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Grand Traverse Herald, January 14, 1913
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
and Traverse
K. Jacobs Will Manage NMlonai
each Register Office Here.
(Prom TlitirsilnyV Record RaRle.l
J. o’llcllK-.v left Ian lilKht foi
Grand KniiMa. where he will havi
rliarsi-i:( a i«i( of (he National (kuib
Recialer dl-'irie(’ In (lint |iarl of (be
>. He U Koei^edod In the loeal
olffec h> f. K. Jaeol* of Kalamnroo.
who la very ill at the |-e«Men lime at
bta home there, bnt will come here us
aa |«i^«lhlo. Mr. ORelUey hax
FAIR HAS PROVED AN EXCEL iK'rn tho (oral cai-h repi.^ter agoiit
the lULM seven years, and hla pruAiois a aourre of ph'aaure in the
y frieada (he family have niatl<
Aaaeclation for Promoting Pro/eat
Boars of t»r*etor« .Will Meet During during lliey reritlence In the city.
Elected Officera and Outlined
Farmer-a InUitutW and Set the
Plan for Ccirpleting the .
Oatca for the Exhibition .
Great Auto Road
N«ct Fall.
CUAND T.l.WlXSK CorNTY. .MICUIGAN. Tl i:s|)AY. ,!AN. 14.
I Demand at the
Ilyllund. Mil'll.. Jan. 9.—The steam. A, r.« ill, tile N'lrihivirl Imrsliip Cit.v «f Traverse, which dor the
(i.-iiUurfiir h
n cr<.Rt rtman-l h’r
NEW PLAN FOR 6TIMVLATING LO fiaJit few years had plied between here V/HOLE BUSINESS SECTION <
the farnters’
I'liiiilra l.-liig he’ll
Olid Chicago on the Graham A Mor
Ilu.: wluur
L- wa.s tiskcd to
ton lines, Is -ROW M sale at CliUagn.
I'aiil Rose-.*
t tho Ma■ral comiiauhM arr having IHty in.viiluti- M
Iioat lirokod Over preliminary to makI flv,. ollUT
The C-ity of Trhvcrac waa chatter
rd hy rhirago gnniblefk Fevera'l years
program at th F.
e< title and
ICREAT POSSIBILITIES OF REGIQN igi>, end made Bumy Iriia out into
Bart -fiui! rrow.-is, bow
l.:ik« Michlgjii] froYii ('hbwro. where
i s-tciessfiil
report's were vent from tbo ra
icke, and a ilirti.n-g gi^lding cnt<
Direction of Wind Wat All That
There With Clear Viaion Sear Grand
11*0 was eairied .m
aoiDe tin
Saved Bvildlnga^n th* Vlelm
Traverse the Center of Great
Ky—No One Waa Injured
est Fruit Section in the
During Fire.
LOSS PUGBI 'AT $160,000
MuRkogon. Jan, 9.—Fire t
Frank llaniilUMi n-iuni.-d .n.iii Mjhentire busimes section and d»kesetn Fniiav, wheiv he wnii as a
Tile Firrt Natimial lank of tho
iroyed the KIk*' temple and adjoindelegate t» a big niiH-tiiig of all in Detail Work lajotcupying Atlentic
;y ha* n.-or«.d again. -In other wi.rdFOR CARRYING MAILS.
:d Tkaverse Beard of
ig stores early to<lay. Tbe firemen,
teroulod in '.he Wttering of the rvi:iu>
h.is d' vi-lopia an Idea that i» going
o.-e lian-Ilrapped by low water 'prosgive the Grand Traverse region
of Wi.»UTii MieJiigan. He waw iv'
Antoine Bptlett Waa Elected Preab i:ie. Grand Raiffds scat aid by spej
rtunimnicd by Th'un G. Shllaon. repie
loiiuT luj-etu.s. It ht» *.-< iir<-d I.Jt'U
dent of Aasoeiatlen for the
Ward Annual Weighing and Daily hentiiig flic, hoard of supt-niiHva i->i
al train. Thr loss 1* iOaeed at gl«0,i )te<- rd Ihido-I
SDtwTiidloiia to Hctter Fmlt. the
Coming Year.
-tun ot UK- board Urgeri and bevt- of Iho ffult growing
Average aa Batia of Future
thia isrtinly.'
»'taken up ly r- puld'er.ilon* In Hie I'nited Hlate* aii.l
nnd this;.
A high wind I
Mr. linnilltnn wax ituide cbalrmiro
.Mich. .Ian. f«.—Tho an- w'tii defivient water iwessure. made It
it« romniittee*. Th*
of Ihe iile4*liiig. whieh was ulfemleJ
di'iiil'Uting theso BulirrriiJilun*
; of the Norlh|>urt Friilt
tr i r.nmns e«rtnm'.’ii
i.npo8>lble to coirfbat the fire
>y come . Kpieacntullvo of cvv.*..
long i:u.-<e if il.'i deiu^ilors and
lorfbly .-n Hie le.nds «d G e
with any -inminl of saeeets.- Shortly
inJ* who arc fruit gn>w«-rs and
Ttie committee on railway pay -onnty along the |in-p<iB<d roui'-i
i-^r* as fullow*:
o iiuil.e aiddic.vGon for the pnhU- in Ihe town hall. .\ large niiml«i- of ift.-r.!l t'cloek, however, the roof of
'bleb reprexeniB two hundred and Which-will oxicurt from Uio Itirtiana
ir.-nkiiror, $12,.......
iuD. Already a larg> number of at* (roll growers wer* present, although Ihe buiiding fell In and the"'flames
ne to tlie .'liraiis of yraekinnw,
slxi.v^'lght ralTr^ad comionles In th'
loiiginT in the nafsoeiation. >vro iketi confined to tbe skeleton of
crwiujrtMiorVnllcd Stairs have K«ued a-inateThis WB* due In t--* storm) weather :h<>,i,ulldinff.
Si.dx;i. hiiertff. $-•..>11*1.
inp ill .lally.
ment whirJi pivea the reeulia of (heir «Tii, aupervionni. city affh-ialc and oih-;
iJrt the-|*-or roail.;. Ite'virta were
Konrtinc end iR-nram-.Much of flic work of the firemen
cr Imercftc-d parties. iirivi’e of thl.: ilistributlon of
InveaUcatinn Into .the a-ibjert
th-.Ntrade a*' In the l.iisin *.; dnne durfag was dimted to playing streams of
e fuUowing suggested rcKoIulhio
H ..IS I:; lv..vfobt. First th-whether the e<>mi<aniea rneive the
the T«i t year and the,out1ook for the aster on the adjoining bnll-llngs. and
I. of.N. Y-; y. H. Yin
rantalna the gist o9 lhe-«>t>jccl of Uie
«f I'le bank hejvT t.* vtirau•emuneraih'n that they should
buildings were Saved. Flying
iiKirtisUig int.rc l in fruit
carrying Up- malls of Iho cmiitry. The meeting:
twc. let from the .•ffiee «f v.oc ;.resl- rtuborsjJi^eatcned many places in th*
Hugo Will. lwi;i
■Wberr'aa. Ilio. bulldYug of InterTravcr.-ie' ril}'. and,
iliF rommliteo is that
; G. \.'. (-itiipi. clicuil
dent In that of iirpvldeai, and A. H. busitirsB and r .............................
the, aim to give our fruit
the tjpail« are not receiving anyaliere rouniy or comlnuoua llnea of 'uyi-Milllken was elNP-d vlra prosident.
•U T, $h.ew. F. J. Jlaa-:
Had the firtvstarted at the west, in
'the - U’ert Jiifornuitioa renear what they should fmm tAe gov wiay throughout tho state sl.ould
A. U. arall was elected si-cretary- stead of tbe en« end of tbe Mock. In
W. t'liilerwood. rlr.-.i:!‘
• eRcouragonicnt aitd the evi-fipfa'
nct'.imbr of-giow'itig, )«vkinr
ernment for servirra rendered nml
ur.-r for the coming y«-ar and all iirobabillty H would have swept
I of each and every locality
as a leault are losing mUliona of d.diun.-i:.
-mire length of the street and
Soerctary—H. R. Monugue.' '
- Kiiiti 1* puh’Uhcd at Hfwd lioard of dlr-ctors for a term of five
lars every year by rorrylng tb;v«niv- through whldi auch muin linea wiU
I*. AV itt'iA, e-.anty rurvey
carried away the greater portion of
Hh*cr. ftregon. whP-h city Is proba1.lv
Treasurer—M O. Bnt lnron.
rrnment tnallr The law underswblrh pass: a
. After coosl-lerahle dls^rusflon the city's business district.
I5-J I'n.tan I In-nrunre r«
•■Wbereaa. thl* con-.erlion of dHC: t«)(T.
the iiioct lm;Mirtani fruit <ent- r on the
E. C. Ijidd. Edwin lUark. F.
the mull eoritract* are handled wa*
tho Temple bad many peo
Hamlin and Jca. Zimmerman <
passed Bome forty yeara agb. and no :iites of aupcnlwira. highway «»tmui>i
by the airoeimtioa and the enr- ple in It. and several were in the
U. Cost, euretle'-. K. Pacific con»t; The Hood illver groweach elected dirc'iora for three years attempt bu leou made to' bring it ,ioncn dnd crSclala (roio the pevertl
rtvennes it was voted «o make store below when tbe fire Wax dlsoovnronrr. K-.&au. Mnsa. e'.s-srv in lip- fiolil rank* of Gie hort!:-ii’iiiri:'i«
to aucoeed Ihemselve*. H. B. Holley, down in date and regulate tie price •ountle* asaeniUod In the Hiy of Mux flnndm
alary of the seereury-troasurer cred. r.o one was injured.
luranro Co.' kapin'fM* the putpnmi of r’iiimlaitiig
director for one year In the place of according to tb« ehanred enndltlftm
fnr the s>-a*nn, although iha: ofn-: elution* w-ero Intro roi-rdUig growing, iacklng nnd mar
The cause of the fire la unknoinL
lud building in AVet-i.-rn Miihtgna
k. tine wliicli ii-e . giving irouble
3. W. HaireeB. Finnk ’Dunn. In the of the mall and rr.ilrojid hurlni-*ji
dure<; c.ndjp.f. Ted to the I rtpjicr
I-.tJ sail that he woiiH !«• iilland the further tlcveloiniient
il..- trill iii'n tn other section* ha»e
place of Edward Lautricr, for
fnd'-r Hie prcMiii »yKiei,-i mall? an
do hl« lu-st tor a Ktraller sum.
entire weatt-rn coa.«i; »h» hen-by re^
wr-T'ird once In f*!ur yeara am
iinil|U-e<i have I1.TI1-.sueta-s-.sfur.y ol-.-aLby (he Hood inaKiiiu'.'h ns the as.-ociation is bnt
- that as a ii-eim.* to the 01.4
The eomideta board of dironort
inuiiini of miMer that is carried
tn a>-c<'rtaiu iliver i.sipie, anl tlio.-e variou* solu
dr'sorved. and itial^bolli 1 «-al and gen
t follows
he ronda during Ihia iicrhni -of
was fiUced for a rnrlnad
log-l aisl orliy of Ahe Imard td ih-ns ivr - given in the magazliie In
eral Ix neflta of getyl rtiart* nay be
.(Ui -Mon. tb-l'cr Froli Is prlu:.*! nj. of eberry tree*, raid trees to lie del;
H. 8. OhBier. Ixtwcll Sours
welgiiihc la made iIk- liaaiB for fi
r«sl t^f «r>-<jfierntjoli of the «>. te
‘in heavy enamel paiN’r. cuntains artl- red in the spring. During 1K12, the
C. Germaine. M. O. Itobinson.
the piiec for ijirvlng the mail*
malilpa onrt countlea' along i
Monusue. Robert Ilamcy. John Mo III the next we.ei.iiig jv-rlnd.
ork by noon today, but .1-s by flic ahlert hortlcultnri.ls In asRorlatlon marketed t.fihO liavrels of
tihorv from tiie lnli:iti i ll"e
-Viiici: a anil Iv liaiii1so!;'.'!y il!u*lrat- ipples in addition to a large number
ran. Frank ;Fricfl-!cb, (;>••>. O. llau-a. BiakeK the rvad-i carry flu- heavy .
Illniied u
.Strait* of Maekinaw !•>' r<ni»'au>I
-d. it I* a inacazlne that is a rredil of cate* f.f thciriCR. This
E. O
Edaln HUck, p. >1. Ham palgn and «'hrli.i>nas iiiei:* at
It' D al!
. «l n:id in:!ld. ui the ear1i«-s' lime
in any place of buRines* or In any output will be much larger. The ascare of;
IJn, J<-» Ziniiocrniaa, M. IL Holley, same priec as Is done la the normul :m*eih!e. nil irto-e* of uiitii.|irov,'1 and
Has Traveled Over a Million Miles Ot
hatin'. The luai^xine Is, to a large ex sorlallon also buys at wholerale (he
Fkaak Dunn.
lierinda. At times the roads nr unflnlHhed roada along the dcalguatert
Route Between Here end
tent. reRtu»i*fbbT for Ihe IniernationRl *up|>lleK i;i-e.!iul by-Us mern'K-r* and
Ibere ui'i l*e a tne"tlnc of the comiielled to put on extra c.tri f«
making one isuidiiuou* line >'
reputation enjoyed bj' Iflod Hiver. A1
roosidcrablc amount
fun boar.] <r-diie<lDrt at the time i-nvrylng heavy malls and for thi Imjiroved highway :iiong the aieni.;
ilough the eitv linx a/iiopaletlon of Spraying mat. rial Is Iviughl by the
of the Fa-rtu-; ;• Ir.rtifj't that «»1
!hcy gel nn exir.t u-miineraiioii. I
iM.ie of Wi-.,teni Miiblgiin. freni the
les:-. than 2,001. H h; Jinowti In man.* l«rrcl nnd fruit packatP's by th.
bcid hero Jam.i n "tth m.O ;.lh when Is ptoisr^ed ly tlio eummltiee that extreme aoiitliern limit to the siratta
A record In number of miles travly Nupt >1 Ceremony
larta of the world, and is liciter ad- load. Aluut $1,200 worth of stock In
the dale for tli'- fair nc-si >(.ar will remunerafioR he liased upon
of MnoUnaw-. )mH*inc through Mi:ek,
ry’a Church
reriire.1 than most idaco* of t.-n timer the arsc.tiiiua has been sold and clod over one route is believed to here
be. decided uton srd n«! oi.-.t
ampfiot of enr space that I* Its**!been established by Conductor A. T.
gon. lairtliigton. Muirtuter. Tniverec
IR iKtpuUtlon.
»Uh the fund* seeur.rt a lirgc ware Peck of the G. R. A I. railroad, Mr.
rclatlnc m tho ass-xiai ea
liVcsi nt' the prlie f-r carrying i
iHty, rhnrleveix and reioaltey,"
.Should some one of the 1.203 Grand house ha* been |mrc1va*ed. which
polli'-Ht W(-ddlngs of
taken tnre of.
is arl.lirj!ril.v flxtd hy the iM-wmu
Tho large hotulK-r of nille* alreart;
I»eck. during the 26 years he has
WTleiiinlxed yesterday Tr-ivcrso fiuit growrTS who will read warehouse Is available for frHil:
g' BCial and eonarr ^s. and in orrler built along the pn>po»««l line, was but
been with the G. It A I., hes tnTeled
•-'ie magarine tlie coming year ro.-.ch .'cgctuMf^^ Tho present wlnt. I0.-X ill ifT. ,M*0
rnlng :
-hat a niiTc ciiiPaWo laid* may h tirlKlns. Oii'y five'ronniie* In Ihi: .ti
.op.'bi.simi that a sitiiilar pilbli.-a-' warehouse l.« l«ing used for the slo ever the route between this city nnd
i.:lal-hlgh niaas w-n
reached f<jr fixing the lulce tho t“>n
not gow «|>erallng in
Walton Junction 42.130 Unes. This
>v. IT. Whalep. du
rat-d hy
ago- ami iiaud-plt king of *ecd |>eas.
means that be has covered 1.098,S30
mltteo suggests that the mall* t der Iho county road s.vsiein. and ill
A. fatiiii.tiu of Tra i''it>-. ntiu that this e'ii.v might be ndhb U till
WiUi the warehouse, efforts will be
mile* op to Jan. 1 on the earn* ton.
wi iahi-d unmially and the prior- how- Iheve vouDllea they nr-- tv-nBidi riiis
; .-iTtl*--l a* Iho h.-adfiilari'
The t/ip Is a little better than M
•ilicn the rrsulis of the dally uvcragi favorably the. adopfl*m «f the eounty
Katherine f.
carload orders and to devolop spoeial
able to keep SECRET.
The roads .lahn that the rovernmet road 1.1W.' They are now lulling un:<! by'Uic First National banfi in markets which wHIVall (or the North- mllea.
1 bride uokvd ch’arfuing tn
It la "believed that tUa Ic the {arihji’. s them a* a fwHIall In the ecouo ^er the lownahlp cad B.isKity
the iT.'-'-i.l ratii|Qiro will l«- Invet^od lM»n fruits.
gown of whi
Three Accused Men Were Bound Over
Tho Iniereat manifested In gmvl
eat that any conductor In the Unite-I
g^me Wirt e.s a result they at
:}- whleh will bring enormouR
of cre 1 g'liarmouac. trliiuiicl
To Ken Term of CtruiH
States has ever ridden on the tone
roada waa remarkiihio and the debof pw kcl for crery
to Uie region. Thcro U more
run. During this time the number of
d iliai Is oYTied under the pres- galea present were favorab'c- ir.w«i-.i
with bridal roses ami than one |*r*.m In tbls cotiimuclly
.'cil caught
tickets which Mr. Pedt baa token and
<iTM^>.-ratlng with wlJoiuLhX efuinllea In
wlio U-ll.-veR that Mlehlgan *hoiilO
•atried show :r boi(^iuet of tho ssiiuGwirgc Tljrl, Gmett Mamtcville
the number of pnoaengera who hare
making tho lino «*Hnuous from the
j^ d horticultural pah!icai}oa
Her iiialil-cf-honor was her
and CJiar Know!.a, the tbreo mA
ridden wlih. him would meant into
and that the j-roticr place (or the
who aeo Rllccefl m have broken inir,
Officer* were e!e>-n-d. wliirh indudof that publirmllon Is Trave^e WORK OF THOK. T. BATES WAS figuret which would give the nveraga
The lat|er worn a fopt'iihagci
and robied tho Jo*cl-p*nT flros.* tlorc
, vice pr.-sldent* from every county
person aome dKficnlty in reading.
'. In a few years th^ great orblue gown of rrcitc inetror trimmed
at Grawn. niipcared before Judge
ind they wore • anllu.rlwil to teliH'l
rd* (if the state wilt lie to the
Nerlicgcr for examlRniinn yesterday. Nuptial Event CelebraUd at Carna wo oUiftw to rVoper.vle V.I1I1 them to in cream la«*> [and rarrled pink roi
mirib and *<in(b of 1I1I* city and the
Walter Uunia of tlila city o( led
Burl and Manditine waived ciamjn
ecire tho dealrcd end.
great li'*rtiriilturl»ts who will manage Trurteea of Traverse City State Hocbest man. Tl c ushers were Joseph
pital Egpress Appreciation of
atlos and were bound over to the
The oflleera elected" wcie; Vivsl
lese nrrbsrd* will (ongrtgato to a
l.*-o^d Hogan
(Fu>m Tliiirsday’s Reeor«l Kagle.l
Hia Service!.
dent I- H Tcirtl of Muskegon: *err.next term of cirmili court on $1,000
rge degrjv- in Traverso City.
eddlM breakfast whs
All li..i;er for the fltM hirge wed tory. William HeKlelnc of Grand Ha;
tan eaeh. Knowlct. who had hla ex
What K. H. Shepiuird has done for
home of tho bride'i
ilopd River. Oregon, with his magaamination yesierdey and wito conThe
trk.uic tn the mcmoiy
wlU l>c done by aohio other roan
feearsl to bis own part in.the crlmo fall*, to Mi** Rena Delie Munro. reprewnlod by J-rank Hamilton
of the Ute linn T. T. Betos w.ob pre
There wore 18 of the
for Traverse Oily, as soon nr. that n:ai.
and imfillcaierl the otlierr, v.ut bound daughter of Mr*. Jean Muuro of KIk ilfo prcfidenc and Tho*. G. Rhllaon
sented at the regular -meeting ot the
itlmate friends ot the
Wllllamaburg. Jan. 10.—Mra. Caro
in bo discovered.
over to circuit «iart on
ball. Lake, and I-orln ItolMrrisoii, of Hes from the. boarT^t aupervUor*. and
noar'd of Trosiecs of tho Traverse line Ta)-lor. aged gS yenra. widow of
iraetliig t^rtloa pr<«eat- Imm.peria. Mich., who were-united yester Hon. Jno- IL Snnio from Ihe city.
Grxat ert-m Is duo the hr*t N«Burt fumUlied lull.
Ciiy Slate hospital by Iho medical su- tho Uto Daniel Taylor, died »i her The official name of the movemen' dlatoly after Mr. and Mr*. Cainpean Honal br.uk and life other banks of
Knowles, who It 1* raid had l*een day tftenicrm at I o'clock.' at the
here M'ednosday algbL She
home of th'- bride's sister. Mr*. T. J. will be the Weslorn Michigan I-ake
1' for tho iirogTessIvc stand
lod Iniu n-nfesainS by Sheriff Sial!
QU* vote of tbe/board. was adoirted came here In the early day* and ha^
will Tvslde in h bume newly furnlsbe-J
that Ir being jakeh'
before the hearing yesterday, told of Carna. 2*>l North Oak nrcct. Ucv. Wil Slairo Highway, and will pass through for thorn.
the cxiiresslon of their own regard liver hero ever alace, making n hap•
hla entire part Iri ‘.ho affair U la
1(1 feeling for their late aswlate.
•Many beautiful glfu were received.
iDd comtortnble home for her
Graceful hoquei’* of esniatlona wenCoarlevoix to Mackliuii
natural reroutrcR. A few months since
alao said that he baa ImpllcaUd Man-jd a t* i>y was ordered spread upon famUy. 6be always held tbe rospeet
Tim noral-deedratlona were raraattwis (heso banks brought together
used In the rooms tbroughdut the
■ drvilie by hi* lonfesalon. and that
and roses In!white and {didt latci* luiiker* of nciriliwoet Michigan who the rcrords of the ho#pltM and a copy and love of all with wbob she came
- Maadcvllle blimeif baa ^rUaUy cen bouse and on the luncboon uhles.
to the family.
mingled with kmllax. Among tbo out organised a iuinken' club.
in contacL Mrs. Taylor bad been lU
Mra. RobertBon wore a bte*>mliig
foaed to eoailiritv in ihu ciiaie.
r. Hates became a trustee of the dace Christmas and with fast creep
Of town guMla was Mrs. J. M. Gcalley iiiombers. after comparing notes, r
gown of while rllk and rarrled i
Much merrimttit waa caurert the
.Northern Michigan asylum in 1KL3; ing mi of oM nge. her condition was
arrii boijuel of irtnk bridal
Staamar Numidian Lacked Proper of Grand Raidds. Uwjng to the lib lurw-d to their several homes with
-upecutora yeoerday when llowanl
was reapiwintcd in *69. '1.5. ’01 and '07,
couple were unatlcD'.led, Idniebeon
to weak to withstand the strain of a
Wiraieaa Apparatus.
draermlnation to make ibis connt:
Andcraon. a barber from Grawn, was
6(111 a trustee at tbe time of
Mta wero" anable to be present at ihi the proipcrous and powerful region
served to bIkiui thirty guesb
serlons Illness. She Is surrlved by
iMacod on tlm witneaa Bland. At on
his de.nih. He was jiresldent of the
Which Included ouly the rclaUtc* e
three daughtera. Mrs. L«n Hoxsle and
that :u Creatt-r Intended U to be.
Ume be aUted that hg bad been tmn
Boston. Mass.,
board of trustees from 1RS.6 to 1892,
Mrs. C^mpoau la the only
the eoniracllng lariles.
Mrs. Pbeho Mosher cf here, and Mrw
ed to be careful what h« awore i
James Co)ne. who conducts
PITTSBURGH—lYblle the flood wa and again from ‘07 to '10. lie ’
and Mn-k RoliertsoD left on (fie able interest la
LilUas Man Warren of Los AngeUa.
that be couldn't leiiilfy to anything afterttoun train for a ebort trip, and cantlle marine eirclea in Ihe
plnmblng busWss on Tcrracej stnect ters ]voured Into (be lower rooms„ Val member of the ^rd of bnildtng com
be had eeen In the da^k and
realentine Arnold. -Jr., "the baby of the
then win he at home In Hesjierla for
Tbe funeral service* will he hMd
aura and tcH
truth. When Prose the winter. Mr* Robortwn is a young Nninldtan. who was given a hearing
She ip a graduate of the 1912 flood.' was born In an upiier room fill the varancy enttsed by tbe resig
from the Me*Jaodist church at fniculor Covell asked him who had gi' Woman of-mist likable j>er*onatit} before tlnlted Sutes Commls-'loner.I crguUne Acev^rmy of this city. Mr. of a South avenue home. The doctor nation of the Ute Perry Hannah. Mr.
Oates held many positions of tniet. llsmsburg. Saturday afternoon at two
C91 him. the infonsaUon and he n and for a' number of jesr* |ia»t her Hayes today on a charge of fal1ing!cong>ea» Is cpnaected with the Pro came Is a skiff.
among which, may be mentioned the o'clock. Rev. Benedin offletetlug. Tbe
toried tLat Dave Campbell bad been voice hat been heard over both the to have on board hla ship efficient |df,DtiaI inaurapee (Wpany nt flrand
ball bearers will be els of her grandWASHINGTON—John E. Humph- secreurysbip of the Trarerae City
bU advisor, the crowd fairly howled CItUen'a and Bell Telephone wlrwjnpparal'
'or radio communlcaUob'iupida. BotfivMr. ttd Mrs. Campeau
sons, DennU Hoxsle. IWpb White and
arrested nnder the bare a great Atony triends la the city reyi, bank employe, was indicted for Railroad company: and nfterwanU
and the fudge had diffictdty In re-;,-he(, Fhe baa hrid poeUlons ot chief-Captain Hall
Lorin Worden of wnuamshurg, ffbaak
Morlog order to tbe court. The crowd o|>erator bt each of the offices. Her provIslocR of the new. law, passed as who will wishi them every happiness ‘uibexilement nnd torgpry by the director, nnd Id president for many
years. He was preejdent of the hoard Stafford of Sntkms Bay. Fred Winnie
avo•mfM kept laughing tbrtmgbout the laai poeltion
with the Bell office,
of Meelek and Peny BeotlaU «t WO" "trial hy Hi* reiaarka «f th* rtrtonx where she had lieeO for about three regnlrea fclgh-powec wireless appara-'nne. where th*y will reside afi*r Peb. foiwtnan. The fstbM'. signed the In. ot Ubrary trnstee* of Trarsswe City.
Uuaibaxt. , •,
(Coatlnned on Pag* Three.)
dlctmcBt for tip grand Jary.
tns on oil ooess-fblng ressels.
ii.—Muskegon trunea.
(From TImredBjV Kocord KoBir-)
The anoiial tncr'inc; ot (he Crand
Travcme Rtirlon Fair nwiclatloii
held in the couit houec yoiterday aft
ernoon. *irti I’rcstdenl Itanier In the
chair. The Bccrctarj ■« rcr>ort »a*
read ehcnlnif llisl the fair held this
year waa a aueeejs In every way. A
number of valmhle improvemenb<
Were made on the grounds and U was
the general oidnlon that (he fair
was one of the l>«*st ndve«l«ements
and abo-jld t>e Riven the Rrwtesl usrUtanrr In all ways.
The nomlnaOrtK romsiittc eonxlst'
Inc of n. S. Ohwer, T. M. Hamlin
W.AV. nran. Ralph Hlcka. DcnnltHoxale and L. R. Cletelnnd made th'
follewlhR nominationa ihnt were unanInynnOy adoptrd;
Prcaldrni—Robert Oarney.
Firrt Vice Prealdom—J.
5et«nd Vlro Prc»idenl-H. S. 01
Grand Tr^ivAtse Herald
and 't'ravcine EltQr Eagle
riMMM Towdar and 'aondar a
TIKM. T. Bam..
....Mr In AdTsnes
,...SSc In Adranco
would offiTtivi-ly Mock the pix^ent cold' eurrent ami send it into
the irtiir stream. Tliiii rcada like a Urunin. hut the idea haturcceived the eiiihirseinent of the ruiti-d 9ut<-s liycTrograidiie offle*-,
that of iiumy scientific meal,in Jin'en-iit parts nf the
work!, t'hanirine the cold curroiil fmm ^he eoa-st of lAnhradnr and
tlnralaad would U‘mi>er the climate of jthut section of the earth
ind make Kiifdand as wann as Ih-nnudOf The oiily ]miiit that
to take tlic resismsihiUly
u>t elear is wli^- Uie I'nilt'd ijiat'
for doiiic, sueh a pHsl work for the Itrit <h empire, and wpcrially
iiKAtlautie Diiile tly ,<rther
when most of. the shifw that sail th<
Hatrs than the American. It is possihle of
ill.that this idea may
U'h a point wlierc it will lK*.niiy i lore than the dream of
scientific mind. The
et that th idea is to be eiid>oilieil in a hill
tifjress, Uowi er. imflii-s it worthy of at h-asl
be inlriMlUM^ in
pussiug consideratid on the imrt 1 the mblie.
Why Leivi 9bdtigin ?
The lure of distant fields always takeh a firm li.
1 those
Wlio are Ii*d hy Ih.-lr imagitmlion to believellhut fortitne awnifs them
in s ime other locj.l'Iy than iheir own. Tliia spirit of diss.tl!Kraetio>i
hgs leil many an industrious citizen to te^ve home and friends ou
GrooUtioo du weA 2,950
the strength of alluring adt^ertisi-menls hi)d highly tinted tales reeit«-d 1>.v*laDiI ap-lils from the laii'd at a diijtanci'. Those wln> grasp
the bait held before thi-m in this iiiami.T gfiier^lly me the <lay that
they let their imagination get the Irntfer bf their discretion, for it
invariahly hapiH'iis that when the land of their dreams lias lH*en
^d^oates Direct Sites
ri'a.'hetl they fimi wonw mimiitimis and greater iihslaeles than they
The subject of marketing farm pr*Klurls is emlnKlied in a
ever InnlTy eonteml with in Ih. ir home eotintry. It would he well
special report to congress hy Secretary of Agriculture James Wilf..rtli«mewh.
way to the wn^iderlusl to n-memh.-r that the nsid
■bn. Which pH's to shbw that the question of aeenring Mter and
to stieii'ss is strewn with just as n^auy diffiriilties
wider tnarkcls for fann prmluec has taken titc form of d* nntioi
another. Weather enjiditions are just ns Variable in the weat and
wide movement. Seen'tary Wilson clsims that ther<‘ are imt imOi;
Koiilh as they ar.' in the tSraud Traverse r.'giim. for it often hn|ipens
taiddlemeu engaged in getting the prmiu. ts from th.’ farm to th
jtiiHl a drouth or sp.-ll of wet w.-ather at tlib Wrong time will ivMilt
cousnmer, am! as a result the user of the produels has t«> jwiy to
I ill greater l<i.ss than in this state, where e^qw are more diviTsifiinl
nueh for lira goods when they finally n-ueh his table. In
iin- e<Ttnin. Strangers who <^>me into this r>-gion aninstances it has been found that from three to four unneees&ary I . .
•k to discover advantages which the ; nalivi-s walk over unmiddlemen have to be taken care of'lH-for.- the price is finnlly ll*'***,
day witlnml giving a casual sign of ree.ignilion. One
which the conaumer has to) pay. This meth«l
metho.1 is an injustice t.
* that the ones who fiiMl tile most fault
4he farmer who rais.>s the crop and an unneeossnry hanlsliip t'
with their home town and Im-ality arc iiA-ariahly the mues svlio
the people who finally have to jiay all th.-se i-ommissions before
never liave gone outside to invA'stigate ts>niiti..iis. they jir.-f.-rring
they can aeeuw the necessary imiterial for their'tnhli.s. The om-a
to jump at the eimrlusimi tlinl this is Mm w.i^t j.lace on mrth withwho arc moat iiiteresteii in the question and who have to pa.v the
mil any further pnsif. .Comparison of advatitag<-s lias proven that
entire coat of the transaetioiis an’ the pnKl.ncers and the eoiiKtiiners,
there an' few better pliKsw to live tfian Wi-jiterii Miehigaii, and so
and yet they appear to Ik* the least eone«fi-ni'*l in seenring relief,
far lh«ic few linve as yet remaiimd iindiseoi^en-d. It is a pleasant
from the exhorbitant tax that they have to {wy daily on aeeoiint
diversion to n-ad alsmt the glori'-s of Mexjis. and California and
of their inability to get together and n-imsly .the existing «-oiidiFlori<!a, hut v'hon it cOnK-s to faring the (^easeiw. revolution and
-tious. The middlenmu are thoniughly organized and have things
siiiidrn elimatie <>tianges in th<- firmer iilaee and the death dealing
Uieir own way. so the grower haa to sell at the prie.'s lli.y ;fi
w wlien- this region
frost.sii the lalti
for him, and the cousmiier has to paj' the priei*8 that arc namr
has ihei both dislaiienL li
11 the A
rii'iin settler is liahi:as hit portion of the tribute to ^he organinsl hami of pr<Hliiee
to have his proi>erty eotifisea1e<| at any tim hy the rcvoliitioiiwls
haudlen. The njmrt gives an exhaustive aeeount flf diff«
who prowl, over the eountiy from one yea 8 end to another, or
methods for relieving Uie situation, and sums up the ipioKtiot
iH-rhaps ]<Ki' his own life and that of hus
iiiily. providing lln-y
the following wonls. w^ieb shonhl Ih- rommitted to memoiy by
esoaiK' the earthquakes that ar«' of A-omimm o« iirciiee. In ('aiiforiii'a
c e«mnlrj':
eveiyr prfHluec.r
the reeeiil ffosls which kilhsl the Ornnp' and 'iiion erojis-jirovi- ilist
•‘A stfrvey of the systems of marketing farm pr<Hluets clearly
I the road to4orinm> in that slat
It Htrewiqwith roses iiiid myrrh,
1 best do to their u.lvaKlage. Thi-y
dtacovera what the farniere
. .
Tin* danger from fr«»;t in that state is now li
d r.'*
ns iigniz.sl
must aMoeinti' tlieniselveit togethi r for the pnrji
duing f,,p
r..r 11 lie purpose of
for II,hui
thc-stale Jegisliitmv has »iii<r.>Tvri»t..,l
a|i|inq>riated *1(K>|(aM)
^Itaijiswi for
their individnal eontrihulions of pnshirts. of shipping in ear load
ihvestigiitiiq iii. thmla for » ientifit-ally prcvj'nling the fruit enqis
lots, of obtaining market iiewa at. places to whieh it is praelicali^j.^^
This aetion : an admisMon lij- the slate niithoriti.-s
to Bend their products, to sell in a considcrahle nuinlHT of markels.i.,
now pcriimiieiitly in the fni|it hell mid-that unless
if not in many markets, ami to sevun- the variou-s ollmr cv
lo the resene her orange ami lemon gnivi-s are
gains of associative wiling.
lloomcsl to IM'
iinal di-stnieiioii. In .Mieh^'un tin
n-stiou, It IS reeommendisl that, if migrii«Sj^^^^jj
nssumi of some kind
crop «
II of markets, a n>n»s of traveling fiehl agents be'^^^^j
esUblish.>* a di
■ IS.tS II
o resort to irrigation; si
It farmers to form assoeiatious fur, marketing
maintained to
ernje. li
IM-iisive iiietliiHis to ohtaiii them. In .Michigai
their products.
* fieil. while in the fahli’d slnti-s of llie w«-st am^Konth hiil praetiealh
It » pointed out that the consumers can rheapen tliy I'ost
" *oiie enqi is grown, which inenfis that in case inat crop fails the haa
farm products by eo-operalive buying, by retlneing the eXimnses
“Wfalls iieavily iiih.h the owner. When the wlio|e situation is Im.ked
retail and oUier local distribution.
jsqiiaiN-ly in the face and viewisl in an ........ . kvny. it will he found
jthal the mail who irtaj-s in Western Mieliigan nnd works, will have
Sadf the Nat Otricr
la giMsl h’omi- and money in the bank, while tHe man who followed
On March 10. the voters of Traversi' City will Ih- given n|the sirens into the jiromisi-il land far away will he lamentiiig the*
chance to eX]>ress their choice betwc'cij the present antiqi ited and'fnrt that old Miehigati is not within easy walking ..................... .. his
impractical charter under whitb the city is doing husiness, and'fudi.'d Kldonn*«i. The experii
of till
f.illowc-.! the
g |H-<qih- that it is
the new one whieh has been submitted by the charter commiasioii! Inn- to siin kis-sed fields has
iiieed thiiil
after two years of arduous labor. In-order to express an intelli- far Wlter to slick In Miehiga
r nltlimigh
times the fe<-t i|my
111 Who Kfiek is alway.s sure 4»f a
gent opinion at the ptdls every eilizi'n of the city should take the’grow «n>1d aiid eonnige lag. tin
for the pBivcrlMul
'iew dwument and give it a thorougk study, section by smqimi.'grtod living and a chance to l.-iy by mmietliiii
in order to know for himself just what the contemplated changes'Tainy spell.
are and how they will eff«-ct tlmse'whom it is intended to gnvcm.l
• '■
It h poaaiWe that there may be s<mie things in the pisq.i.si-d im-as-^RicfB,^ «
nr« that will not meet the approval of cver>b.Kly. hut it shonldj
The-pe*qde of .Miehfgan are ri'iilizing that
c qdestion of what
bi': remembiT«'«l tliat aiiy defects^,Uiat liiay appear can W easilyji,, ,i„ with priwuiem convicted of miimr olTciv
is a real prohlcm
changed hy amendment niitii they an- emirvly satisfactory. As 0||hni will require some hard tliinking fo prop ly solve. !t is an
whole the charter is an cxeill.nt one, and kouhl .lo away with ,..Hy matter to ulk alxiut pnlliiig the unforli itea to work npon
the drawliaeks under whi*-h^the city is at presi-nl lalMiring. for itj,|„„p
and gmnlH ruails. hiit. so far the r
ilts obtained from
definitely loetu* the reaponsihility In every department, a feature (J,is im-ilnKl have not he- ii in any mamier aa fftelory. Wkiit is
whieh the old charter lamentably lacks.
study of the doeiinii'DlV'iilly neetlej is an iiiatitution deslgmsl «wix'i Hy for taking earc
at fifirt hand is desirable, for when a voter knows from his own’„f these short tcni Dfretiders, iii<Hlelle«i along liaes in keeping with
II what the measure eoutaina he is not likely to be h-d mmlem .ideas <»f prison reftinn. An instilnlion ^s neeeiwary on acastray by the ailments of anyone who is opimsing the ehaiike from connt of the discqdine that ran Ik- carried ont there, vthieh- is orte
a peraonal motive. It w «n acm>ptcd fact that tlie present rbart<
of the greatest needa of this class of petty offrtpters. What this
is tolany inadequate to meet the demands of a city of this size and kind of priaonera need is a strong guiding hanc^lo show them Ihe
class, and if the new charter is not adiqtted another one will have way to n Wtter life and to impress u|kiu their niijids the advantages
to be drafted and passed lieforc any progress can he mmle
to be secuml hy reforming and taking the prohlom of life acrioinly.
niuniei|ial matters. (Jovemiucnt of cith* changes with the tim
When they are placed in an i^istitulion with han(ened eriminala the
and unless tb«' fundamental law of the town, is a progressive c
first oTreiiders are aid to Ukc the downward cotirae in prefereiiee
progTf« will be hsekwanl insieml of forwanl. What the-city nemls to the upward one. and aa it is the duty of tho state to care for
moat is a new charter that is a workable one in all de]>arlmcnU. iU unfortimates. it should be done in a nianiA'r that will in the end
and the-commission has endcavon-d to give the people one of this really benefit them instead of making them still, worse. Members
kind in the document that has been submitted. Btudy it earcfull;
if the legislature arc taking an actire interest in^thc question, and
and do not rely upon some one else to furnish you their idea u
I suggestion has been made by Ri'prcwaUtive McBride, of Shia
wfaat it contains or bow it wonid work out when adopted.
wassee county, the progressive floor leader of tb^ house, that first
atfendera be sent to the north woods to work in a lumber camp to
be cstablishi-d find raaintainwl by the state. He believes that if the
A digmtk UmleHMig
Away baek in the early days when most \>t ns were stillI men w-erc ailowetl to labor under eonditiona that ake next to nature
that they would be greatly benefUed, and' in thy oourse of time rcyoungsters. King Camite tricil to sweep back the waves of tbi
but hia efforts were a dismal failure, which so disa^poiatcd hi I formed, especially if the camp was presided over by mcil who uikTct.............. ^....... It reiimins for Congj^^ *tood the psychology of the iiieipieot criminal, aud^who could, when
Uut he never tried the
ni«n Colder of Brooklyn- to attempt to go ihe ancient king oneithey are templed to turn bSek to old habits, dirwi them in proper
better, for he will^int^dnee a hill in congress calling for a gov-ichamiels that would lead them to permanent reform. This idea
mimeut commission to study the feasibility of constructing a huge looks very good on paper, but if applied would, tm found to be
jcUy aenwa thi ! Brand Banks of Newfoundland. The puriwsc of.Ueking in some of the fundameiiUl principles ot liiwlem j>enologj-.
T_____J n .it ...________ .______-I____A
igether in'A camp -f
of <1.:.
this bl.wl
kiud would lack the discipline audi.restraint that is
Which will be to turn the Imbrador and Qulf streams
aueb a nanner that the waters will be warmed to sue! i degrcc'neee»ary in handling men of this eharaclw, bfiidea being loo
It would not be a year arimnd institution
that ft will be impossible for icdirt-ga tq come down
inenaec-d'on acwiunt of the.limitations of the lumber indostrj-. When the
plwenl path where the safety of transatlantic liners is im
in its proper ligfil it w|ll be found that
every year. The work would be accomplish^ by sfrelehing
in«dl'e«Me aeroM the Grand Banka and th'e current would aoon|the.only proper aointion is to bnild another atat^ inalilntion for
defaadt eiwofh aand againat this obatrnetion to form a Imr. whieh the care of th« elaas of short lime offentlefc modelletl alrnig theiinca
that ar«*'in v«>}rne in Detroit, where the prisoners have hern sent
berelcfore. That iustiluluin lids been ma«le to i«iy hirp- dlvidiiids
fu the city, and if ablate institution were bilill and enmlnet<sl ah.tnj
the same lim-s as this one lliew would be no scundal eonnt-rt.-d with
it and it eonid he nia<le a paying pniposilion for the stalo. .\s
BOmetliiiig must he «iiu*e to provide a place for short time offenders
it would be a jpkkI idea if tile im-mbera of the h giKlalufc would
droj. the soiJliimiilol phase of the jdan and order tlie cmistruciimi
of a prison where this class of prisoners can he sent and eared for
•need to serxe.
wl.ieh th.y c
during llie
How's Ttls?
Unktrw!OBll«n ItowMS >»
car «M iif.wiUTli ihst Muaot b« iKtaa b«
#■<« r-.
hAT*ki..-«re e.J
.. ,J» M.- l»»l l»T.«r., AMl 1.
t.lm (wr
Mil hur.'rr.U' in aU Kwia.r. .t'-an^cxIoM
™.rr? r-al Afl/
."““s-'as.’s...,........ ,
J»lT UC*
A-..1 u.a..—A
k* HeII'aVub]'
he tins livvi! in llis vHnUv rin e
tuOar U the flret time be bis
i roWa fa tlw iiiobUj of J o.Tlx- Ktupd that l^■limn Ilia is Inking in regani to the Bnlknu uarr.
S-ncVetl Imii th-- null 'today
iilUHtimi is Jiiihh- lo cauw more tmuWe for the allii-s th’an tlie
H. r. 1). Nw I, in place ot
Turks could ever brought tlileiii. This little cmmlry. which has keju
Archie Stuart.
imh r safe »-ov«t while the
Iter. Koons went tn iDterhKiicn Subil imikfis territorial demands from Bulgaria which
0 pcrt'irm ttie marria:;<i ccr.'are II. t Jiislithsl from any siaml|ioiiit. The Kiiropeun powers rc- iiioaj'wwltlili uniicU't'. C. lUdibta and
gnnl her attiliide'^ns on«^r pure hlaekmait and do not intend to Berth# M: Wffip-ys ..
U-. TleyiioWniltXep.'n. AWri-h
liave her deiliands granted if iiien- is a possibility j»f preventing
spent Thi.rsdav In Tr.tvcisc (Miy on
thing. Notiee has Us-n s.Tvrd npon her hy the Enrich and businesR.
llmwian govenimeiits to tho effect that her demands art. ill ailviseil
Mrs. Van Jfatler ot Trtiverso fit?
and entirely without justification, and that it is ^he projier thing U visHIni; her rarents. Mr. and Mrs.
to withdraw them liefon- any serious tr.>ul)le n-sulta. Bnigaria has .Million.
The A. O. O (J_hetd inslnllkUon
home the lirunt of the pn-srnt war and is entilloil to what spoils she
if officers Friday, cvenlnz. ncfresliile'n^mls. This is the way that the great jsiwers lAik at tb
1 of sandwlclu-B. pie». salAila and
8 to 1h' the'only logical way. eoffre were ovned.
tion. and under the cireiimstii
mki-s a di-st^hiiiHc ut this
to view the tpi.-stioii. < If 1(4
Jan. 10.
time, when she thinks that Bulgaria will hav<> to ae.^-.l. ...
mauds, it will Im the crowning misUilre «if her life, for after the
present war is over thrj laher allira will lake the part of Bidgariu
and miike things warm for the little country that saw'fit to take
London Society Favor* Ending Osneiulvaiilage of a iieighlMir whi-ii down, and the result will Is- another
e* Early.
uar. ill whi. h K'lumania will hold the hcsiiig emi. It is to he reLondon. Jan. 13.-The cam|>aisn
gri'tlisi that a distiirlmiice of this n:ifui*i' should he ratsi-d at this RUrted In the l.'nltoij Stales acahisl
time, for the uiiitisl strength of tlie Ba^ii stat«-s will he rcqiiiroir
liours at dancc-s and in t»vor of
j "beauty sleep'* mixbt well !sj
iM'fore the lr.nih!c willi.Turkey is finally s.-tth'd. It is highly
priihaUle that the powers will coiiviiu-i- Boumaiiia that she is taking extended to londoa. says a west end
a wrong stand in regard to tlie mutter and Uiereby avoid trouble pbyRiclan. "The term “beauty sleep."
e sald,,‘‘i8 not merely a flsuro of
at the pn-seiil time.
l>cech. An boor's klcnp befbro midnUthi is worth a great deal more from
Gro7t> More Alfiifi
i tenuiy standpoint than two hour*
U dawn or In ibe unmlDR, when vlt*
At the Iiieeling of the Mie!rq*aii K'oni Jiliprov. iiu-iit ,\ss«ieiaility has been seriously lowered by
lioij belli at Kalamazoo \his wco^ ihe need of gmwiiig more aifa'lfa
he fatigue of four or five boors' dancthe farlus 4if the slate was parlieulurly <’mphasi/.«Hl. and the
mers will profit if they lak<' this-advice and act aveonlingly.
Alfalfa has liei-n found to he one of the greatest soil Imilders WANTED M-nh o. repnfsclil the 8inser Sewing Maehlne Co. in Grand
partienhirly valuable on the light lamls that are so
Traverre anil Ixn lanau c'oaotliH-. For
Tsuher inturmatiou address n'inscr
iirlheni part of the hover iHiiinsula. Tiu re was
. Cressy.
' Sewlus Machine Co..
bout thns- times the nen-age grown in this section last y<-ar that
n H 2t
there hus Ih-i'ii.iii prevuuis years and the iiidieatiotis an- that this
e farm IwrFOR SALE-V^ffniimnnt will lie i-asily donhh-d iliiring the eouiing season. All lhos>cl.Tic'A on t^ilUT lake, cirolient for
reson penvi:,-*. .k«Mre/,s Fr,-4lrriclt
who havi' Iriisl this crop are noire than pleased with the resnlls
I’ctroIkC. GcJieral. l>c!ivco'. <*IIV.
(•htaiiii-d. us it is a speis-y grower and more than one einp can
Jati :-taes, teb t:-'.* '
Ih- harvesi.'d ihiriiig i-aeli season. Tin iiBliin- of Die plant luak-'s
MONEY TO LOAN on g«K>d and well
it a soil buihh-r. 4-vi-ii whi'ti it is growing, on an-ouiil of the gn-al
■t:;|.T..v<«t I.irn-. II.
Ouvis. alS
DWg., TravergB Cllyr
length of' lhe'nmls. whi<-h pem-tratc lo a ileptli of twenty feet
april mi
or moii/ui wareh of a proper amount «if moistiiri'. Its actum oii
the siilnin^ is very hcm-ficial and iiiereas' d yieliis arc «>htain<sl (Ui
r '1 A. \<:.\ M.P. M.
the lami^it^ has hei-n used for alfalfa emppiiig. As a eovi-r croji l.v.Trav. City . 4:tUl'
!.:0.V 4:8J
in yoiing-i&.snls il has jiniveii a gn-at suceii«, and for plowing
- f*Tnii; ;T il is i-veii suiHTUir to clover and a great ihal
Uodus .
.\s II cnip for slock feisling it has no superior,
ProreliKinl .
elienjH'p to r.-iis4
PlTivrjiK'iil .] Sit:
and Ihe fact tiu a suee<*sskin of eropa can he cut from the same
Cedar Run i
l.Ake Avu .
fiehl ev.-iy- year iiakcs it wit!ioi:l doubt the most valiiahh • fnrag.
Italte Rive
er«q) that ran he rais.-d hy th< dairyman. Th.- iiu-rea.s.sl
Hocor ....
lltot! 6t35.
Empire Jet
ill dairying that has been shn .11 in this vicinity during the past
f.'W years lias lisl this class of farmers to investigate the crop.with
satisfactory rcKults. and more acn-age is being planted hy 4lairymeti Ihati ev.r before. In Ihis rt-iriiiii llie alfalf.-t en>p is rapidly
! StiJf dtST
eoming to the ^1111. and'in a few y.ars will he recognized ns one
it«:.■:^: .It:;
)0:3s: tl:r>3
of the staiidanl eriqw of the farm.
A. H.
voters iieticvc the side road:
r. M.
♦■which arc in r. •Iridorabie condition.
■ ««#««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!should be pui In ahaiut for irai
tiowle.- ........
It 17
-Muu,' leanis arc haullBB loss 10 il:<' fore >ay more approprlatloBi
Grayling .......
basket rartory from the Thirlhy aiei made 'to linild stale yewaM roads. Fo
Sniiih camp. 'This Is Ihe iiml>rr I'UiNorwalk ....
chased from Bruce l-xiurks and is an has ts-en doae in the way nf repalrim
tlltisl g'ts
norkann Jtin ..I
■I'l Lti «:t9
ciitnt tine lot. With a'llule more snow; these roads. And laa you blame thi
f runs strive at Treverse X-lty 10-00
tide road rosidcois for making a Uck'
the caio|> win be nmnlua full blast.
sr<l T:fta p. tn. ■
Courtadc and George VanKIK1.Y..G. P. A.
derllp arc doing eomo tumbertng this ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
t Tectk E3Etraelc4 Akv^lele♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * ■ '
ly Wttfeeal Pale
Arthar BIkey Is
C. W. naraarti of Kalkaska Is bore
Traverve t1t>.
he "Ka«Ur'' method I can revurting
iho:.e aOitnj: u-eih nhsolulely
lather, Wai. fctikey. is tbc owner
Without i«>n, .tri'j Witiioni lltc use of
ne cit the flacsi piv<«s ot timber
dn'K*> I4> proflH'-e iiart,ns;'io««n«Hm.
vs lK.|nc over Miiwes 3.
tn Kah Ba>.
<rf r.ervi'UR tptTii:ecitncm and
The Grangers of Gut Hay imre WsrimaB bay* itturhed to tbelt with «4«i: Ix-artK -.4|!( apiAvciate Ihe
b cibod »f taiul^ extrac
fine orianlmiloii. , Th* have a halijsvoool ouue*.
where meetings and enteruianieai-l .Miss Pearl Res-nolds spent the week
nn. W. R. KIKTO.V,
are held.
*end with fiiesds in Traverse City.
?0C-;n8 Wilhelm Block, with Dr. Holdsworth.
An adilliioD was bnill to the nisei
Mrs. Maud Batey Bpent Tuesday la
schoolhouse. This was necessari' o
traverse at;
ireaunl of the Urgi lumber ot ]ir
Mrs. Ira Gilbert of Reed Qty waj
Pits attendtag.
n town Monday.
D. K. Campbell of Traverse CIt;
A husky old gent is Pet«r Rusbc
wet In town Wedneaday on busineti
old pioneer of Kssi Pay. Though F
Mr. and Mrs. J. Higgins of Muskeyears ef age he bellied h^ son
»n. who have been viaJUng thcii
man in bis ptdwing .and harrowln
ont. petumed Itcmie Monday.
and doing all the work with as mar
Miss Frances^ VSnillBins returned t«
esse u many m,ea ons-hatf bit'age
He ihUiks Hgl'llJ V walking to Trs'
rraverae etty, where she It attcndlug
be nonnal.
crae qty. a dii-tsace of seven mllecoverlng the tourteen miles with pei
Dr. MarKellar and May McIntosh
feet ease.
rere gnasU of Mr*. C. J. Gsmelt ot
Rave the latest haprarad a_.
chinery and maaafatUirc my weak
George lather of Traverse Cliy dut rraverte City this week.
in op-tTKlatc dcrigns tram tbs
Measrs. ‘Toner. Jotagifason and Ai
lag the past season haa BUde man.nagti alone. Prompt altenttoi
all orders no matter how
ImiuovemeBts on his farm,
sffisIL Call or write for price*
Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Weathers ar. City on taslBest.
Rev. Koods Is holding jeriTsl aaetW. ZUpSCEaiB;
■pending (he winter with' Mr. WeWt
•re' mother tn Traverse City, Mrt ag at Rice's this week.
Both phcnev’^0*
Catherine Sawyer is wofktng for Hr.
>V«athen is 111 and makes It mor«
convenient for her to receive medics /ance.
n the rity.
iH glad to hear that Tornmj >f Wexford and Lester of Treverse
ity. were gnests at Dr. dark's Mon
lamhert. who had his teg broket
* '
while skidding logs, is doing nirelj
Mrs. Mms Is visiting ber sen.'Dr
The two miles of slate reward roai
Prlcea lor
of Boon, Uleh.
that were to bare been built this win Mrs. C H. Monroe of Mooroe Ce?
be built. Two years sgi
>r was the gnekt ot ber dangbtar.
Il was eirrled at the town meetlni
that the roads be built, but throolp Mr*. A. Sttttn. today.
There are jndkmtians that the
BQine twbnlmillt) of the law It had to
732 E. Frant SL Bod> PfacM.
fc« Tot^ on again this last spring and weather prephet't pmdicHons in re
;he iiroporttloii met with defeat. One gard to a nlM wtntse may come me.
Alex Maaoli kdyt that atUHogo
enhse for ihl* whs ttot ■ ratiority of
The Bslkui SittiMtion
ate EDiie to Traverae City to aoecd
Charley Cmlor vem out wool of
Traveme C4ty to ai>end a few week;
with hi* brothardn-law.
' Mr. UeWethy li aetilnK the pine
and cedar off hi« land where ibe C.
t W. M. S. IL In lo-crou bl« plaoe.
chaplain. F. .Mi'lctaoa: qtmrirrtiiaater.
fUmuel Wood. Jr.; officer of the day.
T. Urinith; uuertermawer eerioant,
Uolwn HpwIU. On taklh* oomutand
of the pout. Comrade Roberta drllvefed a ter> ►plrlte.i and flo«ueot addroKK. urylaa ui«n every comrade the
;.r.ia»nan.ie of belnts alwaya at their
iwsie. and ready at all time*/or duty
ii* aoldhre and a» cUlaean iu the
Taken from Grand Trawera* HoraU of
and or<ler, aniFtbo
Goor'Ele UMiJlnuin ataru lo achool
Twenty-five Year*. Abo.
Id Tra«eroe Ctiy thia week.'
l.roecrvotiMi of national unity.
J. M. Uenjiman la oinvanaluff for
Flf.*'ljikr had a liiUe ejclicm.-nf fruit trees on the peninaula.
January S.
Mr*. Anna Vandrey. who la at h«r
C. A. Cra«ftfT<I. mother and datic-'- last wi-ek that nilalii have been more.
t«T loft Moiiday tnurultiK <m a auiK'i- A., we imdi-rntaud the mailer, the aoii'*. Sololuan Schlaler. la ntill airk.
JoKi'idi AliinaD hi gettloE out a laree
rm triiucf^a mouth or ro. .They wir luiiih.rmi: linn of Came 4t Co. harw
vlujt AVa>hlti£tnn, Atlaul.-t, (!a.. nm1 Immu iiMni: the luniberlne road arrose imanHth of cedar this winter.
Mr. Caloii haa iiiK{ tlnlaheal dlRElaa
other Muihem *UU<« and |i«-haie llic r.nrm of hYallk M. Unr.eji. Mr. liaiiuilce that thl* <-oiild hot be
well tor T. SbuEari, >0 (eel deep.
nin donn into Fliradn t(«'Ao Mr.
allowed any lonnor. and, on Thiiwrtay
Our achool will rIOfe In two weeba
Fuller'* pet^ile.
he shut ii|> the road by buUdinK a after a am-cvaaful U-rm uugbl by Will
feme acrora II. Friday niurnins ihe
Dr. n. F. noushtoa nod rantl>-' left
fi>n-maii ivi<i>n(.d the fact to the .comTuoaday moriilnK for CJilrap... In
liapy, wlioloiden-d him to lour down
»hid» rtiy he will make lii* l■onl<'
ihc teurc and iio <m. lie did no. lak.
Georsc Ji-une ha* Euav Uf niBEbam
Inn (1C team*, but on Ihoir relum the to work In a saw mill.
drit*T of Ihe llrat team taw llaMii
lloo|»r M»nt a few daya
A and arHdoct oeciirred near Fi;t•.lamlinEW the line *>f hi* farni^riurd
iib her uiirlo. .Mr. Slmmonds, last
lotus Hay la*t Thuiwdny. cao-lnc ibe with a uniratlne Hllr. The dHvW-wildeath of Charleys Kelmu-I. Mr Kei^-el iiii;:ly iwve u|i liia |>lace to Hie fore- week.
Mlta Mery; SlDimonda com to ningwan vhuppiiu; when a H'nb fell from .lau. who wa* jHad to i-limb dow;i at
Hie Irrw. tstrtkJlIK him on Hie head.' a li'« ly rule lo aot «>t:t ol ihe way of hani today to rvennie her duilra at
Inlll.nins inJuHea of which -he di.-d
^ , UaK-hliiE. havitiK taken tbo achool fur
anot her t hreo tiiiiltllis. ,
In a few h.mt*. He wan u
name of we wan Hu n
Mr. Iliiell of Travonsu Clly ani bla
auml forty >wam old and l"uv.-s = I ,,,.,^..,1 .,v i.u^. n and the fan-man. one ■•mitaci'-lu-Uw. Willliim Chrixtiu. of
wife and iiluo . hildien. the ehlont bm
Araentluv. called at Ik It. Alleu's laat
, u-jlm; eS'ially hard to kee|i oul'of Hm week on iheir way throiiKh town.
way. Tim came fii.Mly ends-d wlilioiit
The raiertainiiient at Mr.-recK*' on
Tho followlns ofli'vTn were eleeled
ri..-d. Bheiiff
New Yiwi's o«e wa* not A nu<-ras*
at tho annual iiies-liiiB of of Hie U 1..;
irlally. Not jiriMveds M renlM (or
A. hi« Fri.iav; l‘r.-*!deiii. Mm. U 1* .,3,.
b,„urlit llazeu to Travemc
Case; viceinsidi-nl. Mr*. Pr. Wrichl city.
. rwordlns siVr.i.nry. Mrx, It. A. Cam;.j
hrlsk work al pmu-ui. A goodly num
bell; cutn-*|u.ndine acerctury. MiJanuary 11.
ber'of hands, pleiily of htas ami lund
. I,ec; m-;ii-iriT Mr.i. 1^ Foi;|c Mhm
■n. llancr.ifl !i.« U-en ap|k>inl<
sh-lL-hlng make thing* lively now'f?n. Vri*. J. r. Uoyd; a>.s..-lant li ts’ismia.'.i.-r af .\ril.
B- I> Ash-oa. Memhir-f Ihe execul'uc laaid. Mrs. U. llllcIi
r..'V. U^rardee of IPk Ibndils. wi
Me. J. }\ Boyd hulJ servhoi. in tirtwe cbiiri-li ne
Ik .Vshion.
Copp & Co.'s mill has begun n]ieraMr,. Ur.
KmH-1and_Mis C. O. Tiln
•Jundaj. •
, , ,
Mrs*. T. T. B.1U-S and Mis* I.00.
Hill & Sou are g.-Ulng out large
S. J. ■Oise and wife wilt r<-lum OunniBb-s of li-gs.
. F. J- .‘51-m-r of Jay co-juiy. Ind.. wh.i hotiio fr.-ni Kalani3»y> fniih quite
IHrector H. N. KmlHi of (be aehool
cen-nily In comiecilnii wiiii hU ciun-in ■■:-tciidtd visit.
liosr.l has roslBned
Beniurl Flover. Iiou;:ht Ibe old
Will K. Franklin, whei-lsman os
ly farm of Judee Ctimpbell has been
sicanu r fHiMuii. .la home.
In town this week looking after h! for biiUdiiiK the new C. S. P. 8. Iii.ll
P. Nelwm ami the Klaaes Mina and
nimml.- ilcicher vlslled Traverae City
purclta^i*. Mr. -fitovn- '.ill move 01
] rioutb l'ni«n slroel.
last week-.
the Vince In.a few'w.i'Ks and w/ll
brins Willi.him horse*, simk . jnowCKorge A. Cutler fnay be found at
ers. rmiiera and all (arm Imi U-tnenLi
.f olti-v- of W. V. Harslia
needed. Famnel Slove^ will build !lir iir.-M-ui by any tlorlriuK his Iriwl
on ibu place wlHiln the cumlnf;
Echoes From The
Olden Times
stele cornffifttCM were appointed who
wlHAeke hcUveport in ibe torwardtns
of the mowement. A coaiinlMee oa o»^
RaniiatlOD, who alao were alvei.'the
Mkk Of iimjiortn* a name (or the
•oriatloB and Ue road, ia oomim. «A oi
T. J. O. Bert of Maukem*. C. J. Mun
roe of Van Uuren and T. 0. Sullison
of Travoraf City. Before leaving Mu»
kegoD three men had daeidift on t
name for ii>e new blshway. wh A will
be faereoftor known as Ibe Weet Mleh
imn Lake Bhoro Highway. The dthn
state comisiuee apiiolnted (of the jar
lioar of oialining the work and mwk
iUE a maiilof Hie proponed route con
slau of IM IVKIlne of Ottawa, llolfman of At^iate^ and Ttott of Make-
Clive, and hU JudfBe&t carried vel^t
because carefully formed. Socially he
waa a power for bo-m1. and tala coanection with many societies and organisa
tions gave him an oidiortunliy to do
many kindly acts for those who weic
in need of hU help. He was a believer
in the ehurch. aod y'as always ready
to Bid ibc sick and tho needy.
A*' a trustee of the Traverse City
Suto boopUal he believed In ntmotirte
irnpartlamy and-tbe firifeM paMlelty
of all of It* affair*. He inalnuincd
that our public HiMlturtoas brton^to
the people, and Oat' In thelf maBacw
maM DO eocarreae* of w aataff
should be concealed or hUMen fnd
the pabUg gate. Mr. Bates' death M
left a Void -4b the board of tnsteA
Chaf.wlU be hard to 01^
all our hearts that will never be filled,
The iiaBslng of Mr. Bates marks tta*
close of a life which was lived tme tt
hiB Ideals, and one which the yo«a|
men of the preeent would profit hf
endeavoring to emnlate. His life wa|
an open book aod was typical of thf
true Chrtstlaa and cituen.
fConiiiiued from Page One.).
jirealtieni pf the Traveree City Bual
Men's aHsociaikm: a member oi
Hu- execuUve romiiiltiee. having In
charge the-celebraitoa of the IlfUeOi
annlverwari of ibe birth of the Repub
liiBB imrtyl and waa one of the SIleh
Igan memlkrs of the Uncola Memo
rial assocl^ioD. to arrange tor the ob
servanee o^ the IWiih anniversary o'the birth
Abraham Uncoln.
Tills I* a, meagre aoount of hU bus
loMu acilvltli'S.
Raie« w-ns. In imih. a noble gen
tieinnii. H{s aetivlty has ceaaed. but
his Eooil wprkt will lie a wourcc 0
trt-ngth tojlbosc who were privHege<
lo know hlBi and of him. To bis asso
elates and fiends be waa a senlal aod
clianulDB <iim|ianU>n. and ho will be
gr.«aily mished by (beni. IBs mt-mory
will be Chuilshod by hundred. In ihlt
<-oiiimunlty.j He was 71 year* old b?
the almau^. but twice ibai-ase Ir
wurkSjand Id hi* useful-llfo. Mr
Ball's was conservative: reliable:
modest, yol delormlned; lioslllve. yel
louder; alwjavs considerate: never too
iMisy nor ipu tired lo bel)> aovone
ncedinE hU,sen-iri-s, Mr, llale.< wa* *
iir many ?oars, Ihc edlmi
of Ihe e.rand Tmver»e Herald, he wa,
always a Clear, forceful wiiior. an-i
ihrough Ills editorial and olher write hejiK'd very larKcly to wmthi
rtoryj of the Ofand tmvemc re
He pa* alwaya deeply Interest
0,1 In evoiTflhhiE that |u-rtaln<Alo the
dcw-lopmeit of thl* region, and a^
wavs s)ieki of 11 in Ibe most Iio|h-Tu1
li-rms. h(« faith In Ua poailbiliilewa» great.; He wa* Memined will:
every movimietit In thl* great region
sinio-i fn^ It* first settlement, and
MInt Flora Camii^wll will take the
Quite nn Imponnnt sale for HicJr- plaoe «r HA sixth gmd-. main buildhe- knew pirhai* wore peoide and
known by gnorc I'eople lhan any other
ten-si of Old MIswon wa.< uuide
ing. m.-.<1c'vaeam by .ibc n-ilgnatl-ii
; He kept In Ihe chiaen
' ccnily «r«ir ilial plare. Mr. SiamMi Oi M:!>. ll;«e.
Of tiranil Kaplda sellliic to Mr. 1.. fBoard Has Adopted Check on Bills for lonch Willi every movement that look
a develoii
flnKWcll. Hu.' |<Qiul iv;nlajnin;r alviiil
ed (or Its«lb<-iierment <
Board in the County
We regret to learn of the serious
ment. and
SO acre*. We uadcratand Mr. l-rf Il1m-Ks of IVwy»y Nickonmn of .MayJsIL
(reel? for
nngweil Inien.ds to lay out
ricW nod Uoi'e foi' a si>ifd« recovery.
grounds in a imrV. erect <o:l3giw ui .l
was tender hearted and
Mr. n.11
otbeiwisc Inipo've Hie pr. perty (or
M. U. IjewlK .ind fiiwlly of Monroe
(From laiurday's Record-Eagle.)
. ,
a summer r.-son. B ia u didlghtf-il Ceuler. U-« Tl'ursJay morning for
.... ..ill hard >1
for aid ihal went
spot for tlio |>or|iose. In thU eniince- Indiana, which-witl_ U- ibAir home work trying 1» <al Hirough their work door aekt
empiv III ded. Even the hobo who
lioD we can say tbai Ui- mu-n-.,.
lie hungry was never tun.dalme-l
Hi« Old Mission reMirt U Id>t<-u»::u'
noon Siii*ervi.-!or* John Anderson of
«d away llhout Bometbing (or food.
every day. There la a jau-d i-roi.i“<:
Vmf. Hamley. the lu->t mazirlan In Hi.s-ii lake township and C. II. Hanafer an Inerease next season In the MIelilcaii. will giie nil otilerlaiomeiir liivskv of this city werv' apiuilnlcd del- The write always *lniiml Mr. Uaio,'
Ing kindmws toward his
nnuibiw of vl.'iiturs. No more de!li;’.>iIJhiary ball. Wedm-vda}' .-voninE. egaies to Ibe Stale asmiailoB of *u-: wife ant] tils family. Whcni'viT be re
ful and. bealiliful plucc to spend thi- JiE&uary 18.
IsTvisors Huu iiin-lx in Lanaliig Feb-'
ferred lo lU borne or lo Mrs. Bale,
suiniuer mumSs in a giiiei way.
riiary; f. and C. I be drain comniisor
it was in the gcnllmt
be found in Amerka. This is bt it'inCashier Hammond left early In the slom-i's salary was fixed at I36 i>cr word*. IV* *a» 1 hon'ti ‘"'lug man;
hiK seal-rally known and we predict week for C^domdo Splices lo lie with year for oflii-e work nml >S js-r da?
bo found lis kM-ncst enjoyment «>ih
tiiaf Old MUston will coon bccomoone
Ilamiiiimd for -Hiiee .or (our
bis famllvj ami his hooks. Mr. Bates
of Uie niosi. iKipular rt-aons in- ih.' W'-.-ks. Mis. H;unnu>iid Is sjiendiai; work. Hills of Ihc Bniwn laimher Co.
wg* a prc^cnin.l render. He was esisfor ftPl.iW foi lumber for Ibe build
count ry.
tho wliiier Hit-w hoping to be bem
clally Inifircsfed In pollilt-al economy
ings at the fair gniumU we«r allowed.
and history. He traveled, however.
ffted in health. ‘
also thiBW of Finley M. Ham.e Whole field of literature n,
Piotid for $1TS.7J for colU'ciIng the
At Ihe l•egillUlK ot'W'inter Hantiai:.
Mr*- W. M. Carpenter nnd daughl.T B|>eciric ux of (3.243: FYank Triide, far as hej wa* able. .Natural phllosLji) a Co hud alioat Ko-u.d-s) fw l of
iwlitlcal-srienre of hi*
and Maude and Kaiie Reamer
mdiy. elh
(ll’t:. for rooting suppll.-* for hulldluniber lo haul from C.iclr laing I.el'onner times, w«*re famllbr
This mumipg for Gmtid Rapids wlieic
j,«-t is ju-idi:
InitSk '
iolerestlng >
Ihe? will s|H-ad Iho winH-r.
banted each <1;i; with this eomi aleigh
On motion ii *»» decide.1 lo have
a man
I this
the coony commhwlcfeer'a offiis- eonHe was lo.val In all bis relalions To
Tlje annual mcs-tlnc of iBt Flr.-t
s-t«l with the Cilliell*' telephone, bis friend^ hi* business and political
National Bank was bold last Tue«.lay.
ad have the
Bleat to hi* ramlly and to any
•and the fpll-iwlng directors were eh-citown thl* winu-r. Ti.i, t'mire
the oonnty m-asurer* 'office.
he «*|iou*ed. He rarely ebangedt
c-l for the «-oiiiilig year: Jidin C. la-wand a -hair of Inih hme le-.-u and
the r«m>lutloBB that were
Is' usedrin banding o|icri.ii»n< lu-i-e. iB. Jcl;n*T, B.-adle. U, J. 'Morwili. Ik Iiaiuii'd at this jnoinliw'* »e«*lon wa*
The cut of R»B» lor the l^ng t.al.-'
that TimkiB It obTlimlory for all
nulls (hi* winter will U- full? T.tniu.- .Itdmscn ;-.-.d C. A. HaRuuund. The elalm (or lioaril and care of prik<mcri>
iKsi (rvu or this aiiioum ihi 1-0 Is al olher nffir-iK are os last >ear. The at the county Jail !• BU4 with the
ready alioul 2,000.WKl f«^ bah'k-‘l. Tls Or bier's aanunl rciiort to the board 4-ounty t-lerk.
paam.-d by theeommitiee
direHurs nliowed Hic sirong and
fact iliat on Jan. 1 li Is uoi ii.ujl
t* and approved by
. vll.-m e-ndiism of the bank, and iKsard. AU sneh claim* simal
have any logs‘banked sliowii how fa
i very ban'll vome l:irrrai.e in husines*
vorable Hie winter ha* b*s-n 1
b?' Hm* Sheris before the fib
and irrofilB for the yaat year over the log of the **»ewnriL 2,ub0.UiM more (ei-t Is
luecudlng twelve tnonibs. The list
aUda. .
Suiwrvlsor Sbllson api*ared before
f e^ficera is a suEirteal giiuranlee the board ihU morning and gave a fall
At the aifs-lli.e. of Mc!^er2;o:i I’.--' that the etuifidencu of tbo comniunl- reiiort of hU attebdance M the meet
No. IK. lK-;tannu-l'J «>f Mkbig:ili. H. A. IV sniuti'd lilt- bnuk Iasi J'enr w “ ing In -Muskegon, called /or the pntv
It.. btU la Hiaiige tall Jau. :i. ti'e I' DiiDiiu to bu well merited.
|ie»e of consIderaHon of wavs and
past post commander. Comtnde San
luenos to Inlerwsi all eountle* Id the
u. 1 Wood. Jr., nciiug as muaterins o.'good roads system In aU the counties
fii-er. the folloklug comnidM we:-from the Indiana suto line to Mack
.‘.liss H^iilc Iteme* has gone to inaw. TUI* will lie esUed the W«t
duly In.lsiled In ibclr rwjicctlvc of
flee.: Ihisl minniaudcr. H Kolxuis: Tiav.-t'so riiy to aunnd acbool this Michigan l^ke Shore lilgbway. and
sHih-r vice coinm.imli-r. J. C. Crfdl.-y: V'lr.Irf.
every cdunty In the district wUI have
K-'wIn Camptitd! and Jay Cook have a vice pri-sldenl .besides a reitrcaPnU. junior vice comiiiand< r, K.-H. Hodge;
tioo from ehcli board of suiierriBors
and Ibe cllle* ihrouEh which Hie high
way pa****. Those from this county
are Prank lUtnllton. T. u. Sblten
and Hon. Jnb, R. Ranlo.
The board were in hei«es that they,
mild comidetc thoir work w
memhera could Uke the aften
ilns'for home.
• • .%
-r ■
hiB njhiiJ or his purposes aTler he htT
onto decided. He was tne aonl of latearlty. He could not endure anythtng
ean. iietty or urlerbanded.
Mr. Bairs led an active 'bnalneia
life, yet as iniatoe of the Tiw - i -»
City Bute hospital he k*vg (recu -•(
hlB iluir and strength to It* aeiv c*^
and the writer, alibougb In frr'...cni
oomuUailoB with him. never found
Him Impatleot. but oa the contrary, al
ways attentive and ready to conaider
any maitera (bat might be iwerented
blic. He waa InatlBctlvely conaerv
Here’s a Lot of thfe^ Latest
Mixture Goats
Sizes 14, IS. 16. S4. S6. IS. aaS <ms 4S..
AU New—Hl|^ BDtton. wide Rever. EUecU is
UIxtares, Bowsies. ddacUlta. M
and Checks.
Yoor Choice of Seven Coats at $12.75;
regularly $15, and three wortli $16.50.
All Mseldnaws up lo SM, now Si.
Your Choice of Six $ou < oau and o
$27.50 value. Our linefl stylo&brica.
Yonr Choice of 6 i YOUR CHOKE al-Coau,w.fe$18ond$20;j||“^“'’‘*”
One Rack Utt of New Blacks and Plashes
Fine Broadcloths, Kerseys and "Salt's Sealette," Skinner and Yam Dye Satin
Linings throughout
Values regularly $18, $2250, $25, $28, $30 and $40
Will go This Week lor $12. $14.$*. $16.6*. 61S.S* and 624J*.
36 to 44 regutkr sizes ; 39,41, 43, 45, 47 stouts.
At less (ban Cost ol ProdncHon. Last Week Cal Ihe Variety
In HaU.
We have to oUcr, ycl. In Mcdlam Sizes:
jg New Exetoive Evening
j jg Smart Afternoon Velvet
Values $22.50 to 630 regularly.
Not the least attractive of this Clearance
Are Itoess Sktals at $5.75, $7.50 and $9
Side-effect designs, c^n fronL splendid Worsteds, regularljr 97.50 to $15.
A doien oUier styles (seme pleated effects), to close, $3.75.
Or to secure materials irom which Vo make them.
AU Comforiers^'n^e'S&.Go at
RedncUons oi Ten lo Twenty Per Cen( 1
Comforters Comforters Comforters Comforters Comforters
sr.t$i.95 63R.al $3.85
61.00, at. 79c 61.26. al 98c
II yoallke lo lake part la QallUng Bees, now Is the Ume to scenre soar nwlerlals.
Yon con bay them here lo belter advantage than asoaL
All at reduced Prices. Coawlnand seethe
valnea we are ottering In Betts.
I Next Time
Cotton Ballon
• Don't forget to include in your order foi J
^ BEST flour, a sack of o«b
Guaianleed Fresh and Pure.
^ •
I Large 3 lb. Batts,sr*:?" ’59c,69c 679c
6c, 4(|c, and Wh^
Chotce Coyertng for QaUts ^
Now S3i 6c. pc, 14c, 16c and 18c.
Fleeced Flanndrttei
All BUnteb
At the meeting held in Muikepwi
._«! week (or the pRrpoae of discuss
ing the atale highway from the south
ern honadar} lo (he Boo. deflatte pUns \
wore made for ptisblv Um work. Twa
Reduced Prices
Now 8^
Our Premlinn Tickets are good fer 1
The Markets
PitoM eoiT«ct«« etch day by wire
trom Chlc*p> «id BunaJo tbrou«b
Tl'nltad PreM l«lP6raptf aarvJoa.
Buffalo. Jan. 13.-<aulc—BecelpU.
XiOfn active. I8.T4BS. Calvca-AcU
iTO. 11c Jower, »6ftll.75. 8hwj>-HflMipta,
Nn. V.
JC.in. Hoe«—BecMl'Is. 2S.m>: aiti,vr.
cloalas u r.CO.
Cblcasre. Jan. 13.—1*0(01006 quoiul
M «»e4ic.
CRAIN.OilcaRn. Jan. 13.—7\Tiea». 94(*r.
Corn. lH»e. Oat*, nw^c.
Local Markets
(FVpm TliurFday’ii Rocord EiiBtc.y
On acconni of tho conilnuod cold
: IT oKK^-took a riae of a oenl wlGi all the marici-ta. The grUt milla Oo on for alrintly fre^b. and Ualf a bad all tbey 4-ould attend to In ctu
tor atoraf;* la all the Chlc*«o tom u-ork. The roads are geUing Ir
maikoir. Butior naa quirt and good coiiditlou aad potatoos «lll hi
Eleady nitb rccoIrtB of 2.189 tuba of gin tjj n»re moixf. rapldlj-. There U
io'dicatiao of a ebaage in t^ce ai
35q for extra. I’.tatoee w»
EUpidiod. Price Cc to ITc.
CTO received.
(t-'rom Saturday's Rccord-Kigle.y
Ko cbanfn> in tlie Grand Rapids
markftn. for okrk and butter. Applea
Tho (Tileaeo huirkets quote eggs aa
are more (dcniiful. Ute prioea range rising In price for sirlcily im*. 2€<from fiOc to nj;:. acrordlnp to varlHj w^B the ptevoiUng prbV; storage eggs
quanliiy. Extra M«^k movln}: remain at 22e; there'were 2,«S-> eas-s
rreelvM. Butler fs lower on acrouni
A (-arload of Vbeal U being nnload. •nf tiip Ue.ivy Slock in storage ind tin
e<l friim llucVli->. and a Htiall sWp- h*sn7 sifipnieots from thn country
2Jt(G mbs unloaded and
t came irom Buttons DJiy. Tho
price tor fanry was atkiS^c.
iivuai amount of. cuvtom work for'
KTlst kept tile millK busy. A few blitp-! fruit ntarkvt woa quiet, ihougb the
yioniE out of kraln were made. The Jobbers sre not ecrtaili what dTeet the
f of the past two d.iys wilt pul reiwrtcd damage by (r*'<-zlng
tho roads in Ane condition and farm- have, aomc Arms added ioc a. ciise.
m will be able to come In with less but It wuK not*general. The potato
{rouble. The |>oiato niurket wbs recvlpls were :.T eniu. and found
read# gale .itt fOtitkc. whiir f.incy
quiet, only four loads eomiaa la.
dtisty rurals from Wisconsin brougbt
J. W. Eimmonuau l.Hideti a ear
l>oef from hero and .one trom Hen -•.or.
Grand Rapldg fruit market has aV
don. Today be imes \.i Monroo Cen
r<-ad> lii-iruli to fcid the reported damto buy both lu-ef aad tmas.
aire to fruit. nrtlIls<^n bate jumped
'lO.- nml lemcMiH 82
(fVom rrIdiiy-« i:i<or.M;:.-cU.)
I d<-Aliile III
fairly liUS) d.lCjIa. rcuculaied
'Aie Year’s Greatest Buying Opportuhiiy
Begins Friday Morning, Jan. 17lh,
at'9 o’clock.'
Store Oosed Alt Day Thursday, Jan. 16.
mick patch, while h;» small fruit and
iT-M-a were et.ming Into -bearing.
Thirty years ago when our dhd:.
ime to ttiH cot-niry ibey cot,';.l tah;i a foity or eighty, clear a liitbpaicb In the •i-.-lne. grow .n ga-rteti In
the suinnur time, thrn.whcn wiTif.-r
edroo on litcy could take the le.-itu
and go to the woods and to the camps
JOHN TAYLOR OF KINGSLEY VIBwork slV winter long at go.-*! pnv
a ci-me br.-:; m the »Tri'*; -.
money to r?-i>; them - thtot’rii
summer, -while tltarlng a-iil culii'
iBg the land.
Condiii-in* arc exactly reveri-etl
now. anti :i U Ixiped thai we can pel
tosnhi-r uuil Isxrti; rather than «a:
nnnll aij.roorialiqti Tor ac!
that they are
Cone ntrat.-d effort, advmlsinr
Shot Entered LeR Bid.
rorlalo rpreific locality would bring
Breaking Beveral R.bs and Tear.
b<-auUf<il und hi-atthy rounl
Ing Away Portion of Lad*a
to promltH-iicc. trad 1 would
(hot Uii-.- effon* be made la n
iiiliilr- *!;> ru'IaiMl l-_^now eillmg
. (From RaiurdayV Reeord-Eagle.l
John Taib.r, ar.-i i77vRS'*4au'*r
The following report from f^hslns Uickwlieat. t*r 1*mi lbs................... 81-»i froni 85'f) ]>cr acic upward^!.
wounded yc-ji.-rduy whilo hunting*
I would ab'o ai:pn.vc «-f. ns ■
*hnw* that the (artner* of Michigan
near Kinwley, wh. n Iuk gun was dis
CRAIN—Trawsrwe-Crty Milling Co.
4:uggected li} one of onr. local ;
do grow wheat suiKesvfully. Ihirinu
charged. the wfcolB lo
|•rl^.s«.rre^t.Mr every day.
month of Decemt'or there were purhft ibh- brua'. ag s, ,-e-i! ,i1a .-md
small fraP-; ancl.vTgi-ialdc
<-b.vs-ed lij- nincty-opc flouring mill*. Wheat ........ ;.............................:..........1'“' '
rearing aWay a Urn- ik,-v.„-i of M*
■-v'.lblli*] in
inses In *olpe o !tfi bi<git.L It c
bushi-lt and nUty-rlr eh.-viitors C'ora ............................... ................
lu.aa,.pn..-. lit. K..
nod grain -dealcni t^nigbl 57.458 of a
and a companlen namt-tl riuud HaveKw*
nil.ago, nnelnnatl.
rinelnna»l. .I'jli>dmrR,
Pil.^imrg, f
t"e«- m-f VTre ,iog-:lhcr and Ti-.vIit wax
total of 152.7:.7 huthcls. During the
While navy “In-al
lad Rap- K;a;ul;-;g upon a W Wh-n hi., g-.u
illte month* from fugusl to DceewII.-.I kidney l.eaii* ...
ber Hu^Tv w"i-ro <-s|imatr<l to have
.<llp;sd from hi* h.nds«rik*ng
liiickwhcal. |«-r
lh•'nl UK they ere IrateXng to anJ
been (marketed 2.760.f<ftO bushel* at
l-ammer ob (ho side of the !o,t dbHIDES. WOOL AND TALLOW,
na average i.rkse 4^-We.
I'ri.-e* corr.-<l«-<l as matket varies. fro. always anvio.'- fiii^ a-.cl-i-n-e of cbqraiiig It. Davener garo the alarm
Iia-ailon and for improvemenU on. and w-h.n help cane. Taylor was car
Tlio Chicago markets repbrtunsteaJtlnir prt-»cni c-iidb;
Incss In cegu on nenuni of theried to i.ls iK.mc where medbal aid
It v.a* KUvai- 'ed ll-ui <1 e.-e •-xhlbil.-i
celid of 4.705 casep and n hut from Tallow ................................................ Sc
WAS- Kimriuotied. His wound Is <urh
the farmer. Strlctl* fn-sb 22c to 25<
hr.r*c hid.-*........81-511 and up could Ik- !m. re!iaii?f:'’le. a*!d Irans- X 1'Tiihle nature that hU reoovety Is
jsua-d from linfc to lime. Such ad-,
St.inige ll'c and 21r.
riK Butter
yertisliig wimM pat Trnvtrso rity.
mqlicd the lowest In
1,1 IsC. l^Utoes (Oiiqbed
reeelr- Viiskrals ..................................15k35< nod Grand T^Wrvo rs«in:y and our
several mnM*
i-d. Wisconsin 43c to :k:. Michigan 44c Ra-cooiis ..............................:...7>fi83
and 47c. Minnesota 13c and 47c.
Skenk* ... ............................ 4...-k82.r.| ,J- «< I-ket'.lu Tzet-ry Pt-.P-!
r V'ti'1-5-' .f*"-.-. w hile. UtV .p-it Jdiorklng
Tho Grand JUp s jtuikei.* very M4il:, dark
fhuncentjlc. roceipt were liglit and Mink.,-ah-........ ...................82tdtc.5.5C>M- .-Huu.d^. , They w.Il.tako car.
ilie price is 45c foi potatoes, eirlftly Weasel, white.............. ..............3.V4i«K-,«>f fur gq.-i. .-.s fa.*i aw wc g..t ready
• le them.
fre-sh egcs.CKe to 33 storage 31c and Kox. r. d
.........82.0D4.8f:fCci- of Third Assistant P. M. Gt.i.
:’"c. Oranges liav advanced from kV.x. gra
Wa»!iili-.;v«i, JuB. if'. 1913.
lubeidarv j>ro)Kjsit’orv a little l.xter
Prices ai.idy only n prime slock.
lYlabd ti'uticr r'-!aling to an article
pfoha*-. two We.ls afu-r tb.
r iiusy day with
, Saturday v.a* an»
meribaudise wbi. h it aceonisumics
idle locAl niilb< and iho^ t^ad1 eall th.->
ns di-KTiptivi.- of the ar].ickcd*’fit.w the freer, we can 1;3V<
' • .itM lake care
In < uVluinI work,
a few iii-e Vr-Ioii- eir— berfc a; hern, li'-le withi-. the meaning of section
r bad tho
llie iiuiaio market
lo ir-ai rut;
s tnd tnOhd< to. In- is;, P..SUI (.awsand Itegnlatlons. and
1-rlre remains
|ie-e;i(,1 Kft>
hating only tbtrelori! is a pt-rmissable Inciosurn
Seme Suggemions That Will Bear. S<cad <>r I
with su#ji article when mailed as
Testing Out.
j f*G«‘bic*T *'d roU'D fru:i Ir-ng
v-attie (III fh.- grouml, If you donl fourth ^aS^iotier.
ITiccs cotrcM ted voiy day.
I'l-lntlng on an^artl.’-le ot mereUarllocs ............. •........
to n.. ttol
1'" .
dUe. or on its ,w rap;ier. or on a laiad
Siit-rs .....................
-Jora to, ito'-v
psili-d to it in su'-h a manner as to
fab--* ....................
.ii...’., 1.W IM. 1, III. ton.l"« rartoi.1. «I .-.iTl.
form nn tniegnil part, does not affect
...............'-to ta
,1,1,1. I tov. l.ira TO --rai*.-. “T'o rlJ,-.-. ,l.|.lr .raid to..
ibv ilasslfliatlon c-f the ariU-le as mad
;i.*mlK< ....................
...Id... „i 1.1... i.m,.lra.t.
|too.^told^ld tto .1.,
Mr II mxuor of the fourth class.
i.<bc. a-........ ............
Catalogs in w-bUh two or more orJ„
dtoirar. It
I ('till i.Mis. drt*ss< d .
de- f-jrtus are iHMilid. aa welt as <wtaI liei-M-, OUliia*] .. .'
unorefted in the prui.-wsing und i
b-S* or olbi-r printed matter having
then-, and il is nrd wiil.ln my InelliTtJVetci.nt of our liaRii-dlaio tt-rrllor nation to dictate. J have never writ Kutiiile* 'of merch.-indW permanently
;.tlaibed to liiem. limy be arfo,>t(Q'
In, Grand Travel <• county and not l
,ien an atthle for our IcH-a! p.-.ifhr btcM.aai iwoor ttuK-e m— roumn-s.
|foKunatc for innlliiia at the fourth dass rali-t
Tlie mniier of h.-indlia-; tw.niy
i„#n„^ti,;, fn print, I way decide ot postage.
Older forms, address tags, report
rounil.-s from one central ,a>im of
..ntf a-itn. However.
.l.-w-icfm)ew can i.nlv laVilally cdr.^,, -in
„.marl.r forms. icMer aad 4)111 beads. Ini
nnd le*al forms, cards and other simi
j rerilKc Ok- good h^ulltU-s of the
I- f(H.d for Uiouaht.
lar supplies, regardless of the amount
lire lerrit<M7.
Ji'iir C. IVUtecn.
«if ir-iiiiing on them, blank chei-k
Wo all know ihai comentraied ef
iuol.i.. rei-el;>t books and other lyooks
fort. Ilk,- the conilmiou* dropping of
of forms piiniuily in print, may bo
water, would wear iiway aoitono. and
.-nalli-d as fctlrib citas matter.
tlun llio continuous dropping of minDlr<*rtions for taking medicine writ
ernl water would form a stalaciiio.
So the contlnuo.1 adunUlnc of one Prohibitionists Think Name Handi- ten on a label attached to a botlte :
or p.p'Vage containing the medicine or
,iantr«:*r or dt ftniiir rpot bi !>oiind to
caps Their PSrty.
im-kwed with it are jtennissable nnd
bring it to the alteutlon ot many.
do pot affect the olaatifloatlon of 4iic
When a thing is n»ti<q(l otce. It
indiamilHdii*. Ind.. Jan- in,—Avti.in
may be an Incident-' When it is no- j^kins to a thane- In the mmi
t:c<-d iwir,\ it may bo a eo-imldent. ,^p iVoh'iMiloa l«iny so as to
Third Asst P. M. Gen.
I .It when il is tioilc.-d ihr«o or four
than tlie single Idka of
lim,'*. the rcKUte h< sixteen times *» |«rohil-:il'n .-f the !b;m>r traffic I* cx1/lS ANGKI.1-3:—“Feed them fish;
Ipe'-lcd lo Ik* ta'xea Jy the salifmal any bca.can do It then.” Tl-.i *1* Mrs.
In tho advenlsints for Rolllcrs to t-mr.-rence tW JTohibilion .leader* A. Holtrbvrg's advice to chicken fanceiiipy a ir.icl of twenty cqitPtles. no
n,»,.mhled In th .s <4iy toda.r. rlcrs. Seven fUh f«-d fowls laid K2
cm,-iiarilrular rcql estate I'roinolor or jiore than one thourand delcgiite*. i-ggs during December, she <1ih lares.
op luirticuiar a<>ciion can cxi»ect lo ludludlng me::il«-rs of Uho nalj-Jaal •BOntlKAVX—Maicelln
.4*lcr. f
gain much iwDeOt.
(and slat*- «,n;miitcr« and num-rou* young imlnjer. invited a score nf hli
Im-idtml* are occurlng every llilte other h-ad-r*. aro uuemlii>-t the
■frkneU to a imnqurt an.I .-ift.-r a JoUy
whlio lo [«rove this out. JuslVccenily ti-reiicc. wl,!eU will be lb bCfJicn the e*.ning. blew out hi* trains in the
a man eatic dAwn here from <mt*ido tisitiro wikIl
prcetr.ee of his eucsIb.
JurludiMloa for the piir|>D*e oti
piiTThasIng a Binull farm.
IKK'sibleto hold him here but an hour
or two as ho bad to tear nround os
rapidly as ho could in order to get
away and vUlt the balance of ibi
^c^ritor^-. Ho wautod to rover the
whole groimd and when this d*p* o<cumplikbed. he had seen too much
ond was unable to make a declslnn
Jn advenlslng the wasted and bar
ren plains (nnd i disliko very much
We wish to call your attention to our wash
that lormi wo are offering
Komeitiing that Is of little or no value
ing and scrubbing materials. Wash boilers,
to the |»urrhaM'r. Of what uik* ba>
copper bottom, good, strong handles, at $1 36
the man in tho city tor a piece of
each. Then u little better quality at $I 60.
gronnd (hat Is without bulldlngw and
SL75 and $2.40, All copper $3 and $3.50.
covered w'iih slumps, say 200 or 30i>
The quality and price is here. Galvanized
to the acre. If he ha* neither home,
tubs and boilers of all sizes and priccs.Wash
nor *back nor tools to work wlihf
There are. within the iibundsry of
boards from 15 cents to 50 cents each—this county and tad or three adjoinbrass, glass-or zinc. Scriibbing brushes,
ing couniles many- trarts of ground,
soda, chthjs pins, and clothes lines.
lieh nnd fertile.' which have never
Brooms from 32 to 50 cents each, made from
lieen cultivated, nnd which could be
bright com. All sold on money-back
idottod into small tracts, and on It
plan if not satisfactory. Soap, soap powders,
ibero could be built small rotiages
or bungalows that could be sold lo
in fact, everytliing that you may need is to
the prospective purchaser on a pay-;
be had at the,
ment not exceeding what he would
be willing to pay for twice as much
Itarren soil and stumps.
These lltUo farms could be dotted
.vroiind on our side bills and In our
fertile valleys, with Uule colUges
large enough to house the purchaser's
family, and sold to him for a payment
down, anfficlent to cover tho cost or
the initial cost of the development,
and this purchaser wonid be a con
tented neighbor and friend among iis.
He could make a living througti the
suffiffler, . with a lltUe sarden and
To Re-arraD0e Stock and Mark Down. Goods
Doors Open Frida y-'MornIng at 9 o'clock
See Large Sate Cfrculars now being Dlstrlbuicd
ior Di t ills and Prices.
This Is the big sale Itiat Doubles and Triples the Purchaslbg
Potver of your money.
Traverse City, -
ormatlon Is r<-ceived- Hairy butter
KCtfiC. Strict!^ fiwsh eggs
;3rr storage silll remain at 2vc anil
FARM PRODUCe-euylng Prig..
2c. rotaioes, 43c.
I'Tlecs corrected every- day.
In th? local markets there was serral sblptneniB receded by rail; buck, Toiatod .......................... .....35e
rheat from Bniplrt^
Haplds. and the Urgesi number of
famiera wi-re in wto grain for both
pist and sale in sfveral days. The
shipment* out of grjiin were the larg- «.-.nlona ..........................................50t.55<FARM PROOUCE-Reiliftg Price.
n some ttme. The ruslom work
Prii-es corrected every ^ay.
was very heavy ai^ the mllU were
foutoes ............................................5*>r
taxed to their utmobt.
Yestertlay Ihere were fou* loads of Butler ..........................................
butter___ _______
potatoes received. |rhis tnornlo; ibcmsds «era In Ark- rtmdiiion and ibi
farmers were many.; There wi-re Hgni Hay. ,w-r ion. Uk-d....................;...«l*.*
loads up 10 noon anc some of the com. Straw .......................................................814
had idets to bny and
GRAIN—Hannah A Lay Co.
This will
the prices
l*rbe*.cflrrertcU evx-ry day.
iMi only for the d y. but those who
1^ on ^.npol ; proBted by the Wheal ............................................ tiirubSc
INVENTORY SALE to us this Year
* Means a Big Lot of Seasonable Goods
put on Sale in Our
which merit the attention of every one
with a dollar or less to spare.
Wash Day
It is a place where Bargainsare to
be found—
And through January and February this
will Continue.
CO ivi E
Moore repreaentlng Cadillac,although
is 8 cvnla for one iwnnd and ‘ ceats
not favoring the limit in vogue loat
for each addiUonai pound. In this
aone there are 13 sutea. whIA lie
season, was willing to compromli
Chief Kohler Baya Cleveland H Clean
wholly wltblD 'the lone boundartea.
sllgbUy lower figure.
They are: Maina. New Hampshire.
Nothing like conclusion was reacw
Clevctand. Jan IJ—Novelty of lOC.Maaaachusetts. Rbgdc Island. Connec
ed 4t 8 o'clock and the directors and
004 population Is so free from vice as
ticut. New Jefaey,;' llelaware. .North
rlsitors repaired to tbe banquet, and
Chief Fred Kcbler. in
Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia.
8 o'clock returned to the scene of
bis report tor 1912. The chief deAlabama. Uisalasiigil. Arkanaa*. The
the mining. At 10 o'clock the queeI a large part to golden rule sucitlea of Boston'aad New Yot« are
tloD of adjourning was put lo
also in tone live.
moguls, but this was thought not foasThe chief sutes that if be could
Sixth Zona
ible, becanae of the expense end val preveni-crimes he would fee] the .leFbr the aixth ague, Inclodlng (be
uable time necesaliated by- the plan. sired results In police work bad been
territory between the 1.000 mile
The representatives and visitors fok attained and would be satisfied if not
nldlua and,4he 1.400 mile radius (he
low: Manistee—John A Wagener
irrest''iMid beea made
rate it 10 cents for one pound and 8
and F. T. Classmire: Cadillac. Presi
cent! for eacb additional pouDd. The EVERY FIRE COMPANY DOWNdent 8. C. Moore and Manager Homer
principal cities In this aone are New
Warner: Boyne City. C, E-Chase. Geo
Orlcana. Denver and Salt I.ake.
rhton and Prsnk Thompson; l^dSeventh Zone
Ington. Forest B. Dlckeroon: Muske
The rate fox
territory in th?
Work of Firemen Was Made DifficuH gon. President C. W. . Marsh, “red
seventh aone between the 1.400 an.1
by Intense Cold That Prevailed
Nelson. Alfred Devldson. James ’KeT1,800 mile radlusee li II cents for the
While Fire Was Un- (
loy. Arthur DeBaker, David PSreons.
first pound snd 10 cents for each ad
der Way.
Patrick Murphy. Herman Woytae.
ditional pound. In thla tone are Ne
Fred Bodendorfer. Frank Anderson
vada and Cuba. The principal cities
and William Castenholi: Traverse
Pittsburg. Jan.
Owing to a warn- ii^tone seven anc Portland. Ore., and
Ttaorr ia ont- InJuitr>‘ that can t>«
T. H. Cmis, E. C, Billings. VlsltIv eighteen houra In advance the Seattle.
-atancH] in Travoran City wltb the Inin (he downtown district rosionded
W. C. Steele. Muskegou; Richard
city wak prepared today for the worst
• Zona eight
Tnaimmi ul a atuitH amount of ca|<lial,
-neral alarm today to fight t
Spalding, I>«roll: Peg Betels. F. C.
January flood in Its' history when the
The eighth aone'Includes all terri
‘ and oblch. viicn In operation, will
W’atora of the- .Uonongahela and Alle- tory over 1.800 miles aWoy. The rate won-t fire of the winter in Detroit, Johnscfi. G. W. Smith and Bennie
tatnc a proniaiilc entorprlre.
^eny rivers reached a crest of S1.3j,„ ,hi,
oenia tef one pound when the Houghton & Jacobson I*rlnt- Jewell.
K U a roll] vtor^e pUat. 8o far «e
Tbe magnates decided upon a
feoL which U nine feet above'lbe dan-',nd 12 centi for esrti additional pound, lag romiiany, in the heart
• have Bot alone very- nicely without
ger mark. No fatalities are reported. n,m and Porto Rlto are liR-Juded in wholesale dIstricL waa destroyed, game schedule, the aame a'b>Iaat eeaBeach, aged about
__ _
attch an InalltatkiD. the aai
llres were endangerei and ,h,,
also the cities of IX)S An- making a I13U.M0 loss.. The bltfor son. tbe opening games to W played
..rowrtylw u'
have Bot alone for yeora with only yearm. whose home Is on. Kaal Eighth
Tusday. May. 20. and the closing
Rvsl-' grte, ,(,d San Pramlsco in CalKomla.
.lr„l. dM !.« dll*. .1
wood for fuel.
•B on Sunday. Sept. I4. Alihougb
Itai tblnga are (nianBins: Intact, wher. h. h.d bMd .Ulild, '<>; •'"‘T.d .11 dlibi lo
pmp,n,. wbll.
DO definite date was Kt it is expect
llii y have already tbaaited. Thi' aa
.*1, Mr. Ii«.oh hmd
^lle. In 1k«u re.rf .p .nd
od that tbe next meeting will be call
intb or so iiasi. and with bia wife ■
mill baa {Hot. the wood plte Iiai aled within a month. Iwst night's meet
d gone to Kalkaaka to stay for I victims.
tnoit diaa|>i<eared. and the old mething was adjonmed ebonly after mid
while among friends and relatives. I were thrown out of work when the
' oiU of marketlnB our farm
night. •
The remalDs
• chard pro.lucu no loneer ratUfy de"*« big mills. Warn
: rnaadi that arc ever hecomlnf more family home
the G^AL * i. today.
diaeritiiltiaiinc and exacilua
down the Ohio river.
Besides the wife there are two sons.
A cold BtoraBC plant will pay In
Action Is Taken Isj Aecordanco With
Traverae City , heioiiae modem mar- Elmer Beach and Ira Beach, and one
Law Which Ptedgkc ths
ketmg loethodr call for auch aninatl- daughter, ilra. M. Inman, of the penlnMembers.
^ tation. And when demand! are made, suU.
Funeral tenlcea have not been a^
r? fbe C9»t of laiiHtyina iboae demand!
f! admitted: for tboite who dance ranged.
Event to Be Held at Mitt GOuid's
know that the flddler nuat be settled
Country Residence at TarrySalem, Ore. Jan. 13.—For (ha aecwith.
town, N. V.
ond time within skew yeara an Ore
Three Lines of Buaii
gon legislature ia about to elMt.
A ruld siorase plant at Traverse
New Y'ork. Jan. 13.—Announcemeut
I'tilted States senator «%ose political
: »CHr would serve thr«e purj>o«*».
<if the date and arrangements for tfle
List of Towns Has Been -Compiled for faith ia the opposite of that of the
WiHiM he of service to the Iruit n
George H. Hedges Sworn in A# Gov
nurrluge of'Helen Yllller Goul-1 (
lajority of its nmml.era. Notwlththe Convenience of the
lire l•lil^he^l'. and the dealers In dairy
ernor Todey.
Finli-y J. Bbepard waa made toJa;
suudlng (hat the - legislature wl-lch
; t«odu<ts. The custom! reieardiDK the
oonvened today Is trverwhelmingly il« Medical and Hospital Corps of Na- Tbe ceremony will occur Jan. 22 at
' maTkctiDK of fruits are chanBlni: so
. Uonal Guard Ready to Rush
Miss Gould's ertunuy place at Tar?puUlcan It will eledi as Dolled States
Tepeka. Kan . Jan. 13.—George H.
With the Snccess of the parcel poet
niddlr that within a few years the
Relief of the Suftown. N. Y. Only relatives and
senator. Dr. Harry Mnc. u Democrat,
Ida copsumlnB markeU will accept Hodgn fbemocrati._________
was sworntyetem
lg,AS eeemlngly assured there comes
fering People
tiniate friends will be present.
the colleague of Senator Chamber-'
This Institute, composed of a sronp
• iothlfiB hui what conted to them with govertor of Kansas today, sueceed-ltbe continual query from merchants
lyemocrui’ who
electof regularly giaduaied p&yalclans and
t|]l thr freshness that refrlaemtlon Ing Walter R. Stubbs tHepublulcan.^ ,nn<l ahippera. • What are the
KurgeonK. licensed, legally associated
Wheeling. W. Va.; Jan, 10,—Wheel
...... Hodges I* the first Democrat To fully answer this question would
^ can Rive.
under the laws of (he Stale of Ohio,
Tbe elation of Dr. Lane ing is flood bound, the flood crest hav
years n
sends at Its own exi<eDse these emi
Already In some liarts t^f the
elected governor of Kansas in fifieeh* take a zooe map and a unit book. At>r
will be Id comiiUance with the much ing reached here (bis morning,
nent medical apecielifts in order to in
try cooling stations are being erected'yeors and his Installation was made the benefit of patrons of - this city,
troduce the newest methods and dlsdUeussed Oregon law which ple'dgev rocnibg e.ViK) famillea In iheir homes
in the t-rchards, that (be fruit may be so oc<nslon of entfauslasa fof the however, the prlnclpar towns and
CDverit-B in medicine and surgery, suck
the logislatoni to vine for the card-- Biupptug atre<-t car and railroad traf
as the sysletu ol treatment under X
cooled aa qnickly as picked, and then thousands of Democasu who tame cities in tha neighboring tones and 4^(e for senator who receives the tic. shutting off tbe gas. supply___
tay. Violet ray, Finsen ray. Hydrokept cold until it Is turned over to the j frotn all parts of the aute’ to parti the principal rMles and autes In (bo
causing great suffering and Ineatlmablghest
NovtirNew York. Jan. 13.—Much Interest tberai.by. etc. to give to those who
roDsumcr, 'who hurries It lo his ice cipate in the ceremonies.
more dlsignt zones has l>een compiled.
'i-«M nn rn*
ble property damage.
One woman
(he all
above date, consultation,
ilfested in tbe mllltneiT .trade u*>iu>uniioD.
box. 'ir be ^ one. Refrigeration is
For alt city and rural delivery poa-. bor elecUon.
Governor Stubbs and Governoradvice and aU medicines
was drowned and another la missing
tYhen the s:;E:.toTiBl election is dis
in the outcome of tbc case of Miss rt-quire.l to coiupleie a cure, absolnlealteady a iCces.>U) in (he aucceasful elect Hodges were escorted to the (age tbe rate is 3 cents for one pound,
Conditions are the eame for 290 mUei
These apeclaJlsta will diag
Helene McCulloch, milliner, wbo was
markcring of sirawbertles. raspher- stale bouse l>y several companies of id 1 vent f^ each addtlional pound. posed of (be lawmaker* will turn alcog the Ohio river.
and give you tbc bene*
rJeA and cherries, and it is soon going the Kansas National guard. In the
their attennoD to oee of the bcavlest
arraigned 'in court today to aland
' First Zone
National Guard Ready
fit of their skill and medical knowl, 10 be demanded for i<eaihes an-l ap assembly- cbamt>er the oath of office
trial on a charge of displarlng in her edge free.
Tbe aone rate wbitfr wilt apply on iegislative programs (hst bas been
Columbua Jan. ID.—Tbe medics
pies. This is a feature of the market was administered to the neat execu ly par<-el coMlgned to.m point in the prepared In years. Many
shop is-enty aigrettes. The case was
case no eaperiand bosplul corps of tbe Ohio Na
ing pruhiem (tinrrrniiiK which (be pn>- tive by- Chief JusUce William
preiwred tor consideration
bronght as a test of tbe new law menflng or guess work at your «afirst roue and outside of tbe local
jtense. You mill be told wholber yon
doeer will have s el^wre
^ver flood whkh makes it n misdemeanor to sell van be cured or not. If your case la
Johnston. The other state offiwra rate, is Z cenu for one pound and 3 are of an extmmely.prog^slve chareic< T't "Aye. aye." -^.e fruit grower
j eletied In November, all of them'Ke- cents for eech additional pound. This acler. Included in - the lUt are bills
Reporis here said the rise or possess the plumage of ceruin curable the)- will put yon under trealwho»- I'rodoce appears soft will sim
aone includes everynhlng within a ia providing for workingmen's
workiugmeo's comjwn-.,„
comjienDicDi ImmHiaiely; If Incurable thny
temperature has caused further bird*.
pabllcans. were sworn it. In a brief lone
ply be fiasst-d by. rxctrpi by ibe
will ghe you auch advice aa may pr^
Inaugural address Governor llodg-M mile radius from Traverae City, and aatlon, mothers' pensions, a harhelor'■ i’ swelling
of ,v
the, river,
incom® tax. Ibe curbing of "wildcat
re-affIrmed the ante-election pIodBvsAs the live Sior'.: industry grows
ties: l.eelanau. Dentie. Antrim. Cbar speculation.” a minimum wage >«w.,
the r.-v...,i about Travers.- City, and
levoli. Manistee, Wexford. Miasauker-.
eacb Individu^ vase tbe
tbe msBoKude of-this In-ldstry It Inand Kalkaska. The principal cities
Budapest Bells Produce In Municipal system is thoroughly cleansed of the
disease in a natural and direct man
rreasing, the need of a cold storage
and towns In tbe first aone are Acme.
ner. and improvement is noticed at
plast become, creater. With refrig
AMen. Barker Creek. Uellaire.
once: even tbe worst cases are treateration at hand Jlie butcher can op*-rdoe. Bcnxoola.
Budapest. Jan. 13.—Tbe dty of ed without any Inconvenience to th*
ato on. a large m-sIc. keegring his snrpatient
Cborlevolx. Ct^Htmisb, Crescent, Bear
Budapest has Invested 3100.000
, or the pursuing of bU or her
. plus meat In suiraue. lYinhermore.
I,ake. East ].ake. East Port. Elberta.
where nesU. pool-1, * j.
you arc improving under your
: oar local buying buitriiers can under
Elk Rapids. Ellsworth. Empire. Fif; ENGLAND SUFFERS FROM GALES T. H. .oniis was Elected ViewPresi try and dairy prodnets are told at family physician, do not come and
take to bniUl up a vlioleaale trade
l.oke. Fountain. Fionkfort. Glen Hav
••reasonable''.pricea that It at prices “kv “P. «belr valuable time, as they
Former County Treasurer Finley M
with tbc •bopki-eiM-ii. In the neaiby
gued Several Houra
en. Glen Arbor. Grawn, Interlocben.
llammond was somewhat surpriaeil
Kalkaaka, Kingaley. I,ske City. Lcland.
capItaL The city has gone Into clans. They wish besides U give
wbdh on arriving home gboui aix
Profits en Eggs LesL
Luther. Mancelona. Manistee. Maple
Grand Rapids. -Jan. 13.—After a disEach spring and early summer hun o'clock Saturday evening, he was met City. Old Miasion. Sultana Bay snd Lasted Thlrty4hree' Hours and Old CTiMlon of seven houra over, the eai
horses in ■ year.
the door by (be county officials ol
Heavy Damaga to Ocean
dreds of thousands of Graud Traverse
■ ten 10 long stories not i>ertalaliig to
-tile, and (bey all come u
Itolt. th. MkhlD. Sl.t,
(your trouhle. They have dlsoBrded
ecBs aie bought at the lioitoiii idlces. the rourt house suid tbe young women der (he tone-rate quoted above. ^
at‘ the ”
Liv................ 'in convention
. ............
There Is alto a i uDieliIpal bakary.lihe old methods and remedies nsed
iployes In tbe offices there.'wbo bad
- sh)|c|a-d to rhtcago, pat lo etorsBe.
medico] world, and
and tlu-D sold back to ua lo the lsi<- punned a dinner and farewell party.
folly to depend np- fall and early winter at pricca Jhsi A chlchgis dintfer with "all (he appur- one pound and 4 rents for each ad
(bey arc not known
(hereto belonging” wai
W h».y Qin
..o« .i™.,
o' lio.ow pom.. . .Ur, „
„ ,h„„,^j.fairly iimVe us Jamp. If the cold sior- t'-min'-r^
ditional pound. This zone Includes ter, ,
..'or mors than J3 per cstit of the dty'S m tbem for Mlef^Thc^Mfo^^
ag.- plant aei<- localed ber* Instead oF M-rvifd by Mrs. flaipmoDi]. and tbe rltory, between iO to ir.0 miles from Tberr; haveheen marly wrecks of smaH,“'lJ^‘!
craft'and coast sblPDlng bas been ooHTbs decision was not reaehel until
bread consnmptlon.
i of diseases only are Uken nn.ler treat' In Chicaro, the difference between the evei.tnE w'ss wgient In^ social manner
city and Includes Alpena. Alma.
uptlnB prlees and the fall prtcoi wouid T^c guetiM outsIde of the family were Baldwin. Bay City. Bay View.
"P *’“'* **I PAtty to Import fresh meat from Rldn- y^ Catarrh, ^purulent or^^?),
neiualn In this eomnmnliy and help «> .Mr and .Mrs. Elmer E. While. Judge Rapids. Uoyns ClU'. Cheboygan, Clare. In port today felt tW foil fury of the
r. H. Walker. E. A. Monroe. I.M
etorm. and some of- tbem are badlyF. T. «>»■*■.RoumanU and Servla.
Consumption, Epilepsy, Deafneat. Btoniake us all tiiore profiwrooa.
Eaton Rapids, Evart. FllnL Fremont.
' j
Intlre. represenUllve of (be
______________ —
lenses of Women. Tumors. Psendo
.^galu with cold storage at band, Hornsby. MUsea Grace Smith. Cbris- Gaylord. Grand Haven. Gogebic. Oran'l
butter wbirb DOW g<Ms to ChleasD for lln<- Hurniutb. laira lackey o|id Lottie Ledge. Grand Rapids, Harbor Springs.
- BtoruBc would remsTn here and the Nash. Ur. HammoLO was presentevi Ionia. Iron River. Ithica. l.analDg.
--------------~profits ihut arise from bolding the with a' valuable fountain pen from (be Lapeer. Ludington, Meckbtac Islan.i. houra and (here Wi4 a «,„tlnnbus
office employes. He expeMs to leave
■ ‘ 8 Will Corns Before ths iowa Laglala-’fojTb
ssD«- wi.'d-l Cl me to us.
Marquette. MenomlDee, ML Pleaseni. snosrfsll Irv the Newcastle district. Tel-. tq 1. each ------- -aeniative voUng la
otbec dlacnxea if once uken under
A local rvdd storage plant, then, will soon (or Fiorlda and other points of Muskegon. Ovid. Petoakey, Reed City, ephone and telegragih alret a
[treatment, it cured permasenUy to
Glasaperform at lean three distibet tun.'I remain* so and to never return. U
Saginaw. Ssuit Ste Marie hnd Mil
Des Moines. Ia. Jan. 13.—A heavy matters not whom you have s
duns. It will help in the markeUng business ^d iileasure trip.
ted. do not fail
of o'lr fruits, will make ]>ossfble the
Third Zone
drT-!upn,esii uf a wholesale meat bus*
pool until 9:20 o'clock tonight. when!elub Introduced tbe noUon. aad thsjgeneral aaaerabiy of Iowa which con- “ * ;^Jo7''or*Vb«Hu!“o7eJSS
The third ifpne. which Inctudea
im-as own'd and eprrated by local
fciie Balled direct for New Y'ork. Tbe «»l of *h* dlrsctora wUllng U> conl,vened today for lU biennial aessitm.
or prolone your Ufa aa Umt*rtiory between (he ISO mile radius and
'capital, on-i will bring to lu the big
steamer Celtic from New Y'ork Jan.] code k few points to avoid another chief Interest centers In five Import- sands of persons will testify by i
the 300 mile radius, boa a rate of T
testimonials tIn all parts of
piofi'^ itpw |,dd Chlca|ip men for stor*
BM Was a Flonssr Rceident of Grand cents for the first pound and i cents 4. which arrived *t Queenstown this meeUng two weeks hence, agreed to «Qt measurers that wUi be f *" ‘"■ tbe country.
« you sospoct Kidnay
ins buvr and eggs
tbe eompromlaa
afternoon. r^rU^having
tor consideraUan. iney »re.worabotUe of
for each additional poond. Some of
it lui< b<-«tv argued that so long as
ao| President B. Y
terrific wutbsr. The gals
good' roads.'your Vrlne for chemical «nd micraingmen’a
the principal dtles included in this
ti.e.c. are cold storage pladts at
violent on Friday and Satnrday that
Grand lUgd-'A, Deimli atid Chicago,
league another.aeason at an inersnse U.. .m .
rera.were forWdden c
and that th.-sc can be quickly reached, darling died Saturday morning at'her Creek. Bontem Harhor, Colomet. Cas- promenade deck.
of salary, the amount of which will Other measures that are expected to plated. Persons commenring treatth. :i- Is no p.-d of a pUnt pt Trav- home three ml.lea east and one-half aapolls. Coldwater. DetrolL Dowagla^
be determined later. President T. H. he brought up during the season are meat upon their future risiu will bn
e CltT. Hill eorh roaaobing ia Dot mile aoath of Kingaley. She would Hancoc'k. Hllladale. Jacluon. Kalama»onm'.
Pl*. ^»lr« to PW. boi not oo. ^-10
When a Gran-! Travefoe farm have been T9 years old bad she Ilv^ loo. Marshall. Niles,' Paw Paw. Port
elected to fill ths offlcs of vice-presi
t>M>. 1. 0be was bom In Canada Huron in ibla state, and Cl^eland,
er loit-i fruit Into a Chicago plant, he
dent of tbe league, succeeding C. C. State prison reform, nirai achool niedlclne necessary to effect a '«Br%
is so far fi-.m tbe basis of oiN-ratlonr
problems, and provisions for a strict- lrresi*e«tlve of your position to lifh
Dunham ot Cadillac.
Fourth Zona
Just 4& years ago tbe day
that hr- cannot msrkei Ids piodux- to
Tile meeUng waa called to order er regulation of private banking InaU- « «!’/““f
The fourth aone rate, which will MICHfOAN PREBIDENTIAL ELECtbe best advantage. With the fruit In •*>«
i'clock and T. H. GH-jcatlons. Before the lawmaking bestos »,nted. a positive guarantee to cnr»
atorage in Traverse City the sale tor' f *** Teavea three aoca. George C.. carry paroela anywhere from 300
City, opened tha dd- tbs legialatttm wed r»«Ieot WUUam «iu (>« given under their syaM» iS
the same will be concluded here amt '-^'ekley «ad Calvin, prbo ail live In the cSo miles from the .dty. U 8 ce
bate on the salary quesUon. malnlalu-’s. Kenyon to the United Staton nan- treatment Those h«vl« long atoiri>
j here wheD tor one poniid and 8 cenu tor each
. Dot at some faraway |iolm »here Cie tfoln'ty and who
at^gy. and one slater la additional pound. Jn this
Grand Travv-rse man is It a OlsadvanEdmortd Black Waa Chosen to Carry getting awaiTto tbe good
discouraged, are partienUriy
inclndsd three whole atn^. Kentocky.
ths Glad Tidings to Wash
son, becanae of tbe sale of aeven
It* colL
Bparl&C **■ anefa loved and West Virginia .and Minnesota. Some
Cold Storage Planu
. NOTICE—Married ladles wttoMT
players to higher claaa leagues, and
respected by fill «4u> knew ber. and of the larger cities in tbe fourth zone
Treveiio City Is not too small for
their Ht'SBAKDS. aad minors wllboot
their FATHERS. wUl posiUvMy adt
IRs>d l•l■D(. Albion. New York, ffiopnweekly
admitted to consultotlon nalaa
SL Paul.
Minneapollt. GL Louis,
Lanalng. Jan.''iS.—Michigan's
iatlot. .'.0161 supports four cold ttor | greatly the loea.
by tme of tbalr local
nttsburg aad Cinclnotl.
prssIdenUal Msetora today cast tbslr gnr.
Tbe funeral was helfi this afternoon
«kc pUiiis: I!olli-y. N. y.. igiopautloti.
WINSTEAD. Conn.—A cat. chased
B. nekeraott of Ludlngt
balloto for Theodore Roosevelt
Fifth Zone 1,<I‘ I frier plants: Uanaomvllle. N. Y.. Bt ] o'clock. The romalns were taker
** ^Ice boars: 9 a. m. to 7:30 P-fiS.
up a pole by a dog. abort circultod the
Tbe rale for the fifth aone. which prssldeDL Edmond BlaMc ot Marino W. Marsh of Muskegon and
(ts>l>t:letion, rOb) one plant: Rpencor to Evergreen oemetery, where they
Chase of Boi^e City, favored the idan city light wtTM and aused three
port. N V.. fpopulatlnn UrtOi iwi>'
put lo rest by the aide, of ber inclndas the territory betwi D tbe 800 City waa c
Antrodneed by Mr. OlUla. sad Dr. 8. C boon darksMs.
mile mdlu and tbe
mUe rtellua Ue resoUs to Waablsgton.
ginatt. All of the above pUnu nreJbngband, Joeepb Bpaiilns.
ivaylng. as is testlOed in by one of oar
fellow townsmra wbo vialled tbam In
the early fall
Wbo abould hntld a cold atora««
■plant at Traverse OlyT
Grand Traverse men with Grand
ToLrerae capiUI, of eourae!
.Tbc proAta from cold storage operPITTSBURG UNGER WATER ALONG
TRAVERSE CITY LOGICAL PLACE atidns are large and these profits If
kept here will help to develop tbU
country. Several aitempta have been
cnade to interest outside capital, but
>ucb an
ibe big prxrfiu would leave the reglvn.
which Is a coodlUon to be avoided It
Grand Traverse ia to he a big fruit
cAiter and we must all work to have
centered here all the aide lines tb:
go with fruit raising.
Ceiwtructlon^ »( SulUble Building 'There is enough caplUl here to Thousands of Workman Were Thrown
Out of Empleymant When Mills
Would Provo Groat Impctua to
•■ulld and equip a cold atorage wareMany Loading Induatrloa
louse, and
will be done sooner or
of tha Rogion.
Uier. hilt
sooner the better.
is here offered to the
Sick and Suffering
oi our community.
Rrad This
Visiting Speciaiisrs
from the
IIIElECTJMOeil«T|,f,Yy g||„gf
pay their first visit o
Traverse City, Mick
and will be at the
Park Place Hotel
Wsdntsiay, Jan. 22
Tell ycui sick friemis.
8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
„.,d X.
c,.. u..
o, .tootto, Unt^t ttuto. ~-^..SUrni?t SSo.'X'fllirrS
to. tt», ™..... ct„
toou t.'.«,
Cough,<^ld €8tW.TY
Sl 'aa’* UriJa-'!ii
quick rtlk-r fii' Cvu.,;1i,
luAUvaactt.", koiu lUrout,
etvmi, fisiLuia, Iwy fu\ur
&nd bivurkills.
t33irs PROOF. ‘
“ W«
To Defeat
Pa^d; Away {it Family Home L.ast
j _
Ouectien ia Whathcr or Net.to Aitco- 1
e.U N.« P.n.1 IR.
iFWm II,..rW.
T1.C J«nrt of jinfH r>lBoni m«t nv^i
of.^r « feo- Jiu...-*- ntrs'
S;!s.vi>:ilii;i(y to Colti', sore
thrc.-t*:. !on>ili;is at«l &ui h. inriiLaic in;ivvcii •'ic«l nwli.y—ia. Ic
ol rcv;:ve sliir.;;;h U> v.c.iilicr
rhaiipng seasoiii •
.A r/rtraifel- f SCOTrSEMVLSJON alter eaVli n.e!l scar.'
hcdithy iMHly aai-i.i like a smail
’rs::fth kiniilei a {treat »irc—atid
IBo:e: »f mefies'picA. haai:ki',
Mioa btooJ- forlilka f-Si (iuiicj
e.tti trMMfain (Ac ar.o fffft
$n nJ f..>rf;i-»:mirlA.
scorns emulsiok ^ the
Fruit Stems
Clipped ^oit
(t'rda Saturday's ftccord-Gaide.)
Mla.|n:.-rJntl<n!; Rr«tt. af»d 1".
rraic, isuKhter of .'dr. and Jdra Win.
"Rutile* In the rrower's tiara"—I>o-.
If, St^r. r.tl nfth ‘treet. died at
Winter llmicua. MelMor.h. Jonl!y home at cix <.'Moek l3«l
Per five weei;-- she Iiad aiba.i. Sm.w. Wealthy, Wagoner, fauhe rataxes of tLai dreaded adr. Kod,
UTihold fever, rharlotto wai
ttuylne fire or ten barrel* of nice
the ihir I <.f fMf dnirphlera In the fam
1 sister to tour bruthtrr. She D|>t>le« to the busluess luau who canspate tiDie to no Into one of our
briebt Biiimy oaturo and tier
friend* rein numbered < a'.y by t»er nrclianlK and vro the fruit lAcVed Is
3.<-i'i'i:t to lie mure snd more of a Chiui'qnuliiiitjanres.
puule ..Abiolulely no tnedlnm
Owltu to ntber Illness In the famlly
e |ir««-nt time, tlK> fiimral can be found to iutroduev buyer and
teller on a basis of llxc-d values. Noilivi'l be private, and wilt not
iai; ever sooms to b» st-tiM: piiee.
twed nnt 1 n I roUier who llvi.* j
'luullly, br noods saiapled for liwiieeiaVka oili.ir arrives or U hoard
llou. Heard of^ trade, deseloi<nieDl
and Mk. Seuti nnd family
liiir.-au and lliv city luirkil all Ibal
iloeni-t Kymp^iliy of tunny
IllieMselvmi bolide*, in Rivlax sirsa
eiitle 1^ ihc .vil.
en, the infoniiBiloo it^y want We
Jdo know of soeeral orchards qoMlac
flyeil iirlrws and di liiK fair inRd.M
and We honor tliein for II. but It ottHi
hapiwnr that they are soH oat on
riaiidurd \arirtu« and the buyer noi's
Michi^n'' Crop Report Shows GnQOureging 6ondiliena.
'Ho demand " And yet
r.ioiitent ttandafd'hatTid
stork I* Lrlngnqt fs-30 to ivu.-. Viwi
VC alwayu be treaini as dalihiers la
Um> Iniir baslaess?
It !s o iiliasure to s<« that SetTelary WUaoa says It U i.leh time tbat
the fanners coniklned toRcfjc^ a-td
sold Ibi lr preduee dirjtctlj lo Ihe er.ninjinw.' »le InaStta that 1 y emt'nx out
the atlddlbnian the farmer redue.-a the
the consnmer end get* a- i.*etter lUlce himself. TllU is »0;;le.
Grange Girger
Tlib U CCMise da> in five d;Hw;i-:;t
14111* of r-tacd Traverse ca»ii:v. Tue
iuM‘bers cf ibe order a.c uic-«elng in
thflr halli at Old Mluton. I-Tfc L*’.;.-,
Summit City, r^'.k l-ake and U.ng
I.-ke. ,'t (-ach place the 19W officer*
arc beiau *worn iu. As U.c graug. rs
all 1 behind Jorked dour*.
Itiv Ii3k Jinks oHit'cn ar» being lie
♦ Rtalh^ by Mr.-ar^ Mra. Lowell Sour*:
tmiu. T-hc Umda of lh«. varRiua .ooii
the Fife Ijike IbhIuIUiUcd -exi-lx'kea
! o' oraNra ware r4>eeivi.a and n^enssl
Sotftli' MlttoB. J«i.'
Joe Mrlain .~.re Id ch.arge of Mrs, K. A. Kvaiwi
•to t:io«tni.u.ltf<-- .m imatire. uu,.= a.M
aceldeniatly *1lpi»d'on the Ice Friday the Sumi.iit Ci'y offlrers an tnklsK
(mt^na. .-ar.-.d U.-U of ro,4t.> .Vrtt
whne .IratrliiB a load of potatoes to the oaths of fwiliy ivefore .Mr. and
iKlmiT A. Wlili... whI. Ji waa act^
Ok lUlildy. The wTiacI pa»*ed ovei Mrs. Georfm S. Harr<«: the |4>BC
i:«*. I.
hts leg and bnilved it badly, roiiii- l.nke Jtivlailing ii0i. <-r ti E. A ^•,*•BBa.
vtu~: ■•<
n. > rood for
. i«!.
usuly nu henes skcrc broken, bat a*
grangers ai* JBM
V> l!.r..>l»ii.*'rYKIo.
;p«nk Trude and Will II. S.id. a
it U he will be laid up lur come iU.‘*e
A..4U cured IM 44 Bi; UvdW*
auretl.'K.ihai cixia to the eoaniy ainS
llurtT winter haa bow to UeUalra that (Imv w!U make ibe year lt>13 th«
the bond qf $-’■.<'■'>0 wiltl l>.
(lilU : <
I meet with the IMord of »in«ervl*i« greateri l:i I-'cal ymuco hU^ar.,.
|nnd .1. ().‘t’rols.T as adn-l1..i> ;:.iiiK:
Waller Wllnoii is quite *lrk with
Grang# is to ^fow.
tlfuy;- the <jiiiiiV>,e
tlm aiulc.. w<-n< a<t«pu*il.
l>'> M» •i.'-r
P- }
John r. Kite!.am, the new mavfer
larnff*L'iutl.r.4. til... ue B<!U
board-ilieii took a rty v'^ diiil! I p.'f< ’>!:
il. (J'UBll viullrtl with Mrs. W. of the itiehlxau Mate granse. has ml
»■'•». »■■’ »'•'
tlilk mornliie.
»iili.nn u.evr. cj. w r-.'U.4.iu.Mj.
WV>f a l*w day* am week, retumaig om to Increa. ..‘ii.e mcmbersli'.ii «f the
Neariv the < trtlre a-nsuirij; »-ns l.ik
ImniM lu Kewodin on Saiuivlay.
j order in .Mkhixan auUleloitily to cause
Pt-Ufo, 2SO., 80e.,9JM0
up with the l^iorta r f.Mie
Rev A. follln ha* returned to bis i) to reach tUc 'HBMi.tO mark. He will
.Jerk mid ciiuutj-. li.cunirer. wlii.*
charge here after t iu odlng the faoll- j probably do 11 I>efure lili (our iratr as
master are up. for he ^a8 a hubli of
,imd were referred to lue Jinao.'e. w;.v.i
The prIniaiT iThptrtmeni of dlstrlit
I that which he uiiderIn aiisfer to ilio qurnllon; "lias
llee eultnrr seem* to have reeelvad
mill iDeana .a.tumlU.H. to be a.-ied on
l^ea. Of course ho V4-||1 need a vast
niie;;l dtf inir IS rembor Nuffered in- but alight'aiiemca- In Urwnd Trav- No. 1 opetard *rhoo1 ThurgdaV.
uu m S'.itu this afienxKiii. 1 h<* ..;:iiid
W. U Watson of Torch river bridge aiuount Of aSsIstanet- in <i.rrying out
any oittmo " 3W corres- er* or l^^-laoau counties. II Is
lnjt..«.i.iilUv«» are v.-.y^ l«j»t wiiii
• late answer "ypii' ly sitriirialns that a g.iod orchard went fu A.aii Arbor to vluli hi* wife, such a big nn-lcrtakliix. but this belii
.he u.w: .bat beUiilWHo eaeb ,H .He:.
country shonid be so nrslected. He- who b mOI detained there at the bos- will be fortheou Ing, bee-atisi- J0I.I1 lias
:.::d w.lt linkr tltelr reoma ijH as
a hiiRI of loyal admirer*. Orond Tray,
lla* ilio gTiiDtid iMen v.ell hides il.e iirvifH In a lew edloDle* U tifta*.
s.-:.i as. their oo.k & thmoea.
Utile Rvfi Rlc ki tt I* ven- 111 at this erse grangers will do their full sh-are
ihiriBg Jicvem- added t'ne ImproVentent In fixtt beai>
Tlw fliwt ihim; Uio^ was Inian up;
;nrik with cbi'lK n-il 'pvi-v
In Increasing the men bor-'-dp. (J.ie
•III.;; .nf Hie Km.ii
otresis.-.iK'jiis a«‘-wi r".vp<" tin,, A it-od'Iwe ifiao from Wdyne
ai;.ho afteraooa soislou van
Mr. aand MrA L. nollesbedt ot.BB- of the suliordinatdi is alr-'idy mariug
evuBiT told UR that there
c..•l‘tmuli.•clll n ft-o.al the
Iho two hundred figure.
Iraiul Tit.veif'i-.
4l nomb.T of buslml* of alma.latice «f lew fiyvl here ..atsldo w^ln Ian- vUitlug irii-uas i>ua
‘, TJio
^ i sPil of .ui«TVf«or» iskhiK Il.-it
FouHi Milton tbi* week.
Votlng^by Ma'd.
••WI.I-..1 i.u keied by farmers In De>'of the on-hni.ls Utcmirtves, Ulltow.
Howard* Parita aod wife have
klany iicrsons were un.-bin to east
IAar.1 l«v w-«l-4n in the matler <>f,Tlie’ieia.H<!
bapxwood. raspberry, olover. back
' M-inIter c 91 fiouriBK mill*
moved to Raidd t'liy to make (heir fu- a vole at fh'e big elecHon Issj NovonviUiR
ahi-rt time iirisi.ii. r*. i;
-s, durian the pa.<l
Iii- el.-\4rtor» and to grain wiii-ai. ii:llkw<.e;l.' goldcnrod sumach
of absence fnim th-Ir
.« that the oont«i,ta l.l•lx,.v.n 1‘i.’.,-yc^.^ Im.iram-e v,. v .>r t;.1
was i»r a t.iial of lf.3.7ri7
dilT.-reiil nmini.w mid
Uvlieit Hrown sjwnt the week- botm- cities. It ha* beeft suggested
L Why nut »>ait ibl* spring?
1 iClivwr.
Oils aiiioonl 9lj::» btisbbii.li.lii.
hot’se of lerrNdiOi, wbl'li ii
th her ehuer, Mr - Hi»i-e Fox, that a plan I-c woihed out whrn-by
:i..v..2r..7-.i.utiil.e's'iiiid ...-nr
imikciel in t'le somhertj
itirlitiitiim. nird the only phu- ■ III ll.e .
Bg hiotue to Klk Rapldk ye*tcr abnentees vote by n-jill. Thi-r.- ar*
A cailoiol of npidca. mbsily noHhV"^> w,.Uh;..r piepertv .11;^^, ,,,
of r:iimili-s. t.'i.ici la the
will re these sliiirt
argamenu both for and against Hie
I . e l‘’*-'u ,firt: Tbo.ivnuu-ti./ hps'.iMlil m 'he'
I .=|dp;T hroojfht Jf.'iD to cooMinier
iiitles aA’I 13.k72 in the
Mr. and Mr* Prank Wllsnn enter- proiNtsilion. and these are to be pre- .
le artion *h,.iiIdJ^^„„.^ „f tb.- tims- .oimiie.i ' ’
Chleago. They wen- htilliiied from
itbern iDiiHcs auci fpiwr Pealnsu.
raken' t<i provide for-foieh
the Musical Hub Friday even sented at tbe meeting it tbe Cass
aa TVcine otrehard.
h.!.>a . d.i'tiiic Hie'yca"
*tp-e( liall. Saturday afternoon next.
siHvwin!; thill till is. <»-ie .if ILe.ej!' j
uated luial nawb.w of
liiitli the prlBoiii’rs iind .orilei-rR
The Boulh Mllion ilu-Hcal H-jb N
ere a granger you better be on
As to natural resource* compared
iniial .cnlerpriM-; i»f ll.ii rexisii
wheat tmir'^eicd In Hie
tl.e keop of 111.* Mriw-ner* while there,*
invited to Ring for the Kpw.inh league band to bear what Is said.
with nher sifttons. we have onl;
_ . ,
Olid iiiie that iKv'r.v.'S the h-val sup
.. ...
4. and
.Aiicusl-Heci inU-r, wa*
The Sauinav'
Jioirt! ,___
havi' Invi-stixat.
, . .
1 Kewadin next Sunday cvenlug.
Figures Show Thst Grind Tfaveesc i the matter niut seeai i4i iliJnk that ihe ''1.'. ^ Wr.'U.i -i « l u arjiu ... 2,7:i---..i
ofvhai'ds idanied out by nieii who n
,Tft. fcillowiuiroUl.iT, wew eteel. il
In Csc^l.cnt Finaittial'
Nlneiy-« p tiilil*,. elevator*
Fbotdd mol t a building,
to I08C one of his horses last nlghu^'
•Hfaeuw they pleMe to make
I’i.M.l-;i'l- -it.>;4it lUr.ivV.
reiKiri no wlicat i
griiiu deal
car.- of tiio ghur' tonne**. TM» i.-aihv
Mlz* Gladya Chubb Is reiiOried
sucres* of fruit. Some of tben^ai
Vice l»iv*lilelil Jjl.tl While,
Hon a'.ks tliai (Irand tBravcrKi- aup -rBeing
1. toq. iTsn qulld 111 wlih lamipiK-. H.r sister.
wi.»tem and seulhrrs
l•ollt;ll..ln of lire ‘.toe;:
oi.ru pan* a t> oluilmraskln-.f M>o guv, fi.rc-ctors -1.. It lliiiri.-. .-ctul, liis., l!
rt^.r: cf <'.;inet.v C!«r'.
Mrs. Henry Fox. Is cariuc for her.
Hhe :! nnuli!
I ii4 Tvporti^d a* followr.
iiiir to pri-pnre n l>ill to pn>scpt. ii> 11 tniui lif .Aniiiiii e.mtity.
eounibli li-i.f ."t< jiT.t •
Wc are gdlnc to have a new rural
rJ^er i:. While
e l^raluire. iilam.in^ftir fui Ii a
The annual meeting of the Northof lMiearllleti liatie--aiid' war .<•-i
The ease with which Ihc city man route lariicr out of Rapid City, beginihrifix roiidlUon; bunes. 1« :«rtcd from bU moDoy and inJoced nlnj. loday.
port Fnili Growers' A*w>rUitUm was
rl«e in every^cij.ll. Jkiine jtt-uu aiP and 'V.iue P'L
The iiqicsttnn u.-* bnninlil tip -,iii.': i
held Jannary $. and the reports fur
thanju.R.r'un iiileien nt.l en
to liny a soralled fruit (arm In vouib*• *iipervisor» that I) inighl be* elie.-.p»se pi: ■es January l*t eni Mtchigan is very touching. It I*
the preceding season weiir found to l>e
quoted. Tfc" tvjuiil.v owns Ih.- c. i-r
The PenaH;
malty cf
tu put the short :-ni;e;-s-ai work
the ‘primi|ial farm pn>d- true that years ago the region bMween
Tl) neglect your health .. _ ,... encourwglng.
___ association
htase p..>perty.
1 The i-ontiiv rjiid*. a* was plinip.l
n* follow*:
Jail bnlldluK*. rr..-,*.i;e.re; .-o.iik?’,
St. Joseph and Detroit ralaad quanil- againsi aatitre ami frequooHy the iwn L|ce(ed Rev. A. Benttll as Us aecrea previous aciiun of Hie board, her
gp prire Of Wheat l>er ties of good fruH. but since the Ran
-d..d d»,dcd..
'and new liiUtniary.
LTiiun Ti-1 .tayh c
fair ."toucdii. >tr..iH>‘,: lai-.h n> hyid nothing Ilf the. kind li.is ever t*e« il ii hcl «
Jose scale has soiled apide orcbsrdi K is Hu- htralght road to Urlsbfs Jjis- broaden out its work for tbe year i ill.
.• a ihan.-.i in e.
The U-sr coarse I* (o take a'Tbe past season 4.60(1 barr-Is of^spMd :a bank. jri.My.M; roiab-i'fn done. On mntbii that matter. w:s
.ciit~ and out* 2:. and live ''reUow*" In peach have atpViTl.il 1
IIEKUK'K'S SUCAK'pi^ wpre markcied, beside* a Urge
T-.. .-tei-tkc -(•mil
••s lh;i: :
t;St-T». . I.;..h"lii.-s — Notes IxaM.II. tnlci /ever iinsll the April aesalim of i up
verjTCe iirice of hay jicr tu.sl dealroycd rverytliing but graiw-s
lATKIi PH.I« whenever
Ike ihfciiiNl '.pU I
Hi»i ystim'al lianV.
lu.ud,- lioard. ,
uu. The avera'je p.-Icc and iieapu, this poor victim I* Mill
*|1.WK‘L other lieiliS. #ie::.Si; t.i;-!
* I>|•<■I1 rtiduCi-u llirei*
wa* »;.42 l>er cwt.; of l*ropliig in the dork and these old able II will clean you out. restore ai* aoclalloa baa purchasod a wart-lmuse
I'fHi.r fat I
petite and eheerlul spirits.
wo.-lA t9.?.S5!.fl.
. iicr r-*T.. and Of dtv*f- Tdaoes change lianJ* even' year
;'»4jrnt tioKi
ct*. Sold i>> Ml druggUU.
The fti.il reivipl* of titlmm-y srhn»l
Hr:t.j„,- i-otk »s,
producta from the farm.
uaaiL-i on one '.'atid n-nl
two. /So many of these felhiws buy
KKiney f.w the illffeo-n*. lownshi;'*
.in -nil.! !ro>and on
• o
Ihe south of ns. an.l make a failure
j, T'l..
means ihul ihc rat- will
that Ihe thing gats tiresome and givee
Deiter than $20.ooo was paid (vut
fv Planned For Late C
,‘foul suuoi.nt paid on by cJi'ik*.
l»w Wc-il less'than the l-rlf •r.r old »3 32 between one and twoixMchlsan a
during the fall of 1912 by the John
bad narne.
Other*boy In
SSitl.tlul J".'. Tli'o- eje I" caui.'v roa
lieu-tiifon. rlrtirgi.t Oa' lalde
i iwiwii twii and lOregqnor Washington, and won't
C. XIorgan cider mill at Travente Hlty.
i.rr iiUI ;
oismd cr..l n'li-.-aicd by Ihe .-mini
a ilie rate Ms -Locn n-dui-d
old »I2f‘.2C and three conH-'to-westem Michigan because It
This was for apples that would not
Tbi tv w:> t (aid out on ib(T'<' roads bi4i
I* w*y iiainfn] and ex- «mdo annielently blj* to warrant
»l Vi fer
is “too tar a<day.''
III AilKiT. lau. n.- MlmurlKl sci
year biJ-.l-'-.'-'i. and the stnt.- ha* re
i-laliy hi rhr chronic, being pUced ivon the tnarkeC
; word I Scud n.e ciUil.s-r-T C.i:-b
worth $tC,K3 per
vires for the Lite ('nnarc- vmai- Wcil.
fuBdud 'll* |irlz>‘*us>u.‘y, $::.td3.
DOB't forget that the Wnalem Mich- stage. To gei quick relief when iht-«cj
•r Ilian milch cows,
i-nic.vir. who ivcetitly i-iiiksi hi.i hie nddi-fc.UHi w-.J in exiii > of IJ. The
spell* come on. RKNNK'S PAIN-KlIJcl
T<*;«l dellaquMit tax i ollecled. ,l|fi,
ISO MAGIC Oil. I» the thing needed.^ In the last three years IS Wosiern
car old Fit Of: 1-etween
» menially im'.alunccd. will \-c
(193.0:; ib|ii»r l.ax. fllA<ll'.>>t: total all
riiid tw'h T.-nr* old tr.";-'."; l-e- tbU as Ihe real fruit section U doing It ts a clean and plMsani but »erymirt,ig,n real estate drwlm bars
held here January 27. The coasrc-- In illiim'-.. Itdmiii nnd'M;.’. xun r.'ill
other; fxOtSI.lO,
^ jjj
w*wtall a srrvlre that the yrwrs will IieneirattBg rerasdy , that, eases
ii<l Ihrc’ years old i:;- Id
slonal ilel.-tuiHun of nitecn incmKrs be ll.dS for 2i> -woid* ami -five rem*
prove. When
realize that. lice- i«ain as *»'U a* 11 reaches the »eit of.
addiilbnal fur each wurd ovi-r Uiat
Htcnigan region,
trouble. It is effective also in cramp*
(too Per Plate.
ili.-r Wwk end hiirr* fihil 1nin the bowel*, dywentpry. •!«*
*lck storestone
II' liT ewi* yeqr |;i.7t; nod lanau conoiy alone ha* 65.900 1
was paid a« a Janmei to Henrv <1i\ Ikwii xtaitp'l lor u'lH'imancul MV-Iof
• Faliirday hixht will be delivered
ik New Oibciiiis In IM3. 'Miuhu nc-'r
Within a radius of serea nlUa of
i.wf.*r:u, litres not rat
ipi- 'mcmorlaL
agalnM 4,309 acre* In Wenatebee vaP
for ilmse wH’i sioinarlt tnmlile or i.
MoiiJ.iy.uiomliii;. or 21 hour* ixir
the rilh^e of vopeunsh. Manlgiew
■mil »c
dlgcMlon. Ti-lay Ivctnde eieriwh.-re
mqst know that we art
liir Ilian ct the pre i-nl lime.
Real Estate Tranafert
covBty, se slIuB were erertetf dnnsg
for the Ktv.c.
■nil- prim
nei* Itr. KI*:gV New I.lfc Pill* tor ih.ei
What OM He HeaRt
modest by far. We want settlers snd
seaBon of H-I5.
troa'ile* ns well a* llvor. kidm-y and
TIk- pi:lwc
•Vow look hen. Maria." eald Mr.
. ,
Be«e| disord rs.
iik.-n plair- this, last week;
Campaigns are being' started at
■ e 21 'real*:
WomhaL "U you don't stop plsytof
thiin II
Only 2:. eviK* s all ilrui
riia*. niappel and oHaT* 10 Ja-iea
ktMco aU tbe time ni take a haa^ Nofthport and I^idlngton alniMl at the
«liined<i>m io cents oats .12 cent*
•liapiml nV: <.f neti an-2Vlo.
sccBringVr caanln3 (actorW for Ibe
nnd hajr tl.
sold apples at II.OO lo ft.23 |>er barReforming.
A Hero in a Lightheue#
porpoae of working up the frtilis that
(Irocge Jnlinson and wife, to Mfiiiam Veterans snd
prlcrw of horse*,
Ctsoperalkm among growers tan
•^00 often rcfirm-r* who aen'-keon TMrn.-r .nnd wife. I.ir 26 ami 2:. Pc+ry
of sufBdcBt qiiaUty to war*
year a-fa »a* a* follows: umler only remedy ibis.
“F“va- " ■ na»v
■qrfooBvenjng the other'half lo cold. ibii'aah'* first ndd-tion.
.waned awful wrwike.'f*n1 »l»ll'n>enfcyear old tal 72: lietwi-en one and
Mini con;.hlHrc.il&ti of'every act. rfi
John ron'rtade to Ficd Sir.nii. sw'.i
The member* of tlie .(1 A. U.-nn‘1 1*0 year* lid IW.W; U-tween t#o
at reform* wilt the nost bcat.-d frvn
of hwU SV27-H',
le W. II.
rxii'iidtil an ilivitatloti and three years old <122.tr. and three
ihow* BO well the hcIplessneB* of the had Boe prevented.
l.eroy R. F«:ui* lo .Arthur Saxton, > Ihe bm-vd of sqpcrvliHirs to i
>ar* old aijdVer $162.t».
of klAey iroubl* and (hills.'' be wrltee
grower. Ah Evanston man -was
Frightful Polar Winda,
o' peLi With i-rei.ptkais. ivrc-li. wltli lli.-nt ia their johiiib i.i the
cwitlnue for one weA
Milch eoi^ wpte worth ^*41.73
.Mason county Uat fall snd Rrand a ‘■after 1 bad Uken other to ealied
bkvw with ii'iiilie force- at liie r.<
Melvin T. Mi ’.iro to flarcnix* XV. Seh
cures for years, wltboui bMe^and All Michigan people ehonld write tbrir
Ibc (x.uri nuuse Iasi luglii head, CatU{- oth.w than inllch row*,
rth ajid pla- lavcK- with the ikUi
handsome Idt of sweet gtai>«Biof *i-»4 rr.-2Mii.
also Improved my sitfiL Sow, at piitsbnrg friends to be s
• v'-mk suidier. whkh wa* under one- ^•nr old lllll; luHween eral tons. He finally'ibonght them from
lauvhi-' iv.l. r< iih o" w-Tc. chapio.. kUk
are feellag fine." Fbr dyspepels.
display of faacy applea and the
Per;y Fufoeld lo William loaning. ufcaniwiMitJy acceplmJ. ■.tnJ tbr uuinhands and !!t>* Hint need Hiieki::!'
id tw<i year* oW $I0..-.6 between the grower at IIP.OO i>sr ton and ship indigeetlcm. all
^iubve. tWt
Artik-a f.Hv- In h.-al yiem. ti rti-if- M-M-ral part* of 221 mil 3:i-2**-!i.
wblch iho gold siilUEB that hs l
they r. wltboet equiS: •»»*'’»« « Ukhlmo poutoe. 1
Id th^ y-rar* old CI.02 a
ping them home in kegs sold tbe
the tkln sof' ciid Bmcs.Hi, rurtv^l.-.
(•l■orve ilnrjew and oilier* to Ida bm-n provld.ll dlsapinored -pr-ne
^ 00 exhibition at this tlmwhole lot to his grocers at $149.00 |>er
three yrirn kdd and over $29.33.
fm-'rohl s-i-eti. al.io t.urns. »ore«. iil
llar- that the hosu bud liosieKscs kiie
COTS. cr:r. Inin-; ;.ml pile*. Only 3 Solherl, lot* r. nud 6, I-biil;
Sheep utpler one year old $3
After paying the shipping ea'low farm aildltion.
II fvacb Ihe gmuiis. a* the table* id ont- >e^ old and over. $3coDte^I all'driiggist*.
■•ehaes he clearcl about $300.00. Am
loaded with alt tiuiniier of ap
the grocer* nearly doubled their toon
Hogs not fattened. $'3,os i«er cwt.,
IH-Ilrllic dalntie*. '
py. (00. No wonder the poor
Tie ■|wlnnre of the evening w-gt
iSccreiary of State.
spefil Ih story tcT|!ng and phcie* tint
all.enj«vcd. -Mr.-Wae*. iber Janitor,
Will someone extdaln the lost art of
was Indtim-J to brlbg -but bis violin
Ehb'plBg by express. Oor experieaee
linn !■>• bad not touched In a good ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
disconroghig. iSfo ho«es of ai"
■nupy yi ai*. and w)io i.t (wie Hmo
OslKirii. din, 7.—Dr. Shank of Em- pies to Milw.Mkee by AnericaB, on
the auHioiity for dance .niuBic. jim! plro pa**eil through (>ur town Monday which 74 eettu each wa* coReried. an
Earh cnrrj'iiif’ twenty dollars in his
a»»Rie of them wish eiiroutc for hve*t Kssson on profeo- rived with Ibe paekages breketr ops*
it algiost made so
ptKiket. means $2,000 idle money, suIh
that ttW were In a plow- whete they sloual iiiisln^K.
and h^f the frwit etoteii. Two bage
they could do. It
riinld n'Xjrh.Tt they
Going to get oat some logs or wood ? If so,
Ix>c hsuuix sores to be the older or ivoutoee to Ort partr arrieed two
jeet to logs and iliefi. If the thousands
Pleaaaiit way to heir The atipeo of the day jat Ibl* wrilinF. ns U>ei« ■day* tote and frozeastW. Obe bnabel
yoa'D want some tools, and we have a good stock of
of doDars ihaUirc today in the pockets
vlaers pan* the time bi-iweeii their are four or five teams hauling from of Alexanders t» CAleago arrived ao
Axes. Wedges. Cant Hook*. Chain*, Loading
lusines* aebsiowa. /
and the homes of «he people, were de^
camp No. I |io Pearl Lake.
^ soft a* to be naM <4r nee and a bnatiBtocl^ Skidding Tongs, etc. Our prices are very low
A Buniix P frorti tlila vicinity went
of KIbeitas eame to hand with the
IJosifed in the banks, both parties to the
A GIri's WUd Midnight Ride
have the famoue “Sager" Axe, This Axe
to Cedar wljh beef catti* Monday for Juice dripping froai the bottom, and
o woru people of a lekiful f^-i
trausaclion would ^ain. and to the .de
ia haad 6»ged aod fully warranted in every way. We
Joe ZimuiiT^an of Tmviitwe Otv.
spoiled. Neal time sre will try canal
bi the Oatektli* a foimg girl r
leback at midnight and sa'-ed many, Frank Herman of fMst. Empire wna
scad by ox 'earn, as we will herpositor would come a fecHug „of perfect.
have Atkins. Sin^d and Uoere BroaCroe* Citf saw*.
hutnan llvi-a. Her deed was'glon.-.-ia.
■ >born Mbo^v afiernooa. Uialy save those »he*cy eapreas
The Mkorfftoa’Saw is made of clock spring steel,
safet>’ as well as profit.
-.eoften siivad by * r.
L lives I
sorry to bear of the efaarges. 'Our service reaBy shMld be
pat^^ttd and filly warranted We think it is
We pay you interest on dib|>osits.
Neil Donu had lo loB- fBRweved.
irouble, coughs aui
Urge ti-ork boreea last
Ifi-ve ended lu r.-n*iiTUp(ioli or pr*-it
reonin. "It cured me of a dreadful
Come |n-«hd see our lumbering Ools before yoa
Baldwins from Maine, Jeaat
iiHigt) Tud lung disease." « rites XV. IL
Doran and sone of Os- ram Nebraska and Mtaonri, WlneI'aiK TSoii. WoHIngton.
Tex. "after
i|ilre cnllets Sunday to
four III cur family hnd died with < vnserriaaa.
siiKiuHuii. ami I gainTCl K7 poundw"
NoHiinx ao sure end aefe few nil throat
log of West Almlrn wax flrtn handled 7.000 hereto of fine 'Ne
sad lime (ruuUva ITlee -'He nnd $1.
bis pnront* «tutdn.v.
braska stack tkk tori scaaoB). GTacyTrial buUle free. Qunrnaleod by nil
,to worktog fbr Ed-Gray at wnp No. 1 ^dy dotag a toad oBloO baatoeas eiy
• * «
. 68AHB IE»T*1i»* HMUttD Mm IMTBW! *«
’f.\hE Rn\*nM •
Read This
The Public Benefits
Thousands of dollars worth of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Stoves, Dishest living
Machines, Washing Machines, and other House-Furnishings must be sold at once re
gardless of price, to rnake room. We must move every piece of merchandise on our
second floor to put on a ceiling.
1 ,
Prices Were Never Cut Lower
We Bouglit a TravellnB Man's Sample
Line oi Bed Blankets and we arc going to
give yon Ibe benellt ol tbe bay.
Four Big Bar
gain:; From Our
Big Pre-Invcntor.v and Roommaklno Sale.
Buffettf, China Close's, Mus
ic Cabinets, Ladies’’ Waiting
Desks, Book Cases, Book
Racks, Fancy Dishes, 'Cut
Glass and Silvenware logo re
gardless of profit.
See What This Means To Yoiu
Sl.OO Blankets at 50c.
52.00 Blankets at 51.00.
53.00 Blankets at 51.50.
Anil so on rtgtat ap to the very t>cst
blankets made.
n___thfese are the sampleo the
tv€m€1UuBT» travelinjl man used iii seniii}*
blankets to the dealers and contain practically everythingjnade in the Blanket line. Here are a few
Iron Beds
:i'l* «-ri.5s .iuv'^s Jin'!
!4trv lU Ndh
«ml.. Ii> i.ii|>
an; fit". Sale i'r;rr.
1-'^ li«> I'.akm>l>F.
anti m»Hrr->
:n iin/
1.10 imiKiilcd Fell finish Blanket
.55 .
I.SOXxtra heavy, extra large “
$5.00 Woolknap Blanket, extra heavy $2.50
Other Woolknip Blankets $2.10 and 2 35
$7 SO Fine grade of all wool Blankets
Other All Wool Blankets $3.10 ami $2.95
These sample blankets .include a number
‘ ot Crib and Baby blankets.
Sample Rockers
One of the most useful pieces of houst fumithings ycu can have around the house.
Makes a nice couch oi cozy-comer piece
in the daytime and a comfortable bed at
Regular $4.00 kind, sale price. $2 65.
The number of these is limited. First
come, first served.
four pjeces of hoiisefurnis'.iljigo to you, we
do it,' knowing that
$ .95 medium siic Colton Blanket 9 AVh.
t'lin I.'r Itie Tra-. r • fit; flu.,
f..'. .am,lie nel.iis. .-rli over up
ii'iijr;: sc.'l’ arul tr:!!''’.aet:. i:on<rlri« Oane IctiUiT iipti.i
Merine. MV-invrtrtfry and roommaJ
l:'K -alo prirv. Sfi T.-.\\> Itavt' hovoial pattcins nf Uif '
r.aiui l.n- 'a. churr o frau. .raiirdns b
;-iicv up ftora-l:.7i.
In presenting these
q'jalitylc-msidered, you
could nnt duplicate them
an) white in the Unit
ed Sla es for ^0 I
cent m>re money. 1 hey
are nof goods bought
for ta^ purposes but
ate ^ood, substantial
pieces,! every one ol
them, and are sold with
our I'siial guarantee, “It
not satisfactory, please
return them."
Ttii.. !:HDiiroinc fJ'.iary Inlilo :.n
lei's** n»kn qnartcred-oak s alii bd<I
iiMuvumi, 42" l«ns X 28" miili?. is
stroll); al.d ««ll irrH'dr. rriliif ircibrt flo.iKi, tiro-lnT.'niur} lUiJ nrumniatcir- sate price.
Ladies’ Desk
A benutiful qunrier-sawed Oak Desk, polished
finish, worth $S 50. prerinventory and room-making
sale price 1525.
Beautiful, large, flaky, genuine quartered oak
Music Cabinet, finish as good as any piano, $1500
value, pre-inventory • and room-making sale price
$11.«0. Others at $5.00. $6.00 and $8 00.
Imported German Range
•Till' fainmi:- Maen*'l I'nlvrtsal Steel
wonrler Cor the p^tre
»:«• Jcllinr it nt. - Notr* the Ibtbc.
n.mmodliiiifi wBmilm: clo>ot. the lofields ich xallPtr". hui^ cn.il
<ir wreil. l’rp-ln\cnt*>r>' L.lid ' roonii.iaklt's sbk* price. 121.".
A colossal event for outfij buyers. A'l profits are ;swept away.
A sacrifice without a counterpart- a bargain event that will surpass
anything before attempted by any ho'jse-fumishing concern in the state.
Prices of the best fumiiure cutito the actual value of iuferibr grades.
The gigantic slock 16 be cut to'its lowest poasible point bafore the first
of February.
Come in and get your share of the f a'gains.
Several styles and finishes to select from both iin
the roufld and square top with legs or with pedestal,
ranging in.price from a,good, substantial table av$6.00
up as high as you want to go.
A lieautiful solid oak ffuffet, two top drawers,
one lineil for silverware, two dish closets. Il”x30 ’
French beveled plate mfrror, worth $10.00. pre in
ventory and room-making sale price $10.75.
Come in ami see this beautiful stove and j^e the
(lifTerence between the ranges used in Germany and
our American ranges.
A good •••ortment ra »el«n ttnm. A l»r*e. hcamlfBt. well
iit.-.ae eomh. u|>ho’rt«*icd in RctiolBe Cba«« Jcalher. full omptrer of
sirrlwr, ranvn* lined, T^Ur *18.00 vfclnc. pre-Jnvratorr >b-J pooninuikiSE sale price, fn.7$.
*S*.06 roll lop couch, extra Unw. extra, roe- of sprlnga, pre-tnventory and room-maXlnx aale prk» I1I.75.
outers at *7.:a IlS.OO and *18.00.
We have several broken, sets of Dining Room Chairs
—some of them four and five of a kind, that you can
buy at one-half of their real value.
Six good, solid oak chairs, rubbed finish, leather
seats, regular $ 16 00 value at $ 11.25.
Attend the Great Pre-Inventory and Rooi^ Making Sale at J* W. Slater’s. The original
and only exclusive house-furnisher in Grand Traverse region.
W. S L A. T E R aSB.
hi>- e<^, muBlm ana labJc trrai«.
bits ot meat. MfiecUlly i uci. and a
♦ dlab of^ rater are oa the Uau.' bill of
, ♦- fare
“Besidet the ben‘-i)i m ibc birdH,
^ arork of thli kind, whra nmdcrtacun
4,4 i>> tbe pnpiU or tbe ecboola; baa
Rtdaa and Regutatiena of the
edurallooal valoe tbat canitot be overHerald Yoiino Felka Sunahina J
• Well;" aai'l j
I must aee «hai I bavr tor tbe Atimated. It tneaoe the devdopmeat
pf bnmaBe teodencie*. tid a tnilni-it
I will try never to worry or 4 <-«nnlog dfltors," And eo she rent
,___ ____ ______________ ,u. ..
•• « far !.7«in.
♦ MirJvTL
be tovino.
lovlne. helpfo!
h.lotuf ^
I will try to be
1 thL
Sure eiio«h. the suel wo. ,1111 of pleasure later In life.
...ir.* i.i.
»• ‘o ►*<>* 'o «’»•"'
tt 1
•• S“'
“ “"«»’« red ribbon.
•» >n««r«««l
1 A* •he watched him. .n.llInK to her- this phm« otlmmanc work:
meanwhile, what should she hear
"A »'Mrd, sU ioebes -wide and two
but "Honk: Hopk: llonUr from a feel Iona, ahoutd be fastened to a
,herc wa. Ma.tet
" «»• * blph ,«t out of the
K,„h«t..h. ,«:n*nK down head-first, and
^r «»'«»■« • ■ oi.vea>nl
Orsaiilacd Oeeernb^-8. 18#8.
lalkluB llht a funnj- little antomoNIe
'f ”*’'
Prcaldant-Nias Clara Batea.
,.rov« altraettve. or;d it undoutuedly
F.m V.« Pp..ldt«-«r., M.b.1
will, nan, hlrt. ta, 1» rmdirf .1
Bdtec Willidnw
w. n„i namt- yon ^'*”1®
-'“-'"1! ihe vlaliora will
Mddr.d Via. Frd.ld.nt_MaK Inod a„„,, Jl.ow d. .lid make a 'l.oai. '“l
red breanml adl
Pomeroy Shlel^
neas of hl» «»roakfa-f "Ho pvprv.
wMte-brcssled nulhatfh, downy
Simahlne Crardmother-M«. A. I..
and hairy »ood|N.<kcrs. blue Ja>.
»ecn>«l to juiy. AnJ your lYesl. J""™. «»-J ah oerailonal robin.
„,.„h.r.T^nninn j.n ‘’‘‘Ot poni-ldered that preity Rood ad“Sonie birds, who are accuMom^ to
1 t9?2
What do you think?
search for thrlr food close to the
' J___________ __
In a moment there war a flutter of-*'^''"*’- *”■ mu so likely to find the
Nii^r ct names on the Cradle Roll *lni:a. and then came the dC hickHdeea.'
}“"ros; the whiteJ»i. 1, ISIS, SCU.
Hy irtbt^ime the suet had i,we„,„c "’roaled Marrows: the whiie<rowned
-----■■ loorenej In son e way. and hi:iiK from and tbe trce-t]<arowB. For these hlids
,he «rli« with which l! had been a better way Is to spade up a bit ol
Coldia Koch. KinRsley. Mleh.
. ued. However, that made no dlffew' around. If the frost 1» nuffirlomlv .uit:
r keep It clear of siiow' If there are
Rose Uatldson. , htn Ijwiderdalc. ence to the clikkadeps.
sw'ooil^ to the awayins lUece. duns, late norms, and place the food upi.n
Uoran Carotbere. Fife take, Mich., by both feet, an.l had a peod meal.
r birds tl
hope the boys and giria will aaloy
their letters. Walt. 1 will atop for this
time as I do not want to Uke up too
much room la the Snnsblna page.
Prom your!little Sunablne girl.
Chios Bald-vlA.
Indeed youlhava not bean .fdrgotten.
Cbloe. I am ^lad that yon are spread
ing Sanshlnai wherever you go.
Brlnea. He belonged to the Sunshine
said she. with a little wonderlBE
Club once, but it is so ?ong ago that
qua^Une unwouldn't fall oB when I was
be would like to Join again, and please
right la the middle."
send the card and bntton to me. end 1 *»***>>. And at Carl Hagenbeek's Sq you oouldn'l." maming anillod.
win give them to him. For a pet 1
near Hamberg are gath- ktaklng tbe wee hand to go homo. •
have a at. ,Her name la Puaay.
in- -why. there comes Mamie:"
Prom your toTing Sunahloer.
‘rt*'®*- «•«
And so It truly was. She had been
Croce A. Briggs.
••• Pmng oatricheA a young crying, too. and the tears made fusny
I will send your brother a new but- >“<*'“ rhinoceros, and a clumsy, nn- utOe roads down her cheeks, which
ton. and a new card with bU old nnm- calnly blppotonina that weighed forty hadn't been wasbaa after the sand!»»'»»»
gorillaa an-1 cakee.
Traversa CUjt. Mich.. R. F.'D. No.-;. ber or. it.
ruwrhirFhumfrE .ocirrv. ““r
yo nn., o niw- ,n. b.m lonn,
I Bos U. -Jan. I. 1913.
T„ p«. M curi,. K,1 F~.in.-i F" F„n re.. i
IMar Presidett—
Lu, F„k ,o.r rrreia.., U.M
■“« n'*"
.u„I racaivod Four kind and weleoma
,b. ,Rre, “n 'F*ni. k.»n. ot arer. TO.re .r.
■, ,i,i
„;a Hn., .lib a nuj
letter, and am' going to write ngntn so .bim rem. cbl..-,.,.
* »”•'*'
soon becausoil want lo write to tbe • n,., red .red mn. Cbre.re
Sunshine Cliiti on the first day ot the
TbR .reb ,b. »re
~~C.rere P,l„.
.b.., ,bm.
UR, re..a ba, Ob, bare
A ... vrer, ..a, . h... . R.v.lre, a
new .year. I Jvad a good time on
Drea, ... . ,„i„.
j^-nn,. ,b.re|^...ia
Christmas. I
a pair of pants snJ
,„^c-w,.j;.bre. A, nm b.
a sweater, a niouth organ, some candy, wl,b .bon. oreobea .ft., bU, p.p., ““ .“ ""*-.0 ItOM. Far «.0
pcanuif and nnls. We are going to ..broad bun Flih nl,i,y .1 tren to
iha, “ n® F.aiU an orerirti he oouU ict ,b., .h.-mn.i be
and. allMr. Albert Welch's for .Vew Year's. I bU bn,., red ...1 bro.o
guess that is'all for this time, so I erereased ever,' ihonphi la bla hurt * m®”*
®, holdina lie, acnilj- bai Br.ily' hr
must close. I
a. tdalalr re I, be bad had iba -«l,
.■ ““
«>. boar. ».ih ctoed h.ada .be
From your loving friend,
or aibtoh. U.e oalj baaua aiMbaie
•'"■•n ,a yield a,i her .111 ron,|,le,...
dealed bla,.- wriiu Hoae Kloaaley,
babtea. baul.Rll doeaa, lure jy.
beumc a ara.i affecUoMic
Clarence Savagts.
. It is a nici plan to write to the la re .male .boa, her l.ibeP. doa.
i”"*"'- WI'H
“™ “”«■ bird, a. .ell u a bab uiher.
Sunshine Clul^ on >'ow Year's Day. I Dredy wu bit leanird muter', Urn
Fn'n *' fIH Pe-P
Aboul a yur alier Polly uare lo
hni>e you wlllj write oflen, (broughont do*' and nude 1, hi. eapeela! duiv «t Vke oatalde world no* red ihen and ,he hoime. a Mili-.t ra, wu added re
the yenr 1913'
lo aeoamprey him oa bl. vl.lu amoae
""i •lliH'l"!‘
will dart la
a„„ber al
Oae day .Par
I •
lb, peonl. ot lb. rert.b- Samabain
>“?' **." " "“i 1““
'1" “ '"eP •"
Trsverse Cityj Mich.. R. P. 1), No. S. Raady arieadU ebareb. and when be •”*Uai' and m> b.lpledaibai I, «mm.E„all.b a»rew la vb. back yard. ,ba
I Box ]&. Jnn. 5. 1913. did, "he behaved wllb bl. woobrd dU. re”' walblaa I...........
Baby huflBloea. In tbclr reddish »nd found Polly perched on the ouiHear PrealdeiicreiUon.'' «ya his mlsireas. "calmly
I would lll:f to Join tbe Sunablne lying down i
ttie ti' or’the high
«««Thinking. I suppose, thst here was
Club. Will yof please send me a card old-fastiloned puprt* aieipA Jooklng■ graceful. The young of the deer arc
and Imtlon? Ijam eight years old. and around on the amoaed congregation is even more beamlfnl. for from With., templing morsel for her briakfaM.
go to nrbonl. 41 am lo thq.. fourth much aa to say, 'if you auempt to the Wwna nre covered with dark vcl- the cat at once n*sumed a springing
vety spotA The'r bcdles are well altitude, and crejrt cloaer and closer to
nnnoy my master.
fend him.’" Dandy lived to Wthlr“‘J"' hwls Onely abaped. and the cage. Her eyes gUred with anx^ura M. Zimmerman.
teen years old. and when he died
loua desire. and,Jiiat as she was about
We. are always so pleased lo have Kingsley l.lmself dug his grove and
“ •"PW'e„,,Ke the final sprlnR. Polly-rearhmore ailrircl to our ooniber. for we Placed a alone.at ita head, engraved.
cd down over the edge of tbe cage and.
have snch happy times together In out "Fldell Fidclc*. the faithful to the
elerhant la oae of tbe called out:
big club.
fcltbful "
biggest tallies in tbe xoo. Usually :t
"Good morning; hope yon are well;
Victor ws. another dearly beloved '•
Interesting. be«uee ei blee, ,our heart:"
traverse Cily.lMich.. R. F. D. No. 4. pel of the 'groat author He waa a ***°“A*'
mlechlef. It Ian t playVerily, a soft answer turncth a*ay
{Box 109. Jan. C. 1913.
dachtdmnd of the royal breed for he
for kliiy'a fierce couatenaw*
Hear rrcsldentlww. Bl,u re Kreui.,' by SbUb VIA I**'™'
W"”" f"®" "
'®*"f®'1 1”“
®' '“"I®' "“I “I'
I am going ^ school now. I have lorla berxelf from her own kennel
stands miroUon. and ever after the two wert
tl.r.'c siudlea. | thfy are arithmetic. He was "nve liuhoa high and k yard
‘‘**“’* “*
, little Stleniion to It.—Selected.
roadiBg an,l g^grapby. 1 am In tbe long when he was grown.
Once while traveling through VIrBi'cond grade,
nine years old. I* mlstreaa. "And he acted like a
'e vtopjied at a sutloa wbero
have one liltle brother. We live right spoiled child and rvle<t the house. He
ColKB to the Office.
*!"'»« * number of negroes were galbby grandiiB nn I grandma. By brotli- Insisted on sleepjng in my bedroom,
□nc dav mamma went to the door ffttl «> •«
«*ln 1»** Pn'IJ' **»
cr's name Is T leman Rasho. He la and If he were 'put ouL hla shrieks ana
d looked
on the back -of my- aeat.
looseo op me rosg suu uu»i, luv •
- .• hnd
- six years old. Win you send m« a aroused tho house. He bad very eris- road to see If there was any One she nn*-®* the negroes apled her ihrongh
card and bmto as 1 want^lo-iolh the .locmk tastes. No power oo earth could aend a letter lo the postofflt* ^ window. _
Sunshine Club My letter is getting couM make him go down by tbe back by; but Ihere was notwdy around ex-- "IaWb. Jca look at dat ole Poll-par*
long. BO
rtaira, and If the maids-Invited him cepl tbe children, baking annd-cakes "JFrom
to the kitchen, he would leave tiiem in the sun.
to go down their own wav. and run"Dear me!" said mammA aloud "1 «*=
• J-n**®* «»«.
Peihai's y
dear little brother ntng rcund by the from atalro would wlah there was some one to take this
‘ «™od grew yetr
wouhl like tl Jpin the SUDsbloe Clqb meet them at the kitchen door.
letter. It cught to go. Grandma will
‘hen. Polly called ouL Hello.
also. 1 kno<
will make a fine
“Victor had not t.hc least obJecUoa want to know how Aunt Anne la."
w^a the matter with you.'
A uncle of brow n curU flew back
Tb« "Inritey, were awemrock. and aa
lo the belts, but he fell It right i
tbe train
Dved oB. we heard Joe say.
show hla aympotby for hU dear frlcn.l from a bright little (ace.
Klngelej. '.Mich.
u hear dat fbael?
Sweep, upon the principle that i»:"Wliy. I can Uke it for you. marn®
• »“»«>Jan^4, 1913- tatlon ia the alnroroal flattery. So as ma.~ aafil Klfle. JuuiiJng up and brushsurely got a siicrrit."
Dear Prexldcnt
soon as th>- ;<:'i :>c-;an. out of the li)g off her apron, "and I will:"
Neddy*a Long Word,
I thought
lid write lo-thc Sunbouse shot Vliio . Over the lawn. Mamma stooped and kissed the
"Remember, Neddy." said mamma,
shine Club,
liave never written
along the garden paths and through round. UlmpleJ face, that waa a wee one day. “uiways to acccmmodaio
before. I W'uuli like to Join the Suntho yard he firflowed Sweep In hla bit dirt;-. too.
even-one that yon can."
e Club. Please send Jpe a card tgDUlxed racA turning w4ien hla frlcnj "IVar child: " sa:d she. "But you're
“Yes'm." answered Neddy, benrtlly,
id bbnon. 1 h ,vc some nei<bcws and
turoed. stopping when be atopped. and ‘®®
*® h"- *b>l’V® unless—can't "i will." And mamma fell sure he
wbOF-r n .mea I would like on
ad^ng shill yelps and howU lo the r«“
>***• Wf’nl®^'
would, because Neddy la one of the
the Crndle Rol
They a‘i^:‘. Flora
btt^ng'a laroenutlona."
"Ooh. I don't want to:" said Mamie, very best boya to remember things
Galvin. Clifford {Calvin. Dorothy BergWhen (his IltGe dog fell 111. the beginning to pout. "I want to tdayt" you ever saw.
horst and Geot rta Berghqm.. I am
man whom even royalty loved to
alonA mamt&A dea like
The next day Mrs. Camp called to
>earo old i id In Ibe third grade.
hoacr laid aside hla bimy pen, and » mice." said Elfle.
bim as he was nuuilng down the
M.v teacher
le Is MIAS Alcia
for. two nishu and da<a nursed the . And Msmie waa more than sU years street with bis new sled flying aJong
» lovely tkarher. I
suffering little anlmak' And when
‘•®<‘ Elfle was not quite four, and -behind him.
will close, bopii
to see my I^er in
Victor’s big. wistful «yea closed-for- small of her age, bealJes.
"Neddy. Neddy: come here a min
ever, their Ual (daw* waa for the
* sorry- look came Into mamma’s ute. won't your'
Your loving S nsbiner.
kindly man whom bo had loved all *»'’*•
Neddy heard b«- and stoppe*!.
•*Vdear," she s^d to piOfe. (bough he didn't much want to. He
You livre 6 nshiny namA Coldia, his life with all tbe devoUon of bl*
dcacglah heart.
-■'you may go. ^me and Ict me fix you
goliig over on the Wilson hill.
« I am sure It oii't be bat^ for you
It fa gnbd to know these "liiHe “n." end In a very few minutes the coasting, arid was tn a great burry:
o be a Euubeai
things" about the great ones who brown curt* were freshly eoiibed and but he went up to Uie door where MrA
Camp was sundlng. and-fwlled off hb
Old Mission. >Heh... have Riven us our literature. It la the dlmp)od
even better to read and then make t®®*'® !'■
fur cap with a polite little bow, which
•Jltr.^. 1913.
,hem o«r «*a.
rh.rt,. '^I'®
Pl®re®A tb® UAr
Dear I'realdenlKingsley
"Will you run down to the elore far
I thought
ilj write because I
dsarr she asked. "I w.ct a spool
nm w-riilei for a long time.. I
have never told DU thst t am lame. I busy life ended: "You can And work ' A®'* d°®‘‘ ■‘«P t® P»®>' •!»»« ‘A* of twUL and I have no one lo aenJ."
Neddy’s eyes clouded up the least
have Iwen Urai n my right arm (or lo do-Just aa chivalrous work tn do
‘ ’“t- bit In the world, but Mrs. Camp was
about throe yea
1 have to write now as If you lived In any old fairy
®* “t® looking In her purae for the righv
with my left han{l. For |iett‘ have a land, such as Spenser Ulked of !n
hb 'Fain- Queen.- Now you can bo
mamma called once
change, and didn't fi.ilce; and before
dog. a ralf and
kitten. The Jog la
... •A*
It the bright aun of good
iJack and white Ills name Is Jac!:. a. tnie a knight errant, or lady er««« »»«»
1 will, nature waa shining again.In Noddyb
The calf Is black and white. Hla name rant. Id the present century-aa If you "Y®*had lived far away In the dark ages
eyeA anJ he answered "Yes'm." ss
leauiy. The kitten Is j
of violcDcu and rapine. So. fer yo.ir
cheerfully aa culd be.
.. y-oars old. anil w ill be
•®"' “(wt®'" ‘® ‘•’®
fro® ' It didn’t take long, after all. Tho
thirteenth of Fellnjarr. 1 am In the own aakea if not lor Godb sake keep
"he could
the fartheat. She
was - not a great way off. and
fourth and flfth {grades. My atqdlea aUve in you the a^e Of vrtat U.
**® »“1®
®»‘ ‘ there was no other customer; and
are reading, arithmetic, geography, and you know to be!^. noble and
“ *“!* N'««>dy. I® >®» '•«» *'® ®'‘®«‘®*® *»•
language, writing! and spellihg My beautiful and 1 don’t mean baaulltui
*>«* ®*»‘“ •'*•> ‘’'® ®>*®’
teacber'a name li Miss Brackenbury. In art, bu( beautKul In morala."
was a bend in $he road right there. . •Thank yoA" said Jlra. Camp, amll*
She la a good teugber. For Chriatmai
*Bablea of the Zoo.
, Mamma could see no farther.
h,n,. Then abe took a bright.
I got a game of patxlea. a sleil, a Jack
Tbe babies of the Zoo are wonder-T*>®“ ®*>« began to worry. It was a
jin,* from her pnrsA "Hers Is
knife, and a necktie. Wehadallasbiighl of our school. It was a good pic fully Bttrartlve, for In their first In- >«»* *®J*® ‘® “>® P®®l»«flc«- •ml Elfi© ^mctblng for you to buy peanuts
fanej- the younger wild creatures are »•» ®®®b a wee bit of a girl to go ao
.aid the. kindly, "and lYn very
ture. Will you send me another pin?
not Id tbe least eavage. or tretcher- *••• »>®n® And the bridge waa high. n,„rh obliged, bcaldcA"
1 have my card yet.
oua. and uauaUy they are pretty and
‘be water was deep under It; and bui Neddy shook hU bead at the
FYom your Sunkbincr.
have pleasant tricks of their own. ** *be should look over and get dixxy
(hough he liked peantrta almost
; l.«slle Jamlaon.
well aa maple sugar, whit* b say*
You have lUraeJ to write nicely The nwat playful of -the xoololgeal ®®<1 »®11—®h d®®rl' Wasn’( ibU a fool,
|n^ a good deal.
with ybtrr left haijd. and 1 know from Ubiea arc the beautiful Mule 1km *»b mamma’
cubs, who are’aa beautiful as UUena
Ffwlty aoon wbat do you guess she
-You're aa welcome aa can bA** said
c a brave little
and pUjN’ul aa papplew They take all
®be I'ul 'on her broad hat he. "but 1 can't take pay for (nlnft
kioda cf Ifbertica with their mother,«n«J »®'=‘ »*»«* ElO® ®* *®«t »» ®b® Mra.Camp^uro. you know, mamma
and. after tcaaiug. skip out of reach.
tells me tBaya to e-ebomlnate every.
Rfe IwkA Mlclv, R. F. D. No. 1.
"’ben abe got to tbe brlJge she
1 canT^
Bok 55. Jnn. 9. 1913. And finally when out of peilence Ae
puolabia them, (heir niefut appearance hardly dared look down to the water;
itm. csmp _ jugb! She
Dear Presidentand
coQUa-t help IL though abe tiled so
I would like lo and in my name for
that she choked, and frightened
meniberabljv in
Sunshine i Club.
Young tigers tnd leopards are nut ®4dles. w hen she did look up. So she Noddy, who could not think what tho
WiU you-idcnse'afnd me a cM and
nearly so phyful. They are slower bnrrled oa up the bill and down i„nble was.
biitton? 1 srould
them , very
and lazier
WTille the tiger Is a ®*»>®- thinking to overtake. Wfle any
-Rises yocr dear bsart:" said shA
luetty mue beast, the leopard has a “*®«‘®shedldt-L She met her. „
„ ,h. could speak. And (ben
coal not ddarly marked with ,4he
P*®“>' ®®®®®
,he went to the corner cloeet and look
Doras Carottiera.
tatnteet of apou on It and dull color®>»mina:" tbe little
out a-Bule pyramid of maple eugal—
There are many
ii«s Insleed of one bright and gioeey
give tbe letter to Mr. wmiA and
Neddy could have bought
week, dad 1 am I
EcmeUifire a lliile Mack leopard will
“ T®®
buy'd me „ ,he store with two dimes. ’TherA"
you one of them.
D a family c4 epoU^ ones * *®‘®
P®®®®*® ®®^ oranges. And
^,^w )ou like eep sui
And this lin’t pay—It
me. Mlch..... ..............
-F____ . W'hat dW »®''
you ®®®®
come for. mammar
Jan. 10. 11113. fold. Indeed whatever kind of coat a
•Oh. thank vou." cried Neddy, cngoiv
iMpaid or tiror cub weara. whether
And mamma sat right down OH the
Til go right home and show It to
im going to w-iite lo tbe Sunshine buck or
Club again. I am In the fifth gradA
My eiudlea ere aiSUimetIc. reeding.
spelllnA feograpb*. end tenguage. 1
M■ '1 »■»■
have-a brother whe would like to Join f
®"® <®"“*
-Blre. U. d®.r lUU. renl; brer,!'
the Simahlne Cluhi He la Uilneen ,hT?™W, o, ,hore .,- A.reHre red
of them arc very fond of suet, and the
best way to fumiBli It la to farien a
piece about throe Inches loas to the
tninU' of a tree near the hetwe.
"The ohservaiions by the iinplls will
FU. ^•am mm, by Roa. Day|dm,n.
be'of sroaier value If they arc re
Janiee Simmons. Uda Tmey,
her mile bird nelelibors were twll
quired In slve ayaiematli- reiierta of
drad Bouman.
Boushner.; provialed for.
thel.' work,"
Kather Justna. Miriam Idonit and
areaklad a law d.y. aao lo
o,„ Banablac
|.Wt. nwda.
-1 nromAudina Cane. IlowllnB Green, Ohio.
.Nnmea sent bv Cbloe Baldwin.
Ue to be lovinp. helpful and kind to
-----------------------. her grocerie. ever, Jay. mmpllmern- everybody-and to every llvtan thlnit."
him on the well V.-pt apimaranoo gurelv the birds are well worth our
Flora Oalvin, CIlBord OaMn. Dor- “f his horse. He told her that he nl- k,„g|v tboUKhta and deeds.
oUiy Barsborst and Ceorgic Berghorst. »'•>■» »lf'ed his feed, and acaitPred the
Klnealev. Mich. Namca aent by Coldia »•” «h»« the horse would refuse anySUNSHINE LETTeRS,
outside of tbe barn for Uie blrd.s.
Vj-land. Callt.
•________________ He said they seenved to know that he
had them ih mind, and he Voubl Dear Pres!deniTha Snewbird.
scarcely letum to the barn before the , As tl has l<een quite a while since'
He sits In winter's sleet and Ibe snow whole flock of huiigr.v creatures Would I Wrote a letter 1 thought I w ould
U round hla feeL
swebp down to devtuir the dinner pro- write. I have taken quite a long trip
But he cares not for the cold:
for thea.' Yo’ur pmsldcnt abtee I wrote the other letter—way
Fbr hja ItUe cheerful heart thinks thought that iw-rhaiis you boy* and out uo Callfoinla from Michigan,
tbe snow as fair a |>art
, kirls would like to-know- atmut Mr. Would you like to km w how I »j,ent
Aa tbe Bummar'a green and gold.
Bicarna. and bow he helped tb« "lit- niy Chrl imaa? 1 am sure 1 did not
lie brothers of file air" In such a spend It r like mo»l of you l«ck there
On tbe brnuchaa bare and brown; with friendly fashion.
did. sliding down hill and skating. It
their crysula for a crown.
Uo ,ou kr.op- thnt Itoya and girls In was a nice day; the aun shene bright.
SKa the tiny winter bird:
many nolghborbooda luv.r formed and in the afieroohn the wind IdewIB the dark and stormy days lighten- tbcmselrex into clubs m take care-of unite bard. We spent the afternoon
Iflg the lonely ways
the Hrd» In wlniir? That would be in running and luciidag; In the evenWlih bU ccnatani cheery word.
a Onething for Sonahlne work,
fng we plsye.1
games. Alwut five
wouldn’t It? This Is the way tbat o'clock twelve of ua went for an auto
To hla nlsalon ha is inic; God has aneb a idan U described In OurTtamb ride all In rme auto, ft was n little'
work lor him to do—
Animala, a magaclne dcvoie.1 to help- rrowded. Wculd you like to know
Wlh hte hai>py song to cheer:
|ng all creatures In need:
what I got for nirl»tmaa? WelU nirx
In bis sweet life's slraido s|>eeeh Ics“Committees sre ai.i<olrfed. same to l.mic aewlng l«g mado of rlbhon. two.
eona high and g&d to leach ‘
take charge of obtaining blnl fe-d or l*ar pins, one wlib ribbon rosea on It:
In the dark days of the year.
money with which to buy it. Farmers, two lutoks. one “Story of Jesus. l«over
grain dealers and betchers are u»u- of My Soul," tbe other "Signs' In tbe
Oh. hla Hula beirt la strong, and ho ally wflllng to contribute generously Christmas Fire;" also a laundry bax.
never thinks it wrong
of grain, refuse meat and sued, or to a |«ir of shoes and a handkerehlef.
That lo him ihU lot Is given:
sell ihw at cost; wliilr frw will re- that Is nil. T think. We live in an orKever envies birds that sing .In the fuse a small sum with ujilcb to buy ange grove, so ull 1 need to do Is to
summer or the aprtng
iSiem. The big boys are tbe'>>est lit- I'lt-h and eel the oranges. Tbe troes
Cndcrneath a snnny heaven.
ted for Che aciiuil work of dlsirflni’lun. are in liloasmn noW; they are so sweet
"Forming ibemselvr-i into nuada of >o>i can sinHl them when you wralk
“Wculd'st tbon choose thy .time « ’ three or four, with snow shove-]-, and along ihe sidewalk. Tin- irren are full
: fiaiTi.. fhey meet gt a eciiiral place «f »*cct white blossoms iffid golden
tune to aay—
where the food Is stned. and provide fruit at the same iin.e. 1 v.-la*! you
"God bath ordered these fer ihee;
themselves with grsin. meat or suet, could all Rec tfabin. Well, my ifitcr la
Where thy life can praise Him beat and plenty of string, with which in He 'pretty long, so I will close. I b^pc you
Re hath rel thee: only ebst.
i|,e la.iter to a consi'lcunu^ iilace on k bad a merry ChrlsimaK.
And His porpoac thou ahalt nee.*:
tre^ with the atriax wound rouu,| and' Your loving Sunshine girl.
—Carl Spencer, In Boston Sunday round the suet to form a net. nr else
fJraco lijcr.
with netting lief over it. ao that a
What nn interceting letter to read
greedy-rqulrrel. crow, siarrow- or Ja]- In aaowy. blowy Michigan:
bird shall not tarry It oB bodilv
"Here I come-;^Jo you hear me aiu.
. Fort Lau
~As a rule, tlic grain la spread In
. 2S. VJ-.:
.No other bird Is on®the winA
the middle of open fPIds. where k
IV ep. little ones, at me. me, me.
can be seen by.birds flying over. The Dear I
While 1 ehlrir-Chlcades. dee.'dee.
boya clear a spare from ten to iweety
Will you please rend my sister and
feet Ru|uare and scatter the gntln: nostif each a card an.l buUon? My
"U» you hear how the coM winds then make other ajmllar feeding a'a sictcr'a name la Mary, and she ia nine
tIoDs farther on. Of eonrse. It U dis years old. I am tu-eirc years old. We
Do yon aee all the white, white enow* couraglng
^nd the seed vallered «'<TC dewn here lu hTorida last w inter,
TMok you It frightens me. me. me?
one afternoon covered up again by We both go to school here. We are
Not one bU—Chicndoe. dec. dee.
snow, next morning: h:;i if rtie exact live miles from town, and we have to
»l>ot cap not he uncovered, plucky walk a mile and a half to get to the
"Old Jack Frost, with a fare
and then we have to ride foOr
grim, boys wll do ihclr work___ __ ____
Brow-la at me as I Uu* at biro;
"Ehelier shooia nfao 1>e (crovided. milca. My toBcher's name' Is Mrw
Thinks be would like to eoe. see. aee that the birds may not Ice like the Raker. I am in the rifib grade. Well.
Me leM akuej—Cbicadee. dee.
Iceggar to wivom Ibe doctor gave an I tnt|si atop lor uow.
From your friend,
apiielUer wkbnul i>rovidlng th* ford
Rose Davidson.
"Dear Itttre bands, aa winter comes,
to aaliafy tbe s..,Nmie. Bean i«les
FRng to the snow-birds dainty cnimlts; With tinea ailaebed can l>e ptltcc* to
What an eBnri you have to ntakc to
Then well gather in glee, glee, glee.
u education is
form a wigwam, or corn stalk* biay be get to school:
Binging—Chic. cfaIcndeB. dee. dee.
■tacked on either side of a fence, and worth'DUCh dllfirulty.
«—Elected, 'provide ahelter and feeding (dace at
-------------- » —
the same time. But these should have
434 N. lY-ospeqt 8t.
PRESIDENTS Apparent ingrees anj egresA so ns no!
Bowling Grron. Ohio.
to.cause suspicion of being a trap."
' Jan. 8, 1913.
"Oieeffl.: Cheerily: ^ Clilrk-adeel
Your President often talks lo .von Dear rroaident—
Cbec* Cheel" Tbat U what your about Ihe Mlrhlgajt Audubon Society
U has been a long lime aint-e I
lYaaidettl 'beard this morning from Iwhich la organised for the study and wrote you. 1 have been traveling quite
many little tbroau. She quickly .ran protection of bl^a. yon knowl. ati^ a bit since I left MayflelJ. Mich; .1
to tbe window and looked oauidcl she thinks you might like to r.®ad of haven't bad much time lo write to anyHabere* tanging -from l^ woodbine some good work done by the Aiidu- one 1 hope the Sunshine l>oys and
^bal depends like a curtain from a bon Society in Wlaeonain. One of Ibe glrU have not forgotten me. I hope
wire fteiened to a tree and a corner teachera In-n school In >iaa Clair, all the Snnahlnera had a nice Cbrlatof the bouse, were a whole flork of Wis.. wrote an article for Our Dumb mas. I got quite a number of prescfaicAileea. What a good time they Animals, lolling about tbe way ber pu- enta. I have tbe names of some of
were haring togriber: How happy, plla fed the birds in winter, and giv- my friends to send in. They are:
and Independent, and unafraid: They lug dlreriions tor -other schools that Janlre Slmmou*. Uda Tracy, Mildred
were twiiterfag and rbatiering, and wished to Jo. the same:
Bouman, {.oolse Bougboer. Bather Juaalnging aa merrily as though a sweet
"It la coming to be a fairly frequent ‘u*. Miriam long and Audlne Cane.
' awmmer wind were blowing Instead of sight lo Fiau CUlre to see bird tables Will you please send me cards and
a breete right ofl the bay. and were erected In Ibe -wards, or (aslened to buttons lor them?‘They are all veal
seemingly as glad aa though a caipet trees on tbe boulerards to front of the nice little girls, and when they- get
of soft green gras* ravered the isw n home*, and spread daily with food for their cards and buttons they will be
InMead of ^ fleecy blanket oftsnow.
the Mrda. (’racked corn, erarked nut*. iJeaaed anJ they will all write, too. I year* old.
ume 'Is
Elrla F.
t™, ,1^
—• '-
K. Jacobs Will Manage NMlonai
each Register Office Here.
(Prom TlitirsilnyV Record RaRle.l
J. o’llcllK-.v left Ian lilKht foi
Grand KniiMa. where he will havi
rliarsi-i:( a i«i( of (he National (kuib
Recialer dl-'irie(’ In (lint |iarl of (be
>. He U Koei^edod In the loeal
olffec h> f. K. Jaeol* of Kalamnroo.
who la very ill at the |-e«Men lime at
bta home there, bnt will come here us
aa |«i^«lhlo. Mr. ORelUey hax
FAIR HAS PROVED AN EXCEL iK'rn tho (oral cai-h repi.^ter agoiit
the lULM seven years, and hla pruAiois a aourre of ph'aaure in the
y frieada (he family have niatl<
Aaaeclation for Promoting Pro/eat
Boars of t»r*etor« .Will Meet During during lliey reritlence In the city.
Elected Officera and Outlined
Farmer-a InUitutW and Set the
Plan for Ccirpleting the .
Oatca for the Exhibition .
Great Auto Road
N«ct Fall.
CUAND T.l.WlXSK CorNTY. .MICUIGAN. Tl i:s|)AY. ,!AN. 14.
I Demand at the
Ilyllund. Mil'll.. Jan. 9.—The steam. A, r.« ill, tile N'lrihivirl Imrsliip Cit.v «f Traverse, which dor the
(i.-iiUurfiir h
n cr<.Rt rtman-l h’r
NEW PLAN FOR 6TIMVLATING LO fiaJit few years had plied between here V/HOLE BUSINESS SECTION <
the farnters’
I'liiiilra l.-liig he’ll
Olid Chicago on the Graham A Mor
Ilu.: wluur
L- wa.s tiskcd to
ton lines, Is -ROW M sale at CliUagn.
I'aiil Rose-.*
t tho Ma■ral comiiauhM arr having IHty in.viiluti- M
Iioat lirokod Over preliminary to makI flv,. ollUT
The C-ity of Trhvcrac waa chatter
rd hy rhirago gnniblefk Fevera'l years
program at th F.
e< title and
ICREAT POSSIBILITIES OF REGIQN igi>, end made Bumy Iriia out into
Bart -fiui! rrow.-is, bow
l.:ik« Michlgjii] froYii ('hbwro. where
i s-tciessfiil
report's were vent from tbo ra
icke, and a ilirti.n-g gi^lding cnt<
Direction of Wind Wat All That
There With Clear Viaion Sear Grand
11*0 was eairied .m
aoiDe tin
Saved Bvildlnga^n th* Vlelm
Traverse the Center of Great
Ky—No One Waa Injured
est Fruit Section in the
During Fire.
LOSS PUGBI 'AT $160,000
MuRkogon. Jan, 9.—Fire t
Frank llaniilUMi n-iuni.-d .n.iii Mjhentire busimes section and d»kesetn Fniiav, wheiv he wnii as a
Tile Firrt Natimial lank of tho
iroyed the KIk*' temple and adjoindelegate t» a big niiH-tiiig of all in Detail Work lajotcupying Atlentic
;y ha* n.-or«.d again. -In other wi.rdFOR CARRYING MAILS.
:d Tkaverse Beard of
ig stores early to<lay. Tbe firemen,
teroulod in '.he Wttering of the rvi:iu>
h.is d' vi-lopia an Idea that i» going
o.-e lian-Ilrapped by low water 'prosgive the Grand Traverse region
of Wi.»UTii MieJiigan. He waw iv'
Antoine Bptlett Waa Elected Preab i:ie. Grand Raiffds scat aid by spej
rtunimnicd by Th'un G. Shllaon. repie
loiiuT luj-etu.s. It ht» *.-< iir<-d I.Jt'U
dent of Aasoeiatlen for the
Ward Annual Weighing and Daily hentiiig flic, hoard of supt-niiHva i->i
al train. Thr loss 1* iOaeed at gl«0,i )te<- rd Ihido-I
SDtwTiidloiia to Hctter Fmlt. the
Coming Year.
-tun ot UK- board Urgeri and bevt- of Iho ffult growing
Average aa Batia of Future
thia isrtinly.'
»'taken up ly r- puld'er.ilon* In Hie I'nited Hlate* aii.l
nnd this;.
A high wind I
Mr. linnilltnn wax ituide cbalrmiro
.Mich. .Ian. f«.—Tho an- w'tii defivient water iwessure. made It
it« romniittee*. Th*
of Ihe iile4*liiig. whieh was ulfemleJ
di'iiil'Uting theso BulirrriiJilun*
; of the Norlh|>urt Friilt
tr i r.nmns e«rtnm'.’ii
i.npo8>lble to coirfbat the fire
>y come . Kpieacntullvo of cvv.*..
long i:u.-<e if il.'i deiu^ilors and
lorfbly .-n Hie le.nds «d G e
with any -inminl of saeeets.- Shortly
inJ* who arc fruit gn>w«-rs and
Ttie committee on railway pay -onnty along the |in-p<iB<d roui'-i
i-^r* as fullow*:
o iiuil.e aiddic.vGon for the pnhU- in Ihe town hall. .\ large niiml«i- of ift.-r.!l t'cloek, however, the roof of
'bleb reprexeniB two hundred and Which-will oxicurt from Uio Itirtiana
ir.-nkiiror, $12,.......
iuD. Already a larg> number of at* (roll growers wer* present, although Ihe buiiding fell In and the"'flames
ne to tlie .'liraiis of yraekinnw,
slxi.v^'lght ralTr^ad comionles In th'
loiiginT in the nafsoeiation. >vro iketi confined to tbe skeleton of
crwiujrtMiorVnllcd Stairs have K«ued a-inateThis WB* due In t--* storm) weather :h<>,i,ulldinff.
Si.dx;i. hiiertff. $-•..>11*1.
inp ill .lally.
ment whirJi pivea the reeulia of (heir «Tii, aupervionni. city affh-ialc and oih-;
iJrt the-|*-or roail.;. Ite'virta were
Konrtinc end iR-nram-.Much of flic work of the firemen
cr Imercftc-d parties. iirivi’e of thl.: ilistributlon of
InveaUcatinn Into .the a-ibjert
th-.Ntrade a*' In the l.iisin *.; dnne durfag was dimted to playing streams of
e fuUowing suggested rcKoIulhio
H ..IS I:; lv..vfobt. First th-whether the e<>mi<aniea rneive the
the T«i t year and the,out1ook for the aster on the adjoining bnll-llngs. and
I. of.N. Y-; y. H. Yin
rantalna the gist o9 lhe-«>t>jccl of Uie
«f I'le bank hejvT t.* vtirau•emuneraih'n that they should
buildings were Saved. Flying
iiKirtisUig int.rc l in fruit
carrying Up- malls of Iho cmiitry. The meeting:
twc. let from the .•ffiee «f v.oc ;.resl- rtuborsjJi^eatcned many places in th*
Hugo Will. lwi;i
■Wberr'aa. Ilio. bulldYug of InterTravcr.-ie' ril}'. and,
iliF rommliteo is that
; G. \.'. (-itiipi. clicuil
dent In that of iirpvldeai, and A. H. busitirsB and r .............................
the, aim to give our fruit
the tjpail« are not receiving anyaliere rouniy or comlnuoua llnea of 'uyi-Milllken was elNP-d vlra prosident.
•U T, $h.ew. F. J. Jlaa-:
Had the firtvstarted at the west, in
'the - U’ert Jiifornuitioa renear what they should fmm tAe gov wiay throughout tho state sl.ould
A. U. arall was elected si-cretary- stead of tbe en« end of tbe Mock. In
W. t'liilerwood. rlr.-.i:!‘
• eRcouragonicnt aitd the evi-fipfa'
nct'.imbr of-giow'itig, )«vkinr
ernment for servirra rendered nml
ur.-r for the coming y«-ar and all iirobabillty H would have swept
I of each and every locality
as a leault are losing mUliona of d.diun.-i:.
-mire length of the street and
Soerctary—H. R. Monugue.' '
- Kiiiti 1* puh’Uhcd at Hfwd lioard of dlr-ctors for a term of five
lars every year by rorrylng tb;v«niv- through whldi auch muin linea wiU
I*. AV itt'iA, e-.anty rurvey
carried away the greater portion of
Hh*cr. ftregon. whP-h city Is proba1.lv
Treasurer—M O. Bnt lnron.
rrnment tnallr The law underswblrh pass: a
. After coosl-lerahle dls^rusflon the city's business district.
I5-J I'n.tan I In-nrunre r«
•■Wbereaa. thl* con-.erlion of dHC: t«)(T.
the iiioct lm;Mirtani fruit <ent- r on the
E. C. Ijidd. Edwin lUark. F.
the mull eoritract* are handled wa*
tho Temple bad many peo
Hamlin and Jca. Zimmerman <
passed Bome forty yeara agb. and no :iites of aupcnlwira. highway «»tmui>i
by the airoeimtioa and the enr- ple in It. and several were in the
U. Cost, euretle'-. K. Pacific con»t; The Hood illver groweach elected dirc'iora for three years attempt bu leou made to' bring it ,ioncn dnd crSclala (roio the pevertl
rtvennes it was voted «o make store below when tbe fire Wax dlsoovnronrr. K-.&au. Mnsa. e'.s-srv in lip- fiolil rank* of Gie hort!:-ii’iiiri:'i«
to aucoeed Ihemselve*. H. B. Holley, down in date and regulate tie price •ountle* asaeniUod In the Hiy of Mux flnndm
alary of the seereury-troasurer cred. r.o one was injured.
luranro Co.' kapin'fM* the putpnmi of r’iiimlaitiig
director for one year In the place of according to tb« ehanred enndltlftm
fnr the s>-a*nn, although iha: ofn-: elution* w-ero Intro roi-rdUig growing, iacklng nnd mar
The cause of the fire la unknoinL
lud building in AVet-i.-rn Miihtgna
k. tine wliicli ii-e . giving irouble
3. W. HaireeB. Finnk ’Dunn. In the of the mall and rr.ilrojid hurlni-*ji
dure<; c.ndjp.f. Ted to the I rtpjicr
I-.tJ sail that he woiiH !«• iilland the further tlcveloiniient
il..- trill iii'n tn other section* ha»e
place of Edward Lautricr, for
fnd'-r Hie prcMiii »yKiei,-i mall? an
do hl« lu-st tor a Ktraller sum.
entire weatt-rn coa.«i; »h» hen-by re^
wr-T'ird once In f*!ur yeara am
iinil|U-e<i have I1.TI1-.sueta-s-.sfur.y ol-.-aLby (he Hood inaKiiiu'.'h ns the as.-ociation is bnt
- that as a ii-eim.* to the 01.4
The eomideta board of dironort
inuiiini of miMer that is carried
tn a>-c<'rtaiu iliver i.sipie, anl tlio.-e variou* solu
dr'sorved. and itial^bolli 1 «-al and gen
t follows
he ronda during Ihia iicrhni -of
was fiUced for a rnrlnad
log-l aisl orliy of Ahe Imard td ih-ns ivr - given in the magazliie In
eral Ix neflta of getyl rtiart* nay be
.(Ui -Mon. tb-l'cr Froli Is prlu:.*! nj. of eberry tree*, raid trees to lie del;
H. 8. OhBier. Ixtwcll Sours
welgiiihc la made iIk- liaaiB for fi
r«sl t^f «r>-<jfierntjoli of the «>. te
‘in heavy enamel paiN’r. cuntains artl- red in the spring. During 1K12, the
C. Germaine. M. O. Itobinson.
the piiec for ijirvlng the mail*
malilpa onrt countlea' along i
Monusue. Robert Ilamcy. John Mo III the next we.ei.iiig jv-rlnd.
ork by noon today, but .1-s by flic ahlert hortlcultnri.ls In asRorlatlon marketed t.fihO liavrels of
tihorv from tiie lnli:iti i ll"e
-Viiici: a anil Iv liaiii1so!;'.'!y il!u*lrat- ipples in addition to a large number
ran. Frank ;Fricfl-!cb, (;>••>. O. llau-a. BiakeK the rvad-i carry flu- heavy .
Illniied u
.Strait* of Maekinaw !•>' r<ni»'au>I
-d. it I* a inacazlne that is a rredil of cate* f.f thciriCR. This
E. O
Edaln HUck, p. >1. Ham palgn and «'hrli.i>nas iiiei:* at
It' D al!
. «l n:id in:!ld. ui the ear1i«-s' lime
in any place of buRines* or In any output will be much larger. The ascare of;
IJn, J<-» Ziniiocrniaa, M. IL Holley, same priec as Is done la the normul :m*eih!e. nil irto-e* of uiitii.|irov,'1 and
Has Traveled Over a Million Miles Ot
hatin'. The luai^xine Is, to a large ex sorlallon also buys at wholerale (he
Fkaak Dunn.
lierinda. At times the roads nr unflnlHhed roada along the dcalguatert
Route Between Here end
tent. reRtu»i*fbbT for Ihe IniernationRl *up|>lleK i;i-e.!iul by-Us mern'K-r* and
Ibere ui'i l*e a tne"tlnc of the comiielled to put on extra c.tri f«
making one isuidiiuou* line >'
reputation enjoyed bj' Iflod Hiver. A1
roosidcrablc amount
fun boar.] <r-diie<lDrt at the time i-nvrylng heavy malls and for thi Imjiroved highway :iiong the aieni.;
ilough the eitv linx a/iiopaletlon of Spraying mat. rial Is Iviughl by the
of the Fa-rtu-; ;• Ir.rtifj't that «»1
!hcy gel nn exir.t u-miineraiioii. I
iM.ie of Wi-.,teni Miiblgiin. freni the
les:-. than 2,001. H h; Jinowti In man.* l«rrcl nnd fruit packatP's by th.
bcid hero Jam.i n "tth m.O ;.lh when Is ptoisr^ed ly tlio eummltiee that extreme aoiitliern limit to the siratta
A record In number of miles travly Nupt >1 Ceremony
larta of the world, and is liciter ad- load. Aluut $1,200 worth of stock In
the dale for tli'- fair nc-si >(.ar will remunerafioR he liased upon
of MnoUnaw-. )mH*inc through Mi:ek,
ry’a Church
reriire.1 than most idaco* of t.-n timer the arsc.tiiiua has been sold and clod over one route is believed to here
be. decided uton srd n«! oi.-.t
ampfiot of enr space that I* Its**!been established by Conductor A. T.
gon. lairtliigton. Muirtuter. Tniverec
IR iKtpuUtlon.
»Uh the fund* seeur.rt a lirgc ware Peck of the G. R. A I. railroad, Mr.
rclatlnc m tho ass-xiai ea
liVcsi nt' the prlie f-r carrying i
iHty, rhnrleveix and reioaltey,"
.Should some one of the 1.203 Grand house ha* been |mrc1va*ed. which
polli'-Ht W(-ddlngs of
taken tnre of.
is arl.lirj!ril.v flxtd hy the iM-wmu
Tho large hotulK-r of nille* alreart;
I»eck. during the 26 years he has
WTleiiinlxed yesterday Tr-ivcrso fiuit growrTS who will read warehouse Is available for frHil:
g' BCial and eonarr ^s. and in orrler built along the pn>po»««l line, was but
been with the G. It A I., hes tnTeled
•-'ie magarine tlie coming year ro.-.ch .'cgctuMf^^ Tho present wlnt. I0.-X ill ifT. ,M*0
rnlng :
-hat a niiTc ciiiPaWo laid* may h tirlKlns. Oii'y five'ronniie* In Ihi: .ti
.op.'bi.simi that a sitiiilar pilbli.-a-' warehouse l.« l«ing used for the slo ever the route between this city nnd
i.:lal-hlgh niaas w-n
reached f<jr fixing the lulce tho t“>n
not gow «|>erallng in
Walton Junction 42.130 Unes. This
>v. IT. Whalep. du
rat-d hy
ago- ami iiaud-plt king of *ecd |>eas.
means that be has covered 1.098,S30
mltteo suggests that the mall* t der Iho county road s.vsiein. and ill
A. fatiiii.tiu of Tra i''it>-. ntiu that this e'ii.v might be ndhb U till
WiUi the warehouse, efforts will be
mile* op to Jan. 1 on the earn* ton.
wi iahi-d unmially and the prior- how- Iheve vouDllea they nr-- tv-nBidi riiis
; .-iTtl*--l a* Iho h.-adfiilari'
The t/ip Is a little better than M
•ilicn the rrsulis of the dally uvcragi favorably the. adopfl*m «f the eounty
Katherine f.
carload orders and to devolop spoeial
able to keep SECRET.
The roads .lahn that the rovernmet road 1.1W.' They are now lulling un:<! by'Uic First National banfi in markets which wHIVall (or the North- mllea.
1 bride uokvd ch’arfuing tn
It la "believed that tUa Ic the {arihji’. s them a* a fwHIall In the ecouo ^er the lownahlp cad B.isKity
the iT.'-'-i.l ratii|Qiro will l«- Invet^od lM»n fruits.
gown of whi
Three Accused Men Were Bound Over
Tho Iniereat manifested In gmvl
eat that any conductor In the Unite-I
g^me Wirt e.s a result they at
:}- whleh will bring enormouR
of cre 1 g'liarmouac. trliiuiicl
To Ken Term of CtruiH
States has ever ridden on the tone
roada waa remarkiihio and the debof pw kcl for crery
to Uie region. Thcro U more
run. During this time the number of
d iliai Is oYTied under the pres- galea present were favorab'c- ir.w«i-.i
with bridal roses ami than one |*r*.m In tbls cotiimuclly
.'cil caught
tickets which Mr. Pedt baa token and
<iTM^>.-ratlng with wlJoiuLhX efuinllea In
wlio U-ll.-veR that Mlehlgan *hoiilO
•atried show :r boi(^iuet of tho ssiiuGwirgc Tljrl, Gmett Mamtcville
the number of pnoaengera who hare
making tho lino «*Hnuous from the
j^ d horticultural pah!icai}oa
Her iiialil-cf-honor was her
and CJiar Know!.a, the tbreo mA
ridden wlih. him would meant into
and that the j-roticr place (or the
who aeo Rllccefl m have broken inir,
Officer* were e!e>-n-d. wliirh indudof that publirmllon Is Trave^e WORK OF THOK. T. BATES WAS figuret which would give the nveraga
The lat|er worn a fopt'iihagci
and robied tho Jo*cl-p*nT flros.* tlorc
, vice pr.-sldent* from every county
person aome dKficnlty in reading.
'. In a few years th^ great orblue gown of rrcitc inetror trimmed
at Grawn. niipcared before Judge
ind they wore • anllu.rlwil to teliH'l
rd* (if the state wilt lie to the
Nerlicgcr for examlRniinn yesterday. Nuptial Event CelebraUd at Carna wo oUiftw to rVoper.vle V.I1I1 them to in cream la«*> [and rarrled pink roi
mirib and *<in(b of 1I1I* city and the
Walter Uunia of tlila city o( led
Burl and Manditine waived ciamjn
ecire tho dealrcd end.
great li'*rtiriilturl»ts who will manage Trurteea of Traverse City State Hocbest man. Tl c ushers were Joseph
pital Egpress Appreciation of
atlos and were bound over to the
The oflleera elected" wcie; Vivsl
lese nrrbsrd* will (ongrtgato to a
l.*-o^d Hogan
(Fu>m Tliiirsday’s Reeor«l Kagle.l
Hia Service!.
dent I- H Tcirtl of Muskegon: *err.next term of cirmili court on $1,000
rge degrjv- in Traverso City.
eddlM breakfast whs
All li..i;er for the fltM hirge wed tory. William HeKlelnc of Grand Ha;
tan eaeh. Knowlct. who had hla ex
What K. H. Shepiuird has done for
home of tho bride'i
ilopd River. Oregon, with his magaamination yesierdey and wito conThe
trk.uic tn the mcmoiy
wlU l>c done by aohio other roan
feearsl to bis own part in.the crlmo fall*, to Mi** Rena Delie Munro. reprewnlod by J-rank Hamilton
of the Ute linn T. T. Betos w.ob pre
There wore 18 of the
for Traverse Oily, as soon nr. that n:ai.
and imfillcaierl the otlierr, v.ut bound daughter of Mr*. Jean Muuro of KIk ilfo prcfidenc and Tho*. G. Rhllaon
sented at the regular -meeting ot the
itlmate friends ot the
Wllllamaburg. Jan. 10.—Mra. Caro
in bo discovered.
over to circuit «iart on
ball. Lake, and I-orln ItolMrrisoii, of Hes from the. boarT^t aupervUor*. and
noar'd of Trosiecs of tho Traverse line Ta)-lor. aged gS yenra. widow of
iraetliig t^rtloa pr<«eat- Imm.peria. Mich., who were-united yester Hon. Jno- IL Snnio from Ihe city.
Grxat ert-m Is duo the hr*t N«Burt fumUlied lull.
Ciiy Slate hospital by Iho medical su- tho Uto Daniel Taylor, died »i her The official name of the movemen' dlatoly after Mr. and Mr*. Cainpean Honal br.uk and life other banks of
Knowles, who It 1* raid had l*een day tftenicrm at I o'clock.' at the
here M'ednosday algbL She
home of th'- bride's sister. Mr*. T. J. will be the Weslorn Michigan I-ake
1' for tho iirogTessIvc stand
lod Iniu n-nfesainS by Sheriff Sial!
QU* vote of tbe/board. was adoirted came here In the early day* and ha^
will Tvslde in h bume newly furnlsbe-J
that Ir being jakeh'
before the hearing yesterday, told of Carna. 2*>l North Oak nrcct. Ucv. Wil Slairo Highway, and will pass through for thorn.
the cxiiresslon of their own regard liver hero ever alace, making n hap•
hla entire part Iri ‘.ho affair U la
1(1 feeling for their late aswlate.
•Many beautiful glfu were received.
iDd comtortnble home for her
Graceful hoquei’* of esniatlona wenCoarlevoix to Mackliuii
natural reroutrcR. A few months since
alao said that he baa ImpllcaUd Man-jd a t* i>y was ordered spread upon famUy. 6be always held tbe rospeet
Tim noral-deedratlona were raraattwis (heso banks brought together
used In the rooms tbroughdut the
■ drvilie by hi* lonfesalon. and that
and roses In!white and {didt latci* luiiker* of nciriliwoet Michigan who the rcrords of the ho#pltM and a copy and love of all with wbob she came
- Maadcvllle blimeif baa ^rUaUy cen bouse and on the luncboon uhles.
to the family.
mingled with kmllax. Among tbo out organised a iuinken' club.
in contacL Mrs. Taylor bad been lU
Mra. RobertBon wore a bte*>mliig
foaed to eoailiritv in ihu ciiaie.
r. Hates became a trustee of the dace Christmas and with fast creep
Of town guMla was Mrs. J. M. Gcalley iiiombers. after comparing notes, r
gown of while rllk and rarrled i
Much merrimttit waa caurert the
.Northern Michigan asylum in 1KL3; ing mi of oM nge. her condition was
arrii boijuel of irtnk bridal
Staamar Numidian Lacked Proper of Grand Raidds. Uwjng to the lib lurw-d to their several homes with
-upecutora yeoerday when llowanl
was reapiwintcd in *69. '1.5. ’01 and '07,
couple were unatlcD'.led, Idniebeon
to weak to withstand the strain of a
Wiraieaa Apparatus.
draermlnation to make ibis connt:
Andcraon. a barber from Grawn, was
6(111 a trustee at tbe time of
Mta wero" anable to be present at ihi the proipcrous and powerful region
served to bIkiui thirty guesb
serlons Illness. She Is surrlved by
iMacod on tlm witneaa Bland. At on
his de.nih. He was jiresldent of the
Which Included ouly the rclaUtc* e
three daughtera. Mrs. L«n Hoxsle and
that :u Creatt-r Intended U to be.
Ume be aUted that hg bad been tmn
Boston. Mass.,
board of trustees from 1RS.6 to 1892,
Mrs. C^mpoau la the only
the eoniracllng lariles.
Mrs. Pbeho Mosher cf here, and Mrw
ed to be careful what h« awore i
James Co)ne. who conducts
PITTSBURGH—lYblle the flood wa and again from ‘07 to '10. lie ’
and Mn-k RoliertsoD left on (fie able interest la
LilUas Man Warren of Los AngeUa.
that be couldn't leiiilfy to anything afterttoun train for a ebort trip, and cantlle marine eirclea in Ihe
plnmblng busWss on Tcrracej stnect ters ]voured Into (be lower rooms„ Val member of the ^rd of bnildtng com
be had eeen In the da^k and
realentine Arnold. -Jr., "the baby of the
then win he at home In Hesjierla for
Tbe funeral service* will he hMd
aura and tcH
truth. When Prose the winter. Mr* Robortwn is a young Nninldtan. who was given a hearing
She ip a graduate of the 1912 flood.' was born In an upiier room fill the varancy enttsed by tbe resig
from the Me*Jaodist church at fniculor Covell asked him who had gi' Woman of-mist likable j>er*onatit} before tlnlted Sutes Commls-'loner.I crguUne Acev^rmy of this city. Mr. of a South avenue home. The doctor nation of the Ute Perry Hannah. Mr.
Oates held many positions of tniet. llsmsburg. Saturday afternoon at two
C91 him. the infonsaUon and he n and for a' number of jesr* |ia»t her Hayes today on a charge of fal1ing!cong>ea» Is cpnaected with the Pro came Is a skiff.
among which, may be mentioned the o'clock. Rev. Benedin offletetlug. Tbe
toried tLat Dave Campbell bad been voice hat been heard over both the to have on board hla ship efficient |df,DtiaI inaurapee (Wpany nt flrand
ball bearers will be els of her grandWASHINGTON—John E. Humph- secreurysbip of the Trarerae City
bU advisor, the crowd fairly howled CItUen'a and Bell Telephone wlrwjnpparal'
'or radio communlcaUob'iupida. BotfivMr. ttd Mrs. Campeau
sons, DennU Hoxsle. IWpb White and
arrested nnder the bare a great Atony triends la the city reyi, bank employe, was indicted for Railroad company: and nfterwanU
and the fudge had diffictdty In re-;,-he(, Fhe baa hrid poeUlons ot chief-Captain Hall
Lorin Worden of wnuamshurg, ffbaak
Morlog order to tbe court. The crowd o|>erator bt each of the offices. Her provIslocR of the new. law, passed as who will wishi them every happiness ‘uibexilement nnd torgpry by the director, nnd Id president for many
years. He was preejdent of the hoard Stafford of Sntkms Bay. Fred Winnie
avo•mfM kept laughing tbrtmgbout the laai poeltion
with the Bell office,
of Meelek and Peny BeotlaU «t WO" "trial hy Hi* reiaarka «f th* rtrtonx where she had lieeO for about three regnlrea fclgh-powec wireless appara-'nne. where th*y will reside afi*r Peb. foiwtnan. The fstbM'. signed the In. ot Ubrary trnstee* of Trarsswe City.
Uuaibaxt. , •,
(Coatlnned on Pag* Three.)
dlctmcBt for tip grand Jary.
tns on oil ooess-fblng ressels.
ii.—Muskegon trunea.
(From TImredBjV Kocord KoBir-)
The anoiial tncr'inc; ot (he Crand
Travcme Rtirlon Fair nwiclatloii
held in the couit houec yoiterday aft
ernoon. *irti I’rcstdenl Itanier In the
chair. The Bccrctarj ■« rcr>ort »a*
read ehcnlnif llisl the fair held this
year waa a aueeejs In every way. A
number of valmhle improvemenb<
Were made on the grounds and U was
the general oidnlon that (he fair
was one of the l>«*st ndve«l«ements
and abo-jld t>e Riven the Rrwtesl usrUtanrr In all ways.
The nomlnaOrtK romsiittc eonxlst'
Inc of n. S. Ohwer, T. M. Hamlin
W.AV. nran. Ralph Hlcka. DcnnltHoxale and L. R. Cletelnnd made th'
follewlhR nominationa ihnt were unanInynnOy adoptrd;
Prcaldrni—Robert Oarney.
Firrt Vice Prealdom—J.
5et«nd Vlro Prc»idenl-H. S. 01
Grand Tr^ivAtse Herald
and 't'ravcine EltQr Eagle
riMMM Towdar and 'aondar a
TIKM. T. Bam..
....Mr In AdTsnes
,...SSc In Adranco
would offiTtivi-ly Mock the pix^ent cold' eurrent ami send it into
the irtiir stream. Tliiii rcada like a Urunin. hut the idea haturcceived the eiiihirseinent of the ruiti-d 9ut<-s liycTrograidiie offle*-,
that of iiumy scientific meal,in Jin'en-iit parts nf the
work!, t'hanirine the cold curroiil fmm ^he eoa-st of lAnhradnr and
tlnralaad would U‘mi>er the climate of jthut section of the earth
ind make Kiifdand as wann as Ih-nnudOf The oiily ]miiit that
to take tlic resismsihiUly
u>t elear is wli^- Uie I'nilt'd ijiat'
for doiiic, sueh a pHsl work for the Itrit <h empire, and wpcrially
iiKAtlautie Diiile tly ,<rther
when most of. the shifw that sail th<
Hatrs than the American. It is possihle of
ill.that this idea may
U'h a point wlierc it will lK*.niiy i lore than the dream of
scientific mind. The
et that th idea is to be eiid>oilieil in a hill
tifjress, Uowi er. imflii-s it worthy of at h-asl
be inlriMlUM^ in
pussiug consideratid on the imrt 1 the mblie.
Why Leivi 9bdtigin ?
The lure of distant fields always takeh a firm li.
1 those
Wlio are Ii*d hy Ih.-lr imagitmlion to believellhut fortitne awnifs them
in s ime other locj.l'Iy than iheir own. Tliia spirit of diss.tl!Kraetio>i
hgs leil many an industrious citizen to te^ve home and friends ou
GrooUtioo du weA 2,950
the strength of alluring adt^ertisi-menls hi)d highly tinted tales reeit«-d 1>.v*laDiI ap-lils from the laii'd at a diijtanci'. Those wln> grasp
the bait held before thi-m in this iiiami.T gfiier^lly me the <lay that
they let their imagination get the Irntfer bf their discretion, for it
invariahly hapiH'iis that when the land of their dreams lias lH*en
^d^oates Direct Sites
ri'a.'hetl they fimi wonw mimiitimis and greater iihslaeles than they
The subject of marketing farm pr*Klurls is emlnKlied in a
ever InnlTy eonteml with in Ih. ir home eotintry. It would he well
special report to congress hy Secretary of Agriculture James Wilf..rtli«mewh.
way to the wn^iderlusl to n-memh.-r that the nsid
■bn. Which pH's to shbw that the question of aeenring Mter and
to stieii'ss is strewn with just as n^auy diffiriilties
wider tnarkcls for fann prmluec has taken titc form of d* nntioi
another. Weather enjiditions are just ns Variable in the weat and
wide movement. Seen'tary Wilson clsims that ther<‘ are imt imOi;
Koiilh as they ar.' in the tSraud Traverse r.'giim. for it often hn|ipens
taiddlemeu engaged in getting the prmiu. ts from th.’ farm to th
jtiiHl a drouth or sp.-ll of wet w.-ather at tlib Wrong time will ivMilt
cousnmer, am! as a result the user of the produels has t«> jwiy to
I ill greater l<i.ss than in this state, where e^qw are more diviTsifiinl
nueh for lira goods when they finally n-ueh his table. In
iin- e<Ttnin. Strangers who <^>me into this r>-gion aninstances it has been found that from three to four unneees&ary I . .
•k to discover advantages which the ; nalivi-s walk over unmiddlemen have to be taken care of'lH-for.- the price is finnlly ll*'***,
day witlnml giving a casual sign of ree.ignilion. One
which the conaumer has to) pay. This meth«l
metho.1 is an injustice t.
* that the ones who fiiMl tile most fault
4he farmer who rais.>s the crop and an unneeossnry hanlsliip t'
with their home town and Im-ality arc iiA-ariahly the mues svlio
the people who finally have to jiay all th.-se i-ommissions before
never liave gone outside to invA'stigate ts>niiti..iis. they jir.-f.-rring
they can aeeuw the necessary imiterial for their'tnhli.s. The om-a
to jump at the eimrlusimi tlinl this is Mm w.i^t j.lace on mrth withwho arc moat iiiteresteii in the question and who have to pa.v the
mil any further pnsif. .Comparison of advatitag<-s lias proven that
entire coat of the transaetioiis an’ the pnKl.ncers and the eoiiKtiiners,
there an' few better pliKsw to live tfian Wi-jiterii Miehigaii, and so
and yet they appear to Ik* the least eone«fi-ni'*l in seenring relief,
far lh«ic few linve as yet remaiimd iindiseoi^en-d. It is a pleasant
from the exhorbitant tax that they have to {wy daily on aeeoiint
diversion to n-ad alsmt the glori'-s of Mexjis. and California and
of their inability to get together and n-imsly .the existing «-oiidiFlori<!a, hut v'hon it cOnK-s to faring the (^easeiw. revolution and
-tious. The middlenmu are thoniughly organized and have things
siiiidrn elimatie <>tianges in th<- firmer iilaee and the death dealing
Uieir own way. so the grower haa to sell at the prie.'s lli.y ;fi
w wlien- this region
frost.sii the lalti
for him, and the cousmiier has to paj' the priei*8 that arc namr
has ihei both dislaiienL li
11 the A
rii'iin settler is liahi:as hit portion of the tribute to ^he organinsl hami of pr<Hliiee
to have his proi>erty eotifisea1e<| at any tim hy the rcvoliitioiiwls
haudlen. The njmrt gives an exhaustive aeeount flf diff«
who prowl, over the eountiy from one yea 8 end to another, or
methods for relieving Uie situation, and sums up the ipioKtiot
iH-rhaps ]<Ki' his own life and that of hus
iiiily. providing lln-y
the following wonls. w^ieb shonhl Ih- rommitted to memoiy by
esoaiK' the earthquakes that ar«' of A-omimm o« iirciiee. In ('aiiforiii'a
c e«mnlrj':
eveiyr prfHluec.r
the reeeiil ffosls which kilhsl the Ornnp' and 'iiion erojis-jirovi- ilist
•‘A stfrvey of the systems of marketing farm pr<Hluets clearly
I the road to4orinm> in that slat
It Htrewiqwith roses iiiid myrrh,
1 best do to their u.lvaKlage. Thi-y
dtacovera what the farniere
. .
Tin* danger from fr«»;t in that state is now li
d r.'*
ns iigniz.sl
must aMoeinti' tlieniselveit togethi r for the pnrji
duing f,,p
r..r 11 lie purpose of
for II,hui
thc-stale Jegisliitmv has »iii<r.>Tvri»t..,l
a|i|inq>riated *1(K>|(aM)
^Itaijiswi for
their individnal eontrihulions of pnshirts. of shipping in ear load
ihvestigiitiiq iii. thmla for » ientifit-ally prcvj'nling the fruit enqis
lots, of obtaining market iiewa at. places to whieh it is praelicali^j.^^
This aetion : an admisMon lij- the slate niithoriti.-s
to Bend their products, to sell in a considcrahle nuinlHT of markels.i.,
now pcriimiieiitly in the fni|it hell mid-that unless
if not in many markets, ami to sevun- the variou-s ollmr cv
lo the resene her orange ami lemon gnivi-s are
gains of associative wiling.
lloomcsl to IM'
iinal di-stnieiioii. In .Mieh^'un tin
n-stiou, It IS reeommendisl that, if migrii«Sj^^^^jj
nssumi of some kind
crop «
II of markets, a n>n»s of traveling fiehl agents be'^^^^j
esUblish.>* a di
■ IS.tS II
o resort to irrigation; si
It farmers to form assoeiatious fur, marketing
maintained to
ernje. li
IM-iisive iiietliiHis to ohtaiii them. In .Michigai
their products.
* fieil. while in the fahli’d slnti-s of llie w«-st am^Konth hiil praetiealh
It » pointed out that the consumers can rheapen tliy I'ost
" *oiie enqi is grown, which inenfis that in case inat crop fails the haa
farm products by eo-operalive buying, by retlneing the eXimnses
“Wfalls iieavily iiih.h the owner. When the wlio|e situation is Im.ked
retail and oUier local distribution.
jsqiiaiN-ly in the face and viewisl in an ........ . kvny. it will he found
jthal the mail who irtaj-s in Western Mieliigan nnd works, will have
Sadf the Nat Otricr
la giMsl h’omi- and money in the bank, while tHe man who followed
On March 10. the voters of Traversi' City will Ih- given n|the sirens into the jiromisi-il land far away will he lamentiiig the*
chance to eX]>ress their choice betwc'cij the present antiqi ited and'fnrt that old Miehigati is not within easy walking ..................... .. his
impractical charter under whitb the city is doing husiness, and'fudi.'d Kldonn*«i. The experii
of till
f.illowc-.! the
g |H-<qih- that it is
the new one whieh has been submitted by the charter commiasioii! Inn- to siin kis-sed fields has
iiieed thiiil
after two years of arduous labor. In-order to express an intelli- far Wlter to slick In Miehiga
r nltlimigh
times the fe<-t i|my
111 Who Kfiek is alway.s sure 4»f a
gent opinion at the ptdls every eilizi'n of the city should take the’grow «n>1d aiid eonnige lag. tin
for the pBivcrlMul
'iew dwument and give it a thorougk study, section by smqimi.'grtod living and a chance to l.-iy by mmietliiii
in order to know for himself just what the contemplated changes'Tainy spell.
are and how they will eff«-ct tlmse'whom it is intended to gnvcm.l
• '■
It h poaaiWe that there may be s<mie things in the pisq.i.si-d im-as-^RicfB,^ «
nr« that will not meet the approval of cver>b.Kly. hut it shonldj
The-pe*qde of .Miehfgan are ri'iilizing that
c qdestion of what
bi': remembiT«'«l tliat aiiy defects^,Uiat liiay appear can W easilyji,, ,i„ with priwuiem convicted of miimr olTciv
is a real prohlcm
changed hy amendment niitii they an- emirvly satisfactory. As 0||hni will require some hard tliinking fo prop ly solve. !t is an
whole the charter is an cxeill.nt one, and kouhl .lo away with ,..Hy matter to ulk alxiut pnlliiig the unforli itea to work npon
the drawliaeks under whi*-h^the city is at presi-nl lalMiring. for itj,|„„p
and gmnlH ruails. hiit. so far the r
ilts obtained from
definitely loetu* the reaponsihility In every department, a feature (J,is im-ilnKl have not he- ii in any mamier aa fftelory. Wkiit is
whieh the old charter lamentably lacks.
study of the doeiinii'DlV'iilly neetlej is an iiiatitution deslgmsl «wix'i Hy for taking earc
at fifirt hand is desirable, for when a voter knows from his own’„f these short tcni Dfretiders, iii<Hlelle«i along liaes in keeping with
II what the measure eoutaina he is not likely to be h-d mmlem .ideas <»f prison reftinn. An instilnlion ^s neeeiwary on acastray by the ailments of anyone who is opimsing the ehaiike from connt of the discqdine that ran Ik- carried ont there, vthieh- is orte
a peraonal motive. It w «n acm>ptcd fact that tlie present rbart<
of the greatest needa of this class of petty offrtpters. What this
is tolany inadequate to meet the demands of a city of this size and kind of priaonera need is a strong guiding hanc^lo show them Ihe
class, and if the new charter is not adiqtted another one will have way to n Wtter life and to impress u|kiu their niijids the advantages
to be drafted and passed lieforc any progress can he mmle
to be secuml hy reforming and taking the prohlom of life acrioinly.
niuniei|ial matters. (Jovemiucnt of cith* changes with the tim
When they are placed in an i^istitulion with han(ened eriminala the
and unless tb«' fundamental law of the town, is a progressive c
first oTreiiders are aid to Ukc the downward cotirae in prefereiiee
progTf« will be hsekwanl insieml of forwanl. What the-city nemls to the upward one. and aa it is the duty of tho state to care for
moat is a new charter that is a workable one in all de]>arlmcnU. iU unfortimates. it should be done in a nianiA'r that will in the end
and the-commission has endcavon-d to give the people one of this really benefit them instead of making them still, worse. Members
kind in the document that has been submitted. Btudy it earcfull;
if the legislature arc taking an actire interest in^thc question, and
and do not rely upon some one else to furnish you their idea u
I suggestion has been made by Ri'prcwaUtive McBride, of Shia
wfaat it contains or bow it wonid work out when adopted.
wassee county, the progressive floor leader of tb^ house, that first
atfendera be sent to the north woods to work in a lumber camp to
be cstablishi-d find raaintainwl by the state. He believes that if the
A digmtk UmleHMig
Away baek in the early days when most \>t ns were stillI men w-erc ailowetl to labor under eonditiona that ake next to nature
that they would be greatly benefUed, and' in thy oourse of time rcyoungsters. King Camite tricil to sweep back the waves of tbi
but hia efforts were a dismal failure, which so disa^poiatcd hi I formed, especially if the camp was presided over by mcil who uikTct.............. ^....... It reiimins for Congj^^ *tood the psychology of the iiieipieot criminal, aud^who could, when
Uut he never tried the
ni«n Colder of Brooklyn- to attempt to go ihe ancient king oneithey are templed to turn bSek to old habits, dirwi them in proper
better, for he will^int^dnee a hill in congress calling for a gov-ichamiels that would lead them to permanent reform. This idea
mimeut commission to study the feasibility of constructing a huge looks very good on paper, but if applied would, tm found to be
jcUy aenwa thi ! Brand Banks of Newfoundland. The puriwsc of.Ueking in some of the fundameiiUl principles ot liiwlem j>enologj-.
T_____J n .it ...________ .______-I____A
igether in'A camp -f
of <1.:.
this bl.wl
kiud would lack the discipline audi.restraint that is
Which will be to turn the Imbrador and Qulf streams
aueb a nanner that the waters will be warmed to sue! i degrcc'neee»ary in handling men of this eharaclw, bfiidea being loo
It would not be a year arimnd institution
that ft will be impossible for icdirt-ga tq come down
inenaec-d'on acwiunt of the.limitations of the lumber indostrj-. When the
plwenl path where the safety of transatlantic liners is im
in its proper ligfil it w|ll be found that
every year. The work would be accomplish^ by sfrelehing
in«dl'e«Me aeroM the Grand Banka and th'e current would aoon|the.only proper aointion is to bnild another atat^ inalilntion for
defaadt eiwofh aand againat this obatrnetion to form a Imr. whieh the care of th« elaas of short lime offentlefc modelletl alrnig theiinca
that ar«*'in v«>}rne in Detroit, where the prisoners have hern sent
berelcfore. That iustiluluin lids been ma«le to i«iy hirp- dlvidiiids
fu the city, and if ablate institution were bilill and enmlnet<sl ah.tnj
the same lim-s as this one lliew would be no scundal eonnt-rt.-d with
it and it eonid he nia<le a paying pniposilion for the stalo. .\s
BOmetliiiig must he «iiu*e to provide a place for short time offenders
it would be a jpkkI idea if tile im-mbera of the h giKlalufc would
droj. the soiJliimiilol phase of the jdan and order tlie cmistruciimi
of a prison where this class of prisoners can he sent and eared for
•need to serxe.
wl.ieh th.y c
during llie
How's Ttls?
Unktrw!OBll«n ItowMS >»
car «M iif.wiUTli ihst Muaot b« iKtaa b«
#■<« r-.
hAT*ki..-«re e.J
.. ,J» M.- l»»l l»T.«r., AMl 1.
t.lm (wr
Mil hur.'rr.U' in aU Kwia.r. .t'-an^cxIoM
™.rr? r-al Afl/
."““s-'as.’s...,........ ,
J»lT UC*
A-..1 u.a..—A
k* HeII'aVub]'
he tins livvi! in llis vHnUv rin e
tuOar U the flret time be bis
i roWa fa tlw iiiobUj of J o.Tlx- Ktupd that l^■limn Ilia is Inking in regani to the Bnlknu uarr.
S-ncVetl Imii th-- null 'today
iilUHtimi is Jiiihh- lo cauw more tmuWe for the allii-s th’an tlie
H. r. 1). Nw I, in place ot
Turks could ever brought tlileiii. This little cmmlry. which has keju
Archie Stuart.
imh r safe »-ov«t while the
Iter. Koons went tn iDterhKiicn Subil imikfis territorial demands from Bulgaria which
0 pcrt'irm ttie marria:;<i ccr.'are II. t Jiislithsl from any siaml|ioiiit. The Kiiropeun powers rc- iiioaj'wwltlili uniicU't'. C. lUdibta and
gnnl her attiliide'^ns on«^r pure hlaekmait and do not intend to Berth# M: Wffip-ys ..
U-. TleyiioWniltXep.'n. AWri-h
liave her deiliands granted if iiien- is a possibility j»f preventing
spent Thi.rsdav In Tr.tvcisc (Miy on
thing. Notiee has Us-n s.Tvrd npon her hy the Enrich and businesR.
llmwian govenimeiits to tho effect that her demands art. ill ailviseil
Mrs. Van Jfatler ot Trtiverso fit?
and entirely without justification, and that it is ^he projier thing U visHIni; her rarents. Mr. and Mrs.
to withdraw them liefon- any serious tr.>ul)le n-sulta. Bnigaria has .Million.
The A. O. O (J_hetd inslnllkUon
home the lirunt of the pn-srnt war and is entilloil to what spoils she
if officers Friday, cvenlnz. ncfresliile'n^mls. This is the way that the great jsiwers lAik at tb
1 of sandwlclu-B. pie». salAila and
8 to 1h' the'only logical way. eoffre were ovned.
tion. and under the cireiimstii
mki-s a di-st^hiiiHc ut this
to view the tpi.-stioii. < If 1(4
Jan. 10.
time, when she thinks that Bulgaria will hav<> to ae.^-.l. ...
mauds, it will Im the crowning misUilre «if her life, for after the
present war is over thrj laher allira will lake the part of Bidgariu
and miike things warm for the little country that saw'fit to take
London Society Favor* Ending Osneiulvaiilage of a iieighlMir whi-ii down, and the result will Is- another
e* Early.
uar. ill whi. h K'lumania will hold the hcsiiig emi. It is to he reLondon. Jan. 13.-The cam|>aisn
gri'tlisi that a distiirlmiice of this n:ifui*i' should he ratsi-d at this RUrted In the l.'nltoij Stales acahisl
time, for the uiiitisl strength of tlie Ba^ii stat«-s will he rcqiiiroir
liours at dancc-s and in t»vor of
j "beauty sleep'* mixbt well !sj
iM'fore the lr.nih!c willi.Turkey is finally s.-tth'd. It is highly
priihaUle that the powers will coiiviiu-i- Boumaiiia that she is taking extended to londoa. says a west end
a wrong stand in regard to tlie mutter and Uiereby avoid trouble pbyRiclan. "The term “beauty sleep."
e sald,,‘‘i8 not merely a flsuro of
at the pn-seiil time.
l>cech. An boor's klcnp befbro midnUthi is worth a great deal more from
Gro7t> More Alfiifi
i tenuiy standpoint than two hour*
U dawn or In ibe unmlDR, when vlt*
At the Iiieeling of the Mie!rq*aii K'oni Jiliprov. iiu-iit ,\ss«ieiaility has been seriously lowered by
lioij belli at Kalamazoo \his wco^ ihe need of gmwiiig more aifa'lfa
he fatigue of four or five boors' dancthe farlus 4if the slate was parlieulurly <’mphasi/.«Hl. and the
mers will profit if they lak<' this-advice and act aveonlingly.
Alfalfa has liei-n found to he one of the greatest soil Imilders WANTED M-nh o. repnfsclil the 8inser Sewing Maehlne Co. in Grand
partienhirly valuable on the light lamls that are so
Traverre anil Ixn lanau c'oaotliH-. For
Tsuher inturmatiou address n'inscr
iirlheni part of the hover iHiiinsula. Tiu re was
. Cressy.
' Sewlus Machine Co..
bout thns- times the nen-age grown in this section last y<-ar that
n H 2t
there hus Ih-i'ii.iii prevuuis years and the iiidieatiotis an- that this
e farm IwrFOR SALE-V^ffniimnnt will lie i-asily donhh-d iliiring the eouiing season. All lhos>cl.Tic'A on t^ilUT lake, cirolient for
reson penvi:,-*. .k«Mre/,s Fr,-4lrriclt
who havi' Iriisl this crop are noire than pleased with the resnlls
I’ctroIkC. GcJieral. l>c!ivco'. <*IIV.
(•htaiiii-d. us it is a speis-y grower and more than one einp can
Jati :-taes, teb t:-'.* '
Ih- harvesi.'d ihiriiig i-aeli season. Tin iiBliin- of Die plant luak-'s
MONEY TO LOAN on g«K>d and well
it a soil buihh-r. 4-vi-ii whi'ti it is growing, on an-ouiil of the gn-al
■t:;|.T..v<«t I.irn-. II.
Ouvis. alS
DWg., TravergB Cllyr
length of' lhe'nmls. whi<-h pem-tratc lo a ileptli of twenty feet
april mi
or moii/ui wareh of a proper amount «if moistiiri'. Its actum oii
the siilnin^ is very hcm-ficial and iiiereas' d yieliis arc «>htain<sl (Ui
r '1 A. \<:.\ M.P. M.
the lami^it^ has hei-n used for alfalfa emppiiig. As a eovi-r croji l.v.Trav. City . 4:tUl'
!.:0.V 4:8J
in yoiing-i&.snls il has jiniveii a gn-at suceii«, and for plowing
- f*Tnii; ;T il is i-veii suiHTUir to clover and a great ihal
Uodus .
.\s II cnip for slock feisling it has no superior,
ProreliKinl .
elienjH'p to r.-iis4
PlTivrjiK'iil .] Sit:
and Ihe fact tiu a suee<*sskin of eropa can he cut from the same
Cedar Run i
l.Ake Avu .
fiehl ev.-iy- year iiakcs it wit!ioi:l doubt the most valiiahh • fnrag.
Italte Rive
er«q) that ran he rais.-d hy th< dairyman. Th.- iiu-rea.s.sl
Hocor ....
lltot! 6t35.
Empire Jet
ill dairying that has been shn .11 in this vicinity during the past
f.'W years lias lisl this class of farmers to investigate the crop.with
satisfactory rcKults. and more acn-age is being planted hy 4lairymeti Ihati ev.r before. In Ihis rt-iriiiii llie alfalf.-t en>p is rapidly
! StiJf dtST
eoming to the ^1111. and'in a few y.ars will he recognized ns one
it«:.■:^: .It:;
)0:3s: tl:r>3
of the staiidanl eriqw of the farm.
A. H.
voters iieticvc the side road:
r. M.
♦■which arc in r. •Iridorabie condition.
■ ««#««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!should be pui In ahaiut for irai
tiowle.- ........
It 17
-Muu,' leanis arc haullBB loss 10 il:<' fore >ay more approprlatloBi
Grayling .......
basket rartory from the Thirlhy aiei made 'to linild stale yewaM roads. Fo
Sniiih camp. 'This Is Ihe iiml>rr I'UiNorwalk ....
chased from Bruce l-xiurks and is an has ts-en doae in the way nf repalrim
tlltisl g'ts
norkann Jtin ..I
■I'l Lti «:t9
ciitnt tine lot. With a'llule more snow; these roads. And laa you blame thi
f runs strive at Treverse X-lty 10-00
tide road rosidcois for making a Uck'
the caio|> win be nmnlua full blast.
sr<l T:fta p. tn. ■
Courtadc and George VanKIK1.Y..G. P. A.
derllp arc doing eomo tumbertng this ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
t Tectk E3Etraelc4 Akv^lele♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * ■ '
ly Wttfeeal Pale
Arthar BIkey Is
C. W. naraarti of Kalkaska Is bore
Traverve t1t>.
he "Ka«Ur'' method I can revurting
iho:.e aOitnj: u-eih nhsolulely
lather, Wai. fctikey. is tbc owner
Without i«>n, .tri'j Witiioni lltc use of
ne cit the flacsi piv<«s ot timber
dn'K*> I4> proflH'-e iiart,ns;'io««n«Hm.
vs lK.|nc over Miiwes 3.
tn Kah Ba>.
<rf r.ervi'UR tptTii:ecitncm and
The Grangers of Gut Hay imre WsrimaB bay* itturhed to tbelt with «4«i: Ix-artK -.4|!( apiAvciate Ihe
b cibod »f taiul^ extrac
fine orianlmiloii. , Th* have a halijsvoool ouue*.
where meetings and enteruianieai-l .Miss Pearl Res-nolds spent the week
nn. W. R. KIKTO.V,
are held.
*end with fiiesds in Traverse City.
?0C-;n8 Wilhelm Block, with Dr. Holdsworth.
An adilliioD was bnill to the nisei
Mrs. Maud Batey Bpent Tuesday la
schoolhouse. This was necessari' o
traverse at;
ireaunl of the Urgi lumber ot ]ir
Mrs. Ira Gilbert of Reed Qty waj
Pits attendtag.
n town Monday.
D. K. Campbell of Traverse CIt;
A husky old gent is Pet«r Rusbc
wet In town Wedneaday on busineti
old pioneer of Kssi Pay. Though F
Mr. and Mrs. J. Higgins of Muskeyears ef age he bellied h^ son
»n. who have been viaJUng thcii
man in bis ptdwing .and harrowln
ont. petumed Itcmie Monday.
and doing all the work with as mar
Miss Frances^ VSnillBins returned t«
esse u many m,ea ons-hatf bit'age
He ihUiks Hgl'llJ V walking to Trs'
rraverae etty, where she It attcndlug
be nonnal.
crae qty. a dii-tsace of seven mllecoverlng the tourteen miles with pei
Dr. MarKellar and May McIntosh
feet ease.
rere gnasU of Mr*. C. J. Gsmelt ot
Rave the latest haprarad a_.
chinery and maaafatUirc my weak
George lather of Traverse Cliy dut rraverte City this week.
in op-tTKlatc dcrigns tram tbs
Measrs. ‘Toner. Jotagifason and Ai
lag the past season haa BUde man.nagti alone. Prompt altenttoi
all orders no matter how
ImiuovemeBts on his farm,
sffisIL Call or write for price*
Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Weathers ar. City on taslBest.
Rev. Koods Is holding jeriTsl aaetW. ZUpSCEaiB;
■pending (he winter with' Mr. WeWt
•re' mother tn Traverse City, Mrt ag at Rice's this week.
Both phcnev’^0*
Catherine Sawyer is wofktng for Hr.
>V«athen is 111 and makes It mor«
convenient for her to receive medics /ance.
n the rity.
iH glad to hear that Tornmj >f Wexford and Lester of Treverse
ity. were gnests at Dr. dark's Mon
lamhert. who had his teg broket
* '
while skidding logs, is doing nirelj
Mrs. Mms Is visiting ber sen.'Dr
The two miles of slate reward roai
Prlcea lor
of Boon, Uleh.
that were to bare been built this win Mrs. C H. Monroe of Mooroe Ce?
be built. Two years sgi
>r was the gnekt ot ber dangbtar.
Il was eirrled at the town meetlni
that the roads be built, but throolp Mr*. A. Sttttn. today.
There are jndkmtians that the
BQine twbnlmillt) of the law It had to
732 E. Frant SL Bod> PfacM.
fc« Tot^ on again this last spring and weather prephet't pmdicHons in re
;he iiroporttloii met with defeat. One gard to a nlM wtntse may come me.
Alex Maaoli kdyt that atUHogo
enhse for ihl* whs ttot ■ ratiority of
The Bslkui SittiMtion
ate EDiie to Traverae City to aoecd
Charley Cmlor vem out wool of
Traveme C4ty to ai>end a few week;
with hi* brothardn-law.
' Mr. UeWethy li aetilnK the pine
and cedar off hi« land where ibe C.
t W. M. S. IL In lo-crou bl« plaoe.
chaplain. F. .Mi'lctaoa: qtmrirrtiiaater.
fUmuel Wood. Jr.; officer of the day.
T. Urinith; uuertermawer eerioant,
Uolwn HpwIU. On taklh* oomutand
of the pout. Comrade Roberta drllvefed a ter> ►plrlte.i and flo«ueot addroKK. urylaa ui«n every comrade the
;.r.ia»nan.ie of belnts alwaya at their
iwsie. and ready at all time*/or duty
ii* aoldhre and a» cUlaean iu the
Taken from Grand Trawera* HoraU of
and or<ler, aniFtbo
Goor'Ele UMiJlnuin ataru lo achool
Twenty-five Year*. Abo.
Id Tra«eroe Ctiy thia week.'
l.roecrvotiMi of national unity.
J. M. Uenjiman la oinvanaluff for
Flf.*'ljikr had a liiUe ejclicm.-nf fruit trees on the peninaula.
January S.
Mr*. Anna Vandrey. who la at h«r
C. A. Cra«ftfT<I. mother and datic-'- last wi-ek that nilalii have been more.
t«T loft Moiiday tnurultiK <m a auiK'i- A., we imdi-rntaud the mailer, the aoii'*. Sololuan Schlaler. la ntill airk.
JoKi'idi AliinaD hi gettloE out a laree
rm triiucf^a mouth or ro. .They wir luiiih.rmi: linn of Came 4t Co. harw
vlujt AVa>hlti£tnn, Atlaul.-t, (!a.. nm1 Immu iiMni: the luniberlne road arrose imanHth of cedar this winter.
Mr. Caloii haa iiiK{ tlnlaheal dlRElaa
other Muihem *UU<« and |i«-haie llic r.nrm of hYallk M. Unr.eji. Mr. liaiiuilce that thl* <-oiild hot be
well tor T. SbuEari, >0 (eel deep.
nin donn into Fliradn t(«'Ao Mr.
allowed any lonnor. and, on Thiiwrtay
Our achool will rIOfe In two weeba
Fuller'* pet^ile.
he shut ii|> the road by buUdinK a after a am-cvaaful U-rm uugbl by Will
feme acrora II. Friday niurnins ihe
Dr. n. F. noushtoa nod rantl>-' left
fi>n-maii ivi<i>n(.d the fact to the .comTuoaday moriilnK for CJilrap... In
liapy, wlioloiden-d him to lour down
»hid» rtiy he will make lii* l■onl<'
ihc teurc and iio <m. lie did no. lak.
Georsc Ji-une ha* Euav Uf niBEbam
Inn (1C team*, but on Ihoir relum the to work In a saw mill.
drit*T of Ihe llrat team taw llaMii
lloo|»r M»nt a few daya
A and arHdoct oeciirred near Fi;t•.lamlinEW the line *>f hi* farni^riurd
iib her uiirlo. .Mr. Slmmonds, last
lotus Hay la*t Thuiwdny. cao-lnc ibe with a uniratlne Hllr. The dHvW-wildeath of Charleys Kelmu-I. Mr Kei^-el iiii;:ly iwve u|i liia |>lace to Hie fore- week.
Mlta Mery; SlDimonda com to ningwan vhuppiiu; when a H'nb fell from .lau. who wa* jHad to i-limb dow;i at
Hie Irrw. tstrtkJlIK him on Hie head.' a li'« ly rule lo aot «>t:t ol ihe way of hani today to rvennie her duilra at
Inlll.nins inJuHea of which -he di.-d
^ , UaK-hliiE. havitiK taken tbo achool fur
anot her t hreo tiiiiltllis. ,
In a few h.mt*. He wan u
name of we wan Hu n
Mr. Iliiell of Travonsu Clly ani bla
auml forty >wam old and l"uv.-s = I ,,,.,^..,1 .,v i.u^. n and the fan-man. one ■•mitaci'-lu-Uw. Willliim Chrixtiu. of
wife and iiluo . hildien. the ehlont bm
Araentluv. called at Ik It. Alleu's laat
, u-jlm; eS'ially hard to kee|i oul'of Hm week on iheir way throiiKh town.
way. Tim came fii.Mly ends-d wlilioiit
The raiertainiiient at Mr.-recK*' on
Tho followlns ofli'vTn were eleeled
ri..-d. Bheiiff
New Yiwi's o«e wa* not A nu<-ras*
at tho annual iiies-liiiB of of Hie U 1..;
irlally. Not jiriMveds M renlM (or
A. hi« Fri.iav; l‘r.-*!deiii. Mm. U 1* .,3,.
b,„urlit llazeu to Travemc
Case; viceinsidi-nl. Mr*. Pr. Wrichl city.
. rwordlns siVr.i.nry. Mrx, It. A. Cam;.j
hrlsk work al pmu-ui. A goodly num
bell; cutn-*|u.ndine acerctury. MiJanuary 11.
ber'of hands, pleiily of htas ami lund
. I,ec; m-;ii-iriT Mr.i. 1^ Foi;|c Mhm
■n. llancr.ifl !i.« U-en ap|k>inl<
sh-lL-hlng make thing* lively now'f?n. Vri*. J. r. Uoyd; a>.s..-lant li ts’ismia.'.i.-r af .\ril.
B- I> Ash-oa. Memhir-f Ihe execul'uc laaid. Mrs. U. llllcIi
r..'V. U^rardee of IPk Ibndils. wi
Me. J. }\ Boyd hulJ servhoi. in tirtwe cbiiri-li ne
Ik .Vshion.
Copp & Co.'s mill has begun n]ieraMr,. Ur.
KmH-1and_Mis C. O. Tiln
•Jundaj. •
, , ,
Mrs*. T. T. B.1U-S and Mis* I.00.
Hill & Sou are g.-Ulng out large
S. J. ■Oise and wife wilt r<-lum OunniBb-s of li-gs.
. F. J- .‘51-m-r of Jay co-juiy. Ind.. wh.i hotiio fr.-ni Kalani3»y> fniih quite
IHrector H. N. KmlHi of (be aehool
cen-nily In comiecilnii wiiii hU ciun-in ■■:-tciidtd visit.
liosr.l has roslBned
Beniurl Flover. Iiou;:ht Ibe old
Will K. Franklin, whei-lsman os
ly farm of Judee Ctimpbell has been
sicanu r fHiMuii. .la home.
In town this week looking after h! for biiUdiiiK the new C. S. P. 8. Iii.ll
P. Nelwm ami the Klaaes Mina and
nimml.- ilcicher vlslled Traverae City
purclta^i*. Mr. -fitovn- '.ill move 01
] rioutb l'ni«n slroel.
last week-.
the Vince In.a few'w.i'Ks and w/ll
brins Willi.him horse*, simk . jnowCKorge A. Cutler fnay be found at
ers. rmiiera and all (arm Imi U-tnenLi
.f olti-v- of W. V. Harslia
needed. Famnel Slove^ will build !lir iir.-M-ui by any tlorlriuK his Iriwl
on ibu place wlHiln the cumlnf;
Echoes From The
Olden Times
stele cornffifttCM were appointed who
wlHAeke hcUveport in ibe torwardtns
of the mowement. A coaiinlMee oa o»^
RaniiatlOD, who alao were alvei.'the
Mkk Of iimjiortn* a name (or the
•oriatloB and Ue road, ia oomim. «A oi
T. J. O. Bert of Maukem*. C. J. Mun
roe of Van Uuren and T. 0. Sullison
of Travoraf City. Before leaving Mu»
kegoD three men had daeidift on t
name for ii>e new blshway. wh A will
be faereoftor known as Ibe Weet Mleh
imn Lake Bhoro Highway. The dthn
state comisiuee apiiolnted (of the jar
lioar of oialining the work and mwk
iUE a maiilof Hie proponed route con
slau of IM IVKIlne of Ottawa, llolfman of At^iate^ and Ttott of Make-
Clive, and hU JudfBe&t carried vel^t
because carefully formed. Socially he
waa a power for bo-m1. and tala coanection with many societies and organisa
tions gave him an oidiortunliy to do
many kindly acts for those who weic
in need of hU help. He was a believer
in the ehurch. aod y'as always ready
to Bid ibc sick and tho needy.
A*' a trustee of the Traverse City
Suto boopUal he believed In ntmotirte
irnpartlamy and-tbe firifeM paMlelty
of all of It* affair*. He inalnuincd
that our public HiMlturtoas brton^to
the people, and Oat' In thelf maBacw
maM DO eocarreae* of w aataff
should be concealed or hUMen fnd
the pabUg gate. Mr. Bates' death M
left a Void -4b the board of tnsteA
Chaf.wlU be hard to 01^
all our hearts that will never be filled,
The iiaBslng of Mr. Bates marks tta*
close of a life which was lived tme tt
hiB Ideals, and one which the yo«a|
men of the preeent would profit hf
endeavoring to emnlate. His life wa|
an open book aod was typical of thf
true Chrtstlaa and cituen.
fConiiiiued from Page One.).
jirealtieni pf the Traveree City Bual
Men's aHsociaikm: a member oi
Hu- execuUve romiiiltiee. having In
charge the-celebraitoa of the IlfUeOi
annlverwari of ibe birth of the Repub
liiBB imrtyl and waa one of the SIleh
Igan memlkrs of the Uncola Memo
rial assocl^ioD. to arrange tor the ob
servanee o^ the IWiih anniversary o'the birth
Abraham Uncoln.
Tills I* a, meagre aoount of hU bus
loMu acilvltli'S.
Raie« w-ns. In imih. a noble gen
tieinnii. H{s aetivlty has ceaaed. but
his Eooil wprkt will lie a wourcc 0
trt-ngth tojlbosc who were privHege<
lo know hlBi and of him. To bis asso
elates and fiends be waa a senlal aod
clianulDB <iim|ianU>n. and ho will be
gr.«aily mished by (beni. IBs mt-mory
will be Chuilshod by hundred. In ihlt
<-oiiimunlty.j He was 71 year* old b?
the almau^. but twice ibai-ase Ir
wurkSjand Id hi* useful-llfo. Mr
Ball's was conservative: reliable:
modest, yol delormlned; lioslllve. yel
louder; alwjavs considerate: never too
iMisy nor ipu tired lo bel)> aovone
ncedinE hU,sen-iri-s, Mr, llale.< wa* *
iir many ?oars, Ihc edlmi
of Ihe e.rand Tmver»e Herald, he wa,
always a Clear, forceful wiiior. an-i
ihrough Ills editorial and olher write hejiK'd very larKcly to wmthi
rtoryj of the Ofand tmvemc re
He pa* alwaya deeply Interest
0,1 In evoiTflhhiE that |u-rtaln<Alo the
dcw-lopmeit of thl* region, and a^
wavs s)ieki of 11 in Ibe most Iio|h-Tu1
li-rms. h(« faith In Ua poailbiliilewa» great.; He wa* Memined will:
every movimietit In thl* great region
sinio-i fn^ It* first settlement, and
MInt Flora Camii^wll will take the
Quite nn Imponnnt sale for HicJr- plaoe «r HA sixth gmd-. main buildhe- knew pirhai* wore peoide and
known by gnorc I'eople lhan any other
ten-si of Old MIswon wa.< uuide
ing. m.-.<1c'vaeam by .ibc n-ilgnatl-ii
; He kept In Ihe chiaen
' ccnily «r«ir ilial plare. Mr. SiamMi Oi M:!>. ll;«e.
Of tiranil Kaplda sellliic to Mr. 1.. fBoard Has Adopted Check on Bills for lonch Willi every movement that look
a develoii
flnKWcll. Hu.' |<Qiul iv;nlajnin;r alviiil
ed (or Its«lb<-iierment <
Board in the County
We regret to learn of the serious
ment. and
SO acre*. We uadcratand Mr. l-rf Il1m-Ks of IVwy»y Nickonmn of .MayJsIL
(reel? for
nngweil Inien.ds to lay out
ricW nod Uoi'e foi' a si>ifd« recovery.
grounds in a imrV. erect <o:l3giw ui .l
was tender hearted and
Mr. n.11
otbeiwisc Inipo've Hie pr. perty (or
M. U. IjewlK .ind fiiwlly of Monroe
(From laiurday's Record-Eagle.)
. ,
a summer r.-son. B ia u didlghtf-il Ceuler. U-« Tl'ursJay morning for
.... ..ill hard >1
for aid ihal went
spot for tlio |>or|iose. In thU eniince- Indiana, which-witl_ U- ibAir home work trying 1» <al Hirough their work door aekt
empiv III ded. Even the hobo who
lioD we can say tbai Ui- mu-n-.,.
lie hungry was never tun.dalme-l
Hi« Old Mission reMirt U Id>t<-u»::u'
noon Siii*ervi.-!or* John Anderson of
«d away llhout Bometbing (or food.
every day. There la a jau-d i-roi.i“<:
Vmf. Hamley. the lu->t mazirlan In Hi.s-ii lake township and C. II. Hanafer an Inerease next season In the MIelilcaii. will giie nil otilerlaiomeiir liivskv of this city werv' apiuilnlcd del- The write always *lniiml Mr. Uaio,'
Ing kindmws toward his
nnuibiw of vl.'iiturs. No more de!li;’.>iIJhiary ball. Wedm-vda}' .-voninE. egaies to Ibe Stale asmiailoB of *u-: wife ant] tils family. Whcni'viT be re
ful and. bealiliful plucc to spend thi- JiE&uary 18.
IsTvisors Huu iiin-lx in Lanaliig Feb-'
ferred lo lU borne or lo Mrs. Bale,
suiniuer mumSs in a giiiei way.
riiary; f. and C. I be drain comniisor
it was in the gcnllmt
be found in Amerka. This is bt it'inCashier Hammond left early In the slom-i's salary was fixed at I36 i>cr word*. IV* *a» 1 hon'ti ‘"'lug man;
hiK seal-rally known and we predict week for C^domdo Splices lo lie with year for oflii-e work nml >S js-r da?
bo found lis kM-ncst enjoyment «>ih
tiiaf Old MUston will coon bccomoone
Ilamiiiimd for -Hiiee .or (our
bis famllvj ami his hooks. Mr. Bates
of Uie niosi. iKipular rt-aons in- ih.' W'-.-ks. Mis. H;unnu>iid Is sjiendiai; work. Hills of Ihc Bniwn laimher Co.
wg* a prc^cnin.l render. He was esisfor ftPl.iW foi lumber for Ibe build
count ry.
tho wliiier Hit-w hoping to be bem
clally Inifircsfed In pollilt-al economy
ings at the fair gniumU we«r allowed.
and history. He traveled, however.
ffted in health. ‘
also thiBW of Finley M. Ham.e Whole field of literature n,
Piotid for $1TS.7J for colU'ciIng the
At Ihe l•egillUlK ot'W'inter Hantiai:.
Mr*- W. M. Carpenter nnd daughl.T B|>eciric ux of (3.243: FYank Triide, far as hej wa* able. .Natural phllosLji) a Co hud alioat Ko-u.d-s) fw l of
iwlitlcal-srienre of hi*
and Maude and Kaiie Reamer
mdiy. elh
(ll’t:. for rooting suppll.-* for hulldluniber lo haul from C.iclr laing I.el'onner times, w«*re famllbr
This mumipg for Gmtid Rapids wlieic
j,«-t is ju-idi:
InitSk '
iolerestlng >
Ihe? will s|H-ad Iho winH-r.
banted each <1;i; with this eomi aleigh
On motion ii *»» decide.1 lo have
a man
I this
the coony commhwlcfeer'a offiis- eonHe was lo.val In all bis relalions To
Tlje annual mcs-tlnc of iBt Flr.-t
s-t«l with the Cilliell*' telephone, bis friend^ hi* business and political
National Bank was bold last Tue«.lay.
ad have the
Bleat to hi* ramlly and to any
•and the fpll-iwlng directors were eh-citown thl* winu-r. Ti.i, t'mire
the oonnty m-asurer* 'office.
he «*|iou*ed. He rarely ebangedt
c-l for the «-oiiiilig year: Jidin C. la-wand a -hair of Inih hme le-.-u and
the r«m>lutloBB that were
Is' usedrin banding o|icri.ii»n< lu-i-e. iB. Jcl;n*T, B.-adle. U, J. 'Morwili. Ik Iiaiuii'd at this jnoinliw'* »e«*lon wa*
The cut of R»B» lor the l^ng t.al.-'
that TimkiB It obTlimlory for all
nulls (hi* winter will U- full? T.tniu.- .Itdmscn ;-.-.d C. A. HaRuuund. The elalm (or lioaril and care of prik<mcri>
iKsi (rvu or this aiiioum ihi 1-0 Is al olher nffir-iK are os last >ear. The at the county Jail !• BU4 with the
ready alioul 2,000.WKl f«^ bah'k-‘l. Tls Or bier's aanunl rciiort to the board 4-ounty t-lerk.
paam.-d by theeommitiee
direHurs nliowed Hic sirong and
fact iliat on Jan. 1 li Is uoi ii.ujl
t* and approved by
. vll.-m e-ndiism of the bank, and iKsard. AU sneh claim* simal
have any logs‘banked sliowii how fa
i very ban'll vome l:irrrai.e in husines*
vorable Hie winter ha* b*s-n 1
b?' Hm* Sheris before the fib
and irrofilB for the yaat year over the log of the **»ewnriL 2,ub0.UiM more (ei-t Is
luecudlng twelve tnonibs. The list
aUda. .
Suiwrvlsor Sbllson api*ared before
f e^ficera is a suEirteal giiuranlee the board ihU morning and gave a fall
At the aifs-lli.e. of Mc!^er2;o:i I’.--' that the etuifidencu of tbo comniunl- reiiort of hU attebdance M the meet
No. IK. lK-;tannu-l'J «>f Mkbig:ili. H. A. IV sniuti'd lilt- bnuk Iasi J'enr w “ ing In -Muskegon, called /or the pntv
It.. btU la Hiaiige tall Jau. :i. ti'e I' DiiDiiu to bu well merited.
|ie»e of consIderaHon of wavs and
past post commander. Comtnde San
luenos to Inlerwsi all eountle* Id the
u. 1 Wood. Jr., nciiug as muaterins o.'good roads system In aU the counties
fii-er. the folloklug comnidM we:-from the Indiana suto line to Mack
.‘.liss H^iilc Iteme* has gone to inaw. TUI* will lie esUed the W«t
duly In.lsiled In ibclr rwjicctlvc of
flee.: Ihisl minniaudcr. H Kolxuis: Tiav.-t'so riiy to aunnd acbool this Michigan l^ke Shore lilgbway. and
sHih-r vice coinm.imli-r. J. C. Crfdl.-y: V'lr.Irf.
every cdunty In the district wUI have
K-'wIn Camptitd! and Jay Cook have a vice pri-sldenl .besides a reitrcaPnU. junior vice comiiiand< r, K.-H. Hodge;
tioo from ehcli board of suiierriBors
and Ibe cllle* ihrouEh which Hie high
way pa****. Those from this county
are Prank lUtnllton. T. u. Sblten
and Hon. Jnb, R. Ranlo.
The board were in hei«es that they,
mild comidetc thoir work w
memhera could Uke the aften
ilns'for home.
• • .%
-r ■
hiB njhiiJ or his purposes aTler he htT
onto decided. He was tne aonl of latearlty. He could not endure anythtng
ean. iietty or urlerbanded.
Mr. Bairs led an active 'bnalneia
life, yet as iniatoe of the Tiw - i -»
City Bute hospital he k*vg (recu -•(
hlB iluir and strength to It* aeiv c*^
and the writer, alibougb In frr'...cni
oomuUailoB with him. never found
Him Impatleot. but oa the contrary, al
ways attentive and ready to conaider
any maitera (bat might be iwerented
blic. He waa InatlBctlvely conaerv
Here’s a Lot of thfe^ Latest
Mixture Goats
Sizes 14, IS. 16. S4. S6. IS. aaS <ms 4S..
AU New—Hl|^ BDtton. wide Rever. EUecU is
UIxtares, Bowsies. ddacUlta. M
and Checks.
Yoor Choice of Seven Coats at $12.75;
regularly $15, and three wortli $16.50.
All Mseldnaws up lo SM, now Si.
Your Choice of Six $ou < oau and o
$27.50 value. Our linefl stylo&brica.
Yonr Choice of 6 i YOUR CHOKE al-Coau,w.fe$18ond$20;j||“^“'’‘*”
One Rack Utt of New Blacks and Plashes
Fine Broadcloths, Kerseys and "Salt's Sealette," Skinner and Yam Dye Satin
Linings throughout
Values regularly $18, $2250, $25, $28, $30 and $40
Will go This Week lor $12. $14.$*. $16.6*. 61S.S* and 624J*.
36 to 44 regutkr sizes ; 39,41, 43, 45, 47 stouts.
At less (ban Cost ol ProdncHon. Last Week Cal Ihe Variety
In HaU.
We have to oUcr, ycl. In Mcdlam Sizes:
jg New Exetoive Evening
j jg Smart Afternoon Velvet
Values $22.50 to 630 regularly.
Not the least attractive of this Clearance
Are Itoess Sktals at $5.75, $7.50 and $9
Side-effect designs, c^n fronL splendid Worsteds, regularljr 97.50 to $15.
A doien oUier styles (seme pleated effects), to close, $3.75.
Or to secure materials irom which Vo make them.
AU Comforiers^'n^e'S&.Go at
RedncUons oi Ten lo Twenty Per Cen( 1
Comforters Comforters Comforters Comforters Comforters
sr.t$i.95 63R.al $3.85
61.00, at. 79c 61.26. al 98c
II yoallke lo lake part la QallUng Bees, now Is the Ume to scenre soar nwlerlals.
Yon con bay them here lo belter advantage than asoaL
All at reduced Prices. Coawlnand seethe
valnea we are ottering In Betts.
I Next Time
Cotton Ballon
• Don't forget to include in your order foi J
^ BEST flour, a sack of o«b
Guaianleed Fresh and Pure.
^ •
I Large 3 lb. Batts,sr*:?" ’59c,69c 679c
6c, 4(|c, and Wh^
Chotce Coyertng for QaUts ^
Now S3i 6c. pc, 14c, 16c and 18c.
Fleeced Flanndrttei
All BUnteb
At the meeting held in Muikepwi
._«! week (or the pRrpoae of discuss
ing the atale highway from the south
ern honadar} lo (he Boo. deflatte pUns \
wore made for ptisblv Um work. Twa
Reduced Prices
Now 8^
Our Premlinn Tickets are good fer 1
The Markets
PitoM eoiT«ct«« etch day by wire
trom Chlc*p> «id BunaJo tbrou«b
Tl'nltad PreM l«lP6raptf aarvJoa.
Buffalo. Jan. 13.-<aulc—BecelpU.
XiOfn active. I8.T4BS. Calvca-AcU
iTO. 11c Jower, »6ftll.75. 8hwj>-HflMipta,
Nn. V.
JC.in. Hoe«—BecMl'Is. 2S.m>: aiti,vr.
cloalas u r.CO.
Cblcasre. Jan. 13.—1*0(01006 quoiul
M «»e4ic.
CRAIN.OilcaRn. Jan. 13.—7\Tiea». 94(*r.
Corn. lH»e. Oat*, nw^c.
Local Markets
(FVpm TliurFday’ii Rocord EiiBtc.y
On acconni of tho conilnuod cold
: IT oKK^-took a riae of a oenl wlGi all the marici-ta. The grUt milla Oo on for alrintly fre^b. and Ualf a bad all tbey 4-ould attend to In ctu
tor atoraf;* la all the Chlc*«o tom u-ork. The roads are geUing Ir
maikoir. Butior naa quirt and good coiiditlou aad potatoos «lll hi
Eleady nitb rccoIrtB of 2.189 tuba of gin tjj n»re moixf. rapldlj-. There U
io'dicatiao of a ebaage in t^ce ai
35q for extra. I’.tatoee w»
EUpidiod. Price Cc to ITc.
CTO received.
(t-'rom Saturday's Rccord-Kigle.y
Ko cbanfn> in tlie Grand Rapids
markftn. for okrk and butter. Applea
Tho (Tileaeo huirkets quote eggs aa
are more (dcniiful. Ute prioea range rising In price for sirlcily im*. 2€<from fiOc to nj;:. acrordlnp to varlHj w^B the ptevoiUng prbV; storage eggs
quanliiy. Extra M«^k movln}: remain at 22e; there'were 2,«S-> eas-s
rreelvM. Butler fs lower on acrouni
A (-arload of Vbeal U being nnload. •nf tiip Ue.ivy Slock in storage ind tin
e<l friim llucVli->. and a Htiall sWp- h*sn7 sifipnieots from thn country
2Jt(G mbs unloaded and
t came irom Buttons DJiy. Tho
price tor fanry was atkiS^c.
iivuai amount of. cuvtom work for'
KTlst kept tile millK busy. A few blitp-! fruit ntarkvt woa quiet, ihougb the
yioniE out of kraln were made. The Jobbers sre not ecrtaili what dTeet the
f of the past two d.iys wilt pul reiwrtcd damage by (r*'<-zlng
tho roads in Ane condition and farm- have, aomc Arms added ioc a. ciise.
m will be able to come In with less but It wuK not*general. The potato
{rouble. The |>oiato niurket wbs recvlpls were :.T eniu. and found
read# gale .itt fOtitkc. whiir f.incy
quiet, only four loads eomiaa la.
dtisty rurals from Wisconsin brougbt
J. W. Eimmonuau l.Hideti a ear
l>oef from hero and .one trom Hen -•.or.
Grand Rapldg fruit market has aV
don. Today be imes \.i Monroo Cen
r<-ad> lii-iruli to fcid the reported damto buy both lu-ef aad tmas.
aire to fruit. nrtlIls<^n bate jumped
'lO.- nml lemcMiH 82
(fVom rrIdiiy-« i:i<or.M;:.-cU.)
I d<-Aliile III
fairly liUS) d.lCjIa. rcuculaied
'Aie Year’s Greatest Buying Opportuhiiy
Begins Friday Morning, Jan. 17lh,
at'9 o’clock.'
Store Oosed Alt Day Thursday, Jan. 16.
mick patch, while h;» small fruit and
iT-M-a were et.ming Into -bearing.
Thirty years ago when our dhd:.
ime to ttiH cot-niry ibey cot,';.l tah;i a foity or eighty, clear a liitbpaicb In the •i-.-lne. grow .n ga-rteti In
the suinnur time, thrn.whcn wiTif.-r
edroo on litcy could take the le.-itu
and go to the woods and to the camps
JOHN TAYLOR OF KINGSLEY VIBwork slV winter long at go.-*! pnv
a ci-me br.-:; m the »Tri'*; -.
money to r?-i>; them - thtot’rii
summer, -while tltarlng a-iil culii'
iBg the land.
Condiii-in* arc exactly reveri-etl
now. anti :i U Ixiped thai we can pel
tosnhi-r uuil Isxrti; rather than «a:
nnnll aij.roorialiqti Tor ac!
that they are
Cone ntrat.-d effort, advmlsinr
Shot Entered LeR Bid.
rorlalo rpreific locality would bring
Breaking Beveral R.bs and Tear.
b<-auUf<il und hi-atthy rounl
Ing Away Portion of Lad*a
to promltH-iicc. trad 1 would
(hot Uii-.- effon* be made la n
iiiliilr- *!;> ru'IaiMl l-_^now eillmg
. (From RaiurdayV Reeord-Eagle.l
John Taib.r, ar.-i i77vRS'*4au'*r
The following report from f^hslns Uickwlieat. t*r 1*mi lbs................... 81-»i froni 85'f) ]>cr acic upward^!.
wounded yc-ji.-rduy whilo hunting*
I would ab'o ai:pn.vc «-f. ns ■
*hnw* that the (artner* of Michigan
near Kinwley, wh. n Iuk gun was dis
CRAIN—Trawsrwe-Crty Milling Co.
4:uggected li} one of onr. local ;
do grow wheat suiKesvfully. Ihirinu
charged. the wfcolB lo
|•rl^.s«.rre^t.Mr every day.
month of Decemt'or there were purhft ibh- brua'. ag s, ,-e-i! ,i1a .-md
small fraP-; ancl.vTgi-ialdc
<-b.vs-ed lij- nincty-opc flouring mill*. Wheat ........ ;.............................:..........1'“' '
rearing aWay a Urn- ik,-v.„-i of M*
■-v'.lblli*] in
inses In *olpe o !tfi bi<git.L It c
bushi-lt and nUty-rlr eh.-viitors C'ora ............................... ................
lu.aa,.pn..-. lit. K..
nod grain -dealcni t^nigbl 57.458 of a
and a companlen namt-tl riuud HaveKw*
nil.ago, nnelnnatl.
rinelnna»l. .I'jli>dmrR,
Pil.^imrg, f
t"e«- m-f VTre ,iog-:lhcr and Ti-.vIit wax
total of 152.7:.7 huthcls. During the
While navy “In-al
lad Rap- K;a;ul;-;g upon a W Wh-n hi., g-.u
illte month* from fugusl to DceewII.-.I kidney l.eaii* ...
ber Hu^Tv w"i-ro <-s|imatr<l to have
.<llp;sd from hi* h.nds«rik*ng
liiickwhcal. |«-r
lh•'nl UK they ere IrateXng to anJ
been (marketed 2.760.f<ftO bushel* at
l-ammer ob (ho side of the !o,t dbHIDES. WOOL AND TALLOW,
na average i.rkse 4^-We.
I'ri.-e* corr.-<l«-<l as matket varies. fro. always anvio.'- fiii^ a-.cl-i-n-e of cbqraiiig It. Davener garo the alarm
Iia-ailon and for improvemenU on. and w-h.n help cane. Taylor was car
Tlio Chicago markets repbrtunsteaJtlnir prt-»cni c-iidb;
Incss In cegu on nenuni of theried to i.ls iK.mc where medbal aid
It v.a* KUvai- 'ed ll-ui <1 e.-e •-xhlbil.-i
celid of 4.705 casep and n hut from Tallow ................................................ Sc
WAS- Kimriuotied. His wound Is <urh
the farmer. Strlctl* fn-sb 22c to 25<
hr.r*c hid.-*........81-511 and up could Ik- !m. re!iaii?f:'’le. a*!d Irans- X 1'Tiihle nature that hU reoovety Is
jsua-d from linfc to lime. Such ad-,
St.inige ll'c and 21r.
riK Butter
yertisliig wimM pat Trnvtrso rity.
mqlicd the lowest In
1,1 IsC. l^Utoes (Oiiqbed
reeelr- Viiskrals ..................................15k35< nod Grand T^Wrvo rs«in:y and our
several mnM*
i-d. Wisconsin 43c to :k:. Michigan 44c Ra-cooiis ..............................:...7>fi83
and 47c. Minnesota 13c and 47c.
Skenk* ... ............................ 4...-k82.r.| ,J- «< I-ket'.lu Tzet-ry Pt-.P-!
r V'ti'1-5-' .f*"-.-. w hile. UtV .p-it Jdiorklng
Tho Grand JUp s jtuikei.* very M4il:, dark
fhuncentjlc. roceipt were liglit and Mink.,-ah-........ ...................82tdtc.5.5C>M- .-Huu.d^. , They w.Il.tako car.
ilie price is 45c foi potatoes, eirlftly Weasel, white.............. ..............3.V4i«K-,«>f fur gq.-i. .-.s fa.*i aw wc g..t ready
• le them.
fre-sh egcs.CKe to 33 storage 31c and Kox. r. d
.........82.0D4.8f:fCci- of Third Assistant P. M. Gt.i.
:’"c. Oranges liav advanced from kV.x. gra
Wa»!iili-.;v«i, JuB. if'. 1913.
lubeidarv j>ro)Kjsit’orv a little l.xter
Prices ai.idy only n prime slock.
lYlabd ti'uticr r'-!aling to an article
pfoha*-. two We.ls afu-r tb.
r iiusy day with
, Saturday v.a* an»
meribaudise wbi. h it aceonisumics
idle locAl niilb< and iho^ t^ad1 eall th.->
ns di-KTiptivi.- of the ar].ickcd*’fit.w the freer, we can 1;3V<
' • .itM lake care
In < uVluinI work,
a few iii-e Vr-Ioii- eir— berfc a; hern, li'-le withi-. the meaning of section
r bad tho
llie iiuiaio market
lo ir-ai rut;
s tnd tnOhd< to. In- is;, P..SUI (.awsand Itegnlatlons. and
1-rlre remains
|ie-e;i(,1 Kft>
hating only tbtrelori! is a pt-rmissable Inciosurn
Seme Suggemions That Will Bear. S<cad <>r I
with su#ji article when mailed as
Testing Out.
j f*G«‘bic*T *'d roU'D fru:i Ir-ng
v-attie (III fh.- grouml, If you donl fourth ^aS^iotier.
ITiccs cotrcM ted voiy day.
I'l-lntlng on an^artl.’-le ot mereUarllocs ............. •........
to n.. ttol
1'" .
dUe. or on its ,w rap;ier. or on a laiad
Siit-rs .....................
-Jora to, ito'-v
psili-d to it in su'-h a manner as to
fab--* ....................
.ii...’., 1.W IM. 1, III. ton.l"« rartoi.1. «I .-.iTl.
form nn tniegnil part, does not affect
...............'-to ta
,1,1,1. I tov. l.ira TO --rai*.-. “T'o rlJ,-.-. ,l.|.lr .raid to..
ibv ilasslfliatlon c-f the ariU-le as mad
;i.*mlK< ....................
...Id... „i 1.1... i.m,.lra.t.
|too.^told^ld tto .1.,
Mr II mxuor of the fourth class.
i.<bc. a-........ ............
Catalogs in w-bUh two or more orJ„
dtoirar. It
I ('till i.Mis. drt*ss< d .
de- f-jrtus are iHMilid. aa welt as <wtaI liei-M-, OUliia*] .. .'
unorefted in the prui.-wsing und i
b-S* or olbi-r printed matter having
then-, and il is nrd wiil.ln my InelliTtJVetci.nt of our liaRii-dlaio tt-rrllor nation to dictate. J have never writ Kutiiile* 'of merch.-indW permanently
;.tlaibed to liiem. limy be arfo,>t(Q'
In, Grand Travel <• county and not l
,ien an atthle for our IcH-a! p.-.ifhr btcM.aai iwoor ttuK-e m— roumn-s.
|foKunatc for innlliiia at the fourth dass rali-t
Tlie mniier of h.-indlia-; tw.niy
i„#n„^ti,;, fn print, I way decide ot postage.
Older forms, address tags, report
rounil.-s from one central ,a>im of
..ntf a-itn. However.
.l.-w-icfm)ew can i.nlv laVilally cdr.^,, -in
„.marl.r forms. icMer aad 4)111 beads. Ini
nnd le*al forms, cards and other simi
j rerilKc Ok- good h^ulltU-s of the
I- f(H.d for Uiouaht.
lar supplies, regardless of the amount
lire lerrit<M7.
Ji'iir C. IVUtecn.
«if ir-iiiiing on them, blank chei-k
Wo all know ihai comentraied ef
iuol.i.. rei-el;>t books and other lyooks
fort. Ilk,- the conilmiou* dropping of
of forms piiniuily in print, may bo
water, would wear iiway aoitono. and
.-nalli-d as fctlrib citas matter.
tlun llio continuous dropping of minDlr<*rtions for taking medicine writ
ernl water would form a stalaciiio.
So the contlnuo.1 adunUlnc of one Prohibitionists Think Name Handi- ten on a label attached to a botlte :
or p.p'Vage containing the medicine or
,iantr«:*r or dt ftniiir rpot bi !>oiind to
caps Their PSrty.
im-kwed with it are jtennissable nnd
bring it to the alteutlon ot many.
do pot affect the olaatifloatlon of 4iic
When a thing is n»ti<q(l otce. It
indiamilHdii*. Ind.. Jan- in,—Avti.in
may be an Incident-' When it is no- j^kins to a thane- In the mmi
t:c<-d iwir,\ it may bo a eo-imldent. ,^p iVoh'iMiloa l«iny so as to
Third Asst P. M. Gen.
I .It when il is tioilc.-d ihr«o or four
than tlie single Idka of
lim,'*. the rcKUte h< sixteen times *» |«rohil-:il'n .-f the !b;m>r traffic I* cx1/lS ANGKI.1-3:—“Feed them fish;
Ipe'-lcd lo Ik* ta'xea Jy the salifmal any bca.can do It then.” Tl-.i *1* Mrs.
In tho advenlsints for Rolllcrs to t-mr.-rence tW JTohibilion .leader* A. Holtrbvrg's advice to chicken fanceiiipy a ir.icl of twenty cqitPtles. no
n,»,.mhled In th .s <4iy toda.r. rlcrs. Seven fUh f«-d fowls laid K2
cm,-iiarilrular rcql estate I'roinolor or jiore than one thourand delcgiite*. i-ggs during December, she <1ih lares.
op luirticuiar a<>ciion can cxi»ect lo ludludlng me::il«-rs of Uho nalj-Jaal •BOntlKAVX—Maicelln
.4*lcr. f
gain much iwDeOt.
(and slat*- «,n;miitcr« and num-rou* young imlnjer. invited a score nf hli
Im-idtml* are occurlng every llilte other h-ad-r*. aro uuemlii>-t the
■frkneU to a imnqurt an.I .-ift.-r a JoUy
whlio lo [«rove this out. JuslVccenily ti-reiicc. wl,!eU will be lb bCfJicn the e*.ning. blew out hi* trains in the
a man eatic dAwn here from <mt*ido tisitiro wikIl
prcetr.ee of his eucsIb.
JurludiMloa for the piir|>D*e oti
piiTThasIng a Binull farm.
IKK'sibleto hold him here but an hour
or two as ho bad to tear nround os
rapidly as ho could in order to get
away and vUlt the balance of ibi
^c^ritor^-. Ho wautod to rover the
whole groimd and when this d*p* o<cumplikbed. he had seen too much
ond was unable to make a declslnn
Jn advenlslng the wasted and bar
ren plains (nnd i disliko very much
We wish to call your attention to our wash
that lormi wo are offering
Komeitiing that Is of little or no value
ing and scrubbing materials. Wash boilers,
to the |»urrhaM'r. Of what uik* ba>
copper bottom, good, strong handles, at $1 36
the man in tho city tor a piece of
each. Then u little better quality at $I 60.
gronnd (hat Is without bulldlngw and
SL75 and $2.40, All copper $3 and $3.50.
covered w'iih slumps, say 200 or 30i>
The quality and price is here. Galvanized
to the acre. If he ha* neither home,
tubs and boilers of all sizes and priccs.Wash
nor *back nor tools to work wlihf
There are. within the iibundsry of
boards from 15 cents to 50 cents each—this county and tad or three adjoinbrass, glass-or zinc. Scriibbing brushes,
ing couniles many- trarts of ground,
soda, chthjs pins, and clothes lines.
lieh nnd fertile.' which have never
Brooms from 32 to 50 cents each, made from
lieen cultivated, nnd which could be
bright com. All sold on money-back
idottod into small tracts, and on It
plan if not satisfactory. Soap, soap powders,
ibero could be built small rotiages
or bungalows that could be sold lo
in fact, everytliing that you may need is to
the prospective purchaser on a pay-;
be had at the,
ment not exceeding what he would
be willing to pay for twice as much
Itarren soil and stumps.
These lltUo farms could be dotted
.vroiind on our side bills and In our
fertile valleys, with Uule colUges
large enough to house the purchaser's
family, and sold to him for a payment
down, anfficlent to cover tho cost or
the initial cost of the development,
and this purchaser wonid be a con
tented neighbor and friend among iis.
He could make a living througti the
suffiffler, . with a lltUe sarden and
To Re-arraD0e Stock and Mark Down. Goods
Doors Open Frida y-'MornIng at 9 o'clock
See Large Sate Cfrculars now being Dlstrlbuicd
ior Di t ills and Prices.
This Is the big sale Itiat Doubles and Triples the Purchaslbg
Potver of your money.
Traverse City, -
ormatlon Is r<-ceived- Hairy butter
KCtfiC. Strict!^ fiwsh eggs
;3rr storage silll remain at 2vc anil
FARM PRODUCe-euylng Prig..
2c. rotaioes, 43c.
I'Tlecs corrected every- day.
In th? local markets there was serral sblptneniB receded by rail; buck, Toiatod .......................... .....35e
rheat from Bniplrt^
Haplds. and the Urgesi number of
famiera wi-re in wto grain for both
pist and sale in sfveral days. The
shipment* out of grjiin were the larg- «.-.nlona ..........................................50t.55<FARM PROOUCE-Reiliftg Price.
n some ttme. The ruslom work
Prii-es corrected every ^ay.
was very heavy ai^ the mllU were
foutoes ............................................5*>r
taxed to their utmobt.
Yestertlay Ihere were fou* loads of Butler ..........................................
butter___ _______
potatoes received. |rhis tnornlo; ibcmsds «era In Ark- rtmdiiion and ibi
farmers were many.; There wi-re Hgni Hay. ,w-r ion. Uk-d....................;...«l*.*
loads up 10 noon anc some of the com. Straw .......................................................814
had idets to bny and
GRAIN—Hannah A Lay Co.
This will
the prices
l*rbe*.cflrrertcU evx-ry day.
iMi only for the d y. but those who
1^ on ^.npol ; proBted by the Wheal ............................................ tiirubSc
INVENTORY SALE to us this Year
* Means a Big Lot of Seasonable Goods
put on Sale in Our
which merit the attention of every one
with a dollar or less to spare.
Wash Day
It is a place where Bargainsare to
be found—
And through January and February this
will Continue.
CO ivi E
Moore repreaentlng Cadillac,although
is 8 cvnla for one iwnnd and ‘ ceats
not favoring the limit in vogue loat
for each addiUonai pound. In this
aone there are 13 sutea. whIA lie
season, was willing to compromli
Chief Kohler Baya Cleveland H Clean
wholly wltblD 'the lone boundartea.
sllgbUy lower figure.
They are: Maina. New Hampshire.
Nothing like conclusion was reacw
Clevctand. Jan IJ—Novelty of lOC.Maaaachusetts. Rbgdc Island. Connec
ed 4t 8 o'clock and the directors and
004 population Is so free from vice as
ticut. New Jefaey,;' llelaware. .North
rlsitors repaired to tbe banquet, and
Chief Fred Kcbler. in
Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia.
8 o'clock returned to the scene of
bis report tor 1912. The chief deAlabama. Uisalasiigil. Arkanaa*. The
the mining. At 10 o'clock the queeI a large part to golden rule sucitlea of Boston'aad New Yot« are
tloD of adjourning was put lo
also in tone live.
moguls, but this was thought not foasThe chief sutes that if be could
Sixth Zona
ible, becanae of the expense end val preveni-crimes he would fee] the .leFbr the aixth ague, Inclodlng (be
uable time necesaliated by- the plan. sired results In police work bad been
territory between the 1.000 mile
The representatives and visitors fok attained and would be satisfied if not
nldlua and,4he 1.400 mile radius (he
low: Manistee—John A Wagener
irrest''iMid beea made
rate it 10 cents for one pound and 8
and F. T. Classmire: Cadillac. Presi
cent! for eacb additional pouDd. The EVERY FIRE COMPANY DOWNdent 8. C. Moore and Manager Homer
principal cities In this aone are New
Warner: Boyne City. C, E-Chase. Geo
Orlcana. Denver and Salt I.ake.
rhton and Prsnk Thompson; l^dSeventh Zone
Ington. Forest B. Dlckeroon: Muske
The rate fox
territory in th?
Work of Firemen Was Made DifficuH gon. President C. W. . Marsh, “red
seventh aone between the 1.400 an.1
by Intense Cold That Prevailed
Nelson. Alfred Devldson. James ’KeT1,800 mile radlusee li II cents for the
While Fire Was Un- (
loy. Arthur DeBaker, David PSreons.
first pound snd 10 cents for each ad
der Way.
Patrick Murphy. Herman Woytae.
ditional pound. In thla tone are Ne
Fred Bodendorfer. Frank Anderson
vada and Cuba. The principal cities
and William Castenholi: Traverse
Pittsburg. Jan.
Owing to a warn- ii^tone seven anc Portland. Ore., and
Ttaorr ia ont- InJuitr>‘ that can t>«
T. H. Cmis, E. C, Billings. VlsltIv eighteen houra In advance the Seattle.
-atancH] in Travoran City wltb the Inin (he downtown district rosionded
W. C. Steele. Muskegou; Richard
city wak prepared today for the worst
• Zona eight
Tnaimmi ul a atuitH amount of ca|<lial,
-neral alarm today to fight t
Spalding, I>«roll: Peg Betels. F. C.
January flood in Its' history when the
The eighth aone'Includes all terri
‘ and oblch. viicn In operation, will
W’atora of the- .Uonongahela and Alle- tory over 1.800 miles aWoy. The rate won-t fire of the winter in Detroit, Johnscfi. G. W. Smith and Bennie
tatnc a proniaiilc entorprlre.
^eny rivers reached a crest of S1.3j,„ ,hi,
oenia tef one pound when the Houghton & Jacobson I*rlnt- Jewell.
K U a roll] vtor^e pUat. 8o far «e
Tbe magnates decided upon a
feoL which U nine feet above'lbe dan-',nd 12 centi for esrti additional pound, lag romiiany, in the heart
• have Bot alone very- nicely without
ger mark. No fatalities are reported. n,m and Porto Rlto are liR-Juded in wholesale dIstricL waa destroyed, game schedule, the aame a'b>Iaat eeaBeach, aged about
__ _
attch an InalltatkiD. the aai
llres were endangerei and ,h,,
also the cities of IX)S An- making a I13U.M0 loss.. The bltfor son. tbe opening games to W played
..rowrtylw u'
have Bot alone for yeora with only yearm. whose home Is on. Kaal Eighth
Tusday. May. 20. and the closing
Rvsl-' grte, ,(,d San Pramlsco in CalKomla.
.lr„l. dM !.« dll*. .1
wood for fuel.
•B on Sunday. Sept. I4. Alihougb
Itai tblnga are (nianBins: Intact, wher. h. h.d bMd .Ulild, '<>; •'"‘T.d .11 dlibi lo
pmp,n,. wbll.
DO definite date was Kt it is expect
llii y have already tbaaited. Thi' aa
.*1, Mr. Ii«.oh hmd
^lle. In 1k«u re.rf .p .nd
od that tbe next meeting will be call
intb or so iiasi. and with bia wife ■
mill baa {Hot. the wood plte Iiai aled within a month. Iwst night's meet
d gone to Kalkaaka to stay for I victims.
tnoit diaa|>i<eared. and the old mething was adjonmed ebonly after mid
while among friends and relatives. I were thrown out of work when the
' oiU of marketlnB our farm
night. •
The remalDs
• chard pro.lucu no loneer ratUfy de"*« big mills. Warn
: rnaadi that arc ever hecomlnf more family home
the G^AL * i. today.
diaeritiiltiaiinc and exacilua
down the Ohio river.
Besides the wife there are two sons.
A cold BtoraBC plant will pay In
Action Is Taken Isj Aecordanco With
Traverae City , heioiiae modem mar- Elmer Beach and Ira Beach, and one
Law Which Ptedgkc ths
ketmg loethodr call for auch aninatl- daughter, ilra. M. Inman, of the penlnMembers.
^ tation. And when demand! are made, suU.
Funeral tenlcea have not been a^
r? fbe C9»t of laiiHtyina iboae demand!
f! admitted: for tboite who dance ranged.
Event to Be Held at Mitt GOuid's
know that the flddler nuat be settled
Country Residence at TarrySalem, Ore. Jan. 13.—For (ha aecwith.
town, N. V.
ond time within skew yeara an Ore
Three Lines of Buaii
gon legislature ia about to elMt.
A ruld siorase plant at Traverse
New Y'ork. Jan. 13.—Announcemeut
I'tilted States senator «%ose political
: »CHr would serve thr«e purj>o«*».
<if the date and arrangements for tfle
List of Towns Has Been -Compiled for faith ia the opposite of that of the
WiHiM he of service to the Iruit n
George H. Hedges Sworn in A# Gov
nurrluge of'Helen Yllller Goul-1 (
lajority of its nmml.era. Notwlththe Convenience of the
lire l•lil^he^l'. and the dealers In dairy
ernor Todey.
Finli-y J. Bbepard waa made toJa;
suudlng (hat the - legislature wl-lch
; t«odu<ts. The custom! reieardiDK the
oonvened today Is trverwhelmingly il« Medical and Hospital Corps of Na- Tbe ceremony will occur Jan. 22 at
' maTkctiDK of fruits are chanBlni: so
. Uonal Guard Ready to Rush
Miss Gould's ertunuy place at Tar?puUlcan It will eledi as Dolled States
Tepeka. Kan . Jan. 13.—George H.
With the Snccess of the parcel poet
niddlr that within a few years the
Relief of the Suftown. N. Y. Only relatives and
senator. Dr. Harry Mnc. u Democrat,
Ida copsumlnB markeU will accept Hodgn fbemocrati._________
was sworntyetem
lg,AS eeemlngly assured there comes
fering People
tiniate friends will be present.
the colleague of Senator Chamber-'
This Institute, composed of a sronp
• iothlfiB hui what conted to them with govertor of Kansas today, sueceed-ltbe continual query from merchants
lyemocrui’ who
electof regularly giaduaied p&yalclans and
t|]l thr freshness that refrlaemtlon Ing Walter R. Stubbs tHepublulcan.^ ,nn<l ahippera. • What are the
KurgeonK. licensed, legally associated
Wheeling. W. Va.; Jan, 10,—Wheel
...... Hodges I* the first Democrat To fully answer this question would
^ can Rive.
under the laws of (he Stale of Ohio,
Tbe elation of Dr. Lane ing is flood bound, the flood crest hav
years n
sends at Its own exi<eDse these emi
Already In some liarts t^f the
elected governor of Kansas in fifieeh* take a zooe map and a unit book. At>r
will be Id comiiUance with the much ing reached here (bis morning,
nent medical apecielifts in order to in
try cooling stations are being erected'yeors and his Installation was made the benefit of patrons of - this city,
troduce the newest methods and dlsdUeussed Oregon law which ple'dgev rocnibg e.ViK) famillea In iheir homes
in the t-rchards, that (be fruit may be so oc<nslon of entfauslasa fof the however, the prlnclpar towns and
CDverit-B in medicine and surgery, suck
the logislatoni to vine for the card-- Biupptug atre<-t car and railroad traf
as the sysletu ol treatment under X
cooled aa qnickly as picked, and then thousands of Democasu who tame cities in tha neighboring tones and 4^(e for senator who receives the tic. shutting off tbe gas. supply___
tay. Violet ray, Finsen ray. Hydrokept cold until it Is turned over to the j frotn all parts of the aute’ to parti the principal rMles and autes In (bo
causing great suffering and Ineatlmablghest
NovtirNew York. Jan. 13.—Much Interest tberai.by. etc. to give to those who
roDsumcr, 'who hurries It lo his ice cipate in the ceremonies.
more dlsignt zones has l>een compiled.
'i-«M nn rn*
ble property damage.
One woman
(he all
above date, consultation,
ilfested in tbe mllltneiT .trade u*>iu>uniioD.
box. 'ir be ^ one. Refrigeration is
For alt city and rural delivery poa-. bor elecUon.
Governor Stubbs and Governoradvice and aU medicines
was drowned and another la missing
tYhen the s:;E:.toTiBl election is dis
in the outcome of tbc case of Miss rt-quire.l to coiupleie a cure, absolnlealteady a iCces.>U) in (he aucceasful elect Hodges were escorted to the (age tbe rate is 3 cents for one pound,
Conditions are the eame for 290 mUei
These apeclaJlsta will diag
Helene McCulloch, milliner, wbo was
markcring of sirawbertles. raspher- stale bouse l>y several companies of id 1 vent f^ each addtlional pound. posed of (be lawmaker* will turn alcog the Ohio river.
and give you tbc bene*
rJeA and cherries, and it is soon going the Kansas National guard. In the
their attennoD to oee of the bcavlest
arraigned 'in court today to aland
' First Zone
National Guard Ready
fit of their skill and medical knowl, 10 be demanded for i<eaihes an-l ap assembly- cbamt>er the oath of office
trial on a charge of displarlng in her edge free.
Tbe aone rate wbitfr wilt apply on iegislative programs (hst bas been
Columbua Jan. ID.—Tbe medics
pies. This is a feature of the market was administered to the neat execu ly par<-el coMlgned to.m point in the prepared In years. Many
shop is-enty aigrettes. The case was
case no eaperiand bosplul corps of tbe Ohio Na
ing pruhiem (tinrrrniiiK which (be pn>- tive by- Chief JusUce William
preiwred tor consideration
bronght as a test of tbe new law menflng or guess work at your «afirst roue and outside of tbe local
jtense. You mill be told wholber yon
doeer will have s el^wre
^ver flood whkh makes it n misdemeanor to sell van be cured or not. If your case la
Johnston. The other state offiwra rate, is Z cenu for one pound and 3 are of an extmmely.prog^slve chareic< T't "Aye. aye." -^.e fruit grower
j eletied In November, all of them'Ke- cents for eech additional pound. This acler. Included in - the lUt are bills
Reporis here said the rise or possess the plumage of ceruin curable the)- will put yon under trealwho»- I'rodoce appears soft will sim
aone includes everynhlng within a ia providing for workingmen's
workiugmeo's comjwn-.,„
comjienDicDi ImmHiaiely; If Incurable thny
temperature has caused further bird*.
pabllcans. were sworn it. In a brief lone
ply be fiasst-d by. rxctrpi by ibe
will ghe you auch advice aa may pr^
Inaugural address Governor llodg-M mile radius from Traverae City, and aatlon, mothers' pensions, a harhelor'■ i’ swelling
of ,v
the, river,
incom® tax. Ibe curbing of "wildcat
re-affIrmed the ante-election pIodBvsAs the live Sior'.: industry grows
ties: l.eelanau. Dentie. Antrim. Cbar speculation.” a minimum wage >«w.,
the r.-v...,i about Travers.- City, and
levoli. Manistee, Wexford. Miasauker-.
eacb Individu^ vase tbe
tbe msBoKude of-this In-ldstry It Inand Kalkaska. The principal cities
Budapest Bells Produce In Municipal system is thoroughly cleansed of the
disease in a natural and direct man
rreasing, the need of a cold storage
and towns In tbe first aone are Acme.
ner. and improvement is noticed at
plast become, creater. With refrig
AMen. Barker Creek. Uellaire.
once: even tbe worst cases are treateration at hand Jlie butcher can op*-rdoe. Bcnxoola.
Budapest. Jan. 13.—Tbe dty of ed without any Inconvenience to th*
ato on. a large m-sIc. keegring his snrpatient
Cborlevolx. Ct^Htmisb, Crescent, Bear
Budapest has Invested 3100.000
, or the pursuing of bU or her
. plus meat In suiraue. lYinhermore.
I,ake. East ].ake. East Port. Elberta.
where nesU. pool-1, * j.
you arc improving under your
: oar local buying buitriiers can under
Elk Rapids. Ellsworth. Empire. Fif; ENGLAND SUFFERS FROM GALES T. H. .oniis was Elected ViewPresi try and dairy prodnets are told at family physician, do not come and
take to bniUl up a vlioleaale trade
l.oke. Fountain. Fionkfort. Glen Hav
••reasonable''.pricea that It at prices “kv “P. «belr valuable time, as they
Former County Treasurer Finley M
with tbc •bopki-eiM-ii. In the neaiby
gued Several Houra
en. Glen Arbor. Grawn, Interlocben.
llammond was somewhat surpriaeil
Kalkaaka, Kingaley. I,ske City. Lcland.
capItaL The city has gone Into clans. They wish besides U give
wbdh on arriving home gboui aix
Profits en Eggs LesL
Luther. Mancelona. Manistee. Maple
Grand Rapids. -Jan. 13.—After a disEach spring and early summer hun o'clock Saturday evening, he was met City. Old Miasion. Sultana Bay snd Lasted Thlrty4hree' Hours and Old CTiMlon of seven houra over, the eai
horses in ■ year.
the door by (be county officials ol
Heavy Damaga to Ocean
dreds of thousands of Graud Traverse
■ ten 10 long stories not i>ertalaliig to
-tile, and (bey all come u
Itolt. th. MkhlD. Sl.t,
(your trouhle. They have dlsoBrded
ecBs aie bought at the lioitoiii idlces. the rourt house suid tbe young women der (he tone-rate quoted above. ^
at‘ the ”
Liv................ 'in convention
. ............
There Is alto a i uDieliIpal bakary.lihe old methods and remedies nsed
iployes In tbe offices there.'wbo bad
- sh)|c|a-d to rhtcago, pat lo etorsBe.
medico] world, and
and tlu-D sold back to ua lo the lsi<- punned a dinner and farewell party.
folly to depend np- fall and early winter at pricca Jhsi A chlchgis dintfer with "all (he appur- one pound and 4 rents for each ad
(bey arc not known
(hereto belonging” wai
W h».y Qin
..o« .i™.,
o' lio.ow pom.. . .Ur, „
„ ,h„„,^j.fairly iimVe us Jamp. If the cold sior- t'-min'-r^
ditional pound. This zone Includes ter, ,
..'or mors than J3 per cstit of the dty'S m tbem for Mlef^Thc^Mfo^^
ag.- plant aei<- localed ber* Instead oF M-rvifd by Mrs. flaipmoDi]. and tbe rltory, between iO to ir.0 miles from Tberr; haveheen marly wrecks of smaH,“'lJ^‘!
craft'and coast sblPDlng bas been ooHTbs decision was not reaehel until
bread consnmptlon.
i of diseases only are Uken nn.ler treat' In Chicaro, the difference between the evei.tnE w'ss wgient In^ social manner
city and Includes Alpena. Alma.
uptlnB prlees and the fall prtcoi wouid T^c guetiM outsIde of the family were Baldwin. Bay City. Bay View.
"P *’“'* **I PAtty to Import fresh meat from Rldn- y^ Catarrh, ^purulent or^^?),
neiualn In this eomnmnliy and help «> .Mr and .Mrs. Elmer E. While. Judge Rapids. Uoyns ClU'. Cheboygan, Clare. In port today felt tW foil fury of the
r. H. Walker. E. A. Monroe. I.M
etorm. and some of- tbem are badlyF. T. «>»■*■.RoumanU and Servla.
Consumption, Epilepsy, Deafneat. Btoniake us all tiiore profiwrooa.
Eaton Rapids, Evart. FllnL Fremont.
' j
Intlre. represenUllve of (be
______________ —
lenses of Women. Tumors. Psendo
.^galu with cold storage at band, Hornsby. MUsea Grace Smith. Cbris- Gaylord. Grand Haven. Gogebic. Oran'l
butter wbirb DOW g<Ms to ChleasD for lln<- Hurniutb. laira lackey o|id Lottie Ledge. Grand Rapids, Harbor Springs.
- BtoruBc would remsTn here and the Nash. Ur. HammoLO was presentevi Ionia. Iron River. Ithica. l.analDg.
--------------~profits ihut arise from bolding the with a' valuable fountain pen from (be Lapeer. Ludington, Meckbtac Islan.i. houra and (here Wi4 a «,„tlnnbus
office employes. He expeMs to leave
■ ‘ 8 Will Corns Before ths iowa Laglala-’fojTb
ssD«- wi.'d-l Cl me to us.
Marquette. MenomlDee, ML Pleaseni. snosrfsll Irv the Newcastle district. Tel-. tq 1. each ------- -aeniative voUng la
otbec dlacnxea if once uken under
A local rvdd storage plant, then, will soon (or Fiorlda and other points of Muskegon. Ovid. Petoakey, Reed City, ephone and telegragih alret a
[treatment, it cured permasenUy to
Glasaperform at lean three distibet tun.'I remain* so and to never return. U
Saginaw. Ssuit Ste Marie hnd Mil
Des Moines. Ia. Jan. 13.—A heavy matters not whom you have s
duns. It will help in the markeUng business ^d iileasure trip.
ted. do not fail
of o'lr fruits, will make ]>ossfble the
Third Zone
drT-!upn,esii uf a wholesale meat bus*
pool until 9:20 o'clock tonight. when!elub Introduced tbe noUon. aad thsjgeneral aaaerabiy of Iowa which con- “ * ;^Jo7''or*Vb«Hu!“o7eJSS
The third ifpne. which Inctudea
im-as own'd and eprrated by local
fciie Balled direct for New Y'ork. Tbe «»l of *h* dlrsctora wUllng U> conl,vened today for lU biennial aessitm.
or prolone your Ufa aa Umt*rtiory between (he ISO mile radius and
'capital, on-i will bring to lu the big
steamer Celtic from New Y'ork Jan.] code k few points to avoid another chief Interest centers In five Import- sands of persons will testify by i
the 300 mile radius, boa a rate of T
testimonials tIn all parts of
piofi'^ itpw |,dd Chlca|ip men for stor*
BM Was a Flonssr Rceident of Grand cents for the first pound and i cents 4. which arrived *t Queenstown this meeUng two weeks hence, agreed to «Qt measurers that wUi be f *" ‘"■ tbe country.
« you sospoct Kidnay
ins buvr and eggs
tbe eompromlaa
afternoon. r^rU^having
tor consideraUan. iney »re.worabotUe of
for each additional poond. Some of
it lui< b<-«tv argued that so long as
ao| President B. Y
terrific wutbsr. The gals
good' roads.'your Vrlne for chemical «nd micraingmen’a
the principal dtles included in this
ti.e.c. are cold storage pladts at
violent on Friday and Satnrday that
Grand lUgd-'A, Deimli atid Chicago,
league another.aeason at an inersnse U.. .m .
rera.were forWdden c
and that th.-sc can be quickly reached, darling died Saturday morning at'her Creek. Bontem Harhor, Colomet. Cas- promenade deck.
of salary, the amount of which will Other measures that are expected to plated. Persons commenring treatth. :i- Is no p.-d of a pUnt pt Trav- home three ml.lea east and one-half aapolls. Coldwater. DetrolL Dowagla^
be determined later. President T. H. he brought up during the season are meat upon their future risiu will bn
e CltT. Hill eorh roaaobing ia Dot mile aoath of Kingaley. She would Hancoc'k. Hllladale. Jacluon. Kalama»onm'.
Pl*. ^»lr« to PW. boi not oo. ^-10
When a Gran-! Travefoe farm have been T9 years old bad she Ilv^ loo. Marshall. Niles,' Paw Paw. Port
elected to fill ths offlcs of vice-presi
t>M>. 1. 0be was bom In Canada Huron in ibla state, and Cl^eland,
er loit-i fruit Into a Chicago plant, he
dent of tbe league, succeeding C. C. State prison reform, nirai achool niedlclne necessary to effect a '«Br%
is so far fi-.m tbe basis of oiN-ratlonr
problems, and provisions for a strict- lrresi*e«tlve of your position to lifh
Dunham ot Cadillac.
Fourth Zona
Just 4& years ago tbe day
that hr- cannot msrkei Ids piodux- to
Tile meeUng waa called to order er regulation of private banking InaU- « «!’/““f
The fourth aone rate, which will MICHfOAN PREBIDENTIAL ELECtbe best advantage. With the fruit In •*>«
i'clock and T. H. GH-jcatlons. Before the lawmaking bestos »,nted. a positive guarantee to cnr»
atorage in Traverse City the sale tor' f *** Teavea three aoca. George C.. carry paroela anywhere from 300
City, opened tha dd- tbs legialatttm wed r»«Ieot WUUam «iu (>« given under their syaM» iS
the same will be concluded here amt '-^'ekley «ad Calvin, prbo ail live In the cSo miles from the .dty. U 8 ce
bate on the salary quesUon. malnlalu-’s. Kenyon to the United Staton nan- treatment Those h«vl« long atoiri>
j here wheD tor one poniid and 8 cenu tor each
. Dot at some faraway |iolm »here Cie tfoln'ty and who
at^gy. and one slater la additional pound. Jn this
Grand Travv-rse man is It a OlsadvanEdmortd Black Waa Chosen to Carry getting awaiTto tbe good
discouraged, are partienUriy
inclndsd three whole atn^. Kentocky.
ths Glad Tidings to Wash
son, becanae of tbe sale of aeven
It* colL
Bparl&C **■ anefa loved and West Virginia .and Minnesota. Some
Cold Storage Planu
. NOTICE—Married ladles wttoMT
players to higher claaa leagues, and
respected by fill «4u> knew ber. and of the larger cities in tbe fourth zone
Treveiio City Is not too small for
their Ht'SBAKDS. aad minors wllboot
their FATHERS. wUl posiUvMy adt
IRs>d l•l■D(. Albion. New York, ffiopnweekly
admitted to consultotlon nalaa
SL Paul.
Minneapollt. GL Louis,
Lanalng. Jan.''iS.—Michigan's
iatlot. .'.0161 supports four cold ttor | greatly the loea.
by tme of tbalr local
nttsburg aad Cinclnotl.
prssIdenUal Msetora today cast tbslr gnr.
Tbe funeral was helfi this afternoon
«kc pUiiis: I!olli-y. N. y.. igiopautloti.
WINSTEAD. Conn.—A cat. chased
B. nekeraott of Ludlngt
balloto for Theodore Roosevelt
Fifth Zone 1,<I‘ I frier plants: Uanaomvllle. N. Y.. Bt ] o'clock. The romalns were taker
** ^Ice boars: 9 a. m. to 7:30 P-fiS.
up a pole by a dog. abort circultod the
Tbe rale for the fifth aone. which prssldeDL Edmond BlaMc ot Marino W. Marsh of Muskegon and
(ts>l>t:letion, rOb) one plant: Rpencor to Evergreen oemetery, where they
Chase of Boi^e City, favored the idan city light wtTM and aused three
port. N V.. fpopulatlnn UrtOi iwi>'
put lo rest by the aide, of ber inclndas the territory betwi D tbe 800 City waa c
Antrodneed by Mr. OlUla. sad Dr. 8. C boon darksMs.
mile mdlu and tbe
mUe rtellua Ue resoUs to Waablsgton.
ginatt. All of the above pUnu nreJbngband, Joeepb Bpaiilns.
ivaylng. as is testlOed in by one of oar
fellow townsmra wbo vialled tbam In
the early fall
Wbo abould hntld a cold atora««
■plant at Traverse OlyT
Grand Traverse men with Grand
ToLrerae capiUI, of eourae!
.Tbc proAta from cold storage operPITTSBURG UNGER WATER ALONG
TRAVERSE CITY LOGICAL PLACE atidns are large and these profits If
kept here will help to develop tbU
country. Several aitempta have been
cnade to interest outside capital, but
>ucb an
ibe big prxrfiu would leave the reglvn.
which Is a coodlUon to be avoided It
Grand Traverse ia to he a big fruit
cAiter and we must all work to have
centered here all the aide lines tb:
go with fruit raising.
Ceiwtructlon^ »( SulUble Building 'There is enough caplUl here to Thousands of Workman Were Thrown
Out of Empleymant When Mills
Would Provo Groat Impctua to
•■ulld and equip a cold atorage wareMany Loading Induatrloa
louse, and
will be done sooner or
of tha Rogion.
Uier. hilt
sooner the better.
is here offered to the
Sick and Suffering
oi our community.
Rrad This
Visiting Speciaiisrs
from the
IIIElECTJMOeil«T|,f,Yy g||„gf
pay their first visit o
Traverse City, Mick
and will be at the
Park Place Hotel
Wsdntsiay, Jan. 22
Tell ycui sick friemis.
8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
„.,d X.
c,.. u..
o, .tootto, Unt^t ttuto. ~-^..SUrni?t SSo.'X'fllirrS
to. tt», ™..... ct„
toou t.'.«,
Cough,<^ld €8tW.TY
Sl 'aa’* UriJa-'!ii
quick rtlk-r fii' Cvu.,;1i,
luAUvaactt.", koiu lUrout,
etvmi, fisiLuia, Iwy fu\ur
&nd bivurkills.
t33irs PROOF. ‘
“ W«
To Defeat
Pa^d; Away {it Family Home L.ast
j _
Ouectien ia Whathcr or Net.to Aitco- 1
e.U N.« P.n.1 IR.
iFWm II,..rW.
T1.C J«nrt of jinfH r>lBoni m«t nv^i
of.^r « feo- Jiu...-*- ntrs'
S;!s.vi>:ilii;i(y to Colti', sore
thrc.-t*:. !on>ili;is at«l &ui h. inriiLaic in;ivvcii •'ic«l nwli.y—ia. Ic
ol rcv;:ve sliir.;;;h U> v.c.iilicr
rhaiipng seasoiii •
.A r/rtraifel- f SCOTrSEMVLSJON alter eaVli n.e!l scar.'
hcdithy iMHly aai-i.i like a smail
’rs::fth kiniilei a {treat »irc—atid
IBo:e: »f mefies'picA. haai:ki',
Mioa btooJ- forlilka f-Si (iuiicj
e.tti trMMfain (Ac ar.o fffft
$n nJ f..>rf;i-»:mirlA.
scorns emulsiok ^ the
Fruit Stems
Clipped ^oit
(t'rda Saturday's ftccord-Gaide.)
Mla.|n:.-rJntl<n!; Rr«tt. af»d 1".
rraic, isuKhter of .'dr. and Jdra Win.
"Rutile* In the rrower's tiara"—I>o-.
If, St^r. r.tl nfth ‘treet. died at
Winter llmicua. MelMor.h. Jonl!y home at cix <.'Moek l3«l
Per five weei;-- she Iiad aiba.i. Sm.w. Wealthy, Wagoner, fauhe rataxes of tLai dreaded adr. Kod,
UTihold fever, rharlotto wai
ttuylne fire or ten barrel* of nice
the ihir I <.f fMf dnirphlera In the fam
1 sister to tour bruthtrr. She D|>t>le« to the busluess luau who canspate tiDie to no Into one of our
briebt Biiimy oaturo and tier
friend* rein numbered < a'.y by t»er nrclianlK and vro the fruit lAcVed Is
3.<-i'i'i:t to lie mure snd more of a Chiui'qnuliiiitjanres.
puule ..Abiolulely no tnedlnm
Owltu to ntber Illness In the famlly
e |ir««-nt time, tlK> fiimral can be found to iutroduev buyer and
teller on a basis of llxc-d values. Noilivi'l be private, and wilt not
iai; ever sooms to b» st-tiM: piiee.
twed nnt 1 n I roUier who llvi.* j
'luullly, br noods saiapled for liwiieeiaVka oili.ir arrives or U hoard
llou. Heard of^ trade, deseloi<nieDl
and Mk. Seuti nnd family
liiir.-au and lliv city luirkil all Ibal
iloeni-t Kymp^iliy of tunny
IllieMselvmi bolide*, in Rivlax sirsa
eiitle 1^ ihc .vil.
en, the infoniiBiloo it^y want We
Jdo know of soeeral orchards qoMlac
flyeil iirlrws and di liiK fair inRd.M
and We honor tliein for II. but It ottHi
hapiwnr that they are soH oat on
riaiidurd \arirtu« and the buyer noi's
Michi^n'' Crop Report Shows GnQOureging 6ondiliena.
'Ho demand " And yet
r.ioiitent ttandafd'hatTid
stork I* Lrlngnqt fs-30 to ivu.-. Viwi
VC alwayu be treaini as dalihiers la
Um> Iniir baslaess?
It !s o iiliasure to s<« that SetTelary WUaoa says It U i.leh time tbat
the fanners coniklned toRcfjc^ a-td
sold Ibi lr preduee dirjtctlj lo Ihe er.ninjinw.' »le InaStta that 1 y emt'nx out
the atlddlbnian the farmer redue.-a the
the consnmer end get* a- i.*etter lUlce himself. TllU is »0;;le.
Grange Girger
Tlib U CCMise da> in five d;Hw;i-:;t
14111* of r-tacd Traverse ca»ii:v. Tue
iuM‘bers cf ibe order a.c uic-«elng in
thflr halli at Old Mluton. I-Tfc L*’.;.-,
Summit City, r^'.k l-ake and U.ng
I.-ke. ,'t (-ach place the 19W officer*
arc beiau *worn iu. As U.c graug. rs
all 1 behind Jorked dour*.
Itiv Ii3k Jinks oHit'cn ar» being lie
♦ Rtalh^ by Mr.-ar^ Mra. Lowell Sour*:
tmiu. T-hc Umda of lh«. varRiua .ooii
the Fife Ijike IbhIuIUiUcd -exi-lx'kea
! o' oraNra ware r4>eeivi.a and n^enssl
Sotftli' MlttoB. J«i.'
Joe Mrlain .~.re Id ch.arge of Mrs, K. A. Kvaiwi
•to t:io«tni.u.ltf<-- .m imatire. uu,.= a.M
aceldeniatly *1lpi»d'on the Ice Friday the Sumi.iit Ci'y offlrers an tnklsK
(mt^na. .-ar.-.d U.-U of ro,4t.> .Vrtt
whne .IratrliiB a load of potatoes to the oaths of fwiliy ivefore .Mr. and
iKlmiT A. Wlili... whI. Ji waa act^
Ok lUlildy. The wTiacI pa»*ed ovei Mrs. Georfm S. Harr<«: the |4>BC
i:«*. I.
hts leg and bnilved it badly, roiiii- l.nke Jtivlailing ii0i. <-r ti E. A ^•,*•BBa.
vtu~: ■•<
n. > rood for
. i«!.
usuly nu henes skcrc broken, bat a*
grangers ai* JBM
V> l!.r..>l»ii.*'rYKIo.
;p«nk Trude and Will II. S.id. a
it U he will be laid up lur come iU.‘*e
A..4U cured IM 44 Bi; UvdW*
auretl.'K.ihai cixia to the eoaniy ainS
llurtT winter haa bow to UeUalra that (Imv w!U make ibe year lt>13 th«
the bond qf $-’■.<'■'>0 wiltl l>.
(lilU : <
I meet with the IMord of »in«ervl*i« greateri l:i I-'cal ymuco hU^ar.,.
|nnd .1. ().‘t’rols.T as adn-l1..i> ;:.iiiK:
Waller Wllnoii is quite *lrk with
Grang# is to ^fow.
tlfuy;- the <jiiiiiV>,e
tlm aiulc.. w<-n< a<t«pu*il.
l>'> M» •i.'-r
P- }
John r. Kite!.am, the new mavfer
larnff*L'iutl.r.4. til... ue B<!U
board-ilieii took a rty v'^ diiil! I p.'f< ’>!:
il. (J'UBll viullrtl with Mrs. W. of the itiehlxau Mate granse. has ml
»■'•». »■■’ »'•'
tlilk mornliie.
»iili.nn u.evr. cj. w r-.'U.4.iu.Mj.
WV>f a l*w day* am week, retumaig om to Increa. ..‘ii.e mcmbersli'.ii «f the
Neariv the < trtlre a-nsuirij; »-ns l.ik
ImniM lu Kewodin on Saiuivlay.
j order in .Mkhixan auUleloitily to cause
Pt-Ufo, 2SO., 80e.,9JM0
up with the l^iorta r f.Mie
Rev A. follln ha* returned to bis i) to reach tUc 'HBMi.tO mark. He will
.Jerk mid ciiuutj-. li.cunirer. wlii.*
charge here after t iu odlng the faoll- j probably do 11 I>efure lili (our iratr as
master are up. for he ^a8 a hubli of
,imd were referred to lue Jinao.'e. w;.v.i
The prIniaiT iThptrtmeni of dlstrlit
I that which he uiiderIn aiisfer to ilio qurnllon; "lias
llee eultnrr seem* to have reeelvad
mill iDeana .a.tumlU.H. to be a.-ied on
l^ea. Of course ho V4-||1 need a vast
niie;;l dtf inir IS rembor Nuffered in- but alight'aiiemca- In Urwnd Trav- No. 1 opetard *rhoo1 ThurgdaV.
uu m S'.itu this afienxKiii. 1 h<* ..;:iiid
W. U Watson of Torch river bridge aiuount Of aSsIstanet- in <i.rrying out
any oittmo " 3W corres- er* or l^^-laoau counties. II Is
lnjt..«.i.iilUv«» are v.-.y^ l«j»t wiiii
• late answer "ypii' ly sitriirialns that a g.iod orchard went fu A.aii Arbor to vluli hi* wife, such a big nn-lcrtakliix. but this belii
.he u.w: .bat beUiilWHo eaeb ,H .He:.
country shonid be so nrslected. He- who b mOI detained there at the bos- will be fortheou Ing, bee-atisi- J0I.I1 lias
:.::d w.lt linkr tltelr reoma ijH as
a hiiRI of loyal admirer*. Orond Tray,
lla* ilio gTiiDtid iMen v.ell hides il.e iirvifH In a lew edloDle* U tifta*.
s.-:.i as. their oo.k & thmoea.
Utile Rvfi Rlc ki tt I* ven- 111 at this erse grangers will do their full sh-are
ihiriBg Jicvem- added t'ne ImproVentent In fixtt beai>
Tlw fliwt ihim; Uio^ was Inian up;
;nrik with cbi'lK n-il 'pvi-v
In Increasing the men bor-'-dp. (J.ie
•III.;; .nf Hie Km.ii
otresis.-.iK'jiis a«‘-wi r".vp<" tin,, A it-od'Iwe ifiao from Wdyne
ai;.ho afteraooa soislou van
Mr. aand MrA L. nollesbedt ot.BB- of the suliordinatdi is alr-'idy mariug
evuBiT told UR that there
c..•l‘tmuli.•clll n ft-o.al the
Iho two hundred figure.
Iraiul Tit.veif'i-.
4l nomb.T of buslml* of alma.latice «f lew fiyvl here ..atsldo w^ln Ian- vUitlug irii-uas i>ua
‘, TJio
^ i sPil of .ui«TVf«or» iskhiK Il.-it
FouHi Milton tbi* week.
Votlng^by Ma'd.
••WI.I-..1 i.u keied by farmers In De>'of the on-hni.ls Utcmirtves, Ulltow.
Howard* Parita aod wife have
klany iicrsons were un.-bin to east
IAar.1 l«v w-«l-4n in the matler <>f,Tlie’ieia.H<!
bapxwood. raspberry, olover. back
' M-inIter c 91 fiouriBK mill*
moved to Raidd t'liy to make (heir fu- a vole at fh'e big elecHon Issj NovonviUiR
ahi-rt time iirisi.ii. r*. i;
-s, durian the pa.<l
Iii- el.-\4rtor» and to grain wiii-ai. ii:llkw<.e;l.' goldcnrod sumach
of absence fnim th-Ir
.« that the oont«i,ta l.l•lx,.v.n 1‘i.’.,-yc^.^ Im.iram-e v,. v .>r t;.1
was i»r a t.iial of lf.3.7ri7
dilT.-reiil nmini.w mid
Uvlieit Hrown sjwnt the week- botm- cities. It ha* beeft suggested
L Why nut »>ait ibl* spring?
1 iClivwr.
Oils aiiioonl 9lj::» btisbbii.li.lii.
hot’se of lerrNdiOi, wbl'li ii
th her ehuer, Mr - Hi»i-e Fox, that a plan I-c woihed out whrn-by
:i..v..2r..7-.i.utiil.e's'iiiid ...-nr
imikciel in t'le somhertj
itirlitiitiim. nird the only phu- ■ III ll.e .
Bg hiotue to Klk Rapldk ye*tcr abnentees vote by n-jill. Thi-r.- ar*
A cailoiol of npidca. mbsily noHhV"^> w,.Uh;..r piepertv .11;^^, ,,,
of r:iimili-s. t.'i.ici la the
will re these sliiirt
argamenu both for and against Hie
I . e l‘’*-'u ,firt: Tbo.ivnuu-ti./ hps'.iMlil m 'he'
I .=|dp;T hroojfht Jf.'iD to cooMinier
iiitles aA’I 13.k72 in the
Mr. and Mr* Prank Wllsnn enter- proiNtsilion. and these are to be pre- .
le artion *h,.iiIdJ^^„„.^ „f tb.- tims- .oimiie.i ' ’
Chleago. They wen- htilliiied from
itbern iDiiHcs auci fpiwr Pealnsu.
raken' t<i provide for-foieh
the Musical Hub Friday even sented at tbe meeting it tbe Cass
aa TVcine otrehard.
h.!.>a . d.i'tiiic Hie'yca"
*tp-e( liall. Saturday afternoon next.
siHvwin!; thill till is. <»-ie .if ILe.ej!' j
uated luial nawb.w of
liiitli the prlBoiii’rs iind .orilei-rR
The Boulh Mllion ilu-Hcal H-jb N
ere a granger you better be on
As to natural resource* compared
iniial .cnlerpriM-; i»f ll.ii rexisii
wheat tmir'^eicd In Hie
tl.e keop of 111.* Mriw-ner* while there,*
invited to Ring for the Kpw.inh league band to bear what Is said.
with nher sifttons. we have onl;
_ . ,
Olid iiiie that iKv'r.v.'S the h-val sup
.. ...
4. and
.Aiicusl-Heci inU-r, wa*
The Sauinav'
Jioirt! ,___
havi' Invi-stixat.
, . .
1 Kewadin next Sunday cvenlug.
Figures Show Thst Grind Tfaveesc i the matter niut seeai i4i iliJnk that ihe ''1.'. ^ Wr.'U.i -i « l u arjiu ... 2,7:i---..i
ofvhai'ds idanied out by nieii who n
,Tft. fcillowiuiroUl.iT, wew eteel. il
In Csc^l.cnt Finaittial'
Nlneiy-« p tiilil*,. elevator*
Fbotdd mol t a building,
to I08C one of his horses last nlghu^'
•Hfaeuw they pleMe to make
I’i.M.l-;i'l- -it.>;4it lUr.ivV.
reiKiri no wlicat i
griiiu deal
car.- of tiio ghur' tonne**. TM» i.-aihv
Mlz* Gladya Chubb Is reiiOried
sucres* of fruit. Some of tben^ai
Vice l»iv*lilelil Jjl.tl While,
Hon a'.ks tliai (Irand tBravcrKi- aup -rBeing
1. toq. iTsn qulld 111 wlih lamipiK-. H.r sister.
wi.»tem and seulhrrs
l•ollt;ll..ln of lire ‘.toe;:
oi.ru pan* a t> oluilmraskln-.f M>o guv, fi.rc-ctors -1.. It lliiiri.-. .-ctul, liis., l!
rt^.r: cf <'.;inet.v C!«r'.
Mrs. Henry Fox. Is cariuc for her.
Hhe :! nnuli!
I ii4 Tvporti^d a* followr.
iiiir to pri-pnre n l>ill to pn>scpt. ii> 11 tniui lif .Aniiiiii e.mtity.
eounibli li-i.f ."t< jiT.t •
Wc are gdlnc to have a new rural
rJ^er i:. While
e l^raluire. iilam.in^ftir fui Ii a
The annual meeting of the Northof lMiearllleti liatie--aiid' war .<•-i
The ease with which Ihc city man route lariicr out of Rapid City, beginihrifix roiidlUon; bunes. 1« :«rtcd from bU moDoy and inJoced nlnj. loday.
port Fnili Growers' A*w>rUitUm was
rl«e in every^cij.ll. Jkiine jtt-uu aiP and 'V.iue P'L
The iiqicsttnn u.-* bnninlil tip -,iii.': i
held Jannary $. and the reports fur
thanju.R.r'un iiileien nt.l en
to liny a soralled fruit (arm In vouib*• *iipervisor» that I) inighl be* elie.-.p»se pi: ■es January l*t eni Mtchigan is very touching. It I*
the preceding season weiir found to l>e
quoted. Tfc" tvjuiil.v owns Ih.- c. i-r
The PenaH;
malty cf
tu put the short :-ni;e;-s-ai work
the ‘primi|ial farm pn>d- true that years ago the region bMween
Tl) neglect your health .. _ ,... encourwglng.
___ association
htase p..>perty.
1 The i-ontiiv rjiid*. a* was plinip.l
n* follow*:
Jail bnlldluK*. rr..-,*.i;e.re; .-o.iik?’,
St. Joseph and Detroit ralaad quanil- againsi aatitre ami frequooHy the iwn L|ce(ed Rev. A. Benttll as Us aecrea previous aciiun of Hie board, her
gp prire Of Wheat l>er ties of good fruH. but since the Ran
-d..d d»,dcd..
'and new liiUtniary.
LTiiun Ti-1 .tayh c
fair ."toucdii. >tr..iH>‘,: lai-.h n> hyid nothing Ilf the. kind li.is ever t*e« il ii hcl «
Jose scale has soiled apide orcbsrdi K is Hu- htralght road to Urlsbfs Jjis- broaden out its work for tbe year i ill.
.• a ihan.-.i in e.
The U-sr coarse I* (o take a'Tbe past season 4.60(1 barr-Is of^spMd :a bank. jri.My.M; roiab-i'fn done. On mntbii that matter. w:s
.ciit~ and out* 2:. and live ''reUow*" In peach have atpViTl.il 1
IIEKUK'K'S SUCAK'pi^ wpre markcied, beside* a Urge
T-.. .-tei-tkc -(•mil
••s lh;i: :
t;St-T». . I.;..h"lii.-s — Notes IxaM.II. tnlci /ever iinsll the April aesalim of i up
verjTCe iirice of hay jicr tu.sl dealroycd rverytliing but graiw-s
lATKIi PH.I« whenever
Ike ihfciiiNl '.pU I
Hi»i ystim'al lianV.
lu.ud,- lioard. ,
uu. The avera'je p.-Icc and iieapu, this poor victim I* Mill
*|1.WK‘L other lieiliS. #ie::.Si; t.i;-!
* I>|•<■I1 rtiduCi-u llirei*
wa* »;.42 l>er cwt.; of l*ropliig in the dork and these old able II will clean you out. restore ai* aoclalloa baa purchasod a wart-lmuse
I'fHi.r fat I
petite and eheerlul spirits.
wo.-lA t9.?.S5!.fl.
. iicr r-*T.. and Of dtv*f- Tdaoes change lianJ* even' year
;'»4jrnt tioKi
ct*. Sold i>> Ml druggUU.
The fti.il reivipl* of titlmm-y srhn»l
Hr:t.j„,- i-otk »s,
producta from the farm.
uaaiL-i on one '.'atid n-nl
two. /So many of these felhiws buy
KKiney f.w the illffeo-n*. lownshi;'*
.in -nil.! !ro>and on
• o
Ihe south of ns. an.l make a failure
j, T'l..
means ihul ihc rat- will
that Ihe thing gats tiresome and givee
Deiter than $20.ooo was paid (vut
fv Planned For Late C
,‘foul suuoi.nt paid on by cJi'ik*.
l»w Wc-il less'than the l-rlf •r.r old »3 32 between one and twoixMchlsan a
during the fall of 1912 by the John
bad narne.
Other*boy In
SSitl.tlul J".'. Tli'o- eje I" caui.'v roa
lieu-tiifon. rlrtirgi.t Oa' lalde
i iwiwii twii and lOregqnor Washington, and won't
C. XIorgan cider mill at Travente Hlty.
i.rr iiUI ;
oismd cr..l n'li-.-aicd by Ihe .-mini
a ilie rate Ms -Locn n-dui-d
old »I2f‘.2C and three conH-'to-westem Michigan because It
This was for apples that would not
Tbi tv w:> t (aid out on ib(T'<' roads bi4i
I* w*y iiainfn] and ex- «mdo annielently blj* to warrant
»l Vi fer
is “too tar a<day.''
III AilKiT. lau. n.- MlmurlKl sci
year biJ-.l-'-.'-'i. and the stnt.- ha* re
i-laliy hi rhr chronic, being pUced ivon the tnarkeC
; word I Scud n.e ciUil.s-r-T C.i:-b
worth $tC,K3 per
vires for the Lite ('nnarc- vmai- Wcil.
fuBdud 'll* |irlz>‘*us>u.‘y, $::.td3.
DOB't forget that the Wnalem Mich- stage. To gei quick relief when iht-«cj
•r Ilian milch cows,
i-nic.vir. who ivcetitly i-iiiksi hi.i hie nddi-fc.UHi w-.J in exiii > of IJ. The
spell* come on. RKNNK'S PAIN-KlIJcl
T<*;«l dellaquMit tax i ollecled. ,l|fi,
ISO MAGIC Oil. I» the thing needed.^ In the last three years IS Wosiern
car old Fit Of: 1-etween
» menially im'.alunccd. will \-c
(193.0:; ib|ii»r l.ax. fllA<ll'.>>t: total all
riiid tw'h T.-nr* old tr.";-'."; l-e- tbU as Ihe real fruit section U doing It ts a clean and plMsani but »erymirt,ig,n real estate drwlm bars
held here January 27. The coasrc-- In illiim'-.. Itdmiii nnd'M;.’. xun r.'ill
other; fxOtSI.lO,
^ jjj
w*wtall a srrvlre that the yrwrs will IieneirattBg rerasdy , that, eases
ii<l Ihrc’ years old i:;- Id
slonal ilel.-tuiHun of nitecn incmKrs be ll.dS for 2i> -woid* ami -five rem*
prove. When
realize that. lice- i«ain as *»'U a* 11 reaches the »eit of.
addiilbnal fur each wurd ovi-r Uiat
Htcnigan region,
trouble. It is effective also in cramp*
(too Per Plate.
ili.-r Wwk end hiirr* fihil 1nin the bowel*, dywentpry. •!«*
*lck storestone
II' liT ewi* yeqr |;i.7t; nod lanau conoiy alone ha* 65.900 1
was paid a« a Janmei to Henrv <1i\ Ikwii xtaitp'l lor u'lH'imancul MV-Iof
• Faliirday hixht will be delivered
ik New Oibciiiis In IM3. 'Miuhu nc-'r
Within a radius of serea nlUa of
i.wf.*r:u, litres not rat
ipi- 'mcmorlaL
agalnM 4,309 acre* In Wenatebee vaP
for ilmse wH’i sioinarlt tnmlile or i.
MoiiJ.iy.uiomliii;. or 21 hour* ixir
the rilh^e of vopeunsh. Manlgiew
■mil »c
dlgcMlon. Ti-lay Ivctnde eieriwh.-re
mqst know that we art
liir Ilian ct the pre i-nl lime.
Real Estate Tranafert
covBty, se slIuB were erertetf dnnsg
for the Ktv.c.
■nil- prim
nei* Itr. KI*:gV New I.lfc Pill* tor ih.ei
What OM He HeaRt
modest by far. We want settlers snd
seaBon of H-I5.
troa'ile* ns well a* llvor. kidm-y and
TIk- pi:lwc
•Vow look hen. Maria." eald Mr.
. ,
Be«e| disord rs.
iik.-n plair- this, last week;
Campaigns are being' started at
■ e 21 'real*:
WomhaL "U you don't stop plsytof
thiin II
Only 2:. eviK* s all ilrui
riia*. niappel and oHaT* 10 Ja-iea
ktMco aU tbe time ni take a haa^ Nofthport and I^idlngton alniMl at the
«liined<i>m io cents oats .12 cent*
•liapiml nV: <.f neti an-2Vlo.
sccBringVr caanln3 (actorW for Ibe
nnd hajr tl.
sold apples at II.OO lo ft.23 |>er barReforming.
A Hero in a Lightheue#
porpoae of working up the frtilis that
(Irocge Jnlinson and wife, to Mfiiiam Veterans snd
prlcrw of horse*,
Ctsoperalkm among growers tan
•^00 often rcfirm-r* who aen'-keon TMrn.-r .nnd wife. I.ir 26 ami 2:. Pc+ry
of sufBdcBt qiiaUty to war*
year a-fa »a* a* follows: umler only remedy ibis.
“F“va- " ■ na»v
■qrfooBvenjng the other'half lo cold. ibii'aah'* first ndd-tion.
.waned awful wrwike.'f*n1 »l»ll'n>enfcyear old tal 72: lietwi-en one and
Mini con;.hlHrc.il&ti of'every act. rfi
John ron'rtade to Ficd Sir.nii. sw'.i
The member* of tlie .(1 A. U.-nn‘1 1*0 year* lid IW.W; U-tween t#o
at reform* wilt the nost bcat.-d frvn
of hwU SV27-H',
le W. II.
rxii'iidtil an ilivitatloti and three years old <122.tr. and three
ihow* BO well the hcIplessneB* of the had Boe prevented.
l.eroy R. F«:ui* lo .Arthur Saxton, > Ihe bm-vd of sqpcrvliHirs to i
>ar* old aijdVer $162.t».
of klAey iroubl* and (hills.'' be wrltee
grower. Ah Evanston man -was
Frightful Polar Winda,
o' peLi With i-rei.ptkais. ivrc-li. wltli lli.-nt ia their johiiib i.i the
cwitlnue for one weA
Milch eoi^ wpte worth ^*41.73
.Mason county Uat fall snd Rrand a ‘■after 1 bad Uken other to ealied
bkvw with ii'iiilie force- at liie r.<
Melvin T. Mi ’.iro to flarcnix* XV. Seh
cures for years, wltboui bMe^and All Michigan people ehonld write tbrir
Ibc (x.uri nuuse Iasi luglii head, CatU{- oth.w than inllch row*,
rth ajid pla- lavcK- with the ikUi
handsome Idt of sweet gtai>«Biof *i-»4 rr.-2Mii.
also Improved my sitfiL Sow, at piitsbnrg friends to be s
• v'-mk suidier. whkh wa* under one- ^•nr old lllll; luHween eral tons. He finally'ibonght them from
lauvhi-' iv.l. r< iih o" w-Tc. chapio.. kUk
are feellag fine." Fbr dyspepels.
display of faacy applea and the
Per;y Fufoeld lo William loaning. ufcaniwiMitJy acceplmJ. ■.tnJ tbr uuinhands and !!t>* Hint need Hiieki::!'
id tw<i year* oW $I0..-.6 between the grower at IIP.OO i>sr ton and ship indigeetlcm. all
^iubve. tWt
Artik-a f.Hv- In h.-al yiem. ti rti-if- M-M-ral part* of 221 mil 3:i-2**-!i.
wblch iho gold siilUEB that hs l
they r. wltboet equiS: •»»*'’»« « Ukhlmo poutoe. 1
Id th^ y-rar* old CI.02 a
ping them home in kegs sold tbe
the tkln sof' ciid Bmcs.Hi, rurtv^l.-.
(•l■orve ilnrjew and oilier* to Ida bm-n provld.ll dlsapinored -pr-ne
^ 00 exhibition at this tlmwhole lot to his grocers at $149.00 |>er
three yrirn kdd and over $29.33.
fm-'rohl s-i-eti. al.io t.urns. »ore«. iil
llar- that the hosu bud liosieKscs kiie
COTS. cr:r. Inin-; ;.ml pile*. Only 3 Solherl, lot* r. nud 6, I-biil;
Sheep utpler one year old $3
After paying the shipping ea'low farm aildltion.
II fvacb Ihe gmuiis. a* the table* id ont- >e^ old and over. $3coDte^I all'driiggist*.
■•ehaes he clearcl about $300.00. Am
loaded with alt tiuiniier of ap
the grocer* nearly doubled their toon
Hogs not fattened. $'3,os i«er cwt.,
IH-Ilrllic dalntie*. '
py. (00. No wonder the poor
Tie ■|wlnnre of the evening w-gt
iSccreiary of State.
spefil Ih story tcT|!ng and phcie* tint
all.enj«vcd. -Mr.-Wae*. iber Janitor,
Will someone extdaln the lost art of
was Indtim-J to brlbg -but bis violin
Ehb'plBg by express. Oor experieaee
linn !■>• bad not touched In a good ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
disconroghig. iSfo ho«es of ai"
■nupy yi ai*. and w)io i.t (wie Hmo
OslKirii. din, 7.—Dr. Shank of Em- pies to Milw.Mkee by AnericaB, on
the auHioiity for dance .niuBic. jim! plro pa**eil through (>ur town Monday which 74 eettu each wa* coReried. an
Earh cnrrj'iiif’ twenty dollars in his
a»»Rie of them wish eiiroutc for hve*t Kssson on profeo- rived with Ibe paekages breketr ops*
it algiost made so
ptKiket. means $2,000 idle money, suIh
that ttW were In a plow- whete they sloual iiiisln^K.
and h^f the frwit etoteii. Two bage
they could do. It
riinld n'Xjrh.Tt they
Going to get oat some logs or wood ? If so,
Ix>c hsuuix sores to be the older or ivoutoee to Ort partr arrieed two
jeet to logs and iliefi. If the thousands
Pleaaaiit way to heir The atipeo of the day jat Ibl* wrilinF. ns U>ei« ■day* tote and frozeastW. Obe bnabel
yoa'D want some tools, and we have a good stock of
of doDars ihaUirc today in the pockets
vlaers pan* the time bi-iweeii their are four or five teams hauling from of Alexanders t» CAleago arrived ao
Axes. Wedges. Cant Hook*. Chain*, Loading
lusines* aebsiowa. /
and the homes of «he people, were de^
camp No. I |io Pearl Lake.
^ soft a* to be naM <4r nee and a bnatiBtocl^ Skidding Tongs, etc. Our prices are very low
A Buniix P frorti tlila vicinity went
of KIbeitas eame to hand with the
IJosifed in the banks, both parties to the
A GIri's WUd Midnight Ride
have the famoue “Sager" Axe, This Axe
to Cedar wljh beef catti* Monday for Juice dripping froai the bottom, and
o woru people of a lekiful f^-i
trausaclion would ^ain. and to the .de
ia haad 6»ged aod fully warranted in every way. We
Joe ZimuiiT^an of Tmviitwe Otv.
spoiled. Neal time sre will try canal
bi the Oatektli* a foimg girl r
leback at midnight and sa'-ed many, Frank Herman of fMst. Empire wna
scad by ox 'earn, as we will herpositor would come a fecHug „of perfect.
have Atkins. Sin^d and Uoere BroaCroe* Citf saw*.
hutnan llvi-a. Her deed was'glon.-.-ia.
■ >born Mbo^v afiernooa. Uialy save those »he*cy eapreas
The Mkorfftoa’Saw is made of clock spring steel,
safet>’ as well as profit.
-.eoften siivad by * r.
L lives I
sorry to bear of the efaarges. 'Our service reaBy shMld be
pat^^ttd and filly warranted We think it is
We pay you interest on dib|>osits.
Neil Donu had lo loB- fBRweved.
irouble, coughs aui
Urge ti-ork boreea last
Ifi-ve ended lu r.-n*iiTUp(ioli or pr*-it
reonin. "It cured me of a dreadful
Come |n-«hd see our lumbering Ools before yoa
Baldwins from Maine, Jeaat
iiHigt) Tud lung disease." « rites XV. IL
Doran and sone of Os- ram Nebraska and Mtaonri, WlneI'aiK TSoii. WoHIngton.
Tex. "after
i|ilre cnllets Sunday to
four III cur family hnd died with < vnserriaaa.
siiKiuHuii. ami I gainTCl K7 poundw"
NoHiinx ao sure end aefe few nil throat
log of West Almlrn wax flrtn handled 7.000 hereto of fine 'Ne
sad lime (ruuUva ITlee -'He nnd $1.
bis pnront* «tutdn.v.
braska stack tkk tori scaaoB). GTacyTrial buUle free. Qunrnaleod by nil
,to worktog fbr Ed-Gray at wnp No. 1 ^dy dotag a toad oBloO baatoeas eiy
• * «
. 68AHB IE»T*1i»* HMUttD Mm IMTBW! *«
’f.\hE Rn\*nM •
Read This
The Public Benefits
Thousands of dollars worth of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Stoves, Dishest living
Machines, Washing Machines, and other House-Furnishings must be sold at once re
gardless of price, to rnake room. We must move every piece of merchandise on our
second floor to put on a ceiling.
1 ,
Prices Were Never Cut Lower
We Bouglit a TravellnB Man's Sample
Line oi Bed Blankets and we arc going to
give yon Ibe benellt ol tbe bay.
Four Big Bar
gain:; From Our
Big Pre-Invcntor.v and Roommaklno Sale.
Buffettf, China Close's, Mus
ic Cabinets, Ladies’’ Waiting
Desks, Book Cases, Book
Racks, Fancy Dishes, 'Cut
Glass and Silvenware logo re
gardless of profit.
See What This Means To Yoiu
Sl.OO Blankets at 50c.
52.00 Blankets at 51.00.
53.00 Blankets at 51.50.
Anil so on rtgtat ap to the very t>cst
blankets made.
n___thfese are the sampleo the
tv€m€1UuBT» travelinjl man used iii seniii}*
blankets to the dealers and contain practically everythingjnade in the Blanket line. Here are a few
Iron Beds
:i'l* «-ri.5s .iuv'^s Jin'!
!4trv lU Ndh
«ml.. Ii> i.ii|>
an; fit". Sale i'r;rr.
1-'^ li«> I'.akm>l>F.
anti m»Hrr->
:n iin/
1.10 imiKiilcd Fell finish Blanket
.55 .
I.SOXxtra heavy, extra large “
$5.00 Woolknap Blanket, extra heavy $2.50
Other Woolknip Blankets $2.10 and 2 35
$7 SO Fine grade of all wool Blankets
Other All Wool Blankets $3.10 ami $2.95
These sample blankets .include a number
‘ ot Crib and Baby blankets.
Sample Rockers
One of the most useful pieces of houst fumithings ycu can have around the house.
Makes a nice couch oi cozy-comer piece
in the daytime and a comfortable bed at
Regular $4.00 kind, sale price. $2 65.
The number of these is limited. First
come, first served.
four pjeces of hoiisefurnis'.iljigo to you, we
do it,' knowing that
$ .95 medium siic Colton Blanket 9 AVh.
t'lin I.'r Itie Tra-. r • fit; flu.,
f..'. .am,lie nel.iis. .-rli over up
ii'iijr;: sc.'l’ arul tr:!!''’.aet:. i:on<rlri« Oane IctiUiT iipti.i
Merine. MV-invrtrtfry and roommaJ
l:'K -alo prirv. Sfi T.-.\\> Itavt' hovoial pattcins nf Uif '
r.aiui l.n- 'a. churr o frau. .raiirdns b
;-iicv up ftora-l:.7i.
In presenting these
q'jalitylc-msidered, you
could nnt duplicate them
an) white in the Unit
ed Sla es for ^0 I
cent m>re money. 1 hey
are nof goods bought
for ta^ purposes but
ate ^ood, substantial
pieces,! every one ol
them, and are sold with
our I'siial guarantee, “It
not satisfactory, please
return them."
Ttii.. !:HDiiroinc fJ'.iary Inlilo :.n
lei's** n»kn qnartcred-oak s alii bd<I
iiMuvumi, 42" l«ns X 28" miili?. is
stroll); al.d ««ll irrH'dr. rriliif ircibrt flo.iKi, tiro-lnT.'niur} lUiJ nrumniatcir- sate price.
Ladies’ Desk
A benutiful qunrier-sawed Oak Desk, polished
finish, worth $S 50. prerinventory and room-making
sale price 1525.
Beautiful, large, flaky, genuine quartered oak
Music Cabinet, finish as good as any piano, $1500
value, pre-inventory • and room-making sale price
$11.«0. Others at $5.00. $6.00 and $8 00.
Imported German Range
•Till' fainmi:- Maen*'l I'nlvrtsal Steel
wonrler Cor the p^tre
»:«• Jcllinr it nt. - Notr* the Ibtbc.
n.mmodliiiifi wBmilm: clo>ot. the lofields ich xallPtr". hui^ cn.il
<ir wreil. l’rp-ln\cnt*>r>' L.lid ' roonii.iaklt's sbk* price. 121.".
A colossal event for outfij buyers. A'l profits are ;swept away.
A sacrifice without a counterpart- a bargain event that will surpass
anything before attempted by any ho'jse-fumishing concern in the state.
Prices of the best fumiiure cutito the actual value of iuferibr grades.
The gigantic slock 16 be cut to'its lowest poasible point bafore the first
of February.
Come in and get your share of the f a'gains.
Several styles and finishes to select from both iin
the roufld and square top with legs or with pedestal,
ranging in.price from a,good, substantial table av$6.00
up as high as you want to go.
A lieautiful solid oak ffuffet, two top drawers,
one lineil for silverware, two dish closets. Il”x30 ’
French beveled plate mfrror, worth $10.00. pre in
ventory and room-making sale price $10.75.
Come in ami see this beautiful stove and j^e the
(lifTerence between the ranges used in Germany and
our American ranges.
A good •••ortment ra »el«n ttnm. A l»r*e. hcamlfBt. well
iit.-.ae eomh. u|>ho’rt«*icd in RctiolBe Cba«« Jcalher. full omptrer of
sirrlwr, ranvn* lined, T^Ur *18.00 vfclnc. pre-Jnvratorr >b-J pooninuikiSE sale price, fn.7$.
*S*.06 roll lop couch, extra Unw. extra, roe- of sprlnga, pre-tnventory and room-maXlnx aale prk» I1I.75.
outers at *7.:a IlS.OO and *18.00.
We have several broken, sets of Dining Room Chairs
—some of them four and five of a kind, that you can
buy at one-half of their real value.
Six good, solid oak chairs, rubbed finish, leather
seats, regular $ 16 00 value at $ 11.25.
Attend the Great Pre-Inventory and Rooi^ Making Sale at J* W. Slater’s. The original
and only exclusive house-furnisher in Grand Traverse region.
W. S L A. T E R aSB.
hi>- e<^, muBlm ana labJc trrai«.
bits ot meat. MfiecUlly i uci. and a
♦ dlab of^ rater are oa the Uau.' bill of
, ♦- fare
“Besidet the ben‘-i)i m ibc birdH,
^ arork of thli kind, whra nmdcrtacun
4,4 i>> tbe pnpiU or tbe ecboola; baa
Rtdaa and Regutatiena of the
edurallooal valoe tbat canitot be overHerald Yoiino Felka Sunahina J
• Well;" aai'l j
I must aee «hai I bavr tor tbe Atimated. It tneaoe the devdopmeat
pf bnmaBe teodencie*. tid a tnilni-it
I will try never to worry or 4 <-«nnlog dfltors," And eo she rent
,___ ____ ______________ ,u. ..
•• « far !.7«in.
♦ MirJvTL
be tovino.
lovlne. helpfo!
h.lotuf ^
I will try to be
1 thL
Sure eiio«h. the suel wo. ,1111 of pleasure later In life.
...ir.* i.i.
»• ‘o ►*<>* 'o «’»•"'
tt 1
•• S“'
“ “"«»’« red ribbon.
•» >n««r«««l
1 A* •he watched him. .n.llInK to her- this phm« otlmmanc work:
meanwhile, what should she hear
"A »'Mrd, sU ioebes -wide and two
but "Honk: Hopk: llonUr from a feel Iona, ahoutd be fastened to a
,herc wa. Ma.tet
" «»• * blph ,«t out of the
K,„h«t..h. ,«:n*nK down head-first, and
^r «»'«»■« • ■ oi.vea>nl
Orsaiilacd Oeeernb^-8. 18#8.
lalkluB llht a funnj- little antomoNIe
'f ”*’'
Prcaldant-Nias Clara Batea.
,.rov« altraettve. or;d it undoutuedly
F.m V.« Pp..ldt«-«r., M.b.1
will, nan, hlrt. ta, 1» rmdirf .1
Bdtec Willidnw
w. n„i namt- yon ^'*”1®
-'“-'"1! ihe vlaliora will
Mddr.d Via. Frd.ld.nt_MaK Inod a„„,, Jl.ow d. .lid make a 'l.oai. '“l
red breanml adl
Pomeroy Shlel^
neas of hl» «»roakfa-f "Ho pvprv.
wMte-brcssled nulhatfh, downy
Simahlne Crardmother-M«. A. I..
and hairy »ood|N.<kcrs. blue Ja>.
»ecn>«l to juiy. AnJ your lYesl. J""™. «»-J ah oerailonal robin.
„,.„h.r.T^nninn j.n ‘’‘‘Ot poni-ldered that preity Rood ad“Sonie birds, who are accuMom^ to
1 t9?2
What do you think?
search for thrlr food close to the
' J___________ __
In a moment there war a flutter of-*'^''"*’- *”■ mu so likely to find the
Nii^r ct names on the Cradle Roll *lni:a. and then came the dC hickHdeea.'
}“"ros; the whiteJ»i. 1, ISIS, SCU.
Hy irtbt^ime the suet had i,we„,„c "’roaled Marrows: the whiie<rowned
-----■■ loorenej In son e way. and hi:iiK from and tbe trce-t]<arowB. For these hlids
,he «rli« with which l! had been a better way Is to spade up a bit ol
Coldia Koch. KinRsley. Mleh.
. ued. However, that made no dlffew' around. If the frost 1» nuffirlomlv .uit:
r keep It clear of siiow' If there are
Rose Uatldson. , htn Ijwiderdalc. ence to the clikkadeps.
sw'ooil^ to the awayins lUece. duns, late norms, and place the food upi.n
Uoran Carotbere. Fife take, Mich., by both feet, an.l had a peod meal.
r birds tl
hope the boys and giria will aaloy
their letters. Walt. 1 will atop for this
time as I do not want to Uke up too
much room la the Snnsblna page.
Prom your!little Sunablne girl.
Chios Bald-vlA.
Indeed youlhava not bean .fdrgotten.
Cbloe. I am ^lad that yon are spread
ing Sanshlnai wherever you go.
Brlnea. He belonged to the Sunshine
said she. with a little wonderlBE
Club once, but it is so ?ong ago that
qua^Une unwouldn't fall oB when I was
be would like to Join again, and please
right la the middle."
send the card and bntton to me. end 1 *»***>>. And at Carl Hagenbeek's Sq you oouldn'l." maming anillod.
win give them to him. For a pet 1
near Hamberg are gath- ktaklng tbe wee hand to go homo. •
have a at. ,Her name la Puaay.
in- -why. there comes Mamie:"
Prom your toTing Sunahloer.
‘rt*'®*- «•«
And so It truly was. She had been
Croce A. Briggs.
••• Pmng oatricheA a young crying, too. and the tears made fusny
I will send your brother a new but- >“<*'“ rhinoceros, and a clumsy, nn- utOe roads down her cheeks, which
ton. and a new card with bU old nnm- calnly blppotonina that weighed forty hadn't been wasbaa after the sand!»»'»»»
gorillaa an-1 cakee.
Traversa CUjt. Mich.. R. F.'D. No.-;. ber or. it.
ruwrhirFhumfrE .ocirrv. ““r
yo nn., o niw- ,n. b.m lonn,
I Bos U. -Jan. I. 1913.
T„ p«. M curi,. K,1 F~.in.-i F" F„n re.. i
IMar Presidett—
Lu, F„k ,o.r rrreia.., U.M
■“« n'*"
.u„I racaivod Four kind and weleoma
,b. ,Rre, “n 'F*ni. k.»n. ot arer. TO.re .r.
■, ,i,i
„;a Hn., .lib a nuj
letter, and am' going to write ngntn so .bim rem. cbl..-,.,.
* »”•'*'
soon becausoil want lo write to tbe • n,., red .red mn. Cbre.re
Sunshine Cliiti on the first day ot the
TbR .reb ,b. »re
~~C.rere P,l„.
.b.., ,bm.
UR, re..a ba, Ob, bare
A ... vrer, ..a, . h... . R.v.lre, a
new .year. I Jvad a good time on
Drea, ... . ,„i„.
j^-nn,. ,b.re|^...ia
Christmas. I
a pair of pants snJ
,„^c-w,.j;.bre. A, nm b.
a sweater, a niouth organ, some candy, wl,b .bon. oreobea .ft., bU, p.p., ““ .“ ""*-.0 ItOM. Far «.0
pcanuif and nnls. We are going to ..broad bun Flih nl,i,y .1 tren to
iha, “ n® F.aiU an orerirti he oouU ict ,b., .h.-mn.i be
and. allMr. Albert Welch's for .Vew Year's. I bU bn,., red ...1 bro.o
guess that is'all for this time, so I erereased ever,' ihonphi la bla hurt * m®”*
®, holdina lie, acnilj- bai Br.ily' hr
must close. I
a. tdalalr re I, be bad had iba -«l,
.■ ““
«>. boar. ».ih ctoed h.ada .be
From your loving friend,
or aibtoh. U.e oalj baaua aiMbaie
•'"■•n ,a yield a,i her .111 ron,|,le,...
dealed bla,.- wriiu Hoae Kloaaley,
babtea. baul.Rll doeaa, lure jy.
beumc a ara.i affecUoMic
Clarence Savagts.
. It is a nici plan to write to the la re .male .boa, her l.ibeP. doa.
i”"*"'- WI'H
“™ “”«■ bird, a. .ell u a bab uiher.
Sunshine Clul^ on >'ow Year's Day. I Dredy wu bit leanird muter', Urn
Fn'n *' fIH Pe-P
Aboul a yur alier Polly uare lo
hni>e you wlllj write oflen, (broughont do*' and nude 1, hi. eapeela! duiv «t Vke oatalde world no* red ihen and ,he hoime. a Mili-.t ra, wu added re
the yenr 1913'
lo aeoamprey him oa bl. vl.lu amoae
""i •lliH'l"!‘
will dart la
a„„ber al
Oae day .Par
I •
lb, peonl. ot lb. rert.b- Samabain
>“?' **." " "“i 1““
'1" “ '"eP •"
Trsverse Cityj Mich.. R. P. 1), No. S. Raady arieadU ebareb. and when be •”*Uai' and m> b.lpledaibai I, «mm.E„all.b a»rew la vb. back yard. ,ba
I Box ]&. Jnn. 5. 1913. did, "he behaved wllb bl. woobrd dU. re”' walblaa I...........
Baby huflBloea. In tbclr reddish »nd found Polly perched on the ouiHear PrealdeiicreiUon.'' «ya his mlsireas. "calmly
I would lll:f to Join tbe Sunablne lying down i
ttie ti' or’the high
«««Thinking. I suppose, thst here was
Club. Will yof please send me a card old-fastiloned puprt* aieipA Jooklng■ graceful. The young of the deer arc
and Imtlon? Ijam eight years old. and around on the amoaed congregation is even more beamlfnl. for from With., templing morsel for her briakfaM.
go to nrbonl. 41 am lo thq.. fourth much aa to say, 'if you auempt to the Wwna nre covered with dark vcl- the cat at once n*sumed a springing
vety spotA The'r bcdles are well altitude, and crejrt cloaer and closer to
nnnoy my master.
fend him.’" Dandy lived to Wthlr“‘J"' hwls Onely abaped. and the cage. Her eyes gUred with anx^ura M. Zimmerman.
teen years old. and when he died
loua desire. and,Jiiat as she was about
We. are always so pleased lo have Kingsley l.lmself dug his grove and
“ •"PW'e„,,Ke the final sprlnR. Polly-rearhmore ailrircl to our ooniber. for we Placed a alone.at ita head, engraved.
cd down over the edge of tbe cage and.
have snch happy times together In out "Fldell Fidclc*. the faithful to the
elerhant la oae of tbe called out:
big club.
fcltbful "
biggest tallies in tbe xoo. Usually :t
"Good morning; hope yon are well;
Victor ws. another dearly beloved '•
Interesting. be«uee ei blee, ,our heart:"
traverse Cily.lMich.. R. F. D. No. 4. pel of the 'groat author He waa a ***°“A*'
mlechlef. It Ian t playVerily, a soft answer turncth a*ay
{Box 109. Jan. C. 1913.
dachtdmnd of the royal breed for he
for kliiy'a fierce couatenaw*
Hear rrcsldentlww. Bl,u re Kreui.,' by SbUb VIA I**'™'
W"”" f"®" "
'®*"f®'1 1”“
®' '“"I®' "“I “I'
I am going ^ school now. I have lorla berxelf from her own kennel
stands miroUon. and ever after the two wert
tl.r.'c siudlea. | thfy are arithmetic. He was "nve liuhoa high and k yard
‘‘**“’* “*
, little Stleniion to It.—Selected.
roadiBg an,l g^grapby. 1 am In tbe long when he was grown.
Once while traveling through VIrBi'cond grade,
nine years old. I* mlstreaa. "And he acted like a
'e vtopjied at a sutloa wbero
have one liltle brother. We live right spoiled child and rvle<t the house. He
ColKB to the Office.
*!"'»« * number of negroes were galbby grandiiB nn I grandma. By brotli- Insisted on sleepjng in my bedroom,
□nc dav mamma went to the door ffttl «> •«
«*ln 1»** Pn'IJ' **»
cr's name Is T leman Rasho. He la and If he were 'put ouL hla shrieks ana
d looked
on the back -of my- aeat.
looseo op me rosg suu uu»i, luv •
- .• hnd
- six years old. Win you send m« a aroused tho house. He bad very eris- road to see If there was any One she nn*-®* the negroes apled her ihrongh
card and bmto as 1 want^lo-iolh the .locmk tastes. No power oo earth could aend a letter lo the postofflt* ^ window. _
Sunshine Club My letter is getting couM make him go down by tbe back by; but Ihere was notwdy around ex-- "IaWb. Jca look at dat ole Poll-par*
long. BO
rtaira, and If the maids-Invited him cepl tbe children, baking annd-cakes "JFrom
to the kitchen, he would leave tiiem in the sun.
to go down their own wav. and run"Dear me!" said mammA aloud "1 «*=
• J-n**®* «»«.
Peihai's y
dear little brother ntng rcund by the from atalro would wlah there was some one to take this
‘ «™od grew yetr
wouhl like tl Jpin the SUDsbloe Clqb meet them at the kitchen door.
letter. It cught to go. Grandma will
‘hen. Polly called ouL Hello.
also. 1 kno<
will make a fine
“Victor had not t.hc least obJecUoa want to know how Aunt Anne la."
w^a the matter with you.'
A uncle of brow n curU flew back
Tb« "Inritey, were awemrock. and aa
lo the belts, but he fell It right i
tbe train
Dved oB. we heard Joe say.
show hla aympotby for hU dear frlcn.l from a bright little (ace.
Klngelej. '.Mich.
u hear dat fbael?
Sweep, upon the principle that i»:"Wliy. I can Uke it for you. marn®
• »“»«>Jan^4, 1913- tatlon ia the alnroroal flattery. So as ma.~ aafil Klfle. JuuiiJng up and brushsurely got a siicrrit."
Dear Prexldcnt
soon as th>- ;<:'i :>c-;an. out of the li)g off her apron, "and I will:"
Neddy*a Long Word,
I thought
lid write lo-thc Sunbouse shot Vliio . Over the lawn. Mamma stooped and kissed the
"Remember, Neddy." said mamma,
shine Club,
liave never written
along the garden paths and through round. UlmpleJ face, that waa a wee one day. “uiways to acccmmodaio
before. I W'uuli like to Join the Suntho yard he firflowed Sweep In hla bit dirt;-. too.
even-one that yon can."
e Club. Please send Jpe a card tgDUlxed racA turning w4ien hla frlcnj "IVar child: " sa:d she. "But you're
“Yes'm." answered Neddy, benrtlly,
id bbnon. 1 h ,vc some nei<bcws and
turoed. stopping when be atopped. and ‘®®
*® h"- *b>l’V® unless—can't "i will." And mamma fell sure he
wbOF-r n .mea I would like on
ad^ng shill yelps and howU lo the r«“
>***• Wf’nl®^'
would, because Neddy la one of the
the Crndle Rol
They a‘i^:‘. Flora
btt^ng'a laroenutlona."
"Ooh. I don't want to:" said Mamie, very best boya to remember things
Galvin. Clifford {Calvin. Dorothy BergWhen (his IltGe dog fell 111. the beginning to pout. "I want to tdayt" you ever saw.
horst and Geot rta Berghqm.. I am
man whom even royalty loved to
alonA mamt&A dea like
The next day Mrs. Camp called to
>earo old i id In Ibe third grade.
hoacr laid aside hla bimy pen, and » mice." said Elfle.
bim as he was nuuilng down the
M.v teacher
le Is MIAS Alcia
for. two nishu and da<a nursed the . And Msmie waa more than sU years street with bis new sled flying aJong
» lovely tkarher. I
suffering little anlmak' And when
‘•®<‘ Elfle was not quite four, and -behind him.
will close, bopii
to see my I^er in
Victor’s big. wistful «yea closed-for- small of her age, bealJes.
"Neddy. Neddy: come here a min
ever, their Ual (daw* waa for the
* sorry- look came Into mamma’s ute. won't your'
Your loving S nsbiner.
kindly man whom bo had loved all *»'’*•
Neddy heard b«- and stoppe*!.
•*Vdear," she s^d to piOfe. (bough he didn't much want to. He
You livre 6 nshiny namA Coldia, his life with all tbe devoUon of bl*
dcacglah heart.
-■'you may go. ^me and Ict me fix you
goliig over on the Wilson hill.
« I am sure It oii't be bat^ for you
It fa gnbd to know these "liiHe “n." end In a very few minutes the coasting, arid was tn a great burry:
o be a Euubeai
things" about the great ones who brown curt* were freshly eoiibed and but he went up to Uie door where MrA
Camp was sundlng. and-fwlled off hb
Old Mission. >Heh... have Riven us our literature. It la the dlmp)od
even better to read and then make t®®*'® !'■
fur cap with a polite little bow, which
•Jltr.^. 1913.
,hem o«r «*a.
rh.rt,. '^I'®
Pl®re®A tb® UAr
Dear I'realdenlKingsley
"Will you run down to the elore far
I thought
ilj write because I
dsarr she asked. "I w.ct a spool
nm w-riilei for a long time.. I
have never told DU thst t am lame. I busy life ended: "You can And work ' A®'* d°®‘‘ ■‘«P t® P»®>' •!»»« ‘A* of twUL and I have no one lo aenJ."
Neddy’s eyes clouded up the least
have Iwen Urai n my right arm (or lo do-Just aa chivalrous work tn do
‘ ’“t- bit In the world, but Mrs. Camp was
about throe yea
1 have to write now as If you lived In any old fairy
®* “t® looking In her purae for the righv
with my left han{l. For |iett‘ have a land, such as Spenser Ulked of !n
hb 'Fain- Queen.- Now you can bo
mamma called once
change, and didn't fi.ilce; and before
dog. a ralf and
kitten. The Jog la
... •A*
It the bright aun of good
iJack and white Ills name Is Jac!:. a. tnie a knight errant, or lady er««« »»«»
1 will, nature waa shining again.In Noddyb
The calf Is black and white. Hla name rant. Id the present century-aa If you "Y®*had lived far away In the dark ages
eyeA anJ he answered "Yes'm." ss
leauiy. The kitten Is j
of violcDcu and rapine. So. fer yo.ir
cheerfully aa culd be.
.. y-oars old. anil w ill be
•®"' “(wt®'" ‘® ‘•’®
fro® ' It didn’t take long, after all. Tho
thirteenth of Fellnjarr. 1 am In the own aakea if not lor Godb sake keep
"he could
the fartheat. She
was - not a great way off. and
fourth and flfth {grades. My atqdlea aUve in you the a^e Of vrtat U.
**® »“1®
®»‘ ‘ there was no other customer; and
are reading, arithmetic, geography, and you know to be!^. noble and
“ *“!* N'««>dy. I® >®» '•«» *'® ®'‘®«‘®*® *»•
language, writing! and spellihg My beautiful and 1 don’t mean baaulltui
*>«* ®*»‘“ •'*•> ‘’'® ®>*®’
teacber'a name li Miss Brackenbury. In art, bu( beautKul In morala."
was a bend in $he road right there. . •Thank yoA" said Jlra. Camp, amll*
She la a good teugber. For Chriatmai
*Bablea of the Zoo.
, Mamma could see no farther.
h,n,. Then abe took a bright.
I got a game of patxlea. a sleil, a Jack
Tbe babies of the Zoo are wonder-T*>®“ ®*>« began to worry. It was a
jin,* from her pnrsA "Hers Is
knife, and a necktie. Wehadallasbiighl of our school. It was a good pic fully Bttrartlve, for In their first In- >«»* *®J*® ‘® “>® P®®l»«flc«- •ml Elfi© ^mctblng for you to buy peanuts
fanej- the younger wild creatures are »•» ®®®b a wee bit of a girl to go ao
.aid the. kindly, "and lYn very
ture. Will you send me another pin?
not Id tbe least eavage. or tretcher- *••• »>®n® And the bridge waa high. n,„rh obliged, bcaldcA"
1 have my card yet.
oua. and uauaUy they are pretty and
‘be water was deep under It; and bui Neddy shook hU bead at the
FYom your Sunkbincr.
have pleasant tricks of their own. ** *be should look over and get dixxy
(hough he liked peantrta almost
; l.«slle Jamlaon.
well aa maple sugar, whit* b say*
You have lUraeJ to write nicely The nwat playful of -the xoololgeal ®®<1 »®11—®h d®®rl' Wasn’( ibU a fool,
|n^ a good deal.
with ybtrr left haijd. and 1 know from Ubiea arc the beautiful Mule 1km *»b mamma’
cubs, who are’aa beautiful as UUena
Ffwlty aoon wbat do you guess she
-You're aa welcome aa can bA** said
c a brave little
and pUjN’ul aa papplew They take all
®be I'ul 'on her broad hat he. "but 1 can't take pay for (nlnft
kioda cf Ifbertica with their mother,«n«J »®'=‘ »*»«* ElO® ®* *®«t »» ®b® Mra.Camp^uro. you know, mamma
and. after tcaaiug. skip out of reach.
tells me tBaya to e-ebomlnate every.
Rfe IwkA Mlclv, R. F. D. No. 1.
"’ben abe got to tbe brlJge she
1 canT^
Bok 55. Jnn. 9. 1913. And finally when out of peilence Ae
puolabia them, (heir niefut appearance hardly dared look down to the water;
itm. csmp _ jugb! She
Dear Presidentand
coQUa-t help IL though abe tiled so
I would like lo and in my name for
that she choked, and frightened
meniberabljv in
Sunshine i Club.
Young tigers tnd leopards are nut ®4dles. w hen she did look up. So she Noddy, who could not think what tho
WiU you-idcnse'afnd me a cM and
nearly so phyful. They are slower bnrrled oa up the bill and down i„nble was.
biitton? 1 srould
them , very
and lazier
WTille the tiger Is a ®*»>®- thinking to overtake. Wfle any
-Rises yocr dear bsart:" said shA
luetty mue beast, the leopard has a “*®«‘®shedldt-L She met her. „
„ ,h. could speak. And (ben
coal not ddarly marked with ,4he
P*®“>' ®®®®®
,he went to the corner cloeet and look
Doras Carottiera.
tatnteet of apou on It and dull color®>»mina:" tbe little
out a-Bule pyramid of maple eugal—
There are many
ii«s Insleed of one bright and gioeey
give tbe letter to Mr. wmiA and
Neddy could have bought
week, dad 1 am I
EcmeUifire a lliile Mack leopard will
“ T®®
buy'd me „ ,he store with two dimes. ’TherA"
you one of them.
D a family c4 epoU^ ones * *®‘®
P®®®®*® ®®^ oranges. And
^,^w )ou like eep sui
And this lin’t pay—It
me. Mlch..... ..............
-F____ . W'hat dW »®''
you ®®®®
come for. mammar
Jan. 10. 11113. fold. Indeed whatever kind of coat a
•Oh. thank vou." cried Neddy, cngoiv
iMpaid or tiror cub weara. whether
And mamma sat right down OH the
Til go right home and show It to
im going to w-iite lo tbe Sunshine buck or
Club again. I am In the fifth gradA
My eiudlea ere aiSUimetIc. reeding.
spelllnA feograpb*. end tenguage. 1
M■ '1 »■»■
have-a brother whe would like to Join f
®"® <®"“*
-Blre. U. d®.r lUU. renl; brer,!'
the Simahlne Cluhi He la Uilneen ,hT?™W, o, ,hore .,- A.reHre red
of them arc very fond of suet, and the
best way to fumiBli It la to farien a
piece about throe Inches loas to the
tninU' of a tree near the hetwe.
"The ohservaiions by the iinplls will
FU. ^•am mm, by Roa. Day|dm,n.
be'of sroaier value If they arc re
Janiee Simmons. Uda Tmey,
her mile bird nelelibors were twll
quired In slve ayaiematli- reiierta of
drad Bouman.
Boushner.; provialed for.
thel.' work,"
Kather Justna. Miriam Idonit and
areaklad a law d.y. aao lo
o,„ Banablac
|.Wt. nwda.
-1 nromAudina Cane. IlowllnB Green, Ohio.
.Nnmea sent bv Cbloe Baldwin.
Ue to be lovinp. helpful and kind to
-----------------------. her grocerie. ever, Jay. mmpllmern- everybody-and to every llvtan thlnit."
him on the well V.-pt apimaranoo gurelv the birds are well worth our
Flora Oalvin, CIlBord OaMn. Dor- “f his horse. He told her that he nl- k,„g|v tboUKhta and deeds.
oUiy Barsborst and Ceorgic Berghorst. »'•>■» »lf'ed his feed, and acaitPred the
Klnealev. Mich. Namca aent by Coldia »•” «h»« the horse would refuse anySUNSHINE LETTeRS,
outside of tbe barn for Uie blrd.s.
Vj-land. Callt.
•________________ He said they seenved to know that he
had them ih mind, and he Voubl Dear Pres!deniTha Snewbird.
scarcely letum to the barn before the , As tl has l<een quite a while since'
He sits In winter's sleet and Ibe snow whole flock of huiigr.v creatures Would I Wrote a letter 1 thought I w ould
U round hla feeL
swebp down to devtuir the dinner pro- write. I have taken quite a long trip
But he cares not for the cold:
for thea.' Yo’ur pmsldcnt abtee I wrote the other letter—way
Fbr hja ItUe cheerful heart thinks thought that iw-rhaiis you boy* and out uo Callfoinla from Michigan,
tbe snow as fair a |>art
, kirls would like to-know- atmut Mr. Would you like to km w how I »j,ent
Aa tbe Bummar'a green and gold.
Bicarna. and bow he helped tb« "lit- niy Chrl imaa? 1 am sure 1 did not
lie brothers of file air" In such a spend It r like mo»l of you l«ck there
On tbe brnuchaa bare and brown; with friendly fashion.
did. sliding down hill and skating. It
their crysula for a crown.
Uo ,ou kr.op- thnt Itoya and girls In was a nice day; the aun shene bright.
SKa the tiny winter bird:
many nolghborbooda luv.r formed and in the afieroohn the wind IdewIB the dark and stormy days lighten- tbcmselrex into clubs m take care-of unite bard. We spent the afternoon
Iflg the lonely ways
the Hrd» In wlniir? That would be in running and luciidag; In the evenWlih bU ccnatani cheery word.
a Onething for Sonahlne work,
fng we plsye.1
games. Alwut five
wouldn’t It? This Is the way tbat o'clock twelve of ua went for an auto
To hla nlsalon ha is inic; God has aneb a idan U described In OurTtamb ride all In rme auto, ft was n little'
work lor him to do—
Animala, a magaclne dcvoie.1 to help- rrowded. Wculd you like to know
Wlh hte hai>py song to cheer:
|ng all creatures In need:
what I got for nirl»tmaa? WelU nirx
In bis sweet life's slraido s|>eeeh Ics“Committees sre ai.i<olrfed. same to l.mic aewlng l«g mado of rlbhon. two.
eona high and g&d to leach ‘
take charge of obtaining blnl fe-d or l*ar pins, one wlib ribbon rosea on It:
In the dark days of the year.
money with which to buy it. Farmers, two lutoks. one “Story of Jesus. l«over
grain dealers and betchers are u»u- of My Soul," tbe other "Signs' In tbe
Oh. hla Hula beirt la strong, and ho ally wflllng to contribute generously Christmas Fire;" also a laundry bax.
never thinks it wrong
of grain, refuse meat and sued, or to a |«ir of shoes and a handkerehlef.
That lo him ihU lot Is given:
sell ihw at cost; wliilr frw will re- that Is nil. T think. We live in an orKever envies birds that sing .In the fuse a small sum with ujilcb to buy ange grove, so ull 1 need to do Is to
summer or the aprtng
iSiem. The big boys are tbe'>>est lit- I'lt-h and eel the oranges. Tbe troes
Cndcrneath a snnny heaven.
ted for Che aciiuil work of dlsirflni’lun. are in liloasmn noW; they are so sweet
"Forming ibemselvr-i into nuada of >o>i can sinHl them when you wralk
“Wculd'st tbon choose thy .time « ’ three or four, with snow shove-]-, and along ihe sidewalk. Tin- irren are full
: fiaiTi.. fhey meet gt a eciiiral place «f »*cct white blossoms iffid golden
tune to aay—
where the food Is stned. and provide fruit at the same iin.e. 1 v.-la*! you
"God bath ordered these fer ihee;
themselves with grsin. meat or suet, could all Rec tfabin. Well, my ifitcr la
Where thy life can praise Him beat and plenty of string, with which in He 'pretty long, so I will close. I b^pc you
Re hath rel thee: only ebst.
i|,e la.iter to a consi'lcunu^ iilace on k bad a merry ChrlsimaK.
And His porpoac thou ahalt nee.*:
tre^ with the atriax wound rouu,| and' Your loving Sunshine girl.
—Carl Spencer, In Boston Sunday round the suet to form a net. nr else
fJraco lijcr.
with netting lief over it. ao that a
What nn interceting letter to read
greedy-rqulrrel. crow, siarrow- or Ja]- In aaowy. blowy Michigan:
bird shall not tarry It oB bodilv
"Here I come-;^Jo you hear me aiu.
. Fort Lau
~As a rule, tlic grain la spread In
. 2S. VJ-.:
.No other bird Is on®the winA
the middle of open fPIds. where k
IV ep. little ones, at me. me, me.
can be seen by.birds flying over. The Dear I
While 1 ehlrir-Chlcades. dee.'dee.
boya clear a spare from ten to iweety
Will you please rend my sister and
feet Ru|uare and scatter the gntln: nostif each a card an.l buUon? My
"U» you hear how the coM winds then make other ajmllar feeding a'a sictcr'a name la Mary, and she ia nine
tIoDs farther on. Of eonrse. It U dis years old. I am tu-eirc years old. We
Do yon aee all the white, white enow* couraglng
^nd the seed vallered «'<TC dewn here lu hTorida last w inter,
TMok you It frightens me. me. me?
one afternoon covered up again by We both go to school here. We are
Not one bU—Chicndoe. dec. dee.
snow, next morning: h:;i if rtie exact live miles from town, and we have to
»l>ot cap not he uncovered, plucky walk a mile and a half to get to the
"Old Jack Frost, with a fare
and then we have to ride foOr
grim, boys wll do ihclr work___ __ ____
Brow-la at me as I Uu* at biro;
"Ehelier shooia nfao 1>e (crovided. milca. My toBcher's name' Is Mrw
Thinks be would like to eoe. see. aee that the birds may not Ice like the Raker. I am in the rifib grade. Well.
Me leM akuej—Cbicadee. dee.
Iceggar to wivom Ibe doctor gave an I tnt|si atop lor uow.
From your friend,
apiielUer wkbnul i>rovidlng th* ford
Rose Davidson.
"Dear Itttre bands, aa winter comes,
to aaliafy tbe s..,Nmie. Bean i«les
FRng to the snow-birds dainty cnimlts; With tinea ailaebed can l>e ptltcc* to
What an eBnri you have to ntakc to
Then well gather in glee, glee, glee.
u education is
form a wigwam, or corn stalk* biay be get to school:
Binging—Chic. cfaIcndeB. dee. dee.
■tacked on either side of a fence, and worth'DUCh dllfirulty.
«—Elected, 'provide ahelter and feeding (dace at
-------------- » —
the same time. But these should have
434 N. lY-ospeqt 8t.
PRESIDENTS Apparent ingrees anj egresA so ns no!
Bowling Grron. Ohio.
to.cause suspicion of being a trap."
' Jan. 8, 1913.
"Oieeffl.: Cheerily: ^ Clilrk-adeel
Your President often talks lo .von Dear rroaident—
Cbec* Cheel" Tbat U what your about Ihe Mlrhlgajt Audubon Society
U has been a long lime aint-e I
lYaaidettl 'beard this morning from Iwhich la organised for the study and wrote you. 1 have been traveling quite
many little tbroau. She quickly .ran protection of bl^a. yon knowl. ati^ a bit since I left MayflelJ. Mich; .1
to tbe window and looked oauidcl she thinks you might like to r.®ad of haven't bad much time lo write to anyHabere* tanging -from l^ woodbine some good work done by the Aiidu- one 1 hope the Sunshine l>oys and
^bal depends like a curtain from a bon Society in Wlaeonain. One of Ibe glrU have not forgotten me. I hope
wire fteiened to a tree and a corner teachera In-n school In >iaa Clair, all the Snnahlnera had a nice Cbrlatof the bouse, were a whole flork of Wis.. wrote an article for Our Dumb mas. I got quite a number of prescfaicAileea. What a good time they Animals, lolling about tbe way ber pu- enta. I have tbe names of some of
were haring togriber: How happy, plla fed the birds in winter, and giv- my friends to send in. They are:
and Independent, and unafraid: They lug dlreriions tor -other schools that Janlre Slmmou*. Uda Tracy, Mildred
were twiiterfag and rbatiering, and wished to Jo. the same:
Bouman, {.oolse Bougboer. Bather Juaalnging aa merrily as though a sweet
"It la coming to be a fairly frequent ‘u*. Miriam long and Audlne Cane.
' awmmer wind were blowing Instead of sight lo Fiau CUlre to see bird tables Will you please send me cards and
a breete right ofl the bay. and were erected In Ibe -wards, or (aslened to buttons lor them?‘They are all veal
seemingly as glad aa though a caipet trees on tbe boulerards to front of the nice little girls, and when they- get
of soft green gras* ravered the isw n home*, and spread daily with food for their cards and buttons they will be
InMead of ^ fleecy blanket oftsnow.
the Mrda. (’racked corn, erarked nut*. iJeaaed anJ they will all write, too. I year* old.
ume 'Is
Elrla F.
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