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Grand Traverse Herald, June 05, 1890
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Beal Estate, Insurance.
A Pmir of Fl*h«rt.
Vinaso aroporty for Ma.
AB< Ibe mbi« «r btf laticnea nbU
' AwewMbekfebamhPwu.
'6.A.auwN«.cams«. .
Me tewki bfe UM aad HmSiw
Fm UmU ud liae ale readr
Tboeea ai* Ulia • ar an Uaa
Aba ban
’ Timbered Lands For gaU.
BVSifTMas cjuara.
WaliawanufniMrof ohotoe Loafer Mie at low ^oos
Oflw U L. L. A.
Hal aner be drcaii. iba: dtarw
Caa u< la walil.-tbiw:
Tbai taaz eir tbe Saieat at aaeacl
Tbtll leddraikeihalloiM d)|a.
Rppalntiae and pRopolrs.
coxwo la HaaaA. U, a Ca'a tlmf. aa
Tioi-iers.-^i Plumbers
ingface, -wwnatliiiii ttet tbo kw baBd*aborne.towmt; MpntJuUyeu
eonld Wmpoae tMtwoM mynett end J-ceold, for Un return, bacannel-t
tbOMllmU. Ana th«n la only----- :■
net wny------"
/ ' .'“Yoa Sanmad to tore mn. Vort
Again hbe pnucd vitb erimtoDibn b^e in pnanwmtoly. ••
abenkand droopsnf nyna, bat this ^anghtber in bm anna—‘to lore
tioM John <hintpMa npnind ber tba ina 1 loaed yon, darling, from tba
rimme of epanbang hothar.
‘ jmoinaot my oyea flrat rwaled on yonr
mo neaiedy et«£t my aooaen,’'I feee!"
. bn hIA in a hiU^bewtldered way i -Tee—but my lore dalea from tbe
|?yetitl mbdakenot,yon eteeakingiboar of that Blrmnge lubiriage. John
Imy ncoUelion egeinat. Ibir batedwbeo I firet underatood tbe ocUe' metnega, and there ia only one way naaa and genetoaiiy of the man who
in wUeh I-eould protect you—tbat waa «itling lo aaorifiee bit lita'a bapiato make yon—my—erita Hart pineni to mine.
}I nodentood you, hliaa Liring-!
--------------------------------i Sibe boaei her bead alowly wiu To Blow up the North Pole
out apealdng, witboat eren lifting
iuieod the Aietie Sea
lb* eyw^M tba abadowy groond.
did Natwra iuieod
■ -Do you reeliza wbat Tou are ask- to be poen andItbec
.ingT ’beweni on. bit roiea bnaky And in it poaribleto
poaribleto do by
^andatrsloed witb tbe-intcotily of........................ ... ........ •traugm to'
omitted to dof Ibeee pointa
• far below;are'diaca*apdiDapafflpIdfn>)
lareditcu.ardinapafflpIdFl'b) Mr.
' a. A. H. Duulord. C. E. wbicb baa
-i -TbAtii noUiiag,’' intermptid lb, ;jui( beeo pubUehe.l.
d oolv *up|>oae for a mo' yoang beiiaea. -I know too, John
CkUtowell; I know ibat'yon tie mut i.wnt>a 'Ur. Dungford) .bow
, booiml. brare—a mao to be truAled. mallera would uimid if Ibe loecap
lAndall I aak ualegal barrier he- were lumoTed from the North I'ole,
Tween me aod namage to wbieb The warm eUearoe would lu tbat
idaalh ilialf were a tbonaand timea caae flow in exaell.r tbe tame coune;
preferable- Beyond tbat I nerer ibaltbey now lake. hj| ineload of;
looked—nerar eared—”
. heooming cbilled
it-bi pi—i-VoiiT.;. P..I ita
.u—u iome sod eoothwd a, uarm etrmw^
s 1 bear n man iaik abont
Aodddle agednaB.
dantiatry,’' aaid Mr. Fnllor rnttbw,
-lam mmiadad of my ospanaMO
-1 bad Urn tooth
Ibad it
bad. Itaki^dayemndUaidMdaigbU anddanly. without a anennd'a pawnod woke with me in tbe momlagB. monition, atricken atnoa bliaA Hn
Tne i^oera did wbal
hat they eoulTTor
................ was Mr. Hanry Dodfie td No. 911
Tbey tried to dig Ibe tooth
ool wiib Ibeir jeek-koiTWi
off, and whet 1 anffmed
it wlMB tba p .
»ped from bia baada, and bn ooewaa funi
One day they anggeatIbUeyatwith tbemand oriad:
ed tbat I pot aonu acid in it tbat
r God. Tm atmA blind;*
tbey uacd la taating ro4 eod I tried
_[a lonnad on tba eopnlaraad aobbad. bia abooldin ahaking. and tanta
from .bis eigbtlaas oyaa atrwnitag
bare bad it oot. but I derided U no
Mr. Dodge weeraonUabnanttlia
go, aod 1 bad to giro in and look
broom eoib^ of tbe grand ann of'
forward to iramiuag to Auatia.
Oa tbe morning ol my laaTing I tbstapobUc. Awooad be raaSead
fvond i man wbo waa going np with i?Uia army bad injured Ua apina)
a pair of ealila aad a pair of wbaali
From tbeeOaeUof tbasKnadha
I rat along wilbbim. aiek aod weak
from lack ofalaep
It w^MB mile# beaoeeer reooeared, and ansa tiM
aleep. ItwMMBi
ego be euflured a partial atroka of
to Auitia—flee
See days andCigliU
eel- For flea
’ -• thu I
~"rvea w^°aarigisUM m tbo^
light on tbe esrth wilb a
aand souoped up lor
J«Tiow;‘'h^ I msn Ruyee wss* summoned, and Mr.
Dodge lAen bomeinaeab.
__ _
rlyl bunt-
ty.xna.'S’if'S?''. Hdediali!!
In bia bur'-- -------
. found wdoetor wbo bad an
Dr. -McUoe.ot tba oollage of pbypair of iiioeero. He aal me
g and do away
eiaua and ■uigecma.aamaabmMntb
,0.. .«i ™l ........I.. ..M.. M A-u.
bin proreaaiooafdigaily an Ine^nathe happiness I ask. If regio.-s altogeihrr. Nature I^ 1r
after two^oura
two boura ©t
of TaUwatoro
lUhle-atore olirit______________
of irit, bumor aad oaaneeubaea fully reseed upon iuch a f“‘“1.agonv. be p^rd
tbe tooth
tooth from
from iuidole.
iuldole. lu
lu.parlor one aei^tUa
____i tbe
A btrango Marriage.
alep. I—I am ready at any moment the i-umate of the noirbein port of aocaei.aaa 1lioeefortbe
------ ■
flrat tiioB|weA
uiob|w« tba
Noribein bembpl.eio baa >>~n To man^ea
A pale, Ipmfisd face, a paV of:: Tba
Tha paiaonage
panoaage ia not farob.
farotl. Sball tl.e Non!
Dr. Willard'lkrkar, iui
dark, atartltd eyea aud a piriian Ag-' wa go now, Miaa LiringalOD»'
followiog atcay, sriiara Iba
enccoieut of__
ure in a iwayine ilicll of a boat,
Vitli a awift. aweet look of grati- cbrnmenccoieut
York Star beard ill
in tbe face without tbankiog God
...I ..
in (betiuicoflbe Homan
saa Ibarrying
to .1..
(b« ' ....a.
tuda wbicb tbrillod him .»
to »tb«
Wban Dr. Ikrkar waa jimt be-,
nwirlinff falla below.
; core of liu beart, Verna LirngHton pnblie Ibe livera'
by ibem.”—jEmtrion ginning bia tamoiii ewanr bn was
“bat was wbtl John Criatowdl tamed and laid b«r amall white band Irecco am lu winter, ana iwnian
sent for by a rich bat naviehms
_ aa be parted tbe willow booghe on bit arm.
wrilera repneeut Germany aa a la^
man. wbo bad diakwatnd'liu A».
and stood on (be bank of Ue rnpidj -lea, noa’.". ebe wbU|iered bar- of Iroteu morasaea
,__________ Tba young aurgaon promptiT/pnk
lujoyed by
by ttlioae
[riedly. "UnUI I know that 1 am elimate at preaent enjoyed
(leecription, and
“Help: ob, belpr
: plated eataly beyond tbeir power 1 eouuliie* «iib
appATWi >0* oear IO.COO feet'
The cry aomebow tb'riileJ bU cannot breathe freely. But wait.' it will be »t
climate must buee
heart aa no other Toioe eear bad.
ebe added, etopping ebrnpUy in greet a ebange
ihouted back and tbeir walk, ai if a sndden'tboogbt
limber findingpateliaa
Idiaa of parpetu
Dometu ; “Oiaat^ mM
n. baring all tba
the next moinent................................'bad
be bad plung^ in ' I'ad
mind-Tbore’s of Uia Uudsju Bay compat.e
ri anow.
to the foaming watera and wa "mU^ one ibiog you cngbl to know. TbU show iLst tbe winter on tbe ahorea
bean dresebed locate bit jaw
iug bii way with ra]ud atrokaa to atepmayoust o-e mv fortunei ibev of Hudson Bay htn grown eborter at,
tell ai that " *
haee tbreateued
tbreateued to
to depti
deptiea ma of ee i!«i rale of one day iu ten years, the
ward ibe belplees little boal.
: hare
tbe pr«i
icfld bioi »bat'tbe|ery dollar 11 it unle,a 1 iieuilcitseir nrasiin during wbieb (bo lea ia 01100;^“°*“*^”*?^*’^
obeapeoui. lor uarigali-io Imug now twenlyi^;^,
iblewaa: one of the oara bad wia. Sa il lua
-it k
loet orerboard. an_.-------- ,
fright and bewildermen\ Ibe girl wae ; you are—be!
‘•'Ibe man gramUed, bat paid A*
ioeapable of managing
Aad <anr k'w bawwaid <a?i In
-A-ale/'.f.aa. Cia^eaf.,. OaO.,.
But wbal ber fraU atmegtb bad
wbo regarded .... p.. .■ .i.:
.. lowelia
■■ L.iu..... .t.
trong and nkillfol
tw. fi/v iK. .mini,™^*“P**“ “t
Itak for bia atrong
akillful bsinb
bainb litiU. jewtOod baud pioteelingly uiostimiKirtaut, ibou-b lea-g nolleaud eery eo j be imd landed b:>i lair wilbin bis arm and basieued to tbt.' • '
iilllc p
charge aafely on ibo aboie,
. iee barrier is beiug .leadily
ia owing lo the «
*■1 cliould*like t) know, tbe
ofiuy riRPuer." nbe tiaid, wub a eby from tbe cboery panor
le aubj*
bait timid cUope from'benealli ber <rigbt light 'nbui. a
lightly in one fsir baud, Veina.'Jii.- pnrreul iwu il.*u uochfc*eo inrougn j ^
ce Cream Freraeta, Itobber Ucba Lawn BpruiUaa, Etc.
“jcdin Cristowell. now and nlway, toaellbeU her insrntge oerlilicale tbe I’oltr Sea from U^tmg
Aamaba<OBndaayw)mre. Weeap^ by good work aad prompt alhmUim to at vour eeniee, Mies LieingsOn.": —1'
mmand our abi^ of trade. CaUandaaau.
be said. amiUog slightly a, be ii
bia bat witb an air wbieb i xprei
At tbe ejiot where she bad waited if ibe war.u correuU eso actually
both prido andil defereuce
Me lingered a mouieul Wing at(dr bim earlier iu Iho eveuing dJohn reach ibe ici- they wiU soon mJee
if- (or
ter tbe iracile. gsateful (ortn ai il
tbo .lueaiiOB without human taaial- ...lUt, na. c.).. Ron
it Crittowell parted from bia
bis btide.
Tb. Mil
rtuiiibed down tbe wooded path iu
-You are safe now. wliaterer aucp. A<presenl tb^-.|onot raaehpUDl
..rk, I.. tSS.
tbe direclioa of the greal. gray atone eomca." be said, taking tae little, it; for tbo ic* cap b.ockiog the way
band which abe ebriy i ffarcJ, and leares uo ouilei for tbrni [the warm
,ioD bexond the treea.
that il
il \'e
Verna Liringsimi. Ibe holding il tightly yet lenderlr in bis eurieum Iniig, of course, jiuriaee
o lhal
e diite h4
more than a round mil- own. ‘ Tbey cau’i force you into water], and their courec is wealed
"Wbal a ibai union now. and as lor me— long before they come near 11 by^ tbe plaot and Ibere were 1<^ diaBp^w
arat.cbildTb.''ii8tlulUu!eWa^^ weliV'with a sTight. queer liuio amUe wide bell ol cold watw^. fw
euaaioat al to ita proper daaaifier*'*- ship aod bu
baa, and I thought it bad a loueb of troubling about Ibe corners of bis there i« no outlet except
eomc boldieg it to be fungus. 1
U) flaw ic every direction. HnlM
too But I suppose that I
a lichen; but it was Boslly eli
weiebornediutbe dedm, and tbn
esolt ol ber (right and dsn s
one of tbe uaicallalar algu-.
eonetaraation pretaiM .
often cslla me-to distant
At foi tbo propoaiiioo tbat sreean LouU JLqruilic. ^
ger on tbe riser. Welb
•mMg Ibe mttle tbat wma being
_ _ little laugb aa bo shook tbe plscei—end 1 shell nerer trouble open the a^ wo must remember
cncriedondeck. SevenloMbaenw
water from bis short. curliLg hair - you in auy way. poeer eeek lo asim ,h,t fbe ice la ucl of great thickneaa.
and it waa oaly ttmngb
_ 1______
too at inj
-wbat buriuees
lo be dream roo
iny wile
wife unless
unless itit sball
shall be
be Uj,i««
ijjai we b.vs
b>vs uow pi
piwMful txplou Wild aoimali are eompktatMiBCInabeiressesTT There ia a your own free «ul aod wish.' And I jv<a tbat ere pctfecllr
petfecllr elfeeUTe when tod end can be Umed ^-forfamea. the peraiiUnt elTorta of tba OOen
iug of pretty beireasas
tbat order waa maintained. The walineasflxedat (ate between tbaircaonol- ’boj*
added, Jroatuland
ircaeuland ibil
ibit every isastf of ii^de- Tbera waa a Mru. Lea in India wbo eel’s band waa kept befon tba kowV
- - 'for
' tbat.” ho
he added.
_____ of a atream badauma leopard tbat pUyed in iug gale with tbe giaateat Jtttcri»
aUtion and my own—a line wbicb
which I.'with
i.'with an uuooDjciOda.
uuoonjeioda. aigb. -But if tseheJ ou the ciurse
bouse with ber children. He
on^ dotnot care to croas. aud it you ahOuld ever need me you hare flowing auulbward will float away of
niM work, ItnabiBS. Uayieg Bever Pipe, ooDnerbaE Water 1
lor lawna aad doM^ir awt. aiA <,-esaral Bbop work.
We earry a Fine Lise ul
Stoues, Ranges. Furnaces, Refrigerators, Tinware
Merchant ® Tailor,
Fine ILrino of Sx>ring Suitings.
rja,— «—™«
'..... _•
,^3s.s ieiiiesr-a:
A-W.-W-AO*, aw A rraib
- -
Riacli Lace Mats, Bonnets and Toques, also in
WhMe Lace and Straw.
u».< .ui Fiwen. .ggi
Son and BAooi UaU in Endleaa Variety.
O. X... XI. O X.. A. N* i:».
OMl4l>>ta«> MM« m Mill
Ottteariaaaad Proriaiosa
>*■!«, ;»MH«.r,
Biggest and Best Stock,
ai»tk IS ibe lt.1,
OMp M th* u^sspfst.
.awBsis s>wM w.'
1 »-Vo-P»o»».
DiirfiflOiis, ci(iiog,fl!iis,'i;a9s,
Belts Fuiiiiiig 6o8ili>. Tnits, iiiiclels.
Come for l^rgains.
il not
lot likely that ebaorw will ever i only lo send me oue word and 1 writl ,||.,jt. ] do tot, of eouree. iseau to
«gal Don'is Aoout Wilia,
throw me in ber path again--" •
leave every thing to coma and proinct
tbat il will be eaay. but lhal it
Don't fasTeanytliing nanolMoiB
Contrary to bia expectations, you Aod uos —Verna—my wife— j,
our power lo make a ohan- hind lege and witb bia fore paws on
ebance did throw him, not infra good bre!"
iiri-wida euougb fur a j-art of a warm " a window aill look at tbe pamari a will
Don't mentiOB people by tbrir
When tbe childrao wanted tbe
queulJy. iu the young beireas'paUi
Ue bent and louebed bis lipi rev
lo pa-s wiibout loosing all
wav. Bbe sUaya bad a pleasanl erently to the right band that Kill gs beat ou tbe way Wcmaynotioe ,-moe for tbemaelvea they would aU Bicfcnamea.
Don't let a person
b..nod aud smile lor him when they , re led iu b'i» clasp. Ibea wboded „j,<, that expldter* have report^ take bold of bu tail and pull bim
He wae ganenlly
mat. bat John CrUtoweHnoiS^d tbat about and disappeared in tbo daik oiien eea to the north ol Greeolaod, down hy that.
u- 'i>mY make a will witboat two
Ibe eweet. delicate (ace waa alwayi ness before she could laply to btui if-^oa tUst tbe account, tbat they have very amiahte, hut aometimas, bis
U. children
c^dryn witiiri»ea-het^ thi
pale and wUlfol looking, and tbare abe wished.
c'rui usare circumaUBtisl aud can claws bring very abam lb*
was an indefinable aednees in tbe
Uontba i-essej era Jobu Ciiaiuwell be doubled Toe main bar- were scratched. So rfru Lee Ungbt; !>«>;> ‘
w.ij, wtiich we will lure to deal Sal to keep bis eUwa sheathed by your 1^ will and to
__________ _
aUll a M.- *,i| i,e tbe U-ll of ice north aud givimr him when be did ao a little [ Dob I B«*e a new will
^ old
Iboee chance medtings.
crel. locked aacrcdly
bis inmost northwest of Orreulao I Of courjm,
Don't mako a will that dees not
• Is ebe unbapp> r was tbe quae liearL
until il i, completed, the channel bad been dropped. This would provide for cbildren that nay bo
How contUolly
coneUnlly bs-------be bad iboaghl of ,jj,
over every winter; but I throw bim into trsoaporU of de
on that begun lo trouble bim. „
And etnmberiog in bis heart, ball hist fair yonog biiJe.aiid Ibow iias douol tliiuk Ibat tbe removal of tbe
11,0, formed will be so aeriooe a
sknown to biibaeir, was a lileot'ricoalely be bad grown to love W.
pnqiOM to bold flimaelf in readiness be bad not bimself r^uvd until be difliculty as might bo expected. Tba
aa a troe knight, (o«id aod prolecl turned into the old familiar road jea bring caused merely by tbo freez
tbacbaoori will be araoolb, bsal of fnenda with a leopard, a U neaaaa wnle tbairfall namaONd^^
abe ever again require wbieb led past ber atstely borne to
bis f. r more bumble one.
buinmockv. aod after' tbe flrat
-Sbe is luim. aod yit bow iTilunl, .uowfall cau be traversed imvily aiUi
Waltog along tbo lotJ wbicb
------------! meant when two bear Iba MO
ibWr be maitereJ. as ,iedgca
.ledgca or dog Uaius. 10 Ibil
skirted Ibe willow bordered
FaciT .iBosiMi Off or rat Booss—iname.
willfully to the
submerged miaee
intheearlv dusk one cvenieg. be bis eyoa
i, .. lingered
A hardy apple Uee loaded with ripe.. Uont add«codicil anlase 1®““*
upl appear'-1
auab;iug tbe
startled by tba abrupt
gray atone tow«s
towers be ra potsiug 1ri.). ------'dug
— ice
. over any deair- Incious-fruii. growieg from tbeCTev- ^„^,mo ^le «uaa w^ as tba Otign
.......» of
^ • j(,;,.^tb ol aection to be broken up
in —She wil never learn
•to lore me. i<>
I riogstooO’directly
fata patb. ber lovely face whiter tuBu ; ber 1 am nothing vave tne useful
,,^0 a* wiubr
Dso% forget that, if a woman,y«
bas atiraeled Ibe aUention •
«v«r ba bad aeeo it before, ber great! barritw that sfaqda between--------'
K—■■> be gainad by
jmarTiage wUI inTalidaln a win atsoft, dark oyaa —
fall of ■a -leiror
iu ,—.
' danger Ab. well, _
my -love s S^vibeoueuioc of Iba sea andlbeamvl- - ._
poaiible lo. describe
="‘^. ,
R. enoogb
ioraiiS! of lb* climate can tcarcely
trer, wbieb ie very large.eijow • minor totwin ai^,
-I bavelmeowaiungforyou."id«
bare l<e»Q waiting for you," abe; ingofihal.lwooderr
iag of 1
be ovciealioiated
Tbe rendering abootanpfrom tba crerice of tbe pereoiml pTMOi^ nnlaas isif
mm .
l*n in low, rapid lonee, not giy-,
giv-l A brigbi light io bi^
own litOo.j^biubiaof
the ebort-s
______of the Arctic roeka blaalel lo form tba pool lor “
him time to e^unas iu words eoltoge. failbw down the road, at
orowlli there of civilized the pumriDg at the Fairmoont watbuai
astomi'uiaent that was wrilteu ' tbetiostanl caught bi, vjtex>mmuuiUee:a direct route to tba l«r w'lrka
oD bu lace. -You-yoo once aaU
erislowall .,ui< keoed bu p.ciii.- ...id ao iuu.use ioerreaa of
How Aaz Yoca Erraf-Wb«i tba
Tba apples on ibe tree are tbe
Amer beautiful rosy cbeekad. yellow varie
.M'. Cnslowriil . „ej,e „.d knoek.-d at.tbe
tbe d'^wwiib
diw wilb iri.i.'wiit.
irad.'wilt, ihf
ihv l^-ificcaeaiior
a suitable for cot ty. sod from tbeir quaUtr and riza it
euziuua'.y b.aling heart
ica auM Asia; lauds
stone.'' bo irtomed, wiib qriet firm.. j, cjSeSeil, aod taere, iu the m>f(.
ouizsliou. wiib------wiibio'eAvy
reac^ --wJl. OUIZSIIOQ.
,-------------would appear that there was t----Telt m« bo* I .
but of lea have atrongir
►be Briiaiu.
a«d wbieb ia great part be
gluw of Ibe abaded
haded limp,
the British Empire; »slp*-1 noneit vuiblefrom aoy point Of view,
eye than tbe oUmr.
osoa. aa
In bM
ba loog
stood before bioi. l(.i
^VUelan!' sbe nzebumed. ber v.
out of five one er*,' ia oot o(
4wc«t light tbat ab1r fieberies. R considerable and »f - ibe rooU bring plain'y can dingnearing trade is the
tbe Arctic
Arcti ilMlf; ing«. lUe rocky walls, ehooting in .. Near oae half tba pac^ a» .
tU.; to kSJirud‘'Vpl;"i.''
uaiobvod tow-er ts eatcb lU laiai
>lor blind to
and coifliarstiva if oot total
.. some extent, end eo|y
one crevice and out of anotUr. Hun
aeenta -For montba I have been .
hy from slnriiu b l ie North AVan- dreds of small boystry. day dt«
oot of erecT fifteen are alt
; peraeeuted and baunteo until Ufa ba.;
He. the ptbnpai if not tbe only
baeone almost a honor to mo. Tbey
ausee of storms being thedifi^erenn baftbeisokud poaiUonof tbe tree[/^,.
to fores me iuto
in temvmstora between tbe pola baa ihoa far saved it fncm their) _
•Bitb one whom
sed tbe tropicaa^detcstwitballmyaonl.
I would lad hu^y. as U stepped inwde tbe
detcat witb all
ratber dir. and• jet 1—I em afraW.|obanning little parlor.
Tbe first AnMriean unioo flag ra | bcaakfeat aU tbu
lam oot stroDg enangb
JobBiAbatlam of age now. and thpoaand dollars from -Na^ firrt anlnriaJ oa Jan. 1, 1
' (bn always, and------” ba faaalmiatraaaofmy own aoUona' And iaauedin* ie»apa|-r in 18T9. It
ot in
wh^jwov^ to ba , baa bean tranaialad ID every fcaropoawoy> <»°^D*psUor^ra lost
in altbatmy^na.
retained the Briiiah eroee 1
an langnagSL
brnring flood of ebama-tba boueet liii my 01
T day, too-’
Umt had ever anonbad tboae dmnty; ytmra. tob, now ay
In tba foryaatioo of n amgla loee'^harim.
I ingbagraoafoUoraligbUyagainst
aoudearaagoodd^Ukaamw-j “I b*r yaw bni^iigdto^
•It only Ikon wu soae bariiar.’ bia era ^ a ahy. sweet, tntsBinal- motive steam aagine tbera are oaar*a waatValtar that brief,atraaga ing gtenca iato bii kindhog aya. ly 6000 pdaeaa to be put lOgaUier,
~ NAMtiog.aatnngak appal<Ug -And tben-tb« I «naa bsm nad
_____ __
_______ ___
si-..'Sp2r:,lJs. -idi-d..».d putai,,q.wu,l»a p
mad ara^ Ml
tocha op her ntaetoM willlictf kr
»yl| —«»rt .
tt lottmit.
M It «al atreBOoarfy ITbr* aaU ma had
ri pUmd bre inarrnnd almwl aod *Itoa1 halfmgnod tookia'aahw-aUay
opaMd the oater dour, her mother oaM. ted aUa.halIcam>}wr'dndh«pmit
rearbaek.ai>IreninMd.-Dob'I forget to toB him yoa'ra got to
^baato aareUad Um |mrel. aad
baBaMoirugo.«Uld. I expeia bell
gftoriaBma.liatilM Mtaefcer.dkl n«l
wdB Imt yew. aad be'e a poeftto' dot
and abadetof atter ooior, wiU> one
traU(dtearietlbahlt«Uiroi«hall. Sally
Tte um a wprid of policy ia Um tail
Imigad out to Un* tag lajo
bill- Mitof.whenUwy areroongaod aSmpb
Mg^tobc made au! At forty.
CM flowm ir tbawbor ribboi^ bat arhal
of hay. and all
mebm iiuer <d aa iU hope bare, to
At laat lire rdd (xrwaUn trank waa
tba wide hay flour, wliere^ CaUireaod paeked and HaUr acaied in ibe atagellud
M-rblrod' trufaamn] mt packing wu to toke iier over Ibo UlU to the raUtasSeco. 8*|nireTyirr wmarsdqm- war matiun.
aaao of aa eldrety Yankee famer; Ut Baa . -ttond-br.moUiarl Oood-br,
' with hoe
*-kliv Tyler only nodded.
igaUarrrilinq>ite(dUn: bb fae
..-ticiod-bjf. lUlr.gair UKUtod th«
rrinkledt Uit aagariuoru
aagariuoraad kindly
waa Wrinkledt
B* lio lunmd any^l
while alt the ahrewdneea tuWrt
kkd In the drop art eyre,.baifioat
undertheirblg.abaggybrvwa. lie
timtot oU creatuB*. at far a. hit d
, rafeiy oil. nn.l ai
tic Ufa went, layl maxwly made
ami a loog car rnl>* fuirnd
undrretood iM-rwdf ut U'edb >-aDdC.m.in Je
iro uf duot with flying
I—a tall. NiTioua |.«Aii
.king tu
lie loved hafif. Knequir^a. hb
lib wile
,, ,
LvUcr than anytliing d«*. aad bit Dcreu ^.mr lilUe frtni.l
l*-*-a*«*- kii-.n-n in
eowt jK-xt: l.b wife came tmiKwhere \a-.tl«iri>' aim
«) •nl*> l»^-ll•l••. wilb.ul
luwerduwn in tlic w-ak-. Itittnic. Imt kmnriiig.
Uut wax i»-r »wit fault; Iwreiyy.
perxitueii iix-nciug 'and ooutrm
n JrruUia alwnjit to
will toin-u-lul ktoiit Um i.'Tuntb •a rvsl nlfvcli.io, land n hab-vrr o: lure j dtix-x mt in *lirivtlv. tJ
ing-nxf ill tiilr luatrimuoinl lie liad | f|„. |unl nenTUren' in to ddiglilfu1
Uncr nllug*-tlH-r »n IIm «iie't tide. I ^dan* la*^^.
Sw. at In- l.ok.-d u|> and taw SJW
W.«tl.K*>' b n pntlv dllap-.m n bill
Irening agabwt Um di.ir. U.*r wbilv Iwod ,id,,. brmolli wl.lrli reu*. a Iwighl ri..
fallnirdl. andlHTfatt-Kluaing wiUiber ! all iix >li>ir.*> U'-iuw Ihc daiu. on Um .
walk and Ixr errend.all bb wrtnktra | jag..akic, guardol by a huge reiu|K>n
an*] iwlurt nuiitlxd inu* a suik* of: «xrl»lni|t:.. wluev Um irip luuutu.
Vlium-, and tfacfalnui* <■.»« toftcoed at. daugrd all day. and xwartliy tmei w i
I itnuig artux -wurk«l w-uodvrful wt-u
-ilnll... Sally !'xb.a>iedl».-vlmt lw,.«n .d tlx* dull maw-e «t ir». U*f<
ly |«Klf: lirr
frnlm* dWicUD
asd •tn>el>(. W
dark i7« iwrH.
' licr bhto'Uai-k
liair Rluay; atid'
au»aiiUk wiM
(o^ Uom <ai her cbvk aad ado^
eriiMDa Uian unal <as brr ii|a laaik h<i
leak Uka'a a-ymt «iUi a wbllr Ik»] <m.
aha waa <>Tid«iitl7 morli cuinwanl l«
.aooa ae« thuacbt or (dan. fur ahe did
Mt Moop (o pal tkr (lid yeik/ar due vIhj
niaadUaaHf on Idafun ■•caandalub.
fartod a ardcotuc a> 4>c Uy io Utt mid.
- ii> take U
ridaa; aor dM al>e BuUcu tbr tliruut ain't m.j
I Ibrnghl mullav wax kind <
tmbm amaiu at a lien lu« k llial cind«]
h%li In air id»<v W lioy Itoud <d d*.wn on Jenidiy. ttf .vuu wat. of uii
• aarlydiiekraa; orc>TnIu>lianlM.Kul<h«i
liad a|vune tnuu Ibr lOark
. aoM of her noar Ud. o cu|i iil auddiii
Vadiibriiig*-. I- fulluwed ler iwuglg*d.jii.: iV- f.irg.w: nnd tlmt vi-ri
■Bllcht alace Ual oixlit: hut touic 1m
nr naad In Um Imck dwyr. fur nuMIr
r.-.niug ii j'lwiilun Uireex|«tnv .tniiii
hi Ka»«i«U>>d Mintrr nlUr* lua
<-. uikI Um w|uir« louktd up «iMi—all kiK>wij.l»llrx.l'lH*l|x..iiixlreiIha ftuol door, except for weddiuga
jd kiugln*
liutton Uxually Ki .alti-ntire—calk'd a
Cmrala. Haay a boiur have i
“V.w liai
whoaefBtirefnnt Imir, wlUi il.darkeuul
aad mudy larhin. aod iu ’’^Kur rbam•I xha.*-aabaa*I-*revd.<Hiliix.
'Jm'netnaguf ill dried fratluin. Aai"Wiiai do
•uglitlheui.er. |d.a«n.l amt
aad gnx-u-iodU. lutKlK liive U
-Well, alt
iml 'll
Hut after tlial ii
X xurjoixins
dieed a»ay ud carried uff, Doiri«e
tbe Kiel ma. U- 1
X’ |xi|iular Ute. 11m-!|xi grew —
(hadetrtoent.aodperiupan-m rrilhoul
i>- ualb xb« bad uf au erening.
toknalulgeof ilM>inluUuoli.U<liiiid.
while Int uncMixciou..' Kllle cnixi
SoMly foUeved IIm worn fuut track,
*gautolenx<-Sal|.-aluL -Well, nn-lahiikxl^iid ulk'*da»dU-bave
pM aafasky lilac* aod aprau-limivin.
ucv'n fuur li.*w thiiigx uruuiid t.-lfaiawiMn*w* might. trauKiuigrated
nom: nao Utduia. round ibe btuM-.
.u can bet a} yuu wiei't a]ilki 'la:
'ia:j iuluuyeung
aod mart in to Uw door of IIh- back
uewInUirr iu llial atall.aoda!
A great many drireaand nnlk» Halit
. Uuduo. wberv at (lu> aink Im >uutlnr at-woonilcuki-t:^l'vu g“t a<bv new lind. lau niter u whiiu one gray IninwlA tu'the iMuae^'f lliatH help ye an-iued
i-iued lulM-rtjuilvUM
IuIm-t ijuin.'Uau Lett
beat and genlh-ti
vaa BO only child, but hrr luiiOKr
tlieltoil cti-r kn» n; and uf nil the wiki
autemad by-UK one frar of airdUng “■\vbv, fatln-r! 'Ulnt
fluwi'rtigiiiei nudateit her, unelo-k'-i-.f
li't nett- gnti-ut and a Iu
her that »he metiuiea went n» far U>e tiling Iwn
traiimg-arlHiiua ruirj-aMud nil utiiern.
other day.
Tlierv tvtv.- |•inL<-r rlini*Tx and larger
-kVhat'u lliuudcrdu you want a tiak IkitM-rt and lagg.*r bonrlxw. liuillH'Idn-h
fert Can't yuu ttcaraak-tx-nl hunne}, 'ii lark baxk<t wiili ii> iiet-.'.- eut-i-ring tta
, and aeiiiog'^lilng
g for a li
daep. Mai iu<-o tliat lay bbiJen away in nm |rjtaiiii jcin wiibt>c>9ii’efxB*b>puf togrmi-vful. and ili • II .w-itx w. fn->li an
her mutber'* brut, rrry nioeh aa tbe yuar iwod, li^e U.cm .larm-d f«dt of •tdefil
an>l tln-n the.
hot parlor aod UUnna wen* abut up; EocCiT*/'
It Imt !
a )xui<
"SVI.y Idi.a't luianxueha lat axUiat;
IlMife, eo doubt, but lueleoi and aimn
1 tman n bigonetakivji III- eouout
. Ibday, w uoal. tbe flrat wordt wera
r and fn-*li. anil tw-.vl wiiL auc.
myey.w. I't-e jud i;*d u n.-w-fkuiuet.
txi.rx ax wrtv never knvwn to
•'HoBw.a'th.irl y..iir«.-x n.ino—U
. ^?loM youthen WM tau loanr perMenfaUad yealerday, Hally, 'ti now I'ro ain't orcrlariin' Itrlglil. anyway—bat I
It w-at rallx-r uO.! llott lliit
you call:
cot to diop 'em lor dinner, ami ch»|*|<<i] gntaayuu ttui Imt -Ibiiigit,'at
a you
fat.,rile walk ol-~lluit
pertaler ain't real good tong o'nit Iwer;
'iMUgh to gt. i: Wtjrfboru. Au'h,xi llutl gray h.rw and madti that Ixn-li
In' .rou rant g.t 'e wilUait in-mey.: lm.k.-t.
I'.TiKiie. it W.XlM I
p^’ynawM .luKii murrin). a^ Iwv whyIexi.vtllU.ev
II if Hillv lia.1 III* Jik.d him
to aaa to Iha work yaaneU, I guuM yoor I'lu a dreadful near old «Titl.» .r'naril:
isti i.ix girixaml 1
ye know. Ixil lliix Ii.Ti* l.TlaaekiT croi:| lag*, f.r III- w* a> a gixxl l.xupired.
hat kindiT draw-txl out my b»r1. 'a i
.... ing felkiV. with urfrili.wI'l grudge you xmm-on't." •
' ingiqdritt. a quick leu.|XTnnd a kind
Hrilyolglinl a Dole but aaU outbing.
'ill. tt hk-Ji .^.-.vli ilin wjufro w Ixart] axIuraUe and iHni.wl.ax a cliild.
. BhehadtoamndbowtoboMbertongau
S laaU —periutpi a U^t iweparatloa lateb.tllib|.,.-k.-Ux.uk oud fi>ig.*rrd out }<1 wiUi oil a man'. r>Tx>liile wtll.
for narrlage than the eomooUihig ' frtau iu ea|<x-k»i. tlcidht dirty Ullt to Anmgih mhI litMll.t. Ami J.v lik.d
Uk* amount i.f Iwralyytulbia, wbidi lie Kally;-holudflirliSltviih a duBTl »t tlnr
pottoan Nor did abe bt.nJi at U-rta
handed to Hally, mm dfaw-nnear roougli
ti<g ln-r.U>courac,(br
and klt*.d-fiono «if
their wa» iHiUaly wlm muld lolu»kut-eTl.bxlMail4^: an-l wat himU*u ftr Iter, nil the w.*ll to aitr im.n*attonblMdin l.b turn Ilian tlie
by tlx. h.-artf bug xtx'|nir« Imn.
till* runilHn'g, lxnxUt.nu
kI laiKl! wlut't ilul fur. y
m haWdea, ami tbe hired to
BreSiegruH-ili.,ra .....iiiifaciuriiig town;
toOM often irM> than anyotlier. orTX Ssi^ critter? Ilafu't been hug^
and fur a |t-und.*r-|. c vokv i.u
Tanheca, o( tU* very lowcal rlcm.
Jtobi f.>rly tear. Had !<■ jar fur'l,
UHMigk.Mldu-l I; Weill w.d11gn^ag.
gab wlwn y.« gl! riadv. ami her n find
raieUnie; lwt<Wl you go to frtHiit.’ itnngv that Jnr'* li.iiig and Itollt'-.
toaa ware turned lulu Uu> niider, i
any u'llMWn ttaiugfelirrxout of iheirtM. a-iUi iMlulrurfrO <4..u.nu about tbem,
. IhaanaW. aliyly:
“liMbcr. I went to tbe iKXhiflloo after werkt Ixnne arler ye. I .km'l ladk-re in and tbe kinJIicA
, T4 carried the rgga, and I got a latUv luggia’agal (liruugb IreU.ln'Tn tueaxko. JenaJiy'tiari.aba
creal. buncit l.rve. J-.rttd.y -................
dtCto.Uwaln Janndiy.''
uvx akuig mi'll al
-Da leir nU Mre. T^ ler. fur a one
Jaewaa a y-uutig'f.dl.w of tItunMgbly
■NOt boUlng Uk* Ug IMO aianm aua
good rliareolef. eareing high wagiw, aad
BMdad from ln*r liand.
“Wby, «. furtuutunlHT.''
erndJered it a lappr ordination of
Utokilv ilx. IxTi. bSm-at Ibb m
■alB'l iKanifnMii Jcreiliy<juheaq>*il.
l'r..vi.l.-aectJ.al l-rwigUt lOa and Sally
bdb k«d a
••TWy're all well, aim aap; utilr •linnettle U-ui|xal luvwliig In llie liuutv ti«eUMT; airl when ii tt-nt litatforSolly
-- ’ ilrtive luT failin', eaulbm quite to g.,, an.) Jh; appiond at tbp'c
QnodmoUier liyko lia. Iiadaloug igwU
bahd-lna«t.nt liitlelx-atl deruxhy iliwrvelly Lurned lu-r head
od rtaimallx Tlwy'rr got a Uggar true* out uf-Hally'a. U
Bp]a*anxl ti<* |.i Iwart+iat |wrfivtly amliaaot now, aiyl Jmiibr wantn me to that liad m« <
enaa aad auy « Hb ber for a wiiUc."
Hot there wen; Iron work* ur «.rkm ui Wcwlibix t: "llearwtSaUy. inayl write
_• - . l-J&K'.!
t,'a warn toaEtUa'IlkaUBty..
r-fW An b
Ttoee'a mon'o ___
i^a- were i:.-.
ibey mxl.vvM
-Why. i«M»h«ri. I'm aan you aakl I *Be l«'l*
.igdii auy till Ibb wvtou^
-.Well, if P did.1 didn't kauB vunr Tlic
COOM, «iiid.
lyrhaUled gtriag la at laat; and tben
•o^UraUxnk hb gUoM bead and
- totofiiltoldniacW.wiadfaguparhh a
•MHMpaalm tame.geoeraUy bbhM
BM today Hia
waa earn
“laha'nY lono laeli tUng.”
_ ..
Sally w aa what atwtx! a be poifflc >____
call fooliriity happy fur ,ibe next .w«*.
I don't know bow tuurh folly lien wai
----------------------- -jo'l bear.
to aaa danariky; ahea a
for lnf^« and Children.
•« noBy oeifaiBii
It: bu. UXlixO H.. lUwuMra. if. T.
Tu* faxTsr* (Twrxxt. 71
ifs Summer ap Robs!; end Dusters
dies* und Cent's
1.1 II...L ....... . ..
Hood's Sarsaparilla
••<H..fkll.*rr-TIm l/f.l ah-v.-f lirihim:,
S..IU. 1 -I *.*.r*44latl.-r
allow- .... I.ll.-rxto g.. li wrilA. .......... *
:;iri *ilnxii 1 know- —hix.-uu' w1i*.*i>i> >
i.-.-illitrv i.ii ;u-.mi
lurtTua irxni st.lKiiinl
lie- ii.ilh.A .xi|.,.T iaill at ihi-
TfM-re HU.'*ii.>pki<'* i'-.,H.ilK
.UtoU-y 1-.-diuv'ih*i. II-r h.i.el a>
' I. aj*i*i.*lieiid'.!i ai; ueli a- .r*. ai *'.
.1.- pal ihe lair
i i.. *1
... •.Inn.l, ;.!.d J..T ..'.-IxlI, 5dl -l,.di.-..i-.»xJ«- wai.-ie-lhi?
■Ulh-Xihi. .1 .1../S—
••I).,ra ii -h? h- - g.x i4- ..xu..gh f.T
mre'lin' liuu.w b.-tt:. Waiiu h* marry
v.-a'n-aily.'n hij»|t tiiuoi) ye Inn aUi.il
Ihnv u-vvki*; xhnw . Ir '.i a f-d un Hie
ae.‘ii*i'l. S'l.w- I x'i,,-.-yen think h.-'vn
-nil waan ehaji. Win. Svily T a..-r>*ii'.
«y liiili- gdr- Ihin'l inem lo (.-ij me
.M hk.-lh-erill* r...iiim)i; W. ll.w.dl,
well. III ~v abrnt it. lliil I ,*xao I*.
your mntlx-r. -'n I, iluii'l
•alnn I'liarxdt wbieliyieul
.1.-lltiiniup Wl..—w!" and h -t.x.k
diirtliag-riiiiiv" tin* d*-gnxs w-..rxe
I -Itoadix*.'' ^^►.r Hill* • h.-arl
' r vixu-iu- 'h'-iiiU'l Mini i.iiiiM-lf 4li.- ]
.iihl" ..|lie* .-nr, ihri-w- llu--|
*Cuvre L.-.1- Liwr H;;- actVWT ••ova ma
Vrrruir'-.ItLu. Our.I '..s 1 .Tlxu.aUxAUw
ids ux k-T.jw i-r
.I.r.x-ily n. III'. I
ur gr.niKxl lie- .
bydrecgaueiaTXUwxm.uiiT uwiL
SABTCa mwOWK CO.. Kew York.
mx PILL. sHAa 03SE. sML mt
'li.M ..i.;s
l.b duty i.ul i
. h..vihg d.
ii.e. .H. lb-earr..Uud |
un ils u-iiV reel Ib-i.d.VH..' l.-fl ill a ,
ttute uf luiii'i nil.eh li.ay I'.- i'-....-ined. i
Again at The Old Stand. |
' I 111-. I....,., • - .1 .1
...... i'.H fa. -Imx .U.xxiu .MX) t.rna a* .. to
- ' .
Ix^i.x . I .XU,. >UL ito xa,.-.-Xs-aru. ■<
U.X4.T- li.
•..<tivv lii
..xi.i.i xiU-,-.-. I,r..d nitli Mlk-ur ’
ri -lXfd ». 11
.■..JUIU V. •Hlalu w- H
r X, nll/In.l
“Sliq*n uduniil'ua.*! tlx- .-Maire. afi*-r
Hh* •Jlian-rx ..f tb* U>t haf aubxid'xl;
“i.C* whTitl.- it .[ h.l. 1 gu.-FW y.m'.l
Iwthral.m-t'iiv h.-rj hit*-r t.i her right
away. *n liol toy n*>thiti' libuil iih-. M.e
Nil. lll.l |■|!U^"|-;S•H^K|;|■.
Jir.li>*.- r
f-( Ih- i
e; ]
!... .... .
kiih... huld. .-X fur Hr*
'linn i-lUeUxiuI siipjilr
i I’lON KJ-lIt MKAT , MAUKEfi y
I, Poulirii. Cam a anx fowl >i
:u,l I.
i-girs. Ih.-i-'.y.- alxiix' Ls ur
jM- .■< .'f iviirx* --j.;qiiiT|Hiii<-li'*" ."ggx
|. ui.l'-d mill 'ih.*. .-... Tl«*largexl |x
■rf u g.xiw-'x egg. iuchxdtig ill
1.11 xix an.iilleri-ggx, Uif-MiiaU
M4 ll.-i4u*-af4«reu'»eH".~Xew Y.Tk
Ktn ViMir
fnlliT f.i
73 r* Front Street - 73
Jlilil Clothina -liats, Caps,
Fura'shing' G’dpds,
aiUilt-i i*ixJaii*M:i-.ii. Exeliamr.'
fartulbclegii-.. . ...
I cxir-j-ai ’ J.W.I toera*j'.xxirsu.rU.
taQore declare tbal verr few
rtly (onned *
’ ''
-ten your wurda farMnO. balaY ve?
Jcrab'allera wax a reaaler band to talk.
inau, bxaiJ tu w.tir a watcb upon ll.u ,
>IA «i«Thatx4.Ci rrrectarvv <
beeuf v.-i.idib engnived tbe moUiv n ii-l^
. s..x.t.f.xs«.«.»rs*rwMabad "l^v n.j l;-«l • WixTiu teaanlcum.a
mu'# Ixw'i/ UxVTx ': 1i- 'Vc*ilrx-i
'Vc* ilrx-i -'1 11x1
ilx. mrl.:
t«e liie uilor caucutUic
X. ,.| Birb^ lb xiW' <xray;< Bl» Ibi.xWvaska
like Item
that Uk* <Hiler wnm uf Hm g
lot—tliey're all ouleria'. iow the knrex Kill Igtng
atfaara-d-oQl. WcU.Wdc atraiglit aud tlMfiilliicwi
____ on tbe iiukV* uf tbuleg.
loui kmiwn-to liareoue ‘
Sl‘?T™Ud“t?,5i^ *
*.....................................I Ctoaart*re*Tw<>to.Oixialriitoi,
.s; I szs' is,'
for ttljorj
(to bine and drlinalr U
,\ll kiigtbb <arliil.ui. ;ifl.-r .1 jpaxi
NXTkl uf luiirliviiy-eans l.,'x l"xsi wirt
, (.riwui f.-ra iiMMill. f.x-s'i.-aliiig twu
•.-ig<-». K-u«ii <u.e .Mitny, le.mxunie
ing Btatv., and expreoaed Ida
gi»xU Im* UU.X rsini'ig fora lurt-e linn
X3 |w.-iuu(*;
•d jaui i.ii.k>-nu The anirl.*>ieniii>y
-Weil, aroma a< if vou'd (frowed kind
unrexl lusllIiet-raTilyof.lbc.ifUwttT-r.toXx ux-xix.
o'.garni lookin', ddid. itod a good
Uid IR4 lie in tin* valucof iIm
•'Wiial .tea'.-.- ttii;,.-.. c-at> will d*i
Um.*?guxU.but -iii Uiv I nw-b of tnut towiieti ib.-j’ i.ike a li'ai.iii into
|.*rSi».TU Wxunoi.rr'X .kvr..
'aend..” »aid tbe lag |a.t:,x-.iuii, "Tl.i- w-an)aii<*iiiiiloyiT ..-l’i-tl:*<b*1p)iia Ledullu-r (lay 1 Kin uiiL-1
u.il »l ubuuwdowB to Weaiborur'
doau* 'amt climb iiji
Wlrie lipbi
-Yak air,'' vritb a fnab bluih. for Ikt
jole. She > li.l not . .. imtil
X nwaey (.-W4er. .
pure okia allowed tba hren. brata uA*
♦------------melnri the
.... top. «lx*realx; ix-reb-vl
I ixeuli llii- h..Wy- ir*nder uf <ait
dRixath wiihalordy-bM aimovingfa- hona-ir
If uml Ibere k.-j-l
ta-j-l i,i. n dicnml
ivn - il i-i,... i st<vl. uViTbeariiig *-!•
Im.w 1 ull
Ull liiglit Ixre.i--......
Imt:....- sin- Vaa alftiid
•i n-liua..-..
iJ Ih-inuxT o.tliu
•loWKbamltoa.I. Iw I r
n ex x.ix* :
CM iluwn a-aiii
I'-il llial
.-l.nfvii ‘Kil.-r; ill the |ilu<-e. lelbi'i.xrx ax* •'*<: xiil. •
lu.i iK. r .
Ibew.l.H-r v.-., r..1 to**- '
anx..'t ImU x-vUg u f.-d uh o>m* 1 Ini.r
h-- is snt.1 lu.liavr a .1.
Oh. Sanvl Saliy! waa ihat tbcMtoror unce. .ViiM- used to . Iri.ih nil Ok ba»tbeiptrhnriradt? Perhapa.nflerall.it id uiv kiudK ii ruiigT-Biid .-.■t iImtc and
. wat latOt. An- xlw fell tbe asOdea rearlrt boa-r tsv-uuu.- llu! xtuv.-wuxlKM and
face, frum tbe reiy f<d.h
bened hnr feck iSlu-dkl u.g aonui to
kuow enough logrf (dr."-IkiflaloKK.
, . .WJ J'Vutn. jS£*lS?“h!d
jurgalkatt that tugl itieui Imb. Ilulc
calcnlated at tbuM tutaniut maariu
Sally', tm-ditali
were to aw evten tUe dinner. Ilowei-iw.
. Uay- oru n|>*n Iu cunyeeture: tut
the uual. like oil S. w
<if that itct. Hat Biiuu .
r.aud outbiog wfaca xl.c arrinai at ibe Moliun w here
wataaid briwaon tlx; I__________
. her fallxT waa to meet ber.'and. afUT a
|mnwa>d pnirney; ouly tliat uigb\jM wduome. according to Ida own dMOtonl* againxi
mIIm wpdn. wax all but twle^ Ure
tyicr tmldenly came dow-n ujiun him.
lyou wrol nod MSallygotoWaMboro', oner all, l.uxlaiair in a tone uf
growled the
di«'i caru a dare if abo
gmorttaya. Ikindc* like to Ik-r bo
bot if dbe't a mind to
go, wbrldoaYoi
oBly I ain't a-goia'
to have no yooni
roonr feUata a-CBIerm'on
his tongue tbe niarslul!
Mgan bts exaniinaliuii. I’lwtaiy..
«1k-u tbew.niiaii was nlT bcrgnaivi.
lif.-and breoUi ^■jK-uded on it. though ] j, tlKertuof tiK- >
'-----------------IxT Ix^ ncJI.r ^w-.*d w-ttluuberat tltc;
,.,i„ ax with
-■llilHU. b.lt bcbadiTCuurtotoi.il ul.lana uhiipl bBtcffectivc
iiteifreiiuil eObrl. toUejiquic
- "1* that a ttiuuM-iindervoar <*liair;''i
left y.mr wut. a-eol tbe u bolu
to lung tlial it w-ax luu cramped (u
I*, uild dnnipetl duwi
>wn^ beariwl.Btiddet.ly.
'Ac n.Knan Jnii.ixri frtnii ber xi-at
Iu atrtngib even on on uccaaca uf iqK*rv in yourhudahb'dc
witB a xbrk-k, jMuving lluil xlic wax
aaldeniBiMl like tbix.
TI..-n w»K .
•till > a wouiaii «-l.* n- iiii.v .acre cuuSally wtmi aj, .tair. wytb a wbafnl _____ luck lJ.1e pi*oee« *rai reon lirr lijn.
Wiiat a pleMiit ix-utnl. ■ •
■•Tlieiiyou J» undrn.iam] 1-jiglbbr
Yoa laid
lad liad at W.-atbgv'l lx.w
! l..nr glud
niiiiiili-xwlieji vuumdii
ii.dii^ Hiat iK-u.xiii Uic niarnlial raid, blandly.
every bnjy
— - •'............'
irmua-hfrightl.s-li, no clcxx- was
AnJlIx-n. llwre■ wax that lelt.T-a hrigl.i Itruusrr nxx fust nxl.svntxl I kiluvrail'a ve**rylii
t,Mtu( .1
'le laulli
Imbk.. t
■ would it
tfie ■i.i but uiH-M lb" winduwx INI..................
ler l.ad'to hiog'U- ii
.g I.
le M|iH-3kiulli
I Ii'Txeif 1
.*, whi*-li W..VV n. dillK* PH
pH.re unin Hally]>h-A-Oltl. I * liie i.reae'-iT, ul h*usL tluiii
ua-dllw-tn. It ixil.-v-'iwiul'Hi.toi.Mi
-• ••hw.-n ■x-e,.,:ildliiiv.'U.vu. Wluai
to liunc<-r after loi .-, -ixl IdU-iiv
i'.ii H-as •uk... v.i
Haay ireulur |a4a*u< aiakr Ilxud'a Barlleax* I, I I.L.t..—im.re l.tlerix il.-ir
ir IX,I,
Ih-l lx.v. .,...1 If..- vtmtilc.
Bonlte .xapert-v t.i rU oUkt BMdx-laca.
K- nod
1-K.k. rlil.k
IWlUr la e*i>
1.. w-a.id-r at
J'i.s.ieh I.
hlH- tl.iiig tiul*'*- .
•«: ..at, dear ,.Hpod-w-«»ru|orlIta
■u.Hhei-j i.v.ve ll.' u.i-1-.kv lxH.1* al [tbofiinrurauvr vilac.t
u*> njriuthy I.
..id-ie-x. Wed.-. to*« kB"«a frmvdlv^ <y/«t
cuiiU m*l have
..'.learyif Imovi. q |alei. *,!. llx- l.a-I
Krnxpl. ;
IwiM-t.-m '
In.-ukuiil, iiu'l'll, ur s-v.-ji it
l.b |xg.xai
e lix.-d: xadKJIv'
r.iii ih.w,*........ i-i'- I, ul. On
-li'l.-iif th.-, i>y'.s*,<'li: III Kill III
I hw .-i wvv '. t.. laid
it bih
b lln ll.iiig v.t.V-h iiiab-s
ll.axln-dlsw.-i 1
ie;tl.turtiIvrdj! -...-I ili.ii'i pin il un.
M.daliK. lu
m-H-bk.'s l-n ui lx«iii-\vili
cleuxuf Ihevilbg.
iarrvr al,d
I* iiivot |!gji s.-i* .lii'ig Iu 111.- iwdeiiireward.-l If 4i.- i.a l bvt. .lday.d h
ly- .4- -tie li.-r .-..nfOt-1'..r.-K*
a Ittidnextal Hk* ex
/r^lar lu ib la-hdaal
Iin->- unl-r. ef hi
. .Ik- Iril.
Iluud-i SirxiiurdU aee-iu|4u4>rs
|ea**t Worth wailing for; It w-j
arw onkmiTivaiidluav
If W. ii-j,:. .1 to h* -t ehnn-h uu tbe tni^Ir-TIx.- grvai,
letl.r! n..d
cImU- vn'vTiu.vto Hall*
Tiiiiixd-it |ri'in.iii;-.*wli*-ii Ih- j.iildi*tlait *4x- f'-ll U wrluf pnrie ill >t. llin ./
b all..-.vvl |..r-H'-a.l I,, lb tip^.f :-ml
i-f j,n- l:x<] •vnue.xu <-jin.* the- in.ildi
d'*;iv,-. ur, if l..-J;a»-e :r -.-.-,-.11 •,* im-r*iiiIvmd In h iiiil. Ax.he ^aik'-*t ahmglb sv*!i. ;iiiy *Ii-» UlH ih*. IVe *wll iiiukt-. «in«d-s»ixiapaiilla/^ ^
gnx-n i-alh I.HU.w-nr.t. tlx* Ijllk- wlii-. thi- ii-Hi-iii.
J-.ug r. H.-*uf v.-rv *-a«v J-nuetl. Thric ✓ ^
XIII. IxHir. t .h.xling l.iT. fai-\, xtli rlj; ah
b - U' i-i tb r.xlf. whii-li i.*.r
xorbed*to iv aiHrig ami rr.v4*lini :Ib
V -u. ,.ml ‘tots ...1 il simitl
blrra'l^rth . ie*l li.i)ing Hu- |T.wk.-ie-..
-I. : .iK> li**UM-x ill wiiielt nurk
or w-Tl-liy wmlin.i 1>> liiii.- it in IxT
].«-k.-t .vii'l rea-1 il at'-iT.iv iib<T nud
im.h- fit >i.n-.i«*< f.-ii a t.amt hud <.n
V _
aisl rMUBcu ua |wp<asr.ir
IxT.l.x.hl.t, um* tfc-r* w-p. hi rlalhiT. iinlm-ii-- hug'hl ..f
nVl^ An.utid
\9_^aad noHOenee aax»* all cUx».->
tlu* i.iil-4il.' uf il ............. ;tn.
GouOniw! Ixm xlx-cxO.w.xl!
*-WI«ily.-gul tlx»>-. ,*i all hnvl iiit.r* Umdsf-.iul v*ur*-i*h-.-->1 lii-.y |i
noma Is-.lmlxmlliilny ..lli.'i {v.-piraU'BU.
.*4i..'. Halt* * Jeni-hy U*i. a-WTili.i' on sign. wle-:i il «.’i- l.-..i*sl llu-'l 11
i-fto*k.xl ly ib..>wi. iHifimioy.-to.m-.mt
"N... ijlii.
axi+Hsjunum.is. n:.I....U 4-sir
Th. .-.-bmiii, i-riiuil uiiiniU-ril.HiM*.
-tVhal U .
ix- up f..r .U.
bjC-l-lax'l-aix..*,.,i-.u.i; Xto*
1- vvin.ling g-uih-ri«-s
je.1 lik> .'ar vld.lurL.- r Taiii'i t.-vi*
-n iunluii the h-gx.
lOO Doses One Dollar
u' llui' .-lixl^y la-ll u**>at'lui'
i.-ail 1*. llM-top, vihhli ix eaUixl '
yeiuve he ter.' Ix-i'.'r
lanl>-.*ii. nl.eyu i
Tlx-M|uirv-.|xikc 111 j*-*4.t-ai b.ivuril
. other MoClrca. U^tir or
hertocotoarouodtoaMei....... ..............
CoaH* fuU half An* time, but it waa a
•muy aod drtoyad richwy tfau Um oppoUla Uda gained-aou of tboao amaiHMa afawim o« uiidealraUc oi a drfmt.
UarhaMkaod. wiU. a tbrcwdacmiuande
■UaeroarHreal in di«Ung with UUa
aaatoOBeoBmoii type a women, alwaya
•atk can to aay uni a^ nuthing imporMMit ItocnM W Mpad.oratherwlae
to oCar ber Utaexoct caararm of Ut
«Uu«. 1RM.-HkB all maoeoren, thto
tnb in 'Boaln Wofla
iog. Tbe.BtMiw <
uv lexunme i.u .. m. ii .
Mia. Tykrr uirred tbe potatoea an vig- WolUiro. nim-h lew. y.King nim.
uMUythalHaUy UmJly dared to ton*
-Whew-r ill voluntarily qauur^Uiv
tore (trthar.bat aha did whiter: hW wpilrr ax -tliewNind uf tUal dread bum'
fell upon' Ida prrteniatarally tcOMtjrr
'•1 expect ycMi won't itoy awar a
Hally nu fatter than bb walk. Uil alw
dreadful lung wl.ile from Wretboro',
" :ly: ajxl yuu 11 bo jutt a« weloomu at
nraer liiuo w-(mii yoa du ruine tack.'
wluaUug “Duadeo- wlUi
Tu wUcb Sallv only rvtarned at am
■turn. She «-a« to happy
aad tafuae eviti n^un
.TT'dreixT Uuah and.a dimiding
and] pobey,
■bccouUaltonl loitoik*. eveaol UivoU
titere ia in a
«V-lnlik.'. UKl .io,- B.an. I:.lW .will
Imy as Miii.'li as iuiolii“i'’8.
y^rr'S^Tl^ .
New Goods Arriving Daily.
elwymA. pope,
-»Irroot Suwt.
. Traverse City
. , liiUiato iram toa ink- rai
A ycoof Mto (hiMfog te o It M mU toot too aotoal cm o(
ortto draiSWoTOiiataa raring TiBiai hrabara toaMraraoHring-Bo to oot 0 tynmHA oaatly tog tote that rioto racaa ttoo A
GMtoBMi^ kot->
$Mk$00 in «^dlal aod (oUy IftOOO
“ iCUl
bM Mt b«B-H
i* 10 JW,
lUb, km mm krnrnim Im pM,
to Itiid^M
Atdh, »d jonpid off tb«r
Ttoatootonte 1 l«btote, Gf
tonl^ tro
^ lietooiMr.Mtoooi.
bM witli I vMMtioi of Uio on
■ Bot« «0
ttf M» mblid OM dtj toot »Mk to
to «Mrt fco«M Md mMoU '
»Wd tofOO VOM TitoU
lUrtbalJaljttotoMdtooil, to^ipid too toadm M
Mm BoMhto «M IMtfr
muk^wakKm ^mfioo imdi^tfiNriiiixboHitttn bm>
«ni«Ma to Oei. bum Mriti tot ■»•
Ml Mda^ tafito for Lhh
to * Pton, o( Omd B^iidi,
toM«l dMd of PM1I7M of too
toM^WiigMoi, Notono ««»-
froM too Ibifd MotT of toot bitUdiiig
Tbw^ wd ,bo^ bw tog U two
Ooe. XigaQ^ two litUa
olOoMiT. aUa qoanUty^Pwia
toooi,iotfcMwiog ita latoro.
StoatoOdrao to dead, and too
ortooailielli ’
dH«t Lafka, 4 jaar-eldeon of
tMariek Lrlka of Lanaiog.gola
toHia btoaar Iwowieka ago,Md
dtod Satoidaj, it to aaid, tron iojortoe Toaaivad bj Iba focvign aubA^dog tonuuiiocat Ian
too wS^ of TpaitonU. The
■ol SI a noivanity atadant wbo waa
ildiwobto7ela,aodtoavieUto toU
i^Mrvooa dread toot bTdrophobia
drmii raid too onoatora
toaowM’aeoBM^ Sbatoaowai
too Aditoi rafonHtoi7. aid . wiU
-^toaralMlongToara. Sn-ltolTiUiaMa, (d Flint, lolitod toa bodgaaritori obbto tontob
Sn. WmtoM aava 8ta|^ ^ug,
oCKt. Motito. diaoba^ (be order
Md aba boa bagoD oi^ ^atoakbia
’•Doi Tagaa," toe faaaooa dranghl
totoaowMd b^ Davto A UoBae, of
UL Flaoaaat, dtod Boidar of iatoffl.
Ibto borM took toa
■friaii at Iba LaMtog alala bur
totlaU. Bawaaaaaoadtoi boroa
wdvolaad at $3,600.
bat eooldi'l tod too 1
of tbo
of too obBd>
AtOrud B^doln VonUft 6C
join old, «u ru ever bj * Mbit
evottooeoRMrofi^Bridn "
nd Goff OTonoo, odd netoJisj
we from wbiebbe «iU profaebl7 i
Ho —■e broM ia the abdo■eo and WM bort aboot tLo book
^ ilijN, bat no bOQM vero brokooHotoTlrl
' borsi and bai a largo famifr^
of tbe gold
>g, will take toe
........... , ........... arMto ptavent
fortbar tbafta of rtofa took V7 tbe
Minora. All aaph^M will U tr^olrektotoangeeloto^ontoepraaitoea, wbatbar goiog to or ooniog from
wait, aad all dotoing willbeaeareb'
ad. Tbe eoMpantoa bare alraad7
boai fietiaiiadto Iba ertaot of tana
About a jmt ago a Loganaport,
{od. Spitz dog bit a liUle jgiri and
(be rbild baa leen Buffering ever
Bines. Tbs ooo« of tbe worlbtoM
dog rcfuBod to kill it, but sent tbe
antoul to BUm for Mfa koepitg.
Tbo giri'a briitbor kaned of ibto
and ona da7 toat weak be wait
Nilas, met toa bmta, ahot ii
toai aralkad back to hie U<
If tost TOong man will par______17 loeaUin Uiebigan be ean
dad ataad7 work and tbe plaodito of
a graUfiil people.
8i7mbor T«»Tanoe, iff Floabing,
anoldvatoraa aged 61 Taaia, baa
made with a jaok-knifa a ooall7
baanlifol ^ato
I io memorr of
getoar, being naitbrn nailed
' A Itaiaoda atoven feet oig:
every piece, paintedond varniri
1 Uvea, it is'faia i
it on aihilnlion at
6ald,bariada toOd UondsT afUr
nooe, Mae borne and gave icot ier
child a $30 gold piaoe to ptov witb.
Ha toan tor down and fril aeleep.
Iba anppoaition U that tbe
plaead ^ ooin in ita fatbar a moath
_____ __ d Ohartaj Grow cravtod aid U aUppad down bto toroaL
------------- ealtod, but
MdM SavM O. Horlbartb b«i toa
ottw doj nd foaad a aaat Mda bjr
asTaan 0|
brawl l^etMwhb 100 eoaialL
won |tod Ova deep.
Tbs Btnr^ JooraV tV ^
Srai^tSla fet^
I^itotoioftoa at!irate waa
Mraigratorajy.aid tor a limal
A bdtoaad ttot two of toam wMl
Overtteard on the SireMa
Mto niiiijIUtoiiitoin a ndnad
^ sz.-=i:s=i.-sr
tad ankida bj takiag alr7«bnine.
aboettobemarviadtcWill______ iMtormab, and waa {wtiallT
raaiMMadOaok wraab
amTad w bar bridal d'OM. Hra
toa tbauldar. aid faa ia w
Bwtbar had aaUead vigorooi objae
UooB to (be irarriage, and thto so
prerad on toe girl'e mind toot ebe
determined to kiU bcraelt. Tbe
groom baa to be el(
bienda, wbo faar 1
. aa ba to franto
Foiw falal msn of aonstooke oeHOI, wbo bad
„ ,
emad ia Chtoago on FtidST.
perform tbe maniage caromonj, wiU
ptaaeb the fooeral aersoo.
A aiagntor aoato atorr eomM from
oear Graanville, Ala. A verr amall
milk anaka, it appeara, enwiad into
Ben llaTata. eotdur of a base b^ tbe
^ bonee of a man named Waltara,
team, waa kiUad at Ikalgamaty. and fooDd a bolUe of milk without a
Ala. br^pitdi^ ball, irttieb aUoek oork, tob bottle bring kept iot a
bab7 of Mr. and lira. Waltora Tbe
Aboot two mootoa ago John Ear- reptile erowled into tbe mouth of
toeboUle and drank (raelT of tbe
milk, and it waa than wban Uva.
be died of bTdropbobla.
Waltera oama in. With a aeraam
Three minere of Ferk atp, Utah. aba eaized a broom to kill the
braakiog of a eabla. WMe pre- tile, wbicb tixA (right and elartad
aptotpd to tba bottom of a 400 f^ run. but it had drank too mneb milk.
It bad gone in without ao7 tronble.
4baft and inetantlT killed.
but it now found it impoasibla to get
Coatom oSoiato at Portland, Ora, It, and, after pulling the bottle
named $3,000 worth of opium, which »ul tbe fioor for ewtule.it waa
had bean smng^ in from Oarada. iled. Evan toan it waa impoaaibla
One main waa arretted.
I get toe Boake out -of Ibe bottle,
Ura. O. J. Stone and two ebildreo id Ibep were torow^waT togatber.
and Itra Wimmer of Marion. Ind..
were walking on ilie railroad track
when IbeT wtre'tiruok bja tnici
Advieoa received at Londoo elate
aad all killed.
C. .BeduMKid. oerooBUt and part- Ibal cholera baa appeared io .Soutli
cbutvjomper, v
-Seattle Uoeaia.
A oumbar of d
e Ungled
Web. Biabal
IO old S
• abd bo
Ararat Paodia-“Tm. Mtoa E
rjwMss^u. 5»M.g -
' ,i
"Wakiu Blckl ceakaal at
I b wksi re* sesu u karc, Ik Ita.
ktt, i. u r«JlT tDurllb. •tt kofcklK Iw II SkB;. sas
tSkvakSItM. Tkkiaam
■ arvkpnn ukkallT kr
Ika iktr'aar uula Ul
>1 war kk kkS S; kIL WacsanBicr
laalcaS ittkptf. Wc rrttmmttt ZHOrKjil
'ar I>7f|,a»ab as4 all diaraa-a at Uni
i-Xu4Eiaaara. lal ai we ae/t'O wr
Irr S. *. Wall. Ofsrxbl4
1 A Mo. I
Pisklad Pira I
OhkraoMratmmi. lira wa win aril at a dlaeooat. TbaaaaalrrieeiaTorSesalBapaaDd
batbotwrathw is eomira aod «• raat to
riosa them cotta soon aapoasibto. For this
tcMaoyoBaratovaallyeaoBat (to taag
toey toal)ri
aliSt aaS aa>
Hlaaa aaS tarn, cS i> U aa Mar aa laar it waalS
twi raa Ji« at iSr lisa asaa ifec klta waa kWk
liraa waal apcTbnlraaVaaaatrr air,a: cri
.... —... ...X. ,.-------- — »kws la
M Only 6 Cents a Pound-
Tbe'largea't tree in tbe world ia
reported to have been rscoiilly found
in Califoruis, measuring 170 fast iu
riicuofseeacB at a diitrace'of G fett
from toe ground Toia wuuld give
er of about GO feet at that
Buck A Kyselka,
Oar. FraotandOa«Bta.
. juradaTaaeb of tbe cbildrap'a woundt adband in evaj.oaaaJamaa^allan a carpenter of Logauaporl. Ind., While working ou a
'' b building, waa auuaUuck aud
tp too gtonod, rseeiving iojuruia
(rvtukrbicb be will Jie.
driving witb bia bridf FridaT, Iba
boTM ran away and be waa thrown
out and fUallT wonodedSnowdea Smith of Ftairie Grove,
Mo., died Friday of bydropoobia aft' >g tanibto auffaring. Ha
1 by a dog a year ago, but
be felt no effecU from toe Ute until
A abower of worma. it to reported,
li near San AndraaaatatioD. in BanU Oruz Co. Oal-. toat week- Tbe
worm'e reamobled tbe grub, ware
wbiU in color and bad red eyaa.
:*tiey were a new apaciM to ibe rMi
A ebatiff'a poaae and a gang of
borae IbievM bad a terrific eneonnler 23 milaa above Anaiui. Tex. iu
Ibamountainea Tfauraday.
Tfauraday, in wl
one of tba thiaveA Ororga Miktavr.
waa killed, and bia brolbar Frank
Tbe Hon. Tbomw J. Bunn, poet
maater of Bloomington, III., under
PreudenU Johnaon and Cleralaud,
was run down byabicyolejuataaLe
stepped from
a street ear iu front of
id fatally injured.
Dr. Brown Srquard ii going right
along vrilfa his elixir toeory and
practice, and it baa ,(«rtaioly tolpcd
bim if nobody clan, --.pe jaya the
day iriU come within ICKTyeara wban
a tonic will be used wUeb will gha
n of
ham, perk, dried bra. ato.
‘ And bar b
IbeUevar ‘tiuiU right: bot don't
forget ber raotoer. Sbe'e liriog with
M. yon knowT
A Oerso of Paper Saves Hw Lila.
U warjaat as erllaair rvni< al wraeHosia.
err, koi II •a.raaw life. Bar-war u U- bat
aiasr; at taaianettaa. laU b> |Ui]aklaa. ikai
abrwai lacaraklc. aaS cwald liic oal/aakart
Uaaei-aror atsFVISC »ar»r akr rr^’af Or.
Klar'r Daw Oinawry. aad CM aaawpkSMiV:
ll balprChrt.rkrbaackl a la>cr l~l-lr. II itl[-
Euniuiin oflNClin.
*Sil Steal Boiler Vorlts. KK.irsffirA'rscassMs
ISa ‘ OUl aulABU '
'7. r»-. plaaip, «tH;hla< mpoawU. tar
lallri (.anlribrr
p.rtafm-r^.t.r, h.t.i s!
irie, a girl 21 years of age
ed suicide Salorday by leap(rum
D the toi
tower of tbe cslbrdral
Notre Dame
l*rof Wiggioe says too plaocis
itf oearly Ibe same pmitiuo
aa iu ~t>. when Fouipeii waa
dire things
ed, aud ba pre,Uri< din
Italy during Ibe coniiug
Canadian govarnmeol baa received lawyer, has just been act|BUto<l of
offirial notification of tbe latifiealion rvbbiog a emokebouaei "lea migLiy
of the new extradition tieaty be bleeged tsr yer fergeltiu' me outer
England and tbe United
Lawyer—“How aboot my lees’dobotiug—"1 baio't gut no raooUlle. Feodorovna eacapod from
toe priaoDi of Siberia and ia now in y. boas, but bow u yer off far baParia. Bba bad a (earful time mak
ing ber way out of Ituaaia and iady-
M. a-Wa bm a nka Itoa ri uksaU an
K Uonaiy arai
n Boboo) riiUdren 1
George Simmons, a farmer living
oaar Loegwooi, Oat. cOamtUed
•uieidebyeuUiog bis Uiroat witb a
WalU—"Did ill)
iingley ever a.
lifa. He bad been suffering piisb bis iuteoliuiIO of gcltiog
I grippe 3 montba nod wbn niib . girl wlio beat biui (
Ilia place by ofi'eiiog to do tbe w
Ar ■
at a hiDulIcr salary?''
salary?'’ Polta—“1
Poltathe I
ratbar ibiok be did. Be married
ly between Chinese ports, has been ber and abe ia aupporting totm
destroyed by fire. Tweoiy two per- boib."
wbo were on board (l>a alaatoar
are miaaiog.
A ItoBStao ukaae baa just t>eeu is
led. perrailliag tbe employment of
Mrs. tip—.
women on railroads. On tlie Tnus
slippers bt
Cavpian line tberearefemaleauiion
Shoe deater—“VVhv.
mastera. traffic tnauagera. signal
cvnaislv, tua'aui." klra
women rad poiut
On Friday tbe Normaoni., the 'Mtobing^er hopeful
ta,a( ..trtlfmn
addition In
to lb.
tbe H.mbi.re.
Hamliburg- —‘llall kinder casy. J.
n Packet Uo. arrived attNew
::dS -
mm ILTEIIM IHOne t McCUllET. Pnprs.
m ■gaava.“J8agt.
.Vtiniie, /joeomaliK and
SMioparo Boiler Fori,
---------- -
■ •Ilia L'baa la .tawlKa.
l'iuvtU> • VvS'. ^kJ tw Miaek
Park Place Liveni,
OPTMMltoknraw. L
!UI in ffMIW MM;
Saa tOWI'
First G!^ Ri^
luaanstown in G days 6 boun aod 1
iouta, bsaiing all prariouk .-eeord*.
U la Ito iwraa aa4 ktol totltos* awkl. la
The hired man in ia Spain eomcrnltnm SoppUra ef aU Stda.
tr/f£Jf rov WAAr
tiraa* dasgeroue
Tbe. telegraph
aaya that a Spaniard wantai^ (o go
toa bull-figbt, but being refnaedptraw
miastou be murdered bia aiuidyer'a
'totttoMtaFBit A Faro Marwhole family
Wheo arrestml be
niattoitfioad. OM Mila oooUi of
At Lima, O., John Myere, a prom bad a front seat at toe bull figbl.
HuauA.x u*rs,. 1
inent druggist dropped dead in bU
Tue goveroaienta of Europe are
ni.iMh.srar Ut- JfoderoU'Z J'fictt uad
atoro Sunday Digbt He wh behind Satiating witb a view to common
ra toDatoaiaina. i^lMaowltoa
. c»kktsaroci>k)M«><«ssm
Ibe counter waiting on a coatomer,
coatomer. action (or the suppreasion of anarebia a artttoa] dndltioo.
k On sat alwki* nsSr u Itos cm
when be fell to tbe Boor without giv iam- Geruray ia takiog a leading
ntonsa«4d-ctkrB ikakeWWean
A^waatiato a .
JOHN DUNN, rroprtrira
ing any aigra of being iU. Clertoin part in the tiegoUalions and tbe only
otAa Babtotoa otbar _
H7/£:V you H'AAr
, to cbair, obstacle eucouutered is tba object
araaStb^M balaoribg it- toa atora lifted bim up
■fihadbarao*. Tbe ao«iBetBii« •rif on ita front fastwbra be gave a moan and expired. ion of Englao.i to tbe extradition of bf tlnaBliaal ike aaai ul Ikt Sismk ae4 rast^i
If a banr. n
too widbw fond a pookatbook ooiHeart dieeaee ia tbo-i
lar ISr llilSrT. au4 !■*« u, haUbr asliua |l
. Vn win ah
laiitoM $U7 U too olabto. and baa
\t tba closing meeting of Ibe
Tbo |H)lica of Paris rcoaolly re “cfa ssisoa, It ts'trt tana
•daortioad lor toetotofto bring baek ooootT, was noabto Ip support bimaeit and appratod to-lba coontT. pi ' ' i>iiau general aaeembly at ceived iufortualion Ibil a numter of
bar Milk rad gat bit
Droppoti tbrougba Crack.-:-I)rown
k, toa number of oommaui- nibilisU were organizing a plot
Mow ioiT hai foor aoBb, able to balp Si
(Visibly embarrsavedl—“Beg pardon,
toaAba wUl boOd a $86,^ tilf tbeir fatbar from euffering. and ibe
againat the Czar in tiiii country
ban asda bign»ofboaiaMibloehi. aintoi
suit to agaln dnriog the yeared 108.002. Tba informatisD was followed np. U.*8. Start-bam. but I loil niy pillow
ItopaMiag wUi axpaaid $30,000 iaa
ipal them to do so- The eoaBty Notices of toe drato of 117 ounia- ■nd tbo mult was Ibal fifteen per lari uigbtr 'Ffaeludlady—-WaU? "
Blown—“If you don't object I
It waareei
linthaciKailoooTt. hot Iba fitanna rUirged srilb bring ioplleaiad tbouldlikc
to go out i> tbe bancoogTOfs be urged to pesa
io tbe plot have been arrested, The bou-e and get anoibtr feather?"
otoMidloo of toa
miUiDg BlatCB to prohibit o
An Vn,>rttrda>l0d Fremiiiw LM Cffplot waa diarovered in a |>eculiar
loidg eMdM wav and biarMka ]iraa' uat affirmed Iba finding of tbe low
lii|Uor traffic. I
In Uay 1-Aoonaidetsbledam/endiHIh “The Weells ftews."
f^lertoai^catiM oftoenp- er coorti ao-lbeae foaraone will be
duno to trees in a field at
Tbe wife of Aid. Sams
ato Waridy TiBK*. oo.
driven io tbe leeeMitT of killiog Pbilo. Ill. wbo baa bren a eonsUol N'aocy. wbicb it was learued. waa
With tbs rariualeit
■ Bardn, oTBoaraoi. Oia- tbeir tetber or puttiog up eocne ol attendaot al Uie mnetinga of a IVu - due to cxperimoBls witb eiploaivea.
hrly«»l.BJ apaif.
t7,badadog. Heaadhto tbeir good moae? tor bto toeping.
tecost bind, baa become violaotly in A number of mvtilUc tibea wert
a bad. aoMo abaep
Witb toe Natoira Standard Dirite
ane over religiou. Si^day night foood in tba field, and tbere were
A aiiigolar OMe of file oeeurrad
FrirM towBohip WedoeedsT. Beo ibUeatefanrcb . be nruae and bold- traced to tbe seller oil tb” tubee.
Braver bad jet a new tin milk can bg bar baba aloft aaid aba iulaodcd From him waa ubti ioed the infonna- L L ill i CO..
With toa National Btandard Eagr^
tiun wbicb lad to ibe eipusure
offering it «s a
upon toa plalform -of toeebureh She waa ptevani
' ’le-ing too dej
Ulcerated Bure Throat
hiaadtodtf^idte ‘^ **"**■
from carrying out bar iutantionfoonaed from________
in rioto.......................................
aid ntoetad beak apeat the p>M
Lari weak Oeoeral Mitoa iaaued
Wito Dr. Uanllaoo'i Ooonsalra^
............................alittiawbito Iba
an order (or United SUtew troopi to Bore Throat, aod waa
mwlitol gride to toa fainlT, baadira
______, - a Tbe-toof-ama pursue tbe band of Indiana wbo acd redocad in flab that my friAida
lavlTall borrad offend eonaldS- inidared AttotMy Hardie
abto damage doM «a toa- tomto om'oaioue, b toe came manw
waa attaoded by-tbe vary
tbtf/c .V.C'/«. Sirfne and Paaltry.
waraoriiigiitoiad. The kasto not .toi«oimowra.J>orw«A'Tbe____ beat jAyairiana. b(jt tbeir
•-------will ba executed when raptored, ae to relieve om were foUla
ra before ■ralanoed to ba eraeaing Swif'e Spedfi .. .
Caoh Paid for Hide* AMIU
•HI U» —A. .< W.A. W O
BO highly reoommmded, derided
Triemea. Similar is aty
______ ..^.--tMrbboil 18 Tears
of Piebaoa ..
At Alba<)-ier.)ue. S. M.a dUaa
___ of FranUb'....................................
lieved. a .d after taking
900 atodrata from tba atob nnivar- trous wreck oocurrad on tbe Atkntio tlat I was entirely curtd
ritv nyad iba abow. Wban ton A Pacific roadI ____
, 1evening'two not bad any signt
of• a returo
of toa
pacfararacawaaflBtobei and HOri mUeaweat oftU junction witb t^
1 wish to state to my patrona
-.wdrad'road A train
(tab of don- dtacaasL .
of toa andiaiwa bad di^iatead, tbs Santa Fe raflroad
Chirr Bunroa. WilUamsbiirg. Vo.
and friends gcui-mlly (bet 1
wbo nmaiiMd ia tba tent
decked ran leaded with aome
ik a boneb, gave (be eritoge yriU G,000 fine a ■too muUoo abera on T-he GroiideSi he Ever Saw
Liive muT.-d my jilat-e of busi“'^ddnbto PiBstiae
Oaltforoia to toe Obi-U-ofM.” This demoottraUon waa Ibearayfrei
ooM from Ki'iiit St to Uoiou
Mr W. .1. Colmtn. a pn-mirent
StoTtoMM* ha dkA Ba riooos (olknrod by aa aUaek from amo market was wrecked by tbe eilitra of Gvioeavillr. Fla. writes
St; Snuii Suit-, where will be
aboot IwtAj rirou man armad with br aking of a Iroek. Every car but be fo'Iowiog ondw data of Feb 10.
fuiiMl u uic>- aAsnrtmt-iit
Mm, wbo advaraad obootiog tbeir two were daalroyad and abaat l.OUO 1890: "I eontraeted a tievare cree of
yMaaioaafSa ablwara Stosm- ««ray*Hay,Baba." Thaatadaete efaeep killed ootrigbu . Tbo lediau Gonlagious Blood Priaiou that gave
srapriaad by U» attack, faU back, of toeocigbboring pubblo ol Tala a great deal of bo able, and baffled
dr.MM I al Igla ton, 41 pea
Ktracys, Tweed*, ic. from the
•itbravraalbrofera haada, botaooo arorked all nigbt akianing eareaaaes. toe phyairiau ol toia plaoo. I was
wooleu mills »l Acme, w'bicU I
nUad. lntoamalaa,aavaral pistbl They wUl bate mutton tor mOntba to finally advtoad to try Swift's Bperifie
will lie i*le:*s«l to Hell for cash
tosta wata trad aad a rirru man >mc.
(S- 8- 6 ),»od I ran asy. with
torapad, aAot in toa toooUw. - U
Al HamUton, O. tba womi
< xchnnge fur wuol.
ptoaann. (bad a few boulee of
iaraid toa Modrato and aa
agora of toa Vaaten faoaaM
I aball sleo be |>rc|iared altcf
ritara MN ora la toa torada of pby- lysoaMtima ^o forbade (
tbe liitli of May to buy wool
ricina. SavrarioRMtaofboto^- Arato of Miami niiivacrity to vWt
cub. And eball pay u utn(hagUaodkeaaatizmry. OoT
4toy ovaoiog tfaroa of tba ft__.
al, the bigbeet price. 4 'all and
tmbara dtoea to Oxford to attrad a
■ee me. Youn B«pL
Dto' idtottAoKh ooriaL Wbratoe
omailadbM•Mo«ratoto $600teraoo4
€wirr8novicC»T ^wto.G«
Ibe bent
Great Wifftwnt
Meat Market
Fresi, Sell aflfl
iimoteil -Meals.
r THE great
iGerman Remedy.l
> waUoa
kM»B ^ fto Map «.
fafawtlbat wii aBarafa o
(*) Owbl> Brih
; JUi'^gKS’ZSrtii
: alMrS^Mr.
•MfaU^ipv M.'^ kto « M»
aa»bto a(cMi««dl.d ........... _
tba Wi»t
Eiat mUU.
Mdattma^ Itefnn da«’a«lia
«HiMiV «f Hr. Lairii'telk to Ik* adi
.1* e( tfei. fa^, Mr. fiaratopaU i
aad aeVealy vtgbl oo tba d. C OraiUB, ^«ay ^
U >ra runa U laiMBl
m, IW^IIIIT ct aenktoo UkUam.
aad at tha ttea e( bb d«U> wai My«al7
- . cs2S£rr
-- -
gbaa alaa
«S aabJaaTTial'btolllJLl2
V iiModbaiNiiatptapafadb/Ua.aiMI
: > VaM agflareii tbadajbe diad. thtoe
wn aar«al eolamaa daratod to
read aad on Bolioo doly , STn am^ ajllhe ired«‘ ofthu ila
of tba boUdioga eaar Iba Park Pfaoe and
Iba aoatb baildieg oa tba WbI >id'
Tba writer knew blot wbia ba
Hi ayalni
tIha W. R.B
i’. 00
twroty all yeara lapae
aaaad Ibao aienawalalTtaT.
wbera. aa nna of tbc firm of
___________«y A C.
boeta.be baa ergatixed
Ireiueot, ormpIcteaBdcooplrtely i.iii.
Hu delemtiaod to sir*
isto oDo of Uw raeitatioo looaa opMii..g bailieg apparaloa be pUoed ia ibeBoalb
TWtl........... ....
' Ifaidaalarire to bo otod ooartorlr oot'*”*"•'**"* *® MicbiBio, tba boIroBtiw Bigfa aofaool. Tbfa moa baa bad lioR M tba Wait fade. Ttaera
(a) W^PrUoarica';
ben aet anda aa a library aad rradieg aeaiorly a etdd day daiiup
proaideol aod efark ; aod Ibat V. Ilea
Hesbar a( beja aerallad..
rooo. heabaokeaaaaoittaptnitioaed
«aa pgaaible fcir tbo teaefaer aod ba paid P75 ») per mootb for hii ear
Meabar of fbi« aerallad..
ibelfM oara pnl io aad laid tor oot of
elfUdraa to keep onrertobla
DolharebaaealoKatoBeofbiil'remiua)*. H« baa dtaagod Ufa
lor Ofl'the POIKW f^ aigrjdty th. ' -f*.'*** “““’.I*'
“>•« I***-;
Ibeabore appropiaticn. Ow baednd Biebanlaao -t Itoyel >o baatcra Ibat
cot tbe minntaat point one. ainlrred
^ aoreaty.erevolamcaliBTabmadd. pal iato tvn of Iba Ewt priatarin lato
a brea.llb. that looking Iwyctdlba a
(d) BaotbPriaair: ,
walla tbit tortiiab atoraga f. .r enrda aod
■asbat of boja aarollad..
Iba library doriog tba year. Tb«»
bara «orfca.l
rvoTenieoooa for beriar. tali->
Mosbarof giriaat
II. J. Mon...!..
booka «« Brefoll, .eleOled br U.C|„„u „eo«B«od Ital
- - liooat
e metrlianl and
aad bear ilireelly or io- i,eatrra be pol ioto Uia »•! boil.liag.
®"““****^' ' icuaPADar. aarewhal makre ira.l* aa «ai.
Tire ooBXBittoaoo Are aoa waler made ,
e;,Brtitote. legilimato iu«H.adirntly npoo tba atoda. pornMd >0 Iba |
i. „
old ontral boildiog i. to ba
Oak Park i;'
.report loUie ooDue:i wbiob U aa tel. | diaing. as.1 bareoaa br ko.wa «lial
aerml B>gb acbaol
lledora tbii to aeeooiaodite liti eualomara aad oBacoouatoftbaiMaat
Bead lot achoul purpoan ao.r InBger. it Iowa :
Mrid boraaniDllad .
' ^1 Tba Uldaaor Iba library baru been
burnitie of tba ebair factory, wbwro l.a got lUoaw I .rely bnaaelt raekiof aboold ha i«iotro'iutaroally and exirr.
Kaataat eiriaeoroUad ... .
•• ” aapplied I? the
. lia ra
He coaid ool gel rnougb n«kara in litoa to •oeoBtaedak ail bj
Bally, lu moTing^it from ita original
■luDO 1. aad m> be baa < xlibdld tbe litaa Io July 4, 1K90.
ofUiapapili oilhtba Mlowiae par iod- iatbomxB of alliD«i. -to
tba plxtoriog ni ’badly
lUtreua "Ai
'".fir from Ibr lB.|"iif ibr 1 iiaiDeu U)
Ofaed total aarollaaDt. boja ....
traeked aad looaauad from tba walla at
at lollowi:
I wbieb be
.me <.f bia
Ttia Purooi Uagtiiae.
Otaad totol earoUioeBl. glila...........
Uul tbare ia imparalive oeaJ of it< l>c
ir ..I l.ia
fruia oumett Itoadolph
itasooipn | earsefa,
earseat, L______
a rff .rl : arul
iost ra-plaitrrad Ibroogboal. Tba n-d
Total aandloiaal for T«tr, alt daitreelaod ElmwoodI areoua uortb
Tba Ser York lodapaodnL
along I white ackimwin.lgi'u: tba amionii
teaka badly io aeaetal plana and oreJa
toaooraaro; Elm. I meril of olbcra tak.ag paH.-lhiai
Tba Neo York Tribone.
I ^¥^P*u£hu!*wio«'
to ba repaired. Kawffliorior i< afao
eae and Wayue ati
in tbrvH.
(I) Aearige No. I akogiogf
TbaCbicwo ilarald.
oeadf<d io ill 'be rooox oa the Aral
w of Kacdolpb aod
"good wordi" tor tbe NurlbrniI Mirbi. lM.2d.S
r Carmt Evcoti.
onCr.lar atreai to the e
i that Uie peti
1. !>lb.Ctb.
.*. I wonld farllier rae3BBeo<l that tioo no far aa it raltlaa te tba exteiiHioe
............... 17BM
of tbe water maio aor
a Eimi
ji k k h
iMBxn.ix r iianM-11.
aTcaae be drafad; aad ao lor u it tr.
new buddiag.
10(h.Iilbeodl3Uigtad«a ... 97hb
lalaa to tba exleiiatoD of water raiio ;
iriugU* year^bi Uja librarioi io tba
Departed Ibia life, al lb- borne <>l b
aboai V.'l. It oxD than t>e aaoJed down
inwtb on Cedar alnel, it be greoied.
OR on. RAt.\TJX<i XtCKI.r t’RAMKR.
.aou ia law. Ur. L. tV. KuigUt. lu I
aad kwpt iu a preacilabla eiodition
Total averiga .
•«« wonld
wuuiu (urtbarreeummaudUiallbe
lunuar recw
IbiwD ol I'araJiao, May -I. lK.d. Ui
TbaflMTaot tbe oaw bnildiog aboold water maiD 'be exteodol Irum tba uato Coraelia C llarimm. of old age.
(51 IW eeal. of
“““ Urarka. Tba<a tiouka bate beaDcar^ bo oiloJ, and the oat ride dfare aad tba now'lxidou Ilanduli.b
induliib alravl,
aualb uu
Daoaaaed area born in Ormi^ronuty.
I Cedar atml to Secuiul-treat
Srcuiul rl
and. fire N. Y..ia
“•* "* deaigoad to give ' woodwork io Iba bawmanl paiolad.
Y .in IHUT.,
iHur., wia
wa. aarr.-tl
tn.rr.r.1 >L
>n tor.td
bydraul pUcaJ at tbattfmionaou bee Btmry Baruom -ol S-oda-Vv. <>«ti..
6. Wa tirwd to make tortbar additioBi oada^. dajthxiIbKwatariaatob. ,i,„
New Iteltimure. Mub . ii.
til w
that whieb u pareat aad beat lu to oar libreiyaad Uboratorire iu order axtoodaj from tbe mam now fail on ]H5H
I lileratore. bsvtory, btogr
aad Uavfl. ^,,1
teboul m>y be aUroaal ol tba Haodolpb atreat aoatb ou Elmw.wd avr.
I)ecaaao.l remato M.tO.1,1 in Juifa.
•asr.j PnKnaeritieal.My of tbeworkwgl,
1 w'lnlU tberef.ire raeummaDd Io 4rIT-re..n M. aod n tire bydinol be ih(». uJ Ibiit wia ouoof tba |...,oa-t.
lol riiBDd Trererae cjuty.
tV.lb a
ptopram.. to ont nrion acboola. tbcju„,^ ,to, aooo.l laaelieg in J«I, ao |.fa^altb.-t.vmio«.
liTardiaiB tor Ifao Tear :
We afau rrcoaimmd t
baarty iotarfad io all ibat la l.n.t for bo.
pondnaiou baa liMa foread n|»o me;
^.p^ropriaiol ywid bo vuto.1 forll.it
Prinary <fapartaa«iU...................
maoity. abe paaaiO Ib-yran <,f b-roM
Cadar -Unt to
iRet. that aage in nim aereoily ; with rlii rrlnloiiu
that too little tior and attoaUuu bee,-1 parpoar.
and goul etmuaal oomfuriiac and rfworlicMi giveo b. reading.
oonrlo-i.n I wmb t > . xiwvwa my
nitke Iba axlent
iog all wbo were aoeonal.-l witb Iww,
Tbnpiimr porpowor (be aebm.l in ,iu«ro tliaok. t-y.ai a. memb-r... J ■be
tbc from l:.i.l..!(>b auaal lu al
Slia laavre Il.tra daiigl.l-ra,
Um Oral grmlo. Uh, am»d gre-lc. aod j fco,r,| „( .................... f.w y.mr
ring atti4
a„.l ili.t a lire
fire lijdraol lu, W. Kuigtit
of Uavfi.JJ.a
UavH.JJ, ao.1
gnda till Iba pupil can grea|> tba 'hindueM. nod ounrtovy la all i.initara
. aod a lire bylraol I Wilaon avl Mre. Carhr
. -of\...
C-I«r auJ Waruai.iuc. to tnooiK bar d*ai*aa«',
bihI wIio
ngbt of llu- a-otouca axprokaad iu |,ar'aio.og b. onr inaU.I raUtw,..
with a wtdo ....ia
cirri. o* fn-nd- W|il ava
njiniolm] wnrdaU logivo tlia pB|iillb-,
c. T. OliAw.v.
O f. Canrwt.
I held ,hc da|v.rU-1 .ma . I -.lot icuu m
Olabilily to raa.1, Wilbout tliia. nil .iIIkt,
bup't of Po .lk-»tb-u>
E. P. WluiXLM.
jbreuea. Tba 1.aty waa Uk.I to I..u-otig a.iU'eaalcharEva.
O.aladica of tbe aebool corrinalom are.
J. L Ukiilii-il,
; lor lotormaiil iu tba family lot
—'mted buoka. Ion primary evacoo of|
rAun ui’STiAoTvw.
I |Ot.g»HWa>«TU MtfaM-K
’^jialraclioeali ntbrr braaefare nok iato1
4 w«wBwm 4-wwmvH.
Movnl ibal raid n-port tw adoptai
Jamaa Hnniingiun ilveil ai In- raai.
• ilialoBilWtlrw whm. n,mun.d will. rM.t i < "CBal mat IO tagiiUr reB M^ll Ju Ul'2 and tbal wai.-r mama lie cileoJed aad
T*. I il «. V -W~S»
lienee in lUy -id- s.MiIho,. Trev.iw l>..B
Aacaal >M a-ll IM
(6) KambararRaportadTifabibftbejing. Nagtacl U.U ao.1 we dwwf iba ,
bydraute i>la,-->l aa rreoiuueodad by tbe (lily, Wav 21. tom,ag-l 41 icara and
£1 day-, baviug iHcai bora in Ontario.
. Palrnoao/tbaPablteHebool.;
l|K,war of the pnpil, da,w.re Mm of tb-H’*""*comuiillo'. Motion tarric-l.
Caamta. May 1. lup.
Ita ; ooalbiog
a.g<eDltaI tohia nenla]owlb.!**”'"’growl
(.'vniuinl tlirreii}„« ad|onrni-d.
tie tia<l been a reMdrol. ol Mudiigaa
Ylinubwol May 5 aod,fi n-ad and ip
1 lent him (A from tba main annieenr ioII. C Daviv Clerk.
• lOOll
■ 111 vl Ita ea-lia-l ,ava.v« la Vrjvvv.
Bigb aebool ,
Oiformatioii and rdoenlioa and make it
'. Waa marri.-d Nov. I,
Mr W. Cuntiioe. no cioli-u duly var
IliraiU-y ol (Ur
• — almred impoaaibk. to alimnlato Mm to
Tvavanacoy. I
Tbtol ...
ried. waa giveo a ■•wmil Io build au od
fl-lil.' Wbo. will,'aTUilBliuW ■'.mat
m-orri lira bin-.
dition I2vlt fact ID rear of Imltdiog ,«
Daring Iba preaeat year ii
^ V «M1^ rAK^POK «AI-«
cn|>ia.l by him ea From alriH-t. Uie name
a' ri'lierwiomwaioa ulXree- pv-o. ond
(9) Pfi>
^baabaea given tbo toafaiera ro Itui low1'lM.ii
xia.ii.i>ai|.iio.a; MMMoarf alaallaa ■ aavUiBirlaaacatwaa mare aa4 (mfllM, nwto lie cm inuiail oodfr ilirBeliuo
nt al Maple City ou Ibo ebnreb. ol winch liu wxa
From let grade to 2dgtaaa...
lb>aa..«lToebrr H-ll aniarcdUraija^ ile-1- hrr-b, alrra-tkat
W eatgradre Umt tbare obill be tour m.1.
bu .tar of lay. and oreaum-d. by ae
ebic^ol Hr
embertill lli.'iiuii-of biaib-alh
He -. > ■ 1, ml. a Iron Tniriarl'nr. lealMia <'».
Proa 2d grade to Bd grade...
iog cxeroaaa a Jay, and Ural ce-ry pnpH
lA active io nil giant worla, e*|>eciAl1y i . Ilf bau III -«v 7-, lawa *.a. wavth el raare i
.drevRatbanli' n'Siloo. ch.ir.
From Au grade to 4tb grade...
J" dull read, wbaleVL-r rbn it may lianre.
in fSabbalb arboul. and dH-l tlic drell,
to Ouirli Kiaveliog IfiUi
. Friiz of Kawon. Mo eFrom 4Ui grade to fitb grade..
of no rnniam ebrutiao unn. Kc-idre
•** jeiBiy to jmrtril. Ibe ri-gnlar reidera
lleiiui- mod and lo rejiair aidawalk
inliiiona and di
From 5lh grade to fitb gnda
bia wile and child, a raolL-r. live
” lore aaed in |«rt of Ibrea eaarriao
arar)Uc|wpwMi aroertfad la iiU mupu
Ciiiou-triad Io F-ruw..u.l. Tb-Went I Uef o miog lios tie tow-aMpa-•I Ihw- nod two brutli-ra-urviv- |.i,i,
Pram fitb gnuSa lo 7tb grade..
‘•i^itbeuUiarpart Uh< aappieaMmUty i
commuBuoai r wa- m.l-red t i epriukle | fam. IrC acid a-.d SiiPODa Uay. will lie
Prom Tib grade to Hib gnde..
... n I -T..»
agiraBUMtoafUiadaaUi ofUieaaa
•a> arbaBthar dapaadad mota tbaa
Those Who Hold Tickets
..... ......i ::2,rcr*'
l‘0l!k \’ALUAHU: B(KJKS.
;m;k ^
J. sTEinnac. gs
-•0 ^ f:i.t:aASr
^ - /S rium.
.‘■of I
ri-rmi rtiojofiiur// .u.'iiru.
r. toaU fbamia ibairvo
ka8«iM» Valter. Mr. La«ia km«
batter than Mat mao tba peaalbUitiaa
wdadwriagaaof Nnrttaara MiddcaD,
•ad ba Mvor brad ia eflbrta to daralop
tbofleaaodMfcakoowBUiaoUMr. Tba
4iMb af •aeba *aa ia Mra ttaa
partoatolkB.il fa a poblleoalaaity.
til SliouU bail TIuinstte tl TUs Ciiri Oiwmiti.
Tlw Bagla, ratoriag to UaeoBtion
ivaervkBbaraaa;a: -Mr. Palmar.
Of Big Baptifa. *B ibaa kirodoaod rod
•pofcaatloBgtb. Ba tea flMt talkar
•odtoaablbatbaBida'aagood. botba
•liddgaoddaal Utot tonU Itofabaao
Btodi batter kfl mNaid.
Wa do aot
aMatoparUanlariM -at thia tima.
4o tort eara to tritiatea. bat «a Ibiok
dba aototoStUa aada a mfataka
aapraoaradMr. Pal^ to nafcr .
•ddrofaapoBUifa oaa^. A partof
toiaarb na toe aukfa Ilka a repabli»B poUtia} eampaiga apaa>d> of 11172 to
baanlabk far aa oaeaaioil Itka Ihfa,
•od «a baliata that tba apaakrr aada
MaafataaaBla ibat tba anlbor bia•far Mold varrauMta difaika to aaaio
Ptmi to* laurocau.
. OaDoral IkBial StebiB fa a
Md a daBoatid of good afaBdiBg ia bif
«Btr. OoraiBotBlU B^faiaaberiir
ofK^Tprk. OaBarfaSteklaadoBBot
eeMtte Ibat baiag a faaaoctat aaed
■aka bia a dooghfaoa to tolk aoo aa ba
L.rV; sirifciT.
*'4?*',“nV '
■btotoeW7.flfa roan ago. lobfaDoa.
OBliaofairaddiBa at itoatoo. Oaoaral
Prom fitb grade to High'aebool..
Bfahfaa apoka of tba oaa ut
audi BUreta .■( IU-viiltge aa to bia joi<
made lo
Mr. 1). U (fampbelltKjog prewu' an
,igiwm-Bt waa.made wiUi bin p-'siil
XX) efaaml
liog tba village 11 nae-oeU bydranta a>
A very fine obeoical bafaoee fiw nta I
Tba ahon doM not iddado proa-.
liaaiooer ahonld deaig.
HUfaraadl toralba old .fltg. A^ ^ from or» !Ha« to aaelbrr wilbie
baa been of gml nerviee'to !
-priuHi— • irpjae.. al]
airbaB.BlolUM9aTto7*hata. tfaaT 'CTmtecrrl gradaa.
for ABafaBM tbare fa bat eaa Bag-tbe
BtgaallUabBaod, Bnag:
Total aamber <
MOtodbjaariBBaof or aaparilj or latprimary aad
aletoMot year..:...................
M tooard tba am «• sat ia battfa.
u.,' '“f
<t0) Ofadaatot of tbe Hi;b Beboel:
: reptira Uierevin
pfaia. aad laka Erla aad Na« OilBaa;
Tba ffalowiog Uve ermpfatod the
ifaaatgorfia« aad UeDooo^ aad High Hfaoot eoam of oliidy ptaead op.
, Ibrvaaddtefcaoe; tba dag of Liaoola peoila Umir namo aad racBnd Ui«nr
•adBttotoak; iba dag of Omat. tba
fkg of Waablagtea. tba oBlj dag dB
fagarbeMrtroBABatlaaaa. Itfatha EdgU Wsllaea Bo^JfoglU aad Gw.
oatydag whifai aboold dBl ovar Ihfa
It fa tba dig that rapn- WilUam 'ni^' 'oddirelL ^liah,
mi OToar" If all daBooBla «oald
M«ak aa Qmmti Bfafctei ^waka. aad
Wariiihljftl Five \eare.
OtaSStR'i:l8S9, TO JUM 1,1890. l»siow
r tba
MMarighL aadlBaUoBi obarttrlatM
■at fatgal Iba diatoOBaa (atvam right
The Favorite,
JUNE I, TO JULY 4,1890. .
I (bawoit afths
New, Hij'h ^rm, Sewiug Machine,
M(.l«natoakaa mMliatanaiii
ffagcf Ifaadjr'a Imaa aad lataOteB.
Th* foUowiag ntolatito reltUee to , "T?" I Jf*
naj Ubrary
aaad to be leplaerd. aa Ibay arr ealiraly
At Iba fa« aaaaal BMatiag. of Iba vora oat. Tba bUok-boarda ta all
icfaool Jiatrkt $300 «M TOtod f.a1nirai7 pneiaiy beildloga naad to ba repairad
Itoriag Ufa ymi Iba library •ad afatad.
vaa Borad from tba Higb aeboo) toon
a IvooUalao
<b) Gtot Firiaahn :
ammm,nu»rlm,,mili» UmMgf
laeruilad .
•M w temd «h« Mh.«M M Baabarar beyaat
raetollad .
JMW M, loi^ T«n «IP>, b«
A Nobfa-a tnelol piea.
> beUd aa iroa lodaviry
aaai asJ Ktrae aa•"iak^to-allUto oora of aau vfa >
opn thv t'iae ID
for oapport.
BM T. Bote*, of Travevae Orty. fa
..................................P»«" ‘ ■
A itel. Bigboay_____ aiaUint tat arjtoaB ioUofalakifai'
2 Tba |•riBl*•y baill^w «
Zmt. Wm> aad Sooth aida. oaad
IhatoQfbly efaaaacd aad calao
daitag tba raoaliou. Tba (Itoraia too
*edil. ......................•i’.'.
ga^btf'of boriaBRiiMis OmM 328
Koabtoof |0rlaaaMiladuOeeM39e
vMhatoMMBM. AMfkiioU.
atkmiakam himt, wmUt. Baiia
of Iba hM OB iOeaaBt U faak of too<
Hix'ybitovl Uh*: eMUrra Istoeg <
66 10
I9 60
90 SO
■ •(wifakMcvAt
nw^lHd. Me. Lw' >atob»«fbofieanUed.....................
>Tr^»l*/U tba totMa
nvort. t ^ to BdaeC.1.8o. 8 - - •'
S. M. Bcooa. UddeMI Et.
to\ar-t a (e« craoBaaodt'iaa e( a ga
baa. Uarrar. laafantal Ei
1. bariag Iba apriag torv IHeb
peaaa Paad ............... ............
looidnlal Expnaa
rata.raba»a brr. .. ^.A 00l/0<fato
65 70
laatecdboiaaotoM .
amU -mam,
.. ............
(tS>Porfag«TMI>aa. Oaa
«M.M m kb.hMtli a^M«, «
$22.75 ONLY.
«f 1
P. !.««»«»
Tiaay Biaiy GiBfa. Eagtfafa......Ago 16
awUfai. An* lit
Oafafaa Bieb M^afagoa, Eaglifai, Age IR
SatfaElmaPrfal. Utia ...........Agelfi
OlejArl. r. are to l-> tat j-to .K. 8
Itmatabnali Ibtatodieaof tbe aod trowel, bol are liriog beioga wiih
Ei«Hfai«»w bWatber witb foar yeu.' traitaai dfatiagntabiiig.fa. Iboarof tbe
Clear Pork per'l'd.l, t
Ss,:: :
•faera niefaiBaa Oevelop.
naciai AwKclailaia.
a lar iia-lii
raate Ind lo Itoaw." aeJ Hag.
. from ita (loamoe Ol aolid com
mercial pru-pcrity, with Donueial iaali...... .. . itreaglbanJ daily
“"-‘""J toaeooimil.,
coaDdl for tlw period of three yifarv.
The vole uo -aid mnlioo waa aa tof
, .
!d. H. Jnrume
will, tbe Well*.
UaomtQ. Uor-
- ...
' Obeeae'
•• ...
Oala perbaabel .
Ratter, p« piooud
*' .
1-.T £l Jl I11< w Unwi
tary lu hrf.
iii ii#-
-pm: of Iraffir |
elm and Iba oak; they areto to-traiov-J.
aad drvetoped
detetoped by tba wfao Um vUlagW’'cT'Iviv^''citT*!'*mnii>g
Tbe elan n a vrtmle, baa, ia ao able gaided and
I pcwagbilitic-. with guod mauape. I
maMr.dBMBli tbaWia laagoage, taariier. aod ia ao way faore eflwraaally Ibrm wvwt 112 teel. tbeooe «..iib 31 ftet.
nf tbe Nortbero Mvrttgau Deed, j
. ... Uxioee
north 31
toeexuarkof IbeUweber be
112 feeA
feel to (Oane
_. aaid land to
be naad ae a aile for
VIt toHagioaw. ifaUibatcAi
Ibat Ibe efark of Ibe village he berel.v •b>o- to redeem fiom Ibe wl
Bg toe wort ia ptaon, mIM and
A papa fa BDl adraaeed to morala by--------------ed tc make laid .porebaae cd mul
a..-.iai,..:i., ...vi.
Advertising dates.
Tk-f-apaa li J> iwdn-a. ikat Pn4aa. tta
iwaaif —aaiadar Oljaaa arat almefaaietta
iMIarrenaa. t- a.aica-4 <Br ika ktanaa.M
aU paiiiioa aid ikai Ik- krira al lawlaf
■ aai44r"w—d -ad a'l-aa-r |.waiaa riireafa,
■ dia arid ,ei-ir, are iVHi'rrd ta ayyaar al
araaiaa af-aid-'.Hill, ikea i-kakaMeala .ka
l-rebaip a«<r. la la- •■lit.:-of Via—ftk Cur
la -aid
a-a rboa raaar>.H
ibrra iM, ek, la.' ara,. r-r iv. i-vit.awre akaafa
aa. ka araaled Aad .1 'a farika* aaOrd.
-4, Ika' aaid i—ii-.i-r ti" aaiwa ii ika ipWi
ai Uo aad VII |.-.-ua. 'vinaviM la laid ak'
utr.aribr |a-ad'-./ al -a.d palitiaa. Bad Iba
'-lanar lArrrat i., <aa,.-r a'•>»? "< van wiari
hr M-'iaard la Ik- u»ad Traiaaaa HataM. a
re*i>vl—i ;>Ti-i-d aad ''rralai-4 la awM Caaa
gMxaeby by a ereraa of faigbt —aq, -ml
•I lb- ; I., ton d-v»lupm*al rebeme?
werta in plane tricoocmefay. Ibe pret
i.-iq m
r aatbof. I Tbe wiiier, arho iv familiar with
Bribed oouw io ebeaWiy wn com- with bve popito he baa oo ooBAdenee, I t»-d t taan-a warraul
imniim of wbat iaii-Avlaa
ia. i»l aa "Norlb.
.. imniimof
aleted few wcefci helor; Ibe efamrof^
ilfage. lo Miam:.
I be toateMtad to rerrianai for aov' foiv.1 ivf aaid will
ni Viehigac.'' konwa aumetbing of Ibe
tbeoaid aooi •■{:,.........
the wMer tarot. m> twelve
li -pefni tfrdllmnlrw u i Ibe demionig.
'delivMy to tba etiJ village efa gr»J
■ we eba'acteriatiWi lu tie lu-t with in ef
KVaaded for rtbniyaad afgm.
IrtelKm wi rtantoe eioa I
----------------------------------- - fmrimpl..
fretiuc a prudent ud pruirwrouv derel
ry, maafalaad moral phHeao
Ij^had, treaai
•,>a-ni ili-reur. aad fargdy open Ibr
Iiiw«-Pfai............................. .. 1.06LM'
Tb«taM|Pta«d tbe High uebofa have r
rtaraetarol Iheynna Ibaa far al t 'e bnad
I«M...................................... a.6PB.« mpl WAfaeaBy Jb vfaw tbe feet ttetia a
» wia paaud esd adopt of tbe mevem-utdona he bare btattNoJby tU follow vow: Te.-Mwar. Adenl hope nf tbe Anal —irr"' of tote,
at to nablfafaare the farttlHy
toeic..Ml boBoreWe ud wnrtby u.
cd tte a
M0igaa..Ofa?ur. Darrnw. Wdi
tfaeaeUaiTafttebam. Vefaave
. tvgard Oreflfak, auaabaadBmHb.
The ^purary cammitfaa ufaeted by
bbAna faHhd^aBdMnMa«y togdva (or tbe tfabli of otbero. rrepiw for oaMoved that tbe oommittau oo Bn afad, >e aewwi vtiua to urry on toa mUartaaiy WTwk wert eawfit- ofJ W. MUU.
popOi Ibigaagb and praattml »■ tboTiiy ud retreuen frw what iaaaervd.
r proonre pfau ud «
kao. Trevarea Ofay; E H. Nobfa. Bfa
faiim fa all dapartmarta of tbmr
forlbebaddiocofu engine lowland Raptda; 8 Daroa^ ftaemaaOdy; O 8
|,•allMtwfaaB Ibay ga forth to M.
Hampim. Pntrrtay; Pany F. Ifaw.
Oodibe; IfacmT. BUoa TravreieOi
Metioo wfTfad.
and Bern f. B. Tlakl^a^ Kafanu
A rtbartet Ma,wnbrtaa
........ *' *
fate. battdlBg and famlwn
M <Mi
itaUan* nfa.
tfaa. repaha and atmaiiy
fvrerai drerrO.Caia|i>an.Xaaaaa« fieaaH
Isika ■aumTiai rwuu-el llaali •lakare.
lacarik. veau»aiea«LaarLak«,laaal« ninir
4tSjS'i;,«r KSiil'SS
•rf.TtmJtl.T_______rr-variAiaae'uf the following dea : lotaiiliiiii.
iDtoiliiui. tbal
that bond
mibed laud.
•“ pa«»«-®®*ed
: foem whfafa fa witbowt Om Haraaalifa On. woa OB motfaa qvtofod.
tj ter htuag Ifau Nkfai of
Tbe bofad of tba «>U^ marrtfa baiW
Ei'te i*r*T?l<tenM>a“ai*a3u*aS adlMarl
dcr aa i-rarr-eianoivvb-aAd laika ptawlfaa
1>. C.mplH.Ii r.,nre,rd ,wr. j - ^
ivlvlive to .•lr«-
pfaOfaATb; OfafaBfa
Salt per bid
I i
lariat nawv a« tramia C.«r Oaalara
Wheat, winter, per hu.............
Oata, No. I,
Cora. ocw.
C.'., Wm H >r-i-i Bw,
mi-imi Ibat !«• fallowed to wilbiraw need b-. give matenv. a^d to tbiaplaQ
fr..m the file. .11 ejtuaiBoic.iiooa
lot the devel.vpmrn
evelirpmc Dl -f* -■clion wliieb
iainlh.i t-.iiir-nf
yS^^tgitar r-a ‘fiEre'SETSSfat!
UteatynadHtaotarermiaindof them.
•themitem they have done
’ ifWd thbU^oAd U^h iMtabMI
law wral lav tteHartaa Mfa.Ca. Katenaaa
fovu-amodnil-iarrr rai- Brailei aot Toatii r
Iowa: Yiava—Mmni. Miwnae aod Car.
ver. Naya-M-nir>. Darrnw, (Ireilirk. lolberi. aevi
'rrel uf wUieb are ibn b-ivieai
aaioug Hit Iraavi-el lo.Mich'
Wilhelm. Ifiiiu-b. Smith.
Mr H
r nlLVBN.Avava.
Ixaot TnveraeV-
A-V Ifai.- Kiucei iicaavaaatXirwaBir. natll
I fti:TacA‘i UV r»a. a04mt >a a, avail aad all
I mil r.'ccitc aiaiini aiiraiioa. aw n-a
; ard.iv ta aaiAia-Hr'araa.
<'aaair. feafa al lai IVMata aOea la Ike vdlata.
^alMra\??iiWir! ai^airtreal reiMi^aS'
Pa%' r Ate K-r*'
floor. H. L. Oo. i
wbo bavemarfa toaay
Muved Ibat Mr. OmpbrUV m|0-vl li
Two ytnag ladfat. Satfa E Prdt aod of ebanrter boildiog bill fail to meulioe
MiHioj cArruvl,
Alfa. T. Boberta, are toe Brat loootp- tbe materfate td wbieb Ufa atrsetnre CraulM
Tbe foUowiog trouInliuL «
pfala tba Utia oon^a Alia higbofa aboaU be Coitt Oor pn'pifa________
eoaiu provided by Iba boaid of e^aea- brfake and ntooea to he UM wiib mortar
I a * HArrAia..
I '
ravi.—AV, Javr gVlAi
Tbe geoenl ebanetar .od"*"^"
moral tme of Ibe popila of oor reho-I ia ; C*nipl>elt for ligh'iog atrcvta of village
nuM vrtio <Tiltei»a oat aefaia U -r-1
nntcbiuaoa of
| mad-m UuiiiaUutlurdtotHoloo. Them
| Irom Kaaeoa. Cfavlaul, Cupire and
Movidtbai petition for ofactrif Ughti
faoofa to tba ffivel that they do not I'
•eb mor.lv efivoto.lly. I wfah to co. i
w.a renphatic proiret againid «ich a
oraavtAbre daa that bw evar gtadifa.
iutorirciidrevota. aod'lo.T.I i
tod from tba Bigb afatoo). yd ibada- •ebottL^atco-, aod totercrteil I...........
wnllareof onrpapita,
There fa a eriiicima at cmr pnWie 1
M«beafaa.tbare vooldaot baaro.
high. Itogniabbrei aod nwilyiam
iBiBiii sd tba Bfabaasd
Alloa Taylor Itobcetl. Laiia.......... Age IT
Our acboola have
Oarnfa MxyHtfaryer, Eogliab. ..Age 17
•■p*t •IrawB'aBopa
over by *|ii.vi. ooder too gniwi of i
fb rAa l/imonUc■^^mftl^r£
TemrtneCUt, yiektomu
obMof I860 taoeaiiJoiddy below tbit leaebiTa ate ffatfafnl tolb-i- tnnt-.
I vdle. IbuKhAm aiiJ Elmwooi. ar<- lu-Uo
IMm aad keep them in repair.
Thu Ireaaarer'a monthly te,«rl wax
read, approved and filed.
ir‘fra'-.*Im ‘'i',*'ua'^
1'ra-i.uil'ii, u iMai-c.i-azria IV
I *r«A»:wK mlclartiia a
■n;vi.‘-?u;t.;;'ia-:iT*?:..*'.sv.i; $3SHOE;s;^
' lanViTwliraa.uviMia rmlifaarr fiaa av>lre
- ta, hek V at law aad
riawlswa raarChra.
•aeautte aeaate Maapd
. ••uteMtetebrii^h
M Bifhl.ate «te «aa tea aa
WIv* iipil '
Maff^wal «MteiM.fa7teaa d
'teat rate ate
ito ■.*■.&
iij lliinruiw I( veate teerbaaa
aav BBtta a ban oaad gnat lea
aapaately axial,
itewatd wa aaad ealy jaat «bao tt
«a aea( Madad.ate teaa ao aea teas
IM feoaMtoatottetopelM Ulaak
teaialaaotlba aaldiar eatm aomtet
ate b wry bateaeoMto allNa dMito
BidafaamaBB iatelgillnii; ea tba
AbaigU Mabaaa bMaaab spd.
Tabaalarpeiaa, teptap toryMO peat aaat aide, "Tii
Batatoar’a Boo";
bypebMaateateptbal?Bwoftwo a tfafa texfa 00 Freetl^^ Harter. Baaa-a Baatea.-AalbabaalBtetteprapaalyietteNar. Ko[iaa>'':-eeUi« «aat: **P<irt Hteauo. Oe.
eaadiroeU/ialetMte tetel objectto dar Boaetaia. CMryatarg''; eo tte
beiegcaOteapoefer a aaaU aabaetip- •
U tat «e wwl to ay
m than ia a more gaDarel ate ready ttapeaa ie thia Mtlar, ooa ol Oant Tte paael
of tU aidecosUliu tte foDoaieg i
fevboB- aed Iba Axurieaii flag ;
Now is the' Time to Buy
wmM\^ wa4 tiumtUm
- - tealfaMksdabcuKk
And Hardwood Lands in Grand Traverse.,
■tataaoB Ie bo M tna
It ia tte jader fait to oii: ep- tba people ate by ..i paopla. Ooa
t Flag. Coitte wa etaad,
laaateyaaed bare.
eBafewforttewfaela aa^t eaadad,
ten eiabted Icgalter ate wUkallaieToeaivisg a diraot baoefll, Dividaj we FaJ. Xo Fite bat tba Bad.
boa^ bin a
‘■aolky’' wigea of aa war sbotreM eight.
Wbita aad Blae Let ea ban P^.'
aotebUataa, wbkheasbeaateydnvB
TtefoUowieg Utba ieteiiptioooD tte
asoru* nuiMOi^
byUakfgaBawfoatelatedog. eteao
Aboetthnao'ahx*. doriDg aaaote;p“doo the eerthtea: ••traaaad te
Huiyti provided witb tte mmat of heavy abewer wUefa '
^ from tba
Baron who fell ate tba Fatnoti
IWMlMwfeBpM: PmUMl,llii. gBUiegatDateifiascaay ate eeoloet.
wte. tteXotrirvilleaeb*olho«al*'» foogbl lor Deioe ate Liberty,
a a HiM: *!■ pnritai, w.#.. aUeB«siief. Hoom. act aa diaabiad waaatreekby ligUeiag aad borate la!
tely adjoioiiig tlie |>]at of Tr»vme Olj, on tht
Ti«, muHtly <t beaotifal oak grove, ii
Mud; M(MtM7. Hv7 Potaonl; m teV. oao folly appraeiate tbia Ute- tbegroate. Wa ban oot laatote the Trarat* Ooeoty.- Mtdi«ao. Mar SI,
aea. beTHaaiy doea folly, ate nafaa loaasorif there w»a iqteiuce. Tte
test and 0*k Park on tbe south. This is now tht- nio*l available auburlMn |.roj>erty not yet
to tetear tbcoo, oee ate all. bu eiecara loaawaa probably aooalluBg like fllCOJ. , ItuBBoblo gilttoaBobla end. aad
iitoMlMMi^ of Ilia Ira^na ate bterUeU ttente
___________________ __
will tute a ailrol orator, taadiing iea- plnUed. Less tliaii one mile from the bnsiuew center cf the town. Is high and perfe^y
09 BclltaR ud Leu MmbUoa «in
lnpar«u>ltarXr.v«wM CUT. ; aob* of patrioti.-o ate loyally to tte flag
be Mi M K. O. T. K tell. flB TMdtr
level,rmiToiiiulMl by gravel drives. A bargain for some one who will plat it.
ig eraulaete. at 8o-<deek, tep.
K i of S. E. 1 section U, T.-^T. R. 11, and W. * of N. W. { section 1.1. T. -.1*1, R. U.
■MtealeOaM. npert* Mde, aod r. C. Oilb^ ia b^ OB a vaealioe. for all the beiidingf oa
Bra. Geo. Oaae >te aoB an vmtiDg: B. B. axteaiioa between Tieveraa City
tepacMtbeaiaau Ency
Thfrielots liell miles sombedst tf the villigs plat of Travers.-City. . Will be sold at a veiy
in CadiUae.
and Daldwie, forty in all. ladodiag daMra.-L, tebiB ia viaiUng *ilb friateaj po^. laetioa bo^ eegina boniat.i .j
,g^ «f Oaa 1 low figure ifUken quick.
n-a teeea admtiaaa for lUa
plane Jma 16, teeta «e hare Tory mncb OapuThoa. Oopp of MorU.pott.waa oil booan, ate..
ate U-at ie tbe eoasby. PrialtovB -------------------------OB BatoTday.
bate. Ite teTaftbuf ear lali ie. „
a.a.ajKi City, .a. i
impattoat iMPiwTi
matter to Trenm
ink, a joaml for teverU«era, b ia.
telteteperitelteaBall teravhodia.
3. A. Wilaoe 8r. sad •Ir.xan si Etki (Q
oate and all.tbe labor ‘ Rote w^)y bv tbia agency. It it tbe
tofbMdttebak.ate a atsaU Ideker BapidaoaTiMsdiy.
be from tbia pla«e._ It
„nhi. joo*aal to fur^ ioataoefa
Mi itenraar Hawpa tte abela ibiega 3. 3. “Gray of Almira, wm a Trivem wiU give enploymeot to to or .10 Trav.;
„ tev.rlirere moat aerd.!
ily viOler. thiaweefc.
em City ojechaaien aad maaoBi. J. A. ^u, ,ia,e|y hiala ate aaggntMoa re3. Sldebcrg loft for CUngo Moteay IJ«t» *U1 have charge of Ibe «nteo» ,g„jirB advretiteg. From xim, >0
a /. Xmlm ate O. a KaoaUoe oraiDg, tor aew gooda.
' lime lirta of paper* are giveo, Ibebnrt
vmMdMTMadayate enninit borne
Mw Wiaaefrte PnU B vlMtio;
aud Doat widely i-irenlatte and ioflaea‘ al U»e
frieada ia aoaUma Miebigaa.
:tMi1 ill'•sbed.llwool Main, Uwargiricg
K tfidga ate Mr. tteate ie jospB. D. Keyboldaof lolaad. made a via
of tbe wIdler'aOOBO. the tererUaer the beat a-rric-. fortba
l^ea^Mfoot lalteqnkM of Uia
pmeotteio tbe veteraae of the oonry .Bvoab-d. Io Ibe laeocofFriui
«bad. aaeriy baaakbw Ua Itg. Il ia n to onr metropolii. yeterday.
Uk f..r May an. thv Miebigao lirt la
iteWbla aM«b aa U » bat Biislit y. C. Morrlaob. of tba FooBtaio Foial Orate Army of Uw BepoWie, by
reaoft. tea ia towo 00 Friday.
iteoa of Oread TronmeoBBty. formteTuerfare.lld weekiv paperaia
C. W. BasUaga diwn dowa to Elk tbediiaffnlnre of the coleWrebon
MomOl.ll Itiy ia Trevor
i. Q Haa, baa baae maliiag iffipron!amusg Ui,:»e ia the UKi.ro Tbivebs
■aalaiBBte abeotbia aienoe Prdo: 'Mrs. A. C. Collet toll oa Wteonday
Iba Jay waa very geoertey kept by naaiUi Thb abow* whst the gmt
all eiUreoa. o^ly all the barioeai
|{,^i *
teal. pMtiag. al«. ate
^ for a tew days’ vivit io Otwte Bapidr
9 to bia atoek, blateiBg to mate a
1>. ViBtob of WUliasuborg, waa vi
apaatoHy el fezBibue aad batdvate, iUenponoor titeeU. tbe fort put of tbe
..i«iDf! Biteinui. Ilia ah
doriog I'm forenooo, Ml oleaml ap
,1.,.,.. „»uiu
atotet, ate Ba *U eoBtiaae Ib Ibe
aaatmil head Uade. bet pay more altao,|,,;i»ra auj oeoU.
Min Ix>Din Vader ate Mbs Baby bnoltfnlly joat before the tcrvioca«.DAIm,, W, i ,.l N. K. j
is. T. 27 N. K. 1:1 AV.' W. 1 of N. W. J wd^K. T. 2S K.
lieBlbufoimariy toBa* goodt.
meaote. Sooo after aooo tbe oitii-oa.
Albrigblan. vuitiog ftienda onr
commeoete to gather, nol.l there
v.-rlia. r. oi...t mob Iho iwople aod Ibe 11. 14 W. ll«nl»o.»l loU «t • bltpin forqoick.*!..
Oa Toaaday aneiag of tbia amk
W.'L. Joan Mk Wteaeaday tn wbaotiie |«al aad aoldiera tmrte «»jK^ople. Tm Ueiutubaa
S.K.l«4;lioiil4,T.25N.K.aW.«ljoiiiiiigtlisTill4g.ofKife UVo on tU G.
teion Peal 0.1. a ef Dig BipUa.
Uj,, cirmlaUoB. by
HU^lvaow, where be may lonie per- tbe place of*meeting, betweea IlireeaDd;,^^
waimBite by Seoaior a O. lUiwr.
foottbonaaBd people eteoclte 1»aorUi.
ate otter eittomia, viaitod U>e M. a
Geo. E. Hanotba of NteaOity. Mont., to tbe eierdan of tbe oee.aioo. !□ (Le ,,,,,
ate’tl.«fe are bol two or
is tbat dty and ixeeaBtod boi bvua TUiting olJ frieuJa'bere Jor- ncigbbotbood of ooe huodrte aud
w«.kiv we-re >n Ibe whole aiate
J. W. NiUera haBdaotne gold- iag Ite lam week.
Apbly to or addrere.
veteraae aod -ooa of vctcraa« marcbe.1
^te amoa! pireobMadeBaaaBBtokdDOfthair appreci..,,^4 w«»k at tbe bea-i of
Mrv. U. C. Tbuui|iaoo left «o Wte- ■a liae 10 (ho grtmod. benite l.y Ibo ,
ef the Btameria] amdob pnadud ■mday for a few week* vnitwUb frietea biod. After B iwelimioary piece uf tuuTu.-REi.iu.aUverby Mr. Millar, May U.
•k by tte choir, the DOBaneat WM oo.;
week what brie
ia Foltar Co . I'Mioa.
Jarnwr/KoUDaoBof Elk ftlptda, pna- veilte aod foroitly pmenlte to the paj,upl„r. Il i-. bia njhl I'l koow.
,u.j bjJjue a|iinbu«ite Ihroo^ towo ua bia way to Leland Ti'lerenaby Bon. I’eny liaoaab^.n tb.foliowisg elo-iaual apdi& :
,,rn.rivl-*. tb.- uu- i< auv olber
' elaat pact ol Ibe week.
.<□ .ouUi.Lte aud rvlivl.k
Fred. Kut-eUad, wbo bai beeir in Ibe' ••Sjddiere—Veleraua of ihe (Ireud
'oeMilu.-u.-) ->f a weekly pijw wako
apiM jieninanla for aome time, baa re- Army of tte Iln-ablk.
Oa behalf »f Ibe cilizeui of liciuj : the B..M ritrfal hl.1 pfoiUable reteere
turn*l Io Traverte City.
.tao. litecrle .rf Cbingo, erttwbile a
to yoo. tbia Donaaii-ot. aa a
'' mjre -m-li rnadsn a p.|.er hav tbe n
Trenm City buy, greetvd bii mny seortoyt
frieoda betr dnriug tbe week.
oeiaedooore.iei.LtvJ reo'ervd to TOOT
|m:o„.|| i tr„. .t,„
io j
Mra. It. T. McXaogbtoo ate rhUdroa
lain the •!»#«■
alte ite» aa iteaaM B«aa ^ MriUi.
Your Choice of Five or' Six Desirably
Houses and .Lots, ou East Side, Traverse
minutes walk from I’ostoHiee.
a. a L -
GimliHN this ml 2.02s
Traverse City, Michigan.
Tn oev river ate harbor biU gives !oi .lackeoa. are at UiUiog'a HeigUtr,
Obsrtorois «»,O00; Frankfort fU'.OOn ;< wberc they eipeel io .^mtelbe aamPreaerre .I-protect il-aud rter..h
o.u w„.kiir.. aad came itaa
PMoteey, for o brook vreler rod korbor' n:er..
i-. a. a oemorialforyoumUn au.l yoor
jof iwfoga. «I&,000. Tbia itmjtom no rv
HeodriiAa of Chicago, aad Mrs.
ooronljm bay f.-i.', UcWiUiania and-diUdreo
.................of SL Charlae,
ll.icvui. r. jdere will teiotcri-led io !
te a^r t^teJ- Ftooteay, OilyBight
sotert walking d. iaBce, Jll , ,to Tbiting their I*""!*. Mr. and ^
minel.ng wm, ti.oU,er tte Sl.irea.V f .. ud. tbu week aodall!
tooBseftbaflanl aatoral harbori oa Mrs. 1>. ---------MattnoD.
'oarlb.aaUwdl.Dcver witona with bu- udruKvi. 1 f j..q
- ---------8. L liuteakaitel Wi dar oMa tte litei. Ate FatoSkey water will
«i.>t .i.Mv.iHi,' ta^-jbi.w'!
Mr. n. n. Noble corec op from Elk
eye. what geaerationi yvt to c
h'AMiaAHebteteaa M M Ma. kBsoktwadilytetbnit.
Itapidr, yemetday. to mewl Mia. Noble. wiU eajov. at tbu ecet of ibeir aicriQre.
H. i..-pmmiaBa daring tbe •bo baa beeo viailiog eoBlb for two or fdlow Soldmre----______________ D. MiUa, WaltoB. three weete. Tbey rolorote borne tbia You'ailver locks aaJ m:B'. tell r^e , Ii«i.c'v Freecb Wsi Ire Cm
jtbala qoartet uf a reotary baa paM.-^«Mi»al; Wepba O. iityoeo. Haaloa. ■DoroiDg.
E-AJaley, a former Tiavatae City te^ .4____
^jocc bralter r...«..a»
fought AMin,*
againel l.4•Bber.
Il^------ . dote H. McObire. CcJfai. ialeal, tmt wboaeteme tettera iaNo.
Vvaatlte liifiMi ii at tte a b er«w; Aplia H. Pitoea, OadiUac. ia. iakoU for acvare> year\ ia ia Iowa taken oor placn witb cuamiUa^.bal koon wlial
W. Him MM 00 Bewbv atihk moM*: Jobs B. Taylor, HortoB's Day, lookiog after aome property iataiqma be
origtoM; Andrew J. Dwarthest, WiU|ta. iMralag Ie vetk Matev
1 would eoojare you to «. Ireob yoor
Henry J„ fatter ol ' atili baa here.
LowallHoBtkwaaiBiewDOB Mooday ehijdrep, that Ibeir patrioliaui will grow
toobls P. 8dhy. Maatoa, origioal
a boaimi oaaeelte witb Uie Port
Tbs Haaiu> reeorda ooe
laraa lepaiator. Empire olavm bnllcc of tbugiaat rvpBblk.
.on that .Ui.gt.ifu! I'toiaari. irtcaocr. tbe ,
wfaan telsphwii virto were aa abaoloto
lorbevetbal tb.rto brave cou.r.ides Oiu oMiral.J Uvpi.l- Dos-will leav-ISOC
BorBnd^ wID te ebadwa% da
It. BoyOnUg.oiEyeatold.aooof , which be U ages. 1.
are to-day wmtriiiog yoo aith u.a.oLS tLo'diwk at - oVlo.d4. Osly a
MltelLK.abaNb. ateaaMaratea J. a Cbaig, lelLltom Ite b^ ol tte Jobn II. Melotyre, ooe of the .oidnt aolieilndetromiueBoknowo worll U- i-omlwr ol iick.l* wjil be a«l
pMpM «n bagHu ia tea aeni^ rmttod# atolmy at Lifataiy luUrAareiAyL ate bnlkaowo travel.Dg mea of Oraad ,ooJ,toare.h.t HU aball ,w.r,H-t».re
uui f,.ru,k muMc.
fari,toltegnrete.bBtmniek tbetelo- lUpida. RoJ »l.o bad very ntay Meodi
> Btara aud eiiipva l|iat ll-ul over Hie
i lu atwo.iul of llic rovut borniog uf
ptescwim,UmabteakiBg Uwforeaof ia Orate Trevem. died soddanly of
dofUiefrw. Ifinpyl can atmoat iL-.- (act. ri from wine;, .1. Su-jnbefg
tte Ml. ate eaoqteg vilb a btekea heart failare, Friday cvpaiog>'
1. Dr. Atetoa aet Um fraetond Tom Noble bu retonied to Elk BapofgiXKl ebrer, ibo livt aud ‘'“=■1
bi. g.fl diattil.utiou to Jc
Umb. ate Boy vUi te Uvely aaever be- ill to make that bia borne. Be. takn ebsogeol oalore ia bettor—birghi .w—_ iju. in o-drr tolrlall .u.ter*. aoJ-A
;give tl.r.m at... h*vr imlvto ao op|-orl
tte place of tbe ble Wirt Dexter aa di ate happier.'
I wPulJteToyoo colUiB'efrienl.bipJU'!’b>f"OH'L- there hlJ gel ibcj.i
A OsanD Havn dkpolte of Dec. 31,
aod '•* tetey. when oar broihera aliail
siyi Of tte osv best foeGr.od Traverse active iuiemi ia Ibe boaioan.
have furgotlrb Urn paM, to ixleul t.. ^
|><>uaBa Uraaitv.
bsy; A pinnger rtnmar lor J. Webb,
them tbe right baud of brolbethoud. I fh. v. uc«ti^ **f tlraoJ Trev. rwton! treMara, st tte Mr graola, es a vnllby boatecn nms of Caaaopolie.
Xi... IT. will te bihial
« of aoaUwra Miebigu, made aaall trari-tbal a-use of ok yet any «<>e the I-ore.-uv ilrauRc
MMy Mtomote M Ute weak, si 9 wn hsstesd tram BobiaaoD’a alup ya^l
happy Jay lUal Ihow who wore the t.lor i Kik I.*k.'- ____
r Tanday. boUiag a
Ii 1-W 'Tbia will to- au
Mi mnsiiig. Tte dimeaaiema ore
....I «!.. ____ _
sod tbe grey, may Ail
eil nfula#
onJer H.A
tbe nreguo.: ' 0 ‘
ircb TtesJty evvaiag.
. .. .1 ,n funrtb degriv
.- .
Tte ritem teoesi sasid by Jna Wslialreeio
the aonuy
a" loving
VteMAakm.psnte tteosghowetteo 16 tori. D is equipped with a iOrIC spcndiagalittloovet a yoerih Norway, btotberr. sayuigloaaeh olb-r.—brum-!pnn-nt.
boOtbyBiookerACo.. oflbif
ro Com.
t'liiirffisu ExoCBliTo
O.B. A1 fism Bsstiato. Moris. Md
for-h there ahall bcao aorlh-oo wmlh SI i'.
mlinjmrboor. OB arcouiit ol ber bcalUi. retoraed biri
wsrtterdte toiteUW.M.
bo*, ooe ioar|ian'>b>
Woo OB Orate Bight, and was meiby Hr. Tyan ate
c-------------------------taken do tbe iirw town. Ii
--------------------------- much improtrd ia bealtbl
, Jr.na fb
Mma Flokxkx Dauau. ate Hr. it [- Cbaira-n Uillikva sod Meaua Daren toolbonr arid*, wills, year, oiaeaod
w. Tui- |dow»l
I Boriagsr of Tdfla. O.. were married and DaIc wvvi- at Elk lUpida on TWtbe ptovoiia wi’l pj<e oVet them
llhsteaw of Iteboide-spareBta, Mr. j day. in uou-altatiiw wiUi Mr. Noble,
ateM».JobBDatsaR.Elmwucd. Tors.iwfafita1aoa metewt of tbe Nortbeca becJnl aod ae-aoiicml; but ihu m >uu
*i t——
tey*M«i>W.byB«v.F.C.ljee. Many MM.igaa D.-rrin|Hnrnt AauiciaUoBeoB meal will be here for grouraiiouv .id to
It willaervu totwll >uOf child |A»i,d C mc-i
Tkote miltoe. tegarJioe amocutioo Biitteri.
(baud Itol lda, 1
reu'sabildnw what tte pr.wertaiiou of i" w
' «to MSdii tte btida, ate Ite cdilot
Tua PIrra.
■ al UinJ mahlato ii.—fir
■ kMwstram tin gmmrena a^phu aont.
Doilog a farwvy thoadwr .ebown tbio Ite worbsof OoJ a» raeroJ. m will he
Bwthtogofttegote tbiagoUmlwere (IliBiBdaT) monrtsg. steal lAO. Ugtat-'
pteitod tor Ite woiMisg fnsi. Ur.
inU> Ibe W. C.
6h ate BigbtoaMMtv ssd UtA Bsristm wfll mokw their borne BiBgnn
ttewim, firieg tb« brrildmg. An Past Ooauaaten L. Boberts roapwd
s.MteftqwttoltoMyiir .
alarui waa lainad in, from Mo. 18 ate te oc behalf of hie eomradas. i > a brief
tessM»ii .M» wpwi •tewM s
eelte ^nedtfllltewiib etimag memviei uf
' iypstl.toaster soMterastow.-. ■ DaiwmaalBosortste Traverse {.TUBixl.
Ite Oaxan raa up Urn partitte old daye *>f battle ate mareb, ate
e -tloB walla to Uu garret ate bnrai gritriaUy aoaapliag Ibe gJt of tte i>«.
WOT'mnte ags tea Ba
> Uirvagb ite nuf. Tnoc fUteea budU*»4U, •rstaiu.m'v UfteOMtre.
utn-idiaip work oo tte part of tba flrw- pie to the buys in War.
•teHtosai Mm.W.B.(M«k ted .
Boo. L. O. Valm« of B< BipU.,
■ MtoisMi by Ite tealb wf Mim «
!B exliagniated Uie btaaa vlU> aot
a vatytewryJamagobycitterfltoarwatar. tbes made a abort bat eJoqaeul tedrei*
MMiaillii. nahstedtevws I totewasBidrillUtM
apaaUag without r»to*. so that the Baa. r^<. «
flOraHtoMteter, Mtoad of*
. tte boildiag i« owaed by Dr. C;J.
if annlile tORivoeveo aa abstract of
a Karelaad. wbo also tea ssoBcwaatte toespaasA He was uftsa iburropite | onZSXS? FA» OS TUB D«J«n.
, greute floor tejoioing tte Megraph.
by beany teee ta,ate bytaraa
tolepboBW ate Adaau expms oaea.
w itbtte patlioeof
rM.ateisdBotd rein bare bean Hia lorn will be oa tte buUdiag. No
tbeoMdaye.ite Iteilkd
>1 hlsgpisstoite ^vtoMsi at tte Park Fton tetri, si iaaaraDoe. Dr. O. A. Jarvis hai daalal turileetlooeof
I ca-MOvn .its
them witb pw Itaolie eatbeataem.
ftowsMte Wqptol oMom So wtt
u ia reeate alary; atigbt
: alterihto to was' bto hted tor SMS ._MMyitoat tolOpm.--------..
r. Xt was B aacrow oaeapo tor Ite FtealyfwMmmefros the ote,|
teCdbmytaD ate otter woodaa rianpeatelte axtoetee. wUtei WBrejMCrvo^trwxCBTORCRrwA9««
JaasA Wilvimi at TksvoMo.fMy tte
by maaie from tte bate, -'MaiebU>w cotr.
aMMte«.AIti9ssO.B.AL MS sotelM- A «Mm> wfll te to buibll«atotte raw. Tte taryeaaeto rioate
JL&toM m M m as i^ismsf
aM Mtosg
teeatemfaomtte bn.waa qatokfram tog'Umogb Gaotgia.*'
Uu watrrfWte ate rMllsBt aarvtos
I to Ma toamM^ to Ite >
|Mfw.'iw«oMtof tte'eauly offlee
u ia ef while teOMe ate
tewotm watte raete g
How feiv of our triumls comprehend' what it moans, or hive
” ai.ytliiiig like m adequate idea of what goes to make up a concern
wliich kreps or gets EVERYTHING that a customer wishes or re;<|,uires.
' "Object lessons” have now become an acknowledged necessafactor in the proper education of the young.
■’ We know of'no lesson that the community x-au so woU and
thoroughly learn as the one which is oi>en to one and all who
tit to accept our standing invitation to come often and took
tlirougli our entire concern from end toen(l,and from floor to floor.
Cmivinciiig evidence will be prosented, when tliisis conscienlidnsly .lone, tiiat not to do it is an inexcusable as well as unproht-
• ....
Att.uitiuu is reipieslcd t.) tile new styles of collars illustrated by
the following cuts.
BvaoB Roll Collss.
r: NAT i o n a L
iFald up Capital. - $SO.IIOI).
T*»v, m. V.
All examination will establish their meiita and attractiveness.
That some of our newest jobs in Carriages, Road Wagons. Two
seat Canopy Top Patent Spring Carriages, Carts, Surrey Phae
tons, Platform Spring Wagons and single and double Road
Wagons are proving most satisfactory to our patrons, and are
readily picked up. Compare carefully before you pay out your
money or you will find good cause to regret not having done so.
q^toBMftn- Bitetowrtooi^temtoakialMi^fNm
IboHQl twii.li bod • ,h>ii
' O'IT «•« sera A MO
i.Ur.,0., .. -t of -hV to oo* t'Vi.iV ••--iiri.ti'g fiinv li
Ur.^ i»wUk M
-'Ir-.a r.4I. F J<l •■>
A for'I OI>r>v
m. Fiidar --fi.n1^. M«. M.r.;
L«rd^t .pixiteMtlM WoiO aJtru I iJ-B Ki ii>« 1
ij ►ipionor
M »-t^ I
TitiMU.boM-rur. Ill > f«hMh* AaUaU UakalbtbOM Ttonrto Cut U»t Friil»».
Mn Houwr'*rt*utl.l.r.«rr.Fw ^ Hir
Ur,*TiiiUuKbrr-otb*r.«la»Mr.f'«“'''‘J''~^‘'’“ •-«» rMcb.d:,,^ Tba origiatf 1.
«t ttib pioea ud Mar Tidniiy.
biaa^ i«-tia-|.-l <>l al! rl lfa«l lien.-. 'U
;pnaaeiaiu<irwirg aoMOjodra. t^y. Fruit mmi bvrj bloMOiBt
t-ria-k,, ll•.<m
i Ugoa tb .1 it wat rfwadad to adopt u
aa3ilwat.ortba atjIa'X ■
M,.Q»«ri, - .k. ..............
Tb-«..«o.ih. Jd diU
, ki..l Nrr. Joa. I>a(
Oaorga h»b— liu ■ Inma op for
l«u.l aloot C »«t.|
■ |M», vlncli pn>TM lb* adigo
fa"n»» woririd one dij jujiy .,.,
o„d.r waiar. Tba'aria-
iHt: rasM 0|i{>UMaoD to uw
bo.r.o..lbi.l«.arbriDga good rMuba. A«d «• Uuok
irapairiag bar, and'»pwsU
• O««K0 dMwriog of «U Mdi
; iiara bar read; for tba «ati
Mibojirarvll I.,.
orn^iuoMb a *aj ibal tbo bab^ xVaot, *aata bafoia.io 1838, tba
— ttmiao Bcaiaat Ibe Lot atorr. lasd bad- bean aurroTed br tb« goi'
E. A Oflbarl; *bo ba* baaa rwib
!Tbe boro
hot tba «9llrga
iiidarrO daagvroua, gatil
iagbia bratber, B- M.O
_^liooad areralba fital aatlatiuMd to bia boat ia Cba aoutb
- aljout tba liBia tbat death oaoe lo,
la *ia* of tba
U. U- Miller baa bia rbaqi a
part d tba atato. Ha repoita that iag doM.
ral,e»a.bomUaobaofiiaa«irerii.ga.|,be,^,o„,jil ool^eaa nealleot
famara ara babiad vitb tluir oat
I alFrai^rtiTTV
' idea to arect aome laeBorial oa tba
aoniig aod oora plaiting pa«eeout Uattra^.
Uaocdooa on tba > *il* 'bat firat cab n. or eeeure for
, of to iaao7 baarj raioa.
Iba btoa of OlMi Aubgr hara or- Iba 27ih in.t-, aod Uew up Ibe Q. i • P"k • *««* «“b« laodBabnoing
guicad a baaa ball dab.
K & I depot lefe. amaabed thioRT
origioal landing plaer. *b>cb
Mn. D. BfOtbartoo aud daoKbiar geoenUy.aectiredaaB*liaBOBotol!“iU
Mr. ^3
-i.-j «•_ in
Empira.Urt woA.
OUj taat »cdi oa bedMaa.
Qaite a nuDbs (roji tba Hfll
/. P. TaiotaoB baa gooa to Beafrr
api-tit drcoralioD day at Mtplu City.
Idaad Ibia «aak oo bbtioraa. .
Loka Hoadloy I a> gotw to Arkaa- and i.i..rt a «. ry ..'raMatii time:
aaa for iba banafit ul bit braltb.
tVe beard tb>l li>e P. vf I'a
Aaaea Doff; baa BOred iato 6a>: talki-.g of^Uliigibeir picnic
Oar««t'a bouc aonfa of tbe aUlioa. tba Hill. We girr tOem a hearty ino da; (waaed wiU aotb- Titttion to c'jtae. and wo will do^
log to diatiagoUb it from an; otbei wa can to Bake it pleaaaot Tba Iniit lreo< are all in bloraom;
a F. Church baa beta appotated tbera ie a large pnwpect for fruit.'
oeeaua taker fbr ttua lowntbip and Tba crop* ara all looking nice and
aa we look out orar Ibe bcaulilul
eoBiaanead work Monday.
Bn. Laningar and Will TilioUoa. eoeoeiy, we ibiok (here nartr vaa
aurb a beantiful apriug.
bare goaa to tba
Tba I’, of I. lodge at Own Arbor
«oik daring Iba aai
HooM nice atringa 61 fiab bare been ia in a fluuiiabiiig cuudilion. They
brtMgbt in froa aoma of tba atrrsma bare fuTly-leu nirnibrra; Ibey receired riz mcmbeia laat Saturday
ia tbit aaetiou of eountiy.
3. E. Bool baa gone to tVeUell, nigbl.' Ibey bare auotb<-« aicrluig
wetfca iiu.ii laaSalurday night
la to work u tbo tacWhat wo now want i. a good aluro.
. (m; and expeola to more Woo.
Dalof Kingalay and Geo. Jaekaoo
''araateb bnilding^* barna Ibia
Kmeraou D«^raw ia Lomaon
~ iaj&^tan baa Iba
Gao Olda baa Bortd from tba B.
' r. Canon bonaedo tba bi
tba-Fatobago bridge
Alien Broa’ nim baa Ibabardwaod
Mariyall eal wd baeeahot dotra,
and tbay an tranafarring the {uae
Jogn from tba bay to-tba mill pood
o»iba bona railroad.
Siunmar baa oome. and «e all
jcieo atita eomiag. Crept an jnal
bowaiag. Cbmy Iran an in Ibair
. baaaty aod eoma of tba apple traea
an eoBBaooiog to Uoawm.
Ghildraa'a day wUl be obaerrad al
Yaba .Handay, Jana 16. A cordial
- i^riUtion iaestasded to all. Lal’a
all tan oat and make ibecbQdfM
- glad by bringing ov floaan and
phala, birdi, ele. ale.
Tbera ia to i e a law auit before
dwtiee Wm. H. Fife on Tbundar,
' JaM S, tba firat aait in aii yean or
■on at Tab*. It ia a gotd'tbing
tba joatin ia a well-to-do fara^^
ho would fiod pour piefciag if bo^
« IlawanHi
Uw mill al Taba one aigbt near tba
laat of tba weak and balpad Ibasaahaa to two aaw awagei or npaala.
aaariy iiaw, ooo new file, om
ooa, a partMlly aaed aatoge hatiinHir.
OM bit atoek. a auiebiaial'a bai
iad probably other looU that will
bo miaaod when tbay an naaded.
We turn u idea where they went
Obaa Berry baa goM to Oadiilae.
Tba firat Sr^ona and all thna
ailla ba*a aUrtad Ible Botning.
I ha. bought a
aad bnfegy of Dr. Burke.
r. Barkalbaa
la bia
b aulboar (Nellie)
ytolaaib Iluadaigyanda
croda to Mil Ow.
1 day
Iba old widiera and Mina of tM.
and citurna of Maple Qty aod aarronadiag oounby witbgmt pomp
and daa|i feeling. Bee Mr.Vankahen. wbo addraeaed Ibe aoldien did
. hiwrUprboA Oar tcbool rinldna.
aoder ^ can or Miaa XiUia Lawta.
VHW aicely ttainrd;aKi did thtor
part in good M)te. AUUallitwaa
OM of tba bwt arrangad eriebntioaew held ban.aaddid endii
to all eoneeroad.
Mta. Aaear iaaUa tobaat weri
TbaatoanytriM anoMinaat of
^ laaBataa ato ali hny babl
A large Innibrr barge ia bring
loaded at tb* iloek brrr.'
Mn. L.rbina ria tad frith friaadt
. M Tnraiwe Oly. lart waak:
■Mra.ffoe Glatfc called aa arigb
b «« ia Biagbria ca 8a*«>d>y IBO.
...............................rdat ibkaiU
Port Huron
Eogiaea bare'tba Sooth
all to ba tba mopt oomj
Spark |Arreaier,
wtirb ii tba oely ufa
wbtn boroiog wood-
d pttfael Clorer Huller oa tb. Arubricau Cbinlioaol—for aale by me
1 bIto aell Iba Swib Bc^
CrplooaTatk I'uuip. ilitt will pump a barrels minute anil era worth all they cart
■£SL* 1 dtomelm. aod ib«fiir$3i.r-
moiwy Md dealroted man; raloabla' “™- ^^barlaa I^aj. ^ belief-—
- aben of
papm. rtoB Tl^ the; *enUo^ - •- B«»ben
of ll
«— ‘iWn^yio ^*00Walbrecbl Bror. gibt mill. *boM —-I----•boarThoir.li.
rx-dl; taka
Ml ot.locke.1 for Ibe arrom “• “*“> »bay would 0|
A title often aalla a briok. l-ut not
d.iion ofauebfeHo.a TIh-t ope««l i;*«ai plia.i.M-m areoUop.bj m.o.o •0 ookkly u a p'OlU gbl agent
ii. ...J
.Jl lb. Ictabs.,
togi-tbi'r oilb a laii;.- atuuunl uC
ri-K ruKT-« new
uolff. aK»n^.M auj ^prr. wbieb
Olacbverr for Rhoum'atlam.
Ihc We.lord «ai
will not euririi tbeoi. but io)uraa 11
ipau; Su far Uirte i» I
due to ilie burglar.
T .n’wxrrszT ,Ta JBOXrZZlSe Blls.
will bold a UuUiug eoBleat oo tbrir
grounds ona mile aoutb aad two
Jei^wr MiUadagin and Oeroard milya weal of Wexford Uornara, dune
lfdow»«^e,.o. two Indiao
18.1l»aod 20 Iba offieara of Iba
cboppera' frum Croa. kUlag...em MiocsatioQ arc: Elon Comall, poa
ptaj-l bj 11, Ablrib. InmC
riaurrluDn. bad a figbi on U.P “i**"- JUcoai. inaaurrr. Tbe
<Uy uigbt ill wLieb blurkaJagiii wna |mr_n irill bu „iiLL
iir.led On r«turnii-g U>-*’«b.ir'
ramp late in IbS aigU Edo.ieumrgo
*■*■« "’<»• ‘
retired, getting ioto tbe wroog bed.
«oe.-U|-n 10
Tbi.ao. DrageJMuekadagiatbalbe :***’"'^
let prize 116;
drew Edowicomego to Ibe fl-xir and ^oJ W«; 3rd. |7. Tenaa; Heat 2
proceeded lo twi.t bia neck, wbieb “ 3. one luile beau. To take ptoce
ed. Fdowicomego ini- j
at 10 a. m
mediately proceeded to quit bmtb-j Second rao^ a Ironing raee, clan
O. LardiaJr, will rent part of tbe iog and Las not breathed rinee. Uisjed a 3 minote taoa,6pea Uikilbon
Green place tbia auumt
remsio. were taken to Croc Villsne ^ es tbat bare > record leai iban 3
IL M Edgeoomb lo.t a rery fine forl-uiiii Mi’i-day, loDowcil l>v In. uiioulc.
new itileb ro*. uf luilk fet-r
btoUierai-dUi. murderer, wbu'does .-dad. «25; 3rd 816. fenna : Beat
3. N. Sint.b ba. rt.-turned from a<rt deny comifliuiag tbe crime. Alllaia 6, ewe mUe beata, To uka
tlie weal; be Kpoit. a pleaaant trip. paitie. were druuC.
; place Toutaday uad ailed at 1. p. m.
Gae of Albert Lacbo.''.-diuraei
. azauLt rarab
| Tbird raoe, a paeiug race, open to
broke lie leg in tba aUble ; Uiia ia'a L i:ti..<i. i-Mcm*.
all boraaa. I'urae $60. let plize
rriy neiiJuB Ium to Hr. Ltekor.
On Tutaday afternoon auotber BC t:i3. 2od.$15; 3rd, $I2
Winter apple tree, will not bloa- cidenl UC urrtd ai the Iron Co’a
3 jq g,
mile halt To take
BOB aa tX|w«tod tbia yearj ansmer ■lock Lout, I, wlicl two um nw-iptacTkond-jp ui. «.d ,U,n..tc
aod fall fiuil piouiiae a lullorop.
fo.il ocpAld^lk ooJ lki.i,4.o ,iU.,k.a„io„i.™.
Tue I', of 1. now bold Uieir meei- 1..1 o. ,„.k 00 .bid,io.drf:
iag.intbe erening. ud new iniipi. ,.o f...
d o.k,.p .to., to ,b. ; ^
bare an joiDiog Uw "aa«oriation at too, C|dpl0tol, d.o.ob.-l.o.g ,b.
neb meetiag.
ood btotoop U. to..
,3„ j„,
Mn N. A. Beoneit of Olympia, ^cbi. bod, 00 Utototooboo. 2d
Ttoto.': B-, 2 i. d. o.i
elate uf Waabiogton. U tiaitiag bet loot Itoto Ibo StoOOd. ib. OOto botog
mother, Mra. L. Tbaye^ of tbii drawn ioto tbe et xk booM by a aplaea. afUr an abaenoe of 13 yaare.
ble atUebed to a bm>tiog angina
MapMon Saoday tebool waa or- UtoOtoi. dotopri iotorioo. por-i
prtfoMi 2od«7,
^ized May -Jbb. Sapt., H. K, lloo.oUb..iootbOo»-toll Of. bj I
itocllood btodSTlbo toto. .or, !“-•«■ 'f““"
If" lb ooo
Tbajet: aaaiita^ BupUC. Fowl
Tbo fto. .toopolog ibfOfgb to. .tod.bo.to,.Io Ub. pUo. d'Hd,,.
dr.: aeeralary -and i
Mabel Fowler; libnrian. N:
stuck bouse andwhea abootmid wayj
for all Iroi
ore aod men to tbe fiowbeneaili a!'>>•8
dliUnceofabont-MfertoriHJould'**$16U. l.i pibze ru. 2d
idW i'utae
bare been I bat dialanee if a pile of ^ ^
3 in 6.
nad noi been i«riously one mile UaaW To be -called Frv
While Kale Cuinminga waa play
dumped there Tbe two man Eurr '
at 1 o'clock p. m.
iug with a dog it beeatfie angry and
Sereoth race, UoUing race, clasabit ber faeo tary bidly, alao knock Oiaou and Ene Joae|ibaou wont
iag ont a lootb.^Dr. Zwwit wti duwu with iLa cars, ibe foriuer be- adw3:3U race, upen to all boraea
odled and tba^d ia doing nleely. ing cvm-idmibly biuiead.lba UiUrUiiat bare no record leM iban 3;3U
Cbcapiiig without much iojory
Funrn $6U. 1st |Wiu $23 2nd, $16;
Ul. L..T aau.
3rd,$12. Tctm.: Bml 2 in 3. oas
mile beats. To taka place Friday
16S.6C0 barrel boop. weie abipped b.-*ui.ru>i SCUMSunday afternoon laat, Frank and i p. u. and alleruata with itie frua lor
froa here on ibe propi ller I'etoakey
00 Konday. aod aaolbcr cargo of Fred Wririer. brotbarr, Louis All- aU nee
600,000 wm be abipped in Iba near ardl,andaboy named^Geo. Suiitb,
EmtOi raoe. a lunniiiiMace. oner
all of IhU ullage, were sailing
i‘o,m$2!. i« p|!^
A wocai) araiRu
O'Nrili's 1litb-boat in I'lnc Lake. $12: 2od,$8i3id$6. Terms; Bfot
N«rIrouion,aa they were railing 3 « a. ball mOo beau, and to alterOne of tbo nalnral eurioriUea of riong about fll rod, from aburr,
,„i. uie laat beaU of tba Irte
aaudJeu ..juall
..luall eaueou ca,wtzing
00 S W. Bloiadell'e fa'm It
auJ filling the bod
Toe craft
aiaU of wbat we *oald term a mound was. bcaiily bal-axtad with eaud
■pring. Then i. a monod abool H bag. aubl einue. wbirb aliifted- aod Uie field rball be entillid to first
feet in diamaier and about 4 feet
her (low riBbiiog.
high from iSa lop. of wbieb bobMea thii eondilioa aba relnaed to beir
" l'**aafina a briliag apug aa can be aceo up tbe weight of tbe four persoois
Tfiorsdiy the 19Ui.
einnlrV /
in tbu eounlry.
and they atrudi oat for abora. They I I'beia wul be wu anti anew tea of 10
AB BM a Ml roa a iioiiya.
bad nearty trailed Iba rbaunri bank ^par eeut of iba InU pmna for ena
when Fred W'rialey. i-rideatly ial<a
«utei<d. and not lets ibau six
Aboot a iaool>! ago'an Beglidi with cramps, asked fur hi Ip, which {cninca lu each
■parrow boiJt a'neat on the rope of it was tm|>OB»ihle lo irudrf Hal fullll purse.
W. 8. SpcDcer'a awnirg Tba alore wful down. Tb. ibtet) aut<i > ra
Itiv Bucuiy rwaeirea Uie -ngbt to
batag on tiTaW rida of Howard, reached rb>irs, ud from IruetM
deelara any or all taoea off on acatnat, tbaani^ waa not iowand telepfauaad berw. Tbe bodyof young
ooaat of bad araatber or the nou-fiUnalil noon, aod when ttw awning Wii.ley was laoorsred Monday.
tiigolearii race, unless speemJ areimadowolbat firat day, ot eoona Tba deceased waa 21 yean of ega.
tba neat eame dowD with it. Erery
mgraing aioeo ibetr. tbe aparrow aod a earpeotar by trade. Ha. wasiMoaty and.tboaa wbo wt« boraea.
.jp„„pbo. bltobototob-.totop
bnilda a aew dmI, gel. .it fini.bed
pkindiaaster. t>f Ur.-ayoara ago. n on tba gmuDi
aidiaya ae egc btfon noon, and
whicti bis father lott faU life
don Boi teem dieeooragad that .ba
tionof all
work of tbat
widowed mother ia nearly eraxsd by
baa lo begin all oear agaia nazt day.
tUa aceond tarribla Mow.
A 1st preminm of $5. a 2nd of $3
and a 3rd of $2 will ba paid for tbo
CWpL Ed OoadoD. a ateamb^al.
stalboua wbirii wiU ba
lu 1858 tba fint landing of wbiU riaaaedbytbajodgas.
BIBB well known to the early aMUer*
of ObarWeriz. died ia Detroit laat aettlara wsa amda in BanzOnia. al a
tea of $160 will barrqoirad forearii
weak. Ha lately waa a^waded for point a abort diaUnoa north of tbe
stranding tbe rteamer Onyaga, and FmAard bridge oa Ibe aartb bank of
it ia wid ba died M a broken brari. the Bee Sriaa ri*ar. Hmw n UrnOapbOondoa wfll ba i
ly cabin was made from tbe aacurad for both man aad beast of
tbe throng wliirii it nexpettedvOl
^ old •‘Pine Bieor' people aa ■laall pinrw and uber timbeii
Uw naeler of tba propaUen Motbe pJaa, and tie awa of tba par*
bawknnd OUaago. Let* ba mb- ty aat rmtoaaak tba loas ira of a
awndaJ oraeral of tba fioast ataam- tataza eoUaga aaiUemeot. Before
mm»^ ben the pngaefionbadp
• It iw WT Hopar.
. - -ASsnoas.
•.••■V-s.tSirt_________^____ ____
People ^Idom imprOTewbeo they |
bare IK> other molal bat Ibemarirra
MtACKiao aiOKT ar biomt.
iv,';.:V/. £rv?v;:f?vr.v
Ws bandl. nuUiiag t.ul.thc lfc.-:»»!si»U^T«ri:-?-iJ*.l/-i-tri IWuei'n r./*AW/f6<y«i<//u'-M«i»ib.
tW. i'aUJirr Uidti «i»i«f >«r. in lAcfr aeoauu
Front Stroot.
phto U rau'ibly Voutbad for a. being
112 reara old and of well praaerred
(acuities W'bae a little girl aba told
caHk to Gen Wa*5ngloij.
I-AIIKKR. Prol'fioor
»ii»i !fitalBiiW^,SiHMiWtt
SiiliciU a abnv •■! I’alroBai:* .
w J S»A.RSCBik.
1, twsu MA-. U
Mm mn
Rotoiototototofototoboiofto.,.. FfflE PEBFIIIIES.
BcoU and Shoes, wbwh Will lx sold at
a etcae auigin ew and etwas iwrt.,
0 Indian rtodent'a
written Inwoo^in Fmriri
we'British ware pinning lo 46 Bunkrr Hill ■
iicral iTircclor
and Ijndertaker,
‘Something Dropped!.
. - -fr —-
______ iS-xr^;“£
iJKvrn m. imiiKs
____ OVK hTXXfK OF-------
, luirejuntir b-t
The conUnted mao ia ercr i
murbrieber than tbe rich man
The I'raeeoi
Style of Spring Suit.
Di Styl
____ t—“I can't psy Ib.l
aeeonnt jnat ytl. Mr Culaway, but 1
want a .priug auit Ibia spring if y>iu
can actotamoilale me" Tailor—
-Certain:;, tir; I'll .iiiNin.cl my ale U> morrow.
WaU^aperand Border.
IcSsilIcsM Iif« !»• IsaA >if« bsa MUil
....... l-ta-ill all gni'lcs .it l'rii»-A
l.<i\V‘-At. ;it tlic Jlo.ikAlor*-.
' •BVT1Ak<ri>Tb»t|'i'; al
3VI. B- nA.SK.ESIjI.iV,
D0)lt spoilyour Fcof,
U’M Cheap SJuMs/1
A Dmggiefa Mias Taka —-.S
limea s druggUt's mUtaka doaa more
barm lo timaalf than to anybody
else- -Yo.1 think Kif "Vn.
sueobetAkra a min for bi* wife
and aba tuma out to be b Tixan.''
Arriiu-, Front Hf-rl, TUAVF.IE8E OflX
F'»l tSi.si- Wmt uf
■:;,;;K.;Tr.-.irr- ipatloi and Chamber Furniture. Bureaus, Lnunges,
“Neffsc aiiapw-
.Wo'/f-f*"' -tHd tl'c-u \V-n .UfiX,
IILC*. ijrsckH'. Siw SkrlK lodiit W-ri. H r
.Picture Framing a SpeciBity.
Price* Might.
Vuurs r.wi»eUoH.*.
4. 1. Ik« Us4
Tba Sultan of Moreoeo baa thirty
1 pirm Hu domestic affrirs
nore tro j'asema than bto for
'ii amt belts t Wiisa a.
Minister (to J^nuy wboia diggi^wonna for bail)—-Tobuny, do
yoa not know that it u wrong for
yon to do any work axe^ work
Meaaaity os Sanday r
A6hany-‘ KnMaityt Aint I
MMiiy. How’s a feller to do i
fiahia' if be don't baaa baitr
$1 w.12Sifif:is!aiK5LiwSiSiTK
“toHn^'b.l^K^'orahi. oukil bd<*e.
.7- Elrwlor (FoUins) Kinder wbicfi is oaaaipai-eJ hy sny olbar maeUae M-
CUrSMtus.<.rf*n W.rf.me
Ltobl KaeUye U««er for doiabUity, lightnes. ul IfistI ana aw («
I baudliur. i* tbs bert atBehins amds for tbe I>ms.
L Joseph
Josepb OliTST.
Olirn-f of
ef Osidsid.
Oaidsld. las
Iim a Beefceya wbicli be baa aesd fur
lot riztem
nztem yoam
.-0. .
B«*sye mwbiris IWi
'lo^. . ieimicejoot
aes if yea
yoa ai
are to aasdof any rafwnaaod report to*a
, year maeblnea
and ass
0, .to & art hare them In slnik wr cae order.
Mootts «i Park BtrreL in Leaeb Eaiidmi.
matmwmat mim, gmS-
eU. 1
IMk. IflbildoMMtfiBdUl*
wMt* bwkat. 1 wiUwriu lean.
aicfc,»*f i,>aa.
TktolMWraM !■
Oat of eight, ay boya and firia
Etary root of beauty aUrta:
80 think Urn about yoor eerie,
Oberbb wbat b good, and drira
Evil IhoogbU and foelinga ftf,
tor, aa anra aa.yno'ra iait^
You wUI abow for iriHt you are.
—tkUkt^by AimtU ttots.
^hal With the Children,
Thora ore four new oomera to be
hoard from UHby.-Oon and Ethel
end Mhpoie, and deer li'iUe Iovt-jHt.
ieU Mary UbarioUe, who really and
itosly wpiwt* bar latter to oa. WaU
iHHaipoa! Von wall daaarta
ItoliaoDaof tbaHaaiUP Land.
’’ Thanka, .^nie, for tba |)retty
iMaqaata yea hare tani tba editor.
lliUbbloe and white lorwera vary dianning.
vary terry for >00, Elbel,
that yon hate loal your dear moihm. Wa kotrw you will Uy to Uka ao
itet yoa wiU mart bar eooM day
wbata tfave b no piuting. Eoiiipa,
7M ore aa old and waloiMne friend,
hoH wanre alwaya gbd to aaa.
Itbrerr ptaaBanrTo know that
^oMer frieeda bare not f<
^■edwebmtly wetooM^AaotM Bam." -E. M. V." otpd^’.
and^ V- A- V •
Warren O. Ibekerman aenda the
ioUewtag cocTcetod lut of ouanara
to fab -Hiddeo MamaiP,'' pubUebad
Monh 47, to Laura Undby.
1. Aagoota.
1 Spain,
a. Ohio,
4. Faria.
5. Toladu.
E ttnilo
'OurL<eUer Box
‘ljH*eEtoyoat.IaepMmk”«>disUb beSar.
Wban otbv "yoongi
iaiiy i.Tt'; =f n.feijy D]i,7ds.^
m’lL I mm »MkM« «tp«
p wd MiM bad*. laa ta
DhsEmiw-I tbMgLtlvoaU
anite to tbe HnuA at I bate vnt-'
t^Meabalora. Mj papa Ukat lb«>
Hntup H>d I bka Up lead ibe fiUie,
^'lattata.' Mo« I will UdI jroo
ibatliMdo. 1
waab a^ wipe
Ha, awM the dioor and make
badar-a can waah tbedolbee.
bat ay Maam thiaka 1 aa too lit
Ua to waah. Kow I wiB tall 700
whallhatafOTpata. IhataalitUe
bird, hit aaaa ia Freddie, and too
kittiM, <aa‘a na«M la Bpataadtbe
otba’a naae ia F1kB>. and a little
b Catay. ' Uy adpool
win b^ Ibe fith of tbb month.
Uy p^ baa three beraea, two eowa
aod two caliaa. 1 will anawer Uac
-^--r “
ally. • Waiw bta, m U b. be.: PraeeollT my amplc^eif lAacd to
----------------<jois tiobwtebo)—Wbetedrytn
onto you would go bmk with yoor I lake ^ toto bam^ wrth thaop I
kilto wbmi aba fodowad tPt. If wei«Uyod wdh lU old boon ontii tba IT ia lU bMrt of Um cily'
Botdmr—1 hardly kno
»/iaInetoatwnd the oftamoon at iprindpab died, and then I bad ervIbe biWt .of _itut be eomowbere near
Oer tor nicking to my bn.inaae led people ligbU are
“Bnl I bW, gel « .
to Inut me. and gave me a eharaelitlle laa.b,'- amd Ebie.
T You I
laUaiimlwrateP iMawatJ.w tati •'! <1
iss lo cel It in li jou aro ipaiw
tbcpo, Uai;, and HI coma
A True Story.
MrSuie.**"** "* “* M«»
When George waa a litrie iioj be
lAfi alone with the lamb. Elbe
aeereely knew wbot to do. If ebe There waa a ataen bill
went borne for icmetbing in wbbfa
to carry water, Ibe little thing might
htr. liatcbellor—Wbot about proabe detbe-posture bUl’.
du before abe got bad.
lighted to ptaooe,
ptaooe dnren by bb
Rsmiiog to a tlreaxn in tbe wooda playmateo. Rorooe,
Kewt—Freoent bomyony al
Mooet or
>t futAiot
ways accepted.
budt«.o,M,»d u.a a O.. U»1U ___
for 'fore lege" curving
biv neck, whinnyieg and diewing
Ty leavcf. wbieb be oiled
rvaeditebead aod
iugly fpr mere, that Blaie
n «ut
•»»-' !*•>
Soaetimee bia maatera took long
>d dealofl,.
her armi, and, with a good
deal of joumera with bin lo tbeatream or
togging, managed locairy it lo tbe
wood lot a half a mite diatant, when
be could canter eoberly aloog. often
-If voQ bare to , die. you poor lit
drawing a load 00a email track wag.
Ubitg." ktc ewid, laying it dose
water, -you'l! die
te tbe wagM. wbieb p^rv.
Iiite Santa £iVvi6v
»■«the BEST
Fcpr aab-uety lpy
TfMOfH'Oly. llicb.
mS-Mai: order. irtpmiPllr fil'iU.
lfb.de taiY.mcSwMCuusaw,
]\[J(.Fairbank & Cb.-feCHic^^’
lattaa gatting pretty long. ^ 1
as bi- cboie. woo'ld come rat
' ebariot,
will aloae by erndiug a riidl* lu bead ao tisi it bjigLt drink
dovru iLo bill, followed by
Bou^ oa an apple, aa'buay oi a bee.
the pra<tkat Idtle tiiicp^' you ever
i lri(l*nnd*'^e^rin
1,11,“tpir.,■n.BCurrbiP iii.i.'.
From your btUe trind,
.otli Mi.™ U,U ,
■ -’■ta" It, w.. makes
Ago 10 ycora.
Eaiu A. liini-ia
itlle viliui^r two]
have not b itI tbia but..................
to a bvipleae UlUe aniio^ tor
, . i^j_ o'eu;^^
My Mother.
weeks agoT
loveorJeausBud U) wflecttbatbei”“„^;i“i:;“«*«^e»^
(arctilji—rerokiw e><u u<
,1 be lookiug ui>oD ber and ^ edtoaddrcsBbuu------- ,
ybe vrai a bumiu being, uv woold wailing for money to pay your
&.U,len on M.aoiilcd,
mg that it was tbrougb real
^:.taaipandcbew,and look at you aa
And my every fear beguiled
debiaULat ebe did It. For abe’bad
beeu «a ausinue■ ua Ler
Lei coutiu to go {if to My, "l>j you espect a horse to
Aa my mol belt
b Blake
Once bis uiother n.ade him a new
Who, with careft-1 loving eye.
".Aud I atu ao dirty. 1
:HicHrarca-s enouSM
„ aumuiii
dt of ‘-bird's eye Uuvu,' Vbm sWsas u tViUJ.sb.iw41.'v I'ssunu
Would have bid each aortow dy. all now," tbe euid, gisoi
clolb with lil‘l« rough.
wLi^ was rubt
And ao eooo each tear drop dry,
be pul it Wbm *e hsJChlldnsa. 0,r c»sc torts CaalMU
wbitodreui. ; •
Ibe lamytook-u few ewuJtowa ol
When andi. cbildbood year bad vmter, toaddraukWro eagerly, at
ter wbieb it «as «^y to seelbai it pluy. The uotber beard voioes and
IsugbUr ell tUe afternoon,
When Ibe youthful days wore gouc pad IPO idea of dying- Slowly tbe iiill, and wLctp it was iup]>er Uiue tbe wood cliopjwr to tbe Young
btigbim-aa came to ila pretty t^cu.
Who remembered every cue.
and it trb«d Us brad, aa if to say: sbo WLut out and called ber liltie
“I dou't knowbJl 1 wcoJ,"au.
As tuy uiotber!
Ik- jup.| SN good as ever, Ibo barn and trottedtbo corner p>I
I up lo ber, •werud tbe Youug Tree. "Can you
you'll M- "
Who in ktor yeora balb ebowo,
j tip's "fore legs. " with a Uke tuc dowil with a book r"
llearil ^ tbe sound of OtbecK El wisp Of .
-I gueau so." raid Hie cboptwri
While ber aun ia going down.
sie rsPi lo tbs road and cdlsd lo a
r of bia uoutb from wbpcb a "Fceilig you've only got oue eiuall
All Ibe love Ibat ie her own.
neiabUor's boy wbo was going 1
green juice was oozing. supupeJ and trunk."
Ho williugly carried Elsie and I
wbpoed. and i nbUed Lie l.aad agaioat
(-UQUORHASit.p. sll
bps srm. but ^u.td iudisporcd to
I ycilisjc MI--X.
1‘eaee afaall reel upou tby btpad.
tut" aakodElsU of bit faluerj
ip.ol l.,o--------- --i’eoee will guard tby dying boi,
1‘eace In. Uune wIpid life bath flrd a ben be (-able lioiCo Upward eroui
" Were Ibn lirsl woicis
ruu uiu'o uss, ,
Uy own dear motbei I
ber oyu felt uj>oii bim.
l.y Ibis time, aud it . „
.. ,
i llireadbarv froii
Ai-NTtt Uoea.
,M P.ir.il, is
is 'T“lb
.rr.i-PP, to
in II
. Vo
would tostall tbeiumb
send Liu. afu-Mh. otl:tr. 1 tUiuk luriada ane flualiug in tbe jlr.
Km Uk Vo*** Futt> Cv»mi
you Lavi fairly esrui-it biiu.
XleiTgic {pawpd ibe ground impatient
You and I
agr.at ,*i.evsu Milly ly and sLuok an iinuyintry niam.
WaU 1 Mmembar the tiaj wbtn &i«l
»bu wbut back lu bor
"Whit are you-weikiiig at ,np«r
and bowed bis bead bc-fore ber uA!
elisnge biui id one younf! puto lo another.
Yoe and L
Ibiug. ■
ic loves you.
Tbe day waa bri^t. tbe aky
do Ibat ” had lliat done hy this
"I wonder wliii I eau give oi imv
mu and i
Tbe birdi were viaging far aopi ueor. vciy o« U ecif.' said EluK aotue lime
afterwards, when a great i0ort was
It was in the yeam gobe by.
being uiwle to ruias luonev for Iho
, 80 long aga
Children C17 for Pitche.'s CaHoria.
oducatiotp of a Ipitio East Inditu gitl
,ad Iipp-H adopted i-v ibe Suuima but yrat«rd«y,
A Biiby's Memury
d.y school. "Odiarl (r-n/At 1 lo
80 dear waa your fads to me, '
.\ c.utio-iK ioatanee of dormant
Your form 1 ace. your voice i bisr. !r..o my dsiiiug little lamb. Uoa
codld 1
DC isl'D^-.n.
Tb y were ao dear.
8Le could uct Pimke
Tbe happy limea we bad tugHLer,
bu’ linutly laid l'-"• tuallei- belorci,., mx ppsndfstLfi-- whn hcr.A
lu clear and oloady wcslber.
,.l,ond.-4P- ..aw
tkll your Umb7, No, tadiH.-d.
You and 1.
ho waa 11 noniha
little gbl lioiaioo vsluabie ai(,)j. ^,,(1
itod u
Tbooe Umeeangeine oa'cTtbreiain. varietx to sell Here,"—be pul two her as her u lid. One day i_______
or three silver copus inteuW^and— tirouglil tbo liabybuy into toy uiotb
We can Be'or call book Hi^put
••Dogmatic,' auggtated her friend
Nor make the momanU.Wu
ortiKau this ueilycar."
• No, bo baa uoi .ligiiity vmxugb
wHcbwas» carpeted^]
over. Then
Tbay will go by.
‘And keep him too'.'' eulaiuied
crept cbout aud eiouaed bimrelf nr that 1 tbiuk pupiuaiic would
s ara gone, tbe Is
Elue. joyfally.
ordiug to his ligbla. When my
M.'iSON s iiAMl.lN.
' ■■■Miae.aaniaa.nex
nian Emma—1 oh toar yaara eld
Slick to Ycur Qusn.
Ib^ if we meke a moan
tbatrbe woio wu not to be found, Fort'* Western Liniment
■ed teed H tfatpH'a Kan 8aeond
A licb ipian. in aoswvt totbi-<iu(o (sttelvvucb uaa wade hut it was
O'er the oomearta g>me.
tc«r pioduixd. Bud tbu viait over,
le Ucacie
be. 4 don't go to aduioL May
Death dOle oa one by one.
iliBj a.
e.l Went away, and it was nlrecited tbe
e folloi
■ „ slary
-ha 1 «Bi vnila better neat time.
Oroppru through aCfacV.—Ilrowu
■ Oack.—Itrowu
Eacb baa bis lima to go.
ju Low it war.
1 will tell you
One wo>t forgulleu.
visibly euibairaxseJ)—“Begpardon.
acUy a j
day wbr-n I was a liPil. o ipsity of
80 you aud 1
Ure. SUrvabam. but I1 loat my pillow
boys end giiis were pciing to pick
Were colled to port,
'' kbtrric,. I wsnt'id tp> go with baby was uow a yrsr and ekvi-s last night I" Tbe iaudUJy—••Well’"
4 we vrore boond imbaort
a. hut x>’as afrsi I fathv: xiould tnoutLs t'i.f- ThcMme nurse took Brown—‘-If xou don't objKt. I
n to the Umir> briore 1 ibwk
should lili- to go out 11 ’.be- beiYou and 1 -k,/'
U-t me. W'hUp I told him whet him into tU- ,awu room, and
Mini Iwttwrito now. 1 am goi^ In owe single day. to meet no mor
Bother sjw him. after looking aboji I bouse aod gtl another fcmlbc r
_ going on.-hv at oace gav*
to actiOoF nowf 1 atody raadiag. Oaeortb, bat on tbe other ebore
p(imp«si<PQ lu go «p-h tb«n.nnd 1 bim. drill cr.te'y wa'kupjto
Foacco TSLCAve
We'll meet ytgain.
L.-t<4 iii<’ kilrbet,. gotlahisbaaket.
a big baaket. iisrk, and jirouuce the rlnr. He , .v-uniTin.. 1 io>a-tt„uif>|i..’v.:. un..i4.'.
iag aed bagenfa. Oer Uaeh
V. a X
acevunx 01
of me
tbe mm
mat f,;.-, ,.(vi4.,.„..,iSiMdr,.-i
and aaUd mother for a luDcbeon. li.iov. bs.oau;r account
b Miaa Hattaa Van Uesun
tta bar eaiy moaL My lUtb abler Kindness to Ihe Helpless. just going
' - '■
tatoerytonoidnadaha b widing
iBibvr callc
back. He took my
Ii tocm. mail iikely that be found
Dt avnvtx piyks
hand, and uiJ li a xcry gonile!,|.e ring ou ibc Cooraud bid it *, in
ekUHtoo 1 think that my laUm
a sale i>:acc, under a cu.Tcr of Bn
to Ratting long anoaglhao good by.
--JOaPilii. wbat ase you gomg to
‘-Tbeta’a a drove, drbui>. Ell
Cuoa L Femm
e J|oae and w
Lat'a gel up m
••To pick berries," 1 rvpUi J .
■|l they go by.
“Theu. Juaeph, I watt to tell yoj was too infantile* at tbe^Um'eii’^wMl
Tbe two btlle girls wm» walking
Ox dw.Hara.nae
le tLtop. /It ts Ibis; Wbeo you miaacd to onderataod wbat iLo talk I*®!''.®'‘‘f? .“®«'“®
along a country road, Abetp they
" Dus EnR«a.-A 1 hove
waa about, or ij know wbst the bero lu.l J.u- tbi.r own pleascf .
tbe patter of many araall feel, liud a pretty good bui'
OTillM to the Ha ALs befora, l' beard
Tbe search, wbieb perbapi bedid not no-1
luave U lo t«ek u Letter
sod Ibe sound of many, -ba,
—1 m;—
Iho^ I woirid 4ito 1 go to iag niter them. They etiml
other Iwya aud giria wiil run about,
.—Jcii., Jn-jehit! i,,\
Port'* Cou,
Cough Oalsam
‘' ,r I I e;U,. r„u1 DDj
. >11 l.a.c
M>4ud JU, 4liv. -rilS,. otooa wall and watched with great picking a liltio Lore aud a little there,
a.Ki.im KiiTok
b, d!i Cra.v‘,’>
waeuiig a good dval of tiiM aud got
■bhmitla. pbyMan, grammar, iotoreetthe
ling but few blackbcirita''
BucMen'a *-.viea Salve.
wruDoingi to eat out
•Hgiopfay, bBtory ^ apolUog.
L»s la iLr eond lor faw,
1 went, aud Lad a capital time.
My taoriMT'a aama 4s Mira Mmy
y iatbm bad
■ 1 xra« ....
‘bey look eo but and liredl," said
'hsPiYA. IUSSd. CUlbUlaa.
M«b, OBd' 1 Uke bar very marin Btaie pityingly. -See.
eaid. So exioner bad oue founds
IS ..............................
■mt I wBUeU yoa wbat 1 con do. 1 tbom ore opening Ibeir moatbe It gox4d buab tbau he called ail the cartaKiirt.ersjpsynqDlfad. lii.rasaalrW
aerettl -U,clvtpn(rrt talltlMIlvi.DT Bi»Dryralaad,4.
-eat. aud lltey
lliey lift
■SB «Mb asd wipa diabaa, sweep makea bm teal badly to see ibeu. 1 real,
wish we could give them oUadiuk daces and all 1^ cogoj iy off to tbeir
tbs Aw. moke bodo, bake btvpod osil
Not coutent
uealy found ti
' A eorreapoudenl vanU lo kuow
of weter.
SMUaa, cBke. and do many other
"bow long girls abould be ruurtrd*"
-Bnt w« can't,” «dd Imr cousin uorv H au a miuuto or two in
■a tba first naeghty On aUlla, of oonreo.
place, they rambled over tbo whole
I wilHpU ycpo lilly. who was vutting ber.
tbe biWe?" -AdV«aturei got vetx tired, and at n
vrbm'B the nee of feaUng eony
bad very few berrice My fell
Elsie ooald not toll wbat i
tUfife my tmter ia geUiag tong
idn'l 1,0
-oa. ^ only knew abe never could winds kepi runumg in my earo, and
•Boa^b. Iftbii leea Dot find tbs a»e anything suffer wilboal Wubing 1 ■.'aiuck to wyTiuiii ~ \Vn«« 1 bad
vaama baskat, I will wrUe agria. to help U.
ducQ mil h ono, I found anotber and Children Cry for
I'uow bi>w Bueb
Oood-Iva. From y«ar HlUe fritBd,
bowlbemadlooke ali over .flnUbid that 1 then 1 look another
Pitcher** Caeteria. I mav bn said ou4»tb sidea until they
fanny tiUle fao4-mari»r‘ When night rume 1 had a bsaket fuU
[bear two woai«i laUrisjr ovtr Hie
mid Milly.«
Children Cry for
' f»oee.
OWa aJSst. Mat u. Me. edoo and th^
were tn lbs nad put together, and
a Miaificat conFcaaroN.
ticvxl' av tbi-y wetsOua Bema—Av 1 bove oeve •gain.
Pitcher’a Caetorla.
toppy. aulwbrul
"And. O htiliy, took twre 1"
anWlM to tbe BmoLD betcpre.
Children Ctyfor
Etaie bed stepped aside lo ixick my fetic
'Msc^bil •oetd writs to yoii.
looked at mv baakei1 full of 1
■Mi to go to aabool is Travone. booh wUeb graw~ot tba rood-aide. blackhetriaa aud oaidi
Pitcher** Caeteria. -T»lilwjO.I^Co.t-j^
My MSlber
loot bit. sod now 1 A faint toood atiaek oa ber car.
'<rVeH xloiic, Joaapb.
- Au old negro .wbo had borioesi in : Lunga'andFarryT-^Mr. Cnaoroen
pmlieiag wiUmy aaalaad oneie. oodabe coagbt aigbt of a lamb lying right wbeq i told you alaaya to aliok
effiea was ookad if be —FoM me tba butter,;plt«ao MiH
Mb bwoelM UUla kmbat Ihsva ostbagmod. Umadaafewatrxig. toxourbuvh?'
U dot.
sin hisiBBa.
biaOM^ “How
dot, ;p«,,baibooa—With *'1 my baort
gbac MomaBla, m if in groat antUo died a faw days tftor. and I eould'aign
«• »M ood Ibat iaa ihaap.
aah» “I oat,” tba lawyer anaw^ jj, Criamwa-OnW tbn butU
_ and Tla pfaiaUva, gaafnag
tth! cjD writayoaroaBat
■HMisdMaia. IbodatoMtiM tafaata vraai to Elam's baaru
. lUkR 4m kOl with my ooihIo this
*4t Boat teve
have faltea dowa bOBtod aank deep iutu uy miad,-aed I b«t.
1 jw) diatktaa it. wli "
WsaUbadtbagtiTpa. Ito thfabwh.SiidtbaiB«i did ioiaaojer fotvot tbo axponaucaof tbablaoktmi^part.v. I “otook to my boak-*
----- lertk. liissl
M Ibt grippa,bM boi |M ViMdlllOy.
, bjtkt eset
kad'a fair place and wu
Mm«- My
well, 1 4>d DM fatva
______WMka and tnontht
bMkM S^'^bot a
oaskiagoLS X th^agfat »gbt
' Barbed Fence Wire.
Carpenters' Tools,
Builders' Hardware.
Nails. Stove Shovels,
H^idtaulic Rams. Dynamite and Fuse,
Gucui and Amonltion.
Fishing Tackle,
Plumbing Steam Heating.
Futnaoos and BegiDter*.
Gas Pipes, Steam Fitting & Pumps
■Ntt ''
All kinds Job Work in Sheet
TJT Iron or Tin done in Workman
ship Manner on short Notice.
Despres & Montague.^
••t4=tiOet Your Job PrlnflrtgtfSa-
I3t3INrE A.’F
Inside Trim iu Pino and.Native Hardwoods
J. B. Greiliok’s Factory
^ .
.snusu vFii.is'i Asi>nf‘if>ujyoi.vuithut,
Flat and Square Pickets Eave Troughs &o
,kls ■, 1I.D- «*«• -llertsa
ifcawt .k«CT.i wvrsrvJ lo «B sll
TalesDa na Call a
barbed wire
Hole Digerers,
in,,, and fiirel (i/rntri, /Mex.
SM ir,re (vui ChUTo’Is.
Builders’ Hardware,
Favorite e«rr*ICIuiiTt*,
au M, S. O Bm «an
MtMftto Btookoa
imftttm ioMitm kM» toM
HWtWat lo fom awttoa Im*- ,
At 33’ Staite Street
doralopa rapidly
I oUbm do oBwa-icbatodardoraioie
rope JMtwoao ||<[•*««*•■ MAW
_a ,L.
bMtBOoago writ 116 ood Mood
tba —ptoaOM'
wd roattid woohlitla faoey of Iba toacp*
^oiD« Tf—tmiw for a
Torpid Ljvor.
k* tery diflaraol from Iba
o?oo. M. aamx eoKt
d faraabiagbw bairood who would plcaaa tba iotalii.
• aod elroD yoeog wooiuo of B tow ytaru later.
to yo«- Will yv» ••■ Tbo baot dtat for oeo witb 0 tor
JwldUaproa. If aba orold ptwtow
S Utcbum Bawroity makM
Mm yoamU. m tW fctootogfj-^
^'”*^!thooa>>lb arrr wo abort a otp. or at b«tv drao^bt
■ wo«ao'a pb>
tm,. «
oej r*t*l>Uin)wbrraelfoo torbrd!«c4l iiraugtb.
■Mj ■MtoM, lytoM. wMr aad
«up}<.n il without loHog bar]
iMMy.-a boUtMaSMlMMa r«.d
o( y«ir bMbMd.ork« ca 00 MOM*, bat U boa( to oddod, tbro rtoac. Iba woold dud
MyoabmlMBaDtoAat Aad b«v ia of oooraa o large ootooot of alba rwpoyforibe ioal liar*. Halt tbe:
toaiadyosan aotoaf*'* lebooi BTO 10 ba dtopoaad of M wMla. If; teat will oiiawrr if lokuo before abe
S Broaow a girl to farr laao* ii
Toae let btr
gMbata-boM mOm-* &b4 yoa tba boar ood Udoaja oto that eoo-,
•n Bot UHhtol uywbm at toU, «o Ueoolly omworkod. U will ootbe taka bar aaodiog into tba cool par uot past Iba frulierome aadtiltootob
ly to fto yaoMaW >p ip iMbat pai aorprulog if aowa of tba uric acid lor, or out uodcr ibu treto witb a ago, aod ibc lore ot pliy aad aiouaeIt wbirb iraatoral to bar tiB* of
. ,,
book to glauM iuto. to act bar
dbto brlia-iiyto aad XMOira yoar
Mr Molhor'a Dou^nauf. ■i*w««Uli.u4 jwbMbM4 to
IM Mm •• (to aM MM • MH* a( M<
&«ly SvNduh 'Oats,
Earl Eochsita Potaton,'
Bodiestei Rose PotatoB
arwMi.B^.'m>WmO a>| 1 Jm. 0.0.
•.uaettoi I
'tba abote oaard aead* aie plaenl npoe tooMarkot by Iba 1
Seed Ooapktiy. ot ItocbBlrr. N. T.. aftw (boroogb fieldI taata.
liecd by^ll wbo deaiie to raaliae
if apt to iotarfere with aataraal
a w-foo. it w a poaitira fact
Benner, euameet crai, liinrM. eM
M.M «■ •
bBiUhi* dutie* I bare koowu a wile of 19 «wk
ml «er.. mnekn wlii >e aiimr.. »<rrf
a parlor ao dotoy yoo yoaraair
aimi <«llan.cnrtaulr4 lac ikeMe ik» U
>. Fnila,
i*> to
...------------------ l2*-_
leier.tkalalievlecfWerervetecIsf Wea.Kaadhap^.ood will oot Biutbaitu Jrerl tbu eomiog of cbildreo bo- nM
lkUne<Tm«CMCeie|;.OIckl»B.«i>gratoaod silk, eaada a parfaet diet
kawrel k*‘l of Ikr Mclknel f MRecaf •mlaa
Wewuet Uxe our cuia eauto lUey «oald kaop ber a«ay from BeekereU
gimyoariclf }>toMat« ia rataniiiig
ivreir (VO «| taavpkie lereu-l.r,
tor BOD to ooy oeedHioo or aitoatiou
CBitF ««k eMl. •rruceitr la |l.» I'allrO
panin aao oil er gayetier. ood eraa Mctk
fort aa we go oluog, or we will
■ad rte«rii>c ealto, in rwaodaliag to bto
8tu«i •enr) tkcrrcl. rxceiiai iknrCmw ibc
biivg b»r Inby up
teti and io patoUay oaon aod flbtIo oddittoe to too aMUM of dtot, a argetit.
^ Ibougb wbll able lo our»«it. becauia
tordiN^aad wkiog dawMoaCdprrMO with torpid lifer B»d*
itte lo'cbo
want to b» tied
liad at borne si:bii(B(vu.ixb: au-r
poaiogw nutap refuaaa
did uot waut.to
toa, ao yoa baia bad ao Um lad tar
loiatru jbr Ibt rbiia. Blie bad manird
tok." draw it l
tba wafgbtier maum at tba bOaaa
«ti?a actioe ol tba akto pariaot. i
. gito«M.i«»rtort»rt-ft
maeilage on the flip otlbe «d yoaog. Hrr next door cetobbor.
bald. Tarw naatbi a •i(e aad tbia
aaaatge aad percuwit
Telop, ood bonow mougb^iuUo yoinig me'me of *iS. wbo eekid
to tba mull b( yoar axpariaiwa'
ofrr tba lifar era all good. FurUier
DoOiirig briier tlan tonurae ler own
WhatdoyoamMsT AreyooBoieg
lor Ibe purpAae
tbao Ibaae, ba abeuld druk a gloat
to MoUiar Nordyka'a aaxi Suaday
be retieved by bfffaUral of water to oaaiat tba lirrr aod
J-iiogoamaU oieoa of bloUing papfrliU *a».abocked and indignant at bar
.No, air! aot U I koa* «bat to io kidoaye to tboir took of
Urgrly Iba m..I'Mkir. HigklcB*. <kti>tof iiih. Ih.|,u*
tedino alrong procecdiogMi h
notatxt tlaaday oor
too brokra dowa tUaua aod other
CMkk w ol ikol Mr. lo Ukci U ol Oofi
dried, diffrranra of age
Ton eanoot bar- ocn.copMFStk.
go (or aMMOtbar rai^a Ibao tV waaU froB Iba ayatam. Oopioaa; aolutioD of atltpalTe aod IbruI dried.jdiffrraiira
Ofoo oklro
■ eioiwo/io be 4oo oS'nwtlo'o?
oof nwiloli ooM?o‘uilr
a/^argaito. 1 an water drtoking to a groat deal batter ’
foiohmorToo Dooftrf SloKf t.r >i f ti lan
■ltolM«atMlr<<MU>«H Ml aoaafropaaad
aahaiaad of yM. aod gtod aoatobtog Uiaa bordoek root or aolpboraaa 00 tbaaioee or io tbe nun for a Ic^w ibim 11 pull (teudily.
nbct«OT.orio» r»Blk»r«>r. o«ic
r.* Mita. Wm 4MtoU«< > tor I
»l,D».lo.bon>u,LI,dr:...,JlU.I '
baa wakei^ you ap."
... kCTCkr o»r» «k*l br«morol ikr
idood porifiar.”
,.U.og .Um or.. w______ Mk csauiirf la okif oinitinn.aod li.
conpllaorr wlik ikg graiaio la work aox oiwfr
laida froB Ibe irgimtn of diet,
Bba.»aJt (rbaraca
1 girl’ll edneahofl Tbe woman wbo
tm SiT^;,t^-ki(Mi’biffx.''*'''''
Me. ooaof toabMt
ped long aeoogfa to draw from-Iba
it to bring up
np children ueeda to ba
diea fora to^id lim ia tbe old ' A Ubleap8oufuI oflarpenUiM boil
till of a troDk a bundle ot papaia,
ed wiUi wbiia clotbe* will aid lu tbo well ouJ iburoughly eduoilied, for
Trarrm^'Mkl^j^lc^. (Mlf kail krifc ikr
AiRioat a Diaappoinimant wfaieb ab* took witb bar to toe kitto faibiooed one anggeatod bylba.pio- '
Ibalr «akc aa well a« fbr her
IkrprosUwrt 4n.nt.rf Io oalf Bo«E«:n'-oi
ao, tbao aat barwU with a will to near of Ibc water cure io Wuitom- ' Nercr -tickle" the feet of btbiea ‘ borne iwnoni sa'.uro mneb tariier ir)
•o wick UnW kw Bar Or ormaarr li.aa'Mi
burg—Iba wat girdle.
tban oiher., birth pbyaically
“Marfaiat. «Lit dd yeo B«y la work. Bgxtog to betaolf, -No woodti
aaf aa atlorirr Inot filmo follara. aa pfo
ap a (a« ekitbaa aod golag dot fea'a that -booM ia not iokt tlia
deiuuoktralioai men‘o1'',<otlar >ii< bc,rJ t> lay • Ifrf tot br lao aof la waif woncakr. Tkr
placed around Ibe body about Iwi
ptrwlaniu br wolf arc fnrr.btf la aJfwoil
tbtog we want it jei.'bol if Ood
Mva to Uolbar NoMyka'a (or a
caaaaalkat oairrl ol latfljloalo btorf Tra.
and cofaried warmly with flannel or • hiebfuUuware oo u
kasin eicrjrlioril earei
It of «y tao or tbraa WMka r
forgifo loe aod baip Be it abaU lieoil filk, worn o»er Bight. etimuUtM
tbiuk a wumau ought U
ciianarot Ihr avalkoni voanri ol araloilra
‘.Oae yoa go, doa C
ao. aod witooat atrip to klotbtbe brer and otbar omM io fidniid« aV—/-«.y S\mt.
ooiaioloa irt. arm loofoor lan.
1 eantgo, l«i 1 bar# aat toy ar Nordyka'a fee help aitfaar. I know
Dlird kpr.l It'h. llWf
il alw. aiilk too^io to do itc'
JimXfB E CwUMLlCK. Ooriaar>e
bow lo keep ibiogeatrvgbt gmiaral-.
to cod in u.rvuuk iutauiiy and dealt'.
U>mx ttUUXHTB, .
daty. lo^ Bomtoglha bandage
klloTawr loc OoRaackv.
-Wby.Jot.**iy do 0 waot OM ly,' aod tbara*'—glaociog tube bun ^•l-.ba remofed end tba euriace
.Children's "L.eU-Overs’
tlgoooarf Wbto aroakd you oiiito dle of peper^-'-are molbar'e apd
batba4 wilb le^ water, rubbed
It ia korpriaiog bow much food!
laagooaT What baa {rot ooeb ao Aunt TberaM'a recaipU for'makiog
JOBTUAUti «A*.»:
witb a'little oil oiwl toeo euvarad i«bildreu waateat table ur Ulwieoj
tbingagood without
Bueh willi'a dry bandage for day
llelialiuriaa bna loafr
, j
imealt. Oluldrcn don't alwaia kcowJ
-Wail, kU^to, bbalU be wbat wa Booay.' aad 1 defy tbu whole g«a|ir- , ,
both prototoad 10 U io aod »itb atioB of Nvr.1yk»’k to excel Ibe Uor-- will bare a good affect, tba inc
■mA otbar, partacUy fraok, (roe aod gau in culinary ekill ur eeoaoay i it «mU.b«,g^.l,»..ltoula.
irtoa toxt if at fault- I'd toow dot
linafTairrmio ibcaiatr
l«J ,L„ ...
HowMargarat a baart did tboiop. wbal 1 cau do. and if 1 cea'l ‘bMl I
, M
..«B ... d..ire fail. .f... .taw
toau all iu Ibraa mootba,' aa dor ao
Wbat waa /m gmog to aav
-----I’erbapt it ia
-Otoourto ’- .
charitably praJicted, I aiy ba able Ibe lifer, wilb dry fiannol ouUida, .
•*< "M «f ao M'l'l' ■
-Wtob aODooay tfaiogadoot go to eooTinoe
g.hat..g4.,.r fm'
a biB that marrifga with Sehaogiog
for .a.Uk.p
.o^ber l.g.1
hot flaooei
jiwt-aa wo waot tbay rboald.
Uargatei Uorgi
... ...agak.r.r/ .-,w, ..r.ul.. B.™.:
* "“"k-k' 'k.- "
. to m I IOMM—I bardly kooo »hat ,. ...w... •
..... „«™
1 0«ao, bat aotoaboo or aisotber,
Uow cd.. W...WI l\..
Uwd« ot ... rilw ...| lllU I. |g,
■ Wfaila my liUU wifa doai tba vary Piial aba planned bci <iioDar. which meolatiuui applioii ofer the liver are!
baal aba coo, booM ia ooi ju»t tba BUto ba iMd, at Wtocn Binuto.{lMoafiml to lb. .tomarh oloo. If! ,,
u. au-cbjrct with lh«
tbiog*amith.aodeoaU u* loora paatlIwalfaabarp Tbe BBoanlrol |yoa have no mMot of beating **l« 'i,oua«wife.
let li.r t|wi.d ^lew miu
: le'Mra tban wa eao afford, aod ~ tba ret IrfUrcm tbe day baforr, i readily, wring a cloth from r«ld w.
. IboiwU otoibaf eoold obow yoo bow iottoad of beiug dumped
lumped iDiD tba ter, throw a uawapaper upon lb«: .
o ..... ...
M.ipjiuoe II lu bo II p:«'i
io brtog CTirylbloK ool atroigbl, aeill, aa aba bad
y do- i atova and Uy the i
Md.taoA yoo lo biltoiop good
' tfatogawitbootBoeboxpaoaaiaodI
in CHHus a foctm ei
OM do «oiy wall at tba rMtooraoU
gn.ji)o. wdi !«.. . ...
I s„.,|„,g.,gdJ-..k. I........ wiu’slaclont I'm Mlwft
lor two or Ibraa waaka i aUy arao o left, aliltlamoraaaasooiug, ifnecea ready fur applioalioii. A bol atoea- giro hiia wbat ba* bicu mvei Wbvu | ~
Of Im. Tklw flic .wife
rr jn l.ir.iBrd1r,0Mh>I
■oolbV yoo aro ool lora to fal^ il oary. and (doap into it aoaa dnmpi pipe Bayba mtda to aMTsin tba I be aeea Ibu piece liis bo u w ell cired j
Uige lo boil, ilia four cold boiled
iforbe will uot rafuieit, eapecialt if]
ai'ii'seB coLLixA
■ ^
Awei.abeet nsb ta alio rxcellent.;. .
dcM Nordyka wm Uaekiag a boot potatcei ielt alao, aha eooctudffl to
In.,, .wid
.“.d" ..I..
L. ">
orUto ba Wd tUi raty wtoa, pbUoao •wtoOB till heated tUrougi: Iborougb Wn.g .
pUeal pUo bafora-hia wifa, aod o*r- ly, maali ia a wall warmed atone jar, wrap il aronnd tba palieot aod rub
• uot oatGu beww BED Btora aorpriaad tbao hr, and, 'toally" lo read Aonl Tbaraaa'i Ua vigoroutly tor a taw BOBenia ;
flo looktog op, to aaa tbat
oliUla Neipa,-jott bafora Uktogo^ add Wat al^ packa, aiU bathe aod a
aome aveet cream, alto warnad, and
data are alao axe*llant.
■o4 joat lika ooae otbar otoo, ba beet to a fotB wiU a fork
a abowing a full Uoaol
l^nd and Power
( tfudxf TVme lu y/«y.)
f-\iU liite »fl^,4fit4y U'o^mc,
7’«o,J OiO/irf Hi4rii4t/ Watfaiit,
<t}tn anil C’o’-trtrf fhifijliiauti liomi CorU,
A full line of which fi exhibited aod «
Do not tail to examine theoe maoiiiDca.
Ttw Advance ThrwohlngSSAotolno* Ctiaranteed to nave
the beat construction of any Machine made In tha Vnitad
States ferseparating and cisaninggrain
cleanlnggrain arw also sold
me. If grain raisers were generallyawaie of thssupen
l-ned they wovli
Ity efthlsmschlne in thsfestursa msntlemploy no other.
Lowest lihltiiiitildeprjevK uaitu'rl on
Sash, Doors, Blinds, (Etc.
AMakeenoteoftbia -A penny aavsl ia two peBoaeamad."
I atf extremely obliged for >OHr|«tfonaga duri'ig toe greater port'ot
the peat year aod aoliat iU rdbutiouaniff::^;^
Fresh and Salted Meats,
•‘Daa't cry, darHog. dootl
WDb't ba (or Ioi«. aod wa cao writ#
bOTtogtiM to worry. Iflbod but
toowo yoo hodo't iaoncd to kcop
boOM ba(oia •• wwi
rfyoo Ukiog
OOPM ot cooUog aebool iut tbal
put o( ir. ood tba roat-4oaptog
Ibtoia op aUoigbt gooanlly "
wow yoo Oil toat urn
w dooX Too oia joat
. Ihi dMTMd wifa oo1 aarlb
•od oae MI Umb all
' to aoolbtr
thraaoKwiba o(r pr«ettoa,o(Ur
hofotwMi^o'BKitbrr'a ood toorwd
her. yoo kiow."
M ol that BOBaoi ibabaUraag
ood dM bod ooty 6 BtoolM to wotk
« bloofca to. ood get to bto work, »o
It to 00 woodw bO didut ooUn Ua
poouliar took oe Haiyarol’a (aoa.
Haoto^thw hat, aod roo. otlllog
ool,**Maar b* ratty by Saodayt
Bayba J'il get off aod roe do«o (or
o day. too’
. llorgto alood bka tmo aUeoad (or
« MOBont aflor ha Mb ood Utoo
waot ood U»od betora Iba gtoMaod
’ tookodol ood talked to bMtolf
•Margwtt Nordykr^ bow do yoo
iHtt Wbokarayoagpiag todo- pip Ufca a otoayi got Bod ot yow
oie bo to '
byoooti(Uef dnyeogotogoo
tbroo woaka'' trototog
i '
to HoUcr
‘•I'uorJocl dmlhia mother aoeb
and lidyhrMierkeaperl I don't woadar he wanted
metogotobari nu doubt that
ban rnnnine ie hia mind for wre^
flowaoodofbjto to ba tiaticBt ao
loeg wilb bi» luolikUY'**
ibeoght more of beuw a Mw bride
tbenna orderly boaaekeeperl Oh,
aoaabaaed ol Byrdf! 6uto
blUar iboughip oama into ay Bind
abila be waa talking toll
ja-tforaBOanani, tbongta, for tba
aeoMoftoekinmsiielfbaa ispreae«d Ba •
ballbafe fandud Joe would not
notiof, aad bow ahuMd I fed! Bat
And be did tea 1 not alcM
day wbau ba eaoN beaa. to dinaar,
and waa acre aorpriaad at Wa wita'c
Iba ehai«a in the a|
bouaai bat nafor ag^ did ba hafo
orcariosto aoggral « Moil to bto
Botbar for laMnM'ion; nad w6e*
fbf cnaa to fbit ihwu. b^ waa tel
atowacd of toy part of nbe^ hoBOg
Margaret bad aoi tor I Mut
^^^M«bo« MoVar«fflaB U uta. tortM beroan wortapcBaa bar in
the gataa." aefi mi« bM boobn
. ■
He* Film, tewlv Fined Mute! Clioicest and BesHil EnirdiH
vflcMMCkf*^, lauruu •'
—UdwidlWl, *.i.b
Thirlby & Jackson,
.bUl. -k.l.
before brc«klaat. or afUr aupiwr.
in tbe Boruiuga before tbe ha«
dry eoiiugh lo turn. Ibe
Engineers and Machinists
> Iftk, IMO.ll If i cUck
WHAT Siiiilid
X:^r^r--"‘-:iEE£:5-rr seon’s
wmm. -wild™.
Uu|>r.l. ur
fin Esperieneed (fliieago Cutter, bai been enj^ed. and will uke ptoaaoro
in aerving cuklumeia io the beat maunr-r.
Iron and Brass Founders.
.allfull Ufi
''irrtU.. gut a... iu..uul i-l..--. udl'
be underrioud Ibal one rlulj«i i c
Wondarful n«*h Droduow.
Anil Axi-icir i*r.tl M«diih< i \. Sl.-aiii ninl llrju** KiUingN LeSt'II
Il'-I 1 Atlil Jllilanli AUtl'OlinitIC .Stop (lUTeTDOn.
'saws hammered and. cummed
All'jt l.bf U.-ii.
ttopton prumpUy doae ou aU kinda of MatoiipMy
riuvKRSK errv.
, MicnmA
Many have gainod one pound
kiiif-ul BKk
dn.. . ..«i»u.d ni. ..d u. .11 .1 u.,
X.U. WtRwift...
it to wipe graaay knirae. rnilTbii way u( mauagiurf t«. after.lir'l.
idaa, walar apoia from leblew |
u vIJ fiieud willia new (aou
iddiiira. foot uarki from floor. Oar grandmotbem did iba very oami
□ facttbing tbat;
- B»Sl•r«lTl^lXll■■^lr
^^CarriagesjRd^ Wagon.
Screw tbif to woodwork • — a hundred timew mure nauMou. l.Mn
t„,. Tl»~ llltl.
Soldi bg all J>raggf*(*.
.,t> lad lb... bawd,. Tb.
•eOTT A ■eWNS.ChMTUaia.N.T.
.m.g««,t 1.
. w,
wrapidagpeperiaa alure. aodwiin.i. aooitu#
uuude.1 lor i'urebaMng,--------------------------tfaeoenlarr^ ^
,tbj„B, .Mwecoduring im.. t..-;l ...d
diini—tl-ioJ H-H%rlrri44 44 4i
I'".,.,'. .,V
Blackgmi'thJ ng «|od Berddshoiikg.
••WoBon oefac thulk they Uve:
' '
any r'ghl 10 r.at uoUl ttoy are tuu
'wtiku . .. wak mii.i u-. asimi
tired to eejey it,- ton ...iug will.
I An. ......................... .
toomnaiiiratbia il. -Tba wumai.
1. It-auM. «.w. jouur par».u
who from BomingUIl night dro.lgm,ha» uut auffipHwt maiarity of jodg- ni,.!.,-. .Ukju-r .-i
.b»al'berhoateielMrw^iwAt^'nMnlorkBowl.dgeor lila-to arlha'a i^xi.'. .
doea iejuttiea to borcalf and hw wtoe eboiea. Ta«lea cbinec and £,*/"'•____ ___- -.....................
atiif ot Hifb.ril.
Highert of tdl ia Lcaecsiag Power.^U. S. Gov't Rqictt, Aug. ly, 1869
|>toOR tTK ItOTttlK
atkw.-ie'4’1 i.lS'a.Cvwirtr to >!■•»* Tl*i«
»o Milw kr-iSr C<1‘. <kkl br 11 «Mtr •< UbT
rm-Mdicbir w it»e«pibi»rt Ciiaf IVfiuM,
- ^*fl**d"*ik« 4M
. .floabhikadlOBr aMooraaotly
Iwa r*di
boferolM ayes aa
^ lliii^ebt; >1 to lOfdy.lbao arebl
Ufa long diMppotolMnt.
‘J2 Kroul Street
111 the Kieveu Iluildiur'.
....... ......>
It Will Pay You to Do So.
rwiiaalar atteoUM il caUed-lu ilni
7V.( Avrmf/*v./.foy'/cw«.
HeleMil Deeriflg Hpesig MaduDery,
journal. Uaie. Ntxt bmI time tet tbe cop> the couuuiB
It i* hMfy work lor a w
<ui miubi'
lea.ur ui-lilili*;
taai bouaawork to do beride. to keep
ihe garden bedt weeded; bat wbat
irwi. Ik • *“ the cup. aprad lwt..evu -lieea ul
ia a grMt droia «
luaowrga, wo.
>*>io bread and butter, pieea logetbeoay work for a Baa, and
V"'fio'd "
aide ol a fcmfe. <
barraat tiose ibe
kuil aeruw. aud you luTu
luvu four,'
rsui rues niK unnaru.
7 hr .Sifn-Hk AreM ^9rd Framt ttwrro**
ThcClii-^ W.4.ml h'ntmcllorTOVK
Ah.ul t'lMoa; HiA UiU /Vomw,
Jk-'trirk't »<xi y/ay y'rw.«/
yyuv /‘<rf"to
XU^ Air.
---- ---------
Feed CutterSj
•t prioM which ptaba them within tbe ra^ of all.
^JaV.oWJr wi; T.r.i:s'
Bba aortad '.ofcr iba piaoM (rf
bread in bar b«d jar, and dried
Urge dtippto/ptn fall in tba u*a
UII atop aa nas.-ly, baked crackera.
abghUy 'browned three or four uUeca
•od Mt Bkide for dieuer. Of Ibe
aaBlI piano aba grated ooa arncU
toa-wplul, of auger aba added a half
cep, of milk one pint, aod into it
atirred Iba yolki of^wo wellbrwKn
agga laaesfing the wlibc lo brat
to a iff fiut'i at«l aprrad
podding whau baked. -Moioe add
a Utt’e aairioibe podding." abe rMd
'^Bt Jue doeC but like aalt and an
gar togetlirr. ao t will uut odd Bay
thiatimey'^ All Ibal Bamtog aba
awept, gbe dilated, the tcnibbed,
and buag ap dotbM that Ud bani
laid roood OD efaUra
towali OD Iba waabaUod, a dean
behind it. wBabed Iba abror dear ot apacka, and bluabed lo
bandf to aee the ebaagu wrought
Abundant Yields of the Best Quality.
waa M> piaotieal, Md. aball i My ii.
oeofc.ttottoal,tbat«*ao UiaobaUd
•OMT 0 aoapiotoo bat tbot Uia plao
woold Baat iraUot oppro^ ood
l^KiMd tba taaia waretaiwa^
Margarol'aOqaetioo tob
ooatoty ood
Moogfa to work it ooL
fireppiof iba btookiog bruah b#
pM bolb onoa oroond bar. ood want
' 00, osoordiog to tbabwt of bU own
The Seat of Their Hindi
newW uf iiru ill frrflldki •' •> f firw»rf
I Uad* pe^puy duee. Br-Nutieg and VmuuhBg m a
ewr ebf« o*d w. aao de ton to. bM» BfciOe BaBOar.
i^f-w -
Beal Estate, Insurance.
A Pmir of Fl*h«rt.
Vinaso aroporty for Ma.
AB< Ibe mbi« «r btf laticnea nbU
' AwewMbekfebamhPwu.
'6.A.auwN«.cams«. .
Me tewki bfe UM aad HmSiw
Fm UmU ud liae ale readr
Tboeea ai* Ulia • ar an Uaa
Aba ban
’ Timbered Lands For gaU.
BVSifTMas cjuara.
WaliawanufniMrof ohotoe Loafer Mie at low ^oos
Oflw U L. L. A.
Hal aner be drcaii. iba: dtarw
Caa u< la walil.-tbiw:
Tbai taaz eir tbe Saieat at aaeacl
Tbtll leddraikeihalloiM d)|a.
Rppalntiae and pRopolrs.
coxwo la HaaaA. U, a Ca'a tlmf. aa
Tioi-iers.-^i Plumbers
ingface, -wwnatliiiii ttet tbo kw baBd*aborne.towmt; MpntJuUyeu
eonld Wmpoae tMtwoM mynett end J-ceold, for Un return, bacannel-t
tbOMllmU. Ana th«n la only----- :■
net wny------"
/ ' .'“Yoa Sanmad to tore mn. Vort
Again hbe pnucd vitb erimtoDibn b^e in pnanwmtoly. ••
abenkand droopsnf nyna, bat this ^anghtber in bm anna—‘to lore
tioM John <hintpMa npnind ber tba ina 1 loaed yon, darling, from tba
rimme of epanbang hothar.
‘ jmoinaot my oyea flrat rwaled on yonr
mo neaiedy et«£t my aooaen,’'I feee!"
. bn hIA in a hiU^bewtldered way i -Tee—but my lore dalea from tbe
|?yetitl mbdakenot,yon eteeakingiboar of that Blrmnge lubiriage. John
Imy ncoUelion egeinat. Ibir batedwbeo I firet underatood tbe ocUe' metnega, and there ia only one way naaa and genetoaiiy of the man who
in wUeh I-eould protect you—tbat waa «itling lo aaorifiee bit lita'a bapiato make yon—my—erita Hart pineni to mine.
}I nodentood you, hliaa Liring-!
--------------------------------i Sibe boaei her bead alowly wiu To Blow up the North Pole
out apealdng, witboat eren lifting
iuieod the Aietie Sea
lb* eyw^M tba abadowy groond.
did Natwra iuieod
■ -Do you reeliza wbat Tou are ask- to be poen andItbec
.ingT ’beweni on. bit roiea bnaky And in it poaribleto
poaribleto do by
^andatrsloed witb tbe-intcotily of........................ ... ........ •traugm to'
omitted to dof Ibeee pointa
• far below;are'diaca*apdiDapafflpIdfn>)
lareditcu.ardinapafflpIdFl'b) Mr.
' a. A. H. Duulord. C. E. wbicb baa
-i -TbAtii noUiiag,’' intermptid lb, ;jui( beeo pubUehe.l.
d oolv *up|>oae for a mo' yoang beiiaea. -I know too, John
CkUtowell; I know ibat'yon tie mut i.wnt>a 'Ur. Dungford) .bow
, booiml. brare—a mao to be truAled. mallera would uimid if Ibe loecap
lAndall I aak ualegal barrier he- were lumoTed from the North I'ole,
Tween me aod namage to wbieb The warm eUearoe would lu tbat
idaalh ilialf were a tbonaand timea caae flow in exaell.r tbe tame coune;
preferable- Beyond tbat I nerer ibaltbey now lake. hj| ineload of;
looked—nerar eared—”
. heooming cbilled
it-bi pi—i-VoiiT.;. P..I ita
.u—u iome sod eoothwd a, uarm etrmw^
s 1 bear n man iaik abont
Aodddle agednaB.
dantiatry,’' aaid Mr. Fnllor rnttbw,
-lam mmiadad of my ospanaMO
-1 bad Urn tooth
Ibad it
bad. Itaki^dayemndUaidMdaigbU anddanly. without a anennd'a pawnod woke with me in tbe momlagB. monition, atricken atnoa bliaA Hn
Tne i^oera did wbal
hat they eoulTTor
................ was Mr. Hanry Dodfie td No. 911
Tbey tried to dig Ibe tooth
ool wiib Ibeir jeek-koiTWi
off, and whet 1 anffmed
it wlMB tba p .
»ped from bia baada, and bn ooewaa funi
One day they anggeatIbUeyatwith tbemand oriad:
ed tbat I pot aonu acid in it tbat
r God. Tm atmA blind;*
tbey uacd la taating ro4 eod I tried
_[a lonnad on tba eopnlaraad aobbad. bia abooldin ahaking. and tanta
from .bis eigbtlaas oyaa atrwnitag
bare bad it oot. but I derided U no
Mr. Dodge weeraonUabnanttlia
go, aod 1 bad to giro in and look
broom eoib^ of tbe grand ann of'
forward to iramiuag to Auatia.
Oa tbe morning ol my laaTing I tbstapobUc. Awooad be raaSead
fvond i man wbo waa going np with i?Uia army bad injured Ua apina)
a pair of ealila aad a pair of wbaali
From tbeeOaeUof tbasKnadha
I rat along wilbbim. aiek aod weak
from lack ofalaep
It w^MB mile# beaoeeer reooeared, and ansa tiM
aleep. ItwMMBi
ego be euflured a partial atroka of
to Auitia—flee
See days andCigliU
eel- For flea
’ -• thu I
~"rvea w^°aarigisUM m tbo^
light on tbe esrth wilb a
aand souoped up lor
J«Tiow;‘'h^ I msn Ruyee wss* summoned, and Mr.
Dodge lAen bomeinaeab.
__ _
rlyl bunt-
ty.xna.'S’if'S?''. Hdediali!!
In bia bur'-- -------
. found wdoetor wbo bad an
Dr. -McUoe.ot tba oollage of pbypair of iiioeero. He aal me
g and do away
eiaua and ■uigecma.aamaabmMntb
,0.. .«i ™l ........I.. ..M.. M A-u.
bin proreaaiooafdigaily an Ine^nathe happiness I ask. If regio.-s altogeihrr. Nature I^ 1r
after two^oura
two boura ©t
of TaUwatoro
lUhle-atore olirit______________
of irit, bumor aad oaaneeubaea fully reseed upon iuch a f“‘“1.agonv. be p^rd
tbe tooth
tooth from
from iuidole.
iuldole. lu
lu.parlor one aei^tUa
____i tbe
A btrango Marriage.
alep. I—I am ready at any moment the i-umate of the noirbein port of aocaei.aaa 1lioeefortbe
------ ■
flrat tiioB|weA
uiob|w« tba
Noribein bembpl.eio baa >>~n To man^ea
A pale, Ipmfisd face, a paV of:: Tba
Tha paiaonage
panoaage ia not farob.
farotl. Sball tl.e Non!
Dr. Willard'lkrkar, iui
dark, atartltd eyea aud a piriian Ag-' wa go now, Miaa LiringalOD»'
followiog atcay, sriiara Iba
enccoieut of__
ure in a iwayine ilicll of a boat,
Vitli a awift. aweet look of grati- cbrnmenccoieut
York Star beard ill
in tbe face without tbankiog God
...I ..
in (betiuicoflbe Homan
saa Ibarrying
to .1..
(b« ' ....a.
tuda wbicb tbrillod him .»
to »tb«
Wban Dr. Ikrkar waa jimt be-,
nwirlinff falla below.
; core of liu beart, Verna LirngHton pnblie Ibe livera'
by ibem.”—jEmtrion ginning bia tamoiii ewanr bn was
“bat was wbtl John Criatowdl tamed and laid b«r amall white band Irecco am lu winter, ana iwnian
sent for by a rich bat naviehms
_ aa be parted tbe willow booghe on bit arm.
wrilera repneeut Germany aa a la^
man. wbo bad diakwatnd'liu A».
and stood on (be bank of Ue rnpidj -lea, noa’.". ebe wbU|iered bar- of Iroteu morasaea
,__________ Tba young aurgaon promptiT/pnk
lujoyed by
by ttlioae
[riedly. "UnUI I know that 1 am elimate at preaent enjoyed
(leecription, and
“Help: ob, belpr
: plated eataly beyond tbeir power 1 eouuliie* «iib
appATWi >0* oear IO.COO feet'
The cry aomebow tb'riileJ bU cannot breathe freely. But wait.' it will be »t
climate must buee
heart aa no other Toioe eear bad.
ebe added, etopping ebrnpUy in greet a ebange
ihouted back and tbeir walk, ai if a sndden'tboogbt
limber findingpateliaa
Idiaa of parpetu
Dometu ; “Oiaat^ mM
n. baring all tba
the next moinent................................'bad
be bad plung^ in ' I'ad
mind-Tbore’s of Uia Uudsju Bay compat.e
ri anow.
to the foaming watera and wa "mU^ one ibiog you cngbl to know. TbU show iLst tbe winter on tbe ahorea
bean dresebed locate bit jaw
iug bii way with ra]ud atrokaa to atepmayoust o-e mv fortunei ibev of Hudson Bay htn grown eborter at,
tell ai that " *
haee tbreateued
tbreateued to
to depti
deptiea ma of ee i!«i rale of one day iu ten years, the
ward ibe belplees little boal.
: hare
tbe pr«i
icfld bioi »bat'tbe|ery dollar 11 it unle,a 1 iieuilcitseir nrasiin during wbieb (bo lea ia 01100;^“°*“*^”*?^*’^
obeapeoui. lor uarigali-io Imug now twenlyi^;^,
iblewaa: one of the oara bad wia. Sa il lua
-it k
loet orerboard. an_.-------- ,
fright and bewildermen\ Ibe girl wae ; you are—be!
‘•'Ibe man gramUed, bat paid A*
ioeapable of managing
Aad <anr k'w bawwaid <a?i In
-A-ale/'.f.aa. Cia^eaf.,. OaO.,.
But wbal ber fraU atmegtb bad
wbo regarded .... p.. .■ .i.:
.. lowelia
■■ L.iu..... .t.
trong and nkillfol
tw. fi/v iK. .mini,™^*“P**“ “t
Itak for bia atrong
akillful bsinb
bainb litiU. jewtOod baud pioteelingly uiostimiKirtaut, ibou-b lea-g nolleaud eery eo j be imd landed b:>i lair wilbin bis arm and basieued to tbt.' • '
iilllc p
charge aafely on ibo aboie,
. iee barrier is beiug .leadily
ia owing lo the «
*■1 cliould*like t) know, tbe
ofiuy riRPuer." nbe tiaid, wub a eby from tbe cboery panor
le aubj*
bait timid cUope from'benealli ber <rigbt light 'nbui. a
lightly in one fsir baud, Veina.'Jii.- pnrreul iwu il.*u uochfc*eo inrougn j ^
ce Cream Freraeta, Itobber Ucba Lawn BpruiUaa, Etc.
“jcdin Cristowell. now and nlway, toaellbeU her insrntge oerlilicale tbe I’oltr Sea from U^tmg
Aamaba<OBndaayw)mre. Weeap^ by good work aad prompt alhmUim to at vour eeniee, Mies LieingsOn.": —1'
mmand our abi^ of trade. CaUandaaau.
be said. amiUog slightly a, be ii
bia bat witb an air wbieb i xprei
At tbe ejiot where she bad waited if ibe war.u correuU eso actually
both prido andil defereuce
Me lingered a mouieul Wing at(dr bim earlier iu Iho eveuing dJohn reach ibe ici- they wiU soon mJee
if- (or
ter tbe iracile. gsateful (ortn ai il
tbo .lueaiiOB without human taaial- ...lUt, na. c.).. Ron
it Crittowell parted from bia
bis btide.
Tb. Mil
rtuiiibed down tbe wooded path iu
-You are safe now. wliaterer aucp. A<presenl tb^-.|onot raaehpUDl
..rk, I.. tSS.
tbe direclioa of the greal. gray atone eomca." be said, taking tae little, it; for tbo ic* cap b.ockiog the way
band which abe ebriy i ffarcJ, and leares uo ouilei for tbrni [the warm
,ioD bexond the treea.
that il
il \'e
Verna Liringsimi. Ibe holding il tightly yet lenderlr in bis eurieum Iniig, of course, jiuriaee
o lhal
e diite h4
more than a round mil- own. ‘ Tbey cau’i force you into water], and their courec is wealed
"Wbal a ibai union now. and as lor me— long before they come near 11 by^ tbe plaot and Ibere were 1<^ diaBp^w
arat.cbildTb.''ii8tlulUu!eWa^^ weliV'with a sTight. queer liuio amUe wide bell ol cold watw^. fw
euaaioat al to ita proper daaaifier*'*- ship aod bu
baa, and I thought it bad a loueb of troubling about Ibe corners of bis there i« no outlet except
eomc boldieg it to be fungus. 1
U) flaw ic every direction. HnlM
too But I suppose that I
a lichen; but it was Boslly eli
weiebornediutbe dedm, and tbn
esolt ol ber (right and dsn s
one of tbe uaicallalar algu-.
eonetaraation pretaiM .
often cslla me-to distant
At foi tbo propoaiiioo tbat sreean LouU JLqruilic. ^
ger on tbe riser. Welb
•mMg Ibe mttle tbat wma being
_ _ little laugb aa bo shook tbe plscei—end 1 shell nerer trouble open the a^ wo must remember
cncriedondeck. SevenloMbaenw
water from bis short. curliLg hair - you in auy way. poeer eeek lo asim ,h,t fbe ice la ucl of great thickneaa.
and it waa oaly ttmngb
_ 1______
too at inj
-wbat buriuees
lo be dream roo
iny wile
wife unless
unless itit sball
shall be
be Uj,i««
ijjai we b.vs
b>vs uow pi
piwMful txplou Wild aoimali are eompktatMiBCInabeiressesTT There ia a your own free «ul aod wish.' And I jv<a tbat ere pctfecllr
petfecllr elfeeUTe when tod end can be Umed ^-forfamea. the peraiiUnt elTorta of tba OOen
iug of pretty beireasas
tbat order waa maintained. The walineasflxedat (ate between tbaircaonol- ’boj*
added, Jroatuland
ircaeuland ibil
ibit every isastf of ii^de- Tbera waa a Mru. Lea in India wbo eel’s band waa kept befon tba kowV
- - 'for
' tbat.” ho
he added.
_____ of a atream badauma leopard tbat pUyed in iug gale with tbe giaateat Jtttcri»
aUtion and my own—a line wbicb
which I.'with
i.'with an uuooDjciOda.
uuoonjeioda. aigb. -But if tseheJ ou the ciurse
bouse with ber children. He
on^ dotnot care to croas. aud it you ahOuld ever need me you hare flowing auulbward will float away of
niM work, ItnabiBS. Uayieg Bever Pipe, ooDnerbaE Water 1
lor lawna aad doM^ir awt. aiA <,-esaral Bbop work.
We earry a Fine Lise ul
Stoues, Ranges. Furnaces, Refrigerators, Tinware
Merchant ® Tailor,
Fine ILrino of Sx>ring Suitings.
rja,— «—™«
'..... _•
,^3s.s ieiiiesr-a:
A-W.-W-AO*, aw A rraib
- -
Riacli Lace Mats, Bonnets and Toques, also in
WhMe Lace and Straw.
u».< .ui Fiwen. .ggi
Son and BAooi UaU in Endleaa Variety.
O. X... XI. O X.. A. N* i:».
OMl4l>>ta«> MM« m Mill
Ottteariaaaad Proriaiosa
>*■!«, ;»MH«.r,
Biggest and Best Stock,
ai»tk IS ibe lt.1,
OMp M th* u^sspfst.
.awBsis s>wM w.'
1 »-Vo-P»o»».
DiirfiflOiis, ci(iiog,fl!iis,'i;a9s,
Belts Fuiiiiiig 6o8ili>. Tnits, iiiiclels.
Come for l^rgains.
il not
lot likely that ebaorw will ever i only lo send me oue word and 1 writl ,||.,jt. ] do tot, of eouree. iseau to
«gal Don'is Aoout Wilia,
throw me in ber path again--" •
leave every thing to coma and proinct
tbat il will be eaay. but lhal it
Don't fasTeanytliing nanolMoiB
Contrary to bia expectations, you Aod uos —Verna—my wife— j,
our power lo make a ohan- hind lege and witb bia fore paws on
ebance did throw him, not infra good bre!"
iiri-wida euougb fur a j-art of a warm " a window aill look at tbe pamari a will
Don't mentiOB people by tbrir
When tbe childrao wanted tbe
queulJy. iu the young beireas'paUi
Ue bent and louebed bis lipi rev
lo pa-s wiibout loosing all
wav. Bbe sUaya bad a pleasanl erently to the right band that Kill gs beat ou tbe way Wcmaynotioe ,-moe for tbemaelvea they would aU Bicfcnamea.
Don't let a person
b..nod aud smile lor him when they , re led iu b'i» clasp. Ibea wboded „j,<, that expldter* have report^ take bold of bu tail and pull bim
He wae ganenlly
mat. bat John CrUtoweHnoiS^d tbat about and disappeared in tbo daik oiien eea to the north ol Greeolaod, down hy that.
u- 'i>mY make a will witboat two
Ibe eweet. delicate (ace waa alwayi ness before she could laply to btui if-^oa tUst tbe account, tbat they have very amiahte, hut aometimas, bis
U. children
c^dryn witiiri»ea-het^ thi
pale and wUlfol looking, and tbare abe wished.
c'rui usare circumaUBtisl aud can claws bring very abam lb*
was an indefinable aednees in tbe
Uontba i-essej era Jobu Ciiaiuwell be doubled Toe main bar- were scratched. So rfru Lee Ungbt; !>«>;> ‘
w.ij, wtiich we will lure to deal Sal to keep bis eUwa sheathed by your 1^ will and to
__________ _
aUll a M.- *,i| i,e tbe U-ll of ice north aud givimr him when be did ao a little [ Dob I B«*e a new will
^ old
Iboee chance medtings.
crel. locked aacrcdly
bis inmost northwest of Orreulao I Of courjm,
Don't mako a will that dees not
• Is ebe unbapp> r was tbe quae liearL
until il i, completed, the channel bad been dropped. This would provide for cbildren that nay bo
How contUolly
coneUnlly bs-------be bad iboaghl of ,jj,
over every winter; but I throw bim into trsoaporU of de
on that begun lo trouble bim. „
And etnmberiog in bis heart, ball hist fair yonog biiJe.aiid Ibow iias douol tliiuk Ibat tbe removal of tbe
11,0, formed will be so aeriooe a
sknown to biibaeir, was a lileot'ricoalely be bad grown to love W.
pnqiOM to bold flimaelf in readiness be bad not bimself r^uvd until be difliculty as might bo expected. Tba
aa a troe knight, (o«id aod prolecl turned into the old familiar road jea bring caused merely by tbo freez
tbacbaoori will be araoolb, bsal of fnenda with a leopard, a U neaaaa wnle tbairfall namaONd^^
abe ever again require wbieb led past ber atstely borne to
bis f. r more bumble one.
buinmockv. aod after' tbe flrat
-Sbe is luim. aod yit bow iTilunl, .uowfall cau be traversed imvily aiUi
Waltog along tbo lotJ wbicb
------------! meant when two bear Iba MO
ibWr be maitereJ. as ,iedgca
.ledgca or dog Uaius. 10 Ibil
skirted Ibe willow bordered
FaciT .iBosiMi Off or rat Booss—iname.
willfully to the
submerged miaee
intheearlv dusk one cvenieg. be bis eyoa
i, .. lingered
A hardy apple Uee loaded with ripe.. Uont add«codicil anlase 1®““*
upl appear'-1
auab;iug tbe
startled by tba abrupt
gray atone tow«s
towers be ra potsiug 1ri.). ------'dug
— ice
. over any deair- Incious-fruii. growieg from tbeCTev- ^„^,mo ^le «uaa w^ as tba Otign
.......» of
^ • j(,;,.^tb ol aection to be broken up
in —She wil never learn
•to lore me. i<>
I riogstooO’directly
fata patb. ber lovely face whiter tuBu ; ber 1 am nothing vave tne useful
,,^0 a* wiubr
Dso% forget that, if a woman,y«
bas atiraeled Ibe aUention •
«v«r ba bad aeeo it before, ber great! barritw that sfaqda between--------'
K—■■> be gainad by
jmarTiage wUI inTalidaln a win atsoft, dark oyaa —
fall of ■a -leiror
iu ,—.
' danger Ab. well, _
my -love s S^vibeoueuioc of Iba sea andlbeamvl- - ._
poaiible lo. describe
="‘^. ,
R. enoogb
ioraiiS! of lb* climate can tcarcely
trer, wbieb ie very large.eijow • minor totwin ai^,
-I bavelmeowaiungforyou."id«
bare l<e»Q waiting for you," abe; ingofihal.lwooderr
iag of 1
be ovciealioiated
Tbe rendering abootanpfrom tba crerice of tbe pereoiml pTMOi^ nnlaas isif
mm .
l*n in low, rapid lonee, not giy-,
giv-l A brigbi light io bi^
own litOo.j^biubiaof
the ebort-s
______of the Arctic roeka blaalel lo form tba pool lor “
him time to e^unas iu words eoltoge. failbw down the road, at
orowlli there of civilized the pumriDg at the Fairmoont watbuai
astomi'uiaent that was wrilteu ' tbetiostanl caught bi, vjtex>mmuuiUee:a direct route to tba l«r w'lrka
oD bu lace. -You-yoo once aaU
erislowall .,ui< keoed bu p.ciii.- ...id ao iuu.use ioerreaa of
How Aaz Yoca Erraf-Wb«i tba
Tba apples on ibe tree are tbe
Amer beautiful rosy cbeekad. yellow varie
.M'. Cnslowriil . „ej,e „.d knoek.-d at.tbe
tbe d'^wwiib
diw wilb iri.i.'wiit.
irad.'wilt, ihf
ihv l^-ificcaeaiior
a suitable for cot ty. sod from tbeir quaUtr and riza it
euziuua'.y b.aling heart
ica auM Asia; lauds
stone.'' bo irtomed, wiib qriet firm.. j, cjSeSeil, aod taere, iu the m>f(.
ouizsliou. wiib------wiibio'eAvy
reac^ --wJl. OUIZSIIOQ.
,-------------would appear that there was t----Telt m« bo* I .
but of lea have atrongir
►be Briiaiu.
a«d wbieb ia great part be
gluw of Ibe abaded
haded limp,
the British Empire; »slp*-1 noneit vuiblefrom aoy point Of view,
eye than tbe oUmr.
osoa. aa
In bM
ba loog
stood before bioi. l(.i
^VUelan!' sbe nzebumed. ber v.
out of five one er*,' ia oot o(
4wc«t light tbat ab1r fieberies. R considerable and »f - ibe rooU bring plain'y can dingnearing trade is the
tbe Arctic
Arcti ilMlf; ing«. lUe rocky walls, ehooting in .. Near oae half tba pac^ a» .
tU.; to kSJirud‘'Vpl;"i.''
uaiobvod tow-er ts eatcb lU laiai
>lor blind to
and coifliarstiva if oot total
.. some extent, end eo|y
one crevice and out of anotUr. Hun
aeenta -For montba I have been .
hy from slnriiu b l ie North AVan- dreds of small boystry. day dt«
oot of erecT fifteen are alt
; peraeeuted and baunteo until Ufa ba.;
He. the ptbnpai if not tbe only
baeone almost a honor to mo. Tbey
ausee of storms being thedifi^erenn baftbeisokud poaiUonof tbe tree[/^,.
to fores me iuto
in temvmstora between tbe pola baa ihoa far saved it fncm their) _
•Bitb one whom
sed tbe tropicaa^detcstwitballmyaonl.
I would lad hu^y. as U stepped inwde tbe
detcat witb all
ratber dir. and• jet 1—I em afraW.|obanning little parlor.
Tbe first AnMriean unioo flag ra | bcaakfeat aU tbu
lam oot stroDg enangb
JobBiAbatlam of age now. and thpoaand dollars from -Na^ firrt anlnriaJ oa Jan. 1, 1
' (bn always, and------” ba faaalmiatraaaofmy own aoUona' And iaauedin* ie»apa|-r in 18T9. It
ot in
wh^jwov^ to ba , baa bean tranaialad ID every fcaropoawoy> <»°^D*psUor^ra lost
in altbatmy^na.
retained the Briiiah eroee 1
an langnagSL
brnring flood of ebama-tba boueet liii my 01
T day, too-’
Umt had ever anonbad tboae dmnty; ytmra. tob, now ay
In tba foryaatioo of n amgla loee'^harim.
I ingbagraoafoUoraligbUyagainst
aoudearaagoodd^Ukaamw-j “I b*r yaw bni^iigdto^
•It only Ikon wu soae bariiar.’ bia era ^ a ahy. sweet, tntsBinal- motive steam aagine tbera are oaar*a waatValtar that brief,atraaga ing gtenca iato bii kindhog aya. ly 6000 pdaeaa to be put lOgaUier,
~ NAMtiog.aatnngak appal<Ug -And tben-tb« I «naa bsm nad
_____ __
_______ ___
si-..'Sp2r:,lJs. -idi-d..».d putai,,q.wu,l»a p
mad ara^ Ml
tocha op her ntaetoM willlictf kr
»yl| —«»rt .
tt lottmit.
M It «al atreBOoarfy ITbr* aaU ma had
ri pUmd bre inarrnnd almwl aod *Itoa1 halfmgnod tookia'aahw-aUay
opaMd the oater dour, her mother oaM. ted aUa.halIcam>}wr'dndh«pmit
rearbaek.ai>IreninMd.-Dob'I forget to toB him yoa'ra got to
^baato aareUad Um |mrel. aad
baBaMoirugo.«Uld. I expeia bell
gftoriaBma.liatilM Mtaefcer.dkl n«l
wdB Imt yew. aad be'e a poeftto' dot
and abadetof atter ooior, wiU> one
traU(dtearietlbahlt«Uiroi«hall. Sally
Tte um a wprid of policy ia Um tail
Imigad out to Un* tag lajo
bill- Mitof.whenUwy areroongaod aSmpb
Mg^tobc made au! At forty.
CM flowm ir tbawbor ribboi^ bat arhal
of hay. and all
mebm iiuer <d aa iU hope bare, to
At laat lire rdd (xrwaUn trank waa
tba wide hay flour, wliere^ CaUireaod paeked and HaUr acaied in ibe atagellud
M-rblrod' trufaamn] mt packing wu to toke iier over Ibo UlU to the raUtasSeco. 8*|nireTyirr wmarsdqm- war matiun.
aaao of aa eldrety Yankee famer; Ut Baa . -ttond-br.moUiarl Oood-br,
' with hoe
*-kliv Tyler only nodded.
igaUarrrilinq>ite(dUn: bb fae
..-ticiod-bjf. lUlr.gair UKUtod th«
rrinkledt Uit aagariuoru
aagariuoraad kindly
waa Wrinkledt
B* lio lunmd any^l
while alt the ahrewdneea tuWrt
kkd In the drop art eyre,.baifioat
undertheirblg.abaggybrvwa. lie
timtot oU creatuB*. at far a. hit d
, rafeiy oil. nn.l ai
tic Ufa went, layl maxwly made
ami a loog car rnl>* fuirnd
undrretood iM-rwdf ut U'edb >-aDdC.m.in Je
iro uf duot with flying
I—a tall. NiTioua |.«Aii
.king tu
lie loved hafif. Knequir^a. hb
lib wile
,, ,
LvUcr than anytliing d«*. aad bit Dcreu ^.mr lilUe frtni.l
l*-*-a*«*- kii-.n-n in
eowt jK-xt: l.b wife came tmiKwhere \a-.tl«iri>' aim
«) •nl*> l»^-ll•l••. wilb.ul
luwerduwn in tlic w-ak-. Itittnic. Imt kmnriiig.
Uut wax i»-r »wit fault; Iwreiyy.
perxitueii iix-nciug 'and ooutrm
n JrruUia alwnjit to
will toin-u-lul ktoiit Um i.'Tuntb •a rvsl nlfvcli.io, land n hab-vrr o: lure j dtix-x mt in *lirivtlv. tJ
ing-nxf ill tiilr luatrimuoinl lie liad | f|„. |unl nenTUren' in to ddiglilfu1
Uncr nllug*-tlH-r »n IIm «iie't tide. I ^dan* la*^^.
Sw. at In- l.ok.-d u|> and taw SJW
W.«tl.K*>' b n pntlv dllap-.m n bill
Irening agabwt Um di.ir. U.*r wbilv Iwod ,id,,. brmolli wl.lrli reu*. a Iwighl ri..
fallnirdl. andlHTfatt-Kluaing wiUiber ! all iix >li>ir.*> U'-iuw Ihc daiu. on Um .
walk and Ixr errend.all bb wrtnktra | jag..akic, guardol by a huge reiu|K>n
an*] iwlurt nuiitlxd inu* a suik* of: «xrl»lni|t:.. wluev Um irip luuutu.
Vlium-, and tfacfalnui* <■.»« toftcoed at. daugrd all day. and xwartliy tmei w i
I itnuig artux -wurk«l w-uodvrful wt-u
-ilnll... Sally !'xb.a>iedl».-vlmt lw,.«n .d tlx* dull maw-e «t ir». U*f<
ly |«Klf: lirr
frnlm* dWicUD
asd •tn>el>(. W
dark i7« iwrH.
' licr bhto'Uai-k
liair Rluay; atid'
au»aiiUk wiM
(o^ Uom <ai her cbvk aad ado^
eriiMDa Uian unal <as brr ii|a laaik h<i
leak Uka'a a-ymt «iUi a wbllr Ik»] <m.
aha waa <>Tid«iitl7 morli cuinwanl l«
.aooa ae« thuacbt or (dan. fur ahe did
Mt Moop (o pal tkr (lid yeik/ar due vIhj
niaadUaaHf on Idafun ■•caandalub.
fartod a ardcotuc a> 4>c Uy io Utt mid.
- ii> take U
ridaa; aor dM al>e BuUcu tbr tliruut ain't m.j
I Ibrnghl mullav wax kind <
tmbm amaiu at a lien lu« k llial cind«]
h%li In air id»<v W lioy Itoud <d d*.wn on Jenidiy. ttf .vuu wat. of uii
• aarlydiiekraa; orc>TnIu>lianlM.Kul<h«i
liad a|vune tnuu Ibr lOark
. aoM of her noar Ud. o cu|i iil auddiii
Vadiibriiig*-. I- fulluwed ler iwuglg*d.jii.: iV- f.irg.w: nnd tlmt vi-ri
■Bllcht alace Ual oixlit: hut touic 1m
nr naad In Um Imck dwyr. fur nuMIr
r.-.niug ii j'lwiilun Uireex|«tnv .tniiii
hi Ka»«i«U>>d Mintrr nlUr* lua
<-. uikI Um w|uir« louktd up «iMi—all kiK>wij.l»llrx.l'lH*l|x..iiixlreiIha ftuol door, except for weddiuga
jd kiugln*
liutton Uxually Ki .alti-ntire—calk'd a
Cmrala. Haay a boiur have i
“V.w liai
whoaefBtirefnnt Imir, wlUi il.darkeuul
aad mudy larhin. aod iu ’’^Kur rbam•I xha.*-aabaa*I-*revd.<Hiliix.
'Jm'netnaguf ill dried fratluin. Aai"Wiiai do
•uglitlheui.er. |d.a«n.l amt
aad gnx-u-iodU. lutKlK liive U
-Well, alt
iml 'll
Hut after tlial ii
X xurjoixins
dieed a»ay ud carried uff, Doiri«e
tbe Kiel ma. U- 1
X’ |xi|iular Ute. 11m-!|xi grew —
(hadetrtoent.aodperiupan-m rrilhoul
i>- ualb xb« bad uf au erening.
toknalulgeof ilM>inluUuoli.U<liiiid.
while Int uncMixciou..' Kllle cnixi
SoMly foUeved IIm worn fuut track,
*gautolenx<-Sal|.-aluL -Well, nn-lahiikxl^iid ulk'*da»dU-bave
pM aafasky lilac* aod aprau-limivin.
ucv'n fuur li.*w thiiigx uruuiid t.-lfaiawiMn*w* might. trauKiuigrated
nom: nao Utduia. round ibe btuM-.
.u can bet a} yuu wiei't a]ilki 'la:
'ia:j iuluuyeung
aod mart in to Uw door of IIh- back
uewInUirr iu llial atall.aoda!
A great many drireaand nnlk» Halit
. Uuduo. wberv at (lu> aink Im >uutlnr at-woonilcuki-t:^l'vu g“t a<bv new lind. lau niter u whiiu one gray IninwlA tu'the iMuae^'f lliatH help ye an-iued
i-iued lulM-rtjuilvUM
IuIm-t ijuin.'Uau Lett
beat and genlh-ti
vaa BO only child, but hrr luiiOKr
tlieltoil cti-r kn» n; and uf nil the wiki
autemad by-UK one frar of airdUng “■\vbv, fatln-r! 'Ulnt
fluwi'rtigiiiei nudateit her, unelo-k'-i-.f
li't nett- gnti-ut and a Iu
her that »he metiuiea went n» far U>e tiling Iwn
traiimg-arlHiiua ruirj-aMud nil utiiern.
other day.
Tlierv tvtv.- |•inL<-r rlini*Tx and larger
-kVhat'u lliuudcrdu you want a tiak IkitM-rt and lagg.*r bonrlxw. liuillH'Idn-h
fert Can't yuu ttcaraak-tx-nl hunne}, 'ii lark baxk<t wiili ii> iiet-.'.- eut-i-ring tta
, and aeiiiog'^lilng
g for a li
daep. Mai iu<-o tliat lay bbiJen away in nm |rjtaiiii jcin wiibt>c>9ii’efxB*b>puf togrmi-vful. and ili • II .w-itx w. fn->li an
her mutber'* brut, rrry nioeh aa tbe yuar iwod, li^e U.cm .larm-d f«dt of •tdefil
an>l tln-n the.
hot parlor aod UUnna wen* abut up; EocCiT*/'
It Imt !
a )xui<
"SVI.y Idi.a't luianxueha lat axUiat;
IlMife, eo doubt, but lueleoi and aimn
1 tman n bigonetakivji III- eouout
. Ibday, w uoal. tbe flrat wordt wera
r and fn-*li. anil tw-.vl wiiL auc.
myey.w. I't-e jud i;*d u n.-w-fkuiuet.
txi.rx ax wrtv never knvwn to
•'HoBw.a'th.irl y..iir«.-x n.ino—U
. ^?loM youthen WM tau loanr perMenfaUad yealerday, Hally, 'ti now I'ro ain't orcrlariin' Itrlglil. anyway—bat I
It w-at rallx-r uO.! llott lliit
you call:
cot to diop 'em lor dinner, ami ch»|*|<<i] gntaayuu ttui Imt -Ibiiigit,'at
a you
fat.,rile walk ol-~lluit
pertaler ain't real good tong o'nit Iwer;
'iMUgh to gt. i: Wtjrfboru. Au'h,xi llutl gray h.rw and madti that Ixn-li
In' .rou rant g.t 'e wilUait in-mey.: lm.k.-t.
I'.TiKiie. it W.XlM I
p^’ynawM .luKii murrin). a^ Iwv whyIexi.vtllU.ev
II if Hillv lia.1 III* Jik.d him
to aaa to Iha work yaaneU, I guuM yoor I'lu a dreadful near old «Titl.» .r'naril:
isti i.ix girixaml 1
ye know. Ixil lliix Ii.Ti* l.TlaaekiT croi:| lag*, f.r III- w* a> a gixxl l.xupired.
hat kindiT draw-txl out my b»r1. 'a i
.... ing felkiV. with urfrili.wI'l grudge you xmm-on't." •
' ingiqdritt. a quick leu.|XTnnd a kind
Hrilyolglinl a Dole but aaU outbing.
'ill. tt hk-Ji .^.-.vli ilin wjufro w Ixart] axIuraUe and iHni.wl.ax a cliild.
. BhehadtoamndbowtoboMbertongau
S laaU —periutpi a U^t iweparatloa lateb.tllib|.,.-k.-Ux.uk oud fi>ig.*rrd out }<1 wiUi oil a man'. r>Tx>liile wtll.
for narrlage than the eomooUihig ' frtau iu ea|<x-k»i. tlcidht dirty Ullt to Anmgih mhI litMll.t. Ami J.v lik.d
Uk* amount i.f Iwralyytulbia, wbidi lie Kally;-holudflirliSltviih a duBTl »t tlnr
pottoan Nor did abe bt.nJi at U-rta
handed to Hally, mm dfaw-nnear roougli
ti<g ln-r.U>courac,(br
and klt*.d-fiono «if
their wa» iHiUaly wlm muld lolu»kut-eTl.bxlMail4^: an-l wat himU*u ftr Iter, nil the w.*ll to aitr im.n*attonblMdin l.b turn Ilian tlie
by tlx. h.-artf bug xtx'|nir« Imn.
till* runilHn'g, lxnxUt.nu
kI laiKl! wlut't ilul fur. y
m haWdea, ami tbe hired to
BreSiegruH-ili.,ra .....iiiifaciuriiig town;
toOM often irM> than anyotlier. orTX Ssi^ critter? Ilafu't been hug^
and fur a |t-und.*r-|. c vokv i.u
Tanheca, o( tU* very lowcal rlcm.
Jtobi f.>rly tear. Had !<■ jar fur'l,
UHMigk.Mldu-l I; Weill w.d11gn^ag.
gab wlwn y.« gl! riadv. ami her n find
raieUnie; lwt<Wl you go to frtHiit.’ itnngv that Jnr'* li.iiig and Itollt'-.
toaa ware turned lulu Uu> niider, i
any u'llMWn ttaiugfelirrxout of iheirtM. a-iUi iMlulrurfrO <4..u.nu about tbem,
. IhaanaW. aliyly:
“liMbcr. I went to tbe iKXhiflloo after werkt Ixnne arler ye. I .km'l ladk-re in and tbe kinJIicA
, T4 carried the rgga, and I got a latUv luggia’agal (liruugb IreU.ln'Tn tueaxko. JenaJiy'tiari.aba
creal. buncit l.rve. J-.rttd.y -................
dtCto.Uwaln Janndiy.''
uvx akuig mi'll al
-Da leir nU Mre. T^ ler. fur a one
Jaewaa a y-uutig'f.dl.w of tItunMgbly
■NOt boUlng Uk* Ug IMO aianm aua
good rliareolef. eareing high wagiw, aad
BMdad from ln*r liand.
“Wby, «. furtuutunlHT.''
erndJered it a lappr ordination of
Utokilv ilx. IxTi. bSm-at Ibb m
■alB'l iKanifnMii Jcreiliy<juheaq>*il.
l'r..vi.l.-aectJ.al l-rwigUt lOa and Sally
bdb k«d a
••TWy're all well, aim aap; utilr •linnettle U-ui|xal luvwliig In llie liuutv ti«eUMT; airl when ii tt-nt litatforSolly
-- ’ ilrtive luT failin', eaulbm quite to g.,, an.) Jh; appiond at tbp'c
QnodmoUier liyko lia. Iiadaloug igwU
bahd-lna«t.nt liitlelx-atl deruxhy iliwrvelly Lurned lu-r head
od rtaimallx Tlwy'rr got a Uggar true* out uf-Hally'a. U
Bp]a*anxl ti<* |.i Iwart+iat |wrfivtly amliaaot now, aiyl Jmiibr wantn me to that liad m« <
enaa aad auy « Hb ber for a wiiUc."
Hot there wen; Iron work* ur «.rkm ui Wcwlibix t: "llearwtSaUy. inayl write
_• - . l-J&K'.!
t,'a warn toaEtUa'IlkaUBty..
r-fW An b
Ttoee'a mon'o ___
i^a- were i:.-.
ibey mxl.vvM
-Why. i«M»h«ri. I'm aan you aakl I *Be l«'l*
.igdii auy till Ibb wvtou^
-.Well, if P did.1 didn't kauB vunr Tlic
COOM, «iiid.
lyrhaUled gtriag la at laat; and tben
•o^UraUxnk hb gUoM bead and
- totofiiltoldniacW.wiadfaguparhh a
•MHMpaalm tame.geoeraUy bbhM
BM today Hia
waa earn
“laha'nY lono laeli tUng.”
_ ..
Sally w aa what atwtx! a be poifflc >____
call fooliriity happy fur ,ibe next .w«*.
I don't know bow tuurh folly lien wai
----------------------- -jo'l bear.
to aaa danariky; ahea a
for lnf^« and Children.
•« noBy oeifaiBii
It: bu. UXlixO H.. lUwuMra. if. T.
Tu* faxTsr* (Twrxxt. 71
ifs Summer ap Robs!; end Dusters
dies* und Cent's
1.1 II...L ....... . ..
Hood's Sarsaparilla
••<H..fkll.*rr-TIm l/f.l ah-v.-f lirihim:,
S..IU. 1 -I *.*.r*44latl.-r
allow- .... I.ll.-rxto g.. li wrilA. .......... *
:;iri *ilnxii 1 know- —hix.-uu' w1i*.*i>i> >
i.-.-illitrv i.ii ;u-.mi
lurtTua irxni st.lKiiinl
lie- ii.ilh.A .xi|.,.T iaill at ihi-
TfM-re HU.'*ii.>pki<'* i'-.,H.ilK
.UtoU-y 1-.-diuv'ih*i. II-r h.i.el a>
' I. aj*i*i.*lieiid'.!i ai; ueli a- .r*. ai *'.
.1.- pal ihe lair
i i.. *1
... •.Inn.l, ;.!.d J..T ..'.-IxlI, 5dl -l,.di.-..i-.»xJ«- wai.-ie-lhi?
■Ulh-Xihi. .1 .1../S—
••I).,ra ii -h? h- - g.x i4- ..xu..gh f.T
mre'lin' liuu.w b.-tt:. Waiiu h* marry
v.-a'n-aily.'n hij»|t tiiuoi) ye Inn aUi.il
Ihnv u-vvki*; xhnw . Ir '.i a f-d un Hie
ae.‘ii*i'l. S'l.w- I x'i,,-.-yen think h.-'vn
-nil waan ehaji. Win. Svily T a..-r>*ii'.
«y liiili- gdr- Ihin'l inem lo (.-ij me
.M hk.-lh-erill* r...iiim)i; W. ll.w.dl,
well. III ~v abrnt it. lliil I ,*xao I*.
your mntlx-r. -'n I, iluii'l
•alnn I'liarxdt wbieliyieul
.1.-lltiiniup Wl..—w!" and h -t.x.k
diirtliag-riiiiiv" tin* d*-gnxs w-..rxe
I -Itoadix*.'' ^^►.r Hill* • h.-arl
' r vixu-iu- 'h'-iiiU'l Mini i.iiiiM-lf 4li.- ]
.iihl" ..|lie* .-nr, ihri-w- llu--|
*Cuvre L.-.1- Liwr H;;- actVWT ••ova ma
Vrrruir'-.ItLu. Our.I '..s 1 .Tlxu.aUxAUw
ids ux k-T.jw i-r
.I.r.x-ily n. III'. I
ur gr.niKxl lie- .
bydrecgaueiaTXUwxm.uiiT uwiL
SABTCa mwOWK CO.. Kew York.
mx PILL. sHAa 03SE. sML mt
'li.M ..i.;s
l.b duty i.ul i
. h..vihg d.
ii.e. .H. lb-earr..Uud |
un ils u-iiV reel Ib-i.d.VH..' l.-fl ill a ,
ttute uf luiii'i nil.eh li.ay I'.- i'-....-ined. i
Again at The Old Stand. |
' I 111-. I....,., • - .1 .1
...... i'.H fa. -Imx .U.xxiu .MX) t.rna a* .. to
- ' .
Ix^i.x . I .XU,. >UL ito xa,.-.-Xs-aru. ■<
U.X4.T- li.
•..<tivv lii
..xi.i.i xiU-,-.-. I,r..d nitli Mlk-ur ’
ri -lXfd ». 11
.■..JUIU V. •Hlalu w- H
r X, nll/In.l
“Sliq*n uduniil'ua.*! tlx- .-Maire. afi*-r
Hh* •Jlian-rx ..f tb* U>t haf aubxid'xl;
“i.C* whTitl.- it .[ h.l. 1 gu.-FW y.m'.l
Iwthral.m-t'iiv h.-rj hit*-r t.i her right
away. *n liol toy n*>thiti' libuil iih-. M.e
Nil. lll.l |■|!U^"|-;S•H^K|;|■.
Jir.li>*.- r
f-( Ih- i
e; ]
!... .... .
kiih... huld. .-X fur Hr*
'linn i-lUeUxiuI siipjilr
i I’lON KJ-lIt MKAT , MAUKEfi y
I, Poulirii. Cam a anx fowl >i
:u,l I.
i-girs. Ih.-i-'.y.- alxiix' Ls ur
jM- .■< .'f iviirx* --j.;qiiiT|Hiii<-li'*" ."ggx
|. ui.l'-d mill 'ih.*. .-... Tl«*largexl |x
■rf u g.xiw-'x egg. iuchxdtig ill
1.11 xix an.iilleri-ggx, Uif-MiiaU
M4 ll.-i4u*-af4«reu'»eH".~Xew Y.Tk
Ktn ViMir
fnlliT f.i
73 r* Front Street - 73
Jlilil Clothina -liats, Caps,
Fura'shing' G’dpds,
aiUilt-i i*ixJaii*M:i-.ii. Exeliamr.'
fartulbclegii-.. . ...
I cxir-j-ai ’ J.W.I toera*j'.xxirsu.rU.
taQore declare tbal verr few
rtly (onned *
’ ''
-ten your wurda farMnO. balaY ve?
Jcrab'allera wax a reaaler band to talk.
inau, bxaiJ tu w.tir a watcb upon ll.u ,
>IA «i«Thatx4.Ci rrrectarvv <
beeuf v.-i.idib engnived tbe moUiv n ii-l^
. s..x.t.f.xs«.«.»rs*rwMabad "l^v n.j l;-«l • WixTiu teaanlcum.a
mu'# Ixw'i/ UxVTx ': 1i- 'Vc*ilrx-i
'Vc* ilrx-i -'1 11x1
ilx. mrl.:
t«e liie uilor caucutUic
X. ,.| Birb^ lb xiW' <xray;< Bl» Ibi.xWvaska
like Item
that Uk* <Hiler wnm uf Hm g
lot—tliey're all ouleria'. iow the knrex Kill Igtng
atfaara-d-oQl. WcU.Wdc atraiglit aud tlMfiilliicwi
____ on tbe iiukV* uf tbuleg.
loui kmiwn-to liareoue ‘
Sl‘?T™Ud“t?,5i^ *
*.....................................I Ctoaart*re*Tw<>to.Oixialriitoi,
.s; I szs' is,'
for ttljorj
(to bine and drlinalr U
,\ll kiigtbb <arliil.ui. ;ifl.-r .1 jpaxi
NXTkl uf luiirliviiy-eans l.,'x l"xsi wirt
, (.riwui f.-ra iiMMill. f.x-s'i.-aliiig twu
•.-ig<-». K-u«ii <u.e .Mitny, le.mxunie
ing Btatv., and expreoaed Ida
gi»xU Im* UU.X rsini'ig fora lurt-e linn
X3 |w.-iuu(*;
•d jaui i.ii.k>-nu The anirl.*>ieniii>y
-Weil, aroma a< if vou'd (frowed kind
unrexl lusllIiet-raTilyof.lbc.ifUwttT-r.toXx ux-xix.
o'.garni lookin', ddid. itod a good
Uid IR4 lie in tin* valucof iIm
•'Wiial .tea'.-.- ttii;,.-.. c-at> will d*i
Um.*?guxU.but -iii Uiv I nw-b of tnut towiieti ib.-j’ i.ike a li'ai.iii into
|.*rSi».TU Wxunoi.rr'X .kvr..
'aend..” »aid tbe lag |a.t:,x-.iuii, "Tl.i- w-an)aii<*iiiiiloyiT ..-l’i-tl:*<b*1p)iia Ledullu-r (lay 1 Kin uiiL-1
u.il »l ubuuwdowB to Weaiborur'
doau* 'amt climb iiji
Wlrie lipbi
-Yak air,'' vritb a fnab bluih. for Ikt
jole. She > li.l not . .. imtil
X nwaey (.-W4er. .
pure okia allowed tba hren. brata uA*
♦------------melnri the
.... top. «lx*realx; ix-reb-vl
I ixeuli llii- h..Wy- ir*nder uf <ait
dRixath wiihalordy-bM aimovingfa- hona-ir
If uml Ibere k.-j-l
ta-j-l i,i. n dicnml
ivn - il i-i,... i st<vl. uViTbeariiig *-!•
Im.w 1 ull
Ull liiglit Ixre.i--......
Imt:....- sin- Vaa alftiid
•i n-liua..-..
iJ Ih-inuxT o.tliu
•loWKbamltoa.I. Iw I r
n ex x.ix* :
CM iluwn a-aiii
I'-il llial
.-l.nfvii ‘Kil.-r; ill the |ilu<-e. lelbi'i.xrx ax* •'*<: xiil. •
lu.i iK. r .
Ibew.l.H-r v.-., r..1 to**- '
anx..'t ImU x-vUg u f.-d uh o>m* 1 Ini.r
h-- is snt.1 lu.liavr a .1.
Oh. Sanvl Saliy! waa ihat tbcMtoror unce. .ViiM- used to . Iri.ih nil Ok ba»tbeiptrhnriradt? Perhapa.nflerall.it id uiv kiudK ii ruiigT-Biid .-.■t iImtc and
. wat latOt. An- xlw fell tbe asOdea rearlrt boa-r tsv-uuu.- llu! xtuv.-wuxlKM and
face, frum tbe reiy f<d.h
bened hnr feck iSlu-dkl u.g aonui to
kuow enough logrf (dr."-IkiflaloKK.
, . .WJ J'Vutn. jS£*lS?“h!d
jurgalkatt that tugl itieui Imb. Ilulc
calcnlated at tbuM tutaniut maariu
Sally', tm-ditali
were to aw evten tUe dinner. Ilowei-iw.
. Uay- oru n|>*n Iu cunyeeture: tut
the uual. like oil S. w
<if that itct. Hat Biiuu .
r.aud outbiog wfaca xl.c arrinai at ibe Moliun w here
wataaid briwaon tlx; I__________
. her fallxT waa to meet ber.'and. afUT a
|mnwa>d pnirney; ouly tliat uigb\jM wduome. according to Ida own dMOtonl* againxi
mIIm wpdn. wax all but twle^ Ure
tyicr tmldenly came dow-n ujiun him.
lyou wrol nod MSallygotoWaMboro', oner all, l.uxlaiair in a tone uf
growled the
di«'i caru a dare if abo
gmorttaya. Ikindc* like to Ik-r bo
bot if dbe't a mind to
go, wbrldoaYoi
oBly I ain't a-goia'
to have no yooni
roonr feUata a-CBIerm'on
his tongue tbe niarslul!
Mgan bts exaniinaliuii. I’lwtaiy..
«1k-u tbew.niiaii was nlT bcrgnaivi.
lif.-and breoUi ^■jK-uded on it. though ] j, tlKertuof tiK- >
'-----------------IxT Ix^ ncJI.r ^w-.*d w-ttluuberat tltc;
,.,i„ ax with
-■llilHU. b.lt bcbadiTCuurtotoi.il ul.lana uhiipl bBtcffectivc
iiteifreiiuil eObrl. toUejiquic
- "1* that a ttiuuM-iindervoar <*liair;''i
left y.mr wut. a-eol tbe u bolu
to lung tlial it w-ax luu cramped (u
I*, uild dnnipetl duwi
>wn^ beariwl.Btiddet.ly.
'Ac n.Knan Jnii.ixri frtnii ber xi-at
Iu atrtngib even on on uccaaca uf iqK*rv in yourhudahb'dc
witB a xbrk-k, jMuving lluil xlic wax
aaldeniBiMl like tbix.
TI..-n w»K .
•till > a wouiaii «-l.* n- iiii.v .acre cuuSally wtmi aj, .tair. wytb a wbafnl _____ luck lJ.1e pi*oee« *rai reon lirr lijn.
Wiiat a pleMiit ix-utnl. ■ •
■•Tlieiiyou J» undrn.iam] 1-jiglbbr
Yoa laid
lad liad at W.-atbgv'l lx.w
! l..nr glud
niiiiiili-xwlieji vuumdii
ii.dii^ Hiat iK-u.xiii Uic niarnlial raid, blandly.
every bnjy
— - •'............'
irmua-hfrightl.s-li, no clcxx- was
AnJlIx-n. llwre■ wax that lelt.T-a hrigl.i Itruusrr nxx fust nxl.svntxl I kiluvrail'a ve**rylii
t,Mtu( .1
'le laulli
Imbk.. t
■ would it
tfie ■i.i but uiH-M lb" winduwx INI..................
ler l.ad'to hiog'U- ii
.g I.
le M|iH-3kiulli
I Ii'Txeif 1
.*, whi*-li W..VV n. dillK* PH
pH.re unin Hally]>h-A-Oltl. I * liie i.reae'-iT, ul h*usL tluiii
ua-dllw-tn. It ixil.-v-'iwiul'Hi.toi.Mi
-• ••hw.-n ■x-e,.,:ildliiiv.'U.vu. Wluai
to liunc<-r after loi .-, -ixl IdU-iiv
i'.ii H-as •uk... v.i
Haay ireulur |a4a*u< aiakr Ilxud'a Barlleax* I, I I.L.t..—im.re l.tlerix il.-ir
ir IX,I,
Ih-l lx.v. .,...1 If..- vtmtilc.
Bonlte .xapert-v t.i rU oUkt BMdx-laca.
K- nod
1-K.k. rlil.k
IWlUr la e*i>
1.. w-a.id-r at
J'i.s.ieh I.
hlH- tl.iiig tiul*'*- .
•«: ..at, dear ,.Hpod-w-«»ru|orlIta
■u.Hhei-j i.v.ve ll.' u.i-1-.kv lxH.1* al [tbofiinrurauvr vilac.t
u*> njriuthy I.
..id-ie-x. Wed.-. to*« kB"«a frmvdlv^ <y/«t
cuiiU m*l have
..'.learyif Imovi. q |alei. *,!. llx- l.a-I
Krnxpl. ;
IwiM-t.-m '
In.-ukuiil, iiu'l'll, ur s-v.-ji it
l.b |xg.xai
e lix.-d: xadKJIv'
r.iii ih.w,*........ i-i'- I, ul. On
-li'l.-iif th.-, i>y'.s*,<'li: III Kill III
I hw .-i wvv '. t.. laid
it bih
b lln ll.iiig v.t.V-h iiiab-s
ll.axln-dlsw.-i 1
ie;tl.turtiIvrdj! -...-I ili.ii'i pin il un.
M.daliK. lu
m-H-bk.'s l-n ui lx«iii-\vili
cleuxuf Ihevilbg.
iarrvr al,d
I* iiivot |!gji s.-i* .lii'ig Iu 111.- iwdeiiireward.-l If 4i.- i.a l bvt. .lday.d h
ly- .4- -tie li.-r .-..nfOt-1'..r.-K*
a Ittidnextal Hk* ex
/r^lar lu ib la-hdaal
Iin->- unl-r. ef hi
. .Ik- Iril.
Iluud-i SirxiiurdU aee-iu|4u4>rs
|ea**t Worth wailing for; It w-j
arw onkmiTivaiidluav
If W. ii-j,:. .1 to h* -t ehnn-h uu tbe tni^Ir-TIx.- grvai,
letl.r! n..d
cImU- vn'vTiu.vto Hall*
Tiiiiixd-it |ri'in.iii;-.*wli*-ii Ih- j.iildi*tlait *4x- f'-ll U wrluf pnrie ill >t. llin ./
b all..-.vvl |..r-H'-a.l I,, lb tip^.f :-ml
i-f j,n- l:x<] •vnue.xu <-jin.* the- in.ildi
d'*;iv,-. ur, if l..-J;a»-e :r -.-.-,-.11 •,* im-r*iiiIvmd In h iiiil. Ax.he ^aik'-*t ahmglb sv*!i. ;iiiy *Ii-» UlH ih*. IVe *wll iiiukt-. «in«d-s»ixiapaiilla/^ ^
gnx-n i-alh I.HU.w-nr.t. tlx* Ijllk- wlii-. thi- ii-Hi-iii.
J-.ug r. H.-*uf v.-rv *-a«v J-nuetl. Thric ✓ ^
XIII. IxHir. t .h.xling l.iT. fai-\, xtli rlj; ah
b - U' i-i tb r.xlf. whii-li i.*.r
xorbed*to iv aiHrig ami rr.v4*lini :Ib
V -u. ,.ml ‘tots ...1 il simitl
blrra'l^rth . ie*l li.i)ing Hu- |T.wk.-ie-..
-I. : .iK> li**UM-x ill wiiielt nurk
or w-Tl-liy wmlin.i 1>> liiii.- it in IxT
].«-k.-t .vii'l rea-1 il at'-iT.iv iib<T nud
im.h- fit >i.n-.i«*< f.-ii a t.amt hud <.n
V _
aisl rMUBcu ua |wp<asr.ir
IxT.l.x.hl.t, um* tfc-r* w-p. hi rlalhiT. iinlm-ii-- hug'hl ..f
nVl^ An.utid
\9_^aad noHOenee aax»* all cUx».->
tlu* i.iil-4il.' uf il ............. ;tn.
GouOniw! Ixm xlx-cxO.w.xl!
*-WI«ily.-gul tlx»>-. ,*i all hnvl iiit.r* Umdsf-.iul v*ur*-i*h-.-->1 lii-.y |i
noma Is-.lmlxmlliilny ..lli.'i {v.-piraU'BU.
.*4i..'. Halt* * Jeni-hy U*i. a-WTili.i' on sign. wle-:i il «.’i- l.-..i*sl llu-'l 11
i-fto*k.xl ly ib..>wi. iHifimioy.-to.m-.mt
"N... ijlii.
axi+Hsjunum.is. n:.I....U 4-sir
Th. .-.-bmiii, i-riiuil uiiiniU-ril.HiM*.
-tVhal U .
ix- up f..r .U.
bjC-l-lax'l-aix..*,.,i-.u.i; Xto*
1- vvin.ling g-uih-ri«-s
je.1 lik> .'ar vld.lurL.- r Taiii'i t.-vi*
-n iunluii the h-gx.
lOO Doses One Dollar
u' llui' .-lixl^y la-ll u**>at'lui'
i.-ail 1*. llM-top, vihhli ix eaUixl '
yeiuve he ter.' Ix-i'.'r
lanl>-.*ii. nl.eyu i
Tlx-M|uirv-.|xikc 111 j*-*4.t-ai b.ivuril
. other MoClrca. U^tir or
hertocotoarouodtoaMei....... ..............
CoaH* fuU half An* time, but it waa a
•muy aod drtoyad richwy tfau Um oppoUla Uda gained-aou of tboao amaiHMa afawim o« uiidealraUc oi a drfmt.
UarhaMkaod. wiU. a tbrcwdacmiuande
■UaeroarHreal in di«Ung with UUa
aaatoOBeoBmoii type a women, alwaya
•atk can to aay uni a^ nuthing imporMMit ItocnM W Mpad.oratherwlae
to oCar ber Utaexoct caararm of Ut
«Uu«. 1RM.-HkB all maoeoren, thto
tnb in 'Boaln Wofla
iog. Tbe.BtMiw <
uv lexunme i.u .. m. ii .
Mia. Tykrr uirred tbe potatoea an vig- WolUiro. nim-h lew. y.King nim.
uMUythalHaUy UmJly dared to ton*
-Whew-r ill voluntarily qauur^Uiv
tore (trthar.bat aha did whiter: hW wpilrr ax -tliewNind uf tUal dread bum'
fell upon' Ida prrteniatarally tcOMtjrr
'•1 expect ycMi won't itoy awar a
Hally nu fatter than bb walk. Uil alw
dreadful lung wl.ile from Wretboro',
" :ly: ajxl yuu 11 bo jutt a« weloomu at
nraer liiuo w-(mii yoa du ruine tack.'
wluaUug “Duadeo- wlUi
Tu wUcb Sallv only rvtarned at am
■turn. She «-a« to happy
aad tafuae eviti n^un
.TT'dreixT Uuah and.a dimiding
and] pobey,
■bccouUaltonl loitoik*. eveaol UivoU
titere ia in a
«V-lnlik.'. UKl .io,- B.an. I:.lW .will
Imy as Miii.'li as iuiolii“i'’8.
y^rr'S^Tl^ .
New Goods Arriving Daily.
elwymA. pope,
-»Irroot Suwt.
. Traverse City
. , liiUiato iram toa ink- rai
A ycoof Mto (hiMfog te o It M mU toot too aotoal cm o(
ortto draiSWoTOiiataa raring TiBiai hrabara toaMraraoHring-Bo to oot 0 tynmHA oaatly tog tote that rioto racaa ttoo A
GMtoBMi^ kot->
$Mk$00 in «^dlal aod (oUy IftOOO
“ iCUl
bM Mt b«B-H
i* 10 JW,
lUb, km mm krnrnim Im pM,
to Itiid^M
Atdh, »d jonpid off tb«r
Ttoatootonte 1 l«btote, Gf
tonl^ tro
^ lietooiMr.Mtoooi.
bM witli I vMMtioi of Uio on
■ Bot« «0
ttf M» mblid OM dtj toot »Mk to
to «Mrt fco«M Md mMoU '
»Wd tofOO VOM TitoU
lUrtbalJaljttotoMdtooil, to^ipid too toadm M
Mm BoMhto «M IMtfr
muk^wakKm ^mfioo imdi^tfiNriiiixboHitttn bm>
«ni«Ma to Oei. bum Mriti tot ■»•
Ml Mda^ tafito for Lhh
to * Pton, o( Omd B^iidi,
toM«l dMd of PM1I7M of too
toM^WiigMoi, Notono ««»-
froM too Ibifd MotT of toot bitUdiiig
Tbw^ wd ,bo^ bw tog U two
Ooe. XigaQ^ two litUa
olOoMiT. aUa qoanUty^Pwia
toooi,iotfcMwiog ita latoro.
StoatoOdrao to dead, and too
ortooailielli ’
dH«t Lafka, 4 jaar-eldeon of
tMariek Lrlka of Lanaiog.gola
toHia btoaar Iwowieka ago,Md
dtod Satoidaj, it to aaid, tron iojortoe Toaaivad bj Iba focvign aubA^dog tonuuiiocat Ian
too wS^ of TpaitonU. The
■ol SI a noivanity atadant wbo waa
ildiwobto7ela,aodtoavieUto toU
i^Mrvooa dread toot bTdrophobia
drmii raid too onoatora
toaowM’aeoBM^ Sbatoaowai
too Aditoi rafonHtoi7. aid . wiU
-^toaralMlongToara. Sn-ltolTiUiaMa, (d Flint, lolitod toa bodgaaritori obbto tontob
Sn. WmtoM aava 8ta|^ ^ug,
oCKt. Motito. diaoba^ (be order
Md aba boa bagoD oi^ ^atoakbia
’•Doi Tagaa," toe faaaooa dranghl
totoaowMd b^ Davto A UoBae, of
UL Flaoaaat, dtod Boidar of iatoffl.
Ibto borM took toa
■friaii at Iba LaMtog alala bur
totlaU. Bawaaaaaoadtoi boroa
wdvolaad at $3,600.
bat eooldi'l tod too 1
of tbo
of too obBd>
AtOrud B^doln VonUft 6C
join old, «u ru ever bj * Mbit
evottooeoRMrofi^Bridn "
nd Goff OTonoo, odd netoJisj
we from wbiebbe «iU profaebl7 i
Ho —■e broM ia the abdo■eo and WM bort aboot tLo book
^ ilijN, bat no bOQM vero brokooHotoTlrl
' borsi and bai a largo famifr^
of tbe gold
>g, will take toe
........... , ........... arMto ptavent
fortbar tbafta of rtofa took V7 tbe
Minora. All aaph^M will U tr^olrektotoangeeloto^ontoepraaitoea, wbatbar goiog to or ooniog from
wait, aad all dotoing willbeaeareb'
ad. Tbe eoMpantoa bare alraad7
boai fietiaiiadto Iba ertaot of tana
About a jmt ago a Loganaport,
{od. Spitz dog bit a liUle jgiri and
(be rbild baa leen Buffering ever
Bines. Tbs ooo« of tbe worlbtoM
dog rcfuBod to kill it, but sent tbe
antoul to BUm for Mfa koepitg.
Tbo giri'a briitbor kaned of ibto
and ona da7 toat weak be wait
Nilas, met toa bmta, ahot ii
toai aralkad back to hie U<
If tost TOong man will par______17 loeaUin Uiebigan be ean
dad ataad7 work and tbe plaodito of
a graUfiil people.
8i7mbor T«»Tanoe, iff Floabing,
anoldvatoraa aged 61 Taaia, baa
made with a jaok-knifa a ooall7
baanlifol ^ato
I io memorr of
getoar, being naitbrn nailed
' A Itaiaoda atoven feet oig:
every piece, paintedond varniri
1 Uvea, it is'faia i
it on aihilnlion at
6ald,bariada toOd UondsT afUr
nooe, Mae borne and gave icot ier
child a $30 gold piaoe to ptov witb.
Ha toan tor down and fril aeleep.
Iba anppoaition U that tbe
plaead ^ ooin in ita fatbar a moath
_____ __ d Ohartaj Grow cravtod aid U aUppad down bto toroaL
------------- ealtod, but
MdM SavM O. Horlbartb b«i toa
ottw doj nd foaad a aaat Mda bjr
asTaan 0|
brawl l^etMwhb 100 eoaialL
won |tod Ova deep.
Tbs Btnr^ JooraV tV ^
Srai^tSla fet^
I^itotoioftoa at!irate waa
Mraigratorajy.aid tor a limal
A bdtoaad ttot two of toam wMl
Overtteard on the SireMa
Mto niiiijIUtoiiitoin a ndnad
^ sz.-=i:s=i.-sr
tad ankida bj takiag alr7«bnine.
aboettobemarviadtcWill______ iMtormab, and waa {wtiallT
raaiMMadOaok wraab
amTad w bar bridal d'OM. Hra
toa tbauldar. aid faa ia w
Bwtbar had aaUead vigorooi objae
UooB to (be irarriage, and thto so
prerad on toe girl'e mind toot ebe
determined to kiU bcraelt. Tbe
groom baa to be el(
bienda, wbo faar 1
. aa ba to franto
Foiw falal msn of aonstooke oeHOI, wbo bad
„ ,
emad ia Chtoago on FtidST.
perform tbe maniage caromonj, wiU
ptaaeb the fooeral aersoo.
A aiagntor aoato atorr eomM from
oear Graanville, Ala. A verr amall
milk anaka, it appeara, enwiad into
Ben llaTata. eotdur of a base b^ tbe
^ bonee of a man named Waltara,
team, waa kiUad at Ikalgamaty. and fooDd a bolUe of milk without a
Ala. br^pitdi^ ball, irttieb aUoek oork, tob bottle bring kept iot a
bab7 of Mr. and lira. Waltora Tbe
Aboot two mootoa ago John Ear- reptile erowled into tbe mouth of
toeboUle and drank (raelT of tbe
milk, and it waa than wban Uva.
be died of bTdropbobla.
Waltera oama in. With a aeraam
Three minere of Ferk atp, Utah. aba eaized a broom to kill the
braakiog of a eabla. WMe pre- tile, wbicb tixA (right and elartad
aptotpd to tba bottom of a 400 f^ run. but it had drank too mneb milk.
It bad gone in without ao7 tronble.
4baft and inetantlT killed.
but it now found it impoasibla to get
Coatom oSoiato at Portland, Ora, It, and, after pulling the bottle
named $3,000 worth of opium, which »ul tbe fioor for ewtule.it waa
had bean smng^ in from Oarada. iled. Evan toan it waa impoaaibla
One main waa arretted.
I get toe Boake out -of Ibe bottle,
Ura. O. J. Stone and two ebildreo id Ibep were torow^waT togatber.
and Itra Wimmer of Marion. Ind..
were walking on ilie railroad track
when IbeT wtre'tiruok bja tnici
Advieoa received at Londoo elate
aad all killed.
C. .BeduMKid. oerooBUt and part- Ibal cholera baa appeared io .Soutli
cbutvjomper, v
-Seattle Uoeaia.
A oumbar of d
e Ungled
Web. Biabal
IO old S
• abd bo
Ararat Paodia-“Tm. Mtoa E
rjwMss^u. 5»M.g -
' ,i
"Wakiu Blckl ceakaal at
I b wksi re* sesu u karc, Ik Ita.
ktt, i. u r«JlT tDurllb. •tt kofcklK Iw II SkB;. sas
tSkvakSItM. Tkkiaam
■ arvkpnn ukkallT kr
Ika iktr'aar uula Ul
>1 war kk kkS S; kIL WacsanBicr
laalcaS ittkptf. Wc rrttmmttt ZHOrKjil
'ar I>7f|,a»ab as4 all diaraa-a at Uni
i-Xu4Eiaaara. lal ai we ae/t'O wr
Irr S. *. Wall. Ofsrxbl4
1 A Mo. I
Pisklad Pira I
OhkraoMratmmi. lira wa win aril at a dlaeooat. TbaaaaalrrieeiaTorSesalBapaaDd
batbotwrathw is eomira aod «• raat to
riosa them cotta soon aapoasibto. For this
tcMaoyoBaratovaallyeaoBat (to taag
toey toal)ri
aliSt aaS aa>
Hlaaa aaS tarn, cS i> U aa Mar aa laar it waalS
twi raa Ji« at iSr lisa asaa ifec klta waa kWk
liraa waal apcTbnlraaVaaaatrr air,a: cri
.... —... ...X. ,.-------- — »kws la
M Only 6 Cents a Pound-
Tbe'largea't tree in tbe world ia
reported to have been rscoiilly found
in Califoruis, measuring 170 fast iu
riicuofseeacB at a diitrace'of G fett
from toe ground Toia wuuld give
er of about GO feet at that
Buck A Kyselka,
Oar. FraotandOa«Bta.
. juradaTaaeb of tbe cbildrap'a woundt adband in evaj.oaaaJamaa^allan a carpenter of Logauaporl. Ind., While working ou a
'' b building, waa auuaUuck aud
tp too gtonod, rseeiving iojuruia
(rvtukrbicb be will Jie.
driving witb bia bridf FridaT, Iba
boTM ran away and be waa thrown
out and fUallT wonodedSnowdea Smith of Ftairie Grove,
Mo., died Friday of bydropoobia aft' >g tanibto auffaring. Ha
1 by a dog a year ago, but
be felt no effecU from toe Ute until
A abower of worma. it to reported,
li near San AndraaaatatioD. in BanU Oruz Co. Oal-. toat week- Tbe
worm'e reamobled tbe grub, ware
wbiU in color and bad red eyaa.
:*tiey were a new apaciM to ibe rMi
A ebatiff'a poaae and a gang of
borae IbievM bad a terrific eneonnler 23 milaa above Anaiui. Tex. iu
Ibamountainea Tfauraday.
Tfauraday, in wl
one of tba thiaveA Ororga Miktavr.
waa killed, and bia brolbar Frank
Tbe Hon. Tbomw J. Bunn, poet
maater of Bloomington, III., under
PreudenU Johnaon and Cleralaud,
was run down byabicyolejuataaLe
stepped from
a street ear iu front of
id fatally injured.
Dr. Brown Srquard ii going right
along vrilfa his elixir toeory and
practice, and it baa ,(«rtaioly tolpcd
bim if nobody clan, --.pe jaya the
day iriU come within ICKTyeara wban
a tonic will be used wUeb will gha
n of
ham, perk, dried bra. ato.
‘ And bar b
IbeUevar ‘tiuiU right: bot don't
forget ber raotoer. Sbe'e liriog with
M. yon knowT
A Oerso of Paper Saves Hw Lila.
U warjaat as erllaair rvni< al wraeHosia.
err, koi II •a.raaw life. Bar-war u U- bat
aiasr; at taaianettaa. laU b> |Ui]aklaa. ikai
abrwai lacaraklc. aaS cwald liic oal/aakart
Uaaei-aror atsFVISC »ar»r akr rr^’af Or.
Klar'r Daw Oinawry. aad CM aaawpkSMiV:
ll balprChrt.rkrbaackl a la>cr l~l-lr. II itl[-
Euniuiin oflNClin.
*Sil Steal Boiler Vorlts. KK.irsffirA'rscassMs
ISa ‘ OUl aulABU '
'7. r»-. plaaip, «tH;hla< mpoawU. tar
lallri (.anlribrr
p.rtafm-r^.t.r, h.t.i s!
irie, a girl 21 years of age
ed suicide Salorday by leap(rum
D the toi
tower of tbe cslbrdral
Notre Dame
l*rof Wiggioe says too plaocis
itf oearly Ibe same pmitiuo
aa iu ~t>. when Fouipeii waa
dire things
ed, aud ba pre,Uri< din
Italy during Ibe coniiug
Canadian govarnmeol baa received lawyer, has just been act|BUto<l of
offirial notification of tbe latifiealion rvbbiog a emokebouaei "lea migLiy
of the new extradition tieaty be bleeged tsr yer fergeltiu' me outer
England and tbe United
Lawyer—“How aboot my lees’dobotiug—"1 baio't gut no raooUlle. Feodorovna eacapod from
toe priaoDi of Siberia and ia now in y. boas, but bow u yer off far baParia. Bba bad a (earful time mak
ing ber way out of Ituaaia and iady-
M. a-Wa bm a nka Itoa ri uksaU an
K Uonaiy arai
n Boboo) riiUdren 1
George Simmons, a farmer living
oaar Loegwooi, Oat. cOamtUed
•uieidebyeuUiog bis Uiroat witb a
WalU—"Did ill)
iingley ever a.
lifa. He bad been suffering piisb bis iuteoliuiIO of gcltiog
I grippe 3 montba nod wbn niib . girl wlio beat biui (
Ilia place by ofi'eiiog to do tbe w
Ar ■
at a hiDulIcr salary?''
salary?'’ Polta—“1
Poltathe I
ratbar ibiok be did. Be married
ly between Chinese ports, has been ber and abe ia aupporting totm
destroyed by fire. Tweoiy two per- boib."
wbo were on board (l>a alaatoar
are miaaiog.
A ItoBStao ukaae baa just t>eeu is
led. perrailliag tbe employment of
Mrs. tip—.
women on railroads. On tlie Tnus
slippers bt
Cavpian line tberearefemaleauiion
Shoe deater—“VVhv.
mastera. traffic tnauagera. signal
cvnaislv, tua'aui." klra
women rad poiut
On Friday tbe Normaoni., the 'Mtobing^er hopeful
ta,a( ..trtlfmn
addition In
to lb.
tbe H.mbi.re.
Hamliburg- —‘llall kinder casy. J.
n Packet Uo. arrived attNew
::dS -
mm ILTEIIM IHOne t McCUllET. Pnprs.
m ■gaava.“J8agt.
.Vtiniie, /joeomaliK and
SMioparo Boiler Fori,
---------- -
■ •Ilia L'baa la .tawlKa.
l'iuvtU> • VvS'. ^kJ tw Miaek
Park Place Liveni,
OPTMMltoknraw. L
!UI in ffMIW MM;
Saa tOWI'
First G!^ Ri^
luaanstown in G days 6 boun aod 1
iouta, bsaiing all prariouk .-eeord*.
U la Ito iwraa aa4 ktol totltos* awkl. la
The hired man in ia Spain eomcrnltnm SoppUra ef aU Stda.
tr/f£Jf rov WAAr
tiraa* dasgeroue
Tbe. telegraph
aaya that a Spaniard wantai^ (o go
toa bull-figbt, but being refnaedptraw
miastou be murdered bia aiuidyer'a
'totttoMtaFBit A Faro Marwhole family
Wheo arrestml be
niattoitfioad. OM Mila oooUi of
At Lima, O., John Myere, a prom bad a front seat at toe bull figbl.
HuauA.x u*rs,. 1
inent druggist dropped dead in bU
Tue goveroaienta of Europe are
ni.iMh.srar Ut- JfoderoU'Z J'fictt uad
atoro Sunday Digbt He wh behind Satiating witb a view to common
ra toDatoaiaina. i^lMaowltoa
. c»kktsaroci>k)M«><«ssm
Ibe counter waiting on a coatomer,
coatomer. action (or the suppreasion of anarebia a artttoa] dndltioo.
k On sat alwki* nsSr u Itos cm
when be fell to tbe Boor without giv iam- Geruray ia takiog a leading
ntonsa«4d-ctkrB ikakeWWean
A^waatiato a .
JOHN DUNN, rroprtrira
ing any aigra of being iU. Clertoin part in the tiegoUalions and tbe only
otAa Babtotoa otbar _
H7/£:V you H'AAr
, to cbair, obstacle eucouutered is tba object
araaStb^M balaoribg it- toa atora lifted bim up
■fihadbarao*. Tbe ao«iBetBii« •rif on ita front fastwbra be gave a moan and expired. ion of Englao.i to tbe extradition of bf tlnaBliaal ike aaai ul Ikt Sismk ae4 rast^i
If a banr. n
too widbw fond a pookatbook ooiHeart dieeaee ia tbo-i
lar ISr llilSrT. au4 !■*« u, haUbr asliua |l
. Vn win ah
laiitoM $U7 U too olabto. and baa
\t tba closing meeting of Ibe
Tbo |H)lica of Paris rcoaolly re “cfa ssisoa, It ts'trt tana
•daortioad lor toetotofto bring baek ooootT, was noabto Ip support bimaeit and appratod to-lba coontT. pi ' ' i>iiau general aaeembly at ceived iufortualion Ibil a numter of
bar Milk rad gat bit
Droppoti tbrougba Crack.-:-I)rown
k, toa number of oommaui- nibilisU were organizing a plot
Mow ioiT hai foor aoBb, able to balp Si
(Visibly embarrsavedl—“Beg pardon,
toaAba wUl boOd a $86,^ tilf tbeir fatbar from euffering. and ibe
againat the Czar in tiiii country
ban asda bign»ofboaiaMibloehi. aintoi
suit to agaln dnriog the yeared 108.002. Tba informatisD was followed np. U.*8. Start-bam. but I loil niy pillow
ItopaMiag wUi axpaaid $30,000 iaa
ipal them to do so- The eoaBty Notices of toe drato of 117 ounia- ■nd tbo mult was Ibal fifteen per lari uigbtr 'Ffaeludlady—-WaU? "
Blown—“If you don't object I
It waareei
linthaciKailoooTt. hot Iba fitanna rUirged srilb bring ioplleaiad tbouldlikc
to go out i> tbe bancoogTOfs be urged to pesa
io tbe plot have been arrested, The bou-e and get anoibtr feather?"
otoMidloo of toa
miUiDg BlatCB to prohibit o
An Vn,>rttrda>l0d Fremiiiw LM Cffplot waa diarovered in a |>eculiar
loidg eMdM wav and biarMka ]iraa' uat affirmed Iba finding of tbe low
lii|Uor traffic. I
In Uay 1-Aoonaidetsbledam/endiHIh “The Weells ftews."
f^lertoai^catiM oftoenp- er coorti ao-lbeae foaraone will be
duno to trees in a field at
Tbe wife of Aid. Sams
ato Waridy TiBK*. oo.
driven io tbe leeeMitT of killiog Pbilo. Ill. wbo baa bren a eonsUol N'aocy. wbicb it was learued. waa
With tbs rariualeit
■ Bardn, oTBoaraoi. Oia- tbeir tetber or puttiog up eocne ol attendaot al Uie mnetinga of a IVu - due to cxperimoBls witb eiploaivea.
hrly«»l.BJ apaif.
t7,badadog. Heaadhto tbeir good moae? tor bto toeping.
tecost bind, baa become violaotly in A number of mvtilUc tibea wert
a bad. aoMo abaep
Witb toe Natoira Standard Dirite
ane over religiou. Si^day night foood in tba field, and tbere were
A aiiigolar OMe of file oeeurrad
FrirM towBohip WedoeedsT. Beo ibUeatefanrcb . be nruae and bold- traced to tbe seller oil tb” tubee.
Braver bad jet a new tin milk can bg bar baba aloft aaid aba iulaodcd From him waa ubti ioed the infonna- L L ill i CO..
With toa National Btandard Eagr^
tiun wbicb lad to ibe eipusure
offering it «s a
upon toa plalform -of toeebureh She waa ptevani
' ’le-ing too dej
Ulcerated Bure Throat
hiaadtodtf^idte ‘^ **"**■
from carrying out bar iutantionfoonaed from________
in rioto.......................................
aid ntoetad beak apeat the p>M
Lari weak Oeoeral Mitoa iaaued
Wito Dr. Uanllaoo'i Ooonsalra^
............................alittiawbito Iba
an order (or United SUtew troopi to Bore Throat, aod waa
mwlitol gride to toa fainlT, baadira
______, - a Tbe-toof-ama pursue tbe band of Indiana wbo acd redocad in flab that my friAida
lavlTall borrad offend eonaldS- inidared AttotMy Hardie
abto damage doM «a toa- tomto om'oaioue, b toe came manw
waa attaoded by-tbe vary
tbtf/c .V.C'/«. Sirfne and Paaltry.
waraoriiigiitoiad. The kasto not .toi«oimowra.J>orw«A'Tbe____ beat jAyairiana. b(jt tbeir
•-------will ba executed when raptored, ae to relieve om were foUla
ra before ■ralanoed to ba eraeaing Swif'e Spedfi .. .
Caoh Paid for Hide* AMIU
•HI U» —A. .< W.A. W O
BO highly reoommmded, derided
Triemea. Similar is aty
______ ..^.--tMrbboil 18 Tears
of Piebaoa ..
At Alba<)-ier.)ue. S. M.a dUaa
___ of FranUb'....................................
lieved. a .d after taking
900 atodrata from tba atob nnivar- trous wreck oocurrad on tbe Atkntio tlat I was entirely curtd
ritv nyad iba abow. Wban ton A Pacific roadI ____
, 1evening'two not bad any signt
of• a returo
of toa
pacfararacawaaflBtobei and HOri mUeaweat oftU junction witb t^
1 wish to state to my patrona
-.wdrad'road A train
(tab of don- dtacaasL .
of toa andiaiwa bad di^iatead, tbs Santa Fe raflroad
Chirr Bunroa. WilUamsbiirg. Vo.
and friends gcui-mlly (bet 1
wbo nmaiiMd ia tba tent
decked ran leaded with aome
ik a boneb, gave (be eritoge yriU G,000 fine a ■too muUoo abera on T-he GroiideSi he Ever Saw
Liive muT.-d my jilat-e of busi“'^ddnbto PiBstiae
Oaltforoia to toe Obi-U-ofM.” This demoottraUon waa Ibearayfrei
ooM from Ki'iiit St to Uoiou
Mr W. .1. Colmtn. a pn-mirent
StoTtoMM* ha dkA Ba riooos (olknrod by aa aUaek from amo market was wrecked by tbe eilitra of Gvioeavillr. Fla. writes
St; Snuii Suit-, where will be
aboot IwtAj rirou man armad with br aking of a Iroek. Every car but be fo'Iowiog ondw data of Feb 10.
fuiiMl u uic>- aAsnrtmt-iit
Mm, wbo advaraad obootiog tbeir two were daalroyad and abaat l.OUO 1890: "I eontraeted a tievare cree of
yMaaioaafSa ablwara Stosm- ««ray*Hay,Baba." Thaatadaete efaeep killed ootrigbu . Tbo lediau Gonlagious Blood Priaiou that gave
srapriaad by U» attack, faU back, of toeocigbboring pubblo ol Tala a great deal of bo able, and baffled
dr.MM I al Igla ton, 41 pea
Ktracys, Tweed*, ic. from the
•itbravraalbrofera haada, botaooo arorked all nigbt akianing eareaaaes. toe phyairiau ol toia plaoo. I was
wooleu mills »l Acme, w'bicU I
nUad. lntoamalaa,aavaral pistbl They wUl bate mutton tor mOntba to finally advtoad to try Swift's Bperifie
will lie i*le:*s«l to Hell for cash
tosta wata trad aad a rirru man >mc.
(S- 8- 6 ),»od I ran asy. with
torapad, aAot in toa toooUw. - U
Al HamUton, O. tba womi
< xchnnge fur wuol.
ptoaann. (bad a few boulee of
iaraid toa Modrato and aa
agora of toa Vaaten faoaaM
I aball sleo be |>rc|iared altcf
ritara MN ora la toa torada of pby- lysoaMtima ^o forbade (
tbe liitli of May to buy wool
ricina. SavrarioRMtaofboto^- Arato of Miami niiivacrity to vWt
cub. And eball pay u utn(hagUaodkeaaatizmry. OoT
4toy ovaoiog tfaroa of tba ft__.
al, the bigbeet price. 4 'all and
tmbara dtoea to Oxford to attrad a
■ee me. Youn B«pL
Dto' idtottAoKh ooriaL Wbratoe
omailadbM•Mo«ratoto $600teraoo4
€wirr8novicC»T ^wto.G«
Ibe bent
Great Wifftwnt
Meat Market
Fresi, Sell aflfl
iimoteil -Meals.
r THE great
iGerman Remedy.l
> waUoa
kM»B ^ fto Map «.
fafawtlbat wii aBarafa o
(*) Owbl> Brih
; JUi'^gKS’ZSrtii
: alMrS^Mr.
•MfaU^ipv M.'^ kto « M»
aa»bto a(cMi««dl.d ........... _
tba Wi»t
Eiat mUU.
Mdattma^ Itefnn da«’a«lia
«HiMiV «f Hr. Lairii'telk to Ik* adi
.1* e( tfei. fa^, Mr. fiaratopaU i
aad aeVealy vtgbl oo tba d. C OraiUB, ^«ay ^
U >ra runa U laiMBl
m, IW^IIIIT ct aenktoo UkUam.
aad at tha ttea e( bb d«U> wai My«al7
- . cs2S£rr
-- -
gbaa alaa
«S aabJaaTTial'btolllJLl2
V iiModbaiNiiatptapafadb/Ua.aiMI
: > VaM agflareii tbadajbe diad. thtoe
wn aar«al eolamaa daratod to
read aad on Bolioo doly , STn am^ ajllhe ired«‘ ofthu ila
of tba boUdioga eaar Iba Park Pfaoe and
Iba aoatb baildieg oa tba WbI >id'
Tba writer knew blot wbia ba
Hi ayalni
tIha W. R.B
i’. 00
twroty all yeara lapae
aaaad Ibao aienawalalTtaT.
wbera. aa nna of tbc firm of
___________«y A C.
boeta.be baa ergatixed
Ireiueot, ormpIcteaBdcooplrtely i.iii.
Hu delemtiaod to sir*
isto oDo of Uw raeitatioo looaa opMii..g bailieg apparaloa be pUoed ia ibeBoalb
TWtl........... ....
' Ifaidaalarire to bo otod ooartorlr oot'*”*"•'**"* *® MicbiBio, tba boIroBtiw Bigfa aofaool. Tbfa moa baa bad lioR M tba Wait fade. Ttaera
(a) W^PrUoarica';
ben aet anda aa a library aad rradieg aeaiorly a etdd day daiiup
proaideol aod efark ; aod Ibat V. Ilea
Hesbar a( beja aerallad..
rooo. heabaokeaaaaoittaptnitioaed
«aa pgaaible fcir tbo teaefaer aod ba paid P75 ») per mootb for hii ear
Meabar of fbi« aerallad..
ibelfM oara pnl io aad laid tor oot of
elfUdraa to keep onrertobla
DolharebaaealoKatoBeofbiil'remiua)*. H« baa dtaagod Ufa
lor Ofl'the POIKW f^ aigrjdty th. ' -f*.'*** “““’.I*'
“>•« I***-;
Ibeabore appropiaticn. Ow baednd Biebanlaao -t Itoyel >o baatcra Ibat
cot tbe minntaat point one. ainlrred
^ aoreaty.erevolamcaliBTabmadd. pal iato tvn of Iba Ewt priatarin lato
a brea.llb. that looking Iwyctdlba a
(d) BaotbPriaair: ,
walla tbit tortiiab atoraga f. .r enrda aod
■asbat of boja aarollad..
Iba library doriog tba year. Tb«»
bara «orfca.l
rvoTenieoooa for beriar. tali->
Mosbarof giriaat
II. J. Mon...!..
booka «« Brefoll, .eleOled br U.C|„„u „eo«B«od Ital
- - liooat
e metrlianl and
aad bear ilireelly or io- i,eatrra be pol ioto Uia »•! boil.liag.
®"““****^' ' icuaPADar. aarewhal makre ira.l* aa «ai.
Tire ooBXBittoaoo Are aoa waler made ,
e;,Brtitote. legilimato iu«H.adirntly npoo tba atoda. pornMd >0 Iba |
i. „
old ontral boildiog i. to ba
Oak Park i;'
.report loUie ooDue:i wbiob U aa tel. | diaing. as.1 bareoaa br ko.wa «lial
aerml B>gb acbaol
lledora tbii to aeeooiaodite liti eualomara aad oBacoouatoftbaiMaat
Bead lot achoul purpoan ao.r InBger. it Iowa :
Mrid boraaniDllad .
' ^1 Tba Uldaaor Iba library baru been
burnitie of tba ebair factory, wbwro l.a got lUoaw I .rely bnaaelt raekiof aboold ha i«iotro'iutaroally and exirr.
Kaataat eiriaeoroUad ... .
•• ” aapplied I? the
. lia ra
He coaid ool gel rnougb n«kara in litoa to •oeoBtaedak ail bj
Bally, lu moTing^it from ita original
■luDO 1. aad m> be baa < xlibdld tbe litaa Io July 4, 1K90.
ofUiapapili oilhtba Mlowiae par iod- iatbomxB of alliD«i. -to
tba plxtoriog ni ’badly
lUtreua "Ai
'".fir from Ibr lB.|"iif ibr 1 iiaiDeu U)
Ofaed total aarollaaDt. boja ....
traeked aad looaauad from tba walla at
at lollowi:
I wbieb be
.me <.f bia
Ttia Purooi Uagtiiae.
Otaad totol earoUioeBl. glila...........
Uul tbare ia imparalive oeaJ of it< l>c
ir ..I l.ia
fruia oumett Itoadolph
itasooipn | earsefa,
earseat, L______
a rff .rl : arul
iost ra-plaitrrad Ibroogboal. Tba n-d
Total aandloiaal for T«tr, alt daitreelaod ElmwoodI areoua uortb
Tba Ser York lodapaodnL
along I white ackimwin.lgi'u: tba amionii
teaka badly io aeaetal plana and oreJa
toaooraaro; Elm. I meril of olbcra tak.ag paH.-lhiai
Tba Neo York Tribone.
I ^¥^P*u£hu!*wio«'
to ba repaired. Kawffliorior i< afao
eae and Wayue ati
in tbrvH.
(I) Aearige No. I akogiogf
TbaCbicwo ilarald.
oeadf<d io ill 'be rooox oa the Aral
w of Kacdolpb aod
"good wordi" tor tbe NurlbrniI Mirbi. lM.2d.S
r Carmt Evcoti.
onCr.lar atreai to the e
i that Uie peti
1. !>lb.Ctb.
.*. I wonld farllier rae3BBeo<l that tioo no far aa it raltlaa te tba exteiiHioe
............... 17BM
of tbe water maio aor
a Eimi
ji k k h
iMBxn.ix r iianM-11.
aTcaae be drafad; aad ao lor u it tr.
new buddiag.
10(h.Iilbeodl3Uigtad«a ... 97hb
lalaa to tba exleiiatoD of water raiio ;
iriugU* year^bi Uja librarioi io tba
Departed Ibia life, al lb- borne <>l b
aboai V.'l. It oxD than t>e aaoJed down
inwtb on Cedar alnel, it be greoied.
OR on. RAt.\TJX<i XtCKI.r t’RAMKR.
.aou ia law. Ur. L. tV. KuigUt. lu I
aad kwpt iu a preacilabla eiodition
Total averiga .
•«« wonld
wuuiu (urtbarreeummaudUiallbe
lunuar recw
IbiwD ol I'araJiao, May -I. lK.d. Ui
TbaflMTaot tbe oaw bnildiog aboold water maiD 'be exteodol Irum tba uato Coraelia C llarimm. of old age.
(51 IW eeal. of
“““ Urarka. Tba<a tiouka bate beaDcar^ bo oiloJ, and the oat ride dfare aad tba now'lxidou Ilanduli.b
induliib alravl,
aualb uu
Daoaaaed area born in Ormi^ronuty.
I Cedar atml to Secuiul-treat
Srcuiul rl
and. fire N. Y..ia
“•* "* deaigoad to give ' woodwork io Iba bawmanl paiolad.
Y .in IHUT.,
iHur., wia
wa. aarr.-tl
tn.rr.r.1 >L
>n tor.td
bydraul pUcaJ at tbattfmionaou bee Btmry Baruom -ol S-oda-Vv. <>«ti..
6. Wa tirwd to make tortbar additioBi oada^. dajthxiIbKwatariaatob. ,i,„
New Iteltimure. Mub . ii.
til w
that whieb u pareat aad beat lu to oar libreiyaad Uboratorire iu order axtoodaj from tbe mam now fail on ]H5H
I lileratore. bsvtory, btogr
aad Uavfl. ^,,1
teboul m>y be aUroaal ol tba Haodolpb atreat aoatb ou Elmw.wd avr.
I)ecaaao.l remato M.tO.1,1 in Juifa.
•asr.j PnKnaeritieal.My of tbeworkwgl,
1 w'lnlU tberef.ire raeummaDd Io 4rIT-re..n M. aod n tire bydinol be ih(». uJ Ibiit wia ouoof tba |...,oa-t.
lol riiBDd Trererae cjuty.
tV.lb a
ptopram.. to ont nrion acboola. tbcju„,^ ,to, aooo.l laaelieg in J«I, ao |.fa^altb.-t.vmio«.
liTardiaiB tor Ifao Tear :
We afau rrcoaimmd t
baarty iotarfad io all ibat la l.n.t for bo.
pondnaiou baa liMa foread n|»o me;
^.p^ropriaiol ywid bo vuto.1 forll.it
Prinary <fapartaa«iU...................
maoity. abe paaaiO Ib-yran <,f b-roM
Cadar -Unt to
iRet. that aage in nim aereoily ; with rlii rrlnloiiu
that too little tior and attoaUuu bee,-1 parpoar.
and goul etmuaal oomfuriiac and rfworlicMi giveo b. reading.
oonrlo-i.n I wmb t > . xiwvwa my
nitke Iba axlent
iog all wbo were aoeonal.-l witb Iww,
Tbnpiimr porpowor (be aebm.l in ,iu«ro tliaok. t-y.ai a. memb-r... J ■be
tbc from l:.i.l..!(>b auaal lu al
Slia laavre Il.tra daiigl.l-ra,
Um Oral grmlo. Uh, am»d gre-lc. aod j fco,r,| „( .................... f.w y.mr
ring atti4
a„.l ili.t a lire
fire lijdraol lu, W. Kuigtit
of Uavfi.JJ.a
UavH.JJ, ao.1
gnda till Iba pupil can grea|> tba 'hindueM. nod ounrtovy la all i.initara
. aod a lire bylraol I Wilaon avl Mre. Carhr
. -of\...
C-I«r auJ Waruai.iuc. to tnooiK bar d*ai*aa«',
bihI wIio
ngbt of llu- a-otouca axprokaad iu |,ar'aio.og b. onr inaU.I raUtw,..
with a wtdo ....ia
cirri. o* fn-nd- W|il ava
njiniolm] wnrdaU logivo tlia pB|iillb-,
c. T. OliAw.v.
O f. Canrwt.
I held ,hc da|v.rU-1 .ma . I -.lot icuu m
Olabilily to raa.1, Wilbout tliia. nil .iIIkt,
bup't of Po .lk-»tb-u>
E. P. WluiXLM.
jbreuea. Tba 1.aty waa Uk.I to I..u-otig a.iU'eaalcharEva.
O.aladica of tbe aebool corrinalom are.
J. L Ukiilii-il,
; lor lotormaiil iu tba family lot
—'mted buoka. Ion primary evacoo of|
rAun ui’STiAoTvw.
I |Ot.g»HWa>«TU MtfaM-K
’^jialraclioeali ntbrr braaefare nok iato1
4 w«wBwm 4-wwmvH.
Movnl ibal raid n-port tw adoptai
Jamaa Hnniingiun ilveil ai In- raai.
• ilialoBilWtlrw whm. n,mun.d will. rM.t i < "CBal mat IO tagiiUr reB M^ll Ju Ul'2 and tbal wai.-r mama lie cileoJed aad
T*. I il «. V -W~S»
lienee in lUy -id- s.MiIho,. Trev.iw l>..B
Aacaal >M a-ll IM
(6) KambararRaportadTifabibftbejing. Nagtacl U.U ao.1 we dwwf iba ,
bydraute i>la,-->l aa rreoiuueodad by tbe (lily, Wav 21. tom,ag-l 41 icara and
£1 day-, baviug iHcai bora in Ontario.
. Palrnoao/tbaPablteHebool.;
l|K,war of the pnpil, da,w.re Mm of tb-H’*""*comuiillo'. Motion tarric-l.
Caamta. May 1. lup.
Ita ; ooalbiog
a.g<eDltaI tohia nenla]owlb.!**”'"’growl
(.'vniuinl tlirreii}„« ad|onrni-d.
tie tia<l been a reMdrol. ol Mudiigaa
Ylinubwol May 5 aod,fi n-ad and ip
1 lent him (A from tba main annieenr ioII. C Daviv Clerk.
• lOOll
■ 111 vl Ita ea-lia-l ,ava.v« la Vrjvvv.
Bigb aebool ,
Oiformatioii and rdoenlioa and make it
'. Waa marri.-d Nov. I,
Mr W. Cuntiioe. no cioli-u duly var
IliraiU-y ol (Ur
• — almred impoaaibk. to alimnlato Mm to
Tvavanacoy. I
Tbtol ...
ried. waa giveo a ■•wmil Io build au od
fl-lil.' Wbo. will,'aTUilBliuW ■'.mat
m-orri lira bin-.
dition I2vlt fact ID rear of Imltdiog ,«
Daring Iba preaeat year ii
^ V «M1^ rAK^POK «AI-«
cn|>ia.l by him ea From alriH-t. Uie name
a' ri'lierwiomwaioa ulXree- pv-o. ond
(9) Pfi>
^baabaea given tbo toafaiera ro Itui low1'lM.ii
xia.ii.i>ai|.iio.a; MMMoarf alaallaa ■ aavUiBirlaaacatwaa mare aa4 (mfllM, nwto lie cm inuiail oodfr ilirBeliuo
nt al Maple City ou Ibo ebnreb. ol winch liu wxa
From let grade to 2dgtaaa...
lb>aa..«lToebrr H-ll aniarcdUraija^ ile-1- hrr-b, alrra-tkat
W eatgradre Umt tbare obill be tour m.1.
bu .tar of lay. and oreaum-d. by ae
ebic^ol Hr
embertill lli.'iiuii-of biaib-alh
He -. > ■ 1, ml. a Iron Tniriarl'nr. lealMia <'».
Proa 2d grade to Bd grade...
iog cxeroaaa a Jay, and Ural ce-ry pnpH
lA active io nil giant worla, e*|>eciAl1y i . Ilf bau III -«v 7-, lawa *.a. wavth el raare i
.drevRatbanli' n'Siloo. ch.ir.
From Au grade to 4tb grade...
J" dull read, wbaleVL-r rbn it may lianre.
in fSabbalb arboul. and dH-l tlic drell,
to Ouirli Kiaveliog IfiUi
. Friiz of Kawon. Mo eFrom 4Ui grade to fitb grade..
of no rnniam ebrutiao unn. Kc-idre
•** jeiBiy to jmrtril. Ibe ri-gnlar reidera
lleiiui- mod and lo rejiair aidawalk
inliiiona and di
From 5lh grade to fitb gnda
bia wile and child, a raolL-r. live
” lore aaed in |«rt of Ibrea eaarriao
arar)Uc|wpwMi aroertfad la iiU mupu
Ciiiou-triad Io F-ruw..u.l. Tb-Went I Uef o miog lios tie tow-aMpa-•I Ihw- nod two brutli-ra-urviv- |.i,i,
Pram fitb gnuSa lo 7tb grade..
‘•i^itbeuUiarpart Uh< aappieaMmUty i
commuBuoai r wa- m.l-red t i epriukle | fam. IrC acid a-.d SiiPODa Uay. will lie
Prom Tib grade to Hib gnde..
... n I -T..»
agiraBUMtoafUiadaaUi ofUieaaa
•a> arbaBthar dapaadad mota tbaa
Those Who Hold Tickets
..... ......i ::2,rcr*'
l‘0l!k \’ALUAHU: B(KJKS.
;m;k ^
J. sTEinnac. gs
-•0 ^ f:i.t:aASr
^ - /S rium.
.‘■of I
ri-rmi rtiojofiiur// .u.'iiru.
r. toaU fbamia ibairvo
ka8«iM» Valter. Mr. La«ia km«
batter than Mat mao tba peaalbUitiaa
wdadwriagaaof Nnrttaara MiddcaD,
•ad ba Mvor brad ia eflbrta to daralop
tbofleaaodMfcakoowBUiaoUMr. Tba
4iMb af •aeba *aa ia Mra ttaa
partoatolkB.il fa a poblleoalaaity.
til SliouU bail TIuinstte tl TUs Ciiri Oiwmiti.
Tlw Bagla, ratoriag to UaeoBtion
ivaervkBbaraaa;a: -Mr. Palmar.
Of Big Baptifa. *B ibaa kirodoaod rod
•pofcaatloBgtb. Ba tea flMt talkar
•odtoaablbatbaBida'aagood. botba
•liddgaoddaal Utot tonU Itofabaao
Btodi batter kfl mNaid.
Wa do aot
aMatoparUanlariM -at thia tima.
4o tort eara to tritiatea. bat «a Ibiok
dba aototoStUa aada a mfataka
aapraoaradMr. Pal^ to nafcr .
•ddrofaapoBUifa oaa^. A partof
toiaarb na toe aukfa Ilka a repabli»B poUtia} eampaiga apaa>d> of 11172 to
baanlabk far aa oaeaaioil Itka Ihfa,
•od «a baliata that tba apaakrr aada
MaafataaaBla ibat tba anlbor bia•far Mold varrauMta difaika to aaaio
Ptmi to* laurocau.
. OaDoral IkBial StebiB fa a
Md a daBoatid of good afaBdiBg ia bif
«Btr. OoraiBotBlU B^faiaaberiir
ofK^Tprk. OaBarfaSteklaadoBBot
eeMtte Ibat baiag a faaaoctat aaed
■aka bia a dooghfaoa to tolk aoo aa ba
L.rV; sirifciT.
*'4?*',“nV '
■btotoeW7.flfa roan ago. lobfaDoa.
OBliaofairaddiBa at itoatoo. Oaoaral
Prom fitb grade to High'aebool..
Bfahfaa apoka of tba oaa ut
audi BUreta .■( IU-viiltge aa to bia joi<
made lo
Mr. 1). U (fampbelltKjog prewu' an
,igiwm-Bt waa.made wiUi bin p-'siil
XX) efaaml
liog tba village 11 nae-oeU bydranta a>
A very fine obeoical bafaoee fiw nta I
Tba ahon doM not iddado proa-.
liaaiooer ahonld deaig.
HUfaraadl toralba old .fltg. A^ ^ from or» !Ha« to aaelbrr wilbie
baa been of gml nerviee'to !
-priuHi— • irpjae.. al]
airbaB.BlolUM9aTto7*hata. tfaaT 'CTmtecrrl gradaa.
for ABafaBM tbare fa bat eaa Bag-tbe
BtgaallUabBaod, Bnag:
Total aamber <
MOtodbjaariBBaof or aaparilj or latprimary aad
aletoMot year..:...................
M tooard tba am «• sat ia battfa.
u.,' '“f
<t0) Ofadaatot of tbe Hi;b Beboel:
: reptira Uierevin
pfaia. aad laka Erla aad Na« OilBaa;
Tba ffalowiog Uve ermpfatod the
ifaaatgorfia« aad UeDooo^ aad High Hfaoot eoam of oliidy ptaead op.
, Ibrvaaddtefcaoe; tba dag of Liaoola peoila Umir namo aad racBnd Ui«nr
•adBttotoak; iba dag of Omat. tba
fkg of Waablagtea. tba oBlj dag dB
fagarbeMrtroBABatlaaaa. Itfatha EdgU Wsllaea Bo^JfoglU aad Gw.
oatydag whifai aboold dBl ovar Ihfa
It fa tba dig that rapn- WilUam 'ni^' 'oddirelL ^liah,
mi OToar" If all daBooBla «oald
M«ak aa Qmmti Bfafctei ^waka. aad
Wariiihljftl Five \eare.
OtaSStR'i:l8S9, TO JUM 1,1890. l»siow
r tba
MMarighL aadlBaUoBi obarttrlatM
■at fatgal Iba diatoOBaa (atvam right
The Favorite,
JUNE I, TO JULY 4,1890. .
I (bawoit afths
New, Hij'h ^rm, Sewiug Machine,
M(.l«natoakaa mMliatanaiii
ffagcf Ifaadjr'a Imaa aad lataOteB.
Th* foUowiag ntolatito reltUee to , "T?" I Jf*
naj Ubrary
aaad to be leplaerd. aa Ibay arr ealiraly
At Iba fa« aaaaal BMatiag. of Iba vora oat. Tba bUok-boarda ta all
icfaool Jiatrkt $300 «M TOtod f.a1nirai7 pneiaiy beildloga naad to ba repairad
Itoriag Ufa ymi Iba library •ad afatad.
vaa Borad from tba Higb aeboo) toon
a IvooUalao
<b) Gtot Firiaahn :
ammm,nu»rlm,,mili» UmMgf
laeruilad .
•M w temd «h« Mh.«M M Baabarar beyaat
raetollad .
JMW M, loi^ T«n «IP>, b«
A Nobfa-a tnelol piea.
> beUd aa iroa lodaviry
aaai asJ Ktrae aa•"iak^to-allUto oora of aau vfa >
opn thv t'iae ID
for oapport.
BM T. Bote*, of Travevae Orty. fa
..................................P»«" ‘ ■
A itel. Bigboay_____ aiaUint tat arjtoaB ioUofalakifai'
2 Tba |•riBl*•y baill^w «
Zmt. Wm> aad Sooth aida. oaad
IhatoQfbly efaaaacd aad calao
daitag tba raoaliou. Tba (Itoraia too
*edil. ......................•i’.'.
ga^btf'of boriaBRiiMis OmM 328
Koabtoof |0rlaaaMiladuOeeM39e
vMhatoMMBM. AMfkiioU.
atkmiakam himt, wmUt. Baiia
of Iba hM OB iOeaaBt U faak of too<
Hix'ybitovl Uh*: eMUrra Istoeg <
66 10
I9 60
90 SO
■ •(wifakMcvAt
nw^lHd. Me. Lw' >atob»«fbofieanUed.....................
>Tr^»l*/U tba totMa
nvort. t ^ to BdaeC.1.8o. 8 - - •'
S. M. Bcooa. UddeMI Et.
to\ar-t a (e« craoBaaodt'iaa e( a ga
baa. Uarrar. laafantal Ei
1. bariag Iba apriag torv IHeb
peaaa Paad ............... ............
looidnlal Expnaa
rata.raba»a brr. .. ^.A 00l/0<fato
65 70
laatecdboiaaotoM .
amU -mam,
.. ............
(tS>Porfag«TMI>aa. Oaa
«M.M m kb.hMtli a^M«, «
$22.75 ONLY.
«f 1
P. !.««»«»
Tiaay Biaiy GiBfa. Eagtfafa......Ago 16
awUfai. An* lit
Oafafaa Bieb M^afagoa, Eaglifai, Age IR
SatfaElmaPrfal. Utia ...........Agelfi
OlejArl. r. are to l-> tat j-to .K. 8
Itmatabnali Ibtatodieaof tbe aod trowel, bol are liriog beioga wiih
Ei«Hfai«»w bWatber witb foar yeu.' traitaai dfatiagntabiiig.fa. Iboarof tbe
Clear Pork per'l'd.l, t
Ss,:: :
•faera niefaiBaa Oevelop.
naciai AwKclailaia.
a lar iia-lii
raate Ind lo Itoaw." aeJ Hag.
. from ita (loamoe Ol aolid com
mercial pru-pcrity, with Donueial iaali...... .. . itreaglbanJ daily
“"-‘""J toaeooimil.,
coaDdl for tlw period of three yifarv.
The vole uo -aid mnlioo waa aa tof
, .
!d. H. Jnrume
will, tbe Well*.
UaomtQ. Uor-
- ...
' Obeeae'
•• ...
Oala perbaabel .
Ratter, p« piooud
*' .
1-.T £l Jl I11< w Unwi
tary lu hrf.
iii ii#-
-pm: of Iraffir |
elm and Iba oak; they areto to-traiov-J.
aad drvetoped
detetoped by tba wfao Um vUlagW’'cT'Iviv^''citT*!'*mnii>g
Tbe elan n a vrtmle, baa, ia ao able gaided and
I pcwagbilitic-. with guod mauape. I
maMr.dBMBli tbaWia laagoage, taariier. aod ia ao way faore eflwraaally Ibrm wvwt 112 teel. tbeooe «..iib 31 ftet.
nf tbe Nortbero Mvrttgau Deed, j
. ... Uxioee
north 31
toeexuarkof IbeUweber be
112 feeA
feel to (Oane
_. aaid land to
be naad ae a aile for
VIt toHagioaw. ifaUibatcAi
Ibat Ibe efark of Ibe village he berel.v •b>o- to redeem fiom Ibe wl
Bg toe wort ia ptaon, mIM and
A papa fa BDl adraaeed to morala by--------------ed tc make laid .porebaae cd mul
a..-.iai,..:i., ...vi.
Advertising dates.
Tk-f-apaa li J> iwdn-a. ikat Pn4aa. tta
iwaaif —aaiadar Oljaaa arat almefaaietta
iMIarrenaa. t- a.aica-4 <Br ika ktanaa.M
aU paiiiioa aid ikai Ik- krira al lawlaf
■ aai44r"w—d -ad a'l-aa-r |.waiaa riireafa,
■ dia arid ,ei-ir, are iVHi'rrd ta ayyaar al
araaiaa af-aid-'.Hill, ikea i-kakaMeala .ka
l-rebaip a«<r. la la- •■lit.:-of Via—ftk Cur
la -aid
a-a rboa raaar>.H
ibrra iM, ek, la.' ara,. r-r iv. i-vit.awre akaafa
aa. ka araaled Aad .1 'a farika* aaOrd.
-4, Ika' aaid i—ii-.i-r ti" aaiwa ii ika ipWi
ai Uo aad VII |.-.-ua. 'vinaviM la laid ak'
utr.aribr |a-ad'-./ al -a.d palitiaa. Bad Iba
'-lanar lArrrat i., <aa,.-r a'•>»? "< van wiari
hr M-'iaard la Ik- u»ad Traiaaaa HataM. a
re*i>vl—i ;>Ti-i-d aad ''rralai-4 la awM Caaa
gMxaeby by a ereraa of faigbt —aq, -ml
•I lb- ; I., ton d-v»lupm*al rebeme?
werta in plane tricoocmefay. Ibe pret
i.-iq m
r aatbof. I Tbe wiiier, arho iv familiar with
Bribed oouw io ebeaWiy wn com- with bve popito he baa oo ooBAdenee, I t»-d t taan-a warraul
imniim of wbat iaii-Avlaa
ia. i»l aa "Norlb.
.. imniimof
aleted few wcefci helor; Ibe efamrof^
ilfage. lo Miam:.
I be toateMtad to rerrianai for aov' foiv.1 ivf aaid will
ni Viehigac.'' konwa aumetbing of Ibe
tbeoaid aooi •■{:,.........
the wMer tarot. m> twelve
li -pefni tfrdllmnlrw u i Ibe demionig.
'delivMy to tba etiJ village efa gr»J
■ we eba'acteriatiWi lu tie lu-t with in ef
KVaaded for rtbniyaad afgm.
IrtelKm wi rtantoe eioa I
----------------------------------- - fmrimpl..
fretiuc a prudent ud pruirwrouv derel
ry, maafalaad moral phHeao
Ij^had, treaai
•,>a-ni ili-reur. aad fargdy open Ibr
Iiiw«-Pfai............................. .. 1.06LM'
Tb«taM|Pta«d tbe High uebofa have r
rtaraetarol Iheynna Ibaa far al t 'e bnad
I«M...................................... a.6PB.« mpl WAfaeaBy Jb vfaw tbe feet ttetia a
» wia paaud esd adopt of tbe mevem-utdona he bare btattNoJby tU follow vow: Te.-Mwar. Adenl hope nf tbe Anal —irr"' of tote,
at to nablfafaare the farttlHy
toeic..Ml boBoreWe ud wnrtby u.
cd tte a
M0igaa..Ofa?ur. Darrnw. Wdi
tfaeaeUaiTafttebam. Vefaave
. tvgard Oreflfak, auaabaadBmHb.
The ^purary cammitfaa ufaeted by
bbAna faHhd^aBdMnMa«y togdva (or tbe tfabli of otbero. rrepiw for oaMoved that tbe oommittau oo Bn afad, >e aewwi vtiua to urry on toa mUartaaiy WTwk wert eawfit- ofJ W. MUU.
popOi Ibigaagb and praattml »■ tboTiiy ud retreuen frw what iaaaervd.
r proonre pfau ud «
kao. Trevarea Ofay; E H. Nobfa. Bfa
faiim fa all dapartmarta of tbmr
forlbebaddiocofu engine lowland Raptda; 8 Daroa^ ftaemaaOdy; O 8
|,•allMtwfaaB Ibay ga forth to M.
Hampim. Pntrrtay; Pany F. Ifaw.
Oodibe; IfacmT. BUoa TravreieOi
Metioo wfTfad.
and Bern f. B. Tlakl^a^ Kafanu
A rtbartet Ma,wnbrtaa
........ *' *
fate. battdlBg and famlwn
M <Mi
itaUan* nfa.
tfaa. repaha and atmaiiy
fvrerai drerrO.Caia|i>an.Xaaaaa« fieaaH
Isika ■aumTiai rwuu-el llaali •lakare.
lacarik. veau»aiea«LaarLak«,laaal« ninir
4tSjS'i;,«r KSiil'SS
•rf.TtmJtl.T_______rr-variAiaae'uf the following dea : lotaiiliiiii.
iDtoiliiui. tbal
that bond
mibed laud.
•“ pa«»«-®®*ed
: foem whfafa fa witbowt Om Haraaalifa On. woa OB motfaa qvtofod.
tj ter htuag Ifau Nkfai of
Tbe bofad of tba «>U^ marrtfa baiW
Ei'te i*r*T?l<tenM>a“ai*a3u*aS adlMarl
dcr aa i-rarr-eianoivvb-aAd laika ptawlfaa
1>. C.mplH.Ii r.,nre,rd ,wr. j - ^
ivlvlive to .•lr«-
pfaOfaATb; OfafaBfa
Salt per bid
I i
lariat nawv a« tramia C.«r Oaalara
Wheat, winter, per hu.............
Oata, No. I,
Cora. ocw.
C.'., Wm H >r-i-i Bw,
mi-imi Ibat !«• fallowed to wilbiraw need b-. give matenv. a^d to tbiaplaQ
fr..m the file. .11 ejtuaiBoic.iiooa
lot the devel.vpmrn
evelirpmc Dl -f* -■clion wliieb
iainlh.i t-.iiir-nf
yS^^tgitar r-a ‘fiEre'SETSSfat!
UteatynadHtaotarermiaindof them.
•themitem they have done
’ ifWd thbU^oAd U^h iMtabMI
law wral lav tteHartaa Mfa.Ca. Katenaaa
fovu-amodnil-iarrr rai- Brailei aot Toatii r
Iowa: Yiava—Mmni. Miwnae aod Car.
ver. Naya-M-nir>. Darrnw, (Ireilirk. lolberi. aevi
'rrel uf wUieb are ibn b-ivieai
aaioug Hit Iraavi-el lo.Mich'
Wilhelm. Ifiiiu-b. Smith.
Mr H
r nlLVBN.Avava.
Ixaot TnveraeV-
A-V Ifai.- Kiucei iicaavaaatXirwaBir. natll
I fti:TacA‘i UV r»a. a04mt >a a, avail aad all
I mil r.'ccitc aiaiini aiiraiioa. aw n-a
; ard.iv ta aaiAia-Hr'araa.
<'aaair. feafa al lai IVMata aOea la Ike vdlata.
^alMra\??iiWir! ai^airtreal reiMi^aS'
Pa%' r Ate K-r*'
floor. H. L. Oo. i
wbo bavemarfa toaay
Muved Ibat Mr. OmpbrUV m|0-vl li
Two ytnag ladfat. Satfa E Prdt aod of ebanrter boildiog bill fail to meulioe
MiHioj cArruvl,
Alfa. T. Boberta, are toe Brat loootp- tbe materfate td wbieb Ufa atrsetnre CraulM
Tbe foUowiog trouInliuL «
pfala tba Utia oon^a Alia higbofa aboaU be Coitt Oor pn'pifa________
eoaiu provided by Iba boaid of e^aea- brfake and ntooea to he UM wiib mortar
I a * HArrAia..
I '
ravi.—AV, Javr gVlAi
Tbe geoenl ebanetar .od"*"^"
moral tme of Ibe popila of oor reho-I ia ; C*nipl>elt for ligh'iog atrcvta of village
nuM vrtio <Tiltei»a oat aefaia U -r-1
nntcbiuaoa of
| mad-m UuiiiaUutlurdtotHoloo. Them
| Irom Kaaeoa. Cfavlaul, Cupire and
Movidtbai petition for ofactrif Ughti
faoofa to tba ffivel that they do not I'
•eb mor.lv efivoto.lly. I wfah to co. i
w.a renphatic proiret againid «ich a
oraavtAbre daa that bw evar gtadifa.
iutorirciidrevota. aod'lo.T.I i
tod from tba Bigb afatoo). yd ibada- •ebottL^atco-, aod totercrteil I...........
wnllareof onrpapita,
There fa a eriiicima at cmr pnWie 1
M«beafaa.tbare vooldaot baaro.
high. Itogniabbrei aod nwilyiam
iBiBiii sd tba Bfabaasd
Alloa Taylor Itobcetl. Laiia.......... Age IT
Our acboola have
Oarnfa MxyHtfaryer, Eogliab. ..Age 17
•■p*t •IrawB'aBopa
over by *|ii.vi. ooder too gniwi of i
fb rAa l/imonUc■^^mftl^r£
TemrtneCUt, yiektomu
obMof I860 taoeaiiJoiddy below tbit leaebiTa ate ffatfafnl tolb-i- tnnt-.
I vdle. IbuKhAm aiiJ Elmwooi. ar<- lu-Uo
IMm aad keep them in repair.
Thu Ireaaarer'a monthly te,«rl wax
read, approved and filed.
ir‘fra'-.*Im ‘'i',*'ua'^
1'ra-i.uil'ii, u iMai-c.i-azria IV
I *r«A»:wK mlclartiia a
■n;vi.‘-?u;t.;;'ia-:iT*?:..*'.sv.i; $3SHOE;s;^
' lanViTwliraa.uviMia rmlifaarr fiaa av>lre
- ta, hek V at law aad
riawlswa raarChra.
•aeautte aeaate Maapd
. ••uteMtetebrii^h
M Bifhl.ate «te «aa tea aa
WIv* iipil '
Maff^wal «MteiM.fa7teaa d
'teat rate ate
ito ■.*■.&
iij lliinruiw I( veate teerbaaa
aav BBtta a ban oaad gnat lea
aapaately axial,
itewatd wa aaad ealy jaat «bao tt
«a aea( Madad.ate teaa ao aea teas
IM feoaMtoatottetopelM Ulaak
teaialaaotlba aaldiar eatm aomtet
ate b wry bateaeoMto allNa dMito
BidafaamaBB iatelgillnii; ea tba
AbaigU Mabaaa bMaaab spd.
Tabaalarpeiaa, teptap toryMO peat aaat aide, "Tii
Batatoar’a Boo";
bypebMaateateptbal?Bwoftwo a tfafa texfa 00 Freetl^^ Harter. Baaa-a Baatea.-AalbabaalBtetteprapaalyietteNar. Ko[iaa>'':-eeUi« «aat: **P<irt Hteauo. Oe.
eaadiroeU/ialetMte tetel objectto dar Boaetaia. CMryatarg''; eo tte
beiegcaOteapoefer a aaaU aabaetip- •
U tat «e wwl to ay
m than ia a more gaDarel ate ready ttapeaa ie thia Mtlar, ooa ol Oant Tte paael
of tU aidecosUliu tte foDoaieg i
fevboB- aed Iba Axurieaii flag ;
Now is the' Time to Buy
wmM\^ wa4 tiumtUm
- - tealfaMksdabcuKk
And Hardwood Lands in Grand Traverse.,
■tataaoB Ie bo M tna
It ia tte jader fait to oii: ep- tba people ate by ..i paopla. Ooa
t Flag. Coitte wa etaad,
laaateyaaed bare.
eBafewforttewfaela aa^t eaadad,
ten eiabted Icgalter ate wUkallaieToeaivisg a diraot baoefll, Dividaj we FaJ. Xo Fite bat tba Bad.
boa^ bin a
‘■aolky’' wigea of aa war sbotreM eight.
Wbita aad Blae Let ea ban P^.'
aotebUataa, wbkheasbeaateydnvB
TtefoUowieg Utba ieteiiptioooD tte
asoru* nuiMOi^
byUakfgaBawfoatelatedog. eteao
Aboetthnao'ahx*. doriDg aaaote;p“doo the eerthtea: ••traaaad te
Huiyti provided witb tte mmat of heavy abewer wUefa '
^ from tba
Baron who fell ate tba Fatnoti
IWMlMwfeBpM: PmUMl,llii. gBUiegatDateifiascaay ate eeoloet.
wte. tteXotrirvilleaeb*olho«al*'» foogbl lor Deioe ate Liberty,
a a HiM: *!■ pnritai, w.#.. aUeB«siief. Hoom. act aa diaabiad waaatreekby ligUeiag aad borate la!
tely adjoioiiig tlie |>]at of Tr»vme Olj, on tht
Ti«, muHtly <t beaotifal oak grove, ii
Mud; M(MtM7. Hv7 Potaonl; m teV. oao folly appraeiate tbia Ute- tbegroate. Wa ban oot laatote the Trarat* Ooeoty.- Mtdi«ao. Mar SI,
aea. beTHaaiy doea folly, ate nafaa loaasorif there w»a iqteiuce. Tte
test and 0*k Park on tbe south. This is now tht- nio*l available auburlMn |.roj>erty not yet
to tetear tbcoo, oee ate all. bu eiecara loaawaa probably aooalluBg like fllCOJ. , ItuBBoblo gilttoaBobla end. aad
iitoMlMMi^ of Ilia Ira^na ate bterUeU ttente
___________________ __
will tute a ailrol orator, taadiing iea- plnUed. Less tliaii one mile from the bnsiuew center cf the town. Is high and perfe^y
09 BclltaR ud Leu MmbUoa «in
lnpar«u>ltarXr.v«wM CUT. ; aob* of patrioti.-o ate loyally to tte flag
be Mi M K. O. T. K tell. flB TMdtr
level,rmiToiiiulMl by gravel drives. A bargain for some one who will plat it.
ig eraulaete. at 8o-<deek, tep.
K i of S. E. 1 section U, T.-^T. R. 11, and W. * of N. W. { section 1.1. T. -.1*1, R. U.
■MtealeOaM. npert* Mde, aod r. C. Oilb^ ia b^ OB a vaealioe. for all the beiidingf oa
Bra. Geo. Oaae >te aoB an vmtiDg: B. B. axteaiioa between Tieveraa City
tepacMtbeaiaau Ency
Thfrielots liell miles sombedst tf the villigs plat of Travers.-City. . Will be sold at a veiy
in CadiUae.
and Daldwie, forty in all. ladodiag daMra.-L, tebiB ia viaiUng *ilb friateaj po^. laetioa bo^ eegina boniat.i .j
,g^ «f Oaa 1 low figure ifUken quick.
n-a teeea admtiaaa for lUa
plane Jma 16, teeta «e hare Tory mncb OapuThoa. Oopp of MorU.pott.waa oil booan, ate..
ate U-at ie tbe eoasby. PrialtovB -------------------------OB BatoTday.
bate. Ite teTaftbuf ear lali ie. „
a.a.ajKi City, .a. i
impattoat iMPiwTi
matter to Trenm
ink, a joaml for teverU«era, b ia.
telteteperitelteaBall teravhodia.
3. A. Wilaoe 8r. sad •Ir.xan si Etki (Q
oate and all.tbe labor ‘ Rote w^)y bv tbia agency. It it tbe
tofbMdttebak.ate a atsaU Ideker BapidaoaTiMsdiy.
be from tbia pla«e._ It
„nhi. joo*aal to fur^ ioataoefa
Mi itenraar Hawpa tte abela ibiega 3. 3. “Gray of Almira, wm a Trivem wiU give enploymeot to to or .10 Trav.;
„ tev.rlirere moat aerd.!
ily viOler. thiaweefc.
em City ojechaaien aad maaoBi. J. A. ^u, ,ia,e|y hiala ate aaggntMoa re3. Sldebcrg loft for CUngo Moteay IJ«t» *U1 have charge of Ibe «nteo» ,g„jirB advretiteg. From xim, >0
a /. Xmlm ate O. a KaoaUoe oraiDg, tor aew gooda.
' lime lirta of paper* are giveo, Ibebnrt
vmMdMTMadayate enninit borne
Mw Wiaaefrte PnU B vlMtio;
aud Doat widely i-irenlatte and ioflaea‘ al U»e
frieada ia aoaUma Miebigaa.
:tMi1 ill'•sbed.llwool Main, Uwargiricg
K tfidga ate Mr. tteate ie jospB. D. Keyboldaof lolaad. made a via
of tbe wIdler'aOOBO. the tererUaer the beat a-rric-. fortba
l^ea^Mfoot lalteqnkM of Uia
pmeotteio tbe veteraae of the oonry .Bvoab-d. Io Ibe laeocofFriui
«bad. aaeriy baaakbw Ua Itg. Il ia n to onr metropolii. yeterday.
Uk f..r May an. thv Miebigao lirt la
iteWbla aM«b aa U » bat Biislit y. C. Morrlaob. of tba FooBtaio Foial Orate Army of Uw BepoWie, by
reaoft. tea ia towo 00 Friday.
iteoa of Oread TronmeoBBty. formteTuerfare.lld weekiv paperaia
C. W. BasUaga diwn dowa to Elk tbediiaffnlnre of the coleWrebon
MomOl.ll Itiy ia Trevor
i. Q Haa, baa baae maliiag iffipron!amusg Ui,:»e ia the UKi.ro Tbivebs
■aalaiBBte abeotbia aienoe Prdo: 'Mrs. A. C. Collet toll oa Wteonday
Iba Jay waa very geoertey kept by naaiUi Thb abow* whst the gmt
all eiUreoa. o^ly all the barioeai
|{,^i *
teal. pMtiag. al«. ate
^ for a tew days’ vivit io Otwte Bapidr
9 to bia atoek, blateiBg to mate a
1>. ViBtob of WUliasuborg, waa vi
apaatoHy el fezBibue aad batdvate, iUenponoor titeeU. tbe fort put of tbe
..i«iDf! Biteinui. Ilia ah
doriog I'm forenooo, Ml oleaml ap
,1.,.,.. „»uiu
atotet, ate Ba *U eoBtiaae Ib Ibe
aaatmil head Uade. bet pay more altao,|,,;i»ra auj oeoU.
Min Ix>Din Vader ate Mbs Baby bnoltfnlly joat before the tcrvioca«.DAIm,, W, i ,.l N. K. j
is. T. 27 N. K. 1:1 AV.' W. 1 of N. W. J wd^K. T. 2S K.
lieBlbufoimariy toBa* goodt.
meaote. Sooo after aooo tbe oitii-oa.
Albrigblan. vuitiog ftienda onr
commeoete to gather, nol.l there
v.-rlia. r. oi...t mob Iho iwople aod Ibe 11. 14 W. ll«nl»o.»l loU «t • bltpin forqoick.*!..
Oa Toaaday aneiag of tbia amk
W.'L. Joan Mk Wteaeaday tn wbaotiie |«al aad aoldiera tmrte «»jK^ople. Tm Ueiutubaa
S.K.l«4;lioiil4,T.25N.K.aW.«ljoiiiiiigtlisTill4g.ofKife UVo on tU G.
teion Peal 0.1. a ef Dig BipUa.
Uj,, cirmlaUoB. by
HU^lvaow, where be may lonie per- tbe place of*meeting, betweea IlireeaDd;,^^
waimBite by Seoaior a O. lUiwr.
foottbonaaBd people eteoclte 1»aorUi.
ate otter eittomia, viaitod U>e M. a
Geo. E. Hanotba of NteaOity. Mont., to tbe eierdan of tbe oee.aioo. !□ (Le ,,,,,
ate’tl.«fe are bol two or
is tbat dty and ixeeaBtod boi bvua TUiting olJ frieuJa'bere Jor- ncigbbotbood of ooe huodrte aud
w«.kiv we-re >n Ibe whole aiate
J. W. NiUera haBdaotne gold- iag Ite lam week.
Apbly to or addrere.
veteraae aod -ooa of vctcraa« marcbe.1
^te amoa! pireobMadeBaaaBBtokdDOfthair appreci..,,^4 w«»k at tbe bea-i of
Mrv. U. C. Tbuui|iaoo left «o Wte- ■a liae 10 (ho grtmod. benite l.y Ibo ,
ef the Btameria] amdob pnadud ■mday for a few week* vnitwUb frietea biod. After B iwelimioary piece uf tuuTu.-REi.iu.aUverby Mr. Millar, May U.
•k by tte choir, the DOBaneat WM oo.;
week what brie
ia Foltar Co . I'Mioa.
Jarnwr/KoUDaoBof Elk ftlptda, pna- veilte aod foroitly pmenlte to the paj,upl„r. Il i-. bia njhl I'l koow.
,u.j bjJjue a|iinbu«ite Ihroo^ towo ua bia way to Leland Ti'lerenaby Bon. I’eny liaoaab^.n tb.foliowisg elo-iaual apdi& :
,,rn.rivl-*. tb.- uu- i< auv olber
' elaat pact ol Ibe week.
.<□ .ouUi.Lte aud rvlivl.k
Fred. Kut-eUad, wbo bai beeir in Ibe' ••Sjddiere—Veleraua of ihe (Ireud
'oeMilu.-u.-) ->f a weekly pijw wako
apiM jieninanla for aome time, baa re- Army of tte Iln-ablk.
Oa behalf »f Ibe cilizeui of liciuj : the B..M ritrfal hl.1 pfoiUable reteere
turn*l Io Traverte City.
.tao. litecrle .rf Cbingo, erttwbile a
to yoo. tbia Donaaii-ot. aa a
'' mjre -m-li rnadsn a p.|.er hav tbe n
Trenm City buy, greetvd bii mny seortoyt
frieoda betr dnriug tbe week.
oeiaedooore.iei.LtvJ reo'ervd to TOOT
|m:o„.|| i tr„. .t,„
io j
Mra. It. T. McXaogbtoo ate rhUdroa
lain the •!»#«■
alte ite» aa iteaaM B«aa ^ MriUi.
Your Choice of Five or' Six Desirably
Houses and .Lots, ou East Side, Traverse
minutes walk from I’ostoHiee.
a. a L -
GimliHN this ml 2.02s
Traverse City, Michigan.
Tn oev river ate harbor biU gives !oi .lackeoa. are at UiUiog'a HeigUtr,
Obsrtorois «»,O00; Frankfort fU'.OOn ;< wberc they eipeel io .^mtelbe aamPreaerre .I-protect il-aud rter..h
o.u w„.kiir.. aad came itaa
PMoteey, for o brook vreler rod korbor' n:er..
i-. a. a oemorialforyoumUn au.l yoor
jof iwfoga. «I&,000. Tbia itmjtom no rv
HeodriiAa of Chicago, aad Mrs.
ooronljm bay f.-i.', UcWiUiania and-diUdreo
.................of SL Charlae,
ll.icvui. r. jdere will teiotcri-led io !
te a^r t^teJ- Ftooteay, OilyBight
sotert walking d. iaBce, Jll , ,to Tbiting their I*""!*. Mr. and ^
minel.ng wm, ti.oU,er tte Sl.irea.V f .. ud. tbu week aodall!
tooBseftbaflanl aatoral harbori oa Mrs. 1>. ---------MattnoD.
'oarlb.aaUwdl.Dcver witona with bu- udruKvi. 1 f j..q
- ---------8. L liuteakaitel Wi dar oMa tte litei. Ate FatoSkey water will
«i.>t .i.Mv.iHi,' ta^-jbi.w'!
Mr. n. n. Noble corec op from Elk
eye. what geaerationi yvt to c
h'AMiaAHebteteaa M M Ma. kBsoktwadilytetbnit.
Itapidr, yemetday. to mewl Mia. Noble. wiU eajov. at tbu ecet of ibeir aicriQre.
H. i..-pmmiaBa daring tbe •bo baa beeo viailiog eoBlb for two or fdlow Soldmre----______________ D. MiUa, WaltoB. three weete. Tbey rolorote borne tbia You'ailver locks aaJ m:B'. tell r^e , Ii«i.c'v Freecb Wsi Ire Cm
jtbala qoartet uf a reotary baa paM.-^«Mi»al; Wepba O. iityoeo. Haaloa. ■DoroiDg.
E-AJaley, a former Tiavatae City te^ .4____
^jocc bralter r...«..a»
fought AMin,*
againel l.4•Bber.
Il^------ . dote H. McObire. CcJfai. ialeal, tmt wboaeteme tettera iaNo.
Vvaatlte liifiMi ii at tte a b er«w; Aplia H. Pitoea, OadiUac. ia. iakoU for acvare> year\ ia ia Iowa taken oor placn witb cuamiUa^.bal koon wlial
W. Him MM 00 Bewbv atihk moM*: Jobs B. Taylor, HortoB's Day, lookiog after aome property iataiqma be
origtoM; Andrew J. Dwarthest, WiU|ta. iMralag Ie vetk Matev
1 would eoojare you to «. Ireob yoor
Henry J„ fatter ol ' atili baa here.
LowallHoBtkwaaiBiewDOB Mooday ehijdrep, that Ibeir patrioliaui will grow
toobls P. 8dhy. Maatoa, origioal
a boaimi oaaeelte witb Uie Port
Tbs Haaiu> reeorda ooe
laraa lepaiator. Empire olavm bnllcc of tbugiaat rvpBblk.
.on that .Ui.gt.ifu! I'toiaari. irtcaocr. tbe ,
wfaan telsphwii virto were aa abaoloto
lorbevetbal tb.rto brave cou.r.ides Oiu oMiral.J Uvpi.l- Dos-will leav-ISOC
BorBnd^ wID te ebadwa% da
It. BoyOnUg.oiEyeatold.aooof , which be U ages. 1.
are to-day wmtriiiog yoo aith u.a.oLS tLo'diwk at - oVlo.d4. Osly a
MltelLK.abaNb. ateaaMaratea J. a Cbaig, lelLltom Ite b^ ol tte Jobn II. Melotyre, ooe of the .oidnt aolieilndetromiueBoknowo worll U- i-omlwr ol iick.l* wjil be a«l
pMpM «n bagHu ia tea aeni^ rmttod# atolmy at Lifataiy luUrAareiAyL ate bnlkaowo travel.Dg mea of Oraad ,ooJ,toare.h.t HU aball ,w.r,H-t».re
uui f,.ru,k muMc.
fari,toltegnrete.bBtmniek tbetelo- lUpida. RoJ »l.o bad very ntay Meodi
> Btara aud eiiipva l|iat ll-ul over Hie
i lu atwo.iul of llic rovut borniog uf
ptescwim,UmabteakiBg Uwforeaof ia Orate Trevem. died soddanly of
dofUiefrw. Ifinpyl can atmoat iL-.- (act. ri from wine;, .1. Su-jnbefg
tte Ml. ate eaoqteg vilb a btekea heart failare, Friday cvpaiog>'
1. Dr. Atetoa aet Um fraetond Tom Noble bu retonied to Elk BapofgiXKl ebrer, ibo livt aud ‘'“=■1
bi. g.fl diattil.utiou to Jc
Umb. ate Boy vUi te Uvely aaever be- ill to make that bia borne. Be. takn ebsogeol oalore ia bettor—birghi .w—_ iju. in o-drr tolrlall .u.ter*. aoJ-A
;give tl.r.m at... h*vr imlvto ao op|-orl
tte place of tbe ble Wirt Dexter aa di ate happier.'
I wPulJteToyoo colUiB'efrienl.bipJU'!’b>f"OH'L- there hlJ gel ibcj.i
A OsanD Havn dkpolte of Dec. 31,
aod '•* tetey. when oar broihera aliail
siyi Of tte osv best foeGr.od Traverse active iuiemi ia Ibe boaioan.
have furgotlrb Urn paM, to ixleul t.. ^
|><>uaBa Uraaitv.
bsy; A pinnger rtnmar lor J. Webb,
them tbe right baud of brolbethoud. I fh. v. uc«ti^ **f tlraoJ Trev. rwton! treMara, st tte Mr graola, es a vnllby boatecn nms of Caaaopolie.
Xi... IT. will te bihial
« of aoaUwra Miebigu, made aaall trari-tbal a-use of ok yet any «<>e the I-ore.-uv ilrauRc
MMy Mtomote M Ute weak, si 9 wn hsstesd tram BobiaaoD’a alup ya^l
happy Jay lUal Ihow who wore the t.lor i Kik I.*k.'- ____
r Tanday. boUiag a
Ii 1-W 'Tbia will to- au
Mi mnsiiig. Tte dimeaaiema ore
....I «!.. ____ _
sod tbe grey, may Ail
eil nfula#
onJer H.A
tbe nreguo.: ' 0 ‘
ircb TtesJty evvaiag.
. .. .1 ,n funrtb degriv
.- .
Tte ritem teoesi sasid by Jna Wslialreeio
the aonuy
a" loving
VteMAakm.psnte tteosghowetteo 16 tori. D is equipped with a iOrIC spcndiagalittloovet a yoerih Norway, btotberr. sayuigloaaeh olb-r.—brum-!pnn-nt.
boOtbyBiookerACo.. oflbif
ro Com.
t'liiirffisu ExoCBliTo
O.B. A1 fism Bsstiato. Moris. Md
for-h there ahall bcao aorlh-oo wmlh SI i'.
mlinjmrboor. OB arcouiit ol ber bcalUi. retoraed biri
wsrtterdte toiteUW.M.
bo*, ooe ioar|ian'>b>
Woo OB Orate Bight, and was meiby Hr. Tyan ate
c-------------------------taken do tbe iirw town. Ii
--------------------------- much improtrd ia bealtbl
, Jr.na fb
Mma Flokxkx Dauau. ate Hr. it [- Cbaira-n Uillikva sod Meaua Daren toolbonr arid*, wills, year, oiaeaod
w. Tui- |dow»l
I Boriagsr of Tdfla. O.. were married and DaIc wvvi- at Elk lUpida on TWtbe ptovoiia wi’l pj<e oVet them
llhsteaw of Iteboide-spareBta, Mr. j day. in uou-altatiiw wiUi Mr. Noble,
ateM».JobBDatsaR.Elmwucd. Tors.iwfafita1aoa metewt of tbe Nortbeca becJnl aod ae-aoiicml; but ihu m >uu
*i t——
tey*M«i>W.byB«v.F.C.ljee. Many MM.igaa D.-rrin|Hnrnt AauiciaUoBeoB meal will be here for grouraiiouv .id to
It willaervu totwll >uOf child |A»i,d C mc-i
Tkote miltoe. tegarJioe amocutioo Biitteri.
(baud Itol lda, 1
reu'sabildnw what tte pr.wertaiiou of i" w
' «to MSdii tte btida, ate Ite cdilot
Tua PIrra.
■ al UinJ mahlato ii.—fir
■ kMwstram tin gmmrena a^phu aont.
Doilog a farwvy thoadwr .ebown tbio Ite worbsof OoJ a» raeroJ. m will he
Bwthtogofttegote tbiagoUmlwere (IliBiBdaT) monrtsg. steal lAO. Ugtat-'
pteitod tor Ite woiMisg fnsi. Ur.
inU> Ibe W. C.
6h ate BigbtoaMMtv ssd UtA Bsristm wfll mokw their borne BiBgnn
ttewim, firieg tb« brrildmg. An Past Ooauaaten L. Boberts roapwd
s.MteftqwttoltoMyiir .
alarui waa lainad in, from Mo. 18 ate te oc behalf of hie eomradas. i > a brief
tessM»ii .M» wpwi •tewM s
eelte ^nedtfllltewiib etimag memviei uf
' iypstl.toaster soMterastow.-. ■ DaiwmaalBosortste Traverse {.TUBixl.
Ite Oaxan raa up Urn partitte old daye *>f battle ate mareb, ate
e -tloB walla to Uu garret ate bnrai gritriaUy aoaapliag Ibe gJt of tte i>«.
WOT'mnte ags tea Ba
> Uirvagb ite nuf. Tnoc fUteea budU*»4U, •rstaiu.m'v UfteOMtre.
utn-idiaip work oo tte part of tba flrw- pie to the buys in War.
•teHtosai Mm.W.B.(M«k ted .
Boo. L. O. Valm« of B< BipU.,
■ MtoisMi by Ite tealb wf Mim «
!B exliagniated Uie btaaa vlU> aot
a vatytewryJamagobycitterfltoarwatar. tbes made a abort bat eJoqaeul tedrei*
MMiaillii. nahstedtevws I totewasBidrillUtM
apaaUag without r»to*. so that the Baa. r^<. «
flOraHtoMteter, Mtoad of*
. tte boildiag i« owaed by Dr. C;J.
if annlile tORivoeveo aa abstract of
a Karelaad. wbo also tea ssoBcwaatte toespaasA He was uftsa iburropite | onZSXS? FA» OS TUB D«J«n.
, greute floor tejoioing tte Megraph.
by beany teee ta,ate bytaraa
tolepboBW ate Adaau expms oaea.
w itbtte patlioeof
rM.ateisdBotd rein bare bean Hia lorn will be oa tte buUdiag. No
tbeoMdaye.ite Iteilkd
>1 hlsgpisstoite ^vtoMsi at tte Park Fton tetri, si iaaaraDoe. Dr. O. A. Jarvis hai daalal turileetlooeof
I ca-MOvn .its
them witb pw Itaolie eatbeataem.
ftowsMte Wqptol oMom So wtt
u ia reeate alary; atigbt
: alterihto to was' bto hted tor SMS ._MMyitoat tolOpm.--------..
r. Xt was B aacrow oaeapo tor Ite FtealyfwMmmefros the ote,|
teCdbmytaD ate otter woodaa rianpeatelte axtoetee. wUtei WBrejMCrvo^trwxCBTORCRrwA9««
JaasA Wilvimi at TksvoMo.fMy tte
by maaie from tte bate, -'MaiebU>w cotr.
aMMte«.AIti9ssO.B.AL MS sotelM- A «Mm> wfll te to buibll«atotte raw. Tte taryeaaeto rioate
JL&toM m M m as i^ismsf
aM Mtosg
teeatemfaomtte bn.waa qatokfram tog'Umogb Gaotgia.*'
Uu watrrfWte ate rMllsBt aarvtos
I to Ma toamM^ to Ite >
|Mfw.'iw«oMtof tte'eauly offlee
u ia ef while teOMe ate
tewotm watte raete g
How feiv of our triumls comprehend' what it moans, or hive
” ai.ytliiiig like m adequate idea of what goes to make up a concern
wliich kreps or gets EVERYTHING that a customer wishes or re;<|,uires.
' "Object lessons” have now become an acknowledged necessafactor in the proper education of the young.
■’ We know of'no lesson that the community x-au so woU and
thoroughly learn as the one which is oi>en to one and all who
tit to accept our standing invitation to come often and took
tlirougli our entire concern from end toen(l,and from floor to floor.
Cmivinciiig evidence will be prosented, when tliisis conscienlidnsly .lone, tiiat not to do it is an inexcusable as well as unproht-
• ....
Att.uitiuu is reipieslcd t.) tile new styles of collars illustrated by
the following cuts.
BvaoB Roll Collss.
r: NAT i o n a L
iFald up Capital. - $SO.IIOI).
T*»v, m. V.
All examination will establish their meiita and attractiveness.
That some of our newest jobs in Carriages, Road Wagons. Two
seat Canopy Top Patent Spring Carriages, Carts, Surrey Phae
tons, Platform Spring Wagons and single and double Road
Wagons are proving most satisfactory to our patrons, and are
readily picked up. Compare carefully before you pay out your
money or you will find good cause to regret not having done so.
q^toBMftn- Bitetowrtooi^temtoakialMi^fNm
IboHQl twii.li bod • ,h>ii
' O'IT «•« sera A MO
i.Ur.,0., .. -t of -hV to oo* t'Vi.iV ••--iiri.ti'g fiinv li
Ur.^ i»wUk M
-'Ir-.a r.4I. F J<l •■>
A for'I OI>r>v
m. Fiidar --fi.n1^. M«. M.r.;
L«rd^t .pixiteMtlM WoiO aJtru I iJ-B Ki ii>« 1
ij ►ipionor
M »-t^ I
TitiMU.boM-rur. Ill > f«hMh* AaUaU UakalbtbOM Ttonrto Cut U»t Friil»».
Mn Houwr'*rt*utl.l.r.«rr.Fw ^ Hir
Ur,*TiiiUuKbrr-otb*r.«la»Mr.f'«“'''‘J''~^‘'’“ •-«» rMcb.d:,,^ Tba origiatf 1.
«t ttib pioea ud Mar Tidniiy.
biaa^ i«-tia-|.-l <>l al! rl lfa«l lien.-. 'U
;pnaaeiaiu<irwirg aoMOjodra. t^y. Fruit mmi bvrj bloMOiBt
t-ria-k,, ll•.<m
i Ugoa tb .1 it wat rfwadad to adopt u
aa3ilwat.ortba atjIa'X ■
M,.Q»«ri, - .k. ..............
Tb-«..«o.ih. Jd diU
, ki..l Nrr. Joa. I>a(
Oaorga h»b— liu ■ Inma op for
l«u.l aloot C »«t.|
■ |M», vlncli pn>TM lb* adigo
fa"n»» woririd one dij jujiy .,.,
o„d.r waiar. Tba'aria-
iHt: rasM 0|i{>UMaoD to uw
bo.r.o..lbi.l«.arbriDga good rMuba. A«d «• Uuok
irapairiag bar, and'»pwsU
• O««K0 dMwriog of «U Mdi
; iiara bar read; for tba «ati
Mibojirarvll I.,.
orn^iuoMb a *aj ibal tbo bab^ xVaot, *aata bafoia.io 1838, tba
— ttmiao Bcaiaat Ibe Lot atorr. lasd bad- bean aurroTed br tb« goi'
E. A Oflbarl; *bo ba* baaa rwib
!Tbe boro
hot tba «9llrga
iiidarrO daagvroua, gatil
iagbia bratber, B- M.O
_^liooad areralba fital aatlatiuMd to bia boat ia Cba aoutb
- aljout tba liBia tbat death oaoe lo,
la *ia* of tba
U. U- Miller baa bia rbaqi a
part d tba atato. Ha repoita that iag doM.
ral,e»a.bomUaobaofiiaa«irerii.ga.|,be,^,o„,jil ool^eaa nealleot
famara ara babiad vitb tluir oat
I alFrai^rtiTTV
' idea to arect aome laeBorial oa tba
aoniig aod oora plaiting pa«eeout Uattra^.
Uaocdooa on tba > *il* 'bat firat cab n. or eeeure for
, of to iaao7 baarj raioa.
Iba btoa of OlMi Aubgr hara or- Iba 27ih in.t-, aod Uew up Ibe Q. i • P"k • *««* «“b« laodBabnoing
guicad a baaa ball dab.
K & I depot lefe. amaabed thioRT
origioal landing plaer. *b>cb
Mn. D. BfOtbartoo aud daoKbiar geoenUy.aectiredaaB*liaBOBotol!“iU
Mr. ^3
-i.-j «•_ in
Empira.Urt woA.
OUj taat »cdi oa bedMaa.
Qaite a nuDbs (roji tba Hfll
/. P. TaiotaoB baa gooa to Beafrr
api-tit drcoralioD day at Mtplu City.
Idaad Ibia «aak oo bbtioraa. .
Loka Hoadloy I a> gotw to Arkaa- and i.i..rt a «. ry ..'raMatii time:
aaa for iba banafit ul bit braltb.
tVe beard tb>l li>e P. vf I'a
Aaaea Doff; baa BOred iato 6a>: talki-.g of^Uliigibeir picnic
Oar««t'a bouc aonfa of tbe aUlioa. tba Hill. We girr tOem a hearty ino da; (waaed wiU aotb- Titttion to c'jtae. and wo will do^
log to diatiagoUb it from an; otbei wa can to Bake it pleaaaot Tba Iniit lreo< are all in bloraom;
a F. Church baa beta appotated tbera ie a large pnwpect for fruit.'
oeeaua taker fbr ttua lowntbip and Tba crop* ara all looking nice and
aa we look out orar Ibe bcaulilul
eoBiaanead work Monday.
Bn. Laningar and Will TilioUoa. eoeoeiy, we ibiok (here nartr vaa
aurb a beantiful apriug.
bare goaa to tba
Tba I’, of I. lodge at Own Arbor
«oik daring Iba aai
HooM nice atringa 61 fiab bare been ia in a fluuiiabiiig cuudilion. They
brtMgbt in froa aoma of tba atrrsma bare fuTly-leu nirnibrra; Ibey receired riz mcmbeia laat Saturday
ia tbit aaetiou of eountiy.
3. E. Bool baa gone to tVeUell, nigbl.' Ibey bare auotb<-« aicrluig
wetfca iiu.ii laaSalurday night
la to work u tbo tacWhat wo now want i. a good aluro.
. (m; and expeola to more Woo.
Dalof Kingalay and Geo. Jaekaoo
''araateb bnilding^* barna Ibia
Kmeraou D«^raw ia Lomaon
~ iaj&^tan baa Iba
Gao Olda baa Bortd from tba B.
' r. Canon bonaedo tba bi
tba-Fatobago bridge
Alien Broa’ nim baa Ibabardwaod
Mariyall eal wd baeeahot dotra,
and tbay an tranafarring the {uae
Jogn from tba bay to-tba mill pood
o»iba bona railroad.
Siunmar baa oome. and «e all
jcieo atita eomiag. Crept an jnal
bowaiag. Cbmy Iran an in Ibair
. baaaty aod eoma of tba apple traea
an eoBBaooiog to Uoawm.
Ghildraa'a day wUl be obaerrad al
Yaba .Handay, Jana 16. A cordial
- i^riUtion iaestasded to all. Lal’a
all tan oat and make ibecbQdfM
- glad by bringing ov floaan and
phala, birdi, ele. ale.
Tbera ia to i e a law auit before
dwtiee Wm. H. Fife on Tbundar,
' JaM S, tba firat aait in aii yean or
■on at Tab*. It ia a gotd'tbing
tba joatin ia a well-to-do fara^^
ho would fiod pour piefciag if bo^
« IlawanHi
Uw mill al Taba one aigbt near tba
laat of tba weak and balpad Ibasaahaa to two aaw awagei or npaala.
aaariy iiaw, ooo new file, om
ooa, a partMlly aaed aatoge hatiinHir.
OM bit atoek. a auiebiaial'a bai
iad probably other looU that will
bo miaaod when tbay an naaded.
We turn u idea where they went
Obaa Berry baa goM to Oadiilae.
Tba firat Sr^ona and all thna
ailla ba*a aUrtad Ible Botning.
I ha. bought a
aad bnfegy of Dr. Burke.
r. Barkalbaa
la bia
b aulboar (Nellie)
ytolaaib Iluadaigyanda
croda to Mil Ow.
1 day
Iba old widiera and Mina of tM.
and citurna of Maple Qty aod aarronadiag oounby witbgmt pomp
and daa|i feeling. Bee Mr.Vankahen. wbo addraeaed Ibe aoldien did
. hiwrUprboA Oar tcbool rinldna.
aoder ^ can or Miaa XiUia Lawta.
VHW aicely ttainrd;aKi did thtor
part in good M)te. AUUallitwaa
OM of tba bwt arrangad eriebntioaew held ban.aaddid endii
to all eoneeroad.
Mta. Aaear iaaUa tobaat weri
TbaatoanytriM anoMinaat of
^ laaBataa ato ali hny babl
A large Innibrr barge ia bring
loaded at tb* iloek brrr.'
Mn. L.rbina ria tad frith friaadt
. M Tnraiwe Oly. lart waak:
■Mra.ffoe Glatfc called aa arigb
b «« ia Biagbria ca 8a*«>d>y IBO.
...............................rdat ibkaiU
Port Huron
Eogiaea bare'tba Sooth
all to ba tba mopt oomj
Spark |Arreaier,
wtirb ii tba oely ufa
wbtn boroiog wood-
d pttfael Clorer Huller oa tb. Arubricau Cbinlioaol—for aale by me
1 bIto aell Iba Swib Bc^
CrplooaTatk I'uuip. ilitt will pump a barrels minute anil era worth all they cart
■£SL* 1 dtomelm. aod ib«fiir$3i.r-
moiwy Md dealroted man; raloabla' “™- ^^barlaa I^aj. ^ belief-—
- aben of
papm. rtoB Tl^ the; *enUo^ - •- B«»ben
of ll
«— ‘iWn^yio ^*00Walbrecbl Bror. gibt mill. *boM —-I----•boarThoir.li.
rx-dl; taka
Ml ot.locke.1 for Ibe arrom “• “*“> »bay would 0|
A title often aalla a briok. l-ut not
d.iion ofauebfeHo.a TIh-t ope««l i;*«ai plia.i.M-m areoUop.bj m.o.o •0 ookkly u a p'OlU gbl agent
ii. ...J
.Jl lb. Ictabs.,
togi-tbi'r oilb a laii;.- atuuunl uC
ri-K ruKT-« new
uolff. aK»n^.M auj ^prr. wbieb
Olacbverr for Rhoum'atlam.
Ihc We.lord «ai
will not euririi tbeoi. but io)uraa 11
ipau; Su far Uirte i» I
due to ilie burglar.
T .n’wxrrszT ,Ta JBOXrZZlSe Blls.
will bold a UuUiug eoBleat oo tbrir
grounds ona mile aoutb aad two
Jei^wr MiUadagin and Oeroard milya weal of Wexford Uornara, dune
lfdow»«^e,.o. two Indiao
18.1l»aod 20 Iba offieara of Iba
cboppera' frum Croa. kUlag...em MiocsatioQ arc: Elon Comall, poa
ptaj-l bj 11, Ablrib. InmC
riaurrluDn. bad a figbi on U.P “i**"- JUcoai. inaaurrr. Tbe
<Uy uigbt ill wLieb blurkaJagiii wna |mr_n irill bu „iiLL
iir.led On r«turnii-g U>-*’«b.ir'
ramp late in IbS aigU Edo.ieumrgo
*■*■« "’<»• ‘
retired, getting ioto tbe wroog bed.
«oe.-U|-n 10
Tbi.ao. DrageJMuekadagiatbalbe :***’"'^
let prize 116;
drew Edowicomego to Ibe fl-xir and ^oJ W«; 3rd. |7. Tenaa; Heat 2
proceeded lo twi.t bia neck, wbieb “ 3. one luile beau. To take ptoce
ed. Fdowicomego ini- j
at 10 a. m
mediately proceeded to quit bmtb-j Second rao^ a Ironing raee, clan
O. LardiaJr, will rent part of tbe iog and Las not breathed rinee. Uisjed a 3 minote taoa,6pea Uikilbon
Green place tbia auumt
remsio. were taken to Croc Villsne ^ es tbat bare > record leai iban 3
IL M Edgeoomb lo.t a rery fine forl-uiiii Mi’i-day, loDowcil l>v In. uiioulc.
new itileb ro*. uf luilk fet-r
btoUierai-dUi. murderer, wbu'does .-dad. «25; 3rd 816. fenna : Beat
3. N. Sint.b ba. rt.-turned from a<rt deny comifliuiag tbe crime. Alllaia 6, ewe mUe beata, To uka
tlie weal; be Kpoit. a pleaaant trip. paitie. were druuC.
; place Toutaday uad ailed at 1. p. m.
Gae of Albert Lacbo.''.-diuraei
. azauLt rarab
| Tbird raoe, a paeiug race, open to
broke lie leg in tba aUble ; Uiia ia'a L i:ti..<i. i-Mcm*.
all boraaa. I'urae $60. let plize
rriy neiiJuB Ium to Hr. Ltekor.
On Tutaday afternoon auotber BC t:i3. 2od.$15; 3rd, $I2
Winter apple tree, will not bloa- cidenl UC urrtd ai the Iron Co’a
3 jq g,
mile halt To take
BOB aa tX|w«tod tbia yearj ansmer ■lock Lout, I, wlicl two um nw-iptacTkond-jp ui. «.d ,U,n..tc
aod fall fiuil piouiiae a lullorop.
fo.il ocpAld^lk ooJ lki.i,4.o ,iU.,k.a„io„i.™.
Tue I', of 1. now bold Uieir meei- 1..1 o. ,„.k 00 .bid,io.drf:
iag.intbe erening. ud new iniipi. ,.o f...
d o.k,.p .to., to ,b. ; ^
bare an joiDiog Uw "aa«oriation at too, C|dpl0tol, d.o.ob.-l.o.g ,b.
neb meetiag.
ood btotoop U. to..
,3„ j„,
Mn N. A. Beoneit of Olympia, ^cbi. bod, 00 Utototooboo. 2d
Ttoto.': B-, 2 i. d. o.i
elate uf Waabiogton. U tiaitiag bet loot Itoto Ibo StoOOd. ib. OOto botog
mother, Mra. L. Tbaye^ of tbii drawn ioto tbe et xk booM by a aplaea. afUr an abaenoe of 13 yaare.
ble atUebed to a bm>tiog angina
MapMon Saoday tebool waa or- UtoOtoi. dotopri iotorioo. por-i
prtfoMi 2od«7,
^ized May -Jbb. Sapt., H. K, lloo.oUb..iootbOo»-toll Of. bj I
itocllood btodSTlbo toto. .or, !“-•«■ 'f““"
If" lb ooo
Tbajet: aaaiita^ BupUC. Fowl
Tbo fto. .toopolog ibfOfgb to. .tod.bo.to,.Io Ub. pUo. d'Hd,,.
dr.: aeeralary -and i
Mabel Fowler; libnrian. N:
stuck bouse andwhea abootmid wayj
for all Iroi
ore aod men to tbe fiowbeneaili a!'>>•8
dliUnceofabont-MfertoriHJould'**$16U. l.i pibze ru. 2d
idW i'utae
bare been I bat dialanee if a pile of ^ ^
3 in 6.
nad noi been i«riously one mile UaaW To be -called Frv
While Kale Cuinminga waa play
dumped there Tbe two man Eurr '
at 1 o'clock p. m.
iug with a dog it beeatfie angry and
Sereoth race, UoUing race, clasabit ber faeo tary bidly, alao knock Oiaou and Ene Joae|ibaou wont
iag ont a lootb.^Dr. Zwwit wti duwu with iLa cars, ibe foriuer be- adw3:3U race, upen to all boraea
odled and tba^d ia doing nleely. ing cvm-idmibly biuiead.lba UiUrUiiat bare no record leM iban 3;3U
Cbcapiiig without much iojory
Funrn $6U. 1st |Wiu $23 2nd, $16;
Ul. L..T aau.
3rd,$12. Tctm.: Bml 2 in 3. oas
mile beats. To taka place Friday
16S.6C0 barrel boop. weie abipped b.-*ui.ru>i SCUMSunday afternoon laat, Frank and i p. u. and alleruata with itie frua lor
froa here on ibe propi ller I'etoakey
00 Konday. aod aaolbcr cargo of Fred Wririer. brotbarr, Louis All- aU nee
600,000 wm be abipped in Iba near ardl,andaboy named^Geo. Suiitb,
EmtOi raoe. a lunniiiiMace. oner
all of IhU ullage, were sailing
i‘o,m$2!. i« p|!^
A wocai) araiRu
O'Nrili's 1litb-boat in I'lnc Lake. $12: 2od,$8i3id$6. Terms; Bfot
N«rIrouion,aa they were railing 3 « a. ball mOo beau, and to alterOne of tbo nalnral eurioriUea of riong about fll rod, from aburr,
,„i. uie laat beaU of tba Irte
aaudJeu ..juall
..luall eaueou ca,wtzing
00 S W. Bloiadell'e fa'm It
auJ filling the bod
Toe craft
aiaU of wbat we *oald term a mound was. bcaiily bal-axtad with eaud
■pring. Then i. a monod abool H bag. aubl einue. wbirb aliifted- aod Uie field rball be entillid to first
feet in diamaier and about 4 feet
her (low riBbiiog.
high from iSa lop. of wbieb bobMea thii eondilioa aba relnaed to beir
" l'**aafina a briliag apug aa can be aceo up tbe weight of tbe four persoois
Tfiorsdiy the 19Ui.
einnlrV /
in tbu eounlry.
and they atrudi oat for abora. They I I'beia wul be wu anti anew tea of 10
AB BM a Ml roa a iioiiya.
bad nearty trailed Iba rbaunri bank ^par eeut of iba InU pmna for ena
when Fred W'rialey. i-rideatly ial<a
«utei<d. and not lets ibau six
Aboot a iaool>! ago'an Beglidi with cramps, asked fur hi Ip, which {cninca lu each
■parrow boiJt a'neat on the rope of it was tm|>OB»ihle lo irudrf Hal fullll purse.
W. 8. SpcDcer'a awnirg Tba alore wful down. Tb. ibtet) aut<i > ra
Itiv Bucuiy rwaeirea Uie -ngbt to
batag on tiTaW rida of Howard, reached rb>irs, ud from IruetM
deelara any or all taoea off on acatnat, tbaani^ waa not iowand telepfauaad berw. Tbe bodyof young
ooaat of bad araatber or the nou-fiUnalil noon, aod when ttw awning Wii.ley was laoorsred Monday.
tiigolearii race, unless speemJ areimadowolbat firat day, ot eoona Tba deceased waa 21 yean of ega.
tba neat eame dowD with it. Erery
mgraing aioeo ibetr. tbe aparrow aod a earpeotar by trade. Ha. wasiMoaty and.tboaa wbo wt« boraea.
.jp„„pbo. bltobototob-.totop
bnilda a aew dmI, gel. .it fini.bed
pkindiaaster. t>f Ur.-ayoara ago. n on tba gmuDi
aidiaya ae egc btfon noon, and
whicti bis father lott faU life
don Boi teem dieeooragad that .ba
tionof all
work of tbat
widowed mother ia nearly eraxsd by
baa lo begin all oear agaia nazt day.
tUa aceond tarribla Mow.
A 1st preminm of $5. a 2nd of $3
and a 3rd of $2 will ba paid for tbo
CWpL Ed OoadoD. a ateamb^al.
stalboua wbirii wiU ba
lu 1858 tba fint landing of wbiU riaaaedbytbajodgas.
BIBB well known to the early aMUer*
of ObarWeriz. died ia Detroit laat aettlara wsa amda in BanzOnia. al a
tea of $160 will barrqoirad forearii
weak. Ha lately waa a^waded for point a abort diaUnoa north of tbe
stranding tbe rteamer Onyaga, and FmAard bridge oa Ibe aartb bank of
it ia wid ba died M a broken brari. the Bee Sriaa ri*ar. Hmw n UrnOapbOondoa wfll ba i
ly cabin was made from tbe aacurad for both man aad beast of
tbe throng wliirii it nexpettedvOl
^ old •‘Pine Bieor' people aa ■laall pinrw and uber timbeii
Uw naeler of tba propaUen Motbe pJaa, and tie awa of tba par*
bawknnd OUaago. Let* ba mb- ty aat rmtoaaak tba loas ira of a
awndaJ oraeral of tba fioast ataam- tataza eoUaga aaiUemeot. Before
mm»^ ben the pngaefionbadp
• It iw WT Hopar.
. - -ASsnoas.
•.••■V-s.tSirt_________^____ ____
People ^Idom imprOTewbeo they |
bare IK> other molal bat Ibemarirra
MtACKiao aiOKT ar biomt.
iv,';.:V/. £rv?v;:f?vr.v
Ws bandl. nuUiiag t.ul.thc lfc.-:»»!si»U^T«ri:-?-iJ*.l/-i-tri IWuei'n r./*AW/f6<y«i<//u'-M«i»ib.
tW. i'aUJirr Uidti «i»i«f >«r. in lAcfr aeoauu
Front Stroot.
phto U rau'ibly Voutbad for a. being
112 reara old and of well praaerred
(acuities W'bae a little girl aba told
caHk to Gen Wa*5ngloij.
I-AIIKKR. Prol'fioor
»ii»i !fitalBiiW^,SiHMiWtt
SiiliciU a abnv •■! I’alroBai:* .
w J S»A.RSCBik.
1, twsu MA-. U
Mm mn
Rotoiototototofototoboiofto.,.. FfflE PEBFIIIIES.
BcoU and Shoes, wbwh Will lx sold at
a etcae auigin ew and etwas iwrt.,
0 Indian rtodent'a
written Inwoo^in Fmriri
we'British ware pinning lo 46 Bunkrr Hill ■
iicral iTircclor
and Ijndertaker,
‘Something Dropped!.
. - -fr —-
______ iS-xr^;“£
iJKvrn m. imiiKs
____ OVK hTXXfK OF-------
, luirejuntir b-t
The conUnted mao ia ercr i
murbrieber than tbe rich man
The I'raeeoi
Style of Spring Suit.
Di Styl
____ t—“I can't psy Ib.l
aeeonnt jnat ytl. Mr Culaway, but 1
want a .priug auit Ibia spring if y>iu
can actotamoilale me" Tailor—
-Certain:;, tir; I'll .iiiNin.cl my ale U> morrow.
WaU^aperand Border.
IcSsilIcsM Iif« !»• IsaA >if« bsa MUil
....... l-ta-ill all gni'lcs .it l'rii»-A
l.<i\V‘-At. ;it tlic Jlo.ikAlor*-.
' •BVT1Ak<ri>Tb»t|'i'; al
3VI. B- nA.SK.ESIjI.iV,
D0)lt spoilyour Fcof,
U’M Cheap SJuMs/1
A Dmggiefa Mias Taka —-.S
limea s druggUt's mUtaka doaa more
barm lo timaalf than to anybody
else- -Yo.1 think Kif "Vn.
sueobetAkra a min for bi* wife
and aba tuma out to be b Tixan.''
Arriiu-, Front Hf-rl, TUAVF.IE8E OflX
F'»l tSi.si- Wmt uf
■:;,;;K.;Tr.-.irr- ipatloi and Chamber Furniture. Bureaus, Lnunges,
“Neffsc aiiapw-
.Wo'/f-f*"' -tHd tl'c-u \V-n .UfiX,
IILC*. ijrsckH'. Siw SkrlK lodiit W-ri. H r
.Picture Framing a SpeciBity.
Price* Might.
Vuurs r.wi»eUoH.*.
4. 1. Ik« Us4
Tba Sultan of Moreoeo baa thirty
1 pirm Hu domestic affrirs
nore tro j'asema than bto for
'ii amt belts t Wiisa a.
Minister (to J^nuy wboia diggi^wonna for bail)—-Tobuny, do
yoa not know that it u wrong for
yon to do any work axe^ work
Meaaaity os Sanday r
A6hany-‘ KnMaityt Aint I
MMiiy. How’s a feller to do i
fiahia' if be don't baaa baitr
$1 w.12Sifif:is!aiK5LiwSiSiTK
“toHn^'b.l^K^'orahi. oukil bd<*e.
.7- Elrwlor (FoUins) Kinder wbicfi is oaaaipai-eJ hy sny olbar maeUae M-
CUrSMtus.<.rf*n W.rf.me
Ltobl KaeUye U««er for doiabUity, lightnes. ul IfistI ana aw («
I baudliur. i* tbs bert atBehins amds for tbe I>ms.
L Joseph
Josepb OliTST.
Olirn-f of
ef Osidsid.
Oaidsld. las
Iim a Beefceya wbicli be baa aesd fur
lot riztem
nztem yoam
.-0. .
B«*sye mwbiris IWi
'lo^. . ieimicejoot
aes if yea
yoa ai
are to aasdof any rafwnaaod report to*a
, year maeblnea
and ass
0, .to & art hare them In slnik wr cae order.
Mootts «i Park BtrreL in Leaeb Eaiidmi.
matmwmat mim, gmS-
eU. 1
IMk. IflbildoMMtfiBdUl*
wMt* bwkat. 1 wiUwriu lean.
aicfc,»*f i,>aa.
TktolMWraM !■
Oat of eight, ay boya and firia
Etary root of beauty aUrta:
80 think Urn about yoor eerie,
Oberbb wbat b good, and drira
Evil IhoogbU and foelinga ftf,
tor, aa anra aa.yno'ra iait^
You wUI abow for iriHt you are.
—tkUkt^by AimtU ttots.
^hal With the Children,
Thora ore four new oomera to be
hoard from UHby.-Oon and Ethel
end Mhpoie, and deer li'iUe Iovt-jHt.
ieU Mary UbarioUe, who really and
itosly wpiwt* bar latter to oa. WaU
iHHaipoa! Von wall daaarta
ItoliaoDaof tbaHaaiUP Land.
’’ Thanka, .^nie, for tba |)retty
iMaqaata yea hare tani tba editor.
lliUbbloe and white lorwera vary dianning.
vary terry for >00, Elbel,
that yon hate loal your dear moihm. Wa kotrw you will Uy to Uka ao
itet yoa wiU mart bar eooM day
wbata tfave b no piuting. Eoiiipa,
7M ore aa old and waloiMne friend,
hoH wanre alwaya gbd to aaa.
Itbrerr ptaaBanrTo know that
^oMer frieeda bare not f<
^■edwebmtly wetooM^AaotM Bam." -E. M. V." otpd^’.
and^ V- A- V •
Warren O. Ibekerman aenda the
ioUewtag cocTcetod lut of ouanara
to fab -Hiddeo MamaiP,'' pubUebad
Monh 47, to Laura Undby.
1. Aagoota.
1 Spain,
a. Ohio,
4. Faria.
5. Toladu.
E ttnilo
'OurL<eUer Box
‘ljH*eEtoyoat.IaepMmk”«>disUb beSar.
Wban otbv "yoongi
iaiiy i.Tt'; =f n.feijy D]i,7ds.^
m’lL I mm »MkM« «tp«
p wd MiM bad*. laa ta
DhsEmiw-I tbMgLtlvoaU
anite to tbe HnuA at I bate vnt-'
t^Meabalora. Mj papa Ukat lb«>
Hntup H>d I bka Up lead ibe fiUie,
^'lattata.' Mo« I will UdI jroo
ibatliMdo. 1
waab a^ wipe
Ha, awM the dioor and make
badar-a can waah tbedolbee.
bat ay Maam thiaka 1 aa too lit
Ua to waah. Kow I wiB tall 700
whallhatafOTpata. IhataalitUe
bird, hit aaaa ia Freddie, and too
kittiM, <aa‘a na«M la Bpataadtbe
otba’a naae ia F1kB>. and a little
b Catay. ' Uy adpool
win b^ Ibe fith of tbb month.
Uy p^ baa three beraea, two eowa
aod two caliaa. 1 will anawer Uac
-^--r “
ally. • Waiw bta, m U b. be.: PraeeollT my amplc^eif lAacd to
----------------<jois tiobwtebo)—Wbetedrytn
onto you would go bmk with yoor I lake ^ toto bam^ wrth thaop I
kilto wbmi aba fodowad tPt. If wei«Uyod wdh lU old boon ontii tba IT ia lU bMrt of Um cily'
Botdmr—1 hardly kno
»/iaInetoatwnd the oftamoon at iprindpab died, and then I bad ervIbe biWt .of _itut be eomowbere near
Oer tor nicking to my bn.inaae led people ligbU are
“Bnl I bW, gel « .
to Inut me. and gave me a eharaelitlle laa.b,'- amd Ebie.
T You I
laUaiimlwrateP iMawatJ.w tati •'! <1
iss lo cel It in li jou aro ipaiw
tbcpo, Uai;, and HI coma
A True Story.
MrSuie.**"** "* “* M«»
When George waa a litrie iioj be
lAfi alone with the lamb. Elbe
aeereely knew wbot to do. If ebe There waa a ataen bill
went borne for icmetbing in wbbfa
to carry water, Ibe little thing might
htr. liatcbellor—Wbot about proabe detbe-posture bUl’.
du before abe got bad.
lighted to ptaooe,
ptaooe dnren by bb
Rsmiiog to a tlreaxn in tbe wooda playmateo. Rorooe,
Kewt—Freoent bomyony al
Mooet or
>t futAiot
ways accepted.
budt«.o,M,»d u.a a O.. U»1U ___
for 'fore lege" curving
biv neck, whinnyieg and diewing
Ty leavcf. wbieb be oiled
rvaeditebead aod
iugly fpr mere, that Blaie
n «ut
•»»-' !*•>
Soaetimee bia maatera took long
>d dealofl,.
her armi, and, with a good
deal of joumera with bin lo tbeatream or
togging, managed locairy it lo tbe
wood lot a half a mite diatant, when
be could canter eoberly aloog. often
-If voQ bare to , die. you poor lit
drawing a load 00a email track wag.
Ubitg." ktc ewid, laying it dose
water, -you'l! die
te tbe wagM. wbieb p^rv.
Iiite Santa £iVvi6v
»■«the BEST
Fcpr aab-uety lpy
TfMOfH'Oly. llicb.
mS-Mai: order. irtpmiPllr fil'iU.
lfb.de taiY.mcSwMCuusaw,
]\[J(.Fairbank & Cb.-feCHic^^’
lattaa gatting pretty long. ^ 1
as bi- cboie. woo'ld come rat
' ebariot,
will aloae by erndiug a riidl* lu bead ao tisi it bjigLt drink
dovru iLo bill, followed by
Bou^ oa an apple, aa'buay oi a bee.
the pra<tkat Idtle tiiicp^' you ever
i lri(l*nnd*'^e^rin
1,11,“tpir.,■n.BCurrbiP iii.i.'.
From your btUe trind,
.otli Mi.™ U,U ,
■ -’■ta" It, w.. makes
Ago 10 ycora.
Eaiu A. liini-ia
itlle viliui^r two]
have not b itI tbia but..................
to a bvipleae UlUe aniio^ tor
, . i^j_ o'eu;^^
My Mother.
weeks agoT
loveorJeausBud U) wflecttbatbei”“„^;i“i:;“«*«^e»^
(arctilji—rerokiw e><u u<
,1 be lookiug ui>oD ber and ^ edtoaddrcsBbuu------- ,
ybe vrai a bumiu being, uv woold wailing for money to pay your
&.U,len on M.aoiilcd,
mg that it was tbrougb real
^:.taaipandcbew,and look at you aa
And my every fear beguiled
debiaULat ebe did It. For abe’bad
beeu «a ausinue■ ua Ler
Lei coutiu to go {if to My, "l>j you espect a horse to
Aa my mol belt
b Blake
Once bis uiother n.ade him a new
Who, with careft-1 loving eye.
".Aud I atu ao dirty. 1
:HicHrarca-s enouSM
„ aumuiii
dt of ‘-bird's eye Uuvu,' Vbm sWsas u tViUJ.sb.iw41.'v I'ssunu
Would have bid each aortow dy. all now," tbe euid, gisoi
clolb with lil‘l« rough.
wLi^ was rubt
And ao eooo each tear drop dry,
be pul it Wbm *e hsJChlldnsa. 0,r c»sc torts CaalMU
wbitodreui. ; •
Ibe lamytook-u few ewuJtowa ol
When andi. cbildbood year bad vmter, toaddraukWro eagerly, at
ter wbieb it «as «^y to seelbai it pluy. The uotber beard voioes and
IsugbUr ell tUe afternoon,
When Ibe youthful days wore gouc pad IPO idea of dying- Slowly tbe iiill, and wLctp it was iup]>er Uiue tbe wood cliopjwr to tbe Young
btigbim-aa came to ila pretty t^cu.
Who remembered every cue.
and it trb«d Us brad, aa if to say: sbo WLut out and called ber liltie
“I dou't knowbJl 1 wcoJ,"au.
As tuy uiotber!
Ik- jup.| SN good as ever, Ibo barn and trottedtbo corner p>I
I up lo ber, •werud tbe Youug Tree. "Can you
you'll M- "
Who in ktor yeora balb ebowo,
j tip's "fore legs. " with a Uke tuc dowil with a book r"
llearil ^ tbe sound of OtbecK El wisp Of .
-I gueau so." raid Hie cboptwri
While ber aun ia going down.
sie rsPi lo tbs road and cdlsd lo a
r of bia uoutb from wbpcb a "Fceilig you've only got oue eiuall
All Ibe love Ibat ie her own.
neiabUor's boy wbo was going 1
green juice was oozing. supupeJ and trunk."
Ho williugly carried Elsie and I
wbpoed. and i nbUed Lie l.aad agaioat
(-UQUORHASit.p. sll
bps srm. but ^u.td iudisporcd to
I ycilisjc MI--X.
1‘eaee afaall reel upou tby btpad.
tut" aakodElsU of bit faluerj
ip.ol l.,o--------- --i’eoee will guard tby dying boi,
1‘eace In. Uune wIpid life bath flrd a ben be (-able lioiCo Upward eroui
" Were Ibn lirsl woicis
ruu uiu'o uss, ,
Uy own dear motbei I
ber oyu felt uj>oii bim.
l.y Ibis time, aud it . „
.. ,
i llireadbarv froii
Ai-NTtt Uoea.
,M P.ir.il, is
is 'T“lb
.rr.i-PP, to
in II
. Vo
would tostall tbeiumb
send Liu. afu-Mh. otl:tr. 1 tUiuk luriada ane flualiug in tbe jlr.
Km Uk Vo*** Futt> Cv»mi
you Lavi fairly esrui-it biiu.
XleiTgic {pawpd ibe ground impatient
You and I
agr.at ,*i.evsu Milly ly and sLuok an iinuyintry niam.
WaU 1 Mmembar the tiaj wbtn &i«l
»bu wbut back lu bor
"Whit are you-weikiiig at ,np«r
and bowed bis bead bc-fore ber uA!
elisnge biui id one younf! puto lo another.
Yoe and L
Ibiug. ■
ic loves you.
Tbe day waa bri^t. tbe aky
do Ibat ” had lliat done hy this
"I wonder wliii I eau give oi imv
mu and i
Tbe birdi were viaging far aopi ueor. vciy o« U ecif.' said EluK aotue lime
afterwards, when a great i0ort was
It was in the yeam gobe by.
being uiwle to ruias luonev for Iho
, 80 long aga
Children C17 for Pitche.'s CaHoria.
oducatiotp of a Ipitio East Inditu gitl
,ad Iipp-H adopted i-v ibe Suuima but yrat«rd«y,
A Biiby's Memury
d.y school. "Odiarl (r-n/At 1 lo
80 dear waa your fads to me, '
.\ c.utio-iK ioatanee of dormant
Your form 1 ace. your voice i bisr. !r..o my dsiiiug little lamb. Uoa
codld 1
DC isl'D^-.n.
Tb y were ao dear.
8Le could uct Pimke
Tbe happy limea we bad tugHLer,
bu’ linutly laid l'-"• tuallei- belorci,., mx ppsndfstLfi-- whn hcr.A
lu clear and oloady wcslber.
,.l,ond.-4P- ..aw
tkll your Umb7, No, tadiH.-d.
You and 1.
ho waa 11 noniha
little gbl lioiaioo vsluabie ai(,)j. ^,,(1
itod u
Tbooe Umeeangeine oa'cTtbreiain. varietx to sell Here,"—be pul two her as her u lid. One day i_______
or three silver copus inteuW^and— tirouglil tbo liabybuy into toy uiotb
We can Be'or call book Hi^put
••Dogmatic,' auggtated her friend
Nor make the momanU.Wu
ortiKau this ueilycar."
• No, bo baa uoi .ligiiity vmxugb
wHcbwas» carpeted^]
over. Then
Tbay will go by.
‘And keep him too'.'' eulaiuied
crept cbout aud eiouaed bimrelf nr that 1 tbiuk pupiuaiic would
s ara gone, tbe Is
Elue. joyfally.
ordiug to his ligbla. When my
M.'iSON s iiAMl.lN.
' ■■■Miae.aaniaa.nex
nian Emma—1 oh toar yaara eld
Slick to Ycur Qusn.
Ib^ if we meke a moan
tbatrbe woio wu not to be found, Fort'* Western Liniment
■ed teed H tfatpH'a Kan 8aeond
A licb ipian. in aoswvt totbi-<iu(o (sttelvvucb uaa wade hut it was
O'er the oomearta g>me.
tc«r pioduixd. Bud tbu viait over,
le Ucacie
be. 4 don't go to aduioL May
Death dOle oa one by one.
iliBj a.
e.l Went away, and it was nlrecited tbe
e folloi
■ „ slary
-ha 1 «Bi vnila better neat time.
Oroppru through aCfacV.—Ilrowu
■ Oack.—Itrowu
Eacb baa bis lima to go.
ju Low it war.
1 will tell you
One wo>t forgulleu.
visibly euibairaxseJ)—“Begpardon.
acUy a j
day wbr-n I was a liPil. o ipsity of
80 you aud 1
Ure. SUrvabam. but I1 loat my pillow
boys end giiis were pciing to pick
Were colled to port,
'' kbtrric,. I wsnt'id tp> go with baby was uow a yrsr and ekvi-s last night I" Tbe iaudUJy—••Well’"
4 we vrore boond imbaort
a. hut x>’as afrsi I fathv: xiould tnoutLs t'i.f- ThcMme nurse took Brown—‘-If xou don't objKt. I
n to the Umir> briore 1 ibwk
should lili- to go out 11 ’.be- beiYou and 1 -k,/'
U-t me. W'hUp I told him whet him into tU- ,awu room, and
Mini Iwttwrito now. 1 am goi^ In owe single day. to meet no mor
Bother sjw him. after looking aboji I bouse aod gtl another fcmlbc r
_ going on.-hv at oace gav*
to actiOoF nowf 1 atody raadiag. Oaeortb, bat on tbe other ebore
p(imp«si<PQ lu go «p-h tb«n.nnd 1 bim. drill cr.te'y wa'kupjto
Foacco TSLCAve
We'll meet ytgain.
L.-t<4 iii<’ kilrbet,. gotlahisbaaket.
a big baaket. iisrk, and jirouuce the rlnr. He , .v-uniTin.. 1 io>a-tt„uif>|i..’v.:. un..i4.'.
iag aed bagenfa. Oer Uaeh
V. a X
acevunx 01
of me
tbe mm
mat f,;.-, ,.(vi4.,.„..,iSiMdr,.-i
and aaUd mother for a luDcbeon. li.iov. bs.oau;r account
b Miaa Hattaa Van Uesun
tta bar eaiy moaL My lUtb abler Kindness to Ihe Helpless. just going
' - '■
tatoerytonoidnadaha b widing
iBibvr callc
back. He took my
Ii tocm. mail iikely that be found
Dt avnvtx piyks
hand, and uiJ li a xcry gonile!,|.e ring ou ibc Cooraud bid it *, in
ekUHtoo 1 think that my laUm
a sale i>:acc, under a cu.Tcr of Bn
to Ratting long anoaglhao good by.
--JOaPilii. wbat ase you gomg to
‘-Tbeta’a a drove, drbui>. Ell
Cuoa L Femm
e J|oae and w
Lat'a gel up m
••To pick berries," 1 rvpUi J .
■|l they go by.
“Theu. Juaeph, I watt to tell yoj was too infantile* at tbe^Um'eii’^wMl
Tbe two btlle girls wm» walking
Ox dw.Hara.nae
le tLtop. /It ts Ibis; Wbeo you miaacd to onderataod wbat iLo talk I*®!''.®'‘‘f? .“®«'“®
along a country road, Abetp they
" Dus EnR«a.-A 1 hove
waa about, or ij know wbst the bero lu.l J.u- tbi.r own pleascf .
tbe patter of many araall feel, liud a pretty good bui'
OTillM to the Ha ALs befora, l' beard
Tbe search, wbieb perbapi bedid not no-1
luave U lo t«ek u Letter
sod Ibe sound of many, -ba,
—1 m;—
Iho^ I woirid 4ito 1 go to iag niter them. They etiml
other Iwya aud giria wiil run about,
.—Jcii., Jn-jehit! i,,\
Port'* Cou,
Cough Oalsam
‘' ,r I I e;U,. r„u1 DDj
. >11 l.a.c
M>4ud JU, 4liv. -rilS,. otooa wall and watched with great picking a liltio Lore aud a little there,
a.Ki.im KiiTok
b, d!i Cra.v‘,’>
waeuiig a good dval of tiiM aud got
■bhmitla. pbyMan, grammar, iotoreetthe
ling but few blackbcirita''
BucMen'a *-.viea Salve.
wruDoingi to eat out
•Hgiopfay, bBtory ^ apolUog.
L»s la iLr eond lor faw,
1 went, aud Lad a capital time.
My taoriMT'a aama 4s Mira Mmy
y iatbm bad
■ 1 xra« ....
‘bey look eo but and liredl," said
'hsPiYA. IUSSd. CUlbUlaa.
M«b, OBd' 1 Uke bar very marin Btaie pityingly. -See.
eaid. So exioner bad oue founds
IS ..............................
■mt I wBUeU yoa wbat 1 con do. 1 tbom ore opening Ibeir moatbe It gox4d buab tbau he called ail the cartaKiirt.ersjpsynqDlfad. lii.rasaalrW
aerettl -U,clvtpn(rrt talltlMIlvi.DT Bi»Dryralaad,4.
-eat. aud lltey
lliey lift
■SB «Mb asd wipa diabaa, sweep makea bm teal badly to see ibeu. 1 real,
wish we could give them oUadiuk daces and all 1^ cogoj iy off to tbeir
tbs Aw. moke bodo, bake btvpod osil
Not coutent
uealy found ti
' A eorreapoudenl vanU lo kuow
of weter.
SMUaa, cBke. and do many other
"bow long girls abould be ruurtrd*"
-Bnt w« can't,” «dd Imr cousin uorv H au a miuuto or two in
■a tba first naeghty On aUlla, of oonreo.
place, they rambled over tbo whole
I wilHpU ycpo lilly. who was vutting ber.
tbe biWe?" -AdV«aturei got vetx tired, and at n
vrbm'B the nee of feaUng eony
bad very few berrice My fell
Elsie ooald not toll wbat i
tUfife my tmter ia geUiag tong
idn'l 1,0
-oa. ^ only knew abe never could winds kepi runumg in my earo, and
•Boa^b. Iftbii leea Dot find tbs a»e anything suffer wilboal Wubing 1 ■.'aiuck to wyTiuiii ~ \Vn«« 1 bad
vaama baskat, I will wrUe agria. to help U.
ducQ mil h ono, I found anotber and Children Cry for
I'uow bi>w Bueb
Oood-Iva. From y«ar HlUe fritBd,
bowlbemadlooke ali over .flnUbid that 1 then 1 look another
Pitcher** Caeteria. I mav bn said ou4»tb sidea until they
fanny tiUle fao4-mari»r‘ When night rume 1 had a bsaket fuU
[bear two woai«i laUrisjr ovtr Hie
mid Milly.«
Children Cry for
' f»oee.
OWa aJSst. Mat u. Me. edoo and th^
were tn lbs nad put together, and
a Miaificat conFcaaroN.
ticvxl' av tbi-y wetsOua Bema—Av 1 bove oeve •gain.
Pitcher’a Caetorla.
toppy. aulwbrul
"And. O htiliy, took twre 1"
anWlM to tbe BmoLD betcpre.
Children Ctyfor
Etaie bed stepped aside lo ixick my fetic
'Msc^bil •oetd writs to yoii.
looked at mv baakei1 full of 1
■Mi to go to aabool is Travone. booh wUeb graw~ot tba rood-aide. blackhetriaa aud oaidi
Pitcher** Caeteria. -T»lilwjO.I^Co.t-j^
My MSlber
loot bit. sod now 1 A faint toood atiaek oa ber car.
'<rVeH xloiic, Joaapb.
- Au old negro .wbo had borioesi in : Lunga'andFarryT-^Mr. Cnaoroen
pmlieiag wiUmy aaalaad oneie. oodabe coagbt aigbt of a lamb lying right wbeq i told you alaaya to aliok
effiea was ookad if be —FoM me tba butter,;plt«ao MiH
Mb bwoelM UUla kmbat Ihsva ostbagmod. Umadaafewatrxig. toxourbuvh?'
U dot.
sin hisiBBa.
biaOM^ “How
dot, ;p«,,baibooa—With *'1 my baort
gbac MomaBla, m if in groat antUo died a faw days tftor. and I eould'aign
«• »M ood Ibat iaa ihaap.
aah» “I oat,” tba lawyer anaw^ jj, Criamwa-OnW tbn butU
_ and Tla pfaiaUva, gaafnag
tth! cjD writayoaroaBat
■HMisdMaia. IbodatoMtiM tafaata vraai to Elam's baaru
. lUkR 4m kOl with my ooihIo this
*4t Boat teve
have faltea dowa bOBtod aank deep iutu uy miad,-aed I b«t.
1 jw) diatktaa it. wli "
WsaUbadtbagtiTpa. Ito thfabwh.SiidtbaiB«i did ioiaaojer fotvot tbo axponaucaof tbablaoktmi^part.v. I “otook to my boak-*
----- lertk. liissl
M Ibt grippa,bM boi |M ViMdlllOy.
, bjtkt eset
kad'a fair place and wu
Mm«- My
well, 1 4>d DM fatva
______WMka and tnontht
bMkM S^'^bot a
oaskiagoLS X th^agfat »gbt
' Barbed Fence Wire.
Carpenters' Tools,
Builders' Hardware.
Nails. Stove Shovels,
H^idtaulic Rams. Dynamite and Fuse,
Gucui and Amonltion.
Fishing Tackle,
Plumbing Steam Heating.
Futnaoos and BegiDter*.
Gas Pipes, Steam Fitting & Pumps
■Ntt ''
All kinds Job Work in Sheet
TJT Iron or Tin done in Workman
ship Manner on short Notice.
Despres & Montague.^
••t4=tiOet Your Job PrlnflrtgtfSa-
I3t3INrE A.’F
Inside Trim iu Pino and.Native Hardwoods
J. B. Greiliok’s Factory
^ .
.snusu vFii.is'i Asi>nf‘if>ujyoi.vuithut,
Flat and Square Pickets Eave Troughs &o
,kls ■, 1I.D- «*«• -llertsa
ifcawt .k«CT.i wvrsrvJ lo «B sll
TalesDa na Call a
barbed wire
Hole Digerers,
in,,, and fiirel (i/rntri, /Mex.
SM ir,re (vui ChUTo’Is.
Builders’ Hardware,
Favorite e«rr*ICIuiiTt*,
au M, S. O Bm «an
MtMftto Btookoa
imftttm ioMitm kM» toM
HWtWat lo fom awttoa Im*- ,
At 33’ Staite Street
doralopa rapidly
I oUbm do oBwa-icbatodardoraioie
rope JMtwoao ||<[•*««*•■ MAW
_a ,L.
bMtBOoago writ 116 ood Mood
tba —ptoaOM'
wd roattid woohlitla faoey of Iba toacp*
^oiD« Tf—tmiw for a
Torpid Ljvor.
k* tery diflaraol from Iba
o?oo. M. aamx eoKt
d faraabiagbw bairood who would plcaaa tba iotalii.
• aod elroD yoeog wooiuo of B tow ytaru later.
to yo«- Will yv» ••■ Tbo baot dtat for oeo witb 0 tor
JwldUaproa. If aba orold ptwtow
S Utcbum Bawroity makM
Mm yoamU. m tW fctootogfj-^
^'”*^!thooa>>lb arrr wo abort a otp. or at b«tv drao^bt
■ wo«ao'a pb>
tm,. «
oej r*t*l>Uin)wbrraelfoo torbrd!«c4l iiraugtb.
■Mj ■MtoM, lytoM. wMr aad
«up}<.n il without loHog bar]
iMMy.-a boUtMaSMlMMa r«.d
o( y«ir bMbMd.ork« ca 00 MOM*, bat U boa( to oddod, tbro rtoac. Iba woold dud
MyoabmlMBaDtoAat Aad b«v ia of oooraa o large ootooot of alba rwpoyforibe ioal liar*. Halt tbe:
toaiadyosan aotoaf*'* lebooi BTO 10 ba dtopoaad of M wMla. If; teat will oiiawrr if lokuo before abe
S Broaow a girl to farr laao* ii
Toae let btr
gMbata-boM mOm-* &b4 yoa tba boar ood Udoaja oto that eoo-,
•n Bot UHhtol uywbm at toU, «o Ueoolly omworkod. U will ootbe taka bar aaodiog into tba cool par uot past Iba frulierome aadtiltootob
ly to fto yaoMaW >p ip iMbat pai aorprulog if aowa of tba uric acid lor, or out uodcr ibu treto witb a ago, aod ibc lore ot pliy aad aiouaeIt wbirb iraatoral to bar tiB* of
. ,,
book to glauM iuto. to act bar
dbto brlia-iiyto aad XMOira yoar
Mr Molhor'a Dou^nauf. ■i*w««Uli.u4 jwbMbM4 to
IM Mm •• (to aM MM • MH* a( M<
&«ly SvNduh 'Oats,
Earl Eochsita Potaton,'
Bodiestei Rose PotatoB
arwMi.B^.'m>WmO a>| 1 Jm. 0.0.
•.uaettoi I
'tba abote oaard aead* aie plaenl npoe tooMarkot by Iba 1
Seed Ooapktiy. ot ItocbBlrr. N. T.. aftw (boroogb fieldI taata.
liecd by^ll wbo deaiie to raaliae
if apt to iotarfere with aataraal
a w-foo. it w a poaitira fact
Benner, euameet crai, liinrM. eM
M.M «■ •
bBiUhi* dutie* I bare koowu a wile of 19 «wk
ml «er.. mnekn wlii >e aiimr.. »<rrf
a parlor ao dotoy yoo yoaraair
aimi <«llan.cnrtaulr4 lac ikeMe ik» U
>. Fnila,
i*> to
...------------------ l2*-_
leier.tkalalievlecfWerervetecIsf Wea.Kaadhap^.ood will oot Biutbaitu Jrerl tbu eomiog of cbildreo bo- nM
lkUne<Tm«CMCeie|;.OIckl»B.«i>gratoaod silk, eaada a parfaet diet
kawrel k*‘l of Ikr Mclknel f MRecaf •mlaa
Wewuet Uxe our cuia eauto lUey «oald kaop ber a«ay from BeekereU
gimyoariclf }>toMat« ia rataniiiig
ivreir (VO «| taavpkie lereu-l.r,
tor BOD to ooy oeedHioo or aitoatiou
CBitF ««k eMl. •rruceitr la |l.» I'allrO
panin aao oil er gayetier. ood eraa Mctk
fort aa we go oluog, or we will
■ad rte«rii>c ealto, in rwaodaliag to bto
8tu«i •enr) tkcrrcl. rxceiiai iknrCmw ibc
biivg b»r Inby up
teti and io patoUay oaon aod flbtIo oddittoe to too aMUM of dtot, a argetit.
^ Ibougb wbll able lo our»«it. becauia
tordiN^aad wkiog dawMoaCdprrMO with torpid lifer B»d*
itte lo'cbo
want to b» tied
liad at borne si:bii(B(vu.ixb: au-r
poaiogw nutap refuaaa
did uot waut.to
toa, ao yoa baia bad ao Um lad tar
loiatru jbr Ibt rbiia. Blie bad manird
tok." draw it l
tba wafgbtier maum at tba bOaaa
«ti?a actioe ol tba akto pariaot. i
. gito«M.i«»rtort»rt-ft
maeilage on the flip otlbe «d yoaog. Hrr next door cetobbor.
bald. Tarw naatbi a •i(e aad tbia
aaaatge aad percuwit
Telop, ood bonow mougb^iuUo yoinig me'me of *iS. wbo eekid
to tba mull b( yoar axpariaiwa'
ofrr tba lifar era all good. FurUier
DoOiirig briier tlan tonurae ler own
WhatdoyoamMsT AreyooBoieg
lor Ibe purpAae
tbao Ibaae, ba abeuld druk a gloat
to MoUiar Nordyka'a aaxi Suaday
be retieved by bfffaUral of water to oaaiat tba lirrr aod
J-iiogoamaU oieoa of bloUing papfrliU *a».abocked and indignant at bar
.No, air! aot U I koa* «bat to io kidoaye to tboir took of
Urgrly Iba m..I'Mkir. HigklcB*. <kti>tof iiih. Ih.|,u*
tedino alrong procecdiogMi h
notatxt tlaaday oor
too brokra dowa tUaua aod other
CMkk w ol ikol Mr. lo Ukci U ol Oofi
dried, diffrranra of age
Ton eanoot bar- ocn.copMFStk.
go (or aMMOtbar rai^a Ibao tV waaU froB Iba ayatam. Oopioaa; aolutioD of atltpalTe aod IbruI dried.jdiffrraiira
Ofoo oklro
■ eioiwo/io be 4oo oS'nwtlo'o?
oof nwiloli ooM?o‘uilr
a/^argaito. 1 an water drtoking to a groat deal batter ’
foiohmorToo Dooftrf SloKf t.r >i f ti lan
■ltolM«atMlr<<MU>«H Ml aoaafropaaad
aahaiaad of yM. aod gtod aoatobtog Uiaa bordoek root or aolpboraaa 00 tbaaioee or io tbe nun for a Ic^w ibim 11 pull (teudily.
nbct«OT.orio» r»Blk»r«>r. o«ic
r.* Mita. Wm 4MtoU«< > tor I
»l,D».lo.bon>u,LI,dr:...,JlU.I '
baa wakei^ you ap."
... kCTCkr o»r» «k*l br«morol ikr
idood porifiar.”
,.U.og .Um or.. w______ Mk csauiirf la okif oinitinn.aod li.
conpllaorr wlik ikg graiaio la work aox oiwfr
laida froB Ibe irgimtn of diet,
Bba.»aJt (rbaraca
1 girl’ll edneahofl Tbe woman wbo
tm SiT^;,t^-ki(Mi’biffx.''*'''''
Me. ooaof toabMt
ped long aeoogfa to draw from-Iba
it to bring up
np children ueeda to ba
diea fora to^id lim ia tbe old ' A Ubleap8oufuI oflarpenUiM boil
till of a troDk a bundle ot papaia,
ed wiUi wbiia clotbe* will aid lu tbo well ouJ iburoughly eduoilied, for
Trarrm^'Mkl^j^lc^. (Mlf kail krifc ikr
AiRioat a Diaappoinimant wfaieb ab* took witb bar to toe kitto faibiooed one anggeatod bylba.pio- '
Ibalr «akc aa well a« fbr her
IkrprosUwrt 4n.nt.rf Io oalf Bo«E«:n'-oi
ao, tbao aat barwU with a will to near of Ibc water cure io Wuitom- ' Nercr -tickle" the feet of btbiea ‘ borne iwnoni sa'.uro mneb tariier ir)
•o wick UnW kw Bar Or ormaarr li.aa'Mi
burg—Iba wat girdle.
tban oiher., birth pbyaically
“Marfaiat. «Lit dd yeo B«y la work. Bgxtog to betaolf, -No woodti
aaf aa atlorirr Inot filmo follara. aa pfo
ap a (a« ekitbaa aod golag dot fea'a that -booM ia not iokt tlia
deiuuoktralioai men‘o1'',<otlar >ii< bc,rJ t> lay • Ifrf tot br lao aof la waif woncakr. Tkr
placed around Ibe body about Iwi
ptrwlaniu br wolf arc fnrr.btf la aJfwoil
tbtog we want it jei.'bol if Ood
Mva to Uolbar NoMyka'a (or a
caaaaalkat oairrl ol latfljloalo btorf Tra.
and cofaried warmly with flannel or • hiebfuUuware oo u
kasin eicrjrlioril earei
It of «y tao or tbraa WMka r
forgifo loe aod baip Be it abaU lieoil filk, worn o»er Bight. etimuUtM
tbiuk a wumau ought U
ciianarot Ihr avalkoni voanri ol araloilra
‘.Oae yoa go, doa C
ao. aod witooat atrip to klotbtbe brer and otbar omM io fidniid« aV—/-«.y S\mt.
ooiaioloa irt. arm loofoor lan.
1 eantgo, l«i 1 bar# aat toy ar Nordyka'a fee help aitfaar. I know
Dlird kpr.l It'h. llWf
il alw. aiilk too^io to do itc'
JimXfB E CwUMLlCK. Ooriaar>e
bow lo keep ibiogeatrvgbt gmiaral-.
to cod in u.rvuuk iutauiiy and dealt'.
U>mx ttUUXHTB, .
daty. lo^ Bomtoglha bandage
klloTawr loc OoRaackv.
-Wby.Jot.**iy do 0 waot OM ly,' aod tbara*'—glaociog tube bun ^•l-.ba remofed end tba euriace
.Children's "L.eU-Overs’
tlgoooarf Wbto aroakd you oiiito dle of peper^-'-are molbar'e apd
batba4 wilb le^ water, rubbed
It ia korpriaiog bow much food!
laagooaT What baa {rot ooeb ao Aunt TberaM'a recaipU for'makiog
JOBTUAUti «A*.»:
witb a'little oil oiwl toeo euvarad i«bildreu waateat table ur Ulwieoj
tbingagood without
Bueh willi'a dry bandage for day
llelialiuriaa bna loafr
, j
imealt. Oluldrcn don't alwaia kcowJ
-Wail, kU^to, bbalU be wbat wa Booay.' aad 1 defy tbu whole g«a|ir- , ,
both prototoad 10 U io aod »itb atioB of Nvr.1yk»’k to excel Ibe Uor-- will bare a good affect, tba inc
■mA otbar, partacUy fraok, (roe aod gau in culinary ekill ur eeoaoay i it «mU.b«,g^.l,»..ltoula.
irtoa toxt if at fault- I'd toow dot
linafTairrmio ibcaiatr
l«J ,L„ ...
HowMargarat a baart did tboiop. wbal 1 cau do. and if 1 cea'l ‘bMl I
, M
..«B ... d..ire fail. .f... .taw
toau all iu Ibraa mootba,' aa dor ao
Wbat waa /m gmog to aav
-----I’erbapt it ia
-Otoourto ’- .
charitably praJicted, I aiy ba able Ibe lifer, wilb dry fiannol ouUida, .
•*< "M «f ao M'l'l' ■
-Wtob aODooay tfaiogadoot go to eooTinoe
g.hat..g4.,.r fm'
a biB that marrifga with Sehaogiog
for .a.Uk.p
.o^ber l.g.1
hot flaooei
jiwt-aa wo waot tbay rboald.
Uargatei Uorgi
... ...agak.r.r/ .-,w, ..r.ul.. B.™.:
* "“"k-k' 'k.- "
. to m I IOMM—I bardly kooo »hat ,. ...w... •
..... „«™
1 0«ao, bat aotoaboo or aisotber,
Uow cd.. W...WI l\..
Uwd« ot ... rilw ...| lllU I. |g,
■ Wfaila my liUU wifa doai tba vary Piial aba planned bci <iioDar. which meolatiuui applioii ofer the liver are!
baal aba coo, booM ia ooi ju»t tba BUto ba iMd, at Wtocn Binuto.{lMoafiml to lb. .tomarh oloo. If! ,,
u. au-cbjrct with lh«
tbiog*amith.aodeoaU u* loora paatlIwalfaabarp Tbe BBoanlrol |yoa have no mMot of beating **l« 'i,oua«wife.
let li.r t|wi.d ^lew miu
: le'Mra tban wa eao afford, aod ~ tba ret IrfUrcm tbe day baforr, i readily, wring a cloth from r«ld w.
. IboiwU otoibaf eoold obow yoo bow iottoad of beiug dumped
lumped iDiD tba ter, throw a uawapaper upon lb«: .
o ..... ...
M.ipjiuoe II lu bo II p:«'i
io brtog CTirylbloK ool atroigbl, aeill, aa aba bad
y do- i atova and Uy the i
Md.taoA yoo lo biltoiop good
' tfatogawitbootBoeboxpaoaaiaodI
in CHHus a foctm ei
OM do «oiy wall at tba rMtooraoU
gn.ji)o. wdi !«.. . ...
I s„.,|„,g.,gdJ-..k. I........ wiu’slaclont I'm Mlwft
lor two or Ibraa waaka i aUy arao o left, aliltlamoraaaasooiug, ifnecea ready fur applioalioii. A bol atoea- giro hiia wbat ba* bicu mvei Wbvu | ~
Of Im. Tklw flic .wife
rr jn l.ir.iBrd1r,0Mh>I
■oolbV yoo aro ool lora to fal^ il oary. and (doap into it aoaa dnmpi pipe Bayba mtda to aMTsin tba I be aeea Ibu piece liis bo u w ell cired j
Uige lo boil, ilia four cold boiled
iforbe will uot rafuieit, eapecialt if]
ai'ii'seB coLLixA
■ ^
Awei.abeet nsb ta alio rxcellent.;. .
dcM Nordyka wm Uaekiag a boot potatcei ielt alao, aha eooctudffl to
In.,, .wid
.“.d" ..I..
L. ">
orUto ba Wd tUi raty wtoa, pbUoao •wtoOB till heated tUrougi: Iborougb Wn.g .
pUeal pUo bafora-hia wifa, aod o*r- ly, maali ia a wall warmed atone jar, wrap il aronnd tba palieot aod rub
• uot oatGu beww BED Btora aorpriaad tbao hr, and, 'toally" lo read Aonl Tbaraaa'i Ua vigoroutly tor a taw BOBenia ;
flo looktog op, to aaa tbat
oliUla Neipa,-jott bafora Uktogo^ add Wat al^ packa, aiU bathe aod a
aome aveet cream, alto warnad, and
data are alao axe*llant.
■o4 joat lika ooae otbar otoo, ba beet to a fotB wiU a fork
a abowing a full Uoaol
l^nd and Power
( tfudxf TVme lu y/«y.)
f-\iU liite »fl^,4fit4y U'o^mc,
7’«o,J OiO/irf Hi4rii4t/ Watfaiit,
<t}tn anil C’o’-trtrf fhifijliiauti liomi CorU,
A full line of which fi exhibited aod «
Do not tail to examine theoe maoiiiDca.
Ttw Advance ThrwohlngSSAotolno* Ctiaranteed to nave
the beat construction of any Machine made In tha Vnitad
States ferseparating and cisaninggrain
cleanlnggrain arw also sold
me. If grain raisers were generallyawaie of thssupen
l-ned they wovli
Ity efthlsmschlne in thsfestursa msntlemploy no other.
Lowest lihltiiiitildeprjevK uaitu'rl on
Sash, Doors, Blinds, (Etc.
AMakeenoteoftbia -A penny aavsl ia two peBoaeamad."
I atf extremely obliged for >OHr|«tfonaga duri'ig toe greater port'ot
the peat year aod aoliat iU rdbutiouaniff::^;^
Fresh and Salted Meats,
•‘Daa't cry, darHog. dootl
WDb't ba (or Ioi«. aod wa cao writ#
bOTtogtiM to worry. Iflbod but
toowo yoo hodo't iaoncd to kcop
boOM ba(oia •• wwi
rfyoo Ukiog
OOPM ot cooUog aebool iut tbal
put o( ir. ood tba roat-4oaptog
Ibtoia op aUoigbt gooanlly "
wow yoo Oil toat urn
w dooX Too oia joat
. Ihi dMTMd wifa oo1 aarlb
•od oae MI Umb all
' to aoolbtr
thraaoKwiba o(r pr«ettoa,o(Ur
hofotwMi^o'BKitbrr'a ood toorwd
her. yoo kiow."
M ol that BOBaoi ibabaUraag
ood dM bod ooty 6 BtoolM to wotk
« bloofca to. ood get to bto work, »o
It to 00 woodw bO didut ooUn Ua
poouliar took oe Haiyarol’a (aoa.
Haoto^thw hat, aod roo. otlllog
ool,**Maar b* ratty by Saodayt
Bayba J'il get off aod roe do«o (or
o day. too’
. llorgto alood bka tmo aUeoad (or
« MOBont aflor ha Mb ood Utoo
waot ood U»od betora Iba gtoMaod
’ tookodol ood talked to bMtolf
•Margwtt Nordykr^ bow do yoo
iHtt Wbokarayoagpiag todo- pip Ufca a otoayi got Bod ot yow
oie bo to '
byoooti(Uef dnyeogotogoo
tbroo woaka'' trototog
i '
to HoUcr
‘•I'uorJocl dmlhia mother aoeb
and lidyhrMierkeaperl I don't woadar he wanted
metogotobari nu doubt that
ban rnnnine ie hia mind for wre^
flowaoodofbjto to ba tiaticBt ao
loeg wilb bi» luolikUY'**
ibeoght more of beuw a Mw bride
tbenna orderly boaaekeeperl Oh,
aoaabaaed ol Byrdf! 6uto
blUar iboughip oama into ay Bind
abila be waa talking toll
ja-tforaBOanani, tbongta, for tba
aeoMoftoekinmsiielfbaa ispreae«d Ba •
ballbafe fandud Joe would not
notiof, aad bow ahuMd I fed! Bat
And be did tea 1 not alcM
day wbau ba eaoN beaa. to dinaar,
and waa acre aorpriaad at Wa wita'c
Iba ehai«a in the a|
bouaai bat nafor ag^ did ba hafo
orcariosto aoggral « Moil to bto
Botbar for laMnM'ion; nad w6e*
fbf cnaa to fbit ihwu. b^ waa tel
atowacd of toy part of nbe^ hoBOg
Margaret bad aoi tor I Mut
^^^M«bo« MoVar«fflaB U uta. tortM beroan wortapcBaa bar in
the gataa." aefi mi« bM boobn
. ■
He* Film, tewlv Fined Mute! Clioicest and BesHil EnirdiH
vflcMMCkf*^, lauruu •'
—UdwidlWl, *.i.b
Thirlby & Jackson,
.bUl. -k.l.
before brc«klaat. or afUr aupiwr.
in tbe Boruiuga before tbe ha«
dry eoiiugh lo turn. Ibe
Engineers and Machinists
> Iftk, IMO.ll If i cUck
WHAT Siiiilid
X:^r^r--"‘-:iEE£:5-rr seon’s
wmm. -wild™.
Uu|>r.l. ur
fin Esperieneed (fliieago Cutter, bai been enj^ed. and will uke ptoaaoro
in aerving cuklumeia io the beat maunr-r.
Iron and Brass Founders.
.allfull Ufi
''irrtU.. gut a... iu..uul i-l..--. udl'
be underrioud Ibal one rlulj«i i c
Wondarful n«*h Droduow.
Anil Axi-icir i*r.tl M«diih< i \. Sl.-aiii ninl llrju** KiUingN LeSt'II
Il'-I 1 Atlil Jllilanli AUtl'OlinitIC .Stop (lUTeTDOn.
'saws hammered and. cummed
All'jt l.bf U.-ii.
ttopton prumpUy doae ou aU kinda of MatoiipMy
riuvKRSK errv.
, MicnmA
Many have gainod one pound
kiiif-ul BKk
dn.. . ..«i»u.d ni. ..d u. .11 .1 u.,
X.U. WtRwift...
it to wipe graaay knirae. rnilTbii way u( mauagiurf t«. after.lir'l.
idaa, walar apoia from leblew |
u vIJ fiieud willia new (aou
iddiiira. foot uarki from floor. Oar grandmotbem did iba very oami
□ facttbing tbat;
- B»Sl•r«lTl^lXll■■^lr
^^CarriagesjRd^ Wagon.
Screw tbif to woodwork • — a hundred timew mure nauMou. l.Mn
t„,. Tl»~ llltl.
Soldi bg all J>raggf*(*.
.,t> lad lb... bawd,. Tb.
•eOTT A ■eWNS.ChMTUaia.N.T.
.m.g««,t 1.
. w,
wrapidagpeperiaa alure. aodwiin.i. aooitu#
uuude.1 lor i'urebaMng,--------------------------tfaeoenlarr^ ^
,tbj„B, .Mwecoduring im.. t..-;l ...d
diini—tl-ioJ H-H%rlrri44 44 4i
I'".,.,'. .,V
Blackgmi'thJ ng «|od Berddshoiikg.
••WoBon oefac thulk they Uve:
' '
any r'ghl 10 r.at uoUl ttoy are tuu
'wtiku . .. wak mii.i u-. asimi
tired to eejey it,- ton ...iug will.
I An. ......................... .
toomnaiiiratbia il. -Tba wumai.
1. It-auM. «.w. jouur par».u
who from BomingUIl night dro.lgm,ha» uut auffipHwt maiarity of jodg- ni,.!.,-. .Ukju-r .-i
.b»al'berhoateielMrw^iwAt^'nMnlorkBowl.dgeor lila-to arlha'a i^xi.'. .
doea iejuttiea to borcalf and hw wtoe eboiea. Ta«lea cbinec and £,*/"'•____ ___- -.....................
atiif ot Hifb.ril.
Highert of tdl ia Lcaecsiag Power.^U. S. Gov't Rqictt, Aug. ly, 1869
|>toOR tTK ItOTttlK
atkw.-ie'4’1 i.lS'a.Cvwirtr to >!■•»* Tl*i«
»o Milw kr-iSr C<1‘. <kkl br 11 «Mtr •< UbT
rm-Mdicbir w it»e«pibi»rt Ciiaf IVfiuM,
- ^*fl**d"*ik« 4M
. .floabhikadlOBr aMooraaotly
Iwa r*di
boferolM ayes aa
^ lliii^ebt; >1 to lOfdy.lbao arebl
Ufa long diMppotolMnt.
‘J2 Kroul Street
111 the Kieveu Iluildiur'.
....... ......>
It Will Pay You to Do So.
rwiiaalar atteoUM il caUed-lu ilni
7V.( Avrmf/*v./.foy'/cw«.
HeleMil Deeriflg Hpesig MaduDery,
journal. Uaie. Ntxt bmI time tet tbe cop> the couuuiB
It i* hMfy work lor a w
<ui miubi'
lea.ur ui-lilili*;
taai bouaawork to do beride. to keep
ihe garden bedt weeded; bat wbat
irwi. Ik • *“ the cup. aprad lwt..evu -lieea ul
ia a grMt droia «
luaowrga, wo.
>*>io bread and butter, pieea logetbeoay work for a Baa, and
V"'fio'd "
aide ol a fcmfe. <
barraat tiose ibe
kuil aeruw. aud you luTu
luvu four,'
rsui rues niK unnaru.
7 hr .Sifn-Hk AreM ^9rd Framt ttwrro**
ThcClii-^ W.4.ml h'ntmcllorTOVK
Ah.ul t'lMoa; HiA UiU /Vomw,
Jk-'trirk't »<xi y/ay y'rw.«/
yyuv /‘<rf"to
XU^ Air.
---- ---------
Feed CutterSj
•t prioM which ptaba them within tbe ra^ of all.
^JaV.oWJr wi; T.r.i:s'
Bba aortad '.ofcr iba piaoM (rf
bread in bar b«d jar, and dried
Urge dtippto/ptn fall in tba u*a
UII atop aa nas.-ly, baked crackera.
abghUy 'browned three or four uUeca
•od Mt Bkide for dieuer. Of Ibe
aaBlI piano aba grated ooa arncU
toa-wplul, of auger aba added a half
cep, of milk one pint, aod into it
atirred Iba yolki of^wo wellbrwKn
agga laaesfing the wlibc lo brat
to a iff fiut'i at«l aprrad
podding whau baked. -Moioe add
a Utt’e aairioibe podding." abe rMd
'^Bt Jue doeC but like aalt and an
gar togetlirr. ao t will uut odd Bay
thiatimey'^ All Ibal Bamtog aba
awept, gbe dilated, the tcnibbed,
and buag ap dotbM that Ud bani
laid roood OD efaUra
towali OD Iba waabaUod, a dean
behind it. wBabed Iba abror dear ot apacka, and bluabed lo
bandf to aee the ebaagu wrought
Abundant Yields of the Best Quality.
waa M> piaotieal, Md. aball i My ii.
oeofc.ttottoal,tbat«*ao UiaobaUd
•OMT 0 aoapiotoo bat tbot Uia plao
woold Baat iraUot oppro^ ood
l^KiMd tba taaia waretaiwa^
Margarol'aOqaetioo tob
ooatoty ood
Moogfa to work it ooL
fireppiof iba btookiog bruah b#
pM bolb onoa oroond bar. ood want
' 00, osoordiog to tbabwt of bU own
The Seat of Their Hindi
newW uf iiru ill frrflldki •' •> f firw»rf
I Uad* pe^puy duee. Br-Nutieg and VmuuhBg m a
ewr ebf« o*d w. aao de ton to. bM» BfciOe BaBOar.
i^f-w -
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