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Grand Traverse Herald, May 28, 1912
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Henry Oliver Mfvek at Itori OnaWa
hail storm
siini BUBO OUT three CIRLS
Bert Caldvrcll Died at Hli Heme
ed Friday NlghL
Bert Ca'idwell. aged 57 yenre. aon-et
Word was* received 'Tbomday by
iDicrlo. hen, .May
The new ss-------4v*e ■
Kobt. Caldwell. 4IC Sixth-MrcrI. dlM
Urn. Frank KeMerhooto. ot East
«n b-ilhling belonging to Jake Witearly hour Ttaarsday He liail TWO INCHES OF ll
lONORet Elghlh street, atatlng that her brother.
hop of this plsre caught fire
nlghl atmui ii> o'clock and wa> tu
Port Oneida duHng (be electric
or tbe liDje was ronSned to bts
le ground. Mr. Wiikop bad test
rm that momlng.- Ur. Oliver was
I. Ben Caldwell was bom in
Pla**-d bis ovs bar listurrs t:
about forty-live years ot age and
Traverse C^Lv aod had lived here jinir.
bslWing yesteidsy but most of
tii-nllr all tala IKr. He la survived by
didea bit alater. two brotbsaved I.) the quick work of the
era. Bobert and ByroA all of ibU city. SEVERAL OTHERS ARE CHARGED his (ather. two alsiem. Misses Horn
volunteer mviiwn. Tbe building *'**
He was employed on a Urm at Pon
and Jena; three brot'bera. Wltlia
3<'x4« feet and was aril l.iiiU and
and Jack of this riiy and Ounci
uniament m Ihr town. U is not known GRADUATING EXSflCIflCS WILA.
Conimmee Will Urge Oefinite Interns- Cbleaap.
FRUIT SECTION EBCAPEDy^ ANY whether <iT oot the building wss In
tienal Understsnding Looking
Fuupnil tervices were beM from
sured. or whether O will be rebidlt
to Ssfety -of Persons
K' fnmily home Salimlay nfternoon
Who Co te Sea.
. 2 o'clock. Rev. Demas Cochlln
tea* Contsifis BtMy -Mtnibsra and a
Wrttw Ehowt TM H* Hm • Great
tbe Uonaregnltonx! churvA olfiriatinc
Naat Bslanoc in It* Traamaq;.
OmI te Uam Afeet* the NetWasbionloo. Slay ri.—The avnate Interment was In pakwood.
Creenheoset »t Bute HoapiUI Had
•ml HaMtat •meal
Next Two Westa Crsnteag '
oouHlttee on comuierce today con
Largs Amount of Class Seek.With Evanta.
ddered ’(be rci«rt on the Tltanir diran By the Heavy Stone*
whlcb (be comnjluv«^' win aul>and Wind.
Get Plre That flpread and Destroyed
WitblD less'ttaaa two Weeks aMhte
Tk* ttaae haa ouM. (or Travene
•nme of Neighbor'*
Several ien Were in Building. But tjxKb in Traverse CKy Hitfi acM
CII7 M fea«U aad kowt loiid Md Ions.
■ From Tborsd^
Ewraped Injury From
amtbv of Brarrhodj e Mar
•el awept along through the iiviM-ra
^y wfll have dosed aad a dMs
tn* Boil
adita hM (Orlta UiMlng article. t>nt
Archie Gamer of Colfax townabip. ana to Us doom whb Us Imuiensc
Ihering 60 or mere, one of (he tergyears sirovk this city about 6:30
la tM Orchard,” br Carlrie ElUf, Wexford county. wnsnrreatedWedqps. tons ot^lllc.
Many Oiversient Will Be Fiirn|ehed
V morning, airompanied by
The ta ge ham on the fruit farm br^ eat ever turned ouu will have aaU
whk* aniOe. hot lor
day on eompUinl of Depoiy Game
The rbport waa jm-iiarcd by Senator
the Visiters Who Com* Ham
rm Chat was nut the amallesL and longing to the I) J. Monatn emate, the test good-bye* to th*^Ad siteool
iioae«(tba'beR«Tiu«aand bcM II- Warden O. AUru Smith on n charge nilltem Alden Smith of MU-hlgan. the
wbl'ta baa held M thorn Many
electric Ihrlll or two nbich did not which la located about two mile* sres^
. in June.
lastntad dwylptlre storiea et tb« ap
imlenaly netting flmn which
chnlnnan of Ibe
I to get In Us abate
of tbe city, was struck by- lightning Jiya and perhaps a tew "glaotes” tor
ple aUMllen U Ihe United 8ut« yet over upon another man’s property nnd oondneted tbe inveaiieatioo. bat dar
•sat icur years And aftar all la
‘/be'snDU ! oourenUca and Sts'* to the proprriy of the people In gen ‘Thorsday. and aitbougb the build
IRUMhad. Abeotutaly no Motion U did connidnmble damage. He was ing the
said and done, at the chtea ol Ike
ec-i dlBcuteloD Aerie iiieetlog uf the Fraieras] 0;Jcr eral. XotwlUifiandlng Ihe 1*«,
ing itself srae not damage-l «> sny
■HM 9t the ”tmtt with flavor” and tabea before Justice Walter R. Artie.
higb acbnel caiwor of- (b* storage
of Bagles win be tieid te Travers* Ibe half stonra were coasldersble
lent a team of draft bora.. wervthe "opplea ttat HMe rlshC that art Where be plend guilty and wan given
(Tty on Tueadsy. Wednesday and
came with terrific tuntly killed. Tbe <w*e 1> a rather gin and boy a sort A tonamiteanaaa
heavy One and eonta.
grown U ate Omad Tiaveree regloo.
coaxervative deductlona.
Tfauraday. -Juae IS. lb and 20. end the iorce. there, was nut as much damage peculiar one. Instead of sirlkiog the
Fortheniere. there la not a faint tfaat
Mr. Smith nUtea that be wiU en
It if unoeraocMl the repon will se local memb^ are pteiming tor an U) fruit trees as was at first rapecuM. ham diTwtIy thr bolt ronnerii-d with
applaa con be grows in weetem Ulefal- force tbe tew -Id regard to tbA
Some of the best Urns* (bey
The peafcxnij. the great garden ol (be lightning rod aad folio's^
verely criticise CepL Smith of the T1 enjoyable time.
gas. or oTHt la the etau o( Uicfalgas lent lotting of Brea to tbe letter and
hkd M iflj^ old Bcboel flaya.
A number of aeries tfarougbout the the Grand Traveroe region escaped tewn -rf^ljle of tbe bars, uii
tanic as mainly rmponsihic for tbe
loovee nil who bare occasioii to
The atory bWlae with Ihe Wendtenater bemuse ol (allure lo beed (be sUle hsvc already slgiiin<-d iiiLeations with practically au terioua daniage. opposite'the stall where (he horse*
np rabbish or any otber mate
.■tehee Valtey U WaahlWoa and tell*
body, and probablyl and what llttie there
were sUndlng. Here. In tome .unsc- back for a party or two' a -year or wo
warnings of other vessels: the UrtUs'h
o( Ha haiideowa appln wfaiefa laat year rial to be mrefnl. njid nee that there board of tmde for lax Inspection
this will be otic of the big conventions result from tbe bexvy rain and wind counteble manner the boll beeame aftrr. It U nevsr Just (be mm, tor
tee on to de- Is no daagH of the flamee siire>
•iiteogaged from the rod and crashed there aia always the new peepl* tkara
Bruce Ismay. who was a iinsaeogcr. of tbe year.- The throe days will be more than the ball. West of
and tbe oM -baadi- te tUspenefl tar
_i and Jonaand wlU point to tbe lack of .llselidine filled with buslnem and sports. State storm seemed to vent tu fury most through the aide of.tbe bara.
ttaoa of Nmh Tah>M, vblcfa
In the time of danger. Cain, lord oi league ball games win b<- hold'oai-b .vnd while repnru have been'meagrr men who were In the bars at the Hn« nd near.
dorbarrel ad
( U equal qnanUty.
day between Traverse t'li.v. Boyue ih< re seems to have been contide^ had Just gene up to fte seeond Bqor.
Ibn Ctellfomlao will figure In the
With the anniul play, the cMtart
bMUtlet or the Mclatoeb jted o( the
Iblliiy because of failure to tskc city nnd MatiUtee teams. A ball («sin{alile damage to the fruit tree* but or probably some of tbein might have
auier Bwtt VaUay. %eni which eectloo all danger of forest fires sunlog.
haen Injured. One of tbe men was other annual attracUoM given and
necontng- steps w hen near the Titanic has also been organized auning the' not enough to handicap the growth
4H earioefli ease tact year, are girea
ibera of the Bagba Hod Trav.
peerlag through a bole do*ro al tbe enjoyed by the senlort ovar SMB Of
•whoan rocket signals of distross
in tOL Hood Bhv Talley ead lie
C4ly la ^^Irous of RieeUng
boroea when tbe iraMdy eccumd.
xai aboard the Califomian.
which ^ed 'a anecete. Lb* am Im
Seyeral . window* were brokeD ia
”w«tots pa<^ MM tor Ita Kewtood
Fire which started, was soon exUn- portant thing left te (he gradsaUan
CoagtM* will be asked to eesmrd eagle* (gam lo Gie autc. II.
bouses on the west side, oqe at
gulahed by ibe mea with palls of wq- iteeir. tbe ooniiiwnrateeat Bay. when
Capt. RootroB of (be rescue ship Car- Pleree is msuager fur the local Gagle*.
borne Of J. 1). Middleton nir .•«rtb
the young people step (rote wKbl.i
MiKogM Um eeoUr& The atory ullt
A genocal bill is t«lni: drafted by be addressed.
Ibe at hool room imo ths pate hto
barUa NihtOG npptoe o( Calllernla
Tbe big street parade aod barbe- kula on S«xon«l street and one at the
Senaior Bmiih. wfalrb. along with o:libusy worka-day world (bere U carve
lionie of Gene Fuller oa Third qtreoL
are aklpped la the Bnn^Man siarkeu
«r meaaams already ficnicd la Ifac ■e will be Icsturrs of (he even*.
at their future esreor each In hi*
asd-it atao laG* how the cooatn about
senate and bouse, will *<« cohsl-iuretl Bands of niualc from several tlllm being auiocg lb( ni. .About 2oa panes
wn panlcular line.
Sersatapol la iihIii te the (root as
ill be in atlrndsiicn aod jiria- of glass ait (he Travciwe City State
Expected That Con
aniounilag to gSO will be awarded I: hospital green .iiousea were broke'
Next lo her wedding day. commence- .
duced to concrete legistetloD to
Beat Ever HeM by the
.cut day I* the most Importnnt day ta
tbe Icasont drawn from tbe disaster. the band roulesi.
priies which was tbo extent ot dagisge a
(bit point.
. Tbare 1* a Uralr daacHption ot the
Hunting.fu ovurly IUh> will also
xirl a life. On ibte day aha dens a
Tbe report will criticise (J>e Isck of
fl^t which the (|«ll grewara ot Onnd
made cepectelly for the oecssdrills and teals aboard tbe iitaolc. (lie
-Mm. A. T. .\uriislroiiT of 726 East
aanctloa. Oalerado. make each aprtnn
iweatr-tour and onc-bslf mffis an hour
sud it If usually as elaborate as
fur largi-.-d nuiolM-r <if ludie* FVntil sUoet was sct-v-rely sbockod by FIsna are Beinfl Hade (or an AeUve
in thair oeMaat with Jack flkoat
Suoirper by th*
speed at tb» time of the arddeoL the attending with uieuibcrs of a slaglv a bolt which struck In the yard in
r-r iSBic deiires. la some dtiee the
. >thli palat the atory reada tflu a narBflgsde.
failure of tbe stcamabip con>psny
material for tbe rrameacemest gown •
fn)iil of bar rcsklenrc.
ratlra (ran the aaghN hooae ot a met- t. A large number irom the Tmverae ptovUe tbe Titanic with gUsses for
baa be<-a Umlted to some canals kUnl .
committee of lomi ladies has
ropoUtan Bra dapartaanL The w
tbe lookonu and with sein-hlichla. the
of goods, in expenilva, and with a preappointed t«i tt-ocivc visitiag la
aaya Id UUIng rrtmt happena on each Uoo at attending with
lu f»j«inM- Mr an oid*-r r»wci«e<l vsilliut rule that tbe etyle be sa sim
failure to give general warning to
dlea with lieadquurlcrs at Iteglea hall
cold aptlDg sighL ”The feaerraa are leg the next mceung
oiii ilii- ti<IJulanl^rn<-ral ot (h<- .Mlrh- ple as ran be—sometlms*. they aveu
passeogm after the vesserbsd struck in the lirnsvh block. The entire twt
- MlM trom thair bade and eartatter tion city of tbo north.
iaai. XavHl brigade.a iip-rilng of th'-lo- so so far* as lo restrict them as bi
an iceberg with an Iniiact eatlqtatr.l
fl-Kir of (he building will be gl-.
corgeaa whlHlBgiato the nl^t. The Uvw trom tbe local councU to thecon- at tbo combined force of the broad
CHI dltlelun ot Ibe naval reserve* was (be fashion, and rale that all ahall
Ip and Ihe i-Iub rooiiw cloned for
aolragn li parttapa a hoarier o( a mil- veatlon are Adrian Oole and Ray eldea ot a score of the largeet
•-allc-i u( the arotory Friday evening be made alike. TbU has baan done
thia purpose. There will b>- driv-u
Thacker, with A. F. Cnroemn nnd W used by the navy stid (hr White
Uon daUara.''
for the puiioee of elerllng officer*
l('onlin<ii>l nil |iagr two.)
witb a view to ellmloallng. if potelblo
From 9alenda the author lumpe (o
fill n-rtain vacaneie* made by lire r
rides and gaoles (or the ladies
Uoe company for Us course as to giv
any Illlle sensitive (oellnf aoma (air
li-nailon of J. A. .Montague, formr-r graduate migh bar* wte> <muH not
the awie regkm of KaoMc. MIhodH RIebter of this dtp Is ntate secre ing out larormatiou on Monday of (lie lo-riijoy.
and Ai^aaMB. and then to the Bhen- tary, and with either of the other
manner of this dHlision. Ueuieiiaa risbewate
aadoah Valley la Tlrgtela. He makea and Uf. Richter as official
K1e*lloli ol nffi.crw al llic Woiiian'e
llenry Vaaderwi-rp wac entitled as her fellow'rJassmate. who on the
ex<vo(ivc—A. I,. Joyce. S5ol G<ild
- Mention ot the npple mdaelng powpromotion 10 the rank ol comojand- other hand has a big (at parse bsrii
an. Ig>uj« Lauincr. .W. U. C. 'Or- club Friday a(l criHxtii rutuKH ss lul(Continued on lauie (
ere ot Ohio. lodlaaE lUlnola. then
KX-a'uae ol certain reaanns be
mainc, E. E. \Miiic. J. E. Cauicran. follows:
er upon wbicb to draw foe the
■wtngi ta the Uhe Ontario regloa In It If expected that the Bay City hoys
care lo acveiii. ao Eoaign drera w hlcb cahool mean more to her
Timnmhy Temple.
New oTrk nute, nnd ckieen with 6e will srranRc the trat time lb the hUFIrol Vir-v Pn-elili-m-Urs
George H. Cm**.'who (ollowc'l Van- Ihgjr to any other girl member of tbe
Ftetenainment—U <*. Clapp. A. K
Hndnoa TaBey regloa. which eentara torr of the orgnntentlon. There are
derwerp as ncit in the rank of offl- claai. This Is as It abould be. and it
Joyce. J. W. Ilannen.
S.472 membem la HieUcui nnd over Side Aaked (ofCoMtruetten el the
SctvMid Vl«v- I'rcHitb-iii-Mr*. T. H ■■cr*. seemed to be the man bc*i auit- ia to be hoped Ih* I brtore another year
l>rocram-Gus GoUlteb. Krauk Ad
tbopMDd of Ihna wlU attend the
i-d (or the vacant iiosuion. With Mr. rolU around the same rule will be hi'sniB, 11. Getman
torth (a the atory are several that are
Recording Sc-fciary-Mrs G. G Crox* eleited a* eommander. Ernest inxiarod in thle city. It te being done
Publicity and Transporuiloa—J.-AV.
e( IntacaH to the Grand Trnverae re
Salcnskl was chosen to^flll the office In some of tbe ninet promteent <ol
Tbe new addition to ihi- Ivml posl- Hsnnen. B. H. t.hllc. U K. CIeveIan-1. Covell.
gion. Thr Inatnaee. ”Betoi« man^
offlee Is now an assun-d fait, as (he
StvTctary — Mis* left vacant by Mr. Cress: AnoHier of- leget. nigh scbtMla of in* larger clUct
i’arado—A. l,angworth}-,
years sMmH the entire marketed crop
li'-e tilled was that of ensign engirteer,
work has proceeded to (be poiol Park*. C. Cox. .
Clara Bales.
(Continued on paige two.)
ot iiiaaflwa opptoa wio be ot high
which Hcrbr-rl O. Joy hi waa elect
ITogncial S«-i rciary.-.Mfs. Charles'
wbnrn bids are aaked (or. lo be In the
Ilayd and Music-K. E. Weaver.
gmda. no far as appMrmoee It ooabands ot (be dei«nment at WasbinglohnsoSs^
tContloursi on tiag*
oarnai than Mt and wect wiu be
ton by 3 o'clock on July 2. i:*ir. The
alaoat mmi tooting nnd the rnce «
epndflcatkins arc on file at the local
I.lbrnnan—Mr* W' laivc.
Bure Knot te Beeurely Tied.
he to MOW! who «aa enpply the In>ncn aod call lor the construeDirector for Ihr-e years—Mr*. Jv
rtiirai draaiid tor npplos ot eipfr
tion of a new addition covering l»rki
R. Santo
dally ooMMMt flatow.”
te«t ot ground. It will he one story
di'ci ior* whu-c- term* of of- put (be armor}' in Grot rtess condilioh.
Harwton^arathawrttarfMled. Re dings of the apring was tbsl tolemii
bnsoment with a tin roof, of fire
bol expired arc Mro. J.
In regard Mr the furnishing of the
. MooM hhva teU of Um weaiera Ulchl- ed la County Clerk White's oCice at proof oMstrocilon with bri<^ and
Morgsn and Mro E L. Hughe*
hall, the officers' room is fully
gas oootry and the flavor o( the ap tbe eoort boose at bl^ noon Satihdiy alone (nclng. The specltlcationB also
of Ibe alt<-rnoon was
The iiieeiiug of the Grand Traverse
e<inli>i>od and a riig and a numberr of
plet pMdocod la the Oread Trsverse when Miss Reglns ZoodergeM. Jnst mil (or the remodeling and reialrlng Pomona Grange will be held at Grant ea,ove
buKrtim enUrely. It ■
chairs bavey l,eeu inatalled in the <4ub Will Be Managed lo SimUmatic Han.
three days over from the ^
of tbe old building to meet the in- (;«nter on June :• an.l 0, The follow. decid'x
fill one of the llowdr'bed*
s. Ta'deator.ibe club room* are
cr Far ttv* Benefit *f Vovng
became the bride of Oerlof Boemma ol
We have not (ncgotten the rnat
ted needs of tbe city and to coaIhe library imilding with being made at tbe Greillck factory- at
II has be<-Q sF
taat that tank place in Oitengn la No- this cit}. Juetlcc A. F. NeHInger per
U> the modem meiliods of gov- range-l and a large stu-adauce Is ex- geranhini*. Tiie tulip*. Which have the irreseot time. Other tnati'-rs of
venbnr. UM. when the npptoeot weet- forming (be ceremony. The little enuneat bonding construction.
finished blossoming, w^re also imijortance were discussed, among
era Mlcklgna teak the lend, ahhoo^ bride from the Untchtead eould apeak
tlfe of tbe Woman's rluk Tbe which U was suggested that dehnitV
Frogram June 5.
not a word of BngUab. neither could
they wan hmght Into eompoi
Coder very auspicious rintete'■ of -Mrt I.illl*n I. EvaW-®» slelM 'be taken Immediately in (fa
2:>ii. p m.—Grange called to order.
fhe nademuad. but tbe groam intersymte* tbe V. W. C. A. bom* was tortoted upon tbe bunorarv memtwrahip matter of pre|>aring the hall lor
Singing old-itme popular eongs.
^wted tbg words to her and she rrThe loinmittee appoinfed to take dance. A conttnitU-e was apiwlnted t mslly oi«ned Monday afternoon wbe«
CpOt>era<lve Marketing of Fhrm
I ibem as the beet ahe could In
hA The vktory then won In Chicngo
reoeidioa ta tbe people of tbe city
te of the General FedH-ation make iovesllgalion and re|<oft at ih
Her Home Friday Products—E. O. Udd. Old MUslon.
onttttod the wentsm Mkhlgna reMoa the foreign toegue.
Mr Boersms Psasnd Away
.Modem .Melho<lF of Potato Culture— Etedowment Fund reported l4.r-0
next meeting, or «t least alihln tw In general waa held al tb* tedUtag
to rBoallMiUiMi la any and all nrtlb«a from the Setherteitda In
band. The fflllow-ing papers are to be weeks. About a half hour * drill ws on tbo corner of Casa and Sale staaeu.
S. U Bratebrtdge. Grant CekiCer.
ring of 1911 and li employed at
There la every reason to baliev* It Is
by the club of the M. 8. F. W. C. participated in alter tbe meeting.
Mr*. Cora Fuller, wife of Fred Ful
RotJulton- -ftntb PauL Cram Cengoing to prove one ot lb* Uggaat
Bureau of Inforniaiioti for use in loan
ler. 143 Base Tenth street, died at 2
tnoremenu ever known ia (he citr.
Rocliatlon—.Mrs. -Nettie E. EvaBi;. ing: "How MayWe l.ite Nearer tbe
o'cloek Friday afieroooo following
It may b* that enr vtetery o( IMP now speak and n
Tbe fa^e is about (urotehed now, arSimple IJfe?" by. Mra. Frank
an Ulaea* of only about a week, al- Traverwse City.
haa not haen toBtowM np with nantengoage. After tbe licenie bad «hoogh sbe bad been la poor bealth
emenu for a systematic manage"The
RcMlv-ed. That MlcHgan Should
beta tesned tbe coopte enqalred for (or aoam time. Sbe te aurvived by Grant Equal SuSr^e to Women—Af Cbild." by Mrs. Edgar Keith: "Tbe
; are under war aad It is expaclDutch mteUter. There ia none bere ^ bnsbaad. two brother*. Sidney sad firmative. Silver I»k«e grange: l
ed that these win be no dlfflcnlty
Cliff Dweliera." by Mr* G, H ranis;
the fact that thr Julius DlaglusB of Ibis city; cue sis live. Grand Travel
anppiytec girte ^ women wtth
Paper on -File*. " by Mr* C. 8. Vadfhn TnvMoe Otr Board of Trade to knot baa been qn aecnrely tied
m aad benrd at a very nnwiwi figter. Hra. MeUsugbey. of Grand R*(>Important Points in tbe School Law
eee Umt -n tnffWently tend hdlM U coBld be by JnaUee Nerlinger. It ia tbe id*, and nine ritiidren. Lodte. Cter- —Fred Warner. Ou'Mlesloe.
e. Tbone wlsbing to make arraageDurini
made to wmrnat.the mearmnes of
brWea wiab that as eooe as (bey go enea. Fral^rry. Goorge. Beateh.
!Dta are requested (o- call at the
Washington.- n. C.. May 2:.-CoI.
p. m.—Butinecs meeting.
nsrau. a w te Grand Rapid* the Mremony be per- Sate qnd't^ea. all of wbom reside 4:00
me where they may talk
wnilaiD P. Evans, recently In com
7:00 p. m.—Uterary program— lifbted the dob memben by a |
eanan ths p^h,aUun of thn Aory loniMd over annla by
at hossA
er Vltb tbe president er aoBo tapmand of the 2?-tb infantry, autloned
InRvptrtD^-Fnnetnl s^ces were brid from
wotesn wbo wiD be ta euaifi.
At the eondnsk* of the bosioeas rvJun* «.
Wa i^.icnflMiag tmlt with flavor
Mrs. De^ baa been aaMfltf '*•■
(be bona* Saaday afternoon at 3
1 the retired list of tbe armyg:(K> a. m.—General i
..MboMnts mar* senmd by th* e*te.Ington streeL Mr. Boeraae made ap- O'doM. Bev. Demas fwhtie gf the: Traia* wm meet vteitor* at KarUn tainment coauaUlee. It was decided day. Col. Evans U trom Wlsronsln. matron, white Hr*. Canrkfc itofl Hn.
Nlcntkm tor natarallmtum papen af OongraMGsual ebar^ onriailag. t tl:M a. m. U. * N. E. traia team
hold ObUdroa's Day on Batardar, and waa gndwted from tbe Weet Newberry win have ebat«a of tii
ter the wedding.
Bartel U Oakwood.
Point sradeBfTn 1671,
Traveroe City al
a m.
,<«**“«• ^ mJ
. -r
Will BE MUBia B(BI
aum'MVMm manj), m tbavxus bat baolb.
Grand Ttatetse Herald
and Ttevine Iky Eaf^e
Twiae a week
frtWekX Vnmtmr aat Tkmdy at Twt— gty. IHchHaa. ty
«iiy nian who has bad any boautoM training or experisDce, and he
is the least likely of any man narned to ateiire tbc nominatum. •
The United Sutes baa uever had a bnaitiM man few PreaideDt
ainco Washington, who was one of the imiHt tiiorougli going and
«ssfii] business uansgers the rountiy iwer has had. Never
e Washington.'has there be<'0 a busiiuTU man in the Prcaideut’s
chair. Our iwesidenta have been lawyers. di|ilomats, military men
or purely politicians.
But it may be tharihe busiii.BW man. ami we im-liide tlie farmi-r.
the most iaiiKwUut businns man we liav(- ttMlay. utay asw-rt himself in 191C and ask for the repnweuUtiou be is eutillnl to in the
agemenl of Ibe guitwumeuL
voted thc'liall.jr^ WWUrti is
is worthy cQu-
c h- Woiiir^of •Avn.wiro, do y.»ur own
and keep away from
from our too^the I’as
I’aidtourrt tyjs!
CralatioDtlaiw^ 2.900
m ibeaevtU Sweeps Mr. Ttft'sBo^
lie mnlU of the Primai7 election in Ohio ou TuisJay were
jfVTCaUj.Dot niexpeeted to those who, ereogin part, understood the
rilMCie*. We nodify this by eayin#, “in part,” because if there
^ k
MS in fte United SUtes wha understands all the eonditioUs
of MW poIHica, wc would be glad to meet him. As has been tiw
ease in aUnost eirety state in the union, where the primary has iiecn
• . osedin connection with the presidential uomi^atioo, the ballot has
•Mt an' wtnplicated and so impossible for the ordinary or cxlraordtaaif'f»t« to nudersUBd. that the people at large arc yet uheer^
dakrofAe renilts in ^ese states. Ohio is no exception to this rule.
are wnting this at noon on Thursday and nobody yet
ksewt Um popular reanlta in Ohio. If the primary is to be
tanafcstatist,Bstioasl pnrposea, as we have aaid time and again,
anst be simplified. As tbc matter sUnds now. we only
^OMcvelt has carried 32 of the 42 congressional duo
tlipi* <tf the atste.' Poaaibly before the November election comes
. ttariB hs ^wn what the popular majority for Mr. Roosevelt is in
OM'. fiWi it makes no diiference. Mr. Roosevelt has earricd^Mr.
fia'i ovp state, by an <n-erwhelmiug majority.
Tte “Uoaqnito State” of New Jersey, is yet to bold its primary
4i4 both Mr. Taft and^Mr. Roosevelt arc now camiwigning that
' a£As dM adling eaeh other bad uames. One-or the other will l>c
tbe New Jersey Mosquito, and we have reached a
|M^ lAers we don't eare mneb whk-h one it ia This whole cam
ps^ lias bera a disgrace to the Bc|>ublieau {>arty. and haa dtsgitwl tbs whole country.
mtUmr stands todsy. Mr. Roosevelt will bo uominated at
Ike CUsagD convcBtkn. Mr. Taft's friends claim that Ohio is not
fM*sfy to his nomhiatioB. It is barely possible that thb is true,
Ml «e do not ^Ikve it. Politieisns tell us thst New Jersey
owb • ptJitical condition, that even the result in Ubio will not
t0m tbs «wdt in thsC«Ule. Thu esnnot be so. The Ohio result
rtbsl the New Jency result, and New Jersey is the last sUte
^ fidjr dn to elect ite delegates to the Chicago eonvention.
As the matter atands todsy, Ur. Roosevelt will be ths nomin<>c
«p ^ Bq;niUiean-tiekeL If be is he will have the biggest popular
that was ever civen any President of the United ^tes.
Mi is a mere statement of fact, without any regard hr refer(M to ti» peraonal fedings or wuhes of the editor of this paper.
As fqod of toe whole oonntry in ycaii to come, he believes it
dtodd’be better to reUre botji Mr. Taft and Mr. BooaeveU, and elect
mA M man aa Qifan Boot or Juatiee Hughes, preferably the first
Mtosd. W# believe Mr. Booaevelt can carry the country without
- NtoT T«trk iUte. Mr. Taft cannot. Therefore Mr. Roosevelt is the
BoatoiM of the two for the party, and as stated in these
«q|nmiia aodtc days ago, the Southern vote, uncerUin. mireltable. a
^ «rtc bm toe states that cannot by any poasibility give a Republi« Mc«or, can be esafiy influeneod to east a vote worthless in a
mi^lieitn Natlmial convention, excepting as it nny nominate or
itondfitate that'the popnlar vote of tbc country would tupMa vote, as wc btve before said, is easily influenced, easily
.mtopod by tbs entbusiaam of a great national party gathering, aueb
towBM assn in Chicago nex^montb, and such a gathering as this
dMhfiry wfll never see again, for tbs National eonventioua of all
toil year will be the last convcuUona of that character ever
. UrsD if a ecoaidenUe portion of this t
vote is. tlius
It would settle the majority without question. ^Ye beIWogWore. u toa matter atanda now. Mr. Roosevelt will be no_ mMlBhf in the Chicago convention, onless the party, through its
representottves, eondude that a oomproraisc candidate » better for
M ^ tor the country, and wc have no hopes for
iSre-Mtisfisd, however, much as we dislike and
<&Hnmve of the primary system ss it exists today, that should
Jto.- Boos^elt bs'nomitoled beoante of this complicated impeTfoct,
^MMlbiriiiliiiy ^Mmn. be is today, and will be in November, the
'"strongest esnaidsts thaf can possibly be presented by the Republitan
party to the votera of the connte}-, and no candidate that the
tmqtw party ean name eonld be elected over him.
This is a suteaeto dkUted by present eondilioiu. Nothing
Ml a poUUeal cydone can ehsngc tbeae coudiUons. ud that vydonc
k BOt likely to sweep the country.
SV. WOe^'s
Dr. Ilar\-ey W. Wiley is sixty-iis y.-ara ..Id iinil he lias p>l a baby
sbout six daj-8 old. We imngratulate Dr ^’iley on his jiaitbrnl
vitality. Presumably this is b.-eause lie has b.TSi fcsling liiin».-lf
for many years on liis own fonnulas. Dr. Wiley is an eminent ex
pert, wc 8UPP.UP. and sine.- k<- retired from lh<- «..veTimieu1. where
hb salary was small, to take eh^c of the Keei|H- Department of a
noted magazine, where his u1a«)r is many timi-s greater, ids au
thority will not be less<-n.-d. but why should his |H>or child sufl'er
that the Doctor’s reputation may be iqdield. Dr. Wiley has laid
out for his infant a line of regimen that woiU.I kill any onliuary
■ ■ y on the atrccL
The Doctor saya that for eight.vn umnths liis-baby shall hav.nothing but natural food. IK- saj-s. «.f .-..urse .hiring Jbat tim.-. .<
little white of egg or grin-l (think of it! gru.-l). may l>e sduiiiiisl.-red^in very small dian-s, aud then aft.-r that eight.-en moutba he may
grailually .b«- given some e.-r.-als. pn-sumably Itattk Crei-k eer.-aU.
little,l>arl.'y broth'^.-aii .anyone iiiiagiin- anything mnr.- alMH.iinable than Iwrli-v bmtJi f) He may hav.- a Jiltb- slar.-hy food, pmsibly
li-ft over-from the we.-kly wasliing. H.^-.iuay liave a litth- fniil
juiw (U- veiy t-areful that tin- fruit jui.s<|is in.i f.-nueiit.-.l!} lb}uay have.a little fresh,.good m.-at ui.iw^- dm-lor is gt-liing .1..wu.
to busiin-as).
Aft.-r III- is thr«-e y.-ars oh! he may have a litth- guml fniit i \v.roromnu-ud Grand Trav.-me fruit). If the D.-etor e«u hud a
thqt can be teatwi ever>' f.-w we.-ks f..r tnlH-reulosis g.-rnis. an.l hrfinda that the cow- is frts- from sin-h gi.rnis. and tin- milk is |nrf«-.-tly-«-leaii and piu-.-. he may In- ali.ixv.-d to (Iriiik a little of thiv
" '’kt
' 4Xf9 0
Th<-ii he is going to hav.- this baby 8li-<-ji out d.n.rs (but perhaps
be will cover it up on a eoM. rainy, aturiiiy. shvly. haily night).
ts going to'see that the lungs of his little son nr.- filled with i>wre
oionc (we reeomnn-nd Grand Traverse ozone):
lie verj- simple.
*>f Uiis.
His eh.tlii-s nn* to
Tln-re will nut be any trailing roln-s,
(We approve
If there is anything Ural is annoying to the .-hil.i and its
mother, and cs{iceiully to fatlii-r. it is th.we huig trailing ehitln-s
Uiat custom baa diH-rinnl shall be worn by tin- iufatit Ui.- first y«-ar
) of its existence).
He is going to let his little hoy kh-k his fi-ot
free and tunibl.- ns In- wants to.
<W.- approve of this).
All tbc elotlies an- going to hung fmui the slionld.-rs and Ih.-re
will Im- no pins diow thankful the father will In- that tln-n- will l»piiis to m-arch for. when the niotii.-r li'u g.me to the eliil. or
bridge partj ).
When he-gets a little ol.h-r li.-'is going to be put into roiiijs-j-s
and sandals, so tliat his fet-t will have a .-Iran.-.- )<> grow.
. P.-rhujis
the child won’t thank Ids fatli.-r for those big f.-.-l in years to e.iiiie).
He is going to have the child drink lots of wat.-r.
inside and outside is good for diildr.-ii.
(We hojH-
Water laitli
Won't force the water inside the eliild unl.-ss he m-.-ds it) an.] tlnDoctor is going to kwp this water Uiat his .-liiid drinks, at IiI.hhI
(Think of that!
tepid water all y.mr lif.-T)
ll.iw would y.m
Thera will IW- no cool milk.
That itiiisl
also be given a mid-summer temperature.
Now this is veiy idee, but what kiud i.f a .-liild will Dr. Wil.-y’.s
ehild be. as soon as he b.-gins to n-alizi- all tlii-ra- things, mi.l rvulize
what a wh.>l«- lot of fun h.- is missing in tin- world T
We woml.-r if the Doctor will want to k.-.-p this id.-alix.sl .-hil.t
au-ay from all A-.wip8iii^.uB who have not bc ii st.-rili»-,l.
help Dr. Wiley's child.
It is.tln- only lio|»- for him.
Tin- iT.-st thing
that wc know about this womb-rful infant, is that Ibe Do.-lor has
starti-d a bunk-account f.ir Jiim.
He will ii.-ed it.
A Word to Women Advocetes ttf Seffrtge
We are glad t«. kiioxv that .Mrs. Pankliiirst iind a f.-xv ..f In-r
oUtreiK-rons swoeiatv sniTragell.-s. have Im-.-ii w-itt.-in-.-.l t.. nimiiunths iiiijirisuiiment f.>r riotous ............................. prop.-rly. siirasiiiiig of wiudiixx-K. iiit.-rf.-r.‘uee with trade an.l busiin-ss. It xvouM
liavt- be.li better if Jln- s.-iiti-in^- had b.-.-n uiad(- long.-r. but tin- Kiiglisli still hiix-ow>oiiie regard for the x.-rj- fact of ..................... . not as
repn-seiited by Mrs. I’ankhnrst ami li.-r followers. Init W’oiiihiiIi.nhI
ill the abstract. Kv.-ry Knglishiiiaii'K motli.-r was a xvonran. Kv.i-y
Kiigiishmairs sist.T is a woiimii. Kvery Englisbiimn s xvjf.- is a xvoI. IK- .-annot .piile forget this fact. Thft-efor.- .Mrs. I'unkhursl
and her rioloiiK fiilliiwersjil.) not ive.-ix'i- th.- full putiishiiii-nt thev
The English xvoHieii are y.-t vi-ry far fn.iii the aee.ini|ilish-
meut of tlic iaiidahle obj.-et f.ir M hit-h_lh.-si- (inmly rejiresi-iitatlves
of the sex elsiin. fslsely. to be workiiig.
It is only s f.-w weeks siiu-e som.- society w.im. ii in the i nited
States r.i-eix-.-d tliiio- women with honors, at i»rivate galln-riiigK in
the hora.-K of w.-althy and infiu.'nliHl'Am.-rienn wonien.
In a miinbi-r »f eilii-s where thi-y w.-n- |M-rmitl<-il' 1........
r.irthy of those ae.-«>rd«l them, liny pnblii-Jy stut.-<l that in England they xv.-r.- going to have volesTor w.iim-n if they hii.l to d.-stn-.v
and burn t.i a.-.-omplisli this purposi-.
England, is far reftioved. Invaus.- ..f lhe .-imrse Hi.-s- iioiorioiis
w.mien have taken, from the Wfiilmeut of tin- xxork iu xvliieli ilo-.v
are engag^.
In the United States the w-oni.-ii who an- asking for bnllols nr-
JEm ^ AmAM
How tjtooU li do to try, onee. a boaineto man for P^-sident^
Ml ii • boiinM igt. Men eare little today for politics. Uiey eare
MTs tor dollars aod-eenta, This is a aordid view to take of life,
M ws are apsakingV eooditkiDs as they are, not aa we would make
tbOB if w* could carry ont the higher ideals of life. The daj- may
rtfibe' in to^ dim future when this can be done, but we can’t do it
today. Thia a, therefore, erapUlically a business age. Not that
. cotor
*■ wrapped np aolely in the making of gjoney. as some
i^wor Maids, the auekrakera, would be glad to convince ns. but
MMuM toe world happana, just at thia time, to have reached that
|RM0 ia’iii stflatevto tost brings us to that point. It is. therefore.
d'm were told twento-*ve years ago by a <Ustinguisbed American
dttosn, wbosa memory will be held in higher and higher cateem as
Mis tasi DB, a condition, not a tbeor>- that confronts us. Men
Htoto; stt Bbd'tocsp boainM. and yet no one baa seemed to think
usiug argura.-nts inst.-a'd ..M.rielw nr thrx-ats «.f <1.-Kinirii..it ..f pn.perty.
Th.y an- using eonvinving ar^m.-nts that an- nn-Hing Ho-
approval of the un-n to
they must l.s.k f..r ehaiig.-s iu Stale
ronatitutiolis that will give Ih.-m the right of tin- luillot;
state has already spitrove.1 tbi-se ehang.-s.
stai.- after
Other stat.-s an- iH-iiig
ask.-d th.' asm.' privilege f.«- th.-ir wouu-ii. and this privilege will tograiiU'd.
Not all the stat.-s at .luee. ii..t all the statra this year, but
toe time is ann-ly coming when the women «f the
SUtes will have^he same privUeg.-s at the ban.it
But let onr women reniemb<-i- that this eaum.t Is- ac-.-omplishe.!
by threau; by ri.itous public gatherings, where English sutfrag.-iies
of the el^,f Mrs. I’ankhuret. are allownl on the platform.
77te %eaU in Phdlail^
A f.-w days agoji Jxidge in a liiglier r„.irt fined niiotb.-r -lii.lg.'
.-.mt.-inpt of f,.nrl an.1 th.- .tmlg'- win. was fini-.l,r..r eunU-mpI
,»r (Vnirl now .i.-.-1nn-a that he is-g..ing to jnsisf iijMm the nVall ..f
the-d.s-isioiv of tfic jialjf win. fiiM-.! him.
This is tiringilig c1i»s-
Mr. IKi^vHls attenhon Ss .-alh-.l to this. Ihnt b.-'niay
Uirongl. figinii.g H,.- m.KH|uil,K-s .K.xvi
A w;..n.|.-rl;il n.-x^jilay is
|.. I„- l.roiight oi,(
It will h.-jyi.-d “Tl..- New Sin"
mind to com-eive of.
\,.w Sin” ought
Do Not Forget Sir. Bryen
Agiiii) w.- n-iiiark, do ii»| f.iig. i du.i Mr. Mr.vim
a D.-m.M-ral
and that this will !h- very nmnire.-j ;,| il„. Italtii.i.Vr....... .
kxoktna to
*at.1) at aea. Two
atww-be* i«
Uiv dissBler «m loUow the prwsoBI*. tkMi nf tl«-r<-i>arl neat TUeodv- Senalur Snilib will Biakr a *ppm« qd iIm*ubh-<'t add ikciiaiur llainer ol Mao land will OlM-uaa "Th<- lawaona TgneSii
Conpres* an,I ihr IV-.1*. I,, (be Ti '
latiiv nisaa^^
U'outluuvd from I'aBc <>m-•
ileruiaii Klrrbuvr. WUUani t^Mpl-IL
KJoaiicc—Ed l.auuier, '('has.
Joe ToL'inka.
. - '
UecuralloiiB-Frilr ttsuloTsky: J.t
llunkey. lonn VaoKiirro.
To the peeole of Traverse C.ly. grcetmo:
Time, the unreltmiess; st»ps nol ar.d m pasBrng. it takes with
», I...
Strong, nor dees it hesitate for-the feeble.) The good and true are
no barrier In lu path.
The patriot, the here are powerlesa befor* it
a« the markers In the silent city increase each- year, we muat pre
pare more •wrealha, x«e mint scatter more flowers. That th.s sacred
duty brlnga only oorrew to ua make* no difference to the inekorable
day bnngs the more tears.
Eaeh one In-
ereaaes the moorelng. The dayt paaa and another soldier diee and
his cwon is smaller. Every year th, dleUnce to th* eemotery j,
longer. Every year the journey takes a longer tlme.
We must all face the final preposition the time when the list old
soldier vrtti be the honored one on Memorial day i* almost at hand.
Tim* emilea alike at joy or tears.
X«e cannot have 'll
And ai the momanu fleet by he tee will Join hi* comrades and the
rotter on the other side will bt complete, t
Therefore let u* honpr them while
them we appreciate the living embodirnimtAO' «he .memoriei of thoae
gone before. Let them be the symboliean^of CeUyrtiurg and of
the other field* of fed. Let those who are spared to ua be the perso
nadera-JJ. XV. HODUCII.
tV>ra.raa, A. U
IUnnii.-i Sara tlirrew, I. W’. Css-,
l-'ra'nk Kay.
Hi'l.-Ii- I. 'Wa 8lllfU^ t'llBS.
iicln.-. Ernnk W.-llIbTisirallnn-KartJayn-.nraa.Kls
lajt. <-ba*. ErerctL
Piiera-^Wni. nrlshyiaapt..
(TevrlMid. Kart Jajw.
_R.-o. pll.iD-d>ell Squires, O. (•
pric. AI.-X Smith, Wm. lirtctalhaiipt.
Albert Novotny, ilawler leal»-I. ITr.!
Hill. Ki. Ijrainer. Fred Irvlii, Hr
Celnian. \V. l>.-r. Ci-ttnalnc. Jud t-an.
eroD. fhaa. farkt. j' J. Onrroran. K.
Rtrobm. narei(r« Aldrtrh. tlan J^el
ley. John .AitloM. Frank Riley,-«>H>
Howe. Ihiii I.aFaMBoe, n. Root. Frank
Kl. nnV, «
Brnk llelpen. Ww.
M.-Mlrli.^Ch8B''»tom^«c« (iaxmiu.
luid iLc enlire k-lav.
nification of the entire Grand Army of the Repuqiic, th* grandcM ar
Eecaps* an
n Awful Fate,
A lliouaaiid
(sand lofi„___
_______ .
iw.wa.ih.- Eratllude
Eratliude of ^i». J. K. I'.o.
of J..H
-Ill . for her wondeKoI dell. "TypboW
. La.l 1.-R
a droiil
Lot us treat Memorial day as the Sundsy of Sunday*. Sunday'
' i-hr wrlics. "SotUKlInim
of the dead, no sporta. no gamea. no holiday, a great sacred Sunday
awful ^eounblae. spells
when a natlan stops and bows it* head vrilh a tear for the dead and
thniiElit t
. .
honor of the living.*
help trmn do< loF« treatirK-at or
im-dirl*e* till I iimvI Hr. Klnga
. W. 0. C. GERMAINE, Mayor.
lilmtixTy. Hill I owi- uiy life In
w.ilidi-rt'il n-iin-O. for 1 •i-arrrly iviuEli
(jiil.l. a, I wife. Il« IIIiiiKi irl.'alih- of nil
II ihreai
nnrt liini:
■rin- (ilTiiviw .if the rlanii are: I’re- iiH-dlrlii.-a. Kxer. bulllw auaraule.'-l
►ill,-III K..l«-rt Miir.<hlc; vie,- preekt.-nL rillr and fl."' “ ‘ ll hullln fr
terse (Tty.
Miaa l-hilor Sn.der; svertial-)', di-ase
(Continued from imae one.)
Mtaa lU-k-s
Bi'idea are su|«rlor so far sk enllnc
simUh; ord^or, Ml«a Marjurie IVl.-rquality ancs to llio appics of oiu-half
H I: . hi«i/rt.|ihH. n.aa, SleUcr: tla*.
of Ihc aeetiolis racDUoneil in*ilie arti
my of the grandest republlc thi* earth ha* ever known.
To carry
this out t. a» mayor, call upon the people of Travera* City to pause
for one day In their uausi employmenU to lay asid'c their callingt
and oecupatlons,Xo look back Into the pact on Thursdsy.SSay 30. 1»12.
ele in quesHoa.
Now Is Hie time for
o* to elaborate n ranlTraiira to bamtner. home Hio cialniii whic h westers
hiatortaii, Uiaa lllani-h VVrlpbt: rluss
poel. Tllciuu teune. Oiunaelur, Mias
A gmll*
Is a jireiH
It. hard ihiiiE la at-eompUsh
The .Ibm bw " balmne of JM*
're -blue." MUou* and -out
.hen .-oo-re
Hlehicao|roal(c* of belna tho reaioD
Ttiere Is a sure relief (or
that proJurea the -fruit with Uaxcr." tbc in-arury ai^llic pr<-«-ii( time wilb
liver nMuidalnia. iwa
Ihi- r.-<-.-l|ita BilU to eouie In from
Bli|«l biB Olid d.*|wi>*la- liK. IIEK
k>-iilor,e»'-uniloff,4ihi.-h will b.- phcii im-K H sn;AR-C.OATKn PII.IH a.lo IVi.wkey Join- I. by boat, and (be
(horoiieti. sad effertlve In all
tuilc of ihi- uniluais.
(('.mUnned-fnini I'ai;e tine,
flan* duj exi-r.-lses will be plve.i
all mcr lin- enuiitr}. tiiid xvbj
ill.- mimol XVi-dniKcia)'. JUih* :• an.l
o- <v>nimi>n<-<'Uieiii propni.n will be
Clan Honors.
FoOU-. «TU- |.l«.n«
Bixen the followiiiE I'xeiiiiii:. TliuniI'lnx-.- pirls lii'lil (he • lass Imn.ire
da>. Jiiiii- ti at Ihe nty ugwra bouav.
f.»r this M-iir.
MiHs Klhi-I
Kile Uiiil Ih-aii Airninit. I.eni aimer
nboae bomi^ Is at Mnple f'iiy w.i:i
iinli lilllE
»l '•II ivr li.
IS xalodiriiirlnm while in the rn. .& HUTZLER.
Kmiih UaalUW. Uicb.
aabitalorlBR hemora
were |w,.,
, June. July ~tue*»
klhis.-s Ethel Urn.y sud ll<-lun SiHiHi
(.•oniiiiu.-d Inoo pace om-1
• -x.'lieiiii-ni. it will iriihlsv tin- Inalike ll5kt Jl wiia di-.j.!e,l i<> .livide
•hir.-i. iK.- of .-viiii.f .,f ihos<; alHKird
l,» Tra»,
tuinor, <l» away xiiih n Knlutatoiy
Iir.-t-uiii» iiiKur.l llio-w- viniEClmB
dr.-BS, iind IHE(.-:id .MIsb Hr.i>
X,;...T ill ..lew of the fa.-l nhi.h Ar. Solan
^sr. CUy.
an ii(ldr.-mi in tin- iiiidiTeKidtiat.TS
'.•xi.k-ii.-.- .how.-U, lhal Ihe lit.- MIks Sinl:li will pixn 111,; Bd I>wi<. V.I.IC h .-o.iH lin..- iuk<-ii .a
. niEE «iis lOLi flown
dreas of Hek-umc.
IHviiile. rarih-d oldv Tof.
5 Gallon lots 80c.
CMar Run
Lake Ann ..
puns Rivor
Empire ietn.
Sfwtfir ;33! S:in
|A. M.
For use in g^iine engines, automobiles,
antJ for cleaning purposes.
p. u.
Gas l^glne Oil.
4oc per galiorn'or in 5-gallon lots at 35c
per gallon. A good, cheap oil for gasoline
. lill
A U Ip. M.
11..%. i:;«
D. BIELT. O. P. A.
The brat das Engine Oil made at 60c
pa gallon. If you use il you will save your
self a great deal of trouble. The place lo
gel it is at
!f this
iBCfi of tbc I’nitcd Steles are open to reasonable argum.-nU. but they
a man. who baa for forty years eon-
W.- t,;„| supism.-.] (hat
the world had trie.1 .-v.-ry sin that it xxas iseoiiMr for Ih.-Jniiiiau
ours.- is persisted in. the ballot for women will be d.-layed . Tbc
Therefore, the advice
Tfce reinn will aSTo.«le more IIIpl-osis, 0«re «i*a,he wireless si>i«
■s an-l other e^uramnat’
■ wlij um-i
will not mibniit to violent ami illegal drmonalrathrrw,.^
iu New Jersey.
There ']* a l)tile imdination in some of «ur stai.-s
to adopt these unneccssarj-. unwis.- and violent m.-fhods.
le lke'n-.-a)t of Judgni' dn-isHiR.
auiyly^.tbM is dune, just so surely will th.- day of votes for wxe
•““m; gstar-a-s;.?"'*
of aiifrragi'lt.w.
sid.-r it as soon as he
& im. at tbe pomOea ai
e tt* Aa ^ Coaemu of Uareb 2,.1S7>.
tobbda|, iuy a,
Of—OFJkwit * nua ftnwwto
On the Sunday School Leakm by Rev. Dr. Linscutt for the
Interaadooal Press Bible Question Club.
Her. C. H. IrriPff «poto PrMv <
ibff. Sor. P. H. Ompia snvo •
pkmafT talk Saturday ereniac. .and
laat erealoR Her. H. W. i^ye had
ebaasi at the eoaeladlat Beatlna
The offlcMv for the
aulni year were-elecied Satnnlay allerpooB aa followai Prealdeni. Roy
Tbonaa of thia city: vice preaMent
Porter of ^ti Jordaa: aecretary*
EtRLY tuDmwaT
The womderfn! word* of prw»« for wroBs under Ibla new law laid i
tbc-1. K B. g. r.. trabltata lait waSk. Wr
r i-Tfalrd videaprMd iaterroi in
14.) Wbal are tbe erlla of tbe
Uc*i rint,. w *e a*cid* io givr ■non oaiba of cameraadoB?
;n<:f extrsil*
iS.I Many IBM take God'a nai
vain babItBally wltboiu any tbonebt
fflaUtlea la
Hwhod >
Prealdnm H. J..
U. a. AlUnr of Ood. Whai U tbe motal QBalUy
rollrpr. OrrfOii; 'I ooMidor your
-a n
It babltr
nnonloni iniroirly pranloi and ail.» Doea It Of ^ and why. add
aiuUUna IO ibousbi."
ce to a nOTautemeni II U la aeatioaa of
aeoate will bcRia tbit
ItnmphHri. -jaaior
ITrabjtfTttn larked
k«d np ^ atroas Untnate in any wee* with
of expedlilnf leChurch. Taniaeua. P».: ■ .\o prala* s
) rraeniblinf awearlnaf
RiaUiion and a^iuf adfourai
bratou apon yoor vIoHr
Ver*e ST—What rule ibouid
Only SOc with
of cunaw a* math aa poaaMe.
rcui'clvod plan aod lu «xccil*ni #xc we adopt aa to the nae pi worda
dollar or more pun
publlcana leodera like Lodfo of HatMnitlon. The quetlintit are teau. Tteli bsylix or aelUna*
rhoaetu and Boom' at VO* aru tryCcsnirTbenxIveoeaa apjiealx
• 8 I Wbai dOM JoanaArtually m«
arxm I.. Hire. Secretar}, New York by -let your conDunlcalkm be yea. inRio brine the aeaalon to a cMe by
Siaie Sandav gcbool Ataoriatlnn
nay nay*" (See Matt. ril:3d.s;
le poualbllUy of an adjournment
-The emaig feature of Iwlna __
I Arrordlnt to tbe tbenKhl <
by June U which the houie tlemotl»e U of rreat valoe; I «|ab erer''
CTUtic leadera are pteealnR. wbllo
paper, abeiher ilaily.
uainc many worda Yend toT
atany aenatora any early ailjou
;ihtv. would print (bwa
Jaa. lll:|.;—Of two peroona.
I not only impnrtkable. but ,
Ilcne." Riv. Waller Bennett. Brad
* very o
ulkatlve aad ibe other
SlronR preaanre la belnR brouRhi
rurd. Pa.: -| 'would like to nay Ibal
I lii^ape
'apeecb. whicta It likely I
aenalora wlih a Hew of
tbrlr exi^-edlnc anneatlvcaeaa Inter
e initbfBl. and whyr
advanrlnc tbe hour
cata me They elevate the leaaooa from
What are tbe alteodini evtia
and boldInR nlRtt mllre'nitiiBle letter (omnienary to t
haaieo all neceoaary
hUber and nioiv preh able way
Willi. apprapriallon bllla
ukine (be areal a4>lHiaaI ideala In live TcMir reaaoea.
volve.! • Rev. .1 K. Snuirea. Cenlen
• 1.1 • Wbat
M. K Chun-h. San FVailcltco. ’tnaaierii" or teartaera take upon tbeoi
-.^ai mu'h dellfchled Indeed that; iiore than oihera'
hiiM' aevnred (be inaertlon ol
Work ■
II4.I VeraeaSd-Ifninaniierorirttheac r'ueailooa in the 'Kaamlner.’ I tenda in word, io what other way la
ahall cladiv help In all p.«ible wayi he liable to eSend?
trvencuuraae. the mailer, and am tor*
man coairota bla loatoe.
•• i«.pa»tora will do the aame. deea be (here'by control bla entire na.
I. hreaaer. Penoa. X Y r "I 'Orel Why'
|ktive conipllmcnifil the editor of lb'
OC.i IVfaat evH and wbai Rood can Coban Offleiala Claim fUvolutloa la
‘tribune- on baUoa tbe qursttoBa-ln
• lonRoe doT
Cenfinad to Oriente Provineo
ve til.. iui,«r Quite a ,-nd oO
• III What power la it that caniea
pttipit laai SBtday- Her. P the waRRinR
.............. ............
n. Claaa. Paatnr"M. E. Chnrdi. Cbel
• III VeTBeaT-lA^-kBilatbeoifly Havana. May 2T.—Cralaer Prairie j
Ml.'li.; -I bare a cbM of fltu
'hirfa can uim an evil toBRpe wltb TOO American martnea arrived i»l
and rmd it very easy to aronac'
J a Rood'one?
as Guanuntrao ROTemment on.-j
animated and prafluble dltcnfalon b>
1».» Why la il that tbe
asaen that tbe rsvelution la conthe
•ometliiMa raraw and other flood enUrrty to Orfeuie province and
Umea bleaaesT
tay.lt will Boon be flUmped euL
value, bin tor the Irainlnic they aSonl
Ventea !I i:—If a peraon't
HRtoBROe la wile, la II or pot. and why.
poailble for (hat perwon
be tbe reconrtled Aild of
TruMifulneae. Matt. viltrsT: Jaa Cod*
(21.V wm a trut Chriatian dver
tpaah evil of a neighbor or toll an un.
truth? Civa'mir i«aM(i. (Thli »•
I It is a simple patter to open an
of tha Quaotlena vatvleti may bt
•wwd in wri^ by tnomboea of
count with the First National Bank.
Bfoti. i>. n I .
•be club.)
or another. Rpb. iv:-..
CM Jaa
Our officers are always acceadble
Voraea 38.3C-\Vliai i, the OW aweara to back up a auiemenl. what
Teatameni law coneeniDcoxtha7 iSee it (he effect upon bimaelt. and bow la
and are pleased to meet any wbo desire
Kx. xx:T; l.ev, xixiH; s'im,
he Reuerallr rwRarded by tboae to
the privileges of a checking aecoum.
hem. v:lM
whom be la apeaklBR and by Ood?
had Jetna
l.nton (or Sunday. June 2. 1812
' and to explain any feature of the ser
Hypoertay and Sliicerily. Matt.
of this institutioo.
judicial oatha
OCT A WA-lfln 1
Nowadays. yer>’few of us are called on to'die for our country. ’or for ant
flreat cause. The mam tiling is—
Do we Live fop it?
Sometimes it's a really jireater acliievciheiii to live for a (liiiifi than to <Me
for It. Now you may tlunh this talk and this p.urittMc anniversary cif Decoration
Day has nothiiui to do with the every day l«isiness.^Bnt the hi«J idea hack of this
cejebrauon is the biii idea that ouj{ht to lie ImcJiofeveryiliint' we d<i ■
TJie man who serves his community and his ifellow men by doina as well as
done, may he. in a true sense. Uwg fw fit
Odd thiniJ that neeils to be done tsi to deal fairly with all men. and sell
C.W Osikw.. even; to give every man value receivetl. is performimi a good
service. - We arm to curry good clothes and give good values.
Hamilton ClotMng Co.
'Traverse City, IVIlch.
While oui- sales have been good, we still
have more goods than we want at thig time
and are offering some great indacements to
quickly dispose of this stock.
Can find something in this stock that he
can use and will need before the season is
over, and he can buy it how at a saving of from
25*^ to 50*^" Under Price
If you expect to need (and you do) any
thing in ImirtenieDts, Farm Machinery, Ve
hicles or Any of the many lines of merchan
dise we carry by an means sec us at once, for
at the prices we arc now making these goods
move quickly.
The Farmers’ Supply Company
__ ______ B4-U8 state St. Tnverse Qty, Mich.
Just thethlaiftfr N
work, ftuodiadi. a
wearing a pair from h
A. V.
Easy To Open An. Aeconnl
George Weidner~Oled at Summit City
' bury M. S. Church.
Ccorpe Weiciner. a prosperoii* farm
er and old resi.ietit of the Grand Trai
} erre re*lon. die! at hit home In Summil Ctiy at S:.'.n Sunday night. Be
.vldc^ the wUlow be loivbt four aone
lohn of Traver»e-rii.v, George W. ol
Gfliilac. Henry and Edward of Mon
lana and four dangbiera. 'Mm. Clara
•lear ot ihl* . iiy. Mr*. J, nofelati.l ot
MantoD. Mra. K, J. Noble of Cadillac
nnd Mr,. C, 1. Howard of Oregon.
Tbe member* of G .A n. Pott No
18. W. R. C.. Spanlib Bar Veterajir
and their wire* comiuiaed th^mlll
tary body which Biaretaed to the
Asbury M. E. cbBreb Sunday morn
lOR where apecial aervicet »-ere held
(belr boBor aod in memory to (be
silent heroe* of two wars
ebnreh wad very prettify decoralcd
fltf*. babling and fk>*«ra. and
aa (be aoldicr* mart-bed ap (be a
vcomiwoied by ibelr lad ea
t tha i
aa an iniPIrlDf one. Rev. q-. j.
Coates Rave an appropriate *ei
the oecaakKi. (here *w* apecial
music, and all around the day proved
Almond Pieret Wat Heavy Lexer by
Interest lo all wbo aliended
tbe mornitiR aervioe.
WmUuu,UuiR, .May 2T.—Burins'W ,
-l.ylrical »iorm which vlaiied thl, «il
lace about S;50 this momtnc tbe I'avn
nwneii by Atniond: Pierce was nru. k
' l.y llKlunlnc anj burned to the groimd.
Cheering Newi latMd by Weather
toReiher wlih all tools and (arm liupleSureau.
mem*. The horwe«.aod
-aved. CoBxldersble damace was a
WaafatnRtOB. May 27.—Hot weatber
h the Tlllace I* prosilaed for the cemtag week
of. tho country
of tbe Rockle*. according
ly bulletin of'jhe
'jhe wexihi
wexiher buretn if.
led tonlcht. ' ,
-Censldenbly e^ler weather.'
(be bulleiln. ' will abnear in ibe northweal about Tbun^y and'orervpread.
Ike JBAddle weal by the end of (be
Tbe liaioaaetnral preeaure
will remain low. wUb vhowerK
Doctn-weatern diotrlct durtag tbe next
•.erer*! day* and a well deflaed mom.
area will «verapread the middle wear
Wedatodar or Thursday.-
M. C OviaM Candidate
Judge ol Probate
piatrlet Chclatian Endaav*r CenvcitUoaCtaaad.
• ua aanuai coBKMlloa
■a of iba
tbc C. E.
society (or tbe elereaih dl.trtct w
bcouRbt to a ckae at the t>i*ciple*
ebnreh Sunday eve«lDR.havlngexteoded ever three day*. Tbe day BmeUnRi
curl prinxrie*.
Mr. Oviait has been a re«ldent
were beld'' in the Prteadt church,
tbit rocntiy («r chlrtywlt years, a
while tboue of tbe eresiac were bHi
Ilia BCQoalmanre io county wid^ felt la iba Ckarob of Oirttt. AH tbe meM.:
ibxrx.ter beyond cjuestlon. aa are hit
.luailOcntidda lor I’lo oSke for wbiefi loff* veew writ itiiaSid sad peoeed «f
—- tboae wk« are Aatorestsd•Abe Beeka tMBaaatlo&.
If you administer Itusinesa. persoDal or organization funds, you are invit
ed to consult with us.
IlraulIUaatlKm. AU'awall; H yea dkU%t
your rival fat the order and may yet the
•tomen' eaUrt trade. Wake up aod pneh taa ]
"BEST” flour made. Tbe I
ol thi, flour heipo pay your taxes, pave year I
•treeb. build your odMsI houoeo, DoMtareliB]
made flour do do mupb?
If you are thinking of buying 8
Come in and see the “Alaska/' The “Alaska’', is a
solutdy air tight and thoroughly insulated, hBvtegl
eight distinct walfi. thus insuring a perfe^y cbldf
ice and provision chamber; but the feature that has 1
made the "Alaska* famous is tbe drctilatiai 'Hues J
that carry tbe moist air from the provision
back over tbe ice. This system of air drcuJatiaa I
keeps the provision chamber dry and swmC at «H|
tiiiiea. No sweating of the provision chamhCT. no']
mould in the • Alaska. ’
‘ ^
uip TEAvmn asuLD, im rtAms* mt **ole.
• ben In trying to relcose a slab froir
larblne bla hand «Wh_^iiRhl. N(
Mrlom results are antldiai^.
The last week of the great
Salurday* Joac 1st, our great sate ends. The most successful merchaU'
dtae event of its kind ever held in this city. Thousands of dollars worth ofsea■oDable goods have been gold at great savings to the consumer. Hut we still
have a few of the best bargains left Accept l{ds Iasi caU - conae tUs fast
week, and make your purchases at these mneoy saving prices.
Sie.W poats............................. S5.8S
I2S0 coats.,..................................
ISSO coats......................................
Suits in Serges. Whiptmrds. Mixtur^
aad Stripes; in blacky navy. tan. grey,
and white. Suits With large collars
and wide revers; some braided, some
with fancy braids and fringes. In fact
a good up-to-date line wortb^p to $25 at
$9.45, $11.48,14.48
up $19.50
ISOO coats................................. 1L45
ai.00 and J22:(I0 coats............... 14.75
sovr roiTS,' gSot «2.00
SOc Wo* m,u. .n sim. John J. Clarks 200 yd. machlniT
..................... m£h .............................•..•...'....34c
............................. 3c
4 spools to enslMner.
llm-.K.kbiPuiU, worth tia 33 iorti D<w<
BOW-BI.DI Biaa* soiia,.
po-y«d ......................st..
-U >to a eottomer. this sale. .Ite
This Week afthe Barney Co. 1
Tbe lust week ol Ihe
May Sale
Several very special featwus^tt
'that “cap the clitdae fiaing. .
Told How Many Stokers Were Caught
In Compartment Whan the Au
tomatic Doon Cleacd in
Crowds Thronged in Front of Churt=.
to Get View of Cortege.- Whole
Nation it In Mount.
Bay yoar
N>w York. May
In tnakins an
Inspection of ihe ivhlie Star liner
Olympic, senator .Oinlth discovered a
valusLlv wKueas in Frederick Barrel!,
fortiier chief sluker on the Tilanlc
sow worklns
the (flyhiplc. Bamli
toM Smith (bat the Titaplr was so
ins at full Bi>ee*'wben she attack the
ice^rs. Barrett tesillied that many
(tokers were .rsusht In .1^ compart
meiit from which be fscapcl aa'the
sutomsth' doors dere closing.
terns, per yard ............... 4c
mu .wywh-. rt 33 to 33.
■ -M* prto ...................$3.60
k»T H
, This Week
Your cliolc«.ol slock
Your cBolce ol slock
Ladies’ Coals
All new, values np to C*f|» CA
m your cbOicc
$13.75 ^50.'*'"“
$9.75 J,T5.5f.“‘“
S^e extraordinary ^40 CA
values at $9.75 and 9Jld*«>U
AA Fok* Serge Dresses any
99*UII value up 1o $15. Misses
and Stouts only.
Sixty Dress Skirts in all the latent
fabrics and new.
graceful lines
Worth up to SS.50.
^1A AA For an eyklraordinaty
9XU*UU line ol Silk Street
Dresses. Foulards at $5.98
to $3*50 fof WAISTS <n lawn
and bilk. Worth Si 25 to
$S 50.
The Barney Col"
157 b\ Hront St.. Traverse City. fSch.
peohaaon. Ifay i4.-Th- l-.dy ..f
f :.V.M
,be-lnte Kin* Frmlerick,vm. ..f 1.,-..
murk. «1u. flh-d May
bn' '.‘.V.V.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'iS
iThn Markeb-f!
kieue. o«a.n^
e Mar tt-ItUBUue.
Loed Mukdt
lodny In the ..................................... fo-hi.
Hiedrul.*! Kf.^klld...W-.l.«rk.l
r Min filla McCrum. tlxteen^arblcrOamiMler orirr.-MKd.Mrs. WVtl
MrCTetn.!l4C Cau Sixteeiilb Mrvet.
filed ni H o-ctiH’ti ilils iiiumlni: ufief
a short fltaesliS-’itesides ln>r faili«T
and molher abc leaves Ovo sIslerK.
Funeral services sill'be hi-ld fror
Ko. 1 bOTM hides ..........I1.S0 and np St. Fnnris vhnrrb Toesda.v iikiiiiIbs
at >-o-clorW.
Mrs. H. M. ThnbUn. titter of Mrs.
Geo. C. Bates W married Inst Wed
nesday to Votney R. CbnAckt of LanEveirn ElUabath Ptyn. alicteen-i atns. Mlfh. The reremoay Cuok pUif
of Mr. and Mnk.1 rt the bone of her dauiliter, Mrs.
Carl PTtv. 411 Bast EiRbUi street, died y^d (Mnnell. 1*001180.' Mr. siid Mrs.
Wsdoesdar aft«noen. Puneial svr- Can^eld have returaed to UinstnR
vicsss-drs held from itae.4ionM at » anc ere ai home at *i>8 SoiiUi Ce^r
o'eloelt JWday momlns. Bet . W. W. SI reel,
Ths many friends of Rev. and Mrs.
McKee offfetatlns.
At Mm aatt ttrm of the elreuit court 0. Wellineton tMrran. will U‘ sorr
•nnhsr of BatnralUatioo cues wRI to learn of the dsatta of Mrs. Curran
come np for haarins. AU petitioners father, which occurred May :;i. ui.
for flaal papers at Utls tenn mnit be Blnshamton.'K. T. Mrs. Curran
preasBt *ltb srltaefses In conrt on railed 10 Kev York April 8th.
Mrs.* Ada J. Germains has pun
Tneaiar. June 11. at 1:30 o'clock in
ed a half Interest in the
Mode Mil
le afiemooa.
John ruUar. a femer rssldaot of linery store of Henry' Mlschnewski.
tbit city. 'dM a te« days uo at bit The Ann will l« known as Palmer
bome at Bins Island. IIU from riiea- snd Germaine.
Julian Fsrton euflered a tAty
ibm. Three bretbers of Hr. Bnllor. Loren. Prank nod Fred, live here flnpter on the left hand while ai
the present time. Many old resl- at Ih eWellfbHiEman plant. Monday
.■pwarU-; .-I
Women as f
Ooo n- -II fih)' f.
Wash.' dee !>■ pn-mL tb- v.i
' - "J '
aii-l u
tom «i ut*.
Ib^'saod 'jcurs. v.iih
.•..rytm.n.v tV- u«-t--.l ,.i till- . .ip.;.,’
impr..»siT.-n.TfB- ..f will.'ll, was a.
tine of IhO UUi-rnl.Jian.' for It-rtAilile:'
taaled bj Hie wid.-u]irea.l .-vid.-ruv-s
K.,,, ,.«*
pidiular aorrou.
uiifl iiuefiut.
princes iiii'l firluiv-siu-..
Knind dukes, snd oilier im-mlierii of
Kurojiuuo ruvullt. toft.lhf-r nitli u>«reA
d.>|il.if<.l i-n-r.v«li.T111.- liiil- liuif tiinM.-.] ll.irs ami
1 britlbiife.
I’l.riBiliin X- llip lies ,
II- ........
mem oud
; Nasu*.
Mui k l.iiT.tiiis b-iwi.. .ik .■..•i-.!.!-•
ou« in ih- I«x.i-r .l u.rt. rx of ilii- . - dnrztmy atiiri'd -diiluroatistK und
as ihv ri.h and f..le;um .iraiieri.-* ills'iiiil!lar> and n.ival ulTiM i-k biade.ilru-.-l.. dlspl.iviu] vu-tlii'-fu.udi-i ol pul,.
ucctie. wRIiin the c'rtitiedral ime of iinkin« Ilf IWiiniark. with ilio U.naser.
. •
i..r J.
a eallui.
-- ortl-rtle 3., melt 0-- iB.iilm
i. u lui.- Iiar-uin 'ou
■ u'-. anvuiiiar.e ol.
i-.-:ui vuvnal U (mm •. rapiv.e oiUiujl aif.ta uffveao.-T Juba
Queen laiuisa. sat n--are3» ihn uliur.
I Were sesU’d Ihe tieriuuii Cm • Til.- miotmu:..' v’”»ii;‘.”f town l“V
l/rtT. Hie Klni: of lireofc. Queen .tl- I.I.- mtirt-d In lil.i'k. u«Hi..l l.if il.ou
exaiidriL the Ikuwuite.* Kmpresa »1 Itus.
I I .vnNil- from tiic t%«iii;r
ala. the Kina of Norway, the Kins cl dt-iri'W. Hiruiiu.-.! Hi-.........in in li- •
Sseden. rniii'e .Waldelnar. the link.- of l!,.- .•l.riH.fai.l.orc .i.inl.'.
• Im
and llucbraii of i'liuilrerlaiid and Hie •houwinda-tif oiher* sii.’ l Uaivlieo-i.Duke am) OutbcAs ihe Meckleiibuni
Ourin? the ;>n>-»ae« of H.e hea:ii.- ui-.
Schweriu. all "er'jf luKu .were vlo«.-l.v re- luouruTs from ihe cbu. ■r..i- .;,i:
Uied to the late monareb.
wa; aunop.
The funeral servUe was fine Of Im iraversod by ih- fumpresalve simplicity.
The primate oI
hedeed-wiUl line*
the UsBlrh church officiated.
E:ichJ w-iiid.o, ui:il nu>'K
olfirera of the Danish srni> < airicfl the :ilon? the ri.nfc u.rL^Mi ct
coffin to the chapel of Fredero k V.
.-;V .-alf.
tbe deceased kin?.
:iie In-i,
T-» 1*. at
•e ihe remains »ere emoml'--: K’
side ilinse of Ihe laiLer Snd nin-h. r ol
A. W.B.nJ, tS^Fn^
The .f>m lu*inie»r
the serf ice was iiiurkcd l.v :i s;i!-;ie
Tie May Sale Summer Silks
Some of ttie Best Offerinos ol ttie
pixASE Non:t
This Store. Closes all Day Thurs
day May 30—Decoration Day.
A Special Showinn Uii'^ VVvek ofScvcral Good lines
Will be found here during this—it's Iasi week. Come
to-morrow or Wednesday. (Thursday were closed)
Friday or Saturday and select your Summer outer-gaiments.from these exceptional bargains.
Ladies Coals at $10—wortli $15
^ Thea* Long Coats arc made of high grade sargM ki navy, tan and gold,
beautifully trimmed with silk, braid and buttons; self combinations or eon.
ting eelera,
with,all the newest .conceptiras
eollara. euffa 'and ro1. Extra apeciat (or the
verp. Perfect fitting end elegantly Ullore
................... gtO.00
clesirg days of tha MAY SALE, at only .
$4.95. $6.95, $8.95
The anasolly htavy iasine's ui? h^v had-en Siikr, enables as now to make
these very exetptionaly low ptice.^ on ihe remaining lines where asssortments are broken.
59c lor 85c Foulards
39c lor SOc Messalines
79c lor $1.00\SUks
G9c lor $1-00 Black Ra|ah
Were f>c yard, nc.% at 5?
Foulards one lot at 48e
f.;I. .
.II^ “5e to 8Se valuex at
Special at 79c a yard.
31..25 36 la. Black Taflela al 89c
I new and taken 1 sm the^S7.S0
nation with plain'
the different Ideas of elev-
the eloaiog days of the
S7.SO to $22. new at $6. $». $11A0.
h asyttWMfWr It market vartes
and MIeoet’ New Spring Suita, worth to-$22.W.
now at $11. $14 and
See llie New Beaulella Silks, aolh ol Gold elc„ at TtVc and Sl.SO
Four Special Bargains in Wool Dress Goods-Worth thinking about
35c Instead ol 59c
WUIe Dresses and Summer Dresses-^l kinds
We have hvndrodt end hundreds of the prettiest su•!l>*•^^^resses. suitsble for street weer. lor drese-up. lor speciel occaeienk for afternoon and
> a bnaraifW Una of whitA dwaeet for eonflrtdhtlen or
*»ry tAnpBhg AfK-pHcet ‘ Wo invite Inopectfen,
■U day MMi iMiFaeAlAM
89c instead of $1.25
65c instead Ol $1.00
$1.29 Instead ol $1.59
I- .
Save Oar PreniMtai
Have yoo seen
and on that account the May Sale will continue one day
$iSlii S.;iTY. AAbPH.
O, ■
PAoi lira.
Klttia CeMon. OW MisMo«....71»5
KMC Blrdaey, Empire.
Jennie Farant. Empire M
l«a Waller. CMar.................
Mrs C. A. thaarar. T. C. R. 2. -OntJ
Ada •urKett. Cedar Run..
Anns Gearing T. C. R. a..
Leila Copetond,
I. Lake
Ann RFO.
Betale 8la0la.
Hattie Swaney, Old MIesMm
Event Half Over-Opportunily Time
Now in Porce>-Subscription5
Easy to Obtain.
Mr^Roy Paaae. LeUnd
Celia BeoH. Northpdrt
Helen Whitten, Balet.........
e BurfieiMl.
Maple City..........57B95
Mrs. Retat Lackey. Old Mli
ne Blacken
8. Bay R. 1. 58195
Julia Eetce. Batcc..................
itklnaen. Burdiekeilte.. .88725
Mrt. Atkini
Mrs UbbI* Amnld, Batea.
iueptegper. Maple City. .79185
Mrs Rue«
llchardaon. T
Jrsaie Brichl. aiaple Ulv K. ;
yrtle Oreen. T. C. R. 7^.. 81165
Mrs Myrtl.______
larparet Wilson. T. C. R. 1....81175 Jeeale Newman. MapK City R 2
I Marparet
MatJdosler. T. C. R.
Irs. F. Wilaen. Uke Ann RFO.81125 Mrs E. Ray. Clenmere .............. ^5
Mrs. Ola Fredrteksen. Nerthport.81475
Oertrude Urdu, Old Mission. .81715 ! tna Hell
Mrs Keldernouae. Maple City. .44673
cafbpain It RTOwlnc oM. It It not 'Alice Oatlund. Old MMah
. . .MIU
. . ,j . hartotte
Mrs John Hoekins Kewadin.. .41395
>UM. WilllamMurp R 1.8M75 | Mrs. G. Richardson.
Mn. J. Send. Jr. Suttone Bay .3Mr$
It U Bllll In the spreailloR tlaxe. if
BunjecL "OpponaBUj - It Is the i
ChaHette Thiea. T. C. R. 5............8«7«5 [ Edna Tremm. T. C.
Mrs O. Kaever. Empirt .............................
yoD haVe been tblnklns uf stanlns
' prnloeBl word ibat eninm InW tbe
Mrs Mary Keesier. T. C. R. 6 complex existence of preariit day
hoes Oonalaon. Empire ................27410
C. Haxet. Old Mltaion.........23975
AmrriraDS It ■ea&s ererytlilOB cw li
Clara Btruis Buttons Bay R. 1. .23715
luenoa nothlnK. lust as it I* baadled
Mrs Lois Ennis Elk Rapida R 1 28815
by dJIferent inditidoaln.
Mrs Betale Grdrll^ Cedar-Run..?8873
will see an opportuDlty wbeie pautber Ulu E. Thomas 60$ W. 11th...10^
Mrs. W. H. Broom. 802 Front.. 108173
will carefully sldesiep It. Bobm- ops Dorothy Maaaonich. 42* 8th...107155
Mrs ROM. Barney. T. C. R. 3. 108995
iias bammcirad It inio to ai^m that Lola BeoAeld. 1122 Roninsula... 106175
Mrs Gilbert Pray. Wi
It ‘knorka ooee at e>erj mao's door." Cocll Van Natter. 425 2nd............185375
Mrs E. Toner. Crewn
. 98375
Mae Aleard, 403 W. >th ............ 184975
■ »a sogar-i.
Bogart. iMnue'cy................
Vara Osborn. 208 W. 12th......... 184670
Maggie Demine, T. C. R.........
^laa of uacb day briwa-ndrenb koock. Katharine Psffhouien. Whm Bk. 104385
Mrt. A. Stewart. Crawn
Jloat of ua claim thal it ha^passed ui Uvern Cook. 713 WV 7th..103695
by. or we were, not ai botna efben It Hens Webtter. 120 N. Cedar.. 102115
Edith Canback. Kingelcy...
Cera Scofield. Wllliamaburg
Mra. Elaa Newell. Fdc Uke R I 91365
N'lite ladlM .Are udIdk
nuke Kau Bracken. Cor. Oak « 2nd 1C02«5{
e Oavis T. C. R 7
Msttia SmitN 854 E. Front... .MM'-{
Scott. T. C. R. 2___
alaalpna for a lllile bit of pleasantUarparet Flfarek, C1I 2nd......... M3S>
Mra. R. Van Oc Boggart. Bchden sr»
work amoiifdielr friendi And neiKh-'Flennct WInttra. 2M W. 12th. MM!
Mrs Grace Perryman. Acme.
BmV AnyW thla-week will be a
Lotharlus 205 8. Elmwood M7t!
Ray Taylor. T. C. R. 4... .
»«i.!«. IO IB, ««ud.
Minnie SargenL Summit City
Ida Whitten. Batct .................
" i'yMrs
PMyf Carmfnttv
***' wondrrfel K C Cook's Bonk.llm. Jaort
Grace Teylor. T. C, R. 4 ,
and . Mis. Anna Korn. 1104 £.8th... 978751
Boetnn. Conkinc Srlionl
Marie Smiley
VlB. yet Umr 'b always ralua-ble and Oraee McMichsel.
Lewi. Briggs
Br .... Acme
_ , _
---------------Mrs Lewie
. «.| 10.1 I. .0. fo,...r. »b.„ 1.'“™- L«.i. •I...
Oora Oavis T.
'. C.
c. R. 4................. lias
Flay Ottingcr. 925 State
Failer. File Uke
he momeni like the present one. The Mrt.
. ...........................
T. Temple.
Tbe K C Conk's Ronk H illustrate is 9 colors, coglaina 90 tcslrd ssd
T-. C. R. 2 SOUS
rea&'Lotta Crecn, 1029 Waboter.........
Weboter.... 96175
peraoh who w(jl not execute his rea&'-Lotta
,woven rec^ that wUI 1w jarrrtry*/ rr«jr
Adeline MilVori. Y7 C.'r^T .79675
nt an expense of many tltooaanib o
Mra. Earl Gilmore, Fife Lake. .78315
rartl. They wio
wID be
ba Joat
}oat in tnv.______
thv M.udt wimer ..............
and if MUrhxscd at a atore would e
Clara Arnold. Bales .................
hurry of everyday tfalra.
Klmliner. 413 £.
SOcetrts.'sel we Rise il ahsoluieljtJrr
Mafy Green. Acme
•rieon Vinton, Wynk p 81365:
Some one, w‘bo ^Idently
spoke Mrs
wont vita to kn-iw exaetTv what K C
Mrs Leon Wolf. Mayfield
. 88675
LaFonUcc, ]36 Fro
1 do I
Powilrv b and what ..
from Utter exparienre. baa apt
Mrs.-Hary Wilson. Bendi
llnei. 853 E. 8 ..83755
your owu kilcbru. Aon
"Tlw whole aummer of eti
Etu Barrett, Kingiley.
ara Oufley. KIngeley .
nlty wUI noi be long enoiisb to bring BcatHee Babel. 8
innic Zick. Elk Rapidx I
t« walortty «ke fruH of delayed ar- Lillian Nels
lit Cii
Ikm,- Tills ii worth
. Ter
thnught by tboan who are
^ Logit Dexte
713 .E. 8lh.. 65785
Mk-..: ■*
E. 8th .. 6178$
bemmlRK artlve In this i-snipBlffn. ns Mrs Wm. StawarL 8»
Write your name and addreea
Mattie Hopkins Mayfie^
1 Bey.. . .6C3*>
v<4i aa by those wlio ha«e eiiten-d Mrs Chat. Decker,
y Jjaisly on tbis
‘ils coupon. At. 5S6U
:5 Wash .55235
-lene Hendt.
Chlcay^,. \ tacb the
... col.es
,. ..eed cvrtiArate
aad bale beenn an arlire campa
re. R. E. Wc
pui-kril ill 25-crtlt ona.
-for votes Tbe peraon who •
Mrs Henry Bachlleben. T. C. H3 50725’
Minnie Pankop. S. Bdm. RFFO. .46715
s Mark Craw. 225-Wath. .
promptly, eien though be makes
Cerena Bmiih, Klngtlcy
Onnaloaal miaiak'e, will auereed In
Mrs. Cec. Crisp. Wllliah
. _______ ...42185
the kind run where tbe
Eva Haywood. S. Boardmsn R 2 41195
EHa Hankloaen. 4UI State...
wlwavi fans '
VIrl Dewey.
Fife Leke .................. »735
Francas Chervenka. 530 Say.
Mrs Frank Sayen. Mayfield .. .a97S
Don't fM the Impreoaioa that IbU Mrs Phil Frleman. 730 E. Fi-ont.33465
Send for
Its FREE r
Mrs Mimio Clark, T. C. R. 6. ..61315
Lircila Rtrry, ButtOM Bay.............56785
Mrs Leon Hull. Empiro..................58165
Tha Bcnld sad Bacord Oo. Ptoao OoRtast
To be uetad on or bofert June 4th.
i i'>
For............................ .......................
.F^U in tbe name of the lady-for whom you desire to
1“ and prmu-nt lu Tim Herald aud Remrti •«■!€» bn «r lie-
scaiLiE: of votes
KHptlon ,1.. 0, the ^-’V.V.Sl*nr
Till' f.-lliiwiii" si-idi- c.f v.iti^ i» in fr.ni' fr»iu M«y IS
nil ti>
ti> and
and iiirliidini;
iiirliidini; .Imii'
.Imn- SS
Ag Old
......ihlh..... xSS;ss.
' “S'"............ '■ ■ ■ •
it'i; si'-r" ssii
™,. U„ .„ I. u„.
How to get the
Cooh*» Booh
g“........... "..................
MONEY TO LOAN on pood and well
iiiiimiiveil fatniII.
lia.lr. .11"
Flaie Bank IIMk.. Tni'*T»p I'm,
aprll rj-tf
T««lh Extf«c«c4 AhMlatcly WltboKl Mb
(be "Kaobr- luelbod 1 eu ra
without balu.^Sd^lthout iba ut« M
drugs to prixlui-o UBi-unai-loueMas
Itaopia of uervuiw leinporamaat SM
with weak beans will-approclatu Iba
"Rnolar " meibod uf puloiast ulrbc
M8-209 WHb8lm block. Wllb Df- N<4Ba
worth, Tnvorau Citr. Ml^lthK '
Clothing Co.
Clothing Co.
“We have the goods.*/
Our great variety of
Suits enables us to
Reach all classes of
P'ltbrI Sttsin W. r Rock t:ggt. ll.iR
per i:.; nillty stork Keg*. IJWi iwr
13: M. B. Turkey Kget. Ueearb. 84.M
tkiiilh Maiilluu, Micb.
ra -mav. pinr. juiv*
We pay l.ighe-u
i.ilrei lor WnoL*
.Vrlte or rail ue by Hlbnr nhoee.
hKIK\lAN\ 8 C
“O'e have th" goodt.”
Our Men’s and Young
I Blue Serge Sails
iiai^ are known far and near
k»mtM lun MMM fc Men
CarTneW Hen MtaSwr Si kUii
Suits from
as being of great value
for the moneys.
Conservative Men of
middle age, also hnd
the plain and mixed
goods jast lo their liking.
i-v .V
Nifty Styles and Materials
for young men ate found here
in Exclusive Styles.
Oar Boys’. and Children’s
dep’t is worth lookimg into.
. __p*»ALi), AHD TRiYM* BAT BAOLt. Tniiia)AT,'klt?^’a»U...rl
liii shore ol
'UtihlcaujieU tho^'niatrif one hundr^ and flflj d
(k«t • I
Imaeflrlal elterts * ihe take apon th,' rorthtraore. It Is a lart, thikt
( BW dat- as far north as Tratrne Oi»
The adraatai« et the cM sprtacs'b a^ur« leacer day tbae
FouiHfalion of HeaH^
Is that all eeceutlm Is heM hark and' dar to the htltade of Chlcsxe or
d-.tsred nntn the poasIbMIir of a hi:i |OTalaBd. Tbb is bMaosa of the aa*
advastate of the prahatlar
OlV auiBinrrand earlT lall^ that'«s.-
It i>
the peal Iranth ot o
*hst t '
FLOTR i||l'
frorta «r« avoidod. These rros
nmtsts a
eoBdtiionBre ofThe ulneat vt}«e Li
*TTltl|« ot
.;'«r>'~:sl^^The Panama
IBT CTOIIB. but n which our fsffrer friends in Ohio and
porlslly baits.
ladUaa think we catsaot krow. In caaal'bin. with a druilr prevtaJoo
•Mllr •bl»ll>«l.
Tb* mol iBperUnt Ibliui tbal •
•namn r»a do Tor h*r««ir. on! s‘«itt ronoinot cBporJtnrB, ■
Cilloti. B-.iuim. Jllrh.
CUrk. nraa^'U!*. Uieh.
this coanectlon oan
be memleeed problblilac rallroada swninc or coo
•tenns Hit ‘Chleate ^Irat.
i> l^ke MU'hlcsa tkioA r.iore ibsB mr- corn. Tha look da>a SBd short Blabta trollInK steamdblpa. Which compete
their IsuLjtswa. and rsBilas
oitr dimsta. It almost chsnseo It of June. Jnly aad Anpist brinEs this
on anOe ofliblons. A careful studs crop to miBure 1a h fewer namber of jrae psaaace to Bary Atn*iviiB ship,
days ^Rfls the Csae to Ibe touih '«( ‘waa pa>M-d b> tbs be-^e I' a vote . '
oaTi la the loaf day* with Ha warmth- Ape
The atoendB-rnt of Hepre
rltoiato^Riral reroriU Tor (h
5iaiea shows ihsi s oiaj.-irit'i
.«f the storais (hat rlsti the north r»n
It I* I- ... .
awmOr SUlUd
«r Madii
11 Is Isr oo s vootsl card «lu do.
rsl slates tonie froBi the itnnbaesi.
klylpn sunablBe UM encouraner the ..otBtlre iktrePiM of UlpWnan to the
CrowHi and prodoeea veacisilnn that i,in nnjrj- AmMiktrahipa free pn
front hle^ldae Hat near Hie raaaiKati
border, and that, they rs$e their hsr 1
U characterized by prest vtKor. II la vileftes wa'a adopM after a hard flail'
Ihe shon rrowlBR season that makes i,,. „
12C. roasrc-viu-.
eat In rrtisslne ihe prairie lands in
liskols. MInBesoia
and ^Wtarossln aach creas MW
The it'cordt'funlirr sltoa'thin wbe i of the country.
the Ktorms sirike Ihe per iillsr aimoe-
In the ixmbtrrat.
Thisisoncof a scries of articlesbelog published by
the Hereid, and which io
City olTere to him who will cast his lot
i»»r opporum-j
rmnn i
- „,o,p|„rtp rnndlilona
ides that are excepdouah
. | Mlchlsan are snirh as
iitoniit to turn arurth
”T»S irlfoijre In Traeerpe City twelve
al«>» e
ernl than In auy
since (tic famine of IMlI.
j and warmer
Lam si .veifk ismtiBj iWwa
SMMtUbt wrstc.
Scott’s Emulsion
nmeb^ csbiitiM and bsUs
WtkiUlaMr. AI.Dm.vWm
s of winter iir of
Tliey sre-favnred a* are the
peoide of Iml few i«its ofihe rountr}’.
I ' Wafer ahsbrba heat niore alowly
than air and radUlea It more slowly.
Hart arc lha PiBurtt.
'filinstoloiticai sidlisllca oeverlnR a
eAiore Their nervous
npcf-a- 1
syaiems to the l>r*i of rosJitI
The Aktosn ritnw that we liave all
the rainfall needed is
ntmn* Kond
tops and to kMp onr ajcrlcultiinl ABd
s lii
friHI Tan>s
■ Robd condition.
V, Isjfis lake. May ».-lAwier WVl'a \\> wonder If they will pui)l..nk ih«
whn baa Imen very sick is able lo he nm. e«»rt lo ac-ure |M»lia«a of boAnnd arimrvd asalBl i-V't, ziu^nd
■raln.dealera. who asuemblnl here In ■>rtu»
>uk Thpaipsun frvrai Cenlrai loike
IturrsD are
lir^e number today for the fourieetiu vuuied bis auut. -Mra. Anketeon a «
Ihe Bli'k llat^Tb wc«.
pur itntia crops are pBedUSml fm
this' year
V.-Ahfiona ehikMr*..
aununl n.eefinK of their siaiitlaikin. The .-ojiienUan -a;'! I»* lu
f. w da}* Iasi w t-ek.
Mra. fl.Ttr»de Kithardson sprat a
0*»raa of
.b, b«i .ro. .b, b..ibr,oU«u.|______________ ^______ —." .iriS.........
foresla. which make ii
H.UlVl-;t.l.-S fO.M
iW'HKR for sini-k and |•.'mllry.
(locio'-A.Dnd H
Him- It
A laicljec aoe*
■ I thoneht H was a cancer, ne >
aoBp slfuie.; Ijfp I»JH*
I. „PW Ilf,
In all nic.ll.iae.
•Ar last I UM-.I
it shtwiy Impana the
that \
Rahe. and wa* con>|iflel>
, •• • Bxrelleni
It has absorbed durlni '
fl'-nh. Tt.
:«wi's poulir>
('lire* • tp-i'ns.
tioll*. niceii..
vn Vnt- Ih<. Aart
Btonuteh. liter or kWnet Irmil.l.-*
.1 IBcrWSe* 111
As the pret
Id Tor IhU Aart j.
hrulees and piles. Z'- cents at all
I’rli-e ,
a*. Sold lit
Sl»t- of Traverse <iiy.
{of the N'oiUi Amrrlru la from the weal (-k,V
u,. un .« -nr
Me think the -phtoa mtear ta
LONG lake:
O Just a forwiaate of. whM It will he
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when the ladM aa> allowed to vme
Fort Worth. Teiaa. May ci -num-
A •uecaaaful Farmer
senion iliree data, with James
lAhe IK-ilod of more than a score of year*
ns miwh nieuiljn "■ hR stock
ttim' of Wichita Falla presldi:-.:
Ultiiiian perTenus much Ihe TuarUoB show that the itrowiaK season for the
lr*es-10-bls ov.ii'- .Ml Mo.l< loses
Imes and It I* the cnod
of a *reai Ice box. H sh.wly lakes up,u,*nd Traverae renlon
U approxl-,*«"“'‘®"
Helps a Judge In a Sad Fix.
tisllcr «l ('herry, of llillt* Ml'
Which are the hltla and vhlllea anil
What T.xana Admire
l^b- Ann'e*sfiil men In iliu S
In sprlns aod_ eu-ly
u n-oibu,
with her parenta.
Then follow the Ic. .-hills and the «Tea '
*rae down **
aw'cilie Sis. and the
™ ,b........u
trlth his siM-r. Mra. Uoaa.
Klecirir tllllers kill and e«M nut Ihe Mr*. Will I'lerre vlalled frlradt In u«laria le.vu* from the Uood; alie
“-''ilo'ji' ^
Traverae City Ual Sunday.
Rememlmr the memorial service. M
y*" ,01. ifTura^rx
the town hall nevi Thursday
Kieiy 'three kutkw drove eU toe malarta.. j
ime Is Invited In attend and take pan Houi ai> syM-'ii;. umJ i v4 Imd i
Rprh <biM Will be provided with a i'!?''?,.?'"
j flBR for the nurcb to tbe cemOery.
fyaversc City Cigar ManutaciwcH
ft E.TffilliP
7%e Ctfor of Qnafifjt
For sale
by all dealers
5c each'
Carl M
Cigar Factory
Straight Tea
Blue Bell '1
Uaion Va/or j ciB.rs
Havana Cigars
Madetd choice, careiBlly selected'«avaaa
' ft®"'"
It' :
Conditlona Look Coed In the South-
'' The |>eople who live In the favored
upon In ov l>l"f»<
braklns the alnKwpherlr randlthuia {[loduced
flraad Trnrerae raplao the moil pioa- this iarse body of water lliul iru^es
peroua and'liiflueallal asrlloB of the Weatem MlriilKiin «s«ler In aunifuer'
' to the east and lo the weat of
f-Bpd pastrv
llie ideal'1flour for bousehold. use. It's f|uality inappeals to the!
<-aUniiiv stnntly
housewife wit., recognizes
It I* conaecvalivcly esll^lrdp^pd pastry making JUIfl is
slates, t.hal the suVerlm:
The wiRiWrs in ihe'isra&d'*l^r
wuh. the PBO le of the other i»aiia of roaloa If that of Vo.-.t. Atuei.ca Tor from tiraiid Kapids to ftsEiniiw. Wlia’
ore ctAttjrtB the aatnc Utltude. and ihU latitude. ni.sltlW liy l.alic UWi- la ir<ie rekardlna the idlzunls nf win erse reelon arc dellKhtlul lusvm.^ «l
even at pnhla aereral hundred miles Ipan wilh ka three hnndrrtl miles ef ter In -tlielr aitacka npoa
lu Iho aoulb of oa.
I^Oi. Ita seventy miles of breadth, UlchbuB Is also tiue of the bot wlnOs
Oar cllnitii la one of Traveivc .nj p, (i,e hundred aud newe feet dl, of Mininier.
Mtilrs aute of Ulcblnn.
irii.ndm that sw«.ep over,
wtrtki, after Ihe winter nT Ikll’. nl present and what niir oufUdik Is' l■e(•alIsr the torii.ndna
nitk wtrtTli,
Uli-hUtan nearly always
the caae. Tlic winter f«»r Ihe future.
Bat such ta
^he aoulhwest to the noribeasi and
1<«C and setere oriel
wt Af* Orattly Pavorod.
of a Une e»teji4laK
luch more nrrciv| Tlievllmate of the (Irand Tran
reahin that resrbna ntaJiK ibe osat
m It a new and distinctive
flavor and oniformitv.
freseem Flour is prirefK
to incliidf the making and-’
selling of a good ikmr
ajiniout .slighting anytbing'that helps to better
Ibe quality—j*ou pay for
what you gel ‘anti you gei .
whal > oH pay for.'
■nit guarantee of aalisfectiwi which goes with
everv- sack make it easv for
you to test Crescefti Fb.ur ‘
'at no risk .and you nuiy I
confidently expect to, in- -i ^
crease the go<Klms# of ■
your bakings from the
N. I
\'our grocer ran BOiiply
luia laane<l au uracnl putilic appeal for I PPly miileil lor hnlli I
The inirpuae of the aeries ul anljlcs ' te«rb the dinmi of the Uke and lo
... i-aH. jeur, do not folly ap- oT which this w one. U to llafttir viri- eiilcr the stale of Jll.-lilpin by Ihe way
Ulcaao and St. Joseph.
predate nifr aktrlo"* • llmuie. Some not resources of Traivrac rity that
we; of tllcaao
, Ihlnk U onl pf keepin* to apeuk timy know c«ully where »vc slan;l|Siuai Im-^me twit to this
CHy'senuHeat aasela. It la owe of the depth. The niodifyiny factor Is
anveral fosMrees which we ran lutnk ,i„,t laiportant. however.
It Is
Home IwkinR il onr of
the greatest means oi
economy ever presemed to
llic liousrwiie.
Good bread—plenty of
it ami good pastry—ibenefoods help io make a splen
did meal at very Utile cost.
—Hut don't make tlie
mistake «»i trying to jjse
j dieap (lour or your eeon- .
li(»lon. V V Sf .- Kamlae condition* j omy will chatigi
e lu Ihe failure ot las: | Travagaiice. due
totiBue wW-prea.i.j ^vasied foods.
aceonllBK to lat«-M advkrs riM.-lvei
■jjj Creseem Flour is
by Ihe lavndon rWlef conim.iiec.-whlch J
with other parts ot toe country. Howerer a few wtll tell the atorr.
f The ntesn femperature asd the sveiiuK precipIlAtioa ter eseb of the
twelve moBiba (orUie ten jrars endI^eember. IPUii, are as fol-
to force
Reducing Yunr Expenses
' ID thin toclOB to HBRtmoB was Ibe oaly Mlfhbcan
ly the 1
her present whn v.ited sKalnal It
pherir rondltjnns that prevail ot.t
l^ko .Mhhlcan fliry are larxely chansed In <hara<ier. atid'lhal shut rea,h
the Mtihipan diore are but *ephr<
■tmipared with the sldrins that Starr
3. OttT Climofe A Rtspurce
s\\ i UJLm-d
>B ioib'
Tkc Traverse City agar
Box Factory
416 E EichthSt Qt.pb(ioe433
Blakeley Bros. Progs.
«1 OilkdiM*!
Peter Hormnlb
Ml. Cgaz SmoCtf. encotoate (Mine
dfto madaclunat by esUtof i« thew
Slory No. 9
Now on Sale
TBe New Cc Ctnar
K. A HacUaSiuilcl. Hlr.
Far Sale br AIDeakn
r'Il2W. Frc
SMOlffrBi* Ctab....’*.V^tc
airj^oae <94
Factory, us E. Tealh SL
Some of dte aUeO bfittk node la
TnrerK Ctj gre tbe broMli
dlscuaalen toaf the CBpew. of a man enpSffVd in manufaelori»« a c*fc
In a city ef this aiat, vtoace he works from dsylisht until dar* to pet ««
itetTyT paniri^'ra'aM dMi
a aeeiai limet.ona. fraternh
ties. etc.
Oo thew tm« tiOvIduals look dlllerantty to you and their bualnesa relatlon^ in a bsatoeaa way. . •
The ttest Sc Clear la
the City..
Diamond J~10c
Belter Temorraw j
Gate Post-1 Oe
Broadfool Havanas-5c
W. o. w.'
The'fell IOc Cigar
F. K. Smokers~5c
made in
Traverse City
Traverse Belle- 5c
Dr^ Oae. ^
212 W. M Si TimmOlr
The qwamy el a dfir ifeptoto* upea tee prtec paid fer material and the
erpenac Iherete In tnanufaeturMB. sellinB and diatrlbining It Boeawitnotit
goods made up for Mlaa. here and there In toe evening and then hice him
self to-bed when'ttw bigfacocty-owner is at his favored dub. or palatial real-
next smoke
203 N. Cedaf.St.
Traverse City. Mich.
enjoying toe proeecdt of Wa machine and cheap help, and gets ready
/to bi In Ms cigar maktag early next meento^ The owU'de mamifacturer
and oodai fev
to year
town, to^wJ)^'toearbitiIara'
to y«ur locol bnbx
**Some Smoke**
P. He
Try one for your
Thos. Fitch, Piop.
la the city and la Surtbern Mlchlpaa.
sad tor BkUi to deoisalu hui cover*,
BOW. aad be cattofled. with ecores of
other* who are ualaa otr rifar boxes.
"Bull of
Tite Woods”
Sterlmg, ‘n IOc Cgais
Uauulscturd. prwlK-ally ail the elM
hntes used by Ihe rliar Bunufartaren
tare are nttexcellrd. !.«( ui ayur* oa
your work IT you are aot huyint ot ua
high grade
the best 3c cigar made
n2E14thSL &eflpbooel69
aad upto-dale wark o« bu maautae-
Smoke the strictly
A. W. Jabraus
\Vii: ;;>C yno aalld eotnfnrt aad HtlaCrv.1,- win bm right and iasl«
rial r. and wm spread around y»a that
ri-h. d-lichito] amma of llarana that
oBlj Utio luraaa ctoara [vwaeoa.
W. RabiftovKch
-« * n.« y. oo.
.. j .rf:
fei; : ;v‘
The Reward
Well .
G^neil A<'S.'(owb m&ke)?!ano$‘ conUne aD tbe essentlab
wtidi go to nke n; truly
msiwl taBtnmeutr.. Iliey
tone of rMurkibte
sweetaess bMly respoushre ictioic
on dedgus are arcUtecturaDy
perfect, aad eacb is Andy fiaished.
Gitaadi Bros.’(own make) Banos
are so constmeted as to add to the
visIHe charm ol the home as wen
as to de&ht with their ^lendid
musical ipialities. Sdentffic Prinebdes o! Constmetioo. iqniest
Workmanship thronghoot,
and lost Rigid inqi^on are bctors which contrftnte toward^ving them the high standing they en
joy among Oe recognised world's
host pianos, and wUdi as Grand
hias^e them wo^ yonr best
eBaittto win.
opportunity to posm sess, "'without cost, a'
magnificent $400 Piano is
indeed rarely presented, but
such a chance is now afford
ed through the Herald and
Record Co.*s Great Circula
tion Contest.
Three Splendid Ciinnell, Bros.’ Pianos, Style,
Twenty, like cut, are going to be placed in as many
music-loving homes of this vicinity. Will your home
be one of these? Why should it not be? The
chance is open to all True, it means a little work,
but it is not Imd work. It is something that can be
t^en up outside of your regulv duti^ in.your spare
time, if you wish, and it doesn't require the outlay of
a single cent. Your own individu^ efforts are what
count For the wuners are prizes which bring
to the home beauty and pleasure which will endure
for years—for a lifetime.
Own Make
Are Famed for Durability as Well
as Musical QaaliHes
I ! ;
If You
Arc Not
For One
Of These
This Contest Is only put starting;
go ont and interest your, friends;,
a splendid Piano awatts Oe wtaners in this Contest ISirr IT
at 0nce~$400 is what each prize
See these Instruments in GrinieO
Brothers wareroom. Investigate
tteir constmetioo-- yon wD Bhd
them m&tchiess value at the
price. Thirit what such an ta.
stmmeot wenM mean in yonr
home~to yonrsdl and to yonr
family-and make np yonr mbd
now that one ol these Pianos wOl
be yonts. ,
Detailed information tvgardiog
rids Piano win he gladly inmbhed
by th^ Traverse CHy Store,
1S9 East Front Street
moj,. im, tuyMtMm.iktax'mmxm^S :^ r::
«M BoUier! W«t it k* tn M Me piMM mM M awtter«M? Uj Mi»«di
• tov i>l«Med heU b«r
n> »'<« «■ a lam. We tar* two
im nMo uiMM ira« Auasta to u* aaa. aaa vaiA
*- "Tea. rMT’ Uer all acreei.
kerab. Wf^hare hn> nti aatf a d««. Dear PiMMea
aad oae called Jet Da- aow la the falrandv of WUmmib
-II 0Bl7 Brother Ned veaU coe>* alao. I suet etoaa for this ttae.
I *« write a fe* Uaea to the Baa- rta. wfciek was eaptered aa Dane- Madlaea. Pcetaa Herald.
* borne." alcbM Ante, -bat well do
Tnm jwi^r Baaahlaer.
Aloe CM tadaj. 1 Mt kot
hU Aa «wa«-“
Banka Hillard.
troai edMoL We t<t
- kooM When Sbertdaa took hie (akioB> rUe.,».I*****************
J..«d d-r did
«!»*». TOP ««■ dd»:
-Let^ Mel Be Had.. -1 lire <»e bleek fiwa Ue la tke taller of the «--T-eTi1ffi1i
taeMas « Mtasoriat Dv eheoM sUad a«t beaatiraL The old aoMkr did act
«ke to aee them.
hoaea. ao t deal hare tar to nortalUed
la terte
terac by
h T, BaAsaae
Z HmM Vaaat teHu
taonallMd la
b**^ • «U»e
1 hare a asae IV the
»*ad. be iwde a black boree. with
that awde m
* Oak:
♦ brigbtir in oar tkoacbta.
raeatloo Ike Abject of^
Pleaee aeod w» the card: Bhly
Mir aaan etar. & yeare old. Madd au«.i.
Wrttaa J. L. Harboar la Teaai
I wtn try ae«or la werrr er ♦
It Is alwars a; BtmablM Day. leal
•»< U»® ddMrea, tpll
that a
* it! Asd wo do M need -to be tcU
s Vlaee and lylag Dear PreaMeat—
b»rrty beer fbda.r. Wall, I win hate na by aa oClcer eC the Secnad MIehlnkd tW
f *tll try to he as haptr , I * why. Poarth. of Jalp teas
^ day (or the Hgln-'rt of tla aatloa *r«niba la tbe bid Iwra! where tbMr
I wDl write roe a few IMea aa tt U X> bV. loodbre for thla Une boplag can catalry and waa irrMiieil to
^ "•
• a*, and mak. aMcybad, k.
dar P>b*“
Wlihoat tear ralalas today aod I caa aot r> oat
tar letter la jwlat.
gherldaa whea be beceta. Mtoaal. of ^
*^l aad aaveral of the
1 « far M
ot beiac beard.
docn. I will ten yoo of «r pcta. I
>^o«f lortM Soaahlaer.
fh,t roKlaieat la ittl. After tbe te
®» «AMe aewBa wae toM
I «dll try to bb iMlaB haUdal «
!«• preoeiwaUbb.
Oa the tuonOAK of Meawrlsl day
* doc aaoed UoUle. aad eU
Sritia V. Rlckenl.
aieue ride aad tbe battle of Wlacbc» *'
* the dniwii by the ag^ aad Uad to ererybedy aad tow
Ae we look at the wylakled lai
UtUe aMer.
all the AiMrea had |>arhed late the’
ot MT owa. t am hate aone
taal H alee to hate tbe warai ter (hr aamr ot the bene wei. Srteved WU*
Her brother adefirr the loo* -later, cbanaed to Wlaeheeler. Darias the
cerryall aad tbe apriag “«•« AlAeiia lo,throc waeha. 1 hate
he war la M tottlee and aeteral 'Tea. anther, t did k; aad M a be
Z am. Mpm I -IT-T,r. ar • Jm .n. «Lk»! “n*, ....
^p^'"- u I toaalUal/Maiyi- re- w.r
bo and’ ♦ We thaa'a hlator^-'iii^to u Tbey
‘‘V l««J ««h«r daily 5~ oeod >a< aaoiber oae.
WritlB* of bln la ItTC. Bbrrldaa
beea iblakla* abeal that. Tto
Ms-Ele <lty. Mich.
beea ihlaUaf abpat haw naeb III ten
o'doA whea the old auldler dicard t > so. As niy letter U seiUw ton*
did. alao.
will aay srod by. _
Apr. J3.- IPi:.
“He U out iT haniU la belAt. pow
■“* aobapplaeM woaH he pn>
HIM ^uiRA •ATCB, Editor.
Vea. we 8^
“““ ^
Ptom yoar HoBAIaer.
Dear ITeeWct.1
erlullr buUl, «l«h a deep Aenl. etroo* **"t»d If peoplo woald JmI to aorrv
“There-# the drumf be •aldy'"1
Aliare Uoold.
Tbe eaow U all gone now. l wai sbouldera, has a broad forebtod. a ‘netcad of -naa' oter a treat anav
t so and aee wbat'e the omtler:
wik- ________ ___
------------ *““®\ "
"« "«■« „roJy they njaldnl bite—"
Af»w i *»>o *>«• Alckeaa coBainE- out plt-kln* laayd.iwefa last Saturday Hear eye. and U an aniaial of *reat thla*. that ,* aantot of beta* “md"
Flrpl VIM Fraaldeal-Mfa. Mabai the^a* tboochu. pad oontrol im^
»,y next door-trieud baa n>me baa- We bare itarpe de» mere of «:bool. imeUl«eoce, 1 rode bita coa.taatly *'»
I'totoea UlaUac of two
• wmiaiM.
pubM for.wroo* acUoA *e ato makitnked down *■*“ rWrto and ther are m pratty.
I have eleven worde to epell toalcbt. from IR« to the cloae of ibe -ar. la
*''^1* I k»ow who would to
"tlUione of^
♦ Ad they an- very bard oaet. My ,n (be artlooii and la all (be raid*, ae rbnnalB* It oaty they woaid be aarBomorop EtdeMa.
m raln|•lA^ la which 1 took
of tMd" oter a irewt
h A. U “illgh oi tbo world did
fatker# BiarAlD* to the luae of “YAbM Doty
*Apr. *1 1»12. h« »«« Te*T old. Mary Broosoa part. He-a aeter 111. aad hto atay-«*om tben to Iom
- of old.
long IlH ot IKA and Dear Pr eldouiwould like to Join the SunAlae (Tub. log powere were superb. At proacBt
''temper h aaMIy. Now, gin*.
I'nder the Stare Ad Btrlpaa.
- • •her card a^• toUM
to Bie and be te a llule rbeunmtie. fat aad Miy.
* hotota* glUa the 'odge erf a
boys, waving Hags Ad bearing bA- -1 went to Join the SAahloe CTub. Send
Blston the name
ato so ioA M I lire be win be well
•« much m a mai ua>wo BOW Bnrt Bora. The miulc grew loader. Why. and wl»b that you would rood me a 1 »l'l Site thorn to b
wbdl was tble? Wi.y were s'Sev «op- button and card. 1 go to aebooi erYour loving Sunahlner.
taken rare of."
bof. These hot-beaded peopto^s-bo
to plecM" oter erery IHtle
Cradia ,
Vast In the past tbey bate bullded at rab for CeiAin 81 Parker! -iiiirTali Walter, t like her terr awA. I am ' hoP* Ton bad a bappy btnbday. Kearney, rode a handaoDe and aplA- D>>og that teMa or frota.tbato. make
for Old Olon !" boret from (be erowd. In (be fourth grade. I auy at my
»"* ‘U1 >»u atoad the day? A white borae named Hoacow. tot • l*( of tiwobla la a boaa. aad tbev
generwiiy. called
caiiou b, tbe * .oldler. are real irytag to lire with. It weald
aa bate and capa were toaaed up la Grandamji. I now I will have to
* ....................... jieaerwlly|
Maple nu'. Mlck.^'^Vblley. 'jKeani.v toel ao arm In (to be a good deal wInt Ad bever lor
Tbo air.
Apr. ta.- m:. Mexican war. and -ton wtddA u> P~ple to be eorry laataad.ef "mad"
(otiered forwranl an-]
Prom, i
The eld
.word would take
uke the
tbe reln«
rein, over/the
overyfhe (I
(Uagi that csom ibum to
keep ' (teadv
ITe»iaenldraw bte sword
held to (be door
Uader the Stare and Stripes."
not lire very fw from TravWe arc going to liar# a program
tolwecn hie teeth. Tbe-------------general also toaeitbrir temper. I kaow a girl wb-i
"ThAk yon. boys: " be tried t
Oaotga Swales. Cbarietolx. Mich.
tot tbe_, worde did not cone. Then ene CJiy, Pertaape yon Ad your ala ‘he lest Ay of vebool. We have ontv rode a llBhi bay called Decatur, whtob loeea her temper m easily ebe reName test by Maude W. RIAerd.
Ibree Ay* after today. | wDI have wa. shot (hroogti the neek at the bat mlAi me of what A'eld lidf frlMd
Mary Bmaoa. Maple City. MIA.
-piece and one aoog. I am sitting tie of Fhir Oaks. Ad a bro-a. known of mlae lalle rucomforubta bel
entogb. and Ae is goM to print a with another Aecr. the
Nama eaht by UAen H. Bekardt.
HaySeld. MIA
»i»»« I »»» Pickiug laiyflowetw. My u Baj-ard. which tbe daring soldier TTave In mtad oae of ib*M "aaecmEana ben^Ad Sfr-Tie Days. HayDecoratloo IMy story lor nu<i^ on down tbe_rowd. Bnt not all
Apr. 22. |«I2.
Drtea Is wrlilag. and Ae told wa. ridlA at tbe battle of Chantilly, fortables. - It le im putting U too
T«" W smi. that flrot appeared la the of IL The boya and glrle. holdiw
Aelr Dear Prealdeut— '
' me I could put my letter with tors —ton he came auddenly open a Cm- extratagaatte to say that thla girl
’Or.M Tmr. Coco Haboney. 'Lacy'
"CdapAton it 1. called:
tong garlaod. of Bower.
a tbe
Aj slKtrr wa. wrltlag to Join the ‘o eeatT to yod. Ai ^y letter Is get- federate regiment. Ad. torol« te ee- wouW be “perfectly toveD" were it
«ee. Nary Oao, ^nebe HaxnA
The Surprlee.
l«da.^^ Into the yard.
itoaMe m-totM
.M Ltord
lAvd HBlmma.
to floe
for the
the Pm«aa.toi
Pleua.Ntr.lghi to tbe old men-, chair. Suaeblne Club, I tboaght 1 would like
tong I -III cloeeuto. ».« Mruck by a btUtot at the «
«hr l.« Mt A. al-ay. gat.
■to*—’ eSd
will be
wMiber for
£2LrflS^l5«M^t by ^ I-^Oe. if tbere-e Ay truth Id Mgam"
that youu, «a hi Mb t» Join the Club. too. We ere t-M Your tovhig Su.Alner.
bau fo the .plus, klllln. btm almoet
l..^ of at^ *>- ‘IlM.
MMur. MKg.
and ar. ton year. old. We a to
M.bl# M. BchcrdL- iD.tAtly.
do not go to pleaM her. A, U very
OVA door M two toothaome-l^nf Orandtaiher nxed at Ae group of SuAay school every ^Ay. and our «
thguAt Aat rou Ad Old Spo'- an ArobUn, and Beppo. ■ pirtty and rary awoat In her mauer
blueberry plea/Aoae Saky erwau bad ebSdren In a dared way. Suddenly a teacher-, name I. Ula. Marten Olbba.
D* T*" «»• »
1 temper. Tbe trdbbinii 0ml abe Is la
BfUy R PwMkck, Charley Mich, not yet beguh to brown.
•*»« «»tblA hi. face. He put out We are In tbe lourtb grsA at ecbool. «A oth«?
Judson Kilpatrick. At tbe battle of a Bt trf lll-umper neiH of Ae Uan-.
and our teacher te Uln Mabel WalHama ami kf Syliia V. tUckord.
-wbat elgn.'inbtberr Mked IHUe two trenbllng old bAda.
South UoanlBteu. MIA
Aldle the geaerai rode Deppo. and and her folks A hare "a time of ir
will you plMM send me a
« baA to spend I
rrada Verttm: aged It. ynahe; ja«!. ,ho alwa>. wanted to knoi
Apr. U. I»I2. there tbe noUe Alinai (ell dead, xbot wiA her. Her brother aayu Aatmb*
MlAad Bnoden. as* Ibree. yMia; ^pMt
""" "
MtmorteV Ay with yon." said Ae and pla?
Dear Presidenttbrongb Ae heart. Spot -u captured u a "reguUr cydona'" when .be “gat.
Min* Wpoa. itgw (Bar ynaro. 8n»..
tar moA*«»Wer.
.Zenite Deya
• bare time to write bow. 1 will from a Confederate cotoael dort« the aurted." and all of bar trtanA ma.t
MU CB»; ateh. NasM sent by Cedi ^
•'N*«i; Qod blero you. boy-IUrry-a
I wonder if vou know Mildred aad »« you know that 1 have not ,forgot- se^od yur of the . war. SberiAa be os guard wbu they aro wMh her
'toroouen.after aU'“
MaIobiloAea who live at K
lagalcK (« >t»“■“'I the Mi of tbe SasI^
once referred to him e» “KUpetrlA-s tost Aey otaod bar, for Ae AAti
‘ "I should AInkM- criA all Ae Tbry are twinSuoAlnen loo
era. We had eumlnatlon In readiA celebiwtA calico borwe.
herself (hat Ae Is “awfully aeAlllre. '
Ladle MtSaAy, as* e
Me Ktaa« ae^'thM v—™- IM«.
AUdreu together “We msA the
vcslerAy. Our sAool lata out Aa
CenetalCuwer wm. one oMhe moat Somrhow or other Ate
KuIJ^ on. yonr. Docata^. MIA.
*r**0». “I Mr. l.uml. .A A. roet
«2 W. FWton |K,
trnA of May. lamgolng.lo
Her mother amlled aA noMed.
Uraad Banida. MIA
eighth grade eumluatlon tble year of tbe army, aad la hi. (our years- ottoro when Ae te la ooe of her "Uuwaa jaae-a
AprM m-ag.ln. ltrledltla.traarb,tlonly»erviceloitoclviIw.rbetod.eveB,rum. If. a good Ihlag oa accouat of the
bw I guoM DMf l•ro«I.Uxlt-^.
• paeaed in epelllng. I hare id.go W horaro killed under him -hlA ll W
It I. my beOef th.i there I. a
parade." Ae AjldA. "Down at As
to get -up a----StJMSHtNB FOEM.
store they were'eaylag ycateiAy that Rrotber NA te (be blggeet part of I have »>t
(ha SnaAIpe aehool evvry day forr papa
i»pa wanla me •bellevA 1. a l.rger Dumber (ban v
■Ity -and
- ----- ---------The bird, ‘osl by any other tetder of northern ,pif.potoe In the (ace of all Ae inao.Tkctw la PMOe, Aete A pAce In the -ibo, Frajulagham bud t . going to 1^VInh in a long time. We have a
of Ilia, (he UUie. sharp vexaSouA Md the SorA.
play lor Ae marAIng."
Aad then they all ehemted. -Hur- lo Grand lUpId. now. I am going la "» »H back again. Wa hare got tto i«»i»
TVbea the mm of the May'-tlme AaU
'(-'*■■ > n? cau i?
--------- ™
o«14 «U1. J»k .U.KM I. hi. w ...1 c.„.dk. irca Team Cltr. "»»- Tm ye.
-h.. .. ..re h.™,
"«•■< — « «
oan At btoooh-IOrA;
-----------------Th«. ..nil... _m. I. . dioni.
.. ,
.imiic mam. th, ot.. wa, hnd
“l.. «’ '■ • »•»'»
I»« a aam a a, no, MotU. <™" a>~ ««■ •“> 'm, a,„ ...
„ „,| .I....
lawl.. i. n «.a. TI»I.
'.ll". a imnm. rma, ... ., bm
M<. .. aa
IBS. »m
M»- ik-"'™
......... .....................
"*• “A*
■ - rrnmmm ea-'
• -“a"
l">» '.J !»*
.u am .ot..i ................ ..I .
Fnai W lo,l« «....l.rr.
.1. .r ..... U, mu
•“ •
W-e have.foar d»"™J *blle In roromand of tto Mtohl. unper anggosUre of powder or
■ m!bsro Ae rivar fMM ««-«« Ae
Pte boxA. knoA- ,-prt,a dee. •upeetelly uKen if.
Grace JtolneH.
out of our c
little kitten, now. One of AciD te
brigade, and be rode him ton dyaamltr. Oae day I ot««mA Asm
M over the ctotheeKorae. and ntsk- x-wgy*
i to learn that :
all bUA and an.Aer oae U all yelnamber of batilea. rwee ^e ,,,
tolklBg. aA As Mnnyld( a general dxtier as Aoy rtubA
I... T., «... I... .« .1... ,.d
“»l«»l aa «U lo U. IIM«niOTd
■nuM le pence In Virglate amid
the^ltchen and olood In an exyellow. One time test winter l«o
and an. -oa blni »bA to deDear Iteke. MIA.
o.,« ««.
T.., dill
»»d_.d_oT G..«^
~ aam -do™M-hme i^tau-a high euannlt growk
» Aik ro loud and m> (Ml and
Apr. IC. IS«I2.
Detwtur. Midi.
irreuder . of Jhe Knithern army, ^e Ae way yon lei your lempM down
aUagettor. pleasa,". saM Mrs. PaAer. Dear Pittidrnt—
Apr 22 l»1J awA again but algid right bere. AflerbOAt to Ae mors:
pnUing her band* e«-er her eats. “You
A* I bare Joined
Suitehluo Club Dear Preekleni—
•'•rda a little b|pck and white ou>: Dandv. a home tprehand la Kanea*. ^ Herry! Wbaa my tompar trtos
atei>erlal (arorlte with Cateer aA
yUag M ma. I Jeit aet my
There te peM whefe tto JatnMNuP *«« *toke grandpa, aad 1 don t want I wiU write a teUer. Tbe enow lux
| went to a.i»ol todiv 'and tod a
" *“»«Mi> « «*>. Well. I -«►
ridden by him on moat of hi. Indian
Sere Sown to Ae mainhfm to know anyAIng about It. r- .11 gone off. and Ae birds here come nice lime. After mrbool hour. I had
"•»« rioK- (or Ate time.
canipalAT -Hic teat borae whit-h Cue- *,^-4.Wharo the wgrtora Miwnau aro
ouUon Ast be want, lo back agaiii Ad . are olaglng very gna lime rolUng my hoop. Did >-ou
ler rode, when at the head of tort of TheiWa a moral virtory- lor u.' I
. SoldA, wlA grain:
marA la Ac parade, and-"
ewpelly. I am going to .Awri every ,.,-er nee a kitten without rata? I
Albert II. Pnnkop.
Ibe Seventh Culled State* eavairs In
"Why abooldn’t I niarrh. SarA?" day. aud lure great fun playing toll, haw por. Well. Tbave aome mure
Tour Irlters are alwsy. lotertoUag
the bolTiljte m.«a..-r<' of the Utile
There U pMce whan Ae akudroa* Aid a votee from Ae doorway.
Sometime, our tearber. Min Spramc-. lumra for the Sunshine Club bikI
T»M uk bow your csauUutton Dig Horn. Jum- 2:., «Tfi. «a. a ehettrf canage kgva wheeled ,
"•’* Ae only ooe iefl of tbe oW coibm out end pl.ya wlA ue. I bevy Cradle Itoll; Grm-e Tcny. - age B(. reaulietl.
>mA Ylr. I
rtw oveo.SbBob'h AelWnmiwod'"“l**) Aei marcbA out of tbi. lost my SuoAlue pin. Will you teeu; Cr,li Malmocy. age ini; l.u.-v,
Krnlurky. Alter the lamAtalto ileaA
Contents ef One Spy’s ReehptS.
asp forty-wight rotra agu com Ate pleaae m*A me anoAer -otic? You Oc«.. age ten: Btem-to Uaxmr.1. mc
Seumiil iTty . Mk-b.
»..r •! ivM. Of Ac Axrn l.airA myldler General ,
(A rbpLI
June. Real airidlers marebA to real may aend it to Mleai Sprague.
- leo: Deiwle Slmmone. age ten- I4uvl
' Apr
‘ ^
(aibcr. at bte boui<- In Mb til
Iwule's pockpu are of tto aaaal
There |. paaep. la tbs aon is^ace
Attlee in Aom days, aad 1 was one
Ooodl.y .
Ilol.otue. age nine: Mary Gee. ac-.
»V*ldcBlsiwmi bour.
.Ur and numiiar.allowad lor boya of
lulnalinn aariaa.
of Vm! Wha hx a totter right I'l
iA-hard Mn.
* Ihougbl I w.mki »Tite lo Ibe Sun- the »tahl<- with om- ol the hoiM-x lit. thirteen: but. oh. Aa amoAl of (blagi
viAt: Hrrsel
Ilerael McKeeby.
McKeeby. age Ihroc:
I marefa wlA the parade Memorial Ay
I Ifaink (bat
and y-our leiK licr Iwatu MvKreby, age one; Ncltle Kin- -ahiae (’lull <mr<- mure. I have nnme bra«e eon tod ild-lon during lh<- >ar ihry are wmellBiM made to CMiala.
—1. Ibe ooD one left c-f all Aal went ni'nt have very happy tluio tugeibcr p,.>. age three: Kdna Kinney, sec on.- name, lor tb. Cradle itoll They are:
(kberal liotor. K Iwc had one (a The other Ay. la P Aaparatc eSort to
Aat Ayr
batloas to FmA Voeburs. nga five: MiAiel vorlie war liorM-. Tra>eler. which be sad eome articlp known to have lakM
Ttoro te paaee la Mam ma, Aatle- "Il-by. nobody, grandpa," answered
Hear luke. MIA.
Hoarden. Ar (biec: Pauline Wood. rode Ihro«iglio:ii ilie r-ntlre war. hav- refuge aomawbere In the dppAa Of
hte AucbtA-ta-law. aeotblAly.. -Nlnly
Apr.'lC. AI2. Vciir SAsblner,
ace (our. I am In bAooI today. My Inc |.urvi>aM“l him In Mhf-1. and be thoM WMderial pockets, he was coatom-e toA rtOt;
Ho men Arobt the Srum ■ the bare N*d and I Aougbt it would be too Dear PreaidMi—
Hoy liortlmorc.
acitmaie te .Nora Argent
thf- ll.' of (he a
■trained to empty them for onee comwent after .. .„..f--------- Sbcrldeu. nbo Mw piet*i,. wberoupoB tto opportunliy
ft with her ven much
muA (or yon. ta the hot sun and all.
I rame to this aute u lew wcAs
vs-hal a strange pet yon bate
, ,
Yon haveoY been well, you know."
ago. t like AU Uad very well. I your cal bear!
wlnfwgr^n. te.i Selurdey. There
j^^lbed bim to
Mixed lo make an AveaUrfy. wtA
▼her* te paua whei«
Ae warrlore
^ “Brother NA'a a real truly aoldler,am twelve years
old and am in Aeare
. Airiywei-hotera in
•' our school i"
iviisoo aa a “chunky gray n,c roIAwing anriiri.iA reaulls
OotlyAws rsto:
too. teal her asked llule Jane.
MAA grade at aAool. I am so glad
Spiton. Itev. mia.
dt.y. Our school will soon to oul Wc
b, j, uid to' b»" been
One bottle oM ipooL
On Aa nnKmrtn of Sumter Ae aum- "Yes. and grandpa te so proud of spring tana rome. I have aeon ho
Apr 22 tri2 have onlt eighteen muf+ days A.
band* high, a little above ball
Throe buitoM. OM rale,
' mer'Urtfg nam;
I>I* going to Ae Spanteb War; I many robtea tbte spring. 1 have also ix-ar PreaMent—
mt letter I. geriitig long 1 will <loac
courage and klndncaa. jwo pleeea of gUaa and a riw:
-tab to were tore!"
awn a few wild Oowera. I .sill be
, „«ui like to Juiu Ac Sui.Alne
1-n.nj your I..tins SuB.hloer.
y„, ,«.*«u.ln* speed sad carrying bl‘
T«q strap, and two books
Thar* te ppace when tto Fattier of "Couldn't we make it up lo graadpx glad wbon summer comes, and 1 ex- cub I’lose m ad me a lard and
Cecil Tobte.
Sve year, after the
Throe rivou. two hook..
Watm ran red— T ‘
aomehow-i mma about totting to pete you will. too. Our achuol will bu„on. y,, uinbiUr waa Ae AIA -tf
WhHt Hill you plan to do this taroGeneral Ig- «a» prealdoni ypor buJleti sA 1-0 yard. «f tertag;
Wbar* As battorlM of^MAUe He •«> home Memorial Ayr
to out In April. Tto birA haro been-April. I »na nine tear, old- lamia Hon? Ho you help your mamma.
Wxhingtoo and l-ce iialtcraliy at
Two tmaU Iroe wsxtora.
aonadlaM and ted: ’<
Tlie Aildren wme all "Alnklng alngtas every uomlag I will cloav. ,hc second grade- My tcartor-. aamc
Tratelcr »x ridden alTwo calico bags.
From a BuoAioer.
mim Ruth McCariy. I like my
Herao of the War, .
most Ally by the inu.lrtou. rohlier of
Uac place of toy engine.
Tbara te SMM whero Ae Hie tonga A Ae living-room the old maa aal
Bllmbetb Freeman teaAer very much My rtAlee arc
Slxt^ tobacco tags: .
General Jaiuro tir.m U-il-«n. In hi. the CAfederary. maaUad-frlA dtmt—
wIA bU gray bead bowed on ble W
«ea your focmer bom-. Hpelllng. readlag. and arlA'mitic. 1 .lory of - Faiiiou- American War , (toneral J. K. B Stuart's chh-l Wsr
’One album (or ctampa.
TTban tto once ftoklng Mber la bshd*. Yc». to tbougbi. they -era KUxsbeA? We ail hope Aat you -III uke rAdlng-ber-t
With cover of rod.
Horuro," ba> p-m uvl froni lol>i m»B> borae -x the thoroughbred mare Vlr•betobod A its rate:
rigtaL He -aa too old te get abooL like MIAIgan.
Your loving Aaahine boy
Due lochexap-tto.
InieiesilnE tevH and I'rt-re^ijed for giate. which be roA dnrlA the totl^e
and be woiiW be a bladranrc. Then
Joaepb Konioa.
ibe Iviurc iiitich taluable ltiIi)Waitea. of (ietlyburg. In the general'. '•s.<
Three pleoM of leA:
Tbare te PMta where Ae war botrfe bla mind wandered back to Ac time'
Hoar Lake. Jllrh.
Has tour acbool closed yet? I (OOocinlOE the hotiMt. rode by the bailie, when- he
tuonally wound
one nallcleanx. oae puach.
tore wp Ae eaaoA M*bca be bad mavAed -lA Cranfs
Apr. is. IM2. ibuk moat of y-imr (rleaA mute be grMrai. of the civii «,r Ctneluoari. ed. to rode a sray horse. Anoitor he '
Some APOora (very bkickt.
R-here (be bairau•bled annoa'.rang army in Vtrglftla. end two lean Deer ITealdeni—
Ibc ramou* haiilc H'ced of Gcaeral bed «a» a handtomc bay roiled Builri
one piece of tbormometx.
trickled down fate Aeeka.
I have noi ihcd tore very-long, but
crani.-e. prevD-ed to him by a citOenerar Wad.-Hampton had *everal
Om “A" almsMC:
Ux lump of gam araWc.,
'TJoatt CTT. grandpa. ni stay home I Aott^t I nould wrile to you. 1 like
l-barlertex. Mh-h, lk.x T2I.
Itcu of Clailunail wlio on bU telb- borae. killed uuAr him during IhTlite It psora n the SiwA. iboagh wUh yon. and maybe the parade will ton to etemol very well. I bare lote
Aptp!*. I»l?. bed ig-nt tor 'ibe general. Aen 00 a -ar. Dc«-ribed a. one of tbe Act
Six peotlle of lead.
tesMkilee la-yal/^ '
go by oar bMse ao you can oee ft." ' my SAsblne Uilten (hat .vou mi Hear I’rreldent—
vi.it to ibnt'clrr aiier the kucecxful bocc. le th.- routben army *a»
Seven plFces of caAr,
Far wway w Ae MS wber* Ae'Sarce Two llule arms atrayed along bis aae. and would be very glad If I could
As I have n.n wriuee for a loag .Inge of YTckaburg. sA ave him the Beauregard, a tuagniarent aninila of
One .tone arrow-band.
coal froal Md cioaed rauad bla neck, have snoAer. I allil have my card time J ibougbt I awaW send a lc» honw on coodliloo that be Aonid pi- great boldoex and •fl.li. l«t» baA.
Ope piece of - .tlch" Hcorlra.
Then ato
' raa away.
•a.'We arc hating lotely- wealber way. to trrated" kindly. Granb ar- high' Of hliu the general write* He
eliiB. snHe Ene.
An oPl rubber orasor.
) hear tto bird. stag. It i« up here now. tbe anow U all gone. I .-cptA the horae. xml« him Cluclo- wa. wouAA nt Getittburs.
e bare-.
BobMe. Dick, let’a get a a-prtee for very warn in Ae .ummer! I wlU
go to tobool every Ay. I bave one nail. It te clalnied tbal to «x a ron at the tame time that I «a.. W-faM I
AA e .mall bsB of (wiae.
fpraver are mergA A tto atrlpM gmApa. '-caone be can't go to At-A Ae teke aometime. Well. 1 •
Three keivei and Stec-atA-beet.
name tor Aa SunAlae Club. PlMBe of Ae tboroogbbred aad grmt lour- as. uken to tto boH>»al. Beaare•Bd tto Stan:
paraA!" Ae ealM Mgarty.
bave to ctoaa. so goA-by.
Two certrtdgM Wank.
tond ale a card ud bntton for George mile ninner. Lexington. Aat be bad gard. alter belag unsaddled and an“Hiurah for Janie: Bat what will
Prom yoar SuBshlnef.
Swalea. Charlevoix. 1 went to a show run In several race*, had a fate re<- bridlA. (oHo-A me there, toy A-a
One abort pencil (or elate.
Tbara it pMoe obaio Ae iowen eov- the sarprtoe tor
Marguerite Kreenmn.
One lew secketbookoteak.
last TburtAv night. It wx “Cncle otd. aad that Ae general -to aob.e- outside end dIA.'
Ooe of the to.i kaewa boiwea of
aaM ououra.
Bobble, “in
— —
• •«-.■ wwcu
I <1 go owww
Do ym-Jffe near the lake? How Tom's Cabin." and I lAA It read well, qeestlv oSerod..........................
fUi.Ooo for bim. Thla
One arnall beam-aaide’ badgTwd packs of plain carA.
ted tbaStaa eRdAeGtayNow MeA *M aak Ur. Lumte-to-a beA of (to pratty^water it!
WelL ga my leUer It getilag loOg I wx (be bay tone that
. . -Gram -rode al- the rouAeru army wa* (to beautiful
win aay goA-byc. boplA to aee my moat ooariaatiy during Ae campaign apple gray mare wlA whltt taU aad
A “true" aaMAyte atone
■ .
From OM of Ma “parda"
Bear Lake. MIA.
letter in prlnu I remalB.
-of Ae WllAmex ^
mane, named XelA Cray, tto Avor-I i*gr>«rW«.- Voar loviag-aoMbinee.. - - - Sms afira te ilnii if the wer Ha ba war bnnteterf 6bBPrsLgI»
(Some time la tto pxti.
clBB^ WX ^t^ (o *„fa™ ta Mary- Lee She WM kUle.1 ta tbe battle of
AM. slaeo aO Atam end.
Atew tto awaet aA bmaUfal day. ccMloa wA atop, and Aey wiu ratao *vety day. I like my uaeber **., . I Sylvia rontlBur'to be such actiye MW him aA where to dlH in Septeor
Bo tiam wore tto Ixl.
Cenelpl Wlteba. la bU ealertalDlU.
^ .A Af T»^ »te»w aad pirla. naroly Aelr bats or aomething. ’canaf hr’, aa well f broke my toIt n.
o WlH ym 1 anhlnen.
-8. K^Uauh. ta GoMro Onyator. I«(.
anlHe. te nlleat rwgaftetag Ktolw»"'»
X. -"Ir- -
Henry Oliver Mfvek at Itori OnaWa
hail storm
siini BUBO OUT three CIRLS
Bert Caldvrcll Died at Hli Heme
ed Friday NlghL
Bert Ca'idwell. aged 57 yenre. aon-et
Word was* received 'Tbomday by
iDicrlo. hen, .May
The new ss-------4v*e ■
Kobt. Caldwell. 4IC Sixth-MrcrI. dlM
Urn. Frank KeMerhooto. ot East
«n b-ilhling belonging to Jake Witearly hour Ttaarsday He liail TWO INCHES OF ll
lONORet Elghlh street, atatlng that her brother.
hop of this plsre caught fire
nlghl atmui ii> o'clock and wa> tu
Port Oneida duHng (be electric
or tbe liDje was ronSned to bts
le ground. Mr. Wiikop bad test
rm that momlng.- Ur. Oliver was
I. Ben Caldwell was bom in
Pla**-d bis ovs bar listurrs t:
about forty-live years ot age and
Traverse C^Lv aod had lived here jinir.
bslWing yesteidsy but most of
tii-nllr all tala IKr. He la survived by
didea bit alater. two brotbsaved I.) the quick work of the
era. Bobert and ByroA all of ibU city. SEVERAL OTHERS ARE CHARGED his (ather. two alsiem. Misses Horn
volunteer mviiwn. Tbe building *'**
He was employed on a Urm at Pon
and Jena; three brot'bera. Wltlia
3<'x4« feet and was aril l.iiiU and
and Jack of this riiy and Ounci
uniament m Ihr town. U is not known GRADUATING EXSflCIflCS WILA.
Conimmee Will Urge Oefinite Interns- Cbleaap.
FRUIT SECTION EBCAPEDy^ ANY whether <iT oot the building wss In
tienal Understsnding Looking
Fuupnil tervices were beM from
sured. or whether O will be rebidlt
to Ssfety -of Persons
K' fnmily home Salimlay nfternoon
Who Co te Sea.
. 2 o'clock. Rev. Demas Cochlln
tea* Contsifis BtMy -Mtnibsra and a
Wrttw Ehowt TM H* Hm • Great
tbe Uonaregnltonx! churvA olfiriatinc
Naat Bslanoc in It* Traamaq;.
OmI te Uam Afeet* the NetWasbionloo. Slay ri.—The avnate Interment was In pakwood.
Creenheoset »t Bute HoapiUI Had
•ml HaMtat •meal
Next Two Westa Crsnteag '
oouHlttee on comuierce today con
Largs Amount of Class Seek.With Evanta.
ddered ’(be rci«rt on the Tltanir diran By the Heavy Stone*
whlcb (be comnjluv«^' win aul>and Wind.
Get Plre That flpread and Destroyed
WitblD less'ttaaa two Weeks aMhte
Tk* ttaae haa ouM. (or Travene
•nme of Neighbor'*
Several ien Were in Building. But tjxKb in Traverse CKy Hitfi acM
CII7 M fea«U aad kowt loiid Md Ions.
■ From Tborsd^
Ewraped Injury From
amtbv of Brarrhodj e Mar
•el awept along through the iiviM-ra
^y wfll have dosed aad a dMs
tn* Boil
adita hM (Orlta UiMlng article. t>nt
Archie Gamer of Colfax townabip. ana to Us doom whb Us Imuiensc
Ihering 60 or mere, one of (he tergyears sirovk this city about 6:30
la tM Orchard,” br Carlrie ElUf, Wexford county. wnsnrreatedWedqps. tons ot^lllc.
Many Oiversient Will Be Fiirn|ehed
V morning, airompanied by
The ta ge ham on the fruit farm br^ eat ever turned ouu will have aaU
whk* aniOe. hot lor
day on eompUinl of Depoiy Game
The rbport waa jm-iiarcd by Senator
the Visiters Who Com* Ham
rm Chat was nut the amallesL and longing to the I) J. Monatn emate, the test good-bye* to th*^Ad siteool
iioae«(tba'beR«Tiu«aand bcM II- Warden O. AUru Smith on n charge nilltem Alden Smith of MU-hlgan. the
wbl'ta baa held M thorn Many
electric Ihrlll or two nbich did not which la located about two mile* sres^
. in June.
lastntad dwylptlre storiea et tb« ap
imlenaly netting flmn which
chnlnnan of Ibe
I to get In Us abate
of tbe city, was struck by- lightning Jiya and perhaps a tew "glaotes” tor
ple aUMllen U Ihe United 8ut« yet over upon another man’s property nnd oondneted tbe inveaiieatioo. bat dar
•sat icur years And aftar all la
‘/be'snDU ! oourenUca and Sts'* to the proprriy of the people In gen ‘Thorsday. and aitbougb the build
IRUMhad. Abeotutaly no Motion U did connidnmble damage. He was ing the
said and done, at the chtea ol Ike
ec-i dlBcuteloD Aerie iiieetlog uf the Fraieras] 0;Jcr eral. XotwlUifiandlng Ihe 1*«,
ing itself srae not damage-l «> sny
■HM 9t the ”tmtt with flavor” and tabea before Justice Walter R. Artie.
higb acbnel caiwor of- (b* storage
of Bagles win be tieid te Travers* Ibe half stonra were coasldersble
lent a team of draft bora.. wervthe "opplea ttat HMe rlshC that art Where be plend guilty and wan given
(Tty on Tueadsy. Wednesday and
came with terrific tuntly killed. Tbe <w*e 1> a rather gin and boy a sort A tonamiteanaaa
heavy One and eonta.
grown U ate Omad Tiaveree regloo.
coaxervative deductlona.
Tfauraday. -Juae IS. lb and 20. end the iorce. there, was nut as much damage peculiar one. Instead of sirlkiog the
Fortheniere. there la not a faint tfaat
Mr. Smith nUtea that be wiU en
It if unoeraocMl the repon will se local memb^ are pteiming tor an U) fruit trees as was at first rapecuM. ham diTwtIy thr bolt ronnerii-d with
applaa con be grows in weetem Ulefal- force tbe tew -Id regard to tbA
Some of the best Urns* (bey
The peafcxnij. the great garden ol (be lightning rod aad folio's^
verely criticise CepL Smith of the T1 enjoyable time.
gas. or oTHt la the etau o( Uicfalgas lent lotting of Brea to tbe letter and
hkd M iflj^ old Bcboel flaya.
A number of aeries tfarougbout the the Grand Traveroe region escaped tewn -rf^ljle of tbe bars, uii
tanic as mainly rmponsihic for tbe
loovee nil who bare occasioii to
The atory bWlae with Ihe Wendtenater bemuse ol (allure lo beed (be sUle hsvc already slgiiin<-d iiiLeations with practically au terioua daniage. opposite'the stall where (he horse*
np rabbish or any otber mate
.■tehee Valtey U WaahlWoa and tell*
body, and probablyl and what llttie there
were sUndlng. Here. In tome .unsc- back for a party or two' a -year or wo
warnings of other vessels: the UrtUs'h
o( Ha haiideowa appln wfaiefa laat year rial to be mrefnl. njid nee that there board of tmde for lax Inspection
this will be otic of the big conventions result from tbe bexvy rain and wind counteble manner the boll beeame aftrr. It U nevsr Just (be mm, tor
tee on to de- Is no daagH of the flamee siire>
•iiteogaged from the rod and crashed there aia always the new peepl* tkara
Bruce Ismay. who was a iinsaeogcr. of tbe year.- The throe days will be more than the ball. West of
and tbe oM -baadi- te tUspenefl tar
_i and Jonaand wlU point to tbe lack of .llselidine filled with buslnem and sports. State storm seemed to vent tu fury most through the aide of.tbe bara.
ttaoa of Nmh Tah>M, vblcfa
In the time of danger. Cain, lord oi league ball games win b<- hold'oai-b .vnd while repnru have been'meagrr men who were In the bars at the Hn« nd near.
dorbarrel ad
( U equal qnanUty.
day between Traverse t'li.v. Boyue ih< re seems to have been contide^ had Just gene up to fte seeond Bqor.
Ibn Ctellfomlao will figure In the
With the anniul play, the cMtart
bMUtlet or the Mclatoeb jted o( the
Iblliiy because of failure to tskc city nnd MatiUtee teams. A ball («sin{alile damage to the fruit tree* but or probably some of tbein might have
auier Bwtt VaUay. %eni which eectloo all danger of forest fires sunlog.
haen Injured. One of tbe men was other annual attracUoM given and
necontng- steps w hen near the Titanic has also been organized auning the' not enough to handicap the growth
4H earioefli ease tact year, are girea
ibera of the Bagba Hod Trav.
peerlag through a bole do*ro al tbe enjoyed by the senlort ovar SMB Of
•whoan rocket signals of distross
in tOL Hood Bhv Talley ead lie
C4ly la ^^Irous of RieeUng
boroea when tbe iraMdy eccumd.
xai aboard the Califomian.
which ^ed 'a anecete. Lb* am Im
Seyeral . window* were brokeD ia
”w«tots pa<^ MM tor Ita Kewtood
Fire which started, was soon exUn- portant thing left te (he gradsaUan
CoagtM* will be asked to eesmrd eagle* (gam lo Gie autc. II.
bouses on the west side, oqe at
gulahed by ibe mea with palls of wq- iteeir. tbe ooniiiwnrateeat Bay. when
Capt. RootroB of (be rescue ship Car- Pleree is msuager fur the local Gagle*.
borne Of J. 1). Middleton nir .•«rtb
the young people step (rote wKbl.i
MiKogM Um eeoUr& The atory ullt
A genocal bill is t«lni: drafted by be addressed.
Ibe at hool room imo ths pate hto
barUa NihtOG npptoe o( Calllernla
Tbe big street parade aod barbe- kula on S«xon«l street and one at the
Senaior Bmiih. wfalrb. along with o:libusy worka-day world (bere U carve
lionie of Gene Fuller oa Third qtreoL
are aklpped la the Bnn^Man siarkeu
«r meaaams already ficnicd la Ifac ■e will be Icsturrs of (he even*.
at their future esreor each In hi*
asd-it atao laG* how the cooatn about
senate and bouse, will *<« cohsl-iuretl Bands of niualc from several tlllm being auiocg lb( ni. .About 2oa panes
wn panlcular line.
Sersatapol la iihIii te the (root as
ill be in atlrndsiicn aod jiria- of glass ait (he Travciwe City State
Expected That Con
aniounilag to gSO will be awarded I: hospital green .iiousea were broke'
Next lo her wedding day. commence- .
duced to concrete legistetloD to
Beat Ever HeM by the
.cut day I* the most Importnnt day ta
tbe Icasont drawn from tbe disaster. the band roulesi.
priies which was tbo extent ot dagisge a
(bit point.
. Tbare 1* a Uralr daacHption ot the
Hunting.fu ovurly IUh> will also
xirl a life. On ibte day aha dens a
Tbe report will criticise (J>e Isck of
fl^t which the (|«ll grewara ot Onnd
made cepectelly for the oecssdrills and teals aboard tbe iitaolc. (lie
-Mm. A. T. .\uriislroiiT of 726 East
aanctloa. Oalerado. make each aprtnn
iweatr-tour and onc-bslf mffis an hour
sud it If usually as elaborate as
fur largi-.-d nuiolM-r <if ludie* FVntil sUoet was sct-v-rely sbockod by FIsna are Beinfl Hade (or an AeUve
in thair oeMaat with Jack flkoat
Suoirper by th*
speed at tb» time of the arddeoL the attending with uieuibcrs of a slaglv a bolt which struck In the yard in
r-r iSBic deiires. la some dtiee the
. >thli palat the atory reada tflu a narBflgsde.
failure of tbe stcamabip con>psny
material for tbe rrameacemest gown •
fn)iil of bar rcsklenrc.
ratlra (ran the aaghN hooae ot a met- t. A large number irom the Tmverae ptovUe tbe Titanic with gUsses for
baa be<-a Umlted to some canals kUnl .
committee of lomi ladies has
ropoUtan Bra dapartaanL The w
tbe lookonu and with sein-hlichla. the
of goods, in expenilva, and with a preappointed t«i tt-ocivc visitiag la
aaya Id UUIng rrtmt happena on each Uoo at attending with
lu f»j«inM- Mr an oid*-r r»wci«e<l vsilliut rule that tbe etyle be sa sim
failure to give general warning to
dlea with lieadquurlcrs at Iteglea hall
cold aptlDg sighL ”The feaerraa are leg the next mceung
oiii ilii- ti<IJulanl^rn<-ral ot (h<- .Mlrh- ple as ran be—sometlms*. they aveu
passeogm after the vesserbsd struck in the lirnsvh block. The entire twt
- MlM trom thair bade and eartatter tion city of tbo north.
iaai. XavHl brigade.a iip-rilng of th'-lo- so so far* as lo restrict them as bi
an iceberg with an Iniiact eatlqtatr.l
fl-Kir of (he building will be gl-.
corgeaa whlHlBgiato the nl^t. The Uvw trom tbe local councU to thecon- at tbo combined force of the broad
CHI dltlelun ot Ibe naval reserve* was (be fashion, and rale that all ahall
Ip and Ihe i-Iub rooiiw cloned for
aolragn li parttapa a hoarier o( a mil- veatlon are Adrian Oole and Ray eldea ot a score of the largeet
•-allc-i u( the arotory Friday evening be made alike. TbU has baan done
thia purpose. There will b>- driv-u
Thacker, with A. F. Cnroemn nnd W used by the navy stid (hr White
Uon daUara.''
for the puiioee of elerllng officer*
l('onlin<ii>l nil |iagr two.)
witb a view to ellmloallng. if potelblo
From 9alenda the author lumpe (o
fill n-rtain vacaneie* made by lire r
rides and gaoles (or the ladies
Uoe company for Us course as to giv
any Illlle sensitive (oellnf aoma (air
li-nailon of J. A. .Montague, formr-r graduate migh bar* wte> <muH not
the awie regkm of KaoMc. MIhodH RIebter of this dtp Is ntate secre ing out larormatiou on Monday of (lie lo-riijoy.
and Ai^aaMB. and then to the Bhen- tary, and with either of the other
manner of this dHlision. Ueuieiiaa risbewate
aadoah Valley la Tlrgtela. He makea and Uf. Richter as official
K1e*lloli ol nffi.crw al llic Woiiian'e
llenry Vaaderwi-rp wac entitled as her fellow'rJassmate. who on the
ex<vo(ivc—A. I,. Joyce. S5ol G<ild
- Mention ot the npple mdaelng powpromotion 10 the rank ol comojand- other hand has a big (at parse bsrii
an. Ig>uj« Lauincr. .W. U. C. 'Or- club Friday a(l criHxtii rutuKH ss lul(Continued on lauie (
ere ot Ohio. lodlaaE lUlnola. then
KX-a'uae ol certain reaanns be
mainc, E. E. \Miiic. J. E. Cauicran. follows:
er upon wbicb to draw foe the
■wtngi ta the Uhe Ontario regloa In It If expected that the Bay City hoys
care lo acveiii. ao Eoaign drera w hlcb cahool mean more to her
Timnmhy Temple.
New oTrk nute, nnd ckieen with 6e will srranRc the trat time lb the hUFIrol Vir-v Pn-elili-m-Urs
George H. Cm**.'who (ollowc'l Van- Ihgjr to any other girl member of tbe
Ftetenainment—U <*. Clapp. A. K
Hndnoa TaBey regloa. which eentara torr of the orgnntentlon. There are
derwerp as ncit in the rank of offl- claai. This Is as It abould be. and it
Joyce. J. W. Ilannen.
S.472 membem la HieUcui nnd over Side Aaked (ofCoMtruetten el the
SctvMid Vl«v- I'rcHitb-iii-Mr*. T. H ■■cr*. seemed to be the man bc*i auit- ia to be hoped Ih* I brtore another year
l>rocram-Gus GoUlteb. Krauk Ad
tbopMDd of Ihna wlU attend the
i-d (or the vacant iiosuion. With Mr. rolU around the same rule will be hi'sniB, 11. Getman
torth (a the atory are several that are
Recording Sc-fciary-Mrs G. G Crox* eleited a* eommander. Ernest inxiarod in thle city. It te being done
Publicity and Transporuiloa—J.-AV.
e( IntacaH to the Grand Trnverae re
Salcnskl was chosen to^flll the office In some of tbe ninet promteent <ol
Tbe new addition to ihi- Ivml posl- Hsnnen. B. H. t.hllc. U K. CIeveIan-1. Covell.
gion. Thr Inatnaee. ”Betoi« man^
offlee Is now an assun-d fait, as (he
StvTctary — Mis* left vacant by Mr. Cress: AnoHier of- leget. nigh scbtMla of in* larger clUct
i’arado—A. l,angworth}-,
years sMmH the entire marketed crop
li'-e tilled was that of ensign engirteer,
work has proceeded to (be poiol Park*. C. Cox. .
Clara Bales.
(Continued on paige two.)
ot iiiaaflwa opptoa wio be ot high
which Hcrbr-rl O. Joy hi waa elect
ITogncial S«-i rciary.-.Mfs. Charles'
wbnrn bids are aaked (or. lo be In the
Ilayd and Music-K. E. Weaver.
gmda. no far as appMrmoee It ooabands ot (be dei«nment at WasbinglohnsoSs^
tContloursi on tiag*
oarnai than Mt and wect wiu be
ton by 3 o'clock on July 2. i:*ir. The
alaoat mmi tooting nnd the rnce «
epndflcatkins arc on file at the local
I.lbrnnan—Mr* W' laivc.
Bure Knot te Beeurely Tied.
he to MOW! who «aa enpply the In>ncn aod call lor the construeDirector for Ihr-e years—Mr*. Jv
rtiirai draaiid tor npplos ot eipfr
tion of a new addition covering l»rki
R. Santo
dally ooMMMt flatow.”
te«t ot ground. It will he one story
di'ci ior* whu-c- term* of of- put (be armor}' in Grot rtess condilioh.
Harwton^arathawrttarfMled. Re dings of the apring was tbsl tolemii
bnsoment with a tin roof, of fire
bol expired arc Mro. J.
In regard Mr the furnishing of the
. MooM hhva teU of Um weaiera Ulchl- ed la County Clerk White's oCice at proof oMstrocilon with bri<^ and
Morgsn and Mro E L. Hughe*
hall, the officers' room is fully
gas oootry and the flavor o( the ap tbe eoort boose at bl^ noon Satihdiy alone (nclng. The specltlcationB also
of Ibe alt<-rnoon was
The iiieeiiug of the Grand Traverse
e<inli>i>od and a riig and a numberr of
plet pMdocod la the Oread Trsverse when Miss Reglns ZoodergeM. Jnst mil (or the remodeling and reialrlng Pomona Grange will be held at Grant ea,ove
buKrtim enUrely. It ■
chairs bavey l,eeu inatalled in the <4ub Will Be Managed lo SimUmatic Han.
three days over from the ^
of tbe old building to meet the in- (;«nter on June :• an.l 0, The follow. decid'x
fill one of the llowdr'bed*
s. Ta'deator.ibe club room* are
cr Far ttv* Benefit *f Vovng
became the bride of Oerlof Boemma ol
We have not (ncgotten the rnat
ted needs of tbe city and to coaIhe library imilding with being made at tbe Greillck factory- at
II has be<-Q sF
taat that tank place in Oitengn la No- this cit}. Juetlcc A. F. NeHInger per
U> the modem meiliods of gov- range-l and a large stu-adauce Is ex- geranhini*. Tiie tulip*. Which have the irreseot time. Other tnati'-rs of
venbnr. UM. when the npptoeot weet- forming (be ceremony. The little enuneat bonding construction.
finished blossoming, w^re also imijortance were discussed, among
era Mlcklgna teak the lend, ahhoo^ bride from the Untchtead eould apeak
tlfe of tbe Woman's rluk Tbe which U was suggested that dehnitV
Frogram June 5.
not a word of BngUab. neither could
they wan hmght Into eompoi
Coder very auspicious rintete'■ of -Mrt I.illl*n I. EvaW-®» slelM 'be taken Immediately in (fa
2:>ii. p m.—Grange called to order.
fhe nademuad. but tbe groam intersymte* tbe V. W. C. A. bom* was tortoted upon tbe bunorarv memtwrahip matter of pre|>aring the hall lor
Singing old-itme popular eongs.
^wted tbg words to her and she rrThe loinmittee appoinfed to take dance. A conttnitU-e was apiwlnted t mslly oi«ned Monday afternoon wbe«
CpOt>era<lve Marketing of Fhrm
I ibem as the beet ahe could In
hA The vktory then won In Chicngo
reoeidioa ta tbe people of tbe city
te of the General FedH-ation make iovesllgalion and re|<oft at ih
Her Home Friday Products—E. O. Udd. Old MUslon.
onttttod the wentsm Mkhlgna reMoa the foreign toegue.
Mr Boersms Psasnd Away
.Modem .Melho<lF of Potato Culture— Etedowment Fund reported l4.r-0
next meeting, or «t least alihln tw In general waa held al tb* tedUtag
to rBoallMiUiMi la any and all nrtlb«a from the Setherteitda In
band. The fflllow-ing papers are to be weeks. About a half hour * drill ws on tbo corner of Casa and Sale staaeu.
S. U Bratebrtdge. Grant CekiCer.
ring of 1911 and li employed at
There la every reason to baliev* It Is
by the club of the M. 8. F. W. C. participated in alter tbe meeting.
Mr*. Cora Fuller, wife of Fred Ful
RotJulton- -ftntb PauL Cram Cengoing to prove one ot lb* Uggaat
Bureau of Inforniaiioti for use in loan
ler. 143 Base Tenth street, died at 2
tnoremenu ever known ia (he citr.
Rocliatlon—.Mrs. -Nettie E. EvaBi;. ing: "How MayWe l.ite Nearer tbe
o'cloek Friday afieroooo following
It may b* that enr vtetery o( IMP now speak and n
Tbe fa^e is about (urotehed now, arSimple IJfe?" by. Mra. Frank
an Ulaea* of only about a week, al- Traverwse City.
haa not haen toBtowM np with nantengoage. After tbe licenie bad «hoogh sbe bad been la poor bealth
emenu for a systematic manage"The
RcMlv-ed. That MlcHgan Should
beta tesned tbe coopte enqalred for (or aoam time. Sbe te aurvived by Grant Equal SuSr^e to Women—Af Cbild." by Mrs. Edgar Keith: "Tbe
; are under war aad It is expaclDutch mteUter. There ia none bere ^ bnsbaad. two brother*. Sidney sad firmative. Silver I»k«e grange: l
ed that these win be no dlfflcnlty
Cliff Dweliera." by Mr* G, H ranis;
the fact that thr Julius DlaglusB of Ibis city; cue sis live. Grand Travel
anppiytec girte ^ women wtth
Paper on -File*. " by Mr* C. 8. Vadfhn TnvMoe Otr Board of Trade to knot baa been qn aecnrely tied
m aad benrd at a very nnwiwi figter. Hra. MeUsugbey. of Grand R*(>Important Points in tbe School Law
eee Umt -n tnffWently tend hdlM U coBld be by JnaUee Nerlinger. It ia tbe id*, and nine ritiidren. Lodte. Cter- —Fred Warner. Ou'Mlesloe.
e. Tbone wlsbing to make arraageDurini
made to wmrnat.the mearmnes of
brWea wiab that as eooe as (bey go enea. Fral^rry. Goorge. Beateh.
!Dta are requested (o- call at the
Washington.- n. C.. May 2:.-CoI.
p. m.—Butinecs meeting.
nsrau. a w te Grand Rapid* the Mremony be per- Sate qnd't^ea. all of wbom reside 4:00
me where they may talk
wnilaiD P. Evans, recently In com
7:00 p. m.—Uterary program— lifbted the dob memben by a |
eanan ths p^h,aUun of thn Aory loniMd over annla by
at hossA
er Vltb tbe president er aoBo tapmand of the 2?-tb infantry, autloned
InRvptrtD^-Fnnetnl s^ces were brid from
wotesn wbo wiD be ta euaifi.
At the eondnsk* of the bosioeas rvJun* «.
Wa i^.icnflMiag tmlt with flavor
Mrs. De^ baa been aaMfltf '*•■
(be bona* Saaday afternoon at 3
1 the retired list of tbe armyg:(K> a. m.—General i
..MboMnts mar* senmd by th* e*te.Ington streeL Mr. Boeraae made ap- O'doM. Bev. Demas fwhtie gf the: Traia* wm meet vteitor* at KarUn tainment coauaUlee. It was decided day. Col. Evans U trom Wlsronsln. matron, white Hr*. Canrkfc itofl Hn.
Nlcntkm tor natarallmtum papen af OongraMGsual ebar^ onriailag. t tl:M a. m. U. * N. E. traia team
hold ObUdroa's Day on Batardar, and waa gndwted from tbe Weet Newberry win have ebat«a of tii
ter the wedding.
Bartel U Oakwood.
Point sradeBfTn 1671,
Traveroe City al
a m.
,<«**“«• ^ mJ
. -r
Will BE MUBia B(BI
aum'MVMm manj), m tbavxus bat baolb.
Grand Ttatetse Herald
and Ttevine Iky Eaf^e
Twiae a week
frtWekX Vnmtmr aat Tkmdy at Twt— gty. IHchHaa. ty
«iiy nian who has bad any boautoM training or experisDce, and he
is the least likely of any man narned to ateiire tbc nominatum. •
The United Sutes baa uever had a bnaitiM man few PreaideDt
ainco Washington, who was one of the imiHt tiiorougli going and
«ssfii] business uansgers the rountiy iwer has had. Never
e Washington.'has there be<'0 a busiiuTU man in the Prcaideut’s
chair. Our iwesidenta have been lawyers. di|ilomats, military men
or purely politicians.
But it may be tharihe busiii.BW man. ami we im-liide tlie farmi-r.
the most iaiiKwUut businns man we liav(- ttMlay. utay asw-rt himself in 191C and ask for the repnweuUtiou be is eutillnl to in the
agemenl of Ibe guitwumeuL
voted thc'liall.jr^ WWUrti is
is worthy cQu-
c h- Woiiir^of •Avn.wiro, do y.»ur own
and keep away from
from our too^the I’as
I’aidtourrt tyjs!
CralatioDtlaiw^ 2.900
m ibeaevtU Sweeps Mr. Ttft'sBo^
lie mnlU of the Primai7 election in Ohio ou TuisJay were
jfVTCaUj.Dot niexpeeted to those who, ereogin part, understood the
rilMCie*. We nodify this by eayin#, “in part,” because if there
^ k
MS in fte United SUtes wha understands all the eonditioUs
of MW poIHica, wc would be glad to meet him. As has been tiw
ease in aUnost eirety state in the union, where the primary has iiecn
• . osedin connection with the presidential uomi^atioo, the ballot has
•Mt an' wtnplicated and so impossible for the ordinary or cxlraordtaaif'f»t« to nudersUBd. that the people at large arc yet uheer^
dakrofAe renilts in ^ese states. Ohio is no exception to this rule.
are wnting this at noon on Thursday and nobody yet
ksewt Um popular reanlta in Ohio. If the primary is to be
tanafcstatist,Bstioasl pnrposea, as we have aaid time and again,
anst be simplified. As tbc matter sUnds now. we only
^OMcvelt has carried 32 of the 42 congressional duo
tlipi* <tf the atste.' Poaaibly before the November election comes
. ttariB hs ^wn what the popular majority for Mr. Roosevelt is in
OM'. fiWi it makes no diiference. Mr. Roosevelt has earricd^Mr.
fia'i ovp state, by an <n-erwhelmiug majority.
Tte “Uoaqnito State” of New Jersey, is yet to bold its primary
4i4 both Mr. Taft and^Mr. Roosevelt arc now camiwigning that
' a£As dM adling eaeh other bad uames. One-or the other will l>c
tbe New Jersey Mosquito, and we have reached a
|M^ lAers we don't eare mneb whk-h one it ia This whole cam
ps^ lias bera a disgrace to the Bc|>ublieau {>arty. and haa dtsgitwl tbs whole country.
mtUmr stands todsy. Mr. Roosevelt will bo uominated at
Ike CUsagD convcBtkn. Mr. Taft's friends claim that Ohio is not
fM*sfy to his nomhiatioB. It is barely possible that thb is true,
Ml «e do not ^Ikve it. Politieisns tell us thst New Jersey
owb • ptJitical condition, that even the result in Ubio will not
t0m tbs «wdt in thsC«Ule. Thu esnnot be so. The Ohio result
rtbsl the New Jency result, and New Jersey is the last sUte
^ fidjr dn to elect ite delegates to the Chicago eonvention.
As the matter atands todsy, Ur. Roosevelt will be ths nomin<>c
«p ^ Bq;niUiean-tiekeL If be is he will have the biggest popular
that was ever civen any President of the United ^tes.
Mi is a mere statement of fact, without any regard hr refer(M to ti» peraonal fedings or wuhes of the editor of this paper.
As fqod of toe whole oonntry in ycaii to come, he believes it
dtodd’be better to reUre botji Mr. Taft and Mr. BooaeveU, and elect
mA M man aa Qifan Boot or Juatiee Hughes, preferably the first
Mtosd. W# believe Mr. Booaevelt can carry the country without
- NtoT T«trk iUte. Mr. Taft cannot. Therefore Mr. Roosevelt is the
BoatoiM of the two for the party, and as stated in these
«q|nmiia aodtc days ago, the Southern vote, uncerUin. mireltable. a
^ «rtc bm toe states that cannot by any poasibility give a Republi« Mc«or, can be esafiy influeneod to east a vote worthless in a
mi^lieitn Natlmial convention, excepting as it nny nominate or
itondfitate that'the popnlar vote of tbc country would tupMa vote, as wc btve before said, is easily influenced, easily
.mtopod by tbs entbusiaam of a great national party gathering, aueb
towBM assn in Chicago nex^montb, and such a gathering as this
dMhfiry wfll never see again, for tbs National eonventioua of all
toil year will be the last convcuUona of that character ever
. UrsD if a ecoaidenUe portion of this t
vote is. tlius
It would settle the majority without question. ^Ye beIWogWore. u toa matter atanda now. Mr. Roosevelt will be no_ mMlBhf in the Chicago convention, onless the party, through its
representottves, eondude that a oomproraisc candidate » better for
M ^ tor the country, and wc have no hopes for
iSre-Mtisfisd, however, much as we dislike and
<&Hnmve of the primary system ss it exists today, that should
Jto.- Boos^elt bs'nomitoled beoante of this complicated impeTfoct,
^MMlbiriiiliiiy ^Mmn. be is today, and will be in November, the
'"strongest esnaidsts thaf can possibly be presented by the Republitan
party to the votera of the connte}-, and no candidate that the
tmqtw party ean name eonld be elected over him.
This is a suteaeto dkUted by present eondilioiu. Nothing
Ml a poUUeal cydone can ehsngc tbeae coudiUons. ud that vydonc
k BOt likely to sweep the country.
SV. WOe^'s
Dr. Ilar\-ey W. Wiley is sixty-iis y.-ara ..Id iinil he lias p>l a baby
sbout six daj-8 old. We imngratulate Dr ^’iley on his jiaitbrnl
vitality. Presumably this is b.-eause lie has b.TSi fcsling liiin».-lf
for many years on liis own fonnulas. Dr. Wiley is an eminent ex
pert, wc 8UPP.UP. and sine.- k<- retired from lh<- «..veTimieu1. where
hb salary was small, to take eh^c of the Keei|H- Department of a
noted magazine, where his u1a«)r is many timi-s greater, ids au
thority will not be less<-n.-d. but why should his |H>or child sufl'er
that the Doctor’s reputation may be iqdield. Dr. Wiley has laid
out for his infant a line of regimen that woiU.I kill any onliuary
■ ■ y on the atrccL
The Doctor saya that for eight.vn umnths liis-baby shall hav.nothing but natural food. IK- saj-s. «.f .-..urse .hiring Jbat tim.-. .<
little white of egg or grin-l (think of it! gru.-l). may l>e sduiiiiisl.-red^in very small dian-s, aud then aft.-r that eight.-en moutba he may
grailually .b«- given some e.-r.-als. pn-sumably Itattk Crei-k eer.-aU.
little,l>arl.'y broth'^.-aii .anyone iiiiagiin- anything mnr.- alMH.iinable than Iwrli-v bmtJi f) He may hav.- a Jiltb- slar.-hy food, pmsibly
li-ft over-from the we.-kly wasliing. H.^-.iuay liave a litth- fniil
juiw (U- veiy t-areful that tin- fruit jui.s<|is in.i f.-nueiit.-.l!} lb}uay have.a little fresh,.good m.-at ui.iw^- dm-lor is gt-liing .1..wu.
to busiin-as).
Aft.-r III- is thr«-e y.-ars oh! he may have a litth- guml fniit i \v.roromnu-ud Grand Trav.-me fruit). If the D.-etor e«u hud a
thqt can be teatwi ever>' f.-w we.-ks f..r tnlH-reulosis g.-rnis. an.l hrfinda that the cow- is frts- from sin-h gi.rnis. and tin- milk is |nrf«-.-tly-«-leaii and piu-.-. he may In- ali.ixv.-d to (Iriiik a little of thiv
" '’kt
' 4Xf9 0
Th<-ii he is going to hav.- this baby 8li-<-ji out d.n.rs (but perhaps
be will cover it up on a eoM. rainy, aturiiiy. shvly. haily night).
ts going to'see that the lungs of his little son nr.- filled with i>wre
oionc (we reeomnn-nd Grand Traverse ozone):
lie verj- simple.
*>f Uiis.
His eh.tlii-s nn* to
Tln-re will nut be any trailing roln-s,
(We approve
If there is anything Ural is annoying to the .-hil.i and its
mother, and cs{iceiully to fatlii-r. it is th.we huig trailing ehitln-s
Uiat custom baa diH-rinnl shall be worn by tin- iufatit Ui.- first y«-ar
) of its existence).
He is going to let his little hoy kh-k his fi-ot
free and tunibl.- ns In- wants to.
<W.- approve of this).
All tbc elotlies an- going to hung fmui the slionld.-rs and Ih.-re
will Im- no pins diow thankful the father will In- that tln-n- will l»piiis to m-arch for. when the niotii.-r li'u g.me to the eliil. or
bridge partj ).
When he-gets a little ol.h-r li.-'is going to be put into roiiijs-j-s
and sandals, so tliat his fet-t will have a .-Iran.-.- )<> grow.
. P.-rhujis
the child won’t thank Ids fatli.-r for those big f.-.-l in years to e.iiiie).
He is going to have the child drink lots of wat.-r.
inside and outside is good for diildr.-ii.
(We hojH-
Water laitli
Won't force the water inside the eliild unl.-ss he m-.-ds it) an.] tlnDoctor is going to kwp this water Uiat his .-liiid drinks, at IiI.hhI
(Think of that!
tepid water all y.mr lif.-T)
ll.iw would y.m
Thera will IW- no cool milk.
That itiiisl
also be given a mid-summer temperature.
Now this is veiy idee, but what kiud i.f a .-liild will Dr. Wil.-y’.s
ehild be. as soon as he b.-gins to n-alizi- all tlii-ra- things, mi.l rvulize
what a wh.>l«- lot of fun h.- is missing in tin- world T
We woml.-r if the Doctor will want to k.-.-p this id.-alix.sl .-hil.t
au-ay from all A-.wip8iii^.uB who have not bc ii st.-rili»-,l.
help Dr. Wiley's child.
It is.tln- only lio|»- for him.
Tin- iT.-st thing
that wc know about this womb-rful infant, is that Ibe Do.-lor has
starti-d a bunk-account f.ir Jiim.
He will ii.-ed it.
A Word to Women Advocetes ttf Seffrtge
We are glad t«. kiioxv that .Mrs. Pankliiirst iind a f.-xv ..f In-r
oUtreiK-rons swoeiatv sniTragell.-s. have Im-.-ii w-itt.-in-.-.l t.. nimiiunths iiiijirisuiiment f.>r riotous ............................. prop.-rly. siirasiiiiig of wiudiixx-K. iiit.-rf.-r.‘uee with trade an.l busiin-ss. It xvouM
liavt- be.li better if Jln- s.-iiti-in^- had b.-.-n uiad(- long.-r. but tin- Kiiglisli still hiix-ow>oiiie regard for the x.-rj- fact of ..................... . not as
repn-seiited by Mrs. I’ankhnrst ami li.-r followers. Init W’oiiihiiIi.nhI
ill the abstract. Kv.-ry Knglishiiiaii'K motli.-r was a xvonran. Kv.i-y
Kiigiishmairs sist.T is a woiimii. Kvery Englisbiimn s xvjf.- is a xvoI. IK- .-annot .piile forget this fact. Thft-efor.- .Mrs. I'unkhursl
and her rioloiiK fiilliiwersjil.) not ive.-ix'i- th.- full putiishiiii-nt thev
The English xvoHieii are y.-t vi-ry far fn.iii the aee.ini|ilish-
meut of tlic iaiidahle obj.-et f.ir M hit-h_lh.-si- (inmly rejiresi-iitatlves
of the sex elsiin. fslsely. to be workiiig.
It is only s f.-w weeks siiu-e som.- society w.im. ii in the i nited
States r.i-eix-.-d tliiio- women with honors, at i»rivate galln-riiigK in
the hora.-K of w.-althy and infiu.'nliHl'Am.-rienn wonien.
In a miinbi-r »f eilii-s where thi-y w.-n- |M-rmitl<-il' 1........
r.irthy of those ae.-«>rd«l them, liny pnblii-Jy stut.-<l that in England they xv.-r.- going to have volesTor w.iim-n if they hii.l to d.-stn-.v
and burn t.i a.-.-omplisli this purposi-.
England, is far reftioved. Invaus.- ..f lhe .-imrse Hi.-s- iioiorioiis
w.mien have taken, from the Wfiilmeut of tin- xxork iu xvliieli ilo-.v
are engag^.
In the United States the w-oni.-ii who an- asking for bnllols nr-
JEm ^ AmAM
How tjtooU li do to try, onee. a boaineto man for P^-sident^
Ml ii • boiinM igt. Men eare little today for politics. Uiey eare
MTs tor dollars aod-eenta, This is a aordid view to take of life,
M ws are apsakingV eooditkiDs as they are, not aa we would make
tbOB if w* could carry ont the higher ideals of life. The daj- may
rtfibe' in to^ dim future when this can be done, but we can’t do it
today. Thia a, therefore, erapUlically a business age. Not that
. cotor
*■ wrapped np aolely in the making of gjoney. as some
i^wor Maids, the auekrakera, would be glad to convince ns. but
MMuM toe world happana, just at thia time, to have reached that
|RM0 ia’iii stflatevto tost brings us to that point. It is. therefore.
d'm were told twento-*ve years ago by a <Ustinguisbed American
dttosn, wbosa memory will be held in higher and higher cateem as
Mis tasi DB, a condition, not a tbeor>- that confronts us. Men
Htoto; stt Bbd'tocsp boainM. and yet no one baa seemed to think
usiug argura.-nts inst.-a'd ..M.rielw nr thrx-ats «.f <1.-Kinirii..it ..f pn.perty.
Th.y an- using eonvinving ar^m.-nts that an- nn-Hing Ho-
approval of the un-n to
they must l.s.k f..r ehaiig.-s iu Stale
ronatitutiolis that will give Ih.-m the right of tin- luillot;
state has already spitrove.1 tbi-se ehang.-s.
stai.- after
Other stat.-s an- iH-iiig
ask.-d th.' asm.' privilege f.«- th.-ir wouu-ii. and this privilege will tograiiU'd.
Not all the stat.-s at .luee. ii..t all the statra this year, but
toe time is ann-ly coming when the women «f the
SUtes will have^he same privUeg.-s at the ban.it
But let onr women reniemb<-i- that this eaum.t Is- ac-.-omplishe.!
by threau; by ri.itous public gatherings, where English sutfrag.-iies
of the el^,f Mrs. I’ankhuret. are allownl on the platform.
77te %eaU in Phdlail^
A f.-w days agoji Jxidge in a liiglier r„.irt fined niiotb.-r -lii.lg.'
.-.mt.-inpt of f,.nrl an.1 th.- .tmlg'- win. was fini-.l,r..r eunU-mpI
,»r (Vnirl now .i.-.-1nn-a that he is-g..ing to jnsisf iijMm the nVall ..f
the-d.s-isioiv of tfic jialjf win. fiiM-.! him.
This is tiringilig c1i»s-
Mr. IKi^vHls attenhon Ss .-alh-.l to this. Ihnt b.-'niay
Uirongl. figinii.g H,.- m.KH|uil,K-s .K.xvi
A w;..n.|.-rl;il n.-x^jilay is
|.. I„- l.roiight oi,(
It will h.-jyi.-d “Tl..- New Sin"
mind to com-eive of.
\,.w Sin” ought
Do Not Forget Sir. Bryen
Agiiii) w.- n-iiiark, do ii»| f.iig. i du.i Mr. Mr.vim
a D.-m.M-ral
and that this will !h- very nmnire.-j ;,| il„. Italtii.i.Vr....... .
kxoktna to
*at.1) at aea. Two
atww-be* i«
Uiv dissBler «m loUow the prwsoBI*. tkMi nf tl«-r<-i>arl neat TUeodv- Senalur Snilib will Biakr a *ppm« qd iIm*ubh-<'t add ikciiaiur llainer ol Mao land will OlM-uaa "Th<- lawaona TgneSii
Conpres* an,I ihr IV-.1*. I,, (be Ti '
latiiv nisaa^^
U'outluuvd from I'aBc <>m-•
ileruiaii Klrrbuvr. WUUani t^Mpl-IL
KJoaiicc—Ed l.auuier, '('has.
Joe ToL'inka.
. - '
UecuralloiiB-Frilr ttsuloTsky: J.t
llunkey. lonn VaoKiirro.
To the peeole of Traverse C.ly. grcetmo:
Time, the unreltmiess; st»ps nol ar.d m pasBrng. it takes with
», I...
Strong, nor dees it hesitate for-the feeble.) The good and true are
no barrier In lu path.
The patriot, the here are powerlesa befor* it
a« the markers In the silent city increase each- year, we muat pre
pare more •wrealha, x«e mint scatter more flowers. That th.s sacred
duty brlnga only oorrew to ua make* no difference to the inekorable
day bnngs the more tears.
Eaeh one In-
ereaaes the moorelng. The dayt paaa and another soldier diee and
his cwon is smaller. Every year th, dleUnce to th* eemotery j,
longer. Every year the journey takes a longer tlme.
We must all face the final preposition the time when the list old
soldier vrtti be the honored one on Memorial day i* almost at hand.
Tim* emilea alike at joy or tears.
X«e cannot have 'll
And ai the momanu fleet by he tee will Join hi* comrades and the
rotter on the other side will bt complete, t
Therefore let u* honpr them while
them we appreciate the living embodirnimtAO' «he .memoriei of thoae
gone before. Let them be the symboliean^of CeUyrtiurg and of
the other field* of fed. Let those who are spared to ua be the perso
nadera-JJ. XV. HODUCII.
tV>ra.raa, A. U
IUnnii.-i Sara tlirrew, I. W’. Css-,
l-'ra'nk Kay.
Hi'l.-Ii- I. 'Wa 8lllfU^ t'llBS.
iicln.-. Ernnk W.-llIbTisirallnn-KartJayn-.nraa.Kls
lajt. <-ba*. ErerctL
Piiera-^Wni. nrlshyiaapt..
(TevrlMid. Kart Jajw.
_R.-o. pll.iD-d>ell Squires, O. (•
pric. AI.-X Smith, Wm. lirtctalhaiipt.
Albert Novotny, ilawler leal»-I. ITr.!
Hill. Ki. Ijrainer. Fred Irvlii, Hr
Celnian. \V. l>.-r. Ci-ttnalnc. Jud t-an.
eroD. fhaa. farkt. j' J. Onrroran. K.
Rtrobm. narei(r« Aldrtrh. tlan J^el
ley. John .AitloM. Frank Riley,-«>H>
Howe. Ihiii I.aFaMBoe, n. Root. Frank
Kl. nnV, «
Brnk llelpen. Ww.
M.-Mlrli.^Ch8B''»tom^«c« (iaxmiu.
luid iLc enlire k-lav.
nification of the entire Grand Army of the Repuqiic, th* grandcM ar
Eecaps* an
n Awful Fate,
A lliouaaiid
(sand lofi„___
_______ .
iw.wa.ih.- Eratllude
Eratliude of ^i». J. K. I'.o.
of J..H
-Ill . for her wondeKoI dell. "TypboW
. La.l 1.-R
a droiil
Lot us treat Memorial day as the Sundsy of Sunday*. Sunday'
' i-hr wrlics. "SotUKlInim
of the dead, no sporta. no gamea. no holiday, a great sacred Sunday
awful ^eounblae. spells
when a natlan stops and bows it* head vrilh a tear for the dead and
thniiElit t
. .
honor of the living.*
help trmn do< loF« treatirK-at or
im-dirl*e* till I iimvI Hr. Klnga
. W. 0. C. GERMAINE, Mayor.
lilmtixTy. Hill I owi- uiy life In
w.ilidi-rt'il n-iin-O. for 1 •i-arrrly iviuEli
(jiil.l. a, I wife. Il« IIIiiiKi irl.'alih- of nil
II ihreai
nnrt liini:
■rin- (ilTiiviw .if the rlanii are: I’re- iiH-dlrlii.-a. Kxer. bulllw auaraule.'-l
►ill,-III K..l«-rt Miir.<hlc; vie,- preekt.-nL rillr and fl."' “ ‘ ll hullln fr
terse (Tty.
Miaa l-hilor Sn.der; svertial-)', di-ase
(Continued from imae one.)
Mtaa lU-k-s
Bi'idea are su|«rlor so far sk enllnc
simUh; ord^or, Ml«a Marjurie IVl.-rquality ancs to llio appics of oiu-half
H I: . hi«i/rt.|ihH. n.aa, SleUcr: tla*.
of Ihc aeetiolis racDUoneil in*ilie arti
my of the grandest republlc thi* earth ha* ever known.
To carry
this out t. a» mayor, call upon the people of Travera* City to pause
for one day In their uausi employmenU to lay asid'c their callingt
and oecupatlons,Xo look back Into the pact on Thursdsy.SSay 30. 1»12.
ele in quesHoa.
Now Is Hie time for
o* to elaborate n ranlTraiira to bamtner. home Hio cialniii whic h westers
hiatortaii, Uiaa lllani-h VVrlpbt: rluss
poel. Tllciuu teune. Oiunaelur, Mias
A gmll*
Is a jireiH
It. hard ihiiiE la at-eompUsh
The .Ibm bw " balmne of JM*
're -blue." MUou* and -out
.hen .-oo-re
Hlehicao|roal(c* of belna tho reaioD
Ttiere Is a sure relief (or
that proJurea the -fruit with Uaxcr." tbc in-arury ai^llic pr<-«-ii( time wilb
liver nMuidalnia. iwa
Ihi- r.-<-.-l|ita BilU to eouie In from
Bli|«l biB Olid d.*|wi>*la- liK. IIEK
k>-iilor,e»'-uniloff,4ihi.-h will b.- phcii im-K H sn;AR-C.OATKn PII.IH a.lo IVi.wkey Join- I. by boat, and (be
(horoiieti. sad effertlve In all
tuilc of ihi- uniluais.
(('.mUnned-fnini I'ai;e tine,
flan* duj exi-r.-lses will be plve.i
all mcr lin- enuiitr}. tiiid xvbj
ill.- mimol XVi-dniKcia)'. JUih* :• an.l
o- <v>nimi>n<-<'Uieiii propni.n will be
Clan Honors.
FoOU-. «TU- |.l«.n«
Bixen the followiiiE I'xeiiiiii:. TliuniI'lnx-.- pirls lii'lil (he • lass Imn.ire
da>. Jiiiii- ti at Ihe nty ugwra bouav.
f.»r this M-iir.
MiHs Klhi-I
Kile Uiiil Ih-aii Airninit. I.eni aimer
nboae bomi^ Is at Mnple f'iiy w.i:i
iinli lilllE
»l '•II ivr li.
IS xalodiriiirlnm while in the rn. .& HUTZLER.
Kmiih UaalUW. Uicb.
aabitalorlBR hemora
were |w,.,
, June. July ~tue*»
klhis.-s Ethel Urn.y sud ll<-lun SiHiHi
(.•oniiiiu.-d Inoo pace om-1
• -x.'lieiiii-ni. it will iriihlsv tin- Inalike ll5kt Jl wiia di-.j.!e,l i<> .livide
•hir.-i. iK.- of .-viiii.f .,f ihos<; alHKird
l,» Tra»,
tuinor, <l» away xiiih n Knlutatoiy
Iir.-t-uiii» iiiKur.l llio-w- viniEClmB
dr.-BS, iind IHE(.-:id .MIsb Hr.i>
X,;...T ill ..lew of the fa.-l nhi.h Ar. Solan
^sr. CUy.
an ii(ldr.-mi in tin- iiiidiTeKidtiat.TS
'.•xi.k-ii.-.- .how.-U, lhal Ihe lit.- MIks Sinl:li will pixn 111,; Bd I>wi<. V.I.IC h .-o.iH lin..- iuk<-ii .a
. niEE «iis lOLi flown
dreas of Hek-umc.
IHviiile. rarih-d oldv Tof.
5 Gallon lots 80c.
CMar Run
Lake Ann ..
puns Rivor
Empire ietn.
Sfwtfir ;33! S:in
|A. M.
For use in g^iine engines, automobiles,
antJ for cleaning purposes.
p. u.
Gas l^glne Oil.
4oc per galiorn'or in 5-gallon lots at 35c
per gallon. A good, cheap oil for gasoline
. lill
A U Ip. M.
11..%. i:;«
D. BIELT. O. P. A.
The brat das Engine Oil made at 60c
pa gallon. If you use il you will save your
self a great deal of trouble. The place lo
gel it is at
!f this
iBCfi of tbc I’nitcd Steles are open to reasonable argum.-nU. but they
a man. who baa for forty years eon-
W.- t,;„| supism.-.] (hat
the world had trie.1 .-v.-ry sin that it xxas iseoiiMr for Ih.-Jniiiiau
ours.- is persisted in. the ballot for women will be d.-layed . Tbc
Therefore, the advice
Tfce reinn will aSTo.«le more IIIpl-osis, 0«re «i*a,he wireless si>i«
■s an-l other e^uramnat’
■ wlij um-i
will not mibniit to violent ami illegal drmonalrathrrw,.^
iu New Jersey.
There ']* a l)tile imdination in some of «ur stai.-s
to adopt these unneccssarj-. unwis.- and violent m.-fhods.
le lke'n-.-a)t of Judgni' dn-isHiR.
auiyly^.tbM is dune, just so surely will th.- day of votes for wxe
•““m; gstar-a-s;.?"'*
of aiifrragi'lt.w.
sid.-r it as soon as he
& im. at tbe pomOea ai
e tt* Aa ^ Coaemu of Uareb 2,.1S7>.
tobbda|, iuy a,
Of—OFJkwit * nua ftnwwto
On the Sunday School Leakm by Rev. Dr. Linscutt for the
Interaadooal Press Bible Question Club.
Her. C. H. IrriPff «poto PrMv <
ibff. Sor. P. H. Ompia snvo •
pkmafT talk Saturday ereniac. .and
laat erealoR Her. H. W. i^ye had
ebaasi at the eoaeladlat Beatlna
The offlcMv for the
aulni year were-elecied Satnnlay allerpooB aa followai Prealdeni. Roy
Tbonaa of thia city: vice preaMent
Porter of ^ti Jordaa: aecretary*
EtRLY tuDmwaT
The womderfn! word* of prw»« for wroBs under Ibla new law laid i
tbc-1. K B. g. r.. trabltata lait waSk. Wr
r i-Tfalrd videaprMd iaterroi in
14.) Wbal are tbe erlla of tbe
Uc*i rint,. w *e a*cid* io givr ■non oaiba of cameraadoB?
;n<:f extrsil*
iS.I Many IBM take God'a nai
vain babItBally wltboiu any tbonebt
fflaUtlea la
Hwhod >
Prealdnm H. J..
U. a. AlUnr of Ood. Whai U tbe motal QBalUy
rollrpr. OrrfOii; 'I ooMidor your
-a n
It babltr
nnonloni iniroirly pranloi and ail.» Doea It Of ^ and why. add
aiuUUna IO ibousbi."
ce to a nOTautemeni II U la aeatioaa of
aeoate will bcRia tbit
ItnmphHri. -jaaior
ITrabjtfTttn larked
k«d np ^ atroas Untnate in any wee* with
of expedlilnf leChurch. Taniaeua. P».: ■ .\o prala* s
) rraeniblinf awearlnaf
RiaUiion and a^iuf adfourai
bratou apon yoor vIoHr
Ver*e ST—What rule ibouid
Only SOc with
of cunaw a* math aa poaaMe.
rcui'clvod plan aod lu «xccil*ni #xc we adopt aa to the nae pi worda
dollar or more pun
publlcana leodera like Lodfo of HatMnitlon. The quetlintit are teau. Tteli bsylix or aelUna*
rhoaetu and Boom' at VO* aru tryCcsnirTbenxIveoeaa apjiealx
• 8 I Wbai dOM JoanaArtually m«
arxm I.. Hire. Secretar}, New York by -let your conDunlcalkm be yea. inRio brine the aeaalon to a cMe by
Siaie Sandav gcbool Ataoriatlnn
nay nay*" (See Matt. ril:3d.s;
le poualbllUy of an adjournment
-The emaig feature of Iwlna __
I Arrordlnt to tbe tbenKhl <
by June U which the houie tlemotl»e U of rreat valoe; I «|ab erer''
CTUtic leadera are pteealnR. wbllo
paper, abeiher ilaily.
uainc many worda Yend toT
atany aenatora any early ailjou
;ihtv. would print (bwa
Jaa. lll:|.;—Of two peroona.
I not only impnrtkable. but ,
Ilcne." Riv. Waller Bennett. Brad
* very o
ulkatlve aad ibe other
SlronR preaanre la belnR brouRhi
rurd. Pa.: -| 'would like to nay Ibal
I lii^ape
'apeecb. whicta It likely I
aenalora wlih a Hew of
tbrlr exi^-edlnc anneatlvcaeaa Inter
e initbfBl. and whyr
advanrlnc tbe hour
cata me They elevate the leaaooa from
What are tbe alteodini evtia
and boldInR nlRtt mllre'nitiiBle letter (omnienary to t
haaieo all neceoaary
hUber and nioiv preh able way
Willi. apprapriallon bllla
ukine (be areal a4>lHiaaI ideala In live TcMir reaaoea.
volve.! • Rev. .1 K. Snuirea. Cenlen
• 1.1 • Wbat
M. K Chun-h. San FVailcltco. ’tnaaierii" or teartaera take upon tbeoi
-.^ai mu'h dellfchled Indeed that; iiore than oihera'
hiiM' aevnred (be inaertlon ol
Work ■
II4.I VeraeaSd-Ifninaniierorirttheac r'ueailooa in the 'Kaamlner.’ I tenda in word, io what other way la
ahall cladiv help In all p.«ible wayi he liable to eSend?
trvencuuraae. the mailer, and am tor*
man coairota bla loatoe.
•• i«.pa»tora will do the aame. deea be (here'by control bla entire na.
I. hreaaer. Penoa. X Y r "I 'Orel Why'
|ktive conipllmcnifil the editor of lb'
OC.i IVfaat evH and wbai Rood can Coban Offleiala Claim fUvolutloa la
‘tribune- on baUoa tbe qursttoBa-ln
• lonRoe doT
Cenfinad to Oriente Provineo
ve til.. iui,«r Quite a ,-nd oO
• III What power la it that caniea
pttipit laai SBtday- Her. P the waRRinR
.............. ............
n. Claaa. Paatnr"M. E. Chnrdi. Cbel
• III VeTBeaT-lA^-kBilatbeoifly Havana. May 2T.—Cralaer Prairie j
Ml.'li.; -I bare a cbM of fltu
'hirfa can uim an evil toBRpe wltb TOO American martnea arrived i»l
and rmd it very easy to aronac'
J a Rood'one?
as Guanuntrao ROTemment on.-j
animated and prafluble dltcnfalon b>
1».» Why la il that tbe
asaen that tbe rsvelution la conthe
•ometliiMa raraw and other flood enUrrty to Orfeuie province and
Umea bleaaesT
tay.lt will Boon be flUmped euL
value, bin tor the Irainlnic they aSonl
Ventea !I i:—If a peraon't
HRtoBROe la wile, la II or pot. and why.
poailble for (hat perwon
be tbe reconrtled Aild of
TruMifulneae. Matt. viltrsT: Jaa Cod*
(21.V wm a trut Chriatian dver
tpaah evil of a neighbor or toll an un.
truth? Civa'mir i«aM(i. (Thli »•
I It is a simple patter to open an
of tha Quaotlena vatvleti may bt
•wwd in wri^ by tnomboea of
count with the First National Bank.
Bfoti. i>. n I .
•be club.)
or another. Rpb. iv:-..
CM Jaa
Our officers are always acceadble
Voraea 38.3C-\Vliai i, the OW aweara to back up a auiemenl. what
Teatameni law coneeniDcoxtha7 iSee it (he effect upon bimaelt. and bow la
and are pleased to meet any wbo desire
Kx. xx:T; l.ev, xixiH; s'im,
he Reuerallr rwRarded by tboae to
the privileges of a checking aecoum.
hem. v:lM
whom be la apeaklBR and by Ood?
had Jetna
l.nton (or Sunday. June 2. 1812
' and to explain any feature of the ser
Hypoertay and Sliicerily. Matt.
of this institutioo.
judicial oatha
OCT A WA-lfln 1
Nowadays. yer>’few of us are called on to'die for our country. ’or for ant
flreat cause. The mam tiling is—
Do we Live fop it?
Sometimes it's a really jireater acliievciheiii to live for a (liiiifi than to <Me
for It. Now you may tlunh this talk and this p.urittMc anniversary cif Decoration
Day has nothiiui to do with the every day l«isiness.^Bnt the hi«J idea hack of this
cejebrauon is the biii idea that ouj{ht to lie ImcJiofeveryiliint' we d<i ■
TJie man who serves his community and his ifellow men by doina as well as
done, may he. in a true sense. Uwg fw fit
Odd thiniJ that neeils to be done tsi to deal fairly with all men. and sell
C.W Osikw.. even; to give every man value receivetl. is performimi a good
service. - We arm to curry good clothes and give good values.
Hamilton ClotMng Co.
'Traverse City, IVIlch.
While oui- sales have been good, we still
have more goods than we want at thig time
and are offering some great indacements to
quickly dispose of this stock.
Can find something in this stock that he
can use and will need before the season is
over, and he can buy it how at a saving of from
25*^ to 50*^" Under Price
If you expect to need (and you do) any
thing in ImirtenieDts, Farm Machinery, Ve
hicles or Any of the many lines of merchan
dise we carry by an means sec us at once, for
at the prices we arc now making these goods
move quickly.
The Farmers’ Supply Company
__ ______ B4-U8 state St. Tnverse Qty, Mich.
Just thethlaiftfr N
work, ftuodiadi. a
wearing a pair from h
A. V.
Easy To Open An. Aeconnl
George Weidner~Oled at Summit City
' bury M. S. Church.
Ccorpe Weiciner. a prosperoii* farm
er and old resi.ietit of the Grand Trai
} erre re*lon. die! at hit home In Summil Ctiy at S:.'.n Sunday night. Be
.vldc^ the wUlow be loivbt four aone
lohn of Traver»e-rii.v, George W. ol
Gfliilac. Henry and Edward of Mon
lana and four dangbiera. 'Mm. Clara
•lear ot ihl* . iiy. Mr*. J, nofelati.l ot
MantoD. Mra. K, J. Noble of Cadillac
nnd Mr,. C, 1. Howard of Oregon.
Tbe member* of G .A n. Pott No
18. W. R. C.. Spanlib Bar Veterajir
and their wire* comiuiaed th^mlll
tary body which Biaretaed to the
Asbury M. E. cbBreb Sunday morn
lOR where apecial aervicet »-ere held
(belr boBor aod in memory to (be
silent heroe* of two wars
ebnreh wad very prettify decoralcd
fltf*. babling and fk>*«ra. and
aa (be aoldicr* mart-bed ap (be a
vcomiwoied by ibelr lad ea
t tha i
aa an iniPIrlDf one. Rev. q-. j.
Coates Rave an appropriate *ei
the oecaakKi. (here *w* apecial
music, and all around the day proved
Almond Pieret Wat Heavy Lexer by
Interest lo all wbo aliended
tbe mornitiR aervioe.
WmUuu,UuiR, .May 2T.—Burins'W ,
-l.ylrical »iorm which vlaiied thl, «il
lace about S;50 this momtnc tbe I'avn
nwneii by Atniond: Pierce was nru. k
' l.y llKlunlnc anj burned to the groimd.
Cheering Newi latMd by Weather
toReiher wlih all tools and (arm liupleSureau.
mem*. The horwe«.aod
-aved. CoBxldersble damace was a
WaafatnRtOB. May 27.—Hot weatber
h the Tlllace I* prosilaed for the cemtag week
of. tho country
of tbe Rockle*. according
ly bulletin of'jhe
'jhe wexihi
wexiher buretn if.
led tonlcht. ' ,
-Censldenbly e^ler weather.'
(be bulleiln. ' will abnear in ibe northweal about Tbun^y and'orervpread.
Ike JBAddle weal by the end of (be
Tbe liaioaaetnral preeaure
will remain low. wUb vhowerK
Doctn-weatern diotrlct durtag tbe next
•.erer*! day* and a well deflaed mom.
area will «verapread the middle wear
Wedatodar or Thursday.-
M. C OviaM Candidate
Judge ol Probate
piatrlet Chclatian Endaav*r CenvcitUoaCtaaad.
• ua aanuai coBKMlloa
■a of iba
tbc C. E.
society (or tbe elereaih dl.trtct w
bcouRbt to a ckae at the t>i*ciple*
ebnreh Sunday eve«lDR.havlngexteoded ever three day*. Tbe day BmeUnRi
curl prinxrie*.
Mr. Oviait has been a re«ldent
were beld'' in the Prteadt church,
tbit rocntiy («r chlrtywlt years, a
while tboue of tbe eresiac were bHi
Ilia BCQoalmanre io county wid^ felt la iba Ckarob of Oirttt. AH tbe meM.:
ibxrx.ter beyond cjuestlon. aa are hit
.luailOcntidda lor I’lo oSke for wbiefi loff* veew writ itiiaSid sad peoeed «f
—- tboae wk« are Aatorestsd•Abe Beeka tMBaaatlo&.
If you administer Itusinesa. persoDal or organization funds, you are invit
ed to consult with us.
IlraulIUaatlKm. AU'awall; H yea dkU%t
your rival fat the order and may yet the
•tomen' eaUrt trade. Wake up aod pneh taa ]
"BEST” flour made. Tbe I
ol thi, flour heipo pay your taxes, pave year I
•treeb. build your odMsI houoeo, DoMtareliB]
made flour do do mupb?
If you are thinking of buying 8
Come in and see the “Alaska/' The “Alaska’', is a
solutdy air tight and thoroughly insulated, hBvtegl
eight distinct walfi. thus insuring a perfe^y cbldf
ice and provision chamber; but the feature that has 1
made the "Alaska* famous is tbe drctilatiai 'Hues J
that carry tbe moist air from the provision
back over tbe ice. This system of air drcuJatiaa I
keeps the provision chamber dry and swmC at «H|
tiiiiea. No sweating of the provision chamhCT. no']
mould in the • Alaska. ’
‘ ^
uip TEAvmn asuLD, im rtAms* mt **ole.
• ben In trying to relcose a slab froir
larblne bla hand «Wh_^iiRhl. N(
Mrlom results are antldiai^.
The last week of the great
Salurday* Joac 1st, our great sate ends. The most successful merchaU'
dtae event of its kind ever held in this city. Thousands of dollars worth ofsea■oDable goods have been gold at great savings to the consumer. Hut we still
have a few of the best bargains left Accept l{ds Iasi caU - conae tUs fast
week, and make your purchases at these mneoy saving prices.
Sie.W poats............................. S5.8S
I2S0 coats.,..................................
ISSO coats......................................
Suits in Serges. Whiptmrds. Mixtur^
aad Stripes; in blacky navy. tan. grey,
and white. Suits With large collars
and wide revers; some braided, some
with fancy braids and fringes. In fact
a good up-to-date line wortb^p to $25 at
$9.45, $11.48,14.48
up $19.50
ISOO coats................................. 1L45
ai.00 and J22:(I0 coats............... 14.75
sovr roiTS,' gSot «2.00
SOc Wo* m,u. .n sim. John J. Clarks 200 yd. machlniT
..................... m£h .............................•..•...'....34c
............................. 3c
4 spools to enslMner.
llm-.K.kbiPuiU, worth tia 33 iorti D<w<
BOW-BI.DI Biaa* soiia,.
po-y«d ......................st..
-U >to a eottomer. this sale. .Ite
This Week afthe Barney Co. 1
Tbe lust week ol Ihe
May Sale
Several very special featwus^tt
'that “cap the clitdae fiaing. .
Told How Many Stokers Were Caught
In Compartment Whan the Au
tomatic Doon Cleacd in
Crowds Thronged in Front of Churt=.
to Get View of Cortege.- Whole
Nation it In Mount.
Bay yoar
N>w York. May
In tnakins an
Inspection of ihe ivhlie Star liner
Olympic, senator .Oinlth discovered a
valusLlv wKueas in Frederick Barrel!,
fortiier chief sluker on the Tilanlc
sow worklns
the (flyhiplc. Bamli
toM Smith (bat the Titaplr was so
ins at full Bi>ee*'wben she attack the
ice^rs. Barrett tesillied that many
(tokers were .rsusht In .1^ compart
meiit from which be fscapcl aa'the
sutomsth' doors dere closing.
terns, per yard ............... 4c
mu .wywh-. rt 33 to 33.
■ -M* prto ...................$3.60
k»T H
, This Week
Your cliolc«.ol slock
Your cBolce ol slock
Ladies’ Coals
All new, values np to C*f|» CA
m your cbOicc
$13.75 ^50.'*'"“
$9.75 J,T5.5f.“‘“
S^e extraordinary ^40 CA
values at $9.75 and 9Jld*«>U
AA Fok* Serge Dresses any
99*UII value up 1o $15. Misses
and Stouts only.
Sixty Dress Skirts in all the latent
fabrics and new.
graceful lines
Worth up to SS.50.
^1A AA For an eyklraordinaty
9XU*UU line ol Silk Street
Dresses. Foulards at $5.98
to $3*50 fof WAISTS <n lawn
and bilk. Worth Si 25 to
$S 50.
The Barney Col"
157 b\ Hront St.. Traverse City. fSch.
peohaaon. Ifay i4.-Th- l-.dy ..f
f :.V.M
,be-lnte Kin* Frmlerick,vm. ..f 1.,-..
murk. «1u. flh-d May
bn' '.‘.V.V.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'iS
iThn Markeb-f!
kieue. o«a.n^
e Mar tt-ItUBUue.
Loed Mukdt
lodny In the ..................................... fo-hi.
Hiedrul.*! Kf.^klld...W-.l.«rk.l
r Min filla McCrum. tlxteen^arblcrOamiMler orirr.-MKd.Mrs. WVtl
MrCTetn.!l4C Cau Sixteeiilb Mrvet.
filed ni H o-ctiH’ti ilils iiiumlni: ufief
a short fltaesliS-’itesides ln>r faili«T
and molher abc leaves Ovo sIslerK.
Funeral services sill'be hi-ld fror
Ko. 1 bOTM hides ..........I1.S0 and np St. Fnnris vhnrrb Toesda.v iikiiiiIbs
at >-o-clorW.
Mrs. H. M. ThnbUn. titter of Mrs.
Geo. C. Bates W married Inst Wed
nesday to Votney R. CbnAckt of LanEveirn ElUabath Ptyn. alicteen-i atns. Mlfh. The reremoay Cuok pUif
of Mr. and Mnk.1 rt the bone of her dauiliter, Mrs.
Carl PTtv. 411 Bast EiRbUi street, died y^d (Mnnell. 1*001180.' Mr. siid Mrs.
Wsdoesdar aft«noen. Puneial svr- Can^eld have returaed to UinstnR
vicsss-drs held from itae.4ionM at » anc ere ai home at *i>8 SoiiUi Ce^r
o'eloelt JWday momlns. Bet . W. W. SI reel,
Ths many friends of Rev. and Mrs.
McKee offfetatlns.
At Mm aatt ttrm of the elreuit court 0. Wellineton tMrran. will U‘ sorr
•nnhsr of BatnralUatioo cues wRI to learn of the dsatta of Mrs. Curran
come np for haarins. AU petitioners father, which occurred May :;i. ui.
for flaal papers at Utls tenn mnit be Blnshamton.'K. T. Mrs. Curran
preasBt *ltb srltaefses In conrt on railed 10 Kev York April 8th.
Mrs.* Ada J. Germains has pun
Tneaiar. June 11. at 1:30 o'clock in
ed a half Interest in the
Mode Mil
le afiemooa.
John ruUar. a femer rssldaot of linery store of Henry' Mlschnewski.
tbit city. 'dM a te« days uo at bit The Ann will l« known as Palmer
bome at Bins Island. IIU from riiea- snd Germaine.
Julian Fsrton euflered a tAty
ibm. Three bretbers of Hr. Bnllor. Loren. Prank nod Fred, live here flnpter on the left hand while ai
the present time. Many old resl- at Ih eWellfbHiEman plant. Monday
.■pwarU-; .-I
Women as f
Ooo n- -II fih)' f.
Wash.' dee !>■ pn-mL tb- v.i
' - "J '
aii-l u
tom «i ut*.
Ib^'saod 'jcurs. v.iih
.•..rytm.n.v tV- u«-t--.l ,.i till- . .ip.;.,’
impr..»siT.-n.TfB- ..f will.'ll, was a.
tine of IhO UUi-rnl.Jian.' for It-rtAilile:'
taaled bj Hie wid.-u]irea.l .-vid.-ruv-s
K.,,, ,.«*
pidiular aorrou.
uiifl iiuefiut.
princes iiii'l firluiv-siu-..
Knind dukes, snd oilier im-mlierii of
Kurojiuuo ruvullt. toft.lhf-r nitli u>«reA
d.>|il.if<.l i-n-r.v«li.T111.- liiil- liuif tiinM.-.] ll.irs ami
1 britlbiife.
I’l.riBiliin X- llip lies ,
II- ........
mem oud
; Nasu*.
Mui k l.iiT.tiiis b-iwi.. .ik .■..•i-.!.!-•
ou« in ih- I«x.i-r .l u.rt. rx of ilii- . - dnrztmy atiiri'd -diiluroatistK und
as ihv ri.h and f..le;um .iraiieri.-* ills'iiiil!lar> and n.ival ulTiM i-k biade.ilru-.-l.. dlspl.iviu] vu-tlii'-fu.udi-i ol pul,.
ucctie. wRIiin the c'rtitiedral ime of iinkin« Ilf IWiiniark. with ilio U.naser.
. •
i..r J.
a eallui.
-- ortl-rtle 3., melt 0-- iB.iilm
i. u lui.- Iiar-uin 'ou
■ u'-. anvuiiiar.e ol.
i-.-:ui vuvnal U (mm •. rapiv.e oiUiujl aif.ta uffveao.-T Juba
Queen laiuisa. sat n--are3» ihn uliur.
I Were sesU’d Ihe tieriuuii Cm • Til.- miotmu:..' v’”»ii;‘.”f town l“V
l/rtT. Hie Klni: of lireofc. Queen .tl- I.I.- mtirt-d In lil.i'k. u«Hi..l l.if il.ou
exaiidriL the Ikuwuite.* Kmpresa »1 Itus.
I I .vnNil- from tiic t%«iii;r
ala. the Kina of Norway, the Kins cl dt-iri'W. Hiruiiu.-.! Hi-.........in in li- •
Sseden. rniii'e .Waldelnar. the link.- of l!,.- .•l.riH.fai.l.orc .i.inl.'.
• Im
and llucbraii of i'liuilrerlaiid and Hie •houwinda-tif oiher* sii.’ l Uaivlieo-i.Duke am) OutbcAs ihe Meckleiibuni
Ourin? the ;>n>-»ae« of H.e hea:ii.- ui-.
Schweriu. all "er'jf luKu .were vlo«.-l.v re- luouruTs from ihe cbu. ■r..i- .;,i:
Uied to the late monareb.
wa; aunop.
The funeral servUe was fine Of Im iraversod by ih- fumpresalve simplicity.
The primate oI
hedeed-wiUl line*
the UsBlrh church officiated.
E:ichJ w-iiid.o, ui:il nu>'K
olfirera of the Danish srni> < airicfl the :ilon? the ri.nfc u.rL^Mi ct
coffin to the chapel of Fredero k V.
.-;V .-alf.
tbe deceased kin?.
:iie In-i,
T-» 1*. at
•e ihe remains »ere emoml'--: K’
side ilinse of Ihe laiLer Snd nin-h. r ol
A. W.B.nJ, tS^Fn^
The .f>m lu*inie»r
the serf ice was iiiurkcd l.v :i s;i!-;ie
Tie May Sale Summer Silks
Some of ttie Best Offerinos ol ttie
pixASE Non:t
This Store. Closes all Day Thurs
day May 30—Decoration Day.
A Special Showinn Uii'^ VVvek ofScvcral Good lines
Will be found here during this—it's Iasi week. Come
to-morrow or Wednesday. (Thursday were closed)
Friday or Saturday and select your Summer outer-gaiments.from these exceptional bargains.
Ladies Coals at $10—wortli $15
^ Thea* Long Coats arc made of high grade sargM ki navy, tan and gold,
beautifully trimmed with silk, braid and buttons; self combinations or eon.
ting eelera,
with,all the newest .conceptiras
eollara. euffa 'and ro1. Extra apeciat (or the
verp. Perfect fitting end elegantly Ullore
................... gtO.00
clesirg days of tha MAY SALE, at only .
$4.95. $6.95, $8.95
The anasolly htavy iasine's ui? h^v had-en Siikr, enables as now to make
these very exetptionaly low ptice.^ on ihe remaining lines where asssortments are broken.
59c lor 85c Foulards
39c lor SOc Messalines
79c lor $1.00\SUks
G9c lor $1-00 Black Ra|ah
Were f>c yard, nc.% at 5?
Foulards one lot at 48e
f.;I. .
.II^ “5e to 8Se valuex at
Special at 79c a yard.
31..25 36 la. Black Taflela al 89c
I new and taken 1 sm the^S7.S0
nation with plain'
the different Ideas of elev-
the eloaiog days of the
S7.SO to $22. new at $6. $». $11A0.
h asyttWMfWr It market vartes
and MIeoet’ New Spring Suita, worth to-$22.W.
now at $11. $14 and
See llie New Beaulella Silks, aolh ol Gold elc„ at TtVc and Sl.SO
Four Special Bargains in Wool Dress Goods-Worth thinking about
35c Instead ol 59c
WUIe Dresses and Summer Dresses-^l kinds
We have hvndrodt end hundreds of the prettiest su•!l>*•^^^resses. suitsble for street weer. lor drese-up. lor speciel occaeienk for afternoon and
> a bnaraifW Una of whitA dwaeet for eonflrtdhtlen or
*»ry tAnpBhg AfK-pHcet ‘ Wo invite Inopectfen,
■U day MMi iMiFaeAlAM
89c instead of $1.25
65c instead Ol $1.00
$1.29 Instead ol $1.59
I- .
Save Oar PreniMtai
Have yoo seen
and on that account the May Sale will continue one day
$iSlii S.;iTY. AAbPH.
O, ■
PAoi lira.
Klttia CeMon. OW MisMo«....71»5
KMC Blrdaey, Empire.
Jennie Farant. Empire M
l«a Waller. CMar.................
Mrs C. A. thaarar. T. C. R. 2. -OntJ
Ada •urKett. Cedar Run..
Anns Gearing T. C. R. a..
Leila Copetond,
I. Lake
Ann RFO.
Betale 8la0la.
Hattie Swaney, Old MIesMm
Event Half Over-Opportunily Time
Now in Porce>-Subscription5
Easy to Obtain.
Mr^Roy Paaae. LeUnd
Celia BeoH. Northpdrt
Helen Whitten, Balet.........
e BurfieiMl.
Maple City..........57B95
Mrs. Retat Lackey. Old Mli
ne Blacken
8. Bay R. 1. 58195
Julia Eetce. Batcc..................
itklnaen. Burdiekeilte.. .88725
Mrt. Atkini
Mrs UbbI* Amnld, Batea.
iueptegper. Maple City. .79185
Mrs Rue«
llchardaon. T
Jrsaie Brichl. aiaple Ulv K. ;
yrtle Oreen. T. C. R. 7^.. 81165
Mrs Myrtl.______
larparet Wilson. T. C. R. 1....81175 Jeeale Newman. MapK City R 2
I Marparet
MatJdosler. T. C. R.
Irs. F. Wilaen. Uke Ann RFO.81125 Mrs E. Ray. Clenmere .............. ^5
Mrs. Ola Fredrteksen. Nerthport.81475
Oertrude Urdu, Old Mission. .81715 ! tna Hell
Mrs Keldernouae. Maple City. .44673
cafbpain It RTOwlnc oM. It It not 'Alice Oatlund. Old MMah
. . .MIU
. . ,j . hartotte
Mrs John Hoekins Kewadin.. .41395
>UM. WilllamMurp R 1.8M75 | Mrs. G. Richardson.
Mn. J. Send. Jr. Suttone Bay .3Mr$
It U Bllll In the spreailloR tlaxe. if
BunjecL "OpponaBUj - It Is the i
ChaHette Thiea. T. C. R. 5............8«7«5 [ Edna Tremm. T. C.
Mrs O. Kaever. Empirt .............................
yoD haVe been tblnklns uf stanlns
' prnloeBl word ibat eninm InW tbe
Mrs Mary Keesier. T. C. R. 6 complex existence of preariit day
hoes Oonalaon. Empire ................27410
C. Haxet. Old Mltaion.........23975
AmrriraDS It ■ea&s ererytlilOB cw li
Clara Btruis Buttons Bay R. 1. .23715
luenoa nothlnK. lust as it I* baadled
Mrs Lois Ennis Elk Rapida R 1 28815
by dJIferent inditidoaln.
Mrs Betale Grdrll^ Cedar-Run..?8873
will see an opportuDlty wbeie pautber Ulu E. Thomas 60$ W. 11th...10^
Mrs. W. H. Broom. 802 Front.. 108173
will carefully sldesiep It. Bobm- ops Dorothy Maaaonich. 42* 8th...107155
Mrs ROM. Barney. T. C. R. 3. 108995
iias bammcirad It inio to ai^m that Lola BeoAeld. 1122 Roninsula... 106175
Mrs Gilbert Pray. Wi
It ‘knorka ooee at e>erj mao's door." Cocll Van Natter. 425 2nd............185375
Mrs E. Toner. Crewn
. 98375
Mae Aleard, 403 W. >th ............ 184975
■ »a sogar-i.
Bogart. iMnue'cy................
Vara Osborn. 208 W. 12th......... 184670
Maggie Demine, T. C. R.........
^laa of uacb day briwa-ndrenb koock. Katharine Psffhouien. Whm Bk. 104385
Mrt. A. Stewart. Crawn
Jloat of ua claim thal it ha^passed ui Uvern Cook. 713 WV 7th..103695
by. or we were, not ai botna efben It Hens Webtter. 120 N. Cedar.. 102115
Edith Canback. Kingelcy...
Cera Scofield. Wllliamaburg
Mra. Elaa Newell. Fdc Uke R I 91365
N'lite ladlM .Are udIdk
nuke Kau Bracken. Cor. Oak « 2nd 1C02«5{
e Oavis T. C. R 7
Msttia SmitN 854 E. Front... .MM'-{
Scott. T. C. R. 2___
alaalpna for a lllile bit of pleasantUarparet Flfarek, C1I 2nd......... M3S>
Mra. R. Van Oc Boggart. Bchden sr»
work amoiifdielr friendi And neiKh-'Flennct WInttra. 2M W. 12th. MM!
Mrs Grace Perryman. Acme.
BmV AnyW thla-week will be a
Lotharlus 205 8. Elmwood M7t!
Ray Taylor. T. C. R. 4... .
»«i.!«. IO IB, ««ud.
Minnie SargenL Summit City
Ida Whitten. Batct .................
" i'yMrs
PMyf Carmfnttv
***' wondrrfel K C Cook's Bonk.llm. Jaort
Grace Teylor. T. C, R. 4 ,
and . Mis. Anna Korn. 1104 £.8th... 978751
Boetnn. Conkinc Srlionl
Marie Smiley
VlB. yet Umr 'b always ralua-ble and Oraee McMichsel.
Lewi. Briggs
Br .... Acme
_ , _
---------------Mrs Lewie
. «.| 10.1 I. .0. fo,...r. »b.„ 1.'“™- L«.i. •I...
Oora Oavis T.
'. C.
c. R. 4................. lias
Flay Ottingcr. 925 State
Failer. File Uke
he momeni like the present one. The Mrt.
. ...........................
T. Temple.
Tbe K C Conk's Ronk H illustrate is 9 colors, coglaina 90 tcslrd ssd
T-. C. R. 2 SOUS
rea&'Lotta Crecn, 1029 Waboter.........
Weboter.... 96175
peraoh who w(jl not execute his rea&'-Lotta
,woven rec^ that wUI 1w jarrrtry*/ rr«jr
Adeline MilVori. Y7 C.'r^T .79675
nt an expense of many tltooaanib o
Mra. Earl Gilmore, Fife Lake. .78315
rartl. They wio
wID be
ba Joat
}oat in tnv.______
thv M.udt wimer ..............
and if MUrhxscd at a atore would e
Clara Arnold. Bales .................
hurry of everyday tfalra.
Klmliner. 413 £.
SOcetrts.'sel we Rise il ahsoluieljtJrr
Mafy Green. Acme
•rieon Vinton, Wynk p 81365:
Some one, w‘bo ^Idently
spoke Mrs
wont vita to kn-iw exaetTv what K C
Mrs Leon Wolf. Mayfield
. 88675
LaFonUcc, ]36 Fro
1 do I
Powilrv b and what ..
from Utter exparienre. baa apt
Mrs.-Hary Wilson. Bendi
llnei. 853 E. 8 ..83755
your owu kilcbru. Aon
"Tlw whole aummer of eti
Etu Barrett, Kingiley.
ara Oufley. KIngeley .
nlty wUI noi be long enoiisb to bring BcatHee Babel. 8
innic Zick. Elk Rapidx I
t« walortty «ke fruH of delayed ar- Lillian Nels
lit Cii
Ikm,- Tills ii worth
. Ter
thnught by tboan who are
^ Logit Dexte
713 .E. 8lh.. 65785
Mk-..: ■*
E. 8th .. 6178$
bemmlRK artlve In this i-snipBlffn. ns Mrs Wm. StawarL 8»
Write your name and addreea
Mattie Hopkins Mayfie^
1 Bey.. . .6C3*>
v<4i aa by those wlio ha«e eiiten-d Mrs Chat. Decker,
y Jjaisly on tbis
‘ils coupon. At. 5S6U
:5 Wash .55235
-lene Hendt.
Chlcay^,. \ tacb the
... col.es
,. ..eed cvrtiArate
aad bale beenn an arlire campa
re. R. E. Wc
pui-kril ill 25-crtlt ona.
-for votes Tbe peraon who •
Mrs Henry Bachlleben. T. C. H3 50725’
Minnie Pankop. S. Bdm. RFFO. .46715
s Mark Craw. 225-Wath. .
promptly, eien though be makes
Cerena Bmiih, Klngtlcy
Onnaloaal miaiak'e, will auereed In
Mrs. Cec. Crisp. Wllliah
. _______ ...42185
the kind run where tbe
Eva Haywood. S. Boardmsn R 2 41195
EHa Hankloaen. 4UI State...
wlwavi fans '
VIrl Dewey.
Fife Leke .................. »735
Francas Chervenka. 530 Say.
Mrs Frank Sayen. Mayfield .. .a97S
Don't fM the Impreoaioa that IbU Mrs Phil Frleman. 730 E. Fi-ont.33465
Send for
Its FREE r
Mrs Mimio Clark, T. C. R. 6. ..61315
Lircila Rtrry, ButtOM Bay.............56785
Mrs Leon Hull. Empiro..................58165
Tha Bcnld sad Bacord Oo. Ptoao OoRtast
To be uetad on or bofert June 4th.
i i'>
For............................ .......................
.F^U in tbe name of the lady-for whom you desire to
1“ and prmu-nt lu Tim Herald aud Remrti •«■!€» bn «r lie-
scaiLiE: of votes
KHptlon ,1.. 0, the ^-’V.V.Sl*nr
Till' f.-lliiwiii" si-idi- c.f v.iti^ i» in fr.ni' fr»iu M«y IS
nil ti>
ti> and
and iiirliidini;
iiirliidini; .Imii'
.Imn- SS
Ag Old
......ihlh..... xSS;ss.
' “S'"............ '■ ■ ■ •
it'i; si'-r" ssii
™,. U„ .„ I. u„.
How to get the
Cooh*» Booh
g“........... "..................
MONEY TO LOAN on pood and well
iiiiimiiveil fatniII.
lia.lr. .11"
Flaie Bank IIMk.. Tni'*T»p I'm,
aprll rj-tf
T««lh Extf«c«c4 AhMlatcly WltboKl Mb
(be "Kaobr- luelbod 1 eu ra
without balu.^Sd^lthout iba ut« M
drugs to prixlui-o UBi-unai-loueMas
Itaopia of uervuiw leinporamaat SM
with weak beans will-approclatu Iba
"Rnolar " meibod uf puloiast ulrbc
M8-209 WHb8lm block. Wllb Df- N<4Ba
worth, Tnvorau Citr. Ml^lthK '
Clothing Co.
Clothing Co.
“We have the goods.*/
Our great variety of
Suits enables us to
Reach all classes of
P'ltbrI Sttsin W. r Rock t:ggt. ll.iR
per i:.; nillty stork Keg*. IJWi iwr
13: M. B. Turkey Kget. Ueearb. 84.M
tkiiilh Maiilluu, Micb.
ra -mav. pinr. juiv*
We pay l.ighe-u
i.ilrei lor WnoL*
.Vrlte or rail ue by Hlbnr nhoee.
hKIK\lAN\ 8 C
“O'e have th" goodt.”
Our Men’s and Young
I Blue Serge Sails
iiai^ are known far and near
k»mtM lun MMM fc Men
CarTneW Hen MtaSwr Si kUii
Suits from
as being of great value
for the moneys.
Conservative Men of
middle age, also hnd
the plain and mixed
goods jast lo their liking.
i-v .V
Nifty Styles and Materials
for young men ate found here
in Exclusive Styles.
Oar Boys’. and Children’s
dep’t is worth lookimg into.
. __p*»ALi), AHD TRiYM* BAT BAOLt. Tniiia)AT,'klt?^’a»U...rl
liii shore ol
'UtihlcaujieU tho^'niatrif one hundr^ and flflj d
(k«t • I
Imaeflrlal elterts * ihe take apon th,' rorthtraore. It Is a lart, thikt
( BW dat- as far north as Tratrne Oi»
The adraatai« et the cM sprtacs'b a^ur« leacer day tbae
FouiHfalion of HeaH^
Is that all eeceutlm Is heM hark and' dar to the htltade of Chlcsxe or
d-.tsred nntn the poasIbMIir of a hi:i |OTalaBd. Tbb is bMaosa of the aa*
advastate of the prahatlar
OlV auiBinrrand earlT lall^ that'«s.-
It i>
the peal Iranth ot o
*hst t '
FLOTR i||l'
frorta «r« avoidod. These rros
nmtsts a
eoBdtiionBre ofThe ulneat vt}«e Li
*TTltl|« ot
.;'«r>'~:sl^^The Panama
IBT CTOIIB. but n which our fsffrer friends in Ohio and
porlslly baits.
ladUaa think we catsaot krow. In caaal'bin. with a druilr prevtaJoo
•Mllr •bl»ll>«l.
Tb* mol iBperUnt Ibliui tbal •
•namn r»a do Tor h*r««ir. on! s‘«itt ronoinot cBporJtnrB, ■
Cilloti. B-.iuim. Jllrh.
CUrk. nraa^'U!*. Uieh.
this coanectlon oan
be memleeed problblilac rallroada swninc or coo
•tenns Hit ‘Chleate ^Irat.
i> l^ke MU'hlcsa tkioA r.iore ibsB mr- corn. Tha look da>a SBd short Blabta trollInK steamdblpa. Which compete
their IsuLjtswa. and rsBilas
oitr dimsta. It almost chsnseo It of June. Jnly aad Anpist brinEs this
on anOe ofliblons. A careful studs crop to miBure 1a h fewer namber of jrae psaaace to Bary Atn*iviiB ship,
days ^Rfls the Csae to Ibe touih '«( ‘waa pa>M-d b> tbs be-^e I' a vote . '
oaTi la the loaf day* with Ha warmth- Ape
The atoendB-rnt of Hepre
rltoiato^Riral reroriU Tor (h
5iaiea shows ihsi s oiaj.-irit'i
.«f the storais (hat rlsti the north r»n
It I* I- ... .
awmOr SUlUd
«r Madii
11 Is Isr oo s vootsl card «lu do.
rsl slates tonie froBi the itnnbaesi.
klylpn sunablBe UM encouraner the ..otBtlre iktrePiM of UlpWnan to the
CrowHi and prodoeea veacisilnn that i,in nnjrj- AmMiktrahipa free pn
front hle^ldae Hat near Hie raaaiKati
border, and that, they rs$e their hsr 1
U characterized by prest vtKor. II la vileftes wa'a adopM after a hard flail'
Ihe shon rrowlBR season that makes i,,. „
12C. roasrc-viu-.
eat In rrtisslne ihe prairie lands in
liskols. MInBesoia
and ^Wtarossln aach creas MW
The it'cordt'funlirr sltoa'thin wbe i of the country.
the Ktorms sirike Ihe per iillsr aimoe-
In the ixmbtrrat.
Thisisoncof a scries of articlesbelog published by
the Hereid, and which io
City olTere to him who will cast his lot
i»»r opporum-j
rmnn i
- „,o,p|„rtp rnndlilona
ides that are excepdouah
. | Mlchlsan are snirh as
iitoniit to turn arurth
”T»S irlfoijre In Traeerpe City twelve
al«>» e
ernl than In auy
since (tic famine of IMlI.
j and warmer
Lam si .veifk ismtiBj iWwa
SMMtUbt wrstc.
Scott’s Emulsion
nmeb^ csbiitiM and bsUs
WtkiUlaMr. AI.Dm.vWm
s of winter iir of
Tliey sre-favnred a* are the
peoide of Iml few i«its ofihe rountr}’.
I ' Wafer ahsbrba heat niore alowly
than air and radUlea It more slowly.
Hart arc lha PiBurtt.
'filinstoloiticai sidlisllca oeverlnR a
eAiore Their nervous
npcf-a- 1
syaiems to the l>r*i of rosJitI
The Aktosn ritnw that we liave all
the rainfall needed is
ntmn* Kond
tops and to kMp onr ajcrlcultiinl ABd
s lii
friHI Tan>s
■ Robd condition.
V, Isjfis lake. May ».-lAwier WVl'a \\> wonder If they will pui)l..nk ih«
whn baa Imen very sick is able lo he nm. e«»rt lo ac-ure |M»lia«a of boAnnd arimrvd asalBl i-V't, ziu^nd
■raln.dealera. who asuemblnl here In ■>rtu»
>uk Thpaipsun frvrai Cenlrai loike
IturrsD are
lir^e number today for the fourieetiu vuuied bis auut. -Mra. Anketeon a «
Ihe Bli'k llat^Tb wc«.
pur itntia crops are pBedUSml fm
this' year
V.-Ahfiona ehikMr*..
aununl n.eefinK of their siaiitlaikin. The .-ojiienUan -a;'! I»* lu
f. w da}* Iasi w t-ek.
Mra. fl.Ttr»de Kithardson sprat a
0*»raa of
.b, b«i .ro. .b, b..ibr,oU«u.|______________ ^______ —." .iriS.........
foresla. which make ii
H.UlVl-;t.l.-S fO.M
iW'HKR for sini-k and |•.'mllry.
(locio'-A.Dnd H
Him- It
A laicljec aoe*
■ I thoneht H was a cancer, ne >
aoBp slfuie.; Ijfp I»JH*
I. „PW Ilf,
In all nic.ll.iae.
•Ar last I UM-.I
it shtwiy Impana the
that \
Rahe. and wa* con>|iflel>
, •• • Bxrelleni
It has absorbed durlni '
fl'-nh. Tt.
:«wi's poulir>
('lire* • tp-i'ns.
tioll*. niceii..
vn Vnt- Ih<. Aart
Btonuteh. liter or kWnet Irmil.l.-*
.1 IBcrWSe* 111
As the pret
Id Tor IhU Aart j.
hrulees and piles. Z'- cents at all
I’rli-e ,
a*. Sold lit
Sl»t- of Traverse <iiy.
{of the N'oiUi Amrrlru la from the weal (-k,V
u,. un .« -nr
Me think the -phtoa mtear ta
LONG lake:
O Just a forwiaate of. whM It will he
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when the ladM aa> allowed to vme
Fort Worth. Teiaa. May ci -num-
A •uecaaaful Farmer
senion iliree data, with James
lAhe IK-ilod of more than a score of year*
ns miwh nieuiljn "■ hR stock
ttim' of Wichita Falla presldi:-.:
Ultiiiian perTenus much Ihe TuarUoB show that the itrowiaK season for the
lr*es-10-bls ov.ii'- .Ml Mo.l< loses
Imes and It I* the cnod
of a *reai Ice box. H sh.wly lakes up,u,*nd Traverae renlon
U approxl-,*«"“'‘®"
Helps a Judge In a Sad Fix.
tisllcr «l ('herry, of llillt* Ml'
Which are the hltla and vhlllea anil
What T.xana Admire
l^b- Ann'e*sfiil men In iliu S
In sprlns aod_ eu-ly
u n-oibu,
with her parenta.
Then follow the Ic. .-hills and the «Tea '
*rae down **
aw'cilie Sis. and the
™ ,b........u
trlth his siM-r. Mra. Uoaa.
Klecirir tllllers kill and e«M nut Ihe Mr*. Will I'lerre vlalled frlradt In u«laria le.vu* from the Uood; alie
“-''ilo'ji' ^
Traverae City Ual Sunday.
Rememlmr the memorial service. M
y*" ,01. ifTura^rx
the town hall nevi Thursday
Kieiy 'three kutkw drove eU toe malarta.. j
ime Is Invited In attend and take pan Houi ai> syM-'ii;. umJ i v4 Imd i
Rprh <biM Will be provided with a i'!?''?,.?'"
j flBR for the nurcb to tbe cemOery.
fyaversc City Cigar ManutaciwcH
ft E.TffilliP
7%e Ctfor of Qnafifjt
For sale
by all dealers
5c each'
Carl M
Cigar Factory
Straight Tea
Blue Bell '1
Uaion Va/or j ciB.rs
Havana Cigars
Madetd choice, careiBlly selected'«avaaa
' ft®"'"
It' :
Conditlona Look Coed In the South-
'' The |>eople who live In the favored
upon In ov l>l"f»<
braklns the alnKwpherlr randlthuia {[loduced
flraad Trnrerae raplao the moil pioa- this iarse body of water lliul iru^es
peroua and'liiflueallal asrlloB of the Weatem MlriilKiin «s«ler In aunifuer'
' to the east and lo the weat of
f-Bpd pastrv
llie ideal'1flour for bousehold. use. It's f|uality inappeals to the!
<-aUniiiv stnntly
housewife wit., recognizes
It I* conaecvalivcly esll^lrdp^pd pastry making JUIfl is
slates, t.hal the suVerlm:
The wiRiWrs in ihe'isra&d'*l^r
wuh. the PBO le of the other i»aiia of roaloa If that of Vo.-.t. Atuei.ca Tor from tiraiid Kapids to ftsEiniiw. Wlia’
ore ctAttjrtB the aatnc Utltude. and ihU latitude. ni.sltlW liy l.alic UWi- la ir<ie rekardlna the idlzunls nf win erse reelon arc dellKhtlul lusvm.^ «l
even at pnhla aereral hundred miles Ipan wilh ka three hnndrrtl miles ef ter In -tlielr aitacka npoa
lu Iho aoulb of oa.
I^Oi. Ita seventy miles of breadth, UlchbuB Is also tiue of the bot wlnOs
Oar cllnitii la one of Traveivc .nj p, (i,e hundred aud newe feet dl, of Mininier.
Mtilrs aute of Ulcblnn.
irii.ndm that sw«.ep over,
wtrtki, after Ihe winter nT Ikll’. nl present and what niir oufUdik Is' l■e(•alIsr the torii.ndna
nitk wtrtTli,
Uli-hUtan nearly always
the caae. Tlic winter f«»r Ihe future.
Bat such ta
^he aoulhwest to the noribeasi and
1<«C and setere oriel
wt Af* Orattly Pavorod.
of a Une e»teji4laK
luch more nrrciv| Tlievllmate of the (Irand Tran
reahin that resrbna ntaJiK ibe osat
m It a new and distinctive
flavor and oniformitv.
freseem Flour is prirefK
to incliidf the making and-’
selling of a good ikmr
ajiniout .slighting anytbing'that helps to better
Ibe quality—j*ou pay for
what you gel ‘anti you gei .
whal > oH pay for.'
■nit guarantee of aalisfectiwi which goes with
everv- sack make it easv for
you to test Crescefti Fb.ur ‘
'at no risk .and you nuiy I
confidently expect to, in- -i ^
crease the go<Klms# of ■
your bakings from the
N. I
\'our grocer ran BOiiply
luia laane<l au uracnl putilic appeal for I PPly miileil lor hnlli I
The inirpuae of the aeries ul anljlcs ' te«rb the dinmi of the Uke and lo
... i-aH. jeur, do not folly ap- oT which this w one. U to llafttir viri- eiilcr the stale of Jll.-lilpin by Ihe way
Ulcaao and St. Joseph.
predate nifr aktrlo"* • llmuie. Some not resources of Traivrac rity that
we; of tllcaao
, Ihlnk U onl pf keepin* to apeuk timy know c«ully where »vc slan;l|Siuai Im-^me twit to this
CHy'senuHeat aasela. It la owe of the depth. The niodifyiny factor Is
anveral fosMrees which we ran lutnk ,i„,t laiportant. however.
It Is
Home IwkinR il onr of
the greatest means oi
economy ever presemed to
llic liousrwiie.
Good bread—plenty of
it ami good pastry—ibenefoods help io make a splen
did meal at very Utile cost.
—Hut don't make tlie
mistake «»i trying to jjse
j dieap (lour or your eeon- .
li(»lon. V V Sf .- Kamlae condition* j omy will chatigi
e lu Ihe failure ot las: | Travagaiice. due
totiBue wW-prea.i.j ^vasied foods.
aceonllBK to lat«-M advkrs riM.-lvei
■jjj Creseem Flour is
by Ihe lavndon rWlef conim.iiec.-whlch J
with other parts ot toe country. Howerer a few wtll tell the atorr.
f The ntesn femperature asd the sveiiuK precipIlAtioa ter eseb of the
twelve moBiba (orUie ten jrars endI^eember. IPUii, are as fol-
to force
Reducing Yunr Expenses
' ID thin toclOB to HBRtmoB was Ibe oaly Mlfhbcan
ly the 1
her present whn v.ited sKalnal It
pherir rondltjnns that prevail ot.t
l^ko .Mhhlcan fliry are larxely chansed In <hara<ier. atid'lhal shut rea,h
the Mtihipan diore are but *ephr<
■tmipared with the sldrins that Starr
3. OttT Climofe A Rtspurce
s\\ i UJLm-d
>B ioib'
Tkc Traverse City agar
Box Factory
416 E EichthSt Qt.pb(ioe433
Blakeley Bros. Progs.
«1 OilkdiM*!
Peter Hormnlb
Ml. Cgaz SmoCtf. encotoate (Mine
dfto madaclunat by esUtof i« thew
Slory No. 9
Now on Sale
TBe New Cc Ctnar
K. A HacUaSiuilcl. Hlr.
Far Sale br AIDeakn
r'Il2W. Frc
SMOlffrBi* Ctab....’*.V^tc
airj^oae <94
Factory, us E. Tealh SL
Some of dte aUeO bfittk node la
TnrerK Ctj gre tbe broMli
dlscuaalen toaf the CBpew. of a man enpSffVd in manufaelori»« a c*fc
In a city ef this aiat, vtoace he works from dsylisht until dar* to pet ««
itetTyT paniri^'ra'aM dMi
a aeeiai limet.ona. fraternh
ties. etc.
Oo thew tm« tiOvIduals look dlllerantty to you and their bualnesa relatlon^ in a bsatoeaa way. . •
The ttest Sc Clear la
the City..
Diamond J~10c
Belter Temorraw j
Gate Post-1 Oe
Broadfool Havanas-5c
W. o. w.'
The'fell IOc Cigar
F. K. Smokers~5c
made in
Traverse City
Traverse Belle- 5c
Dr^ Oae. ^
212 W. M Si TimmOlr
The qwamy el a dfir ifeptoto* upea tee prtec paid fer material and the
erpenac Iherete In tnanufaeturMB. sellinB and diatrlbining It Boeawitnotit
goods made up for Mlaa. here and there In toe evening and then hice him
self to-bed when'ttw bigfacocty-owner is at his favored dub. or palatial real-
next smoke
203 N. Cedaf.St.
Traverse City. Mich.
enjoying toe proeecdt of Wa machine and cheap help, and gets ready
/to bi In Ms cigar maktag early next meento^ The owU'de mamifacturer
and oodai fev
to year
town, to^wJ)^'toearbitiIara'
to y«ur locol bnbx
**Some Smoke**
P. He
Try one for your
Thos. Fitch, Piop.
la the city and la Surtbern Mlchlpaa.
sad tor BkUi to deoisalu hui cover*,
BOW. aad be cattofled. with ecores of
other* who are ualaa otr rifar boxes.
"Bull of
Tite Woods”
Sterlmg, ‘n IOc Cgais
Uauulscturd. prwlK-ally ail the elM
hntes used by Ihe rliar Bunufartaren
tare are nttexcellrd. !.«( ui ayur* oa
your work IT you are aot huyint ot ua
high grade
the best 3c cigar made
n2E14thSL &eflpbooel69
aad upto-dale wark o« bu maautae-
Smoke the strictly
A. W. Jabraus
\Vii: ;;>C yno aalld eotnfnrt aad HtlaCrv.1,- win bm right and iasl«
rial r. and wm spread around y»a that
ri-h. d-lichito] amma of llarana that
oBlj Utio luraaa ctoara [vwaeoa.
W. RabiftovKch
-« * n.« y. oo.
.. j .rf:
fei; : ;v‘
The Reward
Well .
G^neil A<'S.'(owb m&ke)?!ano$‘ conUne aD tbe essentlab
wtidi go to nke n; truly
msiwl taBtnmeutr.. Iliey
tone of rMurkibte
sweetaess bMly respoushre ictioic
on dedgus are arcUtecturaDy
perfect, aad eacb is Andy fiaished.
Gitaadi Bros.’(own make) Banos
are so constmeted as to add to the
visIHe charm ol the home as wen
as to de&ht with their ^lendid
musical ipialities. Sdentffic Prinebdes o! Constmetioo. iqniest
Workmanship thronghoot,
and lost Rigid inqi^on are bctors which contrftnte toward^ving them the high standing they en
joy among Oe recognised world's
host pianos, and wUdi as Grand
hias^e them wo^ yonr best
eBaittto win.
opportunity to posm sess, "'without cost, a'
magnificent $400 Piano is
indeed rarely presented, but
such a chance is now afford
ed through the Herald and
Record Co.*s Great Circula
tion Contest.
Three Splendid Ciinnell, Bros.’ Pianos, Style,
Twenty, like cut, are going to be placed in as many
music-loving homes of this vicinity. Will your home
be one of these? Why should it not be? The
chance is open to all True, it means a little work,
but it is not Imd work. It is something that can be
t^en up outside of your regulv duti^ in.your spare
time, if you wish, and it doesn't require the outlay of
a single cent. Your own individu^ efforts are what
count For the wuners are prizes which bring
to the home beauty and pleasure which will endure
for years—for a lifetime.
Own Make
Are Famed for Durability as Well
as Musical QaaliHes
I ! ;
If You
Arc Not
For One
Of These
This Contest Is only put starting;
go ont and interest your, friends;,
a splendid Piano awatts Oe wtaners in this Contest ISirr IT
at 0nce~$400 is what each prize
See these Instruments in GrinieO
Brothers wareroom. Investigate
tteir constmetioo-- yon wD Bhd
them m&tchiess value at the
price. Thirit what such an ta.
stmmeot wenM mean in yonr
home~to yonrsdl and to yonr
family-and make np yonr mbd
now that one ol these Pianos wOl
be yonts. ,
Detailed information tvgardiog
rids Piano win he gladly inmbhed
by th^ Traverse CHy Store,
1S9 East Front Street
moj,. im, tuyMtMm.iktax'mmxm^S :^ r::
«M BoUier! W«t it k* tn M Me piMM mM M awtter«M? Uj Mi»«di
• tov i>l«Med heU b«r
n> »'<« «■ a lam. We tar* two
im nMo uiMM ira« Auasta to u* aaa. aaa vaiA
*- "Tea. rMT’ Uer all acreei.
kerab. Wf^hare hn> nti aatf a d««. Dear PiMMea
aad oae called Jet Da- aow la the falrandv of WUmmib
-II 0Bl7 Brother Ned veaU coe>* alao. I suet etoaa for this ttae.
I *« write a fe* Uaea to the Baa- rta. wfciek was eaptered aa Dane- Madlaea. Pcetaa Herald.
* borne." alcbM Ante, -bat well do
Tnm jwi^r Baaahlaer.
Aloe CM tadaj. 1 Mt kot
hU Aa «wa«-“
Banka Hillard.
troai edMoL We t<t
- kooM When Sbertdaa took hie (akioB> rUe.,».I*****************
J..«d d-r did
«!»*». TOP ««■ dd»:
-Let^ Mel Be Had.. -1 lire <»e bleek fiwa Ue la tke taller of the «--T-eTi1ffi1i
taeMas « Mtasoriat Dv eheoM sUad a«t beaatiraL The old aoMkr did act
«ke to aee them.
hoaea. ao t deal hare tar to nortalUed
la terte
terac by
h T, BaAsaae
Z HmM Vaaat teHu
taonallMd la
b**^ • «U»e
1 hare a asae IV the
»*ad. be iwde a black boree. with
that awde m
* Oak:
♦ brigbtir in oar tkoacbta.
raeatloo Ike Abject of^
Pleaee aeod w» the card: Bhly
Mir aaan etar. & yeare old. Madd au«.i.
Wrttaa J. L. Harboar la Teaai
I wtn try ae«or la werrr er ♦
It Is alwars a; BtmablM Day. leal
•»< U»® ddMrea, tpll
that a
* it! Asd wo do M need -to be tcU
s Vlaee and lylag Dear PreaMeat—
b»rrty beer fbda.r. Wall, I win hate na by aa oClcer eC the Secnad MIehlnkd tW
f *tll try to he as haptr , I * why. Poarth. of Jalp teas
^ day (or the Hgln-'rt of tla aatloa *r«niba la tbe bid Iwra! where tbMr
I wDl write roe a few IMea aa tt U X> bV. loodbre for thla Une boplag can catalry and waa irrMiieil to
^ "•
• a*, and mak. aMcybad, k.
dar P>b*“
Wlihoat tear ralalas today aod I caa aot r> oat
tar letter la jwlat.
gherldaa whea be beceta. Mtoaal. of ^
*^l aad aaveral of the
1 « far M
ot beiac beard.
docn. I will ten yoo of «r pcta. I
>^o«f lortM Soaahlaer.
fh,t roKlaieat la ittl. After tbe te
®» «AMe aewBa wae toM
I «dll try to bb iMlaB haUdal «
!«• preoeiwaUbb.
Oa the tuonOAK of Meawrlsl day
* doc aaoed UoUle. aad eU
Sritia V. Rlckenl.
aieue ride aad tbe battle of Wlacbc» *'
* the dniwii by the ag^ aad Uad to ererybedy aad tow
Ae we look at the wylakled lai
UtUe aMer.
all the AiMrea had |>arhed late the’
ot MT owa. t am hate aone
taal H alee to hate tbe warai ter (hr aamr ot the bene wei. Srteved WU*
Her brother adefirr the loo* -later, cbanaed to Wlaeheeler. Darias the
cerryall aad tbe apriag “«•« AlAeiia lo,throc waeha. 1 hate
he war la M tottlee and aeteral 'Tea. anther, t did k; aad M a be
Z am. Mpm I -IT-T,r. ar • Jm .n. «Lk»! “n*, ....
^p^'"- u I toaalUal/Maiyi- re- w.r
bo and’ ♦ We thaa'a hlator^-'iii^to u Tbey
‘‘V l««J ««h«r daily 5~ oeod >a< aaoiber oae.
WritlB* of bln la ItTC. Bbrrldaa
beea iblakla* abeal that. Tto
Ms-Ele <lty. Mich.
beea ihlaUaf abpat haw naeb III ten
o'doA whea the old auldler dicard t > so. As niy letter U seiUw ton*
did. alao.
will aay srod by. _
Apr. J3.- IPi:.
“He U out iT haniU la belAt. pow
■“* aobapplaeM woaH he pn>
HIM ^uiRA •ATCB, Editor.
Vea. we 8^
“““ ^
Ptom yoar HoBAIaer.
Dear ITeeWct.1
erlullr buUl, «l«h a deep Aenl. etroo* **"t»d If peoplo woald JmI to aorrv
“There-# the drumf be •aldy'"1
Aliare Uoold.
Tbe eaow U all gone now. l wai sbouldera, has a broad forebtod. a ‘netcad of -naa' oter a treat anav
t so and aee wbat'e the omtler:
wik- ________ ___
------------ *““®\ "
"« "«■« „roJy they njaldnl bite—"
Af»w i *»>o *>«• Alckeaa coBainE- out plt-kln* laayd.iwefa last Saturday Hear eye. and U an aniaial of *reat thla*. that ,* aantot of beta* “md"
Flrpl VIM Fraaldeal-Mfa. Mabai the^a* tboochu. pad oontrol im^
»,y next door-trieud baa n>me baa- We bare itarpe de» mere of «:bool. imeUl«eoce, 1 rode bita coa.taatly *'»
I'totoea UlaUac of two
• wmiaiM.
pubM for.wroo* acUoA *e ato makitnked down *■*“ rWrto and ther are m pratty.
I have eleven worde to epell toalcbt. from IR« to the cloae of ibe -ar. la
*''^1* I k»ow who would to
"tlUione of^
♦ Ad they an- very bard oaet. My ,n (be artlooii and la all (be raid*, ae rbnnalB* It oaty they woaid be aarBomorop EtdeMa.
m raln|•lA^ la which 1 took
of tMd" oter a irewt
h A. U “illgh oi tbo world did
fatker# BiarAlD* to the luae of “YAbM Doty
*Apr. *1 1»12. h« »«« Te*T old. Mary Broosoa part. He-a aeter 111. aad hto atay-«*om tben to Iom
- of old.
long IlH ot IKA and Dear Pr eldouiwould like to Join the SunAlae (Tub. log powere were superb. At proacBt
''temper h aaMIy. Now, gin*.
I'nder the Stare Ad Btrlpaa.
- • •her card a^• toUM
to Bie and be te a llule rbeunmtie. fat aad Miy.
* hotota* glUa the 'odge erf a
boys, waving Hags Ad bearing bA- -1 went to Join the SAahloe CTub. Send
Blston the name
ato so ioA M I lire be win be well
•« much m a mai ua>wo BOW Bnrt Bora. The miulc grew loader. Why. and wl»b that you would rood me a 1 »l'l Site thorn to b
wbdl was tble? Wi.y were s'Sev «op- button and card. 1 go to aebooi erYour loving Sunahlner.
taken rare of."
bof. These hot-beaded peopto^s-bo
to plecM" oter erery IHtle
Cradia ,
Vast In the past tbey bate bullded at rab for CeiAin 81 Parker! -iiiirTali Walter, t like her terr awA. I am ' hoP* Ton bad a bappy btnbday. Kearney, rode a handaoDe and aplA- D>>og that teMa or frota.tbato. make
for Old Olon !" boret from (be erowd. In (be fourth grade. I auy at my
»"* ‘U1 >»u atoad the day? A white borae named Hoacow. tot • l*( of tiwobla la a boaa. aad tbev
generwiiy. called
caiiou b, tbe * .oldler. are real irytag to lire with. It weald
aa bate and capa were toaaed up la Grandamji. I now I will have to
* ....................... jieaerwlly|
Maple nu'. Mlck.^'^Vblley. 'jKeani.v toel ao arm In (to be a good deal wInt Ad bever lor
Tbo air.
Apr. ta.- m:. Mexican war. and -ton wtddA u> P~ple to be eorry laataad.ef "mad"
(otiered forwranl an-]
Prom, i
The eld
.word would take
uke the
tbe reln«
rein, over/the
overyfhe (I
(Uagi that csom ibum to
keep ' (teadv
ITe»iaenldraw bte sword
held to (be door
Uader the Stare and Stripes."
not lire very fw from TravWe arc going to liar# a program
tolwecn hie teeth. Tbe-------------general also toaeitbrir temper. I kaow a girl wb-i
"ThAk yon. boys: " be tried t
Oaotga Swales. Cbarietolx. Mich.
tot tbe_, worde did not cone. Then ene CJiy, Pertaape yon Ad your ala ‘he lest Ay of vebool. We have ontv rode a llBhi bay called Decatur, whtob loeea her temper m easily ebe reName test by Maude W. RIAerd.
Ibree Ay* after today. | wDI have wa. shot (hroogti the neek at the bat mlAi me of what A'eld lidf frlMd
Mary Bmaoa. Maple City. MIA.
-piece and one aoog. I am sitting tie of Fhir Oaks. Ad a bro-a. known of mlae lalle rucomforubta bel
entogb. and Ae is goM to print a with another Aecr. the
Nama eaht by UAen H. Bekardt.
HaySeld. MIA
»i»»« I »»» Pickiug laiyflowetw. My u Baj-ard. which tbe daring soldier TTave In mtad oae of ib*M "aaecmEana ben^Ad Sfr-Tie Days. HayDecoratloo IMy story lor nu<i^ on down tbe_rowd. Bnt not all
Apr. 22. |«I2.
Drtea Is wrlilag. and Ae told wa. ridlA at tbe battle of Chantilly, fortables. - It le im putting U too
T«" W smi. that flrot appeared la the of IL The boya and glrle. holdiw
Aelr Dear Prealdeut— '
' me I could put my letter with tors —ton he came auddenly open a Cm- extratagaatte to say that thla girl
’Or.M Tmr. Coco Haboney. 'Lacy'
"CdapAton it 1. called:
tong garlaod. of Bower.
a tbe
Aj slKtrr wa. wrltlag to Join the ‘o eeatT to yod. Ai ^y letter Is get- federate regiment. Ad. torol« te ee- wouW be “perfectly toveD" were it
«ee. Nary Oao, ^nebe HaxnA
The Surprlee.
l«da.^^ Into the yard.
itoaMe m-totM
.M Ltord
lAvd HBlmma.
to floe
for the
the Pm«aa.toi
Pleua.Ntr.lghi to tbe old men-, chair. Suaeblne Club, I tboaght 1 would like
tong I -III cloeeuto. ».« Mruck by a btUtot at the «
«hr l.« Mt A. al-ay. gat.
■to*—’ eSd
will be
wMiber for
£2LrflS^l5«M^t by ^ I-^Oe. if tbere-e Ay truth Id Mgam"
that youu, «a hi Mb t» Join the Club. too. We ere t-M Your tovhig Su.Alner.
bau fo the .plus, klllln. btm almoet
l..^ of at^ *>- ‘IlM.
MMur. MKg.
and ar. ton year. old. We a to
M.bl# M. BchcrdL- iD.tAtly.
do not go to pleaM her. A, U very
OVA door M two toothaome-l^nf Orandtaiher nxed at Ae group of SuAay school every ^Ay. and our «
thguAt Aat rou Ad Old Spo'- an ArobUn, and Beppo. ■ pirtty and rary awoat In her mauer
blueberry plea/Aoae Saky erwau bad ebSdren In a dared way. Suddenly a teacher-, name I. Ula. Marten Olbba.
D* T*" «»• »
1 temper. Tbe trdbbinii 0ml abe Is la
BfUy R PwMkck, Charley Mich, not yet beguh to brown.
•*»« «»tblA hi. face. He put out We are In tbe lourtb grsA at ecbool. «A oth«?
Judson Kilpatrick. At tbe battle of a Bt trf lll-umper neiH of Ae Uan-.
and our teacher te Uln Mabel WalHama ami kf Syliia V. tUckord.
-wbat elgn.'inbtberr Mked IHUe two trenbllng old bAda.
South UoanlBteu. MIA
Aldle the geaerai rode Deppo. and and her folks A hare "a time of ir
will you plMM send me a
« baA to spend I
rrada Verttm: aged It. ynahe; ja«!. ,ho alwa>. wanted to knoi
Apr. U. I»I2. there tbe noUe Alinai (ell dead, xbot wiA her. Her brother aayu Aatmb*
MlAad Bnoden. as* Ibree. yMia; ^pMt
""" "
MtmorteV Ay with yon." said Ae and pla?
Dear Presidenttbrongb Ae heart. Spot -u captured u a "reguUr cydona'" when .be “gat.
Min* Wpoa. itgw (Bar ynaro. 8n»..
tar moA*«»Wer.
.Zenite Deya
• bare time to write bow. 1 will from a Confederate cotoael dort« the aurted." and all of bar trtanA ma.t
MU CB»; ateh. NasM sent by Cedi ^
•'N*«i; Qod blero you. boy-IUrry-a
I wonder if vou know Mildred aad »« you know that 1 have not ,forgot- se^od yur of the . war. SberiAa be os guard wbu they aro wMh her
'toroouen.after aU'“
MaIobiloAea who live at K
lagalcK (« >t»“■“'I the Mi of tbe SasI^
once referred to him e» “KUpetrlA-s tost Aey otaod bar, for Ae AAti
‘ "I should AInkM- criA all Ae Tbry are twinSuoAlnen loo
era. We had eumlnatlon In readiA celebiwtA calico borwe.
herself (hat Ae Is “awfully aeAlllre. '
Ladle MtSaAy, as* e
Me Ktaa« ae^'thM v—™- IM«.
AUdreu together “We msA the
vcslerAy. Our sAool lata out Aa
CenetalCuwer wm. one oMhe moat Somrhow or other Ate
KuIJ^ on. yonr. Docata^. MIA.
*r**0». “I Mr. l.uml. .A A. roet
«2 W. FWton |K,
trnA of May. lamgolng.lo
Her mother amlled aA noMed.
Uraad Banida. MIA
eighth grade eumluatlon tble year of tbe army, aad la hi. (our years- ottoro when Ae te la ooe of her "Uuwaa jaae-a
AprM m-ag.ln. ltrledltla.traarb,tlonly»erviceloitoclviIw.rbetod.eveB,rum. If. a good Ihlag oa accouat of the
bw I guoM DMf l•ro«I.Uxlt-^.
• paeaed in epelllng. I hare id.go W horaro killed under him -hlA ll W
It I. my beOef th.i there I. a
parade." Ae AjldA. "Down at As
to get -up a----StJMSHtNB FOEM.
store they were'eaylag ycateiAy that Rrotber NA te (be blggeet part of I have »>t
(ha SnaAIpe aehool evvry day forr papa
i»pa wanla me •bellevA 1. a l.rger Dumber (ban v
■Ity -and
- ----- ---------The bird, ‘osl by any other tetder of northern ,pif.potoe In the (ace of all Ae inao.Tkctw la PMOe, Aete A pAce In the -ibo, Frajulagham bud t . going to 1^VInh in a long time. We have a
of Ilia, (he UUie. sharp vexaSouA Md the SorA.
play lor Ae marAIng."
Aad then they all ehemted. -Hur- lo Grand lUpId. now. I am going la "» »H back again. Wa hare got tto i«»i»
TVbea the mm of the May'-tlme AaU
'(-'*■■ > n? cau i?
--------- ™
o«14 «U1. J»k .U.KM I. hi. w ...1 c.„.dk. irca Team Cltr. "»»- Tm ye.
-h.. .. ..re h.™,
"«•■< — « «
oan At btoooh-IOrA;
-----------------Th«. ..nil... _m. I. . dioni.
.. ,
.imiic mam. th, ot.. wa, hnd
“l.. «’ '■ • »•»'»
I»« a aam a a, no, MotU. <™" a>~ ««■ •“> 'm, a,„ ...
„ „,| .I....
lawl.. i. n «.a. TI»I.
'.ll". a imnm. rma, ... ., bm
M<. .. aa
IBS. »m
M»- ik-"'™
......... .....................
"*• “A*
■ - rrnmmm ea-'
• -“a"
l">» '.J !»*
.u am .ot..i ................ ..I .
Fnai W lo,l« «....l.rr.
.1. .r ..... U, mu
•“ •
W-e have.foar d»"™J *blle In roromand of tto Mtohl. unper anggosUre of powder or
■ m!bsro Ae rivar fMM ««-«« Ae
Pte boxA. knoA- ,-prt,a dee. •upeetelly uKen if.
Grace JtolneH.
out of our c
little kitten, now. One of AciD te
brigade, and be rode him ton dyaamltr. Oae day I ot««mA Asm
M over the ctotheeKorae. and ntsk- x-wgy*
i to learn that :
all bUA and an.Aer oae U all yelnamber of batilea. rwee ^e ,,,
tolklBg. aA As Mnnyld( a general dxtier as Aoy rtubA
I... T., «... I... .« .1... ,.d
“»l«»l aa «U lo U. IIM«niOTd
■nuM le pence In Virglate amid
the^ltchen and olood In an exyellow. One time test winter l«o
and an. -oa blni »bA to deDear Iteke. MIA.
o.,« ««.
T.., dill
»»d_.d_oT G..«^
~ aam -do™M-hme i^tau-a high euannlt growk
» Aik ro loud and m> (Ml and
Apr. IC. IS«I2.
Detwtur. Midi.
irreuder . of Jhe Knithern army, ^e Ae way yon lei your lempM down
aUagettor. pleasa,". saM Mrs. PaAer. Dear Pittidrnt—
Apr 22 l»1J awA again but algid right bere. AflerbOAt to Ae mors:
pnUing her band* e«-er her eats. “You
A* I bare Joined
Suitehluo Club Dear Preekleni—
•'•rda a little b|pck and white ou>: Dandv. a home tprehand la Kanea*. ^ Herry! Wbaa my tompar trtos
atei>erlal (arorlte with Cateer aA
yUag M ma. I Jeit aet my
There te peM whefe tto JatnMNuP *«« *toke grandpa, aad 1 don t want I wiU write a teUer. Tbe enow lux
| went to a.i»ol todiv 'and tod a
" *“»«Mi> « «*>. Well. I -«►
ridden by him on moat of hi. Indian
Sere Sown to Ae mainhfm to know anyAIng about It. r- .11 gone off. and Ae birds here come nice lime. After mrbool hour. I had
"•»« rioK- (or Ate time.
canipalAT -Hic teat borae whit-h Cue- *,^-4.Wharo the wgrtora Miwnau aro
ouUon Ast be want, lo back agaiii Ad . are olaglng very gna lime rolUng my hoop. Did >-ou
ler rode, when at the head of tort of TheiWa a moral virtory- lor u.' I
. SoldA, wlA grain:
marA la Ac parade, and-"
ewpelly. I am going to .Awri every ,.,-er nee a kitten without rata? I
Albert II. Pnnkop.
Ibe Seventh Culled State* eavairs In
"Why abooldn’t I niarrh. SarA?" day. aud lure great fun playing toll, haw por. Well. Tbave aome mure
Tour Irlters are alwsy. lotertoUag
the bolTiljte m.«a..-r<' of the Utile
There U pMce whan Ae akudroa* Aid a votee from Ae doorway.
Sometime, our tearber. Min Spramc-. lumra for the Sunshine Club bikI
T»M uk bow your csauUutton Dig Horn. Jum- 2:., «Tfi. «a. a ehettrf canage kgva wheeled ,
"•’* Ae only ooe iefl of tbe oW coibm out end pl.ya wlA ue. I bevy Cradle Itoll; Grm-e Tcny. - age B(. reaulietl.
>mA Ylr. I
rtw oveo.SbBob'h AelWnmiwod'"“l**) Aei marcbA out of tbi. lost my SuoAlue pin. Will you teeu; Cr,li Malmocy. age ini; l.u.-v,
Krnlurky. Alter the lamAtalto ileaA
Contents ef One Spy’s ReehptS.
asp forty-wight rotra agu com Ate pleaae m*A me anoAer -otic? You Oc«.. age ten: Btem-to Uaxmr.1. mc
Seumiil iTty . Mk-b.
»..r •! ivM. Of Ac Axrn l.airA myldler General ,
(A rbpLI
June. Real airidlers marebA to real may aend it to Mleai Sprague.
- leo: Deiwle Slmmone. age ten- I4uvl
' Apr
‘ ^
(aibcr. at bte boui<- In Mb til
Iwule's pockpu are of tto aaaal
There |. paaep. la tbs aon is^ace
Attlee in Aom days, aad 1 was one
Ooodl.y .
Ilol.otue. age nine: Mary Gee. ac-.
»V*ldcBlsiwmi bour.
.Ur and numiiar.allowad lor boya of
lulnalinn aariaa.
of Vm! Wha hx a totter right I'l
iA-hard Mn.
* Ihougbl I w.mki »Tite lo Ibe Sun- the »tahl<- with om- ol the hoiM-x lit. thirteen: but. oh. Aa amoAl of (blagi
viAt: Hrrsel
Ilerael McKeeby.
McKeeby. age Ihroc:
I marefa wlA the parade Memorial Ay
I Ifaink (bat
and y-our leiK licr Iwatu MvKreby, age one; Ncltle Kin- -ahiae (’lull <mr<- mure. I have nnme bra«e eon tod ild-lon during lh<- >ar ihry are wmellBiM made to CMiala.
—1. Ibe ooD one left c-f all Aal went ni'nt have very happy tluio tugeibcr p,.>. age three: Kdna Kinney, sec on.- name, lor tb. Cradle itoll They are:
(kberal liotor. K Iwc had one (a The other Ay. la P Aaparatc eSort to
Aat Ayr
batloas to FmA Voeburs. nga five: MiAiel vorlie war liorM-. Tra>eler. which be sad eome articlp known to have lakM
Ttoro te paaee la Mam ma, Aatle- "Il-by. nobody, grandpa," answered
Hear luke. MIA.
Hoarden. Ar (biec: Pauline Wood. rode Ihro«iglio:ii ilie r-ntlre war. hav- refuge aomawbere In the dppAa Of
hte AucbtA-ta-law. aeotblAly.. -Nlnly
Apr.'lC. AI2. Vciir SAsblner,
ace (our. I am In bAooI today. My Inc |.urvi>aM“l him In Mhf-1. and be thoM WMderial pockets, he was coatom-e toA rtOt;
Ho men Arobt the Srum ■ the bare N*d and I Aougbt it would be too Dear PreaidMi—
Hoy liortlmorc.
acitmaie te .Nora Argent
thf- ll.' of (he a
■trained to empty them for onee comwent after .. .„..f--------- Sbcrldeu. nbo Mw piet*i,. wberoupoB tto opportunliy
ft with her ven much
muA (or yon. ta the hot sun and all.
I rame to this aute u lew wcAs
vs-hal a strange pet yon bate
, ,
Yon haveoY been well, you know."
ago. t like AU Uad very well. I your cal bear!
wlnfwgr^n. te.i Selurdey. There
j^^lbed bim to
Mixed lo make an AveaUrfy. wtA
▼her* te paua whei«
Ae warrlore
^ “Brother NA'a a real truly aoldler,am twelve years
old and am in Aeare
. Airiywei-hotera in
•' our school i"
iviisoo aa a “chunky gray n,c roIAwing anriiri.iA reaulls
OotlyAws rsto:
too. teal her asked llule Jane.
MAA grade at aAool. I am so glad
Spiton. Itev. mia.
dt.y. Our school will soon to oul Wc
b, j, uid to' b»" been
One bottle oM ipooL
On Aa nnKmrtn of Sumter Ae aum- "Yes. and grandpa te so proud of spring tana rome. I have aeon ho
Apr 22 tri2 have onlt eighteen muf+ days A.
band* high, a little above ball
Throe buitoM. OM rale,
' mer'Urtfg nam;
I>I* going to Ae Spanteb War; I many robtea tbte spring. 1 have also ix-ar PreaMent—
mt letter I. geriitig long 1 will <loac
courage and klndncaa. jwo pleeea of gUaa and a riw:
-tab to were tore!"
awn a few wild Oowera. I .sill be
, „«ui like to Juiu Ac Sui.Alne
1-n.nj your I..tins SuB.hloer.
y„, ,«.*«u.ln* speed sad carrying bl‘
T«q strap, and two books
Thar* te ppace when tto Fattier of "Couldn't we make it up lo graadpx glad wbon summer comes, and 1 ex- cub I’lose m ad me a lard and
Cecil Tobte.
Sve year, after the
Throe rivou. two hook..
Watm ran red— T ‘
aomehow-i mma about totting to pete you will. too. Our achuol will bu„on. y,, uinbiUr waa Ae AIA -tf
WhHt Hill you plan to do this taroGeneral Ig- «a» prealdoni ypor buJleti sA 1-0 yard. «f tertag;
Wbar* As battorlM of^MAUe He •«> home Memorial Ayr
to out In April. Tto birA haro been-April. I »na nine tear, old- lamia Hon? Ho you help your mamma.
Wxhingtoo and l-ce iialtcraliy at
Two tmaU Iroe wsxtora.
aonadlaM and ted: ’<
Tlie Aildren wme all "Alnklng alngtas every uomlag I will cloav. ,hc second grade- My tcartor-. aamc
Tratelcr »x ridden alTwo calico bags.
From a BuoAioer.
mim Ruth McCariy. I like my
Herao of the War, .
most Ally by the inu.lrtou. rohlier of
Uac place of toy engine.
Tbara te SMM whero Ae Hie tonga A Ae living-room the old maa aal
Bllmbetb Freeman teaAer very much My rtAlee arc
Slxt^ tobacco tags: .
General Jaiuro tir.m U-il-«n. In hi. the CAfederary. maaUad-frlA dtmt—
wIA bU gray bead bowed on ble W
«ea your focmer bom-. Hpelllng. readlag. and arlA'mitic. 1 .lory of - Faiiiou- American War , (toneral J. K. B Stuart's chh-l Wsr
’One album (or ctampa.
TTban tto once ftoklng Mber la bshd*. Yc». to tbougbi. they -era KUxsbeA? We ail hope Aat you -III uke rAdlng-ber-t
With cover of rod.
Horuro," ba> p-m uvl froni lol>i m»B> borae -x the thoroughbred mare Vlr•betobod A its rate:
rigtaL He -aa too old te get abooL like MIAIgan.
Your loving Aaahine boy
Due lochexap-tto.
InieiesilnE tevH and I'rt-re^ijed for giate. which be roA dnrlA the totl^e
and be woiiW be a bladranrc. Then
Joaepb Konioa.
ibe Iviurc iiitich taluable ltiIi)Waitea. of (ietlyburg. In the general'. '•s.<
Three pleoM of leA:
Tbare te PMta where Ae war botrfe bla mind wandered back to Ac time'
Hoar Lake. Jllrh.
Has tour acbool closed yet? I (OOocinlOE the hotiMt. rode by the bailie, when- he
tuonally wound
one nallcleanx. oae puach.
tore wp Ae eaaoA M*bca be bad mavAed -lA Cranfs
Apr. is. IM2. ibuk moat of y-imr (rleaA mute be grMrai. of the civii «,r Ctneluoari. ed. to rode a sray horse. Anoitor he '
Some APOora (very bkickt.
R-here (be bairau•bled annoa'.rang army in Vtrglftla. end two lean Deer ITealdeni—
Ibc ramou* haiilc H'ced of Gcaeral bed «a» a handtomc bay roiled Builri
one piece of tbormometx.
trickled down fate Aeeka.
I have noi ihcd tore very-long, but
crani.-e. prevD-ed to him by a citOenerar Wad.-Hampton had *everal
Om “A" almsMC:
Ux lump of gam araWc.,
'TJoatt CTT. grandpa. ni stay home I Aott^t I nould wrile to you. 1 like
l-barlertex. Mh-h, lk.x T2I.
Itcu of Clailunail wlio on bU telb- borae. killed uuAr him during IhTlite It psora n the SiwA. iboagh wUh yon. and maybe the parade will ton to etemol very well. I bare lote
Aptp!*. I»l?. bed ig-nt tor 'ibe general. Aen 00 a -ar. Dc«-ribed a. one of tbe Act
Six peotlle of lead.
tesMkilee la-yal/^ '
go by oar bMse ao you can oee ft." ' my SAsblne Uilten (hat .vou mi Hear I’rreldent—
vi.it to ibnt'clrr aiier the kucecxful bocc. le th.- routben army *a»
Seven plFces of caAr,
Far wway w Ae MS wber* Ae'Sarce Two llule arms atrayed along bis aae. and would be very glad If I could
As I have n.n wriuee for a loag .Inge of YTckaburg. sA ave him the Beauregard, a tuagniarent aninila of
One .tone arrow-band.
coal froal Md cioaed rauad bla neck, have snoAer. I allil have my card time J ibougbt I awaW send a lc» honw on coodliloo that be Aonid pi- great boldoex and •fl.li. l«t» baA.
Ope piece of - .tlch" Hcorlra.
Then ato
' raa away.
•a.'We arc hating lotely- wealber way. to trrated" kindly. Granb ar- high' Of hliu the general write* He
eliiB. snHe Ene.
An oPl rubber orasor.
) hear tto bird. stag. It i« up here now. tbe anow U all gone. I .-cptA the horae. xml« him Cluclo- wa. wouAA nt Getittburs.
e bare-.
BobMe. Dick, let’a get a a-prtee for very warn in Ae .ummer! I wlU
go to tobool every Ay. I bave one nail. It te clalnied tbal to «x a ron at the tame time that I «a.. W-faM I
AA e .mall bsB of (wiae.
fpraver are mergA A tto atrlpM gmApa. '-caone be can't go to At-A Ae teke aometime. Well. 1 •
Three keivei and Stec-atA-beet.
name tor Aa SunAlae Club. PlMBe of Ae tboroogbbred aad grmt lour- as. uken to tto boH>»al. Beaare•Bd tto Stan:
paraA!" Ae ealM Mgarty.
bave to ctoaa. so goA-by.
Two certrtdgM Wank.
tond ale a card ud bntton for George mile ninner. Lexington. Aat be bad gard. alter belag unsaddled and an“Hiurah for Janie: Bat what will
Prom yoar SuBshlnef.
Swalea. Charlevoix. 1 went to a show run In several race*, had a fate re<- bridlA. (oHo-A me there, toy A-a
One abort pencil (or elate.
Tbara it pMoe obaio Ae iowen eov- the sarprtoe tor
Marguerite Kreenmn.
One lew secketbookoteak.
last TburtAv night. It wx “Cncle otd. aad that Ae general -to aob.e- outside end dIA.'
Ooe of the to.i kaewa boiwea of
aaM ououra.
Bobble, “in
— —
• •«-.■ wwcu
I <1 go owww
Do ym-Jffe near the lake? How Tom's Cabin." and I lAA It read well, qeestlv oSerod..........................
fUi.Ooo for bim. Thla
One arnall beam-aaide’ badgTwd packs of plain carA.
ted tbaStaa eRdAeGtayNow MeA *M aak Ur. Lumte-to-a beA of (to pratty^water it!
WelL ga my leUer It getilag loOg I wx (be bay tone that
. . -Gram -rode al- the rouAeru army wa* (to beautiful
win aay goA-byc. boplA to aee my moat ooariaatiy during Ae campaign apple gray mare wlA whltt taU aad
A “true" aaMAyte atone
■ .
From OM of Ma “parda"
Bear Lake. MIA.
letter in prlnu I remalB.
-of Ae WllAmex ^
mane, named XelA Cray, tto Avor-I i*gr>«rW«.- Voar loviag-aoMbinee.. - - - Sms afira te ilnii if the wer Ha ba war bnnteterf 6bBPrsLgI»
(Some time la tto pxti.
clBB^ WX ^t^ (o *„fa™ ta Mary- Lee She WM kUle.1 ta tbe battle of
AM. slaeo aO Atam end.
Atew tto awaet aA bmaUfal day. ccMloa wA atop, and Aey wiu ratao *vety day. I like my uaeber **., . I Sylvia rontlBur'to be such actiye MW him aA where to dlH in Septeor
Bo tiam wore tto Ixl.
Cenelpl Wlteba. la bU ealertalDlU.
^ .A Af T»^ »te»w aad pirla. naroly Aelr bats or aomething. ’canaf hr’, aa well f broke my toIt n.
o WlH ym 1 anhlnen.
-8. K^Uauh. ta GoMro Onyator. I«(.
anlHe. te nlleat rwgaftetag Ktolw»"'»
X. -"Ir- -
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