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Grand Traverse Herald, April 17, 1913
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, George G. (1861-1942)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Rosie. April 15.—Montlgnoe Vlneon> Mtturtet. secretary of the Apos
tolic deiwtion at Waablngton.
Juat been promoted by Pope Plug X.
from (be rank ot secretary of aaui
cUture of the tecoad riatt to ene of
the flftl claBB. according to oftrlal
the ratlcaa. The
IiroOKiilon It roRsidpred evidoaco ot
ImiMnancc wMuh ih« tx>pe
txAM to tbp ddPKatloo at WaahinsSAULT LAST -PALL
ton. which. loaazniK^ at the VoUdd
8iat<» doe« imm tend an anbaaMdoT
to the paiial court, doet not rwBlt ov
Ouektien Will Probably Be Brought
en at a tecuad-<'lata nunciature.
Up at Neat Regular Scaslen
of Congroaa: Future Will
dron Are Ltlt Dtetltutt
T*ll the Story
by tbo Tragedy
CaluBtet. hilch.. April IS.—With the
bond nearty tevored Trom .the
tbo cOTbte or tIUua Kuuaiatu of Tainaiadt vaa diacovered in bed today.
The mane wife waa arretted and
eharfed wtih murder. A bloody axe
fouad near Ibe bod thow^ bow the
narde.' wai comniltled.
Ual Norembor Mn. Kuuaiato waa
convicted >a a charRe of aaaanit and
battery Rsaloat ber buebaod after atae
bad fractured fait tkult with an axe.
She wan aeni
boapltal at . Newberry, twt waa later
redeaaed. Mve younp cbildrM are
left dwtUute by the murder.
Oelegationd Will be Sent te Surround
ing Towat te Tell Them
the Newt.
rem>Bi«d at tbe mtetlnp Id tbe Ceoirai
Metbodfat chanA Mmiday to pUa
turtbtf (or the cobIbc coutenUou ol,
tbe l.«yiDen't MIsiioBaiy ^loverocn'.
This coBveoiioB comes to Tra't-rte
Uty becauao It U the lodical ceDter
aad toe eyep of tte state are turned
tbit way whenever any (rent patber
las U planned.
Tbe drpnutlon commUtee was lh»
one u> i>lan tbrlr eurk last Bipbi. Thir
wlU be In charge ot U L. Tyler. Mr
Mtuel. the execoilvc aecrrtary of the
entire moveiueni, wax 11(00001 to oBci
ti«gwUDDs. Hunt wete made (>.
bavo men go out by ttos to all the
townt in this region, beglnnlag as
soon at pOBklble. to miorm the t>co|'K
of tbe Uea of tbe eonveation. Many
of iboM preMflt are owners of autoand tboae wUI be used to take (he
tpwkera to tbe vartoas towns. Ti.om
wbo are to addreas ibi-.« mceilng.-i
wUI be armed with ell the litfiatur.explaining the ennveoilon and the »e
mrlbg ot algnert of the regisirttioti
larda. Tbe trstatratlon fee ofoaedui
Ur U alt that It necvesaiy and tbl^
will Include the hanRuel and the dll
fereni aeasiosM oT the oonveotlon. -AU
exi-earna wtU he met U (bis wi>.
There wlU be other lutnns of raising
Moteriatt Complain of Condition of
StrecU taading Into
tbo City.
day Meming
A pretty wedding waa acdemnlBed at
'Vsvhington. Ap. I 15 — Praaldent
le laadore
Wilson sent a big batch of Doatna-'
Uooa to tbe senate today. Tbe moat SUFFERED FROM INCREASED FE- i.:oralng when Mlaa Mary Bartunek MAINTAINED LEAD HE RECEIVED
fmportam were; To be aaalatant nem*
and Job. E. Atkinson were married by
Father Bery'ak. Only the Immediate
retary of state. John E. OabortM of^
frieoda and relaii
Wvomlng; anUmasador extraordlai
cerenumy. after wblcb a rocepHoa and
and mlnlatcr plenipotantlary to Eng
banqaei were beld at the boose of tbe
land. Walter Hlnaa Page of Now
bride. ^ A dancing party was hMd at
York. Onamiaaioner of Intenal
tba Sbaldo hall In honor of tbe eoapM
In tbe evening.
Both of tbe young people reside at
Maple City and wlU make tbelr
home there. Among tbe gMsta from
Papal Pbyaiciana Regard Hie Case 1
(hb dty ware Prank and Fred At- Coed BAM Vote Waa RMlad pt Flrat
Vary Criticai—Whole WerM Exkinsoo,.4>rolbera of tbe bridegroom.
^lectlan Held Undar the New
paeta te Roeeiva Nawa
of Mia Oaetb.
WatbUfbton. April 15-TV-rlaring hie
f-utral iDke, April IS.-Thh town
belief that an equal anttrace amend- **■»
W «r‘ I***** Ot* -good
ment to the federwl ronttiiuilon
paat both bouses of tbe po-aent con-i
Bnturday ancRWpn of
grea. at the fir«i regoUr sew'leo. Seo-|«hls week for the purpose of finding
H..n.. .1 N- ll.mp.llre. .Pd.,-.-™'
■I"'"■.redlCPd ilmi M.ipc. Mun.-hpmdi. l-rt-O .mi.reremmi. I« Ij. oilm
and bit own aute would ratify aueb (■erts of (be wenim Mirblgan terri
aaakure. HolUa. the first demount tory. and for the funber isirpoe* ol
represent'hit stale In tbe upper dlsouaaing what can be done to Im
bodes More the civil war. Is working prove tbe roads In (be viriniiy of'Cen(or tbe amendmeot In and out oT tbe tral lake Hun. Frank llamilton of
Traverse City has brrh aei-ured ai
princiirtl st<eaker He will give aa
“New I^gland it coiuervntive and address ui>on road bollUtni^ an-l tbe
alow to adopt poIlUmI refunna such imponuH-e of icoo-l bigbwa's. la adat tbfa.'‘ be aald. ‘-In moat of tbe dlUon lo tbe address bv Mr llaifilIn Nev llampobire (W (he Wenern Mlrtagan llevelolaad klap«a< huaetts. (he a
fiH-nl bureau's I
‘ titled. "Uelt-r Hoads for Weeiero
iHy llrpry Wood. Cnlted PreM Cor
Rome. April s.-Pope Plaa X Is dyshown in (bp etecUon hoM TMday
g. TiMr ond Is a mailer of but a fewfor the porpooe of idtirtlnt a mayor
mra. aerordlug to tbw boHef of tbo
And foT..iiiiwBpMiiii^4p MTve oagpsi pODtllfs blolber, Klsleiw
der tbe new i
church dlgoluries at bla bed->lde. This
ernment wblcb wU go teto eCaet to
was given me tbb
Traverae City m May L AH the cablag by a Vatican attsrbe in a posiUon
dldatea (or tbe five otficaa wer* man
know tbe facta Ur. MarebUava
In whom tbe pobllc baa iMlMK eonI noi yet Bdmliie<l abandoning
..boo. b„„. bo.b
l>ope Itr. Amici wbea asked If jbe
boly father bad a chance of rallying , .ho. „ ohrthu -s»™h.„h.h""
only rhqok bU taea-l and deebned to
rested 'Tuesdav by rblcf of Police | For BDayor John O. Btranb amtotdako conuaenL
Carson and oompUtntp were sworn talned tbe lead that be roeatrad at
It tbe i-ity hope baa been.
against them for appearance to tbe primarlea, while loaaph Bledw
ahandoBod- At 5 o'clock Ur, Amk-li
mile court. Tbe boys seemed to and A. W. Rickard coaUanad tha laad
(old relative* itx- pope c
have a mania tew helping tbemaelres that they received at tbat Uma. The
tbo night
With tbe besinninx of tbe tourfai
featon and (be epwlBR of tbe brat of
mwlorisu. *ho aie drivlad
ihrouch nortbem MirUUan. corner (be
UDual i-ry tbotft the awful condition
of the rot.lx which are
inside tbe city Umlls. With \rrs few
e&cet>tlaHa ib<- blxtaways are In ranch
better eondliion la tbe country than
tboae )usi intlde tbe «lt> cofaftnee
The East I'runi atreci road. i» alcioti
the i-it\ llmllt'
'‘Enoal anlTruge w«
tbe chief recovered several valuable wbo passed tbe 300 mart of votaa to
have been reacbeil. Tbe nr>-<tt to
robes and blankeu which have diaap-:ttae Secoad aad Third warda. which
tbe main hlRhwnyii ieadinx west aad Maine last winter by . -h.,
peered within tbe past few weeks. | Inanred him of alactloa.
„ ,
•uutb from the city are In but UtUe and In New Hanigiahlfe and Massachu- u rdnd tbe boiJlug of a series of.,,,
Tbe buys bad tbelr loot cacbed In a
a.rl,.;; ,h. ..„».|ibsl
belter tbai>e.
, ..... b. Unn. n..J..rt,l». Tb. I«.b
reh<„,h^'o. U.. ....h .Ifc
??."■ t
in order lo enjoy drlvlnx on tbe
counrfy loada tbe motorist muM w ly to come thmugb the federal gor.;tbe first in tbe aerie*. Tbe |>«>eple of
^ I imminent, and this afternooB iBrU((^<l imong the more valuable plunder.
dure (hr rounectlna tlretcbes »hk-h erament aooner than iliroagb state ac.|il.u rillage are energetic an.t wbenj
I upon Uking leave o( all his iwrsonal
In tbe past month Uie police have I winning out by a ptarnlily of t> votaa.
1 il^ atilt out 10 de things leauUs arc
lead from the iiavements to tbe
and relatiree.
been given much trouble by bands of the vote by wprda to tht cBy tor
try i>ikes and the same Is mm In db“Mont of the Vow KneUnd tlBtea’«o»» aiH»i>ait. to ibarc are reaaonv
papal pbyaleians cHwenled. Solemnl»,. in .UUnren, ....on, M U,. d.r
’'"*»• <-«W «" “ '
teriog the city. It it a comBMO ex- permU woman aulTmge tn nc-hool mat-l fw Whevlng that ihe center of Antrim
evidently organlM lor lb.'”''t
iwecsioB among meiorists that tbe (era, BhowlBg that the ob)e»ilon la one
'»•» «»» »>** prorooilns rond .J____
entere-l (be pope'i rooii:
reads are fairl« pood tu this vicinity of degree rather than «ae of prinriI purpose of Imluring heroes of yMlow.
and feU upon tbelr knero tx-xide bia bark Journals. Bhadw bare
onai-lbn-Jravuwe City limits are.
Aa amendtiieni propoaed by tbe
Each servitor sobb^ hllti-rly
found near the city Ilmlta. and lbe|
rt-a*li(-d. aft«fi .which they are woree federal government wonU probably
and before bis audited, had gone tar
than pour it Ik a deidorable fact that retwlve nUfinaUon in Maine New
police Ult Includpa about 30 boys who
the boly (litlicr Las crying, too.'
have been implicated. Several of tbe
>as not beeu in tbe least «xichuaeita. wUb
Theugb greatly weakeaed by lavi
this matement and It It chances rstbor advene In Vennoni
youtigttan appeared before Judge
blght'a relapwe. the pope alepi several
probable tbat in tbe courw- of
a few weeks ago oa a almllar
i'hode IsUnd and (.'onnectient.
hours. Tbe fotlowlng bulletin waa is
D many Tonrists mre kept a«ny
ebarga, but the raae waa dropped af
“I have favored equal auBrage fttr
sued: 'The pope slept iranquUly for
from tbe city b> this unlortunajo con maar yeara. and I believe the
ter aa out of court aetUemeat had
several honia. Temperature lbl» morndition.
committee 00 woman auBrage la
The Board of SupervUora was chll- lag was 1«I.S. Heart roadilion'good.' been effected.
,.r ll.
\lc- lmpreaalott'e>l
ln<nMa*Lni>I «kl to
In order
nr.lnr by
hr tbe couaty
enuetr clerk
cleric Tuej
TneJstrtmgly In favor of
Moiniiie waDixE
Nuptial Event Celebrated at Inwgaculata Ceneeptien.
very pretty wedding ^ccorred
the church of Immacnlaie CuncepUon
g o'ckxA Tneeday'. when Mlm
Uenha Maxbauer. daugbter of Mr.
Mta. Jos. Maxbauer. SIT Went Front
Mreel. became tbe bride of Joeeiili
liabel of tbU city. Fklber Mheeban of
Tbe bride wore -a moat becoming
gown of brocaded me««llne with lung
'<■11. and carried an am boqnet o'
whiiu-bride's roses. Her maid of
honor. Miss Hesali Hal»4. tinier of the
groom, wore pink and carried plnb
<-arDallooa The l>est mao wan.Albcrt
.Maxiwuer. brother of tbe bride.
Some of the best epeakers in
inrertly folloalng the coreniony a
couairy and those who are fully aware
of tbe needs «( tbb iMWemem will be Wedding breakfast was served at tbe
on the pn«Ta(B. It wAl be tbe blagcsi home (rf Ihe bride's parents to
iitrtr ami cloee relatives ami
thing that e'er came to Traterwe t‘lt>.
and WUI be tbe most far-reacblng ol friends of the conirs'llug iwniea.
Tbi- bai'P) couple will Iw at home
any meeiing of men of the >e*r. and
no one thonid miss this opiortnnlty of on ‘West Front street, when- they have
honie n«d> for occupancy. Both are
aldlBg In tbe great work.
|•upular youLg {ss)plc of the weat aide
The co&ventlott plan Is uHUxed
bring the •itieeaage" of tbe noremenL and have bot.ia of frienits who will
to men. and along with tbU world Join in cxiendiug beat wishes and
vision of (be eburth's great taak and gratulalloDs.
«]>porunHy. are preaented "metbods.’
(be adoiAloo of wfaicb In tbe local
rangracatlon (uraitbet an adc«)ucie
' fKiIlcy and Insui
Crete iwiits. ’ There are fifty of tbpM. Claud Connlfi* and Mabal Ahaptay
- Wad Tuaaday
sreai ronvenltoat held In tbe
aat rtUn- up to May 1st, lliia. Trav
•ree Chy is tonunate In (bus baring
A quiet wedding was aeiemnUod at
tbe borne of (b^ bride's motber. Mrs
• chance 10 forward this work.
lamra Colllos. at 5i>!> Pouib Cedar
strMt. at 9 o'clock Tnaaday. whan
CUude Coiiine of Karlin. Hicb.. an-l
Mlaa Nmbri Shapley of Traverae City
were nnited In marriage by Rev, Wm.
J. Coatea of Asbun' .M. fc. church, only
the InuDedlaie rrtativea of the young
people being present.
Tbe bride was gowned In a .lainiy
dress of pink silk and «'airted a spray
TbU U NosarSed at trWetwe That
ol |dnk rosea.
Tnrba intonP te SurrenFollowing the owetDony a wedding
Her Town.
brtakfan waa aarrad. The
(Wild* left amid a abower of rice aad
OonetasUnopIe. April U.-Ttw sub i.!il ahoea for a ten days' baoeymaon
Unw porte ibit afternoon ordeiwd 10 Ihe aottthern |«rt of tbe aUtr. aft
Etaad Pbaha. commandant at Sruttri. er which they will ictnrn to Tice Park
» firing. By
on Orren lake, where they will be at
gardad aa evldane*
betce te their friafida
They reared Many ueeful praaeots
pf surer a^lMii.
fa tbat an equal Huffrage meaMire win i day a'temoof.
amT ' on
pass tbe senate the firat regular sew Frank M. Hmmilo was elected chairslo«. and I am assured by well-in- man tor the fimrth consecutive year.
A number of mim matters were di*'oraed menil-era of the bouse that
will protobly pass there. Men wbo posed of snd toe •
For Cm|
laally do not believe In it wfll vo*e' following spi
foi' it Ip many insuncee because tb*y
Finance. Ways and Means—J. IT.
The oU sea serpent gag has cosae
think i| I* a winning tsaue."
Kuell. L. K. aevMand. Chaa. E. Broadto Hgbi early- and accor-llng to nil
Eksloa. April tc.-FanenI dope Traverse CUy abould enjoy a
Equalitatloa—W. W. Dean. W. B.
aervkaa for tbe late Eugene Brink- prosperoua resort season tbla yev
Cray. Fr«d B: MUla. Edwto'^E. Bur
men. a puaeer of toe (Jraad Traverae when It bcKomae known that s regarows and John Anderson.
ragtaa. who died after a six montha' lar loag-taUcd serpent baa already
Claims and Arrounta-Tboa. C. Shll.
been diacovered romping to tbe waFrank T. McNamara Saverely Injured m. Albert W. CArtislo and Ralph lUnraa in tor hoairital at Orlando. FU..
Several travcltog
were beld (rom fats country borne. iMw of the bay.
verify each otoerv' stories far
“Pine Grove Farm" here yesterday
Apportionment—&aesl A. Nicker
aaylhg that they distinctly saw a
afternoon. It was the largest at<
son. John J. Heigea and DennU P.
piaylag Uddlsed rnnerat ever known on the peoinK”
accident Of Iloxsie.
Tbe first i
wlnka with i>iecas of drift Ice to tbe
la. Dr. Uror Warren, aaslatad by
tba season ocentred about six o'clock
County Grouoda and Balldlngsharbor yesterday. Tbe* first AndlcaTneadsy evening whr nArthur Rosen Cbaa. H. Hanalovaky. WUHam O. Cray. Rev. J. A- Wall. offlctaUng. The tloB of tbe author resort pkeoom
thal driving hhi louring car. (vllid- Cbas. H. BroadfooL Ralph H. Uteks flcKal tribatta were very brauUfu'
when sevem large pieces of (e«
Among toe pl^ were a spray of 6f
^ with A>r. Frank T McNamara, who and Dennis F. Hoxsie.
were (brown into "the air by a fflp Of
red An^cm
titty To;aa seat
on bla bicycle coming east on 8Utr
tbe aeitwat's toil A moment later a
atraet. while Boeentbal was going Ira D. Union and Jobs Anddrsoa.
large alllgatorabaped bead, with (be
toe Grange aad varlons other bandaontb on Cans and made a long turn lo
Towns—Bdwln H. Burrows. Fred
i>trces from individuals or so- borna. tonga and oversite Jaw. ai>jm west on Siatt- street. The) met on Klncdon and Cbas. H. Hanalovaky.
(be corner and Mr. McNamara bugged
peered above toe water for a carsoi7
Printing—Fr^ Kingdoa. Ira D. Unbir;^..^
ctaM to tbe curb as long as he could, toB and nmeat A. Nic kerson.
survey of toe snrroondiiiga. Tbe body
TV maafe was to ebatge of Mrs. then dlaappeareJ. but tbe trail of the
but was unable (0 avoid the machine
Roads and Bridges-U K. CleveUnd.
Ja ucs Manlnek. with Mrs.
waur fiend was marked by atffieavnla
It turned the^rner and came Edwin H. Barrows and John
piot toe ke aa its course was shaped
upon him. Eye'wltneexea state that Helgfaes.
out into deeper water.
bo was thrown upon toe ^vement
KlPdiy, UgbL“ .“When toe Shades
It has not yet
and bounded over nntd be ruaclied
Iff Evrolbg Datber' and a solo. “One wbetber or not tbe men wbo saw
toe curb In front of the poet «ice
serpent were to fit oooditloa to Jndse
siape Vito tbe machine wblcb
the rasl Utoi or whether they were
Rosenthal in the heat af excitement
. « W«H^.cKlvn Will
.vx. 1.MU. J.
C. H. _vmu.
SwSlbH. A.
A. b..f-or>
E. .Put. in s auffMebt itste of tobriesUon te
probably loot control of to ducb on
tor. Hensr A^ie. r rank Stone snd be to (be nstare of seeing tbto^ At
extent that be forgot that be bad ^ \YsAL
visitors <vlt1
brake, and came backing down ov
e to Old MlasloB' have an opportaalty of exeretatog
„, O'lrean's forrign missionary rawpaign when but four yann of aga. nod for an tbelr field gtaasea la tbe hope ot catchpicked up tojarlqs which are apt to),
i‘"Tbe ajmoury of „„ half eo«ary made Us borne tog s gUmpse ot too laleet of Orand
..............................E«MP*M !toc borne bureau. John I. Olbaoo. baa .... ... ....... .. ___________ __________ ...
Traverse bay's sttracUona.
Uon/by Dr. Holdawoftb. tbe attend- pretared an lUaerary which corors 12
“ tneoim oxieMS lar
tug phyatelan. thowed Ihat Mr. Me IdHf^ot P^....Tbe mom of toeoe AAd
toe pontoaula. During
.Namara'a am'e and npper Jaw arrre are In
"■ northern lUlnola and ooe-ia to toe past year or two be bad spent
eaxtero fowa The places to te via.
winters to the south In hopes of
broken, boto ebra tom and rarlou.
raiw-e in population from mnr w.
„„ ...
brataes about the upper part of toe IKioO. The mlaskraarr w«* oemststo teprovtog bis health, bn bto totora Wes
jin the bivlDg of toe llluairaled iec> Mt to bla friends of the Grand Trav- lUIngton Park I
I lure. “Western toe Lead of Fnilt and
a always a first i
raignsd ee Turn Chargas
togly gave every stumtion to aJd to Michtean. Fruit wtA Flavor.” Better
t^ Just a
♦.MW Ur McNamara to bto borne on'
**»* “Mastoe will days tetdqe te died. Mr. Brinkman
'S!JnlMn atro^ to Wa home on
,^000 -people p,an*i a letter of greeting to bM old
asblnron atreec
. wb^w ,^toteyt_to tte Weett^
^ ow MIsMom
riiwt Waft ...........
Second Wait
Thtrd Wart
.Plwrtb Ward
PUik WaN .
•rJTiLSr ArTia" ~
Totol Number ST Vetee CaM’^
VASHINGTON-Urrai Britain haa'iK,S^bttSt dtoaaUsSed^th tbelr
One daagbter. Anna (wo eona. Otto jUngar lor baartog Tneeday. ^ 1
formally. r«»i«eded to the American < prsseot hemea. Tbe points to be vl» and boeU aU of Old Mlaakra aar- arraigned on the two eSargaa. rtantog'
«ff eaAltog
town: Pontiac. HU April IS; Streator.
Among tee
tos Trarerae
City poopi
people to Oqnor ertihost a I
ter li. f^ige as Ai
rraverse v-uy
AprO if: wv—
Odttl. ,J
lU.. April
April 21tbe court of BL James. Mr. Page Ir Dwi^r*iliy
nC attsatasea St tbs fmetnl war* Mr. eSarge against kw
““ Ottawa,
-------trau to toe BrtUsh govern- Aprll^a; IttSeHe. m._Aprtl 24; Aab* and firs. Ed. >7^ Mr. ast
Mrs. «anae of 'totAof teideoca. She plaad-! _
will te seal
Anri] tt: DaKelfa, 111
MarUaek. Mr. and Mra. C. M. ed Stt mUty to tha Dqeor charge agff Uftet
Mrs. too oaoe was bond oror to toe sot;
tam af dieelt oosrt
WbeaUaad. love. Mgg 4.
w.iu u-
^ 2r
B il
to ^ MSL
*'e- *' .lt5KA T ■’
atA«» tuTiMii imui.i) ixD rumaa bat xaoli, thdudat. apul it. ins
the «>mt K<'M la E Umk lime and
The ni|M M Wer
Has to bf Kl*^ iiAHttiJ.fl COSTn the oner.or oneri of aar a«
BHirti credit U due the tearhera. Ar.
«!1- ................in.
|un re.t» nr'liens u|ioi>
. eblch (or over Iter the eDimalDmeot Ira cream aad revoBty
years haa beeu ttac- standard, lielclc uewitLtdrake irere enid and landlea were also Of „oe|leuce. WT.r? Beraua. the la
aold at the btsHba.' They rieored »S1. iredlema are sor. ....
aell Utaured tk'r.
that* Takc..M.tPw Ihat vale has been lawfSA,
‘<r>*“«in* de«rib»ij
I W. H, I'ease arrived laat TuomJaj- everniarilclejjf
r»HhTn1 T»»aU>>A>Hl n«tAJV> ITaX
and Mrs. Peaae and aoi. Willla tif OffJX. ■
----- •••' -------e-........ .. title therel.v
• k.,a“'“^'•■ffler
tw'''’"''’'' las
"** de..! ..r .1..
'heivlur, and
aecu arrlted Saturday to live oit iltelr Par I I - ll I,, I
' ,4C pound! of huiler. Oood butter la
MAutiX Milur
wfll in Mi»<- .11 tier
liulTalo. Ai>rn It: —Tattle, receipts. In-vraat deoiand.
W. A AOU~<N. KdHnr
l.adiea' Aid StKlely meets this week ItA l.i'1.;i-;.r-.' '
i.ii.DiIiK after ret...... ol -en ic- of this
Su cars; sloa. steady. IKoOliS. Talvea.
are .Sold hy ull drilgglMv.
notlre. npui. laynient to the underWednesday ariemaon witli .tin. Will
PrlMi eorreetad erarr ter.
.mv., =r. M,b,r.
Johoao*! at llowera Harlio^
i WONEY To LOAN on tmod and well TikTicd. or Id Ih* r.
oS»r«a**w eiiuesfe-wtNsrciiS. now
i.tHKi. slo*. Steady. ISfiH-Sf':
of the
A few frieuds galliered at the liiiine
isrNiA M C. Oavis, 111
luinl V
___ ,
OHIM. 1» Fe«« te te»h PMms 2». Na i. Mi- T c:.. Hoits. tetcelpis. J.SSO.
aether with one kumli. .1 iht CeiHuui
Calvee ........................ .
-------------------- -----------------------------------trade lUht. lifiJO lo*er. W.MOJ.SO;
ait.lilionsl therein, u.<t ■>-» fees of ibe
Ing and gave them a pleasant stirprite.
Cowa ..........................
iiioriag. i>t.r.o* ACS.
• btilir for the servile . i ...si of |iobIN WiyCM SEVERAL WERE KILL- ‘luttie* were played and all enioyed a
t'-.W. ........................ llJOt. AdTSsrai
lAtubt .........................
’ii-ailou of this nolira. u> 1..- niiiiputed
Uiffy pull. All report a line time.
.... ......
. declara.. ... ...
i-hlraso. April 16.- I'oUtoeE. 8li» Sheep ...........................
To ihc owner or own........................
ns u|H»n the lan.l tlou as «'•!?;• ;eiice:M.-m oi suit, and
r.l! interaetK In. or Mens
(Tilckeas, dreaead ..
4«c; Michigan. UfHOc.
lor each
t'teeie. dreaaed .........
STATE or mitmioa:
1 I Take noll.-e ihal sale Ima Iwrn law-! dvcrliwloii. wlihoMl uruer a<l>l)llonal
Ihllka. dreaaed ........
fully iwidc- of Uie loHowlng deacrlhed ,cO"l < r el.jtges- tf my iii.t.t as ofoie*
Isitislng. April I
' said Is not mude. the nad .................
-hiniBO. April 16.—tlraln; ^^'beat, Turkeys, dressed ...
Ittii-I for iiniitM I
h Wreck. Botn
There la a acneral awakenltiB nil
stilule 1
outa. 3l^c
over ibe country In resard lo.laa -ep- fDi,< : corn.
lands alliialed In ibe <-uui
deed or d«^s ibmrrur. and t e land,
forcenient that i* hound to l~ur *oo-l
Trateiwe hid olt to the sli
___ ._____ vtiiltled tu a recunveyButter
.................. ...,S0C to »e|
... iKMl.
of mill and
reeulta II carried out eloWB the |tro|>cr
prcvluus years, and st„.e ihepsrf, at any lline wlliiln sU
dere-rM-ed In staiemenfs which will
moiiihh afler r.liirn of service of Ibis city of Travel
Ewa ............................. ............ i«ei7c
Haea. The old idea«lhal la»» were
the under- county
<-ouniy tof tirun.l Tmvthe v.“»e
ofQra ...
of vi
the ireaa* noil,
_ . - turwsrded
ibnes.Mn. to
bw \iir
made merely for the ■•uriruae oi bI' Ina
(Worn Ttieaday'a Record-Saite.)
Bridgeport. Cobb.. AprU 18-Judge
luy he seen signed, or to 0>e legiater In chanrery i kHcblga
leilaUwrea -oomeililnt to do and thru
The fur market rlosea imlay. The
the day of of ilir county In which the Uads Ua. of
Amount pn!d. IT IT: ut for HMk.
........we 10 ihc
have the people i<ay no altemtoti
...... ..........................................................
.Hr BU. :l..n all sums |>ald ujion such imrcbase. to- 8!.t": i«* for
:,t. ta\ fur IPIIi.
lot were purcliaked by FVetmann Oolot
superior court, today Issued
ailing Rrloea.
by aaid treasurer. ■( ihe county'se;ii. gether wph one hundred i*er centum
ii» l<-r »lh il. H i:
, ,.ouvoo.,.u,.............
Ibeir eBeru after they are *‘n«‘‘J*^',ad
t'omimny tbli week. There were J*"«P«O00CE.
on the flnu Tu^ay of May flrvi. ni ad.llilonat thereto, and the fees of the
Amouni i.«|uireil lor re.,.meyaaee,
.....JSc to MIC warrants (or ITesIdeni Mellen ..
baa paaaed and the people are de-i,.^ mui-krat kkine that wen* gath.....................
\ iee-presidenl McHenry. «tf the New
for the »hiria lor Ihe service or cost of pubpub. »IS
I '.t. pli". sheriffs (exe.
mil pUce designated
nandlnc that the suiuiea upon the
Manistee river In
Ceoige y Drawn.
ut tbi* uoHce. to be cotn|
........ *0c to 82c York. .Sew Haven nod Hartford rail- annual t i sale. If t I previously re- llealion
Fiii.t, XHih.
books be Ilted P|< to or elve iri.-aled I
xh,, »IH p, *hljd»ed
upon iwYsoiisI service of a detlsraI-i.i.t,
‘tlsra. ehanrtng groa* negligence and
Said aisteineni* .-ontaln afull dtwuTlp- Hum a* commenten.ent of suit, and Reto* of UnaWe to Aserrtain Whe«Thl» Is a eeusihle vies to lake of Ihr
latter |«rt of the lUy. baled .........................................
r tn coniiectlon with the f
‘ of each parcel of aald lands
'l-e further sum of five dollara for each t
abeutt or Postefliee Addrua.
Straw ...................................................
’qweatton. for it a law Is good It aliould j
wreck at Westport iaat OtJober. 8evOKAMKI. II ITT.IJJK
| •ic»crli.iu«, without other addilidnal. Kiale of Michigan, iounti «rf i.mw,l .
ORAIN—Hannah A Lay C*.
be enforce.! to the letu-r. hut H U 1.
There were SIC- doien egfa and T«
eial persona were killed In the wreck.'
Auditor tSeneml. :'okI or charge*. If mymeni a* afore-j
, , „ ,
Prices corractrd every day.
bad Its entweemeat will prodace more
anril Irt IT 24 iiiav i
|*al-l isi* not
not made,
made, the
the umlerslgned
undersigned wlll|
will] I hrivby certify aii.t return ll.al aftMellen and McHenry were both
• V
_____ i..A.Ariit
ii.«iulrv. tofatu
I lUKittuic iiRM-eedlnga
(or |«isaesslon
evil than «eod and the people win 1-e^,^ welihmaater had tp..ther l.uay Wheat ......................................... ,,....*0c
luri add their ball ara* fixed at oeviilii land.
I' ................................
worse off than betore It was engctc4-j„j^„j
,t,,y Com ........... ....................................
or hi.
1 thousand each, which they fiiniisU- TCCth EJrtT
More attention should l*e given to la*
,h)U- Rye ................................................
-eight ikl. Ilav»l.le addlilun. city uf' helrw. or ilu-• ker.-sUim--..i i-.- ;..ffi..making iti orde. to weed out the oh
Buckhwrai. per 100 lU ...............tUS
iTraversctTlv. idtuate In the coniilv of a-ldrees ofJ#»f
sdu iuisttator
JectlobaUe arts and theiehy give the
ORAIN^Travrerar City Milling Comove those aching teeth absolutely
people a code that will 1>« beucflclal (From Wedneaduyis Rerord-Gagle.
Prices corrected every day.
without pain, and without Ibe use of
Amount |>ald. |;.T3: tax for m*. I Ilaieii thla Ittth day of HrceiulM-r.
In Its rcsulis. It gives a state or torn
drag* to produce uncousrIousBMMt.
Yealerday called out another big Wheat ...................................................M
People of nervouK leiniiernnicni suit
nd,.,>.b.l ...|.»i.Uon *».« "‘j;
AUMiUtit required for r<>couv<-VBlu-e.
eo though a good Corn ....................................................... M«
with weak heart* will appreciate tht
laws and ordlnanrat are overlooked share of them are buay with their R> o ......................................................
46. plus Kherifl's lees.
GOVERNOR FERRIS BENT BATCH ‘ Ka-olar" xnetbod of |«lnless evrar Ilu(SlgiK-di
Return of Unable to Aaccruin Wnerei:i-o|ae F Umwn.
and not enfortwd. h> producing
. spring idanttog. There were the great White nevy beans........................... 81.00
•beuta or PeetoRIcc Addreax.
WheradtUena a dli
'Stale of MlFblgaii. roii'uiv pf Wayn■I**
ol O.™ .. .h.
mill., Red kidney beena ........................... fl-M
Bbouta or Posleffice Ad(
IOC:CiX Wilhelm DIock. with Hr. Hold; .Miitiprove* fatal to the well being of all. B.d Hey >(m« tiomc a 1 i-l wugon losu Uuckwbaat. per IPOtba. ..Il.ooetl.u
ol .MiH'lgun.-County of Hranil , —»«•
worth. Traverae City. Michigan
Laws are attU a necessity and the |uil- Ir < urn caae of flour and teed,
A hereby i-erilfy snd raiurn that attJHDEE, WOOL AND TALLOW.
hereli. eertify and return that aft- er can-fol inquiry. I am unable to at
Ur welfare deoian<ls their enforceincni i The potato market waa lively and
Pricea corrected as aiarket varlea.
a*. r«wtnln Ike wherealHHila or |■o^toffl(•careful
iiuiulr'y. 1 am ynaiil
aad the coiutuunlt' that dors not eo
had a buay day. and Hides ...........................................
nain tin- «lieieaboud-or |« (lofftce addres* <nf Anson Hanafurd or hi*
elra. lu-ir*, oi i
add res*
Calf ..............................................
ad- ad-)rc** o
or Ibe will
Tallow ...............................................
r guiitllan of said /
dree* of the e
taw mforcrnveiu is gone at' lu the
No. 1 horse bides...............tl.U and np
lanalng. April It:.—With the pur
___ itafunl.
liust<-<- or guardian uf said 1
wnmff manner and the icsulis (ll•laln■
pose of clesring up Iminedlately 'all
Dated till* Tih day of new
te ar^Bot wbal they should
DaHul thU Tth day
iiiimeni* which must be contbb depends upon the calibre of the
;:UORaB T. (lAtlTflX.
>. spend most of their
llniied by Hie senate. Oovenior Perrta
Who are at the head of Hk- com„» ................
hiiir hlHlons
for the (srni
today made a big list of noniinailons.
mtinftlee where thy crusa.Ira arc In V,„,,.Ues, food, clothing and the like,
Awiung them were: Menibera board
Ih-piiD RbertS.
upr HI, IT. Cl, may l.
gpril lu. IT. 21. may 1
‘his .me billion g.K*s to the
732 £. Front Sl Boib Pbeoet.
of trustees DoDtlac state hospital. C.
In which to have the |>eo|ile oivseive middlemen of nil >lasses. Southern'
Yerke*. Northville; Horatio AbbotL‘
the law ll to hold them loTt at WU anrlr-ultumllsi*. Coiilier al«o figures
Default havlDg l>een made in ihc
Ann Arbor. Plate veterinary, J. O.
cohdltlon* of a ceruln mortgage made
time* and not allow thlags to gel In
lose and additional two and a half bll
Howard; member Mackinac Island I
and executed by Herman W. Smith
Bocb a bad wav tivat a in neral i leuuiip ■l"v each year because of poor farm
. park vvmmlssloh. K. O- Wood. I
cmaade mn«t l>e cairlc-l out in mder
Ini- method* They could double ther TWO ITAUANS EHOT DOWN
mm; members board control of Mlch-j
to place things on a decent level
same idace. dated Ortolter ICih. 1901.
Vleld liv crop divvisiricatlon and other
lean College of Mine*, J. W. Black.'
and recorded In ih-- office of the Reg
a«aln. Cobsiani vlellanra I* the i>rira
UBproremenU. If It were eoi for the
Houghton: Fred. II. Degole. Marister of lh-e>ls tor Grand Tra'
of an orderly eommnn.lv and eun^iaDt
coumy. Michigan, ycioiier M. 1901. at
oueiic: membera stale iKuird reglaira-'
11:4'. o'clock a. m, of that day. In
tlon In niediriue, C B, Burr. Flint; W.>«w ....
the farmer to plant
Uber 4C of MorinaKe* on page CbC,
••4-aah crop*" yedi In and year out
IVidge. nig Rapids; Albertua Ny-'
which, with Ihe note serure.1 thereby
I This nnanrlng of the southern farm
land. Grand Kaidds' George lAfevleJ
«a'> on January'1dth. T913. duly as
signed hy a:vs M. Urklot. wife of
Muikegon: George .Vafe. Fremont
Is one of the highest queHlIodS I
We have an inqulij far g vse)! d»Y«<said
John -M. lATklns, deceaaed. and
coBsldered by the confercnie It Is
Hte appointment of aUle Ubor n
lesldiiary legatee under the will of opad bearing Irait (arm wWl g^
esilmatsd that the farmers sopth of
missli-uer will be announted ton
said John M. l-arktns. deceased, and buildings, in first class eanditian.
, Mason and Dlion s line lose IIC3.
ho became the owner Ibcreof by
oiK-railoD of law, and the same being
,'»Y>.noo yetriy beaaose of egc^re
Are only iiurrbased once. There
her protwriy nbaolutely. on said date,
tnieresi rates—much of which they Men Were Killed in Front of Their
fore they snould be of modem
to l*atuck Uurden of Traverse City
mlgb/ retain If they controlled their
Homo by Una—t AaaaaalneOGDENgBURO
eslgn, bulU of moat durablc
Mich., art.) the aMs'gomenI thereof relalerlal* and arilstlrally Onow'd credit aystemt and agencleg for
One Thousand Oollarn
d only aucb
I marketing and buying.
Waa Oemandad.
and Mrs. Roy Dohm are the
Hi, I91:i, in l.lber C4 of Mortgage*
proud parents of a baby girl which'
lwgo Ci>4. ui<on which m >ngage
rame to make her home with them
Travelse City. Mich.
etc If .-lalmed In be due and -emalnLAUNCHED AMONG FARMERS.
821 Bay St.
Both Fboees.
I>etroii. April I-'..—The black band iaat Monday. April T.
Jack and Hoy Drew left last Mon
Isimed two TiriliDa In Detralt today,
Dollar*. BOd ou iToceedlngs either at
■raording' tu the theory of the iwllce. day for rblcagn, where they will be
hiw 4B in xMially haring been Ineli.
lut«-d to rer-over the debt eecurvHl
who are luvestlgallng the murders of ready to atari un tbelr boata.
thereby, or any giart thereof, notice Is
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Fox arrived the
Albert Cenase. aged 3!. and hi*
therefore hereby given that by virtue
broiher-in-law. Albert Caulanm aged first of lasv «ee^ to make their home
of Hie i*o«Vr of sale conialned In aald
Old Uitaion again. They have
who were shot down eatly today in
mortgage, and tn compliance with the
front of ikelr borne in the Italian sec- been living at Sl. Johns the peat
•-latuu-' in such case made and pro
vided. there will be sold at imbllc au
-Mr. and Mrs. Hall Flack came down
Hod. Cervase met Insiani death, drop
or vendue to the highest blddc
ping to the grouD-l wliD a bullet from Traverae last Sunday and spent
on Wednesday, the CTth day of Jun
ibrougb his bead and anotber through Ibe day with relativea.
ISIS, at I" o'clock a. m. of that da
laancing th« Fami H Oiw of t
Henry Dohm. Sr. nold hla property
Ms breait. I'aulano's wounda cauaed
at the north front door of tbe ('x>u
Oreatest Froblema That tht
IlnuKo, in the t'lty of Traverae City,
rer Mar Bowers Harbor last week to
bis dMih an hour laier Id EL'>ttfy
laid I'oun House being the place (or
Nation Evar Faced During
AltrimnaefTyer. Jr. who eipocU
holding the ITrcult Court for said
Its History
Invesllgatlon revealed Ihe fdet Ihat SVC that for a winter borne.
<-ouniy. the |>reiTii*e* devribed In Bald
mortgage, or no much thereof ae may
Cervasi- had received ulai-k hand leiChartte Porter and wire arrived last
tera. the last one dated In December. Tuesday and will work on the MarlUcbaioDd. Va, April. Iti.-fln the
This demanded payment of a thou idtall farm Hits summer.
tteory that the fanpers of Uvio
sand dollar*, threatening death it Ihe
nossle UBai arrived last
Baally lose six. bmion ^llara which
and sale, and an attorney fee of Twen*
money was not. torlheuming. The po- week for a few days' rWt with ber
Dollars, as provided for in aald
they tnlghl receive for ihelr cnii.g
ngage. The picmisee to be aold
iplailvee sboot here.
eader i>rt.;.er systems of prodixtloa Haedtat Battlea of Changa In Rates Hct- have no clue.
dneribed 4b said
irtgage aa
Found Majority with Wilaoo
Ed Emory left last Saturday for
aad msrkeilDg. a great co-oi>eratlve
Ihui parcel of land lying In» the riiy
Charievoix to have ihe sieanier A'anny
of Traverse Cily. Grand Tiw
•ovement was launched here today at
county. Michigan, and described a. ...
Roae ilued up and to briog ber
a famet't confercBce. the alxt«-i
Arscaale ol Lead
Iowa. lo-wli; All of lot numbH- eight
back aa aooo as ibe bwr opena.
•docailoaa! meeting of its kind f'o
April 10 to May 12. in. •
iM and the west fifteen feet of lot
Mra. Harry Zang spent a coople of
Wavhingipo. Air:;. IS—The -Wll.
keld In the south. In the iw'o-day
number nine (111 In block f
program will api>ear two score auibor- aou.t'nderowod Uriff bill nrill l*> pass
to ll
of Traverae
kliaa Kittle Golden baa been qn
ttles on agriculiure. ftaan- e and xen>}- the house In pracilcally It*
City. .................
c to tba raBick the psM week.
•ml organtutloii, -many of ihtm auc-. present form." said Repreamtative
•orded plat O'ereof.
Mra. Emerson OoOraw waa called to‘
cwaafol farmer* themteives.
Dderwood to President Wilson
Dated April 3rd. ISiS.
It waa p'>lnted odf Uiei the viriual ay. Till- bnuse leader called on the
oess of her daughter, MIm Eaale Lar
waate of *li bttle< MoUars b caus- prealdenc today to explain that the
•d by poor famteM Whods. unwis.I was ■How over the hill. " so f*
Atiorney s for Assignee.
Cbaae waa <wUad down from
horrowkig of money aad the purshase
the house caucus was roncemed
UusIneKg address. Traverse City,
Traverse <1iy last Saturday to attend
of aBirplle* the fanaeni tliemselve* that gUVses on whlph h^est Hgbu
3. 10. IT. 21. may 1. 8, IS. 21.
couM produra. It i, proposed that were es|ierirnred had fWutdV majuri.
29. June S. 12. 19, K.
Several from annod here dtove to
the fareier market bt* crop itso|>era. tr Bunding by ih^ Resident and that
Mapleion last Saturday erenlng to at
tirely: hny good* Ir the pane manner, I would be easy going hencefonl
MADE Special order in house lend the enteruinmeot and noeial gtrand borrow money from co-operative
Want Chwper Clothing.
en by tbe Mapleton sebooL whleb was
•DcietJes. This |Jan. those iH-hlod the
Washington. April 1C.—•'Cbonper
finMf Tmtnt Herald
EalerdiK Law
Local Marl eta
Will Pay Highest
Prices lor
Pardee easiness
Farm #9^ Fmll
City PPopertya
Spraying pays. Spray
your fruit trees this year
and get your pay in an
abundant crop of perfect
Let us figure with you
on your spraying needs.
Dow's Umc and
$7.50 per bbl.
$1.00 rebate for return
of barrel.
$4 50 per one-halfbarrel. (25 gallons)
75c rebate for relum
of container.
Smaller quantities
down to quarts.
High-class W. P. Rocks
(Fisbel Strain) Eggs, $2 per
15. $5 per 45. R.C.R.I. Reds.
Thorapson and Bean strains,
eggs $1.50 per 15. $2.50 per
30. Shipps parcels post
Send remittance with
order to
Soath Manitoiis Mleh.
Brass Curtain
Rod Special
loihlng." was the slogan today of
bouse lienKHraiH In the Uriff canews.
The downsard revision fldht center
ed today on the voiumcm. Dax and
schedules. ,v h'tir-- figb:
Iienedo.1 the ••on- a: .f r- rnderwood bin puitint V '-.I on the free
Middle noil fnr western Demo-,
from wool growing Mate* were
led by ItepreserUtive Ashhrook. of
Ohio They demanded a IB per cent
duty on raw woo), hul bad lltUe hopM
of succcst.
To adaln, to leva, to rscret.is to
Teachers' PaneiM Bill Paaead Houaa
live.aaU a BMtwriUe. Do net In tbe
After Rerirendunv Clauai Had
Bmh Anached by Athiay
would tevaevUy bean oontfoUtA^tt^
of Detroit
Ce^MMM brli«B wstsdned ntM In a«eh
eaam. Onaialnt no banfol iugiaill -nta.
BSe., Ha. andSLOOboMka at
I.anklng, April 15.—Advorater of Ibe
Grayling camp site Cor the Michigan
Natloaal Guard, scored another victo
ry in Hie house today when the Horfiwd bill to accept ibe gift of fourteen
at Grayling, waa made
a apeclal order to be discussed this
afternoon. Friends of the LudIngU*
and HolUnd sites opposed this acdon
but were defanted Ct to 18.
The taachara- pnalon Mil pwawd
the bouse today U to 30. after a ref
erendum ctauae offered by Ashley, of
Detroit was attached.
Waits'^ store
Traverae City.
For Satarday Only
We will sell you a good
quality sash rod at
movement dtlm. will add to i
farmer's locomc: he will be able
Bpead more «.n the pk-asant na well
at the useful tUngs of life, to build
better roade. to maintain better
schools, and to mske country life
ter la every way.
Tbia would also have the effect of
checMax the nodus from the farm
to the cities. pruDote:* of the Idea deClare, With this tocrcose hi the rural
popoUtiea. when the young people,
ftai Fife the gayor. will come tn time
aa taeraase in the amount oi foodsteffe ralaed and a oirresimndlng deeraase la the coat of IMog.
fkad. loka La* epuHer, eipert apegfial agent for tlve census bureau, has
cart—ted that Ibe value of all south•ra farm prodaeta is tLMO|0M.0«0 a
bat that they eoai emisumera.
Jwlra that cBiDBaL Scetbem farm-
In any quantity. Price
according to quantity.
Bloc Vitriol
By the pound or by
the barrel. Let us' fill
your spraying order.
2 for 5c
Other Special ftenia.
All colors Shelf Paper,
Tke "Oiloride Ae«BHilator’
3 patterns 25c Wall
ThisiflhtwneBiUdidtnM o( teN«e Katlery us'd in the ii^ »E tebaaa ti mtoAf J ihe
lar«ec*M In por^M a to atose igi iIm dactndly.
gnsraiedbt niMiie*B*«itenfcw bow* ocenMMly-wh Bffwr totoi cooTtoMBt-gad to k«qp g
iuK u a laaL dew wairr. to be atod
15c roU
Choice of a lot of oval
Picture Frames,
The Eleciric Storage
Battery Co.
Wm. aackson
Hopper Cooled
Traverse aiy, Mle*.
otuttnjMmm suAifraid skMnn W awi* tsmBAC. iiSK- n. tm
-TTk- (anirr ba» uadorUlMii
f«<J ^o^M•t) bU be bo* |>ra(;llc«llj
Mhliu: lo »9> a< to tui» he u t>.
pertorv ibM U»k. '
-Tlif-re wiMt tr the rIOMM rrla
U<n hrtv««B Ibc proCncc.- u4 the
oiBsuaer In’ order to cllnleaie .a>!
•aslr*. Onl> the .hcKiaiillui no hr
mwlr no». and it civ
*> «'»■
eratkta bclora all aanetr«sar> iold
dlenen are eluBlDated."
•The onmntaailon* ibpald nUp.tar.i
Ue the tana prodneu. and the)- khuuJd
be Bold aithotit rehandilite aad
paeUae. Reiattklngda laakinji them
treneadouklv et]<enslvc. eud
(atver and the runiumer have lo
for tt.”
The lamer t« not aaiiafied Is
iBi; «'bai ii due him. by ralrinc
price to the <oa»unirr. The hurdeu of
the eonaunier taonot i>r lli:iiien<-d i >
aMklsB the farmer take k»
lo replant ort«»lona)ly on aerount Of
(roata llus io.alwa>« be lalo la a*furina a kiuben pardea crop,
tiiau help lu atartiac the partfaa
jearty la the hotbod. Onloaa. beeta.
'rabbase. dinllflover. lAtsce. loma|tue«. etc. ma> be ataOed In It and
ran alwaya po 1 aapnl.r hU
traDapiaoted m tba outBlda
And he U sure tn ro to the market',,
j, ,,
of pUnta ahimld
hnr lie . oa buy and save money.
It U a safe bet that four out of U'c
replaced at IIIfruit proBofs wUI tell you ihA a
"buttper crop' or. "over-vroductlon. "■ '
• • •
Tho f.rm
. ppcl..rt. -.1 Wl. Ana llV n ln„
nnn M .Iml nmonn ,.l, ,-.pln ^
n-m. ,«.,id I..... >«o.a.a .i,n
M . ..n.rwr dn.™ i.md. ol
In tunlr nrli.r. lor nl.lor .on.ol.,.
tion. not one <■< a hundred l>ad
needs la nuch a paitlea.
a rinple hu.hcl when the -UUppliip, Roaklnp Held aae sarden seeds in
sc.i«m rioMni. l‘erho..s a conercie
from :t to IK hours Just prior
lllirntraiioii *111 beller picparc us ,o plMtlns. mill l.aaleo their pem.lroi the dlNcusMoii to lollom:
Iftailou and thus pustd apalnsi their
A aell-knomn hortleqltural wrltor. chllllop and toUlng lu the damp
the omfuT of two smsll on-hards, had eari^.
oi-casioD to 'visit miuoU last Oeio-J To sbt
ii a horaeradleh bed. push
bor. Hl>- busiBcas was »^lb the |in> lech mmIub1 of small rubts into the
cresUe furiaert. iil tl)at stale, and he preend alonp damp places
........... .......
to pel bold of adineoat' alio •■ould
The obiect op the eonprettf t* tu ply titem «llh <ood winder anplea.
laercMe the ppufits at the iarmrr.|"1^U Is m> upportimUy.' thoueht
aad at ibr aanie time lo ditreu-e he. and lie olfereil to «hlp cleht huntbe eoM o* (arm pitKluci' to t',r ectf fbed barrels at a <-eruiti price, f. o.aaner.'
b. a veatem Mfchlean point Me mip
Tlie aUrtr are live iiernt iak< ii from i>0'ed that he «as tilkinp aUli »n In-
vco knew that no tvsir. muHlnso i-ow uin nisi
Ify.Nir LrnJ ii nut duiap si> si-M s> it should, u
The teed dueetlon U linked up with
the bop gueatloa ao rloaeiv that they
hate to be considered tofetber. says
an esehanse. Feed la KU per cent o(
cost of prvsjtielop |mrk. TIib
that eyeaiietu the feed enlarges the
prom In the hup budocM.
All grain feeds are the most coetly.
mhile the furage teed >a the cheapeiitap Iced. I lover, rape. rie. oala. I
le.i and iHher grasaea with alfalfa
i-e premier of tbb forage plants.
I'asluring hops has almayt been
practiced, but feeding them clover
elialfa hay. either In Its ortplatl cured
i; or ruu through u cotter: or
ground into weal is of re<«ai origin.
AlUlfi opens up a new era In bog
feeding. It Is uagueMlonably one of
the greatest of fends for the brood
before as meU as after tarrawtnf. The
ideal tveil Is a nilsed one balaor-ed by
cnlnwl tutu the very best- condlll
luisiOb’e lor growth. The prowlep
be lupplemeated with praii
Mr. Kiipeuc J Hnnkiuati s i
whose death appeared In hh-lday s Rec- ‘inlbhlup olf the latlcnlnp proceas
urd. maa a plonaar of thla region, hav- luaikciluk.
Ing been horn at Old .Mission. Noveni-I
ber I*.. 1k:.S. Two weeka later he
more popnUr, more apprecUted
wore admired.
They were never better prepared
tuimi ibe mlaaion of the hop as
mmj maker for the feeder and fann
In itiues past they have been criti
cised by aome feedere as bartop
iigb. a bone and too aniall littcra: at
tills Uute the) Have all the bone that
Is cegulred lu tueet lha requlalle
carrying their bodies salely «D mai
indirotcd b{' the bone.
They have lltiere of a anfricieut aummeal every miulrement of the
or breeder ruualnp from
one aaks (or more tbau in who
has a knowladge of best condUtons.
They have alia that makes thaw (asbn-osble. pofsilar and pronulile for It ia
po'inde that the fcerler aelis.
The breeders of FoIaBd-Cblnaa today
aei a worthy example for bteedere of
all breeda to follow.
Animal Regulator
You win sorrly pet asore sailk per day. and foe a greater Bi
of days. Tlir tuUl uictcsk; vill uuLe a big sddiliuo i
■ sasim's iscoiBc.
25c, 50c, $1; 2&4L p*Sl, $3.50
*‘Your moMf beck if it fnilg”
Healing Ointment
25c. SOc
nitn rut. mcked aad sure trats. ( >e it ua cows that ate al
aad BuLcBuIfciBgeasy. Sampl'frrr.
IBIS Alauuwc FRfX
Get Pntto ProfiUbnring BeeUet
A t-aii of spoiled fruit was opened
and turned Into the evlll pall. .WUb-|
out thlBUht. the sane was given to'
with a young lit^ of plga.
while it dl not appareaUy effect the]
except I for the statemenls that the t>oland-’so»-. *U pare the plga the scours that
creaa at Chicago this wei-k. :
• he was talking with the aeeteiarv of „ ,
Tbe Uuluea-lieu has the credit -of this way
I time a Traverse Clt>. Early tChina breed of swine, are In a high ii-qulred the beat of care to save
1 Ibef.rml-ii
Take waral.'p and *'‘dap a pood layer, but her eggs are *r«ng.
excallency. and were never from being run
r the farmer and the proaer
before he left the tittle vlllacc that
mui-li demand comiutwclally.
\o‘hl.“Tr.«.“l-:tiglnc and li-w.s] at auy time In the history of the breed asve your pigs.
• The (act U that vo have oil lieeii night he letvlved iBMru.-clonK bv
There are two varieties of Ouineap
iiiauuKed Hip farm lu pannershlii
yijtiig to Ibe wild, ganay flavor they
alow to believe that it was |«sslb1e phono to "ahl|. along the elplii liun ,orocuioyears,
—the pearl and the whup. The latter
siBie whh-li
time Kuaisseoa. However, there la ploBt In is c.r M less wild nature, and more
at oae and the same time to itay the dred liarrels of apples at the .very gene has been snieproprietor.
fnmer htpber prl<-es, and the ton- earliest moment.''
- His executive ability, high seusc
apt to remain about home It la said
a tower pRiea on (am iHoducts.) The price at which the sale «as Pf,boni»r. exi>ert knoa-ledpe of both
loMiur fowls, (or which Uu
that a crv.ts lietwet-n the pearl and
It aosinda foolish, nut .lei
lakeliaadc netted a good profit over the
•>"' ft./
wbiie varieilew producea a carroaa
ordy sale.
common white navy beaniTbe Guinea Is a great 'Mamer. and that very closely resembles that of
ampk. wlilih tJx- farmer 'now {oi< three hundred barrels
this valuable aid. bis high courage,
the Knpllali grouse, fllghtl.v cooked.
to 11.60 iwr hiishel and frulu he ac<-eptcl lire urder. The
Hie meat of .evea an old bird will be
him a UBiiiFul lender in our various
ilayiDg season beplna In April and
which the city h'ooaeholder is pa'lns first thing he dW upon arrl.ln^ hoifie. „vv,tk-s and i.b. couasel
tender aud dellctous. while that ot the
Up — 93.SO to neo per bushel fwhn
^—vc^ilnues until Ot-luber. dunug which yoilDg bird Ik uosurpaKied.
Ing In l^all lots i Now a .Marketins dred bairHs to complete itA- order.
In the American Sheep Uroeder ap- wool akme.
tVben drei^ the Guinea praeeata
time beoK have been known
aiaocistion having a store of Us o
Ore nelphlwyr had a few hundred bur
sheep, many as leu dozen egpa. It Is ad- a nuud. plump body, and pood alaod
in a laipe <-lty can easily iffnrd
believe in farniera exhibiting
viaable not to set tbe ben before breast and email bonea
uell dirort to the coesutner (or cash awhile.' atlhniuh cxiieniely anxinus of which he
(ounuer and l»rcsi nioic Ireeiy at fal.-s, bc.aiise it not
If sexes are «<iual. Guineaa flair.
^June. it reujiires (our weeks lor i
at i;jo per bushel and chvrpe
lo find a tnurUet tbe week before, dent.
only help* In the ules and advertlseTbelr laying buur%, generally are be
-voiblng gives belter reeulu than
uit/ibe eggs
Tbe dutl.-a-of lhe»- oifi.es
per cent (Jl eems peb buvheli to fhe Another .eliad apr’es. but the grade
tween ic-ii o'c-hic-k ill Hie monlog asd
meui of our animals, but brlnpa about lover or alfalla hav and inhilps. with
eould not l>o
farmer (or cost n( sclltag tbciu. le
, ot . 0,1110,0 01
TO. b-o I.M., Oor 00.I lo «o,o
two ■■'clock 111 the afurnoon.
lop hlia a net price of
on down ifirough the IM the growers
The estimation In wtil.b he iwu dmie by oibermand hoeps ua at ■
The youug are delicate untS veO
Wheal bran. oaU and oil-meal.
«■**« P'l'-r "•■'''h cau be detected
the SBme time woiao the consumer at wii<v eo:ilil sM|> (r»pi the lacal iiolnc. held is pethaps l»-st auiiimed vip in ppn|.
icjilierccl The 'lock bird caraa for
If It U possible the guanerw for following ibe abrlll cry of the hen
f^niark ui ouc of Ills neighbota
ledrt kl-i'u ler bn-hcl also. Apph Three davs later llie "hortli ulturiM "
the ab.-cp should be so arranped that »*•«
Geuerally. all iht- vouoK the same- as does tbe hefl.
him all hi. Ilk:
«D preparing sheep for ntarket
the tame priniiide to all farm iirod sell nruned and thoroughly dis-oe.er kiiev Cene to do a dishonorable allow$2 each
• uurdiiig ibeni by day and bOTgrtBC
for fattMlnp. This
vdn stalue In all or moM of the hens of the flo. k lay in the oa
ttcu, and you have r. common sense 7usu-d |.enned the message that told
Hic-iii by iiigbl.
or mesi. thin* »a all
bis life.- j.^,lde.c-orn and clover hay
vufB- tbe day
Idan to pel idd of troubles at bot'i Ihe f.tmers of Ullnol
Ill >./, the male is somewhat larg
ihxt he
dent lo put on pood weight. I prefer
A i-ool. weM-ventilated pen is ideal.
A i*t-uUar tiling m the- nature
eads of the line: and tigvr a sure and
er than the female, more aggreoalva.
i cible.nid MisHon team of Ibe'M> s and a^lllnp aheep lor brevdlng purpoaes, hut It must be free from dratu or 'l*e Guinea la that she at oni-e knows
steady market where the con»uui
' -'t
kaads bpie removed any of and has a different call, aowidliig
•;*0'a. of which Kugeiie Hrlnktuan'was but If any anlmala tberome injure- cm -will auiwiy liPXe troobleTick," while
, (1 iiicmlier and v>lici «si one cif tbe
The owner or flo<-kma*ter abcnild »>«• «»» *“«> “P"**
“ discovery something life Tick.
fled fur such aclltnp I marIm-sI all clouiid piiccerS' Ibe I earn
love aronnd In the flock every day.
*'»l uUit-kly abandon jhe spot and that of the female Is luore lika “Come
kc-t them for inuiton.
back, c-cmie bark."
another. Th.- proper wa:
, Ihirinp itii short raaiden.e'ln Tri-'
advice to (anuers would be that and keep a sharp lookout tor any IndlGuineas
snowed in
remove the eggs by means of a ailck,
be pliched (nr them. The u> w is a pood lime-to buy abeep, be- -Idual ihat.it nut up to the mark
'silc of til. presentI basabali park tat
.^p pv.-e Is lo*. and many afe
Tbe abeep that will not own Ikt rolling ihem ont o( Hit- ut*l before ihe ggrden. as they do not aerateh
l-N-eii If Hie eggsSlke oUief fowls, and are great laaect
Ilrlnkluan wbo relalnc-d bis laterewl
taken out nearly every day- In desiroyera
11. tbe national game as loo* as be • ronsider such limes as iheae the vTpbably Is nut her (anil. She may
i- - - s
oPiKiriunliy to leaiock the farin. when u« have milk enough, and Nature
Mr Hrinkrunn was a life long
f.ejder is tow and atiu* clieap. put on cays, "l/>ok tomewhere else." Take «P • («cli at that pUi-e. Mr. and rumiug. gentleman, tie toavee to
and daughter, spent imomi ills deewofle his wife, one
iamb away and feed the sbeeV
past winter la lew Anpelea wlib daughivr, Alice, and three MiA
victloBs With ever ready courage to Then with persevarance you are ready vleaty of besAy food till she has
bi* aisiere, .Mr*. K H. Fitpe oud Mrs Thomas. Ilayniond ahd Charlea.*'
express ibem. '
to nlvel tbe biph meat prices, and jiClk. then she may own the lamb.
He was a promlaent member of the
, .
, ,
Tie well known musical ability of
. „„ never be- cheap as long i
A flock of lamb* will pay the Wt *' *'■ Hedden.
Mere's oonieihinp to tbhsk over. Tlie reeding should be based -n ^be law Mr._Brinknian and I.U (amli. has al.
.1 bny to feed for aUuphter. There Tbe following U. laken from lue Masonic (raiernlty.
Otabge Jotid Farmer says that It Is
ibe food. This will apply to all .ul- «'!f "f «'•? community.
te. that never have abeep > Ihe moat growth lo them and the Medicine Mat New*, of April 2:
iiution will oell the heal. They sLonM
- N'lwn Adali. one of the ciiy s
worth vriitlr for a’man auning with
otak A good Igtioii for a-cow weigh- ■ He was also a member of tbe Mac- Iw-ea a money -loser with JUe. while
e turned off before young lamb* ar« b«»'‘ bn.riui citizeas. died yepierday.
•sbeea and the grange. C-J... c..*...
branebea of farm life.. have
paitebrwd Block, ix eveu alth high U.C l.«».
|K,uia. .. l: WU.J. ol, H,
........... — . ..w »
wady for the market Tbe moat mao- «U was only a brief Ulueaa having
grades, to lOtisider his ariphbors in oiixed bay, six |M>unds ol corn aulks.'in iss- to Miss Gertrude Encell of
•V ran be gotten out of them by aucrumbed lo » week's aiuck of
Vdeellnp a breed. A buaiO«-ss nau with six pemndaof grain. consiMlnp of »*»ai plare., 1 heir three children. Anne
years of age. and
_ of <-oiloa -~-i
Tbe flo. k should lx- regularly and iheariag them, aa the wcrol will bring «»”’■
starting a (am lo Iowa personally . .. pounds
seed 0,0,1
nioal. Theroaa. K.r- ell and Oliver are *11
i until a few days ago was cleth of
living 81 Old Mission Mr. BrinkiMD „berally fed. as It will pay in the norw thw tbe peRi
praferrwd Hcdatetn cattle, but all his
n luial anvl wlicsi bran. Thto tan jg ^ survived
‘--s-* by
I- Vl, ».j(e aud ,
I the dlxirla court.
neichborw were breeding tlocnseys.
modified according to the oixe of slsirr. Mis. Tlien-sa- Krinkiiian
'previous he bad been city clerk ind
and when be canM tu boy bU atw-fc he
nciaiul. Koou should be tad. us Tiavoivx-fity. uuu iwu brothers, _
before boldiug that position sat :n
S'l. I.«onanl-oo-the«ca.
.Miihile. Alnhama. and 9
Aloiiio II
bought Ouenaseya alao. cxirialulug ilmi IJic} aid in keeping the dJgesUve
the city cenincU for B»ur years,
April Ir-SnlfrageUe* today burflbd
IfWpo. aJan by tils moth- |/
he believed It was a good biislnem KBUB Jp' lic-altliy condition. I'arrota. er. Hged
k: y ars.
Hgmany years he wa
the handrome ard co>-ily rosidenre
polic y to any • Itb the breed already mangel-wuracls and parsnips are
and dlaconfon of hia three
rancher, hit range being In (he Seven beie u( Arthur Ihi t'los. Uiemb«*r of
cwtgbtlahRl ibore. “When I go t« CliT trlttous loods. and will iurresac-lbe'
TOH Persons district. The deceased was
iwrilauic-ui Tbe house was dcetipyod
wiili an uniiwnal degree of
ia»> tu buy a cerialn class of goods." now of milk. <'ut hay. with boiling Itrinkman
•*“ ' very popular, through quiet and nni
with »r.r..Oi*o toss.
uncxmiplaiulng furiitude.
he BoM. "1 find the leading hruis that
IMiurrd on It. and mised with
Ill- wa* ail Hfrectiotisle son. hiishaadle thuve goods close loselher in
u of eiiuul parts In weight of hancl and father and bi. umln^y| wesnlng the colt, loo
odja'-ent blocks. And ilVbould work iisht ;ind bwavy praliiK. makes a good
the same way la the country wbc-u
. .tvc.ld brewers' slops and grain*
u the whole comnmniiy
Ti-e them rua wilt the mare aa long as condition to do it with aatlafactlun to
ms* go to buy tattle " A single
-od. alter a time tbe rows- teeth foiH-ral was held from Hie family reM- u.cy can. Wliea y-ou begin to handle bla owner. Oae wav- of CMdtttonlag
couDiy in .Michigan owns one-balf
bbicketi and decay, and tbe milk
“ “P
Chte blm 1. to help him abed that heavy
tbfi.lloUielo cowa ot the sute. and
sill lie fliln and blue, the butter Surl'G m Ihc fmnUv“loAn''tVe'o;creDw
burp cetneierv Wide hl» father, H.
ihlng* la to coat of hair that he haa been carryiapi
justly (atuoiu as a plar« to buy Hok lute and lasiek-M.
K. Hriakmaa. who died In IMMI.
teecb tbe colt to walk (ant
fast from the all wlauv.
wiauv. This
ThU can be dowe
doM by ellp-1
atelna. noyers can secure a carload.
The renialna of Air. Brinkman . ar very aurt. Never hitcb him up with ptng-. and ahonld not be neglected aa-|
If aot from one farm, (hen from an .\t'e wonder tww many lanuars real- rived In Traverse i'Hy over the Pere
J -D
ac-ac- " ,
horae, even If other day
The horae will be all the
other c lose at hand. EaUbllsliiucPt V know *hal each cow is doing' This
- *• "«•
-im penile."
Suppress all ex- better
better for
conipanicd byhli- boiihA. l-ewl* ' *i.o *'
" Suppreae
auob Altentloo and will re
•rf p commimUy .reputation Is one ol wi> be as'ertalned by haring a bui-l bad Wii with him the past
two clicnent
■Dt when
when blu-hlng
blu-hlng up:
up: move pay'hlb obur doubljr In work
Ibe !■«( means of advertising, wbeth «t ot xalev. wu'i paila brought '. montha from Orla^.
I”**1 on‘ckl>'
qnickly but golelly,
qnlelly. All colta ahonld
plow- and other (arm impjemenu beer with cattle, bops, honev or |wul a unifurui weight, a* that tbe sea en
tore .he te-a^in adv««e..
iwu be set u< zero when the empty
The sermon was preachwl alieropUng lo haroeBs or drive ibenL
pa.l Is IbereoH. Scales graduali
bp Rev l»r. l-eroy tfarren. wblek waa Perfect carrlape of the bead can be
Many pefioaa Ukc It for granted
> Rive a
nouiids ami lenilis c,f pemods are best,
iiHlful tribute to the life Of toe taught by a wise appliance of the bhthat when a -horee does wroag he lat.ic Mimming up being easier.
tended to do eo. Slid they therefore
Ibe (amlly. The sole. "One sweetly ">an half «n hour tbe firat day.
him for U. Now this action
Holrtim Hicmghi." was
. . only aggravates tbe mauer. aad U
adered by Mrs .Martlnek of Traverse
^ A team ol faoraea Ik 4uai os much coatiased will reauK la aa tncerrlglble
ty. /
'enUtled to one day’s rest In seven as animal, made ao aolely from
“i«sd Kiudly Ugbt" aad '
Bent by bia-maater. This an this only
the latter to lAe word* “Silently the
No creatvires appreciate a comfort- explalos why some boraes are bad.
of Kvealng.' were also auiig
hv Mrs Ja* -M^inek. asalMed by W. able place to rest after a hard day’s
Praii and W.
jw^rt more than the wort -----OSITUARV
TTie c-aakei wa>
«b*r. ->ould alway. be
W. Ndtoon AdeU. ooa of the lato
)v flowers contributed
by relaUves .and
|llberal aupply of bedding. It 1. moat Abram AdsH. was born In Traverae
Pannipx and Kaldfy ai« not only «lt«|ily with straw orlitter to prevent friend*
At the grave the Impreeaive serric-e esaentlsl that tbe -oUble sbonid be rtiy. November 29.
alow seeds to genainale. but are also oeep freesliig of the ground, so
and dtod at
r Ibe grange was floed.
Ikept wey-cleaiied. and well-voaUlataA
Stow prowlng pl.m». Thry require a ‘h* »Ws beneath ibia tovering
Medtctoe Hat. Alberu. Can.. Ajull S.|
c-unsldarahly touger seamm than any be reached without much dlfflculiy
1913. after a few days' slcknaaa of'
of the other root crops i-. roach edimidwinter. The balance
T. Brlnliinao and lo>uIs Paniilce of than It-U. Tbe rioae-quariered. part ie rl>y. For this reason they are «be bed m) be sltowed to remain K.
Mr. Adslt apeat one-half of hla Hte
Traverse City.
tlUoaed alall. wbera tbe faltbfal oal»B»sUv sown eariv la tbe sprlac.
apring. when the roots may be
la' Traverea City asd will be remem
mat* are brought, haltered, to nUnd'
bered by a good many of tba tdder
Firat Umbroito la AnMHea.
o that they.may have ibv enure aum- <*»« '<*'■ “•* •'
for clays aad n^u at a Uaia. ahonld
reaMenta. He waa married to Mile
rver to »fww- in. line pecollartiy of->««
*be flavor ot
Tba first ambrella soar la Amertag
vas tbe property of a BalUmore mas. be twalsbed f^evar. aad ,»«. .wsB. Mattie BucJilugham ln,im aad Boved
Ibeas plants ia that ihey may he •]■ both these plant*
mterad. rooBy box-ataU abouM be aab- to Medicine Hat with hto family tolowed to femalu in Ibe ground at the
« • •
stunted, where ibe weary ,
geUMT wUh hto .father end mother In
cleae of the a»aaoD. They are noi InOtw ImporlAni raasM for the lateTbe oootrivance
may have freedom and rent.
tbe siaMDer of lift.
Jured by frost. A ponton, however, neaa of tbe ordinary farm garden
Bent aad ridicule, had for years the
ror e Ubm be aaelated gla lather la
ahnuld be dug in the fall and stored that no seeds are sown unHI they ran nae of tbe umbrella as a proteettoa
laitottolag at Cypreea UUle. aboat U
for.oarty «a. A .wocoad, ponton of bs put tolo tbe gnnod. With
TIM UOM to al bead again ft
agalost rain waa oonalderad effwJ
niton Iran Medlctos HU, lator tidtag
lb» bed a^ld be covorsd rather ot ihoe* crops u ta neceaaar}' w wait
gnirtag tbe faro b«M to do
D8SS CELERY uid mOW TONIC io just ivtat
you neodlf in • nervous, wott and exhausted ceod^
nds is s very
pskt^ thsl promotas
a healthy appetite, aids difsftkm of laod and invig*
oratsi Uu whole srotem. B cmtaiBo Cohn,Jtea.
HoK tetnet Boot
|tei Vomica o*d Par*iriwiBort;. Lotto Bottles $1.00
For Sole Only at Our Dni* Store.
Special Solo oi«n Sotardoy, Watch ooc Window;
Htko OUR Dn« Store your .Dnil^ww
■ OSIIID ’tKATlui'^buLD MtD TBMSBVB«T BMH*,'TaDB8DATJU^IB 17. M13r>I?'"''
Kingsley Department
CoBdoctcd by Miss Jessie Bowden.
The people of Kingeley end the enrroonding
TOBUliy »re «U iatemted in thii Department.
be glad to have individuaU. ctaorcbea,
the OiiMige, fraternal aodetics and all other organixations h*n<< in itenu of newt, personals,
aanoonoements of meetings, notices of entertain,
menti, bnsinas change, public inprovementa
being done or contemplated, sales of real esUU
in town or coantry, and any otter items of gen
eral interest. Send all Hems to Miss Edna Wall,
who bu clm^ of the Department.—Editor
............ ...........-............
Miterudolng tus cousin, t-lofk Urtffln,
Crom Beulah.
Lee Brever rrtufued botne last 8eJ■rday from an Mteoded staj- In In.
R E. Rorers w^te pnrditsed a ham
of Dr. TtOman niored it on bla (arm
. Sstordsy.
Sirs. .*4.Ue U BtS ttnprortnB rerj
■ t:hsa- 'Vti^ and «1(e and Ml»»
Flora Craa-fore were in Travetse
City on bualneat Saturday.
Dorotbv Kilfedder of Dajton. Ohln.
is »1s4tlns her atmi, «r». Pnlver.
Joe W>('koff purchased s teao
Edmond Bosart Snarday.
Oeorge BraiitiBam and ai(e
Honda.' (or Jackson wbere they will
tniv Wednesday Betting somi
dental work done.
Hol>en Weir of North Dakota is .
l 7:30 p. oi.. prayer meeUi
ly'erenlBS at 7:30.
I. Ed Culver. A fine tlnie Ir i<'- home on Wi'.lpesdii' iilrh' froti* Man-^
toll H'lierv they spi'nl the tvinler wilbi
SprlnR has surely
urely oonie, Chas Mock- their son. Ctiaillie and rjiiilly.
rattle and Jee Vlack were out buminf
Mra. C. H. Kehl and dau'thier. (ira-s
Bilk siWBl last Tuesday in TraverHC Cii'
C.illtn. Aw-ry
• WMIiam»lmry
niajorit.e of the others are spear- wtiijnij'in Vilii Ifurw^iv'irarher ^•fh<,p
I pirkcrel on the rtrer every day.
Mra. Walter AsMev of Traverse t the feed of : d 'Stroei '
I this
nsXD here.
(iulle a nomhor of onr dHrnn*
Thi-ir hums Aoril 7
at Uio ae»«>» «»•“« to Tiaveme City
Ilf 1
^nthK ’•< days lUa idiorl •‘'ftdav ev<>BlnR to aoo tlir boxlDR Un«t
m.- liaa b4»-n>nc .rf auBeritiR. Ho la
B bj U A.
•I (or bulldiORbulldi
I. 1.. Dame wtuii
alipuliiled displaynian.
o' ••!|1'
I last w«H-k In town with frtendsi
ina:> liM-uie here in the near (u- i
'“iV"! Wl,l.o 1... olo-l out VI.
cats durlDc the Vtaater 'arallon.
turned tc. arfauol at .M A. r. Tue»da>
Miss Netiie .\lcker»on of the Ttk
,o,.i,-..o.:.................... *■'***:"
tst Friday by t
Neree I'll' Slate hospital waa In lovi
Wedneada'' vieitiiiB irienda and reb
is aged aiiotlior. who (fll and broke
■ entertained
er hip.
■■ .tioiH-a I
Mal.el. 1
.—James Walaoii i
. The Mieses Ibtrth and Itoeart ai
>r her n-covery.
drove to
lla|ilcis Monday
tended a lutny at Ira Maltt heti'a Moi
tv. M. .\ycra has moved i
c>. luinikiiis of
Mrs. Clias.
day eveninc. Blien in honor of MU
wn farm and ililton Beckwith has
.. ...............
Hived off luto AlvnJi 1‘arka bouse. „
Irna Sbetta of Nesaen City.
A. Hymtt has moved lo Monroe
.Mias UeatrltH- Sparllnc »ho ha
*lii> f i>
emeu '.b.cc Pc^wd,
c l*hillp
oblj. l.rn. IM-.I lliinwt b*.
returnedI to Traverse
< it« Sunday
moved Into the Kylielt bouse.
\,,p .vinrcHi ,,r viv i^k..
_______ Mrflii U maklnp preogr-.
(•eore Smith is iiuntInK a very B(
It, A fib* Bpcnl SuDdw- *l tVntrmV
niMdinl.t «1 Tr....rw. V
ttODs (or mortnB the housei he bonisbi e'e. I.n>.' Saiarday. shlle framtoR a
of Dr. TedDlan.
■” «
pirture. the sta*s broke and sevend '-.V «. lUl-d. br.. .1,. 1,.. h.-.
:lDR tValson'i
Mra. W. T. Mason was a Summit fine jurtteJiK of Riaaa Roi in bis i
■ 1..1... Ill t.t
-........................ ......... .K iVav hrs IsieRhl a now horse.
City caller Saturday.
Hr thinks that noino aniall
is Tlailh.. tmr
Kilfedder spent Sunday
Mr. Brackett
baaed Mra. Hattie
. .
..rtia .
There will.W a warm tuiRar snrial here atnl will inrtld
a I...,k
Uiik M.
on th.
.p ... siirrman visit
Iva. Van. Edith and Aubrey Meek :d tbe home of IKom HoluU a atok ii..nh wrset corner of ll^ relatives ut South
Mip. .Abner SniircNs <.X|ie<'ls
fn>!ii Krirta' tiichi.'
Tlllitson and <amil.v
leave this week lo join
are hoardliut at bnine and dnvlng back .ManP.nlia Tuesda), where ll
Momev, Mi.-b . where tut) export
Fairbanks and .Myeni of Wk
and forth tu school.
n-ake their future hc'me.
I live 111 the' luluro.
Dosaicl Mllkn sn<l wife were TraTliureilaj. Mm. C U l*orter server!
Howard Briiwo has nmvM into the
I>r. Bunce jsas cslW to attend
(it> callera Saturday.
D delidiius dinner to a (e» Rueats In
jiise vuuiUsJ liy W. H. Ayers.
Frunk-SasnH's Illtle buy who la iioluMrs,
I. 9MI
an rharlle Wilson droie l.oitor of the Idrtlida.v of brr tiuather.
Uec kwiui BPent
to Walton Sunday
Mr*. Inwerman.
Sunday nt Petoakey.
( i;‘t> H
0 the sick list.
S. J.. Wytkoir
aas a Traverwe City! Mrs. luiora Snell w.-i« calted to Alba
Will. J^_ May siH.1.1 Sunday at Up-.
' ptddlur Watson -a^
caller Satarday.
■u «’e<>k l.y the serious illness of I liarl^ kmi.m home to bw w*' (rom ,.rtsed bv a nomlH-r «( her (rtends-to
Mrs. Sargent is on the sick Ust at
-I ntothiT.
this writlnsJames Ha's and family spent
port a piGasaui day.
Mrs. I’biUp Miller ia on ihf skk)ttrd.-» and .‘'urdav «ith Hielr dimRli- her Inmic at Urtind la.-dRe. ici
IcatliiE her
II.O-l l.-l,
‘ 11«. Mrs. fioB Dean, they Ir-n ftir .V«rw b-c,.. Ml«» iu,.l 1
Mm. Ira
ivered from her recent a'latk of n|>ELK LAKE.
very rapidly.
Mra. Bert Ijtninioo
lodisna spent
Mrs. Clande Moore \1slted her par- „ ..
•eek with lui
onu at .Manion Tuesday.
♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!*Is'l'w \'ilrmu*‘’ii7’'il‘i'il
Irsln Rawliaet. »as a Traverse Ctiy
♦ Iwst w«-k
hUBlosas vlidtor Tuesday.
> (ew
Ow^-r Wl.catcii hi- iiiov.-J ii
Mrs. Leslie Tremaln was In Trs-je.iih hi» im.ilic
‘’;;;fiV.'r.“i£;7ii"““S,, i»b-r..i.i,-,.Mtu,a„,
Fife Lake Department
conducted by Miss Mae Dewey.
We w-ant to m&ke this Department ql tte
greatest posable Talne to all concersed and to
this end request
that all items'of
personal and
.if persoi
general interest be sent to -Miss Dewey to be
incorporated j 1 tte
-• ~
Department. We especially
us inu coTUTibes, fraternal societies and the
Orange ftirnuh items of intcrea in their respec
tive organixaf.ions. News of social events and
entertainments, improvements being made or con
templated. and bosiness changes and transfers in
real estate in town and oottntry are espedalljr
acceptable. The above applies not only to the
Tfllage of Fife Lake, but to tbe surrounding
coQstiy.—^Editor Herald.
gtn was home
Mrs. Vesper .ludkios o»' AValion ««re
cneMU o( Mr. and Mra U F. Judkiur
JeMe Scott wool to Plalsvllle Sat
Mra. Eva Wolfe waa In Grand Rap
ids Sunday.
Mlu .Sora Deo' «M ta CadUlm
Miss Manila Bcrastelne U bone
from Boyne City.
B tbe su(«l*or frtends
Ra.v Dick
bere Sunday.
Mr. loeon of Macitiaa* Is TblUnB
• Will 1
i;,—Hsrry Ji i n -lornKm ol VoU
wamrr wctiC
Jo i-'iiiifrc lodu; on
Mra. .Nolilc TjU'-l
Jni'lnrasslo«l) rratu .lic-r raccm fllnc--ji. inu
.Mr>. Will Purks rcturprd home fnim .siill unubV to b .-.vc hVr ■•rd.
Aresdiw Thursday aud reiK>rts a aoa!
8co«i Miimo nicai
iKwm III Mr. Mild Mrs.
KMauhelmcr ITravcn-c I'lty.
AiwU C.
llaiTv Muici,
«1i<> i^ wurl lUB lu
Wc acre all pleased ti» see 51ra 'a j. »« lry stori
Myrtle Kickcll igsuin as she caiuc ITii<siluy nirtu
ICKl Wfi-h I't lii>
from Traverse Citv, Saturday to vlsii I be «ia. here.
b«ir parents and lliilc daushier. Eva.i
Mrs T J. Carri- of Tni.erai* fi
over Siiuday. returaine to Traverselwbo visit.-I lor the loiM two wa.
riij Monday.
|w1ih r<4ailv«ui tn Hua sr;-:hhorlu>i
Joe SIcLain
entcrulnlnR Wi' tvtcrr.cd to t er Imiuk-1a«i Thnrad
Brand paren’s for a few davs,
• (
.Mra .\ucur! Her.'au-ai «•: l--tui|.
Mis Hi
Warner eou-rtaioed a', - lutiiiau.' of yuunc p.*o|ile
few Buests liuii evenlriR in huDor of huicc last Saturda.c
at: r:.uno
tier nir-c.-. Miss Mac Hiibburcl, tl be- •vnlai:
.A RcDvral Rood l.tue 1a the
iKB Mi-e .Maes sirteeuib birthday
v| an of all pre-etiT
c was aButn resumM
Clara Hanal returned t.i t.. r s'-hool
lay evunlUR
(oiiriwurk ti. .Aliiui. Monda.'. alter >i»iid>iii.i'uniis of snow drifts and l>ad roads. 1 he si rtiic vacailoii oi linr bone-.
Sunday sdcol was also reoraniaed |
Fiimk Sours diovc In Tiavecs.-<li >
and there was a Bood atluDdanre to, Mondiiy. reiuiTiiui: Tii. -olav.
Mart with.
MIva Anna HerniiEicr of ('ic..v;cll
Tlic famien are acalo on tbe land U workliiK fib- Mih I'olm .Miniro
.'ire l-l U. Wlnrlc j:od .-on <c.nU:u
and Mrs. Hnw.vrd Bark* hnve'bfl Satunlay lor Truverac
Ironi Ilav.rov.i .'Hiiolay a.^»lii;.:.tii-vl' i.iiive.| jo the Wlifot (arm Mar Ke- aja-n-l u lew Oa.vA wlib her puoitU
by .Mis. I'ulvi r.
wailin and Howard Is Rolnjt to ««fe there. Her (aih.-r. Willl.vm t’Hrry. i'.
K H. BiiliilcuDie lu »anr 1-‘iier
Dr>'»n. the maaaRcr.
ivery iwoily at this wrlUn»
ooi ..ir ...
Mr ami Mra. Howant Holl.nlicrkf .Ur»..MsbclKlpleyofTrav:-rwCllv
into bUshmler bou« wl b
«e v„h«l hM.iiMlay w.ib relunvc:. in tin
!Ck> fJini
^ form, r-s siuur. Mri. Will Barks.
I nei^bixirhood.
t-larks (ahitlv.
, Kr«l Hul.Usrd of Traverse City I,'
_ . ...
loads have
)<M _.
ar- . vlsBor in our neiRhbofhiK>d. calUns ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
rtved for J. S. lliMlBes. uf twKKies. tillI his children a. A. E. ■\Vsrners.
diee InipleuHOls. waient litn« and fei>♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦
pnslow Wright la ouiie poorly this
Mr. and Mra. Marshall rar.ther,s
Mrs. Harry Balmer was railed loL.i'!?’
v '
were iu Traverse City one day lasi KewadlnJ a
_ few day* ago lo see her < I'^ddes Mi*er has arrived from t hia-eek.
hnKlii>r in
in law
Uw.. wnii Ost-rn. who has
®“ “*•
- . Ion- .jm„
this suranier.
-Mao I>cwey is improvlnR In bealtli
Miss VI.rtet Untile
and w-Bs out of doors Moodav for the
- - —. . . . . - - - - - - - - -.a 6. at P. J. Biirtleod
nm Umc in over three montba
S-i'h Mll.oi. on to the «d a
liss Lonl«e Rnohr Is especled hoi
l>rt.f. W. O. AVlllartl was tn Kalkn.,'to riurutT
9 spend the week v
ha TueJKlay havlnR some denul work
•>- Jobn~>n
• Traverse City
The f-llowliiB, (!. B. HodRea. Dent ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦>♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ vlplior this week
nine. t\. W. Ilniwer. Harry llrtw-d and I ♦ a » * a a a A'i a a a a a a
•‘'‘’■fiend and brother.
Mite Hobbs, inicnd
Howard, spent Saturday at Travennend to go to Traverse
ol the Week for ihcir; Mr and Mrs, Will Charapine spent ClLv.
> • Ford»ns.
|Fiimlii« at Brove.nenl.
and Mrs- R r Hrtdeman re-'
»*“* -'•'»• Rw«'ei ami Mr. and party on Jidin Ml
....(nwi —
Mra Crowe enterufned <h«
the r.,ui
'.no ..I..S
club litrtbday. About Iblrty-flve of his
unii-d Monday
Xainpai Florida. \lvii
Saturday cvcdIde.
eichleen being friTOds came with well (tiled baskuU
There they have sjienl tbe winter.
l>ns«-ni. Brorossire ,'oto was pla>^, nnd a ^nilful supper was ^rved
Th. lAd,,.- Au .«ie«- ci^ O.W
;r«' i,,ldn«i.E m«.ic
Mr. and Mrs. Harry ^liltnian loft
bore Friday (or roldwaier.
ITof. W. U. wntard made a bnslM« trip 10 Crand Rapids.
J S. K.«Ues waa in Traverse City
on busloesB.
Miss loiis .Nelson was in Kalkakfc.
Monday .
, '
>lr. Sheik of RIvep-lew baa rente
a farm near Crofton, ,
Miss 47ierry Brow]S*«as tbe Rues
or her cousin. Mrs '7\'. U. WiUar.
Saiarday and Sunday,
O. fi. Doherty was In Traverse Cii
«o tnulnews.
A A.
bdil .-Udd,. «W„.
,dd.l.lldd ,.r ,»dd.ldl,».
- dl —d>
... .dldhl d...was
Kev. b A. IK'kn of Port Huron, firfd olive-.. i<-«. cream with girawberries muuy nmre l.irth.laya
caller in Traverse flo’ one day las
-. the Auli-Aalov
srt. of'ihe
Auii-Aal'ion league, nud aORel food. The iiariy was held' Mrs. Kaic Werner Erkran of Good
IHed the pulpit al the
'Harbor suterMl a aii(M-k of |)sralysls
Dent Blue and Dick -Rodees havlunday na.rolns and 1
night, and died Biinday.
. She
. llokera '
tbair garage in readiness (nr thel
-.tile address lo a Urge audl-ii.-v at visitor Maoday. ;
ill be t
sew cars.
hf grange hall ii. ii:e eveuliic
(for her n4i->oI dui
•hil^rcn 1
luiles at itenzonia (bat wit'rc so
Peter h^ylor has 'iasfalled a nev
the sihool house
Cart Campbell of I'nlon and .Netty
RfrtRera'or in his meat markeL
iDcsday at two p. ni.
bery of Souih
- . __________
1 he Rev. llowetfe spent throe days
MIH kMna Tcarboul . and lllUed lust
luMt M.-dnesday
at Kalkaska. >«»« «“*ck at lake A»n.
Gladys Illlf are both sick with Ui.
Ml*. Frank tiorr and daughter'
•“'>•»*«' returned Friday ♦
rial (aver.
toroth). Mra. Albert K.dd dnd^il‘ ‘ r''
Irei. of Farwell were the gurau ot •‘T*' »""»»»
KaUva. Mich,
heir sister and husbnnd. Mr and
Blamimda of ITove-t Northport. April H.—The V. a
basks Saturday and Sunday.
spent a few days with her n»otb- weather aution bureau
4ra O Ia .Boy ngtoQ over siiodav
• moo' apcni
The Daisy class had a hard tiiru
A.,- f..s- .....r here. She alao vlp- April IMb.
party Saturday at the home o( VeniiMinnie Kelil arrlTed bonte this
ddddl, . .
aad-, evening from Martun, where she spent
Y. d Tauuer and ihmily or»i imidgs;, 4*10 barae*" ** *"*" b«*sht • *
Mrs. David BenMQ and dauKhiei
• the pBst week w ith her sister. Marian,
ZkorMhy. zoiurued to their home h
‘etoskei- SondsT to ue the former-.'.
•’aimer and Clyde CanningMr Ud Mra l..ooinit of Sattoas
Kslsmsioo Ust Thursday.
^I^key S.inda.v to see the formers ham have relumed from a moniha Bav arrived Tnesdav to spend a (ew
- -Mlasea Ruth Bnae and Molly ruri
vlcit at Detroit
-weeks wlih Mr. and Mra. J. Koned.v.'
■were guests of Mra Will Ottmore a
On account of w-wcJh and trmdi rw
The Mlst-a TClartsJut Gertrude and
Miss PrWa Wiegand of Detrvdt Is
WaJuM TburHday niRtiJ.
lalriug al tkher points, the wc-v I. ulse Manltau are home (or a vlali the guest o( her aunt, Mrs. A. John. |
John bnrkbolder of Sootb Board
rain bss (ailed to place the now with HnKr (aiher.
- a. H. Mlllken retnmed home Thursatan was tn town Friday 00 bnal •tert nuU at this place. tbere(ore the
Mra M. A. Crtver and Myron Cnlrer day night from Vf. Wavne. lamsiug
mrs gang Im been dola.ved In com- left Tuesday ntorning (or Adrian.
and fievdand. where he spent the'
S. W. Soitth of Trarerae C(ty wa oenrtng th^work.
Mra E. J. Dickermsn spent UemUy msI three weeks.
^oday senlGW « M. E. eboiubiwlth Mra. J. O. \Tack.
T MIsa Clarissa Johnston spent tut ,
Mrs.- Alle 81a
\^l IP. JPI8: ,
j The young people of Cedar gave a Tueeday nnd Wedneodu In Traverse 1
Bondsy to visit 1 sUtIvea.
Bnn^ s^ool nt 11:4& a. n.. Bp- surprise party for Cbutde Cork Satnr- City the foe* «( Mlaa Rntb Boughey. '
Mlsi Bvelya h tcfcsiefoe was bow rttrib lesoe at 6;» p. m.. prewMb* day evening st Ihe borne o( Mr. nod
Mr. nnd Mra 0. C Rnnaon rrtureed
A UD efarome kather shoe for hard wear
This shoe is solid icathcr
throuRhoul; do imitations nr
siibytitulioQS arc usc-d :ii any
The tipper stock rcfi< eleanbroach
trader the toe cap. su tUt viboo tl«
Kurrivod by paroot*. three broiheni.®-'.,'*”^^
.« Th» rmu.r*i
w>rvi<.>«’ "t*. rrons Kirt entertained IHaa
VV»r<i van ni-eired lavt week of the'
ll jiervltvs
Cnity o
tlealh Ilf .Monis White, n foriiier ret-lcliurtdi
oil Martha Shalda ut North
e held at the M. E.
diuu (if .Sunh|HirT. whleh oceun-d in
p. iiL. lict.
M«r«h U'lh. after a li/iia
Iasi Wednesday and plans were lunde mness. ... ...................................
In rtfe lake «-emHer>jlor liavinR a pie social In the near fiiyjr, \vi„.
i„.rf for Wire
They will -...................
W^ne^l.iy. lu i;„k;
Mrs .Vlilical tireen *» s of Canndla lura.
April nywllh Mr
Kred nauuilmrcer visiled Truvcrs'
birth. born tile :0lb day of 8e|.l.
tenilance is dusireit.
itv on Tuc-adu) lust.
. IMI. died al the borne of
13ii1e Katherine Kheetick has the
Mra. Frank I'alhouii. sbo baa Ik-.-i
arxHher. Robert McAley, April 8- ISI J. measli-s.
•rv ill. IS contaicsiiii;.
ane ol CS yean. £ nsinths 13
------------Miss Ada WllliauiHon was a Ti.i
Blie Is surrlvt-d by a huilmnd. ^
jURhtera. lour sous and one
have retired (mm (arm w.u-k wr»-n-v T|,j,„r on . dm-.ulav,
I and w
rotlicr. ('nm.ral services were held, They b;i«e rented the nn'’
I their htwic Thursday. April lt«h at
Mrs. U<:;. .tlrq-irc of FT™., '.
nsar the warHituise. ..........................
: p. n,. I1..V, A. w.
Rlrimrd Riillivan nnd sister. Mias vv„, Wiiluinisim
uieniisiii teok plHi-v at the hifu IaLcj
Eleanor of Empire, vlsiw with Mr.
,-h«« Join, and daURoier. Ilciiie i
.and Mrs. Fred
nI Itayo
ItaRo Rundsy.
. . . _ . . uiiKV)
uHnR t1
DiiRo brtne
their uncle.
«Ur b-lee iasi Wedneaday t veniiu:.
♦ *
lion, to
lo Sir.
Mr. and Mra. Fennk tnclc
,| y. iVmaPc.v. a. .ompanb-il liy i,
WILLIAM&BU^**0♦ Mi.tiday
dmisliler Riilli,
Than HemiiRtoa of Travrrac City j,T,..riua>n slili
Wlllianisbant. April ir-.—Nr. 8ulil. visited old (rtendg here Mendav.
Bradley is siwnUiiis"
-bo liaa iK-en iivlnit on hTank luinRW. H. Cork. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry
• ortli,'# plaie. has moved to Harbor Cork and John Cork left l-Yfday tor
tc^a T’hestn T'i v'.-jt ’'toll tc tc ‘
,t iC.".Xp!r. iT'/'f.r,'”''
Rouge Rex
Shoes No. 449
toe rapit w.imibt.tvRh you cun rip
it oO and siiil have aaothertlucknrti
• of leather to uc£r out.
AiJc your deejer ior No. 44a. It
will please >ao.
ll inbetarmcr c.
icicril-liac. blit ecnally saitablc lot all kilKis ol
wbeiLcf ticU.-ton.-st or nuue.
L'Ok f -t tby iroiU-mark on the aoJe.
FtwRcsirr P.«i K-.t eallorlbciakiw: Wrilc l>
i.'iJe m Sh A. ^eiHuTa aaJ Shoe
General l.hw RruotiB
410 Mete AsJt>
Ward rt. ConrttBC
Huding I
Matt fN. r^onnlne
Let, the Herald and Record Co.
do vour Job V-ork.
- The Interest in Ladies' Styles Unabated
itiEludinfi several very .-p-icinl sample
h!,:li cl;is>
Pnd fiibrk*.
and ?29 50 will pro'^urt; the }>r.Hiie3l
deini-tailortd and Bulgarian styles,
made for relaUing ordinarily at
$23. .S27..-0. $ iO. $33.
More Nciv Arrivals
Cblfions. Waists, Dress Skirls, Silk
Waists, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves
ar.d \eekwear.
iOc^mens Jfev9 Separate Coats
for the %Spr'.ng of ISIS.
Many distinctive and fandsome J'fyles at the
Popular Prices of SS to iSZ.S0.
This IS
into what makers call a “Coat Season."
In oiber words, nearly every wjman has determined that she
ivanis a separate coat lo wear with ter spring dresses.
Certainly there is^good reason why every woman should
so decide, lor never were there handsomer coats than our Ap
parel store has assembled here at moderate prices—Coats
that have for their style iaspiraiion the work of America's
i)T£t Designers and of Madam ^varie, the European Reprej e.itative of the Woltex Co.
Coats of Bedford Cord—$22.50 and $^, in pretty and
attractive designs.
h r Ladies and Misses. Popular shades,
from $9 to $32.50. Whipcord Coats in the popular colors.
$12 bO t) $25. Eponge Coats, plain and striped, fancy collars
and lini ig. newest styles and colors—$20. $22.50; $27.50. $S5.
Me Carry Mall Paper:
&very Pattern tfe».
-a*-. I
I noiraiT, iniLiT, ktu'
of their Krasdfather. E. K. RowmaD. . It fa ijult* a
lournay tor two rhlldfca to »«h»
jMiniw:* drove
-----(OonUnned Irom.*^,
A lot aorUl was afven Saturday
Trovenw I'ltv u»t 8und«v anil «iU«d
afier a
liliieei. f*
nlBht at Cook's ball by the ftnlon Aid
Mrs. WiU Pfeixa
ihr horn.
home on Tnuro- . 'Mra.
Vl«T* *-ere Urld al Xhr
S. M. KIc liaitiaon U a
aneruoga. Rw. U U SteadmaB few 4aya with her son a
ni«m irod Httle dauih
nlj.'hetIdM“ro roVfw a to trod, two daya last' week oo ac»■>'* arandson. who arrived last Sal- eount of al^eaa
tar went to Ann Arbor M Mouday laat
Several from here attended
<x>uuty Sundsv
.day achou) rootatitloo
where the daughter WlU Uke treatG.*;ielu>aii to tery alck ai rouHy
ille tVedaesday
Wedaesday and Thoi«T
A dab dance was enioyed in the, tbto
GeoT«e itrake, (n«n aotiih ol U>wn.|^,v tobi and uU roftort a very prol.mSunday.
iiw$ IF n>M nntuE iikh
rt.ii'-'.i jXn .i.; u.r
'‘"'-‘..■s-.ir"' *
f"?.*'''*’. J. iml.
■ on «he Peninsula over 8unda.v.
,n I.«din.
»•»- Ada Hall from the state bospl.
W *Pent a few davs l«at week alth
t<w where he U employed on a tar■ her mother. ttis
Mrs. cofRi
Cofftcid, owii
ferry, after a few daya vlsii with
Aner the tmaineas of the
O. T.
r^vront. Mr. and
n f>;d.y evening
lut buDday.
O.ilUyh) - has lN.-pat> woriroa
CEDAR. R. F. O. NO. i.
- "
retunml from i
has been speudins the winter, in
Carolina's with Mr,
Bertha Sparling. M
tug a Ditto longer sad stopped in IndtB where he baa PMftIvca'
VVUI Jackson purchased a horse
Klhcvtev 'im'.daj pn paiaiur.. t.. ik-
gln tamms
“• '• ............. -
COON oai OF GOai impootance dweared
Lik* M>fic.{tat>ldii(LT£>
! H C Agricultural Extension Department Hakes j ^
North Bangor. N. Y.
Preliminary Announcement
cV} w';iS;'eW They
hi. tab .1
PHrtmv night
tiieht tWith her mother. M.000.600
line .taent Friday
Ilaera motnHillside Grove. April
Chauiimcy Hi'rt Ulster vtoiUM at Clcui. day evenInB after a few weeks stay at
ratios by mrons
nrons of drainage^,
drainage, no veryr
•' vsUon
Champney'» Sunday.
Urge areas of virgin aoil tamalii i
Mr. Olee* to bvirztng wood for J, Shepard.
Mrw, jiilin Amtsbudiler enjoyed a ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ s* broaght under eultlraUon ta
.... Cba* WoUel Is vislilng her
.4 444444w4w444444lands will be made to yleldt
mother. Mrs. IVheImji for a few days. day evening.
Allyn. April Il.-Meivta Tratt has-abundant harreita-but for the presMrs Adam Strieker to no better a
. Ill vl.lim |»1.,«J.
„ „o„ lori .tambir. u «.a •!
this writing.
Adam 1mu.r U wortln, tor Jobo
.QvlVeeier Brosn was (wiling In th'
n(Jlghborhood Sunday.
Mra. C. RoxbJir.v. has purchased a
to keepi
ta l-autner's tenant bouso.
on going forward U will be oeceaaarr
Sunday school will be reorganitod erron Mparatop (rf M. E. Jacobs.
Mrs Jc-B-etl
Jc<B-eu bas a building nvost up for us ^
to aeeure larger yields froi
nday kt 10 •
t'lcwr llnik. Siindi
ntoeSelds that era already under <tamr:^
Manley Wllbong to recovering
Qnltv a BSDber will sow alfal
n operatlo
Hon. That to to any, omr problem h
S. IV Cai'e and family eoiertalMd
MllJ. Itajlb bu t.rrha«ta . .Ho ot "oi «. looob bo. lo locr.... tb. |>oi»
-.’latlves froi Traverse fiiy Sunday
totkm ta rural eommunlUea as It Is
In wi/b autonvotvlltw.
•.uMT.bntiiiMt Conklin Hnihera.
Inerpakc the producing eapacttXfOf
' «ii>koop
dioereni pariles soon, the people already a the fans.
and James
____ ^
Mrw. Hkkermat anil Mrs. Warren
Avsnge Vlelda.
B. Calc sttemled Ihc-funeral
.------------------------The average yield of corn per sere
FriU at Maple City loda:,y.
ity 44444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ta the Onlied SUtea la obly abcmt S7
•i.bthiT pioneerr of Itcelai
gone. Another :
I in the I
_____ 1 ■ 0.lK,ro,'A'pril M'-Verv- nlcto wr^lh- >»■’
per aow-and the aver> lilg Rapids Sat
44444444444' „for nmklng uvapU syrup and the *«•
»««riy ev^hlng we
4 sap aeems to be verv sweet m far grow on the tarn to esi^ingly low.
>>ome iKrtatoes hsve
*444444444444444* thlF^ spring.
compsred with the yields ta othi
tin-_ past week Itb tb
the price s
lake. April 14.—Everyone en- Frank h’isher and wife of Glen Ar- eonntries.
S Cilii
aoi-tol Fridio night at toir vtoiied w^ib^be latter'^ sla^.
it to high time we were waking ap
Beeman i I famUy Sal- ang going nometblsg.
the Dunn school Itoutte. 'They made Mrw.
'Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Davis were ta $4Xk'>
day and Suoday at Osborn.
Traverse Citv Tuesdsv.
Bess Whiling and Donna Bemui
Mrw Ralph Atkinson and children Better Far
Andrew and Mabel MurreR
walked up to hVank Dunn's from Tra- and Mrs. Roger Flam of Hurdlckville
hundred rivars ago the Mohawk
A'riday lor On-gnu where itiey
vewe niv aundav PKtrntag and back were ibe guesis of Mr. and Mrs Fred
. "!A^v!^!t^!f^K7ta,rta^Vta
nnke their h-n.»- Their mother
again SuncUv night.
IWn.an Sunda.v at Lake Junction.
J?. the wal^d^r^r tas wirid
there aortie time ago and the children
Miss Marjorie Berg to working for
gull* a number of the friends of
Mrs. Hugh Dunn.
Mr.,Beeman attended Iito funeral Sun- '“f
lertinty. ana
D fine yoke of <dav'at Em
Mr. and
choir renristci «f
wife. ariU Marlon fllbbt with Goldie
HoUaday at the orimn. Mr. Jesslck
was too elrk to be ap at all that .
or since Dr. Manta of Trav
to aUeudliiK bln>.
• Your Opportunity
™:' s'nS
Heim was ta TrsTerse Satu^
Mrs 1.4-na liagger was ta Trarerae
CTty Monday.
n.c< M,. Micks to heliilng Aflen
M'l‘>fnu - tM-' week.
Mr». Myrtle Green and her atoier.
I i.iven* f:ty xvaiur
Tbe ladies of lleliner met together
- Tuesday to do some sewing.
Mrs Ti
ras ID Oraan o
Ksendlnc a tew ____ ___ ___________,
Miss Ida Canfield spent Sunday ta
reverse Cli.v.
There will lu> a dane al the Silver
WssUni CiMil'
ake Inn April rfi.
Dcroadeilrc leesls
.Mto» K.II1U t otlkcr Kiwnt Sunday at
iaB*ldBJ?5nH HP SOtaAHta «r M
with Bertha t.iiiman. .
tS!Sa tb^*L.’Sr Grown
imuald cwhneld bsd hto ev« badly
thw am ti^seoaias
Umiwd bat wo bruised while playing ball.
Mr. and Mrs. J. c Runk'a horee ran
wway Frida^' night and they last a fur
|r«crotlr bees
rolie and Mrs Runk's muff.
George t;anflcld to working for
Frank Dunn
ta NOW In £. Pro..l.». ..l'
♦ ♦♦♦44«4«V*44444e |
lavng Ijike. April ir.—Mr and Mrs
Holly < oie. from aoaih of town. vlaU- j
ed frtvods ta this rlctaliy ton SuB- {
n'UI Kewstead has been qolie sick I
fur eereral days.
I/evl Cox, who has been sick for a
Tong time, i- very lo.w viiih iw U.iK-e f
of recovery.
.Mrs Ray pcldinc and two children J
from Traverse City have been rpt
^ *1^7at i-arc tor Iharslsn,
r Mil.. Itodeay Rates ' '
M. V. Meitt
I7H Jefferaon
................ Awe.
Detroit. Mich.
. . _ .
Ftea Beemsa to numbered with the
sick st this writing with lumbago.
Dr. Fralick <;f Maple City was an
Oslatni caller bunday oo professional
Mrs. Dilbeit Barr to stok at tbto
writing. Dr. FraUck of Maple City
attenda her.
Thcmaa and Martin Dorea ot Osborn were Empire c«Um Monday afternoon on hoataeaa.
George Cuevk and aon Harry went
to Wexford Monday for a few days
stay to ^11 ibelr potati
OJIve Atkinson and ebiidren
♦ 4'4 44444444444-444 and Mrs Dora Plant of Burdlckvllle
4 ate supper at the borne of tthe'tonnRUN.
___pareuta. Mr. aad Mrs.
INraanu. Sonday at f^sborn.
" ""
I •“
atoier'f u.n-1 lor ihMT Ob. home out west
MoiuUy morning.
-,:e City i»
rv Ibe sick Bat but
bcllct M Ibis time.
.Mr an.l Mr* \\Tren D.oi--W- -•'•i.ed: I«ng UJce District No. 4. the aev.
(irandma Hane.v Sunday afternoon.
eoth month nf srhnol Hosed here April
Mm. Min Rosa and daughter. Nettle. II. Total number days taught:
tolled .Mr and .Mrs. t'loid Dodd SunGraniiuar room. 3u:: PI
i luiar} room.
Mrs. S. A. Pike V
imnd tulal number ilsvs altend
aace; Grammar room. «uu 1-2; priWcv.'cy Wares and Clold Dodd drove.mar} room. fH..
_______ - - ■
Pen outage of aileodance: .fram—---------—
Biar 'rooro. 8!'; primary rnnm. 92 I-2.
Average dally
Granimar room. 18; primary room. 22.
t Total number
Gremmar room, 23r*i^i;vry*^n!^'.
Their Wrappings This Morning—
and Added to the two Wonderful Groupings
The best that can be done
is but to hint of tbe styles,
the stunning fabrics and the
clever new innovations.
Many new effects that dis
play the smartest new trimming conceits. tHilored in
faultless style. DisfincUvely "DIFFERENT COATS'
wifh a ffifcsh origina'iiy. fjuite befitting the season.
The materials include Bedford Cords, Novelty
Checks, ntw Serges, Two-tones, Eponges and desir
able Mixtures. Many are in popular two and three
butiou Cutaway Aiodels; Coats fur every purpose and
wear, in such a variety of chic and efTectiVe models
that they are proving to be almost irresistible.
Sizes for Ladies, Misses and Juniors.
, ttvmc oeaiwei
aeiibrr tardv nor abaeoi durlug the mosUi ware Bomard Uichl.
Veraard Skiver. JenFreoHs Skiver. Eva
Kingd6o. Orrel KiPgdop. Jewsto Alkinson. Joe Durga. ttovld Chic-beater.
AtklUMio. Mildred AtkiDoon.
lud Derg
:'barlle Mltaeleek. Earn
klver. I
The gramatar
II pupito are hav
tag reviews.
I The primary i
e a progi
April 4. the drautaitoio of "UiUe
Hiding Hood" by grades i D and two
was one of (be numbera.
' 'Tbe grammar room pupils are much
Interested in the anbjert of agrleultnre. Our leeaon April is to "Veu-hes "
Unie Gusael Cox entered ecbool
_ Three pupils entor^
viz.: Luther and l.eo Chase
' grammar r.iuni and ^aa Coiso i« i-e
primary loom.
I Many vtottore have aliended atdiml
this nroalb.
I SHxMl was held here Saturday.
April 12, to make up one day we loet
ta (he winter. School wlH cIom here
Friday. May s.
SEE OUR EAST WINDOW for an Unusual Clearance
Mils. Grace Coffleld. grammar.
Lean Heirerich. primary.
S lSOtoJlO j8.50tol2.50i$l0 to Xlf,,512.50 to $1®
valj.s. ' I values. ] values
C.'SriVNATi—(tooige S. Ita
ford, of Chicago, former preside;
ire cunipuny,
pleaded guilty here toda.v to a aharg
of UKlng (be mslls to defraud tn.! • »
jfiued diun and costs l>) Judge ita!':
hi tbe rotted States coon.
There are ju»t 87 drrssps in tbis clearance; serges,
worsteds, silk fHii.lu.- an-I velvets. Dre.s«ex worth $6.50
to $18. at $4, $»).
ti.tl $10 See East Window.
Caaear and Ceefcroaehaa.
r»e 'Medical taveatlgator*. one I
Bngtond and Ibe other ta Copeub«g-i
have come to tbe eoaeluainn thst rai
$4 00
Where AlfaH.: to Grown.
The I
tbe United Statro
alfalfa Is grown
today. At the
e preahat time all tbe
grown in the United BUtca to
leas than the area of the little aule
of New Jersey. The total area under
alfalfa In this country is 4.701.1U
scree. Of ibli.area Kansas alone bas
•M»6t acres of alfalfa—or about ono
fifth of our entire alfalfa crop.
Nebraska comes second with €85,-
IwasalUncfnsnfemaW woakneta-and
bad I
I the time. Iwaala
I evenr month taas I
Jshonid have bees
so Nek thatI Ibad to fo to bed.
"LyiBa if: Knkbam's Vegetable Comd has made me wel 1 and tbeaa tn*'
i like magic. Ihave roeoentnended the Compewnd to
many womim who have ^ it «««»
fully."—Mrw. Jahss J. SfACT, R.F.D.
No. 3. North Bangor, N. Y.
Another Mode
Ann Arbor. Midi.-" Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Cob
wnoders forme. For yes ■* I sofTc
s and
Ji-; :i™
funeral was Iveld
the church Sunday
at two o cUck. and^hc rrois in Uic
May>ld .wmeieo- The floral oFfertaw were beaut.rjl 'n.e aermon «.«
gives by the Rev. Mr. Jones, and
James ( fmdutted the serwlcc- The psll
larly Kansas. Nebraska. Colorado.
California and UUb—the great alfalfa
bare readied the point
where we know we ean grow altalfa
In (he oorn belL and it to now np to
ns to grow IL
tbri^gh a
roach. We are not without hope that
if we bat kill a auActaiicy ^ gatmala, we may yet prolong w Uvro.
Miami and Scioto valleys of Ohio, aod
the same thlug over «e«it.
„h,u.Uon of thero
bmsd m
«!“»•«««- *“<l «• •*«» process
to now being repeated. Even ta the
Red River VaUey of the North, wbrnw
As 1 haro
Compound with
great twoefit I iaei
all returned but Earl.
”,^^L“'Sh^’ “*''“**
bedside „f i.er mother. Mrs. ErtckJohn Rinehart, John Shorter and Bill
*<■1* T*. Tno-V
1 llUlT.
(Team and <akc.
?ster _________ ..
lie a bad sick apell.
Wares built Ctaari:/ Ne*
♦ man a «uple of chimneys one d.-y'ssi
to ^avarae Cityy Frtdajr. Wealay pui
(baaed a floe taa._.
Earl Wade was In Trarene CUy a
(Ofple of days last woet
i -£<■«« of the yoaniE 'ftriks
-----------the boa aorUI at the ShUlor arlioel
a fine Us
Saturday ofabt. All report
sly. wife and daoiihter.
Itorta. TWted bis parents. Mr. and
Mrs. V. Keaaedy Sunday.
S. 11. lawyer bussed wood for Hay
Powtsl jaat^v
d a borae frost
All of tbe corn bell states are lamanubly aby in tbe growing of alfalfa
as to shown by the foHowlng rank ta
which they come as prodneere of the
M that I had to doctor all tb.: time
d-Sew found relief until I took
your remediew to please my busba^
1 rec(H
to’S^^s^wi think ittoabJesring
for all women."—Mrs. L. E. WvcxoFP.
112 S. Ashtoy SL, Ann Arbor. Mleb.
■rbere need be no 'Joubt about tbe
al'iUly of this gra^ old remedy, mad«
•• • ofcurlielda.tt
remedy wsBan’a Adcgaea. Wepro^
eotnmes of proof of iBe^srt. s*»gh
to convince the moat skeptical.
don’t you uy itT
(From Wednosday'K Record-Bagle.l
“It to rich ta proteiB,
otelB. hr
_ almost
as high a feeding value as bran
“It to the most enriching crop for
the ground
"tVhen a good aland Is once secured
It will generally last four to als years
ta tbe humid regfons asd mu^ longer
n liiihiness
E. H. Duncan of Gay City, who ha*
been vlsUlng In the city the ra*t f*«
dsys. left tlilk norning for Elk Rap-
where he will be for a abort Umo
u, .1, k..,. ■ idk.
,;.«‘h." r»™:
..„rtor „ . bo,
„. ,
.Olio. U, ..rtcHO...
"No one mpre literally
* wjiort
Caiilltoc I
time ta the ciiv on lju..:ncw.
U O. Jost of CiRclnnaii to in
city tar a few davw on bnainaas.
Frank I. Tucker has retvroed frM
Chicago, where he ha:» been for J'
I OB 1.nslne»past two weVao
Bert Irish of Grand Raplt
ta the riij today for a ssboit vUR
Manager Jack Ptndry fall** to sr'rlvo ta ilie city ihU sfiornooh. He to
lexpecied oiihar tonight or toBorrow.
Icity for a short lime on busiaeM.
Jta Moey. who has been in the etty
for i.everal «la># «>u huslneas. loft this
morning for hU home at MaiwneUe.
Mrs. N. O. Gilroy returned to her
borne anar Mantoice this (rernlng ad*
er a week's visit in the rliy Vltb hcT
a^stei. Mrs. J. Toland.
G. C. Blevcnt hso returned to hie
home St Plymouth alter a whort Mm
In Hie fil.v c
few da.v s' bu^ln«■,.I> trip 1.
borne at Re(«l City an«rr a ehort
Ume ta Ibe ehy oo bnalnesa.
Mrs. Tim Bemlah. Mr* Shirley B&ver, Mrs. Will Blackburu. Mra. Jake
.Heuss. Mra. Victor Olilett. Mrs. Ho-vard nfe'left ihto tw»n for Grand R»PKlap eheurinp where alfalfa la ^own In United-Ststoa today. Note the
The total »<1»
attend the 23Hi annlveraa^
parative arose grown east and west of the
I tbe Grand InteroaUonal AnzlhaiV:
a grown to about equal to tha area of New Jeraey.
tbe Brotherbood of i.ocoaotlve 1
fifty bushels of wbrol to tbe acre was Upon those who are stnngen to tt. *‘“**^° ** ’'***
not vnusual, today not more than fif
teen bosbcla to grow-a.
II prosperity, than w.
________ ...___ » t<‘" <*■>*•
Food fiupply and P
ita ezoelleoee as the foramewt forag*' WANTED—I'orUlon as nufaemald or
To make It poaslbla for tbe people
of tbe United Btatee to rato^ dotbe
Miss Elsie M. Nelson. 1
Grow Alfalta.
aad feed future generations, we moat
ragb. Mich.. R. .\o. 1.
April 17-1 n
change our system of agriculture. We
An acre' of alfalfa yields EJU
cannot depend upon Uncle Sam for pound* of digestible matter; red doany more Und. aod the only method ver. S.200 ponnds; and corn. >AO0 WANTED—On n farm, aa Indnstrioe*
leni;>cratc man end wife wtUioal
by which we can keep tbe United pounds.
ebUdreu: man for general farm
Stales on tbe ^p to lo make two
In ervery doIUFa worth of mlfalto
work, end wnnan to do the botueblades of grasi/^w wbera only one there are thirteen pounds of
work ta laiuiD of two adults. Give
grew before.
to every dollar'e worth of corn there
Tefercncea *o>l wag(ui decired In
During tbe last decade th* popuU- are only eight pounds of protein. The
Hr*t totter
tlon of tbe United States Incraased 16 great value of alfalfa na feed staS ta
R- F, O. .N
per cent During tbe same period (be therefore apparesL
«pr 16«t
prodnetloo of beef ta the Cnltod
Alfalfa enrlcbet the aoB—grain .latwork on roUBTEAMB
Sutaa fell off 28 per cenL
povertobe* the soil.
N. Roaae.
A few years ago it cost tha labor
There rematas little more to be said.
Traversa City. Ill W. Htb Bt.cCRs.
ing man 162.05 for hto yoarly supply of Every farmer who read* this sboald
phone (158; Frank HattURon. TravBMSt—today tbe same number of begin Immediately to make prepara
eree CUy. Clu. pbone llL^Bell
pounds of meal eoat $U.«6. an to- tions for putting ta a pleea ot alfalfa,
phone IW; D. 8iralwton,.«irta
erease of t» M.
even tbongb It be only one sere. It
R. F. 0.. DHl phone. Grawn.' 4yl->£
In vlew«r this what shall we do?
yon ean grow an *(re next year you
par iJfc« >
A careful snalysis shows that we can grow tatv-acres the foHowtug year
need more fertile fields. «r rather —and then twenty, forty, aad even FOR BALE—1 two seated
fields with gratter fertUity.
one hundred If your farm to big
I buggy.
We ne«d larger and better herd*. . enough to make *o large a field praoapr 16-tt
We seed
We Deed larger bank acooonta.
Teo sere* of sUalto oa eveiy farm !rof| g^LE CHEAP-At a banali. UWe need better bomee.
In die United State* woeld giv* na to I .ere farm, one mile from tSufV
We need better dttoenahlp.
round Bumberv <4,000.000 scree ot aL
station. Inquire oP^ PhUlp MOHr.
How can all this be done?
falf*. Before the next decade has goes
Klngstoy. Mlcb.
meh r itob* '
Perhaps no one thing will do more Into history we would be growtog
■ ■■■ > ■
lo aroare these things than growing 100.000.000 acres
■^1 w vA
of A.14WL*
alfalfa in
to loe
the Unit-,
uDii- , W AN-TEGT-Bcan
scresiw. •Free
- — toad
«d State*. If we do this we win b*
f»nH*hed on the first thirty *«•
_____ ___ contracted. Travers* City Cazdaf
If thd to true, why bavwt we baea
growing alfalfa?
Beeanae we thought It
lerd* win be larger and
man by t
greetWe Can Crow AlfaK*
work 30-acre trail farm -----------—we. will beve bapptor
sloa. Mlcb. Must have enough <
Kaay tanawa to th* con belt do
perlenco lb culUvation of tnUl term
we wUl be belter dOariM.
It believe that thay can grow alfalfa.
to be able to go aheed with work:
They aro under the Impreesion that It
StMdy werk all aeaaon for rightmafi
twgulroa peculiar cllmaUe conditions,
Bevaa powada of alfalfa U worth as
and a peculiar type of soil, such as to mn^ to feedtog value aa taa poasds
iovad In the weaten ataua, pa.-ticn- ot bran, and It costa but half aa mack.
' ,<
Madge—“I win leave ]
Traverae City—"The Brigbesi Spot in Town.”
Let The Herald and Record Com
TMtowi who e«to* lOWd feaev to aaa
pany do your |ob work.
ALVIN H. GRUBER. Paoeral Otoeetor
TMchera and Pupil* of Rural fteheete
•hewn Hew to Conduct Rap Dell
Prt*» OantMt—Plan *f Crop l«-
!1 Crop Improvetnent
Plan tD Unite AH Intereste in Nation-Wide Campaign
for the General Growing of Alfalfa.
It was a sharp mm of wtnd ootrioB
than rounc Cnthhen Tani
RATE DESTROY SEED CORN. tha notbM* with marrlasaable dansb- ineoaly around tb* cor**r-Md flUloE
hrld up their hand* In homr at Jimmy ElllM'a area with dvat that
wa* raapeniiible foe the aoddant. Mtor
being partially blinded, he dartod for
ward In tha path of a atiwel ear. which
promptly teaefced him owr kn4
Extetislofi Department to Aid Any Community Interested in Conagalnit the edge of the aMawalk.
ductinn Campaign to Encourage the Growing of AlfalfaI
rv»t;c.Bti i>op tmprorMn»Bi HeTTie«1
' cetafiil apcouUtor. and bad UucNt hla wrherw he lay tenaelaea. while .Um
> TTic department of asrlcnliura, at aon that be must spend hi* tnoocr bresM caught np hie nnrold neaep*
No More Difficult to Grow Than Clover and
per* and eemtered them along th*
’ Warbmsion. has froqurniir called at- Uke a saotienun or not at all.
Gives Double tfie field
iciiuoo lo the trcrocndoui annual loaa ; The youn« fellow
Mlaa Cel* Moor*. %bo. with bar aa) the Atnorlcan farmeri faueed by ' tocratlc dnelrre from hi*
I2D 000.. be had learned ncrer to aunt bimaelf. con wa* Juat about to eater ibe the
Thir amount*
' nerer to do anything bimaelf that ater cloaa by. saw the accident and
MINI AutomeWI# Train* Important Feature of the Werfc—Behadola* to •* oj© each year The com belt farmether* could be hired to do for him. ran to the boy'* tide. Rhe placed hap
Arranged and Meeting* to Be Held at Farm Home*—Prominent Speakere er liae learned to hit sorrow ibaisraU end to b-llere that the one great ob- dainty handkerchief oxer the gath In
to Accompany Each Alfalfa Train—Alfalfa Organitatlcn* Will Be Formed lore inain.
Anything l^t redi
Jeci of llTing wai to extract from hi* forehead, while the gejitlemaa
i In 'he number of role li a great eoonoi
ea<^ day as rnneh pleaanre at the with her picked up the lad and car
In Each Community to Promote the Work—Field Jden Exp
ried him to a near-by drug afore.
hours W'otiid hold.
Alfalfa Growing Will Follow Up Preliminary Vfeek Where Requeited and •<!
Kononatelr the tajory was nbt acrlThen'hla father
a.. AM I. a«lln, > sur._^rx.l««r P. O. H.M...
from the potUton of mlllioaaira to oaa sad Jimmy, haring recorcred hla
CMp..„ Chlc^ Will Dl»0 td. and baro bern known to kill lamb* | thnt ol pauper, a not unnanal chang* atnaas. orerflowed with gratitude
A gra^ '
oxpraatlng hit thanks to—"Be
and pigs, when they were only a few
daya old. The arcrage houte cat U
deCempelgn work wdih auii
leleii! loll, rounty and tliy
tl tiop.'rln'.<T. li-niB of tehrml*. r>-ll. s. r. Inr'ltuie (.trucii'v to poultry and to wild birds, wh« ae !Tw,^ we^^
U» ««mp«..e the It.Ue newsvendor for
worlt'-rt, f!iauiaut;>in leeturr-rr and other- liii'-rott-.-d In thr work will bn which are IV farmert'frlenda, at are setUementa. Cothbert found hlmaaS
Jimmy natarsl.icd to obulQlnc alialla c-.an* and laat.-m elides .Ufalfa literature the rats One family of rate In a few penBtlee*.
ally looked upon hit adventure at g
and lookl'Mt will be ,-l»en wide dleirlbiitlon ihruiisboui thr country. Spc-r!a1 nights will eat. waste and pollute ae»loeky oaa. Tha cut on hit forehead
alfalfa ariicics will be «j-ni to fwrro Journal- and romtaalni-a. sod plate and rfwnl boshrlt of grain when It la atored
-latrlx pagre to newapapon. Alfalfa rdlil.ci.i of tu*»|>arKT* will be pub- la ihe ordinary wooden bln or crlbUr hm Otboroe had given him wa.
llthi'd wh^-re campaignt are conducted Dai-t will be arranged lor 'AUalta They eat through thu floor and aide*
t*ay" In the tchoold The corobaign will h. eondiien-d m rt»op»-*ilon wlih of the bln. which not only alloa* a
famrt*' Im-tllute*. hanlert' butinest men, ceminercial <lnh*. granRce. Urn watte of ta<-grain by leakage, hut per- ^ becLi* at arwdragtoth. *••«• bmtafKter* on mor* than opo
Rtoi'k und dti'ry a6!«ociatlon* In ar;. rommuultf where the i«sjple nro arttloat mils motaUiro to enter.wblch'add* to good pSS71.fth. town. With a very ®«a.*«»i‘* and It froImprove thclr crindiliont tgrtrult-jraily and arc willing to give their Ume the lots.
few etccpilon* all tb* *lTlcUr propM’ ««
and'rnoney for an eiithunlasitr camptliro
anumberofve.ra,fr.erahar. ;;rs/;';Th;:;i
*lJ te
qoenOy -BappeSkV
out Tarioii* d<wleca Polnon ar»d I
TanhnraL Br.. Inroad the coroer wh«T*JlIIf«V>^ hi* headWork lo be tiaried Immediately in the roro and •Cmion neJi Stt'e* and
In th- I'ast . Thirty to forty niit lings will be held in each county. Ihe number
derc-idtag on k-ral ctindltloca.
always aaro of a bright a:
To accorip'lrh llic mtwt In acrlytillurttl develepmrw. we muct begin wllh i
c vuecessfut in kfliing birds. pouL
the tL.;i, b-ujhd the crop. Upon him depend* the fiual wurklug out of the
It had hero a bad
mlafortan# be dm aotloed that hi* two farortt*
had dogged him ocr*l«te«lly. and b* cuatomero had not paid hla *t*»d a
waa aaklng hlmaelf what waa th* aa* vl«»t for an unuanaOj Jong Um'u
Japt Show tha Wa©t.
of «iininulr.g It all. He wa. of *K> WT»ee the winter daya came on and
good to himself, and there wa* so on*
»Un mlaallig Jimmy rttni
else in the world who carwd for him. to the eonclualoB that they nnat base
that they were threatened with th*
h* dared think as cartng been married and left the cUj- j
-plague•' and other highly coitagtoua for him. in the old daya of luxury h*
Thre*.month, later o* a w«
diseases which are carried by rata.
They started In and killed them by had wlwaya hop«d te caM Narle Fhlr. «Hxm be suddanly apM
buro hi. own. but now tt was too Ute. throng at tha borw waHthg ft>f ^
the mUlon* and. after redufing th*
H* had said to hlemelf la the ymn P*»e»ng cars, tha alewBer tem of »■
number, figured out aclenillc method*
_ ^
in prevent the rate from obtntnlag paR that after a taate of Ufa tharo former patronroa.
would be nothing like a quiet bom*
“8o you mlaaed ma. Jtoayr ah*
food They alarted to build concrete
_ '
floors for all Ihe buildings which eon- sbgred with Marie. She hid never ouerled aoWy.
“Too Ui I did. MlM..
t.-ilD«d nee and other food products un dlagulaad her liking for him. But
new* Ha had not dared to go near the boy. -n fought yotew-mebb# got
til. at the present time, according to
the Tokyo papetw. there Is practically
no warvuouse. groin elevator or *ny Wien hvited aeen Marie he dodgwl wl£th*t
girl shook her hand
liVa • aiM
u....- \. her
and ».
A pad
other r'rarture Intended for the •tor- Iround
It put 111 bottom of larger pltlep- and
age of food products, which has not <b* WM In hii ibcughu na n prta* 1 didn't get mnrrted^
-Thhxn h»*e o^g^ wlte mo
100 kernels are eownied and dlatrlbthe floor and tt least th* drat three that he had long ngo (orlettad. and Mild.
sine* I saw yon last. I'm Just aa poor
Ulcd over It- Another |»ad 1* placed
or four feel above the ground built
as you are now, Jimmy "
upon Ihe sev-d and the tmaller plat*
of ccnereic.
gloom ^i he hardly lookad
The boy stared at her In *tttec beot.f
Inverted and uted at * cover to proAppareolly. however, the Japan***
Tbe lake wan wildermeut He noticed that >erdrea*
vent evaporation This teeter should
havt not yet awakened lo on* of our where ha waa imli..
<dd atrt woro. lhavgb Mat aad
be plared In a convenient placc^whera
meet uteful strocisrc*. the eoneret*
er noticed tbe figura* that carefully mended lu plaeaa.
the temperature Is bc-iweeii 74 and
kilo. In a recent edition, however, of
wAlng him A aweet vote*.' “Where'* Hlater Osbemer ^
*0 degree# F Water can be added lo
the American Guernsey Breeder* Jc
"Don't be know nothin’ ahoat
pads when they bectme ftomewh.H
nal It waS sutAd tbst a Japanese
dry. Count sprouted seeds after ooo pHnei^M of tgrlr-itHnrc—the etmple aod practical thlagw—which oer nehcolf. graduate fron one of our agricul
number of "^Jto.'‘StbbbB-- lUrt. rurbon. ■ " eW. .bbothbi
colleges and «.-M’‘-rira»nf stattnes an- endeavoring to bring Into grneral utc. tural colleges It taking a...
buob b«br. blm. H. m. blbblM
a number of good com......... aro ..........
l*rof.-«Kor Hold-n propoeo. to carry thcae principict funher evofl than Puf brvd dairy cow*, and Is going
wander and nltT within her eyra.
' *>'L •“* ••Mhave not Been
very cffertl.-c work done on the aerlruliural tralni. by Uklnc that tnowt butld n number of reinforced concrot*
merrial •rod teeter* on the mnrkR.
beg your lardoc.' he exclaimed «>Mh other for^oag time, not elnooNo groin thmild give n germlamlon
vrtiich—thu nuiomobile-golOK dlrceUy lo the people on their own
««* oonhero pan of Japaa. coufu^ly "I «* not thlnklng-l 1 b^Hte a worWng girt "
of ivs than s:; f^r cent tor thA t-st
iS ^held
rue a mod-l dalir fatT. according
never noticed-- h. moved a* dK«gh
rrmlt* TTie higher the prro'-nUigv
Aevlccltural d* v.-lopmrnt need* tn addition lo the work of w public
Am.-rlcan method#
to PM. on. but the girt Ropped him.
yer do»^
of /rrminaiion the belter. That
Flroproof as Well at Rat Proof.
"CulhberL" *he *nid. “why wooT edwiro of -a..®, wraxbniiiv
the grain
g- rmiu
rminates ta not asflici
n g'
•1 gueee that nraat be IL Jimmy."
yoa speak te me? 1 haven’t aeen yea
•. Thr g
responded tha glrL aa aha tnniad to
has almost overshadowed the tuorf linstrong and vigorous reeulilng in a ^rowln* of that wonderful noil Improver. ALFALFA. It meoilng i
roturMd draparately.' bc^ ber _e*r.
Rroag. rapidly growing y.-ung plsnt.
,„y knowledge of the beneBcUl result* of It* latroduc- P<»rtnnt ftet that concrete structure*
-vm bot «t. II ^pl. .b™ia
w “K"' b.
are nton'uU'ly
ab»oluti-ly EreptooL
A. the anecess or failoro of the crop
^ K'',-...ral crop.
.m - . ™
The fire protection In Japan is bet UlkiD. to me! R«;ilr. TO botlor p,." In”,- "1
d-'pends upon B thl* U. au lirfwrtani
4'nnin;ugct ar- now being organlted In five differer. state*, and Pro
bob«b., cibbm. Too-i. "'“'""■'Spoint.
frasor Holden is dally answering requeats for hit aasIsUnee in orgunlxlnB ter 10 proportion lo tbe nrra eovermJ Ot-Will
•oniAny child ten year* old can o,j,„ licaiiiir*. and tnvltea cordial n-operatioo with every comteobliy thnn that of the c«re belt farroer.
, who geaerally haa n bedae. bam*, etc
VYI.y- not gel your
make thli i
O.T. Ut„ . iPbfflP TPIn the center of a large area the av>8*9 Pardon." Ho Baym
wTu moob bMobm^T
crag* farm In Illinois being 123 acre*.
Ibio Ibe «orr of bli Ooobfbll. —
' oolb oa Ibo .VbO a. bb nofbt bp •
T>«* center' of Orolfi rToductloa.
If A"Hrtc*o firroera would foUow much of tt aa he could relate without pnpefgood looking young man bolding out
The fleurra of the U« ceiiRjs. wh« 'hi example of «he carefnl lap* In the
Biy old faatter<.-d robber. 'Beg pardon.’
hreaUag. Somabow the eofi eye* of
■ S*''S?
compared with those of the prevloc*
of operate and build ih. lr <>^
he •ays. -bat I caw yon looe thit. May
pH br bi. .10.1.0 bi. u, i.n ib. i» “T-- •!-«• “b
By Chari** M. CarrolL
c-u.us reports btrk In Ur.0. Indicate «-Gi cribs. eU. of this Ml.rUI.they •hi
1 put it on for you'
story as be worfW hav* told U to nc "efter d# way yma tnatad UMa
Alfalfa -nnrii-B the ernund.
that the ^^vement of the production "coM d“lckly dlsrover that they Upd
"What could 1 do but stick out my
humaB being He epoke ot hU
Alfalfa IS a drnught r-sistcr.
Of grain under hriural ronlltlon. ha* obtained a . t-rmaneni Rrocture at * other
foot and let that nice young man pul
Alfalfa is th® best aotl doctor.
rearh.-d it* weal,-re llmlu Since igr.fl moderate drsPcosi. There Is nothing
on my old mangled rubber? But 1 was
Alfalfa add* bvaus to the aoiL
the -median point" irentor) of pro- ‘o
* concrete
no mad at him that 1 wanted to tell,
b. PIO .. U- '
OoTolfteoo ^ KI»
' (By M*fi*OB CamphvH;)
Alfa-fe Increai-e* the ftillk flow.
him not to meddle wlih~mr affairs"
--Ofsiletu; <-r-p imprwrrn.-fu h-t.ik.1
bbS TmT^ bO 11p pT I llobl Mo.™--b..».0.«U.0lT. -Do,«.
*lf.i1fu IK high In'f-i-ditu: value.
wiieat. oaf*. Urh y. rye. and buck- th-' floor* and aide* and
Tf It had been n tit-w n-hl><*r them
Borne farmer* will rala« *ny»he-a
“r, „,._i.,rtb
.\h'alf.-i balance* the corn railoti.
Wlieai-was nboot » mflea weR- lutely fireproof. It can ensilj be kept p won ,« PI. o. Ui. robPb. Plowouldn't bsvk been a *ocl in sight from inn to 125 bushels of cciri per
Grow ynur protein- don't boy IL
«uiihweK,of liurllngton. Iowa; hot tt* In a clean and
to Boe yo'd in#« it or to play the fairy
while their neighbor* who have
Alfalfa aod grow* larger corn rrerpa. w..«tera movcmenl tn the last ten There are nb he.^ yeariy.ew-n~priace tr> your rindorella." remarked just a* good land *1U produce only
enough for myaelf. now. to do that" |
Alfalfa' 1* tbe greatest of all aubaoll- yeara was comparatively very amall. Mr repair* ^ paloL
the git: with the iraluUon Irish lace from 2* to SO bushels per acre. era.
II lemains to b- e«--n what offect the
Advantage* of Coneret*.
• Why Is thlsr
Alfalfa baa ho equal aa a bog pa»
irrigation work now -planned .V
^ cmurviA,*
^..ncrvte wju
corn crib, like any wother
"To* know Ml*. Brotrn. who rona
Thr msit who rslsed the IW hoshel* turr.
cold try to trach you to win back, *N>«« for • “**,““**.. '*5"^ ^
the btuTding house where 1 live, Sbo per acre grided bit core and tested
rnv-rum^t v.II have uPc" ^ ronrrcie etrociure. rapidly pay*
j-our aeir-reapecL
PII-IPP^I. would
wooIO you
Alfalfa keeps stock lo good ooadl- the
loralion of Ih.^! great grain Iflcld* of
ftxea UB luncbro for me to bring to It before plaotlng. and the mas who
reward you well Don't aay anythin
the olBre. Of courwe, 1 pay extra (or raised 20 busliHs per acre la tb- roan tlr.n.
wh-n the farmer doe* the 'work
"Bat teero 1* no oda" be responded. te ber: *b* wouldn't nndaetacd: her
Alfalfa should be grown on every
them, hut J get kind of tired of them who planted any old seed tha: hb
during the winter. Feeding floora. "Perhap*. If ibaro waa-bot why
poisoned agaliiR 9*
aotneiiae*. One day Ian week abe rould gel hold of He will go out to
telBk of nr
An ^(Wfa Bald 1* a hog’s Mao of
tiT Is no other hay
h.r so
n good
.<~1 a*
~ al.1eui .!«. «.ll;
tied up a lunch In a newspaper (or Dis
hi* cno
crib Biooi;
alow: •!*<«>
about the
Hay. . , ,, _
««•« Bret of •““/!
“But teen U some onA C«thben.“ by Bee."
Tro* to bit trnsL Jimmy -traekad
for nil kind* «f Mt» Stock,
Rock, and
the winter at a aroail A ilitla .hand touched hi* gently, nnd
me, sod 1 didn't put the string around snd take out *nme fairly good looking
Fbx taU 1* tliV grentert
fo- h.ir*es nnrf hn«n atfalfk 1# Invniuobtalnad fro® from he turned from hi* moody gulag te tee girt te ber bumble bom* tbe sect
It very tight and before I got over tg ears that ha'-e been froxen all win
time sb* paasril the corner, snd.a tew
able. oUher as n hsy. e solllnc crop. ..tactically a.l Agrtenllural college* or look down at the girt
the clatioo the etrtng was off nod I ter. shell them aod go and plaR them. nIfalfB
Growing alfalfa U good
hours taler ElM* alood face to faos
, nr a puRure B eiccia as a ho* pas„Ma,l companiei.
had virions of m>-self Rrewiug pickW
Any porboD who follows this tli^
"Marie." be excUlmed. almost fierce with her euppoeedly oofalthfnl tovst
srd doughnuts all over the train, and ■hod mrihod of farming does not de farming
ly. -don't pUy with me Are yoo tn and listened to hU explanatlocA
I theegfat ] would ]uR ditch the whole serve as good a crop as the man who
earnest? You dou t really meaa that
MTien Mr. Moore's wealth was twaV
pacfcsge In the sutloB and buy nlonch raises from 100 to 12a bushels, nnd
yon will be that some onA do yon? lowed up by an untaeky epeailatk*.
.UM,. .'b....
downiowti. '
Yoo ean't-you eant-what-r He
■tVell. wte* I went to get
, .......
^ plan ihefr crib for the greaM *<»b- stopped aod kUaed tb* glovwd band and tee family went te live In a poor
of the city. OsborsA Min'
1n root growth alfalfa rcaemWa* rod
^ convenlrae* la 1111train I had kft the package
and taking out the vo-ry befi
dioned suddenly sway on a trip to tb*
- lever. h« *end.do. Ba«rvm*arup
„J,.e“dlng upon th* method need fervently.
•fat 4n the .ailon and mad* a dash way for-bis ti< tt svason's sew These
“Now don't be an nbrard boy," sold aast on kwRneM wn# aatounded to refrr the car eteps. JuR
ears are takun to the bocee »..
h>- each Individual fai-----* —
Marie. But for the rest of th* walk ceive a curt note from his ftsseos
eoatoriably crated au old lady daah- other go-M *#rT> building aod thnw
Cnthbert behaved hlmaelf Ilka s boy breaking off their engagemeftt. but
«d into tfaeooach and equeexed paR cugbly cured or prepared for seed. ^
uc *u...b -v .... ,,-v—
giving DO reaaoB for tba aeUoa. He
tile crowd imtit *ho>got to where I then during the s.inter tte seed ia
and boR
loend which Is ad*i«ed to ^ eoR ot ten cent* pe'square foot. Thl* juR oot of acbool.
About a year later a nnmbar of mao was unnwaro that hi* SlsWr SthM.
era* alifisg. VTiat did she have In tested or germinated to prove that
.»*« . clover
gteea a genera! Iden of the ooR of
were enjoying an after-dinner ebalM
her hand* bnt ray hjneh. bursting oot 11 U of good qmUty. and th® enra f'’^
u™®r vIeUa from
“ tee whole RrocUtro, which may alao the Bellevue club. "Speaking of who bad never bkad ElstA bad taon all side* of tbe eewspap«r!
test sbJW fuod Rrong germination
1 pc built of concrete blocks, provided changee." one man was saying, 'did formed te* girt Aat OeraM bad
bowed te tee wtaboa of hla famOy and
and lot# of vluilty are nheilcd off tee crop* inm loiiow.
‘'Of ccurse, 1 bad to thank her.
--------------------------- ' ,hni tbe floor and at least two f*« ef
aay on* aver see anything to eq*»l
dlda't d*r» to teave that package la and graded In a good aero com grader.
^i „
.uo w.U. are built of *Mld concrete th* change that cam# over (tatbbert wa* angtouB to break off aa engage
sowing tt
It :
ment Wbtob was BO kmger daatimble.
. „ . ‘ Many failures arw due to wsrlag
cost would vary •omawbai U dlfthe train for fear aotnebedy vise would Thl* Clara of c»rn will produce aa ton than c over or core
Tnnhnmi after he marrtad. Deed te
a* 1«
per acre, and uy
*» “•* Mrtcultural wOBdm I v.iih
oat* Of
or ‘“f'-r.
b*rl-y. These
■Ibcse tnke
take ao ^
^ ,o«mro*.
fDitov me over to lb# offlen and pro- hlgb
... , ..
I p-p-P
be tba moR worthlaaa sromp Is town.
vbo will
follow thin method can of .Vp .wppPIptk
’wcntiete o-pntbpCT
> mneb wstar trum .fcthe _0I
ooil «k..
that .W.
tbe pl
al- ,VVoVOV SMVIlbm.
•ent R to ma again, so I had to carry
I of Band and gravel. Ua- BoehM down to wMk Uke tb# mteb» >1.10 P coH. p much P
«HP'. TlPO" Hop l-o » Ora ,p„ jlp
aai7. aba took atop* to roleaaa bar
the trod over to tbe ortce ns tender
ehlef. and »«• »»#'* doing tora How torer at oooa
Umrt as rnneh as clover Of UmoUiy.
ly na If I loved
go or k* boa^ialB per nern
and Is more
val-jablc hay.
j Alfalfa growing teaib* the fclgbcR .
n did not taka him loaf to astabIt at pern, after alL If that newapa■ Canada, tee Bonb- 4Toe accoat (or Itr
"Wm this payf
-You romambar tb* FT*Mh P^ Uab bU tamdesaoe ta atate * cysA and
per-^-had cdntalned something reallv
The way to make dollars out of com
loaopbsr'a mlA" replied kl* frt«A before ^ nlgkt was over tb* renaUad
valkaUe I'll bet neither wltkts. i-lead- la w rtwde tt tn a grading maebla*. .
Dwight charg** paid. In a ooaerwU
»* T''"?
. . ..
lovera ataated f^ ta
tags nor tbrcati would have rttiored te *cie®D oot tee tetuae, the Up*. M nvery agricultural owurty ta Newr,
Rructnre. Portland cesrant I* tb* only
"Alfalfa Is t'a- rirhert I
- -------- material which need ba transported caaeA good and bad. 'Had tb* wt» Nmmr. tba a
tt te my ocblag b^ again."
j p„n, imv>erfect kerneU. and -p».p— tork. and on at (cnK oee farm in '
any dUtance. AlmoR every farmer aa.' It wa* a wotaaa ta that o*M
“It eurely 1* the llmtt. Oeri." dw ^ parUdra-learing only the porm nearty every township, it Is poaatble knowa."—J. YY. Spillmac.
-i--------------------can obtsln sand and grovel naar bis 8b* nsad to be Marie Tblrhofa. sbafn
dated t1.s girt wlte tb® annppy black
t^cl, tea, sSu gr«- te grow It on 60WC ren of pncUcaliy j
MfA Tanbsnt now."
*>f-r (atm ia tee stsia
Alfalfa enfrelt every other
ayra-ri-hlcagy DillT New*.
thatb worth planting ;oom.
uwn property.
. -BoJd ita a »»Buu. »hlle 1
t«i jouwnsir jiln. 0*rt^
■> *irl • Ith
h the MBwr
Week erf*oe ll b" JoelB* thet • oBdprfol «ood
• •* itoM pin eome d*r fou dent keep
CKeUMUil Oon Inpre^Mnptt S^1«a 1
tt,fUtPlirO “
In tho hi«b aobool at Maakato.
, “TbM » Juel whet rd like to do.' **•
WoBwd the »1rt with the pin e*d the Minn., mad In a uunber.of other nmaiBiitetlon Irleh Uoe wel«L 'Hooert tlea In other autee. the tcatlns of *«ed
to »odt>e», Ckrrte, Fro hed thet pin cant haa been introduced, and .anar
ttn* Tf«re. and 1 almptr can’t Joe* leamloc bow to do It the hor* are
H! 1 lost a folld icold. 18 carat P*® aeni out to thr dlScrcnt tchool dladar. *»d I etopped ts nt a ton iricis In the county to ahow the teacheeat atore and booitht thl* one to an and acholara bow to conduct the
W totBporarllr. and I re need H e»cr teaia Each pupil teata for a dlCrrcnl
alnce- Mv trnl irold pla t had three farnrr.
Standard framed pictnrea are offer
4a*a when ! Imt It hut thii Utile old
cheap o:;r etleke to B« Uke a mort- ed by the Commercial club aa prjo-a.
the arhooli niakina the groiinet num
a f=m,
Thrfe alwar* the war with apr* ber of toale eoutns the larnnai nclol&s )uo went to itet rid of. Yon turp*. On the followlna Hatunlay a
rowed Id ■
a-Mirty ran-i loie It.- A friend of my .amall epace la borrow,
mo'hrr* pare her e rate for Christ-] show window* in town, neat I
-maa one year; got It a* a premium ! glaaa. to exhibit the prite wtnnera
with *ome laundry eoap. 1 gnws It ' from each dlatrici. T he merchani add*
wa* the Bwfulleet looking thing you a email pnir lor both the roan who
Rand- furntahea ihc aewd f:ars and the pupU
. with big. rod rote* atam
Ing eat on It lik<- doorknob*
aald she would be so thankful If aomei
body would aeddeutally tip that thing,
oS the mantel and break IL
_ ’
* , "WcC. I pulird It off the mantel
> Grain SheulO B* Pianteo wniw.
ODO* when I wa* dutOng. and H roll^
Te«U Leas Than S5 per CenL
SCroBs the carpet and turned Its awful
Strong—Very BimpI* Method for
n-d row* cp at mo without eren a
Winter Evening* or for School
chip in IL And ma ha* aootbrr lit
tle ernsBPOt that rtie just ^ hfr
heart on. U* eiolefFnay. 1 botirre
By Prof. A. L. Stone.
they ran It
One day I was juet
On* Ittprm-em-ol s-r»l«iw1
pasalag the piano and larrwd it a Ut
Every grower should ten bit *ee4
ile. when down J( went on the piano
A«e lower* U* Tllnlbendi and chipped a big piece out of
of iho e--dB
tt. nad put a dint In the piano bench
power 10 grow. It ihcrolore abeoluu-ly
as big c* your hall"
'Tt snrciy it funay the way thing* n-cctaary lor the taccett of the fu
d>tlrk to you whon yon don't want ture crop. Sampl'w for thr genuina..........
a fact. ' .1......
agreed he ........
young tlon test, ebould be •elecH'd from
with the triappy black eye*. I Kraln which hat bei-n proloubly
- going
- - down
flconcd ii* rc. *'1 was
the aircet. --'c'l'-aned and graded
wet dty and I bad on a pair of rub a>ove light aud immaturcd keni‘-l*.
ber* that were Jn»t about w-orn out. weedy aord* and foreign mai-rt*!One of them kept KlIppiQg off at the- Graded to accuro the pinmpert and
heel, until it nearly drove me crary, largcwt attd. a uniformity In aUe and
oe 1 decided to kick ft off and let It maturity of the groin, will insu
go. 1 gar* my foot a flirt and off even growth and mnlurliy of - tb*
cane the robber, and I trotted along crop.
A teeter (or testing the enmplc* can
pcac^lty in the rain.
~Ahmt half a block down the *troet be eatlly mnd« by otlng' two tin
•omehedy touched me on the am. and plate*, one -lightly ■mailer than ibo
t tuned arooad and there waa a o'ber Cotton flannel or bloitiag pa
per pada me cut of the aame slxc as
the IntIde of the under plate.- Tha
... m„.
w*. de*..n.d«
,,,, „
TlSili^i’i^irS:' ibi'-p'^ir^llSi' ESTTpub.
.bTU' 2= r
r IS'
Wonderful advantagfes at J. W. Slater’s store. Now is the best time to do your buying,
jt is true that J. W. Slater offers greater and better advantages to home furnishers
than are offered by any other concern in Northern Michigan. He has by far the largest
assortment to select from, the newest and best styles, the lowest prices and the best
credit plan.
In has taken m n hs of fore:hcight, careful planning, good judgment, fine tasle, and competent buying to select the marvelous values now shown at Us
store; long diplomatic negotiations and courage ip big buying has brought the prices down to the lowest possible figures so today his store is packed with attract
ive and reliib'e home furnishings at prices worthy of your immediate attention.
CARPETS and Rugs
Big Special
fl\12 iiniKKuh Hittr. four uaHc-rtis in vU-r-l fr>nn .$1SM
!ts;11 Vr lv.-l Hnn.
Kwiv ................................$16-W
\Ko have juHt Ttffivr-rl a Iris Hliip^uiil nf Isfanliflil pattiTtus r»f BnuiMels. Wfrut. Axmitwti-r. K«>lax. Wrarl Filin* himI
nniibar RH|r> in all
Art Squares
Oulfitiing Our Specialty
flxl2 Art Srinar**, InHlrtKiin pattirn..
HxJJ Art S<|nnri>K. purl w.ml
1K12, ur-arly all
......................................... !................ |S.7S
For a quartrr of a century v e
have studied ih- nerds cf outfit
buyers and in buying from us you
•get the benefit of lh.t experience.
We show mthing but dependable
\Vc an- Hliiiwinf an i-xtra cimmI aRKrirtnir iil »f inirrain «*artill pallfriiK l>i s*-li-i’t from, rancitii; in prior up fruiii 2-k:.
WrHc for oar 46.pajr* caUlogue of Oarpeta, Bnct, Linelennt, Lnoe OnrUlni and Draperiet.
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt and Most Careful Attention
Take Baby Out
tr-I.Oli luK-e f'iirl:iin*i, K|K->-iu1 prifc. $1.96.
Extra ".."il imvorlnK tit i>f lun-c ('iirtniiiK in rablr* imd Sw i*
m-tk. raii;’in;t in jirit-*- f<ir 2&C t<> $16.00.
in a Favorite Qo-Cart or Carriage
Equipped with mohair top, easiest riding, easiest running
and best made go-carts on the market. Prices all the way from
I'orii-n-*;. $6.00 out! $7.00.
Couch Covers
aritiirxit frini;i>. from 75c to $8.00.
i !itrur»*«. «lri|>f*K. {dahls with
J Frin^ in all
II .-olon* 8c l<i 16c iwr
|>«-r vvanl.
Bnn Boda, r»inpli t<- vvitli Iriminini;>. bc 40d lOc.
Oriole Oo-Baaketa, r*.*m Ih- carriitl anywhr'ro. up rruii $6X0
Fonr wbee\ --iihhiT tin* pii*ih ■■.irtk. SI 76.
E Z*Go'i—
kiii'l ym <-nn
. r pi.ll—up fn>o. $1.00.
Ih-. tiiin* niiti Irmk «viT nur liin* «>f et»-r-arl« aurJ «-arriag«-K
l>.lr»rv liuyiuR. \Vi* ran save you aoiiie luniiry In-Hidrs iriving
you Ihr hrat tin- market atTunla.
bHtk over nitr lim* of i*x|iri-a.« ivagoiK. vt-loriptslrs, ham]
•a.Bstrrs anil rnaater watron''.
Stair Bodi, vi->»kI nr mk-ih). 66c and $1XX) per <in/i*n.
Window Shades, 10c, 15c, 26c, 36c and 60c.
Large size aiisrh-'i iiiinU 1>> >>ril<-r.
V'hen You Buy a Steel Range
There are three important things to
be considered.
Flwl—nte durability of the ranjje.
Is it so cMistructed as to stand years of
usage? Will it rust out? It is a fact that
more ranges ate eaten out by creosote or
rust out than -bum out. Are the stoves
j.pui together with stove cement or putty?
If it is a part cast and pert steel range or
an all cast Tange, they are.
Second—HoW much fuel will it take
looperate the lange? Remember, you are
burning fuel every day of the year and if
it t&kes a fraction of n cent more each day
to ope-ate it than it should, the excess
c(>sr of fuel will soon amount to the price
of the range
Third—is t overloaded with nickle i u on over cast iron? Will it
as well
after the utckle taruishes, which it wm oVer cast iron, as it would if there was no
nickle there?
Tblnkoverlhcse tblsos nnd then come tn and look over
Qnlek Meal Ranges.
CasTi OP
.Iimvlng a hnnlwiKHl kili-hrii rnliiiirt. nilI ^nikhi-il to|>.
/iiirlicK lotin. tiii-lli. f1i«iir tiin. large
rjre nti-UMl
*. large kiieail
Ixijr.l. iv«*ll iiiacti- in rvi-ry n*'i|Hi*l. $6.65.
SS.M to $M.M.
Fortiers and Draperies
^.00 ant}
Kvi-ry Immii-wilV wantK a kiirhi-n raliim-t. ami kIh- Nhr>iil<I Lave
It will rut Imr kilrhrii labor iu half. ami.with lli>- cuniplrtr*
i:i. we an* sliowiiis ami v. itli the low pni-ra wi* an* jiiakiiiR, then*
no I'cBson why s>lir Mlioiilt] not havi* it.
Special for the Boys
Wahash <'oairP*r Waifoni t*onitiin;itii>n platronn ami Ih>x
Ii-mI.v. n-gitlar
ralm-. kint-ial $3.76.
120 East
Front St.
The Home of the
Oldeit and Most
Reliable Ejcclusive
Home FumisheTi
iu Northern Mich
igan. Every piece
of home furniahingr 1 tell is sold
under my positive
guarantee to give
pel feet satisfaction
or 1 will take it
Kitchen Utensils!
We i-urry t eumiilep- line, of
t'lj.t w*-ar*;.
aluminum wan*—the wan*
Fur a limiterl l■•ngtll of
giving a fruaranleed Bogera
ver*- pine
ipoon with every
of iilninimiiii
iinimini ware.
Im> eiirry
lull III
of tin ami granite warp.
>Mottr©s»s ^
C. You
don’t have lo^
take oi]>boJy‘s^
word regarding the construfHon cil
Standard’’ C\*tton Felt Mattresses—you!
cee for.yoursclf. All you haw to do is to I
pull open the ’’Standard Examioaiion Clasp” and!
rxsmine the pure, sanitary cotton felt inside. Tbeaf
you will understand Uic superiority of the ’’StandaiU.” f
-Speaks £r Itself;
“Standard” Cetttm
Mattresses j
are made from seleded cotton. Thk cotton,, grown
and j
' csitivated in the South, is thoroughly tterilized thre
throughout /
its whole course of growth by fresh air and sunshine—Na>
ture’s own great purifying influences: oineequcntly, its
r deanliness and purity are unexcelled. Carefully imnufac>i
J “Standard” Mattresses never mat down or become j*
f lumpy. Try one and find out what a
bed really is. ^
“Standard” Mattrettts Are Cnarenteed ■.
Yow ReBaUe
Nothin*. th« Whole year ih.t>ii*h,
laaiM muck better than the flr»t
•tiawbcrry ahorteake. We are ao areustomed. Ito.ever. to iblnklni ol
shortcakes In temia of .irawberrtei
only, that we do not reallie bon much
ne are tnUaln* by not usln* other
Imlu oecaslunalty.
A eooklDg «-hool tewher Of note
give), the foDonlug "shomake demon-
a«r. lulns * katfe or fork fw
bra^teat or to koeti m oi>
nlclfts. MT«r B tpoon. fbr a apoon ♦ HOU9CW0RK HAOC tA»V. « or aoBothlac of that aon.~
l*ck« and nashaa tl>« totter. Pawrlrs
protoai. ‘If : did I would
ahould be tooae and flaky and to In
Every woman know, and adadr« (wopto walUiut and make everythin* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
aun- (hla. keeii the batter kmae la mji- Marlon liartand. Her added yoart lata and Imonvenleniraanln* Aa^ratTiii—A ««rrea|<uiidin*: U ahould have a Toa*h abbeor- have boi Increased her rapumilM as
f,;-, „
oiMtaed voor work with “l
*= > “>
nai.ifaan«t> before bakln*.
an aolbortty on boaaehold mMlera. ,he .««Tto^ th^ i^tea to rt* In *la«. Jar.. The (oUo«ta* l« a
bakin* rboricnke paalry have i«r» Harland *i*ea the foUowln«*l»cvery esccllent tnetbod: Imrse-mouihed
, ,««iemte o«ea to mart, dvlas the »cai and helpful auuanioha to a re_______ _____________
^ ___
tori of ptol alee are pmrrrabla'tor uae
p„,rj time to looaen and rime before cent ‘
—.rit of r Chif-r
»Mning this vegMable. Cut the
• When It la li
cage newspapm
Alwaya anre-d -ItU batter as aoon
Why Is it —
tuiks BUnding aren In tbe tora. the
taken from tbe
of Hmnlag or of potila, to H«bta to
vr.pm fruit oo paatry
le until theio I. a big task to
“»• i*" *«» «"•*
r^jj- u> serve to avoid aimkliic with
(niit Julrea.
comes? Why not keep clou totlead things away when you have ddfte quart tor. Adjust the rubbers and toy
le all Imklog l>e
on tbe lime. Cover ibr botlom of a
of getting clean!
___ ________ as using them,
up the odds, waan-ooiier w.in atiuir or nay. naoe
eedrr time by ranefally' nieawring
\ of picking
waab-boner with stTuw
hay. Ptooe
Consider such
such a
a simide
aitntoe matter
matter as
___ cook ever tbe state In which you leave your
each ingredient.
No gueas
evere Un»‘
time It
ti --..is- .
i« _________ _
1. ui.
..u. ii
ttf lolled cjolhee Into tbe
eoM w.t.r to
.« »«. |»u
h.ir —v
.„oo„ ^ „„
b.» bbbk ,o.l oklrl !?*, ,
^ Blend of on the floor. “l>
«' 'I-' !■" ''■I "» >»“,0.
„o .0
„..0oo ObO ..,“lo Ur .bob you o«n..«
o™ III! « o.-r Ho Hr., co, oloooly .Itk.tbo
make a failure of them tbe night before, and <bat you STu ‘ of‘’.V^g torptointo Sr “
,h« recliw.
A New Idea.
8o I have found you. dainty meet.,
l.-u!e.id of Tiwndln* your timr and itratioq":
Wbtue life and daalb ao airangely atrongth over a bot stove cxtOkln*
k>om the opening of fhe strawb.Try
beef and voaelablea Into a saup. why -—1 UDiil jwaches are gone, there
BeaWe Ihe dark pine's leaf strewn not use tbe kind of beef bouillon culws ts no dessert that s
> at every
‘ discovered tlm other day? :a>A a muaalon tr Is mort« geuerally Uke.1
Arbutus mine.
brigM huusekee|»-r.
I titan tbe shortiwkc. The rest of the
llm ».iM U .1,. ...Ulu omM.
«»u. ii,ra. Ti,.r. I. .. ..... ..
I'.ir It. |J..^ li HIM ,«•, kc
TOk 0«ajr ciMk k»Mt lit. .™.04, u. b, .M. 0.001.1 to boll ywi, o«,o.. b, lb. ......... dbb,|,Ub(. Th«b. rool,«
™»..b -------- o... --------------------- ,b_
oo.------------- , -------------- ---------- . b»b, llbo.. 0.0
ways reedy
all I’eaaotvnl.
1 can guarantee succeu If directions
1 rinii km of them wlieu a friend tin- lollowed .-losely.
■w ■ 11 t>to hone and
Strawberry Shortcake—Kor amall
Xo aumtuer sun has shed Its gold
sy.i- aali. Ml. - ui, ,, „t^,o (p faniikea. half of Ibis recliw will be
Upon you, alnratoRlBg fn the mould.
lot of ways.' I
t.«.n koine sulfjclrnt—Two an.l one-half cupt sill « jHf FIRST SFRINO OHCCN*. •
Yet here to darkners and to coM.'
in an en.k;..- j-i.d pm ihet.i dowu. «» pe»iry flour, two and otie-half level
Hear Iltlle floweru.
riralchinj-. tor tiiii... aUn,. O.mn ' A leasimonfuls baktog |»wdcr. one-half
liandellon Oieens With Kgg—Waih
. Ye bear on everv u|Hume<l face
f.-« *:tr.t:i - luiei i Vo !<-.Hidr 8 bli Icakpoouful sail, om-half <-up Khorten- e*ntull« ono-hajf of a peck of dsn.lcA aabile idiarm, a apottoss f;itiiy>.
.it* n.yi :l. -1 I recall lug, uboui thr,-.-founh* cup milk; but
,h„ni rather fim, put to a
That draws me to your dweiliiiK iduM-. e<! heai.na tui ol
kionie- lef; two taskeu sirawN-rrluji: be- ^i-w f«n wiiii
a llul..-over
• • —.-•Ol
oyyiii m
iiuii* water,
wifeiei. c-over
In wintry hours
thiup I
t would r. r.y lm.omnU- tween one end two cup- granulated
y .ad u.,, „a,„
boat up
then I tSio -gilt cf the ;>0> illon rubea. sugar'one nip or more double cream. ,u «gg with one tuspoonfni of flour
I gotecan bot wale: .1: i:ie bath room Hull, wash uiul drain the berrlc; n„n,n egpiul of vinegar, drain
and droypeii one cube iHkO a cup of it serve a few choice berHes to garnish wu^r fiom greens, add one InhieAnd warm yOb tnio balmy bloom,
Oh, how good it dIJ sbmH and uale! I ’tRe top of the .akc: cm the re« to ,,»onfol of bmter.'thra the egg and
«c lowly bent?
ctowled back into bed and went right halvas and mix with tbe sugar. Heat vioegtr, fialt and iwpper (o taste toll
Ob. Bweet arbntns of tbe snow,
off to sleep. Rlnce then 1 keep a few together.,three tinier, the flour, bakserve.
Ob meekest
floweret, he It he.
upsialra 10 Kke in cases of -iierves,' It.K |«)W.|er aud salt; w..rk to il.e
si i.mch a to e.rmr Pnnk ih. ...m
We lor. ibae nmre than ihou doM po, ,w, one purpose i« which « put sho.teuto*: then mix to a -oft dcugh
1|, '1^ oL ‘i
Then make
Ihem la only one of manr.
with thu milk. ri|>read the niluure
»„lden bromt, toast and heap ladlvl.lAnd are content.
The mid plck.«p luu.h is ntmh
1“®’- Bake about
,«rtton. of the »m«..LlV"rVhe
vegetable on the
--Adrian Timea.
n rake cmi’i ,
ed witli
mlnuten. Turn
e appelUiug If ■
Gsmlah with a few allcw of
, a cup »t bot bouillon. Ar- a scasoninf. «t « »»« Idute. spread liberally with |„rd-tolled gg and dives with a
ui-m and gravies ft is a wonder
I*" «» ‘'ic to-tries;
made. tb»a: «toe tableThe aweeust aound the whole
....• rake,
.u.., also
ntr round,—
cd flavor II Is Impossible to gain ea
*»•> ‘'"'to®- «®“®
dour, two gills or cream or fresh milk,
Tie Ihe flm robin of the
atock. Theae ®' '*’® *»>Tle*
and 1^
*, cept
- by
- the uae
- of
- -------^
salt »d topper Melt tbe butter to a
coatoniraisd e«
above, with »»-• *»“>•
«b and rdd the flour gradualh'.
ne nan* o( tbe full orchard •
la not so flee a iblng.
is.«.b -f»-,.... h...
;rr';;7.r".;r--y.™ ... b..dy.„hw..
b... M, yoor Utou o«,Ho
leg for the same iniriiooe.
Uo you irtit them awky, all of them.
•*»«> you tako from the rtoaet the
garments you are going lo wear In Ihe
morning? Ilo you lay your comb and
l*«k on tbe irav and yeor nail
*'* Ptoce? Ik> you hang yopr
lowils when- ti.v*
they t^iuua.
belong, w
or .10
do sou
*•' 'kem lie where you bare thnm
down, with the Idea that srban
>'®“ «»»* to make the bed, or wbn
to do (t
cvciyihtog can be- gathorad up and
l-t where It belongs;
When you come to for * araft,’ What
'» Jtwr bahlt? I>. *ou pul yoor hat to
»**. >'«>«»■ «oai on^u^
jto^.-iirt'd'xr; tlz
. **'
^** ;’'*“
»*«• tor.
pour to boiling water to All the to'sl
•*•«»' on Ike covers n« tightly aa
possible. Stand aklde wbtre Ihe air
will not strike them to cool When
ooldMtoiii lighten the loveta aad keep
u, a dark, eml piece If yon hre the
Sam cooker.
lotiuMtc «
pKparc the as|iaragus as directed aad
nrt the yan. In the cooke r. The lalior
“Inloiltod l» Ih** »*r khd «ke asParagus is cooked almost belorr you
flaked Asparagua Tips—Tut ' into
lengths the Ups and tendor luiiis
asparaffta that has pre-
, .
■■ • ”•**
. „
•i®* •“**" »
“ ”*®“
Um l«i-
hilcbea and fled tbaaoiled spoon.
** *‘**'®*' ''®" '
IrHi.tlon and
•“•P®®***"’®®* • •"«
»•“ “■
dp you toaa
®® '*>« '-wl and
»®*1 leaTetoe
l**Te the tosboa.^T**!*
undoubtedly tbongki that U made ».
ntowtog them aVfly until a
more -or a lese oudv«|>|mi aeamin*
•‘“® *“ W*t®*« H‘e
ol melted
for every' cup^ *i,g,r,gua, aad asnsoe with taH
.w may win snow
way In wbKb yon «
Mfa » T«»
dlrmtlOB. you are
all the
Cover wKh biutetod crumb*
#btog. Apply tbe and brown to a hoi orw.
Tunato and Asparagus SnUd—%
«»* of
i In which you
r own itwm.
tomatoes. Dip la hot
*'®d water for a secand: than peel 1
: ,“-.'^.17.:-,;;=.“^; rf.7r,.r;
-—-r7-r.ru, h. u-------------• • • • 7,,r:r,r.rr;r.:^7.“: 7f.7r,.r:.-7i,7,T7,rr,r7,»"77:;r„rr»r.”"'' r,r.L'.7rrur«r»=7L;7.“Mr.rr
kept for weeks lou^fectly fn-,h. Xhev » "*ky PMiry have all tlie ingredients ‘
g„^i„ Snlnacb-ThU Is
are es.vletut. loc, tor antomobfle ,nd
->« -®> '‘*Htly.
oneTL 0.70.^
campliiii«.tl.v. no preiocalion Wing
RkMdwrv) Htortcak.—Two ‘ "I"
l«»»ry flour, onedialf t»oipo.->ii. xeeeiabie rrisn but
Ml,or I,
.„U ™
'—I—™- >«■“«.
......... H. of II,.,- Illll,.
ul, .IH I, 0,“ nUW
can be bought by the box at giocerles.
cracker crumbs,
needodl, one
or to any quantity, from -i-o for Rve
imur over the.cot
half cup
cents" up. at meat tnai Ui^ or eoda
with vinegar.
tountaloa. .Nothing Usiiw'bT^sr, or U
How many helpful, hopefnl. havfld
things there are all about us. if we
beve but the aaefag eye and the bt<rlag oar;
Walking along the atreet twe bright
apring mmning. when
warm and the tkles were blue. *®
although the wind brought with |7wriiig from a skk headache.
------------- ' '
from tbe northwest a Chiu that hinted
of what would follow Utei„ says a
S»''y Earwed.
-.mu H . —«,l OHOUo-. H- 0-ud
““ K-Uonl; Ho .oHorllr oo IHw
o IJI ol uud HOUU .Mtl, Hi, OU, •'‘l
0H.H... H nou oloou
d.llU,,IU >V|. to, Urio I - — PUylo, oo H, 10.0 III Itooi of . "»« "«
pkaaabi iHime was a wee man In a
ClHs-and buys, i
r that-matscarlet- coat
He bad drawn ter—who arc anajous t •®" ®
- and
- cap.
hU espr«a wagon and other jday- Pto-money ought to V able to do so to
mosrani mnaJI t^ii or TlU«e by
was silting on the grass a nrnment V l-c sale of imssy pUntk to sjulng. A
fore Ix'gtoolns some
toed-apd notklug
when a sweet-faced woman cnae in ‘■'J* ‘he best should be used■
iha-door and caUed:
, tr® *r fifteen rents Vc* lackVge
••Don't Mar to the shadow. VHing. •IN contain, on an avetngc. atnut two
Kewp tn IV sunlight.hundred s^. 8up|g>ae only om bun■■ftla. mother! ' ibonght wef as we drcl m*I fifty grow_-and thU t* a lib
nw her drow the Wagon out Into tbe eral aHowance for
brlf^ea, pot 'the gingham dog and seedbngi are sobl
three com*
the calico cat- into It. aad tVn re- ap c«—and to many plaqc* five cent,
•Rier tbe house with e levlng Uck uHl wlllmsly V paid lor tVm-r«i
ward glance and a gay word to tbe 111- V»e lour dollar* aud flliy cema to re-
;7.7tooo"*.sr.r.‘uu T^k^u^ r.'v"-£r',,r. r.
rissTi ror. .7 r o77rrrto,r:r:o:rr:r
.od p«nio, H-o lo» ,«i ,*»
Juai wait to make thlagi tf—-
-1 ?;
onghlj chilled. Cat about a plnl Of *e
In salted water. Omln. chill season.
^ ~~Z
®®< tayenne. nnd dreas
fTS^^I 7 Hu- 7"
^l' >V Hr—
u ™ ““ "I-™” “H™, I.H H. U,u.-
each aad car“*• nwoooUM do HO UI .
K„,.O.u,-H.„^uOU,-.nO„. ■'ii~-7r.V,--,HoH,o-A.„H.H;:-'';:ro:.-7ZKr,."™J^”“'^
boklo. no.d.,, kod .o,k 10 Ih. boi.
Boo, H. yolk: .dd H- ullk ....
a dough, using more milk If
neede.1 Divide Inio two part*; knead
tbe Urger iiart slightly and roll to flt
spread over it the befrles. salt
and sugar; km»d IV aecoo.l piece
,„d pi,,-, *n top of the berries. Bake
Por the sauce, cream the
.^en gradually
tb« ___________
niasbed and______
sifted iwrry inilp:
of egg. beaten
jr,-. t|,,, ,ubi,„ * ,|ghi. flalfy taucc.
lyy y,,,
,i,|j ,,*,^1ptackVrrtos. idneamV or spple,.
Asparagus Shornwk.—Two and muj,bm cu,,* Alfred iiastry flour, one-half
uaapoonful tolt, one-Vlf cup slionen
^nd on.-Vlf level I.-Mroon
vuni: |w*Vr. tw«,t milk, but-
•“ •« "» ■'•"‘'■I' "d 1“IH " ”
~ h f doHUi.ru. ,.IH H.
Aa|«ragu*VlnaUrcite Sauce-When
the asparagus is couked set It aside to
cool and preiwreHbe following Krench
rauce to serve with It: Twelve bhalbKs «a delicate, tender wiloni. two
uWesimonfuU vtoegar, five ubV
siioonfoU of oUve oil. two tables.monluls cVp,k4 paratw. «U *p.I
toPiwr Chop the shalloia and larale.v. ndd
e oil and-vinegar,
then fV
with tbe asiaarsus If you cannot get
iV sVIloU do not atien.id thi. unless
jou arc so fond of the onion Wor
that you thlak you would like It. In
tVt case get the young ontona tVl
are on the market now; soak ten of
tbeu In tall water for Vlf an hour.
A MoM Wife.
Mrs. Wilio* has oat a Buod atyle In
“"I""- “d ku- hoo.-y o.y. o, li.lou Uio Do...
”■>-««-«> 070^^1.
I „. -onnoo-d Ul.r Hot HI. UH
comparaUve ncatniws and II was piw- hOt butien-d ia|at.
as well as the aathar of a U* tamUy
j^^od to iearo Uiai aha had hatmn
. 0®®-*i*l» of lovely chllJran.
pjo,i„ .
eerul* U
pounds of raw WhlUflkh put Through a
Becaoaoahe baUovaa that a govern
^.^nain frocks'
____ be at hU —
_ he has
rounder, onedialf plot of cream, two or cannot
best pnleas
VkVn you come to___tablespoons of better, yolks of four ....
ZIIZ... oL
h„i,„ ^ onlerMness froa^ mud‘■*®«®®-«»P>n
P®P- E.lward F. Utian^ wife of IV
H takaal thlak you »>•'• ***
the agga Uat govmnor of imnola. dmOaro. tVl sV
,|„ p,.,
and either stnam or b^e to a pan of .r,,|| ^t^e ipneh of her rims rtt the
uVr than ihT^tln.
» “•“«>
« her
to |hc
if she
eroryUilog to gel assay bafora
Btaaned R*hlte Flah—aeaa the Osh she would have an ' opponunlty to
^UOTtng thonwghly. betog careful not to brtnk make ples^and cakes when social obmake a business
or tear il.e spine. Prepare as any large ligaHoes would make so grent dea and neainest.
^ few weeks ago 1 miased a pair of flth that is to V cooked wVl«; tie in mands oa her Hma. Mra. Itonna rw
* piece of old wnlte muslin or cheese plied:
jq,., ^
Inquiry touM that tV
•»! P>*''e •« ®a steamer i
took, 'u-k
water that is bubbling gently; tV wbeitever I get the eWswws and IhM Is
w,, stwntog of any Vh should never V Ukelv to V oflM. ThU family oTouro
done over flercly boiling wetor, as IV It used to my eopking, nod there are
others r«P*d coking toughens the fibre; there some things that nobody else can cook
r.r»i7‘,;“o77r,rr.Lt r-iiir
.S sri-o-rj
Idooss and general weU-Ving lor little while to pul a price tin either.
H>IV ■
I aVuld noi adviie aiiemiKing to
“And for big folks, too," war the mIi any plant* tVt were not ordered
thought which followed ciose after, la Wanew until they come into
FoIkA big. UtOe. and talf-wayoV- blqnm. A. soon a. the secAIng* sVw
tweeuTwould V Inflnlialy bMtor off H-da*.-is-an.l this will v 'wbeu they
tVy would shun tV shadows of life, are quite smail-l should lift them
uV perstotantly keep to V aunny from the bed very carefuly. with a
*l*»ta How many chllU we should smaU <i-ianlliy t.f canb adhcHitg to
hard-rooked egg* Make dough a*
for etrawViry
slightly and relf to III a layer cake
pan. Bake alnmi twenty mtoofew
SpUt the cake and spread each Vlf
with butter. Have e tender jioilton
of Ihe asiaragu* rut in inch fengths.
cooked lander. Make a drawn butter
uuoe of the flour, salt. Viler aV as-
r dull
from the delicate roou wliicb
would reaolutoiy
IV gkMmy to
bright side Of dry. -^en I ahould pack the lOanU
.................................................................... ®
®"‘ *®
Mould yon know tbe beantlful and cure casinnters. TV pansy Is a lOani
precious saowt of chaerfulneM? It that will sell liseif to flower-loving
all Ues to that aathM-’e loving com- ywraons if it la abowi
them in
mand: *1Cmp 1b tto autdlCht.~ Bbad- bloom. A plani with a
oo It
ows there are. avan to IV brightest will make li nnnaceaaai
Vy. and It you choose yon can aft talktog.
down and alas to than the whole day
Froquenily aeveral duxena of planU
tbrougb. but It to M( toe i«n of wto- can V sold to the ymrson who has a
d«-m to do IL fie avery Uto baa lu garden. Of course one cannot iHI
gloomy aspaoe. and tbeee may V with any degree of-rertatoiy about fhe
dwelt upon and bniadpd over until A nnmbcr of |>lanu tVtcxn V dtoposad
mental and rnpimnal "Vr.l ooir Is «r in tke community until a canva*
the resttll. a malady tor WorM ^Vn ^ been made. Thwfon- the girl or
Its phy sical <
„ _
.'•» ‘® “ •'•®®‘
eVage! The ahadw« not wr am«g frtomil eariy to tbe eMson and
taken from tbe Are. aud add tbe aa- i
___________ ____
iVaaparagu. «.d seventeen inche. wMm with 1V h.V.'* contempt lor"'IV Mok «V
tV «« U toln vTa
and lauM over one layer of the cake; glawi i„ ,«rfeci coadttion. Vt tV does M scald out her dlah tnwPU spDM of Vtfer. and at tbe momeBl of
‘‘■® «»“»* ‘“"f '®
•®'> '■®“® •‘■tie wooil Vdly enllcd. Tbere was once a day InstMd of wglUng aflrti a aarrlni add a few sllcaa <>( Vrd tollryvet Ihe reel of the as|>aiacua. I-Tnlsh also a dircarded broom. Armed with groat pile of them is tafltil aad sMr. ad an;,
with two Vrd-cooked ««gs- cut in these and a hnlf yard of cretonne to
Carry thU principle ihraqgbonTtot'
-----------------------quarter*. Serve very hot. Caoned a>match tbe ctmalne and bad spread todally emplayinent. and sat tov'H lastroatos Helpa.
imragus may be used. This pastry to bi. nxnber's room, ha made bis way .mu Ubor and saves itott, Wba* ]«n la damp «lng clotbea for Ironing II
also esculent sHih green beans or
to the'woiVbop. Tbe broom handlehave finlsbad yoor mandjhg do>M pOlis Wall'to
a whisk or OM of Iha
“•'«> inio.four Mven Inch lengths, the naadlee to Ibelr book, the IbttoMa Mftrtar clothe* sprlakiart which era
Vkad Apide Dnnrpltog*. A New After fltUn* and ancleatog tbe ere- and epooU to tVlr pot^eti. the upa nt<>« to® U>1» spacUI purpose.
Naw-One and one Vlf cm* aifted tonne inside of the ^aas Instead of and buttOM to
feprWUe one place at a tlma. spreadpaatry floor, onc-fonrtb cui> shorten- the old pictura, he Caateiied the four
tog. one-half taasiwonful likU. throe ptece* of wood to the tour under cor- raadomT WhM yon elM^awn^nM
roIMt up tMUr
level leaspoonruls VMng powder, nets of the
a a....................
_ frame baking
V yon Vve a p)aw tor f^rfAlways w|pa Irons off cnrafuliy V
about one-half cup milk; apples. PHI uWa.
tV <^ps of a Vtlered muffin pan with w^gH-anVIb^tiay aV leg., and v” "mIc”*twl«e^t'*pl2^
sprinkle with „ soon a. It was dry. brass Vndle. wher. It happen, to V coevaoiaV *i V tbe Vek of tV stove, but ahonH
‘-® ®^ '•■®«‘ tobtoeiumn- .nch a* are used to ralM window. tV tnomaht? When rpu Uava y«.r Vva a place on a rhaU or dry cloaaL
futo of waur into eachtXTip. 81ft u- ware fastened on tV ends ©f the U-threom after •'t'jbbtog*'U tV wh
Always Vve a'^^dT
J“ to T.r
IV dreartaat day. •h^n.i the cloud*
li the son still shtntof." Always
everywhere, ibare U the mehanglng
love cf Ood. sutflfhi Ctoar aad strong
nV staadtaat. sfalnhig behlad iV
ctoadf of aonvff. RaK In the aksup
sBca of IDs paraoBal cure over avery
•leull of yonr llfa. and b* sups that
wta, b* MBte tu» ft> Hr umU..uH
nnl Hr u«. IH nunU Hr n»-roo. KornHHnnoUUMottbtauoH.
^==r~ s ™ sHV3,:~
tray I have ever seen was made, for
hi* mother, by a flfteen-year-old Vy.
t, ^e sort of thing I rirf~
Oonvalesclog from a severe Hlneas.
,*,,ognls« Its vataa In manr
she was too weak to Vnr tV weight ,
You would" not ttkh
of a troy, but still tirong enough to „om to g« In a hopelZ iUto df^
sit l> to l>ed to enjoy her m««lg Tbe aud dust Vfore you tooohad It Vfth «
pkiur* of
broom. On the eonumrf you im
vertiscnieni caught her son's eye and
.weeper over it in iV
It *a* toil the work of an afternoon
^ ,-oo.uko a diut nu gad brMh
aaparaie Malty, the fish U don#.' ArRriv^Ralaiii •road.
on a bot platter with imnlty
This Is tbe etfcial raolpe Issned hy
IV California Raialn Day comalUee—
Cr«am Ranc—Pise* to >
double Soak one yeast cake la one and ouehoil^large cop of cream; when It Is half cups of potato water; _iaU la
iMt, stir to a r
anoens of ernam Im am_____«tto aiebt to <h*. »»r.toe .cu ...
ring until the aance U done and per- nf sweet milk. Into which dm t,L
they wejw thought to V la fact, many idanta \hey will V ii':Hp to VklM VMlee work la the ahortentog.
Tha aevan Inches of tV anworta
they aro amall aV fear, when com- wanL This done iV;- wOl I able to and mix tow salt dough with tV milk, were J«st anough to prevent tV tray
toldeo expanees of decide quite cfoMly .. 10 the smaunt Drop to lh7dnogb from a eioon upon from touching the patient.
wamtb and cheer of seed reqalred. 1 *h«tuld advise mak- tV applee to the cups, en.oothlng the
A fresh flower on the tray for erary
Into* happmees aad eoatentmont to ing provision for a good many more lopa. Bake aVut iwemy-five minutes. *«i. oomplctad this labor of krva."
tv Van agala.
plaat. tVu you frol ...e of Mlllng, Invert tV ,*n on a Urge .erring dish, ehearlv tV little mother to her toDoes tioma aad ona aay tVl dark because, aa I Vre airvady said, a Pol a spoonful of Vrd aance over IV dioua jonrney b*<k to haaKh.
if you
■*« «
'■ •»>«. and hid. th. dllnr- T*—'
der? i^fw all that picking BP naill ®'”®®
>•’" "*®»*'
-It .oU, uk. .
uU Ih.
«’"'■ «*H.tl» IM.Hu |«Mu ...
iwraon-wV would 001 V Intel) to pur- a. iwacna. or Cherrtaa may V tiiad in
TV ortlamry wit* natUag for dotws
rVse a pUst wiihout a flower,
/he same way, serving with cream or .^1 wtodowa offers
Vrd aguce.
from ie/.«s
prying wj».
aye*. This
can be .rc«------.iv»
. w. W.M
oaw Vlad by giving tV onUMa of nU
glass disk with lady flngaro half c«i. of bniter. one aad oewbalf aeraans a rant of /bin whV pbtoi.
spllf in two. or
alicc* of
Siraoce a»Ht may seam. tV paint win
cake. >Vbip one Vlf a plot of rich tjl erMmy and sawMh. flavor and m ha
able, and Wklla those totTeam till lUck. Add onwhalf a cep gaire as r. sauce.
.tda dtoy look oat throaA tV
fU U i.U-utHd uhu u,d on. u«
KUHU lIHu on BnUn,_lHr Blv Hrnno., onUUun ennnot non HH tb.
rnnonln, n, ruHIb. Honr tb. rrnun M, ,»tr. Hr Obnrnk. nnd nnrir mnin. Tbn |inHI UhoU bn Hndr HHH.dbd.u,dnHcrH,H.una>o doupUoH. Hlr rorr U«b„r. oUr u„n ni |»i*bH wlH HnunUon nod
or m amcMW. Barr, vary otoA ««..h « »U iV-toUtnro wmi IV appOafi
l^^b hr-h.
..iH .1
toe y^l; Vd'el^nlJ^Vurto ^e g
etlff Vltor; beat kboui tea Jntoates; •
let rise. WVn a -................................
two cups seeded or saadlcM ratotos;
mix: add morn floor and kpead until
dough to emooib: let rise. MVa Into
loarta and VV one boor. Whan
Vked wai top of toavas with suj
and bot water to prevent the ernat tx^
coming Vrd.
Oermgg Fruit fimpa.
rrean <ma cap a( VUar aad add
two cupfuls of sngir fftodunUyi *Ur
thrae agga. on* t
I at aoda
"TJ. 7
®*®0« bnng up to dry. IV -P filth ao
Add . tltu. tJ, « . tve. SSTh Sto?.
lhai tV hMi mav aaver he dend.
waimtn. Mfi annoawt Roar
Hnaad ont. iV towels to thato wnait
Mac*, tbe water aplK atolU tV^bUtn
wiped up or U tha rooMto edhtii^
baoanaa yon plan to oVto V •*»»
hrMkfaat and Vt It sU to iSv gt
* Not all tha ear* aafi r*T~klnt wlU
<f a larga VB »s turned over
>®nv thay^Iirrototo t^haal more
MlM CNutaav
Mifinea haaSuTtoSM laavaa. add ^
Ir^ mwt V much Vtter far .
for llaavU For fnia of —«► — - nhiMiMniriitm'*'
dust will aecnmnlatt to Ml-oMha-W
I. djrt will be rubVd toto tha
and ru*s. and VgglmfB wlIJ W
eotta dtosy and i»pM-««toy. BotfiM
may postpone that evU Vw, yon a|iy
attetoh the Intervate batvaan. sacHflr
ctoantog tent* Itnyon vEI only ei«ji
a* yea ao. '
Aad It doasB'l raally Wu any fiNr*
„n»_or .. n»«b.
IM I rnnb Hop U donllUH Hck.
llfi-P wh« I «
Always brtah off the stova clean V —
as aa relish ▼tth oeld maats Just try
fore ironlag aad mrer have foods fry- k If ym'fifirtthbBsV that H Is rrwl
log whan Ironing U bainc done.
It to waU to Vv. a aapanto Itoalng
sheet to V
aronad tV hoard
WVn the ______________
hsafila of yonr_________
wban trantog Ad ramovad whan the eovar rust* o«L"aU|>viw the
board to pnt away.
to «acapa. soak a cork ta vatar-astO
Never u*e an iroattat aVet tVi to k to pHahla, and thM lasaft It Ig the
iMcliy acarAad. for It vlO atoto the hots. U net oidf.pT«ksMS-tV Msav
n, unun nnd Ha Hn dunnr or
■-- -...........-............................................
Rosie. April 15.—Montlgnoe Vlneon> Mtturtet. secretary of the Apos
tolic deiwtion at Waablngton.
Juat been promoted by Pope Plug X.
from (be rank ot secretary of aaui
cUture of the tecoad riatt to ene of
the flftl claBB. according to oftrlal
the ratlcaa. The
IiroOKiilon It roRsidpred evidoaco ot
ImiMnancc wMuh ih« tx>pe
txAM to tbp ddPKatloo at WaahinsSAULT LAST -PALL
ton. which. loaazniK^ at the VoUdd
8iat<» doe« imm tend an anbaaMdoT
to the paiial court, doet not rwBlt ov
Ouektien Will Probably Be Brought
en at a tecuad-<'lata nunciature.
Up at Neat Regular Scaslen
of Congroaa: Future Will
dron Are Ltlt Dtetltutt
T*ll the Story
by tbo Tragedy
CaluBtet. hilch.. April IS.—With the
bond nearty tevored Trom .the
tbo cOTbte or tIUua Kuuaiatu of Tainaiadt vaa diacovered in bed today.
The mane wife waa arretted and
eharfed wtih murder. A bloody axe
fouad near Ibe bod thow^ bow the
narde.' wai comniltled.
Ual Norembor Mn. Kuuaiato waa
convicted >a a charRe of aaaanit and
battery Rsaloat ber buebaod after atae
bad fractured fait tkult with an axe.
She wan aeni
boapltal at . Newberry, twt waa later
redeaaed. Mve younp cbildrM are
left dwtUute by the murder.
Oelegationd Will be Sent te Surround
ing Towat te Tell Them
the Newt.
rem>Bi«d at tbe mtetlnp Id tbe Ceoirai
Metbodfat chanA Mmiday to pUa
turtbtf (or the cobIbc coutenUou ol,
tbe l.«yiDen't MIsiioBaiy ^loverocn'.
This coBveoiioB comes to Tra't-rte
Uty becauao It U the lodical ceDter
aad toe eyep of tte state are turned
tbit way whenever any (rent patber
las U planned.
Tbe drpnutlon commUtee was lh»
one u> i>lan tbrlr eurk last Bipbi. Thir
wlU be In charge ot U L. Tyler. Mr
Mtuel. the execoilvc aecrrtary of the
entire moveiueni, wax 11(00001 to oBci
ti«gwUDDs. Hunt wete made (>.
bavo men go out by ttos to all the
townt in this region, beglnnlag as
soon at pOBklble. to miorm the t>co|'K
of tbe Uea of tbe eonveation. Many
of iboM preMflt are owners of autoand tboae wUI be used to take (he
tpwkera to tbe vartoas towns. Ti.om
wbo are to addreas ibi-.« mceilng.-i
wUI be armed with ell the litfiatur.explaining the ennveoilon and the »e
mrlbg ot algnert of the regisirttioti
larda. Tbe trstatratlon fee ofoaedui
Ur U alt that It necvesaiy and tbl^
will Include the hanRuel and the dll
fereni aeasiosM oT the oonveotlon. -AU
exi-earna wtU he met U (bis wi>.
There wlU be other lutnns of raising
Moteriatt Complain of Condition of
StrecU taading Into
tbo City.
day Meming
A pretty wedding waa acdemnlBed at
'Vsvhington. Ap. I 15 — Praaldent
le laadore
Wilson sent a big batch of Doatna-'
Uooa to tbe senate today. Tbe moat SUFFERED FROM INCREASED FE- i.:oralng when Mlaa Mary Bartunek MAINTAINED LEAD HE RECEIVED
fmportam were; To be aaalatant nem*
and Job. E. Atkinson were married by
Father Bery'ak. Only the Immediate
retary of state. John E. OabortM of^
frieoda and relaii
Wvomlng; anUmasador extraordlai
cerenumy. after wblcb a rocepHoa and
and mlnlatcr plenipotantlary to Eng
banqaei were beld at the boose of tbe
land. Walter Hlnaa Page of Now
bride. ^ A dancing party was hMd at
York. Onamiaaioner of Intenal
tba Sbaldo hall In honor of tbe eoapM
In tbe evening.
Both of tbe young people reside at
Maple City and wlU make tbelr
home there. Among tbe gMsta from
Papal Pbyaiciana Regard Hie Case 1
(hb dty ware Prank and Fred At- Coed BAM Vote Waa RMlad pt Flrat
Vary Criticai—Whole WerM Exkinsoo,.4>rolbera of tbe bridegroom.
^lectlan Held Undar the New
paeta te Roeeiva Nawa
of Mia Oaetb.
WatbUfbton. April 15-TV-rlaring hie
f-utral iDke, April IS.-Thh town
belief that an equal anttrace amend- **■»
W «r‘ I***** Ot* -good
ment to the federwl ronttiiuilon
paat both bouses of tbe po-aent con-i
Bnturday ancRWpn of
grea. at the fir«i regoUr sew'leo. Seo-|«hls week for the purpose of finding
H..n.. .1 N- ll.mp.llre. .Pd.,-.-™'
■I"'"■.redlCPd ilmi M.ipc. Mun.-hpmdi. l-rt-O .mi.reremmi. I« Ij. oilm
and bit own aute would ratify aueb (■erts of (be wenim Mirblgan terri
aaakure. HolUa. the first demount tory. and for the funber isirpoe* ol
represent'hit stale In tbe upper dlsouaaing what can be done to Im
bodes More the civil war. Is working prove tbe roads In (be viriniiy of'Cen(or tbe amendmeot In and out oT tbe tral lake Hun. Frank llamilton of
Traverse City has brrh aei-ured ai
princiirtl st<eaker He will give aa
“New I^gland it coiuervntive and address ui>on road bollUtni^ an-l tbe
alow to adopt poIlUmI refunna such imponuH-e of icoo-l bigbwa's. la adat tbfa.'‘ be aald. ‘-In moat of tbe dlUon lo tbe address bv Mr llaifilIn Nev llampobire (W (he Wenern Mlrtagan llevelolaad klap«a< huaetts. (he a
fiH-nl bureau's I
‘ titled. "Uelt-r Hoads for Weeiero
iHy llrpry Wood. Cnlted PreM Cor
Rome. April s.-Pope Plaa X Is dyshown in (bp etecUon hoM TMday
g. TiMr ond Is a mailer of but a fewfor the porpooe of idtirtlnt a mayor
mra. aerordlug to tbw boHef of tbo
And foT..iiiiwBpMiiii^4p MTve oagpsi pODtllfs blolber, Klsleiw
der tbe new i
church dlgoluries at bla bed->lde. This
ernment wblcb wU go teto eCaet to
was given me tbb
Traverae City m May L AH the cablag by a Vatican attsrbe in a posiUon
dldatea (or tbe five otficaa wer* man
know tbe facta Ur. MarebUava
In whom tbe pobllc baa iMlMK eonI noi yet Bdmliie<l abandoning
..boo. b„„. bo.b
l>ope Itr. Amici wbea asked If jbe
boly father bad a chance of rallying , .ho. „ ohrthu -s»™h.„h.h""
only rhqok bU taea-l and deebned to
rested 'Tuesdav by rblcf of Police | For BDayor John O. Btranb amtotdako conuaenL
Carson and oompUtntp were sworn talned tbe lead that be roeatrad at
It tbe i-ity hope baa been.
against them for appearance to tbe primarlea, while loaaph Bledw
ahandoBod- At 5 o'clock Ur, Amk-li
mile court. Tbe boys seemed to and A. W. Rickard coaUanad tha laad
(old relative* itx- pope c
have a mania tew helping tbemaelres that they received at tbat Uma. The
tbo night
With tbe besinninx of tbe tourfai
featon and (be epwlBR of tbe brat of
mwlorisu. *ho aie drivlad
ihrouch nortbem MirUUan. corner (be
UDual i-ry tbotft the awful condition
of the rot.lx which are
inside tbe city Umlls. With \rrs few
e&cet>tlaHa ib<- blxtaways are In ranch
better eondliion la tbe country than
tboae )usi intlde tbe «lt> cofaftnee
The East I'runi atreci road. i» alcioti
the i-it\ llmllt'
'‘Enoal anlTruge w«
tbe chief recovered several valuable wbo passed tbe 300 mart of votaa to
have been reacbeil. Tbe nr>-<tt to
robes and blankeu which have diaap-:ttae Secoad aad Third warda. which
tbe main hlRhwnyii ieadinx west aad Maine last winter by . -h.,
peered within tbe past few weeks. | Inanred him of alactloa.
„ ,
•uutb from the city are In but UtUe and In New Hanigiahlfe and Massachu- u rdnd tbe boiJlug of a series of.,,,
Tbe buys bad tbelr loot cacbed In a
a.rl,.;; ,h. ..„».|ibsl
belter tbai>e.
, ..... b. Unn. n..J..rt,l». Tb. I«.b
reh<„,h^'o. U.. ....h .Ifc
??."■ t
in order lo enjoy drlvlnx on tbe
counrfy loada tbe motorist muM w ly to come thmugb the federal gor.;tbe first in tbe aerie*. Tbe |>«>eple of
^ I imminent, and this afternooB iBrU((^<l imong the more valuable plunder.
dure (hr rounectlna tlretcbes »hk-h erament aooner than iliroagb state ac.|il.u rillage are energetic an.t wbenj
I upon Uking leave o( all his iwrsonal
In tbe past month Uie police have I winning out by a ptarnlily of t> votaa.
1 il^ atilt out 10 de things leauUs arc
lead from the iiavements to tbe
and relatiree.
been given much trouble by bands of the vote by wprda to tht cBy tor
try i>ikes and the same Is mm In db“Mont of the Vow KneUnd tlBtea’«o»» aiH»i>ait. to ibarc are reaaonv
papal pbyaleians cHwenled. Solemnl»,. in .UUnren, ....on, M U,. d.r
’'"*»• <-«W «" “ '
teriog the city. It it a comBMO ex- permU woman aulTmge tn nc-hool mat-l fw Whevlng that ihe center of Antrim
evidently organlM lor lb.'”''t
iwecsioB among meiorists that tbe (era, BhowlBg that the ob)e»ilon la one
'»•» «»» »>** prorooilns rond .J____
entere-l (be pope'i rooii:
reads are fairl« pood tu this vicinity of degree rather than «ae of prinriI purpose of Imluring heroes of yMlow.
and feU upon tbelr knero tx-xide bia bark Journals. Bhadw bare
onai-lbn-Jravuwe City limits are.
Aa amendtiieni propoaed by tbe
Each servitor sobb^ hllti-rly
found near the city Ilmlta. and lbe|
rt-a*li(-d. aft«fi .which they are woree federal government wonU probably
and before bis audited, had gone tar
than pour it Ik a deidorable fact that retwlve nUfinaUon in Maine New
police Ult Includpa about 30 boys who
the boly (litlicr Las crying, too.'
have been implicated. Several of tbe
>as not beeu in tbe least «xichuaeita. wUb
Theugb greatly weakeaed by lavi
this matement and It It chances rstbor advene In Vennoni
youtigttan appeared before Judge
blght'a relapwe. the pope alepi several
probable tbat in tbe courw- of
a few weeks ago oa a almllar
i'hode IsUnd and (.'onnectient.
hours. Tbe fotlowlng bulletin waa is
D many Tonrists mre kept a«ny
ebarga, but the raae waa dropped af
“I have favored equal auBrage fttr
sued: 'The pope slept iranquUly for
from tbe city b> this unlortunajo con maar yeara. and I believe the
ter aa out of court aetUemeat had
several honia. Temperature lbl» morndition.
committee 00 woman auBrage la
The Board of SupervUora was chll- lag was 1«I.S. Heart roadilion'good.' been effected.
,.r ll.
\lc- lmpreaalott'e>l
ln<nMa*Lni>I «kl to
In order
nr.lnr by
hr tbe couaty
enuetr clerk
cleric Tuej
TneJstrtmgly In favor of
Moiniiie waDixE
Nuptial Event Celebrated at Inwgaculata Ceneeptien.
very pretty wedding ^ccorred
the church of Immacnlaie CuncepUon
g o'ckxA Tneeday'. when Mlm
Uenha Maxbauer. daugbter of Mr.
Mta. Jos. Maxbauer. SIT Went Front
Mreel. became tbe bride of Joeeiili
liabel of tbU city. Fklber Mheeban of
Tbe bride wore -a moat becoming
gown of brocaded me««llne with lung
'<■11. and carried an am boqnet o'
whiiu-bride's roses. Her maid of
honor. Miss Hesali Hal»4. tinier of the
groom, wore pink and carried plnb
<-arDallooa The l>est mao wan.Albcrt
.Maxiwuer. brother of tbe bride.
Some of the best epeakers in
inrertly folloalng the coreniony a
couairy and those who are fully aware
of tbe needs «( tbb iMWemem will be Wedding breakfast was served at tbe
on the pn«Ta(B. It wAl be tbe blagcsi home (rf Ihe bride's parents to
iitrtr ami cloee relatives ami
thing that e'er came to Traterwe t‘lt>.
and WUI be tbe most far-reacblng ol friends of the conirs'llug iwniea.
Tbi- bai'P) couple will Iw at home
any meeiing of men of the >e*r. and
no one thonid miss this opiortnnlty of on ‘West Front street, when- they have
honie n«d> for occupancy. Both are
aldlBg In tbe great work.
|•upular youLg {ss)plc of the weat aide
The co&ventlott plan Is uHUxed
bring the •itieeaage" of tbe noremenL and have bot.ia of frienits who will
to men. and along with tbU world Join in cxiendiug beat wishes and
vision of (be eburth's great taak and gratulalloDs.
«]>porunHy. are preaented "metbods.’
(be adoiAloo of wfaicb In tbe local
rangracatlon (uraitbet an adc«)ucie
' fKiIlcy and Insui
Crete iwiits. ’ There are fifty of tbpM. Claud Connlfi* and Mabal Ahaptay
- Wad Tuaaday
sreai ronvenltoat held In tbe
aat rtUn- up to May 1st, lliia. Trav
•ree Chy is tonunate In (bus baring
A quiet wedding was aeiemnUod at
tbe borne of (b^ bride's motber. Mrs
• chance 10 forward this work.
lamra Colllos. at 5i>!> Pouib Cedar
strMt. at 9 o'clock Tnaaday. whan
CUude Coiiine of Karlin. Hicb.. an-l
Mlaa Nmbri Shapley of Traverae City
were nnited In marriage by Rev, Wm.
J. Coatea of Asbun' .M. fc. church, only
the InuDedlaie rrtativea of the young
people being present.
Tbe bride was gowned In a .lainiy
dress of pink silk and «'airted a spray
TbU U NosarSed at trWetwe That
ol |dnk rosea.
Tnrba intonP te SurrenFollowing the owetDony a wedding
Her Town.
brtakfan waa aarrad. The
(Wild* left amid a abower of rice aad
OonetasUnopIe. April U.-Ttw sub i.!il ahoea for a ten days' baoeymaon
Unw porte ibit afternoon ordeiwd 10 Ihe aottthern |«rt of tbe aUtr. aft
Etaad Pbaha. commandant at Sruttri. er which they will ictnrn to Tice Park
» firing. By
on Orren lake, where they will be at
gardad aa evldane*
betce te their friafida
They reared Many ueeful praaeots
pf surer a^lMii.
fa tbat an equal Huffrage meaMire win i day a'temoof.
amT ' on
pass tbe senate the firat regular sew Frank M. Hmmilo was elected chairslo«. and I am assured by well-in- man tor the fimrth consecutive year.
A number of mim matters were di*'oraed menil-era of the bouse that
will protobly pass there. Men wbo posed of snd toe •
For Cm|
laally do not believe In it wfll vo*e' following spi
foi' it Ip many insuncee because tb*y
Finance. Ways and Means—J. IT.
The oU sea serpent gag has cosae
think i| I* a winning tsaue."
Kuell. L. K. aevMand. Chaa. E. Broadto Hgbi early- and accor-llng to nil
Eksloa. April tc.-FanenI dope Traverse CUy abould enjoy a
Equalitatloa—W. W. Dean. W. B.
aervkaa for tbe late Eugene Brink- prosperoua resort season tbla yev
Cray. Fr«d B: MUla. Edwto'^E. Bur
men. a puaeer of toe (Jraad Traverae when It bcKomae known that s regarows and John Anderson.
ragtaa. who died after a six montha' lar loag-taUcd serpent baa already
Claims and Arrounta-Tboa. C. Shll.
been diacovered romping to tbe waFrank T. McNamara Saverely Injured m. Albert W. CArtislo and Ralph lUnraa in tor hoairital at Orlando. FU..
Several travcltog
were beld (rom fats country borne. iMw of the bay.
verify each otoerv' stories far
“Pine Grove Farm" here yesterday
Apportionment—&aesl A. Nicker
aaylhg that they distinctly saw a
afternoon. It was the largest at<
son. John J. Heigea and DennU P.
piaylag Uddlsed rnnerat ever known on the peoinK”
accident Of Iloxsie.
Tbe first i
wlnka with i>iecas of drift Ice to tbe
la. Dr. Uror Warren, aaslatad by
tba season ocentred about six o'clock
County Grouoda and Balldlngsharbor yesterday. Tbe* first AndlcaTneadsy evening whr nArthur Rosen Cbaa. H. Hanalovaky. WUHam O. Cray. Rev. J. A- Wall. offlctaUng. The tloB of tbe author resort pkeoom
thal driving hhi louring car. (vllid- Cbas. H. BroadfooL Ralph H. Uteks flcKal tribatta were very brauUfu'
when sevem large pieces of (e«
Among toe pl^ were a spray of 6f
^ with A>r. Frank T McNamara, who and Dennis F. Hoxsie.
were (brown into "the air by a fflp Of
red An^cm
titty To;aa seat
on bla bicycle coming east on 8Utr
tbe aeitwat's toil A moment later a
atraet. while Boeentbal was going Ira D. Union and Jobs Anddrsoa.
large alllgatorabaped bead, with (be
toe Grange aad varlons other bandaontb on Cans and made a long turn lo
Towns—Bdwln H. Burrows. Fred
i>trces from individuals or so- borna. tonga and oversite Jaw. ai>jm west on Siatt- street. The) met on Klncdon and Cbas. H. Hanalovaky.
(be corner and Mr. McNamara bugged
peered above toe water for a carsoi7
Printing—Fr^ Kingdoa. Ira D. Unbir;^..^
ctaM to tbe curb as long as he could, toB and nmeat A. Nic kerson.
survey of toe snrroondiiiga. Tbe body
TV maafe was to ebatge of Mrs. then dlaappeareJ. but tbe trail of the
but was unable (0 avoid the machine
Roads and Bridges-U K. CleveUnd.
Ja ucs Manlnek. with Mrs.
waur fiend was marked by atffieavnla
It turned the^rner and came Edwin H. Barrows and John
piot toe ke aa its course was shaped
upon him. Eye'wltneexea state that Helgfaes.
out into deeper water.
bo was thrown upon toe ^vement
KlPdiy, UgbL“ .“When toe Shades
It has not yet
and bounded over nntd be ruaclied
Iff Evrolbg Datber' and a solo. “One wbetber or not tbe men wbo saw
toe curb In front of the poet «ice
serpent were to fit oooditloa to Jndse
siape Vito tbe machine wblcb
the rasl Utoi or whether they were
Rosenthal in the heat af excitement
. « W«H^.cKlvn Will
.vx. 1.MU. J.
C. H. _vmu.
SwSlbH. A.
A. b..f-or>
E. .Put. in s auffMebt itste of tobriesUon te
probably loot control of to ducb on
tor. Hensr A^ie. r rank Stone snd be to (be nstare of seeing tbto^ At
extent that be forgot that be bad ^ \YsAL
visitors <vlt1
brake, and came backing down ov
e to Old MlasloB' have an opportaalty of exeretatog
„, O'lrean's forrign missionary rawpaign when but four yann of aga. nod for an tbelr field gtaasea la tbe hope ot catchpicked up tojarlqs which are apt to),
i‘"Tbe ajmoury of „„ half eo«ary made Us borne tog s gUmpse ot too laleet of Orand
..............................E«MP*M !toc borne bureau. John I. Olbaoo. baa .... ... ....... .. ___________ __________ ...
Traverse bay's sttracUona.
Uon/by Dr. Holdawoftb. tbe attend- pretared an lUaerary which corors 12
“ tneoim oxieMS lar
tug phyatelan. thowed Ihat Mr. Me IdHf^ot P^....Tbe mom of toeoe AAd
toe pontoaula. During
.Namara'a am'e and npper Jaw arrre are In
"■ northern lUlnola and ooe-ia to toe past year or two be bad spent
eaxtero fowa The places to te via.
winters to the south In hopes of
broken, boto ebra tom and rarlou.
raiw-e in population from mnr w.
„„ ...
brataes about the upper part of toe IKioO. The mlaskraarr w«* oemststo teprovtog bis health, bn bto totora Wes
jin the bivlDg of toe llluairaled iec> Mt to bla friends of the Grand Trav- lUIngton Park I
I lure. “Western toe Lead of Fnilt and
a always a first i
raignsd ee Turn Chargas
togly gave every stumtion to aJd to Michtean. Fruit wtA Flavor.” Better
t^ Just a
♦.MW Ur McNamara to bto borne on'
**»* “Mastoe will days tetdqe te died. Mr. Brinkman
'S!JnlMn atro^ to Wa home on
,^000 -people p,an*i a letter of greeting to bM old
asblnron atreec
. wb^w ,^toteyt_to tte Weett^
^ ow MIsMom
riiwt Waft ...........
Second Wait
Thtrd Wart
.Plwrtb Ward
PUik WaN .
•rJTiLSr ArTia" ~
Totol Number ST Vetee CaM’^
VASHINGTON-Urrai Britain haa'iK,S^bttSt dtoaaUsSed^th tbelr
One daagbter. Anna (wo eona. Otto jUngar lor baartog Tneeday. ^ 1
formally. r«»i«eded to the American < prsseot hemea. Tbe points to be vl» and boeU aU of Old Mlaakra aar- arraigned on the two eSargaa. rtantog'
«ff eaAltog
town: Pontiac. HU April IS; Streator.
Among tee
tos Trarerae
City poopi
people to Oqnor ertihost a I
ter li. f^ige as Ai
rraverse v-uy
AprO if: wv—
Odttl. ,J
lU.. April
April 21tbe court of BL James. Mr. Page Ir Dwi^r*iliy
nC attsatasea St tbs fmetnl war* Mr. eSarge against kw
““ Ottawa,
-------trau to toe BrtUsh govern- Aprll^a; IttSeHe. m._Aprtl 24; Aab* and firs. Ed. >7^ Mr. ast
Mrs. «anae of 'totAof teideoca. She plaad-! _
will te seal
Anri] tt: DaKelfa, 111
MarUaek. Mr. and Mra. C. M. ed Stt mUty to tha Dqeor charge agff Uftet
Mrs. too oaoe was bond oror to toe sot;
tam af dieelt oosrt
WbeaUaad. love. Mgg 4.
w.iu u-
^ 2r
B il
to ^ MSL
*'e- *' .lt5KA T ■’
atA«» tuTiMii imui.i) ixD rumaa bat xaoli, thdudat. apul it. ins
the «>mt K<'M la E Umk lime and
The ni|M M Wer
Has to bf Kl*^ iiAHttiJ.fl COSTn the oner.or oneri of aar a«
BHirti credit U due the tearhera. Ar.
«!1- ................in.
|un re.t» nr'liens u|ioi>
. eblch (or over Iter the eDimalDmeot Ira cream aad revoBty
years haa beeu ttac- standard, lielclc uewitLtdrake irere enid and landlea were also Of „oe|leuce. WT.r? Beraua. the la
aold at the btsHba.' They rieored »S1. iredlema are sor. ....
aell Utaured tk'r.
that* Takc..M.tPw Ihat vale has been lawfSA,
‘<r>*“«in* de«rib»ij
I W. H, I'ease arrived laat TuomJaj- everniarilclejjf
r»HhTn1 T»»aU>>A>Hl n«tAJV> ITaX
and Mrs. Peaae and aoi. Willla tif OffJX. ■
----- •••' -------e-........ .. title therel.v
• k.,a“'“^'•■ffler
tw'''’"''’'' las
"** de..! ..r .1..
'heivlur, and
aecu arrlted Saturday to live oit iltelr Par I I - ll I,, I
' ,4C pound! of huiler. Oood butter la
MAutiX Milur
wfll in Mi»<- .11 tier
liulTalo. Ai>rn It: —Tattle, receipts. In-vraat deoiand.
W. A AOU~<N. KdHnr
l.adiea' Aid StKlely meets this week ItA l.i'1.;i-;.r-.' '
i.ii.DiIiK after ret...... ol -en ic- of this
Su cars; sloa. steady. IKoOliS. Talvea.
are .Sold hy ull drilgglMv.
notlre. npui. laynient to the underWednesday ariemaon witli .tin. Will
PrlMi eorreetad erarr ter.
.mv., =r. M,b,r.
Johoao*! at llowera Harlio^
i WONEY To LOAN on tmod and well TikTicd. or Id Ih* r.
oS»r«a**w eiiuesfe-wtNsrciiS. now
i.tHKi. slo*. Steady. ISfiH-Sf':
of the
A few frieuds galliered at the liiiine
isrNiA M C. Oavis, 111
luinl V
___ ,
OHIM. 1» Fe«« te te»h PMms 2». Na i. Mi- T c:.. Hoits. tetcelpis. J.SSO.
aether with one kumli. .1 iht CeiHuui
Calvee ........................ .
-------------------- -----------------------------------trade lUht. lifiJO lo*er. W.MOJ.SO;
ait.lilionsl therein, u.<t ■>-» fees of ibe
Ing and gave them a pleasant stirprite.
Cowa ..........................
iiioriag. i>t.r.o* ACS.
• btilir for the servile . i ...si of |iobIN WiyCM SEVERAL WERE KILL- ‘luttie* were played and all enioyed a
t'-.W. ........................ llJOt. AdTSsrai
lAtubt .........................
’ii-ailou of this nolira. u> 1..- niiiiputed
Uiffy pull. All report a line time.
.... ......
. declara.. ... ...
i-hlraso. April 16.- I'oUtoeE. 8li» Sheep ...........................
To ihc owner or own........................
ns u|H»n the lan.l tlou as «'•!?;• ;eiice:M.-m oi suit, and
r.l! interaetK In. or Mens
(Tilckeas, dreaead ..
4«c; Michigan. UfHOc.
lor each
t'teeie. dreaaed .........
STATE or mitmioa:
1 I Take noll.-e ihal sale Ima Iwrn law-! dvcrliwloii. wlihoMl uruer a<l>l)llonal
Ihllka. dreaaed ........
fully iwidc- of Uie loHowlng deacrlhed ,cO"l < r el.jtges- tf my iii.t.t as ofoie*
Isitislng. April I
' said Is not mude. the nad .................
-hiniBO. April 16.—tlraln; ^^'beat, Turkeys, dressed ...
Ittii-I for iiniitM I
h Wreck. Botn
There la a acneral awakenltiB nil
stilule 1
outa. 3l^c
over ibe country In resard lo.laa -ep- fDi,< : corn.
lands alliialed In ibe <-uui
deed or d«^s ibmrrur. and t e land,
forcenient that i* hound to l~ur *oo-l
Trateiwe hid olt to the sli
___ ._____ vtiiltled tu a recunveyButter
.................. ...,S0C to »e|
... iKMl.
of mill and
reeulta II carried out eloWB the |tro|>cr
prcvluus years, and st„.e ihepsrf, at any lline wlliiln sU
dere-rM-ed In staiemenfs which will
moiiihh afler r.liirn of service of Ibis city of Travel
Ewa ............................. ............ i«ei7c
Haea. The old idea«lhal la»» were
the under- county
<-ouniy tof tirun.l Tmvthe v.“»e
ofQra ...
of vi
the ireaa* noil,
_ . - turwsrded
ibnes.Mn. to
bw \iir
made merely for the ■•uriruae oi bI' Ina
(Worn Ttieaday'a Record-Saite.)
Bridgeport. Cobb.. AprU 18-Judge
luy he seen signed, or to 0>e legiater In chanrery i kHcblga
leilaUwrea -oomeililnt to do and thru
The fur market rlosea imlay. The
the day of of ilir county In which the Uads Ua. of
Amount pn!d. IT IT: ut for HMk.
........we 10 ihc
have the people i<ay no altemtoti
...... ..........................................................
.Hr BU. :l..n all sums |>ald ujion such imrcbase. to- 8!.t": i«* for
:,t. ta\ fur IPIIi.
lot were purcliaked by FVetmann Oolot
superior court, today Issued
ailing Rrloea.
by aaid treasurer. ■( ihe county'se;ii. gether wph one hundred i*er centum
ii» l<-r »lh il. H i:
, ,.ouvoo.,.u,.............
Ibeir eBeru after they are *‘n«‘‘J*^',ad
t'omimny tbli week. There were J*"«P«O00CE.
on the flnu Tu^ay of May flrvi. ni ad.llilonat thereto, and the fees of the
Amouni i.«|uireil lor re.,.meyaaee,
.....JSc to MIC warrants (or ITesIdeni Mellen ..
baa paaaed and the people are de-i,.^ mui-krat kkine that wen* gath.....................
\ iee-presidenl McHenry. «tf the New
for the »hiria lor Ihe service or cost of pubpub. »IS
I '.t. pli". sheriffs (exe.
mil pUce designated
nandlnc that the suiuiea upon the
Manistee river In
Ceoige y Drawn.
ut tbi* uoHce. to be cotn|
........ *0c to 82c York. .Sew Haven nod Hartford rail- annual t i sale. If t I previously re- llealion
Fiii.t, XHih.
books be Ilted P|< to or elve iri.-aled I
xh,, »IH p, *hljd»ed
upon iwYsoiisI service of a detlsraI-i.i.t,
‘tlsra. ehanrtng groa* negligence and
Said aisteineni* .-ontaln afull dtwuTlp- Hum a* commenten.ent of suit, and Reto* of UnaWe to Aserrtain Whe«Thl» Is a eeusihle vies to lake of Ihr
latter |«rt of the lUy. baled .........................................
r tn coniiectlon with the f
‘ of each parcel of aald lands
'l-e further sum of five dollara for each t
abeutt or Postefliee Addrua.
Straw ...................................................
’qweatton. for it a law Is good It aliould j
wreck at Westport iaat OtJober. 8evOKAMKI. II ITT.IJJK
| •ic»crli.iu«, without other addilidnal. Kiale of Michigan, iounti «rf i.mw,l .
ORAIN—Hannah A Lay C*.
be enforce.! to the letu-r. hut H U 1.
There were SIC- doien egfa and T«
eial persona were killed In the wreck.'
Auditor tSeneml. :'okI or charge*. If mymeni a* afore-j
, , „ ,
Prices corractrd every day.
bad Its entweemeat will prodace more
anril Irt IT 24 iiiav i
|*al-l isi* not
not made,
made, the
the umlerslgned
undersigned wlll|
will] I hrivby certify aii.t return ll.al aftMellen and McHenry were both
• V
_____ i..A.Ariit
ii.«iulrv. tofatu
I lUKittuic iiRM-eedlnga
(or |«isaesslon
evil than «eod and the people win 1-e^,^ welihmaater had tp..ther l.uay Wheat ......................................... ,,....*0c
luri add their ball ara* fixed at oeviilii land.
I' ................................
worse off than betore It was engctc4-j„j^„j
,t,,y Com ........... ....................................
or hi.
1 thousand each, which they fiiniisU- TCCth EJrtT
More attention should l*e given to la*
,h)U- Rye ................................................
-eight ikl. Ilav»l.le addlilun. city uf' helrw. or ilu-• ker.-sUim--..i i-.- ;..ffi..making iti orde. to weed out the oh
Buckhwrai. per 100 lU ...............tUS
iTraversctTlv. idtuate In the coniilv of a-ldrees ofJ#»f
sdu iuisttator
JectlobaUe arts and theiehy give the
ORAIN^Travrerar City Milling Comove those aching teeth absolutely
people a code that will 1>« beucflclal (From Wedneaduyis Rerord-Gagle.
Prices corrected every day.
without pain, and without Ibe use of
Amount |>ald. |;.T3: tax for m*. I Ilaieii thla Ittth day of HrceiulM-r.
In Its rcsulis. It gives a state or torn
drag* to produce uncousrIousBMMt.
Yealerday called out another big Wheat ...................................................M
People of nervouK leiniiernnicni suit
nd,.,>.b.l ...|.»i.Uon *».« "‘j;
AUMiUtit required for r<>couv<-VBlu-e.
eo though a good Corn ....................................................... M«
with weak heart* will appreciate tht
laws and ordlnanrat are overlooked share of them are buay with their R> o ......................................................
46. plus Kherifl's lees.
GOVERNOR FERRIS BENT BATCH ‘ Ka-olar" xnetbod of |«lnless evrar Ilu(SlgiK-di
Return of Unable to Aaccruin Wnerei:i-o|ae F Umwn.
and not enfortwd. h> producing
. spring idanttog. There were the great White nevy beans........................... 81.00
•beuta or PeetoRIcc Addreax.
WheradtUena a dli
'Stale of MlFblgaii. roii'uiv pf Wayn■I**
ol O.™ .. .h.
mill., Red kidney beena ........................... fl-M
Bbouta or Posleffice Ad(
IOC:CiX Wilhelm DIock. with Hr. Hold; .Miitiprove* fatal to the well being of all. B.d Hey >(m« tiomc a 1 i-l wugon losu Uuckwbaat. per IPOtba. ..Il.ooetl.u
ol .MiH'lgun.-County of Hranil , —»«•
worth. Traverae City. Michigan
Laws are attU a necessity and the |uil- Ir < urn caae of flour and teed,
A hereby i-erilfy snd raiurn that attJHDEE, WOOL AND TALLOW.
hereli. eertify and return that aft- er can-fol inquiry. I am unable to at
Ur welfare deoian<ls their enforceincni i The potato market waa lively and
Pricea corrected as aiarket varlea.
a*. r«wtnln Ike wherealHHila or |■o^toffl(•careful
iiuiulr'y. 1 am ynaiil
aad the coiutuunlt' that dors not eo
had a buay day. and Hides ...........................................
nain tin- «lieieaboud-or |« (lofftce addres* <nf Anson Hanafurd or hi*
elra. lu-ir*, oi i
add res*
Calf ..............................................
ad- ad-)rc** o
or Ibe will
Tallow ...............................................
r guiitllan of said /
dree* of the e
taw mforcrnveiu is gone at' lu the
No. 1 horse bides...............tl.U and np
lanalng. April It:.—With the pur
___ itafunl.
liust<-<- or guardian uf said 1
wnmff manner and the icsulis (ll•laln■
pose of clesring up Iminedlately 'all
Dated till* Tih day of new
te ar^Bot wbal they should
DaHul thU Tth day
iiiimeni* which must be contbb depends upon the calibre of the
;:UORaB T. (lAtlTflX.
>. spend most of their
llniied by Hie senate. Oovenior Perrta
Who are at the head of Hk- com„» ................
hiiir hlHlons
for the (srni
today made a big list of noniinailons.
mtinftlee where thy crusa.Ira arc In V,„,,.Ues, food, clothing and the like,
Awiung them were: Menibera board
Ih-piiD RbertS.
upr HI, IT. Cl, may l.
gpril lu. IT. 21. may 1
‘his .me billion g.K*s to the
732 £. Front Sl Boib Pbeoet.
of trustees DoDtlac state hospital. C.
In which to have the |>eo|ile oivseive middlemen of nil >lasses. Southern'
Yerke*. Northville; Horatio AbbotL‘
the law ll to hold them loTt at WU anrlr-ultumllsi*. Coiilier al«o figures
Default havlDg l>een made in ihc
Ann Arbor. Plate veterinary, J. O.
cohdltlon* of a ceruln mortgage made
time* and not allow thlags to gel In
lose and additional two and a half bll
Howard; member Mackinac Island I
and executed by Herman W. Smith
Bocb a bad wav tivat a in neral i leuuiip ■l"v each year because of poor farm
. park vvmmlssloh. K. O- Wood. I
cmaade mn«t l>e cairlc-l out in mder
Ini- method* They could double ther TWO ITAUANS EHOT DOWN
mm; members board control of Mlch-j
to place things on a decent level
same idace. dated Ortolter ICih. 1901.
Vleld liv crop divvisiricatlon and other
lean College of Mine*, J. W. Black.'
and recorded In ih-- office of the Reg
a«aln. Cobsiani vlellanra I* the i>rira
UBproremenU. If It were eoi for the
Houghton: Fred. II. Degole. Marister of lh-e>ls tor Grand Tra'
of an orderly eommnn.lv and eun^iaDt
coumy. Michigan, ycioiier M. 1901. at
oueiic: membera stale iKuird reglaira-'
11:4'. o'clock a. m, of that day. In
tlon In niediriue, C B, Burr. Flint; W.>«w ....
the farmer to plant
Uber 4C of MorinaKe* on page CbC,
••4-aah crop*" yedi In and year out
IVidge. nig Rapids; Albertua Ny-'
which, with Ihe note serure.1 thereby
I This nnanrlng of the southern farm
land. Grand Kaidds' George lAfevleJ
«a'> on January'1dth. T913. duly as
signed hy a:vs M. Urklot. wife of
Muikegon: George .Vafe. Fremont
Is one of the highest queHlIodS I
We have an inqulij far g vse)! d»Y«<said
John -M. lATklns, deceaaed. and
coBsldered by the confercnie It Is
Hte appointment of aUle Ubor n
lesldiiary legatee under the will of opad bearing Irait (arm wWl g^
esilmatsd that the farmers sopth of
missli-uer will be announted ton
said John M. l-arktns. deceased, and buildings, in first class eanditian.
, Mason and Dlion s line lose IIC3.
ho became the owner Ibcreof by
oiK-railoD of law, and the same being
,'»Y>.noo yetriy beaaose of egc^re
Are only iiurrbased once. There
her protwriy nbaolutely. on said date,
tnieresi rates—much of which they Men Were Killed in Front of Their
fore they snould be of modem
to l*atuck Uurden of Traverse City
mlgb/ retain If they controlled their
Homo by Una—t AaaaaalneOGDENgBURO
eslgn, bulU of moat durablc
Mich., art.) the aMs'gomenI thereof relalerlal* and arilstlrally Onow'd credit aystemt and agencleg for
One Thousand Oollarn
d only aucb
I marketing and buying.
Waa Oemandad.
and Mrs. Roy Dohm are the
Hi, I91:i, in l.lber C4 of Mortgage*
proud parents of a baby girl which'
lwgo Ci>4. ui<on which m >ngage
rame to make her home with them
Travelse City. Mich.
etc If .-lalmed In be due and -emalnLAUNCHED AMONG FARMERS.
821 Bay St.
Both Fboees.
I>etroii. April I-'..—The black band iaat Monday. April T.
Jack and Hoy Drew left last Mon
Isimed two TiriliDa In Detralt today,
Dollar*. BOd ou iToceedlngs either at
■raording' tu the theory of the iwllce. day for rblcagn, where they will be
hiw 4B in xMially haring been Ineli.
lut«-d to rer-over the debt eecurvHl
who are luvestlgallng the murders of ready to atari un tbelr boata.
thereby, or any giart thereof, notice Is
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Fox arrived the
Albert Cenase. aged 3!. and hi*
therefore hereby given that by virtue
broiher-in-law. Albert Caulanm aged first of lasv «ee^ to make their home
of Hie i*o«Vr of sale conialned In aald
Old Uitaion again. They have
who were shot down eatly today in
mortgage, and tn compliance with the
front of ikelr borne in the Italian sec- been living at Sl. Johns the peat
•-latuu-' in such case made and pro
vided. there will be sold at imbllc au
-Mr. and Mrs. Hall Flack came down
Hod. Cervase met Insiani death, drop
or vendue to the highest blddc
ping to the grouD-l wliD a bullet from Traverae last Sunday and spent
on Wednesday, the CTth day of Jun
ibrougb his bead and anotber through Ibe day with relativea.
ISIS, at I" o'clock a. m. of that da
laancing th« Fami H Oiw of t
Henry Dohm. Sr. nold hla property
Ms breait. I'aulano's wounda cauaed
at the north front door of tbe ('x>u
Oreatest Froblema That tht
IlnuKo, in the t'lty of Traverae City,
rer Mar Bowers Harbor last week to
bis dMih an hour laier Id EL'>ttfy
laid I'oun House being the place (or
Nation Evar Faced During
AltrimnaefTyer. Jr. who eipocU
holding the ITrcult Court for said
Its History
Invesllgatlon revealed Ihe fdet Ihat SVC that for a winter borne.
<-ouniy. the |>reiTii*e* devribed In Bald
mortgage, or no much thereof ae may
Cervasi- had received ulai-k hand leiChartte Porter and wire arrived last
tera. the last one dated In December. Tuesday and will work on the MarlUcbaioDd. Va, April. Iti.-fln the
This demanded payment of a thou idtall farm Hits summer.
tteory that the fanpers of Uvio
sand dollar*, threatening death it Ihe
nossle UBai arrived last
Baally lose six. bmion ^llara which
and sale, and an attorney fee of Twen*
money was not. torlheuming. The po- week for a few days' rWt with ber
Dollars, as provided for in aald
they tnlghl receive for ihelr cnii.g
ngage. The picmisee to be aold
iplailvee sboot here.
eader i>rt.;.er systems of prodixtloa Haedtat Battlea of Changa In Rates Hct- have no clue.
dneribed 4b said
irtgage aa
Found Majority with Wilaoo
Ed Emory left last Saturday for
aad msrkeilDg. a great co-oi>eratlve
Ihui parcel of land lying In» the riiy
Charievoix to have ihe sieanier A'anny
of Traverse Cily. Grand Tiw
•ovement was launched here today at
county. Michigan, and described a. ...
Roae ilued up and to briog ber
a famet't confercBce. the alxt«-i
Arscaale ol Lead
Iowa. lo-wli; All of lot numbH- eight
back aa aooo as ibe bwr opena.
•docailoaa! meeting of its kind f'o
April 10 to May 12. in. •
iM and the west fifteen feet of lot
Mra. Harry Zang spent a coople of
Wavhingipo. Air:;. IS—The -Wll.
keld In the south. In the iw'o-day
number nine (111 In block f
program will api>ear two score auibor- aou.t'nderowod Uriff bill nrill l*> pass
to ll
of Traverae
kliaa Kittle Golden baa been qn
ttles on agriculiure. ftaan- e and xen>}- the house In pracilcally It*
City. .................
c to tba raBick the psM week.
•ml organtutloii, -many of ihtm auc-. present form." said Repreamtative
•orded plat O'ereof.
Mra. Emerson OoOraw waa called to‘
cwaafol farmer* themteives.
Dderwood to President Wilson
Dated April 3rd. ISiS.
It waa p'>lnted odf Uiei the viriual ay. Till- bnuse leader called on the
oess of her daughter, MIm Eaale Lar
waate of *li bttle< MoUars b caus- prealdenc today to explain that the
•d by poor famteM Whods. unwis.I was ■How over the hill. " so f*
Atiorney s for Assignee.
Cbaae waa <wUad down from
horrowkig of money aad the purshase
the house caucus was roncemed
UusIneKg address. Traverse City,
Traverse <1iy last Saturday to attend
of aBirplle* the fanaeni tliemselve* that gUVses on whlph h^est Hgbu
3. 10. IT. 21. may 1. 8, IS. 21.
couM produra. It i, proposed that were es|ierirnred had fWutdV majuri.
29. June S. 12. 19, K.
Several from annod here dtove to
the fareier market bt* crop itso|>era. tr Bunding by ih^ Resident and that
Mapleion last Saturday erenlng to at
tirely: hny good* Ir the pane manner, I would be easy going hencefonl
MADE Special order in house lend the enteruinmeot and noeial gtrand borrow money from co-operative
Want Chwper Clothing.
en by tbe Mapleton sebooL whleb was
•DcietJes. This |Jan. those iH-hlod the
Washington. April 1C.—•'Cbonper
finMf Tmtnt Herald
EalerdiK Law
Local Marl eta
Will Pay Highest
Prices lor
Pardee easiness
Farm #9^ Fmll
City PPopertya
Spraying pays. Spray
your fruit trees this year
and get your pay in an
abundant crop of perfect
Let us figure with you
on your spraying needs.
Dow's Umc and
$7.50 per bbl.
$1.00 rebate for return
of barrel.
$4 50 per one-halfbarrel. (25 gallons)
75c rebate for relum
of container.
Smaller quantities
down to quarts.
High-class W. P. Rocks
(Fisbel Strain) Eggs, $2 per
15. $5 per 45. R.C.R.I. Reds.
Thorapson and Bean strains,
eggs $1.50 per 15. $2.50 per
30. Shipps parcels post
Send remittance with
order to
Soath Manitoiis Mleh.
Brass Curtain
Rod Special
loihlng." was the slogan today of
bouse lienKHraiH In the Uriff canews.
The downsard revision fldht center
ed today on the voiumcm. Dax and
schedules. ,v h'tir-- figb:
Iienedo.1 the ••on- a: .f r- rnderwood bin puitint V '-.I on the free
Middle noil fnr western Demo-,
from wool growing Mate* were
led by ItepreserUtive Ashhrook. of
Ohio They demanded a IB per cent
duty on raw woo), hul bad lltUe hopM
of succcst.
To adaln, to leva, to rscret.is to
Teachers' PaneiM Bill Paaead Houaa
live.aaU a BMtwriUe. Do net In tbe
After Rerirendunv Clauai Had
Bmh Anached by Athiay
would tevaevUy bean oontfoUtA^tt^
of Detroit
Ce^MMM brli«B wstsdned ntM In a«eh
eaam. Onaialnt no banfol iugiaill -nta.
BSe., Ha. andSLOOboMka at
I.anklng, April 15.—Advorater of Ibe
Grayling camp site Cor the Michigan
Natloaal Guard, scored another victo
ry in Hie house today when the Horfiwd bill to accept ibe gift of fourteen
at Grayling, waa made
a apeclal order to be discussed this
afternoon. Friends of the LudIngU*
and HolUnd sites opposed this acdon
but were defanted Ct to 18.
The taachara- pnalon Mil pwawd
the bouse today U to 30. after a ref
erendum ctauae offered by Ashley, of
Detroit was attached.
Waits'^ store
Traverae City.
For Satarday Only
We will sell you a good
quality sash rod at
movement dtlm. will add to i
farmer's locomc: he will be able
Bpead more «.n the pk-asant na well
at the useful tUngs of life, to build
better roade. to maintain better
schools, and to mske country life
ter la every way.
Tbia would also have the effect of
checMax the nodus from the farm
to the cities. pruDote:* of the Idea deClare, With this tocrcose hi the rural
popoUtiea. when the young people,
ftai Fife the gayor. will come tn time
aa taeraase in the amount oi foodsteffe ralaed and a oirresimndlng deeraase la the coat of IMog.
fkad. loka La* epuHer, eipert apegfial agent for tlve census bureau, has
cart—ted that Ibe value of all south•ra farm prodaeta is tLMO|0M.0«0 a
bat that they eoai emisumera.
Jwlra that cBiDBaL Scetbem farm-
In any quantity. Price
according to quantity.
Bloc Vitriol
By the pound or by
the barrel. Let us' fill
your spraying order.
2 for 5c
Other Special ftenia.
All colors Shelf Paper,
Tke "Oiloride Ae«BHilator’
3 patterns 25c Wall
ThisiflhtwneBiUdidtnM o( teN«e Katlery us'd in the ii^ »E tebaaa ti mtoAf J ihe
lar«ec*M In por^M a to atose igi iIm dactndly.
gnsraiedbt niMiie*B*«itenfcw bow* ocenMMly-wh Bffwr totoi cooTtoMBt-gad to k«qp g
iuK u a laaL dew wairr. to be atod
15c roU
Choice of a lot of oval
Picture Frames,
The Eleciric Storage
Battery Co.
Wm. aackson
Hopper Cooled
Traverse aiy, Mle*.
otuttnjMmm suAifraid skMnn W awi* tsmBAC. iiSK- n. tm
-TTk- (anirr ba» uadorUlMii
f«<J ^o^M•t) bU be bo* |>ra(;llc«llj
Mhliu: lo »9> a< to tui» he u t>.
pertorv ibM U»k. '
-Tlif-re wiMt tr the rIOMM rrla
U<n hrtv««B Ibc proCncc.- u4 the
oiBsuaer In’ order to cllnleaie .a>!
•aslr*. Onl> the .hcKiaiillui no hr
mwlr no». and it civ
*> «'»■
eratkta bclora all aanetr«sar> iold
dlenen are eluBlDated."
•The onmntaailon* ibpald nUp.tar.i
Ue the tana prodneu. and the)- khuuJd
be Bold aithotit rehandilite aad
paeUae. Reiattklngda laakinji them
treneadouklv et]<enslvc. eud
(atver and the runiumer have lo
for tt.”
The lamer t« not aaiiafied Is
iBi; «'bai ii due him. by ralrinc
price to the <oa»unirr. The hurdeu of
the eonaunier taonot i>r lli:iiien<-d i >
aMklsB the farmer take k»
lo replant ort«»lona)ly on aerount Of
(roata llus io.alwa>« be lalo la a*furina a kiuben pardea crop,
tiiau help lu atartiac the partfaa
jearty la the hotbod. Onloaa. beeta.
'rabbase. dinllflover. lAtsce. loma|tue«. etc. ma> be ataOed In It and
ran alwaya po 1 aapnl.r hU
traDapiaoted m tba outBlda
And he U sure tn ro to the market',,
j, ,,
of pUnta ahimld
hnr lie . oa buy and save money.
It U a safe bet that four out of U'c
replaced at IIIfruit proBofs wUI tell you ihA a
"buttper crop' or. "over-vroductlon. "■ '
• • •
Tho f.rm
. ppcl..rt. -.1 Wl. Ana llV n ln„
nnn M .Iml nmonn ,.l, ,-.pln ^
n-m. ,«.,id I..... >«o.a.a .i,n
M . ..n.rwr dn.™ i.md. ol
In tunlr nrli.r. lor nl.lor .on.ol.,.
tion. not one <■< a hundred l>ad
needs la nuch a paitlea.
a rinple hu.hcl when the -UUppliip, Roaklnp Held aae sarden seeds in
sc.i«m rioMni. l‘erho..s a conercie
from :t to IK hours Just prior
lllirntraiioii *111 beller picparc us ,o plMtlns. mill l.aaleo their pem.lroi the dlNcusMoii to lollom:
Iftailou and thus pustd apalnsi their
A aell-knomn hortleqltural wrltor. chllllop and toUlng lu the damp
the omfuT of two smsll on-hards, had eari^.
oi-casioD to 'visit miuoU last Oeio-J To sbt
ii a horaeradleh bed. push
bor. Hl>- busiBcas was »^lb the |in> lech mmIub1 of small rubts into the
cresUe furiaert. iil tl)at stale, and he preend alonp damp places
........... .......
to pel bold of adineoat' alio •■ould
The obiect op the eonprettf t* tu ply titem «llh <ood winder anplea.
laercMe the ppufits at the iarmrr.|"1^U Is m> upportimUy.' thoueht
aad at ibr aanie time lo ditreu-e he. and lie olfereil to «hlp cleht huntbe eoM o* (arm pitKluci' to t',r ectf fbed barrels at a <-eruiti price, f. o.aaner.'
b. a veatem Mfchlean point Me mip
Tlie aUrtr are live iiernt iak< ii from i>0'ed that he «as tilkinp aUli »n In-
vco knew that no tvsir. muHlnso i-ow uin nisi
Ify.Nir LrnJ ii nut duiap si> si-M s> it should, u
The teed dueetlon U linked up with
the bop gueatloa ao rloaeiv that they
hate to be considered tofetber. says
an esehanse. Feed la KU per cent o(
cost of prvsjtielop |mrk. TIib
that eyeaiietu the feed enlarges the
prom In the hup budocM.
All grain feeds are the most coetly.
mhile the furage teed >a the cheapeiitap Iced. I lover, rape. rie. oala. I
le.i and iHher grasaea with alfalfa
i-e premier of tbb forage plants.
I'asluring hops has almayt been
practiced, but feeding them clover
elialfa hay. either In Its ortplatl cured
i; or ruu through u cotter: or
ground into weal is of re<«ai origin.
AlUlfi opens up a new era In bog
feeding. It Is uagueMlonably one of
the greatest of fends for the brood
before as meU as after tarrawtnf. The
ideal tveil Is a nilsed one balaor-ed by
cnlnwl tutu the very best- condlll
luisiOb’e lor growth. The prowlep
be lupplemeated with praii
Mr. Kiipeuc J Hnnkiuati s i
whose death appeared In hh-lday s Rec- ‘inlbhlup olf the latlcnlnp proceas
urd. maa a plonaar of thla region, hav- luaikciluk.
Ing been horn at Old .Mission. Noveni-I
ber I*.. 1k:.S. Two weeka later he
more popnUr, more apprecUted
wore admired.
They were never better prepared
tuimi ibe mlaaion of the hop as
mmj maker for the feeder and fann
In itiues past they have been criti
cised by aome feedere as bartop
iigb. a bone and too aniall littcra: at
tills Uute the) Have all the bone that
Is cegulred lu tueet lha requlalle
carrying their bodies salely «D mai
indirotcd b{' the bone.
They have lltiere of a anfricieut aummeal every miulrement of the
or breeder ruualnp from
one aaks (or more tbau in who
has a knowladge of best condUtons.
They have alia that makes thaw (asbn-osble. pofsilar and pronulile for It ia
po'inde that the fcerler aelis.
The breeders of FoIaBd-Cblnaa today
aei a worthy example for bteedere of
all breeda to follow.
Animal Regulator
You win sorrly pet asore sailk per day. and foe a greater Bi
of days. Tlir tuUl uictcsk; vill uuLe a big sddiliuo i
■ sasim's iscoiBc.
25c, 50c, $1; 2&4L p*Sl, $3.50
*‘Your moMf beck if it fnilg”
Healing Ointment
25c. SOc
nitn rut. mcked aad sure trats. ( >e it ua cows that ate al
aad BuLcBuIfciBgeasy. Sampl'frrr.
IBIS Alauuwc FRfX
Get Pntto ProfiUbnring BeeUet
A t-aii of spoiled fruit was opened
and turned Into the evlll pall. .WUb-|
out thlBUht. the sane was given to'
with a young lit^ of plga.
while it dl not appareaUy effect the]
except I for the statemenls that the t>oland-’so»-. *U pare the plga the scours that
creaa at Chicago this wei-k. :
• he was talking with the aeeteiarv of „ ,
Tbe Uuluea-lieu has the credit -of this way
I time a Traverse Clt>. Early tChina breed of swine, are In a high ii-qulred the beat of care to save
1 Ibef.rml-ii
Take waral.'p and *'‘dap a pood layer, but her eggs are *r«ng.
excallency. and were never from being run
r the farmer and the proaer
before he left the tittle vlllacc that
mui-li demand comiutwclally.
\o‘hl.“Tr.«.“l-:tiglnc and li-w.s] at auy time In the history of the breed asve your pigs.
• The (act U that vo have oil lieeii night he letvlved iBMru.-clonK bv
There are two varieties of Ouineap
iiiauuKed Hip farm lu pannershlii
yijtiig to Ibe wild, ganay flavor they
alow to believe that it was |«sslb1e phono to "ahl|. along the elplii liun ,orocuioyears,
—the pearl and the whup. The latter
siBie whh-li
time Kuaisseoa. However, there la ploBt In is c.r M less wild nature, and more
at oae and the same time to itay the dred liarrels of apples at the .very gene has been snieproprietor.
fnmer htpber prl<-es, and the ton- earliest moment.''
- His executive ability, high seusc
apt to remain about home It la said
a tower pRiea on (am iHoducts.) The price at which the sale «as Pf,boni»r. exi>ert knoa-ledpe of both
loMiur fowls, (or which Uu
that a crv.ts lietwet-n the pearl and
It aosinda foolish, nut .lei
lakeliaadc netted a good profit over the
•>"' ft./
wbiie varieilew producea a carroaa
ordy sale.
common white navy beaniTbe Guinea Is a great 'Mamer. and that very closely resembles that of
ampk. wlilih tJx- farmer 'now {oi< three hundred barrels
this valuable aid. bis high courage,
the Knpllali grouse, fllghtl.v cooked.
to 11.60 iwr hiishel and frulu he ac<-eptcl lire urder. The
Hie meat of .evea an old bird will be
him a UBiiiFul lender in our various
ilayiDg season beplna In April and
which the city h'ooaeholder is pa'lns first thing he dW upon arrl.ln^ hoifie. „vv,tk-s and i.b. couasel
tender aud dellctous. while that ot the
Up — 93.SO to neo per bushel fwhn
^—vc^ilnues until Ot-luber. dunug which yoilDg bird Ik uosurpaKied.
Ing In l^all lots i Now a .Marketins dred bairHs to complete itA- order.
In the American Sheep Uroeder ap- wool akme.
tVben drei^ the Guinea praeeata
time beoK have been known
aiaocistion having a store of Us o
Ore nelphlwyr had a few hundred bur
sheep, many as leu dozen egpa. It Is ad- a nuud. plump body, and pood alaod
in a laipe <-lty can easily iffnrd
believe in farniera exhibiting
viaable not to set tbe ben before breast and email bonea
uell dirort to the coesutner (or cash awhile.' atlhniuh cxiieniely anxinus of which he
(ounuer and l»rcsi nioic Ireeiy at fal.-s, bc.aiise it not
If sexes are «<iual. Guineaa flair.
^June. it reujiires (our weeks lor i
at i;jo per bushel and chvrpe
lo find a tnurUet tbe week before, dent.
only help* In the ules and advertlseTbelr laying buur%, generally are be
-voiblng gives belter reeulu than
uit/ibe eggs
Tbe dutl.-a-of lhe»- oifi.es
per cent (Jl eems peb buvheli to fhe Another .eliad apr’es. but the grade
tween ic-ii o'c-hic-k ill Hie monlog asd
meui of our animals, but brlnpa about lover or alfalla hav and inhilps. with
eould not l>o
farmer (or cost n( sclltag tbciu. le
, ot . 0,1110,0 01
TO. b-o I.M., Oor 00.I lo «o,o
two ■■'clock 111 the afurnoon.
lop hlia a net price of
on down ifirough the IM the growers
The estimation In wtil.b he iwu dmie by oibermand hoeps ua at ■
The youug are delicate untS veO
Wheal bran. oaU and oil-meal.
«■**« P'l'-r "•■'''h cau be detected
the SBme time woiao the consumer at wii<v eo:ilil sM|> (r»pi the lacal iiolnc. held is pethaps l»-st auiiimed vip in ppn|.
icjilierccl The 'lock bird caraa for
If It U possible the guanerw for following ibe abrlll cry of the hen
f^niark ui ouc of Ills neighbota
ledrt kl-i'u ler bn-hcl also. Apph Three davs later llie "hortli ulturiM "
the ab.-cp should be so arranped that »*•«
Geuerally. all iht- vouoK the same- as does tbe hefl.
him all hi. Ilk:
«D preparing sheep for ntarket
the tame priniiide to all farm iirod sell nruned and thoroughly dis-oe.er kiiev Cene to do a dishonorable allow$2 each
• uurdiiig ibeni by day and bOTgrtBC
for fattMlnp. This
vdn stalue In all or moM of the hens of the flo. k lay in the oa
ttcu, and you have r. common sense 7usu-d |.enned the message that told
Hic-iii by iiigbl.
or mesi. thin* »a all
bis life.- j.^,lde.c-orn and clover hay
vufB- tbe day
Idan to pel idd of troubles at bot'i Ihe f.tmers of Ullnol
Ill >./, the male is somewhat larg
ihxt he
dent lo put on pood weight. I prefer
A i-ool. weM-ventilated pen is ideal.
A i*t-uUar tiling m the- nature
eads of the line: and tigvr a sure and
er than the female, more aggreoalva.
i cible.nid MisHon team of Ibe'M> s and a^lllnp aheep lor brevdlng purpoaes, hut It must be free from dratu or 'l*e Guinea la that she at oni-e knows
steady market where the con»uui
' -'t
kaads bpie removed any of and has a different call, aowidliig
•;*0'a. of which Kugeiie Hrlnktuan'was but If any anlmala tberome injure- cm -will auiwiy liPXe troobleTick," while
, (1 iiicmlier and v>lici «si one cif tbe
The owner or flo<-kma*ter abcnild »>«• «»» *“«> “P"**
“ discovery something life Tick.
fled fur such aclltnp I marIm-sI all clouiid piiccerS' Ibe I earn
love aronnd In the flock every day.
*'»l uUit-kly abandon jhe spot and that of the female Is luore lika “Come
kc-t them for inuiton.
back, c-cmie bark."
another. Th.- proper wa:
, Ihirinp itii short raaiden.e'ln Tri-'
advice to (anuers would be that and keep a sharp lookout tor any IndlGuineas
snowed in
remove the eggs by means of a ailck,
be pliched (nr them. The u> w is a pood lime-to buy abeep, be- -Idual ihat.it nut up to the mark
'silc of til. presentI basabali park tat
.^p pv.-e Is lo*. and many afe
Tbe abeep that will not own Ikt rolling ihem ont o( Hit- ut*l before ihe ggrden. as they do not aerateh
l-N-eii If Hie eggsSlke oUief fowls, and are great laaect
Ilrlnkluan wbo relalnc-d bis laterewl
taken out nearly every day- In desiroyera
11. tbe national game as loo* as be • ronsider such limes as iheae the vTpbably Is nut her (anil. She may
i- - - s
oPiKiriunliy to leaiock the farin. when u« have milk enough, and Nature
Mr Hrinkrunn was a life long
f.ejder is tow and atiu* clieap. put on cays, "l/>ok tomewhere else." Take «P • («cli at that pUi-e. Mr. and rumiug. gentleman, tie toavee to
and daughter, spent imomi ills deewofle his wife, one
iamb away and feed the sbeeV
past winter la lew Anpelea wlib daughivr, Alice, and three MiA
victloBs With ever ready courage to Then with persevarance you are ready vleaty of besAy food till she has
bi* aisiere, .Mr*. K H. Fitpe oud Mrs Thomas. Ilayniond ahd Charlea.*'
express ibem. '
to nlvel tbe biph meat prices, and jiClk. then she may own the lamb.
He was a promlaent member of the
, .
, ,
Tie well known musical ability of
. „„ never be- cheap as long i
A flock of lamb* will pay the Wt *' *'■ Hedden.
Mere's oonieihinp to tbhsk over. Tlie reeding should be based -n ^be law Mr._Brinknian and I.U (amli. has al.
.1 bny to feed for aUuphter. There Tbe following U. laken from lue Masonic (raiernlty.
Otabge Jotid Farmer says that It Is
ibe food. This will apply to all .ul- «'!f "f «'•? community.
te. that never have abeep > Ihe moat growth lo them and the Medicine Mat New*, of April 2:
iiution will oell the heal. They sLonM
- N'lwn Adali. one of the ciiy s
worth vriitlr for a’man auning with
otak A good Igtioii for a-cow weigh- ■ He was also a member of tbe Mac- Iw-ea a money -loser with JUe. while
e turned off before young lamb* ar« b«»'‘ bn.riui citizeas. died yepierday.
•sbeea and the grange. C-J... c..*...
branebea of farm life.. have
paitebrwd Block, ix eveu alth high U.C l.«».
|K,uia. .. l: WU.J. ol, H,
........... — . ..w »
wady for the market Tbe moat mao- «U was only a brief Ulueaa having
grades, to lOtisider his ariphbors in oiixed bay, six |M>unds ol corn aulks.'in iss- to Miss Gertrude Encell of
•V ran be gotten out of them by aucrumbed lo » week's aiuck of
Vdeellnp a breed. A buaiO«-ss nau with six pemndaof grain. consiMlnp of »*»ai plare., 1 heir three children. Anne
years of age. and
_ of <-oiloa -~-i
Tbe flo. k should lx- regularly and iheariag them, aa the wcrol will bring «»”’■
starting a (am lo Iowa personally . .. pounds
seed 0,0,1
nioal. Theroaa. K.r- ell and Oliver are *11
i until a few days ago was cleth of
living 81 Old Mission Mr. BrinkiMD „berally fed. as It will pay in the norw thw tbe peRi
praferrwd Hcdatetn cattle, but all his
n luial anvl wlicsi bran. Thto tan jg ^ survived
‘--s-* by
I- Vl, ».j(e aud ,
I the dlxirla court.
neichborw were breeding tlocnseys.
modified according to the oixe of slsirr. Mis. Tlien-sa- Krinkiiian
'previous he bad been city clerk ind
and when be canM tu boy bU atw-fc he
nciaiul. Koou should be tad. us Tiavoivx-fity. uuu iwu brothers, _
before boldiug that position sat :n
S'l. I.«onanl-oo-the«ca.
.Miihile. Alnhama. and 9
Aloiiio II
bought Ouenaseya alao. cxirialulug ilmi IJic} aid in keeping the dJgesUve
the city cenincU for B»ur years,
April Ir-SnlfrageUe* today burflbd
IfWpo. aJan by tils moth- |/
he believed It was a good biislnem KBUB Jp' lic-altliy condition. I'arrota. er. Hged
k: y ars.
Hgmany years he wa
the handrome ard co>-ily rosidenre
polic y to any • Itb the breed already mangel-wuracls and parsnips are
and dlaconfon of hia three
rancher, hit range being In (he Seven beie u( Arthur Ihi t'los. Uiemb«*r of
cwtgbtlahRl ibore. “When I go t« CliT trlttous loods. and will iurresac-lbe'
TOH Persons district. The deceased was
iwrilauic-ui Tbe house was dcetipyod
wiili an uniiwnal degree of
ia»> tu buy a cerialn class of goods." now of milk. <'ut hay. with boiling Itrinkman
•*“ ' very popular, through quiet and nni
with »r.r..Oi*o toss.
uncxmiplaiulng furiitude.
he BoM. "1 find the leading hruis that
IMiurrd on It. and mised with
Ill- wa* ail Hfrectiotisle son. hiishaadle thuve goods close loselher in
u of eiiuul parts In weight of hancl and father and bi. umln^y| wesnlng the colt, loo
odja'-ent blocks. And ilVbould work iisht ;ind bwavy praliiK. makes a good
the same way la the country wbc-u
. .tvc.ld brewers' slops and grain*
u the whole comnmniiy
Ti-e them rua wilt the mare aa long as condition to do it with aatlafactlun to
ms* go to buy tattle " A single
-od. alter a time tbe rows- teeth foiH-ral was held from Hie family reM- u.cy can. Wliea y-ou begin to handle bla owner. Oae wav- of CMdtttonlag
couDiy in .Michigan owns one-balf
bbicketi and decay, and tbe milk
“ “P
Chte blm 1. to help him abed that heavy
tbfi.lloUielo cowa ot the sute. and
sill lie fliln and blue, the butter Surl'G m Ihc fmnUv“loAn''tVe'o;creDw
burp cetneierv Wide hl» father, H.
ihlng* la to coat of hair that he haa been carryiapi
justly (atuoiu as a plar« to buy Hok lute and lasiek-M.
K. Hriakmaa. who died In IMMI.
teecb tbe colt to walk (ant
fast from the all wlauv.
wiauv. This
ThU can be dowe
doM by ellp-1
atelna. noyers can secure a carload.
The renialna of Air. Brinkman . ar very aurt. Never hitcb him up with ptng-. and ahonld not be neglected aa-|
If aot from one farm, (hen from an .\t'e wonder tww many lanuars real- rived In Traverse i'Hy over the Pere
J -D
ac-ac- " ,
horae, even If other day
The horae will be all the
other c lose at hand. EaUbllsliiucPt V know *hal each cow is doing' This
- *• "«•
-im penile."
Suppress all ex- better
better for
conipanicd byhli- boiihA. l-ewl* ' *i.o *'
" Suppreae
auob Altentloo and will re
•rf p commimUy .reputation Is one ol wi> be as'ertalned by haring a bui-l bad Wii with him the past
two clicnent
■Dt when
when blu-hlng
blu-hlng up:
up: move pay'hlb obur doubljr In work
Ibe !■«( means of advertising, wbeth «t ot xalev. wu'i paila brought '. montha from Orla^.
I”**1 on‘ckl>'
qnickly but golelly,
qnlelly. All colta ahonld
plow- and other (arm impjemenu beer with cattle, bops, honev or |wul a unifurui weight, a* that tbe sea en
tore .he te-a^in adv««e..
iwu be set u< zero when the empty
The sermon was preachwl alieropUng lo haroeBs or drive ibenL
pa.l Is IbereoH. Scales graduali
bp Rev l»r. l-eroy tfarren. wblek waa Perfect carrlape of the bead can be
Many pefioaa Ukc It for granted
> Rive a
nouiids ami lenilis c,f pemods are best,
iiHlful tribute to the life Of toe taught by a wise appliance of the bhthat when a -horee does wroag he lat.ic Mimming up being easier.
tended to do eo. Slid they therefore
Ibe (amlly. The sole. "One sweetly ">an half «n hour tbe firat day.
him for U. Now this action
Holrtim Hicmghi." was
. . only aggravates tbe mauer. aad U
adered by Mrs .Martlnek of Traverse
^ A team ol faoraea Ik 4uai os much coatiased will reauK la aa tncerrlglble
ty. /
'enUtled to one day’s rest In seven as animal, made ao aolely from
“i«sd Kiudly Ugbt" aad '
Bent by bia-maater. This an this only
the latter to lAe word* “Silently the
No creatvires appreciate a comfort- explalos why some boraes are bad.
of Kvealng.' were also auiig
hv Mrs Ja* -M^inek. asalMed by W. able place to rest after a hard day’s
Praii and W.
jw^rt more than the wort -----OSITUARV
TTie c-aakei wa>
«b*r. ->ould alway. be
W. Ndtoon AdeU. ooa of the lato
)v flowers contributed
by relaUves .and
|llberal aupply of bedding. It 1. moat Abram AdsH. was born In Traverae
Pannipx and Kaldfy ai« not only «lt«|ily with straw orlitter to prevent friend*
At the grave the Impreeaive serric-e esaentlsl that tbe -oUble sbonid be rtiy. November 29.
alow seeds to genainale. but are also oeep freesliig of the ground, so
and dtod at
r Ibe grange was floed.
Ikept wey-cleaiied. and well-voaUlataA
Stow prowlng pl.m». Thry require a ‘h* »Ws beneath ibia tovering
Medtctoe Hat. Alberu. Can.. Ajull S.|
c-unsldarahly touger seamm than any be reached without much dlfflculiy
1913. after a few days' slcknaaa of'
of the other root crops i-. roach edimidwinter. The balance
T. Brlnliinao and lo>uIs Paniilce of than It-U. Tbe rioae-quariered. part ie rl>y. For this reason they are «be bed m) be sltowed to remain K.
Mr. Adslt apeat one-half of hla Hte
Traverse City.
tlUoaed alall. wbera tbe faltbfal oal»B»sUv sown eariv la tbe sprlac.
apring. when the roots may be
la' Traverea City asd will be remem
mat* are brought, haltered, to nUnd'
bered by a good many of tba tdder
Firat Umbroito la AnMHea.
o that they.may have ibv enure aum- <*»« '<*'■ “•* •'
for clays aad n^u at a Uaia. ahonld
reaMenta. He waa married to Mile
rver to »fww- in. line pecollartiy of->««
*be flavor ot
Tba first ambrella soar la Amertag
vas tbe property of a BalUmore mas. be twalsbed f^evar. aad ,»«. .wsB. Mattie BucJilugham ln,im aad Boved
Ibeas plants ia that ihey may he •]■ both these plant*
mterad. rooBy box-ataU abouM be aab- to Medicine Hat with hto family tolowed to femalu in Ibe ground at the
« • •
stunted, where ibe weary ,
geUMT wUh hto .father end mother In
cleae of the a»aaoD. They are noi InOtw ImporlAni raasM for the lateTbe oootrivance
may have freedom and rent.
tbe siaMDer of lift.
Jured by frost. A ponton, however, neaa of tbe ordinary farm garden
Bent aad ridicule, had for years the
ror e Ubm be aaelated gla lather la
ahnuld be dug in the fall and stored that no seeds are sown unHI they ran nae of tbe umbrella as a proteettoa
laitottolag at Cypreea UUle. aboat U
for.oarty «a. A .wocoad, ponton of bs put tolo tbe gnnod. With
TIM UOM to al bead again ft
agalost rain waa oonalderad effwJ
niton Iran Medlctos HU, lator tidtag
lb» bed a^ld be covorsd rather ot ihoe* crops u ta neceaaar}' w wait
gnirtag tbe faro b«M to do
D8SS CELERY uid mOW TONIC io just ivtat
you neodlf in • nervous, wott and exhausted ceod^
nds is s very
pskt^ thsl promotas
a healthy appetite, aids difsftkm of laod and invig*
oratsi Uu whole srotem. B cmtaiBo Cohn,Jtea.
HoK tetnet Boot
|tei Vomica o*d Par*iriwiBort;. Lotto Bottles $1.00
For Sole Only at Our Dni* Store.
Special Solo oi«n Sotardoy, Watch ooc Window;
Htko OUR Dn« Store your .Dnil^ww
■ OSIIID ’tKATlui'^buLD MtD TBMSBVB«T BMH*,'TaDB8DATJU^IB 17. M13r>I?'"''
Kingsley Department
CoBdoctcd by Miss Jessie Bowden.
The people of Kingeley end the enrroonding
TOBUliy »re «U iatemted in thii Department.
be glad to have individuaU. ctaorcbea,
the OiiMige, fraternal aodetics and all other organixations h*n<< in itenu of newt, personals,
aanoonoements of meetings, notices of entertain,
menti, bnsinas change, public inprovementa
being done or contemplated, sales of real esUU
in town or coantry, and any otter items of gen
eral interest. Send all Hems to Miss Edna Wall,
who bu clm^ of the Department.—Editor
............ ...........-............
Miterudolng tus cousin, t-lofk Urtffln,
Crom Beulah.
Lee Brever rrtufued botne last 8eJ■rday from an Mteoded staj- In In.
R E. Rorers w^te pnrditsed a ham
of Dr. TtOman niored it on bla (arm
. Sstordsy.
Sirs. .*4.Ue U BtS ttnprortnB rerj
■ t:hsa- 'Vti^ and «1(e and Ml»»
Flora Craa-fore were in Travetse
City on bualneat Saturday.
Dorotbv Kilfedder of Dajton. Ohln.
is »1s4tlns her atmi, «r». Pnlver.
Joe W>('koff purchased s teao
Edmond Bosart Snarday.
Oeorge BraiitiBam and ai(e
Honda.' (or Jackson wbere they will
tniv Wednesday Betting somi
dental work done.
Hol>en Weir of North Dakota is .
l 7:30 p. oi.. prayer meeUi
ly'erenlBS at 7:30.
I. Ed Culver. A fine tlnie Ir i<'- home on Wi'.lpesdii' iilrh' froti* Man-^
toll H'lierv they spi'nl the tvinler wilbi
SprlnR has surely
urely oonie, Chas Mock- their son. Ctiaillie and rjiiilly.
rattle and Jee Vlack were out buminf
Mra. C. H. Kehl and dau'thier. (ira-s
Bilk siWBl last Tuesday in TraverHC Cii'
C.illtn. Aw-ry
• WMIiam»lmry
niajorit.e of the others are spear- wtiijnij'in Vilii Ifurw^iv'irarher ^•fh<,p
I pirkcrel on the rtrer every day.
Mra. Walter AsMev of Traverse t the feed of : d 'Stroei '
I this
nsXD here.
(iulle a nomhor of onr dHrnn*
Thi-ir hums Aoril 7
at Uio ae»«>» «»•“« to Tiaveme City
Ilf 1
^nthK ’•< days lUa idiorl •‘'ftdav ev<>BlnR to aoo tlir boxlDR Un«t
m.- liaa b4»-n>nc .rf auBeritiR. Ho la
B bj U A.
•I (or bulldiORbulldi
I. 1.. Dame wtuii
alipuliiled displaynian.
o' ••!|1'
I last w«H-k In town with frtendsi
ina:> liM-uie here in the near (u- i
'“iV"! Wl,l.o 1... olo-l out VI.
cats durlDc the Vtaater 'arallon.
turned tc. arfauol at .M A. r. Tue»da>
Miss Netiie .\lcker»on of the Ttk
,o,.i,-..o.:.................... *■'***:"
tst Friday by t
Neree I'll' Slate hospital waa In lovi
Wedneada'' vieitiiiB irienda and reb
is aged aiiotlior. who (fll and broke
■ entertained
er hip.
■■ .tioiH-a I
Mal.el. 1
.—James Walaoii i
. The Mieses Ibtrth and Itoeart ai
>r her n-covery.
drove to
lla|ilcis Monday
tended a lutny at Ira Maltt heti'a Moi
tv. M. .\ycra has moved i
c>. luinikiiis of
Mrs. Clias.
day eveninc. Blien in honor of MU
wn farm and ililton Beckwith has
.. ...............
Hived off luto AlvnJi 1‘arka bouse. „
Irna Sbetta of Nesaen City.
A. Hymtt has moved lo Monroe
.Mias UeatrltH- Sparllnc »ho ha
*lii> f i>
emeu '.b.cc Pc^wd,
c l*hillp
oblj. l.rn. IM-.I lliinwt b*.
returnedI to Traverse
< it« Sunday
moved Into the Kylielt bouse.
\,,p .vinrcHi ,,r viv i^k..
_______ Mrflii U maklnp preogr-.
(•eore Smith is iiuntInK a very B(
It, A fib* Bpcnl SuDdw- *l tVntrmV
niMdinl.t «1 Tr....rw. V
ttODs (or mortnB the housei he bonisbi e'e. I.n>.' Saiarday. shlle framtoR a
of Dr. TedDlan.
■” «
pirture. the sta*s broke and sevend '-.V «. lUl-d. br.. .1,. 1,.. h.-.
:lDR tValson'i
Mra. W. T. Mason was a Summit fine jurtteJiK of Riaaa Roi in bis i
■ 1..1... Ill t.t
-........................ ......... .K iVav hrs IsieRhl a now horse.
City caller Saturday.
Hr thinks that noino aniall
is Tlailh.. tmr
Kilfedder spent Sunday
Mr. Brackett
baaed Mra. Hattie
. .
..rtia .
There will.W a warm tuiRar snrial here atnl will inrtld
a I...,k
Uiik M.
on th.
.p ... siirrman visit
Iva. Van. Edith and Aubrey Meek :d tbe home of IKom HoluU a atok ii..nh wrset corner of ll^ relatives ut South
Mip. .Abner SniircNs <.X|ie<'ls
fn>!ii Krirta' tiichi.'
Tlllitson and <amil.v
leave this week lo join
are hoardliut at bnine and dnvlng back .ManP.nlia Tuesda), where ll
Momev, Mi.-b . where tut) export
Fairbanks and .Myeni of Wk
and forth tu school.
n-ake their future hc'me.
I live 111 the' luluro.
Dosaicl Mllkn sn<l wife were TraTliureilaj. Mm. C U l*orter server!
Howard Briiwo has nmvM into the
I>r. Bunce jsas cslW to attend
(it> callera Saturday.
D delidiius dinner to a (e» Rueats In
jiise vuuiUsJ liy W. H. Ayers.
Frunk-SasnH's Illtle buy who la iioluMrs,
I. 9MI
an rharlle Wilson droie l.oitor of the Idrtlida.v of brr tiuather.
Uec kwiui BPent
to Walton Sunday
Mr*. Inwerman.
Sunday nt Petoakey.
( i;‘t> H
0 the sick list.
S. J.. Wytkoir
aas a Traverwe City! Mrs. luiora Snell w.-i« calted to Alba
Will. J^_ May siH.1.1 Sunday at Up-.
' ptddlur Watson -a^
caller Satarday.
■u «’e<>k l.y the serious illness of I liarl^ kmi.m home to bw w*' (rom ,.rtsed bv a nomlH-r «( her (rtends-to
Mrs. Sargent is on the sick Ust at
-I ntothiT.
this writlnsJames Ha's and family spent
port a piGasaui day.
Mrs. I’biUp Miller ia on ihf skk)ttrd.-» and .‘'urdav «ith Hielr dimRli- her Inmic at Urtind la.-dRe. ici
IcatliiE her
II.O-l l.-l,
‘ 11«. Mrs. fioB Dean, they Ir-n ftir .V«rw b-c,.. Ml«» iu,.l 1
Mm. Ira
ivered from her recent a'latk of n|>ELK LAKE.
very rapidly.
Mra. Bert Ijtninioo
lodisna spent
Mrs. Clande Moore \1slted her par- „ ..
•eek with lui
onu at .Manion Tuesday.
♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!*Is'l'w \'ilrmu*‘’ii7’'il‘i'il
Irsln Rawliaet. »as a Traverse Ctiy
♦ Iwst w«-k
hUBlosas vlidtor Tuesday.
> (ew
Ow^-r Wl.catcii hi- iiiov.-J ii
Mrs. Leslie Tremaln was In Trs-je.iih hi» im.ilic
‘’;;;fiV.'r.“i£;7ii"““S,, i»b-r..i.i,-,.Mtu,a„,
Fife Lake Department
conducted by Miss Mae Dewey.
We w-ant to m&ke this Department ql tte
greatest posable Talne to all concersed and to
this end request
that all items'of
personal and
.if persoi
general interest be sent to -Miss Dewey to be
incorporated j 1 tte
-• ~
Department. We especially
us inu coTUTibes, fraternal societies and the
Orange ftirnuh items of intcrea in their respec
tive organixaf.ions. News of social events and
entertainments, improvements being made or con
templated. and bosiness changes and transfers in
real estate in town and oottntry are espedalljr
acceptable. The above applies not only to the
Tfllage of Fife Lake, but to tbe surrounding
coQstiy.—^Editor Herald.
gtn was home
Mrs. Vesper .ludkios o»' AValion ««re
cneMU o( Mr. and Mra U F. Judkiur
JeMe Scott wool to Plalsvllle Sat
Mra. Eva Wolfe waa In Grand Rap
ids Sunday.
Mlu .Sora Deo' «M ta CadUlm
Miss Manila Bcrastelne U bone
from Boyne City.
B tbe su(«l*or frtends
Ra.v Dick
bere Sunday.
Mr. loeon of Macitiaa* Is TblUnB
• Will 1
i;,—Hsrry Ji i n -lornKm ol VoU
wamrr wctiC
Jo i-'iiiifrc lodu; on
Mra. .Nolilc TjU'-l
Jni'lnrasslo«l) rratu .lic-r raccm fllnc--ji. inu
.Mr>. Will Purks rcturprd home fnim .siill unubV to b .-.vc hVr ■•rd.
Aresdiw Thursday aud reiK>rts a aoa!
8co«i Miimo nicai
iKwm III Mr. Mild Mrs.
KMauhelmcr ITravcn-c I'lty.
AiwU C.
llaiTv Muici,
«1i<> i^ wurl lUB lu
Wc acre all pleased ti» see 51ra 'a j. »« lry stori
Myrtle Kickcll igsuin as she caiuc ITii<siluy nirtu
ICKl Wfi-h I't lii>
from Traverse Citv, Saturday to vlsii I be «ia. here.
b«ir parents and lliilc daushier. Eva.i
Mrs T J. Carri- of Tni.erai* fi
over Siiuday. returaine to Traverselwbo visit.-I lor the loiM two wa.
riij Monday.
|w1ih r<4ailv«ui tn Hua sr;-:hhorlu>i
Joe SIcLain
entcrulnlnR Wi' tvtcrr.cd to t er Imiuk-1a«i Thnrad
Brand paren’s for a few davs,
• (
.Mra .\ucur! Her.'au-ai «•: l--tui|.
Mis Hi
Warner eou-rtaioed a', - lutiiiau.' of yuunc p.*o|ile
few Buests liuii evenlriR in huDor of huicc last Saturda.c
at: r:.uno
tier nir-c.-. Miss Mac Hiibburcl, tl be- •vnlai:
.A RcDvral Rood l.tue 1a the
iKB Mi-e .Maes sirteeuib birthday
v| an of all pre-etiT
c was aButn resumM
Clara Hanal returned t.i t.. r s'-hool
lay evunlUR
(oiiriwurk ti. .Aliiui. Monda.'. alter >i»iid>iii.i'uniis of snow drifts and l>ad roads. 1 he si rtiic vacailoii oi linr bone-.
Sunday sdcol was also reoraniaed |
Fiimk Sours diovc In Tiavecs.-<li >
and there was a Bood atluDdanre to, Mondiiy. reiuiTiiui: Tii. -olav.
Mart with.
MIva Anna HerniiEicr of ('ic..v;cll
Tlic famien are acalo on tbe land U workliiK fib- Mih I'olm .Miniro
.'ire l-l U. Wlnrlc j:od .-on <c.nU:u
and Mrs. Hnw.vrd Bark* hnve'bfl Satunlay lor Truverac
Ironi Ilav.rov.i .'Hiiolay a.^»lii;.:.tii-vl' i.iiive.| jo the Wlifot (arm Mar Ke- aja-n-l u lew Oa.vA wlib her puoitU
by .Mis. I'ulvi r.
wailin and Howard Is Rolnjt to ««fe there. Her (aih.-r. Willl.vm t’Hrry. i'.
K H. BiiliilcuDie lu »anr 1-‘iier
Dr>'»n. the maaaRcr.
ivery iwoily at this wrlUn»
ooi ..ir ...
Mr ami Mra. Howant Holl.nlicrkf .Ur»..MsbclKlpleyofTrav:-rwCllv
into bUshmler bou« wl b
«e v„h«l hM.iiMlay w.ib relunvc:. in tin
!Ck> fJini
^ form, r-s siuur. Mri. Will Barks.
I nei^bixirhood.
t-larks (ahitlv.
, Kr«l Hul.Usrd of Traverse City I,'
_ . ...
loads have
)<M _.
ar- . vlsBor in our neiRhbofhiK>d. calUns ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
rtved for J. S. lliMlBes. uf twKKies. tillI his children a. A. E. ■\Vsrners.
diee InipleuHOls. waient litn« and fei>♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦
pnslow Wright la ouiie poorly this
Mr. and Mra. Marshall rar.ther,s
Mrs. Harry Balmer was railed loL.i'!?’
v '
were iu Traverse City one day lasi KewadlnJ a
_ few day* ago lo see her < I'^ddes Mi*er has arrived from t hia-eek.
hnKlii>r in
in law
Uw.. wnii Ost-rn. who has
®“ “*•
- . Ion- .jm„
this suranier.
-Mao I>cwey is improvlnR In bealtli
Miss VI.rtet Untile
and w-Bs out of doors Moodav for the
- - —. . . . . - - - - - - - - -.a 6. at P. J. Biirtleod
nm Umc in over three montba
S-i'h Mll.oi. on to the «d a
liss Lonl«e Rnohr Is especled hoi
l>rt.f. W. O. AVlllartl was tn Kalkn.,'to riurutT
9 spend the week v
ha TueJKlay havlnR some denul work
•>- Jobn~>n
• Traverse City
The f-llowliiB, (!. B. HodRea. Dent ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦>♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ vlplior this week
nine. t\. W. Ilniwer. Harry llrtw-d and I ♦ a » * a a a A'i a a a a a a
•‘'‘’■fiend and brother.
Mite Hobbs, inicnd
Howard, spent Saturday at Travennend to go to Traverse
ol the Week for ihcir; Mr and Mrs, Will Charapine spent ClLv.
> • Ford»ns.
|Fiimlii« at Brove.nenl.
and Mrs- R r Hrtdeman re-'
»*“* -'•'»• Rw«'ei ami Mr. and party on Jidin Ml
....(nwi —
Mra Crowe enterufned <h«
the r.,ui
'.no ..I..S
club litrtbday. About Iblrty-flve of his
unii-d Monday
Xainpai Florida. \lvii
Saturday cvcdIde.
eichleen being friTOds came with well (tiled baskuU
There they have sjienl tbe winter.
l>ns«-ni. Brorossire ,'oto was pla>^, nnd a ^nilful supper was ^rved
Th. lAd,,.- Au .«ie«- ci^ O.W
;r«' i,,ldn«i.E m«.ic
Mr. and Mrs. Harry ^liltnian loft
bore Friday (or roldwaier.
ITof. W. U. wntard made a bnslM« trip 10 Crand Rapids.
J S. K.«Ues waa in Traverse City
on busloesB.
Miss loiis .Nelson was in Kalkakfc.
Monday .
, '
>lr. Sheik of RIvep-lew baa rente
a farm near Crofton, ,
Miss 47ierry Brow]S*«as tbe Rues
or her cousin. Mrs '7\'. U. WiUar.
Saiarday and Sunday,
O. fi. Doherty was In Traverse Cii
«o tnulnews.
A A.
bdil .-Udd,. «W„.
,dd.l.lldd ,.r ,»dd.ldl,».
- dl —d>
... .dldhl d...was
Kev. b A. IK'kn of Port Huron, firfd olive-.. i<-«. cream with girawberries muuy nmre l.irth.laya
caller in Traverse flo’ one day las
-. the Auli-Aalov
srt. of'ihe
Auii-Aal'ion league, nud aORel food. The iiariy was held' Mrs. Kaic Werner Erkran of Good
IHed the pulpit al the
'Harbor suterMl a aii(M-k of |)sralysls
Dent Blue and Dick -Rodees havlunday na.rolns and 1
night, and died Biinday.
. She
. llokera '
tbair garage in readiness (nr thel
-.tile address lo a Urge audl-ii.-v at visitor Maoday. ;
ill be t
sew cars.
hf grange hall ii. ii:e eveuliic
(for her n4i->oI dui
•hil^rcn 1
luiles at itenzonia (bat wit'rc so
Peter h^ylor has 'iasfalled a nev
the sihool house
Cart Campbell of I'nlon and .Netty
RfrtRera'or in his meat markeL
iDcsday at two p. ni.
bery of Souih
- . __________
1 he Rev. llowetfe spent throe days
MIH kMna Tcarboul . and lllUed lust
luMt M.-dnesday
at Kalkaska. >«»« «“*ck at lake A»n.
Gladys Illlf are both sick with Ui.
Ml*. Frank tiorr and daughter'
•“'>•»*«' returned Friday ♦
rial (aver.
toroth). Mra. Albert K.dd dnd^il‘ ‘ r''
Irei. of Farwell were the gurau ot •‘T*' »""»»»
KaUva. Mich,
heir sister and husbnnd. Mr and
Blamimda of ITove-t Northport. April H.—The V. a
basks Saturday and Sunday.
spent a few days with her n»otb- weather aution bureau
4ra O Ia .Boy ngtoQ over siiodav
• moo' apcni
The Daisy class had a hard tiiru
A.,- f..s- .....r here. She alao vlp- April IMb.
party Saturday at the home o( VeniiMinnie Kelil arrlTed bonte this
ddddl, . .
aad-, evening from Martun, where she spent
Y. d Tauuer and ihmily or»i imidgs;, 4*10 barae*" ** *"*" b«*sht • *
Mrs. David BenMQ and dauKhiei
• the pBst week w ith her sister. Marian,
ZkorMhy. zoiurued to their home h
‘etoskei- SondsT to ue the former-.'.
•’aimer and Clyde CanningMr Ud Mra l..ooinit of Sattoas
Kslsmsioo Ust Thursday.
^I^key S.inda.v to see the formers ham have relumed from a moniha Bav arrived Tnesdav to spend a (ew
- -Mlasea Ruth Bnae and Molly ruri
vlcit at Detroit
-weeks wlih Mr. and Mra. J. Koned.v.'
■were guests of Mra Will Ottmore a
On account of w-wcJh and trmdi rw
The Mlst-a TClartsJut Gertrude and
Miss PrWa Wiegand of Detrvdt Is
WaJuM TburHday niRtiJ.
lalriug al tkher points, the wc-v I. ulse Manltau are home (or a vlali the guest o( her aunt, Mrs. A. John. |
John bnrkbolder of Sootb Board
rain bss (ailed to place the now with HnKr (aiher.
- a. H. Mlllken retnmed home Thursatan was tn town Friday 00 bnal •tert nuU at this place. tbere(ore the
Mra M. A. Crtver and Myron Cnlrer day night from Vf. Wavne. lamsiug
mrs gang Im been dola.ved In com- left Tuesday ntorning (or Adrian.
and fievdand. where he spent the'
S. W. Soitth of Trarerae C(ty wa oenrtng th^work.
Mra E. J. Dickermsn spent UemUy msI three weeks.
^oday senlGW « M. E. eboiubiwlth Mra. J. O. \Tack.
T MIsa Clarissa Johnston spent tut ,
Mrs.- Alle 81a
\^l IP. JPI8: ,
j The young people of Cedar gave a Tueeday nnd Wedneodu In Traverse 1
Bondsy to visit 1 sUtIvea.
Bnn^ s^ool nt 11:4& a. n.. Bp- surprise party for Cbutde Cork Satnr- City the foe* «( Mlaa Rntb Boughey. '
Mlsi Bvelya h tcfcsiefoe was bow rttrib lesoe at 6;» p. m.. prewMb* day evening st Ihe borne o( Mr. nod
Mr. nnd Mra 0. C Rnnaon rrtureed
A UD efarome kather shoe for hard wear
This shoe is solid icathcr
throuRhoul; do imitations nr
siibytitulioQS arc usc-d :ii any
The tipper stock rcfi< eleanbroach
trader the toe cap. su tUt viboo tl«
Kurrivod by paroot*. three broiheni.®-'.,'*”^^
.« Th» rmu.r*i
w>rvi<.>«’ "t*. rrons Kirt entertained IHaa
VV»r<i van ni-eired lavt week of the'
ll jiervltvs
Cnity o
tlealh Ilf .Monis White, n foriiier ret-lcliurtdi
oil Martha Shalda ut North
e held at the M. E.
diuu (if .Sunh|HirT. whleh oceun-d in
p. iiL. lict.
M«r«h U'lh. after a li/iia
Iasi Wednesday and plans were lunde mness. ... ...................................
In rtfe lake «-emHer>jlor liavinR a pie social In the near fiiyjr, \vi„.
i„.rf for Wire
They will -...................
W^ne^l.iy. lu i;„k;
Mrs .Vlilical tireen *» s of Canndla lura.
April nywllh Mr
Kred nauuilmrcer visiled Truvcrs'
birth. born tile :0lb day of 8e|.l.
tenilance is dusireit.
itv on Tuc-adu) lust.
. IMI. died al the borne of
13ii1e Katherine Kheetick has the
Mra. Frank I'alhouii. sbo baa Ik-.-i
arxHher. Robert McAley, April 8- ISI J. measli-s.
•rv ill. IS contaicsiiii;.
ane ol CS yean. £ nsinths 13
------------Miss Ada WllliauiHon was a Ti.i
Blie Is surrlvt-d by a huilmnd. ^
jURhtera. lour sous and one
have retired (mm (arm w.u-k wr»-n-v T|,j,„r on . dm-.ulav,
I and w
rotlicr. ('nm.ral services were held, They b;i«e rented the nn'’
I their htwic Thursday. April lt«h at
Mrs. U<:;. .tlrq-irc of FT™., '.
nsar the warHituise. ..........................
: p. n,. I1..V, A. w.
Rlrimrd Riillivan nnd sister. Mias vv„, Wiiluinisim
uieniisiii teok plHi-v at the hifu IaLcj
Eleanor of Empire, vlsiw with Mr.
,-h«« Join, and daURoier. Ilciiie i
.and Mrs. Fred
nI Itayo
ItaRo Rundsy.
. . . _ . . uiiKV)
uHnR t1
DiiRo brtne
their uncle.
«Ur b-lee iasi Wedneaday t veniiu:.
♦ *
lion, to
lo Sir.
Mr. and Mra. Fennk tnclc
,| y. iVmaPc.v. a. .ompanb-il liy i,
WILLIAM&BU^**0♦ Mi.tiday
dmisliler Riilli,
Than HemiiRtoa of Travrrac City j,T,..riua>n slili
Wlllianisbant. April ir-.—Nr. 8ulil. visited old (rtendg here Mendav.
Bradley is siwnUiiis"
-bo liaa iK-en iivlnit on hTank luinRW. H. Cork. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry
• ortli,'# plaie. has moved to Harbor Cork and John Cork left l-Yfday tor
tc^a T’hestn T'i v'.-jt ’'toll tc tc ‘
,t iC.".Xp!r. iT'/'f.r,'”''
Rouge Rex
Shoes No. 449
toe rapit w.imibt.tvRh you cun rip
it oO and siiil have aaothertlucknrti
• of leather to uc£r out.
AiJc your deejer ior No. 44a. It
will please >ao.
ll inbetarmcr c.
icicril-liac. blit ecnally saitablc lot all kilKis ol
wbeiLcf ticU.-ton.-st or nuue.
L'Ok f -t tby iroiU-mark on the aoJe.
FtwRcsirr P.«i K-.t eallorlbciakiw: Wrilc l>
i.'iJe m Sh A. ^eiHuTa aaJ Shoe
General l.hw RruotiB
410 Mete AsJt>
Ward rt. ConrttBC
Huding I
Matt fN. r^onnlne
Let, the Herald and Record Co.
do vour Job V-ork.
- The Interest in Ladies' Styles Unabated
itiEludinfi several very .-p-icinl sample
h!,:li cl;is>
Pnd fiibrk*.
and ?29 50 will pro'^urt; the }>r.Hiie3l
deini-tailortd and Bulgarian styles,
made for relaUing ordinarily at
$23. .S27..-0. $ iO. $33.
More Nciv Arrivals
Cblfions. Waists, Dress Skirls, Silk
Waists, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves
ar.d \eekwear.
iOc^mens Jfev9 Separate Coats
for the %Spr'.ng of ISIS.
Many distinctive and fandsome J'fyles at the
Popular Prices of SS to iSZ.S0.
This IS
into what makers call a “Coat Season."
In oiber words, nearly every wjman has determined that she
ivanis a separate coat lo wear with ter spring dresses.
Certainly there is^good reason why every woman should
so decide, lor never were there handsomer coats than our Ap
parel store has assembled here at moderate prices—Coats
that have for their style iaspiraiion the work of America's
i)T£t Designers and of Madam ^varie, the European Reprej e.itative of the Woltex Co.
Coats of Bedford Cord—$22.50 and $^, in pretty and
attractive designs.
h r Ladies and Misses. Popular shades,
from $9 to $32.50. Whipcord Coats in the popular colors.
$12 bO t) $25. Eponge Coats, plain and striped, fancy collars
and lini ig. newest styles and colors—$20. $22.50; $27.50. $S5.
Me Carry Mall Paper:
&very Pattern tfe».
-a*-. I
I noiraiT, iniLiT, ktu'
of their Krasdfather. E. K. RowmaD. . It fa ijult* a
lournay tor two rhlldfca to »«h»
jMiniw:* drove
-----(OonUnned Irom.*^,
A lot aorUl was afven Saturday
Trovenw I'ltv u»t 8und«v anil «iU«d
afier a
liliieei. f*
nlBht at Cook's ball by the ftnlon Aid
Mrs. WiU Pfeixa
ihr horn.
home on Tnuro- . 'Mra.
Vl«T* *-ere Urld al Xhr
S. M. KIc liaitiaon U a
aneruoga. Rw. U U SteadmaB few 4aya with her son a
ni«m irod Httle dauih
nlj.'hetIdM“ro roVfw a to trod, two daya last' week oo ac»■>'* arandson. who arrived last Sal- eount of al^eaa
tar went to Ann Arbor M Mouday laat
Several from here attended
<x>uuty Sundsv
.day achou) rootatitloo
where the daughter WlU Uke treatG.*;ielu>aii to tery alck ai rouHy
ille tVedaesday
Wedaesday and Thoi«T
A dab dance was enioyed in the, tbto
GeoT«e itrake, (n«n aotiih ol U>wn.|^,v tobi and uU roftort a very prol.mSunday.
iiw$ IF n>M nntuE iikh
rt.ii'-'.i jXn .i.; u.r
'‘"'-‘..■s-.ir"' *
f"?.*'''*’. J. iml.
■ on «he Peninsula over 8unda.v.
,n I.«din.
»•»- Ada Hall from the state bospl.
W *Pent a few davs l«at week alth
t<w where he U employed on a tar■ her mother. ttis
Mrs. cofRi
Cofftcid, owii
ferry, after a few daya vlsii with
Aner the tmaineas of the
O. T.
r^vront. Mr. and
n f>;d.y evening
lut buDday.
O.ilUyh) - has lN.-pat> woriroa
CEDAR. R. F. O. NO. i.
- "
retunml from i
has been speudins the winter, in
Carolina's with Mr,
Bertha Sparling. M
tug a Ditto longer sad stopped in IndtB where he baa PMftIvca'
VVUI Jackson purchased a horse
Klhcvtev 'im'.daj pn paiaiur.. t.. ik-
gln tamms
“• '• ............. -
COON oai OF GOai impootance dweared
Lik* M>fic.{tat>ldii(LT£>
! H C Agricultural Extension Department Hakes j ^
North Bangor. N. Y.
Preliminary Announcement
cV} w';iS;'eW They
hi. tab .1
PHrtmv night
tiieht tWith her mother. M.000.600
line .taent Friday
Ilaera motnHillside Grove. April
Chauiimcy Hi'rt Ulster vtoiUM at Clcui. day evenInB after a few weeks stay at
ratios by mrons
nrons of drainage^,
drainage, no veryr
•' vsUon
Champney'» Sunday.
Urge areas of virgin aoil tamalii i
Mr. Olee* to bvirztng wood for J, Shepard.
Mrw, jiilin Amtsbudiler enjoyed a ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ s* broaght under eultlraUon ta
.... Cba* WoUel Is vislilng her
.4 444444w4w444444lands will be made to yleldt
mother. Mrs. IVheImji for a few days. day evening.
Allyn. April Il.-Meivta Tratt has-abundant harreita-but for the presMrs Adam Strieker to no better a
. Ill vl.lim |»1.,«J.
„ „o„ lori .tambir. u «.a •!
this writing.
Adam 1mu.r U wortln, tor Jobo
.QvlVeeier Brosn was (wiling In th'
n(Jlghborhood Sunday.
Mra. C. RoxbJir.v. has purchased a
to keepi
ta l-autner's tenant bouso.
on going forward U will be oeceaaarr
Sunday school will be reorganitod erron Mparatop (rf M. E. Jacobs.
Mrs Jc-B-etl
Jc<B-eu bas a building nvost up for us ^
to aeeure larger yields froi
nday kt 10 •
t'lcwr llnik. Siindi
ntoeSelds that era already under <tamr:^
Manley Wllbong to recovering
Qnltv a BSDber will sow alfal
n operatlo
Hon. That to to any, omr problem h
S. IV Cai'e and family eoiertalMd
MllJ. Itajlb bu t.rrha«ta . .Ho ot "oi «. looob bo. lo locr.... tb. |>oi»
-.’latlves froi Traverse fiiy Sunday
totkm ta rural eommunlUea as It Is
In wi/b autonvotvlltw.
•.uMT.bntiiiMt Conklin Hnihera.
Inerpakc the producing eapacttXfOf
' «ii>koop
dioereni pariles soon, the people already a the fans.
and James
____ ^
Mrw. Hkkermat anil Mrs. Warren
Avsnge Vlelda.
B. Calc sttemled Ihc-funeral
.------------------------The average yield of corn per sere
FriU at Maple City loda:,y.
ity 44444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ta the Onlied SUtea la obly abcmt S7
•i.bthiT pioneerr of Itcelai
gone. Another :
I in the I
_____ 1 ■ 0.lK,ro,'A'pril M'-Verv- nlcto wr^lh- >»■’
per aow-and the aver> lilg Rapids Sat
44444444444' „for nmklng uvapU syrup and the *«•
»««riy ev^hlng we
4 sap aeems to be verv sweet m far grow on the tarn to esi^ingly low.
>>ome iKrtatoes hsve
*444444444444444* thlF^ spring.
compsred with the yields ta othi
tin-_ past week Itb tb
the price s
lake. April 14.—Everyone en- Frank h’isher and wife of Glen Ar- eonntries.
S Cilii
aoi-tol Fridio night at toir vtoiied w^ib^be latter'^ sla^.
it to high time we were waking ap
Beeman i I famUy Sal- ang going nometblsg.
the Dunn school Itoutte. 'They made Mrw.
'Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Davis were ta $4Xk'>
day and Suoday at Osborn.
Traverse Citv Tuesdsv.
Bess Whiling and Donna Bemui
Mrw Ralph Atkinson and children Better Far
Andrew and Mabel MurreR
walked up to hVank Dunn's from Tra- and Mrs. Roger Flam of Hurdlckville
hundred rivars ago the Mohawk
A'riday lor On-gnu where itiey
vewe niv aundav PKtrntag and back were ibe guesis of Mr. and Mrs Fred
. "!A^v!^!t^!f^K7ta,rta^Vta
nnke their h-n.»- Their mother
again SuncUv night.
IWn.an Sunda.v at Lake Junction.
J?. the wal^d^r^r tas wirid
there aortie time ago and the children
Miss Marjorie Berg to working for
gull* a number of the friends of
Mrs. Hugh Dunn.
Mr.,Beeman attended Iito funeral Sun- '“f
lertinty. ana
D fine yoke of <dav'at Em
Mr. and
choir renristci «f
wife. ariU Marlon fllbbt with Goldie
HoUaday at the orimn. Mr. Jesslck
was too elrk to be ap at all that .
or since Dr. Manta of Trav
to aUeudliiK bln>.
• Your Opportunity
™:' s'nS
Heim was ta TrsTerse Satu^
Mrs 1.4-na liagger was ta Trarerae
CTty Monday.
n.c< M,. Micks to heliilng Aflen
M'l‘>fnu - tM-' week.
Mr». Myrtle Green and her atoier.
I i.iven* f:ty xvaiur
Tbe ladies of lleliner met together
- Tuesday to do some sewing.
Mrs Ti
ras ID Oraan o
Ksendlnc a tew ____ ___ ___________,
Miss Ida Canfield spent Sunday ta
reverse Cli.v.
There will lu> a dane al the Silver
WssUni CiMil'
ake Inn April rfi.
Dcroadeilrc leesls
.Mto» K.II1U t otlkcr Kiwnt Sunday at
iaB*ldBJ?5nH HP SOtaAHta «r M
with Bertha t.iiiman. .
tS!Sa tb^*L.’Sr Grown
imuald cwhneld bsd hto ev« badly
thw am ti^seoaias
Umiwd bat wo bruised while playing ball.
Mr. and Mrs. J. c Runk'a horee ran
wway Frida^' night and they last a fur
|r«crotlr bees
rolie and Mrs Runk's muff.
George t;anflcld to working for
Frank Dunn
ta NOW In £. Pro..l.». ..l'
♦ ♦♦♦44«4«V*44444e |
lavng Ijike. April ir.—Mr and Mrs
Holly < oie. from aoaih of town. vlaU- j
ed frtvods ta this rlctaliy ton SuB- {
n'UI Kewstead has been qolie sick I
fur eereral days.
I/evl Cox, who has been sick for a
Tong time, i- very lo.w viiih iw U.iK-e f
of recovery.
.Mrs Ray pcldinc and two children J
from Traverse City have been rpt
^ *1^7at i-arc tor Iharslsn,
r Mil.. Itodeay Rates ' '
M. V. Meitt
I7H Jefferaon
................ Awe.
Detroit. Mich.
. . _ .
Ftea Beemsa to numbered with the
sick st this writing with lumbago.
Dr. Fralick <;f Maple City was an
Oslatni caller bunday oo professional
Mrs. Dilbeit Barr to stok at tbto
writing. Dr. FraUck of Maple City
attenda her.
Thcmaa and Martin Dorea ot Osborn were Empire c«Um Monday afternoon on hoataeaa.
George Cuevk and aon Harry went
to Wexford Monday for a few days
stay to ^11 ibelr potati
OJIve Atkinson and ebiidren
♦ 4'4 44444444444-444 and Mrs Dora Plant of Burdlckvllle
4 ate supper at the borne of tthe'tonnRUN.
___pareuta. Mr. aad Mrs.
INraanu. Sonday at f^sborn.
" ""
I •“
atoier'f u.n-1 lor ihMT Ob. home out west
MoiuUy morning.
-,:e City i»
rv Ibe sick Bat but
bcllct M Ibis time.
.Mr an.l Mr* \\Tren D.oi--W- -•'•i.ed: I«ng UJce District No. 4. the aev.
(irandma Hane.v Sunday afternoon.
eoth month nf srhnol Hosed here April
Mm. Min Rosa and daughter. Nettle. II. Total number days taught:
tolled .Mr and .Mrs. t'loid Dodd SunGraniiuar room. 3u:: PI
i luiar} room.
Mrs. S. A. Pike V
imnd tulal number ilsvs altend
aace; Grammar room. «uu 1-2; priWcv.'cy Wares and Clold Dodd drove.mar} room. fH..
_______ - - ■
Pen outage of aileodance: .fram—---------—
Biar 'rooro. 8!'; primary rnnm. 92 I-2.
Average dally
Granimar room. 18; primary room. 22.
t Total number
Gremmar room, 23r*i^i;vry*^n!^'.
Their Wrappings This Morning—
and Added to the two Wonderful Groupings
The best that can be done
is but to hint of tbe styles,
the stunning fabrics and the
clever new innovations.
Many new effects that dis
play the smartest new trimming conceits. tHilored in
faultless style. DisfincUvely "DIFFERENT COATS'
wifh a ffifcsh origina'iiy. fjuite befitting the season.
The materials include Bedford Cords, Novelty
Checks, ntw Serges, Two-tones, Eponges and desir
able Mixtures. Many are in popular two and three
butiou Cutaway Aiodels; Coats fur every purpose and
wear, in such a variety of chic and efTectiVe models
that they are proving to be almost irresistible.
Sizes for Ladies, Misses and Juniors.
, ttvmc oeaiwei
aeiibrr tardv nor abaeoi durlug the mosUi ware Bomard Uichl.
Veraard Skiver. JenFreoHs Skiver. Eva
Kingd6o. Orrel KiPgdop. Jewsto Alkinson. Joe Durga. ttovld Chic-beater.
AtklUMio. Mildred AtkiDoon.
lud Derg
:'barlle Mltaeleek. Earn
klver. I
The gramatar
II pupito are hav
tag reviews.
I The primary i
e a progi
April 4. the drautaitoio of "UiUe
Hiding Hood" by grades i D and two
was one of (be numbera.
' 'Tbe grammar room pupils are much
Interested in the anbjert of agrleultnre. Our leeaon April is to "Veu-hes "
Unie Gusael Cox entered ecbool
_ Three pupils entor^
viz.: Luther and l.eo Chase
' grammar r.iuni and ^aa Coiso i« i-e
primary loom.
I Many vtottore have aliended atdiml
this nroalb.
I SHxMl was held here Saturday.
April 12, to make up one day we loet
ta (he winter. School wlH cIom here
Friday. May s.
SEE OUR EAST WINDOW for an Unusual Clearance
Mils. Grace Coffleld. grammar.
Lean Heirerich. primary.
S lSOtoJlO j8.50tol2.50i$l0 to Xlf,,512.50 to $1®
valj.s. ' I values. ] values
C.'SriVNATi—(tooige S. Ita
ford, of Chicago, former preside;
ire cunipuny,
pleaded guilty here toda.v to a aharg
of UKlng (be mslls to defraud tn.! • »
jfiued diun and costs l>) Judge ita!':
hi tbe rotted States coon.
There are ju»t 87 drrssps in tbis clearance; serges,
worsteds, silk fHii.lu.- an-I velvets. Dre.s«ex worth $6.50
to $18. at $4, $»).
ti.tl $10 See East Window.
Caaear and Ceefcroaehaa.
r»e 'Medical taveatlgator*. one I
Bngtond and Ibe other ta Copeub«g-i
have come to tbe eoaeluainn thst rai
$4 00
Where AlfaH.: to Grown.
The I
tbe United Statro
alfalfa Is grown
today. At the
e preahat time all tbe
grown in the United BUtca to
leas than the area of the little aule
of New Jersey. The total area under
alfalfa In this country is 4.701.1U
scree. Of ibli.area Kansas alone bas
•M»6t acres of alfalfa—or about ono
fifth of our entire alfalfa crop.
Nebraska comes second with €85,-
IwasalUncfnsnfemaW woakneta-and
bad I
I the time. Iwaala
I evenr month taas I
Jshonid have bees
so Nek thatI Ibad to fo to bed.
"LyiBa if: Knkbam's Vegetable Comd has made me wel 1 and tbeaa tn*'
i like magic. Ihave roeoentnended the Compewnd to
many womim who have ^ it «««»
fully."—Mrw. Jahss J. SfACT, R.F.D.
No. 3. North Bangor, N. Y.
Another Mode
Ann Arbor. Midi.-" Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Cob
wnoders forme. For yes ■* I sofTc
s and
Ji-; :i™
funeral was Iveld
the church Sunday
at two o cUck. and^hc rrois in Uic
May>ld .wmeieo- The floral oFfertaw were beaut.rjl 'n.e aermon «.«
gives by the Rev. Mr. Jones, and
James ( fmdutted the serwlcc- The psll
larly Kansas. Nebraska. Colorado.
California and UUb—the great alfalfa
bare readied the point
where we know we ean grow altalfa
In (he oorn belL and it to now np to
ns to grow IL
tbri^gh a
roach. We are not without hope that
if we bat kill a auActaiicy ^ gatmala, we may yet prolong w Uvro.
Miami and Scioto valleys of Ohio, aod
the same thlug over «e«it.
„h,u.Uon of thero
bmsd m
«!“»•«««- *“<l «• •*«» process
to now being repeated. Even ta the
Red River VaUey of the North, wbrnw
As 1 haro
Compound with
great twoefit I iaei
all returned but Earl.
”,^^L“'Sh^’ “*''“**
bedside „f i.er mother. Mrs. ErtckJohn Rinehart, John Shorter and Bill
*<■1* T*. Tno-V
1 llUlT.
(Team and <akc.
?ster _________ ..
lie a bad sick apell.
Wares built Ctaari:/ Ne*
♦ man a «uple of chimneys one d.-y'ssi
to ^avarae Cityy Frtdajr. Wealay pui
(baaed a floe taa._.
Earl Wade was In Trarene CUy a
(Ofple of days last woet
i -£<■«« of the yoaniE 'ftriks
-----------the boa aorUI at the ShUlor arlioel
a fine Us
Saturday ofabt. All report
sly. wife and daoiihter.
Itorta. TWted bis parents. Mr. and
Mrs. V. Keaaedy Sunday.
S. 11. lawyer bussed wood for Hay
Powtsl jaat^v
d a borae frost
All of tbe corn bell states are lamanubly aby in tbe growing of alfalfa
as to shown by the foHowlng rank ta
which they come as prodneere of the
M that I had to doctor all tb.: time
d-Sew found relief until I took
your remediew to please my busba^
1 rec(H
to’S^^s^wi think ittoabJesring
for all women."—Mrs. L. E. WvcxoFP.
112 S. Ashtoy SL, Ann Arbor. Mleb.
■rbere need be no 'Joubt about tbe
al'iUly of this gra^ old remedy, mad«
•• • ofcurlielda.tt
remedy wsBan’a Adcgaea. Wepro^
eotnmes of proof of iBe^srt. s*»gh
to convince the moat skeptical.
don’t you uy itT
(From Wednosday'K Record-Bagle.l
“It to rich ta proteiB,
otelB. hr
_ almost
as high a feeding value as bran
“It to the most enriching crop for
the ground
"tVhen a good aland Is once secured
It will generally last four to als years
ta tbe humid regfons asd mu^ longer
n liiihiness
E. H. Duncan of Gay City, who ha*
been vlsUlng In the city the ra*t f*«
dsys. left tlilk norning for Elk Rap-
where he will be for a abort Umo
u, .1, k..,. ■ idk.
,;.«‘h." r»™:
..„rtor „ . bo,
„. ,
.Olio. U, ..rtcHO...
"No one mpre literally
* wjiort
Caiilltoc I
time ta the ciiv on lju..:ncw.
U O. Jost of CiRclnnaii to in
city tar a few davw on bnainaas.
Frank I. Tucker has retvroed frM
Chicago, where he ha:» been for J'
I OB 1.nslne»past two weVao
Bert Irish of Grand Raplt
ta the riij today for a ssboit vUR
Manager Jack Ptndry fall** to sr'rlvo ta ilie city ihU sfiornooh. He to
lexpecied oiihar tonight or toBorrow.
Icity for a short lime on busiaeM.
Jta Moey. who has been in the etty
for i.everal «la># «>u huslneas. loft this
morning for hU home at MaiwneUe.
Mrs. N. O. Gilroy returned to her
borne anar Mantoice this (rernlng ad*
er a week's visit in the rliy Vltb hcT
a^stei. Mrs. J. Toland.
G. C. Blevcnt hso returned to hie
home St Plymouth alter a whort Mm
In Hie fil.v c
few da.v s' bu^ln«■,.I> trip 1.
borne at Re(«l City an«rr a ehort
Ume ta Ibe ehy oo bnalnesa.
Mrs. Tim Bemlah. Mr* Shirley B&ver, Mrs. Will Blackburu. Mra. Jake
.Heuss. Mra. Victor Olilett. Mrs. Ho-vard nfe'left ihto tw»n for Grand R»PKlap eheurinp where alfalfa la ^own In United-Ststoa today. Note the
The total »<1»
attend the 23Hi annlveraa^
parative arose grown east and west of the
I tbe Grand InteroaUonal AnzlhaiV:
a grown to about equal to tha area of New Jeraey.
tbe Brotherbood of i.ocoaotlve 1
fifty bushels of wbrol to tbe acre was Upon those who are stnngen to tt. *‘“**^° ** ’'***
not vnusual, today not more than fif
teen bosbcla to grow-a.
II prosperity, than w.
________ ...___ » t<‘" <*■>*•
Food fiupply and P
ita ezoelleoee as the foramewt forag*' WANTED—I'orUlon as nufaemald or
To make It poaslbla for tbe people
of tbe United Btatee to rato^ dotbe
Miss Elsie M. Nelson. 1
Grow Alfalta.
aad feed future generations, we moat
ragb. Mich.. R. .\o. 1.
April 17-1 n
change our system of agriculture. We
An acre' of alfalfa yields EJU
cannot depend upon Uncle Sam for pound* of digestible matter; red doany more Und. aod the only method ver. S.200 ponnds; and corn. >AO0 WANTED—On n farm, aa Indnstrioe*
leni;>cratc man end wife wtUioal
by which we can keep tbe United pounds.
ebUdreu: man for general farm
Stales on tbe ^p to lo make two
In ervery doIUFa worth of mlfalto
work, end wnnan to do the botueblades of grasi/^w wbera only one there are thirteen pounds of
work ta laiuiD of two adults. Give
grew before.
to every dollar'e worth of corn there
Tefercncea *o>l wag(ui decired In
During tbe last decade th* popuU- are only eight pounds of protein. The
Hr*t totter
tlon of tbe United States Incraased 16 great value of alfalfa na feed staS ta
R- F, O. .N
per cent During tbe same period (be therefore apparesL
«pr 16«t
prodnetloo of beef ta the Cnltod
Alfalfa enrlcbet the aoB—grain .latwork on roUBTEAMB
Sutaa fell off 28 per cenL
povertobe* the soil.
N. Roaae.
A few years ago it cost tha labor
There rematas little more to be said.
Traversa City. Ill W. Htb Bt.cCRs.
ing man 162.05 for hto yoarly supply of Every farmer who read* this sboald
phone (158; Frank HattURon. TravBMSt—today tbe same number of begin Immediately to make prepara
eree CUy. Clu. pbone llL^Bell
pounds of meal eoat $U.«6. an to- tions for putting ta a pleea ot alfalfa,
phone IW; D. 8iralwton,.«irta
erease of t» M.
even tbongb It be only one sere. It
R. F. 0.. DHl phone. Grawn.' 4yl->£
In vlew«r this what shall we do?
yon ean grow an *(re next year you
par iJfc« >
A careful snalysis shows that we can grow tatv-acres the foHowtug year
need more fertile fields. «r rather —and then twenty, forty, aad even FOR BALE—1 two seated
fields with gratter fertUity.
one hundred If your farm to big
I buggy.
We ne«d larger and better herd*. . enough to make *o large a field praoapr 16-tt
We seed
We Deed larger bank acooonta.
Teo sere* of sUalto oa eveiy farm !rof| g^LE CHEAP-At a banali. UWe need better bomee.
In die United State* woeld giv* na to I .ere farm, one mile from tSufV
We need better dttoenahlp.
round Bumberv <4,000.000 scree ot aL
station. Inquire oP^ PhUlp MOHr.
How can all this be done?
falf*. Before the next decade has goes
Klngstoy. Mlcb.
meh r itob* '
Perhaps no one thing will do more Into history we would be growtog
■ ■■■ > ■
lo aroare these things than growing 100.000.000 acres
■^1 w vA
of A.14WL*
alfalfa in
to loe
the Unit-,
uDii- , W AN-TEGT-Bcan
scresiw. •Free
- — toad
«d State*. If we do this we win b*
f»nH*hed on the first thirty *«•
_____ ___ contracted. Travers* City Cazdaf
If thd to true, why bavwt we baea
growing alfalfa?
Beeanae we thought It
lerd* win be larger and
man by t
greetWe Can Crow AlfaK*
work 30-acre trail farm -----------—we. will beve bapptor
sloa. Mlcb. Must have enough <
Kaay tanawa to th* con belt do
perlenco lb culUvation of tnUl term
we wUl be belter dOariM.
It believe that thay can grow alfalfa.
to be able to go aheed with work:
They aro under the Impreesion that It
StMdy werk all aeaaon for rightmafi
twgulroa peculiar cllmaUe conditions,
Bevaa powada of alfalfa U worth as
and a peculiar type of soil, such as to mn^ to feedtog value aa taa poasds
iovad In the weaten ataua, pa.-ticn- ot bran, and It costa but half aa mack.
' ,<
Madge—“I win leave ]
Traverae City—"The Brigbesi Spot in Town.”
Let The Herald and Record Com
TMtowi who e«to* lOWd feaev to aaa
pany do your |ob work.
ALVIN H. GRUBER. Paoeral Otoeetor
TMchera and Pupil* of Rural fteheete
•hewn Hew to Conduct Rap Dell
Prt*» OantMt—Plan *f Crop l«-
!1 Crop Improvetnent
Plan tD Unite AH Intereste in Nation-Wide Campaign
for the General Growing of Alfalfa.
It was a sharp mm of wtnd ootrioB
than rounc Cnthhen Tani
RATE DESTROY SEED CORN. tha notbM* with marrlasaable dansb- ineoaly around tb* cor**r-Md flUloE
hrld up their hand* In homr at Jimmy ElllM'a area with dvat that
wa* raapeniiible foe the aoddant. Mtor
being partially blinded, he dartod for
ward In tha path of a atiwel ear. which
promptly teaefced him owr kn4
Extetislofi Department to Aid Any Community Interested in Conagalnit the edge of the aMawalk.
ductinn Campaign to Encourage the Growing of AlfalfaI
rv»t;c.Bti i>op tmprorMn»Bi HeTTie«1
' cetafiil apcouUtor. and bad UucNt hla wrherw he lay tenaelaea. while .Um
> TTic department of asrlcnliura, at aon that be must spend hi* tnoocr bresM caught np hie nnrold neaep*
No More Difficult to Grow Than Clover and
per* and eemtered them along th*
’ Warbmsion. has froqurniir called at- Uke a saotienun or not at all.
Gives Double tfie field
iciiuoo lo the trcrocndoui annual loaa ; The youn« fellow
Mlaa Cel* Moor*. %bo. with bar aa) the Atnorlcan farmeri faueed by ' tocratlc dnelrre from hi*
I2D 000.. be had learned ncrer to aunt bimaelf. con wa* Juat about to eater ibe the
Thir amount*
' nerer to do anything bimaelf that ater cloaa by. saw the accident and
MINI AutomeWI# Train* Important Feature of the Werfc—Behadola* to •* oj© each year The com belt farmether* could be hired to do for him. ran to the boy'* tide. Rhe placed hap
Arranged and Meeting* to Be Held at Farm Home*—Prominent Speakere er liae learned to hit sorrow ibaisraU end to b-llere that the one great ob- dainty handkerchief oxer the gath In
to Accompany Each Alfalfa Train—Alfalfa Organitatlcn* Will Be Formed lore inain.
Anything l^t redi
Jeci of llTing wai to extract from hi* forehead, while the gejitlemaa
i In 'he number of role li a great eoonoi
ea<^ day as rnneh pleaanre at the with her picked up the lad and car
In Each Community to Promote the Work—Field Jden Exp
ried him to a near-by drug afore.
hours W'otiid hold.
Alfalfa Growing Will Follow Up Preliminary Vfeek Where Requeited and •<!
Kononatelr the tajory was nbt acrlThen'hla father
a.. AM I. a«lln, > sur._^rx.l««r P. O. H.M...
from the potUton of mlllioaaira to oaa sad Jimmy, haring recorcred hla
CMp..„ Chlc^ Will Dl»0 td. and baro bern known to kill lamb* | thnt ol pauper, a not unnanal chang* atnaas. orerflowed with gratitude
A gra^ '
oxpraatlng hit thanks to—"Be
and pigs, when they were only a few
daya old. The arcrage houte cat U
deCempelgn work wdih auii
leleii! loll, rounty and tliy
tl tiop.'rln'.<T. li-niB of tehrml*. r>-ll. s. r. Inr'ltuie (.trucii'v to poultry and to wild birds, wh« ae !Tw,^ we^^
U» ««mp«..e the It.Ue newsvendor for
worlt'-rt, f!iauiaut;>in leeturr-rr and other- liii'-rott-.-d In thr work will bn which are IV farmert'frlenda, at are setUementa. Cothbert found hlmaaS
Jimmy natarsl.icd to obulQlnc alialla c-.an* and laat.-m elides .Ufalfa literature the rats One family of rate In a few penBtlee*.
ally looked upon hit adventure at g
and lookl'Mt will be ,-l»en wide dleirlbiitlon ihruiisboui thr country. Spc-r!a1 nights will eat. waste and pollute ae»loeky oaa. Tha cut on hit forehead
alfalfa ariicics will be «j-ni to fwrro Journal- and romtaalni-a. sod plate and rfwnl boshrlt of grain when It la atored
-latrlx pagre to newapapon. Alfalfa rdlil.ci.i of tu*»|>arKT* will be pub- la ihe ordinary wooden bln or crlbUr hm Otboroe had given him wa.
llthi'd wh^-re campaignt are conducted Dai-t will be arranged lor 'AUalta They eat through thu floor and aide*
t*ay" In the tchoold The corobaign will h. eondiien-d m rt»op»-*ilon wlih of the bln. which not only alloa* a
famrt*' Im-tllute*. hanlert' butinest men, ceminercial <lnh*. granRce. Urn watte of ta<-grain by leakage, hut per- ^ becLi* at arwdragtoth. *••«• bmtafKter* on mor* than opo
Rtoi'k und dti'ry a6!«ociatlon* In ar;. rommuultf where the i«sjple nro arttloat mils motaUiro to enter.wblch'add* to good pSS71.fth. town. With a very ®«a.*«»i‘* and It froImprove thclr crindiliont tgrtrult-jraily and arc willing to give their Ume the lots.
few etccpilon* all tb* *lTlcUr propM’ ««
and'rnoney for an eiithunlasitr camptliro
anumberofve.ra,fr.erahar. ;;rs/;';Th;:;i
*lJ te
qoenOy -BappeSkV
out Tarioii* d<wleca Polnon ar»d I
TanhnraL Br.. Inroad the coroer wh«T*JlIIf«V>^ hi* headWork lo be tiaried Immediately in the roro and •Cmion neJi Stt'e* and
In th- I'ast . Thirty to forty niit lings will be held in each county. Ihe number
derc-idtag on k-ral ctindltloca.
always aaro of a bright a:
To accorip'lrh llic mtwt In acrlytillurttl develepmrw. we muct begin wllh i
c vuecessfut in kfliing birds. pouL
the tL.;i, b-ujhd the crop. Upon him depend* the fiual wurklug out of the
It had hero a bad
mlafortan# be dm aotloed that hi* two farortt*
had dogged him ocr*l«te«lly. and b* cuatomero had not paid hla *t*»d a
waa aaklng hlmaelf what waa th* aa* vl«»t for an unuanaOj Jong Um'u
Japt Show tha Wa©t.
of «iininulr.g It all. He wa. of *K> WT»ee the winter daya came on and
good to himself, and there wa* so on*
»Un mlaallig Jimmy rttni
else in the world who carwd for him. to the eonclualoB that they nnat base
that they were threatened with th*
h* dared think as cartng been married and left the cUj- j
-plague•' and other highly coitagtoua for him. in the old daya of luxury h*
Thre*.month, later o* a w«
diseases which are carried by rata.
They started In and killed them by had wlwaya hop«d te caM Narle Fhlr. «Hxm be suddanly apM
buro hi. own. but now tt was too Ute. throng at tha borw waHthg ft>f ^
the mUlon* and. after redufing th*
H* had said to hlemelf la the ymn P*»e»ng cars, tha alewBer tem of »■
number, figured out aclenillc method*
_ ^
in prevent the rate from obtntnlag paR that after a taate of Ufa tharo former patronroa.
would be nothing like a quiet bom*
“8o you mlaaed ma. Jtoayr ah*
food They alarted to build concrete
_ '
floors for all Ihe buildings which eon- sbgred with Marie. She hid never ouerled aoWy.
“Too Ui I did. MlM..
t.-ilD«d nee and other food products un dlagulaad her liking for him. But
new* Ha had not dared to go near the boy. -n fought yotew-mebb# got
til. at the present time, according to
the Tokyo papetw. there Is practically
no warvuouse. groin elevator or *ny Wien hvited aeen Marie he dodgwl wl£th*t
girl shook her hand
liVa • aiM
u....- \. her
and ».
A pad
other r'rarture Intended for the •tor- Iround
It put 111 bottom of larger pltlep- and
age of food products, which has not <b* WM In hii ibcughu na n prta* 1 didn't get mnrrted^
-Thhxn h»*e o^g^ wlte mo
100 kernels are eownied and dlatrlbthe floor and tt least th* drat three that he had long ngo (orlettad. and Mild.
sine* I saw yon last. I'm Just aa poor
Ulcd over It- Another |»ad 1* placed
or four feel above the ground built
as you are now, Jimmy "
upon Ihe sev-d and the tmaller plat*
of ccnereic.
gloom ^i he hardly lookad
The boy stared at her In *tttec beot.f
Inverted and uted at * cover to proAppareolly. however, the Japan***
Tbe lake wan wildermeut He noticed that >erdrea*
vent evaporation This teeter should
havt not yet awakened lo on* of our where ha waa imli..
<dd atrt woro. lhavgb Mat aad
be plared In a convenient placc^whera
meet uteful strocisrc*. the eoneret*
er noticed tbe figura* that carefully mended lu plaeaa.
the temperature Is bc-iweeii 74 and
kilo. In a recent edition, however, of
wAlng him A aweet vote*.' “Where'* Hlater Osbemer ^
*0 degree# F Water can be added lo
the American Guernsey Breeder* Jc
"Don't be know nothin’ ahoat
pads when they bectme ftomewh.H
nal It waS sutAd tbst a Japanese
dry. Count sprouted seeds after ooo pHnei^M of tgrlr-itHnrc—the etmple aod practical thlagw—which oer nehcolf. graduate fron one of our agricul
number of "^Jto.'‘StbbbB-- lUrt. rurbon. ■ " eW. .bbothbi
colleges and «.-M’‘-rira»nf stattnes an- endeavoring to bring Into grneral utc. tural colleges It taking a...
buob b«br. blm. H. m. blbblM
a number of good com......... aro ..........
l*rof.-«Kor Hold-n propoeo. to carry thcae principict funher evofl than Puf brvd dairy cow*, and Is going
wander and nltT within her eyra.
' *>'L •“* ••Mhave not Been
very cffertl.-c work done on the aerlruliural tralni. by Uklnc that tnowt butld n number of reinforced concrot*
merrial •rod teeter* on the mnrkR.
beg your lardoc.' he exclaimed «>Mh other for^oag time, not elnooNo groin thmild give n germlamlon
vrtiich—thu nuiomobile-golOK dlrceUy lo the people on their own
««* oonhero pan of Japaa. coufu^ly "I «* not thlnklng-l 1 b^Hte a worWng girt "
of ivs than s:; f^r cent tor thA t-st
iS ^held
rue a mod-l dalir fatT. according
never noticed-- h. moved a* dK«gh
rrmlt* TTie higher the prro'-nUigv
Aevlccltural d* v.-lopmrnt need* tn addition lo the work of w public
Am.-rlcan method#
to PM. on. but the girt Ropped him.
yer do»^
of /rrminaiion the belter. That
Flroproof as Well at Rat Proof.
"CulhberL" *he *nid. “why wooT edwiro of -a..®, wraxbniiiv
the grain
g- rmiu
rminates ta not asflici
n g'
•1 gueee that nraat be IL Jimmy."
yoa speak te me? 1 haven’t aeen yea
•. Thr g
responded tha glrL aa aha tnniad to
has almost overshadowed the tuorf linstrong and vigorous reeulilng in a ^rowln* of that wonderful noil Improver. ALFALFA. It meoilng i
roturMd draparately.' bc^ ber _e*r.
Rroag. rapidly growing y.-ung plsnt.
,„y knowledge of the beneBcUl result* of It* latroduc- P<»rtnnt ftet that concrete structure*
-vm bot «t. II ^pl. .b™ia
w “K"' b.
are nton'uU'ly
ab»oluti-ly EreptooL
A. the anecess or failoro of the crop
^ K'',-...ral crop.
.m - . ™
The fire protection In Japan is bet UlkiD. to me! R«;ilr. TO botlor p,." In”,- "1
d-'pends upon B thl* U. au lirfwrtani
4'nnin;ugct ar- now being organlted In five differer. state*, and Pro
bob«b., cibbm. Too-i. "'“'""■'Spoint.
frasor Holden is dally answering requeats for hit aasIsUnee in orgunlxlnB ter 10 proportion lo tbe nrra eovermJ Ot-Will
•oniAny child ten year* old can o,j,„ licaiiiir*. and tnvltea cordial n-operatioo with every comteobliy thnn that of the c«re belt farroer.
, who geaerally haa n bedae. bam*, etc
VYI.y- not gel your
make thli i
O.T. Ut„ . iPbfflP TPIn the center of a large area the av>8*9 Pardon." Ho Baym
wTu moob bMobm^T
crag* farm In Illinois being 123 acre*.
Ibio Ibe «orr of bli Ooobfbll. —
' oolb oa Ibo .VbO a. bb nofbt bp •
T>«* center' of Orolfi rToductloa.
If A"Hrtc*o firroera would foUow much of tt aa he could relate without pnpefgood looking young man bolding out
The fleurra of the U« ceiiRjs. wh« 'hi example of «he carefnl lap* In the
Biy old faatter<.-d robber. 'Beg pardon.’
hreaUag. Somabow the eofi eye* of
■ S*''S?
compared with those of the prevloc*
of operate and build ih. lr <>^
he •ays. -bat I caw yon looe thit. May
pH br bi. .10.1.0 bi. u, i.n ib. i» “T-- •!-«• “b
By Chari** M. CarrolL
c-u.us reports btrk In Ur.0. Indicate «-Gi cribs. eU. of this Ml.rUI.they •hi
1 put it on for you'
story as be worfW hav* told U to nc "efter d# way yma tnatad UMa
Alfalfa -nnrii-B the ernund.
that the ^^vement of the production "coM d“lckly dlsrover that they Upd
"What could 1 do but stick out my
humaB being He epoke ot hU
Alfalfa IS a drnught r-sistcr.
Of grain under hriural ronlltlon. ha* obtained a . t-rmaneni Rrocture at * other
foot and let that nice young man pul
Alfalfa is th® best aotl doctor.
rearh.-d it* weal,-re llmlu Since igr.fl moderate drsPcosi. There Is nothing
on my old mangled rubber? But 1 was
Alfalfa add* bvaus to the aoiL
the -median point" irentor) of pro- ‘o
* concrete
no mad at him that 1 wanted to tell,
b. PIO .. U- '
OoTolfteoo ^ KI»
' (By M*fi*OB CamphvH;)
Alfa-fe Increai-e* the ftillk flow.
him not to meddle wlih~mr affairs"
--Ofsiletu; <-r-p imprwrrn.-fu h-t.ik.1
bbS TmT^ bO 11p pT I llobl Mo.™--b..».0.«U.0lT. -Do,«.
*lf.i1fu IK high In'f-i-ditu: value.
wiieat. oaf*. Urh y. rye. and buck- th-' floor* and aide* and
Tf It had been n tit-w n-hl><*r them
Borne farmer* will rala« *ny»he-a
“r, „,._i.,rtb
.\h'alf.-i balance* the corn railoti.
Wlieai-was nboot » mflea weR- lutely fireproof. It can ensilj be kept p won ,« PI. o. Ui. robPb. Plowouldn't bsvk been a *ocl in sight from inn to 125 bushels of cciri per
Grow ynur protein- don't boy IL
«uiihweK,of liurllngton. Iowa; hot tt* In a clean and
to Boe yo'd in#« it or to play the fairy
while their neighbor* who have
Alfalfa aod grow* larger corn rrerpa. w..«tera movcmenl tn the last ten There are nb he.^ yeariy.ew-n~priace tr> your rindorella." remarked just a* good land *1U produce only
enough for myaelf. now. to do that" |
Alfalfa' 1* tbe greatest of all aubaoll- yeara was comparatively very amall. Mr repair* ^ paloL
the git: with the iraluUon Irish lace from 2* to SO bushels per acre. era.
II lemains to b- e«--n what offect the
Advantage* of Coneret*.
• Why Is thlsr
Alfalfa baa ho equal aa a bog pa»
irrigation work now -planned .V
^ cmurviA,*
^..ncrvte wju
corn crib, like any wother
"To* know Ml*. Brotrn. who rona
Thr msit who rslsed the IW hoshel* turr.
cold try to trach you to win back, *N>«« for • “**,““**.. '*5"^ ^
the btuTding house where 1 live, Sbo per acre grided bit core and tested
rnv-rum^t v.II have uPc" ^ ronrrcie etrociure. rapidly pay*
j-our aeir-reapecL
PII-IPP^I. would
wooIO you
Alfalfa keeps stock lo good ooadl- the
loralion of Ih.^! great grain Iflcld* of
ftxea UB luncbro for me to bring to It before plaotlng. and the mas who
reward you well Don't aay anythin
the olBre. Of courwe, 1 pay extra (or raised 20 busliHs per acre la tb- roan tlr.n.
wh-n the farmer doe* the 'work
"Bat teero 1* no oda" be responded. te ber: *b* wouldn't nndaetacd: her
Alfalfa should be grown on every
them, hut J get kind of tired of them who planted any old seed tha: hb
during the winter. Feeding floora. "Perhap*. If ibaro waa-bot why
poisoned agaliiR 9*
aotneiiae*. One day Ian week abe rould gel hold of He will go out to
telBk of nr
An ^(Wfa Bald 1* a hog’s Mao of
tiT Is no other hay
h.r so
n good
.<~1 a*
~ al.1eui .!«. «.ll;
tied up a lunch In a newspaper (or Dis
hi* cno
crib Biooi;
alow: •!*<«>
about the
Hay. . , ,, _
««•« Bret of •““/!
“But teen U some onA C«thben.“ by Bee."
Tro* to bit trnsL Jimmy -traekad
for nil kind* «f Mt» Stock,
Rock, and
the winter at a aroail A ilitla .hand touched hi* gently, nnd
me, sod 1 didn't put the string around snd take out *nme fairly good looking
Fbx taU 1* tliV grentert
fo- h.ir*es nnrf hn«n atfalfk 1# Invniuobtalnad fro® from he turned from hi* moody gulag te tee girt te ber bumble bom* tbe sect
It very tight and before I got over tg ears that ha'-e been froxen all win
time sb* paasril the corner, snd.a tew
able. oUher as n hsy. e solllnc crop. ..tactically a.l Agrtenllural college* or look down at the girt
the clatioo the etrtng was off nod I ter. shell them aod go and plaR them. nIfalfB
Growing alfalfa U good
hours taler ElM* alood face to faos
, nr a puRure B eiccia as a ho* pas„Ma,l companiei.
had virions of m>-self Rrewiug pickW
Any porboD who follows this tli^
"Marie." be excUlmed. almost fierce with her euppoeedly oofalthfnl tovst
srd doughnuts all over the train, and ■hod mrihod of farming does not de farming
ly. -don't pUy with me Are yoo tn and listened to hU explanatlocA
I theegfat ] would ]uR ditch the whole serve as good a crop as the man who
earnest? You dou t really meaa that
MTien Mr. Moore's wealth was twaV
pacfcsge In the sutloB and buy nlonch raises from 100 to 12a bushels, nnd
yon will be that some onA do yon? lowed up by an untaeky epeailatk*.
.UM,. .'b....
downiowti. '
Yoo ean't-you eant-what-r He
■tVell. wte* I went to get
, .......
^ plan ihefr crib for the greaM *<»b- stopped aod kUaed tb* glovwd band and tee family went te live In a poor
of the city. OsborsA Min'
1n root growth alfalfa rcaemWa* rod
^ convenlrae* la 1111train I had kft the package
and taking out the vo-ry befi
dioned suddenly sway on a trip to tb*
- lever. h« *end.do. Ba«rvm*arup
„J,.e“dlng upon th* method need fervently.
•fat 4n the .ailon and mad* a dash way for-bis ti< tt svason's sew These
“Now don't be an nbrard boy," sold aast on kwRneM wn# aatounded to refrr the car eteps. JuR
ears are takun to the bocee »..
h>- each Individual fai-----* —
Marie. But for the rest of th* walk ceive a curt note from his ftsseos
eoatoriably crated au old lady daah- other go-M *#rT> building aod thnw
Cnthbert behaved hlmaelf Ilka s boy breaking off their engagemeftt. but
«d into tfaeooach and equeexed paR cugbly cured or prepared for seed. ^
uc *u...b -v .... ,,-v—
giving DO reaaoB for tba aeUoa. He
tile crowd imtit *ho>got to where I then during the s.inter tte seed ia
and boR
loend which Is ad*i«ed to ^ eoR ot ten cent* pe'square foot. Thl* juR oot of acbool.
About a year later a nnmbar of mao was unnwaro that hi* SlsWr SthM.
era* alifisg. VTiat did she have In tested or germinated to prove that
.»*« . clover
gteea a genera! Iden of the ooR of
were enjoying an after-dinner ebalM
her hand* bnt ray hjneh. bursting oot 11 U of good qmUty. and th® enra f'’^
u™®r vIeUa from
“ tee whole RrocUtro, which may alao the Bellevue club. "Speaking of who bad never bkad ElstA bad taon all side* of tbe eewspap«r!
test sbJW fuod Rrong germination
1 pc built of concrete blocks, provided changee." one man was saying, 'did formed te* girt Aat OeraM bad
bowed te tee wtaboa of hla famOy and
and lot# of vluilty are nheilcd off tee crop* inm loiiow.
‘'Of ccurse, 1 bad to thank her.
--------------------------- ' ,hni tbe floor and at least two f*« ef
aay on* aver see anything to eq*»l
dlda't d*r» to teave that package la and graded In a good aero com grader.
^i „
.uo w.U. are built of *Mld concrete th* change that cam# over (tatbbert wa* angtouB to break off aa engage
sowing tt
It :
ment Wbtob was BO kmger daatimble.
. „ . ‘ Many failures arw due to wsrlag
cost would vary •omawbai U dlfthe train for fear aotnebedy vise would Thl* Clara of c»rn will produce aa ton than c over or core
Tnnhnmi after he marrtad. Deed te
a* 1«
per acre, and uy
*» “•* Mrtcultural wOBdm I v.iih
oat* Of
or ‘“f'-r.
b*rl-y. These
■Ibcse tnke
take ao ^
^ ,o«mro*.
fDitov me over to lb# offlen and pro- hlgb
... , ..
I p-p-P
be tba moR worthlaaa sromp Is town.
vbo will
follow thin method can of .Vp .wppPIptk
’wcntiete o-pntbpCT
> mneb wstar trum .fcthe _0I
ooil «k..
that .W.
tbe pl
al- ,VVoVOV SMVIlbm.
•ent R to ma again, so I had to carry
I of Band and gravel. Ua- BoehM down to wMk Uke tb# mteb» >1.10 P coH. p much P
«HP'. TlPO" Hop l-o » Ora ,p„ jlp
aai7. aba took atop* to roleaaa bar
the trod over to tbe ortce ns tender
ehlef. and »«• »»#'* doing tora How torer at oooa
Umrt as rnneh as clover Of UmoUiy.
ly na If I loved
go or k* boa^ialB per nern
and Is more
val-jablc hay.
j Alfalfa growing teaib* the fclgbcR .
n did not taka him loaf to astabIt at pern, after alL If that newapa■ Canada, tee Bonb- 4Toe accoat (or Itr
"Wm this payf
-You romambar tb* FT*Mh P^ Uab bU tamdesaoe ta atate * cysA and
per-^-had cdntalned something reallv
The way to make dollars out of com
loaopbsr'a mlA" replied kl* frt«A before ^ nlgkt was over tb* renaUad
valkaUe I'll bet neither wltkts. i-lead- la w rtwde tt tn a grading maebla*. .
Dwight charg** paid. In a ooaerwU
»* T''"?
. . ..
lovera ataated f^ ta
tags nor tbrcati would have rttiored te *cie®D oot tee tetuae, the Up*. M nvery agricultural owurty ta Newr,
Rructnre. Portland cesrant I* tb* only
"Alfalfa Is t'a- rirhert I
- -------- material which need ba transported caaeA good and bad. 'Had tb* wt» Nmmr. tba a
tt te my ocblag b^ again."
j p„n, imv>erfect kerneU. and -p».p— tork. and on at (cnK oee farm in '
any dUtance. AlmoR every farmer aa.' It wa* a wotaaa ta that o*M
“It eurely 1* the llmtt. Oeri." dw ^ parUdra-learing only the porm nearty every township, it Is poaatble knowa."—J. YY. Spillmac.
-i--------------------can obtsln sand and grovel naar bis 8b* nsad to be Marie Tblrhofa. sbafn
dated t1.s girt wlte tb® annppy black
t^cl, tea, sSu gr«- te grow It on 60WC ren of pncUcaliy j
MfA Tanbsnt now."
*>f-r (atm ia tee stsia
Alfalfa enfrelt every other
ayra-ri-hlcagy DillT New*.
thatb worth planting ;oom.
uwn property.
. -BoJd ita a »»Buu. »hlle 1
t«i jouwnsir jiln. 0*rt^
■> *irl • Ith
h the MBwr
Week erf*oe ll b" JoelB* thet • oBdprfol «ood
• •* itoM pin eome d*r fou dent keep
CKeUMUil Oon Inpre^Mnptt S^1«a 1
tt,fUtPlirO “
In tho hi«b aobool at Maakato.
, “TbM » Juel whet rd like to do.' **•
WoBwd the »1rt with the pin e*d the Minn., mad In a uunber.of other nmaiBiitetlon Irleh Uoe wel«L 'Hooert tlea In other autee. the tcatlns of *«ed
to »odt>e», Ckrrte, Fro hed thet pin cant haa been introduced, and .anar
ttn* Tf«re. and 1 almptr can’t Joe* leamloc bow to do It the hor* are
H! 1 lost a folld icold. 18 carat P*® aeni out to thr dlScrcnt tchool dladar. *»d I etopped ts nt a ton iricis In the county to ahow the teacheeat atore and booitht thl* one to an and acholara bow to conduct the
W totBporarllr. and I re need H e»cr teaia Each pupil teata for a dlCrrcnl
alnce- Mv trnl irold pla t had three farnrr.
Standard framed pictnrea are offer
4a*a when ! Imt It hut thii Utile old
cheap o:;r etleke to B« Uke a mort- ed by the Commercial club aa prjo-a.
the arhooli niakina the groiinet num
a f=m,
Thrfe alwar* the war with apr* ber of toale eoutns the larnnai nclol&s )uo went to itet rid of. Yon turp*. On the followlna Hatunlay a
rowed Id ■
a-Mirty ran-i loie It.- A friend of my .amall epace la borrow,
mo'hrr* pare her e rate for Christ-] show window* in town, neat I
-maa one year; got It a* a premium ! glaaa. to exhibit the prite wtnnera
with *ome laundry eoap. 1 gnws It ' from each dlatrici. T he merchani add*
wa* the Bwfulleet looking thing you a email pnir lor both the roan who
Rand- furntahea ihc aewd f:ars and the pupU
. with big. rod rote* atam
Ing eat on It lik<- doorknob*
aald she would be so thankful If aomei
body would aeddeutally tip that thing,
oS the mantel and break IL
_ ’
* , "WcC. I pulird It off the mantel
> Grain SheulO B* Pianteo wniw.
ODO* when I wa* dutOng. and H roll^
Te«U Leas Than S5 per CenL
SCroBs the carpet and turned Its awful
Strong—Very BimpI* Method for
n-d row* cp at mo without eren a
Winter Evening* or for School
chip in IL And ma ha* aootbrr lit
tle ernsBPOt that rtie just ^ hfr
heart on. U* eiolefFnay. 1 botirre
By Prof. A. L. Stone.
they ran It
One day I was juet
On* Ittprm-em-ol s-r»l«iw1
pasalag the piano and larrwd it a Ut
Every grower should ten bit *ee4
ile. when down J( went on the piano
A«e lower* U* Tllnlbendi and chipped a big piece out of
of iho e--dB
tt. nad put a dint In the piano bench
power 10 grow. It ihcrolore abeoluu-ly
as big c* your hall"
'Tt snrciy it funay the way thing* n-cctaary lor the taccett of the fu
d>tlrk to you whon yon don't want ture crop. Sampl'w for thr genuina..........
a fact. ' .1......
agreed he ........
young tlon test, ebould be •elecH'd from
with the triappy black eye*. I Kraln which hat bei-n proloubly
- going
- - down
flconcd ii* rc. *'1 was
the aircet. --'c'l'-aned and graded
wet dty and I bad on a pair of rub a>ove light aud immaturcd keni‘-l*.
ber* that were Jn»t about w-orn out. weedy aord* and foreign mai-rt*!One of them kept KlIppiQg off at the- Graded to accuro the pinmpert and
heel, until it nearly drove me crary, largcwt attd. a uniformity In aUe and
oe 1 decided to kick ft off and let It maturity of the groin, will insu
go. 1 gar* my foot a flirt and off even growth and mnlurliy of - tb*
cane the robber, and I trotted along crop.
A teeter (or testing the enmplc* can
pcac^lty in the rain.
~Ahmt half a block down the *troet be eatlly mnd« by otlng' two tin
•omehedy touched me on the am. and plate*, one -lightly ■mailer than ibo
t tuned arooad and there waa a o'ber Cotton flannel or bloitiag pa
per pada me cut of the aame slxc as
the IntIde of the under plate.- Tha
... m„.
w*. de*..n.d«
,,,, „
TlSili^i’i^irS:' ibi'-p'^ir^llSi' ESTTpub.
.bTU' 2= r
r IS'
Wonderful advantagfes at J. W. Slater’s store. Now is the best time to do your buying,
jt is true that J. W. Slater offers greater and better advantages to home furnishers
than are offered by any other concern in Northern Michigan. He has by far the largest
assortment to select from, the newest and best styles, the lowest prices and the best
credit plan.
In has taken m n hs of fore:hcight, careful planning, good judgment, fine tasle, and competent buying to select the marvelous values now shown at Us
store; long diplomatic negotiations and courage ip big buying has brought the prices down to the lowest possible figures so today his store is packed with attract
ive and reliib'e home furnishings at prices worthy of your immediate attention.
CARPETS and Rugs
Big Special
fl\12 iiniKKuh Hittr. four uaHc-rtis in vU-r-l fr>nn .$1SM
!ts;11 Vr lv.-l Hnn.
Kwiv ................................$16-W
\Ko have juHt Ttffivr-rl a Iris Hliip^uiil nf Isfanliflil pattiTtus r»f BnuiMels. Wfrut. Axmitwti-r. K«>lax. Wrarl Filin* himI
nniibar RH|r> in all
Art Squares
Oulfitiing Our Specialty
flxl2 Art Srinar**, InHlrtKiin pattirn..
HxJJ Art S<|nnri>K. purl w.ml
1K12, ur-arly all
......................................... !................ |S.7S
For a quartrr of a century v e
have studied ih- nerds cf outfit
buyers and in buying from us you
•get the benefit of lh.t experience.
We show mthing but dependable
\Vc an- Hliiiwinf an i-xtra cimmI aRKrirtnir iil »f inirrain «*artill pallfriiK l>i s*-li-i’t from, rancitii; in prior up fruiii 2-k:.
WrHc for oar 46.pajr* caUlogue of Oarpeta, Bnct, Linelennt, Lnoe OnrUlni and Draperiet.
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt and Most Careful Attention
Take Baby Out
tr-I.Oli luK-e f'iirl:iin*i, K|K->-iu1 prifc. $1.96.
Extra ".."il imvorlnK tit i>f lun-c ('iirtniiiK in rablr* imd Sw i*
m-tk. raii;’in;t in jirit-*- f<ir 2&C t<> $16.00.
in a Favorite Qo-Cart or Carriage
Equipped with mohair top, easiest riding, easiest running
and best made go-carts on the market. Prices all the way from
I'orii-n-*;. $6.00 out! $7.00.
Couch Covers
aritiirxit frini;i>. from 75c to $8.00.
i !itrur»*«. «lri|>f*K. {dahls with
J Frin^ in all
II .-olon* 8c l<i 16c iwr
|>«-r vvanl.
Bnn Boda, r»inpli t<- vvitli Iriminini;>. bc 40d lOc.
Oriole Oo-Baaketa, r*.*m Ih- carriitl anywhr'ro. up rruii $6X0
Fonr wbee\ --iihhiT tin* pii*ih ■■.irtk. SI 76.
E Z*Go'i—
kiii'l ym <-nn
. r pi.ll—up fn>o. $1.00.
Ih-. tiiin* niiti Irmk «viT nur liin* «>f et»-r-arl« aurJ «-arriag«-K
l>.lr»rv liuyiuR. \Vi* ran save you aoiiie luniiry In-Hidrs iriving
you Ihr hrat tin- market atTunla.
bHtk over nitr lim* of i*x|iri-a.« ivagoiK. vt-loriptslrs, ham]
•a.Bstrrs anil rnaater watron''.
Stair Bodi, vi->»kI nr mk-ih). 66c and $1XX) per <in/i*n.
Window Shades, 10c, 15c, 26c, 36c and 60c.
Large size aiisrh-'i iiiinU 1>> >>ril<-r.
V'hen You Buy a Steel Range
There are three important things to
be considered.
Flwl—nte durability of the ranjje.
Is it so cMistructed as to stand years of
usage? Will it rust out? It is a fact that
more ranges ate eaten out by creosote or
rust out than -bum out. Are the stoves
j.pui together with stove cement or putty?
If it is a part cast and pert steel range or
an all cast Tange, they are.
Second—HoW much fuel will it take
looperate the lange? Remember, you are
burning fuel every day of the year and if
it t&kes a fraction of n cent more each day
to ope-ate it than it should, the excess
c(>sr of fuel will soon amount to the price
of the range
Third—is t overloaded with nickle i u on over cast iron? Will it
as well
after the utckle taruishes, which it wm oVer cast iron, as it would if there was no
nickle there?
Tblnkoverlhcse tblsos nnd then come tn and look over
Qnlek Meal Ranges.
CasTi OP
.Iimvlng a hnnlwiKHl kili-hrii rnliiiirt. nilI ^nikhi-il to|>.
/iiirlicK lotin. tiii-lli. f1i«iir tiin. large
rjre nti-UMl
*. large kiieail
Ixijr.l. iv«*ll iiiacti- in rvi-ry n*'i|Hi*l. $6.65.
SS.M to $M.M.
Fortiers and Draperies
^.00 ant}
Kvi-ry Immii-wilV wantK a kiirhi-n raliim-t. ami kIh- Nhr>iil<I Lave
It will rut Imr kilrhrii labor iu half. ami.with lli>- cuniplrtr*
i:i. we an* sliowiiis ami v. itli the low pni-ra wi* an* jiiakiiiR, then*
no I'cBson why s>lir Mlioiilt] not havi* it.
Special for the Boys
Wahash <'oairP*r Waifoni t*onitiin;itii>n platronn ami Ih>x
Ii-mI.v. n-gitlar
ralm-. kint-ial $3.76.
120 East
Front St.
The Home of the
Oldeit and Most
Reliable Ejcclusive
Home FumisheTi
iu Northern Mich
igan. Every piece
of home furniahingr 1 tell is sold
under my positive
guarantee to give
pel feet satisfaction
or 1 will take it
Kitchen Utensils!
We i-urry t eumiilep- line, of
t'lj.t w*-ar*;.
aluminum wan*—the wan*
Fur a limiterl l■•ngtll of
giving a fruaranleed Bogera
ver*- pine
ipoon with every
of iilninimiiii
iinimini ware.
Im> eiirry
lull III
of tin ami granite warp.
>Mottr©s»s ^
C. You
don’t have lo^
take oi]>boJy‘s^
word regarding the construfHon cil
Standard’’ C\*tton Felt Mattresses—you!
cee for.yoursclf. All you haw to do is to I
pull open the ’’Standard Examioaiion Clasp” and!
rxsmine the pure, sanitary cotton felt inside. Tbeaf
you will understand Uic superiority of the ’’StandaiU.” f
-Speaks £r Itself;
“Standard” Cetttm
Mattresses j
are made from seleded cotton. Thk cotton,, grown
and j
' csitivated in the South, is thoroughly tterilized thre
throughout /
its whole course of growth by fresh air and sunshine—Na>
ture’s own great purifying influences: oineequcntly, its
r deanliness and purity are unexcelled. Carefully imnufac>i
J “Standard” Mattresses never mat down or become j*
f lumpy. Try one and find out what a
bed really is. ^
“Standard” Mattrettts Are Cnarenteed ■.
Yow ReBaUe
Nothin*. th« Whole year ih.t>ii*h,
laaiM muck better than the flr»t
•tiawbcrry ahorteake. We are ao areustomed. Ito.ever. to iblnklni ol
shortcakes In temia of .irawberrtei
only, that we do not reallie bon much
ne are tnUaln* by not usln* other
Imlu oecaslunalty.
A eooklDg «-hool tewher Of note
give), the foDonlug "shomake demon-
a«r. lulns * katfe or fork fw
bra^teat or to koeti m oi>
nlclfts. MT«r B tpoon. fbr a apoon ♦ HOU9CW0RK HAOC tA»V. « or aoBothlac of that aon.~
l*ck« and nashaa tl>« totter. Pawrlrs
protoai. ‘If : did I would
ahould be tooae and flaky and to In
Every woman know, and adadr« (wopto walUiut and make everythin* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
aun- (hla. keeii the batter kmae la mji- Marlon liartand. Her added yoart lata and Imonvenleniraanln* Aa^ratTiii—A ««rrea|<uiidin*: U ahould have a Toa*h abbeor- have boi Increased her rapumilM as
f,;-, „
oiMtaed voor work with “l
*= > “>
nai.ifaan«t> before bakln*.
an aolbortty on boaaehold mMlera. ,he .««Tto^ th^ i^tea to rt* In *la«. Jar.. The (oUo«ta* l« a
bakin* rboricnke paalry have i«r» Harland *i*ea the foUowln«*l»cvery esccllent tnetbod: Imrse-mouihed
, ,««iemte o«ea to mart, dvlas the »cai and helpful auuanioha to a re_______ _____________
^ ___
tori of ptol alee are pmrrrabla'tor uae
p„,rj time to looaen and rime before cent ‘
—.rit of r Chif-r
»Mning this vegMable. Cut the
• When It la li
cage newspapm
Alwaya anre-d -ItU batter as aoon
Why Is it —
tuiks BUnding aren In tbe tora. the
taken from tbe
of Hmnlag or of potila, to H«bta to
vr.pm fruit oo paatry
le until theio I. a big task to
“»• i*" *«» «"•*
r^jj- u> serve to avoid aimkliic with
(niit Julrea.
comes? Why not keep clou totlead things away when you have ddfte quart tor. Adjust the rubbers and toy
le all Imklog l>e
on tbe lime. Cover ibr botlom of a
of getting clean!
___ ________ as using them,
up the odds, waan-ooiier w.in atiuir or nay. naoe
eedrr time by ranefally' nieawring
\ of picking
waab-boner with stTuw
hay. Ptooe
Consider such
such a
a simide
aitntoe matter
matter as
___ cook ever tbe state In which you leave your
each ingredient.
No gueas
evere Un»‘
time It
ti --..is- .
i« _________ _
1. ui.
..u. ii
ttf lolled cjolhee Into tbe
eoM w.t.r to
.« »«. |»u
h.ir —v
.„oo„ ^ „„
b.» bbbk ,o.l oklrl !?*, ,
^ Blend of on the floor. “l>
«' 'I-' !■" ''■I "» >»“,0.
„o .0
„..0oo ObO ..,“lo Ur .bob you o«n..«
o™ III! « o.-r Ho Hr., co, oloooly .Itk.tbo
make a failure of them tbe night before, and <bat you STu ‘ of‘’.V^g torptointo Sr “
,h« recliw.
A New Idea.
8o I have found you. dainty meet.,
l.-u!e.id of Tiwndln* your timr and itratioq":
Wbtue life and daalb ao airangely atrongth over a bot stove cxtOkln*
k>om the opening of fhe strawb.Try
beef and voaelablea Into a saup. why -—1 UDiil jwaches are gone, there
BeaWe Ihe dark pine's leaf strewn not use tbe kind of beef bouillon culws ts no dessert that s
> at every
‘ discovered tlm other day? :a>A a muaalon tr Is mort« geuerally Uke.1
Arbutus mine.
brigM huusekee|»-r.
I titan tbe shortiwkc. The rest of the
llm ».iM U .1,. ...Ulu omM.
«»u. ii,ra. Ti,.r. I. .. ..... ..
I'.ir It. |J..^ li HIM ,«•, kc
TOk 0«ajr ciMk k»Mt lit. .™.04, u. b, .M. 0.001.1 to boll ywi, o«,o.. b, lb. ......... dbb,|,Ub(. Th«b. rool,«
™»..b -------- o... --------------------- ,b_
oo.------------- , -------------- ---------- . b»b, llbo.. 0.0
ways reedy
all I’eaaotvnl.
1 can guarantee succeu If directions
1 rinii km of them wlieu a friend tin- lollowed .-losely.
■w ■ 11 t>to hone and
Strawberry Shortcake—Kor amall
Xo aumtuer sun has shed Its gold
sy.i- aali. Ml. - ui, ,, „t^,o (p faniikea. half of Ibis recliw will be
Upon you, alnratoRlBg fn the mould.
lot of ways.' I
t.«.n koine sulfjclrnt—Two an.l one-half cupt sill « jHf FIRST SFRINO OHCCN*. •
Yet here to darkners and to coM.'
in an en.k;..- j-i.d pm ihet.i dowu. «» pe»iry flour, two and otie-half level
Hear Iltlle floweru.
riralchinj-. tor tiiii... aUn,. O.mn ' A leasimonfuls baktog |»wdcr. one-half
liandellon Oieens With Kgg—Waih
. Ye bear on everv u|Hume<l face
f.-« *:tr.t:i - luiei i Vo !<-.Hidr 8 bli Icakpoouful sail, om-half <-up Khorten- e*ntull« ono-hajf of a peck of dsn.lcA aabile idiarm, a apottoss f;itiiy>.
.it* n.yi :l. -1 I recall lug, uboui thr,-.-founh* cup milk; but
,h„ni rather fim, put to a
That draws me to your dweiliiiK iduM-. e<! heai.na tui ol
kionie- lef; two taskeu sirawN-rrluji: be- ^i-w f«n wiiii
a llul..-over
• • —.-•Ol
oyyiii m
iiuii* water,
wifeiei. c-over
In wintry hours
thiup I
t would r. r.y lm.omnU- tween one end two cup- granulated
y .ad u.,, „a,„
boat up
then I tSio -gilt cf the ;>0> illon rubea. sugar'one nip or more double cream. ,u «gg with one tuspoonfni of flour
I gotecan bot wale: .1: i:ie bath room Hull, wash uiul drain the berrlc; n„n,n egpiul of vinegar, drain
and droypeii one cube iHkO a cup of it serve a few choice berHes to garnish wu^r fiom greens, add one InhieAnd warm yOb tnio balmy bloom,
Oh, how good it dIJ sbmH and uale! I ’tRe top of the .akc: cm the re« to ,,»onfol of bmter.'thra the egg and
«c lowly bent?
ctowled back into bed and went right halvas and mix with tbe sugar. Heat vioegtr, fialt and iwpper (o taste toll
Ob. Bweet arbntns of tbe snow,
off to sleep. Rlnce then 1 keep a few together.,three tinier, the flour, bakserve.
Ob meekest
floweret, he It he.
upsialra 10 Kke in cases of -iierves,' It.K |«)W.|er aud salt; w..rk to il.e
si i.mch a to e.rmr Pnnk ih. ...m
We lor. ibae nmre than ihou doM po, ,w, one purpose i« which « put sho.teuto*: then mix to a -oft dcugh
1|, '1^ oL ‘i
Then make
Ihem la only one of manr.
with thu milk. ri|>read the niluure
»„lden bromt, toast and heap ladlvl.lAnd are content.
The mid plck.«p luu.h is ntmh
1“®’- Bake about
,«rtton. of the »m«..LlV"rVhe
vegetable on the
--Adrian Timea.
n rake cmi’i ,
ed witli
mlnuten. Turn
e appelUiug If ■
Gsmlah with a few allcw of
, a cup »t bot bouillon. Ar- a scasoninf. «t « »»« Idute. spread liberally with |„rd-tolled gg and dives with a
ui-m and gravies ft is a wonder
I*" «» ‘'ic to-tries;
made. tb»a: «toe tableThe aweeust aound the whole
....• rake,
.u.., also
ntr round,—
cd flavor II Is Impossible to gain ea
*»•> ‘'"'to®- «®“®
dour, two gills or cream or fresh milk,
Tie Ihe flm robin of the
atock. Theae ®' '*’® *»>Tle*
and 1^
*, cept
- by
- the uae
- of
- -------^
salt »d topper Melt tbe butter to a
coatoniraisd e«
above, with »»-• *»“>•
«b and rdd the flour gradualh'.
ne nan* o( tbe full orchard •
la not so flee a iblng.
is.«.b -f»-,.... h...
;rr';;7.r".;r--y.™ ... b..dy.„hw..
b... M, yoor Utou o«,Ho
leg for the same iniriiooe.
Uo you irtit them awky, all of them.
•*»«> you tako from the rtoaet the
garments you are going lo wear In Ihe
morning? Ilo you lay your comb and
l*«k on tbe irav and yeor nail
*'* Ptoce? Ik> you hang yopr
lowils when- ti.v*
they t^iuua.
belong, w
or .10
do sou
*•' 'kem lie where you bare thnm
down, with the Idea that srban
>'®“ «»»* to make the bed, or wbn
to do (t
cvciyihtog can be- gathorad up and
l-t where It belongs;
When you come to for * araft,’ What
'» Jtwr bahlt? I>. *ou pul yoor hat to
»**. >'«>«»■ «oai on^u^
jto^.-iirt'd'xr; tlz
. **'
^** ;’'*“
»*«• tor.
pour to boiling water to All the to'sl
•*•«»' on Ike covers n« tightly aa
possible. Stand aklde wbtre Ihe air
will not strike them to cool When
ooldMtoiii lighten the loveta aad keep
u, a dark, eml piece If yon hre the
Sam cooker.
lotiuMtc «
pKparc the as|iaragus as directed aad
nrt the yan. In the cooke r. The lalior
“Inloiltod l» Ih** »*r khd «ke asParagus is cooked almost belorr you
flaked Asparagua Tips—Tut ' into
lengths the Ups and tendor luiiis
asparaffta that has pre-
, .
■■ • ”•**
. „
•i®* •“**" »
“ ”*®“
Um l«i-
hilcbea and fled tbaaoiled spoon.
** *‘**'®*' ''®" '
IrHi.tlon and
•“•P®®***"’®®* • •"«
»•“ “■
dp you toaa
®® '*>« '-wl and
»®*1 leaTetoe
l**Te the tosboa.^T**!*
undoubtedly tbongki that U made ».
ntowtog them aVfly until a
more -or a lese oudv«|>|mi aeamin*
•‘“® *“ W*t®*« H‘e
ol melted
for every' cup^ *i,g,r,gua, aad asnsoe with taH
.w may win snow
way In wbKb yon «
Mfa » T«»
dlrmtlOB. you are
all the
Cover wKh biutetod crumb*
#btog. Apply tbe and brown to a hoi orw.
Tunato and Asparagus SnUd—%
«»* of
i In which you
r own itwm.
tomatoes. Dip la hot
*'®d water for a secand: than peel 1
: ,“-.'^.17.:-,;;=.“^; rf.7r,.r;
-—-r7-r.ru, h. u-------------• • • • 7,,r:r,r.rr;r.:^7.“: 7f.7r,.r:.-7i,7,T7,rr,r7,»"77:;r„rr»r.”"'' r,r.L'.7rrur«r»=7L;7.“Mr.rr
kept for weeks lou^fectly fn-,h. Xhev » "*ky PMiry have all tlie ingredients ‘
g„^i„ Snlnacb-ThU Is
are es.vletut. loc, tor antomobfle ,nd
->« -®> '‘*Htly.
oneTL 0.70.^
campliiii«.tl.v. no preiocalion Wing
RkMdwrv) Htortcak.—Two ‘ "I"
l«»»ry flour, onedialf t»oipo.->ii. xeeeiabie rrisn but
Ml,or I,
.„U ™
'—I—™- >«■“«.
......... H. of II,.,- Illll,.
ul, .IH I, 0,“ nUW
can be bought by the box at giocerles.
cracker crumbs,
needodl, one
or to any quantity, from -i-o for Rve
imur over the.cot
half cup
cents" up. at meat tnai Ui^ or eoda
with vinegar.
tountaloa. .Nothing Usiiw'bT^sr, or U
How many helpful, hopefnl. havfld
things there are all about us. if we
beve but the aaefag eye and the bt<rlag oar;
Walking along the atreet twe bright
apring mmning. when
warm and the tkles were blue. *®
although the wind brought with |7wriiig from a skk headache.
------------- ' '
from tbe northwest a Chiu that hinted
of what would follow Utei„ says a
S»''y Earwed.
-.mu H . —«,l OHOUo-. H- 0-ud
““ K-Uonl; Ho .oHorllr oo IHw
o IJI ol uud HOUU .Mtl, Hi, OU, •'‘l
0H.H... H nou oloou
d.llU,,IU >V|. to, Urio I - — PUylo, oo H, 10.0 III Itooi of . "»« "«
pkaaabi iHime was a wee man In a
ClHs-and buys, i
r that-matscarlet- coat
He bad drawn ter—who arc anajous t •®" ®
- and
- cap.
hU espr«a wagon and other jday- Pto-money ought to V able to do so to
mosrani mnaJI t^ii or TlU«e by
was silting on the grass a nrnment V l-c sale of imssy pUntk to sjulng. A
fore Ix'gtoolns some
toed-apd notklug
when a sweet-faced woman cnae in ‘■'J* ‘he best should be used■
iha-door and caUed:
, tr® *r fifteen rents Vc* lackVge
••Don't Mar to the shadow. VHing. •IN contain, on an avetngc. atnut two
Kewp tn IV sunlight.hundred s^. 8up|g>ae only om bun■■ftla. mother! ' ibonght wef as we drcl m*I fifty grow_-and thU t* a lib
nw her drow the Wagon out Into tbe eral aHowance for
brlf^ea, pot 'the gingham dog and seedbngi are sobl
three com*
the calico cat- into It. aad tVn re- ap c«—and to many plaqc* five cent,
•Rier tbe house with e levlng Uck uHl wlllmsly V paid lor tVm-r«i
ward glance and a gay word to tbe 111- V»e lour dollar* aud flliy cema to re-
;7.7tooo"*.sr.r.‘uu T^k^u^ r.'v"-£r',,r. r.
rissTi ror. .7 r o77rrrto,r:r:o:rr:r
.od p«nio, H-o lo» ,«i ,*»
Juai wait to make thlagi tf—-
-1 ?;
onghlj chilled. Cat about a plnl Of *e
In salted water. Omln. chill season.
^ ~~Z
®®< tayenne. nnd dreas
fTS^^I 7 Hu- 7"
^l' >V Hr—
u ™ ““ "I-™” “H™, I.H H. U,u.-
each aad car“*• nwoooUM do HO UI .
K„,.O.u,-H.„^uOU,-.nO„. ■'ii~-7r.V,--,HoH,o-A.„H.H;:-'';:ro:.-7ZKr,."™J^”“'^
boklo. no.d.,, kod .o,k 10 Ih. boi.
Boo, H. yolk: .dd H- ullk ....
a dough, using more milk If
neede.1 Divide Inio two part*; knead
tbe Urger iiart slightly and roll to flt
spread over it the befrles. salt
and sugar; km»d IV aecoo.l piece
,„d pi,,-, *n top of the berries. Bake
Por the sauce, cream the
.^en gradually
tb« ___________
niasbed and______
sifted iwrry inilp:
of egg. beaten
jr,-. t|,,, ,ubi,„ * ,|ghi. flalfy taucc.
lyy y,,,
,i,|j ,,*,^1ptackVrrtos. idneamV or spple,.
Asparagus Shornwk.—Two and muj,bm cu,,* Alfred iiastry flour, one-half
uaapoonful tolt, one-Vlf cup slionen
^nd on.-Vlf level I.-Mroon
vuni: |w*Vr. tw«,t milk, but-
•“ •« "» ■'•"‘'■I' "d 1“IH " ”
~ h f doHUi.ru. ,.IH H.
Aa|«ragu*VlnaUrcite Sauce-When
the asparagus is couked set It aside to
cool and preiwreHbe following Krench
rauce to serve with It: Twelve bhalbKs «a delicate, tender wiloni. two
uWesimonfuU vtoegar, five ubV
siioonfoU of oUve oil. two tables.monluls cVp,k4 paratw. «U *p.I
toPiwr Chop the shalloia and larale.v. ndd
e oil and-vinegar,
then fV
with tbe asiaarsus If you cannot get
iV sVIloU do not atien.id thi. unless
jou arc so fond of the onion Wor
that you thlak you would like It. In
tVt case get the young ontona tVl
are on the market now; soak ten of
tbeu In tall water for Vlf an hour.
A MoM Wife.
Mrs. Wilio* has oat a Buod atyle In
“"I""- “d ku- hoo.-y o.y. o, li.lou Uio Do...
”■>-««-«> 070^^1.
I „. -onnoo-d Ul.r Hot HI. UH
comparaUve ncatniws and II was piw- hOt butien-d ia|at.
as well as the aathar of a U* tamUy
j^^od to iearo Uiai aha had hatmn
. 0®®-*i*l» of lovely chllJran.
pjo,i„ .
eerul* U
pounds of raw WhlUflkh put Through a
Becaoaoahe baUovaa that a govern
^.^nain frocks'
____ be at hU —
_ he has
rounder, onedialf plot of cream, two or cannot
best pnleas
VkVn you come to___tablespoons of better, yolks of four ....
ZIIZ... oL
h„i,„ ^ onlerMness froa^ mud‘■*®«®®-«»P>n
P®P- E.lward F. Utian^ wife of IV
H takaal thlak you »>•'• ***
the agga Uat govmnor of imnola. dmOaro. tVl sV
,|„ p,.,
and either stnam or b^e to a pan of .r,,|| ^t^e ipneh of her rims rtt the
uVr than ihT^tln.
» “•“«>
« her
to |hc
if she
eroryUilog to gel assay bafora
Btaaned R*hlte Flah—aeaa the Osh she would have an ' opponunlty to
^UOTtng thonwghly. betog careful not to brtnk make ples^and cakes when social obmake a business
or tear il.e spine. Prepare as any large ligaHoes would make so grent dea and neainest.
^ few weeks ago 1 miased a pair of flth that is to V cooked wVl«; tie in mands oa her Hma. Mra. Itonna rw
* piece of old wnlte muslin or cheese plied:
jq,., ^
Inquiry touM that tV
•»! P>*''e •« ®a steamer i
took, 'u-k
water that is bubbling gently; tV wbeitever I get the eWswws and IhM Is
w,, stwntog of any Vh should never V Ukelv to V oflM. ThU family oTouro
done over flercly boiling wetor, as IV It used to my eopking, nod there are
others r«P*d coking toughens the fibre; there some things that nobody else can cook
r.r»i7‘,;“o77r,rr.Lt r-iiir
.S sri-o-rj
Idooss and general weU-Ving lor little while to pul a price tin either.
H>IV ■
I aVuld noi adviie aiiemiKing to
“And for big folks, too," war the mIi any plant* tVt were not ordered
thought which followed ciose after, la Wanew until they come into
FoIkA big. UtOe. and talf-wayoV- blqnm. A. soon a. the secAIng* sVw
tweeuTwould V Inflnlialy bMtor off H-da*.-is-an.l this will v 'wbeu they
tVy would shun tV shadows of life, are quite smail-l should lift them
uV perstotantly keep to V aunny from the bed very carefuly. with a
*l*»ta How many chllU we should smaU <i-ianlliy t.f canb adhcHitg to
hard-rooked egg* Make dough a*
for etrawViry
slightly and relf to III a layer cake
pan. Bake alnmi twenty mtoofew
SpUt the cake and spread each Vlf
with butter. Have e tender jioilton
of Ihe asiaragu* rut in inch fengths.
cooked lander. Make a drawn butter
uuoe of the flour, salt. Viler aV as-
r dull
from the delicate roou wliicb
would reaolutoiy
IV gkMmy to
bright side Of dry. -^en I ahould pack the lOanU
.................................................................... ®
®"‘ *®
Mould yon know tbe beantlful and cure casinnters. TV pansy Is a lOani
precious saowt of chaerfulneM? It that will sell liseif to flower-loving
all Ues to that aathM-’e loving com- ywraons if it la abowi
them in
mand: *1Cmp 1b tto autdlCht.~ Bbad- bloom. A plani with a
oo It
ows there are. avan to IV brightest will make li nnnaceaaai
Vy. and It you choose yon can aft talktog.
down and alas to than the whole day
Froquenily aeveral duxena of planU
tbrougb. but It to M( toe i«n of wto- can V sold to the ymrson who has a
d«-m to do IL fie avery Uto baa lu garden. Of course one cannot iHI
gloomy aspaoe. and tbeee may V with any degree of-rertatoiy about fhe
dwelt upon and bniadpd over until A nnmbcr of |>lanu tVtcxn V dtoposad
mental and rnpimnal "Vr.l ooir Is «r in tke community until a canva*
the resttll. a malady tor WorM ^Vn ^ been made. Thwfon- the girl or
Its phy sical <
„ _
.'•» ‘® “ •'•®®‘
eVage! The ahadw« not wr am«g frtomil eariy to tbe eMson and
taken from tbe Are. aud add tbe aa- i
___________ ____
iVaaparagu. «.d seventeen inche. wMm with 1V h.V.'* contempt lor"'IV Mok «V
tV «« U toln vTa
and lauM over one layer of the cake; glawi i„ ,«rfeci coadttion. Vt tV does M scald out her dlah tnwPU spDM of Vtfer. and at tbe momeBl of
‘‘■® «»“»* ‘“"f '®
•®'> '■®“® •‘■tie wooil Vdly enllcd. Tbere was once a day InstMd of wglUng aflrti a aarrlni add a few sllcaa <>( Vrd tollryvet Ihe reel of the as|>aiacua. I-Tnlsh also a dircarded broom. Armed with groat pile of them is tafltil aad sMr. ad an;,
with two Vrd-cooked ««gs- cut in these and a hnlf yard of cretonne to
Carry thU principle ihraqgbonTtot'
-----------------------quarter*. Serve very hot. Caoned a>match tbe ctmalne and bad spread todally emplayinent. and sat tov'H lastroatos Helpa.
imragus may be used. This pastry to bi. nxnber's room, ha made bis way .mu Ubor and saves itott, Wba* ]«n la damp «lng clotbea for Ironing II
also esculent sHih green beans or
to the'woiVbop. Tbe broom handlehave finlsbad yoor mandjhg do>M pOlis Wall'to
a whisk or OM of Iha
“•'«> inio.four Mven Inch lengths, the naadlee to Ibelr book, the IbttoMa Mftrtar clothe* sprlakiart which era
Vkad Apide Dnnrpltog*. A New After fltUn* and ancleatog tbe ere- and epooU to tVlr pot^eti. the upa nt<>« to® U>1» spacUI purpose.
Naw-One and one Vlf cm* aifted tonne inside of the ^aas Instead of and buttOM to
feprWUe one place at a tlma. spreadpaatry floor, onc-fonrtb cui> shorten- the old pictura, he Caateiied the four
tog. one-half taasiwonful likU. throe ptece* of wood to the tour under cor- raadomT WhM yon elM^awn^nM
roIMt up tMUr
level leaspoonruls VMng powder, nets of the
a a....................
_ frame baking
V yon Vve a p)aw tor f^rfAlways w|pa Irons off cnrafuliy V
about one-half cup milk; apples. PHI uWa.
tV <^ps of a Vtlered muffin pan with w^gH-anVIb^tiay aV leg., and v” "mIc”*twl«e^t'*pl2^
sprinkle with „ soon a. It was dry. brass Vndle. wher. It happen, to V coevaoiaV *i V tbe Vek of tV stove, but ahonH
‘-® ®^ '•■®«‘ tobtoeiumn- .nch a* are used to ralM window. tV tnomaht? When rpu Uava y«.r Vva a place on a rhaU or dry cloaaL
futo of waur into eachtXTip. 81ft u- ware fastened on tV ends ©f the U-threom after •'t'jbbtog*'U tV wh
Always Vve a'^^dT
J“ to T.r
IV dreartaat day. •h^n.i the cloud*
li the son still shtntof." Always
everywhere, ibare U the mehanglng
love cf Ood. sutflfhi Ctoar aad strong
nV staadtaat. sfalnhig behlad iV
ctoadf of aonvff. RaK In the aksup
sBca of IDs paraoBal cure over avery
•leull of yonr llfa. and b* sups that
wta, b* MBte tu» ft> Hr umU..uH
nnl Hr u«. IH nunU Hr n»-roo. KornHHnnoUUMottbtauoH.
^==r~ s ™ sHV3,:~
tray I have ever seen was made, for
hi* mother, by a flfteen-year-old Vy.
t, ^e sort of thing I rirf~
Oonvalesclog from a severe Hlneas.
,*,,ognls« Its vataa In manr
she was too weak to Vnr tV weight ,
You would" not ttkh
of a troy, but still tirong enough to „om to g« In a hopelZ iUto df^
sit l> to l>ed to enjoy her m««lg Tbe aud dust Vfore you tooohad It Vfth «
pkiur* of
broom. On the eonumrf you im
vertiscnieni caught her son's eye and
.weeper over it in iV
It *a* toil the work of an afternoon
^ ,-oo.uko a diut nu gad brMh
aaparaie Malty, the fish U don#.' ArRriv^Ralaiii •road.
on a bot platter with imnlty
This Is tbe etfcial raolpe Issned hy
IV California Raialn Day comalUee—
Cr«am Ranc—Pise* to >
double Soak one yeast cake la one and ouehoil^large cop of cream; when It Is half cups of potato water; _iaU la
iMt, stir to a r
anoens of ernam Im am_____«tto aiebt to <h*. »»r.toe .cu ...
ring until the aance U done and per- nf sweet milk. Into which dm t,L
they wejw thought to V la fact, many idanta \hey will V ii':Hp to VklM VMlee work la the ahortentog.
Tha aevan Inches of tV anworta
they aro amall aV fear, when com- wanL This done iV;- wOl I able to and mix tow salt dough with tV milk, were J«st anough to prevent tV tray
toldeo expanees of decide quite cfoMly .. 10 the smaunt Drop to lh7dnogb from a eioon upon from touching the patient.
wamtb and cheer of seed reqalred. 1 *h«tuld advise mak- tV applee to the cups, en.oothlng the
A fresh flower on the tray for erary
Into* happmees aad eoatentmont to ing provision for a good many more lopa. Bake aVut iwemy-five minutes. *«i. oomplctad this labor of krva."
tv Van agala.
plaat. tVu you frol ...e of Mlllng, Invert tV ,*n on a Urge .erring dish, ehearlv tV little mother to her toDoes tioma aad ona aay tVl dark because, aa I Vre airvady said, a Pol a spoonful of Vrd aance over IV dioua jonrney b*<k to haaKh.
if you
■*« «
'■ •»>«. and hid. th. dllnr- T*—'
der? i^fw all that picking BP naill ®'”®®
>•’" "*®»*'
-It .oU, uk. .
uU Ih.
«’"'■ «*H.tl» IM.Hu |«Mu ...
iwraon-wV would 001 V Intel) to pur- a. iwacna. or Cherrtaa may V tiiad in
TV ortlamry wit* natUag for dotws
rVse a pUst wiihout a flower,
/he same way, serving with cream or .^1 wtodowa offers
Vrd aguce.
from ie/.«s
prying wj».
aye*. This
can be .rc«------.iv»
. w. W.M
oaw Vlad by giving tV onUMa of nU
glass disk with lady flngaro half c«i. of bniter. one aad oewbalf aeraans a rant of /bin whV pbtoi.
spllf in two. or
alicc* of
Siraoce a»Ht may seam. tV paint win
cake. >Vbip one Vlf a plot of rich tjl erMmy and sawMh. flavor and m ha
able, and Wklla those totTeam till lUck. Add onwhalf a cep gaire as r. sauce.
.tda dtoy look oat throaA tV
fU U i.U-utHd uhu u,d on. u«
KUHU lIHu on BnUn,_lHr Blv Hrnno., onUUun ennnot non HH tb.
rnnonln, n, ruHIb. Honr tb. rrnun M, ,»tr. Hr Obnrnk. nnd nnrir mnin. Tbn |inHI UhoU bn Hndr HHH.dbd.u,dnHcrH,H.una>o doupUoH. Hlr rorr U«b„r. oUr u„n ni |»i*bH wlH HnunUon nod
or m amcMW. Barr, vary otoA ««..h « »U iV-toUtnro wmi IV appOafi
l^^b hr-h.
..iH .1
toe y^l; Vd'el^nlJ^Vurto ^e g
etlff Vltor; beat kboui tea Jntoates; •
let rise. WVn a -................................
two cups seeded or saadlcM ratotos;
mix: add morn floor and kpead until
dough to emooib: let rise. MVa Into
loarta and VV one boor. Whan
Vked wai top of toavas with suj
and bot water to prevent the ernat tx^
coming Vrd.
Oermgg Fruit fimpa.
rrean <ma cap a( VUar aad add
two cupfuls of sngir fftodunUyi *Ur
thrae agga. on* t
I at aoda
"TJ. 7
®*®0« bnng up to dry. IV -P filth ao
Add . tltu. tJ, « . tve. SSTh Sto?.
lhai tV hMi mav aaver he dend.
waimtn. Mfi annoawt Roar
Hnaad ont. iV towels to thato wnait
Mac*, tbe water aplK atolU tV^bUtn
wiped up or U tha rooMto edhtii^
baoanaa yon plan to oVto V •*»»
hrMkfaat and Vt It sU to iSv gt
* Not all tha ear* aafi r*T~klnt wlU
<f a larga VB »s turned over
>®nv thay^Iirrototo t^haal more
MlM CNutaav
Mifinea haaSuTtoSM laavaa. add ^
Ir^ mwt V much Vtter far .
for llaavU For fnia of —«► — - nhiMiMniriitm'*'
dust will aecnmnlatt to Ml-oMha-W
I. djrt will be rubVd toto tha
and ru*s. and VgglmfB wlIJ W
eotta dtosy and i»pM-««toy. BotfiM
may postpone that evU Vw, yon a|iy
attetoh the Intervate batvaan. sacHflr
ctoantog tent* Itnyon vEI only ei«ji
a* yea ao. '
Aad It doasB'l raally Wu any fiNr*
„n»_or .. n»«b.
IM I rnnb Hop U donllUH Hck.
llfi-P wh« I «
Always brtah off the stova clean V —
as aa relish ▼tth oeld maats Just try
fore ironlag aad mrer have foods fry- k If ym'fifirtthbBsV that H Is rrwl
log whan Ironing U bainc done.
It to waU to Vv. a aapanto Itoalng
sheet to V
aronad tV hoard
WVn the ______________
hsafila of yonr_________
wban trantog Ad ramovad whan the eovar rust* o«L"aU|>viw the
board to pnt away.
to «acapa. soak a cork ta vatar-astO
Never u*e an iroattat aVet tVi to k to pHahla, and thM lasaft It Ig the
iMcliy acarAad. for It vlO atoto the hots. U net oidf.pT«ksMS-tV Msav
n, unun nnd Ha Hn dunnr or
■-- -...........-............................................
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