUr to taM Itar wiU Ib^ orrr.
. .
Alwara b-r.rr «*rrlolBott* taro
taara Mifrta* tirqawtlr.
tta aftoa. bot do aot Mfda. aotta la* M; watcb It .arrfaUr wklb It b
atatod Md ba daaliabb aMItk*.
taal aUl. boOlar kokrtta la artf'
tata^r **•.
mUbC a--------lUtMif* htabMia taallyMtor bewd ur oak*
tta wld<ib. tad
naaotbaa, aad will !»*. ddtaaa
graeltaP wbta UM.r»
_ _______
RcBciabrr Ut_
(ta aatoowa «rad flM tta follow
Md*’”arlM. "There bM loaGk 1.1
Otot ttaBlUa
Jut betora Uep uira I
parpU. » terp delutob
rtijn!. thor. btstta aMiOf.-
Of bMla foacht aM of tlejoria------"*■
Of wraaf* o'ertkrowB aM of ertat
Ik tta color ttattaUMI protoa
/t^bllbtadfarawv— ' .
Otcr U* hUb aM Urawar-
aot lltaca lu wieh ihiaia. a<w arc r»
to npai «M*o wta. ri»« oua* bcM
Thwo b ootbitiCBolll-br-d aM tod
w to toll tkla«* tl<at ro* taar wbe
roa ar«
"‘tk '>!*•» *h-ldr»o.
Uo« com fuaM oot tta other daj
bawteeMtta' iBOtkrr" taroMarlrr.
WbblOR totacoafew ropnoM oca
taTlac tbta to p.1 ttaa op. it wo»
ta«nr dacMM to pioW. thM Th*r
.wMpitlao MUM iar.ollUl* Mfor
i^iakiM lo tad arrwM wlU clao«w. Uta Ml owor »M tofoltta.
Two «■ ikio. worta UUr ttar won
botod tolo aM 0 taUd oeallac ol
•Mthu.- Mcond tbM whUc tta do
war hM rrtaM a nroacU aataard of
Tta •taottart- b at prwMBt hard al
wwh la aoMhrf Jar eoataUlac all
Bsrto ofUtanlBUMwar of rtaM
. of JMlr boulm. rMBtaW of Irail ji
, bit froataBalwr.-bfie*M-ot
pb wrap aM mMi7 Uta IU«N whbh
Hte tta k
I will
a dallr ataoat b«
wota tsMtaaiwoptobboM puwr
Tta Jar boot fall r*t. bat It **1. addM to dar kr tar. aM
oM tataolldtortawvtta ‘•aothar'
wtUWwtteworfclaaUlIaBottar '
tbw «*■■«>•
*•» »*»•
U*r J.rtpd««MMlMo.a Ma
__U«rf*S^*^ *tar tat,
Aa' tta oM rkbt latoeoatt
ta' patehte oa f
bua la aar abcblel wtateerr. a wellIteata^'s^ia', taamatraeiM recital oleoaeUlo* that
Itaetlmea poa'II
roQ'U aar a tear
ha. kappeaM or that th*r eta IB«
■' oa the paper that atak
Mr tat* happeaed kaeop U*lr a
wtweatppew; .
frob paal*hB*at aM peMbip tta
the fel>« cot to cMtart her M'
Ubb of wiu ooUlac B>or* thu a bUI
cea ah' —
irprool. Tbep ellBb IMdeiw crawl
" V*r Itto the ralaj
lalo ctaBber wladewa, and creep
- A—A. ...-.-ET'
Uioarh bUieaaUparealtoriar------Aa' Je»t oae wntd—It atara Ihaeoa the
arid woald b* a (raat deal
aM '
h^pler aM bnur. aM'hoBtaltp
‘aotappip dapTcpu hp.
yaliaM wa w.Md taafarcleloe
eon thiyt. b
aah .Mb eathalp cafa It aa/ta
aaed aa oftu a* dertrod. aM if a Uute
bawMoyd aaeh tiB^wlU haeaa
ta^Melal' efaet oa to Uito *4
ol efga wiU water, al-.
(ui to each whIW
UlaUto. Uaa«
bi*ttart^B^il they hare drained a
lUUa. Urea full lUrs la powiiervd
aapar aM lap U*m ua white paper,
aad wheadrp roll araia lo *«• t-tea
la aarar, repeatiar the pracena aatil Ota. 8adTa«cbthe>lciollkCu*MToa(ae
ihep anr uuutacu.r.ly fnateJ. Tbroe Pab to the Side. TORPID LIVER. ,Ttep
re eerp aWc. aM BUe » p.ra*Ur adRccrtktothcBcaeb. Itartp VecetUto.
ItioaiaUa able.
•mal pm.
Allow halt a poa^ of u|rar to no*
e^all^ tairtlew ^B. lolT^
Su>^ inMa^'dnla
Ue juice,
atealblar IfaecMary. I'at ioto UiV
Urn aM cork tirht Keep la a imoI.
:a-hMle. IV..rl.t
Cara of to TeOU-BraahTha car* efVwU'tahBbaa boot aatBeieatip obacreed. la oar dtp boaara.
a writer properly rcBarka. tta^ •taad
la tolr cape or hud oa their
ataea to aei tailetobowto da]
airhh atawldBC *n> dbeaat
that My be BoaUar abooL
d be waab. "
atioB. atroar aalt aM water
tasata olBidlBBtad wai«* beiac
s coed tad r*MUy pnwldrd cicbba. ToaU wB»b*> aM paalM toiald
a ta topt earefally eorared. Mcci-
Ihat tta erp of a tabp
abolBB taftatoB b *a
tta profTM of lb* dtoe
rlU aaotor piaBol
took oalp hftneaiBata
.......... ......... _.aaMbaft7attaUUA-
the hand of tta d«T.
See you get Carter’s
Ask for Carter’s
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills
BBtloaa tort b he na
gtaacal BtDIU.
It aett ■
itaTu u!^^'2^?to>dht!to^-lC
BBM traayt will totoea atacat aap
_____ jat aeev Ua ato*!a
I Conceded by all
To Chicago. S4.
IU Ibt. C K>«ar......
Hn-t a-arm-r bW.
I'ore Urd prelb...
IVUtokry ami CbarirTuIk.
call at to •
... iSdc
tarawUua i
ataaBtacat d<
call >
"fln-Taiaa. Ar*at.
iGoanuTNi m 111 MiBi
WUKK roc WAr.
O. PIERCE A CO.. PfOprietora.
Within Range of the Leanest Purse.
Glojies and Mittp
J the'
tu yrtat»tre*t.twBdoan.taatoftolata*r*O»aM0^aoBta.
Sale &Boaniiiig Stable. |
m am atwat.
mC, to
15, 25 Bteui 30o.^
TlikbwtIiiikorw»l>li>tlikdl7MCkt mlomUimM
At Knbi BHtcto «>rhM.
mg B'a?os.b Sbr-owt.
^ ■
That the Enttnprise Grocciy ii the
j cheapest store in the city. We offer for thti wedc only:
tahb "BtaMd Biaatar.- . . . . ..
aapccdicto tolewhaa applbd tea
m. PleaAAnt, Ovoue. 8i«i.
HAW, Bay City, Ddtrolt, How.
ell. *»«> Arbor, Tolodo aad.
pointa Baat and Sooth. (looo|
eonneettona at Oopomiah wlU
and Qiadstone,
•mal Don*. Eftcanaba
via W
T Wcacotl. I'br fall li
biriSE ^■E.-nTE'iSTkriS SSria-*!.______““ bhSto
alw patlatta oeuab*
■a* abaetthaa. Ttat
HurroK wuKtniAaraiP.'
rauanui i.KAi’aa
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
alway. 1. walk.
Pick ttaBrapealrui
Ibaniarhlp. uraia. ------ ------------ upoMble WbaoteaiJnraoii
Mb thuooBb a cotoudrr. raBorr
kellla nrab, add a poaM of <
aafar to a-Doaed ol pulp Set a:
are ud Icl ileOkto alowlp till IJ
apoapb toeSt eatooth.
UwB that. vbeeateeMItaball door
oa tta oeaatoaMhb Brat eWi W hU
Utti* tatbotk aM beard IB er
haew S*rt waallttUoraolMM
ta tod. -ttat orp w Ota whiU rt_- ..
a doabor'a cm wtaa eaa* >re kaa heard
U. bM he qtlekip rao^tM it"
Thb BoUar io^ that tta little
"efacowp tahRlabcream. lea. for
a aaearalpeaiaaftaraaaUarahUd
wad IroB tta aaM dbaua, itt Uat
iHportedudDiMstlG filial
pal iDio a prcBecrioB k,'
_____ WlU a. liUl, walor a. po—I
L*t UaBkollafen miu..WF. Of uaui
the juice to all «ir*n*d, Tb*a re- ,rui. im
Bore fiuB tbr Brr aud tuaia ibUHilC" ■w...
a lellp-baf or 0»r riwlh. aud b. ta. u
pat ol JuUt add oq* piol ot ,r'.uu<.lnl
aaor. Ihd. or.XowlJ au-at a '
haiu. aud pou* Miu. J*l
It do out Ml LB’..: wi a
pat to h*r onTjUlw t*d tafioeaWtaeoeer Iber *ar ba Ttar bar* Mradr taw>n*U>rdnMot tb* iMrb
borbeod. aMUtarUlaf .Dawal oetanbataallrl. ttalr rlelMtr. tb. is'ttaralnbtelllB'loaauM u' aMrieUat rlpilaac* b rmelnd iu krwp
bodp'a ftola' waH:
ItaaoetwIUriaMUtullt. Tb*r tar. tow aae baUlu roaa' aa .boap aa
baalitetae an* lakae '
fMiCt Bollta* f<j* bolu. tan. Bor ^
^UoB. tad are rrowiajf up acaadal Tta picUr'>duwB ta'daaU'aB till a
aoBpaoofttaBwMdaWenMeeort. It '
of paint this
spring. Perhaps you wish to use mixed paint, or may
be that you want lead and oil. Eitjier way we can
ipiarantce favorable terms and favorable resuhs. We
claim that no mixed |>aint b better than Boydell's.
As for lead and oil we buy nothing but the first gra4e.
Give us a call for color cards and prices.
ksfWr**pl*.w. MkirM KaabtoairtHi.. w
.wl can m.
1 KKIt.lk.a(m.Tr*n*wau
IBO. DB nave*. UM*tal rMwrAcm.
Uraad a.nw. kick
-k. IkUop^ i lA
£lil "iivi
eu awceUB mad dry a daap
kppltalac in it a pail half tab
k Umi_
. It will alata towly aM
of qatok*_____
UMBbeatiU BaafaUf
caaaa of ptooaMc b alwmpa oa baM. -------p. tear laM or ta I
• MpeatotwhiU forbid or da aot ItbuaaeaUaatntaMp lor hltawaM btap. A pu <d ehancal
lartaM^. bat oalp thbb o«at~ atlBBaef laaaeta.
aaak to taM parpoaa U I
caitop lor
1^ with M aaartp aa ”^li b tta earae or Ue
tta at. of that whtotaear b tta eoaata*' _______ ar of
ta lafut. who cta lean
HiRbtat Hottota-,WorU*aFalr.
'uuIMt a^at^into.
war tta tack of ap
*»er«4____ i____ t»'.*
needs it........ ..
-I Your house should'• hatx a 'iKH-p- coat
to old BM llaetT.aictawof dap;
Xow that hb jJuraey b alBOat doa*
kb baUlM loupbl aM, bU eielori*.^
dbooafart. la tb* Baraa'e epra, the
oalp rcBadp tor up IMIutad dbeoB
Itaatibldor tort ea tta pariol a child b tta botUM
'••'.» araia.”
1 iS
It: If It
fti^iic; If It werrta* feed
ck aM aaaaeated. Mill of*r
•Ok. It Bap br too tired fr
oa oaa .Ida it MP ta tao wai
tod. or bar* toic froB ta Q
- tivtcanpMaattaaaMdap.
acicBaa rtanM do l.. Ur ha. d
atoOtetedr. Tb>Tloacbtb*’wr.k.4
, crhiBc. tedder «]kOU. aad Dtoke4
iifeeaparttorM. 8ntbrltod<
r. tad b n»A*ro<>t-
Chicago —
West Michigan
<lr*r Ue hliu asri fta*w«r—
Orer Uc hin» ud far awap!
Ttafa h-<w the wratheedoee 'ea tkeae
taatbl lo ewrb uJlr eartorttp aM ulM
th^ OWB bMiBBB: bat Ub thn aecar
Thb b ta old Um tueotar- Mod.
<ta or will do a* tear ulhciT&BDtaa
" ' aM qair Uea aa to tarry
that oar aaotban*earboucbl t.larvar.
ithappeaawbeattap to oat.
That woaM hae* ha*a ruk ~MltUaaak'u readla' aid loe* latlaa aM ftota'
aM* AM ‘tta Um ter aU aaaall
WlU old I
aBMBbatMeoMacalB. Whaa Ub
abM of hard ttoaa b oa»r; aa it b a alMp which will ta tataa ap bp
anatp roIbc to ha aflar a lltUa. wa
TtahlabaM .
wlUara uariBri
Uep arUi." aaid owe of tta;
e tW an
leca. "1 woamibdiatta
______ tafard .. ._. ______ , ..
ta^a^MAb^ ^e^be tor
ryadica _ ' TOep
tawaeer. ^ eerp
abM aa. tod aa
“The Way to Fi* it,"
,Mld the Dnroo wfa
, rbata that taaUm-l to
UMAI't> tkia itK*.
Ita pai|woulofUe aklat islo'
Qrertbe bllb.M far awer.
It'* O for tta bll tta llraloBf dor.
I).l It Battued aot to tta Mol M.B*!
WlUa tanto rkbeeaM power aad
rbe •dd-tlB* h<>9<otr aM traU.
It of that budwbuld
>^lb. Ml
^ tnMlt.l8*M aM lb* Irttad* of
______ llBf (BAtTMt to Ibr
alwar* Mdr. aakra a p*rtoUr al.
ltarM.blbhMl.tU.1 tb. H..m“Sm to-rther-wbore or* thrp»
tirbi Milne tad «aa ta Mlt«d o**r
Oter lb* bl'baM tarawap—
titor lb* hill* aM far awe*!
... ...
kalir .taot-tta^R.irr^
hrr aMpb
—A'mmc FkU.
TkMbooMM wkr. ta thb r*«' tanlMrcoioIr biiB to Micli
rt*ds froa
f— h*.
«> ot
x Bla
ottrMk aaroa. taoaM bar *labtar __________
AU bolt jBWta dUoUd o lUU. oM ton duall* ol'w-.r.nalluM U.t wv
...........................ttatr prawMv
•taotoor rnw*. .rtlikrtr---------------OOd o Mt of «tow*d-^3»oU<rtaw wtaio ber ^Idna rlBil. w
■t, folk. aetyoBB- aa* rrowl. aib'bal
tar* fur d luf*. b«rw Uk-j **r<.
wtU.taoo dtactopo iBIotta b
, w^^"« Um for raBacia' U
obiifnt of rtatRor. Tta Miter of ____M what the pe*M»al b.bfu o
ItoyB^ to
M d.
.tar Ue l*w tua* it will ukc to
F ,ai«. l-oi lb* aTopr. wb*B
taleaUp coobwl la a bar mM. of
Baaael. aod In Ue jeio, drala
wlUeal K|Ocnla« if po—ible.
-Ttara. that will do; aot. word!
m'X Wtat to taar aar*^^ *hoot It.' (l..tlW! while tta Mbhlph••R.V aaaM. I uilr jat waat to
•M.oa* *opbot watar.a lltttotalt.
MMcb Orataa taw to roll Otolr.
oMtatla •qaaraiwitkataafpkalb
' WataoMwHhaUlU* owwiailkbo
FB froa tta ,
_____la a ponwtolo htUle. Waab Iheto'’
bafora puMO.* UrBoetta .lore, a*
h taS hiCaf
r- '■
aeUl <1*11* Uick. atlmop eootiBSallr. | Bonne yium
Bluer, to ao
ai ex.TlIrai
-I'aea cool, bottle aM m
; flftp eento per toiUlr al J. U. Johsaoo'.
, aod 8. K. Mail'. l>m«r ttkaam.
5r.kk,'£-s::i:L;.-5''x;sSf »"i
... , S-ns.ia- ;
laa •bonaelaf ttaa b rMaliod U
Boat of tta iwelpr. lor
keUl*l»iaorei»bHiii*rtol wlU a plal
p.„pi, wborrqelr* loedleiBk.
of |Bt*r. Place ore- a uikideraU Bet !
tb* tawrl. aad l^do*«,.
Wtan twaled Uioarh. wlU a poUU- a„j ,be im* n-audZoiB Elfclrie Bill
her BaU thocvofhlp. .Hoil uetil
sMIcior doe* oot tliuBlale aM
_ palptodiMulred. ■tirriaroflea to ,
whtohev aor ottar latoxiaraeaal btatac. Wbao Ue palp to-beU aa a loair and allermtire.
” --n* Urowh a Bae-prueed tia [,(
« u>, atuatah ud taw________r. .There thoaiU t* ooUla* ]
.tr*o|rth ud citiar too* to
1 fo tw*atr-lo.r ^
I A rood taoom Wee Mp *w a
' bp pattiar two larr*iwn*wa—aatb.
- - 'ow Ue wall, abote
Tta ^^eb**ta aad tta tookta
irt. nrr>p Ur taooB tata
whIU pepprr. aM tail a tab npooaloi
AM tta Ilpettat prabb boa a<ao of .all. a MiUpooofoi of eapeaae p*}* j ttam. aaooir a.
With a 'bM toM kb. to tta B<taB
(iWitlrtodtamr M* laj* bladew...
AM U tta kata that tta twtilchl
hr b« Mrttar* tad aod
OF Evm ,
or wood to aUtal.
paperr o.
M,a**j. poip
baa^!?ta tta pUk llul* bM.
Aad tta tiar kaaSr «> dlapl*d _
aoroll OBlataUjla tWT tafi
tXr i .^ooTirr,'.5
par. oa»“pl-l rioi«mr.
U^talr tta whU* aaofoalar .ear
oaplal of .afar.
- - j Mlweaadad
a eIwUU
Mor. Aboal Orapta.
HiT»rr i.ik- 1 I
pear poaad* of Rraf**-oee aad caw.
ball peoad* of ao*ar. ame tabb*pe>>a-!
-- uaepoua- (, , p,*t «M>Twei*a« la tta kllrtao
B^r'a bed ahall be wft aad-whttaiNar UUb boj. r»d-B)ckt! (OOd
Itatop. »
.............. ............. -ikoStSk-SJfp^^H-.I.W
_. top d U*«
tU^. m
Good Fits,
Good Goods*
Fair Prices,
OrCmfor Job PrMIng Mt«tlw
lATTRftF crrr. a&AKZ> tfu.yxBSK oouhh, iochioak, s
Grand Traverse Heral()
If you
le drlre tbe *lr tAieegb th*
■ataUce Uef
Nn botWe.
VUlwg* Property for »*l*.
for good Candy don’t forget that we aelll-owney’#
fine, candies' in'^ sealed
packages, ^me candy
looks nice but d«n’t taste
ri^t—that isn’t the way
mnsss Gin STATE BUI
fiasineas Oaids.
Rose & Son,
O. P.'Carver
Real Estate
^oxnanr xo
J 1l^eal~Es?itfe B;!eUn^e
» eat nr fomntt •« »
City Drug Store. \
4S Fraal BtraeL
The Dracrtet.
And Lunch Boom!
- bri
- ,
«.tTI frrl Bbnw m Irrrl,
d* opralar rtiela. Tbrf* tP •
br»uSr*rd lurb III rffrru ibai brraald nM»t«Bt reariB* saaad. Hhr th* iriaS
„ et bOI rarrx ibrrtpmiarai funbrr. TWb nirtiBM taakra. It dora aai Bera.
HUM. brl*btlo«blrb P»«l. Morea tba.aim*. I..d |, aadoabtrdly caaarS
mrboB <*>rd aa aM*nl U alOMBa a aillr Ufa bt air rlrralatla( la tbr laiwmaa heU
•MToH. *111 hr.arrT «sia'
ttet of Mrxini' G.rrrat. aa Ibat It
tbr uoaaul*. tVla aia ao taf.
rrKntl-r *111 l».|'lS« b
nalllrrrrbr nak ladimikiaa aad tM <*•* Il a pM>
otm bi. 1 »)f. arrlBBllnpfabBl.lr Ibat
ktlkatpaak «k tagrotiwMa.and tbr BiA«rlee »bk n» art hi. Iwji aa
p«e^ '
a^Md Cl
■» esM tar »
! baaeU.Ada— iba IMaMi
la II
I >WMlrn*Uvabkd*IU<:a
rirntaue aod n>l.u>t br *i
op:ONie of Janra Rtwarn aselalaied Ibr l'bka«u dniBU
bU-'r.i.r. .ti kaertb l<
(liarirr Uadlry Uanirr. yij to tbr saviM* ol aa arqi
him Uik'.lbr I.Ulr rrar
*f*rr tbr
laaw*» f
T. ret«ad
xhr' .tiUnlie. Out ibr aallaUrery
Imm Ibr'Urtratt
VkL. «.Tr kr|il opraed In a hark yard
Tar nirm yr.r
■BllaUrrry k
Ibr Urtraft »>*
Frra riea*.
>t a fill la rlmnal ia l'n.-k Taa> aad Ikrd riaod aar af*aaa. wbra 1 aar abaai I* yaan
ao •UTT* indfd l-J hi)rb •all* •»■at do I ii.oi-r **nr-n aa
1 II fr-.m aar yrar’a Ibr •ri.rurfarr
> implird Is (M «ay of a full a|ipi*rlaii«i. ak *U. but that *a*—urb. Uoal aWa
aunihieo r
ID uplvr roam. *rll i
............ af Ibr tr- for aa> aiai* of ti la talar, tbaak yaa.*
r|il>fd.aDd \rulkal Mnrarlnr. ran Umarkaldr Erniur of Urr. S mr. Writ-; -U> yaa BMaa to amrrt that yaa bad
Ibrallhrarr t.*iB iliy ii
•bore folk .riu
br wtd: -fr 1. a.. hiU ibr laaooBla at tbr rariy M* M UT*
.. had uaitorm
rrtloa In
and ju ,nd tbr trndriK-. of B>> • irlk. I drmaadrd tbr olhrr
■irlden fall In aea- i ruuol brip lookiac rt Ibia*. pairly
■ IKdu't siMrt aaytbiBf of tbr klbd.
urr l> likely nrv ilw fmm an lerttuir |a>ini of .k*, and ‘
Mirareurrct.lbeewlf *Ut I ralued in I nek Tom aar Ibr bm Ibdt I
d It. Ibe party *
iofailallbrirotnal levolta,
-------- Blnctbr»:r.i'nirdo*B ^„i„a aad i»t the laoml- TbU had |, *„ ia oM ti _
..................................lBII*Sn,.lt1 liHtian areon. in ibeiith brrn bia im|H*-ion -bn. hr rrad tbr ^orkiay at Uml lime, aad br bad tb*
- —
tilmnllr nh. ..■t,«idcRTra.,«ni,h.«.idr- Umk la ISiriv loa« afimbr »biH of aurafial aad alaa tbr amat yifHitiak
It «ai Dot prpaitrd. and pmr. *W.i. and rla.o.bru; and tbia.
,a,cut produ-d by il. poHkaibia
Bmli«BaBl <aar of II I r.rr baafd
.„l,»iaul. and far rrm i.rd In <U»
Coulda'I «h*p moraine* aflTTfoar
lartfawl'b Ibrrr war a marked lmprotr._»hMhrp i.e h..re. hr near or huadiTd. ,
tarnllalhrbealthoftbrlamatra. Tbr afn.ilr.r« >y f'apLS T S Irt-Ly.ll
m«i lo.*I iadarncea.
1 1 tl---------- --- |— —~
*«n throautiwlprofradon ,,y,B1l.. In • ir« c«. In-*rdir; -|Va ByAMbir *ad
breiB aplitUae
pb.vrirli 11 a, oner Iraced t Sr cc
i. In S htoil tor hi* “tVr.rO.le* 1.1 rrac- f,|, then, aad *r l>rlir.r ao*. Ihai tbr ,*4•d»li«lB(l{kra*
»i •
•dritd lhatibrwia
e mreatiit* bare al- ,
a .rhir.ed- tbr Rrnlaa.U^i'
I ii.ely Jfoe. to Ibr orcank rleoa aealB lO br rooMa'I yet to
..n,uniaorai«re.* briber Dodrr rterp. aad t*•bill ttmr be would taka t
_, ,bi„ -Lin or , ijm-k. aad wblrh di*
aad r» o*t to tbr ha»b Mi
.. tri.UI Ibr n---------•'---------.
■tmai aad
ficiiiHm. notiot . whieh mike ^Ijra* ■Id.Ubl.aadotrmirm.l-aiainarWd
, ,*,1 hoik of
a • a
fi,o*r. Ilk
*|,o* Ooitole.'
my hack pa.T •»« RC**.
relied In I
Iraeth napo.vtrrn. 1
per* on Imard eblp Ihdl.
_ t^
tenniei—...r o» Ihe aatrr at thrwt
ibr*! tatotiml- Ihe appmarlkto Ice iaunfailine.
onr of Ihiaairroa atrerta. ly indi.atrd, I rfortonately .uel. la by
Unra of I-arU. Hr ai one* ■Ml nirnn. Ihefart.Btidii .time IbrIde*
*rr aiTT aad cUrrrfal apart. wra evidmled. MoiT th»n onllnartly
BteflU. -1 1 “all 'her ra.mpUlBla .ran- ...ill wnliT narely bHo*.thal thr.bt|i il,
Ir 1 I*n of the orran *herr le* miy
U*ird)*i*.ll^y he euenuntrred, and not tbit
Tbr tuns* of a dO(r ircome i.
d ripaadrd That
Uit riprrtraer oa 1 Wna
li •• amuil.v |iT**.ni."
rolBtrd icoiiiuiapii'el la a fe* •
ihemr with tb*
„ ^nT/da,. m» M
....................nf a local and
frerly eonfraa. aith Tapi. Krarvi. iiamiirrlilii
If kept .noftned 111 a dirl cellar.
Talnul. Ilial Ibrj ha.r “tirrrr ,
and •rr*i-i;llny It no .uohehi fall* upon
-• tmiprratorr fill lower-hrapyst
IRON. t* «*> o«
II. Tbr ifTraleat meiUral namm in nrar n*
- than wbraiw.rral
*brn irirral miles
milea may'
Baa St Uma m biMmaWIU Praaaa. CM wbrr* I *.
tbr prrmlara and hrlpall up Blf^U wifh
« my rmployrr*! laaotaaN. 1* rbaa h*
laa- bappaard to bar* It. Ttefi why I Khn 1
N> la Ibr
tbr my
ciij of tiUic<er. •'bra a tra.rlia«-my baai raa barr laK—IV
walariupply *ai Introdurrd tram or flia. or laythlBe br tihra. aad
TairSelil Oilibra. of the
rMuld conclude that «*1l -ra ind rooi
Kilrlue. oir
oar of
of Ibr
Ibr p.irou
piirr*t wairra bno* a tbla« ihool II uatll Teomilp
^Mu-u^i‘«f’x.irar.rHuU;r7. Lorb1 Kilrla*;
UB Ibr iiorthm; .idr of hulWinR*.
* my tnoatb*! mUrj.".
ataUabIr for
iLe rrmirkn- . 1»
il«riiiieuli. into which the .undiiranot [ in ihr i euiuiy
fomirr i^pply 1
ir I «»‘T «■
iniiiiolialelr >hinr. •hnuld
abeli.rdln adiin
Taaveme errv'. - Miomsaa
The rainy season
is now on.
Y6ur bugg)- will need washing—you have the water, we li
wool sponges. Sizes range from half to thrtfe ounces.
(ui-nish chamois skins from sc to $1. according to size. '
Irr |iri^u. ior< ni'
. mioulei It -1 I
1 me tbe taudrra ; «"^br
lOd.. or 16 iijcbr*
would lint real hjlie knee ol
;^be^ !^i^^^^'l'a7!r^lU^^^
dioua lieb.m .nd bri-h.«t .part-
pharmacy ?
Pm Dii{sui Faint MIcin
1 «hi# *•
iv^tra in ,
• Dilkioutb of Ibetii
: ^ of kUabauao liland. and the bill.
that marl tbr bank of ihrlludwMi Itwee
ta 1 rooipar»li»rly leiej
}1.«0 aDd U.S0 Bote
Carpet Cleaning,
Taavease City. • Miciiioak.,
N, B.oSAna.1
laiiaat Staet Uwst Prins.
WO* TroAoo
SyStaii'enraSyS. “■rL.cAJitHt
reliable AMD
J.i I f
Dr. J. A. Snyder,
Hr. I. «. Hxaaom wU1 be la
TVBTaraa aty *t*la la Bipicm.
Hack. Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Sea bad Hr. lUrroba wBI anil
Plate Glass
Uif coma 00. aao anrpiru in is.iuuim
»imjf bad la al
, ^^'00 uor ol tbr ciriToreau liurr* ibrr kwp ibrir r*peadiuir w .ih.n tba | paamd ,1a front of brr *br lifted tba bonHM aadf tba b
lu^ obiaiD. about It per real, of Ibaa- limit, u' ind..lr«»« allowed l.y ,bo i hook .ad broarbtlldowa pertly aman-.road^ tjma^y*^^^^
Best Livery in Northern Michigan.
»**d bad BMa BMAMto OobbOrtiM. .
a not frt O'
lory, su it iaai peer- | tmg bim to may all M
■ir 111 lap aad keep i
It. le-j
.xurarreaie-ctraL t
aprrUrrle. in order to p«wi
arallnc the rkeirie corfral dlirei
tbrir irtrane by parok A |
ooaL or aokr. axul from ibr labma.
malntaia a credit halaoa 1
il claimed by lU IbtrLlor. »7 perm
el tbr tbrOTrtkal r«rkipry of tbr coal,
obiaiard. ........................
Fanber, U k....................... ... .........- - ,
tnro aa* orro ooiameo.
claimed that tbr coat • lU br from om- abo« b*
wUlafp — of
Ura. Barr—T lorely porualU.
ylMBB drop a «wd M Urn paatof.
r. *1 Itoam
*. Ibr abrapt ImHbr wmdA
imi aprc.men* o. Indiio VihorW u.lb*rod hj faJbrr. mother, tbr rlllacerv Tbr rood.brartrd boaL 1^-,,
■ pwiirr,. In tlrranfe bl.lory tbe Mon i.roiber, .leier luil by oiber* who had- areiaR ihe miBlatrr'.ilolhilitdraaebad. •'■it""
of Ilrery Rndaou'* ,o,irr In The Halt n„ .ntrnwi a, heart. Hi. inaah-iod,Ma , brouRbt out a mil of b* 0*0 aod aaat
e. —
KiplhW w
Noon up the Hudaoa in 1«» ia told.
i.. .aibiimo aiul bi. hope of bia ruewt upataira to pot It 00.
hU rrtue* down
fro, rouSaemrui bar. I Tbr food man had madr tbr Ibasn
“T omttrr M dram
-i^hk«ayb*rfitothrilUla»'a «br i^lrr of l*k ebM^ad bM
10. ind 11. many r*i
, trllh tbr a
of tbe I
I. tu the maii'l *101
iSiB .Vuw
tbsl tbr ipiirsl 1. lo'br aadr.
thry ramr.
xbe- piu|iowd r»pen;
1 wbirb ibr doctor waa to be iariied ta bmawr af a Naa WM «aa —< —
Itr I* BO* Iditni'wwurwhiie.
i4it**i*wurwhiie. larpwJieaJrofdirlar*
larked by tbe old mo,^.
tSTT pri.ilemHi.
pri.Ilec**. .rcreaaiur
increaaiur from inade
Rradr raad a chapter brtort tba Mmiiy im
iTTba aaifOMe
riide. froa. lu-rat w bicbart. la , Hrr*.
i. *
iT*?? T -*?r..^dSr
' til RTU!
.Dd pro,*r llmlm of j
*« tlk-mrti«.lk~ ooU. .»«y
• bat «
1 turn While, a wrlLkLowam
. Carrfol b
ti- by »*'
A PTwaim waki
k city. »bo bM .uFerrd
• D
1 Irtrrrm tbrr ' apt ta br pal oat of *orl. br tbr adreat thli
mataooi *1 V
.ba.; of UBrxpmrd eompiBy. Srriar Dr. frm far aimort a qaary o^a mt^.
-KbtD *» remrmUi." mid 1 *eU- .
Sr MrK.mpirt fPb.) T—a. Mr.
hBowD eltiara wa Ua.biuroa^'tvR. ,pe pen-.eae
------------ ------------------------------------- --------------- ;
d. aad
aad oa
a. ba
be t»
neea^ a^
antrrd bama fp— ^
Barter -that the ABe»iinplr*zpau*k>e tbrir uh aeuw, piyidril ai«... • that rnktook bim lor brr boHmad,
hilr rteea^
12 Diplomas
bk BM— '
MenI Sapplies.
« lioilrra • lilirbl e
a lrluni(ihaat prt. •
. brad*, a
BmS On* siS OfSPtiMt SraMiMrt.
tbraalmaloftb. ;i-l‘t::h.TrT.%:;-inrrprok;. waya bad . f-i p^a I. bk k
otldiird aurfaor *bkb prvaramd err mr
iPri.H.r or sBrnM
bar rarmakn.
\ h« b«na W br—
Duyel! rre*k la imacberoui and alfur.1rd a ppari-ilnn iralnii Ihe ippmarbeof an, but ,huw *111 UiHe.1 in band
*r food rtprnmeiit la^brlbC , A
boat, t mound aa. fuutMl h-re irkd 11 . . tlmic* rrlurmaiurj. i» *•—
rrar* art* «*•> '•teaded cerr '
•ivi Ibr M. I.0U1. ti
tilobr-' Aa racbiny pfiaW a alary aboal Dt.
- ■ litm-ly cf
tbrre anry. 1 • It
million, rtf O'
drbrn of a <IHvr.
Cntrillf litiM nf Popilar.
MmN fsrmWwd tea'pvUM. dutem.
W. A. BUUttl.
TV*«r»e W-
'Ba bad * b^MM
bw*! of Ui» pw*
»«• •»“ •
««">« by eortwiont^ad rrr* dip,-a, bl
! city U
Indian lilliFr. Tbr
WrtluU fruui Ibr 1
trommrmiea. and
la tbrebnt of *•
naTnsi e^. noH. ! ipot
tanrsyorandCivll Engineer
a WT—Is MtOBta'a Mm*
o. Who bad aaeui.e. ~tlw ai
.rrry ^Me iraer J lomm- thro*
Sc'cr£.a s» i;ci.
rndcr a. (lei
the borwr. Hr ctuild twadlly
,« Ih^^kr rtalliv and II I.
WITHIiTthe city LlbNTS.
Ibr lake lOnar Bsd iwai 1 DOHef* “eru moco roaie* *na .1
I llilrllilp'tll.
111 In bi< ilwwllinr-
t, CMM Hmmi ui ni 111
.: ! bad U
dotm«r.S>eBi sad'eSt SlMW.
ir t—"ro t>f >bm
■ ,, *111
alll W
W i«mdlBtbrtr«
, 1 oa* ...._
.L .
a UrVraavtdaau. la a A
' ntbrr.nf BlIrndInE Ibri
60o •M'TTn^ ±ox> aeo
» UcWr OM ran. It ia arMret WnTn^m *_e^ B«oC*WMmU*
k. !■ upMOae—
---------Uarri.Y ta*o awimrtij*r«l»1r. I
• rt*l«o.are«**t,liKl-dl«prktM«.p«H».‘p»kk »'„4 np oao t**Ur k»mi»
YlkMSe- Mnls end
ok p«UI* »• Ptr'*!***
IMUO l-«-Uk.,
^ «i»ek«* ke*T*.
leu BBktTha aeo taraito »HI Todae*
arrw«» ioroawalrBc*. Bauaralac
|Ml*a* bava eerrral lafeade «aaa»
Ap™dt«wtef,<«,rt»l«.thk* I* TaHa hr oodr hte aekt k«»al.« la
aad llO rr»arkahl.*Mt ao
__________ ___
«100.oao.ik»i. Tbra. a^ln. thrtr am »(»«*• -H*><.«1 aarradla« a, ell. la ^ ^
aotarad II. U «m nv
I a^ apea a «Wk«;p,k:PP»
Wr fl.lin.nno.noo la»*«trd la rt»Mi r*. cahrr »oid». hr peodarrd aa loUkllaa
^ ,br ladlaam le b* haaokM. aa*
iJr^JJ^ri^2.rJ«.!i..U..uk33r *loi. .1«»r la tbr ral.«LS,.lr.t Uu
«b» rarr .,uK>«|Orre at . ^ loPly «».« are
rtf— tata. toU
aaa Ua*. ai U.L 1 ua«*t> ftm ro*t of Ibr ar« iweirrm o-oald hr BOUBUiu lop hr |<*nU.1y rthktfMiaf .Bout IL Tbr *b1t opralac yrl 41t>
e»r.toareb of IbHr prreral erlar. aai 'ht *'r'«>'»•'•>»»
rowrrd iB *B la* «» Uir iBOOBlala. )■
*a tkr« B» asldu Pan M nr nrajl^ tbrn-BpIrr tbrr ma hr raa for oar sllb la a b>rb hr had ahul him'lt. Whralhe hat bera BaaBArd with a liar at cobM^
- • • prrerai raprarr.
So. il N air lo Ibr rhBiBbrrr«Tr.po*d*i Ib dra- rtaWt Imirtb aitbaat badlar bhnnaw
tOOHS ovo MO lit. WUB*WJ*a MAJt*.
• ..............................................
with l^wney’s, it llooks
nice and tastes nicer.
j pever le tW t'etiad Sutn lemlitotae , *
C1M potoo-inm. f«»»v
I Ml b« iMek eaM ko M
I eagpllaeua wwdad.
■a —,---------.H4 or
get hungry
•W. S’. iELAJRS331.A.V
for bodnan and pleimire oombined. «rel
unireraal latiakptioxi-. 0*11 a^d see it Bold ^
had tea* laparially ferparrd far kta
"■;J'Tb. rmma rmti^.b. lam af «me and -bk* W fm ••
Inatiart ralbCT tbaa JodfmraL Tb#
1 yrraeb aur** H bv tbn obkb raritaa ,
! tb, aFretma. .aad Imaciaatko. Dar,
tm Cbkara w^fc«ry
ioot^b.lor'Vr tthTadaiBnty of e^.
a1-l ■................
roasd atkbi of raiboa. that the*
1 arom!drai.llLr rkW Irrrcacbm.
Ibr Ukk* of rarboo lor aa cketrt*
U(bt. IbouRb eery buM-h rolar|r«d.
• «kk cvboa k aaipredrd la • cylladrkai Iroa poL raatalali« aa rkeuti.
-i:i>r bk laktr
laUtr am*i0MHy «ilb mi—
Ida. a Jok, ,
daiaUea. br *111 br morr likaly h
aa r*tr. effort m rrtmw. Ia
word*, r be bai aa la.Kiay ■
:bew frum for triakfmt. diaaer ai
■apikr. br wflj fK ^ aad baaOr ai
,aT crrwall prriab^
l****^^ ^
PfoL l-folMo Meato. of Taria. baa
197. Front SL
trarori* City, llicb
MmtfW pnaaorr. IS* or men of t_
mw peta may
1 Utttadaa.
AU MlmbRa of Uttf
m wWeb»M*»*tbrtmad»s»-."^
psoM. Wbm ba waaUM W bamio k ^ymi mmdd ksom wbat^iipBem
phaL sr. H amy bt wBM • bsttm7.
M «• bi^ b*h*«thg
I whm\
I AkM» MnM) fmm. 9mm ll b
k«M to- FIMW ft— tku to
ttei lh*prt««(vbtotb MtwM *9
■ tlM •mn>t «* t°to»* «l»tor. Tto ttoi
to ibm b Beinilh la attbar fropp- Kof^ lMtod Stotoa are r--------- totoea.
1W priaa a< ahaat bbapaatat apaa ^STtoato^rtStelM: ajim
Itorlv TbtotoJ^w *ra» alwvaatoud tefnod*i»*«m»
tor bra paaiaei ar aaaataawiad pnidaM- Ujoatotoeatooaaaad bMbab • < paaabaa to Tra«a>aa ClV
torn* SaadBf aa4lbanbaaatoh da
te uateatead baabab paat
JobbP. HoIb. teatorln___ .______
te aaplalai^bow tto allrrr dollar,
m will ■« ap la pricaj It tbaia to
whte apatoiaa aqaaaUvof bull'
_____ xl te bataw baated
«ba pftewUldrbpJaaiaaqatohlx- If
parity wito
•ora wb«i b litoa^ la Ua UalM
tenire trade and
lUaWa ibaaeaafcaai-lbara «ba «ir
r aiouala-r lb
flm bbM ba axporUd cr ratoala to
aa alraadp
Maooo-wz,«<*»rtM^ I. Iba bomr Barkat. Cedar te __ rrtbaeptu
aapfatod wltb
•d aa latui tro-tor oa paolk: arrxaat
r«« P
1 iaian.orer ll.oou.i«U posada (ram bamoo porelBMSi oy tto r-rrraowat.-'ra'r* te aacrriary. -to-<uBC W
ol. ralaad at iwar piS.OOg.too
tbM wbat U euaU to satoa it
te rurrreaaat whro . o ard. and atr
sadrr tedrBoeaat tori^ lav. <
wbaat will to aaad aaa oai
paid out to tbr««rrraB>eal at a |*n«)
i.a^aaMaoHP.at«aiteto. aatoaa tbr priea at oai* aoM
wlibiruld fur pruprriy aad arrrionuf
all blade aod rrorirol fr.»u tbr proplr
worth Bora of wool were iBpori.
a parity with k^d b te patBrB'.uf
Irr tba drBtoramt U
pablto daraaaditoBaad.law
tto tariS 'Tbr r'm^'n'to baa aiadr oodto
. wonlan
ronlai (Ooda la law. aownntwl to
- ,000. and la IWl.to PST tW.
ailatof tetwo mrtala. pot* bariaar
PrtiB tto
tb raaortoof te tea»oj7
torapaldoo itoroio oWifat^a^bea
Sarkai; aad tbat to rrcaUtod bj
ra*<;.r^oaori^ la tke l aii- fold waa drmaadrd. aad alltrrr bariar
a i a at a ‘a law. ralaad at *isi.liii».oo<. bare paid wbra ailrrr waa dmaadrO
I'adar tbia polirv te cnBafr baa
oa -hr Arat ol Jaeoarr. law '
toaaae Umiwo by law aad te policr
w. a M.TM.UUO alieep to the
a drUM. i i of tbr trraaary drpartarol. tbat te
Slate, ralato
ralaad at Pftt.uiu.toW.
.1 u,om.oun la tba Bawtor.-l abrep. aad aBoubt aoiiM-.l Baa aot br^wr ao rraat
tenWiawiaralar. Two mlllioa, tw..: aa to dri.r the note raloablr eo'
•a dU oftto. ‘ - ------- ----------"* haadrod temad dollara worth a»ora|»uld-oot of oar. aad tbradratroy
of teddy waa iaiportad ueder te laai. ol oarBooatary araur*; an
la are of ona>|aal
tariir law tbaa aodar tba rr
wif«of lodia—--------------^
la woolra pi*>da.
to lu oaeu at uur laaBep per da;, aad
by Uw. thIaliBitoUae apua
Wbrat O^^a^t Utaaupai baatol
fibo oucM
•0l«t-- - baoralbaa
eolaa^ la. l^y <^bIub. abwdal
la bror of tto tutolra
toB WM teaabta«t«(aa able p
llaatrattoa at tba by Hra. Clalra Canto, ftrlac aa Id.
Bnatety , wAat Ufa ia today ia Ttorbry.
bnacB to I
of Clara Itonoa la Araacato
I ^ yrar. tarter w>U a abrub ot
dnac te|^ Ulr pad brae
1 Rto O to r-wlrly waa told ia aa to
^ Hn Jito. ilrlat
Ua |I ^r«
^ra to.
M. > . C
C Hate bad te aab>nl.
iwrimai te'oter pTbUa. Bat tUa
ae ' -llaa larabtdld ttoKtorra ialrrfrfr.'
uabihiu tto arlual cuorar of priraa ao
rlrariy tel It la aeU aiwtb wblto to iaad parr brr r'irwa la tto t
irprat lu Tto prlMa arr raid
aad arr what te tannrr. of lr~“------mWted lor thrir pnaiucto. aot
dIUoa of adaira io' Armrala today
I'anala'at Ray Vtra
Mra. K'Bf <d lB.liara.ratdiort I
uu llopUaJ a p
ley with Tnrkry. .
finite . .11 va^dj to. that d-UKteto .. ApBaoaDbjaraadrllrh'irallyrroJrTtIoD baaaot (urrrOdori pricra. All o
Ml by MIB Xllcr Kotwrta
larluduis wir-al. wrtt
tto i-rodt
' Tbr rotirr pn«raai waa
biebrr U.
a bru te allrrnl teraatlnc laf.wMtbui aud wan,l.*trard
iBtonicMl. Ttoatbelwwlthekar-aUetilluB.
Imtoraar dr.-loiHUrUta
riiorr. I•>ll'. ID thia coueas aod utbrr
■rdiaauer rolallrr to ei
iwrla.tf Uww,y«.ywhl»to*tdow*
aad oitor prodoria will, iu Ko3lo«.a|r - toDa ku
Ibi abroad u|aw U
that, te
la tbIa eouDlry allrya aaa pulm.- (Tl
• anacao-..mp' .M.iaiaad i y tbr t'.iuDcil ut
rua^rd aJ
bM . I It aball DOl to lawful (or aot
bo> or I
U-ote.t,r«»rforl-.T..:. Th-ly^iu- oOroto) ojr.o
ated oitb rr,*• pubto-croood>.
............... ..
at einr o'clto 0
Thto wbrataf ladia <*a ba put oa aediical^Ui'<>'
tba wbarf at Llrarpool te bi arau par
Cap tba wheat nf tta* Caltod
IM- 10 cuiuiaoy to- ox
Mattoeatopate wiU tba wtoat uflaTO te vtiorrr ul ao or prr< o •>( (
Aarrirau woolro far- Ur^otrito baa abowa w.»>d oil
dtoT At car Uan. w* aapplled two. Boral i-Oar»etrr ao I ob-rr lOr oc
worth o lUllr Irta.-llot
Borr tbaa tar.uuu.ouo. iaU wiar teOlt frwiD teaUraipi to oar
tbirda of tba world'a wbral laariiat; to
rr, niy frltow cilltea. tbat local trodrreolaaof Ibraatordroi
ao.v law ful toiMiii-to, >'iop;. yiD. at
r wa an aot Mpplylar ooa-tblrrl abrap haatoadry la an lonyrr profit oatloa. but >if tio-tioal rolur
ttoMIubaMd? Bo wlthotbararrieolUral pro
-If te UnitaUoo wore rrto >
wtay tba
IhiriBC te laat •
fidraer io the ablUlT of tbr
Ktro tto
Tto aappljr of
tarIF law.
monlba of the
tbr repobileao
lo de with It.
c iaiporied la tbia o.aalry
tbrra a
B- ..
oa of bay; aod doribr te dratniyad. aod ihr parity w.
wheat la the
Urarponl toarbaL
Yoa Blpbl or
inayrof rilrrrt*
Ttb wo. te eaw up'u'to i-tow of ojon u( te t.iiv. to y . l.-.iur on-i .
'^Vniooe^*"'*''^tto%oa 1 f*'
, aaatrdallarolooreolBed allreroat
IJa prodaoero a mariiet (or »t '«>i|^mlo(
a aad tbr Urbrpeol wbaat toa* Borr tbaa tey had rn)t>yrd >o | p.,ruU,Ao.
ctoBoXln! Hot Ibm nuorthhi* toptouMl. To
oaa ^rit law.
Tbia loom racard.
rr.Hwted toLlurwbowwbWlBppruMi.^afrrr.rd
.Wbautolbr r«a.-<l|? Pratrel jour n.UUu.iMi
Tto total wbral. ryr. harthe roliimeofi ,h,
roui|wrr te |«-irr.
s Toou a M-r-n I or oolwrijoeoi
bate aartiat. aad add tlr
oato aad tore efujn for IW'.
rrr-t-oliu.1 ailrrr f-Korri lob. te cir.-u...... (rirro In
In tbr
loot Miluittn of te ebu»* tu’.ioUoo oMbo-irrdfii.iirr »o<-n ofirod
toaaaltaWa laHff .bill lhat wll ____ iQlad to s.sifi.uoo.ooo boebrU. Th.«byalr................................................. laUr wilb Ihiwr yitru by tl
., proMTOlrd
opM oar lacteiaa. and onr Blila. aad
in of Uir City
|ri auululi.-ol ntotrar-l. fo
tbeB4 ^,uc^a*^^niiuB up»o II tet it
-rrof. rhallto
-w-t Irit. and upun'-.•orielloo .Uiereuf.
oorfaraaeaa.aadoBTBlera. UlrarB paroeat-of tbr tolalprodaeleeeDally. .^uid to Impauiblr Ui prororr and
»» «.• lUbIr to a Cor Bul rxceedloir two d<
plogrtorni to tba aalllioMof idle smw Md*Kire tbaa or. prr erab wa» e >0 j
|n te uraoury oeofTn-irnt aiaoqnt
prorMr (or tbr rrdnoptioo of olirrr
la tba ooaatry wboaow eaaaot buy euBtod at boBT. Tto rnwt bo'h waa.
Sana SUaar Faeta.
Ua wbaat yoa ratoa
A aorloua. litlla ooBoaBrd by oar rwa (rllow. eitteoo. | o„ prewataU.*
,*• may moke a fdrUirr order ihot t*'»
.'Ifroari toconlioedtuteJailuUiroU'l
kaowa bol lamraublr fact to tbat darlu
wr riportedPl.lM.- der oseb enadlflnm. te yoreroiorot
vhui Lit ItoB Trarrrre
Trarrnw county
c. ... for a period out
adatate'wai»t&,coo,UMi la ifH U to lar tba year law tba
worth ulBCnroltural prodocu. ^|d be eoBiIrlled Irtxo tbr brylii• Bii.r (Mile} of Birddliuc rre.lid|r
crr.tid|r ten day*
do>» .>r
.. udkIkucL fiu<•OMndOA. Tbat to tba way tba ra- wbrat la tba I'ullad Mate waa Icaa by
eiuf to rauhoofr fold (urrllrrr oo.iaru
a>|.u.wu-d by tbr BB>e mkik to paid.
r law, we report'd aad teir paprr rrtrrueratatlrro. wbrapaWtoiia party baa bainllad iba q
orar a boabal to raeb aaaa. woua aad
1. It l>
f------------------------*- h -rebr made the doly-ut
■rrr drOBOded. juol ar it aow oa'Uea a< blrar. Aad arary dollar
almadoiit prouim of temmr«nal.u-oeot*-fl'-er.an-lanvp.,ebUd la tbaroaawy. Uaa. tbr yrar ba.tuu wortl
baor-* Ittdd (or iu own bnlre wbre
eriu ifltoy wooldtuie Ikeaua of the fiiy of Trarrr>c itoj
kapt”a.foodaafold.- Tbat to tea. aad ihlayaarUr par caplu
lt>c tbr two yrar. uod
Iroiao ltd; aod a« tbr c.'oocr ol *11- onallutnl |<l
iwm ii.towaer Tto i»to '•‘‘•'‘brae- (oflkwith lo artv^i aav l.e
aaetbarlUar tba rapaUtoaa party baa
lariSlow tea ia Ur two yrsrv
rrr dollon would to nollmitrd. aod Ilim eud tii«
Tto (act to
ie ace
tdltom,-era toludi-d -^^'Jj'te
a*, of
of 'ri.teea
tbrrrfurr.eoorUotlr >iKTra«iuy.opoipl
: daaa. bare alltar dolbfa bare
labertwr Baa. tto (aatory aaployra.
f any of l
would oiV>n to rrarbrd wbrrr it would
. aataad at tba Ualud State bIbU
tba Blaera natof work hare aot tto tariff lecUloUoo. It waa eo aftrr
to inp-ralblr to conUoar te priera of
tba drat aaraa Boatba of tba praatariff of IMA. and ll bae bare eu on.
Bdeay to buy wbaat te
" Ttoabiliiy of Ito 'ch'i^f of ladii^^ot'tel’tTlrol^ra.cri. rt7iar(IM.|tbaawaaaaoU.dlatba
te tariff of liK*. lApplaoBi
.--The proplr torr rerrlrr.) tbrrr Indualrial and nien-anillr
bara toprt alopijr wltbout
irn-anillr iiujiulalioD Icily 111 Iia>c Ikelioei uf niae oViucL p
-e^e aod hare rrlied ruofidroliy op.>o
•fatalgblyyteaadtbabtatotTOf tba tba wbaala. tba ipladlaa. tba-farnsoc
arm ptud- m. dnicoatetl rack day by tto rInrIuF
a.. UKi.r rioia naui ixuaroa.
.-on-tiinr farm
Ibefruod faith o( tbrir yoreroioeBLaed
liiiiiin-r- —*-----,-r .vof on vlirai. of tbe'tKJjXe^Ue feuia, tjell’
Oiaa aad tbaaa bpb will bare gmi
Caa tbr fararr to brl^ by (
telMofiJ. B.--e tboe inter
sn.- cl tBia otdinaura
wafM to bay not only wbeavbutbul- ooiaaffe of ollerr? iCna of - No. ai
Bodt poiral (actor le Ibe
•ffect twenty daya after i
Ularaat Woald Uaaof te parity Tba pnbllc kaa beau aal' ^blekr•a.aBd trulu No; Tarter Borr. my (rllow clliii
uc aa.rob fur HcKloley 'j
lafird. lhal ou l•>op a. our pirucol moo
IVede hereby etrllfythat te foAe
toalato p^. BM eaoaPttobelpaJ
. .
elar3 »>'--io It piwi-rod. the ynrrra- blear ^aaban are wylar to m,M i yoB.^wt 0re ttoa jor*.
riarthnxicb Bratwlliihi whalrrrr ita moral ubli
aal priue of craia i
, t.ro.Ui.-ia dr<i|'|x-d I'ooocll of the lily of '^mrerlr Sly i
• price ralioe. aad rzprraa drcUralluea rr
■ palat m ab«par rate o( lata^at it caa-tdo'tetaa loaraeoar porta arr aa lefialioe of Ihr
ll. three teure of droiocratjc ralr Ibe Ttb dar uf toplember. I'Wi
rrryttalof rlw-woold nu aleo.
rr,,0irr it In do, and, rrrv larirely aA»
•oMj totoada abtopar. Bowhaait
to tba lavortalloo of tbr rbrap
raof -wiaud money-aod
ll. f- lUvi., Hayiu(anorr would
raUtIrely M tot- ouo.-qorii-ri'f Ibi. cwnfidroce in tto
■ruold to ra
Kii. City Cie/k.
la 1«
prodaeU of the. obeap rouetria. of Ibe tar off ten to w..
to^ Is tba MatT Haay aUteO er
wo. tot.
(Crtrauf coni faith of ibrrzrrutirekotboriiirs.
Tbr qiieption tar tto Umtn lodeelde nauii r .iiuiriiT.
old world
Von arat rloee tto poru “TbaVm rlfbl. at) w-'l Hr ooold Dot te ailrer oolaa bare out depnaUledto
i«» an-'
Jnttottoritoy kinroatioueterecime Jr auli.iM.i |> U..1I.-.-IJ ai—...I «ilralfc«.
ertaay m.rrr reoiraloe forbieffraU ralnr.
albaratu waUrateabw Iba rat
BBtry tote ll
l--]^.luo i.rn'-iUe •lal <—ll-eiiiu*.
-It I.
lataftot wa ptod wbaa memmf
wtoet. aad (rain ol all kladw o
ttottof tet will re.ioCB te coJidllawfolly
abaplBtbalata-toaaad-niB. Haaay aad arc. aad rattlr aod (raiu.
wuald (olbj^lbr (rrr colaace ul eilrer.
.be ricbaaffroble roluc uf tbr
U tbaaa daya waa wertb lo. U. It par BBit open te ptala. by treiprot-liy. t .lo eaa ool help tto fanorra by Burr
U-. will w ilunr abraierr it
iry, aod
anil ollb'<anb Vlrer
etet. er alMt any V» eaai
wlU Cuba aad te tteUi Anwriraa uuteaffr of »lrar: toeaeo -' ____
i.y mure euaaamrrn fur
udote dul anood >■l•er
•er rrrUficam
bare ool.
p te u
tbte to Mb. nia lalb abaat
You CODDOI help him by (rar trade.
de.fct optuthr p-oMfOl
wol time.
timr U-co .received
- tetot rate wUb ebaap raawy to all WlU payaaaed tea lodo me
A-tei04 I hare .bowa, be «ae be borv
~ir-w -cold. yet if te lioie
brab. rtraallTar teStobat not«l*a aboraellaeebre Baibotrtcei
tioo of
ooely bon. by te (rra lalrodactioo
IT wtaru t
tbat tolb to raea wba bomr
boaa for bewM prodoeta. Why iuot ooBpetlBir prodocu Into tbU ruonlry.
Uetur a Ibouaad tiowa eaUrfe the
» wm to I
twan^ or twaaty-ln yran
aaa wbat tbr raptel of te McKlalry
mariceU (orAaentBe prodocu. tboo
iMab (raa aUaar aiffaMit
Uw aeeeaplletod la the one prodoct of to aeUrwe tto bIdu lor the olirrr pro^
A Pnllueel Halieprtora wlU riaa.
Weald bm Ibto ba
dart of tto world. lAppUuor aad criB
Tto (olluwiac (TOB a Hrtrolt paper
ara r«ht.'-i You Bl(bt jiut A
trM.tban.nf mtead lalaraatMarall
Ul lOterrofmany of the older repubMdryfonda and freatrteT
of te Haoai.n. aad
'd ralae luaaytbUcby desc
fto year, aa leeriaat of aboel tia> prr
firea a pleoBOl lural wurh from tbr
• Boaaore of rajae wlU wbl
BaahUa tbie oworBon. terraaee
If;yoo laCbarlea |i ■biIbc. oae of tbr
Tbet Wbaat QneeUtB
_____ ralae by
to raw wool, te laportalloB of Baapoaedldaua Baard ia te rrpsbUran
rl.raoi ftiik Is- ■l..*le«. rlir. rtalera aoe uvr.
of ralur, aad yoa
TtotreeaUrardeBoceeUara Ulllny fMUred wool laereaaad (rote livoiio.lapraePautlrr tlekrh eraa tto laterof
Ibeo yoo awke
«B tel te low prior of wtoat U owUc ODO to raloe aedar te UeKtolry Uw te tori
C. U. DuBilDr. aow a reaidral
tote............................................................. totM,<ne.aMtaralBraadrr te Wlleoa
yalduaeo Im tbai
Hay tuwaaOip. ia tblaeoaoty. aad we
4 fiftev Bopay u abMlaUen. Ttoy tall Uw. I’adar te HeKiaWy Uw te imIrieoda of te faBlIy
IK aaaoicTVoa rai
Mtettefraeeadaallaltad eeUace partotloa of race wa.
only abou
ml bBerr will raUa te priee
’T” of.. wl
»» poeede. whiU tbeWiloto t
Tto editor of tba Uaeaiei U ffrol yrar briBffbt la lt.eou.im
•arket. llU
U less. The clIppioK raferred to
t t
lUe erffnaapl need te ater
proteatad la ir-eoju/ino
-y a wier
te boraUaad baaplUUof iiaro
Jaotice F. W A Korth. of Sprioc. LatMteabe^teleareMadaoleace te worked leto eUteo fur our people, tariff ItctalaUoB aad hU
-ulle. bae been ptcMutcd by hi. iattor ONCE fJ5E0 ALWAYS IN FAVOR.
teold out be pmaittod i................... ......
-lib uoe ml te bailou emol io
a< rilrv hto affaalad te priea of aad dUplaelar r>ed. elrae ABarteaa ad by leoaeolec te doBoad for ABrrlThe ballot le e copy uf Uinr orad
wheat. TW Iffarra ftera U tbk arlit of all dib waaadr- cai Uburaodd.BlolahlBCtto pay ol
tUtooraedUat Tbaaenaataf allrer ereoea la ralar of te fiocki from fiiM.- ABoriMi worbsaa aad teraby diala- yrar la te tblrd ward, aad it ie_____
ublaf Ue draaed for acrlnllaral cifht iBcbB lone aad two iaebae broad
to afieeUllap. year by
Oa te too of te tk-krl U a rlraellr of toblit rt'rraetb “S
_____ Ti.r/w
000.000 aader te HrK(al«y Uw to
Joba C. t^moal. lorTooBded with te low rnto bealtk
Uw and
.a "The’coeelltulloB aad tbr -ua- Bat all ftil wbea ito
toiy of te ireMary. wbl
»iul powert are
alltbUto teone IUb of aboap and Bfftd la te I altrd Bwtra. Dlrarally
aad below -rn-mutit aad Uayte peodacu Ofacriemlara aad tbue
ml ^beatantrOB te d
wool. Tto lUtee
Tboor were te dayoof -Know- debility .ad' to' oCH
Thlak what te Beat fur your load. Tbeoely way to
MeKlalry Uw a eat to tbr fareur.
brip te toraar w to laereoM te de- lor pnaideet tolafi lloctooaa i aad Umtrli b; Itoyo^
Hrrekiuiidce. aod te -kiiowDaOiiDC"
a tbat allthU talk saad fur hk prodarta. Thta ea<
caadldataa. Hall aad Krerall. The
daae by preoarrUcaboao aaritt
aboat te aelBace of allrer affertler hiB. aad by rxtrodloc oar arai
aofoerorlwomra llriac today aefitiiate-.
• tetlekri. Itrradaaa (olluat
priee of wbrat U Bereat ba
wbkto we did la lev; i aader te
«^o c.,
riioloaa of te tariff la'
wa hare abowa. It Uat tto Irae aad
oa- lauiuw ar imuble
•t ebaeriDf.i
Tto ....
aailBltad aetofice of allrer we wa
for te Aoearicaa larBer.
rauaUr* tariff.
an tear at boaie. Ttoy
Ttoy aoaenaa l« H. iVItbcy.TboBaaJ Drake.
J aad Bind. re«aR(niBaaehprniinoui mac- Aoy qUAntlty I
Itoraroor, Klaalay '
llBoa aa aaab ol te/pr^ocu ol te
fiMirkaa farm aa teToraiffw ooMaaar.
ffnio ailrrr will But cure orar
ryotaute. John
oba McKlaMcKla-j
A rM-m«lia!l*book of mco pafira pro. ;
pradartkB aor aader aoaaaapUoa.
! toarly iUoMrated. knora in fiUla bnnact, ' ,
......... tii.«
, opotel«. OLVM-
tio’^d^to I
Lay your foundation wi&
“Batde Ail.” It is' the comer
stone of economy. It is Uk one
tobacco Uut is both BIG and
GOOD. There is no better. There
is no oUier S-cent]^ rt
Try it and see
nm toT^orT-XMor'.;'' .o‘; .t;^:;
orirttrm eei • n.
T/ie Cyclist's Necessity.,
L n-*r ciTA P0B»fi
armoA It
aLL ran
AM> ;|*'r 1.4*11 a ATIUKB.
m-TTUK <-iL%. ni'rr
t«i, Ntttai-illb.
SoKirru Arpst a.
8r-if( by *HoU OH
of 60 ^
The UttleOiAfit Cathartic
fe' «
5sr; "AT.rj
voiwo srwr&
5T *5^
>- *
The above is pnilialily a picture
{of an eighteenth century milk
f maid. She did nut know what a ^
(])leasure it was to make butter r
< with a barrel elfum. but you can S
5 have that pU-asurc. \Y'e sell har-1
J rol churns and straight stone j
t churns.
. Corner.Front and Cass SU.ilj-arerte City, j
. Mt.ew.fi0u
Bcy-oaeral. Jacob
Joae le-ffor praaUaat. WiIIUb MeFrae aUrer will nut rrLore te a»tobH.Ho...
peUUua of RaeaUrdadU Bad tto Ay
Klaley of Ohio;
Far aaprrlatrw
-odeat uf pablic iaalracUarrrt Aacnatoe Hobart of Kew Jaenry- Ceatloe repablle. Thla aaBpetltlM tioa. Ira K. Hayl.
woald rraala If yoe koo'd ealaante
Fur atatc iaad
ellerr of te world.
ailrrr tom
«rB Tredwril
ChUacoJaly lo.aad n—ffor pre
Uerraoe tbr deaaad ft» yoar
iber ul atato bjaH of edi
tl^ Bake a oiacie
Uoo. Itewye Willard.
ForaovraB. WIIiUb r. K.rward.
Far aiBM taeator. tfaarua Lae. J r
You r-t itom tbnmrb te (acFur raprra.BUt.eem. JaBrm "
Ortmof "Thalaricbl--i Yoa
laada. Juba....................
Jobe McAeUy Halaarof
eke prrrtdaat. (Ubob Bolirar. Backaor
i of Krnloeby.
HaopU'e Parip. eealMtad
ImaU Jely »asd n-Kur pi
mi wtoawtki
rtwrlfth ae Wtlll
JanalBO Bryaa of Mi
tor riee prealtoat. Tbiiatai B. Wattoo
eaif May fT-Fer pral^iav Jimoa
Larariaff ol HaryUad; (.» eU. twm
doPt. HaU JitoawB ml llllaalo
w dlaUlob rater tbaa
WathMl Party (ItffeboM Irom ProTto tabu we bare ciraa UUtfaaMal. noBlMird at niubarc
eelaUtrly tbat tba pi
May w-rffra praaldral. CharUa B.
SlaM Voe wlUcaly ffrt tea to UeraWac te maaatacWTlBC faUblkb
ifiMBTb te Uailrd Mataa. | rromcaaoaa atowriiic aod crira of -HarraJifor
Hcliiair) *1 -I-ant tbr la -tor> b. te
(ana.* aid daefcioa. aud taat la aa
to^ •d*Nt^^Xa'raM U
t tblBff aow la f<w
a (aebay tor bU
. 1 be brUar u> bara
. , aloac aide trf y.m tea to
bara aaoter far* aVaff alda of yoa
(Laoc^toroBt enraof '-Yb-| I aacc
ao firara of te lararra—te amt'
BMoaiWr. te Boat aooaldrrai
the anal aiordy of «ar ip'aadi
UuiM. Ttoy ara iHt MBlly aiaUd.
They bare ao ala la p>Utb> bol aa
b-mort aaoL la lm«. wbmirer trade
tba'aimr BoUaceol
. UHO per wav
tolUw lUa toraay. bavUwna-aol oo.
It waa te ritira wbtab loHowwI te
r bae Torkdalyt—ria-p
fror Uadr braray. (Orta of -That'a
Upff HatafeoU afJCaa Verb; toreww »omw,.
dopu ttatlhaw tUffoIra of Mow iamv. I
For Quick Returns
wPiatweaay I
that roakes the people (Itxk'to our store to gfN ^
but the style. cb<f qualit}'. and the best goods'for ra
the ItfAst money .At ..............................
Fanrfliire Storir: -ra
tegaraEMBEiR 84.1886
BlB| tneh MnSlTw^a>|ri^
mBfataUaotharthaaa. Masaawsa
*» e-B*el.d *10.
' *T^d!^2tacMklM af Jah* BaM
brMn St eisrtas.
5S5JrTC~Ci«-rr«rt^ isjsr.
I aholaia
Tka ehUd
waa a
*t t»«roll. Jahs To8lB. a
Ms the WoMlsifiil Gorathn Powsrs
of Dr. Gniein’s Nenrura.
■stflsud. Ha ain>>'«> •»>•
Good torotorn
uolll Ociobet Sill
I Wetake either and give you in return the greatest
value, ever offered in clothing. We ttre offeoing
especially good values in Children’s and Bosrs’ Cloth
ing. Note prices on new up-to-date suits just from.
the nlarket. .
Children’s Suits ages 4 to 14 at 88c, $1.28, 1.78.
2.00, 2.B0i 3.00,4.00, 4.60, 6.00 and 6.00.
Boys’. Suits ages 14 to 18 at 82.47,3.78,4.87, 5,83,
6.47 7.60, 8.00, 8.3O, 10.00, 12.00 and 16.00.
The above prices all from 26 to 33 1-3 per cent,
less than regular price.
Call and convince yourself; we gladly show the
Dttreit ui iKrosse.
Honl' Elijah A. Morse, Member of Congress
from Mass., Used Dr. Creene’s Nervura
iR His Family with Astonishing Benefit..
haa last wtali.
tfewaal hbU
Tha Imainy af Hrary Haakisa. ol
nisV BaabaHarM-rra p»»oaa. wara
I Which will it he,
Gold or Silver?
>-tba laUefa acaa
laatlart. daaXrafaa.Uia waW
At llaasar Spriafv Kaaiia. Haalay
IVtUti. a»ed four, mad Charlay Watara.
kraa. whUa pUylBC la Iha baM-UlU'i draf a
rraa<.llDa. iB-
choioe to
tisil (oor Woods.
aad mjm Tbaaa'II ba ko 1
waadaara astamUwted-
'(ka aMailT at tba Oh^ L««'
^7“«f iT'Veatlly‘'lW,5" «Pf
.... _ . . en.l rariaty. aad It toted
fur ibr rraat fom- of lu hlad lafa.
Mra. Uanry Eaban.liada. of lliriati
r ana. I'a , baa died al bar Ti.uiia 1M«
,|.«kja». due v>a Tary paruliar aaai'daat WMIa atlaadiar tlia lata lla»• .a waa ...........
. aad____
WWIa tki a«- WTM Ua day of tka yala calain
•W Klata, Bay Ikiamia. ^
.- s^raa oa«. <l
ip- ^ ^'- "11
GE0.0eHH£«,G.P. ». gooas.
Plants for Decorating
Hnally .-aualay bar dan
At Maoua. <»a . a baby b iy with two
a, TburwUy Blyhl bum biMra.
lae eawo. i
Ntryao. ^Hotbtb*
arc >olBed
to pbM tk
tu .aa tmKm
wwllr dira.-'—
aothar aad
aod to tba
II aad tba
child and'_ ...
fWa waa a abowra nt apa
pbyalrlao. ea/ tei
r al»bv
Rf thaahild ilt.or
&kw <fssU<wllyat tba alacUHThe llrltUhahipa Ililtnn aad Cedar
IKhta. Md OB* by ose fall
bank lallrd oat of Kaa Kraei-iaon Mon
dead or paralyaad. HmiaccBla day for a raca ia diatnacc laora than
I darvor half way rooed tba world,
■ SaTtm aaary booaabold
tkch i.
riabod id ladaw wllb wheat, tba tllUon. C^b M.
tkdB. TboBaasdaof birda
Jiontly. halac boood for UewD.^wn
CadarbaBb for Jloll.
Thenrbiu ia Chaboyfan
. It b- aabl, bare pot op .1“"' »
a. of Kt
llBf snail
'krir abl.Ur,. Warren, who lire* near Mbarfi..
owa. Hrl .iaad Ihr |■rr.ll^a.nl of the
__________, anoB to hr rreeV ^ h., .hr para all brr pood. b. baa oalpb_tr HpriBCa. la buoor ul tba i bora, donnad a wSIla roba. and walled
Mra Uta WmiBBa. who died | for Ur and
IVbaa .ha fuoad that It
re of lllu The oH lady had rtl.ln't ooenr aka a.kert for the retnra of
ah* sol Ukea cbloaof.xw for an a»el to ma them
4aat that dWonalrd bar ahonidar.
p,, ^
t%lar tVaraar. a farmer II,lap acor ond Pamb/teriaD
..................... ..
Cdwardaborp. reoaolly hi.t ooaald«r-[ i,., Udead a. tita reaull of .wsll^lnp
sWt awaay V ■ bank Inllare. He n-.% .et of falae treU while nl btwakfa.l.
•OsUr aoU aOBK pn^wrly and rrcrired ' After the aBcidenl ba aaSared iDtrnv>tll.oui la latBl
Imak bill, for ft. Prarltif to ly. ao.1 at lo e'cloak wa. aUlel
hi. death la
trast lltoa b-----------,
I iineiiu. Ur>. Mr Kuwell aai
lorsisea. KuadaybUwi
tbon BSd the esU wa. o rerted ieluito tt.a I oltrd XUfee iil
s...Aland. Ha waa
rrt.e.-------------aad on married
of Kikhart eooBty.
I hareealiar
t tba aa>-----aaeond .crop of
Iml^lralloB. dM at Alma
rateedUiaeaawm Ha report.
lay moenlMf. aflar a abort
Th.. S«»na crop wiS-pIcMd «adna»laid wa. phroomaDal.
... ..._______ ,_iatioUarcrop la abjot
thirty dajTK Klmllaa r.millUoo» arr refurUd te ezUt la a i
era Isdlaiu coiiallaa.
At Kama* Hty. Mo . Ue Wl pheklag koaae of Armoar A Co. baa rceelred
> arrt Icee
r. of the world. aa order direct from Uie Japasem-gor.
la Ula |mrt
Kbmo erameBt fur I a cariuada of corned bref.
dtaicbiof Uranpe
1 him and It la
asM that he U Ue oaly bnlpbt of that
Uipmecit within about tea daya. Tbto
.rank la Awrtes.
ttaeoae ahlpwealof berf la balirred
A esfatraaoTTi
Bfsran w .are. wuwtwH—
be for uae la the Japanese oary, a'____ IralBBd tMwiaaad two babum..
though a pwlllre ataumral to that ef
fect to not oblalaable.
tHeziWK Mo. oaeof tbemaalpn-11who are lortana ullrra. eBierUia Ur
taailUi. Ue heara dif .potatoM aad I». eaam rrer broaght to Ur BOthe of
oicdkal Bma waa operated oa Krlday.
The paHeal to Ue lltMe daoghtec of
TBrtm arryiac the -prodooe. to ihrlr Mr. aad Mra. J. K.^U. of Boose
laty. who for Ue laat tew yeara baa
a trooblH wlU bb absonsBl awellA harbd forUar to ntU to arnat on lagof ihehiwerguma ThU protu'oerttB tana ooeapled by Kair Morey, o-ar BBoe waa cut away, aad te It Were
«kB Bioadoa towa llae.
It wa* foBBd ihlrte two malnred teeU.
. tonadriy oecaplad by a rery nch old
lilMe patient la dolag well
AU aearoh lor Ur trcaaore
haa lallod, bat racoBtly a chart toreed
At New A'ork a am lely for Ue prereetloa ol heredlury dlmaae baa beea
It to eompoaed ol W yoopg
meB BBd wosma who believe It to baa
e arainat -oelely forcertatn t»<talaMafUeBMU.
V> mtrre. and have pledgwd i'
-..maot to eater laloaay mal
nisi alltosre wlU aay pemoo •
toSTn^ riT'orer aatT'killijChlSl
HaaUaa. aa old maa llrinr eouU.
faUpteat IDS Ttrgi aetwablt
pasra for the Grand Traverse Herald for 1 year
If you are not a subscriber to this paper al
ready, now is a good time to begin.
write* |o ■ r
woadrrful ....
of health ami
'"-V........ K her,
Karviy ao ooe who readi. (fato pool-
I. » Mate-mia ' well, Ik- pmi-o-ful eodoT»eio-nt '
• In I'onprem and ! graodeal of medl'iata by one of
, hold. him ia<liighe-l.urbo.eif. foremo.1 .Ulmraen
In.taut la arekieg the
. ...___lias
v.ini.p Iwring ele«'te.l hi* ile|We«enla , h—ilale another
bpallli by
fi^lnlbe lewi.Uiure. Member .if the .npv road
... tbe'ij.eraor'-.
liraene'* liraene'* .S’
the wgrld of
Coun.-il. A biialnh— man of high or ■ It i*
der. hr to knowa throughout the worlil oenla
aa the nManfaeturer of the lll-ing hau ' aeae. nerro
Htore l*ijlWi. whleh ta told lu e.er.v .liaky, uii»U
aatlou cdUe irnTth
«l rigor and re
.'ougrewuan Morae >
rlrk. red blood
ri > T.OC ice...--, a,...- M.— —rllalil.r: las
................... — the dae of Hr. tirreoe-a earea dyapepals. im ligmUoB. con*'
Nrrrora. bhe hs* lireB a long lime lion, kidm-y and Ir er complalnu.
ill and other medU-iaea falle.1, rike I- haalahea heada.-l.e,
la ta<
grastly Inipe.red by the u«e of Nerr- rmlgia amKrhenmi iilata
l ae M and
ora Sl|.-kad iaaomalm and Meeou*. mskea the-ii-k well. ..................
neaa aniK-mo now .leap well. *.-.1. for yonraelf lU wosderfol power W
oaH'1'ati..ii-thal l>r. i.reene'. Xerrui-. cure.
la a valoable reioe.lr and U iJa downIK. Hreene't Nerrurm bl..id ami'
right benelll 1. nerrou* afle.-lloL*."
nerve remedr la not like Uir prepare ;
Mr. Morae * ai*w, [Mr*. Alb.-rt I', liootlpul up by irre*t).'n.lldi-and un-:
Morae. of UsnUm, MaJ.. *s.va;
profry..oaal p-<iple. but i- the nrem-np I
■'I bad beea is fepblr hi-allh lor
' ti.m and diafotery of u widely knne neamaad had employed all the uaiial phvaii-lan. Hr i.i-ernr. of :ir. AV Mth I
Beaas for .-ore without much brarlit
. Saw Verb City, thd mmt *iicee» :
hare had maay hrmorrhagea of Mie ful apeeialial In curing orreon* and j
BDg* Kith aerera neuralgia aad ia- chronW diM-aaea. It la pla-ii'.v .-rld-nt
therefore why it alway*curea—becauae I
-Me Iriead* bad -naed aad kaew of it » perfecUy adapled for Just ih.-Mri
Ue good reaalla from Ur. timeaea c-.mplalaU. Another thing which can
:ra—............. —
deed help from the eery 6ral. I -fireane'a Nereura. I>r. lireene. it* dta-1
........................ corerer. can becon*ulled free, iwraoa-|
□OW WUOUJ1- mJ aju.-a
ally or hr teller.
I can aay Mial I am ii
Tbe letter to written on a aeroll of leni-' Aa eminen. . .
oa colored parchment paper, about flee;^i Ur world
fret la length to a f.ml and s hall rf boon. Hr adds. that Ur rsnh to errItrlgium
dU. a portion bring In anelrat (Iblh-. lalaly couliag ia
m I'caaceand
,aad psrlinaodera Cbieraecbarw- aad that it to likely
llkel; ia tbr rery Brar
are great ebangra.
miu. wiU Ua mral red aeal and thr falurr that wr- (.hall
emperor aaniograph ia tbr center. Thi-iI la the
Ur north of
o Kmacy where aa.-h a ,
I Uiiog baa before beea onknowa. Ibrrr i
—-rlopr to oniqur. embroidrred
j; hare sJraany been rarUquakea and ttbe I
I and rilerr,,aad
and *iU
*iU eaqaliitr
rltb arrlatgr rhlnra-Usma Uiag baa kappezicd la Belgio
sally sr-^ba uakoown acieatitt further aU
or three Krrncb i
hr .waCludr* i
I thr Swia* it
c>-fTrmler Uoiebery.
Ur public ulution
grrrolloa in Tnrkey. «
o without coaaret of
powrei atould mean a Knroprsn wai
A diatsteb from UmaU:
rniU and Farm Motet
Itaage mrlona *rll at tea to twrirr
.vote a duaen at Kaagor.
Bala la uau*lag heavy damage to $he
aa. .maTJ^w’dljria'^M‘’attempt to
resefa UeaultaB ia Ur Ylldic palace.
KIrr of Uem arr keuwa toharc latrad- _______ , la hoik,like poUViea, prodneria
reeelrlag bol ten ceaU a baakri for
ed murder.
A acIsnMBc party from tbr war ablp.' ..bolnr arirc:tedav-k
, Alhatnsa
«tn»a wa* Btlm-ked Aag lnbynaTbu'aaandi of buabrli of
• of<i
tUag on the farm* Bear 1
Thr farmers aay they i
my more free trade.
Many aatirra. <
wing to Ue eolla
e”r'mtB'7‘.'^y^ i ^J^'dMme. uVarTp'Jud.
ling at BuaMogea
pm ...... ................ „.-owB iato Ue|Byplaeea.atoBtoUeacT
ne. . Three were drorraed and fire'- They grow big eacnmberaaiMcHalB
iBlIrd <Ml of Ur rriirr in a driti-1 The idlUr ol thr Cbroatcle tifere hsr
_____ idlllon.
It toftwred Ust othrra, two UsI wrlfh more Usn aerrn
remImInK a
{poowtoaBdoaeof Uem iaa-iool sod a
At Sb Jobav N- F . the fallnte ol Ue lUlf long. •
■ mbrndf^fiabery la now said to be com-1
William Olirer, .rf Cbarleatou. Kala-
{faeeeasor w> Hoot A Urrtea.)
Popular Clothier. Hatter and Furnhiber
'Klfiali A. Mnw. ol I'sBtoe. I health Ual I bare eojoerd fh
Ham.. HeBiber of Cua^nwe from Uam-{ yean. I sleep well aad men
aehuaetu. forwanl, hi-enaorMtseal of > my f»>d does BoldulreM me at
Ml-remarkable i;er»ll,epiwer. of IR.
-1 csi, hrwrtil, reiommet
Serrara blmidaod arrverem-'iieeeae. Nereura bi aoy---------u oD
a letter from lito noiiBl of iu yo»l effeeu.
o myaelt ■
with Ur iforda. "W.
.e irel
fret long,
Klnley" w
drawing ha
_ J on a coBiiaoaa In that
. which
wrba bare Ur lalllato -W.
,lrlUra McKInIry plainly
,. Tbe letlera ara taaJr
-gold apldrra - Hielr
by Ur .largr ”rold
ly aad aa .*rw.y-«—v
tweoiyiwo ■■n.M.*
Iscbr. Itsll- bscka are golden and Usy arr oanaoal_____________ re hare Itot mack poultry Jy Urgr. Tbr lettera are interpreted
to mean Uat HrKlaley will be elected.
lalaly. aad It 1, Uosght Ur aalmsi
... Tnrnrr
........ ..leo
died Bl
at, hU
uia fioure
home la
prsyad oa Uem.
■..................... —
■ --------- of
jh ,^oB,f,renee and be let tbe
the effaeU — ter that can befall Ue colony. vb«
At Ostoaagoa. Ue people
elaglUr l^aat^poB^hlc^
Hattie Creek J.mruai
a moat peenUar scrldraL Rr waa fishery Iwiug
hemnaaa by Ue roomt Hre aad
watcblag a parade Taraday rreBicg
llTlag la toato ate aaffsrlag i
when a akyrorket Igalted by ose of Ur
Tbe aUer alght a terrifiy wIik!
lad . J
jvek him In tbr amuUi.
rsiB atone t£^w tereral teaU
way down hto throat kad
and ta the moralag a light fall of
aj^TMUation^by^e ant..added to UeUmtoery About
peo- rgploded
ato an atilt qaarteied la tbr trata. and to^rm~kaorkrdnul. btojaw boors
^ntradVbJlIirfi up M?ribJ.^ : ^d a^T^
Maac^f Ue
.ri’rloeeof WaW atslka hare Iwon
letBred sndUatoagoe aad lateror
iatnitable Umr ■
hh.iBoaU bsdlT baraed. Taearr ^ at^rar sjrd
A asaplsof weeks ago*leorgeTattle
.iaa towaahtp. laghsm coooly.
la la mrTlble agony ilnlU draU
dtoeoreeed a prealiar mound Bear f.raaa
himan encelleal peppenalel term,
wtu Abyaainlm T^Xrgna Meaeli^ ; ^S?Te) toopmxd^a family^a»rd
Mb. for Ue old rraUemaawaa babit
At Port AaaUB. while haBUof. W
Dapre aad Joseph Malarao killed I
>ai»«et wild oat rrer aaea U^.
T. J. HO^T,
■mi-.v V»»l^
Cut Flowers, ""
Plornl Pieces,
BcJdi..8 Plants, 12« Front Street
UrraS'mfrti I
sSTJX'SJrSTJSi’iSs^-Fsjiv'r-i ...
ba^e In'Ur OBsaisg up of com-'
AaBaisB's AmMS Aslr*
•cial rrlattoa*. .Ramis sepportsd, Tn Baer tUbra ia the world for
M soaditioD*.
iCnto. Breito*. dorm. CI«rra. .Salt
Ubdee Ue btodlag td-A New I>tn-,raeeol mind not to startle elUerUr
_t Madrid, a dtopateb from Hoag | Bhram. Frrrr Korea. TeUsr. Chapped
ter to Pabito Uealtb" Ue stole boanl. child or the aaake. Mpeaklog low and Koag to Mkrlmparclrl day* that Um , Baad*. CbllblalBB. Conm. aad all Skis
rrbrU^ thr Pbllllpiae Ulsada rap- bapMooa. aad poslUvely epias PUm.
Ur^tAe msaa.trrj tberr aad mama- or ao pa» rrquirsd- It to gosiutord
. Umt. la many of whIU. It to claimed. i snake made so effort to bile tSe child m7ib(H>oekK psttlag them to death to glr«^ rrfret wtUfacMoB or mooey
the Leefltor or dlpblberla baelllaa to land waa allowed to mcape.
witb balras: H^tob warship* after- rrfaadpd. Frier tfesaupsrbos. Pori
oommaader ol the ward atartod a bmabardmeat of Ur mIe by J. a Johaaoa aad & B Walb
. baa baea ordale- tabri pmIUoa. bol Ibrabotolrll .hort
btohUt Imefflef’bscnisslaaot loand, ‘ ^
aereformad Eplaeo- aad as berm was dear t
■tid *ob»>m.jtophpl^ .»^ i ;S; c.a.vo. The**’:!
ofHelaUag mlatotrr
letonolagtota. The *«»' *^**'^'I
'‘T’ I was Blaboa
Btobop Fallowao
Fallowa of Hb Paal'vwhere
organ apoe Ue a
I Ue ooremoay waa p-Hormed. All Ue
aaneialty for <arsio(iy gaans
*“ staff oSema wrrs also ordslard tasm-' Mam of aoea Uroab
Ibsrs of a protsstaat ebnreb. Tbeordl.mlf
jwkaa a
HUale Kelly, of Holly, tai
atr to $nkmgo oa Us atmaimi
wr Drake Ust Ue to ■
rkoskar aadtMartrralz. »4. For
______ - jrruaed s
sr dsy sad tried to ride i
Atom BlaUorwt Hbe Inst cowwwi m
■ MBblss sad ran It beadloag Iato s
Tbs psrwaal letter from Ue _
dgbt toalB wbtoh wsa morlog.
m Ursws betwasa tbe asoriag trals ofChlaalp PnsMrataeralsad wblU
d Ua piatfsr*. a space of aboal a formed Ue BrsAsatiol
Mirtda Omdarlor Drabs, wbn was
Boston Store
The opening of thin season’s business is much to our gratifloationand pleasure. We are confident of our success^as
we have luckily obtained the means to secure the same.
Surprising what ready cash performs nowadays. Our times
weeks visit to eastern markets has satisfied our ambition.
We have brought home with us bargains unequalled in the
history of trade. Our store is now filled with brand new
merchandise, secured from small manufacturers, at ridiculous prices, who were forced to Bell on aocovmt of the tightning money market east.
To convey the idea of what we are doing at the present
time space will not aUow. Our bargains need to be seen to
be appreciated, but wd wUl endeavor to give you a fewillusations to prove our Assertions
by quoting a few prices:
Men'e Oxford Gray Cheviot SuiU.ittUy
worth $7. for
An aU wool men
len'fi* hSATy
heayy Scotch Tw
Suit, foUy worth $10.
for ,
An All wool inen’i 18 on imported Cloy
SttiurnUy worth $10. for
An All wool men’s block Cheviot TwUl
Suit, luJly worth $8.for ,
lten’»2»^f wool Bueineeo Suit, fully
R Qf\
A Qf)
Men’e helf wool BuelileeA Suit. fuUy 1
worth $3.60, for
A good hAlf wool Toothe’ Suit
A^dwormtedYouthB’8ult.fullyworth 0.50
A^^ ChUd-e Suit
Q QC: .
A good. Child’e Wool Suit
for ..................... ...................................
Achoicolotof CWldrenVmgb Orode
CUyA, Sergeo. Trteot. fuUy
And $6.
Men's ImAvy wool Korsoy PsnU. worth 1,15
............... — «3.26
..................... 3KC.
pouW. Md, h.ir -o.;! Hc.uy StUttw*
.... 29c
An aU wool FlAnnel Salting, doable fold ^
LAdles' OongolA. All solid eboe
. 000
La^oa-Ooodyesr Welt DengoU 8he^
LAdloA-fine DoiigoU Shoe, pointed ^
up-to-dste. At
Men'e WorUfig Shoe, in Isoe end oongroM. »t..................................
Men'e Dreee Shse. in Isee sad congreee.
98c ^
Men'e tU eoUd fine DreM Shoe
Men's bend eewedCAli sunfihoee
SS^ti-iuTurTiuSr.' bat
----- -
For farther information. oaU at
E -Whiting Block.
Mb t.
I «mmreritcvoiimeMt*aNo*B.
tbo ropBbikBBj
’. Otud TrormCoaVooM froa
— —-w™
food oU k^ttab teallr which far w
. ha b— U-M- ^ j ^ ^
) Mb>et of IhiB ckeM
b»» l> aov •• ,pn|>tr m (he ate
- CorUaed contr. »• V.. drtj H. ^«a.
“Why are thaaa-im.e a,
a {•Mih.fa.Uraor.lMOta.
H.e-1 >«Ut« o|«a fablk:
... Ualuaw bo..>y. (baa a fld«-]
Mh. Mr. Twaddle tbwa paaaad hla]
boybood raaea belpiac alaar a daa ;
Bl. a«fr laMlBAMo. lor tt.;
ad bl* to pa« hla awalaca Md i cpiui
t Tbatai*tiae ie r«adia«a.da(adr of ai>ch [ uilcaJ.
tyetoaaleclaaaablla wa b^d4t tb* CWy Opai.
aa woald aid hi* la (hia dirae-! latloo. ua.r
wu Fridaf eralah—
Ii tb(
tle. Wbam-nyaamoldbawa.
tar aahee) aad for two oUar 7M
... uoaar Tbe laflueaee of (be pnoa.
lewad (hla la Beetle aad '
tbeir ob>eel7 Betroae oaly.
trieada m a hlfh (aa Mboday oeoetar
e be wwaa .book
of Ml* Moatarae„.._,ww i—w .
^BKKIIV. Tbe ao^r a the abote.
tUally deaerated
--------befit re* tbe verr brwtW®edy that eaaba
a reealoc wa.ape.lla11ata.lar ia
aytriird I* for* (be •rarkiDrmen to ir^Ual muic by Alberta, (he barpPOie tbe ballot, let tbe election fo by
defeolt. l.eitiietnannf*etorrr«ai>dtbe
toanipoleion of riertloo return* do aQ
tto tolinj.-. A*] (br eld tnaxi*
Priaade’ ekan:. fare a eary |
Wllk tk> Biiijort V of U* rWun
acrwdaoflhdwiA. J. Bmdebaw b«
Tb« «aU»oootfewUtl*Ut*7«or if
«^a*of™U.»d«fc fr.lt! K.i.~ anMledl«Iva< Ph-
•»“< ^Sr*iartof»h..J«»«rto.af •»- J" **
hm bM terta ^ ^
w. !■•
Zmipo. tbe r«to.. »d lb. fMiat U
Tbeatdaud ba^abade are wall
.TW(.tba 'artria* balafla>«ar
thaa for aaem.yaa^ pact. Bewy
I *OTj Urf* ua oob
I iM. M»Mr Md bll bolt
abowalblaya*-. 1»a dapart*aa( c
tocnr. »otb.ft»ltr.».«.of tb«
Tolad toawlae la alaolarfar thaa aw
There are aotaOB*Byabaep bat tb
MdMn. U, K.OoI<U.»i»»
ottMof Sm frslt.
• Mtitatbroibrio
a» bat ooe bel .
Miplaa. aod Hn. B. O. I*dd *
prrUy dl^day of TJ platae aad aereeal
aaai of fralt.
Pnak 8*ltb of Ao»e erblblt. io dlf‘feeoal earleO* of b-allf.l frail fn*
bM oeotard. betbaa aalerad the* aa
irra are. are eery flae.
The poollry dlqday tor»a
wiod*aaaBberof ftaeTarialiea. 1
^a^pUo. for the oWar C. B
alaadard tea baaa DoUeaaWy relaad la Wlday arealar. Aajeav^srfi
few yeare.
Vioia *.. rlr«>
‘"t*! “<*
The dtoplay of aaAlaary made by aerred.
(b. l>olalo ltepl*e#at U>. la larre aad
A few of tbe yooar people —joyed
iaiareauar aod baa aUr*sfad *aah ai- rbM at Park Mace T.«day rreelarVatioa at fain tbnx
Tba ^b^b^ltrT Cleb *et with- Hra.
ltl*!htd* bead J.V. I-atchl. Moodaye—alM»»d beaad ooatiml a
aide with ^ta aad aolteof roUaa h
^ Call in and l<sik at offtvings in these giwsis. at nil prices-t—also, see
have lt» sell >ou in Fall iJuils. Umlerwear and Furnishings, etc.
von nmni-v.
tVe bate pnuted la rapliale the
tenrr to wbiel^we drain to rail tbe i-<|ierial alM-ntioo of tbe poWte. "Tbere b
ao peeertulnnwdy.'' Tbi* ii tbe bellH
ofa lartre oumlier of tbow-- bo are pti
loir the qiiewtiflti of free r^oaceo*
err to tbe frew. (lot. .\ltr«ld. io b'*
aper*-b ciiieoinF'Ibe <nnpai|rt> Inlll'POb
^ Reltahle l)r>' ti'cxHis. Carpel and Cluthina llouse.
at Ciirard. Aur>*I ». «>kI that .tbe
period of tbr rivil war of'IUl.t waia
pertod of pro*peHly. Hr eaiil that laaUlenre upon ibr sol-* rtaadetd m -»<•
tbe oterlbrow of lepublicaB inMimy iBfrte.
tioo*. Theneert ary
It —oold lie Jumil lUroo Ibr fort -illbr
Ibai Oir iB*i»o- ^
miuority. who Urlirte
. . .>• of tbr rrpnblir wrmn ilanrvr to
(ui.t thrir <t«rrthrow by foiTT of rrma,
and ■hrr»inrr>>l"U we*tbro-nool 'bet
riril »«r i* ik-i. afiT etl. a errnl ml*®i,
,hr i-u- of
-per bion
tbr nil
price* fot lebo- end tor fern, i.^orla
Tblal* Ibr ab«ort*n>l<-raiii..aM.ierof
the pepalklir puillon on (toancr.
a A tUa bare a
taklae «P
aeaihaodoftbebirhea Tba aaMod llaeottreiltre*.
Ar*a A Cole bare ea eablWUoa
trait aaa UM year be eaaalad by baawlad adll that —a do alaMal aaythlaA
U (^Mralcs ao a pa*p at a
a aaaparbdiqd
,dMay. -With It are bet talk.
leadrlDklar Woacb.
bottled aad ca-of delhdoat iooklDr
aballt eora. eaU teed aod
rallabaa aad plaklaaralara. Jar* of booay aad rlaaa* of Jelly. Ualoeproa- work! all kladt of far* rriadera
ret tbeir due* will be waliw^ 1
merit will rraerrr Itron ofaarAriiy.
Ity. and
I*aet brllowa earlooa
pouto pUalora, Paarle* bar
p—rie* plaat eetteia. aad dpriar Hark. lb.ho».ofllra V.
KialU* .aaolaeured by tb# Atbloa.
Tba Mlee* Aeery. wboaio ao«
Joa. Bbermaa baa oa aablbiUoa
leeea lor Mlaa—»ta. were r»«
Mple of n«t eattera of hit owe l.eea- pl*eaat emrprtaeTaeoUyerealar
iM that eo*tdeeal*plielty aad prae- the yona*,people of Ibe frleade’ C.
Miiely. of wblrb Ibey are *-U»e ■
tidal wurk.
A. UIbbaabowa a Plano ptaatar tbal
blarle P«b*~- A*aartb*»le. plai.
of Motollo chafTfaa.
BwMe Ula tbero are aeeani bhadrri plaut of iadleUaal eolriea. MtraeU
__ We arc alive t« the fact that ntAnev mo*t ^ a prea' way BandgtttagrMt
^ deaL Therefore, we’ve crowded all the value posaililo inU» onr UlBte™ and
^ Overcoats and are offerinjr them at prices that will interest yon. Onr nswirt* -<
is large, affonitnjr every opiKirtunity for tbe-Rclection of thoronj^ly relU];^ ^
^ and desiraMc iranncnls.
‘ti*e be owned and edited the Cope■iKb Conrier- Hetbenen*eto Trorlaru City, read law with W-II. Heater.
pair "i*^T -ii^"^^^!r*eb'rtaUaa i ^
edmlUed to U.e lir la 1
to Ann Arbor
SrtLuilLual to tb. *alat-*»c>«l'o-laC thb be weal to A.o Arbor
„“r2!ebr:i‘^..iotolatbyere. :-Aw- pr^loatod 1. tba^.wj^
ibeehriatlaarallrloa.- lathe
lar the eabjeel will be -Tbe parable
t tbe tar* aad tbe wheat
keowQ u Koatrr. Twrddle
Tbe «. V. H. I al«J5 p. *. I. tha
u*t 1. nw br ueoriated
ebarrb parlor* will be tbe *oBttly
Ue»*. II. Cna*. and Ibe
atall UawBof the day to the baoriy *IM>aaryao*|0*tB»BUor Leader.
Sr* U now known u Tweddir i Cro*
•C. A. Barbee. Bobjeot—Ja(»o.
Sla 1"-; brwutnarrlrdto-Ml* Ikll.
.Tbere h Botblar *oee laapIrlaT
Tba pabllc are onrdially lariUd.
rood band »iude._aad i pleataat fta;Cooprr.nMb.rta...bio
I Mr. T-pddl. bu barn n ancee-fol
tan of tha fair tbie weak U tkr ooo-
what we ^
Wc can save ^
Traverse City. Mkh. ^
Red Ticket
Sale Ecices
..Htr Idslirt.* ^Ith Shoe..
frre end oaliniiird *n*errolaa|r-br Ibr
Vniwd Mate* alonr will r*i— ilir bul
Hon valor of ail.rt to i>. roinayr relur. ;
and tho. m.kr all.rr l.ulliim nor", tl.r*
roV.d’^'T.n'", bToO.rJ^b^n^^^^^
...................... (
:UMI',..Kmr*KimU.*itotrrUw.ls«.BC.l... ±.W (
ilOO IWnw *
Our lAulir.
i III PintfrtH- A Su.iU. siuall sixr
m.uarr tw J.lieU, «o U.. 2A> |
yo .t 8.00 |
Ottr Udies $i«0 l-in,nvo A Smi^hul,.... OriortUx.. .I.-..'.........................................
OiirlmdiPs 2..1U MnrerV Han.l Torn Shoos. K- at.....................................................
100 ^
oearlna of the
k * hand alodrov an iedutnd„,u,i„ ...d of ,hr Crrm.n ..1-,
aarla rl*oa aidlSereat place* oa the
L OU. arlireclliim. of racrllrnl ebatir (-oiuiniJaion uf
*■«• i-f fr— and
.til NWsW.M ITntfw*. A Sinilh IWnt Ir-lWHlssk. go........................................................................... 5.M I
UraadTreeerM potato* J-tly ooeapy rraoada and oa >>oot etreei by the
Ic hUd at tbe:^__
h, «in makr
Cr il.i*
Boya' Band, whieb raaka atDoar tha
All Mnn-s -.•.1*1 1‘irwr.v A Su.illi I'atoi.l IsbUht Sh.wA ptal............................................................................ 4.00 (
* of Nrv C- J. Kboer Mat Tbaeday Ui«bd Trnreree county
la tbeatata.
than la qaaatity and Hoallty aia eeary
:i r-1 Pinunw A Sntill. fslf Sh.-s. s" M.................:................................................................ MS 8
t alwaya pcT-’'
paiaatakler uMcinl
inriaabte thlar that tber»wo»^ «“
___ __ _______ forthe JaatorC.B*l beeaaauUerrrpnbllaia nod bU party
, r»lia ilioB.Olilvbv
proda*. la addttloo to the Maple wUI be Ue lae* ie the aflerwioa
Andoiiitny <rtliyr trr«il.-s .■{ !.>«■•(’ prior,
S p *. SotoUy will br la chare* of tbe that be bu urrrd *o well U yla.1 to do
“■ “
blate of MUblMbeiac rare aad earl- aahlblto will Bol be ukca away Ull HilitaBecatoBltWe.
In Irmat
lolrmuiioool Uitnr.jIliiiTO !i
UU In the afteoDoae. aad tb*e wko.
\y,- h.'ll tWliSrf {-«» '“•1'^ ' *» ■''> IJblb-e «.r<5rtil-s Sl„a. in flu- rity. .
r rv|wriii.-nl«' ie
br aiuinnl.
Tbe rnla. eeed atid aoro dIapUyt are han aotrUlIdd tbe lair yet UK week
Sainrday Market.
ppr'el wbi-li Ibe
tbrnrlorr lb
lee Jut
jMt ia* rood aa opportaaliy
larre and «sa. aad abow that tba all- wUl haee
Tbr rummittee wi*b to call tbr a
a mnUof at u:*o in ebarrb ^
addrr*a tn
aata bar* la well adapted to their pro- *a^ ll»eto. • tbe fine dieplaya
. A-ntton of tbrto ladlre tbal ibey a.
wn'' ^
' dMtioB. Tbe "lo^ aad abort-of eora
iai. uoirmT.
Preub'lac by tbe pMtor monlar i aapecled^ farnkb ratablra for U
raMacitaeUyUlMtntedby aoaawr
iDlertot aeatered la the on
Slaui^ay market:
aad erealnf.
’ a*lka of oora fra* lo to M leot btrb
a L. -Soulr. H C. Smilb. pertrn.-eT
aoBUet tVedaewUy BorBlBr
Kpwortb Leayu at fsU.
' aide by Mde with hardy UUla alalka
na Itolay Koch of Haydeld. Will
*,.*, |M* from McKbitrc dnrlnir'•)
Tba Orifriaal aod BeliabI* Vp-U-Date 81
ifnyce *eaUn( Tbuwlv *
' Waly two tart loaclaoa Of the SparUar dl.^ aad All are Melted.______________
I'rvan will r*Milloor to W , i« _
<lo*lat fiat, tba* eablWta of or
K. Sto^ratd. E M. SteMoo.M A. Slllra. rrair n-i* a mao of word*; MeKIn- ^ I I 8 T rOnt Street.
tl Peaelartoe of Tnerfae Ct»y. toe
chard aad Md. owe la aszt aUnrUd
H.ieabrook.KateSimpaon.l <* Titu, leyo-rof^
to the tabiUt *ade by the eeaauy
U.-j Th.rlby. I>r. Tboapeon. Callie
^no Arbor
. *bceli. wkl^ M a llbeeal edacatioe to
**t eptotatora U the Bodn prevr*Meetoathodiaf leaMBac. Itieatoarlii.,;:.:
sr..f n, «•.-«. iw tvoM,
*1 toaouthere
---------------- ikaa Toeaday Ibe .ilb
by the cblldroB fro® the *rat to the
flirbth rrade^ to U» eoaatry. Tbe dieDelayed Conwi
play Ie mdraatinlybythepaidle la
■Tbu ClUaaMbtp" Wu the 1
the rradadeeaaUTeebeeurbbe pal
Mae. by Mr. WUcea. aod It«
. aahoola oftharttyatoklar M> eakl
okiay I Hum Ctulblac Co. .
oqaeBt addn* brealhlar tba.piril
’.thieyear. Th*a an « *boeU la the
' —aatry. aad of then ft* an repn
but! The Traret** l ily Bi
j ai^y Bain and anow nodjrual.
The eablUU laelad* eMored
buaecored Mr. Mr.
Mra totaurcsarl-r
oi ,
only partlnlly killed
- *ap woih that lew rood* tbe prlat* aad delleery aad
1 W^itmmAm^r momme hewI'.ratBP
Wurzburg Block.
Traverse City. Mich.
An Act of Kindness.
the Jsdrea. C B. Doekeny. Hra. B. 8
erery part of tbe work eorcrad la the
Pran aad Mi* Deseu. Baally deelde4
efrbt rrbdee, aad It la of aaifone eaapo. Mr. HeBBlBCtoa u tbr wlaaer.
eell—*. UlthaidiadoJutI* to The eellereflree.toholarablp la aay
oaeof thatoUowl^ooarMa. clauical.
Tbe Jadree loaad
ri*t dlMralty la deaMlar BP— (be
hwtuUblla. wl..........---------nWreBar..
MyoaMleat, bn.fMrb.ir. d.y'ot
hud aad eardal work they Analiy
•worded flnt place to the Old MkaU*.
i. A alrosf (ale Wu
nhlWV wb*e work la pewil drpwlv
a coQlhwrala^ the
wu eepeeiaUy flaei KUe Ihbe neeieed
tba eeoowd pri* aad tha dpullar
f® two k
Mhaet. third. Tharealof ihaaahibiu
Of Ml. Iloaeware alnoal Ofaally rood, and Utand
a*V tor tbe da*oer.ta. bad tbe
Tbaeer* *ay wall be pr«
-ianlDfa'' and ka laproerd kk oppernaaty eahpol tyaM*.
taalty to *kke a atroar alteer ai
Tbe taacy worh di^day
that wu well reeeited. Jadfe Baieh
twiM M laite * eeer bel
of OtuMl BapMa followed to aa oonmt
av put e< the elate Itco
tbtor that brirbt Blade <ma ihlab at
aad alaWe a.re?oue7«ot> wd U aa
aMrwttrc fntare of the ttor. Tbe dae
■ewtar (how. o. rarMata and qall*
la a pretty pan of the dk^.u well
M the ipKl**. of baiUler aad
sachet, aad the nr* udhnrier aril-
poWkaa aMa of tbr qauUoa. aad both
(roUemen erete Iktoaed to witb
iprrtlal lalareet by all.
saaxat r>*T.
to-day k liraace day at the fair, aad
are baodrmU fruaa all oear th<
amotry In .tto.da.re. At the coeclnalo. of the bif picale dlanrr. Hr.
Waodmaa. of the Katloaal tlraace. u>d
drraa. aad l^iaidcat Roevr*. of BaaioGollrce, win talk on "Tbe Social
Ulcof UrHattMito- JodflBfbyU
moa to-day. Urn
crowd to lUten
Aaotber attraetloa tkk aneraaoa
will br the 1*11 yaae betwrea the wel
Bay ladka alee aad
the Old HMo. tea®, whkb hu
nelaclbie tba aaeo. U wll
w wortb tealaK.
chUdrea will kympathke w
Mk of Bert Jataatoa. wbe
nx *>*a aAcicn.
ad Ihk ewsar. u tbey look at tb*
a<u ware eery food yalerday
thl^ he plaaned, wItt aomneb pride,
id attneted a latfe orawd.
to brlaf to (he fair, aad wbicb i
taoafbk u he wimid bare wkbad.
Aa .ublbUoftroUwanbyof apeekl
•otc k Bade by om bay. It k
uo. too plaua. laclBdlar baaid* <
u tbiaca al eutoka of appiaa.
Amemg the pa* beliariaf to
boy.aad ftrlaaf tba
* wia CBBBla. UP
tto kluka.a*U that
da*, aad. toat bet by ao
aaa* iaaal. a *ce of pn fcof.!
' Apyrtwia lathe caatarot the ball
k tiled vltb a tae dkptay of plaata tertc Boy..........................................
aad eat towem. aaialy too* tha TiaeuwatyrtorBlCo.
The tada d*ptay k oaatpkM* I
jaubyltaakaau, Baariyallthe
Tlae U. 4TM. M.
iVoial .
tbu aroid compel
,'red' into i*blllp Ewnr..
Uoyd But bu ooi
berio Uel- rih.
Si**on-a bouar and I*
I bwokinf Ibr
(or iolormailon.
Cadu lion acbool.
EllioU bu bi* cellar Wl
neicbbor'e root:
ptetod. and It k a oke Job by M
d boy ooe yoatarlf: we carry toe
.Billon ClolbinrCo-
'^Tc lu ElrlmU ABBual
*IOB TickrU food to rei tom oa ane leynlar train until Hot.
I Tib iBcluirr will be MSd to T<
|all point* oe tbrtvbrriiny a laur
' Brie Rv . l olombo*. ilvkiny Valley A
t Toledo By.. Ohio Cratral Liara aad
tnefiooatti. Hamilton A Uayton Uy.
|. i Tbe fare fro* Copemkh to Toledo
Irrtum will b* only k^<w. Cl"
er i: year, of ace ball toU ar rate, will aleo be amdr
' [point* on mad*
!bc bad on applb
*l*it>nr boT ArroL Tn
__ RiebardnoB and Kou ikaady beiac
: TmaL .turn *•«»
ihlH *M*
8W.tot 8UnA!
Tba Daaoerntte Wool Marboi.
' Mr. aad Mrv Je*
—---------, tbeir daoifhtrr at K
Traverse City, Mich.
‘Gents—We have been using your “BEST" flour for some time, j
and we are happy to report that it is giving excellent s%tistisotion, and we feel that we are doing our sister consumers a Und- |
ness in recommending your flour to them.
Yours truly.
Alfred V. FFiedrieh.i
SoccasMT to Fri*driek Bros.
A*k yoor aelrbbor where ke got bi*
—I Mr*. U. »>ink went to Brllalrr 1
new 1 l*ier
He'll probably *r Ham
aumma.j,- ^ care f® her d.nrfalar-<n.
lltoo ClotoincCo't.__________
“ ■
, Mra. 15. II J>ink. wbo » eery ill.
Cinl Sorrlco
Frink. C. I) liolIrntMwb and;
ualer nlteadrd tbr repoMIrsa ,, "Tke alril eereloe of
« taa trouwc(Icaocuat
| dl
' Hrttwl coaiuscerl Monday wItb Mim by'lbX'‘'t^ ^unL**
'ksam.iei Ckrrk t'ooHrr u teacher. Ml* r.wl- .(0^ Thru poaitlou are for 1.........^ ,
>.rB.S4.au trr k a tCMber of ooubteraMr rtprr-4
it well doer.
If yos -iab to
I ieMe aad a rid of ttrrliar worto. and uqo,, mocr aboet this mauler apply to . ^
we ale clad to weleoucber.
p,, Tratcrtr City buine*. Cotlccr. > 4.V
------ ---------------------^
I-here you caa be prepared I
Doot think ^n *inntr wr ca
ull yoo nn (kefrut ® 1 liter, we .-an
if yoe vireubalf aehnaec. Bamiltoa <(
Clotoiec <0
nlatrr will pay yoo. Imi(e u
>1 at BkBlIton Ootblof Co-a
is business
• I
A And a biuinaH —to de bnsine* must hare office BuppUm. A W
S mu Una of Blank Book* as wsU as Fens, Inks. PenoUs. Ersssrs. 2
5 and-if you don't su what you want we wUl get it.
jsrow I3ST I»EiOGlH,B3SS.
We are giving the Biggest Dollar’s worth of {
leather this month you evey got.
' $i buys & Kan*s work Shoe—a good one. .
$1 buys a Ken’s Fine «hoe—like oihm at $l.sa
I $1 buys a La4lie8 Fine Shoe—reduced from $1.40.
I $1 buys nLediee Everyday Shoe—the shoe Ibr fslL
' $1 buys s Boy’s Shoe—all leather.
^ $1 Kisses School Shoes—no shoddy.^
It pays td trade here and peofde are'finding it out
r If. liaadar U
B-nat^Uadoataito pat la foad
; order laat nek. Ita worh
waa all toataoaU be
aad It baa
toaa paid tor l*»U
BOW. 11 aarac batora.
Bradbacaa woll oo Waablaptoa
atraat atraak a (oad «ow al watar
tharaara aboal
rb a da;. C B. Qardiaar * boa.
wall drlrara. ba*( tnmaiaawid a wall
oa toa U. B. A 1. prepay aww toa de
pot, aalaca^
«• iwa.i. waa to
State Bank.
wnem i»wt
CIrnilatloii thit week 2,300
Mm. iL U BMHAn »fsit
Wabar block at CadUI
wbicb haa Jaat baaa ootopleMd. la a
tor (bdUlac p^ara to be oaa of tba
or etwo. two atorltd aad
Hr. Vfabor occoplaa the
prooad door, aad tba aaoMd door la
derotad to oBoaa F. B. Moore, ol thb
lljr. waa thcarebttoot
Tac older raatdoau of toa dtp bare
Torp pleaaaat tooawrloa of Bor. B.
Hate* of Obartla. 0.. aad bb tatollp.
aad will be latoraaUd la tba waddltof
of hbtoa. Laoaard W. Batcb.
M. Hlcriabothato. of Vietor. N.
bptob time toawlad waa blew
pala tram toa aoathwmt. aad I
ao<m arideat that aothlap aoald be
atmeto mrotoemleadoftoeballdlar '
mirsesloaa power
tor damea were cberfcrd rlpbtiatbr
adddla dl tba faetoep aad kept *
Hnadiap to tbd-aa- mlU dapbrt
aad tor praat warrbmm to toe aorto
Daearraa Fraua. toa laportof toe Metoodbt eco
meo plrea io tbe ^tp dallba tb.
owiap pbmnt word, were plrea
‘•Ormt iBUrmtwi
Bowddo coU«e at I
ALTBot^ti toa dra laat Wadaoaday
airbt made a total wreck of tba kltebu «ad of W H. FlBl^'!.rto«8~t.
batorddp. tbroapta bard work. , be
ntu email-fraMdiaci wt
■ fc—a —.:___
B. KontanSuilarferCkpa Ton
m aad trim aa a aaa
del la ererp raapaev aad dea pood patreoace «bleh It
J. H. M»Oo.ma-rWUi* U the
■arthaw partot the autfc
' Kuani rnuaaet BaHlelcvnia
- na at tta.aMtew at tfca taif. .
UMi Woeo haa lanaaJ to Haatoa
Oaa of toa beat aad most foroatol
pelltltol weaken la toa atata la Jodpe
H. C Bank ad Uraad Rapidv aad
while ha bpoba at toe Fair pr
paatordap apalart' hearp odda.
hipb pair of rriod. be madcaalroap
arpomoat aad bald a Uir* crowd Ba
der irplap drenmotaaraa. Thr Isdpe
waa oompallad to laara oa the tra
e'doeb trala tor
av to dll aa
Ha. 'iBD Hto. W. L.
aea ca Ltdta#too ha*a hato wialUal
A rata aaklWUea of |
Mr.Pat^ toadaaOaa apaaeb la toa
,a ward. la toa drat ward a
bloc dlrUoa waa orfbaltad wIUi
Cbpt-J- V. HeUtaab. ottoe Haaaab
aia.. Aptaia. wito aetboritjr to af
poiat bto llaatosaato. A. L. Flack, a
->ar ot toa Oral Wood Diah Oo. waa
ataad.bv raqaadl. addraaaodto*
a». Be tinka tor otor half aa
aad liwaaaplaia. aual*bt-forpraaaaUtioa otto.
____ a fm a boalaaaa Maa-a au
polai. ooartaelac aad ellaahlar. U
m rrtoUr w»elaud bp tod ftaa
- larp. addltkia
aa made to toe club m
Mew Tima Carda
toOO tb^<
baadap tbe r«
B. Al. railroads
estirc achedolc-----apes bot too raaalap time ol tba
iralaa tm toa aertbera diridoo b earn
Plata. Tralaa win leare nraad BapMa
for Trarerar atp, Fetoakep aad Mack
toaw atp at T:4t a. m. aadat::!! p. m
be alpbt trala Im tlie aarth will ba
tkoaoS. Tba Maeklaaw Citj. Pcloakrp aad TrarmarOtp iraia. wlU ar• - •• atSiWa. ii- apd
p. m. Tba tralaa
laara aad arrira at Traeama atp
Jewt abonla.atprtoeBU C. * W. M
time Ubie will alao be ebasprd Soadsp
«OB trala from toa aooth will arKrrabooltbe
bot to. aooo trala w~a *m be tafcaa
- 'LnnaBaW.«hokaabaaaa»aitol
Oa ■m«- with toe taaUlj al B.
toUm. U
8. H. CmauaBAB kaa teorht Um waa dlacbarped. toa shot aatoriap Me
aad ahatlariap tor bepa is
UtWltoa raJiiaat frorartr <■ n<tk
r part. At Brat It wa« feared
aWaataattocndblaianUy toara.
>aat ba aapatatad. bol '
Tmtm wm baaapaela) BMeUacel DOwtooapbttliatltmBbaaaTad
tta **--*— Mar Tharaaar eraeiac
bar. J. t*. Miun la dolap
Oto. I. tor toa iaatallatina o!
tolap that otoace woald do wall to
Tnt diaeama will hoU a toaaOar
- p_u.
- - ,^uiu
tolaUa „m diaa<
*y Ja4fa Meutato ot oantt. ^ “ '* ■“
rtapa to aatonalaate
Mr.Oaaa haaapoaltkm la J, W. 8lataa ot bam aarlalM hawi
ad aW loft at toa HKaau> o(w AarMr ami bare toam bp
raamBTMtaxarrlradftom WaahM|«Batoalaatattoawaak«ar a riait
caa bataaadhaabaoadapapaad toe
pcoaadaowB wito sit to kUl toa ssed.
A earefal watch will he kspt
spriap for sew pUata.aad torp will be
dactrepad'atoaoc. Home of tbe tolaUm ware aclaipoac waab tabs
oae BBCh. left to aosd Itcolf. woald
raBoataaeatliafarm- Tbialceaaof
r Bar.
iadrad. of Trarene Cltp. wlto wbicb
tor BMiralap iraelmi cloa
bera latorMnbodbtmlobtrploMlrh
ipaa for i:. y«^ rrrr
poara ole
prascb hU pareoU
tbr limit of clrlllialloo. torn- be
toUilep bot wUderaow aorto
borne aare aa lodlaa tradinp poa
at Uraad Bapida.
Hr epokr briedp of hta rxparleBCCi
of trarrilap <m feet toroopb tor wllaod-toee
laoaebrd lato a rtporoai aad elaqaeal
oermoB to poaap mee. hi. text balap.
‘■I'eto me who am law toaa tbe laa£(
ol all tblap* It thU peace plrea.
rtooold praack amoar tor OeaUIro tba
rleba. of Cbnat-'
wltotoriratortaofdbbra. Maap pllm
aber aad beapa of arood were la
dsaparoda. proilmltp. bot tome •«!
wpt from IpalUap.
oee Ume toe wlad ahiftad aad it;
looked salt toe BeHaerfbetorp waa la
iaaper. bat It bad
time, aad toe
wlad ehaaplac apaia
It ool of
arm', rrap.
Chief Oaqwaa aad kia amlttaatt aad
■aap roleateorp did aoble work aad It
, toroopb toolr latellipoat eForta that
> larpe a .part of Ur pr^wrtp na
Tba dto atartod dlraeUp oror tor
bcdlara. aad famed bp tor wlad wito
laeoamlrabla rapidltp. aprrml toroopb
tba lap room oecoplad bp IblHp or
Mr. oral wood diab. wire oad dkh
aad raaaar marblara. from tbaro polap
lo^ toe drplap aad aorilap room wberr
abeat 4.0ou.ooodisb«a. Tbe raU
alao daatrepad.bat tbe bif aaw mill
aad tbe clotoaa-^a aad waabbeard depertaicBta are oabarmad. toprlbar
with .boot a.io.ouu warto al atock la
warebonaea aad Inmbar. Tke loaa
oa toV bolldlap aod tba eoatlp maebiaarp ii totwoea fbi.Ouo aad MO.uii. Tbs
Btire iOaBt wBi laaored lor «».UU0.
Tba tredepartamaiwaa kept boap
II tba aftaTBOdo aad eraalap boadap.
eadoBHoadap toabaa^ ot dlibaa aad
block, ware aUllmooklnp. BarlpMoadap morelap a force ot meo waa pat
work claaalap swap toa debrfa aad
tmniap to oaa aide tke maaaas of taaflad plpm aad machlaarp. aad- U>.
work'of rrbaildiap wUI......................
aph atock oa
W.B.U. Cob
TbaWemaa’rBaliatOorpaot tor Krto
.dlalflel will bold Ha third aasaal ooarastioa'bere aeict Tbatdap aad Wadaradap. bapiBBiBp Toaadap afleraooe
at t o-etork
AUofthe a
meatiapa for Corps mamban oalp. aad
WIU to bald la tbr I. 0. O. F. Iiall.
ua Ifodaeadap araalapapoblie <
ftre.wUI to bald la U L. .A bl
whkb eeerpoaa la weleoaaa. man
of tba (1. A. R. aad Baaaab BlBa
lapeapociaUpiantod. Tba propra
the emlap will la part ooBtlm ol moak bp Aba mala qaartel. a roeimtloa by
Mrs. B. 1. Martia. remarks bp ~
. is what the men are aU talking about r
wiU npt maUii&Uy
eh&ntce the nee^ oi
people in this rifc^ue
is what we want to interest the ladies in.
Last year we believe we offered the best under
wear at 26c ever, put on the market. This year we
will sell garments just as heavy, beautihilly fleeced,
better tritmed and more sightly in every way, at
and Overcoats
almost as essen
tial in this regrion as
our daily bread—can’t
do without them.
19 Cents
We know why we, can make the price, but how
the manufacturer can do it we cannot understand.
Nevertheless, here’are the goods—we call them
IR,E3D siorrs.
the oompoop bopaa to hare'erarp
a rradlaam for work apala. Ai
fortoaau faalarrot tor fin b toa tat
betwoes nu aad
aoddsalp tbron oot fxt work,
omop of toear will Sad tmplopmaoi
tto saw bolUiap.
4 At too timt of tto fife Hr. Roll aad
matekar eren la Calormdo.
wired tolmmodbtolp. Hr. Flack,
aaoihor member of toe aoBumap.
ep from Tiaa. (>.. Hoaday. T
third fin la toe kblorp of toe
paap. who wore bertwd oe
> at Maaeelooa. oaoe aaUralp. aad
aaotoor time abool aa badly aa at
The<^ Wood DlahCompaay I
.olycoocorBlB the Coiled Statce
utatoidap toe tommoa oral batter
dbhea which an aacd la ererp frooery
la the load oad are amoap the prcotcsi
FireRelation of
Price to Quality
for toe Uraad Tneetee dbtrlet lot tbe
year Fieoldiap eider. E. U
KeUopp: Alaaaoa. capply. J. I.. HaiBhoo; Aldea; H. E. Beaaeh; Bear I
capply. J. Bardpe: Bellabe, B. T. I
eUop: Heeioaia. .apply. W. H
Ripps: Ceatral Lake, npply. Mr.
rbco; CbarlcreU. J. W. Rolbal
Charienla circolt. mpply, A. H. MeOomb: ClartoB. R. E. Yost:
Asotbar 6raat Kaetup.
. .apply. L. B Carpaa
mbh. aapoly. U. W. Harass: East Jordaa. J. A. IleUraff: Elk Bapids. J. W.
Hiller: Klfr I.oka. «. Z. (Mt: Ktmakforv aapplJ. F.
fipriaev a- fi. Boblaaoa: Booo. iivplj.
Bart; fslaad. O. li Watkim: Ealaad to bad a hard ptoor to lU
■ka. J. i . Saaeki 'Kowadla. aofply.
fdlowlap Coapnmaaar W«. Aldn
Jaeoba: Klapalay. B. E. Wylie;
fimitb. wbosoaatooaad oor people
atp. D. Eapb;
oa apo. Taaaa who kaow Mr. Fab
T. bowerer. kaow there waa aotolap
bar. aad the rnolt abowad torp
K ripbt. fiaa
adid fooadatloa
wUeh ha tosad kb coadaaioaa. aad
...____ tor rerp fiasat of tbe ........
ot maatinpe ikea ta bdd is tba dtp
aad n hat doaa aroipbedp pood. Hr
MtUIkaa opoaad toa maetlap. at ehalrmaa ta a preetbal. toreibla toa
otto ulk. mdaMeKiBbpfl.a
p of Hamad Wslua. Dr. Sapdm. E H. AUps aad Jaa. I
edcBd aa oraltoa aad wen calUd b|
aapilMe aotolap A>apala aad vato_________
baratocostoBdrrtto.aadltBboold br
elaaalp wattoadTW bllUanaadtoadtpan bapia•aiaatpat «|
Blap totakamt^brUUaataatoma
M tat pole la'beat of hit raalda
ODaaaallp aarlp la toa aaaaoo.
tam whltotamabaodaom. MeClsHasp tom oB toa low lamb bare
toe eflacta of tba laU (roata. altboapk
OaCBB man aad toa HItatB L
baa totJoA poae. Jadpiap
ta Wd Uma Friadrtah. who barm b
from all laiUieUnB. tba wlatar will ba
tbe aammar bare aad
aarlp oaa. tot ^a baraa aad callsre
jimtopert. ratstaad to Otaad BapU. are filled wito abandast enpa.
^le ol a scareitr of readp moa
Aavwaa ef tim baskatm trwa of brmme of too Uraad Tnrerae rapioa
tot)tie an maUiw qaita alabnta an at oomfartablp dtaatod aad forteaynianttaafcraablbltaal tba LoMa-. ato a clam of paopb aa an to to loaad
mm aoasip (alt. to ba bald aeat weak to toa Vdtod Mataatobpaar.
I MHaplaCIty.___________
coAU< nUed attoaUoa laat
Ttn npelar matUap of toeW.CT. woak to toa fact that toa
r eall taraaoeatp
D-wOl bo hsU la toaparlore .
•aptlmobmto Fridap anmamma
a toa Svle. tolau to toa eall.
aladadtba p
bot that toe sail was sot alpaad bp toe
ef tot pnAlUtiaa partp.
Wau C. a. fHrto-BOW altar at
nc ehdrmaa toforma
kata Bailt aatoatiMod bk preaiat that ba was aakad to a^ tbb call aad
wa. h. will tenrrMaaltar atock la•ad to do aa. aad to tatoar
M toa baOdiapfarmdrtp aacapiad bp ttattoaprehlMtlaa partp to thb
. .
laaat P. DUaa aad
Tm esaadl at toe Beat meetiap «HI1
toa mad aad wUl aal f
aad Salta. Bamlltoa Oothlap Co.
Him Kota Bapia. both woU kaowa
imllirtoamattored prehlbiUap to. pamata with toa damoanb. (r
oaaufrad at the
W^elmeB toa Mdawalha of mao, popdblioraapotoan.
motoeralFataBrtata atisata la toa eltp- aataadiap
too pfaBtUmlm- Tblal.ra.T rtphk
is the one for clothing
buyers to consider.
Our stock hM always
bpme the light rela
tion in thia respect
Our preeent assort
ment is no exception.
toawin taksactoaaieal a
mM aipb tore. Mp tatorp fires hare
................I aafiaadap- Tto Haatlap
Otar tatmp was boraed to toa pToaad
WtpiBBdapmorBtop.toa Wtoarfin
todi plaae fioadar oreatop sad toa
•aal Wood INah tatorp fiaadap Booa.
are some of the coats
we carry-as good as
the best — price and
Quality consideredmay be said of our en
tire stock. Invest early
and get tbe full value
for your money during
NATIONAL the disagreeable fall
weather. A suitable
. mm garment for every pur
■ mm chaser may be found in
our largd* assortm^t
Protect yourselves against the ravages of fire by owning and =
having at hand in your home or place of busiuMS, a
l^ei Chemical Fire Eitinguisher j
The Bex Extinguisher is rightly construe^ The sol- =
pburic acid is in an absolutely air-tight reeaptai le-benoe
by Bar. 8. B. Echbr la toa
Itaaa. battobaaform
abost toirtp-fire tr1aada. m
tenaar raaldcab ef Tnma aty. mahimt toaoecaalee both a aaloa ef hoarta
to madr lor toatthtoTT toeaa maka. aadan-aaieaefbioadakmpto torato dldaotdo Teaadap araplap
aad paatordap.- at tba Fair (tweada.
eaaaet todoaa. Tba Baaj
•pact toa ooartotom. of a
- alor Hopktoa who haa
twaatp paan eoasba
■ aad fiowonwltoByaarlewe. adatokaa rtawa. toe Baaau. toUwta. bot acadatoatlp aad
Ip adreeatod. Ba lasrn toa lepd
aa ta«F-aM
■ao tob.lbr..haaaabam4o hb
_____'Tto pnatob wa .
imtoa damoaai
aaUtlad tw-tba imFse
As cheap
insist as the cheapest
•. fi.pt•f Mm. Mmiii
HUlIkaa. AU
•ifcod to read Aatl. of
a a prtoantlM ««
:<aworb. MlmDawalap. Inder.
____ a Bralpa aad Uraae Metfaa
wffintaotoatreieftoa weak to HaItaal Itoknmtoary.at Wad
m Malta BobartowtU
re that tbe tl
Bobaru aad olbera. aad a rep<^ bp
Mie: WoodlB.
Tto Mato dietrlet ombraem Mxtoaa
woaatlm aad tblrtp-aarea oorpa. aad
batweaa alitp aarf aoroatp rlaltlap dalccabm wU! be eatortalaad bote darlap
ireatloe.' Mie. Aaaa Boole.
tUacl9. la dlatrlet ptesideot. aad Mn.
cannot lose strength nor damage tbe machine by corrosion
It is so simple that it cannot get out of order and anybody =
can use it amidst the greatest excitement as readily
pailful oi water
It throws a stream of mingled carboy acid gas and =
water upwards of fifty feet. The carbolic add gas smothers, >
the fire, whereas a stream of water puts out only
tion of a fire that comes in contact with it
There are thousands now in use, and they ar^ reliable.
We recommend and guarantee them. We oarry them in tbe
Hardware Department of the etore of the
as, 1896.
Mpoarl^CbMaraay owa Oeadrieb. MIMt. tbaltb.
ha.La*«AJahna*ba4 0
- '^crt^ps _
tea U
m mm
■ srarASrsSTS.T;
wm ftn a BWdcal aad Hiaraiy on*
I T|**WM CHj b ^!Stldt£^iwlaa^a^?>^
larCT H. Col. dr. aad Joba t
m dabfaua fro** *
falloooatyUekat a
1 PV U1 B«art •
AldatBoa Ob* that tba
M ba parmiw
tad le-atraleh a haaan
nit. HothBoaniad.
Baport of eoBailuaa aa
Tb tbc Cawiwm Coancil.
Gkstuuiui —Wc. the___ ________
aoBialltae. la wboB wn ratemd tar
PabUa Warts
UTbi Man. ■an'b tba Way
- nmif af tb. VooriaaB
*wi .mimw
------ ..--------------- far tbelr pnpany la {
allay batsrm Float abd Hiate atroats , oerwrst n.
weald rapdrt that wr bar* *«**blertd «m^— -~
t^B.tW Bn>woaldnpB*th.t tlwj
be> nqaired
raoBirod fo
la ^y
n* for *
mrer aetaatiT
Bnxan or Pt-aut- W
By J«o T Buoi
. W. BK-XKan. Clerk
Aij'Bka W. J
W. J. Pxasa
- — |^L«JUifoo-.M
t *m
TbrKnwiek tdebaUacdt l^,^l*oprana la tb*
«wfialnd aad. tb. ^lojr
Via. L_________ _____
tb* HaroU: TMa*.. Edward tieoianr:
Jock Frort-baaawdabbapanraaa
CHlb. C E MalMao: Jaallor. J Itelfiblar
arOl aoa»rMa tb* lai
lay. .^be dratnaatlac will b* bald oa
. ............
... .
to^ «tth Mb* Lb- V^y nnlac.
aobodl-' of.....................................iphbarwbarb.
tbb wnh to pal ap hb arw barb,
_________I Healoo Molar will oaeapy th. Oar-
ao* about the cure
Moved by AlderBaa Saltk'tbst b
f.e it, read wbst ulberi rw* mort be aoeeplad aad ibai tbe Mly < ,
Mr IMcMC OMofa |m.prict<*ol Uc :
kor.iaker la. iaas
pay Mr. Bril.* tbe baUoo* of ..id bUl'rty*.
Gaalna. of Tr***-** Oty.
JBr barloy cdll*elad tbe reqairvd I Yn
r«yi*ler«d at tb* W*akaxx>
BOOM treai Bleb iadHallbary.
Pr*ak Priedrieh.
Motiaa carried.
Tratcraraiy. wa*ia
U*i Friday.
W Laiflia. jabraar and Uarruoa.
Baport el Cam. oa CIbIb* aad J
Mb* Cyath* Kcye* of r«**r*e City
Tired-■■•t alyblsad b>
b lb* yar.1 ol
s >» . wulTinflerd lomy Ud duriny »*.i ^
Sapori of jloard ol Pabllc tVorks:
TrarencCIly, Hleh., Nept SI. Icwi.
•lW»er»e City. Mk-h.. >ept |!<. !•
^•BdaMri/kll bi
I lw>r hm In that toadilkm fie \i*r» i.
r Be M'm. Uw Miiv
-I CtWCoCMCil 71,,A.
u.r Uny.
Ml*. C IbISrIeh b rblUsr <riUi Hr.
friend. Mta lew* Wryaal.
• ■f On Cite/-/ Tn,rr
a»d Mr*. Uroni^ st CM Hbaba.
Tra»«r»» Oty I'Wda.r,
r*. yoUr co^itlec oa
jixMiA:*** —Wc herewith iWoi
I was In a hwl Shan.. *l.<
HrB Mrrtb Bodr*. «( Tr»MrBC.air. arinc frail
Mr*. J. SkilliiBa.M Chlayu. qwat
Mow aad a.
of Hnan'.KhtoryfMkalcmi .
r. aavtoa M-wbw .
ba« bM TblUor MM BU* Oberlaf.
Tb* bay fmr folk* fr
*m«a] d*n at thr tVaakaxoo U*
.. M. Born* anil rrtara to
cr«l the pe
>D*^f the Trarerw City
Al.t.'b I bwl Irurd. I h.«- uwxl oov
H.my fuouiK
. **
—wnw .
TMr* •n*Md*M*MMnlb-* b*ll poet lo Wan for how o
ark. laariay Naaday.
Lady* aboal lb* fliat of ibia
‘-re. nt _ i«.. l*ilr» of thno, aad tbc nilb botwa WrdMMhir alcbt ea Meaaat »(
■daabon tlm*.
Mr. HalehiawB.of Aabtabi
aad W
last Ta**d»y erraiay *1
• rxMilaed the
~| Mia* Kyltb CnOeld b
Mr. ud Mn. Mlatmi wniotM h»n
ba* Iwra ef Hr* i> J. Balchiaaui
oatloa aad if lali*. nlur of the proper
I froia Pornl
ilir flr««, sret It has rrantnucl rich
•" ir-o-• r«"7:i-mo—a., u-o m taM«rMd froBCadM- Bu «rh«« lh»j
ly of the TroTrree City I.omber C.. aad II F. Northrnp. ^rsdn aad*.*tb* oiiwBW.
No arrrice* wrr* brld la
It tbr
. . .M.
sl-mr. Iio»n;.^KI.In.-T PHI, arc the neb.
‘ Z “JSS
laaot«*ttiii|t hi
of property adj rinlac there*
-l.inc (a tin- riflit pMc*
si.i ••Mr** ssj ...... ...
1-..—»i, a..—
Lloyd &*t aad femllj hat* Borrd to Ebort-b Haaday otoroii
!(ieunre E. lackey, hulldlay aid.- Tber wiirb* crnUy ml** abaesEC of tbr pseior.
*H!^fro*l. »owpl«n***mblncu!2^,^^“i,,
Tb* Cmeeal Irft to-day for HsrUi
i. P. lirodhairro. M d*y» -.11
.Hpriay*. where *lie will undrryo r*
.C mm* —S r -q.AS,. ^I.A mA Stet
Wry rreprelfoll*.
*Mra. Ub* hee gone to tbU b.r i«„ i
Tbe ColaBbia b*. >*ki-a '
aruu. sboald I
kk. r C T\ er I M UkKI
-•'.>• 1—1 iff^
Hoaaoor l'< i>u> \V..i:y.
Dr. rMbB M* JM( r»MrB«l frr
Wr wuold th
*““■' “*«*’*>^
Jao. T tU.Ai-i.K. ci.s
Boaalt aqr ud rrport* *a aSrr
MW* PlormM* Homo, of Haalt Sir tbf BTlIoB of the Superwaor, li
Mb* ruw
A. W. Bii-M mi. Clerk
SIVCW.C. rC'rrs cri. It.* ■*>.-*. rriJAC up
*ortrA-f *e-tf.'*'*V*
^0^ oof ■( Jobs Bowmen'*, bad L
d B«ar Cl
wrr* •urrird at Hsrir. arrired last IVedarwday alyb
ba caaUinrd aad ulS^
os u— do. <s.. pcjio' C-. >0 r-T—. aa* lat , .
c. -.10-s r* ik. maow-cw e mKi.o.ne
Mornd by Alder... Kc~for * tUK with trirad. and rrWlIn* in the pelllbioa hr ant ynoled.
BXSSAr. WAU OM br CrU r..,*-B.llJr loC rertA . II..I .M r-irSAlOCU —ue—P—. MS All w«rr
Boa oMoel boo** la WHp HtsBoa*' j'^i^^V'niMt'aynt^y'at bmb
Jno Ca«a aM fajaily bat* |
oem a toac aad happy
Ui. place.
■K>r*d la wb«*. Uoyd Ba.t li.*d.
U'b. Voice yarr * "bn.kiay
paid pA rc-oamoiHlcd
last rreaioy and aiaoy of bU fi
Jli*. ■
Motiuo STS, csrrifd by .cca
atteadrd. Tbcy enjoyed a *rr* plra*
tv J. PAIUtrts
St rrraisCL^
CoBaiUer >a CI.Ib* aad AecouoU.
Hrsl. II L w <> brel
Mr. OroaM wa* at t^ni** City
YrOA—Aldrrfire llobU.
A llul* troal wa* a*ab Boaday laoraMr.awl Mra
Hoced by Alderaian lloodrich that
«. aad Jadf***'
tVeillvk. Kmilh. t'.m
ip to Charier
the prktk>* l>r laid *a the table till
M Citr. Tbc era
(Hb> I'owat* wa* at Charleroi* laal
Pm-moa Arary bn boacbt far bb
rek. relai-ala
ka. l0^ie.~Jsbraa,and O
kext rryular ueetiiiy.
pWaaar* a bWyd*.
Tnrme City.
Motion carried.
~oraee I’bliln atteadad tfaaaaeampHi** Kate Ornbatn .rf C***ojbII*, J
lepuHof lluar.1 o' IhiWUBeportof CaBBltleron Sireeu aad
Cem .—r Uu_ aes
iiat CharlatoU.
Pa’sis >|wraa.sie
Trarenr City. Mich., Sept.
fanUr ba* Bored lalo tbaoM raoi•si’ i-r hl4
(>nednt lo-d*y.
II., V..,,..,
TratencCI .
w of Eddy KewwHob..
t.itp- of
L.,t.eaer*4m' rrero
Artbu^ltordna Ult
Tb* Pox of Nortkport wa*
MTlaa Dna rbllad Mr. aad Mre.
Wkrsl. ,.IU per t, ~
L Braiaarrl frow Priday aaUI Hoalitlea -toluaU-alloK
^^Arcfabold ofChbairo la *MUqr ■■IKmoybriuk'' •ebool Monday.
1 reptrt in rryard t
wi>b him »an-e*a.
of Jaur* Marrlo would rr-i •Ifully,
TMlait^^rBi tbivrda; *r<
MW. Ix-o* Wyyaal. ^
aulyiilt Giat as the •prlukliiip *ei
Heary. an doloy baalon* at Tiaterar
I N'uiDbs-r Three 1
Hr*. Uoldtarb bw moraad boo* af
dcarlviocf aad la cnlerioC itil
aiyUrdoyter a tlali at Ttaterae City.
Mm. W«b*ur. «bo h** bMB q«lb
irai-t with bI'I .lame, Marrlo
Id I Wr have
lined from
Mr. ilallb aad fooiily bar* sored
Mr. aad Mr*. Al. Ooaa bat*
■Ut. b aMMo b* oat a(Bibk«e..|-tdete, .
bled the cUy b. furuisb
rsork for
-ui,b tsurk
uid'^ioppr * plan and
dlasnsB M. tbc
troai tb* Arary bona* Jo Joka fald- Travcree Utt to lire. Mr. Ill
«r. aad Hn. N*w^. wbe bar* ba
' ' approrpoMHl
which wen
were duly
Kd Hldret.' of Chsrlrrolx, who b*.
1 niap,
work lorJ. W. Klater la lb* faraltarr
rblUov M t^b piaea a (ow wraba. •
•miiii'iid Ihroaiii
beea ill/wUh the typhoid ferer for lUiUr-C tv.Mill
rd bt 11V alwi tbr eslimat*-.*, to crwl
E H. I’rott. of Trai
City, rate
pact W rotarb M> iad baa Tbaradap.
uk-atiun lb be laid oa thol laim' Tbr noli— of th- conslroi-.
lb* people of Vaba a .
Detaal* HlBter. beotber of J.
W tl.huini.
' A free Mlrar dab wa* otfaala
r^takeo ill nry *oon after huartion of tbc protksurl main an-t lsls-r*>
1**t tviday rteelac- There wrr*
M-wrrs. was |iiihli,bcd iu Ihr Trerciscpat tbeir BOM 10 tb* el u k 11*1.
faoi™r”lMS^M^ 'wlH
Hay lAclr. is •lailr ncwipAOrr pnl.M,!..
'--jiakr ebarce of lb* alor*.
Mr. aad Mr* illracy H-idc*- of TrafC»aajliu-r oa -Htm-ts and sirtctralk,. ed InthcCiivoftracrrarCity, Mn-hi
to Maaialhinr 1i At Thursday nitrbl.
aro* City, pawrrt thnioch Vala ra
Tbe*leaiarr<Ud Pellaw'ckn
clyht dava prevn
Vtaa Pm.-Mr. Kc«fb.
baTior wet with
'Toat* for Charleroi*, wber* Hr. Uodr*
nralna to Bellaln Toradar.
TMa-Mr. Wabat?
of the load of I
nrrietl. aald report *•« avrrplcd
ioioad IbeO. A K. eacaoipiaeal.
BiiBbrrof people weat Ibm to
.m, rriatire
i-ll pnip~rl
A rooalac McKlaWy oweUacal Voba tbe rtpoUicaa aoateaUoa.
li. h •oct-Ilnc
eoMatarday malar with Ueiua. P.
I main and lateral ^1
The V. P. b. C. E elaewd the follow
........................ . mill
Uaalltaaaod loba Loraacer a* aprah- iar officer* at ibelroausl •rioiaBBual
...ri ' ir«, ‘dnly lield Se|ll
IMM a hoH bob bat alfbL
rio. Tb* awoUaf wa* eery eatba*ia> ■eetioci
^treWiSn week. 1^'timpbel'l
^Mm. BawMB b Mt* vaaot o( Mia.
l>r*a.—Rlrdle Hllla
Committee oa Fire and Wai
Roy Htee> also acGDnj|«nled biB.
Vleaprr*.—II l'.l.oU.
Abbot forty from this place atleaded:IhiKbum the n.-kttrr ol tbe t-liemiisl
.4- berewilb aiibiiiittrd l.i
.Sac'y—Lnola Mill*.
Lob BoUlter aad (aaDj ablled
tbeti. A. II eacanipinrntalCJ
d respeetfnllv r.
Tr**i —Cirece l.aforce.
bbadial Klaoby.
OuTaes.l,y. Hepb TUth. UeC R.
last work and bad a eery <
- onion of tsitl lubin a
■ -Rirdi. r
I. Hallldar bad wife ■aad*
Ciae DotwIlbatandlBC Ike ni
A I U'y w-ill—lliicketsfrom•all '
,-d f.w
f.r- .mr
rer. be |. -.tpon-d
• Clip laal
wcavhrr. Tbe next
mil tbl-time when tlic ex
«ra urns Is-lw-en Mackinaw City .
.1 *1 l*eto.key
tby. St
pense Irrir-I for tbr eooatruetioa ul
am Illy Uipid, i.. )>-in>ll.'Cbi-s
• •nr haroeui.
a*ao« bora: clad to aaapoa. barr.
McKinley Clubmciclcerery Mon. Krepioy of the h
,skl sewers, caa l> luet more ea«y by
Wb«at aad rye at
yopr Itirhimeid. lud.at aUire
Mba Addb Kabba bcaii« Uladithe
1 tkU tlB* of rear.
Expesse for one
named rah-,.
will lieir>ssi
aaa tbarau lorblt frbad* aad rabNiiaiber Tbrse |4 ■
Mi«.-rlla»nms ex
Home 8ae ddd* of eon na ba aetat
S..reral ladies wrrr pereen'
yidny uu ,Tw.ial Irsin- leatiny
Tbb. mike, C
H. Moaroe dalaa a aUr Seld.
The dull has arraared for two i^rcaV
Trarers.- I'liy at ••...-s' m.. and
one year J1 .•-••.
lUyior Aldrteb eaa>oM«nd ber
rrs. Hr.TwrdillraBillInn li li. Corel
Jxi. T. llSAr.|,. ,;
pease fur rm-h ,s soiui-nl rear Jtisyoud n-turiiioy ua recutar traU,
•ebool la U» >lwalB*lMi diaukvoa tb*
A..W. Riisrnii.
__a HalUbary uat work for Mra.
bae kviked cmrefully
notll.-rl.'.U, Throuyb risarbre
day aernlay in the hall. Krery one i
iBd hods
Hods tlir
the I'liciuleal
Hr. CUbbabaaadderBlIlat Urawa
will he ran l>i Helroil. ctik-oyo
Moced byAld.-'fs.anrfo.ltb Utot the
Jay Bixby la warMay a few day* for
Jtoth UMfr*a*a«ar aad a
enylac aronwary for
f"' tbr
tbe protevll-m
aM will ipake elder for aay ooe tkat
and lii. heivnd For farther iare^mri br a-c-pusl aail a<b>pl<-il.
(Ki2h is ihcSsaSTiis;
riwioalliin apply U> «i. It A I.
Irt- MrrslSs srrspil -t fWstoS ss« 0111 sIlliSIS
^o'cloi-bKalurdayaflemooB. Kwry- ’■> the akolc city_
d'* eye Male kaatar* toaad a
ayeni, or
.... treni COM tree <a E Aldrick'i
A. tv Jahhs
f AkM II^Moato^E.
1 . 1. 1-s'S«<»l>. <i. I*. A..
plan broBChl him Sit.
leniprruee meeUny brld st tbe
the mslterol eti|i>riiBy Curfew ordiW. J Uoim-.
load*y oa badaeB
M E. churt-h ondrr tb* aospice, of the
Ber. Hr, 8*rt aao wife apeat Kooday
aaocr be referred to the Cummiltaa oa
Hrotl relaraed bociw Balnr- Vr. C. T. V. was oar of much laleresl.
at lb* Cealer. alio at tbe Leaco* at
•No lirkeU will tie sidi! fn.m
Mrwrd by Aid
I’ulior with power to met.
bH trip loCbarIrtol*.
A fine paprr written by Mrs, HAH
UiU atreai la tb* emlar.
Holloa oarrird. i
.aerewiw r-nr earns I, the Bersis
BM*n Pi«b*T ha* boairbtk My bar** Carrier on -TempcrBace InUiehehix
Kearfo all famen coaplaia of *aiall
N. •X.-ctlb.
i-ctlbam. Mayor and nerk I
a md br Mrs
Mored by Alderman liomlrlrli that
Cbaa.Hoaiaca*aadWDIinboa are yltld ofpotaton a* there are bat few la ef Mr. llytuae. »t Tr**et** Uty.
luy, by Wm. Rusaell. ami Mrv I.
the Connell Insist upon Ur
Mr*. Btell* D**)* W barley qollpa
' taUaibalitoKaibaakalaatU.
bbott. and
nd a rrciui
rrciuiioo by Hi,4
bad tlB* with aroraltU la ber
11 y Co. buildjor sldesialk on the north
Tbore *a* a* prraeUac at tba a)
' «r»c« Abbott, and remark, by -Mothrr
ban tbadap. Moar^abto bai
Hartb* U*ba I* hoaw fitaa IVMbey. I Stocle" were a'l eery InVrret'i
W. Hortna belay arrwed fma
and aoulb aide, of Mate streri sdyscenl
olaaib*** fooad aakaak bad.iaraded when abe b** baea worklay tbl* aaa.
irtrd and Hint Itrr mailer of pur- to their pn>perty herelolore ordcre.1
a was iaten^ereed
ter ,
with -1
*1W HboM C*lb aad hoab Tbeobatd hW pieBlm. Ua left It for d>
aolos b}' I'rqf. Xeidhatu.
NVidlialu. Mr,. Chasicr n ckrink-al Are eayine he laid and that the May.w, City Oerk
aad Laa bwaai, od Trarcree Oltr, rbitad
Naedbaia and Frank Xmlbam and on tbr table ontil Nurcaibrr.
Motion City Attorner lie autboriied b> rm
tb* tadc* ban IbUrdap rmU«.
iwmllelaaat Wexqnsrlette swleclluo, by them with Mi-.,
pood With Bid It-y Co aad aiye I
■ laUted oa barlac
Wlani* RuicbiiMUB to aasHt.
The as ameoded wa* <Brriad.
Mb* CualbiBqoaat » base froa
Brpurl of^ CoiBBitlee of Fire aad the walk br built aa •{ulckly aa pmbvra* Eloe Cor
roat loehitreb lA leame choir were at tbelr pmt rsmdy
Tnrona Qlp tar a *<n ilaa. CM
oaly »few
wd a* Sae a liberty
day to tha bell belay nay to asalai to aloyiny tba district iMMiy Water.
iataad* to c« .*0 U raad Bapite la a
iB fivB wbicb Boat* a
aad uiber aelection In wfak-h the audiTrBerrsenty. Mlcb..Hrpt. :i. l-c-r..
Mr. aad Mrs KUebraaod Mrs Cor* eac* bbartil* joined. Wr shall yrrally Til (hr ll•...,y■.l.l■ Mop—iiNi'crNflroi.n
on motion dulr rsnied tbe CoBBilt
Bebart elaiiad al Ororr* DaTla* laal mlaa tbe help of tba Needham, in tsuh
chnrroca wbes lacy laara os.
teu,oa AilreeU and Kklewnlks wrr*
. •Matdap a«tala|. Tbb wa* oa* of
. tta aaap food tlan for wbIM Iba
•nUorlrad lo see that the atreii
•.prinklers Iw pr.iperly bussed for win
Last Thaiaday.
issr til br mad
ter and Insured.
□ Herbert Cork sreat toTraeaie* Chiy
ir Fir* Marsha
Beynlar airetiBC of City Cuoaril hehl
On mollun. dnly ckreird, council adafiar a >o^of r»da for fllaaley A Ea- iaCoaacIl room Kepi. ?i, law.
Oadfa. ^■^‘^^HlLiUafp'iMbMad
1. Uartin ha* yoae t
A. W. Rh K. ••I.. ■tr Clerk
Mertlny STBS eallfd touedor by H. C.
tbaMdbao* oa tb* crbat qanUoB* of
la lb* akiayl* Bill.
Mrs Jay Bixby. of UUad. elaiiaA
bar aialor-la-Uw. Hr*. F. HKby. i*.t Darla. Mayor.
wnl Wilaoa. AUx. Carnll aad Bobt.
FrkUy aad HaUrday.
Pmnst. Aldemaa-ilqbba. I'ariier.repen'be amptad sad that the
Soiaathiay to ttopand On.
Oartaad woat to Harbor Oprtac*. HI.
Tnnrw atyelalwsea laatThanday ■ Mhsdrich. CrelHek. Smith. Cook Kj- Mayor bkI <J*rh be anthor.xad to purBat.
Ifbaea aad otbar potau aa tbr laka
Mr. James Jtuien. of the druy An
, l^ie. Jahr*.. aad ilarrlr-- ■
trnmem at Cedar lo«t Haaday maiay. wan Bd Tronaia. Will aad liaery*
Book. Juba Beckar aad Ella HaUabacr.
Joaea A Co.. i.ossden. III., la sps-skioy
Hr*. Aayoet Clowlttarha* yoM la
ood Mayor Haris
(Inward Moor* aad wife dmeearar
Ilf Itr. Kiel's New lliworrry, says Uat
Ma*h*«aB la tWt bar pareat* aad
Mlnowaot laairoynlar meelloy w
to Cedar Tanday. reUrnlny Wedaealast wfolcr his wife was aliadkesl wilfa
day. Hr. Moor* srtll more fo Oadar oa md sad appraeed.
Ia<irippr and ber ease yrewsd seri
Mr*. PrsBb Bno^y aad eblldrea •ooe aahU bouaa la ready.
ous Uat physleiaa* at I'uwden and
aad I^GwlB elilUd ktTrarera*
l-aas ennld do ooUinp for her. Il
A catUa drorer callad at Fraal
. derelup I
iw-s Moaday Inokioy 1m (at <
Hr. aad Hra L.<taMr w«at to Ti
Hr* LlbWe D*B*B*r* ol Tr*
llsr.ny I
ana City oa bartawa mt Tbaiaday.
•Iiaep aad boy* for tbr BaEsto bi
'City TbUe-l ber Boale*abeUr»*l<
selliny 1u
tie baa bouyht all he <»ald Bad a
Mr. Hart, odllor of th* Uk* Aaa Ini Bata rday.
Wj5_wa* te inra Haaday mamiat
beyan to yet belter
Wr. aad Mr* Cba*. FarboBa m »toEt^U street alaad in daayer ul ...
Itlay friend* aad reUU*B at Kbbob
I dose, sort a half duren dollar
aad limb. we. Ue oadaratyaed. re«aty tbl* week.
rured beraooBd and wril.
pacttnlly prtltkm the Comiaoo t'uuaell
Ne* Dlw.'oreiT for Coat
Mr. aad Mr*. Myna Calear hare
of Tnrerne Cttr to pcohlbit bterclr
?ooyhs and Culds » ynarsoler<l
tamed Into tb. boom- with Mr.
ridtey upon Ue'sralks Unid EiybU
this y,id wiH-k. Tr* It Trial
Hre. Batlra. Hr*. CalreP* yanata.
•trert belwcea t>iri>ioa aad I'aioa
sat S F. Walt's and Jas
UtU* Mildred Karllt fell aad bra...
l>rw Store*
♦ladlnte Uat aome member of Ue
la*t Prtday.
Itortor Prallek
eat It aad laM It weald b* tbrae wrake
Ctfl B^aya to bdlldlayAa addltJ
C. T. Urawa. Mr* V
bafor* obe eoeld walk ^*ia.
I. JUaual Sactusiea l
*Mr. aad Hr*. 1
Mr.oadMra II. i
■atroEaad La Orcaoa.
Wbitacy. *Hrs ^eat Mr
tba U. A. B. mcm
ColaBbna Boiaawn to qatoa aleh
Chas btaaOeld. Mrs W ..as
ipteafberrii Ue
U Bibna. Hr. Thoe Uiimm
liysn railway will r
A bold fraat datarday alcbt. bat
[toll Fairtmaba weal to Kalbnka »>aakllo. *Chas Wollel. Jes
lo* raw exeomioe i
& B. Hark* aad wll* ef Maple
Bsa. Mrs T. L Hayr*. Mr
with a lead of apple* the flat.
Tr»ia. will Imrr
wrr* la Iowa la*t Batarday,
Mrs Walter WalB< to qadte eelrkBily
BelBim. Mrs T. L tilbbs I
Jack UtaeybaeronloCbleayo oa Ul. batDr.CiariihaebopBef bmslu
lb* Charirroi* oa borlaea*.
‘“Us: riSS.f-‘ri:;o'ra,‘‘5.‘’“^"
ssSC' ""',
C. H. Je I.
^ immma
: For Quick Ret^irnE
Tic WMc WorM
Dr.Mes’ Heart Cnre Does |
■ ££^l=T:::!s.-tK
trllb i
• of Xortbpot
>kl oa ifoaday
Mr. Bordtaa ta* eoBBncfd bU
datWa aa teaebar <d lb* IkBaybraok
U. W. BeaioBlawucajMHa Tnw
^8. Vaadrrbaol aad bmlly bar* Boa* ^_ay^ea aeaoaat of tba UlaiB of
M Bdrawatar to rnll bb *btar.
8ebom will reopaa b*e* aaal MoaHome rood work bo* baao
d.jr tritb^^Daaeaa aad Mba Uara
tba road* aaar bon wbbb
tbaw nry woeh. alwaon* I
dear la Utarloehao.
Tb* •ebool boa** ba* baea aadeiye
lay repair*: a oaw *tnae wall w**
A nartil wboel naotiv '
plaoad oadar part of tbe lehooi.
Hyiaa Jardaa of MeUaa. IIL. rotarafddad that iMy woaSd?"*'
**•“*•■ ^ day. ^nuTiCbInb^.‘K%‘jo^
. aad
otan faetorr. Ha ............I loU
-Oaak Rcadbuaad wICa.of T
W- T. Cook. Bdysr Pny. Bdd*«teadnlay nod A. &. Fray waat to Elk
Bapdda Ik* iTtk to auatrd lady* Mrs A. McLala. of Wnet Bay Cln. I.
etolUoy her BOtbe*. Mrs Martha Saw
ley-aad Other nlasleea of ihto placm
The p«Bl« of HabrtAofwwl eat .boat
•fir aimy the afiae^oa* at tka laik
ale 1
.•MfsCA. l.wlaBd. *1
Mr*. P. A_____
Mnara*. M
UleaaoB. rMrs •"
W W.
Hi.... k
■ HmlihWBAETDUIlAS£.bB Ks *1
MeHtohaeil. Hra TL A. Mi
- s A. tisnw. Mai
la^e IWaprm.! * * bsm <tl«swe to IneximUs wBn Ue
. twrriy- F. M. 1 ermptoau hwwms well diAwpd. tlw psUeaa
__________________ o Hsaalorsbr. Mrv I tursmmilirmrd aad a asrwimaie ubm
tfeo. W. Thomas Th-mak iVtertyl.! nlser. Bat rhsw s aam. remedy to Inoad
Mr*. A. Reyoolda. Mrs T- Falertyl.' sad a car* ednesad. sriar *e*n of sa«erl^
Mrv Ara e bouta. Hr* BarUk. Joaefa thse. I. rrsvi rejmetaf ami Aadre to 1m
*WUh<lB. Mrv E F. WUhte. Jaliaa Ue nboie uorM knoeZ- Mrv loan Wnm
Ckmohell. Htv C. li. TnroMl'Mrv A. i taier.of Mkire. Ksasas erttm: 1 dtmn
Fbborvl. 'M K. Iluek. *tda H. Uarner.; lotrt Ur *hoM worU knon vbst Br HUS’
Mrv E WUbelm. rMrs Ueo, U. Corell. the MUm’
Bs^Carebasdoaa toe
Horad by AWerBOB Hobka that tbe ! „
a-^ For tea yrere I bad
paUUoa be referred to Ue i <
BtraaB aad SIdrwalkv
Br. Hilts’_____
lr*te’'»:.’Nwo.e rst»'’w;il apply rto
Jise a»d,aiea.e-r
»e-r Train-Ul
iltotioit irto 1> L a N
sear— fiw iBdlaaahrdaU r
litaad -Rapid* oa afokt trsia
Konad trip rate to ImCeoww A',
limit oa sit Uck-U will be llclober (tb.
Stopt'wiH bemadeat pnoclpal potato
oa II. U A K. R E. mad al Beataa
Barber at bt Joseph oa CAW. M- E
R to let off pameaym Iloa’t Btoa
UBabaare tn rtsltyoar trieada. Maab
Ckkmn sad Delrotl lor
win be nrea upea appU.
W. M. By. arrets _
smM tkb Ckaoriay of atordy larBan
«oHa ptiwpd wttb lb* *lb bare aad It*
a* aerelB aa liaaday rmi^
naMr b fooad la
Be*. W. B.-Harlbatanil ac
- (•BaarbywUbb a
Oollaetba wU* '
' is~iL:i.A.A~~~<t..^.»hu2~p.rTts S.-A.2rzLsf:-—~rsr~:'sTir::
From BOW aatfl Orb loU. the rate
WB Trercrre CHy to Cbteayo oa the
. ortkora
MtobWaa TraaaporSatkB
Bond trto
•loeo. Ttokato ymsd ta retar* iretfi
A $1,000 House and Lot on
Washingdion Street, in
Oak Park, for
$300 may remain on time and
$300 in monthly .pajrments as
agreed; or $300 on time and
$276 spot cash.
Ti-iq_-niT-e a-t
Herald Office,
12B Btoievt S-t£i?ee-t<.
^ gt A. PETEf?7-yr^
aaeta.oa well m rorl}
toeoda an peotoibl} ttea* ml bbW
itewr Ant tot of <cp«-aa daetreyed b}
a tox or BOOH-Mbrr predator} aAteoL
Bat tb* oaH} brood* oio} be «aM} *#.
rribrd to a jvuop pair of bird*. }««r>
uaira- wbo.iblBk ibr Bret pleaeaatdap
of tprtoftitor to br a terblBc*r at MB}
enebda} *! ,
Hawk* aete pradator} birda aro tte
pearra of 1)114 aoci*t}. Tbr} Ur* by
tbrliraawflttewoabrrbiid*. Tbryan
Vte 8*}««rt hwapalr ^taaoo
dowtotle aalaiala. aad bmne eb
1} altected to ib* forwrr. Thrt
to a timaa Tlllaf*. la obiteeyttailw
raa tbaael* Aplo}a«t.aed Uio
saaal ejatanu od >nlnt berdtaf te
I and ewto* aod drtilta »brm ta
«mlM. waa wf} »« b to ibnr Uatc.
tW} «O0O kor* ■» lb* inhabtlaata to
tbr |dar*. aod, enlil tta friaair rraa* tow bat mlebiy,
mlpbiy, brine priorr* of tb*
dM. uote loiall rrjful»rl>-ii ihrbotiara
a <Moae. aad bnateias kla|a
Wb*B ttefrt^edM lb*
*0* brCorr tb*Jr pawau di*.—
loo^•*wta1rfH*oda ». V. Buii>-
M ■»* M«f u> >»•■>« PMrfV-
•TkMf* >— M Ivk BWUV
•‘I'O •I"
*>*U a«l krrp tbr flto.
I. Bod
wbra br raarrd.
nod danrr
dancr Werr ulto
aad lolleo blB> pul «lib Ihr hnd- to
I tbr rrm» bbo and trtoarksd thadotiaa
of tbr «e«rlwnl.Baii
onr rTTOine hr broorbt homr Ibr whol*
of tb* rlllaer brid of hrirm aaatdrd,
and drer* tbroi Into tbr atohlr.
Prote Ibet UtO* tb* eraor andrrtete
o* nan} delto* teal It waa bo*} frow
ta*U »F »«■ •• kr4.
Oto HMn A»KJ» SoMtn^ L«wr.
IlKAi Hm IUtn~Up Bi oar bear*
lh*r OUI »d tbr ■uMler'a hiUr**. BO<]
t Ibo^t Ul^ oe* WM preUp fun).
.MaoM U M I bnrd tbaa mf •ooKAM AMUblMO CATTU! PKITRIt
tUw «beal
b-.l l*l»f eey aw,
alebt. It* actnl aa.potlenDBi
or pM/ OMT*. bol it ib*/do xrt at tb*
atoot« tbr poaalr}. ai
TMdiar aola P#« loay br
I »f- " and dbonlrr. Ho wo
llaoa aaJ laparb^ laaalivp*
•aabrairfttoacan. aodtirerralit
( lu near and
If you torn r*ad an} of Rodjird
:iplic«‘* atorlra about Mowyll. -Ibk
lid boy of lodIt.Tou will aor lb* point
o< tbto tre* nanmtivr, ahirh la na'l}
a*a>a,ai>dU doubly lui*rt«iii«b*eoato
h ftUa oi.r lotiti cooBtr?.
Mr. Kipllpeb nolf-bo) bm aai
|>ntart>t uplbytteniWaiiiBalaof tb*
lunrtc. auJ k rrry happy boy Is bit tm,
flrrc* nay b* woB.tqD. tUIltoCollii-,
aboet nboiu Ibia atery trIU. Waa
broeebt up by a wk-knl motbrr. nlio.
to many rwipm*. 1* nor** than ony
wild ealtnal, for the laiirr Dearly al>
my* look oul lor tbr nrlfarr of lU
youne. "od ruard* llirin imdrrly.
-IVillir r4l<D*. a> Ihr rwull of bla
nwtbrr'a nyirlly and nrplteu to Beta
like a wild bov than euy tod c-r-r
breoehi up in a larpr cily.
homr to In Itaklaeil. < aL and obai a
bomrltl.: ltortb*bo.rllha*b*rai a
prtaon aa<l a rapr. .
Tbr ilorlora «bo ba>r aludird irmir'i
Caa* Bay ii il llir qiirrmi onr Ibry bar*
*rrr hi^il Or mrl ataiul. for ten loae
oaaa baatea aad etoe falloa Uatbar.!
They odlea aaKorod far water, drinktae oat of Ite oaUlataMr* to tbs
■arahaa Ttey woe* out tboir Books
thoa noad tboir boMa wllboat aeck*
ootU itedr bat awaUad oe that ttey
*aaUaott*itb*aioe.wb*altey tar
np thair otmla aad tied thorn about
tbato bK oadoBTlad itelr boot* to
IMrbamk. What la bft of Oempaay
1 to baraaowaadwaHlarfor brtbor
Traly Yoora.
A Uwidtob boy faU ont of * wtadew
•od waa wrurely hart, but wllb
otoaeted lira b* kept back tte «T7 el
pala. Klae OaatoetM Adolphos «bo
taw tte toll, prepbeotod that teat bey
aad *D tedid. te te beeoat ttebmoo*
A wtmn Ml e« tte dote to Italy.
«te Wte b* and MibloiMd. No od*
ml Ite erand of ion darrd to jump to
■fta her: but a boy oUuck tte mier
On almaat aar Ao* aflrraonn IVtrr
la Uarpio pork; Price oa bin Irkircl*
TiTT* bla two-
him nrerJv, rirry day. aad kept him
naked snl'lh hraiy nliainrall ilw lim*.
lall aaoinJfr Uwl i.i-day Willie eat*
drinVa BIN Wki. likr a dup. or that bo
Bbould far |>ronoiiDrt<l by ibr lunacy
State St., .car Union.
yrrons ratlnr manlarl II rou
i.nr taim afad tbl. po.>r. Iw.lranlr<l Ud
Q atmlbrr.lyou wo.iM rfafly iB'lirr*
hot tlw atraap* noi»r v.hirb W.ll
laaLtn wilU bla thrtwl «ar the lark .
dap or llto cry oTa X iki 1«.bI.
Tliiiik of l>3endIopllirt(li-Bl Ipo yri
>f your life In a bb»II. dark ruo
hainrd to Ithr door, with a bundle of
llll.y rapB fora hrdi U.ll Btranprllial
.bh. iinfortunalr Inv >lionld Iwrume
A bo« wd to («nah tte Aowm* te ''‘™'
Ite wUto
They’re Strained
•od hlpb- prloft b*M fhllM to
Urnrofim any-
wbm-nraaoctenprr and no
to oaratoib iacarwfallyaaliK-trd aa to lu pority. atrtaptb
prtort. Apartol harCBln tntan
barrtemmateUla yraak
XXXXCDSaanttle and Jtolt
Oaelx GPxooex*.
Sontto. Bide.
... -is
IJrosch’s Meat Market
Choicest Meats, Poaihif and Game.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ltc..
TB* torlr. ar waBUr rfsaOtausat af tbr
tMCBrr. af oraa* TTavrw Mtalr. ta ite
•.te.taarra'.rUI teteW ll> Ite lirtewrA^
rxe eerr of cvehyth no'
Tsl^bovi ( Maaer 4.)
For Istobto bad ChiUrem. i
naturr't remedy lot compiaiau of t
Itrer oy bowels
won rca MAarE
laptroaali.iaa Ibai cvoablor
ap tba torlarta ol aay ik
aaamod ta te dtSteont tram tte ttot'af. of tbr tkla are to.tool’y rrlirred a
bla Ufbs aad Mr. Uon decided to keep ; pormaarally cored by Djaa't nil
Um aa a prL Ur. Imb. you may be meat. Take bio-aabilltuir
•uia. M tro plad that br diwwtrred tb*
Bob at Ihia early aup* di
he mar.
It four w-erks Ihr door oof tte
rcidrnlly 1^ opm and te
Inticad of trylup tolrart ..d ..weaia.rTri
nripbborbood a|
Otbarboallbi tooatrr.
■ ' c Imly't
walk up aod down
.arkri. Errrry frw
.d crowed loullly. a*'
r* that te
karw whal br wuialanil.
Wbra IIol.prrw weary of
top *r weal bark to hn. .-o
That the best place to buy anything in the line of Hard
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire, Bam Door Hangers, Paint.
Kefrigeralors. lex Cream Freezers, Gasoline Stoixt,
l''ishing Tackle, and in fact everjihing in the hardware
line, is of W. j. Hobbs. Come and see me aod I wiD
prove this statement
146 Front Street.
Traverse Gty, Mich.
Cheap Homes
fe^t furioiuly. Btriklnp him irprotodly with Its beak
k and itylop to peek
tet hlaryrs
hi* ryrs la addlUea
addlUt U mate oaeb
sn oDlcrr ttet tbr trot of tbr dock m- set esre: tbeir otareanBl end potatfa
tw frlfhtrnrd banter,
erireleat lorB.rt*altivia a
d to flpht tor bit litr.
i UBlII far ted killed or
diaablrd .. .. tkem with bit rlul>brd jiatlteolyd Fenaylenoi* ATS.Waahli«toB.D.C..----tbr rat left hiin. Tten te
r rzkauetrd. hi* riolte
■ IS dud bit foe* bI«*A-
I Not the
Largest and Best
> Bedroom Siiits, Parlor .Finitne, EtaA, I
Do nnt (O Vmt or poatta onto yoo
aoreihit k
inrmers Tooesa
ST-ST •■Sln-
__ :
Bm. Baameood. Aab. B«e*b- ^0.
ta^-eU-te-tab, -e-'
itey ' lakta. Htci* aad te*
9lr«W w»l*.an*
X te- (tepr fMo»y. tefth Afric*. Walwr B. «otete i %m* nn^e to lota tar eelid
tiemrd wHtta to tte 1—A« Fted ta fapt
**t Owlr tata. tate
Ilabyloii h. nor of tbe clr,,|ianta in a
lonp apo
m r nf tin
tic pirl. teb clai
cua riders mi ,
phBols tfbro CrowlerwlerJ herin hra
e|,u.s Ha),TlnB.wbowiIiieBHedlhr'a|>Bal.Tkia. wbow itiir*nrd ihr. ajv
toir.ptomftlc broopbl hit trunk down
»tth cruahlnp forre-on (irowirt'a br*.l.
I Tbr bear wa* tlunonl hv I
^ tefrawd the child, w bn had
; clridiaiit then pirke.! her n|i kihI plactl
' her w lien- ilw Irar •-•nl.l ^ut reach h**r.
.tUrndnnie ihrn came ruepinp lo Ibo
foul amr!
taiT aa Ibr back of your band. HM»a
who remember him wbra be waa a baby
aay that be w e* TCry bripht and pood
" relr it would bar* been
or blm it. like MoBcpU.
Itol. Vll h.ir a uarti. p.a-w la b..
ma.lrP. bran a. tone .. Ihr clrwr
•tin Ibr world wbo drTbe only n
lulnrir of toiinpal
. .
be amanrei bird elirc.
Tbey call Ihia fraiterrd fellow Bob,
la «>* >
ad be belospa to a poultry dealer mniiih. S-l>.. iaan Wand w l.irh it <.i
wboeeeboj. iaoaPinr aUcrStolteeity
'”»l- ■'urKHi- mto-. Ihey nair a
W Ite Ooldeo Oatr.
Bob ia a pr*at' pnldm hewn .-nui, while the lower
apbtcraawellaaapieal hii.lk-r.Notb- l«r« “» ihcir bml.r* 1* pur* wb.lr.
lap all.* or dead can fripbira Ibia fowl. |-Tbr.a Irp. are p.ak aad tbrlr ryea are
Be wiu larkHw uai. or a horte un lb* >« 1‘ie. k. No aueh mta at* , f< -tad
atipbleol protorailon.
, ‘"' wber.. eta.— ---------------Hot Bob'* alroap imiol ia bla abilily
So need to fear ibr approarb of
tObrtoptobuaiim*.tobiam*«rr. He . croup If yoc hare Hr. Tb.m*.’ l-k-ta,llket te* work immenwl.v, and hr it a iHc 1>M in tte
lirlBp uample of iodualry for laay
folki tofollow. Br bat many wayaot,
doiop bteloraa. It u aow a ouu.terof
y**r* aince Itob ourted
for Uad*. II iln a ooe^
EbliutioD of Teadieii
wbriotri br pIraBed and birstblopt:
freah air ol tbr woods Ereo r
walks about oa alMoon and
wbea you torn blm a boon.
Kriitebeea of M'S'foiltoa oho
ptatord te te* liolitr of (toklaad test
ab* waa abttainp her aoo. for they ftnqaeaUr bemd bit erie* to tb* Biftt.
But to all Iboor vean ao ear ha* don*
aaytblBp to briap Ihto nDuataial
metbrr to joatlr*. .ta Inrratipstiaoef
Wniir'a eSM hat brra made. Mr*. Col*
Hni will probably po to >d. but Willi*
w ill pmtasl^ hare to tprnd the real of
Bla life'la Ibr loanr asylum, where b*
bat yiiBI hrefi pikrrd. ‘Tbr doctor* say
that llphi and pood food and t.iDahla*
bare come to tVillir Cidlint u
Bit braid, tacr bBpfal caoupb.
a blank.
Buch i* tte inir atory of the
om, Mowiril, »
prlrllrpia of X
^ wbo nrrerkai
Xlpliap-a yoaiop brro.'
• HM. B'toTIl^^
tbr boUuoi.
llw.ln*Drndr.ior to i«.ri,tr
ttarmarirn nlih »HI-opt-o-d biratrr*.
Tbrv are no murr rnibuBiaallc In Ih'ir
flrrotira to.araUr* Uiau aoolbrr Thll'l|toia n
Iranrd Jual wl
ItB TnamerV boUM'.
r klatirw stand,
pood ptnee# of th* ov.trra
ntai..It la mahltd oner a
dulp* lu fancy for ».'l<aK*a. It will
rat a half iten-o r*w oyatreu with an
Ol worthy of the eery It
■a to the mariert.
In tte Adbtmdaclm. to Uatoe. op la
Coands whnrere the Aotalm* port-nplat U found. lUanotaoupblby bunt•r. ta a wanar brmal. ahbeoil^ hostn*
inliriwTlhp Ilf tki Miiinni
lb hto trd«bln«d at
.Wlnem la doll at >}r. Lroh**
^ „ fc,„idr**lli aad
ynn wia And teenr wrrr Inal bla irtou
Tb* iwruuptor tanntrra didn't knew crowd to Ibr piarr. and moat of Ite proAinrHrna coons hot tbr ^ bonier pto
^ follow Hob .^rn
when br
br lead*
lead* Ibr way ■'fw- .,.nr,.
would *fi)or
*o}oy a f
fcmih .Mriwo
po^.u- iBtn
,g,„ ^
„.rkri taMl
Owd upjai
uiMal Mr.
Mi Leen'i
10 p«'“tte inarkri
pin* boat by mo*
a park of
.,<,p ioobV q.iraiion.
tmcWlDly monenl
the porrap.itr
n„i,, ,od n.o*t of Ibrar f..lkt make
bauirta would appn^iatr
a purrl
Ihinp tbal 'llnbiloaain
tte liicriral nf hi* ma«lrr'« trade !• to
ItoBbar CbM tai Oywara
fake otir nf Mr. lyrn't rardt in Mtbdl
pkltodrlpbla cau an prcullar. .Ua
and walk U|i and down Hi. tidrwalk
tat tbry teo* erral tenaUliiy and a
where jici.lr in tele him. Intliikwar
rood deal
Stan are i
Jt 15
pomap«iro*B fc.
brpnateabima dmia
_~i ■ ciiM-r—
mgTAQgB.-TTATWte Clty.y cU.
baderaterdtod. TbrbuutrdBncnUira
nrra mile, from bomr. and M oat 1:»
a. to., and tta braorbr* urn itaick altb
drrt that trtrklrd down Wr.r er«k* and
teakrd them from ahe* Iraibrr to brad
rorrrise. Bet after an WIr they pm
a miaa t>f aarory
-ia«« and puab
tte look nalk to Uaooto park. Then
ate Vtokl irll Peirr to puab tl
lac*. Hr uaaao abort that hi-------M took orer ihr-vtp, *o br waa obllycd
. mrtp abend by tooklap aitMind tte
>mrr of tb* baby earriapr.
(toe d*j hr found
a pnlr of wbrete and
Id baby eairlape. H*
kr axle of ao old
.dw**pUylnp~t»Utook tbrm borne, aod
waa pUyl
be tbou^tof
I bl* trleycto.
and corrylap te* wbe*U aad azt* bar*
ilod te tte corprater. whnbad Utahop
dowB to Ib* alley. Be par* tbr oarpeix
ITbilr aa todiana man wa. oat baatter hU Mrs aad 1a aa boor IliUr Peter top br ted a deoprrate Spbt with a'
imr>b*Btly rode
rot tot* tte fnat yn
flock of cioDrs
He bad ebot and
b bla ulcyrto
aad allrmptrd to
irr bad Bzediteaxleaad
wteeli Whirh Prtrr foaod to a boari
and bad fatirnrd tbe board to tte rear
Pelrr'a Wtefidr. tto Ite board
be bad nalk a box Itrpr raonph for
Horsslioeing and Genenl
irhlWtbewalof atpoehodrapMly on.
Wbea trltbla uro mltea
toatd oft*»«www#«r*a apea bp
tteol ptebeul. Tbep
Peter was aute a bitol a tod ibai be
eoldacarorly reacb tte eroeabar of tbe
aodlr of Ibr baby earrtoe*- On ordf
idry oreaaiont IVlrr cared JltUr
wbribar far wt* taO or abort, but br
ainny* wi«brd br waa' lira fret Ulirr
abrorrrr hii moibrr pat Tom to tbr
tebyrafrlaer aad Ii4d Peter to *tolad
him.- ‘Tbr braad walk which estrsd*
irteto mfOBj Uraed aad M
dlneUaaa Wa a«tawd cWwa piU- ilonf Ihr wr«I aid* Of Uarolu p* '
Unill Ihr polkwman to pray oalfem
tot a atop 10 the faa the Uoyi oa tba
jonh Bid.' of Cbicacn loond a prwt
eotap aqaipafo. Oar faard bow
4*al of *|K>rl to raidiar dowB ibctotip
^ with U*
W* eollrctoa tb« walk <m-lteir blcyetarTo baeata. they
baTno dodfe'bcorw of baby wrrlN
oapMite oSeoU la and abeal tb* .
■wd'Dlnaw. bat Uilaaaly par* aeet to i
tea**, a two atory baUdior aboat
fwtaqoaw- 1 arltb elorcaottett
^'Sdey owned a
tl waa owt
.detailed aapkketiraarda. thrw oe raeb
boo* cheap marklae* witbool nibtaer
e( tb* feoryiaelpal rwd. Iwd'lac n* or epHon aadwa* tiaaedai:
Mwm. ■taalor aad two othera w<
flaeod aaraardeeartbeUwrp aUbU
to white w* had placed oar beraea.
Ckpt. Itetor aad tb* lerea rewalalar
M talk qaanen la lb* eoart I
ptettof ttearieeaen loth* appar eta
ly. Abeatdaybr*akw*w*t**ar]
by aeeUepofriAaa Waal*} we* In
ataall} kUad wUU I aad eeaw of lb*
•Iher pkteta .ewped. bat. were cap
band tb* aext dap aad **at to Llltli
•ate aadaftorwardparolladaad eeol
bon for awbaaff*. I ha*e laanwd
•la** that fear otban w«r* kUlod br- toylreairoodapp
•Mae Waal*}. Tb* notearieadwad oa atoidy lllllr toe 'coold make tbe tiiey
cl* apto down tte loBc walk, and althoi^ br arrrr won b* alwayt mood
wllb Ihr boy* who tato blcyrtoa.
to“caala* >w Pw ^wa'
j J ^ weabar.
• rMlouirbl tbrtnrkry
IKab BaHTaKB—Ttaere bar* bare
out and Ibraabid tte rork. 3>lraat:ma
foMtBMfitearfaBaa aw«; tblai
It alwey* “hrrdrd” tbr rittlr, not ek
rran nilfc roanplrtr •iiix-raa. On uoa
tew bappMM* aiaer I •roM- pea I
on tbr rraar w*ul Iwrk. drurr up
Joa*. Ceapaar I baakad rooffb wai
tontine brifrra ihnucb Uia
aM iatedljeatapaow. Oa tb* laat
atrrrt. and tbrn fiiebirard
•('Jaa* I. wUb tarav-err'otbrta.
MOW JrtalM bp (bpiala Porlrr to eelBllw
Uet lb* elek rrlio bad bwa left oa ear
ibuld not brine 'brm bark, but
•oaArra reatr briarw ’ U'ltlebeopb diwrr tbrm Inle a find, r heir It pnardaad BletaaSald aad take ibeoi to tbr
beiplUI at tb« latirr plaer
wllkis aboal cirhl sUn of Jnet
boayhodira. wot a ooiirnm] larorlb
otebwrbeardrwairrafaeoapaap of
and Ibr piMr of Ibr rillac*.—CanbU
Carriages, Cntters,Sleigl^ Etc.
I ^4NI
*“ 'teuatry 1* notappnrtotrd
.•lAa ol hi* falter’* cottap* to
ni* not ptejodhta
with nil aerU of pirtat**. wblrb tte *7^“ »po"«w
wretmi Deoooo
For Boob*. Mate ote.. *m»«W. 8. HOWARD,
»-r»t«te»i-Mbite.b.ui«cta teAkted»a..h*»eidf.-«<*—
".namx Tte.robtoa.tayte-W'imr.te
„tD H tad, ta, ta^. A- 5^-^^ V V V
|*> ■ GEOnW.LASOtS.
:‘.'s=.^rsi-sr.i5- ■
. A boM wWbM.M»y J*r.
UM«.Md UtottolMMWBtu* '
0tw ttax aMV* M MW Wan*
WBI fc.
___ ___
_______ ______ J b wbat b
A hOM wlttat. *0^ Jar.
«• V7 «fc*« *t»k »o’fw
b • boMwlttat a amoks )»•
g»SlS'£^fSrr '
A hoM
a Uc eaekr ^0'
1 atwar* taf* M M. _
Uutar vweea.
1. Ttata W talriac Mr pn>n talfir
HlsiatkaroorUjft aMll
Mmu oI«](.
Oto a »«•»• W-a
tar M* «■ food. «Ml taw >r ••<>
taia^taM. P.tte.IM»ta»U
U two ulitaptMilih at «ota7 m4.
taolMlic OMd*.. cod oroBMfnt
srsj^'i^lful-nircsss: ar=l:ir;5'u5Ki».-k
la-ssrsiiiisirr Afd pobtatk*a%ktf^ whlto *a<
OOTT «ltk «oU
vtM«V. Ml. »W wt »«W tar •!<
taler* oalw. r%iaia » MM
MWm rMI*fc- -*ta amkma- M ta
lad 0.1 IftaUtad.
rw lam* qtta. ol mum» m «m
tarn, rtf* »
-- - ---------- mamara. WMkwdqL.
yM tta- IMO tta »MMTlW taltt*
»*I7 IM»* ■»'<•» »**
a oM.:- aM. alao, M
.____ ,*ta^ (Vprolljo. Htaa
«Mflk tat rrjMt tta mA*. wkb*
poipM- (Mt paagamej wltbbt tta
Artkta. tawoMtaBtak. Otartowlr for aa tar. talair Motal
barathM Eabtta nMtbn>a(b tta
Ik* ta* aad lotanitto tta tatU*.
AM <M aaa a l>aU«Bp*ol *tMC tar
Rich froH «mta -Mtak
IS^ltawa~ol thbUltat
-atatarUta.-.^* AbnM
>M bio
If llhaf
tair ffoatta.
* IWtadWau. Lai a
w tar M Thb to **■
. oaaracATui’r
tta billow
Roaad babr'. pillow
-------- prettr ooe. Oar. to a-
. aad papibr (tta .
•M papma* tbdla a pbo* o
oMh) aad tao Mlrtb of ti
Cmak alamii bat MtadUr to taM Itar wiU Ib^ orrr.
. .
Alwara b-r.rr «*rrlolBott* taro
taara Mifrta* tirqawtlr.
tta aftoa. bot do aot Mfda. aotta la* M; watcb It .arrfaUr wklb It b
atatod Md ba daaliabb aMItk*.
taal aUl. boOlar kokrtta la artf'
tata^r **•.
mUbC a--------lUtMif* htabMia taallyMtor bewd ur oak*
tta wld<ib. tad
naaotbaa, aad will !»*. ddtaaa
graeltaP wbta UM.r»
_ _______
RcBciabrr Ut_
(ta aatoowa «rad flM tta follow
Md*’”arlM. "There bM loaGk 1.1
Otot ttaBlUa
Jut betora Uep uira I
parpU. » terp delutob
rtijn!. thor. btstta aMiOf.-
Of bMla foacht aM of tlejoria------"*■
Of wraaf* o'ertkrowB aM of ertat
Ik tta color ttattaUMI protoa
/t^bllbtadfarawv— ' .
Otcr U* hUb aM Urawar-
aot lltaca lu wieh ihiaia. a<w arc r»
to npai «M*o wta. ri»« oua* bcM
Thwo b ootbitiCBolll-br-d aM tod
w to toll tkla«* tl<at ro* taar wbe
roa ar«
"‘tk '>!*•» *h-ldr»o.
Uo« com fuaM oot tta other daj
bawteeMtta' iBOtkrr" taroMarlrr.
WbblOR totacoafew ropnoM oca
taTlac tbta to p.1 ttaa op. it wo»
ta«nr dacMM to pioW. thM Th*r
.wMpitlao MUM iar.ollUl* Mfor
i^iakiM lo tad arrwM wlU clao«w. Uta Ml owor »M tofoltta.
Two «■ ikio. worta UUr ttar won
botod tolo aM 0 taUd oeallac ol
•Mthu.- Mcond tbM whUc tta do
war hM rrtaM a nroacU aataard of
Tta •taottart- b at prwMBt hard al
wwh la aoMhrf Jar eoataUlac all
Bsrto ofUtanlBUMwar of rtaM
. of JMlr boulm. rMBtaW of Irail ji
, bit froataBalwr.-bfie*M-ot
pb wrap aM mMi7 Uta IU«N whbh
Hte tta k
I will
a dallr ataoat b«
wota tsMtaaiwoptobboM puwr
Tta Jar boot fall r*t. bat It **1. addM to dar kr tar. aM
oM tataolldtortawvtta ‘•aothar'
wtUWwtteworfclaaUlIaBottar '
tbw «*■■«>•
*•» »*»•
U*r J.rtpd««MMlMo.a Ma
__U«rf*S^*^ *tar tat,
Aa' tta oM rkbt latoeoatt
ta' patehte oa f
bua la aar abcblel wtateerr. a wellIteata^'s^ia', taamatraeiM recital oleoaeUlo* that
Itaetlmea poa'II
roQ'U aar a tear
ha. kappeaM or that th*r eta IB«
■' oa the paper that atak
Mr tat* happeaed kaeop U*lr a
wtweatppew; .
frob paal*hB*at aM peMbip tta
the fel>« cot to cMtart her M'
Ubb of wiu ooUlac B>or* thu a bUI
cea ah' —
irprool. Tbep ellBb IMdeiw crawl
" V*r Itto the ralaj
lalo ctaBber wladewa, and creep
- A—A. ...-.-ET'
Uioarh bUieaaUparealtoriar------Aa' Je»t oae wntd—It atara Ihaeoa the
arid woald b* a (raat deal
aM '
h^pler aM bnur. aM'hoBtaltp
‘aotappip dapTcpu hp.
yaliaM wa w.Md taafarcleloe
eon thiyt. b
aah .Mb eathalp cafa It aa/ta
aaed aa oftu a* dertrod. aM if a Uute
bawMoyd aaeh tiB^wlU haeaa
ta^Melal' efaet oa to Uito *4
ol efga wiU water, al-.
(ui to each whIW
UlaUto. Uaa«
bi*ttart^B^il they hare drained a
lUUa. Urea full lUrs la powiiervd
aapar aM lap U*m ua white paper,
aad wheadrp roll araia lo *«• t-tea
la aarar, repeatiar the pracena aatil Ota. 8adTa«cbthe>lciollkCu*MToa(ae
ihep anr uuutacu.r.ly fnateJ. Tbroe Pab to the Side. TORPID LIVER. ,Ttep
re eerp aWc. aM BUe » p.ra*Ur adRccrtktothcBcaeb. Itartp VecetUto.
ItioaiaUa able.
•mal pm.
Allow halt a poa^ of u|rar to no*
e^all^ tairtlew ^B. lolT^
Su>^ inMa^'dnla
Ue juice,
atealblar IfaecMary. I'at ioto UiV
Urn aM cork tirht Keep la a imoI.
:a-hMle. IV..rl.t
Cara of to TeOU-BraahTha car* efVwU'tahBbaa boot aatBeieatip obacreed. la oar dtp boaara.
a writer properly rcBarka. tta^ •taad
la tolr cape or hud oa their
ataea to aei tailetobowto da]
airhh atawldBC *n> dbeaat
that My be BoaUar abooL
d be waab. "
atioB. atroar aalt aM water
tasata olBidlBBtad wai«* beiac
s coed tad r*MUy pnwldrd cicbba. ToaU wB»b*> aM paalM toiald
a ta topt earefally eorared. Mcci-
Ihat tta erp of a tabp
abolBB taftatoB b *a
tta profTM of lb* dtoe
rlU aaotor piaBol
took oalp hftneaiBata
.......... ......... _.aaMbaft7attaUUA-
the hand of tta d«T.
See you get Carter’s
Ask for Carter’s
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills
BBtloaa tort b he na
gtaacal BtDIU.
It aett ■
itaTu u!^^'2^?to>dht!to^-lC
BBM traayt will totoea atacat aap
_____ jat aeev Ua ato*!a
I Conceded by all
To Chicago. S4.
IU Ibt. C K>«ar......
Hn-t a-arm-r bW.
I'ore Urd prelb...
IVUtokry ami CbarirTuIk.
call at to •
... iSdc
tarawUua i
ataaBtacat d<
call >
"fln-Taiaa. Ar*at.
iGoanuTNi m 111 MiBi
WUKK roc WAr.
O. PIERCE A CO.. PfOprietora.
Within Range of the Leanest Purse.
Glojies and Mittp
J the'
tu yrtat»tre*t.twBdoan.taatoftolata*r*O»aM0^aoBta.
Sale &Boaniiiig Stable. |
m am atwat.
mC, to
15, 25 Bteui 30o.^
TlikbwtIiiikorw»l>li>tlikdl7MCkt mlomUimM
At Knbi BHtcto «>rhM.
mg B'a?os.b Sbr-owt.
^ ■
That the Enttnprise Grocciy ii the
j cheapest store in the city. We offer for thti wedc only:
tahb "BtaMd Biaatar.- . . . . ..
aapccdicto tolewhaa applbd tea
m. PleaAAnt, Ovoue. 8i«i.
HAW, Bay City, Ddtrolt, How.
ell. *»«> Arbor, Tolodo aad.
pointa Baat and Sooth. (looo|
eonneettona at Oopomiah wlU
and Qiadstone,
•mal Don*. Eftcanaba
via W
T Wcacotl. I'br fall li
biriSE ^■E.-nTE'iSTkriS SSria-*!.______““ bhSto
alw patlatta oeuab*
■a* abaetthaa. Ttat
HurroK wuKtniAaraiP.'
rauanui i.KAi’aa
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
alway. 1. walk.
Pick ttaBrapealrui
Ibaniarhlp. uraia. ------ ------------ upoMble WbaoteaiJnraoii
Mb thuooBb a cotoudrr. raBorr
kellla nrab, add a poaM of <
aafar to a-Doaed ol pulp Set a:
are ud Icl ileOkto alowlp till IJ
apoapb toeSt eatooth.
UwB that. vbeeateeMItaball door
oa tta oeaatoaMhb Brat eWi W hU
Utti* tatbotk aM beard IB er
haew S*rt waallttUoraolMM
ta tod. -ttat orp w Ota whiU rt_- ..
a doabor'a cm wtaa eaa* >re kaa heard
U. bM he qtlekip rao^tM it"
Thb BoUar io^ that tta little
"efacowp tahRlabcream. lea. for
a aaearalpeaiaaftaraaaUarahUd
wad IroB tta aaM dbaua, itt Uat
iHportedudDiMstlG filial
pal iDio a prcBecrioB k,'
_____ WlU a. liUl, walor a. po—I
L*t UaBkollafen miu..WF. Of uaui
the juice to all «ir*n*d, Tb*a re- ,rui. im
Bore fiuB tbr Brr aud tuaia ibUHilC" ■w...
a lellp-baf or 0»r riwlh. aud b. ta. u
pat ol JuUt add oq* piol ot ,r'.uu<.lnl
aaor. Ihd. or.XowlJ au-at a '
haiu. aud pou* Miu. J*l
It do out Ml LB’..: wi a
pat to h*r onTjUlw t*d tafioeaWtaeoeer Iber *ar ba Ttar bar* Mradr taw>n*U>rdnMot tb* iMrb
borbeod. aMUtarUlaf .Dawal oetanbataallrl. ttalr rlelMtr. tb. is'ttaralnbtelllB'loaauM u' aMrieUat rlpilaac* b rmelnd iu krwp
bodp'a ftola' waH:
ItaaoetwIUriaMUtullt. Tb*r tar. tow aae baUlu roaa' aa .boap aa
baalitetae an* lakae '
fMiCt Bollta* f<j* bolu. tan. Bor ^
^UoB. tad are rrowiajf up acaadal Tta picUr'>duwB ta'daaU'aB till a
aoBpaoofttaBwMdaWenMeeort. It '
of paint this
spring. Perhaps you wish to use mixed paint, or may
be that you want lead and oil. Eitjier way we can
ipiarantce favorable terms and favorable resuhs. We
claim that no mixed |>aint b better than Boydell's.
As for lead and oil we buy nothing but the first gra4e.
Give us a call for color cards and prices.
ksfWr**pl*.w. MkirM KaabtoairtHi.. w
.wl can m.
1 KKIt.lk.a(m.Tr*n*wau
IBO. DB nave*. UM*tal rMwrAcm.
Uraad a.nw. kick
-k. IkUop^ i lA
£lil "iivi
eu awceUB mad dry a daap
kppltalac in it a pail half tab
k Umi_
. It will alata towly aM
of qatok*_____
UMBbeatiU BaafaUf
caaaa of ptooaMc b alwmpa oa baM. -------p. tear laM or ta I
• MpeatotwhiU forbid or da aot ItbuaaeaUaatntaMp lor hltawaM btap. A pu <d ehancal
lartaM^. bat oalp thbb o«at~ atlBBaef laaaeta.
aaak to taM parpoaa U I
caitop lor
1^ with M aaartp aa ”^li b tta earae or Ue
tta at. of that whtotaear b tta eoaata*' _______ ar of
ta lafut. who cta lean
HiRbtat Hottota-,WorU*aFalr.
'uuIMt a^at^into.
war tta tack of ap
*»er«4____ i____ t»'.*
needs it........ ..
-I Your house should'• hatx a 'iKH-p- coat
to old BM llaetT.aictawof dap;
Xow that hb jJuraey b alBOat doa*
kb baUlM loupbl aM, bU eielori*.^
dbooafart. la tb* Baraa'e epra, the
oalp rcBadp tor up IMIutad dbeoB
Itaatibldor tort ea tta pariol a child b tta botUM
'••'.» araia.”
1 iS
It: If It
fti^iic; If It werrta* feed
ck aM aaaaeated. Mill of*r
•Ok. It Bap br too tired fr
oa oaa .Ida it MP ta tao wai
tod. or bar* toic froB ta Q
- tivtcanpMaattaaaMdap.
acicBaa rtanM do l.. Ur ha. d
atoOtetedr. Tb>Tloacbtb*’wr.k.4
, crhiBc. tedder «]kOU. aad Dtoke4
iifeeaparttorM. 8ntbrltod<
r. tad b n»A*ro<>t-
Chicago —
West Michigan
<lr*r Ue hliu asri fta*w«r—
Orer Uc hin» ud far awap!
Ttafa h-<w the wratheedoee 'ea tkeae
taatbl lo ewrb uJlr eartorttp aM ulM
th^ OWB bMiBBB: bat Ub thn aecar
Thb b ta old Um tueotar- Mod.
<ta or will do a* tear ulhciT&BDtaa
" ' aM qair Uea aa to tarry
that oar aaotban*earboucbl t.larvar.
ithappeaawbeattap to oat.
That woaM hae* ha*a ruk ~MltUaaak'u readla' aid loe* latlaa aM ftota'
aM* AM ‘tta Um ter aU aaaall
WlU old I
aBMBbatMeoMacalB. Whaa Ub
abM of hard ttoaa b oa»r; aa it b a alMp which will ta tataa ap bp
anatp roIbc to ha aflar a lltUa. wa
TtahlabaM .
wlUara uariBri
Uep arUi." aaid owe of tta;
e tW an
leca. "1 woamibdiatta
______ tafard .. ._. ______ , ..
ta^a^MAb^ ^e^be tor
ryadica _ ' TOep
tawaeer. ^ eerp
abM aa. tod aa
“The Way to Fi* it,"
,Mld the Dnroo wfa
, rbata that taaUm-l to
UMAI't> tkia itK*.
Ita pai|woulofUe aklat islo'
Qrertbe bllb.M far awer.
It'* O for tta bll tta llraloBf dor.
I).l It Battued aot to tta Mol M.B*!
WlUa tanto rkbeeaM power aad
rbe •dd-tlB* h<>9<otr aM traU.
It of that budwbuld
>^lb. Ml
^ tnMlt.l8*M aM lb* Irttad* of
______ llBf (BAtTMt to Ibr
alwar* Mdr. aakra a p*rtoUr al.
ltarM.blbhMl.tU.1 tb. H..m“Sm to-rther-wbore or* thrp»
tirbi Milne tad «aa ta Mlt«d o**r
Oter lb* bl'baM tarawap—
titor lb* hill* aM far awe*!
... ...
kalir .taot-tta^R.irr^
hrr aMpb
—A'mmc FkU.
TkMbooMM wkr. ta thb r*«' tanlMrcoioIr biiB to Micli
rt*ds froa
f— h*.
«> ot
x Bla
ottrMk aaroa. taoaM bar *labtar __________
AU bolt jBWta dUoUd o lUU. oM ton duall* ol'w-.r.nalluM U.t wv
...........................ttatr prawMv
•taotoor rnw*. .rtlikrtr---------------OOd o Mt of «tow*d-^3»oU<rtaw wtaio ber ^Idna rlBil. w
■t, folk. aetyoBB- aa* rrowl. aib'bal
tar* fur d luf*. b«rw Uk-j **r<.
wtU.taoo dtactopo iBIotta b
, w^^"« Um for raBacia' U
obiifnt of rtatRor. Tta Miter of ____M what the pe*M»al b.bfu o
ItoyB^ to
M d.
.tar Ue l*w tua* it will ukc to
F ,ai«. l-oi lb* aTopr. wb*B
taleaUp coobwl la a bar mM. of
Baaael. aod In Ue jeio, drala
wlUeal K|Ocnla« if po—ible.
-Ttara. that will do; aot. word!
m'X Wtat to taar aar*^^ *hoot It.' (l..tlW! while tta Mbhlph••R.V aaaM. I uilr jat waat to
•M.oa* *opbot watar.a lltttotalt.
MMcb Orataa taw to roll Otolr.
oMtatla •qaaraiwitkataafpkalb
' WataoMwHhaUlU* owwiailkbo
FB froa tta ,
_____la a ponwtolo htUle. Waab Iheto'’
bafora puMO.* UrBoetta .lore, a*
h taS hiCaf
r- '■
aeUl <1*11* Uick. atlmop eootiBSallr. | Bonne yium
Bluer, to ao
ai ex.TlIrai
-I'aea cool, bottle aM m
; flftp eento per toiUlr al J. U. Johsaoo'.
, aod 8. K. Mail'. l>m«r ttkaam.
5r.kk,'£-s::i:L;.-5''x;sSf »"i
... , S-ns.ia- ;
laa •bonaelaf ttaa b rMaliod U
Boat of tta iwelpr. lor
keUl*l»iaorei»bHiii*rtol wlU a plal
p.„pi, wborrqelr* loedleiBk.
of |Bt*r. Place ore- a uikideraU Bet !
tb* tawrl. aad l^do*«,.
Wtan twaled Uioarh. wlU a poUU- a„j ,be im* n-audZoiB Elfclrie Bill
her BaU thocvofhlp. .Hoil uetil
sMIcior doe* oot tliuBlale aM
_ palptodiMulred. ■tirriaroflea to ,
whtohev aor ottar latoxiaraeaal btatac. Wbao Ue palp to-beU aa a loair and allermtire.
” --n* Urowh a Bae-prueed tia [,(
« u>, atuatah ud taw________r. .There thoaiU t* ooUla* ]
.tr*o|rth ud citiar too* to
1 fo tw*atr-lo.r ^
I A rood taoom Wee Mp *w a
' bp pattiar two larr*iwn*wa—aatb.
- - 'ow Ue wall, abote
Tta ^^eb**ta aad tta tookta
irt. nrr>p Ur taooB tata
whIU pepprr. aM tail a tab npooaloi
AM tta Ilpettat prabb boa a<ao of .all. a MiUpooofoi of eapeaae p*}* j ttam. aaooir a.
With a 'bM toM kb. to tta B<taB
(iWitlrtodtamr M* laj* bladew...
AM U tta kata that tta twtilchl
hr b« Mrttar* tad aod
OF Evm ,
or wood to aUtal.
paperr o.
M,a**j. poip
baa^!?ta tta pUk llul* bM.
Aad tta tiar kaaSr «> dlapl*d _
aoroll OBlataUjla tWT tafi
tXr i .^ooTirr,'.5
par. oa»“pl-l rioi«mr.
U^talr tta whU* aaofoalar .ear
oaplal of .afar.
- - j Mlweaadad
a eIwUU
Mor. Aboal Orapta.
HiT»rr i.ik- 1 I
pear poaad* of Rraf**-oee aad caw.
ball peoad* of ao*ar. ame tabb*pe>>a-!
-- uaepoua- (, , p,*t «M>Twei*a« la tta kllrtao
B^r'a bed ahall be wft aad-whttaiNar UUb boj. r»d-B)ckt! (OOd
Itatop. »
.............. ............. -ikoStSk-SJfp^^H-.I.W
_. top d U*«
tU^. m
Good Fits,
Good Goods*
Fair Prices,
OrCmfor Job PrMIng Mt«tlw
Document Item Type Metadata
Original Format
OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.