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Grand Traverse Herald, May 23, 1912
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tbe rvlialue of mt>e Dick Ueeuuii.
PM ACCOUNT or HtCH COPT OF ten roar old son of Ur and Uri. Woi. INLAND AND OCEAN NAVIGATION
Bennetl of Borne Cltr, fonuer reel
deau of (bU dtr. wore broupht t
Tneodar for burial. The rcMinc
bad been III for oeveral monttm with
SbonmaUitn sad later developed a bad
of dropir which caused
destta. Kunersl aervlces will be hbH
from (he borne of Richard Rvrnalds
iSt Wett ElctaUt street Wedne^ay
Ovfr Om Wm« In Cffnetiv*
sftenoon at 2;M. Burial In Akwoud
MaiiMr. CwwiI A«k««
Wall Rcpretanied by Their
AllMr AnMhar telatn.
Leadins Marine Men.
Ledingten Feilewi Footsteps of Trav
ers# City.
l.udUgt0D Is almui to lullow in iluloolstriu of TraterM-Oily aii.l .Mauls.
In Ihe DUilIrr of giving tii>i:uriluh
In uriruliure In Its high school. Us
suiieriotendeDt is urging (be imruduc.
lion of a course and li is likely ihat
the arbool lioard will ari uion his rtnonimeadatlon.
Traverse riiy 'baa had a course for
tt year. Manistee Im-b1iis Its agrlculturel iDslructlon In the fall, and
ioglon wfll (olow (be teadvrs.
Y. W. C. A. Heme Nearly Rtsdy Far
The regular nicrdiig of ilie Y
A ilrih- W)» Iteld in the biaue rorner
and filtte sirepi last cveuing
with a laig- allendani-c xif lui-mbers.
ttv«t-ral bills wer,: ordered iiaTd and
otbfi busItii-M innisai^ed alter ablch
• he iMMlal Slid busy h,>ur was heid
flans are being nude for ihe opening
of the hmiie whh b It'la i-xix-iied will
!•<• next Monday aflernuon and even
lug A reci'piion and pmgnim w
given In Ihe cvruiug and everyone, is
IniUed 10 ilKli the home at this time
MiTor W. P. cTotfiiuUne iiu setTaft Was WsA I Praettcaliy all of
Quaatlsn of Adding Anstoar GalSM
Pa, May; fl.-DelwtaUsd Iks «mU« oC dty ■nrsf«cr
Pretent Uri Was Agato A|h
ths CengressJi
fftous represcDtlag more than twepty
.s saT'
sad iwyiinwwr wbicb bw «sus^
natloni ud consisting of the
hlB Sos>« sasMr darlos tb« past few
wted experts In inUnJ -and ocean
«s^ tm seenat ef Ibe rliralrr wbSeh
BBVtoation or ibrir respective coun
exMed'betweea two of bis prospectlire
tries have already arrived in this rli>
■toatetsw. At the eoucll mesUDs
1 adjoureed maeting Of (ha roaadl
I'olumbus. O.. May JJ.-ltetnrii:;
and additional delegations are es- MIlWanT SUFFRA0IBT8 DRAW
Maadar aicbt he' appointed Gwne
held Tuesday eventm (or the pup '
which arc allll Incotnplelp rsriy Ibis While inere He BmutU tevsral Fhoperted to reach PhlladelpbU today
tegraphs tor the National
Oscw as poandBastar ter tbe eatire
1^ of canvaaslng the vote cast at
afternoon, roiifirin the early reiiorts
ud tomorrow, itv time tor (he oiH-nlng
cfir. Tor tbe peslttos «C seaveafcr
^e special election bald tor toe poh
of (be iwelfib inlernatloul congms
■ Roosevelt lBiids|lde in Uhio. They
be MBMd Owm W. Oegaer for (he
'iiosc of decMing whether or aat tha
indicate lluu the coioiiel won at least
of navlutlon. on Thurwiay. In acW, Janie. Iron. iJu- office of pub. city should bond tof kiM.SM tv toe
.tenitorr vest of Union street and
Ihlrtyone of the forty-two district lie ruitils. Waslilnglon. I). (*. It in
cor^nce with tbe arrengemeni of the
W. o. Btmble tor the district
delegates. T'he Isicsl returns IncresM- city leday gaih.-ring Information /jtJ liurpose of, iHircbasIng the pAaal gad
local committee in charge of the tx>ntreeC This arranse:
-riiulpmem of tbe Queen CHy Btoetrir
gaixiing road building in (be (Irand
It was discovered TSiesdar
............. -f‘eetlifertory to the two
hm be devoted to a general re<eptloti ACCUSED PROTESTED AGAINST :ures indiretc that Wilson won In only Trareree region. Mr. James Is one ol Ught tad Power esmpaar. The an. apiMntoee, aad under tkls-amote- ilevos bad entered (he bicycle abbp Ud mutual introdnctlon of the delcranvaw etaowed tbat toara vert
seven districts
tbe ln»|>ec(ors wIhj travels over Ibr
belobsint to Wni, Witte on Park St,
rotes cast to (sTor of ths propaal
vmM there vO( he pleats of work for
However, fhe Wilspnlies claim nine enrirv I'nlied Btales outlining road
utea. The congrcss.will hold lu first
both ,et then to do as tole seer the
teen delegates. The returns from l.SM bulUIng taiiiialgns and giving advin- tinn and 279 agatiuL Tta RSMtiM
geheyal meeting at tbe >lc(ro|ioIlUn
blcsdeclared carried according to tta
rodalre these einclato
opera bouse on Thursday, and It is
Trio Unlatvfully Genspircd to Commit precilirta out of e.lCn
where aut-b is requented. lit- spent the
heap the aUen fetaan of sarhage and dea, tbe vhereabonta of which Is un pectod that President Tatu who bar
Kivc Harmon 43.TU. Wilson Sf.lTK. greatVr t-an of the day with Hon. resotmioD.
Damage to Property. W-ore
mbWeb. which voih has ant been known to. the oKiceia at tl^ present accepted tbe bonorary presidenc.
The nrturns Indicate the*pl(u-iloD of Frank lUmillou. who (old hlni.wLat Is
As It 'll desired to gat the work of
time. The ahop baa been cl<^ since
Members Of Women's PolltidoM in (he past.
i.-<-veli deleutes In (be filth, sixth, belagv^onc In Ihl. ee<-tlon.
laMag over toe plent under way as
the Wittes have been In tall walUnfi
The diTlsiM of the tmrUory will trial for manslaucbur and U
FroliiTravetwe I'liy Mr. Jaiucs goes
lourteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, 1(1 (iintul liapids, where be looks over ed BUlhorlxlllg (be 'tosyoA Sad city
losare (deaa aOeyn which is a reforB Buppo«9d that (he pUce was being
h, nlncicenlh. twcnllelh and Ihe tdaus lur Ilu- siwndlng of'lCOO.WKi clerk to Isaue fIMi.OOO worth Of beafil,
Alexis Dufourny of Brussela. a high
that (ha poopte of the dts are bean- looked after by the county a
bear Interest al tbe tMe of
Ur la Uror of at prweat. The doc tat when Chief of Police Johnson went officer of the Belgian engineer con«.
laiiiduii. yi'^ay k>:.-\V»rbi lil.i. yet twenly first dUtrl<-l«, and show' ibai (or putdlc roads, (hen he iiiakea a.
wbo la one of tho fonuer preslilcnis suffered by Uic militant xuBragetlrs the Colonel broke even with Taft lu Jumn to (be aouthem end ol Ohio.
renl. said bonds to ha to iunMil
eetehtoC dapaMaetat wiU be looked
Inveatlgaie lodey be found ibr door
of tho Inierngtloul congress.
after br Mr. Oecier who has Bade
came when ilr. and Sirs. Klydcrii-k the thli4 fourth and fiflfwptb.
.Mr. Jatm-s while in the city-looked ation. of $1,900 each, with totortat to
jmiocked and the' place pracUcally
l.iiFolh-ltc failed to capture a delerepatation tor batac the beat Ban who loanod out of portable miterial.
Tbia will be the first lime tha
Pctbluk LawTcuw. cdliois of "Vote*
cr tile i-olh-ciloiiBT iihotographs pos-! be psyabl.- aembaanualiy.
lie. An iiilercsUng feature ut tbe sesm-d by the Western Mlchlgin Ueof
' haawter filed (hat taporuatpoaitlen
Brookmeyer patlllohad tte
Tbe robbery was discovered Ibipugh
Aoth of the appolatoei wta becio th*i tbe esie of a new bicycle a abort Ume United States. Prcvloue - congreaaes hurst were Uuiiicl pullly of "untuwful result was Ijg^olleiu-'s alrcngtb
vclopnii-nt bureau showing the high council to grant btm a rattS Ufiar
the iweutletb where he ran ahead ut way IniproveuieDis in this s<:<'ilon. A license, bis locatloa to be at IM Bsat
aeUre datleo at once and work >n tiar a»> to a boy ai liaat Bay for tbs btve all been held In Europe, the last ly conspiring to commit damage
as to- as attsawt to her> the ettr small sum of 15. The father of the at SL Petersburg In 1908. Preo
Injury ip' property." They were
Front sirefL It was referred to tte
number of these pbotograidis sre
Taft Not
lenealto nine months wlibout bard
llcasbe committee to set agoa aad paIng (oriar.li-d to Washington to
bey became euap^ctous abont tbe deal
*•*» • iKie •*«W present and reported tbe fact to tbe police, toUrvaU of three or four yekrs In labor. They fougbt nmvirtfoo Wtler
I- lan of the collcrllon In the
i«rt al (he next regular nuaUas. Aa
St ^ HUM eipectiat tbst the epoffon warn made by some o< toe aUsera. Parkhursl making an Impu- Tafl la (ar (mm disheartened over (be
of public nads.
Idveatigatlon foltowed. wito 'BfiEfna. Fruee. luiy. Engtand, Gerpolhtseht (ot CUst Of Foiles woeld Uie above reenlta. This bicycle
auy. Holland and Austria. With sioned plea and protesUng against Ohio reaulU ud slulOed lR> Inirn-.
men to bring tbe matter of graaHaff
be ■Bde. bat thsr were dieeppolBied recovered but (be wbereabonte of the aub oeagress Interest ud site
(loos of w'iibdrawlog (rum tho race.
the license up altkr the BeaUag had
her trial by a male- magistrate,
Hsper Oenaaise haTlas decided to otbera la allll a mystery. An iovetU- Inereeted as the nations realised tbe three were arrested on a Henratitwal He made pri-paratlriis tor tbe new
adjourned, but this plan was fouta ta
hoM his ehstos tor ais position unUl ■ation Is being made with tho hope uf valoablc work being done. The diabe oat of'tbe quesUoo as tha 0satl4
jh the- <iffii-e« Ilf (he wunions Jersey nunpalgn tour where the prt•OSS fstafs Ubs.
cottlons and conrlualons of these poll(k-aI ittiion.
bad been fonually adjourned with
murles an- to bo held next Tuei
recovering Ue rest of tbe property.
A PoUtM wai read from Uipayers
gatherings form tho beet existing
out aeittog a future dale, gad alBO haTbe Tad bareau Isaiied a atatament
guide for all narlntlon proUlenie that
Uriat Is |ks irim ward aaklQC that
today sayiiig ilial the Ofalu result did
adxe tbe eonmiltee bad aot mads a
may arise. bocausejUtcy reprewni tlie
the aaprs-lB (hat part of the clir be
IxnilDii. Muy 2;;.—The king offlila* mairi upon the question at toaaa.
(be situation, Taft raotmls
worid's host experience and the
lupt hisaa s( rabbtoh at the citr'a ex•v] l(iday u the »|H-ulng uf (he, tntcrsaid Hie report.
of opinion of the greatcsi ex
pspaa. Thar fecneatod that Uie own
ul Kxhlhlip’iB
Reesevcit Opt
wan granted tbe Grand Rapids Brewperts.
ers pf prapeitp ffsther ap tbe mbblsh
Oyster Bay. May h:.—Thu Result
grt.-undaLf the itoyal Hiapltal
IB company for the comtog yearfroai their hnwleii sbd deposit
The inrilation to hold (be Iwelfib
in Ohio settled tho coBtosL" ssld Chclscs. rif exbibHiOD.U said
Two applications from outside par
tha allpn sad that the board of pub Another wedding ■ to (be already eongreas fa America waa aceepte.1
Roosevelt today. "I am nalurally
Ini the largeri of lu kiwi ever held. ties for the position of tmilnotr of
lic works bs testmetod to hnro It tong lilt (or tbe month of May
Witt entbuBlann. becauae
much pleased to know that
op- The, display di, planu and blossom^ Ibe new municipal lighting plaai wgra
cslhsrsd up St ratolsr Interrals and
peneou needed .a solid delegiUon from (■-(upleS' iii-arly twenty-five aires ol received and planed on fils as the
when Ulna Haiel try oflera wliat Is Urgeboutod awar to ths damp croimda Derr, daagbler of Hr. and Uta. Oliver quHe Mormous field forfifaD atiention
ground, alwm.o'-ven aina of which city Is, not to the market at pf sat
llhin t» have a.chanre in Cfalregu."
Tho —aalBStlou was referred i; Derr. Sit Wett SevMtb eireei. be of asTlgaUen eiperU and a great
hiive la-on pla(cd under canvas.
lime tor anyone lo fin tbe poeJtioh.
(hs dMMMlUs 00 strwla and watts.
ne the'bride of FVank K. Mcrtea, ber of new and highly ImperiabI prob
Whtdssalb UtoMir tloeaaea
I of Mr. and Mrs. Mcbolat Meries.
tnalad to tho Trarotse Cits Brewtns
St. Prands church. nuUsI fatgb
wiMp»ay. I. V Has tad aerUr Frank
numerous Inland canals and water
as being said by Father Bauer.
was a typical spring wedding, with__ ways Pluned or in course of ronslnicSavrifal Matters of Imareri Ware
Ths tesastors of tbe dtr preawt-i Interior of the' church embeUlsbcd Urn to tbe l-ohed States. The recent
od a rsonad to tha consdl aakias that with e profustoti of woodlanf Bowers. Titanic diautor hu made tbe safety
lU-k-na. Moui...May n.-Tln.- «n.i
- tbe pHea tor taaailac on cits wort Tbe bride wore a gowa of white tnar- of ooeab travel a ubject ol the roost
pradical i.1«-ji towards the renipU^ion
be nissd fits osnu per dar on soand cerrteU Intcnee Interest to all icafaring naIn- great -Milk rix-r Jrriim'luii pruloosat of tho falft cost of crain and only bor pnyer Iwok. She was at- tloM ud the dlseusrion of the various
.< di-Hahtliilly. euienalned 1
■Sks lakcn lodav. when bid. were
has. U was refsrred to tbe wars and tendnd by-Mias Uulso Meries, sister
auggesied by tbe unlortu- Structure Destroyed Was One of Ori
young girl friends from t
oi»-ncd lor tiu- ...usiructlon of tbe Tuesilsy alteruoon to bouor of ber runs for tbe eommer ware totted over.
■saiia cenlttoe for investisatloii.
of Hr. Uertes. as maid of honor. Miss
Itodaon canal, whj.-h i.' lo lie at
The annual {deulc was dlseuaaed aad
LoM Will Amount to
A pdltlon nahUf the mndl tor Mertan wore a pretty dress of pink gram ud wlff undoubietlly occupy the
twelfth blrdnlsy anniversary,
eertolsaisn to nore the oM Ashton allk and carried pink rosea. Joaepb attntlon of the congress for some
young iieoide enjoyed ptaytog croquet the details wiu be arranged at a (itThe proJiKi when comideinl will
it is prepoaed to maks
boose to tbs lot At !» Wartlntton Kercberner of Grand Rapids attended
In view of tbe mat
und soap t.ubbln during the after
eonairui'later and better ttaa It
street was granud and the requeet the groom as best mu.
axeeedingly Important questions to be
noon. wblle one of ihe.fealures was
ilon of a .'.'Ml mil,. dit< h and a twenty
has ever been before and carry R
for wslar top nt No. Ui was referred
tbe five days' sesa
Following tbe ceremony the gnests
i-iuile •anal, and will result It
out bM
> (he ■trosts and
-oelattialiuii of 2>.<>ihi acres ol going 10 Irene Thunell and Lucy ficlal t
Igaii Stale acnool for U,«- deaf, early
FersUaiton was granted ibe cigar- u elaborate wedding bieaktaat at the
It U also pisasad to
toafcarh to plaaa a banner acroaa Front
A two .ourse luncheon was s^ed
I of tbe bride's parents, which in expacted tUt this congress will grut- this morning, started a fire wlffeb «]-system for cSoatoc tta
ly snrpesa Us predeecssors in inicrest Birxiyt-d the atruriure entailing a l>i»«
suwat during tho siaio conveuion of turn wsf followed by a recepUon.
«itli the laide preilHy Meeorated. The adopt
holidays that wtil
the tegloa in Jnw.
Two hundred and nliu-c'
liirtbday cake bearing twelve pink bualndas plarae
The out-of-town ueaii were Mrs. P. and Importance.
more eaUsCaMiiry
children and r-i> u-achcra. em
A poUUan was presaatod by,.Rc»k Heltvlg of Grand Bapida. Mlaa Rose
It is expected Hint more than thirty
candles and aiirrounded by elgbleeo
BiWQk&rer and ntbera asking
!mi lion boxc. with a pink rlblxm ex- than toe present gietood that to U
Snyder of Remus and Hr. and Mrs. utlou of (be world will he repn^ ployed there wen- aaleep'in the l>ulld.
vogue. Tbe question of credU rMAag
when the fire staned but all es- Indians C. A. R. Members -ii
offiMsce UMlIg tha wamber of aa- John Nymu of Petoskey. '
•Utod at this congress by official deJeleudliiK to ebi'h [date termed tbe ren
uf eustoraers was token up sod the
tosM to tvtoUr bo ntoindtd to md Mr. ud Mrs. ilenes wni be al heme gatea ud In addition by a large num ( ■lied uuhijurod . The fire was mitdlster of attraction (or (be table
syMom outlined al tbe auta convaatweatF ana. It wu retonsd to
In (his city- afier tbey return .from a ber of unofficial deleutes. inosUy covcrtMl uDiil sonieilDie after \h<ri-'uth Iten.i. Ind. May 7i.—Civil given .Ignsl ewh Utile girl pulled .be ilnn adopted.
iioaaM tMHiWBtttea bp a voto of ( to trip to Buffalo Uout Jttne 1.
urintton experts and engineers IlgblDlug had sirutk The flreiueii
^ar vei-iins by the thousands and ribbon al her idate and received tbe
ba'u;i>ercd in ibeir work by
prominutly Identified with Inland or
[iretty box of candy. The decorations
cater pressure The bulldinc d-' ollu-r vl.Uora iu large iiumtters ari throughout weue done iu pink and
urlgatlnn In their respective
here to ait,^ The Wnnual vncsinp
cenntrtoe. Tbe . general presidents of strayed was one of the oilglual g
ut the O. A. I(c-lae|ariincni o ubi.e which alao prevailed to Oin rilag day. May
the «lty oCices he
the congress are Gen. C. W. Ray- erected In JJ-.W.
Thiee firemen. Oren ParkhursL Is
etcaed dnrlag ^ game and that the Odtffaiievvs and Hebakahs Royally mood. V. 8. A., retired, and ,G^. Wil
Miss Ruth was the rpclpicii, of tyaiiy Long Baliot.ng Finally •rings Ra
tPDimiic- until Friday. Unspllu l!ic
liam H. Blxby. (be rblef^ engineers. le Welsh aud fliief Ihioe w.-re seri
that the soldiers are.WssHdl; prfifU presems.
log that the tactorles and hoslnesa
Anaeriated with them ^re other dis-' ously Injured. Parkhtust will
Members of ^usilty bodge No. MB- tlfiffuUbed engineers and uvigatlon
•ye He was hU by a tlu-brud; k-s.. uing in numhefs. the eocamie
Places doM to order that all may at....-ai«lls. Minn. Msy 22.-Dr.
nii-ni iimtiiim-. to Im oue'ot Ihe most
tend tho BpaaUig ^we. The docn- I. O. O. F. ud wuwrls HebekU experts. Including Tol J. C. Sanford; WeWi fell from a Udder laeniy
T.. S. Henderwon of Brooklyn and W.
Lodge yo. «S. went to WiiUn Moo- Iba ffensral secretary of the eongreas. and l‘rlre was hdried under a faliins. siK-M-ssfu! ever held in this state. AnMtol wee edoptoo
Shepard of «'hirago are' tta new
nieciiDSs are IteLag held also by
Tfee s*r«eto •out «mlks comittee dsy evening to help the todge there ty 0. He1I>-|ni(t«. who wu the first .tdllntt and -waa dug (u;t by the flrebtxiiop*
of tbe Mctbodisi Kptocagal
s*'rioua1y eui and t^iM-d
rewunniiietod *.1^’ the eWewatt on eedbrate Us ointb unlverssry There preeldut of the tuivlgallon congress.
otiTerence eleacd oo the alavaatt
nnniial parede will he held tomorrow
Bidas «r Gast.-m>at alreet be •ere SB wbo wut from here snd upon
Tbs Cuadlsn deleulion fncludre
iiailot. tbe icsqlt of wbkb was aseacb'evnlng-lhere will be cam|.
conptoted from the present end n( ibelr arrival at Wallia tbey marched CoL W. P. Anderson, chief engineer of
loDigbL Dr. Headaraoa r«> with |ironiin(.-n('B|>eakcra.
ike walk to OerteU evenne. tat that to tbe hall accompuled by u amsmarine department; Joffb Ken
liam Alden Smito has complied ibe cei^ ICS tad Dr. Sbepard U2. Natka wort ha delayed watll the pave- toor band which hU bsu recruited nedy. eonsnltlng engineer; F W.
first draft of his report no tbe Titanic ■ei^ry to fleet, 32t.
towt Is eWMliud. An
tor (be purpose, sod made a decided Cowte. chief engineer of the Montreal
aUgaUon and to now going
The.eledion of two man oa Ihto
<K am wee Made (roa the oMUngeni bit with.tbe realduu of tbe village. harbor board, and J. S. Arastroog of
iih oUer members of toe ccmmlt- ballot etrae as eomewhat of a aar(oedtortbenasefthsO. A-R-on At the lodge raoens they were en^ Ftadericton. N. B,
Were all (be members present, prise. Oihers who bad more ttu SSS
Vriersns Meet in Sixth Annual Em'
Menorlal Daglalued with a program, buqoei bad
Iiendon. May SS —.An improvement
Tbe largeet deleuMon will be tbat
senator could preeem the report
es were R. J. Cooke. New Tort.
Aldiraia Dyer atotod that as ar- a dues dnringitbs sbon time ibst re r Frene*. which wjll be beaded by sasoolaUon has bren organised (or
ore. but he will w«lt unrll all fel
; M J (onnelL Greee CaatJa. lag,
lealaa waS was hetog snik on the mained before time for (he 11 o'etoek M. Vetiltort. who Is lospecter general tha parpose of putting this village
Peons, III, Msy 22—ThtAony-sixth low remmitieemen are back la Waab; W, H Crawford. Meadrlllc. ttt,
SL Praaeli chareh preperty on Tenth train upon which tbey returned home. of readj.-ud bridges of tbe French with lu surrounding territory npooMDual encampment of tbe G. A. R togton. Monday will probably see tte
; F D. Leau. Drirolt. Mkh, tdS.
atreri smd (hat ton perish desired to An address of wricome was glvu by covasuent ud bolds the boeorary ibe vVesiera .Micfalun map. It is pro- depanment of iniBols. with toe meet mstier laid before tbe aenate.
mmedlately after tbe nilin|g[|g|
bomw SW tori Of fie bees from the M. C. Panl. ud was retpoeded to by ffefftoe of D. 8/from tbe VnlvAwIty of
aa a starter to go after a rrearn- ings of the aeverel amiated orgasiiaSaastor Smith has found it imi
of (be retail another balM esu tskcity to be weed to toe wort. The re- -M- A. Coatee end C. A.
Germuj's delegation ery. a cucumber salting station ud tkaia. began to ttu city today under sitde to accept tbe tovitauon of Homer
Quaat waa tMtoiad to the'
will todade J. F. Bnbendey. bead of
eannerr. Somstbtog is alM to ba
clous eoadlttona. Tbe tasiness Warren, president of Detroh board of fercnca meets toaoRow meniag. Or.
oa Sre«ed poUas.
tta Hamtatff harbor works: George dnne toward getting the agricultural streau are bung wiib Oags and ela conuneree. to attend tbe hoard Innrt- Homer C Stoau. Now Tert. wu u(AMritoSn BUtk bfsaM up the glad, to make the trip again e
lAOdsberg of Berlin and
(tagaa of ibis sscUm tatora tta borate patriotie decoratlans to boaor COB TbBfadajr. sad has so ootlfiad cetW OB tbeBiM haOoL maktog thiu
(0l4tsta( M page tw*..
to the tUBiw.
(OMttooed OB'FRfa two.)
preapmiva aatUera. .
of tta veterans nnd ttalr frtonds.
pRs|4aBi Wanta.
cfaoaw U ttt plfht to hg fi«cto4.
Banoi Wins
The btdUns Art Inaeeaieg in Humber
Grand Traverse Herald
Many of mir readers will be aurpriaed to learn that the Indian
impulalion of the country w actually and stiwdily increasing.
and Tiavene Bay Eagle
Tbcre are alaa msay oilier aoted ea
sliiMn aaS Bavlaailon exi<erta, not
effldan.r coBDeetad with abr delefB-
Doiliglass & itellogg
(ioB who win siicnd the Beasloiu or
has been suppoaed for many yaars past that the Indian popnlslion
was decreasing at a rapid rate.
All tribes
are disbanded and every Indkn k a United Stales eilisen.
CoTMT Cana and FroiA Srecls, Trawnrao Cftj. Mich.
lunts cm«wiE
It will be remembered there arc
DO longer any tribal relatibna exkting in Ihe country.
children of today wUl be able to lell their children, that they lived
at a time
the Indian tribes were still in existence as tribro.
and that they saw in their
Other Mantelpal'tias are tUpiSly F»<towlnt Her eaemple In Deveii
ment Wertb
time Ihc paasiug of the old condi
tions that had exwted for unlrtd.cenluriea, and witnew.e<l tlie new
b (be hislery ei aw More have we been able lo tow so
era of the complete amalgamation of the {irimitive tribi-a of the
Truly a new era hw dawned for the n-d umn.
IT m*u> iif tho ffTOwiug mualcliale
He no luup-r
poor to lario-y gets tom bad.
Ihk. but the r<d man liimsiOf treated the i>reliUtoric triUw. wip
lew evidence Ot tbU (set aigniW'
The Manlsico Dally Seva lB lu leeui-
tiaJe it kcfcasiog to iatl.
preceded him, in the 9it>' aaine manner.
ft the :i last. aayi. "hlaDlslae hu
There rosy' be something of sadiiOKS. sometWim naibelic in
The world cannot stand
As one age sure<-<ils Bimther. lui one race suceoilx another.
.‘T», the i^r Indian” k no lonp^he pimr Indian.
Some of
(he disintegrated triltes wc«t of tbe( MWaisaippi an- worth mure,
same extent anywhere in the' world.
aa It eboold be ruhlvated. the ■
ton of the Board ot Trade are bi
how to use their wealth.
nveoent to
Many of these Indians know
If some of them do not, the same thing
a harvect of proan-ss.
■ Wnr fam ta Almira Ttownihip, Beniie County.
263,6S;l. and what will be a little sun»rUiurto many is the fart that
s to pioober We.
then existing were full bloods.
Perry waa the
rt honored and respected citisens of this region.
Th<«e figurai will he of inU-reat, as
ihowing that the care the Oovemmeiit has given the Indian k-ib™
Ims l«en a eharaeter to inereaw ralh<T than to dimiiiisli their nuiii-
His father. D. F. Holden became one of
U rs.
The mother,
The Indian Imlay irtands on ihe mime
with the whit.-
He must take eare of himself, uiul he is ^rlaiuly learuhig
had a warm place in the hearts of the good pioneera for .miles
how to,do it.
Tlw parmts found it no easy task to clear up and luy for
farm, and yet they were ever ready to tharc their meagre
p of
Cof^ressmMn HklMtghlbi’s Good Work
goods with their leas fortunate neighbors. Though
g aaU-aiaila and seif-edoealed they were intelligent and ea|>-
We have noticed with a great deal of interest, Ihe w»rk that is
Tbay uadu^ood and appreciated the >-aInc of an education
■girt the boya bi^ta, mominga. and rainy dB>'8. in addition
t«oh achool'and earn the money for a c« ” -
limts of butter a^id moru scientific fanning in Micliignii.
- > -
man McLaighliu ■ ulea is a moat excellent one and eoiiteniplHti-s
It k told by thw who know that the first suit of
ional dislriet for farm Ihanagi im-nt i-xtensiim wdrk.
this porpoec the hill that was originally tnlrodm-cd f.*r g2.Vi.ti00.
i’lhther when Perry was fourU'cn years old.
Prior to that, all
to fight the kill weevil in the South, was incn-axeil to g.Vm.mg). one
I Uppargl waa made by bis mother czet'pt the eop]>cr toed
half to be osed as originally punmsed,. and the tillier gaVI.OOO for
work for the Northern fanner.
BifiHlui of bb homemade clothes and the nvevsNity of barvork^ard in eleaping and improving the farm.
,a»i»a Mlways a leader.
Mr. McIiiHtghltn claims that Ihc Norlheni fariina- is .iititle.l lo
the same recognition as the SoiiUierii plaiiler, and li'is elnim is
He was not arty'the rhampion spell-
well founded that be had no great diffieiilty in aceiiring Ihe «m>«.-iit
b«i. the'ahampioa wreaUer’aud champion boxer of his tehmil,
of the SouUicra congresaman to.the doiililiug of the original appriK
■epreaeoted his aebool in eontcaU
jiriatinn bill.
y still tdia story of how he never was thrown by .a
C hay if Ua age and Wh^U
Michigan farmers will li-member the good
He led in atudi««, in gamiw, and he led
Melmughlin has done for them.
Ba k a born leader and pi^niser.
,4S%tT hating tangbt school a term or two, be and hk y<miigcr
1 our Traverse City High school a few montlw and
klha Atriaiiltord College at Lanaing from which Uu-y graduatMk bonora in 1889.
Perry was reuined at the College as nu
A^Reawkeble Sn^g in Time
The bulletins constantly being uwil by the Unit«-<l Stali-s lb-,
partment of Agriculture often prove inten-stiug reading, ami the
statistics that are sometimes given are not only anrprising. but in
r in Agriculture.
He then- demonstrated bis ability as au
r and a leader of mcu.
Tlic student labor problem waa
4 pnAlem with college boards and faculties in those daj-a.
iftirgi irf it on the Cam or agricj»Rnral department and rt
• yon had made it a aneceaa and an attractive feature of tfie
The thing that bad been repulsive to the students
A ted Arbmi tlkm to other departmenU waa, under his maiiagdto draw students to the departmenk
During the four
g be,was in the Agricultural Depertment at the College hu did
».|wpalaiise the Inatitnte work and bring to the people on
■ the wurit ot the CoUegm
From a recent report it apjM-ars that in 1S55. the amount
of labor expended in raking a bushel of corn, in the .Ucntral States
four hours and 41 minutes,
Today, using mmleni methods and
modem machinci?-, the time r«|uired k only 41 mtnutes, eiitting off
four hours on the raising of ovei^iiahel of corn, and giving the
fanner that fourthouts for some
The thr« hours of time formerly given lo Ihe raising of every
bushel of wheat, has been r.-du.-e«l to otdy 10 iiriuut.-s t.f IuIkit. TJiis
is a remarkable showing, and wbilu the cost of many things to the
farmer k much greater than^ifty odd years ago. y<rt that inerejis..cannot be eompare.1 with Hie decn-ase in the timc-i-ost of the pro
Many «f ear readers know of hk return to the old home at
EUtaklt. of hk dettkm on the Eopublicmn ticket as County School
T^HMidnioner, ud of the-exeellent worit he did for agriculture, for
K the pnbltt s^^ and for the devdepment of the Gnud Traverse
He was sotm oaUed to lai^ fidds of latpir by the
f nteib.
tor rbeninatlsm. lame ba.-k. si-rain*
i ts. |>er bol
cuts or wcaund* Price
(Ic. Sold uy Amertcau Drog Sturt
___ jn ttBt Perry ever had .was ptirebaaed and brought home by
.<> r.ii ■ ..
We would Hke to t-ontrart
t^'-Ka-olar'*' i
On a Oarfc NigM
those arklBC i
It [t very dl»lre»«lns to have aon^
and witbr
one In the family awake «illi an al beans.
We have seed beans wtihomto i>aln.
produ.w uneeDacfoointoi.
lark ot Cholera Morinie. Crami» o>
at the canning factory and drucs
Pcoldc of nervuus (eB|K-rameal M
Uyaenlery and It i* worse wbeu >ou
weak hearts will apprertaU to
have to travel a mne .«• two lor iin-di want - samc-l
planted this with
iitle of KE\Ni:>« 1-AIN
month. Cair and jiel con -Kavilar- swtbod of palalaM «t*n
Oil. kept
ise sav,-» a world qf trouble.
tracts at old prices. Travuulckly cbecka
eree City Caiiiihm Co. 5.21.23 ”*”* *
v'lwuips aud v-aM-s |valn. Effective aim-
in the effort to secure Government aid for expert work along lli.r
>IMittion by the Government for a Federal ex|H-rt in every
r day*
If the i
llaisburs lb* nature of the soli la
eoA that no very uil hulldtugs can be
nd there are tew that have m 8. I'nioo St. Traverse nty. HIcG.
aa ten floors.
CltUens phone .Na lua^.jiMI
being doii^ by Congresionan d- <'• McUughlin of the 9th Dktriut,
... .if they could get in winter Unna at a districi school until
duction of many staple farm crops.
Before leaving, the Michigan Agricultural College c«in-
other toe na-ire de^etoplng."
the eeiwua.,of 1910 states that 56»> per oeqt of the Indian population
* of a tomlly of three boys, and experienowl all the hardships
ideUon, Maolsiee must dwtfop a«
Muskecon. Traverse. Cadillac
ati Indian population of 2-17.11)6. and the eeuaus of 1910 gave it as
When a boy of four or five I’crryJh'lJen’s faUit-r wcivi-d «u to
Bent M eBcceulun.v carried to
Ri-ferring to the increase in iM>i>ulalion. the o«wus of 19(W gave
f^iamiiiirnamt Be, for team's Geeatm
power In the rily and make It yield
can b«- said of many white men.
U toy
IWs oalywbyew
drtc pride, and Is proud'of It. but
thU ejdrit has not been ruliliaicd
capita, than the average white mau. in any territory of the
CMui«ll>.»edi 2.900
our rbetsei ihsi does not tow good valor.
Uee tn tbU part o( the euile. Ever,
4.'srt,t'!!g^Arrcrai.’a.:'^‘?.r““'" ^
•any GOOD SHOES as noW.
Traveree rur efciat to .be a laudcl
United States with .their white eonqueroia.
ncfaolt havini; Ix-en uisdc
condilionK of a certaiu nvencai ■sail.
wh .1
Osenr M. Morse
Morse, liv wife.* Jolnllv. of Trsv<-r»»
CIl}-. Mlchlsan. 1.1I Khbard Huflbul oi
.Jat.-d Ibe ei.-v
IMde Couniv.
('oumv. Florida.
enlh day of Sctrtci ibvr. A. D.. Ih"h.
and recorded In the oBi.w- ot the Iter
Ihe '('ounl.v
ni V ol
later of tlc-ds (or
inJ T
c( of lui.rt
. ..
le d
dai<o lie due al (he
tuerc is claimed to
ai of Sv'enteci)
of tills notice the
e tienth. and ui>
ItoUars anr
altorncv * I
a raid moriutc. i
provided (u
airlt or proceedings at uw iiav ms i>-s'ii
UioiieV!. sv
cured by paid nioitgaite or auy i-ai t
Now. tbe-n-fore. bv v Iiliie of 111.- |iOW
er of rale <v>iilaln>-d in said maanto
and the siaiuie in surh «as«- made aad
provided, notice is hcivby given lhai
on Sriurday, the Fifteenth day oi
June. A. D, IMS. at ten o'.i.H-k 4n ih.
forenoon. 1 shall rail at imbllc au. Ilon
to the blgbesi bi-iaer. al tbe Nonb
l-'roui door of the Court lloiuK- In tl)c
Cllv ot Traverse Clt;. Count,
Grand Traverse. .Michigan, (that being
he place where Ihe Clnuii Olnrl for
aaid Ckiumy of Grand Traverse it
held), tbe prcnilMss de»trll»d in raid
n»rlgage. or so much thert-of as may
be oec-ssarv to »«y the amount .luc
iwirtga*.-. with seven iwr ee
Inierotl. and all legal costa, log.ih
with an atrorney's fc of Twehlj-Kl
Dollar*, as provided by law and a*
venanled for Ihereln.-lbi- prenii»e>.
Ing descr
Eawt 'Tbir
Ilow*. to-'
I-'CH-I of toi
Tliree and tine-Thli
Oak IlclgUls AddIKfirly-Three
Hie Ciiy of Traverse Cii>. ae
.-onling lo tbe reioid.-d ptal tbcnvil
ly of Grand Travel's.- and
Slate of Michigan.
Daled af Traverse Dlv. Mklilgaii
New Venture a
Sunday, May 26
Train will Iciive Traverse
City ill 8 ii. m. Returning,
leave Reioskey at G n. in.
Round Trip Far* T«
Elk R.*ipids. 40 centsTto Petoskey. $1.
may 21-23
Have to iatrat i
>iner>' and raanufar. _.
in up-to-date designt 1____
roo^ atone.
I’rompt atte
spven all orders no nstlcr I
small Call or write tor pro
^ W.
Tvwsress I'iiyiNtth■
Doth phones No. AM.
Traverse Gty
Stale Bank
Capital.......... ...J 2M.000.M
Surplus................ * 11)0.000.00
Resources over.......$2,300,000.00
in this
haye the satisfaction of knowiiijl
by the largest amount of Capital of any hank
this p.iri of the State.
per cent
Accounts and Certificates of Dtfjwbil.
I tend upon him the degree otMaatm- of Science, and the Sutc Norr
the degree of B. Ptf. in recognition of the work he had done.
■. .Wo have watched with interest hk efforts to or^ite and build
ip^agrkaltura and the allied intmsta.
Not only have we in the
r Mmd Trhvene B^on, where Ur. Hdden was reared, been iuU.-r|
in hk wbrii, but the ratire nation has come to regard hhu as
«Mive, nover destructive.
re WashlnBton by scroplanc.
His work k eoti-
He k an advance thinker with the
J. jgCidai of an inventor and yet eminently practical,
lie is chuck full
F^'pctesal enthusiasm and magnetism which k infections, aud be
pMdmnt for work equalled by few.
r^teo Wc to Urn to undertake.
No job that need doing
Most men who have attained to h'ts
B mmm sroold have dSelined the invitation of the progressive and.
i *IWllirtC ffrirtihliriiif and bnnness men of Iowa, his adopted stale,
to Governor.
The ordinary man would have said; “No.
yon, I will rest on my laurela,” and bask in the aunahine of
iqyproval or directed hk exeeptiooal ability to the fields of
Be, srfacre large salaries are paid for the aervlces of men of
lea abUHy.
mi l'. (tarliuid. au
But it must be borne in mind that Perr>- G.
k tte vhe ordinary man. He is extraordiui^ in that he docs
■ not work to penwnal gain, wealth or aggrandisemi-ut hut for human,
.New York. Way Bl.^^ol I*eck. tlic aged
died at hit hoim- on lUiiiiati'
well known yonns avlilor. bus axed
ue Tui-aday.
Is, survived
iron inornloK a.-- the time (or be- by a wife, four aon« and oneiilausbtcr
fttnntnx hli altempl to csrr.v 100 I'onenil services will Ik- held from the
pounds of matt matter from tliU city
• pnUic henefactw and take pride in hk success.
. Me. Holden k a developer and a builder.
The ex-
iwrtmeat lias tbe sanclioD of (be
postoVire dc,iarui»tit an.l »ll! be
watebod with much tweresl by tlic of_____ I. npocUlUv In view ot Ibe fart
ibst tbe rerrnt iirogress made In the
•cleiice of avtallon baa eKen ilw to
home at U o'clock %Vednc*-day mornafter which'file renalns will
taken to Qk Rapids (or burial,
tarland wa,i a meuil«r i>f (be U. A. K.
the boiw tbat ntllmatcly tli* rrcular
ninveyenee of miJ by this means
mar be pranlcaWe.' In order to conply with the U» Peek bas been swonx.
of Grand Tra.i'.-se. it,a
place ol hol-ilng ih.- cir.
raid cotinl. on Saturday. Htc 2»th day
Into Ibe poBUl nervlce -asd his wn- done' that It be constructed Si feel
of June A. 0_ H12. at ten o'tieok
chine OB Itt deiwtturo from New York wide between gutters and that tbe the fereneen of aaid day. all iho*e <r,tmacadam. Tbe lain tan.l» in raid crni'-. ai.d,ln l..«n
for the capital wU fliy n peanant tsar- material be larvla
twenlv-clght, north-ol ram:.- H;n s
motion waa carried.
log the worda. "'I'. 6. Mail" ,
and descril-ed lu raid -iccr.-e'»s
Tbe reflueat of John nuiaot for
dtr water main o
on tsike Avenue w:
leferred to (h^co
t this
. ity at large. In deciding to allow the use of hk name to go lieforu
to Iowa primaries yon ean be stm that he did so because of a con
i' 'MAmo that by so doing be could he of the greatest service to his
Btato and to peoide therein.
Mias Joaephlne Uorvfs. of CypreM
Mr. Holdett baa alwa^ia bemi a aUuneh Republican and a be-
- 'Ua*«r
in the
rr«r to
uie pnncipicB
uf the RepubUean Party.
In to B^nblican party of Iowa are many great and good m’en.
but never before has the party in that SUU bad a chance to nomiMta a better man for. governor.
In nominating him at the pri-
.Mcica next month, they will be doing their party and )hcir State
mor -and will start a movemeDt for a "Greater and Better
" that will put the State in the lead industriaUy, tocially and
street. Is suBering today with a Udl«
sprained ankle at a rcanlt of roller
skattax Tneaday. In company with
', The qneaticn before the Republican voters of Iowa ia. can tbey
telltfVM tte iraent of raking above factional or partkao pedi-
atelbdate.-to pvpk’s,candidate, and not the candidate of aivy
• ar
We lliehigao |>e<^e will await the
■ atf to pcimarka IB lowp with a freat deal of interest
EXPBTS ME 111 SESSM(Coatlnned from page one.)
The Belten delegation will be beaded
and will also Include Ylicbel Bogaerl
insriuve alipped. causing Uie
I oDe abate to catch on the other and Charles' Meriena of BraaaeU and
oe. Tbe aprala la a bad Me In
Pool Bneff of Antwen'- Italy »»l be
enelally repreeented by Banjuat dt
Tenlada. Carlo Valemini and Ignaxio
Inrteae: Sweden by a delegation bead
ed by CoL Predertek WUhelm Hansen.
pletely t
tasgat iartioeal politiea and vote at tha^trimanea Jnne 3rd not for
.w^tednominafing a man that k dkt'metivel.v the business men's
couate for tbe Injury It tbat her
.Tbt **ff!Mirtri1” or the "Insorgent” candidate, or for any fartiou.
Naaar before have the volets of Iowa had an oppor-
two other girls Uin NorrU wae ck-vi- noted experia. Great Britain's dclcralag oo-ibe aldewalk of Sooth Elmwood
will be bMded by Ueui- Col.
A. Torke, chief Intpector of railroads.
aveane and tbe only
way abe
root :
h«l*to lawa.
:i—ihura ti
111 purwvan.e of a d.i r.-v- .>t Ibi- Pit
111 fourl for the m.ui.i> of .irai.-I
Travi-rse .in .lian.-.-i>, ;ii
lere.1 on Ihi- Till da> of
Ibi:. wherein FraB.-I* G. I
Ada K. ps'l
Ilolleriijund. l-'rank Alk-i
S Alien ar.-^rt.-n-lai
Nolhv- Is h.^i> tgiven, ibal i.\rk.KUbt-.-riber, I
> of Gran.I rta"
«-r ol Hie M
.-rra. shall
vendue .to
fiuot door I
Mr. and Mrs. J.
Haggard. »7 Bontb ElmireBd. i
wedkal attentlOB
where tbe yanna lady It new eoafl
This la the Brat areldest to be rci
ed since xbe rotter
WraA Travem CUy.
Stoekholm. presideDt of tbe royal
ratioB of bydranJic power.
Among other noted delecnies-wlll be
M. V. E. de TlaeaoS and Gen. «e
sarnknlaky of Biiaain. M.' 2oiun de
KohMrt of HongaiT. CluW
noted luUan expert and many otberoj
at a point iior.li 1.1 Wgrees M' nilniit--» i-a-i
from the "luart.-r i*n-i lo-iw..eii ortT
Hons M and
town fS- nonli range
lu west, and ninnlng itienre south ir.
degrras I" mlBiiie.-. ew*U to Ibe east
and w,,i quarter line. r. and 'e
• hain*: ihep.-e east along raid quar
line K, an.l d1-l<>- .hain* to a slake
and JS-too chains west of the .-en
quarter lust of sevlion
e iK-tw
chain* to the
ini IT .
sr-^ions i: and ft. ai a lotni
rf-lftO chaina
thence west t..................
4 and 2M«o chains to the meander
posi on Craod Traverse bas ; thence
south S-) degrees
se»i, along ihe
shore to a iiplnt in and
chain* to rontcr
of the blgbwnv,
greei nod » minute* we«i. 12
and H one hundredth! cheini
eoont) 1
place of bealanlag. ia
of Mlcb
Grand Traveiwe and a
nrtult Court Ccmmiraloner.
COt'lU.1. A CROaS.
SoUcliorw tor Complainant
Traverse City • State Baak
The LftOe Wonder
A Z/, h. p. OaaoUrw Engtoa
Cylinder luro, f Imbra: airok» *'*
laebdA Gaud droin. beat maidriai.
Hopper cooled. Weight, 5o0 Iba. SUrl*
eaxily. ruai atead.ly: U eotomlenl.
relUble, flura'ula gnd complto wit*
pulley. ga*oUne tank, tmuefr- «*"
■wluh. wired ready to run your mw
m™cr'^dJtr»ithlo Hidtoiwvitr »f
.Kvupic* sx:ti fsel. Prtra|76.
Farm Scenes
Why not get doas widi a
Kodak? Eastman Kpo|ak Co.'s
compleu line Sl.Ofki^ $20.00.
Catalogue Free for t^e ask-ing.
Car. »P»t iratj»l*w Ste.
- Hiw esE
CUMR H. r.>TNO. a.
« at »ehMi te 6oIm No. S FM>r •'!»
pleaie dlsoer ou tb« main featore
iCadar R F. &.Ko. i. Mar J0.-T*o and a food tlM br tboo* prcaeaL
;Ortom, Mar ».-Mr. aad Mrs. W.
•• ar« hortQ la «kit M
tgr*. Oatentoek and bar t«o aoo. H. Beemaa called on Mr. aad Mia.
>>r«daa far cram and tnitt trM Tbay
xiaTam, chy morad oato ibair Charles Frits of West Kaoaea Frida;
baib araiaRWimac.
Frank Wilson of Orlatt was tb
homa Um laat vaak. toriMrlr ownad
' • Mika flUmaatki vaa aoUftad Pii- br N- V. (tarrlBfton.
Cnesi of Frank Wicdns and family
dby aoraiac ol bis daacbtar Mair-s
a waa la Tmroraa.aty. ,
da Is rhliinc wil^reiatlree at Osborn
aad Oviatt this wwk.
Mr. and Mrs. Sate Duly of Aitnlra
ate dinner with Mr. aad MrsTJoha
f,»4^ fc** »*WWT.
Kanu Sunday.
i»aa ail kUlad oc tbe Uda tem
I ***“•““* •*»< taiareR 4i crovkic
John Knnu and wife ws« Empire
Mra-.WIU Cbam .ad Dm Wailar
risKors Friday laorelnc.
qronte Parker and tanlly mpred'
Bmiiire Junnlan last week,' Wedaea-
■ ‘J"- -
It appaan vary
mails of the haBoUag
Mgt Tawtay wHl
that tba
: and t$BB.|
Elcd In his oEito nbd tL _
or wherd tho g
toNwetton. rutooh to Wl
rldtottoa of the to* aM4
gnllty parttoa wto b« paato^ 1
Thto baa nevur bon doM 4 f
>mRy and the ruearOa th
jatoly ara not cMvItt^
by tha-soeeat
primarr etoettoaa
vdt masaams allaee that tbea Un
r or any i
uiTFiiiui^ mam
votes away from the Roooereh OckThe roanlt. as tlw'polHteiaas flg- TRAIN SCHEDULES SUiRlNDtO
ON RAILROADS. are it. may bs sneh a dlvlshm of the
aaU-Taft vote asoag the three tickett as to give the Taft ticket la tbea
itricts an easy plur Water In Saginaw River Hm RoacA
Higheet Paint In Veara. Othar
Streams In Sams CeaOah Park Mothers I
Mrs, Bert Reynolds of West
RCS^r Oemeeratte Orpaniiatlon
-A. M. Wbita has liaprorsd.Us pro'^'Ir7^V ^.7,'.71
Strogglinc to Oofatt Oovaraar
parly by pu««i«. u-^ ^ ouiiiBa ^ " Aacnsi oa .Kasaon Freeman a Tlslted a,i tbe borne of Mrs. Frank
Beemsn last. weak. Vedoesdar
WMsan-Strang Array Llaad
a nao aroond tba lot
Icoaoty tor a pobHe park on b«nUBagtosw. Mty —Damags esOmai• Uarria t.aCore o
[ rm Glen Imka Improremenu and
1 at half a rntmoa and many fam- The last HMeUag of tba ygw «» >
atomber ot the 0. A K. Mopla Chy '
:nres can be'amnced
nire bomelra to the rmH of tbe tho Oak Park Motbera' etoh was MO >
Yas honored Saturday by a birthday '
Trentoa. N. J.. May SI.—With tbe
>lKht wbaa yonVa la bat aet moch la
- the school ■
; SocNl la Batten Htchip
CACH LOCALITY RAIOINS CCIIPjmy. circa by ibe W. R. C. Memlook at troSB tba oaUMh-^CUca# prlmuT elections less than a weak
twatonatomem was twstohd* to J
r yeuly ^stba^nc*ynars. AH the rivers aad atrai— ..
bars from this way auendiuc.
sway, when tbe voters of New Jerse>'
three times ibr nonnat sixe. la Fnnk tbe fifth grade, a ptoao soto to 0
Bill hare a chance to express s presl1
enmBth. Midtoud. Alma snd Freetond gta Hans and a nedtoUag
ferenee, the esmptien U
Barber. Tbe Vegntor hMO
praple are travellag about to
rspfdir derelopinc Into .one of the TAN Will EmMo Ormors to U
and many were forced » deeert. their eeoalMi followed wtu otaOJoa to to- ’I
most rlyoroai pollticsl struccles tbe
•attor Marttot in ^artoM
itog aa f
a Tbe railroad here susw
Stole has wltnetaad In years. Ookmel
Mrs. B. F. Barber;. Oiat etc* $
Roosevelt will befla a wbiriwind toor
wasboou. .No it
a has bea 1 dent. Mrs. Ed Hardy: MBOto fl« .j
of tbe Stole tomorrow, laterthe
or,out of Flint or Saginaw for tbe pruaMeat. Mrs. Ci Bvecatt; iiiiMiQ /
week President Taft wlB#be beard hi
aad treasuiwr. Miss ItoaHko Ctan-'*
The several sections of Watom past two dan .
a number of-the prlacIpBl cMira. Seahere reactiad tho twenty land.
HhMignn have airody ba«aa to
Blor I.AFoflette also is planninc
Mrs. WatUna gave a rwrr tot*
foot stage hut an fauJHtoS r^iort
mump the state. Goveraor Wnson. oa lallxe in tbe matter of raiaiag fmtt. one
od yeL
lag paper on ‘-lanucMo to Bavl
wUl romlnne bU The Oceana aad Hasoa oountf. sacmam on tbe Body, tjaart and I
tbe nlxbt before tioas are becoming great paa^ proto the Child.- She was teUoffto
primaries, flchtlny hard tor tbe
Jfra. Rees who took ter her ■_ _
doeing regions; and the emuitry
r-^HKiri of bis home stole.-When U tbe Child Bduetoed." ftol
Those who -follow miKies confess about Ludingtoa to atoo gatolag fane
mothers gave s risiag vMa to IkoalN g
(heir luablllly to predict tbe outcome beewme of its aBslI fralu. Its herto 8upL Tyter tar*to tottrot to Mm |
of either the
>ies aad ewraota The Frankfort MIGHTY SWEEP WAS HADE
dub dortog Che pato year «nd tog.h ^
crmtlc rbmest In Xew Jersey with any section is becoming u great
book ehlttlod "Heir Dihool^ wtoto <
ileereeof.certolmy. In tbe r<
ssented at a recant megttoo - >
Iks the Taft forces and the Rooterote to thaake was nt
e followers are llRhtioc tooth aad peach that tbe town twmerly known Opponenta of Judge Lindeey and Hay. Mrs. Sanborn for her to
nsli for every Inch of the crouiid. New as South Frankfort bos chsaged lu
or Arnold Gwamped by 20^
to the etoh tortog the 3
Jersey Is the Issl of tbe states hsrlnx oaine to Klberik. Benxie eotinty Is
000 Plurality.
past three years. Mra. VhMh -to \
atoo a cherry sertMi.
la Craiid
iderabte numerirsl reprem
deeerrlng of eopedal omdlc.tor too4
Traveree conaly tbe apple becomes
tbe Bstlonal coaveBUoa
>utk« to bulbs aaeiigttom
elect delenles auH sa a rousequeace
Denver. May 2J.—Practically v«aTies and e
hejwo rival csdidsiei emertoln a
returns from yesterday's rnunletratoM
to dm
seen anxiet.r to score a victory here.
al ?TJctlon show that tbe cilisens re- ■oot su^^^ia tolmwm
The onanlulioB forces are strong
form ticket headed by Henry J. Ar- wtion ol the HoUhtb- eJtiM
or the renomlnatloB of President the orchard. .Furthermore tbe apple Btod for.msyor. aad Judge Bea LindTaft, and have aelecied former So- acreage about Traverw aiy to very aer for Jorealle Judge, woe by
-whelmtog plurality eatimated
>reme roan Joatlce Gilbert Collhis. large and is inereastog rapidly. The
former Governor FranUUt. Murphy, Ut-vor who wants a carload of peaoh- SO.OOO.
can get them In seamra. witbtm
rmied Slates Senator Fiank O. Brii»f
and P. Ws'vUnd Ayer, the Camden dlfflculir nt Hart. Ludlugton or Frank
Htod Lato MoMthf to I
county leader, at tbedelecates-at-Urce fort; mad thp buyer who wants a car
. .$V. .
to gpreseul the stole in lbs lntere« load of cherries can get
Frankfort pr Traverse; and
yif^esident Taft.
The toto moetm7 to too Omumi
yromlnent men also are to be foimd buyer who wants a eirkmd of'agyHa
Mbcbers' aab was boU In Shn J
to the Roeserelt camp. Anoec tbe has but to go to Travew City, Northergartea room Tnasday. na,|
number are former Governor'Fort. Pori, or Old Mission.' Wlthla Oie
lug was called to order by |ho |
few years the speclsIUes for the
«bo Would like to receive a cableet
dem and opened by s
lK>rth la tbe event of Reeaerelt's elec
tbo Lord's prayer. Thi
tion; former Governor Stokes, wko as
sUied of ame well cbo
pires to tbe I'niied Stoles senstor- be meatloDed offhand. aad osmas «s follows:
shiif: former Stale Senator Erer^
Boelmusn Marjorio Htom.
rolbr aad Bordea Whiting, president
BecimtMa-May Hanso.
. , . .ff
'rangers of Kslkaska county
of the New Jersey Republic
Song-Harold Otbho.
Kxcrlslor Grange hall, la
gressive league.
RerimUea-lfma HaMIcto
fasten part of tbe county yeoterOn the democratic side there Is not
Rortmtioa—Margaret Mcto
da.v. and ttunched a mowmeot tbs' >t
) much flreworka being set off. PARADE and' program M
desUaed fo bring Kalkaska w.
though the reguUr orgaalution. which
Tbe elertjem of offlceto wiu MBtol
Is battling ngnlnst Goveiw Wilson,
up and too Mtowlag ottotoff
Is working hard la every seetlon ol ExereicN Witt Be Htid In City Opera
^ *
the stale. Tbe aDtI-WIIson men are
on the Aftemoen
FTMldeat—Mm. ft ft Wkttm
coBlfdeai that they will win more than
of May U.
^ 1st Vice PruaMeat-Mra. UUTf’
half onhe entire state delegnUoa of
Preparations are being made by beea cleared of tbeir hardwood rimiweniy«ighi. and tna.r elect every maa
sA' vica PMttdaat-ftrA iim-.
and glre promise of becomini Thtapsoo.
ihers of the O. A R. and Mher
t<cl up against the Wilson candidates.'
» of tbo toest farm lands la the
chiefly becaVse the organluilen of the patrioUc socieUeo for Memorial Day
eoartoaiy-Mn. C Rslto.
will be obsened to tbe usual state.
tVIlsea adherents is not anything like
Troaowar—Mra. BroflM. j
that of the experienced mlillctons namier on May 20. The prt^m
Exaeutlra eoamatmo-V# flaw
who are making tbe ll^t against the for tbe day's exercises Is as follows;
tooDd, Mrs. Jatrisn. Mra. Ohto
The Poai and Relief Corps will meet llvliies enlarged as rapldlr as coadlgovernor in his bome state.
lAS Hornsby gars a Tsrp
wairant Tbe >\'hsmra
The Irlends of Governor Wilson vet ; the post room on May 30
Uve and Inierastlng talk oo .•Uttk
NlrtHgsu Dei-rtopmeat Bureau was
hmre TaHh In tbeir nblUty to send n ortoek n the momiog and go from
Readlag for ChUdran.- Mr. Horntot 1*^
presented at this ghiDge meet lag by
delegation fsroring him to the
saM toot chUdran sbsold md nmay
R H. Enswerth. who explained what
lae ha token H 'opon blmseif
kinds of' llieratare. sndi as pootty.
Blsh automobiles for the ladles o' has been done In the way of ergaiilr. travoL tostwy. fairy mlea arthna
the W. R. c. and Ladles AuxUlary lag progress clubs, which bos be^u and fiction, ta regard to tbe rodlnc
Char■ the Spanish War veterans to 1
of ftrtkai It abouM be well cboaa and
levoii county Chamber of (-«BBefce;
them to the cemetery aad return.
but little aa a tolld who rods
and wbat bat been done for Antrim
'At : o'clock .the procealoti
MKhlag but Action oill navor tlfdtoA
form o» tbe comer of Washlagtoa roumy through im board of aupergreat ihmker. The ehUdran nMR.
vlsors and wbat
bewa done for
tad Boardraau areaue.
raarx* can oa Washington to Wd- Grand Traversi region through the for Mr. Hornsby thinks tost retotog.
4vtoo; Bcrrth on Wellington to State; Trar. rse City Ehtifd of Trade. It is which eaaMes a tolU to crania or do
u>SL^n State to Park; north on Park more than likely that the Kal
something to his owe. Is mmA bat
i» Front; we« on Front to the City people will get some advertlaiai
ter.reading than that wkli* —Wf a
In the early futare that can
(i|>cra bousu where a program will
child do nothing but col .dp m on
cstrried-oot connUOng ofr reVdit be used to Bead to people who make easy chair snd read cominusUy.
special inquiry regarding thejr landa.
of General orders, music and
Id an a
Children should also read good
<ire« by Mm. J. J. Gray.
All societies are cordially iurlted to
and In tbe con
take part In the parade. The ranks
uf the 0. A R camtot be recrulted.
Tbey are growing thlpber every
;ear and the time- is not far dismal
d a abort aorlat Uoa olayad.
Widows m Seeure Their
•bcB they shall have pasted
•««.80 ault valuM at Slp.»0
Tag Eaamptien.
'be great dlvkla
All; »h>»e
TbU line'couipruu-t- siiiu
Sl.vlifch Iw., or liir.'c biilfon coat mod
"rhan vvinild want to wear. No matter
Act No, m. pHhilc Art* of 1411
el*;. .-hoM-,- «.r Kuniir.K.f liliiP m-rpe. striped
the old nag. which has 'kieiix.jeuchyour occuimlion. it will .w-rtninly
prorides for oxemptloe of cerum
worKliHis. fancy canimercsniid twc.-<ls;
ed the ground, be wHh us 00 that day.
jiny you ^o select your spring suit from
real esisla from mxatloo. The gtwri^ or mohair lining. All |•.•rf.■rIlv tailthe pen;>ie of Trarene City toe
nniong Ibis line
aw«>rtiiienl. of- lilne aisl
coptloD of real estate 10 the value of
ori-ti with ih.toc neat fin«hi«iK louche,
paifloiUm hu not altoffstber diod SLOW used aad owned u' a homestead
-rpSi. worsl.-iis. enssimeres and
wliirh sum] out proiiuiu-nlly in ,-vcrv
out and comfort the beeru of the re- by any soldier or sailor of the federal
Mvc«-*ls in Igarm.-nlK
aaiari anil. All Kircs.
malniug few, that their services rend- govsraB>ent Vbo served three nwalhs
ered from ISCMSCS are sot forgottpe. or atore during the civil or Mextcaa
aperial meeUng to toe Onnd
Come Out and march •
or the wife or widow of suck Traverse Coualy Medical •odily was
the llrini that you appreciate soldier or allor There Is a provi- held Tuetoay evening ta Ike ottea to
M. Wilhelm.
ttrwUsm and fidelity dertng alOB la this however to this effect
the dark hours of the tebeliioa.
any soldier or sailor, or the wife '' Dr. H. TburteH read a paper on
Newest Bpriag Fha|>M in all
Those who win march in the arade or widow of such soMler or sailor de Pcileilria maBsic. Dr. J. BrokMoa
New paiiems s< 4Se. Me and
Sale F|»c
colors snd styles, during tbe
on that day wUJ be aaslcned a place siring to accept the benefits as
of Kiogaley read • puper ffn mdin
tSc. worih toTl.:i.**Mm with
t.4S: tSSO Dress
scfiaraiB soft ceoltars.
la the comma by notifying the imr aemptloa from usatlon. shall make s case of neoriisls. Dr. a ft GkaM
ti r.9'' Good KhskI and
^ lot of .Men> K
•Work fVnIs
ishal of ihe Day,
II S5 aad
10 Per Cent Off.
aad file with tbe suiwrriar or asaess. reto a paper oa the pathology to ty
Sblrta at «Se each.
tIJiu pair.
fever. The papers wera all
B. P- Newhowe. Com.
tag officer an affidavit smtlag under
followtd by dlscssaSoea. An laCorml
n‘. W. Doa*.-'
oath that be was a aMler or
lUBcheoB waa serv^for the federal govsnuaeui durt;
civil or Mexicna war. for a period of
at ■portal aaii grtaaa
lea than three naetha. or said
Nowaoro a ths g
■ I ■ II I
toere rigOMa
wife or widow of soldier or sailor
wiltme bum t • land to Bahai Bkw
•mm that she Is toe -wife of wi
dow. "rte old affidavit ahall
I to before the aaperrtoor or as-
Ironing Comfort
The Noel
$^-Aeafing Flat Iron
A saver of
i Wha^ the Noel Self-HeaUng Flat Iron is and Does
II alves ae even, o
■ bealal mhmt
! l-5c cost per hour
Heal Is easUy regataled
Handle is always cool
Absolutely safe and weighs only 5 1-2 pounds
No wires or tubes hanging to get in your
The way to prove our asserlon is to get one at
The Big* Store
and try it.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Clothing Sale
At $10.90 and $16.50 we show the greatest
nun HIE imunT
vetoes lor am and Vonns Mea nus City lus ever aeon
- /.
Otter Ms at 18J1, Sms md $20-ttat were $12iO,18,2Sfi$28
Best olOottisgfor
'Crand Trav6rse Region
Btayed over uaUl-Monday, batnra golag to bar boou at Maple fUr. Tbta
cloaad o vary aueeaaafnl ivo yoart for
Wiaa Dea-lng aad
wn« all aorry
lOnad to tba booaa aavaral vaaka to have bar go.
klalrta Artllp «ad famUy of Grawn
aa the malt of a bad fall
Harry Frliz, llalan rolaareb and rWiiad a weak ago Buaday vUh O.
Fraacca BaKi atiaodad
tba ISsbtb
Utaa LaeretU Bondoraoa. ae
srada aianioailOB at Cadar flty Mat
W at tkc cluae tt aebooL
. aad Urm. Jakn Kalwali pre
•wtr »8 honor of tbr tearhrr. MUa waak.
Floraoca AHra waa bonia fron
. am. Batarday ctmIbs. a Ursa
acbool oiar Sunday.
kaaai sttohdail and a>l raponad
lUarr atea Uma. W» aJI ragral vary
■MB to bara MUa Slarant laava,
uilad ber two brotbera. Roat and
Gilbert, to tbair hona la
lAka. week before laat.
Tbay all r»
turned bera laat «roM- The boya letl
Mra. .Vonnan Nevnaa U aiiB.
Gao. banb racalrad irord of the Tueeday. Rota atartlag for tba waat
wbile Gilbert Ipft for Detroit, where
• baa apent tbe pa
iA4 ha»a to bara bar bark nait yaar. daa^ ot bU daushier. Ulllan. Ir
Waablnroo. raaanlly. Wa all aym, 9lra. fiarrr -TThalaB apaai Saiurdar
patblia with tba (amlly lii tboir be
nd Saaday la Travarae Cltr
Mr*. John rex aad
Mr. Potta. an expert on alfalfa’rala■an eollara at
ins. addranaad a delegation of
era at the baU on tbe<kv«nlog of
'Mrm. Jaam Siailar and Mra. Kattln -lb. •
CMh'U wera Travaraa City eallan
May 31.
Miai Barer of Ubirogo. came
urday for a few daya vlalt wilt
brotbera (Mar and Sigurd. She Mft
Tneaday morning for bar eld borne
I Norway.
Fife Lake Department
T m ront under ISM.
C. A. Hammond
1 .of the
We innt te i
I ewi
end raqarov
reqnett that
tons au
ell items w
of penonnl ead
U be
interat bepeat
gent toto Miu
Miu Dewey
tacorporsted in tbe Depertnent.
neat. We ei|kecisDy
sad the
uk thst_________
cbnrdie*. fretemel1 godetieg
Onage faniltb itoat of iateregt ia their retpective omaintiong. Mewi of godnl eveati and eatnHiwurota, improventgaU beiag made or contem
plated, aad bagiaeu chaafea, and Iraaiferg in
real eetate ia town and conntry are eapecially
V PraelK
icllee. lacludlna Col
Ma« N.connina
TiIlaceof»e Lake.battoti I gnrronading coantry.— Editor Herald.
Mra. Hull of Traverae City, vlalled
with her daughter. Mra.
Cotiducted by MIm Mae Dewey.
Tbs Olaniert iniilated
nembera at tbeir last mr. H. Smitb and family. Ura. Smith • Mra. E H. Footer went
her home
Tueeday Wednesday.
Thr rvenlnx waa apent it
plii'ink and matte
new large tract of tend on S»-.
1 out 1*00 fruit in
bat been wy
popirtar 111 tauh ih>« , victnltT ant
.'i-we y'H'.-h...iiig liern employed
>e llliniib-ui I'lolhlng More, aa
«r*pher. -fw tome length
vri'h'wiia lielBg in afteudance. The;
Mrs. J. J. Xelbart
rendi ri-tl acvgral
whh: llniean. la apendibg the week with h-r
ih >ppreclaled.
Mr\ and Uie Kywelka are mafcm.
tear Maot Simday at Cbattar rox'a.
Mayfield. »aDE oevcral of ‘peedy prefuiraiion* lo imwe on a
^d^ (Yeek school closed WedoesHtian B«rr of l.ake Ann waa
Sira. Al'llllS Naggs <.f Traverse r'ily Ihf rw.piilar M.IIX* wbi.-n eyerr one farm a ^on_ di-uti. e riioni tb« bit
'.MUi Marla tellay ratonted bomo
day. (or tbe summer.
Int ralatlreg at tbla place from Thurawas the gueat of her mother. Mro. I) iSUO'-td. aiul Wat hi'.viiify appUuded
VrMar, aftar apanSlax iba wtoiar in
* parenta. yIicra~4liio «m faegis
Mias Blonom Morris returned i
Hay until Sunday.
McAle>. a few days tbe past week.
tbe lodge by rifling the No. MS lodge
ravaraa Cltj. They were '
RoIh-ci Ib-F.-tmcy aud J. S. Hrown their,_llfe work tog-aber
*r home near Copemlsh. Tburnday
Mlu l.oti>e Payne attended
l.eon Hills fatally •.(
Traverae r riiy.
Mr. Mallor> vant trout nahiag ona
• ill ■hars^'-xa The lotiheoii. au.f tbe recipleou of uiau> beaunful. tg
Eighth grade examination at Honor.
P. H. BernstelDe
froin Wlerooain. are rooting on to Ifaeii
brotbera aad Bicteri were in attenSAar Mat weak and munad
he I. ii n. P have a wide reach well aa isially piew-nta Ibey liaiV-ya
Thuradar and Friday el laat week.
farm here, fonnerly owned by Jos.-ph
from that lodge and with the Chirago. Wedneaday.
^«ta a tea cauA
of frietula whowJab il.cib leni*
■tpauiitui lju- Their imicbi-ous.
Mra. W. H. Beeman and datqditer.
ibern fraoi Ihit lodge and thelf
Evaugellei E.** E. Mierat of Grand Wolfe, ar.
. _M lily Go&bc la tpaadlns tho
one didn'l fall thart ol thegueat't
bapiiiiHaM and .pm>i»Tii>
icMra. Wm..Kelierhnuae, left Tueada:
FYank Dell of Chicago. Mailed
taraillee and M- D- Paul and wife of Raplda, waa tbe gueat of Rey. and
aAak la Travarn City.
ex|>e,Valloiii> An oonthin cl ibia kind gelber.
(or KalamaxAo to rliii reliilvea.
Mra KIta While's a tew d^vs the Iset la |i::i.'Uially the only •litiiov The
tbompaonrille. it made nearij
May II.
N '
Mrs. A. W. Baker, Thursday.
May il.
Mlia Paollne Keever and
who partook of the good time a^d
Wm. Oab(4i waa m fadlllac on of the week. Mrs. Elale Eaaimaii a. then bat’i-^ rlMiwinu iheir wivew ilielr
ronipauied him back In Chicagu.
good (hliuM to eat.
Here'a hoping
uilnros Thursday.
ablliiy lu the -■iliiiary lltii'.
Uta Mittlar meetUg ot the Kaaaon aiamlnagon at Empire laat weak.
Mlases Millie Aniell
anil llessl-they may all eoine aaln some futnre
O. 1. Boynton came up from Clana'
I.. Johnnon. of CadlRae, w ho
Reeepliofi lor Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
W, IV. WllaoD and daughter Head
CtOter Grange
at ball tbe evenHodges tlsUevI at ScMitli Ikuirdiuan
IV s few days this we«dc.
ilatiinx bei sinler, llraf (\
ot May II. wlib an unuauatly paased ibrauMi hare fram Orlatt
Miaa Nanry -Olaon left Monday for
Nelaiiii. naiirnr-il to lu-r buDe KaiurThera la no school In the primal? Salur'lay and Sunday.
•ttoBdaaca.^-The reguUr too- tbeir way to Empire, one day laat Traverae Cli>',.wbere etae baa employ- room thU weeto Miaa -Befry being
Misses Alta Tlionw
ltd Suturd.iy
Hm taalneas «ia dona, altar which weak.
lliitchlnii tisltcd the fol-mer's broih.-r
ent at ike Path hotel.
The ■(•-' i Ibigstinm of I'bicaeo.
WlleJl'ilbHUl'li'l .. ■ heir frfeiid.
Mr. and Mra. J. E, Oaborp ware
fa tea pngran « reading. rec^uUona.
A I^WIney is slowly Ini- ami fauiil.r nl l.sH-lsvMle.
Mias Treaaa
iec-uidi-l (hr jMilpIt . jo Ibe .Swedish
f Mr Well
tlilll-'liwT III The
■Mie aad g dldroarlon on bean col- tba gnaata of Mr. and Mra. Fred Beathe w'eek.
Mlm-ibli < (■•sdh Sunday uturninr. and
I- liivllaliutiii
taw waa csrrtai one It being Bra. Lian at Ovialt, Sunday.
The ladles of the M'. «• «’• are »‘!l<1 ffSailbc
Mr, and Mt. Olenn Dibert of I.
Rev. HaakUa and wife of Empire.
watutr’a biittda.v. tbe Udlea hid
Ing licki-is on a worsled <|iillt wlih-ii
ingr<«Mm..te(|trday night
to (1(10 Joi-.'L wlu, lw> b.-enXutaKH)ff
1 re*'e|i1 (oil,. The'
uwi • tee ^nefa'^wby of b'bup nalM on frianda bare Saturday laat'
they have on eaWbllkHi at Jaa Jonas'
ims lYallt'k returned iroin is-c
tbeir paraus..
hi, M-ier. Mn- 1' ««,n. letitrned to
^etj pu-li^ly tlei-uruu-il i» blue an■tlM and an boor or two Aaa apent ' The cormpondeni wfihea ts
Itiver. M'iacoBsln. teturduy.
Mr. aad
John BaltenlleU an]
white. ei<|*eclall5 for the lecj-ic.n
ireei a nliiaka made lavt week about
a oodal good Uim
On Sunday six o( uiir young
Fred Pratt yeturned- Ui Travern
yira''*; T. r-ilck. Jr. b'li la-1 week
aon Glenn, and Jacob BatlenSeld and
Tbe eteiiliig wna fin-iiT ui |>nu:rv>ini<
Omt Bartfa BOTfd fab family over the death of Mra. l-'rank AdauH. aa
wuf-ktd their, way to Suiilh llbat.l
City. Friday. '
lie.lro, and diiioiiig. whhh wax gr««i fd a lea WjwW«' ilell with bei laMeiSs
ibrauMi acme ailatnk'e It waa repor:- Urn. JobB Oowpey and children epeot
M Prowwnont. tbU week.
Mn. Grace Dolbcrg vlalled trlemla
ly enJoje.1 by the yoBi.g pM>|>le. Mr UI Si laulH,
L»er ani Margaret roteman rlilt ed wrong. It being Mra. Doc. Adama
revival w-rvlcv-; le-lns tvmdujt.-d hy
in Cadillac. Saiurda}'.
.Mrs S.'A. IIUIIIICI aud MiU. who
ihd Mra. Well* were'lfaf nH-lpfeui
' there «ilf^ sinday echool at the
■i tbeir Metier etar. Sub'eUy; a weak who died.
Mra._Jas. Sirahan. or, bns been Kvaugellsl. K K. Mleras of Grand
i.r lUiRie vert l•eauttruI. aa well '•• bay,' ■■•cn vi.Hing relBilyes here the
United Brethfhi .church every Sun
May SI.
raucb worse the pant week.
laal 1.-W werka. WU fur Ihclr fasMBe id
lurTly klflw fro^i ilieii loan)' friend*
day afteraooo at three uVlock, every,
Mr. AQ« waa'boma over Sunday.
Edison Varte of (Tilcago; culled
Meadames »ia White and
ElsiPhial Joidaii lari VVetliicMlay.
body Invited to artend.
I-ietu nt.
We were all plaaaml to ao^r. AxBactman were In Kalkaska Wednes frieoda here SumUy . on his way Tt*
F. Miller, who
wiio ngnJu-pn
yM<en doing
Frank Hopklna and famtl
George iGoold and family, visited day. on hoalneso.
Mi M tba Orange agxia, a^ being
South Boardman. lo assist wfih. the
iiiuniblug in J.‘E.J
to tbeir home at thig place yeaterday Sunday at Joiw Matbewa.
TiaveroF' l >uT KflrM'. on business.
J. n. Bsimoii waa called to Thomp- rerivsi st rvlces at that place.
turned to Travm
after an extended trip to Oklaboma.
NUed rel'i
Claroaee Otoe returned from (btd- oonvHle on profeaBional l.uilneaa this
The liifani child of,Mr. and Mrs
. Miaa Muriel Wrbl.-) enienalnod a
Frod Dego aud family from Cedar, Iliac Sunday, after a few days vikli
John South died Monday night. May live* In Traverse Giiy. The
numiter of her girl friend. Friday
waa In our. village today.
with bU brother Isaac.
Wm. Wells has gooe to Alma. Can JOth. ol acute indigestion.
eyeniox at a mlMyellaneou. abower in .'
Mr. and Mra. (hat Palmer of Trav
MIm Wolf oln^ a anecMaful
Arthur Hooflia and wife and sitter honor of MIm Jea.ie Raumlierger. The
ada. on a buslneaa trip and also ex aervit-es were held at the home Wed
eree City, and Mr. and Mrw A.
of adiool at tbe Weaver srhool
UlYle. wem .10 T.w«e.-»e 'I'.ii.v. Mort ekeniug wa* .itenl In playlDg ronleal.
pecta to visit n-lalives before return- nesday at one o'clock.Plaher of’-Newaygo, viiiied here
The File Uke sawmill property ot day. on botlueac.
and In idano nelectloBa by the brideig.
Mr. and Mn. Jack Rellry.
elert and other*. The gunita were In
Mr*. B. Sarrus was called lo Cad the Cliitens bank, burned at
Will and Henry Monroe went
Mrt. Dr. Burke baa returned to ber Suntfay viattorn at the home of l).
vited to the dluing room, where Mia*
illac Wedneaday. lo assist in caring Friday nigfii. Msy IT. patting
Traveise City.'Monday
borne after mendlog neerly a yeor Raflery.
Wrlsley. a*>l.ied
Iwr oioiber,
(or ber brother. Henry Carulhers. Wbo
t'ha*. VanKIpper ot Traverae C
l Bmpbe.
J. A. Snyder is palming fate I
had nboul T:,(i,mi(i feet of Iiinitier
•leryt-d Hull ealad. a*B>rie-l rake* and
very HI.
as to Town on biialnes*^ Monday
The W. R. C. met yeaterday to ob- and barn.
Hon. Judge Judkins c( Grand Itnp- saw Tor Archie tilhbs of Traverse
t'luit. Hainmi't aelil lo Tiaverxe lujna-h. Ariel- rtinriieon. .MIkt .Minnie
rrve the Tfilh birthday asnJvmnary
Mlesee Edog-QCli and Celia Smith Ida. was The guest ol hl» bnHher I. City, of which only half had bee|
Kehl look lUah llghi pi. iurro ,«f ibe
liy OB buolnen Friday.
r Mr. UCore of Empire. AM re were in Kalkaska .Thuroday and Frlcompleted. The Are department did
Mra John Wall, who has lo-en
F. Judkins, on Snodsy.
art a tee Ume.
day''uklng tbi elgtatb grade examlnavery etSrlenl work saving the bnJld- oerlouriy HI. It not mui li Jniproyei
Mn. 'Craig, who ha-- cpeM Ibe winMrs. John Faler secuinpanied
Mra. .John Relnke ia quite la
ler here with ber daugbler. Mra. A.
brother to Traverae City Wednesday, ings near the mill agalnat a high at suit 'wrliing.
Mra. Burke la baring ber bouae
Foster Wheeler epeot Sunday at B. returning home again Saiurda.'.
Bouihwest wind. The damage
• ilra- George Smith went to Trai lleiilaU. returned lo her home In Can
paUted. Oddle Kellogg ot Burdlck- Blake'a.
laei nieek. -She" was sc<«m|iaBied
'. and Mra. Ra'' Fuller openi Sun
erao I'iiy. on biialnew, .Saturday
vllle U doing the work.
John Jora baa purrhoaed the Abner day with reUtiv(« near WllUaiitsbure ’ Sunday aercices at the M. K. church
Mra. (^aa. Cook nmde a bualneai by her dauxhiei. Miu Susie Craig,
R. Piaher went 4o Traverae City, Battenteld place.
and Rev A Benlall.
Mr. and Mra. Glen Diliert from near May ;c. Sabbath school at in;::u
trip to Trayerae «^y. Friday.
one day fatal week.
Mlaa Hulda Marvin of Fife lake,
Kpworth league at C:'!) p. i
Mra. F GIH>en xBd daughter Of
il hece S
Mltfu« Ivah H^ri and
Mnu Joe Xemeakel U euterUII
vlalled Snndar with her parenta. Mr.
Sauli Sie. Marie are here vlalling hSr
»r.Went to Traverae topic. "The False Use of Hellgio.i* 8iln*oii ylalted-t'be Isiter's Irlend
her tiaier.
and Mra. T. Marvlm
•lagent.. .Mr: and Mtw. W. WlUon.
lrMaitt fd-tlie Tremaine. Sunday,
her daugh SymlNjIs." Jer T ill:
City. Wedn«
J. P., White
Mra. 8. E. Snyder. Oydr Snyder
Mi>. F. Ihb'C of East Jordan to here
ft-rmou at 7:Si>
f Mr*. Killiuer ot Si^tdlah is
rknda: ctfurch Sunday morning
nnd family, vlalled Gunday with Mrs.
Mr. and Mra. W. W: Ifro-wer went Itev. A IV llaker. paalor.
ing'liVr daughter. Mra./K Haiitugarth vlriiiug her iwrenis. Mr. and Mr*. A.
Mra. D..A. rtevelte U enteitali
Enitabeth Aldridge.
Fife ijiki' will
muke' Decoralion ll<j„ week.
> Petbskey Saturday, to lake salt
two of her alatera.
Vincent Rader and family
spent baths for rbeuaiailsiu.
.Mr* H Benron lefi
Saturday for
Hay. lliiy
one i.. -lie long reMra. S. E. Haye* of 'Srimdlah, wliMra. S. R. Burke and
daughter Sunday with hit eliler and fainiiy,
Cadlltoc for a few days
and Gladys fleAv niemben il aud etaiid a* an ej^aniple b.*' b.'en visrting herJW.
MabeL went to Traverae City, Wed- Mr. and Mra.-John Wagner of 8ni
Mrs Frank Galea Ellen of .Mawm.
sleine went
MancelMna Friday for Heart' ]l<-iiK'rlal day voliscrvantw. Hnyet. .eiurnrd to
Hir borne
who ha* heen vtoliing bei itonglii.i
Miss Bteitvi returned. Sun The t;. A It' i«ai, HelisI voips. ib.- jiliindlth. Tu'ndBy. aei-fflnpauieil
1 Rev. naaklne of Empire-wRI preach
May SU
Mis* WlDOgene EIIHt. pilneiiwl ol Hie
fraleriiiil iti ganlratione. and
si hnol her granditon. George llayot.
« the CoBgreiattonal chnrtii of tbU
high arJiool. b-fi lari w->-k lor u iwo
Min Nancy Bonner visli^ her sis ihildreii will (iinr-'h to the cemet
ilUi Sniidlll >if Traveiw I'liy,
pUee Friday evenini;.
ipr. Marguerite at Kalkaaka. the past mid decoiate the gtatea at 1« a.
(he gae*! of Mrs. IC Uai>ii!ai.rih, &•• weeks' vikit In. 1-oiii-'ib*. K>
May 21.
. and. Mra. O. V. Holmea vlalted
The elghih grade -unuliiaitoa •*»
Mr. and Mra. John Sooth o( Hodges.
Mra. Blden Mutcbler went the ball :ii nooiu Utiiig .voiir dinner
Ethel Hackmait' haa llnl*hed
Sunday. .--Mra. .Seutii baa sot been
iMiiket*' Coffee uill be served i.'
Wednesday lo Cadilla'i. for a
term iif. aehool nnd exi,oi»,io mu-i..
Mra. O. F. .Vollmrr baa boee
wMl'fdr aorao time. Mr; Sotttb’a ala
HitariS ol Trade..
In tite uit-'-n
(he .•iiiiinier will, her iiareble.
•offerer tile peat two w«ek^ wltii, tet la caring lor tbe baby.
: y| Miinu-.^forinetly' of tfais
L. F. Judkins was in Man- .lohn ,W I’att'hin of Trateise City.
Mr. and Mrt ('lia*. fh \ . mad-rheumatienL
* Mr. and Mia. John Smitb of Bax
it.. l,a.' L-eo
apeoding the
».:l deliver ilMMemorial .address busluea* irlp lo Trai-r-e •',u. Ft
celmx Thursday and Friday >n
:i Iritiring. i. now Ol Grand ..
Un Bye te borne for a «m daya ter. visited at John Price's last '
Mra. Laura Ahaon and Cecil NewII liie Si; MaiJ'a hoapllal.
vlil(. with ItCb people here.
Mr, Elwell of Detroit, who «
Rnll.b (•;.«• n„ob- a kne:!;.--- :ii
e Miiderwes) n MTluiui o|,eraSeboel ckiaed laat TYiday. Prof. marrti and Inca Hammond. visUed.
to Trjiv.-r».- •■il,- Sjt-ir.lii>.
^Btvday. '
Mr. and Ura. f^ 'Saehd^ and
Woodworth golug to Me borne In Iroo- Mia. Ensign of Klagsl^ visited Mrs.
wbfio Mfaa Dewing Clark Semaon. Sundajf
Mr. and Mia. Tyler spent Sunday
wilb Mr. and Mra. George Ynlf.
Some of our >-oong pwle I
Holmea' SMiog. attended the exiimin
atioD at Klngnley. laat week.
Watlace HMt and
Manna went over to Barker Creek.
Sunday, alter trouL
Norman Samaon and
boj-s went over to Fuller's Yoke Sun
. and Mra. Holmes took aupper
wHb Mra. Fia, laat Sunday.
,Mr. aud Mra. Tyler called on Mr.
Hlcki' people.' Sunday evening.
At me aiy Book Store.
Brass Curtain Rods
10c value, 4 for SSc
Good Cloth Window Soa. lea. 22c each.
S for
White Handled Cups and Saucers ' - 5c
It of. yoang people of Grawr.
Jiome talent
Mias Dora Dtvia bss gone to Trav- “Gyp. tie ^Ifelrea*. '
night, nnd to those who xtlecded the
ae City to work for Ura. W. A.
Several of tbe young people from
Dl«rici"No. 6 attended the exnmlnation at the Needham Bufinea conegi-.
4 City Book Store
.....................I- I" ..iieiol.lhe aoldeli wi-d
er-or-, and lo vhiii. r.fiur.
time, hjii'and eoDth and are
'iHigregailooal ihurcb Simday in Ihs.
vhBelMe of IteV; A. tienlall
le R I'ei'k and wm George b-n RunIsiy'In ihi-lr itirlor Ann Arto>r. ttbere
Mr. I'wk tea Iwen Inking treatment
F.rie i|,itii|M-h went wMk Ihem
■iv ugaiti this w<-ek to eXfu-ui.
iiiOK- ill (In- nialnialnence
t i-f the lerrilory-
W'11-wu Hi.-'e
-Ira. Arihur MarilB.
Heiir-' Jlatee and la’b-'t. -In-te lo
rraveiM- e-lf' la-i I'liday
Mr-. Ou»ih Itoie. wae >i-iiliig wlih
her daughlei. 'Mi..
George Jackson
r City I
.Maw iHtoipied the |Milplt In lb.
>rer n, (nal'e Suiiilsiv to -.ee ,\lr au-l
Wiiliim. and in thr
riiiinti- of plan
ledirblge ou Tlilrd street, .
« nty. whf-n their daughter Hui;.
>s united
In marriaxe to laiul-.
• lire- irayB la-t *-«'k.
The riiipn-e party
Mra. Uiry
I'Urk* waa well aiiended laai Sarnrtoy evening All atnloyeH Ihemw-lvea
and ail ,wl»h It Will te *»oa before
ihere U another ram. Ice «rwwiii and
K- Ibi-kl-^io i-iay
,ake were -nerved. "The game of p*t_
-a- played.
Wiiter itoie w<mi tke*
It (» Ar'^nderatood wtm* daintily gowned In pale pink til,, hig prlte and
I-au) Tbompaoo the;
fait ibal both
ire not In ibe and carT-e-l while rote*. ' an-l . ih- booby.
trim necessary to.-'gqnd k’ayine. bat bridesmaid. Ijtaro K»»*'!ka, wore pal Gray'a new building to pr»we hope .with thi* prxrtlre. that b' crroni silk apt « arried ..pmk ro»ei ereaelng very rapWly.
the time the “Peinut league." coo- Tbe groom and the groom.m«n wor*
Ilortor 1* doing none'
and tbe dramatic club are to ^ con •tstlng of Manion. Burklgy. Fife lAk--. the roiivcn-lnnal hta-k.
Mf.a Ethe’ canwnier wc*l, cm Hi* Hallet farm.
gratulated cm the excellence of their Mesick. and Kingsley. U fally orgar- Ha-kmac plaved the m-e-ld;c£ mar-h
Ml.. Orf-ha Bate*. Mia. Cram Wif.
flrat attempt In throtrlcal work.
lip-J. and earnest work 1* begun, ihat After the aedding (lie su--»t*'«e-n an.I Flore tek* are tbe gueri* •>■
Rod Baldwin and wife of Summit nur espectatlotu of seeing some good; inv(ted to til- dining room, where .
r* teiira Bat-* 'tKlay.
»d S.1 1.4,e
• -.ladoif '.f ('a-**4|H>lln. daugh
1..| „• Mr -.b.l Mr*. John lIulHI, win.
her auOL Mra Bert Monroe of Jtey-
rraniJ|»j--'o'-*' .del
'add relurvoHl •- ‘i-r Inim-' ill K,:ilalii-i
7>.r>. .'iiindav.
Wi.dne.dav a .jiiiet weddinehiDlxed at The hnme irf Mr
-Gyp. the Heir***.
Mias BIU Hammond is working for
JUiie- l.n'ti.ii W--ikiii.iii. who *0111
her- .1 l.-wvi'-ekw ;ivr.-»i, allc
her voar. a-'-..
vikiii-iI h-
M *
each.^gblng the eighth grade examl-
Bne Ban Goae. Bwemna
Conducted by Miss Rdna Wall.
The p«opIe of fingiley and tfae^wTonndinK
couniry are all intorested in ibis Dvi^tmeot.
•We ihall be glad to have individuals, tiiurches.
the Orange, fraternal societies and all oUier or
ganisations hand in items of news, personals,
annooncemenu of meetings, notices of eiitertain' menu, bnsineu changes, public improvcincut*
being done or contemplated
ot real estate
is town or country, and any other items of gen
era] ntereat. Send all items to Miss Edna Wall,
who has charge of the Department.—Editor
pUy. It ex.elled their exiieriations In
Tbe Udlea' Aid m« with Mra. John every respect. Il would iW w hf^
Blrmley last Thursday.
Riallev .10 decide the i-ooreM from
Mlts Oorii DnvU on^ Miss Jennie
Tbe comic imrodir-»ee spent Sunday at D - Davia
Hon* were e*pectolly well retidMYd,
i« cun end aiiKcc
White Plattere. efze 8x12. tSc values
' White Knner Pla-.es. 60c value, doz.
Sauilaty Milk P-ltchere. &ncy pitcher
vfith hover.-,5c value
- .
May 2L
Kingsley Department
City, were in town Monday for a short
Gaylord Davis apent Snndsy
visit with their daughter. -Mra. J»y
SUgbls the guest ot Us coosln.
lAwreoce Sewbpory and wife rolled
Deroratk.li day propram will be o'
at Jekse Wella-Sonda:
the ustksl order.
The dower girls
the retorn gam*.
gsme* this
summer will
anmp-itrai. d'.i.ner wa» aerted. Th,
The arore of Friday afternoon house was letd pretillr derorared in
stood. 14 and IT. In favor of BuckWw^ pipk and * hli*. and t he color *• hem»
WB. carried our in full at. the dinner,
Thli tnak.es a game a piece for
in (be table derorations.
- Only tb«
iromedian . frieffdt and
MG* Thei IPitlingaine left for her
horn* at Thuni; .-onville Monday mom
igMay Jh.
wlu decorate the grave* In the t
•rot Compnmmit.
ViNrorthy •awerweafte
tag and in the aftentoOB t^ere will
lAst W'edneaday night the I. O. O. .ralative* were prea-nt to wltuea* the
About th* Snaat iiiiinlliiml that
be man who have bTO roateed
Mp. -Ryfetka It a
well CM b* paid te a young man la to aay
be B .spee^ nnd Und eooem to the F. celebrated the Mrd annireriary tf oerenony.
mnalblllty ef wanite an imparl .
the order. The faaU waa very P»«; known >oaat mau of Traverse. City, ho to a eo^tet to hi* partefs
socisj arttem e( *e pi mil |hM. fflWA
IE HMd' Oiclr 'alticc <.*lldbuM). iHAOIoh^ ■
________ _
Dr. Teatoe and family and Hits tU.v, as well aa tsatlly deevr
Thera were oaly three flab
opwirad amoag tbe etowd.
Mr. Woodcock taya tba Partridgee
Mty tC.-Mtt. atiit have, nearly atrlpped bli apple treee
- Snn Mt for b«r bone' tn MUdtteo
ads this wlntar. - He la tbloking
afiw rWtliiB bw dMSbwr. M going back ob bis tarn lo live. He
lln. BaKAi Ajrar*.
Ima ebtalBod Jtra. Aan Blmmene
. BHooo of Tnnn* CUr U
' MMtoc him t ooMM- bone on bin
. »«i of Joltot. Iiu
The Markets
Frteea eofractad aatt day by wlra
Mr. Kreppa U wotttag Hr. Weod-
from Chlcoip.'I>«tt«H. Tetedo and Baftalo ttfiuugb .OBlted Presi telegrapb
eott'e farm tUa auniiner.
Hike Doyle la having a wiad mlU
r ttit
mat cslM bm if
ttit dntb of her put ap on ba farm. Bert Kellpn
Wexford la dolBg tbe work.
falber. Mr. Oaim.?
sin. Wm.
Mtw Onto 8bK
Bu«rda.v fraa a Ti>lt vlU reUtiros
at Onad Rapide. ^ ..
WUbnr Bare ii borne now from
iDdlana. where he hu been ai at
Buffalo. Hay Zi.—f'atlle—Reieipia.
—Aitivq. iif tower.
SbeepRecelpta. tf.M; lambs, alcw^ llir Ion
er. sheep artlve. W.Mfig.g:.; No.
her parenu.
Hn. «aUi
Oraat Brooks won an Alratra vbd(keoM taat »oek horn Tnrena. wbore
or ^Dday.
aba baa been (be paaC Are watte wUk
Hr. and Mrs. Bert Slaytea asd lioae
bar dauahter. Un. Roaa Wflaon.
Roeaa apeot aeverml dais at Ijike
^ Mr. Pox and danctater of 8outb
Tb«y are eamplDc aear .tbe
lliltoB. wera b«f* (« aUend iba runPlatm river bridge. He bai a lon<Tal of Mr. Oaaiu.
ber Job there. ,
Bttool waa ont lait Frida;. Vlas
Mr. mad Mn Ted Dana and cUldm
Mrs. MaiT Tbonpkina %aa gone
Maainn for a few days
wftfe her
Tbnre are tbree new raaen or anarIK ferer again.
atowpt Mc-Uoaald i» aelllag off Ills
hetoeghigB bare and will teara for
CiUlornla In a abort
Tte funeral of Qatdner Dana, wbo
waa drowned In tbe bay taut week
waa held frenn hla boaie laai Sauir.day aflemooD.
Ker Wail uf OM Mla-
atoB ogfrlalMl. Tb^ niuaii- waa ruraiabad by Mr. Pratt and.iiaxb^ and
Hra. Burlnkman Jerrei and Mr* Rn
au Magley played the orgaa.
gall bcarera Were nepbewa uf tbe deecaaad. tbe floareca wero ma
. beaaUrul.
Tba Orange burial
aaa uaed at tba grave. Ilai. i
lo raat tb the Odgenttnrg to
' ♦
DelroU. Hay
Wheal, $I.I«H.
Cora. 78*40. Oaiir. 57c.
Toledo. May
Corn. 7*->t Oats, M?je.
. Mey 9b{-In utier diiregard
gl lh<4
now iliF tbeme
■dmlk of bomcr
Includes all
territory outside af
thla Mviton of tlir ;
ilrago. May Z2.~ Putaluei nnoted
Travaraa City and writ and north of
and ihc «u
at gl nr.ft 11«.
Ur. and Mrs. E E. f'habdlW are
bbs an'cidi
-iddenilc sweeitli
e>*-r>-tlitiie the Ptra Marquette R. R.
Rena CCarland.-1
bere after a wlnler In Flortila.
lieture II.
Ada Burkett.
lett. Cedar
and .Mm. U'm. tttienon. wbo
Tlwt It has heeri siH-b g cuccc*.
Jennie Parranl. Empire H. 1
the wlnler lb florida. arrived
due lo Hu- fai t lUii lire yoiiuc wuiiirii Alice Oulund. Old Miasion .
last week and are keeplag bonse In
who are vitally liiierealcd In U buvr- Charlmta Thies. T. C. R. 5
te of the Cbandler ooiiagee.
Anna Oaanng. T. C. fl. 3 .
preached jjielr cause to llielf luaiiy
Mra Rev Pease, Ueland.
Mrs Allie M. Chappelle baa rettirti
fitondH The llecurri l-Hgle and Heiabl Hattie Swaney. Old M.caiei
I lojiei I.UIDC. - MatoutA.- alter a
have itrme what II vonsiden. light In Mrs. N. Shisler. T. C. RFO R
wlnter'a aojoum In Sonb Csrallna
the niatter.aiiJ It will .xibiluue lu do Mrs. Robert Lackey, Old Mission *5595
nnd dllereul isilnts in the aouib.
Mra. R. E.Atk.nsen.Burd.ckvilIe 49383
■n JmpanialUy will be tbe muiiih and
0. Richarftton. T. C. R- 2 *8975
Him Oura Psulua biK returned from
Ibone li.terested may be u-.sured Ibe Nora Rayir. Lawe Ann RFO.. .4^835
winter In Itetruli and will upen I
beautiful drinnell ^Bros. town uiaki-l Jeaaie Bright. Mapla City R. 2 *8755
a>llag<-. "Oakdalr'
plaona, dlamuud rltta and gold walcb Margarat Wilson. T. C. R. I.. *8615
Charlotts Munro. Elk Rapids .48125
t^veoaugh of Uetroii
uSered will g.rib'lbe Udle* wbo
Grace Rilay, T. C. R. 4.
apeadlne a few weeka eiib bei moibTbe BeM la filled Mrs. F. R. PurtOao, Rortjvperl 45585
Ttasiily « :
er. Urs. N. Pauliis.
youfigwomea lo whom tbe Elaia ftpne. Old Misaion.................. 4558$
with bright
L. Itaylon baa relumed
public Is very murb Iblereslnl and Mrs. Eay Case. Uke Ann. R. 1 447B5
her bi>nie in Ibli village, alter upend
Helen Whitten. Bates........................43975
the lleiald and Record Co feels ibat
Uura Salts. Uke Ann....................... 4S98S
ing tbe winter In TrmVerae t'lly.
a lopular sbord W been sinick in In- ■
<lol. Bomique of Cbirago spent
aaguraung a campaign of ibis kind
. 4im
few days in Lelaad laat week on t
abd carrying It ob so auecessfolly and
ils auiniuer borne on North
Manlluu iaUnil. '
All lAdiea sbuuld nol Ibluk twice
Ulai Bertlia Campbell bad i-harge
before leiting this gnat chalice of
The Aid Boctety will meet at Mrs. Her paaslng VO early In life casts
Moaroe-s Friday afieni^n. May S4lb shadow over the commuoiiy.
Aiquith. Bandon.
every candidate Is to receive. In cash., Celia Butt. NerVij
everyone tortatg as nan) flowers
Sunday with Ur. and Urs Ray Souiebora.
Hr. atd Htt. Edward repper a|«U
Hra. AbMe Ohaoe wtaHed bar ainer
at Oedar Bun tetarday nl^ and SunHay.
Edward Pepper baa
new biMp'.
Tbe Srange baU tbeir rcglar meetlag iaot Batnrday evealng.
lee cream
T>ntapaon% coraers. May SO -Some
«wa. Tburaday night cut about
iBtt of tbe teat off
iUtaa'a yooBg beiSer.
It is bard to
V bMtovo that such a dasurtfy rilHan
oeuM bo iB tbis oalttborbood i
Katamlly It will surprise nuay that
neb a tow trick could hsR>ra bece^
Mias Spaan Sbuu w., a Ftankfort
- TWior laat week.
Wm. Shutt waa a Traverse Oty
wialior Saturday.
Eddie Lake It
Bhuu at preaeoL
CRAIN—Trbveisa CRy Milling Cd.
working for
who puta lortb her best efferti
have no cause to regret -lime 22.
be governed by
other ladies tell you.
....................• • ■ V4 - -■ ■ ■
Ofientlnie* they
your prcaence,
tbolr chance of winning abd number
held la teserve. and some
they put all tlielr lei-eive «oI.-e
their standing^ojp' Ju.i to dUconr
you and get
lo wlihilraw. Tbe
jieople ibink they
Tallow .......................... ......................6c
heraa bldaa........'.I1A6 and ap
havea lilg reserve are geoeislh
oih-a llial gel left.
ilci-rivcd by allowing such
reiiorts in tliiis dnmlnaii
If yon do you will not aaccee-l
up your mind today to min one
Don't forget tba band concert at
I the town ball next Kriday ntgbt.
for tbe iraiumer. Sring o^Ca]
rapt Em:
bere went ory's boat.
apwring aorkert. bet repoM vevT poor
Sixteen arbolars took the eight
Tbe sraiee has been no cuold grade cxamlnsiion last Thursday and
............................. 4.600 rotes......................................... 2,260rotes
The Hemld end Record Oo. Piano Oontcut.
Tc b* voted an er befera May 2tin.
tilMIII {-tlK m V<ITl>t..
theae elegant iinses; lu>J-.no lliive
tba next four weeks, and June 22
win have occasion lo receive lb.gratuUllons of your (ricuds liiai nom
ready lo help you Juff lor Hie
Don’i forgei thal.llie pintioi-.
diapionils nnd gold mnii-lie*
high class cost inonr.v. 5'ou lave al-
L |hal the fish have all went to deeper IViday at lUptoluB.
, „d
Kura Air on tba Stt.
Tasu hava abowB ^i tba air la tba
rowdafl alseplag .gtinan of oioderB
wanblpa ta parft tbaa la bameba or
•ay BeoutF
If boy acoula coo agr«o 4bat tbay
WtU not Bgbt wUb aeodta ot ofkor ooUuqt (bo peaco ot Ibo wurld «U1 ba
wlitowt tte aU u( 4i»mmatf.
Kill ill tlie iisiue i.f t>if- lailv fi.r whum vmi drsirc In
Trim Ar.iuDil lilai-k line. .
Where GrinneU Bros/
liX) Piano isMade
Tbew Pianos Constttwie me Cnnd Prizes
Our Great Orcnlallon GonleA
Tbls campaign closes
about tour weeks, and the young Igdy
.Mr. Asbman. tliiwily from. Buglaud.
waiilr-l iiiir-or ilii- oilier—well,
Ilias takeu the poshton'
n of opeialnr al
bere is your opisinouliv
lo lose. iMi'l ilils tall
Sela Ctew relumed
kaaaoB Center, Mat :-n -People aie '
home at Central Lobe Wednesday.
busy pUntlRg com.
Mra.'W. II. Ayers went away Usi STANDING OF CANDIDATES AC
Kewlasd Remington visited his
week lo ifte the “lee sllug" lieoi
Ua over Sunday.
mem for rbeumaiism al an tngjiln
►■Ved Oilllpn waa vlilllng friend* In
Uon near r.nuid RapiiU
Mr Ayers
tr vk-lnlty Bainrday and £un<lay
aceoiii|ianle<t her. Iiiil relnraed' the
•II lerriterv ittside the city
Killer Haskins and wife ware gueei*
next <biy. while nlie will letnaln sev limits of Traverse City.
' W. U AlleDyBaturday eveoiiig.
Mrs. T. Temple, Wilhelm Sik
et^l weeks.
Hlanch Kettnedy visited her pnrenia
Bum. Hauirdsy, May l«. lo Hr. and Dorotity Matmenich. 429 8th
over Sunday.
ne Paflhouaen. Whm Bk
il-s. Clyde UlUu-e.
lofieia. 1122 Penmaula
>li^ Nurman Newman is numbered
11. A. lAUdoo la moling lo Buttons Btryl Parkv 2231 I5lh ..
wjih'lbe KU-k. having Ibe lagrippe.
Bay tfaU week.
Damon beeley ba-s Cera Prarsan. 501 Wa*h .
are very glad lo bear of Geo.
bouoe wlyre Mr. .Lan Celdic Chase, Levering R.
Aslel U-ing able lo be odt agalo.
Mrs. Doty, 116 Monroe
dun lived oM
Cecil VanNatter, 421 2nd
Kastuiii ivuier UH at tbe hall SalUra. Loops itiilns uC CUarievoix.: Mrs. W. H. Brown, 802 W. Fr»<il 63665
urda> etenitig. May IMh. with a Rpud
visited wilta relaiives here Isst week Mrs. Uuls Sleder. Randolph
Jauce. After the roiitiue of
Beatrice Babel, bd* Randolph.. 62395
Mrs. Han. a Reln-t'iw uf iligb Maudwas over Ibe grange gave a very
Mae Alward. 403 W,9th
gnwa n very Interesting talk lo Thins Carroll. 828 S. Ui
pleasani sunirlw on Wonby Chaplain
John Huegsegger. Sopiier sras served Ibe lodge mmnbera bere last FrliUy Edwliva wmte. 519 Hti
A large crowd was pn-eeni Grace McMichari. 307 W. 11th S9385
by the ladles, roualsilug of wandwlcb
LotU Green. 1029 WebWer
ea. cake, pickles and but ruUee. They and refreslimenii were senred after
er. 925 Stale
all report a fine lime and wishing our todga
, _ _
120 N. C....... ........................
Hemortal serrloe will be held here Mrs. Shirley Hines. 853 E. Sth. .56895
chaplBln many more bappy Idnbdays.
•XI Sunday morning nod tbe bacm- Mrs. Lewis Cuinvan. 876 E. 8tn 56S75
I). J. Wiighl of Tnvetse City risliMrs. Anna Kern. 1104 E Blh.. . 56325
ed hla daughter over Sunday.
lanreaie sddresa to the graduating Vera Oaborn. 206 W. 12th..
. .55765
Wm. Newoian la visiting his son. Clara will be given In the evening
Maude Warner .......................................54565
-Hitaee. 136 Front 53895
Frank, of Maple City.
5!rs. Atcbln Brown nnd daughters
n. 219 C. 11th . . .53735
of Traverae t'lly spent Sunday
Florence Winters. 20S W. 12|h . .4e73$
frlende here.
Mra. Fred Barlin. S3S E. £th... .48975
Ferris crta-p hat gone to Maple Hty Mn. E Newberry. 7l3 E. ein., ,48675
Lucy Berry, 6*3 E. Bth...............
> l$\.aod locate a echoot.
Ethel Edwerdk 801 W. 7th.............*5685
Mspleton. Hay 21.—Lawrence Car
fitanger Whitney is jnakiag ittee
Kate Bracken. Cor. Ook A 2nd 45385
roll bat a .-tew of men at work
impttv.emems la his bouse by build Malml Ur«in. 911 State.................. 43465
Ing a firepUco and bath room, and
5ir. Bailey tad family ate trending Other thiagn
OcDige Saruln hi4 R^a Lothariua, 205 8. Elmwood 39765
Marnaret Fifarek. 411 Snd............ SMBS
few days In Truverae City.
cna.5t of , the ttrpcnier mnrk and
Mattie SmHh. 85* E Front . . 38765
School closed iasi Wednesday with Ciuirle* Smith of tbe msaon work.
Edna Jahraug. Waah. St...................38765
a-'diH-nlc and a abort program.
Rlgbih grade examination waa held Mra. Mark Craw, 225 Waah .. 33895
Oirils Fowler, wbo anderwi
beie 'i»t Thursday and fYlday. Quite Mra -Chaa. Deeki
Hr*. Gao. i
operation st ibe hospital, for oar of
buirber of ouulde pupils taking it
bis eyes is re|iorlcd vtolng Cine.
. addntoe to tbe targe riau of
P. F. 1 jrrtic and famUy and Mr. and bchtvo!.
Mra. John Moffuian a|>ent Sunday with
Ma.. Took baa moved into
Cbele* of Two Cvlla.
Fred lairdie of Traverse City. Tbey_
over DavM Bolfe'a.
Tba Halrasa Ha tttrti--Jfy bua
made the trip la Mr. tardle's hew'
TbomaarSemiww has sold his larm basd waa to srdeal In bli loTe-maktgg
asminoblli. = msa from the peniamila. aad ba* 1 tboughi be adored me." Her Friend
Ur. and
—“My deor. a msD eao pot cobsidersmoved to Traverae City.
been sick are on
ble terror Into bi« wooing when It's
a caaa ot msrrtsga or worE~
aa poastUe bavr
«WU wfll be furnltted wii^ a flag,
life time pass by. One ibiag to retnemlier there ure to be bo losen. as
Bttool wtU doae Tottday wlife a day after a few weeks' tllneaa. She ♦
leaves aeren
rbIMreo. the ,
Hra. Bpaagler.
AMrew Wagntt.
a babe of a few week*. MraJ
May 20.-Mr*. Oowles
JaiM SImaa and Bwald-Noatt were Gtant was thirty year* of age. a very%f
of Grown Is visiting her daughter. Hra.
Trararwe CUy callara Saturday.
tender moiber and a lovable woma
Ivv. i. HamllloD.
Th^ay afuniuon. Ha> an ai «;u0
P. m. Tbe arbool cbUdren rwiwrially
are regwried to attend and na Bsuy
2 ye*n *400 ...................... 13.500 rotes.................................6,760rotes
As New
As Old
1 Yesr
*1.00 ........................1.800 roles................................ MOrotei
2 Ycers *2.00 ..................... 4.600 roles................ 2.260 rotes
Then the nomber of rotei firen on subscription poymenu
made After June Sth will be decrease snolber one-testb.
’ Loc&i Markets
pleale at Duck Uke.
1 Tear
lo Ibe cold weather we are bavlna. our
l>eo|de are romlnp earlier
than usual to ly^laiwl;
Orrllle HllItkM and
Rose of North Maollou Uland ar
tre* the elghlh grade exaslnatk
of her moiber. Ura. Heqnrm.
B laet week.
.\ns» benbvIK^uest I* apendlog a
Mr*. David Roee la vUiling frieiida
•w weeks with her mother.
dt SendoB.
Mrs. Antmlne Grant died laat Tuea
F(«i>lc arc dlaptoylag iiorsonal laIrreM In ibe diffrrcnl candidaK-a
the He
Herald and liMord t'o.'a pritc
Ura. 2. K. Hlnahaw. has returned te
U«R niMri« No. t. May M.^Meni-
This pertains te towns
Traverse City.
her home.
Hlaa Marguerite 8pai«ter Tialted
Mrs. Fred UUIer. who baa been vl»frienda In Traveraa City a few days Iting her mother for a few weeks, baa
laat watt. She aiae took'the aigbtb
tiirae dio North UaoliOB lalaod.
grade cxainlnaaea.
Ura. Oacor Smith and two rbildren
oriel aervtre* foj>Meryone will be
: held at ibe Long l.oke town hall
ewtaitt of Traverse City as well aa
Ibe Biglitb grade examination faidd
Monroa Conior. Hay
Aa the
berw on Tburaday laatsalt of a conteai. tbe Orange adll add
Ur. and Hra. Anguit BInbsrdt of
Sra MW BMBberb to tbMr tbd. There
Cbicago are here lor tbe somoar aad
will be degree watt at tbe next i
will occupy the B. N. Ootbrie cottage.
fag Toaada; eeeniiir Hay mb. Sap
E. E. Cbaadler baa let the coauact
per will aleo be aerred.
to John Barr for two new rattagei to
Hr. and Hra. Bagese HOI of Elk
be ballt for occuapncy-ihto edsaon.
RaMa apeot the weak and with
'Happy George" li In our vHlage do
friandi at the Oentar.
ing hU street coocen atoni for a few
Or. Uargartt HcdCelbar. a kta
•17 froB India, gave a terr laterealUra. Wm. Adtlt of Traverse City,
lag talk OB forelgB Hlaatoba. at tba wbo baa been tbe goeet of her moiber.
________ _
a___ ..______________.. _
Any person receiving the Record.
Eagle by eerner bey in er out el
Traverse City la conaMcred an eld
Jenn^ Champaign. 11» E. £th S2«5
Lavern Cook. 7U W. 7th............. ItTti
Mice Huflgeriord. gi .4Wath
LlIUanNeleeh. II* Wash.................. 2t«l$
Mra. R. E. Weaver. W. 10th____2g7tS
Prances Chervenka. 530 Bay
Mre. Harriaen Vrnten. Wynkeep 23415
- Kehee. *40 W. 10th .22*95
Pieman. 730 E. Pram 21305
Mat ilda Klinkncr. *13 E. 8th... I97g5
Mrs. Fred Elmderf, *13 E. gth .tlUg
Anenc Mendcrthet. 225 Wash
Alw* gpevaeck. 715 Randolph.
Elta Hankinsen.,43g State ..
Lulu E. Themaa. S05 W. 11th.
I ef the Raoard-casla and nitmbar af vttaa givaii aa
aaeh aaymont:
ti-ale of vi.t.-* is in turm fnim Msy 16
.lulu- h.
As Nes*
6 MoBthgI tlM....................... 1.800 TOUS......... v;... MO UDtM
13.00 ...................... 1300 Tote6.................. . .2J280 toMi
'2 Tesn *6.00 ....................... 13,600 TOt«:...............................6,780rotes
As New
Ai Old
-6 Monte *100 ........................ 1.800 rotei................................ MOrotes
Up to aiiOTth ludiiii
NomloatkMD Maaks wtlbdrawa la Tbls Issac, Bat
Caa be voted OB or Before Alay 25
Chicago. May it—Wbeai, gMOy,.
Com. 'Tf. Oats. M4if.
la aOend the Kerris InMiUU.
M DeUoli. arrlred Frida; to auaed
tba funeral of bis father.
fitSi. Hoga-Becelpu. «.I0«. stow
tower. gT.goKT.WI. ctoalog at
The fnllowinir
500 Volet md Nominations ate Swelling The
Gnml—Priz« are of Exceptional Value
ion rara: dull. Kcadr, IS.ZStjS Catvea
Hit! Imo Hare aptti Sunday with
ioala BnriMabgrT retumln* to her
Boardman. wbli*
iloaepb Canwetar IKl for Big Raplda
People Are Taking Interest
in the Different tiandidates
Uke Ar
Gertrud* Urdit,, Old Ml
Mat " .. er. T. C. R. 1
Una Holfrich. OM Mlasii
Edna Tremm. T. C. R. 5...............
Mrs. Olf Fradricksen. Norlhperl
Lucil* Ptrry, SuHOM Bay.
Mrs. Llbbie Arnold. BaUs............... ............
Besait Slagle. Uke Ana RFO.. .29395
Kate Birdaay. Empire .....................29795
CladyaShugg. Williamaburg R I 29375
Roaa Denalaon, Empire .. C. 27410
Helen Riehardaon, T. C. R. 1.. 77381
Chrietina Blacken. 6. Bay R. 1..2K76
Clara Beurie. Svittent Bay R. 1 23T15
KlUie Golden. Old Miatien..............21385
Jcsaie Me<vmsn. Maple City R 2 21310
Mane Burfiend. Maple City.
Mr*. M- C. Clirrere. Old Mlasioa .21865
Ida O. Hasei. Old Mlwlen . .
Mrs 0. Keever. Empire...................1977$
Mr*. J. Send. Jr., Sutton* Bay. .1876$
Mrs. E. Ray. Glenmerc .
. 18|75
Mra. Bessie Grirtlth. Cedar Run .17385
Mrs. Ruegseogrr. Maple City. . . 17626
Uia Ennia. Elk
Ik Raplda
Rapids R :1 1678$
. ..
Mrs. Mary Kecsier.
isier. T. C. R. 6. .16876
Minnie I ark. T. C. fi
Tbe arrompaaving rm tbow*
Iba Grinuell Broa. Detroit Pla• factory,
wheretn' ta
of Ibeoe men bare been wlti^
tbe coDceni tor a tong tern ot
factured the tnagnlflceai Crtnne!l Brat PlJiDo. tbree of wbicH
an otferad aa llrsl price* In^.-
Stars and ate proud of tbe lastrument they belp to produce..
One and all lealli,. ifaat Ibalr
value to lUe firm of Orlnnril
aubtcriptlon conteai.
A brief
menUon of ibla fl.ne manufan.
Bran, depend* ahollv opon tbe
- qiiallK of their work. Th*r
urjng esiahlishmeiit will, we belleic, prove of lnieiv*i u. our
mart)- niDlesiants.
give U Iheir beut eloria .and
predore a Ptano perfect Ip e-/-
Tbe Grinaeil ftroa. piano Xai
tery la situated at the raraer
of laat aad Jones atieets. Deiniit Slid I* deviued wbnliv in
, ihe manuftnure of PiaiKw
deili-e and farliu,
At the head of the tnanurar*urlng plant ta a member ot the
firm wbone whdu- life prarlLjl
l> baa been ctosoly aaooclgied
wllh Ibe handHng and reaBiifar-tnre of PUnoa.' Tbe tnitld-
Heckins. Kewadin.
Mrs. Fred Wares. Cedar Ne. 2. 153SS
irwlude* all terrrtery evtsidt of
aversa City and aeuth and ea« ef
the Pare MacqucKc R. R.
Maggie Oomine. T. C. R-56785
Florence Scott. T. C. R. 2.» .
Julia Estes. Bates....................
Mrs Gilbert Pray, WilivamaMirg 51911
Ida Whitson. Bate* ..
... 51385
Iva L. Bogart. Kingsley ..
Dora Davit. T. C. IL 4
Carrie Falltr. rife Uke
EtU Barrett. Kingaley RFO
Grace Taylor. T. C R. *
Mrs. Robt. Barney. T.C R. 3
Mrs. 6. A. Shearer. T. C. R. 2 _____
T. C. R 7
stewarr Grawn
icefield. Williamsburg
rnry SachUetWM, T. C R 3 43785
Ray Taylor, T. C. R 4.
Mattie Hoptunt. Hayf-eld
Mrs. M. Aftlip. Crawn
Mrs. Carl Richardoon. T. C. R, 2 41485
Marit Smiley. T. C. R 2
Mrs. H. Van Oe Bogart. Bendor
Adeline Mallory, T. C. R. 8 .
Mary McGill. T. C. R. 2
Clara ArnoM, Bateo
Minnie 2iek, Etk-Rapid* R 1
Minnie Sargent, Surapi-t City
Jennie Leggett
■ K. Mayfield .
- ,
filten. Bendon
Grace Spaulding. T. C. R.'4
Mrs. E. Toner, Crawn
Mrs. Uuit Dcutcr, Bendon
Mrs. Prank Sayera. Mayfield
Mrs. Eliaa Newell. Fife Uk« fi 1
Clara OvRay. Kingslay ..
Mr*. Uwis Briggs. Acme..........
Myrtla WyckoR. Summit City..
Mary Green. Acme.........................
Mra. Haxei Ives, rvalkaska..
Alice Schell. Kingaley . .a...
Minnie Pankop. E Bdmn. RFO.
L Cract Per
1 Dewey. Fil
I. Earl Cilm>
ay Wood. Si
Mra. Geo. Crisp. Wilhamaburg 17815
Mra. Quackenbuth. F<fc Lake
(irinnelt Bros.' Piano Factory, comer ^asa
and Jones Sts.. Detroit
III iiHidern
found riicre
The equipment
ia ruiuplele and uf Itie besi;
iiig uf Ihe Grinoell llr-e>
U Mbder bta dtren auprfiiaiuo
Long eipetiroce In tbe -Ouiaic
bottiins had been uuiiued wbu-b
Would In all) wa) lend
tie .
wurd-i added eii-i-Ueiiie in this
liisiniinetir. ^lut lui eX|e-use bM
■ be merits uf mber Piaouu. and
ill Hie CriuneiJ brie,. Plsou uf
beeti ••.Iiiidered
areat tba'.
Is c•lml•laed
would aid id ai-ruinpllablng the
• Ilijeii „f Ibe liieb at lUe bend
pidafa uf (be old
(iiakf'B wltb Ibe ••rlginal "and
»l ibl* weil known, reliable con.
raluable features imrtatning to
lusie. qualiiy. adlon. and duis
Vic. (he production ut a
J'iauu wi.riby of a place among
the ourld'a fineal raakeo.
Idlitj. mskliig altogetlier, no in
MrunMfUl held in the luglieH rs
Tbe splendid standing of ihe
Crlnuell bro. Piano I. »« «be
leein by anisis and ihe •-hoii-e
uf tbuuaands uf niaiiii k»ing
lesult of ucridem. Ibe manufati-
home* ihioughoHi tbe louiiir).
uring uieibods foUuwtsJ permit
ot Lot oae reaalt-exrellencv .4
the bigbrat order.
Perh-tlluD is theeiid
■B_dliei-(ed the energy of all
Only the very beat nikteriali
enter into the conainjcikm of
thi. Piano, and. sibetber w»«l
or toetal, every pan |s r*ref-j1
-IMgapeoe* before being used.
Every *iagr of man'ilacrore la
vloselj watched by an eipen.
and the finisbed inetrumeu; urdergoe* s rigid iaspection and
test before „ .an W p;s‘< ) oq
house and how well this pollIS being carried out. we ar
prriud to offer (bear aplendid
It Grand Priaer.
i.r-uiatioa rootest.
worth working hard
the market. ThUr met,
skilled In Piano huMdlng. e.i-h
Ezpantfv* Luxury.
Som* people, wbo aeter. urefuliy
coatider the career of a maa wbo
malaialas a tbirai.* cuotider an auto
raoblla tae meet cxpebtiva luxury.—
AtcblaoE Globe
Kind Wa DonH FargeL
■Bbail tbe bioade girl becoma a
momory*~ -akki aa exchange
bar* always board that taey ara laa
more Okely ta bocoma ibaL—UatroU
la aa expert.. No fai tutt' -p i i..
CTJuntr.v can Imaai o.'
b-tt.workoicn or men more fuilv in
barOonv .with the
poltev of p-jino hirddina
Mati -
<:;d aatlsfactlon -
You Caa Wla
Ooeol These
Etenant Pianos
Let the Herald and Record Co
do your Job Work.
OMOrD TKAVlttK.BtaJ|^'Alb.iEEiVXn
Mail Orders
and a
camiatryiflit eur store,
re. raail
raai us your order aM we
will ati it. All mail orders we guarantee to be
satisfactory in ev^ way.
free Comm
e<^& ^ ovw.'we tfve free
coupems toward a beawtlftil aet of Oedd
freneb China tlisbte. These are now on Aiplay
hi oor store and we would be glad to have yon call
and see them.
Traverse City’s Largest and Only Exclusive Home OutllttW
We are olten ; • id « hy our prcee on all Houoo-lumlililnp art lowtr lhan thoeo nt other,dealer, and particularly Bia Doparlmant Stano. Tha pritta paid by tha buylaf pubttc
doSend“n «h.!themer£h.^^^^
WeH«olai«e on one lln. ol mtrcItandlM. only, and i raall our time to H .u.e turnitlilat and «^iM%lea. Wa do Mt epaml
IhJ^wnd" ordollar. every ye.V golni from market to market to look Ihlnpo over and { thle eapante !• ■■•'•ye added to the price of the marebandiaa, dad tha coarbrnar paw lor
you buy. if you havent the ready cash
Remember, your credit Is good at Uic J. W. Slater igltorf?
Unexpected Labor Saving
ASS and
ikoiil BEDS
We can sell you a pretty. Malleable Iron Be<h etdot:
White, Blue or Green; two coals of baked enamel, at^
chills anil side rails, full or ibree-quartcr size tor
Then we have dozens of others that {fuige right ^ng
upiuVice. Ill BfUBS. Steel mid Gold ftiusb beds we^
beautiesai prices ruiigiug trom $5.75 up to
Ont •ttoplc, aejr upvnUitm
h7<T^iicl> tl» mat imtn.br
fimtcr BteaiUw of jniur faqtily
on ateep «itS piwurfr. lie
UolfoU ti a vooderfei ImL Itm
■priDSd are tbe very Itrst. bull!
OB an aU BtMl rnuoe. aad will
It Is the Oidy One
iletini Bed Made
Tbe J. W. Slater
Just what you need when company comes at they can
The J. W. SLATER STORE. *We carry a large line of many be used as a couch in the day time and a good comfort
different sizes and styles, beginning in price as low aso 7c able bed at night. We have a big variety of these and
and ran^ug right along up to auy price you feel like 0. 1J can show many different styles so you can find one that
is just adapted to your immediate needs. |3J0 up to $10
Miles of steps nre saved and a good many
dollars' i^ortli of prqyisions; if you have a
good Kitchen Cabinet in your kitchen. We
sell many styles of good cabinets, and you
ought to come in and select one that suits
you. The prices en'^not be duplicated else
where. quality being Uie lame. ard any
one of these cabinets will pay for them
selves in a short time. We »»ave them from
$5.7S up to ^.50.
We mre sbowtos opr- LARGE, NEW mo4 Cotoplelc UNC of
Warm Weather Merchandise
InelnAng Hammoelu, Icc CRim VVMXtrs, Gu4«t Hose, Lsm
Bi| ^ Rimie Offor Great Interest Being Shown
in the
Bliino Contest
IHI3 beautiful ^356 Piano to be given away free by J. W.
j Slater July 15lh, is causing wonderful activity among ibe sev__ conlestanls. There^re, now only 42 days more and below is ihe
standing of (he several candidates to date. It isn't too late for anyone
W enterthe contest and do a little bustling in order to win it.
Standing of Contestants
iaUatien Army
Lillian Bumpfle
Eina Bumk
Edict M«nre« .
J. U. Galemo .
pisjcrawn School .
S*cr«d Heart Alter S^ety.
E* napM, ;
.This U n vo^rtiii hsrltAin <o m finr lar^v MppI raiiiv. oxctli likv (ifp lliutrallon.. TIu- »rvu lp Ik iu «Mr. Ifrr fii>- box
to extra kiinne. litim* r1ttM.r rtai or vood. Th» lanip <h>i
With-wartDlDK «^oBW «uil tar*» por.»|gjn Uovd tkoorroO
IU diao) lm|<on»B1 (Atmo, T^o flura
UirfiBiAKWt and tbr prlcX' ta oiiU'
V.-« aiw aeU (p# tatnonu Quick U«al, Si>«! Raasaa. whi.ii
•on IliP Brand I'lbr «'nd told modal at Ibo WoriJ'a Pair tor boinj
Iho aUxHWPat' made, tho Bout vroiiorelral and deairabto ranar in
ABM4ira. If >'oB aanl a ranar u' bij; kind oonir IB and nr>o our
^Vp ba^ Urm OiUD lilUu aloBB np.
, ,
l6r«^ McMielwel.............................
.................. SSrtjunstetu- School. Elk Rapid.
M»Or*a.Tnm-WI ........ ..............SOOO Mo<S,m Woodmen of America.
HJO , En. Rapid.
MAvgaret AnderMo ........... .. - ■ 4233|Mr«. Fred Matthem . rr-........
RCi.a Watoon ............................ dOaojceoreU Comig .........................
5U»a Horten ............................... STOol'’*^
\V» carry the Urcni line
of Oo Oort. In \or1bem
Mirtilnan ^•ricc .tart »S.:i
anil raiiRc uj> In *::.T3. tTe
alM <arry a WB*llne of Bx|.tc«» U'aBon*. Wtoripedm
and Snikin. AiiytblBR you
•ant for the rblldrra'«n)«
to IN' J. n- Rlajer Store or
mail yonr order.* Sportol
>ale of Doll I'aru now gw'
In* OB
Carpet Department
. <8ec0nd floor)
II for any am
JiuRs. lace Cuilaink aiul Uuolei.ni;-
; ynu oaBf IB rgrreffi.
Ingrain Carpels up from 19c.
Brussels Carpels up from 49c.
Linoleums up from 45c.
Ora Everett ................................
“I"" .......................................... -
Viail Ibii’lefiai
tooo Dnnn schaol
. ,
K5 Acme Schaol
Atice Boyd...............
Emily Leucka
Mr». S. E. Richardccn.
Mich. .
(r. H. A. boly .
sj5]«ii«M r.™,
It you BM.I tome Pillow*
*e ru Bhow yon tome e*.
rr-inkmal vahiet. They bo-'
Ha. iwr pair, at He a»d
V to the ba« at St.00.
OMID n^vini-BUAU). Am tuvuu ut usle, THmmAT, ut is,
•tcbU slVM'.^irtM-Ue »Mt fewwMka for «(M noranm B«tt«almT,
Jt Joe brtte MM hM pravod non
tatcntfW Su
«r ilroi *f Min Gnce UcHJcinel al
IwfoMMOP N^OakMreetTMwIv
MKa «f *CTIiWB _
very aacoeeafal U toeir work and
hare made meny frtoada bare.
The Mile aoa of Ur. and Urw. Ben
A;u'aarp dmnk cnrboHc add
Wtok and ealy toe quick arrirel
and baid wr#k of a pby»leAn u
hi* life, lie is out of denser now
still VCQ wcob.
' Miss irytHlcTDcilrr of.Ttovmc Cliy
speei Sunday at ber. home t^u.
May ».
receptton wat glrea for'JIr. and
Mrs. Tbeo. Wells at tbe borne
froam'a pasMii Satarday ereblDR.
Ur. and Are. WelU received
ver>- alee preeenis.
Ur. and Mrs. Ray Baocroft of Traverae City attended Ibe receixioB S
nruay evenlni:.
A Banlky'jwbool has orfaeixed
Hodge laai Sonday.
Mrs- Artber Simriliif visited
Ma>-fleU last week.
Uyron Pierce of Cbiraso renrhed
here Senday noon and visited bis imra abort time. He went Sonday
aflereoDo to Traverae City, where
•nu bcfln work at the refrifesab
May 21.
Rapids tola moraliig. where she
vBend a week or two vtolUiis (ricud.
and rt-toUvea.
Mra. BerUw-Aioetc.' wba has beci
bm vtoUing tor the past work, thgdesi of her parcflgg. Mr. and Mn.
Juba Bedding.. iMorned tob «
to her bbme at tjtoe CUy .
' C H. Mhnawi want to FHt Lokr
tola moraine to rtott frleuds.
C. B. Lardle to Mending the day
l Kingsley..
W. A. Frost wertt te KlngUay th).
lornlne for the day.
D. Button went to Csdiltoc' today
where be aill spend the greater p
of tola week tbe guest of friends.
Mrs. H. e. Bayle went to Bparta
ihu uorateg where she will make hci
lesaiil BWmt M BM owwal JaeRson blekacT tptMU (Mrir. Jttud tba
reertvm'aad 1^ lawuiabg the UK
atWMbwa an^rtbe waBtry ae bad
cDwdlad. be gat aaatnl
syentnMSBMi ^
The Faim
arlra was.baay, and be aaawerad
tral with:
-You chase that party right ol tbe
Two separate .lelephoaa lyatpa......
each striving Or the buelBm. en wire, young lady! I come BraL^aad
tered toe village «f HIHotd at toe yeaTl get Into ttouWe U y*a iai*T doaT sec toBto^ why yea parfera. Plain, etralgbi l««al caatran
same time- Tb« Inhabitants
tbat wbca 1 waat tta wire 1 -cOM stot la gotog to toa ceoatry ovtir
aald Ura. Hsaugua. frownorer aU."
M, kUmfe.'tonemiMbA and rarioot
world. Tbe ageei of one compbay re
4Rksr (orau ot ataovara salora
duced rates a fourth, but ae on:,
would sign a comrset.
bndc riecta bafon. bat tbe Tnrable
c bidax and called bla an oU foolbe"[J
ageat went one^ourth to
■koaar «aV«illi k d|Sareal Idea
Aay remedy tb^ beatola dlpMUoii
J signers. Thera wm
H proved :^4elft^l dfoenion i
that w^ted tetopbouJ^Sl*^*^'* “**** B hit 'em Brst Ume
Mtoi Altot Weed, talt this momlr.t temllta
Oe usaal
f Mlia. McMldiael eielihalf a
h. .^d t» hl«to» a. b.
Mane me tf I wast
M tbe tMenat of her ,cswu tnni,
lebed for hit IM aad c
suit, but aU
. •N bt
ay t.ealy child eomfortoblr setspend Ibe aumiucr.
to ate
{be ftrat
ber'lDvItalkna «ere la
Mlee Iva Begart. of Ktogrteyw
mbed a^tb' ’‘7<eedl« aad Pfiu. ItoUl^MtoeNMU.
tu. I.. ... -..k.... --_______
Judge Wragg was
‘r “•
-___ _wait- shall hsvn
have 1te fire up my little girl,
ed. this aflcriiaoa lo her binne froii peace, end the big
4nwi a HaM Varrlea Her Trouble*
aad f bad ratbM^ glra ber to bim tbaa
a Wief bualnesa trip lo this elty.
Safta’ aid rWMM that
to a«y one else. He's a mha every
bean c’-owen are nned u>
Dr. J. J. Brewnswi returned tod .
Me tiin>lali.eonie article tor a work make simple leitotiiatloD tecu of ibeii
cue Rkea aad Irusta. aomebow.*
to bis borne at KlDgsP'y, nftrr attend
baakeL «'hea It caow Uaie tor tbe eeed btoaa. a* fottowe: Plant llh
If toe meeting of tbe Grand Trav ir. .
ineaaBUlioa. or tha.ahMer of iron btou In some sand or loamy aoU. eltb
me «r« nee of The wire. Call w
mo Ucdiral Soriely.
Ueo. H1aa«llt«btmrr «aa tcu to ud
*«aad may *am ^ «"lak oaly of my ^ mamm^
In a box Inside or tn a warm t>lBc«
W. H. Umior left thto riwmlng Ter.
Md a little Mf obd TtM (berela tbr ootside. After tpe fl^t btom bare
?!!***« »•"« 1 Mv. a# obmokiaa
"n»nam«<- "B« nm
IWkaaka. BHoskey and other north
AracOoBa whltb would lead her
been ihi tor two or tbiee da}-e make
era imlou on several days' busines*
r-Tl-Jeffber apeUIr*
mt of those Chat bare penulnat
C iB doora aod out.
ed and datermlDe tbe permtace. Iktr
I. J. Hortlln of Kingsley arrived
%an>, Id tact a n>err» cbine' arDaBn
CemlnatloB test mAy also be made b>
to*a tbe i-li) tbix morning tor to- da]
■pm bouae and tot. (aod la'Uib ralo
txir mug. ,b.i i,“mni'gTJJf SSL“‘m'“in£!ui“i,".''".'iI!'i.'°.M lu’bJ ™n’ii
Pbeuw toe btou between eoou
(From Tveadar'a Record-Sagla.1
W. H. ShaMen ratumed today
thing special lor tbe lodge to get an- ,b reoir sJ
bVt ber eflHta artre well re^. for r
Mr. and ^ra. John T. Beadla. lefi. ia hoiHC at Sagiaaw. afii-r an >
other Buberriber. One ef tbem anally
Ike a»d of t&e ralp^dm diacovered th< |d«W of rtoto or UottlBK panel
n donT want to rtolt Mra. Wmrraaa.
wbicb are kept In a inolsi condltloti haiw today on tbe noon train e.i
>lm lerr ntea. aod- then ao ,mib.: fool or SB oia eae. but I do m«her-l might ge If Mr Dsaa
tended vixil in thto city ami at i
haafcet wkiA qpAatoad evernhliv
all. but the big man of toe
tbat U 1, bad my haads la your
•«*''> • fr«iueat caller at her
•worit boakal aboetd. dadi article tbe
beans abob A low perceMasa of se> cngl- od. They expect to be g;>nc .Captain L. A Newcen. a former rse- town thought toe matter over lor halt Gain'd
['d makclyou baWAasded alora
Aad I do want B go down to
a day and then replied:
mlBstioa er fail to make a rtf
1 let go!Idetit of toU
frowtb In tbe sennlnaior. new
•» «>• Klngaley'a Mrs.
abotdd be aecured. If seed ci
Tbrea owtaata. a' moalcal raanoce
iptcoe. and If 1 want to bold commu- pi^Q, nralgbt euetUoo-do you want Rlngdfoy halt been an old srbootmaie
fODBd In toe nelgbborboDd wbicb was
piWiT borne at Ixrt Angeles. Cal.
nicailoa with an.v one I can do it to marry * am«f her mother, and for tbg.toast two
the tale of as aBteiieliil^. aod th<
barreated early in a g»od ceaditlon.
A. Brigham of Summit City retunv threogh toe pestefflcc. A Uttle alow-xo; xo! -No! ’
sommeru Ibe girt bad apeat a few
nodelln ot a bead fraai whiu ibid
tbb will probably abow a food feral
I (Ills aflrraaon to his lioinr from a er, mebbe. but more uUslaeierr. la
-oh all rtgbL So barm done 1 weeka at bee boma. Her eblef r^aoa
Archie Waller, toft here this mei
to iMraaeut tbe btaor meat einpiored
aalkm. tTraally tbe local bean fobber lag for'ClndniiaU, O.. where he i
xbrn Imslacss Iriii to tlil.-. ■ ilylB
•peaking torough to^^epboM one o,o„ghi maybe you did. Ton ere oely
wee that ebe did not want
toe aodal >oar a^ furalabe
will be able to neeuiw eeed of food pecu te Whe his futore residence.
Mist Bertha Baiclw went te Walton U liable to maka aftstakas. but la soBber two out of a Hat of over to mert fbe maa wbrwe good auaiitfoe
totanest pt a pleulnx 'aatur
■ dlffereut. No,
dValltr for too bean growers of the ‘Jemee tutae' rrant to Keyntofis this Ibix nK>rnIni;.
Prta* Jayora weet to Ulaa tUtteabair'
a telephone.!.* *i“V*
. beer
ilty, It the .lemand tor ibe a
J. H. Marthall went te CndMIas (hit
rmratog tpi a ftw days business inp.
Alai Clara bftoer aad Hn. A. r. Ser
they ar> always gating ouj Of repair ,or number tores.
> known SBffIctettUy early.
naier...................... ......
Harwy Cbwrlade to vtoltfng raistivas morning in tiie Inlcrest of Ihc Kgult.
e bty-maklas i
able Ufe Insiinuii'c ■uiitgaiiv.
at dugilay thia sreek.
-a bad several farm
tbe Ktors’era
At elorea oclock hHaa UcMicbael
Mrs. E. J. Knl-c-ccn went to Mt.
Two ef (hem lanlbe eemembersd see
Mrs. Mary Sameen want to Ithaca
laritad ber neaU to tbe dUUnx
Tbere win be flunday school i
ieweant (hU aflcnr
pummee. hot Ibe
ua. th. Wire, andd yin ,;e.m lo totok R.
) eoarae laacbaoD
United Brethren ehnrrb evrrj Sunda)
friends for aeveral .toyiwraral:
« lu-yeji
rred. lbc.»e«D.cafr)'«i««« U ef
S orlock In toa afterDoon. K\-cr>.
a highly
W. H. Chambers, manager for the
-Add If ybn
J. J. MeWathey went to Manlatoa
lak ao alter
ctlre greab aad white ttildc'atoeme body cordlatly tnvtied to atteod.
8. H. Knox eoiKiwny. left lo-lay
, -•
reading my contract l-U eat my hat!
tola tooralng tor toe day.
Tbe loe creaina wn« b jiMtr oorelu
lanibe InObed ai bim r
Ur. anil Urn. ^Clyde Snyder ai
w > Tbaf# arbat J got a contract tor-ae
Mra. William tweet wem te Key- gm train for New York <tij.
«ar twlated caadr ailcka at Jl
dauibter Verniev' visited Sunday j
Many ef the Justleea ef the pewe
Me tob «iprnfag.,iD visit Cricods
^ IT.!. ronalftVl^Wk!ri4.
wbo were ••lecte-l in April have
her motber'a. Un. Uxsie Aldridse.
toe erean tnaped
the Inelo.
lc«1cd to Ole ihcir oato of oin.-e and.
bfiaa Gertrude BUke retumed borne. ArHm- Dorsey of Wsllion I
• a meirtb ake bogaa
aaa. Trtliaiaa ware uaed to Brotox
boixl with toe county rierk. l*rrba|>S'
waa tbtokliia er bl
retoa la toe IroomL-iat jfi^iitafrpron
lx not generally known, but lx
wbDe toe «tace caida. haad palaled where abe has been for tsro weeks inra home from Uleanracre. where bo fact uevertbelcsa. (bat it to ii taw that
taklog treatment. She to feellnf real tufa been attending hto Botber. w ho
the min^iuusl be done beforr tW
been fB.
Fourth of Julr or toe offieq to dc
2“ '-nr beglnnlag te eara tor James
Ur. Skfunor rtosed a succeeafol
k IT. H. Hamtin wat oatled B
irr'a weddiax to Hor
term of sHiaoI PrUay at (be Uaplr Klngalv tois BorBlng on neaxint ot cured vacantr-^
boob He entmelDcdhtoschol t^e iHneidror beVatoter, Mra. Sbertnitn
5= company engaged a lawyer to make a
ara toe last'day with a iiknlr. All ea- Wrlghtman.
loyed a good Ua>e.
'^Leuis t. Chalkar and Mlaa Laura
Clarence Dine bu rcluracd hour fyaelka went to Summitt CUy toU
from Graad RapUi. where be bar morning to apeud a few days vitilbeen a few weMa.
Ibg Ur. and Ura. Louis Kyselka. .
Ura. John Uatoetra went lo CodllBart CioM et the asylum, ei^eeto
to to« and It w..Vta2S!VVri ^ *“
Saturday to .arcomiwny Gertrudr i hand In bit reslguatlon about July
Ulako home.
Brat, preparatory- to going to Moma
Tlie Istole*' Aid met Thursday wlih na. where be wilt engage In toe sboei>
Mrs. Will Unia.- They lied cowfCH
They Ara Often Burehsasd In Breto
-Why, man. auppoae you vrant to call
he'll have no ^ore use for toa and murb work wax acn>iii|>liahed
JaM tbM e step
•ACS to Turiteyw^Chielm Hatched
a donor'to a botTyr-------------After toe business meeting a Sik mornftgB
la NMural Way Beat.
lunch was serred.
visit here with retoUves aad friends.
«m n-. „g u ...„
.u ."gj?<
Mrs. Jennie-TIbbIto It quHc lU wi
rely want to rail op
her bmw t( seemed almoM aa If tht
batched early -In Hay and sold ■
lonsHilii at the Bay Bank Hosuiul.
I Hlghdala BOW aad^
bad spoken her tbongbu aad he had
Thanksgtring for »4.M par pair,
lames 0<«. Taylor and H A.
Wall rtollod Mrs. John Wall Sunday.
-No. cant any as I
Doa'i know
Grand ftip-IllC spending a few' days
to aay i
And now it would dppMr that tba
Oulto a number from this nclghhor
but three or four mea orsr there. aM nnrlurnsl bifurcated
as toe gndst-«f Hits Eva Msgec.
_ _ Nias MonUfoe.-be aald. BsaHag
hood took tbe elfhlb frade csaulM
tov dost amount to ihuckatheir I daylight bro(be^>' •*'< beeMe her m tbe asttoa. *T(ta
Mra. Charies Henry returned to her
00 ai Ktogaley last week.
Tb^ days paas^. and (he agent trouaera.
a. must appear In the plural-^ Rlagtley baa toM bm that yea thfab
home ar Petoakey this mornlDg fnmi
Uin. Gut Uck and- UlUau Tayloi
who bad made toe last
laat and bbest oBer to other wotos pajamaa-are to aert-' returntog bom- io-«v«wbBlIeUn aar^
abort baaiaeas trip to this city.
mlini on Ura. Anioi Box tVednesdai
waa In despair. He could have of- ous dlsfaror In
*he antwetwd, briety.
in ^nce.
France, and the «»ior'
Mias ^lora'. turn er Cleveland.
. Tbe wet cJl^Uloai «Uch prevailTbrliuu Box celebrated her sevemii
fered (be judge graft, but he feared line Is to be drawn agalnat aome of, **• •• ttnhsard of Ifberty for btm. (e
,. X.X -------------------- ...
Vpd leaaraUr '^ar toe auie dnriai blnhday last Wednesdor. Har Utile who has been visiting In this city and
to do ..
ft It
had been tried U.
by ...-------------oibrr the meet radiant
raembeik - the pa- IN-_______________
___________ __
Cbarievolx for the past
^ tall nomli.trom tote Beptenbar fiicuds.
men and brought tham a bml turningfrat,
Bt that a^ dtapiMsed. but sba mada a mUerable
and Lucllo Taylor,
urned lo her home today.
ai^ aftar^jjiaBar tn^,
young rarams
Farlalas ftnaaciar,
■I rvuBS.
unanciv, a ama «ii
«f, *•
- - Ittptai tbe afieraoon with her. Th*
•Tn the name of haavea. a
Ultle folks enloyed ice creem. candy
it II you wsBtT- be dually asked aa weeks beau auSertag fro
Hoy M. 8|K-rry of the Greening Nur
crop wUeb and coke during ibo atrternoon.
aiatui ^
be determined
I _____.
malady ot
, on a tost sEort.
.. tbe ejet .....
.hreat.- If he had bees ber equal. -If you eae
sery. Mooio<. Mich., passed through
«:lB bUcditoaB la '"n>e Uatebett school cioned
. aaBr raara.
the city today on their return
Tuosday wiih a pIctIc and a get
ptotw. frua a whorl JhixIbcw
Ura toa beaaa rapaatopip. and in good Hue WHS elOoyed.
-Rut I've offered tn give you a (el- could dlrtue the canee of tbe myale-l
Emplrctoeat owaa to axpoaa tben to
bone ouiand-oul for two .y >ra.~ I rieua malidy One day be made the Mpidly. Rbe nnal not lieten te him.
Uisx Sheets xpeoi IMilBy aficri
Mr. amt Mrs. John Suplee returned
BOtoraraMa weaUtoc tor
■Yea. but tbera's anrh a thing as^ dtarwvery tbat foUowtog tbe oece j
brash ber
wiib Ura. r. it. Bogart.
wfMB. TWa jaaatted la toa dareloplegal eontracis I ,^01 when be <
Mr. CraiB rrf Harbor Springs bar Ibto afteinidm to ibeir home
a eertato pair ef ”
-W hat do )Wo meanrbrlllltoally red v
■aat of ao)*>a«l &* baaaa baoon
ba-waa par-'‘'
siieDding a few days wiih bb lalre after a-short visit here.
-1 aevar take another mta's word.' ticulariy affected
Harold Dumbllto mto Wm. Hardy
iw kadir dtoaalored. la ataiiy tmutm granddaugblers. Eldo aud Clam Crapo
loved him with ber whole heart.
aleo toa ttop waa not barrwted beIBCX Uarra'i railed oa Rboda llu left for Uelrdtt yeuerday iu spend to.-Ara yoe eagry. lautber be afibad
fera hearp ttrUam. or wpa
when aha did not speak. *T tmder
»a‘a wat wnred eooditlob. aad ware
Mias Edna Ncllly of Betoskey ar
to itoV^^
** **^1
from iba garaeai and laoe- ataad-yoo. doaT eara for aa. aad-^
(Tara Cram s|<ent FYiday- wllL
ILjt to
in make
R..a> aX legal pi^ therewith a
rived la (be rfty Ibto nwraing to visit
later lajured by fraaitw.
Thelma Taylor.
•But I’m reedy
^ bomber of-gulsca.
laatbe loMred up abyly. T fearasT
friends far a tew days.
aaa taato of tbaaa dtoeetor
While Blymstrth Reck Cock,
Vere Tay lor wax quite «k-k a
Tbe young ftnaneier bns •aid—I didn't—ears.* abe faliared.
Claud Boa wee Mllad to Benton Her-,
wMto haea baM ideaMd Mb 4U-. day-a lato week.
ris ft—poasfbla tbat you eafo for a
bor this morning on account ot the: iato yaara bava baeu high la price If
<amk aeetloM er toe toate abow
Mar M.
wbo bad guaraatead (bp maUrtaL
uM In qualify, nays a writer In toe
ell. tbal-s ulklag to tbe petot.leato of a rwlaUve.
rarr low cBtolaatlae. to ton practlRaitlmere American. The dlEarenoe replled (be Judge, and tbe agent was
am own.
htow. T. H. Klein paaesd through tht
tolly all of toaaa IBM to lamlBata.
what 1 received and wbti asked te call tbe next day.
*71 aubaa 1m dlBeraaea to m*'
to nade a rwy weak rvwtb.
Mite iMt Anderaou aud yitos l-to ;-li>- today on her reUra borne lo CTiarrouid have
was only too RUd to do
are rich gr psor,” Mm
'All taman aro
tber Daathac were Travt-rac CUy vis leroix. from several dkys' bosineat broutfIL was my pay tor apeadliig ■o. He found an agreement toat not »at
cfagt w«b a mead at pnewerwd. eoftly
Ip B Tbomiwonvllle.
about fire aUntoa each to eapoatoa only gave toe jndge Ibe roaiUBi use' a L
Maatlar aay beaaa toat ara badty iton Saiurdoy.
maL wbaa a mnmga yoaag
-Tvo aomethlag te caufeat. faatka.*
Dave Campbell. James Cavto. John tbM U July.
of a ulepheoa for two years, rwiin a
diaaolarad. ai It wUI be InpoaiiMe
Gene Ceek was U Dig Rapids on
DP and Mld<
he asM. efier a moment There was
CUeki batched in the naioral sra- repairs t
inch and J. J. Corcoran drove
•a yoa tar a BamiaL Mr. aa anxltraa look m bit fare Tm g«
to- W a aomal atand aad frowtb' bosineat tost week.
M are much easier to raise than and without expeara to btm.
I wbat yea thought me.- be went oa.
toto by thick pUatlDi.. Many
The IRile Imbe of Ur. aad Hn. -Jui Boyne City In autoniobRes thli mo
toose romiBg earlier or later, and In
-Certalaly,s staled that be bad toe ffrsi
Mr. Dash. *Tvp deceived yen. but aay yoall tor
Andrus died toxl week. Tbe parents « to atteod tbe opening hasebaU
of baaae toowtai po dtoeofei
aiperteiKS aHher pay foul as -well
tbe wire, and that he was not to rising.
gtee a
Uhawtae rcaaliad In a reo law
Hut I plan tbe Marketieg to a atnne- be cut In on. Day or eight toa
a lad bim octom tbe
•ad.’ tatarpagpd tha
Suey Ttoomiimm of Manistee
iNmtoaUoB. prtoabty daa to toe
what nausoat way. t kee* Plyaieelh
ns to be at hU comMDd
f ftri la.bewfMermeal
' Grand Rapldt (hto aflerMOD
ttoeks of a light pullet cailag. bettot tbe, were troNb wblle In a Sandoy with Mr. aad Mrs. Ben
It was a raal-lrae coatraet. but aneb
eeuse than I can tell the eex wbem was tba rivalry betwaea tbe cm
, wat modltleo.
------ _,x«ni-* \ r.xwro—xPwn. ine man pga
Mra. Howard Davie is spending . they are calf a day old. Tben dorli
nlM tbat it waa duly aigacd. It
Born B Ur. aoB Mrs. Glen Maynard
tbe poUticiaa'a aar:
| dida't waat to meet.- ha went aa. n
Tbe forantB of the state bare not
few days st Walton tbit week, toe the B- x'hs of Mar and June I sell at figured that toe judge wooU use ...
-I am oa tba staff of aa ereaiaf learned from Mrs. Kererem that yea
Uay f. a gtri.
tolag at a ptoythtog for awhUe aad papar. and I abould like you to tell were eomlng bare and It wet net ffftMiss Doily tTiariiarneaa wat tailed rtott of her eob. Ftoyd Darts.
then drop it. as seariy all otoer peo mc what you think of toe situation flr.iit for me te guesa why yen didtT
Brethren by the aMous lOnesa ei
M It li fapertally Inpo^pt ___
Wrom WrdseMay's Recor4«aale.) fellow wbo baa set batebed quite aa ple do. There waa a wide veranda ta the aast.I rtre (e rttK her with year mathsr.
jaar. It b Uaptotai* ■« oaly on ao. ber stoiar last week.
chicks at ba bad piaaaed. it la In front of bla I
O. M. Gingrich want to Cndllto
1 be fixed
Mr. Dash lotAed a Ultia putxled at At Frank Ktngsley and I oaed te be
Rev. and Mra. C, N. Babcock gad •‘•Is moratag on a tow days btaiaei
tooat of iMttoi a lood ir^ of
to aaU bim baby cblekt by
Im. tbea be said:
(good frieode at eoRffa. t came bsM.
. babtowtotow«too..^p„«.t. Ur. aad Mra. Gaerae Babcock nf Lake IrtB. ,
iust saying that you wUI plefc. out
-reuow me:' sad prateaded M ba age off (ba Mm
aia af mtotoaUua. bittba afl bean Ann Mtonded ehiiRh nt Inland Snndny
udvar at tbe
And laadtag toe way ba walhai haada I wm eartaga B sm tba gW
u« Frank L. Btator to apwBln pnlleu. That gats toam aleaiy got gf forth and talk
top way.
aataa time. No railroad praaMcat through tbe reading room, down some who dIdnT want (e sm mg Aad
» b tnpanai* b bare ■aning.
toe day at Soloo.
Bad a more coffifortaUe l^eaook.
•tepa teio toe drawlag room, toronfb from tbe momagt I mw yua. laetba. 1
Utaa FranUe Franger' ot Grand
totototo win toaka a
A^. Jahraua want to Cepamia
The teiepboae compaay aeoa bad a long paaaase Into the dialog room, bava foved yea. TaeTi torgtre ma tor
Tba bMna ahowinw
to risKtag Hn..Wm. Dexter ito morning tor tbe day.
twenty-five mibscrlbcrm aad was te •ad drawing bis rtsttor late the «rr-. tha dacrtdloa. woiT yon. dearT ba
Alwaya a Ckanoa.
JBB •BBtawla. and raumat
Rev. W. A. Eley rsoni to Kingeto
Wbea a man wlsbes to make a tod cemiBUBlrailon wRb all toe cooa^. er. bablad toe bat rack, be wblapart pleaded.
>ls Bvonilnc tor toe day.
I Ttatoe loefeed lata bk toea -wttb a
air ba dacssT bava to boat Then U wat that Jodgt Wragg wu
, dtoirtet cleeed tut week. Utos OaaMb. Leto MoriWI went to Oran
beard iiwm. Cp te tola Ume he M
*7 raally deaT kMw aayihfag Meal amfle. -Thera'a.raaTly aolblag forai
•Imply letted Ms POtee. New be a»- Ifk-TH-aiB.
|b forgivg- .be marmurM. hdpt^
^' sji r r.g.T^'-orgS .sj-i
W.HX J1»«. -
nL ' Jlr***
•• •"•
Tk.... „. rikn. ..g ii» »*»' 'zA'iL"s"z
vr.-.“V^"blnrwVen yo^ve ^
ww» emo; TO THE EKRAiii AND ioicimo CO.
r«B veil Mat •pHakle wUh •»«-.
Pev m rov douck Ud tot h nl»
tor tkne boora to a warn t>tooe. tkea
bake to« bot «ree: cover tbe top wiib
paper If U browns toe aeoa ead bake
tor tbreettnsrtefa ot an boar. When
doae tm oa a plale sad sprtokle wttb
powdered si«aa
rod^ ■e.*’ aaU tbe BwA
Door Neltoibor, >l tonad this new
war to toakinc • dstotf desert and It
le JuK whet yon srsnt fto ooe to yoor
lu shape. Cat a tbla allce tiw ste* .<nBnira.* b U .a fruit poddlns. maa<loppoMteeadtoeaobor»toe.aad enUed. sad now tbst-pHtooppld,
fbrow ihla aw. Cm i^ea Into
obeaper. J think U will be deaad to lb# saao Uiao o«Uo
s^ Ihla. put In paa sad add one cup
water for each orangSv Soak tor twea' U'-four boora, and for each cup to the
tabtore Uke oae scaol ho|> of aasar;
onp of-Rngltah -atoms, chop one
» bed. SHI rtetarb. b« do eot
it Cu ksU
Je»-7Cw iw rhifcufc Uu.'
h to tbs w«er. W.A «nU|
«-«t Sr Ihu eMen
etok i«o».
to<k ptoe*. Pn two«>*•«( ihto tbe>k»
u ererr
rtoee moi
to *
l■■MU(elr dtotofect
«Hh one leui c«* offo^ to • two»4d
ew PMbd
to ^
nad dryH tbe
eU dUcbaneei
dooHe botler Md Mae* <mUI Uw XS-' Pm (he''w«u- over tbe rbobwb aad* bine, add a (eaapeobtol to white rlaeCUto Uw Blw -ee M as Iker ap- kerb la tender' sad tbe mmr dto- M U stand over nlaht la —.w.
Ibe nr or a ball taaspooelnl to towtolie
pear. Use llqMd potoona
stored. Add tbe Jirieesad ebopped Moo. Neat ■ad
da» acM
ball to
laet rlaMac wniw. Thto
nptoa a^ tnpa;
riad o( oae tovon.- DI«aolTe eoe tea- totoe lemtber (tbe sacar wn net be
ptooo ettber ef
dr poleoae to ■koon'al to aoda to a - cep to aonr dtaaolredi lor twenty atiMtea. (ban
sbaltow dtabM thirmibrrt tbe konse- eraan. Mix one tenapoon to craam to PM to tbs rbnbnrb sad bed twnty
ninnta leecar.
teaepooatoli to fnrtosKc
sad ooe^ iwspniia to etot niantto
Stir as titUe m ____
^4* to a plot to wnter, or (bi one
two enps to Sonr. Stir tbe teeun kle to order not i» bcank ib# rbnbnrb.
A* Omilit Tbto WIN Nat PeM. «
of btebnuto to potash dis- »ato this, and If not ettl OMsb to
Caaaad Raw Pl«dnBi-Taba ttet
Aa aoHlM that «n not B4 nine
,_iTad to two obdcm to water, sweet
out.add a Hole toore donr. TOas
»• Jouai sad tender, wash sal tAst N enoapUansOy *>od. hotb to tot
on . wiitooted bo«d nad pat or roU l*el. cot to Mk« ptocea PnektoMer
fo omoklr clw n>o«a to Blea. bt«. «« “U*
“ tklck. •“*«< iara aad BU to orerdowtog with ibi an om
pyr^^ ^^
powdered Cut aad hsbe like btoeniu. When ^ wer. let etaod tea
etoreh tnati
blsek Bss Into iba sir of the room ‘‘•a*buttar tbato and ar«» iba water aad BU aola to Ul It to «M>
per aad onoball rwto'to milk, 'aito
when H tokkaoa taka
tba etora.
ooadlOeto They n»« then be *sth- over ‘Aem.
reo«lr«l tor use, trust the sso* Beat two «•*. ewaraMy. add to the
Rbobnrt Sonne-CmlBr rgenarb “ freak rbabarb.
cornotarah. pour Uio bat. well-btoBne. put to a dooblf ho4.«r with
tored omaiet ev frybig pan.
enough eugar tp kw^en. steam un- »••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦ the unto wnr. or aot ta a modaralp
^.r^li S^SSIT
on to. to toorondOy cbffll. Whip ooe Ble. tbe followto* method.
-----U1 tender, then pms ihrougk a aieve * HQUBEWORK MADE.CAgY. • oven, leave ahont ton mbtatra,
"" rfcks this cut to beaven
out double over aad rarvo on bat platIbm 'iLwas la^^tm
“ •*"*' *'* *“'* •**!*“■ ' 8***““e eblorfde to lime or kero^ ***^
kesiea yolk to one egg ^
As simple as His chea:
then fold la lightly the
-any boor.
tor. The omaiat la doM vbta a kalto
tbS^t ^^ r-teato.mtd pm tberrto. on U .oneW comonto to privy
prtr, vault,
rsult. and
nbd «»
“ «acb cupful,^
And U tomomw ahall
shall bo
be sad.
In tbe kitchen, and
draw. otTpe. It oomw e« eleaa. with
garbssa bosea Keep mrbage recep- **“*•
**** ***“
tag kettle and add teb cupa or two '
IT oonea at all J>e bad
l_ . «tauerad^p^l^ flcaaani «ork done there. Is the best
Bake to
aou of the mtoturw tolngl« to It
dish miUI U begtos to tenck open oa
'«»■ kavlag tbe mm bright
ThU prlndple can bo brad la mak_
Lst simmer uncovered ontJI
and cheery. Let's bsve nU tbe sno- ing a eoatto. sod it wlU ant tolL Plrat
—r. Crane, labom one and onedialf honn). pu.
ikbli* notes, ‘to Keep the ground around garbage box «>►
cook the raromartb. wbkb abooU ba
a Bowerlng plane
afeont tbo wslsuney of and ewtard:
When boDsesork to ^«
pm ««■
tab HacLwea tells mtmswbsi* a gr to m>m, ot the llquM to wbkb Ua
wwlil W be »aay nure piu^ old paper, old straw and
»<*bout pealing: mix half a
acton- add to that' Iba (ralt and tom tho
wbltoe to ,01 beaten klk and ItobUy
swnet mpry 'to hi. native BcMlnnd. trtU to cooking. Cover tie mabr and *»•
ot cooking It for preoeai'Otber r. ruM of like naiare. Keep
““»*« v’rtth ibrae cups to “
loMad to: than bake aaiU dona.
(tet While tanntartng aleng a coup- tosat to beUIng potoL tbeo add to or- »•• «<
^0 I have msuure lu MToeoed pit or vault U pot^
try laM <«e bot aftormmn, be nto» a nngra nnd boll iwenty mtoulra. Fttl
*0MXOot.',ibto Hmiura abotod be removed « »>*to It with a layer to Bae bread
.A HONH CtoaalnB Him.
baude woe lasMe. an humpod ap and- m glasses while bot This will make
-Old I e> er tell you ol my grem least every week.
wUb s Isyor Of tbe rim-iw*red. and paBleg with the welctai to a about toyrteea cupa
dtoooveo last summerr' ..Id tbe Bsek - Pour keraeeoe lou tbe drains. Keep
**“ sprlnUe ibltoly with tbe
Afur rage have bora toaanm mad
... ..................
toddle aba .......................
was carrying.
' •
---------------- .................
chop rawer.*, sratem to good order, raptor -wand dot with blu of bmter: re.
rplaU they are ptisa toaaa to be
It to I
pent nnttl tbe dish to tali, bavtog tbe
faded, while they eUlt reuto their
on««a^ ■»« the akin tool} 1 of
»hAa I really needed lor raatong. nil
welgbt and aaa Tbe ralor ran eas
to dOtolAe- four lemena irerartong tbe puii> and >lEhl from our own trees, bm 1 felt Oen^ ct
a overy da)'. Keep a last layer of crumbs, addtog bits of
D to the tow of tbe ual- ily be reetored by aslag any good
to rarbtolc raid huuer. Hake for sa hour U a rather
~Md's aot bivvy, sir.’ ennw tbe ra- julee of lemons), got hw rat ering •* tboagb tboy on^t not to ba wast- Bve per c<
verra: It shpold also be tbe tow to tbe dye' applytog U to the Bgarra wttb a
pty.wUba Wfiato lovtocprida.-Ue-s and kraidng covered with water: btol ot. Yoawereawayonyourlongvl.lt to tbam all too time. Oetrid ofrawsaall. stiS pnlat brash. Bava tbs nut
ton brllbw!"
alovrly for two beurs: at the end pt *o 1 ooottoi't throw them over the dust boxes used as coapldon--doeUay
______________ After ooe tans washed tbe dishes
isM Bat on tbe Boer, jato a wrantHy of
How raady dilereat this old world that Ume take then out. aad boll tbe (anon Ilka tbo man to the Diefceaa toem-tbe are nnratoury.
-atlgbt be 0 more to ns oooJd or would «a(ra down to ene qnan; when cool, hook and any. -Bo nine! Be mine!' Dont allow din to aocumulate to #♦«♦♦«♦********** fromoDcioi«m,ty.aveyrar.lii.*ot dye. and while It ii bot go over eoeb
flgara vety daratnUy. earrytag em ora
mnkp brotbma to our burdens! Love remove all seed, and chop Bne or- The rosoR of my Impramptu omobi- eoroere. behind daorb. back of radi
at a lime. Oaly tbe mam promtis tbo. graHifi «( all ll^toban. and
lemon akin and pul^ aad boll
ot totonlea and plepUai. about atora, under -tovee. etc.
aaai clora aeod be reloocbod to give
that which'to barM levtogty ral^ with tbe q.nan ot water end ton W port of toe former to two or thrao Atlo* no dMO)l0 maurr of any
- ^1^ naraiir. Tet tbe toaes bt labor poong,
the rng a frasb appearaaec. Tbe ramc
real “aprtog tonic.- rbabarb can ,
shgar thirty, of tbe laUer.. 1
d and doUgiitod «>rt 1
treatment Is very rattolbriAr loearryare Ctwwdad ♦!* ■« and womea nUnme,.
Be enratal net.0 allow R net oBly too tamUr. but erary one
bo nmde Into a deUptoue *toly, ray# ■ ,
----------- --------------—
o on laded
tonner-B «"■
wUe. Rhnbaib to
by Ittoll
lUall rtl
wfll '“uZ'L, _U U..I « .a h.1 f
who band gad toch. and grow weary to ban. as ra much sugar to apt to do. «t^%bs tamed them. Tbera aemaa
Flies In toe h
. l»Ua» .
Braraels or VMvm caipms.
apBca, bacants they era carrying wbea eool. pour it into tolly gtossra. to be aomo raectol factor in them too bonsekeoper
atraagon. Vo them tbe day's task to
Marmatode-CA out the wM«b make, tbe uomtoBUlba as Ideal no blea.
-I—-------- —.1. .. ...
»0“*d be reconstructed.
«alr toWmliiBtoi or galUiig.-ttaera to ,b,ek btoqram oad from five Ikvel or- M tbo better known oorrnnto sad
Utm Hr Bel Bode.
'^old doctor’s prrarrlptlon. -Don't
aodblBB eompaatoRkble or bratberty angse. slaah racb one leag^wtoe half Pm
Bbem R.' Jk this aplrlt too often to H « graeg tiinra aad sUm as tbla-as pop <ot
. If you get tlrad to your ♦ RHOBAR* FOR FREBCHT UBE. ♦ --ben meosurad mum be
u wtJL'r to pm tbe ptoMtilB *l*aab beitor.
haM How BiaA happier might tbe ^Me. addlag oae lemoa
Mtnltorty p«- raarael.
rover with coM watra.'and whan It
tbe winter,__you
ran open a
«*. «hen cooked, nquees, toUhiaq,b T
bm brn bow maab more wiWag the p*red. Tto frail sbouU be Bae and qaart canot wtoplaatand a tdm c
Rhubarb Pk^itortng lined a plate a tolly bag and to encta cap to Jaku
gels bm add a bandfal af raleods and
toMdl, If «toee wm jrara ctonmoaly --------------------------fre, jrem btomlihra. To----each cupfal of ebarrtos. bent them op
to to
a large
s siw. Cook naUI U
...Ucethar. with
a large
^ ,s.
btol Ibe tlDware tor thirty n
^SyantottogmitbonghUbat even to
u,ree caps to cold wtwr and .tot im-Una ooto. andthey wUl taste betrt.“b.ra cut to smsll piece, best nias thickly aad atowb tram a apooa:
or we ran. to ma
strong to Mkasda tbs ttowaH win
»-«■■« bWilibt. «on forty-BTo mto- taf than anything yoa have had to iea«her oophalt cup to au|sr and 'f cooked loo toag It bae<«ea waxy. In .
■BRI It bUitoB a pan needed to devel- «« g*g *gg|g ^t Ji mand mull the
shtos Uke new. UwniBmcalerlBone egg. and Pour over tbe rbabarb,
It U. red and has. the ttste of ,
<|Bag.tA Momtt. to dratoai! Who. followiM day. Measure and add oae
“Hasmudi as we do _
lure tbe tin to any way. Balrada add
n epriaklo over Vmnall plnefa to aalL «*•"!« Instesd o IrhaUrb. Ws use * ^
tattli^ tka irath to this within, might «*p m ,„g,r ts cich fi;, 0: fruit'and cherry tree, aad I like tb -«b« my •«» cover wUh a top ciiiet aad bake, ‘he
. ________
ed to watar with arbkb Baan are
- **‘e^' l«««her with tbe Jetoe of ea- freh *d as far as posilMo.'- said the Bhabarb Custard Pie—Blew a pirn
‘’’ee*- but tbe old-faahloaed Mo- ivra eggs ver)- light and etlr Into scrubbed wHI eat tbe greara aad
'Ht's'M'Mm.Birf It's na brltber.’ other tomen. Boll gently for (oitr- Fmntg |
bast ibeni foar ublespoonfuls of sugar and whitsa tbq^ wood. It will remeve
. -1 ahall ooraiy
to a1 very, rtolo Icvcs are said to .give the
... rhubarb
____ _
—From a* Itosoy by Leigh Mttchtol
aiteotra and turn Into glasses.
suiai frem masUn aad llnsa U pat
try yoar bright plan.''
liitto water uoill teuuer. press thraugb "Avor. A large qusmitr ran easily and.
of flour Add to this
.^TrmTTo.o..S..O0. "*■ *" MbM-.-aya to preparing pto- a rolandc. add one rup sugar mixed
be cooked to th^ovBo. and ,
„ ,„g. iDio wsier to which the/ are raskod.
Do aot fofgm that raiaoda shooM
•••♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• t** PtaL" said the Dark Door Ntogb- •Itb one tabtoepoon of Bour. and tWo
»« ‘Unh It nnparlor to
,.# bollios milk stlrrtox
♦ THE BACK DOOR HElOHBOll'B ♦ pm. -f
golito to writ, to w -ell boaton egg. Uh. a pim. wllh
«««tbe cold praoraa A ^ ,I ,bkl^^ra“t Toy to^ be kept where lUlto ^Udrra win BM
«mid. the editor of Home Cbear. ram pame. brush it over with white to egg. *aw qu^ly ca. he pm In a can H-feen cool, flavor with vaallla. Have gat hotd to IL
V* •* her to lot* (hroagh ber boxes to PWr in the rhubarb mixture.and bake ’"beo cooked. Ko water need be add- redy to sauce dlahca etrawherrtoe or
This Is 'busy Itme' (or (he Badl Glipplnga. and give as some new ideos bi a quick ores wuhom a top crust
BNatoNne lb tfw Hwm.
to U.
' ,.
oranges, or aoy fruh in -raeoa.
Nothtog caa snpidr tba Istoi to sob
tb» *ttralM beamUul Uitto table Door Neighbor. The hoote domands on tbe auWeef
Add a meringue of the while to an egg Rbubarh Marmalade-Four powds
,p, custard over It. This Is
tbe garden ralla. and she rays
abtoe to bamoa htoaga A room may
Which abe did (bat very day. and bt»to> »UE »l'b a woouful to aq^r. fbnharh and- four orangra. wUh the , y„y ^plc nnd lalatable deesert.
_______ ______ibe
_ two she ..
„ Uto ramtlt w«l be found to ibis week's «r serve witb whipped cream pitod
»f aiu and the peel W two. Pbur
And W U an excellaot idea lor be made ligbur by ytolow wall paper
to tbe
'»"• » *”“■ "*• *®“‘be bn.) cook; li rametlira. poxxles
eventa aSe U dtdH -rt,nbar^- boraora It. moods mora
Rhuharh Sberb^t-Wash one baneb
ol ralslne. Ael abd cut tbe ,be housewife bow to proride a fresh apartmeot tor wort or ttotr. A gart
artstoeratto than ■Hitoptont."
«»f rbabarb. and cm to smalt places, r^bnliarb Imo hsir-lseh plsom. Prepare ,,|c
,be two or three op«ded daya an for a wont rat of Ibca tartalBB to
bfildtog forth to ber braeiy vray, tbe
tho Bra
with a................
quart to water
....... ““ «WBges by
tbst sre sar^ to occur racb wort. K
other day. over tbe, hfvlilbto d|vldtog
Abort Fllra.
aad cook slowly unUl tender, oddtog
and cooking tho i>ral to wstor (, prasibte td provide a fresh pie tor and mead tbo raau tad htoes by
, line which tong e took
- ■ tbe
- i^ac^ of
Tbo MIowtog on flies and bow u> the grpud rind of one lemon nnd one
‘«r(l«'- Brain and acrepol om the tbe busy day wlib very little trooble. means to ytolow yare apoa (ba yellow
• ooaM be gm aw- b^ or
her botos^^.l
buL cup or more of sugar. Strain and
*hlo. Extract ibe Rilee of the Wbdn making, lilc for dloner ooe day Ralog. It oqtltort to a Mrtby Bower
a -1..L1. I_L.' ..._i X.1XU df the Young Hourakraper. -rf^d
stand oo Ira for two hours. Serve
‘h* rhubarh Into a grao- make crust for two The extra crust at regular totarvato It yroBnen a non
Uont aS»w flies (n your bouse.
«i>b misljid Ira In elapses.
“• I>rcacrvli4; kettle. Beat lt~alo*Iy ■» u rtolcl out a^ fitted toto s granlie to decoretloB. Tbo laoe ehould be
-WltoM eaM -i« bh^ and s
CAiw—a .a. ..waM
.1.101V Owl permtt Uiem near your foodRhubarb Jelly-Rhubarb can be
«*h hfiM® mlnmei. pie tin and the top crust-if there K bu0 m tbe oulMdo. Tbeeo Bliar the
^ nspsetollr milk.
quickly converteJ Into a delightful “*«
tbe sugar, oraage auIm and to be onc-l. relied ready lor use and llgbt bramlfully art maka tbe room
kttdlr. wriBB;.
dessert. Wash and cut to loch idecea *'**'1“^:, and raUlns, and told -00 a i<Uie. Set to the refrlger- geatol ttoop back w|tk rlbbos or
■VMIhto, what carryrai iboar
.-I hive St
without aklnnlQg. To each
a>ow|y uatU thick. This to da ator or ao> coW |dara. abd It will raieen bo»a Tbe reaah pays tor ibe
d swUi). -My aald tbe You
-I read ‘
Dont eot wbero BIca bare acraaa a plat to waier and bell geoily unUl htious wbeo fresh aad a imrtfon may Uke but a moment next day to pre- trouble.
' every lllUe while of aomcibtoa good.
It Is a mueb. Strain without pmTho Aagil smiled pl^aiiy <
'"‘•■ec Mto- i«re ibe lltllos sad bskr. Tbl. enist ^
sure tbreugh two ihlcknrases of
Rhubarb Jelly—Cat the riialarh In esanot be told from ibsi fresbiy made.
d o( rtoe to wau#
___ . rf’,Tb'^rwiih“mA-' Thra »«• hoown to mam.
eheooedMb. Bebam and maka very
00 tbe .klrf; and cook an-l la much superior lo that made to
I Sttsirttw.v bm. the ellitolna. and
Files are the BlthleM of all vermin. »*ert. Measure, and for a pint and
unoueh satqr lo raver. When a bulk and rolled out when desired uDill lender, toea drain snd'pw to Ur
lo^^.ii-l,!r:!ot VSranlSe «ej ara-bore to Bltb. Hr. 00 flUh. a btof mmk a generous htof p«*nge
let drlj. through a >e|ly Ug. Tbl. -ill,,.row more ratuf.nory .0 double boltor wlU OBo toacupfto *
to oogar
Back was smptr- *
a seetloo to mv card recliie box. and «“d carry flltb around with them.
gnumlaied gHsUne >n a-half cupful •>« Ho not squceie. Take a measure the (bd>(1>. iban msktos nine puii.i*li
a dW -to. toe yolki to two e^. oae teacopful to
■HTby. sorely.' crirt the nmo. “tbere have labeled It tlood ttalnci for par- They .are maggoiH before Ihcr are of «>W »-aier. ' Wtren stotened add
■ Measure of Jolee. Inll pic»
orange tolea. and eBotoIrd of a teowon two groat worries, too heavy for ties' I c^e acrOM three cakes to B‘«m
the hot rhubarb. eUr until dissolved
"'U.m.-s to every qosri of ibU sa.e
spoeafto to rah- Cook lor Ifieea or
map to braiw But ah! yea. I tied tor- three dlSerent r-tn-last night. Files are known to be carrlera of and pour Into wetted molds. Serve
‘«*»l>oonful of gelatin
twenty mlnatea. Uks from the stovr.
The Child Who Diellkat Milk.
rtt-jrap was a weery to ytairtday. wh«e reading, that am abralmely new mlrtlona of dratb-dealing disease this with cream. Instead ot etratolag
dissolved la a little rold
geUtlB lx--------IborThe foIk.*mx ere dlBerent. .ways...la add one teonpooBtal to oraBgc extract,
^ an It li goae.*'
IB —
I stuck tOcm
lem ID
to OI>'
no POCSet
pocket 10
lo germs—UIVI
they aooTO
leave svuiv
some tn
to Aln.ot
iheee —«
the .uwMA.w
rhubirt IA.P,.
may be vteoacAi
massed lurousu
■Hf ■*""I Ibe ~----------■'
art turn into 0 mold. When otod >1-AM Iba Mberr
germs wbarexer
wbarever they toUbt.
bm to eoch
eueh rase It rtU
will u.
^“,0 M rtlore lastw^em on g«m.
a cotandgr. bmm
aold and nerve gankibrt «ltb
.-WrtB-MTby. -that was a worry to .be ram. for my reetp, box. and b.re
Fit--t •«-' -o eool 1, U to a dMlraie dreu - bo dlril e .0 Uke ^k.
Pltoa umy
mar totocl
Wfeci the fort you rat.
cal. opaquo.
whipped cream and elkrt orangw.
nmditsy. art It-lt hM not yet they me: Ibe tost ooe ta more Ilk. a Thay rame to your kitchen'or to your Bhnbarb Oobbler-Buiur an enrthdellcioos to flavor, I.
T^ake .
•>» ^
<«Bee rake art 1 shall set^e It with dining toWr. troah frem die privy enw*re bo-1 and almost all It with
* deUrate pick by amys « a W
Far Taw
This tM ABgeiamRed with InDnlte eoEee ramc •ftenioon.''
vaulL Oran toe gmhsge box. from toe rhubarb em Into small pleec. Make
Rhubarb-To sU pound, of drops of Uqold_^.~-i -w- .«
Oransre. slUad art sqfarrt
‘teaxpooafal of
pUr. raytag=
Coco. Cake----- One cupful of M«- maunre pile, from the cuspidor, frem r-bauer with ihrre eggs, tbree tableadd B., poundr of .ugsr. obc and Savor It with
Ormuna art bwunaw eMeed art
td&t to vioeicar. two mtiiooDs of rose wator art call It reoe dew.
Hrarkm: We wbo bows himseir
ar. oocdialf cupfal of botur. oae e«g. dacaylng animal or vegetable mauer. spoonfuls of flour, a idncfa of salt and 1^,,...: ..V“
abder tba warrtra to yeatarBay and
clove» aad t&rw (ea»l-oons of claaaBeat tbe yelk to so egg llgtat. add a sweeteoed.
. wie tea- or from toe <
sick room, sustdem milk w make It the consist- '
Oraages. bananas, ptoeappu art
tqmocTOW wram himself out tor
oo: cook slowi! *e«eral hour., iben icaxpooafol to sugar art half a liu
moon- sito Uria aotr to Blib on their feet sacy of fritter batter: pour tots orer
aaaght Bat be arbo rairtes only the.
tal to Jcllj gUsscs.
apoonlul to Icinoa JoJcC; All Ibe cu|. sirawbsrrtos. swesteosd. wttb a lew
tal to clovea. oao~ euptul of
milk, aad to ibair bedtoo. and Uer depoall^the rhubarb and baka to a good even ' 1‘iceeried llbubarb—Perl Ibe rhu- wlih milk, stir well art call the mls- drop, of lemoa Jules sprtnklrt over.
wrariw to today batb bo oart of a
oringre art coeoaiwt. iB toyres,
nek tor bto aorroBa. If iMa wilt only
barb Uai all lougb aad cut lato small lure aaow letnonsde.
to beillBg water. BUk from privy vaulu. etc- etc-.'u aweetoned whipped
lemon pieces.
Boll It -lib a.ven Kitle waIlcai a tvipful of milk, but do aot let art well swastsMd.
yn^Miliaa^ and clirrT nnd eourouptaU to slftrt Boor. 000 euptol you rat tort tbni bas come to contact ssuoo.
ter UBiil pericetb soli H'elgb aad It boll, sweciea It art flavor aub a
Rbabarb Cusurd—Cut alair s
age to the iblan to today real mis*
tt-bso you -ant to ara If your cabe
fortaBa can
1. bsklag well. m*n the otsb door
quickly, strike a maieb. art yoa eoa
of oae egg laio a glass lar: sdd a |itHc
sugar, screw dowa tbe top of the Jar
.......a .....
— .. -••• sad shake uBtn tbe lagredlcois are
______..e tree to rellave many, a botter.,add ooa art one-balf cape to *lm*arge. to tboae Mck with these to three e*gi with one cuptal of eag; urn pm the preeerva* tboreugblj blended, flavor *nb orr
brelber waytorer of bta bordeai and Boor, half a cup of tbe ralato water dlransae. and theo go direct to your %r. l«ur o«er tbem one pint of h«t
|, „ orangraJe.
For HanBiOf BaMatW
to ptoek nwaet fndu art
Bowers art one « besten light bm not aep- fort, to your drink, to tbe Ups to milk, and cook to a double boiler, stir-RnuiarbMsr:«aua»-Toracb qoan
Corea made -iih milk
ta liked b,
A sanll esa or cap, wttb bole•tong tha warswa
^ Xfootooo of m>da ebouhi )w slaeptog child, or perhspa to . ring conmaatly till tbe mixture -ill
.Lartrb sjd six or- umst .hlldrea-aad 1. even wore natri- purabsd ID tbs butlom. flRod wtth wuArt whan he ramc at Usi to the ho eUied wtth the flour Season with
smtol. open wound oa your hart,ar oat tbe spoon. Ftovor ^lih lemoa
,b,, h*ve here oratod. (he lloas than the milk .tour
isr nod tdarrt to iba baaglBg boskre.
•etttog of tho gaa.
*rtlh smiles ooe teaspoon each to nuimeg and cln- fae* Wbse gems are depoMted in Make a meriuguo with
tbe beaten .biic pith aad idps remavrt. mad (be
----------------------will iDretsb suElcfato mtostore. The
gqd a oobg.
aamoa. add the.relstoa. well dradgrt milk, they mutUplT very fast; there- whites to Ue eggs aad three Uble.nd palp sliced thin, and oae and
Rene»in« Bilks.
foliage wlli bMe It (ram Mow. A flvoI
srith Boor art bake one-half bour. Tha tore, milk should never be exposed spoonfuls to
powdered sugar, srt oae-bslf iiouDds of ■maoteud sugsr. iT,is-iii to s silt >esr. so you uiu.t ra^ tto firaral ta evsB bettor.
Wboit OranBra are CNsag.
ralslas should be dredgrt before boUto Elsa spreod over the too. The rbabarb
Boll #tew|). until dobc needs get oat )«»or old sUks art eut
It wfll be mobths before oranges are lag them. Tbta ta an excellret cab* The (tolowtog srageitioos are given mum he very coM befaire the cold cueRbnbart and Fig Jnn—WMgh tbe ibem span and rtoaa them. To dran
Ta «ara Haai.
ae ehqag BrtU ax Uey are right raw. chera. aatoly make art with a flavor for getUrt rid to alee;
urd ta joured 00 it.
rbabarb after it ta paatod art cm up silk* In gssolioe p« them Isio a brakracDofced kte (hat haa boea eat
tto Boklkfl'lb imbap somo manmlade slightly dltraest frem any other o^
Boasa your wirtows and doore. Do Rhubarb Taplora—Soak ooMhaU (or cooking sod to ererj sU
et to rtsollne and set t*e bocket In a may be kept from molding by rererto eat Bflrt nrtoter with your breakfast
h osrly bafore By ilma. art keep the ram tatoora over night art cook un- allow oortounb to a ponad to raadied tub to bot wstcr. Hsve all lo the tog tbs stpaaad rartaca wttb ladtaa
cakao. Hrta dre Mveral recipes, artBnrt Kncbeh—Beat wtol oae-kaif
ooweae np antil sraw (alls. Ul clesr to s dutort boUer. Ptora la lemoB pest em In ibia
art oae vard- Cover tub and gll -lib a pleea meol. Ham that ta boOsd ta a bag.
to qaou a well*rawB aaylag. "yea cup to batter, with onohalf cap to
florae all fort, eapaeiBlly mflk. Do a podding dish two cups to rhubarb raund of flgs that bavsL.>beea well of rarpci or an tod woolea blanket and kept to R. wf& ramolB metataad
moBey art
takee your auger. Rmr eggs. Ike grated rtrt of art eai^aodthat has bera ta ceuiact rat to abort ptacra. ora rep of sugar washed dried art cm to halvas. Place Alto- tbe ailk ta remato la(be gara
(eader to tbe tost atlew Tbs gmasr
theSeaV They are all good, art tbe , isowa. oaohalt pound to ratsbrn. wRk^rtaa .
art a ptot* of gtagmPour tbe hot tbe flg. art lemeo peel over tbe rto- lira for eight ortea hour.. Ult It bag axdaflsa tbs tor.
resM Is abou the ranw. ra muur ora taaspeoa to rah: add oae.yrtto Rcrrae (be *ab.v s bed. aiil keep lapiora orer tbta. etlr to ooe leaspooa barb, cover with sU poands to good dripptog from tbe gasoUra art baag
«HkBf.7oa use.
cake aottarad laa Uule warm waiar. fltos away from tbs bath's bottle, art to butter, rarer art bake ora hour. A moist segar art let start aatll tbe ir on tbe lira. Press it oltber under
Trt toaMs-to-maramUfle amy be era fdat to lukewarm mBk CM three the bsbyh -rasaloner.amrtngra make. U sUn bmter. art .1 next day. Tbea ioU elowly-tagerter. muMla or ttosoe paper. B-hen asmMrte frem Mx oranges by tbe follow- ^ibreaquartera cape to aitirt
Keep flies away from tbe rick.' es- la ora to the few uptora poddtogs with treqoeat stirriags. tor era hour, mer silk raeds elsantog. make a tafrt
lag mtokafl. It to dsDrioos art may flm. Work this dooM wall wUh a poctoUy tbara IB atab typboH favsc
good cold. Serve with eveam. Tbta ta verv ake sealed ta to
Be tar*ad frrai the *toas art retala woodra epooa. Swter yw baktog oeailet favet. dipbthmta art ttoratm- Rbabarb Sborttaka—Wa*k tba pota.
to ibii. Do not rub tbs material. M Vrtloce leavaa.
m turn BUIS mourn, tmm
wSSsp —
.a ». ».
BPM iu«. c»p-a„„o.».=« ^ ni-..tp,
«k. L.
„ r.“.s “
Tbe rvlialue of mt>e Dick Ueeuuii.
PM ACCOUNT or HtCH COPT OF ten roar old son of Ur and Uri. Woi. INLAND AND OCEAN NAVIGATION
Bennetl of Borne Cltr, fonuer reel
deau of (bU dtr. wore broupht t
Tneodar for burial. The rcMinc
bad been III for oeveral monttm with
SbonmaUitn sad later developed a bad
of dropir which caused
destta. Kunersl aervlces will be hbH
from (he borne of Richard Rvrnalds
iSt Wett ElctaUt street Wedne^ay
Ovfr Om Wm« In Cffnetiv*
sftenoon at 2;M. Burial In Akwoud
MaiiMr. CwwiI A«k««
Wall Rcpretanied by Their
AllMr AnMhar telatn.
Leadins Marine Men.
Ledingten Feilewi Footsteps of Trav
ers# City.
l.udUgt0D Is almui to lullow in iluloolstriu of TraterM-Oily aii.l .Mauls.
In Ihe DUilIrr of giving tii>i:uriluh
In uriruliure In Its high school. Us
suiieriotendeDt is urging (be imruduc.
lion of a course and li is likely ihat
the arbool lioard will ari uion his rtnonimeadatlon.
Traverse riiy 'baa had a course for
tt year. Manistee Im-b1iis Its agrlculturel iDslructlon In the fall, and
ioglon wfll (olow (be teadvrs.
Y. W. C. A. Heme Nearly Rtsdy Far
The regular nicrdiig of ilie Y
A ilrih- W)» Iteld in the biaue rorner
and filtte sirepi last cveuing
with a laig- allendani-c xif lui-mbers.
ttv«t-ral bills wer,: ordered iiaTd and
otbfi busItii-M innisai^ed alter ablch
• he iMMlal Slid busy h,>ur was heid
flans are being nude for ihe opening
of the hmiie whh b It'la i-xix-iied will
!•<• next Monday aflernuon and even
lug A reci'piion and pmgnim w
given In Ihe cvruiug and everyone, is
IniUed 10 ilKli the home at this time
MiTor W. P. cTotfiiuUne iiu setTaft Was WsA I Praettcaliy all of
Quaatlsn of Adding Anstoar GalSM
Pa, May; fl.-DelwtaUsd Iks «mU« oC dty ■nrsf«cr
Pretent Uri Was Agato A|h
ths CengressJi
fftous represcDtlag more than twepty
.s saT'
sad iwyiinwwr wbicb bw «sus^
natloni ud consisting of the
hlB Sos>« sasMr darlos tb« past few
wted experts In inUnJ -and ocean
«s^ tm seenat ef Ibe rliralrr wbSeh
BBVtoation or ibrir respective coun
exMed'betweea two of bis prospectlire
tries have already arrived in this rli>
■toatetsw. At the eoucll mesUDs
1 adjoureed maeting Of (ha roaadl
I'olumbus. O.. May JJ.-ltetnrii:;
and additional delegations are es- MIlWanT SUFFRA0IBT8 DRAW
Maadar aicbt he' appointed Gwne
held Tuesday eventm (or the pup '
which arc allll Incotnplelp rsriy Ibis While inere He BmutU tevsral Fhoperted to reach PhlladelpbU today
tegraphs tor the National
Oscw as poandBastar ter tbe eatire
1^ of canvaaslng the vote cast at
afternoon, roiifirin the early reiiorts
ud tomorrow, itv time tor (he oiH-nlng
cfir. Tor tbe peslttos «C seaveafcr
^e special election bald tor toe poh
of (be iwelfib inlernatloul congms
■ Roosevelt lBiids|lde in Uhio. They
be MBMd Owm W. Oegaer for (he
'iiosc of decMing whether or aat tha
indicate lluu the coioiiel won at least
of navlutlon. on Thurwiay. In acW, Janie. Iron. iJu- office of pub. city should bond tof kiM.SM tv toe
.tenitorr vest of Union street and
Ihlrtyone of the forty-two district lie ruitils. Waslilnglon. I). (*. It in
cor^nce with tbe arrengemeni of the
W. o. Btmble tor the district
delegates. T'he Isicsl returns IncresM- city leday gaih.-ring Information /jtJ liurpose of, iHircbasIng the pAaal gad
local committee in charge of the tx>ntreeC This arranse:
-riiulpmem of tbe Queen CHy Btoetrir
gaixiing road building in (be (Irand
It was discovered TSiesdar
............. -f‘eetlifertory to the two
hm be devoted to a general re<eptloti ACCUSED PROTESTED AGAINST :ures indiretc that Wilson won In only Trareree region. Mr. James Is one ol Ught tad Power esmpaar. The an. apiMntoee, aad under tkls-amote- ilevos bad entered (he bicycle abbp Ud mutual introdnctlon of the delcranvaw etaowed tbat toara vert
seven districts
tbe ln»|>ec(ors wIhj travels over Ibr
belobsint to Wni, Witte on Park St,
rotes cast to (sTor of ths propaal
vmM there vO( he pleats of work for
However, fhe Wilspnlies claim nine enrirv I'nlied Btales outlining road
utea. The congrcss.will hold lu first
both ,et then to do as tole seer the
teen delegates. The returns from l.SM bulUIng taiiiialgns and giving advin- tinn and 279 agatiuL Tta RSMtiM
geheyal meeting at tbe >lc(ro|ioIlUn
blcsdeclared carried according to tta
rodalre these einclato
opera bouse on Thursday, and It is
Trio Unlatvfully Genspircd to Commit precilirta out of e.lCn
where aut-b is requented. lit- spent the
heap the aUen fetaan of sarhage and dea, tbe vhereabonta of which Is un pectod that President Tatu who bar
Kivc Harmon 43.TU. Wilson Sf.lTK. greatVr t-an of the day with Hon. resotmioD.
Damage to Property. W-ore
mbWeb. which voih has ant been known to. the oKiceia at tl^ present accepted tbe bonorary presidenc.
The nrturns Indicate the*pl(u-iloD of Frank lUmillou. who (old hlni.wLat Is
As It 'll desired to gat the work of
time. The ahop baa been cl<^ since
Members Of Women's PolltidoM in (he past.
i.-<-veli deleutes In (be filth, sixth, belagv^onc In Ihl. ee<-tlon.
laMag over toe plent under way as
the Wittes have been In tall walUnfi
The diTlsiM of the tmrUory will trial for manslaucbur and U
FroliiTravetwe I'liy Mr. Jaiucs goes
lourteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, 1(1 (iintul liapids, where be looks over ed BUlhorlxlllg (be 'tosyoA Sad city
losare (deaa aOeyn which is a reforB Buppo«9d that (he pUce was being
h, nlncicenlh. twcnllelh and Ihe tdaus lur Ilu- siwndlng of'lCOO.WKi clerk to Isaue fIMi.OOO worth Of beafil,
Alexis Dufourny of Brussela. a high
that (ha poopte of the dts are bean- looked after by the county a
bear Interest al tbe tMe of
Ur la Uror of at prweat. The doc tat when Chief of Police Johnson went officer of the Belgian engineer con«.
laiiiduii. yi'^ay k>:.-\V»rbi lil.i. yet twenly first dUtrl<-l«, and show' ibai (or putdlc roads, (hen he iiiakea a.
wbo la one of tho fonuer preslilcnis suffered by Uic militant xuBragetlrs the Colonel broke even with Taft lu Jumn to (be aouthem end ol Ohio.
renl. said bonds to ha to iunMil
eetehtoC dapaMaetat wiU be looked
Inveatlgaie lodey be found ibr door
of tho Inierngtloul congress.
after br Mr. Oecier who has Bade
came when ilr. and Sirs. Klydcrii-k the thli4 fourth and fiflfwptb.
.Mr. Jatm-s while in the city-looked ation. of $1,900 each, with totortat to
jmiocked and the' place pracUcally
l.iiFolh-ltc failed to capture a delerepatation tor batac the beat Ban who loanod out of portable miterial.
Tbia will be the first lime tha
Pctbluk LawTcuw. cdliois of "Vote*
cr tile i-olh-ciloiiBT iihotographs pos-! be psyabl.- aembaanualiy.
lie. An iiilercsUng feature ut tbe sesm-d by the Western Mlchlgin Ueof
' haawter filed (hat taporuatpoaitlen
Brookmeyer patlllohad tte
Tbe robbery was discovered Ibipugh
Aoth of the appolatoei wta becio th*i tbe esie of a new bicycle a abort Ume United States. Prcvloue - congreaaes hurst were Uuiiicl pullly of "untuwful result was Ijg^olleiu-'s alrcngtb
vclopnii-nt bureau showing the high council to grant btm a rattS Ufiar
the iweutletb where he ran ahead ut way IniproveuieDis in this s<:<'ilon. A license, bis locatloa to be at IM Bsat
aeUre datleo at once and work >n tiar a»> to a boy ai liaat Bay for tbs btve all been held In Europe, the last ly conspiring to commit damage
as to- as attsawt to her> the ettr small sum of 15. The father of the at SL Petersburg In 1908. Preo
Injury ip' property." They were
Front sirefL It was referred to tte
number of these pbotograidis sre
Taft Not
lenealto nine months wlibout bard
llcasbe committee to set agoa aad paIng (oriar.li-d to Washington to
bey became euap^ctous abont tbe deal
*•*» • iKie •*«W present and reported tbe fact to tbe police, toUrvaU of three or four yekrs In labor. They fougbt nmvirtfoo Wtler
I- lan of the collcrllon In the
i«rt al (he next regular nuaUas. Aa
St ^ HUM eipectiat tbst the epoffon warn made by some o< toe aUsera. Parkhursl making an Impu- Tafl la (ar (mm disheartened over (be
of public nads.
Idveatigatlon foltowed. wito 'BfiEfna. Fruee. luiy. Engtand, Gerpolhtseht (ot CUst Of Foiles woeld Uie above reenlta. This bicycle
auy. Holland and Austria. With sioned plea and protesUng against Ohio reaulU ud slulOed lR> Inirn-.
men to bring tbe matter of graaHaff
be ■Bde. bat thsr were dieeppolBied recovered but (be wbereabonte of the aub oeagress Interest ud site
(loos of w'iibdrawlog (rum tho race.
the license up altkr the BeaUag had
her trial by a male- magistrate,
Hsper Oenaaise haTlas decided to otbera la allll a mystery. An iovetU- Inereeted as the nations realised tbe three were arrested on a Henratitwal He made pri-paratlriis tor tbe new
adjourned, but this plan was fouta ta
hoM his ehstos tor ais position unUl ■ation Is being made with tho hope uf valoablc work being done. The diabe oat of'tbe quesUoo as tha 0satl4
jh the- <iffii-e« Ilf (he wunions Jersey nunpalgn tour where the prt•OSS fstafs Ubs.
cottlons and conrlualons of these poll(k-aI ittiion.
bad been fonually adjourned with
murles an- to bo held next Tuei
recovering Ue rest of tbe property.
A PoUtM wai read from Uipayers
gatherings form tho beet existing
out aeittog a future dale, gad alBO haTbe Tad bareau Isaiied a atatament
guide for all narlntlon proUlenie that
Uriat Is |ks irim ward aaklQC that
today sayiiig ilial the Ofalu result did
adxe tbe eonmiltee bad aot mads a
may arise. bocausejUtcy reprewni tlie
the aaprs-lB (hat part of the clir be
IxnilDii. Muy 2;;.—The king offlila* mairi upon the question at toaaa.
(be situation, Taft raotmls
worid's host experience and the
lupt hisaa s( rabbtoh at the citr'a ex•v] l(iday u the »|H-ulng uf (he, tntcrsaid Hie report.
of opinion of the greatcsi ex
pspaa. Thar fecneatod that Uie own
ul Kxhlhlip’iB
Reesevcit Opt
wan granted tbe Grand Rapids Brewperts.
ers pf prapeitp ffsther ap tbe mbblsh
Oyster Bay. May h:.—Thu Result
grt.-undaLf the itoyal Hiapltal
IB company for the comtog yearfroai their hnwleii sbd deposit
The inrilation to hold (be Iwelfib
in Ohio settled tho coBtosL" ssld Chclscs. rif exbibHiOD.U said
Two applications from outside par
tha allpn sad that the board of pub Another wedding ■ to (be already eongreas fa America waa aceepte.1
Roosevelt today. "I am nalurally
Ini the largeri of lu kiwi ever held. ties for the position of tmilnotr of
lic works bs testmetod to hnro It tong lilt (or tbe month of May
Witt entbuBlann. becauae
much pleased to know that
op- The, display di, planu and blossom^ Ibe new municipal lighting plaai wgra
cslhsrsd up St ratolsr Interrals and
peneou needed .a solid delegiUon from (■-(upleS' iii-arly twenty-five aires ol received and planed on fils as the
when Ulna Haiel try oflera wliat Is Urgeboutod awar to ths damp croimda Derr, daagbler of Hr. and Uta. Oliver quHe Mormous field forfifaD atiention
ground, alwm.o'-ven aina of which city Is, not to the market at pf sat
llhin t» have a.chanre in Cfalregu."
Tho —aalBStlou was referred i; Derr. Sit Wett SevMtb eireei. be of asTlgaUen eiperU and a great
hiive la-on pla(cd under canvas.
lime tor anyone lo fin tbe poeJtioh.
(hs dMMMlUs 00 strwla and watts.
ne the'bride of FVank K. Mcrtea, ber of new and highly ImperiabI prob
Whtdssalb UtoMir tloeaaea
I of Mr. and Mrs. Mcbolat Meries.
tnalad to tho Trarotse Cits Brewtns
St. Prands church. nuUsI fatgb
wiMp»ay. I. V Has tad aerUr Frank
numerous Inland canals and water
as being said by Father Bauer.
was a typical spring wedding, with__ ways Pluned or in course of ronslnicSavrifal Matters of Imareri Ware
Ths tesastors of tbe dtr preawt-i Interior of the' church embeUlsbcd Urn to tbe l-ohed States. The recent
od a rsonad to tha consdl aakias that with e profustoti of woodlanf Bowers. Titanic diautor hu made tbe safety
lU-k-na. Moui...May n.-Tln.- «n.i
- tbe pHea tor taaailac on cits wort Tbe bride wore a gowa of white tnar- of ooeab travel a ubject ol the roost
pradical i.1«-ji towards the renipU^ion
be nissd fits osnu per dar on soand cerrteU Intcnee Interest to all icafaring naIn- great -Milk rix-r Jrriim'luii pruloosat of tho falft cost of crain and only bor pnyer Iwok. She was at- tloM ud the dlseusrion of the various
.< di-Hahtliilly. euienalned 1
■Sks lakcn lodav. when bid. were
has. U was refsrred to tbe wars and tendnd by-Mias Uulso Meries, sister
auggesied by tbe unlortu- Structure Destroyed Was One of Ori
young girl friends from t
oi»-ncd lor tiu- ...usiructlon of tbe Tuesilsy alteruoon to bouor of ber runs for tbe eommer ware totted over.
■saiia cenlttoe for investisatloii.
of Hr. Uertes. as maid of honor. Miss
Itodaon canal, whj.-h i.' lo lie at
The annual {deulc was dlseuaaed aad
LoM Will Amount to
A pdltlon nahUf the mndl tor Mertan wore a pretty dress of pink gram ud wlff undoubietlly occupy the
twelfth blrdnlsy anniversary,
eertolsaisn to nore the oM Ashton allk and carried pink rosea. Joaepb attntlon of the congress for some
young iieoide enjoyed ptaytog croquet the details wiu be arranged at a (itThe proJiKi when comideinl will
it is prepoaed to maks
boose to tbs lot At !» Wartlntton Kercberner of Grand Rapids attended
In view of tbe mat
und soap t.ubbln during the after
eonairui'later and better ttaa It
street was granud and the requeet the groom as best mu.
axeeedingly Important questions to be
noon. wblle one of ihe.fealures was
ilon of a .'.'Ml mil,. dit< h and a twenty
has ever been before and carry R
for wslar top nt No. Ui was referred
tbe five days' sesa
Following tbe ceremony the gnests
i-iuile •anal, and will result It
out bM
> (he ■trosts and
-oelattialiuii of 2>.<>ihi acres ol going 10 Irene Thunell and Lucy ficlal t
Igaii Stale acnool for U,«- deaf, early
FersUaiton was granted ibe cigar- u elaborate wedding bieaktaat at the
It U also pisasad to
toafcarh to plaaa a banner acroaa Front
A two .ourse luncheon was s^ed
I of tbe bride's parents, which in expacted tUt this congress will grut- this morning, started a fire wlffeb «]-system for cSoatoc tta
ly snrpesa Us predeecssors in inicrest Birxiyt-d the atruriure entailing a l>i»«
suwat during tho siaio conveuion of turn wsf followed by a recepUon.
«itli the laide preilHy Meeorated. The adopt
holidays that wtil
the tegloa in Jnw.
Two hundred and nliu-c'
liirtbday cake bearing twelve pink bualndas plarae
The out-of-town ueaii were Mrs. P. and Importance.
more eaUsCaMiiry
children and r-i> u-achcra. em
A poUUan was presaatod by,.Rc»k Heltvlg of Grand Bapida. Mlaa Rose
It is expected Hint more than thirty
candles and aiirrounded by elgbleeo
BiWQk&rer and ntbera asking
!mi lion boxc. with a pink rlblxm ex- than toe present gietood that to U
Snyder of Remus and Hr. and Mrs. utlou of (be world will he repn^ ployed there wen- aaleep'in the l>ulld.
vogue. Tbe question of credU rMAag
when the fire staned but all es- Indians C. A. R. Members -ii
offiMsce UMlIg tha wamber of aa- John Nymu of Petoskey. '
•Utod at this congress by official deJeleudliiK to ebi'h [date termed tbe ren
uf eustoraers was token up sod the
tosM to tvtoUr bo ntoindtd to md Mr. ud Mrs. ilenes wni be al heme gatea ud In addition by a large num ( ■lied uuhijurod . The fire was mitdlster of attraction (or (be table
syMom outlined al tbe auta convaatweatF ana. It wu retonsd to
In (his city- afier tbey return .from a ber of unofficial deleutes. inosUy covcrtMl uDiil sonieilDie after \h<ri-'uth Iten.i. Ind. May 7i.—Civil given .Ignsl ewh Utile girl pulled .be ilnn adopted.
iioaaM tMHiWBtttea bp a voto of ( to trip to Buffalo Uout Jttne 1.
urintton experts and engineers IlgblDlug had sirutk The flreiueii
^ar vei-iins by the thousands and ribbon al her idate and received tbe
ba'u;i>ercd in ibeir work by
prominutly Identified with Inland or
[iretty box of candy. The decorations
cater pressure The bulldinc d-' ollu-r vl.Uora iu large iiumtters ari throughout weue done iu pink and
urlgatlnn In their respective
here to ait,^ The Wnnual vncsinp
cenntrtoe. Tbe . general presidents of strayed was one of the oilglual g
ut the O. A. I(c-lae|ariincni o ubi.e which alao prevailed to Oin rilag day. May
the «lty oCices he
the congress are Gen. C. W. Ray- erected In JJ-.W.
Thiee firemen. Oren ParkhursL Is
etcaed dnrlag ^ game and that the Odtffaiievvs and Hebakahs Royally mood. V. 8. A., retired, and ,G^. Wil
Miss Ruth was the rpclpicii, of tyaiiy Long Baliot.ng Finally •rings Ra
tPDimiic- until Friday. Unspllu l!ic
liam H. Blxby. (be rblef^ engineers. le Welsh aud fliief Ihioe w.-re seri
that the soldiers are.WssHdl; prfifU presems.
log that the tactorles and hoslnesa
Anaeriated with them ^re other dis-' ously Injured. Parkhtust will
Members of ^usilty bodge No. MB- tlfiffuUbed engineers and uvigatlon
•ye He was hU by a tlu-brud; k-s.. uing in numhefs. the eocamie
Places doM to order that all may at....-ai«lls. Minn. Msy 22.-Dr.
nii-ni iimtiiim-. to Im oue'ot Ihe most
tend tho BpaaUig ^we. The docn- I. O. O. F. ud wuwrls HebekU experts. Including Tol J. C. Sanford; WeWi fell from a Udder laeniy
T.. S. Henderwon of Brooklyn and W.
Lodge yo. «S. went to WiiUn Moo- Iba ffensral secretary of the eongreas. and l‘rlre was hdried under a faliins. siK-M-ssfu! ever held in this state. AnMtol wee edoptoo
Shepard of «'hirago are' tta new
nieciiDSs are IteLag held also by
Tfee s*r«eto •out «mlks comittee dsy evening to help the todge there ty 0. He1I>-|ni(t«. who wu the first .tdllntt and -waa dug (u;t by the flrebtxiiop*
of tbe Mctbodisi Kptocagal
s*'rioua1y eui and t^iM-d
rewunniiietod *.1^’ the eWewatt on eedbrate Us ointb unlverssry There preeldut of the tuivlgallon congress.
otiTerence eleacd oo the alavaatt
nnniial parede will he held tomorrow
Bidas «r Gast.-m>at alreet be •ere SB wbo wut from here snd upon
Tbs Cuadlsn deleulion fncludre
iiailot. tbe icsqlt of wbkb was aseacb'evnlng-lhere will be cam|.
conptoted from the present end n( ibelr arrival at Wallia tbey marched CoL W. P. Anderson, chief engineer of
loDigbL Dr. Headaraoa r«> with |ironiin(.-n('B|>eakcra.
ike walk to OerteU evenne. tat that to tbe hall accompuled by u amsmarine department; Joffb Ken
liam Alden Smito has complied ibe cei^ ICS tad Dr. Sbepard U2. Natka wort ha delayed watll the pave- toor band which hU bsu recruited nedy. eonsnltlng engineer; F W.
first draft of his report no tbe Titanic ■ei^ry to fleet, 32t.
towt Is eWMliud. An
tor (be purpose, sod made a decided Cowte. chief engineer of the Montreal
aUgaUon and to now going
The.eledion of two man oa Ihto
<K am wee Made (roa the oMUngeni bit with.tbe realduu of tbe village. harbor board, and J. S. Arastroog of
iih oUer members of toe ccmmlt- ballot etrae as eomewhat of a aar(oedtortbenasefthsO. A-R-on At the lodge raoens they were en^ Ftadericton. N. B,
Were all (be members present, prise. Oihers who bad more ttu SSS
Vriersns Meet in Sixth Annual Em'
Menorlal Daglalued with a program, buqoei bad
Iiendon. May SS —.An improvement
Tbe largeet deleuMon will be tbat
senator could preeem the report
es were R. J. Cooke. New Tort.
Aldiraia Dyer atotod that as ar- a dues dnringitbs sbon time ibst re r Frene*. which wjll be beaded by sasoolaUon has bren organised (or
ore. but he will w«lt unrll all fel
; M J (onnelL Greee CaatJa. lag,
lealaa waS was hetog snik on the mained before time for (he 11 o'etoek M. Vetiltort. who Is lospecter general tha parpose of putting this village
Peons, III, Msy 22—ThtAony-sixth low remmitieemen are back la Waab; W, H Crawford. Meadrlllc. ttt,
SL Praaeli chareh preperty on Tenth train upon which tbey returned home. of readj.-ud bridges of tbe French with lu surrounding territory npooMDual encampment of tbe G. A. R togton. Monday will probably see tte
; F D. Leau. Drirolt. Mkh, tdS.
atreri smd (hat ton perish desired to An address of wricome was glvu by covasuent ud bolds the boeorary ibe vVesiera .Micfalun map. It is pro- depanment of iniBols. with toe meet mstier laid before tbe aenate.
mmedlately after tbe nilin|g[|g|
bomw SW tori Of fie bees from the M. C. Panl. ud was retpoeded to by ffefftoe of D. 8/from tbe VnlvAwIty of
aa a starter to go after a rrearn- ings of the aeverel amiated orgasiiaSaastor Smith has found it imi
of (be retail another balM esu tskcity to be weed to toe wort. The re- -M- A. Coatee end C. A.
Germuj's delegation ery. a cucumber salting station ud tkaia. began to ttu city today under sitde to accept tbe tovitauon of Homer
Quaat waa tMtoiad to the'
will todade J. F. Bnbendey. bead of
eannerr. Somstbtog is alM to ba
clous eoadlttona. Tbe tasiness Warren, president of Detroh board of fercnca meets toaoRow meniag. Or.
oa Sre«ed poUas.
tta Hamtatff harbor works: George dnne toward getting the agricultural streau are bung wiib Oags and ela conuneree. to attend tbe hoard Innrt- Homer C Stoau. Now Tert. wu u(AMritoSn BUtk bfsaM up the glad, to make the trip again e
lAOdsberg of Berlin and
(tagaa of ibis sscUm tatora tta borate patriotie decoratlans to boaor COB TbBfadajr. sad has so ootlfiad cetW OB tbeBiM haOoL maktog thiu
(0l4tsta( M page tw*..
to the tUBiw.
(OMttooed OB'FRfa two.)
preapmiva aatUera. .
of tta veterans nnd ttalr frtonds.
pRs|4aBi Wanta.
cfaoaw U ttt plfht to hg fi«cto4.
Banoi Wins
The btdUns Art Inaeeaieg in Humber
Grand Traverse Herald
Many of mir readers will be aurpriaed to learn that the Indian
impulalion of the country w actually and stiwdily increasing.
and Tiavene Bay Eagle
Tbcre are alaa msay oilier aoted ea
sliiMn aaS Bavlaailon exi<erta, not
effldan.r coBDeetad with abr delefB-
Doiliglass & itellogg
(ioB who win siicnd the Beasloiu or
has been suppoaed for many yaars past that the Indian popnlslion
was decreasing at a rapid rate.
All tribes
are disbanded and every Indkn k a United Stales eilisen.
CoTMT Cana and FroiA Srecls, Trawnrao Cftj. Mich.
lunts cm«wiE
It will be remembered there arc
DO longer any tribal relatibna exkting in Ihe country.
children of today wUl be able to lell their children, that they lived
at a time
the Indian tribes were still in existence as tribro.
and that they saw in their
Other Mantelpal'tias are tUpiSly F»<towlnt Her eaemple In Deveii
ment Wertb
time Ihc paasiug of the old condi
tions that had exwted for unlrtd.cenluriea, and witnew.e<l tlie new
b (be hislery ei aw More have we been able lo tow so
era of the complete amalgamation of the {irimitive tribi-a of the
Truly a new era hw dawned for the n-d umn.
IT m*u> iif tho ffTOwiug mualcliale
He no luup-r
poor to lario-y gets tom bad.
Ihk. but the r<d man liimsiOf treated the i>reliUtoric triUw. wip
lew evidence Ot tbU (set aigniW'
The Manlsico Dally Seva lB lu leeui-
tiaJe it kcfcasiog to iatl.
preceded him, in the 9it>' aaine manner.
ft the :i last. aayi. "hlaDlslae hu
There rosy' be something of sadiiOKS. sometWim naibelic in
The world cannot stand
As one age sure<-<ils Bimther. lui one race suceoilx another.
.‘T», the i^r Indian” k no lonp^he pimr Indian.
Some of
(he disintegrated triltes wc«t of tbe( MWaisaippi an- worth mure,
same extent anywhere in the' world.
aa It eboold be ruhlvated. the ■
ton of the Board ot Trade are bi
how to use their wealth.
nveoent to
Many of these Indians know
If some of them do not, the same thing
a harvect of proan-ss.
■ Wnr fam ta Almira Ttownihip, Beniie County.
263,6S;l. and what will be a little sun»rUiurto many is the fart that
s to pioober We.
then existing were full bloods.
Perry waa the
rt honored and respected citisens of this region.
Th<«e figurai will he of inU-reat, as
ihowing that the care the Oovemmeiit has given the Indian k-ib™
Ims l«en a eharaeter to inereaw ralh<T than to dimiiiisli their nuiii-
His father. D. F. Holden became one of
U rs.
The mother,
The Indian Imlay irtands on ihe mime
with the whit.-
He must take eare of himself, uiul he is ^rlaiuly learuhig
had a warm place in the hearts of the good pioneera for .miles
how to,do it.
Tlw parmts found it no easy task to clear up and luy for
farm, and yet they were ever ready to tharc their meagre
p of
Cof^ressmMn HklMtghlbi’s Good Work
goods with their leas fortunate neighbors. Though
g aaU-aiaila and seif-edoealed they were intelligent and ea|>-
We have noticed with a great deal of interest, Ihe w»rk that is
Tbay uadu^ood and appreciated the >-aInc of an education
■girt the boya bi^ta, mominga. and rainy dB>'8. in addition
t«oh achool'and earn the money for a c« ” -
limts of butter a^id moru scientific fanning in Micliignii.
- > -
man McLaighliu ■ ulea is a moat excellent one and eoiiteniplHti-s
It k told by thw who know that the first suit of
ional dislriet for farm Ihanagi im-nt i-xtensiim wdrk.
this porpoec the hill that was originally tnlrodm-cd f.*r g2.Vi.ti00.
i’lhther when Perry was fourU'cn years old.
Prior to that, all
to fight the kill weevil in the South, was incn-axeil to g.Vm.mg). one
I Uppargl waa made by bis mother czet'pt the eop]>cr toed
half to be osed as originally punmsed,. and the tillier gaVI.OOO for
work for the Northern fanner.
BifiHlui of bb homemade clothes and the nvevsNity of barvork^ard in eleaping and improving the farm.
,a»i»a Mlways a leader.
Mr. McIiiHtghltn claims that Ihc Norlheni fariina- is .iititle.l lo
the same recognition as the SoiiUierii plaiiler, and li'is elnim is
He was not arty'the rhampion spell-
well founded that be had no great diffieiilty in aceiiring Ihe «m>«.-iit
b«i. the'ahampioa wreaUer’aud champion boxer of his tehmil,
of the SouUicra congresaman to.the doiililiug of the original appriK
■epreaeoted his aebool in eontcaU
jiriatinn bill.
y still tdia story of how he never was thrown by .a
C hay if Ua age and Wh^U
Michigan farmers will li-member the good
He led in atudi««, in gamiw, and he led
Melmughlin has done for them.
Ba k a born leader and pi^niser.
,4S%tT hating tangbt school a term or two, be and hk y<miigcr
1 our Traverse City High school a few montlw and
klha Atriaiiltord College at Lanaing from which Uu-y graduatMk bonora in 1889.
Perry was reuined at the College as nu
A^Reawkeble Sn^g in Time
The bulletins constantly being uwil by the Unit«-<l Stali-s lb-,
partment of Agriculture often prove inten-stiug reading, ami the
statistics that are sometimes given are not only anrprising. but in
r in Agriculture.
He then- demonstrated bis ability as au
r and a leader of mcu.
Tlic student labor problem waa
4 pnAlem with college boards and faculties in those daj-a.
iftirgi irf it on the Cam or agricj»Rnral department and rt
• yon had made it a aneceaa and an attractive feature of tfie
The thing that bad been repulsive to the students
A ted Arbmi tlkm to other departmenU waa, under his maiiagdto draw students to the departmenk
During the four
g be,was in the Agricultural Depertment at the College hu did
».|wpalaiise the Inatitnte work and bring to the people on
■ the wurit ot the CoUegm
From a recent report it apjM-ars that in 1S55. the amount
of labor expended in raking a bushel of corn, in the .Ucntral States
four hours and 41 minutes,
Today, using mmleni methods and
modem machinci?-, the time r«|uired k only 41 mtnutes, eiitting off
four hours on the raising of ovei^iiahel of corn, and giving the
fanner that fourthouts for some
The thr« hours of time formerly given lo Ihe raising of every
bushel of wheat, has been r.-du.-e«l to otdy 10 iiriuut.-s t.f IuIkit. TJiis
is a remarkable showing, and wbilu the cost of many things to the
farmer k much greater than^ifty odd years ago. y<rt that inerejis..cannot be eompare.1 with Hie decn-ase in the timc-i-ost of the pro
Many «f ear readers know of hk return to the old home at
EUtaklt. of hk dettkm on the Eopublicmn ticket as County School
T^HMidnioner, ud of the-exeellent worit he did for agriculture, for
K the pnbltt s^^ and for the devdepment of the Gnud Traverse
He was sotm oaUed to lai^ fidds of latpir by the
f nteib.
tor rbeninatlsm. lame ba.-k. si-rain*
i ts. |>er bol
cuts or wcaund* Price
(Ic. Sold uy Amertcau Drog Sturt
___ jn ttBt Perry ever had .was ptirebaaed and brought home by
.<> r.ii ■ ..
We would Hke to t-ontrart
t^'-Ka-olar'*' i
On a Oarfc NigM
those arklBC i
It [t very dl»lre»«lns to have aon^
and witbr
one In the family awake «illi an al beans.
We have seed beans wtihomto i>aln.
produ.w uneeDacfoointoi.
lark ot Cholera Morinie. Crami» o>
at the canning factory and drucs
Pcoldc of nervuus (eB|K-rameal M
Uyaenlery and It i* worse wbeu >ou
weak hearts will apprertaU to
have to travel a mne .«• two lor iin-di want - samc-l
planted this with
iitle of KE\Ni:>« 1-AIN
month. Cair and jiel con -Kavilar- swtbod of palalaM «t*n
Oil. kept
ise sav,-» a world qf trouble.
tracts at old prices. Travuulckly cbecka
eree City Caiiiihm Co. 5.21.23 ”*”* *
v'lwuips aud v-aM-s |valn. Effective aim-
in the effort to secure Government aid for expert work along lli.r
>IMittion by the Government for a Federal ex|H-rt in every
r day*
If the i
llaisburs lb* nature of the soli la
eoA that no very uil hulldtugs can be
nd there are tew that have m 8. I'nioo St. Traverse nty. HIcG.
aa ten floors.
CltUens phone .Na lua^.jiMI
being doii^ by Congresionan d- <'• McUughlin of the 9th Dktriut,
... .if they could get in winter Unna at a districi school until
duction of many staple farm crops.
Before leaving, the Michigan Agricultural College c«in-
other toe na-ire de^etoplng."
the eeiwua.,of 1910 states that 56»> per oeqt of the Indian population
* of a tomlly of three boys, and experienowl all the hardships
ideUon, Maolsiee must dwtfop a«
Muskecon. Traverse. Cadillac
ati Indian population of 2-17.11)6. and the eeuaus of 1910 gave it as
When a boy of four or five I’crryJh'lJen’s faUit-r wcivi-d «u to
Bent M eBcceulun.v carried to
Ri-ferring to the increase in iM>i>ulalion. the o«wus of 19(W gave
f^iamiiiirnamt Be, for team's Geeatm
power In the rily and make It yield
can b«- said of many white men.
U toy
IWs oalywbyew
drtc pride, and Is proud'of It. but
thU ejdrit has not been ruliliaicd
capita, than the average white mau. in any territory of the
CMui«ll>.»edi 2.900
our rbetsei ihsi does not tow good valor.
Uee tn tbU part o( the euile. Ever,
4.'srt,t'!!g^Arrcrai.’a.:'^‘?.r““'" ^
•any GOOD SHOES as noW.
Traveree rur efciat to .be a laudcl
United States with .their white eonqueroia.
ncfaolt havini; Ix-en uisdc
condilionK of a certaiu nvencai ■sail.
wh .1
Osenr M. Morse
Morse, liv wife.* Jolnllv. of Trsv<-r»»
CIl}-. Mlchlsan. 1.1I Khbard Huflbul oi
.Jat.-d Ibe ei.-v
IMde Couniv.
('oumv. Florida.
enlh day of Sctrtci ibvr. A. D.. Ih"h.
and recorded In the oBi.w- ot the Iter
Ihe '('ounl.v
ni V ol
later of tlc-ds (or
inJ T
c( of lui.rt
. ..
le d
dai<o lie due al (he
tuerc is claimed to
ai of Sv'enteci)
of tills notice the
e tienth. and ui>
ItoUars anr
altorncv * I
a raid moriutc. i
provided (u
airlt or proceedings at uw iiav ms i>-s'ii
UioiieV!. sv
cured by paid nioitgaite or auy i-ai t
Now. tbe-n-fore. bv v Iiliie of 111.- |iOW
er of rale <v>iilaln>-d in said maanto
and the siaiuie in surh «as«- made aad
provided, notice is hcivby given lhai
on Sriurday, the Fifteenth day oi
June. A. D, IMS. at ten o'.i.H-k 4n ih.
forenoon. 1 shall rail at imbllc au. Ilon
to the blgbesi bi-iaer. al tbe Nonb
l-'roui door of the Court lloiuK- In tl)c
Cllv ot Traverse Clt;. Count,
Grand Traverse. .Michigan, (that being
he place where Ihe Clnuii Olnrl for
aaid Ckiumy of Grand Traverse it
held), tbe prcnilMss de»trll»d in raid
n»rlgage. or so much thert-of as may
be oec-ssarv to »«y the amount .luc
iwirtga*.-. with seven iwr ee
Inierotl. and all legal costa, log.ih
with an atrorney's fc of Twehlj-Kl
Dollar*, as provided by law and a*
venanled for Ihereln.-lbi- prenii»e>.
Ing descr
Eawt 'Tbir
Ilow*. to-'
I-'CH-I of toi
Tliree and tine-Thli
Oak IlclgUls AddIKfirly-Three
Hie Ciiy of Traverse Cii>. ae
.-onling lo tbe reioid.-d ptal tbcnvil
ly of Grand Travel's.- and
Slate of Michigan.
Daled af Traverse Dlv. Mklilgaii
New Venture a
Sunday, May 26
Train will Iciive Traverse
City ill 8 ii. m. Returning,
leave Reioskey at G n. in.
Round Trip Far* T«
Elk R.*ipids. 40 centsTto Petoskey. $1.
may 21-23
Have to iatrat i
>iner>' and raanufar. _.
in up-to-date designt 1____
roo^ atone.
I’rompt atte
spven all orders no nstlcr I
small Call or write tor pro
^ W.
Tvwsress I'iiyiNtth■
Doth phones No. AM.
Traverse Gty
Stale Bank
Capital.......... ...J 2M.000.M
Surplus................ * 11)0.000.00
Resources over.......$2,300,000.00
in this
haye the satisfaction of knowiiijl
by the largest amount of Capital of any hank
this p.iri of the State.
per cent
Accounts and Certificates of Dtfjwbil.
I tend upon him the degree otMaatm- of Science, and the Sutc Norr
the degree of B. Ptf. in recognition of the work he had done.
■. .Wo have watched with interest hk efforts to or^ite and build
ip^agrkaltura and the allied intmsta.
Not only have we in the
r Mmd Trhvene B^on, where Ur. Hdden was reared, been iuU.-r|
in hk wbrii, but the ratire nation has come to regard hhu as
«Mive, nover destructive.
re WashlnBton by scroplanc.
His work k eoti-
He k an advance thinker with the
J. jgCidai of an inventor and yet eminently practical,
lie is chuck full
F^'pctesal enthusiasm and magnetism which k infections, aud be
pMdmnt for work equalled by few.
r^teo Wc to Urn to undertake.
No job that need doing
Most men who have attained to h'ts
B mmm sroold have dSelined the invitation of the progressive and.
i *IWllirtC ffrirtihliriiif and bnnness men of Iowa, his adopted stale,
to Governor.
The ordinary man would have said; “No.
yon, I will rest on my laurela,” and bask in the aunahine of
iqyproval or directed hk exeeptiooal ability to the fields of
Be, srfacre large salaries are paid for the aervlces of men of
lea abUHy.
mi l'. (tarliuid. au
But it must be borne in mind that Perr>- G.
k tte vhe ordinary man. He is extraordiui^ in that he docs
■ not work to penwnal gain, wealth or aggrandisemi-ut hut for human,
.New York. Way Bl.^^ol I*eck. tlic aged
died at hit hoim- on lUiiiiati'
well known yonns avlilor. bus axed
ue Tui-aday.
Is, survived
iron inornloK a.-- the time (or be- by a wife, four aon« and oneiilausbtcr
fttnntnx hli altempl to csrr.v 100 I'onenil services will Ik- held from the
pounds of matt matter from tliU city
• pnUic henefactw and take pride in hk success.
. Me. Holden k a developer and a builder.
The ex-
iwrtmeat lias tbe sanclioD of (be
postoVire dc,iarui»tit an.l »ll! be
watebod with much tweresl by tlic of_____ I. npocUlUv In view ot Ibe fart
ibst tbe rerrnt iirogress made In the
•cleiice of avtallon baa eKen ilw to
home at U o'clock %Vednc*-day mornafter which'file renalns will
taken to Qk Rapids (or burial,
tarland wa,i a meuil«r i>f (be U. A. K.
the boiw tbat ntllmatcly tli* rrcular
ninveyenee of miJ by this means
mar be pranlcaWe.' In order to conply with the U» Peek bas been swonx.
of Grand Tra.i'.-se. it,a
place ol hol-ilng ih.- cir.
raid cotinl. on Saturday. Htc 2»th day
Into Ibe poBUl nervlce -asd his wn- done' that It be constructed Si feel
of June A. 0_ H12. at ten o'tieok
chine OB Itt deiwtturo from New York wide between gutters and that tbe the fereneen of aaid day. all iho*e <r,tmacadam. Tbe lain tan.l» in raid crni'-. ai.d,ln l..«n
for the capital wU fliy n peanant tsar- material be larvla
twenlv-clght, north-ol ram:.- H;n s
motion waa carried.
log the worda. "'I'. 6. Mail" ,
and descril-ed lu raid -iccr.-e'»s
Tbe reflueat of John nuiaot for
dtr water main o
on tsike Avenue w:
leferred to (h^co
t this
. ity at large. In deciding to allow the use of hk name to go lieforu
to Iowa primaries yon ean be stm that he did so because of a con
i' 'MAmo that by so doing be could he of the greatest service to his
Btato and to peoide therein.
Mias Joaephlne Uorvfs. of CypreM
Mr. Holdett baa alwa^ia bemi a aUuneh Republican and a be-
- 'Ua*«r
in the
rr«r to
uie pnncipicB
uf the RepubUean Party.
In to B^nblican party of Iowa are many great and good m’en.
but never before has the party in that SUU bad a chance to nomiMta a better man for. governor.
In nominating him at the pri-
.Mcica next month, they will be doing their party and )hcir State
mor -and will start a movemeDt for a "Greater and Better
" that will put the State in the lead industriaUy, tocially and
street. Is suBering today with a Udl«
sprained ankle at a rcanlt of roller
skattax Tneaday. In company with
', The qneaticn before the Republican voters of Iowa ia. can tbey
telltfVM tte iraent of raking above factional or partkao pedi-
atelbdate.-to pvpk’s,candidate, and not the candidate of aivy
• ar
We lliehigao |>e<^e will await the
■ atf to pcimarka IB lowp with a freat deal of interest
EXPBTS ME 111 SESSM(Coatlnned from page one.)
The Belten delegation will be beaded
and will also Include Ylicbel Bogaerl
insriuve alipped. causing Uie
I oDe abate to catch on the other and Charles' Meriena of BraaaeU and
oe. Tbe aprala la a bad Me In
Pool Bneff of Antwen'- Italy »»l be
enelally repreeented by Banjuat dt
Tenlada. Carlo Valemini and Ignaxio
Inrteae: Sweden by a delegation bead
ed by CoL Predertek WUhelm Hansen.
pletely t
tasgat iartioeal politiea and vote at tha^trimanea Jnne 3rd not for
.w^tednominafing a man that k dkt'metivel.v the business men's
couate for tbe Injury It tbat her
.Tbt **ff!Mirtri1” or the "Insorgent” candidate, or for any fartiou.
Naaar before have the volets of Iowa had an oppor-
two other girls Uin NorrU wae ck-vi- noted experia. Great Britain's dclcralag oo-ibe aldewalk of Sooth Elmwood
will be bMded by Ueui- Col.
A. Torke, chief Intpector of railroads.
aveane and tbe only
way abe
root :
h«l*to lawa.
:i—ihura ti
111 purwvan.e of a d.i r.-v- .>t Ibi- Pit
111 fourl for the m.ui.i> of .irai.-I
Travi-rse .in .lian.-.-i>, ;ii
lere.1 on Ihi- Till da> of
Ibi:. wherein FraB.-I* G. I
Ada K. ps'l
Ilolleriijund. l-'rank Alk-i
S Alien ar.-^rt.-n-lai
Nolhv- Is h.^i> tgiven, ibal i.\rk.KUbt-.-riber, I
> of Gran.I rta"
«-r ol Hie M
.-rra. shall
vendue .to
fiuot door I
Mr. and Mrs. J.
Haggard. »7 Bontb ElmireBd. i
wedkal attentlOB
where tbe yanna lady It new eoafl
This la the Brat areldest to be rci
ed since xbe rotter
WraA Travem CUy.
Stoekholm. presideDt of tbe royal
ratioB of bydranJic power.
Among other noted delecnies-wlll be
M. V. E. de TlaeaoS and Gen. «e
sarnknlaky of Biiaain. M.' 2oiun de
KohMrt of HongaiT. CluW
noted luUan expert and many otberoj
at a point iior.li 1.1 Wgrees M' nilniit--» i-a-i
from the "luart.-r i*n-i lo-iw..eii ortT
Hons M and
town fS- nonli range
lu west, and ninnlng itienre south ir.
degrras I" mlBiiie.-. ew*U to Ibe east
and w,,i quarter line. r. and 'e
• hain*: ihep.-e east along raid quar
line K, an.l d1-l<>- .hain* to a slake
and JS-too chains west of the .-en
quarter lust of sevlion
e iK-tw
chain* to the
ini IT .
sr-^ions i: and ft. ai a lotni
rf-lftO chaina
thence west t..................
4 and 2M«o chains to the meander
posi on Craod Traverse bas ; thence
south S-) degrees
se»i, along ihe
shore to a iiplnt in and
chain* to rontcr
of the blgbwnv,
greei nod » minute* we«i. 12
and H one hundredth! cheini
eoont) 1
place of bealanlag. ia
of Mlcb
Grand Traveiwe and a
nrtult Court Ccmmiraloner.
COt'lU.1. A CROaS.
SoUcliorw tor Complainant
Traverse City • State Baak
The LftOe Wonder
A Z/, h. p. OaaoUrw Engtoa
Cylinder luro, f Imbra: airok» *'*
laebdA Gaud droin. beat maidriai.
Hopper cooled. Weight, 5o0 Iba. SUrl*
eaxily. ruai atead.ly: U eotomlenl.
relUble, flura'ula gnd complto wit*
pulley. ga*oUne tank, tmuefr- «*"
■wluh. wired ready to run your mw
m™cr'^dJtr»ithlo Hidtoiwvitr »f
.Kvupic* sx:ti fsel. Prtra|76.
Farm Scenes
Why not get doas widi a
Kodak? Eastman Kpo|ak Co.'s
compleu line Sl.Ofki^ $20.00.
Catalogue Free for t^e ask-ing.
Car. »P»t iratj»l*w Ste.
- Hiw esE
CUMR H. r.>TNO. a.
« at »ehMi te 6oIm No. S FM>r •'!»
pleaie dlsoer ou tb« main featore
iCadar R F. &.Ko. i. Mar J0.-T*o and a food tlM br tboo* prcaeaL
;Ortom, Mar ».-Mr. aad Mrs. W.
•• ar« hortQ la «kit M
tgr*. Oatentoek and bar t«o aoo. H. Beemaa called on Mr. aad Mia.
>>r«daa far cram and tnitt trM Tbay
xiaTam, chy morad oato ibair Charles Frits of West Kaoaea Frida;
baib araiaRWimac.
Frank Wilson of Orlatt was tb
homa Um laat vaak. toriMrlr ownad
' • Mika flUmaatki vaa aoUftad Pii- br N- V. (tarrlBfton.
Cnesi of Frank Wicdns and family
dby aoraiac ol bis daacbtar Mair-s
a waa la Tmroraa.aty. ,
da Is rhliinc wil^reiatlree at Osborn
aad Oviatt this wwk.
Mr. and Mrs. Sate Duly of Aitnlra
ate dinner with Mr. aad MrsTJoha
f,»4^ fc** »*WWT.
Kanu Sunday.
i»aa ail kUlad oc tbe Uda tem
I ***“•““* •*»< taiareR 4i crovkic
John Knnu and wife ws« Empire
Mra-.WIU Cbam .ad Dm Wailar
risKors Friday laorelnc.
qronte Parker and tanlly mpred'
Bmiiire Junnlan last week,' Wedaea-
■ ‘J"- -
It appaan vary
mails of the haBoUag
Mgt Tawtay wHl
that tba
: and t$BB.|
Elcd In his oEito nbd tL _
or wherd tho g
toNwetton. rutooh to Wl
rldtottoa of the to* aM4
gnllty parttoa wto b« paato^ 1
Thto baa nevur bon doM 4 f
>mRy and the ruearOa th
jatoly ara not cMvItt^
by tha-soeeat
primarr etoettoaa
vdt masaams allaee that tbea Un
r or any i
uiTFiiiui^ mam
votes away from the Roooereh OckThe roanlt. as tlw'polHteiaas flg- TRAIN SCHEDULES SUiRlNDtO
ON RAILROADS. are it. may bs sneh a dlvlshm of the
aaU-Taft vote asoag the three tickett as to give the Taft ticket la tbea
itricts an easy plur Water In Saginaw River Hm RoacA
Higheet Paint In Veara. Othar
Streams In Sams CeaOah Park Mothers I
Mrs, Bert Reynolds of West
RCS^r Oemeeratte Orpaniiatlon
-A. M. Wbita has liaprorsd.Us pro'^'Ir7^V ^.7,'.71
Strogglinc to Oofatt Oovaraar
parly by pu««i«. u-^ ^ ouiiiBa ^ " Aacnsi oa .Kasaon Freeman a Tlslted a,i tbe borne of Mrs. Frank
Beemsn last. weak. Vedoesdar
WMsan-Strang Array Llaad
a nao aroond tba lot
Icoaoty tor a pobHe park on b«nUBagtosw. Mty —Damags esOmai• Uarria t.aCore o
[ rm Glen Imka Improremenu and
1 at half a rntmoa and many fam- The last HMeUag of tba ygw «» >
atomber ot the 0. A K. Mopla Chy '
:nres can be'amnced
nire bomelra to the rmH of tbe tho Oak Park Motbera' etoh was MO >
Yas honored Saturday by a birthday '
Trentoa. N. J.. May SI.—With tbe
>lKht wbaa yonVa la bat aet moch la
- the school ■
; SocNl la Batten Htchip
CACH LOCALITY RAIOINS CCIIPjmy. circa by ibe W. R. C. Memlook at troSB tba oaUMh-^CUca# prlmuT elections less than a weak
twatonatomem was twstohd* to J
r yeuly ^stba^nc*ynars. AH the rivers aad atrai— ..
bars from this way auendiuc.
sway, when tbe voters of New Jerse>'
three times ibr nonnat sixe. la Fnnk tbe fifth grade, a ptoao soto to 0
Bill hare a chance to express s presl1
enmBth. Midtoud. Alma snd Freetond gta Hans and a nedtoUag
ferenee, the esmptien U
Barber. Tbe Vegntor hMO
praple are travellag about to
rspfdir derelopinc Into .one of the TAN Will EmMo Ormors to U
and many were forced » deeert. their eeoalMi followed wtu otaOJoa to to- ’I
most rlyoroai pollticsl struccles tbe
•attor Marttot in ^artoM
itog aa f
a Tbe railroad here susw
Stole has wltnetaad In years. Ookmel
Mrs. B. F. Barber;. Oiat etc* $
Roosevelt will befla a wbiriwind toor
wasboou. .No it
a has bea 1 dent. Mrs. Ed Hardy: MBOto fl« .j
of tbe Stole tomorrow, laterthe
or,out of Flint or Saginaw for tbe pruaMeat. Mrs. Ci Bvecatt; iiiiMiQ /
week President Taft wlB#be beard hi
aad treasuiwr. Miss ItoaHko Ctan-'*
The several sections of Watom past two dan .
a number of-the prlacIpBl cMira. Seahere reactiad tho twenty land.
HhMignn have airody ba«aa to
Blor I.AFoflette also is planninc
Mrs. WatUna gave a rwrr tot*
foot stage hut an fauJHtoS r^iort
mump the state. Goveraor Wnson. oa lallxe in tbe matter of raiaiag fmtt. one
od yeL
lag paper on ‘-lanucMo to Bavl
wUl romlnne bU The Oceana aad Hasoa oountf. sacmam on tbe Body, tjaart and I
tbe nlxbt before tioas are becoming great paa^ proto the Child.- She was teUoffto
primaries, flchtlny hard tor tbe
Jfra. Rees who took ter her ■_ _
doeing regions; and the emuitry
r-^HKiri of bis home stole.-When U tbe Child Bduetoed." ftol
Those who -follow miKies confess about Ludingtoa to atoo gatolag fane
mothers gave s risiag vMa to IkoalN g
(heir luablllly to predict tbe outcome beewme of its aBslI fralu. Its herto 8upL Tyter tar*to tottrot to Mm |
of either the
>ies aad ewraota The Frankfort MIGHTY SWEEP WAS HADE
dub dortog Che pato year «nd tog.h ^
crmtlc rbmest In Xew Jersey with any section is becoming u great
book ehlttlod "Heir Dihool^ wtoto <
ileereeof.certolmy. In tbe r<
ssented at a recant megttoo - >
Iks the Taft forces and the Rooterote to thaake was nt
e followers are llRhtioc tooth aad peach that tbe town twmerly known Opponenta of Judge Lindeey and Hay. Mrs. Sanborn for her to
nsli for every Inch of the crouiid. New as South Frankfort bos chsaged lu
or Arnold Gwamped by 20^
to the etoh tortog the 3
Jersey Is the Issl of tbe states hsrlnx oaine to Klberik. Benxie eotinty Is
000 Plurality.
past three years. Mra. VhMh -to \
atoo a cherry sertMi.
la Craiid
iderabte numerirsl reprem
deeerrlng of eopedal omdlc.tor too4
Traveree conaly tbe apple becomes
tbe Bstlonal coaveBUoa
>utk« to bulbs aaeiigttom
elect delenles auH sa a rousequeace
Denver. May 2J.—Practically v«aTies and e
hejwo rival csdidsiei emertoln a
returns from yesterday's rnunletratoM
to dm
seen anxiet.r to score a victory here.
al ?TJctlon show that tbe cilisens re- ■oot su^^^ia tolmwm
The onanlulioB forces are strong
form ticket headed by Henry J. Ar- wtion ol the HoUhtb- eJtiM
or the renomlnatloB of President the orchard. .Furthermore tbe apple Btod for.msyor. aad Judge Bea LindTaft, and have aelecied former So- acreage about Traverw aiy to very aer for Jorealle Judge, woe by
-whelmtog plurality eatimated
>reme roan Joatlce Gilbert Collhis. large and is inereastog rapidly. The
former Governor FranUUt. Murphy, Ut-vor who wants a carload of peaoh- SO.OOO.
can get them In seamra. witbtm
rmied Slates Senator Fiank O. Brii»f
and P. Ws'vUnd Ayer, the Camden dlfflculir nt Hart. Ludlugton or Frank
Htod Lato MoMthf to I
county leader, at tbedelecates-at-Urce fort; mad thp buyer who wants a car
. .$V. .
to gpreseul the stole in lbs lntere« load of cherries can get
Frankfort pr Traverse; and
yif^esident Taft.
The toto moetm7 to too Omumi
yromlnent men also are to be foimd buyer who wants a eirkmd of'agyHa
Mbcbers' aab was boU In Shn J
to the Roeserelt camp. Anoec tbe has but to go to Travew City, Northergartea room Tnasday. na,|
number are former Governor'Fort. Pori, or Old Mission.' Wlthla Oie
lug was called to order by |ho |
few years the speclsIUes for the
«bo Would like to receive a cableet
dem and opened by s
lK>rth la tbe event of Reeaerelt's elec
tbo Lord's prayer. Thi
tion; former Governor Stokes, wko as
sUied of ame well cbo
pires to tbe I'niied Stoles senstor- be meatloDed offhand. aad osmas «s follows:
shiif: former Stale Senator Erer^
Boelmusn Marjorio Htom.
rolbr aad Bordea Whiting, president
BecimtMa-May Hanso.
. , . .ff
'rangers of Kslkaska county
of the New Jersey Republic
Song-Harold Otbho.
Kxcrlslor Grange hall, la
gressive league.
RerimUea-lfma HaMIcto
fasten part of tbe county yeoterOn the democratic side there Is not
Rortmtioa—Margaret Mcto
da.v. and ttunched a mowmeot tbs' >t
) much flreworka being set off. PARADE and' program M
desUaed fo bring Kalkaska w.
though the reguUr orgaalution. which
Tbe elertjem of offlceto wiu MBtol
Is battling ngnlnst Goveiw Wilson,
up and too Mtowlag ottotoff
Is working hard la every seetlon ol ExereicN Witt Be Htid In City Opera
^ *
the stale. Tbe aDtI-WIIson men are
on the Aftemoen
FTMldeat—Mm. ft ft Wkttm
coBlfdeai that they will win more than
of May U.
^ 1st Vice PruaMeat-Mra. UUTf’
half onhe entire state delegnUoa of
Preparations are being made by beea cleared of tbeir hardwood rimiweniy«ighi. and tna.r elect every maa
sA' vica PMttdaat-ftrA iim-.
and glre promise of becomini Thtapsoo.
ihers of the O. A R. and Mher
t<cl up against the Wilson candidates.'
» of tbo toest farm lands la the
chiefly becaVse the organluilen of the patrioUc socieUeo for Memorial Day
eoartoaiy-Mn. C Rslto.
will be obsened to tbe usual state.
tVIlsea adherents is not anything like
Troaowar—Mra. BroflM. j
that of the experienced mlillctons namier on May 20. The prt^m
Exaeutlra eoamatmo-V# flaw
who are making tbe ll^t against the for tbe day's exercises Is as follows;
tooDd, Mrs. Jatrisn. Mra. Ohto
The Poai and Relief Corps will meet llvliies enlarged as rapldlr as coadlgovernor in his bome state.
lAS Hornsby gars a Tsrp
wairant Tbe >\'hsmra
The Irlends of Governor Wilson vet ; the post room on May 30
Uve and Inierastlng talk oo .•Uttk
NlrtHgsu Dei-rtopmeat Bureau was
hmre TaHh In tbeir nblUty to send n ortoek n the momiog and go from
Readlag for ChUdran.- Mr. Horntot 1*^
presented at this ghiDge meet lag by
delegation fsroring him to the
saM toot chUdran sbsold md nmay
R H. Enswerth. who explained what
lae ha token H 'opon blmseif
kinds of' llieratare. sndi as pootty.
Blsh automobiles for the ladles o' has been done In the way of ergaiilr. travoL tostwy. fairy mlea arthna
the W. R. c. and Ladles AuxUlary lag progress clubs, which bos be^u and fiction, ta regard to tbe rodlnc
Char■ the Spanish War veterans to 1
of ftrtkai It abouM be well cboaa and
levoii county Chamber of (-«BBefce;
them to the cemetery aad return.
but little aa a tolld who rods
and wbat bat been done for Antrim
'At : o'clock .the procealoti
MKhlag but Action oill navor tlfdtoA
form o» tbe comer of Washlagtoa roumy through im board of aupergreat ihmker. The ehUdran nMR.
vlsors and wbat
bewa done for
tad Boardraau areaue.
raarx* can oa Washington to Wd- Grand Traversi region through the for Mr. Hornsby thinks tost retotog.
4vtoo; Bcrrth on Wellington to State; Trar. rse City Ehtifd of Trade. It is which eaaMes a tolU to crania or do
u>SL^n State to Park; north on Park more than likely that the Kal
something to his owe. Is mmA bat
i» Front; we« on Front to the City people will get some advertlaiai
ter.reading than that wkli* —Wf a
In the early futare that can
(i|>cra bousu where a program will
child do nothing but col .dp m on
cstrried-oot connUOng ofr reVdit be used to Bead to people who make easy chair snd read cominusUy.
special inquiry regarding thejr landa.
of General orders, music and
Id an a
Children should also read good
<ire« by Mm. J. J. Gray.
All societies are cordially iurlted to
and In tbe con
take part In the parade. The ranks
uf the 0. A R camtot be recrulted.
Tbey are growing thlpber every
;ear and the time- is not far dismal
d a abort aorlat Uoa olayad.
Widows m Seeure Their
•bcB they shall have pasted
•««.80 ault valuM at Slp.»0
Tag Eaamptien.
'be great dlvkla
All; »h>»e
TbU line'couipruu-t- siiiu
Sl.vlifch Iw., or liir.'c biilfon coat mod
"rhan vvinild want to wear. No matter
Act No, m. pHhilc Art* of 1411
el*;. .-hoM-,- «.r Kuniir.K.f liliiP m-rpe. striped
the old nag. which has 'kieiix.jeuchyour occuimlion. it will .w-rtninly
prorides for oxemptloe of cerum
worKliHis. fancy canimercsniid twc.-<ls;
ed the ground, be wHh us 00 that day.
jiny you ^o select your spring suit from
real esisla from mxatloo. The gtwri^ or mohair lining. All |•.•rf.■rIlv tailthe pen;>ie of Trarene City toe
nniong Ibis line
aw«>rtiiienl. of- lilne aisl
coptloD of real estate 10 the value of
ori-ti with ih.toc neat fin«hi«iK louche,
paifloiUm hu not altoffstber diod SLOW used aad owned u' a homestead
-rpSi. worsl.-iis. enssimeres and
wliirh sum] out proiiuiu-nlly in ,-vcrv
out and comfort the beeru of the re- by any soldier or sailor of the federal
Mvc«-*ls in Igarm.-nlK
aaiari anil. All Kircs.
malniug few, that their services rend- govsraB>ent Vbo served three nwalhs
ered from ISCMSCS are sot forgottpe. or atore during the civil or Mextcaa
aperial meeUng to toe Onnd
Come Out and march •
or the wife or widow of suck Traverse Coualy Medical •odily was
the llrini that you appreciate soldier or allor There Is a provi- held Tuetoay evening ta Ike ottea to
M. Wilhelm.
ttrwUsm and fidelity dertng alOB la this however to this effect
the dark hours of the tebeliioa.
any soldier or sailor, or the wife '' Dr. H. TburteH read a paper on
Newest Bpriag Fha|>M in all
Those who win march in the arade or widow of such soMler or sailor de Pcileilria maBsic. Dr. J. BrokMoa
New paiiems s< 4Se. Me and
Sale F|»c
colors snd styles, during tbe
on that day wUJ be aaslcned a place siring to accept the benefits as
of Kiogaley read • puper ffn mdin
tSc. worih toTl.:i.**Mm with
t.4S: tSSO Dress
scfiaraiB soft ceoltars.
la the comma by notifying the imr aemptloa from usatlon. shall make s case of neoriisls. Dr. a ft GkaM
ti r.9'' Good KhskI and
^ lot of .Men> K
•Work fVnIs
ishal of ihe Day,
II S5 aad
10 Per Cent Off.
aad file with tbe suiwrriar or asaess. reto a paper oa the pathology to ty
Sblrta at «Se each.
tIJiu pair.
fever. The papers wera all
B. P- Newhowe. Com.
tag officer an affidavit smtlag under
followtd by dlscssaSoea. An laCorml
n‘. W. Doa*.-'
oath that be was a aMler or
lUBcheoB waa serv^for the federal govsnuaeui durt;
civil or Mexicna war. for a period of
at ■portal aaii grtaaa
lea than three naetha. or said
Nowaoro a ths g
■ I ■ II I
toere rigOMa
wife or widow of soldier or sailor
wiltme bum t • land to Bahai Bkw
•mm that she Is toe -wife of wi
dow. "rte old affidavit ahall
I to before the aaperrtoor or as-
Ironing Comfort
The Noel
$^-Aeafing Flat Iron
A saver of
i Wha^ the Noel Self-HeaUng Flat Iron is and Does
II alves ae even, o
■ bealal mhmt
! l-5c cost per hour
Heal Is easUy regataled
Handle is always cool
Absolutely safe and weighs only 5 1-2 pounds
No wires or tubes hanging to get in your
The way to prove our asserlon is to get one at
The Big* Store
and try it.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Clothing Sale
At $10.90 and $16.50 we show the greatest
nun HIE imunT
vetoes lor am and Vonns Mea nus City lus ever aeon
- /.
Otter Ms at 18J1, Sms md $20-ttat were $12iO,18,2Sfi$28
Best olOottisgfor
'Crand Trav6rse Region
Btayed over uaUl-Monday, batnra golag to bar boou at Maple fUr. Tbta
cloaad o vary aueeaaafnl ivo yoart for
Wiaa Dea-lng aad
wn« all aorry
lOnad to tba booaa aavaral vaaka to have bar go.
klalrta Artllp «ad famUy of Grawn
aa the malt of a bad fall
Harry Frliz, llalan rolaareb and rWiiad a weak ago Buaday vUh O.
Fraacca BaKi atiaodad
tba ISsbtb
Utaa LaeretU Bondoraoa. ae
srada aianioailOB at Cadar flty Mat
W at tkc cluae tt aebooL
. aad Urm. Jakn Kalwali pre
•wtr »8 honor of tbr tearhrr. MUa waak.
Floraoca AHra waa bonia fron
. am. Batarday ctmIbs. a Ursa
acbool oiar Sunday.
kaaai sttohdail and a>l raponad
lUarr atea Uma. W» aJI ragral vary
■MB to bara MUa Slarant laava,
uilad ber two brotbera. Roat and
Gilbert, to tbair hona la
lAka. week before laat.
Tbay all r»
turned bera laat «roM- The boya letl
Mra. .Vonnan Nevnaa U aiiB.
Gao. banb racalrad irord of the Tueeday. Rota atartlag for tba waat
wbile Gilbert Ipft for Detroit, where
• baa apent tbe pa
iA4 ha»a to bara bar bark nait yaar. daa^ ot bU daushier. Ulllan. Ir
Waablnroo. raaanlly. Wa all aym, 9lra. fiarrr -TThalaB apaai Saiurdar
patblia with tba (amlly lii tboir be
nd Saaday la Travarae Cltr
Mr*. John rex aad
Mr. Potta. an expert on alfalfa’rala■an eollara at
ins. addranaad a delegation of
era at the baU on tbe<kv«nlog of
'Mrm. Jaam Siailar and Mra. Kattln -lb. •
CMh'U wera Travaraa City eallan
May 31.
Miai Barer of Ubirogo. came
urday for a few daya vlalt wilt
brotbera (Mar and Sigurd. She Mft
Tneaday morning for bar eld borne
I Norway.
Fife Lake Department
T m ront under ISM.
C. A. Hammond
1 .of the
We innt te i
I ewi
end raqarov
reqnett that
tons au
ell items w
of penonnl ead
U be
interat bepeat
gent toto Miu
Miu Dewey
tacorporsted in tbe Depertnent.
neat. We ei|kecisDy
sad the
uk thst_________
cbnrdie*. fretemel1 godetieg
Onage faniltb itoat of iateregt ia their retpective omaintiong. Mewi of godnl eveati and eatnHiwurota, improventgaU beiag made or contem
plated, aad bagiaeu chaafea, and Iraaiferg in
real eetate ia town and conntry are eapecially
V PraelK
icllee. lacludlna Col
Ma« N.connina
TiIlaceof»e Lake.battoti I gnrronading coantry.— Editor Herald.
Mra. Hull of Traverae City, vlalled
with her daughter. Mra.
Cotiducted by MIm Mae Dewey.
Tbs Olaniert iniilated
nembera at tbeir last mr. H. Smitb and family. Ura. Smith • Mra. E H. Footer went
her home
Tueeday Wednesday.
Thr rvenlnx waa apent it
plii'ink and matte
new large tract of tend on S»-.
1 out 1*00 fruit in
bat been wy
popirtar 111 tauh ih>« , victnltT ant
.'i-we y'H'.-h...iiig liern employed
>e llliniib-ui I'lolhlng More, aa
«r*pher. -fw tome length
vri'h'wiia lielBg in afteudance. The;
Mrs. J. J. Xelbart
rendi ri-tl acvgral
whh: llniean. la apendibg the week with h-r
ih >ppreclaled.
Mr\ and Uie Kywelka are mafcm.
tear Maot Simday at Cbattar rox'a.
Mayfield. »aDE oevcral of ‘peedy prefuiraiion* lo imwe on a
^d^ (Yeek school closed WedoesHtian B«rr of l.ake Ann waa
Sira. Al'llllS Naggs <.f Traverse r'ily Ihf rw.piilar M.IIX* wbi.-n eyerr one farm a ^on_ di-uti. e riioni tb« bit
'.MUi Marla tellay ratonted bomo
day. (or tbe summer.
Int ralatlreg at tbla place from Thurawas the gueat of her mother. Mro. I) iSUO'-td. aiul Wat hi'.viiify appUuded
VrMar, aftar apanSlax iba wtoiar in
* parenta. yIicra~4liio «m faegis
Mias Blonom Morris returned i
Hay until Sunday.
McAle>. a few days tbe past week.
tbe lodge by rifling the No. MS lodge
ravaraa Cltj. They were '
RoIh-ci Ib-F.-tmcy aud J. S. Hrown their,_llfe work tog-aber
*r home near Copemlsh. Tburnday
Mlu l.oti>e Payne attended
l.eon Hills fatally •.(
Traverae r riiy.
Mr. Mallor> vant trout nahiag ona
• ill ■hars^'-xa The lotiheoii. au.f tbe recipleou of uiau> beaunful. tg
Eighth grade examination at Honor.
P. H. BernstelDe
froin Wlerooain. are rooting on to Ifaeii
brotbera aad Bicteri were in attenSAar Mat weak and munad
he I. ii n. P have a wide reach well aa isially piew-nta Ibey liaiV-ya
Thuradar and Friday el laat week.
farm here, fonnerly owned by Jos.-ph
from that lodge and with the Chirago. Wedneaday.
^«ta a tea cauA
of frietula whowJab il.cib leni*
■tpauiitui lju- Their imicbi-ous.
Mra. W. H. Beeman and datqditer.
ibern fraoi Ihit lodge and thelf
Evaugellei E.** E. Mierat of Grand Wolfe, ar.
. _M lily Go&bc la tpaadlns tho
one didn'l fall thart ol thegueat't
bapiiiiHaM and .pm>i»Tii>
icMra. Wm..Kelierhnuae, left Tueada:
FYank Dell of Chicago. Mailed
taraillee and M- D- Paul and wife of Raplda, waa tbe gueat of Rey. and
aAak la Travarn City.
ex|>e,Valloiii> An oonthin cl ibia kind gelber.
(or KalamaxAo to rliii reliilvea.
Mra KIta While's a tew d^vs the Iset la |i::i.'Uially the only •litiiov The
tbompaonrille. it made nearij
May II.
N '
Mrs. A. W. Baker, Thursday.
May il.
Mlia Paollne Keever and
who partook of the good time a^d
Wm. Oab(4i waa m fadlllac on of the week. Mrs. Elale Eaaimaii a. then bat’i-^ rlMiwinu iheir wivew ilielr
ronipauied him back In Chicagu.
good (hliuM to eat.
Here'a hoping
uilnros Thursday.
ablliiy lu the -■iliiiary lltii'.
Uta Mittlar meetUg ot the Kaaaon aiamlnagon at Empire laat weak.
Mlases Millie Aniell
anil llessl-they may all eoine aaln some futnre
O. 1. Boynton came up from Clana'
I.. Johnnon. of CadlRae, w ho
Reeepliofi lor Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
W, IV. WllaoD and daughter Head
CtOter Grange
at ball tbe evenHodges tlsUevI at ScMitli Ikuirdiuan
IV s few days this we«dc.
ilatiinx bei sinler, llraf (\
ot May II. wlib an unuauatly paased ibrauMi hare fram Orlatt
Miaa Nanry -Olaon left Monday for
Nelaiiii. naiirnr-il to lu-r buDe KaiurThera la no school In the primal? Salur'lay and Sunday.
•ttoBdaaca.^-The reguUr too- tbeir way to Empire, one day laat Traverae Cli>',.wbere etae baa employ- room thU weeto Miaa -Befry being
Misses Alta Tlionw
ltd Suturd.iy
Hm taalneas «ia dona, altar which weak.
lliitchlnii tisltcd the fol-mer's broih.-r
ent at ike Path hotel.
The ■(•-' i Ibigstinm of I'bicaeo.
WlleJl'ilbHUl'li'l .. ■ heir frfeiid.
Mr. and Mra. J. E, Oaborp ware
fa tea pngran « reading. rec^uUona.
A I^WIney is slowly Ini- ami fauiil.r nl l.sH-lsvMle.
Mias Treaaa
iec-uidi-l (hr jMilpIt . jo Ibe .Swedish
f Mr Well
tlilll-'liwT III The
■Mie aad g dldroarlon on bean col- tba gnaata of Mr. and Mra. Fred Beathe w'eek.
Mlm-ibli < (■•sdh Sunday uturninr. and
I- liivllaliutiii
taw waa csrrtai one It being Bra. Lian at Ovialt, Sunday.
The ladles of the M'. «• «’• are »‘!l<1 ffSailbc
Mr, and Mt. Olenn Dibert of I.
Rev. HaakUa and wife of Empire.
watutr’a biittda.v. tbe Udlea hid
Ing licki-is on a worsled <|iillt wlih-ii
ingr<«Mm..te(|trday night
to (1(10 Joi-.'L wlu, lw> b.-enXutaKH)ff
1 re*'e|i1 (oil,. The'
uwi • tee ^nefa'^wby of b'bup nalM on frianda bare Saturday laat'
they have on eaWbllkHi at Jaa Jonas'
ims lYallt'k returned iroin is-c
tbeir paraus..
hi, M-ier. Mn- 1' ««,n. letitrned to
^etj pu-li^ly tlei-uruu-il i» blue an■tlM and an boor or two Aaa apent ' The cormpondeni wfihea ts
Itiver. M'iacoBsln. teturduy.
Mr. aad
John BaltenlleU an]
white. ei<|*eclall5 for the lecj-ic.n
ireei a nliiaka made lavt week about
a oodal good Uim
On Sunday six o( uiir young
Fred Pratt yeturned- Ui Travern
yira''*; T. r-ilck. Jr. b'li la-1 week
aon Glenn, and Jacob BatlenSeld and
Tbe eteiiliig wna fin-iiT ui |>nu:rv>ini<
Omt Bartfa BOTfd fab family over the death of Mra. l-'rank AdauH. aa
wuf-ktd their, way to Suiilh llbat.l
City. Friday. '
lie.lro, and diiioiiig. whhh wax gr««i fd a lea WjwW«' ilell with bei laMeiSs
ibrauMi acme ailatnk'e It waa repor:- Urn. JobB Oowpey and children epeot
M Prowwnont. tbU week.
Mn. Grace Dolbcrg vlalled trlemla
ly enJoje.1 by the yoBi.g pM>|>le. Mr UI Si laulH,
L»er ani Margaret roteman rlilt ed wrong. It being Mra. Doc. Adama
revival w-rvlcv-; le-lns tvmdujt.-d hy
in Cadillac. Saiurda}'.
.Mrs S.'A. IIUIIIICI aud MiU. who
ihd Mra. Well* were'lfaf nH-lpfeui
' there «ilf^ sinday echool at the
■i tbeir Metier etar. Sub'eUy; a weak who died.
Mra._Jas. Sirahan. or, bns been Kvaugellsl. K K. Mleras of Grand
i.r lUiRie vert l•eauttruI. aa well '•• bay,' ■■•cn vi.Hing relBilyes here the
United Brethfhi .church every Sun
May SI.
raucb worse the pant week.
laal 1.-W werka. WU fur Ihclr fasMBe id
lurTly klflw fro^i ilieii loan)' friend*
day afteraooo at three uVlock, every,
Mr. AQ« waa'boma over Sunday.
Edison Varte of (Tilcago; culled
Meadames »ia White and
ElsiPhial Joidaii lari VVetliicMlay.
body Invited to artend.
I-ietu nt.
We were all plaaaml to ao^r. AxBactman were In Kalkaska Wednes frieoda here SumUy . on his way Tt*
F. Miller, who
wiio ngnJu-pn
yM<en doing
Frank Hopklna and famtl
George iGoold and family, visited day. on hoalneso.
Mi M tba Orange agxia, a^ being
South Boardman. lo assist wfih. the
iiiuniblug in J.‘E.J
to tbeir home at thig place yeaterday Sunday at Joiw Matbewa.
TiaveroF' l >uT KflrM'. on business.
J. n. Bsimoii waa called to Thomp- rerivsi st rvlces at that place.
turned to Travm
after an extended trip to Oklaboma.
NUed rel'i
Claroaee Otoe returned from (btd- oonvHle on profeaBional l.uilneaa this
The liifani child of,Mr. and Mrs
. Miaa Muriel Wrbl.-) enienalnod a
Frod Dego aud family from Cedar, Iliac Sunday, after a few days vikli
John South died Monday night. May live* In Traverse Giiy. The
numiter of her girl friend. Friday
waa In our. village today.
with bU brother Isaac.
Wm. Wells has gooe to Alma. Can JOth. ol acute indigestion.
eyeniox at a mlMyellaneou. abower in .'
Mr. and Mra. (hat Palmer of Trav
MIm Wolf oln^ a anecMaful
Arthur Hooflia and wife and sitter honor of MIm Jea.ie Raumlierger. The
ada. on a buslneaa trip and also ex aervit-es were held at the home Wed
eree City, and Mr. and Mrw A.
of adiool at tbe Weaver srhool
UlYle. wem .10 T.w«e.-»e 'I'.ii.v. Mort ekeniug wa* .itenl In playlDg ronleal.
pecta to visit n-lalives before return- nesday at one o'clock.Plaher of’-Newaygo, viiiied here
The File Uke sawmill property ot day. on botlueac.
and In idano nelectloBa by the brideig.
Mr. and Mn. Jack Rellry.
elert and other*. The gunita were In
Mr*. B. Sarrus was called lo Cad the Cliitens bank, burned at
Will and Henry Monroe went
Mrt. Dr. Burke baa returned to ber Suntfay viattorn at the home of l).
vited to the dluing room, where Mia*
illac Wedneaday. lo assist in caring Friday nigfii. Msy IT. patting
Traveise City.'Monday
borne after mendlog neerly a yeor Raflery.
Wrlsley. a*>l.ied
Iwr oioiber,
(or ber brother. Henry Carulhers. Wbo
t'ha*. VanKIpper ot Traverae C
l Bmpbe.
J. A. Snyder is palming fate I
had nboul T:,(i,mi(i feet of Iiinitier
•leryt-d Hull ealad. a*B>rie-l rake* and
very HI.
as to Town on biialnes*^ Monday
The W. R. C. met yeaterday to ob- and barn.
Hon. Judge Judkins c( Grand Itnp- saw Tor Archie tilhbs of Traverse
t'luit. Hainmi't aelil lo Tiaverxe lujna-h. Ariel- rtinriieon. .MIkt .Minnie
rrve the Tfilh birthday asnJvmnary
Mlesee Edog-QCli and Celia Smith Ida. was The guest ol hl» bnHher I. City, of which only half had bee|
Kehl look lUah llghi pi. iurro ,«f ibe
liy OB buolnen Friday.
r Mr. UCore of Empire. AM re were in Kalkaska .Thuroday and Frlcompleted. The Are department did
Mra John Wall, who has lo-en
F. Judkins, on Snodsy.
art a tee Ume.
day''uklng tbi elgtatb grade examlnavery etSrlenl work saving the bnJld- oerlouriy HI. It not mui li Jniproyei
Mn. 'Craig, who ha-- cpeM Ibe winMrs. John Faler secuinpanied
Mra. .John Relnke ia quite la
ler here with ber daugbler. Mra. A.
brother to Traverae City Wednesday, ings near the mill agalnat a high at suit 'wrliing.
Mra. Burke la baring ber bouae
Foster Wheeler epeot Sunday at B. returning home again Saiurda.'.
Bouihwest wind. The damage
• ilra- George Smith went to Trai lleiilaU. returned lo her home In Can
paUted. Oddle Kellogg ot Burdlck- Blake'a.
laei nieek. -She" was sc<«m|iaBied
'. and Mra. Ra'' Fuller openi Sun
erao I'iiy. on biialnew, .Saturday
vllle U doing the work.
John Jora baa purrhoaed the Abner day with reUtiv(« near WllUaiitsbure ’ Sunday aercices at the M. K. church
Mra. (^aa. Cook nmde a bualneai by her dauxhiei. Miu Susie Craig,
R. Piaher went 4o Traverae City, Battenteld place.
and Rev A Benlall.
Mr. and Mra. Glen Diliert from near May ;c. Sabbath school at in;::u
trip to Trayerae «^y. Friday.
one day fatal week.
Mlaa Hulda Marvin of Fife lake,
Kpworth league at C:'!) p. i
Mra. F GIH>en xBd daughter Of
il hece S
Mltfu« Ivah H^ri and
Mnu Joe Xemeakel U euterUII
vlalled Snndar with her parenta. Mr.
Sauli Sie. Marie are here vlalling hSr
»r.Went to Traverae topic. "The False Use of Hellgio.i* 8iln*oii ylalted-t'be Isiter's Irlend
her tiaier.
and Mra. T. Marvlm
•lagent.. .Mr: and Mtw. W. WlUon.
lrMaitt fd-tlie Tremaine. Sunday,
her daugh SymlNjIs." Jer T ill:
City. Wedn«
J. P., White
Mra. 8. E. Snyder. Oydr Snyder
Mi>. F. Ihb'C of East Jordan to here
ft-rmou at 7:Si>
f Mr*. Killiuer ot Si^tdlah is
rknda: ctfurch Sunday morning
nnd family, vlalled Gunday with Mrs.
Mr. and Mra. W. W: Ifro-wer went Itev. A IV llaker. paalor.
ing'liVr daughter. Mra./K Haiitugarth vlriiiug her iwrenis. Mr. and Mr*. A.
Mra. D..A. rtevelte U enteitali
Enitabeth Aldridge.
Fife ijiki' will
muke' Decoralion ll<j„ week.
> Petbskey Saturday, to lake salt
two of her alatera.
Vincent Rader and family
spent baths for rbeuaiailsiu.
.Mr* H Benron lefi
Saturday for
Hay. lliiy
one i.. -lie long reMra. S. E. Haye* of 'Srimdlah, wliMra. S. R. Burke and
daughter Sunday with hit eliler and fainiiy,
Cadlltoc for a few days
and Gladys fleAv niemben il aud etaiid a* an ej^aniple b.*' b.'en visrting herJW.
MabeL went to Traverae City, Wed- Mr. and Mra.-John Wagner of 8ni
Mrs Frank Galea Ellen of .Mawm.
sleine went
MancelMna Friday for Heart' ]l<-iiK'rlal day voliscrvantw. Hnyet. .eiurnrd to
Hir borne
who ha* heen vtoliing bei itonglii.i
Miss Bteitvi returned. Sun The t;. A It' i«ai, HelisI voips. ib.- jiliindlth. Tu'ndBy. aei-fflnpauieil
1 Rev. naaklne of Empire-wRI preach
May SU
Mis* WlDOgene EIIHt. pilneiiwl ol Hie
fraleriiiil iti ganlratione. and
si hnol her granditon. George llayot.
« the CoBgreiattonal chnrtii of tbU
high arJiool. b-fi lari w->-k lor u iwo
Min Nancy Bonner visli^ her sis ihildreii will (iinr-'h to the cemet
ilUi Sniidlll >if Traveiw I'liy,
pUee Friday evenini;.
ipr. Marguerite at Kalkaaka. the past mid decoiate the gtatea at 1« a.
(he gae*! of Mrs. IC Uai>ii!ai.rih, &•• weeks' vikit In. 1-oiii-'ib*. K>
May 21.
. and. Mra. O. V. Holmea vlalted
The elghih grade -unuliiaitoa •*»
Mr. and Mra. John Sooth o( Hodges.
Mra. Blden Mutcbler went the ball :ii nooiu Utiiig .voiir dinner
Ethel Hackmait' haa llnl*hed
Sunday. .--Mra. .Seutii baa sot been
iMiiket*' Coffee uill be served i.'
Wednesday lo Cadilla'i. for a
term iif. aehool nnd exi,oi»,io mu-i..
Mra. O. F. .Vollmrr baa boee
wMl'fdr aorao time. Mr; Sotttb’a ala
HitariS ol Trade..
In tite uit-'-n
(he .•iiiiinier will, her iiareble.
•offerer tile peat two w«ek^ wltii, tet la caring lor tbe baby.
: y| Miinu-.^forinetly' of tfais
L. F. Judkins was in Man- .lohn ,W I’att'hin of Trateise City.
Mr. and Mrt ('lia*. fh \ . mad-rheumatienL
* Mr. and Mia. John Smitb of Bax
it.. l,a.' L-eo
apeoding the
».:l deliver ilMMemorial .address busluea* irlp lo Trai-r-e •',u. Ft
celmx Thursday and Friday >n
:i Iritiring. i. now Ol Grand ..
Un Bye te borne for a «m daya ter. visited at John Price's last '
Mra. Laura Ahaon and Cecil NewII liie Si; MaiJ'a hoapllal.
vlil(. with ItCb people here.
Mr, Elwell of Detroit, who «
Rnll.b (•;.«• n„ob- a kne:!;.--- :ii
e Miiderwes) n MTluiui o|,eraSeboel ckiaed laat TYiday. Prof. marrti and Inca Hammond. visUed.
to Trjiv.-r».- •■il,- Sjt-ir.lii>.
^Btvday. '
Mr. and Ura. f^ 'Saehd^ and
Woodworth golug to Me borne In Iroo- Mia. Ensign of Klagsl^ visited Mrs.
wbfio Mfaa Dewing Clark Semaon. Sundajf
Mr. and Mia. Tyler spent Sunday
wilb Mr. and Mra. George Ynlf.
Some of our >-oong pwle I
Holmea' SMiog. attended the exiimin
atioD at Klngnley. laat week.
Watlace HMt and
Manna went over to Barker Creek.
Sunday, alter trouL
Norman Samaon and
boj-s went over to Fuller's Yoke Sun
. and Mra. Holmes took aupper
wHb Mra. Fia, laat Sunday.
,Mr. aud Mra. Tyler called on Mr.
Hlcki' people.' Sunday evening.
At me aiy Book Store.
Brass Curtain Rods
10c value, 4 for SSc
Good Cloth Window Soa. lea. 22c each.
S for
White Handled Cups and Saucers ' - 5c
It of. yoang people of Grawr.
Jiome talent
Mias Dora Dtvia bss gone to Trav- “Gyp. tie ^Ifelrea*. '
night, nnd to those who xtlecded the
ae City to work for Ura. W. A.
Several of tbe young people from
Dl«rici"No. 6 attended the exnmlnation at the Needham Bufinea conegi-.
4 City Book Store
.....................I- I" ..iieiol.lhe aoldeli wi-d
er-or-, and lo vhiii. r.fiur.
time, hjii'and eoDth and are
'iHigregailooal ihurcb Simday in Ihs.
vhBelMe of IteV; A. tienlall
le R I'ei'k and wm George b-n RunIsiy'In ihi-lr itirlor Ann Arto>r. ttbere
Mr. I'wk tea Iwen Inking treatment
F.rie i|,itii|M-h went wMk Ihem
■iv ugaiti this w<-ek to eXfu-ui.
iiiOK- ill (In- nialnialnence
t i-f the lerrilory-
W'11-wu Hi.-'e
-Ira. Arihur MarilB.
Heiir-' Jlatee and la’b-'t. -In-te lo
rraveiM- e-lf' la-i I'liday
Mr-. Ou»ih Itoie. wae >i-iiliig wlih
her daughlei. 'Mi..
George Jackson
r City I
.Maw iHtoipied the |Milplt In lb.
>rer n, (nal'e Suiiilsiv to -.ee ,\lr au-l
Wiiliim. and in thr
riiiinti- of plan
ledirblge ou Tlilrd street, .
« nty. whf-n their daughter Hui;.
>s united
In marriaxe to laiul-.
• lire- irayB la-t *-«'k.
The riiipn-e party
Mra. Uiry
I'Urk* waa well aiiended laai Sarnrtoy evening All atnloyeH Ihemw-lvea
and ail ,wl»h It Will te *»oa before
ihere U another ram. Ice «rwwiii and
K- Ibi-kl-^io i-iay
,ake were -nerved. "The game of p*t_
-a- played.
Wiiter itoie w<mi tke*
It (» Ar'^nderatood wtm* daintily gowned In pale pink til,, hig prlte and
I-au) Tbompaoo the;
fait ibal both
ire not In ibe and carT-e-l while rote*. ' an-l . ih- booby.
trim necessary to.-'gqnd k’ayine. bat bridesmaid. Ijtaro K»»*'!ka, wore pal Gray'a new building to pr»we hope .with thi* prxrtlre. that b' crroni silk apt « arried ..pmk ro»ei ereaelng very rapWly.
the time the “Peinut league." coo- Tbe groom and the groom.m«n wor*
Ilortor 1* doing none'
and tbe dramatic club are to ^ con •tstlng of Manion. Burklgy. Fife lAk--. the roiivcn-lnnal hta-k.
Mf.a Ethe’ canwnier wc*l, cm Hi* Hallet farm.
gratulated cm the excellence of their Mesick. and Kingsley. U fally orgar- Ha-kmac plaved the m-e-ld;c£ mar-h
Ml.. Orf-ha Bate*. Mia. Cram Wif.
flrat attempt In throtrlcal work.
lip-J. and earnest work 1* begun, ihat After the aedding (lie su--»t*'«e-n an.I Flore tek* are tbe gueri* •>■
Rod Baldwin and wife of Summit nur espectatlotu of seeing some good; inv(ted to til- dining room, where .
r* teiira Bat-* 'tKlay.
»d S.1 1.4,e
• -.ladoif '.f ('a-**4|H>lln. daugh
1..| „• Mr -.b.l Mr*. John lIulHI, win.
her auOL Mra Bert Monroe of Jtey-
rraniJ|»j--'o'-*' .del
'add relurvoHl •- ‘i-r Inim-' ill K,:ilalii-i
7>.r>. .'iiindav.
Wi.dne.dav a .jiiiet weddinehiDlxed at The hnme irf Mr
-Gyp. the Heir***.
Mias BIU Hammond is working for
JUiie- l.n'ti.ii W--ikiii.iii. who *0111
her- .1 l.-wvi'-ekw ;ivr.-»i, allc
her voar. a-'-..
vikiii-iI h-
M *
each.^gblng the eighth grade examl-
Bne Ban Goae. Bwemna
Conducted by Miss Rdna Wall.
The p«opIe of fingiley and tfae^wTonndinK
couniry are all intorested in ibis Dvi^tmeot.
•We ihall be glad to have individuals, tiiurches.
the Orange, fraternal societies and all oUier or
ganisations hand in items of news, personals,
annooncemenu of meetings, notices of eiitertain' menu, bnsineu changes, public improvcincut*
being done or contemplated
ot real estate
is town or country, and any other items of gen
era] ntereat. Send all items to Miss Edna Wall,
who has charge of the Department.—Editor
pUy. It ex.elled their exiieriations In
Tbe Udlea' Aid m« with Mra. John every respect. Il would iW w hf^
Blrmley last Thursday.
Riallev .10 decide the i-ooreM from
Mlts Oorii DnvU on^ Miss Jennie
Tbe comic imrodir-»ee spent Sunday at D - Davia
Hon* were e*pectolly well retidMYd,
i« cun end aiiKcc
White Plattere. efze 8x12. tSc values
' White Knner Pla-.es. 60c value, doz.
Sauilaty Milk P-ltchere. &ncy pitcher
vfith hover.-,5c value
- .
May 2L
Kingsley Department
City, were in town Monday for a short
Gaylord Davis apent Snndsy
visit with their daughter. -Mra. J»y
SUgbls the guest ot Us coosln.
lAwreoce Sewbpory and wife rolled
Deroratk.li day propram will be o'
at Jekse Wella-Sonda:
the ustksl order.
The dower girls
the retorn gam*.
gsme* this
summer will
anmp-itrai. d'.i.ner wa» aerted. Th,
The arore of Friday afternoon house was letd pretillr derorared in
stood. 14 and IT. In favor of BuckWw^ pipk and * hli*. and t he color *• hem»
WB. carried our in full at. the dinner,
Thli tnak.es a game a piece for
in (be table derorations.
- Only tb«
iromedian . frieffdt and
MG* Thei IPitlingaine left for her
horn* at Thuni; .-onville Monday mom
igMay Jh.
wlu decorate the grave* In the t
•rot Compnmmit.
ViNrorthy •awerweafte
tag and in the aftentoOB t^ere will
lAst W'edneaday night the I. O. O. .ralative* were prea-nt to wltuea* the
About th* Snaat iiiiinlliiml that
be man who have bTO roateed
Mp. -Ryfetka It a
well CM b* paid te a young man la to aay
be B .spee^ nnd Und eooem to the F. celebrated the Mrd annireriary tf oerenony.
mnalblllty ef wanite an imparl .
the order. The faaU waa very P»«; known >oaat mau of Traverse. City, ho to a eo^tet to hi* partefs
socisj arttem e( *e pi mil |hM. fflWA
IE HMd' Oiclr 'alticc <.*lldbuM). iHAOIoh^ ■
________ _
Dr. Teatoe and family and Hits tU.v, as well aa tsatlly deevr
Thera were oaly three flab
opwirad amoag tbe etowd.
Mr. Woodcock taya tba Partridgee
Mty tC.-Mtt. atiit have, nearly atrlpped bli apple treee
- Snn Mt for b«r bone' tn MUdtteo
ads this wlntar. - He la tbloking
afiw rWtliiB bw dMSbwr. M going back ob bis tarn lo live. He
lln. BaKAi Ajrar*.
Ima ebtalBod Jtra. Aan Blmmene
. BHooo of Tnnn* CUr U
' MMtoc him t ooMM- bone on bin
. »«i of Joltot. Iiu
The Markets
Frteea eofractad aatt day by wlra
Mr. Kreppa U wotttag Hr. Weod-
from Chlcoip.'I>«tt«H. Tetedo and Baftalo ttfiuugb .OBlted Presi telegrapb
eott'e farm tUa auniiner.
Hike Doyle la having a wiad mlU
r ttit
mat cslM bm if
ttit dntb of her put ap on ba farm. Bert Kellpn
Wexford la dolBg tbe work.
falber. Mr. Oaim.?
sin. Wm.
Mtw Onto 8bK
Bu«rda.v fraa a Ti>lt vlU reUtiros
at Onad Rapide. ^ ..
WUbnr Bare ii borne now from
iDdlana. where he hu been ai at
Buffalo. Hay Zi.—f'atlle—Reieipia.
—Aitivq. iif tower.
SbeepRecelpta. tf.M; lambs, alcw^ llir Ion
er. sheep artlve. W.Mfig.g:.; No.
her parenu.
Hn. «aUi
Oraat Brooks won an Alratra vbd(keoM taat »oek horn Tnrena. wbore
or ^Dday.
aba baa been (be paaC Are watte wUk
Hr. and Mrs. Bert Slaytea asd lioae
bar dauahter. Un. Roaa Wflaon.
Roeaa apeot aeverml dais at Ijike
^ Mr. Pox and danctater of 8outb
Tb«y are eamplDc aear .tbe
lliltoB. wera b«f* (« aUend iba runPlatm river bridge. He bai a lon<Tal of Mr. Oaaiu.
ber Job there. ,
Bttool waa ont lait Frida;. Vlas
Mr. mad Mn Ted Dana and cUldm
Mrs. MaiT Tbonpkina %aa gone
Maainn for a few days
wftfe her
Tbnre are tbree new raaen or anarIK ferer again.
atowpt Mc-Uoaald i» aelllag off Ills
hetoeghigB bare and will teara for
CiUlornla In a abort
Tte funeral of Qatdner Dana, wbo
waa drowned In tbe bay taut week
waa held frenn hla boaie laai Sauir.day aflemooD.
Ker Wail uf OM Mla-
atoB ogfrlalMl. Tb^ niuaii- waa ruraiabad by Mr. Pratt and.iiaxb^ and
Hra. Burlnkman Jerrei and Mr* Rn
au Magley played the orgaa.
gall bcarera Were nepbewa uf tbe deecaaad. tbe floareca wero ma
. beaaUrul.
Tba Orange burial
aaa uaed at tba grave. Ilai. i
lo raat tb the Odgenttnrg to
' ♦
DelroU. Hay
Wheal, $I.I«H.
Cora. 78*40. Oaiir. 57c.
Toledo. May
Corn. 7*->t Oats, M?je.
. Mey 9b{-In utier diiregard
gl lh<4
now iliF tbeme
■dmlk of bomcr
Includes all
territory outside af
thla Mviton of tlir ;
ilrago. May Z2.~ Putaluei nnoted
Travaraa City and writ and north of
and ihc «u
at gl nr.ft 11«.
Ur. and Mrs. E E. f'habdlW are
bbs an'cidi
-iddenilc sweeitli
e>*-r>-tlitiie the Ptra Marquette R. R.
Rena CCarland.-1
bere after a wlnler In Flortila.
lieture II.
Ada Burkett.
lett. Cedar
and .Mm. U'm. tttienon. wbo
Tlwt It has heeri siH-b g cuccc*.
Jennie Parranl. Empire H. 1
the wlnler lb florida. arrived
due lo Hu- fai t lUii lire yoiiuc wuiiirii Alice Oulund. Old Miasion .
last week and are keeplag bonse In
who are vitally liiierealcd In U buvr- Charlmta Thies. T. C. R. 5
te of the Cbandler ooiiagee.
Anna Oaanng. T. C. fl. 3 .
preached jjielr cause to llielf luaiiy
Mra Rev Pease, Ueland.
Mrs Allie M. Chappelle baa rettirti
fitondH The llecurri l-Hgle and Heiabl Hattie Swaney. Old M.caiei
I lojiei I.UIDC. - MatoutA.- alter a
have itrme what II vonsiden. light In Mrs. N. Shisler. T. C. RFO R
wlnter'a aojoum In Sonb Csrallna
the niatter.aiiJ It will .xibiluue lu do Mrs. Robert Lackey, Old Mission *5595
nnd dllereul isilnts in the aouib.
Mra. R. E.Atk.nsen.Burd.ckvilIe 49383
■n JmpanialUy will be tbe muiiih and
0. Richarftton. T. C. R- 2 *8975
Him Oura Psulua biK returned from
Ibone li.terested may be u-.sured Ibe Nora Rayir. Lawe Ann RFO.. .4^835
winter In Itetruli and will upen I
beautiful drinnell ^Bros. town uiaki-l Jeaaie Bright. Mapla City R. 2 *8755
a>llag<-. "Oakdalr'
plaona, dlamuud rltta and gold walcb Margarat Wilson. T. C. R. I.. *8615
Charlotts Munro. Elk Rapids .48125
t^veoaugh of Uetroii
uSered will g.rib'lbe Udle* wbo
Grace Rilay, T. C. R. 4.
apeadlne a few weeka eiib bei moibTbe BeM la filled Mrs. F. R. PurtOao, Rortjvperl 45585
Ttasiily « :
er. Urs. N. Pauliis.
youfigwomea lo whom tbe Elaia ftpne. Old Misaion.................. 4558$
with bright
L. Itaylon baa relumed
public Is very murb Iblereslnl and Mrs. Eay Case. Uke Ann. R. 1 447B5
her bi>nie in Ibli village, alter upend
Helen Whitten. Bates........................43975
the lleiald and Record Co feels ibat
Uura Salts. Uke Ann....................... 4S98S
ing tbe winter In TrmVerae t'lly.
a lopular sbord W been sinick in In- ■
<lol. Bomique of Cbirago spent
aaguraung a campaign of ibis kind
. 4im
few days in Lelaad laat week on t
abd carrying It ob so auecessfolly and
ils auiniuer borne on North
Manlluu iaUnil. '
All lAdiea sbuuld nol Ibluk twice
Ulai Bertlia Campbell bad i-harge
before leiting this gnat chalice of
The Aid Boctety will meet at Mrs. Her paaslng VO early In life casts
Moaroe-s Friday afieni^n. May S4lb shadow over the commuoiiy.
Aiquith. Bandon.
every candidate Is to receive. In cash., Celia Butt. NerVij
everyone tortatg as nan) flowers
Sunday with Ur. and Urs Ray Souiebora.
Hr. atd Htt. Edward repper a|«U
Hra. AbMe Ohaoe wtaHed bar ainer
at Oedar Bun tetarday nl^ and SunHay.
Edward Pepper baa
new biMp'.
Tbe Srange baU tbeir rcglar meetlag iaot Batnrday evealng.
lee cream
T>ntapaon% coraers. May SO -Some
«wa. Tburaday night cut about
iBtt of tbe teat off
iUtaa'a yooBg beiSer.
It is bard to
V bMtovo that such a dasurtfy rilHan
oeuM bo iB tbis oalttborbood i
Katamlly It will surprise nuay that
neb a tow trick could hsR>ra bece^
Mias Spaan Sbuu w., a Ftankfort
- TWior laat week.
Wm. Shutt waa a Traverse Oty
wialior Saturday.
Eddie Lake It
Bhuu at preaeoL
CRAIN—Trbveisa CRy Milling Cd.
working for
who puta lortb her best efferti
have no cause to regret -lime 22.
be governed by
other ladies tell you.
....................• • ■ V4 - -■ ■ ■
Ofientlnie* they
your prcaence,
tbolr chance of winning abd number
held la teserve. and some
they put all tlielr lei-eive «oI.-e
their standing^ojp' Ju.i to dUconr
you and get
lo wlihilraw. Tbe
jieople ibink they
Tallow .......................... ......................6c
heraa bldaa........'.I1A6 and ap
havea lilg reserve are geoeislh
oih-a llial gel left.
ilci-rivcd by allowing such
reiiorts in tliiis dnmlnaii
If yon do you will not aaccee-l
up your mind today to min one
Don't forget tba band concert at
I the town ball next Kriday ntgbt.
for tbe iraiumer. Sring o^Ca]
rapt Em:
bere went ory's boat.
apwring aorkert. bet repoM vevT poor
Sixteen arbolars took the eight
Tbe sraiee has been no cuold grade cxamlnsiion last Thursday and
............................. 4.600 rotes......................................... 2,260rotes
The Hemld end Record Oo. Piano Oontcut.
Tc b* voted an er befera May 2tin.
tilMIII {-tlK m V<ITl>t..
theae elegant iinses; lu>J-.no lliive
tba next four weeks, and June 22
win have occasion lo receive lb.gratuUllons of your (ricuds liiai nom
ready lo help you Juff lor Hie
Don’i forgei thal.llie pintioi-.
diapionils nnd gold mnii-lie*
high class cost inonr.v. 5'ou lave al-
L |hal the fish have all went to deeper IViday at lUptoluB.
, „d
Kura Air on tba Stt.
Tasu hava abowB ^i tba air la tba
rowdafl alseplag .gtinan of oioderB
wanblpa ta parft tbaa la bameba or
•ay BeoutF
If boy acoula coo agr«o 4bat tbay
WtU not Bgbt wUb aeodta ot ofkor ooUuqt (bo peaco ot Ibo wurld «U1 ba
wlitowt tte aU u( 4i»mmatf.
Kill ill tlie iisiue i.f t>if- lailv fi.r whum vmi drsirc In
Trim Ar.iuDil lilai-k line. .
Where GrinneU Bros/
liX) Piano isMade
Tbew Pianos Constttwie me Cnnd Prizes
Our Great Orcnlallon GonleA
Tbls campaign closes
about tour weeks, and the young Igdy
.Mr. Asbman. tliiwily from. Buglaud.
waiilr-l iiiir-or ilii- oilier—well,
Ilias takeu the poshton'
n of opeialnr al
bere is your opisinouliv
lo lose. iMi'l ilils tall
Sela Ctew relumed
kaaaoB Center, Mat :-n -People aie '
home at Central Lobe Wednesday.
busy pUntlRg com.
Mra.'W. II. Ayers went away Usi STANDING OF CANDIDATES AC
Kewlasd Remington visited his
week lo ifte the “lee sllug" lieoi
Ua over Sunday.
mem for rbeumaiism al an tngjiln
►■Ved Oilllpn waa vlilllng friend* In
Uon near r.nuid RapiiU
Mr Ayers
tr vk-lnlty Bainrday and £un<lay
aceoiii|ianle<t her. Iiiil relnraed' the
•II lerriterv ittside the city
Killer Haskins and wife ware gueei*
next <biy. while nlie will letnaln sev limits of Traverse City.
' W. U AlleDyBaturday eveoiiig.
Mrs. T. Temple, Wilhelm Sik
et^l weeks.
Hlanch Kettnedy visited her pnrenia
Bum. Hauirdsy, May l«. lo Hr. and Dorotity Matmenich. 429 8th
over Sunday.
ne Paflhouaen. Whm Bk
il-s. Clyde UlUu-e.
lofieia. 1122 Penmaula
>li^ Nurman Newman is numbered
11. A. lAUdoo la moling lo Buttons Btryl Parkv 2231 I5lh ..
wjih'lbe KU-k. having Ibe lagrippe.
Bay tfaU week.
Damon beeley ba-s Cera Prarsan. 501 Wa*h .
are very glad lo bear of Geo.
bouoe wlyre Mr. .Lan Celdic Chase, Levering R.
Aslel U-ing able lo be odt agalo.
Mrs. Doty, 116 Monroe
dun lived oM
Cecil VanNatter, 421 2nd
Kastuiii ivuier UH at tbe hall SalUra. Loops itiilns uC CUarievoix.: Mrs. W. H. Brown, 802 W. Fr»<il 63665
urda> etenitig. May IMh. with a Rpud
visited wilta relaiives here Isst week Mrs. Uuls Sleder. Randolph
Jauce. After the roiitiue of
Beatrice Babel, bd* Randolph.. 62395
Mrs. Han. a Reln-t'iw uf iligb Maudwas over Ibe grange gave a very
Mae Alward. 403 W,9th
gnwa n very Interesting talk lo Thins Carroll. 828 S. Ui
pleasani sunirlw on Wonby Chaplain
John Huegsegger. Sopiier sras served Ibe lodge mmnbera bere last FrliUy Edwliva wmte. 519 Hti
A large crowd was pn-eeni Grace McMichari. 307 W. 11th S9385
by the ladles, roualsilug of wandwlcb
LotU Green. 1029 WebWer
ea. cake, pickles and but ruUee. They and refreslimenii were senred after
er. 925 Stale
all report a fine lime and wishing our todga
, _ _
120 N. C....... ........................
Hemortal serrloe will be held here Mrs. Shirley Hines. 853 E. Sth. .56895
chaplBln many more bappy Idnbdays.
•XI Sunday morning nod tbe bacm- Mrs. Lewis Cuinvan. 876 E. 8tn 56S75
I). J. Wiighl of Tnvetse City risliMrs. Anna Kern. 1104 E Blh.. . 56325
ed hla daughter over Sunday.
lanreaie sddresa to the graduating Vera Oaborn. 206 W. 12th..
. .55765
Wm. Newoian la visiting his son. Clara will be given In the evening
Maude Warner .......................................54565
-Hitaee. 136 Front 53895
Frank, of Maple City.
5!rs. Atcbln Brown nnd daughters
n. 219 C. 11th . . .53735
of Traverae t'lly spent Sunday
Florence Winters. 20S W. 12|h . .4e73$
frlende here.
Mra. Fred Barlin. S3S E. £th... .48975
Ferris crta-p hat gone to Maple Hty Mn. E Newberry. 7l3 E. ein., ,48675
Lucy Berry, 6*3 E. Bth...............
> l$\.aod locate a echoot.
Ethel Edwerdk 801 W. 7th.............*5685
Mspleton. Hay 21.—Lawrence Car
fitanger Whitney is jnakiag ittee
Kate Bracken. Cor. Ook A 2nd 45385
roll bat a .-tew of men at work
impttv.emems la his bouse by build Malml Ur«in. 911 State.................. 43465
Ing a firepUco and bath room, and
5ir. Bailey tad family ate trending Other thiagn
OcDige Saruln hi4 R^a Lothariua, 205 8. Elmwood 39765
Marnaret Fifarek. 411 Snd............ SMBS
few days In Truverae City.
cna.5t of , the ttrpcnier mnrk and
Mattie SmHh. 85* E Front . . 38765
School closed iasi Wednesday with Ciuirle* Smith of tbe msaon work.
Edna Jahraug. Waah. St...................38765
a-'diH-nlc and a abort program.
Rlgbih grade examination waa held Mra. Mark Craw, 225 Waah .. 33895
Oirils Fowler, wbo anderwi
beie 'i»t Thursday and fYlday. Quite Mra -Chaa. Deeki
Hr*. Gao. i
operation st ibe hospital, for oar of
buirber of ouulde pupils taking it
bis eyes is re|iorlcd vtolng Cine.
. addntoe to tbe targe riau of
P. F. 1 jrrtic and famUy and Mr. and bchtvo!.
Mra. John Moffuian a|>ent Sunday with
Ma.. Took baa moved into
Cbele* of Two Cvlla.
Fred lairdie of Traverse City. Tbey_
over DavM Bolfe'a.
Tba Halrasa Ha tttrti--Jfy bua
made the trip la Mr. tardle's hew'
TbomaarSemiww has sold his larm basd waa to srdeal In bli loTe-maktgg
asminoblli. = msa from the peniamila. aad ba* 1 tboughi be adored me." Her Friend
Ur. and
—“My deor. a msD eao pot cobsidersmoved to Traverae City.
been sick are on
ble terror Into bi« wooing when It's
a caaa ot msrrtsga or worE~
aa poastUe bavr
«WU wfll be furnltted wii^ a flag,
life time pass by. One ibiag to retnemlier there ure to be bo losen. as
Bttool wtU doae Tottday wlife a day after a few weeks' tllneaa. She ♦
leaves aeren
rbIMreo. the ,
Hra. Bpaagler.
AMrew Wagntt.
a babe of a few week*. MraJ
May 20.-Mr*. Oowles
JaiM SImaa and Bwald-Noatt were Gtant was thirty year* of age. a very%f
of Grown Is visiting her daughter. Hra.
Trararwe CUy callara Saturday.
tender moiber and a lovable woma
Ivv. i. HamllloD.
Th^ay afuniuon. Ha> an ai «;u0
P. m. Tbe arbool cbUdren rwiwrially
are regwried to attend and na Bsuy
2 ye*n *400 ...................... 13.500 rotes.................................6,760rotes
As New
As Old
1 Yesr
*1.00 ........................1.800 roles................................ MOrotei
2 Ycers *2.00 ..................... 4.600 roles................ 2.260 rotes
Then the nomber of rotei firen on subscription poymenu
made After June Sth will be decrease snolber one-testb.
’ Loc&i Markets
pleale at Duck Uke.
1 Tear
lo Ibe cold weather we are bavlna. our
l>eo|de are romlnp earlier
than usual to ly^laiwl;
Orrllle HllItkM and
Rose of North Maollou Uland ar
tre* the elghlh grade exaslnatk
of her moiber. Ura. Heqnrm.
B laet week.
.\ns» benbvIK^uest I* apendlog a
Mr*. David Roee la vUiling frieiida
•w weeks with her mother.
dt SendoB.
Mrs. Antmlne Grant died laat Tuea
F(«i>lc arc dlaptoylag iiorsonal laIrreM In ibe diffrrcnl candidaK-a
the He
Herald and liMord t'o.'a pritc
Ura. 2. K. Hlnahaw. has returned te
U«R niMri« No. t. May M.^Meni-
This pertains te towns
Traverse City.
her home.
Hlaa Marguerite 8pai«ter Tialted
Mrs. Fred UUIer. who baa been vl»frienda In Traveraa City a few days Iting her mother for a few weeks, baa
laat watt. She aiae took'the aigbtb
tiirae dio North UaoliOB lalaod.
grade cxainlnaaea.
Ura. Oacor Smith and two rbildren
oriel aervtre* foj>Meryone will be
: held at ibe Long l.oke town hall
ewtaitt of Traverse City as well aa
Ibe Biglitb grade examination faidd
Monroa Conior. Hay
Aa the
berw on Tburaday laatsalt of a conteai. tbe Orange adll add
Ur. and Hra. Anguit BInbsrdt of
Sra MW BMBberb to tbMr tbd. There
Cbicago are here lor tbe somoar aad
will be degree watt at tbe next i
will occupy the B. N. Ootbrie cottage.
fag Toaada; eeeniiir Hay mb. Sap
E. E. Cbaadler baa let the coauact
per will aleo be aerred.
to John Barr for two new rattagei to
Hr. and Hra. Bagese HOI of Elk
be ballt for occuapncy-ihto edsaon.
RaMa apeot the weak and with
'Happy George" li In our vHlage do
friandi at the Oentar.
ing hU street coocen atoni for a few
Or. Uargartt HcdCelbar. a kta
•17 froB India, gave a terr laterealUra. Wm. Adtlt of Traverse City,
lag talk OB forelgB Hlaatoba. at tba wbo baa been tbe goeet of her moiber.
________ _
a___ ..______________.. _
Any person receiving the Record.
Eagle by eerner bey in er out el
Traverse City la conaMcred an eld
Jenn^ Champaign. 11» E. £th S2«5
Lavern Cook. 7U W. 7th............. ItTti
Mice Huflgeriord. gi .4Wath
LlIUanNeleeh. II* Wash.................. 2t«l$
Mra. R. E. Weaver. W. 10th____2g7tS
Prances Chervenka. 530 Bay
Mre. Harriaen Vrnten. Wynkeep 23415
- Kehee. *40 W. 10th .22*95
Pieman. 730 E. Pram 21305
Mat ilda Klinkncr. *13 E. 8th... I97g5
Mrs. Fred Elmderf, *13 E. gth .tlUg
Anenc Mendcrthet. 225 Wash
Alw* gpevaeck. 715 Randolph.
Elta Hankinsen.,43g State ..
Lulu E. Themaa. S05 W. 11th.
I ef the Raoard-casla and nitmbar af vttaa givaii aa
aaeh aaymont:
ti-ale of vi.t.-* is in turm fnim Msy 16
.lulu- h.
As Nes*
6 MoBthgI tlM....................... 1.800 TOUS......... v;... MO UDtM
13.00 ...................... 1300 Tote6.................. . .2J280 toMi
'2 Tesn *6.00 ....................... 13,600 TOt«:...............................6,780rotes
As New
Ai Old
-6 Monte *100 ........................ 1.800 rotei................................ MOrotes
Up to aiiOTth ludiiii
NomloatkMD Maaks wtlbdrawa la Tbls Issac, Bat
Caa be voted OB or Before Alay 25
Chicago. May it—Wbeai, gMOy,.
Com. 'Tf. Oats. M4if.
la aOend the Kerris InMiUU.
M DeUoli. arrlred Frida; to auaed
tba funeral of bis father.
fitSi. Hoga-Becelpu. «.I0«. stow
tower. gT.goKT.WI. ctoalog at
The fnllowinir
500 Volet md Nominations ate Swelling The
Gnml—Priz« are of Exceptional Value
ion rara: dull. Kcadr, IS.ZStjS Catvea
Hit! Imo Hare aptti Sunday with
ioala BnriMabgrT retumln* to her
Boardman. wbli*
iloaepb Canwetar IKl for Big Raplda
People Are Taking Interest
in the Different tiandidates
Uke Ar
Gertrud* Urdit,, Old Ml
Mat " .. er. T. C. R. 1
Una Holfrich. OM Mlasii
Edna Tremm. T. C. R. 5...............
Mrs. Olf Fradricksen. Norlhperl
Lucil* Ptrry, SuHOM Bay.
Mrs. Llbbie Arnold. BaUs............... ............
Besait Slagle. Uke Ana RFO.. .29395
Kate Birdaay. Empire .....................29795
CladyaShugg. Williamaburg R I 29375
Roaa Denalaon, Empire .. C. 27410
Helen Riehardaon, T. C. R. 1.. 77381
Chrietina Blacken. 6. Bay R. 1..2K76
Clara Beurie. Svittent Bay R. 1 23T15
KlUie Golden. Old Miatien..............21385
Jcsaie Me<vmsn. Maple City R 2 21310
Mane Burfiend. Maple City.
Mr*. M- C. Clirrere. Old Mlasioa .21865
Ida O. Hasei. Old Mlwlen . .
Mrs 0. Keever. Empire...................1977$
Mr*. J. Send. Jr., Sutton* Bay. .1876$
Mrs. E. Ray. Glenmerc .
. 18|75
Mra. Bessie Grirtlth. Cedar Run .17385
Mrs. Ruegseogrr. Maple City. . . 17626
Uia Ennia. Elk
Ik Raplda
Rapids R :1 1678$
. ..
Mrs. Mary Kecsier.
isier. T. C. R. 6. .16876
Minnie I ark. T. C. fi
Tbe arrompaaving rm tbow*
Iba Grinuell Broa. Detroit Pla• factory,
wheretn' ta
of Ibeoe men bare been wlti^
tbe coDceni tor a tong tern ot
factured the tnagnlflceai Crtnne!l Brat PlJiDo. tbree of wbicH
an otferad aa llrsl price* In^.-
Stars and ate proud of tbe lastrument they belp to produce..
One and all lealli,. ifaat Ibalr
value to lUe firm of Orlnnril
aubtcriptlon conteai.
A brief
menUon of ibla fl.ne manufan.
Bran, depend* ahollv opon tbe
- qiiallK of their work. Th*r
urjng esiahlishmeiit will, we belleic, prove of lnieiv*i u. our
mart)- niDlesiants.
give U Iheir beut eloria .and
predore a Ptano perfect Ip e-/-
Tbe Grinaeil ftroa. piano Xai
tery la situated at the raraer
of laat aad Jones atieets. Deiniit Slid I* deviued wbnliv in
, ihe manuftnure of PiaiKw
deili-e and farliu,
At the head of the tnanurar*urlng plant ta a member ot the
firm wbone whdu- life prarlLjl
l> baa been ctosoly aaooclgied
wllh Ibe handHng and reaBiifar-tnre of PUnoa.' Tbe tnitld-
Heckins. Kewadin.
Mrs. Fred Wares. Cedar Ne. 2. 153SS
irwlude* all terrrtery evtsidt of
aversa City and aeuth and ea« ef
the Pare MacqucKc R. R.
Maggie Oomine. T. C. R-56785
Florence Scott. T. C. R. 2.» .
Julia Estes. Bates....................
Mrs Gilbert Pray, WilivamaMirg 51911
Ida Whitson. Bate* ..
... 51385
Iva L. Bogart. Kingsley ..
Dora Davit. T. C. IL 4
Carrie Falltr. rife Uke
EtU Barrett. Kingaley RFO
Grace Taylor. T. C R. *
Mrs. Robt. Barney. T.C R. 3
Mrs. 6. A. Shearer. T. C. R. 2 _____
T. C. R 7
stewarr Grawn
icefield. Williamsburg
rnry SachUetWM, T. C R 3 43785
Ray Taylor, T. C. R 4.
Mattie Hoptunt. Hayf-eld
Mrs. M. Aftlip. Crawn
Mrs. Carl Richardoon. T. C. R, 2 41485
Marit Smiley. T. C. R 2
Mrs. H. Van Oe Bogart. Bendor
Adeline Mallory, T. C. R. 8 .
Mary McGill. T. C. R. 2
Clara ArnoM, Bateo
Minnie 2iek, Etk-Rapid* R 1
Minnie Sargent, Surapi-t City
Jennie Leggett
■ K. Mayfield .
- ,
filten. Bendon
Grace Spaulding. T. C. R.'4
Mrs. E. Toner, Crawn
Mrs. Uuit Dcutcr, Bendon
Mrs. Prank Sayera. Mayfield
Mrs. Eliaa Newell. Fife Uk« fi 1
Clara OvRay. Kingslay ..
Mr*. Uwis Briggs. Acme..........
Myrtla WyckoR. Summit City..
Mary Green. Acme.........................
Mra. Haxei Ives, rvalkaska..
Alice Schell. Kingaley . .a...
Minnie Pankop. E Bdmn. RFO.
L Cract Per
1 Dewey. Fil
I. Earl Cilm>
ay Wood. Si
Mra. Geo. Crisp. Wilhamaburg 17815
Mra. Quackenbuth. F<fc Lake
(irinnelt Bros.' Piano Factory, comer ^asa
and Jones Sts.. Detroit
III iiHidern
found riicre
The equipment
ia ruiuplele and uf Itie besi;
iiig uf Ihe Grinoell llr-e>
U Mbder bta dtren auprfiiaiuo
Long eipetiroce In tbe -Ouiaic
bottiins had been uuiiued wbu-b
Would In all) wa) lend
tie .
wurd-i added eii-i-Ueiiie in this
liisiniinetir. ^lut lui eX|e-use bM
■ be merits uf mber Piaouu. and
ill Hie CriuneiJ brie,. Plsou uf
beeti ••.Iiiidered
areat tba'.
Is c•lml•laed
would aid id ai-ruinpllablng the
• Ilijeii „f Ibe liieb at lUe bend
pidafa uf (be old
(iiakf'B wltb Ibe ••rlginal "and
»l ibl* weil known, reliable con.
raluable features imrtatning to
lusie. qualiiy. adlon. and duis
Vic. (he production ut a
J'iauu wi.riby of a place among
the ourld'a fineal raakeo.
Idlitj. mskliig altogetlier, no in
MrunMfUl held in the luglieH rs
Tbe splendid standing of ihe
Crlnuell bro. Piano I. »« «be
leein by anisis and ihe •-hoii-e
uf tbuuaands uf niaiiii k»ing
lesult of ucridem. Ibe manufati-
home* ihioughoHi tbe louiiir).
uring uieibods foUuwtsJ permit
ot Lot oae reaalt-exrellencv .4
the bigbrat order.
Perh-tlluD is theeiid
■B_dliei-(ed the energy of all
Only the very beat nikteriali
enter into the conainjcikm of
thi. Piano, and. sibetber w»«l
or toetal, every pan |s r*ref-j1
-IMgapeoe* before being used.
Every *iagr of man'ilacrore la
vloselj watched by an eipen.
and the finisbed inetrumeu; urdergoe* s rigid iaspection and
test before „ .an W p;s‘< ) oq
house and how well this pollIS being carried out. we ar
prriud to offer (bear aplendid
It Grand Priaer.
i.r-uiatioa rootest.
worth working hard
the market. ThUr met,
skilled In Piano huMdlng. e.i-h
Ezpantfv* Luxury.
Som* people, wbo aeter. urefuliy
coatider the career of a maa wbo
malaialas a tbirai.* cuotider an auto
raoblla tae meet cxpebtiva luxury.—
AtcblaoE Globe
Kind Wa DonH FargeL
■Bbail tbe bioade girl becoma a
momory*~ -akki aa exchange
bar* always board that taey ara laa
more Okely ta bocoma ibaL—UatroU
la aa expert.. No fai tutt' -p i i..
CTJuntr.v can Imaai o.'
b-tt.workoicn or men more fuilv in
barOonv .with the
poltev of p-jino hirddina
Mati -
<:;d aatlsfactlon -
You Caa Wla
Ooeol These
Etenant Pianos
Let the Herald and Record Co
do your Job Work.
OMOrD TKAVlttK.BtaJ|^'Alb.iEEiVXn
Mail Orders
and a
camiatryiflit eur store,
re. raail
raai us your order aM we
will ati it. All mail orders we guarantee to be
satisfactory in ev^ way.
free Comm
e<^& ^ ovw.'we tfve free
coupems toward a beawtlftil aet of Oedd
freneb China tlisbte. These are now on Aiplay
hi oor store and we would be glad to have yon call
and see them.
Traverse City’s Largest and Only Exclusive Home OutllttW
We are olten ; • id « hy our prcee on all Houoo-lumlililnp art lowtr lhan thoeo nt other,dealer, and particularly Bia Doparlmant Stano. Tha pritta paid by tha buylaf pubttc
doSend“n «h.!themer£h.^^^^
WeH«olai«e on one lln. ol mtrcItandlM. only, and i raall our time to H .u.e turnitlilat and «^iM%lea. Wa do Mt epaml
IhJ^wnd" ordollar. every ye.V golni from market to market to look Ihlnpo over and { thle eapante !• ■■•'•ye added to the price of the marebandiaa, dad tha coarbrnar paw lor
you buy. if you havent the ready cash
Remember, your credit Is good at Uic J. W. Slater igltorf?
Unexpected Labor Saving
ASS and
ikoiil BEDS
We can sell you a pretty. Malleable Iron Be<h etdot:
White, Blue or Green; two coals of baked enamel, at^
chills anil side rails, full or ibree-quartcr size tor
Then we have dozens of others that {fuige right ^ng
upiuVice. Ill BfUBS. Steel mid Gold ftiusb beds we^
beautiesai prices ruiigiug trom $5.75 up to
Ont •ttoplc, aejr upvnUitm
h7<T^iicl> tl» mat imtn.br
fimtcr BteaiUw of jniur faqtily
on ateep «itS piwurfr. lie
UolfoU ti a vooderfei ImL Itm
■priDSd are tbe very Itrst. bull!
OB an aU BtMl rnuoe. aad will
It Is the Oidy One
iletini Bed Made
Tbe J. W. Slater
Just what you need when company comes at they can
The J. W. SLATER STORE. *We carry a large line of many be used as a couch in the day time and a good comfort
different sizes and styles, beginning in price as low aso 7c able bed at night. We have a big variety of these and
and ran^ug right along up to auy price you feel like 0. 1J can show many different styles so you can find one that
is just adapted to your immediate needs. |3J0 up to $10
Miles of steps nre saved and a good many
dollars' i^ortli of prqyisions; if you have a
good Kitchen Cabinet in your kitchen. We
sell many styles of good cabinets, and you
ought to come in and select one that suits
you. The prices en'^not be duplicated else
where. quality being Uie lame. ard any
one of these cabinets will pay for them
selves in a short time. We »»ave them from
$5.7S up to ^.50.
We mre sbowtos opr- LARGE, NEW mo4 Cotoplelc UNC of
Warm Weather Merchandise
InelnAng Hammoelu, Icc CRim VVMXtrs, Gu4«t Hose, Lsm
Bi| ^ Rimie Offor Great Interest Being Shown
in the
Bliino Contest
IHI3 beautiful ^356 Piano to be given away free by J. W.
j Slater July 15lh, is causing wonderful activity among ibe sev__ conlestanls. There^re, now only 42 days more and below is ihe
standing of (he several candidates to date. It isn't too late for anyone
W enterthe contest and do a little bustling in order to win it.
Standing of Contestants
iaUatien Army
Lillian Bumpfle
Eina Bumk
Edict M«nre« .
J. U. Galemo .
pisjcrawn School .
S*cr«d Heart Alter S^ety.
E* napM, ;
.This U n vo^rtiii hsrltAin <o m finr lar^v MppI raiiiv. oxctli likv (ifp lliutrallon.. TIu- »rvu lp Ik iu «Mr. Ifrr fii>- box
to extra kiinne. litim* r1ttM.r rtai or vood. Th» lanip <h>i
With-wartDlDK «^oBW «uil tar*» por.»|gjn Uovd tkoorroO
IU diao) lm|<on»B1 (Atmo, T^o flura
UirfiBiAKWt and tbr prlcX' ta oiiU'
V.-« aiw aeU (p# tatnonu Quick U«al, Si>«! Raasaa. whi.ii
•on IliP Brand I'lbr «'nd told modal at Ibo WoriJ'a Pair tor boinj
Iho aUxHWPat' made, tho Bout vroiiorelral and deairabto ranar in
ABM4ira. If >'oB aanl a ranar u' bij; kind oonir IB and nr>o our
^Vp ba^ Urm OiUD lilUu aloBB np.
, ,
l6r«^ McMielwel.............................
.................. SSrtjunstetu- School. Elk Rapid.
M»Or*a.Tnm-WI ........ ..............SOOO Mo<S,m Woodmen of America.
HJO , En. Rapid.
MAvgaret AnderMo ........... .. - ■ 4233|Mr«. Fred Matthem . rr-........
RCi.a Watoon ............................ dOaojceoreU Comig .........................
5U»a Horten ............................... STOol'’*^
\V» carry the Urcni line
of Oo Oort. In \or1bem
Mirtilnan ^•ricc .tart »S.:i
anil raiiRc uj> In *::.T3. tTe
alM <arry a WB*llne of Bx|.tc«» U'aBon*. Wtoripedm
and Snikin. AiiytblBR you
•ant for the rblldrra'«n)«
to IN' J. n- Rlajer Store or
mail yonr order.* Sportol
>ale of Doll I'aru now gw'
In* OB
Carpet Department
. <8ec0nd floor)
II for any am
JiuRs. lace Cuilaink aiul Uuolei.ni;-
; ynu oaBf IB rgrreffi.
Ingrain Carpels up from 19c.
Brussels Carpels up from 49c.
Linoleums up from 45c.
Ora Everett ................................
“I"" .......................................... -
Viail Ibii’lefiai
tooo Dnnn schaol
. ,
K5 Acme Schaol
Atice Boyd...............
Emily Leucka
Mr». S. E. Richardccn.
Mich. .
(r. H. A. boly .
sj5]«ii«M r.™,
It you BM.I tome Pillow*
*e ru Bhow yon tome e*.
rr-inkmal vahiet. They bo-'
Ha. iwr pair, at He a»d
V to the ba« at St.00.
OMID n^vini-BUAU). Am tuvuu ut usle, THmmAT, ut is,
•tcbU slVM'.^irtM-Ue »Mt fewwMka for «(M noranm B«tt«almT,
Jt Joe brtte MM hM pravod non
tatcntfW Su
«r ilroi *f Min Gnce UcHJcinel al
IwfoMMOP N^OakMreetTMwIv
MKa «f *CTIiWB _
very aacoeeafal U toeir work and
hare made meny frtoada bare.
The Mile aoa of Ur. and Urw. Ben
A;u'aarp dmnk cnrboHc add
Wtok and ealy toe quick arrirel
and baid wr#k of a pby»leAn u
hi* life, lie is out of denser now
still VCQ wcob.
' Miss irytHlcTDcilrr of.Ttovmc Cliy
speei Sunday at ber. home t^u.
May ».
receptton wat glrea for'JIr. and
Mrs. Tbeo. Wells at tbe borne
froam'a pasMii Satarday ereblDR.
Ur. and Are. WelU received
ver>- alee preeenis.
Ur. and Mrs. Ray Baocroft of Traverae City attended Ibe receixioB S
nruay evenlni:.
A Banlky'jwbool has orfaeixed
Hodge laai Sonday.
Mrs- Artber Simriliif visited
Ma>-fleU last week.
Uyron Pierce of Cbiraso renrhed
here Senday noon and visited bis imra abort time. He went Sonday
aflereoDo to Traverae City, where
•nu bcfln work at the refrifesab
May 21.
Rapids tola moraliig. where she
vBend a week or two vtolUiis (ricud.
and rt-toUvea.
Mra. BerUw-Aioetc.' wba has beci
bm vtoUing tor the past work, thgdesi of her parcflgg. Mr. and Mn.
Juba Bedding.. iMorned tob «
to her bbme at tjtoe CUy .
' C H. Mhnawi want to FHt Lokr
tola moraine to rtott frleuds.
C. B. Lardle to Mending the day
l Kingsley..
W. A. Frost wertt te KlngUay th).
lornlne for the day.
D. Button went to Csdiltoc' today
where be aill spend the greater p
of tola week tbe guest of friends.
Mrs. H. e. Bayle went to Bparta
ihu uorateg where she will make hci
lesaiil BWmt M BM owwal JaeRson blekacT tptMU (Mrir. Jttud tba
reertvm'aad 1^ lawuiabg the UK
atWMbwa an^rtbe waBtry ae bad
cDwdlad. be gat aaatnl
syentnMSBMi ^
The Faim
arlra was.baay, and be aaawerad
tral with:
-You chase that party right ol tbe
Two separate .lelephoaa lyatpa......
each striving Or the buelBm. en wire, young lady! I come BraL^aad
tered toe village «f HIHotd at toe yeaTl get Into ttouWe U y*a iai*T doaT sec toBto^ why yea parfera. Plain, etralgbi l««al caatran
same time- Tb« Inhabitants
tbat wbca 1 waat tta wire 1 -cOM stot la gotog to toa ceoatry ovtir
aald Ura. Hsaugua. frownorer aU."
M, kUmfe.'tonemiMbA and rarioot
world. Tbe ageei of one compbay re
4Rksr (orau ot ataovara salora
duced rates a fourth, but ae on:,
would sign a comrset.
bndc riecta bafon. bat tbe Tnrable
c bidax and called bla an oU foolbe"[J
ageat went one^ourth to
■koaar «aV«illi k d|Sareal Idea
Aay remedy tb^ beatola dlpMUoii
J signers. Thera wm
H proved :^4elft^l dfoenion i
that w^ted tetopbouJ^Sl*^*^'* “**** B hit 'em Brst Ume
Mtoi Altot Weed, talt this momlr.t temllta
Oe usaal
f Mlia. McMldiael eielihalf a
h. .^d t» hl«to» a. b.
Mane me tf I wast
M tbe tMenat of her ,cswu tnni,
lebed for hit IM aad c
suit, but aU
. •N bt
ay t.ealy child eomfortoblr setspend Ibe aumiucr.
to ate
{be ftrat
ber'lDvItalkna «ere la
Mlee Iva Begart. of Ktogrteyw
mbed a^tb' ’‘7<eedl« aad Pfiu. ItoUl^MtoeNMU.
tu. I.. ... -..k.... --_______
Judge Wragg was
‘r “•
-___ _wait- shall hsvn
have 1te fire up my little girl,
ed. this aflcriiaoa lo her binne froii peace, end the big
4nwi a HaM Varrlea Her Trouble*
aad f bad ratbM^ glra ber to bim tbaa
a Wief bualnesa trip lo this elty.
Safta’ aid rWMM that
to a«y one else. He's a mha every
bean c’-owen are nned u>
Dr. J. J. Brewnswi returned tod .
Me tiin>lali.eonie article tor a work make simple leitotiiatloD tecu of ibeii
cue Rkea aad Irusta. aomebow.*
to bis borne at KlDgsP'y, nftrr attend
baakeL «'hea It caow Uaie tor tbe eeed btoaa. a* fottowe: Plant llh
If toe meeting of tbe Grand Trav ir. .
ineaaBUlioa. or tha.ahMer of iron btou In some sand or loamy aoU. eltb
me «r« nee of The wire. Call w
mo Ucdiral Soriely.
Ueo. H1aa«llt«btmrr «aa tcu to ud
*«aad may *am ^ «"lak oaly of my ^ mamm^
In a box Inside or tn a warm t>lBc«
W. H. Umior left thto riwmlng Ter.
Md a little Mf obd TtM (berela tbr ootside. After tpe fl^t btom bare
?!!***« »•"« 1 Mv. a# obmokiaa
"n»nam«<- "B« nm
IWkaaka. BHoskey and other north
AracOoBa whltb would lead her
been ihi tor two or tbiee da}-e make
era imlou on several days' busines*
r-Tl-Jeffber apeUIr*
mt of those Chat bare penulnat
C iB doora aod out.
ed and datermlDe tbe permtace. Iktr
I. J. Hortlln of Kingsley arrived
%an>, Id tact a n>err» cbine' arDaBn
CemlnatloB test mAy also be made b>
to*a tbe i-li) tbix morning tor to- da]
■pm bouae and tot. (aod la'Uib ralo
txir mug. ,b.i i,“mni'gTJJf SSL“‘m'“in£!ui“i,".''".'iI!'i.'°.M lu’bJ ™n’ii
Pbeuw toe btou between eoou
(From Tveadar'a Record-Sagla.1
W. H. ShaMen ratumed today
thing special lor tbe lodge to get an- ,b reoir sJ
bVt ber eflHta artre well re^. for r
Mr. and ^ra. John T. Beadla. lefi. ia hoiHC at Sagiaaw. afii-r an >
other Buberriber. One ef tbem anally
Ike a»d of t&e ralp^dm diacovered th< |d«W of rtoto or UottlBK panel
n donT want to rtolt Mra. Wmrraaa.
wbicb are kept In a inolsi condltloti haiw today on tbe noon train e.i
>lm lerr ntea. aod- then ao ,mib.: fool or SB oia eae. but I do m«her-l might ge If Mr Dsaa
tended vixil in thto city ami at i
haafcet wkiA qpAatoad evernhliv
all. but the big man of toe
tbat U 1, bad my haads la your
•«*''> • fr«iueat caller at her
•worit boakal aboetd. dadi article tbe
beans abob A low perceMasa of se> cngl- od. They expect to be g;>nc .Captain L. A Newcen. a former rse- town thought toe matter over lor halt Gain'd
['d makclyou baWAasded alora
Aad I do want B go down to
a day and then replied:
mlBstioa er fail to make a rtf
1 let go!Idetit of toU
frowtb In tbe sennlnaior. new
•» «>• Klngaley'a Mrs.
abotdd be aecured. If seed ci
Tbrea owtaata. a' moalcal raanoce
iptcoe. and If 1 want to bold commu- pi^Q, nralgbt euetUoo-do you want Rlngdfoy halt been an old srbootmaie
fODBd In toe nelgbborboDd wbicb was
piWiT borne at Ixrt Angeles. Cal.
nicailoa with an.v one I can do it to marry * am«f her mother, and for tbg.toast two
the tale of as aBteiieliil^. aod th<
barreated early in a g»od ceaditlon.
A. Brigham of Summit City retunv threogh toe pestefflcc. A Uttle alow-xo; xo! -No! ’
sommeru Ibe girt bad apeat a few
nodelln ot a bead fraai whiu ibid
tbb will probably abow a food feral
I (Ills aflrraaon to his lioinr from a er, mebbe. but more uUslaeierr. la
-oh all rtgbL So barm done 1 weeka at bee boma. Her eblef r^aoa
Archie Waller, toft here this mei
to iMraaeut tbe btaor meat einpiored
aalkm. tTraally tbe local bean fobber lag for'ClndniiaU, O.. where he i
xbrn Imslacss Iriii to tlil.-. ■ ilylB
•peaking torough to^^epboM one o,o„ghi maybe you did. Ton ere oely
wee that ebe did not want
toe aodal >oar a^ furalabe
will be able to neeuiw eeed of food pecu te Whe his futore residence.
Mist Bertha Baiclw went te Walton U liable to maka aftstakas. but la soBber two out of a Hat of over to mert fbe maa wbrwe good auaiitfoe
totanest pt a pleulnx 'aatur
■ dlffereut. No,
dValltr for too bean growers of the ‘Jemee tutae' rrant to Keyntofis this Ibix nK>rnIni;.
Prta* Jayora weet to Ulaa tUtteabair'
a telephone.!.* *i“V*
. beer
ilty, It the .lemand tor ibe a
J. H. Marthall went te CndMIas (hit
rmratog tpi a ftw days business inp.
Alai Clara bftoer aad Hn. A. r. Ser
they ar> always gating ouj Of repair ,or number tores.
> known SBffIctettUy early.
naier...................... ......
Harwy Cbwrlade to vtoltfng raistivas morning in tiie Inlcrest of Ihc Kgult.
e bty-maklas i
able Ufe Insiinuii'c ■uiitgaiiv.
at dugilay thia sreek.
-a bad several farm
tbe Ktors’era
At elorea oclock hHaa UcMicbael
Mrs. E. J. Knl-c-ccn went to Mt.
Two ef (hem lanlbe eemembersd see
Mrs. Mary Sameen want to Ithaca
laritad ber neaU to tbe dUUnx
Tbere win be flunday school i
ieweant (hU aflcnr
pummee. hot Ibe
ua. th. Wire, andd yin ,;e.m lo totok R.
) eoarae laacbaoD
United Brethren ehnrrb evrrj Sunda)
friends for aeveral .toyiwraral:
« lu-yeji
rred. lbc.»e«D.cafr)'«i««« U ef
S orlock In toa afterDoon. K\-cr>.
a highly
W. H. Chambers, manager for the
-Add If ybn
J. J. MeWathey went to Manlatoa
lak ao alter
ctlre greab aad white ttildc'atoeme body cordlatly tnvtied to atteod.
8. H. Knox eoiKiwny. left lo-lay
, -•
reading my contract l-U eat my hat!
tola tooralng tor toe day.
Tbe loe creaina wn« b jiMtr oorelu
lanibe InObed ai bim r
Ur. anil Urn. ^Clyde Snyder ai
w > Tbaf# arbat J got a contract tor-ae
Mra. William tweet wem te Key- gm train for New York <tij.
«ar twlated caadr ailcka at Jl
dauibter Verniev' visited Sunday j
Many ef the Justleea ef the pewe
Me tob «iprnfag.,iD visit Cricods
^ IT.!. ronalftVl^Wk!ri4.
wbo were ••lecte-l in April have
her motber'a. Un. Uxsie Aldridse.
toe erean tnaped
the Inelo.
lc«1cd to Ole ihcir oato of oin.-e and.
bfiaa Gertrude BUke retumed borne. ArHm- Dorsey of Wsllion I
• a meirtb ake bogaa
aaa. Trtliaiaa ware uaed to Brotox
boixl with toe county rierk. l*rrba|>S'
waa tbtokliia er bl
retoa la toe IroomL-iat jfi^iitafrpron
lx not generally known, but lx
wbDe toe «tace caida. haad palaled where abe has been for tsro weeks inra home from Uleanracre. where bo fact uevertbelcsa. (bat it to ii taw that
taklog treatment. She to feellnf real tufa been attending hto Botber. w ho
the min^iuusl be done beforr tW
been fB.
Fourth of Julr or toe offieq to dc
2“ '-nr beglnnlag te eara tor James
Ur. Skfunor rtosed a succeeafol
k IT. H. Hamtin wat oatled B
irr'a weddiax to Hor
term of sHiaoI PrUay at (be Uaplr Klngalv tois BorBlng on neaxint ot cured vacantr-^
boob He entmelDcdhtoschol t^e iHneidror beVatoter, Mra. Sbertnitn
5= company engaged a lawyer to make a
ara toe last'day with a iiknlr. All ea- Wrlghtman.
loyed a good Ua>e.
'^Leuis t. Chalkar and Mlaa Laura
Clarence Dine bu rcluracd hour fyaelka went to Summitt CUy toU
from Graad RapUi. where be bar morning to apeud a few days vitilbeen a few weMa.
Ibg Ur. and Ura. Louis Kyselka. .
Ura. John Uatoetra went lo CodllBart CioM et the asylum, ei^eeto
to to« and It w..Vta2S!VVri ^ *“
Saturday to .arcomiwny Gertrudr i hand In bit reslguatlon about July
Ulako home.
Brat, preparatory- to going to Moma
Tlie Istole*' Aid met Thursday wlih na. where be wilt engage In toe sboei>
Mrs. Will Unia.- They lied cowfCH
They Ara Often Burehsasd In Breto
-Why, man. auppoae you vrant to call
he'll have no ^ore use for toa and murb work wax acn>iii|>liahed
JaM tbM e step
•ACS to Turiteyw^Chielm Hatched
a donor'to a botTyr-------------After toe business meeting a Sik mornftgB
la NMural Way Beat.
lunch was serred.
visit here with retoUves aad friends.
«m n-. „g u ...„
.u ."gj?<
Mrs. Jennie-TIbbIto It quHc lU wi
rely want to rail op
her bmw t( seemed almoM aa If tht
batched early -In Hay and sold ■
lonsHilii at the Bay Bank Hosuiul.
I Hlghdala BOW aad^
bad spoken her tbongbu aad he had
Thanksgtring for »4.M par pair,
lames 0<«. Taylor and H A.
Wall rtollod Mrs. John Wall Sunday.
-No. cant any as I
Doa'i know
Grand ftip-IllC spending a few' days
to aay i
And now it would dppMr that tba
Oulto a number from this nclghhor
but three or four mea orsr there. aM nnrlurnsl bifurcated
as toe gndst-«f Hits Eva Msgec.
_ _ Nias MonUfoe.-be aald. BsaHag
hood took tbe elfhlb frade csaulM
tov dost amount to ihuckatheir I daylight bro(be^>' •*'< beeMe her m tbe asttoa. *T(ta
Mra. Charies Henry returned to her
00 ai Ktogaley last week.
Tb^ days paas^. and (he agent trouaera.
a. must appear In the plural-^ Rlagtley baa toM bm that yea thfab
home ar Petoakey this mornlDg fnmi
Uin. Gut Uck and- UlUau Tayloi
who bad made toe last
laat and bbest oBer to other wotos pajamaa-are to aert-' returntog bom- io-«v«wbBlIeUn aar^
abort baaiaeas trip to this city.
mlini on Ura. Anioi Box tVednesdai
waa In despair. He could have of- ous dlsfaror In
*he antwetwd, briety.
in ^nce.
France, and the «»ior'
Mias ^lora'. turn er Cleveland.
. Tbe wet cJl^Uloai «Uch prevailTbrliuu Box celebrated her sevemii
fered (be judge graft, but he feared line Is to be drawn agalnat aome of, **• •• ttnhsard of Ifberty for btm. (e
,. X.X -------------------- ...
Vpd leaaraUr '^ar toe auie dnriai blnhday last Wednesdor. Har Utile who has been visiting In this city and
to do ..
ft It
had been tried U.
by ...-------------oibrr the meet radiant
raembeik - the pa- IN-_______________
___________ __
Cbarievolx for the past
^ tall nomli.trom tote Beptenbar fiicuds.
men and brought tham a bml turningfrat,
Bt that a^ dtapiMsed. but sba mada a mUerable
and Lucllo Taylor,
urned lo her home today.
ai^ aftar^jjiaBar tn^,
young rarams
Farlalas ftnaaciar,
■I rvuBS.
unanciv, a ama «ii
«f, *•
- - Ittptai tbe afieraoon with her. Th*
•Tn the name of haavea. a
Ultle folks enloyed ice creem. candy
it II you wsBtT- be dually asked aa weeks beau auSertag fro
Hoy M. 8|K-rry of the Greening Nur
crop wUeb and coke during ibo atrternoon.
aiatui ^
be determined
I _____.
malady ot
, on a tost sEort.
.. tbe ejet .....
.hreat.- If he had bees ber equal. -If you eae
sery. Mooio<. Mich., passed through
«:lB bUcditoaB la '"n>e Uatebett school cioned
. aaBr raara.
the city today on their return
Tuosday wiih a pIctIc and a get
ptotw. frua a whorl JhixIbcw
Ura toa beaaa rapaatopip. and in good Hue WHS elOoyed.
-Rut I've offered tn give you a (el- could dlrtue the canee of tbe myale-l
Emplrctoeat owaa to axpoaa tben to
bone ouiand-oul for two .y >ra.~ I rieua malidy One day be made the Mpidly. Rbe nnal not lieten te him.
Uisx Sheets xpeoi IMilBy aficri
Mr. amt Mrs. John Suplee returned
BOtoraraMa weaUtoc tor
■Yea. but tbera's anrh a thing as^ dtarwvery tbat foUowtog tbe oece j
brash ber
wiib Ura. r. it. Bogart.
wfMB. TWa jaaatted la toa dareloplegal eontracis I ,^01 when be <
Mr. CraiB rrf Harbor Springs bar Ibto afteinidm to ibeir home
a eertato pair ef ”
-W hat do )Wo meanrbrlllltoally red v
■aat of ao)*>a«l &* baaaa baoon
ba-waa par-'‘'
siieDding a few days wiih bb lalre after a-short visit here.
-1 aevar take another mta's word.' ticulariy affected
Harold Dumbllto mto Wm. Hardy
iw kadir dtoaalored. la ataiiy tmutm granddaugblers. Eldo aud Clam Crapo
loved him with ber whole heart.
aleo toa ttop waa not barrwted beIBCX Uarra'i railed oa Rboda llu left for Uelrdtt yeuerday iu spend to.-Ara yoe eagry. lautber be afibad
fera hearp ttrUam. or wpa
when aha did not speak. *T tmder
»a‘a wat wnred eooditlob. aad ware
Mias Edna Ncllly of Betoskey ar
to itoV^^
** **^1
from iba garaeai and laoe- ataad-yoo. doaT eara for aa. aad-^
(Tara Cram s|<ent FYiday- wllL
ILjt to
in make
R..a> aX legal pi^ therewith a
rived la (be rfty Ibto nwraing to visit
later lajured by fraaitw.
Thelma Taylor.
•But I’m reedy
^ bomber of-gulsca.
laatbe loMred up abyly. T fearasT
friends far a tew days.
aaa taato of tbaaa dtoeetor
While Blymstrth Reck Cock,
Vere Tay lor wax quite «k-k a
Tbe young ftnaneier bns •aid—I didn't—ears.* abe faliared.
Claud Boa wee Mllad to Benton Her-,
wMto haea baM ideaMd Mb 4U-. day-a lato week.
ris ft—poasfbla tbat you eafo for a
bor this morning on account ot the: iato yaara bava baeu high la price If
<amk aeetloM er toe toate abow
Mar M.
wbo bad guaraatead (bp maUrtaL
uM In qualify, nays a writer In toe
ell. tbal-s ulklag to tbe petot.leato of a rwlaUve.
rarr low cBtolaatlae. to ton practlRaitlmere American. The dlEarenoe replled (be Judge, and tbe agent was
am own.
htow. T. H. Klein paaesd through tht
tolly all of toaaa IBM to lamlBata.
what 1 received and wbti asked te call tbe next day.
*71 aubaa 1m dlBeraaea to m*'
to nade a rwy weak rvwtb.
Mite iMt Anderaou aud yitos l-to ;-li>- today on her reUra borne lo CTiarrouid have
was only too RUd to do
are rich gr psor,” Mm
'All taman aro
tber Daathac were Travt-rac CUy vis leroix. from several dkys' bosineat broutfIL was my pay tor apeadliig ■o. He found an agreement toat not »at
cfagt w«b a mead at pnewerwd. eoftly
Ip B Tbomiwonvllle.
about fire aUntoa each to eapoatoa only gave toe jndge Ibe roaiUBi use' a L
Maatlar aay beaaa toat ara badty iton Saiurdoy.
maL wbaa a mnmga yoaag
-Tvo aomethlag te caufeat. faatka.*
Dave Campbell. James Cavto. John tbM U July.
of a ulepheoa for two years, rwiin a
diaaolarad. ai It wUI be InpoaiiMe
Gene Ceek was U Dig Rapids on
DP and Mld<
he asM. efier a moment There was
CUeki batched in the naioral sra- repairs t
inch and J. J. Corcoran drove
•a yoa tar a BamiaL Mr. aa anxltraa look m bit fare Tm g«
to- W a aomal atand aad frowtb' bosineat tost week.
M are much easier to raise than and without expeara to btm.
I wbat yea thought me.- be went oa.
toto by thick pUatlDi.. Many
The IRile Imbe of Ur. aad Hn. -Jui Boyne City In autoniobRes thli mo
toose romiBg earlier or later, and In
-Certalaly,s staled that be bad toe ffrsi
Mr. Dash. *Tvp deceived yen. but aay yoall tor
Andrus died toxl week. Tbe parents « to atteod tbe opening hasebaU
of baaae toowtai po dtoeofei
aiperteiKS aHher pay foul as -well
tbe wire, and that he was not to rising.
gtee a
Uhawtae rcaaliad In a reo law
Hut I plan tbe Marketieg to a atnne- be cut In on. Day or eight toa
a lad bim octom tbe
•ad.’ tatarpagpd tha
Suey Ttoomiimm of Manistee
iNmtoaUoB. prtoabty daa to toe
what nausoat way. t kee* Plyaieelh
ns to be at hU comMDd
f ftri la.bewfMermeal
' Grand Rapldt (hto aflerMOD
ttoeks of a light pullet cailag. bettot tbe, were troNb wblle In a Sandoy with Mr. aad Mrs. Ben
It was a raal-lrae coatraet. but aneb
eeuse than I can tell the eex wbem was tba rivalry betwaea tbe cm
, wat modltleo.
------ _,x«ni-* \ r.xwro—xPwn. ine man pga
Mra. Howard Davie is spending . they are calf a day old. Tben dorli
nlM tbat it waa duly aigacd. It
Born B Ur. aoB Mrs. Glen Maynard
tbe poUticiaa'a aar:
| dida't waat to meet.- ha went aa. n
Tbe forantB of the state bare not
few days st Walton tbit week, toe the B- x'hs of Mar and June I sell at figured that toe judge wooU use ...
-I am oa tba staff of aa ereaiaf learned from Mrs. Kererem that yea
Uay f. a gtri.
tolag at a ptoythtog for awhUe aad papar. and I abould like you to tell were eomlng bare and It wet net ffftMiss Doily tTiariiarneaa wat tailed rtott of her eob. Ftoyd Darts.
then drop it. as seariy all otoer peo mc what you think of toe situation flr.iit for me te guesa why yen didtT
Brethren by the aMous lOnesa ei
M It li fapertally Inpo^pt ___
Wrom WrdseMay's Recor4«aale.) fellow wbo baa set batebed quite aa ple do. There waa a wide veranda ta the aast.I rtre (e rttK her with year mathsr.
jaar. It b Uaptotai* ■« oaly on ao. ber stoiar last week.
chicks at ba bad piaaaed. it la In front of bla I
O. M. Gingrich want to Cndllto
1 be fixed
Mr. Dash lotAed a Ultia putxled at At Frank Ktngsley and I oaed te be
Rev. and Mra. C, N. Babcock gad •‘•Is moratag on a tow days btaiaei
tooat of iMttoi a lood ir^ of
to aaU bim baby cblekt by
Im. tbea be said:
(good frieode at eoRffa. t came bsM.
. babtowtotow«too..^p„«.t. Ur. aad Mra. Gaerae Babcock nf Lake IrtB. ,
iust saying that you wUI plefc. out
-reuow me:' sad prateaded M ba age off (ba Mm
aia af mtotoaUua. bittba afl bean Ann Mtonded ehiiRh nt Inland Snndny
udvar at tbe
And laadtag toe way ba walhai haada I wm eartaga B sm tba gW
u« Frank L. Btator to apwBln pnlleu. That gats toam aleaiy got gf forth and talk
top way.
aataa time. No railroad praaMcat through tbe reading room, down some who dIdnT want (e sm mg Aad
» b tnpanai* b bare ■aning.
toe day at Soloo.
Bad a more coffifortaUe l^eaook.
•tepa teio toe drawlag room, toronfb from tbe momagt I mw yua. laetba. 1
Utaa FranUe Franger' ot Grand
totototo win toaka a
A^. Jahraua want to Cepamia
The teiepboae compaay aeoa bad a long paaaase Into the dialog room, bava foved yea. TaeTi torgtre ma tor
Tba bMna ahowinw
to risKtag Hn..Wm. Dexter ito morning tor tbe day.
twenty-five mibscrlbcrm aad was te •ad drawing bis rtsttor late the «rr-. tha dacrtdloa. woiT yon. dearT ba
Alwaya a Ckanoa.
JBB •BBtawla. and raumat
Rev. W. A. Eley rsoni to Kingeto
Wbea a man wlsbes to make a tod cemiBUBlrailon wRb all toe cooa^. er. bablad toe bat rack, be wblapart pleaded.
>ls Bvonilnc tor toe day.
I Ttatoe loefeed lata bk toea -wttb a
air ba dacssT bava to boat Then U wat that Jodgt Wragg wu
, dtoirtet cleeed tut week. Utos OaaMb. Leto MoriWI went to Oran
beard iiwm. Cp te tola Ume he M
*7 raally deaT kMw aayihfag Meal amfle. -Thera'a.raaTly aolblag forai
•Imply letted Ms POtee. New be a»- Ifk-TH-aiB.
|b forgivg- .be marmurM. hdpt^
^' sji r r.g.T^'-orgS .sj-i
W.HX J1»«. -
nL ' Jlr***
•• •"•
Tk.... „. rikn. ..g ii» »*»' 'zA'iL"s"z
vr.-.“V^"blnrwVen yo^ve ^
ww» emo; TO THE EKRAiii AND ioicimo CO.
r«B veil Mat •pHakle wUh •»«-.
Pev m rov douck Ud tot h nl»
tor tkne boora to a warn t>tooe. tkea
bake to« bot «ree: cover tbe top wiib
paper If U browns toe aeoa ead bake
tor tbreettnsrtefa ot an boar. When
doae tm oa a plale sad sprtokle wttb
powdered si«aa
rod^ ■e.*’ aaU tbe BwA
Door Neltoibor, >l tonad this new
war to toakinc • dstotf desert and It
le JuK whet yon srsnt fto ooe to yoor
lu shape. Cat a tbla allce tiw ste* .<nBnira.* b U .a fruit poddlns. maa<loppoMteeadtoeaobor»toe.aad enUed. sad now tbst-pHtooppld,
fbrow ihla aw. Cm i^ea Into
obeaper. J think U will be deaad to lb# saao Uiao o«Uo
s^ Ihla. put In paa sad add one cup
water for each orangSv Soak tor twea' U'-four boora, and for each cup to the
tabtore Uke oae scaol ho|> of aasar;
onp of-Rngltah -atoms, chop one
» bed. SHI rtetarb. b« do eot
it Cu ksU
Je»-7Cw iw rhifcufc Uu.'
h to tbs w«er. W.A «nU|
«-«t Sr Ihu eMen
etok i«o».
to<k ptoe*. Pn two«>*•«( ihto tbe>k»
u ererr
rtoee moi
to *
l■■MU(elr dtotofect
«Hh one leui c«* offo^ to • two»4d
ew PMbd
to ^
nad dryH tbe
eU dUcbaneei
dooHe botler Md Mae* <mUI Uw XS-' Pm (he''w«u- over tbe rbobwb aad* bine, add a (eaapeobtol to white rlaeCUto Uw Blw -ee M as Iker ap- kerb la tender' sad tbe mmr dto- M U stand over nlaht la —.w.
Ibe nr or a ball taaspooelnl to towtolie
pear. Use llqMd potoona
stored. Add tbe Jirieesad ebopped Moo. Neat ■ad
da» acM
ball to
laet rlaMac wniw. Thto
nptoa a^ tnpa;
riad o( oae tovon.- DI«aolTe eoe tea- totoe lemtber (tbe sacar wn net be
ptooo ettber ef
dr poleoae to ■koon'al to aoda to a - cep to aonr dtaaolredi lor twenty atiMtea. (ban
sbaltow dtabM thirmibrrt tbe konse- eraan. Mix one tenapoon to craam to PM to tbs rbnbnrb sad bed twnty
ninnta leecar.
teaepooatoli to fnrtosKc
sad ooe^ iwspniia to etot niantto
Stir as titUe m ____
^4* to a plot to wnter, or (bi one
two enps to Sonr. Stir tbe teeun kle to order not i» bcank ib# rbnbnrb.
A* Omilit Tbto WIN Nat PeM. «
of btebnuto to potash dis- »ato this, and If not ettl OMsb to
Caaaad Raw Pl«dnBi-Taba ttet
Aa aoHlM that «n not B4 nine
,_iTad to two obdcm to water, sweet
out.add a Hole toore donr. TOas
»• Jouai sad tender, wash sal tAst N enoapUansOy *>od. hotb to tot
on . wiitooted bo«d nad pat or roU l*el. cot to Mk« ptocea PnektoMer
fo omoklr clw n>o«a to Blea. bt«. «« “U*
“ tklck. •“*«< iara aad BU to orerdowtog with ibi an om
pyr^^ ^^
powdered Cut aad hsbe like btoeniu. When ^ wer. let etaod tea
etoreh tnati
blsek Bss Into iba sir of the room ‘‘•a*buttar tbato and ar«» iba water aad BU aola to Ul It to «M>
per aad onoball rwto'to milk, 'aito
when H tokkaoa taka
tba etora.
ooadlOeto They n»« then be *sth- over ‘Aem.
reo«lr«l tor use, trust the sso* Beat two «•*. ewaraMy. add to the
Rbobnrt Sonne-CmlBr rgenarb “ freak rbabarb.
cornotarah. pour Uio bat. well-btoBne. put to a dooblf ho4.«r with
tored omaiet ev frybig pan.
enough eugar tp kw^en. steam un- »••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦ the unto wnr. or aot ta a modaralp
^.r^li S^SSIT
on to. to toorondOy cbffll. Whip ooe Ble. tbe followto* method.
-----U1 tender, then pms ihrougk a aieve * HQUBEWORK MADE.CAgY. • oven, leave ahont ton mbtatra,
"" rfcks this cut to beaven
out double over aad rarvo on bat platIbm 'iLwas la^^tm
“ •*"*' *'* *“'* •**!*“■ ' 8***““e eblorfde to lime or kero^ ***^
kesiea yolk to one egg ^
As simple as His chea:
then fold la lightly the
-any boor.
tor. The omaiat la doM vbta a kalto
tbS^t ^^ r-teato.mtd pm tberrto. on U .oneW comonto to privy
prtr, vault,
rsult. and
nbd «»
“ «acb cupful,^
And U tomomw ahall
shall bo
be sad.
In tbe kitchen, and
draw. otTpe. It oomw e« eleaa. with
garbssa bosea Keep mrbage recep- **“*•
**** ***“
tag kettle and add teb cupa or two '
IT oonea at all J>e bad
l_ . «tauerad^p^l^ flcaaani «ork done there. Is the best
Bake to
aou of the mtoturw tolngl« to It
dish miUI U begtos to tenck open oa
'«»■ kavlag tbe mm bright
ThU prlndple can bo brad la mak_
Lst simmer uncovered ontJI
and cheery. Let's bsve nU tbe sno- ing a eoatto. sod it wlU ant tolL Plrat
—r. Crane, labom one and onedialf honn). pu.
ikbli* notes, ‘to Keep the ground around garbage box «>►
cook the raromartb. wbkb abooU ba
a Bowerlng plane
afeont tbo wslsuney of and ewtard:
When boDsesork to ^«
pm ««■
tab HacLwea tells mtmswbsi* a gr to m>m, ot the llquM to wbkb Ua
wwlil W be »aay nure piu^ old paper, old straw and
»<*bout pealing: mix half a
acton- add to that' Iba (ralt and tom tho
wbltoe to ,01 beaten klk and ItobUy
swnet mpry 'to hi. native BcMlnnd. trtU to cooking. Cover tie mabr and *»•
ot cooking It for preoeai'Otber r. ruM of like naiare. Keep
““»*« v’rtth ibrae cups to “
loMad to: than bake aaiU dona.
(tet While tanntartng aleng a coup- tosat to beUIng potoL tbeo add to or- »•• «<
^0 I have msuure lu MToeoed pit or vault U pot^
try laM <«e bot aftormmn, be nto» a nngra nnd boll iwenty mtoulra. Fttl
*0MXOot.',ibto Hmiura abotod be removed « »>*to It with a layer to Bae bread
.A HONH CtoaalnB Him.
baude woe lasMe. an humpod ap and- m glasses while bot This will make
-Old I e> er tell you ol my grem least every week.
wUb s Isyor Of tbe rim-iw*red. and paBleg with the welctai to a about toyrteea cupa
dtoooveo last summerr' ..Id tbe Bsek - Pour keraeeoe lou tbe drains. Keep
**“ sprlnUe ibltoly with tbe
Afur rage have bora toaanm mad
... ..................
toddle aba .......................
was carrying.
' •
---------------- .................
chop rawer.*, sratem to good order, raptor -wand dot with blu of bmter: re.
rplaU they are ptisa toaaa to be
It to I
pent nnttl tbe dish to tali, bavtog tbe
faded, while they eUlt reuto their
on««a^ ■»« the akin tool} 1 of
»hAa I really needed lor raatong. nil
welgbt and aaa Tbe ralor ran eas
to dOtolAe- four lemena irerartong tbe puii> and >lEhl from our own trees, bm 1 felt Oen^ ct
a overy da)'. Keep a last layer of crumbs, addtog bits of
D to the tow of tbe ual- ily be reetored by aslag any good
to rarbtolc raid huuer. Hake for sa hour U a rather
~Md's aot bivvy, sir.’ ennw tbe ra- julee of lemons), got hw rat ering •* tboagb tboy on^t not to ba wast- Bve per c<
verra: It shpold also be tbe tow to tbe dye' applytog U to the Bgarra wttb a
pty.wUba Wfiato lovtocprida.-Ue-s and kraidng covered with water: btol ot. Yoawereawayonyourlongvl.lt to tbam all too time. Oetrid ofrawsaall. stiS pnlat brash. Bava tbs nut
ton brllbw!"
alovrly for two beurs: at the end pt *o 1 ooottoi't throw them over the dust boxes used as coapldon--doeUay
______________ After ooe tans washed tbe dishes
isM Bat on tbe Boer, jato a wrantHy of
How raady dilereat this old world that Ume take then out. aad boll tbe (anon Ilka tbo man to the Diefceaa toem-tbe are nnratoury.
-atlgbt be 0 more to ns oooJd or would «a(ra down to ene qnan; when cool, hook and any. -Bo nine! Be mine!' Dont allow din to aocumulate to #♦«♦♦«♦********** fromoDcioi«m,ty.aveyrar.lii.*ot dye. and while It ii bot go over eoeb
flgara vety daratnUy. earrytag em ora
mnkp brotbma to our burdens! Love remove all seed, and chop Bne or- The rosoR of my Impramptu omobi- eoroere. behind daorb. back of radi
at a lime. Oaly tbe mam promtis tbo. graHifi «( all ll^toban. and
lemon akin and pul^ aad boll
ot totonlea and plepUai. about atora, under -tovee. etc.
aaai clora aeod be reloocbod to give
that which'to barM levtogty ral^ with tbe q.nan ot water end ton W port of toe former to two or thrao Atlo* no dMO)l0 maurr of any
- ^1^ naraiir. Tet tbe toaes bt labor poong,
the rng a frasb appearaaec. Tbe ramc
real “aprtog tonic.- rbabarb can ,
shgar thirty, of tbe laUer.. 1
d and doUgiitod «>rt 1
treatment Is very rattolbriAr loearryare Ctwwdad ♦!* ■« and womea nUnme,.
Be enratal net.0 allow R net oBly too tamUr. but erary one
bo nmde Into a deUptoue *toly, ray# ■ ,
----------- --------------—
o on laded
tonner-B «"■
wUe. Rhnbaib to
by Ittoll
lUall rtl
wfll '“uZ'L, _U U..I « .a h.1 f
who band gad toch. and grow weary to ban. as ra much sugar to apt to do. «t^%bs tamed them. Tbera aemaa
Flies In toe h
. l»Ua» .
Braraels or VMvm caipms.
apBca, bacants they era carrying wbea eool. pour it into tolly gtossra. to be aomo raectol factor in them too bonsekeoper
atraagon. Vo them tbe day's task to
Marmatode-CA out the wM«b make, tbe uomtoBUlba as Ideal no blea.
-I—-------- —.1. .. ...
»0“*d be reconstructed.
«alr toWmliiBtoi or galUiig.-ttaera to ,b,ek btoqram oad from five Ikvel or- M tbo better known oorrnnto sad
Utm Hr Bel Bode.
'^old doctor’s prrarrlptlon. -Don't
aodblBB eompaatoRkble or bratberty angse. slaah racb one leag^wtoe half Pm
Bbem R.' Jk this aplrlt too often to H « graeg tiinra aad sUm as tbla-as pop <ot
. If you get tlrad to your ♦ RHOBAR* FOR FREBCHT UBE. ♦ --ben meosurad mum be
u wtJL'r to pm tbe ptoMtilB *l*aab beitor.
haM How BiaA happier might tbe ^Me. addlag oae lemoa
Mtnltorty p«- raarael.
rover with coM watra.'and whan It
tbe winter,__you
ran open a
«*. «hen cooked, nquees, toUhiaq,b T
bm brn bow maab more wiWag the p*red. Tto frail sbouU be Bae and qaart canot wtoplaatand a tdm c
Rhubarb Pk^itortng lined a plate a tolly bag and to encta cap to Jaku
gels bm add a bandfal af raleods and
toMdl, If «toee wm jrara ctonmoaly --------------------------fre, jrem btomlihra. To----each cupfal of ebarrtos. bent them op
to to
a large
s siw. Cook naUI U
...Ucethar. with
a large
^ ,s.
btol Ibe tlDware tor thirty n
^SyantottogmitbonghUbat even to
u,ree caps to cold wtwr and .tot im-Una ooto. andthey wUl taste betrt.“b.ra cut to smsll piece, best nias thickly aad atowb tram a apooa:
or we ran. to ma
strong to Mkasda tbs ttowaH win
»-«■■« bWilibt. «on forty-BTo mto- taf than anything yoa have had to iea«her oophalt cup to au|sr and 'f cooked loo toag It bae<«ea waxy. In .
■BRI It bUitoB a pan needed to devel- «« g*g *gg|g ^t Ji mand mull the
shtos Uke new. UwniBmcalerlBone egg. and Pour over tbe rbabarb,
It U. red and has. the ttste of ,
<|Bag.tA Momtt. to dratoai! Who. followiM day. Measure and add oae
“Hasmudi as we do _
lure tbe tin to any way. Balrada add
n epriaklo over Vmnall plnefa to aalL «*•"!« Instesd o IrhaUrb. Ws use * ^
tattli^ tka irath to this within, might «*p m ,„g,r ts cich fi;, 0: fruit'and cherry tree, aad I like tb -«b« my •«» cover wUh a top ciiiet aad bake, ‘he
. ________
ed to watar with arbkb Baan are
- **‘e^' l«««her with tbe Jetoe of ea- freh *d as far as posilMo.'- said the Bhabarb Custard Pie—Blew a pirn
‘’’ee*- but tbe old-faahloaed Mo- ivra eggs ver)- light and etlr Into scrubbed wHI eat tbe greara aad
'Ht's'M'Mm.Birf It's na brltber.’ other tomen. Boll gently for (oitr- Fmntg |
bast ibeni foar ublespoonfuls of sugar and whitsa tbq^ wood. It will remeve
. -1 ahall ooraiy
to a1 very, rtolo Icvcs are said to .give the
... rhubarb
____ _
—From a* Itosoy by Leigh Mttchtol
aiteotra and turn Into glasses.
suiai frem masUn aad llnsa U pat
try yoar bright plan.''
liitto water uoill teuuer. press thraugb "Avor. A large qusmitr ran easily and.
of flour Add to this
.^TrmTTo.o..S..O0. "*■ *" MbM-.-aya to preparing pto- a rolandc. add one rup sugar mixed
be cooked to th^ovBo. and ,
„ ,„g. iDio wsier to which the/ are raskod.
Do aot fofgm that raiaoda shooM
•••♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• t** PtaL" said the Dark Door Ntogb- •Itb one tabtoepoon of Bour. and tWo
»« ‘Unh It nnparlor to
,.# bollios milk stlrrtox
♦ THE BACK DOOR HElOHBOll'B ♦ pm. -f
golito to writ, to w -ell boaton egg. Uh. a pim. wllh
«««tbe cold praoraa A ^ ,I ,bkl^^ra“t Toy to^ be kept where lUlto ^Udrra win BM
«mid. the editor of Home Cbear. ram pame. brush it over with white to egg. *aw qu^ly ca. he pm In a can H-feen cool, flavor with vaallla. Have gat hotd to IL
V* •* her to lot* (hroagh ber boxes to PWr in the rhubarb mixture.and bake ’"beo cooked. Ko water need be add- redy to sauce dlahca etrawherrtoe or
This Is 'busy Itme' (or (he Badl Glipplnga. and give as some new ideos bi a quick ores wuhom a top crust
BNatoNne lb tfw Hwm.
to U.
' ,.
oranges, or aoy fruh in -raeoa.
Nothtog caa snpidr tba Istoi to sob
tb» *ttralM beamUul Uitto table Door Neighbor. The hoote domands on tbe auWeef
Add a meringue of the while to an egg Rbubarh Marmalade-Four powds
,p, custard over It. This Is
tbe garden ralla. and she rays
abtoe to bamoa htoaga A room may
Which abe did (bat very day. and bt»to> »UE »l'b a woouful to aq^r. fbnharh and- four orangra. wUh the , y„y ^plc nnd lalatable deesert.
_______ ______ibe
_ two she ..
„ Uto ramtlt w«l be found to ibis week's «r serve witb whipped cream pitod
»f aiu and the peel W two. Pbur
And W U an excellaot idea lor be made ligbur by ytolow wall paper
to tbe
'»"• » *”“■ "*• *®“‘be bn.) cook; li rametlira. poxxles
eventa aSe U dtdH -rt,nbar^- boraora It. moods mora
Rhuharh Sberb^t-Wash one baneb
ol ralslne. Ael abd cut tbe ,be housewife bow to proride a fresh apartmeot tor wort or ttotr. A gart
artstoeratto than ■Hitoptont."
«»f rbabarb. and cm to smalt places, r^bnliarb Imo hsir-lseh plsom. Prepare ,,|c
,be two or three op«ded daya an for a wont rat of Ibca tartalBB to
bfildtog forth to ber braeiy vray, tbe
tho Bra
with a................
quart to water
....... ““ «WBges by
tbst sre sar^ to occur racb wort. K
other day. over tbe, hfvlilbto d|vldtog
Abort Fllra.
aad cook slowly unUl tender, oddtog
and cooking tho i>ral to wstor (, prasibte td provide a fresh pie tor and mead tbo raau tad htoes by
, line which tong e took
- ■ tbe
- i^ac^ of
Tbo MIowtog on flies and bow u> the grpud rind of one lemon nnd one
‘«r(l«'- Brain and acrepol om the tbe busy day wlib very little trooble. means to ytolow yare apoa (ba yellow
• ooaM be gm aw- b^ or
her botos^^.l
buL cup or more of sugar. Strain and
*hlo. Extract ibe Rilee of the Wbdn making, lilc for dloner ooe day Ralog. It oqtltort to a Mrtby Bower
a -1..L1. I_L.' ..._i X.1XU df the Young Hourakraper. -rf^d
stand oo Ira for two hours. Serve
‘h* rhubarh Into a grao- make crust for two The extra crust at regular totarvato It yroBnen a non
Uont aS»w flies (n your bouse.
«i>b misljid Ira In elapses.
“• I>rcacrvli4; kettle. Beat lt~alo*Iy ■» u rtolcl out a^ fitted toto s granlie to decoretloB. Tbo laoe ehould be
-WltoM eaM -i« bh^ and s
CAiw—a .a. ..waM
.1.101V Owl permtt Uiem near your foodRhubarb Jelly-Rhubarb can be
«*h hfiM® mlnmei. pie tin and the top crust-if there K bu0 m tbe oulMdo. Tbeeo Bliar the
^ nspsetollr milk.
quickly converteJ Into a delightful “*«
tbe sugar, oraage auIm and to be onc-l. relied ready lor use and llgbt bramlfully art maka tbe room
kttdlr. wriBB;.
dessert. Wash and cut to loch idecea *'**'1“^:, and raUlns, and told -00 a i<Uie. Set to the refrlger- geatol ttoop back w|tk rlbbos or
■VMIhto, what carryrai iboar
.-I hive St
without aklnnlQg. To each
a>ow|y uatU thick. This to da ator or ao> coW |dara. abd It will raieen bo»a Tbe reaah pays tor ibe
d swUi). -My aald tbe You
-I read ‘
Dont eot wbero BIca bare acraaa a plat to waier and bell geoily unUl htious wbeo fresh aad a imrtfon may Uke but a moment next day to pre- trouble.
' every lllUe while of aomcibtoa good.
It Is a mueb. Strain without pmTho Aagil smiled pl^aiiy <
'"‘•■ec Mto- i«re ibe lltllos sad bskr. Tbl. enist ^
sure tbreugh two ihlcknrases of
Rhubarb Jelly—Cat the riialarh In esanot be told from ibsi fresbiy made.
d o( rtoe to wau#
___ . rf’,Tb'^rwiih“mA-' Thra »«• hoown to mam.
eheooedMb. Bebam and maka very
00 tbe .klrf; and cook an-l la much superior lo that made to
I Sttsirttw.v bm. the ellitolna. and
Files are the BlthleM of all vermin. »*ert. Measure, and for a pint and
unoueh satqr lo raver. When a bulk and rolled out when desired uDill lender, toea drain snd'pw to Ur
lo^^.ii-l,!r:!ot VSranlSe «ej ara-bore to Bltb. Hr. 00 flUh. a btof mmk a generous htof p«*nge
let drlj. through a >e|ly Ug. Tbl. -ill,,.row more ratuf.nory .0 double boltor wlU OBo toacupfto *
to oogar
Back was smptr- *
a seetloo to mv card recliie box. and «“d carry flltb around with them.
gnumlaied gHsUne >n a-half cupful •>« Ho not squceie. Take a measure the (bd>(1>. iban msktos nine puii.i*li
a dW -to. toe yolki to two e^. oae teacopful to
■HTby. sorely.' crirt the nmo. “tbere have labeled It tlood ttalnci for par- They .are maggoiH before Ihcr are of «>W »-aier. ' Wtren stotened add
■ Measure of Jolee. Inll pic»
orange tolea. and eBotoIrd of a teowon two groat worries, too heavy for ties' I c^e acrOM three cakes to B‘«m
the hot rhubarb. eUr until dissolved
"'U.m.-s to every qosri of ibU sa.e
spoeafto to rah- Cook lor Ifieea or
map to braiw But ah! yea. I tied tor- three dlSerent r-tn-last night. Files are known to be carrlera of and pour Into wetted molds. Serve
‘«*»l>oonful of gelatin
twenty mlnatea. Uks from the stovr.
The Child Who Diellkat Milk.
rtt-jrap was a weery to ytairtday. wh«e reading, that am abralmely new mlrtlona of dratb-dealing disease this with cream. Instead ot etratolag
dissolved la a little rold
geUtlB lx--------IborThe foIk.*mx ere dlBerent. .ways...la add one teonpooBtal to oraBgc extract,
^ an It li goae.*'
IB —
I stuck tOcm
lem ID
to OI>'
no POCSet
pocket 10
lo germs—UIVI
they aooTO
leave svuiv
some tn
to Aln.ot
iheee —«
the .uwMA.w
rhubirt IA.P,.
may be vteoacAi
massed lurousu
■Hf ■*""I Ibe ~----------■'
art turn into 0 mold. When otod >1-AM Iba Mberr
germs wbarexer
wbarever they toUbt.
bm to eoch
eueh rase It rtU
will u.
^“,0 M rtlore lastw^em on g«m.
a cotandgr. bmm
aold and nerve gankibrt «ltb
.-WrtB-MTby. -that was a worry to .be ram. for my reetp, box. and b.re
Fit--t •«-' -o eool 1, U to a dMlraie dreu - bo dlril e .0 Uke ^k.
Pltoa umy
mar totocl
Wfeci the fort you rat.
cal. opaquo.
whipped cream and elkrt orangw.
nmditsy. art It-lt hM not yet they me: Ibe tost ooe ta more Ilk. a Thay rame to your kitchen'or to your Bhnbarb Oobbler-Buiur an enrthdellcioos to flavor, I.
T^ake .
•>» ^
<«Bee rake art 1 shall set^e It with dining toWr. troah frem die privy enw*re bo-1 and almost all It with
* deUrate pick by amys « a W
Far Taw
This tM ABgeiamRed with InDnlte eoEee ramc •ftenioon.''
vaulL Oran toe gmhsge box. from toe rhubarb em Into small pleec. Make
Rhubarb-To sU pound, of drops of Uqold_^.~-i -w- .«
Oransre. slUad art sqfarrt
‘teaxpooafal of
pUr. raytag=
Coco. Cake----- One cupful of M«- maunre pile, from the cuspidor, frem r-bauer with ihrre eggs, tbree tableadd B., poundr of .ugsr. obc and Savor It with
Ormuna art bwunaw eMeed art
td&t to vioeicar. two mtiiooDs of rose wator art call It reoe dew.
Hrarkm: We wbo bows himseir
ar. oocdialf cupfal of botur. oae e«g. dacaylng animal or vegetable mauer. spoonfuls of flour, a idncfa of salt and 1^,,...: ..V“
abder tba warrtra to yeatarBay and
clove» aad t&rw (ea»l-oons of claaaBeat tbe yelk to so egg llgtat. add a sweeteoed.
. wie tea- or from toe <
sick room, sustdem milk w make It the consist- '
Oraages. bananas, ptoeappu art
tqmocTOW wram himself out tor
oo: cook slowi! *e«eral hour., iben icaxpooafol to sugar art half a liu
moon- sito Uria aotr to Blib on their feet sacy of fritter batter: pour tots orer
aaaght Bat be arbo rairtes only the.
tal to Jcllj gUsscs.
apoonlul to Icinoa JoJcC; All Ibe cu|. sirawbsrrtos. swesteosd. wttb a lew
tal to clovea. oao~ euptul of
milk, aad to ibair bedtoo. and Uer depoall^the rhubarb and baka to a good even ' 1‘iceeried llbubarb—Perl Ibe rhu- wlih milk, stir well art call the mls- drop, of lemoa Jules sprtnklrt over.
wrariw to today batb bo oart of a
oringre art coeoaiwt. iB toyres,
nek tor bto aorroBa. If iMa wilt only
barb Uai all lougb aad cut lato small lure aaow letnonsde.
to beillBg water. BUk from privy vaulu. etc- etc-.'u aweetoned whipped
lemon pieces.
Boll It -lib a.ven Kitle waIlcai a tvipful of milk, but do aot let art well swastsMd.
yn^Miliaa^ and clirrT nnd eourouptaU to slftrt Boor. 000 euptol you rat tort tbni bas come to contact ssuoo.
ter UBiil pericetb soli H'elgb aad It boll, sweciea It art flavor aub a
Rbabarb Cusurd—Cut alair s
age to the iblan to today real mis*
tt-bso you -ant to ara If your cabe
fortaBa can
1. bsklag well. m*n the otsb door
quickly, strike a maieb. art yoa eoa
of oae egg laio a glass lar: sdd a |itHc
sugar, screw dowa tbe top of the Jar
.......a .....
— .. -••• sad shake uBtn tbe lagredlcois are
______..e tree to rellave many, a botter.,add ooa art one-balf cape to *lm*arge. to tboae Mck with these to three e*gi with one cuptal of eag; urn pm the preeerva* tboreugblj blended, flavor *nb orr
brelber waytorer of bta bordeai and Boor, half a cup of tbe ralato water dlransae. and theo go direct to your %r. l«ur o«er tbem one pint of h«t
|, „ orangraJe.
For HanBiOf BaMatW
to ptoek nwaet fndu art
Bowers art one « besten light bm not aep- fort, to your drink, to tbe Ups to milk, and cook to a double boiler, stir-RnuiarbMsr:«aua»-Toracb qoan
Corea made -iih milk
ta liked b,
A sanll esa or cap, wttb bole•tong tha warswa
^ Xfootooo of m>da ebouhi )w slaeptog child, or perhspa to . ring conmaatly till tbe mixture -ill
.Lartrb sjd six or- umst .hlldrea-aad 1. even wore natri- purabsd ID tbs butlom. flRod wtth wuArt whan he ramc at Usi to the ho eUied wtth the flour Season with
smtol. open wound oa your hart,ar oat tbe spoon. Ftovor ^lih lemoa
,b,, h*ve here oratod. (he lloas than the milk .tour
isr nod tdarrt to iba baaglBg boskre.
•etttog of tho gaa.
*rtlh smiles ooe teaspoon each to nuimeg and cln- fae* Wbse gems are depoMted in Make a meriuguo with
tbe beaten .biic pith aad idps remavrt. mad (be
----------------------will iDretsb suElcfato mtostore. The
gqd a oobg.
aamoa. add the.relstoa. well dradgrt milk, they mutUplT very fast; there- whites to Ue eggs aad three Uble.nd palp sliced thin, and oae and
Rene»in« Bilks.
foliage wlli bMe It (ram Mow. A flvoI
srith Boor art bake one-half bour. Tha tore, milk should never be exposed spoonfuls to
powdered sugar, srt oae-bslf iiouDds of ■maoteud sugsr. iT,is-iii to s silt >esr. so you uiu.t ra^ tto firaral ta evsB bettor.
Wboit OranBra are CNsag.
ralslas should be dredgrt before boUto Elsa spreod over the too. The rbabarb
Boll #tew|). until dobc needs get oat )«»or old sUks art eut
It wfll be mobths before oranges are lag them. Tbta ta an excellret cab* The (tolowtog srageitioos are given mum he very coM befaire the cold cueRbnbart and Fig Jnn—WMgh tbe ibem span and rtoaa them. To dran
Ta «ara Haai.
ae ehqag BrtU ax Uey are right raw. chera. aatoly make art with a flavor for getUrt rid to alee;
urd ta joured 00 it.
rbabarb after it ta paatod art cm up silk* In gssolioe p« them Isio a brakracDofced kte (hat haa boea eat
tto Boklkfl'lb imbap somo manmlade slightly dltraest frem any other o^
Boasa your wirtows and doore. Do Rhubarb Taplora—Soak ooMhaU (or cooking sod to ererj sU
et to rtsollne and set t*e bocket In a may be kept from molding by rererto eat Bflrt nrtoter with your breakfast
h osrly bafore By ilma. art keep the ram tatoora over night art cook un- allow oortounb to a ponad to raadied tub to bot wstcr. Hsve all lo the tog tbs stpaaad rartaca wttb ladtaa
cakao. Hrta dre Mveral recipes, artBnrt Kncbeh—Beat wtol oae-kaif
ooweae np antil sraw (alls. Ul clesr to s dutort boUer. Ptora la lemoB pest em In ibia
art oae vard- Cover tub and gll -lib a pleea meol. Ham that ta boOsd ta a bag.
to qaou a well*rawB aaylag. "yea cup to batter, with onohalf cap to
florae all fort, eapaeiBlly mflk. Do a podding dish two cups to rhubarb raund of flgs that bavsL.>beea well of rarpci or an tod woolea blanket and kept to R. wf& ramolB metataad
moBey art
takee your auger. Rmr eggs. Ike grated rtrt of art eai^aodthat has bera ta ceuiact rat to abort ptacra. ora rep of sugar washed dried art cm to halvas. Place Alto- tbe ailk ta remato la(be gara
(eader to tbe tost atlew Tbs gmasr
theSeaV They are all good, art tbe , isowa. oaohalt pound to ratsbrn. wRk^rtaa .
art a ptot* of gtagmPour tbe hot tbe flg. art lemeo peel over tbe rto- lira for eight ortea hour.. Ult It bag axdaflsa tbs tor.
resM Is abou the ranw. ra muur ora taaspeoa to rah: add oae.yrtto Rcrrae (be *ab.v s bed. aiil keep lapiora orer tbta. etlr to ooe leaspooa barb, cover with sU poands to good dripptog from tbe gasoUra art baag
«HkBf.7oa use.
cake aottarad laa Uule warm waiar. fltos away from tbs bath's bottle, art to butter, rarer art bake ora hour. A moist segar art let start aatll tbe ir on tbe lira. Press it oltber under
Trt toaMs-to-maramUfle amy be era fdat to lukewarm mBk CM three the bsbyh -rasaloner.amrtngra make. U sUn bmter. art .1 next day. Tbea ioU elowly-tagerter. muMla or ttosoe paper. B-hen asmMrte frem Mx oranges by tbe follow- ^ibreaquartera cape to aitirt
Keep flies away from tbe rick.' es- la ora to the few uptora poddtogs with treqoeat stirriags. tor era hour, mer silk raeds elsantog. make a tafrt
lag mtokafl. It to dsDrioos art may flm. Work this dooM wall wUh a poctoUy tbara IB atab typboH favsc
good cold. Serve with eveam. Tbta ta verv ake sealed ta to
Be tar*ad frrai the *toas art retala woodra epooa. Swter yw baktog oeailet favet. dipbthmta art ttoratm- Rbabarb Sborttaka—Wa*k tba pota.
to ibii. Do not rub tbs material. M Vrtloce leavaa.
m turn BUIS mourn, tmm
wSSsp —
.a ». ».
BPM iu«. c»p-a„„o.».=« ^ ni-..tp,
«k. L.
„ r.“.s “
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