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Grand Traverse Herald, December 10, 1896
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
B OOUWTB, lOOmOAN. PECntBER 10. 1600.'
Grand Traverse Herald
•lairalp ta ’ atopid oatwi
lhaItoto dlBaaltp toMt^ Mr. BIMr.
•hat S STmbjM doOTB which
ohM Bpiaaaa
Briaaw ao dto
dtotlmct. ao taoam
dto-< who teaRpplladhtohoatwlUa Um.
rUM* hmd fmltom: ahaMariaf. 1 prem j Uaet. Uat I ai«hl >t ma; m
al.p The hoat. hcolaiaa. wbM aaaparhad
•d hmnl afkla IA« tolld wall at Bfloff law U» rdd Bat d
tlaf b; UahalioM.ooald. rraa arlUnat a
hack: aa awaUlac «aU aW*!; cr*«t m? coaaUcTaUoa at pom
tknaifh aa
Mr taaina atra«rlad I tw wa. atlll Uat of the
alatr to lu Tfarkahla hda^aey.
a^alaata wild doalrc to leap: all Uc apaad. aad dtotlact maid all other taroold hara llulo dlOcalCT ia rUlar
oronaaot d^alr wbtoperad to aie to r»n wa. that .cBMUoa of Uc Andraakora a»l bouIm wiUda raaU of
la iMriaatiaa^
iMriaatioa^a "
bad Iraprj: I fall the awaoBlaf hrip.
Mbona ul fatlla#^ aad tho oola. ap
Moahoya aa QPId Mlaora.
Wiu dryaaaa. my euaralilrc llpa
CAptatm B. Hou. who baa }mi nparrhrd aad arid: aaeh I loapd to loroed
_ _ from
_ the Traawaaal. iMb Ua ■
pram Uaw aolaat the cold. Botol atory of
meakaa* la thr
boiirb oririjr falat »t**aa- Bat • Bf^ar ttoppad iAatcr.: "I harv twratyimir aBaokera.* aaU
ItojB terror, arrer T»fot (..r aa la-' f“«ar--m..ra wildly 1 ateppad-ia a dr-' b, ..^_i„rrd a£at my mlaab Thoy
tlamUcdmU ala.ytorl.B.cUrot- [^owIP«*h..daloa». Thca muldraly ' Oq u,, ,Vk of term, ahla-bodiad Btaa.
' («• OBBCrr i.f tfcr .11^1,te.1 motloo
"T •ta^W «Tr» wa. a wrll-^ i aod II 1* ao rcfiocUoo to may they do a
iUow loix tbit wpokorw. Utied I kaow larDbrrrd ady* of m m*, ttoac. aad 1 ,rl.j.„r.o,K bwb <maaot do m^iI aa
lo..^ 1 oaly kaow that Ur o..»prakablo l^ew Uai Ur ropr Uooid be ditreUy Uioy la maay oaoca Ury load ralaahlo
UorrarufUat Siatpcriud hatoi>iiirto>«|»<><>w>'^ Ha. i>7
^ aid wbra mra arrMlma lAcy faUr mr ia wakiay drramt maay aad maay ' ‘ dl»o<»d or« my Irft abimldrr The ,, „p ibr amall plona of s«ri* Uat
«day tlaer; Uat I haw looyaiphu Ilf
»®» »•’ kr men. Wildly I a„uid, hr uaaoUcod hr worklactawt,
'tb^daadly fcor: that to uiak of Uir
oUrr. So ropr Al-.^B.Ipli, Urm op la lltUo baapa that
Tho BMqdac Boar.
p^ho UOWDOO It*
’aaa viia «r«« ika> uraiO '>
, a. It torhal M ral. ...pa...
V(ll*ca Propwrty Tor S«l*-
«mA jmi. prarlac
M •• It to
Wllb kl. araa !<>•.
UM T*7 >»d> ^ mil. nto
for-marro«rbBn»«l t^tlkim.Wm vomid Ukm to harm jot ttj IL
Rose & Son,
^uriness Oardfl.
E»u iSZ
TuAvcitmc Cmr. •
------ rtsS'AHi;:
pinuH nmcTioi or ntn
Oenw Pnwt mod Cm Stowta.'
ans •aars?^?:
l^noW thi^?
g ft C*Mryi^-y»r MM—I ■■ ^
A-zss-^‘iSi.-sss:.- •—
- win CM Jaa. what raw call be.
O. P. Carver
.rarUUofUa torryoolalih j.iy that |‘o
Real Estate
Acoxrsrz- to
Li; ™’’
3^ nitpb
J bAV* Apples for AAlA in Any qoAntitST from A bushel to
OAT loAd, Aad la pricoA from SO oenU buAhAl up.
I wiU AtoiA ApplsA is bAiraA At 6 oeata por moath m 10
eeati^ bAirol for tho eboAon. foutoos la lotA of 1000
buAhAlA At 3 oeotA PAT bUebel for th# lOASoa. I hAve Sveet
OldAr for A^A la Any quAatfty at 10 oaatto per U . ioqlndMOBOAN.
srs —...
aaHU, anw wwa aua m
omre o Mj
*rTaaaOeiaUkI,fer86e,eraBOT DtVHBB. LUMCI
orav YOB bnsarBBB
Chest Protector
terveyfH'Bod Civil Eagioecr
a.ri I
Fimenl Sopplles.
Inint SMyraisi Piicn.
•to* vmmaa toerwwa.
■ srgjTTSJi^rs •ETcTSTfir
The South Sid/orMnhouse
Wc can supply you. Now then; if you want to save money
St us sell you a soc, 7SC or $ij» Chamois Skin. Then take
look at our made-up stock and make one yourself.
Yours for health and warmth.
;xi '.S-'.r
oirr, laox.
Merchant Tailoring.
All parties desiring anything in the lin? of first-class Merch
ant railoring, will do well to call upon the u.idersi gned. as
special inducements are being offers to all intern ling pur
MaMc taratohad for partial, daaeto,
«. A. HELMS.
' Trartowaaijr.
anue .tupped, aad •<
Ua cliff to ml wbll
iteuABLE aRo
Theillipper Bicycle
for busis^eM and pleaaure conUilned. GiYes
univenMl satisCaction. OaU and eee it. Bold by
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Una
• C* W. M A.A.AUM
197 Front Bt.
■ Best Livery In Mortbem Jlichignii.
Chamoiy Vest?
Oysters sold at WhuluHalc or Retail. Special price made
on orders of more thaa one Rallon.
—A.re you in need of a ‘
atcatebiac Ua lIUlo
fall to U. roaad without your faUrr. ^bamrd rlaarm. HlU the rallrf tear.
»r aU^.
yt*r BOl. UrtTfot*;
«" •».«; cyra. aod--Iacr towrd ; ..wb,, i weal dinfac rtrid J bod
.fTfore: yr arr of more | P'
—aay apaiTowa" My
fac-' *■
'”t:iaotD..akry -------------- --------"—‘*
aUicaoalrBlaod. lacriard to hrar Ur
‘hr bqajriy a^ tea rath Irmtioc prta.
Tbry •
ladr^l. oftra yrt I Iblak Uat -1
Orrp ibaoL. to Ood for Ur fiill.ia iay laa about Ur
day .I _
Uat Ury ... auBlljr w
irkifol la otboriBf ap llUle blla at
.. roaarioualr>P»«*“i
quaru. aad pladliy thrm la Pilra.
Thra'all thr rhaprra Mill
breamr -aim, 1 “ [“'‘*3
Tboyarrawd uaooj-w Urir labor,
my. -n>
rraourrrM. capai .. aad frwliay uoac•ad would (o to the Bilw«a rrery day
to look '
kad beea ao attempt almoai i'aod work.
... _____
Careful Dot to
Iididaot uka me toad to
ur aa lahorota. for at
w ork 1 oramo, _ _wto ^
ai«aj orrr thr b .._ .. _
t'sau<l.ru< lb, .JuiBbcr. ••
mo-tly antirea. were aankllled. a
''smwly"iudj“’‘‘'’lBreach' 1 frarrd aot. WiiuU .. oftcaUmea almonl oaelree
hat laorr dUtaat. thr two brira ""“T Uwarri mr? I amid bopr for
ll^a work }oal aa Uay
aiorrd toward Ur horiami
Turetay i ‘kat
w rolBC dowB lato Uo
I could iraor thr Darr«w< But could I irraap it. abould I ba
r bare
barr cl
cleaaad apall
V footing
to wher*
my ropr *a»«ri7 Would It pot yield t« my baad Ur dabrla oa Ur ouuidr
wriy down a. I pnllrc
daarlcd, prrhapa mo .rarda diaiaat.
"It U alraagc how they will dtocritoa coil abura. tralllog »rer
late brtweea Ua tool. UMd by Ue
worklagaraa. aad a piece of qaarta.
aolrrd aad aa ioataatly prvowded to
TOey oBly make a Urn
i--— wkai
.. fsalrnrd
a. particIm bw
work toward it.
So time n-iualaed
ac-uaioBird atakr? Wa.
Waa aoy oaglag loUe
i>r brwllatloo.
Sipht waa eummir oa
de near who would aummoa aid
ruaaoar.1 that mv oomradra UouFbl
•Im.v.igoal ' Ifiiol. audtf t gra»prd
Tbry bad
.. .
PoUwrick a Para
It. aad if It held, bow long abould I
r thr
mrrrwrCirr.fftch S
‘waa bora aod frew to ataabood
awlag la Ue wind that Sow bore tbe
iwrr atalloa. aad
UO birb cllBa of the a«at ot pire from a lot
lanU for mediriae. ol which heat^....
ul up aad carry off ihr frcabarM aad tremora ol an Immlaeal
toillloii. of aca fowl uiaue r. tiiro would I
>w. large duen dally, alUoagh aatCumwall
n>pr I' nude a moee toward IL .Try
Ualr a«au aiw voe
UK* 1..1 .. ... ferlag from ao illaeim. Tbla to a farm
to think ol that journey.
NhuffUaff aldewlae rery carelully. 1 aad. aaadcperale maa. I perpaendto of lunacy not allogeUar uokaotra. ao
torn Bi.t face oace more to Ur rMlgahad but made Are yarda bntore I
auBclimea a goMi deal
paare ..f water and qoUii.g bryood
If rrraOn* of
nrer tbatabyma wlUoutfftaocioR dowa. tau awful Cliff t'loaiog my eyea. I
I a loop at Ibr eod ol
of BM^'^ltoe
aod that 1 could Dutfflaoee down wiU- writhed, with I know not wbai mo tbe largrnt corn
d ifrl
<ier a rood
rrip with bia
•Id haaerrr 1 BowD. Tklewai Mr,
• rick grarKr. who
J by Uc otbrru itiff to more aidrwlM—Incapable of
rciplCB. That
lu Ur orrt.
)V|iea br had kir baakrl clcalaff yoor cyra. forced to look dowa. waa a ra.llui ■
Aud BOW tor
full Ucv would Baal bim apaedsu from *ad toead.:ion feef laaifioc the <1. .1.11.6 .1
1 liedlrd at rcoeavlr. but la noae i
•laktug. or wbatacb oolelwotUa
a oUer would r» dowa
yoo’ee got to go on or jomp off: Winild Ur ni|ie. Nnl fora momeal could I
Well, oar altrrauuu. I Uu> W'rei
' 'dencribmae yoo aol in an awlni..i. of nerrdu agite laeci It within my reai-li' Ua awaydaaplioeoff.. They pud .lutab-ul.lin' tlon. fall to your kaeea. getdowB facn laga'wrrr mil. a. I bad rapected. eecn
tael uf ropr brtvre 1 tuudhrO Uc Iraif.full length, clutch by your •llgblly Inward: bat whcafalllag bask **Tt!e*/oUoiSg'"dgureo BBoy ba rw
.ad with nbal eye. IrrI your agalant Ur wind, it awuag outward, gardmf a. iBvradIble. bol Uera aearai
“yj!*mu.l kaow Umt mint of Uc way? . I longrd lu lie down aad hold, a. Uongb Ue air waa eddyiag from hi lie au imeoa tii doubt tbclr aoonrwy.
clilT. aluer Uat uoa.l urerbaue \kc. but. of oonrar, that waa Impcaiibli
la the lw«Bty-oae yrare. froto ITW W
Ue wall
At laaoy poleu uae oouJd drop
-111.. Mr.JMeapeoBaainadn«.vS«pUto.
Sow I gated dowa ateadily. Would
r wall at ray back made it w
CUO feet lato Uc wa, aod tbea be 4U ui
bi.-h to at Ue rate uf lu.eui a yaor. or
a leap be cwrUla dcaU.' The water
cliff aeemrd lo pram onl' e baac ul tBr rock he
wa. of Irnmenae depU below. llu<
•enty-Blaea day.
lat me.
It did. ia fact, fa
I 1> Moopisi uodrr byMaatr lanr* of Ueoe were lakes la
eery alightly outward. It aeraied to wbat ebamr of .Viking it frwt or bead
ba od
Ur war,*.
Ilul lu aomr alaom Ur
later Uaa In Ue earlier nara.
br Uru.liBg mr off. Uk, Ur horror ol flratv WbalehaDCu uf onwrrelng coocliff wall b, a» Uuuyb it had bteo ratM.-|i>a.sea.
1.11 to l.Kl, a perlai af
that aeaaatioa: Vonr toe. ba Uc edge
of a precipice, and thr iraplaiable. Imp would brdaoU: Unt at leB.1 woa yearn. Ue fate of eaaaBSptkto aew
agod eeepBty-elgbt a day. walle la aaa
uklw monataiB. appar^tly welghiag clear
•Ingle year. |.i«. Mr. Jeiaap cwallowAgain I taroed l
yoo .lowly forward.
I koew lhaierlth toy back to the mow pm^rctly deal
Uatof Ueuip: oadcr Uat lrd(fc “
laid arecrertoch Ur rope
I lirrrrO beyond Ur
lu place, there
will be Koopod away
■e ol aa acUce t
t faer toward Uaad etep, for ray life, guod toraa effert aa.*pBaaiog
•re Uree or toor auch ledfew. each prothe human Aiill thr nipr awayed a.
• bore.
prrhap. barely p.«.ilifc that before, aad lu rantioo waa eery rugn- reary of Uotteeford. wb<
e Irdpra turd to fall away
pUrd Ue whole of the
way. but Ue breadth uf luy ahuulilrra
.l,y. a. Uey do yet. I am Wi
Jeainp f
for Uc
would bare forced air to lean aomr- point Ilf Itagrratii.B. bya atrong leap •ued .Mr.. Jeaiap
—ao ia gradually deroorioe Uat
ill. Ia apite of uki«f a . -------itni oniia I graep iiv Wbat uae If It htobill..................................
more oalward, aad tbi. I dared
Whore tbry do oot prujcul lar
Ue addltloo of...M.tiCIO boV
a--------------------------------•ad could aol do. AImi. to ace a were not Armly iiehured atmee? Hut pllla wiu
>aa Ur upper cploy. one lau
.urfacr before me became aa ir all tbi. tiiar f.ir hr.luii«i bad gone tleaof ffilktarMaad jalepaaad
... awiu; likvm pendnluto on the
rcMilred bi try to by. I baew ton well Uat atren^b •.riM. Mr. Jotoap. who wm aaa
rope, and jet on Uc royk. If not
d lo the age of r,k - Tbe a|
lUilog Ibc dre- waa mine bol fiiramoBeat. and uat
far in. Uca put a fo.-k oa iba loop
if whlebb#
> ibi. I bad to in the ncri reacfi'Wi of WiakoMn I ry-. bill, for Ue amouat of
old it
11 till 1bU return. When a lodac
to bull!
Afty-Bre. ,
alwady look at tay abould drop from Ua wall like a dead rated. ooeared.Bo leaa Uaa flfty-l
dW prufoct au that •
llraciBg myarif, I watebed tbe
, bo hauled down aomr Muen, nnu ir
^'7n'”ue depU below Ike myriad aaa rope ateawlllr lor oee ronad. aad ai It
BiauaUoa of a RatnarBabto Bamily.
fowl tbea mated on the black water. retaraed agaioat Ue wind. Jumpad
' ^Vri!T Uc”^i*frr I reached war lili
a world bealar.
. Uoogb nwellln* more with Ur atrajgbt outorer Ike haaeiag AUaai Oermaa towmblp. MarabaU oaM^'
lly Irod-a aid I f - •
Wlod. tad yrt aa aabrokea aar
^ekoot ouTybe Mime ala teev farUu
.t Miisr little dUtancr from Uc clutebed. belli the ati
viobt ahs dat
■ Wer Ur C«1B tep: the ruck wan wci
held; Nut abwilately.
uooe. awiea.
uppmtytuwr perpeodicular, till —
a1 It gaee gaee wlU jarka
I mr
B-ma I kni
knewtheteialua. "«2Sl?nuwa.a-ramr».
'W. H. FLBT0HE&. Prop Uc'oopiaff aiue geouad, but b
r 1 ctrold not tee. It
ba ooaoly. OUo.'dTtS
.Ucaarly £?
• •
. Ihecllfr.face waaMiWo
•alag. Then It held
naked ead I'tiiimrd wiU a (alnt. per- dlcated bill tigatealag.
•eUlanof MarUca. and are Ue
•Bd I .wae
oald barely dlalia>..i.ag roar that 1 coal
•ball cooBty. U batbaad new betag
aboee Ue
y.,i.h. Heiorr U* de
•Igbty-Uree ycara________
latdUe wife eighty
i{ want June. Uoaaandf ut bird.
i.-ji y bank ot rioad :
me NeiUerhadcecraaeBaaalmtortc
<.wn » aurf.ee b..re that appearaOM
T. .lldedowo sad plare my feat la light aaUI laet wlater, Ueagk both
,f Iiiteane and angry gloom Uint often the loop wa. tbe laetlactle* work ot a were BMr towaa Uat oand Ucu. Tbe
__aia.- SOUD wuebing Uc ledge, I I. ralda a atom. but. aaee
wife aerer rode on Ur rmilraad oaUl
_ below my perch raro.ioaa to admit my body barely, i aboatayearagu. lluU are axealloaU/
preeereed. and are Ua paienta of Ua
For fully a quarter .if a mile U* Icd.^
Me. aad two daagbuia. all llTlng la •a lee
ran aiuag Ur cli:
Mknr and cirnfally edged weabocm enme. Tbea I loet eoe- Uat rtciolty eicoptoae daagbur, wlU
alk. 1
- - ahoul
illdraa. wbomideale Kaaua
rd uutgaln.t the rock, I felt Uat
waea i awaarned, lay dear moUcr'a ____ __ U* aoaa are Ua paraaU ot
ward more Uaa naual
tweire cbildrcB each, aad Uaraan ItT
igb tiaff.-r
tiaff.-r ;
dtemUted Ue ooliuo.
t aaae. anar taors dtoUatly rw
PantreeU. Ue oldmt mao
Siat ooualaa. who roatda
Oted Utell
wiUla adlilaacaottwomllaa ia Uat
BOt grt Ue nae of IUat ledge alwi
rUa BackaIt bad been a.ateady
Ne.er al_. .
ai Uat Ua
oar grmndfaUrr-a, aad we only laogh culle earaped
I alood qnakiag
A j been able
odeeot of
a aaw
ed at hi. prupLraio.
Yet the place of deilrlou. horror Urilled eeery nerte.' any other horaaa being on -wie w1
-am Uat o
aa old sued llarairr waa marked by a —
,g.-A. W. I>i...M..M. I
-' oei-b. a
llaa of gram, by tufla-of weed, and
rei; cold, .braak eooeal
•mall buUeu aveteblag along a* far an
sztototoiMtozaru legtwaoAwr,
naica. w
Uc ledge iucif. aad wiUis a foul ur m>
Balleoaa ts Baea Life
1. The Boa
of the cilfT. face.
rw^’ao'd'Tteted "!o ! Tbe ballowa baa beoorae a ourlae <
Eggi were BOt M> maay n. luaal. aad bead agaio.l
A whlraad wind-of .oddea 'lUe aarlog appitoaca. The b*g ueeai
• I went a long piece from my luor Ur- • ruay
luua of ootward greyh-iuod. will wxra. It to Uuugbt. b
for* lura.ng back Tam I ooUcral Ue W\nga made mr ooateluua
eery uraage conduct of Uekoau c.f
a. ao aa tu be praetleally ocalak- family
aea fawU below.
raaaliy Uere were
.wept away oU
de.lc* baa been not- one. a
ttempied la rain to able rat.
Tbto aoeel
d my haada attempted
baadreaa. bat now Uere were tboo.................................
a abrewd
Notdaryiag to cant qBUdbjaahi
aaJ. ua Ur wing, aod lo.irad of dan- rlulcb tbe rock
1. 1 drew it tortnite-', Hnlie Ue
lag forU la piayfa! motion.. Uey mr head backward,
la loealltica
loeallticB a lltM mo
man dtotaat. Tho
of Ue „ reateal aereke ta
aUted .bonidera and dagbiloaaI prorc
• - , be wildly eaclleo. Mreamiag like between my rt
oat at
at aea. it win family to a MarabaU «
u.bing oot ia terror, and r
• rlag .ebuoaa Biwhra Adeerftwr.
iilable at life
ard witb ■uaiaiag ol riai a from not be arailable
«. a. tboagb IS allgb
ring aboreward
' Tba wind
la dread aod keep ll
daager. aad for
"rV TbcteVue^^
a Uedcad •wall avetebed I
Coal Mtaa Warfcod by Oaa Ham
would be almoat ImpoB- - iwite
------ ma
glaacte raj"
» glimpMa of I
Tbeacoallmlsaal mhte ia Ua wnrfi '
tbe or. j cliag aoimil-coping ‘■■fber. *Uto “>
boat, bamperod ^
yacht i wa. Su iVar ia'u.1 direcl^B
Bat Uc , Ue ballooa. u. Uc a«tolaBoe of a craft to la Ue noaUtea prorlooeof New Zow
load, where, aeecedtag Is the leptato
tor'bwmlXral. hcarlag on the loag bll | di.iractiOB of •c.-aaoing Ue cliff aide
In a nnni leal m^e la U.
uf Ue laapectora of mlam for Ue ootoUe Maremy
O-dl^ **aSjw
at. aod It ae
n-tura i
TqlepiioiHt 7^
Tr«v6r8« OltT. Vieb
Orderafor Job Printii« left 3t the
RMIIreoi^<6 prompt sttention
I b^’gaToed la caeeiKiiry't direction, and It to K. f
saw maaagaa aad warka
tail, bat Is him. ealaabMtoae.
toaaoUsr amall eoUlorylaU*prweUtee werkad by cma au
tcBabor teklag off my cap aad
. Ue eillaga M Ntoeoa. la Isas
Ue awnt from me face aad
la my qnlck approm-b ^ -hico waa bameaaed wiU oortto to w
a Utoaluaud aear UepotUeea] WlU my airere. H kUr d >leg
te-two ■
•i.t lu Ut te uTf-ime beore came frredom w 1 boll-w mact coDaected wiU tbe ryila
oked dowa ieeolanurl.t
Ulak bow I abould aci oa mcOiog it. I deta. waa laflated.yTbe^aau wbvh
at my few*- lonUaUJ “T
and anecnlallng at to how aoua my to of gaa pipe, to ad(naiiSle aad. whea
almoat froae wlU horror
mtaoTaBd taSmaoT^
dmeiaet crack brtweea Ue taaer edge
I — j ■
1 Ue Snaore aad U. barf prarked.
.oot-haidened Mil wiU whlU it-te
widening before my eyea.
tally a
tralold fome:
aa —
Iqee n. M-eoted alaUag oat- reuraed
.<_raad wlU
<-------------------w^. aad. wiU . .adder aad a gwi arard Uroal of Ue pradpiee
a.ada ttmr. Ue w -.olc long platform grow Ototlact. my trembllag
loll eraabing i- lu' w*
^ told me Uat It moead bodily V
me.tbedeeseataeblBdatet.j --
lire la UaeiUagsor HalmmittoUst• a^ mw wera laaded^i^ dally.—bUoaga
boat tiled wlU water.' Keea
to <Md.~ ramarki tba Madtel
aloag WlU aean
oaaee ia speed.
Ue^pupTl^C^la'mlar •bt'wM bow
be amid pomp Ue gaa fraa Ua faalloea
back Into Ua cylladera. Bamc of Ue
I gae WM tbea borami aa a beaecm llffbl.
rbl. U« opUMmsmmpA aad taTb^t
which eonld be eoao toe maay mllm
anmad. WIU Uto aad a reSoeuir air
aal. Saebm eaa be madwwbleh wmiU
Eeaa a fewliag of lawron held m* fw qaick. aldeloar atepe—my istiowiag
me mBmraaa.
Almost eooly I obmd a loag aad mighty ware roll
m Ua taeoBtor to^t
_t from baaoatb
It «t fo^ a
earn by btoag toaaebad from
b^b. sariiiMcraat—a eolkd trail cd wa- ad la mortal tartar aloag.
Betey pmMbte^ aortd^^^ djtoy
It otraok Ue yaAt itora a*.
ia*a a lua oaei^ ct*w. on* tbaagb
• dowa no bw dock, imaibad
raady, aaoU Uoot a liaa aWart. Of" of ••«. aad aw«pl
ua ^leUg to a Ma>c wbat MartlT Mf
•boea. Ua Utbwua alto toWhte to
aty Uoagbt dwaU
gMaUtafiMaaMMltlaBtobaat ••
My W ISukir
biteted Miat
j-pr-t-uato.* ifeM k
*rRA.tmBB hbbaux PEdEmER lo. ia96
1 Traverse Herald
' TBOa.T.BATB>.»Uor.
The Labor
, of getting
Iteident's Message.
; ilkrir to laqOn U« bakoldar «Hh Oact.
' taf. OM
eratMt^. Ba-na»at
••((•d CMorh to cnU lor top^ial
. «r Pnatei
t to Ibe poUcma «• J>i>
tt* anal
—dn.On«Jl. Ih« ■trf... _f I
•nnauitoa m
aw of
crBolOrrabte abUBadoerelee. TWwea j
) of rcaonaiBa fw tb« OoMfli oi
tbo erlalne'
.: pl« aoa for prepor Ptirriaar
of (>m| T»ir conoirucOon el roaorb for oor rvtdoiitrJ lb tbr narelnilt^rlger «rttb I
, iBotioT «
fr««> a^" “
Umc vh*D
rM durna PC* oaiT baa Pore raotartlcally proo- wbieb b« ^ pamod from (ereer to {
->» tnaiTtdoal »rbo lo rap
_____ ________________ J of o«f fr«
nooovaoca' rcurod bjr tbr prreoei aamlolatraliMi
of fnmlablna i
in epoo
tbt (MOTBl llpta pirrloual^ -tlia law.
BO dranlio rooponao U
The «b*r day, ato-i **•
bai r«i boon it—-' •
Mali and Expiew, ia a toe burrM raqionae to Iba arrHapUar ortar bo 'teee
OP.- Iba (mlt paddlrfa art traa upaav
aaii Ilia paabboa bp/ prar* wate acalU cuu and imjM.ZU in aU- j e^X^
tr»d Otar Uir irreund apd acrnwi tbe
^ anomM br i
Btieel ear tmrk. Tba apracad poUcaIK.U..M* IPO iatand or tbr Intrrfrrvbrr ellh lla Priair our r
terbenrroroBr iranQulll .
.ban loa^-t^l
lot.- •
man oould bardlt reewBn tba tnpalaa
aas M woakBtaa in our paUonal Rmet> control to ««r atbrr power. It ahouVd
to uw bb eftib.
ed Ibal It raauHrt br re
pole* of all national
Be. Wbrp »e oonalder Ibra* Lerldratt
Id tbal tbr PHbrHo r
aed eruiiomplau
-Tbadinrloalar-aiirlaiBriba. -He
r of tbr Itnllrd Stalei
rd bot fulir ?u?,^ „
tbit under tbr proarnl Uw our pr '
II on (lurpnar -juat trying to akilM
Ivrnt and In Ji
obtain tbr necraaarlr* of a mmforti
p.tniintba.■r dlaeover aPondi
riinrnrr ai a rhraier ■
-Ila baa aurrar.1rd, ibrn.” Bid a aotl
Tble Ip a maiirr .
tnire at ili- om.e,-. elbow, and aaeat
c«. ulnM II U the
lltllr wnnian alooprd ap<t begun to
gulhrr Bp tba acuurrrd fnllt.
Tbr olhier'a fare redd>-ird lirbrm
} Ibrir coet.
•elltlea them todraand of UwB wbo
liaird a moiaanl. and tbro br. too.
diBcounit and tic.1c.-n.iB n
■ endrrtakr to makr and raaeutr tbalr
in the work of leatoewliop.
of all kind* on' band Of the!
Bwtatieb Calibfitl aod unarUlab Brrlra ullrr drulrocllofi •if the very aubtcct d“'«™"'»n>a nreraa.iy ni
Ii111 tlMlr bRult aa can onlir be prmpi- ma
ual d'poPWora and'Ro »<l.ei> >
. ,.PI cratlfyli
tim’aod^^li^rn^’^ch'^ areapit, to the aotBolanJv ii. -------l*Iac«..rj r-Tulie ihai
I the W-. untuolewtod by hie old aoao;.'
UMo erf public dutr lovlira.
«-narK_______ ____
. Inaucuntlui.
ul iba i
>vid. ; ^liveiuan. * .
Tbr prealdmt ibrti aaya that
' ad
rd for by
iisi raocreep
ooocppep i^ciaiaip
brcWaiP tar
Her ebU
ebu h irriaii
*■• ‘iSrJ^jJSrbr rhoirr of war. and
pMtboda until the lima for action ar"7^ i
Anoiher topi.
th* prrclar roinJlilotii then rtlal
hcblfuUT Ukr
^i’‘^iil'drlBbr^n^lto d'SSUuc Bpon
Pnaiinrlal mrtkoda. , bare
l.iirtly roi
Inc: and they Rrmid^nm h, d-t-r
aod forripn raatirra that are
exlpiimie of iruPip am. ....... . .
mined up.in •
Crrraiiunp •>! capliai tbr ulijact
ct ”whtah ILJ?''
iXitSS” ■.wSo:siw,*STO
________________ ______
1095 M^S
a drlrndrd 11
" * I they inrivaar i.mpia tb.•>
1 Wb^"
^ S? i;:--t [,n'A
a of .train a. drplcud m
necawwlra n<
of IS.V.S.«Mi:k
'ofTiiaia'tod year <>f
IS.V.S.tiMiiV. oor :.l per cent, and bodily palu, there i.aluioat uni
'ndlturaa of ll.Uf.- .neeptaf angidali at the ttauuKbl
monop-b-T.. Tbetf tendency It
■pee uae ol hu- | The numl-T of e
mull fatnirire a A tbr fuirc1rvri,.i„i,rui '-b'- riilird 8
alrooccat men baikrst. and the moat naelnl
in dantrrf of <li.li>di:'-nK-nk Ipiin the . barred rn .vdnni
he I ..untnee •<« robbed of their naeiolncB.
Vn-mw ..f
Mr. J. A. Lebeur ba. lived in At- •
r . |.r«.,wri.,, in
h^p.. an |
»|.ich they laiita, Ga., for year*, aiui aome ol tbe .
W«kr”ol”lhit*elty OT
Tiimetltm BmwuWPtohlaBkillaaanarcliilect
h«:i; 'ii' a»dbnlld«.
of ubi. h he IP
to th'* level ..I
ad ua to tori
oc tbr wbola rub-1 more convinced tba A rear that '
ind the prealdani bate bO apauied III
-I of relorm in the; aafrly until the (t
» “• “■' S':FS
lib ail Ka prndrxli
Bentl to ace that aay pruum
Irnte.^and with
fbal inaiiy l r..u*ht c.pn«ia'rnl.l-
uere "vr
....r It
H years of a*-. r«CJ
Par.oatii .u -re iliiterur.* ua aguippi *oj:
those ..f that age .ntvinic
'•’e l*ro.,silnK l-atwl y..«r. • • •
Thare arri.cl fi .r.i Jaiwn Junrn the
roar only 1 llo IbimiersiiiP. and It i. the
oplnioij^of the luitritoal|.-n AUll'orltie.
_____ ■■
sstaTss..ss ■
lie operation Tbi
If Invited to UP by batl
_____ ..y lb- Mih day cf
Wtolavar i
Tli toow51n,;M:S*:i;''*rLc?l^n''^ our “cuit^m-y"ttoi
Vhu^mi m
obv'i'Sd Sit'd
aaina time ramovad. by i
UdpuSb'lintoB'ii^ toj^lbX
organluitlon of amaller be
U*.w»«w-1»lt^-ta^ : GOWiula*.
market to
Ung cal
rlar. ! facture*. '•niTpnly enl'pe *Sat»7T«f, }*'
tonka -to aatabllab
dnniui wb ich ihla law baa baew In force
• »th day of June. It** In *“
of Iha
dV* '"r
KlOta xrtolIXT*
farmer and eurh
' .-.■s-'is: i
arltably enufl rlaldad
B tt wSa tto puller of botlTpant^U
toumt U aa far aa practlaabit.
1 unaxpeeted. 1
ta actOg wn'lba''uama”t'b'«M7 aa 'to —........................... b In December
toaurgtwta. namely: that tba aalrancKa
a< tba oonteat Tadulro Ua wb..........
'bolnalt r*nr. that the pecratary of tW 1
foretold a daflcleecy of fIT CM.O
itaga of the
Ir In bnalnaaa'clivO? and the de.
Ml ta all artlvlllea Inlervenlnc
____ that time, rasulilnx from cauaet
paffacily wall updrraiood and aoilraly
dlaeannanad with oar tariff law or lu
oparatlop. aertonalr chicktd the Imr and coat t
porta wa would have etharalae re. wHb tba p
orivad; and readily aeceont for thr dlfito rebela. to
fcawnca balw^ thia aailmatr of tba
IT and tbr
Iclrncy. aa
... _ for a ronti
t. Indeed.
H muBt br confi
totOlT have tod .
'•to %ia' S»OBld'be*'ecM5i^i*'*r^
lably hope ._
i "•Ts.sr;.rt3S'’s:.".'"=.-'J.'s
pwrUrwiar dmnet
Sis KSs.^iE's;
tba Vollod maiaa abould roant of tba aapaPM of tba goTaTWtba ialapd-a
•OBlMyanant. and wb
a ware: ad for that p
*J**f*f.^.%jrg«d "nally. that all'
4 repreeecl original
a and Ikin tncroaaa
01 axifting fwtvaionp
The nunit*er of peraona eaceivlof
penploni fr->m<lhe fnlled Blai-m. nu'
realdtng ip foreign cumtiep ai in.
cloae uf the 4aai Aw-al year waa :..i>l
and the amoum g-md to ihem durlni
the year waa »'.«;.:Dts The aum ap
propriaied for the iwymeni of penaloci
foe the current Ascal year ending'Jum
turea ovar racripw Iboa M. tMT.IU «14v.vua.v4c. and for the sueratimai-d^^^tJa
MX.Zitt.StS'™. The ordl- ceadto, ,Br u
H.*If.si£Jl lem tbaa dulng ... .____
Ing flacal year Df iha raceipta man-,
d aninii^vKlaiore/if
Uanad there waa derived from c«ai,Mne
Iha POm of MM.lCT.Tll.g:. and from In*
faanal revanue lltt.VbUDK Tba raIn my opinion ^toaed upon
aelpt* from cuiloma abow an lacraaaa,
of r.M III S over tboaa from the aar.i^
Biatlon and olwervalloik the abuare
toltlk and tbe racripip from iniefnal. nhlih have kern allowed 10 creep tmu
our penXIon eysidm baae done ibcafcurevenue bn Inrreaae ..f U.UIAIT.VI.
Tbe value of our Imported dallable toUa tarm in demoralltlng our paoi
merchandiae during the lati Bacalyear and rrndaiifig good cniaenpivip.
• at UC liT t;!. and the value of fraa have endeavored wlihin ray ephara
gondf Imp-ined toOt.WT.CA. being an live '
creaae of K.Kirr. m fbe value ot dutia
ble good* and iU.2dl.0M in tbe'^lu^af honor, conuloing the nama of tboiu*
diaal'led in ibelp country-p aemc* and
worthy ot ibrir voimirr'a affocUonata
1 and do^ ramrmbraoca.
. .
Whan 1 havr aam Ihoa* who poaa aa
m. being an mcTTaae ovar
e pracad.
Ing y*to of ri.*«!l.“l Tba_______
eragb _
ad tba aoldlrtw frtradi acjlve and airrt In'
valorem duty paid uai duitoble good*
Imported during ihe yenr Va* ».H per
cent. and on free and du'ttobla good* approaeb
ta^ togrtbrr KlH par cant
cawi of oollacilng our totartol ary rairenchmant aad anferoed
rwvenoa waa 2.*i per canL. a* ato>ua<
2-tl per ram. for tbe flacwl year endad
June to. im. Tba loul production of
wortm ft a naiKa a tare, ought
dutlllad apinia. aaclinlva of fruit brna. who.
dlaa. wa* tX.tn.T01 laaabla gallona. be. la n*a and die undrr Iba proiamun of
naiton'a gratiluda The aeereiary
Ing as lamaar of (.tn.m gaUde* ovar a
cmlla altanUnn In Iha pnldle tnie
tba praradlBC year. Thera waa aUc *B lavolred la as adlunmam of the
•iicreaaa of l.taLftTnUotu ot bpihix gailona of lb* IkuiRc rallPmd* i<
---------nn>enl 1 derm It to ha tn
Bl duly in aaperUUy praarnt
rato of tear
waa lUSt.tiO. aa
i°bSr;'.';u“a'!5 c”*a“air
but "
■ytotoBanaa mnwirlyand In prmSlcal
:■ .itoratJew dlaarlr prnioua and infannua
praaani larlB tow. If al.
jtotoir own intaraata It baa aln^ been
.Ir oppotlunlty. wit) In the
'Oto.B WBW amnatlsiB conlanded tbal Bear future nnd a revenue which, with
i ■StM^bTra^Wlito.
d aa Ibt apanl
inwB of He exaction from
■nwtoypwkt, Ibarafera. of ai
I ss:;^~,’'sr
a Ihe revenu* from tb
«re 4baa Ua prop
*“* "gwu-r* war whleh Uaad-l .Tb* «oranitrwui tbua
- ............ .
s:»'5r,5?!y; n*ser?rSS
m la not ibe lew «el.1 Ihe f»ci that, nowith-
wua aluioaHi
i. however. 1
that I felt
Ibone who once have it ar--------- ----- -•
waya be aubjeet to lit a
time to thne. The reawi
that thedodlora are only
llid onlv. I
I'llohp felt off I I
•d. ibe.aecTvaac
when ar coneu
he fact Thai *U' •n total exi-rna
mofe than ri.«
■ I T''"
tba dcpaiimei I UI •a... U.IU.V, Iiaj
llnued lu ext nd He aphere of u
neaa. andhy 1
mem In the
r.fd'Ti'd’ p‘.
prugreaa rr
form furniph.
ESTES & LAURIAT, Publlihoi, , - BolTOrf.
w a
lor real
cr, Evccuia. Call
c.x Ill'^d Patton.
irta being as- I i
In the Herald leads to Fmperf^.
lever returna. Our
I be mailed free to
ft Specific Cc.. Al-
rndV^ Tal^Sd'
S^Hi-lacre ar
clea daatinad lo rl.anae OUT polltl
puChc' »ep^Kir^'’‘n
IMd A m.wt radi
e*l and iweai .ng axirnxion waa Otodi
by rirevllia order dated tba ttb daof May. I"A
' Tlir civil aarviee rel-w aa amaedad
durlnc the last yaar rrovide for a yenaible and un.l rm math'Hf of promoll.m.
■--------- elig.btmi............................ ..................
upon danvonttraied eSiiieocT and faltbfulneea The abiwme of Ti-d re let on
tbia eubjeet baa bees aa Indmiltr U
the ayvtani mere and more apparent aJ
It* olbar banafilt nave baea beltar ap*
In rcfu-ludlBf tbia eommanlcalloa tta
toai weed* shall be aa appeal la Ito
C.vngeaa* for the moat rigid economy In
th* expandltora of the moa - IB tretl for tto paopD T
parpleilBg axtravagancv la
ralum to fregulliy le dl«e
bowevar. II H iMiaidared tbal tboaa
wbo bear tb* burdana of taxaUon Mv*
no gnirantaa cf boneai care lav* tn
tba fidalliy of tbalr public amrvanta. Ito
'•«««*—t -
agalBM iUn.TM hroducad tn l>r pre.
r dlffaraace* an forgnctaa
eodiBg fkacal year, balag aa tBcAaaTto
itima .M poMical oplnltm are
________mUItto nuBibaa IU.r»
Uto.aa tomto.
Tbt loui •mount of gold axponad men Tbe *w>roprlailoi» f..r It* oup■pact of our publle aervtea
rrvtefwlU to
dunsg tbt ton Oacal yaar era* illLOM..
ig aa tto race
eooM; and of allvaa XtoAai.tTl. being an Uibulad by Iba t-drral govatnmrnL
iBvaallgailnn abowa Ibear troop* ta to andj^mao^ of a conxMi davMlM
S-afTSs ssaf JS-JTiss;
Ma. J. A. IdiSEca.
tiam. The rtipcuse grew J«
aa 1 continiird ibe S. S.'S.
aoon dipa|>pearcd entirely.
xlga proved lo he a fiaa ‘ lie. a* I now"
frel better
”V“"•' I'hu'a’rerto'fora.'I'n my
uch lo praUcof 8. S. S.'
kbeumatism ia-x condition of the
reopc of MT'iOO.dO over
«r Immadlaiel) preeed-
that or the iirecMting y.-ar. a bile the
total eaiomlliurea on account of penMonp. iiK'luding the copi of maintain.
U)g Iha driwrtmcni and axm-naep ai.
tending iwnplon dlslribuiloa amounted
to tl«.20«.;.rd C.V. or within a vert .mtali
rractkin of one-ihlrd of tbe enitra ex.
lawa are only primarily luailfled ka
irvet of ravanut to enable the govTba autiatlea of national Income aiM
imral to meat the titcaaaary aipanaat
Ur maloiananca. Conaidatad aa to natga etc., gtven by the pnmident ar.
aumrianry In thlt taapaad Iha preaTba rearalary of Iha traaaury taponi
... ---------- ..
y.,, ended Juni
M aaradto. tarTy the country at will
•H pitotor 111 wrutebad inhabitaota
TruvotM 01^, KioUgiu!
SiiliSin o“Thil dOTd
'tip ag.
cy and
I Anal
<rt* that th' value
iDonatary ...________ ______ _______
Ito Iponar cwniribulad b»‘ the pe.
far lia yupport.
and to the axpandlt ...
of Bucb monar for Iba paopla'a lianaOt.
Oar Pualnaia tnierr
............. and all good clittan long for raat
m favartah agttauan. and the Inaui
........ailon by Iba genrrefnrmad financial pol|A
I eniarprur ami
irda of
I US rmt StTBt.
mansg-roveni h* haa ai.nu.
largk eum from Me approp
dawn upon ui until our govattifflant
aPandona tba tonkinc bualneB and Iba
ofTereJ ill Iba city..
diaeaae ]ir<idnrcs rUt'Cc agony, to aaya.
than cun well K* dccrilied.
Jrriira 1 hava suffcretl with .-Sciatic
Kbcitmutiant and often felt‘ail if a
amall rii^rr of uiy upiuc bad been
taken out. also aa if a fragment
_ .Utod|iaasad through my left
\nieu I would ail down. I cxnJd
not alraiglitrm up for arveral mluulea,
jnnerally ari*
m mon.cm.ivi ..f the dv and then only at the axpanaa of grcal
............................le uae*uliici.a ba* i>e-n en* .pa-u. I could get abaolulcly no relief.
bhi.cd ir. ,,x.-r> air-.ii..r.^ar.i at |ha Ih^eh
Tba entire caaa
Uaatalamri ibai
the day'^a*
and Bound flnanrUI
inrUI moltaodrwlll
Bbvleua that iher* | tboat who dal
leot nil Wool Lap BobM it Half Prioa.
• TakfadtnuUKuiir tii««e (nimlmw nargaina. Tbe bert'erer {
; it'lS.
Tboaa wbo
people of a
abroad for ...
r^r<^. I Pa
■ IncfUtoad
incraaaad thraugb tariff rhargt
[ Entire loft Fur OokU and Bot
r mK.'i?!.;? i wbo
- 'St ssis; jrK,',S',r,E ssc;
'STawrr etoDnn,ll!
II bap Iipanod tb*
I Christmas
lack of dlPi-iMtion or
-n* redeitollon fort* Ihem.lnil Plmpli
Jfrailon ro.m J.iwn., to th- |•nlle•l
IbamPelvea a. Inleriue
.eiaier. u «uh..ui imp edtoim.iial l.mndo hot reach lb.- dimcullj
rumrlenclae of ci rllr.i.* I.vn. ran he
tdp for the punu
— T -- -....... ejalpad I. point of .mnoi thnwlmed axtlnctlon of aa.l7-jrj^^”"’?*
•|e de|.«r1nu*hl of iwrri.ullure ta-ao
renied'ed by furiberlasiaUiiion It abould
Mutely rs.|,.l.d lo till- u.-lfurv ..f
■ Ikolde Ulid ll•e.•J.p-l,e..ly of oUt
ft ■ el ■•tiM be recAgnlted however,
In detapll of Ihli.
lloii tbal ll.sh.'ulJ i.mrlanMy rethat: oil-federal leciplaimn un tliia tot.
w the .are ami^encourai.-inent of
Ja--l’ljnay full abort i.f lit purpoae h»i
iroril^ ’'lf*'’cvifTe
eauae of Inherent aUi.eba. and al-o
hnruvler of
Iwaup*. of ib..• comi'lei cbnruider
*<f I ninya ft liav cn.wn to l*e,thc .wi
ramad. pbould^be'''c
tor. UltoMty.
uibattty. aHthor to'
totro tba Inaurhub. while I aciU'iitiirol int..|lic..ri> ■ and ili..
aliw ^»lwuto
upr-tn-lof uel ami ai.e..iirne. oem ' i.i u
limited i turul eCorte tj.ree -uri.P of rrucr
rrfaca* hla i
■rttian HP Pi.hcre. haa -ur
«Ml na iha cmitwt baa gobe on Ihe
enl or Iha na'
that frpr b> met-, and i
tonka "bou^d^
d of coUacilm
ba ••..nfess.sl ihiii the lerlelnil..n re|
bicbi-pt court u
iBif I" K has noi alunys lewn dlrw
i.lni: ur
Kh^'‘e‘'ir...'of t” - trtjpii
lie urid
'in be adeii alely t
•nii^ Uftinr
piil.lic m..i
«l.lpr.i|.r '■<
■ Itllii batny uda. Ibo mire
l|. Ih.».
. enaa on
. S.W P..S s~ — —.............- partiet. ii la
to tovo bean, la fact.)
.S4 e.
} ToclOMontktBklfPrioalotForDiiTlnB Olorw.ud'j
Bcuwllee la* Ilue ihe
deap-seated |..|.ul«t. . ..
am unntp.ma. ■
they are.hel.l. .ml the n*
Pie Inalaienie ib.t. whai
thHr iiiciiVrob p-rwinai
p-rwinal oharel
iieefuin.ap cun tu*l I
ljuru.up Tbourh I
led to d>wl »llb I
M* torn
win ore
land cm
......... ...
le hr-lj..
1 ByPtem III
illM and rabeallrd
•tdin* of ■
done, aj baa bMn here
________ idora ahroa.
I lofore rarommanded. by tbalr rkchanpr
to tbe *eal pueatlon aod m
We have durln* tbe piart year la-[ for lone I'tn bond, baarina a low;nii>
bored falihfuny and I
tbi*is?in “kiSi'” “*
Farm for Sale.
r~. aeutu
———o ud F«iHt Bmiiliat
, _ta WMbisgwi 8L
Idrn. ) nneaaanly m ibai diteati'm. ii ' aalpta^iiritic ihv imr are tKZ.I'w.foi.- Eaperially
... .... -------- r.e ...J. »pu.-. tacked audcoiui'lc
•leiety disabled
' ssa."^.S“«iFE:£^!----- ------------.ssTs.ssis '.IS:
Tb. feaiuie of It. Hnanelal
iJCat and moat oaeli
BorKDaaT gi'BiTioX. b~brln >n lu
wbola contrtnrrej to arbilrBlon
atlor.irj crnnai a rv|-n
out |-^p^..mlT Jri.ann.rm'IP ir. cn
• • rrdura,
or lb. ur- luIorM'of iblr I..Mt-1-la)
‘■£ «,fr.S' ■
Do ant go VfaB or S
s:£s hs
luaraak.t MkUfBio
(mom. Tib cbi no betur wlib iam
maatj neanw homo.
Iwoda rlcb. dry and geady vaUUciTlaibarad Bainly with 8i«b Maala.
Bock ElB. UpBwood. Aab. Baoeb.
Hamterk. etc., ud are wall wntBad by
Ukra. rieitmaadPewok.
btroDg wUa. dor enipa. bBlthy allmalo. w-booU bwI ebnrehB. iPtolUCBit
pnpulaUoo. auanly froB goalnew Btota*
aal Ctoada.
rot Htioha. Kapa. ate., addetw .
SLi*^u'n"j.f“sr4^f. srs..“r, ^i^sr^^tSfrai^r^^fr
Farming Lands
rg™_gj. *_»,
4 SJSrod' «v^'
siN^iirs'oSird'Mi ■ _
While you attend the Farmers' Institute <1o not forget to viail
The Popular Clothier-
As onr Special Sale on Suits and Overcoats will be in progress dnriag the lostitate it
will pay you lo look ns over. On aa overcoat or ulster you can s>ave,ypnr expeoMB while
the Icity. Jgst think, an Oxford Grey, extra heavy, high collar Olster, worth ia good
times •9.50. thi.s sale $4.78. The verdict^^nr goods is. by cuiapeteat judra. that
you save 75 per eeat by bnyiag of us. This is ao oewspaper boast but •traigfarfoct. ,
For this sale we are showing extra heavy, double-breasted Saits in black aod oxford
greys! just the tbiag for this weather, at $4.97.
To quote prices on all onr bargains would take too much space. 'You are cordi^j
inVited to look us over- If you dfn’t buy we will be pleased to show you how much you
would save if you did buy.
Yoan. tuxions to please.
News of the Week.
kaafeasd d(oea*S^^tM law tl
SS’iftef'SlsiSris; Judge waiant Martin Gives His Pewerfui
indoisement to Dr. Greene's Nenrura,
____ ChadUa
ala Btlaa aaaU
n* ItortM a» eoneU'eetelM tWt
eUldrca aaM
raalng ber arm into the watdr.
The Eminent Jud^e. Senator and Director
of Barre National Bank, Says He Has
Used Dr. Greene’s Nervura In His Famiiy
With Great Benefit^
ori.J. B«c>U« trlmmlBceuwe. Ml mad
l»tab)]r taul I.Jmrl«.
.« Bill la BowardartUr.
Laerle BeadmB of LaichlaB Uxra- reaeatlp eat Is ter tl
tU^ AHwaa eoulj. wm killed b; ea
.. aarryb^flalardarBantef'
Uto dlreelloo. aad when oae of Ue
Tbera are too oaajr olekeU at bk
. Jmapk ead Beatoa Harbor. Uoe babk
rBMtl; MBt asoo worib to OileBn
Daeatar^ awaBp laad ealUratocB ara.
ae aboet Uia tlBr aacb paar wlU tail
'^boBMbrtbeaaUaal iobroooDUd. atoriraierardior Ueir b(M aflorU la
Tb» aaaaoe Ifa
Mra. C. &. KeUwR. wile of a Uraad the wrriable liarf Ue
larraat apeH- |
Babldadniniat. rroeiredeerlow uiari^j^ftoBtbeecU^ieeof a MO-
. AtUtiea. JaBcatUttcr. ofCri
Bill, ma atraek b; a Io«m b
lajarad aboattbehaad. Star
lolera la dolor frcnt daBore
_________oo towaahlp. aanr Adrian. It
la Btiointed Uat KKI fat fellowa b
died dorinr Ue laat muaU. Kara
riaak Hollaer aad wife, of Warren, depended upon Ibelr aale to pap ta____
wna tbro-eo oatof Ikeir bonrr aed In KIlBBeld and Ogden laat annaier. 11
aawwal; iojorad. Mta. Ilollaej’ Itea la la aatlBaUd Uat giM.uuo worth of
aeriUBl eondition.
porkrra aneeninbfd to Ue dbwaae.
) A W eat Bimaeb aUB laat weak trap^nelBdiamof Chief
t1 Pokagon't tribe
pad a bBrer wbich Upped tbeaealca ______________________e now beinrpaid
adU«y PO*^ wbtel^U a bif wetchl tbedllB.MM awarded to Ues bp Ue
coartof clalBBl WaUiarUn BeporU
. While Loah Wilkin, lirlnc near For- fton Bkap of Ue pap atatlonianp that
aatrlUa. area dolor kl* cboraa a borae aoaaa of Uem aa aoon aa Uep racelra.
Ufdr Bobep -fill up" and apead to a
klohad Ue laatera oeer and eat
few boon what Uep bare waitod for
b^ OB Ore. Tbe loB waa >l,«iu.
for pear*.
At Howell. Cbarlea Tanoard. aged
4. while akatlag on TbOBptoa Lake.
,|iier. thMp
FlIlB aad waa drowned. Theiec-wBa
ita prednet to the Eatopaan aai
of aa Inch UL:k
bodp war fnoad la fonp
water. Tbe bop Badradeeperaie fight
for life. ellBgisgloUe brokea edgM
fur Banp Blaulea*
At Hart Ue foorteea-paar^ld
At Uraad Haplda.
a. M
ml Charira PbepWUUaB Paramar wnaacddeaua.,____ ard. widow of hr Mirpai
bpoaect kia GoBpaaleoi while boav late ealaetl at fil.'lo.'ion.
oone. grs.nnu
IvMcpdar. Hia reooear? It doabtfal.
i-OBiiaa aad nephew.. Slii.vnr>h> I'ni ..
Jnba W. ltaffaB.a lireatoc^ daairr
Il-aerolant AeeouiaUoa boeplUI. *1U.______
dowi aa elerator
abaft Taeadap Bwalng mad waa rarp oui .0 Ue V. H. f. A., aad »i.ii«.i
to I'hareh parpoar*.
B^aatp Injured aboat Ue head aad
I oae. ibpeciallp la caeca of aleepiaae10 be coorlnced.
The world wanUU
The • r«ir-.H rianpliler of WlllbB
Wba\ people want
>t Ib e proof tlie a;neaa and aereoouiraa baa It brew of
Cklttesdra. of Ueiiuivu. while on !)«•
A Urae fwxt rein of Iran otw h
Urn Uep will w I beaoSl to aome of mp faaiilp.
wap from eebool waa auaeked bp a ^irlpe wilU-urr;; tl
haao dlaeoearad la Pokagtra townUI..
i ’"I bare taMrd of maop from Ui. Ue
cow aad loBed 4>a Ue anltnel’i
fhaa eoaatT.aad tbe lead will be fur- ______ Tbe cow Bight bat. killed Ue
Somc^ne'poabrlieTein. a pr-iiMi it'iBlItp who baerderierd broebi from
tWiseaaij^tedbpUcownenol Ue
- uar. Mp MO waa In a large .cbof.l
ehlld. but Ue beaal got her home pereoo « ho poo know will tel! ih.fire alaru-d and at one ffinir
caught Id Ue hedge, where Ue .waa act truU andwhohatwea Ur w.io-.whro - drrfnl.
At Iwaaing. HatUaw Malcbatt waa killed bp Ue liltle one'a father with a
uniwtUed bia nor
toaaaaatllat la Umnd
_____________ _________; poa want, and on V-wiCing !.■ caa. hr uaed Dr. •
' ' with Ue
At Bap CItp. wbllr Mra. Mania I
when .ot-h tcBllinonT Ik gieen. vdo will'NerTurB bit. .1 aad Drrre rcenedT •
aad azkaoatad
---------------------------------a bla.atngclea
Wbeman wet Ipiag alek wiU a ■
lore reaak.
warka-oU infant, hrr fauabnnd we
itka PIUqBtriak dlad at Hk Plo
lOBt apSudapa for druakrnae^
Bane l.’ft after eererai dapa.
dapaTaBd 1
. . id giee f
eforr the Hue. Judge »ill. j other
________balag loo weak to
lilii^ Ub letter for Ur gaud ol
anl s Marlin, of I’lainfirW. Vt . *...>• I puhlii
tooehed down hpaawiteblag eaglne Ul^
.. .
oak elate Jndgeof UeOmotpCourt. Sena-lerk."
fonad dead
from Waeblngtun Coantp. aad I)i | Xo■} greater p^»^ Uat
a aiedu-ine.
...mr of Ur Harre National Bank. a;will care pou ran pmwiblp be giren;
man bonored and rklernied Ihmughogl Uan Ueal-word, of an himorrd Judge
boa ChBCBoate bnser.M«1da't
till- entire Male leU. puu to ukr Dr. and dbliaguiUed Srnavir. Take Or I
lirreor . .VerrurB blooil aad nem-rrm- tipeene'* Nerrura and f-el again what]
aad told kiB Barer U reum. bka been
flaed «U or W dapa.
liBi poanda. as heabuok'Uie ire--, and edp, and ljB(k> up hi. atl.ice bp lelUng it Ik to be well—U> feel powerful aad |
umad .a dme of hog. law Ue hr- you that be baa reprairdlp uW it in eigurou.. Ui baer ktrong. atrad;
broke kb aakU law at ekard. He b bow glad Uat hr did. tor 2°“o« (amll'J“!uUr^Bi«l ' -ne- 'toaleep wiundlp aed wake Bomingk
}. o matter I
refrekhrd and eenergetic
iBdiwddollaB'wurU fit end Uni be baa known of iu hi ■ring refreahed
Dr •■roenc'ai
__________ _ip people
' in
' bit
bit locaUlp
locaUlp Bod birt- bndlp you t
______ . . Jb taM
ir dia- i
f four
elaewhere pou CBB eerUlulp
ininip hare Ue
. Xereara will go
hlgkcBt market price.
utmost coafldenoe In Ue wonderful enae:
enmUae puwrn. uf Uik gnted medicine
Dr. 4!reeBe'i.^Xer»aiB blood a
)d a Urea .paar'a oonne li cola ponlt^ jard^^lB atp^‘
edp ahoold not becla~.ed with or.trtaa aUool Uere. wil.
irp patent mediclo.-k. \} ik a pliVki___B to taka diarga of a kinder'
I'a preacrlptlon. cndork«-d and recganea la lgBlgae. Cbllb
dtiaea you U> try tors «>f rrur laad. Ha diaoewerer . ..
At niat, Pred IieWia,.wbo Uraw a
Btaae at a bird, bnt BlBcd Ua alia,
Ih-. Ureoee'a Nerrur and be eoiielocod Ureenr. of VS We-V Ull, Hi.. .Sew York
• •
- ■ kpeciiJiai
Uat thb wnoderfol
aad atraek PalHck Hlaateo Is U<'
oldipbUeria hare Inal what pour mae reuuiret.:
tl It
Injarlca. baa )beea
caaalag fatal
______ Hooghton and Usneoek
i all ease
• I bare oaed Dr. Ureeao'a I
daring Ue pnaiaa btntra. but all ba'ee
- by lellei
ram^y in roy faniily of
lea boautx
appeared la qaaranllae honaca. Wbar- and bars found good reaulw from^t*
Ueireraft Is tmdloaB. aad
eeer asU-loaiae baa beea need la tbe
pebble Uat Ue I04 Ulked of regav earlier atagea of-Ue diaeaae. apeedp
M for all boau aloog Ue lake ahore muotertea hate beea aecnred.
wQl lake plaee Uli wlaUr.
deMha were tncaaBwhlek were not
ed bp .HU. KigleaUtlrr.
At Maalllaall Ue logging tampa la reported nnlil In aa BdTBBeed stage.
Aa oet^wa tv feet long from Ue
a e,-rv large trade.
tka Otdgbborkood are Baking prenarannpaarat I’cirtlaad
rantb u Ue hind tealaclca. ,• feet anaipkik of U. bread khowed that It
UBBto bcgla work, asd Boap hate
Mr mad '■ fret high, bat boro fonad
atiaadpatarted- It b Ue dawa of aa
.a Anaalaaia beach. Kla. The tena: puiknned are lleing. bui a large nuffi• apparaaUp proaperosa winter.
clea had beea gnawed off bp abarka.
. ber of m<wk are cocklderrd aet-ioaa It
paaadBaaUr at Pllsi reeraUp
«a a c
At Beatoa a copy of the nook of cum- J om critical. The polwr are eoarinced
Boapraper of Ue church__________
__ from InraUgatjoii thi araenlr
of bagland.
...old koeae..^ good ^ « }Sr*r*S^
tor Ue maanfacMre of Uia clam of
it lor a lew dapa. told It at aartlea
f Beojamia ■ placed in the >read ■ ih iDleat
faralUrv cxclaaitelp.
If the aebeme
•• H aad Uaa pruorated to the eoui
■Huuk lllnear
IcBtb or a-i
goes UiXHigb. it a ill meaa Ue amplop«•- 'KlglraUalryi^cuki
n. with Ue l
aaat of more mea asd Urbringfvol dapnighk
dkinrkk. Arreeu
Boaep lain Portland.
■Ul.v _
When a lltUe daughter of Mra John , yill be =
[it In H Us If Ski! Ill Ms
S'?: Sioltb.
A v-(*ry apjji oprjiiti'liui<> (iuriiiL^ tiiis holitlay s«‘5ison to r(‘ilucc tho surplus of our
inaminotlj storks ami a
opportunity f<ir tlm.-jo of inmlorato luoaiis to mako th.eir
holulay pur<*lias(*s wlioi'c thoir immoy will ;^f» tlu* f;u lh;‘st. Our ways ami luodos of Iniyiiii; aro wi*!! known flirfiu«:li Graii<! 'rnivorsc ropoii hy this tinuv
Goods well Imught
,.ai<* half sohl. It is iiooiHo.^is t<i sUito that woai'fi Loailors f»f Low Prifos. Trade w’itfi
;tho iiUSTON ST( M!K. whoiv evnythini; is sold on tho basis of t^hiick tkiios and Small
P.olils. A glam-o iii fuir stuiv \Jill roiivhuo y«’m that our salos are rapid and ooutimi^lus. and llic> ju-im on .goofls tvilycoiiviun* you of
O -
■riii';',';: s::;'.;:
Begins December 11th and Lasts Until Decemb^ 25th.
a UU te nt.SD tor cip
maryelous barcains we bffer \
Meto..., I i„.ii.'.,1,1k..... U.u.1
lor l>da«pmal sale W
•'«. for Itiiaiii-rial ••iam Halit ako^li fiM.i.i.-fiir thitpptrial
M''if>-''i<irtl.t all au •nheiivv Itinrk lUw riwriftt •iilDi «.>nh ffafkiHii.
«|r-cial 4i>lr fi.r .
M-u« iKtim iiMci 'lik m vlkl liii)ioni>i caMOirre mlita aurtti ffi:.<ii Una
B|i-rlal Bale foi
Mem biai'k <'B> woi>te,n»-<|'> HOor aa't> uonli f-jO) lUit'lavirlaabV.HiUt tialfi
r.'r eii.mgli lur I -D aoTtlifit-.i.i t]wcml
If aojl eu.tt konir Ur.
rinlile aU W.ml l.laek fai.y wmatrU Miila worth Al jin Uiit *prel«l^
Mmalaarp imian paiiik a-unti 8irt.ibut|v«ialaile.
Mniali .rail a..dhMi.lliir Ikoiu. aurUfff.iM.UiU.prcialaBle for '
time.11 ...d c.kluiere|wl,u. worn, rktou. UH a|<r«ttl Bake
•■••'»led »mnl., w«Ui «iwi, apccial sale Mkw '
llop'Riioe (itiiialroin iTcenU up
M. ti'iail wraoHlray ovneriet. a-orU
aale price
■^lih i,tilV"ul'.°V^J
Two weaha ago Mea. Jamas <brr. of
Maprina. ran a saadle Into bar basA
Bba dU sot attaad to Ue kart and
htood polaoBlBg set in. Her ana baa
baea ampalated aad Ue phpMclae
abargi baa bat IKtle hope of bar rec
bryTbe fine &rm ttoidcace ot Earn Kim
ball. ala allea waal «d Alma, eaagbt
AraTbarwlap wUle Mra. Kimball was
preparlag breakfaik and araa totally
5a£njtl She kaaw aoUiag of Ue
At lUpamlag, Ue fjaaea Bine. wl
etoahd down a week ago. to prepare
apaat far atockiag Ue winter oatpou
haal^Bed openUosa wlU Ue eaoal
lotos ot aboet MO Ben. Tbe
>e Bine will
I be wTo^t BtaadUp daring Ue
enuof______ .
aad nnfitUng tbe
tor fnrUer
eupaacyMlasAaaa E. Colmaa.of Noble Cen
ter. HraaU eoantp. siar^ Friday for
Key Weak fYa.. where Ue bopm to
___ pnaaage to O
Cnba. WUIiaa R.
Needham, aged K,
CMban army nnArr
1. Waceo. H
Colmar, la Xeedhaa'S botroU
loee of adTentnre led Seedkam
anteer hia terricea to Ue eanaa.
baa ladepnodeaca. kllm Cohaai. .......
also tok'e aerrioe wiU Ue Cchnn arar
aa a anrae. aad la bODetal of being
plnoed Wiu the aame ooBmand nnder
wbeaeatoodard Xeadham M fighUi
When Caban iadeprsienea is dcelar
Ueoonple will retnra to U« I'aH
BUtca. Him Cnlmaa'a Iris at tbU U
bring la proof ot her fidAltp U -
1. III..
_______ ..
felt at Cairo.
alUraooB. It waa of aulHcirol tiirce ' i. ,b, -nU
to rattle dlabm aad faraiture aod
baildlnga swayed pe
oaBebemea are coacoctad thronghi.nt
thestaleto secure some aortofaaubFUREtaN
smote lor coal.
Tbe roller mill at; A dispatch from foaalanUoople saps
Kimball lidolaglUabare toward beat- uav a oaw maseacre has occurred at
ing Ue ocal tnrsk tomn iastesd of coal Eeerek. la which a bo»‘l'
balag ntillxed for owl.
' iaas are reported to hare f
The srire mill bf Um ConaolMstod 1 IHapatehe. from Homhap 'ay Uat
Jiteet aod Wire Compaap at Ik-srer Ue mortality from fsaiier.In the llelaVuis.Fa.. hasaiarteduB double turn, {par aod llrlagbal dlsirui* is steadily
aod Ue nail mill of Ue same eompaap I iBcreasieg. Haadreds of persoas bare
Uat hae beea Idle since UalJulp will [ died la Ue Unr^
rtnp OB double tore to-day
These ' The laUot disiBtehea from Cuba stale
o BUbllshmeato employ aboat Ms,
Weylei and bis J-panUh army
arr hemmed'la at Htraua. wiU Cuban
larr Wialeio.Jtf Oraagerllle. O .was foes on eperysideand attacks
The end of 11
fonnd ia her borne in a starring eoadi-' dail, • OLOorreui-e.
Uon. aniDwhan offend food she refused : oloti >o map be at band. wiU ri.-tory
Ik mplng thnt she had to dir abd was : for I ■e Cuhana
net afraid to meet ber Isjrd
lihr has ' A' mid ware of ei
ererilp is
not tasted food for over th'rar weeks • prcrail.ng
aod. and
aad friends are unable to fdree her to s<-Trr«l deaths of tramps s
Uke asp ndurlUmeut.
from ex^urr tolhewcnUrr are reAt Helena. Mont-a freight train go-i portH. Msop ol Ue alemms and Inkn
tog woBgolbeyo^ Ue^trol on^ Ue .r arr fruiva
fmw-p i-ver
..rer aod
and the'ice
ttelce is
suB: dent UU-barsa to prrmitakai _
The powers wlllshorfflj consider a
aMp. Twentp-aia cars were scatlored project hating fur lu vbjecl Ue bccaUoag a distance of eight milea. where natloB b; Russia of the uorUeaslem
Ue engine ^ft the track
Ed '
loorber pf Turkey, furmrt by Ue B..w
.. waa Urowa down pborus. which. tewaUer wlU tbe
bean. U« ta
a embaokmsnt
wlU aereral
elsof all aaUoBS. The
UeHcaptotwill be dlsaan----------- orlll amome Ue
es^ol and Con
;r adds that Ue
.-hlaUali bpaa rapl»liagl^‘i-°l>if- I*?.
saultao lellriag
oT Tarkep
•ftm^rd it joai -slid of- topatehe. fw» the
Ue rulerablp
acral tierafin Ua
where the rapt ^
’ “ lasprcwr
-ml of Ue Caban armr. is dead.
- - -brre seremJ
era] dan ngo
X raps map be i
to tatUennd
' Uat be bad been
tli'T tfv rerified
Uon in which hr
jra ^
«eada,MaklMt«al«(daa(w,M tka^
Itopt Iijaler .iver coat, air-B to.In pa^ uld..>o«a U .
iTiililrenaamL. uo-tli Ai a, ,|,|. .poc.ai aale pr.ca
cnilda h4ir auol '.III. in din-rent |..tlm,' wi.rtli «M>i aneeWI a.Ie
:f. lui-Ji ea'liinrr.!. wortli J.'«-'l .t
■u HIM. Kfl a...! •udlog. w..r**> -J.'o- for
!•'. .iirh all wi.il -rTge line t-vmrr, wi.ri'iVK-|iOr yard, for
Joli lot of laillrB fine Bead IhuDel hair. worU •l.ug. lot .
I.mdiea liMBOd rildwd uudetwmr, woitb Ue Tor !»■ partft spool MIk
Full •*. .i.dard marinne ibraad
l’-|M-r pine
-l.iida apr-ii <>iugbaiu f.*r
.All wod la illed toil V'Unlu-l. p.'l par<l
Idld1e« H-eoeil faiHip wiep rl p'I>. woiili
t-.r .
.lui. lot of ladiet conata. Mrniich Met ' iwaiitifuli litim, w.etli T.V aale
Hooka aod e}«a
J-L of iiwn'a .Vi-cklln lall allki.wiyth ghe, tt»
Mmb Mlk Itiiali tbpa. worth TSc. foe
M-n’kill B-iwi h-ar»S.». wnnb Ue. for
Men's tVrnI Ullta. rc. Ii.,rae msde MiUa
lied Bisi.keU -Ir. Hed fOBlnnetb.
|{.,r*.|Uaiikri'r.e.-a<’ Stobic IILankaTB lor
llnv'- IwavT Bb..I."a-aler. w..rtli T.V. giwa for
I'lilldrsi.. grnuiiw ItongnU patsol leather :tlppad Aag alM 1 to
wcrtli •««•. for
Misaea rloth
line rail solidi .Miosa. worth
fpr Mi-ww' iVld.lri.oat-Uoe
Ladies IkHigula isnor. gn>Bi value, for
IJI lira' Karig-r-m < 'alf isboe. altaulld.
Meivs Idwther IbTfretbins (fur Celt b. aU'
ClilldfU s Kobbera.
M»ta~' lirst qiraIMp KiibbeM
lAdie<' tirsf i|i|ali'T fi.sodpe.r Kulibers
Men's -elf artii.B il-.libera
Ih.p' lies!
l.u'nH-.Btet. Ifllllli f.
Me,.'- I.umls-rm-ii I'e,|.c-ii,>n IS.i'.l>-tt. iirsl .i.iality.
Men's |,iimtwrin'Ci..Vriirs
Men's Mirw I’ecs al
l-adies' reUMio<B
{.adiesall solid wsrtu lined ->iiie
One Foiirtli <•<!'»» all nur
.larketb. Fnr amt <
.MiitW amiriiiWmrs
< aj»es. far tiii-- wwk onlj.
Ikuid straw niatUi« i-ryard
fiiiod hemp carpet
Heavy lw>- pit ingrain rarpet
Two pl> snperliire ingralti nirpei. wnrU i<c, for
.t jrd, of b-auufu! Ruga jrr on tha dollar.
Xot Mentior^ed,
for It. '
Irnttoca tnkBB (rcBamnU toch whicdi
waa cot open while lying oa the depot
tonUora at Xllea bare baaa fo«d anNineteen months ngo J.
-Sarn abock ofcorn. They bad bM
OftosI and warn fandlpdaBiged b<
Boon obtained n good Job
Mat'olUea ware dellmad to Uai
hla borne, while Ua wile •_______ ..
Hr did not write, not knowing her «xt addreaa. She rainraed. fonnd bim
TbaradnT wai -MoUert- Oap" at Ih
iaalsg and so letter. She derided be
KcretU Mbool. t.Banni, tonga and a
d mat wlU foal tdap or smadermi
Ua anaretiB of Ue dap were oeaiatt
away. When Adams did write, she
acenad tbe aabjoet ei BoUer. Tl
hndVft tosrn. and Ue letter sens reIsifa baUdlag seas filled wlU eititor
to him. He cancloded Ue bad
Attor Ue cloa of neborff a aoUet
•d him. BMenUp '
laagae arms oegaalrod.
.. ..
d arord that berb,_____________ ,
A special train left Fraltnort wlU » bad beea seaabed nUore at Cheboygan.
Cabs Libre- oa hi. lipa. SaB-hex was
BarleaU of lrr« pigmfor kt VeTWB.jSbewenttoCndlllaetoldanUfrlt.bat
OriBBbaa aod So«U Bend. SbIpBemtaift sraa nil n Blatake. While there abe
teoe been lleelp ataae elocUB-toelnd-|nerideata" r ma tote her boi
. Iwaol only Iron tamed oataow.bat Both W4
aqrfM, Sgplam
piga made before eteetlea and otoead to frilawad
S hopaaf better haatoem
- next dap there staa anoUea bear, aad
BaeaMa's Anam asm
tbe BBxt dap aUll aaother.
Tas Bnr Haarx to Ue war!
The Immaaae appto erop gaUerad to
c....---------ipmatoMM a daad laat
usiis, WOO, « .o.-ia-* w. .w «— Bruiam.
--- ' ' ' — —^Aloes
- '
Bbeom-ForarSoeea. Tatter.
Gnaua. Ohio. gMa hare li
to Ue-fL_____a ______
No bayaaa
eaUgaraUea aad b
•a aiowad i
Itopeott aa all paaag
pd to tbabaalU departmeal FridAp,' HrapUiBa. and pnalUnl^
BM Borrad wlUUlUe hlaek apadm. xaola
^ l?^ou5*aSw^uSSu*^-^l ■ OtlkPWm Fblla. Wto. wblU W bau£^
V.a.Ue Itlark ches-mt ami aatu. ffdt., .......... .
.Y Vo„11.a .If WI..I H Hilcl. Iwe- if >•..1 aunt, fiT.fai tbi. ,,.ecial taUf^
arcldeat wbieb map
Ue drorc Into Ue
Ue climb'Bap Aning Ue wlater.
At DUb while gtUag dows hill Waland one arm waa blown U ahreda. Hr
off Ue froiH of a lead walked i aereral mils to Us borae nad
____ droT*
...» Urttmilea
.. ...
wben he laa^
a pkniciaif he waa
aat*^wood oa
searir daad' from
lorn of tkni.
tkni. AmUa
Be will
At Hk Joseph. Uooaaada of mlanowa
hare clogged Ue iifuke pipe '
—*-‘-k Ue paper mill drawi -paw at,
r. The plant hi
hae tSea
JUMaallP. Flheea wheelbarrow
warm tskan away in one dap.
From this stronghold they milled (orU
A UtUe Uran-paar old aoa of Mr. ai
after aigktfpll.BRBed wlU reeoHrra.
Mta Blmer Daaa of M eat Oarcaao w
and proceeded to tap low eeeiT doBca.
kar«adUdeaUToeadap. Bla moU
Ue aolBal which cromed UeD paU
left him In Ue hoaae .while Ue wc
- -..................................r^say
................a loalng
to ha^ oat ber waehlag asd I
re hogs is that amsscrand sei .
dMhea mnffhl firm from Ue store.
'gatloB on foot which resalled
rcaalled li
Meiiapart a-u.lUr.pul-ter wotU «4Hifor
Mena V ied eiTra he.tp aiiHlaod 9eere.M|. wa ikffT.no, this Mle for
Men. riir. line iieavrorercwatwonh Aa.flo Ukt Bale.
_ ?as
lie loi entiH loss In Isl
UU-h4sri.< Bwpoa W-
*■ '
.to . m. MB -
aBAMD laUTEam HPmJB PEOICMTntp in 1896.
fiwwse HeraW
ataradUa (Iraa^aaaaa UaM^lB
dir eoadUaa. aad la ..dladiar^
Maea aa mmay ratUa laar be fad.
TWabwIoa foUowlarbrae^taa
■aajpaleMla brand UkMihodi
Ma <4lMwUlr>dan«D'lo<»l atcrlar faddar.
Thaaraalat aaaalaa tna rarp laUrh*l^alaaair*tb^l«Tim*«w 09 aaUBd.arwilaUaa bj Mka Chaae aad
TWfHwnofIkanvte are aaoaf fraqawl araahal aambara bp tbe oiebratnbalarBBcdea>ored. Tbe drat
theMtatarTTbiarai '
ta baaa U thb or mi .
paper oa Mb pravraJB waa
Kra. MaV
tor aamml ymn Oif
Ua A. Kaaaadjef r
iwitiirtlir Oab aaaaal laeUtitfa afler
«Mr «wa wthodt,—«oed oe« tker tboapbtfBl aad lal
•era. too. AtthacBMlabaa «f UMir Her aabf*a waa •The Uf* we llra.“
bM ■urinthar eeiad to adapt Mm Bbadaelarad that tbe haaae life of tbe
atala plaa. aatbartead ap taw. aad It
aeeir s-aUtp aad elahat prerad a rary emaUaet tblaf. la
addIMea to tfca Bear toad loeal aprak- lewed ap bar aulamu bp ec
an Arr were aadar tfca aair raattod
aaaiatad bp
la aad praeUeal aMB who bad aaada abotradlyalf b bar briffat.beei
frewbr lalOaWfaaarataaeb}nt atllai tba bad aUpeC like •
to eraar braar praaaat.' daek-> ba^
UmaablptraaMdbpJ. B. ittaraa.«f| Mn. M Daaa 0|
r Mrabra^ wib el
tw<bp wIb thraaaf MBpaat«iai^! 'lMbSr“iilE^ta'.J^li*S4,
Abe fotlewod the lait Iba of tbaafbtj^Ik*-"!***Uadre>|Mpet .warirap
Ba wooldaih^te
I ap bp the praeloaa ^lakar.
bTBbr hwBad
lad to owe^ partbdlar aoU aib
leealitp aad woald ealMeab the or■d bp pbauapaormpoaauaa, eb faaarta. aba aald. if pea laah happtaeaa.''<BM that tbe time braliiabed f^aw
iM ia Um hep Beta. ^Wbai*^P^ aad ap to data. blaJtlrrov
bUera of aOBc people to cat rood
a la doe to poor pm-—
*• poor frail aadaoiredite
tW woald up Moae attaatioa to tbeir
wtU aeokpea.oada{«d
t^ paarlaatadpiarawtboda of fnit
Oae of the the«(hM broafkt oat bp
_V"y|eoawoBp, tteatoopBreofaraaif leaka.
ralaiar aad reacral braiarMr. •eraral apaaaen waa the aeed of
aW|e^ kaaplatOBiwitkUw. oowdiUoai
Mmnm elalBMd that tbe Oraad TiaeCobweb srd better
eckra M tho baat spot b tbe etab waila Ibaa b U>e braia. It h
aad epara Ubm aboold aot b Idled
laraffi* raWaf.
. -p. bot boeedloaUeBliar to be
Afocd tboarhtwa. broarbtoatbp
llllle Ihiare. la arieter prepare tor
"Tbe Xew CruaadC waa .the UUe
A. P. Urep la the dkeoBloa lotlowiac
aa able paper bp Mra. A. K .itap. ^t hold eopplM with rood arrieou.ral
Be haaaetkod that htUa afo ,thp I
proeoked Boeh diacoeeioe. bbe apoke
plaoB for trait, for the aoU air
of tbe.oeeoBltp of teachlor ebUdrea
aeeada to lower lerala. loaelarltheh
aoBe of tbe rrul tratka of Ufa bcfore l
awoaua'aaaetka ma beM.
Wra B. M. Voorfaeea. who b one.
aad dip. aad tbep ate Bora
__ . _
becose oootaaalaalod bp aeaoua-1 SeTlere**«eaaod be
the Alaad Baaiban of tbe Trararae
Oiaare. followed with a paper 00 -Tbe
«fat to lira.- which wa* rmlalarealla.
Pint baow poor be
a theoldeBBloBorflUlartba pro- crowded with pood b^pfeaUoaa
aad Babe a earefal ealectloB
bp Mra. to. Ladd the aobject ierarr out of the pood addrraaoe r1»^bcaolifollp baadlod aad Bade a i
Hr bm drarriad eat bpall .her llateai
rarietuo aad loeatiOB. 4ciaaoeaadbiBpreaaioo oB be -r.wi. of tke^
laatilou adjoBreod for
aad potatcea, abaat whleb.aa Mr Ladd aaha thU rrtloo
uAl apot.
lalleet..>e eaid. aboold foela V>e ehlef
lobere preaeotreanrhed. eeerptMap baa alimdp beea
Tbe^bdaeoceof tbeUfaape wee tk«
au of coeoeea io trait piowinr"Helnp a helpmeet."
aald. b their plaaa apptaa aad aaall
baraa of Mra. B U. lauld'a talk, aod
qaealioa of aprapiac r^lrad
fraita were diaaoaaad. aad that ao
the able laianerte which it
partkalar atteotiae aad bbcIi elreaa poad paper bp Mra. Keaaedp
aaid be mala blap la to bare
take waa Bade waa abewa bp th
ad prorad that ahe bai>w whrraef ahr
tented mlad, aad be ebeerfal fade,
nfea. ilbe Kdd of iu w'n|e 1> fl leaer
be aweeleal face. Hhr erped that
Oraafe kail waa aeailp Slad wbea
I edacatleaal aad aocial ■aattaia, aod
rrerp fanoera’ wUe ahoald kaow bew
lha opaaiar tiaalaa of tbe laatithla eapaelaUp of the (raat hraedtH had
ta perform be earioaa daliea of be
waa aIledtoordorbrPmklaat8. B
ted bp the etate board of arrtcaltorv. farm bonph be mlphtfaerar be caned
Baplcr. ThoAratblaroobeprorraaa
a^ BZecotad bp Keopoe L. UotterAriC. npoB to do bAm. It i^ld Drake her
waa Baaie bp ba Archie orebealra, aad
eS^Dtead.eat of Pamera'laeuiatee.'
tadapaodeni in eaae be Dead bonid
all broorh Om two dapa’ Beeliafa the
aaialoM ware eatortataed bp firat eiua
orfulaatioo of Uraad TTaeerae
ip^ farmora pearrallp.
Mra A. « HcKm opeoad be diaauaMe bp the orcbeatn which oooiiaU
cuaaioo. She toaeb'ed apon the aeed
of half a Aoaea of tbe pooac iarmen
Kcralanf. That we iwe c
of Arbla. who kaow bow to fdap la a
forta lo iafloeoee be lepitlatore u> lor oarefal ebolae la one’, ■•helpmael."
■diaaar bat woald do credit to ptofaaoiBtiDBe be praraat appropriaUab tor aad bowed ba nrceBlIp of matual
be.pearbt’viaad 1b for bU porprae apreemeot. The aftbraoua waa fall of
I boB^U blear I
iateraal to erarpoae preaeal aad al be
flraWrrd.'‘Tb^t'we leader oar plotere
a prnrreB of tax reforB waa thaakt to all the odirare eed apeakara. auaclaaloii It area abaalm.>iulp voted
ab^dtocoaed bp Prof. W. O. Bedrlck
OOBtp. w
bare eoo- lo coBlmae be part of be I'armer'a
aaaof bill InaUiuta aaober year.
e Arricaltoral Collece. Be hat ribotad aoBBcblo
uUbte Alaoto be local eloceiloaThe laat leatioa of be leiutute waa
IWm froB bl> craea boraa.
rirea the Batter carefoi stodp aad
itafarbeir pleaalv eaienaii
At be eoaMaakB of be Boale Mapor
■ UraopebaU
- , pUia ataap pelata The a<
ebareb 'for be a
leerideot.capeelallpoa I
r bell, aod laal bet aot leaa
ihd local preoa. whoae aid io adee
praatiead la aerarml other eutra. aad iop aid reporttap be proowdiap
aoCTealed baadriiabUilpot latrodac. esatJp iacreaaet be beaeflte ta tn
hrmiac thaaa before Ub rmaked wIb lap theffl lo Nkbiru. Tbe abilitp ol rieed from aoeb meetiarabe beet la tbe elate, aad lb
■an ta detarBlae a fair raloatloi
a 0. Laup.
W erlikad far them a pla
A. b. Doaaoa.
Immense Sacrifice in Value I
_____ .2S-JI
Mb. A. IL McR
Maa.J. U. Raw
daorqDeaUOB. B:-D.piBpbe]I talklap
> womaa-a aaetioa waa bald ta ba
!roB the eaperrlaor'a'peiat of eiew.
The aodlraee paid cloee att«aUM and
tA Bottee will be pirea moeb tboocbl dap afceraooa aad ia addlUoa to be
dnriar the atoatha to coae.
ladlea who bad been atlapdiep be rop'
The hatardap aoralop aeBlua waa elar aaaaloae from be aorrooBdiap
lerotrd U be qeBtloo of be caltlraUoe aad oara of email trail. Thit U ■
saOrr of partleelar iatared la bia reMev Mattie A. Kaaaadp. oae of tbe
ttata apeakara. aad all tbe eab}ecU
were tnatad aot from a matorlal
tarBcra' tioto. aad It prorakad a pearr point of view, bat from tb^hlpbrr
Uaw oMafh to keep at atadplor 1
al dlacaatlco.
plaae of meatal aad afdrUaal latickt.
IB tbe Abeeaee of J. K. Sieorat . wEIirbc wap la wklOb dlacamioos
o, A. P. Orap wee* called Op were Ukea op aad be able maaaer io
tra eomaUiep ‘
which bep were, baedled bp bora
araa iatrodoead bp Mr. Ba>ler. aod parlrtKa. No oae eoald be better flltcd preaeat would be a liberal eduoalloa b
raraararrealaabUaawall aa
beeobject than Mr. Unp maap orpaaiied womea'a aoeleUea.
tablap talk apoa aaabjaet of prime
lit fara baa made for
TbeopiaiDp |japra bp Mra. Keaaedp.
. ‘•Eeeplo,' far arara than a local repuutloo.
■'What we farmer'a wivea aeed.
fararad be raiatap of email fra
tlbe nrped
werp womab ,
1. cue
urvea veerp
farmer, eraa If be bad ao ntore aot to epead be praater fMt of ..............
baa eaoopfa for bia owo faaltp
r be Boldiap board and diahjiap 1 .
aabemadeit. ITof.
are ba 1radere amoap
la' a rarp
7 wll9 aa well at a pBcUral
aaaaer. apeaktarof ba elaae Ua of
arinlar betweaa tbe raUdoBta of be dtp had tb<w of be aarrandlac aaeatrp. He told of be recard la whib be held be latter aad
aspraaed be wMbdhat Bore of tbe
•ortdb baaiocaa nee eooU UM-a to
be iHeiBBliioe that toko plaee to bnooca'laeMlataa. It wooli bo better few
aaorp om U bep eoald ooaM elaaer to
To raise money aUICK. we offer every Man's. Boy's or Ohild’e Suit
Pvercoat, Ulster or Pants in ou»- large stock at a
'Tis a Grand Oppoftnnlty to Bnj Reliable Goods at the Prices of Chap.
f.'l* '
tar aame of theptaataeoatatatar be
tamaa per aeat of pbrnphoreua. aad
F*rtarhBai«;tbabaatplaaU to bra
aadar. bat alorar lakea a Iradtap
ptaoe. Wheat lakea a rrbt deal of
akaaau ba abU of bob bat aad po-taBlaB to a tiamaaduoaeatpat. aad
aboold aot be allowed to prow. While
reaerai Hav,^bookA
r will be
read/ to take Ita pleat. Aa
rieklap be toil la eoaccraed!
Aaober faalare of be aaamqof
waatakeo apbp J.F.ilUL repardiap
Ihepacklap aad ablpplapof Iraltfor
market. He woald acadp tbe ktada of
paokapB beat adapted for dlffemt vmriellea of frait, aad maba tbe par’
attraetlve aa poadble. alwapt ha>.
p pood fnilt all be wap bioapk
t^ood aabea. wbleta ai a rale eaa be; Bapma are more caetloBa Mraa former
rproearad troBmlllaaad taal^ for Ip aad oa bia aewwat It ia baat to
.> ba baaltapT Home ora far bettor baa pack aa opae aa poralbla He raeomeUMfa.MaditliwalltetMtbp aaalpa«dwl aballow bokOB foramall frait.
M helaro oeiiw.
keep It from aetillap aa mo
The dlanaBlfB waa opaoed bp E. O. peaalbla PraebeeaBd plama be e
a«dd. who tbearbt that to keep ap be pack la faaaketa. peara la email barrala
oM) aeratol lU^ ore ■liiiiirp. la aod applea la bree-btabel barrali
moap the pood Meat broopklotti
rk eotUratloo of aU eolU. ta be dlecaarloa toUawtap araa that
a. aowlap of aoaa utch of patttap ba ahipptirk name oa peerp
w tmpUlp. aad propw reu- paekape aa a pitataBtae aad alMbere«■ A llralp diacaaal
mad tar frait from Iba aame
Od be aame aoeoaat It waa
ad. Iba fararita Idaa b^ bat tbep
brat to daal wib oae «ra
abaald hat ba altopebar dtamrdad.
After maale bp the mebaatra t. &
It wat aearlp aooa wbea be rapalar
Bortcm apoke cm be qaaetka af eeUrapimm waa campletad a^ ba bultaphaprarakdapetaek. Ba abowad
am aeraioe bald. It rraaltad ta tba
«f taearehard prara hap
balen be prambgp,ara pet ia U
.deadlp work. Be faaad kap raiatap
1. 8nlar.
a-£ 0. U
-Berapradtablatbaaadllapataek. la
tbadlaramlna fallowtap itwaadaeided
. hhatHdapeadedlavelpepratbeqaalMr af ba taad owaed bp be famar.
Saamal of be aflarMoa aprakrae
wen m»Mt to make trata caaaaa
Maaa aad thapraprtm wpe ekaaped.
Urn waraaa-a eaaiaa belaS p
MUtaefailawtapdap. Atba
wtaeladiapmav ladlea.
aabjeet apoa
■ted bp prae-
waa tbapelBelpal.lople of the afiarbaaataaaaalelatradaeeltUaaA. E.
'e«l>BraofJCaIkBBha.wboMeMaf the
- weaken aaet eat bp be
«dd ati
EpbL Baraep. Garfeld; J. 8. Bortoa
Uraat: Mra. Rub Duba. Oreea take;
A. 8. Dohaoe. Lon Lake: D. 8. Niektraes. Hapflcld; Wm. U Wilaea. Para,
dtaa; A. P. Orap. PqBtaaala; C. H. Ha.
par. UbUo; Lowell Boar*. Vkltcwatar;
J- B. Maarea. Traveraa Clip.
E 8. Walker wn aaaMa to be praaeat Hatardap aftrraaoa aad kit paper
OB what to Aa wU eaU trail wn read
bp B. O. tadd. He held that it wae
paaaibto todtapeaeotcaltawib prafli
to be prower. Poe taataan. taaiaad
ot browtap
oecrrlpe email trolU
it atl^tba dried aad fad to ablobaaa
Apple eabaida aaad eeiutaat eara aad
watektap. wkUa be trait It rlpaal^.
aad aapeeiaUp la apraptap. biaalap
aad praalap. wkiek wUl do much to
klla. ate., ba woald adriaa aatap
10 fatua tboep aad ta«t. Tha
lattor wlU alao daalrop bupt. praba.
atc-.U taraad latoaBcrriranL boapk
' #a Was The raat la IroB »l» to eataaa waukad bep wOl tayara peaap
rwdpMfarbar ta aaaUapa
^4^to«htd<7ta*m. aareeomi
P- %laBsaatpTaaBatbaW«l. b
^ apawarBlUattapaed. aadthai
^; #taie wftkllda^hMB. aeatal
■M. .5^ ™i£
law 7 25
4 90
Metre wuol
................ 7 85-
It Suits, any in the store.
Your Choice
Boys’ S-oo-IjS.
^ aiy’aSiiilshl I .V). iMWaml S flO. worth n.-arly
Mcii'v hmivv ruifix dark
.2So;3%r»53 75
4 0>» luflU), al...............
Hoy ,! Kuim worth lOUat................
2 75
4 25
a.y-a Suita w,.rth .1 tk> a............,.....................
iW. Suita.
6 00
CirxXcL’s SnaAts.
SCI' me. 1 can sell you a
u».TdTvXv^rir^‘’A to.!.
eatiraip a^ be.aaaraaBef batana.
rata the market.
Tha dlacaaMoa waa epeaad bp Dae
MaMaUcD. who makat a aprcUltp bf
frail rakiap. Ba boapht bat eepral. aodpapraa: bit ta not dlfUmll 1a tbera
a«ae la be beaitaacber, aadoaaabMld dapi of cheap edition; aad laat but ool
«akerbr,<jl-«laajSf TSa Wtaom. iraet. ttop frettiap, Uae be rood and
la hit aaUmaUaa It la better to rmlae
worth ^ 00 and :< 00.
Mdua hlai-k wuol beaver
itl luwl atylc. with wl
worth 7 OH. at
•If ATI. Veuwf-
I will have a car load of lidrsps in
the city next Saturday or Monday.
If you want
to bu\horses he sure to
Bo laid dew. oararalUwt to beria
arfb: let. Habre ratam to to be aoU
oerap tUap ahe takm froa I
Jlatara abhoiaa ban apot of froaad
hadolwmpaatlomptatooorarlt. Tbrae
of ba aanriBiT biupa bat
Ohd phoq.horoaa
Ba eoaftaid hb
■fcfifl ejtpailuwBle lo tbr laat.'bow-!
i. k i>r Umhle br>‘Mtitl sq. <-ul
i. r____
•rtylrai. a.irlli
from IS
lo .yi.!.•
00 t<. ii .‘lO ’
Horses for Sale
31d:eii.’s S-iixts.
loss, than an\dtlicr y*.
hqrse dealer in the city.
These horses may he seen in the
^ 3 55
Men’a Uack wool Melbi
Youths'and Child's Overcoatsfor ................................................. 4 28
JI'fc'.''':^"''Y'£r£"h7rc.T,,'°6 88
Chilirs Overdoata, worth
Ubtera. '«*itra
I 60
I 00. I 35. I 65 add
|Cutlcr bam, ott L'nion street.
HEKM.W irtM.W.
Men’a nalural emy Sanitar}' rndvrwonr. at 50c
Meii h uray Mcriuo rnih-rwcar. wojUi 4V-.
Hra'a and Roy't d<
alyle. worth .'•rfk and 65c,
Olhw at 42c, 60. 7o, rta.. worth gigrb a
mk floR_
Special Values in Men's Mackintoshes, Pants, Sox, Hats
ll|ackinaw Jackets, Gloves and Mittens, Trunks, fto.
aim 1b Uimm »ad 0hU4Ma%
JAOKBT8, w* oSto jtm th*
OrMUBt Barawlna. on SaUtble OArmpDU, to ^ foonS In Korthnrn'lUf^iMiL Ve nM
to quote pricea. but wUl be glAi to ebow 700 the voodi ud nune 7on prlOM if 70a
Reliable Dry Goods,Carpet and Olotbing House,
t.n-.u.4b»,..Smta«U...wiSUpp,™e0c,60c,76c. BOt »v«>. »1 BB u>4 *1.60 |
5 L>dl«> T.lnt, FltMh, K.ltoii ud Bunn 560,6O0, 66., 76c, SOo, *1.00 ud *1 26.
_ 10u«udOUldr.i.-.BuvuVuKlmm.d. Wom.n’. Mcllfim Tun Bel., For V
Alfped V. Fpiedrieh,;
I Ti^u. Kuu Huwdud Open Tun u. ury nu, Kra. kuct ud Tun «
lu MoIUnu. WomuU Doo,ol> ud WUU Kid Stnp SaodO ud mup o.w oov.
Th£ Popular Low Prwc Shoe House of Traverse Cm.
I dUu tint XU look.. uluKmu gut Doo-t rot,.v oor Uo. of OurpolUn Ud
» lienlnsd nt the newtaboe atore.
Wei re Selling Lots of Shoes,
Th. Old BUhbU n. Ortfiul
,, I 18 Front Strut.
Wunborg Block.
(Bren U tlmw ere hard.)
Tiuteru City, Mich. S
People have to have footwear and ttiey are bound to buvif!
I the prices are right That’s tbe reason for our success.
^ '
I Christmas at the Bookstore.
. _
* I
Albums. Toilet Sets. MedaUions. Oa
^ a. E. HASKELL. Mauper.
Sbccenon to Holky » Blllla„. ♦
, Como and hear what.bey have to aay. Shoss for evarebodr at I
prices to initevetybodT’a pocket book.
SUh Hoany.
(b« UiMt bwlDM trs Is «0WB. T%tf i
saadt srtssrwMOtetoepaBSflnt
■ «n>r sMT* tk< antoriBBssfris
Um SwUboT MldlscooeapM
pgnH^ tv Mr*..S. H. nsalsU.
BntT OM te eordlsllr IsTiMa.
, Ba^rday. daa.'TTToZj o-d^p,^®“
. Draperies.
, . .Jl be deroted M the Httsday eebool.
. A brief addrsM. reporu froa tbt Hum
i. eoareatlos at Kalaaatoo
lal tlafisc trill dll ap the pret
Tb. B. V. P f. al.»;4* la the cberob
rsUr asMlac el IM
parlor* trill be led by Mia Pearl El\sr.
Qab will be bald te-aomm a
Boa. lb:».10.
. bevlBBtav peeapllr at o’ele.
posa irritwe by Mr*. M. E. C. &«• The psbik are MdMlly IsriUd.
J C Fur Collars.
s.~P. BeseotV
IWofate-L. H. OaZ^. AltetBi
be read, Mr*. Tarw wUl Mil of Aaar- MCD. aaalu.*a««.
less pdeMn sad their woi
Beraoe Msday <
W. HlUlkes »I1I Mlk eboet
•The bread of Ufa" Bead Jobs
ilptoressd Mia Hpc*(«e
Beaday eebool traa sorer better.
trill Mil of Mlebtos'e otrs srtiet. F. b. praetiMl eeb)eet obaa op seat SeaW.OOO Chereh. Mr* J T. Uasssh trill slsf.
Bad the Itaaos, Frorerba
end Mia Mabel HaMe trill rlaas llln> t-M. Tall the eblldas aboat IV
Mlk os AnerlaaB poster artisU.
Jaslor Cbrlallas
Radaror a t p. a.
f asd sleetleaof oBTBBhsybadeseoflUi
State Bank.
falfb fa a spaee of inofwt asd lookUf
Ilk* a alitaa of froth asd blade
detv ItlioseofUeqeeertriekatbat
the bay it flree to. asd la alwar*
ayatery. The tester It set aort thas
tla feet dap at thdi pdpv asd the
ry It thrre-
r peepb. Hanber* aboeld heap;
the p)ed«c la mlsd dsris( the wak.
Bab>aet at ; p. ^ rrlll be -The Naxr«ae Lectors*'' tlaU are-fise ud
II are rralouae.
UalBea e»etla( of the Cbrbtlaa
odaror borlety rra bold Toaday
Bl(ht at M. C. Oriatt'* OSac* for
drat half of l««T rrare alaud as tolPraideot-lnto Kyaelk*
Vlai>ra.-Eate Baker.
Heaetary-SMlla SehMldeiv
Treaorer—N. B. Cba^o.
Tbeaaaoa] laaUac asd eleettos of
oOiei* of tbe Ttarera qtr bMie Bask,
s Bfeda(at *:KlB Ue choreh
took plaa yaterday. Tbe old offieet*.
rere rejected a tolletr*
Preaehla( at ie:lu. followed by baa'Praldrat—Perry Uaaub.
let tloe Pra'I—A. Tracy toy
td A'ia PraWaaa Henraa.
Cabler^. T. Haeah.
Aa't (bahler—K. (iariaad.
; Knit Goods.
Hoods etc.
Del^M to Oraad CoaaeU—P. Bur-
' Ice Wool
A Or«>d ttoas as« ItoMMe to Paj.
Jail aee what Dr. lireMC o8m to do
for all weak aad^fieriair poopl* He
ii Ue Moat eaoceeafal apecialbl la cor1d( MreoaeasdckrcaicdiaeaM* HI*
saparalled offer to ountalt with say
oae. free of charfe. by letter oottmpoadeooe. U doiaf woBdrrf*! (rood If
..... V--------------- loiptolnt which roe do
Doi taoroayruy oadermtaad, and wkich
yoo would like cuml. write the doctor
a Inter sUtiof Ju»t how yoo I
what eymptoau trouble you.
answer iv (irla( a oompleM
. Tbit trill be
sere apedaU;
a ^Ida t
TntMadeof B. Oooh triU be (lad
tokssw thatbe trUlra«pa bla(rooa(r.dlaaattaBadalaathetra.lB the
MaMame bsU«i«. }aat treat of the
e of Ma Mtasia Utr-
UreOlek. diet yeetardey
eaMod t«o ed^n.
trill bo Md at the baaa of Mi* (Mr Mralsfat lOo'ehwh.
Officar* of the r. P. B. C. B. for Ue
no Water Work Matter,
aext *lx BoaUepre:
meet Inportoat aatMrooalderPrtoidMt-HyrUe SMatoa.
.Vloe Pre*-Parker PeaalafftoB.
edby theeouoe . cnsaell Ihb wtA
Baeretary-Ada V. HoatrHaaty.
treler rrorke qaatioa
TtoaaurM-Cbarlea Hali^
ha edroeatad the apLookeot eoBBlttoo—BUel Tbeaa*
t eoMBlUa to lareeU- •arkar PaaBlsrtoa. Ada U Water*
iraM the whale BsUerud repert to
eosaelL At the aoetley TOaedej
>lB( each ooSBlttoe wa tppolcP
Bodal-Charlta Hein. Bartka
ad. oostbtls( of the mafir. Ihia rater* Ada V. Hoal(DBery. Oo
ibere etihe eosseil. aad twociU. sot isoaellnea. the ootiiinlwa to aiafftoB, HyrtlcSi atoa. Ada V. MoatUe dty
dty Bay sxpaet (ood work frost IV
The ropett rriU be aUed teat Ue
firet Beetlay is Pebrssry.
Td eosatU ha *ery prsperly. orMr. Btyaav the owaa. o«ar* to dodared a elaetiie etrest UfbL <
klr to the atty lO sera of las
Brat elnat ead BeaidiJ
Bast Hay. wtU M rade walar treaM«e
Tbta b a bad ead dark eeasr.
sad eaac troaM(e ea Frost straev for
Ia(a U^tbetwea l>ark itroet sad Ut leaUoB of the MW plaaV proridad
ledV wl
eaaaad |MWtioa
>teia it a eaoh. If Seat Bey b
fleeted to Ue water eopply, aad Ue
BaaaiJi beliera there ate May
BeU Teadsy triU Istarmal la Oahwhy llUoeld be eelaetod.
Watawsrto. die prolatkie to
•*aal UatsroeeeiatrlUbad*.
•nlsberri Draad. Da leth. by the
■tolley Otaad Oesart O* Thb b
Ototoad tohethedaaatbdyvai
la the trorUasdthe Mrhat atsp»natory BoUsa hare haa (tea the
'Oeapsay trharaer they here appear
to U* (ood hs hss broB(ht to U*
dty. TM tor(* »^isaee toeea of tb*
M*ry ssal woald b* takso.
df«d* kda( tafosd away. Oa Sasday
aoioa serrieoa wars bpU M Ur Oty
Opn haU MsrsitoaadsraalBC. whare
mUeq mfaeU, at It» tfala
prstsd Mr l^ii|ists MetU^ Ubt
B. P.—O. C HoSaiV
K—j. Fartseh.
K-V. Petcnyl.
C. B.—Alba* Petertyl.
P. B.-B. W. tiraUlck.
R. A. C-D R CaaitoalL
Tress -8 Osrlasd.
Hec-y-OB* E. Ual*
nate giving is not satisfactory.
Neither would indiscriminate sclcc*
tions be wise. The gift should Ite
we hare to offer y«m.
appropriate to l>oth giver and re-
»own FUlows
C Waists.
or, if not actually, the next thing to it.
mmimrntiiJtmj. - fio^eo
. .n
We mean our Crockery and Glassware Department on ^ y' -1
the second door, which has been filled with a bewildering: E
array of beautiful articles—both useful and omamentaL
It is impossible to enumerite. but we would ask you to> E
^ come and look at our handsome
Our Saringfi Department
sffcpAfry otgxetLLMP
itt Vi-B. P. MorUnv.
w. * «•. MOBaav COUP* sn. tlT a
B. Keeaae’e LeoMis*
Wo. B. Darirdieda the hone of
•ora of aera Iwtora (Irda
Ue daafhtar. Ha E. O. Udd. Tea
dfria( Ue pad week by Bar. J. B.
day, at the 0(0 d as. of patalyri*
aUaMa Laid-he lava esc ea aad Koehae here baa aoaeUlay aar is
E. Jay* Dteksmaa was eboaea seeqty. Mr.
a deachter. HMe Meta Deri* ese of
IsMry and Ue lastnllatioa will be psbthe twchs* is the Ttarara
lb Ue first (tourdny to Jnanty.
aeheeto. Fasaral earriaa trUl be heU bacaUad, Bar. D.<joehlia*torf^'ooaK-or r.
* ot the eaeead trard trill dbareh. batefew day* betoe hb
rival. Moehar|%waeBMd* toadBbdoa eaapt oa Ue last ai(hv wbaa
rsBSau trsteBBde by wUeh hs
tla trill he held.. The faUotrisc ab-
Lace, Chenille and Brocade Curtains, Embroidered Rannek
Skirts, Comfortables. Stamped Linens.
Dollies. Bed Spreads.
toe eosabta of Mayor Oeri* OeeodlHbaM^ - WlaUrad
ata fisath. Oeodrteh aad Eytelke asd Amaada ZLnnamaa. Mr*
Fiaaklla. Mr* Maty Moor*
E. J. V01(ban aad J. W. Mill
..... _• ......
Tmm mtmiin of the Baetota-Btar
this year. Around this center are
. -■‘uggesled some things of the manv
!- ceiver. We cannot ijnote prices, on
such a long list of articles, hut we
will and do guarantee the price of
every article we st-ll.
ine of eeery aymi
eon <m* »ore!y (el well sod >tron(.
He (Irea neat earefal sllentiaa to each
letter, aad explaia* yoerr CM uo tbor
C. 8. Cane ssd I. M. Wlssle a
oarbly that you nnderilaad ezacU]
yoo.' AllUixct
hare 00 doctor'x .
aod yon doa't haTC to leae* yonr bnae.'
Sealor Lcaffse at t;4t.
Th* doctor nakea a specialty ol th*x'
ueatlss pattoau Uruuyb letter uor-j
Kreolay leeUre. anhjeet: "Hi
T«S iraaldaat'a saaeace la fire
(sapoodeBor, aad Uey nearly alwnyxl
Maple Ltiisbrr Co beld their toll
IHhle-wat mada.(el well. . He b the discotercr of that I
; ftHaaaeoadpa«*ofto-dareHiiu
InrTseaday. The cm os haad ■
Tbefollnwlsffbaec bees elected ofii- ------ ^erfal BedlCla*. I>r. Ureeach .Ner-1
the SMiahets b H.Tte WW faV 'Bata cecBof Ue Baaday lebool toUdo
blood aad nerre remedy
Loon BtniosB ie plaasiac to ■
fixed atX
to hlB at hli office. :s tVmt itU bv. I
New York Oily, aod you will nnaoubt-1
»U to firebaadaaeoBd* aadilO to 1(«
d tedly be mad* airoar aad well.
Ato^t-Hr* B. L. Kello((.'
IS of Oarftaldlateae
■ of thea<
Tkaaanrer-MlB Myrtle Oardaer
Selllaf days Dee. :<tb. 7'-U aad siati
aad Jaanary uvoaiy rewra limit JaaOrtaaUl—HlB Gota^benraarylU. One aad oae-UIrd tare (or
Tta psiV to bare baa fira
Chief Ubtartoa-Waltor Lyoo.
seen** eralac by the Qaaa OIQ' BlThe Oraad Traraa
>1 rnie* to Caaeaiaa polats on
eyde dabkabea patpeosd to the
IN and lu. morn limit .laaoaiy
7ih. One fare for round trip.
-Ta> narsta aty Lanba Oo. aPhboe IS._____ C K HfKhxT. A(V
lB(. 7:»0.
Faaav Saoday :
paen tobayhealookloctUla wister
blf-Batea—Oaaadlaa BoUday Ssia(. V:tO: prtaUia( at KRVi.
asd spa dstslMly deefaUsB wUl
■oralB( aeraoa will be followed by
Doe. 17. IH and l» the C. A V. H. '
amataat of Ue Lord* bappsr. and D. L. A N. linn will sell cxestnloa
Becreury-E. O. todd.
BTeaiarierrleca. 7:30. Tbe Ber. E. L. tlckeu to Canadian polats at eat way
fare for ronsd trip. Ketnm limit Jao.
K«llo((. prealdiait elder, will be p
daparMalof the Menalaia H
eat aad opiate at all Ue aereice*
P. a
MaTraretaq^ rkltor today.
1. Jobs HcDssald. R.^BaiMp.
r. J. W.
HoUd;78ita. ^~aTk R L
AHow us to sug^t that useful
presents will be perfectly in order
Dry Goods Store.
Pr*s.-J, M. liaelloMsMl.
Re* Bee.-Kred Flabb.
Aa*v b*c.-A. P. HodloMBtol.
Pla. ibe.-M. J. EiolBe*
Treat.—Jo* Verrcaa.
M.-D. IToraacher-
5.Bilk lUtten*
; Feather Boas.
doaber. Paid Laat-
q^mt, .. r—T-. qtoofioo
apbesrate yeaterday, the
iseea tbeelabboeaeaadtbeti. R. A
1. depot, oet aboat «w feet trea the
You in Your
Christmas Oiving.
Fur Muflb.
• itoNM, .
• wfllb*rlsd(oVabt>thstHr. B«r- 1
i FnnoyHoxl'ry
C C —E. R. McCoy.
V. C-F. u. B—--------Prribte-C. a. Bactor.
M. of W.-E. L. Roaser.
H. of R-J. T. ilaaaah.
M. of F.-Peter Wortbsfw.
I. O.-Uco. W. Tboaa*
O- a.-O C. lvTi(.
Trarieee—One year. Prank Votrx
AnditlM^BBlUce—a J w.ii.
A!J>. fiqriM. A.
China, Japanese Goods,
Silverware, Cut Glass,
Onyx Tables, Celluloid Goods, ^ '
and an almost endless display of Toys for children of all ages
for Christmas presentsLook over our Furniture Depaitment—Rasy Ohaira,Uive
and smaU; Fancy Stands, cheap
medium priced; Knsio v
Racks, Bric-a-brac and Bookshelves, Screens
In the line of Rugs and Draperies, we are sure to please
you. A special line of Couch Covers in new designs, all at
prices to suit tbe times. Take the time to look around before
■buying. Gla4 to show the goods.
Dcmt worry yosr life oat Ulahla(
wbatto(etyoBrbeat(lrl teaCbybl'
Baapmeat Uatwfll Bab* beramne.
Oo to McLollaa A A*h'* aad ba«a
pat yoanpa l.Jor Mb-boxol Uelr
• -' '
> ebs
aad baa I
they will he their ew. .nke and yoa
bet UeykMw bow to pot UeBapen
her. We also have
‘r*iS^“TR ul
candy ^ a faU Um of trtM
We irlr* qMrisl prtoca to ari
eharehnaadaUeectol* Lsae*erd«
to lea Ck*^ aad OystoM
ed. UeddUtoetotheaabalton of
the pr«(re« readlsft wUl be (ira by
Mbe Haad Oeretbar* a Mlaslad <
io. laiwr«DR.mES,
.. wUeh .wafiblnb wfll a
jKinMiiii MiOT—irrr
ot tur*M h
Tbtm*r«Umd Mr. n*bv«(aC>e
park«*.f»w bMU arn-
'iS; s;Su;?i£* *'
M Ma aosrld'* MM Auda;.
teotlraly. employiar n Veda. Baelarflabbed tbrerhinf, V hat booted
bbBaebiaeaedraiOee. i.ttobotbrl.
of yralt. arariy all wbatt and
«h*r waifM Uopmd«
aUaodtM byood and quite an Inter
to htrr a fraa<
tbb place Saw V
orchattra will tui
A rrry plettaot party war rirro iVi
Mr. I'rfea bat taorad late bk ar
Friday erealOA at tbr rrtidrocr /of
JobD LoodoD: daaoinf .wpt the u^r
ijr tad rreryoBr had t
Kateoe rracmaa it altaly lacaUd a
□jcjytoir UBa
•naae«t nrart.
f taboo!:
Niehl«-xB Saaday tchooI day wat dbMr. 1-aektrd eioi^ bitNterm of
'rrrrcd at tbb pltea lul Saaday ia t
a tbr FHu dbtrjrt iatt Friday.
Rorolar Beetioff ofCIty.Coaacil bald
In CooneU ncxBi Ooc. t. ir.r.
Heetia# waa cal ed to order by bb
bouor Mayor Uayb. .
Iteeval. Aldqieoea Bubte. Parker.
Goodrich. Oreilicfc. SBilb. Cook. Kjraelka. Lordie. Jabraaa and fiarriaca aod
....--,--.--- .... .
III ro late the foadfor tbr 1
Sheriff EUbot Lelend waa ia'towe
Jtaiet H. Araold. aa old toldba
ad oa Dr. FeatoB to'be treated for
ear oa the lower Up. Tbr Bret <
ealloa wat Bade tbb taunilBy ax
rralta tbe retult la hope.
Aa alarm of fire tbb monior
brooffbt tbe retidreta of tbr oorth part
‘ tba rillaire Welker io qaick Uaie.
Mta KaUiaOoakat booe tcala.
r. Hcltoaald'r boute wat oe fire,
fMaadata Kaatrorthy b rary faabla.
tbe fiaaiM were toon exUnAobhed
Bavnl ara uoaplalaiaA of aora tbe damafe war bat tlhrkt.
Bar.B.E WylbeoBBieoeed t ti
■weed Oox aad mat are aattiuM
I meelinn ia the M. E. cbnrcb last
Tbe tarrlcee laal rreoiep
Bar. Bewatd Move wat at tb^ aad fhbaeeelacareBnderdireclIoB *
rr'n*^Boetbly atmtiaf (btarday; ' Iter. C W. Chaae. bat after tbb will 1
SU)ab Coxb eyrba littla Vtter at aoadaetad by patter Wylit hiataelf. '
tbapaaaatwritUr. tboofb ha®-----Laat baadv Uie Infaat eblld, of
itaas Ntekareoa wat buried.
oatlttearealy aay
oibar died taataamiBer and It bad
«e adopted by AUaa Dial aad bb
ife. They had become tlroiil'ly
tached te^litUe tblnf aod fael U
Mra J&. KrbI eialMd Trace
a*l week.
Editor Neb
of Iteland waa a eirilor
here Suoday.
G. H. Dame baa beea oa the tick Jbt
tor the paat few daya.
of Elk Baplda rialwd
1. Ilarlbul
-• Friday.
• doioc a flouriak•oy bualDeaa In tbelr yriat mill.
UttleGeo-yle Gill baa been'Tery ill
for tbr paat week with tonailitU.
We hare been bariaF fairly BOOd
leiyblny lor tbr paat few daya.
Hite Hanrte lltraea waa the ifueal
Hr aad Hia. W. II. Porter Sunday.
The Peloekey U. experted here
iirht on her laal trip for the araaon
Df. Bnlebleaon <ai le a trip IO Trara Hclatyre at teacher.
rae Qty Satnrdey. r loml|e Ue a
___ t SaUtday eorniay Gtte Lodye.
are UkiaA mere latere
odlta tbas tbi^ bara bento- Net »3I. I. O. U. F.. elected tba followk~E Campbell baa uuVed hibi
If ecwpa df oIBbea:
K. 0,-0. J. Uodye.
reetV.O.-B A.Htene.
Miaa Faaair .Steele ntnraMl laat Fri
B. Sec.—WUllaiB Triplatt.
day ^bt from a wcek'a eiait fa TneP. See.—A. A. Bowmaa.
Mr. aad Mra. J. i. Friak apeat Batardy^aad Saaday l> Btaki with Mra.
MIb Viola Juba
one ^ty teat Wedaeaday. returaiair
Boiral taartleo are atlll baiac Vld
ApppIleatloBa for aalbtBrot Ic
atEawadia. Greater reaulte are hoped U. S. army hare beea teal here In
«me. G. H. I.. -Seeliy aad I).
bir ia the eoaiar week tbaa bare beea OBBaadattoo of aose of our taoyr and
expect to Tielt Traeene City
raalbnd la tba paat.
quite a aesber bare atrolBed tbelr
tBMcbiar bat beea fiea. Itbret- wUllairnaB to terra tbelr oooBtry In
Mra. Uep. Farklea of tbla place elMt•padtj Ute next fife yaart.
ed frienda io Tratriae City lad week,
rriurolay Tburaday.
Joe. XiBBermaa. nf *rneene Oily
waa a yurat at tbr IVaukatue Frida'
Hr. awl Mra B. D. Frlakof BdUire
ABci saianlay of laal weew.
Snow rooucb In tooia plaieea to Bake
wa rWUy
'Wtlar friaadt in
in Ub rkialty.
Tbe aoeiety of Earneal Wdrken. wil
Friak bta bean avioatly
ylTeaaeatertaioBeotand baxaraorai
Mia. H. D.Mnnai^ and IKUe daagb- Use tbb Boalb. probably Ike Ifndter were al Traeene City part'vf laat
r. and Mra. Leander.Prrk and baby
IbUteialltaiatebolnr laadrloraii, weehebiUnff.
...laat Toeadayfur llnme. (>. wher
& X»w tree <• Xaui are at lV>l. E.
le j^ba«bTti?te-Bflrit tanlafoat tbey axpect to remain lor the winter.
Aai^ The KrwmdiD b. B. baa baaa ____ elate i ahlorlot aadar. tbe mai
Tbe C. E Topic for Sunday erealay
laelted lujolawitb the North MUtea Beat of Mr. Caaffbora.
1 -I-eaMioa fro« Solonimi'a life aail
if oar eaterprbinr
TUioira.I Kinm t;5 li.
S?- B,i;h3?b terZf te"cJ2:“*
plaoo of honor at
liaa Fsnaie Steele.
tbe Farmera' laalltoteal ^Trareiae City.
Tbe eteamer Crcbceal made her
Tbarabaa beea tome extreBely eol.d trip to Tnerrbe City to-day.
• for a few dayrlor (imid Trar- niaainder of the week ahe wlU riii
ana. bat aotbiaB H
like b. U.and N. II.. other polaU on tbe bay.
C W. Baatiao bat a
alto Mianemta.
S. C aad W. E. nnm
Tbe derolional meellaj ot tbe EpM. h Smltb't 1111 • Vby baa beea
wortb Leairue will be led next Sonday
under tbe docter'a i ire tbe paat week
MteaBBteberot al
erealnp by tVm. iluteell.
with laec freer; w areflad teknow
oa ibt road Ue fifth.
'Brlat Prrerat Still la Uh Sacraset’
Aiaonr Iboee w
CarMot wood twday.
Rer. Ur. Wbitmaa read a eery t
Famere' larUtate
eport of theS. .s, ooneenllon, wb|.
Makiar Un ataateSo V tba Bala John Eorara. Dari. 1 XeweoBbe, V
:aa held at Kalamaxoo the SI aad fS
todaMrybareatprtecet .
Fite and Michael t
The aoctb bound teaU wat tbna and
OraadBt Allea and Jeanie Allen
a half boart Ute Bataiday.
roea toTrarerae atyUat Friday un
________ _______ Coo(A
Btiaora. Althni^ tbe day waa quite rational church Sunday moruiar. owlid Ormadma atood tbe drire Bleely.
ay to the Ulura. of tbe paMor. Rer. W
Hr. and Mra. E V. Hill attended the II. Uorlbul.
He la lome belter al thu
Fartaera’ laatllate Fridae and balur- wriUny. we are ylad to aay.
C. W. BatUno and Uwifkt FoUatt' 'ay aad reBtlaed aa rueauof tbelr
Tbe Soadayachnolaof Ibia place bare
weot to Tiarataa City Btlorday.
teAbtar.lMba Neilb. nolil Hooday:
decided to unite and yiee aCbrialmta
J. M. Atwood baa laored late Tra- eatertaiahMnl in tbe town ball Dee.
Franh Back had a bad tanaway the
otegr daytboat oar-half aiilr ratt of
The uommUteea met and i
Ibeir plana and anayemenu ia
aad Freak ^racanlBA aii°*iiffy tS^ aad bnmyht biB a belpmeeV Flraw
ampt our ccanrTatalatiou for a happy
Itbitettinc tetter.
About this time ot the year we begin
to think what we will get lor Christmas
Presents. There isn't anything quite so
nice for a present as a nice piece of Furni
ture—it is showy, useful and will last a
I have bought tbe largest stock of
Christmas Furniture ever shown in thiH
city, acd 1 have taken particular pains
this year to buy so I can sell it at prices
. tar Ififutt find ghOdna.
finSELY kaowa Vbratela pi
March Uh.UB.aatoUo«i:
-File ytemayir 1 became ao narroaa that
ateuial auri. ataabardea. Icouia ootrrm I ^ laouki le «
at nlftit mi acuiual of aSerpIcteaem. My I (ainatKoie t-ir.
atienuo. ...oHtel tom. Mile.-u-tote- [
bf ..
tirr, Nrrrlie.aad t er,BiB«BWl to c»e It ! iteo.m
martei e.i
Hr. Bebacha baa teorad lato.bia me
rtac ikatiac
. . .
Blanchr and IMterKoeh
-tevc retaraad to Trarerae Oit;.
tTorb will b«Aia<^ tb« M R
aaaoae at tbr wratbrr rt'»ra 'r»
• r<M>« to t
-d to be talybly pleawd with tbr
art e( iBe tu
r. PICMrfaiaaa baoled tbr flnt load
a< loo of tbr aratoa rralrrday fur Mr
tod Mra. lltoirl Derry expert u
to Rlmira io tbr Bear fuarr Thr
Fraab HharidaacBd JCatbaa floldaa yosntr people nf tbbpltrm’rr ibrn t
-Ma ttdy aad wiU rt Ttmaw City
▼Wtad trlaada aad rata11««a at thia arrirad btaar troio Ctale^^t Satur rarprira at their boiae lut .Suadty
It wtt a .coawlede aorerre
TV Tbompaaorillr floaparacr Co.
wUI boy loo OB Uim lAkr IbU wlot t'
Kar. Wooda ti Eoiplrr prraebrd tc
qalt^a Uro^^iaase laU Saaday af Itare.
Tht dteU of Joha Criip wat quite a
Bar. M. W. Wooda raerlred a doaa- rhock to tbr people abuut Uib place
oe of fifty dollara for tba U. R At b ufteo taid aaotbrr of oar '
.jarab at thla place, whlca la AreaU< wee b ruoe. .Mr. Crbp wat a i
apprecdatcd by tbota wbo are lotaratt wrN kaowB by’aearly eeeryone la Ibe
*“ *“
nitr. Be war a member of the
ad la tba work.
After teacA wart aad tmbla tte
Hretbrea cbarcb of Ibtet. Tbr'
nara will be aa aotartalatneot a
Maatetavabaaa aailably arraafad ia tba Bordiekrillr Kbo<d boaaa oaxt iiattarricet were held at tbb plea
..,...>day a- D-. Dro. Sod
Tbe L'. I
paalor from Petotkay addrgatd U
^thered fnaeda
kaaUabaraaad entaata laat Tharr tioaiat fma amser.
' f BOMy that will la a bmka ap for tba low prbaa of Mber
I aeBeiiU new Laia/Tt ibrw rma; u ew to
bar r euuM M net. I a—r i eo bmil— „t
- -Clt'. <>ra« Bate ate aa eaUreIr weU: I
aebU a^br
It.-A C. CUlte. Ml.
e bat beea
t for read
______ -r.iSi
'jltaMgklUfiNarrtofilfi B»
______________ Uraof tbrC E ,
eoae^aaioa arrtlatt Fridar
with tbaJm^dcDt.
pr^dcDt. F B Uwaila. of tbb
pl^ Tboar pnamtatu
the MbteT^. aad
Ity. Ed. Tremtlar and Job: Seott. of
Hap1r CUJ-. and Or. F. J. Fralick,
alick. of
Bauoat Bay. who r. prirented hit wife. I
who b WreapoBdiar trrretai.
UnkB. Bar. W. H.BrcHiataod
pealieof tbb plan. Aa labrm
8. K. Brown loft latt Moaday Bora- crpUoa rtatrradarad tbarb1i.ot lYlday amlalr by tV Y. F. S. C. E at
tbr fadmr ^Mbr RatBt Wiltoa. wbbb
wata dtlirbtfoiaflatr in rrrry reapact.
ha'.e Wt’a’bteoTlnwboUteTnd w
' "*‘'‘**'F*^•CFJSJvyr
-alirurrer ny oemrabecirmi. uBateuay-alih
Clear Perk ^ A. '
lAr CKv ..I lYiim
The WToinan't'Chriatlaa Ter
I'aion iif Tnrefae C' .
ly peliUM
petillija that the curfew bell
. y at - <
uDlbaof er^January. Ffl
•• March and .tpril. Wealao aot
1 tbe cusaent of tbe ai
; rE
It la tn« Irum aarcutka. ^rtarily ham.Icea. aad yet aooahra and atmaethi na. Dr.
Hllte. ihnuch his Nerette b a b. u.'eacur
EdUor and ptcorirtar of DtaE
Dr. Mllte- Ni-rrlne Is ante tJ |
tembaUlaemibentettw Bwe* ntliuuted.
Fba»< k« C. Cii.m-ix.
Com»iit Mored* by'A1der«ao Jahnua that
tbe peiiUon be yraated.
.Motion carried.
Balt iwr kU
teiW tete eMVasiese tVr tea
U beat aee, per by
Dale. Ka.I.per bii.laeal .
TV, llir Jf-.ioirrildc. Oi< M>i(i-<r omf I'Uy Ibir.r Jl.lliiwnhV, Hr. .Ifilyyr.r.Hrl fify
lAr ellrr ..f'. Tr^itrrtr Voy.
ifcr ruit i.f TmrfT-r rUi,.
G»:Mu:ukS. We. yoor comiaillee. to
Gi.Mi.i ui.tf-The undenlyned,
drute and tax'payrnof Traierae City, whom waa referred the petlYi.ni of
would rrqueat your hqnonriilr body Ici Ri.T,^ H tiluoer ri'iatisr to photodetu-caail pnl Inin ianardiate effect cra|Aer'« ll^fiae.Woiiltl report that Hie
■ome mrana wUrreby tie reeidenU lie- biiililiDc nsed by M'. Ilioea .U only a
iay aiijaceut lu Mill Creek will not be temporary one and eanool beoHo-rw <aa'
eub)ecled to the inoOBecnieBce and loai. c-inatructed.
of pr»pertyfwhirh uBdrr
cumxtaticee oc--ur» ertey
a rate atorm Siyaed br
Fred fidirader. Jamee J. Dunn. J. »V.
Ximmerman. Frank A Deaa. Henry
Wiachnrnaky. Anton Wiahnowekl. die
aeph Sledor.'E VtnDykr, E.C. Si
M. Eitoer M B. McIntyre. In
Utfaer. tVA-. Mcitonald.'Aayux
Donald. W A- Weteon, A Van Taaael.
IV JaekaoB. 11. E- Steward, W. FCirfr. II. C Tboinpaiin. Ji.hnJ- Sberard.
E F. Fi rr.. G . I- thampuej. L.uU
Report of f.iBmincc on Vlamt and
Slrack. A. Puhofal. ,
Mored by AJdrrmaa Goodrich ____ Accounu:
. —xMMitiT r. 'll.
Ifau petition be laid oa *ke Ubk- until
April iat. l-.c .
Hotloa carried.
D* fill ff'.ri.inifrfr, flu-'Miiiyor iritif r'
__________ ;_______e
Notice to Taxpayer^!.
128-1 32, FRONT STREET.
W JiJ .A.SE.,...
11115-:- 'i
Special in Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefe.
Tlijse Styles,
from two to £Sre yrare and am uil,my
>pay a reaaonai
reaaonabt-ie i«..oi foraanie
Said p irtH.0 ..I inVt i- ool oi-cupied
y tbe ,yiy and •" p?plpanl.-n.it
w.-upi..d f.-r eoise time,
r. said
Slid buildiny
obe iJ.Lifu and a ft. biyb.
Ueaprclfully aubmlHed,
J.W. Slater’s Furniture Store
Pctauirs. per ka ..
Barler per by
. .
dleport of Committee on Lii—uae>
* .
1. the uodrteiyeeil. hereby aak p
mlteinn loetjocla buildiny oa thr ei
-ide.-f t'niun atreei north of Eoyi
ifooa.- No,
uo properly owned by ihr
aa a part of Lake are
that cannot be duplicated: One glance at
the prices will couvince you of that.
„ Other styles of Swiss Bm'ihroldersd Handkerchisb at
iMurid li^ Aldcraiaa JalirauK Hu
the petiti.ma be referred to tbe cos
mlttee on atrecu and atdewalka
Motion carried.
ItaeoialDeoitetiaa of City AUaraey;
tfie Mo/e-r ./...I ri.
ii.efni;<.r roiivr.f < .i
Ux’«TiA;kKX-K*te1 • to the ta.v
tbrCblcaye.t Weal
i*n Ry. Cti. *p
under proteat by tli.
of f3‘ 70 I Sad Ibi
'barter makr> tbit peiperty
here aad wli<1r thr facie wi
oimeul id toe property
biiny rietnpi. ret the
■r ubleh the Ur. I'o.
ia op ralioy u'akea
thie property if a:
Buel be oaM-rwed whrre I
baa 'lid
pria-ipal tfli-e whu-k |n tlii' caar
«-Du!d Ire at Grand lUpida. MIebiyun.
Si Ew-iti.;::"''-
"i\2c, 6c, 8c, 10c, 12J4C,
and up.
Very rc.pntfullt.
refuailed b. Hi" Railway Ou. Reapectivi-ly aubinkued.
Dated Ibia Tib day of Dec..
Cummitte u
P. C. GiLiixar.
M.irrd by A
City AUoruey.
rupori t
Moved by Alderman Smith, that ll
sceiOBeadalioa of the Alluraey by •
cepted and the lax be romllted.
iKJOdriib.'Gmln-k. Smith, Ct.ik. K\-;
Motion carried bj yeaa and nar*
aelka.l,ardi<-. Jabraaa aad Garr.i.ba.
Yea.-Al<l.rman Ilobte.
Holl, Hoard of'^
Goodrich, SBilb. Cook. Kyaelka. l-ar-
Ttareiae City. Mich.. Dec. T,
b Ho H-moroMr. fhe Mayor o
tilt Clip qf;Torrvr
iSS'£-.S.*' “' ■
Gtsnj:uKX-tf. t
apeclfully rcqurn
of tbr f.iUowioy b|
The J. tv, Milffi
Will make nice Christmas Gifts.
die. Jahraua and tterriima
All the very BESUALDES possible.
Mufflers, Etc.,
■ .5 Lowest Prices
**The mnk^liaml
uuo, ntateimeotSiM
TheCtea It—onlhal
al atoek eaioath.n
Slo.itei. auetemrot Ff.'.i.
TUe ab.>»« Uyuira in rrlalire prt.por.
e rery a
aioch untqoaUred
tai"a 10 .
tisr tolhr treat
urer on.'et rer
pr..tekU hut aul
owiny whal ttrr»
wrrr oerowiary to
■kr it Irca1. I Hi..uyht a rrrbal pnr
Horrd by i
JabiBoi that thr
Ouu^ ond^mA Piiaidi.-nt- ■ I ter B.iw tbai tbr Ib« rrp^ri'hr u..- ■plr 1 a'od . laiiue br cmlrr.
hb old-time frienda be e Ua| Sunday.
«eem> like a Brenr M ant Ml my aidr bat juatlor it orrrr rdpaidaerr.
fooliah BCHoe; teU-.tird till it bat lU dan., kratw I ■ri~i by riweaud i.ay»
Vleior Plae. r
Bt. b aeUair m
bat it ira'l mack Oioufht to lay H hefura your honor
rae —A.drr.uao
Mr. Makrpitet bar Bored fate Ut
baeaoe of A. C
worae ttea toter able body.
^.ree'rich Grri'ira.
Grri'ire. Kmiib.
KmilL. Ci»t,«.
CiJ .. Kyiwl.
booae beloarlaf to Mra. Flrrlll.
of the nolie
Y.m arr• IbrJpjmticr
ibrJpjuiticr plainly ia ai.lPe
ai.:P> l.'H—.
l.'rHi", J.-itirtut
J.-ihraut an."
an.< Garriaon
'ua m
which ririU
Tbtta wat BO tehool la MIb UBroeOr
B tiOe-lh auira. bailolioir
faailolloy ualy a
popl, iiiAk^
iodolye ik* ' arteiar
farob rooat Mooday. BVWBtiU.
erealae fur Rio^ley to I
eS?itea«S ■“♦'diuB
modiuB lin,
lior ofsoodalaka
of sooda luka at mnch
mbeh .
Mi'i .'f H l<
l> Eiiw-iHe A I'o. of A, .»i i lit
Ed laoraoU rrtnroed Hooday after oeretal dayaoo batioeaa
pentitioa ia thr br aaa double awrr.
twrr. Tkr
Thr teuid of rqi
rquai i f«r
wa. pinwoioil.
! 7?T
Hrf (hat if u
a man
BUB iabrma
a Aort eitit with fritadt at RalatB- i
weak luaga Sou i ixaliob rluliard - -----------IPB I Bad' a prulrute Morrd by Aldmann Jubrunu that BH
hie piiruts hr ia pr
thr bill br all.iir.-.| and ordrrrd paid.
' Jii
- ... weather will aooa
^Jfc^aUl. who baa baaa.rialte Dl. b oar alakrfaiar ban.
Bart Gray, of Alslra. Bade d
Baltet Btwlu of Eawadla wat ia Gny a eiait laat Sandhy.
Ira Netrmao. of Maple Oty. w
teWB tesMy or ’—■------
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet an’d Clothii^ House,
'CW“' ‘
ifoJ.^'5^b,srs*ur?..rA“s2ty!- __ ■s,“js'jr.".iT5's 1“
at at tba towa hall FrMay
Oiat rid
Mbt Llxalr Hint, of Tnode Mra. D. li.
tofdqy eCal
e%Blay and KuBlar'^ b
eadiair a few
day. ebltiaf her BOtbaod' Otter
Saturday, abeui
I kabmiriCr *fii',
ir^lu roar <nmldrratioe if
Goodrkli. Grriliik. nmiib. Cook. Kytel- .aii
ihaB by BJ book**' Tbr tioi^io q ut^ , ka. luRlir.
........... Jabrant aod Garripoa.
■Mnraa. CutrltBacM ia thr rral rril
w win doalep a ttadeacy’tt
t IV
tbr W. J
J. B
Bril rtock bourkti , Xuya—Son*.
lauption 11 aay body.
en oa Frb.Tr ai d br tbr ercoad | ' Do b..Uob
Aldrmao Jabrau,
r. uarU adjoarard k
•!<x-k» arr to V|a*lj ------- i-d.
•. ll■1«. at : o'cloi* p.-B.
icataui. City Clerk.
OnwBB^.to*(>asdiafBWaak'a .«a- y«Bt to work ayaln and jmwkad 4ui
CBMoa at hoaa.
mbt boob sa Tbaraday
frkteV m«»BuBArtea te r.
Mr. Wana. who baa bMBl workiar
Dr. tlUnoa of Lakr Aaa^^calI-l(4^tS^^;^ > ef tekcalMVbmdi-lataad:
1 aoaaldrr ti proportloa te
fiVBatey farB.te qalU BBtoaaly UIISJ- S*«»Ta«y moraiuy Dr Martin of! *ai permaaci^
tetth haart dlaraaa
Tiawao (hly aad Dr. lihirtau wm At Dr. Pime-J^
kSbSa^J&SS? *^ ateat^^TtVlafinif.
Frau Fllte
yxiar addrrai. to II. E llu.k]
.... kiw?sar&
• •
------ ------------------------ yon of
tbrlr Btrii
Thrte pUUarTrmryiia acUoB'
panic^riy rffrctJre ia tbr
iiu!te£*ilS ut
prorrd iniolaablr.
gnaTaoteed to br perfeoUr fme fromii
iwery drleteriou nUtaaoruad te Vjl
■cb^S5St»ai^ hBAteaof Aldte— filth
•UpMtte.aax ISU a. th. |
Is Marriage a Failure?
Unless the woman in question can make bread as ‘^mother used j
' to make it,'* and she can't do that unless she uses onr ‘‘BEST" 1
I flour. So proflt by this advice, buy her' tbe
and thus ]
’ make home happy.
Hannah & Lay Co.;
i nui wimBn
n -I u7l77.
•M a aaa. ttrrdateaaaaair ral9» Mm. lUim^ Mtar «ntf a
Mr I wffl «7 *a wrtta ajaaif.
t aa
cWUIaaIaaa*-<krMBaaaad I
~>aa wea*lier|«t a ao
•a aMar, t»e krattai. I
aoaaiaa. air aMa mad aataa
Mj bat tiaa t bad tkk aaaaa
tla Poatth of Jalf. Wa mat
riatbaa<nlaraad aarad
aU daraMhadhaaottaa. I arUl be
DaaaMw. BaTKe-AaToa UkaUtUe
AUdaaMBrnayoa Maen I theafbt
1 waald wHa tojpaa. Wkeae^aottadMIoatwoTanaU.
I aai Uriacertlbar aaelaaad aaatla. Okaria
aad VtovW. Iki^aa.
attbaBlack aebMboaaa.
M7«*ackle Ida coanada: aba
Ov Ttmaa Lmot WrtMn.
Stutos. Ml*. K«t. V. Im
MT. wa aU Ilka ba. 1 aaa
DkmIUl R&n»-I Mama jmr waah diahca. kaltaad faadtbaehkkoU- MrF^kaaatraUlara. 1 haiw
Wa baa a IHUe old der: Ue
altttbUuaa: I ban aamad IWaab.
bPaaafi he la elstaea nanoU.
IteaaallUla l»^tR>lkar. Iiraata We hare (brae wira. Mj oow la hm '
lha «aM aad eaa|«iaroaaf IM aad fllaaekle. Tbie It all for thk Um.
Yoar male fated.
ta«a It lo BI7 UtUa kluaa.
Haiba Wauw.
Data Km. Baraa-I wW witu a WtData Bmtob-I lika earr aiaeb t
Mr to (ha Barnaul betaaai bj hr
read the teldraa'a lauan. I bara aa
•ad alatarata velar lo. 1 aa a
Utaa (a (be Baaaui bofora. <
litttabej. M/araledra. I ealf
lateaalafatrdaja. The aast t
,wOI wrlla raara. I erU daaa mj M-
o.«mo eielan. 1 bare a alee (iBe
ptajlar wKh my ateicra.
I go to
Dawa Sanaa—da mr (Mar
Bfaoel arB7 mj. My (mebra-e aaae
knterwitel (boarkt (bat! r
leMlaa Baaelirdla. I ilka bar rarj
wriaa. Jaararwoat t»aeboel.batar
I nmdy raadiar. wtIUm. apaU•artlof i^aaiaMr. I Majrad baaea
dbfaaaaiBar. Iba beat Uaa 1 bw
tad pb/akitorT.
1 bad a alee Uwhoa 1 waavdawa (o taka Aaa.
IbaabarMar Oood-bya.
Yoarm t»al7.
Uaoaaa 2m»
Oaa fahlaaaBdaMlaJaaaaawhtta aa
(MW. 1 b^awowUlaaM bat Mr
aM ml kmad mmm ad tbaa. WaB ~
«n Bea(hiaka«a^M(atewrite.i
ritoto peatedaym Itiaatear
raa*t foeat ta ptop- t Uka rarr
aefa teraad tte laUaa^r ahUdraa
wrile. IteraealywriUratotteBaaAim aaaa hatore.
We do aet take the
Baaeu). bat ay aaeto rifbt aerera tba
nadfroaralaknitaad wetera itto
read. Iteratwepeto; tteyaraadaf
aadaklUaa. The AoTe aaae k Bora
aadte Utte'i aaae k Haf. The
kltte M, rary plarfal iadaed
I ter.
bretbera aad two ekiera. By
wa- aaan an John. Ooerfr aad
liowk: ay datera mara are Bora aad
Berrlol. 1 bed a aica tiae Thoarafir-
STLTta SeexrT.
Daea ButT««—I will write y<* a lettar 1 raw aaap lettera Uie weak.
Ihaafht 1 woald write Vw1 bare
wriUea betora, bat aow I wUI MU yea
aU akoat tte faa 1 had laat enaa
waat to the chlldraa'a ptcalc aad we
bad a rery alee dleaer mad tw6 aloe
•wlDfn. 1 wee't lo Trarene Oty tba
roanb of Joly aad raw the etrrei
adp^ The taaaleet thlac 1 raw
WM a wafea aad It ww of toaa aad
dofeea tteoataldccd ibe wafoa
•owe la IV aad tbe dc«e ware barkat tba foaaa. pad aaae tea thiaa
baaclaf oatedeaMberracDo. I
aw a UtU* firi ia a wafoa aad ebe
tewlhf taarawiac aaebiar. i
war other tblafi bat 1 caaaul re
(bar IbriB aU.
I helped aanmu
raepbarria; I pl(Uced lea qoarta.
teaeberb aiaBe I. Karate Kahn.
We like bar rery Back.
Data Ecarua — I ihoarbt ‘ that
weald t^leaad Iril yom aU I bar
daaetbbeaBBeraadttbaralbad ai^
(haorbi (hat I alao weaM errila.
baettlBa. I hadbj brettiaeatTrarwarte aa tbe far* (bit aaBraar.
ane Cllj aad tba werb I did arae takaUak tte (^ baatUaa (bat I had lar care eftba babr. wlpiar dkbra
(ratal Uka Aaa wbnal waatte
watefclac eattlr. briarinr Ike cattle
tbk tiae. ao food bye.
Hy Ofe W te:
Of to water froai tbe wonda Co<Bf 1^
the aib «d JaaiarT'
(Mel. laaralBC bj Iraeeae. folac o
Ibea your HtUr fated.
0 the adebbon for aa. plebier
(laanii <-kOi>i-i<i.
plea, aad pieklar ep poWloee aad
Sma Satte-I bare bara fcdaf
^teL The brat (Inal had araa at t
lar to tba •»««. Md plowiBC and dr
Dua Hm lUriie-l will wriM a lelrlac aadaBktiirdraa I Ulak 1 •
Old dtkHen' ptelc. Iharaapato
ler to yoa ra 1 aw yoar eSer io the
d^. 1 aa la tba third nader aad
H»ael o.
I wUltiy aad ret a preraat
Bmarttkraalla. teraafa aad writiac
I fo te aebool erery day. Hy
Ibaratwa aWafaaad.lhtaa broUerahnubar fore too. I lUce to fo lo aebool..
' f (rtUt^raaBYMMMdata.
Hy leaelBf b aacae li Hte Celia Stralc:
OU Mtatae. ■<rk.. Wof.w.
e her rary aoeb. I bare only
Data Esnxia—I (koarht I weald
alaed two dayt aad a half of acboult
wriu to the Baan.n oe 1 bare aa
TrararBOIr, Met.*
* hare two tarotban aad OM alaiar. My
n betora. I awe Uule flri
' (Bte Hm Sana—1 (ho^t t weald
eietar trill be two yeara old thrlJUof
eld aad fo to aebool acarl; orory
arrtla »D(heH»atii>alaMar. 1 fo to
I picked Sowm tkia acamer
1 walk a aUla aaaabelMo eebooL April.
•thDoL I aw la tba drat rrada.
•ebrr'e BOBe le MM Bate Lardir
te*irt aaraa la Klee Hfrlft. I bi
• are <3 eebtere la ear trknni.
UUla (Mar. Uba la dra weeke
prie I bara a klttaa tad a taBO
Itera aaad hwa mte. Tkla la my
i hare fear bretbera. bet 1
haraenaep aider. The erow Wtae the fora ChrielBaa at eebool.
tea be bera. I like lo fO lo
kluaa'e lallaad hlaearv
U wee ae
.Verthpan crary ChriatBaa. To-day U
t today (bat I aealdat fo to
HyBaBaadled laatAnf.
Soada; eeheol aad I waa otry oorry. tetatday.
My Uaadap (Mol traebarb aese k rat aad I aBlIrinf with B.r frandpa
Hy Graadpe aad litandcna
Mke Stbel Jekatea. Wall I wUl alrae Browa.
UartlaW are llriaf dowa to oar hoo*'
Itkawfal wratberaow. It tp
Daui Km SATaa-l wDl (rrila a let.
tedatbaBaaeta. I bed Mt e( faa
•ieWatBpapplm I r> *« Mmd errapdagr. 1 like (ha bora ia the aehoal.''
JlrdaMb aaBcto OlUe aad b; UtOe
a la Artbar. I like my
caadhTB VraajteUMtofated.
fit for a alrifk or tor a wafoa. Hy .
lakra iheHaaeLCaod I like to trad
Daaa Banoa-I hare Barer wi
leltan In it: Itarrau awfet loor
Uaaeui bofora. Thera
W without tba Irtlera.
We hare ■ '
rarr aaar leUera la tbe Ba
hnadrrd or aura beea. alac farad of
aad I tbo^t I eroeld i
.Ula Blae befa aad foar boraaa.
Kr Mten an folaf lo write loo. I
tre fot caa eall that rato op elolbra
aUtUebrotbra. HiemBela'Wil- aad meytblaf
Be b tear ran eld. We dldsH ter. bad a oaw waif dof.
We had to
ear imker tor Tbaakwlriac dlaroa Hr. HcKaokaa-a all
bal wa bad a reooter. Tbe
I will teed to clcac By
• I Md (bkaaaBer waa ml
Froa yoar IKead.
UoadareeboeiiaUraadlbePbarUi of
Jolr- 1 tB folafteaiMoIaBd dadr
raadlBf. wriliaf• r««Taphr. raa
wriuanteUe Hsa
laKartha k
IwUlalora-brcIrlBf ,
aa ebe. ,Ute eaa aet talk, bat abr
adNCaa.aadebewfll etoadaad
ataapberbadaad aaoM at ae wbra I
lU ao( in ba fat laB bkeblef.
Tki natkliral Been, ebo «iU trO
kaaikotoe bema fraB rabeol ebe k
yeo bem BBO.v fmjnde of Iraibn- eoa
fled. ^ It eraae Baettetl «aa will erer frace lour •bora in a Itfren lore her eaeafh. The dap before tkee. and bow aanr ecu d Axel ;ou
htririaf we bad .dxaklac rarrin rai. iiratlflfd ibat vin tlrr to tbe
IbUcel llmll of -nfacera.T>rr eed tm.“
at ear nbeol. Ttera —era eocae
rkilete. bet aet ae aaay ae we aspact- lie jut flskhHleoBr<>)dn.tfartiraon
Aader-nell rrimTh. H, find, (hat I
r'rtbpr hrmen liria|> rau awev al
eUdey froa a«te UU alfbt. bat U» oi»~ihin.Mraoed ran of
>f an inrh
wa catoyed oanelra aaybow.
We of nail ce.-h xiek. or e litclr mom (
tera tbe aate teaebra that we ted a ae «arh ad ■ half noh yrar.. Hr aleo
aco.aad we like bn ray aaeb.; «nda that thr xrrecn l««th d II
• nrld nvfn l> «i yrert. and tb
. 1 do an tblak d.aayaora to
alW of Any
i>al!« in ro>-h ernoratioa.
***N'mra iraly.
T U.
PUBI. Wrocia.
at apcblK-'merlinrioNewYark.
OneofU.ee,ninm.Be..llc.II------ .bad
mUfnrti.tie wbra
when b,
he letal <e i.ke
o Blaforluoe.
it eeav to islm blr ebatr. a
.t foil Irarih eo ebr platfono
Jeaaaip »lb IsaT.
! *«»> OU-'h'
■ eijimer .if t tie M|Oi»
NeHiier Ibe UtJl ^ fatw.
.pi.l-er of enf.1, evenaried.!
PI) The'eonnt j« Anif.hed, e fT-aait*
berinc iT-f-n releettnl tu tavurr tba)
I >Dd Inil iliern. diet are pemed'
ind end rtery luly. eeu la tbe ol I '
Onit iwie n,
etrr dared to brwte pajHil
and raftioed lo |»iy bl> ebereof tbeexpenee. He hod Iteen Hm-ted
miorit,. hnt
rlerdioti for li
tawe Ota tat.
* l*ra w«a a •o.aef. lo
It' '
wbere I litej
bloated. MTfriMdi batted enc witfcl‘•T*“’• '
I>r. Tbotnat-EkleclricUll. aad 1 wa.! ■T?'
We he
Hra. Wa I-. I woodni I.I-, In Ibr euui. vnin
L»- Sclec . Oil."
30 iw I Mule dcy. wbioh u a trit
labeock. Korrell, UIcb.
------- ^---------} aiiimul. UeraUH-ewarelliet hrf.uldn.t
iractadaarreracnldfroB «•!
»/m tbe nn..irr !e«,u.i uta
Ooafbad all wiBMT. coold:
fetaoralief. Dr. Wood-eKorway Pcae , te at ttoltinf the dm-elwnyt tiww kir
ttyrap brake op tte oole, aad drerei artlteii.1 IibU.Iiui if kr h,(i ortaaion
acraj the cold
Kceer look aaytblDjr, do any feel ninnioir ..r Irepiurlir a
Ibat did Be w Bocb foM."
1 il.; fiacefoU, fanid <ij, .he wroden kc ff
Rtoolre. bonh Uarnrhlll. b. H.
it .kjiead >oleh U|-»n the ntbrr tbm- i,
—-------------- —
, the eerviee
eyre? Hare you bcwrible alekarat of <
tte atOBaeb? Rnrdoek Blood I^tw pocndibre.
ifin.T airiau
f,™. j
l» « Ttmnjre eafom .iteodeni
apdc IchWi nl^-dom
it, fi(o»., u>»lu.bT|.. IVIenan- <
O. for llir l»t ju ,,
R------ win enm '»Ve tin-Acxw,- Tbe
t-T. ukta .(~ eta
with each package of
vj.8i. Ai- PETEf?7-y,^
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
I ChristiiHs Present.
. /
I’lain and fancy earthen-1
I ware, cuspidors for sale cheap. I
Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.
I Corner Front and Cass Sts., Trarene City. $
drawrer Clcr. aer. a. (BO
fta^eltra. Bana-Aa I bara tarn ao
to raa I tboafbt I
toM. Wa cat tba Bmeui jmi lika
aByaotfa. 1 »o lo aaheol arraj daj
KbMaaalrataaebar. laaltraan
I aM aa latbaaibfiada. t ww
■t la teoeoaur tbk r^tiem aad
4 a earr ala Obb. I ellabad tba
am I gm then Jaat la Uae tor
WaU 1 arat ekm.
Ttenitacar, am.. k*t. b. cm
DdiAKm Betaa-Tbareaar tolba1 irr aad
— —at 1 bad
--------- Poonb of Jalr
--------------------------- we wrat kmekimhmry
Img, WcdldaoteaBpeat bat alarad
all dar- Wbta wa trara eoalac boae
wa atoppadatBadBaraad waat eat
wadlBf a llUlawhUeaadhad lea ef
lea. I did Bot r> lo achod all Irat
waab bteaai It waa ae talar- I like
to r> lo Saadar eebool aad alvara trr
to wbaatbawratberiafood. Kr alela wra Jaat faUtaf readr lo fa ta
aabeel whaa tba drapyad bar aboa la
tba waabtabaadkadtedoraiboBe.
I raBBot tblak of aap aera to write, ao
boptof to aaa tbla la priBk 1 wiu «lem
Pna raoia tnlp.
Afa II.
KranA Utatu, T«im
OuB Km EtTBb-Wblle leokiaf
er*r*baBBBAU>l taw (bat rn «>>tad tba TMBf tolha to wiila. as I
. tbe^lthat! weald. I
aa Bed eftba (lat;-tbf rad af tbe
AKralwraatbeoa. I Ibiak abeat tbe
■tad tbratbal Iharahod tbu
Mwmibetnl alA(«aat.at the Old
KtarWk. aer.^___
Bdtlara- pleale. ItUak IwQl
Oaea Hm Ueiaa—1 wlU write yom a
^ --|- f that Ibk wBl aet raaeh tbe
latlar to idi r>a what laa I ted tbia
waatebaahal. A^
a Upt
arary day: my
—. aeaa' ia Karate Kate: wa
Uka bar ray aaeb.
WeU. 1 didat
w------------------------ f.
^ aaaakar, I
OmAM tmm-l tboafbt I weald
------------------------ ^ pleale ante Feonb
tfHta a Httle latter le tba Baaeui m
All the tea I bad I wtal la tte waeda
It tebaaBBotefalBratwR
with aaaaa to plak aewara Bad teI wMt teladteatbk toll,
I plebad tbrra aeana. Aad I
ate tiaa -bile tfaera. aad .
waalta UoMete Bar eat dar le ten
garaatapteanoftwe UtUa aelorad
btete taawaabtab. Oaraabeckl boa two teeth palled, batttet weeaetoar
woat ta tbe Belfhbora a plar
b«aa aadlfeloaebaolarorrdar.. I
teat a ate tiaa ptarlaf laow ball.
Vbr pato I baraa llRle blaeb ktote
•Mod TWar aadaUtUa aalt aoaad
. Mf hUI bahlad ear beam I wUl
PMobaadalsUulaaalrm Kr loUar
leratertUattea. Afa a
latdKaftet.aefaadbr. Froa
^oor UUla fated.
atorea I
.-waaU Write acBla. I fete aabeel tra I weald wriM tea.
dape oray wadi aad te Saadar elteDl Uaa tUaaaaaar. tettba
aaaySaadar. Kydadlaeraraadlaf. 1-hadwrawbaaIwaatte a HrOtey
party. Tterawaraafood aaay ehUdraa thara. abeat tflaaa. Tte party
«a«e aad writlaf.
My teabet
ammo lo Karate Kaba. Lrat toU
fated date, tetfot volB a tew
•ad fraadpo. kotthkto^etel^M praaaala. Iten la tehoel aew. It
«a. Aai OBB tblak efaeiUac aerate aaaaad tte tad d Keaaabtr.
wrtW t w81 alara haytof ap Inter tera aaayairatraabw. Wa mp
Kr. Oaacta »ram I Uka Wa rory
w(U aet ted the-rate boakn.
aato. Than an faalj cat papifa aa
Iterall. latUaewMlpMabamay
aptUtof. ihyddacr.
boou. I eaa hardly tall
wbatwae tte plrattatrat thte ttet
teppeaid to Be dariaf the eoBBer
' eojayed It all: balpcaf BiBme la
tte faidea. pleklaf aad eaBalBK trail.
drirlac ora te Nortbport to Uaaday
boal. woritUf la my flowa faidea.
rkittac aoMac ay pUyaatee: and I
la ta Trararae oaee. to Lalaad twloa.
aad to Btehas thrra Uaa. Hat the
eay beat tiaa ef all It eaaae to ae
Sute St., near Uoios.
Brosch’s Meal Market
toad mod 1 waat ap ta Hra. Browab
aad Boea. Hlaaie aad 1 all waat
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
B’o-my-l a_n. Seacozx.
Fresh, Salt and Smoketi Meats, Sausages tie.
’ ear door w«at of UMlobrnr-a where w
I old patroae ai well a. new. aad iraM tb
. todoaoBnaL ^Ftwibto wrak oaly
Tbe (ollowtBf toriiVnc wmkl te beid
In MIere if It bad aca ooranrd rifbt tel.
' -Repkk.Badtoiarintlniibyn..r
latlre ha*_ri^ It beyood «l..
doabt Iteoe air tte feet* in
________ It. J H While of Mo. to HaUrr
IVer. hafam ao toctractor In prnnun.
ttaip to diaenwl bteraa collefa (nr thr
peat laurteca yean. He apt : " Uu Or
•obtrlwanddetdeleknUL Imtai.l.
fd a pbytictoa. wb« aid tte prie mu
finin -frarel' rinora ; fnduallv irm
wnne:tbcpato watoray lart ant tele.
Ur back twrlM up ia a feral rkitr. ao-l
HiBrilyfTewabadIfaall wa. ukra to
bed. a teipka a a child
1 |.m-l
hbted, and wtec tte gala wa el lu «.evi
1 wra Hke oar rrazy. Tbedert.irln)erte,l
notpUae ta fie. ae RAM. I>cn fnnhrt
Iban^ te aid te wa puwrcW .wl
aothtof wotiM ctorae aay food iHtt > >ur
fkal opmUca I baHrre ay tori, aa
Blcnlly CBtoedtotteaue^L.erikr.
tocblhlam Iwaetatfakootetitoa ytee
DcaalDdaryPOk. aad natlr I frit larirt
toSD atomaa After about iwn b-»e> i
bad a piaifi id cette. aad peaari
wh^ ,
1 (fri Itei I ctaan ay raythtaf mt\ot
ewoiich ta Ikaa't EUte. Hk. M.
cnai wbfe k (te ttey akr'hraoM writ
kanwy.- Ttey w8l prara . bnia In ara-
R-Thrall anoBtor IkeC.& IkaiiB
pte IhBaaaraaafyblrt, taa dead ^--'iWMk^^MdMkaaalte.
TtLiFBOirt ( Mauvt 4.)
# tolhe-TCSufar.............
V*. .esosos.
n buildief, r:
Brakwbrat.per rack
Soaa-:, «. y«ad lo bera
Tea puoad* BolM Oau
Packafr Coder, per pound
BaiJnpaaTra to rliy
Tra Drat irsr. twolta
Thera priuce era JoM a few of oer Bnay karyalBA. Wearetilll
Of maioae tor rank trade. Thaaktof yoa lor paU bruK aad
•f tor a eMttoaaaer of tte rama. we M yoara. ate..
0. nSBOB * OO^rreprit
I Not the
I Largest and Best
iBndnni Snits, Ptrior Fnniitnn, Buds,''
That the best place to buy anything in tbe line of HardwkTc. NaiU. Sarbctl Wire. Barn Door Hangers. Paint.
Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freeters. GasoUae Stoves,
Fishing Tadcle, and in fact everything in the hardware
line, b of 'W. J. Hobba. Come and sw roe and I wiU
prove tbis snicmcnL
w. J. HOBBS,
w-wuraam.-.-mw.Smm a.b
Froot StreciL
For Quick ftotunN
^%hM o< an is Lmaiiv SuoqplL-Uiot V. S. Gort RetMt.
home; che;i;H‘
•ThMii KhMrt. IhMtoB hMd*
_____ _
t lde-UB»
;-G«ad wilo. wt«t Moywuvbiof for?' Oo* word loBoibar*. w|
■ jom kaow Wr bar*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ir* Ion Um bay.
iMiahl te .raid oa a aMh----arclwWrl
. dod w^t o*-Udo wllb boraaaod ky* aatlrcl. Troch ybor boyv rrhilr
rhilr thrj
tol !*•*• M-«t toMi M
I* ator* ibaa 1 eaa aaj:
a."r boya, to b* (albon. aa traly
Ml wtobao—
j WkUalUaMoukwiUraiy^atarM; acryparffifh
Uor* •*. nr pnp yo*. ear food
ba looaad ap with her piraaaat face. - er to bit cblldrea, la waicbi
aad aaaw**ed Jow aadnwMi
traderoaw. aad
aad Ur
to ta*B IB Balt
uf pra^ti.-al
MewDraattrel boleaBBOltM.
cdBMlwa. ball
"We rri alear beat prorMM for.
(neat a
t.abab I
we atall alwayt be:'
' sart'a lore
Tb«»oi-nood pourlMf^Fi
aUo* to dc7«at*lMnr Tth
Ibtoami rafnia to tto Ml «( mim
eohir. Tw «aptate of
(tmia IhMMdaaM te-d^ wOl
,^rUr drM pospbls •nMiad »
Ito M» la MM OM who
of»Uk te mofM^ for »
whM It bM l»M to h«. Tho liMol^ui^Ua pi*. AUoMor
M«r ■« lh»»Ml*M « »w»r. —lodj na- j fc>it » «.p «( Ufht toon u
BtacUhio foUMlkraad throBfh**-:
i aaa»ayef|aBtMcaadriBr*rtoti ». abd a Uay
tbiMeeaatoaaaU. Aad M they ala«. j
^ aoda aad oM of lalt.
far bar IwbMd aad cblldi re b laka- Be teraed aroaod with eadd* plooat: abated
______ ,_________ aba speed
. BOOM wv thabardaa falla-lb* haadi|„b^ tbaa trait ptoa. or aalU a nea.wara
ak* mid. "Lore, be at rml;
ladtd lb chararWr.
toil«t aUeoUtrer before ata*
ea cut Ur I
giaptod bUadlytarawvtafhadarkMp^browa.
in Ib* rwratial
. .
ap tbe aecredaiM ul raarrUpr.
late, yoa did
> law tba wara. eaaJerUac. I U kakiarapidaaad harry ptaa wboaa
BoMr rabood aad praThat wee yoar
—7T.r l.iirH...,
IlSiac bead of Ih* rath*r. aad
I )ala* I* Uablrwruaoatattb*
all to do wlU wlod
UtUaAUd w«fehappily threacbth*
a atrip of aba*** cloth
at two dr«My firla dorelop laW rcri'ablr
BOltIuubt bi
'brMd aad tab* abocld be cut
poldee (I
datfcatoi, lad *T>y atap of lb* way.iraru aad
<*atfi« BO axaa.
Bead all tha Util
we feel balcao aot eer;
paoB. 4mt atown, with haacto ao Ulad
aad byltoTortb* odpea of tbe
Aad why
yoa abow the rerr We-rr towaye beeo prorided for. aad ^
: aad year pba will aot roa aau . worat aide of yocrartt fa your IntBedl
-eUall.lw.yab*,-___ II- Aune and MVM waeb aa-1 •<* host cinilr’
--Thart likf a wipnaB-* reaioalap—We
■ Jl
ri Wb-T
«a*^alwa^*b*aB*^ferldad ter. bad
waabaUaltraya ha.leaaylBr drop all ibabardaaa
fiaal Baart of L<wa.ab abla.ae
-^awtUlar to bear ball, aad feoa
yoM way. kaowtap that th**atoaolblap wbkdi aaa ban yoa or naha you
Aa wa wrfW aad m Ihl* pace b
ly aU la lypa th* wowaa a aaetloB of
th*FbcwerhIiatllatob(aih*rlap far
ib telaiday awaWa.
Wa bap* to
pathar troa llaatoraof pood thlapa
far BoKb Cnaa. kaorriap that aU wba
IbWa bar* a ta* traa!t iw^arad ter
toad far tbe toBM parpoae. Tbe^trip|t^ yp, mak.^^tbea^wby po
m oP readily wbaa the pb tabakad -arTByad
, wbM tbaae wide-awake rtiUca a
u! alert to otaerre the leoat error le yoar
la Bwklap eoalard pba bMt the toRk
■dUap hot aad add W the eppa aad i 'oa,
le ooe* a^apreclau a Beat alaapar which bare beee prrrroaaly beat ' tire i
aa h«etb«r. Thb tobkea Ue caatard •‘bool 1 by*^o^*aoa*deuy Uc* fata
ire. aad raaerre her beat pown»
bead aad eolor aloaly ia haklop: other-1
■t .Bill*, for U^ world, who
wlaalt bpal*. eraakta fafto*OTerthe .oaiy
top. Too MB pear tbk tolxtara ee from my d aJiip room ooe warpi afted la a plaia. amt wrapr aad cafla were of
• ■ ily bow
ibeeroa till th*cMtardaeM. Thb ml fa aij c^puie. Hy thre«-year-old boy.
by far beat way fa do with Iratoe plea' ploaclap ap from a afary book. aayi.
SI IT .iJ.l.’Tirs
-thalla. bakatheabetl fltoU thea dir
1^"“ 2^.'JJVm
with U* bat lera tototor. aad ret—
UdoM pay
to {ba aera aad bob* a Iltp* loapar be- to dm up at boo>«. Iij dreaalnp op
toco addlap tbe toenapae. wbltoil I doal seao for a wosae to wear oat
abaald be delkataly browaed. Lewoo J"
plaa atade afwr the. followiap roclpr
are dalipktfal. 1 bare triad toaay oth- aoraa.
M*aty aad ipicy. TWt ara pba
pba. aad what aba talk* of b pb.
Jtoi«tSd a’pfadbam
Lei the partoeau be Amb aaH
an ^aaTa.tb*adltarraMrkal> ib* eapot Mpar.oae brapkip tablaapooo-^ the ehildrra. will be pleaaed aad fai
WMda e< tha aid aeap “Tboto'* Bty
tal of dear, atfaaa lamp of batter.,
Aa aU Maadottba idiwr aad of
■Bar XfatotM aty WOMB aaa
UiUaaa dll yoar Croat aad ceUratol
Th* pMiibUity of a raat aaioa
tha iaIlowiBpfar wbM Ihaaka
at tba.eamfort lim U a blp thick all. ‘•aaadaaaeMatoMa.''
I. add-1 blaakeV
ra faaaUff froU_______________
For Ur aioUer who
whlua of Ib*
aotAAn oncao.
mny llmrc doHop
Tbkaa^tyooapebkkaaipat Itoa •CP
I‘uor orar Uc ide and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uck
_ _In_ Urbedcloibea
_ _ _ .. _
baaoaklBjaatwaMraaoopb to ao*«r the oma jml loaf aboaffa U,.4Wlar aeeemlty. aad for Uc pkyaielaa who »
b. aad arteahoat haU doaa a«a«ia al^bUy. ThkkeaoQpb far a aqaarc : lo freqaeatly duUrtaed faanawrrib*
; Mil of U* bell. Il la axially dealr^ wtlbMUaadlMiaUMbBalJiap. L
Ua or two aanll plaUa.
; able.
tha watw aU boU away Ibaa add
nrblle Mtoany
oar dm folk^
blnakrt wraoper
WlU ^
a pood warmblaakrt
■ gaad piaaa of batlM aad a pUt of ptotoatla
iiap pie better than pod- cefam
Imc at hand, at Ue -----bMd of Uc Iwd.
araato aad lUehaa. Hara ready oa a dlap Itlamaiel
clip oo
oooear the Difbldnm. aed a
ely wartfa while fa-bemor fa allp
Itffa pbttor aewa tbla aUeaa af afar
browB toaatBBdpowlbaabfakaa aad
piavy arw iL Da aet aaa aa naoh
ilpfal ■ay'be prodacUre of bad : luto^
7v' Uiwr wko are .uddealy
MtoMpM yoa weald p4>p«r. ITry
drum, aad tronbled aleep: bat pie | called from at warm bed fa eoafroDt U.
trimmiap nradrd ii Ue
, Itbiplaadid)
at. proper time
_rr wbUb may rtio aruaad
SUak r. r. Bsna.
otwhiBoi fabenaay boalUy nan o*:
of Ue parmeat or ap aad
': Ue toUo
Bat tbee. -'Modafatioa la
a Ue fn
front onelUer fade of Uc
ooa. iru ^er•wlUb.
la dplto ef all that hM baea laid aad
wrtttaa NWlaat pla, tbata .ara ataay
wtoi aUU allap faedly W tha toothaaM
a*tbto, aad arlU aet ba ptraaadad
wbat toatM ao pood eaa b* w bad.
How ia toy batobl* optobe tbara
baaa a poad daalet aiaimitoiry faa*
■ab* oaw pba. aad I doabt rety
tftbayaraaamawbMeaeewataoapbaatatowoaUbaMwfaalla*a. Wbaail
tea aa anbto
■d W tba beo-ewlrra, aad
■tha faet of tba toattar b that U yoar
pla toeatbprepariyawdalt wUl aet
lepalra tha atpa^ltaioof raiy
atoaaplh toroUitoali aadaothbw b
—• aatoly aad pebbly .ado.
iBBad tho rat hard w roil oat I
ahnld at eaea aeadad* that it
albipnhar taa Wapb w.toako r»«
Ibaa we, a pU .a ha prapafad beiaratead. while paddlapa aa a ft
Ikl^. yaqalre eeeataat atwetfaa
a klamd Ue ealm aed truaCtal face:
au free froai rara and pale;
‘ ■
>r limed him with a eheerfol atop p>^
Uhi.o •
• '
l:w bllnofKUlr biwadf.
homUold Uaka
•Aad wpol •ator»tk.w
fall of a piad eoadeni.
her besy haada a>
** “l fi».k hard-hi.Ued rw n.aty r
1. we air» lo water jart brlow the hot
■■^re it a bran, there U a bead.
^ point.
feel balcaa.oolarel
Wr-»e alwora beeo pnwided
w« khall aleaya be.-
-I lo'd yoow;
Fur Uer*-. a brart. aad Uerr-i a band
feel bat raoaot
T neifini*i
—ba that weald ba*otoac. eithw to
,lt will do ber pood forall that, nad
I yoa. ano. Tberv are saar women fa- •
^ Ultattop far n wm^ of pentoe-Ue
itoapiupeto«seanraprtoeaL Y'skaow
Untlf Uelaarhcleaa labor hm been
parfortoad fa make It ao Too kaow
UU if yoa Mb take from year drawer
a ctaaa ahlrt wbeaerar yoa —mat it
dapert hare toiled.
e------------.--------look wit*.'- If yoa pare or
b part to tba eamaUa
aad atotiaU
t eboked Ural wiA to
S Cbasern aad CAmeca Kapplr lla*
klad>: plate aad paprr. all *!**•
E mach fa rao a «aBM-ra aad maki
3 oarllae.
3.^.1?..! I
Trarem* <1ty. Mkb.
apooofal of eanilla I f tb* froaliny it
— - thick. UlB It wiU milk.
lOlllJ-will i«w twoeak**.
irl.rbiir y-r>*rlNC—on* table•pooeful id prialinr lo half a riipfiii uf
^oilinp water, and ilrain. Thl.-kra l»
•iU powdetod Kiipar and fltor.
IfuUBJ /-,o.i..i./-^.nc cup/ul of
powdered Kara' kh.1 Hi- white nf oer
*pr-li**l.-n onlil eery Uybi ami altS '
I-bi-n K.lil i.iie eupfal ol walanu ebbp-
-- A
*r t».-Ttw_lllJ
Gruil Rapids i lillui R. R.
r--'.. •
T:;:r ■
rhllKlV.1 BcUodenna
'"■'is ^i-
Fnn Rot. I. I89S In Jn. 1.189). It *111 bi suM n ball pricb.
$7.B0 BUYS NO. 20.
Nu on>-r-Aii alTonI (<) Iw-arilb'iul
ibe.m Uiie
till, hwUtuxi'
iiumimetil. TU«i Ib Umt
JJ.aml |»r»jii-rli uwal.-il will a<)‘l
i| a
ainiiv yraru to y-emr life. Do not daUv,
* tray UOB-. ll ia ti-pt for aali- a
al K. K. Miu.Pa'e Dr«K -Store, fint do^
u ■•ant of ill.- {rmkirfice. and l»y ;
Lock Box 904
.A great
C. L. LOCKWOOD, ». p A . orm* >l*(*c.
Hiroop and paod Hoeba and
Jara Coffee far a praad. ’ Wa
aell it- Why? BeMMa peo
ple want II. Tbaykaowwhat
la(ood-w.dawa. Tba fla*cr
la ladmeritablA aacb u /M
sy deer.”
<d in errie
Fk* rffert
tcodd.? I
wiu a poid-*itM,
eadU* throw* it;
. TSy bandkrr.-hlrf*
are boilinp. When they c-is* ap off of
the ironier bmrd U*y are aa mlaieel
of orriieaunb*. Then I »!lp them
bcta«ea the f..ldr of a eei-krt b :rd
wiU Tiolet powdrr. end Uer iir.er
loae Urir frapsace Vio’et aed orri— ‘ - -re difaxwenj. can
tbe body. Freparm mm far a
b*rd day. work
Beato tba
tired aerrmarbea Iml iaorer.
W hy attempt fa daoertba 1C
A rale Utoi. Teat It. tb*a yoa
trill Bpioe wHb BA 'BMprtaa
year Infatocr wlU a cop cd H.
A* fir -Im wa bar* Ua tamt
JafM toa oa tba rabat bt
«U. Aod Arbor. Tolodo and
poiatB Bast and Sooth. (lOM
and Ton Hearty Eitinf. A per- ! conDOCUODC »t COpBmSah WUh
* hr
c— Duiiimx
rv..-—. N'tsica.
XT..... n
... i '
ket remedy
mm, B*dTaaemtl>eUMith.C«aedTcmctic'X. A N B-B^.
„ _ --myntTr
RepabstbeBoMi*. IWy Yr.-cuMc.
80-u.tilx SlxLe.
0«a-l Faaa Apt.ToUdo.
;Good Fits,
Srr you get Carter s,
Ask for Carter s, '
Good Goods.
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Lii cr Pills. Fair Prices.
fa euiHbcr wfa. bed juxt'abeki-a oat
fold* e frepmet eqaerr «f
I 4ptotCito>tOmsarTBtwPawdto fm
wdowa-whlah re-
* 1* w
"W^est M
1 bad Substitution
da yoar dUlap UU toady W bake or tha
■adtr rat wfH be wpfy. Baba la a 4Mi wbm toafa Ue c
Uta flortb. Blaami
f Btoriy hto —a tOl a aka browa.
WKh trbpraaee <
' wralahiw oanfaUy leal It bara. Peliraralauttoalt.
'dew thaaadfrartliaaaadaiy word te
aei atoa aa aubwtt kaaptSy
dtyoMptaawWbadahay aad toad w
, daha. Thb paaatity of paat* raakaa
, «we pood toatd pba with appar aad
faaww Meat, whfak wSl eat law to>
• pira aato. At that rat* eato paraM
Wbara oft I bare atood to Ua d_
eafll pot oaa twrlWb of a aa* ef
ilttotMl^ wbil paddlap aaaU yea TbwwtabMab* rolled wlU bm-awtti
AtvI - It -
B. w craiKiiBaa.
^ Maaoak lllo.-tf
FralM yoar wife, saa: tor pUybrnke
-o,yJ»^T3JbradMs pIra ber a little emeoaraprsmt: it
wobT bart ber. laya a wriier to Oar
r« taM mi poad M oar A*ar DasbAalamlA Sb* doat repeet iu It
peatrytocarryfatba eUrrlapooariet!ceoU’ worU oteerbolie.....................
U b Btoda—which alM hald* pood with
awin-pmi departs^
I WMt i
Ue kitchea aad mad* pnael. I Dee
. paddtapi. Fcr a oa—aa. ««ary-day
EcKlea* Douphaau.
arM a poad role b tte follotrlar
fhha throe aapa Wad faU of Boar:
baiaU Uutu ail. abd mUwI Ue___ .. a recipe Uat call* f.o
M^Ioaadtap.eflard: (UyoaeM
•Tb* Old Oatea;t*»faret»eadiUcloU She looked l.?ec apo I decided
CtoiU* aatbor of
tar It wtUaaad a little ware) aaa
rpr in t
BackM~ wUl forplrc U* patndy
' -tberr were atomt a doaaa here tkl*
pn.B. eared Ue b
■peaa of laU, aad }an o—iph
isorsiap - Sbrlcoked la U* wood)
-be Beat doa|
wet. W wot law a seably a
‘oa Ue saatcl-ptoa
ao epK In i
fl do aot Hhabaldap powder to pb
Icapboard. -wJvi
">•*“ nwa Hi^ aroaad.
—to aa It tahat away ita erbpatto. bat «w dear ia sy b«art hta tba aim of ' <’>«•
aad f>i,wadth«D.tortS***l. dmU
erv lf yoa
■d do liketoH.) Bab i
Id lipbtly law tbo
r yoa MB tola It la
A ailk dre
>daddib*waWr. Mix
i rd WlU a »t-, —
of all Uat hard 1
We rmbad ta Ue aMTd by bar lomap
Whtok broom* a iloe bank and c
dhbMhtol Sakay. Oeaotptolat
the faik. ■
M— doer aad yoar pb —
•taoph. Daaotkaaadnatall. battak*
aa toaab a* yea will rotabo far oat
rttaMaadtoUeatllphtly. Do aot pat
lis :!?,
erf.il thci™r rraml.i'anlil w* u»rl
llr Kiny-* N'w l>iu..>ri-ry.
No other
proaunp lot Cake.
<-V»ol.iic f-rv«il
rl,.y-<iac-half cakr of '
Baker* ouueinp
--------- 1 eho.xil.fa. oae-balt ,,
louyU C..I
rrmou.aU>d*uirar, Urur qo»rj,
capfal of prmsi
>VaRw£om4siocisJe«aibha tob) Lo ssOP SUXF.
The True Remedy.
. Rruinr. rditor Tukilwa. 1
-U-r wra tkrap h..i
r l>iv-.w*ry
implion. i-ourw *nd Tolda' K.- i
IIUI. PI, pm-u P.L Ii —.■.ISS'..^.4‘US-SL,.'TSJ
Daya eo»* aod yn—-twaa C
of rinrpar ia tb* pol.
tide, aad Ur preat dr* bara.
Tbafanaermid: -tKar wife. lt‘a brae
To krrp yolka of iVe» frrU afl.'
a pood aad happy year;
•while* harr Wb nmd. m avldr In i
>a froit irat yaie
yaie. tbr
a littlt water o»*r ibr*ur
Iba* buardt tbe bi
pin- oUer direcUoa* fur makinp Ik m
oflerapUator ple-lt I. dkUacUe.ly ;
^ draend.aoon U* heipbt nad
ABwrlcaa. la Eaplaad they bar. pad I
.rf u* wearer,
dinpa aed tart* aad BMt pira—bal[ia dttad, aad fa tbii t
who rrer beard of ibclr barlor p)(*
like onn? If DkkcM maid oo'y bear
and t
dMcribml m of oar Thaakapirinp dla ^ «.y b*
lortpaof allk____
alfad StateJapao
aaa. troaUat be hara mt fonh onr | if U* Maskel k fan icary tor bouoa- rradip
llplosatoox-r mid: "IVt,,
• apprrelatad pood eictaaia.
Ukr a bead aertaal: wbc
itnam | -^i^ht k Dot tb* ooly Us* that U*a*
yoa bcexisc oiw " A m*
“ t°;parsaauar*appr*cUfad A refa U.t
:1y rlfafad Japan 90--fa* a l
r BtoaU water )eat fa read . euay tired wobicb oeed Urnurta tae
■mcHhat aimilarrclji maare faU of pood..................................
r. aad yoa
hr mlJ. -at Uc di>
biBBket wrapper, to which oar I* fr*e In a hotel is Tokiu.
aaa of tba >oIly Mspaay la brnrUa la U» down or kmape .boat
furi'lpncrx wrr* *Urlop. aod I wa
For iutaaca Uaca' to faria iBclIacd.
cd ifarai a* they .-eia* In. The Frcn.hFor aa a^ praBdsolbrr K woold I
that woaderfal plos paddlap la '-Bob
osn case in with amdaia* on bi* eru
apacially dmlrabla. U* alappiah rin-'
Tbra tbe Knp’.Ubsan case in m. liml.
Utioeof rl--------------- - tatlopa pompna*. naif ImporUot per
Aad hi* wife? ifh. (b.. casr
paddlap waa eat o< U* eopper. A ! wrapper woaldpiTa.—ffuiurbol.l.
iaaffar him like tM* idiwmatitinra
kaall like waUISf day! That wm the
doth. A aaell like aa mtiap-l
Aad Uc^Asen-wn bmUud? Ub.'be*
aad a pa*t>y-eook'a aaxt door fa each
wUh a laaadrma-a aut door fa
______..jernta the pennt
Blame Mn. Ontchit eefarm-daU. _____ etokoM end death. It .. _
“Hyl Wkel a feunt-ry wkIP That
*d. bat asiliap proudly—wiU Ua black aad aUP. aad eoor. Urow it iafa
bBBdkrrrhicf cnahi bar* born literally
paddlap. like a apeeUed
the fire. Keep yoar difadoU cl«wa. If elarpeo in ru.lrtr." e«rUls»a one pirl
wiu Ckrtotaiaa bally ataek ia-1 yoar face dry effar weUlnp
Ue weed* prow ia yoar pardei let Ue
la u: ..............Toar
waaderfal paddlaT
rkUdreo'e boo* pa aadarwed. let U*
OrbfaUt told, ebd Mlaly. too. that h*
. ehoee po wiUoot btoeklnp t<w bmadny.
are peed paddiaptwbbb eaa ba aawa raparded It ee ,Uc preatmt
aoid. bat area lh*M are ao tab
aebtorad by Mra. Cuteblt
pfapara Ihbb the pba. Ba*idaa.a
________ per wrHea: -1 L...
__________ wbul* boea* fall of typhoid
dlap «PWa loemljoa a aaaae. aad by tb*
And do yoa resesbar the "wmI and term U oa* dtebeloU.
I bed aoo>e
ttaa yeepatlbroapbwnbK.tb
wbieb that, old traaa of a aelobora csce-«]F*rr. paod aort
aet toaahpalaadtatba way of
Hr. Wepp tmA fa Oadao -sellerfa- to folk.. QaeaaUBB fuarof Ues wi
aaiy. Otar tha pia.
tba oipaar- Aad tb* pork-|de wklcb takra tick wlU tb* typhoid fere* 1
Aa far pia hatap -rleh aad piea«y
1 Miy wl’^iroWry'^-JI^A^X^
pMaufa. t-tosipra flor. .sc faw-0|.ful ..t
*^fa*^f Ipaited
^' do*wlUoct cerUlM to yoar wi.dow*
brandy .aad;
work aid lra.1.
The bar^t
UC day—keep
btart wbat erSelidr,
Oo* way fa m* ap rold I
Wbra OB* door UuU |-»e aaea anoUn- to atloce il fior-r and ..prii
opea wide.
dub uf bollrd maix-aroai
Tbrre n a brart tbrr* it a bead we for)
•epful of I
rr* alnya lienprorided for. aed
td olacei
baiter hw Ihr p. It loaf ol
Tbcre I* little or ao Bttiop.
alae poteru ear appetite fn- pie.
There It aUll aaotber raa*oe why I
■<ha*a^ to^thaaa ba haadw#
g Bedsteads,
and Chairs i
;cut How ei^
■ Floral Pieces.
Bedding Plants,
I Plants for Decorating yuuymtMimtnumm
OF me
mTim OTT n,c&&i ca
Titopbto.MB I
eurT£/t £66S.
. pouLTftr. VEAL mr.EauH,
C2 AFTTSOn rtV 8'T SAtX »tar.
umw ntn rt Se L# « imeUC arwe aad
•i^ees. MoaatBOii a oo.
Hew Ffalf« Birtiu
Grand Traverse Herald
•lairalp ta ’ atopid oatwi
lhaItoto dlBaaltp toMt^ Mr. BIMr.
•hat S STmbjM doOTB which
ohM Bpiaaaa
Briaaw ao dto
dtotlmct. ao taoam
dto-< who teaRpplladhtohoatwlUa Um.
rUM* hmd fmltom: ahaMariaf. 1 prem j Uaet. Uat I ai«hl >t ma; m
al.p The hoat. hcolaiaa. wbM aaaparhad
•d hmnl afkla IA« tolld wall at Bfloff law U» rdd Bat d
tlaf b; UahalioM.ooald. rraa arlUnat a
hack: aa awaUlac «aU aW*!; cr*«t m? coaaUcTaUoa at pom
tknaifh aa
Mr taaina atra«rlad I tw wa. atlll Uat of the
alatr to lu Tfarkahla hda^aey.
a^alaata wild doalrc to leap: all Uc apaad. aad dtotlact maid all other taroold hara llulo dlOcalCT ia rUlar
oronaaot d^alr wbtoperad to aie to r»n wa. that .cBMUoa of Uc Andraakora a»l bouIm wiUda raaU of
la iMriaatiaa^
iMriaatioa^a "
bad Iraprj: I fall the awaoBlaf hrip.
Mbona ul fatlla#^ aad tho oola. ap
Moahoya aa QPId Mlaora.
Wiu dryaaaa. my euaralilrc llpa
CAptatm B. Hou. who baa }mi nparrhrd aad arid: aaeh I loapd to loroed
_ _ from
_ the Traawaaal. iMb Ua ■
pram Uaw aolaat the cold. Botol atory of
meakaa* la thr
boiirb oririjr falat »t**aa- Bat • Bf^ar ttoppad iAatcr.: "I harv twratyimir aBaokera.* aaU
ItojB terror, arrer T»fot (..r aa la-' f“«ar--m..ra wildly 1 ateppad-ia a dr-' b, ..^_i„rrd a£at my mlaab Thoy
tlamUcdmU ala.ytorl.B.cUrot- [^owIP«*h..daloa». Thca muldraly ' Oq u,, ,Vk of term, ahla-bodiad Btaa.
' («• OBBCrr i.f tfcr .11^1,te.1 motloo
"T •ta^W «Tr» wa. a wrll-^ i aod II 1* ao rcfiocUoo to may they do a
iUow loix tbit wpokorw. Utied I kaow larDbrrrd ady* of m m*, ttoac. aad 1 ,rl.j.„r.o,K bwb <maaot do m^iI aa
lo..^ 1 oaly kaow that Ur o..»prakablo l^ew Uai Ur ropr Uooid be ditreUy Uioy la maay oaoca Ury load ralaahlo
UorrarufUat Siatpcriud hatoi>iiirto>«|»<><>w>'^ Ha. i>7
^ aid wbra mra arrMlma lAcy faUr mr ia wakiay drramt maay aad maay ' ‘ dl»o<»d or« my Irft abimldrr The ,, „p ibr amall plona of s«ri* Uat
«day tlaer; Uat I haw looyaiphu Ilf
»®» »•’ kr men. Wildly I a„uid, hr uaaoUcod hr worklactawt,
'tb^daadly fcor: that to uiak of Uir
oUrr. So ropr Al-.^B.Ipli, Urm op la lltUo baapa that
Tho BMqdac Boar.
p^ho UOWDOO It*
’aaa viia «r«« ika> uraiO '>
, a. It torhal M ral. ...pa...
V(ll*ca Propwrty Tor S«l*-
«mA jmi. prarlac
M •• It to
Wllb kl. araa !<>•.
UM T*7 >»d> ^ mil. nto
for-marro«rbBn»«l t^tlkim.Wm vomid Ukm to harm jot ttj IL
Rose & Son,
^uriness Oardfl.
E»u iSZ
TuAvcitmc Cmr. •
------ rtsS'AHi;:
pinuH nmcTioi or ntn
Oenw Pnwt mod Cm Stowta.'
ans •aars?^?:
l^noW thi^?
g ft C*Mryi^-y»r MM—I ■■ ^
A-zss-^‘iSi.-sss:.- •—
- win CM Jaa. what raw call be.
O. P. Carver
.rarUUofUa torryoolalih j.iy that |‘o
Real Estate
Acoxrsrz- to
Li; ™’’
3^ nitpb
J bAV* Apples for AAlA in Any qoAntitST from A bushel to
OAT loAd, Aad la pricoA from SO oenU buAhAl up.
I wiU AtoiA ApplsA is bAiraA At 6 oeata por moath m 10
eeati^ bAirol for tho eboAon. foutoos la lotA of 1000
buAhAlA At 3 oeotA PAT bUebel for th# lOASoa. I hAve Sveet
OldAr for A^A la Any quAatfty at 10 oaatto per U . ioqlndMOBOAN.
srs —...
aaHU, anw wwa aua m
omre o Mj
*rTaaaOeiaUkI,fer86e,eraBOT DtVHBB. LUMCI
orav YOB bnsarBBB
Chest Protector
terveyfH'Bod Civil Eagioecr
a.ri I
Fimenl Sopplles.
Inint SMyraisi Piicn.
•to* vmmaa toerwwa.
■ srgjTTSJi^rs •ETcTSTfir
The South Sid/orMnhouse
Wc can supply you. Now then; if you want to save money
St us sell you a soc, 7SC or $ij» Chamois Skin. Then take
look at our made-up stock and make one yourself.
Yours for health and warmth.
;xi '.S-'.r
oirr, laox.
Merchant Tailoring.
All parties desiring anything in the lin? of first-class Merch
ant railoring, will do well to call upon the u.idersi gned. as
special inducements are being offers to all intern ling pur
MaMc taratohad for partial, daaeto,
«. A. HELMS.
' Trartowaaijr.
anue .tupped, aad •<
Ua cliff to ml wbll
iteuABLE aRo
Theillipper Bicycle
for busis^eM and pleaaure conUilned. GiYes
univenMl satisCaction. OaU and eee it. Bold by
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Una
• C* W. M A.A.AUM
197 Front Bt.
■ Best Livery In Mortbem Jlichignii.
Chamoiy Vest?
Oysters sold at WhuluHalc or Retail. Special price made
on orders of more thaa one Rallon.
—A.re you in need of a ‘
atcatebiac Ua lIUlo
fall to U. roaad without your faUrr. ^bamrd rlaarm. HlU the rallrf tear.
»r aU^.
yt*r BOl. UrtTfot*;
«" •».«; cyra. aod--Iacr towrd ; ..wb,, i weal dinfac rtrid J bod
.fTfore: yr arr of more | P'
—aay apaiTowa" My
fac-' *■
'”t:iaotD..akry -------------- --------"—‘*
aUicaoalrBlaod. lacriard to hrar Ur
‘hr bqajriy a^ tea rath Irmtioc prta.
Tbry •
ladr^l. oftra yrt I Iblak Uat -1
Orrp ibaoL. to Ood for Ur fiill.ia iay laa about Ur
day .I _
Uat Ury ... auBlljr w
irkifol la otboriBf ap llUle blla at
.. roaarioualr>P»«*“i
quaru. aad pladliy thrm la Pilra.
Thra'all thr rhaprra Mill
breamr -aim, 1 “ [“'‘*3
Tboyarrawd uaooj-w Urir labor,
my. -n>
rraourrrM. capai .. aad frwliay uoac•ad would (o to the Bilw«a rrery day
to look '
kad beea ao attempt almoai i'aod work.
... _____
Careful Dot to
Iididaot uka me toad to
ur aa lahorota. for at
w ork 1 oramo, _ _wto ^
ai«aj orrr thr b .._ .. _
t'sau<l.ru< lb, .JuiBbcr. ••
mo-tly antirea. were aankllled. a
''smwly"iudj“’‘‘'’lBreach' 1 frarrd aot. WiiuU .. oftcaUmea almonl oaelree
hat laorr dUtaat. thr two brira ""“T Uwarri mr? I amid bopr for
ll^a work }oal aa Uay
aiorrd toward Ur horiami
Turetay i ‘kat
w rolBC dowB lato Uo
I could iraor thr Darr«w< But could I irraap it. abould I ba
r bare
barr cl
cleaaad apall
V footing
to wher*
my ropr *a»«ri7 Would It pot yield t« my baad Ur dabrla oa Ur ouuidr
wriy down a. I pnllrc
daarlcd, prrhapa mo .rarda diaiaat.
"It U alraagc how they will dtocritoa coil abura. tralllog »rer
late brtweea Ua tool. UMd by Ue
worklagaraa. aad a piece of qaarta.
aolrrd aad aa ioataatly prvowded to
TOey oBly make a Urn
i--— wkai
.. fsalrnrd
a. particIm bw
work toward it.
So time n-iualaed
ac-uaioBird atakr? Wa.
Waa aoy oaglag loUe
i>r brwllatloo.
Sipht waa eummir oa
de near who would aummoa aid
ruaaoar.1 that mv oomradra UouFbl
•Im.v.igoal ' Ifiiol. audtf t gra»prd
Tbry bad
.. .
PoUwrick a Para
It. aad if It held, bow long abould I
r thr
mrrrwrCirr.fftch S
‘waa bora aod frew to ataabood
awlag la Ue wind that Sow bore tbe
iwrr atalloa. aad
UO birb cllBa of the a«at ot pire from a lot
lanU for mediriae. ol which heat^....
ul up aad carry off ihr frcabarM aad tremora ol an Immlaeal
toillloii. of aca fowl uiaue r. tiiro would I
>w. large duen dally, alUoagh aatCumwall
n>pr I' nude a moee toward IL .Try
Ualr a«au aiw voe
UK* 1..1 .. ... ferlag from ao illaeim. Tbla to a farm
to think ol that journey.
NhuffUaff aldewlae rery carelully. 1 aad. aaadcperale maa. I perpaendto of lunacy not allogeUar uokaotra. ao
torn Bi.t face oace more to Ur rMlgahad but made Are yarda bntore I
auBclimea a goMi deal
paare ..f water and qoUii.g bryood
If rrraOn* of
nrer tbatabyma wlUoutfftaocioR dowa. tau awful Cliff t'loaiog my eyea. I
I a loop at Ibr eod ol
of BM^'^ltoe
aod that 1 could Dutfflaoee down wiU- writhed, with I know not wbai mo tbe largrnt corn
d ifrl
<ier a rood
rrip with bia
•Id haaerrr 1 BowD. Tklewai Mr,
• rick grarKr. who
J by Uc otbrru itiff to more aidrwlM—Incapable of
rciplCB. That
lu Ur orrt.
)V|iea br had kir baakrl clcalaff yoor cyra. forced to look dowa. waa a ra.llui ■
Aud BOW tor
full Ucv would Baal bim apaedsu from *ad toead.:ion feef laaifioc the <1. .1.11.6 .1
1 liedlrd at rcoeavlr. but la noae i
•laktug. or wbatacb oolelwotUa
a oUer would r» dowa
yoo’ee got to go on or jomp off: Winild Ur ni|ie. Nnl fora momeal could I
Well, oar altrrauuu. I Uu> W'rei
' 'dencribmae yoo aol in an awlni..i. of nerrdu agite laeci It within my reai-li' Ua awaydaaplioeoff.. They pud .lutab-ul.lin' tlon. fall to your kaeea. getdowB facn laga'wrrr mil. a. I bad rapected. eecn
tael uf ropr brtvre 1 tuudhrO Uc Iraif.full length, clutch by your •llgblly Inward: bat whcafalllag bask **Tt!e*/oUoiSg'"dgureo BBoy ba rw
.ad with nbal eye. IrrI your agalant Ur wind, it awuag outward, gardmf a. iBvradIble. bol Uera aearai
“yj!*mu.l kaow Umt mint of Uc way? . I longrd lu lie down aad hold, a. Uongb Ue air waa eddyiag from hi lie au imeoa tii doubt tbclr aoonrwy.
clilT. aluer Uat uoa.l urerbaue \kc. but. of oonrar, that waa Impcaiibli
la the lw«Bty-oae yrare. froto ITW W
Ue wall
At laaoy poleu uae oouJd drop
-111.. Mr.JMeapeoBaainadn«.vS«pUto.
Sow I gated dowa ateadily. Would
r wall at ray back made it w
CUO feet lato Uc wa, aod tbea be 4U ui
bi.-h to at Ue rate uf lu.eui a yaor. or
a leap be cwrUla dcaU.' The water
cliff aeemrd lo pram onl' e baac ul tBr rock he
wa. of Irnmenae depU below. llu<
•enty-Blaea day.
lat me.
It did. ia fact, fa
I 1> Moopisi uodrr byMaatr lanr* of Ueoe were lakes la
eery alightly outward. It aeraied to wbat ebamr of .Viking it frwt or bead
ba od
Ur war,*.
Ilul lu aomr alaom Ur
later Uaa In Ue earlier nara.
br Uru.liBg mr off. Uk, Ur horror ol flratv WbalehaDCu uf onwrrelng coocliff wall b, a» Uuuyb it had bteo ratM.-|i>a.sea.
1.11 to l.Kl, a perlai af
that aeaaatioa: Vonr toe. ba Uc edge
of a precipice, and thr iraplaiable. Imp would brdaoU: Unt at leB.1 woa yearn. Ue fate of eaaaBSptkto aew
agod eeepBty-elgbt a day. walle la aaa
uklw monataiB. appar^tly welghiag clear
•Ingle year. |.i«. Mr. Jeiaap cwallowAgain I taroed l
yoo .lowly forward.
I koew lhaierlth toy back to the mow pm^rctly deal
Uatof Ueuip: oadcr Uat lrd(fc “
laid arecrertoch Ur rope
I lirrrrO beyond Ur
lu place, there
will be Koopod away
■e ol aa acUce t
t faer toward Uaad etep, for ray life, guod toraa effert aa.*pBaaiog
•re Uree or toor auch ledfew. each prothe human Aiill thr nipr awayed a.
• bore.
prrhap. barely p.«.ilifc that before, aad lu rantioo waa eery rugn- reary of Uotteeford. wb<
e Irdpra turd to fall away
pUrd Ue whole of the
way. but Ue breadth uf luy ahuulilrra
.l,y. a. Uey do yet. I am Wi
Jeainp f
for Uc
would bare forced air to lean aomr- point Ilf Itagrratii.B. bya atrong leap •ued .Mr.. Jeaiap
—ao ia gradually deroorioe Uat
ill. Ia apite of uki«f a . -------itni oniia I graep iiv Wbat uae If It htobill..................................
more oalward, aad tbi. I dared
Whore tbry do oot prujcul lar
Ue addltloo of...M.tiCIO boV
a--------------------------------•ad could aol do. AImi. to ace a were not Armly iiehured atmee? Hut pllla wiu
>aa Ur upper cploy. one lau
.urfacr before me became aa ir all tbi. tiiar f.ir hr.luii«i bad gone tleaof ffilktarMaad jalepaaad
... awiu; likvm pendnluto on the
rcMilred bi try to by. I baew ton well Uat atren^b •.riM. Mr. Jotoap. who wm aaa
rope, and jet on Uc royk. If not
d lo the age of r,k - Tbe a|
lUilog Ibc dre- waa mine bol fiiramoBeat. and uat
far in. Uca put a fo.-k oa iba loop
if whlebb#
> ibi. I bad to in the ncri reacfi'Wi of WiakoMn I ry-. bill, for Ue amouat of
old it
11 till 1bU return. When a lodac
to bull!
Afty-Bre. ,
alwady look at tay abould drop from Ua wall like a dead rated. ooeared.Bo leaa Uaa flfty-l
dW prufoct au that •
llraciBg myarif, I watebed tbe
, bo hauled down aomr Muen, nnu ir
^'7n'”ue depU below Ike myriad aaa rope ateawlllr lor oee ronad. aad ai It
BiauaUoa of a RatnarBabto Bamily.
fowl tbea mated on the black water. retaraed agaioat Ue wind. Jumpad
' ^Vri!T Uc”^i*frr I reached war lili
a world bealar.
. Uoogb nwellln* more with Ur atrajgbt outorer Ike haaeiag AUaai Oermaa towmblp. MarabaU oaM^'
lly Irod-a aid I f - •
Wlod. tad yrt aa aabrokea aar
^ekoot ouTybe Mime ala teev farUu
.t Miisr little dUtancr from Uc clutebed. belli the ati
viobt ahs dat
■ Wer Ur C«1B tep: the ruck wan wci
held; Nut abwilately.
uooe. awiea.
uppmtytuwr perpeodicular, till —
a1 It gaee gaee wlU jarka
I mr
B-ma I kni
knewtheteialua. "«2Sl?nuwa.a-ramr».
'W. H. FLBT0HE&. Prop Uc'oopiaff aiue geouad, but b
r 1 ctrold not tee. It
ba ooaoly. OUo.'dTtS
.Ucaarly £?
• •
. Ihecllfr.face waaMiWo
•alag. Then It held
naked ead I'tiiimrd wiU a (alnt. per- dlcated bill tigatealag.
•eUlanof MarUca. and are Ue
•Bd I .wae
oald barely dlalia>..i.ag roar that 1 coal
•ball cooBty. U batbaad new betag
aboee Ue
y.,i.h. Heiorr U* de
•Igbty-Uree ycara________
latdUe wife eighty
i{ want June. Uoaaandf ut bird.
i.-ji y bank ot rioad :
me NeiUerhadcecraaeBaaalmtortc
<.wn » aurf.ee b..re that appearaOM
T. .lldedowo sad plare my feat la light aaUI laet wlater, Ueagk both
,f Iiiteane and angry gloom Uint often the loop wa. tbe laetlactle* work ot a were BMr towaa Uat oand Ucu. Tbe
__aia.- SOUD wuebing Uc ledge, I I. ralda a atom. but. aaee
wife aerer rode on Ur rmilraad oaUl
_ below my perch raro.ioaa to admit my body barely, i aboatayearagu. lluU are axealloaU/
preeereed. and are Ua paienta of Ua
For fully a quarter .if a mile U* Icd.^
Me. aad two daagbuia. all llTlng la •a lee
ran aiuag Ur cli:
Mknr and cirnfally edged weabocm enme. Tbea I loet eoe- Uat rtciolty eicoptoae daagbur, wlU
alk. 1
- - ahoul
illdraa. wbomideale Kaaua
rd uutgaln.t the rock, I felt Uat
waea i awaarned, lay dear moUcr'a ____ __ U* aoaa are Ua paraaU ot
ward more Uaa naual
tweire cbildrcB each, aad Uaraan ItT
igb tiaff.-r
tiaff.-r ;
dtemUted Ue ooliuo.
t aaae. anar taors dtoUatly rw
PantreeU. Ue oldmt mao
Siat ooualaa. who roatda
Oted Utell
wiUla adlilaacaottwomllaa ia Uat
BOt grt Ue nae of IUat ledge alwi
rUa BackaIt bad been a.ateady
Ne.er al_. .
ai Uat Ua
oar grmndfaUrr-a, aad we only laogh culle earaped
I alood qnakiag
A j been able
odeeot of
a aaw
ed at hi. prupLraio.
Yet the place of deilrlou. horror Urilled eeery nerte.' any other horaaa being on -wie w1
-am Uat o
aa old sued llarairr waa marked by a —
,g.-A. W. I>i...M..M. I
-' oei-b. a
llaa of gram, by tufla-of weed, and
rei; cold, .braak eooeal
•mall buUeu aveteblag along a* far an
sztototoiMtozaru legtwaoAwr,
naica. w
Uc ledge iucif. aad wiUis a foul ur m>
Balleoaa ts Baea Life
1. The Boa
of the cilfT. face.
rw^’ao'd'Tteted "!o ! Tbe ballowa baa beoorae a ourlae <
Eggi were BOt M> maay n. luaal. aad bead agaio.l
A whlraad wind-of .oddea 'lUe aarlog appitoaca. The b*g ueeai
• I went a long piece from my luor Ur- • ruay
luua of ootward greyh-iuod. will wxra. It to Uuugbt. b
for* lura.ng back Tam I ooUcral Ue W\nga made mr ooateluua
eery uraage conduct of Uekoau c.f
a. ao aa tu be praetleally ocalak- family
aea fawU below.
raaaliy Uere were
.wept away oU
de.lc* baa been not- one. a
ttempied la rain to able rat.
Tbto aoeel
d my haada attempted
baadreaa. bat now Uere were tboo.................................
a abrewd
Notdaryiag to cant qBUdbjaahi
aaJ. ua Ur wing, aod lo.irad of dan- rlulcb tbe rock
1. 1 drew it tortnite-', Hnlie Ue
lag forU la piayfa! motion.. Uey mr head backward,
la loealltica
loeallticB a lltM mo
man dtotaat. Tho
of Ue „ reateal aereke ta
aUted .bonidera and dagbiloaaI prorc
• - , be wildly eaclleo. Mreamiag like between my rt
oat at
at aea. it win family to a MarabaU «
u.bing oot ia terror, and r
• rlag .ebuoaa Biwhra Adeerftwr.
iilable at life
ard witb ■uaiaiag ol riai a from not be arailable
«. a. tboagb IS allgb
ring aboreward
' Tba wind
la dread aod keep ll
daager. aad for
"rV TbcteVue^^
a Uedcad •wall avetebed I
Coal Mtaa Warfcod by Oaa Ham
would be almoat ImpoB- - iwite
------ ma
glaacte raj"
» glimpMa of I
Tbeacoallmlsaal mhte ia Ua wnrfi '
tbe or. j cliag aoimil-coping ‘■■fber. *Uto “>
boat, bamperod ^
yacht i wa. Su iVar ia'u.1 direcl^B
Bat Uc , Ue ballooa. u. Uc a«tolaBoe of a craft to la Ue noaUtea prorlooeof New Zow
load, where, aeecedtag Is the leptato
tor'bwmlXral. hcarlag on the loag bll | di.iractiOB of •c.-aaoing Ue cliff aide
In a nnni leal m^e la U.
uf Ue laapectora of mlam for Ue ootoUe Maremy
O-dl^ **aSjw
at. aod It ae
n-tura i
TqlepiioiHt 7^
Tr«v6r8« OltT. Vieb
Orderafor Job Printii« left 3t the
RMIIreoi^<6 prompt sttention
I b^’gaToed la caeeiKiiry't direction, and It to K. f
saw maaagaa aad warka
tail, bat Is him. ealaabMtoae.
toaaoUsr amall eoUlorylaU*prweUtee werkad by cma au
tcBabor teklag off my cap aad
. Ue eillaga M Ntoeoa. la Isas
Ue awnt from me face aad
la my qnlck approm-b ^ -hico waa bameaaed wiU oortto to w
a Utoaluaud aear UepotUeea] WlU my airere. H kUr d >leg
te-two ■
•i.t lu Ut te uTf-ime beore came frredom w 1 boll-w mact coDaected wiU tbe ryila
oked dowa ieeolanurl.t
Ulak bow I abould aci oa mcOiog it. I deta. waa laflated.yTbe^aau wbvh
at my few*- lonUaUJ “T
and anecnlallng at to how aoua my to of gaa pipe, to ad(naiiSle aad. whea
almoat froae wlU horror
mtaoTaBd taSmaoT^
dmeiaet crack brtweea Ue taaer edge
I — j ■
1 Ue Snaore aad U. barf prarked.
.oot-haidened Mil wiU whlU it-te
widening before my eyea.
tally a
tralold fome:
aa —
Iqee n. M-eoted alaUag oat- reuraed
.<_raad wlU
<-------------------w^. aad. wiU . .adder aad a gwi arard Uroal of Ue pradpiee
a.ada ttmr. Ue w -.olc long platform grow Ototlact. my trembllag
loll eraabing i- lu' w*
^ told me Uat It moead bodily V
me.tbedeeseataeblBdatet.j --
lire la UaeiUagsor HalmmittoUst• a^ mw wera laaded^i^ dally.—bUoaga
boat tiled wlU water.' Keea
to <Md.~ ramarki tba Madtel
aloag WlU aean
oaaee ia speed.
Ue^pupTl^C^la'mlar •bt'wM bow
be amid pomp Ue gaa fraa Ua faalloea
back Into Ua cylladera. Bamc of Ue
I gae WM tbea borami aa a beaecm llffbl.
rbl. U« opUMmsmmpA aad taTb^t
which eonld be eoao toe maay mllm
anmad. WIU Uto aad a reSoeuir air
aal. Saebm eaa be madwwbleh wmiU
Eeaa a fewliag of lawron held m* fw qaick. aldeloar atepe—my istiowiag
me mBmraaa.
Almost eooly I obmd a loag aad mighty ware roll
m Ua taeoBtor to^t
_t from baaoatb
It «t fo^ a
earn by btoag toaaebad from
b^b. sariiiMcraat—a eolkd trail cd wa- ad la mortal tartar aloag.
Betey pmMbte^ aortd^^^ djtoy
It otraok Ue yaAt itora a*.
ia*a a lua oaei^ ct*w. on* tbaagb
• dowa no bw dock, imaibad
raady, aaoU Uoot a liaa aWart. Of" of ••«. aad aw«pl
ua ^leUg to a Ma>c wbat MartlT Mf
•boea. Ua Utbwua alto toWhte to
aty Uoagbt dwaU
gMaUtafiMaaMMltlaBtobaat ••
My W ISukir
biteted Miat
j-pr-t-uato.* ifeM k
*rRA.tmBB hbbaux PEdEmER lo. ia96
1 Traverse Herald
' TBOa.T.BATB>.»Uor.
The Labor
, of getting
Iteident's Message.
; ilkrir to laqOn U« bakoldar «Hh Oact.
' taf. OM
eratMt^. Ba-na»at
••((•d CMorh to cnU lor top^ial
. «r Pnatei
t to Ibe poUcma «• J>i>
tt* anal
—dn.On«Jl. Ih« ■trf... _f I
•nnauitoa m
aw of
crBolOrrabte abUBadoerelee. TWwea j
) of rcaonaiBa fw tb« OoMfli oi
tbo erlalne'
.: pl« aoa for prepor Ptirriaar
of (>m| T»ir conoirucOon el roaorb for oor rvtdoiitrJ lb tbr narelnilt^rlger «rttb I
, iBotioT «
fr««> a^" “
Umc vh*D
rM durna PC* oaiT baa Pore raotartlcally proo- wbieb b« ^ pamod from (ereer to {
->» tnaiTtdoal »rbo lo rap
_____ ________________ J of o«f fr«
nooovaoca' rcurod bjr tbr prreoei aamlolatraliMi
of fnmlablna i
in epoo
tbt (MOTBl llpta pirrloual^ -tlia law.
BO dranlio rooponao U
The «b*r day, ato-i **•
bai r«i boon it—-' •
Mali and Expiew, ia a toe burrM raqionae to Iba arrHapUar ortar bo 'teee
OP.- Iba (mlt paddlrfa art traa upaav
aaii Ilia paabboa bp/ prar* wate acalU cuu and imjM.ZU in aU- j e^X^
tr»d Otar Uir irreund apd acrnwi tbe
^ anomM br i
Btieel ear tmrk. Tba apracad poUcaIK.U..M* IPO iatand or tbr Intrrfrrvbrr ellh lla Priair our r
terbenrroroBr iranQulll .
.ban loa^-t^l
lot.- •
man oould bardlt reewBn tba tnpalaa
aas M woakBtaa in our paUonal Rmet> control to ««r atbrr power. It ahouVd
to uw bb eftib.
ed Ibal It raauHrt br re
pole* of all national
Be. Wbrp »e oonalder Ibra* Lerldratt
Id tbal tbr PHbrHo r
aed eruiiomplau
-Tbadinrloalar-aiirlaiBriba. -He
r of tbr Itnllrd Stalei
rd bot fulir ?u?,^ „
tbit under tbr proarnl Uw our pr '
II on (lurpnar -juat trying to akilM
Ivrnt and In Ji
obtain tbr necraaarlr* of a mmforti
p.tniintba.■r dlaeover aPondi
riinrnrr ai a rhraier ■
-Ila baa aurrar.1rd, ibrn.” Bid a aotl
Tble Ip a maiirr .
tnire at ili- om.e,-. elbow, and aaeat
c«. ulnM II U the
lltllr wnnian alooprd ap<t begun to
gulhrr Bp tba acuurrrd fnllt.
Tbr olhier'a fare redd>-ird lirbrm
} Ibrir coet.
•elltlea them todraand of UwB wbo
liaird a moiaanl. and tbro br. too.
diBcounit and tic.1c.-n.iB n
■ endrrtakr to makr and raaeutr tbalr
in the work of leatoewliop.
of all kind* on' band Of the!
Bwtatieb Calibfitl aod unarUlab Brrlra ullrr drulrocllofi •if the very aubtcct d“'«™"'»n>a nreraa.iy ni
Ii111 tlMlr bRult aa can onlir be prmpi- ma
ual d'poPWora and'Ro »<l.ei> >
. ,.PI cratlfyli
tim’aod^^li^rn^’^ch'^ areapit, to the aotBolanJv ii. -------l*Iac«..rj r-Tulie ihai
I the W-. untuolewtod by hie old aoao;.'
UMo erf public dutr lovlira.
«-narK_______ ____
. Inaucuntlui.
ul iba i
>vid. ; ^liveiuan. * .
Tbr prealdmt ibrti aaya that
' ad
rd for by
iisi raocreep
ooocppep i^ciaiaip
brcWaiP tar
Her ebU
ebu h irriaii
*■• ‘iSrJ^jJSrbr rhoirr of war. and
pMtboda until the lima for action ar"7^ i
Anoiher topi.
th* prrclar roinJlilotii then rtlal
hcblfuUT Ukr
^i’‘^iil'drlBbr^n^lto d'SSUuc Bpon
Pnaiinrlal mrtkoda. , bare
l.iirtly roi
Inc: and they Rrmid^nm h, d-t-r
aod forripn raatirra that are
exlpiimie of iruPip am. ....... . .
mined up.in •
Crrraiiunp •>! capliai tbr ulijact
ct ”whtah ILJ?''
iXitSS” ■.wSo:siw,*STO
________________ ______
1095 M^S
a drlrndrd 11
" * I they inrivaar i.mpia tb.•>
1 Wb^"
^ S? i;:--t [,n'A
a of .train a. drplcud m
necawwlra n<
of IS.V.S.«Mi:k
'ofTiiaia'tod year <>f
IS.V.S.tiMiiV. oor :.l per cent, and bodily palu, there i.aluioat uni
'ndlturaa of ll.Uf.- .neeptaf angidali at the ttauuKbl
monop-b-T.. Tbetf tendency It
■pee uae ol hu- | The numl-T of e
mull fatnirire a A tbr fuirc1rvri,.i„i,rui '-b'- riilird 8
alrooccat men baikrst. and the moat naelnl
in dantrrf of <li.li>di:'-nK-nk Ipiin the . barred rn .vdnni
he I ..untnee •<« robbed of their naeiolncB.
Vn-mw ..f
Mr. J. A. Lebeur ba. lived in At- •
r . |.r«.,wri.,, in
h^p.. an |
»|.ich they laiita, Ga., for year*, aiui aome ol tbe .
W«kr”ol”lhit*elty OT
Tiimetltm BmwuWPtohlaBkillaaanarcliilect
h«:i; 'ii' a»dbnlld«.
of ubi. h he IP
to th'* level ..I
ad ua to tori
oc tbr wbola rub-1 more convinced tba A rear that '
ind the prealdani bate bO apauied III
-I of relorm in the; aafrly until the (t
» “• “■' S':FS
lib ail Ka prndrxli
Bentl to ace that aay pruum
Irnte.^and with
fbal inaiiy l r..u*ht c.pn«ia'rnl.l-
uere "vr
....r It
H years of a*-. r«CJ
Par.oatii .u -re iliiterur.* ua aguippi *oj:
those ..f that age .ntvinic
'•’e l*ro.,silnK l-atwl y..«r. • • •
Thare arri.cl fi .r.i Jaiwn Junrn the
roar only 1 llo IbimiersiiiP. and It i. the
oplnioij^of the luitritoal|.-n AUll'orltie.
_____ ■■
sstaTss..ss ■
lie operation Tbi
If Invited to UP by batl
_____ ..y lb- Mih day cf
Wtolavar i
Tli toow51n,;M:S*:i;''*rLc?l^n''^ our “cuit^m-y"ttoi
Vhu^mi m
obv'i'Sd Sit'd
aaina time ramovad. by i
UdpuSb'lintoB'ii^ toj^lbX
organluitlon of amaller be
U*.w»«w-1»lt^-ta^ : GOWiula*.
market to
Ung cal
rlar. ! facture*. '•niTpnly enl'pe *Sat»7T«f, }*'
tonka -to aatabllab
dnniui wb ich ihla law baa baew In force
• »th day of June. It** In *“
of Iha
dV* '"r
KlOta xrtolIXT*
farmer and eurh
' .-.■s-'is: i
arltably enufl rlaldad
B tt wSa tto puller of botlTpant^U
toumt U aa far aa practlaabit.
1 unaxpeeted. 1
ta actOg wn'lba''uama”t'b'«M7 aa 'to —........................... b In December
toaurgtwta. namely: that tba aalrancKa
a< tba oonteat Tadulro Ua wb..........
'bolnalt r*nr. that the pecratary of tW 1
foretold a daflcleecy of fIT CM.O
itaga of the
Ir In bnalnaaa'clivO? and the de.
Ml ta all artlvlllea Inlervenlnc
____ that time, rasulilnx from cauaet
paffacily wall updrraiood and aoilraly
dlaeannanad with oar tariff law or lu
oparatlop. aertonalr chicktd the Imr and coat t
porta wa would have etharalae re. wHb tba p
orivad; and readily aeceont for thr dlfito rebela. to
fcawnca balw^ thia aailmatr of tba
IT and tbr
Iclrncy. aa
... _ for a ronti
t. Indeed.
H muBt br confi
totOlT have tod .
'•to %ia' S»OBld'be*'ecM5i^i*'*r^
lably hope ._
i "•Ts.sr;.rt3S'’s:.".'"=.-'J.'s
pwrUrwiar dmnet
Sis KSs.^iE's;
tba Vollod maiaa abould roant of tba aapaPM of tba goTaTWtba ialapd-a
•OBlMyanant. and wb
a ware: ad for that p
*J**f*f.^.%jrg«d "nally. that all'
4 repreeecl original
a and Ikin tncroaaa
01 axifting fwtvaionp
The nunit*er of peraona eaceivlof
penploni fr->m<lhe fnlled Blai-m. nu'
realdtng ip foreign cumtiep ai in.
cloae uf the 4aai Aw-al year waa :..i>l
and the amoum g-md to ihem durlni
the year waa »'.«;.:Dts The aum ap
propriaied for the iwymeni of penaloci
foe the current Ascal year ending'Jum
turea ovar racripw Iboa M. tMT.IU «14v.vua.v4c. and for the sueratimai-d^^^tJa
MX.Zitt.StS'™. The ordl- ceadto, ,Br u
H.*If.si£Jl lem tbaa dulng ... .____
Ing flacal year Df iha raceipta man-,
d aninii^vKlaiore/if
Uanad there waa derived from c«ai,Mne
Iha POm of MM.lCT.Tll.g:. and from In*
faanal revanue lltt.VbUDK Tba raIn my opinion ^toaed upon
aelpt* from cuiloma abow an lacraaaa,
of r.M III S over tboaa from the aar.i^
Biatlon and olwervalloik the abuare
toltlk and tbe racripip from iniefnal. nhlih have kern allowed 10 creep tmu
our penXIon eysidm baae done ibcafcurevenue bn Inrreaae ..f U.UIAIT.VI.
Tbe value of our Imported dallable toUa tarm in demoralltlng our paoi
merchandiae during the lati Bacalyear and rrndaiifig good cniaenpivip.
• at UC liT t;!. and the value of fraa have endeavored wlihin ray ephara
gondf Imp-ined toOt.WT.CA. being an live '
creaae of K.Kirr. m fbe value ot dutia
ble good* and iU.2dl.0M in tbe'^lu^af honor, conuloing the nama of tboiu*
diaal'led in ibelp country-p aemc* and
worthy ot ibrir voimirr'a affocUonata
1 and do^ ramrmbraoca.
. .
Whan 1 havr aam Ihoa* who poaa aa
m. being an mcTTaae ovar
e pracad.
Ing y*to of ri.*«!l.“l Tba_______
eragb _
ad tba aoldlrtw frtradi acjlve and airrt In'
valorem duty paid uai duitoble good*
Imported during ihe yenr Va* ».H per
cent. and on free and du'ttobla good* approaeb
ta^ togrtbrr KlH par cant
cawi of oollacilng our totartol ary rairenchmant aad anferoed
rwvenoa waa 2.*i per canL. a* ato>ua<
2-tl per ram. for tbe flacwl year endad
June to. im. Tba loul production of
wortm ft a naiKa a tare, ought
dutlllad apinia. aaclinlva of fruit brna. who.
dlaa. wa* tX.tn.T01 laaabla gallona. be. la n*a and die undrr Iba proiamun of
naiton'a gratiluda The aeereiary
Ing as lamaar of (.tn.m gaUde* ovar a
cmlla altanUnn In Iha pnldle tnie
tba praradlBC year. Thera waa aUc *B lavolred la as adlunmam of the
•iicreaaa of l.taLftTnUotu ot bpihix gailona of lb* IkuiRc rallPmd* i<
---------nn>enl 1 derm It to ha tn
Bl duly in aaperUUy praarnt
rato of tear
waa lUSt.tiO. aa
i°bSr;'.';u“a'!5 c”*a“air
but "
■ytotoBanaa mnwirlyand In prmSlcal
:■ .itoratJew dlaarlr prnioua and infannua
praaani larlB tow. If al.
jtotoir own intaraata It baa aln^ been
.Ir oppotlunlty. wit) In the
'Oto.B WBW amnatlsiB conlanded tbal Bear future nnd a revenue which, with
i ■StM^bTra^Wlito.
d aa Ibt apanl
inwB of He exaction from
■nwtoypwkt, Ibarafera. of ai
I ss:;^~,’'sr
a Ihe revenu* from tb
«re 4baa Ua prop
*“* "gwu-r* war whleh Uaad-l .Tb* «oranitrwui tbua
- ............ .
s:»'5r,5?!y; n*ser?rSS
m la not ibe lew «el.1 Ihe f»ci that, nowith-
wua aluioaHi
i. however. 1
that I felt
Ibone who once have it ar--------- ----- -•
waya be aubjeet to lit a
time to thne. The reawi
that thedodlora are only
llid onlv. I
I'llohp felt off I I
•d. ibe.aecTvaac
when ar coneu
he fact Thai *U' •n total exi-rna
mofe than ri.«
■ I T''"
tba dcpaiimei I UI •a... U.IU.V, Iiaj
llnued lu ext nd He aphere of u
neaa. andhy 1
mem In the
r.fd'Ti'd’ p‘.
prugreaa rr
form furniph.
ESTES & LAURIAT, Publlihoi, , - BolTOrf.
w a
lor real
cr, Evccuia. Call
c.x Ill'^d Patton.
irta being as- I i
In the Herald leads to Fmperf^.
lever returna. Our
I be mailed free to
ft Specific Cc.. Al-
rndV^ Tal^Sd'
S^Hi-lacre ar
clea daatinad lo rl.anae OUT polltl
puChc' »ep^Kir^'’‘n
IMd A m.wt radi
e*l and iweai .ng axirnxion waa Otodi
by rirevllia order dated tba ttb daof May. I"A
' Tlir civil aarviee rel-w aa amaedad
durlnc the last yaar rrovide for a yenaible and un.l rm math'Hf of promoll.m.
■--------- elig.btmi............................ ..................
upon danvonttraied eSiiieocT and faltbfulneea The abiwme of Ti-d re let on
tbia eubjeet baa bees aa Indmiltr U
the ayvtani mere and more apparent aJ
It* olbar banafilt nave baea beltar ap*
In rcfu-ludlBf tbia eommanlcalloa tta
toai weed* shall be aa appeal la Ito
C.vngeaa* for the moat rigid economy In
th* expandltora of the moa - IB tretl for tto paopD T
parpleilBg axtravagancv la
ralum to fregulliy le dl«e
bowevar. II H iMiaidared tbal tboaa
wbo bear tb* burdana of taxaUon Mv*
no gnirantaa cf boneai care lav* tn
tba fidalliy of tbalr public amrvanta. Ito
'•«««*—t -
agalBM iUn.TM hroducad tn l>r pre.
r dlffaraace* an forgnctaa
eodiBg fkacal year, balag aa tBcAaaTto
itima .M poMical oplnltm are
________mUItto nuBibaa IU.r»
Uto.aa tomto.
Tbt loui •mount of gold axponad men Tbe *w>roprlailoi» f..r It* oup■pact of our publle aervtea
rrvtefwlU to
dunsg tbt ton Oacal yaar era* illLOM..
ig aa tto race
eooM; and of allvaa XtoAai.tTl. being an Uibulad by Iba t-drral govatnmrnL
iBvaallgailnn abowa Ibear troop* ta to andj^mao^ of a conxMi davMlM
S-afTSs ssaf JS-JTiss;
Ma. J. A. IdiSEca.
tiam. The rtipcuse grew J«
aa 1 continiird ibe S. S.'S.
aoon dipa|>pearcd entirely.
xlga proved lo he a fiaa ‘ lie. a* I now"
frel better
”V“"•' I'hu'a’rerto'fora.'I'n my
uch lo praUcof 8. S. S.'
kbeumatism ia-x condition of the
reopc of MT'iOO.dO over
«r Immadlaiel) preeed-
that or the iirecMting y.-ar. a bile the
total eaiomlliurea on account of penMonp. iiK'luding the copi of maintain.
U)g Iha driwrtmcni and axm-naep ai.
tending iwnplon dlslribuiloa amounted
to tl«.20«.;.rd C.V. or within a vert .mtali
rractkin of one-ihlrd of tbe enitra ex.
lawa are only primarily luailfled ka
irvet of ravanut to enable the govTba autiatlea of national Income aiM
imral to meat the titcaaaary aipanaat
Ur maloiananca. Conaidatad aa to natga etc., gtven by the pnmident ar.
aumrianry In thlt taapaad Iha preaTba rearalary of Iha traaaury taponi
... ---------- ..
y.,, ended Juni
M aaradto. tarTy the country at will
•H pitotor 111 wrutebad inhabitaota
TruvotM 01^, KioUgiu!
SiiliSin o“Thil dOTd
'tip ag.
cy and
I Anal
<rt* that th' value
iDonatary ...________ ______ _______
Ito Iponar cwniribulad b»‘ the pe.
far lia yupport.
and to the axpandlt ...
of Bucb monar for Iba paopla'a lianaOt.
Oar Pualnaia tnierr
............. and all good clittan long for raat
m favartah agttauan. and the Inaui
........ailon by Iba genrrefnrmad financial pol|A
I eniarprur ami
irda of
I US rmt StTBt.
mansg-roveni h* haa ai.nu.
largk eum from Me approp
dawn upon ui until our govattifflant
aPandona tba tonkinc bualneB and Iba
ofTereJ ill Iba city..
diaeaae ]ir<idnrcs rUt'Cc agony, to aaya.
than cun well K* dccrilied.
Jrriira 1 hava suffcretl with .-Sciatic
Kbcitmutiant and often felt‘ail if a
amall rii^rr of uiy upiuc bad been
taken out. also aa if a fragment
_ .Utod|iaasad through my left
\nieu I would ail down. I cxnJd
not alraiglitrm up for arveral mluulea,
jnnerally ari*
m mon.cm.ivi ..f the dv and then only at the axpanaa of grcal
............................le uae*uliici.a ba* i>e-n en* .pa-u. I could get abaolulcly no relief.
bhi.cd ir. ,,x.-r> air-.ii..r.^ar.i at |ha Ih^eh
Tba entire caaa
Uaatalamri ibai
the day'^a*
and Bound flnanrUI
inrUI moltaodrwlll
Bbvleua that iher* | tboat who dal
leot nil Wool Lap BobM it Half Prioa.
• TakfadtnuUKuiir tii««e (nimlmw nargaina. Tbe bert'erer {
; it'lS.
Tboaa wbo
people of a
abroad for ...
r^r<^. I Pa
■ IncfUtoad
incraaaad thraugb tariff rhargt
[ Entire loft Fur OokU and Bot
r mK.'i?!.;? i wbo
- 'St ssis; jrK,',S',r,E ssc;
'STawrr etoDnn,ll!
II bap Iipanod tb*
I Christmas
lack of dlPi-iMtion or
-n* redeitollon fort* Ihem.lnil Plmpli
Jfrailon ro.m J.iwn., to th- |•nlle•l
IbamPelvea a. Inleriue
.eiaier. u «uh..ui imp edtoim.iial l.mndo hot reach lb.- dimcullj
rumrlenclae of ci rllr.i.* I.vn. ran he
tdp for the punu
— T -- -....... ejalpad I. point of .mnoi thnwlmed axtlnctlon of aa.l7-jrj^^”"’?*
•|e de|.«r1nu*hl of iwrri.ullure ta-ao
renied'ed by furiberlasiaUiiion It abould
Mutely rs.|,.l.d lo till- u.-lfurv ..f
■ Ikolde Ulid ll•e.•J.p-l,e..ly of oUt
ft ■ el ■•tiM be recAgnlted however,
In detapll of Ihli.
lloii tbal ll.sh.'ulJ i.mrlanMy rethat: oil-federal leciplaimn un tliia tot.
w the .are ami^encourai.-inent of
Ja--l’ljnay full abort i.f lit purpoae h»i
iroril^ ’'lf*'’cvifTe
eauae of Inherent aUi.eba. and al-o
hnruvler of
Iwaup*. of ib..• comi'lei cbnruider
*<f I ninya ft liav cn.wn to l*e,thc .wi
ramad. pbould^be'''c
tor. UltoMty.
uibattty. aHthor to'
totro tba Inaurhub. while I aciU'iitiirol int..|lic..ri> ■ and ili..
aliw ^»lwuto
upr-tn-lof uel ami ai.e..iirne. oem ' i.i u
limited i turul eCorte tj.ree -uri.P of rrucr
rrfaca* hla i
■rttian HP Pi.hcre. haa -ur
«Ml na iha cmitwt baa gobe on Ihe
enl or Iha na'
that frpr b> met-, and i
tonka "bou^d^
d of coUacilm
ba ••..nfess.sl ihiii the lerlelnil..n re|
bicbi-pt court u
iBif I" K has noi alunys lewn dlrw
i.lni: ur
Kh^'‘e‘'ir...'of t” - trtjpii
lie urid
'in be adeii alely t
•nii^ Uftinr
piil.lic m..i
«l.lpr.i|.r '■<
■ Itllii batny uda. Ibo mire
l|. Ih.».
. enaa on
. S.W P..S s~ — —.............- partiet. ii la
to tovo bean, la fact.)
.S4 e.
} ToclOMontktBklfPrioalotForDiiTlnB Olorw.ud'j
Bcuwllee la* Ilue ihe
deap-seated |..|.ul«t. . ..
am unntp.ma. ■
they are.hel.l. .ml the n*
Pie Inalaienie ib.t. whai
thHr iiiciiVrob p-rwinai
p-rwinal oharel
iieefuin.ap cun tu*l I
ljuru.up Tbourh I
led to d>wl »llb I
M* torn
win ore
land cm
......... ...
le hr-lj..
1 ByPtem III
illM and rabeallrd
•tdin* of ■
done, aj baa bMn here
________ idora ahroa.
I lofore rarommanded. by tbalr rkchanpr
to tbe *eal pueatlon aod m
We have durln* tbe piart year la-[ for lone I'tn bond, baarina a low;nii>
bored falihfuny and I
tbi*is?in “kiSi'” “*
Farm for Sale.
r~. aeutu
———o ud F«iHt Bmiiliat
, _ta WMbisgwi 8L
Idrn. ) nneaaanly m ibai diteati'm. ii ' aalpta^iiritic ihv imr are tKZ.I'w.foi.- Eaperially
... .... -------- r.e ...J. »pu.-. tacked audcoiui'lc
•leiety disabled
' ssa."^.S“«iFE:£^!----- ------------.ssTs.ssis '.IS:
Tb. feaiuie of It. Hnanelal
iJCat and moat oaeli
BorKDaaT gi'BiTioX. b~brln >n lu
wbola contrtnrrej to arbilrBlon
atlor.irj crnnai a rv|-n
out |-^p^..mlT Jri.ann.rm'IP ir. cn
• • rrdura,
or lb. ur- luIorM'of iblr I..Mt-1-la)
‘■£ «,fr.S' ■
Do ant go VfaB or S
s:£s hs
luaraak.t MkUfBio
(mom. Tib cbi no betur wlib iam
maatj neanw homo.
Iwoda rlcb. dry and geady vaUUciTlaibarad Bainly with 8i«b Maala.
Bock ElB. UpBwood. Aab. Baoeb.
Hamterk. etc., ud are wall wntBad by
Ukra. rieitmaadPewok.
btroDg wUa. dor enipa. bBlthy allmalo. w-booU bwI ebnrehB. iPtolUCBit
pnpulaUoo. auanly froB goalnew Btota*
aal Ctoada.
rot Htioha. Kapa. ate., addetw .
SLi*^u'n"j.f“sr4^f. srs..“r, ^i^sr^^tSfrai^r^^fr
Farming Lands
rg™_gj. *_»,
4 SJSrod' «v^'
siN^iirs'oSird'Mi ■ _
While you attend the Farmers' Institute <1o not forget to viail
The Popular Clothier-
As onr Special Sale on Suits and Overcoats will be in progress dnriag the lostitate it
will pay you lo look ns over. On aa overcoat or ulster you can s>ave,ypnr expeoMB while
the Icity. Jgst think, an Oxford Grey, extra heavy, high collar Olster, worth ia good
times •9.50. thi.s sale $4.78. The verdict^^nr goods is. by cuiapeteat judra. that
you save 75 per eeat by bnyiag of us. This is ao oewspaper boast but •traigfarfoct. ,
For this sale we are showing extra heavy, double-breasted Saits in black aod oxford
greys! just the tbiag for this weather, at $4.97.
To quote prices on all onr bargains would take too much space. 'You are cordi^j
inVited to look us over- If you dfn’t buy we will be pleased to show you how much you
would save if you did buy.
Yoan. tuxions to please.
News of the Week.
kaafeasd d(oea*S^^tM law tl
SS’iftef'SlsiSris; Judge waiant Martin Gives His Pewerfui
indoisement to Dr. Greene's Nenrura,
____ ChadUa
ala Btlaa aaaU
n* ItortM a» eoneU'eetelM tWt
eUldrca aaM
raalng ber arm into the watdr.
The Eminent Jud^e. Senator and Director
of Barre National Bank, Says He Has
Used Dr. Greene’s Nervura In His Famiiy
With Great Benefit^
ori.J. B«c>U« trlmmlBceuwe. Ml mad
l»tab)]r taul I.Jmrl«.
.« Bill la BowardartUr.
Laerle BeadmB of LaichlaB Uxra- reaeatlp eat Is ter tl
tU^ AHwaa eoulj. wm killed b; ea
.. aarryb^flalardarBantef'
Uto dlreelloo. aad when oae of Ue
Tbera are too oaajr olekeU at bk
. Jmapk ead Beatoa Harbor. Uoe babk
rBMtl; MBt asoo worib to OileBn
Daeatar^ awaBp laad ealUratocB ara.
ae aboet Uia tlBr aacb paar wlU tail
'^boBMbrtbeaaUaal iobroooDUd. atoriraierardior Ueir b(M aflorU la
Tb» aaaaoe Ifa
Mra. C. &. KeUwR. wile of a Uraad the wrriable liarf Ue
larraat apeH- |
Babldadniniat. rroeiredeerlow uiari^j^ftoBtbeecU^ieeof a MO-
. AtUtiea. JaBcatUttcr. ofCri
Bill, ma atraek b; a Io«m b
lajarad aboattbehaad. Star
lolera la dolor frcnt daBore
_________oo towaahlp. aanr Adrian. It
la Btiointed Uat KKI fat fellowa b
died dorinr Ue laat muaU. Kara
riaak Hollaer aad wife, of Warren, depended upon Ibelr aale to pap ta____
wna tbro-eo oatof Ikeir bonrr aed In KIlBBeld and Ogden laat annaier. 11
aawwal; iojorad. Mta. Ilollaej’ Itea la la aatlBaUd Uat giM.uuo worth of
aeriUBl eondition.
porkrra aneeninbfd to Ue dbwaae.
) A W eat Bimaeb aUB laat weak trap^nelBdiamof Chief
t1 Pokagon't tribe
pad a bBrer wbich Upped tbeaealca ______________________e now beinrpaid
adU«y PO*^ wbtel^U a bif wetchl tbedllB.MM awarded to Ues bp Ue
coartof clalBBl WaUiarUn BeporU
. While Loah Wilkin, lirlnc near For- fton Bkap of Ue pap atatlonianp that
aatrlUa. area dolor kl* cboraa a borae aoaaa of Uem aa aoon aa Uep racelra.
Ufdr Bobep -fill up" and apead to a
klohad Ue laatera oeer and eat
few boon what Uep bare waitod for
b^ OB Ore. Tbe loB waa >l,«iu.
for pear*.
At Howell. Cbarlea Tanoard. aged
4. while akatlag on TbOBptoa Lake.
,|iier. thMp
FlIlB aad waa drowned. Theiec-wBa
ita prednet to the Eatopaan aai
of aa Inch UL:k
bodp war fnoad la fonp
water. Tbe bop Badradeeperaie fight
for life. ellBgisgloUe brokea edgM
fur Banp Blaulea*
At Hart Ue foorteea-paar^ld
At Uraad Haplda.
a. M
ml Charira PbepWUUaB Paramar wnaacddeaua.,____ ard. widow of hr Mirpai
bpoaect kia GoBpaaleoi while boav late ealaetl at fil.'lo.'ion.
oone. grs.nnu
IvMcpdar. Hia reooear? It doabtfal.
i-OBiiaa aad nephew.. Slii.vnr>h> I'ni ..
Jnba W. ltaffaB.a lireatoc^ daairr
Il-aerolant AeeouiaUoa boeplUI. *1U.______
dowi aa elerator
abaft Taeadap Bwalng mad waa rarp oui .0 Ue V. H. f. A., aad »i.ii«.i
to I'hareh parpoar*.
B^aatp Injured aboat Ue head aad
I oae. ibpeciallp la caeca of aleepiaae10 be coorlnced.
The world wanUU
The • r«ir-.H rianpliler of WlllbB
Wba\ people want
>t Ib e proof tlie a;neaa and aereoouiraa baa It brew of
Cklttesdra. of Ueiiuivu. while on !)«•
A Urae fwxt rein of Iran otw h
Urn Uep will w I beaoSl to aome of mp faaiilp.
wap from eebool waa auaeked bp a ^irlpe wilU-urr;; tl
haao dlaeoearad la Pokagtra townUI..
i ’"I bare taMrd of maop from Ui. Ue
cow aad loBed 4>a Ue anltnel’i
fhaa eoaatT.aad tbe lead will be fur- ______ Tbe cow Bight bat. killed Ue
Somc^ne'poabrlieTein. a pr-iiMi it'iBlItp who baerderierd broebi from
tWiseaaij^tedbpUcownenol Ue
- uar. Mp MO waa In a large .cbof.l
ehlld. but Ue beaal got her home pereoo « ho poo know will tel! ih.fire alaru-d and at one ffinir
caught Id Ue hedge, where Ue .waa act truU andwhohatwea Ur w.io-.whro - drrfnl.
At Iwaaing. HatUaw Malcbatt waa killed bp Ue liltle one'a father with a
uniwtUed bia nor
toaaaaatllat la Umnd
_____________ _________; poa want, and on V-wiCing !.■ caa. hr uaed Dr. •
' ' with Ue
At Bap CItp. wbllr Mra. Mania I
when .ot-h tcBllinonT Ik gieen. vdo will'NerTurB bit. .1 aad Drrre rcenedT •
aad azkaoatad
---------------------------------a bla.atngclea
Wbeman wet Ipiag alek wiU a ■
lore reaak.
warka-oU infant, hrr fauabnnd we
itka PIUqBtriak dlad at Hk Plo
lOBt apSudapa for druakrnae^
Bane l.’ft after eererai dapa.
dapaTaBd 1
. . id giee f
eforr the Hue. Judge »ill. j other
________balag loo weak to
lilii^ Ub letter for Ur gaud ol
anl s Marlin, of I’lainfirW. Vt . *...>• I puhlii
tooehed down hpaawiteblag eaglne Ul^
.. .
oak elate Jndgeof UeOmotpCourt. Sena-lerk."
fonad dead
from Waeblngtun Coantp. aad I)i | Xo■} greater p^»^ Uat
a aiedu-ine.
...mr of Ur Harre National Bank. a;will care pou ran pmwiblp be giren;
man bonored and rklernied Ihmughogl Uan Ueal-word, of an himorrd Judge
boa ChBCBoate bnser.M«1da't
till- entire Male leU. puu to ukr Dr. and dbliaguiUed Srnavir. Take Or I
lirreor . .VerrurB blooil aad nem-rrm- tipeene'* Nerrura and f-el again what]
aad told kiB Barer U reum. bka been
flaed «U or W dapa.
liBi poanda. as heabuok'Uie ire--, and edp, and ljB(k> up hi. atl.ice bp lelUng it Ik to be well—U> feel powerful aad |
umad .a dme of hog. law Ue hr- you that be baa reprairdlp uW it in eigurou.. Ui baer ktrong. atrad;
broke kb aakU law at ekard. He b bow glad Uat hr did. tor 2°“o« (amll'J“!uUr^Bi«l ' -ne- 'toaleep wiundlp aed wake Bomingk
}. o matter I
refrekhrd and eenergetic
iBdiwddollaB'wurU fit end Uni be baa known of iu hi ■ring refreahed
Dr •■roenc'ai
__________ _ip people
' in
' bit
bit locaUlp
locaUlp Bod birt- bndlp you t
______ . . Jb taM
ir dia- i
f four
elaewhere pou CBB eerUlulp
ininip hare Ue
. Xereara will go
hlgkcBt market price.
utmost coafldenoe In Ue wonderful enae:
enmUae puwrn. uf Uik gnted medicine
Dr. 4!reeBe'i.^Xer»aiB blood a
)d a Urea .paar'a oonne li cola ponlt^ jard^^lB atp^‘
edp ahoold not becla~.ed with or.trtaa aUool Uere. wil.
irp patent mediclo.-k. \} ik a pliVki___B to taka diarga of a kinder'
I'a preacrlptlon. cndork«-d and recganea la lgBlgae. Cbllb
dtiaea you U> try tors «>f rrur laad. Ha diaoewerer . ..
At niat, Pred IieWia,.wbo Uraw a
Btaae at a bird, bnt BlBcd Ua alia,
Ih-. Ureoee'a Nerrur and be eoiielocod Ureenr. of VS We-V Ull, Hi.. .Sew York
• •
- ■ kpeciiJiai
Uat thb wnoderfol
aad atraek PalHck Hlaateo Is U<'
oldipbUeria hare Inal what pour mae reuuiret.:
tl It
Injarlca. baa )beea
caaalag fatal
______ Hooghton and Usneoek
i all ease
• I bare oaed Dr. Ureeao'a I
daring Ue pnaiaa btntra. but all ba'ee
- by lellei
ram^y in roy faniily of
lea boautx
appeared la qaaranllae honaca. Wbar- and bars found good reaulw from^t*
Ueireraft Is tmdloaB. aad
eeer asU-loaiae baa beea need la tbe
pebble Uat Ue I04 Ulked of regav earlier atagea of-Ue diaeaae. apeedp
M for all boau aloog Ue lake ahore muotertea hate beea aecnred.
wQl lake plaee Uli wlaUr.
deMha were tncaaBwhlek were not
ed bp .HU. KigleaUtlrr.
At Maalllaall Ue logging tampa la reported nnlil In aa BdTBBeed stage.
Aa oet^wa tv feet long from Ue
a e,-rv large trade.
tka Otdgbborkood are Baking prenarannpaarat I’cirtlaad
rantb u Ue hind tealaclca. ,• feet anaipkik of U. bread khowed that It
UBBto bcgla work, asd Boap hate
Mr mad '■ fret high, bat boro fonad
atiaadpatarted- It b Ue dawa of aa
.a Anaalaaia beach. Kla. The tena: puiknned are lleing. bui a large nuffi• apparaaUp proaperosa winter.
clea had beea gnawed off bp abarka.
. ber of m<wk are cocklderrd aet-ioaa It
paaadBaaUr at Pllsi reeraUp
«a a c
At Beatoa a copy of the nook of cum- J om critical. The polwr are eoarinced
Boapraper of Ue church__________
__ from InraUgatjoii thi araenlr
of bagland.
...old koeae..^ good ^ « }Sr*r*S^
tor Ue maanfacMre of Uia clam of
it lor a lew dapa. told It at aartlea
f Beojamia ■ placed in the >read ■ ih iDleat
faralUrv cxclaaitelp.
If the aebeme
•• H aad Uaa pruorated to the eoui
■Huuk lllnear
IcBtb or a-i
goes UiXHigb. it a ill meaa Ue amplop«•- 'KlglraUalryi^cuki
n. with Ue l
aaat of more mea asd Urbringfvol dapnighk
dkinrkk. Arreeu
Boaep lain Portland.
■Ul.v _
When a lltUe daughter of Mra John , yill be =
[it In H Us If Ski! Ill Ms
S'?: Sioltb.
A v-(*ry apjji oprjiiti'liui<> (iuriiiL^ tiiis holitlay s«‘5ison to r(‘ilucc tho surplus of our
inaminotlj storks ami a
opportunity f<ir tlm.-jo of inmlorato luoaiis to mako th.eir
holulay pur<*lias(*s wlioi'c thoir immoy will ;^f» tlu* f;u lh;‘st. Our ways ami luodos of Iniyiiii; aro wi*!! known flirfiu«:li Graii<! 'rnivorsc ropoii hy this tinuv
Goods well Imught
,.ai<* half sohl. It is iiooiHo.^is t<i sUito that woai'fi Loailors f»f Low Prifos. Trade w’itfi
;tho iiUSTON ST( M!K. whoiv evnythini; is sold on tho basis of t^hiick tkiios and Small
P.olils. A glam-o iii fuir stuiv \Jill roiivhuo y«’m that our salos are rapid and ooutimi^lus. and llic> ju-im on .goofls tvilycoiiviun* you of
O -
■riii';',';: s::;'.;:
Begins December 11th and Lasts Until Decemb^ 25th.
a UU te nt.SD tor cip
maryelous barcains we bffer \
Meto..., I i„.ii.'.,1,1k..... U.u.1
lor l>da«pmal sale W
•'«. for Itiiaiii-rial ••iam Halit ako^li fiM.i.i.-fiir thitpptrial
M''if>-''i<irtl.t all au •nheiivv Itinrk lUw riwriftt •iilDi «.>nh ffafkiHii.
«|r-cial 4i>lr fi.r .
M-u« iKtim iiMci 'lik m vlkl liii)ioni>i caMOirre mlita aurtti ffi:.<ii Una
B|i-rlal Bale foi
Mem biai'k <'B> woi>te,n»-<|'> HOor aa't> uonli f-jO) lUit'lavirlaabV.HiUt tialfi
r.'r eii.mgli lur I -D aoTtlifit-.i.i t]wcml
If aojl eu.tt konir Ur.
rinlile aU W.ml l.laek fai.y wmatrU Miila worth Al jin Uiit *prel«l^
Mmalaarp imian paiiik a-unti 8irt.ibut|v«ialaile.
Mniali .rail a..dhMi.lliir Ikoiu. aurUfff.iM.UiU.prcialaBle for '
time.11 ...d c.kluiere|wl,u. worn, rktou. UH a|<r«ttl Bake
•■••'»led »mnl., w«Ui «iwi, apccial sale Mkw '
llop'Riioe (itiiialroin iTcenU up
M. ti'iail wraoHlray ovneriet. a-orU
aale price
■^lih i,tilV"ul'.°V^J
Two weaha ago Mea. Jamas <brr. of
Maprina. ran a saadle Into bar basA
Bba dU sot attaad to Ue kart and
htood polaoBlBg set in. Her ana baa
baea ampalated aad Ue phpMclae
abargi baa bat IKtle hope of bar rec
bryTbe fine &rm ttoidcace ot Earn Kim
ball. ala allea waal «d Alma, eaagbt
AraTbarwlap wUle Mra. Kimball was
preparlag breakfaik and araa totally
5a£njtl She kaaw aoUiag of Ue
At lUpamlag, Ue fjaaea Bine. wl
etoahd down a week ago. to prepare
apaat far atockiag Ue winter oatpou
haal^Bed openUosa wlU Ue eaoal
lotos ot aboet MO Ben. Tbe
>e Bine will
I be wTo^t BtaadUp daring Ue
enuof______ .
aad nnfitUng tbe
tor fnrUer
eupaacyMlasAaaa E. Colmaa.of Noble Cen
ter. HraaU eoantp. siar^ Friday for
Key Weak fYa.. where Ue bopm to
___ pnaaage to O
Cnba. WUIiaa R.
Needham, aged K,
CMban army nnArr
1. Waceo. H
Colmar, la Xeedhaa'S botroU
loee of adTentnre led Seedkam
anteer hia terricea to Ue eanaa.
baa ladepnodeaca. kllm Cohaai. .......
also tok'e aerrioe wiU Ue Cchnn arar
aa a anrae. aad la bODetal of being
plnoed Wiu the aame ooBmand nnder
wbeaeatoodard Xeadham M fighUi
When Caban iadeprsienea is dcelar
Ueoonple will retnra to U« I'aH
BUtca. Him Cnlmaa'a Iris at tbU U
bring la proof ot her fidAltp U -
1. III..
_______ ..
felt at Cairo.
alUraooB. It waa of aulHcirol tiirce ' i. ,b, -nU
to rattle dlabm aad faraiture aod
baildlnga swayed pe
oaBebemea are coacoctad thronghi.nt
thestaleto secure some aortofaaubFUREtaN
smote lor coal.
Tbe roller mill at; A dispatch from foaalanUoople saps
Kimball lidolaglUabare toward beat- uav a oaw maseacre has occurred at
ing Ue ocal tnrsk tomn iastesd of coal Eeerek. la which a bo»‘l'
balag ntillxed for owl.
' iaas are reported to hare f
The srire mill bf Um ConaolMstod 1 IHapatehe. from Homhap 'ay Uat
Jiteet aod Wire Compaap at Ik-srer Ue mortality from fsaiier.In the llelaVuis.Fa.. hasaiarteduB double turn, {par aod llrlagbal dlsirui* is steadily
aod Ue nail mill of Ue same eompaap I iBcreasieg. Haadreds of persoas bare
Uat hae beea Idle since UalJulp will [ died la Ue Unr^
rtnp OB double tore to-day
These ' The laUot disiBtehea from Cuba stale
o BUbllshmeato employ aboat Ms,
Weylei and bis J-panUh army
arr hemmed'la at Htraua. wiU Cuban
larr Wialeio.Jtf Oraagerllle. O .was foes on eperysideand attacks
The end of 11
fonnd ia her borne in a starring eoadi-' dail, • OLOorreui-e.
Uon. aniDwhan offend food she refused : oloti >o map be at band. wiU ri.-tory
Ik mplng thnt she had to dir abd was : for I ■e Cuhana
net afraid to meet ber Isjrd
lihr has ' A' mid ware of ei
ererilp is
not tasted food for over th'rar weeks • prcrail.ng
aod. and
aad friends are unable to fdree her to s<-Trr«l deaths of tramps s
Uke asp ndurlUmeut.
from ex^urr tolhewcnUrr are reAt Helena. Mont-a freight train go-i portH. Msop ol Ue alemms and Inkn
tog woBgolbeyo^ Ue^trol on^ Ue .r arr fruiva
fmw-p i-ver
..rer aod
and the'ice
ttelce is
suB: dent UU-barsa to prrmitakai _
The powers wlllshorfflj consider a
aMp. Twentp-aia cars were scatlored project hating fur lu vbjecl Ue bccaUoag a distance of eight milea. where natloB b; Russia of the uorUeaslem
Ue engine ^ft the track
Ed '
loorber pf Turkey, furmrt by Ue B..w
.. waa Urowa down pborus. which. tewaUer wlU tbe
bean. U« ta
a embaokmsnt
wlU aereral
elsof all aaUoBS. The
UeHcaptotwill be dlsaan----------- orlll amome Ue
es^ol and Con
;r adds that Ue
.-hlaUali bpaa rapl»liagl^‘i-°l>if- I*?.
saultao lellriag
oT Tarkep
•ftm^rd it joai -slid of- topatehe. fw» the
Ue rulerablp
acral tierafin Ua
where the rapt ^
’ “ lasprcwr
-ml of Ue Caban armr. is dead.
- - -brre seremJ
era] dan ngo
X raps map be i
to tatUennd
' Uat be bad been
tli'T tfv rerified
Uon in which hr
jra ^
«eada,MaklMt«al«(daa(w,M tka^
Itopt Iijaler .iver coat, air-B to.In pa^ uld..>o«a U .
iTiililrenaamL. uo-tli Ai a, ,|,|. .poc.ai aale pr.ca
cnilda h4ir auol '.III. in din-rent |..tlm,' wi.rtli «M>i aneeWI a.Ie
:f. lui-Ji ea'liinrr.!. wortli J.'«-'l .t
■u HIM. Kfl a...! •udlog. w..r**> -J.'o- for
!•'. .iirh all wi.il -rTge line t-vmrr, wi.ri'iVK-|iOr yard, for
Joli lot of laillrB fine Bead IhuDel hair. worU •l.ug. lot .
I.mdiea liMBOd rildwd uudetwmr, woitb Ue Tor !»■ partft spool MIk
Full •*. .i.dard marinne ibraad
l’-|M-r pine
-l.iida apr-ii <>iugbaiu f.*r
.All wod la illed toil V'Unlu-l. p.'l par<l
Idld1e« H-eoeil faiHip wiep rl p'I>. woiili
t-.r .
.lui. lot of ladiet conata. Mrniich Met ' iwaiitifuli litim, w.etli T.V aale
Hooka aod e}«a
J-L of iiwn'a .Vi-cklln lall allki.wiyth ghe, tt»
Mmb Mlk Itiiali tbpa. worth TSc. foe
M-n’kill B-iwi h-ar»S.». wnnb Ue. for
Men's tVrnI Ullta. rc. Ii.,rae msde MiUa
lied Bisi.keU -Ir. Hed fOBlnnetb.
|{.,r*.|Uaiikri'r.e.-a<’ Stobic IILankaTB lor
llnv'- IwavT Bb..I."a-aler. w..rtli T.V. giwa for
I'lilldrsi.. grnuiiw ItongnU patsol leather :tlppad Aag alM 1 to
wcrtli •««•. for
Misaea rloth
line rail solidi .Miosa. worth
fpr Mi-ww' iVld.lri.oat-Uoe
Ladies IkHigula isnor. gn>Bi value, for
IJI lira' Karig-r-m < 'alf isboe. altaulld.
Meivs Idwther IbTfretbins (fur Celt b. aU'
ClilldfU s Kobbera.
M»ta~' lirst qiraIMp KiibbeM
lAdie<' tirsf i|i|ali'T fi.sodpe.r Kulibers
Men's -elf artii.B il-.libera
Ih.p' lies!
l.u'nH-.Btet. Ifllllli f.
Me,.'- I.umls-rm-ii I'e,|.c-ii,>n IS.i'.l>-tt. iirsl .i.iality.
Men's |,iimtwrin'Ci..Vriirs
Men's Mirw I’ecs al
l-adies' reUMio<B
{.adiesall solid wsrtu lined ->iiie
One Foiirtli <•<!'»» all nur
.larketb. Fnr amt <
.MiitW amiriiiWmrs
< aj»es. far tiii-- wwk onlj.
Ikuid straw niatUi« i-ryard
fiiiod hemp carpet
Heavy lw>- pit ingrain rarpet
Two pl> snperliire ingralti nirpei. wnrU i<c, for
.t jrd, of b-auufu! Ruga jrr on tha dollar.
Xot Mentior^ed,
for It. '
Irnttoca tnkBB (rcBamnU toch whicdi
waa cot open while lying oa the depot
tonUora at Xllea bare baaa fo«d anNineteen months ngo J.
-Sarn abock ofcorn. They bad bM
OftosI and warn fandlpdaBiged b<
Boon obtained n good Job
Mat'olUea ware dellmad to Uai
hla borne, while Ua wile •_______ ..
Hr did not write, not knowing her «xt addreaa. She rainraed. fonnd bim
TbaradnT wai -MoUert- Oap" at Ih
iaalsg and so letter. She derided be
KcretU Mbool. t.Banni, tonga and a
d mat wlU foal tdap or smadermi
Ua anaretiB of Ue dap were oeaiatt
away. When Adams did write, she
acenad tbe aabjoet ei BoUer. Tl
hndVft tosrn. and Ue letter sens reIsifa baUdlag seas filled wlU eititor
to him. He cancloded Ue bad
Attor Ue cloa of neborff a aoUet
•d him. BMenUp '
laagae arms oegaalrod.
.. ..
d arord that berb,_____________ ,
A special train left Fraltnort wlU » bad beea seaabed nUore at Cheboygan.
Cabs Libre- oa hi. lipa. SaB-hex was
BarleaU of lrr« pigmfor kt VeTWB.jSbewenttoCndlllaetoldanUfrlt.bat
OriBBbaa aod So«U Bend. SbIpBemtaift sraa nil n Blatake. While there abe
teoe been lleelp ataae elocUB-toelnd-|nerideata" r ma tote her boi
. Iwaol only Iron tamed oataow.bat Both W4
aqrfM, Sgplam
piga made before eteetlea and otoead to frilawad
S hopaaf better haatoem
- next dap there staa anoUea bear, aad
BaeaMa's Anam asm
tbe BBxt dap aUll aaother.
Tas Bnr Haarx to Ue war!
The Immaaae appto erop gaUerad to
c....---------ipmatoMM a daad laat
usiis, WOO, « .o.-ia-* w. .w «— Bruiam.
--- ' ' ' — —^Aloes
- '
Bbeom-ForarSoeea. Tatter.
Gnaua. Ohio. gMa hare li
to Ue-fL_____a ______
No bayaaa
eaUgaraUea aad b
•a aiowad i
Itopeott aa all paaag
pd to tbabaalU departmeal FridAp,' HrapUiBa. and pnalUnl^
BM Borrad wlUUlUe hlaek apadm. xaola
^ l?^ou5*aSw^uSSu*^-^l ■ OtlkPWm Fblla. Wto. wblU W bau£^
V.a.Ue Itlark ches-mt ami aatu. ffdt., .......... .
.Y Vo„11.a .If WI..I H Hilcl. Iwe- if >•..1 aunt, fiT.fai tbi. ,,.ecial taUf^
arcldeat wbieb map
Ue drorc Into Ue
Ue climb'Bap Aning Ue wlater.
At DUb while gtUag dows hill Waland one arm waa blown U ahreda. Hr
off Ue froiH of a lead walked i aereral mils to Us borae nad
____ droT*
...» Urttmilea
.. ...
wben he laa^
a pkniciaif he waa
aat*^wood oa
searir daad' from
lorn of tkni.
tkni. AmUa
Be will
At Hk Joseph. Uooaaada of mlanowa
hare clogged Ue iifuke pipe '
—*-‘-k Ue paper mill drawi -paw at,
r. The plant hi
hae tSea
JUMaallP. Flheea wheelbarrow
warm tskan away in one dap.
From this stronghold they milled (orU
A UtUe Uran-paar old aoa of Mr. ai
after aigktfpll.BRBed wlU reeoHrra.
Mta Blmer Daaa of M eat Oarcaao w
and proceeded to tap low eeeiT doBca.
kar«adUdeaUToeadap. Bla moU
Ue aolBal which cromed UeD paU
left him In Ue hoaae .while Ue wc
- -..................................r^say
................a loalng
to ha^ oat ber waehlag asd I
re hogs is that amsscrand sei .
dMhea mnffhl firm from Ue store.
'gatloB on foot which resalled
rcaalled li
Meiiapart a-u.lUr.pul-ter wotU «4Hifor
Mena V ied eiTra he.tp aiiHlaod 9eere.M|. wa ikffT.no, this Mle for
Men. riir. line iieavrorercwatwonh Aa.flo Ukt Bale.
_ ?as
lie loi entiH loss In Isl
UU-h4sri.< Bwpoa W-
*■ '
.to . m. MB -
aBAMD laUTEam HPmJB PEOICMTntp in 1896.
fiwwse HeraW
ataradUa (Iraa^aaaaa UaM^lB
dir eoadUaa. aad la ..dladiar^
Maea aa mmay ratUa laar be fad.
TWabwIoa foUowlarbrae^taa
■aajpaleMla brand UkMihodi
Ma <4lMwUlr>dan«D'lo<»l atcrlar faddar.
Thaaraalat aaaalaa tna rarp laUrh*l^alaaair*tb^l«Tim*«w 09 aaUBd.arwilaUaa bj Mka Chaae aad
TWfHwnofIkanvte are aaoaf fraqawl araahal aambara bp tbe oiebratnbalarBBcdea>ored. Tbe drat
theMtatarTTbiarai '
ta baaa U thb or mi .
paper oa Mb pravraJB waa
Kra. MaV
tor aamml ymn Oif
Ua A. Kaaaadjef r
iwitiirtlir Oab aaaaal laeUtitfa afler
«Mr «wa wthodt,—«oed oe« tker tboapbtfBl aad lal
•era. too. AtthacBMlabaa «f UMir Her aabf*a waa •The Uf* we llra.“
bM ■urinthar eeiad to adapt Mm Bbadaelarad that tbe haaae life of tbe
atala plaa. aatbartead ap taw. aad It
aeeir s-aUtp aad elahat prerad a rary emaUaet tblaf. la
addIMea to tfca Bear toad loeal aprak- lewed ap bar aulamu bp ec
an Arr were aadar tfca aair raattod
aaaiatad bp
la aad praeUeal aMB who bad aaada abotradlyalf b bar briffat.beei
frewbr lalOaWfaaarataaeb}nt atllai tba bad aUpeC like •
to eraar braar praaaat.' daek-> ba^
UmaablptraaMdbpJ. B. ittaraa.«f| Mn. M Daaa 0|
r Mrabra^ wib el
tw<bp wIb thraaaf MBpaat«iai^! 'lMbSr“iilE^ta'.J^li*S4,
Abe fotlewod the lait Iba of tbaafbtj^Ik*-"!***Uadre>|Mpet .warirap
Ba wooldaih^te
I ap bp the praeloaa ^lakar.
bTBbr hwBad
lad to owe^ partbdlar aoU aib
leealitp aad woald ealMeab the or■d bp pbauapaormpoaauaa, eb faaarta. aba aald. if pea laah happtaeaa.''<BM that tbe time braliiabed f^aw
iM ia Um hep Beta. ^Wbai*^P^ aad ap to data. blaJtlrrov
bUera of aOBc people to cat rood
a la doe to poor pm-—
*• poor frail aadaoiredite
tW woald up Moae attaatioa to tbeir
wtU aeokpea.oada{«d
t^ paarlaatadpiarawtboda of fnit
Oae of the the«(hM broafkt oat bp
_V"y|eoawoBp, tteatoopBreofaraaif leaka.
ralaiar aad reacral braiarMr. •eraral apaaaen waa the aeed of
aW|e^ kaaplatOBiwitkUw. oowdiUoai
Mmnm elalBMd that tbe Oraad TiaeCobweb srd better
eckra M tho baat spot b tbe etab waila Ibaa b U>e braia. It h
aad epara Ubm aboold aot b Idled
laraffi* raWaf.
. -p. bot boeedloaUeBliar to be
Afocd tboarhtwa. broarbtoatbp
llllle Ihiare. la arieter prepare tor
"Tbe Xew CruaadC waa .the UUe
A. P. Urep la the dkeoBloa lotlowiac
aa able paper bp Mra. A. K .itap. ^t hold eopplM with rood arrieou.ral
Be haaaetkod that htUa afo ,thp I
proeoked Boeh diacoeeioe. bbe apoke
plaoB for trait, for the aoU air
of tbe.oeeoBltp of teachlor ebUdrea
aeeada to lower lerala. loaelarltheh
aoBe of tbe rrul tratka of Ufa bcfore l
awoaua'aaaetka ma beM.
Wra B. M. Voorfaeea. who b one.
aad dip. aad tbep ate Bora
__ . _
becose oootaaalaalod bp aeaoua-1 SeTlere**«eaaod be
the Alaad Baaiban of tbe Trararae
Oiaare. followed with a paper 00 -Tbe
«fat to lira.- which wa* rmlalarealla.
Pint baow poor be
a theoldeBBloBorflUlartba pro- crowded with pood b^pfeaUoaa
aad Babe a earefal ealectloB
bp Mra. to. Ladd the aobject ierarr out of the pood addrraaoe r1»^bcaolifollp baadlod aad Bade a i
Hr bm drarriad eat bpall .her llateai
rarietuo aad loeatiOB. 4ciaaoeaadbiBpreaaioo oB be -r.wi. of tke^
laatilou adjoBreod for
aad potatcea, abaat whleb.aa Mr Ladd aaha thU rrtloo
uAl apot.
lalleet..>e eaid. aboold foela V>e ehlef
lobere preaeotreanrhed. eeerptMap baa alimdp beea
Tbe^bdaeoceof tbeUfaape wee tk«
au of coeoeea io trait piowinr"Helnp a helpmeet."
aald. b their plaaa apptaa aad aaall
baraa of Mra. B U. lauld'a talk, aod
qaealioa of aprapiac r^lrad
fraita were diaaoaaad. aad that ao
the able laianerte which it
partkalar atteotiae aad bbcIi elreaa poad paper bp Mra. Keaaedp
aaid be mala blap la to bare
take waa Bade waa abewa bp th
ad prorad that ahe bai>w whrraef ahr
tented mlad, aad be ebeerfal fade,
nfea. ilbe Kdd of iu w'n|e 1> fl leaer
be aweeleal face. Hhr erped that
Oraafe kail waa aeailp Slad wbea
I edacatleaal aad aocial ■aattaia, aod
rrerp fanoera’ wUe ahoald kaow bew
lha opaaiar tiaalaa of tbe laatithla eapaelaUp of the (raat hraedtH had
ta perform be earioaa daliea of be
waa aIledtoordorbrPmklaat8. B
ted bp the etate board of arrtcaltorv. farm bonph be mlphtfaerar be caned
Baplcr. ThoAratblaroobeprorraaa
a^ BZecotad bp Keopoe L. UotterAriC. npoB to do bAm. It i^ld Drake her
waa Baaie bp ba Archie orebealra, aad
eS^Dtead.eat of Pamera'laeuiatee.'
tadapaodeni in eaae be Dead bonid
all broorh Om two dapa’ Beeliafa the
aaialoM ware eatortataed bp firat eiua
orfulaatioo of Uraad TTaeerae
ip^ farmora pearrallp.
Mra A. « HcKm opeoad be diaauaMe bp the orcbeatn which oooiiaU
cuaaioo. She toaeb'ed apon the aeed
of half a Aoaea of tbe pooac iarmen
Kcralanf. That we iwe c
of Arbla. who kaow bow to fdap la a
forta lo iafloeoee be lepitlatore u> lor oarefal ebolae la one’, ■•helpmael."
■diaaar bat woald do credit to ptofaaoiBtiDBe be praraat appropriaUab tor aad bowed ba nrceBlIp of matual
be.pearbt’viaad 1b for bU porprae apreemeot. The aftbraoua waa fall of
I boB^U blear I
iateraal to erarpoae preaeal aad al be
flraWrrd.'‘Tb^t'we leader oar plotere
a prnrreB of tax reforB waa thaakt to all the odirare eed apeakara. auaclaaloii It area abaalm.>iulp voted
ab^dtocoaed bp Prof. W. O. Bedrlck
OOBtp. w
bare eoo- lo coBlmae be part of be I'armer'a
aaaof bill InaUiuta aaober year.
e Arricaltoral Collece. Be hat ribotad aoBBcblo
uUbte Alaoto be local eloceiloaThe laat leatioa of be leiutute waa
IWm froB bl> craea boraa.
rirea the Batter carefoi stodp aad
itafarbeir pleaalv eaienaii
At be eoaMaakB of be Boale Mapor
■ UraopebaU
- , pUia ataap pelata The a<
ebareb 'for be a
leerideot.capeelallpoa I
r bell, aod laal bet aot leaa
ihd local preoa. whoae aid io adee
praatiead la aerarml other eutra. aad iop aid reporttap be proowdiap
aoCTealed baadriiabUilpot latrodac. esatJp iacreaaet be beaeflte ta tn
hrmiac thaaa before Ub rmaked wIb lap theffl lo Nkbiru. Tbe abilitp ol rieed from aoeb meetiarabe beet la tbe elate, aad lb
■an ta detarBlae a fair raloatloi
a 0. Laup.
W erlikad far them a pla
A. b. Doaaoa.
Immense Sacrifice in Value I
_____ .2S-JI
Mb. A. IL McR
Maa.J. U. Raw
daorqDeaUOB. B:-D.piBpbe]I talklap
> womaa-a aaetioa waa bald ta ba
!roB the eaperrlaor'a'peiat of eiew.
The aodlraee paid cloee att«aUM and
tA Bottee will be pirea moeb tboocbl dap afceraooa aad ia addlUoa to be
dnriar the atoatha to coae.
ladlea who bad been atlapdiep be rop'
The hatardap aoralop aeBlua waa elar aaaaloae from be aorrooBdiap
lerotrd U be qeBtloo of be caltlraUoe aad oara of email trail. Thit U ■
saOrr of partleelar iatared la bia reMev Mattie A. Kaaaadp. oae of tbe
ttata apeakara. aad all tbe eab}ecU
were tnatad aot from a matorlal
tarBcra' tioto. aad It prorakad a pearr point of view, bat from tb^hlpbrr
Uaw oMafh to keep at atadplor 1
al dlacaatlco.
plaae of meatal aad afdrUaal latickt.
IB tbe Abeeaee of J. K. Sieorat . wEIirbc wap la wklOb dlacamioos
o, A. P. Orap wee* called Op were Ukea op aad be able maaaer io
tra eomaUiep ‘
which bep were, baedled bp bora
araa iatrodoead bp Mr. Ba>ler. aod parlrtKa. No oae eoald be better flltcd preaeat would be a liberal eduoalloa b
raraararrealaabUaawall aa
beeobject than Mr. Unp maap orpaaiied womea'a aoeleUea.
tablap talk apoa aaabjaet of prime
lit fara baa made for
TbeopiaiDp |japra bp Mra. Keaaedp.
. ‘•Eeeplo,' far arara than a local repuutloo.
■'What we farmer'a wivea aeed.
fararad be raiatap of email fra
tlbe nrped
werp womab ,
1. cue
urvea veerp
farmer, eraa If be bad ao ntore aot to epead be praater fMt of ..............
baa eaoopfa for bia owo faaltp
r be Boldiap board and diahjiap 1 .
aabemadeit. ITof.
are ba 1radere amoap
la' a rarp
7 wll9 aa well at a pBcUral
aaaaer. apeaktarof ba elaae Ua of
arinlar betweaa tbe raUdoBta of be dtp had tb<w of be aarrandlac aaeatrp. He told of be recard la whib be held be latter aad
aspraaed be wMbdhat Bore of tbe
•ortdb baaiocaa nee eooU UM-a to
be iHeiBBliioe that toko plaee to bnooca'laeMlataa. It wooli bo better few
aaorp om U bep eoald ooaM elaaer to
To raise money aUICK. we offer every Man's. Boy's or Ohild’e Suit
Pvercoat, Ulster or Pants in ou»- large stock at a
'Tis a Grand Oppoftnnlty to Bnj Reliable Goods at the Prices of Chap.
f.'l* '
tar aame of theptaataeoatatatar be
tamaa per aeat of pbrnphoreua. aad
F*rtarhBai«;tbabaatplaaU to bra
aadar. bat alorar lakea a Iradtap
ptaoe. Wheat lakea a rrbt deal of
akaaau ba abU of bob bat aad po-taBlaB to a tiamaaduoaeatpat. aad
aboold aot be allowed to prow. While
reaerai Hav,^bookA
r will be
read/ to take Ita pleat. Aa
rieklap be toil la eoaccraed!
Aaober faalare of be aaamqof
waatakeo apbp J.F.ilUL repardiap
Ihepacklap aad ablpplapof Iraltfor
market. He woald acadp tbe ktada of
paokapB beat adapted for dlffemt vmriellea of frait, aad maba tbe par’
attraetlve aa poadble. alwapt ha>.
p pood fnilt all be wap bioapk
t^ood aabea. wbleta ai a rale eaa be; Bapma are more caetloBa Mraa former
rproearad troBmlllaaad taal^ for Ip aad oa bia aewwat It ia baat to
.> ba baaltapT Home ora far bettor baa pack aa opae aa poralbla He raeomeUMfa.MaditliwalltetMtbp aaalpa«dwl aballow bokOB foramall frait.
M helaro oeiiw.
keep It from aetillap aa mo
The dlanaBlfB waa opaoed bp E. O. peaalbla PraebeeaBd plama be e
a«dd. who tbearbt that to keep ap be pack la faaaketa. peara la email barrala
oM) aeratol lU^ ore ■liiiiirp. la aod applea la bree-btabel barrali
moap the pood Meat broopklotti
rk eotUratloo of aU eolU. ta be dlecaarloa toUawtap araa that
a. aowlap of aoaa utch of patttap ba ahipptirk name oa peerp
w tmpUlp. aad propw reu- paekape aa a pitataBtae aad alMbere«■ A llralp diacaaal
mad tar frait from Iba aame
Od be aame aoeoaat It waa
ad. Iba fararita Idaa b^ bat tbep
brat to daal wib oae «ra
abaald hat ba altopebar dtamrdad.
After maale bp the mebaatra t. &
It wat aearlp aooa wbea be rapalar
Bortcm apoke cm be qaaetka af eeUrapimm waa campletad a^ ba bultaphaprarakdapetaek. Ba abowad
am aeraioe bald. It rraaltad ta tba
«f taearehard prara hap
balen be prambgp,ara pet ia U
.deadlp work. Be faaad kap raiatap
1. 8nlar.
a-£ 0. U
-Berapradtablatbaaadllapataek. la
tbadlaramlna fallowtap itwaadaeided
. hhatHdapeadedlavelpepratbeqaalMr af ba taad owaed bp be famar.
Saamal of be aflarMoa aprakrae
wen m»Mt to make trata caaaaa
Maaa aad thapraprtm wpe ekaaped.
Urn waraaa-a eaaiaa belaS p
MUtaefailawtapdap. Atba
wtaeladiapmav ladlea.
aabjeet apoa
■ted bp prae-
waa tbapelBelpal.lople of the afiarbaaataaaaalelatradaeeltUaaA. E.
'e«l>BraofJCaIkBBha.wboMeMaf the
- weaken aaet eat bp be
«dd ati
EpbL Baraep. Garfeld; J. 8. Bortoa
Uraat: Mra. Rub Duba. Oreea take;
A. 8. Dohaoe. Lon Lake: D. 8. Niektraes. Hapflcld; Wm. U Wilaea. Para,
dtaa; A. P. Orap. PqBtaaala; C. H. Ha.
par. UbUo; Lowell Boar*. Vkltcwatar;
J- B. Maarea. Traveraa Clip.
E 8. Walker wn aaaMa to be praaeat Hatardap aftrraaoa aad kit paper
OB what to Aa wU eaU trail wn read
bp B. O. tadd. He held that it wae
paaaibto todtapeaeotcaltawib prafli
to be prower. Poe taataan. taaiaad
ot browtap
oecrrlpe email trolU
it atl^tba dried aad fad to ablobaaa
Apple eabaida aaad eeiutaat eara aad
watektap. wkUa be trait It rlpaal^.
aad aapeeiaUp la apraptap. biaalap
aad praalap. wkiek wUl do much to
klla. ate., ba woald adriaa aatap
10 fatua tboep aad ta«t. Tha
lattor wlU alao daalrop bupt. praba.
atc-.U taraad latoaBcrriranL boapk
' #a Was The raat la IroB »l» to eataaa waukad bep wOl tayara peaap
rwdpMfarbar ta aaaUapa
^4^to«htd<7ta*m. aareeomi
P- %laBsaatpTaaBatbaW«l. b
^ apawarBlUattapaed. aadthai
^; #taie wftkllda^hMB. aeatal
■M. .5^ ™i£
law 7 25
4 90
Metre wuol
................ 7 85-
It Suits, any in the store.
Your Choice
Boys’ S-oo-IjS.
^ aiy’aSiiilshl I .V). iMWaml S flO. worth n.-arly
Mcii'v hmivv ruifix dark
.2So;3%r»53 75
4 0>» luflU), al...............
Hoy ,! Kuim worth lOUat................
2 75
4 25
a.y-a Suita w,.rth .1 tk> a............,.....................
iW. Suita.
6 00
CirxXcL’s SnaAts.
SCI' me. 1 can sell you a
u».TdTvXv^rir^‘’A to.!.
eatiraip a^ be.aaaraaBef batana.
rata the market.
Tha dlacaaMoa waa epeaad bp Dae
MaMaUcD. who makat a aprcUltp bf
frail rakiap. Ba boapht bat eepral. aodpapraa: bit ta not dlfUmll 1a tbera
a«ae la be beaitaacber, aadoaaabMld dapi of cheap edition; aad laat but ool
«akerbr,<jl-«laajSf TSa Wtaom. iraet. ttop frettiap, Uae be rood and
la hit aaUmaUaa It la better to rmlae
worth ^ 00 and :< 00.
Mdua hlai-k wuol beaver
itl luwl atylc. with wl
worth 7 OH. at
•If ATI. Veuwf-
I will have a car load of lidrsps in
the city next Saturday or Monday.
If you want
to bu\horses he sure to
Bo laid dew. oararalUwt to beria
arfb: let. Habre ratam to to be aoU
oerap tUap ahe takm froa I
Jlatara abhoiaa ban apot of froaad
hadolwmpaatlomptatooorarlt. Tbrae
of ba aanriBiT biupa bat
Ohd phoq.horoaa
Ba eoaftaid hb
■fcfifl ejtpailuwBle lo tbr laat.'bow-!
i. k i>r Umhle br>‘Mtitl sq. <-ul
i. r____
•rtylrai. a.irlli
from IS
lo .yi.!.•
00 t<. ii .‘lO ’
Horses for Sale
31d:eii.’s S-iixts.
loss, than an\dtlicr y*.
hqrse dealer in the city.
These horses may he seen in the
^ 3 55
Men’a Uack wool Melbi
Youths'and Child's Overcoatsfor ................................................. 4 28
JI'fc'.''':^"''Y'£r£"h7rc.T,,'°6 88
Chilirs Overdoata, worth
Ubtera. '«*itra
I 60
I 00. I 35. I 65 add
|Cutlcr bam, ott L'nion street.
HEKM.W irtM.W.
Men’a nalural emy Sanitar}' rndvrwonr. at 50c
Meii h uray Mcriuo rnih-rwcar. wojUi 4V-.
Hra'a and Roy't d<
alyle. worth .'•rfk and 65c,
Olhw at 42c, 60. 7o, rta.. worth gigrb a
mk floR_
Special Values in Men's Mackintoshes, Pants, Sox, Hats
ll|ackinaw Jackets, Gloves and Mittens, Trunks, fto.
aim 1b Uimm »ad 0hU4Ma%
JAOKBT8, w* oSto jtm th*
OrMUBt Barawlna. on SaUtble OArmpDU, to ^ foonS In Korthnrn'lUf^iMiL Ve nM
to quote pricea. but wUl be glAi to ebow 700 the voodi ud nune 7on prlOM if 70a
Reliable Dry Goods,Carpet and Olotbing House,
t.n-.u.4b»,..Smta«U...wiSUpp,™e0c,60c,76c. BOt »v«>. »1 BB u>4 *1.60 |
5 L>dl«> T.lnt, FltMh, K.ltoii ud Bunn 560,6O0, 66., 76c, SOo, *1.00 ud *1 26.
_ 10u«udOUldr.i.-.BuvuVuKlmm.d. Wom.n’. Mcllfim Tun Bel., For V
Alfped V. Fpiedrieh,;
I Ti^u. Kuu Huwdud Open Tun u. ury nu, Kra. kuct ud Tun «
lu MoIUnu. WomuU Doo,ol> ud WUU Kid Stnp SaodO ud mup o.w oov.
Th£ Popular Low Prwc Shoe House of Traverse Cm.
I dUu tint XU look.. uluKmu gut Doo-t rot,.v oor Uo. of OurpolUn Ud
» lienlnsd nt the newtaboe atore.
Wei re Selling Lots of Shoes,
Th. Old BUhbU n. Ortfiul
,, I 18 Front Strut.
Wunborg Block.
(Bren U tlmw ere hard.)
Tiuteru City, Mich. S
People have to have footwear and ttiey are bound to buvif!
I the prices are right That’s tbe reason for our success.
^ '
I Christmas at the Bookstore.
. _
* I
Albums. Toilet Sets. MedaUions. Oa
^ a. E. HASKELL. Mauper.
Sbccenon to Holky » Blllla„. ♦
, Como and hear what.bey have to aay. Shoss for evarebodr at I
prices to initevetybodT’a pocket book.
SUh Hoany.
(b« UiMt bwlDM trs Is «0WB. T%tf i
saadt srtssrwMOtetoepaBSflnt
■ «n>r sMT* tk< antoriBBssfris
Um SwUboT MldlscooeapM
pgnH^ tv Mr*..S. H. nsalsU.
BntT OM te eordlsllr IsTiMa.
, Ba^rday. daa.'TTToZj o-d^p,^®“
. Draperies.
, . .Jl be deroted M the Httsday eebool.
. A brief addrsM. reporu froa tbt Hum
i. eoareatlos at Kalaaatoo
lal tlafisc trill dll ap the pret
Tb. B. V. P f. al.»;4* la the cberob
rsUr asMlac el IM
parlor* trill be led by Mia Pearl El\sr.
Qab will be bald te-aomm a
Boa. lb:».10.
. bevlBBtav peeapllr at o’ele.
posa irritwe by Mr*. M. E. C. &«• The psbik are MdMlly IsriUd.
J C Fur Collars.
s.~P. BeseotV
IWofate-L. H. OaZ^. AltetBi
be read, Mr*. Tarw wUl Mil of Aaar- MCD. aaalu.*a««.
less pdeMn sad their woi
Beraoe Msday <
W. HlUlkes »I1I Mlk eboet
•The bread of Ufa" Bead Jobs
ilptoressd Mia Hpc*(«e
Beaday eebool traa sorer better.
trill Mil of Mlebtos'e otrs srtiet. F. b. praetiMl eeb)eet obaa op seat SeaW.OOO Chereh. Mr* J T. Uasssh trill slsf.
Bad the Itaaos, Frorerba
end Mia Mabel HaMe trill rlaas llln> t-M. Tall the eblldas aboat IV
Mlk os AnerlaaB poster artisU.
Jaslor Cbrlallas
Radaror a t p. a.
f asd sleetleaof oBTBBhsybadeseoflUi
State Bank.
falfb fa a spaee of inofwt asd lookUf
Ilk* a alitaa of froth asd blade
detv ItlioseofUeqeeertriekatbat
the bay it flree to. asd la alwar*
ayatery. The tester It set aort thas
tla feet dap at thdi pdpv asd the
ry It thrre-
r peepb. Hanber* aboeld heap;
the p)ed«c la mlsd dsris( the wak.
Bab>aet at ; p. ^ rrlll be -The Naxr«ae Lectors*'' tlaU are-fise ud
II are rralouae.
UalBea e»etla( of the Cbrbtlaa
odaror borlety rra bold Toaday
Bl(ht at M. C. Oriatt'* OSac* for
drat half of l««T rrare alaud as tolPraideot-lnto Kyaelk*
Vlai>ra.-Eate Baker.
Heaetary-SMlla SehMldeiv
Treaorer—N. B. Cba^o.
Tbeaaaoa] laaUac asd eleettos of
oOiei* of tbe Ttarera qtr bMie Bask,
s Bfeda(at *:KlB Ue choreh
took plaa yaterday. Tbe old offieet*.
rere rejected a tolletr*
Preaehla( at ie:lu. followed by baa'Praldrat—Perry Uaaub.
let tloe Pra'I—A. Tracy toy
td A'ia PraWaaa Henraa.
Cabler^. T. Haeah.
Aa't (bahler—K. (iariaad.
; Knit Goods.
Hoods etc.
Del^M to Oraad CoaaeU—P. Bur-
' Ice Wool
A Or«>d ttoas as« ItoMMe to Paj.
Jail aee what Dr. lireMC o8m to do
for all weak aad^fieriair poopl* He
ii Ue Moat eaoceeafal apecialbl la cor1d( MreoaeasdckrcaicdiaeaM* HI*
saparalled offer to ountalt with say
oae. free of charfe. by letter oottmpoadeooe. U doiaf woBdrrf*! (rood If
..... V--------------- loiptolnt which roe do
Doi taoroayruy oadermtaad, and wkich
yoo would like cuml. write the doctor
a Inter sUtiof Ju»t how yoo I
what eymptoau trouble you.
answer iv (irla( a oompleM
. Tbit trill be
sere apedaU;
a ^Ida t
TntMadeof B. Oooh triU be (lad
tokssw thatbe trUlra«pa bla(rooa(r.dlaaattaBadalaathetra.lB the
MaMame bsU«i«. }aat treat of the
e of Ma Mtasia Utr-
UreOlek. diet yeetardey
eaMod t«o ed^n.
trill bo Md at the baaa of Mi* (Mr Mralsfat lOo'ehwh.
Officar* of the r. P. B. C. B. for Ue
no Water Work Matter,
aext *lx BoaUepre:
meet Inportoat aatMrooalderPrtoidMt-HyrUe SMatoa.
.Vloe Pre*-Parker PeaalafftoB.
edby theeouoe . cnsaell Ihb wtA
Baeretary-Ada V. HoatrHaaty.
treler rrorke qaatioa
TtoaaurM-Cbarlea Hali^
ha edroeatad the apLookeot eoBBlttoo—BUel Tbeaa*
t eoMBlUa to lareeU- •arkar PaaBlsrtoa. Ada U Water*
iraM the whale BsUerud repert to
eosaelL At the aoetley TOaedej
>lB( each ooSBlttoe wa tppolcP
Bodal-Charlta Hein. Bartka
ad. oostbtls( of the mafir. Ihia rater* Ada V. Hoal(DBery. Oo
ibere etihe eosseil. aad twociU. sot isoaellnea. the ootiiinlwa to aiafftoB, HyrtlcSi atoa. Ada V. MoatUe dty
dty Bay sxpaet (ood work frost IV
The ropett rriU be aUed teat Ue
firet Beetlay is Pebrssry.
Td eosatU ha *ery prsperly. orMr. Btyaav the owaa. o«ar* to dodared a elaetiie etrest UfbL <
klr to the atty lO sera of las
Brat elnat ead BeaidiJ
Bast Hay. wtU M rade walar treaM«e
Tbta b a bad ead dark eeasr.
sad eaac troaM(e ea Frost straev for
Ia(a U^tbetwea l>ark itroet sad Ut leaUoB of the MW plaaV proridad
ledV wl
eaaaad |MWtioa
>teia it a eaoh. If Seat Bey b
fleeted to Ue water eopply, aad Ue
BaaaiJi beliera there ate May
BeU Teadsy triU Istarmal la Oahwhy llUoeld be eelaetod.
Watawsrto. die prolatkie to
•*aal UatsroeeeiatrlUbad*.
•nlsberri Draad. Da leth. by the
■tolley Otaad Oesart O* Thb b
Ototoad tohethedaaatbdyvai
la the trorUasdthe Mrhat atsp»natory BoUsa hare haa (tea the
'Oeapsay trharaer they here appear
to U* (ood hs hss broB(ht to U*
dty. TM tor(* »^isaee toeea of tb*
M*ry ssal woald b* takso.
df«d* kda( tafosd away. Oa Sasday
aoioa serrieoa wars bpU M Ur Oty
Opn haU MsrsitoaadsraalBC. whare
mUeq mfaeU, at It» tfala
prstsd Mr l^ii|ists MetU^ Ubt
B. P.—O. C HoSaiV
K—j. Fartseh.
K-V. Petcnyl.
C. B.—Alba* Petertyl.
P. B.-B. W. tiraUlck.
R. A. C-D R CaaitoalL
Tress -8 Osrlasd.
Hec-y-OB* E. Ual*
nate giving is not satisfactory.
Neither would indiscriminate sclcc*
tions be wise. The gift should Ite
we hare to offer y«m.
appropriate to l>oth giver and re-
»own FUlows
C Waists.
or, if not actually, the next thing to it.
mmimrntiiJtmj. - fio^eo
. .n
We mean our Crockery and Glassware Department on ^ y' -1
the second door, which has been filled with a bewildering: E
array of beautiful articles—both useful and omamentaL
It is impossible to enumerite. but we would ask you to> E
^ come and look at our handsome
Our Saringfi Department
sffcpAfry otgxetLLMP
itt Vi-B. P. MorUnv.
w. * «•. MOBaav COUP* sn. tlT a
B. Keeaae’e LeoMis*
Wo. B. Darirdieda the hone of
•ora of aera Iwtora (Irda
Ue daafhtar. Ha E. O. Udd. Tea
dfria( Ue pad week by Bar. J. B.
day, at the 0(0 d as. of patalyri*
aUaMa Laid-he lava esc ea aad Koehae here baa aoaeUlay aar is
E. Jay* Dteksmaa was eboaea seeqty. Mr.
a deachter. HMe Meta Deri* ese of
IsMry and Ue lastnllatioa will be psbthe twchs* is the Ttarara
lb Ue first (tourdny to Jnanty.
aeheeto. Fasaral earriaa trUl be heU bacaUad, Bar. D.<joehlia*torf^'ooaK-or r.
* ot the eaeead trard trill dbareh. batefew day* betoe hb
rival. Moehar|%waeBMd* toadBbdoa eaapt oa Ue last ai(hv wbaa
rsBSau trsteBBde by wUeh hs
tla trill he held.. The faUotrisc ab-
Lace, Chenille and Brocade Curtains, Embroidered Rannek
Skirts, Comfortables. Stamped Linens.
Dollies. Bed Spreads.
toe eosabta of Mayor Oeri* OeeodlHbaM^ - WlaUrad
ata fisath. Oeodrteh aad Eytelke asd Amaada ZLnnamaa. Mr*
Fiaaklla. Mr* Maty Moor*
E. J. V01(ban aad J. W. Mill
..... _• ......
Tmm mtmiin of the Baetota-Btar
this year. Around this center are
. -■‘uggesled some things of the manv
!- ceiver. We cannot ijnote prices, on
such a long list of articles, hut we
will and do guarantee the price of
every article we st-ll.
ine of eeery aymi
eon <m* »ore!y (el well sod >tron(.
He (Irea neat earefal sllentiaa to each
letter, aad explaia* yoerr CM uo tbor
C. 8. Cane ssd I. M. Wlssle a
oarbly that you nnderilaad ezacU]
yoo.' AllUixct
hare 00 doctor'x .
aod yon doa't haTC to leae* yonr bnae.'
Sealor Lcaffse at t;4t.
Th* doctor nakea a specialty ol th*x'
ueatlss pattoau Uruuyb letter uor-j
Kreolay leeUre. anhjeet: "Hi
T«S iraaldaat'a saaeace la fire
(sapoodeBor, aad Uey nearly alwnyxl
Maple Ltiisbrr Co beld their toll
IHhle-wat mada.(el well. . He b the discotercr of that I
; ftHaaaeoadpa«*ofto-dareHiiu
InrTseaday. The cm os haad ■
Tbefollnwlsffbaec bees elected ofii- ------ ^erfal BedlCla*. I>r. Ureeach .Ner-1
the SMiahets b H.Tte WW faV 'Bata cecBof Ue Baaday lebool toUdo
blood aad nerre remedy
Loon BtniosB ie plaasiac to ■
fixed atX
to hlB at hli office. :s tVmt itU bv. I
New York Oily, aod you will nnaoubt-1
»U to firebaadaaeoBd* aadilO to 1(«
d tedly be mad* airoar aad well.
Ato^t-Hr* B. L. Kello((.'
IS of Oarftaldlateae
■ of thea<
Tkaaanrer-MlB Myrtle Oardaer
Selllaf days Dee. :<tb. 7'-U aad siati
aad Jaanary uvoaiy rewra limit JaaOrtaaUl—HlB Gota^benraarylU. One aad oae-UIrd tare (or
Tta psiV to bare baa fira
Chief Ubtartoa-Waltor Lyoo.
seen** eralac by the Qaaa OIQ' BlThe Oraad Traraa
>1 rnie* to Caaeaiaa polats on
eyde dabkabea patpeosd to the
IN and lu. morn limit .laaoaiy
7ih. One fare for round trip.
-Ta> narsta aty Lanba Oo. aPhboe IS._____ C K HfKhxT. A(V
lB(. 7:»0.
Faaav Saoday :
paen tobayhealookloctUla wister
blf-Batea—Oaaadlaa BoUday Ssia(. V:tO: prtaUia( at KRVi.
asd spa dstslMly deefaUsB wUl
■oralB( aeraoa will be followed by
Doe. 17. IH and l» the C. A V. H. '
amataat of Ue Lord* bappsr. and D. L. A N. linn will sell cxestnloa
Becreury-E. O. todd.
BTeaiarierrleca. 7:30. Tbe Ber. E. L. tlckeu to Canadian polats at eat way
fare for ronsd trip. Ketnm limit Jao.
K«llo((. prealdiait elder, will be p
daparMalof the Menalaia H
eat aad opiate at all Ue aereice*
P. a
MaTraretaq^ rkltor today.
1. Jobs HcDssald. R.^BaiMp.
r. J. W.
HoUd;78ita. ^~aTk R L
AHow us to sug^t that useful
presents will be perfectly in order
Dry Goods Store.
Pr*s.-J, M. liaelloMsMl.
Re* Bee.-Kred Flabb.
Aa*v b*c.-A. P. HodloMBtol.
Pla. ibe.-M. J. EiolBe*
Treat.—Jo* Verrcaa.
M.-D. IToraacher-
5.Bilk lUtten*
; Feather Boas.
doaber. Paid Laat-
q^mt, .. r—T-. qtoofioo
apbesrate yeaterday, the
iseea tbeelabboeaeaadtbeti. R. A
1. depot, oet aboat «w feet trea the
You in Your
Christmas Oiving.
Fur Muflb.
• itoNM, .
• wfllb*rlsd(oVabt>thstHr. B«r- 1
i FnnoyHoxl'ry
C C —E. R. McCoy.
V. C-F. u. B—--------Prribte-C. a. Bactor.
M. of W.-E. L. Roaser.
H. of R-J. T. ilaaaah.
M. of F.-Peter Wortbsfw.
I. O.-Uco. W. Tboaa*
O- a.-O C. lvTi(.
Trarieee—One year. Prank Votrx
AnditlM^BBlUce—a J w.ii.
A!J>. fiqriM. A.
China, Japanese Goods,
Silverware, Cut Glass,
Onyx Tables, Celluloid Goods, ^ '
and an almost endless display of Toys for children of all ages
for Christmas presentsLook over our Furniture Depaitment—Rasy Ohaira,Uive
and smaU; Fancy Stands, cheap
medium priced; Knsio v
Racks, Bric-a-brac and Bookshelves, Screens
In the line of Rugs and Draperies, we are sure to please
you. A special line of Couch Covers in new designs, all at
prices to suit tbe times. Take the time to look around before
■buying. Gla4 to show the goods.
Dcmt worry yosr life oat Ulahla(
wbatto(etyoBrbeat(lrl teaCbybl'
Baapmeat Uatwfll Bab* beramne.
Oo to McLollaa A A*h'* aad ba«a
pat yoanpa l.Jor Mb-boxol Uelr
• -' '
> ebs
aad baa I
they will he their ew. .nke and yoa
bet UeykMw bow to pot UeBapen
her. We also have
‘r*iS^“TR ul
candy ^ a faU Um of trtM
We irlr* qMrisl prtoca to ari
eharehnaadaUeectol* Lsae*erd«
to lea Ck*^ aad OystoM
ed. UeddUtoetotheaabalton of
the pr«(re« readlsft wUl be (ira by
Mbe Haad Oeretbar* a Mlaslad <
io. laiwr«DR.mES,
.. wUeh .wafiblnb wfll a
jKinMiiii MiOT—irrr
ot tur*M h
Tbtm*r«Umd Mr. n*bv«(aC>e
park«*.f»w bMU arn-
'iS; s;Su;?i£* *'
M Ma aosrld'* MM Auda;.
teotlraly. employiar n Veda. Baelarflabbed tbrerhinf, V hat booted
bbBaebiaeaedraiOee. i.ttobotbrl.
of yralt. arariy all wbatt and
«h*r waifM Uopmd«
aUaodtM byood and quite an Inter
to htrr a fraa<
tbb place Saw V
orchattra will tui
A rrry plettaot party war rirro iVi
Mr. I'rfea bat taorad late bk ar
Friday erealOA at tbr rrtidrocr /of
JobD LoodoD: daaoinf .wpt the u^r
ijr tad rreryoBr had t
Kateoe rracmaa it altaly lacaUd a
□jcjytoir UBa
•naae«t nrart.
f taboo!:
Niehl«-xB Saaday tchooI day wat dbMr. 1-aektrd eioi^ bitNterm of
'rrrrcd at tbb pltea lul Saaday ia t
a tbr FHu dbtrjrt iatt Friday.
Rorolar Beetioff ofCIty.Coaacil bald
In CooneU ncxBi Ooc. t. ir.r.
Heetia# waa cal ed to order by bb
bouor Mayor Uayb. .
Iteeval. Aldqieoea Bubte. Parker.
Goodrich. Oreilicfc. SBilb. Cook. Kjraelka. Lordie. Jabraaa and fiarriaca aod
....--,--.--- .... .
III ro late the foadfor tbr 1
Sheriff EUbot Lelend waa ia'towe
Jtaiet H. Araold. aa old toldba
ad oa Dr. FeatoB to'be treated for
ear oa the lower Up. Tbr Bret <
ealloa wat Bade tbb taunilBy ax
rralta tbe retult la hope.
Aa alarm of fire tbb monior
brooffbt tbe retidreta of tbr oorth part
‘ tba rillaire Welker io qaick Uaie.
Mta KaUiaOoakat booe tcala.
r. Hcltoaald'r boute wat oe fire,
fMaadata Kaatrorthy b rary faabla.
tbe fiaaiM were toon exUnAobhed
Bavnl ara uoaplalaiaA of aora tbe damafe war bat tlhrkt.
Bar.B.E WylbeoBBieoeed t ti
■weed Oox aad mat are aattiuM
I meelinn ia the M. E. cbnrcb last
Tbe tarrlcee laal rreoiep
Bar. Bewatd Move wat at tb^ aad fhbaeeelacareBnderdireclIoB *
rr'n*^Boetbly atmtiaf (btarday; ' Iter. C W. Chaae. bat after tbb will 1
SU)ab Coxb eyrba littla Vtter at aoadaetad by patter Wylit hiataelf. '
tbapaaaatwritUr. tboofb ha®-----Laat baadv Uie Infaat eblld, of
itaas Ntekareoa wat buried.
oatlttearealy aay
oibar died taataamiBer and It bad
«e adopted by AUaa Dial aad bb
ife. They had become tlroiil'ly
tached te^litUe tblnf aod fael U
Mra J&. KrbI eialMd Trace
a*l week.
Editor Neb
of Iteland waa a eirilor
here Suoday.
G. H. Dame baa beea oa the tick Jbt
tor the paat few daya.
of Elk Baplda rialwd
1. Ilarlbul
-• Friday.
• doioc a flouriak•oy bualDeaa In tbelr yriat mill.
UttleGeo-yle Gill baa been'Tery ill
for tbr paat week with tonailitU.
We hare been bariaF fairly BOOd
leiyblny lor tbr paat few daya.
Hite Hanrte lltraea waa the ifueal
Hr aad Hia. W. II. Porter Sunday.
The Peloekey U. experted here
iirht on her laal trip for the araaon
Df. Bnlebleaon <ai le a trip IO Trara Hclatyre at teacher.
rae Qty Satnrdey. r loml|e Ue a
___ t SaUtday eorniay Gtte Lodye.
are UkiaA mere latere
odlta tbas tbi^ bara bento- Net »3I. I. O. U. F.. elected tba followk~E Campbell baa uuVed hibi
If ecwpa df oIBbea:
K. 0,-0. J. Uodye.
reetV.O.-B A.Htene.
Miaa Faaair .Steele ntnraMl laat Fri
B. Sec.—WUllaiB Triplatt.
day ^bt from a wcek'a eiait fa TneP. See.—A. A. Bowmaa.
Mr. aad Mra. J. i. Friak apeat Batardy^aad Saaday l> Btaki with Mra.
MIb Viola Juba
one ^ty teat Wedaeaday. returaiair
Boiral taartleo are atlll baiac Vld
ApppIleatloBa for aalbtBrot Ic
atEawadia. Greater reaulte are hoped U. S. army hare beea teal here In
«me. G. H. I.. -Seeliy aad I).
bir ia the eoaiar week tbaa bare beea OBBaadattoo of aose of our taoyr and
expect to Tielt Traeene City
raalbnd la tba paat.
quite a aesber bare atrolBed tbelr
tBMcbiar bat beea fiea. Itbret- wUllairnaB to terra tbelr oooBtry In
Mra. Uep. Farklea of tbla place elMt•padtj Ute next fife yaart.
ed frienda io Tratriae City lad week,
rriurolay Tburaday.
Joe. XiBBermaa. nf *rneene Oily
waa a yurat at tbr IVaukatue Frida'
Hr. awl Mra B. D. Frlakof BdUire
ABci saianlay of laal weew.
Snow rooucb In tooia plaieea to Bake
wa rWUy
'Wtlar friaadt in
in Ub rkialty.
Tbe aoeiety of Earneal Wdrken. wil
Friak bta bean avioatly
ylTeaaeatertaioBeotand baxaraorai
Mia. H. D.Mnnai^ and IKUe daagb- Use tbb Boalb. probably Ike Ifndter were al Traeene City part'vf laat
r. and Mra. Leander.Prrk and baby
IbUteialltaiatebolnr laadrloraii, weehebiUnff.
...laat Toeadayfur llnme. (>. wher
& X»w tree <• Xaui are at lV>l. E.
le j^ba«bTti?te-Bflrit tanlafoat tbey axpect to remain lor the winter.
Aai^ The KrwmdiD b. B. baa baaa ____ elate i ahlorlot aadar. tbe mai
Tbe C. E Topic for Sunday erealay
laelted lujolawitb the North MUtea Beat of Mr. Caaffbora.
1 -I-eaMioa fro« Solonimi'a life aail
if oar eaterprbinr
TUioira.I Kinm t;5 li.
S?- B,i;h3?b terZf te"cJ2:“*
plaoo of honor at
liaa Fsnaie Steele.
tbe Farmera' laalltoteal ^Trareiae City.
Tbe eteamer Crcbceal made her
Tbarabaa beea tome extreBely eol.d trip to Tnerrbe City to-day.
• for a few dayrlor (imid Trar- niaainder of the week ahe wlU riii
ana. bat aotbiaB H
like b. U.and N. II.. other polaU on tbe bay.
C W. Baatiao bat a
alto Mianemta.
S. C aad W. E. nnm
Tbe derolional meellaj ot tbe EpM. h Smltb't 1111 • Vby baa beea
wortb Leairue will be led next Sonday
under tbe docter'a i ire tbe paat week
MteaBBteberot al
erealnp by tVm. iluteell.
with laec freer; w areflad teknow
oa ibt road Ue fifth.
'Brlat Prrerat Still la Uh Sacraset’
Aiaonr Iboee w
CarMot wood twday.
Rer. Ur. Wbitmaa read a eery t
Famere' larUtate
eport of theS. .s, ooneenllon, wb|.
Makiar Un ataateSo V tba Bala John Eorara. Dari. 1 XeweoBbe, V
:aa held at Kalamaxoo the SI aad fS
todaMrybareatprtecet .
Fite and Michael t
The aoctb bound teaU wat tbna and
OraadBt Allea and Jeanie Allen
a half boart Ute Bataiday.
roea toTrarerae atyUat Friday un
________ _______ Coo(A
Btiaora. Althni^ tbe day waa quite rational church Sunday moruiar. owlid Ormadma atood tbe drire Bleely.
ay to the Ulura. of tbe paMor. Rer. W
Hr. and Mra. E V. Hill attended the II. Uorlbul.
He la lome belter al thu
Fartaera’ laatllate Fridae and balur- wriUny. we are ylad to aay.
C. W. BatUno and Uwifkt FoUatt' 'ay aad reBtlaed aa rueauof tbelr
Tbe Soadayachnolaof Ibia place bare
weot to Tiarataa City Btlorday.
teAbtar.lMba Neilb. nolil Hooday:
decided to unite and yiee aCbrialmta
J. M. Atwood baa laored late Tra- eatertaiahMnl in tbe town ball Dee.
Franh Back had a bad tanaway the
otegr daytboat oar-half aiilr ratt of
The uommUteea met and i
Ibeir plana and anayemenu ia
aad Freak ^racanlBA aii°*iiffy tS^ aad bnmyht biB a belpmeeV Flraw
ampt our ccanrTatalatiou for a happy
Itbitettinc tetter.
About this time ot the year we begin
to think what we will get lor Christmas
Presents. There isn't anything quite so
nice for a present as a nice piece of Furni
ture—it is showy, useful and will last a
I have bought tbe largest stock of
Christmas Furniture ever shown in thiH
city, acd 1 have taken particular pains
this year to buy so I can sell it at prices
. tar Ififutt find ghOdna.
finSELY kaowa Vbratela pi
March Uh.UB.aatoUo«i:
-File ytemayir 1 became ao narroaa that
ateuial auri. ataabardea. Icouia ootrrm I ^ laouki le «
at nlftit mi acuiual of aSerpIcteaem. My I (ainatKoie t-ir.
atienuo. ...oHtel tom. Mile.-u-tote- [
bf ..
tirr, Nrrrlie.aad t er,BiB«BWl to c»e It ! iteo.m
martei e.i
Hr. Bebacha baa teorad lato.bia me
rtac ikatiac
. . .
Blanchr and IMterKoeh
-tevc retaraad to Trarerae Oit;.
tTorb will b«Aia<^ tb« M R
aaaoae at tbr wratbrr rt'»ra 'r»
• r<M>« to t
-d to be talybly pleawd with tbr
art e( iBe tu
r. PICMrfaiaaa baoled tbr flnt load
a< loo of tbr aratoa rralrrday fur Mr
tod Mra. lltoirl Derry expert u
to Rlmira io tbr Bear fuarr Thr
Fraab HharidaacBd JCatbaa floldaa yosntr people nf tbbpltrm’rr ibrn t
-Ma ttdy aad wiU rt Ttmaw City
▼Wtad trlaada aad rata11««a at thia arrirad btaar troio Ctale^^t Satur rarprira at their boiae lut .Suadty
It wtt a .coawlede aorerre
TV Tbompaaorillr floaparacr Co.
wUI boy loo OB Uim lAkr IbU wlot t'
Kar. Wooda ti Eoiplrr prraebrd tc
qalt^a Uro^^iaase laU Saaday af Itare.
Tht dteU of Joha Criip wat quite a
Bar. M. W. Wooda raerlred a doaa- rhock to tbr people abuut Uib place
oe of fifty dollara for tba U. R At b ufteo taid aaotbrr of oar '
.jarab at thla place, whlca la AreaU< wee b ruoe. .Mr. Crbp wat a i
apprecdatcd by tbota wbo are lotaratt wrN kaowB by’aearly eeeryone la Ibe
*“ *“
nitr. Be war a member of the
ad la tba work.
After teacA wart aad tmbla tte
Hretbrea cbarcb of Ibtet. Tbr'
nara will be aa aotartalatneot a
Maatetavabaaa aailably arraafad ia tba Bordiekrillr Kbo<d boaaa oaxt iiattarricet were held at tbb plea
..,...>day a- D-. Dro. Sod
Tbe L'. I
paalor from Petotkay addrgatd U
^thered fnaeda
kaaUabaraaad entaata laat Tharr tioaiat fma amser.
' f BOMy that will la a bmka ap for tba low prbaa of Mber
I aeBeiiU new Laia/Tt ibrw rma; u ew to
bar r euuM M net. I a—r i eo bmil— „t
- -Clt'. <>ra« Bate ate aa eaUreIr weU: I
aebU a^br
It.-A C. CUlte. Ml.
e bat beea
t for read
______ -r.iSi
'jltaMgklUfiNarrtofilfi B»
______________ Uraof tbrC E ,
eoae^aaioa arrtlatt Fridar
with tbaJm^dcDt.
pr^dcDt. F B Uwaila. of tbb
pl^ Tboar pnamtatu
the MbteT^. aad
Ity. Ed. Tremtlar and Job: Seott. of
Hap1r CUJ-. and Or. F. J. Fralick,
alick. of
Bauoat Bay. who r. prirented hit wife. I
who b WreapoBdiar trrretai.
UnkB. Bar. W. H.BrcHiataod
pealieof tbb plan. Aa labrm
8. K. Brown loft latt Moaday Bora- crpUoa rtatrradarad tbarb1i.ot lYlday amlalr by tV Y. F. S. C. E at
tbr fadmr ^Mbr RatBt Wiltoa. wbbb
wata dtlirbtfoiaflatr in rrrry reapact.
ha'.e Wt’a’bteoTlnwboUteTnd w
' "*‘'‘**'F*^•CFJSJvyr
-alirurrer ny oemrabecirmi. uBateuay-alih
Clear Perk ^ A. '
lAr CKv ..I lYiim
The WToinan't'Chriatlaa Ter
I'aion iif Tnrefae C' .
ly peliUM
petillija that the curfew bell
. y at - <
uDlbaof er^January. Ffl
•• March and .tpril. Wealao aot
1 tbe cusaent of tbe ai
; rE
It la tn« Irum aarcutka. ^rtarily ham.Icea. aad yet aooahra and atmaethi na. Dr.
Hllte. ihnuch his Nerette b a b. u.'eacur
EdUor and ptcorirtar of DtaE
Dr. Mllte- Ni-rrlne Is ante tJ |
tembaUlaemibentettw Bwe* ntliuuted.
Fba»< k« C. Cii.m-ix.
Com»iit Mored* by'A1der«ao Jahnua that
tbe peiiUon be yraated.
.Motion carried.
Balt iwr kU
teiW tete eMVasiese tVr tea
U beat aee, per by
Dale. Ka.I.per bii.laeal .
TV, llir Jf-.ioirrildc. Oi< M>i(i-<r omf I'Uy Ibir.r Jl.lliiwnhV, Hr. .Ifilyyr.r.Hrl fify
lAr ellrr ..f'. Tr^itrrtr Voy.
ifcr ruit i.f TmrfT-r rUi,.
G»:Mu:ukS. We. yoor comiaillee. to
Gi.Mi.i ui.tf-The undenlyned,
drute and tax'payrnof Traierae City, whom waa referred the petlYi.ni of
would rrqueat your hqnonriilr body Ici Ri.T,^ H tiluoer ri'iatisr to photodetu-caail pnl Inin ianardiate effect cra|Aer'« ll^fiae.Woiiltl report that Hie
■ome mrana wUrreby tie reeidenU lie- biiililiDc nsed by M'. Ilioea .U only a
iay aiijaceut lu Mill Creek will not be temporary one and eanool beoHo-rw <aa'
eub)ecled to the inoOBecnieBce and loai. c-inatructed.
of pr»pertyfwhirh uBdrr
cumxtaticee oc--ur» ertey
a rate atorm Siyaed br
Fred fidirader. Jamee J. Dunn. J. »V.
Ximmerman. Frank A Deaa. Henry
Wiachnrnaky. Anton Wiahnowekl. die
aeph Sledor.'E VtnDykr, E.C. Si
M. Eitoer M B. McIntyre. In
Utfaer. tVA-. Mcitonald.'Aayux
Donald. W A- Weteon, A Van Taaael.
IV JaekaoB. 11. E- Steward, W. FCirfr. II. C Tboinpaiin. Ji.hnJ- Sberard.
E F. Fi rr.. G . I- thampuej. L.uU
Report of f.iBmincc on Vlamt and
Slrack. A. Puhofal. ,
Mored by AJdrrmaa Goodrich ____ Accounu:
. —xMMitiT r. 'll.
Ifau petition be laid oa *ke Ubk- until
April iat. l-.c .
Hotloa carried.
D* fill ff'.ri.inifrfr, flu-'Miiiyor iritif r'
__________ ;_______e
Notice to Taxpayer^!.
128-1 32, FRONT STREET.
W JiJ .A.SE.,...
11115-:- 'i
Special in Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefe.
Tlijse Styles,
from two to £Sre yrare and am uil,my
>pay a reaaonai
reaaonabt-ie i«..oi foraanie
Said p irtH.0 ..I inVt i- ool oi-cupied
y tbe ,yiy and •" p?plpanl.-n.it
w.-upi..d f.-r eoise time,
r. said
Slid buildiny
obe iJ.Lifu and a ft. biyb.
Ueaprclfully aubmlHed,
J.W. Slater’s Furniture Store
Pctauirs. per ka ..
Barler per by
. .
dleport of Committee on Lii—uae>
* .
1. the uodrteiyeeil. hereby aak p
mlteinn loetjocla buildiny oa thr ei
-ide.-f t'niun atreei north of Eoyi
ifooa.- No,
uo properly owned by ihr
aa a part of Lake are
that cannot be duplicated: One glance at
the prices will couvince you of that.
„ Other styles of Swiss Bm'ihroldersd Handkerchisb at
iMurid li^ Aldcraiaa JalirauK Hu
the petiti.ma be referred to tbe cos
mlttee on atrecu and atdewalka
Motion carried.
ItaeoialDeoitetiaa of City AUaraey;
tfie Mo/e-r ./...I ri.
ii.efni;<.r roiivr.f < .i
Ux’«TiA;kKX-K*te1 • to the ta.v
tbrCblcaye.t Weal
i*n Ry. Cti. *p
under proteat by tli.
of f3‘ 70 I Sad Ibi
'barter makr> tbit peiperty
here aad wli<1r thr facie wi
oimeul id toe property
biiny rietnpi. ret the
■r ubleh the Ur. I'o.
ia op ralioy u'akea
thie property if a:
Buel be oaM-rwed whrre I
baa 'lid
pria-ipal tfli-e whu-k |n tlii' caar
«-Du!d Ire at Grand lUpida. MIebiyun.
Si Ew-iti.;::"''-
"i\2c, 6c, 8c, 10c, 12J4C,
and up.
Very rc.pntfullt.
refuailed b. Hi" Railway Ou. Reapectivi-ly aubinkued.
Dated Ibia Tib day of Dec..
Cummitte u
P. C. GiLiixar.
M.irrd by A
City AUoruey.
rupori t
Moved by Alderman Smith, that ll
sceiOBeadalioa of the Alluraey by •
cepted and the lax be romllted.
iKJOdriib.'Gmln-k. Smith, Ct.ik. K\-;
Motion carried bj yeaa and nar*
aelka.l,ardi<-. Jabraaa aad Garr.i.ba.
Yea.-Al<l.rman Ilobte.
Holl, Hoard of'^
Goodrich, SBilb. Cook. Kyaelka. l-ar-
Ttareiae City. Mich.. Dec. T,
b Ho H-moroMr. fhe Mayor o
tilt Clip qf;Torrvr
iSS'£-.S.*' “' ■
Gtsnj:uKX-tf. t
apeclfully rcqurn
of tbr f.iUowioy b|
The J. tv, Milffi
Will make nice Christmas Gifts.
die. Jahraua and tterriima
All the very BESUALDES possible.
Mufflers, Etc.,
■ .5 Lowest Prices
**The mnk^liaml
uuo, ntateimeotSiM
TheCtea It—onlhal
al atoek eaioath.n
Slo.itei. auetemrot Ff.'.i.
TUe ab.>»« Uyuira in rrlalire prt.por.
e rery a
aioch untqoaUred
tai"a 10 .
tisr tolhr treat
urer on.'et rer
pr..tekU hut aul
owiny whal ttrr»
wrrr oerowiary to
■kr it Irca1. I Hi..uyht a rrrbal pnr
Horrd by i
JabiBoi that thr
Ouu^ ond^mA Piiaidi.-nt- ■ I ter B.iw tbai tbr Ib« rrp^ri'hr u..- ■plr 1 a'od . laiiue br cmlrr.
hb old-time frienda be e Ua| Sunday.
«eem> like a Brenr M ant Ml my aidr bat juatlor it orrrr rdpaidaerr.
fooliah BCHoe; teU-.tird till it bat lU dan., kratw I ■ri~i by riweaud i.ay»
Vleior Plae. r
Bt. b aeUair m
bat it ira'l mack Oioufht to lay H hefura your honor
rae —A.drr.uao
Mr. Makrpitet bar Bored fate Ut
baeaoe of A. C
worae ttea toter able body.
^.ree'rich Grri'ira.
Grri'ire. Kmiib.
KmilL. Ci»t,«.
CiJ .. Kyiwl.
booae beloarlaf to Mra. Flrrlll.
of the nolie
Y.m arr• IbrJpjmticr
ibrJpjuiticr plainly ia ai.lPe
ai.:P> l.'H—.
l.'rHi", J.-itirtut
J.-ihraut an."
an.< Garriaon
'ua m
which ririU
Tbtta wat BO tehool la MIb UBroeOr
B tiOe-lh auira. bailolioir
faailolloy ualy a
popl, iiiAk^
iodolye ik* ' arteiar
farob rooat Mooday. BVWBtiU.
erealae fur Rio^ley to I
eS?itea«S ■“♦'diuB
modiuB lin,
lior ofsoodalaka
of sooda luka at mnch
mbeh .
Mi'i .'f H l<
l> Eiiw-iHe A I'o. of A, .»i i lit
Ed laoraoU rrtnroed Hooday after oeretal dayaoo batioeaa
pentitioa ia thr br aaa double awrr.
twrr. Tkr
Thr teuid of rqi
rquai i f«r
wa. pinwoioil.
! 7?T
Hrf (hat if u
a man
BUB iabrma
a Aort eitit with fritadt at RalatB- i
weak luaga Sou i ixaliob rluliard - -----------IPB I Bad' a prulrute Morrd by Aldmann Jubrunu that BH
hie piiruts hr ia pr
thr bill br all.iir.-.| and ordrrrd paid.
' Jii
- ... weather will aooa
^Jfc^aUl. who baa baaa.rialte Dl. b oar alakrfaiar ban.
Bart Gray, of Alslra. Bade d
Baltet Btwlu of Eawadla wat ia Gny a eiait laat Sandhy.
Ira Netrmao. of Maple Oty. w
teWB tesMy or ’—■------
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet an’d Clothii^ House,
'CW“' ‘
ifoJ.^'5^b,srs*ur?..rA“s2ty!- __ ■s,“js'jr.".iT5's 1“
at at tba towa hall FrMay
Oiat rid
Mbt Llxalr Hint, of Tnode Mra. D. li.
tofdqy eCal
e%Blay and KuBlar'^ b
eadiair a few
day. ebltiaf her BOtbaod' Otter
Saturday, abeui
I kabmiriCr *fii',
ir^lu roar <nmldrratioe if
Goodrkli. Grriliik. nmiib. Cook. Kytel- .aii
ihaB by BJ book**' Tbr tioi^io q ut^ , ka. luRlir.
........... Jabrant aod Garripoa.
■Mnraa. CutrltBacM ia thr rral rril
w win doalep a ttadeacy’tt
t IV
tbr W. J
J. B
Bril rtock bourkti , Xuya—Son*.
lauption 11 aay body.
en oa Frb.Tr ai d br tbr ercoad | ' Do b..Uob
Aldrmao Jabrau,
r. uarU adjoarard k
•!<x-k» arr to V|a*lj ------- i-d.
•. ll■1«. at : o'cloi* p.-B.
icataui. City Clerk.
OnwBB^.to*(>asdiafBWaak'a .«a- y«Bt to work ayaln and jmwkad 4ui
CBMoa at hoaa.
mbt boob sa Tbaraday
frkteV m«»BuBArtea te r.
Mr. Wana. who baa bMBl workiar
Dr. tlUnoa of Lakr Aaa^^calI-l(4^tS^^;^ > ef tekcalMVbmdi-lataad:
1 aoaaldrr ti proportloa te
fiVBatey farB.te qalU BBtoaaly UIISJ- S*«»Ta«y moraiuy Dr Martin of! *ai permaaci^
tetth haart dlaraaa
Tiawao (hly aad Dr. lihirtau wm At Dr. Pime-J^
kSbSa^J&SS? *^ ateat^^TtVlafinif.
Frau Fllte
yxiar addrrai. to II. E llu.k]
.... kiw?sar&
• •
------ ------------------------ yon of
tbrlr Btrii
Thrte pUUarTrmryiia acUoB'
panic^riy rffrctJre ia tbr
iiu!te£*ilS ut
prorrd iniolaablr.
gnaTaoteed to br perfeoUr fme fromii
iwery drleteriou nUtaaoruad te Vjl
■cb^S5St»ai^ hBAteaof Aldte— filth
•UpMtte.aax ISU a. th. |
Is Marriage a Failure?
Unless the woman in question can make bread as ‘^mother used j
' to make it,'* and she can't do that unless she uses onr ‘‘BEST" 1
I flour. So proflt by this advice, buy her' tbe
and thus ]
’ make home happy.
Hannah & Lay Co.;
i nui wimBn
n -I u7l77.
•M a aaa. ttrrdateaaaaair ral9» Mm. lUim^ Mtar «ntf a
Mr I wffl «7 *a wrtta ajaaif.
t aa
cWUIaaIaaa*-<krMBaaaad I
~>aa wea*lier|«t a ao
•a aMar, t»e krattai. I
aoaaiaa. air aMa mad aataa
Mj bat tiaa t bad tkk aaaaa
tla Poatth of Jalf. Wa mat
riatbaa<nlaraad aarad
aU daraMhadhaaottaa. I arUl be
DaaaMw. BaTKe-AaToa UkaUtUe
AUdaaMBrnayoa Maen I theafbt
1 waald wHa tojpaa. Wkeae^aottadMIoatwoTanaU.
I aai Uriacertlbar aaelaaad aaatla. Okaria
aad VtovW. Iki^aa.
attbaBlack aebMboaaa.
M7«*ackle Ida coanada: aba
Ov Ttmaa Lmot WrtMn.
Stutos. Ml*. K«t. V. Im
MT. wa aU Ilka ba. 1 aaa
DkmIUl R&n»-I Mama jmr waah diahca. kaltaad faadtbaehkkoU- MrF^kaaatraUlara. 1 haiw
Wa baa a IHUe old der: Ue
altttbUuaa: I ban aamad IWaab.
bPaaafi he la elstaea nanoU.
IteaaallUla l»^tR>lkar. Iiraata We hare (brae wira. Mj oow la hm '
lha «aM aad eaa|«iaroaaf IM aad fllaaekle. Tbie It all for thk Um.
Yoar male fated.
ta«a It lo BI7 UtUa kluaa.
Haiba Wauw.
Data Km. Baraa-I wW witu a WtData Bmtob-I lika earr aiaeb t
Mr to (ha Barnaul betaaai bj hr
read the teldraa'a lauan. I bara aa
•ad alatarata velar lo. 1 aa a
Utaa (a (be Baaaui bofora. <
litttabej. M/araledra. I ealf
lateaalafatrdaja. The aast t
,wOI wrlla raara. I erU daaa mj M-
o.«mo eielan. 1 bare a alee (iBe
ptajlar wKh my ateicra.
I go to
Dawa Sanaa—da mr (Mar
Bfaoel arB7 mj. My (mebra-e aaae
knterwitel (boarkt (bat! r
leMlaa Baaelirdla. I ilka bar rarj
wriaa. Jaararwoat t»aeboel.batar
I nmdy raadiar. wtIUm. apaU•artlof i^aaiaMr. I Majrad baaea
dbfaaaaiBar. Iba beat Uaa 1 bw
tad pb/akitorT.
1 bad a alee Uwhoa 1 waavdawa (o taka Aaa.
IbaabarMar Oood-bya.
Yoarm t»al7.
Uaoaaa 2m»
Oaa fahlaaaBdaMlaJaaaaawhtta aa
(MW. 1 b^awowUlaaM bat Mr
aM ml kmad mmm ad tbaa. WaB ~
«n Bea(hiaka«a^M(atewrite.i
ritoto peatedaym Itiaatear
raa*t foeat ta ptop- t Uka rarr
aefa teraad tte laUaa^r ahUdraa
wrile. IteraealywriUratotteBaaAim aaaa hatore.
We do aet take the
Baaeu). bat ay aaeto rifbt aerera tba
nadfroaralaknitaad wetera itto
read. Iteratwepeto; tteyaraadaf
aadaklUaa. The AoTe aaae k Bora
aadte Utte'i aaae k Haf. The
kltte M, rary plarfal iadaed
I ter.
bretbera aad two ekiera. By
wa- aaan an John. Ooerfr aad
liowk: ay datera mara are Bora aad
Berrlol. 1 bed a aica tiae Thoarafir-
STLTta SeexrT.
Daea ButT««—I will write y<* a lettar 1 raw aaap lettera Uie weak.
Ihaafht 1 woald write Vw1 bare
wriUea betora, bat aow I wUI MU yea
aU akoat tte faa 1 had laat enaa
waat to the chlldraa'a ptcalc aad we
bad a rery alee dleaer mad tw6 aloe
•wlDfn. 1 wee't lo Trarene Oty tba
roanb of Joly aad raw the etrrei
adp^ The taaaleet thlac 1 raw
WM a wafea aad It ww of toaa aad
dofeea tteoataldccd ibe wafoa
•owe la IV aad tbe dc«e ware barkat tba foaaa. pad aaae tea thiaa
baaclaf oatedeaMberracDo. I
aw a UtU* firi ia a wafoa aad ebe
tewlhf taarawiac aaebiar. i
war other tblafi bat 1 caaaul re
(bar IbriB aU.
I helped aanmu
raepbarria; I pl(Uced lea qoarta.
teaeberb aiaBe I. Karate Kahn.
We like bar rery Back.
Data Ecarua — I ihoarbt ‘ that
weald t^leaad Iril yom aU I bar
daaetbbeaBBeraadttbaralbad ai^
(haorbi (hat I alao weaM errila.
baettlBa. I hadbj brettiaeatTrarwarte aa tbe far* (bit aaBraar.
ane Cllj aad tba werb I did arae takaUak tte (^ baatUaa (bat I had lar care eftba babr. wlpiar dkbra
(ratal Uka Aaa wbnal waatte
watefclac eattlr. briarinr Ike cattle
tbk tiae. ao food bye.
Hy Ofe W te:
Of to water froai tbe wonda Co<Bf 1^
the aib «d JaaiarT'
(Mel. laaralBC bj Iraeeae. folac o
Ibea your HtUr fated.
0 the adebbon for aa. plebier
(laanii <-kOi>i-i<i.
plea, aad pieklar ep poWloee aad
Sma Satte-I bare bara fcdaf
^teL The brat (Inal had araa at t
lar to tba •»««. Md plowiBC and dr
Dua Hm lUriie-l will wriM a lelrlac aadaBktiirdraa I Ulak 1 •
Old dtkHen' ptelc. Iharaapato
ler to yoa ra 1 aw yoar eSer io the
d^. 1 aa la tba third nader aad
H»ael o.
I wUltiy aad ret a preraat
Bmarttkraalla. teraafa aad writiac
I fo te aebool erery day. Hy
Ibaratwa aWafaaad.lhtaa broUerahnubar fore too. I lUce to fo lo aebool..
' f (rtUt^raaBYMMMdata.
Hy leaelBf b aacae li Hte Celia Stralc:
OU Mtatae. ■<rk.. Wof.w.
e her rary aoeb. I bare only
Data Esnxia—I (koarht I weald
alaed two dayt aad a half of acboult
wriu to the Baan.n oe 1 bare aa
TrararBOIr, Met.*
* hare two tarotban aad OM alaiar. My
n betora. I awe Uule flri
' (Bte Hm Sana—1 (ho^t t weald
eietar trill be two yeara old thrlJUof
eld aad fo to aebool acarl; orory
arrtla »D(heH»atii>alaMar. 1 fo to
I picked Sowm tkia acamer
1 walk a aUla aaaabelMo eebooL April.
•thDoL I aw la tba drat rrada.
•ebrr'e BOBe le MM Bate Lardir
te*irt aaraa la Klee Hfrlft. I bi
• are <3 eebtere la ear trknni.
UUla (Mar. Uba la dra weeke
prie I bara a klttaa tad a taBO
Itera aaad hwa mte. Tkla la my
i hare fear bretbera. bet 1
haraenaep aider. The erow Wtae the fora ChrielBaa at eebool.
tea be bera. I like lo fO lo
kluaa'e lallaad hlaearv
U wee ae
.Verthpan crary ChriatBaa. To-day U
t today (bat I aealdat fo to
HyBaBaadled laatAnf.
Soada; eeheol aad I waa otry oorry. tetatday.
My Uaadap (Mol traebarb aese k rat aad I aBlIrinf with B.r frandpa
Hy Graadpe aad litandcna
Mke Stbel Jekatea. Wall I wUl alrae Browa.
UartlaW are llriaf dowa to oar hoo*'
Itkawfal wratberaow. It tp
Daui Km SATaa-l wDl (rrila a let.
tedatbaBaaeta. I bed Mt e( faa
•ieWatBpapplm I r> *« Mmd errapdagr. 1 like (ha bora ia the aehoal.''
JlrdaMb aaBcto OlUe aad b; UtOe
a la Artbar. I like my
caadhTB VraajteUMtofated.
fit for a alrifk or tor a wafoa. Hy .
lakra iheHaaeLCaod I like to trad
Daaa Banoa-I hare Barer wi
leltan In it: Itarrau awfet loor
Uaaeui bofora. Thera
W without tba Irtlera.
We hare ■ '
rarr aaar leUera la tbe Ba
hnadrrd or aura beea. alac farad of
aad I tbo^t I eroeld i
.Ula Blae befa aad foar boraaa.
Kr Mten an folaf lo write loo. I
tre fot caa eall that rato op elolbra
aUtUebrotbra. HiemBela'Wil- aad meytblaf
Be b tear ran eld. We dldsH ter. bad a oaw waif dof.
We had to
ear imker tor Tbaakwlriac dlaroa Hr. HcKaokaa-a all
bal wa bad a reooter. Tbe
I will teed to clcac By
• I Md (bkaaaBer waa ml
Froa yoar IKead.
UoadareeboeiiaUraadlbePbarUi of
Jolr- 1 tB folafteaiMoIaBd dadr
raadlBf. wriliaf• r««Taphr. raa
wriuanteUe Hsa
laKartha k
IwUlalora-brcIrlBf ,
aa ebe. ,Ute eaa aet talk, bat abr
adNCaa.aadebewfll etoadaad
ataapberbadaad aaoM at ae wbra I
lU ao( in ba fat laB bkeblef.
Tki natkliral Been, ebo «iU trO
kaaikotoe bema fraB rabeol ebe k
yeo bem BBO.v fmjnde of Iraibn- eoa
fled. ^ It eraae Baettetl «aa will erer frace lour •bora in a Itfren lore her eaeafh. The dap before tkee. and bow aanr ecu d Axel ;ou
htririaf we bad .dxaklac rarrin rai. iiratlflfd ibat vin tlrr to tbe
IbUcel llmll of -nfacera.T>rr eed tm.“
at ear nbeol. Ttera —era eocae
rkilete. bet aet ae aaay ae we aspact- lie jut flskhHleoBr<>)dn.tfartiraon
Aader-nell rrimTh. H, find, (hat I
r'rtbpr hrmen liria|> rau awev al
eUdey froa a«te UU alfbt. bat U» oi»~ihin.Mraoed ran of
>f an inrh
wa catoyed oanelra aaybow.
We of nail ce.-h xiek. or e litclr mom (
tera tbe aate teaebra that we ted a ae «arh ad ■ half noh yrar.. Hr aleo
aco.aad we like bn ray aaeb.; «nda that thr xrrecn l««th d II
• nrld nvfn l> «i yrert. and tb
. 1 do an tblak d.aayaora to
alW of Any
i>al!« in ro>-h ernoratioa.
***N'mra iraly.
T U.
PUBI. Wrocia.
at apcblK-'merlinrioNewYark.
OneofU.ee,ninm.Be..llc.II------ .bad
mUfnrti.tie wbra
when b,
he letal <e i.ke
o Blaforluoe.
it eeav to islm blr ebatr. a
.t foil Irarih eo ebr platfono
Jeaaaip »lb IsaT.
! *«»> OU-'h'
■ eijimer .if t tie M|Oi»
NeHiier Ibe UtJl ^ fatw.
.pi.l-er of enf.1, evenaried.!
PI) The'eonnt j« Anif.hed, e fT-aait*
berinc iT-f-n releettnl tu tavurr tba)
I >Dd Inil iliern. diet are pemed'
ind end rtery luly. eeu la tbe ol I '
Onit iwie n,
etrr dared to brwte pajHil
and raftioed lo |»iy bl> ebereof tbeexpenee. He hod Iteen Hm-ted
miorit,. hnt
rlerdioti for li
tawe Ota tat.
* l*ra w«a a •o.aef. lo
It' '
wbere I litej
bloated. MTfriMdi batted enc witfcl‘•T*“’• '
I>r. Tbotnat-EkleclricUll. aad 1 wa.! ■T?'
We he
Hra. Wa I-. I woodni I.I-, In Ibr euui. vnin
L»- Sclec . Oil."
30 iw I Mule dcy. wbioh u a trit
labeock. Korrell, UIcb.
------- ^---------} aiiimul. UeraUH-ewarelliet hrf.uldn.t
iractadaarreracnldfroB «•!
»/m tbe nn..irr !e«,u.i uta
Ooafbad all wiBMT. coold:
fetaoralief. Dr. Wood-eKorway Pcae , te at ttoltinf the dm-elwnyt tiww kir
ttyrap brake op tte oole, aad drerei artlteii.1 IibU.Iiui if kr h,(i ortaaion
acraj the cold
Kceer look aaytblDjr, do any feel ninnioir ..r Irepiurlir a
Ibat did Be w Bocb foM."
1 il.; fiacefoU, fanid <ij, .he wroden kc ff
Rtoolre. bonh Uarnrhlll. b. H.
it .kjiead >oleh U|-»n the ntbrr tbm- i,
—-------------- —
, the eerviee
eyre? Hare you bcwrible alekarat of <
tte atOBaeb? Rnrdoek Blood I^tw pocndibre.
ifin.T airiau
f,™. j
l» « Ttmnjre eafom .iteodeni
apdc IchWi nl^-dom
it, fi(o»., u>»lu.bT|.. IVIenan- <
O. for llir l»t ju ,,
R------ win enm '»Ve tin-Acxw,- Tbe
t-T. ukta .(~ eta
with each package of
vj.8i. Ai- PETEf?7-y,^
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
I ChristiiHs Present.
. /
I’lain and fancy earthen-1
I ware, cuspidors for sale cheap. I
Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.
I Corner Front and Cass Sts., Trarene City. $
drawrer Clcr. aer. a. (BO
fta^eltra. Bana-Aa I bara tarn ao
to raa I tboafbt I
toM. Wa cat tba Bmeui jmi lika
aByaotfa. 1 »o lo aaheol arraj daj
KbMaaalrataaebar. laaltraan
I aM aa latbaaibfiada. t ww
■t la teoeoaur tbk r^tiem aad
4 a earr ala Obb. I ellabad tba
am I gm then Jaat la Uae tor
WaU 1 arat ekm.
Ttenitacar, am.. k*t. b. cm
DdiAKm Betaa-Tbareaar tolba1 irr aad
— —at 1 bad
--------- Poonb of Jalr
--------------------------- we wrat kmekimhmry
Img, WcdldaoteaBpeat bat alarad
all dar- Wbta wa trara eoalac boae
wa atoppadatBadBaraad waat eat
wadlBf a llUlawhUeaadhad lea ef
lea. I did Bot r> lo achod all Irat
waab bteaai It waa ae talar- I like
to r> lo Saadar eebool aad alvara trr
to wbaatbawratberiafood. Kr alela wra Jaat faUtaf readr lo fa ta
aabeel whaa tba drapyad bar aboa la
tba waabtabaadkadtedoraiboBe.
I raBBot tblak of aap aera to write, ao
boptof to aaa tbla la priBk 1 wiu «lem
Pna raoia tnlp.
Afa II.
KranA Utatu, T«im
OuB Km EtTBb-Wblle leokiaf
er*r*baBBBAU>l taw (bat rn «>>tad tba TMBf tolha to wiila. as I
. tbe^lthat! weald. I
aa Bed eftba (lat;-tbf rad af tbe
AKralwraatbeoa. I Ibiak abeat tbe
■tad tbratbal Iharahod tbu
Mwmibetnl alA(«aat.at the Old
KtarWk. aer.^___
Bdtlara- pleale. ItUak IwQl
Oaea Hm Ueiaa—1 wlU write yom a
^ --|- f that Ibk wBl aet raaeh tbe
latlar to idi r>a what laa I ted tbia
waatebaahal. A^
a Upt
arary day: my
—. aeaa' ia Karate Kate: wa
Uka bar ray aaeb.
WeU. 1 didat
w------------------------ f.
^ aaaakar, I
OmAM tmm-l tboafbt I weald
------------------------ ^ pleale ante Feonb
tfHta a Httle latter le tba Baaeui m
All the tea I bad I wtal la tte waeda
It tebaaBBotefalBratwR
with aaaaa to plak aewara Bad teI wMt teladteatbk toll,
I plebad tbrra aeana. Aad I
ate tiaa -bile tfaera. aad .
waalta UoMete Bar eat dar le ten
garaatapteanoftwe UtUa aelorad
btete taawaabtab. Oaraabeckl boa two teeth palled, batttet weeaetoar
woat ta tbe Belfhbora a plar
b«aa aadlfeloaebaolarorrdar.. I
teat a ate tiaa ptarlaf laow ball.
Vbr pato I baraa llRle blaeb ktote
•Mod TWar aadaUtUa aalt aoaad
. Mf hUI bahlad ear beam I wUl
PMobaadalsUulaaalrm Kr loUar
leratertUattea. Afa a
latdKaftet.aefaadbr. Froa
^oor UUla fated.
atorea I
.-waaU Write acBla. I fete aabeel tra I weald wriM tea.
dape oray wadi aad te Saadar elteDl Uaa tUaaaaaar. tettba
aaaySaadar. Kydadlaeraraadlaf. 1-hadwrawbaaIwaatte a HrOtey
party. Tterawaraafood aaay ehUdraa thara. abeat tflaaa. Tte party
«a«e aad writlaf.
My teabet
ammo lo Karate Kaba. Lrat toU
fated date, tetfot volB a tew
•ad fraadpo. kotthkto^etel^M praaaala. Iten la tehoel aew. It
«a. Aai OBB tblak efaeiUac aerate aaaaad tte tad d Keaaabtr.
wrtW t w81 alara haytof ap Inter tera aaayairatraabw. Wa mp
Kr. Oaacta »ram I Uka Wa rory
w(U aet ted the-rate boakn.
aato. Than an faalj cat papifa aa
Iterall. latUaewMlpMabamay
aptUtof. ihyddacr.
boou. I eaa hardly tall
wbatwae tte plrattatrat thte ttet
teppeaid to Be dariaf the eoBBer
' eojayed It all: balpcaf BiBme la
tte faidea. pleklaf aad eaBalBK trail.
drirlac ora te Nortbport to Uaaday
boal. woritUf la my flowa faidea.
rkittac aoMac ay pUyaatee: and I
la ta Trararae oaee. to Lalaad twloa.
aad to Btehas thrra Uaa. Hat the
eay beat tiaa ef all It eaaae to ae
Sute St., near Uoios.
Brosch’s Meal Market
toad mod 1 waat ap ta Hra. Browab
aad Boea. Hlaaie aad 1 all waat
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
B’o-my-l a_n. Seacozx.
Fresh, Salt and Smoketi Meats, Sausages tie.
’ ear door w«at of UMlobrnr-a where w
I old patroae ai well a. new. aad iraM tb
. todoaoBnaL ^Ftwibto wrak oaly
Tbe (ollowtBf toriiVnc wmkl te beid
In MIere if It bad aca ooranrd rifbt tel.
' -Repkk.Badtoiarintlniibyn..r
latlre ha*_ri^ It beyood «l..
doabt Iteoe air tte feet* in
________ It. J H While of Mo. to HaUrr
IVer. hafam ao toctractor In prnnun.
ttaip to diaenwl bteraa collefa (nr thr
peat laurteca yean. He apt : " Uu Or
•obtrlwanddetdeleknUL Imtai.l.
fd a pbytictoa. wb« aid tte prie mu
finin -frarel' rinora ; fnduallv irm
wnne:tbcpato watoray lart ant tele.
Ur back twrlM up ia a feral rkitr. ao-l
HiBrilyfTewabadIfaall wa. ukra to
bed. a teipka a a child
1 |.m-l
hbted, and wtec tte gala wa el lu «.evi
1 wra Hke oar rrazy. Tbedert.irln)erte,l
notpUae ta fie. ae RAM. I>cn fnnhrt
Iban^ te aid te wa puwrcW .wl
aothtof wotiM ctorae aay food iHtt > >ur
fkal opmUca I baHrre ay tori, aa
Blcnlly CBtoedtotteaue^L.erikr.
tocblhlam Iwaetatfakootetitoa ytee
DcaalDdaryPOk. aad natlr I frit larirt
toSD atomaa After about iwn b-»e> i
bad a piaifi id cette. aad peaari
wh^ ,
1 (fri Itei I ctaan ay raythtaf mt\ot
ewoiich ta Ikaa't EUte. Hk. M.
cnai wbfe k (te ttey akr'hraoM writ
kanwy.- Ttey w8l prara . bnia In ara-
R-Thrall anoBtor IkeC.& IkaiiB
pte IhBaaaraaafyblrt, taa dead ^--'iWMk^^MdMkaaalte.
TtLiFBOirt ( Mauvt 4.)
# tolhe-TCSufar.............
V*. .esosos.
n buildief, r:
Brakwbrat.per rack
Soaa-:, «. y«ad lo bera
Tea puoad* BolM Oau
Packafr Coder, per pound
BaiJnpaaTra to rliy
Tra Drat irsr. twolta
Thera priuce era JoM a few of oer Bnay karyalBA. Wearetilll
Of maioae tor rank trade. Thaaktof yoa lor paU bruK aad
•f tor a eMttoaaaer of tte rama. we M yoara. ate..
0. nSBOB * OO^rreprit
I Not the
I Largest and Best
iBndnni Snits, Ptrior Fnniitnn, Buds,''
That the best place to buy anything in tbe line of HardwkTc. NaiU. Sarbctl Wire. Barn Door Hangers. Paint.
Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freeters. GasoUae Stoves,
Fishing Tadcle, and in fact everything in the hardware
line, b of 'W. J. Hobba. Come and sw roe and I wiU
prove tbis snicmcnL
w. J. HOBBS,
w-wuraam.-.-mw.Smm a.b
Froot StreciL
For Quick ftotunN
^%hM o< an is Lmaiiv SuoqplL-Uiot V. S. Gort RetMt.
home; che;i;H‘
•ThMii KhMrt. IhMtoB hMd*
_____ _
t lde-UB»
;-G«ad wilo. wt«t Moywuvbiof for?' Oo* word loBoibar*. w|
■ jom kaow Wr bar*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ir* Ion Um bay.
iMiahl te .raid oa a aMh----arclwWrl
. dod w^t o*-Udo wllb boraaaod ky* aatlrcl. Troch ybor boyv rrhilr
rhilr thrj
tol !*•*• M-«t toMi M
I* ator* ibaa 1 eaa aaj:
a."r boya, to b* (albon. aa traly
Ml wtobao—
j WkUalUaMoukwiUraiy^atarM; acryparffifh
Uor* •*. nr pnp yo*. ear food
ba looaad ap with her piraaaat face. - er to bit cblldrea, la waicbi
aad aaaw**ed Jow aadnwMi
traderoaw. aad
aad Ur
to ta*B IB Balt
uf pra^ti.-al
MewDraattrel boleaBBOltM.
cdBMlwa. ball
"We rri alear beat prorMM for.
(neat a
t.abab I
we atall alwayt be:'
' sart'a lore
Tb«»oi-nood pourlMf^Fi
aUo* to dc7«at*lMnr Tth
Ibtoami rafnia to tto Ml «( mim
eohir. Tw «aptate of
(tmia IhMMdaaM te-d^ wOl
,^rUr drM pospbls •nMiad »
Ito M» la MM OM who
of»Uk te mofM^ for »
whM It bM l»M to h«. Tho liMol^ui^Ua pi*. AUoMor
M«r ■« lh»»Ml*M « »w»r. —lodj na- j fc>it » «.p «( Ufht toon u
BtacUhio foUMlkraad throBfh**-:
i aaa»ayef|aBtMcaadriBr*rtoti ». abd a Uay
tbiMeeaatoaaaU. Aad M they ala«. j
^ aoda aad oM of lalt.
far bar IwbMd aad cblldi re b laka- Be teraed aroaod with eadd* plooat: abated
______ ,_________ aba speed
. BOOM wv thabardaa falla-lb* haadi|„b^ tbaa trait ptoa. or aalU a nea.wara
ak* mid. "Lore, be at rml;
ladtd lb chararWr.
toil«t aUeoUtrer before ata*
ea cut Ur I
giaptod bUadlytarawvtafhadarkMp^browa.
in Ib* rwratial
. .
ap tbe aecredaiM ul raarrUpr.
late, yoa did
> law tba wara. eaaJerUac. I U kakiarapidaaad harry ptaa wboaa
BoMr rabood aad praThat wee yoar
—7T.r l.iirH...,
IlSiac bead of Ih* rath*r. aad
I )ala* I* Uablrwruaoatattb*
all to do wlU wlod
UtUaAUd w«fehappily threacbth*
a atrip of aba*** cloth
at two dr«My firla dorelop laW rcri'ablr
BOltIuubt bi
'brMd aad tab* abocld be cut
poldee (I
datfcatoi, lad *T>y atap of lb* way.iraru aad
<*atfi« BO axaa.
Bead all tha Util
we feel balcao aot eer;
paoB. 4mt atown, with haacto ao Ulad
aad byltoTortb* odpea of tbe
Aad why
yoa abow the rerr We-rr towaye beeo prorided for. aad ^
: aad year pba will aot roa aau . worat aide of yocrartt fa your IntBedl
-eUall.lw.yab*,-___ II- Aune and MVM waeb aa-1 •<* host cinilr’
--Thart likf a wipnaB-* reaioalap—We
■ Jl
ri Wb-T
«a*^alwa^*b*aB*^ferldad ter. bad
waabaUaltraya ha.leaaylBr drop all ibabardaaa
fiaal Baart of L<wa.ab abla.ae
-^awtUlar to bear ball, aad feoa
yoM way. kaowtap that th**atoaolblap wbkdi aaa ban yoa or naha you
Aa wa wrfW aad m Ihl* pace b
ly aU la lypa th* wowaa a aaetloB of
th*FbcwerhIiatllatob(aih*rlap far
ib telaiday awaWa.
Wa bap* to
pathar troa llaatoraof pood thlapa
far BoKb Cnaa. kaorriap that aU wba
IbWa bar* a ta* traa!t iw^arad ter
toad far tbe toBM parpoae. Tbe^trip|t^ yp, mak.^^tbea^wby po
m oP readily wbaa the pb tabakad -arTByad
, wbM tbaae wide-awake rtiUca a
u! alert to otaerre the leoat error le yoar
la Bwklap eoalard pba bMt the toRk
■dUap hot aad add W the eppa aad i 'oa,
le ooe* a^apreclau a Beat alaapar which bare beee prrrroaaly beat ' tire i
aa h«etb«r. Thb tobkea Ue caatard •‘bool 1 by*^o^*aoa*deuy Uc* fata
ire. aad raaerre her beat pown»
bead aad eolor aloaly ia haklop: other-1
■t .Bill*, for U^ world, who
wlaalt bpal*. eraakta fafto*OTerthe .oaiy
top. Too MB pear tbk tolxtara ee from my d aJiip room ooe warpi afted la a plaia. amt wrapr aad cafla were of
• ■ ily bow
ibeeroa till th*cMtardaeM. Thb ml fa aij c^puie. Hy thre«-year-old boy.
by far beat way fa do with Iratoe plea' ploaclap ap from a afary book. aayi.
SI IT .iJ.l.’Tirs
-thalla. bakatheabetl fltoU thea dir
1^"“ 2^.'JJVm
with U* bat lera tototor. aad ret—
UdoM pay
to {ba aera aad bob* a Iltp* loapar be- to dm up at boo>«. Iij dreaalnp op
toco addlap tbe toenapae. wbltoil I doal seao for a wosae to wear oat
abaald be delkataly browaed. Lewoo J"
plaa atade afwr the. followiap roclpr
are dalipktfal. 1 bare triad toaay oth- aoraa.
M*aty aad ipicy. TWt ara pba
pba. aad what aba talk* of b pb.
Jtoi«tSd a’pfadbam
Lei the partoeau be Amb aaH
an ^aaTa.tb*adltarraMrkal> ib* eapot Mpar.oae brapkip tablaapooo-^ the ehildrra. will be pleaaed aad fai
WMda e< tha aid aeap “Tboto'* Bty
tal of dear, atfaaa lamp of batter.,
Aa aU Maadottba idiwr aad of
■Bar XfatotM aty WOMB aaa
UiUaaa dll yoar Croat aad ceUratol
Th* pMiibUity of a raat aaioa
tha iaIlowiBpfar wbM Ihaaka
at tba.eamfort lim U a blp thick all. ‘•aaadaaaeMatoMa.''
I. add-1 blaakeV
ra faaaUff froU_______________
For Ur aioUer who
whlua of Ib*
aotAAn oncao.
mny llmrc doHop
Tbkaa^tyooapebkkaaipat Itoa •CP
I‘uor orar Uc ide and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uck
_ _In_ Urbedcloibea
_ _ _ .. _
baaoaklBjaatwaMraaoopb to ao*«r the oma jml loaf aboaffa U,.4Wlar aeeemlty. aad for Uc pkyaielaa who »
b. aad arteahoat haU doaa a«a«ia al^bUy. ThkkeaoQpb far a aqaarc : lo freqaeatly duUrtaed faanawrrib*
; Mil of U* bell. Il la axially dealr^ wtlbMUaadlMiaUMbBalJiap. L
Ua or two aanll plaUa.
; able.
tha watw aU boU away Ibaa add
nrblle Mtoany
oar dm folk^
blnakrt wraoper
WlU ^
a pood warmblaakrt
■ gaad piaaa of batlM aad a pUt of ptotoatla
iiap pie better than pod- cefam
Imc at hand, at Ue -----bMd of Uc Iwd.
araato aad lUehaa. Hara ready oa a dlap Itlamaiel
clip oo
oooear the Difbldnm. aed a
ely wartfa while fa-bemor fa allp
Itffa pbttor aewa tbla aUeaa af afar
browB toaatBBdpowlbaabfakaa aad
piavy arw iL Da aet aaa aa naoh
ilpfal ■ay'be prodacUre of bad : luto^
7v' Uiwr wko are .uddealy
MtoMpM yoa weald p4>p«r. ITry
drum, aad tronbled aleep: bat pie | called from at warm bed fa eoafroDt U.
trimmiap nradrd ii Ue
, Itbiplaadid)
at. proper time
_rr wbUb may rtio aruaad
SUak r. r. Bsna.
otwhiBoi fabenaay boalUy nan o*:
of Ue parmeat or ap aad
': Ue toUo
Bat tbee. -'Modafatioa la
a Ue fn
front onelUer fade of Uc
ooa. iru ^er•wlUb.
la dplto ef all that hM baea laid aad
wrtttaa NWlaat pla, tbata .ara ataay
wtoi aUU allap faedly W tha toothaaM
a*tbto, aad arlU aet ba ptraaadad
wbat toatM ao pood eaa b* w bad.
How ia toy batobl* optobe tbara
baaa a poad daalet aiaimitoiry faa*
■ab* oaw pba. aad I doabt rety
tftbayaraaamawbMeaeewataoapbaatatowoaUbaMwfaalla*a. Wbaail
tea aa anbto
■d W tba beo-ewlrra, aad
■tha faet of tba toattar b that U yoar
pla toeatbprepariyawdalt wUl aet
lepalra tha atpa^ltaioof raiy
atoaaplh toroUitoali aadaothbw b
—• aatoly aad pebbly .ado.
iBBad tho rat hard w roil oat I
ahnld at eaea aeadad* that it
albipnhar taa Wapb w.toako r»«
Ibaa we, a pU .a ha prapafad beiaratead. while paddlapa aa a ft
Ikl^. yaqalre eeeataat atwetfaa
a klamd Ue ealm aed truaCtal face:
au free froai rara and pale;
‘ ■
>r limed him with a eheerfol atop p>^
Uhi.o •
• '
l:w bllnofKUlr biwadf.
homUold Uaka
•Aad wpol •ator»tk.w
fall of a piad eoadeni.
her besy haada a>
** “l fi».k hard-hi.Ued rw n.aty r
1. we air» lo water jart brlow the hot
■■^re it a bran, there U a bead.
^ point.
feel balcaa.oolarel
Wr-»e alwora beeo pnwided
w« khall aleaya be.-
-I lo'd yoow;
Fur Uer*-. a brart. aad Uerr-i a band
feel bat raoaot
T neifini*i
—ba that weald ba*otoac. eithw to
,lt will do ber pood forall that, nad
I yoa. ano. Tberv are saar women fa- •
^ Ultattop far n wm^ of pentoe-Ue
itoapiupeto«seanraprtoeaL Y'skaow
Untlf Uelaarhcleaa labor hm been
parfortoad fa make It ao Too kaow
UU if yoa Mb take from year drawer
a ctaaa ahlrt wbeaerar yoa —mat it
dapert hare toiled.
e------------.--------look wit*.'- If yoa pare or
b part to tba eamaUa
aad atotiaU
t eboked Ural wiA to
S Cbasern aad CAmeca Kapplr lla*
klad>: plate aad paprr. all *!**•
E mach fa rao a «aBM-ra aad maki
3 oarllae.
3.^.1?..! I
Trarem* <1ty. Mkb.
apooofal of eanilla I f tb* froaliny it
— - thick. UlB It wiU milk.
lOlllJ-will i«w twoeak**.
irl.rbiir y-r>*rlNC—on* table•pooeful id prialinr lo half a riipfiii uf
^oilinp water, and ilrain. Thl.-kra l»
•iU powdetod Kiipar and fltor.
IfuUBJ /-,o.i..i./-^.nc cup/ul of
powdered Kara' kh.1 Hi- white nf oer
*pr-li**l.-n onlil eery Uybi ami altS '
I-bi-n K.lil i.iie eupfal ol walanu ebbp-
-- A
*r t».-Ttw_lllJ
Gruil Rapids i lillui R. R.
r--'.. •
T:;:r ■
rhllKlV.1 BcUodenna
'"■'is ^i-
Fnn Rot. I. I89S In Jn. 1.189). It *111 bi suM n ball pricb.
$7.B0 BUYS NO. 20.
Nu on>-r-Aii alTonI (<) Iw-arilb'iul
ibe.m Uiie
till, hwUtuxi'
iiumimetil. TU«i Ib Umt
JJ.aml |»r»jii-rli uwal.-il will a<)‘l
i| a
ainiiv yraru to y-emr life. Do not daUv,
* tray UOB-. ll ia ti-pt for aali- a
al K. K. Miu.Pa'e Dr«K -Store, fint do^
u ■•ant of ill.- {rmkirfice. and l»y ;
Lock Box 904
.A great
C. L. LOCKWOOD, ». p A . orm* >l*(*c.
Hiroop and paod Hoeba and
Jara Coffee far a praad. ’ Wa
aell it- Why? BeMMa peo
ple want II. Tbaykaowwhat
la(ood-w.dawa. Tba fla*cr
la ladmeritablA aacb u /M
sy deer.”
<d in errie
Fk* rffert
tcodd.? I
wiu a poid-*itM,
eadU* throw* it;
. TSy bandkrr.-hlrf*
are boilinp. When they c-is* ap off of
the ironier bmrd U*y are aa mlaieel
of orriieaunb*. Then I »!lp them
bcta«ea the f..ldr of a eei-krt b :rd
wiU Tiolet powdrr. end Uer iir.er
loae Urir frapsace Vio’et aed orri— ‘ - -re difaxwenj. can
tbe body. Freparm mm far a
b*rd day. work
Beato tba
tired aerrmarbea Iml iaorer.
W hy attempt fa daoertba 1C
A rale Utoi. Teat It. tb*a yoa
trill Bpioe wHb BA 'BMprtaa
year Infatocr wlU a cop cd H.
A* fir -Im wa bar* Ua tamt
JafM toa oa tba rabat bt
«U. Aod Arbor. Tolodo and
poiatB Bast and Sooth. (lOM
and Ton Hearty Eitinf. A per- ! conDOCUODC »t COpBmSah WUh
* hr
c— Duiiimx
rv..-—. N'tsica.
XT..... n
... i '
ket remedy
mm, B*dTaaemtl>eUMith.C«aedTcmctic'X. A N B-B^.
„ _ --myntTr
RepabstbeBoMi*. IWy Yr.-cuMc.
80-u.tilx SlxLe.
0«a-l Faaa Apt.ToUdo.
;Good Fits,
Srr you get Carter s,
Ask for Carter s, '
Good Goods.
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Lii cr Pills. Fair Prices.
fa euiHbcr wfa. bed juxt'abeki-a oat
fold* e frepmet eqaerr «f
I 4ptotCito>tOmsarTBtwPawdto fm
wdowa-whlah re-
* 1* w
"W^est M
1 bad Substitution
da yoar dUlap UU toady W bake or tha
■adtr rat wfH be wpfy. Baba la a 4Mi wbm toafa Ue c
Uta flortb. Blaami
f Btoriy hto —a tOl a aka browa.
WKh trbpraaee <
' wralahiw oanfaUy leal It bara. Peliraralauttoalt.
'dew thaaadfrartliaaaadaiy word te
aei atoa aa aubwtt kaaptSy
dtyoMptaawWbadahay aad toad w
, daha. Thb paaatity of paat* raakaa
, «we pood toatd pba with appar aad
faaww Meat, whfak wSl eat law to>
• pira aato. At that rat* eato paraM
Wbara oft I bare atood to Ua d_
eafll pot oaa twrlWb of a aa* ef
ilttotMl^ wbil paddlap aaaU yea TbwwtabMab* rolled wlU bm-awtti
AtvI - It -
B. w craiKiiBaa.
^ Maaoak lllo.-tf
FralM yoar wife, saa: tor pUybrnke
-o,yJ»^T3JbradMs pIra ber a little emeoaraprsmt: it
wobT bart ber. laya a wriier to Oar
r« taM mi poad M oar A*ar DasbAalamlA Sb* doat repeet iu It
peatrytocarryfatba eUrrlapooariet!ceoU’ worU oteerbolie.....................
U b Btoda—which alM hald* pood with
awin-pmi departs^
I WMt i
Ue kitchea aad mad* pnael. I Dee
. paddtapi. Fcr a oa—aa. ««ary-day
EcKlea* Douphaau.
arM a poad role b tte follotrlar
fhha throe aapa Wad faU of Boar:
baiaU Uutu ail. abd mUwI Ue___ .. a recipe Uat call* f.o
M^Ioaadtap.eflard: (UyoaeM
•Tb* Old Oatea;t*»faret»eadiUcloU She looked l.?ec apo I decided
CtoiU* aatbor of
tar It wtUaaad a little ware) aaa
rpr in t
BackM~ wUl forplrc U* patndy
' -tberr were atomt a doaaa here tkl*
pn.B. eared Ue b
■peaa of laU, aad }an o—iph
isorsiap - Sbrlcoked la U* wood)
-be Beat doa|
wet. W wot law a seably a
‘oa Ue saatcl-ptoa
ao epK In i
fl do aot Hhabaldap powder to pb
Icapboard. -wJvi
">•*“ nwa Hi^ aroaad.
—to aa It tahat away ita erbpatto. bat «w dear ia sy b«art hta tba aim of ' <’>«•
aad f>i,wadth«D.tortS***l. dmU
erv lf yoa
■d do liketoH.) Bab i
Id lipbtly law tbo
r yoa MB tola It la
A ailk dre
>daddib*waWr. Mix
i rd WlU a »t-, —
of all Uat hard 1
We rmbad ta Ue aMTd by bar lomap
Whtok broom* a iloe bank and c
dhbMhtol Sakay. Oeaotptolat
the faik. ■
M— doer aad yoar pb —
•taoph. Daaotkaaadnatall. battak*
aa toaab a* yea will rotabo far oat
rttaMaadtoUeatllphtly. Do aot pat
lis :!?,
erf.il thci™r rraml.i'anlil w* u»rl
llr Kiny-* N'w l>iu..>ri-ry.
No other
proaunp lot Cake.
<-V»ol.iic f-rv«il
rl,.y-<iac-half cakr of '
Baker* ouueinp
--------- 1 eho.xil.fa. oae-balt ,,
louyU C..I
rrmou.aU>d*uirar, Urur qo»rj,
capfal of prmsi
>VaRw£om4siocisJe«aibha tob) Lo ssOP SUXF.
The True Remedy.
. Rruinr. rditor Tukilwa. 1
-U-r wra tkrap h..i
r l>iv-.w*ry
implion. i-ourw *nd Tolda' K.- i
IIUI. PI, pm-u P.L Ii —.■.ISS'..^.4‘US-SL,.'TSJ
Daya eo»* aod yn—-twaa C
of rinrpar ia tb* pol.
tide, aad Ur preat dr* bara.
Tbafanaermid: -tKar wife. lt‘a brae
To krrp yolka of iVe» frrU afl.'
a pood aad happy year;
•while* harr Wb nmd. m avldr In i
>a froit irat yaie
yaie. tbr
a littlt water o»*r ibr*ur
Iba* buardt tbe bi
pin- oUer direcUoa* fur makinp Ik m
oflerapUator ple-lt I. dkUacUe.ly ;
^ draend.aoon U* heipbt nad
ABwrlcaa. la Eaplaad they bar. pad I
.rf u* wearer,
dinpa aed tart* aad BMt pira—bal[ia dttad, aad fa tbii t
who rrer beard of ibclr barlor p)(*
like onn? If DkkcM maid oo'y bear
and t
dMcribml m of oar Thaakapirinp dla ^ «.y b*
lortpaof allk____
alfad StateJapao
aaa. troaUat be hara mt fonh onr | if U* Maskel k fan icary tor bouoa- rradip
llplosatoox-r mid: "IVt,,
• apprrelatad pood eictaaia.
Ukr a bead aertaal: wbc
itnam | -^i^ht k Dot tb* ooly Us* that U*a*
yoa bcexisc oiw " A m*
“ t°;parsaauar*appr*cUfad A refa U.t
:1y rlfafad Japan 90--fa* a l
r BtoaU water )eat fa read . euay tired wobicb oeed Urnurta tae
■mcHhat aimilarrclji maare faU of pood..................................
r. aad yoa
hr mlJ. -at Uc di>
biBBket wrapper, to which oar I* fr*e In a hotel is Tokiu.
aaa of tba >oIly Mspaay la brnrUa la U» down or kmape .boat
furi'lpncrx wrr* *Urlop. aod I wa
For iutaaca Uaca' to faria iBclIacd.
cd ifarai a* they .-eia* In. The Frcn.hFor aa a^ praBdsolbrr K woold I
that woaderfal plos paddlap la '-Bob
osn case in with amdaia* on bi* eru
apacially dmlrabla. U* alappiah rin-'
Tbra tbe Knp’.Ubsan case in m. liml.
Utioeof rl--------------- - tatlopa pompna*. naif ImporUot per
Aad hi* wife? ifh. (b.. casr
paddlap waa eat o< U* eopper. A ! wrapper woaldpiTa.—ffuiurbol.l.
iaaffar him like tM* idiwmatitinra
kaall like waUISf day! That wm the
doth. A aaell like aa mtiap-l
Aad Uc^Asen-wn bmUud? Ub.'be*
aad a pa*t>y-eook'a aaxt door fa each
wUh a laaadrma-a aut door fa
______..jernta the pennt
Blame Mn. Ontchit eefarm-daU. _____ etokoM end death. It .. _
“Hyl Wkel a feunt-ry wkIP That
*d. bat asiliap proudly—wiU Ua black aad aUP. aad eoor. Urow it iafa
bBBdkrrrhicf cnahi bar* born literally
paddlap. like a apeeUed
the fire. Keep yoar difadoU cl«wa. If elarpeo in ru.lrtr." e«rUls»a one pirl
wiu Ckrtotaiaa bally ataek ia-1 yoar face dry effar weUlnp
Ue weed* prow ia yoar pardei let Ue
la u: ..............Toar
waaderfal paddlaT
rkUdreo'e boo* pa aadarwed. let U*
OrbfaUt told, ebd Mlaly. too. that h*
. ehoee po wiUoot btoeklnp t<w bmadny.
are peed paddiaptwbbb eaa ba aawa raparded It ee ,Uc preatmt
aoid. bat area lh*M are ao tab
aebtorad by Mra. Cuteblt
pfapara Ihbb the pba. Ba*idaa.a
________ per wrHea: -1 L...
__________ wbul* boea* fall of typhoid
dlap «PWa loemljoa a aaaae. aad by tb*
And do yoa resesbar the "wmI and term U oa* dtebeloU.
I bed aoo>e
ttaa yeepatlbroapbwnbK.tb
wbieb that, old traaa of a aelobora csce-«]F*rr. paod aort
aet toaahpalaadtatba way of
Hr. Wepp tmA fa Oadao -sellerfa- to folk.. QaeaaUBB fuarof Ues wi
aaiy. Otar tha pia.
tba oipaar- Aad tb* pork-|de wklcb takra tick wlU tb* typhoid fere* 1
Aa far pia hatap -rleh aad piea«y
1 Miy wl’^iroWry'^-JI^A^X^
pMaufa. t-tosipra flor. .sc faw-0|.ful ..t
*^fa*^f Ipaited
^' do*wlUoct cerUlM to yoar wi.dow*
brandy .aad;
work aid lra.1.
The bar^t
UC day—keep
btart wbat erSelidr,
Oo* way fa m* ap rold I
Wbra OB* door UuU |-»e aaea anoUn- to atloce il fior-r and ..prii
opea wide.
dub uf bollrd maix-aroai
Tbrre n a brart tbrr* it a bead we for)
•epful of I
rr* alnya lienprorided for. aed
td olacei
baiter hw Ihr p. It loaf ol
Tbcre I* little or ao Bttiop.
alae poteru ear appetite fn- pie.
There It aUll aaotber raa*oe why I
■<ha*a^ to^thaaa ba haadw#
g Bedsteads,
and Chairs i
;cut How ei^
■ Floral Pieces.
Bedding Plants,
I Plants for Decorating yuuymtMimtnumm
OF me
mTim OTT n,c&&i ca
Titopbto.MB I
eurT£/t £66S.
. pouLTftr. VEAL mr.EauH,
C2 AFTTSOn rtV 8'T SAtX »tar.
umw ntn rt Se L# « imeUC arwe aad
•i^ees. MoaatBOii a oo.
Hew Ffalf« Birtiu
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.