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Grand Traverse Herald, September 18, 1913
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, George G. (1861-1942)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Cover* Ibc
Grand Trav
erse Regloa.
Chicago. ^it. 17.~ There are a few
women In Clitcago who spend ITS.iWo
a year In i>ersonal adornment, accordto an cstitnalc Hubmlited at the
semi-annual convenHon of the ChlcaDressmakera' club today. The
d^ssmakers figured (hat the average
factory girl spends tS-Rf a week fdr
These figures were arrived at by
averaging the estlmaiea made by the
Various delegates.
Rev. Elijah Hanley la Leading Baptltt
Clergyman and Haa Held Im.
portani Chargaa in Several
Large CUiea.
sUtement of Conditio'na at Mini
an^.What Miners are Aaking the
CoPipaniee to Qran\ Them
at PreeenL
ar Cemmander-lreCMef of National
a A. R.
ChatteoocigB.Tenn..8epL 16.—India
na membera of tbe Grand Army of tbe
Republic which Is bolding its forty
seventh re-union and encompmeni
here, today launched a carefully plan
ned campaign booming Orlando
Somers, of Kokomo, as candidate for
tlef of tbe veteran or
ganiution. The Indiana department
It was argii^. baa a membership o
llhOO/fn the O. A R.. yet therjwv.
Eight Hour Day la Alee Favored In only (once hhd a coromander-h-chlef
of tri^ organization. Somers\ who
BUU Mlnea Induetrial Ar
a att^d<
mded almost every ei^iiipbitration Law la Also
cot. i*^wlde]y
known lb every
department of th* G. A. R.
17.-That E* Prefect of •
Police Latbis Lepina, the "wlaeit po-
here (oday. He may become Minister
of the Interior, with which depart
ment he waa aaaoelated. as Prefect of
tbe Seine, for about 25 years. Lieptjya
lakes hi* seat as deputy at the begl*ning of tbe next legislature.
r of Puplla Bhodld Be
Carried Out Along Elaborate
Line* in Order to Pre
serve Health.
>Iamazoo. BepL 17.—Tha calling
Wasl^gton. Sept. 17.—About this
of an Immediate extraordinary aesaion
time o'! tbe year when Little Johnny
(By rolled Preaa )
Calmiiei. Se|il K.-Tlie •Iluation l.i
of the legislature b^ Governor F'errt*
is worrying hU parents into prodnothe strike of (he ir>.u.K. coPiht miners
Terra Haute, lod.. SepL li:.—The
to consider tbv enactment of a direct JOSEPH GALLAOER FOUND DEAD
Ing tbe necessary cuh for new school
leuiw today, with both sld«« wallRev. BUab V. Hanley. iirMUeot of
tonnage tax on the prodifct* of Mich
books and Is preparing to take up tbe
PrsnUlo colleca late today was In Made Beat Seer* In Centwta With lug to see (hS outcome of today'a coligan mines, was advocated today be
"arduous" task of another nine
fmneo beinecn the operators and
dicted by (be Vigo county grand Jury
Other DrMdnaughU Of the
fore the annual state oonrentton ofi
education, The I’nited States Pnbon a charge of aangult and baitcry‘
Five Hundred Dollar* Which He Had
ilc Health serrlc* comes along with
jtroa'ing out of his atuck <on hl«
With Him Cannot Be '
President Clsude Taylor of Grand
t'^o far James MrSaugbton. general
something alsokHon XOhvty's pprmU
father. Calvin Haiib-y. last Thursday.
Rapids. Taylor said auch'' UxaUon
worry about I* JobnDyS«r^ tdnk
Newport. R. !.. Sepi K.-F'i-om the iiianaKer of the Caluniei ft ilecli
PreeldcDi HanWy it said to be at
would lift the burden -of expense. In
other mines, has bc»n Imroovablj
of health? Is .bis school room sanitary?
Pmnkllo. Ind.. and -the Rev. C. M. great mast of the r. !s. S. Idaho there
against Uie rerognitiou of (he Western AQAINBT THE UNITED
MINE cident to the maintenance of troops
Is Johnny's desk and chair of the
Park, a member of the board of fllee a little' triangular pennant that
FedorailoB of Miners. His poslUon
right eonstractlon to (it his little beck
trustees of the InstUutloti told court the officer* and ert-w gaze upon with
i>le and place it on tbe mining com lieved to have been the motive for and are there other children sitUug
has been that any miner going bat
officials tonight that be would appear proud reveregc-e For ihl* U the
the murder of Joseph O^lager, aged at John's right or left that may not
badge that announces to the worid 10 work must sign an agrveueni nc
when wanted.
43. whose body was dias^ered today be healthy and why may transmit dtsfo ainiUle with Ihe federation. The Cauo* of Troublo io Strike Ordered
The alleged attack on Calvin Han that the Idaho lit a contesl witli the miner* won't agree to tbia. although
tent where he made his home out
the enactment of a slate law which
Johnny? AR of these and
Againit Handy Brow’ Minea Bethu of rnrle Sam s fighting
ley took place at his home near Midhey^niay noT Insist <i|nn absolute
would proh^lt mining corporation* side tbe city ilmita' on Michigan other tblngs are uked of Ameriran
dlciown. Ind . -when It was charged
herself the peer of ognliion of tho union.
and common carriers from employing avenue. Five hundred d^lars which parents by Surgeon J. W. B^erethat the mlniater attacked hU father **’•
ton>cdo boat Whipple
These men are sirlklne for a miniGallager was knowb to Imre kept sebewski. tbe public bealtb service's
because of remarks made' to bis
(when Its al>ove water.) from the lum wage of three dollais a day fur
sknll expert who bu mode an exhaustive
Daniel Kelley, of Grand Rapids, in a there 1* missing. The
daughter-ia-law and on account of submarine A-" Ooat sitnllar bann.-m. len who work undrrgiound, for
crushed, evidently with a heavy study Of the subject of medical in
resolution, urged tbe adopUon of a
(il> United Preea)
treatment accorded Mm. Calvin Han showing that they nre the cr^ks of eight hour day. and lor t*o men
law for the settlement of all industrial pick.
spection of schools. The surgeon hu
ley. to which the Bon obiected. The (heir divisions.
operate a drttlinc machine, instead of
disputes by state arbiimion.
plan which he believes would elim
The na«y has Just finUlied 'its
father t#d neighbor* (hat — ___
one. The machine weighs from 23.'> mine operator* today ordered a lock-'
inate tbe danger of ''school mm dltagainst their eiaployea and three
been beaten with a club and Uck^ nual practice, and (he stamHngs have to Hr> iMiund*.
iOD," so common t
been added up. tJunntng
by Dr. Hanley.
Tho men now are ri-iiulretl to work thousand miners are forced Into idlecrowded class rooms of today. We
Praeldent Hanley, In a eUtemont is glnecring—ahooUng and
nariergrouod from lo tu 12 hours, and aas Majyault. Th* lock-out was .
would attach to almost every sdool
ship have b^n tlie trlala and the riv (Ipin't arenge |2.2u. 1 aaw a mine
■Udiatton move against tbe I'nlted
sued at Indianapolis, Saturday,
EIGHT HIGH 60HOOL8 HAVE AGRi- In the Cnited States a thorongli aedlalry and efftcienn- of Ibis year have cDui|«n)' cheek showing that, after all 511^ Workers' oiganiaatlon wblcli
clared that be bad not beaten
oal Inkpection code, a,school physician
•fatber. but has "awlubed and-epailk-. •rllpsed nil tbe others.
dedu.-ilons bad been made, the miner Volday ordered a atrtfce of 600 em
and nnrse. A school clinic and pri
In the battleship cla*a the Idaho got «2T for a-month's work. Under ploye* In Handy B«a.' mine* here,
ed* his pareat for lIMreatineDt of
Travers* CiD. Was Pioneer in Move- vate dispensary would also \>e pro
hia mother and other membera of his
ment to Teach Craft to
ilttoe In .the Monitor min* wer*
bmlly. Father and ton w«r* recooIn englheci- paid any miner by (he Anaconda eomStudenU.
•We are all agreed that children are
died Saturday.
‘"R « **»lnsl 87.IHK whk-h the Idaho any. li Monuna. is >2 a day. and tbe dtsebarged.
working cigW
the potenUal caplul of the state and.
- The Rev. Ur. Hanley is regardej a*
hhndled craft
As an indirect result of tbe work It Is upon the subeequent effigiency
,1 is I3.5U,
one of tbe leading Bapilat mlnlsUni of
l^eTfett gun siore of !<Hi
of tbe elUzens in embryo that the
the country, Jiavlng held Important *“ »F**n« 'he rub's score of ro per
ment bureau for the put four years
poaU at Cleveland and Providence
U.e margin however The organlzcd In IK7I. with a capital stock
eight of the high schools of this region
It I.
I other vessels In the first divi>lon of »2.6«t.W0. of which only $1.2itd.OOO
bsve employed teachers in sgricultute schewsky. "A.
were: Michigan. 8:;; New Hampshire was paid in. li him i«id $12I.oud.ooo THOU8ANOB MULCTED BY CLEV
which teachers ore giving praeiieai- Uon In the schools would greatly de
and Florida. 78. and - Maryland and in dlvldendH during the <|»«l 40 >
average of tJ.'liw.ono a year. I.ely their eatYre Ume to this Important crease the number of public chargee
Delaraare. 77.
subJecL The eight sebooU are Boyne and other dependents now^ Is our
In tlko torpedo class, the Ulilpple -'-Ides paying over »40.W).i,.8KI
eni. including railwav
City. EvoTL Fremont. HarL Lading- midst I would reeommeod; *A carettil
scored S5.893 iht cent The Ammpn,
ten. Manistee.
WelE-KneMm Muelclan Paaaed Away Trustor. Stwart Bdale. Jouett and trans|u>rtat.on stock, aod'also inveii- New Town Site on River Don Preoontand Traverse I and scipaUflc watch over all pnMlc
Hi* Alleged Partner Wat Dr. Ernest Chy. In one of these scboola
Ln« Night
KbooU, Trav- school<hHar«n. their health and deWerrii^on all ranged from 85 i«r log about 625.0(w.«wi in other mines
Mui«L Who Posed a* Dentist
erae City, the subject U being teugbt velopmenL mental and physical; pre
cent to 80 per cent In gunning' and and leads.
Reaervatlon Opening.
n one iiiomh in li.*>7. tho '■aliimc-i
fer the IhlVd year, and in four of tbe venUng here. correcUng there, some
Prof. W.. M. Pea*e. aic! fis , cars, engineering.
Bank Note*.
Herla earned over H.SoO.diM.. or
echools namely.'Fremont Hart. Man vice of conformation, faulty habit and
perhaps better known in ihia com
In the eubmarinex the acores wer*
5300.000 more than tbe original luistee and Muskegon. It Is being defecUvo physical state so that tha
munity aa “Deacon Peak*.' died la/( low. ranging G9 down to }0 per cetat.
8i. Petersburg. Sept. 17.—Thousand*
reotment. it hat paid- in dividends
taught for the accond year, while in child arrivw Upon the threshold Of
night at li:<0 at The home of F-3 made 100 in'guoolng but was not
100 time* -the original investment, or of persona have just been vlrtlmUed
(By United Preaa)
Mra. E. H. Salisbury, 1127 Wayne awarded the pennant
Boyne City. Bvart and Ludlngten the cltlzenahlp with a future nnhaadlrapcleverly manipulated land swin
10.000 |ier cent, which lx 2.-.0 i«-r cent
New Tork. Sept. 16.—.Not only did
st^t. shere be had made .hLx
dle. according to dUpalrhee from Nak- Fatber Hans Schmidt, sosisteot priest subject bes bwn Introduced only this ped by disease, ready at once to be
a year ainee Its organiution.
home for tbe J>ajrt ten >«arx.
come an efficient social anil; sanitary
From I8S8 In i;8)8. the rompauy hltchevan. Circulars had been sent St 6L Joseph's Catholic' church, per
Pease is-well known ax tbe t-haracier
Last year 215 boys took the course Bcbool Inspection physical health of
broadcast by a gang of alleged form his church riles during the past
paid «r-2,r>o0,...Mi m dikidenda. an aver
of “Sania Claua." having taken that
in BgricuUnre offered In the five teachers and other s^ool employe*:" ,
age of t5.250.oiK) g year, or 437 per real-estate agents Baying that
two w^ks. after be had bntebered
r haracter for 6legel-Cooj>er of Chicago
In l!K)7, It earned over H4.ooo,. antlKKlUe*- had agreed to give 1.0(H) pretty .Anna Aumucller. bnt he had school* having agrirultnral teachers. playgrounds In abundsnee. study of
■luring (heir Christmas festival,
I pro/li. and |«id less than half
yard* of land In a new town long lived a Jekyl and Hyde exlaience Two hundred forty-nine fannen took hygtene and fudamenial principles of
hav also Uken that (lart In the »<-r- WHEN HOTEL BROEZEL BURNED
of it In dividends The Calumet ft site on the River Don noarby to ev- and was a partnw In a counterfeiting the extension work provided in by the the prevention of disease In the school
vires of tbe Hannah & Iny Mercan
schools and 34 farms were in curriculum.
Hecia bought enough stock to control
setUer who should fence in bis eatabllahment.
tile <'otn|>a&y’a atore in (his city. For
spected by the high school students: “A school phykiclan. opplyteg aU
about 14 nrlnex. and ,has practically sllotment and promise to begin build
This was the aaaertton of the po
sckcrtil yean be baa bad charge of
j bU time; eumlnidg all persons con
me board of director* for all ing operations within a- reasonable lice today following the arreat of Dr. In agriculture.
Tout Loa* NeaHy Half a MllliorL
■' nmslr at tbe G. A. R
are many blA scbools in the nected with i^e school! auparrislng
time. Tbe result was a pretty fair Ernest .MureL a denilat. and a woman
Sgginaw Man I* Among
Tlie foneni aervicec will be hcld.Most of tbe stock Is owned In Bor Imitation of a western reservation employed in hi* flat. Ueteetivea eon- Western Michigan territory which are echool eqnUuhenL TentUaUoa and aa^
Tboee Hurt.
frnin Hie Imiuacultte
giving attention to the subject al lUUon and inatrueting health and
V. -ton. Oulnty Adams Shaw draw* a opening in the United SUte*. Thou Racated a prioBiig preaa. type, copperci.urrh ILursday morning at :• o'clock
salary of tlUU.OOO a year as president.!,
.resident..rnmr>e/(iw( m3 the
i.Ie/.e vheiM.
hygiene classaa
the place
where plat* for printing currency «nH a though not having a special instruct ihygle
Th.- |.ariy -wm leave otyibe I! o'cloclr'
IluOalo, Sept. 17.—Sli iicraona were and ItO.OiK. a year as director,
they were met by tbe "agents'' who quantity of paper .adapted to making or. Tbe high schools at Bellalre.
“A school nurse stteodlng to sU
tra’ti for Mason. lUa oH borne, wfaeie
Injur.*! and many of the 2S0 gueata dolpb E. I.. .Agassiz, graudson of the assisted them In staking out lots, and hank note*. A rr^lpt for rent of the Buckley. Elk Lake, Fife Lake. Kln*wl„^
chlldrm); wlteedn,
^^niir:iif-ni «iii uke pAace.
had narrow escape* when t)>e Hotel fUions I.iOul8 Agassiz, draws S50.ooa w-^o add them at high price* large flat where the (btegs were found *as ley. Me Bain. Scottrille, Sheridan andi,defeeUve chUdran from classrooms to
, mmlaed by the pbyslelan: exam
Broezel was swept by fire early to fear as flrat vice president, and
quantities of fencing and bulldlngrtna- among Schmidt's belongings, together ThompsonvUie are all 'giving instruc- be
day. Adjoining buildinga were de- OOO a .vear as director. Jam<4
terial. Tbe swindlers also sold and With a eopiwrplate for one side of
ining children in their homes; keeping
these schools a course covering two vorlouB records and assisting tbe phy
•iroyed with a toul loss of »i25.(H»0. Naughton, the Mg boss, and uncrown resold lol* among the settlers In re- 520 bill.
□ong Hm Injured Is E. J. Fair, of ed king of the copper country, draws un for fancy
An engrsving outflt was found in years has been arranged and in others sician generallyv
.SagliitW. who was Injured by a fall. *25.000 .as second vice iiresldenl. «2n..
.Muret's office, and also an instniment n course covering one year, tfbereas
“A clinic solely for sehoed dtOdran
Mr*. AnHniinc VadSerllp Died Thla Several Women gue»ta were overcome 000.as director and t40..i00 as general
in a few coarse* of abwter dsratkw
performing illegal opentj
juat before Ui* arrival of a deuebebere prompt and efficient treatmeot
have been ptanned.
by smoke and carried from the upper manager. 'He also draws a salary aa ment of poUc* from Nakhltcbetisn
may b* gtren withotrt tbe neessslty
If the pre^t tendency togards
ot depending m orer-crowded hospi
mine* controlled by the Calumet ft. who prpceeded to arrest tbe settlers
acrtcnltural development te continned
tals and dUpenaarles.''
Hecia. The other directors. F. U Hig- for occnp.vtttg land without logal andaring tbe coming tea yeen as It has
Mra. Atiseiilltin Vanderlip. srtdow of
Seventyone and aeven tenths per
glnson and W. Hunniwell, drew |2n,. thortty. They not . only lost their
Chas. Vend. ,IIP,
this morning
cent of 78.401 children examined la
000 each. All these, excepi Mc.S'augh- claUna bnt also the building materials
at tbe home of l.-r daughtw. Mr*. W.
which they hod purchased.
the city erf New York preeented some
lon. live at Brookltne, Mass.
a large number ot people within ite
C. Lowe, sn state street, where she
of p^slcal defect or disease feGeorge A. Flegg. secretery-trear.
Cemmitteed Deed boundaries who are qoaimed to de>
had made her home alnce the death
qulrlng treotmenL according to th*
mgr, draws 520,000; bis aasisiant^in.velop tu agricultural yesources
of her husband f!\<- years ago. She
surgeon. .Out of 710 children exnafKK). and K. D. !.eaviu. consDltlnA en
waa bmii In Scotland. Canada, In HSI.
med In Mlnneapolia. 482. or 65.1 war*
gineer. draws 52.'-.OOt>. making a toUl
tbe past
and came to Tra«ci>e {:ity in' 1*81.
defecUve to the extent of reqslriag
llayroll of officers and director* of
where she baa since raided.
Rattle Creek. Mich. f?ept. l7.-*e(By Onlted Presa)
medical treatmenL Tbe same' rate
5370.000 a year, from the Calomel ft Cwrtraeta Let For Building Addittnim
The deceased leave, i«o sons. R. I-. ■trietions against tard playing. th»to
b true ot most all other large etty
Hecia. besides what they |«y ihemVanderlip of East liay; tv. E. Vnn- ajer going and dancing for younger
sahtonable Tanrida resuarant here,
aelves Aom the other mining egm
icboob of tbe United Statea and de
derllp. of Kalatiiasoo. and on.- daugli-: \nenibers of the Methodist church mnlea
WaahlagtoB. Sept 17.—Seereury J. J. Groshev, twenty-alx year old sen‘
cidedly hl^er in peroestage than the
^.ter. Mr*. W. C, Lose, of Tr»ver»o will sot be removed at this aesaion of
made condiUonal
i wealthy merchanU ordered an
defeeUve children of sebooU In (urrign
City; also *ever*l grand childret
tbe Michigan M. E. conference, which
WHITraiAuZ-The eonslmetloQ of .wards of the contracts for six new elaborate dinner arith music, and wild
The funeral aert lct-s will be held baa Ite formal opening here tomor five mile* of m^danlzed streets In torpedo boat destroyen. Nos. S7 and ing (or hla wUe. subbed her' to death
are the
from the borne at three o'c-ku-k Frl- row. Bishop William Burt bf Buffalo, this Tillage, tbe work costing 523.000. 62, as rolloars;
In the presenw of tbe manager who heuMnds of Other Workers Will
d«y afternoon. Rev. r, H. Irving of- who will preside, is authority for this: it, is estimated, has begun. Pared
Two reaseU to the New York Bbip- had poured ont the chaapalgne in
guard dnrtng.^dbood. yet It 1s these
Hav* te «uit Beeauee fi'-latlng. iDterment will uke place
“The atUtude of the Methodist
bttUdlng company at 5826,000 each: which Groshftr had prertoualy tout
eeaieoaly deof Strike.
In Oakwood cemetery.
lurch against these frivolUes has not
two to William Crat^ ft Sons' Ship ed hU wifa Th* mustciana having
(eeUv* among echool children. Hefty
changed." said Bb.bop Burt.
and Engine Bunding company. Phila been ordmd'to ploy Tthalkowrty's
riiUdreii. not learatftg property la
KA]*AMAZ(X>-James Sproull. ..
“We will remain against everything
IWTROrr—That the motYve for Ih* delphia. at 1881.000 each; one to the Autamn 8qb85 and the RnasAan amg.
are on strike here today In sym- .aehooU are backward becana* oC «
years SI3, a deaf mute, la uprter ar that corrupu toclely and elevates murder ct James Gallagher, whM* Pore ^er Shipbuilding wrporatlon. ‘FV>rgotUn In the Tender Bose."
pathy with the transport workers who defect of the eyes or eara, atMOy oC
rest ber*. charged by his wRe with the lower self, instead of the tplrttual mmiioted body was found Tuesday Qntecy, -Jbaa. at 8561.600. and one to Oroebar pledged hla' wife ahd then
are not K -was predicted that 6.000 ft remedUble utura Sobm tweaty
atiempUqg her AHe by poiniug
oeir. Personally, I consider it poei- onuide tbe.cAtr limlta. was robbery. th* Bath. Maia*. Iroa-Woika
«S84.- killed her. H* mode no UMagt
sddltlooftl workers would be thrown |per cent of aB school chfldm bear
fcollc acid in medicine »be waa uk- tlvely itupld for people to ait at a U the theory of the police.' It was 006.
evade srreeL It 1* atated that the ent ^ employmaBt because tbeir coll- nffsr from dsCeeUv* vMea' wbOs
fng. Rb'e waa found lu a /erloua
table, hour.after hour. wasUng their -aaid that tfi* 55M he carried la misaThese vsaMla M to he the largest canw-«f the ertau -was that.be
bwsdepenawfBa the trades (hftt are ;trnm etx to eeren per deal tera MdlUon scab n!t«r by Tdatlvea.
'good lime playing cards."
of ibeir rlaai tM derigMd.
UM his wife
. ^. t' .
miners If they interfere with their
property, which Is an act contrary to
No cit)' eu bM0me Kr«*t nnlea* Ui« the intent of a free goveminenL One
people vbo iwMe thw« are ruie<l thing thet should be done is to order
vUh tbe ctric spirit and vork dar And this class ot people oot of the district
nlcbt Tor Uie ImproTemanU and In- and make imre that they are
doetrtes that are needed to round
imported gunmen should
QCRAU) AND RECORD CO. tbe municipal Itfs. Work of thUj^j
kind la bound to produce resulU, aud
In tbe
OBO. 0. BATES. Muwl&c BOUor.
W. A. 0IB80K. Bdltoi-.
the history of every city that »|i„uble. for as long a. they
grow.ln* proves the corroctness of
Wmmi* aa aeoond<taM matt«’
at tbe postoSice at beet result, it is necessary to *ork|„„
^rtant the mllliarT
alMg the lines vbere the t
s ttt trying to keep the
m. br
1 ..rrint I.ctort» Irom
and there some lodastTr- tbat
omofc m Pmt «k SeUi P*m>m ss 4ielp to enable U to aroir and meetj
GiW Tmerfe HtnU Ovie Spirit
pullinc tokether fv some public improremont that wUI Increase the
people. Xlonttaal
energy nerer acconpttshea anythlu.
hot when It is pat into motion and
kept rdns there U no method of
tbe good that can be a<^
SutleUcs sent oat bj- tbe toreni. Tbe article by E. E.
•0dtttoaa) raise ol three percent In
t|w cost ot producU belnc noted durBe tbe peat rear. Tbcoe nsnres are
Ijabod apoB tbe reeoHs or an exhaust-.
Ibe InresUfatlon vbleb has been con«MMd lb (oitr cltlca U tbe counlrr.
meurea tUte these coMins fro^ an
aatboritaUre aonroo turalsh the pen•ral rtin of peM>U with food
taught, inasmuch aa the Increai
waxes has not kept pace with the rise
tp the prices ot atticlee ot
be noted
tion. A pisnitlcani tact
with these fleureo U
t&at aUboufh the people^ have known
a tone time that prlcea wi
«p and would eostlnne to do ao
tbar have mmle no attempt to enrb
their expeneea in a wa>* to meet this
tf put ia force would bring resalu
that would surprise
tbe people of Traverse City as well
aa tbe oaUMe werlA Team work
never faila^the oqes who use It and
by thinking the <iues<^ ___ ___
fully It wtU be found'^haUwwst of
tbe failures that are met with by
various organlsailons who start out to
do good U through
(.: this neo
factor known as team work
By pulling together the people
whatever they want, hut when
are allowed to do all the work while
the rest stand back and watch them
It is not within the pale of ress
expect any benefirial results. There
:U a splendid field for harmonious
work right here In the city, and if it
Ob the oontrarr they contiaae to in ^ done a change will take place that
ercaaa thot; exponatve baUta. traat- win be of great benem to all who
tbe population. The
iDf to the totoxe to develop eome plan
wherebr they wUl be able to.make portunUy Is here as well as
esda meet whoa the Hnal day ot reck, workers. All that Is lacking U
oiilnc cornea. One thine is certain. ability to get together and work
M U>U U B WW J« mt k.«
«1»” «>"l' »>
«lh Ik. Ikcr«.. U lb. pH.. «I
. th. dv .111 CHioe wtaHi th. diste solution.
prodoelBc etassee wiu reach the end
o( their rope and eoaelhing wUl happ«a that wUl bring an ecoohmlc
It to evident to alt thinking umiOo
cHile fer resmblng is lu effect. Tbe that the o|>rrators of (he ropper intii'-s
Hm 1b pricee zeeeaa a cheapening ot are putting the slsu- of Michigan in a
tbe doUar and e c
had light before tbe rest of the world
. straetton of the purchasing power of by their absolute refusal to consider
tbe IndlTlduaL.. It is evident Vbht Peo any plan proposed by Governor FOrple will have to Uve. and aT tfielr rts to settle the strike. The governor
aetual Uvtng axpeases increase
has done all tbat any governor could
leaven them that much leea ta etipad do to effect a setilement. but the
for other thlnge or to lay by for the operators have met every advance
fouire. ‘ma eoaditloa will affect all made with a flat refusal to recede
llsee of bustBcec mod cauee a
from Ihi'ir unreasonable pocliion. .As
tnedon of trade that win force the a result the strllje Is still in progress
mall dealer to the wall in spite of and there are no IndlcaiioDS that it
all he can do to etare off tbe Inevii.
will end if the oiterstors ran prevent
able. Hero U e ptdnt that the busi- such a coatlngenry. in the face of
neat men of tbe coantry can consider
this condition it Is either up to the
with profit tor it la a situation which state or tbe federal govei;pment to
they are hound to meet in tbe near take a hand In the question and hHog
tdtare it prices of the neceiislties ot
about a change in the situation. By
life eoaUnae to mount with the same their refusal to Ustra to any of tbe
iffpldUy as they have within the past ,aute or federal nuthoritles tbe mine
tea yean.
owners have plac^ themselves In a
peculiar position, and outside tbe pro
tection of the government whlrh they
have defied. Where their conduce
•^Jebby laveetigatlBg c
from anarchy to hard for the
ot tte*Mnat« and boooe have'Incor
porated In theta- report eevere criti ordinary person to discern and being
cism of members of congrees who in tbto poBition ft ta difficult to aee
have abused tbelr frenklBg privUeget why they ahould not be treated In the
by eeadlng thioogh the mailt free •ame way aa aoy other .class who burl
deti^ee at tbe constituted authori-.
docomente which beaent'. eperial IntereeU and do no good to tbe conn try ties. At the present time the sute to
heavy eipeni
ia general. It to also charged thst
members of those two aognst bodies troops In the troubled district with
prospects ot having to keep up the
have aold to brokers their qaoU of
liUtary showing todeflnitdy. Tbe
tree government seeds which
question how arises as to whether or
tended ter their constttaenu' It has
long beep known that the franking not It la within the providence of tbe
aute to PGotect corporations which
prtvOsge has ' been greatly abneed
scorn the power that is protecting
daring campalgas by members
them from injury during trouble., On
oamgreas who simply tamed over
the other hand these companies are
their franhe to campaign come
emph»ing gunmen to shoot down the
B allowed matter to be seat through
tiee malls
free that they hod
•Oftsl Interest in at any time. The
peo^s have bad to stand tor
prieuce^ alilKMSb protest has bcoo
mAho BgalBM tbe ceoiom at various
tUMe tn recent yeara The tranklag
pttvlloge U right and proper ^ben H
U -Aaad ter th# purpoM for whieb M
was Intended, but It Is a Mte guess
that thoae wtoo had the right conferdP red Bpoa mambers ot congreea nevw
Intended that it shonld be used for
poittkal pnrpOM nalnat the best In
terests of tbe govemmel' Tbe trank
Klad T
is one of the mo« fi-nitfal eentsw of
tare of Ck
lha difirimsey In Urn posteffico derwti—nt. and tamtead of lasprovlng
>n In (hi
tba madWtews are growlag
tocmitli of CtoUdren~£x|iei
with each nnrnrtlin raiBjalgn Tha
A BsdStiute
Prsaldent Huertw (n his message^ to
tbe Mexican congress lays stress u^n
tbe fact that Mexico must have
larger aUndtng army and better
equipment, and that be already has
enough foreign loans In sight to
army of 1M.0M men in the field
as well as forty hattefles Of mo
anlltery. lie also states that
foreign warships must leavo Mexican
waters by October SS. All this high
sounding language U directed at the
Vnltod Sutea which seems to be the
foreign nation townrd wliom
shafts are directed. This talk ms
re-asBiIrttig to the Mexican people who
still cling to the ttnndard of the dicta*
lor. but It to difficult to see where
anything to to be gained for the re*
puMic b}* this system of braggad
It is evident that the Vnited BUtes
wiu carry the point aimed at in the
negotiations tbat have been going on
■11 summer, and that In the end Huer
ta will be stripped of power whether
he has such a large army to back him
or not. The United BUtes admlntotraUon to contending tor the principle,
and no mere message will cut
f^re tn the nltimatc results ot the
wnfllcL To begin with an army of
10P.D00 Mexicans to nothing to
feared by any nation that is jmbued
with tb^ true spirit of patriotism, and
It to also easy to see that foreign
loans will be much easier to talk
about than to really obuln: What to
must needed In Mexico at the present
time Is some man who Is big enough
1^ become tbe head of the nation aad
weld together the vfarring elea
in one harmonious natWn. Tbto to
the iHjim' toward which the Vnited
States to working and when such
man U found and placed in i>ower by
a fair and represenutive elecUon the
solution ef tbe problem win bo
easy niaite.r from a standpoint of .fairness to all tbe tactions that are Invoh ed The Ignited' States does
want to'capture Mexico, but Is mere
ly seeking to have that oountry
come a deceot member of tlA great
family of nations and do business like
the other nations that assume to- be
free and Independent pcojile. The Is
sue hak been, clearly defined and
not be dodged by Huerta or any other
member of the berrassed rei>ublle who
jiiay become president
torito4|itotoMto(-th* algid to gpwib
speak highly of the conditioning aad
- _ quallttoi of HARVKLUB
young cbickena thnve. keeps away
dtoeaae aad Increaaes tbe yield ot
The soecesaful ponljry ratoers
ly alt use IL Price M cU. per
toe. Sold by all dragglais.
Farmere Hava Feand Flan to Be
Orestset Money Maker They
Have Triad.
silo cenraa (or W«tem ^(eblgan
brings forth the intermation that apme thowand silos have
been ere^ in Western Michigan
since the first of January. All the re
turns frqpi tbe eauua are not yet in
but enough are to give a general Idea
as to wbat the final abowlng wlU be.
The beet report received to date
comes (rom^Premoot Newaygo coun
ty. where 93 sUoe have been erected
since the first ot January. Tbe next
best report to from Hesphria. Oceana
oouniy. where 60 alloe have been pat
up and the third bMt report from
Hart. Oceana couqty. where the nonher of new tiloe to *6. Tbe reports
for tbe other clUee and vlllagea of the
territory show that from 10 to 16 to
20 alios have been erocted in almost
every neighborhood. EJk Raplda and
Sunton each report 7 new alloa.
The purpose of the silo cenmis to
) discover what to being done
towards getting We*teni Michigan oneubatantlal agrtcuUnral basis. In
order that It may be tbe farming sute
that nature Intended. It to seceuary
that proviston be made for ihe maintenanee ot soil feitlUty and this calls
(or large herds of Uve stock and
these herds mast be fed and here to
where alfalfa growing and silo balldtoig come to play a part. AltfUa and
ensilage make poulble the keeping t>t
Urge herds of cattle upon smaU
areas. And with the present pi
ot beef and the need of tertiUty the
beeping of snch herds spells p^08pe^
Uy for Vtlcstera Michigan.
Over Flva Thouesod Railroad
pleyas at Birmingham Quit
Work Today.
BlnsJogham. Sept. 17.—A, general
railway strike to thnstened in BngUnd as a result of the Dublin strike
today aeemed oenain when 3.300
ployas of yariou rallroada centering
here quit work.
(Hr United Ptwsa)
Rome. Sept. 17.—Geoeral Torrfili.
ro other Italian offteris and 2$ pri
vates were killed and 72 men wound
ed today when Arabs attacked
Italian column near BenghaM
Barea. Africa. The Arabs were repulsed.
Jtu hhrkota
3 .ijn. .b.
His Trial Will I
November 1. i
BTVROIS-AA-hne partaking of break
fast. Tuesday morning, August Junod,
l>kn>eer living a few miles from here,
dropped dead. Heart trouble was tbe
cause of death. Jonod cattle here
from Swltxcrlaiid wt^ his parents
w hen he was eight years old.
New^'ork. Sept. 17.—With tbe appearance of District Altonay Whll*
man In tbe case today, the wheels of
jostlce were set U motion to claim the
extreme pehaity against Hus Schmidt
(or the brutal morder ot Anna Anmoeller. Fear cf exposure prompted FARM PROOUCS-GeWloB Pn
Schmidt to kUI the glri. cot up the
body and threw the fragmenu into
Cbe river. It to believed Mtos Aumueller had urged th^ Schmidt 'give up
the priesthood to he mtghX tqtenly ap
pear as tbe father of her- child,
irtet Attorney Whitman . said today
that evidence will be presented U
October grand Jury and the trial set
GRAIN—Trmrerae CKy Minng Ce.
Cetlese^^resldent Who Whipped Fa
before Judge AVarren Foster, probably
ther Gave Bend.
Terre Haute, ind.. Sept. IT.^lev, the first of November. A plea of in K-heaL 60 lb. teri...........................
ClUab A Manley. presMcot ot Frank
lin college. Indicted by the Vigo coun
ty grand jury on a charge of asaault
atid' battery on bis aged father. Cal
vin lUnlgy. a farmer ot this county,
surendered to tbe sherill today and
n OM Net Like Btem
was released on a boat! of $306.
prelimloary hesrtns was set ter tote
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
beet aagar and other Interaau have
bean allowed to trank ihatr campaign
Jlmratua an over tbo coantry by
merely tnaorporatlng In their docaBthte exearpto from spaachee of «flenat membare f eoagreas. adding
dwtavea whteb never appeared tn Um
nrlfflnal apaach tef Iheir own baaatH
aad eaadlag them tfe the ones whom
tkap aea^ to infhmnos at the paMIe
dUlMh Bnah a praeltoa to MUhmiml »« to bewtog withthaprtoetotoa «l a BtoabBcaa tom s
ititoA and to to'hoped that the report
of toa tovaattettv nimMimi wlU ha
takan amlanalr by enagew aad resrrteMetoi plaaad apoa tha fraaklig
that wiu coma wlihto tbs
OutorU I* » harmless nabirtltuto for Castor Oil, Parevoric. Dropa and (ioothlnr Sy ruDK. U contains nrUto«r
Oplnm. MorpUna Moi\othcr JiaPcoilc mbstancc. it do■krdyn Worms aod allays Fevertohneaa. Kor more thato
bleaandDtorrboea. It rrgnlatMtbcKtomarhand^weUto
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bean tbe S^iDtom of
Jas. GlheoB and George Bailey of
Muskegon, a pair of boboes who <»•
loaded here thU morning after mak
ing the trip from, the soolbem city
on a freigbt wera, pickad ap by Chief
ot Police Canon and thnateaed r-"*arreat unless they left the dty
onca At nm they signUled Ueir intenUoB ot staring during fair week
aad cleaalng op a illUe aide money la
spite of tbe police and the chtef at
I auned walking them toward
ialL They were not onwIUlng to M
locked up ter a shorf time, but on the
way to the haatlie Canon related
story to them which made them beg
tor a chance to leeve town. He aimply toU them ot the experience
hoboes who had gone before
mentioned the fact that vagranu who
were locked up here were not allowed to oat and sleep withoot ear
their keep. - A few farther rema^
wklok tncladed atatee>eats abeot
Ing johe. numhm five shovels aad
■tone pUee settled the matter deflnttely—and the lari seen of the pair they
were walking raiddly away from the
east, llmiu ot tbe eity. Both suted
that they had been locked up In eeveral JaBs about the stota and that It
not half bad, bat a stone pile sad
real work eras a new and earioni prapoaitten which dU not lot* food to
Take tnffden Jump
vaaced flva to ton cents per hnahel io-dsr ki tte OkiMMi awifeMK hsihg
quoted at from «S to M reats tor ^
Mrs. W. 0. Kinyen efitortaloM Im
evening with a chafing dtob luncheon.
There were goeeU fM- three ubk-3 ,
of bridge, whlrh was th# ecteruin
'of the evening. Prizeb wen.,
awarded to Mrs. Ralph'Hostings. Mrr.
Walter Thiriby, W. E WlUtoma
Dr. Tyler.
Mlaa Annette Lardle. who has been
spending tbe snmer in Iowa and Ohio,
returned home yesterday.
e. Salisbury, who has been at
a Bay. Wto , for some time has
retorned and will acept tbe posHlon
of night clerk in the Hotel WWUng.
This to a positioa thiv -Saul- baa bad
for a naaber of ybara. '
.. marrlaga Hcenae hsa been iaswed
lb b4x O. Davto of Traverse City, and
Una ^6. Holmes, ot Block bridge,
Mich. •
china shower Was given lost evening
the home of Miss Theresa PraslI.
Sooth I'nion street, in henor of Mtos
Hotel Knapp, whose marriage to
n Elder of this city occurs Octo
ber 7tb. The boose wa* besutlfully
rated in red and white, white coplds. red hearts and wedding bells. .
with white asters In protiuiun. At the
luncheon table tberame color st beuie
was carried oet. IMinty place esnis
bearing an appropriate poem, wbleh .
esBSed a^great deal of merriBieni.
mariced each guest's place at the taA twocourue Inncfaeon was
served., there being twelve fcurei*.
present. The bostcM presented Mis* '
Knspp with a dainty basket trimnicl
yerierday after spending aeveral U red and white, containing the gifiii
of china from her friends. The oenwerica in Grand Ratdda.
g was spent In games and music.
Mlaa Rhea Martin and Mite Mareda
A eon was born to Mr. and Mrs.
llelges left this morning for Grand
John Poboda of 316 North Cedat.
Rapids for a week's visit.
Mrs. Gten Powers to expected home
tomorrow from Paw PsV, >licli.
I Legal Notices
AN—In the <
several days, to rapidly improving.
Dr. and Mra. Martin Ipft today for
AttonUc City, where, they will spend
seevTSl weeks.
Glea Pewera has Returned after sev
eral days St Atlantic City on bosi-
, ■wauae
ford E. I
^ult p. Ddiag In I • CU^It c<
Mrs. A. A. O'Ksere, who has been
forVhe ( Dumy of C
averse In
Chancery, at TraverM Ctiy, oa the vtolttng with Mends and reUtives In
ths city for the past week left this
Slat day of July. A. U.. 1912.
In tbto cause it appWlug from af morning for her home U lodtanapolto.
fidavit on file, that the defendant. W|iford E. Batey, to aot a resident of this
■tate. but resides at Vancouver. BritH0W*s TU$?
H la ordered that the said_________
WUford E Bate), cause bis appea^
ance to be entered herein, within (our
months from the date ot
and in
-. je hto -anawi
ant'a bill of complaint to be filed, and
a copy thereof -to be served on arid
comptoinsnt'a ooHcitor. wuhin fifteen
days af^ service on him ot a copy
1. and notice of this wder:
Pardee Bastaess Exehaafle
And It to further ordered, that with
in twenty days the said oomptolaant
cause a notice of this order to be
published In the Grand Traverse Her
ald. a newpsaiwr printed, pobltohed
and circutottng In said cooaty. i '
that such pubtteatlop be oonllni
therein at toast once-tn muh week,
tor six weeks tn socf^saioo. o' that
abe enuae a
•tate Rank Building.
Tnivcrac aty, ftOeb.
Get their lifit of properties
with owner's addresses, or
proposition to sell your
Farm ar Bnslacss
at cost of $25.
Circuit Court CommisttooriFRED H. FRAATT.
___ J soUcUor
1. 2$,
ang7. I4,.2LJ
Whereas defanlt has bees made ta
the payment of the money aecnred by
a mortgage dated the 20th day oC
May. A. D.. 1911, axecried by WUtord H. Campbell and wUe. BatoOa.
David R. CampbelL Single, and Waltoce 0. CamabeU and wife. Inara, aU
of Grand TravsM county.
to Martha Mathews.
now Martha
Bnckwheat. por 100 Ibt .............. $1.26 CampbelL of said place, whldi said
teee corrected every day.
mortgage was recorded In the office
■ ............................................. ...IHc of the Regtoter of Deeds In the ooon.
ty of Grand Traverse In Uber 67 of
Mortgageo. on page 232. on the 30th
day of May. A. D.. 1911, at 3:10
o'rioek p. m.
And whereas tbe amount claimed to
WANTED-Fann. ahoot
•6 acrea. south
southeast \i. scerioa. 18, nfe Lake township. 3 njiles
enri of Kingsley; good land, all clear
ed: nice boUdlngs. Price $i.fioo.««.
HniwuRf. alone worth $2.oou.<W. 40.
■outhweri % of, Muib^t^li.
land. Price $200. Bee M W t'nderwood. Traverse City, writs F. RuseeU. Hoffau BU-. Detroit, and do it
sept Ht
MONEY TO LOAN on good and weU
Imptweed farms. H. C. Onvto. 311
Btol* WMk Bldg, TravKM Ctty,
april SLtf
.. notice to the anm _____ __
....$2.00aad up drad and eeveBty-five and 9S-100 do}.
Ian Of principal aad Intereri aad the
fvthri earn of one hundred and tea
and fi-loo -doUart. taxes paid on the
mortgage premtees and Intereri thereoa, and toe farther earn of fifteen dotton as atuniera toe. sUpntoted tor
(From 'Wedsewtoy'a BrixicdMagle..)
David Warner of Elk RapMe to ia
the city tor a short ttine oa boalne«k
The memhera ef the Mvll eerVtoe
hoard as decided upoo at the "-^"T
held yesterday are Reno Colby, aecretary. and J. J. Shier and Wm.
ler aa the other memhera.
Birney N. Ptoiterd of
Latond passed through the ctly yesterday on hto way
the teir at Grand Raplda.
Hiss Jessie CeldweN b
from a few weriu' vlalt with Uleade
Ban Dlegn aad other pelata oa the
tore they ahonld be of modem
darign. bunt of moot durable
Now thereforo notice la hereby glrMtortoto and erttottcally flnen that by vlrtne of said power of
Med. Yon (WIU Bni only aneh
■ale and in pnrananee of tbe atetute
at the work^ of
In auto case made and provided, the
d' 'by a
raid mortgage wfll boR
Travwne Ctty. Mich.
rale of the pramtoae thereto deaeribSSI B;y BL
Boto Ptoegaa
ed. at public anetten to th* highest
bidder at the front door of the court
lag by the u. A N. E railroad. They dioaae ta the dor at Tnrarae Oty.
M oald oomtto ot Orand Travereo on ALVIN H. GRUBER. FOMral Director
will he oaed in grading work w
and Emhalmer, 313 Booth Union 8L
the sixth day to October next, at un
will be dame, aronad the depM
Mra. Nrilte Pratt, maalstant Cttx.
«‘Moek to toe figrraaon of that ‘ ~
freight houa4. The gravel will be se crhleh raid grimlaia ate deoerfbo
phone STL We traat you aa »e
wooM wtoG to he treated.
cured fiom/Ue Gannett pH west of hM mortgaxe as toBon. to-vH:
meb 9Hf
The aecto MahtteMl halt of
the city.
Mtoi Hasri Srwis ad Graad R|^Ma tloa Berea of Town Twentywtx. aorto
vtoUiag tor a few dan at tha sn»
Wert, nnd the TwmBjC
r of too noctoeari
Is Use For Ovor 30 Years
MM Bipah Of Mr. and iftoa. M. O. Bry
A shipment of els new Ford tooring
can was roeolved this morning by
tbo Grand Traveree Auto compansf.
Tha gradiag tor the etdo track which
wU be ran from the Pere Marqeeuo
tracks to tbe Traveree City State boapjital baa been completed from the
boiler boose to Divtoioa street.
O. O. Van Sickle, who has bom vieRing with friends and relatives In tbe
city tor some rime. left, this morning
(or hto home at Grand RapidtJohn Terrey hae rriuread to
boo>e at Bt. Ignace. after several days
If tbe city on busincM.
Mre. JulU Clark to ettendlog the
Emmet county (air at Petoakey.
Mra Mary Germaine to vleRlng t*latlves at Charlevoix.
William Hart went to Patoskey yesterday on baalneu for a few daya.
Mr. and Mra. Wm. SehmHy of Uke
Odessa. Micb„ are the goeeta of Mr.
and Mn. Chaa. Umpriebt.
Mtos Genevieve Sehlntx. whe has
beeo a guest at the home of M 8.
Sanders for the past month, reterned
to her home In dtikago last evcnl^
' Jamas E. Coad toft lari evenlgg
a abort boalneas trip to Cblcaffe.
Mfw. Ada Germaine left yesterday
to spend some Ume in Chicago.
Miee Baroline Bye ef Wallin spent
Ibe day In the city yerierday with
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin RavHInge ef
Kingsley were in the city yesterday
on besiness. -
Twentynlx. north of Range T^ve move those aching bseth ahratutaly
West, ta too coraty of Orand Trav. wttbori pato. and wttbori the ora tf
me and StraaoC SCtatolEgn.
-rnga to pi-odw** "wrvwsetaninraa
Oaud the Eto day of Jaly. A. Bw
Petmlowr oemma toapanment aM
ttk weak hnom will appractote tra
|U«i*r mettod tf patolaae •rtxhp'
9E4HD ^ms£
CoBdaded by Miss Jessie Bowdes.
n» pe^e of Kis(tl«7 tad du mrrooiidiiig
''coutty arc cU iatcrwtod is tUi DcjwrtiDCBt.
We chaU bc'g^ 4o have individoaii, drarchee,
the -Otmive, fratenial codetiee end ell other orgenteattone hand in ft«ni of newi, poeenali,
of nieetings, notices of entertainmerits, bniineM changes, pnblic improrements
bains done or oentempla^ sales of real estate
in town or country, and any other items of gen
eral interest.
Send all items to Mias Jessie
Bowden, wlio has charge of the DepartmentEditor Henld.
Kiacalejr. SeiH. 16.—tlUa tltjiBie Hi with typhoid fever, at the home of
Sarsent of Suminit Cily.‘ lefl Tues- hsi parents here, has taken a
,<Uj- (or Itett Jordan, where ebe vx- for the better, and there is now
|iecU to Work.
strong hope for his reeovery.
Mra. hlcDaln ol Summit. i< alowly
.Mrs. Myron Brower left for Jackaettin* weaker.
son the first of thft week, wbere she
Mra. D. L. RniJpn and Mrs. Ben exi<eeis to make her future home.
Hares-drove to Traverse Cltr TucsMrs. a L, Kenton was a business
caller inVraverse Cky. Monday,
. D. K Ensign, «bo bu been‘to the
Karl Kewmarcli hU-atpedsked a
. southem part ot the sUW© on busi Silver-Zobn silo filler. He ftlll
ness. returned borne Tuesdar
msiom work «lib the machine the
Joe Miller la serving Ugbl lunrbes
-St of the season.
'in Uie Greenman building now.
t',et>rge Banortrft left Monday
Merrick Seeley went to Rladsione. the Colbalt District, in Canada, where
Monday, where be bas employmeot in be expects to work fur the next few
a milL His family wilt remain here monUis. Mrs Bancroft will visit rel
(or lUe present.
atives during her husband's absence.
Mrs. A. B. StiasoD has 'been at the ..Joe Miller has leased the Green(arm the past few days assisting in man saloon building and Is‘cleaning
the care of Mrs. I-esIie Tremaine.-wlip and nttfng it up prepantorr to open
ing a rektouram. ire cream and soft
has been >-erj' sick.
Howard rhino ba* .employ.-d Prank diinks ]>arlor.
Madison and son George of Traverse
Miss Rosa Itowrten and Miss Boyde
City, to tinUb his new residenoe. He of Summit niy. were Kingsley call
eipeets to have it ready to move Into ers Saturday.
by the first of .November.
G. U. Kenton drove to TFa^ersc
Perry Manlgoid, who has been veryjrity in his ear Monday.
Fife Lake Department
Conducted by Miss Mae Dewey.
We wuit to make this Department of the
greatest possible ralne to an concerned and to
this end request that all items of personal and
general interest be sent to Miss Dewey to be
incorporated in the Department We especially
ask that churches,^ fraternal societies and the
Orange famish items of interut in their respec
tive organisations. News of social events and
entertainments, improvements being made or contemplated, and bnsiness changes and transfers in
real estate in town and conn^ are especially
. acceptable. The above applies not only to the
k villa^ of Fife Lake, bnt to the sniroaiidiBC
eonntry.—Editor Herald. '
Marshall Carothers lost a bor^ ibi*
mot entertained her brother. Henry week.
Kelkwg and wife of Elyria] Ohio, a
Will Peek -^returned from Sberman
lew days the i*st week.
Mrs. H. Foster returtied Wednesday
A social bop was given at tbe home
from a busloess trip to Alden.
of Jss. Sperry's In Union. Saturday
Mra. Leonard Baker rame borne clgbL
Mmday from Bojne l-HUs. wbere she
Mrs. Geo. Weaver nnd little son l,eshS been vUiting her daughter for lie, returned home Friday from Colo
several days.
rado. where they have been vislUng
Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pinch, Mif>. Wearer's mother (or several
on Wednesday. September lOih. a son. weeks,
Ralph Kieroe and sister.
Fred Tabberer was In town SalurFrances, were in Traverse t^ty. Sat da;»and Sunday calling on friend*. '
Ml»s Marion Dicktnsop wu home
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Doherty of Di- from South Hoardman Saturday and
l•e^t. were gtMSta of Mr. and Mrs. (*.' Sunday.
Frallck. Wednesday.
Mrs. L. s. Walters made a buslnees
Russell Clark la home visiting from trip to Cadillac. Friday.
Grand Raplda
W. E Richards went to TravCTse
wm Doherty of Sharon, railed on tity Friday and returned with Mrs.
fricedB In Springfield. Monday.
Kic.'.avd*. ^ ,
Miss Rose WillUBB spent Sunday kt
Mra. L A. Bennett returned Monday
her home In Walton,
irom a vUlt to PlaJnwell and Grand
Ed Bebpe «t Kalkaska was in town Rapid*.
- on business Saturday.
Mrs. Oxbora bu moved her bazaar
}ilrs. N'dson Hopkins ot Grand Rap and millmery lnt-> the building form
ids is vUltlng her nepbew. L A. DK-k- erly oc'-ipied by Mrs. Grant:! >«kery.
. inson and frally.
Chifteh Servieca.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Anderson and
Siinds) iMHTlees for Sejitember list
Mrs. Elisa Newell drove to Bale*. Saj- l»13.
nrday after peaches.
Sunday school at 11:45 a. m.
Mr*. K. C. Brower bu bera ill (or
Sunshine Prayer band at 3:00 p. m.
a-coujilc weeks.
Epwortb League at C:20 p- m.
Tbe «NEAL” Message
to PriBUiig Mea
K«in AH Over the Worid
From far-or Auuralla where the gorernmem la fighting the
drink habit by furnlsbliig TJK Neal^' Tbree-Day Trcsltaem to her
vmfortunatp citiiens; from Vancouver. Canada, to Halifax, iron
Jacksonville, Fla., to SeatUe. and trom Uj* Angeles to Portland.
Maine, a message of hope and Joy U.aent by over 100.000 perso^ who
have allher been saved or had their dear ones saved (rom
(rom the curse
and awful kal re.
resulta of ibe nae of alcoholic liquors <
drugi In ihh,|Ut) splendid home-Uke Neal
In the' princli:^ dries
and centers. Thesei
sutewenu. but in hope that lens of «
._ their tamiiie* may be influi
Influenced by the fact that •NOTHING
81 OCEEU8 LIKE SI'CCESS"' u seek and secure the positive relief
and rara tiered by Dr. Neal's Three-Day Treaimem.
CaiL Muoe or wriie
3a dute StTMt. TfAverse City, or 71 ShtldOn Ave„r Qrand Rapia
Ladiei Don’t Miss Our Special Sale and Di^y Wedi (d the Fair
r neighborhood locals
Kingsley Department
A special allractlpn during Fair Week
Almira. 6ept. 16,—The (wneis are
getUnx tbelr beau very nea
Mr. iad Mrii. Gram BPmIU' ^Ry
drove over to Xomob Center to
their daughter. Mr*. David l»eck.
Mra Ed Lake hu commenced
house. She was up to Traverse City
after her building sinlerlnl.
Mr. Olid Mr*. Lewis Uuelli&ame}
drove up to Traverse City. Monday.
£. r. Lake lost a vnlunUe hone last
Mr. and Mra. C. J. Bates were call
ing on M. C. Lewis nnd' boy Suoday
afternooh. also on Mr. and Mra> VIU
Mrs. Artbor Martin and son Will*
of Platte, were out tu see their daugh
ter. Mrs. Fred Wilson. Sunday.
There will be a-^busking bee ot
Lewis UuellnameVs Saturday
igTbe ladles- Embroidery club will
meet with Mrs. Minnie Huellat
C^rtiell Mstrirt. Sept, ifl.—Mrs. Roy.
Slack hu been caring for her vIbkt.
Mrs. aifwn Travis for a few da)*.
Miss lA-na Skinner visii.-d at ('rank
nmlorlt; Sunday.
The Misses Nina, Amy and Dorothy
Jenkins, who have berm vUiilng
friends and relaUvesMn Ohio for the
liast few weeks returned horn.- la
Frank Schwartz of Detroit. Is tl
guest of Mr. and Mrs, .loseph PTaho.
The chicken pie supper whit* was
held at Uoyd Corey's. Ik-lday evening
won attended. The proceed*
amounting to over |ir..
Tbe Disciple Aid will meet with
Mrs. Charley Jenkins on Wednesday,
October 1st. The ladles extend a wel
come to all.
Ernest KetlDor and l-oiile Ilaines
tended the ball game at M'anUtee. Sonday.
^ Ed Cornel had the misfortune Id
ciii'hiji foot quite, seriously with a
William Overia was called to Mclialn Friday by the seHous illness ot
his mother.
:| Claud Reed I* working for Will Col
Mrs. ^nest Kettsor and Sylvia
Ualne* visited at Frank Barrett's Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butler called
on Ed Corey. Sunday,
Adelben Crainey is working for
Homer Middsugb.
Con Smith of DetroU, is vislilng
her tisrenu. Mr. and Mrs. Phlllp'llalgler.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Connine visIt.-d at lAtvl Strong's. Sunday.
Beiiner. SepL 16.—Mr. and Mrs
Bence of Fife Lake, were in Honor'
last week on business. They stopiH-d
overnight with Mr. a,.' Mra. Minis
on tbelr way borne.
Mrs. Minis went to Intcrlochen one
day last week.
Rev. Mr. Huff and wife were In
Traverse City. Monday.
Mr*. Emma Murrey had a surprilc
Saturday when a number of tfic
neighbor's called to remind her of her
Mr. &IUIis and wife were in Crandallvllle. Sunday.
Aaron Square* attended Sundav
school at the Rice church last Sun
Bert Spelters attended the Grand
Rapids fair this WL
/ferth PvaXit
North Paradise. SepL 9.—The farm
's are busy' cutting tbelr corn and
digging their earb* potatoes.
Mrs. Earnest Voice visited at tbe
home of Mra. V. A. Voice Sunday.
Frank Freeman and family visited
Mr. Wiclial's Sunday aUeraoon.
Mrs. H. Harsh and daughter, Hn
George Bancroft -will leave this week
Thursday for a visit with Telatlves in
MTlIle Riley was a Traverse City
caller Saturday.
George Freeman vUitod bb father
i Traverse City, Saturday and Sun
Mrs. E. Voice and Mra. John Perball took dinner with Mrs. F. Proe^
men yesterday.
Quite a number trom here drove
out to Arbutus linke. Sunday for a
lilcnlc dinner. A fine time was en
joyed by all, but tbe brat part was
the iwUJng wet on the way home, the
rain was weleoma
Sept»to 2*. win be ov
Authoritative Display of Fall FosMuib
in Ladies’ Suits, Coats, Dresses
Specially piced (or tliis trading event
Ntw Sweater*, Mactmaws, Fan, Waists, Skirts^
and Staple Faraishiags
At attractively low prices considering quality.
DR£SSE5 in eponge, serge, poplin, fS.7S to 1B.78. ,
SUITS in new shades and weaves, BIS lO'BBS.
I COATS in plain and novelty chbcbillas.fur fobriesand mixtures,
$7»5B and up to $37*50.
All subject to'the Special Fair Week Discount.
The Whillog
The Barney Co.
sun ir.-1aw. Mr. lIulkL wliu has la-cn
mnviilg out the lust week.
Mis. Edna Kennedy and children
from Oviatt. vUiu.-d at Mrs. S U.
(ib-hardson's last Sunday.
Mf. and Mra. George Coleman from
Traverse City. visUtd at WlU NewsL-ad a last Sunday.
Mr. and .Mrs, John B. Cox vUiled
their son Will Cox. south of town last
I ^^^hatupnmpdrrAred
■ § ij tbe medkel MsrislMCBt in
Scott’s Emalsion wkidi
r nBothBerve-fieicter, bat natare’i
Igreafetr herve-btoldet, vitbect
I akobelor opiate.
I fjc-II K Bowr.r. ma»nSt:d. N. J.
Mr. and -Mra James Mikula bate
returned home from Traverse City,
where they have been for some time
owing to Mr. MIkuU's illness.
debonair.-—Christian RegUter.
XVllI >bst from Hste*. was ov.-r in
ibb vicinity ovei- Sunday visiUng rel
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beeson, who
Mapb-ton, Scni. iti—Emerson Dehave been spendlug a few weeks
among us. leave for their home In Gra'w bad a LraJ runaway Sunday.
Indiana this week.
LUsJe~ Henry Kronpa has been very
aKtfor tbe psat-sweek.
A. a Jourden and famHT'^peot to
dance at Kroupa's warehoose Wedo«day nlgbL
There were services at 8L Joseph's
church Sunday.
ev-r-cur T-ra b, Ih. FW.
«>» -f““
Fbb Uclu »™.e«
™>™ Ob
chMbctor. dlrectbOH ot porpo-o bodjtV Pt*- tor U.e wimor.
the potentiality which compels sueMrs. IrUb returned to her home in
cess is revealed in bim who sits with Traverse City, after picking (niit for
loot brought closely 4p u> the Curtl* Fowler.
other at the back and with tbe knees
Mr. and .Mrs. Wrigbt and daughter.
of both limbs bent' On the other'
Clara, and Mrs. Welt and daughter.
Individoal.. who
.> UW
alu **VU
with ...
Ibe feet firmly set on tbe ground
^ Traverse City, had a picnic
and apart two or three feet can be
Bay shore in the pines at
tru*t.-d to be one capable of transact-j Curtis Fowler's.
Ins a maitor to a successful Issue.
Waldo Montague left Saturday tor
through no luck but downright energy r>etrolt. where ho will attend the hJr.
and cmpabliity Of character.
| There b to be a pie sodal and.
Alexander aeomw
Ikmnaa h
mid duty to .
•OBething that we exact frcai o< •a. W
duty to TouseU to to laks J
lahaa whan yen have a d»ap a
tala saTthiag h
Colie, and stuoacb
ache atuaUy reiterad
This famous remedy aetdecs bila to
relieve pain, both external and istetnal.
m. s; sad lue. potUcs.
Grand Traverse Region Fair
AT TfflEf
SEPT. 23 TO 26
Fine Exhibits
Splendid Horse Racing
Superb Music
BrUUanf Illuminations
Everytfaing New and Up4o-Dale
Day Admission 25c
Night Admission 25c
B- BYE. Secretey
:• rioE FouE
(^ogrirsaUpnol yburcli, SuDdM'. wora;
fOE- 'Aft^ the lecture ho had. 'eeanat
robtunu-s, worn by
Make This Store Headquarters While
Attending the Grand Traverse Fair
—Tell your friends to meet you at Steinberg’s—you’ll be just as ■
welcome there as a visitor as you are as a buyer. We’ve been receiving daily
shipments of new fall merchandise direct from the best markets in this country!
Now, our great stocks for fall and winter are at their best. ’
Mrw. M. T. Jolmston and dawliter
Demand efncieocy c4 then adxirdinstes. Btsme* men prefer tea gradoatea.
Donne paw 170 days over 800 studenta tiom the ud«ol have been oelecied by buslncM men. Why? Tbace o o4y one reason. Because of
tbee special preparation.
evenina f«>r a tveek e 'Ult wjtli li-r
brother. O. 51. Dame and family;
nev. S. I. Steadman left thht noon
for Battle Cre. k, to attend the M. $T.
Youwi $s*<iKi hm. Toacsaaotellart i'<re»!|.mVr.Wx;»,Mr<,na>t. AVcplsca
nor* VOOBS acn ••d wooro * CooimmUl ,nA Saorthrad poamoe* •snwpf lhs>
I iinfeJA'nce.
The Dorothy K. * ill dUcooUnne her
trlius to -Northjiort rolni. Sept
Kalpb Gamon relumed tbl*
fnR fnim Ann Arbor.
J. O. Duncan qf SattonieP^. spent
the duy In town.
the Congregational
A very pretty vedding took place
church, Wed-
ni-eday afternoon, when MIk« Elveria
Ladies & Misses Coals
FaU Dresses
at SS30. S10. S12. $15 and up to $30.
iy«i« Fatt Tailored Saits
at $16.S0,'$20, $25, $27.50, up to 35.
It $6.50. $10, $12.50, $15 and up
-I’ofUlar I'lilaH^iy moi!<0* In Hire."
nrmn.T. Mn..n-.lul.ib,i und full l.-nuih
-T»l- iT-.-i,. »
- Ttie Suits are in mod.-ls tluif liiltiu
nut ever, new
,«.tnt. Cutana,
the I
Thomaa Vas Joined in marriage
llev, hTanrlK Haye» U-alle.
pree-nre of
to: I'lifcagoon kVlday.
Her long bridal veil
awanHonla*. ' The eouple
were nnaticride.!. the father, Mr WJ. Thnma* shing the bride awa>v The
w'eddlug march from Ixthelngren was
Great Values in Sweater Coats;
playe.] by -MIhs Grace Kelil, eoiibin of
the bride.
Men's, Women's, Children's: 50c lo'OS^O
-Now School Or„.o. M $1.25.
Ki.nrel, new
•-\ira iiualiiv iii.-il-iiiili- .
—Ch.lldreifs New Fall Coat. >t $3.50, U and $5. Si/.:.-, t n.
-Hoi- '=li!.li. Sliaker Kni: ulld ev.-r, nttier weave I'lt-tV
new; s;,a-.vl
, llw.m Collais. and ....veil, .-..lU.i
M>Je>. Kv.:rv .-..lo, Hull wl,' I... :;»o.t tills li-1!. rarilll.al-.
-Varee..-. ti.mr.l-. T.i‘.a.-e<. Hrnw:,.. el.-, ele.
Sweai-rf»<re\e| ' III. luli.-r ol III- '.ili.il:. .1' II'I KM-tUel,. lew in Ives
Men’s Suitsjmd Overcoats
$10.90, $13.65
$16.50, $19.50
— Tin- li.-aii't in-'.'-
tliit.u-. ..f a l.rMKl
OutingFiamels,Flannelettes, Wash Goods,Rc.^
> Mil -nien a.n.1
ofTixi: ri-\N\Ki_‘i .w
,n s l.iu tatme of iMilri i,-; 1i,-i...
KI,.\NNKI.KTT|-ri .AT Hh, U'»-..c ..
are y.-ad, for piitm.m eloihi-bf
.AM' ImM’'
■ '-l:i- i;,-
— To i-tino-A- yoiir
: ml ami ovenxiBt.
Si.-InborcS. is
Vndeawear andtiosiery for Fall and Winter
B At -t
s«t*s .
tir^l. r„
Nki - •..-ilK'T V.M.l Ki<
-lios!-:. i..r
faini!-. will
tlio fuff
•tiirtn; —
W. J. Thoiiia-i.
: ..vHi.i: I'liKMU ,ms
Mr. and
momlug for Mlnm-
npofls ’.ind the northweel. where the
Board of
Missions" have
assigned a series of leeliires for 5tr
le-slle. They exiieei to n-ltim here before COrtobcr IMh. when they will sail
hut will n.Mrn to ills work on the
IHeplionei* lilts week.
the g-inK-y.
Warner t-uiwrty.
Dennis Denn of Traverse citv’. aAd
Milton Benedict left
ilies are visiting at ibeir hum- here.
Ix>U. ilrs. William Curry and dairgfiserv ters-Pearl and-Ula. reinmed to their
ed. ending a very pleasant t-*eiilnKMonday
for euiiferemv to be' held this year
at Battle Creek.
Their hoftie i,- in Sagf*
-Mrs. Alliert Davey is r,uh- sick.
Aka'Dean of Detroit, with their fam
tcrtaliu d a merry, erow-d. last Thnr*day -night at a pedro
home In
Traverse City the first of
last w-eek. after a neck's vUii. in this '
Mpm. Benedict and
Dr. Earl Mprrinon returned to Arthe i'hlldrcn ai-coni|iaiiied liltn as for mida last week, after a 1hr«<- winks'
as Jai-kMUi. where they will visit r«d- vacation si>ent at bis borne here.
aiives during eocterenec.
Kay Cov-1.^ ai rived Thursdiy night
Icavea today for con-
from Grawn with Ills hride.for a f<w
A qutet hut very pretty wedding
day-h’ vl-it .with his »Ut«,r. Mrs. Wih occurred.last Wednesday evening «t
51rs. fowle.v via, well
Archie Campt>ell's. when their cbily
Turkey, to. remain Hiere
known here as Kthelj7i Kynelt^ Tlie
daughter. Alice kas united ie naryears. Sirs. l.,eslle‘vas a graduate of
niany^rii iiiN'of the youug iieiiple riace to George'Pasi-oe. Kev. Brand
nil rlln College nod a teacher and will
Allsh them a lo>g and hajjjij life to- offiriating with the ring service. The
be a great help lo^lr. Ixelle It^ his
house u-a-s decorated with, beautiful '
work. Tlie h-ut wishes of the manji
The many friends \ Vif
giddenrod and
friund, go with them.
•Mnorti are grieved to ^arn »f tlitPlumosa. The bride wore a gown ot
Kolicrt Budd buri.risi'd his frleiid*
o/-uth of his yoiinc w-Ik- -from heart
white shadow lace trimmed with aabv iiringing home a hride laM week
tioublh at iJiclr bomr- In Ih-trolt.
H.- was married to .MUs Cora Warner
The young people of E. T. Can*enwere attended by Mr. and .Mr*. Olaf
at the home of her parenbr: Mr. and
lir s and Mr.s. 11. I). Wlilie-s SiiudayAmlerson of Elk Itapld*.
Mr^. J. K, Warner. GraWDille. Ohio.
Mhool class enjoyed 3 <orn roast at the ivremony a two roursc wedding
The hride was altended hy hi r sister.
iho horidlahle iuiuie of Mrs. AIbc-na
serv-ed. Only the ImmeMis* Kmlicr and ilie ^rroom by Vora. i
»ag« last Friday night.
diate rolailves of ihe bride and
I brother, of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs,
Tliere will be no pr-arhing here
groom were prmenl.
They will be
Budd are at hom>‘ to ihelr manv
i-xi SiMidn> hui Sunday school w HI
home to their friends after 'Oct.
frli-nd* at the n-bljlc-nce of Mrs. Il.'E.
lx- held at elev-ii o'< lo<-k.
ut Walmii Row farm.
for tl
tlie Ameri.-an Mission at Ourfa.
-Mr. and Mrs. H.
>owr ti-nne,!
<?7«n dtapm
<l.ar..nee lotK-of
n-.-n'v .Miii.-i.
-. t
ill tiiwu.last wi-ek.'
iii.i.iU-r in il.‘
inivr..-lii,t: M-'nils
I;i.-n' Mavoh. S.-pt. 15—School.open
woigUt/lor liiUT on.
S.5VK t)nr Tu-Ki:; >
has lieeo borne for (he paxt few day*
Traverse Ciij. s|>em a .eoupio of days
V.MII liTll-US
.\iK.\s FAi.i. Fi'ijNisKiN ;k -aih;
home of tlie hrideV parents. Mr. and
I ly-«lle left tjil,
Wanted Silks
' Dress Goods
Katilies, .Me-saliliu Slll.s. I'r.'ii.. .1.- .'iiitli-s. In.waiie.l .--itl.', .-i.
-M^seVand Junior Coats ai $5, $6.50,«:.^J1 and $8.50. M-tf..i til- |.w.;M-ilar n'lcwin^- aii! nt..l ‘in.1. -.•I,.e.l
Followinu the . eremony
w;»>ddlng biipi>er wax wrved
and Mrs. Brown ace \-isliiPK at A reMe
isbufg: Si-pf. IT-^wynHIll
an* fablened .witli white awanaonlas
nti.l bhe earried a l>ouquet of white
l:ik Igike. Sepi. ir,.- Mr*. Rowman
I5u Invil.-d ciicMb.
The bride was gnvned In wiiite .pmbroldered voile.
Knmfori” on Gleu Ijtke and
,Hev. I'er-
r» jierformed tin- eeremotv
Extraordinary Values in Boys Fall Sails
$1.95. $2.4C. $2.80, $3.80*and $4.CC: valuU up to $?.
2 i-.A.NT NOliKOITt SITTS at
$4.40, $5.40 and up lo $7.50.
Djsiide ’ Hr.-a-'.-.I
ed on, the nth wiih Mis* farra IJenn. ll na teacher.
•Mis* Margaret Day left on Monday
via Sir
MiK'-niirl for
Jlaryht Notr,- I»ame. Indiana.
Kul.k.T FuilH, Itu-iilai*.. HloiiM'
Edward Rohlnson ha* gone to De
ri.Iiu.'on.-.: r.iu.' Seice“. I'liev-
troit. where ho will spend'the winter.
— I'ri. .-I- lliBi ,a'e >ou Irotil T.vf
loib, fuswini-i. ... 'liM'ii.-b. .-I.- ;
Ip *' '.'1; near!, all lianf.s lined
-'i.iri ti;. to IT .'ears.
Wiiii.I.-t :iil
MIsk Hazel
jhy Mr. Nelson of U-1and. spent the
WM-k end at the homo of Wm. Ben-
The Westcott I* loading with slab*
and edgings today.
Try a Record-Eagle
Want Ad.
IV In Tr.iverse Clty
13r-Mr, and Mr*.
Xortlipon. ScpI.
Mrs. J. Ktebbit* and children arriv-
ufter IiavlQg spent the summer 4iere.
.O-dar Irfjdge elo.«-d today, after a
. Manulactnrers
Ik to an fiAllvldual Kleetrii- l.ighiiiig riant euu.
ly what a reservoir is (o a wati-r K>Fi-ni.
stores up Uit- el-r-irli-ity getM-raK-d h-.- tiui d.iiiaiilo and holds It until light is nyi-l.-l. ,Ail you
nee.1 do 1* to rim your i-nL-ine for a K,w- hours
The >*CHIonde Ateumulalor" will
I’.i.-U KTore up electiicit) lo light uvi-r au eittud.
ed ptrlo.i.
Kosar.r" at the Grand on Wednesday-
Mr*. J. H. Carroll alid fatnlly hfl
vei7 auivcsafnl aensop:
The “Chloride Accumulator”
affur illM
dlxndlng the suninit-r here.
Vedneaday for rtiu-ir home iu 8t. lAiuis
they huve spent tbv luml twoWeeka.
Electric Storage
Battery Co.
attend - the
S .1. Dame
Uor Nelson hw returned home from
the west, where lie has^spent aeveml
ed fur a week:* Visit with 8. J. Dane
id family.
will) his family, v^lw^are siK-nding tbs
Mr*. Su-inherg nnd.Anna VeVang
vui* City, wli-re she will
" ilbiir Smith and Ham' Hall H«-nt
n on Katnrday.
Traverse City, Mich.
She took the Mtsaouri In com
pany with Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Chris
tian. her maid and coachman, on Fri
51r. and Mrs,I..eo Grlffles entertain
ed fririjds at a progressive nedro par
The Petrel took a cargo of sUbs to
Milwaukee last w-eek.
rlav for Chicago.- w here they have
Uined work lor the winter.
Inshre Your Canning wllb
Miss .Alire Day spent the week end
: Hlllcresl Orchaids,
test of Ml-Fs EIltn1>eth Rohns.
The barge Buckley is taking a car
go of lumber for Detyo'it
CbrTxttanHOD and BIckle of Manis
tee. are Inspecting the cargo.
Mra. R- 11. Day closed ber cottage
The mofi Katlsfaeiiiry and -conv'cnii-nt eoru>oan-l.
]i s.-iv.-s w-orry. lime .and money.
Sure and e
Absolutely prevents r,
1 package 10c, 3 packages 25c.
-Lorelie Lodge^* last week and leR for
ler home In Detroit.
H. S. Hull and
vere in
7 packages SOc. 15 packages $1.0a
driving over
from. Traverse City in two automo
copvNiirvE & coivimiime:
lU-v. l-VunelK lA'slie of Ihe Araer- Paul, were called to Mason. Mich., by
leaii MUslon at Ourfa. pirkey. dellv- the
d^ath of Mr. Slaglil's mother.
eied a very Intere-iing lecliire In the
Lucy Andressen and brother Carl
nrsl eorn, fruit or vegclablcK from souring or sik-iHog.
General Law Rragdicc. Includfni
4le StMe Boot BeiL
MBtf N.Connlne
1 venlnc.
Mr and Mrs. Ivoula Slaght and son
^Wm. cJaclcson
ty. on Saturday, evening.
returned from a week'* visit at $*rauk.
MIkk RiiUi .Maj<Ka4ias gone to Kan-
Saturday to s|>eBd- a eoQpIe' of w eeks
Kuinnic-r here.
aummer home. "Idle awhile." on Sept
Sam Groseman of Xevr York, arriv
Misse* Day. Mr*. Ida Parrant and
retuirwl to Hieir home in Muskegon,
spending a few .iiOT In Trav. rse City.
Wunbtifg and daughter
•■d. home lodpy from Empire, where
-Mrs. (i.
C Wuison and ihil*-en have
David Day drove to Traverse CUy to
Bessie and
went to Traverse
When a woman suffering from -some fonn of feminine
disot^r is told that an operation is necessarj-, it of course
friglnens her.
The ver\- thought of the hospital operating tal;le and the
su^eon's knife strikes terror to her heart, and no wonder..
It is quite true that .«rf>me these troubles may reach a stage
where an operation is the only re.source, but thousands of
women have avoided the necessity of an operation by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. This” fact is
attested by the gmteful letters they write to us after tlieir
health has been restored.
Th<rae Two Women Prove Our Claim.
Carr, Maioc.-- I feel It-a duty I
owe io all suffering women to tell
what Lydia E. Pinkh.-vm’s Vegetable
Compound d
did for me. One ycarago
* found myself
mvself a terrible buffi
1 had pains in both sides and such a
soreness 1 could scarecly
I at times. My back acl
:hed.l had
> appetite a
aid not sleep, then I would be
red mornings that I euuld scareel.v
get around. It seemed almost iinpoKsible to more or do a bit of work
and 1 thought 1 never would be any
better until 1 snbmitted to an opera
tion. I ei.mmcneed taking Lydia E.
Pinkbam's VegeUble Compound and
boon fell like a new woman. I bad
no pains, slept well, had good appe
tite and was fat and conld do almost
The faihiyrof Magngrs Meyer closed
am the mntliefof a nice
this letter to
Buffe^g*'wown.''—Mrk itoalsiiu,
le Wyona SU. fharlolU. K. C.
Tor SO yoon L>rdl» E. Plnkhani’a Vegctkble f
Compound hai been the Montbird remedy for
. iltnetiu (,
male ills. No one sick wlUi woman>A»inewtt
'trr this fo
tlocs JiuUot
ld herb*, it
moiu —•*’
their ^tiges
very- b
lifted a ehair it would enSM
a hemorrhage. I had a growth which
the doctor «a1d r
nev-cr would p>-t v—----------- ---an operntioD. A friend advised me
to Ukc Lvdia K. Pinkham’s Vegeta-
Now answer thisquestion if you can. Why shquldawo*
man submit to a surgical operation without first giving Lydia
E. Pinkham-s Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that
it has saved many others—why should ittail in your case?
where 5Uas Luella win attend high
" my own work
. . ,for. .a family of
r. I shall alwa.v-s feel that 1 owe
mv good health lo .vonr medicine.”
—Mrs. lUvwaBB Sowtas. Cary. Me.
t»T a woman and
Grand Traverse Fair, September 23-24-25-26, 1913
J. W. SLATER Tlie Original Home Fumlslier
Make My Store Your Headquarters while in Traverse City, Fair VVeek.^
Bring Your Lunch, We Will Furnish You a Table and Chairs to use.
Bring the Babies and do not bother to bring your Go-Carts or" Baby Carriages as we will
Furnish you one FREE OF CHARGE to use during Fair Week.
Souvenir Free for Everyone Calling at My Office Fair Week!
Every Home Needs a Good Sewing Machine
When You Think of
Justtiiinkof a machine with every practical improvement
and advantage. A1 quality through and through, the best of every
thing at a price wiih^ the reach of all.
We scoured the country to find the best quality machine at a
popular price and we found it in the New Royal made by the mak
ers of the world's best sewing machines. We bought all that yce
could get of them (not mauy) at a big reduciion and will sell this
famous machine to you fair week for
Think of J.W. SLATER
' f
$7.25 Fak Week
And Fair Week onlv, we will rell this beauti
ful American Quartered Oak Dresser which is v/ell
made, good size, and has an 18x20 Beveled Eidge
Plate Mirror. (Has wood knobs in place of brass
Trulls as shown in cut)
Universal Ganges have-won a world wide
reputation for t’lemselvps for being tbe
most artistic in design, longest lived, great
est fuel economiz :r ard most
convenient range on earlh; yet
in spire of their superiority ihey
are sold at no higher price
than ordinary ranges.
Come in. and we will tell you about
its points of superiority: the new. upto-date style, its wonderful appear
ance, the white ground porcelain oven
doors, the new c'ontrolling damper
system, its sanitary construction, its
great fuel saving features, ifs wonder
ful tjuick cooking ami baking, its ever
lasting material and line workman
ship and many other features that
other ranges do not possess.
Canv^aSsers will sell this.machine for $6000
$4.65 Commode to luatch Dresser. Fair Week only............ 14 65
$6.25 Wood Bed. food well made, perfect match to dressar $6,25
Buys This
Banner Steel
The best medrum priced range on
earth We have sold this wonderful
steel range for over twenty years and
can conscientiously say that iheie is no
' belter stove made for the money and
you are asked to pay more, a great
many times for inferior ranges.
Just think of it. Fair Week you can buy this complete three-piece
Bed Room Suite consisting of Dresser. Commode and Bed for only
$18.lo We are showing an oKceptionally large line of Chiffoniers
and Combination Dressers.
One dollar and seventy-five cents will buy a good, full size Iron
Bed. one that you can use any kind of springs on.
We are making an extra good showing of Vemis Martin and Brass
Beds, one that you should see, and remember you get the same
liberal discount on them that you do on everything else in our
mammoth stock FaiHWeek.
Beautiful Pedestal
Library Table
was made -in Traverse City and we are
going to sell it to some one. Fair Week, for
811.7S. The real value of this table
is $16.00.
^" ,
We ate showing an exceptionally large line of library chairs and rockers in
weathered cat, early English and golden oak; both in wood and upholstered
Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums
to go miles to see and remember, special prices on them all Fair We^
JJic auy
Joy UI
of a
a Well
wen Cooked mvai
Meal ^
I l)oes Not Depend Gn the Artistic ^
Dining Room, But Upon Your
Kitchen Ranxe.
E. Front
Bed Blankets, Pillows and Comforters^™”^^*!^ supply. Fair Week and save from 10% to 20%. We are showing practically everything that is
manufactured in the bl^et lioe, ranging in price from
lo $12.00.
Boy yoor Gr*
............... _
irare« Tinware.. Alnmlaaiii.ware
and Earfbenware at J. W.
Slate'j^. If you have never priced it then you have no idea of what a lot of money you can
save. We sell everything in home furnishings from a tea strainer up.
.......... ;
tns tnitsnee In FsrticuUr 6s(l«rsclo^
Ity VotiOied fer Explains Many
Stories of Sallorx
Perhaps the roost likely expianatlea
of tbi- genesis of specter ships Itos In
the vxtrsordinary effect produced at
s«« l-y mirages. In the Arctic seas In
particular or.- to be s. eo many strange
KigbU produced by reftmeUon. There
Is at least one Instance on record thst
Irsatlsfactorlly vouched tor. and which
explains many of the stories current
among aallors fifty or a hundred >-ears
ago. One evenlcg In the osrly 'thirties,
a passenger ship was approaching Port
T« Hurry F«wte Alor>8 They Mu«t •• ,Danger, on the South African esast.
P«tf Uber*lly—Feed Them M«eh .
Suddenly those on board wer- astound
artd Plenty ef Grain.
ed to see a well-know n I-higUsb wawhlp
quite close to them. So citar was the
gome people make a dreadful fuia
vision that they were able to recognlss
about the poor moulUn* hen. while- acqualnunces among the oOlcorw and
• thle moutUue proccas It ju»l at natu
crew-. A boat was lowered from the
ral a* It U for a hen to lire and
EtTunger and its crew was o1>.<frved
breathe and no more critical than the
to tumble into It ISverything was so
latibc ttunt. provided the bent are
real, so obvious, that It seemed impo»
fed enouah to keep up the waste of
Bible tbai they could be deo-lved. They
the body and at the same Une manurecognized the ship as the Itarracouta.
Sbe was too well known to admit of
factuiv the new featheia.. aaya the
Field and Farm, The sooner the foatbthe ieaat doubt as to her Identity.
^ are grown the soonfr the eus
When the iduaengrr ship arrived at Si
wlU come-andiio hurry them aloiw as
mon's Day a ahoct time after, sveryfaal as possible the fowls should be j body expfctc-d tu see the Uorracouia
fed llbemUy.
Give them sll the I at anchor, liut she was not there, and
did not arrive until a week afterwards.
m».h they win eat and a good feed
The first thing to do was to compar*
ing of grain at night.
notes an| explain the m.^sti
To many fuiks It looks like throw
found that at the Ulue of
ing away money to practice heavy
ahlp^s being seen niir-.Eocl- Danger
rft-edlng while no eggs are coming in.
ehe was at least three hundred tulles
• but this It one of the secrets of get
away. There is no room for doubt as
ting winter gggs. The moulting sea
to the deUiUs of the story. People do
son U the most critical period in the
not Inugtuf with such unanimity as
•llfeofahen. Growth of new feathers
to admit of any czi'lsnatloa other
Is a' heaty strain on rUality. As the
than reflection or retraction la a cloud
ben Is fed on the average ranch It
or fog bank.
requires from two to four months to
recover from the effects of IL
By givtbg the necedsary materials
with which to make the feathers so
that a hen will cot have to take them
from the tissues of her body, she will
be read} fer work as soon as she has
her new plurosge and often before.
PuUeu should be bcndled in the same
way. They are net yet fully develand'wUl not begin to lay until
the amount of food they consume'ls
Mough to support growiti with a sur
plus to go Into something els&
CQfs Ou Be Bold at JfIgh Prieaa Md
There la Always Good Demand
for Their Feathers.
A nice flock of ducks Increases tho
profile on the farm every year. The
eggs can *be sold In the spring at
good prices, for i-eiilng. and there is
always a good sale for feathers.
They areVmncb less trouble^ than
chickeus or turkeys because th^ selj <die- from any kind of disease.
aelvea after they hare bectl hi
short time,
.ts eoon as the ducks
are large enough to 'eat.
thick curd In their boxes.
Teasels should be used for watering.
A good pUn is to fill a flat pan
not tun them.
The Peklna, Ronens
biweds. the latter being a perfect egg
I In alz«. Tbe Pokins Uy wcU and are excellent table
ducks, making a verr desirable markot dock. They weigh; Adult drakes,
6 pounds; young drakes. T; ducks.
7, and young ducks. 6.
In all there
are ten rarietles of ataodard bred
Pottltertr Muat Look Closely for liwjurieus Little Insect* in Cider'to
Get Haalthy Birde.
Iraat rcu'h-r
k-ild a
r to tbeu.' ebor-a
I lie .New York
be readlcB all t,h-i time
—ct wsp.np«rj. or lioaks—and you read
th.-ougb being eatea at the wrong
Six or eight slewed prunes half
an hour before .Ijreakfa.vt are beoefl-w*!d figs or stewed
apples catco b--forv bfeakfssL
FeelL-^ orangeii cut into Uiln slices
so that Ihr Juice is Set free, with CS*- sugar strewn over tbe slices, ara
i unlike plaeapple and form, a high
ly efficacious aid to dlgestloa. Grapes
should never
eaten except after the
chief meal of tbe day. Taken when
tbe stomach is comparatively empty,
they are a specially banq/ul frulu—
Family DocYor.
ered out. and ds lint found on the
bead with iu cUwa or feeden sunk
Into the skin of the bead. As they
become more numeroua. they attack
the throat and neck a* well.
remedy ii simple, bat It Ukea a little
time. Each chick must have Iu head
greased wfth laid. cottMtseed -oil or
olive oU. You will have to look close
ly to see these inecu. They are '
doatmeUve to chickens ud most ba
conlrollcd or exu-rmlnstad U the chick
Is to be bodUiy.
BetHfig a Taritey.
In naarly ail eaae* It will bg-baa
allow tbe tarkey ben to hatch out
aecond laylog of eggs. Tbe -weather
Is nsnally warm and aetUed.'and
wiU raise theA with vary UtUe.trou-
Blntf» la Layer. •
Tbe alnglag ben u the layer gad tf
there la not song among yoar flock
aomethittg la wroag and yo« abauld
Immedlstriy aacertala what U la a«d
gaaedy U.^
In the midst of luxury, bo was
fight flies will fail rapidi} la ber milk.
Sh - utilize* her food iu strength lor
llgliti'ug I1i-K.
Is one reascti
cows often toil In the quality of their
milk dnriug <lie hot uiontbs.
and hers forever.
flATien her baby glH was two year*
old a ttorm broke over Amy's boesehold. Pi!-.- never Iwjw quite how It
hec ham-ned. She bad beym *0 busy
Iluic Kvelyn. Her l)OUM«>ld d»-,
* b-d ulwortM *1 ever;- va^nt hour,
c hod SO little time-'.o see what was
bridges and eulvera both economical
ard durable. The a-lvcn-ig.-s of the,
two maii-rialR arc combli.c! and their
dkadvantagcii in a large d. s:. t- cliiaV
Tb:» f.nrm of .constTiO- on. on oocouot of Its .(vnomyaafi Hinirl’city. ta
.-specially welt suit- 'l to higuvay cul; •
goii.g on aLoul her. I’ertaps she had
uiglccted M'tll.
Many ev.-niags she
was loo tired to notice Will's absence
or his whereabouts.
vena and short zj-an brlU.;. s.. wi;.-u for
any reason It Is di-tirable that thetr
s-iperstruciares be kept flsi.
In tbe
case of arch culvtrK and bridge* built
A shed can iu- coii.rtruclcd
cicd clicaply
s In the luie-
own work, a nurse and servants were
,,„„iovcd. And ih.-ro was-notblng that
decld-rd U;lLga. and Amy
nothing of the law.
Replace Fat—FU^ Seed snd
on Meal Recommended.
Municipal Art
bare. There was no work for the la2. AL
- cynd^cnced hand.
At lui.
last, m
a kindly
cmplovmc-ni as a do--s.lp.sirvant.
"you would tn;t tbi-ak of iH-ro-ltiins
anyone to b:in.: Into your house a pic
ture of a wuman in tigbta"
-You are not 111 favor Of doing any-
addition h
fdace the 1
Th*i Is to sa.v. rnni would not permit
anybody to.hang
-lims uj.oa yojr
porch advertising qu- stlonabla resort*,
the mUJt
Sax se.-d
doable ha
-C.rianK ...I I nm.« .nJc-.™';
! ,1,, wi
■»!- ™ -“'I- "-urd ..d
"S5uy. you
IviX-lBl 1
who hive '
ad prepare c
coiiccRliati- ul homo.
,1'. q-jeru'iu gii"9 delulled ItiBiructlonv lio'A to l-n-jiarv
limi-suiiihur. how
to tost this
he ijidnitnelcr to dclemiiui- U* defA.
iiv uud gives tables for dihiUun of dlftcront detiFltle^ for dormant spray*
snd for surntmirTpraylng. TbL- laiicr
Information Is also Valuabli- to the
man who purebasws one of the comrocrvial brands of lime-sulpliur. Th*
dciivUy o.',:liis also should be deter-
.The crowing of the strawberry Is
important ou the farm beesuse It Is
one of the earllevt fruits and It Is one
-Doctor of Dental SurgefT-"
Tbe mother U-d’her to the operating
chair and smoothwd back her tousled
hair as she laid her bead in the Ut
ile rest. Looking her straight hi ber
eye with linger poised for emphasis,
tie mother said; “Now. Kdlih, If you
cry..I’ll never take you to a dentist
it’wm n-pi'ly the place that nothing
else will supply on Chi- table, and we.
as farmers, eugbt to have the boat we
can grow upon tbe farm, and a liberal
supply of strawbeniAi every year, a
good. liberal plautliig every year, will
d<y much toward making farm life
Dior'.' pleasant, more coagenlal. and
give CE something that U valuable oa
the Ubic tor. throe or four weeks.
of ihi- best fruJis that can be grown,
coming in at a limo of the year whi-n
Praise and Flattery.
Yield Depends on Care.
Yhc suaw'berry is a plant that can
be mtde to pr^uce anything from
one hundred to one thousand dollar a
wbrih of fruit per acre, according to
tl"2 kind of work .vou put on IL It you
choo.e a good rich soil, say plAwIng
uiidijr a crop of clover, then heavily
ftrtUlzlpg with well composted man
ure and giving it careful entUvation
through the entire season, you will
have your ground in a condition M
■ ^
Trouble Caused by Warping and Sag
ging Overcome b.« Hanging Stide
Affairs on. Boards.
Seal of trooblv by warptug out of
ihape uni II I remvdi'-d It by hanging
llrt-tu ou ebon boards, a. when closed.
. and b. when opened
“Do you kobw the foreman sod th«
other oactsl*r’
wlU ^
-Now look here - said the witness ' jes.-ph BKwari of Miascurt In tbe In-I'm bl.cr and^hoy’* »Mte.
Tl-o depOUt-r.t IhArmtr
ThU kvvp. them
and thev
ain't no relations of mine."—CIcvo *j»ayz In the same posluc
do not warp any mort- a* they did
when one end eastwl on th*- grovod
He Knew*.
• v-rher—Whjit happens when an 1r
Feeding Dairy Cows.'
,1,,. uhlaboma sUiloa. on a ration
PWlrilble force comes in contact wltl
M ImmoTsLle body?
RmaU Doy—A
prsn. corn ctop. alfalfa tasy
loughuge the cost of milk per
gallon wsa IIJ cents.
When on a
: retiou similar |o ths above, with the
addition of cotto»*e«-d meat the cost
; of milk was 10 » cmi* j-er gallon, but
, tbe quantity was aligbtiy decreased.
In another ti
beard on all possible occasions"
duction on a ration of barn, corn crop,
-DOBS h.- speuk up briskly what eouonseod meal and alfalfa bsy the
cost was 11.7 per gallon. On a slmeontrlbutiont are called forr
itar ration with silage as a supple“Writ n-oo. he doesn't"
Bent the cost was lO.i per gallon.
. and the ylfld was slightly Increased.
Impertant P*reoiL
-------------------------------------•TP look at Plpps. you'd think b* <
cauaa of Bowel Troubles,
had.tbe world on hta sbmildera."
jjowel troubled In calvee are eome“Yee: he stjems to think Ufa U a umu* caused by milk that Is excessivebaseball gaiuo and he's Always at tbe |j. rjcj]_ *ink that is modenite or low
ta btKt« 1st U ususUr better for
young a'alret.
Indlgcetlon ta older
' ouch aa relalorwd concrete, the de-
Which may be present In such Mrap.
I lurvm will become more and more s^ '
I'y a Wg bay -window overicofclog * parent at the commusUy d.vrlops.
jiark. Atny DPjmmiT I'ago and ber
‘^'^.For txami'le'. a highway b;idge. th*
daughter word standing,
defect! of which are taardly cotlcreU*
"Mother, I with yon wouldn't make v.-btia tbe highway oa eaeli aide is bor
me Ifaro to eani my own living. Wo dered by dilapidated fences and bullG
h-ve mspey. and—'
Incs may became * veritable vy«*ar*
-!S^ Fill should be able to make
her nvm way In the world, unaided:
ev.-fv' woman. For none knows what
rneex-n by Oic two women, a broken
old man bad entered tbe room. His.
wrinkled band rested on bis daagb-*
"Ho needs me: he
for yourtt-lf.
Tlie thing we women
muat Icjira U to pul our
selves. Lvelyc. not In la
City court
A colonMJ witness was called. "DU
you work Bi .ihe
planlT' he *ai
"VYhst were
,,-stbeMc features a*
pri-lRes and cclveru
day «ijc will ■'X- thrown upon ber own
r- h-Turccr. 1 wont to teach you to care
Mlchael Mcrtnhy war suing
parking company In
land Leader.
8he was about ten years old, and apparenily very unhappy.
A swollen
face served to diagnose the case
glance as an advanced sage of tooth
ache. Over tbe door they entered was
a sign which, being ifilerprvted. read
N«l ftelsted.-
with an oreba:.! of any ilxe it is en
He should pur-1
trouble with > 11 .Is that ncue of rt
ppiii-.l at the raini! time and In the
Idea abo-tt tnisIn-M
an." n aniKT r«-<ulu>d iu'iiijury to fell
Tom tat. YouYI have to "XCJi
: than
g<- <>r Irult or both.
For the- small grower or tlic> nuJnS^n »■; I'm LUB.V. Run uionc snd »<
a scare by'dUcoveri
if yoi
.itb III r«-w irocs It
IG doubt!
wai: zotnewhtre.'
I'ud of, a naked
tirely another lunttqr.
-kjoj mjik
you get paid for permitting
board to remain thi-rv, do you no..
i«Toud lor you. And no* you
mt-xt be very
— wim.
-ry quiot bcca-wicaure wo
.............. .
................................... ..................„,v
PoHcc have bad to close svvt-ral tlmv^ * -bw -- -i-.
from s
placedTh coofbefEifite/’tt^
from nut. gr. a**- or TWdgn maierfala
••y«. 1 ren r.wny from my falber'a
of any kind. i-ihcrwLi- a perfect bond
hone. I couMat stand It. and grand
bttv.-wn the ban* and the concr^e wltt
father loot me In. You see. grandfa
not be obtsin.vl.
ther failed rapidly after you
Deslgnere of highway bridge and away, l seldom leave his side ow. He
drainage atructures are urged not only
soi-ms to gel aowtnuch comfort from
tnn-sUgale tbe safety and dara-
..-.l.reK.. or ,ro..d
sboutd be mode
ife strength of
pounds r^r square
“Doia try to Ulk. mother." said the , *
jiox-'.-M lulBclen
girl, ^ey *ro bringing grandfather
^ _____ __
".allr-abiliU; «c be raadlly bent Into th*
Salt >0Wfcaan*ih
I qu.*llonr.
-la wi.mK .klm aillfc ..1.:.. >-O0
1 har, 1-..1 lc.n«lroti.^
' fhe owner of the vatmni lot Is the mla- ^
: die of the ntxt Idotk—the one on
„ ....
r.*U!onjl.Iy Ro.ard- It
lb. E»iBO
'a the chsuffeur stop
4 its vlgtim might be
-Calves •i-'.'O M-mc fc^-d In
lI:!:-.! ui'Is. In ordi-r 10 rc■ -.%!iich has b^uii taken off
C'lOk whole flax seed, or
m.al. iiud feed about a
Ifcl ai’k fMd mixed
the oil
' thing that veulU hav- a tetdem-y to
ipf^ lmwor.;ntT. elihiT. are yon?
udvited to uxe I.-If
taehuaetta. Btsf* Road.
. ,
the economy of li
;ld«sat snd
‘‘ot.alwc.y* evid.
Uin r-.u.-.i«« . ,.ij™-l..i-a ciH.
ground corn snd
bsib-y mixed, or
ritker of them put into tbe mdk bV.7
should calv.
1 akoulori'L" replied the
lattiT In comb.uailbii wi^b arsenle of ivad ma> b.- U'"d with perfect
BterTor- the H'TI ITavis Bi.d Haldwlu
ppl- tr.-vs wh.I" bortloaux mixture
bigild be demonslreted In azi}' partic
ular cace bcicre It I* d->clded that the
ting a bury sir-* one day. ap \
arch must be- rclnfcrced.
,b;iw dashed aroufld the coracr.
cmdiilers iv U- met In the constartled tkc nervuns
,hrd! sin
Ftrurtion of reinforced concrete culloJe-.-d 1Crti 0
mske It d FiraWc. from a stsndjumzed
The I
of iv^nom;-. that a relatively
it eto::p.td; rac waj *
L-.gh grude cl coiicreie be und. Any
toiincau ned hurtled t
micd lui
d.«reer<- In tbi «tr»-ugtb of tbe conhospitiil.
Crete m-r-Mliatct a core»r“7ntilng Inivte. ih.
op«i..d . T
1 had poor luck with my calves las
rammer, the}' scmid to be heavy but
d.dn'i'grow -v^v.niucli I jlTways took
ih'- frclh-off BH 'tul'-kly-^i* 1 fiuish.-a
lUrni'iK 'tbc separator, but didn't mix
anything , wi-.b th- lullk
How would
Wcii-to-Oo Citizen.
1 vurpof''-' SF-l' -il*'' «U“ »'*='' T"*
active-in t.hc Muuh-lpal Art
red tfciiB. uiiLLov.a snl unmclcsied.
Wliai ehcrjld be mixed
Inio f-iwrator miik to be fed to calves
Shown Where He la Defieiant by
•Would your'
enoth-r city, orten am-was b-o.,gry
atHl hiv cloihos were ragged, thread- Reinforced Cor.srete Calverl on a
Laadar In
Her baby was laktt
adrift upon
world-a divorced woman.
uuicr and more care-fre-e woman bid
Feed it Necessary to
Rut one murninjr the sc«!cr drop?cd'
from her e.ves.
' In dc'peratlon. the cast-off went to
' a fri. rd to borrow the monw to go to
- gull, .ouu.riul 1*01.1.. rou Auirt ]
•oat the*'.'.
p. st adaiAed*—that is. 1.-u f.>r s;e;-l
dem* to hU dauabtef'' P!^a. He had -nj comprirston for coiit-rete—consUclOBvU the parcnol door against her tm, » for*, of cocstrucUuu Ipr short
•U-c. I'oai;
IU the ground.
i frame work made on top Of them.
»hitb nicy b*; covered wlih atraw .
The shadow of this will ^
c-j quite a r.-fu«" for the cows In tht.
It must take about tweniy-flvo ate-,
-hange to lltne-sulphui
le' b.-ut of
id, those who have <»pericaeed any
ends for that escalsuw to carry
id*. Wtih
Wtth c.«d s'.adc, plenty of.clean
diiru-ulty viih it. or who are growing ' from the ground to the platform nml
ubui-daiit pasture, the
■nrietl.-a known to be susceptible to she bad n . -l all but three »tc!;s. sic
. had. Binu.-d lw(-.'ytwo 'Roeonds of
b" a proflirbl- aniri;*!
niin-d In tlo- same manner and diluted
according to the tables.
There Is fust this difference between
the two degrees T)f praise and flsiiory
—that Whereas tbe fonneiMtearttsii
up to brave, and ever braver endeavor,
tbe latter checks self-cuUope and desiroys future progress by making one
beUeve in attalnmanu
According to
thP flatterer, the goal has been won
and the groat plalaaa of perfeeUon
ivscbed: there are no more dreary
distances to traverae. no more nigged
............................... climb. All that U
needed li to enjoy wbst one has. snd
'ee grstefol snd glsd tor what ona Is.
jorgheo her for her marrtaKt to TVUl teriti bUlbe rvirutred
spccossful man. able-bodied, thecharacter oftire*, for which
it is
usi.'d ter p aiiiilaciurlug milk ami not
!n fighting Hies.
A eo* that inj*si
stand out in the hot sun all day and
th" time .-.-nvum'.-d on tie trip er.d
lost only th;i-e. Tli- mts;! tei-iarhal-ie^
exemplification I have >6t wvn of.
aomy of• lime
your chansREAR
and national h;.b1t of rc:
r-cmisal and Ozrablo.
U M •''Kr-in.ri)
A ccmbUiittlon a
t*. (,ther had not yttt 'zna^ In sucL a maimer thst each □_
rt 'uge from tbe aurv's bemumg rayp.
It will pay the farmur to plant tree*
fence rath'
alcng his panturo fence
rather than
sutfer. A wood
ture Is an Ide^l place for tbe cows.
They wltydruik at th..- brook and XccRtie bcucath the KhnUc slid b? comforiable,- All their surplubjood. writ'-*
\V. D. Xeale In an exebang. . will be
e was reading
she'loved—married hhn
,1,5 rooms of a Justice of the pisace.
^-h,.n h r babjwas boro. Ami 's happlalmost complete. The 0
tre<» or a rhed wliein rh? may find
“ItuL howcici ,.sbc ren.l and
tniently ail tbe way up. or until abe
the lop
had got three
iJicn she stopiH d sad looked
then sicpiwd off brihkl) and qul:
The discovery of a stdema man'#’
hobby softens bU austerity. So there
Is someiblDg very human and Interest
ing in the convention recently b^-ld
h-re of the nation's phllatelUts—sei^
o-us men brought t<«eiher by the boi^
non fascination ««ercised by little bits
of colored paper.
I lore
f.aher had closed the door .
fcohlnd him. He was done.
Amy Plummer, golden-haired, young.!'
down and test.
Uu- weather ic hot. she canoot real In
pence In the hot sun
«be should
have a dooBc shade made by large
“In tbe cc!i« of the lady, reading on
the escalator, for
Instants-. 1 wai
afraid It mic.M lead to an accident u
ber. It U only a Biort ride on at
escalator, snd 1 was afraid she wb:bi
mixture S' a fungicide. There la prob
torg;et and fall at the J'-P. ‘or sbi
ably no bi-iter material tban bordeaux
mixture In use today for the control eevmed .vi-ry
ioi!l-Jn t tell w h -tbir i^be was
-pic M-ab. but -Jiifommaicly It la
frrquentlv tbe.cause of b-riuus-.daiu-- omizing
- .til
-l^nci- of-each to this spray. U
r-.-cctnnienried that crchsrdh
who hsve beet; U-'iDK horde;
turo Slice' srfully en reslrunt
wTlh green- grass by noon or a little beautiful, headstrong: made her choice ’ ...
of sprayi'ig apple ireve, the moil H
portani belm; a quite gvueral kubstltullon of Uwe-sulphur for bonleaux
ested In
-Failier, oh. ftflber. please!
\ hint.
the summer lime,If they gill-the best
will fill herself UP
been c marked cbnnke In the nielboi
Cerner of Earth.
When to Eat* Fruit.
To obticin the most benrUt from
th«- sufcuk-nt frulu they should be
e;iicn at the end oT the chief meal.
Danattos arc an exception and mgy be
They are very
acceptable cut in thin slices, and eai
for Retting Place.
. The Ellrh cows must have rlade In
such aAhliig as overdoing Ibis blue:
ectteomy of time, don't you know.
Activities—Scarchee Farthest
Like (.very other bobby which
volvcs collecting semeiblng, the tun is
not half so much la passewloa i
the eli-fcal quest. Whole ruUimet of
odd and beautiful labels, given as a
rec'.-lpl for postage paid, are not as In
teresting as the rare and illusive spectmi-os whi<;b an- yet to be corralled.
While the small boy colU-etor has bts
heaven io grandmulbcr’s garreL ahenrIng th<- old labels from long treasured
eplstlos. the ful!-f!'-dged enthusiast
finds a larger flMd for hla activi
and the lanhosl comer of Ihe ear
not too rv-mote to stop bis QiiesL There
Is more in the hobby than one might
su]>i>ose. HUtory. geography and
tionel pelltles.form a groundwork for
an intelllccnt pursuit of the pastime.
.New Zealand and Hawaii wlU show
you Inndscafes upon their atamps:
Central Amerimn country pictures
tropic^ birds; Jamaica shows a water
fall: old Cabadlan Issues and some of
Uom-H] shew native fauna, while Japan
revels in various presenlattuiw of Ils
eoDventlonaltzed chrysanthemum. Col
ombia and the Quebec centennials pre
sent whole maps, while the heads of
rulers and suteemen give designs for
tbousanOs of iaaues;^n>etrolt Ftea-
,..I~1» to be your h-osband. I wl'J
Farmer Will Find It PrwflUble te j.„vo uwlire mom to do w‘'-lt >o«FISEt Trees Along Pastum Fene*
nr-|. Amy."
-,o l.gh Mtarirj.1..
.lie,r cmJItloDS are right. The c
r gives g list of a large huii;L
itli-tl. s of .vt-pl-s with the n-Uii
Ycu must choose between me and
—this tru.li." A father etood befire a
daughter Maot-browed. nnyicldlng.
•Oh, I canuot. father, I.cannot."
'Y'cj muji. Uihlimah-thlsscouD-
every* bore-ir. p;iWic as In p.-ivaie.
on the elevav-'J cm. In tbe s.ibway.
everywhere--and I was ywttit.p qulW
nsid to -Mwltig B-e manli.-siation of
what appearf to be a naticnal habit;
-hut I was a little aur(iriBed
morning—yes. Jurt a llttir—when I
saw a lady reading a newspaper as
she rode up on an cfo-aluior from
Eaperimental Station
the Sidewalk to an elevateil ruUroad
Combinat.on Which May Be Used
With Perfect Safety.
“I Jtaow flu- retUcas Amgrlcan en
rcviKinee to numetous requests ergy,-which i.rujupts you to the attor InfunuKiiou ou the subject df pre moal erunon-y of time, w the uBUza
lion of every minute,
that no
paring ued use of llmv-Hulpbiu- iti
chard spraying, the Maine agricul- chance for gain ehall be Iwt
A Ttrrlble Puntahment.
Tbe tead
kmae attacks yenng
^Icka gen«wlly before the/ are feath
V.'cli Knev
Nalloiai TiaJt Noted by a
Fcrcign Visiter.
turnl expi-riTuaul tdation Las lssut*a
bullt-tiii which goes Into the waller
quite fully. U says iu part
During the past ?bw years there has
"HN A .TTim
.III tX.
Phllatciitt Finds Large Field for Hla
Trio of Colored Boiim Ouelca.
nearly full of pebbles, and pour In
water. They will drink In the UlUe
pools between the pebbles and be kept
from getting too wet After they ar«
time to four weeks old water will
Drowning Mon-Help! belp!
on the Shore-Nritlrar ena I.
calves la usually *»e t
sanitary stalls
Irregelar or
“Y'ou'are, right l=r daughter,
men fail our women, but our women
liever fall us. It has always buen ao.
It will slwayi be acx You are right:
o-jr women must learn to alttid alone."
Daughter and
and jtanddaaghtcr
granddaaghter te^
If these feature* of the landscape arm
Plac;djhe old^msn ta th*
e chair, with c
; mo«
and fooutool. One brought him hla
favorite drink The other selected ona yet be almost totally devoid of ora*,
of the books thst he liked bnt and mentatioa. A lew simple panel* and
Coptics af<- usually oefleieot to lend
«*““ >»e slept Tlien both
perfectiy sllU watching over hlA
bridges, provided the planes of tbn '
something should come to dlatarh
wing wsiU. psrapeu, etc., are In
! “1* comfort.
And when he awoke they smiled ten-
Earth Reads Cheap,.
• A doctor, whll
. .
ta tbe country, took the
along Vlth a friend to go fishing. Dur
ing the operations the doctor's sink
er came off end was loeL He was ta
a dilemma—no stakw. no more fishing
that day. Happy thought; be bad a
bottle ta hla pocket. The bottle was
filled with water, carefully oorkod.
and sent down cm lu mlssloo.
After a few minutes' Intarval the
doctor had a bile and prited up hi*
line at racing apeed. finding a fine
pair ot fish, -one on each book.
"Ha. doctor, twins this UbmI* . «»
claimed hla companion.
the floctor, ''Bad
brought np on a bottle, loo."
The earth rood will doohtieas b*
used to rnral comnnnlUos for many,
years. becauEe ot its low flrat cosL
Tbo ever-rucurrtag problem of upkeep
on such a road can be solved rer/
largely by the use ot the spUt4og drag.,
Meney Wasted.
It la Bcney wasted te «Md
drawing a road that U not
enough te there U a dlich'oo
side of the roadway.
U tat
liraL then k^ the grade up by dragv
gtag atiensarda.
Oiidrd Against Weevils.
All weeds and rabriah should b*
cleared away from
ditebea and fence rowa eo there
be no opportunity for weeviu la Bn*
winter xbelwr.
trodnee any amount of IrulL
T; ^
|We Mean to Make This Store The
Liveliest Attraction in Town
One Whole Week of Grand Buying Chances
Prepare to do your Fall trading whin you come to the Fair. Every department in the atore
is completely stocked with new goods. And the Indueements offered make it well worth while lor
you to anticipate your needs. Traverse city people as well as visitors from out of town will find
our offerings of unusual money saving importance.
Good F’upnltupe:
Carpets, Rugs, Stoves
=2" SKf
Dress Goods
nualiE.'. Tblnk of It. .vard —
of rnioal
. 35fl yard! Ne.we«t Fancy Sjikf. Ty far th.- lt. »t oflerlng of fant-.v silks « e‘ie enT inetlo. .All tin- rtaCU-1
.nt, li
5.85 '
HI I bai k.
.60 Oak Rocker.
hade l_ aervlce
and comfon
PSir «Mk p
.... 1.98
Union Ingrain Carpeta, ibo r.ot-
kln.l; half wool. New. fr.'sli
i«iiemg. Piir«-I for
Fair Week, at wd.. OZ^C
Cork Linoleum, the fi.V »<>ar
realMink kind. l.*rRe .vHeclioti
feet. Beautiful now i«i
trrnh In fiornl and oriental dcHma.
A Rood mR at n monr'r >av• ?.
Hosiery and Underwear
You'll admit the excellence of these Underwear and
Hosiery values the instant you pick them up.
BO doaan Ladle*' Fleeced
Hoea. Stainless Mad;. ' a
Pidr Week i.rlce. pair..
UNION SUITS AT 4fcFleeced I'aion Sulla for *0100 doa.
and Giris' Wool
Ho*e. Good wel»ht. rtbbed stockinys. The 2r>c kind, at *.<* ;
i«>r .......................
(Tptlonal V
fd foior^^
Worth {l-ii.
Fair Week 1
A Splendid Showing of Ready-to-wear Apparel
=== For Fair Week ===
Coats, Suita, Skirts, Dresses and Waists. New York styles at much less (
than big city prices.
Fair Week Siieclal I'rlccii kI'
TIk- rioci: 1
rivles at a real aavina of .iDllat*.
and rrterr.
Ladiaa' full length Black CeraeuI
t’oats. Satin lliilnir. latrse shawl
collar. I^ncuid with laigc sllk-
Si.v.r;.i^;s'.*r!" 9.95
Fair Week Offerings Of
Staple Dry Goods At
Substantial Savings
10c Unbleached Sheeting. Full
yard wide. ReRutar lie I'sibleached Muslin, in small pieces
np u» 2t .vards. For <7* _
Fair week at.- yard.... / SW
Yard Wide Percales. S:an<iard qua'My. F>ill
iiichi*v wide
Good <laik (•aneins. AV.iriti
K.™ Wm, SM Spr„i E.M.
tarpe rire*. hrii'.iMd end.. Won-
. heinnied and real-
y Xbeed (
AudUatian PWd BtankeU. K-fl jwlm of-beautiful Wool Flniil.ed
Isiit- -Bd
sad rite, Blanketa
Blakketa of iOil# kind neh _.
. ,
»2'w to SS.M.
tna «Se bJI
y tow prk*.
.................. '““'2.2S
All Wool Plaid Blanket!. |r,.d<) valne.
Brtter'Suits. lUndsome sniis of
- fine Wblitcords. Seiqe* and tVool
l■•'ldlus. Uncsl with allk and cuaracteed ratin. Skirts made .to the
1.L V. draiied style*, lil.iu to I2S.5U
r.' 5.89
Better I'nderwcar In Fleeced
and Wool Garments arABc and
Spoeially priced a
$14.45 and.........
We-nen'a Pleth Coata A la
.-howlni; of the beet garuie
in.Aile. We mcniion a full tcQRtil
iliicl with Skinner's
KuaranliM^ sailn. Faitleni-d alth'
lariie silk froim.e Will <
vorahly wiih any
<’caT. A l-'alr \\>b
Barniiu nt..............
'Complete Shewing of Better
Sklitik. ITcliiiy irimniM riylcr.
made from Sefse, Matetc>-.p tTntti
and mannish uilxtiircv. Several
niodele are made In the new (irAped
effect, and trimmed, with t-jHons.
Unequaled values dr-S393. $4.95
Boy*' Chrom Tanned Shoes.
Vuthing better to Ftaad bard
kneeks. .V good seliooi
fhm- Pair Week 'price..
'Wemen's Cun Metal Sheet.
I’l l ton and lece styles TI:e;-«
are shoe* r’e can rocomn>..rH
our price. i
i-alr ..............
Wemcti’s Street Shoe*, alt the
style and i>erfcci Ilitlog qaali*
ties nf a $r...>i) shoe.
Week i-rh-c, pair Z.VO
feTteSSiS-w 08
- < Shoe
Kxtra heavy leather.
,t will w.
Men’s and Boys’ Clothing
Hats, Caps, etc.
When you nre
'nicoe handsome 1
brisk business.
nr.’iTinHlel! «Th
ly w sba|>ed elTrct skirt. Good val
ue nt SI2..10. our hpe- rt HE
*u.ii.ri,e........................ y.v5
Ladies' and Mlaae*' Black Cara
cul Coat*. A coud riyl.- coat in it
4 Hell, twar* aeli.
a for the price.
K--Kul»r and eitia
I \Veek at. pair..
In iVcro* an<I Bro-
The U-at
60 inch All Wot-I Pan.teta.
for men. women and children.
!n Tnlon Sulla and aeiarwe
Infant*’ Cas
AM Wool Serser. In eolAiv and. blatk.
M.r ;lH. i.rire.
pfdren'a and Mitics' Dull
V Shces. Jnst the
OIrl'n sites aL iialr
■ 88c
Light Shade* of Fancy Silk*.
Girls' School Sheas.-- Vl.i kid.
patcnlli,. Sir.C4l2,o.2 A shoe
that wli: give aatLfanioB. I nc'luaJed- fi.'.M quality.
Fair Week iThe, pair...
■ ; A Zinc Board. Eiove I’lite. Ell•o«s. Coal Hod and alt uooegsorie* for scitlnR up stove; ^reo
nilh rvt-rv stove roclini; }]0.»0
or more dtiiliit k’alr Week.
Shoes lor the whole Family at Special
Fair Week Prices
•SL* '3^
sale Fair Week i
100 piece Dinner Sett, (i.tar•nteed wore. BMUlirn] wlilteautl
The Stioe Oept.
We ask you seriously to consider these exceptional offerings
in dress goods and silks^ from the standpoint of newness,
quality and style as well as special prices.
t 'a
shouM tlironj; tbestore with--------® exceptional p.ice inducements made-lor this event.
1 eager customers every day of the entire week.
Make Ibis Store ya
ers dtirlBg Fair Week.
I here. wh» jr T^l Styles
e styl,.*
..........................................II tailorcl.
$ir.yo rai'.ie. and the Fair Week
Men's Winter Weight Suits.
Men's Heavy Wool Pants.
Fair Week bargain
Beys' Suits. K to l«sizes. Good
dark iiatcruF. for f«Tl wear. KxPrlcod for Fair Week
Boy*' Double W«*c Suits. We
guaranteb eatisfactioB to etery
purchaser of theav aulU.
can buy oae ihl* week
Matchless Value
Bargains For Men
I Buying Snaps
Standard Printa Idahi and diirk
patternF, Shoil Icntohe of t«- .\nu-iI'-an Prill's. Fur Fair
At ~
Week, ynrd .......................
Curtain Muelin. Piini-y strlpo
in ynrd aide while curtain mu»
lias. ni& harsalus. at
yard ......... ..........................
Outing Flannela. fi Idecrs of
the very liest lor OutIugL lAighi
dad dark patterns. Finn qualiiv,
l,inte showink of cholre patterns
A real bargain offering for Fair
Week that will send hundreds of
yardn Into the iiemes of TVaTerae
<'lty and surmundlBR eonnOn sale at. .vard..
Men'a Wool Socks. A medium
weight cashmere In black and can>c!'b hnlr' .A bargain at 19c. Priced
foi Fair Week .tt.
I'iilr ..........................
. ■chief pcrfiH-l. IK'suKier.v
niid hariuilns,
Silk FIniehed Persian Cloth, ori
ental t'Biterti* of a K'< Roods, oal>oels1ly wulled f'. r kinioEnglish Long Cloth. 10 yard
l-ic(es -of BU7d l.onit' QOev
Cloth. Fair Week prite
Fleeced Flannelette*. Choire |iattcnis and colorlnits. I’Vieed for
Fall Week
Ladle*' Waist Pattam*. Cre:.e
and mert-erised goods, embroidered
la pure silk. i£acb iwttern
enough materia] for any sUe
Shown in while, blaclf
few eol^rs. Enh..
Fleeced Uoder*«sc.
rtci'iwerr. The itst.
kind. fcpc'.Ul 41 .
ts tr*
Ftanndl Shirts. * most tomplele
nhowing. In every v -mu-d style Bod
color lor work Bad drea« wear.
Remilar and mllUarr coltors. Spe
cially priced m Me, $1.23. $1.48.
$1.95 and up to $2.38.
Ready for yout chuneink. I'lie
new styles of hauenl caps .Mo<lmiely |:rtre>i iB keeping with tlie
Globe Store iwltey of selling tor
less than others astt.
Globe Dept. Store
Traverse C^, Mich.
Kirshbaum Clothes
S1S.00 $20.00 $25.00
We have acme stdendid Blue Sente Suits In oar fall shoainc:
also nlxtuma In browns nml *r*vf. Every anh bear* a Kirschbsum
guanatee Uckef dial insarcs satSsfartlon on a money hack basis.
KirsrI'.tiaum clothes are (.111 made of |mre woolens, r.nd wc gnarar.iec
‘ ' “V
OBly ................ -......................................................................
Sweater Coats
The moat pracUcai and poimlar atylss for ladles. 5Ms*e*. Men
.Moderately priced for active..Fair \S!cek aeUtofL
Good heavy weUhl Sweaters, fbr men. women and
bo.vs. Specially priced at ...................... ........................................
Splendid Coaic in beuer grades at S1-M, $1.69, $1S8. S2MS, 3.48, $4.98
See our Shaker Knit Coal tor men and women at___
« aa
Heavy woisbL Shawl collar. Equal of resnlar $5 streatera
<9 90
$$.«S ter <Mr Jamba Btlteb Bwealm Coat tor nma and wan
N«de oira iewth. Nothtos Imtter at $f.M> or $s.«Q.
:*•****•............ :
........................... ... ...................... ..........................
lump of buUer hair as' blc as an egg. #
♦ pounds of eour apple*. Pul Into a Mew *
J If the bread should brown too laM.
^ pan and add one and one-half cupfuls ^
^ protect with pai»r or. better stl
♦ of lUhl brown smir. the Juice and
♦ elose-fitlng cover, or another
rind of one and nnehaif lemons, one♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ pan. turned up-slde down over
half ounce mn«er, and Just enoiich
Urt. ifabel Bate* WUliama, Editor.
Contributed to Home Cheer by Miss bread. Before putting in the oven. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
If «Dy member oT the big. Home water to prevent the apples fro*u
, Alma E. Gotfredsen. Traverse City.
E„r, bo«»k.»p.r ta. b«- „.a
Cheer temlly were uked what fruit huming. Cover jtud cook stowljr hours, adding water If nV-esaary. ,
» Cake-Ontyhaif cup of ‘ r milk, this a lii make a tender crust. way of doing thing*. An<^
^he is
w»» pre^mlnenUr the beat ud rooet
-----------------------asked why. she do« certain thins* in
OMfUl to the housekeeper, the iostaot Apple ginger may be kept tor several
weeks. Por the ChrlMnias. dinner. th«>e-r<»“rth« cup of cold water with
Saving Habits Versus Waste, ' a certain manner *he will rep^v. Ju.i
I Womsr and the <
Hsr arwndmMher'a Kerehief.
serve around roast goose in apii'e
cup aweet mnik. 'b.-ee ewu
I pon vislis to the attic many bouse- heenuse it's easit-r."
And strange to say. the posatblliUes '
A dainty maiden, with hair a-curl
David F. Houaton. secretary of ag•-■upa made of bright red apples.
“«““*■ awiulred
Now. ji sop, uithout aajing that
of ‘“‘®
this uo«niuu»
delicious iiwu
food werui
seem iw
to w
be overover.....
Uke a vine whose tcndrilt twist and _i_ I.
•Apjde Chwtnev-Parc and core ***“•
heaping tca-.iiooti8 of bok- the habit of saving so many things. Hpme Cheer has a big ambHion.—the '
n™il.r,, _.1.hlk
I.W to.
I Ing powder, one leasiKyonfui tnnilla. writes EthH H. Uorgln in Orange desire to be of practical belp to every
. m the*iin« qf the sun and the waft **“
» ‘eitef «» the women to supply her household with novel sited onion. Heitiovc s^s and stems plnch*”ot sait.° Cwam'ihe butter
>’“»« “«“1
To ^
ihU can home-maker in the Grand Traverse reof the brt^
members of 50.000 households ihrongh-. and tempting reciiws.
'from *’“'°**'
three i>cp|.et«; oue of which
^ overdone, for It is iwaslble to exag *lon. Home Cheer w.nts to "make
Through rtotons'tc«4g* of summer, out the L’nlled fiutes. requesting . Home Cheer Intends to use in tbe«.! *houW- be _
red. Cliuji
Cliuj. applirs.
amdhs. |>eppers.
»dd the flour, vaollla. Berate a virtpe. yet to everyone who things
. . easier
. . . . for
. -.ail. the. readers of
them to give him information as to tvlunins from time to Hme certain rec- onion and one cup of raisins very fine.
whites of eggs. After iiilving add *>»» ihe mania for saving, th.-rc are this iiage, big or Uiile. young or-no,
bow the department of agriculture' ‘P**
Michigan “trull with a Ca- Add the Juice of tour lemons, one pint
>«ihing powder. Divide, and Into many who err on the other side, or wc^ion'i gel old niiy iiioie! We Imve
^yro jeyes like stars, and a cbeek can best serve the needs of the farm
chosen for this week
vinegar and half a cup of cur- ®*“’
teasi oonfui of who are wasteful.
all learned that ii's caeler to keep
• wme dainties that may be. served 01.
jelly; let simmec very gently
‘*'orlnB. «f'cr which. If nece»lisj^cially I* this Inie In regar.l to Voung-heartfd.
With a wild rose hue! and a nwe per
Throe leUers w in be addrrosetl "To
Home Cheerleaders.
one hour. MlfTlng frequentl.v. Add one “«ri - »<ld a lalilcsjumuful of flour.
magaiinee and paiwcw. Of course
And that reminds the editor of what
Housewlvee in the Hbmro of Ihe Offl“>
pint of cider vinegar, two cups of
Pilling for .\.is« Kosi's there are certain mau«lnro that ton* rhe overheard the oilier day A little
Floats ronnd. tor a Mttle bnnA is
Correspondent." agd will be
<-0““ec‘l0D the ed- Bflgar. one tablespoon each of salt and Cako-One-half cup of while *u;.-r. tain only stories or articles on timely Blrlle Jus,t ^alf.,iast-fls" remarked to
sent to the full llet of crop correiuiond “®'’
retrain from printing a ground ginger, and ono-fotiith of a
sdUhro of grated bitter chr.rolaie. subjects w;hlcb will be of no further another tiny mUy. - Wouldn't It be
Where a iwetty kerchief U tucked in •eats for transmission
transmission to the women
ri^enUy received by teaspoonful of ciuenne; cook for one
a use to the one who has once read «lce if nobody'ever got old. but stayed
her waist.
members of their households. With
publisher of the Kecord-Eagle aud j,our or more, etirrlug coustaniiy.
Add one boat- them. Yet there arc many people wbo “ young as my maumiaf" Could anyeach leUer will be aupidied a return
Traverse Herald. _
u canned fruit,
rapidly, and let it boll have no access to the libraries and- *blng haye been sweet.-rl And wasnY
________________ »ho would be very glad to have the there a whole lesson of h.-lpfulness In
Western Ml^gen Oevelopmerrt
Throe Corn DIehea.
fhocoUto Froiling for M!^* Kosi's reading of the all-siory magarines. the unconsclons revelation made by
fpru cbowder is not often served.
—One and threc-lounbs cups Here is the value of the saving habit, tbe woo daughter*
But a spicy scent from its folds esThis Inquiry results from the teceii.t
Traverse rity, Mich.. Scpi. S. 1013. and yet it is a inoM delicious (ii.h and *'bite sugar, five or Mx tablcsiwonfuts for if we know no 6ne to whom they
Ust. dear me! Home Cheer didn't
' of a letter addreseed to the secretary
a f'®*
slow fire. •t® “®t
George G._ Hates.
1 deserves a w Ider reputation than it
*’"* ®" *
15® l*wed one by one. w^en a snf- Mart out to preach a *< rmbn. This
Telta how long it ha* Uin ia a cedar
*'bich the -writer said:
Mir It. Have white, of iwp eghs beat- flelenl number have lieen_____ _
Ihitdliher ll^rd-Kaglc.
has. Slice two good>lu-d c
is what it meant t
“The farm woman has been the
en Miff. When syrup hardens in ctld can be barreled pnd sent to aome in- each other of our "easy " ways of di>;
Tniterse City. .Mlrlilgan. .
Iry a rich browu in three ubies]
niost negU.-ctC'J factor In tlie rurai
waier. ad.l it to the egg in a line .liiuiion where they will be nlucb en- logs things. Our own discoveries lUl
Dear Sir: Pri-sldent 1>. li. Day do- fuls of butter. Add a third of a
Her' nrandmother'e
kerchief—the problem and the has been especially ilres that you be thanked tor esUb- of tomatoes, three green ]>ep|>er8. cut «'ream. stirring'rapidly. .\Jd oae-balf Jo)e<l or to some society that will dishave made a hard task lighter for our
years stretch back
neglected by the natlonai deparimecl llsblng an a|>plo cookery de|iarti':.ni rather fine, from which the seed' and ®“1' gvatod chocolate.
_ tribute them where needed. . •
selves may he iuM what another wo
Into the past, in a mtsiy track—
of agriculture '-'
In your publicationas is 'noU-d by the white|«rtllionK
hive been roSalad Dressing made of Egg Yelks , We ronnot assiroilat^il the givMl man needs In hei* dally roumi of du
For abe wa. a girl when she’ i>lnned
This letter was written not by a woof theGth lm*L We feel
moved, one stalk of celery, cutvery
loft from- .Miss Ko.t'i- Ca..e—Seven things at once, and if they are rele- ties. No.-Home Cbecr doesn't menu
it donn
byma| but by a broad-minded man- ro ,ure that you as welfas all the people Anc. and one can of corn, Cook to 'gg yolks iiio-k-rately iN-n'ei.. good gsii d to the attic they are ever ready the great, overwhelming things, hut
Over the folds of '
snow-w lu- thoroughly in «^uch with the agrlculWestern .Michigan wH sjiroiH be- gether with ono quart of water for an half cup of sugar, ev.-n tcu.>poo!i of tor future roferenee. if we cannot im- merely the simple, every-day'affairs
tural and dome.itle-ac.eda bf the coun- eause of an lucreosed
intereM Jn ap- hour over a very
verj slow
slow fire, keeping ll'e
the salt, even teatpoon of mustard dash mediately pick up Just the number We
icrwased intere«t
confront os ail the while.
try that him optatons ’ liave great p)p,
Increased consum;-t'nr.
kettle covered. Seiaron with salt and of red jwppet. Jhii In a double b..iler want, we usually have some idea of
Think a minute! Have vou dlseovAnd l-yf«ate ia my daughter'e face
owkVto,, to^.h-r
kware jhai ilie' pcj.i.er and just before relieving from one rupful of vinegar, one-founii cu|-- the season In which’ Hems we recall ered it's easier to wash dishes a ttr^
letter, the secteury deiertulned that number of apples consumed per caplu ^he fire add half a CJ|rful of finely roll ful of water, buier slic of a walnut, were printed, and an- thereby helpe.1 tain wav* How do you Veep tto little
TlU ?ror old mother long ^ears
*V T '*11
««> il not as great no* as it wm twenl, cd cracker crumbs. Before serving When a little warm add about hat: of lu our M-arcl.; The best method of all -folLs amused on a rainy day ? Is there
'®"‘ ■ “
®^' ’‘'■’■'"‘‘le o'®«- «"■>* 1'lk‘e « t'm
eggs. Wli,-n the remainder is to kee|. a series of scrap books; *oiuo quick dcsseii that the i
fullest possible aid and sendee which curi-cd betause the orange men and «hop|ied |«r*b-y.
is steaming add the egg wIMurc. stir- One for the short arUclro of general the house declare* “Uste* like mofer’
l\l)ere the wild r s blooms and the ,tMr imponai
in agricultural the plneapide men have advertised
I-'ried corn is c
eating, ring rapidly until it ibickt-n*. being household interest, another for the How- about the sewlug-hqiw that you
grasses oreeiL'
was to write to those fruits to iiieh sii (xteDi that the ^orn fresh from the garden Is t>cu
irefui not to boll U too long.
choice reclpc-s which conManily ap- couldn’t get - along witboin* Throe
rn and aak them apple, the king of fnilln. has been *1- of course, but It U lostible to make
I press my darliag'a lips to mine,
Heviiv Food—Two cupfuls of brown pear in the imges of our most read aro the things that are of pracUrol
most forgotten
liUTimiic ta’.delectable dl*l; by hroting in a frying Migar. oiii-half cupful of bui'er. yolks home i«erlodlcaU. another for the
llB- to.-, locto Id ,11b TO tto
- value
------ because
we make use of them
re-esuhlUh the king upon his throne. I«n three tahlcs;ioonfuls of buiter aul of liiree eggs, one cupful of grated short items on labor-saving devices rigbi along, and don't keep them for
8be knows not ho*, as thh ailken fold vited to give inJlvtdual answers to
Res|>ectfuUc yours,
when hot addius to it the conleiiu. oi l»lti-.r chocolate which has been dis- and discoveriesof other bousekeeiiers. rare occaslors.It would certainly
Brushes iby cheek with its perfume the Inter or to discuss the matter in
■\Vertcrn Michigan Developmtnt •
Season with roll !' soiled in tioiling water and cooled, and still others for ideas on entertain- a homey thing and acheery ihlhg to
their cbuirh societies or women's orBureau.
taste, a teas|>oenlul of sugar, u dash thr<-« cupfuls of flour into which has
luents. etc.
talk them over
among ourselvck.
The'bair of the love which .fills my
n. H. Elsworlli.
ofiMprlka and one cuiiful of chopped be.-n
sifted an even le.as|K>onfnl atThis is not only
iwssible but prac- Don't you think e
resenting the comldned opininns pf
Asslblani'Secretary .
arct.u I'Ciipcr, I’m this over a verc soda and a heaping teasiKxmfut of jiral and should t>e practiced by even'
You needn't give your .name, if you
U hers, and half is tny mother’s part. Ihe women of their entire communi
■low AtT an-1 -"’‘'■f Ihe frying par., li.iklng jiowiler. bgaten whites of ibpec^home mak^ of today. l>oliig this, she don't want to. but It would make It evw ties. Tl.e aiiiWeiM are requested not
Cook this wa^ for Jifteen or
—Urs. M. S. C. Bates.
have bonks bettor- tlian can lie so much more interesting if eve knew
later than .November l.Mh and ihl.iApples in Kice t
ui«.-hoH rice in mlnateh, silrring occSklonally
Ginger llrrod-Two and onchalf f®“nA on the cat^gs or on the who was Ulklng! JuM call up oumdate Is set because it will give the
sailed water until tenler. Half nil move tl>c rover, increase the he
it and rupful* of itasiry flour, oue cu|ito>. of shclvea In any on the bookstores; ber twenty-throe on either CHlxcn'i or
coffee cups and let
standuuill roid. Mir almost constantly.
1 Rican molasses, ooe-half t-UpMI hooks-that are roorV complete in their Hell phone, and a-vk tor the Home
"If anyone should know the gos- * women time aficr harvest to tgmslder
Stand in a pan of
wateruntil they uke ll from the lire .ad<l two
•■'pel of cheer it Is the children. • the n-atter and discuss it with thtdr
brown sugar. one-Iialf cupful lof M®*
every idea in which has been Clieer editor's assistant. Or write out
will slip from the cu|> «a.sUy._RcooB spoonfuls of nob errom. This Is
* and la teaching you will not only * women neighbors
'....... lard, one teaspoonful of cianamim.
and ai>proved by some of her your recipe, or discoveO'. or rule.
*. Bhape their lives to hauplnroi. but ■
one-half teasimotiful ^ ginger, one- contemporary housewivea.
whatever il may be, and mail it to
of an apple that luis beep cooked in almost any form' learn the lesson yourself as In no * leading farms in each iht twentyfourth tea*i«onoful_«f ciuvos. two tea--------------------------------Home Cheer. Record-Eagle. Travene
eight huDdreil countiro of the I'nited a rich syrup In the otvliy Serve witli
.Many i>eople think surotash cannot
* other way."- Mrs. M. EL r Bate*.
simonfuU of soOa. one cup oi Ibolllng
A New Recipe.
City. Sign your name, but it will not
Sutes. Their anawera. il is expecloii, the apple syrup or cream.
. be made unfesa there are fwh vegeill well, tlieu idfl two ^>0 >0“
■ "««■ recipe,—Mt^le. he used nnless you give pormission.
will represent the vlewa and opinions
Jellied Apple* With Almonds—Parc, Ubies at hand, and. though the winter
A handful of chojidelightful.✓
------------------------of upwards of -oo.ooo farm women, cor,
quarter Golden l^iii>lns; auiiply of canned corn and dried beans
_ mav^U. Hdd«d'if~a«<Ted
Breakfast, flinner r supper approA Stitch in Time.
priate for.
If iKtsBlble, sew buttons , on sboro
.Merea b,
.P..D.II.U ol Ih. d, .j.„„ D.
, D,„
.dcodID.!. n..y b,
\Vhoro componenu can always be md mend rip* In glovro before put
pertinent having to do with tuat oT BUgar and a pint of water for every My family prefers the IJma
beans rending cupful of celery cut
found in the fiamr}'.
ting them awsy, as you are apt to
branch of agricultural activity.
two ivounds of appW. I*ut the apple wml.ined ■with the com to any of the one-half cupful of EtogliBh wsliiut
Sequlring no vlslta ti cellar or have to dress hurriedly. Strong, floe,
pulp and the Juice of ihteti lemon* i'i^other varieties. I soak a cuiiful of n,eai«.
catton, which comos tor the puriiose.
to the syrup and hoi gently until siiif these overolghi and then cuok them
JaJaU-URrvarfltoRiy. glove shades, is
Pic Psintcra.
enough to droiv heavily trom ihe until
MULit VU«-.they 01^
are C,t/WU>
about ttoi.
half M,/..,done .-V.W.V
rto . mu of rorlH«i»nc, four
boil,', HWiTOiillii,! slovo, iku
The Gospel of Cheer never found a
Mince-I>ie filing—Oi
*l>non. Pour Into a wet mould and 1 DU .h. ™...Dt. or oo. ...I. or.orn,
>»“'™ >“ *
oonc« or nulonm.
^ .m,
Mronger or
or more
more sincere
sincere advocate pound oftralsins. cbopwl. but not
when cold turn onto a serviog dish, Tb,.t.o TO tboo toobrf .10.1, ...J Ublo.DOooruU or .oto. Boll .ove»
A plnrti or nibmluloD. . budmi ot
thau the former editor of these colfloe, one mmid of curranu. one pounil
blanched almonds Iniu the icily 10 . ™„T..l kottl. until tbo b..D. UW~Pooumi.orviDoi!.rTOaMlrlnlo
w well a. U.O cotton, which
tmrns. She practiced wliat she preach'
beaten egg* and sugar. Place
and surround with whip|>d^ cream.
aro very temler. i add a icasiacon'c.l
«d. and made her home the center of ®^' brown \ugar. one pound of finely
double boiler nod cook until thick. Bw
1. Ibo
.. iho, wtoc oWnllx,
Apple Isiaf—Kfserie enough bread of sugar, salt. |<eppor. butter, half a ____ _____ k.______A -kw __ ____
human klndoes*:
.. _________
a laving inSoence which was deep'/ chopped suet, ono quart of chopped
front Are and add one level lea-'
with. ..
It .Is __
to keep s__Jit; *
dough to make a small loaf. Wot* cujiful of good rich cream and a lialf
Sore .,,*ow with . n.aiu.1 rail,
fell by even the chnme sojoumt: sour apple*, one-quarter (lound of can.
Bp^nful of salt. one-tblr>l tekspoonful
a cut>ful'or milk.
on your ce.
gloves, as eometlmea a piece may be
wiihJn its ponals. Her sympathie* died lemon, diron. and orange peel
of V‘Pl>er. butter the aite bf a walnut,
were broad t-nongh to include the en- cut fine or put through a' cboi>[>pr. one
and one-half teaspoonful of muatard.
'........ ...________.
„....htto, *®»«ri€d in the nndersWo of Uo
Mixed Swhet Pleklea.
.lire worM of bunianliy. but she al- teaspoonful each of cloves, cinnamon, quarter of a iro«|Kiou gf cinnamon
'Thin to proiK-r consistency whit
‘ dencd-houagwlvcs
* fingers, or between them where iher*
AlraoM eevryona likoa tho mind cream
ways lidded that reforms should Se- ginger, nutmeg, and one pint of good and two wcll-bcaten eggs. Add floor
^um out a most penect
perfect ^
“ *^
«“ «*»"•
gin frqpi vvuhiif. and work outward, rider. >tl* all thoroughly and pul in- to make a soft dough. ksea<l lightly sweet pickles that aie sold in bulk al
Fhe not only wrote.Horae Cheer.—she to the pies.
Phetogrophic Dent’s.
its oame? why. Good Tcmi>er.—0, rich not show. *A weil-riulng glove of '
pans and roll each part to fit the pan. for pre|>ariog them at home, given l y
lived it!
k kkiu,-f,Au and
axiu Mershuallow,
.,iai suAMfuio*-, ines
i re* ~*
> piece in a butteied |ian. theboiiachold editor of Tlie
l>o .r<
"There is a good deal said these When the usual cpu-lly fragrant pump^ beter than an lll-riiiing i
■preart over it an inch Itjer of aour Farmer;
H*an to ail for aphotogroph* Here
our souls'
and ou r spirtu I
days concerning the rights of womep," klu pies are reads *o come out of the
w.*h .-eveniy-flve small cucumbers. »'«■ *®““
*»>‘ch were given
fort and bless'
she once remarked. "There may al-.o oven, place on them a layer ot halved apples cboivped fine. Pour o,er the
Caro- of Carver*.
something be Mid concerning the nisrahmallow*. replace In the ovou
^ .
. .
. ......... — .............. ................_
Fine t -vers 'Should bt treated with
cover *■“*■
with '*’®
the occond pleiiv
of dough^nj ,,„.i
one-half quart
quart small
rtghu of men. A woman's life Is in and let them brown
® ®^;>ai«||Arand
ikh-I onchalf
l *®*f bluish white,
the same reaped as fine raiors. They
and continue «"
as before: bruahAe
brush/he top
top onj„n„
oQion*. wash
Wash onchalf
otic half caulillower.
caulillower. I>aie shade
shade cxc
cream color.
yCouldot Deliver "Happim
her home. Its lour waiu. or. at ibe
A .New rranWir, Pie-Vhop one **“’
pt cream
be laid always by themselves.
/Mie Kchool principal wa* trying I ashould
moM, Its .garden /ate. often bounds cupful each of'cranberries ami tale
“«‘*1 vrfy light ,he rind of onefourth watermelon and
Doni wear gray, yellow, u. ._... ^
, «
..l. . . ^
her life, wo much so'perhaps. Tife Ins with half a ruplul each of nuu
“ one and one half pints of green bean*, black, dark green, blue, or red are dc
clce, the fundamemai doctrines On no ^unt should the ^ of
bf the DocUration of Independence.
rarver touch that of another carrm'.
man ia the bread-eartier. m* life is and fig* Add one cupful of sugar.
“K'‘Uy. Serve iu break the cauliflower into amall cldediy the Ik-m.
other bard
ooislde in the world of active, work one u1>lea|ioonfut of flour, onefourth .* '”■*
piecea eut. the melon rind Into short
Jv.ni wear
Btrt|K.-s. plaids >
you each three ordinary buttons. Here sutistance.
HU days are either full of bodliy toil of a lesfcpoonful of salt, and one
AM*!®* •« Mn| l« Syrup—Cut eight Mrips. Make a brine of one'anfl one checki-.
they arc. You niuM think of the first
-\ carver must alwa.v* be sharpeatiring to bone and muscle, or of men- fourth of a mpful of water. Fill pie*.
>“ halves and remove the cores half cvipa of sail to two quarto o' coll
s representing life, the second w> on its stee\ before It U offered
UI airain wearlug on Ji.raln and nerve, aprinkle wit'h' chopiw-d nuu. and put
• t«"«>®«®- I"'* '“‘® » ’‘•'‘‘•'fi «*ter. put the vegetthle* In a erwk n,u<,rlal Uce irimu.Ingl uaually efime
pan with one cup of maple ayrup
syrup and and |>our
|>bur the brine over them tbettor
tbeltor ouTVen clearly.
rgjvresentlng lilwrty, and the foi use. unless a contrary direc'.ijn b
HU hone Ir to him often a place on upper cruat. bake until Croat is I*"
wjiere he eat* and ateepe nothlrr brown •
one and one-half cuiw of water and make double portion of the brine to
third one as representing the puraull given—ami when necessary should ,be^
Don't wear a hi
more. This he could gH « a bos'Ht'nxH. HolU-Two cupfuls of chop ‘*® «»blespoon* of hultor. Bake un- insure having enough to cover tho
' ^
'®®‘‘ of happiness. Xeii Sunday 1 will ask takCn without delay to the shop of a '
strange when *''«
Ing bouse or hotel cheaper and tome- ped aM«s one cupful ot dried cur- “1 the *ynip U thick and aerre with vegetaWwi. Weight down with a' «««««
__ you to produce the throe button* and careful workman to have the edge retimes more comfortably. What is M;i ram*, half a cnWul of raisins, half a
Plate to keep them all under the -l^n't srmnge the hair elalMi-atcly: tell nie^whal they represent.newed.
PBK for all hi* work, bis anxiety. Iiis cupful of <hopiied citron, one teaI'ruoe ahlTApi-le Tart—Sume opo brine, let stand two day*, then reiMivo ‘l
*•'« « A*®®
'ei'M. or
tpb following Sunday the teacher
It is safest 10 replace carvers tn
care. If ll U not that Intongible some- spoonlul of ground c-ltinamon. oue- tan of prunea, put them into a pud- from brine, wash In cold water, add «>H woolen good* take jarticularlj- g^id to the youngest member: "Now. tl elr owm-cases. When they are laM
thing which makes borne the dearest quarter teaspoonful of iinmud cloves, ding dish, add to them one pound
one-eighth. iKiund groled homeradish *'®>1'
Johnny, produce your three buttons In a drawrer. It to well to keep ench.
spot on earth* Oui^e I* nlie heat onequarler ie*»i»on
grated nut- sliced aiiples, three Ublespoons of root and onedvalf teaspoon celery seed.
* I'foWe idctuie unle^
and burden of the day,—within should meg. orfe cupful of sugdr. the grated sugar, one toasiioou of mixed spice Pour back into crock, and add a hgl >ou know you |>oiiseei> an extremely -j gi„-t
aobhe^grsy lianaeL
be the |>e«ce and comfort of lojrlnff rind of one lemon. .Mix all togelliiT, aud grated rind of half a lemon. Cover vinegar made as follows: Tie In a
®®‘ «“««>
holding out two of thebultons. "Hese'k'
■'------------------------slieller.-ihe neist of home, whpre the Make pie crust anff cut into ploce* »'IUi a good |ia»iry.and bake la a hoi hag the following spices; pne-halt i"«.
'He and here's liberty, but mamma To Sake' Potatoes on Top of the
storm may-not come, and where five inches square and onequarter oven until ready.
table*i«>onful white musurd seed.
Imn t argue about the ix^ltlon; Sp sew-od tho imrsuit of happiness on my
strength may be gained-for the com- inch thick: flll piece* of cruai with
Apple FVlltcrs-<'ore and l«re four oue-half tablespoon »Uck cinnamon “> ■ P®**! photographer and allow him partu."
While the Are to kindling place an
tog <Uy. It i* well to fiend all things mixture, roll, and equ^xe at the ends apples. Cut Into slice* one-\hird inch broken Into small pieces. onehxH «® A®
Win*, and iU you ^ wear
------------------------asbesAa mat on top ot the stove or
to the faihVr'a and huaband a home- to'pteveni the togreillent* from falHug thick. leaving Ihe liole In the center, tablesjioonful wliole clove*, one-tourtu gUssoa don t remove them for the sita Tea Mint
range, and on this Immediately place
oomiiig. To save the tUtle pleaaant out. Place In greaaed baking pan Sprinkle wfth sugar. lemon Juice and tablespoonful each of pepperoorna. aHa®. «« result will be When talking to a Japanese genUt^ your poUtoes, which have been waahthlngi to *«v. to drew the home as for
and bake until erwat Is brown. Serve cinnamon. Dip each sitoe to frtt»ie "Pl« *»<« whole mace. Boil fur ten strained and unnatural looking eyes, nmn recently the subject of tea arose. ^ clean and wiped dry . Cover with
a guest, to teach the litUe ones that hot. with or without hard ssue*.
’ batter and fry in deep fat. Drain on mtomes the spices with one quar. of
Above all. iry^to forget that the He said It was amaxing to note bow , gnuHte paa-a quart pan *iU *t
father is coming eo there most bo
Sweet Pototo Pie—To two cupfulsbrown paper and aprinkle with augar. Mnegar. one-half ounce alum and one- Photogrnph 1* Jveiag token: after all. few people made a cup of good tea. ,he common asliestoe mat With oao
clean face* an-l loving heart*. We do
of hot sweet 'potatoes boiled end Fritter Hatier -Yolka of two ega* half cup sugar tmore sugar if you *' only takro a few seconds, and It to and it to true, capeclaliy when ban- turning, they wUi be ready, to serfe by
UiU fer stranger* who eater our maahed. add half a cup of sugar, two well beaten; add one-half cup of milk. Hkcl. akim ami add one quart of boll"thought" that la so unpleasant, jled byserraDts., He
aald one rea- thetime the rest oftbe meal la ptegaies. why not for the one whose care well-beaten eggs, two tobleepoonful* one tobleepoon of olive oil. one aalt- Ing Water end pour Immediately over hot the act: Just try to be and look aon |.becausewe ere given
toustog pared end will befound meaband
and Ubor makea the home life potsi- of hotter, the grated rind ud Juice ofr spoon of salt and flour enough to the vegetables. In about four weeks natural as iiOBslble under such trying
jara to keep tea in; it should be piping bot without Uie usual waste of
ble? It is ell he bee to show for hto one lemon, and two cupfuls of milk, make a drop baiter. IMten ready for these will be ready for use.
i^xes tor cad- fuel and time to healing a oddmveu.
work.—all hi* reward.—and the hour* Beat uniil light and flaky. BUe with nse. add the well beaten wbltet of two
^---------- 7
. ———
dies.) to exclude light, as well as sir. and ke^ng It-hot for an hour. They
U may be bto are but a few but of tbe under crust only until Arm.
Raised Cern Breed.
j,p„ „„ *,ne would use e recepl- can be baked on a gasoline etov* i<y
working hour* of. tbe iwenty-foUr.
Pumpkin Pie in Cups—As a change,
Apple Compote and Orange Mer«wn* derptog cotton in a
Scald two quarto of corn meal with
.dmllilng light, and even then allpplng an Iron stove-lld underaeaOi
What most be give the hour* of 'lOM for those who like fllllng hetter than nialade—Boll twelve tort a|tp)es in one
and finding there was none It one quart of boiling milk or water, jj,*
to kept in a dark, dry place.
the aabestoa mat.
and cheer to lettrp* A^ tbaUg.for cruat. try ihto: Piit the flUtag into quart of water until lender. Mrato H*® •*®“*®» wHter to a houae- Del It cool a few minutes, then add
------------------- Lots of Waather.
him to eonaider! That makes no dif- custard mp*. trim the
with the Ihrousb a Jelly bag; add one pound of •’®'A magaxlne. 1 discovered that by one cup of brown sugar or beet rooIntensive Perming.
"1 want to do some shopping today,
feresc* with our duties Tn the ease, pastry, and bake in a;Bhallow i>an of granulated angar and let boil. While ravelling the beet part of tbe leg Of a laa^. two teaapoona full of aait. one
They used to have e fanning rale
a fond wife—"that la. If
.•Do your ^t. and leave tbe rest.' bot water. For the filling, mix one boiling add l«elve applea. cored end caabaalde stocking, it served the pur- ot so^ and one cup of yeast and one
Of forty scree and a mule.
the weather to ferornhie. What to tha
Uoreover, bring up the boys to bs and a half cupful* of ateamed and -pared. tYhen the applAi are lender P®*® a* well as dantog cotton. Prick quaryof flour, ^ake as thick as can
MCt-eiioWirde-uf a*wv *»*»» iWm" earefolTy in t KerforsteJ »iP »ne thread and pull It around; this be sUnwd with.a spoon and let raise
Results .were won by later idm
to »*to-als*/aa> Utole •>» Buie shs lid ef hiew-eauer. ewe heaton egge.-*litmm*f. • Boll the ■ *rr*p vKlI - it wUi glf« a eUalghUdUe Cor oatttog **«r «tobt. la the w«kiag Atlx wUh-. -WHhdMyoqaarofeataadarbem- .-Ak-.tha.othar and of 4be-tbhig .b«r
huaband. eonauHlng bis paphr. read
-mOleatoJ Uo|e. .com^. bat it to only one teespoonful of cinnamon, half g JelU: f|II ,ib® ap^ with oraoge the stocking ire It can be Maily ravel- u>ood slightly. Put to well greased
aloud: -Rato, ban. snow, t^unfler.
eg eBA tndmdia) fluty to done thaC K teaspoonful each of salt and ginger.' marmalade'had iioiir thA'ayhip ovel- lad odtRae. um the toreaii double bake dss. T«t sthafl'faajt hoar. Bake
ligiltalag and floods.Brow* to be.*'
and two scant cupfuls of milk.
them. Serve with whipped cream.
as tn .ordinary cotton.
iu moderate or*a from one and a half
With forty tnehoa nnd a bee.
J4ome Cheer
Ground the
Sdilor's ffdbie
nt JOngol Fnta
lirDT’r.»" ■«
I itoutJtMafrom
,k. ♦ J*om*Ch$«rtUadm's
j-- ■»""“» “ ■“
Cover* Ibc
Grand Trav
erse Regloa.
Chicago. ^it. 17.~ There are a few
women In Clitcago who spend ITS.iWo
a year In i>ersonal adornment, accordto an cstitnalc Hubmlited at the
semi-annual convenHon of the ChlcaDressmakera' club today. The
d^ssmakers figured (hat the average
factory girl spends tS-Rf a week fdr
These figures were arrived at by
averaging the estlmaiea made by the
Various delegates.
Rev. Elijah Hanley la Leading Baptltt
Clergyman and Haa Held Im.
portani Chargaa in Several
Large CUiea.
sUtement of Conditio'na at Mini
an^.What Miners are Aaking the
CoPipaniee to Qran\ Them
at PreeenL
ar Cemmander-lreCMef of National
a A. R.
ChatteoocigB.Tenn..8epL 16.—India
na membera of tbe Grand Army of tbe
Republic which Is bolding its forty
seventh re-union and encompmeni
here, today launched a carefully plan
ned campaign booming Orlando
Somers, of Kokomo, as candidate for
tlef of tbe veteran or
ganiution. The Indiana department
It was argii^. baa a membership o
llhOO/fn the O. A R.. yet therjwv.
Eight Hour Day la Alee Favored In only (once hhd a coromander-h-chlef
of tri^ organization. Somers\ who
BUU Mlnea Induetrial Ar
a att^d<
mded almost every ei^iiipbitration Law la Also
cot. i*^wlde]y
known lb every
department of th* G. A. R.
17.-That E* Prefect of •
Police Latbis Lepina, the "wlaeit po-
here (oday. He may become Minister
of the Interior, with which depart
ment he waa aaaoelated. as Prefect of
tbe Seine, for about 25 years. Lieptjya
lakes hi* seat as deputy at the begl*ning of tbe next legislature.
r of Puplla Bhodld Be
Carried Out Along Elaborate
Line* in Order to Pre
serve Health.
>Iamazoo. BepL 17.—Tha calling
Wasl^gton. Sept. 17.—About this
of an Immediate extraordinary aesaion
time o'! tbe year when Little Johnny
(By rolled Preaa )
Calmiiei. Se|il K.-Tlie •Iluation l.i
of the legislature b^ Governor F'errt*
is worrying hU parents into prodnothe strike of (he ir>.u.K. coPiht miners
Terra Haute, lod.. SepL li:.—The
to consider tbv enactment of a direct JOSEPH GALLAOER FOUND DEAD
Ing tbe necessary cuh for new school
leuiw today, with both sld«« wallRev. BUab V. Hanley. iirMUeot of
tonnage tax on the prodifct* of Mich
books and Is preparing to take up tbe
PrsnUlo colleca late today was In Made Beat Seer* In Centwta With lug to see (hS outcome of today'a coligan mines, was advocated today be
"arduous" task of another nine
fmneo beinecn the operators and
dicted by (be Vigo county grand Jury
Other DrMdnaughU Of the
fore the annual state oonrentton ofi
education, The I’nited States Pnbon a charge of aangult and baitcry‘
Five Hundred Dollar* Which He Had
ilc Health serrlc* comes along with
jtroa'ing out of his atuck <on hl«
With Him Cannot Be '
President Clsude Taylor of Grand
t'^o far James MrSaugbton. general
something alsokHon XOhvty's pprmU
father. Calvin Haiib-y. last Thursday.
Rapids. Taylor said auch'' UxaUon
worry about I* JobnDyS«r^ tdnk
Newport. R. !.. Sepi K.-F'i-om the iiianaKer of the Caluniei ft ilecli
PreeldcDi HanWy it said to be at
would lift the burden -of expense. In
other mines, has bc»n Imroovablj
of health? Is .bis school room sanitary?
Pmnkllo. Ind.. and -the Rev. C. M. great mast of the r. !s. S. Idaho there
against Uie rerognitiou of (he Western AQAINBT THE UNITED
MINE cident to the maintenance of troops
Is Johnny's desk and chair of the
Park, a member of the board of fllee a little' triangular pennant that
FedorailoB of Miners. His poslUon
right eonstractlon to (it his little beck
trustees of the InstUutloti told court the officer* and ert-w gaze upon with
i>le and place it on tbe mining com lieved to have been the motive for and are there other children sitUug
has been that any miner going bat
officials tonight that be would appear proud reveregc-e For ihl* U the
the murder of Joseph O^lager, aged at John's right or left that may not
badge that announces to the worid 10 work must sign an agrveueni nc
when wanted.
43. whose body was dias^ered today be healthy and why may transmit dtsfo ainiUle with Ihe federation. The Cauo* of Troublo io Strike Ordered
The alleged attack on Calvin Han that the Idaho lit a contesl witli the miner* won't agree to tbia. although
tent where he made his home out
the enactment of a slate law which
Johnny? AR of these and
Againit Handy Brow’ Minea Bethu of rnrle Sam s fighting
ley took place at his home near Midhey^niay noT Insist <i|nn absolute
would proh^lt mining corporation* side tbe city ilmita' on Michigan other tblngs are uked of Ameriran
dlciown. Ind . -when It was charged
herself the peer of ognliion of tho union.
and common carriers from employing avenue. Five hundred d^lars which parents by Surgeon J. W. B^erethat the mlniater attacked hU father **’•
ton>cdo boat Whipple
These men are sirlklne for a miniGallager was knowb to Imre kept sebewski. tbe public bealtb service's
because of remarks made' to bis
(when Its al>ove water.) from the lum wage of three dollais a day fur
sknll expert who bu mode an exhaustive
Daniel Kelley, of Grand Rapids, in a there 1* missing. The
daughter-ia-law and on account of submarine A-" Ooat sitnllar bann.-m. len who work undrrgiound, for
crushed, evidently with a heavy study Of the subject of medical in
resolution, urged tbe adopUon of a
(il> United Preea)
treatment accorded Mm. Calvin Han showing that they nre the cr^ks of eight hour day. and lor t*o men
law for the settlement of all industrial pick.
spection of schools. The surgeon hu
ley. to which the Bon obiected. The (heir divisions.
operate a drttlinc machine, instead of
disputes by state arbiimion.
plan which he believes would elim
The na«y has Just finUlied 'its
father t#d neighbor* (hat — ___
one. The machine weighs from 23.'> mine operator* today ordered a lock-'
inate tbe danger of ''school mm dltagainst their eiaployea and three
been beaten with a club and Uck^ nual practice, and (he stamHngs have to Hr> iMiund*.
iOD," so common t
been added up. tJunntng
by Dr. Hanley.
Tho men now are ri-iiulretl to work thousand miners are forced Into idlecrowded class rooms of today. We
Praeldent Hanley, In a eUtemont is glnecring—ahooUng and
nariergrouod from lo tu 12 hours, and aas Majyault. Th* lock-out was .
would attach to almost every sdool
ship have b^n tlie trlala and the riv (Ipin't arenge |2.2u. 1 aaw a mine
■Udiatton move against tbe I'nlted
sued at Indianapolis, Saturday,
EIGHT HIGH 60HOOL8 HAVE AGRi- In the Cnited States a thorongli aedlalry and efftcienn- of Ibis year have cDui|«n)' cheek showing that, after all 511^ Workers' oiganiaatlon wblcli
clared that be bad not beaten
oal Inkpection code, a,school physician
•fatber. but has "awlubed and-epailk-. •rllpsed nil tbe others.
dedu.-ilons bad been made, the miner Volday ordered a atrtfce of 600 em
and nnrse. A school clinic and pri
In the battleship cla*a the Idaho got «2T for a-month's work. Under ploye* In Handy B«a.' mine* here,
ed* his pareat for lIMreatineDt of
Travers* CiD. Was Pioneer in Move- vate dispensary would also \>e pro
hia mother and other membera of his
ment to Teach Craft to
ilttoe In .the Monitor min* wer*
bmlly. Father and ton w«r* recooIn englheci- paid any miner by (he Anaconda eomStudenU.
•We are all agreed that children are
died Saturday.
‘"R « **»lnsl 87.IHK whk-h the Idaho any. li Monuna. is >2 a day. and tbe dtsebarged.
working cigW
the potenUal caplul of the state and.
- The Rev. Ur. Hanley is regardej a*
hhndled craft
As an indirect result of tbe work It Is upon the subeequent effigiency
,1 is I3.5U,
one of tbe leading Bapilat mlnlsUni of
l^eTfett gun siore of !<Hi
of tbe elUzens in embryo that the
the country, Jiavlng held Important *“ »F**n« 'he rub's score of ro per
ment bureau for the put four years
poaU at Cleveland and Providence
U.e margin however The organlzcd In IK7I. with a capital stock
eight of the high schools of this region
It I.
I other vessels In the first divi>lon of »2.6«t.W0. of which only $1.2itd.OOO
bsve employed teachers in sgricultute schewsky. "A.
were: Michigan. 8:;; New Hampshire was paid in. li him i«id $12I.oud.ooo THOU8ANOB MULCTED BY CLEV
which teachers ore giving praeiieai- Uon In the schools would greatly de
and Florida. 78. and - Maryland and in dlvldendH during the <|»«l 40 >
average of tJ.'liw.ono a year. I.ely their eatYre Ume to this Important crease the number of public chargee
Delaraare. 77.
subJecL The eight sebooU are Boyne and other dependents now^ Is our
In tlko torpedo class, the Ulilpple -'-Ides paying over »40.W).i,.8KI
eni. including railwav
City. EvoTL Fremont. HarL Lading- midst I would reeommeod; *A carettil
scored S5.893 iht cent The Ammpn,
ten. Manistee.
WelE-KneMm Muelclan Paaaed Away Trustor. Stwart Bdale. Jouett and trans|u>rtat.on stock, aod'also inveii- New Town Site on River Don Preoontand Traverse I and scipaUflc watch over all pnMlc
Hi* Alleged Partner Wat Dr. Ernest Chy. In one of these scboola
Ln« Night
KbooU, Trav- school<hHar«n. their health and deWerrii^on all ranged from 85 i«r log about 625.0(w.«wi in other mines
Mui«L Who Posed a* Dentist
erae City, the subject U being teugbt velopmenL mental and physical; pre
cent to 80 per cent In gunning' and and leads.
Reaervatlon Opening.
n one iiiomh in li.*>7. tho '■aliimc-i
fer the IhlVd year, and in four of tbe venUng here. correcUng there, some
Prof. W.. M. Pea*e. aic! fis , cars, engineering.
Bank Note*.
Herla earned over H.SoO.diM.. or
echools namely.'Fremont Hart. Man vice of conformation, faulty habit and
perhaps better known in ihia com
In the eubmarinex the acores wer*
5300.000 more than tbe original luistee and Muskegon. It Is being defecUvo physical state so that tha
munity aa “Deacon Peak*.' died la/( low. ranging G9 down to }0 per cetat.
8i. Petersburg. Sept. 17.—Thousand*
reotment. it hat paid- in dividends
taught for the accond year, while in child arrivw Upon the threshold Of
night at li:<0 at The home of F-3 made 100 in'guoolng but was not
100 time* -the original investment, or of persona have just been vlrtlmUed
(By United Preaa)
Mra. E. H. Salisbury, 1127 Wayne awarded the pennant
Boyne City. Bvart and Ludlngten the cltlzenahlp with a future nnhaadlrapcleverly manipulated land swin
10.000 |ier cent, which lx 2.-.0 i«-r cent
New Tork. Sept. 16.—.Not only did
st^t. shere be had made .hLx
dle. according to dUpalrhee from Nak- Fatber Hans Schmidt, sosisteot priest subject bes bwn Introduced only this ped by disease, ready at once to be
a year ainee Its organiution.
home for tbe J>ajrt ten >«arx.
come an efficient social anil; sanitary
From I8S8 In i;8)8. the rompauy hltchevan. Circulars had been sent St 6L Joseph's Catholic' church, per
Pease is-well known ax tbe t-haracier
Last year 215 boys took the course Bcbool Inspection physical health of
broadcast by a gang of alleged form his church riles during the past
paid «r-2,r>o0,...Mi m dikidenda. an aver
of “Sania Claua." having taken that
in BgricuUnre offered In the five teachers and other s^ool employe*:" ,
age of t5.250.oiK) g year, or 437 per real-estate agents Baying that
two w^ks. after be had bntebered
r haracter for 6legel-Cooj>er of Chicago
In l!K)7, It earned over H4.ooo,. antlKKlUe*- had agreed to give 1.0(H) pretty .Anna Aumucller. bnt he had school* having agrirultnral teachers. playgrounds In abundsnee. study of
■luring (heir Christmas festival,
I pro/li. and |«id less than half
yard* of land In a new town long lived a Jekyl and Hyde exlaience Two hundred forty-nine fannen took hygtene and fudamenial principles of
hav also Uken that (lart In the »<-r- WHEN HOTEL BROEZEL BURNED
of it In dividends The Calumet ft site on the River Don noarby to ev- and was a partnw In a counterfeiting the extension work provided in by the the prevention of disease In the school
vires of tbe Hannah & Iny Mercan
schools and 34 farms were in curriculum.
Hecia bought enough stock to control
setUer who should fence in bis eatabllahment.
tile <'otn|>a&y’a atore in (his city. For
spected by the high school students: “A school phykiclan. opplyteg aU
about 14 nrlnex. and ,has practically sllotment and promise to begin build
This was the aaaertton of the po
sckcrtil yean be baa bad charge of
j bU time; eumlnidg all persons con
me board of director* for all ing operations within a- reasonable lice today following the arreat of Dr. In agriculture.
Tout Loa* NeaHy Half a MllliorL
■' nmslr at tbe G. A. R
are many blA scbools in the nected with i^e school! auparrislng
time. Tbe result was a pretty fair Ernest .MureL a denilat. and a woman
Sgginaw Man I* Among
Tlie foneni aervicec will be hcld.Most of tbe stock Is owned In Bor Imitation of a western reservation employed in hi* flat. Ueteetivea eon- Western Michigan territory which are echool eqnUuhenL TentUaUoa and aa^
Tboee Hurt.
frnin Hie Imiuacultte
giving attention to the subject al lUUon and inatrueting health and
V. -ton. Oulnty Adams Shaw draw* a opening in the United SUte*. Thou Racated a prioBiig preaa. type, copperci.urrh ILursday morning at :• o'clock
salary of tlUU.OOO a year as president.!,
.resident..rnmr>e/(iw( m3 the
i.Ie/.e vheiM.
hygiene classaa
the place
where plat* for printing currency «nH a though not having a special instruct ihygle
Th.- |.ariy -wm leave otyibe I! o'cloclr'
IluOalo, Sept. 17.—Sli iicraona were and ItO.OiK. a year as director,
they were met by tbe "agents'' who quantity of paper .adapted to making or. Tbe high schools at Bellalre.
“A school nurse stteodlng to sU
tra’ti for Mason. lUa oH borne, wfaeie
Injur.*! and many of the 2S0 gueata dolpb E. I.. .Agassiz, graudson of the assisted them In staking out lots, and hank note*. A rr^lpt for rent of the Buckley. Elk Lake, Fife Lake. Kln*wl„^
chlldrm); wlteedn,
^^niir:iif-ni «iii uke pAace.
had narrow escape* when t)>e Hotel fUions I.iOul8 Agassiz, draws S50.ooa w-^o add them at high price* large flat where the (btegs were found *as ley. Me Bain. Scottrille, Sheridan andi,defeeUve chUdran from classrooms to
, mmlaed by the pbyslelan: exam
Broezel was swept by fire early to fear as flrat vice president, and
quantities of fencing and bulldlngrtna- among Schmidt's belongings, together ThompsonvUie are all 'giving instruc- be
day. Adjoining buildinga were de- OOO a .vear as director. Jam<4
terial. Tbe swindlers also sold and With a eopiwrplate for one side of
ining children in their homes; keeping
these schools a course covering two vorlouB records and assisting tbe phy
•iroyed with a toul loss of »i25.(H»0. Naughton, the Mg boss, and uncrown resold lol* among the settlers In re- 520 bill.
□ong Hm Injured Is E. J. Fair, of ed king of the copper country, draws un for fancy
An engrsving outflt was found in years has been arranged and in others sician generallyv
.SagliitW. who was Injured by a fall. *25.000 .as second vice iiresldenl. «2n..
.Muret's office, and also an instniment n course covering one year, tfbereas
“A clinic solely for sehoed dtOdran
Mr*. AnHniinc VadSerllp Died Thla Several Women gue»ta were overcome 000.as director and t40..i00 as general
in a few coarse* of abwter dsratkw
performing illegal opentj
juat before Ui* arrival of a deuebebere prompt and efficient treatmeot
have been ptanned.
by smoke and carried from the upper manager. 'He also draws a salary aa ment of poUc* from Nakhltcbetisn
may b* gtren withotrt tbe neessslty
If the pre^t tendency togards
ot depending m orer-crowded hospi
mine* controlled by the Calumet ft. who prpceeded to arrest tbe settlers
acrtcnltural development te continned
tals and dUpenaarles.''
Hecia. The other directors. F. U Hig- for occnp.vtttg land without logal andaring tbe coming tea yeen as It has
Mra. Atiseiilltin Vanderlip. srtdow of
Seventyone and aeven tenths per
glnson and W. Hunniwell, drew |2n,. thortty. They not . only lost their
Chas. Vend. ,IIP,
this morning
cent of 78.401 children examined la
000 each. All these, excepi Mc.S'augh- claUna bnt also the building materials
at tbe home of l.-r daughtw. Mr*. W.
which they hod purchased.
the city erf New York preeented some
lon. live at Brookltne, Mass.
a large number ot people within ite
C. Lowe, sn state street, where she
of p^slcal defect or disease feGeorge A. Flegg. secretery-trear.
Cemmitteed Deed boundaries who are qoaimed to de>
had made her home alnce the death
qulrlng treotmenL according to th*
mgr, draws 520,000; bis aasisiant^in.velop tu agricultural yesources
of her husband f!\<- years ago. She
surgeon. .Out of 710 children exnafKK). and K. D. !.eaviu. consDltlnA en
waa bmii In Scotland. Canada, In HSI.
med In Mlnneapolia. 482. or 65.1 war*
gineer. draws 52.'-.OOt>. making a toUl
tbe past
and came to Tra«ci>e {:ity in' 1*81.
defecUve to the extent of reqslriag
llayroll of officers and director* of
where she baa since raided.
Rattle Creek. Mich. f?ept. l7.-*e(By Onlted Presa)
medical treatmenL Tbe same' rate
5370.000 a year, from the Calomel ft Cwrtraeta Let For Building Addittnim
The deceased leave, i«o sons. R. I-. ■trietions against tard playing. th»to
b true ot most all other large etty
Hecia. besides what they |«y ihemVanderlip of East liay; tv. E. Vnn- ajer going and dancing for younger
sahtonable Tanrida resuarant here,
aelves Aom the other mining egm
icboob of tbe United Statea and de
derllp. of Kalatiiasoo. and on.- daugli-: \nenibers of the Methodist church mnlea
WaahlagtoB. Sept 17.—Seereury J. J. Groshev, twenty-alx year old sen‘
cidedly hl^er in peroestage than the
^.ter. Mr*. W. C, Lose, of Tr»ver»o will sot be removed at this aesaion of
made condiUonal
i wealthy merchanU ordered an
defeeUve children of sebooU In (urrign
City; also *ever*l grand childret
tbe Michigan M. E. conference, which
WHITraiAuZ-The eonslmetloQ of .wards of the contracts for six new elaborate dinner arith music, and wild
The funeral aert lct-s will be held baa Ite formal opening here tomor five mile* of m^danlzed streets In torpedo boat destroyen. Nos. S7 and ing (or hla wUe. subbed her' to death
are the
from the borne at three o'c-ku-k Frl- row. Bishop William Burt bf Buffalo, this Tillage, tbe work costing 523.000. 62, as rolloars;
In the presenw of tbe manager who heuMnds of Other Workers Will
d«y afternoon. Rev. r, H. Irving of- who will preside, is authority for this: it, is estimated, has begun. Pared
Two reaseU to the New York Bbip- had poured ont the chaapalgne in
guard dnrtng.^dbood. yet It 1s these
Hav* te «uit Beeauee fi'-latlng. iDterment will uke place
“The atUtude of the Methodist
bttUdlng company at 5826,000 each: which Groshftr had prertoualy tout
eeaieoaly deof Strike.
In Oakwood cemetery.
lurch against these frivolUes has not
two to William Crat^ ft Sons' Ship ed hU wifa Th* mustciana having
(eeUv* among echool children. Hefty
changed." said Bb.bop Burt.
and Engine Bunding company. Phila been ordmd'to ploy Tthalkowrty's
riiUdreii. not learatftg property la
KA]*AMAZ(X>-James Sproull. ..
“We will remain against everything
IWTROrr—That the motYve for Ih* delphia. at 1881.000 each; one to the Autamn 8qb85 and the RnasAan amg.
are on strike here today In sym- .aehooU are backward becana* oC «
years SI3, a deaf mute, la uprter ar that corrupu toclely and elevates murder ct James Gallagher, whM* Pore ^er Shipbuilding wrporatlon. ‘FV>rgotUn In the Tender Bose."
pathy with the transport workers who defect of the eyes or eara, atMOy oC
rest ber*. charged by his wRe with the lower self, instead of the tplrttual mmiioted body was found Tuesday Qntecy, -Jbaa. at 8561.600. and one to Oroebar pledged hla' wife ahd then
are not K -was predicted that 6.000 ft remedUble utura Sobm tweaty
atiempUqg her AHe by poiniug
oeir. Personally, I consider it poei- onuide tbe.cAtr limlta. was robbery. th* Bath. Maia*. Iroa-Woika
«S84.- killed her. H* mode no UMagt
sddltlooftl workers would be thrown |per cent of aB school chfldm bear
fcollc acid in medicine »be waa uk- tlvely itupld for people to ait at a U the theory of the police.' It was 006.
evade srreeL It 1* atated that the ent ^ employmaBt because tbeir coll- nffsr from dsCeeUv* vMea' wbOs
fng. Rb'e waa found lu a /erloua
table, hour.after hour. wasUng their -aaid that tfi* 55M he carried la misaThese vsaMla M to he the largest canw-«f the ertau -was that.be
bwsdepenawfBa the trades (hftt are ;trnm etx to eeren per deal tera MdlUon scab n!t«r by Tdatlvea.
'good lime playing cards."
of ibeir rlaai tM derigMd.
UM his wife
. ^. t' .
miners If they interfere with their
property, which Is an act contrary to
No cit)' eu bM0me Kr«*t nnlea* Ui« the intent of a free goveminenL One
people vbo iwMe thw« are ruie<l thing thet should be done is to order
vUh tbe ctric spirit and vork dar And this class ot people oot of the district
nlcbt Tor Uie ImproTemanU and In- and make imre that they are
doetrtes that are needed to round
imported gunmen should
QCRAU) AND RECORD CO. tbe municipal Itfs. Work of thUj^j
kind la bound to produce resulU, aud
In tbe
OBO. 0. BATES. Muwl&c BOUor.
W. A. 0IB80K. Bdltoi-.
the history of every city that »|i„uble. for as long a. they
grow.ln* proves the corroctness of
Wmmi* aa aeoond<taM matt«’
at tbe postoSice at beet result, it is necessary to *ork|„„
^rtant the mllliarT
alMg the lines vbere the t
s ttt trying to keep the
m. br
1 ..rrint I.ctort» Irom
and there some lodastTr- tbat
omofc m Pmt «k SeUi P*m>m ss 4ielp to enable U to aroir and meetj
GiW Tmerfe HtnU Ovie Spirit
pullinc tokether fv some public improremont that wUI Increase the
people. Xlonttaal
energy nerer acconpttshea anythlu.
hot when It is pat into motion and
kept rdns there U no method of
tbe good that can be a<^
SutleUcs sent oat bj- tbe toreni. Tbe article by E. E.
•0dtttoaa) raise ol three percent In
t|w cost ot producU belnc noted durBe tbe peat rear. Tbcoe nsnres are
Ijabod apoB tbe reeoHs or an exhaust-.
Ibe InresUfatlon vbleb has been con«MMd lb (oitr cltlca U tbe counlrr.
meurea tUte these coMins fro^ an
aatboritaUre aonroo turalsh the pen•ral rtin of peM>U with food
taught, inasmuch aa the Increai
waxes has not kept pace with the rise
tp the prices ot atticlee ot
be noted
tion. A pisnitlcani tact
with these fleureo U
t&at aUboufh the people^ have known
a tone time that prlcea wi
«p and would eostlnne to do ao
tbar have mmle no attempt to enrb
their expeneea in a wa>* to meet this
tf put ia force would bring resalu
that would surprise
tbe people of Traverse City as well
aa tbe oaUMe werlA Team work
never faila^the oqes who use It and
by thinking the <iues<^ ___ ___
fully It wtU be found'^haUwwst of
tbe failures that are met with by
various organlsailons who start out to
do good U through
(.: this neo
factor known as team work
By pulling together the people
whatever they want, hut when
are allowed to do all the work while
the rest stand back and watch them
It is not within the pale of ress
expect any benefirial results. There
:U a splendid field for harmonious
work right here In the city, and if it
Ob the oontrarr they contiaae to in ^ done a change will take place that
ercaaa thot; exponatve baUta. traat- win be of great benem to all who
tbe population. The
iDf to the totoxe to develop eome plan
wherebr they wUl be able to.make portunUy Is here as well as
esda meet whoa the Hnal day ot reck, workers. All that Is lacking U
oiilnc cornea. One thine is certain. ability to get together and work
M U>U U B WW J« mt k.«
«1»” «>"l' »>
«lh Ik. Ikcr«.. U lb. pH.. «I
. th. dv .111 CHioe wtaHi th. diste solution.
prodoelBc etassee wiu reach the end
o( their rope and eoaelhing wUl happ«a that wUl bring an ecoohmlc
It to evident to alt thinking umiOo
cHile fer resmblng is lu effect. Tbe that the o|>rrators of (he ropper intii'-s
Hm 1b pricee zeeeaa a cheapening ot are putting the slsu- of Michigan in a
tbe doUar and e c
had light before tbe rest of the world
. straetton of the purchasing power of by their absolute refusal to consider
tbe IndlTlduaL.. It is evident Vbht Peo any plan proposed by Governor FOrple will have to Uve. and aT tfielr rts to settle the strike. The governor
aetual Uvtng axpeases increase
has done all tbat any governor could
leaven them that much leea ta etipad do to effect a setilement. but the
for other thlnge or to lay by for the operators have met every advance
fouire. ‘ma eoaditloa will affect all made with a flat refusal to recede
llsee of bustBcec mod cauee a
from Ihi'ir unreasonable pocliion. .As
tnedon of trade that win force the a result the strllje Is still in progress
mall dealer to the wall in spite of and there are no IndlcaiioDS that it
all he can do to etare off tbe Inevii.
will end if the oiterstors ran prevent
able. Hero U e ptdnt that the busi- such a coatlngenry. in the face of
neat men of tbe coantry can consider
this condition it Is either up to the
with profit tor it la a situation which state or tbe federal govei;pment to
they are hound to meet in tbe near take a hand In the question and hHog
tdtare it prices of the neceiislties ot
about a change in the situation. By
life eoaUnae to mount with the same their refusal to Ustra to any of tbe
iffpldUy as they have within the past ,aute or federal nuthoritles tbe mine
tea yean.
owners have plac^ themselves In a
peculiar position, and outside tbe pro
tection of the government whlrh they
have defied. Where their conduce
•^Jebby laveetigatlBg c
from anarchy to hard for the
ot tte*Mnat« and boooe have'Incor
porated In theta- report eevere criti ordinary person to discern and being
cism of members of congrees who in tbto poBition ft ta difficult to aee
have abused tbelr frenklBg privUeget why they ahould not be treated In the
by eeadlng thioogh the mailt free •ame way aa aoy other .class who burl
deti^ee at tbe constituted authori-.
docomente which beaent'. eperial IntereeU and do no good to tbe conn try ties. At the present time the sute to
heavy eipeni
ia general. It to also charged thst
members of those two aognst bodies troops In the troubled district with
prospects ot having to keep up the
have aold to brokers their qaoU of
liUtary showing todeflnitdy. Tbe
tree government seeds which
question how arises as to whether or
tended ter their constttaenu' It has
long beep known that the franking not It la within the providence of tbe
aute to PGotect corporations which
prtvOsge has ' been greatly abneed
scorn the power that is protecting
daring campalgas by members
them from injury during trouble., On
oamgreas who simply tamed over
the other hand these companies are
their franhe to campaign come
emph»ing gunmen to shoot down the
B allowed matter to be seat through
tiee malls
free that they hod
•Oftsl Interest in at any time. The
peo^s have bad to stand tor
prieuce^ alilKMSb protest has bcoo
mAho BgalBM tbe ceoiom at various
tUMe tn recent yeara The tranklag
pttvlloge U right and proper ^ben H
U -Aaad ter th# purpoM for whieb M
was Intended, but It Is a Mte guess
that thoae wtoo had the right conferdP red Bpoa mambers ot congreea nevw
Intended that it shonld be used for
poittkal pnrpOM nalnat the best In
terests of tbe govemmel' Tbe trank
Klad T
is one of the mo« fi-nitfal eentsw of
tare of Ck
lha difirimsey In Urn posteffico derwti—nt. and tamtead of lasprovlng
>n In (hi
tba madWtews are growlag
tocmitli of CtoUdren~£x|iei
with each nnrnrtlin raiBjalgn Tha
A BsdStiute
Prsaldent Huertw (n his message^ to
tbe Mexican congress lays stress u^n
tbe fact that Mexico must have
larger aUndtng army and better
equipment, and that be already has
enough foreign loans In sight to
army of 1M.0M men in the field
as well as forty hattefles Of mo
anlltery. lie also states that
foreign warships must leavo Mexican
waters by October SS. All this high
sounding language U directed at the
Vnltod Sutea which seems to be the
foreign nation townrd wliom
shafts are directed. This talk ms
re-asBiIrttig to the Mexican people who
still cling to the ttnndard of the dicta*
lor. but It to difficult to see where
anything to to be gained for the re*
puMic b}* this system of braggad
It is evident that the Vnited BUtes
wiu carry the point aimed at in the
negotiations tbat have been going on
■11 summer, and that In the end Huer
ta will be stripped of power whether
he has such a large army to back him
or not. The United BUtes admlntotraUon to contending tor the principle,
and no mere message will cut
f^re tn the nltimatc results ot the
wnfllcL To begin with an army of
10P.D00 Mexicans to nothing to
feared by any nation that is jmbued
with tb^ true spirit of patriotism, and
It to also easy to see that foreign
loans will be much easier to talk
about than to really obuln: What to
must needed In Mexico at the present
time Is some man who Is big enough
1^ become tbe head of the nation aad
weld together the vfarring elea
in one harmonious natWn. Tbto to
the iHjim' toward which the Vnited
States to working and when such
man U found and placed in i>ower by
a fair and represenutive elecUon the
solution ef tbe problem win bo
easy niaite.r from a standpoint of .fairness to all tbe tactions that are Invoh ed The Ignited' States does
want to'capture Mexico, but Is mere
ly seeking to have that oountry
come a deceot member of tlA great
family of nations and do business like
the other nations that assume to- be
free and Independent pcojile. The Is
sue hak been, clearly defined and
not be dodged by Huerta or any other
member of the berrassed rei>ublle who
jiiay become president
torito4|itotoMto(-th* algid to gpwib
speak highly of the conditioning aad
- _ quallttoi of HARVKLUB
young cbickena thnve. keeps away
dtoeaae aad Increaaes tbe yield ot
The soecesaful ponljry ratoers
ly alt use IL Price M cU. per
toe. Sold by all dragglais.
Farmere Hava Feand Flan to Be
Orestset Money Maker They
Have Triad.
silo cenraa (or W«tem ^(eblgan
brings forth the intermation that apme thowand silos have
been ere^ in Western Michigan
since the first of January. All the re
turns frqpi tbe eauua are not yet in
but enough are to give a general Idea
as to wbat the final abowlng wlU be.
The beet report received to date
comes (rom^Premoot Newaygo coun
ty. where 93 sUoe have been erected
since the first ot January. Tbe next
best report to from Hesphria. Oceana
oouniy. where 60 alloe have been pat
up and the third bMt report from
Hart. Oceana couqty. where the nonher of new tiloe to *6. Tbe reports
for tbe other clUee and vlllagea of the
territory show that from 10 to 16 to
20 alios have been erocted in almost
every neighborhood. EJk Raplda and
Sunton each report 7 new alloa.
The purpose of the silo cenmis to
) discover what to being done
towards getting We*teni Michigan oneubatantlal agrtcuUnral basis. In
order that It may be tbe farming sute
that nature Intended. It to seceuary
that proviston be made for ihe maintenanee ot soil feitlUty and this calls
(or large herds of Uve stock and
these herds mast be fed and here to
where alfalfa growing and silo balldtoig come to play a part. AltfUa and
ensilage make poulble the keeping t>t
Urge herds of cattle upon smaU
areas. And with the present pi
ot beef and the need of tertiUty the
beeping of snch herds spells p^08pe^
Uy for Vtlcstera Michigan.
Over Flva Thouesod Railroad
pleyas at Birmingham Quit
Work Today.
BlnsJogham. Sept. 17.—A, general
railway strike to thnstened in BngUnd as a result of the Dublin strike
today aeemed oenain when 3.300
ployas of yariou rallroada centering
here quit work.
(Hr United Ptwsa)
Rome. Sept. 17.—Geoeral Torrfili.
ro other Italian offteris and 2$ pri
vates were killed and 72 men wound
ed today when Arabs attacked
Italian column near BenghaM
Barea. Africa. The Arabs were repulsed.
Jtu hhrkota
3 .ijn. .b.
His Trial Will I
November 1. i
BTVROIS-AA-hne partaking of break
fast. Tuesday morning, August Junod,
l>kn>eer living a few miles from here,
dropped dead. Heart trouble was tbe
cause of death. Jonod cattle here
from Swltxcrlaiid wt^ his parents
w hen he was eight years old.
New^'ork. Sept. 17.—With tbe appearance of District Altonay Whll*
man In tbe case today, the wheels of
jostlce were set U motion to claim the
extreme pehaity against Hus Schmidt
(or the brutal morder ot Anna Anmoeller. Fear cf exposure prompted FARM PROOUCS-GeWloB Pn
Schmidt to kUI the glri. cot up the
body and threw the fragmenu into
Cbe river. It to believed Mtos Aumueller had urged th^ Schmidt 'give up
the priesthood to he mtghX tqtenly ap
pear as tbe father of her- child,
irtet Attorney Whitman . said today
that evidence will be presented U
October grand Jury and the trial set
GRAIN—Trmrerae CKy Minng Ce.
Cetlese^^resldent Who Whipped Fa
before Judge AVarren Foster, probably
ther Gave Bend.
Terre Haute, ind.. Sept. IT.^lev, the first of November. A plea of in K-heaL 60 lb. teri...........................
ClUab A Manley. presMcot ot Frank
lin college. Indicted by the Vigo coun
ty grand jury on a charge of asaault
atid' battery on bis aged father. Cal
vin lUnlgy. a farmer ot this county,
surendered to tbe sherill today and
n OM Net Like Btem
was released on a boat! of $306.
prelimloary hesrtns was set ter tote
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
beet aagar and other Interaau have
bean allowed to trank ihatr campaign
Jlmratua an over tbo coantry by
merely tnaorporatlng In their docaBthte exearpto from spaachee of «flenat membare f eoagreas. adding
dwtavea whteb never appeared tn Um
nrlfflnal apaach tef Iheir own baaatH
aad eaadlag them tfe the ones whom
tkap aea^ to infhmnos at the paMIe
dUlMh Bnah a praeltoa to MUhmiml »« to bewtog withthaprtoetotoa «l a BtoabBcaa tom s
ititoA and to to'hoped that the report
of toa tovaattettv nimMimi wlU ha
takan amlanalr by enagew aad resrrteMetoi plaaad apoa tha fraaklig
that wiu coma wlihto tbs
OutorU I* » harmless nabirtltuto for Castor Oil, Parevoric. Dropa and (ioothlnr Sy ruDK. U contains nrUto«r
Oplnm. MorpUna Moi\othcr JiaPcoilc mbstancc. it do■krdyn Worms aod allays Fevertohneaa. Kor more thato
bleaandDtorrboea. It rrgnlatMtbcKtomarhand^weUto
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bean tbe S^iDtom of
Jas. GlheoB and George Bailey of
Muskegon, a pair of boboes who <»•
loaded here thU morning after mak
ing the trip from, the soolbem city
on a freigbt wera, pickad ap by Chief
ot Police Canon and thnateaed r-"*arreat unless they left the dty
onca At nm they signUled Ueir intenUoB ot staring during fair week
aad cleaalng op a illUe aide money la
spite of tbe police and the chtef at
I auned walking them toward
ialL They were not onwIUlng to M
locked up ter a shorf time, but on the
way to the haatlie Canon related
story to them which made them beg
tor a chance to leeve town. He aimply toU them ot the experience
hoboes who had gone before
mentioned the fact that vagranu who
were locked up here were not allowed to oat and sleep withoot ear
their keep. - A few farther rema^
wklok tncladed atatee>eats abeot
Ing johe. numhm five shovels aad
■tone pUee settled the matter deflnttely—and the lari seen of the pair they
were walking raiddly away from the
east, llmiu ot tbe eity. Both suted
that they had been locked up In eeveral JaBs about the stota and that It
not half bad, bat a stone pile sad
real work eras a new and earioni prapoaitten which dU not lot* food to
Take tnffden Jump
vaaced flva to ton cents per hnahel io-dsr ki tte OkiMMi awifeMK hsihg
quoted at from «S to M reats tor ^
Mrs. W. 0. Kinyen efitortaloM Im
evening with a chafing dtob luncheon.
There were goeeU fM- three ubk-3 ,
of bridge, whlrh was th# ecteruin
'of the evening. Prizeb wen.,
awarded to Mrs. Ralph'Hostings. Mrr.
Walter Thiriby, W. E WlUtoma
Dr. Tyler.
Mlaa Annette Lardle. who has been
spending tbe snmer in Iowa and Ohio,
returned home yesterday.
e. Salisbury, who has been at
a Bay. Wto , for some time has
retorned and will acept tbe posHlon
of night clerk in the Hotel WWUng.
This to a positioa thiv -Saul- baa bad
for a naaber of ybara. '
.. marrlaga Hcenae hsa been iaswed
lb b4x O. Davto of Traverse City, and
Una ^6. Holmes, ot Block bridge,
Mich. •
china shower Was given lost evening
the home of Miss Theresa PraslI.
Sooth I'nion street, in henor of Mtos
Hotel Knapp, whose marriage to
n Elder of this city occurs Octo
ber 7tb. The boose wa* besutlfully
rated in red and white, white coplds. red hearts and wedding bells. .
with white asters In protiuiun. At the
luncheon table tberame color st beuie
was carried oet. IMinty place esnis
bearing an appropriate poem, wbleh .
esBSed a^great deal of merriBieni.
mariced each guest's place at the taA twocourue Inncfaeon was
served., there being twelve fcurei*.
present. The bostcM presented Mis* '
Knspp with a dainty basket trimnicl
yerierday after spending aeveral U red and white, containing the gifiii
of china from her friends. The oenwerica in Grand Ratdda.
g was spent In games and music.
Mlaa Rhea Martin and Mite Mareda
A eon was born to Mr. and Mrs.
llelges left this morning for Grand
John Poboda of 316 North Cedat.
Rapids for a week's visit.
Mrs. Gten Powers to expected home
tomorrow from Paw PsV, >licli.
I Legal Notices
AN—In the <
several days, to rapidly improving.
Dr. and Mra. Martin Ipft today for
AttonUc City, where, they will spend
seevTSl weeks.
Glea Pewera has Returned after sev
eral days St Atlantic City on bosi-
, ■wauae
ford E. I
^ult p. Ddiag In I • CU^It c<
Mrs. A. A. O'Ksere, who has been
forVhe ( Dumy of C
averse In
Chancery, at TraverM Ctiy, oa the vtolttng with Mends and reUtives In
ths city for the past week left this
Slat day of July. A. U.. 1912.
In tbto cause it appWlug from af morning for her home U lodtanapolto.
fidavit on file, that the defendant. W|iford E. Batey, to aot a resident of this
■tate. but resides at Vancouver. BritH0W*s TU$?
H la ordered that the said_________
WUford E Bate), cause bis appea^
ance to be entered herein, within (our
months from the date ot
and in
-. je hto -anawi
ant'a bill of complaint to be filed, and
a copy thereof -to be served on arid
comptoinsnt'a ooHcitor. wuhin fifteen
days af^ service on him ot a copy
1. and notice of this wder:
Pardee Bastaess Exehaafle
And It to further ordered, that with
in twenty days the said oomptolaant
cause a notice of this order to be
published In the Grand Traverse Her
ald. a newpsaiwr printed, pobltohed
and circutottng In said cooaty. i '
that such pubtteatlop be oonllni
therein at toast once-tn muh week,
tor six weeks tn socf^saioo. o' that
abe enuae a
•tate Rank Building.
Tnivcrac aty, ftOeb.
Get their lifit of properties
with owner's addresses, or
proposition to sell your
Farm ar Bnslacss
at cost of $25.
Circuit Court CommisttooriFRED H. FRAATT.
___ J soUcUor
1. 2$,
ang7. I4,.2LJ
Whereas defanlt has bees made ta
the payment of the money aecnred by
a mortgage dated the 20th day oC
May. A. D.. 1911, axecried by WUtord H. Campbell and wUe. BatoOa.
David R. CampbelL Single, and Waltoce 0. CamabeU and wife. Inara, aU
of Grand TravsM county.
to Martha Mathews.
now Martha
Bnckwheat. por 100 Ibt .............. $1.26 CampbelL of said place, whldi said
teee corrected every day.
mortgage was recorded In the office
■ ............................................. ...IHc of the Regtoter of Deeds In the ooon.
ty of Grand Traverse In Uber 67 of
Mortgageo. on page 232. on the 30th
day of May. A. D.. 1911, at 3:10
o'rioek p. m.
And whereas tbe amount claimed to
WANTED-Fann. ahoot
•6 acrea. south
southeast \i. scerioa. 18, nfe Lake township. 3 njiles
enri of Kingsley; good land, all clear
ed: nice boUdlngs. Price $i.fioo.««.
HniwuRf. alone worth $2.oou.<W. 40.
■outhweri % of, Muib^t^li.
land. Price $200. Bee M W t'nderwood. Traverse City, writs F. RuseeU. Hoffau BU-. Detroit, and do it
sept Ht
MONEY TO LOAN on good and weU
Imptweed farms. H. C. Onvto. 311
Btol* WMk Bldg, TravKM Ctty,
april SLtf
.. notice to the anm _____ __
....$2.00aad up drad and eeveBty-five and 9S-100 do}.
Ian Of principal aad Intereri aad the
fvthri earn of one hundred and tea
and fi-loo -doUart. taxes paid on the
mortgage premtees and Intereri thereoa, and toe farther earn of fifteen dotton as atuniera toe. sUpntoted tor
(From 'Wedsewtoy'a BrixicdMagle..)
David Warner of Elk RapMe to ia
the city tor a short ttine oa boalne«k
The memhera ef the Mvll eerVtoe
hoard as decided upoo at the "-^"T
held yesterday are Reno Colby, aecretary. and J. J. Shier and Wm.
ler aa the other memhera.
Birney N. Ptoiterd of
Latond passed through the ctly yesterday on hto way
the teir at Grand Raplda.
Hiss Jessie CeldweN b
from a few weriu' vlalt with Uleade
Ban Dlegn aad other pelata oa the
tore they ahonld be of modem
darign. bunt of moot durable
Now thereforo notice la hereby glrMtortoto and erttottcally flnen that by vlrtne of said power of
Med. Yon (WIU Bni only aneh
■ale and in pnrananee of tbe atetute
at the work^ of
In auto case made and provided, the
d' 'by a
raid mortgage wfll boR
Travwne Ctty. Mich.
rale of the pramtoae thereto deaeribSSI B;y BL
Boto Ptoegaa
ed. at public anetten to th* highest
bidder at the front door of the court
lag by the u. A N. E railroad. They dioaae ta the dor at Tnrarae Oty.
M oald oomtto ot Orand Travereo on ALVIN H. GRUBER. FOMral Director
will he oaed in grading work w
and Emhalmer, 313 Booth Union 8L
the sixth day to October next, at un
will be dame, aronad the depM
Mra. Nrilte Pratt, maalstant Cttx.
«‘Moek to toe figrraaon of that ‘ ~
freight houa4. The gravel will be se crhleh raid grimlaia ate deoerfbo
phone STL We traat you aa »e
wooM wtoG to he treated.
cured fiom/Ue Gannett pH west of hM mortgaxe as toBon. to-vH:
meb 9Hf
The aecto MahtteMl halt of
the city.
Mtoi Hasri Srwis ad Graad R|^Ma tloa Berea of Town Twentywtx. aorto
vtoUiag tor a few dan at tha sn»
Wert, nnd the TwmBjC
r of too noctoeari
Is Use For Ovor 30 Years
MM Bipah Of Mr. and iftoa. M. O. Bry
A shipment of els new Ford tooring
can was roeolved this morning by
tbo Grand Traveree Auto compansf.
Tha gradiag tor the etdo track which
wU be ran from the Pere Marqeeuo
tracks to tbe Traveree City State boapjital baa been completed from the
boiler boose to Divtoioa street.
O. O. Van Sickle, who has bom vieRing with friends and relatives In tbe
city tor some rime. left, this morning
(or hto home at Grand RapidtJohn Terrey hae rriuread to
boo>e at Bt. Ignace. after several days
If tbe city on busincM.
Mre. JulU Clark to ettendlog the
Emmet county (air at Petoakey.
Mra Mary Germaine to vleRlng t*latlves at Charlevoix.
William Hart went to Patoskey yesterday on baalneu for a few daya.
Mr. and Mra. Wm. SehmHy of Uke
Odessa. Micb„ are the goeeta of Mr.
and Mn. Chaa. Umpriebt.
Mtos Genevieve Sehlntx. whe has
beeo a guest at the home of M 8.
Sanders for the past month, reterned
to her home In dtikago last evcnl^
' Jamas E. Coad toft lari evenlgg
a abort boalneas trip to Cblcaffe.
Mfw. Ada Germaine left yesterday
to spend some Ume in Chicago.
Miee Baroline Bye ef Wallin spent
Ibe day In the city yerierday with
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin RavHInge ef
Kingsley were in the city yesterday
on besiness. -
Twentynlx. north of Range T^ve move those aching bseth ahratutaly
West, ta too coraty of Orand Trav. wttbori pato. and wttbori the ora tf
me and StraaoC SCtatolEgn.
-rnga to pi-odw** "wrvwsetaninraa
Oaud the Eto day of Jaly. A. Bw
Petmlowr oemma toapanment aM
ttk weak hnom will appractote tra
|U«i*r mettod tf patolaae •rtxhp'
9E4HD ^ms£
CoBdaded by Miss Jessie Bowdes.
n» pe^e of Kis(tl«7 tad du mrrooiidiiig
''coutty arc cU iatcrwtod is tUi DcjwrtiDCBt.
We chaU bc'g^ 4o have individoaii, drarchee,
the -Otmive, fratenial codetiee end ell other orgenteattone hand in ft«ni of newi, poeenali,
of nieetings, notices of entertainmerits, bniineM changes, pnblic improrements
bains done or oentempla^ sales of real estate
in town or country, and any other items of gen
eral interest.
Send all items to Mias Jessie
Bowden, wlio has charge of the DepartmentEditor Henld.
Kiacalejr. SeiH. 16.—tlUa tltjiBie Hi with typhoid fever, at the home of
Sarsent of Suminit Cily.‘ lefl Tues- hsi parents here, has taken a
,<Uj- (or Itett Jordan, where ebe vx- for the better, and there is now
|iecU to Work.
strong hope for his reeovery.
Mra. hlcDaln ol Summit. i< alowly
.Mrs. Myron Brower left for Jackaettin* weaker.
son the first of thft week, wbere she
Mra. D. L. RniJpn and Mrs. Ben exi<eeis to make her future home.
Hares-drove to Traverse Cltr TucsMrs. a L, Kenton was a business
caller inVraverse Cky. Monday,
. D. K Ensign, «bo bu been‘to the
Karl Kewmarcli hU-atpedsked a
. southem part ot the sUW© on busi Silver-Zobn silo filler. He ftlll
ness. returned borne Tuesdar
msiom work «lib the machine the
Joe Miller la serving Ugbl lunrbes
-St of the season.
'in Uie Greenman building now.
t',et>rge Banortrft left Monday
Merrick Seeley went to Rladsione. the Colbalt District, in Canada, where
Monday, where be bas employmeot in be expects to work fur the next few
a milL His family wilt remain here monUis. Mrs Bancroft will visit rel
(or lUe present.
atives during her husband's absence.
Mrs. A. B. StiasoD has 'been at the ..Joe Miller has leased the Green(arm the past few days assisting in man saloon building and Is‘cleaning
the care of Mrs. I-esIie Tremaine.-wlip and nttfng it up prepantorr to open
ing a rektouram. ire cream and soft
has been >-erj' sick.
Howard rhino ba* .employ.-d Prank diinks ]>arlor.
Madison and son George of Traverse
Miss Rosa Itowrten and Miss Boyde
City, to tinUb his new residenoe. He of Summit niy. were Kingsley call
eipeets to have it ready to move Into ers Saturday.
by the first of .November.
G. U. Kenton drove to TFa^ersc
Perry Manlgoid, who has been veryjrity in his ear Monday.
Fife Lake Department
Conducted by Miss Mae Dewey.
We wuit to make this Department of the
greatest possible ralne to an concerned and to
this end request that all items of personal and
general interest be sent to Miss Dewey to be
incorporated in the Department We especially
ask that churches,^ fraternal societies and the
Orange famish items of interut in their respec
tive organisations. News of social events and
entertainments, improvements being made or contemplated, and bnsiness changes and transfers in
real estate in town and conn^ are especially
. acceptable. The above applies not only to the
k villa^ of Fife Lake, bnt to the sniroaiidiBC
eonntry.—Editor Herald. '
Marshall Carothers lost a bor^ ibi*
mot entertained her brother. Henry week.
Kelkwg and wife of Elyria] Ohio, a
Will Peek -^returned from Sberman
lew days the i*st week.
Mrs. H. Foster returtied Wednesday
A social bop was given at tbe home
from a busloess trip to Alden.
of Jss. Sperry's In Union. Saturday
Mra. Leonard Baker rame borne clgbL
Mmday from Bojne l-HUs. wbere she
Mrs. Geo. Weaver nnd little son l,eshS been vUiting her daughter for lie, returned home Friday from Colo
several days.
rado. where they have been vislUng
Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pinch, Mif>. Wearer's mother (or several
on Wednesday. September lOih. a son. weeks,
Ralph Kieroe and sister.
Fred Tabberer was In town SalurFrances, were in Traverse t^ty. Sat da;»and Sunday calling on friend*. '
Ml»s Marion Dicktnsop wu home
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Doherty of Di- from South Hoardman Saturday and
l•e^t. were gtMSta of Mr. and Mrs. (*.' Sunday.
Frallck. Wednesday.
Mrs. L. s. Walters made a buslnees
Russell Clark la home visiting from trip to Cadillac. Friday.
Grand Raplda
W. E Richards went to TravCTse
wm Doherty of Sharon, railed on tity Friday and returned with Mrs.
fricedB In Springfield. Monday.
Kic.'.avd*. ^ ,
Miss Rose WillUBB spent Sunday kt
Mra. L A. Bennett returned Monday
her home In Walton,
irom a vUlt to PlaJnwell and Grand
Ed Bebpe «t Kalkaska was in town Rapid*.
- on business Saturday.
Mrs. Oxbora bu moved her bazaar
}ilrs. N'dson Hopkins ot Grand Rap and millmery lnt-> the building form
ids is vUltlng her nepbew. L A. DK-k- erly oc'-ipied by Mrs. Grant:! >«kery.
. inson and frally.
Chifteh Servieca.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Anderson and
Siinds) iMHTlees for Sejitember list
Mrs. Elisa Newell drove to Bale*. Saj- l»13.
nrday after peaches.
Sunday school at 11:45 a. m.
Mr*. K. C. Brower bu bera ill (or
Sunshine Prayer band at 3:00 p. m.
a-coujilc weeks.
Epwortb League at C:20 p- m.
Tbe «NEAL” Message
to PriBUiig Mea
K«in AH Over the Worid
From far-or Auuralla where the gorernmem la fighting the
drink habit by furnlsbliig TJK Neal^' Tbree-Day Trcsltaem to her
vmfortunatp citiiens; from Vancouver. Canada, to Halifax, iron
Jacksonville, Fla., to SeatUe. and trom Uj* Angeles to Portland.
Maine, a message of hope and Joy U.aent by over 100.000 perso^ who
have allher been saved or had their dear ones saved (rom
(rom the curse
and awful kal re.
resulta of ibe nae of alcoholic liquors <
drugi In ihh,|Ut) splendid home-Uke Neal
In the' princli:^ dries
and centers. Thesei
sutewenu. but in hope that lens of «
._ their tamiiie* may be influi
Influenced by the fact that •NOTHING
81 OCEEU8 LIKE SI'CCESS"' u seek and secure the positive relief
and rara tiered by Dr. Neal's Three-Day Treaimem.
CaiL Muoe or wriie
3a dute StTMt. TfAverse City, or 71 ShtldOn Ave„r Qrand Rapia
Ladiei Don’t Miss Our Special Sale and Di^y Wedi (d the Fair
r neighborhood locals
Kingsley Department
A special allractlpn during Fair Week
Almira. 6ept. 16,—The (wneis are
getUnx tbelr beau very nea
Mr. iad Mrii. Gram BPmIU' ^Ry
drove over to Xomob Center to
their daughter. Mr*. David l»eck.
Mra Ed Lake hu commenced
house. She was up to Traverse City
after her building sinlerlnl.
Mr. Olid Mr*. Lewis Uuelli&ame}
drove up to Traverse City. Monday.
£. r. Lake lost a vnlunUe hone last
Mr. and Mra. C. J. Bates were call
ing on M. C. Lewis nnd' boy Suoday
afternooh. also on Mr. and Mra> VIU
Mrs. Artbor Martin and son Will*
of Platte, were out tu see their daugh
ter. Mrs. Fred Wilson. Sunday.
There will be a-^busking bee ot
Lewis UuellnameVs Saturday
igTbe ladles- Embroidery club will
meet with Mrs. Minnie Huellat
C^rtiell Mstrirt. Sept, ifl.—Mrs. Roy.
Slack hu been caring for her vIbkt.
Mrs. aifwn Travis for a few da)*.
Miss lA-na Skinner visii.-d at ('rank
nmlorlt; Sunday.
The Misses Nina, Amy and Dorothy
Jenkins, who have berm vUiilng
friends and relaUvesMn Ohio for the
liast few weeks returned horn.- la
Frank Schwartz of Detroit. Is tl
guest of Mr. and Mrs, .loseph PTaho.
The chicken pie supper whit* was
held at Uoyd Corey's. Ik-lday evening
won attended. The proceed*
amounting to over |ir..
Tbe Disciple Aid will meet with
Mrs. Charley Jenkins on Wednesday,
October 1st. The ladles extend a wel
come to all.
Ernest KetlDor and l-oiile Ilaines
tended the ball game at M'anUtee. Sonday.
^ Ed Cornel had the misfortune Id
ciii'hiji foot quite, seriously with a
William Overia was called to Mclialn Friday by the seHous illness ot
his mother.
:| Claud Reed I* working for Will Col
Mrs. ^nest Kettsor and Sylvia
Ualne* visited at Frank Barrett's Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butler called
on Ed Corey. Sunday,
Adelben Crainey is working for
Homer Middsugb.
Con Smith of DetroU, is vislilng
her tisrenu. Mr. and Mrs. Phlllp'llalgler.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Connine visIt.-d at lAtvl Strong's. Sunday.
Beiiner. SepL 16.—Mr. and Mrs
Bence of Fife Lake, were in Honor'
last week on business. They stopiH-d
overnight with Mr. a,.' Mra. Minis
on tbelr way borne.
Mrs. Minis went to Intcrlochen one
day last week.
Rev. Mr. Huff and wife were In
Traverse City. Monday.
Mr*. Emma Murrey had a surprilc
Saturday when a number of tfic
neighbor's called to remind her of her
Mr. &IUIis and wife were in Crandallvllle. Sunday.
Aaron Square* attended Sundav
school at the Rice church last Sun
Bert Spelters attended the Grand
Rapids fair this WL
/ferth PvaXit
North Paradise. SepL 9.—The farm
's are busy' cutting tbelr corn and
digging their earb* potatoes.
Mrs. Earnest Voice visited at tbe
home of Mra. V. A. Voice Sunday.
Frank Freeman and family visited
Mr. Wiclial's Sunday aUeraoon.
Mrs. H. Harsh and daughter, Hn
George Bancroft -will leave this week
Thursday for a visit with Telatlves in
MTlIle Riley was a Traverse City
caller Saturday.
George Freeman vUitod bb father
i Traverse City, Saturday and Sun
Mrs. E. Voice and Mra. John Perball took dinner with Mrs. F. Proe^
men yesterday.
Quite a number trom here drove
out to Arbutus linke. Sunday for a
lilcnlc dinner. A fine time was en
joyed by all, but tbe brat part was
the iwUJng wet on the way home, the
rain was weleoma
Sept»to 2*. win be ov
Authoritative Display of Fall FosMuib
in Ladies’ Suits, Coats, Dresses
Specially piced (or tliis trading event
Ntw Sweater*, Mactmaws, Fan, Waists, Skirts^
and Staple Faraishiags
At attractively low prices considering quality.
DR£SSE5 in eponge, serge, poplin, fS.7S to 1B.78. ,
SUITS in new shades and weaves, BIS lO'BBS.
I COATS in plain and novelty chbcbillas.fur fobriesand mixtures,
$7»5B and up to $37*50.
All subject to'the Special Fair Week Discount.
The Whillog
The Barney Co.
sun ir.-1aw. Mr. lIulkL wliu has la-cn
mnviilg out the lust week.
Mis. Edna Kennedy and children
from Oviatt. vUiu.-d at Mrs. S U.
(ib-hardson's last Sunday.
Mf. and Mra. George Coleman from
Traverse City. visUtd at WlU NewsL-ad a last Sunday.
Mr. and .Mrs, John B. Cox vUiled
their son Will Cox. south of town last
I ^^^hatupnmpdrrAred
■ § ij tbe medkel MsrislMCBt in
Scott’s Emalsion wkidi
r nBothBerve-fieicter, bat natare’i
Igreafetr herve-btoldet, vitbect
I akobelor opiate.
I fjc-II K Bowr.r. ma»nSt:d. N. J.
Mr. and -Mra James Mikula bate
returned home from Traverse City,
where they have been for some time
owing to Mr. MIkuU's illness.
debonair.-—Christian RegUter.
XVllI >bst from Hste*. was ov.-r in
ibb vicinity ovei- Sunday visiUng rel
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beeson, who
Mapb-ton, Scni. iti—Emerson Dehave been spendlug a few weeks
among us. leave for their home In Gra'w bad a LraJ runaway Sunday.
Indiana this week.
LUsJe~ Henry Kronpa has been very
aKtfor tbe psat-sweek.
A. a Jourden and famHT'^peot to
dance at Kroupa's warehoose Wedo«day nlgbL
There were services at 8L Joseph's
church Sunday.
ev-r-cur T-ra b, Ih. FW.
«>» -f““
Fbb Uclu »™.e«
™>™ Ob
chMbctor. dlrectbOH ot porpo-o bodjtV Pt*- tor U.e wimor.
the potentiality which compels sueMrs. IrUb returned to her home in
cess is revealed in bim who sits with Traverse City, after picking (niit for
loot brought closely 4p u> the Curtl* Fowler.
other at the back and with tbe knees
Mr. and .Mrs. Wrigbt and daughter.
of both limbs bent' On the other'
Clara, and Mrs. Welt and daughter.
Individoal.. who
.> UW
alu **VU
with ...
Ibe feet firmly set on tbe ground
^ Traverse City, had a picnic
and apart two or three feet can be
Bay shore in the pines at
tru*t.-d to be one capable of transact-j Curtis Fowler's.
Ins a maitor to a successful Issue.
Waldo Montague left Saturday tor
through no luck but downright energy r>etrolt. where ho will attend the hJr.
and cmpabliity Of character.
| There b to be a pie sodal and.
Alexander aeomw
Ikmnaa h
mid duty to .
•OBething that we exact frcai o< •a. W
duty to TouseU to to laks J
lahaa whan yen have a d»ap a
tala saTthiag h
Colie, and stuoacb
ache atuaUy reiterad
This famous remedy aetdecs bila to
relieve pain, both external and istetnal.
m. s; sad lue. potUcs.
Grand Traverse Region Fair
AT TfflEf
SEPT. 23 TO 26
Fine Exhibits
Splendid Horse Racing
Superb Music
BrUUanf Illuminations
Everytfaing New and Up4o-Dale
Day Admission 25c
Night Admission 25c
B- BYE. Secretey
:• rioE FouE
(^ogrirsaUpnol yburcli, SuDdM'. wora;
fOE- 'Aft^ the lecture ho had. 'eeanat
robtunu-s, worn by
Make This Store Headquarters While
Attending the Grand Traverse Fair
—Tell your friends to meet you at Steinberg’s—you’ll be just as ■
welcome there as a visitor as you are as a buyer. We’ve been receiving daily
shipments of new fall merchandise direct from the best markets in this country!
Now, our great stocks for fall and winter are at their best. ’
Mrw. M. T. Jolmston and dawliter
Demand efncieocy c4 then adxirdinstes. Btsme* men prefer tea gradoatea.
Donne paw 170 days over 800 studenta tiom the ud«ol have been oelecied by buslncM men. Why? Tbace o o4y one reason. Because of
tbee special preparation.
evenina f«>r a tveek e 'Ult wjtli li-r
brother. O. 51. Dame and family;
nev. S. I. Steadman left thht noon
for Battle Cre. k, to attend the M. $T.
Youwi $s*<iKi hm. Toacsaaotellart i'<re»!|.mVr.Wx;»,Mr<,na>t. AVcplsca
nor* VOOBS acn ••d wooro * CooimmUl ,nA Saorthrad poamoe* •snwpf lhs>
I iinfeJA'nce.
The Dorothy K. * ill dUcooUnne her
trlius to -Northjiort rolni. Sept
Kalpb Gamon relumed tbl*
fnR fnim Ann Arbor.
J. O. Duncan qf SattonieP^. spent
the duy In town.
the Congregational
A very pretty vedding took place
church, Wed-
ni-eday afternoon, when MIk« Elveria
Ladies & Misses Coals
FaU Dresses
at SS30. S10. S12. $15 and up to $30.
iy«i« Fatt Tailored Saits
at $16.S0,'$20, $25, $27.50, up to 35.
It $6.50. $10, $12.50, $15 and up
-I’ofUlar I'lilaH^iy moi!<0* In Hire."
nrmn.T. Mn..n-.lul.ib,i und full l.-nuih
-T»l- iT-.-i,. »
- Ttie Suits are in mod.-ls tluif liiltiu
nut ever, new
,«.tnt. Cutana,
the I
Thomaa Vas Joined in marriage
llev, hTanrlK Haye» U-alle.
pree-nre of
to: I'lifcagoon kVlday.
Her long bridal veil
awanHonla*. ' The eouple
were nnaticride.!. the father, Mr WJ. Thnma* shing the bride awa>v The
w'eddlug march from Ixthelngren was
Great Values in Sweater Coats;
playe.] by -MIhs Grace Kelil, eoiibin of
the bride.
Men's, Women's, Children's: 50c lo'OS^O
-Now School Or„.o. M $1.25.
Ki.nrel, new
•-\ira iiualiiv iii.-il-iiiili- .
—Ch.lldreifs New Fall Coat. >t $3.50, U and $5. Si/.:.-, t n.
-Hoi- '=li!.li. Sliaker Kni: ulld ev.-r, nttier weave I'lt-tV
new; s;,a-.vl
, llw.m Collais. and ....veil, .-..lU.i
M>Je>. Kv.:rv .-..lo, Hull wl,' I... :;»o.t tills li-1!. rarilll.al-.
-Varee..-. ti.mr.l-. T.i‘.a.-e<. Hrnw:,.. el.-, ele.
Sweai-rf»<re\e| ' III. luli.-r ol III- '.ili.il:. .1' II'I KM-tUel,. lew in Ives
Men’s Suitsjmd Overcoats
$10.90, $13.65
$16.50, $19.50
— Tin- li.-aii't in-'.'-
tliit.u-. ..f a l.rMKl
OutingFiamels,Flannelettes, Wash Goods,Rc.^
> Mil -nien a.n.1
ofTixi: ri-\N\Ki_‘i .w
,n s l.iu tatme of iMilri i,-; 1i,-i...
KI,.\NNKI.KTT|-ri .AT Hh, U'»-..c ..
are y.-ad, for piitm.m eloihi-bf
.AM' ImM’'
■ '-l:i- i;,-
— To i-tino-A- yoiir
: ml ami ovenxiBt.
Si.-InborcS. is
Vndeawear andtiosiery for Fall and Winter
B At -t
s«t*s .
tir^l. r„
Nki - •..-ilK'T V.M.l Ki<
-lios!-:. i..r
faini!-. will
tlio fuff
•tiirtn; —
W. J. Thoiiia-i.
: ..vHi.i: I'liKMU ,ms
Mr. and
momlug for Mlnm-
npofls ’.ind the northweel. where the
Board of
Missions" have
assigned a series of leeliires for 5tr
le-slle. They exiieei to n-ltim here before COrtobcr IMh. when they will sail
hut will n.Mrn to ills work on the
IHeplionei* lilts week.
the g-inK-y.
Warner t-uiwrty.
Dennis Denn of Traverse citv’. aAd
Milton Benedict left
ilies are visiting at ibeir hum- here.
Ix>U. ilrs. William Curry and dairgfiserv ters-Pearl and-Ula. reinmed to their
ed. ending a very pleasant t-*eiilnKMonday
for euiiferemv to be' held this year
at Battle Creek.
Their hoftie i,- in Sagf*
-Mrs. Alliert Davey is r,uh- sick.
Aka'Dean of Detroit, with their fam
tcrtaliu d a merry, erow-d. last Thnr*day -night at a pedro
home In
Traverse City the first of
last w-eek. after a neck's vUii. in this '
Mpm. Benedict and
Dr. Earl Mprrinon returned to Arthe i'hlldrcn ai-coni|iaiiied liltn as for mida last week, after a 1hr«<- winks'
as Jai-kMUi. where they will visit r«d- vacation si>ent at bis borne here.
aiives during eocterenec.
Kay Cov-1.^ ai rived Thursdiy night
Icavea today for con-
from Grawn with Ills hride.for a f<w
A qutet hut very pretty wedding
day-h’ vl-it .with his »Ut«,r. Mrs. Wih occurred.last Wednesday evening «t
51rs. fowle.v via, well
Archie Campt>ell's. when their cbily
Turkey, to. remain Hiere
known here as Kthelj7i Kynelt^ Tlie
daughter. Alice kas united ie naryears. Sirs. l.,eslle‘vas a graduate of
niany^rii iiiN'of the youug iieiiple riace to George'Pasi-oe. Kev. Brand
nil rlln College nod a teacher and will
Allsh them a lo>g and hajjjij life to- offiriating with the ring service. The
be a great help lo^lr. Ixelle It^ his
house u-a-s decorated with, beautiful '
work. Tlie h-ut wishes of the manji
The many friends \ Vif
giddenrod and
friund, go with them.
•Mnorti are grieved to ^arn »f tlitPlumosa. The bride wore a gown ot
Kolicrt Budd buri.risi'd his frleiid*
o/-uth of his yoiinc w-Ik- -from heart
white shadow lace trimmed with aabv iiringing home a hride laM week
tioublh at iJiclr bomr- In Ih-trolt.
H.- was married to .MUs Cora Warner
The young people of E. T. Can*enwere attended by Mr. and .Mr*. Olaf
at the home of her parenbr: Mr. and
lir s and Mr.s. 11. I). Wlilie-s SiiudayAmlerson of Elk Itapld*.
Mr^. J. K, Warner. GraWDille. Ohio.
Mhool class enjoyed 3 <orn roast at the ivremony a two roursc wedding
The hride was altended hy hi r sister.
iho horidlahle iuiuie of Mrs. AIbc-na
serv-ed. Only the ImmeMis* Kmlicr and ilie ^rroom by Vora. i
»ag« last Friday night.
diate rolailves of ihe bride and
I brother, of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs,
Tliere will be no pr-arhing here
groom were prmenl.
They will be
Budd are at hom>‘ to ihelr manv
i-xi SiMidn> hui Sunday school w HI
home to their friends after 'Oct.
frli-nd* at the n-bljlc-nce of Mrs. Il.'E.
lx- held at elev-ii o'< lo<-k.
ut Walmii Row farm.
for tl
tlie Ameri.-an Mission at Ourfa.
-Mr. and Mrs. H.
>owr ti-nne,!
<?7«n dtapm
<l.ar..nee lotK-of
n-.-n'v .Miii.-i.
-. t
ill tiiwu.last wi-ek.'
iii.i.iU-r in il.‘
inivr..-lii,t: M-'nils
I;i.-n' Mavoh. S.-pt. 15—School.open
woigUt/lor liiUT on.
S.5VK t)nr Tu-Ki:; >
has lieeo borne for (he paxt few day*
Traverse Ciij. s|>em a .eoupio of days
V.MII liTll-US
.\iK.\s FAi.i. Fi'ijNisKiN ;k -aih;
home of tlie hrideV parents. Mr. and
I ly-«lle left tjil,
Wanted Silks
' Dress Goods
Katilies, .Me-saliliu Slll.s. I'r.'ii.. .1.- .'iiitli-s. In.waiie.l .--itl.', .-i.
-M^seVand Junior Coats ai $5, $6.50,«:.^J1 and $8.50. M-tf..i til- |.w.;M-ilar n'lcwin^- aii! nt..l ‘in.1. -.•I,.e.l
Followinu the . eremony
w;»>ddlng biipi>er wax wrved
and Mrs. Brown ace \-isliiPK at A reMe
isbufg: Si-pf. IT-^wynHIll
an* fablened .witli white awanaonlas
nti.l bhe earried a l>ouquet of white
l:ik Igike. Sepi. ir,.- Mr*. Rowman
I5u Invil.-d ciicMb.
The bride was gnvned In wiiite .pmbroldered voile.
Knmfori” on Gleu Ijtke and
,Hev. I'er-
r» jierformed tin- eeremotv
Extraordinary Values in Boys Fall Sails
$1.95. $2.4C. $2.80, $3.80*and $4.CC: valuU up to $?.
2 i-.A.NT NOliKOITt SITTS at
$4.40, $5.40 and up lo $7.50.
Djsiide ’ Hr.-a-'.-.I
ed on, the nth wiih Mis* farra IJenn. ll na teacher.
•Mis* Margaret Day left on Monday
via Sir
MiK'-niirl for
Jlaryht Notr,- I»ame. Indiana.
Kul.k.T FuilH, Itu-iilai*.. HloiiM'
Edward Rohlnson ha* gone to De
ri.Iiu.'on.-.: r.iu.' Seice“. I'liev-
troit. where ho will spend'the winter.
— I'ri. .-I- lliBi ,a'e >ou Irotil T.vf
loib, fuswini-i. ... 'liM'ii.-b. .-I.- ;
Ip *' '.'1; near!, all lianf.s lined
-'i.iri ti;. to IT .'ears.
Wiiii.I.-t :iil
MIsk Hazel
jhy Mr. Nelson of U-1and. spent the
WM-k end at the homo of Wm. Ben-
The Westcott I* loading with slab*
and edgings today.
Try a Record-Eagle
Want Ad.
IV In Tr.iverse Clty
13r-Mr, and Mr*.
Xortlipon. ScpI.
Mrs. J. Ktebbit* and children arriv-
ufter IiavlQg spent the summer 4iere.
.O-dar Irfjdge elo.«-d today, after a
. Manulactnrers
Ik to an fiAllvldual Kleetrii- l.ighiiiig riant euu.
ly what a reservoir is (o a wati-r K>Fi-ni.
stores up Uit- el-r-irli-ity getM-raK-d h-.- tiui d.iiiaiilo and holds It until light is nyi-l.-l. ,Ail you
nee.1 do 1* to rim your i-nL-ine for a K,w- hours
The >*CHIonde Ateumulalor" will
I’.i.-U KTore up electiicit) lo light uvi-r au eittud.
ed ptrlo.i.
Kosar.r" at the Grand on Wednesday-
Mr*. J. H. Carroll alid fatnlly hfl
vei7 auivcsafnl aensop:
The “Chloride Accumulator”
affur illM
dlxndlng the suninit-r here.
Vedneaday for rtiu-ir home iu 8t. lAiuis
they huve spent tbv luml twoWeeka.
Electric Storage
Battery Co.
attend - the
S .1. Dame
Uor Nelson hw returned home from
the west, where lie has^spent aeveml
ed fur a week:* Visit with 8. J. Dane
id family.
will) his family, v^lw^are siK-nding tbs
Mr*. Su-inherg nnd.Anna VeVang
vui* City, wli-re she will
" ilbiir Smith and Ham' Hall H«-nt
n on Katnrday.
Traverse City, Mich.
She took the Mtsaouri In com
pany with Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Chris
tian. her maid and coachman, on Fri
51r. and Mrs,I..eo Grlffles entertain
ed fririjds at a progressive nedro par
The Petrel took a cargo of sUbs to
Milwaukee last w-eek.
rlav for Chicago.- w here they have
Uined work lor the winter.
Inshre Your Canning wllb
Miss .Alire Day spent the week end
: Hlllcresl Orchaids,
test of Ml-Fs EIltn1>eth Rohns.
The barge Buckley is taking a car
go of lumber for Detyo'it
CbrTxttanHOD and BIckle of Manis
tee. are Inspecting the cargo.
Mra. R- 11. Day closed ber cottage
The mofi Katlsfaeiiiry and -conv'cnii-nt eoru>oan-l.
]i s.-iv.-s w-orry. lime .and money.
Sure and e
Absolutely prevents r,
1 package 10c, 3 packages 25c.
-Lorelie Lodge^* last week and leR for
ler home In Detroit.
H. S. Hull and
vere in
7 packages SOc. 15 packages $1.0a
driving over
from. Traverse City in two automo
copvNiirvE & coivimiime:
lU-v. l-VunelK lA'slie of Ihe Araer- Paul, were called to Mason. Mich., by
leaii MUslon at Ourfa. pirkey. dellv- the
d^ath of Mr. Slaglil's mother.
eied a very Intere-iing lecliire In the
Lucy Andressen and brother Carl
nrsl eorn, fruit or vegclablcK from souring or sik-iHog.
General Law Rragdicc. Includfni
4le StMe Boot BeiL
MBtf N.Connlne
1 venlnc.
Mr and Mrs. Ivoula Slaght and son
^Wm. cJaclcson
ty. on Saturday, evening.
returned from a week'* visit at $*rauk.
MIkk RiiUi .Maj<Ka4ias gone to Kan-
Saturday to s|>eBd- a eoQpIe' of w eeks
Kuinnic-r here.
aummer home. "Idle awhile." on Sept
Sam Groseman of Xevr York, arriv
Misse* Day. Mr*. Ida Parrant and
retuirwl to Hieir home in Muskegon,
spending a few .iiOT In Trav. rse City.
Wunbtifg and daughter
•■d. home lodpy from Empire, where
-Mrs. (i.
C Wuison and ihil*-en have
David Day drove to Traverse CUy to
Bessie and
went to Traverse
When a woman suffering from -some fonn of feminine
disot^r is told that an operation is necessarj-, it of course
friglnens her.
The ver\- thought of the hospital operating tal;le and the
su^eon's knife strikes terror to her heart, and no wonder..
It is quite true that .«rf>me these troubles may reach a stage
where an operation is the only re.source, but thousands of
women have avoided the necessity of an operation by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. This” fact is
attested by the gmteful letters they write to us after tlieir
health has been restored.
Th<rae Two Women Prove Our Claim.
Carr, Maioc.-- I feel It-a duty I
owe io all suffering women to tell
what Lydia E. Pinkh.-vm’s Vegetable
Compound d
did for me. One ycarago
* found myself
mvself a terrible buffi
1 had pains in both sides and such a
soreness 1 could scarecly
I at times. My back acl
:hed.l had
> appetite a
aid not sleep, then I would be
red mornings that I euuld scareel.v
get around. It seemed almost iinpoKsible to more or do a bit of work
and 1 thought 1 never would be any
better until 1 snbmitted to an opera
tion. I ei.mmcneed taking Lydia E.
Pinkbam's VegeUble Compound and
boon fell like a new woman. I bad
no pains, slept well, had good appe
tite and was fat and conld do almost
The faihiyrof Magngrs Meyer closed
am the mntliefof a nice
this letter to
Buffe^g*'wown.''—Mrk itoalsiiu,
le Wyona SU. fharlolU. K. C.
Tor SO yoon L>rdl» E. Plnkhani’a Vegctkble f
Compound hai been the Montbird remedy for
. iltnetiu (,
male ills. No one sick wlUi woman>A»inewtt
'trr this fo
tlocs JiuUot
ld herb*, it
moiu —•*’
their ^tiges
very- b
lifted a ehair it would enSM
a hemorrhage. I had a growth which
the doctor «a1d r
nev-cr would p>-t v—----------- ---an operntioD. A friend advised me
to Ukc Lvdia K. Pinkham’s Vegeta-
Now answer thisquestion if you can. Why shquldawo*
man submit to a surgical operation without first giving Lydia
E. Pinkham-s Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that
it has saved many others—why should ittail in your case?
where 5Uas Luella win attend high
" my own work
. . ,for. .a family of
r. I shall alwa.v-s feel that 1 owe
mv good health lo .vonr medicine.”
—Mrs. lUvwaBB Sowtas. Cary. Me.
t»T a woman and
Grand Traverse Fair, September 23-24-25-26, 1913
J. W. SLATER Tlie Original Home Fumlslier
Make My Store Your Headquarters while in Traverse City, Fair VVeek.^
Bring Your Lunch, We Will Furnish You a Table and Chairs to use.
Bring the Babies and do not bother to bring your Go-Carts or" Baby Carriages as we will
Furnish you one FREE OF CHARGE to use during Fair Week.
Souvenir Free for Everyone Calling at My Office Fair Week!
Every Home Needs a Good Sewing Machine
When You Think of
Justtiiinkof a machine with every practical improvement
and advantage. A1 quality through and through, the best of every
thing at a price wiih^ the reach of all.
We scoured the country to find the best quality machine at a
popular price and we found it in the New Royal made by the mak
ers of the world's best sewing machines. We bought all that yce
could get of them (not mauy) at a big reduciion and will sell this
famous machine to you fair week for
Think of J.W. SLATER
' f
$7.25 Fak Week
And Fair Week onlv, we will rell this beauti
ful American Quartered Oak Dresser which is v/ell
made, good size, and has an 18x20 Beveled Eidge
Plate Mirror. (Has wood knobs in place of brass
Trulls as shown in cut)
Universal Ganges have-won a world wide
reputation for t’lemselvps for being tbe
most artistic in design, longest lived, great
est fuel economiz :r ard most
convenient range on earlh; yet
in spire of their superiority ihey
are sold at no higher price
than ordinary ranges.
Come in. and we will tell you about
its points of superiority: the new. upto-date style, its wonderful appear
ance, the white ground porcelain oven
doors, the new c'ontrolling damper
system, its sanitary construction, its
great fuel saving features, ifs wonder
ful tjuick cooking ami baking, its ever
lasting material and line workman
ship and many other features that
other ranges do not possess.
Canv^aSsers will sell this.machine for $6000
$4.65 Commode to luatch Dresser. Fair Week only............ 14 65
$6.25 Wood Bed. food well made, perfect match to dressar $6,25
Buys This
Banner Steel
The best medrum priced range on
earth We have sold this wonderful
steel range for over twenty years and
can conscientiously say that iheie is no
' belter stove made for the money and
you are asked to pay more, a great
many times for inferior ranges.
Just think of it. Fair Week you can buy this complete three-piece
Bed Room Suite consisting of Dresser. Commode and Bed for only
$18.lo We are showing an oKceptionally large line of Chiffoniers
and Combination Dressers.
One dollar and seventy-five cents will buy a good, full size Iron
Bed. one that you can use any kind of springs on.
We are making an extra good showing of Vemis Martin and Brass
Beds, one that you should see, and remember you get the same
liberal discount on them that you do on everything else in our
mammoth stock FaiHWeek.
Beautiful Pedestal
Library Table
was made -in Traverse City and we are
going to sell it to some one. Fair Week, for
811.7S. The real value of this table
is $16.00.
^" ,
We ate showing an exceptionally large line of library chairs and rockers in
weathered cat, early English and golden oak; both in wood and upholstered
Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums
to go miles to see and remember, special prices on them all Fair We^
JJic auy
Joy UI
of a
a Well
wen Cooked mvai
Meal ^
I l)oes Not Depend Gn the Artistic ^
Dining Room, But Upon Your
Kitchen Ranxe.
E. Front
Bed Blankets, Pillows and Comforters^™”^^*!^ supply. Fair Week and save from 10% to 20%. We are showing practically everything that is
manufactured in the bl^et lioe, ranging in price from
lo $12.00.
Boy yoor Gr*
............... _
irare« Tinware.. Alnmlaaiii.ware
and Earfbenware at J. W.
Slate'j^. If you have never priced it then you have no idea of what a lot of money you can
save. We sell everything in home furnishings from a tea strainer up.
.......... ;
tns tnitsnee In FsrticuUr 6s(l«rsclo^
Ity VotiOied fer Explains Many
Stories of Sallorx
Perhaps the roost likely expianatlea
of tbi- genesis of specter ships Itos In
the vxtrsordinary effect produced at
s«« l-y mirages. In the Arctic seas In
particular or.- to be s. eo many strange
KigbU produced by reftmeUon. There
Is at least one Instance on record thst
Irsatlsfactorlly vouched tor. and which
explains many of the stories current
among aallors fifty or a hundred >-ears
ago. One evenlcg In the osrly 'thirties,
a passenger ship was approaching Port
T« Hurry F«wte Alor>8 They Mu«t •• ,Danger, on the South African esast.
P«tf Uber*lly—Feed Them M«eh .
Suddenly those on board wer- astound
artd Plenty ef Grain.
ed to see a well-know n I-higUsb wawhlp
quite close to them. So citar was the
gome people make a dreadful fuia
vision that they were able to recognlss
about the poor moulUn* hen. while- acqualnunces among the oOlcorw and
• thle moutUue proccas It ju»l at natu
crew-. A boat was lowered from the
ral a* It U for a hen to lire and
EtTunger and its crew was o1>.<frved
breathe and no more critical than the
to tumble into It ISverything was so
latibc ttunt. provided the bent are
real, so obvious, that It seemed impo»
fed enouah to keep up the waste of
Bible tbai they could be deo-lved. They
the body and at the same Une manurecognized the ship as the Itarracouta.
Sbe was too well known to admit of
factuiv the new featheia.. aaya the
Field and Farm, The sooner the foatbthe ieaat doubt as to her Identity.
^ are grown the soonfr the eus
When the iduaengrr ship arrived at Si
wlU come-andiio hurry them aloiw as
mon's Day a ahoct time after, sveryfaal as possible the fowls should be j body expfctc-d tu see the Uorracouia
fed llbemUy.
Give them sll the I at anchor, liut she was not there, and
did not arrive until a week afterwards.
m».h they win eat and a good feed
The first thing to do was to compar*
ing of grain at night.
notes an| explain the m.^sti
To many fuiks It looks like throw
found that at the Ulue of
ing away money to practice heavy
ahlp^s being seen niir-.Eocl- Danger
rft-edlng while no eggs are coming in.
ehe was at least three hundred tulles
• but this It one of the secrets of get
away. There is no room for doubt as
ting winter gggs. The moulting sea
to the deUiUs of the story. People do
son U the most critical period in the
not Inugtuf with such unanimity as
•llfeofahen. Growth of new feathers
to admit of any czi'lsnatloa other
Is a' heaty strain on rUality. As the
than reflection or retraction la a cloud
ben Is fed on the average ranch It
or fog bank.
requires from two to four months to
recover from the effects of IL
By givtbg the necedsary materials
with which to make the feathers so
that a hen will cot have to take them
from the tissues of her body, she will
be read} fer work as soon as she has
her new plurosge and often before.
PuUeu should be bcndled in the same
way. They are net yet fully develand'wUl not begin to lay until
the amount of food they consume'ls
Mough to support growiti with a sur
plus to go Into something els&
CQfs Ou Be Bold at JfIgh Prieaa Md
There la Always Good Demand
for Their Feathers.
A nice flock of ducks Increases tho
profile on the farm every year. The
eggs can *be sold In the spring at
good prices, for i-eiilng. and there is
always a good sale for feathers.
They areVmncb less trouble^ than
chickeus or turkeys because th^ selj <die- from any kind of disease.
aelvea after they hare bectl hi
short time,
.ts eoon as the ducks
are large enough to 'eat.
thick curd In their boxes.
Teasels should be used for watering.
A good pUn is to fill a flat pan
not tun them.
The Peklna, Ronens
biweds. the latter being a perfect egg
I In alz«. Tbe Pokins Uy wcU and are excellent table
ducks, making a verr desirable markot dock. They weigh; Adult drakes,
6 pounds; young drakes. T; ducks.
7, and young ducks. 6.
In all there
are ten rarietles of ataodard bred
Pottltertr Muat Look Closely for liwjurieus Little Insect* in Cider'to
Get Haalthy Birde.
Iraat rcu'h-r
k-ild a
r to tbeu.' ebor-a
I lie .New York
be readlcB all t,h-i time
—ct wsp.np«rj. or lioaks—and you read
th.-ougb being eatea at the wrong
Six or eight slewed prunes half
an hour before .Ijreakfa.vt are beoefl-w*!d figs or stewed
apples catco b--forv bfeakfssL
FeelL-^ orangeii cut into Uiln slices
so that Ihr Juice is Set free, with CS*- sugar strewn over tbe slices, ara
i unlike plaeapple and form, a high
ly efficacious aid to dlgestloa. Grapes
should never
eaten except after the
chief meal of tbe day. Taken when
tbe stomach is comparatively empty,
they are a specially banq/ul frulu—
Family DocYor.
ered out. and ds lint found on the
bead with iu cUwa or feeden sunk
Into the skin of the bead. As they
become more numeroua. they attack
the throat and neck a* well.
remedy ii simple, bat It Ukea a little
time. Each chick must have Iu head
greased wfth laid. cottMtseed -oil or
olive oU. You will have to look close
ly to see these inecu. They are '
doatmeUve to chickens ud most ba
conlrollcd or exu-rmlnstad U the chick
Is to be bodUiy.
BetHfig a Taritey.
In naarly ail eaae* It will bg-baa
allow tbe tarkey ben to hatch out
aecond laylog of eggs. Tbe -weather
Is nsnally warm and aetUed.'and
wiU raise theA with vary UtUe.trou-
Blntf» la Layer. •
Tbe alnglag ben u the layer gad tf
there la not song among yoar flock
aomethittg la wroag and yo« abauld
Immedlstriy aacertala what U la a«d
gaaedy U.^
In the midst of luxury, bo was
fight flies will fail rapidi} la ber milk.
Sh - utilize* her food iu strength lor
llgliti'ug I1i-K.
Is one reascti
cows often toil In the quality of their
milk dnriug <lie hot uiontbs.
and hers forever.
flATien her baby glH was two year*
old a ttorm broke over Amy's boesehold. Pi!-.- never Iwjw quite how It
hec ham-ned. She bad beym *0 busy
Iluic Kvelyn. Her l)OUM«>ld d»-,
* b-d ulwortM *1 ever;- va^nt hour,
c hod SO little time-'.o see what was
bridges and eulvera both economical
ard durable. The a-lvcn-ig.-s of the,
two maii-rialR arc combli.c! and their
dkadvantagcii in a large d. s:. t- cliiaV
Tb:» f.nrm of .constTiO- on. on oocouot of Its .(vnomyaafi Hinirl’city. ta
.-specially welt suit- 'l to higuvay cul; •
goii.g on aLoul her. I’ertaps she had
uiglccted M'tll.
Many ev.-niags she
was loo tired to notice Will's absence
or his whereabouts.
vena and short zj-an brlU.;. s.. wi;.-u for
any reason It Is di-tirable that thetr
s-iperstruciares be kept flsi.
In tbe
case of arch culvtrK and bridge* built
A shed can iu- coii.rtruclcd
cicd clicaply
s In the luie-
own work, a nurse and servants were
,,„„iovcd. And ih.-ro was-notblng that
decld-rd U;lLga. and Amy
nothing of the law.
Replace Fat—FU^ Seed snd
on Meal Recommended.
Municipal Art
bare. There was no work for the la2. AL
- cynd^cnced hand.
At lui.
last, m
a kindly
cmplovmc-ni as a do--s.lp.sirvant.
"you would tn;t tbi-ak of iH-ro-ltiins
anyone to b:in.: Into your house a pic
ture of a wuman in tigbta"
-You are not 111 favor Of doing any-
addition h
fdace the 1
Th*i Is to sa.v. rnni would not permit
anybody to.hang
-lims uj.oa yojr
porch advertising qu- stlonabla resort*,
the mUJt
Sax se.-d
doable ha
-C.rianK ...I I nm.« .nJc-.™';
! ,1,, wi
■»!- ™ -“'I- "-urd ..d
"S5uy. you
IviX-lBl 1
who hive '
ad prepare c
coiiccRliati- ul homo.
,1'. q-jeru'iu gii"9 delulled ItiBiructlonv lio'A to l-n-jiarv
limi-suiiihur. how
to tost this
he ijidnitnelcr to dclemiiui- U* defA.
iiv uud gives tables for dihiUun of dlftcront detiFltle^ for dormant spray*
snd for surntmirTpraylng. TbL- laiicr
Information Is also Valuabli- to the
man who purebasws one of the comrocrvial brands of lime-sulpliur. Th*
dciivUy o.',:liis also should be deter-
.The crowing of the strawberry Is
important ou the farm beesuse It Is
one of the earllevt fruits and It Is one
-Doctor of Dental SurgefT-"
Tbe mother U-d’her to the operating
chair and smoothwd back her tousled
hair as she laid her bead in the Ut
ile rest. Looking her straight hi ber
eye with linger poised for emphasis,
tie mother said; “Now. Kdlih, If you
cry..I’ll never take you to a dentist
it’wm n-pi'ly the place that nothing
else will supply on Chi- table, and we.
as farmers, eugbt to have the boat we
can grow upon tbe farm, and a liberal
supply of strawbeniAi every year, a
good. liberal plautliig every year, will
d<y much toward making farm life
Dior'.' pleasant, more coagenlal. and
give CE something that U valuable oa
the Ubic tor. throe or four weeks.
of ihi- best fruJis that can be grown,
coming in at a limo of the year whi-n
Praise and Flattery.
Yield Depends on Care.
Yhc suaw'berry is a plant that can
be mtde to pr^uce anything from
one hundred to one thousand dollar a
wbrih of fruit per acre, according to
tl"2 kind of work .vou put on IL It you
choo.e a good rich soil, say plAwIng
uiidijr a crop of clover, then heavily
ftrtUlzlpg with well composted man
ure and giving it careful entUvation
through the entire season, you will
have your ground in a condition M
■ ^
Trouble Caused by Warping and Sag
ging Overcome b.« Hanging Stide
Affairs on. Boards.
Seal of trooblv by warptug out of
ihape uni II I remvdi'-d It by hanging
llrt-tu ou ebon boards, a. when closed.
. and b. when opened
“Do you kobw the foreman sod th«
other oactsl*r’
wlU ^
-Now look here - said the witness ' jes.-ph BKwari of Miascurt In tbe In-I'm bl.cr and^hoy’* »Mte.
Tl-o depOUt-r.t IhArmtr
ThU kvvp. them
and thev
ain't no relations of mine."—CIcvo *j»ayz In the same posluc
do not warp any mort- a* they did
when one end eastwl on th*- grovod
He Knew*.
• v-rher—Whjit happens when an 1r
Feeding Dairy Cows.'
,1,,. uhlaboma sUiloa. on a ration
PWlrilble force comes in contact wltl
M ImmoTsLle body?
RmaU Doy—A
prsn. corn ctop. alfalfa tasy
loughuge the cost of milk per
gallon wsa IIJ cents.
When on a
: retiou similar |o ths above, with the
addition of cotto»*e«-d meat the cost
; of milk was 10 » cmi* j-er gallon, but
, tbe quantity was aligbtiy decreased.
In another ti
beard on all possible occasions"
duction on a ration of barn, corn crop,
-DOBS h.- speuk up briskly what eouonseod meal and alfalfa bsy the
cost was 11.7 per gallon. On a slmeontrlbutiont are called forr
itar ration with silage as a supple“Writ n-oo. he doesn't"
Bent the cost was lO.i per gallon.
. and the ylfld was slightly Increased.
Impertant P*reoiL
-------------------------------------•TP look at Plpps. you'd think b* <
cauaa of Bowel Troubles,
had.tbe world on hta sbmildera."
jjowel troubled In calvee are eome“Yee: he stjems to think Ufa U a umu* caused by milk that Is excessivebaseball gaiuo and he's Always at tbe |j. rjcj]_ *ink that is modenite or low
ta btKt« 1st U ususUr better for
young a'alret.
Indlgcetlon ta older
' ouch aa relalorwd concrete, the de-
Which may be present In such Mrap.
I lurvm will become more and more s^ '
I'y a Wg bay -window overicofclog * parent at the commusUy d.vrlops.
jiark. Atny DPjmmiT I'ago and ber
‘^'^.For txami'le'. a highway b;idge. th*
daughter word standing,
defect! of which are taardly cotlcreU*
"Mother, I with yon wouldn't make v.-btia tbe highway oa eaeli aide is bor
me Ifaro to eani my own living. Wo dered by dilapidated fences and bullG
h-ve mspey. and—'
Incs may became * veritable vy«*ar*
-!S^ Fill should be able to make
her nvm way In the world, unaided:
ev.-fv' woman. For none knows what
rneex-n by Oic two women, a broken
old man bad entered tbe room. His.
wrinkled band rested on bis daagb-*
"Ho needs me: he
for yourtt-lf.
Tlie thing we women
muat Icjira U to pul our
selves. Lvelyc. not In la
City court
A colonMJ witness was called. "DU
you work Bi .ihe
planlT' he *ai
"VYhst were
,,-stbeMc features a*
pri-lRes and cclveru
day «ijc will ■'X- thrown upon ber own
r- h-Turccr. 1 wont to teach you to care
Mlchael Mcrtnhy war suing
parking company In
land Leader.
8he was about ten years old, and apparenily very unhappy.
A swollen
face served to diagnose the case
glance as an advanced sage of tooth
ache. Over tbe door they entered was
a sign which, being ifilerprvted. read
N«l ftelsted.-
with an oreba:.! of any ilxe it is en
He should pur-1
trouble with > 11 .Is that ncue of rt
ppiii-.l at the raini! time and In the
Idea abo-tt tnisIn-M
an." n aniKT r«-<ulu>d iu'iiijury to fell
Tom tat. YouYI have to "XCJi
: than
g<- <>r Irult or both.
For the- small grower or tlic> nuJnS^n »■; I'm LUB.V. Run uionc snd »<
a scare by'dUcoveri
if yoi
.itb III r«-w irocs It
IG doubt!
wai: zotnewhtre.'
I'ud of, a naked
tirely another lunttqr.
-kjoj mjik
you get paid for permitting
board to remain thi-rv, do you no..
i«Toud lor you. And no* you
mt-xt be very
— wim.
-ry quiot bcca-wicaure wo
.............. .
................................... ..................„,v
PoHcc have bad to close svvt-ral tlmv^ * -bw -- -i-.
from s
placedTh coofbefEifite/’tt^
from nut. gr. a**- or TWdgn maierfala
••y«. 1 ren r.wny from my falber'a
of any kind. i-ihcrwLi- a perfect bond
hone. I couMat stand It. and grand
bttv.-wn the ban* and the concr^e wltt
father loot me In. You see. grandfa
not be obtsin.vl.
ther failed rapidly after you
Deslgnere of highway bridge and away, l seldom leave his side ow. He
drainage atructures are urged not only
soi-ms to gel aowtnuch comfort from
tnn-sUgale tbe safety and dara-
..-.l.reK.. or ,ro..d
sboutd be mode
ife strength of
pounds r^r square
“Doia try to Ulk. mother." said the , *
jiox-'.-M lulBclen
girl, ^ey *ro bringing grandfather
^ _____ __
".allr-abiliU; «c be raadlly bent Into th*
Salt >0Wfcaan*ih
I qu.*llonr.
-la wi.mK .klm aillfc ..1.:.. >-O0
1 har, 1-..1 lc.n«lroti.^
' fhe owner of the vatmni lot Is the mla- ^
: die of the ntxt Idotk—the one on
„ ....
r.*U!onjl.Iy Ro.ard- It
lb. E»iBO
'a the chsuffeur stop
4 its vlgtim might be
-Calves •i-'.'O M-mc fc^-d In
lI:!:-.! ui'Is. In ordi-r 10 rc■ -.%!iich has b^uii taken off
C'lOk whole flax seed, or
m.al. iiud feed about a
Ifcl ai’k fMd mixed
the oil
' thing that veulU hav- a tetdem-y to
ipf^ lmwor.;ntT. elihiT. are yon?
udvited to uxe I.-If
taehuaetta. Btsf* Road.
. ,
the economy of li
;ld«sat snd
‘‘ot.alwc.y* evid.
Uin r-.u.-.i«« . ,.ij™-l..i-a ciH.
ground corn snd
bsib-y mixed, or
ritker of them put into tbe mdk bV.7
should calv.
1 akoulori'L" replied the
lattiT In comb.uailbii wi^b arsenle of ivad ma> b.- U'"d with perfect
BterTor- the H'TI ITavis Bi.d Haldwlu
ppl- tr.-vs wh.I" bortloaux mixture
bigild be demonslreted In azi}' partic
ular cace bcicre It I* d->clded that the
ting a bury sir-* one day. ap \
arch must be- rclnfcrced.
,b;iw dashed aroufld the coracr.
cmdiilers iv U- met In the constartled tkc nervuns
,hrd! sin
Ftrurtion of reinforced concrete culloJe-.-d 1Crti 0
mske It d FiraWc. from a stsndjumzed
The I
of iv^nom;-. that a relatively
it eto::p.td; rac waj *
L-.gh grude cl coiicreie be und. Any
toiincau ned hurtled t
micd lui
d.«reer<- In tbi «tr»-ugtb of tbe conhospitiil.
Crete m-r-Mliatct a core»r“7ntilng Inivte. ih.
op«i..d . T
1 had poor luck with my calves las
rammer, the}' scmid to be heavy but
d.dn'i'grow -v^v.niucli I jlTways took
ih'- frclh-off BH 'tul'-kly-^i* 1 fiuish.-a
lUrni'iK 'tbc separator, but didn't mix
anything , wi-.b th- lullk
How would
Wcii-to-Oo Citizen.
1 vurpof''-' SF-l' -il*'' «U“ »'*='' T"*
active-in t.hc Muuh-lpal Art
red tfciiB. uiiLLov.a snl unmclcsied.
Wliai ehcrjld be mixed
Inio f-iwrator miik to be fed to calves
Shown Where He la Defieiant by
•Would your'
enoth-r city, orten am-was b-o.,gry
atHl hiv cloihos were ragged, thread- Reinforced Cor.srete Calverl on a
Laadar In
Her baby was laktt
adrift upon
world-a divorced woman.
uuicr and more care-fre-e woman bid
Feed it Necessary to
Rut one murninjr the sc«!cr drop?cd'
from her e.ves.
' In dc'peratlon. the cast-off went to
' a fri. rd to borrow the monw to go to
- gull, .ouu.riul 1*01.1.. rou Auirt ]
•oat the*'.'.
p. st adaiAed*—that is. 1.-u f.>r s;e;-l
dem* to hU dauabtef'' P!^a. He had -nj comprirston for coiit-rete—consUclOBvU the parcnol door against her tm, » for*, of cocstrucUuu Ipr short
•U-c. I'oai;
IU the ground.
i frame work made on top Of them.
»hitb nicy b*; covered wlih atraw .
The shadow of this will ^
c-j quite a r.-fu«" for the cows In tht.
It must take about tweniy-flvo ate-,
-hange to lltne-sulphui
le' b.-ut of
id, those who have <»pericaeed any
ends for that escalsuw to carry
id*. Wtih
Wtth c.«d s'.adc, plenty of.clean
diiru-ulty viih it. or who are growing ' from the ground to the platform nml
ubui-daiit pasture, the
■nrietl.-a known to be susceptible to she bad n . -l all but three »tc!;s. sic
. had. Binu.-d lw(-.'ytwo 'Roeonds of
b" a proflirbl- aniri;*!
niin-d In tlo- same manner and diluted
according to the tables.
There Is fust this difference between
the two degrees T)f praise and flsiiory
—that Whereas tbe fonneiMtearttsii
up to brave, and ever braver endeavor,
tbe latter checks self-cuUope and desiroys future progress by making one
beUeve in attalnmanu
According to
thP flatterer, the goal has been won
and the groat plalaaa of perfeeUon
ivscbed: there are no more dreary
distances to traverae. no more nigged
............................... climb. All that U
needed li to enjoy wbst one has. snd
'ee grstefol snd glsd tor what ona Is.
jorgheo her for her marrtaKt to TVUl teriti bUlbe rvirutred
spccossful man. able-bodied, thecharacter oftire*, for which
it is
usi.'d ter p aiiiilaciurlug milk ami not
!n fighting Hies.
A eo* that inj*si
stand out in the hot sun all day and
th" time .-.-nvum'.-d on tie trip er.d
lost only th;i-e. Tli- mts;! tei-iarhal-ie^
exemplification I have >6t wvn of.
aomy of• lime
your chansREAR
and national h;.b1t of rc:
r-cmisal and Ozrablo.
U M •''Kr-in.ri)
A ccmbUiittlon a
t*. (,ther had not yttt 'zna^ In sucL a maimer thst each □_
rt 'uge from tbe aurv's bemumg rayp.
It will pay the farmur to plant tree*
fence rath'
alcng his panturo fence
rather than
sutfer. A wood
ture Is an Ide^l place for tbe cows.
They wltydruik at th..- brook and XccRtie bcucath the KhnUc slid b? comforiable,- All their surplubjood. writ'-*
\V. D. Xeale In an exebang. . will be
e was reading
she'loved—married hhn
,1,5 rooms of a Justice of the pisace.
^-h,.n h r babjwas boro. Ami 's happlalmost complete. The 0
tre<» or a rhed wliein rh? may find
“ItuL howcici ,.sbc ren.l and
tniently ail tbe way up. or until abe
the lop
had got three
iJicn she stopiH d sad looked
then sicpiwd off brihkl) and qul:
The discovery of a stdema man'#’
hobby softens bU austerity. So there
Is someiblDg very human and Interest
ing in the convention recently b^-ld
h-re of the nation's phllatelUts—sei^
o-us men brought t<«eiher by the boi^
non fascination ««ercised by little bits
of colored paper.
I lore
f.aher had closed the door .
fcohlnd him. He was done.
Amy Plummer, golden-haired, young.!'
down and test.
Uu- weather ic hot. she canoot real In
pence In the hot sun
«be should
have a dooBc shade made by large
“In tbe cc!i« of the lady, reading on
the escalator, for
Instants-. 1 wai
afraid It mic.M lead to an accident u
ber. It U only a Biort ride on at
escalator, snd 1 was afraid she wb:bi
mixture S' a fungicide. There la prob
torg;et and fall at the J'-P. ‘or sbi
ably no bi-iter material tban bordeaux
mixture In use today for the control eevmed .vi-ry
ioi!l-Jn t tell w h -tbir i^be was
-pic M-ab. but -Jiifommaicly It la
frrquentlv tbe.cause of b-riuus-.daiu-- omizing
- .til
-l^nci- of-each to this spray. U
r-.-cctnnienried that crchsrdh
who hsve beet; U-'iDK horde;
turo Slice' srfully en reslrunt
wTlh green- grass by noon or a little beautiful, headstrong: made her choice ’ ...
of sprayi'ig apple ireve, the moil H
portani belm; a quite gvueral kubstltullon of Uwe-sulphur for bonleaux
ested In
-Failier, oh. ftflber. please!
\ hint.
the summer lime,If they gill-the best
will fill herself UP
been c marked cbnnke In the nielboi
Cerner of Earth.
When to Eat* Fruit.
To obticin the most benrUt from
th«- sufcuk-nt frulu they should be
e;iicn at the end oT the chief meal.
Danattos arc an exception and mgy be
They are very
acceptable cut in thin slices, and eai
for Retting Place.
. The Ellrh cows must have rlade In
such aAhliig as overdoing Ibis blue:
ectteomy of time, don't you know.
Activities—Scarchee Farthest
Like (.very other bobby which
volvcs collecting semeiblng, the tun is
not half so much la passewloa i
the eli-fcal quest. Whole ruUimet of
odd and beautiful labels, given as a
rec'.-lpl for postage paid, are not as In
teresting as the rare and illusive spectmi-os whi<;b an- yet to be corralled.
While the small boy colU-etor has bts
heaven io grandmulbcr’s garreL ahenrIng th<- old labels from long treasured
eplstlos. the ful!-f!'-dged enthusiast
finds a larger flMd for hla activi
and the lanhosl comer of Ihe ear
not too rv-mote to stop bis QiiesL There
Is more in the hobby than one might
su]>i>ose. HUtory. geography and
tionel pelltles.form a groundwork for
an intelllccnt pursuit of the pastime.
.New Zealand and Hawaii wlU show
you Inndscafes upon their atamps:
Central Amerimn country pictures
tropic^ birds; Jamaica shows a water
fall: old Cabadlan Issues and some of
Uom-H] shew native fauna, while Japan
revels in various presenlattuiw of Ils
eoDventlonaltzed chrysanthemum. Col
ombia and the Quebec centennials pre
sent whole maps, while the heads of
rulers and suteemen give designs for
tbousanOs of iaaues;^n>etrolt Ftea-
,..I~1» to be your h-osband. I wl'J
Farmer Will Find It PrwflUble te j.„vo uwlire mom to do w‘'-lt >o«FISEt Trees Along Pastum Fene*
nr-|. Amy."
-,o l.gh Mtarirj.1..
.lie,r cmJItloDS are right. The c
r gives g list of a large huii;L
itli-tl. s of .vt-pl-s with the n-Uii
Ycu must choose between me and
—this tru.li." A father etood befire a
daughter Maot-browed. nnyicldlng.
•Oh, I canuot. father, I.cannot."
'Y'cj muji. Uihlimah-thlsscouD-
every* bore-ir. p;iWic as In p.-ivaie.
on the elevav-'J cm. In tbe s.ibway.
everywhere--and I was ywttit.p qulW
nsid to -Mwltig B-e manli.-siation of
what appearf to be a naticnal habit;
-hut I was a little aur(iriBed
morning—yes. Jurt a llttir—when I
saw a lady reading a newspaper as
she rode up on an cfo-aluior from
Eaperimental Station
the Sidewalk to an elevateil ruUroad
Combinat.on Which May Be Used
With Perfect Safety.
“I Jtaow flu- retUcas Amgrlcan en
rcviKinee to numetous requests ergy,-which i.rujupts you to the attor InfunuKiiou ou the subject df pre moal erunon-y of time, w the uBUza
lion of every minute,
that no
paring ued use of llmv-Hulpbiu- iti
chard spraying, the Maine agricul- chance for gain ehall be Iwt
A Ttrrlble Puntahment.
Tbe tead
kmae attacks yenng
^Icka gen«wlly before the/ are feath
V.'cli Knev
Nalloiai TiaJt Noted by a
Fcrcign Visiter.
turnl expi-riTuaul tdation Las lssut*a
bullt-tiii which goes Into the waller
quite fully. U says iu part
During the past ?bw years there has
"HN A .TTim
.III tX.
Phllatciitt Finds Large Field for Hla
Trio of Colored Boiim Ouelca.
nearly full of pebbles, and pour In
water. They will drink In the UlUe
pools between the pebbles and be kept
from getting too wet After they ar«
time to four weeks old water will
Drowning Mon-Help! belp!
on the Shore-Nritlrar ena I.
calves la usually *»e t
sanitary stalls
Irregelar or
“Y'ou'are, right l=r daughter,
men fail our women, but our women
liever fall us. It has always buen ao.
It will slwayi be acx You are right:
o-jr women must learn to alttid alone."
Daughter and
and jtanddaaghtcr
granddaaghter te^
If these feature* of the landscape arm
Plac;djhe old^msn ta th*
e chair, with c
; mo«
and fooutool. One brought him hla
favorite drink The other selected ona yet be almost totally devoid of ora*,
of the books thst he liked bnt and mentatioa. A lew simple panel* and
Coptics af<- usually oefleieot to lend
«*““ >»e slept Tlien both
perfectiy sllU watching over hlA
bridges, provided the planes of tbn '
something should come to dlatarh
wing wsiU. psrapeu, etc., are In
! “1* comfort.
And when he awoke they smiled ten-
Earth Reads Cheap,.
• A doctor, whll
. .
ta tbe country, took the
along Vlth a friend to go fishing. Dur
ing the operations the doctor's sink
er came off end was loeL He was ta
a dilemma—no stakw. no more fishing
that day. Happy thought; be bad a
bottle ta hla pocket. The bottle was
filled with water, carefully oorkod.
and sent down cm lu mlssloo.
After a few minutes' Intarval the
doctor had a bile and prited up hi*
line at racing apeed. finding a fine
pair ot fish, -one on each book.
"Ha. doctor, twins this UbmI* . «»
claimed hla companion.
the floctor, ''Bad
brought np on a bottle, loo."
The earth rood will doohtieas b*
used to rnral comnnnlUos for many,
years. becauEe ot its low flrat cosL
Tbo ever-rucurrtag problem of upkeep
on such a road can be solved rer/
largely by the use ot the spUt4og drag.,
Meney Wasted.
It la Bcney wasted te «Md
drawing a road that U not
enough te there U a dlich'oo
side of the roadway.
U tat
liraL then k^ the grade up by dragv
gtag atiensarda.
Oiidrd Against Weevils.
All weeds and rabriah should b*
cleared away from
ditebea and fence rowa eo there
be no opportunity for weeviu la Bn*
winter xbelwr.
trodnee any amount of IrulL
T; ^
|We Mean to Make This Store The
Liveliest Attraction in Town
One Whole Week of Grand Buying Chances
Prepare to do your Fall trading whin you come to the Fair. Every department in the atore
is completely stocked with new goods. And the Indueements offered make it well worth while lor
you to anticipate your needs. Traverse city people as well as visitors from out of town will find
our offerings of unusual money saving importance.
Good F’upnltupe:
Carpets, Rugs, Stoves
=2" SKf
Dress Goods
nualiE.'. Tblnk of It. .vard —
of rnioal
. 35fl yard! Ne.we«t Fancy Sjikf. Ty far th.- lt. »t oflerlng of fant-.v silks « e‘ie enT inetlo. .All tin- rtaCU-1
.nt, li
5.85 '
HI I bai k.
.60 Oak Rocker.
hade l_ aervlce
and comfon
PSir «Mk p
.... 1.98
Union Ingrain Carpeta, ibo r.ot-
kln.l; half wool. New. fr.'sli
i«iiemg. Piir«-I for
Fair Week, at wd.. OZ^C
Cork Linoleum, the fi.V »<>ar
realMink kind. l.*rRe .vHeclioti
feet. Beautiful now i«i
trrnh In fiornl and oriental dcHma.
A Rood mR at n monr'r >av• ?.
Hosiery and Underwear
You'll admit the excellence of these Underwear and
Hosiery values the instant you pick them up.
BO doaan Ladle*' Fleeced
Hoea. Stainless Mad;. ' a
Pidr Week i.rlce. pair..
UNION SUITS AT 4fcFleeced I'aion Sulla for *0100 doa.
and Giris' Wool
Ho*e. Good wel»ht. rtbbed stockinys. The 2r>c kind, at *.<* ;
i«>r .......................
(Tptlonal V
fd foior^^
Worth {l-ii.
Fair Week 1
A Splendid Showing of Ready-to-wear Apparel
=== For Fair Week ===
Coats, Suita, Skirts, Dresses and Waists. New York styles at much less (
than big city prices.
Fair Week Siieclal I'rlccii kI'
TIk- rioci: 1
rivles at a real aavina of .iDllat*.
and rrterr.
Ladiaa' full length Black CeraeuI
t’oats. Satin lliilnir. latrse shawl
collar. I^ncuid with laigc sllk-
Si.v.r;.i^;s'.*r!" 9.95
Fair Week Offerings Of
Staple Dry Goods At
Substantial Savings
10c Unbleached Sheeting. Full
yard wide. ReRutar lie I'sibleached Muslin, in small pieces
np u» 2t .vards. For <7* _
Fair week at.- yard.... / SW
Yard Wide Percales. S:an<iard qua'My. F>ill
iiichi*v wide
Good <laik (•aneins. AV.iriti
K.™ Wm, SM Spr„i E.M.
tarpe rire*. hrii'.iMd end.. Won-
. heinnied and real-
y Xbeed (
AudUatian PWd BtankeU. K-fl jwlm of-beautiful Wool Flniil.ed
Isiit- -Bd
sad rite, Blanketa
Blakketa of iOil# kind neh _.
. ,
»2'w to SS.M.
tna «Se bJI
y tow prk*.
.................. '““'2.2S
All Wool Plaid Blanket!. |r,.d<) valne.
Brtter'Suits. lUndsome sniis of
- fine Wblitcords. Seiqe* and tVool
l■•'ldlus. Uncsl with allk and cuaracteed ratin. Skirts made .to the
1.L V. draiied style*, lil.iu to I2S.5U
r.' 5.89
Better I'nderwcar In Fleeced
and Wool Garments arABc and
Spoeially priced a
$14.45 and.........
We-nen'a Pleth Coata A la
.-howlni; of the beet garuie
in.Aile. We mcniion a full tcQRtil
iliicl with Skinner's
KuaranliM^ sailn. Faitleni-d alth'
lariie silk froim.e Will <
vorahly wiih any
<’caT. A l-'alr \\>b
Barniiu nt..............
'Complete Shewing of Better
Sklitik. ITcliiiy irimniM riylcr.
made from Sefse, Matetc>-.p tTntti
and mannish uilxtiircv. Several
niodele are made In the new (irAped
effect, and trimmed, with t-jHons.
Unequaled values dr-S393. $4.95
Boy*' Chrom Tanned Shoes.
Vuthing better to Ftaad bard
kneeks. .V good seliooi
fhm- Pair Week 'price..
'Wemen's Cun Metal Sheet.
I’l l ton and lece styles TI:e;-«
are shoe* r’e can rocomn>..rH
our price. i
i-alr ..............
Wemcti’s Street Shoe*, alt the
style and i>erfcci Ilitlog qaali*
ties nf a $r...>i) shoe.
Week i-rh-c, pair Z.VO
feTteSSiS-w 08
- < Shoe
Kxtra heavy leather.
,t will w.
Men’s and Boys’ Clothing
Hats, Caps, etc.
When you nre
'nicoe handsome 1
brisk business.
nr.’iTinHlel! «Th
ly w sba|>ed elTrct skirt. Good val
ue nt SI2..10. our hpe- rt HE
*u.ii.ri,e........................ y.v5
Ladies' and Mlaae*' Black Cara
cul Coat*. A coud riyl.- coat in it
4 Hell, twar* aeli.
a for the price.
K--Kul»r and eitia
I \Veek at. pair..
In iVcro* an<I Bro-
The U-at
60 inch All Wot-I Pan.teta.
for men. women and children.
!n Tnlon Sulla and aeiarwe
Infant*’ Cas
AM Wool Serser. In eolAiv and. blatk.
M.r ;lH. i.rire.
pfdren'a and Mitics' Dull
V Shces. Jnst the
OIrl'n sites aL iialr
■ 88c
Light Shade* of Fancy Silk*.
Girls' School Sheas.-- Vl.i kid.
patcnlli,. Sir.C4l2,o.2 A shoe
that wli: give aatLfanioB. I nc'luaJed- fi.'.M quality.
Fair Week iThe, pair...
■ ; A Zinc Board. Eiove I’lite. Ell•o«s. Coal Hod and alt uooegsorie* for scitlnR up stove; ^reo
nilh rvt-rv stove roclini; }]0.»0
or more dtiiliit k’alr Week.
Shoes lor the whole Family at Special
Fair Week Prices
•SL* '3^
sale Fair Week i
100 piece Dinner Sett, (i.tar•nteed wore. BMUlirn] wlilteautl
The Stioe Oept.
We ask you seriously to consider these exceptional offerings
in dress goods and silks^ from the standpoint of newness,
quality and style as well as special prices.
t 'a
shouM tlironj; tbestore with--------® exceptional p.ice inducements made-lor this event.
1 eager customers every day of the entire week.
Make Ibis Store ya
ers dtirlBg Fair Week.
I here. wh» jr T^l Styles
e styl,.*
..........................................II tailorcl.
$ir.yo rai'.ie. and the Fair Week
Men's Winter Weight Suits.
Men's Heavy Wool Pants.
Fair Week bargain
Beys' Suits. K to l«sizes. Good
dark iiatcruF. for f«Tl wear. KxPrlcod for Fair Week
Boy*' Double W«*c Suits. We
guaranteb eatisfactioB to etery
purchaser of theav aulU.
can buy oae ihl* week
Matchless Value
Bargains For Men
I Buying Snaps
Standard Printa Idahi and diirk
patternF, Shoil Icntohe of t«- .\nu-iI'-an Prill's. Fur Fair
At ~
Week, ynrd .......................
Curtain Muelin. Piini-y strlpo
in ynrd aide while curtain mu»
lias. ni& harsalus. at
yard ......... ..........................
Outing Flannela. fi Idecrs of
the very liest lor OutIugL lAighi
dad dark patterns. Finn qualiiv,
l,inte showink of cholre patterns
A real bargain offering for Fair
Week that will send hundreds of
yardn Into the iiemes of TVaTerae
<'lty and surmundlBR eonnOn sale at. .vard..
Men'a Wool Socks. A medium
weight cashmere In black and can>c!'b hnlr' .A bargain at 19c. Priced
foi Fair Week .tt.
I'iilr ..........................
. ■chief pcrfiH-l. IK'suKier.v
niid hariuilns,
Silk FIniehed Persian Cloth, ori
ental t'Biterti* of a K'< Roods, oal>oels1ly wulled f'. r kinioEnglish Long Cloth. 10 yard
l-ic(es -of BU7d l.onit' QOev
Cloth. Fair Week prite
Fleeced Flannelette*. Choire |iattcnis and colorlnits. I’Vieed for
Fall Week
Ladle*' Waist Pattam*. Cre:.e
and mert-erised goods, embroidered
la pure silk. i£acb iwttern
enough materia] for any sUe
Shown in while, blaclf
few eol^rs. Enh..
Fleeced Uoder*«sc.
rtci'iwerr. The itst.
kind. fcpc'.Ul 41 .
ts tr*
Ftanndl Shirts. * most tomplele
nhowing. In every v -mu-d style Bod
color lor work Bad drea« wear.
Remilar and mllUarr coltors. Spe
cially priced m Me, $1.23. $1.48.
$1.95 and up to $2.38.
Ready for yout chuneink. I'lie
new styles of hauenl caps .Mo<lmiely |:rtre>i iB keeping with tlie
Globe Store iwltey of selling tor
less than others astt.
Globe Dept. Store
Traverse C^, Mich.
Kirshbaum Clothes
S1S.00 $20.00 $25.00
We have acme stdendid Blue Sente Suits In oar fall shoainc:
also nlxtuma In browns nml *r*vf. Every anh bear* a Kirschbsum
guanatee Uckef dial insarcs satSsfartlon on a money hack basis.
KirsrI'.tiaum clothes are (.111 made of |mre woolens, r.nd wc gnarar.iec
‘ ' “V
OBly ................ -......................................................................
Sweater Coats
The moat pracUcai and poimlar atylss for ladles. 5Ms*e*. Men
.Moderately priced for active..Fair \S!cek aeUtofL
Good heavy weUhl Sweaters, fbr men. women and
bo.vs. Specially priced at ...................... ........................................
Splendid Coaic in beuer grades at S1-M, $1.69, $1S8. S2MS, 3.48, $4.98
See our Shaker Knit Coal tor men and women at___
« aa
Heavy woisbL Shawl collar. Equal of resnlar $5 streatera
<9 90
$$.«S ter <Mr Jamba Btlteb Bwealm Coat tor nma and wan
N«de oira iewth. Nothtos Imtter at $f.M> or $s.«Q.
:*•****•............ :
........................... ... ...................... ..........................
lump of buUer hair as' blc as an egg. #
♦ pounds of eour apple*. Pul Into a Mew *
J If the bread should brown too laM.
^ pan and add one and one-half cupfuls ^
^ protect with pai»r or. better stl
♦ of lUhl brown smir. the Juice and
♦ elose-fitlng cover, or another
rind of one and nnehaif lemons, one♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ pan. turned up-slde down over
half ounce mn«er, and Just enoiich
Urt. ifabel Bate* WUliama, Editor.
Contributed to Home Cheer by Miss bread. Before putting in the oven. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
If «Dy member oT the big. Home water to prevent the apples fro*u
, Alma E. Gotfredsen. Traverse City.
E„r, bo«»k.»p.r ta. b«- „.a
Cheer temlly were uked what fruit huming. Cover jtud cook stowljr hours, adding water If nV-esaary. ,
» Cake-Ontyhaif cup of ‘ r milk, this a lii make a tender crust. way of doing thing*. An<^
^he is
w»» pre^mlnenUr the beat ud rooet
-----------------------asked why. she do« certain thins* in
OMfUl to the housekeeper, the iostaot Apple ginger may be kept tor several
weeks. Por the ChrlMnias. dinner. th«>e-r<»“rth« cup of cold water with
Saving Habits Versus Waste, ' a certain manner *he will rep^v. Ju.i
I Womsr and the <
Hsr arwndmMher'a Kerehief.
serve around roast goose in apii'e
cup aweet mnik. 'b.-ee ewu
I pon vislis to the attic many bouse- heenuse it's easit-r."
And strange to say. the posatblliUes '
A dainty maiden, with hair a-curl
David F. Houaton. secretary of ag•-■upa made of bright red apples.
“«““*■ awiulred
Now. ji sop, uithout aajing that
of ‘“‘®
this uo«niuu»
delicious iiwu
food werui
seem iw
to w
be overover.....
Uke a vine whose tcndrilt twist and _i_ I.
•Apjde Chwtnev-Parc and core ***“•
heaping tca-.iiooti8 of bok- the habit of saving so many things. Hpme Cheer has a big ambHion.—the '
n™il.r,, _.1.hlk
I.W to.
I Ing powder, one leasiKyonfui tnnilla. writes EthH H. Uorgln in Orange desire to be of practical belp to every
. m the*iin« qf the sun and the waft **“
» ‘eitef «» the women to supply her household with novel sited onion. Heitiovc s^s and stems plnch*”ot sait.° Cwam'ihe butter
>’“»« “«“1
To ^
ihU can home-maker in the Grand Traverse reof the brt^
members of 50.000 households ihrongh-. and tempting reciiws.
'from *’“'°**'
three i>cp|.et«; oue of which
^ overdone, for It is iwaslble to exag *lon. Home Cheer w.nts to "make
Through rtotons'tc«4g* of summer, out the L’nlled fiutes. requesting . Home Cheer Intends to use in tbe«.! *houW- be _
red. Cliuji
Cliuj. applirs.
amdhs. |>eppers.
»dd the flour, vaollla. Berate a virtpe. yet to everyone who things
. . easier
. . . . for
. -.ail. the. readers of
them to give him information as to tvlunins from time to Hme certain rec- onion and one cup of raisins very fine.
whites of eggs. After iiilving add *>»» ihe mania for saving, th.-rc are this iiage, big or Uiile. young or-no,
bow the department of agriculture' ‘P**
Michigan “trull with a Ca- Add the Juice of tour lemons, one pint
>«ihing powder. Divide, and Into many who err on the other side, or wc^ion'i gel old niiy iiioie! We Imve
^yro jeyes like stars, and a cbeek can best serve the needs of the farm
chosen for this week
vinegar and half a cup of cur- ®*“’
teasi oonfui of who are wasteful.
all learned that ii's caeler to keep
• wme dainties that may be. served 01.
jelly; let simmec very gently
‘*'orlnB. «f'cr which. If nece»lisj^cially I* this Inie In regar.l to Voung-heartfd.
With a wild rose hue! and a nwe per
Throe leUers w in be addrrosetl "To
Home Cheerleaders.
one hour. MlfTlng frequentl.v. Add one “«ri - »<ld a lalilcsjumuful of flour.
magaiinee and paiwcw. Of course
And that reminds the editor of what
Housewlvee in the Hbmro of Ihe Offl“>
pint of cider vinegar, two cups of
Pilling for .\.is« Kosi's there are certain mau«lnro that ton* rhe overheard the oilier day A little
Floats ronnd. tor a Mttle bnnA is
Correspondent." agd will be
<-0““ec‘l0D the ed- Bflgar. one tablespoon each of salt and Cako-One-half cup of while *u;.-r. tain only stories or articles on timely Blrlle Jus,t ^alf.,iast-fls" remarked to
sent to the full llet of crop correiuiond “®'’
retrain from printing a ground ginger, and ono-fotiith of a
sdUhro of grated bitter chr.rolaie. subjects w;hlcb will be of no further another tiny mUy. - Wouldn't It be
Where a iwetty kerchief U tucked in •eats for transmission
transmission to the women
ri^enUy received by teaspoonful of ciuenne; cook for one
a use to the one who has once read «lce if nobody'ever got old. but stayed
her waist.
members of their households. With
publisher of the Kecord-Eagle aud j,our or more, etirrlug coustaniiy.
Add one boat- them. Yet there arc many people wbo “ young as my maumiaf" Could anyeach leUer will be aupidied a return
Traverse Herald. _
u canned fruit,
rapidly, and let it boll have no access to the libraries and- *blng haye been sweet.-rl And wasnY
________________ »ho would be very glad to have the there a whole lesson of h.-lpfulness In
Western Ml^gen Oevelopmerrt
Throe Corn DIehea.
fhocoUto Froiling for M!^* Kosi's reading of the all-siory magarines. the unconsclons revelation made by
fpru cbowder is not often served.
—One and threc-lounbs cups Here is the value of the saving habit, tbe woo daughter*
But a spicy scent from its folds esThis Inquiry results from the teceii.t
Traverse rity, Mich.. Scpi. S. 1013. and yet it is a inoM delicious (ii.h and *'bite sugar, five or Mx tablcsiwonfuts for if we know no 6ne to whom they
Ust. dear me! Home Cheer didn't
' of a letter addreseed to the secretary
a f'®*
slow fire. •t® “®t
George G._ Hates.
1 deserves a w Ider reputation than it
*’"* ®" *
15® l*wed one by one. w^en a snf- Mart out to preach a *< rmbn. This
Telta how long it ha* Uin ia a cedar
*'bich the -writer said:
Mir It. Have white, of iwp eghs beat- flelenl number have lieen_____ _
Ihitdliher ll^rd-Kaglc.
has. Slice two good>lu-d c
is what it meant t
“The farm woman has been the
en Miff. When syrup hardens in ctld can be barreled pnd sent to aome in- each other of our "easy " ways of di>;
Tniterse City. .Mlrlilgan. .
Iry a rich browu in three ubies]
niost negU.-ctC'J factor In tlie rurai
waier. ad.l it to the egg in a line .liiuiion where they will be nlucb en- logs things. Our own discoveries lUl
Dear Sir: Pri-sldent 1>. li. Day do- fuls of butter. Add a third of a
Her' nrandmother'e
kerchief—the problem and the has been especially ilres that you be thanked tor esUb- of tomatoes, three green ]>ep|>er8. cut «'ream. stirring'rapidly. .\Jd oae-balf Jo)e<l or to some society that will dishave made a hard task lighter for our
years stretch back
neglected by the natlonai deparimecl llsblng an a|>plo cookery de|iarti':.ni rather fine, from which the seed' and ®“1' gvatod chocolate.
_ tribute them where needed. . •
selves may he iuM what another wo
Into the past, in a mtsiy track—
of agriculture '-'
In your publicationas is 'noU-d by the white|«rtllionK
hive been roSalad Dressing made of Egg Yelks , We ronnot assiroilat^il the givMl man needs In hei* dally roumi of du
For abe wa. a girl when she’ i>lnned
This letter was written not by a woof theGth lm*L We feel
moved, one stalk of celery, cutvery
loft from- .Miss Ko.t'i- Ca..e—Seven things at once, and if they are rele- ties. No.-Home Cbecr doesn't menu
it donn
byma| but by a broad-minded man- ro ,ure that you as welfas all the people Anc. and one can of corn, Cook to 'gg yolks iiio-k-rately iN-n'ei.. good gsii d to the attic they are ever ready the great, overwhelming things, hut
Over the folds of '
snow-w lu- thoroughly in «^uch with the agrlculWestern .Michigan wH sjiroiH be- gether with ono quart of water for an half cup of sugar, ev.-n tcu.>poo!i of tor future roferenee. if we cannot im- merely the simple, every-day'affairs
tural and dome.itle-ac.eda bf the coun- eause of an lucreosed
intereM Jn ap- hour over a very
verj slow
slow fire, keeping ll'e
the salt, even teatpoon of mustard dash mediately pick up Just the number We
icrwased intere«t
confront os ail the while.
try that him optatons ’ liave great p)p,
Increased consum;-t'nr.
kettle covered. Seiaron with salt and of red jwppet. Jhii In a double b..iler want, we usually have some idea of
Think a minute! Have vou dlseovAnd l-yf«ate ia my daughter'e face
owkVto,, to^.h-r
kware jhai ilie' pcj.i.er and just before relieving from one rupful of vinegar, one-founii cu|-- the season In which’ Hems we recall ered it's easier to wash dishes a ttr^
letter, the secteury deiertulned that number of apples consumed per caplu ^he fire add half a CJ|rful of finely roll ful of water, buier slic of a walnut, were printed, and an- thereby helpe.1 tain wav* How do you Veep tto little
TlU ?ror old mother long ^ears
*V T '*11
««> il not as great no* as it wm twenl, cd cracker crumbs. Before serving When a little warm add about hat: of lu our M-arcl.; The best method of all -folLs amused on a rainy day ? Is there
'®"‘ ■ “
®^' ’‘'■’■'"‘‘le o'®«- «"■>* 1'lk‘e « t'm
eggs. Wli,-n the remainder is to kee|. a series of scrap books; *oiuo quick dcsseii that the i
fullest possible aid and sendee which curi-cd betause the orange men and «hop|ied |«r*b-y.
is steaming add the egg wIMurc. stir- One for the short arUclro of general the house declare* “Uste* like mofer’
l\l)ere the wild r s blooms and the ,tMr imponai
in agricultural the plneapide men have advertised
I-'ried corn is c
eating, ring rapidly until it ibickt-n*. being household interest, another for the How- about the sewlug-hqiw that you
grasses oreeiL'
was to write to those fruits to iiieh sii (xteDi that the ^orn fresh from the garden Is t>cu
irefui not to boll U too long.
choice reclpc-s which conManily ap- couldn’t get - along witboin* Throe
rn and aak them apple, the king of fnilln. has been *1- of course, but It U lostible to make
I press my darliag'a lips to mine,
Heviiv Food—Two cupfuls of brown pear in the imges of our most read aro the things that are of pracUrol
most forgotten
liUTimiic ta’.delectable dl*l; by hroting in a frying Migar. oiii-half cupful of bui'er. yolks home i«erlodlcaU. another for the
llB- to.-, locto Id ,11b TO tto
- value
------ because
we make use of them
re-esuhlUh the king upon his throne. I«n three tahlcs;ioonfuls of buiter aul of liiree eggs, one cupful of grated short items on labor-saving devices rigbi along, and don't keep them for
8be knows not ho*, as thh ailken fold vited to give inJlvtdual answers to
Res|>ectfuUc yours,
when hot addius to it the conleiiu. oi l»lti-.r chocolate which has been dis- and discoveriesof other bousekeeiiers. rare occaslors.It would certainly
Brushes iby cheek with its perfume the Inter or to discuss the matter in
■\Vertcrn Michigan Developmtnt •
Season with roll !' soiled in tioiling water and cooled, and still others for ideas on entertain- a homey thing and acheery ihlhg to
their cbuirh societies or women's orBureau.
taste, a teas|>oenlul of sugar, u dash thr<-« cupfuls of flour into which has
luents. etc.
talk them over
among ourselvck.
The'bair of the love which .fills my
n. H. Elsworlli.
ofiMprlka and one cuiiful of chopped be.-n
sifted an even le.as|K>onfnl atThis is not only
iwssible but prac- Don't you think e
resenting the comldned opininns pf
Asslblani'Secretary .
arct.u I'Ciipcr, I’m this over a verc soda and a heaping teasiKxmfut of jiral and should t>e practiced by even'
You needn't give your .name, if you
U hers, and half is tny mother’s part. Ihe women of their entire communi
■low AtT an-1 -"’‘'■f Ihe frying par., li.iklng jiowiler. bgaten whites of ibpec^home mak^ of today. l>oliig this, she don't want to. but It would make It evw ties. Tl.e aiiiWeiM are requested not
Cook this wa^ for Jifteen or
—Urs. M. S. C. Bates.
have bonks bettor- tlian can lie so much more interesting if eve knew
later than .November l.Mh and ihl.iApples in Kice t
ui«.-hoH rice in mlnateh, silrring occSklonally
Ginger llrrod-Two and onchalf f®“nA on the cat^gs or on the who was Ulklng! JuM call up oumdate Is set because it will give the
sailed water until tenler. Half nil move tl>c rover, increase the he
it and rupful* of itasiry flour, oue cu|ito>. of shclvea In any on the bookstores; ber twenty-throe on either CHlxcn'i or
coffee cups and let
standuuill roid. Mir almost constantly.
1 Rican molasses, ooe-half t-UpMI hooks-that are roorV complete in their Hell phone, and a-vk tor the Home
"If anyone should know the gos- * women time aficr harvest to tgmslder
Stand in a pan of
wateruntil they uke ll from the lire .ad<l two
•■'pel of cheer it Is the children. • the n-atter and discuss it with thtdr
brown sugar. one-Iialf cupful lof M®*
every idea in which has been Clieer editor's assistant. Or write out
will slip from the cu|> «a.sUy._RcooB spoonfuls of nob errom. This Is
* and la teaching you will not only * women neighbors
'....... lard, one teaspoonful of cianamim.
and ai>proved by some of her your recipe, or discoveO'. or rule.
*. Bhape their lives to hauplnroi. but ■
one-half teasimotiful ^ ginger, one- contemporary housewivea.
whatever il may be, and mail it to
of an apple that luis beep cooked in almost any form' learn the lesson yourself as In no * leading farms in each iht twentyfourth tea*i«onoful_«f ciuvos. two tea--------------------------------Home Cheer. Record-Eagle. Travene
eight huDdreil countiro of the I'nited a rich syrup In the otvliy Serve witli
.Many i>eople think surotash cannot
* other way."- Mrs. M. EL r Bate*.
simonfuU of soOa. one cup oi Ibolllng
A New Recipe.
City. Sign your name, but it will not
Sutes. Their anawera. il is expecloii, the apple syrup or cream.
. be made unfesa there are fwh vegeill well, tlieu idfl two ^>0 >0“
■ "««■ recipe,—Mt^le. he used nnless you give pormission.
will represent the vlewa and opinions
Jellied Apple* With Almonds—Parc, Ubies at hand, and. though the winter
A handful of chojidelightful.✓
------------------------of upwards of -oo.ooo farm women, cor,
quarter Golden l^iii>lns; auiiply of canned corn and dried beans
_ mav^U. Hdd«d'if~a«<Ted
Breakfast, flinner r supper approA Stitch in Time.
priate for.
If iKtsBlble, sew buttons , on sboro
.Merea b,
.P..D.II.U ol Ih. d, .j.„„ D.
, D,„
.dcodID.!. n..y b,
\Vhoro componenu can always be md mend rip* In glovro before put
pertinent having to do with tuat oT BUgar and a pint of water for every My family prefers the IJma
beans rending cupful of celery cut
found in the fiamr}'.
ting them awsy, as you are apt to
branch of agricultural activity.
two ivounds of appW. I*ut the apple wml.ined ■with the com to any of the one-half cupful of EtogliBh wsliiut
Sequlring no vlslta ti cellar or have to dress hurriedly. Strong, floe,
pulp and the Juice of ihteti lemon* i'i^other varieties. I soak a cuiiful of n,eai«.
catton, which comos tor the puriiose.
to the syrup and hoi gently until siiif these overolghi and then cuok them
JaJaU-URrvarfltoRiy. glove shades, is
Pic Psintcra.
enough to droiv heavily trom ihe until
MULit VU«-.they 01^
are C,t/WU>
about ttoi.
half M,/..,done .-V.W.V
rto . mu of rorlH«i»nc, four
boil,', HWiTOiillii,! slovo, iku
The Gospel of Cheer never found a
Mince-I>ie filing—Oi
*l>non. Pour Into a wet mould and 1 DU .h. ™...Dt. or oo. ...I. or.orn,
>»“'™ >“ *
oonc« or nulonm.
^ .m,
Mronger or
or more
more sincere
sincere advocate pound oftralsins. cbopwl. but not
when cold turn onto a serviog dish, Tb,.t.o TO tboo toobrf .10.1, ...J Ublo.DOooruU or .oto. Boll .ove»
A plnrti or nibmluloD. . budmi ot
thau the former editor of these colfloe, one mmid of curranu. one pounil
blanched almonds Iniu the icily 10 . ™„T..l kottl. until tbo b..D. UW~Pooumi.orviDoi!.rTOaMlrlnlo
w well a. U.O cotton, which
tmrns. She practiced wliat she preach'
beaten egg* and sugar. Place
and surround with whip|>d^ cream.
aro very temler. i add a icasiacon'c.l
«d. and made her home the center of ®^' brown \ugar. one pound of finely
double boiler nod cook until thick. Bw
1. Ibo
.. iho, wtoc oWnllx,
Apple Isiaf—Kfserie enough bread of sugar, salt. |<eppor. butter, half a ____ _____ k.______A -kw __ ____
human klndoes*:
.. _________
a laving inSoence which was deep'/ chopped suet, ono quart of chopped
front Are and add one level lea-'
with. ..
It .Is __
to keep s__Jit; *
dough to make a small loaf. Wot* cujiful of good rich cream and a lialf
Sore .,,*ow with . n.aiu.1 rail,
fell by even the chnme sojoumt: sour apple*, one-quarter (lound of can.
Bp^nful of salt. one-tblr>l tekspoonful
a cut>ful'or milk.
on your ce.
gloves, as eometlmea a piece may be
wiihJn its ponals. Her sympathie* died lemon, diron. and orange peel
of V‘Pl>er. butter the aite bf a walnut,
were broad t-nongh to include the en- cut fine or put through a' cboi>[>pr. one
and one-half teaspoonful of muatard.
'........ ...________.
„....htto, *®»«ri€d in the nndersWo of Uo
Mixed Swhet Pleklea.
.lire worM of bunianliy. but she al- teaspoonful each of cloves, cinnamon, quarter of a iro«|Kiou gf cinnamon
'Thin to proiK-r consistency whit
‘ dencd-houagwlvcs
* fingers, or between them where iher*
AlraoM eevryona likoa tho mind cream
ways lidded that reforms should Se- ginger, nutmeg, and one pint of good and two wcll-bcaten eggs. Add floor
^um out a most penect
perfect ^
“ *^
«“ «*»"•
gin frqpi vvuhiif. and work outward, rider. >tl* all thoroughly and pul in- to make a soft dough. ksea<l lightly sweet pickles that aie sold in bulk al
Fhe not only wrote.Horae Cheer.—she to the pies.
Phetogrophic Dent’s.
its oame? why. Good Tcmi>er.—0, rich not show. *A weil-riulng glove of '
pans and roll each part to fit the pan. for pre|>ariog them at home, given l y
lived it!
k kkiu,-f,Au and
axiu Mershuallow,
.,iai suAMfuio*-, ines
i re* ~*
> piece in a butteied |ian. theboiiachold editor of Tlie
l>o .r<
"There is a good deal said these When the usual cpu-lly fragrant pump^ beter than an lll-riiiing i
■preart over it an inch Itjer of aour Farmer;
H*an to ail for aphotogroph* Here
our souls'
and ou r spirtu I
days concerning the rights of womep," klu pies are reads *o come out of the
w.*h .-eveniy-flve small cucumbers. »'«■ *®““
*»>‘ch were given
fort and bless'
she once remarked. "There may al-.o oven, place on them a layer ot halved apples cboivped fine. Pour o,er the
Caro- of Carver*.
something be Mid concerning the nisrahmallow*. replace In the ovou
^ .
. .
. ......... — .............. ................_
Fine t -vers 'Should bt treated with
cover *■“*■
with '*’®
the occond pleiiv
of dough^nj ,,„.i
one-half quart
quart small
rtghu of men. A woman's life Is in and let them brown
® ®^;>ai«||Arand
ikh-I onchalf
l *®*f bluish white,
the same reaped as fine raiors. They
and continue «"
as before: bruahAe
brush/he top
top onj„n„
oQion*. wash
Wash onchalf
otic half caulillower.
caulillower. I>aie shade
shade cxc
cream color.
yCouldot Deliver "Happim
her home. Its lour waiu. or. at ibe
A .New rranWir, Pie-Vhop one **“’
pt cream
be laid always by themselves.
/Mie Kchool principal wa* trying I ashould
moM, Its .garden /ate. often bounds cupful each of'cranberries ami tale
“«‘*1 vrfy light ,he rind of onefourth watermelon and
Doni wear gray, yellow, u. ._... ^
, «
..l. . . ^
her life, wo much so'perhaps. Tife Ins with half a ruplul each of nuu
“ one and one half pints of green bean*, black, dark green, blue, or red are dc
clce, the fundamemai doctrines On no ^unt should the ^ of
bf the DocUration of Independence.
rarver touch that of another carrm'.
man ia the bread-eartier. m* life is and fig* Add one cupful of sugar.
“K'‘Uy. Serve iu break the cauliflower into amall cldediy the Ik-m.
other bard
ooislde in the world of active, work one u1>lea|ioonfut of flour, onefourth .* '”■*
piecea eut. the melon rind Into short
Jv.ni wear
Btrt|K.-s. plaids >
you each three ordinary buttons. Here sutistance.
HU days are either full of bodliy toil of a lesfcpoonful of salt, and one
AM*!®* •« Mn| l« Syrup—Cut eight Mrips. Make a brine of one'anfl one checki-.
they arc. You niuM think of the first
-\ carver must alwa.v* be sharpeatiring to bone and muscle, or of men- fourth of a mpful of water. Fill pie*.
>“ halves and remove the cores half cvipa of sail to two quarto o' coll
s representing life, the second w> on its stee\ before It U offered
UI airain wearlug on Ji.raln and nerve, aprinkle wit'h' chopiw-d nuu. and put
• t«"«>®«®- I"'* '“‘® » ’‘•'‘‘•'fi «*ter. put the vegetthle* In a erwk n,u<,rlal Uce irimu.Ingl uaually efime
pan with one cup of maple ayrup
syrup and and |>our
|>bur the brine over them tbettor
tbeltor ouTVen clearly.
rgjvresentlng lilwrty, and the foi use. unless a contrary direc'.ijn b
HU hone Ir to him often a place on upper cruat. bake until Croat is I*"
wjiere he eat* and ateepe nothlrr brown •
one and one-half cuiw of water and make double portion of the brine to
third one as representing the puraull given—ami when necessary should ,be^
Don't wear a hi
more. This he could gH « a bos'Ht'nxH. HolU-Two cupfuls of chop ‘*® «»blespoon* of hultor. Bake un- insure having enough to cover tho
' ^
'®®‘‘ of happiness. Xeii Sunday 1 will ask takCn without delay to the shop of a '
strange when *''«
Ing bouse or hotel cheaper and tome- ped aM«s one cupful ot dried cur- “1 the *ynip U thick and aerre with vegetaWwi. Weight down with a' «««««
__ you to produce the throe button* and careful workman to have the edge retimes more comfortably. What is M;i ram*, half a cnWul of raisins, half a
Plate to keep them all under the -l^n't srmnge the hair elalMi-atcly: tell nie^whal they represent.newed.
PBK for all hi* work, bis anxiety. Iiis cupful of <hopiied citron, one teaI'ruoe ahlTApi-le Tart—Sume opo brine, let stand two day*, then reiMivo ‘l
*•'« « A*®®
'ei'M. or
tpb following Sunday the teacher
It is safest 10 replace carvers tn
care. If ll U not that Intongible some- spoonlul of ground c-ltinamon. oue- tan of prunea, put them into a pud- from brine, wash In cold water, add «>H woolen good* take jarticularlj- g^id to the youngest member: "Now. tl elr owm-cases. When they are laM
thing which makes borne the dearest quarter teaspoonful of iinmud cloves, ding dish, add to them one pound
one-eighth. iKiund groled homeradish *'®>1'
Johnny, produce your three buttons In a drawrer. It to well to keep ench.
spot on earth* Oui^e I* nlie heat onequarler ie*»i»on
grated nut- sliced aiiples, three Ublespoons of root and onedvalf teaspoon celery seed.
* I'foWe idctuie unle^
and burden of the day,—within should meg. orfe cupful of sugdr. the grated sugar, one toasiioou of mixed spice Pour back into crock, and add a hgl >ou know you |>oiiseei> an extremely -j gi„-t
aobhe^grsy lianaeL
be the |>e«ce and comfort of lojrlnff rind of one lemon. .Mix all togelliiT, aud grated rind of half a lemon. Cover vinegar made as follows: Tie In a
®®‘ «“««>
holding out two of thebultons. "Hese'k'
■'------------------------slieller.-ihe neist of home, whpre the Make pie crust anff cut into ploce* »'IUi a good |ia»iry.and bake la a hoi hag the following spices; pne-halt i"«.
'He and here's liberty, but mamma To Sake' Potatoes on Top of the
storm may-not come, and where five inches square and onequarter oven until ready.
table*i«>onful white musurd seed.
Imn t argue about the ix^ltlon; Sp sew-od tho imrsuit of happiness on my
strength may be gained-for the com- inch thick: flll piece* of cruai with
Apple FVlltcrs-<'ore and l«re four oue-half tablespoon »Uck cinnamon “> ■ P®**! photographer and allow him partu."
While the Are to kindling place an
tog <Uy. It i* well to fiend all things mixture, roll, and equ^xe at the ends apples. Cut Into slice* one-\hird inch broken Into small pieces. onehxH «® A®
Win*, and iU you ^ wear
------------------------asbesAa mat on top ot the stove or
to the faihVr'a and huaband a home- to'pteveni the togreillent* from falHug thick. leaving Ihe liole In the center, tablesjioonful wliole clove*, one-tourtu gUssoa don t remove them for the sita Tea Mint
range, and on this Immediately place
oomiiig. To save the tUtle pleaaant out. Place In greaaed baking pan Sprinkle wfth sugar. lemon Juice and tablespoonful each of pepperoorna. aHa®. «« result will be When talking to a Japanese genUt^ your poUtoes, which have been waahthlngi to *«v. to drew the home as for
and bake until erwat Is brown. Serve cinnamon. Dip each sitoe to frtt»ie "Pl« *»<« whole mace. Boil fur ten strained and unnatural looking eyes, nmn recently the subject of tea arose. ^ clean and wiped dry . Cover with
a guest, to teach the litUe ones that hot. with or without hard ssue*.
’ batter and fry in deep fat. Drain on mtomes the spices with one quar. of
Above all. iry^to forget that the He said It was amaxing to note bow , gnuHte paa-a quart pan *iU *t
father is coming eo there most bo
Sweet Pototo Pie—To two cupfulsbrown paper and aprinkle with augar. Mnegar. one-half ounce alum and one- Photogrnph 1* Jveiag token: after all. few people made a cup of good tea. ,he common asliestoe mat With oao
clean face* an-l loving heart*. We do
of hot sweet 'potatoes boiled end Fritter Hatier -Yolka of two ega* half cup sugar tmore sugar if you *' only takro a few seconds, and It to and it to true, capeclaliy when ban- turning, they wUi be ready, to serfe by
UiU fer stranger* who eater our maahed. add half a cup of sugar, two well beaten; add one-half cup of milk. Hkcl. akim ami add one quart of boll"thought" that la so unpleasant, jled byserraDts., He
aald one rea- thetime the rest oftbe meal la ptegaies. why not for the one whose care well-beaten eggs, two tobleepoonful* one tobleepoon of olive oil. one aalt- Ing Water end pour Immediately over hot the act: Just try to be and look aon |.becausewe ere given
toustog pared end will befound meaband
and Ubor makea the home life potsi- of hotter, the grated rind ud Juice ofr spoon of salt and flour enough to the vegetables. In about four weeks natural as iiOBslble under such trying
jara to keep tea in; it should be piping bot without Uie usual waste of
ble? It is ell he bee to show for hto one lemon, and two cupfuls of milk, make a drop baiter. IMten ready for these will be ready for use.
i^xes tor cad- fuel and time to healing a oddmveu.
work.—all hi* reward.—and the hour* Beat uniil light and flaky. BUe with nse. add the well beaten wbltet of two
^---------- 7
. ———
dies.) to exclude light, as well as sir. and ke^ng It-hot for an hour. They
U may be bto are but a few but of tbe under crust only until Arm.
Raised Cern Breed.
j,p„ „„ *,ne would use e recepl- can be baked on a gasoline etov* i<y
working hour* of. tbe iwenty-foUr.
Pumpkin Pie in Cups—As a change,
Apple Compote and Orange Mer«wn* derptog cotton in a
Scald two quarto of corn meal with
.dmllilng light, and even then allpplng an Iron stove-lld underaeaOi
What most be give the hour* of 'lOM for those who like fllllng hetter than nialade—Boll twelve tort a|tp)es in one
and finding there was none It one quart of boiling milk or water, jj,*
to kept in a dark, dry place.
the aabestoa mat.
and cheer to lettrp* A^ tbaUg.for cruat. try ihto: Piit the flUtag into quart of water until lender. Mrato H*® •*®“*®» wHter to a houae- Del It cool a few minutes, then add
------------------- Lots of Waather.
him to eonaider! That makes no dif- custard mp*. trim the
with the Ihrousb a Jelly bag; add one pound of •’®'A magaxlne. 1 discovered that by one cup of brown sugar or beet rooIntensive Perming.
"1 want to do some shopping today,
feresc* with our duties Tn the ease, pastry, and bake in a;Bhallow i>an of granulated angar and let boil. While ravelling the beet part of tbe leg Of a laa^. two teaapoona full of aait. one
They used to have e fanning rale
a fond wife—"that la. If
.•Do your ^t. and leave tbe rest.' bot water. For the filling, mix one boiling add l«elve applea. cored end caabaalde stocking, it served the pur- ot so^ and one cup of yeast and one
Of forty scree and a mule.
the weather to ferornhie. What to tha
Uoreover, bring up the boys to bs and a half cupful* of ateamed and -pared. tYhen the applAi are lender P®*® a* well as dantog cotton. Prick quaryof flour, ^ake as thick as can
MCt-eiioWirde-uf a*wv *»*»» iWm" earefolTy in t KerforsteJ »iP »ne thread and pull It around; this be sUnwd with.a spoon and let raise
Results .were won by later idm
to »*to-als*/aa> Utole •>» Buie shs lid ef hiew-eauer. ewe heaton egge.-*litmm*f. • Boll the ■ *rr*p vKlI - it wUi glf« a eUalghUdUe Cor oatttog **«r «tobt. la the w«kiag Atlx wUh-. -WHhdMyoqaarofeataadarbem- .-Ak-.tha.othar and of 4be-tbhig .b«r
huaband. eonauHlng bis paphr. read
-mOleatoJ Uo|e. .com^. bat it to only one teespoonful of cinnamon, half g JelU: f|II ,ib® ap^ with oraoge the stocking ire It can be Maily ravel- u>ood slightly. Put to well greased
aloud: -Rato, ban. snow, t^unfler.
eg eBA tndmdia) fluty to done thaC K teaspoonful each of salt and ginger.' marmalade'had iioiir thA'ayhip ovel- lad odtRae. um the toreaii double bake dss. T«t sthafl'faajt hoar. Bake
ligiltalag and floods.Brow* to be.*'
and two scant cupfuls of milk.
them. Serve with whipped cream.
as tn .ordinary cotton.
iu moderate or*a from one and a half
With forty tnehoa nnd a bee.
J4ome Cheer
Ground the
Sdilor's ffdbie
nt JOngol Fnta
lirDT’r.»" ■«
I itoutJtMafrom
,k. ♦ J*om*Ch$«rtUadm's
j-- ■»""“» “ ■“
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