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Grand Traverse Herald, December 16, 1913
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, George G. (1861-1942)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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TI KSDAV. [>K< ICMIUaj It;, I'M;}.
Because of the activity of the
mltiee that was apiuliitoil at the
InR of the Committee of TwotitySTATE DEPARTMENT RECEIVES
Ohe to secure belter train service for
shoppera who come to the city,
there will be a preliminary train
the i*ere Marquette road that will be
u Blk Rapids shoppers' special and
^11 be run toiuKbt. leaving here at
S:|S ip the evening and returning at
seven. It is hoped that this will be
rvlptned at least durinR the liulidav
jn. and II- iiaironUeJ auSIcletiUy
may be made tHTmanehl.
In a telegram reeelved thla nfterT»irM Amoriun OMi Who Ar« HtM
>on by H. Floyd t'llncb from 8. M.
Pr*vO« Thota- lniw«*ne« of Any
Felton in reply to one lliai Mr. ('llnch
ConiMctlon With MiMtng
this morning, the offlcem hav
OUmenrf Rtnsderided to make this a icrmanent
train until after the holidays.
Horuo. Doc. JJ.—PfMldfm Meno
Ml. tbroucb ibti aut* dcportmMt. ban
StTM WlUtam E-. OODUJM. tb« Amerteu> ADlBlaler, a tuD apolog)- for
offerod tbe ibre« foudc
AmerlMD vonen wbo arrived
on tbe ateamcr Harana. from N’ea
YorV. October 29 Tbe youn* »
Mieies Annie V. i,*ny of Waahinfrton.
. and Calberine Farrell of. Hrooklyn,
bad come to Cuba to Vl5lt Hra. J. CARNEGIE NAMES HIM A6 RE
Bancbex of ihJt cMy.
On Ibe arrival of the Havana the
police hoafded lb.- veaael and drUln•d tbe women ai the resuK of a clali
by another woman paaarnxer
bteamer that her diamond rloe. which
abe bad left In tbe lavatory , was Tolas COMMENTS UPON THE POPU
loR. IVapUe their proicatR the youoa
ladle* were searched. The rin* was
not found. The loml newapai>era Ironmaster Called at White Hettae i
printed diaasreeable atorle* about'
Pay Hit Reapeeta to President
Wilson But lllneas PrePresident Menocal In >1* apoloRF
aaid It ha* been fully proved that the
Americana were Innocent and they
(By Vtilied Pres* )
wern honest and ro*pecUble.'
WaalilDKIon. Her, 12—A le>oia for
added, however, that the police were
Senator Hlihu Root of New York fur
compelled to MlflU tbflr doUea aethe presidential nomination In 1911:
oordla* to law.
'was lannched bore today by AndreaI'ameRie. CArneffio called to pay his
resperta' to Preaideni Wilson, but
t>ecnu*c of ilinns* the prealdent wan
unable to receive him ■ Iloot is otuLi
r t;roat<*st tneu" CarneRle Mid.
FARMERS OPPOSED TO AOMH- ••That's the opinion of him' every»here he 1% known and I lielieve the
Republicans should nominate him for.
Fetitiena of PrwtaaCArc Being Signed firesIdenL"
All Over iht Country Today
By OroweM.
IIDMUIlB^iilSI wona
Fhrraens to this vicinity are beinit
Breed to sign (•eilUons protestinc
,SSatn*t tbe ralilDR of the embamo on
tornlcn poUtoes that have
present lime been barred from this
eotnitry on -account of beini; affected
With the scab These petitlona have
.bwra placed in all the banka and at
tbe elty market where the tamers
MB etm them ao that they may *-c
forwarded to Coiureasman Undqnlat
on Monday afurnoon. The final
beerlns will be held la WaahlnKton
t*eoember 1«. ao there la no time to
lose In settlnc the petlUons siRDed
end forwarded. It 1* also desired to
ee<ur« an many peraonal letters from
the farMM and theee can be sent
either to Concreeaman LlndqnUt
direct to Berretary of ApricuUure
Houston at Waablngton. It Is argued
that tliere are enouefa potatoes in tbe
couo^es upon which the embargo,is
In -eEect to flood this country with
tubera tn a ahort Uate if the embarico
Is removed and It la to head off this
lotsibllUy that thla action la being
'taken, a* well aa to prevent the spread
of the diaeate In thla country, 'tele
grams were received last night from
ConcreasBao LindguUt arcing Imme
diate acUon on the part of those In
terested la the gruwteg of poutoee
tn this rcRlon.. The .movement Is
country wide and is deelgned to show
tbe aentlmi-Dt of the growers la rocard to the remov|n( the embargo.
Fbnrew who deeire to sign the peUUODS must do eo either today or
Monday before four o'clodt
C. R. A, I.
Will Run Every Day Until After Holi
days—Then Twice Beefy
' Week.
In responee to telegrams sent out'
by tile special committee from tbe
Committee of Twenty-One and from
R. Floyd Clinch to the G. R. A 1. of
ficials. Stipt. J. W. libnter made a
Bliecial trip from Grand Rapfds tj)
meet with a number of tbe business
this afternoon In reference to
bettering the train service for the
shoppers that trade in Traverae City.
The facts were placed before Mr.
Hunler and be after aotnc discussion
stated that while possibly the train
would be'^nm at a considerable loss
inUi it was thoroughly advertised,
would he w illing to do this for
the Mke of doing what hi* road could
for the merchant* of the city. He
would see that 1<eglntng Tuesday.
December ICth, there would be an
extra train lea^ Traverse City for
the south at S:10f p. m. every week
day until after the bolldayi and that
would then run twice a week.'
the days to be decide by Tuesday.
A number of matters wen- discussed
concerning Ibe future of the city. A
vote of. thanks was o*
tended to Mr. Hunter and also
Felton ^of tbe Pere Marqueue fgr so
promptly and courteously conceeding
the wishes of the merchants of
tbe city.
Prof. Myron A. Cobb, hsad of the
department of agriruliure la tbe Cen
tral MlcblRsn Normal xchool. 'was
the offlcee of.the Weetern Michigan
bnreu today for the
{•urpoee of getting Inlormailon Ut be
used to n bullcUa which be U preiwrIng tor Ute porpoee of helping
leacbem In the rural section, to study
the apple. While here "he -compUmented the weetern Mlrhlnn
berauae of lu dlatday of enerRy and
enterprlae to etirrfng up interest 1$
of ^e region.
aaM that he had norfoed that many
new aad vataable IdM are cooUnnAlly being worked out by the developBeat biireau.
(By Vnlted Pr««a.)
Waablngton. Dec. 12.—Prealdent
U^laon denied himself to all rlsltora
again today, as be was eufferlng from
g aevere oold in bit bead and tbfML
impanled by a slight fever. Dr.
Urayaoo. his attending physIcUn. in____J the maUdy was not yet. yield
ing to-(r«BlB>enL
nuDAPBST—A former member of
parliament threw an ink stand at the
premier of Hungary three years pgo
and has now been aeoteneed to 30
4ay* la iatt.
The De<
t of the <
t <-onven< d _llils afternoon
Ijiiising, Mich.. IVc. 1.'.—According
mivlccH r. ccived at Hie governor's
Judge Fc d.-rlrk W. Mayoe on
ofricc today; the lalcsl allemid o( SECRETARY HOUSTON .MARKED beu.-h
Th.‘ desk of the judge was
I'ls-sJdenl Charles II .Moyer of lii.decx>raUHl Willi a large (<ouqiii-t
We-.iern F'oUcnilloii of MIixtk m have
lionora larnailons as the gift
the Copiwr strike wttUsj by arbitraFrank M. I*alne,
lli.n, has tailisl.
Tlie first rases railed wf^' ibose
, Mo.vcr'it-lcgraphed the governor to
Of Tie- P.-Oplex vs. Miller Hol.b-s. vlothe cDvH'i ibiil lux proiusiiion of Sallining the ibiiior law* and The peo
urduv uiurniug OKrt-s-iiiK iv> have the
ples vs lYaiik Koks for eDib.-zrIement.
iiten go back to work at once provid
lOtli eaxes the 1-ri.mners rtoed THOROUGH INVESTdGATION WAS
iiig :iii arliUratloti lioard or live to
■ and a pi.-a .if not’guilty was or
•■citic all matiers was ngr<H-d to. was Probable That Other Intereeta Will di-red by th.- «-ourt
Yliose cases
iui'iii-d idovvnliy the elii<>lo>ers.
Make Attempt te Oust Wllsen
nut be trh-d at this term of tbe Place F'ound Where He Fell Off Train
'When If Rounded'Curve. Witand McReynolds From
Nsareet United States Revenue CutUr ‘ Kvi-cuiive n.-rk .Aiihiln read
leU-giitm to Governor Fs-rrls at Big
neaece Found Who Bate '
Is at Honolulu and She Can
the CabincL
Id the case of The Ural National
Kal-ids over the lelepliulie, Tile govnot Carry Enough Coal‘d
Him Booed Train.
Bank ts. Dtiveru II. Wood the-jur.v
for Voyage.
IH) Vnlted lYrsK.I
- M'ing emputiellcd late Ihit aft
WashiiigtoD, I>er. ii.r—That a con ernoon.
Sheriff Walter GrelUck and foraer
verted attack will be made on iIk- desM-riit Martin Brown of Leetenan
liurtuM-nt ut ugriculturi- l>K'ausc uf aiicounty «i>ent Saturday tn making a
Washington, He.- 1.T—the eight
tagonisin arousMl by S<>cretary' Ikm.-.thorough investigation Into tbo death
sailors from the abandoued Auiertcau
ton lieranie known lo-lay. It aill Uor Harry Case which occurred after
s<-ho«uier Ehlorado, marooned oii khis
le<l by Keprefu-iilaUve Willfs and oth
Island, far out In lh<> south l‘upe.ng injured at Cedar Run lari. weeK
er Ohiu meniliers und-backed by every
• in<-. since last siitiiliipr. Jirubahlv will
.U-huugh the invesUgaUon waa deinemlier affiliated with (be Oalluiiul
Im- hn>UKhl hack lu elvlliulioii li.v :
.axd for three days on account of
ship of aiiullier luilioii. AsslMaiit%-<:iic n.*h-ct on the part of those who
la-spile dciiiftlx.j rumors Cviitlnned
retary of the Treimuy, N.-wtim. uhn
Icuiid Ihe boy to notify the offlcera
liidav- (hat lloiisluti,‘K<-> relary of Ia^
. hafge of thg 1‘nlt.d Stal«-s rev
i rini-tly. sufficient evidence was
bor Wilson and Ationiev General .Mccutler service, re’lm laiiHy de. i.l
In nd to prove that his death woa acK•'ynuld> wuuld tl>>l 'colliplele their
,d today that llaaier i>lan-l I* l.-vmi.l
In an Interview today
terms ^o «|vn attacks have yet hi-eii
III- cruising radius of )•ac•^1U• coast
Sheriff GrellIck made Ibe following
tiia.ic un Wilson and .McUeynolds.
utt.-rs and lunml ov.-r the rpqm-i>t
statement of the case:
or assistance fur the men from the
' After making a thorough inverilovviu-rs of the KIdorado to Swreliirv
gailon of the Harry Case accldenL I'
have come to the conclnaion that Har
The stale department mny be aide
ry sustained hi* Injuries while at
Iinmgh di|>lomatic channels, to have
tempting to steel a ride from Cedw
,ume veesel which idles a ncarl-y
High Temperaturea Were Recorded Hun to Solon. '
Protest <s Being Made Against Mrs.
x.u'te call at l-iutcr Islan.l.
"My attention was called tp the
Which Indicates That Eruption
Ella Ffagg Yeung Being Forced
Oaiitaln INery. acting coinmandanl
ir.att.-r hYitoy afternoon when tbe
is Near at Hand. inhabiUrrt*
of the ciitt.'r service, said today that
prominent Position* Hsve Been Filled
evidence was nearly three days old.
Preparing For EvenL
Ilia nearest ship, the Thetis. Is at IhmBy-Ghincse.in and Out of
Solon that afternoon and
olulu,-wls>ut .t.kr.n miles from liasier
Naples. Ttalv. iK-c. II.—Mount Ve after ulking with Mr. White and
Illy Culled Press I
Island, and that she eoiild not rarry
suvius is rapidly re awakening to an others I thought there might hare^
Chicago, ih-c. II -. 'll lx too call'
sufficient coal to get her there and
(Ily Vniti-d Press.1 .
other of lis^rtodlr eqiptious which been foul play. Early Wednesday
I discuss the |•oKMb■lil.v that Mrs
back to the fiiited Stales.
I-W- York. I)«- in.-Tlie_Par Fast- trhm thp-twv of tlie destru.-tioTi at morning Harry was able to say a
Klla Flagg Young uuiy l>e lauin-hnl as
Information bureau of New York its bai(b o'f Ihe cllles <.f Pom|•e^.JUId
Word* and he told Mr. White
the W'omau's c»n!T1ilaU> lor nin.vor of
twlay Issued a Btatement showller.-falan.-um have never
to nod others that he wea hurt at Cedar
Chicago m-vt tall, but there is no
llig the large |K>rceiilag<- of Chinese
i-iVa heavy toll of life and ■>roi>er- Bun. ud later be told Mr. White that
ing what may i-oim- out of the situasliidenis In the I'lilted Slates who ly. t^ihln the i-axt six momh^.'-i.-ii- he had a flgbL This together with
Miss Jane .t-iilanis ii-adc -this
made good In •sutipetltion with aallva
tlflc vl^ervaiiom. made in the -'(Tsier ruinoni of his haring had trouble
stuli'hu.-nt iK-fore the <'hlragu WoGREA^ ENGINEERING FEAT TOOK
s club at a k|:is-Ib] Ini-eltiic to Americans. The Kiaiement e|i|loinlut by FYt-nch. ftnllan and German scien with some Indians made the case look
xi-ee.li n-e ntiy delivered bef^^the tists have left no. doubt ai to the wriottg.
calla-l to ii'rnteM agUnsi I lie
"Sainrda.v morning I went to Cedar
foned ivsignalioii ot Mr:. Y'ounu ns Chi-i. xoi-lety In Is.nduii by P.'K. C,
.wing state of artlviij-. Tlie .last
sUlu-rinii-Bdcnt of lb-- Chnagu »< hi«iK T>a-i. first M-iiri-uiry of the Chinese and most arduous (>f these observa Run a^ worked on the case' all day.
Home Industries end Labor Were Jane .\(lilam« In-rwlf !i»> l•l■^•ll •nii-i.ltions were made re.pinly when Pro 1 found several relUble people that
brawn Upon For Practically
i-rcil as a mayorallv iKisMhilli.v -.In. i- the I'niled tslstex a goodly |«rceol- fessor Malludra of the Vesuvian ol-- saw Harry catch the rear atepe of the
s.'-b-rttul by suili representAll Work.
Illinois wonii-n ui-n- givi-n the liallo'
S4-rvatory. and Profe.ssors Max Stoltx rear coach as the train started. He nlivex' fraternities as the'' Phi Beta
and Paul Jacobi two Munich aelen- had previously stated hU IntenUons
Kappa Di-Ita Tau Ib-lla. Ton Belo PI
Tbe Iloardinan Klectric I.igln and
tlsts. descended Into the <-raler for a of doing this as be claimed he did
am! itignia Clii i:igltt have taken
I’ovvcr company have Just coiiipli-icd
dlsiance of .nTiV met.-rs the greatest not have money enough to pay hi*
l-rtri-.x ami meiluls in collegiate 'and
the new splllwny in flic l.owcr dum
depth ev.-r rraclied by human tielims fare until he got lo' Solon. He prob
debat.-a and oratorical
wlitcli Is one nf the biggest pieces <i(
iu the crater .-f any volcano. ',T^e re- ably bung to tbrae atepe Wr a
coiiiesis. Iiud one Was Yale Gralor for
engineering skill tlial has Im*cii done
siiti of (be observailons theik made tance of aliouD*
In this region In some time.
have just been i-reiMired for the I’nll- -dlAance the train waa'pSWMBAf ^vo.-casions
It has required over three months
ed Pri-SB by Professor Maliadra as ding at tbe rate of 40 ffUlet per boor
of lime and the employing of tiineiv. Following the Meeting an Informal have Won Yale's highly prized De follows:
as-tbe track Is down grade and nrarly
Fori-st medal for English literature
Dieeueeien on Good' Reads
men. all bu‘( four of whom re
The history- of Mount Vesuvius *tralgbt A cold evening together
One was the late Or Yung Wing, of
Was Held.
side in Traverse City. The materialswhl.-h we have lieen ablg aecuraiely »llb the high speed 6f the train
Hartford. Conn, and the other was
thut-hsve been used in tbe ronsiruc;o' compile from the de*trucHoD of made the cold unendurahto and he
V. S. Tsao. the Vale orator. Chung
tSiwHial lo The Ri-cord-hhiglc l
tlon have been purchased through lo
PomtH>ii and Herculaneum down show probably tried to change his poaiUon
\V.vHln, Drc. 12 -Thcre was .a gis>d Ylao Yen-, formerly eonsiil general that |.eriods of acii.ily have taken (o H»e rear end ^ the coach which
cal-firms except the two Mg -gnlc«
•Manila /nd now dlrector-geoenl
which were made In Cadillac and the
place through all the centuries at ‘s a vestibule coa^. Just as the train
the .«hangai'Nankliig
reinforcing st<-el wblch rame from
more or less regular intei^s. The struck a slight curve. He probably
tbe Western Michigan Development was coxwain of ihe'Yale crew tiren('hlcago but through a local concern.
last eruption occurred In WOT. An- lost hi* hold In attempt^ to do this
liuiWii. Kvery seat In the hall was
years ago. One edited tlis Colum
tIS.Aoo has been i>aid out In wages
other on.- I* now not only due but and fell backward striking on the ba<*
ocrtipii-d. and many had to stand. Ncis bia Spectator and another the Penn
to TraverseJ^y men and l«slde the
from Mar.-h of the present yeaF we of his head, tbe momentum nadoabtlive. su]>crvisor of Colfax township,, sylvanian. Five played on football
weft at work on the constnmlon
have been a!-le to detect evUlenee* ot «>1>' caused bl* body to tarn over aevacted as chairman and iu a pleasing teams and one on the Yale nine.
the gradual b.n certain re-awakealng oral limes, which would account for
there were fourteen teams and driv way Introdiiied the sjieakers. w ho covThe men living in this nelghlMirof the volcano.
[‘h® wounds on hU face and th« top
cre-1 two entirety separate topics. K
hood. The entire cost of the work II llrinMi..aeve an Interesting lecture
In the descent into the crater w hich Of his head.
has been over »3l.fWO. There hav.- ui>oj( agricultural cundiilons In west
.- made recemlv we followed the I "T Investigated every fool of tbe
bMn many hard questions to handle erni Michigan, Illustrating this with
-me route whi.;f, t took In April when railroad track where the accident opIn 'the construction but everything farm and .orchard scenes from Uenr.le
made th.- Hhii exploration of the nirrea and even In .the face of the
veen succesifully handled. These an-l the eurrouDdlng counties. Fol WU ^NC FANG HAS ACCEPTED Interior of the crater of Ve».ivius F»ri lhs» evidence was three day* old
ev.-r made ' The crater now ha* a‘could plainly see where be first Struck
low Ing the lecture was a talk ujion
plus water that could be aecumulaied good roads, which Isik war by K. H
det-ih of n.K> meter* and we reached the road bed and for a nil length
from*Uie upper dam and they can be Flsw-ortlt. Over lUO lantern slide vIewB Chinese Republic Send* Envoy Is Na the t«.ttom of this afu-r more thandisturbed tbe road bed
operated in one minute's time.
iContiuued on page five.)
(Continued on page thgee.)
tion* That RecegiWzed the
were shown, mauv of these being of
New Regime.
road building operations tn this part
of the state. There were also views
of good roads in varloi|s parts of the
.3y I'nit.d Press.)
Vnlted Fules «nd in a number of KuPekin. Dt‘c.j:,-D5 Wu Ting Pagg.
ropean countries At tSe close of the twlie Chln.-se minister to the United
lectiirc there was an informs! talk hy States. tMliB and Peru, and aocretary
a nuiulvcr of those present regarding of foreign affnin. In ITesIdent Sun
roads in Colfax townstnp It was sug Vat-Ken's provisional repirt.Iioan cab
nested that this township bond itself
in 1911, today formally accepted
Ijck of liHcro*t In public affairs on tion Is f^ndlly disiingutsbed by atranfor the imrpose of lmi>roving the high a commission from Prealdent Yuan
CiMr Pine Boards In Building
ways leading to Its three shipping Shih Kal to travel abroad as a ape- the part of the residents I* one of the gers. l.ec*oS> everybody they meet Is
Revelation to the Present
why the development of some filled with a spirit of c
l•olnls, namely. Wallin. Thompsonvllle
envoy to thank the various powtowns Is Slower (lian that of others have nothing but good word* to speak
and Nessen Cliv. This suggestion was
for their formal recognition of the
When everybody shows an Interest In of Ihe tow-n l.iv-e ritUem soon com
opivosed. how ever, by s number of repChinese republic Although Dr. Ww
what Is Iwifeg done it forms an inven municate Ihelr virility to the whole
reseulsUve mcD. who felt tliai It was
not a candidate, be received sev
Tbe old building known u the
tive lo those In charge of the different cvtmnuinlty an.l action Uke* the place
better to build only sn niuch road each
eral pariLsmentary voles when Presi
GreilickvlUe lioarding bouse.
line* of endeavor to make a showing of InaciloD. A town cannot make peex
year as could be paid for.
dent Yuan was elected last month to In their dciiarlmcnt. but when not«sIv |ile, but the people are tbe only ones
years a land mark to rraidents of this
The siieakcrs left this morning for
full five year term. Dr. Wu will
region is tu-Ing wrecked. The ohl Nessen City, where Mr. Brown gives
how thing* are going who can make or unmake the town.
structure, which in constrncted of the the agricullural lecture this eveuing. come up from Sbanghal’in a few daye stagnatioa occurs and nothing of ino- Co-operatlpn Is the keynote of auceesa
receive hie Inatnictlons. He wilt
finest of pine timber, wms built oomeIs accomplished. F:ver> town I* In this direction and the closer the
travel via the Trans-Siberian railway exactly what Ihe iieople who llvp there people rilek together and work to
tfaing over foriy yran ago and Is
still In the best ot condition. Boards
and bis first diplomatic call will be at make It. If they are wideawake and gether the surer are beneBclsot re-’
the court of the czar. He will then take advantage of every opportunity run*. Everybody loves an optlmUt.
eighteen igches In width and twenty
vl*lt England. Germany. t-Ysnoe and to Improve In every direction, the whether they admit It or not. and If
thirty feet long, without a knot or
the other European countries. A stay spirit becomes contagious and results there la any spirit oi pregrea# In thsm
blemish in them aside from nsH
of considerable duration will be *i>ent are bound to follow. Tbe onl.v suc (hey win And it'awakening when they
bolM are being lakes' from the old
. (Dy Vnlted Prass.l
in the Vnlted Bute* by Dr. Wu. Aft- cessful way to build up a buRlncts come Into contact with thU clSM of
buUdIng. The site of the boarding
paying his respects to President
house is directly across from the store .Washington. Dee. I3.—President
attend strictly to It and never inilividuals. U a majority of the peo
Wilson Is reported as much improved Wilson and Secretary of SUU Bryan
at Greillekville.
chance pass by to Improve your ple In a tod^ believe in Ha fntara Us
Other Improvementa which, have today. His temperature Is normal. be will vUH tbe scone* of many a methods and secure result*. The same growth cannot be etopped and thtag*
recently been made is CreUIckvIUe
policy must be applied In a town in win happen In rapid succession lo
the coDstrncUoo of a fine new ever will remain abed today and his American cUlea. He will oall from order lo make It grow and assume an bring It to the front aa a progrsaslr*
part In the worii of the re mnnlcipallty. The pereoul factor la
fishing houke on the dock by Waller epgsgement to attend the gridiron San Francisco foi Japan, and from the
in brtagtaghbtNt
and IsOuU GrellIck. and the adding of club dinner tonight has been cancell- capital of the m^do to Rcking. and gion where It Is located. A town that
Is Lobabiled by a progreuive popula aatlsfactory town c
tbence to hia b6me in SbanghaL
a large barn to the A. GrelUck place.
Gnntf Traoine HenJd
tlliyOB/rULA FEJiU I^’A
ft Editor.
&t«.|»d *» »r.-0Ha rtMM matter
m>S. at tl.e
Trarorar C*t>. Mich . under tUe Act of
CowrMa of March
Omc«, m Fmnt 8t Both Phone# 2i-
Om rear ........
8U montbf ...
Three montba ■
. .tlJM In advance'
,...75c In advance
In advance
catarrh of the head, tlmiat.
lungs and ttoinacli. for eoug'.a
andcolds. Kataruoincrcast e the
appetite promptly. It strrnpih.
en# the eireubtion. Give# new
vigorlothcnervouseytu-m. pKa>
umo D)3l;ea you feel itronger.
bn-atbedeeper, eat more,digest
Iteuer, and finally put* you In
the clast of peu|>le who have
health, oonra-ge and plenty of
businesa grit.
Down In the Ar*entlne republic
Uter have a votin* »>*tem that aefns who bad profited by the manipuk
to be woTbIng oat with entire aaUa- also came lo grief. The experience
and on account of Ita auccees df the stockholders In this cori<oraabonid be Inveetlgated by tho»e In tlon shows how uncertain investraents
r4^re In's large coriwrntlon where (he
the I’Bited State# who have been try;,
tog to deviae a #y»tem whetvby thee]little fellowB-are. wliM^dlrd Into sign.goTeminnit of tbU country can l>o Ing away their rights in the way of
made more repretenutlve. Tbc plan- proxies wlilcb are voted to suit the
who are profiting by this graftwa* pot Into effect by the new i'rc#ldeni wbo was not aatlsried with the fog process. Ilislor)' has rci>eatodly
mndlllons onder the old syaicm where proven that -tlie person who Invests
few hundred or thousand dollars in
only ten per cent of the qualified
cori>ontlon capltallr.sl at several
voters attended the polla. Voting
r and failure on tiitllions Ik taking a long chance
seeing any of Ills money again.
the part of a qaalifled elector o cast
lila ballot carrlea with It a fine of There are of-course exceptions, but
ten dollara. The Uw require* each ■whll» the present system of high flrotor to rcftater and at the reglitra- nince is In vogue money pland in
tion booth ha la given a book con tbe home bank or in some local In
taining hi# pbotc«mph. name and dustry Is^ar-safer than In the hands
mMauiwmMa. and bis thumb.print. of those who make a-^ractlce of flescWhen he goes to vote be Is given an lug the iKwr through''tl>«-(R^'i '
envelopa'OD _whlcb be write# bl# tkm of large Institutions.
name a* he enters' the booth. lie
cbooM the ballots he wants, alips
them Into the envelope and leave*
the booth; the inspector thi
('hllilren are regarded among thethat the ballou are In the envelope,. be«l workers for Civic welfare.
makeo'the voter wrlte^la name andI count of the Interest they lake In any
atamp bis thumb print for comparison> work that Is cut out for them'
with the mark* which he carrlea
> their elders. Many cities liave been
hla book. Each party ha* a repYe- made ilVaner and more I•eautira1
- sentative at the polls In order B sed through the efforts of the siliool dill
that fair pUiy Is.given tbe elector. Atjdren.^ and so sutx*>sful has their
lb# nm election under this system work been that a nation wide moveninny ^c.ceot of the quallfl^ elect- ment has been started In order
or* cast tbelr ballots and the balance bring general reviUu. Ex|>erlenre has
wcr« fined for not appearing. • Bxcep- taught that < hildren in the • public
tion# were however made tor those schools can h*arn to help iho henllli
who wmw nnavoldahly aw^ from departnu-nt in kee|>lng the streets,
Imme. or Olie t*o III to attend the gutters and playgrounds free from
polla There appears to bc;.meril'1n|rubbl8h and the' alleyways cle^
this system and the people of Arg<-n- where In their negU-eled state filth
Use are so well utisfied with the'and disease lurk. Srlioot rhlldn-n
war In which It works that they will have also a.-slsted the tmlice to main
make It pemaitent after this year.Uaiti order on the streets.and. playla all Muatrles there Is noticed a-|gTounds. The idea is to orguiiln- the
-.great falling off in the popular vote|rhMiIron in the-sihools into riassewt.
aad especially In the United Sutesjeacli of which' will have a eerinin
where the general run of people do: work ’ to Jo and the repoits <>f the.
not give tbeHmporiant subject. the|rUssi>s can t>e brought
room whore they will i>e road and diip
amount-of attention It deserves,
careful stody of the returns from cusKod and whatever recommeaila
cKy elections In Michlgair jrill xhow tlons are to Ih* made aa a result ran
that not over fifty per cent ot the be submitted to (he proi>er. city ilo
qnalUM voter* turn oat to election lannieht .Such training, will give tho
aad when bonding issues and other children an lnsl;:ht Intu the needs of
Important questions are to l>e derided the city and thy training they receive
only- a small minority cast tlielf In the-aysu-m‘of municliial'gorc^rnvotes, which shows that there Is a ment will make them c-ltUena when
lack of -the apprecUtlon of real cltl- they grdiB’ up of,whom the city will
tenahip on the pari of the general vot be prouQ. In the cities where the
ing public. It la hoped that In tbe movement has been tried out the
near future some aynem will be de salts have been very Katisfaclory and
vised that win result in Keneratlng (be Idea Is bound to extend until tin.more Interest In public questions and whole counlrj- is covered by these
.candidate* on the pari of the vofer# juvenile cirfc centers. Good cititens
fn this as welt as otller atatea.
luive to be cdui-ated just the i
as good business' or professional
and the proiier lime to do ibfl work
is when tbe mind is yewng and pli
'^or the first time In lu hlstorv- the able. Uben the intellect of the chH
New Karen railroad has passed a dren is trained along higher levels the
quarterly dividend and as a result rommnnltv )« bound to profit In the
thousands of women and orphans will fuiiiro. There is a splendid oiiporhave to go without money to buy tunity In Traverse City and all other
their Christmas presenU, Xpariy fif loviR in Michigan for this kind
ty per cent of the stock of this road work, and it Is hoi>e|l that a way will
Is held by people who d«|>cod upon soon l>c found by which tbe activity
the interest to keep the wolf from ran ho started and carried out to a
the door, and aa a result of the road saceessful end.
going broke throngh the manipula
tion of the ones who have been at
the beeid of the iostitetion a larce
-Secrelan-^Ixon ot the state board
an^unl'of suffering Is bound to fol
low. For many years the people of of hc-altl> says that muiileipat got
New ^gland looked upon tbe stock menta mui.i come to look npon tri>h&id
of this.road as the most reliable fever, tuberculosis, feeble mlndedn
Inveacment that they could make and and pliysic-al Incaparliy with as mi
aa a result those widows who bad seriousness as aieonflagratlon -or
been left a little money placed If In flood There Is a world of^ truth In
. the stock of this road, figuring that this statement for at the preVnt-tIrae
no matter Wbai happened their chil ylx-re Ik too mixh laxity evidenced In
dren wouldiba weir provided for lo m<-etlng emergencies of .‘tola nature.
the future. Then' came the ganbUng The first atop la the work Is to have
operations that were carri^ on by a clean city at any cost, and then
tho high financiers who had charge iosist ujan the rigid enforcement
of the toad aad''by buying uniirufli- the 4]tunmine and health taws of tbe
abie prdpeniM aad selling them to sute. It wlM cost the eltles something
the New Haven the road wa* made to bring aUwl Uiese ctondlUons.
bankrupt and now will hare to dig the money s|>ent .in this direction
OA from under « load of unprofUaLle will be in the long run an investment
iodobtcdoeai that may bat up all the and not an exi^ndlture. Human life
aarlnga of the litUe etoc-kholdera who is the most valuable asset la any
can Uly alfdrd snch a loea. Fbr years community and when the poopje
ai:cordlng to the informatioa that has large come to realize this fart they
been given out tbe road was robbed w-lll tnalsi upon conditlona that will
Insure good boaltb to the efttzena and
right and left for the benefit of
certain few and their deala finally effldent aervlce in aUmplng out any
became ao high handed that tbe eecret epidemic that may threaten. Dls
was let ont and shortly after t£T;
Civic Tninlag
DhMead Passed
Be k Biilil
leliabniT who
lived near Gihwn In tb? go's. Any
Information wlU be appreciated.
Write Sam IL Brewster. Lawyer,
cannot be eliminated, bnt In c*x
curted down to a point where It will
be a menace to the oommunity
The Idee! «lty of the future will l»
the saattary city and. future proeperity will be gtiagM upon Ibis basis.
Now is tbe time for Intelligent action
In tbU direction and the Cities that
complvlo the work first will be tbe
to reap tbe most benefits.
sometimes pay that for
quick relief. YM he <SB get what
he wants for 25 eta. by sending to the
dru^st for a bottle of RBNKETS
)Ow-erful relieving remedy for all In
ternal and. external pain. Price 25
Sold by ull drugglsia.
Mr*. Isacc Grey of Traverse niy,'
Croup and Cough Remedy.
Crohp Is a terrible diaeaia. It tt- spent Sunday last with her son WlU
Ucks children ao suddenly they are and family here.
very apt to choke unless glvei ‘
Frobato Judge ^artln Brown Is
“• re Is
at Solon today on a businesa trip.
children: "£
lacks we w«
but sln<-e w p proved <
Iging Lake, Dec. 12.—Mrs. Hattie
remedy Dr. King's New Discovery I*;
we liave
fear. Wc rely on It for Tuttle of Traverwe City spent a few
croup, cough* and colds ' So can you. days with her sister. Mrs. Will Newr-Oc and »l UO. A bottle should be In siead, last week.
all druggists of TravMrs. Ueroard Rlrhanlson of Trav'
The Michigan 8l
8l*tc Grange h^
erse City visited relative# at (hii
iH*en asked by ItepresenisUve Me-.
b-ft last Tuesday place last week.
Kride uf Slilawaasee i-ouniy. lo assist
teacher. Miss Champney, la ar
spend tbe winter In Detroit with
bim In getting iegIslaUon passed that
ranging for a Chrlstmsji prograin
will do away with lawyers In settling his son. Morgan.
-a. Mile* Gilmore Is on tbc sick the school house next Friday. There
petty grievances lo the courts,
will be a week's vacation.
has not yel bi-en found ont ^ where Itot.
Quite a number from this place
Tbe Catholic Sewing circle of
the farmers of tho state stand In re
1’ M A. M.A. M.P. M.
iapleton meets wUh Mrs.
Tony tended Potffona Grange at Traverse
gard to such a revolutionary mca
r.Trav. CH>-.. 2;u..
;<*lty Ust week.
'■'Solon......... 2:27 7;-u 9;48 4:85
The position of the lawyers It regard Zoulek this week.-' Thursday afterMr* CUyton Cole is here from
Cedar City2:.=..^
to the proposal can readily be esti oon.
Traverse City visiting her sDiers, Mr#
mated without even reaorllug lo
Nellie Cox and Mr* SCora Hohletuan
.after spending a few dsys fu Traverse
l>oU of the members of the craft.
Cedar Run.....
Harry Case, the young man wbo .was
tke Ann:,
killed at Solon, will be buried (oday
latte Rivet
from the Friend# church. He had
Honor ..................
c:46 '
Empire Jct...'N.
spent hU entire life at Igmg I^e.
Farmi-ra throughout (be potato belt
are belRg aske*l to sign petitions to the
Empire via E. A
to Traverse City.'
secretary of agriculture remonstn
12;Kj 8:00
Poy New-siead met with what camo
against the raising of .the embargo on
Cedar. Dec. 9.—Mr. and Mr*. Will
Intertoqhen .
foreign potatoes that are afflicted 'hose of Solon, spent Tburaday aft very near being a (aUl accident laat
11:00; :.;S5
Tuesday while hunting rabbits la coinwith the scab, which action is
ernoon and evening with Mr. and
IU23; «:«2
pany with two other boya near Wil
A. M.
templated In cate Uie prices rise too Mm. Vlack.
liamsburg. He bad climbed onto a
high in some parts of tbe country.
The tnreltng men, wbo were lo the
Anmp with his gun and U some way
Is evldet^t that tbe disease should
auto accident .that happened
iP. M.
It was dlacharged. tearing great hole*
be introdoeed Into the t'nlied Slates Maple Clip last Wednesday afienoon
Wahon .;..........
through his clothing and lodging* In
aa long as it c-an Iw effectually k;pt took the evening train from here. One his left arm lust below the elbow. Tbe
man was badly hurt, hagtng three elbow cop was shot off' and It Is fear
riba broken.
M.tp. M.ed fala arm will be sUff.
Robert Shalda spent a few daya of
Ul:8S| C:20
1l:«4| 6:25
Onekomr Jnn.
last week with reUtlvei of thiiT
,-----.. .
sute Game Warden Oate* ha* been place,
le City 9:B
Train* arrive gt Traver*#
9;E2 .
to tn an effort to secure
Mr*. 'James Rousatiau was very
. n.. 10:10 a. m.. S:25 p. m. and 6:M
legislation that will prevent deer hunt Pleasantly surprised by 1 er friends
J. F. JENKS. -Agent
. m.
North Paradise. Dec. 8.—There
ers from Uking wblikey Into'
last Thursday'evening, when ther
surprise party at Mr. Boman's
north woods during the open season. came to help her celebrate her fif Tuesday night In honor of their
It is claimed that many of tbe death* tieth birthday.' Thd evening .'waa daughter, Mrs. Silas .Milky and chil
of hunters are due to being shot by spent'In playing games, after which dren wbo left Saturday (or Detroit,
IlKoxIcaU-d men. It Is tbe geoeral be
were served.
wliere they exiiect to make tbelr
lief that when a hunter goes Into (he received many pretty birthday gifts liolne.
woods half ahot, that either himself as reminder# of the occasion.
Mrs. John Perhall visited her sisor some other hunter will be
J, C. Vlack and wife went lo Trav- ter-ln-Uw-. Mrs. Wm. KIley yesferday
pleiely shot before be resumes bl* erse Cily Wednesday evening and afternoon,
normal condiiioii.
returned with their car. which had
Bnice and Walter Sayers arc work
been in the city for repairs.
ing for Ralph Claas.
Christina Stefanlak, wbo haa been
KUhard Sparling and wife have
in Edwin .Clark’s house for (be
It the V
-The famous mint bi
n LncAL APPUC.v-noN *» umv »»*<«.
house has been plowed tinder
under and better.
of tticdlM«c CxtxzrhlixUood
X.. A. Mason- and wife motored
Mr. and Hra. Wm. HUey and chil
and is unlcr tc corv ty
will no longer figure In the doings
TOO JBUxt -txk.- Pau-T-ul n7Sifdl>.. HxUh
Traverse City last Wedneeday.
dren. also Mra W. Pierce and chil CMarrhCwnU
the national tapltal. The plants w<
(.X.11 laicnuOlT. andwudtTeacher*' Institute will be held at dren were Traverse City TisUors Sat raetir oa Vbr l-lutxl xnd tDix-oei rartsmw
set out in the time of Andrew JackBMl a CVlarm Con- -#■ Bet sqiwck m«lhsra.
of Ui.bMt pWyvl t—
SOD and the 'li-ave* deeorated
Friday of thi# week. ^Our teachers
EpiPtt Voice %Dd family visited
julepa of the presldonla dow^ to
plan to attend.
FTMk Freeman’* Sunday.
present administration when the
Mr..and Mrs, V. A. VOfS?
stemlous habits of the president and
Traveiwe City Saturday!
cabinet made the ;nxistence of the l>ed
no lunger neee«a*ry. This make* the elected offircra for the coming: yea^
country one etep nearer prulilbition. as follows; Oracle. Ethel Ylbalda
vlr-e oracle. May Belle Da»: chanrc-llor. Ellen CuDDlngba^: receiver,
Allyn, Um.10.—E. 11. Allyn attend
macshall, Johanna
.t ttmv foot boa constrictor -ha BcksIo Crowe;
be«'u fiaind coiled around (he stei Odol; Inner sentinel. Mra Harry Kal ed the Sute Horilrultural society
meeting at Traverse City Ust week.
of a butich of bananas in HaUle Creek. ton; outer sentinel, Minnie Ensign:
W. T. Shuu I# attendtag tbe stock
manager. Mrs. Meacbem. The- five
This (nay aeem unusual, but It
exhibit at Chicago.
trulh were generally koown It would, Crfwce* are: Faith. Ora Frankfather:
Will SUgal has bargained
be found tliat larger and more gaily courage. Ethel Ctflib; modesty, Mrs.
piece of Und north of bU father'*
Get their list of properties
colored reptibw have been found In Welsch. unselfishness. Manda Vlack:
place ofjhe Buckley A Douglas Lum
endurance. Ellen Chase.
with owner9’aiJdrosse8,or proplurge-'IiDmbera In bottles
Mr. Champayno lias a'new Ford ber Co.
oeition to sell your
.Michigan towns.
The like 6ut>ertor Iron £ Chem
Mr*. Feter fihetaciC has been quite ical Co., under the new, managemenl
expect to ship about SO cars, of wood
•irk the juist week.
At rat
and sell
('old storage eggs are in active de
to Chicago.
er tn'ny deal direct U they pre
Mrs. Frank Kirt did obopplng
Ed Heath is rislliog bis brother.
mand at the State AgricuUural col Traverse City last Saturday.
lege where they are an Important
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meadow have
Young Mr. FettlngU is visiting his
factor In the InHIationt In the frater moved to Cedar for (he winter.
nities. If the candidate falls to guess
Cloyse Culver went lo Traverse cousin. Mrs. S. V8 Read.
tbe age of the ancient fruit I
City Wednesday of Ust week.
broken upon bis head In order that
Homer Brownell has returned
he may arrive at tbe correct figure* rom an extended vUit at Empire.
by means of the aroma. ■
Secretary of Agriculture Houston
has presented the winner*
prizes lo the com and jiotato contest*
with diplomas of merit in apprecia
tion of the work that was a
ed by the boys and girls of tbe nation
during the past year In producing
bumper -*roi>*. These crop conteats
of the best moans for sUmu
lallng interest among the rising
gHientlou along the Hoc of ngricul
and what U being aoompllshet
hy tbes# embryo citizens Is boupil to
bring forth abundant reaulta tn the
future. The time to tnlen-st poopU
fn farming is when they are young
becaus4> habits of Industry Instllh-d
that period of life are bound to stick
and make the one who gainss them I
useful member of society Intenslv
farming Is thp'chlef lessen uughi In
this work and with thfs idea
planted In the devcloi-ing mind th<
same principle* will be applied .
larger areas as th^ boya and girls
grow to maturity. ‘Panning In the
future will have to be conducted along
dlfferc>nt Iloea than il lias been in the
past and the one thing that will
poaaible this condition U to bare the
farmers of tbe future atoned along
the right lines. One of the grea
problrma that is facing the' etfintry
now Is to surn tbe tide that Is
flowing from the Tams to the clt>
by teaching the children raised upon
the farms to love the hoslne«a of agrl
culture'and lo stick to It aa a
of llvellliDod. For many year* there
has bec-n a mistaken idea prevalent
that the only place where fame am
fonuae arc to be had Is in the clt;
where the Individual was in the midst
of a faster and more enjoyable life
As ronipetitiun Increase* the rtiancea
for success In the city are being dc:
creased, and as a result many
wellent ^ung fanner is spoiled by the
r-liange from tbe farm and after
unsuccessful struggle with tin- woild
has to drop back Into the ranks
ronmiOn labor with his dream
wealth ahatlered In the making. Coun
try xirit and boy.* should.stick lo tbe
farm wliere Ibey know that they w-|l
l>e snrcessful. instead of ufcine
^-Jiances with the teeming
of the cities where fhe slow and weak
art trampled under foot and lost In
the mazes of tbe buay world.
l>oy who <ao grow a good rrop
corn or potatoe* Is sure of a living
w'lib-h cannot be said of many people
who adoi>t city life In preference to
staylng’upon the farm.
NsHve Revealed
If .n-i<orts coming, from Mexico are
to bo believed General Villa U letting
hla greed overcome bis discretion tn
dealing with the |>eop1e of Ch
the raptutod cUy. t’-hurcb Ireaaurea
and convents have l>eeD despoiled by
the soldiers -In (be Invading amy
nearly fire hundred Spaniard*
ordered to leave the coonlrj'. BxorbI
tant sums were demanded from
clergy, which of conno they eonld
not produce and oe a ranlt they
ordered from the tountry. Villa It
also demanded from
lanis ot tbe city a million and
a half dollars in gold for the causa of
the n-beis which he would exchange
for a llko amount of oonaitiutlonal
currency whlrti has no value In tW
country. It is also reported that the
Vnlted-dates consul wax also refused
the right to send a «>de mcaaagc tc
bis government informing It ot the
outrages that were being pen<etrated
Should these reports prove to be true
Ibexe is a great iwaalbllliy ot ;
eemplication'i between Meifco and the
nations repreipnied by the ■ people
who were summarily driven out
the country by the order of Villa. In
stead ot becomlDg an exponent
popniar rlghu oe-lic baa claimed In
the past. Villa as soon ns be hnd
chance to exercise bis authority atopped beyond the bounds of law and
made * levy -upon the cUizent of Chi
huahua for the funds which he Is ao
sorely In need to carry on his cam
paign. Carraas* has been appealed to
to come to the reacoe and abow VIIU
(he erntr of hla ways aad much will
deiiend upon tbe outcome of
mMtJng. Tbe rebels cannot afford
at thla time to bring about any fur
iher tnternaUonal compUeaUons and
for the good of their caoae it behoove*
their leaden to keep ont ot any
ther entaaglemenis that will bring
upon them tbe diepleosuro of tb*
foreign nations wbo are tntereatod la
- The Oalfy Man Says
s bo* more milk aad better cream
since he began using HARt'rao.'S
ayatem Is poisoned by tbe
OONDi-nON POWT3ER - It keep* bis
ter hem in the body—oesl
cows tn prime ohape. It Is ^atrietly
often follow. Use Dr. King
inedldnal powder, not a food, and U
PlUa and you win *ooc get rid of cow- a general eondlUonlng powder for
•Upation. beodarhe and other tronbloa oova; boreoa. work cattle, sheep,
all drvRleU ol bog* and peoltry. Price 25 eta. 6eM
le hour; seventy-eight pancakes
In fifty-seven minutes; six bplled din
ner# at.one mesiT Me hundred and
thirty-two eggs—all stylos—at one
meal; forty-elglit Aors of corn at one
sluing; slx’iiounds of steak, one loaf
of bread, mi quart of too. olie pie. five
•pooOd of bnttar. a big
•Hall of pnin..R and a quart of ice
cream, at one meal; thirty ears of
tseire frankfurters, two quart*
of Ira. (WO loaves of bread and two
plex. at one n,e*l.
Gliildcn ku>k tte can beat the man
wbo retemly <-ou,Kumed flUaen dozen
egg# at one sluing U Brooklyn but
he wouldn't wont to tei the fellow
hav'e a |•a^ner
-SSte'il'S iirf
Retain Eabargo
Stsp Praettee
- tfortk Parodist^
Bowers Harbor prices
—25e f<M* cMer apples.
rlBO apples 53c. Bath
phoaes-ettz. 333, BeU
Canning Co.
oct 28-tf
BM Betlroyed
Catarrh Canoot Be Cared
Snake Story
Pardee Bnsbiess Exduuge
Stnte Buk .Biiildiiic.
New Use
Safety Hnl
LoUnd, Dec. 11—Tbe Teachers' In
stitute which was held tn this village
closed Friday aflernoon and
largely altendod. prof Faddow of Mt.
Fleasani. oive a reading Wednesday
evening .enUtled "Friendship
Uge,'' which was enjoyed by a large
audience. On Thursday evening Frof.
Cobb of ML Pleasant gave an Interest
log lecture on "Birds.Miss Anna Swartz returned Tue*
day from a few weeks' viall at FlinL
Mrs. Julius Prause Is very 111 at
Odgensborg. Doc. 12.—W. If. I
her home here.
and famUy and Wlllb Dennison, wbo
S. Anderson is building a Urge
have spent the pari few months
addition to hU hotel.
their (arm berk, left Tharsday for
tbelr home tn Otsego to spend
they will spend tbe winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt^ksUneofSparMUs Zelda Brazfngton has returnl. are vlalUng welative* In this vlcln- -d to Traverse City, after a short
Isli with her sister. Mrs. Boy Pease.
Mrs. MyrGe Omlor of.Eaat'jordan.
Mrs. D. E Wynkoop and son past
arrived last week for a few weeks' ed throngh our village today with Mr.
visit with reUtivea and friends.
Wyhcoop, wbo was taken very
m. Rosa Schofield of Traverse while op a vUit to hi* daughter
City, ts'vUltlng with her brother ,E. Crescent' on North Manltou Ipland.
O. Ijidd aad family for a few day*.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prauae and danghThe next Ladles' Aid soetely wlU T of Traverse City have been at
meet In four weeka on W'ednesday. the home of Jnllua Prauae (or
January 7lh. with Mrs. Geo. Jamle- past two weeks.
Hr*. A. Phillips
chlldiwn hare
The Lady Macesdieee held their gone to Cheboygan for a vUlL
election of officor* at tbelr hall Igst
Miaa Oerirude Kuemln of Buttons
Tburw^ay .pflernoon as follows; Fast Bay. U tho guest of Mrs. M. E. Mcmander. Nora Btman: commander. Kercher.
Minnie Rushmore; llent. commander.
Rev. Haeaster has uored Ute hU
Goldie Wilcox; finance keeper. Harr new homa which woa iuat compUtod.
e«B; record keepor, Hazy L
ney; chaplain, Eva Crampton
sargent. Alta Lardle: mistress a
>. Mildred FYanktln; sentinel.
Aisle Crampton; pIckett. Klla Aear:
far laAata uA OhiUta.
pianist. Mary Swaney.
Mr*. Frank Smith and «on Ralph,
returned last week Friday from Grand
RapMs. bringing with them a fine
new teoa.
While (he safety first moveme
being talked of tor the railroads It
light he a good Idea lo apply tbe
ime idea to lake traffic. Tbe width
-ofabe field for work In this direction
Is Indicated by the number of wrecks
that are reined after ev^- storm
In -tbe fall of tbc year.
for Gina^ and (^Iden Seal.
Bill of Para For Ona Maal . V
Keep Family Per Whela
(By t'olted Press.)
tjiwrence. Ohio.. Dec. 12.—Tliose
whosey^tronomic ability exceed*#
the ai^rage and are fain to boast are
admenisbed to Uke heed, draw up
close and to listen! Here's a
who wantB to out-eat any two m
the world. He U Charles W. Glidden
wbo styles himself the "tThampkm
Food Deetroyv of tbe World."
bolds three "world'* record#." Hore
■e some of them:
Forty-aevefl ponnda of waUrmelon
Best ol EqiiipineBt
782 E. Front 8L
MONEY TO LOAN on good oa« waD
Improved tarma. H. C. Oavla. SU
StaU Bank Bldg, Traversa City.
april 2M .
Are only purchased one*. There
fore tk
at the works of
Travom City. Mich.
821 Bay 8L
Both PI
The above cut shows one of
funeral cars, which la finished in two
tone grey, nicely blended.
Also have black car of same. line*.
boUk are designed according to
own ideas, and are "Rock Falls* cars
ot vory Utost design.
ALVIN H. CRUBSfL Funeral OIrMtar
and EmbMtHar.-Tn SoMh Cnlon 8L
Mrs. Nellie ProtL asaUtanL
o-z w.- .—t* you ai
meb 2Mf
By tbe "Kaolar" method I con rm
JOT# Ihoee ochlag teeth abaolutsly
Also operate Red Croat ambulance without pain, aad without the use e!
vbteh la best of lU kind In the i
TteKUYNllmAhnislNlkt Alvin H. Graber
312 S. Unioa St
MAM WUkalm Btoek. with Dr. BeUrn
Mtt. tmrnmOO. Mlehtfu.
llkhted candlca. vied with the turkey
in attractiveness.
Many beautiful presenu were re
The out of town mieslw were
and Mrs. Groesser, of Suitona Bay.
Mich,, father and mother* of the
sroom; Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Leyda. of
Imperial. Nob,
The occaslOD formed a reunion of
tho Wile* faintly.
.The bride Is the second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. I.. Wiles and Is well
and favorably known here. She Is
Hear All That Paasee Over Wirea
Weeping Water
Between Btauamen Yet Never ' Ac ademy—class of 1S09 She posses*
es a beautiful Christian character and
has been an untiring worker
Sunday School and ihiirch at Grand
(By ITnIted Frees
tVasliInplon. rier. I2—If there's view, where ibe will be greatly mist.
-PUn Hm Been Under Cenclderation
anyone in tbe Vnlted 'ttale
by the Order for Berne Time—
After a short visit with rrlative.
other countr)' who doesn't )>ellere
Uctiirer te be ChoMn
there's a woman In the world can keep they win bo at home of buttons
toy Primery.
a secret lei that person apply to the Mich.
The new istper w ill result from a mcrof tbc Grange I’atron. {lubliabed
at Adrian by Suie Food CommlsBioner Ilelme. and the Suto Ormnne
Hirum. published at Mason by H
(By tVjUsd Ptees.1
Hint. Dee. is.—A decision to rstali’
Hrh SB oBIclst iiai'cr/ot the GraDKc
and to rtoooee a state lecturer toy i>rituary Were t»o tRi|<ortant measures
eoseted at the rlotUut ecxcutivc ses'
alon or the Michlsan State Granse
last Blsbt. accordlo« to an announee»eni today. The iirojHjsiiiou for the
creation of an official orntn has been
nnder consideration for some Umc.
Xjoed Marktts
FARM PRODUCB-.elt.iiB Moee.
Vntted States House of tlcprescnt.
aiives. Any member of tbe house can
point out to the unbclle\er. six wo
who keep thousands of secrets,
and valuable secrets, too. every day
In the year. These six women michi
be called Uie champion secret keei>ers bl the country. The story of the
wira can'keep secrets was
told today b> Uepresentatlve Sherley
of Kentucky to a recent Addition to
the bouse.
•Secrets, more than two thousand
II da>. bearinK on the most iinponant
epiestlons of statesmanship and lenisIsthm. pass over the telephone lines
of ihls 'capllo] every twenty-four hours
and never has one been told
women over there in the house office
pluenlnc those
boards, hear these conflden\lBl talks.
The lariff, trust proseeulions. ■•a|.
lace, lohbliv, B»ve, politics, ciirren
and what-not topics are'discussed
these wires amonc men in lFe
councils of the nation These are hli:
new* Hems. Many a story which has
been unprinied and which would star
tle the. curious and alisorblnE piihllc
U told is known by the 'Oic tSlx.' The
male knockers who say women can't
keep secrets is dead wrong.*
■Diinwff City
Summit I'll?, tie* K- Mrt Ine 1.<>
Ele. accomiutiiled bv her *|Kler, Mis
Kreyt Modow, left Thursday for Cana
t-'rank tluslismp loaded three
of lumlieT last week for G. A BilBlmm
Hemlock SIdinc
Oscar i.ocle Ims returned
xme here, after on abs^ce of several
weeks. sl>ent at Sliver Wood. Hall, who has been scallnA It
1st lor n. A. llrichBRi. returned
his home at I'adillai Friday.
rriaite of Miss HaselI McKell
Irlffen took |ila>-e fast week
They will make their home Wre lliiK
> le Cornins. »lio has been
ed at Kalamu/<n sim-e
has returned to his horns
.lohn lx)Ele loft Thursday for Saslnaw. Heed fit? and cother points.
Miss ijiitra Smith loft f»i Klnssley.
lllam FitzEoraU has purchased
now lk-I.AvaI seiifiralor,
Announrements have iieen reeelt.
.si of the mnrriace of Mrs. Ida Hamfrom a severe attack of lAEri|i|<e.
Teler Miilli. a |iioneer of this sec
tion. died at Ills home here, Friday
niornlnc. Burial took place it. Ilio
—G. K, & I. TBAIN nrriv.-s in Triw.
Sio|is lit Keystoiii'.
Sliglit- Siiliiij;. .Miiylii-lil. Kingsley. Siiiuiiiil. City, Wiilioii, Kife
l.iiki-. Sniilli ]!■•ar^lmJin. Kiilkaskp.
FREE WITH 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80. 100, 126 OR MORE TICK ET8.
Premium Dolls cind Toys of AH Kinds for the Qiildren
— Sl.-ds. Ikill Clllt.Ts. (<»ltsl.
rrs. Kootlnills. Haliy fulti-re.
K.itiv li.div
Toy itjills.
i-nt'- •-x|>ri-s.siiiiis. iiHtural-Jookiiig i-,v« lirows ami la-li.-s; snimvviili tlirliiig i-yi-k. ulbcni with sti-i-i>iiig eyes, ■ (c.
—Posiiig Dulls. .?uinl<-d Dolls, Kid-Hcwly Do||>. Dr«-ss Dolls,
(Vlltiloid t’n|ii<l Dolls, cti-.
follow inj! acixiunt of lli<- Wllesf;r*"-'rser w..ddinc Ir taken from tinPa|M-r tnlMlshed at Weeplne Water.
Tuesday. November ir.th. at the
........ ............. UH home of Mr. and Mrs T. U Wllca. at
Inch noon, oi-cured the tiiarriaEc' of
their daUEhler Blhel, to Mr. Rrutu^n
Gro'-s-er. of Siittons Bay. ktl'-liiEan.
very imi>resi!|ve' manner by Elder^
Wtlklnson. of Bethany, pastor of tlie
Christian cMurcU at Grandview. Tlie
Bo«*wbeat. per lOO Iba. »1.25 to 11.50 wcddlriB march was played by MlsiTheresa Wifes. sister of the bride
l.Jitlp EUen Wiles, niece, «f the bride,
scattered flowerE.
Bon ..
After heart? coneratiilatlons the
^ests jiasBod. to the dIniOE room
and partook of a bounteous dinner.
The table was deevvratod with carna
tions and ferns and In the center was
a i>eautiful liride's cake, tho work
of Carl Anderson, wkiefa
with tbe
IVo Place
ufT.-t Efeaier attractions for riirisiiim' tlian ili.- Hardware Store.
A I'l-kei Knife or Razor Is alwajs acrc-|.iaiii.- Wc hove the (aiiioux
• t'oiiarangus" Knlv«»; ever? blade Is i-aiul lorEe.l from the best of
Me<d and fully warjanti-d The knives sell from
to »l'»>. Wo
have an extra fino selection of
We have Kaxors from 2-> up to
In Safety Raoxrs we have the Sharp Shnve. luirham Uitiib x, KverIbwdy. Knders. Gillette and Auto Sifoii These m.,l.e very u«lul
r aabonmcul of Koix-.
The “Best” Flour
Is the sundard flour of this
re^on. l^ha8 an established
record of years of increased
popularity. Join the pleased
users. Your
Yoi grocer sells it
The Hannah & Lay Co.
Th« Old EaublishMl' Hillers
iK-tnc netted.
(Jmton district
Giinbm IHstrl't. t*oc, 9.—Mr, and
rs. Clias Itrakf. Mrs. Tlios. GhentiE
and "Mrs. Paul Ncfnec atB-ndf^ To
mopa Gransc last wook ^n Traverse
Mrs. ^'hratli? from Alden is visillns
her dangbtiY Mis. Thas. GborinE
Mr. an# Mrs Chas
lYrake on-!
daughter s l.eola and Violet. allende<l
the IJn<-oln Mcr'onnel In-iurc Ui Tra»
, Friday nlclil.
Allen iia* 11 new windmill
tTovlPd anil In working onl.-r
Mary Bradford of Travers*- Oily.
Spent Sunday ftth f..o<>la Brake.
Mrs. Thos. Ghering and son G-vl
ry attended the liiiicoln .Mr-Con
dl hi-turv.
tioorae llrakr. N'Atlian Wi-i-se am
C'has. ItaiiMini niiMidi-d an.o>M<-r supUtriiilc-y ctiuri-h Friday
Freddie DoiiElas Is absent Ironi
school with a soterc cold.
Mgbn. I.Aura Malm. Ruth
Urily nor absi-ni during last monili
of scliool.
S<iven iiiipils w'crr alisent Mouda>
1 accoiiut of tho storm
r.t'NTON SfTIOOUKllralicth K Uvans, Teacher.
— l*ettii-oals. Suit Cases. I iiihrellas. Wali-lies. Clot-ks ele.
( hie tiekel willi i-:ie|i .Vie |>tire|ia»i . \’isit the IVeliiilim KN'III
in the hasemi-nl and see sotu,. .,i thr «ih«-r piemiuiiiA. '
—This store is ready with big, ample stocks of just such gift suggestions for ev
eryone in the family. The kinds chosen by thousemds who like their gilts to
have the “person2d touch’—things that may be used or' worn every day. Our
Holiday Sale brings m£my of them out at very interesting prices.
A Heavy -Rope-Stitch" SweMer Ceatl ('ouhl
aiiytliltiE Ire more i-nu-H<-al* W.- siiuw iheiii
BtC. caz> Shawl and B>i>
did >ulue* at S5. Se and S7.S0.
Other Aadics' and Miiaet' Sweater*. nr<w
Other Men's and Boys' Sweaters in Sliiikr-i
uiKl r.-EilUr knil.--. Shawl and ll>roii I'ol
!.<rv; ^|H-eial SI S2.90 an 1 S3.S0: otii.-r* aiko^-e. h
liii-dliim aiirl -lark enlor* (nr Hus
|H-r vaiil. 10«. 8e and.................. ..........
Good Shaker Flannela Ilolbla? Sale
Blankets. I.ircer and tx-uMer than
—Here iir<- Furs of lllaek or I5r<*wn
Coney. Uiidger, Lc-ojiar. I. Kiu-.-oon.
lllaek llmisoii .<eal. Mole HJm k and
Red Kon. .Mink. Ulm- Woll. .-t-., ,-te.
ShiiuU atid .\iiiiiial Slia|n-<l S.-arfv al
. ifl V'.
ei.-, u|. to
MiiiTs 111 liiiF.! shapes ai «’."'L!s2..v*.
|o*-:kl..'HI; F
/ *
.t.- t- ■s>;t..'.-.11
Christmas Suggestions
From AllOver the Store
M-.lidio kab :.t 39«. 59e.'b9t. ^ and 81.19
High . Grade Comforters, lull, aenermis
Ki'U .MEN:
N',-.-kwi-;ir. llosi.-ry.
-ireK 1ilb-il null pure while hu'tItiE.
ILiiHlk.-rc lii--K Siis|i.-iii|<-rs. Arm llainK.
worth II
(or Ihls sale. S2-9S.
s-|.arnli-ly ..r in vaf-nui* •-•mihitiMlinii
$2.25. $1.75 and.......................................... SU5
-U. Snrat.-r*. Sw.-at-r r-mts. Ft(r ur
Good Heavy Comforters.-one lot in Hie
('hdb i'n|>s. (jlnvi-* ,-iml .Mjiti-ii-. in kill
li.'eal Holldiiv S.xh- s>..................................... 9Se
or w.inl; .Nluffh-rs, I iiimi Siiii*. 2-i»i<.....
I'riil. rw.-i.r, ll.-lK, Tn- Rincs. niiuiU-fit-rMen's Flannel Shirts. II <•■-. J1 2'- and II XO
-..-tial j.-w«-lry. a Kaff or Sim Cii*.-. a
valuer. In the Molidai Sab- ai 79c and... 9Sc
(•air III 'I'rmisi-iw., n Snii ..r an dvi-r-'
Men’s Flannel Shirts. -Zero,” Mllilar? and
regular ixillart : all colors: extra value*
nl S2.50. S1.50 and...................................... |lE5
-FOR WOMEN: Hamlkinhl.-f* in
Men's Wool So*, lucdliini and hea'y
M••iiili-rlIII .-i'.«.rirtMi<-Tii*, \i-i-kwi-ar. Silk
weIgM*: dark ridon.. Sale i-n<e, pair
ll..»i.-ry, Dn-s* ami WaiM I’litli-rn*.
Men's Sex. line caalimere and neav%
.\|iroiis. 1*1 lli.-iuiis. Wjiii.|x.
wool sox: ).|.e.ial value* at 50c, 39c and 25c
Men's New Fall and Winter Caps: I'hinIliisn ry, rtiihn-llas. nr a Winl.-r ('luU,
' blila--. I’lush and FbucIi-v, for this K.-ib-.
a Tailiir.il Suit, n Dr.'**, a Skirl ur a
Si-50. $1.00. 75c: 50e and. ..
"Iln- gfil't nival.■' .•i.-.
Men's Fur Caps, popular styles; Er>-ai val
.11- at tiM. $3.50. $2S0 god....................... $1.75
CIcves and Mittens for men and lrf>?*. all
Bath Robe Blankcta Ix-ainic*. with i
kir.dt lor work iind dresK. wenr. kEU'is'd
....................$3-00. $3.50 ond, .
and b-.xihi-rr thl* sab-, jiair $1.50. $1E5,
J1.00. 7Sc. SOc. 3»c and........................
Fill and Winter Weight Union BulU: fleece
lineil. ril>t><.d in miioti nr coltnn and wool
iiiix<-d, all «o.d rllilied: "White Cal ' and
••SiiiHrior" nial.e*. Wonh
to H.im
at 95e. $1.25. $1.50. $2.50 and...................... $3.50
/ EACH 38c.
|6aniUry^Flecci(l Shirts and Drawers,
: all ►Ires. ^
. O Fine V
Drawers, in light .in.I dark Era?. Ksliivun
era roloi>:-all rlrc-i to t»: npocigl
|| Holidii? Sale, each..........................9
James Button and family spent Sat
rday and Subday. visiting at Fife
Maiold. rivdo and Byrl Scofield
entered school Monday.
Com shredders are flnhihlng tlielr
on Cor this fall.
The school children are prci>arinE
1 give a Christmaif program.
Mrs'. Uvdla Boyd entertained
Swastika club last Thursday.
whk' at times was emitted In giganblaxti) of an appolllnE nature. On
bo'werer. (hare was a
Finking In ai the ba»e of this open
ing which evidently filled up the chan
nel hy which the ga*«« and fire were
(Continued from page onc.l
coming from tbe Inner regions of the
lioiir'i hard work descending
vobano and on the occasion of
means of ro|ies such as are used
last descent we were able to r
mountain ctlrabing.
trate even to the bottom of Ibis open
The bottom of the crater rv-sembles ing. making a toUl descent from the
very much a huge platform covered toil of the crater of 37<i meters.
rocks and also per
lo making this final descant we
forated with fumarole from which
gases, and vapors are always being found- tbe entire Interior of the mouth
exhaled. It was In this platform, fob (nensted with formatlou*
unmistakably that durinE the
lowing my 'first descent Into the
when 1 found unmistakable signs month of July molten lava rose to the
very bottom of the crater. fYom
the re-Bvakenlng of the volcano,
here we were obllired to atop In
that a huge opening was later found.
It bad a circumference of
meters desceaL effortw t* take tho tempera
deeper down proved futilo.
a depth of Tfi. In the formation
of this and In tbe fire which poured
out afterwards, tbe Bog. I had plantedat tbe bottom of thr crater oa tbe
occasion of my firat descent was
pletely destroyed.
This opening took place on May 10
and for a month afterwards there
not only a oonsUnt pouring forth of
gases and vapor* but also of fire
—Kitiger Toy Aniitiala. Tedd,v
Iteiirs, Wiilkitig iir Harking
Dotrs. Monkeys. Eleiihuiils.
FoXi-s. .-te,
—riiitioN. Chiim-s ami other
■misieal iiistniiiiet(pK.
—Diiiiier S«-ts. t!ii.-iriHit<-.-d Silverware in se|a ati<l itidivultial |>ii-«-es. fiisseroles. Itrea«l .Mixers. Oak Uoekers. Kh-etrie
and Gas lMiiii|*s. Iliill .Mirrors ami Hat ILieks.
> Weber s|>ent a few days
trip to Kincsley Saturday.
Tho social at Hie M K church
evenine, was well uiiended
—P££E MARQUETTE TRAINS orriv*- in Tmv>-i>.-- 1 ::tn >, m
—LEAVE TRAVERSE at 5:15 P. H. St.>|>.s nt
Willmnislmrt' Hint Elk Kainils. Th<-s<- ii.-u- I*. M. iiik! U. |{ .k I.
tniins i-iiiitiiiuc <'wry vvi-i-k day iiiilil furtln-r >i<iii<-<-.
After reluming, however, to
platform wblrb forms the bottom of
the crater we were able to register In
one of tbe fumarolex a temperature
bo degrooF centigrade while un
der tbe rocks on tbi- bottom tb^re was
an average temperature of 8(1 degrees
tenUgrodo. TbU latease heat shows
Dae ccrtalB i««wgke&tBS of the entire
Women’s Underwear
Vesu and Pants
hiilii"« Kiiil
■xlra iii-iivy
il v;ilu<-*> III
26c. 29c. 45c. SOc
Ladies' Union Suits, priced speciM
1.1 48c. 79c. $1.00. S1.25, $1.50 t4/$2.50
Children's Heavy Ribbed Under
wear; garment. 19c. 25c and . . 36c
Our descent to the top nf the cra
ter was made a lUiouhtncidcni and Hie
oliscrvatlODS wc made demonstrated
again most clearly the steady prts
gress toward reactivity. As I staled
above the channel leading down from
the crater into the deeper region* of
tbe volcano has evidenilv iMcn tempoiorlly choked by the sinking and
falling In of ■•ortlonB along its course.
When, however, this rbanneMs again
free as it was In June and July, it*
U very likely that tbc crui>tlou will
tben take place.
(CoaUnued from page one.)
and scattered blood on the ties anff
rails. He evidently toyed where bit
body stopped for some time, as there
was a Urge pool of blood there. He
evidently regained coosetonsness aft
er a time and sUrted back towards
Cedar Run for a dUtonce of periiaps
a mile, here he evidently lost consetooBness again for tbe form of hU
body In the aond onulde the rail to
gether with oa^er pool of totood
One Lot j* Ladiee- and Mieses Coats. In
and hmwn; good mo-lej«.
and *1»;- to Ire clowil
nut in the (lollda? Bale at S6.95 and... S4.95
I* and
fabrics, ineludlng iVrrlanna
•truehans. heavj fhevlut*, Chlnehllla*.
.Novell? .foatlngs. etc.: were
tZl.. sale juice S19.S0, $11.50. SlS.50. SH
*nd ............................................. ...................S9.S0
Beautiful Coau in Persian Lamb, Arabian .
buMon' U|i MiusI?: rlrlil?- silk or natln
lined: wonli
un to IX'i;
fi'.; In
in tbe
ili 'u|i
.50. $18. $22-00 and.................. $2500
MisaA' and Ch
Children's CooU. size* k to M
vi-aL; worth up to
for tbU sale at
$3.S0*ahd ...
Baby Ccals. ►ires 2 to «. values U|> to $fi.T-n.
sale iirlix.'s $1.50. $1JS. $?.5g $3A0. S3JS.
Ladies' Tailored Suits in newoM fall and
winter models; K|>ongee. Matelasscs.
Pebble t'hcvjot*. ^orJuroys. Bedford
C'oriU. Serge*. BrMdcloih*. ele,: Sllklined Cuuway CoaU. draived. Ala*hed aud
plain skirts: value* u|i lo IKi and $2T..'n
at $8.50. $11.50, $16.50 and........................ $19.50
Udiea* and Missea' Oresaes. one lot in silk
and cKiih. all Ibl.l stvleer were $6Jki.
$*:-i>. tin and $12. in this sale at $4.95.
$645 and ......................................................... $7.95
Beautiful Dresaes In lalext niodc|* and
icilals. (or hlreci
wear: wonh «ii
Gn-ai Holldav Sak- al $9.$0, $11.50.
43, $1_____
$16.50 and ..................................................... $19.50
Ladies’ Waists. UiU KeanOD s ncwe*t Myles
in Silks. Voile*, IJocns. BatJ*le*. cir.;
Ihls sale. 98c. 81-25. $1.75. S2-60. 83.95. c. $4.95 and .........................................................$6«0
Worth $15 and $16 at............ ........................ $10.90
Worth $16.50 and $18 at.................................$13.65
Wonh $20 and $22 at..................................... $16.50
W^rth up to $25.00 at..................................... $19.50
New Annex, next to main otere. A Knife FREE
with each beys' garment.
(iibrir*. fxiraontinar? value* at $4.40,
and .................................................................$4.95
Other Boys' New Fall Suits, worth $3 to
$1". Ill the Hcllds? Sale al $2A5. $3.95,
$5.40. $6.00 and.............................................$7.50
Beys' OvercosU lo laleM Autumn and Win
ter niodi-l.* and fabrii*: worth up lo $«i,
in ilil* *alc ai $1.95.$2.45 and.................... $3..4S
Beys' Chineh'illa Overcosto. |•o|lllIar n’lorf: iiicMiy Shawl collars, worth JT .'.u
to Sib. at $9.50. $6and................................ $7.00
plain as laic a.* Saturday. I’pon
gaining con*clmisnr.-.s again he prob
ably in a dazed condition, doubled
hack on hi* tracks towards Solon.
There were drops of blood to l*o
sit-n from where tho acident occurred
lo when- bo la?'ed down sod bark
sEsin towards Solon lo w lihln a short
distance of the station.
"How thiK man. injured as be was.
together itith (he great loss of blood
accomplished 'bis long Journey and
then found bis way into a strange
house U a rayater?-. Me went to Mr.
White's woodshed, went up (our
high steps to get Into the.some, went
from the woodshed into tbe kitchen,
look a drink from a poll of water on
the kitches Ubie. left blood on tbe
poll and dipper, went from the kitch
en through tbe dtning room, leaving
blood on the table where be leaned
on Itl into tbe parlor and lay down
beside the coal stove after uklng a
aofa pillow from a nearby couch and
placing it under bU bead. Ur. White
found him here at four o'clock in
the morning. There was not a light
of any kind in tbe bouse oioept mooslight
-I gjn obliged to dUcredIt tbe state-.
WIU pay 40c for elder
apples, wlndlaUs Sde,
paring stock 70e. Both
phones-atz. SS8, BeU
67. Canning Co.
oct 28-tf
1 of bU bavictg a fight, as be hod
absolniety no trouble at Odar Ron
and the IndUns in question were in
another pan of^e county on that
date. I Gilnk hU pride prevented him
from telling bow the accident occurred."
Stomach Troubles Olsappesr.
Siomaoto. liver and kidney trout . .
veak nerves, Ume beck and femala
IHs disappear when Electric Ritters'
are used. Thousands of women would
not be without a bottle in their borne.
Ellta Pool of Depew. Okla.. writes:
'Electric Bitters raised me from a
bed of sickness snd suffering snd has
done me a world of good. I wUh every
suffering wotnsn could use this excel
lent remedy and Bnd ouL oa I did.
just hbow geod it Is." As It has helped
others, it surelj' wlU do
tbe same for you. Even- bbottle ffooronteed. SOc knd $1.00. R«e
A Few of the Hundreds of Bargains You Can Get at
J.W. Slater’s Just Before Christinas Sale
We are showing dozens of new patterns of Rugs in all sizes and
in all the colorings conceivable. There is nothing that will cheer
up your home like nice new floor coverings.
Here eire a few
of our Just-Before-ChristmaS Sale prices:
7.6x9 Good Grade Tapestry Rug....................... $10.75
8.8x12 Good Grade Tapestry Rug............................. 16.75
^ 9x11 Velvet Rug, will last for years...................14.75
9x12 Velvet Rug, an extra good grade .... 18.50
8.3x10.6 Axminster Rug...................................
9x12 Axminster Rug ,..............................................21.75^
Wool Fiber Rugs, up from............................ . ; 6.00
Ingrain Rugs, up from....................................
Come in emd look them over—cheer up your home for Christinas.
Library Table
This beautiful Americaa quartered oak
library table has massive solid plat
form. 26x42 iocb top. Would make
someone a beautiful Christmas preaeut.
Christmas Sale price
Buy a Clock
Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Cases
Here is soActbing that every home seeds—« good Mantel
Clock—one. that you can depend on. This beautiful leV^xlO
Ladles’ ^cretary
Beautiful solid oak Ladies’ Secretary.
_Music Cabinets
We~are showing a number of beauties
injboth oak and mahogany. _______
rubbed mahogany
Every housewife wants a Kitchen Cabin^, and of
all the opporiunUtea you have ever had now is your
best. Thirty-five different patterns to select from.
eight days with one binding. Guaranteed in every respect.
In fact, any price you wish to pay.
Silver Ware
Wuh. XVI rattern Pickle Fork...........................
Just like cut, 24 inch top.'54
oak finish.
Christmhs Sale Price'
We want you to see the beau
tiful assortment we are show
ing in Golden Gak. Weather
Oak, Early English. Mahogany
and Walnut.
Louis XVI Pattern Cream Ladle......................... $1.20.
Louis XVI Pallcrn Butter Knife.........................$150
Louis XVI Pattern .Sugar Shell .........................$150
Cedar Chests
Every woman would appreciate
a nieely finished
- «hedI pur
pure eouthem
Red Cet^ar Chest.
Ibest. For this sale
43 inch Red Ceire offerioj
dar Chest, worth $12, Cbirstmas
Salc price $8.76.
Matting covered boxes, worth
$4.00, Christmas Sale priee $3.16.
Religious Goods
Body Jumpers
Hand Sledslnp from 18c
Doll Tablet, folding ubie. in
red and light finish, Christinas
Sale price 60c.
Btby WheelbSTTOws, both red
and light fiuish, Cbirstmas sale
price, 9c.
gtsd B^ireu Wsgoos, all tixas.
A.great little 4-wbeel aleei cxpren wagon, Christmas sale^ricc
Early Buyers
Wc art sl.ouing a complete lino of Roligious Goods. MR. OUT-OF.TOWN BUYER, IF
misting of BB.Uw. Prayer Books, Prtyrr Books
lieh. Germnn, French. Bohemian and
Polish; Religions
Cards. Sutues. Gold! Senpiilar Medal Lockets. Gold Rosario* IE
.NTEE IT TO BE JUST AS REP—in fact :;ll kinda of Religious Goods at Iho very lowest lESENTED OR YOUR MONEY REpossible prices.
CombiuBtion Balij’ .lumper,
High Chair, Rocker and Cradle.
Regular $6.50 value, Christmas
Sale price $4.76.
Two-Wbssl Tsddy Carts, nicely
' paioted, Christmas sale price 9c.
Brass Beds
Christmas Sale prices brhig them all the way from
60c to $11.00
Presents For The Children
DoD Oo-Csrts uid Osbs, all
stael, with and without top. from
This solid Brass Bed. 2 inch comer
posts. 1 inch cross rods, one-half inch
filler rods. A btf worth $18 anywhere
else. Christmas'
Sale price .......................
Forty-five pattems-of Iren Beds to se
lect from, ranging in bribe from f ^6S
Complete set of attachments free.
Kitchen Cabinets at!$4.50, $6.50, $10.
Ohrictmaa Sale price $4.15.
Louis X^’I I’allcrn Berry Spoons.........................$1.66
Sewing Machine
Here is where you save dollars. Five-.
^ draw, solid oak, guaranteed Sewidg
Machine, a machine that-you would
haye-to pay $35 for from an agent. .Our
SlTpr................. $16.75
clock has four corrugated
Louis XVI Pattern Meal Forks.........'..................$L20
Lunrloiu. Comfortable* Durable
This big, massive Turkish Rocker, just
like cut Made of Chase guaranteed
leather. Christmas Sale price
The most practical piece
of home or office toroitnre
over made. Yog buy ttwffl
10 fit the number of books
yoa have. Just as many or
Just as few as you wish. As
\ , your number of books Ini't crease buy more ssetloBS.
^ We have them In SU flnlth.
Place your order now while
& dur esiorttuect of alsea is at
Us best. •
cc^per eblumns, heavy capital side ornaments. Buns
Buy Silverware. Gi>od ailv'Twarc lasts a lifetime. We
arc showing aom eexeoptionally good values in Community
Turkish Rocker
Aliuninum Ware
Ten pieces set of this fine aluminum ware,
guaranteed ninety-nine and ninetenths per cent pure. Regular, price
$i0. Christmas
Sale price..................................fO.OJ
We ai^ showing the largest line of
Aluminum Ware in Traverse City.
VelooipMles, aU sises and kinds,
with and without rubber tires.
Christmas aale price up from $L
Biklmo Ooutan, just the kind
the boy wants; foot steering coaster, Christmas Sale prices up from
Doils and Ohild't Bookers and
Chain, Christmas Sale prices from
6c to $3.00.
Skis—All sixes from a 4 foot ski
up. Several idifferenl kinds of
wood to scelct from. Cbrislmas
Sole prices from $L00 to $6.00.
Bodnway BoUar Coaster, steers
with the feet and is ball hearing.
Christmas Sale priee $3.76.
Read Ober Side Carefadly
The prices ate lower than you have ever had a
chance to buy a number one grade of Cut Glassware
at before. P. & B. Cut Glass is recognued the world
over as the finest that can be produced in the art
of glass culling.
5H- inch Heart Bon-Bon Dish............................. 95c
6 inch Hennine Bon-Bon Dish............................. $156
5 inch Lytoii Saucer............................................ 90c
6 inch Kaster Saurcr...................................... .$LS5
Lincoln Salts and Peppers ................................. 55c
6 beautiful Cut Tumblers................................... $3.76
Jug to match tumblers.........................................$3.85
Savorv Salad Dish................................................ $8,76
Heart R.nlnd Dish ................................................ $356
Douns of other beautiful pieces that you should
see to appreciate.
Quick Meal
Before Christmas Sale prices include
everything, even to Quick Meal Ranges
(something we have never cut the
price on before). Come in and get our
special offer on this stove.
Ulit beautihll dmiug uble, just like
cut. .Christmas
Sale price
BnatHgilini e«mi«N
Oih Ou^Miu M
Everyone should own a Davenport—a
bed at night and ai>eautiful Davenport
in the daytime.
000 < A
Christmas Sale price...................
The Christm^ls selling is on in ecimest. i Every day from now until Christmas we
will be very busy. It pays to do your gift buyini
3uying here, You choose from
complete stocks, 2md at prices that ciffoird1 worth while
whi savings.
Tbe Man’^^SDi
Ota- Mu's S«ctioii U fairly
brimtslOf with Ohriitmaa tuggetwable gifti that
ev«7 man'Hfcea to receive.
Silk Initial Budkerchiefi, full
Riro. aort finnih. 3 lor 26c.
mail. 3Sc
Tie*—iK-mitifiil liiS-fii«i r.(•(•iv«h1 <ii|K-i-i«ny ailniit-il f'-r'
Xma* K'ft'. '"uii.v i'l ■•X'-iii'.ivf I...1•day Ixtx. s. ot 12c, 16c. 24e, 49c.
■ Scarfa-—N>-vi-r1i>iv
It.tii »iifh
a •*h(iwitiL’ rtiiivt V • kiml up i"
the tiiftv. nil WIk
simth-R nt $1S3.
Olovet—No iii.iii.T what Wui
y..ufh.dii h.T. ..48c to $2.23.
Bath Bobear-S'rw-'RT
IMilieriii. imiallv a. II ut
pritv ».98..
Sox—4 p:.ir f.nii y pa. k.-.l Xmiis
Im,x. laH.ka like ^l,.-,ii pr.s.-ut.
niily rnsl y«»t| 66c.
Capa-n„ih. fur i-IikIk u-'U.-.;!
i»|-t..-Miutr .lyi.-s at 48c
Burnt Weed Nevcit.ea Madti llutJerv. Tie Rarki. Pipe Karka.
each .....^...................................... iOc
Hammered BraM Noveftiea—faleu-
Men’s Suits and Overcoats Ih THIS Xmas Sale at I8.M
<Jv.r.'..als of Oiini'liitln .'Hill Kiiii.y Ov.iioiitiiiif. «illi sluutl ..r •-••iiv.-rtibl.' ••ulhirs.
Siiil> of .\ll VV....I S.'i-g.-s. \V..|s.i.'.|m nil.I r.issiiiii f. '
pri,-.. irivi-« y..u i-hoieo .,f
Uv.T.'i.iit^ Hint Suits ........
way .-1111:11 t.i if ll.’ .'iH .iii.l ifl:!..'.ii ganu. iits.
.Onliiiarily tiu’si’ Suit
t txeT.-oiits wuiilit l.riiig In mi '•IkK'i |.i if;2.’i nO l.iu to iiiaki’
) tliU Xuiiis Sill.’ m.tri’ inti T.-sliiig. im.l
k.ii|.|!i-r a. 'iuaiiil.'.l wilii ..iir lug rl.illimt;
Oui-k. w.- .,un1.- pri.’.’ thill ii’J! th.-ir «iwii stiiry. Suits ..f .\|| \\'...i| S.-rcs,
iiiul Safi Ni’Vi’Ily (iissiiiu’r.K. I'|l•llty of .Vorl'i.lk llll•ll•■ls
Wi'll us iri.etm .'.■itsiTViil ivc
slyl.’d.Ov.-n'u.'ils iir.’ nimh’ i>f tiiiu-st riiliu hillas. K.’Cs.ys. .>iilt>.iis iuul
Ov. r-’oatinrs.
KimhliHuiii guiiniiiiei'd .'lutlii’s nr.- iii.'Iinlcil.
Christmas Sale of Furs
Lei Yoor Christmas Present lie a
Uaeinl l>le« H
•\ Muff or R.’f .if Furs will imik.- a rii h. Iwim- tifiil aiul iiii imiriibl.’gift. ll. n-y.iii will limi
.(iiiilitii’s ut r.’.lii.....i
priviw. Tin- iiiil.l w.-utfuT < oii.lili>>n« thui .-\isp’il iiiiiil r.s’i’titly, f.ir.’i’ us to murk ih.wii
.-v.TV pi.......... .. fur ill III.- lii.iis.-, Vi.u'tl limI
the- .XiiifH Suit- prji’i-s Mipn iiiily l..w.
A Librurj or Parlor Table make, a veij ae.
cepUble gift. This great Christmai Sale offer*
Special Inducements.
A Solid Oak Library Table. i-p 2sx42.w..nh
-•rlV"". ut ..................................................$8,78
U. ti. r TiiM.-s ;.i >s,;is
-Miiri.-ii. niv.-r Mini;. Kr. ij.-i fi.iuy, Kle.’iri.’ S,-ul. M;.uil”ii. N’ iir S.-;,|.
Suhpri.’.’K . ..1 t..$1.69,S2.46,$3A5.$4.95aiid^.9&
rUB SETS of riiiiiii Mink. Itlm- Fox.
Freiii-h foii.y. W'liit.’ Ii.-I.’iiiil Fi.x. N.-iir
.M.'l.-, .Maulhiti .-I.-, S.’U that liiiv.- kmI.I ut
ikk.ti:,. ?il4,.V.. .’Il.-.INI ;,„.l up 1., ii4Stl.l
ifu.is-„„.l us l..w
rvEMorre -Mi t'll-.jiu_ui..i 1.1...1. ,.r k..., .
EXTRA SPECIAL-l''uiiK’.l «i;ik l^■.•k.•^,
g. iiiirii.- l.iiili.r^liire.’ uii.l ............ mi i-x<-*’pli.>iiiil lulii.' Ill ........................................... $6.78
r Hock, is: |prii-.-.| l..i- this Xiuus .Sul.- iil
^1#1 s-,.
and up to ... $19.75
Our Eaiy Payment Plan of Pttmiture Selling
.•iiui.|.’s-v..ii t.. si’]...-t iis-.-ful sin.l Iii'Iiiil: gifts
with a Miiult i’X|i.ti.lilii^.’'of iiioii.-v,
\t'lilli> retumiliK from srliou) Tliiirsdai ovfiiliiK, h^dim ('airls. n(te«.u
years of skv. t>as tuuially aseaultvd.
choked Into tosriisililHty und left 1.'luK Id a snowdrfft bur the Slou-r
fuim wval o( ihi’ rity. it Is alR’CisI
that thr assailant-l- *as
was Otto Urown. a
fariiier «Ho livi-« near itie i-ity. Elfown
Is twetiiv-eixht years aid. married
The man's luim-as were found ni«r
the scene ot the attack.
On the satne evenlnr a man. answerlnic to Itu- di.scri|iiton ot Itn- Rlrl'a
waiked Into the iSlllls resi
dence on Sixieenth air«e(. imlled a re
volver and deinun.led money from a
young Cirl who was-alone la the front
part of the house. He was (rlKtuem-d
away by the appearance of lh« gtrl'a
Tbe Oarris girl 'was for a time In u
.crltlial coudlUoii as a result of her
exiierience. She slates that she knew
the man and her story aulntanUate*
the belief of the authorities that It
w-as liruwn. Search has alnoe l^u
made tor him but so far no trace of
Ills wher.-abouts lias been found.
Working ujsm the tbeory that
Ifruwi) Is ifie inaD wanted, offken.
have derided theg he IcTl his home on
Thursday eveninK «Hh Uio iuteiiUoii
ut Kblng to bis lather's farm at ^nj;
fgtke. An-ordluK to descrlpll^ns ncehi'd frum l.oth the Oillis and Oar
rlt faiullles. the man was drlvlnR a
hrown hurbc hlii hed to a llkht wagon,
a further i-orrolmrallon nf the fart
tUut ilie BKKuilaiii was the same In
:miK hur
]«’d out on th>' Ia>ng l«k.’ road uu
rDcounleriliC Kdiia Carrlk. He m
p h-ft hik wueon. uverjiowcrH] ilu-
Dr. Hebson‘a Ointment Heal* Itchy
The cuiivtanily ItclilDg. hurnlitg sens.vM<.n and other .IKiigreealde forms of
.roma. tetter, sail rheum and slilu
ruKtons pruuiptly cured by Or. Heb>
on’s Eetama Ointment. <i«o. W.TTk h
of Mendola, 111., uys: "I IMjrrhased
a bos of Hr. Hobson’s Kcrems Ointt. Ifnve had ecsenis erer atnee
rli ll- w-ar. have been treated by
doctors, none have given th.hcoc-nt
of Dr.
Di IHubson's
Kctema Olniiii.-ni
r.-rcr shoiil’l tr> ll. We’re so iwltlve
It will hell' you we guarantee It or
Co., Philadelphia
To Holiday Buyers
About fifty
more in sizes
35 to 40, going
We can only^offer the suggestion to
nn.ssihlp to
tn get
wf patterns
Ccill as early!i a.s
as possible
and sizes desired.
$10 $12
Our line Seal andFur Caps, Neckwear,
Mufflers, Silk Hose,, Initial Hzmdkerchiefs. Gloves, Jewelry Sets, Leather
Bags, Bath Robes, Sweaters, Mackinaws,Night Robes, and other Holiday
Goods that we know will please you.
Worth $15 to
$25. •
re. you will receive a bank book
enclosed In our apecial holiday envel
ope. whieh we will mail to the person
to whom It is to be given as a pres
ent. or hand ft to you ae that you can
present K in person.
A handsome recording safe loaned
to all who make a deposit of *1.00 or
We pay interest on depesita..
Under Control ofU.S. Treasury.
A tuggettioD to pick up sriiat yon wut for Ohristmss
-^retenu. At P. K.'i, corocr eff Front and Can ittoets, yon
will find tiungs for children,Stromea and Ben. Prices from Ip
to valuable presenU worth leveral dollars.
We mention jnst a few of them;
Beantifsl China Cracker Jars or Creamer and Sugar, Oat
Meal Dishes, Cnpe and Bancers, Plates and Flatten, Table
Cutlery, Kitchen Knives, Pocket Knives, Shears, Bason, Rasor
Strops and Hones. Paper Homs ta Ic each. At 5c you can
buy Strings of Beads, Mocking Bird Whistles, Monkey on a
tSlck, Brown Jogs and numerons other things which you will
see when you come to the comer of Front and Cau Streets.
1 \mm
About Fifty
Suits, sizes 33
to 36, going at
delicate manner these holiday se
ments which exert the highest i
best infiiienee*.
and St.
The Pass Books Issued by thd First
National Bank makes an appropriate
Chrlatmaa gift for old or young.
SMspeet Made Hie Eecape and ia Being
Searched For by
Let Vi Hdp Toi Ohooee
Acceptable Holiday Gilts
About thirty
single coats to
close at onefourth to onethird off.' All
\We can show
you the newKt
models in our
regular line.
'‘mr comes y-oiir
* ""
' " "
• **’®
wherever they may be
’ seem like brothers and slsi^. little
♦ ‘and big. all over this greainand.
■h.1- .nrt w.n..i.tin« ,r.i.
He^ Y^no Foto nL^la!
♦ fiuh
I «MU try iMVM to wry W
♦ fiot obOHt ovorythlng.
I win try U be as happy as I
«M and iiMho everybody happy
«' aa far ••
as 1t cui.
I will try to be loving, helpfulI
* and Irintf to everybody and to,
Then there mme n Btrinse dreun.
He aaw Ibc <-h1IU tlalliir elill |>raylui: »aw him kheellaa. but rebed all
Id white and radiant sarmenta. surrounded as with a halo, a divine
smile llglitlng up hi* rounlenance and
resting on his red-lip*. And when
Fronds would know from him the
reason of the ehsnge bis little visitor
leaned toward btm In an affeeilonate
niai.ner. and with Ineffable tender
"Dear little brother. I was hungry
,0 jHak:
, ,,4^ ^ p,,,,.
„j. ^,,4 and
gave me you own bed, so now
Ive from me the reward that 1
have prepared for you "
l>»ncts awoke with a start, and
with these words rlnglng-ln Ms ears.
turied with an emotion he could not
eonirol. he looked around ( . little
i*re room for hit visitor, hut the
mysterious stranger vanished, and
*F>*ocla tried to get Up to kwk
For the hem.- »u ]<Ml. the mor(gk«e
hearts were liea«T,
voices aad.
We've got each other the good wile
And although our burden Is a heavy
' load.
Pew that great bleaalng "I thank the
To be sure he said, things might Ik*
But, Oh Ibal mortgage has been a
And Just to feel It need never hgve
If John hadn't gone to the city agali
^ avary living thing.
Yes. and more than that, the SanI've found to my sorrow, tls a b ■
If I avor fall in trying to da ^ shine of our CTub has flung lu beams
^ thaaa thlaga, I win “Try. try « .riosi the oceans. We have mem.
To keep your only boy In school
♦ bSala.''
♦ bers In China, and In Spain!
"Til.he leaves bis old father to t-Midame Terry, our 8t>anish
and work.
shiner is a writer ol note In her own
While he. It edueated to become
«-ouniry. and tells most charming
shirk. "
OrganlMd Ooeamber a tSSa
stories to the children in thnl land.
But hark! Hear the sleigh balla 1
Todsv. v„..r i.ee..H.«. ................ ....
I OOt right?
Mra. Mabol
PIrolAVloa I
prim In our Simshlne i«ge a sw.^
“» PT fnto our gr
I V^ama.
•aeaad Viea'Praaidtnt—«lr«. Uana little legend written by our Spanish- h!m and Ills head fell heavily ogalnit
Oh! -"Us John and Ms family. «a»e
Pomeroy 'Shitida
Stinshlnor and trauslated Into Kng. the col.
Sunohino Orandmothsr—Mra. A. L. ^h. it Is a tender I'hriNtmas legend.
our weland Just win
all lore I
W. one that often Invited the lliile
.pom* door.
this time of the veer.
cripple to |«riake of his modest You've come home dear boy, to the
Madame Terry calls It
Numbsr of members belonging Oocv
fare. seat hi* s.on to find Pranels
old mof tree.
.1. ItlS,
The Little Hunehback'e Chrietmaa and ask him to spend Clirliimss Day Which no mom will ■heller your
mother and me.
*'t.adies. please give my a penny! with them The child relumed cryFor the love of Heaven, give mo a Ing bitterly; he had been l-'Vanels. He bolds his mother In s long embrave.
l-enny! GoMlemcn. please! Just a hut all «ftd and Inanimate on bis bed
with a Rrange. beautiful smUe on bU On her,withered cheek, he leaves a
‘ kiss.
Many iieoph- lureed a( the sound fare.
The enll^• village -moiirned for him. Then he Ukes a paper from hia pocket
Holon Moma. Emplrt. Mich.
of so sweet and sofi a little voice, and
me at "Foof Francis," said bis little comdeep.
Juddia Woocfalt. Mayfield. Mich.
that, too, a child's, and
,1^,,. rades. looking at their Christmas llTille the ihlldrasi. canacarcely
Mildrad E. HaltBfV Narthport. Mich. t|,ey camgifts, and the good things to eat that
aecret keep
Alvina Buelere.
vethltig into the I'hlld’s b„
father, he aaya,I've apresent
Mich.. R. F. O. No. 1. Box 7S.
dead, and deserted by
Halen Reed. Elk Rapida. Mich. Nama snow l>e«sD lo fall In great flakes- ••‘V™- "''®
all hegsato burry homeward and Hie -verybodv, and on ChrlsHnos. too- Which surely will
■ant by Sophia Reed.
little beggar hastene,! his foolReps. >«« ‘h-v ai'l
with cheer.
too toward Hie dire.iian -of-hu bum- FbristChlljl had visited Ihelr friend The mortgage 1* paid, the house Is
bio liLiiie lie had a hut on Hie out- IMmavlf on iliehuht before Ills Meate
Bklrts of the town In a son of vll- ed blrihda.v and had taken blin home. Pot on your cap and l«s do the
Tha Trae That Saved the Town.
alniost .beyond
•DM .you ev.-r hear the story
ever forgive me my son
repair in ruins As he walked along,
Two* InlercHtlng poems have bei-n Can
In the histories written down—
h.- gat.'.l, with hot tears dimming the
'® ‘ke Simsblne |iage by one of
Boeb a pretty CbrUtmaa story—
sight, and with hU great eye, sadgood friends, Mra. K K. Duryea We'd have Joat «r home were II to*
. Of a tree that ivaved the town?
dened with anguish and longing, at
for you.
It was in the "Land of Wlndmllla '—
Hie handsome residence* where little ‘•’Is ChrUtmas season. ,We will have While the little folka thought li ■
(ThU maana Holland, do
funny Joke.
»ge dwell ip liigurv them right here: .
onee of Ms 0
the old niorigage
P ‘n
le saw where gr<;at
A Heart of Oold.
and buppiness
in the goeer old town of Hurlem.
' smoke
being made for the
» Brand and swioly mansion.
preiiaratlnns v
" And It bapiiened long ago. .
I>a>. arid for Santa
Dwelt a raoHier aw.ei and mild., In grandma’s old ' fire |
coming Chrisi
was still her own '
se.- the Ughis, and •>“»' ■ >«r ago this Christina*
8|«in bad aant her cruel armies;
And always would be. in the yeai
-.-B hrniianHy di-eoShe bad lost her previous i-lilld.
There they were. encam|>ed around
rated and hung IHi toys and splend- Deatrice. her Hue eyed darling.
Foe long moatbs the siege bU lasted;
Id things to eaf
>•>*<» away
■ CtoBM dallverence he lpua«*
id hearuche:.
Alas, nothing of this sort wa* await- And the sorrow, g
Many In the town of Haariem.
TBk Rapids. Mich
Ing FraneU' He heaved a hlg sigh
New seemed to
Loved and tnau-d In the Lord,
as he went Ills way Hirough the snoW;
And thay lookaA U> him for.resrue
we Dnd her Dear PresidentpLm^^ihT^Mrdsrt^ ‘sfaVaT* "imd
to Ihe suburbs he ran
Ikli Christmas
F«o th. Spaniards sfrear- Rid
,n the nuraer,. .. of yore.
I go lo school
down, so llnsl. so hungry. iK>or litHe Wth her darling's many playthings teacher's
,,,, gUnced towsrd H«Wr. Thwi,
■tudiea are reading, writing. si«lltng.
lonely bean. Then he got up. and
Bretiered round upon the floor.
Th. ChHnm.. M Nunib.. 37.
-'Veil a«r,
„ ,ou
Twaa »he night before the birthday
Wr. Wh., dh ,d. ihlhV E.S..
’".hT h“
physiology, geography and language.
ahaktng.biH coat, all wet with tnow.'The little bed. Is while and dainty,
or (he CbrtH they owned
■Sohrihlh, mu., IT i6«.Eh, up fur "■«.
dulu«7 Ho„lu« ,1,. «,»
I believe I like phyelokig)' the best.
he began to prepare some supper (or AVIth Its pillows ‘ruffled rou^fl.
Even In that Ume of peril
he could..
I am la the sixth grade. There are that dear
Url.tm...- mud- "»«" “7 » k.-*
r,’..h^.w himaeir. There was tllll milk In Ihe And the little fluffy slippers.
M. rr.l» .b~W
'H. .H.„
all ibe nn**
messenger boy waa laughabout twenty.five scholars In my mother-said
That Christmas r*<^"UtUe brother"
neighbor had given him this In lh«when be found that Hester's
Bo a Chriatmaa ire« was lighted
Is old enough to have a card and but- nodded that they ihoughc so. too. Bar‘
“t*“t the best Christmu !
morning, and on the Uble Ihe little Then the row of llnie dollies,
stocking waa not to be hong up. She
In n bouse beside the wall;
ton. She la five year* old 1 would
could almost hear the nods
Aunty Peg!" declared ham
cripple found some aUle breadAll arranged In Sunday deesi;
and her mother had agreed that, now
OiMfuily the children gathered.*
Fran. Is was not hard lo idensennd They i«n hardly keep from crying.
Stridlerfrlends obeyed the rail.
he was very hungry, so he turned
Fof fear she’ll love - MaHIda" boR. mine I stayed with
Uie milk into a soup bowl. Into whieh Everything Is now alt ready.
To nn hour of alrople pleasure.'
,.u s..„ .u3. „u.,
............... ........ .„„us,3
,u ..,3,UP n -..... * ■»
,«r x.m c.r.l’“‘ ^Is picce of bnad. Suddenly
For the lltlle orphan girl.
Half forgetting fear and c
Hark' what means the sentry's alg* *‘® thought he hear.' a noise aa of That la coming on the morrow,
wme one ,mshlng at the door, or .a
With blue eyes and golden
ahe balnT.
pother" did
totl^er and sister did the work. I* out of Harry's forehead. It aHIl seemChrlatna light hrecs^ or draft was blowing
not approve. He Wanted Hester's
Staowu rang out upon the air!
Picked up about S'.o buahela of pou- e<l to him that nothing—notlilng In all If I only had a new pair of shoes ' stocking hung close to bla owp.
against the door.
The perfect Image of our darling.
' In tbe darkness and Uie stillness
Who could think of coming nt so
"You might hang It up to please
Of tbe ainrleaa. snowy night.
and mother in norida. Hester's tone was very wistful,
late an hour, and to such weather! knd they' (eel their hearts grow my slater's for Chrlatmas. 1 don't ;
bim. Hester dear. Banta Clana might
BofUy stole the Siwnlah soldiers
only ans*
think we are going ti
possibly havo abmethlng to put lo IL
TUI they scaled the wall's deep The IHlIe cripple did not lark for
than nothing—with- He little sigh th^t Healer did
At the close of this aad year.
maa celebrntlpo ot the school house girls wei
sweetnesi and goodness won .them to F»r you know the blciased Master, this year 'Well. 1 think I will ha*
Barn did not want to hang up bla
On the bed lay her ooe good dreae. K«»ter waa too busy with
him. but he could think of no one
Says to JuR the klndect way,
to atop and get ready for school,
Jnat an instant's Indecision.
Klock'tQg. That was a dread:u1 sign, a white wool that {jod once been very F'*®* *® “otice the little rtog of ^
'Your loving Sunahlner.
flung likely to come at such an hour of the "In ac much ns ye do It unto Uie least
Then the ahutiers wen
Sophie Reed
And he did not want a Chriaimas pretty, but was yejlowed by much
molbeCt voice. “All right.
nlKht. and In Hie snow!
of these.
Your dear littleslater shall have
a ire«—that was
another He said washing
Also. It had grown some»•>* cheerfully. "111 hang up my
As he llBlennd he heard a second
Ye do it unto me "
In the reom where lliHe children
card and€nlton and be a "trnly Sun- thing, like that, ibtnga vou had al- »hat short to the sleeves, and the •Whlng, tittle brother."
push at tha door, and Hien a third
Kept the holy rhrtstmastide.
wy, done all your life store you skirt was what the village dressmaker
accompanied by thi- words," "Open! On Uie bright and Joyous morrow
What a sudden sheen and sparkle
Ruff old paper or anythin*
were little, made you homesick wher
When Christmas cheer la In the air.
<#laxed upon the mantling snow.
brother. He wlU
Northporl, Mich.
Vour father and mother were down li two neat little dares to U Nevenhe- •“
He Ofiened the door; and n few Aa the "Orhpan's Home ' Is oi^ned.
1 candles, burnlalied armor!
Dec- I®. 1913. ITorida- IN-erylhlng you had aJway. leas, the dress looked very nice to be so happy over his preaanii that
steps away stood n child of nboat
The anxloua pair are walling there.
Panic aelied upon the foe,
It has been carefully washed be won't think to notice mine, t do
done made you liometlck.
Francis' age. covered, aa Pranclt' To receive their Ilule sunbeam.
clothes had been, with Irides. and he
As ahe meets them at the door -"'"-f-iiave never Joined Ihe Sunshine
On Chrisimna morning, when lurry and Ironed by her mothcris own hand, fblnk that little pig I bought him Is
Thinking that a host waa coming
cunning for anything "
was shivering with Hie Intense ebld And It seems as If their darling/
riub before.. I am going to tell you started to put on bis navy blue Han. and a tiny bit of "truly• lace." that *«..............................
Pram that bcilllant upper room
He drew the child quickly Into the
restored to them ojee about school and the cold weather, nel suit, he found there were row, of had beea hiding away in herr mothar'a
•« fix IL aald her mRber. .s.,„
8o a Cbrisimaa tree’s bright glitter
room, and closing the door, threw
I am In the fifth grade and my t-ach- glH braid sewed round the slei ves drnwe#'for yeara and years, had been «««»t Ihe stocking.
Savod a town fram fearful doom.
some nTore wood on the fire; be then
cr'a name Is Mias Oarthe. She la and colUr and up and down ihc out batted around the neck. But for her
think ahe ever ."fixed n CbrtRBut we think the Lord of Christmas
Invlted hU visitor to come near and Aa they gaxe upon their treasure.
very kind lo mtf. We have some onow aide seams of the treuaera. it was shoes. Hester believed that she should
slocking with more pleaaura.
Honored thua bU people's lore
offered him hU bowl of milk and
And ihelr hearts are filled with joy. on the ground now and the weather rather surprising, and made you feel look as nice" at the party at any girl
ChrUtmas morning there were Utrea
Aad to shield them from the danger
There la ushered In their presence.
la cold and unpleaaanL
1 anppoae like a-a telegram boy. or something there.
happy people.
' UiUe hi^ar wag
Beat hi* angels from above
The visitor accepted It amlllngly.A little German cripple
boySanU wlli call soon and I must pre- Still, It wa, nice. You rather liked,ItVea.ahe was going to a CTiriauna* « »<W o^«r hU tliy gifu U they
—B. E Hewitt.
k-hii. PpsnH. <-.Mt In .rtmlrsiion at Theo they gaxed Id each otbere pare for hU arrival. We are going
And bla navy hluo cap-that waa Party. Miss Alvord.
her Sunday ‘i"*
the almoliAuP-rneturel beauty Of the
to have an enterulnment to our there, too. with a number in
gilt ichoo! leacheiT who was to be married tor a momentwuap^lerelnatred
Chrlatmas in Stvadan.
child After having taken part of the
Then they rend each other's heart, school rbrisungt eve. I have one braid on the front of it. .Number 37! on New Year's Day. had actually giv- of old paper siuneo into ner aioeiThey tell a lovely story In lands be
mile cripple's rei**t. he returned the Ju»l “
ovem to find bur darling reclution mod am In a Oiriatmaa tree It wa* very aurprislng!
m up her Christmas afternoon to he^l»K. there was a hnndto tl^to (be
yond the sea.
drill. I hope Sanu will l>e good to ' Put them all on and call at 11 S"0‘l«> acbool class, and made a mToutalde. there was a bundle Had to the
,33, .3, K,3e ,r OI..7 1.7 ». I”-!
all the Sunnblnera *a I am sure he l-owerhall streetimmediately
after He-party (or them! Miss Alvord al- ooialde; too large to go to. And It
will Well f must finish a few pres- breakfast." was written on a
card »ays was eccentric, some of her held a new pair of aboee! Tbe paper
h s
™u 1 3.™ ,U7,M. Win 7,3 Pl«.e nl.3M ,o Ui, 3.S
M.,,. N,ld.
w„ m.rVNl.-r,. !tW,r Bissn. .1,3
give me a card and a pin?
«olng downnutre other surprising
Of tbe nine IliHe girls to her claaa. Sanu CUut' love. Inside the stockl remain your Bunshloer.
things same to light There were there was not aaother one save How
brewn ribbon Just
Mildred B Holto^.
hlg. dlailna numbers on all the doors ter t.ui could wear a handaome new
shade of Heater's btlr. Tha dear
The gentle, patient donkev and the Quealed and once again Began to eat She
You are a very' pretty writer. Mil- am] printed namea on the walls of tbe *lpicrdress (or theocctalon.
Not mother knew Just bow abe bad pUncx that trod the com
bla aupper.
spare tbe pte^ that bought
Kaett down before the manager and
The atranger regarded him affee- And the deed has beea recorded.
Haltar wondered
lower hall
"Cpperhall «treot."• call rich: but they all had fathers, and
knew that Christ wM^born.
Uonately, and while PrancU was eatIn
Heavenly Home above.
I good bright dress lor best was *nd wtmdered over them,
"Stairley Hill." "Lowerhall Street."
Aad ao they lay to Sweden, at twelve 'nr he began tn tell him all aorta of
naged each winter. Hester's father
"How did aaybody kaew I needed
irietmas in toe OM Traverae C
Hy. Mich.. R. F.D. No. 1,
-Kitchen Corner." "AunHepeg AlleyS3.KI. CbrUtmaa alght.
totereatlng and amusing things, soch Tneir LAR
e to Ihe bad gone to heaven, and her mother, a new pair?** ahe a^UliL'luid ebe nevHome.
Box 7*.
—Barry went from one r
The dumb beasu .kneel to worship-ts the poor little cripfrlo had never
It kept working hard every day to supnort cr once thought of Oaike I
Doc. 11. 1913. other at an excited Ilule
aad aoe tbe CbrlRmas ligbt!
beard of. ind as they' seemed about 'Tw'as a Chiiaimas ere to the long
herself and Hester and "little Lroth- Clarice Uved'b mte *my to a very
growing more aurprtotog
__ ______ ___
KroneU thought tbU
days canw
mUe atranger most have seen a great The ground was covered with Ice and
I tbougbtN would write and ask If
After breakfast be put on hia er. " found that this year she could large honae. aad W
*Thie fancy makot mea kinder
1 could Join the Sunshine Club. 1 am Number 37 cap and flew ( 11 Lower- sot manage a new drees of any kind, to fionday a^otf to (ha'carrlage; aad
craaturw neadlng care.
deal and traveled far. He Ilstoned
IIHester had been brave, and chukud Heator knew hak aaly a tittle bit All
Thv gHa them Christmas greeUnga. attenUvelr. and was eo IntereRed An aged couple sat side by aide,
was. *T
37th. of March. I am to tbe fifth hrary!
aad datoty CbrUtmaa (are:
that tbe village clock had struck a Before a fire pUre deep and wide.
there were aome In her mother s eyes,
dost kaow.'i”'”
daar,■ how
aaybody kaew*
grade. —7
My dstudies
are reading, ...w.arith"Come
Tha eat ‘toitf (taa sup gaily aad a late hour before be thought of aaktog "'tthla a farm honae wide and low,
3„u.... m,,,
---------to!-" -------- — Choery
ahS^^idga o5r
Ibe child to share hia b«l.‘The child Where they'd epmit many happy meUc. wriUng. geography. Unguage. voice. It wm the voice of Sanu and had said. 'Never mind, tbe old
I cm
ytm to that • —^
la ralto?alIrfthrr«of-tree for the anawered. with a ravIRitog amfle.
year you know.
and apelllng. Our teacher's name ta Haua! He aat to an armchair before whitewoollen one will do beauUfol- ^
^rdT^Tckrll^li^that he must flrat my hU prayere. Many year, they had tolled through MU. PratL I like her very much. » table piled high with big bundle..
bmeh. «. •« tb«. w*
And 1 hear« Iht dock nrac&iiffag. the prayer wa. eo long.thaL deepite
eon and rein.
will you please send me a card and Hitl* bui«ll«. kmg bundle., ahon
But othoae ihoes'They were
»o mjptaae
aU hto efforts PrancU found hU lids And now It aeemed as though aU to button? ( will eloae bow. hoping to bundles-bundles with pink atrtogagrowing
too small for her. and OM »M ItUdt thmweteraoma
ta henveB wko
brings Ite^wartd bm4 CtOMd— crawtog heavy and bU eym
bluff and Jolly and faL Of conre you burst The other toe bad been patA- all ahoBt It—Uto' 2nalar CbftottBB
Lovingly a Bunshtoer.
g to vdll-^
nhd. tboogh he tried ban! to beep For It was tbe laat night Uiey-B alt
knew that inalde be was grandtother, ed, and—well, there 1. no um to try BndeaTor Wac^
Alrton Buclere.
be noon feU fast asleep.
. by the flre'a glow.
,u,,.u« upi... 7S, ph„ T.
*,„’".3r/':3'::rH„» ». zT,n,rt
Ts. ,rr^.r,.u rT„
.3..7.3^r K "7-"7. •« «•
T feel juet u IboiiRh 1 had had a but outalde be waa a real, resular to deirribe tl^ni; they were Juki ai
Cfarla/mati iireieot when a irirl or iKiy Saou Claus.
shabby as they could he. and lluit li
saya/“1 want to be a annshlaer."
“Hello! That yon. Number 3TT all about it. Hester looked at ibeis
Wish you a Merry Cbrlsunas! You've dolefully. They looked worse in eon
Empire. Mich.
got along Just In the nick o' Ome. I trast with that white dree*.
l>^. I,. ISj.l. can't dlstribui.- all these bundles. 1
“.Mother, couldn't we manage lo
Dear President»ve out when 1 got w this dtstrtcu g.. j.mt » . heap Itule pair of shoe*
4 1,„1p ^rl
i and. aald 1, 'I've got to have aone Just the very cheaiMrat blndT" Hester
Joined the Sunahinc tnub aome time help.' So I telei.honed to headquarters asked' the cmeMion timidly, but b.-r
ago. 1 am In the third grade. 1 have for a good, likely messenger boy UKiilier sbex.k her bead
two- eats and one dog the name of 'Send a smart one.' said I. And they
"Mother .iiniioi mile daughter not
‘he .at. are Buster arid Mgger. and sent you. el,- Well, you took as smart this month You know ilule UroU.er>
the dog's name Is Shep please send ■« s steel trap'
si. kneiu
me a card and button. My teaeber'a
Santa Claus selected several of the then th.
eior's bill! Mother
a4me i* Mrs MTielan She hat a lit- bundles and handed them out brisk, is more
tie girl named Margaret. | *it beside \7'“ her In school.
her and my
“Deliver this one at
Number 8 III ill (
>' stool
teacher very much.
Mil close far Lowerball Street. " he said, “and time, and cover n.y feet with my
these two at 3 I'pperhtll. Youll have dress."
Your flunslilner. '' l<> <'Hmb Stairley Hill, but you're noi
An hour afierwahl .he went to the
Gladys Verno
so fat a* I am. I eanll climb—given store with a |>enny to buy a new pair
VesIndeed Iknow that you are a H ui'- Yoy needn't hurry—mpssenger of shoe-strings.
Mrs. Harrison was
Sunshinegirl, for I-have your name hoys never do, I'm told."
there with her daughter I'larlee. buywrltten down In llie big Sunshine
"Hut they whistle." laughed Barry, ing her a pair of shoes I'larice was
Til whUtle -■
just Hester's age, and ihelr clasaes In
He was back again ven' soon for Sunday d^hool were near together.
Mayfield. MJeh.
»ore bundles This Ome there were
"Have you come to buv a palp-of
qoc. IS. 1911 tao for Number 5 on Auntlepeg Alley aboes?" asked Clarice,
jy^ar President—
—and Number 5 was Barry's room!
-No, " said Hosier, shaking bar.
I would like to Join the Sunshine Of course h-- must not stop to open head and lookiow grave, "only some
nub. I go to school even' day. I ‘hem. hut he fell of them and smell-shoe-strings."
-Then she looked do«
4,,, 41,,^
„|j 4^^ 4^,
,4^ cd of them all the way up the hill.
,t her shoes and . blushed. “I need
f|r,| grade
My it-acber's nam* la
delivered bundles at all the q,«|„ badly enough." she said, meanMiss lilanHie Wright. I like her nuMbers on all the streeu. It was (pg the slices; “bni mother cannot afvery raiieli, 1 have two dogs. Their
fun. and he forgot all about ford'll ihU month."
names are Bum 'and Nellie. - Please Florida.
Then Mrs. Harrlton ailed, “CJime.
„,nd my a card end button.1 hoi>e
a bundle for a large family Clarice dear, you really auR dedde
this in print.
‘ha* H’es Just round Kitc|ien Corner." 4bout the ehoes."
C^md-bye from
Santa Clags said. 'Don't spill any of
jugt before HeRer came In. there
Juddle W.-atfalL
Keep U upslde-l mean right aide h,j been thU talk:—
,1*,,., happy to get letters >^l'- I wouldn't have that family mlai
-o mamma. I like the ehlny aboea
I Is the
F"-'------- 'tor- a •farm!
-..................Nice fami•
very mneh and
don't like
-very I,i,e family.
It felt like a IkrttiP. and.lt certain.
eont. my daar. Uat that loolUh?
Jogged like tilings you carry In hot- j,,„
^ver, day? The 'ahlny' aho^
Empire. Mleli^
. 13. 1913.
*•"‘•Tl- coat t-iacUy aa.much again as H.e«i
Dear Pre.ldento"*-'' . »« «■“'"<» h*rilly w.U to find
u,at are seat and Rroag."
like to Join Hie Sunshine
'^e fnmlly-oh: He found It In
can-f help IL mamran; I. llbe
. •uld
riub, | am Ikn years old nnd In Hie • vlotbes basket at Nomber 13. and
,1,1^ grade. My loaclier's name U
Furr and lier
ra. Hnirlaon had' aald.
Donaldson. We have a' grav «'* little apandy ne^; kli|eni! Then nughlng
anppoae you must Iiavc
like to play with her. We
• Christmas -bundle - them then. You bonsider that an pnalso ha« a little coll which I like Shedchamber Street for the hired
very much Her name 1. Mary. We "‘W-‘® A«le Avenue fpr -n.en cinrlre had wrned to apeak
take Hi.- Hereld and I like to read »vhorah. Oh. Ihe bundles and the
the Sunshine letters. There are Just >'>»'«>"» “«* l'«Ue meaaenger bpy de4„_ t^ere *.. a grave
two weekK mor.‘ tH-fore our <Tirist. »'vred! And. gueerly enough, every
^n her face
mas v*eall...i
Will you plea»- send
third one was dlreRed to
you fully decided ior the
me a card and button? j iwiie to see
'ahlny'shoesT Mra. Harrtaon naked,
this In pritit.
“Num-ber-NuniWr 9 leo-w-must
..y„_ mamma-or-op
mammafR>od.bye from
Lowerhall." apelled Santa- Claus.
M.mmZ^mln* cloaer
Halen Moren.
to her and speaking low.-If I took the'
Now that you have seen your let*®“*'’ "‘“emher that my eye,
T In print will you not write ngali. •‘a‘“ '* FeHinR Poor, nnd not write
their directions
directions so
so fine.
fine. Take
Take thU
tbU to
___ she tmme cloeer RIB.
the Sunshine Club?
Number 9. messenger boy. It's tbe *j,*iaper^ ”
- b. ~
r,.. ,., ,«.
Itnwtwi vmvmmv •
TI KSDAV. [>K< ICMIUaj It;, I'M;}.
Because of the activity of the
mltiee that was apiuliitoil at the
InR of the Committee of TwotitySTATE DEPARTMENT RECEIVES
Ohe to secure belter train service for
shoppera who come to the city,
there will be a preliminary train
the i*ere Marquette road that will be
u Blk Rapids shoppers' special and
^11 be run toiuKbt. leaving here at
S:|S ip the evening and returning at
seven. It is hoped that this will be
rvlptned at least durinR the liulidav
jn. and II- iiaironUeJ auSIcletiUy
may be made tHTmanehl.
In a telegram reeelved thla nfterT»irM Amoriun OMi Who Ar« HtM
>on by H. Floyd t'llncb from 8. M.
Pr*vO« Thota- lniw«*ne« of Any
Felton in reply to one lliai Mr. ('llnch
ConiMctlon With MiMtng
this morning, the offlcem hav
OUmenrf Rtnsderided to make this a icrmanent
train until after the holidays.
Horuo. Doc. JJ.—PfMldfm Meno
Ml. tbroucb ibti aut* dcportmMt. ban
StTM WlUtam E-. OODUJM. tb« Amerteu> ADlBlaler, a tuD apolog)- for
offerod tbe ibre« foudc
AmerlMD vonen wbo arrived
on tbe ateamcr Harana. from N’ea
YorV. October 29 Tbe youn* »
Mieies Annie V. i,*ny of Waahinfrton.
. and Calberine Farrell of. Hrooklyn,
bad come to Cuba to Vl5lt Hra. J. CARNEGIE NAMES HIM A6 RE
Bancbex of ihJt cMy.
On Ibe arrival of the Havana the
police hoafded lb.- veaael and drUln•d tbe women ai the resuK of a clali
by another woman paaarnxer
bteamer that her diamond rloe. which
abe bad left In tbe lavatory , was Tolas COMMENTS UPON THE POPU
loR. IVapUe their proicatR the youoa
ladle* were searched. The rin* was
not found. The loml newapai>era Ironmaster Called at White Hettae i
printed diaasreeable atorle* about'
Pay Hit Reapeeta to President
Wilson But lllneas PrePresident Menocal In >1* apoloRF
aaid It ha* been fully proved that the
Americana were Innocent and they
(By Vtilied Pres* )
wern honest and ro*pecUble.'
WaalilDKIon. Her, 12—A le>oia for
added, however, that the police were
Senator Hlihu Root of New York fur
compelled to MlflU tbflr doUea aethe presidential nomination In 1911:
oordla* to law.
'was lannched bore today by AndreaI'ameRie. CArneffio called to pay his
resperta' to Preaideni Wilson, but
t>ecnu*c of ilinns* the prealdent wan
unable to receive him ■ Iloot is otuLi
r t;roat<*st tneu" CarneRle Mid.
FARMERS OPPOSED TO AOMH- ••That's the opinion of him' every»here he 1% known and I lielieve the
Republicans should nominate him for.
Fetitiena of PrwtaaCArc Being Signed firesIdenL"
All Over iht Country Today
By OroweM.
IIDMUIlB^iilSI wona
Fhrraens to this vicinity are beinit
Breed to sign (•eilUons protestinc
,SSatn*t tbe ralilDR of the embamo on
tornlcn poUtoes that have
present lime been barred from this
eotnitry on -account of beini; affected
With the scab These petitlona have
.bwra placed in all the banka and at
tbe elty market where the tamers
MB etm them ao that they may *-c
forwarded to Coiureasman Undqnlat
on Monday afurnoon. The final
beerlns will be held la WaahlnKton
t*eoember 1«. ao there la no time to
lose In settlnc the petlUons siRDed
end forwarded. It 1* also desired to
ee<ur« an many peraonal letters from
the farMM and theee can be sent
either to Concreeaman LlndqnUt
direct to Berretary of ApricuUure
Houston at Waablngton. It Is argued
that tliere are enouefa potatoes in tbe
couo^es upon which the embargo,is
In -eEect to flood this country with
tubera tn a ahort Uate if the embarico
Is removed and It la to head off this
lotsibllUy that thla action la being
'taken, a* well aa to prevent the spread
of the diaeate In thla country, 'tele
grams were received last night from
ConcreasBao LindguUt arcing Imme
diate acUon on the part of those In
terested la the gruwteg of poutoee
tn this rcRlon.. The .movement Is
country wide and is deelgned to show
tbe aentlmi-Dt of the growers la rocard to the remov|n( the embargo.
Fbnrew who deeire to sign the peUUODS must do eo either today or
Monday before four o'clodt
C. R. A, I.
Will Run Every Day Until After Holi
days—Then Twice Beefy
' Week.
In responee to telegrams sent out'
by tile special committee from tbe
Committee of Twenty-One and from
R. Floyd Clinch to the G. R. A 1. of
ficials. Stipt. J. W. libnter made a
Bliecial trip from Grand Rapfds tj)
meet with a number of tbe business
this afternoon In reference to
bettering the train service for the
shoppers that trade in Traverae City.
The facts were placed before Mr.
Hunler and be after aotnc discussion
stated that while possibly the train
would be'^nm at a considerable loss
inUi it was thoroughly advertised,
would he w illing to do this for
the Mke of doing what hi* road could
for the merchant* of the city. He
would see that 1<eglntng Tuesday.
December ICth, there would be an
extra train lea^ Traverse City for
the south at S:10f p. m. every week
day until after the bolldayi and that
would then run twice a week.'
the days to be decide by Tuesday.
A number of matters wen- discussed
concerning Ibe future of the city. A
vote of. thanks was o*
tended to Mr. Hunter and also
Felton ^of tbe Pere Marqueue fgr so
promptly and courteously conceeding
the wishes of the merchants of
tbe city.
Prof. Myron A. Cobb, hsad of the
department of agriruliure la tbe Cen
tral MlcblRsn Normal xchool. 'was
the offlcee of.the Weetern Michigan
bnreu today for the
{•urpoee of getting Inlormailon Ut be
used to n bullcUa which be U preiwrIng tor Ute porpoee of helping
leacbem In the rural section, to study
the apple. While here "he -compUmented the weetern Mlrhlnn
berauae of lu dlatday of enerRy and
enterprlae to etirrfng up interest 1$
of ^e region.
aaM that he had norfoed that many
new aad vataable IdM are cooUnnAlly being worked out by the developBeat biireau.
(By Vnlted Pr««a.)
Waablngton. Dec. 12.—Prealdent
U^laon denied himself to all rlsltora
again today, as be was eufferlng from
g aevere oold in bit bead and tbfML
impanled by a slight fever. Dr.
Urayaoo. his attending physIcUn. in____J the maUdy was not yet. yield
ing to-(r«BlB>enL
nuDAPBST—A former member of
parliament threw an ink stand at the
premier of Hungary three years pgo
and has now been aeoteneed to 30
4ay* la iatt.
The De<
t of the <
t <-onven< d _llils afternoon
Ijiiising, Mich.. IVc. 1.'.—According
mivlccH r. ccived at Hie governor's
Judge Fc d.-rlrk W. Mayoe on
ofricc today; the lalcsl allemid o( SECRETARY HOUSTON .MARKED beu.-h
Th.‘ desk of the judge was
I'ls-sJdenl Charles II .Moyer of lii.decx>raUHl Willi a large (<ouqiii-t
We-.iern F'oUcnilloii of MIixtk m have
lionora larnailons as the gift
the Copiwr strike wttUsj by arbitraFrank M. I*alne,
lli.n, has tailisl.
Tlie first rases railed wf^' ibose
, Mo.vcr'it-lcgraphed the governor to
Of Tie- P.-Oplex vs. Miller Hol.b-s. vlothe cDvH'i ibiil lux proiusiiion of Sallining the ibiiior law* and The peo
urduv uiurniug OKrt-s-iiiK iv> have the
ples vs lYaiik Koks for eDib.-zrIement.
iiten go back to work at once provid
lOtli eaxes the 1-ri.mners rtoed THOROUGH INVESTdGATION WAS
iiig :iii arliUratloti lioard or live to
■ and a pi.-a .if not’guilty was or
•■citic all matiers was ngr<H-d to. was Probable That Other Intereeta Will di-red by th.- «-ourt
Yliose cases
iui'iii-d idovvnliy the elii<>lo>ers.
Make Attempt te Oust Wllsen
nut be trh-d at this term of tbe Place F'ound Where He Fell Off Train
'When If Rounded'Curve. Witand McReynolds From
Nsareet United States Revenue CutUr ‘ Kvi-cuiive n.-rk .Aiihiln read
leU-giitm to Governor Fs-rrls at Big
neaece Found Who Bate '
Is at Honolulu and She Can
the CabincL
Id the case of The Ural National
Kal-ids over the lelepliulie, Tile govnot Carry Enough Coal‘d
Him Booed Train.
Bank ts. Dtiveru II. Wood the-jur.v
for Voyage.
IH) Vnlted lYrsK.I
- M'ing emputiellcd late Ihit aft
WashiiigtoD, I>er. ii.r—That a con ernoon.
Sheriff Walter GrelUck and foraer
verted attack will be made on iIk- desM-riit Martin Brown of Leetenan
liurtuM-nt ut ugriculturi- l>K'ausc uf aiicounty «i>ent Saturday tn making a
Washington, He.- 1.T—the eight
tagonisin arousMl by S<>cretary' Ikm.-.thorough investigation Into tbo death
sailors from the abandoued Auiertcau
ton lieranie known lo-lay. It aill Uor Harry Case which occurred after
s<-ho«uier Ehlorado, marooned oii khis
le<l by Keprefu-iilaUve Willfs and oth
Island, far out In lh<> south l‘upe.ng injured at Cedar Run lari. weeK
er Ohiu meniliers und-backed by every
• in<-. since last siitiiliipr. Jirubahlv will
.U-huugh the invesUgaUon waa deinemlier affiliated with (be Oalluiiul
Im- hn>UKhl hack lu elvlliulioii li.v :
.axd for three days on account of
ship of aiiullier luilioii. AsslMaiit%-<:iic n.*h-ct on the part of those who
la-spile dciiiftlx.j rumors Cviitlnned
retary of the Treimuy, N.-wtim. uhn
Icuiid Ihe boy to notify the offlcera
liidav- (hat lloiisluti,‘K<-> relary of Ia^
. hafge of thg 1‘nlt.d Stal«-s rev
i rini-tly. sufficient evidence was
bor Wilson and Ationiev General .Mccutler service, re’lm laiiHy de. i.l
In nd to prove that his death woa acK•'ynuld> wuuld tl>>l 'colliplele their
,d today that llaaier i>lan-l I* l.-vmi.l
In an Interview today
terms ^o «|vn attacks have yet hi-eii
III- cruising radius of )•ac•^1U• coast
Sheriff GrellIck made Ibe following
tiia.ic un Wilson and .McUeynolds.
utt.-rs and lunml ov.-r the rpqm-i>t
statement of the case:
or assistance fur the men from the
' After making a thorough inverilovviu-rs of the KIdorado to Swreliirv
gailon of the Harry Case accldenL I'
have come to the conclnaion that Har
The stale department mny be aide
ry sustained hi* Injuries while at
Iinmgh di|>lomatic channels, to have
tempting to steel a ride from Cedw
,ume veesel which idles a ncarl-y
High Temperaturea Were Recorded Hun to Solon. '
Protest <s Being Made Against Mrs.
x.u'te call at l-iutcr Islan.l.
"My attention was called tp the
Which Indicates That Eruption
Ella Ffagg Yeung Being Forced
Oaiitaln INery. acting coinmandanl
ir.att.-r hYitoy afternoon when tbe
is Near at Hand. inhabiUrrt*
of the ciitt.'r service, said today that
prominent Position* Hsve Been Filled
evidence was nearly three days old.
Preparing For EvenL
Ilia nearest ship, the Thetis. Is at IhmBy-Ghincse.in and Out of
Solon that afternoon and
olulu,-wls>ut .t.kr.n miles from liasier
Naples. Ttalv. iK-c. II.—Mount Ve after ulking with Mr. White and
Illy Culled Press I
Island, and that she eoiild not rarry
suvius is rapidly re awakening to an others I thought there might hare^
Chicago, ih-c. II -. 'll lx too call'
sufficient coal to get her there and
(Ily Vniti-d Press.1 .
other of lis^rtodlr eqiptious which been foul play. Early Wednesday
I discuss the |•oKMb■lil.v that Mrs
back to the fiiited Stales.
I-W- York. I)«- in.-Tlie_Par Fast- trhm thp-twv of tlie destru.-tioTi at morning Harry was able to say a
Klla Flagg Young uuiy l>e lauin-hnl as
Information bureau of New York its bai(b o'f Ihe cllles <.f Pom|•e^.JUId
Word* and he told Mr. White
the W'omau's c»n!T1ilaU> lor nin.vor of
twlay Issued a Btatement showller.-falan.-um have never
to nod others that he wea hurt at Cedar
Chicago m-vt tall, but there is no
llig the large |K>rceiilag<- of Chinese
i-iVa heavy toll of life and ■>roi>er- Bun. ud later be told Mr. White that
ing what may i-oim- out of the situasliidenis In the I'lilted Slates who ly. t^ihln the i-axt six momh^.'-i.-ii- he had a flgbL This together with
Miss Jane .t-iilanis ii-adc -this
made good In •sutipetltion with aallva
tlflc vl^ervaiiom. made in the -'(Tsier ruinoni of his haring had trouble
stuli'hu.-nt iK-fore the <'hlragu WoGREA^ ENGINEERING FEAT TOOK
s club at a k|:is-Ib] Ini-eltiic to Americans. The Kiaiement e|i|loinlut by FYt-nch. ftnllan and German scien with some Indians made the case look
xi-ee.li n-e ntiy delivered bef^^the tists have left no. doubt ai to the wriottg.
calla-l to ii'rnteM agUnsi I lie
"Sainrda.v morning I went to Cedar
foned ivsignalioii ot Mr:. Y'ounu ns Chi-i. xoi-lety In Is.nduii by P.'K. C,
.wing state of artlviij-. Tlie .last
sUlu-rinii-Bdcnt of lb-- Chnagu »< hi«iK T>a-i. first M-iiri-uiry of the Chinese and most arduous (>f these observa Run a^ worked on the case' all day.
Home Industries end Labor Were Jane .\(lilam« In-rwlf !i»> l•l■^•ll •nii-i.ltions were made re.pinly when Pro 1 found several relUble people that
brawn Upon For Practically
i-rcil as a mayorallv iKisMhilli.v -.In. i- the I'niled tslstex a goodly |«rceol- fessor Malludra of the Vesuvian ol-- saw Harry catch the rear atepe of the
s.'-b-rttul by suili representAll Work.
Illinois wonii-n ui-n- givi-n the liallo'
S4-rvatory. and Profe.ssors Max Stoltx rear coach as the train started. He nlivex' fraternities as the'' Phi Beta
and Paul Jacobi two Munich aelen- had previously stated hU IntenUons
Kappa Di-Ita Tau Ib-lla. Ton Belo PI
Tbe Iloardinan Klectric I.igln and
tlsts. descended Into the <-raler for a of doing this as be claimed he did
am! itignia Clii i:igltt have taken
I’ovvcr company have Just coiiipli-icd
dlsiance of .nTiV met.-rs the greatest not have money enough to pay hi*
l-rtri-.x ami meiluls in collegiate 'and
the new splllwny in flic l.owcr dum
depth ev.-r rraclied by human tielims fare until he got lo' Solon. He prob
debat.-a and oratorical
wlitcli Is one nf the biggest pieces <i(
iu the crater .-f any volcano. ',T^e re- ably bung to tbrae atepe Wr a
coiiiesis. Iiud one Was Yale Gralor for
engineering skill tlial has Im*cii done
siiti of (be observailons theik made tance of aliouD*
In this region In some time.
have just been i-reiMired for the I’nll- -dlAance the train waa'pSWMBAf ^vo.-casions
It has required over three months
ed Pri-SB by Professor Maliadra as ding at tbe rate of 40 ffUlet per boor
of lime and the employing of tiineiv. Following the Meeting an Informal have Won Yale's highly prized De follows:
as-tbe track Is down grade and nrarly
Fori-st medal for English literature
Dieeueeien on Good' Reads
men. all bu‘( four of whom re
The history- of Mount Vesuvius *tralgbt A cold evening together
One was the late Or Yung Wing, of
Was Held.
side in Traverse City. The materialswhl.-h we have lieen ablg aecuraiely »llb the high speed 6f the train
Hartford. Conn, and the other was
thut-hsve been used in tbe ronsiruc;o' compile from the de*trucHoD of made the cold unendurahto and he
V. S. Tsao. the Vale orator. Chung
tSiwHial lo The Ri-cord-hhiglc l
tlon have been purchased through lo
PomtH>ii and Herculaneum down show probably tried to change his poaiUon
\V.vHln, Drc. 12 -Thcre was .a gis>d Ylao Yen-, formerly eonsiil general that |.eriods of acii.ily have taken (o H»e rear end ^ the coach which
cal-firms except the two Mg -gnlc«
•Manila /nd now dlrector-geoenl
which were made In Cadillac and the
place through all the centuries at ‘s a vestibule coa^. Just as the train
the .«hangai'Nankliig
reinforcing st<-el wblch rame from
more or less regular intei^s. The struck a slight curve. He probably
tbe Western Michigan Development was coxwain of ihe'Yale crew tiren('hlcago but through a local concern.
last eruption occurred In WOT. An- lost hi* hold In attempt^ to do this
liuiWii. Kvery seat In the hall was
years ago. One edited tlis Colum
tIS.Aoo has been i>aid out In wages
other on.- I* now not only due but and fell backward striking on the ba<*
ocrtipii-d. and many had to stand. Ncis bia Spectator and another the Penn
to TraverseJ^y men and l«slde the
from Mar.-h of the present yeaF we of his head, tbe momentum nadoabtlive. su]>crvisor of Colfax township,, sylvanian. Five played on football
weft at work on the constnmlon
have been a!-le to detect evUlenee* ot «>1>' caused bl* body to tarn over aevacted as chairman and iu a pleasing teams and one on the Yale nine.
the gradual b.n certain re-awakealng oral limes, which would account for
there were fourteen teams and driv way Introdiiied the sjieakers. w ho covThe men living in this nelghlMirof the volcano.
[‘h® wounds on hU face and th« top
cre-1 two entirety separate topics. K
hood. The entire cost of the work II llrinMi..aeve an Interesting lecture
In the descent into the crater w hich Of his head.
has been over »3l.fWO. There hav.- ui>oj( agricultural cundiilons In west
.- made recemlv we followed the I "T Investigated every fool of tbe
bMn many hard questions to handle erni Michigan, Illustrating this with
-me route whi.;f, t took In April when railroad track where the accident opIn 'the construction but everything farm and .orchard scenes from Uenr.le
made th.- Hhii exploration of the nirrea and even In .the face of the
veen succesifully handled. These an-l the eurrouDdlng counties. Fol WU ^NC FANG HAS ACCEPTED Interior of the crater of Ve».ivius F»ri lhs» evidence was three day* old
ev.-r made ' The crater now ha* a‘could plainly see where be first Struck
low Ing the lecture was a talk ujion
plus water that could be aecumulaied good roads, which Isik war by K. H
det-ih of n.K> meter* and we reached the road bed and for a nil length
from*Uie upper dam and they can be Flsw-ortlt. Over lUO lantern slide vIewB Chinese Republic Send* Envoy Is Na the t«.ttom of this afu-r more thandisturbed tbe road bed
operated in one minute's time.
iContiuued on page five.)
(Continued on page thgee.)
tion* That RecegiWzed the
were shown, mauv of these being of
New Regime.
road building operations tn this part
of the state. There were also views
of good roads in varloi|s parts of the
.3y I'nit.d Press.)
Vnlted Fules «nd in a number of KuPekin. Dt‘c.j:,-D5 Wu Ting Pagg.
ropean countries At tSe close of the twlie Chln.-se minister to the United
lectiirc there was an informs! talk hy States. tMliB and Peru, and aocretary
a nuiulvcr of those present regarding of foreign affnin. In ITesIdent Sun
roads in Colfax townstnp It was sug Vat-Ken's provisional repirt.Iioan cab
nested that this township bond itself
in 1911, today formally accepted
Ijck of liHcro*t In public affairs on tion Is f^ndlly disiingutsbed by atranfor the imrpose of lmi>roving the high a commission from Prealdent Yuan
CiMr Pine Boards In Building
ways leading to Its three shipping Shih Kal to travel abroad as a ape- the part of the residents I* one of the gers. l.ec*oS> everybody they meet Is
Revelation to the Present
why the development of some filled with a spirit of c
l•olnls, namely. Wallin. Thompsonvllle
envoy to thank the various powtowns Is Slower (lian that of others have nothing but good word* to speak
and Nessen Cliv. This suggestion was
for their formal recognition of the
When everybody shows an Interest In of Ihe tow-n l.iv-e ritUem soon com
opivosed. how ever, by s number of repChinese republic Although Dr. Ww
what Is Iwifeg done it forms an inven municate Ihelr virility to the whole
reseulsUve mcD. who felt tliai It was
not a candidate, be received sev
Tbe old building known u the
tive lo those In charge of the different cvtmnuinlty an.l action Uke* the place
better to build only sn niuch road each
eral pariLsmentary voles when Presi
GreilickvlUe lioarding bouse.
line* of endeavor to make a showing of InaciloD. A town cannot make peex
year as could be paid for.
dent Yuan was elected last month to In their dciiarlmcnt. but when not«sIv |ile, but the people are tbe only ones
years a land mark to rraidents of this
The siieakcrs left this morning for
full five year term. Dr. Wu will
region is tu-Ing wrecked. The ohl Nessen City, where Mr. Brown gives
how thing* are going who can make or unmake the town.
structure, which in constrncted of the the agricullural lecture this eveuing. come up from Sbanghal’in a few daye stagnatioa occurs and nothing of ino- Co-operatlpn Is the keynote of auceesa
receive hie Inatnictlons. He wilt
finest of pine timber, wms built oomeIs accomplished. F:ver> town I* In this direction and the closer the
travel via the Trans-Siberian railway exactly what Ihe iieople who llvp there people rilek together and work to
tfaing over foriy yran ago and Is
still In the best ot condition. Boards
and bis first diplomatic call will be at make It. If they are wideawake and gether the surer are beneBclsot re-’
the court of the czar. He will then take advantage of every opportunity run*. Everybody loves an optlmUt.
eighteen igches In width and twenty
vl*lt England. Germany. t-Ysnoe and to Improve In every direction, the whether they admit It or not. and If
thirty feet long, without a knot or
the other European countries. A stay spirit becomes contagious and results there la any spirit oi pregrea# In thsm
blemish in them aside from nsH
of considerable duration will be *i>ent are bound to follow. Tbe onl.v suc (hey win And it'awakening when they
bolM are being lakes' from the old
. (Dy Vnlted Prass.l
in the Vnlted Bute* by Dr. Wu. Aft- cessful way to build up a buRlncts come Into contact with thU clSM of
buUdIng. The site of the boarding
paying his respects to President
house is directly across from the store .Washington. Dee. I3.—President
attend strictly to It and never inilividuals. U a majority of the peo
Wilson Is reported as much improved Wilson and Secretary of SUU Bryan
at Greillekville.
chance pass by to Improve your ple In a tod^ believe in Ha fntara Us
Other Improvementa which, have today. His temperature Is normal. be will vUH tbe scone* of many a methods and secure result*. The same growth cannot be etopped and thtag*
recently been made is CreUIckvIUe
policy must be applied In a town in win happen In rapid succession lo
the coDstrncUoo of a fine new ever will remain abed today and his American cUlea. He will oall from order lo make It grow and assume an bring It to the front aa a progrsaslr*
part In the worii of the re mnnlcipallty. The pereoul factor la
fishing houke on the dock by Waller epgsgement to attend the gridiron San Francisco foi Japan, and from the
in brtagtaghbtNt
and IsOuU GrellIck. and the adding of club dinner tonight has been cancell- capital of the m^do to Rcking. and gion where It Is located. A town that
Is Lobabiled by a progreuive popula aatlsfactory town c
tbence to hia b6me in SbanghaL
a large barn to the A. GrelUck place.
Gnntf Traoine HenJd
tlliyOB/rULA FEJiU I^’A
ft Editor.
&t«.|»d *» »r.-0Ha rtMM matter
m>S. at tl.e
Trarorar C*t>. Mich . under tUe Act of
CowrMa of March
Omc«, m Fmnt 8t Both Phone# 2i-
Om rear ........
8U montbf ...
Three montba ■
. .tlJM In advance'
,...75c In advance
In advance
catarrh of the head, tlmiat.
lungs and ttoinacli. for eoug'.a
andcolds. Kataruoincrcast e the
appetite promptly. It strrnpih.
en# the eireubtion. Give# new
vigorlothcnervouseytu-m. pKa>
umo D)3l;ea you feel itronger.
bn-atbedeeper, eat more,digest
Iteuer, and finally put* you In
the clast of peu|>le who have
health, oonra-ge and plenty of
businesa grit.
Down In the Ar*entlne republic
Uter have a votin* »>*tem that aefns who bad profited by the manipuk
to be woTbIng oat with entire aaUa- also came lo grief. The experience
and on account of Ita auccees df the stockholders In this cori<oraabonid be Inveetlgated by tho»e In tlon shows how uncertain investraents
r4^re In's large coriwrntlon where (he
the I’Bited State# who have been try;,
tog to deviae a #y»tem whetvby thee]little fellowB-are. wliM^dlrd Into sign.goTeminnit of tbU country can l>o Ing away their rights in the way of
made more repretenutlve. Tbc plan- proxies wlilcb are voted to suit the
who are profiting by this graftwa* pot Into effect by the new i'rc#ldeni wbo was not aatlsried with the fog process. Ilislor)' has rci>eatodly
mndlllons onder the old syaicm where proven that -tlie person who Invests
few hundred or thousand dollars in
only ten per cent of the qualified
cori>ontlon capltallr.sl at several
voters attended the polla. Voting
r and failure on tiitllions Ik taking a long chance
seeing any of Ills money again.
the part of a qaalifled elector o cast
lila ballot carrlea with It a fine of There are of-course exceptions, but
ten dollara. The Uw require* each ■whll» the present system of high flrotor to rcftater and at the reglitra- nince is In vogue money pland in
tion booth ha la given a book con tbe home bank or in some local In
taining hi# pbotc«mph. name and dustry Is^ar-safer than In the hands
mMauiwmMa. and bis thumb.print. of those who make a-^ractlce of flescWhen he goes to vote be Is given an lug the iKwr through''tl>«-(R^'i '
envelopa'OD _whlcb be write# bl# tkm of large Institutions.
name a* he enters' the booth. lie
cbooM the ballots he wants, alips
them Into the envelope and leave*
the booth; the inspector thi
('hllilren are regarded among thethat the ballou are In the envelope,. be«l workers for Civic welfare.
makeo'the voter wrlte^la name andI count of the Interest they lake In any
atamp bis thumb print for comparison> work that Is cut out for them'
with the mark* which he carrlea
> their elders. Many cities liave been
hla book. Each party ha* a repYe- made ilVaner and more I•eautira1
- sentative at the polls In order B sed through the efforts of the siliool dill
that fair pUiy Is.given tbe elector. Atjdren.^ and so sutx*>sful has their
lb# nm election under this system work been that a nation wide moveninny ^c.ceot of the quallfl^ elect- ment has been started In order
or* cast tbelr ballots and the balance bring general reviUu. Ex|>erlenre has
wcr« fined for not appearing. • Bxcep- taught that < hildren in the • public
tion# were however made tor those schools can h*arn to help iho henllli
who wmw nnavoldahly aw^ from departnu-nt in kee|>lng the streets,
Imme. or Olie t*o III to attend the gutters and playgrounds free from
polla There appears to bc;.meril'1n|rubbl8h and the' alleyways cle^
this system and the people of Arg<-n- where In their negU-eled state filth
Use are so well utisfied with the'and disease lurk. Srlioot rhlldn-n
war In which It works that they will have also a.-slsted the tmlice to main
make It pemaitent after this year.Uaiti order on the streets.and. playla all Muatrles there Is noticed a-|gTounds. The idea is to orguiiln- the
-.great falling off in the popular vote|rhMiIron in the-sihools into riassewt.
aad especially In the United Sutesjeacli of which' will have a eerinin
where the general run of people do: work ’ to Jo and the repoits <>f the.
not give tbeHmporiant subject. the|rUssi>s can t>e brought
room whore they will i>e road and diip
amount-of attention It deserves,
careful stody of the returns from cusKod and whatever recommeaila
cKy elections In Michlgair jrill xhow tlons are to Ih* made aa a result ran
that not over fifty per cent ot the be submitted to (he proi>er. city ilo
qnalUM voter* turn oat to election lannieht .Such training, will give tho
aad when bonding issues and other children an lnsl;:ht Intu the needs of
Important questions are to l>e derided the city and thy training they receive
only- a small minority cast tlielf In the-aysu-m‘of municliial'gorc^rnvotes, which shows that there Is a ment will make them c-ltUena when
lack of -the apprecUtlon of real cltl- they grdiB’ up of,whom the city will
tenahip on the pari of the general vot be prouQ. In the cities where the
ing public. It la hoped that In tbe movement has been tried out the
near future some aynem will be de salts have been very Katisfaclory and
vised that win result in Keneratlng (be Idea Is bound to extend until tin.more Interest In public questions and whole counlrj- is covered by these
.candidate* on the pari of the vofer# juvenile cirfc centers. Good cititens
fn this as welt as otller atatea.
luive to be cdui-ated just the i
as good business' or professional
and the proiier lime to do ibfl work
is when tbe mind is yewng and pli
'^or the first time In lu hlstorv- the able. Uben the intellect of the chH
New Karen railroad has passed a dren is trained along higher levels the
quarterly dividend and as a result rommnnltv )« bound to profit In the
thousands of women and orphans will fuiiiro. There is a splendid oiiporhave to go without money to buy tunity In Traverse City and all other
their Christmas presenU, Xpariy fif loviR in Michigan for this kind
ty per cent of the stock of this road work, and it Is hoi>e|l that a way will
Is held by people who d«|>cod upon soon l>c found by which tbe activity
the interest to keep the wolf from ran ho started and carried out to a
the door, and aa a result of the road saceessful end.
going broke throngh the manipula
tion of the ones who have been at
the beeid of the iostitetion a larce
-Secrelan-^Ixon ot the state board
an^unl'of suffering Is bound to fol
low. For many years the people of of hc-altl> says that muiileipat got
New ^gland looked upon tbe stock menta mui.i come to look npon tri>h&id
of this.road as the most reliable fever, tuberculosis, feeble mlndedn
Inveacment that they could make and and pliysic-al Incaparliy with as mi
aa a result those widows who bad seriousness as aieonflagratlon -or
been left a little money placed If In flood There Is a world of^ truth In
. the stock of this road, figuring that this statement for at the preVnt-tIrae
no matter Wbai happened their chil ylx-re Ik too mixh laxity evidenced In
dren wouldiba weir provided for lo m<-etlng emergencies of .‘tola nature.
the future. Then' came the ganbUng The first atop la the work Is to have
operations that were carri^ on by a clean city at any cost, and then
tho high financiers who had charge iosist ujan the rigid enforcement
of the toad aad''by buying uniirufli- the 4]tunmine and health taws of tbe
abie prdpeniM aad selling them to sute. It wlM cost the eltles something
the New Haven the road wa* made to bring aUwl Uiese ctondlUons.
bankrupt and now will hare to dig the money s|>ent .in this direction
OA from under « load of unprofUaLle will be in the long run an investment
iodobtcdoeai that may bat up all the and not an exi^ndlture. Human life
aarlnga of the litUe etoc-kholdera who is the most valuable asset la any
can Uly alfdrd snch a loea. Fbr years community and when the poopje
ai:cordlng to the informatioa that has large come to realize this fart they
been given out tbe road was robbed w-lll tnalsi upon conditlona that will
Insure good boaltb to the efttzena and
right and left for the benefit of
certain few and their deala finally effldent aervlce in aUmplng out any
became ao high handed that tbe eecret epidemic that may threaten. Dls
was let ont and shortly after t£T;
Civic Tninlag
DhMead Passed
Be k Biilil
leliabniT who
lived near Gihwn In tb? go's. Any
Information wlU be appreciated.
Write Sam IL Brewster. Lawyer,
cannot be eliminated, bnt In c*x
curted down to a point where It will
be a menace to the oommunity
The Idee! «lty of the future will l»
the saattary city and. future proeperity will be gtiagM upon Ibis basis.
Now is tbe time for Intelligent action
In tbU direction and the Cities that
complvlo the work first will be tbe
to reap tbe most benefits.
sometimes pay that for
quick relief. YM he <SB get what
he wants for 25 eta. by sending to the
dru^st for a bottle of RBNKETS
)Ow-erful relieving remedy for all In
ternal and. external pain. Price 25
Sold by ull drugglsia.
Mr*. Isacc Grey of Traverse niy,'
Croup and Cough Remedy.
Crohp Is a terrible diaeaia. It tt- spent Sunday last with her son WlU
Ucks children ao suddenly they are and family here.
very apt to choke unless glvei ‘
Frobato Judge ^artln Brown Is
“• re Is
at Solon today on a businesa trip.
children: "£
lacks we w«
but sln<-e w p proved <
Iging Lake, Dec. 12.—Mrs. Hattie
remedy Dr. King's New Discovery I*;
we liave
fear. Wc rely on It for Tuttle of Traverwe City spent a few
croup, cough* and colds ' So can you. days with her sister. Mrs. Will Newr-Oc and »l UO. A bottle should be In siead, last week.
all druggists of TravMrs. Ueroard Rlrhanlson of Trav'
The Michigan 8l
8l*tc Grange h^
erse City visited relative# at (hii
iH*en asked by ItepresenisUve Me-.
b-ft last Tuesday place last week.
Kride uf Slilawaasee i-ouniy. lo assist
teacher. Miss Champney, la ar
spend tbe winter In Detroit with
bim In getting iegIslaUon passed that
ranging for a Chrlstmsji prograin
will do away with lawyers In settling his son. Morgan.
-a. Mile* Gilmore Is on tbc sick the school house next Friday. There
petty grievances lo the courts,
will be a week's vacation.
has not yel bi-en found ont ^ where Itot.
Quite a number from this place
Tbe Catholic Sewing circle of
the farmers of tho state stand In re
1’ M A. M.A. M.P. M.
iapleton meets wUh Mrs.
Tony tended Potffona Grange at Traverse
gard to such a revolutionary mca
r.Trav. CH>-.. 2;u..
;<*lty Ust week.
'■'Solon......... 2:27 7;-u 9;48 4:85
The position of the lawyers It regard Zoulek this week.-' Thursday afterMr* CUyton Cole is here from
Cedar City2:.=..^
to the proposal can readily be esti oon.
Traverse City visiting her sDiers, Mr#
mated without even reaorllug lo
Nellie Cox and Mr* SCora Hohletuan
.after spending a few dsys fu Traverse
l>oU of the members of the craft.
Cedar Run.....
Harry Case, the young man wbo .was
tke Ann:,
killed at Solon, will be buried (oday
latte Rivet
from the Friend# church. He had
Honor ..................
c:46 '
Empire Jct...'N.
spent hU entire life at Igmg I^e.
Farmi-ra throughout (be potato belt
are belRg aske*l to sign petitions to the
Empire via E. A
to Traverse City.'
secretary of agriculture remonstn
12;Kj 8:00
Poy New-siead met with what camo
against the raising of .the embargo on
Cedar. Dec. 9.—Mr. and Mr*. Will
Intertoqhen .
foreign potatoes that are afflicted 'hose of Solon, spent Tburaday aft very near being a (aUl accident laat
11:00; :.;S5
Tuesday while hunting rabbits la coinwith the scab, which action is
ernoon and evening with Mr. and
IU23; «:«2
pany with two other boya near Wil
A. M.
templated In cate Uie prices rise too Mm. Vlack.
liamsburg. He bad climbed onto a
high in some parts of tbe country.
The tnreltng men, wbo were lo the
Anmp with his gun and U some way
Is evldet^t that tbe disease should
auto accident .that happened
iP. M.
It was dlacharged. tearing great hole*
be introdoeed Into the t'nlied Slates Maple Clip last Wednesday afienoon
Wahon .;..........
through his clothing and lodging* In
aa long as it c-an Iw effectually k;pt took the evening train from here. One his left arm lust below the elbow. Tbe
man was badly hurt, hagtng three elbow cop was shot off' and It Is fear
riba broken.
M.tp. M.ed fala arm will be sUff.
Robert Shalda spent a few daya of
Ul:8S| C:20
1l:«4| 6:25
Onekomr Jnn.
last week with reUtlvei of thiiT
,-----.. .
sute Game Warden Oate* ha* been place,
le City 9:B
Train* arrive gt Traver*#
9;E2 .
to tn an effort to secure
Mr*. 'James Rousatiau was very
. n.. 10:10 a. m.. S:25 p. m. and 6:M
legislation that will prevent deer hunt Pleasantly surprised by 1 er friends
J. F. JENKS. -Agent
. m.
North Paradise. Dec. 8.—There
ers from Uking wblikey Into'
last Thursday'evening, when ther
surprise party at Mr. Boman's
north woods during the open season. came to help her celebrate her fif Tuesday night In honor of their
It is claimed that many of tbe death* tieth birthday.' Thd evening .'waa daughter, Mrs. Silas .Milky and chil
of hunters are due to being shot by spent'In playing games, after which dren wbo left Saturday (or Detroit,
IlKoxIcaU-d men. It Is tbe geoeral be
were served.
wliere they exiiect to make tbelr
lief that when a hunter goes Into (he received many pretty birthday gifts liolne.
woods half ahot, that either himself as reminder# of the occasion.
Mrs. John Perhall visited her sisor some other hunter will be
J, C. Vlack and wife went lo Trav- ter-ln-Uw-. Mrs. Wm. KIley yesferday
pleiely shot before be resumes bl* erse Cily Wednesday evening and afternoon,
normal condiiioii.
returned with their car. which had
Bnice and Walter Sayers arc work
been in the city for repairs.
ing for Ralph Claas.
Christina Stefanlak, wbo haa been
KUhard Sparling and wife have
in Edwin .Clark’s house for (be
It the V
-The famous mint bi
n LncAL APPUC.v-noN *» umv »»*<«.
house has been plowed tinder
under and better.
of tticdlM«c CxtxzrhlixUood
X.. A. Mason- and wife motored
Mr. and Hra. Wm. HUey and chil
and is unlcr tc corv ty
will no longer figure In the doings
TOO JBUxt -txk.- Pau-T-ul n7Sifdl>.. HxUh
Traverse City last Wedneeday.
dren. also Mra W. Pierce and chil CMarrhCwnU
the national tapltal. The plants w<
(.X.11 laicnuOlT. andwudtTeacher*' Institute will be held at dren were Traverse City TisUors Sat raetir oa Vbr l-lutxl xnd tDix-oei rartsmw
set out in the time of Andrew JackBMl a CVlarm Con- -#■ Bet sqiwck m«lhsra.
of Ui.bMt pWyvl t—
SOD and the 'li-ave* deeorated
Friday of thi# week. ^Our teachers
EpiPtt Voice %Dd family visited
julepa of the presldonla dow^ to
plan to attend.
FTMk Freeman’* Sunday.
present administration when the
Mr..and Mrs, V. A. VOfS?
stemlous habits of the president and
Traveiwe City Saturday!
cabinet made the ;nxistence of the l>ed
no lunger neee«a*ry. This make* the elected offircra for the coming: yea^
country one etep nearer prulilbition. as follows; Oracle. Ethel Ylbalda
vlr-e oracle. May Belle Da»: chanrc-llor. Ellen CuDDlngba^: receiver,
Allyn, Um.10.—E. 11. Allyn attend
macshall, Johanna
.t ttmv foot boa constrictor -ha BcksIo Crowe;
be«'u fiaind coiled around (he stei Odol; Inner sentinel. Mra Harry Kal ed the Sute Horilrultural society
meeting at Traverse City Ust week.
of a butich of bananas in HaUle Creek. ton; outer sentinel, Minnie Ensign:
W. T. Shuu I# attendtag tbe stock
manager. Mrs. Meacbem. The- five
This (nay aeem unusual, but It
exhibit at Chicago.
trulh were generally koown It would, Crfwce* are: Faith. Ora Frankfather:
Will SUgal has bargained
be found tliat larger and more gaily courage. Ethel Ctflib; modesty, Mrs.
piece of Und north of bU father'*
Get their list of properties
colored reptibw have been found In Welsch. unselfishness. Manda Vlack:
place ofjhe Buckley A Douglas Lum
endurance. Ellen Chase.
with owner9’aiJdrosse8,or proplurge-'IiDmbera In bottles
Mr. Champayno lias a'new Ford ber Co.
oeition to sell your
.Michigan towns.
The like 6ut>ertor Iron £ Chem
Mr*. Feter fihetaciC has been quite ical Co., under the new, managemenl
expect to ship about SO cars, of wood
•irk the juist week.
At rat
and sell
('old storage eggs are in active de
to Chicago.
er tn'ny deal direct U they pre
Mrs. Frank Kirt did obopplng
Ed Heath is rislliog bis brother.
mand at the State AgricuUural col Traverse City last Saturday.
lege where they are an Important
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meadow have
Young Mr. FettlngU is visiting his
factor In the InHIationt In the frater moved to Cedar for (he winter.
nities. If the candidate falls to guess
Cloyse Culver went lo Traverse cousin. Mrs. S. V8 Read.
tbe age of the ancient fruit I
City Wednesday of Ust week.
broken upon bis head In order that
Homer Brownell has returned
he may arrive at tbe correct figure* rom an extended vUit at Empire.
by means of the aroma. ■
Secretary of Agriculture Houston
has presented the winner*
prizes lo the com and jiotato contest*
with diplomas of merit in apprecia
tion of the work that was a
ed by the boys and girls of tbe nation
during the past year In producing
bumper -*roi>*. These crop conteats
of the best moans for sUmu
lallng interest among the rising
gHientlou along the Hoc of ngricul
and what U being aoompllshet
hy tbes# embryo citizens Is boupil to
bring forth abundant reaulta tn the
future. The time to tnlen-st poopU
fn farming is when they are young
becaus4> habits of Industry Instllh-d
that period of life are bound to stick
and make the one who gainss them I
useful member of society Intenslv
farming Is thp'chlef lessen uughi In
this work and with thfs idea
planted In the devcloi-ing mind th<
same principle* will be applied .
larger areas as th^ boya and girls
grow to maturity. ‘Panning In the
future will have to be conducted along
dlfferc>nt Iloea than il lias been in the
past and the one thing that will
poaaible this condition U to bare the
farmers of tbe future atoned along
the right lines. One of the grea
problrma that is facing the' etfintry
now Is to surn tbe tide that Is
flowing from the Tams to the clt>
by teaching the children raised upon
the farms to love the hoslne«a of agrl
culture'and lo stick to It aa a
of llvellliDod. For many year* there
has bec-n a mistaken idea prevalent
that the only place where fame am
fonuae arc to be had Is in the clt;
where the Individual was in the midst
of a faster and more enjoyable life
As ronipetitiun Increase* the rtiancea
for success In the city are being dc:
creased, and as a result many
wellent ^ung fanner is spoiled by the
r-liange from tbe farm and after
unsuccessful struggle with tin- woild
has to drop back Into the ranks
ronmiOn labor with his dream
wealth ahatlered In the making. Coun
try xirit and boy.* should.stick lo tbe
farm wliere Ibey know that they w-|l
l>e snrcessful. instead of ufcine
^-Jiances with the teeming
of the cities where fhe slow and weak
art trampled under foot and lost In
the mazes of tbe buay world.
l>oy who <ao grow a good rrop
corn or potatoe* Is sure of a living
w'lib-h cannot be said of many people
who adoi>t city life In preference to
staylng’upon the farm.
NsHve Revealed
If .n-i<orts coming, from Mexico are
to bo believed General Villa U letting
hla greed overcome bis discretion tn
dealing with the |>eop1e of Ch
the raptutod cUy. t’-hurcb Ireaaurea
and convents have l>eeD despoiled by
the soldiers -In (be Invading amy
nearly fire hundred Spaniard*
ordered to leave the coonlrj'. BxorbI
tant sums were demanded from
clergy, which of conno they eonld
not produce and oe a ranlt they
ordered from the tountry. Villa It
also demanded from
lanis ot tbe city a million and
a half dollars in gold for the causa of
the n-beis which he would exchange
for a llko amount of oonaitiutlonal
currency whlrti has no value In tW
country. It is also reported that the
Vnlted-dates consul wax also refused
the right to send a «>de mcaaagc tc
bis government informing It ot the
outrages that were being pen<etrated
Should these reports prove to be true
Ibexe is a great iwaalbllliy ot ;
eemplication'i between Meifco and the
nations repreipnied by the ■ people
who were summarily driven out
the country by the order of Villa. In
stead ot becomlDg an exponent
popniar rlghu oe-lic baa claimed In
the past. Villa as soon ns be hnd
chance to exercise bis authority atopped beyond the bounds of law and
made * levy -upon the cUizent of Chi
huahua for the funds which he Is ao
sorely In need to carry on his cam
paign. Carraas* has been appealed to
to come to the reacoe and abow VIIU
(he erntr of hla ways aad much will
deiiend upon tbe outcome of
mMtJng. Tbe rebels cannot afford
at thla time to bring about any fur
iher tnternaUonal compUeaUons and
for the good of their caoae it behoove*
their leaden to keep ont ot any
ther entaaglemenis that will bring
upon them tbe diepleosuro of tb*
foreign nations wbo are tntereatod la
- The Oalfy Man Says
s bo* more milk aad better cream
since he began using HARt'rao.'S
ayatem Is poisoned by tbe
OONDi-nON POWT3ER - It keep* bis
ter hem in the body—oesl
cows tn prime ohape. It Is ^atrietly
often follow. Use Dr. King
inedldnal powder, not a food, and U
PlUa and you win *ooc get rid of cow- a general eondlUonlng powder for
•Upation. beodarhe and other tronbloa oova; boreoa. work cattle, sheep,
all drvRleU ol bog* and peoltry. Price 25 eta. 6eM
le hour; seventy-eight pancakes
In fifty-seven minutes; six bplled din
ner# at.one mesiT Me hundred and
thirty-two eggs—all stylos—at one
meal; forty-elglit Aors of corn at one
sluing; slx’iiounds of steak, one loaf
of bread, mi quart of too. olie pie. five
•pooOd of bnttar. a big
•Hall of pnin..R and a quart of ice
cream, at one meal; thirty ears of
tseire frankfurters, two quart*
of Ira. (WO loaves of bread and two
plex. at one n,e*l.
Gliildcn ku>k tte can beat the man
wbo retemly <-ou,Kumed flUaen dozen
egg# at one sluing U Brooklyn but
he wouldn't wont to tei the fellow
hav'e a |•a^ner
-SSte'il'S iirf
Retain Eabargo
Stsp Praettee
- tfortk Parodist^
Bowers Harbor prices
—25e f<M* cMer apples.
rlBO apples 53c. Bath
phoaes-ettz. 333, BeU
Canning Co.
oct 28-tf
BM Betlroyed
Catarrh Canoot Be Cared
Snake Story
Pardee Bnsbiess Exduuge
Stnte Buk .Biiildiiic.
New Use
Safety Hnl
LoUnd, Dec. 11—Tbe Teachers' In
stitute which was held tn this village
closed Friday aflernoon and
largely altendod. prof Faddow of Mt.
Fleasani. oive a reading Wednesday
evening .enUtled "Friendship
Uge,'' which was enjoyed by a large
audience. On Thursday evening Frof.
Cobb of ML Pleasant gave an Interest
log lecture on "Birds.Miss Anna Swartz returned Tue*
day from a few weeks' viall at FlinL
Mrs. Julius Prause Is very 111 at
Odgensborg. Doc. 12.—W. If. I
her home here.
and famUy and Wlllb Dennison, wbo
S. Anderson is building a Urge
have spent the pari few months
addition to hU hotel.
their (arm berk, left Tharsday for
tbelr home tn Otsego to spend
they will spend tbe winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt^ksUneofSparMUs Zelda Brazfngton has returnl. are vlalUng welative* In this vlcln- -d to Traverse City, after a short
Isli with her sister. Mrs. Boy Pease.
Mrs. MyrGe Omlor of.Eaat'jordan.
Mrs. D. E Wynkoop and son past
arrived last week for a few weeks' ed throngh our village today with Mr.
visit with reUtivea and friends.
Wyhcoop, wbo was taken very
m. Rosa Schofield of Traverse while op a vUit to hi* daughter
City, ts'vUltlng with her brother ,E. Crescent' on North Manltou Ipland.
O. Ijidd aad family for a few day*.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prauae and danghThe next Ladles' Aid soetely wlU T of Traverse City have been at
meet In four weeka on W'ednesday. the home of Jnllua Prauae (or
January 7lh. with Mrs. Geo. Jamle- past two weeks.
Hr*. A. Phillips
chlldiwn hare
The Lady Macesdieee held their gone to Cheboygan for a vUlL
election of officor* at tbelr hall Igst
Miaa Oerirude Kuemln of Buttons
Tburw^ay .pflernoon as follows; Fast Bay. U tho guest of Mrs. M. E. Mcmander. Nora Btman: commander. Kercher.
Minnie Rushmore; llent. commander.
Rev. Haeaster has uored Ute hU
Goldie Wilcox; finance keeper. Harr new homa which woa iuat compUtod.
e«B; record keepor, Hazy L
ney; chaplain, Eva Crampton
sargent. Alta Lardle: mistress a
>. Mildred FYanktln; sentinel.
Aisle Crampton; pIckett. Klla Aear:
far laAata uA OhiUta.
pianist. Mary Swaney.
Mr*. Frank Smith and «on Ralph,
returned last week Friday from Grand
RapMs. bringing with them a fine
new teoa.
While (he safety first moveme
being talked of tor the railroads It
light he a good Idea lo apply tbe
ime idea to lake traffic. Tbe width
-ofabe field for work In this direction
Is Indicated by the number of wrecks
that are reined after ev^- storm
In -tbe fall of tbc year.
for Gina^ and (^Iden Seal.
Bill of Para For Ona Maal . V
Keep Family Per Whela
(By t'olted Press.)
tjiwrence. Ohio.. Dec. 12.—Tliose
whosey^tronomic ability exceed*#
the ai^rage and are fain to boast are
admenisbed to Uke heed, draw up
close and to listen! Here's a
who wantB to out-eat any two m
the world. He U Charles W. Glidden
wbo styles himself the "tThampkm
Food Deetroyv of tbe World."
bolds three "world'* record#." Hore
■e some of them:
Forty-aevefl ponnda of waUrmelon
Best ol EqiiipineBt
782 E. Front 8L
MONEY TO LOAN on good oa« waD
Improved tarma. H. C. Oavla. SU
StaU Bank Bldg, Traversa City.
april 2M .
Are only purchased one*. There
fore tk
at the works of
Travom City. Mich.
821 Bay 8L
Both PI
The above cut shows one of
funeral cars, which la finished in two
tone grey, nicely blended.
Also have black car of same. line*.
boUk are designed according to
own ideas, and are "Rock Falls* cars
ot vory Utost design.
ALVIN H. CRUBSfL Funeral OIrMtar
and EmbMtHar.-Tn SoMh Cnlon 8L
Mrs. Nellie ProtL asaUtanL
o-z w.- .—t* you ai
meb 2Mf
By tbe "Kaolar" method I con rm
JOT# Ihoee ochlag teeth abaolutsly
Also operate Red Croat ambulance without pain, aad without the use e!
vbteh la best of lU kind In the i
TteKUYNllmAhnislNlkt Alvin H. Graber
312 S. Unioa St
MAM WUkalm Btoek. with Dr. BeUrn
Mtt. tmrnmOO. Mlehtfu.
llkhted candlca. vied with the turkey
in attractiveness.
Many beautiful presenu were re
The out of town mieslw were
and Mrs. Groesser, of Suitona Bay.
Mich,, father and mother* of the
sroom; Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Leyda. of
Imperial. Nob,
The occaslOD formed a reunion of
tho Wile* faintly.
.The bride Is the second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. I.. Wiles and Is well
and favorably known here. She Is
Hear All That Paasee Over Wirea
Weeping Water
Between Btauamen Yet Never ' Ac ademy—class of 1S09 She posses*
es a beautiful Christian character and
has been an untiring worker
Sunday School and ihiirch at Grand
(By ITnIted Frees
tVasliInplon. rier. I2—If there's view, where ibe will be greatly mist.
-PUn Hm Been Under Cenclderation
anyone in tbe Vnlted 'ttale
by the Order for Berne Time—
After a short visit with rrlative.
other countr)' who doesn't )>ellere
Uctiirer te be ChoMn
there's a woman In the world can keep they win bo at home of buttons
toy Primery.
a secret lei that person apply to the Mich.
The new istper w ill result from a mcrof tbc Grange I’atron. {lubliabed
at Adrian by Suie Food CommlsBioner Ilelme. and the Suto Ormnne
Hirum. published at Mason by H
(By tVjUsd Ptees.1
Hint. Dee. is.—A decision to rstali’
Hrh SB oBIclst iiai'cr/ot the GraDKc
and to rtoooee a state lecturer toy i>rituary Were t»o tRi|<ortant measures
eoseted at the rlotUut ecxcutivc ses'
alon or the Michlsan State Granse
last Blsbt. accordlo« to an announee»eni today. The iirojHjsiiiou for the
creation of an official orntn has been
nnder consideration for some Umc.
Xjoed Marktts
FARM PRODUCB-.elt.iiB Moee.
Vntted States House of tlcprescnt.
aiives. Any member of tbe house can
point out to the unbclle\er. six wo
who keep thousands of secrets,
and valuable secrets, too. every day
In the year. These six women michi
be called Uie champion secret keei>ers bl the country. The story of the
wira can'keep secrets was
told today b> Uepresentatlve Sherley
of Kentucky to a recent Addition to
the bouse.
•Secrets, more than two thousand
II da>. bearinK on the most iinponant
epiestlons of statesmanship and lenisIsthm. pass over the telephone lines
of ihls 'capllo] every twenty-four hours
and never has one been told
women over there in the house office
pluenlnc those
boards, hear these conflden\lBl talks.
The lariff, trust proseeulions. ■•a|.
lace, lohbliv, B»ve, politics, ciirren
and what-not topics are'discussed
these wires amonc men in lFe
councils of the nation These are hli:
new* Hems. Many a story which has
been unprinied and which would star
tle the. curious and alisorblnE piihllc
U told is known by the 'Oic tSlx.' The
male knockers who say women can't
keep secrets is dead wrong.*
■Diinwff City
Summit I'll?, tie* K- Mrt Ine 1.<>
Ele. accomiutiiled bv her *|Kler, Mis
Kreyt Modow, left Thursday for Cana
t-'rank tluslismp loaded three
of lumlieT last week for G. A BilBlmm
Hemlock SIdinc
Oscar i.ocle Ims returned
xme here, after on abs^ce of several
weeks. sl>ent at Sliver Wood. Hall, who has been scallnA It
1st lor n. A. llrichBRi. returned
his home at I'adillai Friday.
rriaite of Miss HaselI McKell
Irlffen took |ila>-e fast week
They will make their home Wre lliiK
> le Cornins. »lio has been
ed at Kalamu/<n sim-e
has returned to his horns
.lohn lx)Ele loft Thursday for Saslnaw. Heed fit? and cother points.
Miss ijiitra Smith loft f»i Klnssley.
lllam FitzEoraU has purchased
now lk-I.AvaI seiifiralor,
Announrements have iieen reeelt.
.si of the mnrriace of Mrs. Ida Hamfrom a severe attack of lAEri|i|<e.
Teler Miilli. a |iioneer of this sec
tion. died at Ills home here, Friday
niornlnc. Burial took place it. Ilio
—G. K, & I. TBAIN nrriv.-s in Triw.
Sio|is lit Keystoiii'.
Sliglit- Siiliiij;. .Miiylii-lil. Kingsley. Siiiuiiiil. City, Wiilioii, Kife
l.iiki-. Sniilli ]!■•ar^lmJin. Kiilkaskp.
FREE WITH 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80. 100, 126 OR MORE TICK ET8.
Premium Dolls cind Toys of AH Kinds for the Qiildren
— Sl.-ds. Ikill Clllt.Ts. (<»ltsl.
rrs. Kootlnills. Haliy fulti-re.
K.itiv li.div
Toy itjills.
i-nt'- •-x|>ri-s.siiiiis. iiHtural-Jookiiig i-,v« lirows ami la-li.-s; snimvviili tlirliiig i-yi-k. ulbcni with sti-i-i>iiig eyes, ■ (c.
—Posiiig Dulls. .?uinl<-d Dolls, Kid-Hcwly Do||>. Dr«-ss Dolls,
(Vlltiloid t’n|ii<l Dolls, cti-.
follow inj! acixiunt of lli<- Wllesf;r*"-'rser w..ddinc Ir taken from tinPa|M-r tnlMlshed at Weeplne Water.
Tuesday. November ir.th. at the
........ ............. UH home of Mr. and Mrs T. U Wllca. at
Inch noon, oi-cured the tiiarriaEc' of
their daUEhler Blhel, to Mr. Rrutu^n
Gro'-s-er. of Siittons Bay. ktl'-liiEan.
very imi>resi!|ve' manner by Elder^
Wtlklnson. of Bethany, pastor of tlie
Christian cMurcU at Grandview. Tlie
Bo«*wbeat. per lOO Iba. »1.25 to 11.50 wcddlriB march was played by MlsiTheresa Wifes. sister of the bride
l.Jitlp EUen Wiles, niece, «f the bride,
scattered flowerE.
Bon ..
After heart? coneratiilatlons the
^ests jiasBod. to the dIniOE room
and partook of a bounteous dinner.
The table was deevvratod with carna
tions and ferns and In the center was
a i>eautiful liride's cake, tho work
of Carl Anderson, wkiefa
with tbe
IVo Place
ufT.-t Efeaier attractions for riirisiiim' tlian ili.- Hardware Store.
A I'l-kei Knife or Razor Is alwajs acrc-|.iaiii.- Wc hove the (aiiioux
• t'oiiarangus" Knlv«»; ever? blade Is i-aiul lorEe.l from the best of
Me<d and fully warjanti-d The knives sell from
to »l'»>. Wo
have an extra fino selection of
We have Kaxors from 2-> up to
In Safety Raoxrs we have the Sharp Shnve. luirham Uitiib x, KverIbwdy. Knders. Gillette and Auto Sifoii These m.,l.e very u«lul
r aabonmcul of Koix-.
The “Best” Flour
Is the sundard flour of this
re^on. l^ha8 an established
record of years of increased
popularity. Join the pleased
users. Your
Yoi grocer sells it
The Hannah & Lay Co.
Th« Old EaublishMl' Hillers
iK-tnc netted.
(Jmton district
Giinbm IHstrl't. t*oc, 9.—Mr, and
rs. Clias Itrakf. Mrs. Tlios. GhentiE
and "Mrs. Paul Ncfnec atB-ndf^ To
mopa Gransc last wook ^n Traverse
Mrs. ^'hratli? from Alden is visillns
her dangbtiY Mis. Thas. GborinE
Mr. an# Mrs Chas
lYrake on-!
daughter s l.eola and Violet. allende<l
the IJn<-oln Mcr'onnel In-iurc Ui Tra»
, Friday nlclil.
Allen iia* 11 new windmill
tTovlPd anil In working onl.-r
Mary Bradford of Travers*- Oily.
Spent Sunday ftth f..o<>la Brake.
Mrs. Thos. Ghering and son G-vl
ry attended the liiiicoln .Mr-Con
dl hi-turv.
tioorae llrakr. N'Atlian Wi-i-se am
C'has. ItaiiMini niiMidi-d an.o>M<-r supUtriiilc-y ctiuri-h Friday
Freddie DoiiElas Is absent Ironi
school with a soterc cold.
Mgbn. I.Aura Malm. Ruth
Urily nor absi-ni during last monili
of scliool.
S<iven iiiipils w'crr alisent Mouda>
1 accoiiut of tho storm
r.t'NTON SfTIOOUKllralicth K Uvans, Teacher.
— l*ettii-oals. Suit Cases. I iiihrellas. Wali-lies. Clot-ks ele.
( hie tiekel willi i-:ie|i .Vie |>tire|ia»i . \’isit the IVeliiilim KN'III
in the hasemi-nl and see sotu,. .,i thr «ih«-r piemiuiiiA. '
—This store is ready with big, ample stocks of just such gift suggestions for ev
eryone in the family. The kinds chosen by thousemds who like their gilts to
have the “person2d touch’—things that may be used or' worn every day. Our
Holiday Sale brings m£my of them out at very interesting prices.
A Heavy -Rope-Stitch" SweMer Ceatl ('ouhl
aiiytliltiE Ire more i-nu-H<-al* W.- siiuw iheiii
BtC. caz> Shawl and B>i>
did >ulue* at S5. Se and S7.S0.
Other Aadics' and Miiaet' Sweater*. nr<w
Other Men's and Boys' Sweaters in Sliiikr-i
uiKl r.-EilUr knil.--. Shawl and ll>roii I'ol
!.<rv; ^|H-eial SI S2.90 an 1 S3.S0: otii.-r* aiko^-e. h
liii-dliim aiirl -lark enlor* (nr Hus
|H-r vaiil. 10«. 8e and.................. ..........
Good Shaker Flannela Ilolbla? Sale
Blankets. I.ircer and tx-uMer than
—Here iir<- Furs of lllaek or I5r<*wn
Coney. Uiidger, Lc-ojiar. I. Kiu-.-oon.
lllaek llmisoii .<eal. Mole HJm k and
Red Kon. .Mink. Ulm- Woll. .-t-., ,-te.
ShiiuU atid .\iiiiiial Slia|n-<l S.-arfv al
. ifl V'.
ei.-, u|. to
MiiiTs 111 liiiF.! shapes ai «’."'L!s2..v*.
|o*-:kl..'HI; F
/ *
.t.- t- ■s>;t..'.-.11
Christmas Suggestions
From AllOver the Store
M-.lidio kab :.t 39«. 59e.'b9t. ^ and 81.19
High . Grade Comforters, lull, aenermis
Ki'U .MEN:
N',-.-kwi-;ir. llosi.-ry.
-ireK 1ilb-il null pure while hu'tItiE.
ILiiHlk.-rc lii--K Siis|i.-iii|<-rs. Arm llainK.
worth II
(or Ihls sale. S2-9S.
s-|.arnli-ly ..r in vaf-nui* •-•mihitiMlinii
$2.25. $1.75 and.......................................... SU5
-U. Snrat.-r*. Sw.-at-r r-mts. Ft(r ur
Good Heavy Comforters.-one lot in Hie
('hdb i'n|>s. (jlnvi-* ,-iml .Mjiti-ii-. in kill
li.'eal Holldiiv S.xh- s>..................................... 9Se
or w.inl; .Nluffh-rs, I iiimi Siiii*. 2-i»i<.....
I'riil. rw.-i.r, ll.-lK, Tn- Rincs. niiuiU-fit-rMen's Flannel Shirts. II <•■-. J1 2'- and II XO
-..-tial j.-w«-lry. a Kaff or Sim Cii*.-. a
valuer. In the Molidai Sab- ai 79c and... 9Sc
(•air III 'I'rmisi-iw., n Snii ..r an dvi-r-'
Men’s Flannel Shirts. -Zero,” Mllilar? and
regular ixillart : all colors: extra value*
nl S2.50. S1.50 and...................................... |lE5
-FOR WOMEN: Hamlkinhl.-f* in
Men's Wool So*, lucdliini and hea'y
M••iiili-rlIII .-i'.«.rirtMi<-Tii*, \i-i-kwi-ar. Silk
weIgM*: dark ridon.. Sale i-n<e, pair
ll..»i.-ry, Dn-s* ami WaiM I’litli-rn*.
Men's Sex. line caalimere and neav%
.\|iroiis. 1*1 lli.-iuiis. Wjiii.|x.
wool sox: ).|.e.ial value* at 50c, 39c and 25c
Men's New Fall and Winter Caps: I'hinIliisn ry, rtiihn-llas. nr a Winl.-r ('luU,
' blila--. I’lush and FbucIi-v, for this K.-ib-.
a Tailiir.il Suit, n Dr.'**, a Skirl ur a
Si-50. $1.00. 75c: 50e and. ..
"Iln- gfil't nival.■' .•i.-.
Men's Fur Caps, popular styles; Er>-ai val
.11- at tiM. $3.50. $2S0 god....................... $1.75
CIcves and Mittens for men and lrf>?*. all
Bath Robe Blankcta Ix-ainic*. with i
kir.dt lor work iind dresK. wenr. kEU'is'd
....................$3-00. $3.50 ond, .
and b-.xihi-rr thl* sab-, jiair $1.50. $1E5,
J1.00. 7Sc. SOc. 3»c and........................
Fill and Winter Weight Union BulU: fleece
lineil. ril>t><.d in miioti nr coltnn and wool
iiiix<-d, all «o.d rllilied: "White Cal ' and
••SiiiHrior" nial.e*. Wonh
to H.im
at 95e. $1.25. $1.50. $2.50 and...................... $3.50
/ EACH 38c.
|6aniUry^Flecci(l Shirts and Drawers,
: all ►Ires. ^
. O Fine V
Drawers, in light .in.I dark Era?. Ksliivun
era roloi>:-all rlrc-i to t»: npocigl
|| Holidii? Sale, each..........................9
James Button and family spent Sat
rday and Subday. visiting at Fife
Maiold. rivdo and Byrl Scofield
entered school Monday.
Com shredders are flnhihlng tlielr
on Cor this fall.
The school children are prci>arinE
1 give a Christmaif program.
Mrs'. Uvdla Boyd entertained
Swastika club last Thursday.
whk' at times was emitted In giganblaxti) of an appolllnE nature. On
bo'werer. (hare was a
Finking In ai the ba»e of this open
ing which evidently filled up the chan
nel hy which the ga*«« and fire were
(Continued from page onc.l
coming from tbe Inner regions of the
lioiir'i hard work descending
vobano and on the occasion of
means of ro|ies such as are used
last descent we were able to r
mountain ctlrabing.
trate even to the bottom of Ibis open
The bottom of the crater rv-sembles ing. making a toUl descent from the
very much a huge platform covered toil of the crater of 37<i meters.
rocks and also per
lo making this final descant we
forated with fumarole from which
gases, and vapors are always being found- tbe entire Interior of the mouth
exhaled. It was In this platform, fob (nensted with formatlou*
unmistakably that durinE the
lowing my 'first descent Into the
when 1 found unmistakable signs month of July molten lava rose to the
very bottom of the crater. fYom
the re-Bvakenlng of the volcano,
here we were obllired to atop In
that a huge opening was later found.
It bad a circumference of
meters desceaL effortw t* take tho tempera
deeper down proved futilo.
a depth of Tfi. In the formation
of this and In tbe fire which poured
out afterwards, tbe Bog. I had plantedat tbe bottom of thr crater oa tbe
occasion of my firat descent was
pletely destroyed.
This opening took place on May 10
and for a month afterwards there
not only a oonsUnt pouring forth of
gases and vapor* but also of fire
—Kitiger Toy Aniitiala. Tedd,v
Iteiirs, Wiilkitig iir Harking
Dotrs. Monkeys. Eleiihuiils.
FoXi-s. .-te,
—riiitioN. Chiim-s ami other
■misieal iiistniiiiet(pK.
—Diiiiier S«-ts. t!ii.-iriHit<-.-d Silverware in se|a ati<l itidivultial |>ii-«-es. fiisseroles. Itrea«l .Mixers. Oak Uoekers. Kh-etrie
and Gas lMiiii|*s. Iliill .Mirrors ami Hat ILieks.
> Weber s|>ent a few days
trip to Kincsley Saturday.
Tho social at Hie M K church
evenine, was well uiiended
—P££E MARQUETTE TRAINS orriv*- in Tmv>-i>.-- 1 ::tn >, m
—LEAVE TRAVERSE at 5:15 P. H. St.>|>.s nt
Willmnislmrt' Hint Elk Kainils. Th<-s<- ii.-u- I*. M. iiik! U. |{ .k I.
tniins i-iiiitiiiuc <'wry vvi-i-k day iiiilil furtln-r >i<iii<-<-.
After reluming, however, to
platform wblrb forms the bottom of
the crater we were able to register In
one of tbe fumarolex a temperature
bo degrooF centigrade while un
der tbe rocks on tbi- bottom tb^re was
an average temperature of 8(1 degrees
tenUgrodo. TbU latease heat shows
Dae ccrtalB i««wgke&tBS of the entire
Women’s Underwear
Vesu and Pants
hiilii"« Kiiil
■xlra iii-iivy
il v;ilu<-*> III
26c. 29c. 45c. SOc
Ladies' Union Suits, priced speciM
1.1 48c. 79c. $1.00. S1.25, $1.50 t4/$2.50
Children's Heavy Ribbed Under
wear; garment. 19c. 25c and . . 36c
Our descent to the top nf the cra
ter was made a lUiouhtncidcni and Hie
oliscrvatlODS wc made demonstrated
again most clearly the steady prts
gress toward reactivity. As I staled
above the channel leading down from
the crater into the deeper region* of
tbe volcano has evidenilv iMcn tempoiorlly choked by the sinking and
falling In of ■•ortlonB along its course.
When, however, this rbanneMs again
free as it was In June and July, it*
U very likely that tbc crui>tlou will
tben take place.
(CoaUnued from page one.)
and scattered blood on the ties anff
rails. He evidently toyed where bit
body stopped for some time, as there
was a Urge pool of blood there. He
evidently regained coosetonsness aft
er a time and sUrted back towards
Cedar Run for a dUtonce of periiaps
a mile, here he evidently lost consetooBness again for tbe form of hU
body In the aond onulde the rail to
gether with oa^er pool of totood
One Lot j* Ladiee- and Mieses Coats. In
and hmwn; good mo-lej«.
and *1»;- to Ire clowil
nut in the (lollda? Bale at S6.95 and... S4.95
I* and
fabrics, ineludlng iVrrlanna
•truehans. heavj fhevlut*, Chlnehllla*.
.Novell? .foatlngs. etc.: were
tZl.. sale juice S19.S0, $11.50. SlS.50. SH
*nd ............................................. ...................S9.S0
Beautiful Coau in Persian Lamb, Arabian .
buMon' U|i MiusI?: rlrlil?- silk or natln
lined: wonli
un to IX'i;
fi'.; In
in tbe
ili 'u|i
.50. $18. $22-00 and.................. $2500
MisaA' and Ch
Children's CooU. size* k to M
vi-aL; worth up to
for tbU sale at
$3.S0*ahd ...
Baby Ccals. ►ires 2 to «. values U|> to $fi.T-n.
sale iirlix.'s $1.50. $1JS. $?.5g $3A0. S3JS.
Ladies' Tailored Suits in newoM fall and
winter models; K|>ongee. Matelasscs.
Pebble t'hcvjot*. ^orJuroys. Bedford
C'oriU. Serge*. BrMdcloih*. ele,: Sllklined Cuuway CoaU. draived. Ala*hed aud
plain skirts: value* u|i lo IKi and $2T..'n
at $8.50. $11.50, $16.50 and........................ $19.50
Udiea* and Missea' Oresaes. one lot in silk
and cKiih. all Ibl.l stvleer were $6Jki.
$*:-i>. tin and $12. in this sale at $4.95.
$645 and ......................................................... $7.95
Beautiful Dresaes In lalext niodc|* and
icilals. (or hlreci
wear: wonh «ii
Gn-ai Holldav Sak- al $9.$0, $11.50.
43, $1_____
$16.50 and ..................................................... $19.50
Ladies’ Waists. UiU KeanOD s ncwe*t Myles
in Silks. Voile*, IJocns. BatJ*le*. cir.;
Ihls sale. 98c. 81-25. $1.75. S2-60. 83.95. c. $4.95 and .........................................................$6«0
Worth $15 and $16 at............ ........................ $10.90
Worth $16.50 and $18 at.................................$13.65
Wonh $20 and $22 at..................................... $16.50
W^rth up to $25.00 at..................................... $19.50
New Annex, next to main otere. A Knife FREE
with each beys' garment.
(iibrir*. fxiraontinar? value* at $4.40,
and .................................................................$4.95
Other Boys' New Fall Suits, worth $3 to
$1". Ill the Hcllds? Sale al $2A5. $3.95,
$5.40. $6.00 and.............................................$7.50
Beys' OvercosU lo laleM Autumn and Win
ter niodi-l.* and fabrii*: worth up lo $«i,
in ilil* *alc ai $1.95.$2.45 and.................... $3..4S
Beys' Chineh'illa Overcosto. |•o|lllIar n’lorf: iiicMiy Shawl collars, worth JT .'.u
to Sib. at $9.50. $6and................................ $7.00
plain as laic a.* Saturday. I’pon
gaining con*clmisnr.-.s again he prob
ably in a dazed condition, doubled
hack on hi* tracks towards Solon.
There were drops of blood to l*o
sit-n from where tho acident occurred
lo when- bo la?'ed down sod bark
sEsin towards Solon lo w lihln a short
distance of the station.
"How thiK man. injured as be was.
together itith (he great loss of blood
accomplished 'bis long Journey and
then found bis way into a strange
house U a rayater?-. Me went to Mr.
White's woodshed, went up (our
high steps to get Into the.some, went
from the woodshed into tbe kitchen,
look a drink from a poll of water on
the kitches Ubie. left blood on tbe
poll and dipper, went from the kitch
en through tbe dtning room, leaving
blood on the table where be leaned
on Itl into tbe parlor and lay down
beside the coal stove after uklng a
aofa pillow from a nearby couch and
placing it under bU bead. Ur. White
found him here at four o'clock in
the morning. There was not a light
of any kind in tbe bouse oioept mooslight
-I gjn obliged to dUcredIt tbe state-.
WIU pay 40c for elder
apples, wlndlaUs Sde,
paring stock 70e. Both
phones-atz. SS8, BeU
67. Canning Co.
oct 28-tf
1 of bU bavictg a fight, as be hod
absolniety no trouble at Odar Ron
and the IndUns in question were in
another pan of^e county on that
date. I Gilnk hU pride prevented him
from telling bow the accident occurred."
Stomach Troubles Olsappesr.
Siomaoto. liver and kidney trout . .
veak nerves, Ume beck and femala
IHs disappear when Electric Ritters'
are used. Thousands of women would
not be without a bottle in their borne.
Ellta Pool of Depew. Okla.. writes:
'Electric Bitters raised me from a
bed of sickness snd suffering snd has
done me a world of good. I wUh every
suffering wotnsn could use this excel
lent remedy and Bnd ouL oa I did.
just hbow geod it Is." As It has helped
others, it surelj' wlU do
tbe same for you. Even- bbottle ffooronteed. SOc knd $1.00. R«e
A Few of the Hundreds of Bargains You Can Get at
J.W. Slater’s Just Before Christinas Sale
We are showing dozens of new patterns of Rugs in all sizes and
in all the colorings conceivable. There is nothing that will cheer
up your home like nice new floor coverings.
Here eire a few
of our Just-Before-ChristmaS Sale prices:
7.6x9 Good Grade Tapestry Rug....................... $10.75
8.8x12 Good Grade Tapestry Rug............................. 16.75
^ 9x11 Velvet Rug, will last for years...................14.75
9x12 Velvet Rug, an extra good grade .... 18.50
8.3x10.6 Axminster Rug...................................
9x12 Axminster Rug ,..............................................21.75^
Wool Fiber Rugs, up from............................ . ; 6.00
Ingrain Rugs, up from....................................
Come in emd look them over—cheer up your home for Christinas.
Library Table
This beautiful Americaa quartered oak
library table has massive solid plat
form. 26x42 iocb top. Would make
someone a beautiful Christmas preaeut.
Christmas Sale price
Buy a Clock
Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Cases
Here is soActbing that every home seeds—« good Mantel
Clock—one. that you can depend on. This beautiful leV^xlO
Ladles’ ^cretary
Beautiful solid oak Ladies’ Secretary.
_Music Cabinets
We~are showing a number of beauties
injboth oak and mahogany. _______
rubbed mahogany
Every housewife wants a Kitchen Cabin^, and of
all the opporiunUtea you have ever had now is your
best. Thirty-five different patterns to select from.
eight days with one binding. Guaranteed in every respect.
In fact, any price you wish to pay.
Silver Ware
Wuh. XVI rattern Pickle Fork...........................
Just like cut, 24 inch top.'54
oak finish.
Christmhs Sale Price'
We want you to see the beau
tiful assortment we are show
ing in Golden Gak. Weather
Oak, Early English. Mahogany
and Walnut.
Louis XVI Pattern Cream Ladle......................... $1.20.
Louis XVI Pallcrn Butter Knife.........................$150
Louis XVI Pattern .Sugar Shell .........................$150
Cedar Chests
Every woman would appreciate
a nieely finished
- «hedI pur
pure eouthem
Red Cet^ar Chest.
Ibest. For this sale
43 inch Red Ceire offerioj
dar Chest, worth $12, Cbirstmas
Salc price $8.76.
Matting covered boxes, worth
$4.00, Christmas Sale priee $3.16.
Religious Goods
Body Jumpers
Hand Sledslnp from 18c
Doll Tablet, folding ubie. in
red and light finish, Christinas
Sale price 60c.
Btby WheelbSTTOws, both red
and light fiuish, Cbirstmas sale
price, 9c.
gtsd B^ireu Wsgoos, all tixas.
A.great little 4-wbeel aleei cxpren wagon, Christmas sale^ricc
Early Buyers
Wc art sl.ouing a complete lino of Roligious Goods. MR. OUT-OF.TOWN BUYER, IF
misting of BB.Uw. Prayer Books, Prtyrr Books
lieh. Germnn, French. Bohemian and
Polish; Religions
Cards. Sutues. Gold! Senpiilar Medal Lockets. Gold Rosario* IE
.NTEE IT TO BE JUST AS REP—in fact :;ll kinda of Religious Goods at Iho very lowest lESENTED OR YOUR MONEY REpossible prices.
CombiuBtion Balij’ .lumper,
High Chair, Rocker and Cradle.
Regular $6.50 value, Christmas
Sale price $4.76.
Two-Wbssl Tsddy Carts, nicely
' paioted, Christmas sale price 9c.
Brass Beds
Christmas Sale prices brhig them all the way from
60c to $11.00
Presents For The Children
DoD Oo-Csrts uid Osbs, all
stael, with and without top. from
This solid Brass Bed. 2 inch comer
posts. 1 inch cross rods, one-half inch
filler rods. A btf worth $18 anywhere
else. Christmas'
Sale price .......................
Forty-five pattems-of Iren Beds to se
lect from, ranging in bribe from f ^6S
Complete set of attachments free.
Kitchen Cabinets at!$4.50, $6.50, $10.
Ohrictmaa Sale price $4.15.
Louis X^’I I’allcrn Berry Spoons.........................$1.66
Sewing Machine
Here is where you save dollars. Five-.
^ draw, solid oak, guaranteed Sewidg
Machine, a machine that-you would
haye-to pay $35 for from an agent. .Our
SlTpr................. $16.75
clock has four corrugated
Louis XVI Pattern Meal Forks.........'..................$L20
Lunrloiu. Comfortable* Durable
This big, massive Turkish Rocker, just
like cut Made of Chase guaranteed
leather. Christmas Sale price
The most practical piece
of home or office toroitnre
over made. Yog buy ttwffl
10 fit the number of books
yoa have. Just as many or
Just as few as you wish. As
\ , your number of books Ini't crease buy more ssetloBS.
^ We have them In SU flnlth.
Place your order now while
& dur esiorttuect of alsea is at
Us best. •
cc^per eblumns, heavy capital side ornaments. Buns
Buy Silverware. Gi>od ailv'Twarc lasts a lifetime. We
arc showing aom eexeoptionally good values in Community
Turkish Rocker
Aliuninum Ware
Ten pieces set of this fine aluminum ware,
guaranteed ninety-nine and ninetenths per cent pure. Regular, price
$i0. Christmas
Sale price..................................fO.OJ
We ai^ showing the largest line of
Aluminum Ware in Traverse City.
VelooipMles, aU sises and kinds,
with and without rubber tires.
Christmas aale price up from $L
Biklmo Ooutan, just the kind
the boy wants; foot steering coaster, Christmas Sale prices up from
Doils and Ohild't Bookers and
Chain, Christmas Sale prices from
6c to $3.00.
Skis—All sixes from a 4 foot ski
up. Several idifferenl kinds of
wood to scelct from. Cbrislmas
Sole prices from $L00 to $6.00.
Bodnway BoUar Coaster, steers
with the feet and is ball hearing.
Christmas Sale priee $3.76.
Read Ober Side Carefadly
The prices ate lower than you have ever had a
chance to buy a number one grade of Cut Glassware
at before. P. & B. Cut Glass is recognued the world
over as the finest that can be produced in the art
of glass culling.
5H- inch Heart Bon-Bon Dish............................. 95c
6 inch Hennine Bon-Bon Dish............................. $156
5 inch Lytoii Saucer............................................ 90c
6 inch Kaster Saurcr...................................... .$LS5
Lincoln Salts and Peppers ................................. 55c
6 beautiful Cut Tumblers................................... $3.76
Jug to match tumblers.........................................$3.85
Savorv Salad Dish................................................ $8,76
Heart R.nlnd Dish ................................................ $356
Douns of other beautiful pieces that you should
see to appreciate.
Quick Meal
Before Christmas Sale prices include
everything, even to Quick Meal Ranges
(something we have never cut the
price on before). Come in and get our
special offer on this stove.
Ulit beautihll dmiug uble, just like
cut. .Christmas
Sale price
BnatHgilini e«mi«N
Oih Ou^Miu M
Everyone should own a Davenport—a
bed at night and ai>eautiful Davenport
in the daytime.
000 < A
Christmas Sale price...................
The Christm^ls selling is on in ecimest. i Every day from now until Christmas we
will be very busy. It pays to do your gift buyini
3uying here, You choose from
complete stocks, 2md at prices that ciffoird1 worth while
whi savings.
Tbe Man’^^SDi
Ota- Mu's S«ctioii U fairly
brimtslOf with Ohriitmaa tuggetwable gifti that
ev«7 man'Hfcea to receive.
Silk Initial Budkerchiefi, full
Riro. aort finnih. 3 lor 26c.
mail. 3Sc
Tie*—iK-mitifiil liiS-fii«i r.(•(•iv«h1 <ii|K-i-i«ny ailniit-il f'-r'
Xma* K'ft'. '"uii.v i'l ■•X'-iii'.ivf I...1•day Ixtx. s. ot 12c, 16c. 24e, 49c.
■ Scarfa-—N>-vi-r1i>iv
It.tii »iifh
a •*h(iwitiL’ rtiiivt V • kiml up i"
the tiiftv. nil WIk
simth-R nt $1S3.
Olovet—No iii.iii.T what Wui
y..ufh.dii h.T. ..48c to $2.23.
Bath Bobear-S'rw-'RT
IMilieriii. imiallv a. II ut
pritv ».98..
Sox—4 p:.ir f.nii y pa. k.-.l Xmiis
Im,x. laH.ka like ^l,.-,ii pr.s.-ut.
niily rnsl y«»t| 66c.
Capa-n„ih. fur i-IikIk u-'U.-.;!
i»|-t..-Miutr .lyi.-s at 48c
Burnt Weed Nevcit.ea Madti llutJerv. Tie Rarki. Pipe Karka.
each .....^...................................... iOc
Hammered BraM Noveftiea—faleu-
Men’s Suits and Overcoats Ih THIS Xmas Sale at I8.M
<Jv.r.'..als of Oiini'liitln .'Hill Kiiii.y Ov.iioiitiiiif. «illi sluutl ..r •-••iiv.-rtibl.' ••ulhirs.
Siiil> of .\ll VV....I S.'i-g.-s. \V..|s.i.'.|m nil.I r.issiiiii f. '
pri,-.. irivi-« y..u i-hoieo .,f
Uv.T.'i.iit^ Hint Suits ........
way .-1111:11 t.i if ll.’ .'iH .iii.l ifl:!..'.ii ganu. iits.
.Onliiiarily tiu’si’ Suit
t txeT.-oiits wuiilit l.riiig In mi '•IkK'i |.i if;2.’i nO l.iu to iiiaki’
) tliU Xuiiis Sill.’ m.tri’ inti T.-sliiig. im.l
k.ii|.|!i-r a. 'iuaiiil.'.l wilii ..iir lug rl.illimt;
Oui-k. w.- .,un1.- pri.’.’ thill ii’J! th.-ir «iwii stiiry. Suits ..f .\|| \\'...i| S.-rcs,
iiiul Safi Ni’Vi’Ily (iissiiiu’r.K. I'|l•llty of .Vorl'i.lk llll•ll•■ls
Wi'll us iri.etm .'.■itsiTViil ivc
slyl.’d.Ov.-n'u.'ils iir.’ nimh’ i>f tiiiu-st riiliu hillas. K.’Cs.ys. .>iilt>.iis iuul
Ov. r-’oatinrs.
KimhliHuiii guiiniiiiei'd .'lutlii’s nr.- iii.'Iinlcil.
Christmas Sale of Furs
Lei Yoor Christmas Present lie a
Uaeinl l>le« H
•\ Muff or R.’f .if Furs will imik.- a rii h. Iwim- tifiil aiul iiii imiriibl.’gift. ll. n-y.iii will limi
.(iiiilitii’s ut r.’.lii.....i
priviw. Tin- iiiil.l w.-utfuT < oii.lili>>n« thui .-\isp’il iiiiiil r.s’i’titly, f.ir.’i’ us to murk ih.wii
.-v.TV pi.......... .. fur ill III.- lii.iis.-, Vi.u'tl limI
the- .XiiifH Suit- prji’i-s Mipn iiiily l..w.
A Librurj or Parlor Table make, a veij ae.
cepUble gift. This great Christmai Sale offer*
Special Inducements.
A Solid Oak Library Table. i-p 2sx42.w..nh
-•rlV"". ut ..................................................$8,78
U. ti. r TiiM.-s ;.i >s,;is
-Miiri.-ii. niv.-r Mini;. Kr. ij.-i fi.iuy, Kle.’iri.’ S,-ul. M;.uil”ii. N’ iir S.-;,|.
Suhpri.’.’K . ..1 t..$1.69,S2.46,$3A5.$4.95aiid^.9&
rUB SETS of riiiiiii Mink. Itlm- Fox.
Freiii-h foii.y. W'liit.’ Ii.-I.’iiiil Fi.x. N.-iir
.M.'l.-, .Maulhiti .-I.-, S.’U that liiiv.- kmI.I ut
ikk.ti:,. ?il4,.V.. .’Il.-.INI ;,„.l up 1., ii4Stl.l
ifu.is-„„.l us l..w
rvEMorre -Mi t'll-.jiu_ui..i 1.1...1. ,.r k..., .
EXTRA SPECIAL-l''uiiK’.l «i;ik l^■.•k.•^,
g. iiiirii.- l.iiili.r^liire.’ uii.l ............ mi i-x<-*’pli.>iiiil lulii.' Ill ........................................... $6.78
r Hock, is: |prii-.-.| l..i- this Xiuus .Sul.- iil
^1#1 s-,.
and up to ... $19.75
Our Eaiy Payment Plan of Pttmiture Selling
.•iiui.|.’s-v..ii t.. si’]...-t iis-.-ful sin.l Iii'Iiiil: gifts
with a Miiult i’X|i.ti.lilii^.’'of iiioii.-v,
\t'lilli> retumiliK from srliou) Tliiirsdai ovfiiliiK, h^dim ('airls. n(te«.u
years of skv. t>as tuuially aseaultvd.
choked Into tosriisililHty und left 1.'luK Id a snowdrfft bur the Slou-r
fuim wval o( ihi’ rity. it Is alR’CisI
that thr assailant-l- *as
was Otto Urown. a
fariiier «Ho livi-« near itie i-ity. Elfown
Is twetiiv-eixht years aid. married
The man's luim-as were found ni«r
the scene ot the attack.
On the satne evenlnr a man. answerlnic to Itu- di.scri|iiton ot Itn- Rlrl'a
waiked Into the iSlllls resi
dence on Sixieenth air«e(. imlled a re
volver and deinun.led money from a
young Cirl who was-alone la the front
part of the house. He was (rlKtuem-d
away by the appearance of lh« gtrl'a
Tbe Oarris girl 'was for a time In u
.crltlial coudlUoii as a result of her
exiierience. She slates that she knew
the man and her story aulntanUate*
the belief of the authorities that It
w-as liruwn. Search has alnoe l^u
made tor him but so far no trace of
Ills wher.-abouts lias been found.
Working ujsm the tbeory that
Ifruwi) Is ifie inaD wanted, offken.
have derided theg he IcTl his home on
Thursday eveninK «Hh Uio iuteiiUoii
ut Kblng to bis lather's farm at ^nj;
fgtke. An-ordluK to descrlpll^ns ncehi'd frum l.oth the Oillis and Oar
rlt faiullles. the man was drlvlnR a
hrown hurbc hlii hed to a llkht wagon,
a further i-orrolmrallon nf the fart
tUut ilie BKKuilaiii was the same In
:miK hur
]«’d out on th>' Ia>ng l«k.’ road uu
rDcounleriliC Kdiia Carrlk. He m
p h-ft hik wueon. uverjiowcrH] ilu-
Dr. Hebson‘a Ointment Heal* Itchy
The cuiivtanily ItclilDg. hurnlitg sens.vM<.n and other .IKiigreealde forms of
.roma. tetter, sail rheum and slilu
ruKtons pruuiptly cured by Or. Heb>
on’s Eetama Ointment. <i«o. W.TTk h
of Mendola, 111., uys: "I IMjrrhased
a bos of Hr. Hobson’s Kcrems Ointt. Ifnve had ecsenis erer atnee
rli ll- w-ar. have been treated by
doctors, none have given th.hcoc-nt
of Dr.
Di IHubson's
Kctema Olniiii.-ni
r.-rcr shoiil’l tr> ll. We’re so iwltlve
It will hell' you we guarantee It or
Co., Philadelphia
To Holiday Buyers
About fifty
more in sizes
35 to 40, going
We can only^offer the suggestion to
nn.ssihlp to
tn get
wf patterns
Ccill as early!i a.s
as possible
and sizes desired.
$10 $12
Our line Seal andFur Caps, Neckwear,
Mufflers, Silk Hose,, Initial Hzmdkerchiefs. Gloves, Jewelry Sets, Leather
Bags, Bath Robes, Sweaters, Mackinaws,Night Robes, and other Holiday
Goods that we know will please you.
Worth $15 to
$25. •
re. you will receive a bank book
enclosed In our apecial holiday envel
ope. whieh we will mail to the person
to whom It is to be given as a pres
ent. or hand ft to you ae that you can
present K in person.
A handsome recording safe loaned
to all who make a deposit of *1.00 or
We pay interest on depesita..
Under Control ofU.S. Treasury.
A tuggettioD to pick up sriiat yon wut for Ohristmss
-^retenu. At P. K.'i, corocr eff Front and Can ittoets, yon
will find tiungs for children,Stromea and Ben. Prices from Ip
to valuable presenU worth leveral dollars.
We mention jnst a few of them;
Beantifsl China Cracker Jars or Creamer and Sugar, Oat
Meal Dishes, Cnpe and Bancers, Plates and Flatten, Table
Cutlery, Kitchen Knives, Pocket Knives, Shears, Bason, Rasor
Strops and Hones. Paper Homs ta Ic each. At 5c you can
buy Strings of Beads, Mocking Bird Whistles, Monkey on a
tSlck, Brown Jogs and numerons other things which you will
see when you come to the comer of Front and Cau Streets.
1 \mm
About Fifty
Suits, sizes 33
to 36, going at
delicate manner these holiday se
ments which exert the highest i
best infiiienee*.
and St.
The Pass Books Issued by thd First
National Bank makes an appropriate
Chrlatmaa gift for old or young.
SMspeet Made Hie Eecape and ia Being
Searched For by
Let Vi Hdp Toi Ohooee
Acceptable Holiday Gilts
About thirty
single coats to
close at onefourth to onethird off.' All
\We can show
you the newKt
models in our
regular line.
'‘mr comes y-oiir
* ""
' " "
• **’®
wherever they may be
’ seem like brothers and slsi^. little
♦ ‘and big. all over this greainand.
■h.1- .nrt w.n..i.tin« ,r.i.
He^ Y^no Foto nL^la!
♦ fiuh
I «MU try iMVM to wry W
♦ fiot obOHt ovorythlng.
I win try U be as happy as I
«M and iiMho everybody happy
«' aa far ••
as 1t cui.
I will try to be loving, helpfulI
* and Irintf to everybody and to,
Then there mme n Btrinse dreun.
He aaw Ibc <-h1IU tlalliir elill |>raylui: »aw him kheellaa. but rebed all
Id white and radiant sarmenta. surrounded as with a halo, a divine
smile llglitlng up hi* rounlenance and
resting on his red-lip*. And when
Fronds would know from him the
reason of the ehsnge bis little visitor
leaned toward btm In an affeeilonate
niai.ner. and with Ineffable tender
"Dear little brother. I was hungry
,0 jHak:
, ,,4^ ^ p,,,,.
„j. ^,,4 and
gave me you own bed, so now
Ive from me the reward that 1
have prepared for you "
l>»ncts awoke with a start, and
with these words rlnglng-ln Ms ears.
turied with an emotion he could not
eonirol. he looked around ( . little
i*re room for hit visitor, hut the
mysterious stranger vanished, and
*F>*ocla tried to get Up to kwk
For the hem.- »u ]<Ml. the mor(gk«e
hearts were liea«T,
voices aad.
We've got each other the good wile
And although our burden Is a heavy
' load.
Pew that great bleaalng "I thank the
To be sure he said, things might Ik*
But, Oh Ibal mortgage has been a
And Just to feel It need never hgve
If John hadn't gone to the city agali
^ avary living thing.
Yes. and more than that, the SanI've found to my sorrow, tls a b ■
If I avor fall in trying to da ^ shine of our CTub has flung lu beams
^ thaaa thlaga, I win “Try. try « .riosi the oceans. We have mem.
To keep your only boy In school
♦ bSala.''
♦ bers In China, and In Spain!
"Til.he leaves bis old father to t-Midame Terry, our 8t>anish
and work.
shiner is a writer ol note In her own
While he. It edueated to become
«-ouniry. and tells most charming
shirk. "
OrganlMd Ooeamber a tSSa
stories to the children in thnl land.
But hark! Hear the sleigh balla 1
Todsv. v„..r i.ee..H.«. ................ ....
I OOt right?
Mra. Mabol
PIrolAVloa I
prim In our Simshlne i«ge a sw.^
“» PT fnto our gr
I V^ama.
•aeaad Viea'Praaidtnt—«lr«. Uana little legend written by our Spanish- h!m and Ills head fell heavily ogalnit
Oh! -"Us John and Ms family. «a»e
Pomeroy 'Shitida
Stinshlnor and trauslated Into Kng. the col.
Sunohino Orandmothsr—Mra. A. L. ^h. it Is a tender I'hriNtmas legend.
our weland Just win
all lore I
W. one that often Invited the lliile
.pom* door.
this time of the veer.
cripple to |«riake of his modest You've come home dear boy, to the
Madame Terry calls It
Numbsr of members belonging Oocv
fare. seat hi* s.on to find Pranels
old mof tree.
.1. ItlS,
The Little Hunehback'e Chrietmaa and ask him to spend Clirliimss Day Which no mom will ■heller your
mother and me.
*'t.adies. please give my a penny! with them The child relumed cryFor the love of Heaven, give mo a Ing bitterly; he had been l-'Vanels. He bolds his mother In s long embrave.
l-enny! GoMlemcn. please! Just a hut all «ftd and Inanimate on bis bed
with a Rrange. beautiful smUe on bU On her,withered cheek, he leaves a
‘ kiss.
Many iieoph- lureed a( the sound fare.
The enll^• village -moiirned for him. Then he Ukes a paper from hia pocket
Holon Moma. Emplrt. Mich.
of so sweet and sofi a little voice, and
me at "Foof Francis," said bis little comdeep.
Juddia Woocfalt. Mayfield. Mich.
that, too, a child's, and
,1^,,. rades. looking at their Christmas llTille the ihlldrasi. canacarcely
Mildrad E. HaltBfV Narthport. Mich. t|,ey camgifts, and the good things to eat that
aecret keep
Alvina Buelere.
vethltig into the I'hlld’s b„
father, he aaya,I've apresent
Mich.. R. F. O. No. 1. Box 7S.
dead, and deserted by
Halen Reed. Elk Rapida. Mich. Nama snow l>e«sD lo fall In great flakes- ••‘V™- "''®
all hegsato burry homeward and Hie -verybodv, and on ChrlsHnos. too- Which surely will
■ant by Sophia Reed.
little beggar hastene,! his foolReps. >«« ‘h-v ai'l
with cheer.
too toward Hie dire.iian -of-hu bum- FbristChlljl had visited Ihelr friend The mortgage 1* paid, the house Is
bio liLiiie lie had a hut on Hie out- IMmavlf on iliehuht before Ills Meate
Bklrts of the town In a son of vll- ed blrihda.v and had taken blin home. Pot on your cap and l«s do the
Tha Trae That Saved the Town.
alniost .beyond
•DM .you ev.-r hear the story
ever forgive me my son
repair in ruins As he walked along,
Two* InlercHtlng poems have bei-n Can
In the histories written down—
h.- gat.'.l, with hot tears dimming the
'® ‘ke Simsblne |iage by one of
Boeb a pretty CbrUtmaa story—
sight, and with hU great eye, sadgood friends, Mra. K K. Duryea We'd have Joat «r home were II to*
. Of a tree that ivaved the town?
dened with anguish and longing, at
for you.
It was in the "Land of Wlndmllla '—
Hie handsome residence* where little ‘•’Is ChrUtmas season. ,We will have While the little folka thought li ■
(ThU maana Holland, do
funny Joke.
»ge dwell ip liigurv them right here: .
onee of Ms 0
the old niorigage
P ‘n
le saw where gr<;at
A Heart of Oold.
and buppiness
in the goeer old town of Hurlem.
' smoke
being made for the
» Brand and swioly mansion.
preiiaratlnns v
" And It bapiiened long ago. .
I>a>. arid for Santa
Dwelt a raoHier aw.ei and mild., In grandma’s old ' fire |
coming Chrisi
was still her own '
se.- the Ughis, and •>“»' ■ >«r ago this Christina*
8|«in bad aant her cruel armies;
And always would be. in the yeai
-.-B hrniianHy di-eoShe bad lost her previous i-lilld.
There they were. encam|>ed around
rated and hung IHi toys and splend- Deatrice. her Hue eyed darling.
Foe long moatbs the siege bU lasted;
Id things to eaf
>•>*<» away
■ CtoBM dallverence he lpua«*
id hearuche:.
Alas, nothing of this sort wa* await- And the sorrow, g
Many In the town of Haariem.
TBk Rapids. Mich
Ing FraneU' He heaved a hlg sigh
New seemed to
Loved and tnau-d In the Lord,
as he went Ills way Hirough the snoW;
And thay lookaA U> him for.resrue
we Dnd her Dear PresidentpLm^^ihT^Mrdsrt^ ‘sfaVaT* "imd
to Ihe suburbs he ran
Ikli Christmas
F«o th. Spaniards sfrear- Rid
,n the nuraer,. .. of yore.
I go lo school
down, so llnsl. so hungry. iK>or litHe Wth her darling's many playthings teacher's
,,,, gUnced towsrd H«Wr. Thwi,
■tudiea are reading, writing. si«lltng.
lonely bean. Then he got up. and
Bretiered round upon the floor.
Th. ChHnm.. M Nunib.. 37.
-'Veil a«r,
„ ,ou
Twaa »he night before the birthday
Wr. Wh., dh ,d. ihlhV E.S..
’".hT h“
physiology, geography and language.
ahaktng.biH coat, all wet with tnow.'The little bed. Is while and dainty,
or (he CbrtH they owned
■Sohrihlh, mu., IT i6«.Eh, up fur "■«.
dulu«7 Ho„lu« ,1,. «,»
I believe I like phyelokig)' the best.
he began to prepare some supper (or AVIth Its pillows ‘ruffled rou^fl.
Even In that Ume of peril
he could..
I am la the sixth grade. There are that dear
Url.tm...- mud- "»«" “7 » k.-*
r,’..h^.w himaeir. There was tllll milk In Ihe And the little fluffy slippers.
M. rr.l» .b~W
'H. .H.„
all ibe nn**
messenger boy waa laughabout twenty.five scholars In my mother-said
That Christmas r*<^"UtUe brother"
neighbor had given him this In lh«when be found that Hester's
Bo a Chriatmaa ire« was lighted
Is old enough to have a card and but- nodded that they ihoughc so. too. Bar‘
“t*“t the best Christmu !
morning, and on the Uble Ihe little Then the row of llnie dollies,
stocking waa not to be hong up. She
In n bouse beside the wall;
ton. She la five year* old 1 would
could almost hear the nods
Aunty Peg!" declared ham
cripple found some aUle breadAll arranged In Sunday deesi;
and her mother had agreed that, now
OiMfuily the children gathered.*
Fran. Is was not hard lo idensennd They i«n hardly keep from crying.
Stridlerfrlends obeyed the rail.
he was very hungry, so he turned
Fof fear she’ll love - MaHIda" boR. mine I stayed with
Uie milk into a soup bowl. Into whieh Everything Is now alt ready.
To nn hour of alrople pleasure.'
,.u s..„ .u3. „u.,
............... ........ .„„us,3
,u ..,3,UP n -..... * ■»
,«r x.m c.r.l’“‘ ^Is picce of bnad. Suddenly
For the lltlle orphan girl.
Half forgetting fear and c
Hark' what means the sentry's alg* *‘® thought he hear.' a noise aa of That la coming on the morrow,
wme one ,mshlng at the door, or .a
With blue eyes and golden
ahe balnT.
pother" did
totl^er and sister did the work. I* out of Harry's forehead. It aHIl seemChrlatna light hrecs^ or draft was blowing
not approve. He Wanted Hester's
Staowu rang out upon the air!
Picked up about S'.o buahela of pou- e<l to him that nothing—notlilng In all If I only had a new pair of shoes ' stocking hung close to bla owp.
against the door.
The perfect Image of our darling.
' In tbe darkness and Uie stillness
Who could think of coming nt so
"You might hang It up to please
Of tbe ainrleaa. snowy night.
and mother in norida. Hester's tone was very wistful,
late an hour, and to such weather! knd they' (eel their hearts grow my slater's for Chrlatmas. 1 don't ;
bim. Hester dear. Banta Clana might
BofUy stole the Siwnlah soldiers
only ans*
think we are going ti
possibly havo abmethlng to put lo IL
TUI they scaled the wall's deep The IHlIe cripple did not lark for
than nothing—with- He little sigh th^t Healer did
At the close of this aad year.
maa celebrntlpo ot the school house girls wei
sweetnesi and goodness won .them to F»r you know the blciased Master, this year 'Well. 1 think I will ha*
Barn did not want to hang up bla
On the bed lay her ooe good dreae. K«»ter waa too busy with
him. but he could think of no one
Says to JuR the klndect way,
to atop and get ready for school,
Jnat an instant's Indecision.
Klock'tQg. That was a dread:u1 sign, a white wool that {jod once been very F'*®* *® “otice the little rtog of ^
'Your loving Sunahlner.
flung likely to come at such an hour of the "In ac much ns ye do It unto Uie least
Then the ahutiers wen
Sophie Reed
And he did not want a Chriaimas pretty, but was yejlowed by much
molbeCt voice. “All right.
nlKht. and In Hie snow!
of these.
Your dear littleslater shall have
a ire«—that was
another He said washing
Also. It had grown some»•>* cheerfully. "111 hang up my
As he llBlennd he heard a second
Ye do it unto me "
In the reom where lliHe children
card and€nlton and be a "trnly Sun- thing, like that, ibtnga vou had al- »hat short to the sleeves, and the •Whlng, tittle brother."
push at tha door, and Hien a third
Kept the holy rhrtstmastide.
wy, done all your life store you skirt was what the village dressmaker
accompanied by thi- words," "Open! On Uie bright and Joyous morrow
What a sudden sheen and sparkle
Ruff old paper or anythin*
were little, made you homesick wher
When Christmas cheer la In the air.
<#laxed upon the mantling snow.
brother. He wlU
Northporl, Mich.
Vour father and mother were down li two neat little dares to U Nevenhe- •“
He Ofiened the door; and n few Aa the "Orhpan's Home ' Is oi^ned.
1 candles, burnlalied armor!
Dec- I®. 1913. ITorida- IN-erylhlng you had aJway. leas, the dress looked very nice to be so happy over his preaanii that
steps away stood n child of nboat
The anxloua pair are walling there.
Panic aelied upon the foe,
It has been carefully washed be won't think to notice mine, t do
done made you liometlck.
Francis' age. covered, aa Pranclt' To receive their Ilule sunbeam.
clothes had been, with Irides. and he
As ahe meets them at the door -"'"-f-iiave never Joined Ihe Sunshine
On Chrisimna morning, when lurry and Ironed by her mothcris own hand, fblnk that little pig I bought him Is
Thinking that a host waa coming
cunning for anything "
was shivering with Hie Intense ebld And It seems as If their darling/
riub before.. I am going to tell you started to put on bis navy blue Han. and a tiny bit of "truly• lace." that *«..............................
Pram that bcilllant upper room
He drew the child quickly Into the
restored to them ojee about school and the cold weather, nel suit, he found there were row, of had beea hiding away in herr mothar'a
•« fix IL aald her mRber. .s.,„
8o a Cbrisimaa tree’s bright glitter
room, and closing the door, threw
I am In the fifth grade and my t-ach- glH braid sewed round the slei ves drnwe#'for yeara and years, had been «««»t Ihe stocking.
Savod a town fram fearful doom.
some nTore wood on the fire; be then
cr'a name Is Mias Oarthe. She la and colUr and up and down ihc out batted around the neck. But for her
think ahe ever ."fixed n CbrtRBut we think the Lord of Christmas
Invlted hU visitor to come near and Aa they gaxe upon their treasure.
very kind lo mtf. We have some onow aide seams of the treuaera. it was shoes. Hester believed that she should
slocking with more pleaaura.
Honored thua bU people's lore
offered him hU bowl of milk and
And ihelr hearts are filled with joy. on the ground now and the weather rather surprising, and made you feel look as nice" at the party at any girl
ChrUtmas morning there were Utrea
Aad to shield them from the danger
There la ushered In their presence.
la cold and unpleaaanL
1 anppoae like a-a telegram boy. or something there.
happy people.
' UiUe hi^ar wag
Beat hi* angels from above
The visitor accepted It amlllngly.A little German cripple
boySanU wlli call soon and I must pre- Still, It wa, nice. You rather liked,ItVea.ahe was going to a CTiriauna* « »<W o^«r hU tliy gifu U they
—B. E Hewitt.
k-hii. PpsnH. <-.Mt In .rtmlrsiion at Theo they gaxed Id each otbere pare for hU arrival. We are going
And bla navy hluo cap-that waa Party. Miss Alvord.
her Sunday ‘i"*
the almoliAuP-rneturel beauty Of the
to have an enterulnment to our there, too. with a number in
gilt ichoo! leacheiT who was to be married tor a momentwuap^lerelnatred
Chrlatmas in Stvadan.
child After having taken part of the
Then they rend each other's heart, school rbrisungt eve. I have one braid on the front of it. .Number 37! on New Year's Day. had actually giv- of old paper siuneo into ner aioeiThey tell a lovely story In lands be
mile cripple's rei**t. he returned the Ju»l “
ovem to find bur darling reclution mod am In a Oiriatmaa tree It wa* very aurprislng!
m up her Christmas afternoon to he^l»K. there was a hnndto tl^to (be
yond the sea.
drill. I hope Sanu will l>e good to ' Put them all on and call at 11 S"0‘l«> acbool class, and made a mToutalde. there was a bundle Had to the
,33, .3, K,3e ,r OI..7 1.7 ». I”-!
all the Sunnblnera *a I am sure he l-owerhall streetimmediately
after He-party (or them! Miss Alvord al- ooialde; too large to go to. And It
will Well f must finish a few pres- breakfast." was written on a
card »ays was eccentric, some of her held a new pair of aboee! Tbe paper
h s
™u 1 3.™ ,U7,M. Win 7,3 Pl«.e nl.3M ,o Ui, 3.S
M.,,. N,ld.
w„ m.rVNl.-r,. !tW,r Bissn. .1,3
give me a card and a pin?
«olng downnutre other surprising
Of tbe nine IliHe girls to her claaa. Sanu CUut' love. Inside the stockl remain your Bunshloer.
things same to light There were there was not aaother one save How
brewn ribbon Just
Mildred B Holto^.
hlg. dlailna numbers on all the doors ter t.ui could wear a handaome new
shade of Heater's btlr. Tha dear
The gentle, patient donkev and the Quealed and once again Began to eat She
You are a very' pretty writer. Mil- am] printed namea on the walls of tbe *lpicrdress (or theocctalon.
Not mother knew Just bow abe bad pUncx that trod the com
bla aupper.
spare tbe pte^ that bought
Kaett down before the manager and
The atranger regarded him affee- And the deed has beea recorded.
Haltar wondered
lower hall
"Cpperhall «treot."• call rich: but they all had fathers, and
knew that Christ wM^born.
Uonately, and while PrancU was eatIn
Heavenly Home above.
I good bright dress lor best was *nd wtmdered over them,
"Stairley Hill." "Lowerhall Street."
Aad ao they lay to Sweden, at twelve 'nr he began tn tell him all aorta of
naged each winter. Hester's father
"How did aaybody kaew I needed
irietmas in toe OM Traverae C
Hy. Mich.. R. F.D. No. 1,
-Kitchen Corner." "AunHepeg AlleyS3.KI. CbrUtmaa alght.
totereatlng and amusing things, soch Tneir LAR
e to Ihe bad gone to heaven, and her mother, a new pair?** ahe a^UliL'luid ebe nevHome.
Box 7*.
—Barry went from one r
The dumb beasu .kneel to worship-ts the poor little cripfrlo had never
It kept working hard every day to supnort cr once thought of Oaike I
Doc. 11. 1913. other at an excited Ilule
aad aoe tbe CbrlRmas ligbt!
beard of. ind as they' seemed about 'Tw'as a Chiiaimas ere to the long
herself and Hester and "little Lroth- Clarice Uved'b mte *my to a very
growing more aurprtotog
__ ______ ___
KroneU thought tbU
days canw
mUe atranger most have seen a great The ground was covered with Ice and
I tbougbtN would write and ask If
After breakfast be put on hia er. " found that this year she could large honae. aad W
*Thie fancy makot mea kinder
1 could Join the Sunshine Club. 1 am Number 37 cap and flew ( 11 Lower- sot manage a new drees of any kind, to fionday a^otf to (ha'carrlage; aad
craaturw neadlng care.
deal and traveled far. He Ilstoned
IIHester had been brave, and chukud Heator knew hak aaly a tittle bit All
Thv gHa them Christmas greeUnga. attenUvelr. and was eo IntereRed An aged couple sat side by aide,
was. *T
37th. of March. I am to tbe fifth hrary!
aad datoty CbrUtmaa (are:
that tbe village clock had struck a Before a fire pUre deep and wide.
there were aome In her mother s eyes,
dost kaow.'i”'”
daar,■ how
aaybody kaew*
grade. —7
My dstudies
are reading, ...w.arith"Come
Tha eat ‘toitf (taa sup gaily aad a late hour before be thought of aaktog "'tthla a farm honae wide and low,
3„u.... m,,,
---------to!-" -------- — Choery
ahS^^idga o5r
Ibe child to share hia b«l.‘The child Where they'd epmit many happy meUc. wriUng. geography. Unguage. voice. It wm the voice of Sanu and had said. 'Never mind, tbe old
I cm
ytm to that • —^
la ralto?alIrfthrr«of-tree for the anawered. with a ravIRitog amfle.
year you know.
and apelllng. Our teacher's name ta Haua! He aat to an armchair before whitewoollen one will do beauUfol- ^
^rdT^Tckrll^li^that he must flrat my hU prayere. Many year, they had tolled through MU. PratL I like her very much. » table piled high with big bundle..
bmeh. «. •« tb«. w*
And 1 hear« Iht dock nrac&iiffag. the prayer wa. eo long.thaL deepite
eon and rein.
will you please send me a card and Hitl* bui«ll«. kmg bundle., ahon
But othoae ihoes'They were
»o mjptaae
aU hto efforts PrancU found hU lids And now It aeemed as though aU to button? ( will eloae bow. hoping to bundles-bundles with pink atrtogagrowing
too small for her. and OM »M ItUdt thmweteraoma
ta henveB wko
brings Ite^wartd bm4 CtOMd— crawtog heavy and bU eym
bluff and Jolly and faL Of conre you burst The other toe bad been patA- all ahoBt It—Uto' 2nalar CbftottBB
Lovingly a Bunshtoer.
g to vdll-^
nhd. tboogh he tried ban! to beep For It was tbe laat night Uiey-B alt
knew that inalde be was grandtother, ed, and—well, there 1. no um to try BndeaTor Wac^
Alrton Buclere.
be noon feU fast asleep.
. by the flre'a glow.
,u,,.u« upi... 7S, ph„ T.
*,„’".3r/':3'::rH„» ». zT,n,rt
Ts. ,rr^.r,.u rT„
.3..7.3^r K "7-"7. •« «•
T feel juet u IboiiRh 1 had had a but outalde be waa a real, resular to deirribe tl^ni; they were Juki ai
Cfarla/mati iireieot when a irirl or iKiy Saou Claus.
shabby as they could he. and lluit li
saya/“1 want to be a annshlaer."
“Hello! That yon. Number 3TT all about it. Hester looked at ibeis
Wish you a Merry Cbrlsunas! You've dolefully. They looked worse in eon
Empire. Mich.
got along Just In the nick o' Ome. I trast with that white dree*.
l>^. I,. ISj.l. can't dlstribui.- all these bundles. 1
“.Mother, couldn't we manage lo
Dear President»ve out when 1 got w this dtstrtcu g.. j.mt » . heap Itule pair of shoe*
4 1,„1p ^rl
i and. aald 1, 'I've got to have aone Just the very cheaiMrat blndT" Hester
Joined the Sunahinc tnub aome time help.' So I telei.honed to headquarters asked' the cmeMion timidly, but b.-r
ago. 1 am In the third grade. 1 have for a good, likely messenger boy UKiilier sbex.k her bead
two- eats and one dog the name of 'Send a smart one.' said I. And they
"Mother .iiniioi mile daughter not
‘he .at. are Buster arid Mgger. and sent you. el,- Well, you took as smart this month You know ilule UroU.er>
the dog's name Is Shep please send ■« s steel trap'
si. kneiu
me a card and button. My teaeber'a
Santa Claus selected several of the then th.
eior's bill! Mother
a4me i* Mrs MTielan She hat a lit- bundles and handed them out brisk, is more
tie girl named Margaret. | *it beside \7'“ her In school.
her and my
“Deliver this one at
Number 8 III ill (
>' stool
teacher very much.
Mil close far Lowerball Street. " he said, “and time, and cover n.y feet with my
these two at 3 I'pperhtll. Youll have dress."
Your flunslilner. '' l<> <'Hmb Stairley Hill, but you're noi
An hour afierwahl .he went to the
Gladys Verno
so fat a* I am. I eanll climb—given store with a |>enny to buy a new pair
VesIndeed Iknow that you are a H ui'- Yoy needn't hurry—mpssenger of shoe-strings.
Mrs. Harrison was
Sunshinegirl, for I-have your name hoys never do, I'm told."
there with her daughter I'larlee. buywrltten down In llie big Sunshine
"Hut they whistle." laughed Barry, ing her a pair of shoes I'larice was
Til whUtle -■
just Hester's age, and ihelr clasaes In
He was back again ven' soon for Sunday d^hool were near together.
Mayfield. MJeh.
»ore bundles This Ome there were
"Have you come to buv a palp-of
qoc. IS. 1911 tao for Number 5 on Auntlepeg Alley aboes?" asked Clarice,
jy^ar President—
—and Number 5 was Barry's room!
-No, " said Hosier, shaking bar.
I would like to Join the Sunshine Of course h-- must not stop to open head and lookiow grave, "only some
nub. I go to school even' day. I ‘hem. hut he fell of them and smell-shoe-strings."
-Then she looked do«
4,,, 41,,^
„|j 4^^ 4^,
,4^ cd of them all the way up the hill.
,t her shoes and . blushed. “I need
f|r,| grade
My it-acber's nam* la
delivered bundles at all the q,«|„ badly enough." she said, meanMiss lilanHie Wright. I like her nuMbers on all the streeu. It was (pg the slices; “bni mother cannot afvery raiieli, 1 have two dogs. Their
fun. and he forgot all about ford'll ihU month."
names are Bum 'and Nellie. - Please Florida.
Then Mrs. Harrlton ailed, “CJime.
„,nd my a card end button.1 hoi>e
a bundle for a large family Clarice dear, you really auR dedde
this in print.
‘ha* H’es Just round Kitc|ien Corner." 4bout the ehoes."
C^md-bye from
Santa Clags said. 'Don't spill any of
jugt before HeRer came In. there
Juddle W.-atfalL
Keep U upslde-l mean right aide h,j been thU talk:—
,1*,,., happy to get letters >^l'- I wouldn't have that family mlai
-o mamma. I like the ehlny aboea
I Is the
F"-'------- 'tor- a •farm!
-..................Nice fami•
very mneh and
don't like
-very I,i,e family.
It felt like a IkrttiP. and.lt certain.
eont. my daar. Uat that loolUh?
Jogged like tilings you carry In hot- j,,„
^ver, day? The 'ahlny' aho^
Empire. Mleli^
. 13. 1913.
*•"‘•Tl- coat t-iacUy aa.much again as H.e«i
Dear Pre.ldento"*-'' . »« «■“'"<» h*rilly w.U to find
u,at are seat and Rroag."
like to Join Hie Sunshine
'^e fnmlly-oh: He found It In
can-f help IL mamran; I. llbe
. •uld
riub, | am Ikn years old nnd In Hie • vlotbes basket at Nomber 13. and
,1,1^ grade. My loaclier's name U
Furr and lier
ra. Hnirlaon had' aald.
Donaldson. We have a' grav «'* little apandy ne^; kli|eni! Then nughlng
anppoae you must Iiavc
like to play with her. We
• Christmas -bundle - them then. You bonsider that an pnalso ha« a little coll which I like Shedchamber Street for the hired
very much Her name 1. Mary. We "‘W-‘® A«le Avenue fpr -n.en cinrlre had wrned to apeak
take Hi.- Hereld and I like to read »vhorah. Oh. Ihe bundles and the
the Sunshine letters. There are Just >'>»'«>"» “«* l'«Ue meaaenger bpy de4„_ t^ere *.. a grave
two weekK mor.‘ tH-fore our <Tirist. »'vred! And. gueerly enough, every
^n her face
mas v*eall...i
Will you plea»- send
third one was dlreRed to
you fully decided ior the
me a card and button? j iwiie to see
'ahlny'shoesT Mra. Harrtaon naked,
this In pritit.
“Num-ber-NuniWr 9 leo-w-must
..y„_ mamma-or-op
mammafR>od.bye from
Lowerhall." apelled Santa- Claus.
M.mmZ^mln* cloaer
Halen Moren.
to her and speaking low.-If I took the'
Now that you have seen your let*®“*'’ "‘“emher that my eye,
T In print will you not write ngali. •‘a‘“ '* FeHinR Poor, nnd not write
their directions
directions so
so fine.
fine. Take
Take thU
tbU to
___ she tmme cloeer RIB.
the Sunshine Club?
Number 9. messenger boy. It's tbe *j,*iaper^ ”
- b. ~
r,.. ,., ,«.
Itnwtwi vmvmmv •
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