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Grand Traverse Herald, February 13, 1890
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Major DOToral tiood itUl.
Ha, viLh Bertia waa lott. I vaa defeat- '
Tt»«* vera two mora ebandaa,
-Aak for tba ptomaal job wM to
lookad^at Bartia, and be looked at ad
Wa were
baea cliaradea ; and bot the Mi
[ajor'a •
r thought of i
I. iba e
be the fim word I I be aeied waa to be itha iDteraat.
pat ioto bia part—(oraed tba topic I
I fait the roo« grow wanoar. 1
FT thought
that acreaMBtbte alala of tba Bigbt
ETor? bod;-bad fait pareaired a liigiil; fragraat ae«t aa
. .
of agitation tbat ;oa witi ocaroel; it »oThat waa the gaoarmi ex of aome sweet wood barruag: kbaa
HismaBBcr waaatranga.
1 law oeed^o act aoitbinc. Graca.r ' I perienca ; it found expraaaioo io tba and of tba room grew brighter
that it waapraroeatira of Bart>e • eould onl; sit and smile; I waa beat 'oao; words, and the Uajor'a praiaea and brighter, aomathiag as too as;
All the aea at suoriae. Iboogb tba light waa
la tX Oomb* Mioor, shieh had mirth, ao I bogv to talk to Major .eo.and rer; amiable under to; n.is- reached . bhs of course.
DeTeral of Daronsbire coatoma^ aod 'fouaee.
answer be made was “ 1 oarer acted . >oaa glowiug. sod thee, b; digran,
tba odd faneias tbat we kept
Vow the room in wbicb we acted
life-new look part la an;) like a thing l«ng rasaalad out of
lasbioaadi'cbsrtda before ”
the wirr light and the rwoading
.f - .
> “» • d-tioct w-oa—
„ a? tbo^op
. nf
' sc..-De which. i ut for its psrfaet atilllierarel got aa
as good a wel
wei looked down it ’eoslh of ore
boaband just tan ;aara ro; aaniar. (
Major tierarel
leas wooiso
diitingniahand m;wdf. Saron jwn ago from
*• «>7 mao eoald bare desired
< feet YOU SS
r friends bad gone. i ed from leel life.
Valaalina'a da;
•ud i-(’tbe rt~jiu on--------------.lading
■ ...............................................
“ suuen, H._and»;bn^ had been ^hool. ----------------------------------------------about
jteais of aga, and Ji
________ .1 led into a Ubrsry, il;<
auppar room, m; brother told,
de*d-I bad narw
u itie bar. and htJ ,r tt tbc rUi'-. as far down ss i
atapaiater, was six and twaot;.
kl.jor Uererel agsio that be had , ^
then—ibe other waa mjWestern Circuit. L-,
and lid into H.e lisl:
m; falbm had a
0 br ao earlier h**e Ifotes
- _____
Real Estate, Insurance
My Volenlino’s Story.
moim to Loan on Imprevotf Forms.
VlllaCoFroporty for Solo.
MomFIntHMioMl Buk.
‘f"lbU^?^rn., .
t»frrT.EP LA.NG.
^al Estete U lasoraiice Headpuiters.
r.Yontc 1..H.
/"'k aeling aa in that |
dring. An Indian
marriiga, and whan this*son came to *hen bis friend, Frank Darerel. Ltd prepsri
take potaeMioD of Oamba Minor, be
'krougb bard egbUng in Id tune was ) bnog iBli lbe.r-.,miwo'‘'^''' 'ka™<f*- adding. - I am rar;
lii« kneel Ujing to ataneb
placed ^ 8'»J «« kaj jou to do it. '
blood tbat flowed Irom a wonbd
.came at a widower, bringing Ber-idta The; bad seen each other but luge ten DS
am 1.’’ waathe briot answer.: sbicb I could ,not aaa. 1 looked at
! trend, Obrer, and Jack with him. A eeldont. hnl bad eorresponde.1 with- si to diri 9 off the in of I'je loom '
1-e ou.stage, and to ■ " 11^“ lo “• '■ »»» not acting.
For I it sleadii;. I look in arar; particBafiar out falbar’s death mf half-lool intermiaaion. acd now it wasimhicb w
litH ts li; wtu.'b we If saw, reflected in the lar—more people eppeared lo
I brotbar married Julia Moore aod a plaaaanl to ace tu; brother of fori; : bide the
rears!j ame ou ami wi ul off.
The middle 1 ealglLisu'
•>'1« fire-placa. outlines, sud a horse—tbsB tba min
;aar before the day-wban I stood, ;ears and bis
e whole scene.
with grasped: a]>ac>
l»ce bttween tl.e «r.<-r,. ess ...ark I l**e
It .
laa 1 hare mid, on the» door etep ct ;oaogat, standing
lUDlorparl of some^ gooe
The- laan was at my aide ba
Combe Minor, m; molt------------------------ bands, looking m each other’s fanes,! ed ol
off 1.; a tow .it wax Ill-Ill. .mite, Ipsrlirulsrihi
thing I bad seen before /T-ffare ttr fore I knew that be had left tbe
riad bar thud buiband, bir Oodfrer n«alliog
or. sue s fence ...s.le l-r long. low. 'tbiu
1 looked in .truest
It nerer felt plnoe where I Lad last seen him, and
ielb*. and tbav ware keeping St 'l‘*PP.'''
' wire gusi
uidi had l>e<'>i cut.
solemol; stirred. 1 nerer be ajKike
'alentine's da; in Norlhomberland,!
bad breakfsat: afterward I'triee.l f.,i
purjt>ie. Tbs onl; more
f:_____ _____ _
irus ivSSTK’vaat!
au. ii.-WKrt
amidst wind and snow. Nb wonder, j 1**“^ Major l^T«el »a; how fast i peouliaiii
ibi« ilrawiog loiiir
rerj socoont, I prefe
referred' I “7
~ brotbar
seamed i
i sro.o Hum tl,e fs.-i of il bsTiog Wn
fort; and I
irtrrieJ. male b; throw.og two room, to
Deronsbire air and
„ I iwael iloweia
tloweia of oor
our sunor bomi , with
i abo^u
Uertnn„ .. .
iV. lire lilsc-.
lire was el the end
■Wh;. mj life hia got
begin— op|m-ilo our .Uiuhome lifa I ueao. at
a I bo}»: ceui.T of .be left
le of ,
rl; walk.
After all the great struggle
re bv ibe edge of . J^fbarnrd ioto battleflelds full of ^
I rhiiuuer pieces eisril;
danger, is not Ibe life
the wood,*wbere rock cropped
caub hsd'a l.x.kinggl
luokiog glaes
ijlo, ! looks forward lo
Tbe palriarebal ,
: aod coll; glittered, mid
be I'ornice ..f
~ ' fig tree life adraocM upon I
els., '.vr tbe side
sort of TiaioG, aod •llsitS6,(
r pit» cr-uld
cf-uld bo
-ceo [wr
-r ibe snors. and wbi-o at the
quite toi
sod of tl.e-i^e ..ur • silua
Real Estate, Insurance and l.oans,
, lodge : and Bertie aod I trod
re tbe ebarado began I .poke
Hie clMr.^frosI;
“But I shonld not bare lile
j-.r Dusersl
-Tbe srJable
g in tbe ai
to be •. seme w.tb Uudilli.
Ibet act all Datura sparkling.
loJ manner U.at lusde \ou
The old
d fane;, lthat tbe first
me bate bi
fact, befo e luncb^ jog iL.
'S met was lo be m; 'aleuLioe for eon he'd greail; puazled
be ensuiag ;sar, mad. tun for Bcr said to Bijself:
,<n the stage
tie, who. being a rery merrj-•bonrt.|
-Tbera is something odd a'uoul
le bauditii : atiug roblied us
ed, and also a rer; elsYcf bo;, kepilbim."
'..f our carriage,
me laughing in spile of the mock it-!
He kept oo l.etrayiog tb. drollest I rush up lu vou to sare us. sod
dignation With which I bad to meet. ,crt of interest m ih.i V.leniioei rou'-le ws. !• ieniug wilb tbe
SOmeot bis most danng imagine-1D,,. „.| on„. in ll.e most unae Jrolle.1 sii.ile or
H ftntk UiaaiM and tba I
Hamilton 4 Mllllkon Block.
R-epalatingland R,epa.lrs.
£ t.aMTCM.D. D
l.•us UtC. iS.«. .....l
Again at The Old Stand.
Mt(kllt>arstlfsni<II,i.li,a(a(K a.ls..l.B0 .sdrsskc .
istsr riwral <arrl«aositi.uBrks«lw», SI
ililst kts bM sa<liiir nausS.-Trii^aisd. u* uiilci psti.)' csI.rniW.uS I ksx •.
• moBTI (
Village Property,both Houses and Lots. Pimis and'
Timbered Lands for .41.
Oheleeat Maata, Pvultn. ■
R Rewl In Thslr Saaaen
tV-nesk.SsH ssS S«0S«4 Hi
V ^^osew. 'VrawETRc
Ol R'!a‘l^i
««• . WH
■ ■
i. -V.h
.. w o„ ,L„.„........
Ui'.W^ nor beard, l,s ws. al.si
O^T i^h^n hanLme «d
erabooibim. I don't _.
strength, though bs had
certain sweelness of
But be had a car
Bocks at 26 Per Cent. Off,
Books St 30 Per Cent. Off,
And sorm Big Bargains in Books on m)f Half Price Conoter. |
If You Want
-----aOMk or TBE —
Very Best
Come Here.
toyoB. I am ahla by abae bayiat and CMfa 4i
aa lew w lowar them any othae bMRa ia tovR.
“R "S*®®
Come for Bargains.
. a., „
Msjor Dr-r.-rsI erv
I d.u,=—1 •“»< '-I
- “•
I took au Irishman, a general fa
vnrite. ...li me
a grand lablesu )
He was mllad O
‘' ler and brother are laU tbia mon-
"OU, no; you can't gel him lo
leflsr.u . si
"Tirad with my long atory
I coefs., I slruggl^l f-r I Lain
sireso. „e Y al.ntine. Dry
„ucl, , li.msel.
1 know J bad no bmief in
I on bis
these .prop
,ibelic ritioBi ban
hat borage
Itb ';U
U .Neil
Neil and
and I paid
i<ry food of acting. ti --omiiared !■> h;
-Lei'a make it aa long aa wa can,"
liioT lorg." be ‘Wise Usn'
I Vat.
•alentin.'. Day
It ,,
Tory little help fiom utb a [lowtr wiiu-U 1
■ do 01 part’
id I bad got up sereral drew me closer t
i-ii. ai.d hel'i me: sss at oigbtAnd bia
ID fact.
before y o'clock.
charsdes that winter, cageil withm iiu■a^‘:“
Tliey were all ■"i/’rumi./u cfasrtclers. arm
I L'lsure.1
. of any kind
waa made ’"ob^Major
t Devara),
it ia only fl4
We fixed on our word and l.ow tbs Wbat a face it wi
igbl arm 1 put down gold—b*
' hou™-A aoldiar'a wooing-''
tyllablei should be expresseiLsDd was strelcbed out
Le i-isio: in fur I wot going to do .t at cbewply
tiien left all tbe acting and dialogus bis 'used e --red
-Lief uf Ihe aa I could. He taid.‘Double that.
• lamea Dereral.
to the inajiralioD cf tbe moment
I baoditli. Ylaau-r Bertu-. wb'> loukad you will require mora tbac one
m my name f"
My brother bad come in. aod baariog
knew Ibe boyi witbad fur ebaradaa. metmen/ed uc-l-r tbe esrur-i. glow luu ' 1 said (hat 1 only wanted <
Major Derenl b expected «
and of coarse I knew .....
they -.--.a
would mg
mj; (ace.
face, an.l
aa.i steady
stead iriuuii-bai.t eye and that O'Neil would be will, _. Uia lost words bad antweral them.
ait to my
y father
father next
next week.’
He told me Uke back tbe guld.for.
And cerUioly beforetwairso'clock
fulfilled. They
J Major Derereia siiitude and [ lo Lata O'Neil with me waa impoaei I Lad said a sort of "Yea." bat bol
u than aagagad this week
dropped i Lie
I agieed iLan to go by myaelf., anoed by aa maoy •‘ifi'' as I craftily
nr Torrms* hrougbl up OQ the eery luus ot
ap;-laaae. and I waa-and we want up atairs. Tbe man'tbougLl would aerre to make it
ma at Lort
prindplea. aud were 1
.^A iiies.. .... Die lecit spoilt by il So ebaradea wa released wi'L a quirt
luiet smile
Hu pul [[lived.10
lived.10 such a boutasa
Louaesa themore op ~N
. wheneter I pleated.
bUr.ioa'ito'a.>tb., bad
ware lo barr. and Malor Deviral was bis jiiflol iuto Ins l«U. and raid, as 1 uleot Turks iubabil—built roBod a as I think of ... 1 remembor that my
where a foaoUio pUyad very boaband did not pay aa much aUan
fba queei
.rest tbing
I remember tbil tbe drip of lion to those “i/a' aa I ioteodad. He
I'ai glmj
"Had beetar acted 1" Bundi«di in the work
tbe water teemed to add to ibe ti- afterward even denied iLat be bod
of Umea. no doubL " “ Had he ev« (bough "'
I*. I bate left my luggage at aetod imprumj.iu
imprvmt.lH ebaradaa
ebaradee’' " No
.. whal is queer, sod what it otarV leneein tbU man'i dwelling rather board them at all
Z ‘.S.d
‘"'■fi.'r'jr r. -"2
But DO rnattm
He i
were reafrangme our
rerrlhing—aaya be
[q (t,e l,h,4f« nos.
He ana.
nor ooalradiel. nor
- Bj.„d bv -b» and-by
' He eoon said, -Do you always
lya walk
»or refnae.
refoee. nor doubt, nor
xte word-r'u/.'" wai act.
runaway—can you wan'---------
TasraaA Cnr, Mmsu.
Or. L. C. DsCow:-
•'‘>tbing—evciy- Iiu.biogjp.o
: tba aUDon.'
from Itv (i^aat eoraor. I oaid,
ery strange atoT-, aod I .
'Tbit lime tire yaon,' and it eauA''
g to try to account for
"Wbat earner aaked my brotbar.
leara you to do tbat if:
"Why ifaU night—tbe bMsaat
I rbooae to try. I aball tell facts when I held her in my left arm and
m.faw words—to beta I begin. Soma,,
yearsago I waaat
w.lb a fertj ot fneodA ond
■Aheta joined ua.
Ae weie idlthe cloak
"nikchT d^r
Moner to Loan
If Y, u please,- Major Derarel
said. Sowaaaldownandbabagao.
I luow I looke.1
id one glance garama t .
<t I'f ktiT acting Tl.it
ii.-criM-l II.,
nod 111
>u,;bl« . YBotlT.
icolleci; hnglisb, Irendi. Ir-,
Wben I had aami tliia
•• Don't l>o fii,
- he
gliBbmaD. 1 know.
I-You will aaa another f Boll auany tbiog.
u may do I
larked tbat
shall do e\sctly US 1 flu it Ul do. 1
,Y placed io
mean, ss 1 sl.oilil do .
ipiureutly dutresi
lur dinner; | came away.
rest lif.'. -Vow go.-li
md afterward 1
-And is this night tha T
ing signs for jun.'
Whut outisgcous siliT cutilideucsl ‘French fnend of his. with
ir thought of it
An,I yet he spoke s . pluasaut
I could uut scold
lieriie wes in lull power . a btaz
luus—JWU ms—«V.
more entensinI B good opinion of luy log interest in the work lo be begut
wrong thing, c:
And here tha itraoger reappeared, t
-Aod wbat of yba acem^d that
He beard ubout Lxw inslanlivr glowed
giowod in Li« iitudsonii
xnd walked toward us quite an ub- .
)me to paoB'" aaked Julia.
I he bsid. "Ob. iitjor, litIlubertnes.
I'nlrillcs, (tec.
' wasanogly aod wilb as tuueb lutau, Drakes, sud Msrkinglon*. and eskcl lou pislult'
-Yet. That rerr day at the aanM
Ah. you have cbitogI Don at could be expected of any Val que.lions ss to 8. x, age, fuuiTlY. for- cd loui coal
^ our. 1 was atatiouad at Quaboa.
1. ibro —
- that
..... -v
i , . * •
way silanl,' Wa had been oul oo a hunting Sl
under, auy
ircumtiance tnne-once more be ws. growing bad s dosk i.n, nud p.dol.-Irapi-ed uuncy, and be bad o
id tbat ibia I euraion
with some friendly
tbrougbout tbe whole ■MeslCouc- unaccounIsbiY odd, and once more srnui.J bin.
-Your fslbcr diessed'
•.“J l’«»«. It
he wondered oul lou.l that it sliould me,' ho .aid
"1 bivc mil done anr-' soiccret. if le wal .one, could aliOW : A hostile Uibe knew of ua. aod at
upon na.
said Berne, in a low
Valentine's Dav
-Vsleniine'a isiti.’ luvsrlf
1 "o with tbe stroatu
A soil of lition any raomant of of them on horaebaok came up
••don t fl
a 11'
flow of
flinch. Bearupbrare
>,>Ter tbooghi of if aod ihm'areului.-'s l»a». aud make the iyoui futuie life that you liked to ask One man was killed, and,tba
'll ambd by jou. li *n'en he ended hTsaring, with ercry best oflbepls.-e on'wbicb Ibo atream lot
blood Irom withdrawing an arrow
r lu a moment.
Look m.rk of astonishment. - And . ighl msi land me. U.at ;■ ml I am going.
Hut if you fixed on a moment in
bim in Ibe (ace. that job way know md hundred and siiti.six lo-.
I lo-h.
the future bey
' the Urm ul your i
» f*<D» 'hat, UU aa lodian
tbald only a hidaooa blank:
'I by m^ing a t^qi^
I cau ntily
MUly add
resiiy thought him crsrr.
lo this record of life, you behah
1 could base baalei
idaous. becauta the blank
• handkerehisf. 1 could not be
jur ronverrslic
ikst I
—1 say hideous,
: ftf the drollery he 1 -ew into his '
orad. Yob srill not wood* now
r Msj.ll Dui
i-iarled ihsn sv.
bad an effect of I be moat daaolating, ■■“n'MimpelllinenocA fori
my bariog betrayed my intareat
laiuall impel
iner, and fou
deecripliOD on all who babald it
t guest several times
!keep a;
sy fsm
aud the I
alt that to day might bring to me,
liked. 1 wenderrd.
There was only Jarkneas aod nothaod
id is my layi
„ I woald do DOibk I admired.
;( a Itik a
I man. walkiag tlraigbl n tbe mid'lle
A 1 I
ing—that 1 would go with tba
Ltd all assecbicl for
'[‘“J*- (hat we h.d left .
tVbcD <
Tbe end of (he
:d to be
I ,^,1,
I of tba road, acd iDspecun.' ui
1 really do balim that, ix
dinner iDucr smart clothes I thought '>'»«'eliog esmsge h.r the luxury oi
>c. and. all ihiugs
Ibiuga gone
gone with il
j eery evident atienlioL
unbiUaving nations, toaxa sort d
Major l)e»eral tbe finest looking •"
»l“l® l'r-«T«d'"P j sud some sUong men hadll
"Hold your tongue, Beiiie
‘black art' is practiced stiU."
man I had
ever seen-my Vslenl.ne
on •" Ocu.bsr day,
kave fainted wl.an " '
"Don't be agitated—keep
f'" was a iiiso
to If proud of
Weis Off we went, nud on caiiir ihe ban
' of utter loss bad been
' self possession, 'rriut io me—g
“‘“®' dies leU Ibe dinner table evilr, for dilti l-v tbe librstv door Iwhmd u* Much a reTelation bad been infferadl*®
pbilocopber. aod friend t
we bad some little arrange msole tn Their evil iclectio'oa were anuouiiced' by our ScoLb friend. Behad aaked i draamad of iL
Here we were brought l<> a staod
tbe in tbe same fssbinu. and tber [lasted lo see wbat tbat moment .would be'The next - mcnimg. Wbieh
suddeoljby tba iiranger stopping
preceding we. I mat
tbe off as we bad. The slags was tbc, on tbsi day two rears, and bad been,
Idosebefore us and saying. "W"
answers 1 l.y tbe awful darkneaa IVe Major Dararal in tba bJl It m
i^Jiiio'n mrotioocd
my offioe to make^braakfait
wM uiy wb.s|«r. as 1 retrasbad mf ao. The quoslioo.‘Did IdiaT -or
glass of wine ollared gal .shallldiB*' I auppoaa I oaght to
antly by Bert
lu aaemad
,o .irong wHhin me that
o think differently.
1 fall il would be beat, at aU hake,
- How strange !' si
excUimeJ to answer il
If the next aigbt gars
-May we ool know Iall aboal il • me tba dismal blank I aboold know
Won't you tell ua ’ You bare no wl.al I feared—if not. 1 abOBld fear
idea bow real that raooanl seemed, no more. It wai beet to know. So
Do tell u»—tell Ul now."
«hea 1 waa asked, ‘Will you aaa
UounUble maooir w.m.U'.l what
-You II nerer be married this year.
3uld hs|>|>eo Ufere tbe end of it
!oh, Qracey:
Kobod; coming lo
martr me, nobody ooiuing to woo V Oil Bsaemlilscc of Inendt m the' e
Ebl wbo’t tbat’"
ing.” said Julia, with her pr«
We bad just caught tight of thc:,,u
I lodge, and w« saw a stranger stand-1 «.j
. iog, at if irresolute.
The strange- her.-'
then knocked at the lodge.door and.
be exclalme.1, ' a psrtv of
: walked in.
would you
tell lue' all
“Now, ID fair play, dear, good, uu- almui
m’ "
fortonataAuuUiracej. It won't do '
And then be sat dowi
unless be comes ooL and •alka on. woik-Uble. and ■utopeniiie leares
an.l ini«<a us bonoatly.
The firel of s book
peculisrls careful and
you ii.csL not s.r. Y'ou
I of knowing way. which made me once
wanted all tbe courage I oouJd com ,
.^ou wish for anolbsr •'
nmnd mote than at Ib.t moment
-j joaT know.’ I replie.1.
• hen you all dapp^l and praised us.
.;,onT si«sk uni.I your are spoktthen ll.e curtaiL dropped, br-lore. ^
1 will ask you again soon ’
bo. clad 1 w.i •
rntwral I wMdar•• HelL now I am sura be is mad,
1 eo^d not help atamaering ; but tbat *
Bartia qi^a bonaatiy.
Doa't be afraid,
^Ii'a u,, 1 "• 6*
t afraid.'It last aigbt to walk | war* amnng,
oottogaUMr to-day aariy.
Valeo-[io the drawingroom all ready. I and all the eoang frianda,*who ntsue
lisa'a day. yoB know, n# firit man [ had nh idea of leaking an exhibition the gaiherinc crowd till tba siege I
Ormce mat waa ..
to be .bar _.
TaL 'of
myaelf with . : VUmU... -h. ... I.[; ..S ,1.. .....m
aaline. Wawaat-cooatry people be 1 bad levcwal tinir»'raaUd this Valan- agnic
Uava all kinda of aoparatilioao,- and | tine's Day as bei- g a tarioaa epoch
Tbe whole word wet a reooaniing
that il 00a. Wa (waouaed to toll in his life, and as iomathing to be of the banditti danger to 1 uerroas
tba tnitb to outer and Jadk. wbicb andored with vsgna wosderinga. :ladv exesAlantlT acted
WMbetfaic,efweTafaaad tbaUeom and as
- IT
. which b
. worked
tried - _______
Drake, who ____
pony. How wa abaO aanr yoa bunk to bide with gay words ; bat which ia fMrful tute while I told tbe etory
aa proof poaitira i tba t^tiaa not
aoly aaaai. b«t eaptnrad and brought
Yoa ata OtRaa'a Vatai ina.
is (0 aecoont for. 1 by the intamntsoni, eaoaad by tbe
Major Dararai, aad I bc^ m a
. reoadiaa aba ao ann^tly eallad
.'S— —UM-A
wtaal MpbatUa'fcr,parmiktad.
beat jafceii
. -.
JuEVlNSON, The Reliable. doyoHr7«ea^vrioapi
than to diau-rb iL
was--------------------------------------------beard so perfectly. telUngof the un,
(who hoe
tbe Ucking of ;
tbe rornel for aa boor)
owing U
clock tails tue ailaul paaaags of lime.
r. Ned, do yoa think there ia
We went through the court togath
m ini’Nad-“i’<
.............................I don’t
er. up a great marUle atair^ and
be. I didn’t
llirougi, a paaaage where tbe walU
were painted ami inlaid in plaoae'
with ivory, jasper and mother< Mr Moodv and other
.pearl in
_the most Uateleea,
, .
. ignorant.discuaaiag
' _____
— ------------------- • tbe
« l^intoa gr^ reaching tba maaaaa
s eircla of email lamps that boned (gMcb ragularly aTtry Sondn <
aboat two feat from ths floor in the m
mooay ' and tl
dim UgbL and
‘Wiaa Man' waa .Uodingat
rary fartbaat aod. aod bolding oet
“Why.jraa^haaya that yoarbRibia arm to me.
_ bad told BM only to spank inM If inrraaiiirr aotlMd pet oiM
wbiR be epoke to aa. Pnawtly la aooR anppett^ 4oa4jlR«RlM«ll
ioM «M»t JNtk
tadwitbpip. nadkMMdoaaoot daifrpynd. and otB 100 paopk ware
BiBn to bare raodwd tba loabar dk- drowoaA Mora than 60 wwa pkAtakti ontil raaaoUy, bat iu nragaa ad op in an wrimnatad aowditiOD by
aralambk. Being far frea aadi- tba ChinaM Lifa PraaBTiog aaaoek
IWI^i ■! I ita iilHi w» ^ iHaOTkaTbaab laadaft
ail Ibe Inmbemian an. of eearaa tiaa. Iboaa who loat Ibeir liraa
borkd by tba aBlbaritiaa. A
• ft# !•
many of Iba rBoadiaa which
____________ ___ waa farooMta
of tba-rirer bank earad in
praaeribad by pbyaiaana, andlalfeahirMatafal iroB tba wSiBaa ar«
time of tfaa elood berM.
mrytUag poamUe k dona
ataa Ak nowoa aibibttkm at a fortb^eomfortUx
AoaqdOBon oeeanad Tboreday
Uh> 10*%M k Mtk#
The Supreme Court bat tie
aaarok imd inaooU^al AbB^etam, in MooAtbiI yooraalf of tbk grand opporionity to gat
flaft.lLi;.aMaflW MkWfaa
tor a gTMtB length of time tbao, BOOtbtaita. tM BilB OBtbwak of cideti that the new eltction
M of.tba baOiofi, ^tita k 99
a^Sto tba M ^ FBai kM^
. uoa aiBikriy afflicted '
Nowpott- Tbraa boodred min
law does .Dot apply to tuu utn te jO MiK aa-fotmti
eitiea aod towoa.
A and fow boon
a porttaU of tba.ba had with -bip elections. But it is of foi*
... fmntbatocA luap ami
A Mterbarc al
Tha foUo
tbam. An opMiog wm finally
taaa in goM aod twalea tooa from kia of iba
greater irD]>ortAn(e tothegood
•d.aad tfaa
Jm F. taj. OiMfilk. hM
m aoma of tbM had beao
win adcnUa walk «{tba tnutaif tbr^mttOB of tba abaft. Tba aiill oeearrrd Sonday kat oe tba Coioe
Tba com of tba «xf4o- people of Trarerae City and
angtoo and doaa good Paafie railroad near Cweada ban
rooB. A lifi aiiad portiitt of 0«b.
Alnrhaa beea raoaifad fon that work. With a aingk mill tba pro- bean raaairad from Portknd.Oa.: aioo waa Iba fioodiog of pita adja. icinity to know that it haa
fta ataikiH Fiua 1 Ua Tola*dneta eu be run np to A50.000 ptf A railroad aeddeut occurred on tba eaol to tba ooa wbkh axpUdad. By
liet-n dt'^cided by i-oiiipt-t*-nt
' N baft ba«aabdoad withCoioo Paeifie Lina near Caaeada tba flooding of tbaaa pus gm waa
A Lanfaar Norria, a Kaw York
> tba
minirg Loeki on Colombia riTcr, in wfaieb ......................................
thi-rit) that WtSME A: Ki.
BilUooain sAo ii krgUy fa.............. U Ibe firit ran Ima •oriw^
Tfta BMtew WorUaa Wonaa’a io Ocaabse koo
of tbadiatriet and iscauiDga
Im aodowid
iM.’l h ('lie right plnre o go
BoMMABbairitala^ lor40pa- a adioktibU in tba aUte arining boom in g<
n.. trdn «,o,i,t«d o(lhe m>b*-. l-«,.
...ri mbooae, aod *,»/I
otploaioo bad tremeo- when in need of Groceries.
“Cp at Oraod Bapida tba otbar gioe, tender and
At a Oraat Badoctioa ia Frioaa.
aeboU attHoagfatoo
iiiwght« and baa ako Be
board 35 laborera, wbo ware oo doosfore*. It waa beard at tba dis Proviaiuns, Feed. Sh.-lf llnrdKbu benaa at ABagBS. Hid>., dowed a dStor; load with SS.000. day." laid DodiayO^faUog, wbo
: tanoa of a mile. All tba gearing in
aaaS to faa aateiag with gka- lhakttartetha porpoaa of prorid- tnrka for the WUtoay oerapauy.
engine bad almost olearad tba tba abaft was thrown into tbs lu aa ware. Mill aod LuiubermeD's
-I waa U Julioa Frkdrich'a muaic
g^Aq-aatioahaa baao.al.1.
if from tfaa moolb of a roleano, and
atora, wban a ooaarmad mac came
In ordB (0 eloaa oot our winter atoek wa will until
tiffioltaiMoaaly a raat, bright rol- Supplier hUf,
knglh, the
ume of Hama shot upwarA folkwad
Obarlotta Ooris, of PaBzaoea, Eag- io bearing a baakU of popcorn pot iba aecond and third bente '
Well; boya. we know you
A FraMot aaa owaa a baa vhkb
skaiBg fathar for op in little baga. He laid two of waabed away by Uie roaring torrent by a denaa, beary eoluma of amoka. sell gO'Hls cheap and w.- alto
laTiat i^t,a pmaadiat mh A
tlxaata,aa raoaotlx aha kara- lb* bags on tba eoaoter aod walked andameatb. and the tender, with tba Tba fliet party of raacuen organixed
ba daiBa k aa pbaaoMMl aa tboogfa
baaaiaSi^w. So oot again. As be went out 1 notioed caboose aod its oocopanls. waa bnri- tnad to pemuate tba pit tbio^ tba know that you extend true
•dU aUfaadb
^Aaaaabvlftar'^ —
"Sagioaw. Naw York, Iba Eookkaaper taka out a long (Maoe
woriunga They got far asoogb courteay Iu yuur maoy eiislo- Sail aeyibing aod afaryibing ia oar stcra at aarii low prieaa tbta wID ha
the rarine 40 fact below.
Jeha Hartaaaa, asad S6 Taara,
a." Tha latter raaeb of pa(tar, which waa eoeerad oo both
Oeorge, when ba felt that to be abk to aaa groopa of tba dMd, mers. but how about tb<- <piali- sura to sail lha gooda and and tba boyB. Thia k a gBoiaa OIbimb
waa faOad bxaafaaflkCUld'aBina, ad tta daatiaatioD. and tba mao into aidaa with long rertical eolamoi ot i Kogii
g was wrong, looked back, bat oouid oot raaeb tbes and wsM
a Bik aowth of BeeUord, Hoadar. wfaoaa haoda it fall will probablj b* figuraa. onaa, twoa aod U
to retreat oo acconot of ty of your goo<is and ha e Vim dale Ctll and talitfy yooraalf by gatUag prieam
aod when be taw tba eabooaa swawBakAawUaaad ftra mmU «Uld- abk to raooite tba familx.
none h'lgbar.
He took ... .
iog. ba polled the ibrotUe wide op tbe amoka Upon the first appear got goisie enougli to l.tatt ibe
marked .« 2 os it aod than laid
en aod just succeeded in raaebing
At Oraod Bapida Morgan Hamil
Mb Coa^artT. otOraad
the end of tbe treetla. with bis two
o haa a wall daralo|^ oaa of
Ml froBTk^ while
■mallpot. Tba fact wai diaeoTarad that faUow bought a grand piano back dririog wheels banging iff tbe of diaattor Tbay raaeusd a 'arga I'
jaritwMaia at tamOUx
paying for it is pop- tracks, as tbe Bbooee aod tender
aad bart hk baad ao badlx
7 hadlyj Well, allow
I.I T-ay that the
.. ia an aotoal faa. Ba went crashing to the bottom of tbe
baaaMcaaaxsraated a piano for hii dangfater, and rarioe. Eight uien were killed id
da modal ona «d ml*
»* the liest, with hon.'St
At nirakntMmlha otb* niobt,
Itr. Friedrich, who is a very Lind iataotlr SD'
tba boxa aad girk had a
Thaaurgeoni wcigbto and m»-asur*s, and
I barond rr eognitioo
whi^ iwa 12 <«h«r inntB, aod faaa
bail aad tha OaBaUtx - . . baao akk a waak. Tha boarding btertadman. let bim hare it -think that half of tba daad wera Tie
I al Tr...
(itir inimi-iioe aim-k is likely lo
oaa terms. Soerery day be hii
HoWa that for
liois of fire aod eoocoiaioD aod tba
booaa haa baao qaarantiiwd.
popoorn, tod tba man around the
oilj«r half of a< ffoetlion. One bun run out before Saturday we
11 BMtnbara of tha ax prkOBwa of Mora feed it all tba Umc. Jnei UiinA
dred aod sixty bodice hare baao la- will buy a rail road niid Thip
daaMa Fbaoax, of Flbt, acad U
«f Ui,),virr^d^ It wili Uka that poor fallow about piaread ihiouph iba bodv and for ao eoTeted from tba m.........................
jraara, faO from a tanUbU 8ea^
ri yrirVurr iqiywofs (o (As rye M wasra
____ SO yara to pax for ll.it icatromaut.-. inalaul autpendad in ll.e air ou a
the wliulf of Chicago 1mti‘
] whicb tbe axploaioti took place.
aad had hk kg laidopao fn»o> tfaa
rJl'arrin '---------------- -------- -------!
hot fOd. tbOUl flltee ipcbaa io
Up tobalowtha kaaa. Hia rreoT- «n aan.1
rather thau b> dioappoiol you.
‘ uvrdt do not
We mifiAt UU you tM
arx k doabtfaL
.oehoftar^;' Haaaian fliaa ba*a appaarwd, and 7“™
‘K^-*« *hal « knowo m
Five Ssirong Points of
Tfaa ‘^Idaat iobabitam " haa eaaa- ako piaea and data of e^ora,iDlar« daatroxkg »bBt aaar Eraaa
liuodreds and we will attend
tease drmtiny
priett ml
ad to taJk aboat tba WBtfaar. Ha -bat phaona oonfanad. ^ and rilk, Ind.
>^0“ *«'■«, |i>‘- '“r'**'*
•*>*“ |
First, it is sntiraly Tsgatabk, eon- to your wants and how jmhtely
uijir woKu irtiui-«» lur •■«.
us, .»ins OO minerals rw posaon of any
fflobiny dim />fo/iU, had our leofd*
fiee addraaa for tha porpoaa
Minnmukan. V D , Indsy. tbe .tteiniiled to Kcixe a pi«< of iroo it kind, and build* jp lb* .ystem from to you a-« yon go smiling uway.
—Anton ZTortor PaUadium.
pkllng tba rOoorda. Altar (
roof .J Ik. cokrl ho... .u Uo.c o,„u o»rlh. tokg., .oJ k.lo.k t. | lb. tr.1 dou
A* ever, yonr> truly.
oorda ara doba with by Iba
u-ould not be Aal/ to ofeeHoe at
bad lime to sgsiD Isle hold the red , Second, it curaa CancB of tbe
tion it if propoaed I place ibapi i
Parties from 8onlb DakMa and hot aud now anggiing rod entercd]8kio
No olb«r rcraady or traatlha Boaeoj
_ .
Minnaaota era lootinir for aetlle- his right side ju.i ahore the hip. and ‘ ment bas atar cored it
In tha ai
o{^®^'^*^»',mentoiB Virginia and weatamMarr 'paaeed ibrougt. the lung, aod came j 'Third, it curM Har^ta^ Blood
ad eoffeeandpar«|j^j
out bsuetlb ibe ariu pit. As tbe rod 1 Taint, areo in itie third and fonrlb
•AdihaeonipoaDii Ibeuj
, ^.. .
. iiaascd through CLcuUes body the Igaoaratioo No other remedy baa
At Bar atr John E. Laadbi
porebaaar didn't dl^!„l>•^t“«t>o» la^ mid to prarail m .'.^j caught m a pi«w of marihnery, i ever done it
who waa diwwnad rMmtlx, filed fak balitoul. Tbe
aLdfo,-.o .ut.aLt
Will with tba paobate jndga ona boor
■usiaut il.e
the boy
boy waa SUB
Foorih. it bas nerar failed to armd-. I iM r. A i
^ erop*-»"<* aid it aakad fof i.,od«d in ihe «ir on ibe red-hot lod iefiaSrrofulafromiba.y.t' bafora bk daatb. Tha jurx ratvn- Buebanan au^ortuaa a^ad that
Wiloox wat abpot oomplaui^ a tar®
Hif weigbi hrnte tbeiron ind CheatKifih.it eurem Cootagioa, mood|
in Michigan (Six prwoo. ThajUX| Eyon City, a . Montana mining j, f^u
,1,* {urnaca on iiia' Poison in all il. .Uge. by eUtnina-,
Saoiwl Hull, of Banton Harbor,
and at tba expiration of Ihil camp.
<»mp. waa bunad by a suowilide on
At in, ..tue momeu auoiber. ling the bornbV riius fr
toll 700 baerelfOl Baldwin applaa
11 returned t
_Jay, two men killed, and a large .lone rod’of’iid hot iron aaa seen lam. ihua giring raiiaf from all
kat waok for K.fiO per borrrl. And
We.Mak, *ntl-F,t S.om,^,
1 a 16 yean' i
loont of property was totally dee-Ijonijug ,i.fuu^i, n-,, fillets from lUe jconsrquenca* 6( ibis bane of iba bu.
atill tbaraare paopla who mj that
Tea. Wilcox will
'T»dfurnace. Chcalie htill held ilc loui!* man family.
frail gnrwug in nortbam Michigan 43 yaari old when be gate ooL
S huilda
up tbe...general
.. which
U.W.W raged
akkWM Ihroughoul
—— — —
A storm
Adrian baunaaa mes ara taking
of Pennsylrania Friday, did iBDob dsm li* raw the K-i-ood piece kaic the health of the palifO'. icsiaad of pullA B. Cbapman of Qrasd Kapida taking aelios againft aome
le of tbs:4g^ unroofing and blowing down turuan-he l.td suflicirul pr-rtesca of ing il down, aa i* Ihrcaaewith tbe
la nadar amat for beating and kiek- merehanla who are diipoaiDg
ig of Ibair
bousee and faetoriua. SsTara! fatal- miud to aaid ii lQ, rlrc tins loo Mt-rrury, Potash aod old Sarsapa
----- coasierixcor----Ing bk Bolbar in law. aged CO.
would llS>«.- ]ili UT(i Ills l-yd\
by achemaa tarering of iba
ChipBM adniik Ibe cLarga. but lottery plan. Thaprmcipal ^tegon-. w j.^wns. 111 . Tuesday luorn. >7'V'’T '
am kai BOtbar4n-kw made life a ism appears lo ba against W. F- jng one Illinois Central fraiehi ira.u
lucfa IS its bealicg |>owBr lliatI it
'•'l''.""® "ar-hoialrr.
oledk P1«B
____ ia0 the
tba blood
.. bai^^baan -------- --crashed into the rest end
>.archsa out lbs |>oiaoc
and ofanolher
of another , Marl
Man Muie.ky.
Mu.e.ky, a lino
boo «ii.-drrwer
«i,.arary Monday •»«..»«.«
w.h pisre.i lu the ; and r«K.ls it out eotiraly.
alirely. ibo. giri^
Mra.W. P. ICUar.of
liar, oi imeaanan.
■ ■
stouiai-h abuul inidi.igl.t Tumiay jnalore an opponi■uoity
baa iaat praoaetrd bar baibaad with >86 (
Corner Cass and Front Slraate.
uau aucJ did uol under asll. and as a conae<|uaDoe tbegac
tba loartb pair of twina Ttiay now
his wire, which . rral hraith is rapidly improred, aud
btfa Um &ldm. ail acqoired in
urvae, IBB • oo euliriug tliS I'lt of Ihr cure le rffacled
tba bciaf apooe of aaran yeara
A.^Ihfk, krm U op.„tfkg
operating kk
on .
• Idi.p.p.», .1 Ih. .d..„ of k.r ph,. :; hi* fctoiiiach. Tbs'-reel' run* fa»t. __ We bare an inltrteling iraaliim on
paiBita are poor.
WrCatood oa ta aold CHb in Mktac tba
.mba wM Ma- IbaaaiMaow ibapropa^ noi
BdiCv Hack at
Su|fleine Court Decision.
Great Clearance Sale!
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods,
Carpets, Etc., Etc.,
-"S^FARMING 'Hams. ShoBlUers, Pic-nlc.Hims, Boieless Hmis aid liili«ia.
Iboaa who will send' Axi/ruo./ f. pi-.mj,/, r,n
he was piiibitl lu a cur
fi>rc t'je K-ei could bo alupped about u Ibrir sddrara.
lofii-luf II had ruricd up iu I'le
.Ulanla. Oa '
ad oneatinot* ' io«d’b
TouoanJo lu-tter with Issa 1
The water iWilliaiu SI, istiui, was lilltd lu the
by the break-ug
”Lao.li,rtcL, ,1'. *u,i c-uily rolling.
Tiinbwn-J mainl' >ilh Boc>r Uaplr, '
Tbe mill ,'lused
Bock Elm. b«*.w„od, .l.h, Itercb,
d'jwu l^c
fkC tlictUo ,U.
>U., altri Cuaslle re
liquor, aod was awarded a judgment
Hrmlook. "U- , »uJ *re W.-I1 w.tenJ l>j
olft2,000 Tbe suliraine court oi-: 41 Waatport, N. Y_ lUnaom Floyd ceiiaJ hin .leaiu wound,
..lUM—.M.___ _ ______
Ukiw, nT,r« au.n>^«-k■.
a Baiir >*• OA. c*
Blroug-III., flu*- cTt^w luulHi. clideredanawliisl. and the jury in- and hi* wile wera *bol by burglar* ordei. « .orp. ul .11
mate. ikcb-,-,li> at ,t otion-li,-*. iDtcUigrtl
creased tba judgmeci lo I2.7UU, aod
ilea,l l'»diug j-usm
poputalioa. mainly from ttealcro Htatea
her husband cannot reccrer uieu,
“‘bl. l>ui
lui lha Joctua declare, that
tbe soprama court affirmed tba find- and bar
Dij Ciua-U.
Tbaburgkra obtained fill.lllKi. the ihc injured mao mouot tt-curer
Pot Bookr. Map*.-Ic. ad-lr,**
A fivnar namad Plato liring near iag. 'To gtl tbs money Clinton bad proceeds of the lale of ihiii farm
OnariUa died yaatardaT Iroo iba 10 soa the whisky-MUar'a bondtmao,
Troobla among while and colorrd
i o»h:ic*ru
laaoHanf a farakan Up. ThU faUlity aod lha auprame ooort has joat fixed
•aaaa t« <disg to tba family. Urea things to he'll gat Ids money.
Tbeboya a\ tfaa Deer Imka. Lake
ofUakalanbatadiadfrom trokan
____ /, dialriet acbool, reeantly fired
Upa, wUk tba rBaaining tkter is a oounty,
Children Cry for
>e wbitea. killing t«
tbeir IlaacbB. and a real raiidtbair
froB tba «b4 InmUA
The Cansdiaii uotutni
eogagad for ding three The whites
Pitcher's Castoria.
Gam anat ba as iBrnmoiu of life nared
' -1 . -ipp.y of acd ,
of the eaaaOD. Tbe becbwDgiha mnrdrrcra and bad ;
m bwMbBda E. Bl lowranoa of
nil u- iliatril>uti<D
wUat In gmtiiiliu
third day after tba change one of lb* work is rxpccled.
Chiidren Cry for
' Id to obey tba mUd
Hon Ftimu* done., member of '"oukl-ul Mib iioiibw.-l teriilcr
Tbe teacher gripped tba legiilalure and famons as baviug
young U.I
Pitcher's Castoria.
Ulor a lOOChBik joaraay '
him up asd threw
lha lad. dooblad
lium Utraiia "itte that
a Long f
i earner. Tbe ^)^_Jiad a
Mild will be rtuaiter lUan
Children Cry for
: aawbaw tbay BartoA
jack knife ia bia band and that 160 touth aacb acaaon. died at At'aota, Ar.it ai.li< ii>aie-l. due to iLe j-rol.mg
Pitcher’e Castoria.
waa doobkd op. Marly aareriag t"^ Saturday, of pnsumooia. He waa ed drought <od Irr-quBi.l lirre. the
otbar day at O^dwatiTcw finding boya thumK Tbe Dear Lake arbi
probably tba moil sueeiisful farmer Isllrr haring dealicyed sl-out
• baafcat of abarii^ Mtoratad with b DOW owe of tbe quiateal in tfaa in Grorgia
— Why, Jobu. lbr*e gloves
dlKl arrobas of cane.
bBBwai. in tba pr^yieriao eboreh county.
n mate* " Jedin—■' I know
Hrainploo. Oc
Out. Wedoewday.
A lepoit reaebat Birmingham. Ala .' Near Urainplou.
•Mil aoawa of tba kdka of tba dock
' not, Misf: sod wbal iroublet
1. S. Hitcheoek. of Mdan.
Tor*. Ch*..c
■'■'I '
^teUod tlBt they bad brongfat tba good maaoo whao ba was aliTs, bat that tbe dwelling of a farmer'named ,a newsboy carrying
abtflMw to kindla a fire in tba' wban ba died a yaar ago hk widow
•loaa aoBO liBa ago. bat Imd not bad nothing left bat a 4fraara fara
dicsmcnt as ibeae."
and a mortgage ao big tha aonldn'l and four ehildran. perisbed in ibe'juriea
leralcb on the lica
u .tceiim iswmh lo, •,**
pay tha interest 00 It. When tbe
„ ibori did t
, Greek stMmarSpyndioo Vug “trj
grand lodge of maaoos mat at Iabs- cotar tba fire nwil yesterday »o.*c- j j,,'q. ttmi
from CoBiUnlinopla.
has been
*.».e >bi. >... TryU.tog twoaoUy tba eaaa was broogbt
mdibeebai '
wrecked near Falmcnth
Of ibos*
_Lady <10
uo sea
tea mpteio)
' tormaily. tba fast paaiad. and io
of tha family in ibe aabea.
iho were ou board eighi _ **“■ do ^_______,,
yoo manage to find your way aMder aoougb money chipped
■starseTtiafite or
In Portland, Oregon, the risB 1 bare beet, >aie,l
The capuinI of,
cross tbe ocean
r Gaptein—
Gaptein- ‘ By
in to raise tba raortgiga.
front and two additional etraete are the yaetel wa* drowoed aod 13: (be compasa Tbe ns^le alwsye
Mrs. Bsuy Barr, of Ingham, died undB water, canani by tba swollen
poiui lu lbs DOith. ' ** Bat sop
ofiww material.—Aup. from tba ai^ of eUorotorm ad eondilioB of tba WUlamatte, and idbMl wirh 10 go aoutb ’
ministered at Dr. Moraa'i office, io
iwrcacsrcn kotvc.
naia. Tbe flood is tba Enghib mineexploaioo. was the findA Mkaoo nan, wbeaa lora for »q LMlia. io order lo aUow tba Indy to
,.410.. u. is<
•erhwa fcwokad oat Ua will powar, bafaaoma teeth palkd. A pbysi- jigbe*t ain 3*1861. Tbroogboat tba ing ut tbe bodies of a father aod hia .
*reerteiar arXsB* ,
•aka tba Bitbcwitka to abot bim op ekn aided aided Dr. Mena lo ad- TBUeyand n aoutbam Oregon tusTy fiee eons tviuL- in a uiouu
Tbae f?*
••‘Kr.* ???■.“
Bl.ck.nithing ..d Hat...holsg.
IbUba Bayba awdy tram taapU miniatBiog tba chloroform, after loaaet are
te. Tb« BH who lUya
aobar ba- both bad adriaed hB not to osa it; mills, ate.
to be calmly .laep.og All!
larioDs oooaaqoeopB ware away.
•waalbwa'aM ..
laity ffl
' 1 auffi
ted until after tba uetb bad
todtiakk• pooraortof aatiek,asyteied The OioeinDaU Cremation aociely eral uf the meu wbo had Tolueter
mad*!®' to you. Ur Koayboy, Uisi tbara
bas dis, barged ibalr aaparinlandent. for the work of
musical tone*'in tba
Ibe bumad bodies.
Valentine Heman, for a i-eoliar rea
*00 He bas been put onderboodlai
...____ oafaiasa^
« city, bODOred aod by a magistrate to snawer to aehat,.jUi
tba adtiea of iu ^
___ _
ixto cords of wood
of grand laroeoy Tha aitidaa al j, tbeir lire*
UdaB ba want to Mai
hundred auJ seveuty bodies
en were eoffioa Bodies lo be cre
ka*a it onaralod apon. _
mated are, of cuuna, carried to the bale thus far b.-eu lakc-u iron. 10*1 BZelT’* F^ataBBU
aaiiiiHat' aonld gd U hk work.
. . WAT^W wn
ride oa it, erwmatory as they would ba to tba pit, aod it is believed lh.i iheloUl'
’ fMiwartaaan wM aakad with Uf
aad ba Mys tba reeaption all aiong c*meiory, io oaskaU or ooffin*. At uuubvr of pariuu* ki,'e.l *ul‘sacu , QfgSfll
aa amd dkd whUn a taw bonra.
tba riTB by tba natiTst was anylhiag thaoremaUirrthabodiaaai* ramu*
^E^BBUkrof tbalaiymB^ bat plaoMBttO
fdaoMBt to Fallon, aa th^ toeh cd from the cnakate, aod it fata baao
to tfaa wood* io • Uraly
-the Bndtrataoding that iba caakau
rabrekannpaad bnraad- Baeent- gire* an acaoaal
.. TiMg
alter the
riTB bank* notil
borat DaarNaokinu.ahJanaoDooocebigfira. TbadapartmaatkaToloB- ateamB]
by.—0ra«d Saoen
riltsga uu- mant by cable Mys : On the 7i >n|//eox.rAf SDrr>,
dty win ba lift TKfrtete.
;l. Hence tbe Yangte* nrer oesr Nankin at'
wlU vary leaU ftxa {ntaetm tlU
10 A m , when tbe weather wa* _>ca,<^;^„^
1h« UrgBt inoMB ot ka« minwwto d^tBiM laoryaniaad.
fin cld lomberama of Osbkotb,
e wa* suddeoly beards roafaiog
ami SmelL
Bon. B. L. Tarlot iba Lapaer apk, who bns jost ratwned IrDts
« a* of water. Two large black
Fb ask oely by
t, haa4G0wlMwotbaaa,atB- land, triteo Ute Oteralawd iron min- (■inp,na7B: “Nstb in my aspen'
Is appeared
aod p
g is Iba laBBB UoM IIWWC
MM aa a lombBiMn. hara 1 sacs ararytbing like fog. Tba watB was
Bs-pahtaf^ U
i; iMh. mtUrng a total of \6.00afld0
Ttarans aty. Mieb.
lagging oparation* to raUrdad at moeb disturbed and (faa Htb waa
‘ m. laaa aTaragayaar tba bartfak time of tba year. The aoow k fnUofkrgewBTat Tbatwo cloods
fita-Mail ordBa prdtapMy fiUad.
kiBU,ft00paBndaolbflnay. Mr. odinakndaoni--------- --------------> in tbe wooda, bat tba
- iluslly reMftad ■ plsM «Uad
-------w pnmt anbir o! tfaa
baa not faaan taTocabla to aaeeaaMal
Id Obow, wfaaa tfapy burataannFort's Cough I
l alifta iMato te UpMr
wvfc. ' In
of tha aampa ost ot a dB making a rmy lood iwoxl. DarOaBMaBlaMcgc. OtaMNftSnttaaairS*.
qwalinil paopla g»wp>I,TOB,W>0lta—9tWRtadyh>Mlffiw protn- ># tft* diMuftHM QurboiM vtca
oil of Titriol for
albet bif
wiUab^toraodtba kbal.
TbaXiebigan Central railway i
•boot to try lha nparimaot ot rui
Uag ordmaiT paaaangar coaches by
alaetikity- TOealoraga battery sya
biB will ba aaad and tba ran will be
from Dalroit to Cbieago aod reloro.
ialo the oourta.
John B- Oiinlon, of Fenton,
drunk on Lanning house whisky
ifeel _______
GBEAM m-nnEk
(^Qtt&rs ''"‘i Skighs.
Balm I
Kid Cloves
Tto teq«t Ciwttij Ik* tmrmm
*»**<<■ M
Itm !■»»*■> iHtfc*«—l ft»*>i ti>«• bj tUi hair*
■yikflk* jMM.fi;
Ih*mb«fe atojto th*<«iiTtiii*
to to* *totoattoto fto taolfcitonl
MbtodtoE.O.T. M.toil.f*c**a
MMidto f«**Mto «.]or*U**Daal
to. AttoatotoMtotoatoaovdioar.toMMHto* toUIi. A.toU vb*r*
tobt** bad b«** mibjt to* toatoiafe'
to* iMItoi*. Tb* too* «« faabd*oto*^d*Motod attbpifa-d flototobK fa** patoty k
pltoa. Aaboor «rao aaa d**etod
toapl—fMtotoalabta.aad yliiiiil
«d«M*lBHto*liBfrBk. Atthaaod
to tot to* to* uaatMtototb* oe^m. lUhodn B<M an** aad
l■■a■■nld "toto totoaUavaaabeat
7 to to* (oUottof pn«raiBto
Oor Heichbof*: laa-oa** by Tbo*.
--------- ------f. . ,
T. bum fh
Havyat to ^iw, & T. Uaria to Elk
Btodda, la. B. ^adto. toBaMoaU. and,
L. A. exark to Batoor Bpri^
OarPngno: ra^ma* by S. Banaa.
On Baaotoaa; napooa* by Boa. a.
DiailnfaPt to Bortbars Miebigas:
L Wbl Aldao Boito to
.Hotbaaa MMilgaii Ito (atore: i*.
apoea* by Ba«. a a BoqHea. Paloa
TbePtaaa: tMoew. by E. 11. Fiabrr
Oat Ok*1o1 ; reapcaa* by Jea. Oreual
to toe DtoieB Fra* Fiaa*.
Baa. PRiy BaaMb. TWlatooM to tb*
I toegiriagtoto* oUmt
rTwiai* to Uti* toa« m *M dowa la
tkepriatod pngiaia.
Tha Haaii*. voald gladly giro a delailad aceoaatto Uilepaitto toeovmiiag‘tM*ttatoBttot.bot i«
Umitod. •« th* paper X aeariy ready
getopnaaaatUabrito aolia X btoag
writte*. It aaa obIj aay tfl it waa far
oat to Ui*>diauy nm to aftm-diaiiar
UaaX aad ^maeb saki^. Par aor*
thaa two boot* tome waa a OMbiog to
kaw wit. toarp rapartot. broad boaor
aad brtlUBBl oloqeaao* uioghd wiU
Bolid faol aad ialonaaboo that by
broagWRomato *ppXa**aDd Xagbtar, ertbriiXdto* mewdml
Rt »iXol, Intoet oaiy oe the iapw
cieMdweHief to* •toqamit q>«akat*.
It waa paR^Bidaigfat wbto Ibe alg.
p*laI"Ucfati oarweagiTwi froa toe
•letoiX light wiaka. aad to* eoRpany
•t K. O. T. K. baU WM i
B to Tcev
Of a diBrnesI efaaiMtH bat rqoall.
oltcaeUTe, were aaiqiw aoaTaiin to to^
baeMioe pro—led to «ato> ona preawl
TX*a* were woodto oard*. q««iaaa*to
to* aatiT* waodi to tb* Oread Tn«er*e
>d tad prialad.
TbXmood with Ix Anublag wi* damlad by A. W. Wait, Ibe well kaowa eoo
tractec ■adbaOdar, wbiX to to* TrerRM 01^ Tioaacript X Am tb* typo.
fnpU«>> *o»k'
tf eoBplUam
rio* Pntodaat XeUikea to tb* C. A
W. X. B. b. brought op th* go*
from Oriitd BapUi-Yd hX apwXl or.
th* O. B. A L E. R. fomltoliig I
Tb* vXiUa Ire^ alrad wen ____
IhagoaRaef Park tiae* Hotal by Bos.
Parry HaiMb.
Tb* BoR iRportaal part ot tbX wbol*
■attar aaetatad la .tb* Batoiag tfaX
■oraiag.lwhXb was oalXd ta di
■ay*. RMB aad mareraa te tbe bto
joality, be
-- UaeXr iatanR,>«l off tataraaX. with
capaeui itomoM* ta lairmtong ismi
grtotaB aad adnBoi^ tb*
' '
« laleraata totbaaeottaa. Kr. Baamb «a* B*k* ebaitmaa
to tk* imren- AittoMtolOiaB**^ dltonib»«htot
mm M iillri^ to* a A W. M.. te n*toU do*** l«s«**d prtottoto b»to* (Bl|7 IMltM Ikto U lUiltotVtodi M**. naaiSf 49 p*i*9*f*t leal** par
tomjaortbwd flaltoofiptolto tod*
;toih*)to>*. tto* to* -jlfi*^” alto
btolton, to lb* pr»n»*to to
9000 laeviDbawtoiB IbtoWlj tb* aoto
Titoomr; «01 aeodwe—d to «>*• tb*
maun a tboa«bL Tea. Ballain
10 00 to* road. U asTtUac. «*ni
10 00 XU fiaptd*. asd. ** racardi
abe «iU rratobl; do to* baitd.
10 00
biog. lor (be read aba
10 00
•■fDafasL*’ bat it
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
Oiaae Saaic- Diaural
Oraeral Haaagar UellAee and Rapt.
Ago**, to to* c. A W. U. *ed D. U A
X. *7*1*0. ar* at Cklcago. bajing D*»
^iiLlsiSr«r« all rasoW tkat n*4 dianala, Uasia.
Vka. «ka* aillk»4lM la aaarra
Ck«*n«aar aasM mit Ik* rHnla
*■11 Mu alairktr k%ta.t*l aa«il
k>* Ml van tkara. aM Ikaca M *U]
Blac* Ikn. altk ratt vrl! «raa4
Every Fourth Purchase
OrtW.Bt. Muk*kl«l
PotatoM "
a«ri«l ■*«•••'TratM.
Wheat. wlDtor. p«r bi
Sn>*ai. apria*.
0*ta,.Ko. I.
Corn, uew,
Advertising Rates.
laloUf On«t a<
aad «lik fa* ac
kra B**n*a br aJI ike kopi
airbaatOlatlala-ao** tknack
:«e TO Kii.aT
Ol Tutilfts* 8(1*11
TH08 T BkTfs.
ed deoaad* to to* buiae** to Ibe
bl tiw* qilek IsIlowlBC Ik* CirbeK
by raaaoB ol toe Baldvio-Trararaa
tooD. Xe* eqoipaual >* alao baiag aiad* at toa ibop at Maake^e a*
OKiir.a A'OKKALe
f*at a* pof bt*.
*T IM «. A ». a. caooua
UoM r».
-Tb* C. 4 W. y. i* gtoting ready
lo •*!(* (KIC |.»nf |M kclaatrd.
aitdeirr of (ki oiuoa foi
baild a 1.300 loot --Y" aod aidiog at
Dit m> Kerb u lax coad Wise *o biikir k 'I p'ORItAl.E
» ...................................
iis 00 enmiog, ob toe BaldwiB-Trarene
UUKHI, Wito to* Matiblae k Xonb
J. V. rioUapangti. Katoaka
lOo' ooa irU. I«a 111 llM
..ftoorrltr lor oktto i kiUob o«e.
D. Tislos A Son. WUUaotonrg. .. ....
80 *119^ debt oT rnttcidl lo roo
latlraad Aau
L. P. Jadaoe. Baetoata..........
10 00 {Aiaa. the
Xo( oBlj. (kiB, lain rvi ki.i --lUieL
a B. Ooopar, Mairtnn Tribaa* S 00 :
T*e iboN II uod'i lldi.ourr. bii oo
Jobu Xeoui. wbo ia baildiac * miU at Tkioifkill ibriioirib.i Birbiri.n
Mr.Tyaa*.Ul*rioto*eOo.......... 10 ou
Xe**cB City, ba*it aboat ready lot ow. I-Iibi lotbr woaiBrii roa joa.iril
lag. He ha* aboat l.UOO.tIUU faet to
.sildeaialbe biioi
ptOR HAl.a:
uli tiial II
log* at to* Bill.
A tubl(b urn. Iinrm.td Siam
t IroD abroad ware: J
*T Bkatorr*
BoUQuo. » preaulaat aad geoerTb* Oaaios Laotwr A Matoaeturiiig
oogerto toe 6 AW. X.. aod O. .Coopaay will baild a aaw and pli
L. A X. raUreedt: Edw. Baokley, prre- auti at Haheua to U. opmted >o
Doab EMrea.—! wiab t<
ident of to* XaaUtm aad Xorthoalera oeclioo wito ita poitalki BuU* la BaoB- wordi u dtoeaoe of Ibe *<.ldien to tb* jI T->.............
B. B- : W. U Carpeoter, traTelllag paa- laetarug toa tract to hardwood tmiLer Toadera to tb* QaaoLO, aa 1 *eo la ■% j
iccrblly |iorrliB*rd ui tbe weatere i«rl
ageotrf tb*C A W, M ;W. i
moat erery paper, acme ooe griiDbliog j '
UaTirtt. AB*tr|R»*r*l paaaeager *«eot u( oi Ihia ooac7.
ebool wbal Uii* glorioui goTuremi'Ctj
toeC. A W. M.;CL1a Lockwood. geoeraJ
Crook Rru... who ban- U-L dohog Jliai iloae f<
pMaaegwrageettotoeO a A 1 . :£. A
.aad*edg.o™a. as,.. Xow M ^ ^
Treadway, traraUiag paMugar ageatto
tbeXlsbigaa G*ctraJ: T. F- Clark, geaaral olala ayaat of toe C A W X. aad
M-r a>l> HAW *111.1, FOR
pnTale aaereiaty to Mr. Hallikes ■, Wa. i Baai
AldaBSaitfa. atomMy lortoeC.A V. j haw the InaaugliBben oo tbagroaod.
X. aad D. lsd X.:E.J.E**i*. Creigbl Ur. Lear, to (JLio, wbu baaj been pf.arapt, of to*a R. A I.;E W. 87- proUng 10 tow Tioouy fur a Oeatrahle
BOor, of Xaaletee, ol to* ttoyiuoar lioe loot 100 for * barileood null and Iwod.'o gireo-liackr. Ibat w,m wortb Ofly do’-i
astoie i B. & Bark*, of Ooioago. Xclory. ba* aboat dtaded oB Ibe ome
to to* Nortoeta Mitoilgaa lioeiC. H. place a* a li«*lion lie Lii pro*|ircli*e
OhapBaa. to Baal Bagioaw. pamangar
u.. K...,,
•geol departaaot of toe D. L A X. ; Y.
.... ................ .
H. Rabooek ha* .biukeo gtuaud al bill, bD. ..Wd I..O-. ..I.., u. GI.J
L. Todd, Toledo. O roou *gaot AmuX*o Eiprm* Co ; O D. Cerh*. Grand CopoBUb for bw boop tactory. wbjcb be lb.,d,d Tb.b....M 11,. .. . Kb
Bapidi, rout* agaat of tb* Adami Ei iropuaea to more fnuu Uacitlco to that
J. C. HILL, For the Next Two Weeks !
New and Second-Hand Goods
3 Bii; Ut <Jtuiii)n in iinrcs "
We liHve ,l.-.-t,lc(| t.i
Give Away
<.k*h Paid for Smreod baad Goods.
A U-H itrpnni:t Salt. CAr^j,
h If.- of Cffai|;p
TKAvaasEOTV. a
Every Fourth Purchase
(If like araounf. i
Undertaking and
Monumental Woik.
ag*at of toe AaieneaB
: 0. Aageli, Qraad Bapidf
aaaUlaat aapt. Aaaarioaa Etpreaa Oo.
8 1. Pai«l*y, Tolado, O . geoaral paa
. ageal to the Tolado. Aso Arbor
aod Xortbani Mionigmi K B ; Joa.
Oreeael. tapre»eaUag toe Dalrtoi Free
Pt*H ; Wa. BtookiDg. tb* Detroit Tnbfiae . W. B. Hopkia*. to* QrABd Rapid*
Damooral; E. B. FXbar,- Ibe Oaad
BurtAi E*gX ; Perry P. Power*. OedilIKNiwtaad ExpreeaiO. B. Emaptrs
aad wife. Patoakey Doaoeral; L A
OXtk. Harbor Spriag* Bapablieaa . J.
X. Tiaklapaagb, Ealkeak* Lsadei; B.
I by Xiit Ebb*
ObaaberUui Elk Rapid* Prograa* ; 8.
B. Walkar, HI. loboi; dodge X. Aad-
where duly rail.
Our Slow. ■
.b..l fo.inl.
bii).; wlirtlu-
« dress, a soil of eloth(«. It cl'iak -«r OViTCOiti. liai, t-ariM-t
....................... .
i-'-" ■“■‘■"'v d"ll«i..
C...I l..mor k.r Noft.ng. ,r it
.... Itli.iir 1-itk t„ lie Ih.-f.iiirtli i.iirchadfr. Kv..rvlH).lv kii.iwe tlmt
tw io.„t ...a the ,,...111) Af..... .i«k ,..|„uiy
It- ifooil ami io roany ' ase< siiperi'ir i<> mir <' iTni»piitoi«.
Why not Tiy us tlion'
.eprtwruiaey ,
aaoot r»t » petUMO wiUioal epcod-'
D. A . XcLcvd, Ibe rnrreyor. ba« ju*t '
«wploUd toe a, .p Ofub. Dew c, . Id“
t«;.KabfO, Tiw pruepeelire aielrupif BctciBBeel d«w not wa« to gt.ei jwbh. to DctlUtD Micbigaa i. looalrd to •■'>'**
^”‘1 '«>«
korttot IC. toao 26 autto.raog* 12 want ““
‘■°'•aOraad Tiaraiae eounly. alBott cD P‘«»l
» « “Wier waslml a
Ibe toon- to OreoB and Dock lake*, two P*®"®® >'*
ofiue BMl beaalifal iDlaad to.el.,.1 "ler'i brigarfa Sc- fr.rad., right b. rr
water ui Uitoigau. The M. A K.E. L. •“^’®
U. aad toeC. i W, M- R. R. croe* *1 «
tox pout. A large watar power aaw “**«“«■“ Ibr froal, aud oot on* to
*Dd abiagto ndl u being toore by Mr,
* J'*' •
E. E. Iktodictot tbie city wbo w toe
old acd Ir.eJ reU that did iLeir du.'
V Vigoroua Seed.
The Best of Their Kind.
priacipal proi.iielur to toe uew lowo. 1)—H ftoOB tw„ to four ;ear* that ar*,
Tbo C. AW U. bare Ibait track* Xid
i*®'"** or:
el by
br the
the lotenietional
N. E. *iUbe ‘“’'“**‘"'*’
Iryiug to get 1 The »bore uemed *fe-ia «ir pleoad upon tbe market
apting I'be • P'wo® for aeteral yeeta. Imi harej Seed Coniptnr. of Itochetter, N. T. after thoroufil
he eiamiDcc
a iiruBiaiag falor*. Thiee; “®‘. J,.,
J®' iDcnedrd
.Muat tbi-y
tory l«*r#l»bould
Tea bare beao pXttod.
*® “* 'kcaoldier*'borne
*0 they oaB b* anpportrd ? J will
0 tod aoldier
It hWTed lwi>yrar>*D'1 a bait and
u aboaii>8' a full line ot
A cfaaug* will be Bml* March 1 id ib* ^
lo tbe boa
It to the C. A W X. B U
toll may b* of 00P*id<ual)la loiponaao. ;
HearJ, B. Xodikeo, !
larlotoiaB ; C. E. Brewstar and wife of to norttotD.,M«big*D.
! : Ml■•a 1i|
re (/>
111 y«r*
ta M
get it
it. )l
It Ireik
look all tbit
alicb plara llirm nilLio it>« rearli of ail
t proBdeal aud gcrmral iBaaaget of plied
Ufca Brewtoar i 0. £. Oo<^ to tb*
Ui* bnodleofraj tape 10 Waab
0. A W. X. and D. L. d- X. U- R.. tiBcfur
Itaotoa Tribaa*.
iogleu to Had ool Uiil b* w.a ebtiilrd
laaigBad bX poaiUou ta taka effect ^
S3.0U per mootb peoBioo. There
delA It I* wiib oBeera regrat ‘
relVyears of *d LoooraUle old lol
7.,... f. 7....V .
I railroad efieiaX id the atair, tad
KAalWM Oe-aem
" ww
Tb* X. A N. E. X gr*<taJ to witbia urn., «U lK.,.1 U.,
-“J'-W-J » 1“ •'■I. “J " "»■> J-'nll hfr
I/auti'fj If oy.oir.
Ue mix* to Tiararae City aad tb* raib XallikeD Dador (be aaive aod ifli- k™ o'" or
baodred duIXn ta get
7>o nV"! Sffrii.y
are ta kw Xid Id to* *|«ibg.
cieatBaaagoBmit of Xr.MuUXcDlbe
f-r =o.,lb. No. .byeaoool ibi.
(>/.e.i o...f C-rtrr.l
. .n..! /:.:pl < u f..
City naidaaX are bagiaal^-te am toe 0. A W.^Wbewo patoied op ta th“I*
T'it t.'rUM.f lUiyuU
to to*m to aaoaring toX Ud* part of lb* aUle. and a few Boata. mor. ;
7>i« .VcT-rnr .-frcAe/f .Vr>/ l-'ft,,,. /
and iaetaad to abewiag a qoXI iDdifbr. wfU *0. iU or* rODDiDg into Trarorre |
f«'ib”x ,
iiyttr »• -/ /
«eo* ■ Ifaey did Uat aoBBei
Unllikeo baa
, laeleofi
UiU ft—’-n.
0 tbe folate of Graod T
' '
bfe or Xoguubed ia rebel pn*oa>.
I'uLr.rnf.jri. h.ia-l .V-r«;ier«.
au moeb *0 that to did not lieviiate to
, j
. • t
.....l l. K.F.., l« .|«d. .,1. I “ ■ "
JX'Uri'kt SW’i Uty l'r,t‘rt,
treated with more rorac* tbao grab.
BtldwiD-Tiavene LBl to aay ta all tboae Ibat are Codiag
ll.iy I'ftn'-y li.g'jrrt. /
Oily eztcaaioD, aad aaoUier biUIod u
Id railroad Batlar* wc are ai
moofa faolt with the old soldier, jasi
Ito Trererae Ci^ A Maokioao atimiX i
a rest. W* do eol <
1 called It
that toa dtaaUonXaaoearagiDg. f
exleaaioe. Tie eiteoaioa from Bald,
Boeb fsDit fiodieg.
thlDg X vorkiag aatXIaetarilT. aad go^
win to TruTeteo Ckty 1* too tar adTaaad
Aa Old Hounaa.
BOW ta to affected by Xr. XallikeD'1
Lrlaad, Feb. 3d
7b* Xt^t railroad n^icrt X
iweiguatioo. bat what effect tbu Buy
th* <d*et tbAl - Ward'* road " X to ooe
A full lit* of wliirh ia eihibited aud deacripliee calaJogueu furoitbad <
to Booth Ara aad Ibttoa down tbe waet bare U6 tbe ezteasioa B ottb frois Ttarene Ci^ naaauu ta to eeeD
applioalioo. l)o ool fail lo eiamiae lli*«e oiacliioei..
XO MTtK.-klHUl,0.
TtoFreaPiMof Moo Jay bad acoltb*0 .A.W.X. allrootao. TbX ei
Bob a ralXbX toore*.
tr-III taktltal (*• ureerml o*«. i« ib« Ciu
el (irsBd
Birhieee. ee w*tBc-4*r.
TBt c. A «. K. aosn.
. ua. IMC. es oar e clad p -,!<-(*«
Mr. Xallikaa projeeted asczieDaioa of
M ar lainrea Direeun. caaaUlaU** •
le atrre Isi ue euaia* jru. aa* ter Ue The Advancx Threshing Machines Guaranteed to have
B. B. Badgae. the otril ongiaaar wbo lb* OhkBgoA W«R Uiofaigas ta TrarKUaa a< wp <eWt kaeiaeee ee aej k> the beet construction of any Machine made In the United
i angled u °bt*-n<ik^ ^
baa etaatg* if lb* a A W. U aurreyiag aneOi^. aad the work u partly
States for separating and cleanlnggraln are glao aold by
gang, oow at work aaar Oaabtl Imke, pXtad. All bat abool Iwraly Dr* bIXb
me. If grain
raiseri wera generally aware of the superioriaformad tha Hmald laat Friday that U OI iniD tor* b«as Xid aad Ito <-ra w
latures mentl-ned they would
ity ofthls machine In the feati
waa atfll doabtfol a* ta tba root* be roimiagta Trererae City Is ttoooai
employ no other.
-TMtOkU atdki.r
ordrn to a law Boetbs. A gtret ioer*M
are, baayt. toOad tbe eaoat fearibX
}>rices Tuimcl on
to Cbariatato. and wbRe BDtoi
tarritary. It ww* betorad at Tnrem
wflldapeod apoa bX «e>oft. ibarwar*
lb* work Ibroagfa tt* latotBadiato «alMaka ■ bote of Ibii "A peDor nred ii two paeo* earoad.''
My'toO b* kRvy. bat aot aaBtaao
;:A1 33 State Street.
You art- (;tiaraDU-e<l tlie
prifen, th«- Wit- tyoodfl and
furtln-rmoiT tin* jtospibiUty of iirriinDS v«''ir purchase without
any (•nt whatever. This is the most liberal uIIVt ever made in
flii> aeetion <if ilie eountr)'. Don't Fail to fake advantage ot it
Early Sweedish Oats,
Earl Rochester Potatoes,
Rochester Rose Potatoes.
if yon «n- in tii < d oi anything in our line.
Our Offers are Always Bona Fide!
Al von will 81 • when your ih-ighlinrs eonie home willi FJIEE
lAbundant Yields of the Bdst Quality.
„ J
, n
ci J r le
Every Fourth Purchaser.
Hand and Power Feed Cutters, g,g.j.g j^g money refunded and
goes home with a Bundle
Free from
J. STEINBERG’S The Original Reliable
Dry Goods and Glothine House.
Park Piece Livery,
It Will Pay You 10 Do So
umi mi nuL Sash,
oXXtoJ. W. XiHaae,a BatM*,TbR.
T.BatattoTRfiiRaty.H.B. KobX
fcV. Parry F.PeMR to <MnXa.J. X. winbaubmily ailgfal. .Tb* rook* be.
to XilkRki, TbX
tb* lake aad bay eiO.
■MIXamUbaeaiB bBd tb*
k'b**baie*Utto*M. MU*«t.
ty.Wd. (to.
»a mmOm mdbanato aU ibaiR. lowiag ■» iom tba walar (coet. th*
giad* win ba oeofNiathtoy Rgy.
totototthXttaaigadwiU ael to
totritacy to draw fnae that it wonld bare
tbXtodato Torah Xkr. SUBapato.
warer. will maka a d*Xr»iDid flgbi
to Us* aad win pro**
■XxvbtiiftMkaad by*
. xbX oppaaast ta tha towre la lb*
reiXy, ea tba aMwat to bwMama aba
nfirnd wffl baoctodba octod.
s^lhbRaatttotMk *Dhi>1 *l*w to MBaaeaatoanilrwdwffl
a fa« ■IMS'Mrs Ito AhXla «b*r to rntot Btolm m
RRfcto iMMin tb* *»«|Xitotoa to
...... .
andllndenater s Goods.
pout, aad hope* to bare U lo nioLin,;
by May 1. Ibeie «* eery laige boapilal for
asoBBt to rla liiboltry lo that lowu.
aad be aiU get raw malcnal tof yiwr*.
r™” 'b»*
nil Winirr (ioodo,
Sivoml-haoii Sclixul Kixiks.
’ lirl>
Dgcailes of Success
Mr. Mallttto’a 1
ObtrXt H. Baald, lorMriy to lb* PbK-
leading PDBLlCATIOh
iocA orer tba baaiaaa* to A* read*.
Has a t»r. era* m mmpf ww
Mr. B«ald X alimil 40 yaar* to ag*.
tail, good lookiag. with dark esrepXe.
tiae sad bias eyas, aad coaiUoaB aad
aCabX ia RaasR. HX poaiiioa oa U>* I. I a .iirtiaiM b, *1 t»-W aal BaaBry g. a.
wbaO-k- TOSKtarrawhla are. Baa
A Baadiag ara* that to aato tha gaMrel BoaBagtr, wbkX b*
•d IB 1BS7 ta fill tbs poaidSB to
8fiiipB« d an SsAl
ftmidmkmi gmtM ammftt to tb*
hanB^Ma*! * VaRRS. whieb tMS
Artoto*. ps «b*tok. tos4 MiRBaeTRk to^lB (M fta^s
First Cla.ss Riirs
r'.A, n. M n JFl *3
Blinds, Etc.
1 am exlramaly oblurad Cor roiir pairoaag* durisg tbe greztar part of,
tba part yaar tad solicit ita cooUBoaDoe.
tT,AJk£E3e« A.. AiCOOr^H:.
rrirr, oid
For Your Clotlios. ,
JOHN DUNN. Proprietor
- X*A»: l»l,A'Vii: TO B-CTY
^CONSUMPTIVE. re_.-,,-ire
tie Ov\s, ”YUt4\ta tvviii‘BAtravTs
S3. W. S.A-9TZ3V SHB.
T. F. <tete, tte G. k W. M. ateilar.
mm MdvUal.'fcte tte ■OB b tows tte iHt of Ite vate. Uteafbtetdateafcr
great fan,'bnt ter “atmsBlgmn.' Wa
M Iti^eg* of tte Mmur ad-
to tte saiMn ttel aiiriiisiiidid
Umvbutevaaladavayfor aMtdx- Joka HamUtoo. of bit raUgs. Ml apieombai^tspaaladtost by euferBa mid: •<Waap not for aacioBS tojaitB, bsl it raeonriag.
me. bat for ynrmlrm and yon ckildMrs Wm. E BUr ratatoad
Wa ballan bar bora tab a
ToUao. Batorday. vban ate bm bean
Oeo. BtaUaU of BMcat Bgy, eama life ndiant vib tte Ion of God.
•insiDC bar Mr. Mrs 0» Ritenk.
We Unit yon vfll ttrin b tear np rtao IM baao rsty ill vitb pituo-paoa.
bb read.
A. Md 4 M* CM took ita
l|:S t
nan DO m(m «(isi is tlw ter,
tMl jnr.ttetej faonFte. 18
and Ite ioa cant ost lisitti «0. Ite
cf B. mdtnay, vitb )
vltefe tbaterteM onr
dariif tte M 81 jaMs. aomiac
Bebt Icondsc la lying nry Ul at hia
tte pariod of tte BteuD'i "im raaorf."
Doaod Want Vioth St. baring ted tte
•aa Fab. »d. i* IB?«- Than na ao
grippe and attewd a haary cold eat.
iea at iD ia tte raaa 1868. 1878, 1880
Uiog cm hi* lone*, eaoaiag fnqoaat bamaad im__________________________
' [«. Be is in qnila a eiitieol conE. D. Ftem. vbo tea Bade of Ite
Bntia Sasaar ooe of tte teat loal
Ttelneodtof His. B. Batch, of Omnd
iac down tte Broeka.7 tuU Ute a
iac witli a load of Iota vaa apaat, and ifiapida, viU te glad to knew bat ahe
large measnn from
thievB to tte poaad. lalUsc o
nt teren ilbma. Urr. PratL
At blart aoBODSt te aaa aUU oocalled aermal veeki agu u> care
cnM,aad itiifaarad Ua iajariaa
A. Brfea-Pac tala.
Thiaia IteUiird tedaoei- lor ter aiitcr, hia ivlomrd booie.
Perry and family hare mored to
AnI, vben Mr. Perry goee t» take
ebargeofa large geoeral eton ol tte nev
Ta« bare teao aoma miatakaa
eompanrloeatbg at that plaoe. Mr. Par
in tte (sUiariac np of tte aUae van at
ly'a maeythaods b Trarwae City stab
tteteaqaal. Iteoe vbo find oo iaaea
him mnOb aocoeat in bia sev aitnation.
Ufatioe tbal ttej hats not neeiTsd
Mis. U. S. Wright, vljo baa beeo
tteir ovn, viU pUaaa brine tte artiolas
•poDJiag aome montbi iu lodiana, bat
13 H. >: Uaakal] at tte Itookaton and
retorved. Mr. Wright bas bongbt tte
noeiTe iteor ovn in exobange. at .
Losaa property.
Ttoaa vte ban not lakao avaj actiolaa
and viU oommenee and impren be mloanad will find Item at tea nan phoa.
ideoee and groDUeb. bir p|>ring.
TMViitM errr, mwh.
date Mr. Onia tea »al witli lo tte aaoe
plaoa, aiteio a (aa raan.
liutr neotioo vw made bj tte Htaj,. tet veak. of tbo dnlti of Enocb
Welch of East Ba;, vbke ooeomd on
bie caan.
Tte fooeral aarrioen van
eld on Hatnrdar. and van targelr atleadad.
A Kom and b
vill be giTon in Librarr baU. Fridaj
enmng. Fab. iSUi. nndar tte dinetion
of Mra E. d. Monv
’>1^ FlOnooa
Hoaaall. Tbe pit)gno vill oombioa ■
ohildno'aoarniTal, vitb aeraral aaUnlr
nevaakolloot b; Min BoaaaU and aooal aoloa br Mrs Morra;. Ibr aonga
b; tbe liitla oan ban
resdetvdio Traaartir Cil]r.
Circilatkii this week 2,000
Mike MiGan*'" bam ran awa*
B. J. Lov«i haa ditpoaed ol bu propvwk, Uurtiug < ne of Ite k
qaile bsli) .
Trmnic are bo<y imj<ru<iog the receol
' Ir yen ten iae teowi to All, teitw
XHt ««it for bay lea. Tate il froa
Bandaua Ute qolokly u poaaible. or
7N nay M gat any.
O. V. Aaerox baa aoki bii 6m nai.
dnet ia tte vaat tnrt of tovstoTbeo.
Movoa^yn. Wo. UmreateTiog porakaaed Mr. Mo too’a reaideooeon
aWdb atnal
If of tte r. of I. a
Odaelad ban laal Satardiy. and anoUnr
nnting vUI te bold at Orange ball
MUSalerdayerjolag alT;80
iOfltom. AUanlDTited
A free
Tn vonan'i ntiel eotp ban gained
aoeb a lepolaUau for fbne popnlar 10
- Mat aoppata, that tbnbanbadto an•ooneaaaotbertor nnt Monday ,
IM, at Orange ball.
Aaotraar dasshtarof Ur and
Jaa. aouky of tte veal part of ttedly.
fUad Mooday
BWsky ban Ibe
Ur. and
uf tteir
Msy frtoda in Unir aad temni
At Ite ratidtnee of Q. W. Uall _
I raeeiTad free
iavvek: Mim
teBMTB npalia an being made on
of OiODd Bapide. togatbar Mtb
• food onrbaaliog of tte angiin and
Come early and secure your choice.
1 Usrviek. Wml
For Robes and Horse Blankets
Visit our Carpet Room on the second fioor.
Arctics, Overshoes. Lumljermen’s
Sox, Felt Shoes,
Devlk «r nine Klocy Uavdrtvb.
Him Mary Eaatman Coodtieb died at
le re«ideDce of lier father. Hon. B.
Goodrich, oe Thareday. Fob. fib. 1830.
White Mia* GooJiicb'a dcab vai sol
Wc an glad to eoc oar fneo*U Albert
Mebrri and Trot ReTuld no Ibe alreela
agaiu. TlK-y bare tied a hard Inmlf
One vbu ia expenenoad
vilU la gTipiT.
■ti.l gvDcral boneevork.
Elder Lnvreucc of this place, preach "tivdy rmploym«ol mi
1 Ibe
luni rul
iK-tiuuu ul
I Hubbeis, and ff//A/Ws of footwear at the most reewonabk prices,
tb.- aged i'PP'J
mnlLci uf 1. I.' TIBMO uf SotUiot Bay.
and of an i-jfant sin uf Mr. and Mi* C.
ratcli 1 Pvlc*
of tte pecker uf tbe attue | l.uv. Both were
Find rabli
family and a van of aympalby and victim" of la gripiv. and vrn interred
i-itlaga aa tbe
K-vvick oemelury. Feb. lind.
Mis. a. E. Waterbary, reeelred, last
neve apread on Tbamday
Satnnley. (be md neva of be d«tb of
ate bad paaaed tvay
Mis. OoodrieL.
bereldem dangblar, at Aylmer.'Ontar
.•ir..;.-iV" «
I'" >«
her sbtter. vaa takeu vitb be intlaesio, (or vbieb plaoe Mrs Kilmer al osae
We iti-gla.1 to "eelbe •noa culsing
iseodit va* aoon Ibongbt that ate
4'vtlTr* ■! <'vi
took bar daparinn.
eoold not Tseorar.
Mary, baneif iU.
We ViU mil all ont Uoek
Kevi baa l>Mo rmUrte
I Dean made a Hying etait to (he
(or •.'ring
aroac from bar own aiek bed b oan for
lomgoisg vaa in type bat Mrs Maggie
___magnideent "h.no. b
ber mobw. allosiDg bmelf no real day
obeap. Ttere
Kilmer, vife of Mr. and Mrs RUmar'a
Tlie RfiHMoigbl. till vorn by grief and assioni
•leigbing yet. but if there
Oartir, died Ibie moniiuf
ean, ate vm forced b girr ap agaie lo
it will par b get a culler at th.
beau of ter (alter, George Lardie, in
TUu |i"lruu*uf lU'Uialvy oi
ve can tllak^ (or fnlare nae.
bar own illDem vhidi Is a fav cliort
PeninnUs Mrs Kilmer baa
and tee >ba( ve ba*e end learn
p a drlKto. vhidi vilite ii
dayi laid bar b ileap in prerlaeliog net
V A A Par*.
tune of
A brief akelofa of her life sill be of (atniv.
daab vaa not aoextmebd. bat aa aa adwr* Martha GUmure and Kiuy Giliaierrel b bet many friemti. io Trarerae
ddional blov foUovtog ao clouly tte
TiaitivI thv Harbor "cbool
il and pro
City. Bte vm bote in Ite Tillage of
Tbe «>rtctD«l
otbar beraanmeats >1 eall« (or aneb
ur.1 It thr Ixvt ubuol L. the
Ooedrieb. Oeoaeee conoty, Miebigin,
ayapatby b a atrickao family,
October 1.'.. 18M.
In l»'-I remoTe.1
I'Ll Enioiy (• >h lul ready b.alart ap
O ne—t VO—Ibroe—>b u r.
F. KiLsaisis-a bewe. in Elmvtwd vitb bar parentato TriTcneCity,
One—tvo—Ibree-Fou r.
tbemill ; ve ri;-etfl they vill maku (be
iovnabip, and nauly all ita eootenia vaa bat dnoe teen ber borne.
She ‘
One - tvo—tbreo—Miur
deatnyed by fln aboot amt. o’doek, member of (te congrTgelional ebnreb Inmbrrlly. a» ih.- mill yard la full of
£*ery /'uvriA imrcbMC of like emoonl
UatSuedayeraoing. U vaa a tvovtoty in Ihia Tillage and u far at bealb and toga.
made ta onr abte (recn b-dar. end antil
boilt at a coat d dcr.Jiun lo bomd duliee permitted, ao
Fred Hrddni aud dinglitor .>( Trar- fortter Dotioe will ba <-.'iren Aa ay-frtr
ll.TOC, and vanned vib a (arnece rvnnt sober for ber dirino i
.r City, were the guu-U uf Ur. Hed- of all ebarge. We make tbia remarka
ble offer ID
io be baeemeoU (tom vbiob ve under- Ber large ubbatb acliool clsm
dui., Suii.Ui.
e daring tbe dolleat time of tte yi
■land Ibe fln oanghl. Then
(oDoved ber b ber grare. ga»e taken
Althoaeli tb<- r.4.1* veto liad Scaday.
for the further pnrpoae of di»p
be time- rxoerl Wra. by tbrir lean and deep i
uDorjal-lHFi-a •Irii g of akugb" from logo! the large irpine «bok ttel a
Kalkalein and i lilUe girl,uid-tbff- irt failbfnletetadbmo is be
murniiifi till uighL Yoa aee people will bnrdenl onr
knovn aoaoi
■fford 10 la
saa mil nuder vay
----------them. A moat dtvolaJ diogbter and a aloighndr repiyially '.Ie yoong folk*.
Uieae good*
loring aiator. bw home lam ia one the!
Koibiog vaa
aarad exnepl a
liilimit rrgar.l lo rood ur veather.
.... .
- .*nelain an ncknnve
and luMibto greater ebrinkage daring
amoont ol (nrailon and a fee
neroT ba tilled end time vSI only noder
the year
eloltev. Tte btUding vat inaored b tbe uoae of lem more keen,
Miaa Tint Holdavotb
brober in L*niiBg.
Sam Osriand bat had a bard liOU viib
be giippa bit vsek.
R E. Oordy of W.
bvs tte laU of tte veak.
aotirely noezpected. yet it vaa a great
tte many friendc
l.v a ten lacbea Ibick in Ibe lake and
of a beanlifnl ranrly.
La grippe Ie lo laraiog it* (grip opos
Bear m miod every article lo
able aboppingemporinm le io.
bie great *ate. No maUar vha
ibe rommaniiy eoToeebai,
parebaee. ol that
E F. Holme* elarta next weak (ur a vill be retamed and Ite goode (
alt cJuu-gt
in the alab of Xee ly giTvo yuo /rre of al
I York.
Fi.Ur Cuuller opened a aerice of meetTte bolder* of prize tieketa will ha**
Qrmt eympsttay ia faU and rxpnaaed
by a iarga eirela of (riaeda and acqoaintanom lor tte father and BOtber, aietm
tlie- market ofi*ers for the money.
Mufflers, Hoods, Fur Gaps, Leggii^^
And other seasonable goods that we do not wish to carry over ^
we are now oli'ering at greatly reduced prices. Buy now and saut
Whole show case full of NOVELTIES in the way of Drees Braida,
Dress Triniinings, Fancy Buckles in large aasortmenta, Fancy Side
Combs, China Silks for Draperies, Chatelaine Bags, Walleta, etc.
Ladies should not fail to look our stock over.
Overcoats for Men and Boys!
baviai! a terete attack of pWarilit, (ol
ioviog li grippe.
Onr lake preaunia an animated appearana*, being cvrereil vitb ice ontier*
both vigbi and day.
Mr* JamraSeveU left laal night f«
Wii:itm.bn, ta attend ber mother vbc
Bmhs eonaty ia patroeislng Ite bit fnaod* in bit oily, on Mooday.
MbsAlioe Wood took ba O. R. * IOmad Tnnm eoosty jail in gmt
atyla. A foDov naaad Lavn U now (or OadOlae. on MemUy. (or s lev ^ayt
in our Root and Slioe department. Nineteen-twentieths of all the
goods sold in this department, is manufactured especially for us,
accordance with our instriictions, and is therefore the BEST that
lev Otvi. ri.ll
in eoatset, and al tte mine time ao apt
iege at tbe Cedar Cnvfc aebuol booae.
ly Totom tte feelings of bm friends bare
la.1 eight
in bm own home Ibal it ia gi*an belov
C. C- Wlutney uf Walldo. Ua bemi
toeOn, kaapiaf aannl ono tecy to
Dr. B. Sifbn ol Btebma B«y. ealM
and brother ao eidly benft
r*tto boat nady in good Uma Icr bn a'. Trsrerae Oily, oo Friday.
CbriU Katal of Mortbport. mllad oo
U nol expeotod to lire
lev companice an expected bere tbti
firar Pria%<U.-i. iattar lefenaiag ta
OF TRAVtatl OtTT. telOM.
of tte addoB damiee of your danghtot work from Kalamazoo and CiBdanati.
to pat op Luoaia for loe.
Frank HamUtim rstorud borne Toaa- Mary eama to aa <• Batateay.
Be*. F. A. Force vaa called to Bwere greaJy abooted to toam of tbia
dij from Ut eaatare trip • .
greateoROv. Weteataa toaxpraamr mue tetnrday. to offiemb at tte (DM*viiki dCTstioa.
Tn ituon of Judge Batnadallb. at
deep aympaihj vtth jcv Iia tbia aflio- al uf a former p
Jao. and Andnv Andanoe of O
Oaaaca hr"., Satnrday
Oubotal* end ba**diag booeea aretiam
earn, ap this morning on bamnaa
loU Gf tor cntler*. beoiitoa many vbo an I ■
atad^ tteir ahes.
tteitefBbMbaaa giiiag tte U
■topping IU privm* boaaet.
l^|l■^■■* vitti trt fTOT utaMfva
Q E Better, vte fam beecapaodPrtd.y-eanov be. made tte laater-|
fAUi a» rm
•te ou liiioM doriM tte UU few
gaomaliaNat hiaeldUomaiaIteia
wates. XbaHmuttaopnaoeolofin
lU nadns a Bommaiy oMi.
viltetnad tbia baanUfal fu ebtae toa-t. I
H. la mmteoek paamA Ura^ tom
Philip Beraztooe ha* |
3anU prinM
aTn^ayeeroateferObtotto. vten Bad (•^Net of all ttet bad (be pteinn yoang tone 1
■■ invimkv eadtook-'
- - h* tea aeoaptod a gimdipoailkim.
ing after bia I
Bar. J. Maakttogd iprsmtml afim BMiory aaooeof Ite plaaaate nfled.
'."trr* ocpoaiT eoxxara acar ai
at Ite German Uth kaa of mi 0mA. Ttere ia tet <me
SeTenf}-d*« ar loadaaf we have D**piNactvM.
fWrtetaibtteJUU ikraa n.._.
texWugiaoar miade niatire b abipped^ bare dBring tte pae'
test op ban lot otnling a bona d
Wm. Falmn of ~
In our Clothing Department will be found a tine apsortment of
seasonable Overcoats, at prices that put them within the reach of
all. Come and buy NOW.
Psid DP Caiiitsl. • $50,800.
Btcrarr wiibitaiti.
IUiBMUU>tea;iMaad/a8.l«) oditioA
Our assortment is
good and prices the lowest
d humorist. It ie a keen •
Engliab nobility and
Seen'iary Ik-otmon ruiU-d Kmsick
roysUv. and vih be grmtly isl i*bad by
laM seek, but su di>ap|«,iDie>l b tiod eeery Ametiosn. It ia replete with rich
bntnor and lodicroua ntoatiooa enforoad
by Siw ebaren'rnstic drawing* by Den
Besrd. Tbe book ii sold only by *nbIir.rli- L ' Iru-ac-r. for nei-i-r*! veekt,
actiptioo, sod ageoia are vsnt^ te tte
lull.'*] b Li* L'lmc IS Lauting. SaW*- pnbliaber*. R 8 Paale A Oo . Obieago,
teUTiUige. on iiatatday laa>. oeromd
ttedMlb «t Ur. Hall-a faiber, Or E be Home, of Kav Fork, for t»0. and Him Ooodneb took a poaiiiop it
tte (nrnitnn for 8100 Tvo years igo Biab eaditor geoarsl-a office at laniu
HaU. Tbe taaulaa van taken lo Dr.
laalObriatmu Mr Kslkateio aafTeted ing where ate nmoioad (nr *ix year* till
HaUbloranbocM. tellna, Uich . for
te* lailing besitb compiled ber b m.
. tte loaa from (In ol h» bars snd
oonaliUng of tey. grsio. bola. •ign it. A leUer jatt neeired by Mr.
OAiroTKiTaMpenaioot tbia vaek
logebar vIb nine bead of bn Ooodrii* ao velirMle tbe atory of ber
there end ol the plane tbe '
an: Wol H.BlaDthard.'Sooth Boardtte etomon of thorn with whom ab
■M. ianaiiii ; BeUa £.. molber ol
JokaA. Ltmj, Uonroa Oaoln, urigiMl; Baaiacaia Hopkina. PnnkloH. io.
We do not vdsh to carry over our few remaining Garments
into another season, hence, nouj is the time to buy for next winter,
and mahe money on your purchase. - We have'only a few left.
ed.ool cl.vikl (or lacatiuu.
IL llnsilirr vbo ba* Imwu riailing
ploya. on Tnnda,.
tun and atteodanlt io tbe aaylorn end
obet kind friesdt tor many ktndneaMa
Hsnifm tte ragalar maetinga of
nomb^donng the llloaBC and after tte
tbeO. A.avillteteldoo tte ennd<^ ol belr eoa.
______ _
tags af tte drat and third aatnnUya of
E^sn, sbo nmUy mel be
■ad edUeUno of be lam of her daogfater.
a few .1.;* la*i vc«-k.
died at Iha aafluni
Ur. nod Mn
Gaiaote viab
brongb Ite Btaau> bbaek Ibe doe-
to the best markets.
Front 81.;
Eod ; Mrs.
ingtontU.; Herbert Bsite. Wml End ;
Angus Jobneon. Cbdillac . Uis8. O.
Beitb. Garftald: Mrs A D. Sqtums
Union Si ; Mrs C. M. Arery. Blni
A aHAS CD ol I
Katir aed Cyoibic Will
abip ; Mrs C. C. Maes Front 81
rieiuog Ibc-ir grsnd|«renta end old
EUa WMaad. City ; Mr* Myrtle
Smith. City : Mrs W. C. Gannett. Weet
organised ben wib tbe foIlosiocoS- neighliura lO e-'iilbrm Uirbigas.
End : Uim Mollie Flaoe. Good Harbor ;
Mr* ileilurr i> jutl rteoreiivg from Mrs J. CuJman. Frost Bh: Mr. J. M.
a third attack uf la grippe. I'-inDi^ brcD Behell, Monroe Centre; Mrs J.Bayoalds Front 8t.: Mra. Xellie Mmd.
• lait- net. f'lr nearly
Front Sh: Mrs-I. Bools fioatb Bide
Mrs Fisok Cmlor, CSty.
Tbe prim uckele ere paoeb< <1 jsal tte
J Srmeiisno.
Miu Emm* Kvtold from Itevaru
Cil), tpeut Sandey witb ber panola
V book
tbia pte'c.
arange. Ko. Iir.i. P. of i
log AitteFe
n Kin
-loba Wri* aud Mn. Henry Groaoaei
n Utersry eireebrUiDed llieir ai*h-r from Reed City,
vten De bad baen tor aome time an
TSB Ijaer of a oonplo uf railroad tiaa
tenki oan ten Utao b; cslIiQC ou To- deota of tte Weat Bide, vben fnoenl
UaanoD Un and ptoaiag pfopacty.
held Ibit afternoon at-.'
o'clock. Bar. Ur. Uaaktmad offiebt-
Arriving daily. \Vd aim to keep our stock always complete, ft
moves rapidly ami our friends can r^ on getting the best that
the market offers. Mr. Montagiie has just returned from a visit
City, Ite inquiry asplua. not only to
tte praeaiUng malady, bat to all thorn
making pareteem bi oar etorv. < '
Edvin Clark.
WcB. H. Bnmpbny, evory (oarthpntetem of liKa amoi
Then. H. Clark.
Garden L. Wi«hl.
ffirat array fra* of ehart*. In this eeoneetlan va might add that ve ba*e Ite
Belco O, SattoB.
•‘Orip--a tag •Grip- Ibet wsnsnla «u
U K Haekina,
lUla A. Boner,
bloving eonmdecsbly.
We tees s
Oatrie Covies
elroDg “Grip- spaa tte pnblir, om ttaat
Geo. H Ofoeoe and family.
oanoot esailr te tooBeoed: Look at Ite
list of (rieodf made in tte Imt lav days
Mie. K C. Leaab. E H. Porter.
by rseeiving free pgrrbaam
O. R Higbam.
Edib E. Dagoe.
tte aeidaoM toam namm gi*e of oer
JoboC. Ibngblon, M. X. nraioerd,
Ubmality and aqnais dealing. OooBdar
JcBQ .Sbarpe.
L. B Baker,
also the opportanily open b yoa of be.
CUasH. Tbompwn A. C. Kicbols
mg 01)0 of tte nnmbar. Farther, there
■a DO change in priom. Eaob and rewy
potehaaer baa tte beoadt of Ite tveaat
redactioas Tbna ve eso omare yon.
not only Ite beM. bnl Ue lovek | nem
obtainable in Trseetse City, b eafaol
Brm;c< ..'T.ipuoCfHT
fr’ I"
Hdiool bu cleaed fur a vldlc; Mr. from. In addUioo. vegi*e,assy. ftsa
eberge. eeery fonrth aale of like
Sibiae hMlnsrippe
Tbta prooiaia lo te o
U ol tte Vinter
FitL Oivti-si
Uvl the "mrlp.**
fall uf
biuliug loabct from Ben
Tfanndar o>
«ve>>, at tte aea of r>9
He hae eprnt ac-veial iner’e mill to Ibe city.
■tO rmi Koaovo
« •aCalrutao jmn. Mr Walrdi aettled in East llaj fimUy bere.
MvlIfeiaMrlte Mac llMUhaallat loveabip, 1<: raanaco. He did tailbfnl
a there al bit trade, and vill mike
duce b'
vrioe ia Ite armf, vaa knovn ben aa bat city bia pmnaoaet borne
ttrr agmablc jvaiicne.
bard-verkine. lodoatriooi and honor•acaatjnlWanacliteca
•■aaomi linuia >a
iCeamur. auuu. riura. 8cm) is
aa.teaaKa. 8aMo laC-U! »ia«> rwetf
To pick up “odds and (‘nds” in each and all of our dopartmente
representing rare bargains. Loo/f om our Flannel Remnants.
aeaaoe. abeddiag naabine on eor pab- lina of tte nmd.
vey, but nov traaafecred to a mote ctmMr. Brower and vile of NeU an rir)(esul dims And may bam nflaot- iling bait tarotbars E. C end W. W.
iooe brieg that peoee snd eonoU etion b Brovet io tbia rilkgs Mr. R 1m
.Imoleb beerb aboe tbai ahnll large eraoulef Kebntea Uml ttet te
blomom iob joy aa .no teorin her ve]'
■ b sell or exd
nnUe in a higher manaioo of ooi
Urr. B. B. Brtekaa baa been qnita
riotey Ul vUb U grippe, and left on
Uooday (or bar former boote. Otand
tefon eseteotad aiUi tte papar.
Bapida, vbon ibe vill remain nstil imit If Bnaoaia
bmnniT Fabw.
prerrad b boUb.
In lympaby ve tveeaia
Bamool Brooks of Pattenoo. K. J ,
B. R PfsU,
vbo Lh baM rlsitbg bit bcolbar Tboa. U. B Carpenter,
J-vW. Taylor.
at Oriati, vbom te bad not aaan before Oeo. H. JjaxbD,
B. Halbard and (amUy.
for birty-flre year*, paaaed tbrongb
AbtT .V Mire,
Mrs 8 I. FnrmSB.
love os bit vty home, oo Monday.
Lean Cain of Oardatd. atiila
a ae
aoaallSUd. b MbU^b
liiad, aed
aed Orils A. Baad, ate an
This is the Season
sodar tbia gnat aorrov and ve pny aonia loltoving it gripps Ste ia rebat yonr hope ttell ba at ao nnoboc b poitad OQl of ijaiigM
be aonl bob ton and atmdfim enter
Mm an an in demand bars to mrt
ing vib bet vtthin tte nil.
oattebe. Tte eootnetor mys be via
mneoter bar end think of eUm tocigmtte va
bar M a iveet Uf* leal b oi (or a beef ea bia U tte eUy enikble iea
F»ak Dateala, ■!» tea bee* CM
We teteve ite vaa higbly ea-
tevod vitb Ite «nBti« kkat Aden tte
t te.te«a atetoal da.e «iik a
It MUU»U.«taMi|Wdb>tea,«tet* life <t tea tnlrtted. bmavate -w
«• feU fete Mil
< ta Urip 100 u -
V. L. •.■* "u.
There is no Time Like the Present.
To look after your own interests. When you want anything, in
any line of inercliandise, remember that we are Headquarten.
aiat, naiiawita p*c«itttogi but
wouidalit ba awful if tbd drm
I^oan and [nvestm^(]o.
tUUtoU.'^^ bMri^far •
wa bdbra. b ibb partinbr. n.
bUM *» rwo Ibbiwr.,
as*.i loof tto^«uwte towBiMl wmk awbOa, harng ant tba omM of tba aqaabdia tba world. Eadullaaga*
exarf hohderiJm BuiUiuff a»dLm Lm* or ouaauef MMipm,
r.nwmtm «»d
q«te forlkatrattW
MinwMay Baban. Mattto Btoa
bn. U mM him bj
Bobby «ya ibe drop bia father
Mto. J. a Fifa b qdto aek, anp- way of eoBtaat, •• to wbo an gtra and Janto Catkay aurlad down
»• mIt B01. th« ml
■a ia barwdiiary,baeanM ** It da
Or.aBRte o( lUfUatf wm lifiMl JiMiim oi B«Uom B«7 pooad to ba h grippa , if BO. bopa it to tba abortod apan of tbaa, tba Lato atrad hill upon a pair of oar MMda troB btbw to no. *
«IMIotU* |dM M pcpiM
- hM ntaMd with
row eoadtog boba with Eddb (bak- an
- to any
tMM. Md be woot proaa aariooa.
ta»i esurr, i« »c
imiw—hn «ru< imai Ol-FICERS AND DiREaORS.
‘Tba raada for Iba paot 10 di^a
dnearaly bopa ba wiQ ey guiding the boba. Tb* bill waa MN M> twiiM* uuuj
en bultae «c»J tortUOa.
bara bm ao by tbd it hai baao lira long to totarad tba werid with toy. and tb« alad daahad down the
Paaacn F. Paxo,.
Sbowtog eoeU andpcnfiti to Iba
fab work I it b iapoaaifala for bin to I drad at fiighUal apard. Jaat to
quito didbalt gatti^ aroud.
inraator of ten abare, or »LOOO in
■ww tgri^ withAftc^ e<
UUla Dalb AUao baa bate ooabb blaaa tba world with it aa ba eannot; front of Morgaa Cartb' raoidaeea
l»‘^"»Fr«de«riC| yaaraattimeof matomy
a. MDbr baa bkao a faw beard- to attawd aabool Boeb tba past waak i^art it to otbara.
DrwW i« limi Eout^
' mnwWnwnlte.^
jooaranaer dropped iotoarnt auJ
cm B^rrva.
Mr. Oftw kw bm qwto {Q with ara tor a tow' waafca.
bat b op and around tba booaa
Chief Ortroil Fir. DeforUMi
Baj Staab baa yoM to B>
Ha pay* to monthly todal•gdn.
Iba girb haadloog upon tba rough
0*0. H. ranm, '
Hw.---- ,
Of ail workaao. bantm an
Mn. Enworthy hM M fti^pw obid to work for a faw with
Attonwy wd Ooniwlor u U*.
Lta BaHb, .aoo of A M. Smitb.
7 60x76.. t 6S6.00
Jfii: MoVatfaar b cabbe battar m takaa rary rioiaoUy ill with b
toLA* B. CouMA.
Tbay won all ee badly iB)nrad
Bar. JiBB tnnio for aerao yaar*
Foraerty Cbdiaer Peo..ka'IMTiDg, Bena
Lcm Tm. mr look ool for ayab. bat tba baa boon rary dek.
grippa 00 Tbmday Boning, and paator of tba ptaabytarbn ebureb d tbd tbay bad to ba takaa beaa
Tuo H. PoBOTca. of HasiIui t Fvdjee
n^or Um bOTi hoTo htbnb Staab apnbadonacdbB for two daya waa Twy tiok. but b Cadilbf baa aar«ad hb paatonl eon- Sorgieul aaardaiica wah aamoKsiad
bm dowB ton hMUaf arand. Ml ^ba qoita badl; bat waak reaat- WM battar now.
aad it waa found that both Ixwra of OJIdrati Cry for Pitidief’t Cutorb, CuAX A- Kerr,
Oeearal ConoMl :
oaetMua with tbu body.
thv tor* fond <»t wiim Um7
La grippe b no la^aator of parBar. Jasaa Inglb baa baao toatal- May Baban'a bft limb wara brokae
B. TtuTH baa baao qoita abk witfa wa i tba rieb and tba poor.thebigh
Mattie Riaa't *u<-b
lad paator of tba predbyuriao efaureb
b pippa bat wat battar at bb ra- and Iba low bare aU get to hare it, at Fetoakay.
' waa iarribly tpratoad aoJ ona ol tba
In tbi* Comoao* there xm enUr* mninelity ol inlereet, eeonoaical i
f***ol. Du furfdlure. AyMeaahc Mring. no Uxalion of riiaree.
doha Otnj\ k Mto with aowaorry to baar that JoaTba naw apaaeopal eborefa at Fa-'booaa waa tplinimd, «l
Tbaraao firabal u otoTtoy at Mr. ^b Wbeabr lod hb boraa (U grippe
I (toakoy’a knee aad tnela wara *o badw dadieatad lad w^k.
MoWatbq^'a util Mru. MeWatbar b probabiT.
urriccK, «!«> niaacTOH*
OasyaEam tebaaliag k«aler
TbaeongregMinnalebareb aiBen-jly atratoad ibat aba will probably ba
aiMmaa. J
A liUla lOD of Mr. and Mru Fatar »ia baa a nice new ball.
| unable to ba out for aareral waaka.
Tbd lore 1, blind ia prored by
Eatb and C^tiib ^HUiaEat bara
Uorriaou sat with quite an aoddant
Mora, bat hot ■myh. ct tba
tba fed that a yonag man aelJuu
goat to tba aootb part of tba atab out day bit weak, by tba kwa of tba
goat to tee bU girl nnUl ifi, dark
bawtifo) now.
to Tbit rabhrat.
two fir*t bogar* with an ai. Dr.
MiTroua raiCNM *aoirfTt
Miaa LoaDapakard^ aebool bu
Tba olber day we bad an opporto-, camriea ddioyacbiek, a oingU san.
Ura. fi. ATtry b to aha b op aad
u L- aorr* T. aMfrur,. TrawMOiif a«AiMr a.
Bailey draooad Ue wound which ti mty of riawtogaraliedropped down who, with hi, tbraa brolbar*. Iried TWItMCtCAlMCirtA w. AIM IlkNlIM
ctoaad tod all, wuh bar a pto
Lrwp't IU.1.1 Au CANA ho HIA. CMCA.
I tba gabi btr tnoUiar. Mra.
coswiiit.. lu rrumkM Mir
doing wall
from an ai
Bey towndip. CharleToix county, A MA I lau
aoi riu-.lt A; II. eiiilH Bern
Grate, b atto ioproring.
AAA mmt fn«A« vAo A >
M il aAAi Ae A A.
Quite an aoddant bappaoad to
copper knila foond by 0. O. Voor- tbair aged mother ka^ng booaa for It
Mn. SlDTtB ratunad boina lait
Mr*. Wm. H. Fife oo Friday after heit of Blaine, upon bia farm Tba them, wa, inatonUy killed Wadnaa BAK. Ml* K> cf.etl.. Maple boUM *- Urn AWUN U . AM |1 AI dricnAU
Mk. Bba bat bats btra DOT
noon. Aj aha waa ratorning from knife waa about 6 inabaa u length
day afternoon wbUa cutting log*.
A. a DaBanoaa want to Tratacna Mr*, a. Artry for f weak or to.
tba ban houae aba abppad and fell by one-ball in width Tba artieia
OharlM andhto brother Jeefcom
Mt«. 3. C Cook b Tory poorly tbb
and eut a gaah in bar btod ; hope abowi tba drilizatioo to wbieb it be
'*^motna^ would do {sattj wbtar. Mr. Cook hat bean tiek with
felled a tree which brutbed a dead
nothing aarioua wiU ad la to casM longed. to bara baao high in tba loat
-AMKRICAN' wan b tUa aid^T. .
b gri^ bat b battar agab.
beach (tub. The dead tree awong
any prolonged troubla.
art of teepariog and bardaoing eopA L. Sanaa waa cnDad to Lotbar
At faaaant writby U b aoowby
Mra. Emma T WUhalm. naa Say par. Mr. V. bat tba knife on exhi back aod broke off ten or twelre faet
a httb, and H will balp boabaaa im- batwaokbytba-daalbof bb niaca, lar, and bar buaband, Hr. K Wi|.
I from the ground Tbtyeaw tb* lop
bition at bii plana. How.
and retaroad boma Saturday nigbt.
I of Ibe tree coming down u|>oo tliAoi.
bala of Tratana City, cama bona ba aaot to Iba uDireraity.
Edab DobB bad a boroa
but a log prerented Charles from
F.F.OookwMb town altar hia
Sooday afternoon to epaod a day or
away Saturday eighl bat oo dai
eamping. and a, be dodged to aroid
boltby. and b’ now nadj fo
with Ibdr molbar, Mr, S H. i
vat done, ouly tba euttar waa brokoo
ibe blow (be heavy trunk tlruck bim
Sayler . aod -a would ma.Uoo bare I
The mother of Harry Qill. the on tbe bead, cru,bi«g to lb* dull
W. LbanajaT. foraarl; aayioaer
that & H. Saylar U now at Ueland,
Laoatog yonng mau killed to a ' u tboogb it were au egg ,belL kiJ.
for Orailidt. b now angivod at Oook
jFknida, and wa* wall when laat
drunken row al Fetoakey leal turn- Uog him .n.lantiy
I heard from.
A Waoton'a Bill
mar. ba* ,aad tba propriitor of lb* ;
a »ui4> luv bi-bwaibaa
Ia B. CBrr ia battar. •
Tbabdbaofkba aba aodat; bad
j Oao W. UIdi baa takao the agao reaort where tbe bquor wa, drunk ! c.h,„.c
Wa. Brqgli ti boay coltaeUng tax
a ny earpat baa tba brpat b to ba
ey for tba *1jtaaiay Trarala," pobltoh- for $10,000 damage.
Gill wa. • | Friday mormng tb* nawi wa, imp.
CMtotto to Dr. Srtmui
foroor Daw abordi.
a.1 by JobuaoD Pubbtbing Co. Ha minor, and. witb otbara, waa mtoxi- ,dly apraad to tbe effect tbatabigbwanitTtt. wiCHiOAK
H»ou Brooks baa a brother rioit
MdChUdrOB. It cot
CBiaa. ElaanlMbMr bat raeorard
baa hia eoifit. aad ia ready for buai rotad at tbe Icme ol Ibe killing. The ! ,»j robbery bad been rommitted
tog bia from England.
other Karebtic aiilndaitcc. U ia a Uannlea* sabatltoto
fras lha b yiippa, and b hard
oeaa. Alao ba baa aeoeptad tba agm Woman', Chri.tian
Temperance u,e eetmag belcre. upon ibe perwsn
A great exodn, to Empire thin
We Are pNM'r* '• *aAU tiAMoi
for Paregoric, Dropa. etooUilug Syrups and CMor OO.
work b bb abbyla mill; will to
cy from McManamon A LmlcbforA union ol Pelckey are aiding Ur*, of Jam*, W.rt, d Wexford town.
week ! eauae, more mow.
It to PlcMoat. It* guarantee l« llifny year,* one by
.Viirine, Lixomotirt ami
nuraarymao, of Roebaslar, S
ba raadj to tsaka ahbylaa, to bbg
GUI in tbto aeliOB.
abip. by .lohn Feure ona of our
Onr oobool, nnder the ■uperviaion
nriiHana of Mothers, t utortarleiateoyw Wofina and nltoy
We wiab him loeeaaa to Ibi* nqw
TOOT ahbyb boBt. Fintaotaa
S/afionar^ RaiUr H'-ri, \
of E A Holdiao, i, proipenng finely
A ,in aroat
Wan, not
frreriabaeaa. Castor i.t pr-Teuis vomUlag Sour Curd,
, being a tempemnee man. mnie lo
Tbareif atrong talkoforganieiog a. „
«aren DUirbrea and Wlud ColieH_Caat«rU roUnven
noraal elaoi after tbi, term eipiiea. j
rarr-* roriatipattoa aad flatntoacy,
WiUto White. Uemrold eon
rrt.ii. TbiataagoodidB.andjodwbtti,;*’'**^
11.0 foorl, rr-gutotea tbe atonnn^
Felix While, of Gil^ met w,th* ,“'"
, gathering for prayer meeUag. in tatei acmdani yaaterday mornrog,
T. 3. Whinnaqr b toriiy a hard nandad.
Tligreday erenmg Lad,
aad bowels gtrtag healtby aad Batumi aleng, Ona*
Wa aee by (ba commotion around j'““ktog orar wait it eeamed to ua After ealtog hia breakfart. be look •‘•o-rn to the l->y, a toli of »oney.
toada wUh b giippa. Otbara ara
, toria to tbe Cblldren’* Paiucea-tbe Kothot's Frtoad.
town Ihd oor damocraUc friandi are' ^
boming, npan.x..nd.lornmgtobi,mothar **><1. ««,rd.og to the elory ol Wart.
didn't team like ■ fire aaid, in 1 joking manoer. -f un go- -«>imt«dbyFenryto.ake.wall. ;»-*‘u.,--'
SotTb Broa. nra ruanbg tbair thie.b.i.g atrengly ol gdting up
l»uildinga. and than there wai
Bin, eottbg at tha.raU of about A- Uekat d Md etodiOD. An it to
toe ool to kill mmlf."aod to fifteen •• he b*d aoniething to ahow bim.
Bo»«f Or Tank Work.
A0< •• AoM lIllHle An. Mt IA MeCuf eMA II
000 par day.
aomatbing ao new in tba aa|Met of light iltoak ronniog npward, and
till IlM ol A
lb., •iilAm’AesAlIM.M
,1* IM I
A I.Oe. Nil 10 '.n, *.C Alnrl.
Tba Oadar Boa aebool will aloaa Almira afiaiia, we abaU ba glad to raaaioad ao for a long lime, and fi 111* woods and chopped down a Ham. Atreet, Wart became afraid AllAN
NA«, lo
»tA~. Ol I-*
O'O r*M'<
TAc A.e. Sk-A" -I. '-JHIIJ N-IIAC 'I
oo Satarday. Fab. S3, nad wOl giT^ad il aa it wUl be qoiu a ooTaliy,
email tree, which, when in lelL
“1’ tJAt* Al. O leio.,.1 « V Tlflorj iMMArtOA
__ ___
Al »»IJ WACilAb. pm-.
a briUbnt aatBtabsant to tbaara^and, by tba way, baa
it __________ (It wu the borniogof Mr. EaJkatatoW
aprungback tbe butt, tiriking him town, but wa« fortwd to eonunue Ih, boll.*.
Aimb. do.jrlAA • AAltrtT oT holwr. |H( fet
LA. , AoUen. AA<
tbd ^ Ihto <ast and blow ^°'*** “ Elmwood, notiead on ^ to tbe forebead producing aJojoat in-'*«‘h '‘‘I ‘W rearhrd .1 W Cuii;
bg, toeh at Oadto Bn b notad for.
ILr boti... hhoOf ID A «.eA>A
TA.ir ,Aov•'2
Tba taaebar. Hi« Loqy Eingdon, aboat taxaa, etc., i* maraly a bnldgiUnl death.
WiUie waa a bright mer'a tin ebop, where Feurj opened
*ia>.^M*em Ttm e> c^N,last(M
will pradda b tba araning. All ara tog of tba daBOeratia erow for ofUUle boy and will be nnoerelj mourn » door that led lo Ibe baA<menl. or "r
nu^ CUatli Ml wia a* (aMwOe
fioa. If
eordiaOy britad.
• haa,aa ba Xlre Urwari Tra».
ed br a large drele of fnend,rather under tbe ,bop. lud ,u Idenlr 'MrAAre■PMli! u.m.poB4tM.
jammed Wart lu and demanded wbal
Mr. Dengboi dl Maabtaa, opaM aTtra, bann ao groaaly wroogwl by
Banzotlia, tba eonuty eaal ol BaoQBeqnnl
a faw daya up and down tba Boo,
xto eounty,
hai been honored by a <.riA«iUpi4>he<DoriAi
let a friend bate moat of bi, money
Tiawingtba leeatad aigfat for tba M. tbd by praaanting bimaoU d the .
r street, Bew T*rtCB%.
The Q. U. ti I. b*o placed it,ice to keen for him, tod bad onlt * f*w
pnp«Ura.oU« B«rdoIBm..,
'U-irA M. Z. B. &, and
.HU b.™b«l,HshUd I
adr Ugbly pbaaad with tba roula
BTa BBdantand tbay bara raauoad
«I ..H, . bod,, il DoL « „ 1 ^
eirm U,. mo,,
city, wbo i« getting it oni 1**1'by DepuU Sheriff tkwk end lodged,
tbatr aorray down tba Bn. Wa
derfut aod latiifactory exhibitico of enough to load .70 c-.r, every 10 to jml. He wa, brought before/□.
baar aoBa liujuiir. b ragtrd to prioa hajtpy tb inlonn hia of the tael.
Batberoatioal dill thal hna arer bean
Tb* com;., y began abip tioehiAbep Sttnrday morning end
of ItBdt. Tbm
bo ooBa i
anixiT mr.
'giren in Uiebigan, or to tba nniocL ping tbe toa Friday noon, and order, t^ood over to lb* next term of the
b raal arttle aoenj
, Mr. C Mitugold of Etogalay, Mich., ■too* then bare been coming in rerp circuit court in the ,um of fl.OOO,'
HmAUA—Wa do not to a young man only 23 year* of age: fMl. .kl 5 o'clock ia.1 erentog
of (be mme he we* ' ACWlOiCOATMN FOB 115 H3BSSS
yon w
ba atanda about fi leel. 10 inebaa froigbt agent Loarenworlb had book- returned to jail
your naigbb
high, baa a rary bright aye. aad
3mm Bbtuny! a
ed order, (or 800 eurloeaa. and waa
..•»rvi ,,, i. .v7dent of Uato plaoa doaa not aeaa to rery pleaaing way of
boorlyekpecttog an order fur 200
'he n.* Dieoweeo.
UF.s y u. h i m
ad upon tbd prindple, and
X, and il ba ba, not already
IX H. MeMuliad aad# a trip to
About two bnndred carloads
,i. ........... .... ....u
to tbtok it tba right thing to do to^ borne il. we beliera wa hare the right OBTC l>eeo ordered al Pmaborg, Pa.
““r •“»
eJM-ieai- rnuMr i.-eer v». *.'i i.«
Elk B^da lad Mak.
throw elura aod inaolto, tbereby do' to gira him tba title, “Tbe ebam
and 200 more lor tbe Wabath rad- ‘"^7’
. Ed. EilBurry ratniwad froa Old
ing an injuitioe to Iboae wbo ara
road. Tbeejmpany u alM filling «*mi u.'-"^r.ArD.*Ax..iT,.. !a" .’ii.
r//'(.v )-w ir.r.vy
appointed to look after tba totmnt
Tita bat anew atont forabbad a*
“■i ■■
.............................. .
of tba whole eoBauntty.
N 1A)1( Ol l.-M'll Ihrmert
The bill* aided tbet Mr Mamgold Borne City u fait aa pooaibla
with good ald^tbg OBoa aoca.
Tour eORiapaitdawt bntwiaa aid would. 00 Toaodny ereniDg, Feb. 4,
t. ii.t M r
Qaotga KaUy b aotttog and akidaraxts to m oaocn
. ^ hard wood loya to dnw to tba Ibd ibaaicknaat of tba lata J. C■ gira an
axbibitioo of matbamaUeal
U I cVAAAsIrd. firry liar, tw oiemof frDIDBrnSEllEN'TH
r.a« Thai BuuIm
a. , S. Wa;.'. On,
HV/A.V 1
Hatoon waa nothing but «*Mp. a ; loanoe, and aa Benxpnto i. noted a
much aa to any Iba town board and bdng quite .
Iter Dongfawty. of ABUoeta.
t» a.j a
raaaat ol ■unb an announeacaant aa that, nat bad Ibe miafortnoa to kiae bia bona*
monlb, of rieen ere much rwDeec Tm •>u hmm >i« •'im.i
froa tanehii« oebodl to dtotrtot Ko- nooapdant phyaieton......................
8, End Bay. wwak bdora toot.
urally altraoled aUaoUoo, aapectolly by fire laat Monday aftornooo. Tb*
Tba taeU are loeae: Tbare waa among the profeaaon and dudanto
Mtoi Lm7 OnoMU begun
fire eenght from a defeetire flu# in
too” j
ro br“*buih *****" *^’* *'"*'* “^
nriMol lad WMkto dtotriet No. 6. al- ■artooa and fatal aitonaaa with, four of tba ocmgngational oollage. Tba theroofand Ihare being no obe at that way ' if on* may judge by wliat
B J. MOKGA.N. Frofnetorohildraa to Mr. Natoon', laoiily'. ooa day wa* rainy OTartmd, and icy
bora* beside Mra. Doogbarty and come, ont of ibem.
Ainbto adioo) to anfctog pr^mra- dytog rary aoddaily. The town dar foot, bat to tba erening tba bar iiltl* boy, mneh of tbe eoalant,
ooeaiionally from be- of the bona* ware oonaumed. We c nuAAntN nsAeAr Ca^ . cdaav
tioM for an whihHtoa on tba SSUi. board ooUad
1 IVfrrred
i. w.-eArr, Af U
pbyatoton to dtognoaa ttta dtoaaaa bind tba dying etouds and a, the |bear that lb* Util* boy grubbed ai®**'
Inribn purpona of riiatog
of dip-1 boor for lee aod program d
; four dollar, wbieb oorj i.. hia u
parahaaaaanhoal Onrj.
bad jaot bam paid to
Ur. Ito Orippa am to hOTaa
Uguant diptbaris and tba aiildiw baTine to aland. A blaefcbonrd 16 frtynnd carried it out and wa, ao
1. a'lleoAAM. el BetMOftA. Ky .
I ftr
of the
truatod aa toatMb
ii.ii! Ill <;
feat in length wa* broogbl from tba
a hi, efforti to try to rt- •
Fooiitatothia Tistoiltr, Ubaktoba
M ton A <
( > klDCti
dtoaaaa yialdisg to tbe
*».aB.5T& 00
more tbisgi from the bona* that tail
Tbn tons board took lodi praena- of Ur. Mnaigold'a mental maebinmy. Bolber bad to lie bim to keep him' Tab pm> nwMi mu nm m. aa
w ot AawU on b
ttooa aa tbe law diraota ia aueb rasan.
Ur. T. PettiU, eoUage profraaor oot of danger wbil* toa worked bem.
oTw Sto.eitt.oo
, is Mto maa
is matbamatiea. and Mr. L. Nerioaa,
Buna msoa.
who bad ontbing to do with tbe case, oountyetork, wem oOtod forward «o from the ffamea
' ^ Uew Yorker wortb $7,000,000 '
■at* aad loanr.
1-t paal, the Company mete than donbleJ ia tmtU
1CIU.W.N. KaBy,«bobH ba«
bimBaifapaaa judga and jury. prora tb* work wbtob tbay
waited fivt. miunlM tb* otbor d*y :
uni. <.-id~ • amcm
qdto atok, ii Boeb bnUar.
dam 'to
aodanyaU was all a auatakai that very ptoaiiog and istoUigant
A kAttOw xiKAF.^
t^ tebangeaodrwk^m.u i« m-iw mm .m
mml arnoont paid to Policy llotdcn hr Uitr CaapaBy
tom him two oenU. ^probebly |
Dr. Enaotond of Ihmnn CHy, tb* town board and ooetor from nm. with lb* axeoptian of om or
LAD. Pfcaalelil.
* Sooi
Thttrwtoy night tba Uul* fifteen wanted tb* penoiee for lb*
'£»***•* OUy didn't know anything. two mutoka* wbieb Mr. Maaigold
old boy ol Mr. and
Miiknal Ftauagaa bndtba bnd
Wbataraonriaw* for. only to ba mry plaamsgly and
O. R Irooaaa, SaerrUry.
B P. Fnaur. -ha«mant (secreury
cwraetadfB than, wbieb brooght Jao. A. Hongb of tbi* Tillage, oar
Qtx. W P P.AT,mJ>*. AtottAry
WbatUndof . ooowonily woold down tb* bona* witb dapping of rowly eaenpad denib by poiaooing.
ttnibtogla am la Doute 4«,000
Atogtondaly. (hodteteb... wo'bavaif wai
tolto- hnndanadtonghtor. Beorua of qttan- Mr. Boogb dnri^ the day bad prorwAAiDArAiiafacrA'.A.
at an ZisdA;
Hid £. Imktoa o4 SoMona Bqy, ton to tbn wbisa and notim of tiona wara giTon bim, nad ba traiy eared two ooneea ot aeonite and
Mapattagnwank dkittog trtoadn toon# wbo do not know, aad wUb
gam tba eocraat anawar witb tight- phaadUoaxt toab
—latU* School Boy—- bfar . '
a lOTir Baditone, both bottJa* batog
tow to gown oa in ooah eoao* 7
ning apaai On* or two
aaid it Fd bring yon a rwward koioak eATcr.
aia*. In tba arming Mr.
Blaaaad be tb* tow. aad tboa* timt "OtoalbaammlMrofliB*
r«a'd gm Bs a MW knife ~'
W. J. PARKE:E, rrojirieor
Boigb. witotog to gira aoB* of tb*
Taa.nypat.'' Bara it to." j____________
aa* tbam propadyaBteuad.
tob^ bonrt bant. Oh* lb*
ol naowd* aiaoa .Obrtot waa bom. frrw Badtoia* to (ba BUto oae. by
os H. ' “ Yea'B; 1 traded him m; ’
Ibywaedbna baoa oonring tow
Dig a ealtor on* vito aquara, oae wtotaka took tb* aocniU botUv aod I old knit* lor IL*
We baodto oothing bio;ib* Bmt Maal tta* to
it a*at}y bnU a teaapoon of Iba
Iba yard tea tba at* md, far tba
^dan.'* Mr. Mann
Font tm dqya:qaito My.
potoea bafotn Boriang wbat ba bad
Mortal Volutin OatkoiU U fiOKlfor p>^traiU.
XdtttoOaorgto OUi boda abiat BoMolly, ia alBoatBoluae,and DOT- ' A TbnndBtoto Acting BopXWa. FM««Bld,of
Cato l‘aid for ITuiM <md AVr* k lArirat
IbnO B-AL B B..m to ton tatotoaftbtb* grippa
arbaaid Ifaem bafcra. Mr. Manh
Soltcito s nbsrO>f Patronsge,
baotom dntog tbn «•*
&*Bek«tOfaarito Alha'a«* d gnldlNalvtktowWtto thtondam- Bl*.*adatthto writi^inaoca Iba
BMcUrt Jobs Aatemcf thn (aW^
I no «• m falsnad.
ttosi J«M, rnntm$i S wftisMas
Ito Im
Capital Stock, SQO,000,000.
a i
m ma
im Boiler forks.
What is
IfZOnE t McCULUI. Fropts.
ik aa
in im
-licliiliMEtiialLifelflsiraflce Cpaipaay.
;:MIU1 roiEI lUiL
"‘illerli TvoDnaiies 8f Succestiii^
For Exchonge.
.^;jg|a)t yj Itiiii Ub 1 M, SlU, W M
Mm-U. X.a llm b>K>>.
Gmndpa’c VaimauiM.
k« iMir M.
tteBllll irfB/BwffcB
t l|
‘■WaQ. rraa Sehalae, bow ie yoor
Twoowea wo riioB fladi; hw tb* thabbbwaaUaaU, batthwawaewol- Me. Idido't 1
I I^bi
boefaend going on*OWW Badidoot kaap nt lowg ta|«ktb«or get ay _ e Uaa^. bit 1 eriad abeot. ‘ftiai'a pbtob;
I them Nagieboyi bad tbb poor kioo- Bade’ en-beantifal-aod aobody |
- irb’ my
re»y badly
Otiy iMnk.
die of a
e eat aod wm
ware ataamg
etoabig it with I waste 'em.
'esi. asd
and I'n aD dteoest^ed
dieooataged ' | einn yrwterday le bee
bae l«ro trxniblMt
with enotber
another bad oi
oompleiot loaiJo
asdl eaidT «top tbat! aod f Asd Barry boiied hie earl; bead oa!' «itb
Mi. tbeynid : ‘Who are year aod Hold j papa'e eewfortisg arm. asd cried eelbia oemnu ferrr
-Pray, wbet ia 11*
Our L«ttor ttox.
diBOMUe, oot to my tngie tatoM- them, aod bare'e tbe eet. mod gimme ' hard ae baeoald
*'Itea. tbare, sow tall hie dear
-* wby. tbe erieie: Aed tbe docuir
lion, aad tbe bOTeoBHOd bb eboold Bona Bilk for ber. end eema bmd
ere aod pot Ilia Aabbj fiaU ioto tbe esd batter for Be wUb eager os lop. papa all abost it,” raid be. petUng
Daa> Boroo.—1 bare oarer writ- porktae <tf tbe oaw kakkvboekera, Tbe raJenUno—ob. (be didn’t eay a tbe carta
wasted aome Booay, yoo ksow
tea to Ibe HaaUJi. bat I alwBTe read aod looked at B# to oota tba effeet word, but I goen ibe liked it, all!
I lae^ U>e rer.e ob it Tbe girie all hare lecsa. bot I're
of fab wordf.
orwjtkiiig 00 the obildraot' page. I
(otqoiU, a good o>ao7 tbiage oa
CkriaUBaa; aoMOg tba beat w
large book aod a diMaeta^ nap of
igao. Wh7 deal aoaw of tU
writm aaod aoM Bora riddlaa 1
iu again I will tab 70a to
lbtagaaUB7lilUo«oaata«i<L Let
dnd; eoowar tbie riddU: Wbet
IW Md^ kv
iMTMMwbB te
I looked at bin wod Bw a rarr
pnUr pietan ae be elood there, bb
ijiiuVAi Mt eolidlT enart, bbgold....
. .*'
an bairdoaUng in 'preUj curie
...........................roey dimpled ebeek.
ae. bigfa wbiU forebeak andbb beasUlnl eran little
taalb gleaming wbiUly tbroogb ble
aod ni eay it to tdrool Friday.
Itmn ta othm th» abwBidf.
Md ■'enmnuBf.'
XateaMdiawtMM be Iroe, boy.
&*«••• «ir«i JOB tbi* liUlobtl
Mmfbt mt, bdt a’a worth
-lAtat U wBiUDs for
ton ap.
Xotor, witk ktoo ,ym
id atroi« will, will ton op aomeIUW(.
iW Um la bod aad wialiaa
tbopcouoM wooM btiai: bini
at ■ toKoe;.
/jobor larBt oat at U
tfoloek ud with boa; pao asd liag
tag teaiwar 107a U>a{<
Xwok: wbaaa,
Look gooa (o
tba poor-
Wo an oU Bora lhaa glad to bear
tnm daar Orandaaa Alward again.
Hope aha wJl oosa ollan
jOOBg folka, that 30U laay m wfaat
Malyowoaogatoalof lb
aaid a nrigbbor, poiotiiig
to a tin^a oarpoater.
*lbafa ia a
■ao wb» baa dooa Dora good, 1 reallpbaUaTa,iB tbia_ oomiaDtiit; (bao
, ao7 otbar peraoo irbo arer iirad to
mm ..g.owrim.t
-----------------New Boarder (to b.e ll•'pll<•■■
Ie ibii wtei ib.y e*i| »pnok-cl
Aod m tall you wbet I'd do wore I ea bate * Old Boeider-Yee
Makin your place. I’d buy Ibtwa emUo- probably gate il« name outrcoont of
111 eJaaliioty.
tinea—the prwtlic
Lwas making a wsierahrel. auj a I
Of course sbe knew belter than
oail X found out under Itu- doorstep
\ cry (or a ahee of tie
you twice, elate aod {eocil oc
i laakea tbelittle obeeae
■Jack tbe Giant Killer' nod lole ol
liiirni got cm now. all
and when ilia npe e
marblea/ How much do you eup-|Y(.d go aud rpind eTerytbmg
poM they coel f"
! yout oJd water aiiMia and'tug tK
“1 can't see what that has got t.i «ud \uull never barv any moosT.: I'ucle Jack
I elk logs bout ral
do with tbe ease at all. maiDua. You . Jo. l^illie and 1
' ' '!«
re —Ibat'a
iuel bODgbt tbeee
DgeI for mo. i why.
_____ ^____
-1 wnu the .........
lillie ,
like yoB always)'
ado. but I'ocle Alfred I aid'iuea this tear
We can but pink laud a i«|er bag full of puff, dough
me Uiat
Uiet four
fou bite witb (be bole I |,a|K.r and all celur*. aud making 'em I nut lioys id i!ir other
your, I, uall the fun."
in It. and yon wouldn't keep your
•-Here's a raleoune *
Tbare ia
widTl'’bbare bought grapes
1 bare lot* of fun here iliding down
biU and ekaUog on Ibe pood
J will
be gUd wben aummar ooeea tgein.
baee beeo there and eaeD the fort i
it u eery old
1 go to Aebool erery
day, and am in tba third reader.
bare two little brolbera, ooe is four
yean old. aod Lie name ie lUJpb. little ^y'a money
pobtia, and be doaa not Uf.
■at worth f3,000. aod it ia rerr lit
tta boaao pot dowo on aataniptioa
tbe creation, where God wae oorning
in the Moude, and be aaid - Ob. pa
Bat a bow famSy uatar
aaotoa teto tba Tillage Ibat ba dori pa fell, pappa fall ! " He eaye fun
ny things erery day
1 will eay
Mt iad it oot aod giro tbam a saigbber^waieoaaaod offer ttato
good by for tbU time, and if ifaie U
prioUd, I will try again tome time
Eaiaon tbk lookout to giro aUmo-
Yoor little friend.
WsL-fea NewBcrer.
ia alwa^a read; to watob wiib a tiek
oaigbhor aod look after bU aSaira
for hue.
1 baliare be and kia wife
Letter Prom
that tbejiae; be able u> aead bou
qaeta to ;tri#Ddc aod ioralila
flodaliM for a plMaaot word to
amrj obild ba meaU, aod ;ou'll alwagi aaa tb< D diisliiiig islo bU onahoraa wagoo wban ba baa 00 otbar
Ha baa a gaoioa fur Uielpiiig
falka, and it doee ae good to iBoat
Dua UutLO Yorxa
obet with you, bet Dtiiber you or
yoar editor are foigotlen.
Home of tbem were
Tory amuting;
did well and deshould all lore
aod be rorj gnteful to your dear
Aodtbeoioral to tbel ia that a
loriag heart Ibal aowa kind daada aU
aloog the wa; u beiur tbao uosej 1
Too are right, drait, ibat'a it:
editor for taking eurb ao inleresl
trying to makayou induelriout,
dutiful end loring cbildreo.
Ood aparoyour Ufa, to grow up
useful and good dtixene w{ icb ia
Ctaod aod Waller. «a are glad 10 needed to make a good world
aae 70a.
Wiah we bed eo emj of that tbe aaeaya are alt dona. 1 should
b07t jaet like JOB. aod all iba real just lore to BM ibie wboU page fill
af oor brara. bngbi Uuulb bo;e.
ed up with oiea leliere telling all
from Cbriatmee
IWa world aboold bear Iron ae owe
of tbeaa daTa.
unto tbe
ima. aod by the Uine tbe
Bot tbe world U go
tag to bear fro* 70111
We beliere iettere are all
wiiileu joBr editor
for you
BoodUwUlbea batirr world lor
poor UTiog 10 il_we beliere ibtl. lodo.
Hbe IS bound
Insicii- Trim in Pine and Native Hardwoods
J. ?i. Greilick’s Factory
09 THB as Y uuao.
WissTiasin sM 4mIw Is au ki
Xs TT Iwl B E ll^h/*/«<■/• .srfT>'. ni.-F.ssy/> y/.oon/so.
.s/ni.s-a. cKiuso Asn rixisiuso lcuuhb.
Flat and Square Pickets Eave Troughs &o
m w.rk fiswall) Orec la a Varisr> OeUrliea,
.,1 p~l‘Sr..U I.. Cl III town ss4csasur afXcn le
Tatewnena Ctii w
that bia
In about ae Lour cams mv happ
to keep lie
He worked in sM-.ou and
forgotl-u, .ve. tbe
lobioeon Crueos by
leevea uu [
sb- found Ler
l(ut I'aele Tom's moolb was so'
The modesl s
fait uf beb take be couldn’t speak.
Her* ie a piaU> iiiila good nigU gnppe, dsol hope yoo will oomejUre paper envelope removed
1 Ibe carpel bow*........... .
»-.ii grsmJmsmn.s put j,p,o.leni-c lu s
pirlorc of a little girl
. , ii
■awdiiBg coog to a wall kDowu luue OBI alt light
niolber, reading Ibe "" Il ' si»hi-b fiit'il.al. pooiei.t !•> i. ms.
BBoy bare who bare bad it, and ine garden liileniug toe troop of
e. in her boy aflusb- •no ..ui..in,-.l out ine l'iu> iiblwB ber of .ccieiv
iiUla winged cupids. all of tbe most *'r“*
mesa eir.
jesrt-luliyMiiid twgaa lu rred >be 1st I
quite sick wub It
vivid coloring, and all of them evi
h, pisp. Ive noi a few cLipsIter-wbich aasn't rrally a iHier
of Ibe Hcbald Yoodg Folks bes bad^MillY well fed
•rAotekToBBag It. (tbe eoog, ■
iv|Bie.l H.iry
-1 look my j
"For tbe land sakesl 'abe cried.
it here. Maud Poeki but ebe U a. ^ “Wba t do YOB think of (bet. mam*
tbe piper,) wbea it'a lima lo eii
•t nigbt wbcD it got
*1** bad finished it. "Do read
go lo eobool egai n
-• »-'• ii;p1etdid
pk--------- ”
’ Now. please.
j,'"' lu‘ire ^“^^1? mtmS^‘ji*.Tbomre '
And wbilegrudi
Ibe lak
ink aed
aed pen.M^ .^uu xou plreae let 'em eUy . ,
a tbe
u please let'em atey a !<■>• *:
le wbat uncle Tnm reed:
very import tot 1
ridBg dowo bill to
! i!-' * "■'"I-.'.
Wa oori; bMttMd to oar eobool asd aralk ap. but ool aaeb eliding and ■ "
>01 k (oie Fiiday,
youbavebreu afficled
--------- MOl'LUINGS
txaa quite iutereated ol lata resdiDg
yoor ateays
bae been a long time tioec 1 bed a
eerre praiaa i yoo
bta ta tba aireeie."
keep boaia pUoU IB winter oiauil;
I wUI be ten years old is April.
•ara a aeU la hia paw at eborob. Be
A la.lv tells us Ibat sbA bodrd 1
"Well,' s-.id Harry witb
sitb a aipb.'said
aipb.'aaid bn
bci “ ooly il'a a day
colored preacher ssy
"He (o'pert
i"I bsvrii'l nuy money, bul Id M-e :
-Obguodt!' ciKiU'bi
of de boose will ple-sesii dawn;I..'
ore ;you
.rgneroet 1 knew would be u««
and 1 esu help too.'
'iu> rb. es,-'sLd--d.-ugbii
;bnuls' And ’ ■ lid pari esnn t see .le
im to be silent |1
I. I might force him
- No. you csnii juu'll lake cui : „e »eie jusc gmug to hai
fo’ [art ................... . sisi.ding l-e
cDse of wiongl
paper for wiuduills or rails. ui Ifos i.<ci‘ '
nde utlabnlwclD
would rankle i
I rlurdv little
iliiing. .No. loiks ibsl
IJ..* nice’
ale said agaio.be- ,
le up my tntiiil
ant money can 1 belong to •
11 bites;" giamma dues u,ske[
Well.dear, let tbel |mss. Ifliiy’'
luteliest doughnuts' OC I'd '
giaeyoue half a dollar now. will i ' Hany Kole.1 at ihtm for aminute ; like to send
yoo sign a paper eeyitig ihat^ -lon’l i »ni,oui siKsling. I!ig laaraswelled ' I'ucle Tnni ccoUl pul
;ui.iul;i» eMs.sgleal sob ai..ein'
njuroiug and .'PM-,
"Yea. if it ia lbs same one '
; Uis throat, si.<i aiibuuln aoici be
‘■nut. auppoas I bare mislaid tueilrJ diien slaiitlu (is dtwi rhop.
other one. and don’t know juat now 1 wbeia ai <1 ka ul whii-V. aagoiia su.l
where to lock for il * '
| uiuJaiJna made Ibinga look bumf
"All right I'll aigo ibo paper aud i,k..
miisi gM »..i
a ,air .
you i-an gire ms one of your (nur '
-lai.hl could sni my kuile or
; l-raku bels
bile pisoaa, and wl.eo you find mins
o, .umtlLmi-.' lie aaid ificr a
--M.ei, Cliiitiie knew 10 a u.imil..'
yoo can gire it to lue I'm in no bur
broken b«« mitultwor so "Id
"O I'ode lom. ' rried .b.-, ■ Irr for that, only I want four tix| take tbe money and hu) jusl the ixe eeiid'im (ora laleniMis' U
right away ta get a valentine that I; Laudsomral vel'ealjnc in ih limn of
eaw at Hardy's. It bia got a little Sacarep. m d if ibey didn't wisb I'lwoktopat '
aoge) that looka etaclIC like her.
,1, i. ; 1 11 led I'uu. sii : be 1 x
So wben* ps|« went doan
"Ai.d abitssll ihisl
Ob. roainms. ebeie soswiul pretty t' .•laim«.i. ro a stack of Istba stesding :after dinner. ObnsUe sent will
bear. IUrbara.s1i-.ul your warning
1 took oat my poras. tbinklBg that aguii.si -h- wail. - I'll make some pie aod together Ibsy selscicO a
find some corupslion’
I would looee no time in getting a tul.
1 u tsre a regular ebop. aud ] |*ir of aiiver boaedsj^clscls s. wbieb you ter. it's so dull si
iqnare bole punched in a half dollar. | put .,p .
aud make Ibe pistols ;t robbed tbe liille bank
I're to brothers or eist.
or I would never get Ibe debt pud,
|„u,. .nck, sod ]>aini em. 1-'penny Io par for
And tiui
pa's paralyzed—aud
■ !oing
laiil ’
lo abut her eyes when she pasei-d by blind-ao I want ti
“Ob. mamma, uouid you spare me I
Harry didu’i easle any mote luin ibe brauliful red Taleniii-si in tbe
p aindowa—but sbe dniu't
Ibat green eilk bag you keep bulti
••Thai sign
I be made
in. for mymarblea
It iaalroiig
___ Mlll.lia.
Iw, ,•.i.l
Neu oiorning. at tbe breaklael-U
BY pockala woold'nt wear
'nulcbl g ih> edges fam-iluliy
ble. there aaa grsiidiuaniiua ■ ulate, 1....
' i.k. liaudM cmI 1 dam
with graodmainma’a deni, dim eyes
bused over It >a ate said a silent
r rupj'ri l-.-il rang tueu. aud ' grar.. aud grandmamma's relrnliDe
would asT that, and an I took It ve.
lliat Ibe< wouidu I
el Cim I uiidi 1 11
Audnben gisudiolmma
terday. hut I lost il "
Next muiuing ii •'■■ lifie.l ber plat.. ane just bnid up ber ,.4 iwstitrl'r ,t tta ■.an
AI last I gave him the corsted
wondeiful lu a.e Ij-in itic usid iwu baoda, ^d puckered b.r mouth
"(our b It" pieee. and ID return got
mugs. ii,t.^sn Qb. ^lauipnsM sbe c.uldn'l ^ns
kiuky .p.ak for as muci. a> a minuie
hsck bair. aud Harry was in ibe shop
Tbeie neie ihe silver b .*e.( s|h-c
hug l^fute
Iw-fure brrekfa.t
tad- . and 'li-ie sss a leiier. look
Iheslirdr little re.l leg. flew le “b'ltl.ng
hire may l>e Bgrael ruabof cut mg like a b.g tm>w-flak-, tied lo
ward, the' book alore, where there
and if iLeri IB I bsven 1 r [.IS
[>it jlliem
;it>emsiifa blueiibbou—in true lov
il ready
him er s k
•a in tbe windows
Ha aaoDol talk tmj O'lcb ia aod one ie fourteen oioatlia old : hie
When lUlpb wae
Ha ia
■boot two years He eaw e picture ol
..... .'r,r;rLr rH-"'
ao go U> Meekinac lilend ; I
much enow bare yet Ibie winter
ol it, bat 4i> gin it* to 70U. daar
•well cur. rre •.
but be waa too earneat io bie plan- ‘Harry OaKes, Pislle
Due EniMo.—1 tboagbt 1 woald wbaterer it waa, to Indolge in any
wriU to tbe HneLO. ee 1 bare writbeep coela of An on tbe l>cade of BeuBrte«ei^.^i<}^«j(Bi^ ^pii im
-It U^dnlioe day, if it* Well,.
Harry pnnled the eign
tee twioe before, aod they did not
end Ihoae girU who woo'tiel poor peo
what about it f'
' fully wiih red end blue
find tbe way to the waeU baekeU
eight io the ce* ipl« >o tb«r party."
■Well. Mamma. il'eTal«olieedaT.;b°oe>i .
Oor eebool ooly UaU three weeke Erarybodr eenda ererykody alee eel-1 ler window
Harry did as papa adnead
Papa bad
bad a
a ebop
ebop dowo
down I
loagar. Oor el^biag Uabooi gone eetio'er. Tbere’e a niiw girl io our' tbere where tue boye could ..tittle' nlentioee were beauUee; aod il there
-reo iu
e men bare bad to atop draw- aebool. Her name'e Annie Sbeperd, end eaw end plane to Ibeir hierf. were more eoemef^ emldn
jtbeo Miitie, lelUe end Ja it
I bare taken ootil now to gain
boioetbmg wuuderfuj uai alwaye;<
been aiak with la grippe,
mote Ibeir ow^ teir reapecL
eicg done in that ebop.
I tbe United at ma.
down with it Tucaday nigbt.
At Cbrialuiti-It .we> double rut-'
uiede boaie, |
and am oot able to go to acbooI yet.
wee pietoie.
Miae Thirty eight uml , > - Wle
aebool" end be'd better 1
Tbe rliildreu bed been couoliug
■ pity it eeeme. M' K^meieet. ibal ■
•laa. ao aba cos oot go to aebool.
id penniee, tbiuking
®f f'ebru mao like you ebould be a bacbeloi* '
tbrir dimae and
tbiukicg '
goaaa or lattar ia long asoogfa, ai
Souiereel— Y.e. Uue Thirlr
b'o6ato (o aaa Ibat Dolbiog bart
will eloaa for Ihia tioie bj giTiBg mj bar. and macDma aba baa got bair uuly a wpek euey.
i^igbl. iU
it doee se. m a pity, but I ren’i
■ I re got lu c
aga wbieb ia 11 Taara
If Ibia doea jdowo to ban. aod I want 10 aaoH
an't a bit ijBeer. because kelp It. You know I was boit so. '
ditber. 'aaid k
line-Dill bae made Cbmtie
ool 6nd Iba war to tba waata baakat:‘’•r • «•«««"'.
!'“*• tbi-rei tte
a baby-rbeeaa. in a little
1 will wrila agam, ao good b»e
..ffapritig i do*«> «l U-uiood a all lull of an
■•t bolde no more ibau a
that ha oogbt to know where hit |»od baait.-i
ery auuiUi.r for a pood
Ciarn Pn
biis dollar waa. for he bad bimeelf,'prooipt
to pa? it oot for a ticket > uil. Yoi Me i( Idont bare ifae bmt.
'authorized 1.
e. again, o
abole,—Harruun ErertU
inetrels only
efadmUtion to tbe
»i I(U'«. ro ted Ken.
t at lie f<
lUg will.
reason —Uabel—
iiDi. ebe ale some of giandmam.
Diea Mae. Bniyoe—1 thought I week lieforc
-Ha’, dear, wbet makes you alwa;
• You mnil be mistaken, memmi ,
„.. ^......................
1 Led a' me'e nice rbeeee. end liki
:ed it
woBld wnu e little letter to tbe
call ms your litile arob
for I saw YOU gire Ibe roan a ll 1 whole .juaricr me
r pnk Ibal when Tods Tom lold ber the
Hreei n.
We hare bean liTing beta piece, and lyou got tbe change 1 be-'
laays ntuin lolbefold.
: up coal tbe gill sj iltrouDii the ' moou waa made ol greeu cli'tweibe
Wo yaore next June
I wUb I wee ■idee, my four bits bad a square bt Ie coalhiu. aud a man gs«i- me Ul ceuis ai-luslly ened for a piroe. Aud after and be opened l.is ai-tns aiih an ex
I and
ba£k^ Trarerae City again. 1 bke in it. and 1 tbould bare noticed it if nuee 1 iooked lisuOsome one day lu | sbe put Lou-, she cued again
it better tbare than bare.
tan for tba older folka bjr the looka
Br a qoick ebot ba bad juet irt
rued ber from lie rlatediew ol ■ beer
e your tboeiibie mteu
What were
Diiod It
aod gire meone of bu ueoal beaheb enliteldool know,but.1 behere ,
Papa litleoed
Ibe tearful »*ory ,
e. which
which geserally
rpmcrelly aesltered my °>7 ^7
<l»Dke I bare ibrt ball in eilener, ibeo took a eilear dollar,
of the dollar biddeneweraoiaewberaemoog out ol hii’-looteesaage’pocket.
beirpint to tbe four e
nouee and renderod 1
WhaliTii TOP Md. b> It—, boy
■ •ir»»pui>iwrai pi'u[» ik< iwiipcp'pe rwIM. (•*>• a>cemj». u4 It riMi nte. ipw«-
lipiT'^d alUw^er iaet tbe
Thet wee 20 yean ego
Tbel lit jbang- Tbeooly trooble wa** sobokindofaboy motbere ere prood of ‘I*
of dy wanted ibem. Once 1 came eery
andtbe eigbt did me good
leati* l“'l*
old. esd bar | near lalling one
A boy .antsd it,
down partly from an inwaH wiah motber e name ueed to be Annie 1 thought it wee lorelr, bot bad
that he woild climb into mr Up Sb*-P*rd. Wbet became oUbe ral-;money.
i'oar frbsd,
ILuion L Birrax.
Be eon and wriu again, Maggie
B« viiibte
PC ”>r . Bcip'w'Iiitt,
»T •cp»i*i 'pt
M eil**«^«MlUep IPW^ k.rw. •tlceolirp
eboold I Uaeb to own 07 lore*' to ginng ralentioee I hadn't e oeot
■aid ‘poor folka ooalda
Til lore that_1_
realma abora 11 Ao
Ib^ party.' 60 1 Iboogfat I'd
Wby iboold I bloeb to ear to all
!''be to
That rirtoe bolde my faevt in thraUt' ean:
I amde all tbeae—iaet ae
And be did. with a lordly, defiasl , Bioe..JOB
with the U ,h,p,p,r waa no.rapped and
Hmse Shoes, Horse Hails, Toe Calls. Bai Iron,
Nalls. Pomys and Bulldeis' Haidsaie.
S. S..
Ewl KiuotSUe.il
TraverreCitj. Midi.
Btodted hud 111 day.
Wi'va triad to have good laeaiieasd
oot teMbrr'a raloe obey.
brer tba Mgaol btfl lo
pot oor booka awey'
dkadri^t oor good nigbt eoog.
It ia moat Uwe we beard
(roa Aanlle Boee again 1 wa all love
to bear from tor.
Well, ae my Ut
S rj"
ball eanDot ltll<aU 1 ren
would lake
IHmhl banabt
up loo much time and
ler bappy aebool- apace, bat will elaply give
■oRibl bambl
wbieb will eqoe ^ awrrety oae,
(joviagly Y'oore.
Oasaniik ALwaan
witb sbM blacking elertod off to de
.1! u T
Uou lueaot ..lily . bat waa be ae boey
tbe hot Ibongbl I couin have wn>.
you ean tell wbat you ean do.
Bambl barrel (or bappy aebool.
w iTirekK aa‘n>>i’iTTBXTia*s
-Dil sou
Idu believe 111 mtk.
tbe child tso ebeeess nett eummer. ’
Thru she lied Ibe vsteeUne with,
■ be true luvet'a kbot agaio: and after
breakfisi abe laid il away in U>s op
buiesu drawer wub Iwu aprigl
And (bare it la to (bie
BuehleA'e A oiea Salve.
Th« Firat VwlenUna.
bw Imobe now are reded aad ear
vorktedo; te dooe,
VdV-bnnndy for oar leancM wbw
. Hmher«v!e began,
70a t
Ob, ttp sUire I
^e'taSi w I Ser^deT^ 1
from the motber ol tbe little
90 eCHT$ P«« BOTTLff.
Ciiid Rapids t ladiana R. R.
Hbowa iU value by the rapid .ale .1 U b.ring at tba Wonrer Drug Star*:
.* l*®“."'*
Ding (roa behind a row of i
Mb. 8piiidl.t<.k (ol Ih. SmIIHU.
Toung Ladiee's mieoty)— jiet Mr.
aaid]' .
BoekxBore, I Ire. ibat yoor iteogb•Of oaorae il te, or I wnaUnt eall!I Wben Annie bad dieappoerwd
'ean't <C7tag-tbai te. 1 «m oe ter bes DO (W 'rity (or Ibe Fmeb
stood irilb bin baoda in bie peekM
UlUe—joel for fen," (Xpteiaeii taagoage.' Ji-netban BoekaBora
0«a Blghl. dm tenotaw. MW to 70a «a Ai^ oow. to aae wtat wre ,cr aBtaQte, and tbaa hagaa wbtat(with more mcoay fhaa bratas)—
•■d oAoolmtea, OM aad aU
-Writ wbat |eH»- aaid L an
“^t. loa mn. Akd >W. 41 ••WrittbCB. lee'etn, Ita pwfaelly
^•MtraMre to gri. a tee^pp taokad aroowdaa taataoi. Ml ex
___ ^_____
lane and do
rrfc. iDsisIonbsringSJSSl Take
other. Priceaycoits. Prepwmlby
Rohes at 13. $4. tS, tBIand o|i. IBIaotels dt BMaenlsini.
Call aod see-m» tSOO. BOB, 10 00. II'OO aodl2 00 Siifle
Harness, The)! are the Best lor the kone).
*y:$l8;OoolHe Wort’ Haioess canoot be Beal loi Ihe aoiey.
• M. l^N.' I
ter ia about loog eDoiigb i will close
bo^g lo bear from you
Mv Clove andIMitten Stock Is Complete,
Ik. < Il4wsf. 1(1 dai-T'! <0 wa
Tlaa aas
w^k ew‘«»s e-tl^
akaliag. (or the be; baa not Iroxaa
ovar yet.
yi J-
1>NT News SS4 Bo
j-ws *1*. iftkiSir^*
W iml
...L^rNiiTFiii r 'itiftiHiW
«t Pkt
E ' ' Bnie ud Vum.
Mm M. K. C B4W. btra
The SwMtOTt Sa
ITM^ k Wa«r )•*« (Ml «»*f
■0-4M fMctnytarMto
Xu amr •MM*l MM u M:
ti MM u4 BMM kum K >
VMIkMUf itiuOMibtl
-MV (wt ta>M a nutUf
Am BU kaUT> MM u M:
lUak> U. ■■■■! ku»t li
» kttut I Un IMa Mr t
ContnbuMd to th« HarxIcL
li^bTHtba; wo^ba Mrprfoad:iaommA and wA anokod. •
to Unto and Ad tba Mot. Set it
baA vbMo It *{D bA for thira or
for—aagiMbto aompaafoM aad (oar Miaalaa. tbaa poor oMv tbo
battorAtoaataAfMT* All varaA op DoaU abonld ba preparA A
*»«*>% war*
tba iMt aaoaaaat, m tba; Ioom mora
Wba* a wemaa pajaopaAl altaab; waiUng than *ban fraAl; ooAttoa to btr foilA it k a varoing to
A. Fiool; miooA boafataA, mitA
M otbar woMa le leA oot
vttb baif tba qoantH; of ftoo bread
Notbfog oaila a erooa saa noro
ofunba and to agg to aaA piut of
Iban to bod a bollM off bia eoat.
tbo Bislorr, do; bo browood in
*baa hw wifo bM not liaie laM* it
loot loro or inAo ioto btlb tA
food in bol fat. If too drr a lUUa
iTbata ara ool; a fa* oarUialiM i otoA or grav; or crcoB mop bo
U0» .1
^ ;Zn i.
oold .i«.d WI.U.,
lit riccllect with a atlA ; k goA
Wbmyoo 6At good mm
I ,b,t iu ooa Itm.lj io-blA I t» lafaavo (o«A a BM *A U tr;ing to'^^ii^ ,i „ ^ <»o„on piocU.
daaarva tba Amiralioo of an boBMt
cook a beofauA Atar
brrAfaat for (b* aakd »biob bAm
A bo; who iapooM on hit Alar tB iDportABl leeluie tor ilii dieoir.
ill impoM on bit wife aa a man
rat ntbarr or oooo "
Uotbora tuoA; Uaeb Lboir toot to
ipOM on (boir aittora.
SvDd;to Ibe mill and |
. bud llu. .. .11 M UbT, lb, bu.
5„j n„ .
bAtawpoMofMdti «taon aixad.
take a taoMp of tba oiixtota, atir ia
blaapooB of gratA Aooolati
wbiA baa baM oofUcod by aatiing
taoear over tba tMkottlo i <U
tba pan ooa inA deep *ilh tbe jal
to* batfor, than aAa t*o or Uu«a
ctrelMof tba dark, tben a U;Or of
tbe ;rilo«, aA cootboe till ;oi
bava aa aoA M wiabA io tbe pan.
Fmit JA;__ Prapar* a Ax of
Ooxa'a galatisa acoording
or **LB
mK. Tba BMari aa; rat; in tko
rkproMMOtaaeap too bowl,
aA tba bboobI of boda aad aalt it
oAngA to*iiil.
Biee Wafflta—Ooa and a bA
ptouof AilA riea.aaraaol Hoar,
ball a toaapooB a*eol milk, oee icamU •! Mkllc ••Ua*. lo 1»«
apoOD toda. tall, ibrob agga. battor V»
al tw kant fnici4aeiar iMkalMIM II
lk« rrctaia Cewn la heW ig VTiaaTaa
aixe of otvolnot
I tka Ceealr ai Gniu ^aaana. ia aalC naia. aa
H.b.1,, Oblb—iod t.b b.,.
elikai «u.
wholo boam; for one boar io milk. I|MtrWKrrtairw'at~1ka
«f j
and add «bilt Al a epoonfol of bat-!!m« eacauaC.cr tl IkaUaaof laaalit
Sixty Qays
Special Prices
b.b.,„..^,b.„db...„.,..d.,u..^.,u,®||||g|,LovEs ftND MITTENS. HISIERY,
bottom oft **l fmit mold; kaop lie, pu,
IferfA wiappA .n a nap-
underwear, caps, Mufflers,
to (anc; in tbe la;ar of jAj to mold.'
cobs avkaca ctictaxa.
ot.rd.u oi
t „<
poor io anotbar la;ar of jell; wbao' gji, together a pini atd a ball of i
Brat lajer lv owea fir^ tben a aoe-lfloar, a^ball pint of corn .Urcl, a
B or ana a- t
ond lt;erof fruit, and toon untU half teaapoon’ eall. a'lablfapooo of
allta oMd; let nek la;ar Arome!,,^.
baking pem- »'a:asfliicS'C«.C,aiiio1it,»l Tr»,<r~.-a
ta I6e BaUarV iSt f.iair
'-aeiTT to'.lT,
firm Afore adding tba cost. Wben|,j„, rub in this one tal.leapoc10 of, act,
ancaaaC. Ulc M,k, Ub»aabi;>a' Pralsaa.
^ I la. Is Iba i'oaati al Ofma<I Traba*,,* aatf sialr of
A are firm turn out on a aUnd In '
^dd a bait piut of i
NMMa II bMal-r fibCB.ILsI <a vanaasn-a(a«
wiotoT tbU disbma; A froten-a aiik. mixing .t quiekl; into a amooih ~*rr
rraclr.I la .k, at.Ian'taca. tVaarl. K
beautiful ointment
; dough Floor the brmdboard. Urn
A.N11 JIXl WI>TTBB goods.
Now is the time to buy and Sava Money.
ikr ui,0 oaf <.i Jaaairr. a P I
1W px|Mn xra foU of triieim nrg...... o,,L„.,v
“ “U- Tntcrva.oa
iewi.lt.r-ra «'1II» aoUat paI. ir .aaear. i« iSa
meane the coaraa, dark tiuff. t; at
i roMaio
koMding ae poHible, gel it into a Plckrat hlU.-t. al Ual.irloa I'. “ . oa inr p,rw Cavil At 78 V*v-oxat »tr
tagpw^ to “Rb* ehieuat x&d bar aotbar.
laaa.iaika CsiaOvI u.aaa Ir.ivra.- ,r. ail*
ebilJren ato a]*a;t Ibe child ^mootli. enu foim Tbeo. iprMd i-iaw. 00 rn4*T.l»aS'ik «ar »I •• I.raap, A !•
nt riih.* 1 tbiak w«b piMM an It it pitifol that wbao a woman ftmer,. utuaII;>nog back from tbe!
ia»i BI laa « tWe la ipa Iw. .p ,.f ihti aif
laalijral u, al: aaciwl,raa.-aa * n,.rlri>' ■«
«mr«Ur wTiUmt hj acwM groMr
aiagrsiar ciiauai al Iba Una „f tka *aklk fU
^NB 4(P at* MXTM tod high, xxd OMda ber dangbUr to aA il. and loama nama Tate one leacup'mid- of ;e«ra. ou maolv grealuraa nor; remain for lU minutes. Koll il ver; r^a «r^aa«. ar at tkr usa ol l-aUiejsia
ho Oita loofiBg for th* tint vboB «baa bo wanU a favor ftwn Arr bo diiog*. a tMipoon lugar. ■ ball a womanl; dignil; eao wake ibam an; ] Uiin with ibe rolling pin. cui with a
(Mipoon ginger, ono-fourth leatpoon Iban bol Jobu aod Jamea and Loe; jcHur. pnek each Verker wilb a niSla or Itr «i*ow«(aaii] drarsaM Ibaralal Uir
indo ii (o«l <rilJ bo britk M>d ogp fcaowi bia bMt mAiam ia bit ton.
loIlawikB *rw<nba* r>s aaiaia. inaii- Arm
Wbao a aiao geu down tbera la a aalt, a teanl fourib leta|>ooG aoda aod Aon to falber aod uolber fork, and pul them oo a greaaid aarpanal tkr pirraa or i„iaa> af lakS.IJik*
to Amp onttom ew bm Umb.
kcil Wlac la Ik' loa Dahli. > r IVniargia. CaBBIa
idOiak* Tratana. kb* maia .,1 Birklrib
Or aoooa dovMt koopor of loaU or mab of BOB and womu to belp him
)ugb bol ,-water oo itiU to Tbera il oltao a toueb ofpaibot injbaking tin, waab tbe top of tbe mara
camraiarl, *aar,-a.d k. lollawa. lawn
tbe Biacoer io wbieb old people a|>eak I crackers over «itb milk, and l«ke rwk o' raV kadilia k'la aaik I'm >H •"**
hofooood prondar of tpoDfOBoko.
bat wboD a woman gala down. mAe a atiff battor. being eure out
*aa7rd la M.a Diaaak h, Ararkaa* kkdtkkkri,
warm „ !ot their gray-hairA
aod daugb-1 eight mioutee in a nr; bet o
Ibere it a roab of man ood women to aeald it. At it »Und
s' kwV kll Ik araiio* s; I'aa »• S . 11 I*
-aMMo.oU.MOi tbi oegbUi
waaL taauialkc Ills abn-r war, ai IFM. ntn
aa-ll Isprw'r*. wllk a Car tasnac archkrit af
• Mostoio bigb, 00 oroU too
lor where it will keep
kiA bor fortbor down tba bUl
appira. Mara sawb aptlful. rkrrTirk r-< . a
“We're going out west to see our j
tnoliTo orticloo. Md ooi of
ctt*ab..f await irklia. aCai rlaaa dwalliai aa*
will A up iu bait a dav When it
wocijikr ■ [ rBornin
L. U >I U
O O.
oalballaiaea Ikaraaa foali’OraaQ aBaaSraar
aoighbon bcUH a largo bouM. OMt
looke foam; and light, eit off in a ebildreo." a brigbt evA old Ud;'
olprawiaaa akeaaarmiat siaiia, paal rwail
Oaa af Ika kaal I,ail akd CTwlfi la-wa la akl* 1
■oybo flftj dollari
A tamil; roeijing in (A aattoro eool plaoe. where it will not frMxi with a kiudl;. pUcid (ace oncai aaid
boxfU MO budrwl bonf; toetber part of a ml; r«ioiaa in Aring ibe io winter, aod lean til) tbe next
k BuaimurUi'twrl.
twMl7-dro or tbirtr dollaio
moat original eorvant girl on tbe morniDg Sift vour flour, im cold biirA ImeAod'ii side on a wetierc
vaCMMtboy voroMoU fod »o «bjl« atroel. HA roeecU; mAe a fire in weather w,riu in. make a hole oo railroad train, “we bivou'i aeen two
^jOKTUOua: PBlaS:
I; fin ;ears That a
ooniiooottoo dollart tod t«ool;' tbo cooking Hove tbet nearl; burnt one eide. aod put in water for toe
Iro eaoU a vook; m; 6ft* dollar* lor tilt booie up Wlieo ber mietreea oDmAr of lo*v«e ;ou wub to bAm an awful loue time to A arparstrd
oil nootbi. lbo7 war* colli, to;, aekA ber wbat elie wae doing, vbe Ad kilL a nr; little lAa. uot more from ooe'e own obildren ~
rtm'ifrJ'k'.'j.Ikk il ’Tiinr'-.l oiraVrkiiU
L'liailT. SirLlpki . n. Miaar: s WaltmM M
laid ibe bA mAe a fire to Ake
“Are all ;our oliudren liviug is t A mlTrrtU^al^I a
thibg oa; mo voald ooll bits.
tbae a fuuttb of a taaepoou. end tbe
QIII^ Dii_maru tb ^ lotua. I'liaii.a waai;. UirO'i'kJ *tlM lha
;eaat Wirb a large epbiou >lir iu
•*gMaaogoiii;didoot la; toonoubt pie
aM 'litlr *TT. akA rmoT*r* ik ikr uSrr ij IbiRrtiaiarolU"*. I«> n.,i oiplj .iri.rkB*Trki.
• Yea. all we re'got left We bur
to oajtbtog, util iDOMoor, tod aggi
“An' wAn 1 oent down iiaire to the flour tilt it i< aAut u etiff a«
la lb' SI*'' .,1 S-vliUkr.li, l."-r i: o<
«orH«r.,.. ,,.CT 1»,..« IM aomlkila. nl
mto down to a abiUlog or foortaao look after it I (onnd tbe fire goin’ ;ou can stir it: remore tbo apoon, iA our A; Hear;, back io Obio.
Sant. V. 11 IWC. riKit •sill. iBSUckp. IB". !•
r'klBr* IP Sc ear I"| I be P'iai:|-' tr.e lair'ral
eobU a douB, tod (bo; laid at; ooo like mA an' I be oven ao bet it ntar- cover with ■ bread ulotb. n t where lait fall. Splendid, fine lookiug Ay ,
>,a aaolbcl BiurckmbcrciB aia-iare.lhc is,.
B*t.i .trcrol s, -aiJ wmicaerr '• kub-nas*
it It warm ; wbes liubl put io tbe be ,waa. Juki turoA of fort; Our!
doUtra vortb of ogga ateb or tat 1; lit lA pit.'
I-, 'kr icrsi' uTaki.I amvckw •< Ibr *alr ellbla
am,'e, Ibe amw ol Eickl UaiJrr*. Tscivc kk«
fod all iiftoMr, rtiaod bardl; to;
One A; tbe miitraei waa olaaoiug oven aod bake. It acarcel; ever other four cbildian went waste good
i.Miaiiaoiikra. uid ao aan or pra-coiaca ai Wm IS .sail, kaiiBc 1-s-ti laaiiikl'd lo roccf-r
AMmb; loot aoBM booi. Tbo; aU oot a ebioa clOMt, aod handed l^e takM more tbao ibrM bt.ura from man; ;aars ago. auJ now were go
aai ,*.t iBctcal. Tiulit' la iLorrIorr ServS,
tbe Ume tiie flour ia lifted in the mg to lire wilb 'em "
port of lha ogga, aad io ibi fall girl a Awl.
aalaXa, lb. ISIk *., .rAp"l. A 0.
wfaM pooUr; waa obaop tad i
“Ba vor; twrafol oot to break it
••Tbats-illA pleavaul for all of.
Al lea o'clock IB Ibe ll•eaa.«I0. I abai: •e l
I'ablle Aanliia. lo Ibe blebcai liidder <aa*
out of tbe oveo. But a few ibiogv ;ou '■
for old biaa, fat told Iham all.
rkrvf'ii. iwi..Juir «. iwifor it it two bundrA ;ear« old."
. lake plare al ih.- II..OI d -d' <* Iilsore ba I.
•Tra.cra. I'lie. lirvao li.iciae Coaoi;.
Hob-did baf I eoold ibo«
•Lawa, ma'am. A ;ou two bun it if uaeaaaar; to oAerve Kirau
“Yea. eo i-. will. Tue; wou t bear
akid VilkiiC' I,all 0' n.- -h. p'kre ul bold..
Ik IxTr wriT ruivd lij K. rkckb*
eoopa, vbara fron a doMO to tbirt; drA;etraoldI I wouldn't bev aup dofi't expect first olaei bread from to our doiug auvlbiog eUe now Wo
: ka .ball W areraekr, u. -kll.l. tkr kiuoamda'
xn ruiruiR.
fowta ora fcapl, eoatiag too aod oaa- poaA ;oa wereaora tbaobalf that.' poor flour, mod tbe warmer ;ou keep are going to rUv tbia wioter witli
halfeontowaok par baad to kaap Ad Ibe^irl.
oor l>o; John. May be ;ou'n beard
;tA; wilt riel: out; don't get lAm of John. He'a beet) in congreae oi ,
tbooi too fat to la;, notil it «oo1d ba
;eo hot the; will actld on tbe aide or' era veer tow. but bia folkt Ave
ll.e ...alli Hall ul ires.eiSeaal iiair. i ..I arellisi
obaapar to bo; (ba ogga.
aa'.a. ol liiaakbip laeijl>.ala l.oflk ol rkiee
r'eaea seel, roatkiklac •Icbl, k'maul lap*. IsYoung
;. never
ora kapt, lummer la;isg braada ;or
a*w-«ia gone
kl“ai' ou'tu Watliiugton
’ »a...uj(,iju
11« B
«. lute, pmlAsiformy ;«o»lawful good A;. Johu ts-lhe old
«to(« lo;an ora fod < o iba; bfo»d parlor ipi nding ;oar time with
.n „„
’""sASI kl^^WAVaXH.,"”*
iU Um liaao. Seravo; badi; dratoad foeliab eoft-bandAUc^Ie darAg lAl nuib.ng tour it aver put in. It |„,
ohiokoBOOf araall braada, or ooar«a<‘ Ond waiting it awav, while porApi
^pmxuoHa: wo.-i:
alool; autoriiig braada, are aold ;ou weep over tbe imaginar; paint
of tbe navorwM, ner a-.a . d., o,t.o .go. TtAlk.„,„
duttog tba bolida;a foe half
to A Aroint of tba iMt novel, tiAk, i It,, -mi ol good ..II rt..!
XKaaaaa, baat,oold,Balarw, aaoiatura,
■.laCalrU lilWOMkS K UkOd,' kl.U Uoftrad.
ing broad
Tanois, aggoaUag, aofi abalia: «gg* rour poor, wear;, wora-out moloat
eall ber mv Ub; if abe is Uh yeaia Haro.I - "U .r faaaik. r*“l-kail «l I*' tlar «s„,,l«r. LI. sire. .■( i.ra'-A T™."-- I'oaai.
Ik a I Ldc-aLii.e Kooa.a.sB'TC < .la ai 11 are a . Swk dka, lo kasiarl s Wa'kil kad fSa a f
doaot batob.abd consitaM loaaoa
!*Lti-mi MUfts
[old wilb a growed up daughter It li>a:- 1 -■ ......la kl la Ibki Uar I klao ba.. U tu, e.spna.ar lb' e.* of Walk" A Ubll' I
olM j.wa.’: l■•l‘•..a i'...kl.. M.rb'Cko d.'.dl
tbo kitebon, unwept and unlbougbt
'araalUba raeord.
. -------------- .a ............. ....... a I, „en,»B aaa I
' come bird to have ber ciarrv and go
Fruit CaA—One cup butter, one |,„v to Kauaae. like she did'. Some
i obrs
Noo', ifaa; (Motogti (broogfa
d-siro to SUUOBCC' I* my Irieod* tod the public lAt 1 Uve addeal to my
Don't drM ;«sinel( up in fine cuplbiok eouroreem. lUreecupt eu- limea I tbiuk I'll A glad^e-io nUAedasbl -Isiloring boainsta an elaxut steak of
Iba you witboot lou. tba; siaaV
gor. feur of raisini, five eupi flour, j Lucy than suy of 'em , eull, if I bad
Myt *lth a fa* fatrda. In iba opting
saj which Id rutber see Id A
obUiotbabaat agga poMibla from ran old, (Aid ealiea Don't take foot egge. a Uaspooo kodt, one not
b my merebsut IsiJariog 1 ioteod to mska a vpiAWT- J
braada Mitad to tba oHaata, aar- AtAboUda;a ud plooeore tripa meg, two of cinnamon. Stir tbe su 1' pul to It to aa;. lud I'm glad 1 have [
tbe iMt ol giioJt and IstMt rtyleo. An ebgMl Um cf
bMa aod all AodmUbom, and raiaa and loava bar none. Don't ridicule gar aad butter to a cn 1. boat the j not got It lode One eugblni to'
band. Come
Cume «.d
aed —
aee U»
Uie e-»d.
enoda in lb*
tbe p™.
„a,, r..e am " I’lii^"",;' |ltillr'S!r»l«y. « IUA
•~<f.aea kt Ik. ul la rkaiii !
Hoping to meTit 1 abare of ;«or rsieemeJ patniciage, I as,
a Aaa lot of pulloU i kMp but fa* and tOM ;our boA at wbai jrou
to a eliff froth, and ed.l 10 the j .how partiality lo ous’s own ebildk, C'"B Ikal aa I
togatbar, aaU tba p^oraal «bao tba plaaaA to call bar old fatbionA iugar and builor. diaioln Ibe soda | rco. and I'll A co gUd to bm 'mu all.
I know tbe children will ad te
aarkat io tba boat; oo «all oarad for, waja aad notiona. making onkbd in a Ubleapoton of wtiar, pour it lo ;
and keying tiar out of tbe to the cream, stir but very little s j giml to see pa aod .,a'
fatUd. and dioMad ao handaoma
IV' Tht l.taiiuig Mtri ’i.uit Tn.h’r tiud Cdit'f FuniisJirr. Trattru City
tba; wilt bring aa astra price. Hava room when ;oor ;oung friandt call few momenta, and bake one boar
Ckrlica kul kfi,a*isi.ul aUk itic l U"
CkoquetUa__ One cup Ailed ru-s !
ou> rirbir^i- uri.
«ga oil wintar, aA for tba boat opoD ;ou. and ;ou bava moaio. joUiCkii ki w i:teiv. HktiAi a iv.. rroti i
ly and,
abrre .bc| will he aSO'k ill' t.rbl i.ler.
pciea olaan. fr^ lorga agga.
ona of Aopped meat
Tbif tic« baa Iba meidt of keeping
boo* two poubtj kaapan living, D.>;ou nevar ibiA who it it that cop milk to beat and ndJ rioe and ito bMut; Ibrougb numberlMt wasbbaar ooab otbu io o villogo with koapa ;oa iu ;our finer; and idir
but. ingaandia ibereiure ler; desirable
m (bat ;onr wanla and tar, lat come to a Al! and Ad on* for Irimmiog
BMri; tbo toma^ atoefc, grada PI;.
Hooka. *bo aall lor a diffarMoe of wiabat ara oomplfod with
bootao agg. When ooo! Uke up in so, wbeu knit of yarn,
HxeaoU por dooM. Om aalla to ar;Ui>Dgia in order and
able and vuiUble edge for flanuei
cromA fry
oMaoMara. Iba olbar to daalara. for tbe piMurwe and privilegaa
akirU. dietaing larki or'Abie* v'orsvt m Uc».-ae» t .'CSC ta.l Wkkiaaa . *irB H'o-'ckW
- ""
kTkk coai|.kk< I'l reto .1 rikilaair* peja.rUk. -r'Walt"".l
Tbae aat ;oar baoa whan agga
DougbeuU—One cup milk, oxe blankeu.
• kokair «»a..i-S ttkf irkraioiot .toO. ul
Ji,.,*, .1 J
Ab, tbo lAa it coAng wbao ;ou
obMp. Hot ;oa mum know kote. to
Caat ou Grtoen atiebei aod knit
■coot cup sugar, an agg. a pineh of
pravaat all Iom b; dianaa. poor will think ! WbM ;ou Art taken aalt, two tBMpoMftria ol craam of once aeroaa pinio.
mbs si ongks
•amt. M r^i"errt
OMtkaU, 0(0. Kbo* bo* to bava BpM;oBraalf datiaa«nd raapoaei tartar, ooa taMpooo aoda. and aAut
lat row —Knit three, ibread over,
Toor biu la; «ban yot want ibaai biUtiaa of which ;on Aow nolbing, ooa and one Alt pioia of'flaur Mix narrow, thread owr, narrow, ihr^d
toi Ml «baB-;ou «ant tbas to
ibrrad over, narrow
egg. tnirar aod Aik togalber. and
koo* bo* to AoOM par* blood rban ;on atandbeaidean opMgrave
urrow. thread uver
about, piolof flour lifted
eoeka ooitod to ;oar ataok. in farm where tba foldA hanA areal raat with tbe aalu c
1 of tartar aud knit t-o
and qdaMad to mii»o<^ it, Kojo; fotwvar, Ibta ;our IboogAi will A foda; afterward itir io m much flour
—Knit acroM ptoio.
tba *orfc, aad bava Iba tael, patiaoM fall of Iba peat, and ;out aoul ery aa to oeodA to roil, aAut half a piut
Sd row.—Knit four, thread over,
out for jronr motbar.
aad hnaioaaa abiUlj, abaointal; naa
U 10(1 at the; oeo A rolled, catrow, thread over, nairuw, ibrvA
aoMrr. Ill of tbit or poo *111
lougbouto are lander, oot fat over, narrow, thread over, narrow, "otccJiitT'l-Tjrllior’iaurBi
w« arc pecw»i
•oakad. and kMp well wbes ihut op Ibraad orer. narrow, ihraad ovar. oar>i.vt.4iir
WAt tball *a do with iba i
11 Isat Staikkv, ka* It----- vlLk
ilLk ••
*iikcf at oBca «« S.r wall. *11 «■«»..
paii. Begin trying them knit two.
ccsia**si:k' Okk/r*> rs'V*‘:L‘ik\;;'i'^.n" ..*,u.:k.nanU of baafataak 1
' uioar ar* >incil>
krmlr i-OceSa,
a. iaa<ttk.U' 1.
A Tory amall ptroa Of oold aleak
Hoi ~
UP •. ISc daverrur rapoi css
5tb row.—Enit five, thread ovar. 1ardiclkc/M.
UImA with tAM agga, a moat piaee of tba dough to rme to tba tutThar*.
irrow. Ibraad ovar. narrow, thread
oaalotta. wfakh will A aolSdaBt for (aoa almoat aa aooo aa put io tba ket|«r. narrow, ibraad orer. narrow,
foor paraont. Tba meet moat A r,
A «oU kao*B Mo* York oocM;
Ratoin Pit.—Ooa iMOup raiain* thread orer. narrow, ibraad ovar,
of oil atring; per
WMB, oblor of ooa of loot BtotM-o tioMaAoboppA vary fine. Cnuib ■towed and BMbA. two eupa aaob Alt two.
lIsnii’cMWaa*?^! ka*
: And Apricultural Macbiurn.Stc-atD end Bratw Fittings, Uffell
baantiM aod baraalf notad tor h« a abea of Uaad witboal (be cniat ic-1 boding waAand »ogar, one-foortb
6tb row.—Knit acrooi pUio.
• t*eilrd k; Jaka X S'lactruieS ks* Sk" * i~..^k..*.ir..v .............................. .. WIscScowk. kt* sll*. ol uikB* rrk»**aa V-aa.
WfU*T YVlir-c-1 end Jiidsoe Anthorontic Stop GoTerDore.
haab ;ootbfalDaM. oa;a Ibat Ito
Tib row —Enit aeroat plain and 11.
liKkIns. Iu SkWici k ■'kikt'uihi Jukk*
loataaeapaAfill it op with milk. of a cup of abarp vin^ar. a toaapooo
iB *birb aba praaarvae bar Ai
AtBoat (A ;olka and wUtaa of
*lf«I< 1**. as* ivrsra* IS LSc sOtt- of Ik* K*c
a*d aaeapao wtiaklM ia b; goiag to
fltb row—Enit aeroaa plain.
Ota walnut; wAo tbia it
lalacarpM** >a*is- L'eait* at uiss* rn***e*
a ooparalalj. Ad to tA ;
ikimauKai nicaicks.ia usv* it m nuriBepain prompUy done on all kiA* of kUehinery
bad vfaaB UuBga pro* naplaaMoL
aoakA cromba. IAb (A wbUaa. Ailing hot Ad ona wait beetao agg
9tb row—Enit tcroa' p!«tn end
•Wbao I gat orarwoAad *ilb ■; atoKB lA BMt wail wUb Mlt aA and a tabla^MMn of diMolvad ean- narrow leak two atitobar.
af1i.^cUeifeSoWl^f sSs^fw eaJ aa*
vsMia.kaasltD Ivi isitrsai o**rdea as* taaoAI dotM. «baa tbinga go «iMg P^giar, pat a pieoa of goA AUm atarcb: atir bciakl; until il tbie kMa,
lOtb row—Enit aeroM plam.
mM S> iSa eaM owickeera aaieansit siSkf
BVSI gaMtal^. tad wbM I gal iato that tA tM Of a largo not u tbo b;ii«.
-halt cup of onekor eramb*,
mb row.—Enit aeroaa plaio and Iiowst. bet skKk ksr Wi sspj kc u* Bsno
eaaw tu* BSfUkrc accsraikC
l- Idcwa
■ood with *bkb oftty womb io to- pan, pear in lA amaloUa wbM bat, nod yoo Ava dolioioa* fflliac for
irrow At two atitebea.
■OM. *bM Ufa doiMt foal vortb and WbM U bao eat iUoo
twofuM; bake with twoorwato.
18tb row.—Knit aceoi pAn. mul'
OrocrtriM and Pioviaios
IMag aad caa balM 000% oa« over it. Loava it for om minaU to
Oanoed Applaa.—Aa tba empty Imto flftoeo atitobaa
Wa*da.IaMid;gotobadaBd aU;
bol, tfaM fold IA OMlaOa fonii eani eoUaci toward epring, I
ISIh row —Bepaat from first row.
Io the Stereo Huiiding.
92 Front Straat
tiMto tOl lUagt aeoM atiaigbt and
_A aarva qaioU;. In
Good aa tbe BwiU
MM <4 than with apples. Farvi.
Tbia pattarn My A widanad in*
Ibagiatofarimna* oaotoflifa. I fam^ it will A ptafmrad.
BBdeaiBBob qovtar iu abost
ifinataly by caatii^ on mora Ateb*
Cfreep aa the Cheapest.
OBM baA Mo the world fo the hcaakfoat dkk, to an antira baah foarpieoM; lo avary poo A of fruit
MA boaitte Hbm of Mad. vitb A ataak,oritma; aarvaaBan appali- odd All B imaA ol aagM, let epcwsUlktduasck wanssevw tewsek ikaa*arl
ta sksll S* aanssaiy is aMlsO tka aaeaai *•<
fko tod eager etend two or tbr*B
^foalidaBtwtiBklM gOMOBd a». aiag hot diah at tea. Btta of
oiybodrigladto bmm thoy al- ttoak aaa; A aat ia oaat atripa oA dajB to toegAn Ute epplM; add weX-eOTTXS EXZSX.*Elf|U
oty, •w^, toj.daar Aaaltal yoo waratod wp aaeaptab);, Al it mW tM to makatA dawed aaeoat c(
BrMkfoate a of all aortt coma
bM ■BgtffBd, tad win taka llmnr*
a«7 MM to ioA IraAaraodpaaK A demo M7 qaicU;. XaA a brown jufo* Bed BAad IBMOO, Aoat om to tnvaryooarai ntl; attoi* Mko*.
'I £
in Mrviag eoatomtraliBtAbMt xMaBr.
ar for baviag baaa ill,’aad tbarag; fnvywittatoak, if poaaibta,aAo BV«y foor qaarta; cook aatil ^aar.
Kl.WVN II. I'Ol’E.Traverse City.
Hardware. Stoves and Tiiiwarer
Barbed Fence Wire.
Steel, Wire and Cut Nails,
Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes
After 22 Tears,
Blasting Powder for rttimps and rucks
Wood and Iron Pumps.i
Roundwav Ulohe Valves,
Gas Pipes, Steam Fittiugs,
Screen Doors, tc., Eto
Job Work done on hort NotieeJ.
No. .SI Front St,, Traverse City,
ami I'ndertakcr
HK.Annn. ^
Gent’s Furnishing Goods
Pore Dru^l^s
!mrsm> ('«*
Thirlby & Jackson.
Engineers and Machinsts.
Iron *0(1 Brass Fonndere.
.. .
Fresh and Salted Meats,
'll An
AalrMb. That Icbm of Mad fo Bt^brewwA ffvatftboagba Aot B*d tAn pet is cent and bmU.
JAnny Oake-Ona eep d ladM
baitariBa bot bTAf |m, a a^ of
}oA aaoMhM aad aapMH
OAoolsto Marble Oake—Owa cup tMBl. OM MP wbiu dour. omAU
aA wafor aA aitpooABl of
Moaaa oowa aeld,aadit Moda
oogtt, two ot iom, OM Art «ap M9 HgB^ two oa«« baHoMOk, two
HM—OtMil^y. If MM* Md« iowwiD ■aowMjiwba* tA gtxv; •otkotmOkmd «for.tbne ^n,
■«3 a’5usrJsrC.r~.. “
" Net Rm, l«wlii M Mirfcst CtoicKt iM Asst if EnrrlMi«.
Feet’s Wsstwm LInImwnt
w'Sok.w »"*• *n
Major DOToral tiood itUl.
Ha, viLh Bertia waa lott. I vaa defeat- '
Tt»«* vera two mora ebandaa,
-Aak for tba ptomaal job wM to
lookad^at Bartia, and be looked at ad
Wa were
baea cliaradea ; and bot the Mi
[ajor'a •
r thought of i
I. iba e
be the fim word I I be aeied waa to be itha iDteraat.
pat ioto bia part—(oraed tba topic I
I fait the roo« grow wanoar. 1
FT thought
that acreaMBtbte alala of tba Bigbt
ETor? bod;-bad fait pareaired a liigiil; fragraat ae«t aa
. .
of agitation tbat ;oa witi ocaroel; it »oThat waa the gaoarmi ex of aome sweet wood barruag: kbaa
HismaBBcr waaatranga.
1 law oeed^o act aoitbinc. Graca.r ' I perienca ; it found expraaaioo io tba and of tba room grew brighter
that it waapraroeatira of Bart>e • eould onl; sit and smile; I waa beat 'oao; words, and the Uajor'a praiaea and brighter, aomathiag as too as;
All the aea at suoriae. Iboogb tba light waa
la tX Oomb* Mioor, shieh had mirth, ao I bogv to talk to Major .eo.and rer; amiable under to; n.is- reached . bhs of course.
DeTeral of Daronsbire coatoma^ aod 'fouaee.
answer be made was “ 1 oarer acted . >oaa glowiug. sod thee, b; digran,
tba odd faneias tbat we kept
Vow the room in wbicb we acted
life-new look part la an;) like a thing l«ng rasaalad out of
lasbioaadi'cbsrtda before ”
the wirr light and the rwoading
.f - .
> “» • d-tioct w-oa—
„ a? tbo^op
. nf
' sc..-De which. i ut for its psrfaet atilllierarel got aa
as good a wel
wei looked down it ’eoslh of ore
boaband just tan ;aara ro; aaniar. (
Major tierarel
leas wooiso
diitingniahand m;wdf. Saron jwn ago from
*• «>7 mao eoald bare desired
< feet YOU SS
r friends bad gone. i ed from leel life.
Valaalina'a da;
•ud i-(’tbe rt~jiu on--------------.lading
■ ...............................................
“ suuen, H._and»;bn^ had been ^hool. ----------------------------------------------about
jteais of aga, and Ji
________ .1 led into a Ubrsry, il;<
auppar room, m; brother told,
de*d-I bad narw
u itie bar. and htJ ,r tt tbc rUi'-. as far down ss i
atapaiater, was six and twaot;.
kl.jor Uererel agsio that be had , ^
then—ibe other waa mjWestern Circuit. L-,
and lid into H.e lisl:
m; falbm had a
0 br ao earlier h**e Ifotes
- _____
Real Estate, Insurance
My Volenlino’s Story.
moim to Loan on Imprevotf Forms.
VlllaCoFroporty for Solo.
MomFIntHMioMl Buk.
‘f"lbU^?^rn., .
t»frrT.EP LA.NG.
^al Estete U lasoraiice Headpuiters.
r.Yontc 1..H.
/"'k aeling aa in that |
dring. An Indian
marriiga, and whan this*son came to *hen bis friend, Frank Darerel. Ltd prepsri
take potaeMioD of Oamba Minor, be
'krougb bard egbUng in Id tune was ) bnog iBli lbe.r-.,miwo'‘'^''' 'ka™<f*- adding. - I am rar;
lii« kneel Ujing to ataneb
placed ^ 8'»J «« kaj jou to do it. '
blood tbat flowed Irom a wonbd
.came at a widower, bringing Ber-idta The; bad seen each other but luge ten DS
am 1.’’ waathe briot answer.: sbicb I could ,not aaa. 1 looked at
! trend, Obrer, and Jack with him. A eeldont. hnl bad eorresponde.1 with- si to diri 9 off the in of I'je loom '
1-e ou.stage, and to ■ " 11^“ lo “• '■ »»» not acting.
For I it sleadii;. I look in arar; particBafiar out falbar’s death mf half-lool intermiaaion. acd now it wasimhicb w
litH ts li; wtu.'b we If saw, reflected in the lar—more people eppeared lo
I brotbar married Julia Moore aod a plaaaanl to ace tu; brother of fori; : bide the
rears!j ame ou ami wi ul off.
The middle 1 ealglLisu'
•>'1« fire-placa. outlines, sud a horse—tbsB tba min
;aar before the day-wban I stood, ;ears and bis
e whole scene.
with grasped: a]>ac>
l»ce bttween tl.e «r.<-r,. ess ...ark I l**e
It .
laa 1 hare mid, on the» door etep ct ;oaogat, standing
lUDlorparl of some^ gooe
The- laan was at my aide ba
Combe Minor, m; molt------------------------ bands, looking m each other’s fanes,! ed ol
off 1.; a tow .it wax Ill-Ill. .mite, Ipsrlirulsrihi
thing I bad seen before /T-ffare ttr fore I knew that be had left tbe
riad bar thud buiband, bir Oodfrer n«alliog
or. sue s fence ...s.le l-r long. low. 'tbiu
1 looked in .truest
It nerer felt plnoe where I Lad last seen him, and
ielb*. and tbav ware keeping St 'l‘*PP.'''
' wire gusi
uidi had l>e<'>i cut.
solemol; stirred. 1 nerer be ajKike
'alentine's da; in Norlhomberland,!
bad breakfsat: afterward I'triee.l f.,i
purjt>ie. Tbs onl; more
f:_____ _____ _
irus ivSSTK’vaat!
au. ii.-WKrt
amidst wind and snow. Nb wonder, j 1**“^ Major l^T«el »a; how fast i peouliaiii
ibi« ilrawiog loiiir
rerj socoont, I prefe
referred' I “7
~ brotbar
seamed i
i sro.o Hum tl,e fs.-i of il bsTiog Wn
fort; and I
irtrrieJ. male b; throw.og two room, to
Deronsbire air and
„ I iwael iloweia
tloweia of oor
our sunor bomi , with
i abo^u
Uertnn„ .. .
iV. lire lilsc-.
lire was el the end
■Wh;. mj life hia got
begin— op|m-ilo our .Uiuhome lifa I ueao. at
a I bo}»: ceui.T of .be left
le of ,
rl; walk.
After all the great struggle
re bv ibe edge of . J^fbarnrd ioto battleflelds full of ^
I rhiiuuer pieces eisril;
danger, is not Ibe life
the wood,*wbere rock cropped
caub hsd'a l.x.kinggl
luokiog glaes
ijlo, ! looks forward lo
Tbe palriarebal ,
: aod coll; glittered, mid
be I'ornice ..f
~ ' fig tree life adraocM upon I
els., '.vr tbe side
sort of TiaioG, aod •llsitS6,(
r pit» cr-uld
cf-uld bo
-ceo [wr
-r ibe snors. and wbi-o at the
quite toi
sod of tl.e-i^e ..ur • silua
Real Estate, Insurance and l.oans,
, lodge : and Bertie aod I trod
re tbe ebarado began I .poke
Hie clMr.^frosI;
“But I shonld not bare lile
j-.r Dusersl
-Tbe srJable
g in tbe ai
to be •. seme w.tb Uudilli.
Ibet act all Datura sparkling.
loJ manner U.at lusde \ou
The old
d fane;, lthat tbe first
me bate bi
fact, befo e luncb^ jog iL.
'S met was lo be m; 'aleuLioe for eon he'd greail; puazled
be ensuiag ;sar, mad. tun for Bcr said to Bijself:
,<n the stage
tie, who. being a rery merrj-•bonrt.|
-Tbera is something odd a'uoul
le bauditii : atiug roblied us
ed, and also a rer; elsYcf bo;, kepilbim."
'..f our carriage,
me laughing in spile of the mock it-!
He kept oo l.etrayiog tb. drollest I rush up lu vou to sare us. sod
dignation With which I bad to meet. ,crt of interest m ih.i V.leniioei rou'-le ws. !• ieniug wilb tbe
SOmeot bis most danng imagine-1D,,. „.| on„. in ll.e most unae Jrolle.1 sii.ile or
H ftntk UiaaiM and tba I
Hamilton 4 Mllllkon Block.
R-epalatingland R,epa.lrs.
£ t.aMTCM.D. D
l.•us UtC. iS.«. .....l
Again at The Old Stand.
Mt(kllt>arstlfsni<II,i.li,a(a(K a.ls..l.B0 .sdrsskc .
istsr riwral <arrl«aositi.uBrks«lw», SI
ililst kts bM sa<liiir nausS.-Trii^aisd. u* uiilci psti.)' csI.rniW.uS I ksx •.
• moBTI (
Village Property,both Houses and Lots. Pimis and'
Timbered Lands for .41.
Oheleeat Maata, Pvultn. ■
R Rewl In Thslr Saaaen
tV-nesk.SsH ssS S«0S«4 Hi
V ^^osew. 'VrawETRc
Ol R'!a‘l^i
««• . WH
■ ■
i. -V.h
.. w o„ ,L„.„........
Ui'.W^ nor beard, l,s ws. al.si
O^T i^h^n hanLme «d
erabooibim. I don't _.
strength, though bs had
certain sweelness of
But be had a car
Bocks at 26 Per Cent. Off,
Books St 30 Per Cent. Off,
And sorm Big Bargains in Books on m)f Half Price Conoter. |
If You Want
-----aOMk or TBE —
Very Best
Come Here.
toyoB. I am ahla by abae bayiat and CMfa 4i
aa lew w lowar them any othae bMRa ia tovR.
“R "S*®®
Come for Bargains.
. a., „
Msjor Dr-r.-rsI erv
I d.u,=—1 •“»< '-I
- “•
I took au Irishman, a general fa
vnrite. ...li me
a grand lablesu )
He was mllad O
‘' ler and brother are laU tbia mon-
"OU, no; you can't gel him lo
leflsr.u . si
"Tirad with my long atory
I coefs., I slruggl^l f-r I Lain
sireso. „e Y al.ntine. Dry
„ucl, , li.msel.
1 know J bad no bmief in
I on bis
these .prop
,ibelic ritioBi ban
hat borage
Itb ';U
U .Neil
Neil and
and I paid
i<ry food of acting. ti --omiiared !■> h;
-Lei'a make it aa long aa wa can,"
liioT lorg." be ‘Wise Usn'
I Vat.
•alentin.'. Day
It ,,
Tory little help fiom utb a [lowtr wiiu-U 1
■ do 01 part’
id I bad got up sereral drew me closer t
i-ii. ai.d hel'i me: sss at oigbtAnd bia
ID fact.
before y o'clock.
charsdes that winter, cageil withm iiu■a^‘:“
Tliey were all ■"i/’rumi./u cfasrtclers. arm
I L'lsure.1
. of any kind
waa made ’"ob^Major
t Devara),
it ia only fl4
We fixed on our word and l.ow tbs Wbat a face it wi
igbl arm 1 put down gold—b*
' hou™-A aoldiar'a wooing-''
tyllablei should be expresseiLsDd was strelcbed out
Le i-isio: in fur I wot going to do .t at cbewply
tiien left all tbe acting and dialogus bis 'used e --red
-Lief uf Ihe aa I could. He taid.‘Double that.
• lamea Dereral.
to the inajiralioD cf tbe moment
I baoditli. Ylaau-r Bertu-. wb'> loukad you will require mora tbac one
m my name f"
My brother bad come in. aod baariog
knew Ibe boyi witbad fur ebaradaa. metmen/ed uc-l-r tbe esrur-i. glow luu ' 1 said (hat 1 only wanted <
Major Derenl b expected «
and of coarse I knew .....
they -.--.a
would mg
mj; (ace.
face, an.l
aa.i steady
stead iriuuii-bai.t eye and that O'Neil would be will, _. Uia lost words bad antweral them.
ait to my
y father
father next
next week.’
He told me Uke back tbe guld.for.
And cerUioly beforetwairso'clock
fulfilled. They
J Major Derereia siiitude and [ lo Lata O'Neil with me waa impoaei I Lad said a sort of "Yea." bat bol
u than aagagad this week
dropped i Lie
I agieed iLan to go by myaelf., anoed by aa maoy •‘ifi'' as I craftily
nr Torrms* hrougbl up OQ the eery luus ot
ap;-laaae. and I waa-and we want up atairs. Tbe man'tbougLl would aerre to make it
ma at Lort
prindplea. aud were 1
.^A iiies.. .... Die lecit spoilt by il So ebaradea wa released wi'L a quirt
luiet smile
Hu pul [[lived.10
lived.10 such a boutasa
Louaesa themore op ~N
. wheneter I pleated.
bUr.ioa'ito'a.>tb., bad
ware lo barr. and Malor Deviral was bis jiiflol iuto Ins l«U. and raid, as 1 uleot Turks iubabil—built roBod a as I think of ... 1 remembor that my
where a foaoUio pUyad very boaband did not pay aa much aUan
fba queei
.rest tbing
I remember tbil tbe drip of lion to those “i/a' aa I ioteodad. He
I'ai glmj
"Had beetar acted 1" Bundi«di in the work
tbe water teemed to add to ibe ti- afterward even denied iLat be bod
of Umea. no doubL " “ Had he ev« (bough "'
I*. I bate left my luggage at aetod imprumj.iu
imprvmt.lH ebaradaa
ebaradee’' " No
.. whal is queer, sod what it otarV leneein tbU man'i dwelling rather board them at all
Z ‘.S.d
‘"'■fi.'r'jr r. -"2
But DO rnattm
He i
were reafrangme our
rerrlhing—aaya be
[q (t,e l,h,4f« nos.
He ana.
nor ooalradiel. nor
- Bj.„d bv -b» and-by
' He eoon said, -Do you always
lya walk
»or refnae.
refoee. nor doubt, nor
xte word-r'u/.'" wai act.
runaway—can you wan'---------
TasraaA Cnr, Mmsu.
Or. L. C. DsCow:-
•'‘>tbing—evciy- Iiu.biogjp.o
: tba aUDon.'
from Itv (i^aat eoraor. I oaid,
ery strange atoT-, aod I .
'Tbit lime tire yaon,' and it eauA''
g to try to account for
"Wbat earner aaked my brotbar.
leara you to do tbat if:
"Why ifaU night—tbe bMsaat
I rbooae to try. I aball tell facts when I held her in my left arm and
m.faw words—to beta I begin. Soma,,
yearsago I waaat
w.lb a fertj ot fneodA ond
■Aheta joined ua.
Ae weie idlthe cloak
"nikchT d^r
Moner to Loan
If Y, u please,- Major Derarel
said. Sowaaaldownandbabagao.
I luow I looke.1
id one glance garama t .
<t I'f ktiT acting Tl.it
ii.-criM-l II.,
nod 111
>u,;bl« . YBotlT.
icolleci; hnglisb, Irendi. Ir-,
Wben I had aami tliia
•• Don't l>o fii,
- he
gliBbmaD. 1 know.
I-You will aaa another f Boll auany tbiog.
u may do I
larked tbat
shall do e\sctly US 1 flu it Ul do. 1
,Y placed io
mean, ss 1 sl.oilil do .
ipiureutly dutresi
lur dinner; | came away.
rest lif.'. -Vow go.-li
md afterward 1
-And is this night tha T
ing signs for jun.'
Whut outisgcous siliT cutilideucsl ‘French fnend of his. with
ir thought of it
An,I yet he spoke s . pluasaut
I could uut scold
lieriie wes in lull power . a btaz
luus—JWU ms—«V.
more entensinI B good opinion of luy log interest in the work lo be begut
wrong thing, c:
And here tha itraoger reappeared, t
-Aod wbat of yba acem^d that
He beard ubout Lxw inslanlivr glowed
giowod in Li« iitudsonii
xnd walked toward us quite an ub- .
)me to paoB'" aaked Julia.
I he bsid. "Ob. iitjor, litIlubertnes.
I'nlrillcs, (tec.
' wasanogly aod wilb as tuueb lutau, Drakes, sud Msrkinglon*. and eskcl lou pislult'
-Yet. That rerr day at the aanM
Ah. you have cbitogI Don at could be expected of any Val que.lions ss to 8. x, age, fuuiTlY. for- cd loui coal
^ our. 1 was atatiouad at Quaboa.
1. ibro —
- that
..... -v
i , . * •
way silanl,' Wa had been oul oo a hunting Sl
under, auy
ircumtiance tnne-once more be ws. growing bad s dosk i.n, nud p.dol.-Irapi-ed uuncy, and be bad o
id tbat ibia I euraion
with some friendly
tbrougbout tbe whole ■MeslCouc- unaccounIsbiY odd, and once more srnui.J bin.
-Your fslbcr diessed'
•.“J l’«»«. It
he wondered oul lou.l that it sliould me,' ho .aid
"1 bivc mil done anr-' soiccret. if le wal .one, could aliOW : A hostile Uibe knew of ua. aod at
upon na.
said Berne, in a low
Valentine's Dav
-Vsleniine'a isiti.’ luvsrlf
1 "o with tbe stroatu
A soil of lition any raomant of of them on horaebaok came up
••don t fl
a 11'
flow of
flinch. Bearupbrare
>,>Ter tbooghi of if aod ihm'areului.-'s l»a». aud make the iyoui futuie life that you liked to ask One man was killed, and,tba
'll ambd by jou. li *n'en he ended hTsaring, with ercry best oflbepls.-e on'wbicb Ibo atream lot
blood Irom withdrawing an arrow
r lu a moment.
Look m.rk of astonishment. - And . ighl msi land me. U.at ;■ ml I am going.
Hut if you fixed on a moment in
bim in Ibe (ace. that job way know md hundred and siiti.six lo-.
I lo-h.
the future bey
' the Urm ul your i
» f*<D» 'hat, UU aa lodian
tbald only a hidaooa blank:
'I by m^ing a t^qi^
I cau ntily
MUly add
resiiy thought him crsrr.
lo this record of life, you behah
1 could base baalei
idaous. becauta the blank
• handkerehisf. 1 could not be
jur ronverrslic
ikst I
—1 say hideous,
: ftf the drollery he 1 -ew into his '
orad. Yob srill not wood* now
r Msj.ll Dui
i-iarled ihsn sv.
bad an effect of I be moat daaolating, ■■“n'MimpelllinenocA fori
my bariog betrayed my intareat
laiuall impel
iner, and fou
deecripliOD on all who babald it
t guest several times
!keep a;
sy fsm
aud the I
alt that to day might bring to me,
liked. 1 wenderrd.
There was only Jarkneas aod nothaod
id is my layi
„ I woald do DOibk I admired.
;( a Itik a
I man. walkiag tlraigbl n tbe mid'lle
A 1 I
ing—that 1 would go with tba
Ltd all assecbicl for
'[‘“J*- (hat we h.d left .
tVbcD <
Tbe end of (he
:d to be
I ,^,1,
I of tba road, acd iDspecun.' ui
1 really do balim that, ix
dinner iDucr smart clothes I thought '>'»«'eliog esmsge h.r the luxury oi
>c. and. all ihiugs
Ibiuga gone
gone with il
j eery evident atienlioL
unbiUaving nations, toaxa sort d
Major l)e»eral tbe finest looking •"
»l“l® l'r-«T«d'"P j sud some sUong men hadll
"Hold your tongue, Beiiie
‘black art' is practiced stiU."
man I had
ever seen-my Vslenl.ne
on •" Ocu.bsr day,
kave fainted wl.an " '
"Don't be agitated—keep
f'" was a iiiso
to If proud of
Weis Off we went, nud on caiiir ihe ban
' of utter loss bad been
' self possession, 'rriut io me—g
“‘“®' dies leU Ibe dinner table evilr, for dilti l-v tbe librstv door Iwhmd u* Much a reTelation bad been infferadl*®
pbilocopber. aod friend t
we bad some little arrange msole tn Their evil iclectio'oa were anuouiiced' by our ScoLb friend. Behad aaked i draamad of iL
Here we were brought l<> a staod
tbe in tbe same fssbinu. and tber [lasted lo see wbat tbat moment .would be'The next - mcnimg. Wbieh
suddeoljby tba iiranger stopping
preceding we. I mat
tbe off as we bad. The slags was tbc, on tbsi day two rears, and bad been,
Idosebefore us and saying. "W"
answers 1 l.y tbe awful darkneaa IVe Major Dararal in tba bJl It m
i^Jiiio'n mrotioocd
my offioe to make^braakfait
wM uiy wb.s|«r. as 1 retrasbad mf ao. The quoslioo.‘Did IdiaT -or
glass of wine ollared gal .shallldiB*' I auppoaa I oaght to
antly by Bert
lu aaemad
,o .irong wHhin me that
o think differently.
1 fall il would be beat, at aU hake,
- How strange !' si
excUimeJ to answer il
If the next aigbt gars
-May we ool know Iall aboal il • me tba dismal blank I aboold know
Won't you tell ua ’ You bare no wl.al I feared—if not. 1 abOBld fear
idea bow real that raooanl seemed, no more. It wai beet to know. So
Do tell u»—tell Ul now."
«hea 1 waa asked, ‘Will you aaa
UounUble maooir w.m.U'.l what
-You II nerer be married this year.
3uld hs|>|>eo Ufere tbe end of it
!oh, Qracey:
Kobod; coming lo
martr me, nobody ooiuing to woo V Oil Bsaemlilscc of Inendt m the' e
Ebl wbo’t tbat’"
ing.” said Julia, with her pr«
We bad just caught tight of thc:,,u
I lodge, and w« saw a stranger stand-1 «.j
. iog, at if irresolute.
The strange- her.-'
then knocked at the lodge.door and.
be exclalme.1, ' a psrtv of
: walked in.
would you
tell lue' all
“Now, ID fair play, dear, good, uu- almui
m’ "
fortonataAuuUiracej. It won't do '
And then be sat dowi
unless be comes ooL and •alka on. woik-Uble. and ■utopeniiie leares
an.l ini«<a us bonoatly.
The firel of s book
peculisrls careful and
you ii.csL not s.r. Y'ou
I of knowing way. which made me once
wanted all tbe courage I oouJd com ,
.^ou wish for anolbsr •'
nmnd mote than at Ib.t moment
-j joaT know.’ I replie.1.
• hen you all dapp^l and praised us.
.;,onT si«sk uni.I your are spoktthen ll.e curtaiL dropped, br-lore. ^
1 will ask you again soon ’
bo. clad 1 w.i •
rntwral I wMdar•• HelL now I am sura be is mad,
1 eo^d not help atamaering ; but tbat *
Bartia qi^a bonaatiy.
Doa't be afraid,
^Ii'a u,, 1 "• 6*
t afraid.'It last aigbt to walk | war* amnng,
oottogaUMr to-day aariy.
Valeo-[io the drawingroom all ready. I and all the eoang frianda,*who ntsue
lisa'a day. yoB know, n# firit man [ had nh idea of leaking an exhibition the gaiherinc crowd till tba siege I
Ormce mat waa ..
to be .bar _.
TaL 'of
myaelf with . : VUmU... -h. ... I.[; ..S ,1.. .....m
aaline. Wawaat-cooatry people be 1 bad levcwal tinir»'raaUd this Valan- agnic
Uava all kinda of aoparatilioao,- and | tine's Day as bei- g a tarioaa epoch
Tbe whole word wet a reooaniing
that il 00a. Wa (waouaed to toll in his life, and as iomathing to be of the banditti danger to 1 uerroas
tba tnitb to outer and Jadk. wbicb andored with vsgna wosderinga. :ladv exesAlantlT acted
WMbetfaic,efweTafaaad tbaUeom and as
- IT
. which b
. worked
tried - _______
Drake, who ____
pony. How wa abaO aanr yoa bunk to bide with gay words ; bat which ia fMrful tute while I told tbe etory
aa proof poaitira i tba t^tiaa not
aoly aaaai. b«t eaptnrad and brought
Yoa ata OtRaa'a Vatai ina.
is (0 aecoont for. 1 by the intamntsoni, eaoaad by tbe
Major Dararai, aad I bc^ m a
. reoadiaa aba ao ann^tly eallad
.'S— —UM-A
wtaal MpbatUa'fcr,parmiktad.
beat jafceii
. -.
JuEVlNSON, The Reliable. doyoHr7«ea^vrioapi
than to diau-rb iL
was--------------------------------------------beard so perfectly. telUngof the un,
(who hoe
tbe Ucking of ;
tbe rornel for aa boor)
owing U
clock tails tue ailaul paaaags of lime.
r. Ned, do yoa think there ia
We went through the court togath
m ini’Nad-“i’<
.............................I don’t
er. up a great marUle atair^ and
be. I didn’t
llirougi, a paaaage where tbe walU
were painted ami inlaid in plaoae'
with ivory, jasper and mother< Mr Moodv and other
.pearl in
_the most Uateleea,
, .
. ignorant.discuaaiag
' _____
— ------------------- • tbe
« l^intoa gr^ reaching tba maaaaa
s eircla of email lamps that boned (gMcb ragularly aTtry Sondn <
aboat two feat from ths floor in the m
mooay ' and tl
dim UgbL and
‘Wiaa Man' waa .Uodingat
rary fartbaat aod. aod bolding oet
“Why.jraa^haaya that yoarbRibia arm to me.
_ bad told BM only to spank inM If inrraaiiirr aotlMd pet oiM
wbiR be epoke to aa. Pnawtly la aooR anppett^ 4oa4jlR«RlM«ll
ioM «M»t JNtk
tadwitbpip. nadkMMdoaaoot daifrpynd. and otB 100 paopk ware
BiBn to bare raodwd tba loabar dk- drowoaA Mora than 60 wwa pkAtakti ontil raaaoUy, bat iu nragaa ad op in an wrimnatad aowditiOD by
aralambk. Being far frea aadi- tba ChinaM Lifa PraaBTiog aaaoek
IWI^i ■! I ita iilHi w» ^ iHaOTkaTbaab laadaft
ail Ibe Inmbemian an. of eearaa tiaa. Iboaa who loat Ibeir liraa
borkd by tba aBlbaritiaa. A
• ft# !•
many of Iba rBoadiaa which
____________ ___ waa farooMta
of tba-rirer bank earad in
praaeribad by pbyaiaana, andlalfeahirMatafal iroB tba wSiBaa ar«
time of tfaa elood berM.
mrytUag poamUe k dona
ataa Ak nowoa aibibttkm at a fortb^eomfortUx
AoaqdOBon oeeanad Tboreday
Uh> 10*%M k Mtk#
The Supreme Court bat tie
aaarok imd inaooU^al AbB^etam, in MooAtbiI yooraalf of tbk grand opporionity to gat
flaft.lLi;.aMaflW MkWfaa
tor a gTMtB length of time tbao, BOOtbtaita. tM BilB OBtbwak of cideti that the new eltction
M of.tba baOiofi, ^tita k 99
a^Sto tba M ^ FBai kM^
. uoa aiBikriy afflicted '
Nowpott- Tbraa boodred min
law does .Dot apply to tuu utn te jO MiK aa-fotmti
eitiea aod towoa.
A and fow boon
a porttaU of tba.ba had with -bip elections. But it is of foi*
... fmntbatocA luap ami
A Mterbarc al
Tha foUo
tbam. An opMiog wm finally
taaa in goM aod twalea tooa from kia of iba
greater irD]>ortAn(e tothegood
•d.aad tfaa
Jm F. taj. OiMfilk. hM
m aoma of tbM had beao
win adcnUa walk «{tba tnutaif tbr^mttOB of tba abaft. Tba aiill oeearrrd Sonday kat oe tba Coioe
Tba com of tba «xf4o- people of Trarerae City and
angtoo and doaa good Paafie railroad near Cweada ban
rooB. A lifi aiiad portiitt of 0«b.
Alnrhaa beea raoaifad fon that work. With a aingk mill tba pro- bean raaairad from Portknd.Oa.: aioo waa Iba fioodiog of pita adja. icinity to know that it haa
fta ataikiH Fiua 1 Ua Tola*dneta eu be run np to A50.000 ptf A railroad aeddeut occurred on tba eaol to tba ooa wbkh axpUdad. By
liet-n dt'^cided by i-oiiipt-t*-nt
' N baft ba«aabdoad withCoioo Paeifie Lina near Caaeada tba flooding of tbaaa pus gm waa
A Lanfaar Norria, a Kaw York
> tba
minirg Loeki on Colombia riTcr, in wfaieb ......................................
thi-rit) that WtSME A: Ki.
BilUooain sAo ii krgUy fa.............. U Ibe firit ran Ima •oriw^
Tfta BMtew WorUaa Wonaa’a io Ocaabse koo
of tbadiatriet and iscauiDga
Im aodowid
iM.’l h ('lie right plnre o go
BoMMABbairitala^ lor40pa- a adioktibU in tba aUte arining boom in g<
n.. trdn «,o,i,t«d o(lhe m>b*-. l-«,.
...ri mbooae, aod *,»/I
otploaioo bad tremeo- when in need of Groceries.
“Cp at Oraod Bapida tba otbar gioe, tender and
At a Oraat Badoctioa ia Frioaa.
aeboU attHoagfatoo
iiiwght« and baa ako Be
board 35 laborera, wbo ware oo doosfore*. It waa beard at tba dis Proviaiuns, Feed. Sh.-lf llnrdKbu benaa at ABagBS. Hid>., dowed a dStor; load with SS.000. day." laid DodiayO^faUog, wbo
: tanoa of a mile. All tba gearing in
aaaS to faa aateiag with gka- lhakttartetha porpoaa of prorid- tnrka for the WUtoay oerapauy.
engine bad almost olearad tba tba abaft was thrown into tbs lu aa ware. Mill aod LuiubermeD's
-I waa U Julioa Frkdrich'a muaic
g^Aq-aatioahaa baao.al.1.
if from tfaa moolb of a roleano, and
atora, wban a ooaarmad mac came
In ordB (0 eloaa oot our winter atoek wa will until
tiffioltaiMoaaly a raat, bright rol- Supplier hUf,
knglh, the
ume of Hama shot upwarA folkwad
Obarlotta Ooris, of PaBzaoea, Eag- io bearing a baakU of popcorn pot iba aecond and third bente '
Well; boya. we know you
A FraMot aaa owaa a baa vhkb
skaiBg fathar for op in little baga. He laid two of waabed away by Uie roaring torrent by a denaa, beary eoluma of amoka. sell gO'Hls cheap and w.- alto
laTiat i^t,a pmaadiat mh A
tlxaata,aa raoaotlx aha kara- lb* bags on tba eoaoter aod walked andameatb. and the tender, with tba Tba fliet party of raacuen organixed
ba daiBa k aa pbaaoMMl aa tboogfa
baaaiaSi^w. So oot again. As be went out 1 notioed caboose aod its oocopanls. waa bnri- tnad to pemuate tba pit tbio^ tba know that you extend true
•dU aUfaadb
^Aaaaabvlftar'^ —
"Sagioaw. Naw York, Iba Eookkaaper taka out a long (Maoe
woriunga They got far asoogb courteay Iu yuur maoy eiislo- Sail aeyibing aod afaryibing ia oar stcra at aarii low prieaa tbta wID ha
the rarine 40 fact below.
Jeha Hartaaaa, asad S6 Taara,
a." Tha latter raaeb of pa(tar, which waa eoeerad oo both
Oeorge, when ba felt that to be abk to aaa groopa of tba dMd, mers. but how about tb<- <piali- sura to sail lha gooda and and tba boyB. Thia k a gBoiaa OIbimb
waa faOad bxaafaaflkCUld'aBina, ad tta daatiaatioD. and tba mao into aidaa with long rertical eolamoi ot i Kogii
g was wrong, looked back, bat oouid oot raaeb tbes and wsM
a Bik aowth of BeeUord, Hoadar. wfaoaa haoda it fall will probablj b* figuraa. onaa, twoa aod U
to retreat oo acconot of ty of your goo<is and ha e Vim dale Ctll and talitfy yooraalf by gatUag prieam
aod when be taw tba eabooaa swawBakAawUaaad ftra mmU «Uld- abk to raooite tba familx.
none h'lgbar.
He took ... .
iog. ba polled the ibrotUe wide op tbe amoka Upon the first appear got goisie enougli to l.tatt ibe
marked .« 2 os it aod than laid
en aod just succeeded in raaebing
At Oraod Bapida Morgan Hamil
Mb Coa^artT. otOraad
the end of tbe treetla. with bis two
o haa a wall daralo|^ oaa of
Ml froBTk^ while
■mallpot. Tba fact wai diaeoTarad that faUow bought a grand piano back dririog wheels banging iff tbe of diaattor Tbay raaeusd a 'arga I'
jaritwMaia at tamOUx
paying for it is pop- tracks, as tbe Bbooee aod tender
aad bart hk baad ao badlx
7 hadlyj Well, allow
I.I T-ay that the
.. ia an aotoal faa. Ba went crashing to the bottom of tbe
baaaMcaaaxsraated a piano for hii dangfater, and rarioe. Eight uien were killed id
da modal ona «d ml*
»* the liest, with hon.'St
At nirakntMmlha otb* niobt,
Itr. Friedrich, who is a very Lind iataotlr SD'
tba boxa aad girk had a
Thaaurgeoni wcigbto and m»-asur*s, and
I barond rr eognitioo
whi^ iwa 12 <«h«r inntB, aod faaa
bail aad tha OaBaUtx - . . baao akk a waak. Tha boarding btertadman. let bim hare it -think that half of tba daad wera Tie
I al Tr...
(itir inimi-iioe aim-k is likely lo
oaa terms. Soerery day be hii
HoWa that for
liois of fire aod eoocoiaioD aod tba
booaa haa baao qaarantiiwd.
popoorn, tod tba man around the
oilj«r half of a< ffoetlion. One bun run out before Saturday we
11 BMtnbara of tha ax prkOBwa of Mora feed it all tba Umc. Jnei UiinA
dred aod sixty bodice hare baao la- will buy a rail road niid Thip
daaMa Fbaoax, of Flbt, acad U
«f Ui,),virr^d^ It wili Uka that poor fallow about piaread ihiouph iba bodv and for ao eoTeted from tba m.........................
jraara, faO from a tanUbU 8ea^
ri yrirVurr iqiywofs (o (As rye M wasra
____ SO yara to pax for ll.it icatromaut.-. inalaul autpendad in ll.e air ou a
the wliulf of Chicago 1mti‘
] whicb tbe axploaioti took place.
aad had hk kg laidopao fn»o> tfaa
rJl'arrin '---------------- -------- -------!
hot fOd. tbOUl flltee ipcbaa io
Up tobalowtha kaaa. Hia rreoT- «n aan.1
rather thau b> dioappoiol you.
‘ uvrdt do not
We mifiAt UU you tM
arx k doabtfaL
.oehoftar^;' Haaaian fliaa ba*a appaarwd, and 7“™
‘K^-*« *hal « knowo m
Five Ssirong Points of
Tfaa ‘^Idaat iobabitam " haa eaaa- ako piaea and data of e^ora,iDlar« daatroxkg »bBt aaar Eraaa
liuodreds and we will attend
tease drmtiny
priett ml
ad to taJk aboat tba WBtfaar. Ha -bat phaona oonfanad. ^ and rilk, Ind.
>^0“ *«'■«, |i>‘- '“r'**'*
•*>*“ |
First, it is sntiraly Tsgatabk, eon- to your wants and how jmhtely
uijir woKu irtiui-«» lur •■«.
us, .»ins OO minerals rw posaon of any
fflobiny dim />fo/iU, had our leofd*
fiee addraaa for tha porpoaa
Minnmukan. V D , Indsy. tbe .tteiniiled to Kcixe a pi«< of iroo it kind, and build* jp lb* .ystem from to you a-« yon go smiling uway.
—Anton ZTortor PaUadium.
pkllng tba rOoorda. Altar (
roof .J Ik. cokrl ho... .u Uo.c o,„u o»rlh. tokg., .oJ k.lo.k t. | lb. tr.1 dou
A* ever, yonr> truly.
oorda ara doba with by Iba
u-ould not be Aal/ to ofeeHoe at
bad lime to sgsiD Isle hold the red , Second, it curaa CancB of tbe
tion it if propoaed I place ibapi i
Parties from 8onlb DakMa and hot aud now anggiing rod entercd]8kio
No olb«r rcraady or traatlha Boaeoj
_ .
Minnaaota era lootinir for aetlle- his right side ju.i ahore the hip. and ‘ ment bas atar cored it
In tha ai
o{^®^'^*^»',mentoiB Virginia and weatamMarr 'paaeed ibrougt. the lung, aod came j 'Third, it curM Har^ta^ Blood
ad eoffeeandpar«|j^j
out bsuetlb ibe ariu pit. As tbe rod 1 Taint, areo in itie third and fonrlb
•AdihaeonipoaDii Ibeuj
, ^.. .
. iiaascd through CLcuUes body the Igaoaratioo No other remedy baa
At Bar atr John E. Laadbi
porebaaar didn't dl^!„l>•^t“«t>o» la^ mid to prarail m .'.^j caught m a pi«w of marihnery, i ever done it
who waa diwwnad rMmtlx, filed fak balitoul. Tbe
aLdfo,-.o .ut.aLt
Will with tba paobate jndga ona boor
■usiaut il.e
the boy
boy waa SUB
Foorih. it bas nerar failed to armd-. I iM r. A i
^ erop*-»"<* aid it aakad fof i.,od«d in ihe «ir on ibe red-hot lod iefiaSrrofulafromiba.y.t' bafora bk daatb. Tha jurx ratvn- Buebanan au^ortuaa a^ad that
Wiloox wat abpot oomplaui^ a tar®
Hif weigbi hrnte tbeiron ind CheatKifih.it eurem Cootagioa, mood|
in Michigan (Six prwoo. ThajUX| Eyon City, a . Montana mining j, f^u
,1,* {urnaca on iiia' Poison in all il. .Uge. by eUtnina-,
Saoiwl Hull, of Banton Harbor,
and at tba expiration of Ihil camp.
<»mp. waa bunad by a suowilide on
At in, ..tue momeu auoiber. ling the bornbV riius fr
toll 700 baerelfOl Baldwin applaa
11 returned t
_Jay, two men killed, and a large .lone rod’of’iid hot iron aaa seen lam. ihua giring raiiaf from all
kat waok for K.fiO per borrrl. And
We.Mak, *ntl-F,t S.om,^,
1 a 16 yean' i
loont of property was totally dee-Ijonijug ,i.fuu^i, n-,, fillets from lUe jconsrquenca* 6( ibis bane of iba bu.
atill tbaraare paopla who mj that
Tea. Wilcox will
'T»dfurnace. Chcalie htill held ilc loui!* man family.
frail gnrwug in nortbam Michigan 43 yaari old when be gate ooL
S huilda
up tbe...general
.. which
U.W.W raged
akkWM Ihroughoul
—— — —
A storm
Adrian baunaaa mes ara taking
of Pennsylrania Friday, did iBDob dsm li* raw the K-i-ood piece kaic the health of the palifO'. icsiaad of pullA B. Cbapman of Qrasd Kapida taking aelios againft aome
le of tbs:4g^ unroofing and blowing down turuan-he l.td suflicirul pr-rtesca of ing il down, aa i* Ihrcaaewith tbe
la nadar amat for beating and kiek- merehanla who are diipoaiDg
ig of Ibair
bousee and faetoriua. SsTara! fatal- miud to aaid ii lQ, rlrc tins loo Mt-rrury, Potash aod old Sarsapa
----- coasierixcor----Ing bk Bolbar in law. aged CO.
would llS>«.- ]ili UT(i Ills l-yd\
by achemaa tarering of iba
ChipBM adniik Ibe cLarga. but lottery plan. Thaprmcipal ^tegon-. w j.^wns. 111 . Tuesday luorn. >7'V'’T '
am kai BOtbar4n-kw made life a ism appears lo ba against W. F- jng one Illinois Central fraiehi ira.u
lucfa IS its bealicg |>owBr lliatI it
'•'l''.""® "ar-hoialrr.
oledk P1«B
____ ia0 the
tba blood
.. bai^^baan -------- --crashed into the rest end
>.archsa out lbs |>oiaoc
and ofanolher
of another , Marl
Man Muie.ky.
Mu.e.ky, a lino
boo «ii.-drrwer
«i,.arary Monday •»«..»«.«
w.h pisre.i lu the ; and r«K.ls it out eotiraly.
alirely. ibo. giri^
Mra.W. P. ICUar.of
liar, oi imeaanan.
■ ■
stouiai-h abuul inidi.igl.t Tumiay jnalore an opponi■uoity
baa iaat praoaetrd bar baibaad with >86 (
Corner Cass and Front Slraate.
uau aucJ did uol under asll. and as a conae<|uaDoe tbegac
tba loartb pair of twina Ttiay now
his wire, which . rral hraith is rapidly improred, aud
btfa Um &ldm. ail acqoired in
urvae, IBB • oo euliriug tliS I'lt of Ihr cure le rffacled
tba bciaf apooe of aaran yeara
A.^Ihfk, krm U op.„tfkg
operating kk
on .
• Idi.p.p.», .1 Ih. .d..„ of k.r ph,. :; hi* fctoiiiach. Tbs'-reel' run* fa»t. __ We bare an inltrteling iraaliim on
paiBita are poor.
WrCatood oa ta aold CHb in Mktac tba
.mba wM Ma- IbaaaiMaow ibapropa^ noi
BdiCv Hack at
Su|fleine Court Decision.
Great Clearance Sale!
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods,
Carpets, Etc., Etc.,
-"S^FARMING 'Hams. ShoBlUers, Pic-nlc.Hims, Boieless Hmis aid liili«ia.
Iboaa who will send' Axi/ruo./ f. pi-.mj,/, r,n
he was piiibitl lu a cur
fi>rc t'je K-ei could bo alupped about u Ibrir sddrara.
lofii-luf II had ruricd up iu I'le
.Ulanla. Oa '
ad oneatinot* ' io«d’b
TouoanJo lu-tter with Issa 1
The water iWilliaiu SI, istiui, was lilltd lu the
by the break-ug
”Lao.li,rtcL, ,1'. *u,i c-uily rolling.
Tiinbwn-J mainl' >ilh Boc>r Uaplr, '
Tbe mill ,'lused
Bock Elm. b«*.w„od, .l.h, Itercb,
d'jwu l^c
fkC tlictUo ,U.
>U., altri Cuaslle re
liquor, aod was awarded a judgment
Hrmlook. "U- , »uJ *re W.-I1 w.tenJ l>j
olft2,000 Tbe suliraine court oi-: 41 Waatport, N. Y_ lUnaom Floyd ceiiaJ hin .leaiu wound,
..lUM—.M.___ _ ______
Ukiw, nT,r« au.n>^«-k■.
a Baiir >*• OA. c*
Blroug-III., flu*- cTt^w luulHi. clideredanawliisl. and the jury in- and hi* wile wera *bol by burglar* ordei. « .orp. ul .11
mate. ikcb-,-,li> at ,t otion-li,-*. iDtcUigrtl
creased tba judgmeci lo I2.7UU, aod
ilea,l l'»diug j-usm
poputalioa. mainly from ttealcro Htatea
her husband cannot reccrer uieu,
“‘bl. l>ui
lui lha Joctua declare, that
tbe soprama court affirmed tba find- and bar
Dij Ciua-U.
Tbaburgkra obtained fill.lllKi. the ihc injured mao mouot tt-curer
Pot Bookr. Map*.-Ic. ad-lr,**
A fivnar namad Plato liring near iag. 'To gtl tbs money Clinton bad proceeds of the lale of ihiii farm
OnariUa died yaatardaT Iroo iba 10 soa the whisky-MUar'a bondtmao,
Troobla among while and colorrd
i o»h:ic*ru
laaoHanf a farakan Up. ThU faUlity aod lha auprame ooort has joat fixed
•aaaa t« <disg to tba family. Urea things to he'll gat Ids money.
Tbeboya a\ tfaa Deer Imka. Lake
ofUakalanbatadiadfrom trokan
____ /, dialriet acbool, reeantly fired
Upa, wUk tba rBaaining tkter is a oounty,
Children Cry for
>e wbitea. killing t«
tbeir IlaacbB. and a real raiidtbair
froB tba «b4 InmUA
The Cansdiaii uotutni
eogagad for ding three The whites
Pitcher's Castoria.
Gam anat ba as iBrnmoiu of life nared
' -1 . -ipp.y of acd ,
of the eaaaOD. Tbe becbwDgiha mnrdrrcra and bad ;
m bwMbBda E. Bl lowranoa of
nil u- iliatril>uti<D
wUat In gmtiiiliu
third day after tba change one of lb* work is rxpccled.
Chiidren Cry for
' Id to obey tba mUd
Hon Ftimu* done., member of '"oukl-ul Mib iioiibw.-l teriilcr
Tbe teacher gripped tba legiilalure and famons as baviug
young U.I
Pitcher's Castoria.
Ulor a lOOChBik joaraay '
him up asd threw
lha lad. dooblad
lium Utraiia "itte that
a Long f
i earner. Tbe ^)^_Jiad a
Mild will be rtuaiter lUan
Children Cry for
: aawbaw tbay BartoA
jack knife ia bia band and that 160 touth aacb acaaon. died at At'aota, Ar.it ai.li< ii>aie-l. due to iLe j-rol.mg
Pitcher’e Castoria.
waa doobkd op. Marly aareriag t"^ Saturday, of pnsumooia. He waa ed drought <od Irr-quBi.l lirre. the
otbar day at O^dwatiTcw finding boya thumK Tbe Dear Lake arbi
probably tba moil sueeiisful farmer Isllrr haring dealicyed sl-out
• baafcat of abarii^ Mtoratad with b DOW owe of tbe quiateal in tfaa in Grorgia
— Why, Jobu. lbr*e gloves
dlKl arrobas of cane.
bBBwai. in tba pr^yieriao eboreh county.
n mate* " Jedin—■' I know
Hrainploo. Oc
Out. Wedoewday.
A lepoit reaebat Birmingham. Ala .' Near Urainplou.
•Mil aoawa of tba kdka of tba dock
' not, Misf: sod wbal iroublet
1. S. Hitcheoek. of Mdan.
Tor*. Ch*..c
■'■'I '
^teUod tlBt they bad brongfat tba good maaoo whao ba was aliTs, bat that tbe dwelling of a farmer'named ,a newsboy carrying
abtflMw to kindla a fire in tba' wban ba died a yaar ago hk widow
•loaa aoBO liBa ago. bat Imd not bad nothing left bat a 4fraara fara
dicsmcnt as ibeae."
and a mortgage ao big tha aonldn'l and four ehildran. perisbed in ibe'juriea
leralcb on the lica
u .tceiim iswmh lo, •,**
pay tha interest 00 It. When tbe
„ ibori did t
, Greek stMmarSpyndioo Vug “trj
grand lodge of maaoos mat at Iabs- cotar tba fire nwil yesterday »o.*c- j j,,'q. ttmi
from CoBiUnlinopla.
has been
*.».e >bi. >... TryU.tog twoaoUy tba eaaa was broogbt
mdibeebai '
wrecked near Falmcnth
Of ibos*
_Lady <10
uo sea
tea mpteio)
' tormaily. tba fast paaiad. and io
of tha family in ibe aabea.
iho were ou board eighi _ **“■ do ^_______,,
yoo manage to find your way aMder aoougb money chipped
■starseTtiafite or
In Portland, Oregon, the risB 1 bare beet, >aie,l
The capuinI of,
cross tbe ocean
r Gaptein—
Gaptein- ‘ By
in to raise tba raortgiga.
front and two additional etraete are the yaetel wa* drowoed aod 13: (be compasa Tbe ns^le alwsye
Mrs. Bsuy Barr, of Ingham, died undB water, canani by tba swollen
poiui lu lbs DOith. ' ** Bat sop
ofiww material.—Aup. from tba ai^ of eUorotorm ad eondilioB of tba WUlamatte, and idbMl wirh 10 go aoutb ’
ministered at Dr. Moraa'i office, io
iwrcacsrcn kotvc.
naia. Tbe flood is tba Enghib mineexploaioo. was the findA Mkaoo nan, wbeaa lora for »q LMlia. io order lo aUow tba Indy to
,.410.. u. is<
•erhwa fcwokad oat Ua will powar, bafaaoma teeth palkd. A pbysi- jigbe*t ain 3*1861. Tbroogboat tba ing ut tbe bodies of a father aod hia .
*reerteiar arXsB* ,
•aka tba Bitbcwitka to abot bim op ekn aided aided Dr. Mena lo ad- TBUeyand n aoutbam Oregon tusTy fiee eons tviuL- in a uiouu
Tbae f?*
••‘Kr.* ???■.“
Bl.ck.nithing ..d Hat...holsg.
IbUba Bayba awdy tram taapU miniatBiog tba chloroform, after loaaet are
te. Tb« BH who lUya
aobar ba- both bad adriaed hB not to osa it; mills, ate.
to be calmly .laep.og All!
larioDs oooaaqoeopB ware away.
•waalbwa'aM ..
laity ffl
' 1 auffi
ted until after tba uetb bad
todtiakk• pooraortof aatiek,asyteied The OioeinDaU Cremation aociely eral uf the meu wbo had Tolueter
mad*!®' to you. Ur Koayboy, Uisi tbara
bas dis, barged ibalr aaparinlandent. for the work of
musical tone*'in tba
Ibe bumad bodies.
Valentine Heman, for a i-eoliar rea
*00 He bas been put onderboodlai
...____ oafaiasa^
« city, bODOred aod by a magistrate to snawer to aehat,.jUi
tba adtiea of iu ^
___ _
ixto cords of wood
of grand laroeoy Tha aitidaa al j, tbeir lire*
UdaB ba want to Mai
hundred auJ seveuty bodies
en were eoffioa Bodies lo be cre
ka*a it onaralod apon. _
mated are, of cuuna, carried to the bale thus far b.-eu lakc-u iron. 10*1 BZelT’* F^ataBBU
aaiiiiHat' aonld gd U hk work.
. . WAT^W wn
ride oa it, erwmatory as they would ba to tba pit, aod it is believed lh.i iheloUl'
’ fMiwartaaan wM aakad with Uf
aad ba Mys tba reeaption all aiong c*meiory, io oaskaU or ooffin*. At uuubvr of pariuu* ki,'e.l *ul‘sacu , QfgSfll
aa amd dkd whUn a taw bonra.
tba riTB by tba natiTst was anylhiag thaoremaUirrthabodiaaai* ramu*
^E^BBUkrof tbalaiymB^ bat plaoMBttO
fdaoMBt to Fallon, aa th^ toeh cd from the cnakate, aod it fata baao
to tfaa wood* io • Uraly
-the Bndtrataoding that iba caakau
rabrekannpaad bnraad- Baeent- gire* an acaoaal
.. TiMg
alter the
riTB bank* notil
borat DaarNaokinu.ahJanaoDooocebigfira. TbadapartmaatkaToloB- ateamB]
by.—0ra«d Saoen
riltsga uu- mant by cable Mys : On the 7i >n|//eox.rAf SDrr>,
dty win ba lift TKfrtete.
;l. Hence tbe Yangte* nrer oesr Nankin at'
wlU vary leaU ftxa {ntaetm tlU
10 A m , when tbe weather wa* _>ca,<^;^„^
1h« UrgBt inoMB ot ka« minwwto d^tBiM laoryaniaad.
fin cld lomberama of Osbkotb,
e wa* suddeoly beards roafaiog
ami SmelL
Bon. B. L. Tarlot iba Lapaer apk, who bns jost ratwned IrDts
« a* of water. Two large black
Fb ask oely by
t, haa4G0wlMwotbaaa,atB- land, triteo Ute Oteralawd iron min- (■inp,na7B: “Nstb in my aspen'
Is appeared
aod p
g is Iba laBBB UoM IIWWC
MM aa a lombBiMn. hara 1 sacs ararytbing like fog. Tba watB was
Bs-pahtaf^ U
i; iMh. mtUrng a total of \6.00afld0
Ttarans aty. Mieb.
lagging oparation* to raUrdad at moeb disturbed and (faa Htb waa
‘ m. laaa aTaragayaar tba bartfak time of tba year. The aoow k fnUofkrgewBTat Tbatwo cloods
fita-Mail ordBa prdtapMy fiUad.
kiBU,ft00paBndaolbflnay. Mr. odinakndaoni--------- --------------> in tbe wooda, bat tba
- iluslly reMftad ■ plsM «Uad
-------w pnmt anbir o! tfaa
baa not faaan taTocabla to aaeeaaMal
Id Obow, wfaaa tfapy burataannFort's Cough I
l alifta iMato te UpMr
wvfc. ' In
of tha aampa ost ot a dB making a rmy lood iwoxl. DarOaBMaBlaMcgc. OtaMNftSnttaaairS*.
qwalinil paopla g»wp>I,TOB,W>0lta—9tWRtadyh>Mlffiw protn- ># tft* diMuftHM QurboiM vtca
oil of Titriol for
albet bif
wiUab^toraodtba kbal.
TbaXiebigan Central railway i
•boot to try lha nparimaot ot rui
Uag ordmaiT paaaangar coaches by
alaetikity- TOealoraga battery sya
biB will ba aaad and tba ran will be
from Dalroit to Cbieago aod reloro.
ialo the oourta.
John B- Oiinlon, of Fenton,
drunk on Lanning house whisky
ifeel _______
GBEAM m-nnEk
(^Qtt&rs ''"‘i Skighs.
Balm I
Kid Cloves
Tto teq«t Ciwttij Ik* tmrmm
*»**<<■ M
Itm !■»»*■> iHtfc*«—l ft»*>i ti>«• bj tUi hair*
■yikflk* jMM.fi;
Ih*mb«fe atojto th*<«iiTtiii*
to to* *totoattoto fto taolfcitonl
MbtodtoE.O.T. M.toil.f*c**a
MMidto f«**Mto «.]or*U**Daal
to. AttoatotoMtotoatoaovdioar.toMMHto* toUIi. A.toU vb*r*
tobt** bad b«** mibjt to* toatoiafe'
to* iMItoi*. Tb* too* «« faabd*oto*^d*Motod attbpifa-d flototobK fa** patoty k
pltoa. Aaboor «rao aaa d**etod
toapl—fMtotoalabta.aad yliiiiil
«d«M*lBHto*liBfrBk. Atthaaod
to tot to* to* uaatMtototb* oe^m. lUhodn B<M an** aad
l■■a■■nld "toto totoaUavaaabeat
7 to to* (oUottof pn«raiBto
Oor Heichbof*: laa-oa** by Tbo*.
--------- ------f. . ,
T. bum fh
Havyat to ^iw, & T. Uaria to Elk
Btodda, la. B. ^adto. toBaMoaU. and,
L. A. exark to Batoor Bpri^
OarPngno: ra^ma* by S. Banaa.
On Baaotoaa; napooa* by Boa. a.
DiailnfaPt to Bortbars Miebigas:
L Wbl Aldao Boito to
.Hotbaaa MMilgaii Ito (atore: i*.
apoea* by Ba«. a a BoqHea. Paloa
TbePtaaa: tMoew. by E. 11. Fiabrr
Oat Ok*1o1 ; reapcaa* by Jea. Oreual
to toe DtoieB Fra* Fiaa*.
Baa. PRiy BaaMb. TWlatooM to tb*
I toegiriagtoto* oUmt
rTwiai* to Uti* toa« m *M dowa la
tkepriatod pngiaia.
Tha Haaii*. voald gladly giro a delailad aceoaatto Uilepaitto toeovmiiag‘tM*ttatoBttot.bot i«
Umitod. •« th* paper X aeariy ready
getopnaaaatUabrito aolia X btoag
writte*. It aaa obIj aay tfl it waa far
oat to Ui*>diauy nm to aftm-diaiiar
UaaX aad ^maeb saki^. Par aor*
thaa two boot* tome waa a OMbiog to
kaw wit. toarp rapartot. broad boaor
aad brtlUBBl oloqeaao* uioghd wiU
Bolid faol aad ialonaaboo that by
broagWRomato *ppXa**aDd Xagbtar, ertbriiXdto* mewdml
Rt »iXol, Intoet oaiy oe the iapw
cieMdweHief to* •toqamit q>«akat*.
It waa paR^Bidaigfat wbto Ibe alg.
p*laI"Ucfati oarweagiTwi froa toe
•letoiX light wiaka. aad to* eoRpany
•t K. O. T. K. baU WM i
B to Tcev
Of a diBrnesI efaaiMtH bat rqoall.
oltcaeUTe, were aaiqiw aoaTaiin to to^
baeMioe pro—led to «ato> ona preawl
TX*a* were woodto oard*. q««iaaa*to
to* aatiT* waodi to tb* Oread Tn«er*e
>d tad prialad.
TbXmood with Ix Anublag wi* damlad by A. W. Wait, Ibe well kaowa eoo
tractec ■adbaOdar, wbiX to to* TrerRM 01^ Tioaacript X Am tb* typo.
fnpU«>> *o»k'
tf eoBplUam
rio* Pntodaat XeUikea to tb* C. A
W. X. B. b. brought op th* go*
from Oriitd BapUi-Yd hX apwXl or.
th* O. B. A L E. R. fomltoliig I
Tb* vXiUa Ire^ alrad wen ____
IhagoaRaef Park tiae* Hotal by Bos.
Parry HaiMb.
Tb* BoR iRportaal part ot tbX wbol*
■attar aaetatad la .tb* Batoiag tfaX
■oraiag.lwhXb was oalXd ta di
■ay*. RMB aad mareraa te tbe bto
joality, be
-- UaeXr iatanR,>«l off tataraaX. with
capaeui itomoM* ta lairmtong ismi
grtotaB aad adnBoi^ tb*
' '
« laleraata totbaaeottaa. Kr. Baamb «a* B*k* ebaitmaa
to tk* imren- AittoMtolOiaB**^ dltonib»«htot
mm M iillri^ to* a A W. M.. te n*toU do*** l«s«**d prtottoto b»to* (Bl|7 IMltM Ikto U lUiltotVtodi M**. naaiSf 49 p*i*9*f*t leal** par
tomjaortbwd flaltoofiptolto tod*
;toih*)to>*. tto* to* -jlfi*^” alto
btolton, to lb* pr»n»*to to
9000 laeviDbawtoiB IbtoWlj tb* aoto
Titoomr; «01 aeodwe—d to «>*• tb*
maun a tboa«bL Tea. Ballain
10 00 to* road. U asTtUac. «*ni
10 00 XU fiaptd*. asd. ** racardi
abe «iU rratobl; do to* baitd.
10 00
biog. lor (be read aba
10 00
•■fDafasL*’ bat it
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
Oiaae Saaic- Diaural
Oraeral Haaagar UellAee and Rapt.
Ago**, to to* c. A W. U. *ed D. U A
X. *7*1*0. ar* at Cklcago. bajing D*»
^iiLlsiSr«r« all rasoW tkat n*4 dianala, Uasia.
Vka. «ka* aillk»4lM la aaarra
Ck«*n«aar aasM mit Ik* rHnla
*■11 Mu alairktr k%ta.t*l aa«il
k>* Ml van tkara. aM Ikaca M *U]
Blac* Ikn. altk ratt vrl! «raa4
Every Fourth Purchase
OrtW.Bt. Muk*kl«l
PotatoM "
a«ri«l ■*«•••'TratM.
Wheat. wlDtor. p«r bi
Sn>*ai. apria*.
0*ta,.Ko. I.
Corn, uew,
Advertising Rates.
laloUf On«t a<
aad «lik fa* ac
kra B**n*a br aJI ike kopi
airbaatOlatlala-ao** tknack
:«e TO Kii.aT
Ol Tutilfts* 8(1*11
TH08 T BkTfs.
ed deoaad* to to* buiae** to Ibe
bl tiw* qilek IsIlowlBC Ik* CirbeK
by raaaoB ol toe Baldvio-Trararaa
tooD. Xe* eqoipaual >* alao baiag aiad* at toa ibop at Maake^e a*
OKiir.a A'OKKALe
f*at a* pof bt*.
*T IM «. A ». a. caooua
UoM r».
-Tb* C. 4 W. y. i* gtoting ready
lo •*!(* (KIC |.»nf |M kclaatrd.
aitdeirr of (ki oiuoa foi
baild a 1.300 loot --Y" aod aidiog at
Dit m> Kerb u lax coad Wise *o biikir k 'I p'ORItAl.E
» ...................................
iis 00 enmiog, ob toe BaldwiB-Trarene
UUKHI, Wito to* Matiblae k Xonb
J. V. rioUapangti. Katoaka
lOo' ooa irU. I«a 111 llM
..ftoorrltr lor oktto i kiUob o«e.
D. Tislos A Son. WUUaotonrg. .. ....
80 *119^ debt oT rnttcidl lo roo
latlraad Aau
L. P. Jadaoe. Baetoata..........
10 00 {Aiaa. the
Xo( oBlj. (kiB, lain rvi ki.i --lUieL
a B. Ooopar, Mairtnn Tribaa* S 00 :
T*e iboN II uod'i lldi.ourr. bii oo
Jobu Xeoui. wbo ia baildiac * miU at Tkioifkill ibriioirib.i Birbiri.n
Mr.Tyaa*.Ul*rioto*eOo.......... 10 ou
Xe**cB City, ba*it aboat ready lot ow. I-Iibi lotbr woaiBrii roa joa.iril
lag. He ha* aboat l.UOO.tIUU faet to
.sildeaialbe biioi
ptOR HAl.a:
uli tiial II
log* at to* Bill.
A tubl(b urn. Iinrm.td Siam
t IroD abroad ware: J
*T Bkatorr*
BoUQuo. » preaulaat aad geoerTb* Oaaios Laotwr A Matoaeturiiig
oogerto toe 6 AW. X.. aod O. .Coopaay will baild a aaw and pli
L. A X. raUreedt: Edw. Baokley, prre- auti at Haheua to U. opmted >o
Doab EMrea.—! wiab t<
ident of to* XaaUtm aad Xorthoalera oeclioo wito ita poitalki BuU* la BaoB- wordi u dtoeaoe of Ibe *<.ldien to tb* jI T->.............
B. B- : W. U Carpeoter, traTelllag paa- laetarug toa tract to hardwood tmiLer Toadera to tb* QaaoLO, aa 1 *eo la ■% j
iccrblly |iorrliB*rd ui tbe weatere i«rl
ageotrf tb*C A W, M ;W. i
moat erery paper, acme ooe griiDbliog j '
UaTirtt. AB*tr|R»*r*l paaaeager *«eot u( oi Ihia ooac7.
ebool wbal Uii* glorioui goTuremi'Ctj
toeC. A W. M.;CL1a Lockwood. geoeraJ
Crook Rru... who ban- U-L dohog Jliai iloae f<
pMaaegwrageettotoeO a A 1 . :£. A
.aad*edg.o™a. as,.. Xow M ^ ^
Treadway, traraUiag paMugar ageatto
tbeXlsbigaa G*ctraJ: T. F- Clark, geaaral olala ayaat of toe C A W X. aad
M-r a>l> HAW *111.1, FOR
pnTale aaereiaty to Mr. Hallikes ■, Wa. i Baai
AldaBSaitfa. atomMy lortoeC.A V. j haw the InaaugliBben oo tbagroaod.
X. aad D. lsd X.:E.J.E**i*. Creigbl Ur. Lear, to (JLio, wbu baaj been pf.arapt, of to*a R. A I.;E W. 87- proUng 10 tow Tioouy fur a Oeatrahle
BOor, of Xaaletee, ol to* ttoyiuoar lioe loot 100 for * barileood null and Iwod.'o gireo-liackr. Ibat w,m wortb Ofly do’-i
astoie i B. & Bark*, of Ooioago. Xclory. ba* aboat dtaded oB Ibe ome
to to* Nortoeta Mitoilgaa lioeiC. H. place a* a li«*lion lie Lii pro*|ircli*e
OhapBaa. to Baal Bagioaw. pamangar
u.. K...,,
•geol departaaot of toe D. L A X. ; Y.
.... ................ .
H. Rabooek ha* .biukeo gtuaud al bill, bD. ..Wd I..O-. ..I.., u. GI.J
L. Todd, Toledo. O roou *gaot AmuX*o Eiprm* Co ; O D. Cerh*. Grand CopoBUb for bw boop tactory. wbjcb be lb.,d,d Tb.b....M 11,. .. . Kb
Bapidi, rout* agaat of tb* Adami Ei iropuaea to more fnuu Uacitlco to that
J. C. HILL, For the Next Two Weeks !
New and Second-Hand Goods
3 Bii; Ut <Jtuiii)n in iinrcs "
We liHve ,l.-.-t,lc(| t.i
Give Away
<.k*h Paid for Smreod baad Goods.
A U-H itrpnni:t Salt. CAr^j,
h If.- of Cffai|;p
TKAvaasEOTV. a
Every Fourth Purchase
(If like araounf. i
Undertaking and
Monumental Woik.
ag*at of toe AaieneaB
: 0. Aageli, Qraad Bapidf
aaaUlaat aapt. Aaaarioaa Etpreaa Oo.
8 1. Pai«l*y, Tolado, O . geoaral paa
. ageal to the Tolado. Aso Arbor
aod Xortbani Mionigmi K B ; Joa.
Oreeael. tapre»eaUag toe Dalrtoi Free
Pt*H ; Wa. BtookiDg. tb* Detroit Tnbfiae . W. B. Hopkia*. to* QrABd Rapid*
Damooral; E. B. FXbar,- Ibe Oaad
BurtAi E*gX ; Perry P. Power*. OedilIKNiwtaad ExpreeaiO. B. Emaptrs
aad wife. Patoakey Doaoeral; L A
OXtk. Harbor Spriag* Bapablieaa . J.
X. Tiaklapaagb, Ealkeak* Lsadei; B.
I by Xiit Ebb*
ObaaberUui Elk Rapid* Prograa* ; 8.
B. Walkar, HI. loboi; dodge X. Aad-
where duly rail.
Our Slow. ■
.b..l fo.inl.
bii).; wlirtlu-
« dress, a soil of eloth(«. It cl'iak -«r OViTCOiti. liai, t-ariM-t
....................... .
i-'-" ■“■‘■"'v d"ll«i..
C...I l..mor k.r Noft.ng. ,r it
.... Itli.iir 1-itk t„ lie Ih.-f.iiirtli i.iirchadfr. Kv..rvlH).lv kii.iwe tlmt
tw io.„t ...a the ,,...111) Af..... .i«k ,..|„uiy
It- ifooil ami io roany ' ase< siiperi'ir i<> mir <' iTni»piitoi«.
Why not Tiy us tlion'
.eprtwruiaey ,
aaoot r»t » petUMO wiUioal epcod-'
D. A . XcLcvd, Ibe rnrreyor. ba« ju*t '
«wploUd toe a, .p Ofub. Dew c, . Id“
t«;.KabfO, Tiw pruepeelire aielrupif BctciBBeel d«w not wa« to gt.ei jwbh. to DctlUtD Micbigaa i. looalrd to •■'>'**
^”‘1 '«>«
korttot IC. toao 26 autto.raog* 12 want ““
‘■°'•aOraad Tiaraiae eounly. alBott cD P‘«»l
» « “Wier waslml a
Ibe toon- to OreoB and Dock lake*, two P*®"®® >'*
ofiue BMl beaalifal iDlaad to.el.,.1 "ler'i brigarfa Sc- fr.rad., right b. rr
water ui Uitoigau. The M. A K.E. L. •“^’®
U. aad toeC. i W, M- R. R. croe* *1 «
tox pout. A large watar power aaw “**«“«■“ Ibr froal, aud oot on* to
*Dd abiagto ndl u being toore by Mr,
* J'*' •
E. E. Iktodictot tbie city wbo w toe
old acd Ir.eJ reU that did iLeir du.'
V Vigoroua Seed.
The Best of Their Kind.
priacipal proi.iielur to toe uew lowo. 1)—H ftoOB tw„ to four ;ear* that ar*,
Tbo C. AW U. bare Ibait track* Xid
i*®'"** or:
el by
br the
the lotenietional
N. E. *iUbe ‘“’'“**‘"'*’
Iryiug to get 1 The »bore uemed *fe-ia «ir pleoad upon tbe market
apting I'be • P'wo® for aeteral yeeta. Imi harej Seed Coniptnr. of Itochetter, N. T. after thoroufil
he eiamiDcc
a iiruBiaiag falor*. Thiee; “®‘. J,.,
J®' iDcnedrd
.Muat tbi-y
tory l«*r#l»bould
Tea bare beao pXttod.
*® “* 'kcaoldier*'borne
*0 they oaB b* anpportrd ? J will
0 tod aoldier
It hWTed lwi>yrar>*D'1 a bait and
u aboaii>8' a full line ot
A cfaaug* will be Bml* March 1 id ib* ^
lo tbe boa
It to the C. A W X. B U
toll may b* of 00P*id<ual)la loiponaao. ;
HearJ, B. Xodikeo, !
larlotoiaB ; C. E. Brewstar and wife of to norttotD.,M«big*D.
! : Ml■•a 1i|
re (/>
111 y«r*
ta M
get it
it. )l
It Ireik
look all tbit
alicb plara llirm nilLio it>« rearli of ail
t proBdeal aud gcrmral iBaaaget of plied
Ufca Brewtoar i 0. £. Oo<^ to tb*
Ui* bnodleofraj tape 10 Waab
0. A W. X. and D. L. d- X. U- R.. tiBcfur
Itaotoa Tribaa*.
iogleu to Had ool Uiil b* w.a ebtiilrd
laaigBad bX poaiUou ta taka effect ^
S3.0U per mootb peoBioo. There
delA It I* wiib oBeera regrat ‘
relVyears of *d LoooraUle old lol
7.,... f. 7....V .
I railroad efieiaX id the atair, tad
KAalWM Oe-aem
" ww
Tb* X. A N. E. X gr*<taJ to witbia urn., «U lK.,.1 U.,
-“J'-W-J » 1“ •'■I. “J " "»■> J-'nll hfr
I/auti'fj If oy.oir.
Ue mix* to Tiararae City aad tb* raib XallikeD Dador (be aaive aod ifli- k™ o'" or
baodred duIXn ta get
7>o nV"! Sffrii.y
are ta kw Xid Id to* *|«ibg.
cieatBaaagoBmit of Xr.MuUXcDlbe
f-r =o.,lb. No. .byeaoool ibi.
(>/.e.i o...f C-rtrr.l
. .n..! /:.:pl < u f..
City naidaaX are bagiaal^-te am toe 0. A W.^Wbewo patoied op ta th“I*
T'it t.'rUM.f lUiyuU
to to*m to aaoaring toX Ud* part of lb* aUle. and a few Boata. mor. ;
7>i« .VcT-rnr .-frcAe/f .Vr>/ l-'ft,,,. /
and iaetaad to abewiag a qoXI iDdifbr. wfU *0. iU or* rODDiDg into Trarorre |
f«'ib”x ,
iiyttr »• -/ /
«eo* ■ Ifaey did Uat aoBBei
Unllikeo baa
, laeleofi
UiU ft—’-n.
0 tbe folate of Graod T
' '
bfe or Xoguubed ia rebel pn*oa>.
I'uLr.rnf.jri. h.ia-l .V-r«;ier«.
au moeb *0 that to did not lieviiate to
, j
. • t
.....l l. K.F.., l« .|«d. .,1. I “ ■ "
JX'Uri'kt SW’i Uty l'r,t‘rt,
treated with more rorac* tbao grab.
BtldwiD-Tiavene LBl to aay ta all tboae Ibat are Codiag
ll.iy I'ftn'-y li.g'jrrt. /
Oily eztcaaioD, aad aaoUier biUIod u
Id railroad Batlar* wc are ai
moofa faolt with the old soldier, jasi
Ito Trererae Ci^ A Maokioao atimiX i
a rest. W* do eol <
1 called It
that toa dtaaUonXaaoearagiDg. f
exleaaioe. Tie eiteoaioa from Bald,
Boeb fsDit fiodieg.
thlDg X vorkiag aatXIaetarilT. aad go^
win to TruTeteo Ckty 1* too tar adTaaad
Aa Old Hounaa.
BOW ta to affected by Xr. XallikeD'1
Lrlaad, Feb. 3d
7b* Xt^t railroad n^icrt X
iweiguatioo. bat what effect tbu Buy
th* <d*et tbAl - Ward'* road " X to ooe
A full lit* of wliirh ia eihibited aud deacripliee calaJogueu furoitbad <
to Booth Ara aad Ibttoa down tbe waet bare U6 tbe ezteasioa B ottb frois Ttarene Ci^ naaauu ta to eeeD
applioalioo. l)o ool fail lo eiamiae lli*«e oiacliioei..
XO MTtK.-klHUl,0.
TtoFreaPiMof Moo Jay bad acoltb*0 .A.W.X. allrootao. TbX ei
Bob a ralXbX toore*.
tr-III taktltal (*• ureerml o*«. i« ib« Ciu
el (irsBd
Birhieee. ee w*tBc-4*r.
TBt c. A «. K. aosn.
. ua. IMC. es oar e clad p -,!<-(*«
Mr. Xallikaa projeeted asczieDaioa of
M ar lainrea Direeun. caaaUlaU** •
le atrre Isi ue euaia* jru. aa* ter Ue The Advancx Threshing Machines Guaranteed to have
B. B. Badgae. the otril ongiaaar wbo lb* OhkBgoA W«R Uiofaigas ta TrarKUaa a< wp <eWt kaeiaeee ee aej k> the beet construction of any Machine made In the United
i angled u °bt*-n<ik^ ^
baa etaatg* if lb* a A W. U aurreyiag aneOi^. aad the work u partly
States for separating and cleanlnggraln are glao aold by
gang, oow at work aaar Oaabtl Imke, pXtad. All bat abool Iwraly Dr* bIXb
me. If grain
raiseri wera generally aware of the superioriaformad tha Hmald laat Friday that U OI iniD tor* b«as Xid aad Ito <-ra w
latures mentl-ned they would
ity ofthls machine In the feati
waa atfll doabtfol a* ta tba root* be roimiagta Trererae City Is ttoooai
employ no other.
-TMtOkU atdki.r
ordrn to a law Boetbs. A gtret ioer*M
are, baayt. toOad tbe eaoat fearibX
}>rices Tuimcl on
to Cbariatato. and wbRe BDtoi
tarritary. It ww* betorad at Tnrem
wflldapeod apoa bX «e>oft. ibarwar*
lb* work Ibroagfa tt* latotBadiato «alMaka ■ bote of Ibii "A peDor nred ii two paeo* earoad.''
My'toO b* kRvy. bat aot aaBtaao
;:A1 33 State Street.
You art- (;tiaraDU-e<l tlie
prifen, th«- Wit- tyoodfl and
furtln-rmoiT tin* jtospibiUty of iirriinDS v«''ir purchase without
any (•nt whatever. This is the most liberal uIIVt ever made in
flii> aeetion <if ilie eountr)'. Don't Fail to fake advantage ot it
Early Sweedish Oats,
Earl Rochester Potatoes,
Rochester Rose Potatoes.
if yon «n- in tii < d oi anything in our line.
Our Offers are Always Bona Fide!
Al von will 81 • when your ih-ighlinrs eonie home willi FJIEE
lAbundant Yields of the Bdst Quality.
„ J
, n
ci J r le
Every Fourth Purchaser.
Hand and Power Feed Cutters, g,g.j.g j^g money refunded and
goes home with a Bundle
Free from
J. STEINBERG’S The Original Reliable
Dry Goods and Glothine House.
Park Piece Livery,
It Will Pay You 10 Do So
umi mi nuL Sash,
oXXtoJ. W. XiHaae,a BatM*,TbR.
T.BatattoTRfiiRaty.H.B. KobX
fcV. Parry F.PeMR to <MnXa.J. X. winbaubmily ailgfal. .Tb* rook* be.
to XilkRki, TbX
tb* lake aad bay eiO.
■MIXamUbaeaiB bBd tb*
k'b**baie*Utto*M. MU*«t.
ty.Wd. (to.
»a mmOm mdbanato aU ibaiR. lowiag ■» iom tba walar (coet. th*
giad* win ba oeofNiathtoy Rgy.
totototthXttaaigadwiU ael to
totritacy to draw fnae that it wonld bare
tbXtodato Torah Xkr. SUBapato.
warer. will maka a d*Xr»iDid flgbi
to Us* aad win pro**
■XxvbtiiftMkaad by*
. xbX oppaaast ta tha towre la lb*
reiXy, ea tba aMwat to bwMama aba
nfirnd wffl baoctodba octod.
s^lhbRaatttotMk *Dhi>1 *l*w to MBaaeaatoanilrwdwffl
a fa« ■IMS'Mrs Ito AhXla «b*r to rntot Btolm m
RRfcto iMMin tb* *»«|Xitotoa to
...... .
andllndenater s Goods.
pout, aad hope* to bare U lo nioLin,;
by May 1. Ibeie «* eery laige boapilal for
asoBBt to rla liiboltry lo that lowu.
aad be aiU get raw malcnal tof yiwr*.
r™” 'b»*
nil Winirr (ioodo,
Sivoml-haoii Sclixul Kixiks.
’ lirl>
Dgcailes of Success
Mr. Mallttto’a 1
ObtrXt H. Baald, lorMriy to lb* PbK-
leading PDBLlCATIOh
iocA orer tba baaiaaa* to A* read*.
Has a t»r. era* m mmpf ww
Mr. B«ald X alimil 40 yaar* to ag*.
tail, good lookiag. with dark esrepXe.
tiae sad bias eyas, aad coaiUoaB aad
aCabX ia RaasR. HX poaiiioa oa U>* I. I a .iirtiaiM b, *1 t»-W aal BaaBry g. a.
wbaO-k- TOSKtarrawhla are. Baa
A Baadiag ara* that to aato tha gaMrel BoaBagtr, wbkX b*
•d IB 1BS7 ta fill tbs poaidSB to
8fiiipB« d an SsAl
ftmidmkmi gmtM ammftt to tb*
hanB^Ma*! * VaRRS. whieb tMS
Artoto*. ps «b*tok. tos4 MiRBaeTRk to^lB (M fta^s
First Cla.ss Riirs
r'.A, n. M n JFl *3
Blinds, Etc.
1 am exlramaly oblurad Cor roiir pairoaag* durisg tbe greztar part of,
tba part yaar tad solicit ita cooUBoaDoe.
tT,AJk£E3e« A.. AiCOOr^H:.
rrirr, oid
For Your Clotlios. ,
JOHN DUNN. Proprietor
- X*A»: l»l,A'Vii: TO B-CTY
^CONSUMPTIVE. re_.-,,-ire
tie Ov\s, ”YUt4\ta tvviii‘BAtravTs
S3. W. S.A-9TZ3V SHB.
T. F. <tete, tte G. k W. M. ateilar.
mm MdvUal.'fcte tte ■OB b tows tte iHt of Ite vate. Uteafbtetdateafcr
great fan,'bnt ter “atmsBlgmn.' Wa
M Iti^eg* of tte Mmur ad-
to tte saiMn ttel aiiriiisiiidid
Umvbutevaaladavayfor aMtdx- Joka HamUtoo. of bit raUgs. Ml apieombai^tspaaladtost by euferBa mid: •<Waap not for aacioBS tojaitB, bsl it raeonriag.
me. bat for ynrmlrm and yon ckildMrs Wm. E BUr ratatoad
Wa ballan bar bora tab a
ToUao. Batorday. vban ate bm bean
Oeo. BtaUaU of BMcat Bgy, eama life ndiant vib tte Ion of God.
•insiDC bar Mr. Mrs 0» Ritenk.
We Unit yon vfll ttrin b tear np rtao IM baao rsty ill vitb pituo-paoa.
bb read.
A. Md 4 M* CM took ita
l|:S t
nan DO m(m «(isi is tlw ter,
tMl jnr.ttetej faonFte. 18
and Ite ioa cant ost lisitti «0. Ite
cf B. mdtnay, vitb )
vltefe tbaterteM onr
dariif tte M 81 jaMs. aomiac
Bebt Icondsc la lying nry Ul at hia
tte pariod of tte BteuD'i "im raaorf."
Doaod Want Vioth St. baring ted tte
•aa Fab. »d. i* IB?«- Than na ao
grippe and attewd a haary cold eat.
iea at iD ia tte raaa 1868. 1878, 1880
Uiog cm hi* lone*, eaoaiag fnqoaat bamaad im__________________________
' [«. Be is in qnila a eiitieol conE. D. Ftem. vbo tea Bade of Ite
Bntia Sasaar ooe of tte teat loal
Ttelneodtof His. B. Batch, of Omnd
iac down tte Broeka.7 tuU Ute a
iac witli a load of Iota vaa apaat, and ifiapida, viU te glad to knew bat ahe
large measnn from
thievB to tte poaad. lalUsc o
nt teren ilbma. Urr. PratL
At blart aoBODSt te aaa aUU oocalled aermal veeki agu u> care
cnM,aad itiifaarad Ua iajariaa
A. Brfea-Pac tala.
Thiaia IteUiird tedaoei- lor ter aiitcr, hia ivlomrd booie.
Perry and family hare mored to
AnI, vben Mr. Perry goee t» take
ebargeofa large geoeral eton ol tte nev
Ta« bare teao aoma miatakaa
eompanrloeatbg at that plaoe. Mr. Par
in tte (sUiariac np of tte aUae van at
ly'a maeythaods b Trarwae City stab
tteteaqaal. Iteoe vbo find oo iaaea
him mnOb aocoeat in bia sev aitnation.
Ufatioe tbal ttej hats not neeiTsd
Mis. U. S. Wright, vljo baa beeo
tteir ovn, viU pUaaa brine tte artiolas
•poDJiag aome montbi iu lodiana, bat
13 H. >: Uaakal] at tte Itookaton and
retorved. Mr. Wright bas bongbt tte
noeiTe iteor ovn in exobange. at .
Losaa property.
Ttoaa vte ban not lakao avaj actiolaa
and viU oommenee and impren be mloanad will find Item at tea nan phoa.
ideoee and groDUeb. bir p|>ring.
TMViitM errr, mwh.
date Mr. Onia tea »al witli lo tte aaoe
plaoa, aiteio a (aa raan.
liutr neotioo vw made bj tte Htaj,. tet veak. of tbo dnlti of Enocb
Welch of East Ba;, vbke ooeomd on
bie caan.
Tte fooeral aarrioen van
eld on Hatnrdar. and van targelr atleadad.
A Kom and b
vill be giTon in Librarr baU. Fridaj
enmng. Fab. iSUi. nndar tte dinetion
of Mra E. d. Monv
’>1^ FlOnooa
Hoaaall. Tbe pit)gno vill oombioa ■
ohildno'aoarniTal, vitb aeraral aaUnlr
nevaakolloot b; Min BoaaaU and aooal aoloa br Mrs Morra;. Ibr aonga
b; tbe liitla oan ban
resdetvdio Traaartir Cil]r.
Circilatkii this week 2,000
Mike MiGan*'" bam ran awa*
B. J. Lov«i haa ditpoaed ol bu propvwk, Uurtiug < ne of Ite k
qaile bsli) .
Trmnic are bo<y imj<ru<iog the receol
' Ir yen ten iae teowi to All, teitw
XHt ««it for bay lea. Tate il froa
Bandaua Ute qolokly u poaaible. or
7N nay M gat any.
O. V. Aaerox baa aoki bii 6m nai.
dnet ia tte vaat tnrt of tovstoTbeo.
Movoa^yn. Wo. UmreateTiog porakaaed Mr. Mo too’a reaideooeon
aWdb atnal
If of tte r. of I. a
Odaelad ban laal Satardiy. and anoUnr
nnting vUI te bold at Orange ball
MUSalerdayerjolag alT;80
iOfltom. AUanlDTited
A free
Tn vonan'i ntiel eotp ban gained
aoeb a lepolaUau for fbne popnlar 10
- Mat aoppata, that tbnbanbadto an•ooneaaaotbertor nnt Monday ,
IM, at Orange ball.
Aaotraar dasshtarof Ur and
Jaa. aouky of tte veal part of ttedly.
fUad Mooday
BWsky ban Ibe
Ur. and
uf tteir
Msy frtoda in Unir aad temni
At Ite ratidtnee of Q. W. Uall _
I raeeiTad free
iavvek: Mim
teBMTB npalia an being made on
of OiODd Bapide. togatbar Mtb
• food onrbaaliog of tte angiin and
Come early and secure your choice.
1 Usrviek. Wml
For Robes and Horse Blankets
Visit our Carpet Room on the second fioor.
Arctics, Overshoes. Lumljermen’s
Sox, Felt Shoes,
Devlk «r nine Klocy Uavdrtvb.
Him Mary Eaatman Coodtieb died at
le re«ideDce of lier father. Hon. B.
Goodrich, oe Thareday. Fob. fib. 1830.
White Mia* GooJiicb'a dcab vai sol
Wc an glad to eoc oar fneo*U Albert
Mebrri and Trot ReTuld no Ibe alreela
agaiu. TlK-y bare tied a hard Inmlf
One vbu ia expenenoad
vilU la gTipiT.
■ti.l gvDcral boneevork.
Elder Lnvreucc of this place, preach "tivdy rmploym«ol mi
1 Ibe
luni rul
iK-tiuuu ul
I Hubbeis, and ff//A/Ws of footwear at the most reewonabk prices,
tb.- aged i'PP'J
mnlLci uf 1. I.' TIBMO uf SotUiot Bay.
and of an i-jfant sin uf Mr. and Mi* C.
ratcli 1 Pvlc*
of tte pecker uf tbe attue | l.uv. Both were
Find rabli
family and a van of aympalby and victim" of la gripiv. and vrn interred
i-itlaga aa tbe
K-vvick oemelury. Feb. lind.
Mis. a. E. Waterbary, reeelred, last
neve apread on Tbamday
Satnnley. (be md neva of be d«tb of
ate bad paaaed tvay
Mis. OoodrieL.
bereldem dangblar, at Aylmer.'Ontar
.•ir..;.-iV" «
I'" >«
her sbtter. vaa takeu vitb be intlaesio, (or vbieb plaoe Mrs Kilmer al osae
We iti-gla.1 to "eelbe •noa culsing
iseodit va* aoon Ibongbt that ate
4'vtlTr* ■! <'vi
took bar daparinn.
eoold not Tseorar.
Mary, baneif iU.
We ViU mil all ont Uoek
Kevi baa l>Mo rmUrte
I Dean made a Hying etait to (he
(or •.'ring
aroac from bar own aiek bed b oan for
lomgoisg vaa in type bat Mrs Maggie
___magnideent "h.no. b
ber mobw. allosiDg bmelf no real day
obeap. Ttere
Kilmer, vife of Mr. and Mrs RUmar'a
Tlie RfiHMoigbl. till vorn by grief and assioni
•leigbing yet. but if there
Oartir, died Ibie moniiuf
ean, ate vm forced b girr ap agaie lo
it will par b get a culler at th.
beau of ter (alter, George Lardie, in
TUu |i"lruu*uf lU'Uialvy oi
ve can tllak^ (or fnlare nae.
bar own illDem vhidi Is a fav cliort
PeninnUs Mrs Kilmer baa
and tee >ba( ve ba*e end learn
p a drlKto. vhidi vilite ii
dayi laid bar b ileap in prerlaeliog net
V A A Par*.
tune of
A brief akelofa of her life sill be of (atniv.
daab vaa not aoextmebd. bat aa aa adwr* Martha GUmure and Kiuy Giliaierrel b bet many friemti. io Trarerae
ddional blov foUovtog ao clouly tte
TiaitivI thv Harbor "cbool
il and pro
City. Bte vm bote in Ite Tillage of
Tbe «>rtctD«l
otbar beraanmeats >1 eall« (or aneb
ur.1 It thr Ixvt ubuol L. the
Ooedrieb. Oeoaeee conoty, Miebigin,
ayapatby b a atrickao family,
October 1.'.. 18M.
In l»'-I remoTe.1
I'Ll Enioiy (• >h lul ready b.alart ap
O ne—t VO—Ibroe—>b u r.
F. KiLsaisis-a bewe. in Elmvtwd vitb bar parentato TriTcneCity,
One—tvo—Ibree-Fou r.
tbemill ; ve ri;-etfl they vill maku (be
iovnabip, and nauly all ita eootenia vaa bat dnoe teen ber borne.
She ‘
One - tvo—tbreo—Miur
deatnyed by fln aboot amt. o’doek, member of (te congrTgelional ebnreb Inmbrrlly. a» ih.- mill yard la full of
£*ery /'uvriA imrcbMC of like emoonl
UatSuedayeraoing. U vaa a tvovtoty in Ihia Tillage and u far at bealb and toga.
made ta onr abte (recn b-dar. end antil
boilt at a coat d dcr.Jiun lo bomd duliee permitted, ao
Fred Hrddni aud dinglitor .>( Trar- fortter Dotioe will ba <-.'iren Aa ay-frtr
ll.TOC, and vanned vib a (arnece rvnnt sober for ber dirino i
.r City, were the guu-U uf Ur. Hed- of all ebarge. We make tbia remarka
ble offer ID
io be baeemeoU (tom vbiob ve under- Ber large ubbatb acliool clsm
dui., Suii.Ui.
e daring tbe dolleat time of tte yi
■land Ibe fln oanghl. Then
(oDoved ber b ber grare. ga»e taken
Althoaeli tb<- r.4.1* veto liad Scaday.
for the further pnrpoae of di»p
be time- rxoerl Wra. by tbrir lean and deep i
uDorjal-lHFi-a •Irii g of akugb" from logo! the large irpine «bok ttel a
Kalkalein and i lilUe girl,uid-tbff- irt failbfnletetadbmo is be
murniiifi till uighL Yoa aee people will bnrdenl onr
knovn aoaoi
■fford 10 la
saa mil nuder vay
----------them. A moat dtvolaJ diogbter and a aloighndr repiyially '.Ie yoong folk*.
Uieae good*
loring aiator. bw home lam ia one the!
Koibiog vaa
aarad exnepl a
liilimit rrgar.l lo rood ur veather.
.... .
- .*nelain an ncknnve
and luMibto greater ebrinkage daring
amoont ol (nrailon and a fee
neroT ba tilled end time vSI only noder
the year
eloltev. Tte btUding vat inaored b tbe uoae of lem more keen,
Miaa Tint Holdavotb
brober in L*niiBg.
Sam Osriand bat had a bard liOU viib
be giippa bit vsek.
R E. Oordy of W.
bvs tte laU of tte veak.
aotirely noezpected. yet it vaa a great
tte many friendc
l.v a ten lacbea Ibick in Ibe lake and
of a beanlifnl ranrly.
La grippe Ie lo laraiog it* (grip opos
Bear m miod every article lo
able aboppingemporinm le io.
bie great *ate. No maUar vha
ibe rommaniiy eoToeebai,
parebaee. ol that
E F. Holme* elarta next weak (ur a vill be retamed and Ite goode (
alt cJuu-gt
in the alab of Xee ly giTvo yuo /rre of al
I York.
Fi.Ur Cuuller opened a aerice of meetTte bolder* of prize tieketa will ha**
Qrmt eympsttay ia faU and rxpnaaed
by a iarga eirela of (riaeda and acqoaintanom lor tte father and BOtber, aietm
tlie- market ofi*ers for the money.
Mufflers, Hoods, Fur Gaps, Leggii^^
And other seasonable goods that we do not wish to carry over ^
we are now oli'ering at greatly reduced prices. Buy now and saut
Whole show case full of NOVELTIES in the way of Drees Braida,
Dress Triniinings, Fancy Buckles in large aasortmenta, Fancy Side
Combs, China Silks for Draperies, Chatelaine Bags, Walleta, etc.
Ladies should not fail to look our stock over.
Overcoats for Men and Boys!
baviai! a terete attack of pWarilit, (ol
ioviog li grippe.
Onr lake preaunia an animated appearana*, being cvrereil vitb ice ontier*
both vigbi and day.
Mr* JamraSeveU left laal night f«
Wii:itm.bn, ta attend ber mother vbc
Bmhs eonaty ia patroeislng Ite bit fnaod* in bit oily, on Mooday.
MbsAlioe Wood took ba O. R. * IOmad Tnnm eoosty jail in gmt
atyla. A foDov naaad Lavn U now (or OadOlae. on MemUy. (or s lev ^ayt
in our Root and Slioe department. Nineteen-twentieths of all the
goods sold in this department, is manufactured especially for us,
accordance with our instriictions, and is therefore the BEST that
lev Otvi. ri.ll
in eoatset, and al tte mine time ao apt
iege at tbe Cedar Cnvfc aebuol booae.
ly Totom tte feelings of bm friends bare
la.1 eight
in bm own home Ibal it ia gi*an belov
C. C- Wlutney uf Walldo. Ua bemi
toeOn, kaapiaf aannl ono tecy to
Dr. B. Sifbn ol Btebma B«y. ealM
and brother ao eidly benft
r*tto boat nady in good Uma Icr bn a'. Trsrerae Oily, oo Friday.
CbriU Katal of Mortbport. mllad oo
U nol expeotod to lire
lev companice an expected bere tbti
firar Pria%<U.-i. iattar lefenaiag ta
OF TRAVtatl OtTT. telOM.
of tte addoB damiee of your danghtot work from Kalamazoo and CiBdanati.
to pat op Luoaia for loe.
Frank HamUtim rstorud borne Toaa- Mary eama to aa <• Batateay.
Be*. F. A. Force vaa called to Bwere greaJy abooted to toam of tbia
dij from Ut eaatare trip • .
greateoROv. Weteataa toaxpraamr mue tetnrday. to offiemb at tte (DM*viiki dCTstioa.
Tn ituon of Judge Batnadallb. at
deep aympaihj vtth jcv Iia tbia aflio- al uf a former p
Jao. and Andnv Andanoe of O
Oaaaca hr"., Satnrday
Oubotal* end ba**diag booeea aretiam
earn, ap this morning on bamnaa
loU Gf tor cntler*. beoiitoa many vbo an I ■
atad^ tteir ahes.
tteitefBbMbaaa giiiag tte U
■topping IU privm* boaaet.
l^|l■^■■* vitti trt fTOT utaMfva
Q E Better, vte fam beecapaodPrtd.y-eanov be. made tte laater-|
fAUi a» rm
•te ou liiioM doriM tte UU few
gaomaliaNat hiaeldUomaiaIteia
wates. XbaHmuttaopnaoeolofin
lU nadns a Bommaiy oMi.
viltetnad tbia baanUfal fu ebtae toa-t. I
H. la mmteoek paamA Ura^ tom
Philip Beraztooe ha* |
3anU prinM
aTn^ayeeroateferObtotto. vten Bad (•^Net of all ttet bad (be pteinn yoang tone 1
■■ invimkv eadtook-'
- - h* tea aeoaptod a gimdipoailkim.
ing after bia I
Bar. J. Maakttogd iprsmtml afim BMiory aaooeof Ite plaaaate nfled.
'."trr* ocpoaiT eoxxara acar ai
at Ite German Uth kaa of mi 0mA. Ttere ia tet <me
SeTenf}-d*« ar loadaaf we have D**piNactvM.
fWrtetaibtteJUU ikraa n.._.
texWugiaoar miade niatire b abipped^ bare dBring tte pae'
test op ban lot otnling a bona d
Wm. Falmn of ~
In our Clothing Department will be found a tine apsortment of
seasonable Overcoats, at prices that put them within the reach of
all. Come and buy NOW.
Psid DP Caiiitsl. • $50,800.
Btcrarr wiibitaiti.
IUiBMUU>tea;iMaad/a8.l«) oditioA
Our assortment is
good and prices the lowest
d humorist. It ie a keen •
Engliab nobility and
Seen'iary Ik-otmon ruiU-d Kmsick
roysUv. and vih be grmtly isl i*bad by
laM seek, but su di>ap|«,iDie>l b tiod eeery Ametiosn. It ia replete with rich
bntnor and lodicroua ntoatiooa enforoad
by Siw ebaren'rnstic drawing* by Den
Besrd. Tbe book ii sold only by *nbIir.rli- L ' Iru-ac-r. for nei-i-r*! veekt,
actiptioo, sod ageoia are vsnt^ te tte
lull.'*] b Li* L'lmc IS Lauting. SaW*- pnbliaber*. R 8 Paale A Oo . Obieago,
teUTiUige. on iiatatday laa>. oeromd
ttedMlb «t Ur. Hall-a faiber, Or E be Home, of Kav Fork, for t»0. and Him Ooodneb took a poaiiiop it
tte (nrnitnn for 8100 Tvo years igo Biab eaditor geoarsl-a office at laniu
HaU. Tbe taaulaa van taken lo Dr.
laalObriatmu Mr Kslkateio aafTeted ing where ate nmoioad (nr *ix year* till
HaUbloranbocM. tellna, Uich . for
te* lailing besitb compiled ber b m.
. tte loaa from (In ol h» bars snd
oonaliUng of tey. grsio. bola. •ign it. A leUer jatt neeired by Mr.
OAiroTKiTaMpenaioot tbia vaek
logebar vIb nine bead of bn Ooodrii* ao velirMle tbe atory of ber
there end ol the plane tbe '
an: Wol H.BlaDthard.'Sooth Boardtte etomon of thorn with whom ab
■M. ianaiiii ; BeUa £.. molber ol
JokaA. Ltmj, Uonroa Oaoln, urigiMl; Baaiacaia Hopkina. PnnkloH. io.
We do not vdsh to carry over our few remaining Garments
into another season, hence, nouj is the time to buy for next winter,
and mahe money on your purchase. - We have'only a few left.
ed.ool cl.vikl (or lacatiuu.
IL llnsilirr vbo ba* Imwu riailing
ploya. on Tnnda,.
tun and atteodanlt io tbe aaylorn end
obet kind friesdt tor many ktndneaMa
Hsnifm tte ragalar maetinga of
nomb^donng the llloaBC and after tte
tbeO. A.avillteteldoo tte ennd<^ ol belr eoa.
______ _
tags af tte drat and third aatnnUya of
E^sn, sbo nmUy mel be
■ad edUeUno of be lam of her daogfater.
a few .1.;* la*i vc«-k.
died at Iha aafluni
Ur. nod Mn
Gaiaote viab
brongb Ite Btaau> bbaek Ibe doe-
to the best markets.
Front 81.;
Eod ; Mrs.
ingtontU.; Herbert Bsite. Wml End ;
Angus Jobneon. Cbdillac . Uis8. O.
Beitb. Garftald: Mrs A D. Sqtums
Union Si ; Mrs C. M. Arery. Blni
A aHAS CD ol I
Katir aed Cyoibic Will
abip ; Mrs C. C. Maes Front 81
rieiuog Ibc-ir grsnd|«renta end old
EUa WMaad. City ; Mr* Myrtle
Smith. City : Mrs W. C. Gannett. Weet
organised ben wib tbe foIlosiocoS- neighliura lO e-'iilbrm Uirbigas.
End : Uim Mollie Flaoe. Good Harbor ;
Mr* ileilurr i> jutl rteoreiivg from Mrs J. CuJman. Frost Bh: Mr. J. M.
a third attack uf la grippe. I'-inDi^ brcD Behell, Monroe Centre; Mrs J.Bayoalds Front 8t.: Mra. Xellie Mmd.
• lait- net. f'lr nearly
Front Sh: Mrs-I. Bools fioatb Bide
Mrs Fisok Cmlor, CSty.
Tbe prim uckele ere paoeb< <1 jsal tte
J Srmeiisno.
Miu Emm* Kvtold from Itevaru
Cil), tpeut Sandey witb ber panola
V book
tbia pte'c.
arange. Ko. Iir.i. P. of i
log AitteFe
n Kin
-loba Wri* aud Mn. Henry Groaoaei
n Utersry eireebrUiDed llieir ai*h-r from Reed City,
vten De bad baen tor aome time an
TSB Ijaer of a oonplo uf railroad tiaa
tenki oan ten Utao b; cslIiQC ou To- deota of tte Weat Bide, vben fnoenl
UaanoD Un and ptoaiag pfopacty.
held Ibit afternoon at-.'
o'clock. Bar. Ur. Uaaktmad offiebt-
Arriving daily. \Vd aim to keep our stock always complete, ft
moves rapidly ami our friends can r^ on getting the best that
the market offers. Mr. Montagiie has just returned from a visit
City, Ite inquiry asplua. not only to
tte praeaiUng malady, bat to all thorn
making pareteem bi oar etorv. < '
Edvin Clark.
WcB. H. Bnmpbny, evory (oarthpntetem of liKa amoi
Then. H. Clark.
Garden L. Wi«hl.
ffirat array fra* of ehart*. In this eeoneetlan va might add that ve ba*e Ite
Belco O, SattoB.
•‘Orip--a tag •Grip- Ibet wsnsnla «u
U K Haekina,
lUla A. Boner,
bloving eonmdecsbly.
We tees s
Oatrie Covies
elroDg “Grip- spaa tte pnblir, om ttaat
Geo. H Ofoeoe and family.
oanoot esailr te tooBeoed: Look at Ite
list of (rieodf made in tte Imt lav days
Mie. K C. Leaab. E H. Porter.
by rseeiving free pgrrbaam
O. R Higbam.
Edib E. Dagoe.
tte aeidaoM toam namm gi*e of oer
JoboC. Ibngblon, M. X. nraioerd,
Ubmality and aqnais dealing. OooBdar
JcBQ .Sbarpe.
L. B Baker,
also the opportanily open b yoa of be.
CUasH. Tbompwn A. C. Kicbols
mg 01)0 of tte nnmbar. Farther, there
■a DO change in priom. Eaob and rewy
potehaaer baa tte beoadt of Ite tveaat
redactioas Tbna ve eso omare yon.
not only Ite beM. bnl Ue lovek | nem
obtainable in Trseetse City, b eafaol
Brm;c< ..'T.ipuoCfHT
fr’ I"
Hdiool bu cleaed fur a vldlc; Mr. from. In addUioo. vegi*e,assy. ftsa
eberge. eeery fonrth aale of like
Sibiae hMlnsrippe
Tbta prooiaia lo te o
U ol tte Vinter
FitL Oivti-si
Uvl the "mrlp.**
fall uf
biuliug loabct from Ben
Tfanndar o>
«ve>>, at tte aea of r>9
He hae eprnt ac-veial iner’e mill to Ibe city.
■tO rmi Koaovo
« •aCalrutao jmn. Mr Walrdi aettled in East llaj fimUy bere.
MvlIfeiaMrlte Mac llMUhaallat loveabip, 1<: raanaco. He did tailbfnl
a there al bit trade, and vill mike
duce b'
vrioe ia Ite armf, vaa knovn ben aa bat city bia pmnaoaet borne
ttrr agmablc jvaiicne.
bard-verkine. lodoatriooi and honor•acaatjnlWanacliteca
•■aaomi linuia >a
iCeamur. auuu. riura. 8cm) is
aa.teaaKa. 8aMo laC-U! »ia«> rwetf
To pick up “odds and (‘nds” in each and all of our dopartmente
representing rare bargains. Loo/f om our Flannel Remnants.
aeaaoe. abeddiag naabine on eor pab- lina of tte nmd.
vey, but nov traaafecred to a mote ctmMr. Brower and vile of NeU an rir)(esul dims And may bam nflaot- iling bait tarotbars E. C end W. W.
iooe brieg that peoee snd eonoU etion b Brovet io tbia rilkgs Mr. R 1m
.Imoleb beerb aboe tbai ahnll large eraoulef Kebntea Uml ttet te
blomom iob joy aa .no teorin her ve]'
■ b sell or exd
nnUe in a higher manaioo of ooi
Urr. B. B. Brtekaa baa been qnita
riotey Ul vUb U grippe, and left on
Uooday (or bar former boote. Otand
tefon eseteotad aiUi tte papar.
Bapida, vbon ibe vill remain nstil imit If Bnaoaia
bmnniT Fabw.
prerrad b boUb.
In lympaby ve tveeaia
Bamool Brooks of Pattenoo. K. J ,
B. R PfsU,
vbo Lh baM rlsitbg bit bcolbar Tboa. U. B Carpenter,
J-vW. Taylor.
at Oriati, vbom te bad not aaan before Oeo. H. JjaxbD,
B. Halbard and (amUy.
for birty-flre year*, paaaed tbrongb
AbtT .V Mire,
Mrs 8 I. FnrmSB.
love os bit vty home, oo Monday.
Lean Cain of Oardatd. atiila
a ae
aoaallSUd. b MbU^b
liiad, aed
aed Orils A. Baad, ate an
This is the Season
sodar tbia gnat aorrov and ve pny aonia loltoving it gripps Ste ia rebat yonr hope ttell ba at ao nnoboc b poitad OQl of ijaiigM
be aonl bob ton and atmdfim enter
Mm an an in demand bars to mrt
ing vib bet vtthin tte nil.
oattebe. Tte eootnetor mys be via
mneoter bar end think of eUm tocigmtte va
bar M a iveet Uf* leal b oi (or a beef ea bia U tte eUy enikble iea
F»ak Dateala, ■!» tea bee* CM
We teteve ite vaa higbly ea-
tevod vitb Ite «nBti« kkat Aden tte
t te.te«a atetoal da.e «iik a
It MUU»U.«taMi|Wdb>tea,«tet* life <t tea tnlrtted. bmavate -w
«• feU fete Mil
< ta Urip 100 u -
V. L. •.■* "u.
There is no Time Like the Present.
To look after your own interests. When you want anything, in
any line of inercliandise, remember that we are Headquarten.
aiat, naiiawita p*c«itttogi but
wouidalit ba awful if tbd drm
I^oan and [nvestm^(]o.
tUUtoU.'^^ bMri^far •
wa bdbra. b ibb partinbr. n.
bUM *» rwo Ibbiwr.,
as*.i loof tto^«uwte towBiMl wmk awbOa, harng ant tba omM of tba aqaabdia tba world. Eadullaaga*
exarf hohderiJm BuiUiuff a»dLm Lm* or ouaauef MMipm,
r.nwmtm «»d
q«te forlkatrattW
MinwMay Baban. Mattto Btoa
bn. U mM him bj
Bobby «ya ibe drop bia father
Mto. J. a Fifa b qdto aek, anp- way of eoBtaat, •• to wbo an gtra and Janto Catkay aurlad down
»• mIt B01. th« ml
■a ia barwdiiary,baeanM ** It da
Or.aBRte o( lUfUatf wm lifiMl JiMiim oi B«Uom B«7 pooad to ba h grippa , if BO. bopa it to tba abortod apan of tbaa, tba Lato atrad hill upon a pair of oar MMda troB btbw to no. *
«IMIotU* |dM M pcpiM
- hM ntaMd with
row eoadtog boba with Eddb (bak- an
- to any
tMM. Md be woot proaa aariooa.
ta»i esurr, i« »c
imiw—hn «ru< imai Ol-FICERS AND DiREaORS.
‘Tba raada for Iba paot 10 di^a
dnearaly bopa ba wiQ ey guiding the boba. Tb* bill waa MN M> twiiM* uuuj
en bultae «c»J tortUOa.
bara bm ao by tbd it hai baao lira long to totarad tba werid with toy. and tb« alad daahad down the
Paaacn F. Paxo,.
Sbowtog eoeU andpcnfiti to Iba
fab work I it b iapoaaifala for bin to I drad at fiighUal apard. Jaat to
quito didbalt gatti^ aroud.
inraator of ten abare, or »LOOO in
■ww tgri^ withAftc^ e<
UUla Dalb AUao baa bate ooabb blaaa tba world with it aa ba eannot; front of Morgaa Cartb' raoidaeea
l»‘^"»Fr«de«riC| yaaraattimeof matomy
a. MDbr baa bkao a faw beard- to attawd aabool Boeb tba past waak i^art it to otbara.
DrwW i« limi Eout^
' mnwWnwnlte.^
jooaranaer dropped iotoarnt auJ
cm B^rrva.
Mr. Oftw kw bm qwto {Q with ara tor a tow' waafca.
bat b op and around tba booaa
Chief Ortroil Fir. DeforUMi
Baj Staab baa yoM to B>
Ha pay* to monthly todal•gdn.
Iba girb haadloog upon tba rough
0*0. H. ranm, '
Hw.---- ,
Of ail workaao. bantm an
Mn. Enworthy hM M fti^pw obid to work for a faw with
Attonwy wd Ooniwlor u U*.
Lta BaHb, .aoo of A M. Smitb.
7 60x76.. t 6S6.00
Jfii: MoVatfaar b cabbe battar m takaa rary rioiaoUy ill with b
toLA* B. CouMA.
Tbay won all ee badly iB)nrad
Bar. JiBB tnnio for aerao yaar*
Foraerty Cbdiaer Peo..ka'IMTiDg, Bena
Lcm Tm. mr look ool for ayab. bat tba baa boon rary dek.
grippa 00 Tbmday Boning, and paator of tba ptaabytarbn ebureb d tbd tbay bad to ba takaa beaa
Tuo H. PoBOTca. of HasiIui t Fvdjee
n^or Um bOTi hoTo htbnb Staab apnbadonacdbB for two daya waa Twy tiok. but b Cadilbf baa aar«ad hb paatonl eon- Sorgieul aaardaiica wah aamoKsiad
bm dowB ton hMUaf arand. Ml ^ba qoita badl; bat waak reaat- WM battar now.
aad it waa found that both Ixwra of OJIdrati Cry for Pitidief’t Cutorb, CuAX A- Kerr,
Oeearal ConoMl :
oaetMua with tbu body.
thv tor* fond <»t wiim Um7
La grippe b no la^aator of parBar. Jasaa Inglb baa baao toatal- May Baban'a bft limb wara brokae
B. TtuTH baa baao qoita abk witfa wa i tba rieb and tba poor.thebigh
Mattie Riaa't *u<-b
lad paator of tba predbyuriao efaureb
b pippa bat wat battar at bb ra- and Iba low bare aU get to hare it, at Fetoakay.
' waa iarribly tpratoad aoJ ona ol tba
In tbi* Comoao* there xm enUr* mninelity ol inlereet, eeonoaical i
f***ol. Du furfdlure. AyMeaahc Mring. no Uxalion of riiaree.
doha Otnj\ k Mto with aowaorry to baar that JoaTba naw apaaeopal eborefa at Fa-'booaa waa tplinimd, «l
Tbaraao firabal u otoTtoy at Mr. ^b Wbeabr lod hb boraa (U grippe
I (toakoy’a knee aad tnela wara *o badw dadieatad lad w^k.
MoWatbq^'a util Mru. MeWatbar b probabiT.
urriccK, «!«> niaacTOH*
OasyaEam tebaaliag k«aler
TbaeongregMinnalebareb aiBen-jly atratoad ibat aba will probably ba
aiMmaa. J
A liUla lOD of Mr. and Mru Fatar »ia baa a nice new ball.
| unable to ba out for aareral waaka.
Tbd lore 1, blind ia prored by
Eatb and C^tiib ^HUiaEat bara
Uorriaou sat with quite an aoddant
Mora, bat hot ■myh. ct tba
tba fed that a yonag man aelJuu
goat to tba aootb part of tba atab out day bit weak, by tba kwa of tba
goat to tee bU girl nnUl ifi, dark
bawtifo) now.
to Tbit rabhrat.
two fir*t bogar* with an ai. Dr.
MiTroua raiCNM *aoirfTt
Miaa LoaDapakard^ aebool bu
Tba olber day we bad an opporto-, camriea ddioyacbiek, a oingU san.
Ura. fi. ATtry b to aha b op aad
u L- aorr* T. aMfrur,. TrawMOiif a«AiMr a.
Bailey draooad Ue wound which ti mty of riawtogaraliedropped down who, with hi, tbraa brolbar*. Iried TWItMCtCAlMCirtA w. AIM IlkNlIM
ctoaad tod all, wuh bar a pto
Lrwp't IU.1.1 Au CANA ho HIA. CMCA.
I tba gabi btr tnoUiar. Mra.
coswiiit.. lu rrumkM Mir
doing wall
from an ai
Bey towndip. CharleToix county, A MA I lau
aoi riu-.lt A; II. eiiilH Bern
Grate, b atto ioproring.
AAA mmt fn«A« vAo A >
M il aAAi Ae A A.
Quite an aoddant bappaoad to
copper knila foond by 0. O. Voor- tbair aged mother ka^ng booaa for It
Mn. SlDTtB ratunad boina lait
Mr*. Wm. H. Fife oo Friday after heit of Blaine, upon bia farm Tba them, wa, inatonUy killed Wadnaa BAK. Ml* K> cf.etl.. Maple boUM *- Urn AWUN U . AM |1 AI dricnAU
Mk. Bba bat bats btra DOT
noon. Aj aha waa ratorning from knife waa about 6 inabaa u length
day afternoon wbUa cutting log*.
A. a DaBanoaa want to Tratacna Mr*, a. Artry for f weak or to.
tba ban houae aba abppad and fell by one-ball in width Tba artieia
OharlM andhto brother Jeefcom
Mt«. 3. C Cook b Tory poorly tbb
and eut a gaah in bar btod ; hope abowi tba drilizatioo to wbieb it be
'*^motna^ would do {sattj wbtar. Mr. Cook hat bean tiek with
felled a tree which brutbed a dead
nothing aarioua wiU ad la to casM longed. to bara baao high in tba loat
-AMKRICAN' wan b tUa aid^T. .
b gri^ bat b battar agab.
beach (tub. The dead tree awong
any prolonged troubla.
art of teepariog and bardaoing eopA L. Sanaa waa cnDad to Lotbar
At faaaant writby U b aoowby
Mra. Emma T WUhalm. naa Say par. Mr. V. bat tba knife on exhi back aod broke off ten or twelre faet
a httb, and H will balp boabaaa im- batwaokbytba-daalbof bb niaca, lar, and bar buaband, Hr. K Wi|.
I from the ground Tbtyeaw tb* lop
bition at bii plana. How.
and retaroad boma Saturday nigbt.
I of Ibe tree coming down u|>oo tliAoi.
bala of Tratana City, cama bona ba aaot to Iba uDireraity.
Edab DobB bad a boroa
but a log prerented Charles from
F.F.OookwMb town altar hia
Sooday afternoon to epaod a day or
away Saturday eighl bat oo dai
eamping. and a, be dodged to aroid
boltby. and b’ now nadj fo
with Ibdr molbar, Mr, S H. i
vat done, ouly tba euttar waa brokoo
ibe blow (be heavy trunk tlruck bim
Sayler . aod -a would ma.Uoo bare I
The mother of Harry Qill. the on tbe bead, cru,bi«g to lb* dull
W. LbanajaT. foraarl; aayioaer
that & H. Saylar U now at Ueland,
Laoatog yonng mau killed to a ' u tboogb it were au egg ,belL kiJ.
for Orailidt. b now angivod at Oook
jFknida, and wa* wall when laat
drunken row al Fetoakey leal turn- Uog him .n.lantiy
I heard from.
A Waoton'a Bill
mar. ba* ,aad tba propriitor of lb* ;
a »ui4> luv bi-bwaibaa
Ia B. CBrr ia battar. •
Tbabdbaofkba aba aodat; bad
j Oao W. UIdi baa takao the agao reaort where tbe bquor wa, drunk ! c.h,„.c
Wa. Brqgli ti boay coltaeUng tax
a ny earpat baa tba brpat b to ba
ey for tba *1jtaaiay Trarala," pobltoh- for $10,000 damage.
Gill wa. • | Friday mormng tb* nawi wa, imp.
CMtotto to Dr. Srtmui
foroor Daw abordi.
a.1 by JobuaoD Pubbtbing Co. Ha minor, and. witb otbara, waa mtoxi- ,dly apraad to tbe effect tbatabigbwanitTtt. wiCHiOAK
H»ou Brooks baa a brother rioit
MdChUdrOB. It cot
CBiaa. ElaanlMbMr bat raeorard
baa hia eoifit. aad ia ready for buai rotad at tbe Icme ol Ibe killing. The ! ,»j robbery bad been rommitted
tog bia from England.
other Karebtic aiilndaitcc. U ia a Uannlea* sabatltoto
fras lha b yiippa, and b hard
oeaa. Alao ba baa aeoeptad tba agm Woman', Chri.tian
Temperance u,e eetmag belcre. upon ibe perwsn
A great exodn, to Empire thin
We Are pNM'r* '• *aAU tiAMoi
for Paregoric, Dropa. etooUilug Syrups and CMor OO.
work b bb abbyla mill; will to
cy from McManamon A LmlcbforA union ol Pelckey are aiding Ur*, of Jam*, W.rt, d Wexford town.
week ! eauae, more mow.
It to PlcMoat. It* guarantee l« llifny year,* one by
.Viirine, Lixomotirt ami
nuraarymao, of Roebaslar, S
ba raadj to tsaka ahbylaa, to bbg
GUI in tbto aeliOB.
abip. by .lohn Feure ona of our
Onr oobool, nnder the ■uperviaion
nriiHana of Mothers, t utortarleiateoyw Wofina and nltoy
We wiab him loeeaaa to Ibi* nqw
TOOT ahbyb boBt. Fintaotaa
S/afionar^ RaiUr H'-ri, \
of E A Holdiao, i, proipenng finely
A ,in aroat
Wan, not
frreriabaeaa. Castor i.t pr-Teuis vomUlag Sour Curd,
, being a tempemnee man. mnie lo
Tbareif atrong talkoforganieiog a. „
«aren DUirbrea and Wlud ColieH_Caat«rU roUnven
noraal elaoi after tbi, term eipiiea. j
rarr-* roriatipattoa aad flatntoacy,
WiUto White. Uemrold eon
rrt.ii. TbiataagoodidB.andjodwbtti,;*’'**^
11.0 foorl, rr-gutotea tbe atonnn^
Felix While, of Gil^ met w,th* ,“'"
, gathering for prayer meeUag. in tatei acmdani yaaterday mornrog,
T. 3. Whinnaqr b toriiy a hard nandad.
Tligreday erenmg Lad,
aad bowels gtrtag healtby aad Batumi aleng, Ona*
Wa aee by (ba commotion around j'““ktog orar wait it eeamed to ua After ealtog hia breakfart. be look •‘•o-rn to the l->y, a toli of »oney.
toada wUh b giippa. Otbara ara
, toria to tbe Cblldren’* Paiucea-tbe Kothot's Frtoad.
town Ihd oor damocraUc friandi are' ^
boming, npan.x..nd.lornmgtobi,mothar **><1. ««,rd.og to the elory ol Wart.
didn't team like ■ fire aaid, in 1 joking manoer. -f un go- -«>imt«dbyFenryto.ake.wall. ;»-*‘u.,--'
SotTb Broa. nra ruanbg tbair thie.b.i.g atrengly ol gdting up
l»uildinga. and than there wai
Bin, eottbg at tha.raU of about A- Uekat d Md etodiOD. An it to
toe ool to kill mmlf."aod to fifteen •• he b*d aoniething to ahow bim.
Bo»«f Or Tank Work.
A0< •• AoM lIllHle An. Mt IA MeCuf eMA II
000 par day.
aomatbing ao new in tba aa|Met of light iltoak ronniog npward, and
till IlM ol A
lb., •iilAm’AesAlIM.M
,1* IM I
A I.Oe. Nil 10 '.n, *.C Alnrl.
Tba Oadar Boa aebool will aloaa Almira afiaiia, we abaU ba glad to raaaioad ao for a long lime, and fi 111* woods and chopped down a Ham. Atreet, Wart became afraid AllAN
NA«, lo
»tA~. Ol I-*
O'O r*M'<
TAc A.e. Sk-A" -I. '-JHIIJ N-IIAC 'I
oo Satarday. Fab. S3, nad wOl giT^ad il aa it wUl be qoiu a ooTaliy,
email tree, which, when in lelL
“1’ tJAt* Al. O leio.,.1 « V Tlflorj iMMArtOA
__ ___
Al »»IJ WACilAb. pm-.
a briUbnt aatBtabsant to tbaara^and, by tba way, baa
it __________ (It wu the borniogof Mr. EaJkatatoW
aprungback tbe butt, tiriking him town, but wa« fortwd to eonunue Ih, boll.*.
Aimb. do.jrlAA • AAltrtT oT holwr. |H( fet
LA. , AoUen. AA<
tbd ^ Ihto <ast and blow ^°'*** “ Elmwood, notiead on ^ to tbe forebead producing aJojoat in-'*«‘h '‘‘I ‘W rearhrd .1 W Cuii;
bg, toeh at Oadto Bn b notad for.
ILr boti... hhoOf ID A «.eA>A
TA.ir ,Aov•'2
Tba taaebar. Hi« Loqy Eingdon, aboat taxaa, etc., i* maraly a bnldgiUnl death.
WiUie waa a bright mer'a tin ebop, where Feurj opened
*ia>.^M*em Ttm e> c^N,last(M
will pradda b tba araning. All ara tog of tba daBOeratia erow for ofUUle boy and will be nnoerelj mourn » door that led lo Ibe baA<menl. or "r
nu^ CUatli Ml wia a* (aMwOe
fioa. If
eordiaOy britad.
• haa,aa ba Xlre Urwari Tra».
ed br a large drele of fnend,rather under tbe ,bop. lud ,u Idenlr 'MrAAre■PMli! u.m.poB4tM.
jammed Wart lu and demanded wbal
Mr. Dengboi dl Maabtaa, opaM aTtra, bann ao groaaly wroogwl by
Banzotlia, tba eonuty eaal ol BaoQBeqnnl
a faw daya up and down tba Boo,
xto eounty,
hai been honored by a <.riA«iUpi4>he<DoriAi
let a friend bate moat of bi, money
Tiawingtba leeatad aigfat for tba M. tbd by praaanting bimaoU d the .
r street, Bew T*rtCB%.
The Q. U. ti I. b*o placed it,ice to keen for him, tod bad onlt * f*w
pnp«Ura.oU« B«rdoIBm..,
'U-irA M. Z. B. &, and
.HU b.™b«l,HshUd I
adr Ugbly pbaaad with tba roula
BTa BBdantand tbay bara raauoad
«I ..H, . bod,, il DoL « „ 1 ^
eirm U,. mo,,
city, wbo i« getting it oni 1**1'by DepuU Sheriff tkwk end lodged,
tbatr aorray down tba Bn. Wa
derfut aod latiifactory exhibitico of enough to load .70 c-.r, every 10 to jml. He wa, brought before/□.
baar aoBa liujuiir. b ragtrd to prioa hajtpy tb inlonn hia of the tael.
Batberoatioal dill thal hna arer bean
Tb* com;., y began abip tioehiAbep Sttnrday morning end
of ItBdt. Tbm
bo ooBa i
anixiT mr.
'giren in Uiebigan, or to tba nniocL ping tbe toa Friday noon, and order, t^ood over to lb* next term of the
b raal arttle aoenj
, Mr. C Mitugold of Etogalay, Mich., ■too* then bare been coming in rerp circuit court in the ,um of fl.OOO,'
HmAUA—Wa do not to a young man only 23 year* of age: fMl. .kl 5 o'clock ia.1 erentog
of (be mme he we* ' ACWlOiCOATMN FOB 115 H3BSSS
yon w
ba atanda about fi leel. 10 inebaa froigbt agent Loarenworlb had book- returned to jail
your naigbb
high, baa a rary bright aye. aad
3mm Bbtuny! a
ed order, (or 800 eurloeaa. and waa
..•»rvi ,,, i. .v7dent of Uato plaoa doaa not aeaa to rery pleaaing way of
boorlyekpecttog an order fur 200
'he n.* Dieoweeo.
UF.s y u. h i m
ad upon tbd prindple, and
X, and il ba ba, not already
IX H. MeMuliad aad# a trip to
About two bnndred carloads
,i. ........... .... ....u
to tbtok it tba right thing to do to^ borne il. we beliera wa hare the right OBTC l>eeo ordered al Pmaborg, Pa.
““r •“»
eJM-ieai- rnuMr i.-eer v». *.'i i.«
Elk B^da lad Mak.
throw elura aod inaolto, tbereby do' to gira him tba title, “Tbe ebam
and 200 more lor tbe Wabath rad- ‘"^7’
. Ed. EilBurry ratniwad froa Old
ing an injuitioe to Iboae wbo ara
road. Tbeejmpany u alM filling «*mi u.'-"^r.ArD.*Ax..iT,.. !a" .’ii.
r//'(.v )-w ir.r.vy
appointed to look after tba totmnt
Tita bat anew atont forabbad a*
“■i ■■
.............................. .
of tba whole eoBauntty.
N 1A)1( Ol l.-M'll Ihrmert
The bill* aided tbet Mr Mamgold Borne City u fait aa pooaibla
with good ald^tbg OBoa aoca.
Tour eORiapaitdawt bntwiaa aid would. 00 Toaodny ereniDg, Feb. 4,
t. ii.t M r
Qaotga KaUy b aotttog and akidaraxts to m oaocn
. ^ hard wood loya to dnw to tba Ibd ibaaicknaat of tba lata J. C■ gira an
axbibitioo of matbamaUeal
U I cVAAAsIrd. firry liar, tw oiemof frDIDBrnSEllEN'TH
r.a« Thai BuuIm
a. , S. Wa;.'. On,
HV/A.V 1
Hatoon waa nothing but «*Mp. a ; loanoe, and aa Benxpnto i. noted a
much aa to any Iba town board and bdng quite .
Iter Dongfawty. of ABUoeta.
t» a.j a
raaaat ol ■unb an announeacaant aa that, nat bad Ibe miafortnoa to kiae bia bona*
monlb, of rieen ere much rwDeec Tm •>u hmm >i« •'im.i
froa tanehii« oebodl to dtotrtot Ko- nooapdant phyaieton......................
8, End Bay. wwak bdora toot.
urally altraoled aUaoUoo, aapectolly by fire laat Monday aftornooo. Tb*
Tba taeU are loeae: Tbare waa among the profeaaon and dudanto
Mtoi Lm7 OnoMU begun
fire eenght from a defeetire flu# in
too” j
ro br“*buih *****" *^’* *'"*'* “^
nriMol lad WMkto dtotriet No. 6. al- ■artooa and fatal aitonaaa with, four of tba ocmgngational oollage. Tba theroofand Ihare being no obe at that way ' if on* may judge by wliat
B J. MOKGA.N. Frofnetorohildraa to Mr. Natoon', laoiily'. ooa day wa* rainy OTartmd, and icy
bora* beside Mra. Doogbarty and come, ont of ibem.
Ainbto adioo) to anfctog pr^mra- dytog rary aoddaily. The town dar foot, bat to tba erening tba bar iiltl* boy, mneh of tbe eoalant,
ooeaiionally from be- of the bona* ware oonaumed. We c nuAAntN nsAeAr Ca^ . cdaav
tioM for an whihHtoa on tba SSUi. board ooUad
1 IVfrrred
i. w.-eArr, Af U
pbyatoton to dtognoaa ttta dtoaaaa bind tba dying etouds and a, the |bear that lb* Util* boy grubbed ai®**'
Inribn purpona of riiatog
of dip-1 boor for lee aod program d
; four dollar, wbieb oorj i.. hia u
parahaaaaanhoal Onrj.
bad jaot bam paid to
Ur. Ito Orippa am to hOTaa
Uguant diptbaris and tba aiildiw baTine to aland. A blaefcbonrd 16 frtynnd carried it out and wa, ao
1. a'lleoAAM. el BetMOftA. Ky .
I ftr
of the
truatod aa toatMb
ii.ii! Ill <;
feat in length wa* broogbl from tba
a hi, efforti to try to rt- •
Fooiitatothia Tistoiltr, Ubaktoba
M ton A <
( > klDCti
dtoaaaa yialdisg to tbe
*».aB.5T& 00
more tbisgi from the bona* that tail
Tbn tons board took lodi praena- of Ur. Mnaigold'a mental maebinmy. Bolber bad to lie bim to keep him' Tab pm> nwMi mu nm m. aa
w ot AawU on b
ttooa aa tbe law diraota ia aueb rasan.
Ur. T. PettiU, eoUage profraaor oot of danger wbil* toa worked bem.
oTw Sto.eitt.oo
, is Mto maa
is matbamatiea. and Mr. L. Nerioaa,
Buna msoa.
who bad ontbing to do with tbe case, oountyetork, wem oOtod forward «o from the ffamea
' ^ Uew Yorker wortb $7,000,000 '
■at* aad loanr.
1-t paal, the Company mete than donbleJ ia tmtU
1CIU.W.N. KaBy,«bobH ba«
bimBaifapaaa judga and jury. prora tb* work wbtob tbay
waited fivt. miunlM tb* otbor d*y :
uni. <.-id~ • amcm
qdto atok, ii Boeb bnUar.
dam 'to
aodanyaU was all a auatakai that very ptoaiiog and istoUigant
A kAttOw xiKAF.^
t^ tebangeaodrwk^m.u i« m-iw mm .m
mml arnoont paid to Policy llotdcn hr Uitr CaapaBy
tom him two oenU. ^probebly |
Dr. Enaotond of Ihmnn CHy, tb* town board and ooetor from nm. with lb* axeoptian of om or
LAD. Pfcaalelil.
* Sooi
Thttrwtoy night tba Uul* fifteen wanted tb* penoiee for lb*
'£»***•* OUy didn't know anything. two mutoka* wbieb Mr. Maaigold
old boy ol Mr. and
Miiknal Ftauagaa bndtba bnd
Wbataraonriaw* for. only to ba mry plaamsgly and
O. R Irooaaa, SaerrUry.
B P. Fnaur. -ha«mant (secreury
cwraetadfB than, wbieb brooght Jao. A. Hongb of tbi* Tillage, oar
Qtx. W P P.AT,mJ>*. AtottAry
WbatUndof . ooowonily woold down tb* bona* witb dapping of rowly eaenpad denib by poiaooing.
ttnibtogla am la Doute 4«,000
Atogtondaly. (hodteteb... wo'bavaif wai
tolto- hnndanadtonghtor. Beorua of qttan- Mr. Boogb dnri^ the day bad prorwAAiDArAiiafacrA'.A.
at an ZisdA;
Hid £. Imktoa o4 SoMona Bqy, ton to tbn wbisa and notim of tiona wara giTon bim, nad ba traiy eared two ooneea ot aeonite and
Mapattagnwank dkittog trtoadn toon# wbo do not know, aad wUb
gam tba eocraat anawar witb tight- phaadUoaxt toab
—latU* School Boy—- bfar . '
a lOTir Baditone, both bottJa* batog
tow to gown oa in ooah eoao* 7
ning apaai On* or two
aaid it Fd bring yon a rwward koioak eATcr.
aia*. In tba arming Mr.
Blaaaad be tb* tow. aad tboa* timt "OtoalbaammlMrofliB*
r«a'd gm Bs a MW knife ~'
W. J. PARKE:E, rrojirieor
Boigb. witotog to gira aoB* of tb*
Taa.nypat.'' Bara it to." j____________
aa* tbam propadyaBteuad.
tob^ bonrt bant. Oh* lb*
ol naowd* aiaoa .Obrtot waa bom. frrw Badtoia* to (ba BUto oae. by
os H. ' “ Yea'B; 1 traded him m; ’
Ibywaedbna baoa oonring tow
Dig a ealtor on* vito aquara, oae wtotaka took tb* aocniU botUv aod I old knit* lor IL*
We baodto oothing bio;ib* Bmt Maal tta* to
it a*at}y bnU a teaapoon of Iba
Iba yard tea tba at* md, far tba
^dan.'* Mr. Mann
Font tm dqya:qaito My.
potoea bafotn Boriang wbat ba bad
Mortal Volutin OatkoiU U fiOKlfor p>^traiU.
XdtttoOaorgto OUi boda abiat BoMolly, ia alBoatBoluae,and DOT- ' A TbnndBtoto Acting BopXWa. FM««Bld,of
Cato l‘aid for ITuiM <md AVr* k lArirat
IbnO B-AL B B..m to ton tatotoaftbtb* grippa
arbaaid Ifaem bafcra. Mr. Manh
Soltcito s nbsrO>f Patronsge,
baotom dntog tbn «•*
&*Bek«tOfaarito Alha'a«* d gnldlNalvtktowWtto thtondam- Bl*.*adatthto writi^inaoca Iba
BMcUrt Jobs Aatemcf thn (aW^
I no «• m falsnad.
ttosi J«M, rnntm$i S wftisMas
Ito Im
Capital Stock, SQO,000,000.
a i
m ma
im Boiler forks.
What is
IfZOnE t McCULUI. Fropts.
ik aa
in im
-licliiliMEtiialLifelflsiraflce Cpaipaay.
;:MIU1 roiEI lUiL
"‘illerli TvoDnaiies 8f Succestiii^
For Exchonge.
.^;jg|a)t yj Itiiii Ub 1 M, SlU, W M
Mm-U. X.a llm b>K>>.
Gmndpa’c VaimauiM.
k« iMir M.
tteBllll irfB/BwffcB
t l|
‘■WaQ. rraa Sehalae, bow ie yoor
Twoowea wo riioB fladi; hw tb* thabbbwaaUaaU, batthwawaewol- Me. Idido't 1
I I^bi
boefaend going on*OWW Badidoot kaap nt lowg ta|«ktb«or get ay _ e Uaa^. bit 1 eriad abeot. ‘ftiai'a pbtob;
I them Nagieboyi bad tbb poor kioo- Bade’ en-beantifal-aod aobody |
- irb’ my
re»y badly
Otiy iMnk.
die of a
e eat aod wm
ware ataamg
etoabig it with I waste 'em.
'esi. asd
and I'n aD dteoest^ed
dieooataged ' | einn yrwterday le bee
bae l«ro trxniblMt
with enotber
another bad oi
oompleiot loaiJo
asdl eaidT «top tbat! aod f Asd Barry boiied hie earl; bead oa!' «itb
Mi. tbeynid : ‘Who are year aod Hold j papa'e eewfortisg arm. asd cried eelbia oemnu ferrr
-Pray, wbet ia 11*
Our L«ttor ttox.
diBOMUe, oot to my tngie tatoM- them, aod bare'e tbe eet. mod gimme ' hard ae baeoald
*'Itea. tbare, sow tall hie dear
-* wby. tbe erieie: Aed tbe docuir
lion, aad tbe bOTeoBHOd bb eboold Bona Bilk for ber. end eema bmd
ere aod pot Ilia Aabbj fiaU ioto tbe esd batter for Be wUb eager os lop. papa all abost it,” raid be. petUng
Daa> Boroo.—1 bare oarer writ- porktae <tf tbe oaw kakkvboekera, Tbe raJenUno—ob. (be didn’t eay a tbe carta
wasted aome Booay, yoo ksow
tea to Ibe HaaUJi. bat I alwBTe read aod looked at B# to oota tba effeet word, but I goen ibe liked it, all!
I lae^ U>e rer.e ob it Tbe girie all hare lecsa. bot I're
of fab wordf.
orwjtkiiig 00 the obildraot' page. I
(otqoiU, a good o>ao7 tbiage oa
CkriaUBaa; aoMOg tba beat w
large book aod a diMaeta^ nap of
igao. Wh7 deal aoaw of tU
writm aaod aoM Bora riddlaa 1
iu again I will tab 70a to
lbtagaaUB7lilUo«oaata«i<L Let
dnd; eoowar tbie riddU: Wbet
IW Md^ kv
iMTMMwbB te
I looked at bin wod Bw a rarr
pnUr pietan ae be elood there, bb
ijiiuVAi Mt eolidlT enart, bbgold....
. .*'
an bairdoaUng in 'preUj curie
...........................roey dimpled ebeek.
ae. bigfa wbiU forebeak andbb beasUlnl eran little
taalb gleaming wbiUly tbroogb ble
aod ni eay it to tdrool Friday.
Itmn ta othm th» abwBidf.
Md ■'enmnuBf.'
XateaMdiawtMM be Iroe, boy.
&*«••• «ir«i JOB tbi* liUlobtl
Mmfbt mt, bdt a’a worth
-lAtat U wBiUDs for
ton ap.
Xotor, witk ktoo ,ym
id atroi« will, will ton op aomeIUW(.
iW Um la bod aad wialiaa
tbopcouoM wooM btiai: bini
at ■ toKoe;.
/jobor larBt oat at U
tfoloek ud with boa; pao asd liag
tag teaiwar 107a U>a{<
Xwok: wbaaa,
Look gooa (o
tba poor-
Wo an oU Bora lhaa glad to bear
tnm daar Orandaaa Alward again.
Hope aha wJl oosa ollan
jOOBg folka, that 30U laay m wfaat
Malyowoaogatoalof lb
aaid a nrigbbor, poiotiiig
to a tin^a oarpoater.
*lbafa ia a
■ao wb» baa dooa Dora good, 1 reallpbaUaTa,iB tbia_ oomiaDtiit; (bao
, ao7 otbar peraoo irbo arer iirad to
mm ..g.owrim.t
-----------------New Boarder (to b.e ll•'pll<•■■
Ie ibii wtei ib.y e*i| »pnok-cl
Aod m tall you wbet I'd do wore I ea bate * Old Boeider-Yee
Makin your place. I’d buy Ibtwa emUo- probably gate il« name outrcoont of
111 eJaaliioty.
tinea—the prwtlic
Lwas making a wsierahrel. auj a I
Of course sbe knew belter than
oail X found out under Itu- doorstep
\ cry (or a ahee of tie
you twice, elate aod {eocil oc
i laakea tbelittle obeeae
■Jack tbe Giant Killer' nod lole ol
liiirni got cm now. all
and when ilia npe e
marblea/ How much do you eup-|Y(.d go aud rpind eTerytbmg
poM they coel f"
! yout oJd water aiiMia and'tug tK
“1 can't see what that has got t.i «ud \uull never barv any moosT.: I'ucle Jack
I elk logs bout ral
do with tbe ease at all. maiDua. You . Jo. l^illie and 1
' ' '!«
re —Ibat'a
iuel bODgbt tbeee
DgeI for mo. i why.
_____ ^____
-1 wnu the .........
lillie ,
like yoB always)'
ado. but I'ocle Alfred I aid'iuea this tear
We can but pink laud a i«|er bag full of puff, dough
me Uiat
Uiet four
fou bite witb (be bole I |,a|K.r and all celur*. aud making 'em I nut lioys id i!ir other
your, I, uall the fun."
in It. and yon wouldn't keep your
•-Here's a raleoune *
Tbare ia
widTl'’bbare bought grapes
1 bare lot* of fun here iliding down
biU and ekaUog on Ibe pood
J will
be gUd wben aummar ooeea tgein.
baee beeo there and eaeD the fort i
it u eery old
1 go to Aebool erery
day, and am in tba third reader.
bare two little brolbera, ooe is four
yean old. aod Lie name ie lUJpb. little ^y'a money
pobtia, and be doaa not Uf.
■at worth f3,000. aod it ia rerr lit
tta boaao pot dowo on aataniptioa
tbe creation, where God wae oorning
in the Moude, and be aaid - Ob. pa
Bat a bow famSy uatar
aaotoa teto tba Tillage Ibat ba dori pa fell, pappa fall ! " He eaye fun
ny things erery day
1 will eay
Mt iad it oot aod giro tbam a saigbber^waieoaaaod offer ttato
good by for tbU time, and if ifaie U
prioUd, I will try again tome time
Eaiaon tbk lookout to giro aUmo-
Yoor little friend.
WsL-fea NewBcrer.
ia alwa^a read; to watob wiib a tiek
oaigbhor aod look after bU aSaira
for hue.
1 baliare be and kia wife
Letter Prom
that tbejiae; be able u> aead bou
qaeta to ;tri#Ddc aod ioralila
flodaliM for a plMaaot word to
amrj obild ba meaU, aod ;ou'll alwagi aaa tb< D diisliiiig islo bU onahoraa wagoo wban ba baa 00 otbar
Ha baa a gaoioa fur Uielpiiig
falka, and it doee ae good to iBoat
Dua UutLO Yorxa
obet with you, bet Dtiiber you or
yoar editor are foigotlen.
Home of tbem were
Tory amuting;
did well and deshould all lore
aod be rorj gnteful to your dear
Aodtbeoioral to tbel ia that a
loriag heart Ibal aowa kind daada aU
aloog the wa; u beiur tbao uosej 1
Too are right, drait, ibat'a it:
editor for taking eurb ao inleresl
trying to makayou induelriout,
dutiful end loring cbildreo.
Ood aparoyour Ufa, to grow up
useful and good dtixene w{ icb ia
Ctaod aod Waller. «a are glad 10 needed to make a good world
aae 70a.
Wiah we bed eo emj of that tbe aaeaya are alt dona. 1 should
b07t jaet like JOB. aod all iba real just lore to BM ibie wboU page fill
af oor brara. bngbi Uuulb bo;e.
ed up with oiea leliere telling all
from Cbriatmee
IWa world aboold bear Iron ae owe
of tbeaa daTa.
unto tbe
ima. aod by the Uine tbe
Bot tbe world U go
tag to bear fro* 70111
We beliere iettere are all
wiiileu joBr editor
for you
BoodUwUlbea batirr world lor
poor UTiog 10 il_we beliere ibtl. lodo.
Hbe IS bound
Insicii- Trim in Pine and Native Hardwoods
J. ?i. Greilick’s Factory
09 THB as Y uuao.
WissTiasin sM 4mIw Is au ki
Xs TT Iwl B E ll^h/*/«<■/• .srfT>'. ni.-F.ssy/> y/.oon/so.
.s/ni.s-a. cKiuso Asn rixisiuso lcuuhb.
Flat and Square Pickets Eave Troughs &o
m w.rk fiswall) Orec la a Varisr> OeUrliea,
.,1 p~l‘Sr..U I.. Cl III town ss4csasur afXcn le
Tatewnena Ctii w
that bia
In about ae Lour cams mv happ
to keep lie
He worked in sM-.ou and
forgotl-u, .ve. tbe
lobioeon Crueos by
leevea uu [
sb- found Ler
l(ut I'aele Tom's moolb was so'
The modesl s
fait uf beb take be couldn’t speak.
Her* ie a piaU> iiiila good nigU gnppe, dsol hope yoo will oomejUre paper envelope removed
1 Ibe carpel bow*........... .
»-.ii grsmJmsmn.s put j,p,o.leni-c lu s
pirlorc of a little girl
. , ii
■awdiiBg coog to a wall kDowu luue OBI alt light
niolber, reading Ibe "" Il ' si»hi-b fiit'il.al. pooiei.t !•> i. ms.
BBoy bare who bare bad it, and ine garden liileniug toe troop of
e. in her boy aflusb- •no ..ui..in,-.l out ine l'iu> iiblwB ber of .ccieiv
iiUla winged cupids. all of tbe most *'r“*
mesa eir.
jesrt-luliyMiiid twgaa lu rred >be 1st I
quite sick wub It
vivid coloring, and all of them evi
h, pisp. Ive noi a few cLipsIter-wbich aasn't rrally a iHier
of Ibe Hcbald Yoodg Folks bes bad^MillY well fed
•rAotekToBBag It. (tbe eoog, ■
iv|Bie.l H.iry
-1 look my j
"For tbe land sakesl 'abe cried.
it here. Maud Poeki but ebe U a. ^ “Wba t do YOB think of (bet. mam*
tbe piper,) wbea it'a lima lo eii
•t nigbt wbcD it got
*1** bad finished it. "Do read
go lo eobool egai n
-• »-'• ii;p1etdid
pk--------- ”
’ Now. please.
j,'"' lu‘ire ^“^^1? mtmS^‘ji*.Tbomre '
And wbilegrudi
Ibe lak
ink aed
aed pen.M^ .^uu xou plreae let 'em eUy . ,
a tbe
u please let'em atey a !<■>• *:
le wbat uncle Tnm reed:
very import tot 1
ridBg dowo bill to
! i!-' * "■'"I-.'.
Wa oori; bMttMd to oar eobool asd aralk ap. but ool aaeb eliding and ■ "
>01 k (oie Fiiday,
youbavebreu afficled
--------- MOl'LUINGS
txaa quite iutereated ol lata resdiDg
yoor ateays
bae been a long time tioec 1 bed a
eerre praiaa i yoo
bta ta tba aireeie."
keep boaia pUoU IB winter oiauil;
I wUI be ten years old is April.
•ara a aeU la hia paw at eborob. Be
A la.lv tells us Ibat sbA bodrd 1
"Well,' s-.id Harry witb
sitb a aipb.'said
aipb.'aaid bn
bci “ ooly il'a a day
colored preacher ssy
"He (o'pert
i"I bsvrii'l nuy money, bul Id M-e :
-Obguodt!' ciKiU'bi
of de boose will ple-sesii dawn;I..'
ore ;you
.rgneroet 1 knew would be u««
and 1 esu help too.'
'iu> rb. es,-'sLd--d.-ugbii
;bnuls' And ’ ■ lid pari esnn t see .le
im to be silent |1
I. I might force him
- No. you csnii juu'll lake cui : „e »eie jusc gmug to hai
fo’ [art ................... . sisi.ding l-e
cDse of wiongl
paper for wiuduills or rails. ui Ifos i.<ci‘ '
nde utlabnlwclD
would rankle i
I rlurdv little
iliiing. .No. loiks ibsl
IJ..* nice’
ale said agaio.be- ,
le up my tntiiil
ant money can 1 belong to •
11 bites;" giamma dues u,ske[
Well.dear, let tbel |mss. Ifliiy’'
luteliest doughnuts' OC I'd '
giaeyoue half a dollar now. will i ' Hany Kole.1 at ihtm for aminute ; like to send
yoo sign a paper eeyitig ihat^ -lon’l i »ni,oui siKsling. I!ig laaraswelled ' I'ucle Tnni ccoUl pul
;ui.iul;i» eMs.sgleal sob ai..ein'
njuroiug and .'PM-,
"Yea. if it ia lbs same one '
; Uis throat, si.<i aiibuuln aoici be
‘■nut. auppoas I bare mislaid tueilrJ diien slaiitlu (is dtwi rhop.
other one. and don’t know juat now 1 wbeia ai <1 ka ul whii-V. aagoiia su.l
where to lock for il * '
| uiuJaiJna made Ibinga look bumf
"All right I'll aigo ibo paper aud i,k..
miisi gM »..i
a ,air .
you i-an gire ms one of your (nur '
-lai.hl could sni my kuile or
; l-raku bels
bile pisoaa, and wl.eo you find mins
o, .umtlLmi-.' lie aaid ificr a
--M.ei, Cliiitiie knew 10 a u.imil..'
yoo can gire it to lue I'm in no bur
broken b«« mitultwor so "Id
"O I'ode lom. ' rried .b.-, ■ Irr for that, only I want four tix| take tbe money and hu) jusl the ixe eeiid'im (ora laleniMis' U
right away ta get a valentine that I; Laudsomral vel'ealjnc in ih limn of
eaw at Hardy's. It bia got a little Sacarep. m d if ibey didn't wisb I'lwoktopat '
aoge) that looka etaclIC like her.
,1, i. ; 1 11 led I'uu. sii : be 1 x
So wben* ps|« went doan
"Ai.d abitssll ihisl
Ob. roainms. ebeie soswiul pretty t' .•laim«.i. ro a stack of Istba stesding :after dinner. ObnsUe sent will
bear. IUrbara.s1i-.ul your warning
1 took oat my poras. tbinklBg that aguii.si -h- wail. - I'll make some pie aod together Ibsy selscicO a
find some corupslion’
I would looee no time in getting a tul.
1 u tsre a regular ebop. aud ] |*ir of aiiver boaedsj^clscls s. wbieb you ter. it's so dull si
iqnare bole punched in a half dollar. | put .,p .
aud make Ibe pistols ;t robbed tbe liille bank
I're to brothers or eist.
or I would never get Ibe debt pud,
|„u,. .nck, sod ]>aini em. 1-'penny Io par for
And tiui
pa's paralyzed—aud
■ !oing
laiil ’
lo abut her eyes when she pasei-d by blind-ao I want ti
“Ob. mamma, uouid you spare me I
Harry didu’i easle any mote luin ibe brauliful red Taleniii-si in tbe
p aindowa—but sbe dniu't
Ibat green eilk bag you keep bulti
••Thai sign
I be made
in. for mymarblea
It iaalroiig
___ Mlll.lia.
Iw, ,•.i.l
Neu oiorning. at tbe breaklael-U
BY pockala woold'nt wear
'nulcbl g ih> edges fam-iluliy
ble. there aaa grsiidiuaniiua ■ ulate, 1....
' i.k. liaudM cmI 1 dam
with graodmainma’a deni, dim eyes
bused over It >a ate said a silent
r rupj'ri l-.-il rang tueu. aud ' grar.. aud grandmamma's relrnliDe
would asT that, and an I took It ve.
lliat Ibe< wouidu I
el Cim I uiidi 1 11
Audnben gisudiolmma
terday. hut I lost il "
Next muiuing ii •'■■ lifie.l ber plat.. ane just bnid up ber ,.4 iwstitrl'r ,t tta ■.an
AI last I gave him the corsted
wondeiful lu a.e Ij-in itic usid iwu baoda, ^d puckered b.r mouth
"(our b It" pieee. and ID return got
mugs. ii,t.^sn Qb. ^lauipnsM sbe c.uldn'l ^ns
kiuky .p.ak for as muci. a> a minuie
hsck bair. aud Harry was in ibe shop
Tbeie neie ihe silver b .*e.( s|h-c
hug l^fute
Iw-fure brrekfa.t
tad- . and 'li-ie sss a leiier. look
Iheslirdr little re.l leg. flew le “b'ltl.ng
hire may l>e Bgrael ruabof cut mg like a b.g tm>w-flak-, tied lo
ward, the' book alore, where there
and if iLeri IB I bsven 1 r [.IS
[>it jlliem
;it>emsiifa blueiibbou—in true lov
il ready
him er s k
•a in tbe windows
Ha aaoDol talk tmj O'lcb ia aod one ie fourteen oioatlia old : hie
When lUlpb wae
Ha ia
■boot two years He eaw e picture ol
..... .'r,r;rLr rH-"'
ao go U> Meekinac lilend ; I
much enow bare yet Ibie winter
ol it, bat 4i> gin it* to 70U. daar
•well cur. rre •.
but be waa too earneat io bie plan- ‘Harry OaKes, Pislle
Due EniMo.—1 tboagbt 1 woald wbaterer it waa, to Indolge in any
wriU to tbe HneLO. ee 1 bare writbeep coela of An on tbe l>cade of BeuBrte«ei^.^i<}^«j(Bi^ ^pii im
-It U^dnlioe day, if it* Well,.
Harry pnnled the eign
tee twioe before, aod they did not
end Ihoae girU who woo'tiel poor peo
what about it f'
' fully wiih red end blue
find tbe way to the waeU baekeU
eight io the ce* ipl« >o tb«r party."
■Well. Mamma. il'eTal«olieedaT.;b°oe>i .
Oor eebool ooly UaU three weeke Erarybodr eenda ererykody alee eel-1 ler window
Harry did as papa adnead
Papa bad
bad a
a ebop
ebop dowo
down I
loagar. Oor el^biag Uabooi gone eetio'er. Tbere’e a niiw girl io our' tbere where tue boye could ..tittle' nlentioee were beauUee; aod il there
-reo iu
e men bare bad to atop draw- aebool. Her name'e Annie Sbeperd, end eaw end plane to Ibeir hierf. were more eoemef^ emldn
jtbeo Miitie, lelUe end Ja it
I bare taken ootil now to gain
boioetbmg wuuderfuj uai alwaye;<
been aiak with la grippe,
mote Ibeir ow^ teir reapecL
eicg done in that ebop.
I tbe United at ma.
down with it Tucaday nigbt.
At Cbrialuiti-It .we> double rut-'
uiede boaie, |
and am oot able to go to acbooI yet.
wee pietoie.
Miae Thirty eight uml , > - Wle
aebool" end be'd better 1
Tbe rliildreu bed been couoliug
■ pity it eeeme. M' K^meieet. ibal ■
•laa. ao aba cos oot go to aebool.
id penniee, tbiuking
®f f'ebru mao like you ebould be a bacbeloi* '
tbrir dimae and
tbiukicg '
goaaa or lattar ia long asoogfa, ai
Souiereel— Y.e. Uue Thirlr
b'o6ato (o aaa Ibat Dolbiog bart
will eloaa for Ihia tioie bj giTiBg mj bar. and macDma aba baa got bair uuly a wpek euey.
i^igbl. iU
it doee se. m a pity, but I ren’i
■ I re got lu c
aga wbieb ia 11 Taara
If Ibia doea jdowo to ban. aod I want 10 aaoH
an't a bit ijBeer. because kelp It. You know I was boit so. '
ditber. 'aaid k
line-Dill bae made Cbmtie
ool 6nd Iba war to tba waata baakat:‘’•r • «•«««"'.
!'“*• tbi-rei tte
a baby-rbeeaa. in a little
1 will wrila agam, ao good b»e
..ffapritig i do*«> «l U-uiood a all lull of an
■•t bolde no more ibau a
that ha oogbt to know where hit |»od baait.-i
ery auuiUi.r for a pood
Ciarn Pn
biis dollar waa. for he bad bimeelf,'prooipt
to pa? it oot for a ticket > uil. Yoi Me i( Idont bare ifae bmt.
'authorized 1.
e. again, o
abole,—Harruun ErertU
inetrels only
efadmUtion to tbe
»i I(U'«. ro ted Ken.
t at lie f<
lUg will.
reason —Uabel—
iiDi. ebe ale some of giandmam.
Diea Mae. Bniyoe—1 thought I week lieforc
-Ha’, dear, wbet makes you alwa;
• You mnil be mistaken, memmi ,
„.. ^......................
1 Led a' me'e nice rbeeee. end liki
:ed it
woBld wnu e little letter to tbe
call ms your litile arob
for I saw YOU gire Ibe roan a ll 1 whole .juaricr me
r pnk Ibal when Tods Tom lold ber the
Hreei n.
We hare bean liTing beta piece, and lyou got tbe change 1 be-'
laays ntuin lolbefold.
: up coal tbe gill sj iltrouDii the ' moou waa made ol greeu cli'tweibe
Wo yaore next June
I wUb I wee ■idee, my four bits bad a square bt Ie coalhiu. aud a man gs«i- me Ul ceuis ai-luslly ened for a piroe. Aud after and be opened l.is ai-tns aiih an ex
I and
ba£k^ Trarerae City again. 1 bke in it. and 1 tbould bare noticed it if nuee 1 iooked lisuOsome one day lu | sbe put Lou-, she cued again
it better tbare than bare.
tan for tba older folka bjr the looka
Br a qoick ebot ba bad juet irt
rued ber from lie rlatediew ol ■ beer
e your tboeiibie mteu
What were
Diiod It
aod gire meone of bu ueoal beaheb enliteldool know,but.1 behere ,
Papa litleoed
Ibe tearful »*ory ,
e. which
which geserally
rpmcrelly aesltered my °>7 ^7
<l»Dke I bare ibrt ball in eilener, ibeo took a eilear dollar,
of the dollar biddeneweraoiaewberaemoog out ol hii’-looteesaage’pocket.
beirpint to tbe four e
nouee and renderod 1
WhaliTii TOP Md. b> It—, boy
■ •ir»»pui>iwrai pi'u[» ik< iwiipcp'pe rwIM. (•*>• a>cemj». u4 It riMi nte. ipw«-
lipiT'^d alUw^er iaet tbe
Thet wee 20 yean ego
Tbel lit jbang- Tbeooly trooble wa** sobokindofaboy motbere ere prood of ‘I*
of dy wanted ibem. Once 1 came eery
andtbe eigbt did me good
leati* l“'l*
old. esd bar | near lalling one
A boy .antsd it,
down partly from an inwaH wiah motber e name ueed to be Annie 1 thought it wee lorelr, bot bad
that he woild climb into mr Up Sb*-P*rd. Wbet became oUbe ral-;money.
i'oar frbsd,
ILuion L Birrax.
Be eon and wriu again, Maggie
B« viiibte
PC ”>r . Bcip'w'Iiitt,
»T •cp»i*i 'pt
M eil**«^«MlUep IPW^ k.rw. •tlceolirp
eboold I Uaeb to own 07 lore*' to ginng ralentioee I hadn't e oeot
■aid ‘poor folka ooalda
Til lore that_1_
realma abora 11 Ao
Ib^ party.' 60 1 Iboogfat I'd
Wby iboold I bloeb to ear to all
!''be to
That rirtoe bolde my faevt in thraUt' ean:
I amde all tbeae—iaet ae
And be did. with a lordly, defiasl , Bioe..JOB
with the U ,h,p,p,r waa no.rapped and
Hmse Shoes, Horse Hails, Toe Calls. Bai Iron,
Nalls. Pomys and Bulldeis' Haidsaie.
S. S..
Ewl KiuotSUe.il
TraverreCitj. Midi.
Btodted hud 111 day.
Wi'va triad to have good laeaiieasd
oot teMbrr'a raloe obey.
brer tba Mgaol btfl lo
pot oor booka awey'
dkadri^t oor good nigbt eoog.
It ia moat Uwe we beard
(roa Aanlle Boee again 1 wa all love
to bear from tor.
Well, ae my Ut
S rj"
ball eanDot ltll<aU 1 ren
would lake
IHmhl banabt
up loo much time and
ler bappy aebool- apace, bat will elaply give
■oRibl bambl
wbieb will eqoe ^ awrrety oae,
(joviagly Y'oore.
Oasaniik ALwaan
witb sbM blacking elertod off to de
.1! u T
Uou lueaot ..lily . bat waa be ae boey
tbe hot Ibongbl I couin have wn>.
you ean tell wbat you ean do.
Bambl barrel (or bappy aebool.
w iTirekK aa‘n>>i’iTTBXTia*s
-Dil sou
Idu believe 111 mtk.
tbe child tso ebeeess nett eummer. ’
Thru she lied Ibe vsteeUne with,
■ be true luvet'a kbot agaio: and after
breakfisi abe laid il away in U>s op
buiesu drawer wub Iwu aprigl
And (bare it la to (bie
BuehleA'e A oiea Salve.
Th« Firat VwlenUna.
bw Imobe now are reded aad ear
vorktedo; te dooe,
VdV-bnnndy for oar leancM wbw
. Hmher«v!e began,
70a t
Ob, ttp sUire I
^e'taSi w I Ser^deT^ 1
from the motber ol tbe little
90 eCHT$ P«« BOTTLff.
Ciiid Rapids t ladiana R. R.
Hbowa iU value by the rapid .ale .1 U b.ring at tba Wonrer Drug Star*:
.* l*®“."'*
Ding (roa behind a row of i
Mb. 8piiidl.t<.k (ol Ih. SmIIHU.
Toung Ladiee's mieoty)— jiet Mr.
aaid]' .
BoekxBore, I Ire. ibat yoor iteogb•Of oaorae il te, or I wnaUnt eall!I Wben Annie bad dieappoerwd
'ean't <C7tag-tbai te. 1 «m oe ter bes DO (W 'rity (or Ibe Fmeb
stood irilb bin baoda in bie peekM
UlUe—joel for fen," (Xpteiaeii taagoage.' Ji-netban BoekaBora
0«a Blghl. dm tenotaw. MW to 70a «a Ai^ oow. to aae wtat wre ,cr aBtaQte, and tbaa hagaa wbtat(with more mcoay fhaa bratas)—
•■d oAoolmtea, OM aad aU
-Writ wbat |eH»- aaid L an
“^t. loa mn. Akd >W. 41 ••WrittbCB. lee'etn, Ita pwfaelly
^•MtraMre to gri. a tee^pp taokad aroowdaa taataoi. Ml ex
___ ^_____
lane and do
rrfc. iDsisIonbsringSJSSl Take
other. Priceaycoits. Prepwmlby
Rohes at 13. $4. tS, tBIand o|i. IBIaotels dt BMaenlsini.
Call aod see-m» tSOO. BOB, 10 00. II'OO aodl2 00 Siifle
Harness, The)! are the Best lor the kone).
*y:$l8;OoolHe Wort’ Haioess canoot be Beal loi Ihe aoiey.
• M. l^N.' I
ter ia about loog eDoiigb i will close
bo^g lo bear from you
Mv Clove andIMitten Stock Is Complete,
Ik. < Il4wsf. 1(1 dai-T'! <0 wa
Tlaa aas
w^k ew‘«»s e-tl^
akaliag. (or the be; baa not Iroxaa
ovar yet.
yi J-
1>NT News SS4 Bo
j-ws *1*. iftkiSir^*
W iml
...L^rNiiTFiii r 'itiftiHiW
«t Pkt
E ' ' Bnie ud Vum.
Mm M. K. C B4W. btra
The SwMtOTt Sa
ITM^ k Wa«r )•*« (Ml «»*f
■0-4M fMctnytarMto
Xu amr •MM*l MM u M:
ti MM u4 BMM kum K >
VMIkMUf itiuOMibtl
-MV (wt ta>M a nutUf
Am BU kaUT> MM u M:
lUak> U. ■■■■! ku»t li
» kttut I Un IMa Mr t
ContnbuMd to th« HarxIcL
li^bTHtba; wo^ba Mrprfoad:iaommA and wA anokod. •
to Unto and Ad tba Mot. Set it
baA vbMo It *{D bA for thira or
for—aagiMbto aompaafoM aad (oar Miaalaa. tbaa poor oMv tbo
battorAtoaataAfMT* All varaA op DoaU abonld ba preparA A
*»«*>% war*
tba iMt aaoaaaat, m tba; Ioom mora
Wba* a wemaa pajaopaAl altaab; waiUng than *ban fraAl; ooAttoa to btr foilA it k a varoing to
A. Fiool; miooA boafataA, mitA
M otbar woMa le leA oot
vttb baif tba qoantH; of ftoo bread
Notbfog oaila a erooa saa noro
ofunba and to agg to aaA piut of
Iban to bod a bollM off bia eoat.
tbo Bislorr, do; bo browood in
*baa hw wifo bM not liaie laM* it
loot loro or inAo ioto btlb tA
food in bol fat. If too drr a lUUa
iTbata ara ool; a fa* oarUialiM i otoA or grav; or crcoB mop bo
U0» .1
^ ;Zn i.
oold .i«.d WI.U.,
lit riccllect with a atlA ; k goA
Wbmyoo 6At good mm
I ,b,t iu ooa Itm.lj io-blA I t» lafaavo (o«A a BM *A U tr;ing to'^^ii^ ,i „ ^ <»o„on piocU.
daaarva tba Amiralioo of an boBMt
cook a beofauA Atar
brrAfaat for (b* aakd »biob bAm
A bo; who iapooM on hit Alar tB iDportABl leeluie tor ilii dieoir.
ill impoM on bit wife aa a man
rat ntbarr or oooo "
Uotbora tuoA; Uaeb Lboir toot to
ipOM on (boir aittora.
SvDd;to Ibe mill and |
. bud llu. .. .11 M UbT, lb, bu.
5„j n„ .
bAtawpoMofMdti «taon aixad.
take a taoMp of tba oiixtota, atir ia
blaapooB of gratA Aooolati
wbiA baa baM oofUcod by aatiing
taoear over tba tMkottlo i <U
tba pan ooa inA deep *ilh tbe jal
to* batfor, than aAa t*o or Uu«a
ctrelMof tba dark, tben a U;Or of
tbe ;rilo«, aA cootboe till ;oi
bava aa aoA M wiabA io tbe pan.
Fmit JA;__ Prapar* a Ax of
Ooxa'a galatisa acoording
or **LB
mK. Tba BMari aa; rat; in tko
rkproMMOtaaeap too bowl,
aA tba bboobI of boda aad aalt it
oAngA to*iiil.
Biee Wafflta—Ooa and a bA
ptouof AilA riea.aaraaol Hoar,
ball a toaapooB a*eol milk, oee icamU •! Mkllc ••Ua*. lo 1»«
apoOD toda. tall, ibrob agga. battor V»
al tw kant fnici4aeiar iMkalMIM II
lk« rrctaia Cewn la heW ig VTiaaTaa
aixe of otvolnot
I tka Ceealr ai Gniu ^aaana. ia aalC naia. aa
H.b.1,, Oblb—iod t.b b.,.
elikai «u.
wholo boam; for one boar io milk. I|MtrWKrrtairw'at~1ka
«f j
and add «bilt Al a epoonfol of bat-!!m« eacauaC.cr tl IkaUaaof laaalit
Sixty Qays
Special Prices
b.b.,„..^,b.„db...„.,..d.,u..^.,u,®||||g|,LovEs ftND MITTENS. HISIERY,
bottom oft **l fmit mold; kaop lie, pu,
IferfA wiappA .n a nap-
underwear, caps, Mufflers,
to (anc; in tbe la;ar of jAj to mold.'
cobs avkaca ctictaxa.
ot.rd.u oi
t „<
poor io anotbar la;ar of jell; wbao' gji, together a pini atd a ball of i
Brat lajer lv owea fir^ tben a aoe-lfloar, a^ball pint of corn .Urcl, a
B or ana a- t
ond lt;erof fruit, and toon untU half teaapoon’ eall. a'lablfapooo of
allta oMd; let nek la;ar Arome!,,^.
baking pem- »'a:asfliicS'C«.C,aiiio1it,»l Tr»,<r~.-a
ta I6e BaUarV iSt f.iair
'-aeiTT to'.lT,
firm Afore adding tba cost. Wben|,j„, rub in this one tal.leapoc10 of, act,
ancaaaC. Ulc M,k, Ub»aabi;>a' Pralsaa.
^ I la. Is Iba i'oaati al Ofma<I Traba*,,* aatf sialr of
A are firm turn out on a aUnd In '
^dd a bait piut of i
NMMa II bMal-r fibCB.ILsI <a vanaasn-a(a«
wiotoT tbU disbma; A froten-a aiik. mixing .t quiekl; into a amooih ~*rr
rraclr.I la .k, at.Ian'taca. tVaarl. K
beautiful ointment
; dough Floor the brmdboard. Urn
A.N11 JIXl WI>TTBB goods.
Now is the time to buy and Sava Money.
ikr ui,0 oaf <.i Jaaairr. a P I
1W px|Mn xra foU of triieim nrg...... o,,L„.,v
“ “U- Tntcrva.oa
iewi.lt.r-ra «'1II» aoUat paI. ir .aaear. i« iSa
meane the coaraa, dark tiuff. t; at
i roMaio
koMding ae poHible, gel it into a Plckrat hlU.-t. al Ual.irloa I'. “ . oa inr p,rw Cavil At 78 V*v-oxat »tr
tagpw^ to “Rb* ehieuat x&d bar aotbar.
laaa.iaika CsiaOvI u.aaa Ir.ivra.- ,r. ail*
ebilJren ato a]*a;t Ibe child ^mootli. enu foim Tbeo. iprMd i-iaw. 00 rn4*T.l»aS'ik «ar »I •• I.raap, A !•
nt riih.* 1 tbiak w«b piMM an It it pitifol that wbao a woman ftmer,. utuaII;>nog back from tbe!
ia»i BI laa « tWe la ipa Iw. .p ,.f ihti aif
laalijral u, al: aaciwl,raa.-aa * n,.rlri>' ■«
«mr«Ur wTiUmt hj acwM groMr
aiagrsiar ciiauai al Iba Una „f tka *aklk fU
^NB 4(P at* MXTM tod high, xxd OMda ber dangbUr to aA il. and loama nama Tate one leacup'mid- of ;e«ra. ou maolv grealuraa nor; remain for lU minutes. Koll il ver; r^a «r^aa«. ar at tkr usa ol l-aUiejsia
ho Oita loofiBg for th* tint vboB «baa bo wanU a favor ftwn Arr bo diiog*. a tMipoon lugar. ■ ball a womanl; dignil; eao wake ibam an; ] Uiin with ibe rolling pin. cui with a
(Mipoon ginger, ono-fourth leatpoon Iban bol Jobu aod Jamea and Loe; jcHur. pnek each Verker wilb a niSla or Itr «i*ow«(aaii] drarsaM Ibaralal Uir
indo ii (o«l <rilJ bo britk M>d ogp fcaowi bia bMt mAiam ia bit ton.
loIlawikB *rw<nba* r>s aaiaia. inaii- Arm
Wbao a aiao geu down tbera la a aalt, a teanl fourib leta|>ooG aoda aod Aon to falber aod uolber fork, and pul them oo a greaaid aarpanal tkr pirraa or i„iaa> af lakS.IJik*
to Amp onttom ew bm Umb.
kcil Wlac la Ik' loa Dahli. > r IVniargia. CaBBIa
idOiak* Tratana. kb* maia .,1 Birklrib
Or aoooa dovMt koopor of loaU or mab of BOB and womu to belp him
)ugb bol ,-water oo itiU to Tbera il oltao a toueb ofpaibot injbaking tin, waab tbe top of tbe mara
camraiarl, *aar,-a.d k. lollawa. lawn
tbe Biacoer io wbieb old people a|>eak I crackers over «itb milk, and l«ke rwk o' raV kadilia k'la aaik I'm >H •"**
hofooood prondar of tpoDfOBoko.
bat wboD a woman gala down. mAe a atiff battor. being eure out
*aa7rd la M.a Diaaak h, Ararkaa* kkdtkkkri,
warm „ !ot their gray-hairA
aod daugb-1 eight mioutee in a nr; bet o
Ibere it a roab of man ood women to aeald it. At it »Und
s' kwV kll Ik araiio* s; I'aa »• S . 11 I*
-aMMo.oU.MOi tbi oegbUi
waaL taauialkc Ills abn-r war, ai IFM. ntn
aa-ll Isprw'r*. wllk a Car tasnac archkrit af
• Mostoio bigb, 00 oroU too
lor where it will keep
kiA bor fortbor down tba bUl
appira. Mara sawb aptlful. rkrrTirk r-< . a
“We're going out west to see our j
tnoliTo orticloo. Md ooi of
ctt*ab..f await irklia. aCai rlaaa dwalliai aa*
will A up iu bait a dav When it
wocijikr ■ [ rBornin
L. U >I U
O O.
oalballaiaea Ikaraaa foali’OraaQ aBaaSraar
aoighbon bcUH a largo bouM. OMt
looke foam; and light, eit off in a ebildreo." a brigbt evA old Ud;'
olprawiaaa akeaaarmiat siaiia, paal rwail
Oaa af Ika kaal I,ail akd CTwlfi la-wa la akl* 1
■oybo flftj dollari
A tamil; roeijing in (A aattoro eool plaoe. where it will not frMxi with a kiudl;. pUcid (ace oncai aaid
boxfU MO budrwl bonf; toetber part of a ml; r«ioiaa in Aring ibe io winter, aod lean til) tbe next
k BuaimurUi'twrl.
twMl7-dro or tbirtr dollaio
moat original eorvant girl on tbe morniDg Sift vour flour, im cold biirA ImeAod'ii side on a wetierc
vaCMMtboy voroMoU fod »o «bjl« atroel. HA roeecU; mAe a fire in weather w,riu in. make a hole oo railroad train, “we bivou'i aeen two
^jOKTUOua: PBlaS:
I; fin ;ears That a
ooniiooottoo dollart tod t«ool;' tbo cooking Hove tbet nearl; burnt one eide. aod put in water for toe
Iro eaoU a vook; m; 6ft* dollar* lor tilt booie up Wlieo ber mietreea oDmAr of lo*v«e ;ou wub to bAm an awful loue time to A arparstrd
oil nootbi. lbo7 war* colli, to;, aekA ber wbat elie wae doing, vbe Ad kilL a nr; little lAa. uot more from ooe'e own obildren ~
rtm'ifrJ'k'.'j.Ikk il ’Tiinr'-.l oiraVrkiiU
L'liailT. SirLlpki . n. Miaar: s WaltmM M
laid ibe bA mAe a fire to Ake
“Are all ;our oliudren liviug is t A mlTrrtU^al^I a
thibg oa; mo voald ooll bits.
tbae a fuuttb of a taaepoou. end tbe
QIII^ Dii_maru tb ^ lotua. I'liaii.a waai;. UirO'i'kJ *tlM lha
;eaat Wirb a large epbiou >lir iu
•*gMaaogoiii;didoot la; toonoubt pie
aM 'litlr *TT. akA rmoT*r* ik ikr uSrr ij IbiRrtiaiarolU"*. I«> n.,i oiplj .iri.rkB*Trki.
• Yea. all we re'got left We bur
to oajtbtog, util iDOMoor, tod aggi
“An' wAn 1 oent down iiaire to the flour tilt it i< aAut u etiff a«
la lb' SI*'' .,1 S-vliUkr.li, l."-r i: o<
«orH«r.,.. ,,.CT 1»,..« IM aomlkila. nl
mto down to a abiUlog or foortaao look after it I (onnd tbe fire goin’ ;ou can stir it: remore tbo apoon, iA our A; Hear;, back io Obio.
Sant. V. 11 IWC. riKit •sill. iBSUckp. IB". !•
r'klBr* IP Sc ear I"| I be P'iai:|-' tr.e lair'ral
eobU a douB, tod (bo; laid at; ooo like mA an' I be oven ao bet it ntar- cover with ■ bread ulotb. n t where lait fall. Splendid, fine lookiug Ay ,
>,a aaolbcl BiurckmbcrciB aia-iare.lhc is,.
B*t.i .trcrol s, -aiJ wmicaerr '• kub-nas*
it It warm ; wbes liubl put io tbe be ,waa. Juki turoA of fort; Our!
doUtra vortb of ogga ateb or tat 1; lit lA pit.'
I-, 'kr icrsi' uTaki.I amvckw •< Ibr *alr ellbla
am,'e, Ibe amw ol Eickl UaiJrr*. Tscivc kk«
fod all iiftoMr, rtiaod bardl; to;
One A; tbe miitraei waa olaaoiug oven aod bake. It acarcel; ever other four cbildian went waste good
i.Miaiiaoiikra. uid ao aan or pra-coiaca ai Wm IS .sail, kaiiBc 1-s-ti laaiiikl'd lo roccf-r
AMmb; loot aoBM booi. Tbo; aU oot a ebioa clOMt, aod handed l^e takM more tbao ibrM bt.ura from man; ;aars ago. auJ now were go
aai ,*.t iBctcal. Tiulit' la iLorrIorr ServS,
tbe Ume tiie flour ia lifted in the mg to lire wilb 'em "
port of lha ogga, aad io ibi fall girl a Awl.
aalaXa, lb. ISIk *., .rAp"l. A 0.
wfaM pooUr; waa obaop tad i
“Ba vor; twrafol oot to break it
••Tbats-illA pleavaul for all of.
Al lea o'clock IB Ibe ll•eaa.«I0. I abai: •e l
I'ablle Aanliia. lo Ibe blebcai liidder <aa*
out of tbe oveo. But a few ibiogv ;ou '■
for old biaa, fat told Iham all.
rkrvf'ii. iwi..Juir «. iwifor it it two bundrA ;ear« old."
. lake plare al ih.- II..OI d -d' <* Iilsore ba I.
•Tra.cra. I'lie. lirvao li.iciae Coaoi;.
Hob-did baf I eoold ibo«
•Lawa, ma'am. A ;ou two bun it if uaeaaaar; to oAerve Kirau
“Yea. eo i-. will. Tue; wou t bear
akid VilkiiC' I,all 0' n.- -h. p'kre ul bold..
Ik IxTr wriT ruivd lij K. rkckb*
eoopa, vbara fron a doMO to tbirt; drA;etraoldI I wouldn't bev aup dofi't expect first olaei bread from to our doiug auvlbiog eUe now Wo
: ka .ball W areraekr, u. -kll.l. tkr kiuoamda'
xn ruiruiR.
fowta ora fcapl, eoatiag too aod oaa- poaA ;oa wereaora tbaobalf that.' poor flour, mod tbe warmer ;ou keep are going to rUv tbia wioter witli
halfeontowaok par baad to kaap Ad Ibe^irl.
oor l>o; John. May be ;ou'n beard
;tA; wilt riel: out; don't get lAm of John. He'a beet) in congreae oi ,
tbooi too fat to la;, notil it «oo1d ba
;eo hot the; will actld on tbe aide or' era veer tow. but bia folkt Ave
ll.e ...alli Hall ul ires.eiSeaal iiair. i ..I arellisi
obaapar to bo; (ba ogga.
aa'.a. ol liiaakbip laeijl>.ala l.oflk ol rkiee
r'eaea seel, roatkiklac •Icbl, k'maul lap*. IsYoung
;. never
ora kapt, lummer la;isg braada ;or
a*w-«ia gone
kl“ai' ou'tu Watliiugton
’ »a...uj(,iju
11« B
«. lute, pmlAsiformy ;«o»lawful good A;. Johu ts-lhe old
«to(« lo;an ora fod < o iba; bfo»d parlor ipi nding ;oar time with
.n „„
’""sASI kl^^WAVaXH.,"”*
iU Um liaao. Seravo; badi; dratoad foeliab eoft-bandAUc^Ie darAg lAl nuib.ng tour it aver put in. It |„,
ohiokoBOOf araall braada, or ooar«a<‘ Ond waiting it awav, while porApi
^pmxuoHa: wo.-i:
alool; autoriiig braada, are aold ;ou weep over tbe imaginar; paint
of tbe navorwM, ner a-.a . d., o,t.o .go. TtAlk.„,„
duttog tba bolida;a foe half
to A Aroint of tba iMt novel, tiAk, i It,, -mi ol good ..II rt..!
XKaaaaa, baat,oold,Balarw, aaoiatura,
■.laCalrU lilWOMkS K UkOd,' kl.U Uoftrad.
ing broad
Tanois, aggoaUag, aofi abalia: «gg* rour poor, wear;, wora-out moloat
eall ber mv Ub; if abe is Uh yeaia Haro.I - "U .r faaaik. r*“l-kail «l I*' tlar «s„,,l«r. LI. sire. .■( i.ra'-A T™."-- I'oaai.
Ik a I Ldc-aLii.e Kooa.a.sB'TC < .la ai 11 are a . Swk dka, lo kasiarl s Wa'kil kad fSa a f
doaot batob.abd consitaM loaaoa
!*Lti-mi MUfts
[old wilb a growed up daughter It li>a:- 1 -■ ......la kl la Ibki Uar I klao ba.. U tu, e.spna.ar lb' e.* of Walk" A Ubll' I
olM j.wa.’: l■•l‘•..a i'...kl.. M.rb'Cko d.'.dl
tbo kitebon, unwept and unlbougbt
'araalUba raeord.
. -------------- .a ............. ....... a I, „en,»B aaa I
' come bird to have ber ciarrv and go
Fruit CaA—One cup butter, one |,„v to Kauaae. like she did'. Some
i obrs
Noo', ifaa; (Motogti (broogfa
d-siro to SUUOBCC' I* my Irieod* tod the public lAt 1 Uve addeal to my
Don't drM ;«sinel( up in fine cuplbiok eouroreem. lUreecupt eu- limea I tbiuk I'll A glad^e-io nUAedasbl -Isiloring boainsta an elaxut steak of
Iba you witboot lou. tba; siaaV
gor. feur of raisini, five eupi flour, j Lucy than suy of 'em , eull, if I bad
Myt *lth a fa* fatrda. In iba opting
saj which Id rutber see Id A
obUiotbabaat agga poMibla from ran old, (Aid ealiea Don't take foot egge. a Uaspooo kodt, one not
b my merebsut IsiJariog 1 ioteod to mska a vpiAWT- J
braada Mitad to tba oHaata, aar- AtAboUda;a ud plooeore tripa meg, two of cinnamon. Stir tbe su 1' pul to It to aa;. lud I'm glad 1 have [
tbe iMt ol giioJt and IstMt rtyleo. An ebgMl Um cf
bMa aod all AodmUbom, and raiaa and loava bar none. Don't ridicule gar aad butter to a cn 1. boat the j not got It lode One eugblni to'
band. Come
Cume «.d
aed —
aee U»
Uie e-»d.
enoda in lb*
tbe p™.
„a,, r..e am " I’lii^"",;' |ltillr'S!r»l«y. « IUA
•~<f.aea kt Ik. ul la rkaiii !
Hoping to meTit 1 abare of ;«or rsieemeJ patniciage, I as,
a Aaa lot of pulloU i kMp but fa* and tOM ;our boA at wbai jrou
to a eliff froth, and ed.l 10 the j .how partiality lo ous’s own ebildk, C'"B Ikal aa I
togatbar, aaU tba p^oraal «bao tba plaaaA to call bar old fatbionA iugar and builor. diaioln Ibe soda | rco. and I'll A co gUd to bm 'mu all.
I know tbe children will ad te
aarkat io tba boat; oo «all oarad for, waja aad notiona. making onkbd in a Ubleapoton of wtiar, pour it lo ;
and keying tiar out of tbe to the cream, stir but very little s j giml to see pa aod .,a'
fatUd. and dioMad ao handaoma
IV' Tht l.taiiuig Mtri ’i.uit Tn.h’r tiud Cdit'f FuniisJirr. Trattru City
tba; wilt bring aa astra price. Hava room when ;oor ;oung friandt call few momenta, and bake one boar
Ckrlica kul kfi,a*isi.ul aUk itic l U"
CkoquetUa__ One cup Ailed ru-s !
ou> rirbir^i- uri.
«ga oil wintar, aA for tba boat opoD ;ou. and ;ou bava moaio. joUiCkii ki w i:teiv. HktiAi a iv.. rroti i
ly and,
abrre .bc| will he aSO'k ill' t.rbl i.ler.
pciea olaan. fr^ lorga agga.
ona of Aopped meat
Tbif tic« baa Iba meidt of keeping
boo* two poubtj kaapan living, D.>;ou nevar ibiA who it it that cop milk to beat and ndJ rioe and ito bMut; Ibrougb numberlMt wasbbaar ooab otbu io o villogo with koapa ;oa iu ;our finer; and idir
but. ingaandia ibereiure ler; desirable
m (bat ;onr wanla and tar, lat come to a Al! and Ad on* for Irimmiog
BMri; tbo toma^ atoefc, grada PI;.
Hooka. *bo aall lor a diffarMoe of wiabat ara oomplfod with
bootao agg. When ooo! Uke up in so, wbeu knit of yarn,
HxeaoU por dooM. Om aalla to ar;Ui>Dgia in order and
able and vuiUble edge for flanuei
cromA fry
oMaoMara. Iba olbar to daalara. for tbe piMurwe and privilegaa
akirU. dietaing larki or'Abie* v'orsvt m Uc».-ae» t .'CSC ta.l Wkkiaaa . *irB H'o-'ckW
- ""
kTkk coai|.kk< I'l reto .1 rikilaair* peja.rUk. -r'Walt"".l
Tbae aat ;oar baoa whan agga
DougbeuU—One cup milk, oxe blankeu.
• kokair «»a..i-S ttkf irkraioiot .toO. ul
Ji,.,*, .1 J
Ab, tbo lAa it coAng wbao ;ou
obMp. Hot ;oa mum know kote. to
Caat ou Grtoen atiebei aod knit
■coot cup sugar, an agg. a pineh of
pravaat all Iom b; dianaa. poor will think ! WbM ;ou Art taken aalt, two tBMpoMftria ol craam of once aeroaa pinio.
mbs si ongks
•amt. M r^i"errt
OMtkaU, 0(0. Kbo* bo* to bava BpM;oBraalf datiaa«nd raapoaei tartar, ooa taMpooo aoda. and aAut
lat row —Knit three, ibread over,
Toor biu la; «ban yot want ibaai biUtiaa of which ;on Aow nolbing, ooa and one Alt pioia of'flaur Mix narrow, thread owr, narrow, ihr^d
toi Ml «baB-;ou «ant tbas to
ibrrad over, narrow
egg. tnirar aod Aik togalber. and
koo* bo* to AoOM par* blood rban ;on atandbeaidean opMgrave
urrow. thread uver
about, piolof flour lifted
eoeka ooitod to ;oar ataok. in farm where tba foldA hanA areal raat with tbe aalu c
1 of tartar aud knit t-o
and qdaMad to mii»o<^ it, Kojo; fotwvar, Ibta ;our IboogAi will A foda; afterward itir io m much flour
—Knit acroM ptoio.
tba *orfc, aad bava Iba tael, patiaoM fall of Iba peat, and ;out aoul ery aa to oeodA to roil, aAut half a piut
Sd row.—Knit four, thread over,
out for jronr motbar.
aad hnaioaaa abiUlj, abaointal; naa
U 10(1 at the; oeo A rolled, catrow, thread over, nairuw, ibrvA
aoMrr. Ill of tbit or poo *111
lougbouto are lander, oot fat over, narrow, thread over, narrow, "otccJiitT'l-Tjrllior’iaurBi
w« arc pecw»i
•oakad. and kMp well wbes ihut op Ibraad orer. narrow, ihraad ovar. oar>i.vt.4iir
WAt tball *a do with iba i
11 Isat Staikkv, ka* It----- vlLk
ilLk ••
*iikcf at oBca «« S.r wall. *11 «■«»..
paii. Begin trying them knit two.
ccsia**si:k' Okk/r*> rs'V*‘:L‘ik\;;'i'^.n" ..*,u.:k.nanU of baafataak 1
' uioar ar* >incil>
krmlr i-OceSa,
a. iaa<ttk.U' 1.
A Tory amall ptroa Of oold aleak
Hoi ~
UP •. ISc daverrur rapoi css
5tb row.—Enit five, thread ovar. 1ardiclkc/M.
UImA with tAM agga, a moat piaee of tba dough to rme to tba tutThar*.
irrow. Ibraad ovar. narrow, thread
oaalotta. wfakh will A aolSdaBt for (aoa almoat aa aooo aa put io tba ket|«r. narrow, ibraad orer. narrow,
foor paraont. Tba meet moat A r,
A «oU kao*B Mo* York oocM;
Ratoin Pit.—Ooa iMOup raiain* thread orer. narrow, ibraad ovar,
of oil atring; per
WMB, oblor of ooa of loot BtotM-o tioMaAoboppA vary fine. Cnuib ■towed and BMbA. two eupa aaob Alt two.
lIsnii’cMWaa*?^! ka*
: And Apricultural Macbiurn.Stc-atD end Bratw Fittings, Uffell
baantiM aod baraalf notad tor h« a abea of Uaad witboal (be cniat ic-1 boding waAand »ogar, one-foortb
6tb row.—Knit acrooi pUio.
• t*eilrd k; Jaka X S'lactruieS ks* Sk" * i~..^k..*.ir..v .............................. .. WIscScowk. kt* sll*. ol uikB* rrk»**aa V-aa.
WfU*T YVlir-c-1 end Jiidsoe Anthorontic Stop GoTerDore.
haab ;ootbfalDaM. oa;a Ibat Ito
Tib row —Enit aeroat plain and 11.
liKkIns. Iu SkWici k ■'kikt'uihi Jukk*
loataaeapaAfill it op with milk. of a cup of abarp vin^ar. a toaapooo
iB *birb aba praaarvae bar Ai
AtBoat (A ;olka and wUtaa of
*lf«I< 1**. as* ivrsra* IS LSc sOtt- of Ik* K*c
a*d aaeapao wtiaklM ia b; goiag to
fltb row—Enit aeroaa plain.
Ota walnut; wAo tbia it
lalacarpM** >a*is- L'eait* at uiss* rn***e*
a ooparalalj. Ad to tA ;
ikimauKai nicaicks.ia usv* it m nuriBepain prompUy done on all kiA* of kUehinery
bad vfaaB UuBga pro* naplaaMoL
aoakA cromba. IAb (A wbUaa. Ailing hot Ad ona wait beetao agg
9tb row—Enit tcroa' p!«tn end
•Wbao I gat orarwoAad *ilb ■; atoKB lA BMt wail wUb Mlt aA and a tabla^MMn of diMolvad ean- narrow leak two atitobar.
af1i.^cUeifeSoWl^f sSs^fw eaJ aa*
vsMia.kaasltD Ivi isitrsai o**rdea as* taaoAI dotM. «baa tbinga go «iMg P^giar, pat a pieoa of goA AUm atarcb: atir bciakl; until il tbie kMa,
lOtb row—Enit aeroM plam.
mM S> iSa eaM owickeera aaieansit siSkf
BVSI gaMtal^. tad wbM I gal iato that tA tM Of a largo not u tbo b;ii«.
-halt cup of onekor eramb*,
mb row.—Enit aeroaa plaio and Iiowst. bet skKk ksr Wi sspj kc u* Bsno
eaaw tu* BSfUkrc accsraikC
l- Idcwa
■ood with *bkb oftty womb io to- pan, pear in lA amaloUa wbM bat, nod yoo Ava dolioioa* fflliac for
irrow At two atitebea.
■OM. *bM Ufa doiMt foal vortb and WbM U bao eat iUoo
twofuM; bake with twoorwato.
18tb row.—Knit aceoi pAn. mul'
OrocrtriM and Pioviaios
IMag aad caa balM 000% oa« over it. Loava it for om minaU to
Oanoed Applaa.—Aa tba empty Imto flftoeo atitobaa
Wa*da.IaMid;gotobadaBd aU;
bol, tfaM fold IA OMlaOa fonii eani eoUaci toward epring, I
ISIh row —Bepaat from first row.
Io the Stereo Huiiding.
92 Front Straat
tiMto tOl lUagt aeoM atiaigbt and
_A aarva qaioU;. In
Good aa tbe BwiU
MM <4 than with apples. Farvi.
Tbia pattarn My A widanad in*
Ibagiatofarimna* oaotoflifa. I fam^ it will A ptafmrad.
BBdeaiBBob qovtar iu abost
ifinataly by caatii^ on mora Ateb*
Cfreep aa the Cheapest.
OBM baA Mo the world fo the hcaakfoat dkk, to an antira baah foarpieoM; lo avary poo A of fruit
MA boaitte Hbm of Mad. vitb A ataak,oritma; aarvaaBan appali- odd All B imaA ol aagM, let epcwsUlktduasck wanssevw tewsek ikaa*arl
ta sksll S* aanssaiy is aMlsO tka aaeaai *•<
fko tod eager etend two or tbr*B
^foalidaBtwtiBklM gOMOBd a». aiag hot diah at tea. Btta of
oiybodrigladto bmm thoy al- ttoak aaa; A aat ia oaat atripa oA dajB to toegAn Ute epplM; add weX-eOTTXS EXZSX.*Elf|U
oty, •w^, toj.daar Aaaltal yoo waratod wp aaeaptab);, Al it mW tM to makatA dawed aaeoat c(
BrMkfoate a of all aortt coma
bM ■BgtffBd, tad win taka llmnr*
a«7 MM to ioA IraAaraodpaaK A demo M7 qaicU;. XaA a brown jufo* Bed BAad IBMOO, Aoat om to tnvaryooarai ntl; attoi* Mko*.
'I £
in Mrviag eoatomtraliBtAbMt xMaBr.
ar for baviag baaa ill,’aad tbarag; fnvywittatoak, if poaaibta,aAo BV«y foor qaarta; cook aatil ^aar.
Kl.WVN II. I'Ol’E.Traverse City.
Hardware. Stoves and Tiiiwarer
Barbed Fence Wire.
Steel, Wire and Cut Nails,
Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes
After 22 Tears,
Blasting Powder for rttimps and rucks
Wood and Iron Pumps.i
Roundwav Ulohe Valves,
Gas Pipes, Steam Fittiugs,
Screen Doors, tc., Eto
Job Work done on hort NotieeJ.
No. .SI Front St,, Traverse City,
ami I'ndertakcr
HK.Annn. ^
Gent’s Furnishing Goods
Pore Dru^l^s
!mrsm> ('«*
Thirlby & Jackson.
Engineers and Machinsts.
Iron *0(1 Brass Fonndere.
.. .
Fresh and Salted Meats,
'll An
AalrMb. That Icbm of Mad fo Bt^brewwA ffvatftboagba Aot B*d tAn pet is cent and bmU.
JAnny Oake-Ona eep d ladM
baitariBa bot bTAf |m, a a^ of
}oA aaoMhM aad aapMH
OAoolsto Marble Oake—Owa cup tMBl. OM MP wbiu dour. omAU
aA wafor aA aitpooABl of
Moaaa oowa aeld,aadit Moda
oogtt, two ot iom, OM Art «ap M9 HgB^ two oa«« baHoMOk, two
HM—OtMil^y. If MM* Md« iowwiD ■aowMjiwba* tA gtxv; •otkotmOkmd «for.tbne ^n,
■«3 a’5usrJsrC.r~.. “
" Net Rm, l«wlii M Mirfcst CtoicKt iM Asst if EnrrlMi«.
Feet’s Wsstwm LInImwnt
w'Sok.w »"*• *n
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